label,text 0,ohio mom thanks kind cashier who cheered up her 3-year-old son 0,Well he has further political aspirations..........The 9th circuit in Sodom (SF) is always making law instead of interpreting it........That is why they are over ruled so often....... 1,man on verge of self-realization instead turns to god 0,"art that: a) amuses, b) challenges, c) leaves us in disbelief" 0,donald trump's pre-super bowl interview ratings dismal compared to obama's. sad! 1,taylor swift inspires 200 million fans to register to vote in tennessee 0,seattle ushers in $15 minimum wage amid national debate 0,chicago thunderstorm storm kills one person after tent collapses 0,a realistic smoothie for the busy mom 1,dad's marine corps training evident during christmas-present opening 0,"I'll give you that, though there is a whole school of debate about what thoughts are." 1,pence visits conversion therapist for routine gay-preventative checkup 0,reuters journalist leaves iraq after being threatened over story 1,new downloadable content for 'assassin's creed syndicate' factored into monthly living expenses 1,harley-davidson releases new motorcycle designed for men 0,why is it so hard to forgive yourself? 0,the white house's security briefing to ahmed mohamed 0,nia long: film and tv should look like the world we live in 0,'i am not your negro' trailer shows the lasting power of james baldwin's words 1,"study links meat, sugar consumption to early death among those who choose to be happy in life" 0,right on the edge 0,7 things my intergenerational office taught me about friendship 1,70-year-old woman decides it time to start dressing entirely in purple 0,"So my question is this: Why doesn't a chihuahua birthe a Siberian husky in the Antarctic, or even in Siberia? Oh, my other question is this: Why do animals die young instead of adapt?" 1,teen on brink of experiencing incredible journey of motherhood instead asks boyfriend to use condom 0,her heart remembers: the break 0,mac's new troll dolls collection is equal parts neon and nostalgia 0,kelly rowland's favorite tips for expecting moms 0,this is the man to blame for the term 'bomb cyclone' 0,your favorite 'drag race' queens are about to battle at a theater near you 1,congressman checks in real quick with ethics office to make sure pressing exposed penis against intern doesn't constitute sexual harassment 1,atonal composers gather for atony awards 0,"Oh, I don't know about that. March of the Penguins was a box office success ANF an Oscar winner for best documentary. Calling any of Moore's movies ""a documentary"" requires one to employ some artistic license with the term and some slight of hand. emoti" 0,republicans are using an arcane tool to handcuff federal agencies 1,"Just which god might that be? Yahweh? Krishna? he Great Spirit? Allah? Please specify." 0,embattled family member looks to clintons for rescue 0,"Ah, but the issue in this thread is what the fetus really means to anti-choicers/anti-lifers." 0,trump is a crook; house should start impeachment probe 1,"So Simone, if the shooter had instead driven his Toyota Prius into a crowd, killing many as a result, would you call for banning Toyota Priuses?" 0,ibm is about to change the way we forecast weather 0,In a situation where you have to pick who dies there is no winner. You default to some standard which can be the highest chance of living (save the life you can). Lucky this rarely happens...if ever (normally both will die in this kind of scenario). 1,It wasn't meant as an insult...just a statement of fact. I likely have as many or more inadequacies than do you. 0,mourners gather to remember the life of keith lamont scott 1,siblings gather around powerpoint to hash out off-limits topics for thanksgiving 1,And yet the species that exist today are the exact same as the species during the high oxygen content? That makes little sense. It's like saying the world was vastly different before yet perfectly suited for the species that exist today. That is COMPLETELY nonsensical. Where did all of the oxygen go? 1,###!! You're seriously advocating allowing kids to take guns to school? Don't you have enough greiving parents already without giving kids the option to shoot out a disagreement? 0,Bad comparisons. A fair comparison would be comparing the total number of defensive gun uses to the total number of gun crimes (not just limiting it to gun homicides). 1,bachelorette party saved by actual firemen 0,"what do real women religious think about lifetime's ""the sisterhood""?" 1,fish at pretty good place in its life right now 1,"dante, virgil to tour l.a." 1,new york to host 1998 ill-will games 0,defiant londoners sit in the street for ramadan evening meal after high-rise fire 1,frustrated hope hicks wishing she could find one nice guy in this autocratic personality cult 1,firefighter excitedly checks drop-off bin to see if they got any babies while they were out 0,new rules could change the way millions of people get paid 0,"The other articles on her website are also well worth reading: Musings on Christianity, Homosexuality & the Bible" 0,the fastest-growing refugee crisis is the one you've probably heard the least about 1,laid-off hostess employee forced to look for creme-injecting job elsewhere 0,who will be the next james bond? 1,'new york times' announces new columnist will contribute nothing to society 3 times a week 1,michael j. fox reluctantly fields hoverboard question during parkinson's research benefit 0,there is no plan b either in yemen or in syria 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,mom's facebook post gets real about daily parenting frustrations 0,"Ouch are hitting them outta the park today. Exactly, it sounds nice but it certainly isn't the only moral rule and it certainly doesn't mean one follows it. I'd say selfishness is probably the underlying value in many cases." 0,I suppose the fact that Indian law only applies to its people. Who qualifies as an Indian is another matter. Many people who have as little as one-tenth Indian blood qualify for liberal hunting privileges here in Minnesota. 1,government report on illiteracy copied straight from encyclopedia 0,ayesha curry lands cooking show on the food network 0,ucla to launch taskforce into campus shooting 1,dianne feinstein horrified after new gun control bill disintegrates immediately upon crossing into senate chamber 0,donald trump casts doubt on russian election interference ahead of vladimir putin meeting 0,"It is difficult to reconcile evolution with Christianity - as far as I see. Evolution excludes God." 1,horrible pack of theme-restaurant waitresses alerted of patron's birthday 1,romney spends day tearfully apologizing at father's grave 1,Why bother with vaccines then? Seems to be cutting the cash cow off early on. 1,shit parking ticket fuck 1,"There were no contradictory accounts on that, just descriptions on a linear timeline. I suppose you see ghosts around every corner too. Are you a 9/11 Truther too?" 0,china's potemkin villages 1,body donated to religion 1,shitty museum doesn't even have a mona lisa 1,child lies for parents' own good 0,cary elwes of 'the princess bride' to join 'stranger things' season 3 1,kidnapped hilton sisters appalled by captor's basement 0,disturbing new ad reveals the future of the gop under trump 0,hawaii moves to ban gay conversion therapy for minors 0,retired research chimps are really enjoying their new home 1,new parents wisely start college fund that will pay for 12 weeks of education 1,guy just totally smoking weed on street 0,political crisis in iraq deepens 0,amy schumer pens letter to tampa trump fans who walked out on her 1,new bar to feature 'sports' theme 0,"dear non-parents, please stop giving parenting advice" 1,man has absolutely no clue how old anyone he knows is 1,report: u.s. parents' top concern is child dying from something they could be blamed for 1,researchers observe chimpanzees using pro tools 0,drinking beer could help save this adorable red panda 1,"In America it's called free speech. If anyone here there, or elsewhere in America doesn't like free speech, and doesn't like a debate forum where the Word of God is found, then they can go whine to their mothers (yo mama)." 0,"homeless pitbull couldn't stop trembling, until someone showed her love" 0,christophe michalak: the pastry superhero 0,club for growth attacks donald trump with new ads in iowa 1,turkey sandwich given locally relevant name 1,grown man purchases 37th sailor moon figurine 1,russia's power shut off 0,"What I'm saying is, if the police are going to abandon you, and the law prohibits you from protecting yourself with deadly force, what defense do you have should somebody decide that they're going to victimize you?Exactly what kind of qualifications are you going by in declaring a nation ""developed"" if the government is unable to protect you, and they've actually made it a crime to try and protect yourself during your time of need?" 0,amy krouse rosenthal's daughter continues her late mother's last project 1,ironic-kitsch-appreciation subculture excited about new britney spears novel 0,that time 'gilmore girls' predicted the future of online news 1,trump preemptively tells melania he won't give her a kidney 0,there have been more mass shootings this year than there have been days 1,epa reveals 37% of water waste nationwide caused by husky kids doing cannonball into country club pool 0,"who's that woman dressed like bowie at the oscars? introducing, sandy powell." 0,what is america's first muslim fraternity really like? 1,"Of course not. But if you know that the ritz cracker will eventually grow up to look like you and me, I wouldnt eat it. " 1,no way old man in park not thinking about dead wife 1,report: you in the way of billiards game 1,new body negativity campaign promotes idea that ugliness comes in all shapes and sizes 0,iran's khamenei warns he will confront any interference in may election 1,informal tone of cover letter sets job applicant apart from seriously considered candidates 0,tracy morgan remains in critical condition 1,new mcdonald's sandwich offers free wi-fi 0,"because we already miss 'veep,' here are some arrogant jonah lines that didn't make it into season 5" 1,new 'cut off your genitals' challenge gains popularity among teens online 1,woman feels guilty after switching brands 0,"not merely 'anti-trump,' the resistance seeks to re-normalize america" 1,"maya angelou, poet, author, civil rights activist, and—holy cow—tony award–nominated actress, college professor, magazine editor, streetcar conductor—really? streetcar conductor? wow—calypso singer, nightclub performer, and foreign journalist, dead at 86" 0,michael bloomberg's 2016 ambitions may shake up the race -- and his media company 1,pastor talking to non-christian who just lost wife can smell blood 0,"I'm not sure what the source of the bias would be. Do you mean that it is somehow prejudicial to link ID with creationism, because, somehow ID is scientific while creationism isn't? But that's just not true. In the Dover case the court concluded that ID isn't science any more than creationism is. In fact, it was clearly demonstrated that the motivation for ID is an effort to disguise the fact that it is nothing more than creationism without the mention of god. Basically, if you scratch an IDer, you get a creationist." 0,breathing polluted air may increase the risk for kidney problems 0,"Evolution's evidence is that life is similar, you won't be able to find an exception I am sure." 0,the bottom line: china miéville's 'this census-taker' 1,"For being such a ""happy Aussie"", you sure do love to take shots and criticize people. Run out of those happy pills, perhaps? :)" 0,how to break your internet addiction 0,success academy works for my kid 1,jonathan safran foer guesses it's time to give up on silly little dream of becoming good writer 1,the arts: what were they? 1,Really. Some people would think I'm in cahoots with the creationists. I predict their behavior and then they go and do it. 1,consumer reports rates self 'excellent' 0,who declares ebola outbreak after democratic republic of the congo confirms 2 cases 1,romney volunteers going door-to-door to let obama supporters know president's dead 1,man not certain what any of his coworkers' names are 0,stop complaining about the evolution of text language. period. 1,"..gayhumanist..Is unnatural wrong? Isn't a virgin birth unnatural? How about a resurrection? Is the Kraft cheese that I am eating, unnatural? Hasn't got the same ring, has it? " 0,obama says voting barriers are directly linked to jim crow and slavery 0,Wrong and right. Evolution is both a verified phenomenon and a biological Theory. 1,white house receives letter addressed to gerald ford or current president 0,"the easiest winter hacks for getting through a long, cold season" 0,32 throwback halloween costumes that totally deserve another run 1,"reagan to be honored with $5,000-a-head funeral" 0,video highlights the kind of breastfeeding shaming we don't really talk about 1,"PORK FACTORY! I know what Bismarck said about sausage and laws made by democracies, but PORK FACTORY!!?? Do you mean that all this time Jimmy Dean has manufactured that which I buy in the grocery store. I sure hope he doesn't employ none of them thar durn ILLEGALS in his factory.emoticonXSmilie" 1,british royal family sadly announces death of prince charming 1,hair salon acquires rare nagel print 0,ken burns implores stanford graduates to believe sexual assault survivors 0,please don't ask black people to empathize with trump supporters 0,"camp david, president obama, and the refusal to acknowledge history and reality" 1,surrendering trump boys solemnly salute each other before leaping from white house first-story window 0,And my interpretation of my writing is that I didn't mean that. Who has more authority? 1,scientists say u.s. may have discovered previously unknown level of not caring about syria 1,woman thankful she has type of alien looking face that makes her hot 0,"Actually our school's Gay-Straight Aliance held a day of silence to show respect for gays who have had to live in silence. They asked the teachers to respect the people in their day of silence and not force them to talk. I think most teachers didn't force students to talk. Unfortunately, some just spoke in sign language for fun and said they were doing it as part of the day of silence." 1,cdc attempts to put ebola outbreak in perspective by releasing list of worse ways to die 1,knocked-out secret service agents wake to realize jimmy carter loose 0,epic doug the pug music video compilation is giving us lyfe 0,"the mediaeval greek fortress town of monemvasia: spring break 2016, breaking bad on the looney front - part 6" 0,"How right you are to,and given the forum here, make it a crime to own to own a gun,well I think most of us are automatically criminals.It's like the signs you see...SHOPLIFTERS WILL BE PROSECUTED!lot a good they do.emoticonXBanghead,yeah know matter how illegal their will be crime." 0,new mayor drives around in giant snail car 0,bill clinton: sorry for the drug war 1,Is this satire? If so...bravo...well done. emoticonXGood If you are really serious...ummmm...excuse me. emoticonXEmbarrassed 1,joe wilson getting bored with no-longer-covert wife 0,"netflix's 'casting jonbenét' doesn't have any answers, but it's not trying to crack the case" 0,my modest proposal 1,investors stake out greenspan's house for signs of rate increase 0,you have to love yourself first 1,"pope john paul ii, longtime owner of popemobile, dead at 84" 1,thank-you note passive-aggressive 0,craig hicks indicted 0,the indignant and audacious teacher 0,The fact that it's the truth is why I keep repeating it. 1,house conservatives introduce resolution to impale rod rosenstein 0,"There was also a murder involved, don't forget that. And forget about this nonsense about how a conviction with only one eyewitness/victim is unacceptable. There's going to be heinous crimes where there's only one victim who'll step forward and give testimony. Are we to just adopt the position that if only one person steps forward and claims to be raped, they should be told that their testimony isn't enough to warrant locking up the person that victimized them?" 1,jealous gps clearly wants man to back over wife 0,cyber fraudsters reap billions through email wire-transfer scams 1,nasa announces plan to replace voyager record with streaming service that aliens can browse from any device 0,"content marketing must evolve to marketing content, or else" 1,'true detective' fan develops elaborate theory he will be let down by season finale 1,study: more children growing up in single-parrot households 1,Hush Poseidon! Be a good non-existent God and stay away from the burning bush you'll put it out and then your really be in trouble. 0,"Thanks, Clive, you're a good sport. Of course I can't agree with the XXXXX part. Rash, unwise, unknowledgeable, maybe, but not fools." 0,So do you want to argue my points or do you want to argue me? Which of my bullits are wrong? Which of them are right? 0,pope visits one of italy's most dangerous areas 0,the best reason to love our bodies 0,"Ya know Doc, it is really hard for someone to travel to a shooting sports event in another state. One would usually have to drive or go through ridiculous lengths in order to transport their firearm. I am glad to see some sanity in our laws now! Although I sincerely doubt that the Antis are happy about it." 0,He didn't! I hope you reported that to the admin 0,protesters ejected from donald trump rally after holding up pocket constitutions 0,9 things parents could buy with the money they spend on child care 0,john kerry attempts to bully codepink into silence 0,here are the candidates voters think can actually win in november 1,guidance counselor prefaces sat results by talking about test's flaws 1,report: many jobs lack benefits to cut 1,lone gunman enters crowded restaurant 1,jerry falwell: is that guy a dick or what? 1,average age of wacky tv neighbors dropping 0,these senators somehow trust donald trump with the nuclear codes 1,lice having blast trying out different wigs at costume shop 0,here's christine baranski watching trump's inauguration on 'the good fight' 1,paul krugman's facebook friends excitedly posting about new article he got published in 'the new york times' 1,carly fiorina shares heartbreaking story about father of 3 who couldn't meet sales goals 1,viewing ads on website sole way in which man contributing to economy 0,21 useful white elephant gifts under $20 1,infants piling up at orphanage's old address 0,worldwide executions surge to highest levels in 25 years: report 0,the gun industry's next big thing is neither big nor new 1,burger king introduces new healthy deep-steamed french fries 1,The deafening screech of moving goalposts. DC is not the argument here. YOU claimed the following: You were wrong. Eat your crow like a good little boy. 1,You really are an idiot if you think China follows Jefferson 1,new roomba blender makes smoothie out of everything in its path 1,"We just call it either England or Great Britain over here in the US...but then again we don't teach geography very well :) My point is ....where do they make them from? Much the same way a chair is made from wood...morals have to be made by something, what is the basis?" 1,pudgy doughboy with rosy red cheeks presses nose up against window of chocolate shop 1,"Make love not war man. I would just give him a smooch and buy him a drink. emoticonXHoho" 0,a nurse's new year's resolution 1,nation's lower class still waiting for first mention by either presidential candidate 0,mitch mcconnell marvels at the judicial crisis he created 0,"Some theists are willing to ignore such discussions. It has nothing to do with whether God exists. As previously stated, this thread topic is meaningless because of our inequality to God and the illogicalness of the question. We do not and will never understand Him totally." 1,small town beginning to wonder what taking heroin epidemic so long to get there 1,calumet farms unveils new tandem horse for couples riding 0,hopes of religious freedom in former soviet union fall short 0,why i've forgiven my father 0,"Actually, Biden isn't a Democrat I would have chosen. But then, I'm not standing for election. What I do know is he isn't the raving homophobe the Republicans prefer as candidates." 0,angela bassett set to direct lifetime's 'whitney houston' film 1,epa unveils plan to improve conditions for nation's sludge 1,Sounds like someone could be lying... hmmm who could it be? emoticonXIc 0,"As the Christian Right's poster boy, this is hugely damaging, don't you think? Also makes him very hypocritical (or, dare I say, a FLIPFLOPPER?! ) since he is campaigning against open abortion now." 0,anderson cooper shreds 'incoherent' trump: 'like a crazy person on a park bench' 0,14 toronto film festival movies worth your attention 0,"So 5,000 to 10,000 women dying from illegal abortions isn't high? Dude, that is nearly five times the number of women who were dying from abortions in the 1940s! That is VERY high!" 0,jeff ross asked selena gomez for advice on roasting justin bieber 1,sweat-stain-dating technology unlocks age of assistant managers 0,"more cops have been charged for shootings this year, but there's much more work to be done" 0,"Again, true. But that doesn't take into account that there are two populations under consideration." 0,why everyone should be making beer floats this summer 0,how my latino family does christmas differently 0,lessons from your future self 0,Correct. Form letters go in a junk pile. Individual letters are a different matter. 1,Does it function better on tobacco? Alcohol? Caffine? How about hundereds and hundereds of different pills? 0,even blue ivy joined james corden's 'carpool karaoke' at the grammys 0,death by $15 million cuts: how a super pac took down newt gingrich 0,these teens wanted a cool work space of their own -- so they built one from scratch 1,alabama begins offering tax credit to attract more youtube fail compilations to be filmed in state 1,report: therapist just saying that to make you feel better 1,"Whatever. The fact that the child's faith-based position is not supported by evidence is unsurprising. Or is this the ""Out of the mouths of babes and fools"" gambit?" 0,u.s. bobsled team pays tribute to late gold medalist steven holcomb 0,No baby is more precious than another as far as my personal beliefs go it is no more alright to terminate a baby concieved through rape/incest than it is to terminate a baby classed as a mistake/inconvenience. 0,"60 years after brown: segregated schools still a fact, but don't have to be bad schools" 0,police find recorded 'confession' on austin bomber's cellphone 0,anger in a pre-trump american zionist: a rabbinic response to the obama administration's un abstention 1,freelancer loves being able to barely scrape by livelihood on own schedule 0,pour it up! rihanna celebrates grammy win with rumored boyfriend hassan jameel 0,philippine hitman says he heard duterte order killings 0,protecting the southeast side and all of chicago 1,90% of audience at college graduation involved in heated family argument 1,previous pulitzer winners: 'feels so hollow knowing there are far more deserving institutions' 0,"Of course everyone has some basis for their views. Not even denying that. However there are ways that using that ""basis"" most certainly is an imposition and the gay rights battle is a prime example. There are many, many, many people who have done work to stop/block gay marriage and other gay rights when they, themselves, are not gay. That is not merely passing judgement - that is imposition. All I am asking here is that Archie, you, JP, etc. own that." 1,islamic fundamentalists condemn casual day 1,gop leaders celebrate passing point of no return 1,parents trying to gauge if son complete idiot before deciding whether to move to better school district 1,editors of '401 best soups' cookbook still fighting 1,report: 17 new species of bacteria found every day in world's rainforest cafés 1,world hunger: can new frito-lay zestitos solve the problem? 0,fired lesbian catholic school teacher locked out of archdiocese while trying to deliver petitions 0,kendrick lamar and sza sued for allegedly ripping off artist in 'all the stars' video 1,dad reaches age where it's no longer enjoyable to make fun of how old he is 1,terry gilliam barbecue plagued by production delays 0,obama vetoes republican attempt to repeal parts of affordable care act 1,I guess the European union is a great failure? Is that why the Euro is trending 1.5 dollars as liberalism creats misery? 0,mlb announces new domestic violence policy 1,everyone at thanksgiving doing chore to get away from rest of family 0,diego luna's short film celebrates 'the immigrants that make the u.s. great' 0,band targeted in paris attacks makes emotional return to finish concert 0,chelsea handler has a last-minute reminder why you shouldn't vote for trump 0,"That's just not true. It is a logical fallacy. Evolutionary theory makes no claims to be able to recount every mutation, recombination, migration, random mating, or chance death of every organsim. But the evidence for evolution is beyond dispute. More than 99% of degreed biologists accept evolutionary theory as the best explanation for the observed data." 0,republican platform falsely says planned parenthood sells baby parts 1,hypothetical question clearly not hypothetical 0,"Actually, it's not conjecture. The genetic makeup of the several subspecies of arctic foxes bear it out. The dominant allele is rare because it is less adaptive. The dominant allele is most likely ancestral. But even foxes below the Arctic circle show differences in their fur between summer and winter. So yes, foxes that were able to change color in the north had a differential reproductive advantage over those who couldn't." 1,3-foot-tall christmas tree really completes incredibly depressing apartment 0,chelsea handler features brutal impression of sarah huckabee sanders on her show 1,theodore roosevelt was a gay man 0,what's missing from the marriage decision 0,research paper: isis-turkey links 0,gay couples fight to be included on birth certificates 1,abc cancels acting with the stars 0,the best tv shows of 2014 0,apple may have poached electric motorcycle company to death 0,journalists flock to cnn debate they could better watch from home 0,stray pit bull stuck in tire is set free... and gets a sweet surprise 0,wasted cash in the us fishing industry 1,"Big Bear, ye mae be thinkin' o the Mennonites. Er the Hutterites, er the Amish. Er mebbe the followers of thet Zwingli feller." 1,mom breaks into son's apartment at night to administer 2013 flu vaccine 1,trump trying to figure out how to unsubscribe from boring national security email list 0,"from an adopted daughter, what my moms taught me about parenting" 1,trump comforts grieving war widow by assuring her he will never die 0,"We have a similar piece of legislation in the UK. Statute requires that every male over the age of 14 turn out at their local churchyard, on a Saturday, for two hours of longbow practice for the purposes of maintaining a functioning militia. It's generally regarded as an anarchronism hereabouts. We did have a civil war in the meantime but somehow everyone who wanted to get involved managed to find themselves a weapon and it all turned out okay. On the other hand, the statute that makes it legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow if he's caught in sight of the city walls of Chester after midnight, should be protected with our collective dying breaths. Take away that right and who knows where it will end?" 0,'monster' cyclone leaves trail of devastation in vanuatu 0,gop senator warns against party's 'obstructionist' supreme court strategy 1,cooking class instructor can already tell which couples signed up based on marriage counselor's recommendation 1,department of interior to control rising mole population by releasing mallets into national parks 1,burger king introduces new thing to throw in front of kids after another hellish day at work 1,two hipsters angrily call each other 'hipster' 1,"Uncle Sam hasn't tried to pass a law saying people can't install left-handed doornobs, to supposedly protect the doornobs of right-handed people. I guess right-handed people don't feel threatened by the minority. What a concept!" 1,new ronco food exposer spoils food overnight 0,wow: erykah badu shares steamy sex tips 0,rod stewart thought it was a good idea to stage a mock beheading in abu dhabi desert 1,homeless man has no idea what to do with visiting parents 0,"But what about the hypothetical?I can't think of a single child on this planet that has never been exposed to the ideas of the supernatural.So, what I was asking is whether faith is nature or nurture.That's why I brought up kids being afraid of the dark, likely no matter what anyone tells them. I think it's this fear of the unknown linked to the ""logical"" brain of a human that possibly creates this need for explanations. But faith involves specifics, so when the specifics are filled in and ""make sense"" to more than one person, these specific ""explanations"" can be passed down.So I don't know how much of faith is nature and how much is nurture." 1,"'nice to meet you,' coworkers tell new employee they've studied online for hours" 0,how 3 badass women stopped an alleged rape attempt 1,embarrassed library of congress can't believe some of the albums it used to be into 1,neil armstrong's wife glad to finally get rid of all the space hobby crap 0,amber rose encourages iggy azalea to 'date a bunch of hot guys' to get over nick young 0,greece and europe on the edge 0,parkland deputy who didn't engage school shooter told other officers to stay away 1,authorities believe man radicalized while serving 18 years in congress 0,"I'm sure the racist white segregationists after Plessey thought exactly as you do now, ""That settles the matter.""Little Louise Brown had a big SURPRISE!!! for them.You still have not walked upon the thin ice of the ""well regulated"" wording, we note." 0,"Well of course everybody is entitled. But as history has shown many southern states in America chose to ignore the Constitution and deny black people their rights on the basis of their skin color, using the ""black codes"" enacted after the Civil War. If it weren't for the 14th Amendment that forced state governments to abide by the constitution, minorities would still be out in the cold.The only thing we've been over, is that government and gun control is racist, not the Second Amendment." 0,indy 500 winner speaks out on newspaper columnist's racist tweet 1,new blog piece on woody allen to settle everything 1,biologists discover billions of missing bees living anonymously in sacramento 0,the rudest thing you can do on a first date 1,"I'm sure you are a legend in your own lunchtime, but Archie has you roundly eclipsed in the credibility stakes. Perhaps I was mistaken, it is not grasshoppers, but crickets which chirp noisily and irritatingly in the background. Inconv""E""nient." 0,6 wise and funny lessons on aging -- from animals 1,magic-markered initials fail to deter breakroom rice-cake thief 0,valentine's day gift ideas for the single dad 1,confounded pollsters admit there no way of predicting mercurial behaviors of beguiling female vote 0,dog returned to shelter for being 'too nice' finds new home 1,criss angel's nephew forced to sit through another lame mindfreak 1,more realistic meat substitute made from soy raised in brutally cruel conditions 0,portland hate killer ranted about stabbings and muslims on facebook amid rising u.s. hate crime 0,donald trump is winning at being the butt of late-night tv jokes 1,And you say juleacatz is the one who views pregnancy as a punishment for women. 0,20 killer recipes for your labor day cookout 0,trump threatens venezuela with possible 'military option' 1,"The judge should be informed that 'the leading' IDist admits that ID is religion. (yes, I've posted this before...) What else could an unembodied designer, which naturalism perforce excludes, be but a deity? So Dembski's ID has one or more unspecified deities - supernatural, unembodied designers - creating biological systems, at some unknown time, at some unknown place, by some unknown series of steps. What a great scientific theory! :-)" 1,"I disagree. Well, only in that I think it's high time we held everybody to a higher standard. We should suspend hetero marriage until they clean up their act!" 0,"And many of those countries are having problems with it. Furthermore, we aren't even proposing what other countries have." 0,texas high school coach allegedly told black students 'i'm going to hang you in that tree' 0,drew brees' foot injury didn't happen overnight 1,seaworld café introduces new 5-pound orca burger–eating challenge 0,alton sterling's funeral evokes powerful calls for police reform 1,department of labor response team seals off toxic workplace environment 1,"bound, gagged joaquin castro horrified by what his identical twin brother might be doing out on dnc floor" 0,nfl player avery williamson wears 9/11 cleats despite threat of fine 0,marco rubio doesn't have a clue what 'oscars so white' means 1,"johnny depp now physically unable to walk unless whimsically teeter-tottering across rolling log, wobbly plank, or swaying beam" 0,help from pinterest for my daughter's party? not this time 1,miss america called before u.n. council for not promoting enough world peace 1,"Gee I wonder if it's bad for a father or mother to provide for their kids, since members of the KKK may do that too and agree with it. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"Which wouldn't make a darn bit of difference - apart from the tiny matter of women dying and suffering permanent harm, but don't let that bother you. you'll also have to amend the constitution to remove any references to bodily autonomy. get ready to donate your kidney!" 0,"planned parenthood offers virtual visits, will deliver birth control to your door" 0,court rules adnan syed of 'serial' podcast has the right to a new trial 1,"Aren't we lucky there is no hell and no devil then, and that is just superstitious nonsense the ignorant and the brutal claim?" 1,mother's day card thrown in trash 0,do you suffer from obsessive trump disorder? 1,extremely effective therapist just lets patients beat shit out of him for 45 minutes 1,curiosity rover frantically driving around mars to make it look like it's been busy before new spacecraft arrives 1,paul manafort trying to ferment vintage cheval blanc in toilet tank 0,'the wire' cast reunited in baltimore to uplift community 1,"You just admitted that you didn't answer the question. But somehow, in a few minutes I suspect you'll insist that you did... " 0,"But it did have (if we are talking the very first non-unicellular organisms) tiny ickle wickle bits and pieces that eventually became what we call 'organs'. Seriously, if you can't answer my questions above then you have no business questioning the theory, because if you don't know what the theory says, how can you argue against it? Your questions in this thread make no sense because they do not even address the issues from the standpoint of what is already known." 0,"news roundup for august 2, 2017" 1,"sinatra, hope, reagan deadlocked in race to grave" 1,new job posting on craigslist clearly for secretary of the interior 0,"would bernie sanders supporters take $200,000 from goldman sachs for a speech?" 1,"puzzled nation can remember name ferguson, but not sure from where" 1,"Did I claim you did start the thread? Vitroilic hatred, nope pity is the word you are needing there. No I merely pointed out your style of debate. Which I noticed you made no attempt to say it was wrong. Hence guilty as charged simone. Yep that would be the left's method for free speech. Speech you don't want to hear is banned. On the flip side any conservative speech needs a liberal counterpoint. Am I right simone baby?" 0,non-tenure-track professors at duke move to hold a union election 0,"introducing the pineapple christmas tree, our new favorite holiday tradition" 0,"migrant children, uninvited guests, and welcoming the stranger" 1,nation's idiots announce plans to jump off their roofs into a pile of snow and break their fucking legs 0,you won't even miss the meat with these delicious vegetarian sandwiches 1,fda prepares nation for switch to digital food format 1,unkempt japanese man must be some sort of artist or something 1,area man foolishly entrusted with genetic code 1,And what does that have to do with the price of Tea in SF?emoticonXDonno 1,ted cruz worried all the good countries to wall off taken by other candidates 1,second-grade music student goes nuts with cowbell 1,perverted measles virus exposes itself to playground full of children 0,is moderation just an excuse to eat crap? 1,cameron crowe to release only soundtracks 1,chicago public schools celebrate fifth straight day without any student violence 1,millionaire thinks of self as upper-middle class 1,man wishes live nation would email him whenever any band playing anywhere 0,leaked powerpoint reveals the gas industry's playbook for waging pipeline fights 1,passersby can't help but stare at woman's huge kids 1,ghost can't make a simple cup of coffee without everyone freaking out 0,the 5 running essentials you need to train for your first 5k 1,man who saw 'star wars: the force awakens' 6 times over holidays thought it was pretty good 1,"Ah so you forfeit! YEAH, yea have little faith. Make me understand. Answer my valid questions! Or run and pray, but you'd be better off reading a Physics textbookemoticonXKill" 0,"But you haven't looked. You may claim that your god did it, and no evidence to support or deny that can be offered. The assertion relies on miracle and has no suporting evidence. But when you start talking about how your god did it, your claims can be debunked by facts. Certainly the mythology of ancient nomadic herdsmen is not accurate. If you look at the world and the history of the world the is evident in the geologic strata, then you can see that the earth is very old, and you can see a succession of organisms through time. When considered with other fields of science from genetics to biogeography to physiology and anatomy, evolution becomes apparent." 1,city maoist visits country maoist 1,area woman not good enough artist to justify eccentricities 0,fishermen hook 2 massive great whites off carolinas 1,bush passes three-pound kidney stone 0,man jailed for social security scam set up by late father in 1945 0,"After. Christian fundamentalism is somewhat recent. It arose as a backlash to discoveries being made in science in the 19th century. From one follower of a 7th Day Adventist prophetess came ""flood geology"" in the early 20th century. Later, in the renewal of interest in the adequate teaching of science in the U.S. in the 1960s, there arose more modern ""creation science."" It began by adopting the flood geology of the 7th Day Adventists as the base. Creation science begins with the assertion the the creation stories, the flood story, even the mythology of Job and Jonah, are literally true. Creation scientists then attempt to distort the evidence to support this particular version of the Bible. When creationists realized that the biological evolution of species does occur, they decided that God had created original ""kinds"" and then allow hyper evolution after that. Creationists call hyperevolution variation in kind." 0,want to increase trust? increase your say/do ratio! 0,2016: all about the electorate 0,turns out pope francis is a fan of beauty vloggers 0,5 foolproof outfits to copy this weekend 0,obama adviser john podesta's biggest regret is not getting ufo files released 0,"Working on it. Apparently we are still waiting for to to be graded (it was really big, at leat 20 typed pages). I plan on buying from them when they get it back, and maybe putting up a whole page in honor of it. Partly because I think it is very telling, partly because I remember what it was like to be in college and get a little recognition for your work." 0,there's a larger dialogue on gender that has gone missing 0,watch how a headline turns a nice story ageist 0,"teen blinded in one eye, but 'lucky to be alive' after duct tape challenge" 1,"So god rested on the seventh day, but it could've been a millions years?" 1,snack scientists develop previously unthinkable capacity to stuff cheese inside itself 1,man 20 minutes into organizing shelves becomes grimly aware of what chaos he has wrought 0,how the pentagon misled congress to stop a law intended to help rape victims 0,the 10 busiest days for summer travel 0,Oh dear God your ignorance is abundant! Do you not understand what the federal DOMA law does? 0,comey bolsters case for obstruction of justice by trump 0,nancy pelosi: donald trump cannot be 'casually loose-lipped' 1,pbs to air more of that yanni shit 0,russian medallist at winter olympics suspected of doping violation: report 1,woman conducting ongoing scientific experiment on own skin 0,"next supreme court term will be 'more important than any in the last 50 years,' court watcher says" 0,the gop would probably have a better chance of winning without trump 1,biden co-presents best new starlet award with shyla stylez at 2015 avn adult movie awards show 0,montana has the highest death rate for white americans -- and it's rising 0,honoring those who make a difference for animals 1,"Amusing coming from someone who falsely claimed another user misused the term ""light year."" If I am so ignorant, explain how your argument does not require exactly what I said: That God operated the named light sources on a very different set of physical laws and removed all evidence of their existence to meld them with the current set of physical laws that we know do not support young Earth Creationism. I'm betting you don't even understand your original argument. Prove me wrong. Explain how it does not result in God being a liar. " 1,student snaps awake upon hearing word 'hydroponics' 0,brian williams cancels planned 'letterman' appearance 1,study: 'hangin' in there' best one can now feel 1,publicist schmoozes wife into sex 1,"chicago announces new tax breaks to attract major new york, la shootings" 1,entertainment-history buffs re-enact battle of the network stars 0,puerto rico governor calls white house after trump's unsettling fema tweets 1,target demographic growing up right before wistful advertiser's eyes 1,cherokee nation leader announces 32 red a winner 1,report: fiber optics not a real thing 0,unbelted rider in the back could kill someone in the front 1,area man likes food 1,racehorse unaware it just cost some kid new braces 0,everything you need to know about the bad democratic turnout numbers 0,Once again as the noose tightens and they see their days are numbered. The religious elite feel their power and hold over the masses slipping. With Iowa and Vermont being major victories they'll stop at nothing to instill fear and confusion upon the American people to try and stem the tide that has been long overdue in rising. 0,a tribe called quest's phife dawg will have a street named after him 1,eco-conscious marketing firm developing alternative sources of synergy 0,brazilian 'surfer angel' considered for sainthood 1,disconcerted woman has no memory of telling dressing room attendant her name 1,sun dreading rising today 0,an open letter to president trump on anti-semitism 0,And what does Marc do? Try to change the subject. 1,returning west virginia teachers unceremoniously toss hundreds of dead class pets into trash 1,asshole from plane greeted at baggage claim by whole family 1,lunch barely misses area man's vital organs 1,washington monument set up on blind date with eiffel tower 0,"You're totally on the money. Look, I'm a gay man. I married a woman. Did anyone care? Would Archie have cared? Did the goverment care? Would anyone care what we have done, or asked us what our sexual practices were, or if I'd gone out and had affairs with men while we were married? (Which I didn't, by the way.) NO. A big fat NO. Porn stars, atheists, necrophiliacs, convicted murderers and even homosexuals can go out and get married right and left. It's not about the ""morality"" of gay people, that's for sure. That is pure, unadultered BS. They'll let gays marry... as long as it's to the opposite sex... and preferably not to their own daughters. The stictest anti-gay fundamentalist could give a good G*d d*amn about any of that as long as the wedding pictures show a man and a woman." 1,trump mocks christine blasey ford for forgetting basic facts about a woman's place 1,"nation offsets carbon footprint by planting single 300,000-foot-tall tree" 1,condoleezza rice's lunch missing 1,actor who portrayed the night king recalls challenge of playing character with no purpose 1,popular designer dog breed just twisted spinal cord attached to collapsed lung 0,"You bring up a very interesting point. All those state level marriage amendments which were voted on also made civil unions illegal as well. When polled, residents in those areas were actually unaware that the amendments also outlawed civil unions. So, not only are the anti's disingenuous as far as what they promoted, but were so in HOW these amendments were promoted." 0,trump threw trans soldiers under the bus just to distract from gop health care grift 1,christian weightlifter bends iron bar to show power of god's love 1,raytheon employee going to be pissed if bonus just missile again 1,report: happiness does not measurably increase based on zipline ownership once family owns 7 ziplines 1,bill gates spends $56 million on amazon in one night 1,orca's successful trick rewarded with bucket of ssris 1,dad not going to pay someone to fix marriage when he can do it himself 0,3 top officials leave epa amid scott pruitt scandals 0,these gif'd moments of 2016 show how the election took over pop culture 0,"Actually, it has. The last time I checked, well still have gay marriages in Massachusetts. As a matter of fact, it seems that it is difficult for most politicians to be elcted in the state without being supportive of marriage equality." 0,"34 perfectly snarky tweets about 'the bachelor,' episode 3" 0,"Well you don't need to doubt it. I like to be rational but I also wish to believe in God. I need some evidence, any evidence, to believe in God and that would be all I would need." 0,the gop has a split personality when it comes to food stamps 0,lionel richie explains why he decided to adopt his daughter nicole 1,man on bus can tell by surroundings he either hasn't reached stop yet or passed stop long time ago 1,cnn to get all information from in-house channel 'cnn-cnn' 1,israeli pm debuts new road map for continued strife 0,first 'teenage mutant ninja turtles 2' trailer reveals bebop and rocksteady 0,democratic senator calls for cia director to resign 1,only jewish kid in class asked to talk about holocaust remembrance day 1,fantasy baseball team suffers major setback as owner embarks on weeklong honeymoon without internet access 0,stolen moment of the week: andy ofiesh and kaytlin bailey at the creek and the cave 1,woman in waiting area feels twinge of betrayal while watching her hairdresser making small talk with another 1,Oh please.. tell that to a bankrupt family of four who cannot pay medical bills... 0,emirates airlines cuts flights due to trump's travel bans 1,man with backed-up shower drain enjoys luxurious foot soak 1,howard schultz considering independent presidential run after finding no initial support among any voter groups 0,So who's the head honcho? It's not like all these professional scientists all see eye to eye. There are even scientists that hold to theistic evolution. 1,man at airport pissed that other people had same idea to go home for thanksgiving 1,resourceful man able to cobble together bad mood from handful of minor annoyances 0,roger stone says his conversation with dnc hackers was 'completely innocuous' 0,jwoww fires back about accusations she knowingly drank while pregnant 1,upper-middle-class man vows to never forget middle-class roots 1,"So your argument is simply that terrorism is justified and that it is me putting my morality on the terrorist and that they really aren't doing anything harmful. Yeah right.emoticonXRolleyes" 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on may 5 0,watch how mountains of trash spread across the u.s. over 100 years 0,emmanuelle seigner in venus in fur: the interview 1,dean mentions he'd make a great secretary of health and human services 1,kavanaugh offers elena kagan pull of vodka from aquafina bottle 1,grizzled proofreader has seen it written both ways 0,invite your customer into the boardroom 1,whale expert measures everything in elephants 0,7 things powerful people don't do 0,hundreds of hbcu students march to the polls to urge people to vote 0,"to cure cancer, biden says have to overcome 'cancer politics'" 1,"As you both also ignore the fact that it was TQ who first posted in the largest red bolded font possible. But hey, since when do you children care about facts or truth. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,pectoral muscles targeted by fitness fundamentalists 1,Well you never know cause your pro life and for the death penalty. 0,donald trump helped spread birtherism. now he can't stop it. 1,friend group completely disintegrates within 5 minutes of graduation 1,man cautiously avoids barnes & noble section where teens check out graphic novels 0,sheryl sandberg doesn't think fake news on facebook influenced the election 0,city offers free pot for the poor 0,donald trump promises republican senator he'll lose an election that doesn't exist 1,dancing costumed midgets celebrate death of deng xiaoping 1,populist candidate gaining support among underrepresented corporations 1,cern researchers apologize for destruction of 5 parallel universes in recent experiment 1,"Cannot be helped. You make it far too easy. But do not think of yourself as a loser, think of yourself as a student with significant learning deficets." 1,nbc unveils on screen graphic informing audience they are watching football 1,chocolate pudding up $2 a barrel 1,viral video sparks national debate around drumming in public 0,"the best food processors, according to amazon reviewers" 0,trump's travel ban does nothing to stop the most deadly form of terror in the u.s. 1,Your glittering generalizations doom you to the point of mediocrity. Just another attempt at propaganda everyone is tired of. 0,the senate's stealth raid on seniors' health care 1,"its a big-ish book but yes, considering underneath those X's is ""dwarf"". are you a dwarf gansao?" 1,perfectly good dead body cremated 0,court tosses scott walker's food stamp drug testing lawsuit 1,"No, but I read some of the evidence and it looked pretty solid. If this person was sentenced to life in prison without parole would you question the verdict?" 0,ridiculous reason women are excluded from exercise studies 1,cost-cutting measures force company to start hiring more female employees 1,retro-crazed youths re-elect carter 1,nate silver defends torture methods used to make election projections 1,exclusive tsa pre-check allows passengers to fly without waiting for airplane 0,college junior shares his strategy for getting the most out of tinder 1,media intern looking forward to moving up at company that won't exist in 8 months 1,grizzled band-aid weathers third shower 0,inhofe's grand climate conspiracy theory: it's all about barbra streisand 1,"'whitey bulger ordered the murder of 19 people,' reports anonymous rat bastard" 1,jakob dylan still not convinced father a better songwriter 0,patton oswalt uses icky sauna analogy to describe donald trump 0,"Good shooting! Got two illegal alien perps that had been deported for previous felonies and just committed another after illegally entering the country again.WE NEED MORE JOE HORNS and a heck of a lot less bradies!Is this the only case you could find of a CCW exercising his rights (you know the law applies to any citizen of Texas don't you and they need not be licensed?) completely justified in the Penal Code of Texas. Self-defense and defense of a third person or property is justified and required by law...IT IS YOUR PUBLIC DUTY.Job well done Mr. Horn!!How come you don't post links (deleted by poster)? This is old news, almost 3 years ago to be exact. Did you think it was sensational? LOL" 0,"Oh, so you were not in any way talking about evolution in these posts? Then why are they posted on the c vs e board? Please, that's just pathetic." 1,growing 'fat-earther' movement believes planet 2.4 quintillion pounds overweight 1,mcdonald's birthday party to be happiest time in child's life 0,allowing your children to fail will help them succeed 1,"fed-up eu rejects united kingdom, gives british 30 days to vacate europe" 1,rookie justice gorsuch assigned to supreme court overnight shift 0,kosovo protesters set fire to government hq 1,"boy that's the pot calling the kettle black. Darwinian science abandoned living, breeding animals as units of study 7 decades ago. Instead they study genes and bacteria and viruses and rotting bones. Freaks." 0,how we fooled donald trump into retweeting benito mussolini 1,"Yep, definitely flaky. He offers something for which he can offer no evidence as being the 'absolute truth'. Delusional. He's like Cadbury's Fruit and Nut (but with out the chocolate or raisins)." 0,former mormon missionary center leader accused of sexual assault 1,snowstorm in chicago delays hundreds of morning murders 1,hip-hop man enjoys making musical rapping sounds 0,huffpost's instagram: what's new 0,bill clinton takes his time getting on air force one -- and president obama is not having it 0,can research identify a school that's working? 0,london mayor sadiq khan to be joined by huffpost editor-in-chief lydia polgreen at sxsw 2018 1,michael jackson deposed as king of pop in hitless coup 1,michael jackson hires magical anthropomorphic giraffe as defense lawyer 1,8-year-old forced to eat organic macaroni and cheese 1,"Thanks for your judgement and condemnation of those who believe differently than you. Do you actually have an argument or are you just wanting to sling mud?" 0,"hulu's 'the handmaid's tale' adds joseph fiennes, will be b-a-n-a-n-a-s" 1,arctic scientists discover perfectly preserved al gore frozen in glacier 0,mila kunis sold unlicensed boyband t-shirts on the side while filming 'that 70s show' 0,10 ways to be authentic online 0,tearful salma hayek at a loss for words over manchester attack 1,study: all american problems could be solved by just stopping and thinking for two seconds 1,new preventative drug would kill people before they get alzheimer's 0,jk rowling had a brilliant response to fan who said she 'can't see' dumbledore being gay 1,company hosts fun night for employees to get drunk and complain 1,sasha obama suspicious after doing a little digging around on benghazi 1,"It will lose, mostly because it is true. Thanks for insulting instead of debating though." 1,man unnerved by uncanny alternate universe of restaurant's second location 0,"i've learned how to piss people off — and you should, too" 1,woman confident she has the safety net it takes to achieve dreams 0,rudy's america 1,responsible gym member makes sure to wipe down personal trainer after workout 1,"authorities swiftly announce 1,600 washington dairy cows found mutilated, arranged in pentagram killed by blizzard" 1,signature dominates sympathy card 1,next episode of 'girls' to feature lena dunham shitting herself during gyno exam while eating a burrito 0,amazing couple adopts 7 siblings to keep them together 1,cia awkwardly debriefs obama on creation of crack cocaine 0,pete buttigieg is the future of the democratic party. but what kind of future? 0,obamacare repeal would knock 10 percent of this state off health insurance 0,wednesday's morning email: kim jong un visits china 1,erik estrada big in mexico 1,report: women only made up 2.7% of video game bosses last year 1,group of girls directs would-be suitor toward least attractive member 1,grounded plane makes snow angel on tarmac 1,"Yes, I do. I would be just as angry about them if they weren't adopting to blacks or weren't adopting to Muslims or Jews. Religion is not above the law - they've got to follow it just like any other organization providing a service such as this. Sorry if you want to give them special treatment. :shrugs:" 0,1.21 gigawatts of 'back to the future' trivia 0,"u.s. ""vs."" china in africa: a message to president obama and premier li keqiang" 1,prestigious university touts racial diversity of dining hall staff 0,"I don't see anyone without healthcare. None of my friends, none of my family, none of my neighbors. ZILCH. NADA. NAUGHT. CIPHER. Now I don't go wandering around the inner cities looking for half-crazy winos and crack addicts either, so maybe that's why." 0,"Do the words ""govt. by the people and for the people"" not matter to you at all? Furthermore, to say that the constitution shouldn't be allowed under the vote of the people itself in unconstitutional, since that's the only way the Constitution CAN be amended. (2/3 of states) A country that uses judges to determine such sweeping things as redefining marriage is a ""legistocracy"", which we are quickly turning into as a nation. Even though judges are supposed to interpret the constitution, it's still putting the fate of the people in the hands of individuals regarding their laws. This is not very far removed from monarchy. Personally, I think our founding fathers and the Constitutional framers are rolling over in their graves right now." 0,"In 2000, the U.S. recorded close to 11,000 firearm homicides and more than 16,000 firearm suicides. The European Union -- an area with a population approximately 25% higher than that of the U.S. -- reported fewer than 1,300 firearm homicides for the same year. In Japan, the number was 22.sinjin - The US firearm homicide rate is more than 180x that of Japan." 1,conjoined twin hogging kidney 0,dems discuss dropping wasserman schultz 0,"joe stevens: queer culture, female roots and making music as a trans man" 1,You mean you equate the Bible with your own theory?(which is lacking information). 0,mariah carey rings in 2017 with painful lip sync fail on live tv 0,if you know someone with cancer you should know about this 1,And irrational emotional appeals seldom hold up in the face of logic 0,5 workplace benefits you wish your company offered 0,rachel maddow blasts benghazi committee as a 'hilarious partisan joke' 0,25 worst original names of famous bands 0,anti-abortion activists sing a dangerous song 1,first day of school photos a chance to see how much cousin's kids are chunking out this year 1,senate bill to end u.s. role in yemen war rejected by house raytheon executives 0,speaking of 'rigged' 0,"Exactly. Most people would incorporate it, from childhood most often. Steeeeve can't seem to wrap his mind around that." 0,remembering dina 1,Our pumping of CO2 is certaintly not helping. Does that mean we should pump gasses and make people in big cities sneeze? 0,colorado's new revenge porn statute is good law and sound policy 1,"romney during victory speech: 'man, this is a weak field'" 0,jojo is back with a perfect 'tringle' of songs 1,depressed mueller wonders what it is about him that makes everyone lie to him 1,"Or, given that this is about feasts, a waist is a terrible thing to mind." 0,student loans: america's next financial crisis 1,"So, if having children isn't a requirement fro marriage, then gays should be OK, right? If it is what it is all about, if you marry a woman who is incapable of having children, even with scientific methods, then you are not really married? What about lesbians? They can have childre, with a little help from the local sperm bank. In facst, they can BOTH get pregnant. Does tht mean that a marriage between 2 lesbians is twice as valid? What if a couple of gay men adopt? Then is their marriage valid? If I have a vasectomy, am I divorced? You are confusing me. Please explain." 0,"So according to one of the people who conducted the study don't go using their results as a tool for arguing against abortion.One woman I know had an abortion a short time after she was married. I also know she has regrets that she had the procedure. I considered what she had to say about her experience and thought about the 14 year old son she now has. From what she told me, I could plainly see she would never have had her son if she had not had her abortion as her circumstances would have changed beyond recognition. Perhaps she gets depressed about the child she never had because of her abortion. However, her son is a fantastic boy whom she loves very much. So we cannot simplify in quite the way you seem to infer that we can." 1,"lol. If I'm wrong, explain the current argument. emoticonXGood If you think you are right, it should be easy. *OH S**T, IT'S GARLIC TO A VAMPIRE*" 0,"Gun registration schemes have been disabled for criminals because requiring them to register a gun they are forbidden to own would violate their 5th Amendment rights. I would assume that if ballistic fingerprinting ever became law, a form would be offered at time of sale where you would be required to waive any claim of 5th Amendment right injury from any governmental authority's use of the ballistic data. Don't sign the form - you don't get the gun." 0,when my office is a target -- reflections from a veteran white house reporter 0,kanye wishes the kardashians' reality show was shot like kubrick 0,this woman may be the world's proudest grandma 1,cory booker apologizes to wall street bankers for the mean things he's going to have to say about them 1,tim kaine clearly ate rocket pop during pence's rebuttal 1,senior center restocks on rum raisin ice cream 0,the failure of the iraq war 0,the resistance gave birth to a girl and her name is hannah risheq 1,"german luftwaffle chain offers waffles, overwhelming air superiority" 1,man frantically returns to website that just crashed his browser 1,hubble telescope desperately struggling to contact nasa after witnessing murder on ganymede 0,"'f**k it, i quit' anchor explains her dramatic exit" 0,superintendent allegedly calls female dress code violators 'skanks' 0,el salvador is on track to become world homicide leader 0,u.s. military prepares for biggest okinawa land return since 1972 0,radical cleric acquitted of conspiracy charges 0,sean hannity defends withholding link to trump's attorney: 'i have a right to privacy' 0,"I responded to your posts on the thread of ""Lets discuss the actual..."" I suggest we continue that discussion there." 0,"First of all, welcome :D I believe as you do, that having a child is not always the best and most responsible thing to do in certain circumstances. For what it is worth, I think you did the right thing, for you and your current children." 0,"in argentina, the supreme court spurs national outrage with leniency for a 'dirty war' criminal" 1,regal cinemas suddenly realizes it's been playing 'love and other drugs' for two years 0,mckinsey global institute: women's equality would unleash massive growth 1,conservation group condemns waterboarding as wasteful 1,matt lauer returns to today show following 2-day suspension 1,report: 87% of u.s. women achieve orgasm when fantasizing about gorton's fisherman 0,"Thanks, Clive, you're a good sport. Of course I can't agree with the idiot part. Rash, unwise, unknowledgeable, maybe, but not fools." 1,air traffic controller likes pattern he has going 0,pankaj mishra's incredible india 0,oklahoma governor likens striking teachers to a teen who 'wants a better car' 1,audubon society revokes black-capped chickadee's membership after species fails to pay dues 1,congressman knows regular lobbyist's order without even having to be told 0,"So that no girl, underage or otherwise, refuses to seek treatment for fear of what their parents will think or say. If a girl cannot be tested for a STD without parental notification and she does not wish her parents to know she had sex (or fears their wrath), she may not go in for testing. In general, knowing whether you have a STD is a good thing." 1,elderly couple dresses up for trip to denny's 1,experts warn climate change will increase incidences of stepping into puddle and getting whole goddamn foot soaking wet 1,fbi agent's cover blown by own jacket 1,dad finally found in front of tvs at sears 1,woman sets google alert for kevin costner 0,steve bannon met with robert mueller's team for two days this week 1,"'so fuckin' sorry to hear about this shit,' reads outpouring of sympathetic texts from scaramucci's friends, family" 0,shake it off: what i learned from a negative review 1,goose suddenly realizes it doesn't have to honk like an idiot entire time it's flapping wings 1,macaulay culkin hoping some 'funny or die' writer comes up with video idea for him 0,nbc obtains video claiming to show anti-isis raid that killed u.s. operative 0,communication matters: getting your message out 0,Not at all. The theory of evolution contains many many things. 0,the man and art behind andy warhol's silver factory 1,materialistic single mom constantly thinking of money 0,"meet charth vader,the 7-year-old 'villain' who will melt your cold and icy heart" 0,"roe made abortions legal, but it doesn't keep women and providers safe" 1,Chill on the name calling. it only weakens your position in a debate. If you want to prove a point do so with logic and evidence. Leave the name calling to 5 year olds! 0,the outfit that got this woman kicked out of her school's gym 1,"You're deluded, as usual. Anything that doesn't balance the budget is based on LIBERAL THINKING. And you don't balance the budget with massive tax hikes and gutting the military like the liberals are fond of doing. And you're going to vote for liberals? Obama? His latest budget plan was defeated 414-0 in the House. Not even his liberal cohorts would vote for it. And you vote for Obama? What the hell is the matter with you people?" 1,gwyneth paltrow reported as news 1,fugitive movie heroine cuts own hair perfectly 0,is under armour copying nike's playbook? 1,satan to revise bar code system 1,jim morrison stares creepily out of apartment window 1,area ostrich lashes out against unnecessarily restrictive zoning laws 0,here's what we know about 'american horror story' season 5 0,russian tennis czar insults williams sisters 1,Anything to get around doing things the normative way ... emoticonXDonno 0,joy reid's hacking claims look increasingly unlikely 1,white house now just holding continuous going-away party for departing staffers 0,looking back at my first psychotic break: my speech at thresholds' gala in chicago 0,"So...what was all that bull**** about terrorists exploiting America's ""weak gun control laws"" in order to amass arsenals of deadly weapons?It seems to me that they don't need undercover operatives to come to America, forge documents and undergo background checks just to get civilian weapons. They've got their own arms manufacturing plants over there, they can make whatever they need or want." 1,area man has shitty fuckin' job 0,beyoncé's mom steals the red carpet spotlight 1,bleary-eyed cosmopolitan staffer cranks out 10 billionth way to bring out the animal in your man 0,learning from a complex communications experiment in my own home 0,twitter took a much-needed break from the world to #addcandytoamovie 1,"have you considered a career in advertising? by the way you f***ed us too. Australians troops were cannon fodder in WWI for the British Empire, remember Gallipoli?" 1,wall wishes it were load-bearing 0,"This depends on the form of abortion: some involve stopping the womb being a suitable enviroment for the babies survival rather than killing it directly. However, of all the arguments it is possibly the most human rights based." 1,john kerry actually pretty good at windsurfing now 0,hamilton brouhaha 1,"Flip back to page 9 and do try to keep up. I am not going to spam the board for the weakest link." 0,"george will trashes bill o'reilly: 'wise, he is not'" 0,strangely compelling 'shybot' roams california desert avoiding humans 0,"oscar pistorius is a 'broken man,' psychologist says at sentencing" 1,college roommates surprised to find dorm room has one king-size bed 1,nation's stray dogs call for increased wino-vomit production 0,jordan klepper channels jon stewart in his own search for sanity 1,"Well personally I tend to always question the intelligence of someone who believes that that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own 2000 year old space god father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree..." 1,I am not the origin of anything....I originated in my parents....from where did they originate? 1,"LOL. :p Jim's Trucking ladies and gentlemen- The Gregory HINES of 4Forums! He'll be here all week! Don't forget to tip your waitress. Waxy On edit: Oops, wrong Gregory. emoticonXFrazzled" 1,two-thirds of high- school marching band just pretending to play 0,man pulls up bricks to rescue a pregnant dog that was buried alive 1,"I suppose Piltdown Man was the product of newspapers, cute indeed!" 0,photography series spotlighting iconic women over 70 proves the best is yet to come 0,10 ways to deal with a difficult coworker 1,"Kinda like, ""Don't speak of the speck in your brothers eye when you have a plank in your own?"" :p :p The scary part of this insane reality is that there are a LOT of whackos that think just like and actually support Pat Robertson. And I would venture to say that 98% of them who voted, voted for Bush. Ha! There's one born every minute. Perhaps this might clue some folks in, as to the concerns the folks have on the left, as to the direction this nation is headed? Or, then again, maybe not. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,barbershop pole finally runs out 0,joy reid mocks america's invisible man in the middle east: 'where's jared?' 0,no book is an island: on the dual identity of art 0,"And we know this how? You complain about the 90% figure being erroneous and then make an unsupported statement like this?Furthermore, if Mexico is making an earnest attempt to smash the cartels and we're financing it in part, wouldn't we want to help reduce the weapons traffic flowing south into the cartel's arsenals?" 1,new york times adds color to target under-70 demographic 0,google combats holocaust-denying search results with algorithm update 0,'it's the heart of mississippi': meet the people of oxford 1,"ruthless, powerful ceo has become very thing he loves most" 1,"Actually, it makes sense only to you. If you look at nature for just a little while, you willl become aware of a great deal of death. But it is mostly very economical since scavengers make sure that there is minimal waste." 0,donald trump formally announces indiana gov. mike pence as vp pick 0,james gunn debunks 'guardians of the galaxy' paternity rumors 0,"Little late on the uptake here,but why is this the wrong thread?I'm familiar with the crime debate area,and there is a lot of crime debated here and the why with alls and this qualify's,a sword rather than a gun is all." 1,"Wow! Just out of interest, if the 'Will of the people' had decided that gay marriage was fine, would you have supported their decision, or railed against it? Smiley" 1,u.s. changes motto to 'america... we're gonna make ya smile' 0,"big coal funded this prominent climate change denier, docs reveal" 0,"I think they are doing it out of fear. They see the moral decline in America and they have latched onto the GLBT Community as their scapegoat. Since it's no longer PC To attack African-Americans for their obvious differences, it's not PC to go after other religions (especially Judaism - not that it actually stops pure hate groups from doing it) they have decided that attacking a group of people which are sexually different should be the way to go.I mean, their religion tells them that premarital sex is bad and wrong. Even though there is a multi-billion dollar industry based around HETEROSEXUAL sex, they actually depend on that money too much to bite the hand that feeds them. Insted, they attack a group that has not legal rights to marriage let alone little legal standing as far as individual rights. It's easier that way." 0,famed chef homaro cantu found dead 0,lionel messi says kobe bryant was the reason he got into basketball 1,"Well let me be the first to promise to hire the next high school drop out, single mother of 5 to help me clean the condos...I'll go ahead and pay her $500,000 a year for cleaning toilets so her kids can go to the same school Obama's attend." 1,man would rather annoy small group of friends than bunch of strangers at party 1,"'i make my own hours,' says man about to get fired" 0,sia's christmas album title contains an awkward grammatical error 0,the bin ladens: a saudi bellwether 1,7-year-old apparently under impression everyone knows who the fuck aunt dee-dee is 1,parent mad 6-year-old didn't like peanuts special 0,dad shoots daughter while teaching her about gun safety 0,"Hello, please read is a good christian site that explains that there are lots of problems with Dr Russell Humphreys' hypothesis.The universe and Earth are very old. We know this as a fact. Why would God lie to us? If the Universe looks old, then it is. To claim otherwise is to call God a liar." 0,instagram now warns users against wild animal selfies 1,report: morbid curiosity now accounts for 79% of nation's snack food purchases 1,area man plays 'imagine' every time he sees a piano 1,supreme court unanimously upholds concealed gavel law 1,report: crooked border guards planting illegal immigrants in cars 0,kasich all but declares 2016 presidential run 1,"dirty, bearded vince foster bursts through doors of clinton fundraiser" 0,michelle obama tells vogue 'it's time' to leave the white house 1,paul ryan: 'the comments donald trump will make over the next few months are regrettable' 1,fucker riding man's ass whole way out to cleveland 1,divorce has been pretty rough on screen door 1,mom figures it about time to sit down adolescent daughter and explain how weight watchers points work 1,fantasized argument getting pretty intense 1,translator asks bannon to repeat that last spectral scream during congressional testimony 0,"But not just any seven judges, seven judges who's job is to define the constitution." 1,"He wasn't trying to. Shooterandproud may be an unreasonable gun nut, but he accepts evolution." 1,pep-rally skit rumored to involve cross-dressing principal 0,stephen curry signs an insane deal with golden state warriors 1,burmese python just as freaked out that it's swallowing entire toddler 1,new stem education initiative inspires girls to earn less than men in scientific career 0,comparing donald trump to lord voldemort is unspeakably stupid. it's also pretty dangerous. 0,the pakistani friends and the foes of the new york times 0,10 things you didn't know about cameron diaz 1,this obviously aliens' first abduction 0,how to make japanese milk bread at home 0,are we really sure we want a president pence? 1,classmates awed by first-grader who gets free breakfast every day 0,fisherman killed by whale moments after rescuing it from nets 1,So this singularity that appeared out of no were became a greater singularity which took on perfect balance and form? 1,national filmstrip board calls for quiet 0,obamacare repeal could be more difficult than house republicans think 0,parents turn sexting teen daughter in to police 0,This is a push to promote lawlessness. The San Francisco fiasco is the prime example. People with certain agendas are refusing to follow the laws. This is a devastating precedent for our Nation. 0,14 photos show the utter bravery of serving while trans 0,strudel the obese dog's fitness journey is nothing short of inspiring 1,andrew w.k. adopts staunch party-advocacy position 1,child makes useless gesture to help struggling family 1,sad 38-year-old googles 'jobs caring for baby animals' 0,what is a reverse mortgage? 1,"'you did the best you could,' says iron man action figure voiced by despondent toys 'r' us ceo packing up office" 1,determined ant requires second flicking 1,saudi arabia announces escalation of human rights abuses to curry more favor with u.s. 0,former mexican president vicente fox issues stark warning to u.s. farmers about trump 0,"I do not understand why people are stuck in this mindset that we have to define ALL abortions as either right or wrong. In between, there is the option of calling abortion under certain circumstances as right or wrong or calling abortion in certain trimesters as right or wrong. Why limit yourself to the extreme views? I do not believe that the original post asked for an absolute answer, just a survey of opinions. After all, as you say, abortion is not math and there is no one answer that everyone might agree with. However, the question of people's opinions on the beginning of personhood and how it relates to the morality of abortion lies at the very core of the debate on abortion rights. Really ... what other question is more relevant?" 0,growing up with the holocaust as a writer 1,area child disappointed to learn parents' love unconditional 0,michelle obama joked about a simpler time when kids didn't have cellphones 0,twitter now revoking verified profiles that break its new rules 1,no one sure if academy awards after-party going to have food 1,urban polling stations urge voters to immediately get back in line for general election 1,"I marvel that you are so impressed by seeing your own text in print that you forget to make any sense in what you write! " 1,mpaa unveils rating system based on old testament 1,Man has changed significantly in the past few thousand years. I see you opted out of history classes and took it upon yourself to make up your own version. 1,new bin laden tape contains three previously unreleased monologues 0,ebola in sierra leone: 'it reminded me of a conflict zone' 1,doctors restore ken burns' full-color vision after removing massive tumor from filmmaker's visual cortex 0,college kicker's video proves his twitter haters wrong — and it's good! 1,biologists confirm foxes sneakiest little fuckers in animal kingdom 0,"seahawks player hugs ref after fumble-return touchdown, is promptly penalized" 0,advice for the man who asks me to marry him 0,"In my reading of the Declaration (and using the 1st. Amendment as a filter) it doesn't matter who or what the founders meant by ""Creator."" The conlusion is the same; regardless. Namely; The fact that the founders considered our basic rights to be inherrent." 0,this artist gives renaissance-style sculptures a goofy modern twist 0,"I googled your signature, and I found this just before your quote mine: ""Some of the most mythic of scientific notions lie in the realm of evolutionary biology. Evolution the proposition that all organisms are related is as highly verified a thesis as can be found in science. Subjected to close scrutiny from all angles for over a century now, evolution emerges as the only naturalistic explanation we have of the twin patterns of similarity and diversity that pervade all life. The basic notion that life has evolved is as certain as the existence of gravity or the idea that the earth is spheroidal. We call such highly verified notions facts when they consistently escape all attempts to prove them false. Evolution is no myth.""Finally, please present evidence." 0,"No. I am a student and I personally don't have much money. So how could I help them? I have very limited money of my own. I help when I can, but sometimes with my present finances I can't do much. If I had enough money, as I assume you do, than yes I would help them as much as I could. This is just an example of where people feel compassion. And as I have said before, Dawkin's has trouble explaining how the universal feelings could come about through evolution. We would not expect mutated pondscum to produce feelings and morals, ethics, etc." 0,satirical video highlights how white and male dominated hollywood truly is 0,"pretty little liars 501: ""escape from new york""" 0,"The average global temperature follows a sinusoidal pattern, the general consensus is we are supposed to be approaching a peak. Projections show that instead of peaking, there will be continue to be an increase in average global temperature which exceeds that of the peak 4000 years previous." 0,"cancer, cinema, crowdfunding and twitter" 0,And the wonders all around us show us how. . . 0,female former franken staffers say he was a 'champion for women' 0,caitlyn jenner will get candid with diane sawyer once again 0,the fbi just blasted reporting on the san bernardino killings 1,masochistic toilet craving hot piss 1,facebook algorithm mortified it has to deliver up so much embarrassing news about own company 0,these #ionceoverheard tweets will make you feel like a genius 1,fox searchlight purchases two hours of super bowl air time to advertise entirety of the ringer 1,kleenex box inadequately covered 1,mass e-mail only has four recipients 1,"Actually what sank that debate was a bunch of paleontologists from K state who started arguing for punctuated equilibrium. That was pretty much the end. I remember one board member was quoted as saying ""These are public schools. We are luck if we can teach the kids to read""" 1,german fairy tale ends predictably 0,jared kushner mercilessly mocked over reported security clearance downgrade 1,man's relationship advice same as his hunting tips 0,police arrest mother of newborn found buried alive 1,"first grandma, treasury secretary geithner up all night talking, laughing" 1,slight inconvenience avoided 1,"Never thought of that. If that ""person"" has rights, do they have responsibilities? Could a fetus be charged for causing toxemia? How about suing the little tyke for giving mom varicose veins and stretch marks?" 0,restaurants open on thanksgiving 2014 0,leave no person with disabilities behind 0,ambitious test on tap for real-life 'flying saucer' 1,10-year-old yelling at mom to watch cannonball while she's trying to scope out younger men at pool 1,self-conscious panda swears it overheard zookeeper refer to it as 'giant' 0,empire of destruction 1,area man takes metallica audio tour of art museum 0,christian resistance to trump is growing 0,apple will turn next iphone into wallet 1,"'with binomials, just remember foil,' reports man keeping teens from having sex between 2:30 and 3:20" 1,flaming bag of shit intended for apartment 314 0,7 drawings that prove beauty is everywhere 0,live election coverage: watch as midterm results pour in 0,meth production in illinois sees decrease after four-year increase 0,9 parenting lessons we've learned from kate middleton 0,the 5 tax mistakes you're making right now 1,historians reveal thousands of immigrants were forced to change hairstyle at ellis island 0,8 adorable dogs playing in the snow 0,'catfishing' over love interest might have spurred uva gang-rape debacle 0,barbra streisand says it was 'heartbreaking' to see hillary clinton lose the election 1,"I thought you had vowed never to post in this forum again. ????? I suppose with your views on divorce, your wedding vows have as much weight as your vow not to post here." 1,john kerry sits in shadows of kiev café awaiting woman known only as dasha 1,david crosby shows photo of dwarven blacksmith to barber to give idea of what he wants 1,museum of television and radio acquires rare 'caroline in the city' episode 1,buyer of $450 million da vinci painting sort of assumed it would come with frame 1,"My point stands, just because you can't get it has no impact at all on its validity. YouTube - The jokes on you..." 1,child clinging to daddy's leg like it's helicopter evacuating saigon 0,"Actually, that story was an invention after the fact. It never happened. At least that is what the witnesses who were there said. Why do christians feel that it is OK to invent such stories to support their point? Isn't that lying? Isn't lying wrong?" 0,"But wouldn't the biochemical similarities speak for themselves? That is, does one have to believe that the two specimens (which share biochemical similarities) evolved in order to infer that they will respond similarly to antibiotics? The observable facts of the similarities would seem sufficient (and more scientific?)." 0,"So country by country, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. And this pleases you, why? emoticonXFrazzled" 0,gop congressman who revived obamacare repeal faces rage at rowdy town hall 0,"Possibly we have a false sense of security based on their roles as public servants. However, I think there is no oath of office or creed that can be required of any candidate that will negate a person's propensity toward dishonesty or criminal behavior...if they have one. I have little doubt that some become policemen to enjoy the power over others. I have had encounters with rogue cops...similar to the patrolman that Palin's family fears. Policemen have private lives and private woes that affect their behavior. They are paid meagerly (I think) for the dangers they put themselves in. Many work second jobs to earn more money...and I am fairly confident that the temptation to make even more money, legally or not, is always there." 0,"5 extreme things the common core has done to children in the past 5 years, according to opponents" 1,husband pretty sure he hooked up gas stove correctly 1,"mike pence criticizes venezuela's use of torture, starvation on non-homosexual citizens" 0,the final indian war in america about to begin 1,michael jackson's reputation for punctuality in ruins 0,"Well, HRC estimates that the costs would be negligable and that some governments would actually save money. They site many studies on the issue, which I have not taken the time to look up, as I think this sort of statistic is worthless. It is unreasonable to ask same-sex couples to pay for the marriage of opposite-sex couples without asking opposite-sex couples to return this payment. Still, you seem very concerned about it, so I will provide this link: is an interest group in favor of gay rights, yes, but that doesn't make them wrong. I did have a link to an actual study on the topic, but I cannot seem to find it. I'm sure if I scoured the Internet more, I could come up with something." 0,"Yes, I certainly did consider these risks, and the risks at the time were far higher for continuing pregnancy than getting an abortion." 1,millions of shrimp airlifted from oil spill disaster zone 1,museum's audio guide informs visitors how much more they getting out of experience than others 1,nascar logo slowly creeping across u.s. 0,"I learned a few things from the post. The author claimed ""most households don't have guns"". According to 1997 stats, 25% of ALL US adults owned firearms. If you assume that there are typically two adults per household, that means 50% of households have guns, so the statement is false. On a personal note, someone tried to break into my brother's apartment shortly after he was married. He quickly opened the door, yelled ""freeze MFer or I'll blow your head off!"" while holding a short-barrelled shotgun and watched the perp #### himself. being half asleep and in possession of a slightly modified shotgun, my brother didn't call the cops to report this self-defensive use of a firearm." 1,mayor of phoenix apologizes for naming berlin germany of 1941 as sister city 0,these award-winning wedding photos stand out from the pack 0,Instant Tea Blog Archive Divorce rates higher in states with amendments banning gay marriage Check out the stats at the above link. 1,romney still in hot water after reading gop platform verbatim 0,disaster movies are tame compared to what happened 3.3 billion years ago 1,sighing banksy methodically kills another few kids who stumbled upon him doing graffiti 0,"Just like the Brady Campaign. Often when trying to paint concealed carry holders as dangerous individuals, most instances they cite either never had a concealed carry permit to begin with, or the matters of the case were instances that lacked mens-rea and weren't crimes to begin with." 0,"wedding of jew, muslim draws protesters shouting 'death to arabs'" 0,6 incredible photos that show the world we need to protect 0,jimmy kimmel brings tourists into oscars for highly entertaining bit 0,military prosecutor: senate report on cia interrogation program is accurate 1,"gay gene isolated, ostracized" 1,paul hogan admits he's still searching for that one career-defining role 0,this may explain why you can't stop hitting the snooze 0,"No. The pot should not have rights. You, however, should stop dropping acid :)" 0,"a 'very gassy baby's' letter to a new mom, circa 1980" 0,super bowl 2015: to cheat or not to cheat 1,grandma pulls pudding roll-ups from recesses of cupboard 1,going to bed last thing tempurpedic ceo wants to think about after long day at work 0,this week in...:the confusing and controversial tpp 1,white couple admires fall colors 0,these 6 selena cards will make your valentine feel como la flor 1,unclear if shirtless man in black-and-white film once considered attractive 0,And one of these assumption has not been proven incorrect. 1,qaddafi asks closest advisers if they think he's a bad person 0,marvel shares first look at netflix's 'daredevil' 1,How gracious of you. I have not asked you to assume any morality when debating whether my morality is correct. Implying circularity is merely the excuse you've chosen. 0,desperate fossil fuel interests seek to undermine clean energy choices in communities of color 1,those we lost in 2011 1,study: average american has over 9 million imagined sexual partners in lifetime 1,nation would rather think about 9/11 than anything from subsequent 10 years 1,parking lot attendant seemingly unaware new day a gift from god 1,"Lemme guess, in real life you're a lawyer, correct? You must be because you're extremely hypertechnical to the point of absurdity. It doesn't matter what you call them, be it criminal or gang member of dope dealer or home invader, if somebody breaks the law then they're a criminal and it's as simple as that. Seriously dude, you're trying to get off on a technicality here. Like a lawyer trying to argue ""Your honor my client isn't a prostitute, she's a female escort"". Doesn't matter what you call it or what you try to pass it off as, a criminal is a criminal regardless of what their formal title is. So which is Ripskar, do criminals have guns and are likely to shoot you in the face and kill you, or do they not have guns at all. It's one or the other, it can't be both." 0,this woman gave cellulite a perfect nickname 0,9 ways you're driving flight attendants insane 0,lightning strikes at german music festival injures scores 1,teen's natural drive to murder sexual rivals successfully channeled into 'super smash bros.' victory 1," I think the court decision in Nunn vs. State of Georgia did the best summation of this right!"" Yeah, all liberals love overturned court cases that never saw the light through the appeals process. I think Ohio and it's Constitution finally prevailed and now they carry open or concealed.You wasn't on that Cessna were you? " 1,report: getting out of bed in morning sharply increases risk of things getting even worse 0,number of homeless students in america is rising rapidly 1,r. kelly releases emotional new song thanking fans for continued acceptance of sex crimes 1,study finds no logical reason why planes fly 0,"Actually, the black morph was always dominant. Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of the word dominant in biology. Perhaps that is why you talk nonsense. And why did you find it necessary to repeat what had already been said, and in fact what you had quoted?" 1,new comic features aquaman as 45-year-old single father to troubled flounder 0,donald trump effigies burn across mexico in easter ritual 1,member of book group just loved this book a little less is all 1,17-year-old thinks she's getting into photography 1,white house increases number of asylum seekers allowed to enter spike-filled refugee compactor 0,"rupert murdoch, are you ok?" 0,Because it will encourage teens to engage in riskier behavior. Abstinence until marriage is still the best way. 0,"There are several scientific explanations for the nature of the earth. Some use 'science' to say that the world is flat. Granted that these beliefs aren't widely accepted, but then not all religions are widely accepted. By your reasoning or 'logic' you must ask yourself about whether you should rely on science when there are many different scientific theories.The Flat Earth News, at least back then, had a regular column, ""One Hundred Proofs Earth is Not a Globe.""(go to theories taught as sciencephrenologyalchemyevolutioneugenicsneptunismTheories of the Aether Articles relating to the Emergence of Scientific Theories of the Cosmic Aether( about 'metascience'?, sciences used to support political ends...What about Marxist Science Chaos Theory and Marxism's Nazi Science Science social ends...Scientific Racism scientists instead of using the word 'heretic' use the word 'pseudo-science' to categorise fringe beliefs." 0,woody allen says harvey weinstein scandal is 'very sad for everyone involved' 1,onion social ceo responds to company chaos by donating $50 to haiti 0,justice thomas' wife calls supreme court retirement report 'bogus' 0,"less pay, more weekend? some americans are ready to say yes" 0,the double and the christmas holidays 0,the lingering ex: social media and break-ups 1,man catches bad television show going around office 0,sen. richard burr: the cloak and dagger senator 1,area eyesore also a data technician 0,embracing change in an uncertain climate 0,"verizon, comcast approach 21st century fox about acquiring assets" 1,first draft of paper inadvertently becomes final draft 0,a time capsule of us 1,"Bush is a Luddite...Yadda, yadda, yadda..... Bush is the anti-Christ ...Yadda, yadda, yadda emoticonXRolleyes" 0,stressed out at work? how to cope -- without turning to food or booze 1,ice cube thrown into sink flies up side like skateboarder shredding half-pipe 1,area mom off thinking about princess diana again 1,23-year-old arrested for failure to own halogen lamp 0,airlines to congress: stop norwegian air! 1,"I am actually getting my entertainment value out of WW and his lack of knowledge, along with his attempts to ########. If you or the others are bothered by his ignorant banter please let me know, and I will stop forcing him to give answers on subjects that he so obviously has no clue." 1,"The fact that you think the 9-9-9 plan is good only proves you are as stupid as Herman Cain is. Maybe you and Grover Norquist can get with Herman Cain and start construction on Utopian dreamworld, and don't forget to stop by and pick up your other dumbass Ron Paul on your way ." 0,"So, this statement is from a 'law center' that is dedicated to defend the religious freedom for CHristians. Yet, this isn't about 'religion'. Why do I find that hypocritical." 1,anti-mdma campaign warns teens about dangers of feeling more connected to others 1,ibm closes jew-tracking division after decades of declining revenue 1,shy friend experimenting with personality 1,battle of wits with unwieldy burrito nears thrilling endgame 0,"hpv rates are going way down for young women, study says" 0,frogs in a warming climate pot: let's jump out now before we 'croak' 0,eagles of death metal give emotional first interview since paris attack 1,trump pours milk over bowl of skittles while settling in to watch comey hearing 0,the summer's dumbest video game is also kind of my favorite 0,my husband was living in the wrong body 0,troy aikman: i 'knock on wood' hoping i stay healthy after concussions 0,north korea rings in new year with promises of intercontinental missile 1,inconsiderate jackass takes up entire parking space 1,hotel now charging patrons for looking at items in minibar 0,mall debuts pet patrols to save dogs trapped in hot cars 1,restaurant's nacho challenge requires participants to watch man consume 3 pounds of nachos 0,"I believe abortion is murder and should be illegal. The only possible circumstance when an abortion should be an option is when the LIFE of both the mother and her unborn child is at risk. When both lives are going to be lost, it is better to save one as opposed to losing two. The holocaust on the unborn children of this country is something that we should be ashamed of as a country." 0,dear blue bear (you s.o.b) 0,you'll want to get inked after seeing this tattoo artist's masterful work 0,fusion summit will gather youth leaders from protest movements around the world 0,how to clean out your closet: what to ditch and what to keep 1,new york's finest protect new york's richest 0,bill paxton learns of his revolutionary past on 'who do you think you are?' 0,police: man fatally shoots self while demonstrating how to clean gun 0,obama: 'shame on' corporations that blame obamacare for cutting wages 0,7 tips for surviving the holidays when kids (or grandkids) are sick 1,exhausted robert mueller turns off phone to give himself breather from russia probe news over holiday break 1,uncle warren in rare form tonight 0,issa rae is 'tired' of constantly being asked about the black experience 0,this cheese advent calendar is nacho typical yuletide treat 1,report: just go ahead and tell yourself bribery is the only reason you didn't get into columbia 0,why moms demand action will participate in day without a woman 1,"Just provide the information you sourced your BS claim from and get it over with, or did you not actually get it from a medical book but rather make it up?" 1,"Well, the antichrist is going to come and make any true believer a heretic any way so what am I worried about? I knew the risks before I accept the job. :-)" 0,hot new website 'facebook' is lighting up the charts 1,"anne hathaway, james franco spend every moment of oscars tearing into jesse eisenberg" 1,inauguration crowd moves to white house gates to watch presidency happen 1,"My dear Sigma, I'd tutor you in logic if I thought it would stick. Notwithstanding anything that has been said before in this thread, are no better than is not interchangeable with equally as bad or worse than simply because are no better than does not imply that the thing following than is bad at all...while equally as bad or worse than does. Changing what a person says in an argument is a strawman technique used by many a poor debater. You wanted to get 'equality' into the argument where none was ever implied. Good day!" 0,7 ways i've changed for the better in the 7 years since turning 50 1,"world's cartographers continue living secret life of luxury on idyllic, never disclosed 8th continent" 1,142 plane crash victims were statistically more likely to have died in a car crash 0,They were both created on the sixth day according to Genesis 1. 0,we have no idea how many latinos get arrested or imprisoned in the u.s. 1,"Spoken like a true Conservative, not one of those liberal ""compassionate conservatives"". emoticonXGood " 0,"thoughts on 54 below, 'blood brothers' and cabaret" 1,exhausted sweatshop worker just has to laugh after sewing fingers together 0,son thanks mom who cared for his dad for 20 years with 20 adventures 1,todd akin spends whole night wondering what went wrong 0,"at gridiron dinner, trump says he 'won't rule out direct talks with kim jong un'" 0,"Really??? You think most people would incorporate the golden rule? I don't think so--I think most people are willing to make a buck off of others (business ventures), land that job they want before someone else gets it, curse someone for cutting them off in traffic, get that parking spot before the guy coming around the corner gets it, or even get in an intentionally insulting dig to someone in a discussion forum such as this. The examples could go on and on ... I think a lot of people like to THINK they incorporate the golden rule, but at close, honest examination would find that they rarely do." 0,11 must-haves for your dog's first aid kit 1,"Cower in fear of your god Easy, I'm not afraid, and nothing that you say is going to make me fear things which I believe to be imaginary. Thankfully, our nation does not make laws based on your Phelpsian beliefs that god punishes the masses for the sins of others." 1,publicist confirms komodo dragon from 'skyfall' pregnant 0,5 must-try international takes on macaroni & cheese 0,yahoo's newfront pulses to steve aoki's edm beat 1,historical archives: weekley duel results 0,Men shouldn't be deciding because they can't get pregnant after being raped. When was the last time a man's life was ever at risk because his wife was pregnant? 0,trump's ban on trans people in the armed forces is a call to arms 1,area dad saw a great show on bigfoot last night 1,spanish authorities ask anyone with information about curbing endless cycle of nihilistic violence to come forward 0,osteoporosis: what does buying a purse have to do with it? 0,"It is disappointing that you would continue with this mistake. I said that God is both knowable and unknowable. You simply think that equates to the same thing, and thus you argue against what you believe I say, rather than what I said." 1,ping-pong rules adjusted for girlfriend 0,george takei apologizes for calling clarence thomas a 'clown in blackface' 0,interior department aims to slice section from endangered species act 0,fox news meteorologist slams woman who said her legs are 'too fat' 1,man wishes women in crowded bar would let him read jane austen novel in peace 1,breaking: mrs. nichols also daniel's mom 0,'i gave up sex as a man in hollywood' 0,protecting america from its president 0,"one app you need if you want the new, cheap iphone" 1,impersonal trainer couldn't give a fuck what you do with those free weights 1,author of 'introduction to algebra' recalls textbook being rejected by 12 publishers before getting accepted 0,cross-shaped wwi monument declared unconstitutional 1,"4-year-old's idea of barbie, ken marriage involves lots of head collisions" 0,new york police fatally shoot unarmed black man on brooklyn street 1,"Kronos, I get the impression sometimes that you are reading a whole different thread." 0,reuters journalists charged in myanmar after reporting on rohingya crisis 1,area man finally sees enough images of bare breasts for entire lifetime 1,pep talk laced with personal threats 0,stop referring to fathers as babysitters 0,tyson beckford recalls the craziness before shooting britney spears' 'toxic' video 0,"donald trump was about to make jerry falwell, jr. education secretary. let that sink in." 0,8 times the internet tried to explain the world with 'pokemon go' 0,So why are you here? Do you have anything to offer of any substance? 0,suspected mh370 debris arrives in france for investigation 1,breaking: do you think we're doing a good job? 0,"Just as you make certain assumptions that never change regarding evo, so does the Creationist hold that certain absolutes exist regarding Creation, such as a personal God created all that is. We understand science can't prove God which is a huge stumbling block for the evolutionist, but isn't one at all for us because we can see the spiritual which evades the scientific perspective at all levels of understanding. And ID would insist that it is evolution that's the atheistically motivated pseudo science, so we will continue to disagree there also." 1,"Mmm, you have systematically ignored everyone who has disagreed with you; dismissing their disagreement as white privilege (I guess just hoping they were white much less thought they were privileged) and now... their bitter?" 0,"He was barred for presenting hard evidence against the Big Bang. Observable evidence. He was the head astronomer at Mt Carmel not just another astronomer. He was our best one.Being barred from the telescopes he was in charge of , being fired , and having to move to Germany is not what you consider suppression? I am not willing to discuss this with you anymore if you refuse to do it honestly. You can say anything." 0,the worst place in the world for a child 0,daily meditation: by the riverside 0,can we bring a glimmer of hope to syrians? 1,woman has few enough friends to consider confiding in sister 0,sleepy baby elephant picks one awful napping spot 0,can using this little-known spice actually make you eat less? 1,"Watch out, Jim. She believes that the only good man is a neutered man. emoticonXIc" 0,'black panther' success will help fund boys & girls clubs' stem centers 1,friend dishonorably discharged from navigation duties after missing exit 1,parched trump takes quick sip from pudding cup between talking points 1,Makes about as much sense as saying many of the car hating crowd (people who support such laws as car registration) also own cars. More evidence that your handlers have trained you to see the world in black and white. 1,At least now we know what happened to EZridden when he was young.. 0,"moms demand action, everytown flex grassroots muscle to defeat the nra's dangerous agenda" 1,area man's knee making weird sound 0,dolores huerta calls out trump for treating latinos like 'newcomers' 0,how to look hot and stay cool in our favorite summer accessories 0,bill de blasio named a new schools chancellor. then the candidate backed out on live tv. 1,divorced man forced to get back down to dating weight 1,Not the best school system there although the Mayor has a nice car I hear emoticonXClown 1,inconsolable sarah palin opens up about sacha baron cohen betrayal to cardboard cutout of whoopi goldberg 0,kirsten gillibrand only regrets not calling for al franken to quit sooner 1,van morrison removed from rock and roll hall of fame following allegations he bet on album sales 0,how the u.k. government ignored offers to take in more lone children 1,expectant parents throw some values together at last minute 1,So you're a perfect clone of one your parents with zero copying errors? Amazing. 1,june mademoiselle to feature ten ways to flatten your tummy 1,inside: america rates the skin colors 0,justin timberlake's song of the summer gets a bone-shaking metal remix 0,iran protests: civil rights movement or revolution? 1,brian williams retreats to mountainside hut to meditate on fickle nature of truth 1,exasperated huckabee sanders reminds press corps that children under 14 can't feel pain 0,supporting grieving kids – an opportunity and an obligation 1,texans brace for president's response to hurricane 0,preview expiration test 2 0,divorcing parents: 10 questions to ask before fighting over the kids 1,"So it's not safe to go to school because your teacher might kill you if you're late at turning in your homework? Incidents such as the shooter professor are incredibly rare; you'll find very few school teachers that were convicted of murder during a previous date, and released from prison due to a favor from a politician. But incidents like the one in the UK, where the aggressor is in less trouble than their intended victim, are far more common and close to the norm for the country. If you're attacked, you're guilty if you fight back and cause either harm or fear to the person attacking you. Even if they assault you with a deadly weapon, you're the guilty party if you manage to cause them any sort of harm." 0,"in late-night dissent, justice breyer sounds off against solitary confinement" 1,new forced-retirement community opens for local 60-year-olds 0,kristen stewart ditches her brunette locks for a bleached 'do 1,Do you have any New Testament passages to back these up - or were you just interested in having a rant? 1,porn actress very nearly appears to enjoy ejaculation in face 0,hotels with height: the world's ten best treetop stays 0,domestic abuse survivor gives young victims the support she wishes she had 1,mom finally drunk enough to put on bathing suit 0,does obstruction of justice trump possible russian collusion? 1,mother surprised son needs so much ammunition for first day of school 0,kourtney kardashian opens up about scott disick's rehab stay 1,george zimmerman wins florida state lottery 0,"if state takeover of new orleans schools worked, act scores below 16 wouldn't be embarrassing" 1,secretary of the ulterior clearly vying for better cabinet position 0,13 photos that capture the first moment between moms and their babies 0,zoomed out: an #alohahuffpost roundup 1,god quietly phasing holy ghost out of trinity 0,trump dished out fake news awards. twitter dished them right back at him. 1,voters glad they got hope in politicians out of system for next election cycle or two 0,ava duvernay on trump's america: 'art will be our weapon' 0,chance the rapper leads chicago residents in a 'parade to the polls' 1,So it is perfectly legal to shoot someone whom you think might possibly attack you in the future with a gun...seems if anything it is far more like removing the guns from people who can't be trusted with them. 0,the uk election: us lessons 1,"Oh, right. And what would yours be? ""We the humble people of the human species have decided to break away from Britan rule and form our own bubble community. No one has any rights whatsoever, and we restrict our citizens to living in bubbles because we cherish each life, from skin cells to bacteria to plants to embryos. In fact, we really have no purpose in life, we just life to not kill other lives." 0,this 1927 essay proves we've always worried about the future of books 1,rest of kickline out sick 1,leno to tell outrageous o.j. joke 0,"Stevens said that bear arms has a military meaning. So was he saying that the right is individual but existed in connection with militia service? Is this some kind of hybrid model? Interestingly, scholars who made similar claims in the past got lumped in with those who supported a collective right by the pro gun crowd. But I suppose it sounds good to say that all nine Supreme Court justices supported an individual rights interpretation. " 0,pope condemns islamic state terrorism in christmas message 1,genuine love and respect only thing holding area relationship together 1,"Steeeve,... don't you know by now? Even a dog's ability to feel pain and to be somewhat self ""aware"" is much more a warrant for humanity than an inconvienient prebirth human child's likelyhood is (likelyhood that they will have those traits were they to be left alone for a few months - unmolested.) I wonder if ignorance really is blissfull?" 1,"Sorry dude. I can start a thread on the Backstreet Boys, Nsync, or maybe reach back for a little Poison. Probably more up your alley. :p Waxy" 1,wife's needs gross 0,father of muslim american war hero: we cannot defeat terror by dividing america 1,man at bar has incredibly complicated reason for why he enjoys rolling rock 1," Hey I know, maybe you can use the Liberal Source Watch to debunk the GAO report. emoticonXSmilie" 1,black man bids tearful goodbye to family before daily commute 1,study finds cats only meow when they want to alert owner of neighbor's murder they witnessed through window 0,this 'trapped' clip is a snapshot of america's thorny abortion laws 0,there were some things to cheer in donald trump's wild press conference 1,man feeling guilty about chowing down at 9/11 museum café 0,jeb bush would 'of course' support donald trump if he won the nomination 0,"if you don't think paul manafort can get trump elected, you don't know paul manafort" 1,botanists making great strides in stem research 1,nation's bicyclists remove helmets for head injury month 0,one size does not fit all: three questions to ask yourself when evaluating a financial advisor 0,supreme leader khamenei says iranian nuclear weapons are a u.s. 'myth' 1,"Fortunately for you, you have the ability to vote to change that. If a majority of people feel the way that you do, then none of us will have to pay taxes to support the war. See how easy that is. :)" 1,national security council distracted by whimpering jared kushner pawing at door throughout meeting 1,debate organizers set aside first 15 minutes for whatever major trump revelation comes out between now and then 0,richard engel tears into obama's state of the union address 0,"on the steps of the supreme court, too happy to hate" 1,eminem releases single about hugging elton john at grammys then ripping his dick off with pliers 0,franchesca ramsey's retirement home for trump fans is brilliant 0,4 trump accusers call on congress to investigate sexual misconduct claims 1,"just-opened factory to create 250 new jobs, 170 new cancer cases" 1,wax-museum fire results in hundreds of new danny devito statues 0,creepy photos of abandoned insane asylums will keep you up at night 0,far right surges as italy faces hung parliament 1,"earth safe, but for how long?" 0,u.s. life expectancy falls as more people die from illnesses 0,"greece's rock portrait gallery, from craggy ogres to de gaulle's nose: suspended in mid-air on the looney front, part ii" 1,local radio station has got some doobie brothers coming up for you 0,the invisible generation 0,naomi campbell will face-off with lady gaga in 'american horror story: hotel' 0,"god, jesus and the bible: faqs for gay pride month" 0,how repealing obamacare will hit the lgbt community extra-hard 1,friend asks if there any openings at job he constantly mocks 0,here's how much betsy devos and her family spent to back the gop senators who confirmed her 0,the fantastic faroe islands 0,portraits of librarians celebrate america's bookish unsung heroes 0,trump-friendly breitbart news rolls over after reporter 'grabbed' by trump aide 0,fda approves nasal-spray version of overdose drug naloxone 0,the key to finding your spiritual partnership 0,look: surfer almost runs over shark with stand-up paddleboard and has no idea 1,man desperately trying to wring every last ounce of relaxation from final day of vacation 1,traveler amazed by sheer number of mexicans 0,the job market is still years away from a full recovery 1,eric trump poses with carcass of safari guide shot on african hunting trip 0,democrats ask oversight committee to investigate trump's potential conflicts of interest 1,archaeologists unearth earliest known shithole located super far from everywhere 0,donald trump invokes michael moore in a grasp for liberal support 1,gore begins training for 2004 election in remote mountain cabin 1,"girlfriend just wants to have low-key, laid-back valentine's day fight this year" 1,aclu stresses that it legal to film garbage men in all 50 states if you really need to 0,trial for charleston church shooter dylann roof delayed until january 0,kim cattrall offers curt response to cynthia nixon's new york governor run 0,here's what happened after this mom saw a man in heels at disney world 1,melania idly wonders if she would get heads-up about nuclear missile headed toward new york 0,watch two gay cowboys get intimate in this steamy new music video (nsfw) 0,red stripe buys jamaican team a new bobsled after coach quits 1,young girl provides home for stray bullet 1,kevin spacey responds to assault allegations by seeking treatment for homosexuality 1,crazed gunman critically injures 4 0,the trump-russia story has only just begun (to explode) 1,Aren't you going to answer mae's question winston? Or will you just change the subject as usual? emoticonXDonno 0,30 days of online dating: my first tinder date 1,extra-slanty italics introduced for extremely important words 0,the world's shark population is 'decimated' thanks to this soup 0,felipe the bastard king 1,humiliated baboon unable to keep ass swollen in front of mate 1,"What's your point? Unicorns breathe toxic gas and have low density, so they can get around all they want." 1,rapidly expanding at&t merges with entirety of existence 1,hillary launches campaign to raise $100 million or else she'll run for president 0,the first h&m x balmain campaign images are finally here 0,remarkable new documentary on burma's children 0,russell westbrook withdraws from olympics in brazil 1,trump announces he'll pay legal fees of any rally attendee who beats up ted cruz 1,schwarzenegger running out of movie-related campaign slogans 0,"my worst audition ever? or, the danger of playing paddle ball, chewing gum, and singing ""we built this city"" simultaneously" 1,study finds 79% of statistics now sobering 1,business card confirms real-estate salesman is eddie money 0,donald trump will not get his son-in-law's newspaper's endorsement 1,taylor swift apparently now dating 'garfield' creator jim davis 1,karen pence returns to work as part-time nude art model 1,new dog digs up old dog 1,child blissfully unaware of motel swimming pool's sordid past 0,photographer says instagram couldn't handle portraits of women's pubic hair 0,the 7 things we will all wear if trump becomes president 1,boilermakers protest purdue's mascot 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on june 9 1,checked-out drill sergeant just calling every cadet a chowderhead 0,"What would you know about fair and balanced?emoticonXCensoredI know a lot of truths about gays. Do you want me to start posting incessant threads pointing them all out?And I am the moderator for the formal debate forum, not the entire board. Want to debate me on the benefits of gays on society vs Christianity?" 1,radiator saving single loudest clank for 3:32 a.m. 1,'what a crew!' comments man on instagram photo of fucking backstabbing traitors who couldn't be bothered to invite him to margarita night 0,ctrl+ plus: a closer look at amc's halt and catch fire 1,caller enters remote backwaters of 1-800 automated messaging system 1,"It's Satan, not Satin. And he's your daddy, not ours (John 8:44)." 0,ricky gervais stands up for truth in the age of fake news 0,"someone recut the 'elf' trailer as a thriller, and it's terrifying" 0,mother's day -- more than once a year 0,"indira gandhi: 30 years later, not a fond memory" 1,coworker's girlfriend not as pretty as expected 0,"margaret atwood's advice for young feminists: 'be informed, be aware'" 0,And they can be. Increases in complexity are readily achieved via incremental change. 0,"one court, indivisible, votes liberty and justice for all" 0,london mayor sadiq khan reads hate tweets he receives in sxsw speech 0,gop lawmaker matt gaetz slams haiti: 'sheet metal and garbage' everywhere you look 1,report: more americans setting aside money in case of pr emergency 1,man somehow thinks he doesn't have enough alone time 0,justin bieber's latest 'carpool karaoke' is too hot 0,6 infants drown when migrant boat capsizes off greek island 0,fcc orders net neutrality to end in april 0,escaping the higher education stockholm syndrome 1,u.s. won't rule out escalating defense-sector profits from syria conflict 1,"Here, Here! Credibility has been so undermined by hypocrisy and lies today that we shall soon look back to Nixon for the 'good 'ol days' of govt. integrity!" 0,francis ford coppola says 'the godfather' wouldn't get made today 0,i tried these 4 meal kit services so you don't have to 1,malala can tell oxford paired her with roommate just because they're both nobel laureates 1,"police report: sexual assault numbers under control, unless you count the super brutal ones" 0,"Doesn't that explain why manslaughter is like miscarriage, rather than why it is different?And Clerisian, you didn't seem to be arguing that the two were distinct, rather you appeared to say that pro-lifers did support charging mothers who miscarried with manslaughter (where the mother's actions, say, drinking heavily, were the cause of death)." 0,proud son posts pic of folks who graduated college after addiction 0,the progressive 'legend of korra' finale made fans very happy 1,report: most effective marketing technique still giving out little versions of product 1,look at it: it's goddamn beautiful 0,conservatives to white working class: drop dead 0,"And melting the entire surface of the earth and boiling the oceans. Even creationist who propose the nonsense that you spout admit that they have no way to explain where the heat went. In an effort to answer where the water went, they encounter the problem of explaining where the heat went." 1,nation wishes it could just once be reminded of preciousness of life without mass shooting 1,"Yes when not hailing jesus, he likes to leave droppings here and there about the boards ..." 1,jeb bush assures pipe-wielding thugs he'll have the delegates he promised them by next week 0,"Rahm Emanuel for one. He seems to sum up the message very well. And then there's Carolyn McCarthy who actually introduced the bill that, if passed into law, would cancel your Second Amendment rights just because your name is on the no fly list. Just two names, perhaps, but they're the names of people in a very powerful and dangerous position, capable of making very bad things happen." 0,"hey, female directors, steven spielberg has some good news for you" 0,emma stone ruled the red carpet in a jumpsuit 0,dog brothers can't get enough of their new duckling siblings 1,delta plane jettisons dozens of comfort animals midflight following policy changes 0,the world's oldest living cat has died 1,underworld health organization launches initiative to improve incubus immortality rate 0,"It is an acronym for 'Y'oung 'E'arth 'C'reationist. In other words... someone who believes that the earth is only 6,000 - 10,000 years old and was created in six days by a being known as God." 0,vr pioneer chris milk: virtual reality will mirror life like nothing else before 0,don't ask me to 'get over' my history with breast cancer 0,"stage door: lypsinka! the trilogy, billy & ray, mozart's the magic flute" 1,new liver complains of difficulty working with lou reed 0,18 things that whisk us back to the summers of our youth 0,nobody watched matthew mcconaughey's forgotten youtube channel until now 1,"I was being 1astic to a gargantuan degree. Why you little rebel, you! Are you proposing that individuals should choose the spiritual dicta we agree with and toss those that don't make sense?" 1,college administrators hold candlelight vigil to honor donor lost in mishandled rape case 0,young voters in donald trump's counties are especially positive about america's direction 1,academy to give runners-up detailed progress reports outlining where stars can improve 0,gq expertly spoofs vanity fair with their annual comedy issue cover 0,this man's proposal to his boyfriend is a musical moment you need to see to believe 1,poll finds 23% of americans would vote for jeb bush if candidate standing right next to them in voting booth 0,icelandic prime minister abruptly ends interview after tax scandal question 1,painted-over spot on public bathroom wall must conceal some really fucked-up graffiti 0,when our tears become medicine 1,study: average father thinks about sealing in meat's juices 4 to 5 hours a day 0,the damaging belief that's keeping you from finding calm 1,baltimore residents urged to stay indoors until social progress naturally takes its course over next century 1,curly fry inventor strikes out with curly veal 0,what happened when my daughter asked for a bra 0,dogs in asia: doctors not dinner 1,u.s. funneling arms to dissident angel group in effort to topple god 0,this labor day let's rethink the texas miracle 0,Good old monkeys! What can't we learn from them :)Since we are in the Creation vs Evolution section I'm guessing that your debate here is that monkeys and humans show some similar ways of thinking such as in this experiment. It does seem like further evidence that evolution did take place between our two species although it isn't a case cracker by any means. 1,"V.P.C. once again I am shocked and awed. Why no mention of our fearless atf's and the agents they caused to be killed. And all the Mexican citizens they have caused to be killed? Oh wait if the vpc did that it would be kinda like jumping outta bed with your partner. SPECIAL NOTE: Some ATF agents are fearless. Drug War Victims Drug WarRant These are a few of the one known about.It works both way's Brady and more our way much more." 0,"But there is evidence that we do evolve. I'll give you an example. In areas of west Africa where malaria is endemic there is an allele of hemoglobin that confers resistance when heterozygous. In other environments that allele is not beneficial and is, in fact, deleterious. It is fatal when homozygous. Now according to evolutionary theory such an allele should decline where it offers no benefit. Studies show that this allele is less frequent by about 2 percentage points in Americans of west African ancestry." 1,"ALL of the schools' standards ""force the schools to teach a certain way"", don't they? Should we abolish all school standards? Or are you just propagandizing THIS issue with a skewed perspective? " 0,donald trump's assault on our values 1,facebook: 'identifying hate speech is difficult because some posts actually make pretty interesting points' 1,new documentary reveals seaworld forced orca whales to perform nude 0,donald trump's theory on catching hackers gives cybersecurity pros the giggles 0,woman stops alleged bank robber by crashing into him 0,'black panther' passes the $500-million mark at the box office 0,"surprise, surprise: christopher nolan is not a fan of netflix" 0,gorgeous new nasa image shows earth 'rising' over the moon 1,pentagon loses hard drive with all the movies on it 0,'twin peaks' finally resolves that terrifying cliffhanger 0,ben carson says college protests against racism could spark 'anarchy' 0,mike pompeo's anti-gay views should disqualify him 0,"The evidence shows that reptiles did give rise to birds, but nothing shows monkeys became humans. Monkeys are far to evolved in their own way to give rise to us." 1,"Like they said in the article, you can have a campaign against marrige because it hurts women because of domestic abusers, you can say the baseball hurts men, because many of them get hurt. But most of the time its a great thing. Why then, would you suggest something so abusrd as to abortion hurts women. Most of the time, abortion lets women let go of that big weight thats holding them back and prusue their dreams, and live a happy life. Since when has AntiAbortionists cared about women? Can someone fill me in here?" 0,mark ruffalo in infinitely polar bear 1,california to allow prisoners to serve sentences online 0,According to Gallup about 8% of the U.S. population is atheist. Another poll by CUNY found that 7.7% of those polled responded that they had no religion. 0,"Oh, there's no hypocrisy involved, just you being your usual self and not even looking at the actual information (or, more likely, looking at the information and then deliberately playing dumb)." 0,"And with the possible exception of collecting, Australian licensing laws allow all of the above. I should know I have lived and shot over there. The idea of such laws is to remove weapons from those who have no good reason to own such things, and put extra safety restrictions on those who do.For the record, I do not actually agree with such stringent measures myself. But I don't think your argument really holds water. And to make such associations with tyranny is exagerated to say the least." 0,'wonder woman' shatters box office with biggest female director opening. ever. 1,"thing distracting you from healthy, self-actualized lifestyle garners 240 emmy nominations" 0,here are ways to express your feelings on trumpcare 0,5 lessons from a twenty-something divorcée 1,nation's wildlife fleeing to canada 1,mom in nightgown mode 1,dr. scholl's introduces new freeze-away toe remover 1,vocalist leaves journey tribute band over creative differences 0,"passengers 'lashing out' at scott pruitt justify first-class travel, new epa memo says" 1,"no complaints if a remake of 'emma' with jon hamm and emily blunt got thrown our way, nation's girlfriends report" 0,gop rep's office got a student suspended for cursing while asking for gun control 1," But I suppose this is all MY/Our Fault too. Huh Brady? First all of Mexico's violence was my/our fault until it was found out that the ATF was actually running guns into Mexico, now what some slimeball does in Norway is my fault. Get a clue." 0,does being neurotic really make you more creative? 1,congress passes seriously uncool legislation 0,how a traveling consultant helps america hide the homeless 1,"Well, if you really don't understand the difference and think they are the same, then try killing your wife and see what happens. You'll find she is a living, breathing person. I love the logic Chester wrote. ""Let's assume for a moment that an egg is a chicken. Let's assume for a moment that an acorn is an oak tree."" And most of us eat eggs. . . .YUCK! We just ate a chicken and didn't know it." 1,"We don't take him seriously anymore because despite having been refuted over and over (both here and on at least four other boards), he still posts the same garbage. Whenever it looks like there has been overwhelming refutation of his thread, he abandons it and starts a new one saying basically the same thing as the one before it. THAT is why he isn't taken seriously, and no, it is not ""unfair"". I also have to ask why you think he puts so much intelligence into his posts, when all he does is either cut and paste from some anti-evolution site, or say things like ""science is a joke"" My pet dog could do better." 1,civilization collapses 0,"controlling birth, controlling pregnant women" 0,trump brings back 'pocahontas' slur of elizabeth warren at event for native american veterans 0,rosamund pike is ravishing in red 0,midlife obesity may speed up alzheimer's 0,cyber monday 2015 may set a new record 1,entire blogosphere stunned by blogger's special weekend post 1,all of artist's nudes look terrified 1,So your biased reading of the Bible coupled with your personal flaws and your misunderstanding of science is the basis of your religiosity? Somehow I don't think that's something you'd really want to brag about... 1,That has to be a typo my friend. If you can compress the EB into only 1012 bits then you can write your own ticket in the field of data compression! Lets see 100 million pages into 1012 bits - fantastic - please tell us how. I really would like to put the entire literature of mankind (and more) on an Ipod. 0,"Well, HRC estimates that the costs would be negligable and that some governments would actually save money. They site many studies on the issue, which I have not taken the time to look up, as I think this sort of statistic is worthless. It is unreasonable to ask same-sex couples to pay for the marriage of opposite-sex couples without asking opposite-sex couples to return this payment. Still, you seem very concerned about it, so I will provide this link: It is an interest group in favor of gay rights, yes, but that doesn't make them wrong. I did have a link to an actual study on the topic, but I cannot seem to find it. I'm sure if I scoured the Internet more, I could come up with something." 0,Brinks plays on people's fears to sell security systems that don't even work. Insurance companies play on people's fears to sell their policies. 0,gop party chairman really doesn't want to talk about abolishing the irs 1,oxfam: 'your donation will help us protect impoverished girls from our employees' 0,scott walker issues executive order allowing national guard members to carry weapons 0,spectacular video lets you fly around ceres 0,"Well be cynical if you want, if someone in your family had done as you ascribed you wouldn't be here to be so glib. Nor would the human race or any other species where penile-vaginal sex takes place. I guess all those years of biological reproduction show it. You will also notice I didn't make it an absolute statement. I said ""minimal or negligable physical damage"".I understand that female biology undergoes truama too during sex, the fact is the trauma of vaginal sex i.....1. more forgiving and 2. Obviously possible of greater/important final result. And um, like with lesbian activities, the size of the ""peg"" also matters so how do you know lesbian activities are a lot less harmful." 0,here's how a landmark ruling on trans teens' rights could have a colossal impact on schools 0,united airlines temporarily suspends cargo travel for pets 1,"Not only that, when you went back to nitpick my spelling and typing, you MISSED 3 glaring typos, and called foul on spelling that is arguably correct. Who is the amateur (or idiot if you prefer) here???" 0,"this time, michael phelps is asking for katie ledecky's autograph" 1,elon musk unveils new clean energy luxury car pulled by 8 tesla employees 0,"women in business q&a: alana, juliette and nicole feld, feld entertainment" 1,nephew surprised by how much bigger aunt has gotten since last year 1,fuming rachel maddow spends entire show just pointing wildly at picture of putin 1,mom makes sure everyone has masturbated before long car ride 1,local brother-in-law heard you can make shitload of money doing that 0,But the military is pretty much all a volunteer thing. It's not a hiring process--employer/employee thing. That arrangement lends itself more to the soldier not volunteering for service in the first place. 1,'batman v. superman' promotion urges filmgoers to just get this over with 1,few years in military would have really straightened out troubled teen killed on first tour of afghanistan 1,"Oh my goodness, yes. I had forgotten that scenario. How silly of me." 1,"Why am I not surprised chester, that chloe directly giving an in depth answer to you is perceived as not being germane to the topic. Since you never directly answer any proposition forwarded as you derail every thread by just serving up your off topic tripe. emoticonXGood " 1,tony award disappoints parents even more 0,house gop announces lawyer for obama lawsuit 1,local history museum really digging deep to fill 2 15-by-20-foot rooms 1,dead facebook friend from high school still has cartman profile picture 0,finding comfort in the wake of 9/11 1,"LoL What part of a Binding Document, the Constitution with it's Bill of Rights, don't you understand! You demand that we obey the law, but you would allow Government to break the Supreme law of the Land, and you call me a nut? I gotta say my friend, THAT is truly nutty! emoticonXSmilie" 1,nation urged to be extra sensitive to men reliving trauma of not getting something 0,when you google 'why do women ...' some very interesting results come up 1,report: 45% of all randomly paired freshman roommates now at breaking point 1,man wishes there was some sort of sign he could put on his house to let visitors know he has gone fishing 0,white house works to release republican memo despite fbi warning 0,new film takes an honest look at life with a transgender parent 0,faith groups rally against racism on anniversary of martin luther king jr.'s death 1,baskin-robbins' cash register interface just big button for ice cream 0,tuesday's morning email: shutdown fears grow amid daca fight 1,gender of person in ronald mcdonald costume unclear 0,"You need to read what people say more thoroughly, and think about it before you respond. When he said ""can"" (and there are not many simpler words than that!) It didn't mean ""will"", ""must"", or ""shall"" be more aggressive. It has been shown that in some cases it ""CAN"" happen. It may not have happened with you. It still might, we don't know. We might even say that it is not likely to happen, but we can't say that it won't, because sometimes some people do behave more aggressively when they have a gun." 1,sex shop bathroom key attached to 18-inch double dildo 1,harper's index: percentage of harper's readers who only read index: 98 0,please stop asking this unsettling question to women everywhere 0,the ego-centric art world is killing art 1,san diego zoo acquires chinese man 0,russia denies it has compromising information on donald trump 1,woman with amazing rack told she has beautiful eyes 1,"Oh, but Sina does not live in a womb so she is unimportant." 1,"enchanted by own innocence, michael jackson molests self" 0,what do non-farm payroll & interest rates mean for real estate? 1,white supremacist tired after long day of interviews with mainstream news outlets 1,"Actually, God does not care one bit. It's only plumbing.. Got that from God Himself " 0,once-homeless hairstylist helps girls in need in the most beautiful way 0,the presidency and moral courage 1,white house carefully screening any gun control town hall questions that address obama as 'mein führer' 0,kanye west talks about getting liposuction and battling an opioid addiction 1,q-tip releases new multi-pronged family swab 0,today we are all journalists 1,area man experimented with sex back in college 0,mcdonald's musical ad targets hispanics with princess of bachata 0,3 things you should know about learning disabilities 1,gimp tied to pole on curb outside coffee shop while owner inside 0,"stage door: death of a salesman, hell's belles" 1,area man's life comes to tragic middle 0,obamacare benefits plenty of people in states donald trump won 0,4-year-old singing with her dad is the epitome of cute 0,10 (more) gorgeous colorized photos that put history in a new light 1,"Wow, so Balrogs existed according to the Bible? Whoda thunk." 1,area man nostalgic for time when ads targeting him not as sad 1,police seek suspect in series of random later hostings 1,exxonmobil ceo depressed after realizing earth could end before they finish extracting all the oil 0,homelessness in the us dropped slightly since last year 0,"And what would make them separate species? How about wolves and dogs, separate species? How about Great Danes and Chihuahuas? They cannot interbreed under any circumstances (even artificially - the fetus isn't viable)." 0,failure is an essential element of success 1,real-life stranger on a train less interesting than hitchcock version 1,defunded planned parenthood reassures supporters it has enough fetus cash to keep going 0,oregon gov. kate brown announces reelection bid 0,princess nokia reveals she threw soup on racist subway rider in viral video 1,middle manager announces plans to skedaddle 1,comedy central celebrates one millionth airing of cheech & chong: still smokin' 1,"Sigma, I was only joking. It hit me this morning though that if I'm willing to talk about abortion without bringing up God, I wonder if the Pro-Choicers could argue their position without bringing up ""women's rights"". ;-)" 0,dear new mama: you can do this 1,law schools now require applicants to honestly state whether they want to go to law school 0,this dell laptop never worked. how about a refund? 1,santa signs legislation to help special-wants children 0,"kendrick lamar releases surprise new album, 'untitled unmastered'" 1,"new study finds therapy, antidepressants equally effective at monetizing depression" 1,seaworld employees place orcas in plastic bags of water while cleaning tanks 0,"Sure I agree with it. The thing is, you used to argue (not in these exact words of course) that decency on the part of the hospital wasn't required, all that gays needed to do was visit a lawyer and they'd be all set. I am asking you to clarify that position now to see if you still hold that opinion or if you've changed it, specificially in light of this event. Simple question, no gotcha waiting to pounce. :)" 1,for-profit college hastily designs diploma for student on verge of actually graduating 1,disgusting couple always interacting in public 0,"if this is what fall looks like, sign us up" 1,world leaders hope singapore summit will lead to north korea becoming normal impoverished country they don't have to think about 1,jon hamm to overenthusiastic fan: 'you're ruining me for everyone' 1,world gets first-ever look inside greenspan fantasy ranch 0,"obama in hiroshima: a visit to honor, not apologize" 0,trump populism has won the gop civil war? not a chance 1,bush not heard from for over a month 0,turkey's most perfect beach is an actual butterfly wonderland 0,fictional books within books we wish were real 1,all flights grounded after faa officials suddenly realize that man was not meant to fly 1,sasha obama orders secret service agent to stop squirming during makeover 1,executive on hot streak with 2 straight logical decisions 0,syrian refugees are among the obamas' state of the union guests 1,nasa frantically announces mission to earth's core after accidentally launching rocket upside down 1,"Attitude? You mean that attitude towards the great Satan and the Zionist Jews subjegating their fellow muslims palestinians? " 0,blue aclu ribbons are the stars' best accessories at 2017 oscars 0,brian williams takes over 'today' 0,your guide to the new fall dramas 1,"'i was the one who slept with stormy daniels,' says sonny perdue in desperate attempt to serve as trump's fall guy" 0,"vladimir putin, florida man, arrested for trespassing at supermarket" 0,paul ryan's wonk shtick is getting old 0,tourists describe scenes of horror in tunisian beach massacre 0,"While that definition of sin is true, the Hebrew definition means missing the mark. You could stretch it to mean unfit in English.And you're technically wrong about the bible. Modernly it is one book, but bible means little books. For a time they were floating around in clusters. So academically they are self contained and unrelated. The apocryphal books are ""secret"" books. Religious scholars eventually decided they were just a bunch of stories, and most never made it in the bible. Look at Song of Solomon it made the cut, and people still have problems with it being put in, yet it conflicts with nothing." 0,kate hudson's matthew mcconaughey impression is spot on 0,pele hospitalized for back surgery 1,white to attend boat show 0,"#nofilter skin, baby hairs & more major beauty moments from new york fashion week" 0,the single greatest threat to our national security is donald trump 0,So Minnesota is the one state Ohioprof was referring to? 0,selene chin: ground yourself with the right skills 0,poll: americans think gop's iran letter was inappropriate 0,an open letter to my 3 extraordinary brown girls 1,breaking: mom dropped like 80 bucks on some necklace with an owl on it at the art fair 0,he said he loved me... 0,watch bryan cranston's 'malcolm in the middle' character morph into walter white 0,catalan leader says region cannot accept 'illegal' control from madrid 0,shamed and abandoned: the fate of syria's former female inmates 1,laptop gets to age when it can be lightly tossed sometimes 1,woman's children officially old enough to pony up for good birthday gift this year 1,buckingham palace guards impressed by first lady's ability to never crack smile 1,"Since you seem to know Jebus so well why don't you ask him to make an appearance and tell all of us heathens the error of our ways.. Why not let Jebus tell the world what he thinks about Homosexuals ... Oh wait.. Jebus never mentioned the subject so this is just YOU and YOUR ilk spreading more homophobic paranoia ... You've reached a new Low EZridden.. and I never thought you could get any lower ...emoticonXBounceremoticonXBouncer" 0,"the public still can't see the eric garner grand jury records, court rules" 1,state of the union preceded by memoriam reel of americans lost in past year 0,on any given day we simply don't know what trump we'll be getting 1,"report: nation thinking about big, warm piece of cinnamon coffee cake right now" 1,aging airliner flies out to sea to die 0,"how to get kendall jenner's $8,000 outfit for under $200" 1,mother's little angel just made fun of classmate's weight for 30 straight minutes 1,brave woman enters restaurant without first looking it up online 0,report: espn suspends another host for domestic violence comments 0,willi dorner's 'bodies in urban spaces' (video) 0,"after decades of effort, chemists overseas report 'nano' breakthrough" 0,"So Gup20 wants to play word games. (Sigh) This is usually a sign that he or she has run out of logical arguments. Anyway, this topic is in another thread. I won't discuss it here." 1,"Exactly, which is why I don't like economists:) Accountants are the true heroes...ha" 1,republicans praise nixon administration for allowing qaddafi to rule libya so he could one day be overthrown 0,"False. Beneficial mutations in bacteria have been observed in the lab. Far from wrecking the system, they allowed the system to continue to live while those without the mutations died: the mutations improved the system's ability to survive and perpetuate itself." 0,the price for killing workers must be prison 1,loser can't even get wife pregnant 0,gop picks paul ryan for house speaker 1,snowman sucks 1,"Don't even think about contriving how gay marrige violates YOUR RIGHTS assmonkey. That's the most ludicrous, inane statement I have yet heard from the Religious Right." 0,mlb player shows what #dadlife is all about with viral tweet 1,area man accidentally signs up for aol latino 1,man wistfully looks around website he hasn't visited for 30 minutes 0,"marti noxon poured her own life into 'to the bone,' a movie about anorexia" 1,boyfriend not to be trusted with netflix queue 0,these social media apps are causing trouble in schools 1,bernie sanders fills in for factory worker unable to take time off to vote 1,When those people who submit themselves to temporary relocation from their inner-city residence to a 'vacation' inner-city full of like-minded people with massive vehicles and trailers discover they can save money and enjoy 5-star hotels the US may have reached an enlightenment level that uses common sense. I'm not holding my breath for that change. 1,"boss wants friendly, relaxed company culture in place by friday" 1,'piggies' written in blood on clouds only clue in shocking murder of six angels 0,"fewer words about sex, food and documentaries" 1,"Anyone speaking English could well be an illegal from the UK then, right? I guess Puerto Ricans better watch out too." 0,most americans want u.s. to keep funding expanded medicaid 1,fussy eater 38 0,5 indefensible tweets from the nra since the oregon gun massacre 0,i'm a nightmare ex-girlfriend — and i'm cool with that 1,equifax impressed by hackers' ability to ruin people's finances more efficiently than company can 0,activists criticize prosecutor in charge of tamir rice reports 0,Really? Do all your views depend on somebody else changing them for you? 0,college football playoff projections 1,"You mean to tell me that you would deny a woman's right to her own body for a zygote, yet you have no problem murdering real human beings? Sounds like a conservative to me..." 0,I'm sorry but the baby is a part of both of them.Should it be that the mother decides to keep the baby and the father want's her to terminate the state will still come chasing for child support.Why the father didn't get a say on if the baby was born or not so why should he have to pay child supportbecause the law says so. 0,hear social media obsessed teen's reaction when her parents take away phone 1,scientists discover perfect little out-of-the-way place 1,nation's pansies announce plan to slowly acclimate to pool 1,aisle of hispanic food items all man needs to know about fate of country 1,"If you'd have taken the time to watch the movie ""Expelled"" you wouldn't find it nearly so absurd. emoticonXAngel" 1,"I don't understand your outrage. McChrystal's your boy's general now. Are you saying that you disagree with ""the Great One""?" 1,tense party enters third hour of unplayed acoustic guitar leaning against wall 0,television's nerdiest indian gets real 0,what love is not: 11 truths i want my sons to know on valentine's day 0,I think her point was that the pope is biased because he's catholic. 1,"'lost' possibly still airing in parallel dimension, desperate fans report" 0,"gett: the trial of viviane amsalem or, the craziness of israeli society" 0,dodgers co-owner magic johnson goes bonkers watching team romp to world series 0,"How do you know none of the ""children"" were actually gang members engaged in illegal activity, and that fact was simply excluded because it wasn't considered newsworthy?" 0,new editorial argues you can't out-exercise a bad diet 1,ex-con still hanging out with hallucinatory voices that got him in trouble in first place 0,"This argument is self-defeating. A theory is not a fact, no matter how much evidence may support the theory. Bad wording. But again, if you claim something as a fact, you must have proof, verified in both your method of reasoning, and the reasoning utilized by the person you are proving the fact to." 0,car bomb kills turkish soldiers in mainly kurdish province 1,"emporia, kansas named best small town in america to escape from" 1,ant hoping queen will notice pretzel crumb he got her 0,top official resigns from trump epa with scathing letter 1,clinton tosses unpledged superdelegate in trunk of car 0,"reforming college debt, part i: the problem" 0,justin timberlake is the new face of dad-pop 1,"Why would anyone want to get to Heaven? Archangel and people like him would be there, praying and chanting 24/7 . Thanks but no thanks!" 1,report: human bones found on remote pacific island most likely remains of those eaten by amelia earhart 0,why everybody loves seniors on airbnb 1,scientists announce today best time to look directly at sun 1,"Very Interesting! After only 33 posts Mintaka already has the political and gun advocacy priorities of individual members here down pat; or should I say the resurrected antonia, our resident National socialist healthcare freak does and couldn't help but expose her personal insights where none should exist for this alleged newbie." 0,"I don;t really know anything about british gun control in colonial india, and don't really see it's relevance, since colonial india is gone. I DO know that this had nothing to do with the British refusal to conscript indians into the British Army. This was directed at the disarming of the Indian Army under british rule. The indian citizens were never actually disarmed under British rule, just the army. During WWI, indians were allowed to volunteer for the British army (the British knew it was a bad idea to conscript men from colonies)." 1,"Abstinence until heterosexual marriage isn't encouraging heterosexual marriage? I've never heard of an abstinence-until-domestic-partnership program. Perhaps you could point us to an inclusive abstinence-only program somewhere. Perhaps not...." 1,man only has himself to blame for what's in targeted banner ad 0,The Skeptic has requested no judges. This actually suits me as there are too many of you that I'd have to pick from and I therefore avoid slighting anyone by not picking them 0,how 2 california parents could 'home-school' their shackled and abused children 0,"i can't do this anymore, congress. i can't." 1,report: more companies offering paid maternity leave to mothers who complete 3 months of work ahead of time 0,bask in the glow of adele telling critics to 'suck my dick' mid-concert 1,"Already busted, Mr. Trebor. Went in one eye and out the other. Come back when you have something other than generalized rhetoric." 0,"A perfect example of why Christian fundamentalismm and evolution can't co-exist. If God is wrong, then the Bible is wrong. Evolution contradicts the Bible, plain and simple." 1,time-traveling hillary clinton warns self to do everything in exact same way 1,"Says the one who calls everyone who disagrees with him about politics a ""Bush hater"" and then cowardly runs away. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,imagine a world where the nra used positive messaging and preached responsibility 1,"God became man for a time to set people free, Trebor. Get it right." 1,"commas, turning up, everywhere" 0,curvy model who's had a 'roller coaster relationship' with her belly rolls now embraces them in the punniest way 1,study: average american now requires 3 attempts to get up from seated position 1,art student's nudes obviously drawn from hustler 1,knicks front office scrambling after zion williamson drafted before 3rd pick 1,wildfires force colorado to airlift rocky mountains to safety 0,congress passes 34th short-term funding patch for highways 0,mother of slain aurora teen calls out bernie sanders on gun control 0,jack antonoff opens up about struggling with depression 0,#trybeatingmelightly shows pakistani women won't stand for wife-beating bill 0,joe biden has strong words for betsy devos after her title ix announcement 0,the threat of a right-wing supreme court: analyzing trump's prospective justices 0,in detroit some things change; too much stays the same 0,this. actually. happened. 1,new apple ceo tim cook: 'i'm thinking printers' 1,"Why is it that people don't want to admit that it was Bush's' reckless spending on a War that we didn't need , the tax cuts for the richest 2 % of America, The Fact that under Bush they had to ADD space on the Debt clock, not to mention that he was as dumb as a rock, yet they can place all this blame on Obama who inherited this mess and has done more to get us out of it than Bush or any Republican would have done. Unemployment is High, we know this, but it was on it's way up when Obama took over because under Bush more corporations left this country , more businesses closed down, the Banks were allowed to do whatever they wanted without regulation of any kind, and yet none of it is his fault?.. Enlighten me..." 0,the dark history of birth control 0,stripping women of access to health care indirectly ensures republican success 0,"there's no need to fear other people's 'bad energy,' says psychic" 0,pot and cigarette smoking have at least one health consequence in common 0,'i'm tired of being taxed for being a woman' 0,"But the whole process was done in the courts using the process set up by the constitution. Where the laws are not clear on an issue, such as in Massachusetts, it is the courts job to decide. The courts are a check on the injustice towards minorities by the majority." 0,'holy s**t!': airplane lands right in front of driver on ny highway 1,iranian team openly working on bomb in negotiating room 0,chuck schumer: democrats will filibuster neil gorsuch's nomination 0,9 brands with sexy spokesmodels over 50 1,hertz introduces short-term rental for just driving around to clear head 0,"But of course, according to one singularly deranged poster here, it's the Republicans who are truly pro-gay (they just can't show it, doncha know), while the Democrats are just paying phony-baloney lip service to us..." 0,how do i make my 4-month-old fall in love with reading? 1,"Yeah, right, JO, socialist countries are Eden Mecca's all over the world today. No matter how many times they fail, its proponents just need another chance." 1,"Oh well. Keep trying and you will get there one day. " 1,bob hope happy to see so many troops in heaven 1,wedding planner suggests replacing unsightly groom 1,"kindergartener's account of day at school passionate, incomprehensible" 1,ROFLMAO! Nice way of restating the 'inaccurate' statement basically the same way. 0,steve kerr gave an impassioned plea for gun control that everyone should hear 1,netanyahu announces day of mourning for fence damaged in yesterday's conflict 0,what it takes to land a book deal 0,trump says terror attack will 'probably help' marine le pen in french elections 1,"Evidence, I dont need no sticking evidence. This is what I beleive, and thats it, but I will dig up some proof that supports my point." 0,treasury department renames building to honor emancipated slaves 1,tumbleweed of pubes rolls through desolate dorm bathroom 0,rubio slams private fundraiser secrecy: 'it's a public event' 1,new lover features 30 percent more cock 0,It doesn't matter whether it is religous or not. The odds of anyboy being fired over such a thing are slim to none. Morning after pills can not possibly make up eough of any given pharmacys revenue to make it worth the expense of replacing a skilled employee. 0,how indigenous people are exploring many shades of redd 1,the scream poster stolen from area dorm room 1,white house concerned ryan zinke made land deal without giving cut to trump 0,"liberals, it's time to look at ourselves in the mirror" 0,shrinking majority of americans supports marijuana legalization 0,8 chic winter looks for pregnant gals 0,texas lt. gov. not worried about bathroom bill costing the state money 1,And I suppose you feel it would've been better if she died at the hands of a knife-wielding killer? 1,dollar store has great deal on fig nortons 0,north korea botches missile launch on founder's birthday 1,mountaintop retreat with maharishi leaves greenspan obsessed with rupee 1,drunk nutritionists recommend eating entire frozen pizza at 3 a.m. 1,"american public clarifies rational, measured response to this terror threat doesn't preclude panicked overreaction in future" 1,The fact they are blond has nothign to do with the fact they are dumb. The right wing mindless talking points from Fox News is another matter. 1,ozzy osbourne bites head off five-pound chocolate rabbit 0,10 super annoying things we can't help but whine about 0,kevin pierre-louis is tackling depression stigma by sharing his own experience 1,nation schedules recurring monthly benefit concert to streamline tragedy response process 0,no base for calling it a human being? Other than the fact that a fetus is scientifical a human being. Seems you have no basis for saying I can't call a fetus a human being. 1,god weirded out by christian who loves him after only month in church 0,the alienation of america's best doctors 0,getting to same-sex marriage 1,"Proof is a matter of math and booze. So, if you agree with Ursus maritimus, do you agree with me?" 0,why mothers are so special 1,u.s. asks africa not to cash aid checks until after tax day 0,tesla's elon musk is thinking about designing an electric plane 1,the national annoyed after getting stuck performing on nosebleed lollapalooza stage 1,retiree gearing up for errands with lady friend 0,"Well, the simple answer to this question is ""No it is not."" Telling convention to shove it is not one of the main points of being gay, not in any way shape or form. Being gay is simply about the people one is attracted to, the people one loves, and the person one wants to spend his or her life with.Now this does not mean that these people do not tell convention to go shove it, but they do so only when they believe convention is unfair, unjust, unequal, and a detriment to happiness. On the issue of gay rights, most (but maybe not all) gay people believe that the specific convention of denying some rights to gay people is a bad one, so they stand against it. They do not simply hate convention because it is convention; good convention is worth retaining." 1,50-year-old prince licks aarp representative's face 0,marvel's new she-hulk reminds us that anger can serve a purpose 0,7 genius napping inventions to get you through monday 0,the rock for president? dwayne johnson now 'seriously considering' a run 0,the u.s. throws out $3 billion in cancer drugs every year 0,"So you refuse to engage in an informal debate on the topic, but you all of a sudden are itchin' for a formal debate? How about you make the challenge?" 0,"I believe the Bible is correct in every detail. The difference is how those who read them choose to interpret their meaning. You, for instance, look at a verse that says the earth cannot be moved and take that to mean that the Bible says that the earth does not move PERIOD. I believe that that means that God is powerful enough to keep the earth from simply ""flying out"" of its orbit and rocketing off into space somewhere. Yes, I proudly ""cling"" to the idea that a flood covered the mountains. I believe fully in the ENTIRE Bible (unlike some people) and I DO NOT ""pick and choose"" what I believe." 0,it's a mini 'dawson's creek' reunion! 1,person one season ahead in tv show doling out counsel like wise elder 1,munchstrosity created in frito-layboratory 0,"Actually, I've heard it all before and it is wrong. The article is full of misinformation and misrepresentation. It is, as you say, slanted rather than an honest report of the data." 0,taraji p. henson reacts to first family's thoughts on 'empire' 0,why your happiest day at work was 5 years ago 1,businessman takes power bath 1,5-year-old says 'sesame street' has sucked since 2010 1,daddy hitting mommy with a chair this time 1,marriage counselor encourages woman to take on numerous sexual partners while husband at work 0,"So what? It's not like institutions in this country haven't been changed before, including the supposed intitution of marriage! Guess what? It's called progress, get used to it. " 0,"Erm... we are? Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are usually quoted as parts per million, currently a little over 380ppm, 150 years ago closer to 280. In 1970 about 330ppm. Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" 0,"100 million more people will be in poverty by 2030 without action on climate, world bank says" 1,production of 'iceman cometh' canceled due to entire cast getting called back for axe body spray commercial 0,ridiculous bat vs. pipe road rage battle gets 'star wars' treatment 0,what's next for the obamas? michelle promises they're 'not gone' 0,"You know, that is one aspect of the story that no one ever seems to focus on when refuting the flood. I think it is an excellent extra point of refutation of the whole ridiculous story." 0,republican party boss dismisses trump threat to run as independent 1,trump complains entire personality rigged against him 1,"Wrongo STILL! Ill explain below, because you continue to misunderstand simple English. It will be easier to confute you there. " 0,"That means that you view mental existence as being critical to our existence as a person. What about the body? If we were all mind and no body (this, granted, is purely a hypothetical and is often referred to in the hypothetical supernatural sense as a soul), would we still exist as people? If not, then what would we be?I agree that our bodies are an important part of how we view ourselves but are they part of the very core? I would sincerely miss my legs if they had to be amputated. However, I would still exist. Taking it to the extreme, I would sincerely miss my body if all that were left was a functioning brain, but I would still exist." 1,bored predator drone pumps a few rounds into mountain goat 1,"Yeah? And who are you, Judge Judy? What would you know about the subject? It's your fellow left-wing radicals like Van Jones who think communism ought to be embraced." 0,a socal brunch spot was caught using popeyes chicken in its dishes 0,"Gay Blog - QueerSighted This is long overdue. Marginalizing gay couples by failing to acknowledge our existence is ending." 0,loft's highly anticipated plus-size line is finally here 1,woman adopts second cat for first one to terrorize while she at work 0,photographer mourns her lost children in touching series 0,the beautiful parenting moment behind the #obamaandkids hashtag 1,fog machine heightens drama at children's piano recital 0,And the comments section is usually where the real comedy lies. 1,"media outlets pledge evenhanded criticism of trump, clinton over next 4 years" 0,free your mind your crotch will follow 1,study: majority of americans fantasize about other countries during national anthem 1,"Well, if you combined his plan with all the others, then make all the cuts at once, you would be like 25% of the way there!! Come on, Steeeve...we have limited material to work with here....." 1,slug just taking it easy today 0,what does 'black-on-black crime' have to do with ferguson? 1,gay couple has banal sex 1,"your ""minds""? How many do you have? Oh, and ""I wanted to see what inferior it was""? Nice example of your supposed superiority." 1,amtrak passengers treated to whirlwind tour of poor people's yards 1,man who keeps keys on carabiner must rappel into office building every morning 1,obama throws up right there during syria meeting 1,esl textbook concentrates on food-preparation vocabulary 1,t.j. maxx job application just asks prospective employees how much they plan to shoplift 1,nobody knows what third light switch does 0,how jimmy carter learned to make his wife rosalynn a 'full' partner 0,"Yes Peeling; you say this with such assurance, yet what you can't explain with any assurance is why only one offshoot of the Primate genus evolved into what human beings are today. Why only us, when we all allegedly started in the same environment with the same ecosystems putting the same pressures on us. What I'm saying is that in every place where our alleged primate ancestors fossils have been found, so haven't the fossils of animals described as lower primates been found. So your explanation that one species evolved while another stagnated or died out rings hollow with me. Especially since you can actually prove absolutely none of this. Can't you see that Peeling? None of this is provable." 1,"What's your evidence that the Gospel prophecies are ""spurious claims""? Seems like you've bought into a scalding case of rational tunnel-vision (or political correctness, if you prefer)." 0,you can get trump's voice on your gps now because we're all masochists 0,how to survive your child's college tours 0,former priest convicted in decades-old beauty queen slaying 0,Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same sex whether they be adults are children.............The vast majority of the priests who were charged admitted to being gay............ 0,may's monumental challenge: u.k.'s new prime minister reports for duty 0,"kentucky's gop bromance deepens, even without true love" 1,national pork council: many americans suffer from pork deficiency 0,did ernest hemingway have an affair with his sister-in-law? 1,new voting booths lock americans inside for 45 minutes so they can consider decision before casting ballot 1,netflix defends 'queer eye' episode where the fab five forced to euthanize completely hopeless slob 1,experts report $37 amount of money you need to donate to hurricane relief in order to completely forget about it 1,"Damn, takes some real gonads (wait, you're a Lib, so scratch THAT one) to claim the power to get inside the minds and hearts of the masses...a protest by Conservatives MUST be racist, but a protest by Libs is pure and righteous, correct?" 1,pentagon announces plan to cover cost of hormone treatment for servicemembers doubling down on biological sex 0,radio host pranks the $%#& out of co-host 1,death of 12 schoolchildren makes perfect sense 0,"This is a much poorer analogy than mine could possibly be. If drunk driving were legal and didn't affect anyone outside the driver's body it could be analogous. If drunk driving did not affect anyone outside the driver's body, I would agree that they probably should have the freedom to do so if they so choose (even if I personally disagreed). However, the reason drunk driving is illegal is that it endangers everyone on the road around the driver." 1,frustrated rick santorum still waiting for go-ahead from god to suspend presidential campaign 0,what german cities have learned from the front lines of the refugee response 1,company flat-out asks female candidate how much mileage they can get out of her before she has baby 0,bullying prevention: the power of empathy 1,man resolves to read the wikipedia tabs he already has open before starting new ones 1,"How bout $500,000 for a slaughterhouse that kills thousands of innocent animals just sitting in a line? What's your point? That we shouldn't eat meat?" 0,the book we're talking about 1,So much for the idea of the more helpless you make yourself the safer you are eh! 0,the end of 'shrink it and pink it': a history of advertisers missing the mark with women 0,"No they don't. We didn't have a tyrannical society back in the 1830s when without a doubt personal autonomy didn't exist for some. The thing is, you don't have absolute personal autonomy now either. And it still doesn't answer my question about where the right came from, you just said there had to be one." 0,four incredible new advances in health technology 0,mueller ain't going away 1,"""while at home"" huh. When did your right to self-defense end at your property line? That is quite a stretch from an old bubble gum chewer even like yourself sliiiick. Thank G-d I live in Texas!!! Those facists states are already failed states so it is semantics anyway when the slaves get restless. criminals are a tyrants wanna be best friend. Everyone should know by now that the cops have no duty to defend anyone no matter the are on your own. Everyday I read about the predator leos preying on the electorate so which is worse?" 1,"complete psychopath meets proper screen time, sleep, exercise guidelines" 0,"This is why people shouldn't have opinions, rather facts. Opinions should remain neutral untill sufficient objective evidence can be gathered. When people run off having ""opinions,"" they cause trouble.The fact that someone doesn't do or believe what he is selling doesn't affect the validity of the argument. There are teachers who don't believe in evolution, yet they teach it because it's standardized.You have people who promote an idea because it's popular, because of convention, or because someone tells them to.Someone can be saying something, believing something else, yet be totally wrong. THeir belief isn't the fact." 1,netanyahu doubles down against obama with powerpoint on perils of affordable care act 1,cash-strapped nra forced to shoot dozens of redundant employees 1,report: much of u.s. still underpaved 0,fast-track derails democracy 0,an exile artist from iraq paints herself into ancient illustrated manuscripts 1,"arab-american third-grader returns from recess crying, saying he didn't kill anyone" 0,"The desperate flailings of a city with absolutely no common sense. They're so impotent in their abilities to get tough on criminals, they feel it necessary to go after the most unrelated sources to try and make themselves look big and busy.Why not just build a big wall to cut itself off from the rest of the world, and set up high security check points so cars coming and going can be checked to ensure no contraband is being smuggled in." 0,"I know of no one that wants to make women a second class cititzen.......I know I sure don't............I just want and infant in the womb to have the same chance at life that you and I had.........It is my hope that before I die that I see the barbaric act of legaling killing babies in the womb, Rowe V Wade overturned and give the decision on abortion back to individual state so that all these beautiful babies. gifts from God hve a chance at life..........." 1,america gets set to enjoy month or so of libya seeming like symbol of freedom 0,seth meyers has a scathing message for matt lauer 0,"almost 9 million people enroll in obamacare, despite trump's sabotage attempts" 0,the top 10 tips for a better night's sleep 0,anti-vaxxers have neil degrasse tyson worried 1,woman fulfills manifest destiny of hardwood floor throughout home 1,Because their reasoning is obviously on the same level as their reading comprehension level. 0,"conservatives celebrate john boehner's exit, but they're still mad at mitch mcconnell" 0,traveling tips for families with special diet 0,But science classes are for teaching science and ID has not shown that it is science. There is no evidence and no research has been done yet. It has been around for more than a dozen years and we are still waiting for any actual research to be done. 1,sony unveils matte-black box of red and green lights 0,how the future of work may make many of us happier 1,"Hey Jitobaby - if you're that insecure with your beliefs that you have to throw this kind of a snit when people are making a case contrary to your failed radical liberalism, then maybe you need to watch Michael Moore on TV instead of reading my posts." 1,house of blues actually house of whites 0,15 blog posts by latinos that got us talking in 2015 0,the story behind leonardo dicaprio and lady gaga's viral golden globes moment 1,man carefully selects t-shirt for night out 0,we now have even more proof that coffee cravings are genetic 0,"Yes, but how do you legally get it into international waters? Once there, where do you go? There aren't too many ports where ordinance is allowed. Since I am a law abiding citizen, where, other than international waters, may I legally have a gun?" 1,dozens of knockoff internets flood market after patent expires 1,man at party comes crawling back to conversation he thought he could do better than 1,shocked dzhokar tsarnaev always thought classmates were really great judges of character 0,"now that we've seen 'gone girl,' does it live up to expectations?" 1,"You resort to the Bible, just in whatever way is convenient to what you want it to say. Just like fundies do. Zardoz, the problem is that when you play devil's advocate (which you like to do), you ONLY take a fundie approach toward the scriptures. In fact, you're often more fundamentalist in the way you approach scripture than fundamentalists. You'd make a good fundie, the best of them, I suppose." 0,check out these exhausted olympians at the end of the decathlon 1,thing that was popular before brought back in hopes of it still being popular 1,"'we will not repeat the mistakes of the 2016 election,' vows nation still using internet" 1,communists now least threatening group in u.s. 1,new report finds fastest-rising cause of death in u.s. is losing chess match to grim reaper 0,Kronus said this was a win for science. He never mentioned that religion was discredited- never mentioned religion at all. Religion and science are utterly unrelated. Why would you make that connection? 0,the sexiest hotels in the dominican republic 1,"Ready to condemn blind faith yet, jyoshu? Or are you going to stick to the argument that blind faith is fine so long as you can see you're not doing harm?" 0,leslie jones website hack under investigation by department of homeland security 0,trump has made afghanistan decision after 'rigorous' review: mattis 0,'entourage' the movie -- who cares? 1,"hypothetical cat simultaneously dead and alive, physicists say" 1,raving maniac just saying what everyone wants to hear 0,trump voters had a much better 2017 than clinton voters did 1,archaeologists discover world's first guy named marty 1,ethicists worry emergence of designer babies might make them look really ugly in comparison 1,shackled kerry looks on as chechen terror leader removes mask to reveal scarred face of former mentor 1,shop class in rich school district just teaches students how to deal with general contractors 1,apartment kind where weed just left out on coffee table 1,corn lobby tightens the screws 1,saudi crown prince begins 100 hours of court-ordered community service for murdering jamal khashoggi 1,dog trying its absolute hardest 1,new 'game of thrones' trailer confirms season 8 will reveal identity of sword-covered chair 0,why drunk in love only works for beyonce and how it may be getting you in trouble 1,new excedrin 'lights out' kills you dead on the spot 0,lapd officer who killed ezell ford had arrested him 6 years before 1,ilhan omar thankful for colleagues educating her on painful history aipac lobbyists have had to endure 1,"content could be hotter, more social" 0,this comedian's parenting tweets are lol-worthy 0,"rupaul on trump: 'pardon me madame, but the emperor has no clothes!'" 0,home. where's that? 0,sinead o'connor is 'safe and sound' after emotional facebook post about overdose 1,many senators developing simple tools for governing 1,"You're somehow right despite the fact that all reliable evidence is on our side? What idiocy. " 0,beyond the classroom: experiencing technology innovation up-close-and-personal at sxsw 1,obama to assure nation that isis campaign will be drawn-out ordeal they're used to 1,dinner theater play reworked to push chicken special 0,"executives at bankrupt sports authority ask for bonuses, get denied" 0,beloved mcdonald's fry cook honored with huge retirement party 0,another fire rages at texas chemical factory 0,7 ways to build a community using data-driven narratives 1,clinton gets full day's relief with one spray of flonase 1,"'i can't do this again,' shaking, sweating donald trump says after nervously vomiting before rally" 1,man at adjacent urinal pretends to look straight ahead 1,report: rest of pottery class knows each other from previous pottery class 0,Pregnancy is a health issue only for the woman. Your glib remark pretending to sympathy is insulting. 0,let's stop donald trump from wielding his budget as a weapon against hardworking immigrant families 1,"denny's introduces new 3,000-spider-egg omelet" 1,half-dressed man frantically scrambles out of home after hearing toyotathon deals won't last long 0,the best hotel getaways for valentine's day 1,"'it's step, twist, step, dammit!' yells leotard-wearing, cigarette-smoking john kelly while choreographing upcoming military parade" 1,"'twas hubris led me here,' thinks naked woman sitting on public toilet with romper around her ankles" 0,12 habits of genuine people 1,tea party plans to recruit more coloreds this fall 0,kim kardashian tries to explain why she's famous to a toddler 1,navy discontinues use of 'port' and 'starboard'will now refer to left as 'thunk' and right as 'moosh-baroo' 1,grandma excited to show off new beach sweater 0,6 things new hampshire's exit polls tell us about this election 1,world's leading scientists nervously stand next to poster-board displays as nobel committee walks through gymnasium 0,rex tillerson can expect a lot of questions about his record on climate change 1,little debbie conquers jenny craig in midnight showdown 0,man accused of shooting and burning 2 people after refusing to pay cab fare 0,mario cuomo's legacy 0,Then you are just throwing around words without knowing what they mean. Instead you give me a link to a page of pseudoscience. Are those the ones who lied to you? 1,hardee's introduces shame curtains for customers to eat behind 0,"theater: glorious ""spring,"" sugar ""daddy,"" stingy stein" 0,'mean girls' director signs on for new comedy 1,storybook romance leads to in-flight-magazine marriage 1,painting of jesus totally knows area man is high 1,length of relationship mistaken for quality of relationship 0,if trump praised other historic african-american figures like he did frederick douglass 1,mike pompeo defects to north korea after learning about kim jong-un's torture program 0,how to stop yelling at your kids 1,child bored with christmas puppy 1,area dad off to bad start with waitress 1,taco bell to offer discreet purchasing charged under 'tbfoodsllc' 0,lynda heffernan's gps guide for self-compassion 1,woman drawn to shampoo with most gruesome description of hair 0,chris pratt is incredibly groot at prank calls 0,friday's morning email: the latest in the trump-comey saga 1,"You are just jealous that I have more friends than you sweet plumsemoticonXMad Real men have gay hairdressers. What's a maroon? Come to that whats a ' hole card'?" 1,shower caddy coated in dazzling multicolor array of various soap films 0,police reports in laquan mcdonald case appear to contradict dashcam video 1,"Man, you are really enriching this debate. We should all sit and listen to your wisdom." 1,I think it best not to jump to conclusions about things you don't know. Before you were saying that Bloomberg didn't even have a right to complain about what happens in other cities in New York. Now you're complaining that Bloomberg isn't doing enough to interfere in what goes on in other states. 0,half of black americans say police have treated them unfairly 0,Actually it would be impossible for the monblock to spin. There is NO PLACE OUTSIDE OF IT from which to observe! Any observer would necessarily be inside the budding universe - no place else to go you see. Indeed its still impossible for us to know whether the universe as a whole is spinning or not!!!! Sorry I was being a bit ironic thinking you would see the point. Guess not though. 0,5 friendship lessons you learned on the playground 0,cuomo makes surprise afghanistan trip 0,"The quality of life ethic is far different from sactity/dignity of life ethic. A quality of life ethic carried out to its logical conclusions does not promote a pro-life society. Instead, there would be genocide against the handicapped, elderly, and people who people of power have deemed life unworthy of life. The problem with this ethic is that it is centered in arbritrary people deciding arbritarily which person passes the ""quality of life"" test." 1,lester holt begins debate by reminding audience these the candidates they chose 1,"Yes yes yes. We know you are bigoted against any non-christian. I am sure that the out of context quotes are totally misrepresenting Islam. But, your out of context quotes totally misrepresent Judaism too.. so that is no surprise." 1,doll overstays dollhouse welcome 0,i'm going to the women's march on washington for my daughters and young girls everywhere 0,"(video) smg eyes virtual reality tech, dynamic storytelling" 1,"However, we do give people alcohol, there are many people who drink it on a regular basis who are not addicts. What do these substances you mention have to do with being gay? Would it perhaps be okay for me to have homosexuality on the weekends or after work during happy hour? " 0,judge blocks texas from giving voting information to trump voter fraud probe 0,"9 ways you're failing at life, according to old school latino parents" 1,stressed-out paul ryan uses cheat day to indulge in one bipartisan vote 0,"before sunrise in vienna, austria" 1,churchgoing widows: what gets them hot? 0,effective pr on a start-up budget 1,"You would not celebrate Osama being out of the picture? Maybe not throw a party, but a not even a simple ""yippee!""? Yeah, right. What a load." 1,total hunk sitting over by plant 1,"city officials warn against flushing feminine hygiene products after finding 8-foot-long, 250-pound tampon lurking in sewers" 1,"I can see that you're as impressed by PZs propaganda as an infant is with a pacifier Collin, but I'm not. emoticonXFrazzled emoticonXBye" 0,trevor noah says kanye west isn't kendrick lamar because of the kardashians 1,new election ruling allows candidates to remain completely anonymous throughout campaign 1,zoologists discover new fastest land animal after pumping white-tailed deer full of steroids 1,suave releases new 20-year leave-in conditioner 1,nasa: voyager-1 has officially carried remains of joan crawford outside solar system 0,the harvey weinstein scandal should be a message to all men 0,john legend kissing chrissy teigen's stomach is peak them 0,pearl harbor survivors do the mannequin challenge like seasoned pros 0,"the equality house hit by 7 bullets, graffitied in anti-lgbtq attack" 1,six-year-old announces plans to become ballerina gymnast veterinarian horseback-riding princess 0,"Actually it should be easily to relate to VOR on this: he only argues with emotion. No facts, no evidence, no proof, just emotion." 0,"friday's morning email: trump promises he ""alone"" can fix american chaos" 0,fan grabs world series home run from another fan to throw it back 0,starting unicorn companies: fireeye 0,donald trump descends into steak-fueled madness 0,create an environment for your ultimate success 0,john legend tries in earnest to talk kanye west out of supporting trump 1,oprah winfrey breaks record for most appearances on the cover of 'o magazine' 1,pope francis on vatican abuse scandal: 'just tell me whose feet to wash' 1,architects of 2026 market crash just finished a highly productive lunch 0,lincoln memorial pool to be drained after 80 ducklings die 1,russia renamed 'batshitzania' 1,dad immediately hands phone to mom 1,man on gurney has brief word with protagonist before entering ambulance 0,mike pence to anti-abortion crowd: trump's supreme court pick will be in the mold of antonin scalia 0,officers fired excessive number of shots at bank robbers: report 0,another university stops students from passing out copies of the constitution 1,coworkers brought to place of unthinkable intimacy by team-building exercise 0,the unexpected place you're probably overeating 0,here is how senate republicans try to hide the damage of their repeal bill 0,journalist walks off tv show when it won't address real cause of orlando shooting 1,soaring gas prices forcing more americans to drink less gas 1,timeless masterpiece liked 0,"Not all ""orgnansims"" are able to breed. Some are sterile (mules or ones with mutations), some die in the ""lottery"" (which is biased against certain traits), and some simply breed less (those who can't get as much food, for example)." 1,'time' magazine subscribers brace for inevitable issue with close-up of ted cruz's face 0,timeout or burnout 1,monster undeterred by night-light 1,paul ryan cuts $120 million in wasteful spending from romney campaign 0,running in tap shoes: choreographer janine molinari on teaching broadway kids and other adventures in dance 0,teen driver accused of livestreaming crash that killed younger sister 0,things learned in the first month of having a baby 0,teen tweets of the week! 0,'game of thrones' star maisie williams claps back at sexist headline 1,google unveils new larry page–driven car 1,"But if this was a republican program, you'd have no problem with it. You are a rightwing hypocrite, Archie Baby." 1,"From the idea that smashing babies heads is wrong. Please keep up" 0,"seriously, where do all the baby socks go?" 0,"anticipating clashes with trump, california puts eric holder on retainer" 1,toddler at that cute age where anything can be projected on them 1,chuck grassley voted against mlk day due to foreseeing how everyone would dishonor king's memory 0,"And I'm addressing your counter-arguments in that regard. One of those counter arguments has been that both chimps and ourselves had four billion years to evolve to our level of intelligence and that during all that time we were subject to the same ecological pressures. Neither of those statements is accurate. The first is misleading for the reasons outlined above, and the second is simply false: humans have experienced greatly different ecological challenges since we diverged from chimps.I'll finish up tomorrow - battery dead." 0,"after criticism, uber adds wheelchair option in d.c." 1,nancy pelosi rushes into living room to hear grandson's first talking point 1,"Obviously, your family loses all its marbles past the age of 40 and you have never known any wise old people." 0,"Congrats, may your marriage continue to be a happy one.If I may deviate from the original thread a bit I have a couple of questions that pertain to your specific situation. If they are too personnal please feel free to say so.Do you consider yourself to be any particular branch of Christian? ie. Lutheran, Catholic, Apiscopal (sp), etc.How do you reconcile your Christianity with the portions of the bible that specificly deal with homosexual activity as a sin? (If this question sounds rude please excuse me, I couldn't think of a better wording.)Thanks" 1,all of pregnant woman's favorite names used up on cats 1,conservative acquaintance annoyingly not racist 1,"report: consumer confidence in amorphous, indefinable idea of economy highest since 2006" 0,bryan cranston once married a couple flying over the hollywood sign 0,hillary clinton joins jennifer lopez onstage to encourage voters to 'get loud' 0,"Well, I like to call myself, liberally conservative. I vote my guns. If the candidate says he'll protect my gun rights, and he, or she, has the history to prove it, they'll get my vote. So, no, I didn't vote for Obama, in spite of what he said during the campaign, and in spite of that traitorous NRA member who made that disgusting ad for BHO. Frankly, I'd have preferred someone other than McCain also, but all the better choices were not in the race." 0,villanova crying piccolo player captures the emotional roller coaster that is march madness 1,"WOO HOO. So the main stream entertainment industry who brought us such great talent as Brittney Spears does not consider this film the cats meow? WEE HA - all the more reason to see it." 0,To be honest i think that the risks are equal they are no higher in childbirth than they are in termination there are no qaurentees in either. 0,the nfl draft sleepers you can't afford not to know 0,end the international drug war to control the afghan narco-state 1,independent baking scene apparently worth a documentary 1,cdc announces americans should make plans to say goodbye to loved ones 0,skier's sick run on dry terrain proves snow is for suckers 0,what your gums are trying to tell you 0,how i finally stuck to a meditation schedule 1,apartment broker recommends brooklyn residents spend no more than 150% of income on rent 1,"With a standing president breaking the law to 'protect' you, this should be expected." 0,how to navigate high school as an out transgender student 0,bernie sanders says he will 'certainly support' hillary clinton if she's the democratic nominee 1,"elton john wows mother theresa funeral crowd with 'the bitch is back""" 0,khloé kardashian finally reveals her pregnancy in emotional instagram 0,college student wants people to eat chik-fil-a and ketchup off her body 0,literally what is sarah palin even talking about 0,gay man and his mom open up about beautiful viral hidden camera coming out video 0,how have fame and fortune shaped the business of being an artist? 0,climate deal text 'agreed' in paris 1,susan g. komen president achieves total breast cancer awareness during 3-day ayahuasca retreat 1,arlen specter switches affiliation from alive to dead at last minute 1,giuliani puts odds of trump-mueller interview at 50-65 1,mccain refusing to tell voters what's in box unless elected 1,"If guns do kill, then why should we arrest the people instead of the guns?" 1,neighborhood busybody reports sound of gunshots 1,nation's school systems held back a year 0,retirement overseas: are we all just waiting for the grim reaper? 0,violence hits nigeria's oil-rich delta region 0,security camera films meteor streaking across ohio sky 0,14 truths about being an asexual person 0,the president hits a home run nominating richard verma as u.s. ambassador to india 1,"Its not like someone claiming that 9/11 is a conspiracy its about someone mocking you because you are getting uptight. I did say that the evidence was questionable which it is. The idiocy is all yours now chill out and have a drink..without a sweeteneremoticonXClown" 0,"a celebrity's outlandish interior design request, from mark cutler (video)" 1,roommate won't shut up about his best sound mixing oscar 1,husband experimenting with open marriage 1,new report finds voters have no idea how outraged they supposed to be about anything anymore 0,dvd player in tesla raises questions in autopilot death 0,how to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy -- fast 0,university admits chocolate milk doesn't alleviate effects of concussions 1,area man stops self after eating 3 advent calendars 0,havana's forgotten baseball team played a key role in u.s.-cuba relations 0,"a song for bruce rauner, illinois' uber-rich gop governor candidate" 0,nate silver is unskewing polls -- all of them -- in trump's direction 0,bad news: appointment of shia militiaman to iraqi cabinet 1,historical archives: a salt cake recipe 0,"we do......most fossils found are surface finds -- which means anything found on the ground probably contradicts uniformitarian principles because every fossil found laying on the ground probably -- according to ToE -- did not die at the same time. For example, many mammal bones are found on the surface -- yet so are dinosaur and other ""ancient"" bones from animals that supposedly lived millions of years beforehand. Of course evolutionists will come back and claim ""erosion"" with no evidence of such, not to mention how rock can be removed from bone after millions of years of being cemented to it.I've got a 900-page book called ""Hidden Archeology"" (Cremo) that dives into hundreds of fossils and artifacts that are in the ""wrong"" strata. Your assertion is blatantly false." 1,new study finds humans could lose vestigial heads in less than 100 years 0,2 stabbed at party in wu tang clan founder rza's home 1,voters excited to use midterms to put country back on different wrong track 0,"Strawman. Scientists deal with scientific issues.. The people who are trying to promote ID are doing it for religious purposes, and have no science behind their claims. Science shoudl be taught in science class, not religion. If/when the proponents actually GET to the point their ideas are science, then it can be looked at. Until then, warmed over creationsism does not belong in the science class." 1,police found golden state killer by tracing owner of '' website 0,hillary clinton sends pizza to fans camping out overnight for her book signing 1,formerly obese man always showing everyone his old pants 0,graffiti artists give miami neighborhood wall-to-wall makeover 1,obama's aunt sends him article mentioning united states 1,So conservatives can give shout their brand of lies as the truth but a liberal who calls them on it isn't being tolerant? 1,"expansive obama state of the union speech to touch on patent law, entomology, the films of robert altman" 1,everything reminds man of 'her' 0,"Well, its not just morally wrong in America, but its morally wrong in the middle east as well. And i think that if we continue our way downward morally as a nation, it would give terrorists even more hate for america because we are supposedly a ""christian nation"" and dont live morally. anyways." 1,god loses tip of finger in black hole accident 0,looking for love and acceptance: dating while trans in america 1,frustrated dad at restaurant just wants a normal burger 0,app allows users to help save migrants crossing mediterranean 0,"hanukkah 2016: dates, rituals and history of the festival of lights" 1,townsfolk strongly prefer man's werewolf incarnation 1,xylophonist shredding it 1,nation can't wait to wake up and start eating again 0,teresa giudice looks better than ever in a cut-out dress 1,man proud of food he ordered 1,smithsonian institution politely declines sofa from charles in charge 1,"restaurant, staff patronized" 1,latest department of interior river count comes up one short 0,donald trump's 'do not congratulate' putin blunder is already a savage new meme 1,Well so is falling out of a building onto a piece of rebar. Or getting mashed in a car crash. There are a lot more of those than shootings but you don't seem to care. Why is that? Is it because you love to dance in blood? 0,national illusions and global realities 1,dave matthews band apologizes after tour bus dumps another 800 pounds of human shit onto same boat full of people 1,"yea man Canada is in God's sights right now... and has been for 5 years. Denmark is totally fked. 21 years! God is pssed." 0,enjoy the show: learn more after 'sharknado 2' 0,mizzou chancellor condemns 'verbal assault' by melissa click during homecoming parade 1,doctor just uses same ultrasound picture for every baby 0,weinstein company files for bankruptcy after sale talks collapse 1,name on valentine misspelled 0,"mosquito- and tick-borne diseases have tripled, but the cdc won't say it's climate change" 0,"we're still processing that ending to the walking dead ""strangers""" 0,"Here's a question; which one split from the other? Which one is the ""new"" being? None of them are. If I get a cake and slice into two exact pieces, which one is the ""new"" slice? They are both equally new." 0,"no work, no justice" 0,the world's top 10 historic hotels 0,Well done Monty. Mark that up as your first ever 100% honest and accurate post here. 1,Will you promise me that if god tells you to do something you will talk to a doctor about it before you do it? 0,buzzfeed to highlight donald trump's media blacklist at gop convention bash 1,bob dole picked off by large hawk circling arena parking lot 0,"That's why I voted as I did as well. Ideally I'd prefer the ""none required"" policy." 1,iraq declares partial law 0,11 classic hollywood kisses that will send shivers down your spine 1,corporate retreat teaches employees how to dick around as team 1,sales disappointing for first-ever hustler swimsuit issue 1,wolf pack fails to raise orphaned infant 1,budget talks dreadlocked 1,national board of steve jaskoviak requests $10 billion bailout 1,"Where is your ""proof"" that a magical being in the Heavens created us ?" 1,department of 'homeland' urges all americans to watch this week's episode 0,"the vergara era, part 2: a new opportunity" 0,iran can reform if it follows in china's footsteps 1,vatican putting out feelers for how public would react to another children's crusade 1,driver kind of bummed to see other car he been driving behind for a while take exit off highway 1,"Good point here, because the media never insults right-wingers....emoticonXRolleyes I don't think anybody is denying that Imus' comments were tasteless and offensive. The point that is being made here is that he has the right to make such comments. He didn't discriminate against anyone. He simply said something stupid. If this is going to be considered a crime, we would all be locked away." 0,future stock 1,herbie goes bananas 1,wltz hartford's number one choice for continuous soft hits 1,noisy upstairs neighbors wake man at 3 p.m. 0,8 weird sleep positions couples know all too well 0,romanian communist-era labor colony chief jailed for 20 years 1,'new york times' rehires judith miller to cover escalating iran tensions 0,'teen mom' star maci bookout gives birth to a baby girl 0,oregon man who beheaded mom's cat learns his fate 0,penn state fined record $2.4 million over sandusky case 0,adam rippon is allowing america to love a (really) gay athlete 0,remote alaska high school volleyball team endures rough landing in bush plane en route to state tournament 0,smuggler allegedly brings weed-stuffed bible into jail 1,bloated obama delivers press conference from couch behind podium 0,"if the us wants arabs as partners, we must treat them as such" 0,the health care fight is driving more democrats to run for office 1,"You're full of folly. When you've been shown specifics in the past you casually sluff them off like your used elevator shoes. There's no educating stiff-necked numbskulls like you people." 0,exclusive: family of teen shot near ferguson during confrontation with police speaks out 0,this cafe makes it a point to hire workers with autism 1,bodybuilder's veins now outside of his skin 1,brendan fraser to star in new pre-movie trivia question 1,study finds all-consuming self-pity best way to win back ex-partner 1,abused child running out of black crayon 1,woman worried student loans could prevent her from one day owning entirely different kind of crippling debt 0,bernie sanders asks trump's education nominee if she's only getting the job because she's a billionaire 1,no one in gang has heart to tell police informant his cover's blown 1,area idea so crazy it just might work 1,father only expresses love through concern for proper tire inflation 0,how i learned to love my body 1,book-club meeting degenerates into discussion of oscars 0,taylor swift used a 'gremlin voice' while writing '1989' 1,nation confident team usa can participate in world cup 0,an optical illusion makes lake sørvágsvatn look absolutely trippy 1,kid with rough home life gives mickey extra long hug 0,fellow millennial voters: no one owes us a damn thing 1,no one at ad agency remembers hiring carrot top for commercial 1,department of defense unveils $83 million thing that shoots 1,neurosurgeon heckled from observation deck 0,astronomers make incredible discovery 0,ryan reynolds wished his brother a happy birthday the only way he knows how 1,man realizes he shouldn't have told girl on phone he was taking dump 0,"And she was having unprotected sex? So she knew becoming pregnant was a possibility? Yeah, I could see that being condemned by pro-lifers." 1,documentary viewer can't wait to find out which 4 lads from liverpool changed music forever 0,fitness chain bans cable news for not being part of a healthy lifestyle 1,"So, you're just an anti-geologist, anti-cosmologist, anti-archaeologist, anti-physicist, and probably a few more that I can't be arsed to think of right now. *shrugs* Might as well get it over with and just say you're an anti-science religious nutter." 0,this no-brainer trick chills wine really quickly 0,chris christie distances himself from struggling trump campaign 1,"Interesting, this is the same type of angry rants that Capo used to post on the abortion debates before he was banned. How interesting that you should get so angry and worked up over such an innocent exchange between me and chloe. " 1,cocky attempt to operate atm in spanish backfires 0,shonda rhimes on the motivation behind her weight loss journey 1,woman seems too hot to be riding bus 0,this immigrant teaches sewing skills to empower refugees 0,madrid's 72-year-old feminist mayor shares her wisdom on life and politics 1,david blaine starves self of attention for 33 days 0,from soup to skills: the best ways to volunteer on thanksgiving 0,"There are certainly other theories, but the big bang is the only one supported by the evidence." 0,amanda seyfried gave birth to her first child 1,"well then according to you, the right to have 15 wives is there but im being denied it. GOOD GRIEF! this is rediculous" 1,ex-boyfriend just thought he'd check in and throw entire day off 1,author to use water as metaphor 1,man who likes to be jostled moving to city 0,"More like put on ""leave with pay"" aka ""taxpayer funded holiday"" while the woman is charged with ""assaulting a police officer"" to try and cover their misdeeds. At least that seems to be the usual tact in 21st century america." 1,manafort clearly attempting to send judge encrypted whatsapp messages while waiting in courtroom 1,real world producers still looking to fill eating-disorder slot 1,"Ever hear of artificial ensemination? Why is that heteros only think there is one way to produce children? I find hetero sex disturbing,and an unnatural lifestyle choice." 1,"Coming from the person that thinks ""because I think it is"" is a good argument for constitutional understanding. At least I can actually read a phrase and not construe it to go beyond what it says. Should we bring up your 9th amendment arguments again? I actually have history, tradition, and founding fathers notes on my merely have your opinion." 1,obama practices defiant speech to aliens late at night behind oval office desk 0,84-year-old veteran graduates college with summa cum laude distinction 0,mom who drove kids into ocean gives birth 0,netanyahu: playing us for fools 1,More silliness on your part. Think about it. Gay couples together for 40 or 50 years. That means they were living together in the 1950s and 1960s. Those people were the foundation of the gay-pride movement. 0,This is poor example. Focusing on saving lives over burying the dead doesn't do anything to trump personal autonomy. 1,guy on racetrack p.a. sounds a little depressed today 0,"a year after paris attacks, france still hasn't figured out how to contain terrorism" 0,"I think your idea has merit. However, before I would fully endorse it, I am interested in how you see it being implemented and administered from the standpoint of equal protection under the law." 1,"'the recovery is here,' reports underemployed man making $20,000 less than he used to" 1,nbc on olympics coverage: 'sorry we didn't alter the laws of space and time to accommodate people's schedules' 1,greenpeace decides northern spotted owl 'not worth the trouble anymore' 1,researchers discover female frogs prefer mate who knows way around the cloaca 1,"'i want to congratulate the president,' romney says in 240,000th and final lie of campaign" 1,"Spoken like a righteous Christian who knows just enough of his religion that he feels confident he is right when trying to explain it which is typically done incorrectly " 0,"gop congressman resigns from house freedom caucus, upset with government shutdown push" 1,gop claims kavanaugh shouldn't lose appointment for youthful indiscretion of repeatedly lying under oath 0,will robotics breed a new generation of super professionals? 0,how to find 'secret' discounted airfare 1,"disney announces 'kingdom hearts iii' will feature ernest, turner, hooch, and all the rest of your favorite touchstone pictures characters" 0,"maybe, but see, that does not match the materialist universe?" 1,local man helped every day by salad shooter 0,"despite growing support for marijuana, legalization faces rocky road" 0,how you can help stop children from being placed in adult prisons 0,"Way back when I was an undergraduate my professor of evolutionary biology told us about a careless zoo keeper that put polar bears and brown bears in the same pen during a remodeling. The result was a litter of hybrid offspring. It seems that polar bears and brown bears are perfectly interfertile. Not only that, it has been shown that the offspring are also interfertile with either species. DNA analysis has been able to distinguish brown bears from polar bears except in the case of the brown bears of the ABC islands. They are indistinguishable from polar bears.And yet, even if a brown bear where white or a polar bear were brown, they are so obviously different in morphology that they would be classified as separate species. The differences go far beyond color." 0,so that's what all those codes on your baggage tag mean 1,vacationing detective just going to pretend like he didn't even see dead body in the woods 0,celebrating pro bono month 1,mass grave blasted for lack of diversity 0,ewan mcgregor shuts down homophobic 'beauty and the beast' haters 1,résumé font offends employer 0,drought costs californians an extra $2 billion in electricity expenses 0,is the two-state concept still alive in israel? 1,So the fact that terrorists board airplanes should be used against people in determining whether they can be trusted or not? My government must not trust an ordinary dirtbag like me because it makes me go through a security check before boarding a plane. 0,ariana grande issues 'donut fiasco' apology video that doesn't explain donut-licking 0,"how to be nicer, healthier and more focused in 15 minutes" 0,derek jeter reportedly ready to make a life-changing move 1,scarlett johansson immediately rejects heartwarming prom invite from high school student 1,secret service agent learning a lot from malia's '18th century european history' seminar 1,senators wish domenici would bring dog to work more often 1,Are we talking about the place Jesus and the Jews believed in or the one later Christians made up to keep people in check? 1,excitement shifts to concern after coworker brings baked goods into office for fourth consecutive day 1,shape magazine declares july 'let yourself go' month 0,dina and caroline manzo get blunt about family feud 0,a small request for mother's day 0,5 keys to product differentiation for fun and profit 0,is putting a plastic container in the microwave really that bad? 1,What language does a horse speak? Is a horse even able to understand human language or the concept of marriage. But lets just say that there are sentient horses if so then yes a sentient horse has every right to marry whom thet choose. 1,corporation proud of origins as small business that would never survive in modern economy 1,"No, it's one of those rare instances in which YOU are on the right side of an issue. :p;)" 0,fall movies every mom will see 0,north carolina sheriff's deputies disciplined over trump rally 0,janet jackson shares adorable first photograph of her baby son 1,"as per tradition, election results officially certified with two barks of approval from electoral collie" 0,health reform at the crossroads: progress or peril? 0,consumer financial protection bureau could be defanged under donald trump 1,annoyed movers weren't expecting client to have belongings 1,"elderly woman to teeter, quiver" 1,"Hmm.. does that include the Muslim Communities you were associated with too?.. We know as rational people that Denial is the Christians best weapon. You should seriously consider increasing your medications.. " 0,what motivates a whistleblower? 1,lady gaga quashes rumors that she ever thought bradley cooper talented in any way 1,"So if you were attacked by a 250 pound man who is an 8th Degree Blackbelt, you'd prefer a fair fight?" 0,"It is the desire of your heart that is the sin. If you do not feel that having an abortion was wrong then asking God for forgiveness is doing nothing but insulting him. All you say is that ""I know it is wrong but I'd rather do it my way"". Not a wise stance if you believe in God." 0,we don't need the freedom to hate 1,"Holy XXXX! I wanna stick it in a syringe and shoot it up!" 1,report: some people wake up when it's still dark outside 0,in five days 0,rudy giuliani says white cops needed to stop black people from shooting each other 1,poke with stick confirms raccoon's death 1,"'kanye must be back on his meds,' says nation technically having conversation about mental illness" 1,college still looking for absolute saddest place on campus to hold transfer student orientation 1,"goodyear unveils new, circular tires" 1,"Tell you what-get your math and science skills up to a grade 6 level and I'll consider taking advice from you, 'kay? " 0,uncaged black futures now 0,a life with ocd 1,turtle bocce balled around 0,why dave brandon won't be michigan's athletic director next year 0,trump once bombarded scottish leader with 16 letters slamming a wind farm 1,enraged man unable to break tv 1,"Orion, by your own acknowledgment as a pro-evolutionary carny-barker, your own forefathers were large-foreheaded knuckle draggers descended from brainless protozoa, and flat-earth-believing cave dwellers from the pre-bronze age. So please spare us the archaic, Bronze Age prohibitions. OK?" 1,"'men are not oppressed,' says woman who has no idea what it like to take two whole escalators to get to your clothing section at zara" 0,"Right on! A real man supports those he loves, through thick and thin. He doesn't try and control the things he can't either.In the end, it's not a man's decision. It is not his body, therefore, he has no right to make the ultimate decision. He can only express his view. That's about it. (I'm pretty sure it's not any easier for her to decide). So cudos to those men." 1,"Ok, so if we are going to let everything take the ""normal course of nature"", then lets just let everyone die. Have cancer? Too bad, its the natural course of nature that you die. What about heart failure? Sorry, no paddles of life for you. We're going to let nature take its course. Just like your beloved pope, nature is not always right." 0,these new 'ahs: freak show' teasers are legitimately terrifying 1,german auto engineer issued lab coat 1,bush fishing for compliments during press conference 1,"You would do well has Obama's misinformed press secretary because you're full of folly yourself. Christ is Risen indeed!" 0,"You said in the other post ""A sign like that would hardly be nessecary where I live. We have very restrictive gun-laws and hardly anyone owns a gun.And no, people does not discipline themselves. You might claim I have to much trust in the government, I would claim you have to much trust in your fellow man. When you give freedom to the people you give freedom to criminals too. I dont trust guns to only be used in 'selfdefense'.I want my government to uphold justice and to protect me from criminals. Thats one of their purposes. And that is impossible without a certain amount of control over the citizens.""This is liberal.. you believe governments are smarter than people. You do not trust your fellow man you trust governments made up of men. You are willing to restrict my freedoms based on activities of criminals.You sir are a liberal." 1,man unsure how to expose self to woman he likes without coming off as a creep 0,grieving losses other than death 1,panicking mitch mcconnell shoves entire senate healthcare bill into mouth as democrat walks past 1,tear gas manufacturers worried about association with everything tear gas used for 0,"bye bye american airlines, bye" 0,how to rediscover your passion for reading 0,"It's thanks to the opposers of the theory that all this rubbish about descending from monkeys and slimeball came about, all ppl need is a bit more education and things should become clearer." 1,mom brings home little plaque that says 'family' 1,alaskan gray wolf can't believe no one told him he's got snow on nose 0,starz outlander world premiere and tartan carpet gala 0,these boston bombing survivors don't think it's too soon for 'patriots day' 0,"Well in the opinion of supporters of that theory there has been evidence for their beliefs... Visions, UFO's, ... even though it is very doubtful, it would have to be respected in classes at school..." 0,philippine congress agrees to extend mindanao martial law to end of year 0,undecided ohio voters beg for 3rd option on eve of gop convention 1,poll finds many voters would support equally unlikable third-party candidate 1,odorite introduces new three-tier urinal cake 0,"Well, one can't be truly logical and not be an atheist (or at least agnostic.) As any religion simply flys in the face of logic. Faith and logic are poles apart. Keep truckin' Jim! Happy weekend to you bro." 0,"Well to get healthcare from $6000 per person to $3,400 per person you'd have to pay them less or fire them. So do I understand you correctly that we will either cut pay or fire doctors and nurses?EDIT: that seems dramatic...not ""fire"" them but they will basically go into another profession since they are no longer needed." 0,man has adorable conversation with dozens of baby goats 0,"u.s., partners secretly agreed to allow iran to evade restrictions in nuclear deal: report" 0,deadly tornadoes rip through texas as floods threaten midwest 0,20 struggles every tall girl knows to be true 0,george w. bush interrupted obama to ask him to snap a picture of him and it was amazing 1,"Atheism is a religion? Pray tell, where would I find the atheist church? Ridiculous." 0,"all you have to do is scroll back a page or two in this forum...look for my posts regarding cichlids, guppies and lizards. I also gave you snails. show me any example of so-called natural selection or evolution in the field and I bet I can shoot it down." 0,dear president trump: breaking up banks isn't so hard to do 0,There are ideals in this world that are better left alone.....lines that should not be crossed. Marriage is an ideal that does not need changing; doing so is crossing that line in the sand that was drawn there for a reason. 1,"wild, rutting animals pour onto prom dance floor" 1,"Well, Jews have always been indecisive. Like this joke says: Q: How many Jews does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 4; 1 to screw it in and 3 to argue about which way it turns." 0,a feminist meets fidel castro 1,"He didn't pursue the ""master race of white Protestant."" He was a pure Aryanist, genius one. The very least you could do is get your facts straight, but you probably like spreading this bullcrap on purpose. (Seeing as how you're an atheist.)" 0,house conservatives claim democrats have failed black communities 0,"'tall women in clogs' busts stereotypes about height, gender and more" 1,that guy from that one show not looking so hot 0,"And why would I be anti Christianity when I am Christian? Oh and by the way to who ever it was who said I don't believe in Jesus, or something to that extent, I never said anything to that extent, you just made up what you wanted and got mad about it. I believe in the teachings of Jesus. Yes I'm betting your asking me how I know about his teachings if I have never read the bible, My mom is someone who has re-read the bible like 6 or 7 times. So she's told me all about it, and what its supposed to teach us." 0,hydraulic press pizza is definitely not the best pizza you've ever had 0,"He's pointing out that the situation is about the mother and the baby, and that the baby's right to life ends exactly where the woman's right to personal autonomy begins. That's the interesting thing about rights-based ethics, that the rights of any individual are limited precisely by the rights of all other individuals." 0,hillary clinton's barking dog impression is totally paw-some 0,matthew mcconaughey once faked an australian accent for an entire year 0,20-year-old says 'i deserved it' after fiancé punched her in the arm 1,"Speak of the Devil! And, speaking of hate speech and insults, OS is the ultimate master." 0,"documentary review: 3 1/2 minutes, ten bullets" 1,"why are you afraid of guns? has one jumped up and shot at you? you should never fear a gun, respect the gun." 0,queen of soul commands in philly 0,"depends on what you consider proof. A beliief that they are is rubbish as it cannot be proven. A argument based upon behavior, history and countless examples, well it seems you don't consider that you be of any use.That sentence doesn't even make sense! I won't go into arguing that your claim is right because I don't believe it." 0,donald trump won't stop talking about how 'healthy' he is 0,four ways to save big on fourth of july travel 1,I didn't think you had either the intellectual or logical ability to respond. :) 0,bob corker: donald trump's legacy will be the 'debasement of our nation' 1,93-year-old grandmother at thanksgiving worried this last time she sees fuck-up grandson before he dies 1,study: use of phrase 'don't skimp on the' linked to heart disease 1,"study finds 'missionary,' 'in love' most popular porn search terms" 1,"I not pushing this on you from a male chauvinist pig stance, but can you imagine the wrath of this woman would slay the largest dragon if turned toward effective argument techniques. I'm wondering who he was wanting to call...or was he just trying to bring the phone bill within budget?emoticonXAngel" 0,son possibly made withdrawal with dead mom 0,everything you need to know about food and happiness 0,brands that make you aww 1,white house guidance counselor recommends clinton consider career in hotel management 0,why i couldn't let breastfeeding go 0,"Today I was driving my son and two of his team-mates to basketball practice. One of the kids used the word gay in a derogatory manner. I asked him not to. My son said ""ya, my dad is gay."" No teasing, no name calling, a few curious a questions and back to basketball.My son has also been thrown to floor of the bus and force fed garbage for asking a kid to not use the word ""gay"" in a derogatory manner.Do you really think the solution is to prevent gay people from forming families so mean kids can have free reign to be little asses? Or maybe the fact that a kid has gay parents isn't the real issue.I would also like to point out that your argument fails to address the thousands of gay parents who have BIOLOGICAL children." 1,frank gehry no longer allowed to make sandwiches for grandkids 0,white house preemptively attacks congressional budget office on obamacare bill 0,nra's top lobbyist implies trump is back on its side 0,i'm so ready for more queer black girl celebrity couples 0,"gordon ramsay's 5 basic cooking lessons involve no anger, lots of helpful tips" 1,"'you're my best friend,' says obama to drone that appears outside bedroom window every night" 1,"duke, duchess of cambridge announce name of third child is louis arthur al-baghdadi" 0,goldman sachs reaches $5 billion settlement over mortgage securities 1,weird porno stops at kissing 1,russian beef shortage traced to boris yeltsin 1,make-a-reasonable-request foundation provides sick child with decent seats to minnesota timberwolves game 1,giant altoid heading toward earth 1,grin slowly spreads across mom's face as meal revealed to contain healthy ingredients 0,northeast ohio and the san francisco bay area have more in common than nba mvps and championship games 1,budweiser unveils social anxiety bottle with 900% more label to pick at 0,"11 odd household objects that will intrigue you, then frustrate you beyond belief" 1,camera crew discreetly trails overweight woman for obesity segment 0,"or just ship it to a frend where it is legal to sell it your self, a legal gun is more expensive than an illegal." 0,twister seat could make flying coach way more comfortable 1,al-qaeda sitcom filmed before live studio hostages 0,olivia delivers a classic shondaland elevator moment in exclusive 'scandal' clip 0,"trump tells 57,000 honduran immigrants to leave or risk deportation" 1,prospective student had most fun getting drunk at arizona state 1,Don't you get tired of passing of just-so statement as argument? 0,"marv albert on the knicks, brad stevens and the state of the nba" 0,"donald trump had a no good, very sad homecoming" 1,"listen, area boss gets it" 1,real-life scene filled with product placement 0,what's half of $33.35? 1,2018 winter olympics cancelled due to inclement weather 0,saudi courts should exhibit independence by protecting speech 0,"one down, 999 still to go: building a better approach to business" 0,"a tale of kindergarten hardship, in one little boy's before-and-after photos" 1,manager of combination taco bell/kfc secretly considers it mostly a taco bell 1,olympic drug testing official left horribly disfigured after coming into contact with russian urine 1,threat level downgraded as insect revealed to be ladybug 1,"Don't you ever get tired of acting like a little kid? Heaven forbid anyone who actually know what you think but you can bet it is another juvenile..." 1,cnn accused of ignoring certain issues on anderson cooper 340° 1,"WOW ""numerous individuals""! Evidence enough for me I guess. All the best." 1,man looks on helplessly as variants of his nickname evolve and multiply at breakneck speed 1,megan fox daydreaming about megan fox naked 0,network like a genius: insights from a world-class marketing guru 1,manager hates to see you go 1,report: it unclear whether opposition from every sector of american society will have any effect on healthcare bill passing 1,michael cohen promises more damaging recordings of trump already public 0,protesters clash with police during march to remember alton sterling 0,how harvey weinstein put the media in a headlock 0,the call for a national crime and justice task force 1,"shit, no way stadium staff throwing t-shirts can reach you" 1,mother only wants one bite 1,best buy employee wearing different colored shirt for some reason 1,guantánamo prisoners released into cheering dnc crowd 1,steven spielberg criticizes netflix for ruining golden age of pandering big-budget corporate films 1,jcpenney abandons 45-second sale 0,december north dakota oil spill more than 3 times larger than initial estimate 1,nation still reeling from mega-success of 'mr. popper's penguins' 1,chinese newlyweds wondering what they're going to do with all this medicinal bear bile 0,the 21 stupidest things ever said by powerful people 0,"And the other website says they are working on ""over unity"" machines. :)You know, perpetual motion. :)" 0,americans increasingly believe labor unions benefit the economy 1,conference call going awesome 0,"**Not true. I most certainly do apply EAM to all empirical observations of biological originality, just to see if it still applies. To date, it always has. As for darwinian interpretations of that same evidence, presenting them and defending them is your responsibility, not mine." 1,clinton throws flash grenade to divert attention from question about senate voting record 0,these dogs dressed as dads totally brighten our day 1,"15,000 years of human artistic endeavor culminate in see spot run" 1,"'this is a pointless trip,' obama says while shaking hands with netanyahu" 1,michelle obama finally gets around to reading 'dreams from my father' 0,"Well let's see . . . the last time a state started recognizing gay marriages, suddenly there was more support for a Federal Marriage Amendment than ever, Democrats lost more seats in Congress, the minority Democratic leader was defeated after years in office, a protestant presidential candidate carried the Catholic vote against a Catholic candidate, evangelicals in the country were energized, the pro-FMA candidate WON re-election even though his approval rating was 50%, and the state that recognized gay marriage fell under a slew of legal challenges to the point where it's up in the air again.The more you push you agenda through activist judges, the closer you get to the people having to pass an amendment. At least New York was smart enough not to do it right before an election." 1,"grotesque, misshapen mass of raisins slowly forming inside bag of trail mix" 0,"Because I am one who likes see things from different angles. What better way to fight your enemies then to understand their viewpoint. Before I am attacked on the the last statement, just because I understand a viewpoint does not meant that I accept it as true or that I don't reject it." 1,seven-foot-tall animatronic rodent terrifies birthday boy 0,"I disagree, I need you to show me what part of reason is BASED on faith of a rational creator, based on evidence (includes things that are self-evident). Unless you want me to accept your claim on faith!! -Mach" 0,"chita rivera promises 'strength,' style and surprises at carnegie hall" 1,sears extremists fly plane into willis tower 0,preparing for retirement after a divorce 1,report: retailers pull in $5 billion annually from women coming off street to avoid harassment 1,local los angeles awards show slated to open for grammys 1,federal reserve vice-chairman roger ferguson: hot or not? 0,"rihanna doesn't care about dark circles, and neither should you" 0,"if hb 4 passes, hawaii will have the weakest sick leave policy in the nation." 1,new urban visor blocks out the poor 0,mystery painter turns vile anti-muslim graffiti into message of love 1,scott walker changes locks on wisconsin governor's office 1,old faithful brutally beaten to death by group of teens 1,"As you wish. When any of you come up with a real analogy concerning the existence of God, let me know. Apparently, you define irrational as unconvinced. So be it." 1,michael jackson estate questions why accusers only coming forward steadily since early 1990s 1,area dad points out place that has great reuben sandwiches 1,"You know, if the God deniers even let the baby out of the mother's womb alive to begin with then he's already one step ahead of the game. As for what to do with him then, show me under the New Covenant where Jesus said to stone kids? Personally, I think we should stone obese, jaded statues of weird looking holy men." 0,aaron carter opens up about his sexuality in emotional twitter post 0,"So you're saying that the theory of evolution is similar to ####, in that they both make large messes when they come into contact with fans?" 1,So taking away all their guns would have been better? The ruling party was certainly well armed how about the other parties? 1,revised patriot act will make it illegal to read patriot act 1,man wearing low-cut swimsuit as though public pool a sun-kissed sardinian cove 1,"Speaking from ignorance once again, eh SP? Did you, by chance, ever read the 2000 Census form? Did you happen to see the category ""unmarried partner""? I didn't think so. Now, go eat some crow. emoticonXHoho" 1,detective endangers own life by looking forward to upcoming retirement 1,school teacher not about to risk her life for derek 0,"russia likely responsible for poisoning spy, uk officials say" 0,private vehicles beat ambulances in saving gunshot and stabbing victims 1,robots speak out against asimov's first law of robotics 0,"huffpollster: americans see progress, room for improvement on voting rights" 0,death toll from california mudslides rises to 21 after mom's body found 0,preserving the phoenician heritage of tyre against the latest threats in the middle east 1,awful show a repeat again 0,how one mom taught her 7-year-old daughter to accept her natural beauty 1,"'cooking together is so fun,' says man correcting girlfriend's every knife cut" 0,the two non-interventionists 0,"neil gorsuch is neither republican nor democrat, says chief justice roberts" 1,seaworld unveils new 20 whales stuffed in pool show 1,area teen receives $2 from grandma 0,general nathan bedford forrest versus the ku klux klan 1,"Oh, so this only happens here, huh? Every single hardcore drug addict is here, huh?" 0,recognizing the gift each moment bears is a mindfulness practice 0,live in the vineyard selects artists with a key ingredient: a big heart 1,"fun-loving, laid-back woman with a bit of a nerdy side joins online dating service" 0,this is all the advice you need for surviving hardship 0,"icymi: who faces more sexism, female politicians or lab rats?" 0,philip morris says it's 'trying to give up cigarettes' in 2018 1,trump confident u.s. military strike on syria wiped out russian scandal 0,"Assuming this right could say that you have no right to kill it though, you can only try to starve it. -You have consented sex and get pregnant. The pregnancy is a direct consequence that was known when having sex. -You have consented to a stranger coming into your house to eat dinner. The stranger coming in and sitting down and using your plates and eating your food is a direct consequences of you inventing him in for dinner. -If you say you don't want the unborn to ""live off you"" anymore then the only thing you can do is starve it because you can't kill it as it did nothing that it was not allowed to do until just now. -You have decided the stranger must go, however, you don't have a right to kill him right there as you didn't give him any reasonable time to leave." 0,"uber ends forced arbitration in individual cases of sexual assault, harassment" 0,'straight outta compton' hits top of the box office on opening weekend 0,court just found black victim of white supremacist assault not guilty of... assault 1,man's family rises to record-high fourth priority 1,report: annie sabatino's boyfriend like 23 or something 1,"mitt romney, paul ryan to awkwardly hug, high five for next three months" 1,drug deal goes great 1,swimsuit skirt conceals hideous thigh region 0,ryan zinke and the tale of two fish 1,republicans vow not to repeal obamacare without detailed plan for disposing of patients' disease-ridden corpses 1,hundreds of cuban refugees clinging to air force one on flight back to u.s. 0,'snl' just gave 'game of thrones' an eighth kingdom 1,weakling president asks imaginary man in sky to bless nation 1,boss alludes to 'crunch time' 1,quiet guy mistaken for nice guy 0,"Possibly, depends on what you read and by whom. Still, the war wasn't aganist slavery." 1,l.a. grants clippers $12 for new nets 0,how a mom's behavior might be alienating her teen daughter 1,friend's wife encountered twice a year 1,fcc chief cites special occasion for allowing vaginal penetration on network sitcom 1,ira glass tries to explain 'this american life' at high school reunion 1,robert mueller ascends into sky with umbrella after trump family promises they learned lesson about honesty 1,exterminator kind of surprised apartment doesn't have roaches 0,why it's time to drop the 'd' from ptsd 1,"what about God? So many God-fearing people, he must be a terrorist :) seriously I really don't know much about terrorists. I know that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 but he wasn't the only one, but that's about it." 1,study finds that all the worst people will outlive you 1," read my whole post only to conclude with ""what's your point."" Evolutionist brilliance on display. I'm not mistaking nothing for nothing. I know my stuff. You obviously know nothing and don't care to learn it." 0,"This is simply false. Rock can be folded under pressure. This has been proven by lab experiment. However there are many features in sedimentary rocks that cannot be formed quickly, for example, fossil trackways." 1,report: get back to fucking work 0,jesse eisenberg compares comic-con to genocide 0,"I know what your ""point"" was.I also know what you ACTUALLY ASKED originally.You asked: ""Hey hypocrite, have you asked yourself how many millions of dollars every single pro-gay church spends each year promoting homosexual causes, including gay marriage and lobbying federal and State Governments directly in support of homosexual causes?I think we're still waiting on an answer..." 1,flesh-eating bacteria wishing it hadn't filled up on foot 1,"'holy shit, the government owes me 50 million dollars,' reports man incorrectly filling out his taxes" 0,this third grader's advice is all you need for a happy life 0,"arizona can't ban mexican-american studies anymore, judge says" 1,You show me the post where I said I thought terrorists killing children was a good idea and I will eat my keyboard. 1,embarrassed comcast ceo just tells people he does digital media stuff 0,"We don't need another one that does the same thing, and can put an honest gun owner in a jam. This is after all as Nato 556 points out, a due process violation. Don't lie for the other guy. National Sports Shooting Foundation campaign." 1,antarctic observational comic running out of ideas 1,woman celebrates 4th year of weaning self off facebook 1,study finds mass extinction could free up billions of dollars in conservation funding by 2024 1,"And yet after investigating for over a year, our inspectors agree with me, not you. Hmmm." 1,"Very simple. Among all the information about how genetics and hence evolution work, was the claim that the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology is out-of-date. It's SOP. Take one sentence out of a whole publication that opposes your theory, misinterpret it, and declare victory. Helped by the terminology. Evo dogma dethroned!!! Well, that's the end of it, when the dogma is gone, there is nothing left. Because he thinks we think like him, where if the Creation myth in Genesis falls, then all of religion and morality fall with it. Or in our case, all of secularism and immorality fall with the CD of MB. Because thinking the way scientists or non-Creationists Christians do is incomprehensible and evil, and what else is there?" 0,"No kidding. What could POSSIBLY be more concrete? As far as I can tell, she has never publicly made a statement specifically about the DC gun ban but since, as you pointed out, she DID say that no functioning democracy should allow private ownership of guns, I have trouble believing that she thinks the private citizens of DC should be allowed to own guns, UNLESS what she is saying is that since we own guns, we should move toward a monarchy or perhapse some kind of dictatorship. She did not, as far as I know, voice her opinion regarding private gun ownership in a totalitarian system." 1,"putin condemns ukrainian people's unprovoked 1,000-year occupation of south russia" 1,farmers' almanac predicting short season for primetime dramas 1,im sorry that you think that.. maybe you should retake the test? 0,iran arrests fashion models in social media crackdown 0,lebron james hits the nba's third game-winner in 3 days 0,what you should know about the parents who leave kids in hot cars 0,monday's morning email: the aftermath of the worst mass shooting in u.s. history 1,stunned nation mourns as french stewart survives plane crash 0,'gobbler games' is the brutal hunger games parody you need to see 0,writer michelle theall talks memoir teaching the cat to sit and lgbt issues (audio) 0,judge aaron persky cleared of misconduct in stanford sex assault case 0,"girl, 11, invents 'chemo backpack' to help kids with cancer, after battling the disease herself" 0,"lea delaria gets candid about her wild tour days, sex with younger women and turning 60" 0,seth meyers loses it over thanksgiving's proximity to christmas 1,middle school janitor can already tell he going to have to befriend new kid 1,300 naked women feared lost in computer crash 1,camel cash gaining strength against the dollar 0,all the ways the 'empire' finale set up season 2 1,greyhound now charging customers $15 fee to vomit in aisle 0,how robert reich is persuading the country to fight for economic equality 0,man faces obscenity charge after o'donnell's daughter found 1,outgoing hhs secretary tommy thompson caught with briefcase full of flu vaccine 1,"The fact that it aired on MSNBC and Keith Olbermann tells me that it could only be slanted one way. What constraints does the Constitution set for Supreme Court justices families? But of course, Justices are supposed to rule on the 'constitutionality' of a law, not their own personal ideology, right? Yeah, right.......emoticonXClown" 1,clown looked a lot different in online profile photo 1,couple spends morning at farmers market verbalizing everything that comes into field of vision 0,autism at 16: cookie monster and the coliseum 1,man praying interviewer doesn't ask any questions 1,boardroom begins to quake as black-eyed ceo announces vision for future of company 1,signs make upcoming section of road sound pretty badass 0,one key thing writing teachers never told me and probably won't tell you 1,what's left of pamela anderson married again 0,rick perry returning to iowa 0,"twitter helped trump win, now it's starting to bury him" 0,boehner backs lifting crude oil export ban 1,police homicide investigation uncovers cap in ass 0,g.o.p.'s israel support deepens as political contributions shift 1,"Kicking the retard ( you) was not in the literal sense but you would not understand that being a retardemoticonXClown Or was you just pretending?" 1,report: girlfriend probably reading some book called 'the midwife's promise' 1,family now openly wondering when grandma will die 0,a woman announced her pregnancy with a unicorn frappuccino 0,w. kamau bell chimes in on politics and racism 0,airlines change the carry-on rules 0,"the news on russia and trump is evolving, but people's opinions are not" 1,oxiclean unveils new stain-removing fabric scissors 0,wednesday's morning email: why the latest comey news matters 0,bernie sanders' our revolution gets behind tom perriello in virginia gubernatorial race 1,decision to circle parking lot produces carbon emission that finally does it 0,the u.s women's gymnastics team turns heads at the vmas 0,10 days that shook the regressive world 1,clinton fumbles with submarine controls; 'everything's in german!' he shouts 0,what i learned about business from making art 1,entire republican national convention stunned as ann romney asks for divorce 0,this will make you never want to check a bag again 1,non-denominational terrorist organization welcomes extremists of all faiths 0,The subject matter would be life forms. The units would depend on which particular aspect you were studying For instance to the question 'what units of measurement would you use for the effect of evolution? I would say genetic changes that have patterns. ID would have that and more. 1,frustrated russian officials struggling to get any policies through dysfunctional trump administration 1,chuck grassley cranks up music in senate chamber to drown out ford's testimony 1,Wow ehat a brave new world you live in.... Now lets say just 1% of all gun owners resisted (in the us that is several hundred thousand peppered through the land). With media attention to such infighting between government and citizens how do you deal with this? 0,when the going gets tough: advice from former navy seal 1,which jackson will dominate next year's headlines? 0,cardi b reveals baby bump on 'saturday night live' 1,candidates preparing for colorado debate conditions with high-altitude speaking drills 1,"'Who's definition? Yours? Do you OWN the copyright to a word? I didn't think words were copyrightable. emoticonXWow Geez. emoticonXRolleyes More bovine excerment." 0,big day at the united nations 1,"I was referring to a generic overview, and even on this issue, I am far from alone. Quite frankly, YOU are more ""alone"" than I am. Who the heck has chimed in to say they agree with you??? " 1,melania releases statement calling for removal of first lady from white house 0,"If we were created in God's image, then it would make sense that equally our emotions are a reflection of God's emotions. That our emotions are imperfect versions of his. Of course I would personally say that when man invented god, they felt the need to give him human characteristics in order to make their invention more understandable. And to assist in the oppression of others by the ever-present threat of an 'angry god who will smite you'. An 'ambivalent god who is above that sort of thing' just isn't as good at convincing people that whatever you say is right." 1,"So, by not reading that book and not 'indicating' that I've read any book, you believe I was speaking from ignorance. I love your attempt to spin out of this.emoticonXAngel" 0,moving forward with change: part 2 in a series to create lasting health change 1,nation's ninetysomethings gear up for last year of their lives 1,"How do you ""interpret"" all those extant historical records bracketing the ""flood"" date by several hundred years, as shown by sinjin, which record no such event?" 1,study finds backing down in fight with loved one extremely harmful to relationship 1,report: russia managed to penetrate voter databases in order to ensure election was fair and free like the loyal allies they are 1,paleontology class winces whenever fundamentalist kid raises hand 1,"girl gone wild actually just regular girl, only more insecure and drunk" 0,Old gun lobbyistsargument: Gun control = liberal XXXX = socialism = communism = enemy of the US.... 0,the nuisance of nuance: one president's doubling down on the dumbing down of american politics 0,"The argument that the baby is not a parasite, but is rather 'in its natural environment' seems a false dichotomy: it is natural for a parasite to be in the enviroment of another's body, invading it. The relationship element will be dealt with in the third section." 0,progressive democrats met secretly with iranian diplomat in december 1,"You're right it'll be fighting the war in Iraq. )Nah, really it'll be from social security, etc etc." 0,the history of the baby name 'stormi' 0,myanmar reaches deal to bring rohingya muslims home 1,mother annoyed son playing video games on beautiful day when he could go outside to kill people 0,carly fiorina scores well on social media in face-off with trump 0,my my you are up on the current events. Thanks for shedding light on this for everyone here. 1,"$80,000 wedding beautiful" 1,"college graduate first person in family to waste $160,000" 1,local senior brutally folded in craftmatic adjustable bed accident 1,authorities abandon search for missing girl after finding huge bass while dredging lake 0,western washington university shuts down due to racist threat and online hate speech 1,rock fans outraged as bob dylan goes electronica 1,thick sweater no match for determined nipples 0,"new photo shows pluto's 'heart' actually a vast, frozen wasteland" 0,"So, if there was a way to know that that baby would be infertile it would be alright in your view to abort?" 1,english teacher obviously hung over 1,criminal mad that man called the cops on him 0,once homeless student who worked 4 jobs to support family graduates college 1,definition of fudge-tastic stretched 1,'roseanne' spinoff showrunner hopes big puddle of blood in kitchen enough to explain main character's disappearance 0,"u.s. job growth rebounds sharply, unemployment rate hits 4.4 percent" 0,obama: joe biden's got 'his own decisions to make' about 2016 1,"pay attention to what ? to the voices in your head ? your age is irrelevant to your recognized lack of intelligence, but being a minor would be relevant since it would excuse your ignorance. My advice to you ? keep all your life pretending in forums that you are just a kindergarten kid and therefore people would think that for a 4 year old kid you are not too dumb and of course knowing nothing is understandable." 1,u.s. soothes upset netanyahu with shipment of ballistic missiles 0,No its federal property and falls under AR190-11 and other applicable regulations. If they live off post I believe so if they follow policy and regulations. If they live on post then the POWs must be stored in unit arms rooms and only drawn out with the commander's permission. 1,Oh thats not politically kerect and secially wif the chosen one doing the world apology toure I don't see that going down. Well lay a few on us sin baby. Give us the deal. 1,"government bails out dow jones with 10,000 points" 0,And I've never seen anyone present observational evidence that would indicate that all creatures were specially created. Please do so. 1,baltimore pigeons shocked to find beloved shitting statues gone 0,gov. jack markell really believes bernie sanders won't win the nomination 1,amazon 1-click bankrupts area parkinson's sufferer 0,U.S. Guns Behind Cartel Killings in Mexico - No wonder Mexico is complaining about US guns being smuggled into their country. 0,mexican economic minister prepared 'to talk to the devil' if trump wins 0,paula jarrel's gps guide for expressing self compassion 0,candice patton of the flash talks about meeting the fans! part ii 0,you must know yourself before you can truly address your problems 0,"""The Civil War was fought to establish the principle that each person owns his own body - a principle that the pro-life crowd is trying to destroy."" Each owns his own body? Are you talking about the woman or the child in the womb?" 0,"And you people whine at me about using personal insults ( )... anyhow, once a fetus is eight months, I believe, they are fully developed and ready for a premature birth. I was born prematurely, so don't tell me it doesn't happen. So if you get an abortion at eight months, you're not killing a fetus, you're killing a baby." 1,"Unfortunately for you, that is not shown, the evidence points in one direction, and one direction only. That of evolution and to the fact that the flood never happened." 0,this halloween costume would make karl lagerfeld proud 1,wilbur ross shakes self awake after briefly dying during cabinet meeting 0,hodor's mom makes the most savage joke about her son's tv death 0,all black athletes should be sitting for the national anthem 1,awkward tension mistaken for sexual tension 1,"You've been drinking more of that left wing, Obama Kool Aid. Here's what I wrote: "" prefer San Francisco bath-house morals, don't you?"" So you do have morals, unless you want to admit that what goes on in San Francisco is morally bankrupt. Pick your own poison." 1,child disciplined for wasting yarn 1,"Yup. Give me an example of a true inaccuracy, instead of working to poke fun. Do you honestly think anyone will take you seriously (except the evolutionists) if you don't provide reasons for your apparent problem with scriptures. Are you scared because you see the ""ancients"" commenting on subjects you thought science had ""discovered"" since the ""enlightenment""? Man, how arrogant can you get? You remind me of the Pharasees. Arrogant presuppositions are no substitue for confronting your ignorance my friend. Either explain how the Bible speaks accurately on sophisticated subjects as given above, or don't bother posting." 0,viola davis makes powerful demand on behalf of women of color at women's march 1,autoplaying video executes cunning ambush 45 seconds after opening page 0,the 'ocean's 8' trailer is finally here and june can't come fast enough 1,report: bots now make up 22% of twitter executives 0,"I think hip hop and the arts are reflections of society. It is good to bring these issues to light, if only so that those who wouldn't normally be aware of them are enlightened." 0,"The H1N1 flu, while initially scary because it was new, was hardly worth worrying about. My family contracted it last year, and other than being purely miserable for two long weeks, it was nothing out of the ordinary." 1,hope hicks praying she not still in same shitty job by time she hits 30 1,"Bryan, You got my respect. You are the funniest of the lot. I am still laughing while reading the above. NATO is funny but your hilarious. :)" 0,"in 'margaritaville,' broadway's lisa howard finds strength and self-worth" 0,white terror demands white action: what allies need to do right now for charlottesville 1,city of boston erects new plaque commemorating spot where ben affleck will die 1,authorized personnel enjoying untold pleasures beyond designated point 1,ice agent can't believe he being reprimanded for child who died all those months ago 0,stormy daniels smirks when asked if she had affair with donald trump 1,sounds of air hockey coming from supreme court chambers 0,who's law is it anyways? 0,here's how this queer couple discovered 'the power of family' 1,study finds humans only animals capable of recognizing former selves in mirror 0,clinton campaign hits trump for seeing brexit as boon to his business 0,help us decide if the build-a-bear ewok is adorable or terrifying 1,jogging-suit shortage threatens nation's seniors 1,secretary cracks under administration of third raspberry margarita 1,convenience store employee given generous holiday bonus shift 0,these stunning photos challenge the way we think about identity 1,"Are you implying that the majority of scientists who accept evolutionary theory are atheists? (See, your intent is so ridiculous that you are forced to call scientists like Kenneth Miller un-Christian and deny the existence of theistic evolutionists.) " 1,high school student council passes nonbinding resolution 0,details hazy on 'death threats' against epa's scott pruitt 0,It did not because it was not clear till the 1970s that horizontal gene transfer was something to be considered. Nobody knew the mechanism till that era. And of course HGT is just another form of variability to be taken into account. 0,the truth about homepage sliders 0,what's next for the chicago bulls? 1,lone mexican in mexican restaurant doing the dishes 0,health officials confirm second case of plague from yosemite 0,10 reasons you should care about d.c. voting rights 1,political scientists trace american democracy's severe polarization to fucking idiots on other side of aisle 0,20 ways to find your life purpose 1,boyfriend forced to express secondhand outrage 1,tire salesman to hit them with a little razzle-dazzle 0,vladimir putin suggests american hackers framed russia 0,is your outdated career map leading you astray? 1,"Um, Bassman, so you, the one person in the world who is as ""pure as the wind-driven snow,"" is the one who may judge others, including Democrats. Um, for the record I grew up on the prairie and saw a goodly bit of ""wind-driven snow"" and it was not particularly pure. A feeble and laughable metaphor." 0,scott walker still won't say whether obama is christian 0,"If anti-gunners can pass a law to make the private sale of guns require a background check at a gun store then they can do it for all private sales. If it is illegal for private citizens to sell guns at a gun show, then what prevents them from simply walking out to the parking lot and concluding the sale there?" 0,telling our medicine story 0,she dropped everything to come fight for immigration reform. she's still waiting. 0,"No, thats not right. Evolution only deals with the diversification of life, not its origins, and most certainly not the origin of the universe.As typically defined, evolution is descent with modification -- or in equivalent population genetics terms -- change in allele frequency in a population over time." 1,mom leaks out another divorce detail during drive to sat prep class 1,god excited about first trip to japan 1,company commits to hiring more bengal tigers in effort to improve office biodiversity 0,"Speaking of which, did you happen to see this image that someone kindly forwarded to me?" 0,seth meyers' spoof 'trump mingle' app wants to make america date again 1,spacecraft travel from all over galaxy to honor end of opportunity rover's life 0,"btw, i'm 17... well, 18... (almost yay!) bullsh*t. you do get critized for tlaking about god... any other god other than the christian god that is." 0,democrats demand that devos explain how she is going to protect trans students 0,the unforgettable memorial of warhol superstar holly woodlawn 1,romney appeals to hispanic voters for return of watch he left on dresser 0,mike pence takes oath of office as country's next vice president 0,6 things no one tells women about their weight loss journey 1,parents finally cave and buy 33-year-old son playstation 1 0,tammy haddad brunch kicks off star-studded whcd weekend 1,"sports bar makes more room for tvs by getting rid of tables, chairs, bartenders, customers" 0,cancer is awkward 1,fda report finds food prevents hunger 98% of time when properly used 0,"Hmm, when you say ""numberless"" do you mean something other than the standard definition of infinite? If not, please explain how an infinite number of organisms could be created in a finite time with finite space and resources. Thank you." 0,steven spielberg joins dc universe for 'blackhawk' film 0,"And what evidence do you have, aside from a set of books written between 1900 and 2800 years ago that there is even a 'God' to box with. OH.. and the ectasy drivien delusional state of mind you get in when you worship.As for the answer to the origins of life, how would you know? Do you know what the current state of affairs about the knowledge of abiogenesis is? Can you point to articles about it , showing it can't happen?? From peer reviewed journals of course.NO, you can't. I can show a lot of articles about abiogenesis , but that would be worthless for you. You would be unwilling to look at it. I could show you articles about on the development of gender, and of how sexual reproduction became to be formed, but you wouldn't look at it." 0,how new york created a 'blueprint' for the world to beat mother-to-baby hiv transmission 1,struggling airline helped by friendly giant 0,Warm today near 80f. Not a cloud in the sky.emoticon_xgood 0,"Yes that is a problem. But there is an instance when the 2nd Amendment did protect the USA from invaders:""Someone at the table asked a Japanese admiral why, with the Pacific Fleet devastated at Pearl Harbor and the mainland US forces in what Japan had to know was a pathetic state of unreadiness, Japan had not simply invaded the West Coast"" - it wasn't for the 2nd Amendment you would be speaking Japanese if you live on the West coast, German if you live on the East coast." 1,"cackling npr host warns upcoming segment may feature content too dark, too chilling, too positively ghoulish for young listeners" 0,6 living room design ideas worth stealing 1,bush to nominate next person who walks through door 1,nation's grandfathers to receive annual shipment of $2 bills from u.s. treasury 0,"""A story in some early editions of yesterday's Daily News incorrectly reported that gun-control advocate Sarah Brady may have skirted Delaware's gun laws when she bought a rifle for her adult son but did not declare who was going to own the weapon.""The Delaware Department of Justice initially insisted to The News that gun purchasers must declare who the weapon was intended for so that person's background could be checked. Yesterday, a spokeswoman for the Delaware Department of Justice said it misinterpreted the law and that Brady was not obligated to state that the gun was for her son as long as he was legally qualified to own a firearm.""In addition, a spokesman for Brady said, 'Sarah Brady told the gun store that the gun was for her son and filled out the forms that they asked her to fill out.'""The News regrets the error.""CORRECTION" 1,study finds marine life now global leader in oil imports 1,alternative-medicine practitioner refuses alternative method of payment 0,oscar pistorius treated in hospital for wrist injuries: reports 0,what's damaging about fat-shaming: the last acceptable form of bias 1,27-year-old unsure whether he can pull off keeping framed picture of wife on desk 1,"'nothing ordinary' about multinational chain of pepsico-owned, mexican-themed fast food outlets" 1,none of area man's friends have ever seen him with shirt on 0,"a letter to ally parents, from your lesbian friend" 0,school official: laquan mcdonald lived a disadvantaged life 1,man attempting to determine whether restaurant closed without getting too close 1,kanye west: 'i would've ridden away from a slave plantation on a motorcycle first chance i got' 0,massive document leak reveals offshore wealth of putin and his allies 1,u.s. claims drone was minding own business on its way to church when iran attacked it out of nowhere 0,elizabeth olsen isn't pleased with tom hiddleston's honky tonkin' in this 'i saw the light' clip 0,8 stats that prove social anxiety needs to be taken seriously 0,2015's first year-end music mashup is incredible 0,former mouseketeer marque 'tate' lynche found dead at 34 0,"at philly's independence mall, pope francis offers his definition of religious freedom" 1,ivanka trump distraught after learning detained migrant children completely without sewing machines 1,mentally unbalanced man still waiting for the right trump comment to incite him 1,report: 70% of trump endorsements made after staring at bedroom ceiling for 4 hours 0,white house publishes contact information of people who wrote to it concerned about privacy 1,visibly flu-stricken choir kid really dragging down whole christmas pageant 0,latinos sound off on the worst of the second presidential debate 0,university of tulsa off the hook in sexual assault lawsuit 0,is the stereotype that 'women can't be geniuses' causing gender gaps? 0,jailed al jazeera journalist released 0,how zuckerberg's llc could be more effective than charity 1,Within one post. Thanks for proving that creationist are incapable of discussing the original topic and automatically move to change the subject. 1,the american dream: what does that part about kissing the gym teacher mean? 0,"republican food stamp bill would cut benefits, but not the size of government" 1,bluetooth headset worn throughout date 0,"Well, we can agree to disagree on that one. I won't bother putting it to a vote :)" 0,why credit card points aren't the new miles 1,And Sotomayor argued that the American people have absolutely no right to defend themselves. What's your point? 1,dying mastermind pulls red lever 1,"Actually, it is quite apparent that you do not. For one glaring example, below you incorrectly state that a dinosaur fossil has been dated by C-14. Another example of you lack of understanding of the topic is your failure to understand why very old fossils are found on the surface and the principles of dating from geologic strata." 1,family cell-phone plan area family's closest bond 1,mcdonald's announces new spearmint after-dinner big mac 1,sanders supporters viciously attack bernie sanders after he criticizes mistakes of 2016 sanders campaign 0,"riz ahmed, mindy kaling, aziz ansari and others launch appeal for rohingya" 1,lesser piece of paper used to test pen's viability 0,"deshawnda bradley, #blacklivesmatter and the reminder that self-definition is essential to our survival" 1,glass-encased ar-15 behind gun shop counter in safest hands it will ever be 0,a primer on the press and the white house 1,area man disappointed in self for already being full 1,drake's introduces new yodel bandolier 0,"When the President is in public, there are plenty of people around him ...with guns." 1,staples brings on extra staff to sit around and do nothing for busy back-to-school season 1,rockstar games begins imprisoning programmers for 'red dead redemption 3' 0,kesha emotionally admits new album is 'quite literally saving my life' 1,"parents with more vacation time, financial resources want to know when son will come home for a visit" 0,"dallas ebola nurse slams hospital, claims they used her for pr" 1,man throws money at problem 0,judge orders man accused of tweeting threats to never tweet 1,cardboard snowflake half-heartedly masking-taped to break-room door 0,the time i went canoeing with a republican congressman 0,alabama education official warns of 'homosexualist' common core takeover 1,direct marketer offended by term 'junk mail' 1,"The more I read of Cyber's posts,... the more I am convinced that he/she is an Agent Provocateur. And a very busy provocateur at that." 0,Not sure how you can tell that since very little is mentioned about his methods. 1,jeb bush warns rnc attendees of bad cialis going around parking lot 0,stormy daniels' lawyer taunts trump: michael cohen will 'fold like a cheap deck of cards' 0,"Nonsense. Name the holes and what parts are conjecture? The parts that are conjecture are never, ever taught in a high school biology class. There isn't time. Only major points are covered about which there is no doubt." 1,trump delivers touching tribute to fallen heroes of wwe 1,san andreas fault feels terrible for what it's about to do 0,"Actually, that's not true. While all of the sciences actually support one another, one can be a chemist and not accept evolution. One can even do good science without accepting evolution, but it is difficult. For example, cosmology, astrophysics and astronomy see a very old universe. That's not compatible with young earth creationism. Geology finds an old earth, wich isn't compatible with the mythologies of sacred writings. But that is not to say that one cannot be a qualified scientist and a deist or a theist. There are lots of good Christian scientists who accept evolution." 0,from the steps of the united states supreme court 0,"Actually, it's not. Mutations are random. Selection is differential reproductive success." 0,ben & jerry's new flavor 'empower mint' is more political and punny than ever 1,everyone glad someone else making small talk with disabled woman 1,flight attendant quietly informs first class passengers where real emergency exits are 0,"as ed gillespie's campaign goes, so goes the memory of the civil war" 1,"Nice. Now you're telling us that women are basically brainwashed XXXXXX. Keep digging, this is good stuff." 1,"DOH! yah beat me to it! I'll elaborate with the Zardoz answer: Stupid people want other stupid people to believe in their stupid belief systems and when they find non-stupid people, they have a coniption fits because they're too stupid to understand that their beliefs are stupid. Simple version: Stupid is as Stupid does Come be stupid with us." 0,mexican immigrant challenges trump's hateful rhetoric with powerful photo series 1,never-before-heard buzzword flying around office can't be good 1,u.s. dollar drops against counterfeit u.s. dollar 1,guy in suit handling newspaper like a pro 0,"finally, a web series that navigates the horrors of being a 'woman online'" 1,"I guess they could if they knew where all the parts were located. Oh, I would think they would be in hell. I can't imagine ""God"" would have anything to do with mass murderers; do you? BTW, this is Osama's technical guide for the terrorists." 0,ashley benson is giving us 'baywatch' vibes in a red swimsuit 0,"The original molecule had some lipolytic function, but removing some amino acids from it, in the right place, made it fit better into the substrate, and thereby greatly increased its functionality. Barbarian observes:We thought it would take roughly a million years for bacteria to evolve enzymes capable of digesting nylon (because the compound is so different than any they were able to digest) but it took less than a century. ." 1,mitch mcconnell celebrates brett kavanaugh as culmination of everything he's worked against 0,did climate change spawn all these hurricanes? here's why it's hard to say. 1,woman who's been on the pill for years thinking about switching to new set of debilitating side effects 1,nation kept up all night by sound of creaking infrastructure 0,6 dead after plane crashes into maryland house 1,blood drains from mueller's face after realizing russia investigation might go all the way to white house 1,new roommate excited to bring robust puttering experience to apartment 1,fbi shuts down prominent new isis recruitment website 1,"Oh, I don't know. Grow food in a garden, gather it from various wild sources, hunt game animals in the forest." 0,friday's morning email: inside trump's presser for the ages 1,nation's police officers now too heavily armed to go undercover convincingly 0,report: iran's supreme leader sent obama a secret letter 1,"bernie sanders refuses flashy abc podium in favor of own humble, homemade lectern" 0,Not heard that before! made me laugh almost as much as your lettuce eating Tyrannosaur emoticonXGood 0,multi-institutional collaborative clinical trial to examine health benefits of integrative lifestyle practices at the chopra center for wellbeing 1,"Give them a hunk of Florida. There's already a large Jewish population there, it's hot, it's coastal. Less sand and more allitgators and hurricanes, but not that big of a change. Oh, but no Jerusalem. That might be a sticking point. How about we turn Jerusalem over to the UN and have it be a world city, owned by no country and open to all?" 0,the story of sheldon adelson's purchase of a las vegas paper is even crazier than you think 1,"well, then why are the doctors trying 2 also test the embyonic cells? what's their reason then? we don't know, because the doctors might not want everything that they're doing be on the front page of every newspaper. they have their reasons for their actions, and they just don't want people like you to know about them. or...they already have their reasons published and everything and you're just 2 close-minded 2 take the information in." 1,"mom locked in infinite loop of purchasing, returning items from lord & taylor" 1,i have a 2 years old child. i have come to believe i am unfit as a parent. i plan to kill this child at next available opportunity. 1,nation gathers around area man trying to parallel park 0,oxford student wins prize for photo of atom taken with dslr camera 0,"1) Charliegone's article was a published research article.I would love to know where ""NARTH's"" editorial was published, if it even was published.2) NARTH's article DID NOT show any ""higher homosexual activity"" because of legalized gay marriage.It thoroughly failed to show ANY rise in homosexuality in ANY ""gay marriage"" country. It showed some studies which were reportedly done in those countries, but that's it." 1,ice argues migrants in camps are free to die at any time 1,sweating obama admits drone strikes have been happening on their own 0,russia today anchor admits spreading 'lies' for putin 1,commercial blasted for product placement 0,"the rise of europe's far-right is 'a wake-up call' for democracy, says turkish novelist" 1,senator trying to make long-distance relationship work with constituency back home 1,god wedges another cherub beneath leg to level wobbly throne 1,explanation of board game rules peppered with reassurances that it will be fun 0,samantha bee reacts to orlando massacre with powerful gun control message 1,queen bun gives birth to thousands of tiny rolls 1,harpoon industry attempting rebrand by pointing out harpoons can harpoon stuff besides whales 1,"On the bright side, it appears that the Rapture will solve the Social Security financing problem..." 1,biden calls dibs on qaddafi's clothes 1,pilot shudders to imagine why passengers taking red-eye to atlantic city 1,tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight poster of topless barbarian chick from office wall 1,"precocious teen able to read, write" 1,three escaping legislators shot from senate guard tower 1,"internet crashes as billions of people go online to purchase the onion's latest book, 'the trump leaks'" 1,"No, I don't complain about that, liar. It's the loss of non-government jobs that people don't like. Wake up, yahoo. Now, here's two of your finest cosmopolitan liberals. Relatives of yours?" 1,"out of respect for families, horrific disaster footage repeated hourly" 0,scotland and wales will now allow northern irish women to access free abortions 0,are hackathons changing the way we do business? 0,trump's labor law enforcer freezes worker-friendly reforms made under obama 0,"10 names for me that i find offensive, incorrect, bigoted, sexist and just plain wrong!" 0,"Well, the point about evolution is that it doesn't need a god to tinker with it. Maybe you can postulate a god as the prime mover of the big bang, I don't know why you'd want to, but i suppose you could. After that, the laws of physics take over, and evolution is the result. Even if one were to suppose a god initiated the big bang, there is no reason to suppose it took an interest in subsequent events, or nudged them down one path as opposed to any other. Evolution doesn't need a deity in its daily operation... that's why it works so well as science!" 0,learning to lose in argentina 0,"I think a more telling question would be, why the hell would you rather feel constantly threatened than feel safe? It seems completely idiotic to me. Smiley" 0,"first of all, the claim is that random changes in molecules do not produce bodiliy structures. Proteins are molecules and are thus not what I was referring to. Second, there are no new enzymes or new proteins produced by any mutations...and not only that but none of those mutations have been shown to be random. So for all the billions of bodily structures in the world, ToE cannot account for even ONE of them." 1,new historical drama just 90 minutes of woman holding up petticoats while running through open field 1,"uma thurman, ethan hawke to sire new race of homo celbritans" 1,local cat attempts world record for things sat on 0,"I wouldn't say most cjurches, because you cannot prove that. There is a long list of churches that are accepting of gay folks." 1,steve buscemi to make surprise guest appearance in this article 0,"There isn't anything controversial about the articles claims, it has long been recognised that mammals evolved from reptile stock, who where descended from amphibians whose ancestors where fish." 0,"So much for choice. Obama's little socialist minions want to use the tax system to collect healthcare premiums if you don't comply. After all, getting employers to collect income taxes before you even see your money has worked for these leeches in the pas" 0,3 simple steps to restart your life 1,long-silent facebook friend comes out of woodwork with post asking about insulating windows 0,tribe prepares to keep up pipeline protest through north dakota winter 0,What about the pain and death inflicted upon the innocent women and girls forced to give birth? Have you no regard for them? 0,shaun white called out by accuser's lawyer for minimizing sexual harassment 1,gene wilder's career in ruins following death of richard pryor 1,melania trump: 'my fat piece-of-shit husband who should go kill himself needs to stop bullying people online' 0,"now the texas governor wants blake farenthold to repay your $84,000" 0,20-year-old with down syndrome is the youngest business owner in his town 1,area man determined to get money's worth from pay toilet 1,"lazy, overweight cockroach no longer has segmented abdomen" 0,So the stats come from John Lott.... Wasn't he the one who got caught making up statistics and impersonated a woman for three years to support the pro-gun cause? bizarre individual who I don't think can be trusted. 1,Well bravo for you - they must not be all that good considering. Or did you simply learn to be deceptive yourself and confuse that with deception by others? Who can say? 0,nursing home placement can be the most loving choice for a person with alzheimer's 1,"nation's women clarify they harbor no secret desire to see colleagues', acquaintances', strangers' genitals" 0,"But I already pointed out the mark of Cain in another thread. You see, this particular gene has but two alleles. One exists in the majority of humans. That allele, along with several other genes involved in pigmentation create people with various shades of brown to very brown skin. The second allele was created by a more recent mutation and spread in a more limited population. That allele produces white skin." 1,domino's introduces thanksgiving feast pizza 0,hobby lobby to improve work performance through biblical punishments 1,onion social defends decision to remove 'you will live' promise from mission statement 0,'humans of new york' photo captures beautiful body love moment 0,thursday's morning email: momentum grows in congress for 'bump stock' ban 0,you don't have to 'cherish every moment' to appreciate your children 0,"But you know it is more then just that. The poster gave a specific date that is relevant to when abortion was legalized. It shows the poster is being selective and may hold prejudice to fetuses who arent aborted by legal abortions. You see, it is the pro-life movement's selective outrages that makes me think they aren't serious about abortion as a whole. " 1,container of recyclables emptied into trash 0,2 gop senators drop endorsements of roy moore 1,world's marine life on edge now that seaworld moving on from orcas 1,"Ah, the esteemed Washington Times, the rag of that Korean Reverend who does the mass marriages and other weird stuff--um, what's his name now?" 1,"So, faith and argument from incredulity. If you find it impossible please state exactly what part is impossible. Then maybe an actual scientist could take over. Major in molecular biology? Not even a full degree; not like your going to doing anything original." 0,"No, actually they used the Bible as a basis for their morality. They then applied that morality to the design of a system of government that they wanted to create. Maybe the majority of Americans are comfortable with the status quo WRT their morals. Who are you to tell them that they have to change for you?" 1,strip poker ends solemnly with scar explanation 1,new trump campaign ad claims that illegal immigrants currently murdering you with knife 1,beijing air solidifies 1,cia issues posthumous apology after new evidence clears osama bin laden of involvement in 9/11 attacks 1,"world's fattest town makes, consumes world's largest mozzarella stick" 1,offended customer's huffy walkout goes unnoticed 1,ecstatic pope francis finally lands role as mary in st. peter's christmas pageant 1,"Why doesn't this apply to Soviet Russia - which had a population of similar size ? Presumably, your answer would be that the USSR was less ""developed"" than the US ?" 0,want to live to 102? here's how. 1,couple discovers shop that sells cakes 1,millions of holiday travelers return from parents' homes all caught up on 'the mentalist' 0,"'time for japan to get more involved in the middle east,' says mp taro kono" 1,John/John would figure out a way for the American taxpayers to foot the bill. 0,luis gutierrez shoots down steve king and louis gohmert on law protecting child immigrants 1,"And you can be described as a ""pre-dead corpse"" as well. Histrionic revisionist linguistics only serve to push some form of dishonesty agenda that can not stand by itself on the facts. It is the coward's route. Are you a coward???" 1,area mom issues stern warning on road where she once got a ticket 1,no one murdered because of this image 1,"Now settle down charlie, and try to think rationally, just for a second. Have you ever heard of a tumor growing into a sentient life form as a fetus does? I'd appreciate a link documenting such an occurrence so we pro-lifers can start planning save the tumor rally's." 0,"How is that a strawman? Your challenge directly relies upon something you assume to be proven, but has not been. Therefore even in a hypothetical stance, your underlying arguments are invalid, thus leading to everything else being invalid. You're not doing so well on this forum." 1,agent asks failing actor if he's considered becoming alt-right commentator 1,It's almost as hilarious as him believing in fairy tales written 3000 years ago.... That is how Easy's mind works kids ;) 1,Anything that doesn't fit your preconcieved prejudices is automaticlly wrong? 1,roommate all into cycling now 1,Why would I worry about a book of myths and fairy tales? 0,"emma stone, meryl streep and other stars bring activists to golden globes" 1,sherpa can already tell you're not going to make it 0,obamacare vs. trumpcare: a public health dilemma 0,dove deodorant's #alternativefacts campaign trolls the trump administration 1,consumer confidence verging on cockiness 1,5-year-old at underfunded kindergarten enjoying last few weeks before achievement gap kicks in 0,nurturing mama: 5 ways that taking care of yourself is a gift to your child and family 1,brian kemp campaign energized after seeing early voter suppression numbers 1,haunted corn maze owner has another conversation with zombie no. 2 about not touching 0,the same old march 1,onion social announces hiring of james damore as chief technology officer 0,why donald trump fears women 0,sarah palin calls obama 'lazy' over approach to va scandal 0,As a gun owner I'm also a property owner. Or are you denying that guns are property? 1,american medical association changes stance on self-immolation 0,bask in the awkward disaster that was justin timberlake and anna kendrick's 'trolls' premiere 1,income inequality emerges as key topic to avoid in 2014 elections 0,read live updates on irma 0,immigration reform could swing two key races in colorado 1,jason momoa clearly came to oscars straight from work 1,pence aide encourages candidate to try some more happy-looking scowls during debate 0,"how to get that $1,000 embroidered dress you've been seeing for under $100" 0,"private prison company backs super pacs for donald trump, senate republicans" 1,putin learns putin behind plot to assassinate putin 1,feds break up brutal las vegas man-fighting ring 0,stunt biker danny macaskill turns scotland into the world's most incredible obstacle course 0,"How elegant. Yes science is the way to understanding the physical world, and faith is the manifestation of our spiritual selves. But when you say this among sci-only people, it is immediately misconstrued. Most sci people won't even read that sentence objectively. Say the word ""spirit"" and suddenly you are changed into a fundamentalist, inbred, uneducated, dimwit who wouldn't know Planck's constant if it hit you in the head.Life is much more than a series of reactions. It is cool that we are able to reduce it down so much. The benefits of science are vast. But there just seems that there is more than meets the eye. I'm curious." 1,hair dyed back to original color 0,caitlyn jenner calls out jimmy kimmel for jokes about her transition 1,"Well, in the case of a creationist, the bias determines what evidence will be discarded, what evidence will be twisted, what evidence will simply be ignored." 0,10 resolutions every woman should make in 2017 1,early stage threesome forming in corner of party 0,vatican bank's ex-chief indicted for embezzlement and money laundering 1,pence unveils campaign to educate teens about dangers of premarital eye contact 1,"Actually they apologised because it's a bit of a fad amongst the limp-wristed politicians at the moment. And anyway, the blood is fairly even on both sides." 1,"castro leaves hospital two years younger, four inches taller" 1,hydra decides to see doctor about painful ingrown head 1,nelson mandela becomes first politician to be missed 1,area man proud he can still fit into car from high school 0,"But pro-lifers often base the pro-life stance on preventing harm. Not just religion. (And in this case they are one-in-the-same anyway.) This isn't a case of harm-preventative-morality versus religious-morality; it's a case of two harm-preventative moralities in conflict, due to each only focusing mostly on one aspect (either the mother or the unborn baby)." 0,obama's still trying to convince people his birth certificate is real 1,confused marines capture al-jazeera leader 0,inside paris with an urban explorer 1,pope benedict asks if it's too late to change name 0,kate mara: it's 'quite an honor' to play a female superhero 0,the clintons' arkansas network comes to new hampshire 1,serial killer makes impassioned case for protecting local marsh 1,So how are those gun free zones working out for you? 0," but it is the best theory besides evolution. If evolution isn't true somebody please come up with a new theory to compete with creation. Right here please I would like to know what is option #2 for Atheism."" Just out of interest, which version of creation are you talking about? " 0,5 reasons your salon haircut turned out wrong 0,britney spears soaks up the sun in tiny yellow bikini 0,massive filament snakes across sun's surface 0,"it's not too late, ivanka" 0,eric trump says those who oppose his dad are 'not even people' 1,"** If you call your diktat, ""productive dialogue"", then you must be employed by 'The Department of Truth', or whatever they're calling it these days. And since to you ""scientific"" means, solely and only, ""materialist/mechanist"", right from the jump, there never was any chance of 'dialogue' taking place. " 1,"woman's body confusing jumble of celtic, egyptian, japanese symbols" 1,report: income inequality most apparent during fifth-grade classmate's birthday party 0,10 lessons we learned from diane keaton's new book 0,"stop thinking, just move: combatting ocd" 0,"justin trudeau continues to melt hearts, teaching son how to make s'mores" 0,holocaust survivor receives high school diploma at age 88 0,"You know that under most public healthcare systems you can still buy private care if you really want to, don't you?As for OldSarge's claim of bean pushers deciding what care you get, isn't another name for them ""claims adjustors""? When I go to see a doctor he's the one who decides my treatment, not anyone else. He doesn't have to call anyone to check the funding is there, if it's covered for anyone, it's covered for me as well." 0,here's what happened when i slept for an extra hour each night 1,world unites in desire to have a little more time between terrorist attacks 1,"Repent, you Christ-denying, gay bashing radical heathen.. well, you already are going to end up in the Pit." 0,dakota johnson awkwardly accepts sex toys from ellen degeneres 0,bergdahl to face court martial for desertion 1,woman beginning to suspect husband having second affair 1,hasbro pledges additional 30 marbles for hippo-hunger relief 0,top democrat pushes back on expanding obama's trade powers 1,"'humanity deserves to live in darkness,' onion social algorithm cries out before bursting into bright light, disappearing from earthly realm" 1,levi's unveils new line of jeans with size written across the whole ass 0,"it is no ""story""........i am debating on the whole evolution thing... look at the facts. so many great ppl, physics people, niels bohr, he was for evoulution, then he found out all of the facts that it is junk, so he became a christian" 1,"Ahh...I perceive that Cauchy3 or one of his descendents has made it to this site. Friends, we are in for some surreal poetry!" 1,"Coveting is the basis for capitalism. Without coveting, there is no motivation!" 1,food purchased as souvenir tragically revealed to be available back home 1," How do you KNOW Bush let's Cheney run the government..oh yeah, that's right, CNN/CBS told you. So you will knock one of the greatest minds this country has because he has a bad heart and can't stand for long periods of time? What a goober, so I guess Stephen Hawking should die too, huh? " 1,mother's day card mailed 1,You know you have outwitted a conservative thinker when they completely dodge the argument you have made. 1,son attempts to cultivate parents' interest in better movies 0,robert redford may be wrong when he said retirement leads to death 0,"See my post above, Hi. marc ignores fundamentals of Miller's beliefs that he clearly spells out in trying to push his anti-Miller argument." 1,our nation's celebrities: what are they wearing? 0,sessions launches team trump's russia counteroffensive 0,"Yeah, see this is the old ""gateway drug"" fallacy.If anything is a gateway drug, it's alcohol, so why is it still legal?If a drug can act as a ""gateway"" to other drugs, isn't that why it's illegal?So are people sitting around drinking alcohol all day, waiting for someone to come by with something ""harder""? No, and the same is true for people who smoke pot. Oh, sure they may also do other things once and a while, but it wasn't simply because they tried that first joint. It's just a personality trait and a common one. If pot didn't exist, these people would be doing something else. The same with alcohol and cigarettes. If they didn't exist, people would find some other type of vice." 0,"I am so sorry to hear about what has happened to you. I hope you get away from this terrible man and surround yourself with people who love you.I must ask, though, why are you a Christian? You completely disagree with typical Christian sentiments on abortion, you feel none of the purported guilt the religious movement implies is inevitable, you feel like you did the right thing, so why would you continue to profess to belong to this religion if you disagree with one of the major issues of the day?" 0,"at this year's toronto film festival, it's the quieter performances that speak the loudest" 1,"portrait of nude, bleeding man hung on school wall" 1,every new yorker found murdered 0,how do i teach my girls to love their bodies when i hate mine? 1,man adds a few personalized tracks to standard new-girlfriend mix cd 0,queer teens face a shocking amount of violence and discrimination 0,kansas bans poor people from spending welfare on cruise ships 1,film to be made into john grisham 1,"'when i'm acquitted, i'll murder those interviewers,' robert durst mutters while still wearing microphone" 1,"aerobics enthusiast believes in crystal light, self" 1,saudi women receive husbands' explicit permission to celebrate right to vote 1,"But maybe god does not hate gays, maybe he just hates the ones that demand to have sex with people whether they want it or not." 0,But we also don't know that evolution is true - it is a belief system about the past that requires faith for it to have any reason. Your first part is already false (proved above). 0,"sport for good: nelson mandela's vision, one community at a time" 1,man who downloaded $2.99 meditation app prepares to enter lotus plane of eternal serenity 1,biggest guy in prison tired of every new inmate beating shit out of him on their first day 0,the world economic forum is giving goosebumps to some 'game of thrones' fans 0,why trumpcare is giving senate republicans heartburn 0,"No one insists they are ""descendants"". No one insists they are ancestors either. Rather, they are viewed as an offshoot of the branch that led to H. sapiens sapiens (i.e.-us). Just like your cousins are neither your ancestors or your descendants." 0,"What a condescending attitude you have. In case you haven't noticed, you are a very small part of the human race that you smuggly hold in contempt. (Thankfully small!) Your mission should be to improve it, not to stand back and claim you are better than everybody else, as you seem to do. Killing innocent people of any age is wrong. Children are no exception, they are just the epitomy of innocence. The ""pretty sick"" applies to your own deluded thoughts. Rest assured, I will not mourn your death or the deaths of any of those you may have taught your insane values. You are !" 1,fcc to fine americans who don't keep up with tv shows 1,man now too exhausted to repress both anger and sadness 1,knights organization denies claims that overhunting could lead to extinction of dragons 1,atlantic records sends cease-and-desist order to woman using lizzo's 'juice' as her personal anthem 1,suri cruise somehow already 11 1,tammys of the world demand to be taken seriously 1,grandpa looking absolutely precious in new baseball cap 0,bill clinton's welfare reform law is kicking up to 1 million people off food stamps 1,"I was not dead in the 70s but I was not living in the States. I was under the impression that Abba was not successful in the States but did not have the advantage of the world wide web to ask my American cousins if this was the case.I could not afford to fly over there either. I was also under the impression that Diana Ross was not popular in South America maybe Winston will read this post one day and tell me I was dead in the 70s and 80s." 1,lara flynn boyle's publicist warns interviewer upfront 1,pope francis scouring papal tombs for final easter egg of vatican hunt 1,justify wakes up next to decapitated head of prized jockey after refusing to throw triple crown 0,do trump voters continue to support repeal of obamacare? 1,astronomers confirm moon will have dozens of new phases in 2019 1,high school fuckup now in charge of checking airport luggage for explosives 0,"in iran and north korea, trump is playing with nuclear fire" 0,the u.s. might be getting closer to expanding its isis fight 1,queen elizabeth annoyed nude pictures of prince harry don't show anything good 0,reporter hailed a 'patriot' for defying white house by live-streaming press briefing 0,"muscular guys are seen as better leaders, but there's a catch" 1,man's only contribution to house search periodically telling wife he wishes he knew how to help 1,"you told me in an earlier post that the mother should die, even if they predict the fetus will kill the mother. your bible states otherwise." 1,"'my god, i've discovered the missing link in the russia investigation,' think 379,000 reddit users simultaneously" 1,cbs picks up nbc nightly news 0,"I know what you mean. You should see some of the other ""books"" he has at his site as well.Well, now we know that Muslim creationists are even nuttier than Christian creationists, but both still use the same twisted ideas and concepts to justify their pseudo-science of creationism (Read: Religious beliefs). ;)" 0,why the deadly attacks against foreigners in south africa come as no surprise 1,college professor reminds students it will take a few classes to memorize everyone's triggers 0,'despacito' played on 2 calculators adds up to something special 1,wolf blitzer decks boston man who hasn't been healed by red sox baseball 0,mutual selection process 1,horse-race announcer clearly had money on 'little dancer' 0,"artificial intelligence is here to help us, microsoft boss jean-philippe courtois says" 1,shy balloon spends entire party floating in back corner of room by itself 0,"Your argument is moot. The Iraq population wasn't heavily armed, only the Taliban and soldiers." 1,"report finds koch brothers increasingly falling under control of influential, high-powered trillionaire" 1,nation's boyfriends dreading 'free event in the park' season 0,sleater-kinney just made bowie's 'rebel rebel' the political anthem of 2017 1,Ever see someone try to kill you?that can causes paranoia also.emoticonXRolleyes 0,emails: u.s. government facilitated lng business deals before terminals got required federal permits 0,why is it called a 'cesarean section' anyway? 0,smear campaign against michigan candidate shows how hard it is for muslims to run for office 0,a gay couple opens up about building their beautiful family 0,florida man who landed gyrocopter at u.s. capitol rejects plea deals 0,"So, because she's bigger, she can kill the fetus off? That is generally the idea the school yard bully has." 0,how to dress your sexiest 1,another pufferfish dies bitter and friendless 0,new york film festival 2014 #4: pta's 'inherent vice' stumbles in 1,gm covered with giant tarp until it has money to work on cars again 1,congress approves $15 billion medicruelty 1,"Indeed true. God created man in his own likeness and man returned the favor. Man created a vindictive, vengeful, and vicious god, according to the Bible. So where does a loving god come from?" 0,man films killer tornado bearing down on him in shocking video 0,ann coulter rejects rescheduling offer from uc berkeley 1,"cheney returns to u.s. with full head of thick, wavy hair" 0,"puke. Now I'd like the Vatican to give me an example of Darwinian (random mutation/selection-causing) ""evolution"" so I can shoot it down for them." 0,'body-slam' candidate greg gianforte gets slammed himself in scorching new memes 1,So making it much worse cures the problem. Get a grip. 1,lure of free meal each shift too great for disgruntled arby's employee 1,secluded cabin in woods filled with big plans for america 0,these parents' classified ad may raise a few eyebrows 1,sports journalist told to write some slop about baseball healing boston 0,"victor pinchuk, mistral warships, and the jews of ukraine" 1,"'god fucking dammit, you're a stupid fucking moron,' whispers woman who realizes she missed ice dancing" 1,sean spicer's voice immediately recognized by everyone else in 'halo 5' multiplayer lobby 0,woman claims she had miscarriage after cop used stun gun against her 0,"senate votes near unanimously for russia, iran sanctions" 1,I'm guessing that nobody wanted to fish it out of the toilet bowl. ;) 0,I think it is simply been more socially acceptable for women to cry openly. 0,I'm not sure that your comment will encourage any sort of discussion. Certainly no one is glad because your mother died so young. Not even creationists are likely to be gleeful. 0,george and amal cloney are a vision in nyc 0,watch these dancers beautifully portray the evolution of a relationship 0,proof that men and women can just be best friends 0,olympic figure skater cosplays jaime lannister for 'game of thrones' routine 1,So you are saying that genetics has nothing to do with genetics? 0,"And when supersport says that the fossil record was created by god to test the faith of the people? He could make his hypothesis unfalsifiable, and he wouldn't care that it would be unscientific." 0,hate preachers on qatar campus: obama gives qatar undeserved a+ on fighting incitement 0,"for trump, it's the show that counts" 0,"That would most likely (imo) reduce the number of abortions performed. It would depend, I think, on how viable it is to transfer the embryo into the artificial womb. Forced surgery would not be an option if I had anything to do about it." 0,"medicare for all is coming, no matter what they say" 0,"if isis had committed the 11 school shootings since sandy hook, congress would have declared war." 1,"Gansao, don't be bitter because of what you had to do with a producer, all those years ago, to get your act onto the Gong Show.emoticonXClown" 0,ben affleck makes first public appearance since split with jennifer garner 0,why do americans pursue happiness? 0,islamophobic heckler interrupts muslim woman's tv interview on islamophobia 0,"How is that related to deterrence? Once again, deterrence is preventing through the fear of consequences. What you are talking about is not related to the subject of deterrence." 1,third knocked-over glass of water makes man want to give up 1,screaming japanese schoolgirls overturn greenspan's bus 1,"Then you have amnesia, because you are samiinh, and your posting style and trolling content is solid evidence of that." 1,man pulling on loose hangnail slowly unravels skin from entire body 0,20 last-minute mother's day gifts that will still arrive in time 1,man grateful to live in society where mattress disappears if left on sidewalk for a couple days 0,kim cattrall says ellen would make a 'fabulous' samantha in 'sex and the city 3' 1,zoologists thrilled after successfully getting pair of bengal tigers to 69 in captivity 0,stephen curry is way better than his dad at playing horse 1,fruit of islam cause man to soil fruit of looms 0,"What if the surgery for transferring the embryo/fetus would be equal in difficulty, risk, etc. to having an abortion? There would then be no extra physical cost incurred in keeping the embryo/fetus alive. What would be the reasons, in such a case, to keep abortion as an option?" 0,i helped immigrant artists get visas. and the process is a bureaucratic mess. 1,'walking dead' fans split on recent harlem globetrotters crossover episode 1,clinton vetoes bill for reason he can't put his finger on 0,But the point is why are there relatively few creationists. The reason is that the creationist position cannot be defended in open debate. That is why creationist boards censor opposing views. On boards where creationists are not protected there are few. 1,"local news anchor happy as hell, going to take it for long, long time" 1,"everyone doing it, schoolyard sources allege" 0,larry kudlow 'leaning' toward senate run in connecticut 1,bush trying to decide how to spend his tax refund 0,republicans are voting to give a huge tax cut to many members of congress 1,"woman longs for caress of boyfriend's dry, cracked, bleeding hands" 0,donald trump revels in recounting the 'very good towels' he threw to hurricane victims 1,upcoming 'red dead redemption 2' expansion allows players to experience story from horse's perspective 0,stressed out at work? here's how to find your center with just 3 minutes of breathing 0,la metro's next ceo 1,exasperated shark can't believe it traveled 3 miles for single drop of blood 1,"new report finds it took humans 3,000 years after developing language to work up confidence to talk to each other" 0,ciro guerra's 'embrace of the serpent' at cannes: a conversation with the colombian director about shamanism 1,college freshman experiences first tantalizing taste of freedom waiting in line at burrito station while parents find table 1,bush asks advice for this friend of his who invaded iraq 1,"sick, elderly man screaming about foreigners stealing from him" 1,scotland yard frees 163-year-old british man after dna evidence clears him of being jack the ripper 0,this is lazy-girl chic at its finest 0,trump goes back to original immigration position with second 180 flip 0,an unexpected heirloom 1,study: 30% of people who quit smoking relapse after shakily raising cigarette up to lips when agreeing to turn state's evidence 0,why millennials need to stand out (or what i'd say in a commencement speech) 1,car salesman three desks over going on and on about chick he banged last night 1,"So scientists are doing science, lots of it. Check the August 2007 issue of Evolution, for example. On the other hand IDists produce nothing, do no lab work, but just harp and harangue against evolution. As the article says, ""Its passionate diatribes virtually advertise the program they attack. People must fight for something that they want to achieve, not simply reject an evil, however bad it may be. Shoe fits you lot, WW, not us." 0,"chinese bomber flies around spratlys in show of force, u.s. official says" 1,study: american spiritual epiphanies increasingly juice-based 0,"parents are turning to marijuana more than teens, study suggests" 0,"Really? 'cuss what I always see with anti-choicers is that they seem to think that the pregnant woman is invisible. This means that all men and all fetuses have a right to life at all times, but women, for some unknown reason, seem to lose that right when they become pregnant. Weird." 0,michaela watkins on the 'myth' surrounding female-driven shows 1,report: fuck guy in kayak 0,to your health 0,'friends' co-creator on whether or not we'll get a reboot 0,"melting ice sheets changing the way the earth wobbles on its axis, says nasa" 0,trump's mini-surge 0,"the bridge, an essay (photos)" 0,the fda should even the score for women's sexual health 1,christianity celebrates one billionth unanswered prayer 1,every nbc program to end with character straight up asking viewers what kind of new tv shows they would like to see 1,seaworld crowd applauds for dolphin playfully spraying blood from blowhole 1,fans excited as 'solo' trailer sheds light on specifically how it will suck 0,"in new york state, a glimmer of good news about the opioid crisis" 0,jimmy fallon reveals the silliest bets his viewers have made 0,"The idea of abortion as population control is absurd, especially forced abortions as someone mentioned a few posts ago. Anyone who has read a biology book knows the world has methods of population control on its own, we don't need to be doing stuff like that ourselves." 1,woman with shitty job her own boss 1,"With all of the drunks running around, you'd think everyone would know how to treat someone for alcohol poisoning or being run over by a car, wouldn't you. Sometimes I'm certain that your elevator has never seen the penthouse." 0,8 herbs and spices that fight off disease 0,myanmar is picking up the pieces after earthquake damaged ancient pagodas 1,dad suggests arriving at airport 14 hours early 0,"Not all evolution takes place over billions of years. There has been speciation that we have actually seen occuring within a few years at a time. ""bacteria, birds etcs.""Natural selection occures frequently. You can ""observe"" evolution through the fossile record, DNA, morphology etcs.Evolution has made predictions, these predictions have come true, ergo, it's good." 1,pederast judge tries 11-year-old as adult 0,eminem and gwen stefani release 'kings never die' for 'southpaw' soundtrack 0,cultural gems we bet you've never heard of 0,anna faris was dropping hints about trouble with chris pratt before split 0,5-year-old channels solange knowles for perfectly recreated album cover 0,is america's president a russian asset? 1,"deformed, half-feathered audubon society president flees into forest after injecting self with bird dna" 1,"That's what's known around here as a lie, and I wish you were capable of feeling ashamed of yourself." 1,police sketch artist admits to only drawing people who have wronged him 1,dog breeders unveil new mastiffeagle 0,what it's like to date when you're a poet 0,your spouse could make you more likely to survive heart surgery 0,u.n. fails to agree on independent inquiry of human rights abuses in yemen 1,"So, which is it? You don't want violators of Federal law to have guns, yet you don't want them to get rid of them either. Can't possibly do both, now can you? Which one? Do the law breakers keep them, or not? Make it against the law to keep the make it against the law to sell them. DUH! I guess we'll just hang out in limbo-land!" 1,enthusiasm of 18-year-old first-time voter completely unbearable 0,"Jesus was then what he is now: the Logos of God (Philo, quis rerum divinarum heres 42.405), the heavenly High Priest (Hebrews), the culmination of Gods eternal plan (Ro. 16:25), the secret mystery only now, after his sacrifice, revealed through revelation and scripture (1 Cor 2:6-13)." 0,choose gratitude or anger: a 3-part test (if you dare) 0,how newt gingrich is bringing john mccain's campaign and super pac together 0,zeev aram (video) 1,thats true. i helped. my next bible will be 10 times better if i get around to finishing it 0,past 'american idol' winners pay tribute to david bowie with touching performance 1,ingenious political analyst points out irony of melania trump speaking out against cyber bullying when her husband donald trump 1,"What part of we have not murdered one terrorist in GITMO do you not understand??????......You want to know what real torture is? Ask John McCain, he can tell you what it feels like to be really tortured........You apologizers for Durbin and that scumbag in GITMO make me sick........They never had it so good.....Get a clue!!!! " 1,"So was eating shellfish. Quit trying to change the subject you ignorant spawn of satan. " 1,big-hair lady loves jesus 1,nicole richie's beautiful figure ruined by pregnancy 0,is justin bieber mocking kourtney kardashian's ex scott disick on instagram? 0,this u.s. district could 'demolish the glass ceiling' in november with first all-female ticket 0,katie couric admits to 'embarrassing' herself over trans issues 0,"Notice that even in this version there are elipses just before the quote in question. My bet is if we were to actually refer to this 44 years old book, Simpson would not be saying what Toxey wants him to say." 1,state's abortion waiting period allows women to explore alternatives to making their own decisions 1,fisher-price releases new in utero fetal activity gym 0,"What is a 'higher' species. If you mean a more intelligent primate?? The concept there is a hierarchy of 'higher' and 'lower' species is incorrect. Theonly difference between man and the other primates is that man has a hyperdeveloped brain. There are two sugars that are naturally produced by body by most mammals. When investingating the presnece of these chemicals, one of them is present in much lower concentrations in the brainsof all mammals. However, humans have a mutation that interrupted the production of this chemical. A piece of random junk got inserted into the middle of the gene that produces this chemical,and disabled it. Sometimes,evolution is not so much about what is added, but what is removed." 0,nurse barred from jail after allegedly performing exorcism on inmate 0,"Well of course it's about petitions that would lead to amendments. What else would it be about? Nevertheless it is still a voting process. That's how amendments are done. What I'm asking is, does this bill mean that ANY issue that could come up as an amendment would be illegal? And if not, (the more important question) how would they determine what constitutes civil rights. (Which you didn't answer, but rather basically said 'I don't know but rest assured they do' (to paraphrase). Get it now? Anyway, on further review, I believe that the bills only apply to whatever falls under the catagory of 'civil rights', however the heck that is to be determined! emoticonXDonno " 1,shitty region of country figures it might as well give producing wine a shot 1,hungover michelle obama packs leftover inaugural ball hors d'oeuvres into sasha's lunch box 0,what about trump's campaign promise of 'america first'? 1,woman with really pointy feet finds perfect shoes 0,trying to explain heroin to the concerned father of an addict 0,meet the guinness world record holder for darth vader memorabilia 1,"papal apartments found filled with old newspapers, empty pill bottles, mangy cats" 1,coroner's report: john denver had sunshine on shoulders at time of crash 0,judge orders florida's 'stand your ground' law to step back 0,surprise international visit makes for heartwarming first meeting between grandson and grandparents 1,motor trend car of year stripped of title after appearing as hot rod centerfold 0,"yep, 'the walking dead' is getting a seventh season" 1,This is from an article I read on if we just get a bunch of aerosol spray cans we can combat any warming emoticonXGood 1,picture of lemur printed for no goddamned reason 0,jill biden prefers the title 'captain of the vice squad' to second lady 1,report: keep reading and nobody gets hurt 1,black history month celebration honors how sharp african americans looked in old-timey clothes 1,6-year-old cries when told mtm productions kitten dead by now 0,are you an achievment junkie? why it's so hard to stop working so hard 1,"How many times have the ""evangelicals"" been ""so worried"" about what gay kids and gay parents are doing??? Do you ever wonder why the ""family"" groups are ""so worried"" about them for when they report endlessly on their actions? " 1,coworker wondering if anyone interested in laying bare their physical shortcomings in basketball league this year 0,mule-ing it over: high heels and the law 0,james corden and harry styles kiss for holiday-themed 'carpool karaoke' 0,donald trump picks up his first congressional endorsements 0,"They have. Prey animals have their eyes to the sides of their heads which allows them to see in every direction, almost 360 degrees around. Predator animals have their both eyes facing forward." 0,"professor slammed to the ground by police, arrested for allegedly assaulting an officer" 0,"mother on trial for hitting, pinching toddler during long flight" 1,son conned out of allowance for seventh consecutive week 1,"Balderdash! Atheism isn't science. That's nonsense. And science is atheistic in the same way that plumbing is. " 1,"So, is a giant Panda a bear? Or some other ""kind""?" 1,'the onion' guarantees all who watch new amazon series shall be spared 0,where is happiness? the question was answered two millennia ago 0,Isn't agreeing with what? The senate hasn't passed any laws that would restrict right to carry anymore than it already is. 1,"Really? Well, when I have a kid, I'll be sure to just leave it in the woods, since it can apparently care for itself." 1,man worried antidepressants will leave trace of original personality 0,here are the new shows that have been picked up for a full season so far 0,how to make your blow-out last even longer 1,bill clinton has unibeam installed in chest 0,these are a few of the shelters scrambling to offer winter storm refuge 0,is your job search too old-fashioned? 1,"The article as a whole never made that argument either. Lie number.... oh I can't keep track anymore, let's just call it 40." 1,glade introduces new spring meadow fire extinguisher 1,savion glover taps his way out of another speeding ticket 1,"So you disagree with Zardoz then? True christians are those who profess faith and bear false witness? True christians are those who are ignorant, vain, boastful insulting liars? Interesting..." 0,watch live: actor jeremy piven dishes on pbs' 'mr. selfridge' 0,"dems come out to airports around the country to support muslims, refugees" 1,who warns about resurgence of guinea worm disease as 150-ton parasite splashes out of sea 0,mistrial for alabama officer charged after assaulting indian man 1,"The same way, for the woman shot at the guy not when she was in the shower but afterwards and what good did it do to her ? Maybe she was sohhhhhhhhhhh ugly that the poor guy ran away. Do you have pictures of her, by the way?" 1,children starting to see through dad's claim that doubletree hotel part of disney resort 0,donald trump continues to favor fox news over all other networks 1,"hot, sweaty jane fonda wondering if that's the best delivery boy's got" 0,7 super seeds with big health benefits 1,bowling green state just going to claim christopher lloyd as alumnus until someone calls them out 0,airborne rally car misses hitting world's luckiest dog by just inches 0,"NO, these were all ammedments. all passed. All written recently. There are laws on the book from the 1800's but that isn't what just passed." 0,two sisters tell 'heart felt' tale of taking down bad cholesterol 1,"OK, where do we start? The NAACP. Affirmative Action? UNCF? Miss Black America? emoticonXRolleyes" 0,man brings human skull to florida grocery store: police 0,binge-watching netflix is making you feel lonely and depressed 1,pure silk to stream from cindy crawford's ass 1,puerto ricans without power for month can only assume this leading story across national news media 0,1/5 of u.s. adults live in or near poverty 0,police catch 'nonchalant' gunman who killed 3 at colorado walmart 1,some stupid thing making the rounds among your facebook friends today 1,lovebird windshield wipers gleefully chasing each other through rain 1,birthday boy admits accepting gifts 1,area dad just wants to watch one 7-hour block of television without interruption 0,the biggest celebrity fails of 2015 0,"Since when were proteins no longer structures? A basic freshmen tool for teaching is the phrase ""structure defines function.""" 0,"young, transgender and acting on tv" 1,"Yes, but an adult asking such a question is not capable of understanding the answer. ;)" 1,"And you clearly avoid how you support a totalitarian system of reporting (among other anti-democratic and anti-liberty ideas). I find it amusing that you are now justifying methods used by the very people and groups you hate. But then again, you become what you hate. Diogenes99: we never have all of the facts. However, what is missing from ""a koran was flushed down the toliet"" in regards to facts? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,Someone's help? Whoever are you talking about? It wasn't any much work at all. A simple search. I'm pointing it out to you in the hopes that you'll get some new material. That and the fact I'd rather not see you banned. 1,"No, you shot off a smart remark while failing to address any of the issues. Par fro the course for you. It seems like maybe you would be more comfortable on a blogging page than a forum page, especially a blogging page without a space for reader responses." 1,teary-eyed tim kaine asks clinton if his hair will grow back in time for election day 0,"Actually, I've been posting more than ever...just not here. This place has become gay central and it bored me. I posted the above because I knew it was a topic near and dear to both of our hearts. emoticon_xkill emoticon_xgood" 1,gallup forced to destroy defective sample group that failed to accurately forecast michigan primary 1,what man thinks is recycling takes city workers 2 hours a day to sort 0,mike pence: the birther issue is over 1,david allan coe waiting outside to kick your ass 0,senator 'alarmed' by reports u.s. military families were harassed 0,'duke of burgundy' is the all-female erotic drama you need to see 1,Right on! The Obama administration is a colossal financial disaster. If he doesn't have another trillion dollars to XXXX he can't do anything. Tax and spend - that's all those liberal turkeys know how to do. 1,confused mueller reminds nation russia investigation wrapped up months ago 0,I've been posting at least a few times a week. That's a lot more than once a month. I pointed out that the US has higher levels of gun crime than most developed nations while you tried to focus on a few tragedies in response to someone questioning the claim that criminals will always get guns. I think it's obvious whose argument is more cherry picked. 1,"fourth-grader's world war ii project vastly oversimplifies importance of air combat, uncle reports" 1,melania's staff asks for privacy from president while she recuperates 1,I will think of Jebus...but I don't drink Koolaid anymore. Too sweet and sicky tasting. Yuck. I'm into the hard stuff now. Tap water over ice. 0,marco rubio avoids criticizing jeb bush after debate tussle over missed senate votes 0,here is the 8th person who was at donald trump jr.'s meeting with russians 0,trump tells guam governor nuclear tensions will mean more tourism 0,yesterday's news stands becoming tomorrow's healthy eating hotspots 0,"j balvin, nicky jam say they changed the notion that reggaetón is misogynist" 1,"bengal tigers' habitat down to studio apartment in jaipur, india" 1,girlfriend to stay underneath blanket for next 5 months 0,how bill kristol briefly blew up the 2016 presidential race with a single tweet 1,"'i'm trump all the way,' says man who will die from mishandling fireworks months before election" 0,"Not in this instance, no. It isnt trying to parallel pregnancy per se(though it is most relevant for us if we take it as only 9 months), but trying to parallel the moral scenario of having a person attached to you against your will and without your consent. If the pro-life mantra is to be believed, it is never correct to disconnect someone if they will die if you do. So, the argument is applicable for 9 days, 9 months, 9 years or forever." 0,"Well, I would agree that as many constitutional ammendments probably would not have passed, but I certainly don't think they all would not have been passed, and I don't think that Massachusettes allowing same-sex marriage was a bad thing. Constitutional ammendments are difficult to overcome, but no one can ever change a law if people aren't willing to take a stand and fight for it.Can you tell that I love the quote in Jyoshu's signature?" 0,"By removing you mean Killing the innocent of course, which is different to imprisonment of the criminal." 0,is a college degree really the best investment? 0,rescue team saves boy dangling from ski lift in dramatic video 0,scenes from a drunken huddle of angry white men 1,"And with strict gun control laws too. Wow, who would've believed such a thing were possible." 0,spain's harsh crackdown draws worldwide attention to catalonia 0,here's how you can help lgbt survivors of prison rape this holiday season 0,qatar gambles that labour reforms will satisfy critics 1,jon bon jovi jealous of former classmate who made it out of jersey 0,the incredibly boring trait that all great leaders need 0,rare pokemon sparks massive stampede in taiwan 0,the white house's 'week of inclusion' can't undo all these exclusionary trump policies 1,new lawn-care product makes neighbor's lawn less green 1,entertainment lawyer 'fighting the good fight' 1,manufacturer manufactures love to wife 1," Now that is a diaper load. How's that free speech thing doing up there by the way." 1,moments leading up to romney's concession most likely hilarious 0,"Because quite simply, it is all what we observe. One has never observed a mutation that has been seen to increase the information in the genome. If there have been any mutations that have led to an increase in information, please state it." 1,line item on aetna insurance bill just 'paying for ceo's yacht' 0,elena ferrante to write column for the guardian's weekend magazine 1,family lets cars come inside house during snowstorm 1,retiree purchases recliner he'll eventually die in 0,"And yet this is what they fossil record shows. There is alot of information floating around on the uses of feathers for insulation, hunting techniques, display etc before flight.Half a feather might not be as good for flight as a ""fully developed"" one, but dinosaurs had them and they probably were able to glide, albeit poorly, with them. Even less of a feather might shade a pool of water to allow them to spot small fish or for display to attract a potential mate. To say they were ""totally useless"", is simply false. Evolution works on adapting already functional structures for different functions." 1,biden clenches plastic beer cup in teeth to free hands for clapping 0,"fear not, 'game of thones' fans: the brexit won't affect the show" 0,finding the answer that's been there all along: how to discover the direction with wings 0,man accused of keeping woman in crate killed by cops 0,bill o'reilly's advertisers can't keep looking the other way 0,why post-debate instant polls are terrible 0,wednesday's morning email: republicans on cusp of passing tax giveaway 1,"Eighty-nine times. Still quite a junior partner. I must admit that he doesn't like to be slighted though, as evidenced by Luke 12:10. One can say some nasty things about the Son of Man, and all's fine. But say one off-colored comment about the Holy Ghost and it's lakes-o-fire time. He needs to get thicker skin, IMO. Do ghosts have skin, BTW? " 1,man eating cashew butter can't believe he wasted so many years fucking around with peanut butter 1,old man's son also old man 1,passenger glued to airplane window like it fucking 1956 1,janice to register three; janice to register three 1,stone-hearted ice witch forgoes exclamation point 1,candlelight vigilante takes commemorating into own hands 0,a message to trump: regime change will not work in syria 1,new 'steak & onion' potato chips taste disturbingly like steak and onions 0,diabetes and my personal experience with obtaining health care coverage through obamacare 1,gold bond spokesman grudgingly admits it makes your balls tingle 0,the end of the road 1,man excited to spend weekend back home catching up with old video games from high school 1,6th-grade teacher seen making out with gamestop dude 0,crossing the finish line for kids with cardiomyopathy 0,isla fisher thanks donald trump for showing that 'unqualified orange people can win things' 0,...see how they run 0,the conversation women everywhere need to stop having 1,dow up 300 after deaths of 400 0,u.s. opens door to a change in blood donation policy for gay men 1,So what are you proposing? Death panels? Do you think we should euthanase the elderly or should we simply stop their social security payments and healthcare? 0,When you have no constructive comment just attacks the messenger with your insultsand name very sad..........Its radicals like you that hurt the cause of gay rights......... 0,poland passes law that eu says threatens country's democracy 1,recently uncovered passage from book of revelation shows that prophet foresaw 'violent reign of red-headed boy-king' 0,woman enters miss universe malaysia after finding beauty in her head-to-toe moles 0,obama blasts afghans for expelling reporter -- so why the continued pursuit of 'nyt' reporter james risen? 0,the calculated plan to outlaw abortion in the us 0,pixies release secret song for record store day 0,gratitude for my pain 1,spacex reveals all 400 dogs on falcon rocket failed to survive trip 1,area woman quietly satisfied to have concrete evidence backing up years-long hatred of matt lauer 0,"It's not a reference to Carl Bogus. It's a reference to ""Quotes falsely attributed to Hilter, Sarah Brady, and Janet Reno"" on this page: GunCite - Gun Control: Bogus gun control quotes" 1,mozambique out of toilet paper 0,"They can ""marry"" whomever they love. Benefits though, are a different matter. The state and society views marriage as an opposite-sex institution. It's not about anyone getting harmed; no one said it was." 0,rebel wilson says 'male star' sexually harassed her while his friends tried to film 1,"Oh, well, then that settles the argument doesn't it. It must be a person because she says so, now. Maybe she will change her mind again?" 1,unemployed businessman has time for headache 0,hillary clinton speech interrupted by black student activists 0,ron cephas jones shares exciting details about season 2 of 'this is us' 0,adam levine's house in new york city is even hotter than he is 1,study: 83% of marathon spectators only attend for sick thrill of watching fellow man suffer 0,I think that scientists don't work with religion and religion has no place in science class. 1,new cereal for poor stays crunchy in water 1,trump blasts critics who judge neo-nazi groups by most extreme members 0,bernie sanders wins maine democratic caucus 1,tractor pulls now number-one use for u.s. tractors 0,stephen colbert let deray mckesson interview him about his whiteness 0,adopted child doe and amended birth certificates 1,african leaders still treating clinton as president 0,here's what happened when a drag queen interviewed trump supporters 0,fierce 'frozen'-themed t-ball team photo goes viral 0,here's what we know about bill cosby's defense team 0,"Tell that to CDC pathologists. Or just read this post. ETA: Alternatively, let's look at the logic in this way: because the field of quantum mechanics is useless for helping me describe classical physical systems, quantum mechanics must be wrong. I think this illustrates the fallacy satisfactorily." 1,donald trump spends another valentine's day completely alone 1,pneumonia virus terrified after remembering what clintons capable of 0,donald trump says he might pay legal fees for man who sucker-punched a protester 0,In all fairness the Pharmacist does serve an important vetting role in the supply of medication to patients- they check what has been prescribed by the doctor against they know about and correct errors that are made (which do happen... I was once given a 7 week course of anti-malarials which turned out to be suitable for taking no more than 28 days at a time).That aside I'd agree with sinjin. 1,knowshon moreno asks broncos if there's anything else to drink besides gatorade 0,5 longevity secrets from the world's healthiest cultures 0,start your day chia seed smoothie style 0,boston teachers visit students' countries of origin to bridge cultural divide 1,personal life a total waste of time 0,watch: jay carney's most epic clashes with reporters 1,zapp institute adjusts bounce/ounce ratio 1,toenails regenerating 0,hear the siren from behind the fence 0,let the children speak 1,biden implores obama to 'rub one out' before debate 0,please stop blaming women for making less money than men 1,eco-conscious hotel lets guests decide whether they want room's towels washed before next guests arrive 0,beyoncé channeled 5 of lil' kim's iconic outfits and lil' kim couldn't cope 1,john roberts delivers finishing blow to stephen breyer to defend title of chief justice 1,"Remember the old Adage ""know thy enemy""? emoticonXGood Just because I explain how one CAN fight terrorism doesn't mean that one SHOULD fight terrorism that way. Don't worry, I haven't lost my humanity, yet. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,jeff sessions argues family separations only happening because current law doesn't allow him to strangle immigrants with bare hands 0,why this father feeds his son freakish fruit and vegetables 1,mit think-tank develops 20 great gift ideas 0,father of parkland victim creates powerful mural honoring son and 16 others killed 0,adele is just as bummed about the brangelina split as everyone else 0,there was a silver lining to the disneyland measles outbreak 1,ketchup not fancy enough for local man 1,fear factor creator's will: 'heirs must eat my ashes to collect inheritance' 0,the conundrum of the midterms 0,will p5+1 and iran clinch a deal? 1,going-out-of-business sign thanks neighborhood for 3 months of no support whatsoever 1,cnn producer on hunt for saddest-looking fuck with convention button collection 1,"bush posts classified ad for 90,000 troops" 0,a third of americans say they know someone affected by harvey 0,try to keep calm but k-pop band bts is getting a documentary series 0,leslie jones and adam rippon commentating on figure skating is an olympic dream 1,environmental ad campaign encourages turning shower off after showering 0,report: new york state senate leader to be arrested for corruption 1,"Hang in here everyone, Bassman's been reading ""_____""'s posts over and over and they've got him talking about the ""American Holocaust""! emoticonXBanghead Until you have been in my exact situation, I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand. I really don't give a emoticonXCensored if you think it is selfish or not - it is not for you to judge." 1,department of agriculture locates perfect goat 1,mom announces plans to get out some of your old baby stuff and quietly stare at it 0,"Again, I'm not sure where all this emphasis on limbs comes from, as if it were the only possible result of genetic variance. But I'll bite: some people are born with six fingers. Example of a new part to an existing structure...on humans, no less." 1,manafort shares tense silence with rick gates on car ride back from trial 0,sunday roundup 0,derek jeter reveals one of the biggest regrets of his career to president obama 1,conductor fatigue blamed in massive model train crash 1,So taking peoples rights away is an american value? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal. After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also. 0,fiona apple's classic 'criminal' video just got a lesbian makeover 0,"And yet you ""and other women"" feel free to impose their version of reality on innocent lives." 0,pilot was locked out of cockpit before alps crash 1,st. vincent to world's catholics: stop donating all this crap to me 0,"So what standards of proof do you hold the bible to? What allows you to hold it next to other religious or fantastical texts and say ""Yes, this one is definately, without fail, the word of God, and this one is not.""" 1,new ted cruz campaign ad features his kids begging for beto o'rourke to be their new dad 1,backstreet boys become backstreet men in backstreet ritual 1,red cross installs blood drop-off bins for donors' convenience 0,"Then thats as far as we can go on it, and thats fine. Not being a science worshiper myself, I simply dont automatically take this type of blanket statement as automatically true. What largely prompted this thread happened last Tuesday - 6:30 AM, and a six-figure weather forecaster scientist guy assured everyone watching him that a pretty nice day was ahead, largely cloudy yet with peeks of sun, with a slim chance of very spotty rain. 2 hours later, the beginning of widespread heavy rain, for three solid hours. Unusual of course, but if we have scientific blunders concerning a few miles, I can imagine we could have a few blunders concerning hundreds of thousands of light years. " 0,republicans steel for a loss in trump country special election 0,selfless cop escorts adorable family of ducklings across busy street 1,"I actually laughed out loud at that one! Imagine how gay black people such as myself should feel. Maybe I should just lie down and call myself sidewalk." 0,"chuck grassley introduces donald trump at rally, but does not endorse" 0,north carolina tops gonzaga to win sixth ncaa title 0,5 mistakes to avoid during your wedding night 1,pope francis lays hands on ailing u.s. infrastructure 1,zoo hosts contest to name baby of pregnant gift shop worker 0,"This is why the title is ""God exists!!! (but he's not who you think he is). It's a funny proof which I don't think Christians would agree this definition was God. But basically it's saying that take the set of all human beings. Call the greatest God. God exists.Not only that, but the final conclusion is one of the premises. The proof is one big circle :)" 1,"Then what's Mississippi's problem? They must be run by a-holes because they are being forgotten. " 1,owner of cheap motel fixes sign to flicker just right 1,man regrets straying from sour cream and onion potato chips 1,starlet-viewer age difference quickly calculated 0,north korea just launched an icbm. here's what experts think could happen next. 0,religious persecution on the rise: minorities under threat in the middle east 0,get lost in these seven cities 1,Neat my very own living spell check I can't wait to see well it works. 1,man at bar clinging to muted 'king of queens' episode like life preserver 1,Yea right you are likely to know. Stick with the enema hotline. 0,why kellyanne conway doesn't get a break on her bowling green massacre lie 0,"the ultimate odessa, texas, road trip playlist" 1,bike helmet protects child from helmet-inspired beating 1,ant colony comes to halt after death of popular worker 0,how competent are nonprofit boards in strategic planning? 0,'fed up' zara workers battle for more hours 0,'mass mobs' are taking over detroit's catholic churches 0,"happy birthday, bo obama!" 1,something sliding around in coffin 0,no velvet rope for healthcare abroad 1,mom keeping tabs on coyote situation 0,donald trump says his supporters should 'hit back' at protesters more often 1,"You would fail to see it. I guess you don't watch enough TV. " 1,"america a fascist police state, stoned underage drunk driver charges" 0,cdc abruptly canceled a long-planned climate summit days before trump became president 0,jim carrey's scathing portrait of trump as the joker will give you nightmares 0,mitt romney 'planning to run' for senate if orrin hatch retires: report 1,credit-card metallurgists unveil new 'polonium plus' visa card 0,arkansas executes first inmate in 12 years 1,encyclopedic knowledge not so handsomely bound 1,"cia chief admits to torture after six-hour beating, electrocution" 0,here's what clinton and trump were really thinking about during the debate 1,gulf of mexico inducted into opec 0,mindfulness and the average smartphone: technology for calm instead of chaos 0,ben higgins and lauren bushnell on the 'bachelor' buzzwords they never want to say again 1,rnc: 'we warned you gay marriage would be a slippery slope toward accepting pedophilia' 0,new endangered species: deficit hawk 0,podcast review: to the manor borne by robots 0,Your XXX-umption that is a poor attempt to certify a false delimma has long been answered. How many people have been killed in Africa with short handled hoes and machetes? Nary a gun amoungst them. 0,chris hemsworth makes light of reports he and his wife are splitting with cheeky instagram 0,we need to talk about adoptee suicide 1,woman devises latest delusional scheme for burning extra calories during workday 0,the iconic blue ikea bag is getting a makeover 0,author of botched daniel holtzclaw profile apologizes for 'lopsided account' 1,"You really are turning out to be a one trick pony JP. emoticonXRolleyes And here I thought you had the ability to learn from others and your mistakes - I guess not. Waxy" 0,"You're right, I think he has made such comments. Sorry. I think he's wrong and went too far." 0,massive blast rocks central baghdad 0,it's suddenly cold out. am i going to get sick? 1,confusing insult awkwardly clarified 0,"the sanders-clinton debate flap, explained" 0,"You've asked a good question cash, the way you know that is by all of the excuses you're getting rather than any attempts to actually answer you directly with solid evidence. Of course we know that evidence doesn't exist, but they'll never admit that either. emoticonXGood" 1,number of songs gop candidates can use down to 4 1,study finds americans do most financial planning when figuring out how to get money's worth at buffet 1,header image 1,man on horse hates city 1,kiss cover band guitarist leaves to start vinnie vincent invasion tribute band 0,taylor swift rocks a crop top for her new year's eve performance 1,"'we can have differences of opinion and still respect each other,' says betrayer of the one true cause" 1,"once-adventurous salmon can't believe she ended up moving back to birthplace, having a bunch of kids" 0,pro-choice is only pro child if the choice is not abortion and they are only pro family when the choice for family. So really pro choice can be pro child or anti child and pro family or anti family. 1,oklahoma leaders claim teachers' strike betrays values of nation's 1914 founding by abraham lincoln and orville redenbacher 0,u.s. service member dies following explosion in northern syria 0,years of u.s. government lies could soon result in a kurdish massacre 0,"sens. mccain, graham: trump's order could become 'self-inflicted wound' in terror fight" 0,you won't believe where this key got stuck 0,adorable panda cub bei bei makes a very sleepy public debut 1,historical archives: a puzzle for the mind 1,monster got tina 0,gillian jacobs on what it's like to kiss adam brody 0,"under trump, muslim book publishers are fighting against hate" 0,congress sends trump legislation for disaster aid and debt limit increase 0,the white house isn't going to respond to petition to arrest donald trump 1,time running out on second-keg fund drive 0,swarm of 100 drones dance to beethoven's 'symphony no. 5' in the night sky 0,"Actually, you gave (and misspelled) one of the common names given to the fossil, ""Turkana Boy"" It is also sometimes called ""Nariokotome Boy"". But the real designation of the fossil is KNM-WT 15000 and any knowledgeable discussion of that fossil will refer to it as such. That fact, by the way, is how I know that Turkana Boy and Nariokotome Boy are one and the same fossil." 1,"But AA's not responsible for that, because he is an A-rab." 0,testing: enhanced interrogation in the classroom 0,world prematurity day 2014: taking action for newborns born too soon 0,officer's life saved when he shoots bullet directly into suspect's gun 0,"If atheism is a religion, than yes and atheism. If it's not then no. _________________" 0,here's your 10-piece winter capsule wardrobe checklist 0,vanessa williams reveals plans for new album 0,"Well, the 40Ar/39Ar method was used to say that it was 65 mya.This same method was used to date volcanic rock from the Mt. Vesuvius eruption to within 7 years. But the KT boundary was dated using several radiometric methods that all agree to within a couple of million years.Here is where I got that info: at table 2." 0,dog just can't stop smiling ever since she found a home 1,frustrated gunman can't believe how far he has to drive to find nearest planned parenthood clinic 0,"farewell to jean nidetch, patron saint of weight watchers" 0,mark hamill shuts down trump's latest complaint with 3 blistering words 1,voyeur researchers recommend at least 7 hours of watching someone sleep per night 1,polka fan on a real harold loeffelmacher kick lately 0,"Directed variation seems unlikely: Would not selection of mating partners produce nonrandom variation?" 1,r.e.m.'s children still hoping parents will get back together 1,What I marvel at is that you say the bolded as if it's a fact. You are in for a rude awakening my lost friend. emoticonXBanghead 0,how this 65-year-old is beginning a new chapter with parkinson's 1,recruiter saw your background in computer science and thought maybe you'd be interested in working part-time at a kohl's in sioux city 0,"'no blue, no green' -- new sylvia earle film shows power of protecting our oceans" 1,cnn releases photos of 3 obese mexican women suspected in boston bombing 0,the workplace revolution: adding company culture to the mix 0,at least 23 ethical issues are dogging epa administrator scott pruitt 0,secret service took 15 minutes to catch white house fence jumper: report 1,leonardo dicaprio kisses bear before going up to receive oscar 1,entire nyc subway system now consists of single handcar 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 1,drunk man dangerously close to figuring out you're fucking with him 0,how to get researchers to notice an ultra-rare disease 0,'me and earl and the dying girl' -- a film interview 1,"Bad things happen to EVERYONE, dip****. I'm sorry that it is your belief that your sadistic God is the one that does all that, and yet very happy I do not believe in such a sadistic, hateful deity. Most people are more moral than your little ""god"". Dawkins said it best: ""The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully""" 0,And how did the Wise Creator come into existence? All that wisdom and creativity cannot come to existence accidentally or spontaneously... 0,americans give thumbs down to donald trump's debate attacks 1,area maggot has urgent news about reincarnation 1,katie couric flirts with cardinal on air 0,michael phelps says that he's now ready to retire 1,button-up shirt goes on life-changing odyssey around dry cleaner's garment conveyor 0,mexico says drug boss guzman narrowly evades capture 0,political eye: a comprehensive master plan for addressing racial inequality 1,astronaut piloting cargo ship leaves note on side of iss after accidentally knocking off solar array 1,"And teen sex doesn't, by the very nature of it's action, result in ending a life that would grow into a toddler, a child, an adolescent, and an adult--basically the action of killing someone." 1,new distressed jeans feature broken-in cameltoe 0,"I agree.That was the most pathetic, dishonest and downright idotic commentary on communism/socialism I've ever encountered. I have a VERY hard time believing that someone could actually post that with a straight face. Good one Comrade Brian. :p Waxy" 1,democratic congressman protests trump's environmental policies by bringing endangered red wolf to state of the union as guest 0,hillary clinton starts 2016 better positioned than 2008 0,"On Faith: The Killing of George Tiller: A ""Pro-life"" Murder? - Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite Murder is murder and abortion is not, to steal a phrase from Rabbi Arthur Waskow:" 0,redstate names leon wolf managing editor as erick erickson prepares exit 1,progressive parents allow child to choose how he's ostracized by peers 1,"Well... You can apparently read, but what you have apparently chosen to read - and accept - says much." 0,tennessee lawmakers want university head to resign for not boosting christmas 1,television executive's baby cancelled in development stage 0,The question is illogical. By declaring the existence of an all powerful God then saying God cannot do something is not a comment on his powerfulness but rather the direct representation of his nature. Your question by its very statement does not test wether or not God is all powerful but wether or not God is comprehensible. See another thread for that topic. The statement that God is all powerful defines his nature. To state then that he cannot do something outside of his nature as proof of the non existence of his nature is circular in logic. 0,"And we have been down this road. Person can mean a living human...which the embryo is. So like human, you can have person mean the organism itself." 0,tronc is keeping ross levinsohn aboard after probe into 'frat house' behavior 1,cackling trump reveals to dinner guests they've all just eaten single piece of his tax returns 1,bob barker era ushered out with touching plinko montage 1,zip-loc introduces new party sub sandwich baggies 1,"boehner just wants wife to listen, not come up with alternative debt-reduction ideas" 0,drag and burlesque performers outraged with facebook 1,black man given nation's worst job 1,bald man just going to have to accept entire head will turn bright red from time to time 1,new york attorney general claims assaults were just him role-playing as unaccountable male authority figure 0,classical live: a gift to new music fans 1,So in other words your God put you on Earth to stop people from killing so your God could kill them eventually? 1,local muppet held for questioning in chicken sex ring 0,how 'to wong foo' paved the way for the 'drag race' phenomenon 1,kinky couple has mirror in bathroom 1,bush orders iraq to disarm before start of war 1,bush dragged behind presidential motorcade for 26 blocks 1,In England we have a sack with a couple of bricks inside it. 0,"bill cosby lawyers blast media over assault, drugging reports" 0,cbs news chief on bob schieffer's return: 'how could you sit out a year like this?' 0,republican congressman: the best reason to vote for my opponent is he has a hot wife 0,"trump's opioid commission fails to meet deadline, again" 0,everybody from 'the hills' is having kids now 1,"Explain that one to the thread starter. He claims he is the victim of age discrimination when he states ""I am a person 15 years of age and I want my gun, yet I can't get one. Why not?""" 1,english teacher on first date in ages lets dangling modifier slide 1,"This coming from the Christian College graduate who thinks cells aren't organisms. Historically, the Conservatives and (especially) the Christians usually come out looking pretty stupid in the scientific field, which you and DR have done a great job of reflecting. You two go teach the geocentric theory while the people who know what they're talking about handle this debate." 0,what it feels like to see for the first time at age 49 1,college-aged female finds unlikely kindred spirit in audrey hepburn 0,"Ok, this makes sense. I do think however, that wanted pregnancies should be a part of the abortion debate, even though as you say, they usually are not. Part of the abortion issue (and the most important part, IMO) is the perception of pregnancy itself. If society moves in a direction where having a baby is looked upon as a negative thing, this is not good. One way to help make abortion rarer is to help people view having a baby as a positive thing. As Clinton himself once said, abortion should be rare." 1,"unemployed, miserable man still remembers teacher who first made him fall in love with writing" 1,relationship experts still no closer to discovering what scarlett johansson sees in colin jost 0,"call the undertaker, i'm dying here" 1,man figures he has 2 more bites of roommate's leftovers before it noticeable 1,"So you think it is a good idea for public schools to assume the role of parents? Perhaps you would support a balance then. Given what you say here, you wouldn't think it a bad idea for the New Hampshire School System to take a field trip to the local Catholic church would you? You know, so kids can know what resources, agencies, and organizations are available to them in the event that they may need to interact with them in the future. The School Board apparently gets the message, however. According to the article, it has instructed school administrators to investigate the matter, and determine whether disciplinary action is necessary. I would think it is." 1,federal law enforcement officials unveil new food-crime equivalency ratings 1,"'active shooter at large,' reports endless background hum of modern american life" 1,report: no one currently thinking about you 0,"tales of presidential transition woe, with the associated press" 1,quiet loner really comes out of shell at gun store 0,6 netflix releases with black stars to watch this june 1,"You forget, that all those nice rewards? None of them are rights." 0,"Were they able to show a previously non-existing code that mutated on a gene somewhere and created this new enzyme activity? It sounds to me that this ""new"" enzymatic activity came from non-coding dna switching on a gene to produce it. That is what one would expect to find. ...*Two new enzyme activities, 6-aminohexanoate cyclic dimer hydrolase and 6-aminohexanoate dimer hydrolase, were detected inthe adapted strains.*... " 0,this congressman's story perfectly illustrates gop obstructionism toward obama 1,new evidence suggests early humans first used fire to impress friends 0,the conundrum of the midterms 0,"It shot up as soon as Reagan launched his failed campaign of anti-sex education, cutting social services for the poor and destroying the US economy into a recession that favored the rich against the poor. Since social-economical reasons are often the reason why people have abortions it is no surprise we saw abortion sky-rocket under Reagans political atmosphere that was hostile to lower class families. If people were becoming more against abortion in the 90s then how can you explain Clintons popularity in winning two elections? The a friendlier economic atmosphere, contraception education and relief from Reaganism helped reduce the abortion rate. " 1,"I'll answer that as soon as you find a orthodx, conservative, reform, reconstructions or karsite rabbi that says the echad in the shema is a compound" 1,NO! And it has nothing to do with expressing views different from mine. These XXXXXX are spending good money to advertise against a God they believe PROBABLY doesn't exist. All I have to say is thanks for proving how irrational and stupid atheists are. 1,room scanned for something to sell on ebay 0,"But evolutionary theory doesn't claim that species arise in a single generation. How does it make your point to argue against claims that evolutionary biologists don't make? In fact, is it honest to misrepresent evolutionary theory?" 1,faa to ban plane crashes 0,honoring congressional gold medal recipient raoul wallenberg: one man who made a difference 0,"turkish police raid isis safe houses, detain 22 islamic state suspects as death toll climbs" 0,Criminals continually inform the public that their greatest fear is a victim capable of fighting back against them and possibly killing them. 0,"As others pointed out, this is a misconception. I have little doubt that the great majority of pro-choice people are quite positive about wanted pregnancies. I suspect that this misconseption comes from the fact that almost all abortion discussions are about pregnancies that are not wanted. Pregnancies that are wanted are almost never discussed since they are not relevant to an abortion debate. After all, who would want to abort a fetus if they wanted to be pregnant and have a baby (excluding rare cases of risk of mother's death, severely deformed fetus, etc.)?" 0,"You seem to have a lot of hatred and animosity towards people who believe in God, is my faith and belief somehow causing you pain. I just dont understand why you feel the need to be so hatefull to me, at first you made me angry, but now I just figure you must be in some kind of pain caused by my faith." 1,poland spring develops new eco-friendly bottle that only takes 300 years to decompose 0,"people have an odd craving for pineapple during the oscars, according to data" 0,survival myths that could actually kill you 0,humane society board members quit over failure to oust ceo for harassment 0,"And justifiably. If you don't see the problem, then you are the problem. The proposed revisions is typical YEC banter about ""evolution is a theory"" - without making it clear what a theory is. ""Teach all sides of the question."" That's code for teaching ""creation theory"" or ID. Does that mean that in geography class the teachers should present a flat earth as a reasonable alternative? How about the earth as the center of the universe? No? I am all for teaching well supported theories that are not in agreement with the mainstream, but ID or creationism aren't them." 0,ode to gaza 0,"Well let me put it like this, I consider it your duty because if you don't protect yourself then you basically shift that responsibility to someone else. Not only is this incredibly selfish, but 9 out of 10 times the 'protection business' gets outsourced to the State.This in itself it dangerous because when people decide that a third party like the State (which has no real accountability) has control over their lives it can all to easily lead to a situation where the State becomes tyrannical.More people have been killed by their own government than by any foreign government." 0,emile hirsch sentenced to 15 days in jail after pleading guilty to assault 1,report: gross-ass gourd all bumpy and shit 1,dreamcatcher on rearview mirror protects sleeping driver 0,"Well, all I can say then is that no action is just about as bad as failed action, and IS as bad in terms of anything current. Either way you don't have gay marriage. You have a majority in Congress right now, and you're not demanding much change just because of fear of backlash? Yeah, there would be backlash. Heck, the Civil War was the ultimate backlash, but that didn't stop abolitionists from demanding more than TOKEN change, and it's a good thing they did. It's your gig, though, so do what you want. I don't see much point in laboring this discussion any more; I'm just pointing out my observations." 1,joy sucked out of room by pumped-up manager 0,a cornell frat held a disgusting 'pig roast' sex contest and i'm not surprised 0,"If I call somebody ""male"", that restricts no rights from them.It doesn't require they go to a separate place to get their rights.And quite frankly, insisting on keeping one definition FOR A RIGHT (at the exclusion of gays) is ""satisfying the ego"" of the homophobic group." 0,mayor apologizes for citing wwii japanese internment camps in rejecting refugees 1,craig kilborn weds self in private ceremony 0,why this fierce model is ok with being called fat 0,wonder woman save us all 1,dog doesn't consider itself part of family 0,democratic national committee asks its entire staff to resign 0,"No it doesn't. First, the changes may not be neutral. I will presume that you are intelligent enough to grasp that idea the mutations in and of themselves are neither advantagous nor disadvantageous, and the they have no purpose. Evolution happens when the mutations (and other mechanisms that increase genetic diversity) are acted upon by other mechanisms of evolution. Even in natural selection there is no purpose. Natural selection is differential reproductive success. Some organisms tend to produce more offspring because they have characteristics that give them an advantage in a particular environment." 1,"YOu mean they don't eat, sleep , pass wastes, fight (not neccesarily physically) for dominance in their social setting, react to the opposite sex, put on displays for the opposite sex, and things like that? How very odd." 0,ivanka trump's nordstrom sales reportedly dropped over 70 percent right before the election 0,a talk with fabio viviani 1,chimp actor looking to direct 0,u.s. figure skater nathan chen redeems himself with record-setting skate 1,report: it a miracle nothing has punctured your eye yet 1,authorities warn denver residents in direct path of 2037 hurricane alba 1,food network production assistants prep guy fieri with dry rub 1,christ sues catholic church for unlicensed use of his image 1,'bad to the bone' to be used in film 0,what it's really like to be 16 with cancer 0,Well excuuuuse me if I screwed that up in this post. Have a nice day. :) 0,'queer eye' star bobby berk gave me a desk makeover -- and it was incredible 0,cnn's van jones wants trump supporters to face the fear of his presidency 1,poll finds 2018 midterms resting on critical swing group of people who showed up looking for community center pottery class 0,when autocorrect and sexting collide 0,"No, not really. All that is different is the number of steps. What is YOUR definition of 'macro-evoution'? Is it speciation? Or is it a brand new genus? We have observed speciation, where new species happened." 1,victoria's secret also andrew's secret 0,"because all children should have parents who want them dearly.btw, ""moral relativism"" is absurd. a phase people pass through as they discover diversity and is bewildered by it, thinking all are equally valid. it is a stance of both immature/superficial reasoning and moral depravity." 1,monster truck escapes 1,nyc health department cracks down on food vendors who fail to wipe off meat with rag 0,class of 2014: tips for renting your first post-grad apartment 0,"my mother hated tattoos, so naturally i got one for her" 1,elite congressman trained to kill legislation in 24 different ways 0,conceiving our chosen family 1,van's rocking motion discourages would-be knocker 1,"If I ever need a kidney to live, I know who to tell them to harvest from... whether or not you agree to it :P " 0,david brooks: obama has a 'manhood problem in the middle east' 1,experts refuse to warn of any new health hazards until americans deal with current backlog 0,30 unbeleafably adorable gifts for plant lovers 0,"You couldnt be more wrong. Our goverment was built on the word of God. Its ALL OVER our founding documents. George Washington was quoted to say ""You cannot call yourself an American and subvert the word of God."" Your only argument can go back to the sep.of church and state. Which is new compaired to when our laws were drafted. So not always... just unfortuanatly now. Which is a BIG mistake by the way and could be the downfall of our country. Try again..." 1,study: 38 age it too late 0,nick jonas shows off his best 'blue steel' on cover of adon magazine 1,john kelly resigns in last-ditch effort to save his and trump's friendship 0,George Tiller shot to death at Wichita church | News Updates | Wichita Eagle 0,"if you want to understand the price of milk, think of it like gasoline" 0,jared leto may play the joker in 'suicide squad' 0,dale earnhardt jr. is a pro at giving breakup advice too 1,sick fucks line up to gape at dead body 0,i don't belong in tech 0,what do you know about the colors of nature? 1,"Yeah, and we all know what happened when they did that with Galileo. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,peter facinelli & jaimie alexander are engaged 1,authorities say blacklight analysis shows velvet poster of mushroom kingdom looking even cooler than previously imagined 1,'paw patrol' writers defend episode where german shepherd cop shoots unarmed black lab 17 times in back 1,proposed legislation would require airline seats meet federal ass standards 1,jennifer aniston finally reveals hairstyle that repulsed brad pitt 0,"Again with the common sense, but that is another issue alltogether. You're arguement that the brain is a fundamental unit of life is just plain wrong, considering the majority of all organisms don't have one. Bacteria, Protists, Plants, Fungi, and some animals are all without brains. Brains are required for motion and fast response to immediate changes in environment, for example a falling rock. Brains cluster nerves so that appropriate action can be taken. Some brains are amazingly simple while others like our own are immensly complex. Your arguements all show a general lack of study in biology and my common sense is appalled by yours. I am reminded of Bill Maher who once said about the intelligent design debate: ""Because you don't have to teach both sides of an arguement when one side is retarded.""" 0,"microsoft debuts surface book, its first laptop, plus other new gizmos" 0,what's the deal with the lack of lgbt stock photography? 1,moviepass attempts to increase profitability by no longer mailing out free $500 a month to subscribers 0,"while trump attacks colin kaepernick, the quarterback is donating to meals on wheels" 1,terrified glob of cream cheese escapes bagel 1,poll finds americans still fiercely divided along charlotte brontë–emily brontë lines 1,study finds 80 percent of facial hair being silently judged at any one time 0,"What you are talking about here is the *potential* to exist being important. I would personally also thinking that potential existence is important, but not nearly as important as an existing person. After all, unfertilized eggs and sperm also have the *potential* to become full people but no one is concerned about their loss. For many of us it is the actual mentally-existing person that is most important. For both the 'braniac"" case you present and for the early term fetus, if there is no reason to kill it, then don't. However, if there is a contest between the rights of a living, existing person and the rights of either *potential* person, then I think the rights of the living person win out." 1,alumni magazine tiptoeing around campus shooting 0,how racism reared its ugly head after #missuniverse2015 0,springing into may/charitable & cultural catch-up 0,justice dept. sues illinois city for blocking an islamic center 1,serious mitt romney demanding to be addressed as 'mitthew' now 0,"Usually, but most of this has been quoted out of context by creationists and answered so often that it is an old story. Besides, as I mentioned, Feduccia has just published a detailed study on the embryology of bird digits. It supports his view, of course. I don't have a problem with that and it is certainly an issue worth study. My days of ornithology and embryology were long ago.Also, since those papers were published there have been several more feathered dinosaurs and primative birds discovered. Things are moving fast right now. Jeff Polling also has some information about the Ruben et al. article.But the ""bird hip/lizard hip"" bit is pure nonsense that demonstrates profound ignorance or intentional deceit. The correct information is so easy to find. That sort of conduct certainly casts a bad light on creationism." 1,"Gee, you're such an example to Americans, CU. Perhaps you, instead of Wendell Potter, should testify to Congress. If you're not laid up in a gutter, God forbid, with a brain tumor. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,2 men indicted in bacon vandalism at islamic center 0,donald trump won't stop attacking paul ryan 1,guy at bank has weird hair for guy who works at bank 1,woman's greatest dream to one day dance in studio audience of 'the ellen degeneres show' 0,the powerful reason this woman forgave her sexual abuser 0,controversial congressman touts iowa 'peasant hunt' with donald trump jr. 1,gun goes off during life's third act 1,thrill-seeker microwaves pot pie without slitting crust 1,hopeless resignation receives massive post-debate bump 1,graffiti artist no longer putting his heart in it 1,extravagant new window blinds inspired by the latest styles from venice 1,world's last bob hope fan dies of old age 1,"Better third grade than kindergarten, Steve. Grow up. Your constitutional knowledge isn't exactly impressive." 1,hog executed farmland style 0,adele's new bodyguard is sending the internet into meltdown 0,adorable bear cubs hitch a ride on mom's back across an alaska lake 0,businesses say anti-lgbt bills could cost texas billions 0,15 popular travel destinations you should avoid in the summer 0,powerful post reminds parents to enjoy the noise while they can 0,'we do!' -- episcopalians ok marriage for same-sex couples 1,cost of paper 0,the quadruple bottom line: its time has come 1,"I'm sure it is many a doctors' spiritual duty to relieve suffering, just as Jesus healed the sick. Besides, who wants to go back to 40 year average lifespan, like they have in Afghanistan? Not me." 0,cinema therapy and robin williams 0,"There is just one thing however. The coelacanths found are different from those in the fossil record. Further, ALL evidence pointed to them being extinct, until we found other evidence, and we changed it. And, to top it off, the article says NEARLY extinct, not COMPLETELY. Although, this article was of course written after the coelocanths were re-discovered. Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with the theory of evolution, which explains the mechanisms responsible for the change of allele frequencies in populations over time." 0,"on being cold, tired, and hungry... and a jerk!" 0,"Sounds like a fact which has been blown out of all proportion - possibly by the pro-gun side attempting to ridicule it. It is a fact, however, that the presence of a gun can increase aggression levels in individuals.See other times I have brought this up, here (to the end of the thread) and here (again, that post till the end of the thread)." 0,oops: hot mic broadcasts al roker going to the bathroom 1,chinese buffet has french fries 0,mike huckabee resigns from country music board after criticism of his anti-lgbtq views 0,loving every minute trump sweats the gop 0,I believe I would know when my own post is 1asm or not... 1,tom bosley named secretary of naps 0,netflix to shut down planned louis c.k. comedy special 0,cats getting drunk to 'blame it (on the alcohol)' is the only rehab you'll need today 1,new tesla model 3 goes from zero to engulfed in flames in 3.5 seconds 0,patty jenkins 'extremely distressed' over brett ratner allegations 1,teen admits parents were right about fred durst 1,inside: what the stars were wearing at terrible movie's gala premiere 0,"So would you care if abortion were outlawed. If so, what would be bad about allowing a view that places objective value in human life to be the basis for making law?" 0,11 excellent books in the brand new kirkus collections 1,town hall attendees still standing patiently waiting for their questions to be answered 0,telescope protesters prepare for another police showdown 0,"the equifax breach is bad, but there are steps that can help" 0,the fight to bring transparency to california's charter schools 1,"'i'd like you to post long, aggressive rants on social media,' says bernie sanders in supporter's interpretation of speech" 0,"Actually, not at all true. The organisms of the Cambrian look little like modern animals. It is only the major phyla that are recognized by the derived characteristics. For example, the cordates first arise in the early Cambrian, along with primitive inverebrates. You can safely say that no animal living today looks much like any living then. For example, there were no amphibians, no reptiles, no insects, no birds, and of course, no mammals. Your shotgun approach isn't actually worth answering in any detail. It isn't even your work." 0,see chris hemsworth in his 'ghostbusters' uniform 0,"Same thing happened in Rwanda. First they put the names of all Tutsis on lists. Then, the Hutu came around with machettes and took them off of the lists....permanently. emoticon_wow" 0,missouri gop lawmaker urges lynching for vandals of confederate statue 0,"you've got to be kidding me. This has got to be one of the absolute dumbest things I have heard. You are truly one confused individual if you can't tell there's a distinct difference between a living thing and a nonliving thing -- that non-living things are missing something that living things have.... Just because this difference cannot be analyzed, measured or defined does not mean it's not there. You can't analyze or define your thought patterns, dreams, brainwaves or consciousness either -- but that does not mean they aren't there. I think you've lost it -- You may very well belong in a mental facility." 0,"airport screening made 70,000 miss american airlines flights this year" 0,"Actually both are relative in every situation. Especially ""The Truth"" as espoused by religious fundamentalists such as yourself, as there are as many different versions of the truth as there religious fundamentalists." 1,white house staff reminded to place lids firmly on trash cans after steve bannon gets into garbage again 0,kirsten dunst opens up about the life of a child star 1,staples adds 'staff picks' section 0,"study: us cities have worse inequality than mexico, with rich and poor living side-by-side" 1,report: it the part of night where everyone just sort of goes around and remembers commercials they liked 0,there is a shortage of male teachers of color. nyc is working to fix that. 0,man lived alongside dead father's body for four months 1,email from coworker trying to organize office-wide social outing so unbearably sad 0,robert pattinson & fka twigs spend time at chateau marmont 1,"And you have just described ""creation science."" No application of the scientific method. No testing. The conclusions are known before the judicious quoting of scientific authority has even begun. I notice that you use one of those quotes of a scientific authority below. You show that you are what you decry." 1,scientists finally pronounce human genome 0,cnn contributor compares trump campaign to (gulp) chris farley's death 0,charleston church holds first service since shootings 1,"What a relief, I would hate to think Batman was so gullible. But Dems, I can understand them thinking that. emoticonXHoho" 1,most disgusting towel spends final days relegated to role as bath mat 1,bar table scientists awarded 4-beer grant to complete analysis on why he's not good enough for you 0,site 'liar liar trump on fire' gets creative with fact-checking the republican nominee 0,watch: $24 million yacht goes up in flames 1,source of jealousy not even that successful 1,"after careful consideration, bush recommends oil drilling" 1,saddam enrages bush with full compliance 0,"Why is it when Creo's don't believe something, Evo's always think because they have studies or what have you that we Creo's have to accept it as proof. I mean you don't accept anything as proof from Creo's. If Creo's did some carbon testing and did it accurately and got some anomaly's, you'd still reject it. I didn't lie not even by ignorance. I just don't believe it's true, but I take it I'm not allowed my beliefs . What fact has disproved my worldview, my worldview is intact as it ever has been?" 1,casual friday claims lives of 13 nuclear-waste-disposal technicians 1,baby has sinking feeling he left home without oversize multicolor plastic keys 0,"I know you're talking to Jessica, so I will only comment on this. It would be easier to make it rare if pro-life people weren't intent on making it illegal. Pro-choice people have to make it as available as possible to counter pro-life attempts to shut it down entirely.If pro-life people didn't exist, then the reasonable people could work towards making abortion rare.Take the current debates for example. My entire point is that it should not be illegal. That abortion should be available as a safe and legal choice (it can only be really safe if it's legal). We spend all our time and effort debating the legality that we spend no time on creating programs to help women choose to continue their pregnancies instead of having an abortion, legal or not." 0,one place you won't find the confidence gap 0,dick morris: border crisis could 'wipe out' democrats 1,congressman excited to be working on bill with intern he has huge crush on 1,ge releases new flickering light bulb for abandoned sanatoriums 1,london opening ceremonies end with traditional lighting of olympic stadium 1,"woman rushes to hide fragile objects, cover up sharp corners on tables before boyfriend comes over" 0,can the new sfmoma turn tech-bros into art patrons? 0,man huffs keyboard spray after crash as cop watches 1,used-bookstore owner rises from chair 1,"dept. of labor reports it could be nothing, but they may have spotted job in iowa strip mall" 0,"paul ryan's remarkable, personal demand for becoming speaker" 1,I don't drink and I'm not overweight. But I bet you have a bad habit with junk food and FOX news/couch potatoism. With a sixpack by your side. 1,"'voila,' yells exhausted lady gaga during 149th consecutive costume change as met visitors gingerly step over her" 1,kasich hastily paints name on side of skyscraper in attempt to woo new york voters 1,kindergarten class burning through 6 hamsters a year 0,"But not all ""designs"" are manufactured. Take the repetitive ridges of sand on a beach. They are created by the motion of the water. Shall I remind you of the humorous story about the ""image of Jesus"" that attracted much attention, yet turned out to be a coincidence of shadows? This is why I insist upon your defining the terms you're using." 0,marital rape is not a crime in india. but one high court judge is pushing for change. 0,"Exactly. It is their fault, but they can do what they choose. It is punishment and you know it, and it is not your job to make sure no ""irresponsible"" pregnant woman goes unpunished." 0,"They didn't take? That's weird cuz they work for me just fine. Maybe if you copy them and paste them directly into google and click enter, you'll get to them because they are good links. Give it a shot and good luck. emoticon_xgood" 0,trump's comments about assault are a symptom of a much larger issue 0,"Yet according to PP themselves, they provide FAR more abortions and EC services than any of their other services. :PPPFA Services (2002-2003)Surgical abortions: 227,385 Emergency contraception: 633,756 Prenatal care: 15,860 Adoption referrals: 1,963 (Source:" 1,"onion social study finds no clear link between onion social use, uncontrollable vomiting of black bile" 0,the way you remember winters of yore is probably wrong 1,extra strip of wrapping paper taped over present's weird edge 0,creating leverage where none seems to exist 0,green streets are healthy streets 1,inconsiderate passenger takes up entire overhead bin 1,burger king hat put in deep fryer 1,woman nervous mom starting to use her as confidant 1,disney world mascot could use a fucking vacation himself 0,world leaders react to news that donald trump will be next u.s. president 1,willie nelson spaces on holding farm aid 1,"And so wasn't the universal opinion that homosexuality is unnatural, wrong and to no benefit to Society at all." 0,"Well you can get injured very badly playing baseball, you can get killed (just the other day some high school coach took a batting practice ball right in the head and died). And I have not heard a single person say that pregnancy is something no one should have to go through. I know I don't. And yes people sometimes do force a woman to get pregnant, it's called rape." 0,"15 pieces of advice for teens headed to college, from parents" 0,eating more fish could lower your risk of depression 1,mcdonald's unveils new senior citizen playplace 1,"Yeah, what's up with that? Isn't it enough that we allow them to exist? " 0,what is needed for youth entrepreneurship in mena? 0,So will they be in front of or behind a leaf? 0,akon says his bid to restore puerto rico's power was rejected 0,"Actually, after the fact calculations on either side are just noise. Humans do exist and I suspect that all statements of probabilities are incorrect. Further, I don't think that coin flips are relevant and not even a very good analogy." 0,exclusive: ginger minj's 'white christmas' video premiere 0,dick cheney takes george h.w. bush criticisms as 'mark of pride' 1,oakland teacher mistakenly teaches 'economics' 0,gratitude for the smartwatch 0,this guy sunk a half-court shot without touching the ball 0,".... i can make up one just as prophetic emoticonXAngel. ""The sky is black, the shadows powerful,God's domain judged by the unseen""Obviously this a prophetic for 26th dimensional superstring theory and how it governors the universe's physical properties in unforseen ways. Don't you see it? It's quite obvious! To the RATIONAL world, that is completely absurd, just like your analysis of how the scriptures work in your opninion. " 1,that cheesecake sitting on the table: what if it accidentally fell into your mouth? 1,man turns vegetarian for 36 hours 1,"Trust me, you won't see me offerring my arm or nose for any flu vaccine. The government rushed companies to make this vaccine without giving them enough time to fully test it and when they initially balked at the thought, Uncle Sam said ""Don't worry, we won't hold you liable for any ill effects as a result of our incomplete testing."" Now doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy about Uncle Sam controlling all healthcare? Consider this: " 0,did the restaurant owner actually say that to a rabbi? 0,airline passengers tackle man who rushes cockpit in bomb threat 1,"jonesing nation demands trump tell them where, exactly, drugs are pouring into country" 1,"'there's nothing to it,' secret service agent assures mar-a-lago bellhop assigned rooftop sniper duty" 1,uneducated nba star urges kids to stay in school 1,"Seems to me its you that cant take a little humour. If you think my reply was an insult you should get out more often." 0,Actually the bible is silent concerning abortion which is odd considering it was highly outlawed by surrounding nations.The bible is very clear concerning the value of a fetus as opposed to an actual soulish being(mother) though. 1,breitbart criticized for publishing humanizing profile of libtard beta-cuck 0,"lac megantic remembers canadian oil train disaster, one year later" 1,man betrays his heart by telling friend he can have last dumpling 0,nasa's kepler spacecraft recovers from unexplained emergency mode 1,u.s. intelligence: burundi may be developing telephone 0,"under trump, union election rules could be tilted in employers' favor" 1,area man croatian? 0,hilary duff's heartbreaking instagram shows how hard it is to lose a pet 1,prosthetic arm stuck in vending machine 0,nurses ignore hospital regulations to grant dying man his final wish 1,monster truck driver beginning to suspect crowd is cheering for truck 0,watch one of the world's largest lakes shrink before your eyes 0,"My recollection is similar to yours. I encountered it in an AP biology class in high school, we spent about 1/2 the extra-long class in labs (I think that was the primary difference). The giraffe example was an ""aha"" moment for me personally, I suspected life changed, but the specifics I had never thought about. I recall a disclaimer at the start of the section, but I don't recall the exact wording. -Mach" 1,bush increasingly focused on how revisionist history will see him 1,"There's alot to be said about it(hobby)but it is also a right,a protected right ,and I would not give up my guns;and I'm not alone.First it starts with guns than freedom of speech.Then the brownshirts march in the streets.All that agree raise your right arm and say HEIL OBAMA!!" 1,modern-day lancelot offers to pay for abortion 0,"uganda's president extends 30-year rule, detains rivals after election" 0,"simple gifts--for the holidays (holy daze) or if we do not know your wishes, how can we follow them?" 0,counting down the seconds until putin betrays trump 1,detroit burned down for the insurance money 1,"Here you are using the misogynist POV. No ""Rushspeak"" if you please. " 1,all-dad blues band a critical disappointment 1,officials investigating hugh hefner's death suspect foreplay 1,nelly reiterates sex-liking stance 0,how do you know when a beauty product is 'the one'? 0,donald trump reportedly approves race summit with colin kaepernick 0,'the bold type' creator on tackling sexual assault in the show's hopeful finale 0,canon 5d mark iv dslr preview video 0,Old news. There have been accusations of similar stories for years. 1,generous improv troupe performing for free 0,"What laws are these that you speak of? Kindly provide the bill name and number so you have some actual proof and aren't simply parroting from the fear-mongering Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center.During World War II the American people rounded up Japanese-Americans and herded them into concentration camps because you were at war with the people of Japan and thought that they were the sleeping enemy even though they had no proof. What you're speaking of is no different than this.The way I see it Brady, your hatred for guns and gun owners is so overwhelming and logic defying, that you'd be perfectly alright with unleashing a life-ending pandemic plague on the people of earth if you believed it would put an end to all gun owners everywhere." 1,china introduces new one-uighur policy 0,"Would you mind telling us just how he determined ALL maladaptive or inconsequential mutations in his test organism and just how he validated such measurements? To me as a biologist with quite a bit of microbiology under the belt it would seem to be impossible to do so! After all its very likely that a fairly large portion of the populutaion will have at least one mutation at at least one base pair location in the total sequence! Your claim would seem to be impossible, but perhaps there is a way he managed to do so." 0,will the atlanta falcons rise up or shrink down? 1,moral compass lost in woods 0,this time ben carson didn't say he'd violate muslims' civil rights 1,funeral director assures jewish family this headstone can withstand plenty of blows from baseball bat 0,adele celebrates 'titanic'-themed 30th birthday 0,chipotle hires former critic to help improve chain's food safety 0,"erick erickson, noted sexist, slams donald trump for being sexist" 0,thandie newton recalls disgusting encounter with repulsive male director 1,school board adopts gay-ass uniform policy 0,from bicycles to spaceships (video) 0,someone spotted a new pixar easter egg from 'the good dinosaur' 1,elderly patient threatened with suppository 0,here's why huffpost is dropping polls that rely only on landlines 0,"on jan fabre, part 2: scenes from the moral education of the human race" 0,"Because she, like every other political figurehead, thinks it's alright for her to carry a gun, but not anybody else. If she DIDN'T support a ban on all firearms, then why did she say ""If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in -- I would have done it.""" 0,19 unusual baby names that celebrities love 0,"hey, taylor swift, caitlyn jenner got a call from kanye too" 1,"But religion is not a topic for science classes. Teach the science in class and if that presents a problem for your religion at home, perhaps you should think about your religion a bit more critically and realistically. What is being attempted is to cast doubt on well established scientific theory and pretend that magic is a viable alternative." 1,"Ah, back in the day. I get misty eyed when I think of back then. Trading horses for wives... no antibiotics... poor nutrition... having 10 kids so 2 live to adulthood. Ah, the memories :D Fallacy. Just because it's an old idea does not make it a good idea." 1,u.s. fish and wildlife service reintroduces straw hat-wearing boys to old fishin' holes 0,"You do realize that the rules are supposed to be absurd, to point up the absurdity of a recent court ruling, right?" 0,jennifer aniston takes rare selfie for the best possible reason 0,california mayor sleeps in cardboard box for night to 'experience' homelessness 1,"2012 was once considered hottest year on record, man in 2024 remembers wistfully" 1,"Hey, maybe some chosen by God religious fundamentalist will offer up his own daughters to be gang-raped, and then later have sex with those same daughters and children by them. You know, the way Lot did in the Bible. The one Peter called ""a righteous man""." 0,dianne feinstein wants nfl players accused of domestic violence to be benched 1,"'any song can be sad if it has sad memories attached to it,' report newly single sources" 0,balanced budget amendment fails amid gop fiscal hypocrisy 1,"Oh yes yes... never mind the thousands of lives destroyed, the shame, the guilt, the anger, the fear and all the while perhaps being in a combat zone and having that stress... Never mind the hundreds of millions wasted retraining new people because we kicked out perfectly able people because of their sexuality... All you can do is sit here and spew non threatening bunk to try and scare people and make your bigotry somewhat tangible to your warped mind..." 1,fda deems genetically modified salmon too handsome to eat 0,But you are smart enough to realize that the ban on gay marriage has nothing to do with it. 0,climate science on trial again 1,abc camera immediately cuts away after showing harvey weinstein sitting at oscars 0,brody jenner throws shade at kimye in 'kuwtk' teaser 1,real-life grinch celebrates 'hanukkah' 1,And you simply can not rely on what you hear on MTV or the radio anymore. They play what's marketable - not necesarily what's good. Clear Channel would not know good music if I shoved it up their XXX and lit it on fire. 0,new england cod fishermen share coal miners' plight in this new documentary 1,woman knows to stay away from certain parts of own psyche at night 0,mitch mcconnell admits zika legislation is not clean 0,they finally did something cool to spider-man's suit after all those movies 1,"Did I mention premarital or adulterous heterosexual sex? I think not! As usual 'big' boy is putting words in others posts! Was better when I was on his ignore list..for about five minutesemoticonXConfused" 0,Honest question Arch: where is the problem with a potential variance of 10 billion years? I know this question may appear ridiculous to you but could you take the question in the spirit it was meant? 0,daily news threatens union drivers 1,shipwreck survivors forced to endure ride home on disney cruise ship 0,confessions of a hopeful hoarder 0,9 nitty-gritty organizing tips 1,frustrated wildfire spends hours stuck in l.a. traffic 1,anthropologists discover ancient greek super pac that helped shape first democracy 0,"pete rose, the st. louis cardinals and the need for consistent mlb ethics policies" 0,donovan mitchell uses footwear to send powerful message about gun violence 0,"justice department plans to retry bob menendez for bribery, corruption" 0,afi docs fest wraps up 0,white house says it can't pardon steven avery of 'making a murderer' 0,"Oh I can easily spend $1,000 dollars an hour. If I could I would also have plenty of reason to live to be 114." 1,area man pretty sure it's not broken 0,dog born with odds stacked against her found just the parents she needed 0,martin shkreli wants to be the only one to own kanye's new album 0,25-year-old mayor wanted for running her town with whatsapp 0,here's the smart thing the nfl is doing to fix its dumb catch rule 1,apartment set up to create illusion of well-rounded life 0,how long you sleep may be in your genes 1,perverted little boy asks to sleep with parents 0,"Besides the hundreds of cases in which such things are directly observed, I guess you're right." 1,earth passes through temporal vortex hurling planet into year 2019 0,"On the issue of not living at all i""m not shure there is a reasonable answer as to how someone who was never born could possibly recognise not exsisting as being "" worse than living... ""Let me say I personally don't like the idea of aborting a pregnancy. However I can't possibly understand how we would not FIRST adopt all those kids in homes first and then fight the battel for saving the unwanted unborn." 1,chloe kim recalls growing up under parents' intense pressure to just chillax and shred the gnar gnar 1,nickname to forever prevent people from getting to know the real dumptruck 1,"At last we are getting somewhere EZ.. You have finaly admitted what a lot of folks have been trying to tell you. Your apoligests simply read and apply their interpetations to this book. Thanks for begining to actually discuss something instead of just condeming us all to hell. " 0,the bendy smartphone of the future is (almost) here 1,brad pitt bored with sight of jennifer aniston's naked body 1,john hickenlooper announces support for nuking australia just to see if anyone paying attention 0,"'fresh off the boat' kid stars talk lunar new year, immigrant roots" 0,betsy devos is right: professors are a threat to the trumpist movement 0,watch bill murray turn march madness to gladness once again 0,john boehner explains why he's suing obama again 0,the important conversation almost no one seems to be having 0,these republicans have a plan for tackling climate change 0,charles koch wants to change america's criminal justice system 0,heroin is cheaper than beer and easy to get in pennsylvania 1,fda launches food awareness month to get americans interested in eating 0,"what is mindful eating, and how do you practice it?" 0,seventh-day adventists to vote on women's ordination in 2015 0,"the fear of hair is a real thing, explaining why your drain is such a nightmare" 1,guy on roof starting to think he might get away with it 1,study finds growing number of americans would be comfortable with female pep boy 0,"I don't believe that. Give me some proof. Besides, one does not have to smoke marijuana to get high." 1,oxford english dictionary to add 'skype' and 'coat' to latest edition 1,"I was in a restaurant and as I left, the waitress said that I was supposed to leave 10% ""I was hungry"", I replied emoticonXAngel" 1,emergency crew rushes to pull child out of football huddle 1,mel gibson - his performance in 'payback' still not getting enough credit 1,So you're claiming the beardy bloke nailed to a couple of bits of 2X4 didn't actually exist?emoticonXRolleyes 1,"america, china trying to spice up trade relationship by bringing third country into negotiations" 0,what it really looks like to work out with your dog 0,white house: it's 'highly inappropriate' for journalists to criticize a general 1,"I was addressing his list. I'm not denying that only one side has scandals. In fact, I counted. If you could read and understand why I mock your inability to contrast nine with one, you'd know that. " 1,"As compared to ""Truth"" (capital T). Yes, creationist theocrats have this tendency to portray their subjective beliefs as truth, their wishful thinking as facts. No surprise there. " 0,the continuing history of the republican alternative to obamacare 0,trump's attitude towards sexual misconduct remains disturbing 0,last officer from pearl harbor battleship uss arizona dies at 100 1,"And it could have been liberal ALIENS as well! Oooh. Can we make them gay illegal immigrants? I like that slant! Maybe they were talking about how he was ""terrorizing"" people with his fashion sense? Or maybe the ""terrorist"" comment wasn't even with regards to anything Palin said either. Maybe one of the guys thought he saw Osama bin Laden in the audience! YOU DON'T KNOW! emoticonXDonno " 1,scout returns with news of quicker checkout line to the east 0,5 reasons website traffic is the lifeblood of small business 1,millions of plants sent from nation's garden departments to their deaths 0,these christmas-inspired burgers are making the season bright 0,why would google leave a fake town on its maps? 0,"So I have the choice between staying safe and then claiming insurance damages, or risking my life to kill a burglar and (likely) cause damage to my own property in the process? Somehow, I'd rather stay safe. Better to lose my laptop than my life." 1,mexicans sweeping the nation 1,"Tell me then, does someone who is mentally retarded have a self-interest in staying alive? What about someone in a coma?" 0,"sadly, 'the last ship' sinks" 1,aspiring felon moved by man who didn't get first 8 convictions until his 60s 0,this dog has the most adorable brace face you'll ever see 1,taylor swift unveils even darker persona with new single 'skullfucking maggot shit boyfriend' 1,'you got it™' trademarked 1,"This assertion is ridiculous not merely on its face but due to its face. Why would I hold an irrational position in order to claim to be an intellectual? ""Hi, I'm an intellectual because I hold an irrational position!"" Hello? Hello? You really don't even think before you post this claptrap, do you? How pathetic. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,white house celebrates fifth straight year without oral sex 0,bernie sanders to propose new rule requiring fair prices for taxpayer-funded drugs 1,pre-teen moves from giggling-at-everything phase to never-smiling phase 1,oscars gift bag includes 3 ipads streaming telecast in attempt to shore up viewership numbers 1,u.s. to offer tax incentives to companies that do not openly make world worse at every turn 0,'waitress' star finds strength in the female narrative on broadway 0,"Although I'm not keen on them describing things as living fossils (the term is misleading) the possibilities and implications of this are fascinating. I'd be interested to see the paper if anyone has a PDF. It would seem to suggest that the origins of this particular molecule go back to the Ordovician at least, prior to the reptile/mammal split. Anyway, thought people might be interested :)" 1,porn-store change machine gummed up again 1,hillary clinton campaign shuts down after blowing through $2 billion in first month 0,antonio french: darren wilson seemed 'remorseless' over michael brown killing 0,kate moss and naomi campbell return to the runway together for a special reason 0,the gift is giving 1,aides trying to talk trump out of sending associates to break into watergate office complex 1,mtv executive grounds son for recommending good charlotte 0,"Well this involves the free will / determinism debate, you say you aren't free if your preferences are implanted... I say you are free when you act in accordance with your preferences, regardless of how those preferences were arrived at. I think to claim you need to ""choose"" your preferences is absurd, as the act of choosing requires prior preferences, which presumably also required a choice.... and the question of how we acquired our first preference arises..." 1,cleveland ukrainian museum pulling out all stops to prepare for onrush of rnc visitors 1,undertaker's last few embalmings before summer vacation always a little sloppy 1,antidepressant medication label reminds users that pill should never be mixed with long look in mirror 1,"Who is this god you speak of? Can I call him? I have some things I'd like done and he can just say them while on the phone I'm hoping. -Mach" 0,"As an aside I do admire your way with words, bravo!" 1,cute new dog helping single man pick up tons of hot shit 1,apartment listing sweetens the pot with offer to sell current tenant's 9-year-old furniture 1,'anthem' developers assure players whiteboard with words 'jetpack+guns?' will be playable game by friday 0,drink me now: tomatoes 0,'bubble boy' finally comfortable in his own skin 0,"here's what made t. rex's big, knife-like teeth so strong" 1,new software yellows neglected digital photos over time 0,parents create hilarious cards for the less celebrated baby milestones 0,arianna huffington urges gop voters to 'trexit' and dump trump 0,of course sean spicer's goodbye email contained a typo 1,god regrets never creating any two-headed snake creatures 0,step inside salvador dali's surreal paintings with trippy vr video 0,avoiding auto repair scams 1,study: average person's life plan can only withstand 25 seconds of direct questioning 0,"Not really when you consider the gun laws of the UK, and how they were changed to prevent incidents like Cumbria from ever happening." 0,un confirms aid convoy bombed in syria near aleppo 1,over-hydrated terrier proud owner of six city blocks 1,least popular guy at house party really hitting it off with dog 0,caitlyn jenner will reportedly attend donald trump's inauguration 1,mike johanns only one showing up to cabinet meetings now 0,obama to end automatic residency for cuban migrants 0,nicolas sarkozy promises nationwide ban of burkinis if elected 1,"whoa, classmate got totally hideous over summer vacation" 0,"to breast or bottle feed, a woman's choice: let's please stop judging!" 0,"Actually, society hasn't said this. 5 judges, in very recent times, have. I for one think that some 17 year olds fully comprehend the full implications of murder, and therefore should be held accountable in the same way as an 18 year old. I guess I just don't see any reason why a jury could not address the issue on a case by case basis. I do not see the ""18 and over execution rule"" in the eighth amendment." 0,california lawmakers want uc davis chancellor to resign 0,"Yes. I would. :) [As long as I can exercise 'critical thinking', along the way w/out personal attacks.]" 0,You haven't proven anything. All you have done is spew your same old drivel which ignores what I actually say and reinterprets it to mean what you want it to say. You must corrupt what I say since you can't accept the truth of my beliefs and win your fallacious argument. 1,"study finds controlled washington, d.c. wildfires crucial for restoring healthy political environment" 1,"old bastard, dirty bastard, dirty old bastard, ol' dirty bastard" 1,north dakota not heard from in 48 hours 1,man ashamed of himself after cashier reads food order back to him 0,chipotle ceo predicts the demise of 'irrelevant' fast food chains 0,8 holiday beauty hacks every woman should know 0,people and other animals: baby hummingbirds in our incubators means that spring has come 0,masterchef recap: you're prawns are raw in 'top ten compete' 1,pathetic hands subject to man's every whim 1,high school principal can already tell students are going to eat this one alive 0,"None of the 'fishersci' links would take, but I did get a look at the fibre optic systems. Will try again later." 0,gop presidential hopefuls fail again to sketch out an obamacare replacement 1,lebron james guarantees cleveland will win numerous regular season games 1,olympics officials clearly trying to buy more time with 6-day-long opening ceremony performance 0,chinese food emojis? chinese food emojis! 1,"mobile app to revolutionize way users waste time, money" 1,new spiritually correct doll lets children show where and how jesus touched them 1,"Tell me, how does one ""steal land"" from a nomad? emoticonXConfused" 0,wednesday's morning email: conservatives aren't loving the proposed gop obamacare reform 0,"But my relationship is between a man and woman. You would be asking marriage to be redefined to do that. Remember, part of what defines marriage is that it is between a man and woman." 1,warden scrambling to find ways to punish striking inmates worse than their typical living conditions 0,"And my favourite! Contraception doesn't work kids! It's all a lie! -Wez" 0,gardner loves conservative radio shows but not town halls 0,love the real you: the case for self love 0,u.s. police chiefs call for background checks for all gun purchases 1,kavanaugh starting to get worried about not hearing back after job interview 1,tenants feel guilty asking elderly maintenance man to fix anything 1,iceberg sighs contentedly as it slowly lowers itself into warm arctic water 1,"'someone in this room tonight will be murdered by an illegal immigrant,' announces trump just before lights go out" 1,'elle' magazine accidentally airbrushes naomi watts out of cover altogether 0,obama gathers world leaders to pledge billions in refugee aid 1,It's fascinting to me how much faith atheists have in randomness 0,celebrity collector: alison sweeney 0,health insurers fire volley in new battle over the public option 1,sighing trump sexual assault accusers announce they'll try coming forward again next week 1,u.s. forces take over key afghan city that will be retaken by taliban when marines leave 1,every family member's birthday now marred by some tragedy 1,area man self-conscious about all the wrong things 1,audiobook narrator really going for broke with cajun accent 0,"the first chapter of harper lee's 'go set a watchman' has arrived, and readers are thrilled" 0,cnn's erin burnett reports donald trump kissed her friend without consent 0,here's a brilliant way to talk to kids about race and privilege 0,lin manuel miranda and ben platt join forces for ultimate broadway mashup 0,louis c.k. sends out epic email annihilating donald trump's candidacy 1,mobile news crew reports on own van breaking down 1,That isn't the arguement your buddy made. He claimed guns could be controlled by dogs and snakes and stuff like that. Do you have any examples of dogs or snakes controlling drugs and going on rampages and blowing folks heads off? Even claimed the dog was mournful for his bereaved master. He didn't mention how the snake felt Also said something about robots and guns but didn't have any examples to wow us with. Do you? 0,7 clever ways to corral your cords and wires 1,excercise ball all the way over there 0,watch weightlifter celebrate olympic bronze with an epic backflip 1,supportive parents encourage child's interests in anything within 15-minute drive 0,"Yes, it does. But determining that age is not a question answered by evolution." 0,men don't have it all 0,katy perry says she'd collaborate with taylor swift under this one simple condition 0,all about otters! 1,Mr. Brown was able to attend ball games. Not exactly held captive was he? 1,8-year-old obviously packed own lunch 0,twitter imparts some presidential wisdom with #trumpbacktoschooltips 1,disney rehires director james gunn as part of company-wide push towards embracing pedophilia 1,"bird reflects on frailty, impermanence of life after finding dead human on sidewalk" 1,ray lahood resigns following mysterious disappearance of country road 0,maryland gov. larry hogan breaks 'partisan gridlock' boards using taekwondo 0,breaking: ufos spotted on classy porcelain dinnerware 0,tyra banks doesn't have time for drake's worst behavior in 'child's play' video 0,opening wider and diving deeper into the immeasurable beauty and pain of life 1,"No, we don't claim to know the truth. We gladly say ""we don't know"" to questions like ""why are we here"" instead of making up fairy tale answers just because we're too impatient to look for the truth. Tell us, do you still believe in the fire god and the tooth fairy too?" 0,farmworker rights leaders plan to protest on ben & jerry's free cone day 0,the old lady and the sea 0,"It seems that the high priest of Global Warming is so unconcerned about its reality that In the past year, Gore's home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month." 0,ho ho no -- 5 reasons there's no santa in our christmas 0,fool me once 0,"And just what is the number of ""real scientists"" that acknowledge the good science behind creationist claims? And why is it that over 99% of the biologists in the U.S. accept evolution and reject classic creationism? You make statements that are patently untrue......." 1,hillary clinton waiting in wings of stage since 6 a.m. for dnc speech 1,this first time area man hearing about daughter dating george zimmerman 0,this app cuts off your access to work emails at night 1,study: 90% of all meowing comes from owners trying to get cats to meow back 1,"This, coming from an atheist. How consistently shallow of you. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,214 executed in wacky bolivian prison mix-up 0,aroldis chapman's trade to los angeles dodgers reportedly on hold for domestic violence probe 0,progressive challenger wants birmingham to be 'frontline resistance to trump policies' 1,new poll finds americans view death of close relative more favorably than congress 1,helicopter mating season begins 1,facebook clarifies site not intended to be users' primary information source 1,little league coach reveals creepy method for breaking in baseball mitt 1,man who hasn't moved in six hours repeatedly welcomed back by tv 0,"for conservative press, the post-trump reckoning can't come soon enough" 0,"Referring to an 18 week fetus as ""the child"" is enough for me to discount the source." 0,where does chicago go after more than 750 homicides? 1,modern-day caligula orders everything bagel 1,"So somebody try and tell us, that with stuff like this going on, that America still needs to overhaul its gun laws to bring them more in line with those of Mexico." 0,reminder: scott disick is just a fly in kourtney kardashian's instagram web 0,"Yes. Oddly, the picture makes as much sense as most creationists. :)" 1,70 percent of americans in favor of watching iraq get bombed on tv 1,halliburton given contract to rebuild cheney 1,Really? Can you link to a creationist website that does not connect evolution to people doing bad things? 0,kirk franklin blasts creflo dollar's $65 million private jet campaign 0,stephen colbert reveals the back-up slogans for donald trump's 2020 campaign 0,dietary supplements send thousands to the er each year 0,"new chrome extension blocks out names, photos of mass shooters" 1,"study finds only 1 in 3 lasik surgeries end in laser boring through eye, incinerating brain, shooting through skull on other side" 0,weird al's 'lame claim to fame' mocks celebrity obsession 0,"Apparently this is a petition opposing the pending resolution before the Illinois lawmakers that will deprive the rights given in the Constitutions. It is to encourage the lawmakers to vote against it. The lawmakers have not yet agreed to vote it down. Knowing the State of Illinois, I am predicting they will pay no attention to the commoners. The only thing a glean out of this is that the common people have more sense than the lawmakers. But I've actually known that for a long time." 0,california's brutal drought could change the state forever 1,slightly overweight middle-aged woman really carrying rest of church choir 1,county fair judges blown away by heifer 1,trump sits down beside fire with quill and ink for evening writing out tweets 0,"our final oscar predictions, plus who should actually win at sunday's awards" 0,china on track to develop indian railways as xi heads to south asia 1,israel builds new settlement to host palestinian peace talks 0,"You have some good points here, but what do you do in the event of pregnancy due to rape? Or a pregnancy that is going to put the life of the mother at risk?And to push the line a bit further, what about failed contraception, where the 'morning after' pill is taken? Does that count as abortion as it happens after conception?Smiley" 0,smb's are changing the way they do business 0,"No, nothing to do with it. Economics is not the product of morality...the most you can say is that one system of economics will be more flexible with different morality systems. It would be hard to argue that capitalism isn't the system to best handle different moralities. And if they are governed and regulated people can be victimized by the system. In fact, the regulation might be the very thing victimizing people. Again, it isn't the system but the people who are in society that make a morality." 1,man wouldn't have worn costume to work if he'd known he was getting laid off 1,still too early to tell if pulling chain turned overhead fan off 0,"women aren't immune to sexism anywhere, even at the olympics" 0,why it matters that women talk about their abortions 0,book review: dataclysm 0,the first reviews of 'mockingjay' are here 1,first holiday season without grandma incredible 0,"** Except that hypermutation is not something that happens to a 'cell', but happens to a collectivity of millions of inter-connected, inter-related cells, and that hypermutation in bacteria colonies is not 'stochastic', but 'heuristic', and you are just going to have to accept that those words are not synonyms." 1,fda: everyone needs to induce vomiting right now 0,movies that make you want to travel every time you watch them 0,real-life twist endings no one saw coming -- no one! 0,banksy returns to new york city with one of his trademark rats 1,missing girl's family really hates to part with reward 1,passenger ruins perfectly good windshield by flying through it 0,we reached out to other clients of louis c.k.'s manager and got radio silence 1,mccain gives up jcpenney catalog-modeling job 1,joel siegel 'absolutely loved' dream he had last night 0,"woman agrees to pay for wrong lottery ticket, then wins $5 million" 0,6 reasons why i don't force my children to share 1,jewel organizes 'save the unicorns' benefit 0,why it's hard to be a woman 0,how the world's worst ebola outbreak started from a single child 1,report: 92% of americans would have gotten over ex by now 0,rachel leyco bridges the diversity gap in her latest short film 1,new railway line to be built straight up your ass 0,"women in business: kate o'brien minson, president and co-founder, integrated listening systems" 1,tom izzo calls 2019 spartans best team he's ever threatened with violence 0,shake shack celebrates the return of 'will & grace' in sweet (and boozy) way 0,"Sure they matter. But that isn't the issue here. You posted this in the abortion forums as if this medical malpractice which is taking place in an impoverished third world country is justification for it in America. That is a ludicrous and totally bogus argument to make.If you thought rationally, you would have it in the health forum and be complaining about how third world countries are so ill prepared for this common problem when we have the technology so readily available to avoid it. My Lord simone, a simple C-Section is all that is required to make this a non issue for mother and baby. But you ignorantly post this drivel as if abortion is the solution. It makes no sense at all, and yet you post it thinking that you're contributing something rational. Go figure, huh!!! emoticonXFrazzled" 1,older brother to attempt unmanned bike mission into ravine 0,watch this angry cat knock the stuffing out of a toy tiger 1,new final draft update includes stock female characters to help fill out scripts 1,mayan calendar warns of cataclysmic roland emmerich film on nov. 13 1,"The first Christians were Jews. Anyone who claims to be a Christian but hates Jews is a XXXXX. An anti-Semetic Christian is like an oxymoron term. And an Aryan is supposed to be someone with blue-eyes, brown-hair, and light-skin. You don't have to believe in 'Aryanism' to be Aryan, and the mortal enemies of Aryans are not Jews. 'Aryans' may hate Jews, but most Jews aren't bigoted. By the way, Hitler did not like just Jews but others he considered 'inferior' to the 'superior' 'Aryan race.' Do some actual research instead of pulling XXXX out of the air to conform to your screwed up opinions." 0,"ed sheeran sang 'chasing cars' at a wedding, and now we're swooning" 1,pringles level at six inches and falling 1,married couple longs for days when they only quietly resented one another 1,eddie bauer announces new line of brown clothes 1,Sounds like what some wife beater would say to his wife just before he beats her up. 1,perfect attendance credited to abusive household 0,republicans face some last-minute doubts on tax proposal 1,empty wall behind couch falls into girlfriend's crosshairs 1,nation spooked after running into creepy old night watchman 0,seth meyers calls out al franken for 'horrifying' groping photo 0,how brazil's 'lord of guns' armed rio's drug war with u.s. weapons 0,use twitter like a pro with these simple keyboard shortcuts 1,report: album as good as 'sgt. pepper' comes out about once every month 1,panasonic introduces portable 500-disc changer to compete against ipod 0,long-lost salamander rediscovered in guatemalan jungle 0,watch: need to feel bad? 1,faa assures public: air travel 'pretty safe' 0,5 ways to make your meetings more positive 1,depressed gallup director issues poll asking whether anyone would care whether he lives or dies 0,alleged shooter who killed 8 had long history of domestic violence 0,can blind auditions change the ratio of women in tech journalism? 0,your sunday is open again because these puppies already decided the super bowl 1,teen reports saturday night live has sucked since chris kattan left 0,"If a square is opposite to a circle (and it isn't, by the way), then gas/liquid/solid must be opposites therefore you contain opposites (by your own argument), in that you contain elements that are in these 'opposite' states. It's an argument I raised before, you said they weren't opposites, now you cite non-opposites! Why do you keep refuting previous arguments they YOU have made?" 0,espn pulls broadcaster from virginia game because his name is robert lee 0,how an essay on 'sexual paranoia' caused a frenzy at northwestern university 1,financial advisor recommends keeping one bullet in chamber just in case 0,why starting a company is a crazy thing 0,are you present and mindful -- is your 'inner baby monitor' on? 1,increasingly desperate advertisers settle for more attainable 35-to-44-year-old demographic 1,lowe's debuts new travel plunger with collapsible handle 1,kid putting pencils between knuckles about to fuck someone up 0,Prove your assertion that he has called himself a conservative Christian rather than a conservative Republican OP. Support your clai if you can or stop trying to lump everyone on the right together. 1,"Plain with the benefit of hindsight. I love how you're able to determine, not having been there, precisely what was said and precisely where it fell in relation to the law. If it was so clear, we'll see the prosecution for wrongful arrest in due course, I'm sure." 1,teen scores awesome oral cancer poster 0,"brazil prison riot kills at least 27 inmates, reports say" 1,bush urges iraqis to pass amendment banning gay marriage 0,how to dress up for the holidays with stuff you already own 1,thing that got area man a laugh to be done repeatedly for next 12 years 0,'queer eye' star antoni porowski strips to his underwear for hanes campaign 1,finger-quotes lady now doing hand parentheses 0,nikki lost 89 pounds: 'any mom will tell you scheduling time to exercise can be very hard' 1,"My first thought on reading this was ""What is Comfort thinking?"".... Then I remembered he has faith instead." 0,But your new language would be meaningless. The definition of a circle or a square does not vary from language to language. Mathematical definitions are not matters of opinion but quite precise descriptions so that all mathematicians will understand what is meant when the term is used. The words may change but the meaning doesn't. Math is not opinion. It is not my opinion that a triangle has three angles. That is a matter of definition.Apparently Habbit doesn't understand that substituting the words of another language does not change the concept. That sort of argument is basically ignorant XXXX. 0,"pope francis says his time as pope will be short, misses pizza" 0,hedge those bets: sports gambling may not be a jackpot for states 1,"Oh, and keep your lie - I mean, explanation - consistent with your entire post!" 1,experts say puerto rico still extremely vulnerable to future u.s. government 0,christie brinkley looks better than ever in barneys spring campaign 1,new tsa precheck program offers expedited interrogations for muslim passengers 1,seedless watermelon coming to grips with fact it'll never be able to have kids 0,"bear eats 20 pounds of dog food, promptly dozes off" 0,bernie sanders praises john mccain: he's 'a no bullsh*t guy' 1,fec extends election by 7 months to give nation chance to better get to know candidates 1,Well with thinking challenged individuals like slimjim floating around it is no wonder we have a rogue agency with no oversight attacking the honest citizens. See Ruby Ridge and Waco for examples. 1,richard simmons fighting for life in estrogen tent 1,increasingly cocky bernie sanders announces he won't take donations over 27 cents 0,"Demographics plays a role, but it does not explain away the whole shift in the numbers." 1,jay-z's grandfather busted with trunk full of canadian prescription drugs 1,"Yeah so what? I left the UK, I'm free now." 1,local youth to insert coin 0,former chesapeake ceo mcclendon indicted on conspiracy charges 0,"cop placed on leave after police crash pool party, pull gun on teens" 0,"So even though you can legally conceal carry right up to the gate of the national parks, and you can legally hunt within the parks, somehow concealed carry in the parks will become more dangerous?" 0,china disputes trump's claims of fentanyl 'flood' into united states 1,scientists discover new species of reptile deep within amazonian bulldozer treads 0,inside the senate's bipartisan move to gut post-crisis banking regulations 1,man at gym apparently comfortable standing naked right in middle of spin class 1,"weak, ineffectual man will be right back with that account file" 0,king lear and the silver tsunami 0,to the ladies who 'didn't need' the women's march 0,8 healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay 0,cash back incentives: a winning strategy for health insurers and consumers 1,alabama governor signs new 'heartbeat bill' lowering state's age of consent 1,plan to live in storage facility voiced 0,"in a huge breakthrough, google's ai beats a top player at the game of go" 1,asshole taking up two plots 0,#talktome: lucas braga and otaviano canuto 1,toll-booth girl hit on quickly 1,heat wave doesn't bother local contrarian 1,"we in golden age of thing, guy who likes thing reports" 0,I think you're mixing up socialist and fascist. Patriotism is anathema to socialism. 0,gummy bears send 14 chicago-area high school students to hospital 1,newly uncovered journals reveal alexander graham bell invented telephone as first step in consolidating all american businesses into single monopoly 1,fox news debuts premium channel for 24-hour coverage of alexandria ocasio-cortez 1,report: mom has plan for tub of whipped cream in fridge 0,the end of innocence: taking the bystanding out of bullying 0,missing just 2 hours of sleep quadruples your risk of a car accident 1,perverted wall gets off on making apartment guests look at exposed brick 0,"despite accusations of fraud and deception, will globe university be expanding to your state?" 1,pier 1 issues formal apology for rattan death march 0,iran vows 'firm response' unless obama stops sanctions renewal 1,"hillary clinton pleasantly surprised after finding old $20,000 donation check in coat pocket" 0,chris harrison says he doesn't have time to 'hate-watch' 'unreal' 1,lasik surgery allows baron to see without monocle 1,"wells fargo computer glitch accidentally forecloses on all 5,700 branches" 1,area man has always had soft spot for puck 1,"Spain, unlike most modern democracies, very very recently had the uh.. privilege of living under a strong, ""moral"" government that supported the uh.. ""family values"" so important to the right. That they are running like hell away from it should tell people something." 0,Actually it seems you are the one that is sick. You have this obsession with what others do with their sex life and want the government to try and prevent any kind of sex you dont approve of. It looks like you are trying hard to repress homosexual desires you have. Otherwise why do you care what others do when it doesnt affect you?I'm not for or against what other adults do with their consentual sex life. It's none of my business. 0,it's 2016. do you know where your bombs are falling? 0,"what's better, fresh or frozen turkey?" 1,heaven prepares for huge rush of college kids over spring break 1,guantánamo inmates cheer after learning trump saved their home 0,Yet another application of a different meaning of the word in an effort to group everything in science that you don't understand and won't accept under one word. 0,read the list of important issues this 7-year-old sent to elected officials 0,"the oldest of the old are actually fine with dying, study finds" 1,'the onion' wins nobel prize 1,author dismayed by amazon customers' other purchases 1,area man too deep into haircut to start talking to barber now 0,police kill armed black man in st. louis on anniversary of another officer-involved shooting 0,only nba nerds will catch the joke in this nba 2k16 trailer 1,joe paterno's name to remain on joe paterno center for covering up sexual abuse 0,why every couple should have a prenuptial agreement 0,what do kendrick and kanye owe women listeners? 0,ever wish you could live inside your favorite book? you can at this incredible new place 0,sean spicer uses san bernardino shooting to justify banning 220 million people 1,"tabloid reveals pete davidson, kate beckinsale only dating as pr stunt to promote new york rangers" 1,earth passed over for invasion 1,responsible man sets aside small portion of every paycheck for bank to gamble with 0,"flashback: ferguson cops beat man, charged him for bleeding on their uniforms" 0,the leftovers recap: did they really do it? in 'cairo' 1,report: apocalypse actually happened 3 years ago 1,new hyundai owner sort of brags about it to co-workers 0,the true meaning of the ray rice scandal 0,are you making your guacamole right? here's how to tell. 1,"Then by that standard, christianity is horse puckey! Christians contradict each other. Oh! But wait. Anyone who disagrees with you isn't ""really"" a christian." 0,is it time to level the playing field for college athletes? 0,is my special child being bullied? 0,are introverts or extroverts happier? 1,secret agent's back's always been a bit hinky ever since he burst through that skylight and landed in fountain 0,"ToE is a mechanistic theory -- it says life is like a machine. Machines aren't intelligent, they just do what they're made/programmed to do. Darwinists say lifeforms do what they do because of the way their particular genes program them. This is basic stuff.....yet you come along and say this isn't so. So which is it? Is life intelligent or not? If it is intelligent, what is illogical about believing life was designed intelligently by an intelligent designer? The intelligence had to come from somewhere. Where did the information in the DNA code come from?" 1,same jumbotron used for marriage proposal used to ask for divorce 0,"when it comes to pregnancy discrimination, equal is not the same as fair" 0,australia to lay off leading scientist on sea levels 1,widow still can't bring herself to get rid of husband's corpse 1,study finds 73% of marble statuettes of achilles used to beat to death wealthy dowager 0,friends and family rally around kim kardashian on her birthday 1,gay marriage passes in 9 states after area homosexual dunks on regulation rim 1,underfunded school lacks resources to calculate student-to-teacher ratio 0,"And it also took an amendment to give the slaves rights, not a judge." 0,"my ""aunt hillary""" 1,'ultra hammer' to revolutionize modern pounding 1,limited-edition russet potato comes with certificate of authenticity 1,partygoers drunkenly recite 4-h pledge 0,rihanna hung out with jake gyllenhaal and jay z at a nyc boxing match 1,mythbusters team struck down by zeus 1,interminable nightmare of buying wrong toilet paper in bulk nearly over 0,when art becomes poison 0,possible viking find could rewrite north american history 0,13 lovely real wedding photos that will ease your case of the mondays 1,east st. louis rated number-one city in america by 'poverty magazine' 0,apple gave a major shot in the arm to wearable tech 1,"Are you just not bright enough to make the connection between: " 1,kotex introduces new leak-proof brush-on vaginal sealant 1,obama peddling stimulus package door-to-door 0,the midtown men tell it like it is... was... will be (part i) 0,"paul singer, influential gop billionaire, throws support to rubio" 0,hobnobbing with 'givers' mike gamson and alaina percival 0,"whoa, elsa might actually be the villain in 'frozen'" 0,Sounds pretty neat. I've never been there but I'll keep it in mind for a road trip some time.So you are of the belief that dinosaurs and man lived at the same time? I know that there are people who believe in this but I don't come across them very often. So what information do you have to share with us about this idea? 1,you always run and hide behind Bryan like the true coward you are 0,"dallas is where i finally get to see the famous french ""déjeûner sur l'herbe"" painting by monet" 0,leaving america after the elections? here's a great option. 1,area man shocked to learn there is a butt-oriented magazine he was not aware of 0,"I think you got it backwards Kelvin. You're the one that said you wouldn't let your children play with toy guns because you're afraid that your children wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a real gun and a toy gun. Blindone never advocated toy gun-control. On the contrary, Blindone was pointing out that toy guns don't harm children. And if your children can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality how do you expect them to handle a gun responsibly? They might try to shoot the boogey man or their own shadow." 0,filipino artists protest donald trump's visit with swastika effigy 1,"__________________________________________________ ___________ Am I in the wrong blog? I thought that this was for religion?emoticonXConfused" 0,do serving sizes impact how much you eat? 0,"Because of the history of it. Well, ID is actually identical to 'scientific creationism', but spruced up with more scientific terminology to attempt to pass 'seperation of church and state'. Let's just say that I.D. is an attempt to teach Creationism in school." 1,contrarian amazon user completely upends critical consensus on microfiber towels 0,"5 years after miller v. alabama, looking to the states for justice" 0,donald trump's crackdown on undocumented immigrants is silencing exploited workers 0,finding comfort in numbers 1,"other jobs are ok also. all the women who are in the army...they manned up. grew penises is what they did." 1,god shoots himself while cleaning gun 0,california becomes the first state to prescribe food as medicine 0,presumed innocent. found dead. 1,As usual I see youre going to weasel out of replying to my latest post by changing the subject. Typical monty. I should have known by now not to waste my time. 1,pet dog almost like disgusting family member 0,the dawn of old face: turning 30 is all the terrible things they said it would be 0,fiat chrysler to be hit with record $105 million fine over safety recalls 1,area man a staunch single-gender voter 1,all those years shopping at independent bookstore wasted 0,why are bi men less likely to open up about same-sex attraction? 1,exhausted mueller trying to find trump organization russia documents amid thousands of harassment lawsuits 0,variety magazine goes to bat for hillary clinton in first-ever presidential endorsement 1,"Prickolo Slyme would be a more appropriate name for you. Just some parting unfriendly advice Hooroo emoticonXDonno" 1,boyfriend ceremoniously dumped 0,on the road to the emmys with my entourage aka my kids 0,showdown with johnson & johnson's alex gorsky 1,historians uncover lost socrates dialogues where he just gave up and started screaming that opponent a fucking brainwashed shill 0,russians who hacked dnc reportedly target france's presidential frontrunner 0,6 things you need to know now about obamacare's cadillac tax 0,trump administration axes funding for nasa system that monitors greenhouse gases 0,Actually the details of HOW embryogenesis proceeds is becoming increasingly understood. And it goes way the heck beyond speculation. Check out how homeobox genes work and how regulation by master switches is understood as just two examples. 0,trump refuses to play gop ball 0,so we would penalize financially those who want to have kids? 0,scared of dying 0,"Again, what evidence? anthropic principle doesn't have anything to do with creation. Puntucated Equlibrium anyone? How is symbiotic relations beteween plants and insects sign of creation?What are you talking about? A dog can't have a cat. That's retarded. What facts are you talking abot? " 1,"Now, now... You should KNOW hypocricy is wrong...except when I engage in it!" 1,jamie dimon cites relentless desire to watch a person die up close as inspiration for starting healthcare company 0,kim kardashian just wore her most confusing look yet 0,katy perry awarded $1.57 million from entrepreneur who interfered with convent sale 1,plo claims responsibility for bombing of krippendorf's tribe 1,text history with mom a succinct chronology of relatives' hospital visits 0,5 things everyone gets wrong about napping 0,this is what happens when you ask arya stark to write your yearbook quote 1,new demography today magazine targets demographer demographic 0,afghanistan: a morally corrupting war 1,man knows unsettling amount about nationwide age-of-consent laws 1,These official groups are jokes. Armed citizens are much more effective. 0,want to sleep in 'the world's largest grave'? airbnb to the rescue 1,philadelphia museum of art erects statue of overweight tourist posing next to rocky statue 1,worker told to have fun operating shake machine 1,aquarium unveils 'floating carcasses of the pacific' exhibit 0,is data hoarding necessary for lawful surveillance? 1,teenage katrina survivor wins yet another essay contest 1,bear emerges from hibernation refreshed and ready to kill 1,crowd can't believe balls on frontman who waited till third song to ask them how they're doing 1,new 'war' enables mankind to resolve disagreements 1,shelter dog eating own shit not exactly doing itself any favors 0,npr acknowledges plagiarism in 10 music stories 1,man attends 25-year nursery school reunion 0,the best 'lazy games' for exhausted parents to play with their kids 0,"sixth roy moore accuser comes forward, says he groped her in 1991" 1,cubans: new dictator doing it all wrong 0,"these folks had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time tapping this keg" 1,"clinton credits nevada victory to inescapable, pitch-black tide of fate" 1,senate unable to get enough republican votes to honor 'to kill a mockingbird' 0,watch kristin davis' 'sex and the city' nightmare sketch come true 0,"the dea is rushing to criminalize another herb, and congress is silent" 1,dalai lama announces next life to be his last before retirement 0,"fyi, the hair on your head can hold up to the weight of 2 elephants" 0,10 things i learned as a new adjunct teacher 1,recently divorced 40-year-old struggling to navigate college dating scene 0,are you missing something vital from your growth hacking strategy? 1,onion social offers free medium t-shirt to anyone who has been a victim of stalking on their site 1,report: mom would rather sit here and watch you guys have fun 0,"You forgot to fully quote John 8:18. here is the rest: and the Father that sent Me beareth witness of Me. He isn't bearing witness to Himself here. Two witnesses are, one of which is Himself, which is why He said in John 8:17 It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. John 5:30-32 is saying this exact same thing. " 0,I don't know if you ever heard of the UK Poll Tax but I could have seen myself protesting by non-payment against such a grotesquely unfair system of taxation had I been of the age to do so. 1,relieved malia obama quietly thanks secret service agents for taking rap for her 0,trump's hhs nominee got a sweetheart deal from a foreign biotech firm 0,are there really two sides when it comes to political violence in the u.s.? 0,senate dems want to know more as trump nominees cash out at their old jobs 1,area man looking for whatever the hell is beeping 1,magical gallery transforms dull objects into art 1,"report: only 260,000 more games of 'candy crush' until you die" 0,the one thing you probably didn't know about genetic inheritance 1,census finds enough homeless people living in public library to warrant congressional district 1,report: some crazy shit probably happened to classmate being raised by grandmother 1,courtroom sketch artist has clear manga influences 0,fighting rages in aleppo as syrian rebels claim to break through siege 0,"So atheism doesn't ""need"" facts? If it claims to have complete knowledge of evolution, doesn't it need all the facts? If the answer is no, then how can it argue against religion? Miller didn't explain it." 0,ian mckellen says actresses used to proposition directors for sex 1,paul ryan confident american people will warm up to tax plan once they realize life a cruel and meaningless farce 1,pool owner has bathing suit that touched his penis you can borrow 1,missing kazakhstani nukes turn up in manhattan 1,trump administration refusing to disclose names of white house diamond elite members 1,house inappropriations committee suggests nation's women dress a little sexier 0,alice waters: 'we are digesting values' when we eat 1,bangladesh runs out of people 0,"tourist scams, part 3: what to know before you go" 1,westminster dog show finalists form elite iditarod team 0,aarp warns of sweepstakes scams 0,Well I'm not arguing that this is adaptation...I have never said that.. What I am saying is the environment -- in this case diet is the cause for these traits to emerge in offspring.....but like I said earlier ToE does not admit that the diet or any enviornmental variable can influence traits in offspring. Traits are dictated by genes and genes are closed off from the enviornment. This is the basic dogma of Weismann's barrier. I'm not necessarily calling this evolution....I'm just simply pointing out that acquired traits can be inherited. There is no other way to describe this other than Lamarckism. Do you disagree that The inheritance of acquired characteristics is simply changes in physiology acquired over the life of an organism that are transmitted to offspring? 0,epa chief scott pruitt avoids ordinary citizens on first trip to oil-rich north dakota 1,"millions of excited americans gather to watch candidates deliver series of short, elaborately rehearsed speeches" 0,"mysterious american flags in northern syria were planted by u.s. troops, pentagon says" 1,"You don't get to just say ""hey i wanna be Catholic"" and make it so just because you said you wanted to be. " 0,"Well, the first part is true but I'm not sure I understand what you are saying in the second part. Science does not claim that intelligent design is false because science lacks the tools to examine the concept. ID is just another unsupported assertion outside the domain of science (and logic for that matter). ID has reached the stage of unsupported assertion without evidence. Science has better explanations." 0,most americans think donald trump shouldn't have to sell his companies to be president 1,arab-american actually kind of enjoys always having 2 bus seats to self 1,congressman lets his guitar do the talking 1,mueller kinda miffed that barr clearly didn't read his stuff like he said he would 1,Did your mummy read you scary stories when you were littler? 0,trevor noah eviscerates donald trump's love of stop-and-frisk 0,obama honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice on memorial day 2015 0,So what this guy is saying is that he believes in natural selection but not evolution? 0,trump uses daca setback to launch new attack on court system 1,troubling study finds majority of americans who got it aren't flaunting it 0,And I'm going to correct you again. The theory of evolution is by no means an extreme view. It is the prevailing view. More than 99% of biologists accept the theory of evolution as the best explanation for the observations. 0,"here's how to become kris jenner's assistant, according to kris jenner" 0,boundless - today's buddha doodle 1,"Hey star gazer, how do you know he didn't provide those ""private sellers"" also? You understand a man bent on the law is willing to go all the way. I wouldn't believe him if his tongue was notorized. Pictures? LOl" 1,photojournalist spends month in oval office blind to capture images of obama in natural habitat 1,north carolina elects someone to run out for cigarettes 0,guns and georgia 1,ron paul supporter likes the way paul tells it like it has no chance of being 0,therapy golden retriever helps comfort rape victims during counseling sessions 1,weary nation says one or two more divisive issues should finish it off 0,why we should value (but not worship) reason 1,trail of ants better be leading toward something delicious 0,how nice of dr. luke to now let kesha perform at the billboard music awards 1,calm sense of impending violence returns to middle east as ceasefire brokered 0,person of interest detained after california mosque 'firebombed' 1,"Hmmm, was that an ad hominem attack? You know, what you accuse others of doing? Hypocrite." 0,baltimore police begin slow process of reform in year after freddie gray's death 0,"I think that what you two are doing is simply trading evidences. Saying someone is 'wrong' and directing them to a atheist web-site is not proof. You should merely be saying, 'here is an alternative argument'I say this because I can access a number of science posts that state the exact opposite of what you say, and show that they can find evidence for a flood." 1,history teacher has unusual favorite president 0,best career advice: find a need and fill it 1,thousands of onion social users burn effigies of ceo in massive show of support for company 1,philip morris ceo forces senator to dance for his amusement 1,My pursuit of happiness is denied by trees existing. Let's burn them down and destroy the environment. It's much better than me being unhappy. 1,"man captures ross perot, is granted three wishes" 0,5 tips for reading the polls like a pro 1,st. christopher statue embedded in motorist's forehead 0,the true cost of turning on the lights 1,matt damon mans warner brothers booth at college campus's career day 1,man reluctantly deletes video of friend trying to vault mailbox to clear data space for child's birth 0,americans respond to trump's plans for country with #nobannowall 0,profiles in courage: sometimes it's the last place you think 0,"netanyahu meets with donald trump, hillary clinton ahead of first debate" 0,If guns laws don't affect criminals then how do you explain the low rates of criminal gun use in nations like the UK? 0,trump and the catholic schism 0,frat suspended after 'rape some b*****s' comment caught on tape 1,"report: oyster cracker–wise, nation doing pretty good" 1,sellout crowd greets sellout band 1,important piece of paper tragically smudged with breadstick grease 0,"after seeing a fifth-grader get bullied, this group of boys vowed to stand up for him" 1,al roker strongly considers retiring from creating the weather 0,the creators of 'supergirl' know that title is a bit misogynistic 1,that knife guy from high school arrested in knife-related incident 0,taking your startup public is fraught with negatives 0,bloomberg gadfly debuts in bid to shake-up financial commentary space 0,"A more precise term would be ""broaden,"" since nothing about the definition pertaining to the people currently covered by it would be affected, ""diluted"" or altered in any way anyone has yet demonstrated. Nothing about the definition that pertains to people who already are, or can be married changes one iota. Their rights, benefits, and protections remain exactly the same. The only ""change"" would be to other people, people who have no connection to, nor impact on, the marriages of anyone else: the gays who'll marry if the legal definition is broadened to encompass them. And the only ""change"" in that regard will be the fact that they are encompassed by it, nothing more. No substantive aspect of the definition as it currently stands changes in the slightest.The change is not in the definition itself. It's in who it applies to." 0,"""True"" is not a good use of language to describe opinion. With regard to his opinion, I think he makes some good points, so I don't really need to ask him if its true. You on the other hand do need to speak to Olsen as you are claiming his letter rubbishes the concept of evolution- an opinion I hazard he would very much disagree with." 0,hayley kiyoko is the unapologetically queer pop star we've been waiting for 1,"wrapped, labeled christmas presents already stacked in grandmother's spare bedroom" 0,"republicans humiliate boehner, tee-up next week's national crisis" 0,"actor michael rapaport takes a knee, unloads on 'dumb motherf--ker' donald trump" 0,a big myth about how to spot a narcissist 1,iggy pop only one allowed in grocery store shirtless 0,(still) daring to be different in dr. martens 0,"jimmy fallon, judd apatow and keanu reeves perform stand-up written by kids" 0,the best low-calorie mixers to use now 0,"after learning about homelessness, kind toddler starts donation drive" 1,department of education study finds only 30% of students adequately prepared for spring musical 1,area man's hairstyle history eerily mirrors kevin bacon's 0,"the 'rain room' is coming to los angeles, not to be confused with actual rain" 0,ferguson police chief: darren wilson did not know michael brown was suspect in 'strong-armed' robbery 0,marvel's top directors want lgbt superheroes to save the day 1,expiration of contract allows fergie to put on pair of pants for first time in 5 years 0,miranda lambert stuns in low-cut bridal-inspired gown 0,two very different closets: my life as the gay daughter of a u.s. spy 0,6 content marketing strategies you probably aren't trying yet 1,man takes free thing he doesn't want 0,kylie jenner channels pin-up glam in new photo from high fashion shoot 1,nutter butters 'ruined forever' for nutter butter factory worker 0,latino voters crucial to passing environmental laws: report 1,royal couple to spend $36.21 queen elizabeth had left over from 2010 u.s. visit 0,why gay marriage doesn't open the door to polygamy 0,why it should bother everyone that the oscars are so white 0,why adults still experience back-to-school anxiety 0,"huffpost hill - trump bribes company to send jobs to mexico, scores huge win" 0,a 'sea of black masks': prosecutors open felony trial of inauguration protesters 0,donald trump's epa pick urged to come clean on ties to secretive koch-funded group 1,cash-strapped school district furloughs hundreds of nonessential children 0,steve wynn steps down as rnc finance chair amid sexual harassment allegations 1,"I always have to chuckle whenever I see somebody claim that homosexuality is a choice. Even in this day and age, it's astounding that people still believe that. Quite frankly, I consider that to be the biggest LIE that the religious right groups put out there. There is NO debate in scientific or medical communities on the issue. NONE whatsoever. There is NO REASON to believe homosexuality is a choice. Yet some people still claim it is. You might as well be claiming that the moon is made of green cheese..." 1,"report: samantha's new haircut pretty bad, but don't say anything" 1,swiss threaten ricola embargo 1,cory booker tries to relate to rural voters by mangling hand in grain auger 0,sunday meal prep: 5 healthy recipes that'll kick next week's butt 0,"Well, your parents' parents also had parents who had parents who had parents which all streams back down to 2 people who God created...adam and eve. so ultimately your life is a gift from God because the whole human race was created by Him." 0,"So essentially the good thing about religion is that it poses a question that may or may not be completely meaningless and then invents a happy-making answer to satisfy the curiosity thus engendered? Wow, that's so much more profound than eradicating smallpox." 1,"literary historians uncover collection of breezy, upbeat edgar allan poe writings penned after author took up jogging" 1,cost of freedom at all-time high 1,'game of thrones' viewers reeling after finale unexpectedly kills off fan 0,eric rosswood talks “the ultimate guide for gay dads” and more (audio) 0,"Hi jitobear. I am also pro-choice. This comment jumped out at me, though. Do you think it's seen as awful do to cultural conditioning? Could this have it wrong? There is no scientific basis that it's a human person, at the stage of development when the vast majority of abortions occur. I worry that by suggesting it's so negative, it can't help but be a stigma on the woman who chooses to abort her pregnancy. No woman should feel the need to apologize in relation to abortion, which is just about control over one's own body." 0,seth meyers hilariously explains holiday-themed teen slang 0,mike pence got through vp debate without having to explain anti-lgbt record 0,rev. run on being a tv dad: 'it's important to me' 0,marvel releases full-sized teaser for 'ant-man' trailer 1,"18,000 sports fans doing whatever dancing fluorescent chicken tells them" 0,fugoo speaker review 1,If you had a look at all of the other threads on this topic you would see that. 1,slowly rotating pie a metaphor for trucker's failing marriage 1,trump gives muslim on fence about radicalizing just the push he needed 1,two people who went to same college ruin evening for rest of group 0,"Because we view it as something much more than just a gravy train from the govt., that's why.For you it seems to be about the word, and the govt. saying ""oh, you use THAT term (""marriage""), ok we recognize it."" For us it's about the commitment." 0,10 things no one told me before my c-section 0,white house: no evidence russian air strike killed isis leader 0,overcoming self-doubt: tame your inner tormentor 0,'family' groups blast boy scouts' decision to allow trans kids 1,increasingly anxious man worried order confirmation email never going to come 0,rudy giuliani: bill de blasio should apologize to nypd 1,teacher hoping students can tell he was once popular 1,teacher just hopes they never google him 1,monsanto develops hardier strain of corn that yields 4 times normal litigation 0,the top 7 destinations for a family vacation 0,cowpoke lassoes calf while perched on moving cop car 1,rand paul escorted off stage after falling below 2.5% in middle of debate 1,"Demolishing your ""rebuttal"" in post #14 does, however. You missed it." 1,plan to be more positive off to shitty fucking start 1,israel agrees to creation of palestinian homeroom 1,romney privately wondering how in the name of fuck he's going to appeal to asian voters 0,idina menzel kicks off the super bowl with amazing national anthem 0,the incredible story of how america saved a national treasure from extinction 1,"If that were the case, you'd sure know how to recognize it! :p" 0,"denée benton, aka ruby on 'unreal,' is headed to broadway" 0,obama: i am where i am today because of voting rights heroes 1,Of course you don't. It's the natural humanistic way of thinking. 1,"Yes they did: "" ate itself."" No wonder they're extinct..." 1,u.s. advises allies not to border russia 1,"You are the only one in this discussion that shows a predominant lack of logic or reason. Your position has been proven wrong, get over it ." 0,5 things about wedding planning that really suck 0,Does any part of the theory of evolution give an accounting of how we transitioned from quadruped movements of the ape to biped? 0,the coming immigration wars in trump's america 1,baltimore named city with best quality of pigeon life 1,arianna huffington has webcam implanted in forehead 0,lupe fiasco explains why the concept of white supremacy is false 0,are you a lady-in-waiting? 0,5 pointz landlord says his luxury condos will be just like the graffiti mecca he destroyed 1,"Brave words. Next they'll be limiting free speech. Oh wait. Done that already. " 0,rnc leader to trump: tone it down! 0,"women rewrite the constitution in jay-z's 'family feud,' directed by ava duvernay" 1,average time spent being happy drops to 13 seconds per day 1,"I don't know, maybe voluntary castration wouldn't be such a bad idea for these guys. Keeps them from continuing in the gene pool. ""YOU! OUT OF THE GENE POOL"" " 0,ferguson's easy answers 0,"Do you have any evidence for that? And still, I don't know what you mean by kind." 1,wolf blitzer walks into middle of olive garden commercial to announce breaking election results 0,"the reason why premise 1 can logically stand is that God is first of all defined as the ""greatest possible being"". no matter what reality we are considering, such a thing as the greatest possible being in that relity must exist. ""greatest"" is a superlative, compared to all other beings that exist its like ""the oldest man alive"". no matter what scenario, such a person as the oldest man alive will always exist, therefore such a man (that fits that definition) will have a necessary existence" 0,why director brent roske traded hollywood for iowa 0,how one gym is helping people get in touch with their feelings 0,adult film star accuses t.j. miller and jordan vogt-roberts of harassment 0,"So when you're doing math, you're an atheist? Of course not. Just because there is overlap doesn't mean that the two views are identical." 0,david letterman would like to depose donald trump and 'put him in a home' 0,squirrel who lost paws in trap gets prosthetic wheels 0,senate bill 720: making it a crime to support palestinian human rights 0,friday talking points -- meet brian schweitzer 0,"Actually, this data point is perfectly meaningless.NONE of the other information (or the conclusions) presented in this talk require ""26"".If we made it 260, does it change ANY of the other conclusions? No.A failure to recognize non-sequitur data tidbits is usually indicative of an argument that includes other errors." 0,holly madison releasing memoir about life in the playboy mansion 1,report: 80% of queen's 'greatest hits' cds lodged in center console of first car 1,suborbital ballistic-propulsion engineer not exactly a rocket scientist 0,earthquakes literally broke hearts in new zealand 1,nation finally ready to look at more sidewalk drawings that look like big holes but are actually just flat 1,"Or possibly your Holy Fathe has resorted to XXXXX-bashing. It's all perspective. Frankly, I don't think that the views on this message board will fuel discrimination and hatred of Popes everywhere around the world, so I think they have less to answer for." 0,why more men should practice yoga 0,But the law of angular momentum does not require that all parts of a spinning object spin in the same way now does it. If so then something like a rotary engine for an aircraft would not be possible! 0,"So much for choice. Obama's little socialist minions want to use the tax system to collect healthcare premiums if you don't comply. After all, getting employers to collect income taxes before you even see your money has worked for these leeches in the past." 1,"busy mel kiper, jr. still finds time to throw around the old spreadsheet with his daughter" 1,management determined to find out who in company leaked information that ceo is asshole 0,las vegas review-journal taps glenn cook to steer newsroom temporarily after rocky month 0,It's not just cars and catalytic converters have greatly decreased emissions. 1,nasa scientists make life-changing discovery but you kind of had to be there 0,the inside scoop on fall's must-see movies 0,woman reportedly dies after live bee sting acupuncture 0,rosemary farina - creating a signature for success 0,these young greeks want to change their country 0,whoopi goldberg and jimmy fallon keep it weird 1,heart-shaped jacuzzi clogged again 0,Not the way I see it from my experiences. I let the readers decide on their own. 1,george h.w. bush remembered for vast contributions to aids quilting community 1,l.a. adds high-speed chase lane to freeway 0,donald trump looks to newtown shooting truther for help winning florida 1,once-cute cerebral palsy poster child now awkward cerebral palsy teen 0,ibtihaj muhammad and the u.s. women's fencing team win bronze 0,lady gaga belts out the national anthem at super bowl 50 1," I know, maybe the American criminals will just import guns in with their Mexican illegal drugs. I don't know for sure but I believe the Mexican Drug gangs wouldn't mind another revenue stream. Net results, Zilch, nada, zero. But you know that! emoticonXSmilie Gun control is nothing but a scam!" 1,biden loses control of butterfly knife during commencement speech 0,should we give cops 'benefit of the doubt' when they kill unarmed people? 0,amy schumer plays a revealing game of 'would you rather' 1,'good old days' traced back to single weekend in 1948 1,Yawn.. you are so obsessed with gay sex. I am not. Enough said. 0,"There's much more to it than that. There are several different kinds of genetic changes that are called mutations. Evolution is not limited to the effects of point mutations alone. Why don't you demonstrate your competence to discuss this topic by defining a point mutation, and then name and define several other kinds of mutation.And, of course, there are other mechanisms that increase the genetic variability in any population besides mutation. On the other hand, there are mechanisms that tend to reduce the variability in a population in addition to natural selection. Please name and explain at least 4 others in order that you do not continue to look like a fool." 0,the clever gop plan to create even more gridlock 0,"Well maybe on the 4473 they could put a little box to check if you are a straw purchaser,maybe a psychic in the back room or ask them politely if they are straw purchasers." 1,new ups extended-tracking numbers give customers updates on delivery driver's location for years after package drop-off 1,misbuttoned coat makes perfectly sane woman look like raving lunatic 0,"You are correct, it was a typo. It is now apparent to me the purpose of basically all your previous posts. So, I will build the causal linkage from my own words instead of adapting from yours, which are inevitably wrought with loopholes. 1. Any action that knowingly and significantly raises the chances of a person's untimely demise is cruel. 2. The act of abortion knowingly and significantly raises the chances of a person's untimely demise. 3. If there is any known chance of abortion at the time of conception, then it significantly raises the chances of a person's untimely demise. 4. Any known chance of abortion at the time of conception is cruel. 5. Abortion is cruel." 1,trump campaign training poll watchers to spot any suspicious skin colors on election day 1,"Oh look, Gansao the blowhard is still living in his world of ignorance and denial... like his daddy Ezridden. You couldn't educate a rock ya stupid bastard.emoticonXBye" 0,"cinematographer chases the sun, catches all its glory" 0,amazon temp workers who deliver the holidays are getting squeezed 0,I know it's almost as silly as thinking gay marriage will undermine heterosexual marriage. 1,another fond childhood memory destroyed 0,the most flattering eyeliner technique for your eye shape 0,kinda creepy peter pan pranks disney world 1,eagle_warrior_1776 horrified to discover its entire life a sham created by russians to tilt u.s. election 1,tokyo squeezes in five more residents 1,I think he is just disturbed because he didn't get his 40 acres and mule? 0,"fifth of july at aurora: nostalgia, laughs and agony in a decade of disillusionment" 0,caitlyn jenner responds to ricky gervais' golden globes jokes 1,nation's little piggies demand a sweet treat 1,closed shop in gentrifying neighborhood to emerge from chrysalis as beautiful gastropub 0,the inside story of how congress sent the stock market tumbling 1,god hurting after eating 20-piece spicy angel wings 1,mall santa crying hysterically in photo with toddler 1,"study finds controlling, possessive behavior most pure expression of love" 1,mike pence vows to cut conservation funding after discovering elk don't mate for life 0,"yes, you can use government money to get out of student loan default" 0,"Oh and let us not forget the wonderful couples of just a generation or two ago. Johnny Mathis and partner, Edwin August partner to Jack Kerrigan, Gareth Hughes, producer Ryszard Ordynski and play set designer George James Hopkins, stage actors Franklin Pangborn and Edward Everett Horton and oh so many more. Some were indeed wonderful, some were leturous playboys who moved with the ""Gay"" crowds. But never were they shunned or their careers ruined because of it. In fact, some of their careers flourished because of their associations." 1,unregistered sex offender notifies neighbors in his own way 0,the television academy twitter account confused terrence howard with cuba gooding jr. 1,5th-grade teacher can already tell kids about to go apeshit for ending of 'the giver' 1,focus groups hated it right up until guy's head got cut off 0,man floating in bubble rescued 1,kids getting a little old to still believe in innate charitable goodness of humans 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on december 9 0,"And like the police , the Navy could plan and execute raids." 1,"The evidence that has so far been presented would suggest that he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to plan a p!ss-up in a brewery. Smiley" 1,spaced-out flower child groovin' on a doobie wave 1,nation was kind of hoping for different outcome when concerned citizens came together to make voices heard 0,sanders says clinton's platform could determine how much he would campaign for her 1,trump inspires thousands of kids to believe they could one day grow up to be president of confederacy 0,will ferrell breaks into the kardashian house for a good cause 1,paul mccartney saddened after learning about death of longtime collaborator john lennon 0,designers handwrite the words we all wish we could say to flotus 0,medicine has an unhealthy gender pay gap 1,man wishes there wasn't so much blank room on anniversary card 1,once-loyal enabler betrays man by suggesting therapy 0,"Well, actually society has said that 18 is the dividing line. It can then also say, that under certain circumstances, for a particularly bad person, in some cases it will be considered if the person is 16 or 17. That's why we have all the judges and lawyers, etc..." 1,naderite loyalists nuke dam 1,mitch mcconnell reminds senators that they'll have to make up government shutdown days at end of year 1,media suffering through record normal temperatures 1,man looks on helplessly as friend tells him story he's already heard 1,netflix switches over to convenient new physical locations 0,5 ways to reduce your graduate school student debt 0,"donald trump's biggest gop critics are very, very, very sad" 1,scientists confirm first case of zika transmission from article to reader 1,barber not even excited anymore by bringing home free bags of hair at end of day 1,idea of doing nothing until next mass shooting quickly gaining traction in congress 1,45-year-old to help candidate understand youth vote 1,14-year-old congressional whiz kid balances budget 0,top congressional watchdog uninterested in trump's conflicts of interest before he takes office 0,women who loot 1,hollywood analysts still not sure how 'saving silverman' broke box office records last weekend 0,BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH![/QUOTE]So you are saying that my DNA reflects the fact that I live in Texas? 0,these stars prove dark '90s lipstick is eternally cool 0,why congress matters: lessons from ray rice and the vawa anniversary 1,dog finds absolutely perfect place to shit 0,teacher protests in detroit cause schools to close 1,new hampshire returns to obscurity 1,woman who hasn't bought anything recently wondering why she suddenly happy 1,trump spends entire classified national security briefing asking about ​egyptian ​mummies 0,this d.c. restaurant just sued trump and his hotel for unfair competition 1,dance-club bathroom left out of gay couple's meeting story 0,trump uses rnc funds to pay for his russia defense -- thanks to hillary clinton's lawyer 0,aspen ideas festival 2015 1,bush hopes recession doesn't affect sales of his memoirs 0,now is the time for blame: alan kurdi and the myth of a 'generous' canada 0,the most high-tech cruise ship ever 0,jane fonda: celebrities must still speak out against 'predator-in-chief' donald trump 1,man trapped under boulder braces for possible good morning america interview 0,chris christie says trump immigration order rollout was 'terrible' 1,epa releases annual list of cities where tap water probably fine to drink but tastes kinda off 0,how blaming “many sides” hurts our children 0,"I may be a pro-gunner but what doe's that have to do with with gay rights? Since I'm a pro- gunner I won't force my life style or views on you,if you don't force yours on me.Deal? After all you seem to be the expert on gay rights." 1,"31-year-old now the only one of his friends who hasn't gotten married, divorced" 0,wild truck water-bead stunt ends with child endangerment charge 1,family hesitant about sinking another 40 grand into repairs of dilapidated old grandma 1,reddi-wip casually announces their nozzles can easily fit into most orifices 1,tomato genetically modified to be more expensive 1,egyptians concerned about direction government is toppling in 1,bush arrives at caribbean summit aboard catamaran one 0,john travolta is very thankful for 'dick poop' 0,watch maroon 5's 'snl' performance 0,"amid protests, greece passes painful reforms to attain fiscal targets" 0,watch fox news personalities slam obama and praise trump over the same thing 1,mta unveils $28 billion plan to renovate subway masturbators 0,"'little book of big ideas' is smaller than a safety pin, wiser than you" 1,"Being' immune' and being 'less prone' do not mean the same thing. I doubt that you will become the poet laureate of Dallas if you do not understand words sweetplums. You are an old camp fruit and a snivelling bigot . Are we talking daddies? What does an old fruit like you know of daddies? I bet he's sure proud of you.emoticonXChicken I wouldnt be proud of having a mincing bigot for a son..must have set his sights low. Do white men still leave a bad taste in your boyfriends mouth sweetplums? You are not married .." 0,taylor swift left nashville a long time ago folks 0,these 'gayby' stars reunited for a new series that's bloody good fun 0,this dance subculture is thriving among black gay men in the south 1,"Wouldn't professing atheism cover that? Or were you looking for something else? I'll call mine ""Bertrand""." 0,ryan coogler would love to see a women of wakanda spinoff 0,starving for a fantasy 1,"Dear Jill: P.S. Remember, I gave you the morning after pill? Use it! Or hey make a few thousand dollars and donate it to research (cha-ching)!! P.S.S. Thanks for the herpes! emoticonXGood And you think you have a medical problem, all you have to do is take a pill and you're done with the situation I gave you, but what about the situation you have now given me??? What's that (new) quote: All is fair in Love, sex and war? emoticonXKill Jack" 1,philanderer taken back 0,"City council vote only, not sure about public sentiment, but from what I gather, most people don't care because they don't own guns. Whenever an issue like this comes up, people who are interested seem to become the loudest, both the pro- and anti-gun crowds." 1,the backstreet boys or 'n sync release new album 0,afi docs: where policy meets art 0,'me and mrs. jones' singer billy paul has died 0,why we run: a philosophical look at the value of running 1,"He did finally figure out how to use the quote function, so there is SOME progress!!" 0,"cutting off politwoops, twitter follows the needs of politicians, not public interest" 0,astoria characters: the charity stager 0,why women should stop calling themselves old 0,sunday roundup 0,kentucky clerk kim davis appeals contempt ruling 1,tina yothers fantasy camp files for bankruptcy 1,white house press corps wishes show of solidarity over banned reporter could be for better news organization than cnn 1,'access hollywood' reporter vows to get to very surface of story 0,trump lifts refugee ban but admissions still plummet 0,"transgender heroes, yes!" 0,surgical tech in needle-swap scandal at swedish medical center has hiv 1,chinese factory workers fear they may never be replaced with machines 1,bollywood remake of fahrenheit 9/11 criticizes bush administration through show-stopping musical numbers 0,"news roundup for june 19, 2017" 0,"So let me get this straight - you admit that you are wrong, and you want me to provide documentation to prove this admission correct? How about we both simply agree that you were wrong and move on." 1,corporation wants media company making branded entertainment to just have fun with it 0,latino democrats arrested protesting trump on immigration 1,hershey's unveils some new chocolate bullshit for you to cram into your fat maw 0,"I think you nailed it! I also think that if you are willing to give up your relationship over religion you could be on the border of addiction not faith. (not you personally, but rhetorically)" 0,mnuchin warns health care debacle will delay tax reforms 0,"rachel mcadams and taylor kitsch might be dating, but who really knows?" 0,makeup do's and i prefer you don'ts 1,"Oh yes, Mr Behe makes a comfortable living out of selling to the ignorant. His newest book is just a rehash of his old book, and has the very same flaws that have been destroyed over and over again. As for your 'religious authors' being respected.. they are respected perhaps by the fundamentalists that do not understand what science is about." 1,man with new 40-disc cd changer needs 18 more cds 0,tehran. waiting for normality 1,"Then you would have to be believe that out of the supposed millions upon millions of people who walked the Earth none of them were pregnant and there were no newborns either. Then again, to be Christian, you also have to believe the world was created in 7 days and their was a Biblical great flood too. The best part about writing a fairytale is that the author gets to make up everything as they go along." 1,stunning e3 announcement reveals new video game consoles to phase out graphics entirely 1,"according to bar love-tester, inebriated patron okay to drive" 0,study finds older dads may have 'geekier' sons 1,area man guesses he doesn't need mc lyte wikipedia page open anymore 0,this was my story 0,dick masturbates in tickle creek: cops 1,That's an attempt to argue that one can't know the truth. The mere fact people disagree doesn't meant that there is no correct answer. I'm amazed you would come up with such 'logic'. 0,director paul feig says 'men have to speak out' after weinstein sexual assault allegations 1,"That explains your excellent use of grammar, word choice and spelling? ROTFLMAO" 1,"You do realize you just disproved your own basic points yes? The pictures you posted are falsified because abortion clinics and small health clinics contract out to places to have their medical waste incinerated. Good job on failing to realize you just proved Cunx correct." 1,african nation not war-torn 0,"Actually, the answer might depend more on the nature of the question, or the particular religious cult of the person being asked, etc. In questions of science, fundamentalists will tell you that the answer was revealed to them by their god in their holy scripture.On the other hand, you are characterizing religion as insanity. I think that you really mean that when religion is offered as science, then that is insane." 0,"broken windows, broken trust" 0,"after 4 years living in asia, i'm suddenly a minority again (and it sucks)" 0,disgraced former detroit mayor says michigan lawmakers have long known about flint water crisis 0,"Not really. That's the fallacy of exclusion of the middle. Because there are only two choices, if one is wrong somehow, the other is therefore correct. The problem is that there isn't only two choice for sure. Besides, science is wrong all the time, it doesn't prove that creation is right. In fact, for instance, science estaimtes of moon dust have been proven wildly wrong, and those corrections actually harm creation. " 0,aol instant messenger to sign off forever after 20 years 1,"You must be thinking of physics... last I looked, biologists weren't trying to explain the the creation of the universe. However, we have an excellent handle on the evolution of species, and some pretty reasonable ideas about the origin of life, which is more than your bible ever came up with. I mean... some invisible, bearded guy-in-the-sky zapped it all into existence? Fairytales." 1,obama caught trying to jump white house fence 0,key senate race deeply divides men and women 1,jews' covenant up for renewal with god 0,"when hiring, what problems should i avoid?" 0,u.s. women's olympic hockey wins gold in nail-biter finish over canada 0,the genius of chinese cooking 0,this is how celebrities spent their summer holidays 1,restaurant entrance doesn't work all damn day to be called 'other door' 0,a new shade of green collaborations taking shape in boulder 1,study finds average american gets most physical exertion waving cell phone around to get signal 0,cher is gifting us with a broadway musical based on her life 1,22-year-old gets job at website 0,gunman kills at least two american advisers in kabul shooting 0,"Over 10,000 signatures of Christian Clergy have been collected, and have endorsed this letter." 0,the 1 minute blog. protesters and looting. 1,guy in rome does as the tourists do 0,"Guess what, I'm pro-life as well, that is why I'm also pro-choice." 0,"'black jesus': beneath the drugs and profanity, is there a message of theological reflection?" 1,chuck berry remembers call from cousin about white kid playing 'johnny b. goode' 0,'don't cry for me' 1,trump takes moment to thank all the fear in audience for making this night possible 0,hey nc! check out the awesome move nyc just made for trans people 1,"'just take it slow, and you'll be fine,' drunk driver assures self while speeding away in stolen police car" 0,what might have been in 2017 had hillary clinton won 1,mesquite bbq visine selling poorly outside texas 0,photographer highlights kids with rare genetic conditions in stunning photos 0,uk prime minister condemns murder of islamic state hostage kassig 1,cool dentist doesn't give a shit about patients' flossing 0,Ummm because those policies were enacted in an attempt to even out the playing field. I assume you felt it was already even and therefore unnecessary or is that an example of conservative bias? 1,report: 5th floor a bunch of pompous dicks 1,report: many americans too willing to ask for help 1,group cheers after group hears group's name called 1,unsold google glass units to be donated to assholes in africa 1,"That makes her a Clinton appointee, not a ""good ole Republican"" appointee. Nice try, though. emoticonXCensored" 0,fans erupt over fate of elias koteas' olinsky on 'chicago p.d.' 1,asian guy has separate group of just asian friends 0,What this highlights is that the laws of the land are ignored and some people try to place the blame on the victims. 0,escaping ebola: a dangerous journey from the desert to the mediterranean sea 0,selena gomez defends controversial scenes in '13 reasons why' 1,"I do recognise the truth, but you know nothing of it. When I hit the other side I'll be in the ground, rotting just like you will be, though I suspect the earth round you will be somewhat more bitter." 1,jonathan franzen rushes over to guy on subway reading 'the corrections' to introduce himself 0,"fyi, not all moms transform into hardcore tea drinkers on mother's day" 1,coroner excited for first asian 0,5-minute hairstyles -- for real! 0,is the 'gay parent trap' killing queer culture? 0,"So, you accept Geology, and in turn accept the fact that the earth is around 4.56 billion years old (and not the literalist age given by fundies who worship the bible). And yet you reject all of the discoveries of geology (the fossil record, etc.) that evolution explains perfectly. And, as Pandion said before, it stands alone and shows the fact that life has existed in other forms billions of years ago, and humans only appeared recently. BTW, the ""fools"" that are denying the validity of Geology as a legitimate science are your fellow creationists. As to the bible answering ""how did we get here"", it is as good and trustworthy at that as any other mythology of any other civilization. The bible is mostly a collection of myths, folklore, fairy-tales, and politically influenced propoganda." 1,replacement socialite cunt sought for simple life cast 0,easy vol au vent appetizers with brie and jam 0,an introvert's guide to throwing a solid holiday party 0,17 weather-ready snow boots that aren't ugly 1,neighbors remember serial killer as serial killer 0,"as global policy moves to expand digital rights, u.s faces crucial fight over equal access to the internet" 1,"hunter, would you be interested in actually discussing this logically? or do you simply wish to toss out empty assertions and run away when challenged? if your view is the truth, then you have no reason to run." 0,"Actually, at the moment I was conceived, someone else became aware of me becoming a human. Brain development does not define a human, it is our potential that helps define us." 1,affable detective with healthy personal life hasn't solved case in months 0,new gop health care bill is even worse than the first 0,adam levine performs 'lost stars' with maroon 5 at the oscars 0,"guys, someone edited chris farley into the 'mission: impossible' trailer" 0,martin o'malley backs $15 national minimum wage 0,4 classic italian wines that are easily available in the u.s. 0,kerry washington compares fashion to fine art in marie claire 1,area cat allergic to kevin strenlow dander 0,"thousands march in washington, d.c. heat to demand trump act on climate change" 1,"Oh I understand plenty. What you want is a system where a person is held responsible for crimes that they didn't commit. You want ""guilty by association"" extended to the point of ridiculousness where anybody who even met the criminal even once can be held as an accomplice." 1,Funny. Foreigners are always cited when liberals talk about how great gun control is and how much good can come from it. 0,"america, the next hobby lobby case is heading for the supreme court" 1,adult film industry replaces 500 porn stars with hydraulic robotic fisting arm 0,a meditation a day keeps the money fears away 0,5 steps to an instant mental break 1,voice coming from dnc sound system during sanders address clearly hillary clinton's 0,"israeli prime minister netanyahu eyed in bribery probe, court says" 0,"If everytime I say something you(you in the general sense) bring out ""that is oppressive to women"" then please don't bother posting. If you don't believe in it you don't...I guess you could say if you don't support drugs you are oppressing the drug users....but you really arent." 0,homeland security finally vows to fully join investigation into 'hate-inspired attacks' 0,this man's tweets cryptically pay homage to a smash mouth classic 0,shots reported for 2nd day at mississippi military site 1,stripper surprised she only talked to 2 homicide detectives today 0,"as iranians vote for peace, trump helps saudi arabia pick another fight" 1,masked vigilante takes terrorizing black community into own hands after local law enforcement fails to do so 0,donald trump: pulse attack 'wouldn't have happened' if 1 person had been armed 1,frenzied trump supporters admit they'd be just as happy tearing him to pieces 0,"a year removed from trump's election, his rise and shortcomings hearken back to the 1960s" 0,6 ways to reduce plastic waste this summer 0,"restaurant teaches former inmates to cook, helps them get back on their feet" 1,cheney regrets buying bush laser pointer 0,caitlyn jenner on bathing suits: 'don't know if i'm ready to expose myself' 0,"the whiteness break — focusing on ourselves, solidarity, healing and trust" 0,But didn't they tell you? They outsourced your job to me! 1,relationship experts say mailing body part to ex on valentine's day only way to win them back 0,cosme: an invitation always accepted 0,paul ryan on removing devin nunes: 'the tax cuts are working' 1,priebus grateful he had so little dignity to begin with 0,google translate update may save you a lot of money 0,cvs is reportedly in talks to acquire aetna 1,"this great song, bar sources report" 0,"shooting at copenhagen synagogue leaves 1 dead, 2 officers wounded" 0,the makeup packing question 1,Are there many liberal democrat left wing thinking born again Christians? Weird huh? 1,area man can't wait to get home to look out new window 0,how the american health care act can affect autism coverage 1,bin laden vineyard falling into disrepair 1,"What's sick is your theological comprehension. God took Ananias and Sapphira (Acts chapter 5) off the earth just for lying. And you want to give JFK, the serial adulterer, a pass? That's how lame your theological thinking is." 1,presidential radio address pledge drive in its final day 1,lady gaga kidnaps commissioner gordon 0,"buzz aldrin blasts off with the air force thunderbirds, sets record" 0,nba stars and coaches share heartfelt stories about flip saunders 0,maría tomás-keegan's gps guide for lifting yourself up 1,ipod made by chinese children to benefit african children 1,study: marriages between perfectly matched couples should still only last about 15 years 0,donald trump's transition gets 'historically low' marks 1,"It looks like just Mucusaur, you and me, along with an entire thread of bots! (I'm not too sure about Mucusaur, to be honest!) ;)" 0,new photos of kit harington give 'got' fans hope 0,"trumpcare is coming to iowa, and your state may be next" 0,"Well, you didn't have my experiences, now did you? Each woman who has an abortion coul have innumerous circumstances and experiences." 1,christian juggler regrets years wasted as secular juggler 1,"When do you advocate breeding blond haired, blue eyed citizens to purify the US?" 0,donald trump leads by 20 points. here's why he could still lose. 0,"Actually, with more data that changes the number of assumptions required, it is possible to reach a greater degree of certainty about something. The greater degree of certainty you reach, the better you will be able to apply your findings." 0,donald trump threatens 35 percent tariff as 'retribution' for companies that move abroad 0,a good night's sleep could protect you from the common cold 0,the hidden heroes of gaziantep 1,everyone on flight annoyed by screaming kid rock 1,daddy hitting mommy again 0,global artists come together for anti-trump track celebrating queer love 0,"when a river is a person: from ecuador to new zealand, nature gets its day in court" 1,mop used to clean minor spill now permanent addition to living room 1,emotional el chapo reunited with family following passage of criminal justice reform bill 0,voters face some confusion at polls in alabama special election 1,fema dispatches crews to do whatever they need to do to look busy 1,fire department deploys unmarked trucks 1,"obama, romney remain about equally powerful" 1,local fabric store urges you to check them out on twitter 1,plot of 'midnight run' described at length to therapist 0,john oliver: nratv is like a 'deranged letter from a serial killer' 1,granta derided by philistines 1,you just have to get to know area jerk 0,the final solution: a thanksgiving message (or ain't too proud to hate) 1,"despite claims, long story not made short" 1,pregnant women asked to leave convention hall during ted cruz speech for safety of developing fetuses 1,jeb bush's children vehemently deny having ever loved father 1,"And of course, the theory of gravity isn't ""physically"" proven either. Neither is the heliocentric theory or atomic theory or the germ theory of disease. However, evolution has been observed to occur and the current theories are the best explanations that we have for the observations. As far as your mangling of the ""Out of Africa"" theory, it would be nice if you actually learned what you are talking about before you babble such nonsense." 1,nsa assures americans that prism 2.0 will be way more invasive 1,bubba gump shrimp owner comforts depressed guy fieri 0,fbi has 'grave concerns' on republican-authored fisa memo trump wants released 1,"new congressional intern disillusioned with politics and democracy in record 6 minutes, 41 seconds" 1,paul ryan adds 14-ounce training weights to speaker's gavel 1,'new york times' corrects story by admitting they burned venezuela aid convoy 1,bugs infesting area apartment have no clear goal 0,what happened when a black reporter crashed a white nationalist event 0,stabbing at miami's art basel gallery mistaken as performance art 1,child visiting ellis island sees where grandparents once toured 0,11 times the olsen twins dressed in a shambles and still looked better than you 0,congressional climate deniers represent 63 percent of americans 1,"You are apparently unwilling to extend your thinking process to the other side of the argument Galileo, and by this I mean, and repeat that it isn't criminals owning hand guns which we defenders of gun rights are fighting for. WE AGREE THAT CRIMINALS SHOULDN'T BE ARMED, and the laws already exist on the books to punish them when convicted criminals are caught with guns. But your solution to disarm all honest citizens in the belief that this will make them unavailable to criminals also is ludicrous to the point of self destructive insanity. It is that premise which we are fighting against through the NRA and other lobbying efforts." 0,winn-dixie: from one to a thousand-a journey of a hundred years 0,"Far from showing any modern knowledge of blood circulation, this shows:1) if you take the blood out of an animal it will die. A simple fact all civilizations of the time would have known.2) God like for his followers kill living things. He is the God of blood." 0,"i'm all in for hillary clinton, my next president" 1,"hannity claims relationship with cohen never went past payment for legal advice, defense strategy in criminal cases" 0,"scott walker's terrible, no good, very bad week" 0,net neutrality is not a leftist cause 1,mta reminds new yorkers they can fucking walk 1,that one chinese place closes 0,thousands are flocking to washington this weekend to demand climate action 0,ben franklin: ahead of his time? 1,nation's pregnant women announce discovery of comfortable sitting position 1,doj announces initiative to deploy smartphone-carrying bystanders to nation's streets 0,this couple just dropped a rap music video to announce their breakup 1,what's-his-face fires publicist 0,the 5 things your kids will remember about you 0,how to redefine success like stephen curry 0,these kittens learning to walk is so cute it'll make you crumble 0,"trump's steel, aluminum tariffs exempt canada, mexico" 1,white house: 'this is not the geologic era to debate gun control' 0,"rip, ms paint" 1,area man just in bad mood because he's tired and an awful human being 1,obama: iraq airstrikes not slippery slope to other humanitarian interventions 1,'new york post' publishes report exposing alexandria ocasio-cortez's 9-figure social security number 0,united apologizes to passenger with cerebral palsy who had to crawl off plane 0,brazil's miss bumbum stirs controversy with body art (nsfw) 0,democrats fear that expectations for donald trump are a wee bit too low 0,adele's new album might see the light of day this year 1,pbs moderators spend first 10 minutes of debate asking candidates for fundraising advice 1,james bond fans concerned after learning new film's shooting locations all in new hampshire 1,sitcom resorts to wizard of oz-themed fantasy episode 0,this woman serves chicken to homeless.. wearing a funky chicken hat 1,"Is it a new definition of ""control"" that is needed? I was thinking maybe my definition of ""freedom"" was outdated." 0,"we've seen the future of flight, and it's awesome" 1,"Ostracise? You mean how the native American community ostracises someone (re: the article you mentioned above) for speaking out on abuse? And you're the one who said one shouldn't take a verse out of any holy book! " 1,bath & body works scientists destroy experimental scent unfit for mankind 1,kids love when mom sad enough to just order pizza 0,donald glover needed 'white translator' to convince fx to allow 'n-word' in 'atlanta' 0,blaming black voter turnout in virginia 0,"this week in world war i, november 15-21, 1914" 1,mall pastry shop takes oscar for best cinnabontography 1,mother comes pretty close to using word 'streaming' correctly 1,"What, you mean like this story ( of scientists warning about ocian acidity levels from 2003? Global warming is old news too: it doesn't seem to have reached the more remote parts of the world though, like North America for example." 1,"weird kid opts to sit perfectly still, let universe decide his fate after teacher instructs class to pair up" 1,enron executives blamed for missing employee donut fund 1,new parents disgusted to learn they had type of baby that shits 1,suicide note makes convincing case 1,"You will soon learn, my friend, that fundies have very, very short memories when it comes to refutations of their arguments..." 1,So that pesky kid who climbs your fence to get his ball back is fair game. Riiight. 0,"after dark: meet leo gugu, stylist and nightlife personality" 0,this stepmom and biomom's relationship is parenting #goals 0,'the world of postsecret' reveals what lurks in the hearts of man 0,"navigating welfare reform, poverty is tricky business" 0,an authentic 1st century jerusalem burial shroud 0,"You could've just as easily revived the last thread, commenting on how the antis are unusually silent." 1,new study finds average american stands no chance against what's coming 1,'wall street journal' reintroduces nudes after failed yearlong experiment 0,'i love wikileaks!': trump's acceptance of russian help hides in plain sight 0,Well I guess Nato basically::p summed it up:Stupid is as stupid doe's. 1,cancerous tumor befriends small boy 0,"after highs and lows of 2016, make 2017 a better year for women & girls" 0,masters of habit: the wisdom and writing of maya angelou 0,rihanna throws support behind hillary clinton with perfect throwback tee 0,"boris johnson is a liar with his 'back to the wall,' says france's foreign minister" 0,republican lawmakers are now getting their ideas from fox news commercials 0,No. We know that evolution happens. What would be a problem would be to find the processes that made evolution happen as such incredible rates. There isn't any evidence that it can happen that fast. 0,"You just provided good evidence that schools use an atheist presupposition - that atheism is entrenched in public schools. Who proclaims that man and chimps sharing a common ancestor is an established scientific theory? A theory is defined as a well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observation. A theory has accepted principles. I know of no religion other than atheism - certainly not the Judeo Christian religion - that believe a creator made the common ancestor that man and chimps share. Since far more than half of US residents believe basically the creation account in Genesis, then there's not enough unification or acceptance of that ""theory"". That theory has a presupposition of abiogenesis, or a very similar non scientific basis. Another proof of the atheist entrenchment in public schools would be the organized efforts (largely of the teaching establishment) to keep ID out. " 0,madeleine albright apologizes for implying female bernie supporters will go to hell 0,this accused 'mainsplainer' is attacked for defending alleged victims 1,prince harry humiliates royal family yet again as base invaded by afghan insurgents 1,self-centered child blames divorce entirely on himself 1,"prison returns bag of semi-automatic guns, hit list to coast guard terror suspect at release" 1,"So most of your friends have had sex with your guy too? emoticonXGood You and I both know that homosexuals have different partners regularly, at least compared to heterosexuals." 1,report: gap wider than ever between ultra-rich and reality 1,clinton 'very disappointed' in missouri 1,"teen zebra doesn't give a shit how much you honk, he's not getting out of road" 0,kris kobach defends using a private email for government business 1,report: some shithead out there makes so much more money than you 1,"well some people say I have split personalities and hacking a forum's software isn't hard to get two users.... so maybe I am, or maybe i'm not. emoticonXCensored" 0,why you need to be worried about this week's terror attack in pakistan 1,friend of friend better friend than friend 1,7-eleven shareholders approve sale of busch light six-pack 1,department of transportation introduces padded bumper lane for intoxicated drivers 1,ruth bader ginsburg debating whether to cancel winter vacation climbing k2 0,"Well, the people in Iraqu that we are killing are terrorists that just want to make chaos so they can come to power in the confution. We also went to war to remove Saadam from power. He killed 200,000 people. most of them were tortured to death. So yes it makes more sense to kill terrorists that are trying to kill as many people as possible than to kill little children that have not been born. Besides, babies are so cute :p" 1,fans shocked after marie kondo reveals she has been dating untidy cupboard for past 6 months 1,magical homeless man turns spare change into vomit 0,improve your sleep to improve your health 1,"It should freak any normal person out! Gayhumanist wants 14 years olds to be taught howemoticonXDonno" 0,"But poetry will never be taken seriously in political decisions. Atheists have a lot to like in songofgenesis, don't they? another quote" 1,detroit tourism board's 'hidden detroit' campaign results in 24 deaths 0,the planet just crossed another major carbon milestone 0,"Except it's not. It's perfectly acceptable to morally disagree with drinking and smoking (and encourage others not to do it) and still believe others should have the freedom to choose for themselves. chloe," 1,facebook users morbidly curious what site going to do with their personal data to recoup $5 billion fine 1,congress adds 'all your base are belong to us' amendment to bankruptcy bill 0,are you happy? 0,bernie sanders took a walk through freddie gray's neighborhood. here's what residents think about it. 1,4-year-old's optimism just making things worse for area family 0,please stop saying these ridiculous phrases at work 0,dog missing for almost a decade reunites with family in colorado 1,CNN and CBS Left wing? you wouldn't know left wing if it came up and socked you one with rolled up Socialist Worker! 1,bob iger offers rupert murdoch one night with mickey mouse in exchange for 21st century fox 1,mumford and sons can't believe they all got each other mandolins for christmas 0,crucial steps to healthy hospital stays 1,dad heartbreakingly thinks his connections can help son find job 0,bill maher says 'pride and prejudice' won out in uk's brexit vote 0,julianne moore stuns in custom chanel 1,insect with limitless flying space rockets straight for man's pupil 1,old gypsy woman run over without consequence 0,a suicide is a suicide by what ever means emoticon_rolleyes 1,Hollow bones however when equipped with wings allow for greater flight distance. 0,recent mlb incidents reveal warped ideas of manhood in sports 1,psychopath joins fourth straight republican administration 0,"What's your point? Of course they will be bound by Heller just as the courts are bound by Roe v. Wade. That point wasn't in dispute. As long as you're talking about 19th Century Second Amendment case law, I like The State v. Buzzard (1842)." 0,"It's quite obvious that it's the ID proponents who have issues with definitions, particularly among themselves. Behe has changed his own definition of IC, and Dembski changed Behe's definition of IC." 0,6 amazing lessons i learned about manhood from my grandpa 1,"aides clip toenails, wash hair of mumbling, bedsore-ridden trump as president enters 155th straight hour of watching cable news" 1,supreme court issues 7-1 decision to find scalia's killer 1,woman assures you she's not mad 0,'american horror story: freak show' leak reveals big spoilers 1,transgender community caught slightly off guard by baskin-robbins' enthusiastic support 1,man honestly thought breakdown would be more obvious to people 0,jetblue could soon let you scan your face to board planes 1,astronomers just going to go ahead and say dark matter nitrogen 0,"drug-resistant bacteria often lurk in children's, dogs' sandboxes" 0,"To say nothing of the possible threats to people's safety, if not actual acts of violence." 0,wild tales: outstanding black comedy at cannes 0,"we count, so count us: three reasons it's important to collect census data on lgbtq people" 1,it kind of pathetic how excited 3-year-old is to see daddy home from work 1,texas executes 393rd guilty prisoner 0,celebrities react to bastille day attack with powerful pleas to stop the killing 1,"So you are truthful, but I am a liar. Just like you are clever, but I am stupid. You have no respect for me, WW; I've never seen you demonstrate respect for anyone." 0,"Yes the facts speak for themselves, they just don't sing the song you think they do. No biologist will find any need at all to wave any hands in this instance, for as you say the facts DO speak for themselves." 1,340 million social security numbers obtained by federal government in massive personal data breach 0,OH? What U.S. Code governs that? What does it say? 0,india's cabinet members lose handily 1,windows opened on both coasts in effort to create transcontinental cross-breeze 1,nation thankful that shellie dean zimmerman was charged with perjury at least 0,family assistants are the new nannies — and here's why we're absolutely on board 1,liberal activists encourage citizens to call their late-night hosts and urge them to oppose tax plan 0,james corden asks what everyone wants to know about omarosa 0,"How curious that not everyone can admit that this kind of treatment is wrong. How interesting that another issue comes up instead of addressing the blatant, in-your-face kind of mistreatment of an individual making a private, personal decision. Like many decisions in life, this is one that is difficult to come to. It doesn't mean it's a wrong one. It's hard because your options are so very serious." 1,study finds humans crave sweet foods because they're weak—they're weak and they're small 1,mark zuckerberg recalls coming up with idea for facebook after seeing dopamine-addicted lab rat starve to death 0,why it's important to read every word of every divorce document you sign 1,conversation with boss puts man an hour behind 1,thousands dead in wake of low-carbon diet 0,the sixth season of 'downton abbey' will reportedly be its last 0,independence day 1,"trump insists manafort, assange only discussed how bad collusion is" 1,sweatshirt string emerges triumphant after harrowing journey through hood 1,u.s. assures hong kong that their protest just one of many issues white house staying silent on 1,i.t. guy has long dark night of self-doubt 0,here's how concerned republicans are with trump's conflicts of interest 0,"It hasn't happened yet is not absolute proof, just that it makes the probability of it being wrong quite small. By the way, if you are in the least bit intellectually honest, I challenge you to actually act on any of those doubts about the reality of existence and any other reality that we understand from all human experience. Otherwise, if you never act on those doubts, you are simply being hypocritical." 0,the crossfit case for equal pay 1,cia to shift focus to greeting cards 1,"financial experts say stock market constantly plunging, reaching record highs leading indicator of healthy economy" 0,donald trump taps tea party rep. mike pompeo to run the cia 0,fareed zakaria and u2 for president 0,jessica simpson's adorable daughter adorably heads to pre-k 1,destiny's child referred to as 'feminist icons' with straight face 0,kylie jenner is celebrating her 18th birthday at a beach club in canada 1,mortician always keeps hammer at tableside just in case one comes back to life 0,"we looked at airlines and pet incidents, and what we found surprised everyone" 0,"trump meets drugmakers, demands lower prices" 1,"Christians offended by 'Happy Holidays' and non-Christians offended by 'Merry Christmas' are as moronic as each other imo. Two stupids don't make clever.:) -Wez" 0,wisconsin students trumped the rest with their pumpkin decorating 0,kelly clarkson reacts like any mom to news she's getting a vacation 0,the new york times has suspended glenn thrush amid sexual misconduct claims 1,scientists discover eating serves function other than easing anxiety 0,read this before calling your boss a 'nasty motherf**ker' 0,why it's so much better to buy experiences than things 1,"study finds chickens would have no qualms about caging, eating humans" 1,spy world-famous 1,None... unless she uses abortion as a form of birth control and has them regularly. 1,area units really moving 1,exhausted john kelly parks president in front of episode of 'tucker carlson' to get quick hour to himself 0,jane fonda has no time for megyn kelly's questions about plastic surgery 0,trump again proves his claim about waiting for 'facts' after charlottesville was garbage 1,paramount home video pleased to bring man feature presentation 0,queer teens take on tech 1,nypd offering no-questions-asked dvd drop-off 1,jerky boys accidentally prank-call last remaining fan 0,"Well, you will find claims amoung this group that 'If Jews understood their own scriptures, they would accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior', and ""Christians are fullfilled Jews""." 1,local man a paper-towel black hole 0,bbc reveals happy ending to 'planet earth ii's' most heartbreaking scene 1,sorority raises money at local stable with bikini horse wash 0,state facing lawsuit over controversial law nullifying all federal gun regulations 0,sam bee's show explains the gop tax plan 'in terms even a trump kid' can understand 1,landlord promises to figure out why leaky ceiling not his fault 1,drug addict looking for more enabling girlfriend 1,Symbiote seems to have had a large hair across his butt. 1,democratic presidential candidates endorse new 'medicare for all'-branded cigna insurance plan for only $400 per month 1,paula broadwell crashing on petraeus family's couch until sex scandal blows over 0,trump blames obama for his political protester problem 0,"guantanamo defense lawyers in 9/11 trial aren't under fbi investigation, doj tells court" 0,the internet mourns one-year anniversary of harambe's death 0,reclaiming the sacred: five uniting religious principles 1,"Unless its something he doesn't like, in which case the devil did it..." 1,"Yet another case of inability to answer. tsk, tsk, tsk Yet another ""proofs"". LOL" 0,vape flavor ban threatens san francisco's legacy of harm reduction 0,on losing a friend 0,"Wonder what ""euthanization"" is. Never heard of it before, and neither has the dictionary." 0,"But....but....I thought these weapons were used solely to kill large amounts of people? Can anyone explain to me why we have to ban ""assault weapons"" because they are only designed to mow people down like blades of grass, yet we need to issue the same ""assault weapons"" to our police for their safety? If they are used solely to kill large amounts of people indiscriminately, why do our police need them, unless it's to kill large amounts of people indiscriminately? How can you argue they ARE NOT needed, yet argue that they ARE needed? Which is it? Please explain yet another instance of anti-gun ""doublespeak""." 1,"cia admits it's good at overthrowing stuff, not so much the intelligence" 0,u.s. muslims ask john kerry for protection on mecca pilgrimage 0,what bothers americans most about pro football? not the danger 1,violence erupts at trump rally after supporters clash with protesting gop leaders 0,the expert opinion on whether you should you sleep in a bra 0,flat soda 0,top soccer official says trump presidency would hurt u.s. world cup bid 1,dzhokar tsarnaev finally moves off campus 0,what to do about charlottesville 1,julian assange: nobody likes a tattletale 1,I didn't know neanderthals like you and Mr. Grimm had the social graces to know what to do with toilet paper. 0,"bassnectar debuts two new hard-hitting tracks, talks new album 'unlimited'" 0,pope francis on meeting rohingya refugees: 'i wept' 1,grieving couple finds different ways to use stroller 1,"Could you be so kind as to point out the holes, please? Or are you going to dance around some more?" 0,elon musk is ready to conquer mars 1,report: that whole side of family just like that 0,"nypd officer stripped of badge, gun after deadly road-rage shooting" 1,health-food-store worker dies of vitamin lung 1,money continues to pour in to some undesignated far-off point somewhere 0,"ted cruz, rand paul are insiders running in an outsiders' game" 1,kremlin agent not even going to bother trying to compromise trump staffer who will be forced to resign in few months 0,"well, whatever the case may be, that baby has a full function nervous system and can feel the pain whenever it is aborted. Does that not disturb you? People always tend to think ""oh the mother is going to go through pain"" BLA BLA BLA.. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BABY THAT IS BEING TORTURED TO DEATH? cmon." 1,new google streep view to provide panoramic imagery of meryl streep 1,"anguished, screaming trump bans father's ghost from press room for silently pointing at him" 1,local man's fear of snakes increases with each snakebite 0,these incredible 3d models of star wars land are our only hope 0,autopsy reveals that former nhl player todd ewen did not have cte 0,common cause files campaign complaint over donald trump finance 'sleight of hand' 0,"The Grand canyon could not have been created by a flood event, the geology is all wrong: flood explains nothing which cannot be explained by other, better-supported means and directly contradicts vast swathes of evidence:Biodivesity and the fossil record are not consistent with the flood.Genetic profiling is not consistent with the flood (in humans and animals)The Ark could not hold all animal life.A global mark would have left marks across the entire globe at a consistent time period; these marks are not found." 0,the most important game you can play as a parent 1,"'syrians' lives are worthless,' obama tells daughters before kissing them goodnight" 0,If the woman wants one than yes to all three. 0,"I think according to your logic that the man ought to have the right to force the woman to have an abortion. If abortion is a legitimate means for her to rid herself of the responsibilities of parenthood, then abortion is likewise a legitimate means for a man who desires to rid himself of the responsibilities of parenthood. You have failed to show why this isn't the case. You have merely made a statement unsupported by any reasons." 0,5 brilliant tricks that make moving cheap 0,"how a night with arianna huffington changed my life (also, she smells really good)" 0,13 reasons to feel hopeful during a rough month 1,trump honors sacrifices civil rights activists will have to make under his presidency 0,the one scandal the trump white house can't lie its way out of 1,"Steeve, if my kidney isn't a human then what species is it?" 1,600-pound butter cow sculpture wins iowa caucus 1,leaked footage reveals grisly scene where detective pikachu examines jigglypuff's corpse at morgue 0,school for crime 0,"for 'the interview,' even negative publicity (like a massive sony hack) is good publicity" 1,"""military pattern, free-standing pistol grip:Perhaps this is what makes a regular firearm a super duper high-powered assault weapon.It could happen you know, trick up that .22lr into a .50 cal. sniper rifle.hahahahahahahahahaha." 0,most americans think it's racist to talk about immigrants from 'shithole countries' 0,stage door: wiesenthal 1,nation gets really tired all of a sudden 0,"It can't come up with evidence if it's suppressed from future generations. Until you can show that happenstance origins are science, you have no basis to declare that intelligent design is not science. I agree that I haven't shown how ID has a potential advantage to the political corruptness of today's scientific community, but I've shown it's potential advantage to our society. I've shown how thinking is involved with it, the type of thinking involved in any school class involving philosophy, which you said science classes should have." 0,why the electoral college matters 1,walnuts improve area chicken salad 1,"congressman torn between meaningless pledge to anti-tax zealot, well-being of nation" 1,bernie sanders asks anyone who's serious about breaking up big banks to meet him on corner of canal and bowery at midnight 0,new u.s.-russia military talks seen on syria air safety 0,fourth death in new york legionnaire's disease outbreak 1,curt schilling just going to assume he has speaking slot at rnc 1,"'bang, bang,' bored white house sniper whispers to self with random tourist's head in crosshairs" 0,survivalist sentenced to death for murder of pennsylvania state trooper 0,a muslim american mother's fears and hopes at dawn of the trump era 1,"And if one accepts that gay citizens have equal rights under that Constitution, then one has to accept that a ban on gay marriage is intrinsically unconstitutional." 0,"And statistically a school massacre by someone with a concealed carry permit is just short of being nonexistent, but that fact still doesn't mean a thing to you." 1,hollywood quietly shuts down after realizing that entertainment a delicate matter of subjective opinion 0,a 'married... with children' spinoff is reportedly happening 0,esa lander prepares for historic mars landing 0,why thanking god is hurtful 0,"all hail nicole kidman, who won a deserved emmy for 'big little lies'" 1,gop candidates offered cash voucher to give up spot and participate in later election 1,hypochondriac maple tree always convinced it has asian longhorn beetles 1,brief moment of lucidity called panic attack 0,g.w. bush: 'not your government's choice' if you worship or not 1,man thinks he managed to masturbate without waking roommate 0,trial of al jazeera journalists adjourned again 1,"Trying to argue with a person who is babbling nonsense is not my idea of a productive time to spend my time. I've explained myself and that's the end of it. You can label my posts anything you want but that doesn't mean anything. It just means you are proficient in throwing out insults. So for purposes of this discussion I crown you the ""insult king"" of this forum." 0," had three children, which gave me an opportunity to observe intimately the development of infants. Also, I worked with emotionally unstable children aged 3 and older, and observed what a delightful species the three-year-olds are. At that point, infants have progressed from the largely self-involved awareness of the 24-month infant as the developing human deals with the problem of separateness and, as a result, issues a robust declaration of independence. No! No! No! are the bywords of a two-year-old. No! I wont! And you cant make me!" 1,months of painstaking practice critiquing celebrity fashion comes down to this for area woman 0,the fall of the would-be emperor 1,praying mantis hesitantly agrees to try girlfriend's sexual fantasy of eating his head during intercourse 1,"park rangers lance old faithful in effort to pop clogged, inflamed geyser" 0,comic takes your awful first date to its logically terrifying extreme 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on february 15 1,voter just needs to know which candidate chops wood in a flannel shirt 0,watch live: dave coulier dishes on 'fuller house' 0,donald trump's latest attempt to repeal obamacare makes seth meyers sick 0,"thomas piketty and fear of the ""full francais""" 0,belgian princess damages prime minister's hearing in starter gun incident 0,poll: religion is the answer to today's problems 1,catching up on 2 seasons of 'house of cards' depressingly manageable 1,lustful man sensually uses one hand to unhook clasp of take-out box 1,"And refusing to donate your resources is killing, so I have killed someone by not donating my blood etc. " 0,"If a woman likes pregnancy, that is her preference. If a woman hates pregnancy, that is also her preference. Simple as that." 1,police department deploys fancyclothes cop 0,"a 2,000-year-old thanksgiving psalm" 0,"You are missing the entire point (again). Why do you feel ashamed? Because you know that what you did is bad. I have heard from a great Australian war hero, one of our remaining ANZACs soliders (recently passed away I think) that we he stabbed the enemy soldier with the spike thing on the end of their gun (WWI era) and he saw him die that it was ""the worst feeling that a human can possibly endure"". He said that that image will haunt him for the rest of his life. He knows that he did something wrong, but it was a war, and unfortuantely that kind of thing will happen. You are way off the plot. But let us continue." 0,republicans urge obama administration to crack down on sanctuary cities 1,sex toy discreetly shipped in plain dildo-shaped box 1,report: mom going to need you to pitch in around house after her procedure 1,"Yes, we're compelling you onto this forum to spread the word of the Lord" 0,lucid dreaming: new horizons for research 1,website's built-in search engine just pathetic 1,"Hey slim Jim what exactly was that about spelling errors and typos any way? Pray enlighten us with your wisdom on why it matters little. By your own reasoning and logic why would it matter if they did or not? Why would one imagine they wish to get away alive? " 1,director of high-school play buys director's chair out of own pocket 0,game review: 'super mario maker' is a diy triumph 0,c-suite men stepping down for 'work-life balance' is no step forward 1,olympic torch used to ignite tibetan protesters 0,seabed search for mh370 could end within a week 0,distrust and verify: an appropriate u.s. government response to sudan government actions 1,full summer of tending backyard garden produces single edible cherry tomato 1,"Still one more tap dancer who either cannot or will not answer the question as asked. Do you need it repeated?:)" 1,"You also need to borrow a new insult. Did you get that one from Crim? " 1,"That's the difference between liberals and conservatives (AKA ""real Americans.) Conservatives have a sense of humor. Liberals don't." 0,"why the moms who love aunties are amazing, too" 0,"That was a nice rant that had absolutely nothing to do with anything. The essential question is not what various religous leaders have said about the issue, but what the Bible says about the issue." 0,networks will interrupt daytime shows for real-life soap as comey testifies 1,"I'm not big on the abortion issue, but are you saying that anyone who disagrees with you is sexist and arrogant? That's a tactic straight from the leftist playbook. Clearly you're the one who's arrogant, if you can make these kinds of baseless generalizations of your opponents. Isn't it you who always accuses conservatives of being intolerant of people who think differently than them? Now that's irony!" 1,excited shopper decides to wear new butt plug out of store 1,"You are the one confusing a childs sex with sexual nature. I just hope your old folks home is not near a school. Please explain your last sentence( your homophobia is noted)." 1,terrible artist thinks latest piece really represents a culmination of everything he's been working toward all his life 1,police confirm car had ethanol in system at time of crash 0,it's not about leading; it's about leading well 0,"Logical truths do not come from ""somewhere"", your question makes as much sense as ""What time is a moose?"".You do not appear to have read my post at all, variously repeating what I have said and addressing things I did not say." 0,rebel wilson feels 'really lucky' to have her body type 0,Some? 90% is more than some in my opinion. That is a horrible waste. Just think if we could retain 50% of the energy we consumed. We could start eating 1/5th of what we normally eat. 1,"It's returned! Now while you may be totally satisfied as to your knowledge of my psychology I am not of yours. Why has the black night maneuver returned? Is there some special trigger or are you just in a bad mood? " 1,innocent man unrepentant 1,"""i am equal to any man,"" says stern woman who likely does not menstruate" 0,And those who respect themselves and others don't need that book of morality. 1,obama trying out social policies in 'second life' 0,record-breaking rainstorms pummel carolinas 0,these workers can only spend 6 minutes in the bathroom each day 1,study finds they just don't make 'em like ginger rogers anymore 0,hillary clinton held her first press conference of 2016 -- or not 0,"to understand health care repeal, follow the money" 1,power-plant employee sneaks electricity home in lunchbox 1,honest wedding website admits there jack shit for guests to do while in town 1,panicked billy graham realizes he took wrong turn into heaven's largest gay neighborhood 1,surgeon general recommends twisting head far enough until you hear little pop 0,"Again, I don't know what happenstance origins are, but ruling something out because it's unlikely doesn't work. I have made the poker analogy very often. If you are dealt in order, the 3 of spades, then the 5 of hearts, then the 9 of clubs, then the 4 of diamonds, then the 6 of hearts, would you decide immediately that it was not true? The odds are (1/52)*(1/51)*(1/50)*(1/49)*(1/48) = 1/311,875,200.This could be done for multiple games. The odds get slimmer and slimmer, but the difference is that something had to happen. No matter what cards you got, the odds of you getting the same card in that order would be this slim." 1,that same guy with the glasses at every rock show 0,why employees should use collaboration tools at work 0,when the sheep are watching over your mind 0,is the gates foundation investing in the abuse of palestinian prisoners? 0,happy mother's day to the moms leading the fight for trans students 0,"samsung to halt global sales, exchanges of galaxy note 7" 1,mitch mcconnell inflates throat pouch in show of dominance over fellow congressional males 1,Thats why I say my gayness is His gift and blessing to me. There is nothing more joyous then gay sex. 1,woman's head feared lost forever inside infinity scarf 0,the oscars of the gif world needs you 0,it is not all farm to table 1,thirtysomething scientists unveil doomsday clock of hair loss 0,cat so scared in shelter won't even look at you 1,"This sounds even more like a playground. ""I wanted to leave, but he called me a scaredy-cat and threw a stick at me. "" emoticonXCry" 1,man who has clocked 137 hours in rpg can't believe he has to waste precious time watching cutscenes 0,britney spears sends sweet message to teen who recovered from stroke dancing to 'toxic' 1,new x-men film features bryan singer traveling back in time to molest younger self 0,betsy devos richly deserved every boo she got 1,high school bully ready to unload summer vacation's worth of abuse 1,local man dies following short battle with gas leak explosion 0,doctors repeatedly overprescribe antibiotics and narcotics 1,pfizer mercifully puts down another batch of trial patients 0,travel etiquette: how to use a flight delay to your advantage 0,donald trump's inauguration singer speaks out against transgender bathroom bills 1,"Right, uh huh. That sounds like a big rationalizing to me." 0,laura ingraham's sponsors still bolting over comments about parkland survivor 0,the 1-800 cases come to philly 0,stephen colbert explains the conspiracies against donald trump in 1 nsfw diagram 1,man does good job getting drunk 0,"despite iffy reviews, 'batman v superman' takes over box office" 0,reddit and violent speech: can hate be banned? 1,"Youre being presumptuous. Maybe Im already a multi-millionaire. Maybe I dont have a need for member enhancement. Maybe I already have all the iPODS I need. You just never can tell. In closing, let me say that the original post I made was relevant to the thread even though it contained some misstatements of fact. Your response was just as (if not more) lacking in verified facts. Ill try to improve. You do the same." 0,"Pretty close to what we are doing.It is going to be outdoors, in my boss's backyard (nice area). It will be small, family, friends, 40 people tops. We will have some kind of food, haven't figured that yet. Got a really small budget. We plan on the vows, and rings and our parents doing something.Lucky for us, we have great friends who want to plan it for us. But some details I feel we should decide." 1,garage orchestra hands out demo at boston philharmonic show 0,former congresswoman reflects on fighting sexist bullshit in the '90s 0,lebron james hits back at laura ingraham over 'shut up and dribble' comment 0,starting college: a guide for parents in 2014 0,muslims attend catholic mass across france in powerful show of unity 1,child slavery gives area activist something to do with her evenings 1,family embarrassed by way son died 1,man failing to heed harsh lessons of past orders sonic bacon cheeseburger toaster 1,area mother enters 16th year of post-partum depression 0,"'beautiful moment ripped away' as car plows into anti-racist group in charlottesville, 1 dead" 0,"donald trump misspeaks, calls u.s. a company instead of a country" 0,reinventing europe along these 7 points 1,area father takes one more look at liner notes of daughter's britney spears album 1,viewers impressed by how male trump looked during debate 1,white castle plundered by turks 0,women film themselves on a double date and one dude ruins it 0,"It is 'change over time', not 'gradual change over time'. The morphological changes tend to happen with a change in the environment. The difference between 'micro' evolution and 'macro' evolution is the number of steps. ""Macro"" evolution is a bunch of 'micro' evoltultions that add up. You have two populations that you can compare that used to interbreed, and for some reason, do not, and then you add on a few 1000 'mircro-evolution' events to each, they become very very different." 1,"I do find it amusing that the website you posted leaves out rather important details from the stories it cites. The Ojibwe is a massive distortion. Ojibway Flood Myth Huh. I do like how your site for its religious sources doesn't cite actual anthropology sources. And the secular sources do not match up with the stories. Flood Stories from Around the World" 0,"trump's army secretary pick is victim of 'gay gestapo,' right wing activists claim" 0,"with a trump presidency hanging in the balance, latino groups push for historic turnout" 1,area fifth-grader won't shut up about raccoons 0,native american activists ramp up push to rebrand columbus day 1,creepy real estate listing really talking up size of crawlspaces 0,"i still stumble over the question, how many children do you have?" 0,'trump place' apartments ditch their name after residents protest 0,"And the point was, Benjamin, that it is dishonest to cite the work of others, with no indication that it is the work of others. If you take what someone else wrote, they you need to indicate that, telling where you got it. If it is a book, then the author, title, publisher, date and page. If it is a web page, then the URL should be given.Even better, express your own point and tell how reference supports it. Tell why it is important and why it shows your opponent wrong - then just give a link. Generally AIG is really bad science and isn't very interesting. It is misleading, intentionally. However, on these boards are familiar with their stuff." 0,how the media devalue women 1,9-foot-tall bernie sanders greets supporters after session with posture coach 1,paul ryan sitting among undecided voters at town hall debate 0,larry nassar was allowed to see patients during sexual assault investigation 1,area nephew a very funny young man 0,"'guitar hero' had a baby with your keyboard, and it's great" 0,"emails show richard spencer bounced a $10,565 check for florida event" 1,frustrated man forced to agree with dumbass political cartoon of statue of liberty hugging immigrants 1,tourist experiences city by buying used cds 0,"along with the OTHERS, the point has been missed, gays whine for the RIGHT to adopt children to the exclusion of the RIGHT of children to be nurtured by heterosexual couples or individuals, adopted children who will otherwise be raised in an overwhelming and natural world of heterosexuality" 0,scottish busker eric gudmunsen roasts donald trump as only a scotsman can 1,department of interior asks for resignation of obama-era elk 1,mom loved 'fruitvale station' 0,'from mid-range he could kill you': bernie sanders' basketball days 1,"god announces plans to shift majority of resources tied up in humanity project to birds, rocks" 0,healthy-looking d-rose throws ridiculous half-court pass out of a trap 0,zeke thomas wants gay men to stop staying silent about assault 1,"retired couple realizes dream of buying camper, driving around country murdering hitchhikers" 1,"That link reads more like a children's story book than a science text. I wondered what they could come up with, I guess the answer is nothing. Waxy" 0,the quiet practice where i found my voice 0,doing my daughter's hair makes me feel like a better dad 0,3 simple tips to practice daily gratitude 0,this anorexia treatment probably doesn't work. it might have something to tell us anyway. 0,"Yes. It's not logical to simply cite, ""the Bible tells me so, the Bible was written by God,"" and consider that an argument. The Bible has been wrong. It's also not logical to cite authority to God. It necessarily begs further questions about your God's unproven existence to those who don't believe in that God, or in any God. If we don't simply believe in your God, on the basis of your presupposition, he can have no authority over the rest of us. One must come up with another argument.Should each religion have it's own definition or completely different idea of logic, which favours that religion and its God? " 0,the next water crisis is looming — how can tech help? 1,pope francis crushes small demon crawling across papal apartment floor 0,"nike ceo blasts trump executive order targeting muslims, refugees" 1,Fine... go live in China. Live in their socialism. Enjoy your 2 an hour! 1,"VoR is about as Catholic as the Archbishop of Cantebury. I'm curious about what I'm right about though, seeing as I asked you whether you think that medically un-necessary abortions should be legal or not." 1,LOL no kidding. If you took all the nut jobs out of political rallies there would only be eight people left...and the candidate might be gone as well. 1,"coworker who already breathes, chews loudly thinking about getting into arrhythmically drumming on desk" 1,will smith: the black man everyone at work can agree on 0,trump says his attitude toward syria changed with chemical attack 0,donald trump unveils tax plan that would lower taxes for millions 1,bush to iraqi militants: 'please stop bringing it on' 0,trump's afghan strategy is doomed for failure 0,white house: trump didn't mean wiretapping when he accused obama of wiretapping 0,trump's trojan horse tax cut 1,giuliani demands mueller wrap up investigation and imprison president by september 1,john mccain not going to ask cindy mccain twice 1,area man does his best thinking on his atv 1,Hehehe. Sounds like an American in a big SUV looking at $4/gallon gasoline with a maxed out credit card listening to fundamentalist talk radio. 0,"I know of at least 3 personally, including my brother. He fought for custody for years and it nearly bankrupted him. He was trying to get his kids away from an ex-wife that would go away with her boyfriend for weekends at a time and leave their 15 year old daughter in charge of threee younger siblings. " 0,"number of rohingya refugees fleeing violence in myanmar surges to 270,000 in just 2 weeks" 1,"Not the same thing at all! Most gay pride floats are moade of crate paper and glue guns. Not gold. I think you have stratched this one really far. Nice try, thanks for playing. Try again soon! Wow, nicotine cravings make me a mean person!" 1,chinese man just glad fuckin' 4716 over 1,new study shows majority of late afternoon sleepiness at work caused by undetected carbon monoxide leak 0,nina dobrev writes heart-wrenching goodbye from 'vampire diaries' set 0,a record number of people have drowned trying to reach europe this year 1,heroin addicts pressure president to stay course in afghanistan 1,john kelly hoses layer of crumbs off president before speech on troop deployment 1,fda relaxes definition of smoothie 0,project 24: a portrait of millennial artist andrew kaminski 0,mnuchin touts trump's call for unconstitutional line-item veto 1,"financial planners suggest spending one evening each week ripping apart walls, floorboards in search for cash" 0,jimmy fallon announces new children's book 1,"Let me know when we're leaving, cause your right and I could use a shot of the real human condition." 1,8-year-old can already tell image of dad puking stuck in memory forever 0,"I see. Does the fact that these so-called ""exposures"" are constantly and correctly destroyed by those with Logic not phase you?" 0,how close we are to a 3-d-printed human heart 1,parent takes out $100 bill in front of wide-eyed 7-year-old 1,report: breathing can extend lifespan by several decades 1,star wars gamer magazine boldly claims to be the leading magazine for star wars gamers 1,moronic mailroom worker worked way down from ceo 1,pope francis concerned about infection from holy spirit bite 1,man tinkering with anecdote set list before next date 0,"before you drill a hole into a wall, make sure you've got a sticky note handy" 0,5 ways nail salon workers are winning: victory in new york state legislature 1,parents also proud of unsuccessful child 1,"report: thinking about way you look all the time burns 5,000 calories an hour" 0,'the bachelor' season 20 premiere recap: ben higgins still feels unlovable 1,"manson's loved ones ask for complete, utter chaos in their time of grief" 0,what i learned from drawing my face over and over 0,"SNIP This isn't evidence, this is an opinion piece made by someone with an agenda. Come back when you have something of substance." 0,Right. They can never show how the belief in their deity is not a textbook case of the special pleading fallacy. (Pretty funny after all the hubbub earlier about double standards...) 1,woman puts cool whip containers to every conceivable use 1,But did you consider it relative when you posted this on another thread?: 1,"'loud, desperate need for approval' leads tony nominations" 0,"sanders hits bill clinton on welfare reform, trade" 0,secretive whcd pre-party draws hollywood celebrities 1,boss thinks female employee might be ready to handle job she's been doing for past 2 years 1,Thank You. You know how much I love to impress people. 0,'f**k muzlim' and 'terroist' spray-painted on muslim man's car 0,"right whales could face extinction after deadly year, researchers say" 0,"huffpost rise morning newsbrief, october 20" 0,family loses third son to the heroin epidemic 1,george w. bush forgets to mention 9/11 in memoir 1,stepson absolutely nailing jeopardy category about third reich 1,"area man's back aching after bad night's sleep, 58 continuous years of horrible posture" 0,truthful tuesday: the forgetful edition 1,"So, how many unborn babies did your God drown in Genesis? Talk about hypocrisy." 1,radio shack salesman 'a little out of it today' 1,Tell ya what; I got this Rolex I'm wiling to sell ya for $50.00. Give me the money and wait here. I'll be right back! 1,alabama cracks down on abortions by outlawing all medical procedures 0,what the amazon vs. hachette debate ignores: independent authors 0,jimmy kimmel issues psa for angry trump fans planning to burn their maga hats 0,donald trump's obsession with the polls has made it rough for some pollsters 1,lifeguard hoping to make up for last summer 0,"There is a pretty huge difference.Civil unions aren't nationally recognized, for one thing, since not every state has them. If you travel to a state that does not offer civil unions, then your union is not valid there.I think there's a problem with dissolving those unions as well.The big difference, though, are the rights that these unions provide. There are over 1,000 legal protections and rights that marriage provides that civil unions don't. I'll try and find a list of differences." 1,chimp study on human-evasion response to feces-hurling nearly complete 1,war criminal a grandpa 1,banksy hospitalized with third-degree burns after attempting to cash self-destructing check 0,10 people you'll see out at hometown bars on thanksgiving eve 0,why toothpicks are the best cake testers 0,tennessee senate passes a bill to erect a memorial to 'victims of abortion' 1,"entomologists retract new spider species discovery after determining it actually just clump of dust, hair" 0,here are all the 2017 grammy winners 0,lessons from losing a friend 1,millions head to internet to figure out their own opinions about debate 0,"No it didn't, there's no suggestions for how to enforce background checks to stomp out straw purchases. Stop offering non-solutions." 0,these cities want the country to focus more on access to preschool 0,the one scene that sets 'apes' apart from other blockbusters 1,"townsperson in online rpg universe figures shield, gold pieces should be safe in barrel" 1,bush lets war widow punch his arm once 1,every baby boomer in country urged to resign after photos emerge of them in blackface 0,20 must have fashion items for every college girls wardrobe 1,Is that right next to ANWR? Are the Canadians downplaying ANWR while they side drill to extract our precious fluids? emoticonXClown 0,"Hey, as Collin said, P.Z. registered, and got it. I would say that booting him out is the height of hypocrisy. It confirms to be that it is based on a lie, and the producer knows it. The movie was making a claim that the 'opposition' was silencing I.D., and the presentation of alternate ideas. Yet, what do they do? They kicked someone out they INTERVIEWED for the movie (based on false pretenses to be sure, but they did pay him for appearing in the movie).That sounds that THEY are the ones trying to suppress opposing ideas, not science. Yes, they had the legal right. But, boy did it put egg on their face, considering everything. It shows them to be hypocrites and liars." 1,"public outraged as price of fast-depleting, non-renewable resource skyrockets" 0,queer film explores long-term relationships in the age of the single 0,"in this cleveland family, anti-trump doesn't always mean pro-clinton" 0,a guy crashes through a table in snow to celebrate ncaa tournament upset 0,it takes about 20 celebrities to explain why 62 million girls are being dumbed down 0,hundreds of goats invade berkeley 1,child unaware just how many of his toys intended to steer him away from homosexuality 0,new documentary makes the case for supervised heroin injection sites in new york 1,poet takes extra 5 minutes to vague up poem 1,homosexual dolphin has highly developed sense of gay-nar 0,If you think that it's OK when the Mother's life is in danger. Why wouldn't it be OK when her life isn't in danger? 1,"Individual personal accountability without political leveraging onto others in the same party who did not commit the offense? What a bizarre idea... emoticonXHoho" 0,stepping back into now 1,baby knocked out with cough syrup praised for being such a good little traveler 1,"That board is full of XXXX. I didn't read what the preacher had to do with it but I guess the preacher (if he was involved with the board) is full of XXXX also. Perhaps they all need a good laxative to get rid of that XXXX. If the letter refers to a letter of Paul's, then they misinterpreted it." 1,mayor daley's son appointed head of illinois nepotist party 0,investigation in notre dame student-tutor sex scandal reveals startling accusations 1,superstitious ocean blaming all its weird behavior on the moon 0,gop congressman: 'nobody dies because they don't have access to health care' 0,ted cruz: federal reserve is being run by philosopher kings 1," I guess cheer leaders are the new tough guys and gals!" 0,"activists rally behind pope's message on climate, the poor" 1,tucker carlson angrily explains difference between good baby and bad baby 1,sheryl crow's freshness date expires 0,the paradox of addiction 1,"Look what is talking about insane, immune to reason, a prisnor of his own giant ignorance, slavery fetishist and one of the comic relief 3 stooges. You might have a dialogue but then insult isn't part of one. No one gives a rat's patoot about your opinion. If it were your country maybe they would but I doubt it. Mean while eat your heart out as you rail in fear about us buying and keeping arms." 1,complete idiot forgot to shave area between mouth and nose 1,shocking 'game of thrones' finale concludes with arrest of 5 million viewers for piracy 0,vladimir putin's childhood besties defend their 'petty' pal in 'snl' spoof 1,"So all of this ballyhoo and really you've changed nothing? emoticonXConfused The entire system of inheritance and wills would still be in place. " 0,video shows officers pepper-spraying restrained man who says he can't breathe 0,the g-20 declaration makes a major mention of the world's top infectious killer 0,"Oh, I don't know that she is any nuttier than the next person. However I think her opinion is wrong. I also think her argument is not correct. A person can not impose themselves on your property without your consent - and you CAN remove them, and even kill them if they are a threat to you." 1,conversation at other end of table sounds way more interesting 0,'take your kid to work day' results in npr newscast shutting down for full minute 1,Would it be the lawless Cardinal Law officiating at one of the funerary masses for JPII and otherwise serving in a prominent role in all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the pope's death? 1,body breaking down in totally different order than man expected 1,"I think if you pay any attention, you'll find only hetero characters in Dr. Seuss. I'm sure if there were any suggestion of gay Whos for Horton to hear, the right-wing, anti-gay, pseudo-christians (specific enough for you?) would be trying to ban Seuss, too." 0,confessions of a secret dog stalker 1,local band finds great photo for flier 0,jane seymour's secrets to feeling young after 50 0,joan rivers remembered 1,lingerie-wearing boehner: 'we still have a very pretty speaker of the house' 0,drake hasn't even opened his restaurant and already threw a party there 0,'60 minutes' reporter reveals trump's chilling reason for slamming the press 0,the one moment you need to see from last night's 'peter pan live!' 1,paranormal expert bores son with ghost story 1,mother still yammering away under her tombstone 1,unwatched netflix dvd stares at area man with single unblinking eye 1,red lobster introduces new mechanical jumbo shrimp ride 1,internet not quite done milking cory monteith's death for all it worth 0,"grateful dead lyricist, internet pioneer john perry barlow dead at 70" 0,"Well the government track record in health care isn't too good. Medicare is broke and busted by their own accounts. So if they can't run that correctly by what stretch of the imagination do you come up with them being able to manage the whole healthcare industry? Medicaid is broke. The VA healthcare system is a shambles. You would think they would get them up and running smoothly before trying to sell us the snake oil of their healthcare. Then there is the big problem of rationing. No matter what lies are told, health care is rationed in socialized medicine." 1,facebook status update field dreading what area man about to type into it 0,"d'angelo russell's kobe impression was, uh, awkwardly accurate" 0,the epa is 'brainwashing our kids' says climate change denier sen. jim inhofe 1,white house denied third mortgage 0,"Because what inspired my argument/debate challange was the Questions for both sides thread, it was full of vague/popular laymans usages of the term, and you cant blame only me for it, since I didn't start the thread, and since I was only about 1/10 of all the broad usages of the term going on in that thread, the rest were coming from evolutionists. Please read its opening post (by an evolutionist) youre not going to find much about biology there. " 1,"Not according to your propaganda. All lefties want more and more government, they want a total nannystate government. You can't have it both ways." 1,toddler scientists finally determine number of peas that fit into ear canal 1,supreme court cock-blocks iowa man 0,when to fight with a kid and when to just give up 0,floyd mayweather jr. stripped of title from manny pacquiao fight 0,carli lloyd correctly says she's the best player in the world 0,democratic party gives bernie sanders bigger role in shaping its platform 1,"'fuck you,' obama says in hilarious correspondents' dinner speech" 0,greece hopes to conclude bailout talks this week 1,"Dude, seriously, ask your parents permission before getting on the computer, please. That's what I thought Archie. Do you ever get tired of being so predictably dishonest and detestable?" 0,chrissy teigen gives the middle finger to her pregnancy critics 1,child running around house in bathing suit has no immediate plans to visit body of water 1,family requests privacy during this unbelievably awesome time 0,donald trump channels the ghost of richard nixon 1,immigrant child still hoping to achieve american dream of better cage 0,"man robbed own grandmother, forced her to drink alcohol: police" 1,genetically modified chicken lays its own dipping sauce 1,"'is it too late to audition?' asks perfect actor for role, poking head into room just as producers were giving up hope" 0,"Actually, I am of the opinion that the fetus has no natural rights of its own. Any rights we grant to a person as a citizen or national are granted at the moment of birth. By granting equal rights to a 3week old fetus that you do to a 20 year old man, you are endangering the rights of the woman who carries that child. Yes, I believe that in most circumstances, the child should be carried to term, but there are exceptions to every rule, and I'm not quite ready to forsake the lives and health of women to protect unborn children. Yes, I think the unborn child is worthy of protection, but not any more so than the mother, in fact probably less." 0,'harry potter' actor dave legeno dead after hiking in death valley 0,the end of the big oil and gas game has come 0,watch these 50 celebrities totally kill it at the ice bucket challenge 0,hunters need to start talking about guns more 1,Oh vey! Vat du they say about the U.S. Marshals service committing more crimes than people they have actually arrested for a crime? 0,pressure to defund planned parenthood increases for gop 0,a good news story about 'imperfect' pregnancy 0,fighting and airstrikes continue throughout yemen as dialogue remains distant 0,legends of new york's latex ball celebrate the history of voguing 0,"for his new act, beloved drag queen john 'lypsinka' epperson is a man unmasked" 1,seasonal depression to take over for chronic depression for a few months 1,"I have heard of big-headed families. I have heard of square-headed families. I have even heard of Cone-headed families....but gay-headed families? There is just something not right about including the word gay and head in the same sentence. :p" 0,fearless veteran celebrates 90th birthday on top of a plane 0,"[quote=Voice Of Reason] ......then fry them............[quote] My father was a big, tough man, a twice wounded veteran of WWII, former Cop. When I asked him what the worst thing he ever witnessed was, he answered that it was an execution (electrocution). He said that he had seen a lot of bad things - bodies blown apart, maggots crawling out of a dead man's eyes, but the most barbaric thing he ever saw was a man being killed (fried) by the state. Dono" 1,new 'baby weinstein' tapes prepare infants for career in entertainment law 0,the trailer for netflix's 'richie rich' reboot is here 0,trump's plan on prescription drug prices looks nothing like what he promised 0,orlando foundation releases preview art of interim pulse memorial 0,"Actually, it's not. The big bang theory is also science. What exactly do you think the big bang theory is? What evidence do you think supports it? What evidence is there against it? why do you disagree? What is your education in cosmology - in other words, why is your disagreement rational?" 0,considering self-employment? 7 questions to ask yourself 1,nation demands more slow-motion footage of syrup cascading onto pancakes 0,"Let's not confuse our readers. supersport is not saying it's evolution; he's saying that ""evolutionists"" say that it's evolution. It should be clear now to the readers that scientists recognized perfectly well that this is an example of plasticity." 0,"And Atilla's army of as many as 1/2 million men was beaten and forced into retreat by the Romans and Visigoths in 451AD. A year later, he was forced to make peace after devastating the Roman countryside...but NOT Rome itself.He died a year later in 453AD." 0,"I think you do not know what you are talking about. Your description fits the matter ""god"" you belive in." 1,good news kept from parents out of fear of proving them right 1,"Jyoshu. Come back to earth. How often do you see the term ""bigot"" thrown around on these message boards against other posters? " 0,why we're lucky if we get to be old 1,sixth grader begins work on pony trilogy 0,"The reported killings in European countries have rivaled the levels of Columbine. Quite a feat for a country with strict gun control laws. How can even a rare and isolated incident in a country with draconian gun control, meet or exceed something that's supposedly relatively common in America?" 1,sheepish secret service agent can't explain how vacuum cleaner salesman got into oval office 0,international women's day 0,"rnc chair says they lose acting normal, so why not give trump a shot" 1,wheelchair basketball game enjoyed for all the wrong reasons 1,alabama quietly strikes bo bice day from state calendar 1,area man dead of fries 1,powerball officials remove plastic balls from pig urine brine 1,national trust for historic preservation raises millions to demolish trump's boyhood home 1,fcc assures nation their favorite verizon websites won't be affected by net neutrality repeal 1,hippie very involved in hippie non-sports 0,'13 reasons why': stop telling young women true love will save them 1,"Gansao shines like the sun compared to you. The only shine you're going to have is the glow from your fat frying in the Pit when you die. emoticonXBouncer" 1,report: middle class running dangerously low on things to be squeezed out of 0,trump responds to supreme court abortion ruling 0,13 ghastly money mistakes that could come back to haunt you 1,fiona apple releases egg sac 0,mass protests planned if trump fires deputy attorney general rosenstein 1,"car passengers launch urgent, mid-street investigation into whether woman in parking spot coming or going" 0,sheldon adelson looks to harry reid for a big favor 0,the one thing you never want to hear tim gunn say about your outfit 1,area woman decides not to post facebook status that would have tipped gun control debate 0,If humans are parasites can I kill you because parasites have no worth. 1,u.s. soldiers ask rumsfeld if they could get surprise visit from loved ones instead 0,this cruise ship from hell will make you wish you'd gone on a road trip 0,between addict and recovery: look how far you've come 1,"Yeah, so if on my math test, I put ""The answer is 7 because my god says so"" and the teacher marks it wrong, he's the XXXXX?" 1,completely sober employee still embarrassing self at company party 1,"channeling easyrider OOh, those liberal theologists have abandon the word of god. LOL, Get a new dog /channeling" 0,why america demonizes its teachers 1,laptop really getting off from having both usb ports stuffed 0,10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently 0,the peshawar tragedy shows that pakistan needs a new religious narrative 1,$80 million movie scrapped after footage reveals brad pitt had spinach stuck in teeth for entire film 1,woman leaving meeting worried she came off as too competent 0,"As much as it pains me I'm going to agree with Mathew here. If you own a private business then you should be able to hire and fire people for whatever reason you want. If a private company only wants to employ one gender that should be their choice. If a private company only wanted to employ people choosing a gay lifestyle, I would support their right to do so. I also support a persons right to not use businesses who have hiring practices they don't agree with.Note: I don't include gov't in this, the rules are and should be different for government." 0,'broad city' creators take 'accountability' for using 'white dude power' to bolster show 1,rain-drenched cat announces it ready to stay inside and be part of family 0,"Well, there's plenty of scientific evidence about fetal development, such that we can confidently say no ""person"" is established up to a certain stage in a pregnancy.I think the decision should be up to the woman, as under U.S. law. Between her and her doctor, whoever else she freely chooses to share with. I think, at some point, in a normally developing pregnancy, a very fuzzy looking line is crossed. But that's why we have state regulations during the third trimester.IMO, Latin American countries, until this day, are unduly under the influence of the Church, superstition and ignorance." 1,white house adds eight inches to white house fence 0,"the beyhive swarms rachael ray, thinking she is rachel roy" 1,nation's flag nerds anxiously watching d.c. statehood push 1,"Which is why the ""medical establishment"" endorses smoking, drinking heavily and a fatty diet, with no excercise, because they believe we are predestined by our genes, right? Why do you persist with these blatant lies?" 0,the false divide between digital vs. traditional media 0,how 'brooklyn' became the year's best book adaptation 0,dozens dead after suicide bomber blows himself up near kabul shrine 0,"internet, a double-edged sword stained with fake news and censorship" 1,So biology didn't exist before the theory of evolution was formulated? 0,"How many cases have there been of a person having their personal firearm taken right out of their hands by a criminal, never to be seen again?" 0,"i've no problems with gay couples marrying if they have kids straight couples can adopt as well" 0,"elizabeth warren 1, wall street clown 0" 0,trevor noah defends obama from conservative criticism on police brutality 1,"How old are you, Steeeeve? How is it that you know absolutely that there were no hordes of women without anywhere to go or sleeping in the streets? Were you there on the spot? Did you witness that?" 1,"grandchild, grandfather equally dreading collaboration for school interview project" 0,"tanzania reality show tackles gender inequality, awards women farmers cash and farm tools" 0,5 wedding planning realities all brides and grooms should know 0,watch the moving lesbian storyline that got cut from 'love actually' 1,"study: uttering phrase, 'marriage is hard work,' number one predictor of divorce" 1,"'let's all say what we're grateful for,' says mother who apparently believes she's in a norman fucking rockwell painting" 1,horrifying doll sitting on neighbor's porch whether it's halloween or not 0,this country's capital just made it punishable to catcall women 1,hero firefighter: 'i'm a hero' 0,Psh Leiberman is a one man party that much is true. He's a lone wolf and by all rights I hope the whole pack of dogs eat him up...I'm personally getting fed up with politics... Change we can believe in.. Yeah getting republicans and democrats to work together is like getting Palestinian and Israelis to build a joint place of worship... or even a wal mart.. NEVER gonna happen...Oh and the only hope I have is that Costco is still hiring cause this economy is XXXX.....emoticonXKill 0,"Well, I have heard people on the pro-gun side say that most defensive gun uses don't involve firing even one round. So limiting the capacity would probably have less of an effect on the ability to defend yourself than on crime. So why are people from the gun lobby always whining about restrictions like this? When semi-automatic rifles were banned in Australia, hunters welcomed the law. They saw it as a challenge because it takes greater skill to shoot an animal with a bolt action rifle. Not so in America where some gun owners like to use guns that could take down planes to shoot small animals." 0,"Though I know you directed this question at Cthulhu, I will nonetheless jump in to say that I would quickly choose the newborn mentally retarded baby to live and the zygote to die. That is obvious to me since the mentally retarded baby is a currently existing person vs. the zygote being merely a potential person. That zygote may have more potential for the future but the decision is being made in the present. I would feel far more guilt in sentencing a real person to die than in sentencing a potential person (now merely a cell) to die." 0,elite universities are compromising student mental healthcare amid heightened stress culture 1,takeout burrito shielded from cold as though it were week-old newborn 1,woman masturbates to concept of commitment 1,reverend blessed with nine-inch penis 0,amazon is starting black friday sales a full week early 1,"Kudos to Dubya! I thought that Brown was, well I don't know, INCOMPETENT!" 1,mandatory unisex golden globes uniforms keep focus on stars' work 0,"you based this (and other claims) on a summary of the biomorphs program at website that either a) didn't also provide dawkins limitations on the program or b) had the limitations and you didn't bother to relay this information to the forum. You then make incredulous statements about how unrealistic the biomorphs are. any quotations of web pages are irrelevant because they do not address the basic issue that you are suggesting dawkins puts the biomorphs forth as a model of evolution and natural selection. This is not true as i have quoted part of his book that puts limitations on the biomorphs program, and draws attention to what ""morals"" should be drawn out of the biomorphs." 0,"In older times man had more questions without answers than today. Some men believed if a God of fire because they did not understand what fire was. Because of their misunderstanding they invented an answer, the Fire God. Today we know exactly what fire is and we don't need to invoke some mythical explanation. Today's atheists know that there are many other questions we don't have answers for and it's OK to simply say we don't know instead of buying into the whole ""let's-invent-some-god-to-explain-it"" mentality...." 0,Then why can't you explain an unreflective fertility and abortion rates between 1972-1979 here in America or how the Polish fertility rate never increased after the 1993 referendum that criminalized abortion? Prove to me when criminalizing abortion has ever decreased it's demand. So far you haven'tonly provided empty rhetoric. The pro-life movement thoroughly brainwashes it's supporters to believe such jibberish. 1,"So if I go out and buy a Brand X car and then regret it a year later, does that mean that nobody should be allowed to go out and buy a Brand X car? Am I entitled to have an opinion and share it with others...sure. However, could others purchase a Brand X car and never regret it...absolutely. Should my negative experience be used to prevent others from engaging in something that they might consider positive? Sounds kinda fascist to me." 0,sean hannity gets brutally rejected by attorney for moore accuser 1,mike pence condemns female senators for wantonly sharing senate floor with male colleagues after dark 1,blizzard bringing back original 'world of warcraft' so thousands of gamers can relive most depressing era of their lives 1,"Wow, everyone's just shakin' in their boots that your imaginary god will magick them off the earth! emoticonXKillemoticonXKillemoticonXKillemoticonXBanghead" 0,everyone thinks this is lady gaga's character in 'american horror story' 0,"paris terror harms france, islam, and the world" 1,nude aides huddled around trump assure him no one wearing wire 1,Does she shampoo your beard and iron your turban too? Towel head. 0,what cutting americorps would mean for public lands 1,florida passes strict ban on being unarmed 0,On what grounds do you seek to redefine the institution of marriage from it's accepted standard in this country? 1,"Getting nervous? BTW, I think Anthony Flew is wrong about the Christian God. Jesus Christ is the very Son of God and God! I hardly see a ""despotic"" bone in Jesus. Oh, I see, whipping the money changers, I guess some just have no back bone, and can't picture honest for real, righteous indignation!" 0,kelly clarkson covered 'give me one reason' because she's the best 1,"Well, considering how ambiguous and contradictory the Christian scriptures are, I guess this interpetation makes as much sense as any of the others." 0,gop blames 'lackluster' candidate and his 'porn stache' for pennsylvania setback 0,"It is clearly not a strawman argument. I think he doesn't know what ""straw man"" means and I think he is meaning to say ""red herring.""It isn't a red herring either; it's a perfectly logically related question. I would guess he doesn't see that as he neither understands evolution nor bacterial resistance and, thus, the relationship." 0,a plethora of patio plants 1,"'these last two are gonna be real turds,' george r.r. martin assures fans" 1,"How about you post all the "" Great Amount"" of evidence concerning the Gospel Mythology. The fact that you don't even bother to read the actual information and form an argument tells me you have nothing......" 0,this is the advice colin powell gave hillary clinton on using private email 0,climate change gets its due in the democratic debate 0,california's golden healthcare opportunity 1,new 'avengers' fan theory suggests key to beating thanos could be nothing because he not real and none of this exists 1,"Doesn't count. Took place in a ""gun free zone"". By law no guns are allowed there, so by law this incident couldn't take place." 0,why america needs its national parks more than ever 0,longing to finally visit the cuba of my dreams 0,watch live: pro-volleyball star gabby reece dishes on nbc's new fitness show 1,report: friend's apartment not nice enough to be asking people to take off shoes 1,pictures of smiling group of people taken where john lennon was murdered 0,here's how bendy your body actually gets during yoga class 0,man accused of killing dad for not getting him fast food 0,trump returns from foreign trip to high-stakes drama in washington 0,"jim jeffords: a founder of the movement to expand afterschool programs, a hero to children and families" 1,applebee's to offer divorced-father-and-child specials every other weekend 1,steel drum knows it has so much more to offer than tropical vibes 1,"You're equating atheism and homosexuality with terrorism and drug dealing? Really? Can you stop being a reactionary dolt long enough to convince me you're worth even trying to converse with? If not, I'll understand... and not be surprised." 0,how to really listen in a difficult conversation (6.2) 0,the latest episode in our favorite queer web series for kids is here 0,7 common misconceptions about the hebrew bible 1,"Yes, that is logical So you're saying your unwilling to discuss it, and you think that an oblique ad hominem (fitting in with nut cases) is a way to progress this topic? No, you got the reason right. Why not actually discuss it? Or is it in effect to say ""I'm making a post to say I've got nothing to add to this thread""?" 1,alabama forced to release thousands of sex offenders after inmates deny charges 0,presidential debate ignores climate change ... again 0,#mewesyria: resistance and hope 0,woman says al franken groped her during 2010 photo op 1,"Wow, what a great argument! We can use the same ""logic"" for rabbits: take their current population and doubling rate and ""prove"" they didn't even exist 100 years ago! I love those ""common sense"" arguments." 1,siblings each hoping other one will take care of aging parents someday 0,here's what happens to breast cancer diagnoses when medicaid is rolled back 0,You just say this because you want to murder helpless wromb-trapped human beings. You cannot just say you personally believe something in a debate. 0,these stunning overhead beach photos are enough last you to next summer 0,what not to feed your dog under the thanksgiving table 1,"study finds 12,000 americans die annually in what are made to look like car accidents" 0,kris jenner turned all the way up for drunken valentine's day karaoke 1,"sweating, shaking man never going to spend a little time with his thoughts again" 0,"Humm. More guns, more Concealed Carry and Violent Crime and Murder is down to it's lowest levels since they started to record it. So how can these studies be credible or considered in anyway correct." 0,judge compares trans student's case to america's greatest civil rights battles 0,how to age in the era of 'erectile dysfunction' 0,mysteryland 2014 set times announced 1,"researchers find decline in facebook use could be directly linked to desire to be happy, fully functioning person" 0,new series on 'the secret life of muslims' aims to subvert stereotypes 1,open-minded voter waits almost 5 minutes into debate to decide who won 0,mom's honest post nails the many contradictions of motherhood 0,see the celebrities who went all out for halloween this year 0,"sudden cardiac arrest more likely in african-americans, new study says" 0,james franco skips award ceremony after sexual misconduct accusations 1,"'help has to be on the way now,' thinks syrian man currently being gassed" 1,smiley scrubbing bubbles devour area child 0,sign off the internet and start reading outside 1,"'fourth quarter, time winding down, super bowl,' report nation's 11-year-olds" 0,surf-rock legend dick dale plays through the pain at 78 0,channing tatum's pet goat has died 0,"** Sorry, b. I went to livescience and to pigliucci, but could not find the link. You can send it to me, PM or email, and I'll post it for you." 0,congresswoman fights for gun control because she almost lost her life to gun violence 0,"modern elections are corruption, sen. al franken argues" 0,"The meticulously preserved, unchanging 66 Books of the Bible aren't compelling?" 0,hair salon's 'quiet chair' is a dream for haters of smalltalk 1,morton unveils individually wrapped salt grains 0,rep. trey gowdy endorses marco rubio for president 1,undercover agents talking to each other in 'under 12' chatroom 0,michelle obama: my proudest achievement as first lady is my daughters 0,here's why the internet is convinced kylie jenner is having a baby boy 0,what's next for nba in donald sterling case from a legal standpoint? 0,trump confidant floats crazy rbg-for-merrick-garland scotus swap 0,queer dance party to protest 'religious liberty' executive order at white house 0,the welcome return of black wall street 1,Just as you and your favorite group are master manipulators of emotion amongst the uneducated. Yes we do need to pay attention to the great danger you and your ilk pose. We need to shine the light of truth on your lies and expose them. 0,"I think you can forget about God the super ""engineer"" on this one: your final question contains a necessary and sufficient condition to explain the case." 0,ohio moves to ban abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy 0,appeals court blocks d.c. gun law restricting concealed carry 0,"But I see two people involved here. Whether the women is better off or not is irrelevant to me. She has no right to kill the other just like you have no right to kill your neighbor. I'm not for allowing decisions on everything and to be against ""choices"" is not a bad thing considering every law restricts choices." 1,Great idea. Explain why all the tests that prove it wrong are irrelevant. 0,panama papers source breaks silence and offers to aid authorities for immunity 1,lazy poor person has never earned passive income from stock dividends a day in his life 0,donald trump has already cemented his pathetic legacy 1,bible study group preparing for bible aptitude test 1,"Enlighten me. What evidence came out Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week?" 0,household cleaning tips for cold and flu season 0,lady antebellum's charles kelley talks about being a new dad 0,trump launches another sexist tweet in newest attack on 'morning joe' hosts 1,jews to celebrate rosh hashasha or something 1,"Since he's commented on it several times now, and seems to have me confused with someone else, maybe he's channeling a past life or something--who knows? Better yet, who cares? :p" 1,"Wow, you are high on Christ...Scary...I haven't seen this addiction up close emoticonXRolleyes" 1,robin williams body-hair-mowing project enters third week 0,"yes, there is a right way to use technology" 1,"beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure" 1,"study: americans enjoy watching tv, eating" 0,"But a slightly larger brain than average is still feasible and offers enough of a benefit in a large social group that its worth the price - however something the size of a modern humans brain is far too demanding. That slightly larger brain can be supported by an organism or society that hasn't developed fire, but is also able to discover the uses of it, from then on nutrician isn't the big limiting factor that restricts how big a brain can get from then on. " 1,man sadly realizes cramped one-bedroom apartment has enough space to host party with all his friends 1,kid about to meet brooklyn nets must not be very sick 1,"Okay, so if we only need 10 laws then they must be, without any doubt, the 10 most important rules possible that would serve mankind throughout history. Not coveting your neighbor's oxen made the list? Why is not creating any graven images more important than not enslaving people? That didn't even make the list. If those 10 things were all that God intended to impart on mankind I have to question his mental competance. " 0,"'matt shepard is a friend of mine,' and my son" 1,"Is the irony of Bushie here making statements about how they removed a totalitaran dictator, matched with his off colour joke about making the US a one party State lost on anyone?" 0,new york times reaches 1 million digital-only subscribers 0,"Fossils are evidence, not theory. They can be used in the construction of any theory, including creationism. Whether this is 'just' or not, is another issue. I point this out as many seem confused about evidence, and think that it just points to something without interpretation" 0,why some evangelicals are praying president obama will reject the keystone xl pipeline 0,why democrats should block every trump supreme court justice 0,rep. jim costa re-elected in california 1,iran ready to talk about how awesome nuclear program is 1,progressive parents refuse to tell child its sex 0,"cowboys and indians, yes. indians and occupiers? let's think about that" 1,And so you have it... Socialist lunatic fringe view that human lives are only worth what the government says its worth.... 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 0,"black cat runs onto hockey rink, likely dooming san jose sharks" 0,meet the gay music mogul who discovered metallica and white zombie 1,But surely it's ok to vote for a man who starts an unjustified war that results in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...right? 0,is facebook's subscription-based news service bad for the publishing industry? 0,blake shelton gushes about gwen stefani before her beautiful 'voice' performance 0,"You are also protected by the 4, 5, and 14th Amendments. Your guns can not be seized. You can not be under suspicion for your guns to be seized without due process. All your legally obtained property is yours do to with in any way you want as long as it is legal.Lets not forget privacy. No one has the right to stick your nose into your business to even find out what your doing with your guns." 0,human rights for hindus remains elusive in some parts of the world 1,relieved scott walker narrowly avoids acknowledging immigrants' humanity during campaign speech 1,right side of fish tank where all the action at 1,philippine mud wins in landslide 0,paul gauguin at fondation beyeler (video) 0,bethenny frankel fights back after instagram controversy 1,Be careful! I didn't mean to get you hurt. Maybe you should not drink when reading. 1,report: only 1 in 3 preschool graduates has necessary animal sound skills upon entering zoo 0,Sigh...for the ill informed who understand nothing about their religion. 0,"the fbi agents tracked gabriel garcía márquez, washington post reports" 0,crossing the axis of evil 1,frolicking deer actually being driven mad by ticks 0,jessica simpson takes the plunge after crushing us with news she'll never do reality tv again 1,motivational tape gets man excited for 20 minutes 0,michael b. jordan sets fire to first 'fahrenheit 451' trailer 1,kleenex box inadequately covered 1,your high school boyfriend still smoking cigarettes in the field behind school 0,6 new year's resolutions that don't take all damn year to accomplish 1,papa john's founder launches new chain of fast-casual segregated lunch counters 1,tv's mork to star in film 1,halloween decorations blending in nicely with christmas lights 0,"rohingya muslims flee as more than 2,600 houses burned in myanmar's rakhine" 1,scientists announce ambitious project to map layer of garbage on ocean floor 0,pat toomey doesn't get it 1,ham glazed to dangerously delicious levels 1,lawyers confirm trump willing to answer all of sean hannity's questions about russia collusion 0,ex-wife of former cowboys player claims team knew of domestic abuse 1,Yes...I think I would agree with you. That's what happens when you have superstition coupled with self-imposed ignorance I suppose. It's a shame! 1,pier 1 imports unveils new self-defense vase for smashing onto head of home invader 1,styrofoam to spend next 500 years reflecting on how well it protected blender in transport 0,49ers stunned in ot loss to chargers 1,teen crafting marketable persona in garage hoping to one day win grammy 1,trump supporter has few backup scapegoats ready to go in case crackdown on immigrants doesn't fix everything 1,kim jong-il doesn't know how he keeps winning lottery 1,flight attendant demonstrates proper technique for eating fellow passenger in event of crash 0,what's your upside 0,"drake's dad just released a music video and damn, it's smooth" 0,tuesday's morning email: ebola contracted outside of west africa 0,homemade 'die hard' scene will have you saying 'yippee ki yay' 0,sam bee's team is apologizing to people trump offends. it's harder than they thought. 1,"I don't recall seeing anyone who's for gay marriage come out truly in favor of the idea here that I recall. Can you? Naw, didn't think so. emoticonXSmilie" 1,writer unwilling to admit his screenplay perfect fit for justin long 0,how imani boyette's love for basketball helped her overcome depression 0,aerial images reveal north korea's secret network of prisons and 're-education' camps 1,relationship experts recommend single women try bathing in open stream until suitor glimpses them through trees 0,football's black eye 1,disillusioned hacker starting to feel like he has no impact on american presidential election 1,'dallas' revival to feature elderly j.r. begging to be shot 0,20 body changes nobody tells you come before menopause 0,hydraulic press crushes the immortal soul out of halloween 1,heartbreaking yelp review says it's just nice to eat a meal around other people 0,arizona department of corrections changes menstrual pad policy following backlash 1,"quaaludes are back, reports quaalude-taking journalist" 0,the one thing you need for positive change 0,"This applies only when men strive...that is fight. If a man ""Accidently"" hits a woman while in a fight and causes her to lose her child then all he has to do is pay a fine. But if he keeps fighting and hurt other people he gets killed. Even in the Bible you dont get punished so severly on accidents." 0,the u.s. is driving less and still building more highways 0,cyclist suffers terrifying fall at the edge of a sheer cliff 1,naked andrew yang emerges from time vortex to warn debate audience about looming threat of automation 0,"drew droege is sassy, sloshed and single in a hilarious new play" 1,tim kaine stuffs handful of goldfish crackers in ballot scanner 1,"world's 22,000 polar bears forced to share last remaining iceberg" 0,nato air base hit by taliban rockets 0,you may be funding the gun lobby without even knowing it 0,"why skipping vaccines is a public, not personal, health choice" 0,video relaunches investigation into death of man held by chicago police 0,Pro choice is pro child is pro family. Having access to contraception and to abortion if contraception fails or for other reasons strengthens the family. 1,"Oh, but it does mean something to him. He can't/won't say what, but it sure isn't based on homophobia, no siree! It's just really, really important that marriage stay a striaghts only club, for reasons that can't be explained, but there's no bigotry, don't worry on that score. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,how the cleveland browns are helping to turn food waste into renewable energy 1,This coming from the guy who is accurate on every thread on this forum and provides factual and analytical evidence to a intellectual arguement. (1asim) PleaseemoticonXRolleyes 0,is this a quote from donald trump or dialogue from porn? 0,cop pleads not guilty in killing of sam dubose 1,I won't waste my time with trolls here. Do you have anything useful to say? 0,was there a villain in the 2014 election? 1,biden shares 20-minute post-debate kiss with janna ryan 0,is this the boat of the future? 1,"Ah, so we shouldn't get all stirred up because little girls are singled out for slaughter? Please excuse me for having misplaced priorities." 0,5 financial wake-up calls -- and what you can learn from them 1,bradley cooper racks up staggering one oscar nominations 1,"Somewhere in the middle? I always though it was solidly to the Right. :p " 0,honest parents share their hilarious confessions 0,boston must mull renaming iconic building to give civic dignity to blacks 1,area man good for the economy 0,"justice dept. mandates 'implicit bias' training for agents, lawyers" 0,here's what it would look like if kids planned the family vacations 1,man hopes hot woman in next apartment can hear how well he's fucking his girlfriend 0,this former duke star has high hopes for an nba career 1,hooded members of congress drown another love child in potomac to prevent affair from getting out 1,"christ appears in roman court to contest 2,000-year-old riot charges" 0,why i chose an african publisher over a western one 0,102 lgbt people were maimed or killed -- and i still can't donate blood 1,hero shop saves hundreds from hunger 0,"The link takes me to the USA Today site but gives a message ""The requested document was not found"". Please post the article." 0,north korea says it's ready for war with massive military parade 1,"nxivm leader struggling to recall exact moment sexual slavery, forced branding turned into something darker" 0,jake tapper to trump: kim jong un is not a 'smart cookie' — he's a murderer 1,Are you really so dim that you think me answering a question you POSTED is somehow any implication at all on thelmoose's intelligence? emoticonXRolleyes 1,reality of fatherhood never truly dawned on man until he held newborn son's hospital bill 1,disillusioned woman now wondering if any of her magical vagina stones have healing powers 0,time for a brand new site for israel-palestine peace talks 0,"why nomsense made so much sense: a tale of 3 best friends, 2 cookies and cake crumble" 1,guy looking to feel horrible about aspect of everyday life decides to watch documentary 1,thousands dead in indonesia again 1,brutalized toothbrush wishes owner would just let it die 0,"prepare your mind, body and soul for this leaked britney spears track" 0,This is not true or requires at least more justification. 1,offbeat squirrel in park garnering cult following 1,giant blood clot dislodges from your femoral artery 1,I'd like to see how much wealth you can take with you to your grave. 0,college rankings: what's the use? 0,this is how steve urkel happened 1,"If it weren't for conspiracy theories, I'd have no theories at all" 0,"maxine waters to bill o'reilly: 'i'm a strong black woman, and i cannot be intimidated'" 1,'what if no one travels anywhere ever again?' wonders panicked transportation secretary 1,man constantly blaming his problems on fact that he's on fire 1,flying squirrel loves it every time 1,family kind of concerned at how fast dad ate father's day gift 0,"it's election season, but where are the lawn signs?" 1,redwood tree completes 300-year plan to lean slightly to left 0,the clever way starbucks customers are insisting 'black lives matter' is heard 1,man on date ready for question about siblings this time 0,"And if we can actually doing anything about it. From what I hear on the fringes, the debate should not be about how to change or stop it, but how to change to deal with it and what we should expect as society adapts to a change in climate." 0,10 reasons not wearing yoga pants should be illegal 1,area gambler likes those odds 0,the administration's assault on epa and clean water is an assault on public health 0,how judith light is fighting ageism 1,topeka mayor now highest-ranking non-indicted republican official 1,"pope promises more open, transparent molestation in future" 0,"a tale of two kindergartens -- well, three now that i think about it" 1,radio talk-show caller to make point 1,hot rock-and-roll chick totally married 1,report: putting head in hands and moaning quietly still best way to get through next several seconds 1,mitt romney still thinking about running for president in 2012 0,9 things to make the most out of your high school senior year 0,neil patrick harris asks: are these kids meeting santa or getting a shot? 0,blessed be the froot loops: 'the handmaid's tale' renewed for third season 1,hippocratic oath updated to include vow of loyalty to blue cross blue shield 0,amy schumer stuns in a white minidress at gq men of the year party 0,"like issa rae, i'm also 'rooting for everybody black'" 0,'quantico' star's ode to fried chicken will brighten your day 1,'perfect' birthday card discovered in local mall 0,the 1 good movie netflix adds this week 0,benedict cumberbatch prepares for battle in magical new 'doctor strange' trailer 0,pope francis prays at jerusalem's western wall 1,vatican canonizes john paul ii as patron saint of ignoring problem until you die 0,vatican: gay people are 'our sons and daughters' 1,"buying everything hairstylist recommends would cost $8,000" 1,new envelope pushes envelope envelope 0,where did my super cape go? 0,america's election cycle is so scary that haunted houses are getting political 1,night of uninterrupted deep sleep really throws man's day off 1,white house says mueller report must be kept private because it's so exonerating it would drive public mad 0,las vegas review-journal removes questions about newspaper's new mystery owner 1,study: 83% of web content unfit for human consumption 1,valentine's day coming a little early in relationship 1,ben carson tormented by periodic rational thoughts 1,boss makes lipstick prints on paychecks for valentine's day 0,massachusetts is the best place to live if you're a woman 1,hardened white blood cell no longer hesitates to kill viruses 1,angela merkel admits she only attending stupid work conference for free trip to argentina 0,meet the trans woman who wants to change romantic comedies 1,entertainment weekly wins excellence-in-caption-pun award 0,"more than 1,300 law professors oppose jeff sessions for ag" 1,woman in ninth year of letting boyfriend down easy 1,report: states quietly raising speed limits near failing schools 0,board member slams milo yiannopoulos invite to cpac 1,beanie broker urges storkholders to sell 1,god refuses to grant any more transcendent near-death experiences to people who crash snowmobiles 0,"people are trying to listen to 'serial,' so can you kindly stfu?" 1,elderly parents staying active by frequently going to friends' funerals 1,new beatles box set features 172 unreleased songs about wanting to hold hands 1,"blissed-out, hemp-wearing sean spicer assures reince priebus this the best thing that ever happened to him" 1,"So let me get this right. To counter Accipiter's statement that you have the intellectual maturity of a 10 y/o, you string together a bunch of words that you don't understand in context that makes absolutely no sense? Point - set - match Accipiter." 1,nra recommends preventing firearm deaths by securing children in locked safe 0,walmart quits selling ar-15s and military-style rifles 0,meet the visionary chicago school leader who just won a macarthur 'genius' grant 1,icy cave at peak of andes mountains now sole remaining place on earth where you can escape this 0,dj khaled was 'talking mogul talk' with arianna huffington at white house correspondents' dinner 0,why were so many beloved christmas songs written by jewish musicians? 0,obama is like that really great neighbor who's moving out 1,area veal calf is totally cramped! 1,bush still getting clinton's mail 0,website on disabilities act that tripped up betsy devos disappears 0,Uh...yeah? Is there some other way than evolution this can happen? Evolution encompasses speciation which results from evolution taking different paths when populations are separated by some factor in their environment or geographically. Are you saying you believe that the species have all somehow resulted from a common genome yet at the same time rejecting evolution as an explanation? 0,But just try and remove them from those that think we do and you will have a war on your hands. It's too bad we didn't become more like Canada is respect to gun ownership. A lot more people would be alive today and others not sitting in prison for crimes they commited. 1,toddler adjusting to society after serving 2-minute timeout 1,"No, Archangel, if it wasn't done with a gun present any murders committed do not count. In this case, one armed person could have ended the slaughter so quickly it would be incredible but the blood dancers still could have had their day by celebrating that the gun put the children at risk more than the knife murderer and no telling what else they could say to dramatize the situation by claiming that guns were banned there and THAT person broke the law so off with his head...after they harvested his body for useful organs that is." 0,"listen up, girlfriends: we need each other" 0,the us helped create a christian martyr in oscar romero 0,"Well, let's be honest here. People fear gay marriage, not that it might come about via judicial fiat. That's just the current whipping horse because that's how it happened first, for some broad values of judicial fiat of course. There was a recent post here about rights granted gays by their state legislature, Oregon I think, and a group jumped in and forced the law on hold via a petition drive. So it really isn't the means by which gays get equality that upsets some folks, it's the equality itself. ""judicial fiat"" is just a phrase people can use so they can avoid stating their true motives, preventing gays from being treated as equals." 1,fifth tool discovered 1,man was himself for 27 minutes today 1,"Nice spin. Would you have preferred ""the civilized world"" instead? Or Western Civilization or Gay Western Civilization? Your preference? One case in 1959 isn't a pandemic. " 1,counselors quarantine homesick campers 1,117-aerocar pileup clogs troposphere for hours 1,local band expects things to take off following glowing write-up in 0,the people paradox 1,report: voters may have tried to influence '96 election 0,testing the teacher 0,left behind 0,I believe I said I would change my view. I will change my view on the issue of whether homosexuality is genetic. 1,loose-cannon cop who doesn't play by the rules uses unconventional filing system for paperwork while on desk duty 1,report: you live in an embarrassing country 0,reinventing reality: an interview with the 'party girl' filmmakers in cannes 0,Well we assume a right to your own body here. It is also important for you to justify why there should be a difference in human and person and then justify why doing so this time is different from when this was previously done in history.I guess I don't agree with the idea that you have no rights until you can prove you should have them...if this is the standard then we are all in trouble. 0,sheryl sandberg talks about husband's death in personal commencement speech 0,the essence women in hollywood event was full of black girl magic 0,18 #menforchoice on why they're standing up for a woman's right to choose 0,"The article cautions on blithely using natural selection as an explanation for the features of the genetic code. Article 9: In this article, the functional integrity and how the architecture of the code relates to it is discussed. From the article:" 0,"kansas state refused to investigate sexual assaults because they happened off-campus, lawsuit says" 1,that guy from that one show to make guest appearance on that other show 1,casual christian accepts christ as his lord but not his savior 1,ns/nd/c/dwf wondering why she can't find someone 0,18 halloween costume ideas for people who wear glasses 1,"report: it apparently time in conversation to smile, laugh" 1,new antidepressant makes friends' problems seem worse 0,12 ways to make your divorce as expensive as possible 1,bush has one of those days where he feels like 68 percent of people hate him 1,deer shot by obsessed fan 1,alan colmes loses argument with nephew 0,this black woman is turning the white investing world on its head 0,the spirit of paris must prevail 1,arne duncan spends visit to local elementary school looking at ufo books in library 1,gay war hero awarded posthumous dishonorable discharge at white house ceremony 0,the kansas city royals love 'trap queen' more than you 0,there's no way james comey said what trump claims he did 1,dive-bombing osprey better emerge from lake with something awesome to show for it 1,report: u.s. children lead world in hand-mouth coordination 0,iran's writing on the wall: ethnic minorities and others assert themselves 0,john kerry breaks leg in bike crash 1,"gym places flowers, white spin bike in spot where soul cyclist killed" 0,"north korea open to talks with u.s., south korea's presidential office says" 1,new smithsonian exhibit honors thousands of pets who joined workforce after owners left to fight in world war ii 0,the best brunches in 14 cities across the u.s. 1,david blaine stunt to push public's endurance to limit 1,bar patrons dismayed by sight of band setting up 0,princeton students confront university president over woodrow wilson's legacy 0,"ukraine: nationalist flags, insignia and curious symbolism" 0,national front leader: france must 'annihilate' islamist radicals 0,stephen hawking: trump's climate policies could turn earth into venus 1,man running aimlessly with olympic torch for past 3 years 0,"music festival ends with thousands stranded in mud, miles from shelter" 1,move to houseboat regretted by third day 0,freaky february heat waves trigger more chills over climate change 1,No I think YOU are the imbecile. And it's great to see you follow your buddy EZ and his ways.. I suppose you've been training with him for some time now.. You're almost identical twins .. give it a bit more time and we won't be able to tell you apart. 1,And you're accusing him of not debating properly? That's the best you can do? 0,these 14 mannequin challenges will get you through election day anxiety 0,behind peter thiel's plan to destroy gawker 0,"Yes, I've noticed that. I do think part of the problem is that he hasn't bothered to get educated in the subject. From the arguments I've seen from him over the time he's been here he seems to rely on YEC websites for information, and when he gets to something he doesn't know it seems like he cuts-and-pastes (often without fuly reading) from google (leading to the Civil War Dinosaur fiasco and the Nazca stones fiasco) that seems to support his views" 1,kanye west announces his new name is tim 0,my hair was a stranger to me 0,8 buttoned-up wedding looks that are anything but boring 1,"That's right...if there was any possibility we didn't do it the Soviets would have jumped right on top of us and shouted, ""Wait a minute! it was a hoax!"" " 0,"Sounds anti-government to me. Are you against your President's economic policies, the fed, bureacracy and tee poor public education?Sounds probably who SEIU should have directed their gall toward and not a man's personal property and family...with the police help of course and purloined school busses. Do the taxpayers owe the SEIU anything? Nope but the SEIU according to CNN owes more than 90 million along with 4 million in interest. Perhaps if they paid their bills they wouldn't add to the public debt by using government property to protest government policy?You wrote it but didn't understand what you wrote...darn public schools emoticonXGood" 0,"Actually, it isn't. It is complex and complicated. It requires diligent study of difficult concepts. But when you grasp the basics, it does become evident. But most creationists aren't willing to put in the effort." 1,report: majority of americans stopped paying attention several words ago 1,third-grade slumber party a snakepit of machiavellian alliances 0,andy cohen and taylor swift are over their katy perry drama 0,"Listen, I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about what is real and true in this world, so either back up your insults with facts or get lost because It is becoming painfully obvious that attempting to reason with you is an exercise in futility. kind of like trying to travel from point A to point B on a merry-go-round." 0,trump shames local 'mexican' judge involved in trump university lawsuit 0,asexuals are increasingly becoming part of pride month 1,morbidly obese man enjoys disabled privileges with motorized cart 0,an important reminder that the pay gap is not just a 'women's issue' 0,rob kardashian apparently tweeted kylie jenner's phone number 1,demoted cop unsure why desk job considered punishment 0,pope francis captivated by teen cancer patient's rendition of 'ave maria' 1,report: u.s. leads world in lost sunglasses 0,video shows the heartbreak of loving someone with alzheimer's 0,surprise! the russian media just loves donald trump 1,"new 'game of thrones' teaser shows cackling, power-mad george r.r. martin burning completed 'winds of winter' manuscript" 0,danny elfman on the ups and downs of his relationship with tim burton 1,terminally ill serpent renounces symbolic ties with evil 0,hiring your first employee - what you don't know can hurt your business 0,itunes is illegal under uk copyright law 0,was ryan gosling first choice for people's sexiest man alive?! 1,saudis admit journalist khashoggi died during botched assassination attempt 0,"this ned flanders-themed band is now the best band (sorry, all other bands)" 1,health scare prompts man to start overeating healthier 1,"stan lee, creator of beloved marvel character stan lee, dead at 95" 1,outdoor movie guest excited to watch barely audible 'back to the future' while sitting on tree root 0,denver mayor's son caught on tape berating cop as a 'faggot' 1,hillary clinton relaxing before debate with few hours of debate practice 1,fey rights group demands distinction from homosexuals 0,a donald trump presidency would be dangerous for the world: un rights chief 0,fox news statement taunting trump was '100 percent' roger ailes 1,"No, I'm Quixotic and I think I'll figure out a reason to live." 0,"A slimey claim you cannot support as usual. In developed Nations, the U.S. is far down the list as has been posted on this very board at least 5 times. Those 'other' Nations also have far more crime and violent crime than the U.S." 1,"Are we talking about the same Obama here? The same one, who's head of the DHS, told law enforcement to be on the lookout for anyone who disagreed with the government?" 1,pyramid scheme 'not a pyramid scheme' 0,mitch mcconnell won't answer for trump's alt-right white house strategist 0,"putting words in my mouth again? i did not say christian, i said ""God"". Christian, Jewish, and Muslim all believe in the same ""God"". - XXXXX. i'll let Crim and Lurch respond to the others; lets not let me have all the fun." 0,"Sounds like the same skeptic argument above. I don't know about you Nu Leader, but when I'm certain my mind exists. Are you not certain? You are actually required to be, to deny you exist would require existence, and that would be logically contradictory." 1,republicans retain majority in household 0,you're 10 days away from more happiness 0,how to register voters in a south carolina jail 0,a pope that congress should listen to 1,george thorogood fan disgusted to learn musician licensed 'bad to the bone' for commercial purposes 1,unsuspecting movie stars follow fake red carpet into back of kidnappers' van 1,"attractive ? are spiders attractive ? :( You are not going to laugh if one of them , of the GOP women, that is, not a spider , get elected President, but I, in my safe heavenly haven will, for ... you get what you deserve :)" 1,"It probably was a bunny suit that he was supposed to wear. I guess he changed his mind, once again, and decided to wear this suit." 1,open-minded music lover likes all kinds of metal 1,series of grave errors results in jeff and kim's 5th anniversary 1,cast of space: 1999 reunites for tv movie space: 1999 '99 1,aides advise obama to avoid any mention of america during state of the union speech 0,police arrest two men in brazil gang-rape case 1,"Where's the smileys? This is a joke, right? My sons have owned their own guns since they were 11 years old. Of course I bought them, but I bought their shoes, too. Maybe my mind ain't right on this one." 0,republicans set to lose senate control 1,highly touted terrorist prospect weighing multiple recruitment offers 1,historical archives: humor in shackles 0,rosie perez wants to understand why anyone would vote for trump 1,pregnant woman killed in propecia-handling incident 0,michelle duggar opens up about teenage struggle with bulimia 0,understanding your finances after your child is accepted to college 0,beyond marriage equality: the next fight for lgbt rights 0,"from 1937 to hillary clinton, how americans have felt about a woman president" 0,the lgbt activist's question that left ben carson speechless 1,marilu henner named u.s. secretary of mid-level talent 0,"And for those who are not deadbeats? Would you grant them any ""rights?""" 0,"your probably referring to the mexican basin crater. mass extinction doesn't prove evolution. the flood as described in the Bible is an example of mass extinction. besides, in order for the asteroid theory to work, the asteroid would have to create an almost global tidal wave that would effectively kill the animals by drowning. also similiar to the effects of the flood." 0,ice cube gives fans hope for n.w.a reunion at coachella 0,"on his santa monica mountaintop, a billionaire envisions lofty thoughts on politics and culture" 0,mindful parenting: how to respond instead of react 1,report: majority of americans know which youtube clip they'll post following dustin hoffman's death 1,And yet here we are and neo-Darwinism continues to have empirical support right and left with no sign of it being falsified in sight as of yet. Why might that be? And you Bertvan do not exist since you are so highly improbable. Therefore I can safely assume that your post above just happened without your existense. 1,bush defends deny-side economics 1,"Oh goody. Some more of your well informed opinion based on wishful thinking, no research and even less actual thought. Probably the bird you are talking about is the Cormorant (Nannopterum harrisi). Yes, it is flightless because it has no need to fly. There were no natural preditors in the Galapagos and the bird is a sea bird. It swims and eats fish. It's wings are much reduced because it swims by kicking rather than by ""flying"" through the water like a penguin. Like the penguin it is a diving bird." 1,"'wow, no one saw this coming' nation groans as norway's 'kon-tiki' nabs best foreign picture nomination" 1,"iss astronaut sick of sharing confined space with crass, disgusting partner from polaris 8" 1,fanatically devoted nerd could potentially turn on simon pegg at any moment 1,liquor commercial featuring dance party on pirate ship also includes important message about responsibility 1,"Obviously you never heard how to read between the lines in grade school. " 0,"'vacation jason' of 'the chris gethard show' drops new single, banana peels at aol" 1,nicoderm introduces new nicotine eye patch 0,serena williams explains why her father didn't walk her down the aisle 1,Don't forget Ted Kennedy. My question is what kind of machine guns his body guards have? MP5s or UZIs 0,"You know, I heard that from my mom last week. My parents moved to Arkansas when my dad retired a few years back. Mom thought it was amusing and disgusting that the state she moved to would have voted in such an alarming manor yet takes no measure to secure the marriages they already have. Ironic indeed." 1,"Hoo boy! That target just got larger. You still don't get it, do you? Not a ""slave contract,"" but a covenant, a promise :)" 1,"Oh yeah, like that hasn't been tried before /1asm It darn sure isn't about crime control. No doubt some nefarious excuse to farther control the people and attempt to charge user fees to discourage a right. No doubt sinjin will approve so ""they"" can match fingerprints and type of ammo to the DROS registration file?" 1,god planning to get rid of harsh shadows by adding second sun 1,"Now you're just being an butt. The word Dungarees is a coloquialism. Do you know what that word means? Also that's what jeans were called before the word ""jeans' entered the venacular. (Do you know what that word means?) So, now are you going to tell me that only homosexuals have larger vocabularies? Get a life...and preferably not mine...I'm living it at the moment." 0,she dreamed of africa -- and then she was sent there 0,the brawny man is the brawny woman for women's history month 0,"Its odd that you would use that concept at all. Do you really think terms used to describe power structures in human organizations are applicable to cells and their subsystems? Genes are the heritable information store of cells, they perform their function, other subsystems perform other functions. The whole constitutes a living cell. The whole who is on top thing is an inapplicable concept. What counts is understanding the functions of the various subsystems. A cell is not a dominance heiracrchy." 1,"Does that mean you don't have to be polite to new people you meet? " 1,"Yes, it's a common problem that nutjob parody posts can be hard to distinguish from sincere nutjobs posts. This is an artifact of how utterly ridiculous the nutjob position is." 0,meghan heffern of the cw's backpackers is a mickey mouse fan 1,area man marks territory on bench with sweaty thigh outline 0,twitter is appalled at the west coast's favorite thanksgiving side dish 0,"amen, brother! stay as far from new ideas as possible, and no one will come between you and your stories!" 0,a definitive history of trump steaks™ 0,gop strategist calls out 'little child' trump for his lack of impulse control 1,98% of babies manic-depressive 1,"Functioning? The fetus breathes freely? It cries when it is hungry or uncomfortable? It demands attention? It smiles and coos and is cute to those who behold it? Wow! Didn't know that fetuses were that active and functional." 1,"My gosh, ER writes a proverb that refers to himself.. and then uses it to attack someone else. How ironic is that." 1,"Considering what you turkeys did to the State of California, with its budget and social depravity, you have no room to talk. I'm surprised the Lord hasn't cast San Francisco and L.A. into the Pacific Ocean yet." 1,"So if you quoted Ted Kennedy when he said to his wife in an event that wasn't even publicized ""Good morning, sweetie"", that would be an answer? I wouldn't think you'd miss (or ignore) ""anti-gun quote"", which I have emphasized in this post. Your quote was not directly implicitive against guns. It actually was more anti-war than anti-gun, even if it wasn't pro gun. I've explained this multiple times, and you completely ignored me." 1,smoking ban collapses fragile prison economy 0,What does a mutation have to do with a heart transplant? What are you smoking? 0,"life on the lake: ""the encounter""" 1,police headquarters completes new addition to accommodate officers on desk duty for misconduct 0,is democracy sick? 0,"Actually, I had no intention of responding to WW. As I'm sure you can see by now, he doesn't actually respond to what's written, but rather just engages in lies and insults. He's not worth the effort to debunk; he's self-debunking." 1,"secret service's prostitution scandal did not affect president's security, white house adviser madame chartreuse says" 1,area family has no idea where dad gets shirts 0,You have any examples of that? Shooting people for throwing rocks and eggs at houses that is. 0,sean spicer says donald trump is a 'champion' of first amendment 0,"Actually, we do. These inconsistant laws are a product of pro-life people trying to create a stepping stone to a national ban. Crimes against pregnant women should warrant a more serious offense, not an entirely new offense." 1,"You can start by developing one of your own. On the other hand, that may be impossible as one is either born with it or not....humor." 0,kim kardashian calls out congress for failing to close the 'terror gap' 0,"It's a flawed step in the right direction. I support it compared to nothing. I did not support it when they were considering CUs vs. full marriage. They took the politically expedient way out.Lest you leap to any unwarranted conclusions, my main objection is the blatent inequality inhererent in CUs." 1,"Is it the square peg's fault it won't go through the round hole? " 1,"That is the greatest monologue in the history of Earth. Instead of a resume, I will just fax this to my next prospective employer. Great stuff." 0,someone made a trump-putin facebook friend anniversary video 0,the problem with 'celebrity queerbaiting' 0,"Well I'm neither rational nor a theist, but still! I could put in a comment about what I personally believe the nature of God to be, but I'm sure you've all heard it before so I won't bother! In the end I don't think it is an easy question to answer, it is asking to define the undefinable. Humans are limited creatures, we can give a dictionary definition of these things, we have a rough idea of the concept of infinity but can never begin to truly comprehend or define it." 1,american airlines announces it will no longer try to match seatmates by interests 0,my mom's favorite color 0,So you're accusing me of the thing that your most guilty of? As I remember your posts have been censored several times by admin because you resorted to viscious personal attacks and name calling. And aren't you interested in the truth. Why isn't whether Jefferson said it or not important? 0,That's incorrect. The Constitution begins with Article 1 which does not contain the Bill of Rights. The Constitution contains seven articles which are followed by the Bill of Rights and the rest of the amendments. If you really are from England as you claim then I guess your lack of knowledge about the American Constitution is understandable. 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on february 2 0,"Actually, the more educated a person is, the less likely he is to be a creationist. Creationists tend to be semi-literate (poorly educated), rural, poor, and female." 1,area man reduced to this 1,"New Jersey Poll: Birthers, Truthers, And The Anti-Christ -- Oh, My! | TPMDC So that makes more than one out of three New Jersey conservatives who think Obama is either affirmatively ""the anti-Christ"" or they are ""not sure""... emoticonXBanghead" 0,the clinton campaign's lawyer partially funded the steele dossier. so what? 0,david axelrod suggests hillary clinton will be seen as less complex alternative to obama 1,"Oh, well. Apparently you want to talk molecular chemistry whereas I was hoping to discuss organismic evolution. Too bad. Good luck with anyone who wants to debate your topic, but it just doesn't interest me." 0,'girls' producers lena dunham and jenni konner have a new show in the works 1,kavanaugh nomination falters after washington post publishes shocking editorial claiming he forgot daughter's piano recital 0,the best clothes for the man-child in your life 1,well that could happen if somhow you mutated into some..i dunno...600 armed person. ? 0,"'wet hot american summer... the play?', garage theatre, long beach, ca" 1,family mercifully pulling plug on grandfather unaware they sending him directly to hell 0,men did most of the talking in 2016's super bowl commercials 0,"women, hobby lobby and the gop: hell to pay in november?" 1,dying newspaper trend buys nation's newspapers three more weeks 1,suburban teen has near-def experience 1,I'm sure the next time your buddy DamEtel suggests I should be out stoning gays you won't report it either. 0,black twitter is freaking out over harriet tubman on the $20 bill 0,Who said it did? I was only pointing out the absurdity of gun control laws and how they lead to federal overlords deeming that your not capable of playing with matches. (I would not be suprised if this were next.) 0,in-person visits with jailed parents are a child's right 0,the one company elon musk wants to keep independent 1,greenspan just repeating detractors' criticisms in high-pitched girly voice 1,las vegas casino owners announce plans to tear down don rickles 0,women reveal the real purpose of workout clothes 0,"If DOMA isn't declared unconstitutional, then those arguing against Prop 8 are micturating into the wind." 1,first place cops looked was inside at-at 1,cambridge analytica whistleblower admits last few weeks at work have been awkward 0,history is made as rams officially sign michael sam to 4-year multi-million dollar contract 1,economists advise nation's poor to invent the next facebook 0,"hands-free tech like siri can be dangerous for drivers, study says" 1,every bill reminds congressman of ex-wife 1,queen elizabeth to think mainly about her approaching death throughout olympics ceremony 0,two incredible beatboxers make corporate jargon sound way better than your boss does 1,'entourage' fans doubt film adaptation can capture nuances of book 0,10 places you wouldn't have gone 10 years ago 0,"I have posted responses to Demon38's earlier post. I have offered DNA findings as evidence to begin with. It is not my evidence, but scientific evidence. That is the only evidence that I will provide in this discussion. I think there is ample evidence to cause scientists to rethink their theories, evidence that they do not want to accept because it puts certain hypothesis they have advanced in a poor light." 0,cooking off the cuff: mushrooms make the meatloaf (duck doesn't hurt either) 1,"No, but they will be forced to have babies if they have sex." 1,"well Steeeeve;I just hope if I happen to be in one of those""GUN FREE ZONES"" and one of your ""deranged lunatics""comes in blasting away that I happen to be close to someone carrying in spite of their stupid little ""no firearms allowed""sign. emoticonXBanghead" 0,the corgi fan art that will melt your pop culture-loving heart 0,advice for the broken-hearted 1,"Once again, are you going to debate, or are you just going to be an immature little XXXXX?" 0,'the bachelor' season would be way shorter if this sexist pig were the lead 1,new study finds americans scoot over at least 10 miles per year 1,director's commentary for one night at mccool's trails off after 20 minutes 0,biker injuries and deaths soar after michigan repeals helmet law 1,"The only thing he has faced has been kangaroos, the mirror and flying springs from the scale" 1,report: imagine how good it would feel to just crawl back into bed right now 1,aide interrupts event to inform bush about 10th anniversary of 9/11 1,five-year-old convinced dinosaur bones are buried in backyard 1,vagina has five o'clock shadow 0,"Well, there is now string theory, which has grown into M-theory, which may have a rational answer (at least a mathematical one). But calling it a theory is really a misnomer. It's more like a hypothetical model.But, do you have a rational explanation for the Big Bang?Or do you think that the Big Bang didn't happen?" 0,justice scalia calls out a colleague for flip-flopping on juvenile justice 0,now is the time for resistance and sanctuary in our cities 0,"that is not true. a levitating guru that has been seen and proven to levitate doesnt make the process natural. an alien that has been seen and proven to teleport and abduct people in their retractor beam doesnt make the process less paranormal. the definition of supernatural/paranormal doesnt automatically mean they can never be observed, just that they defy physical law. the definition of God is a special case that includes never being observed/proven" 1,10-pound fetus about to fucking wreck small mom 0,south korea on heightened alert as north readies for army celebration 1,u.s. refuses to allow u.n. weapons inspectors back into iraq 1,two new burger king sandwiches negate each other 0,fear of losing money is a surprising weight loss incentive 0,former patriots and chiefs tackle ryan o'callaghan comes out as gay 1,"democrats could lose up to 8,000 seats in upcoming midterm election" 1,ruptured pudding cup at large in area backpack 0,rachel mcadams doesn't look like this anymore 0,"Well, not completely, but yes, quite the same. However, this is irrelivent- she wasn't a person, because she was in a coma. Does that give me the right to kill her? Of course not! What about fetuses born in comas? Can we kill them? What about people in vegetative states? After all, they arn't perfect, so let's kill them!" 0,florida state university suspends greek life after student's death 0,how the rise of the middle class shaped american folk art 0,marcellus williams prosecutor drew scrutiny in ferguson police shooting 0,clinton aide: protesters don't want $15 an hour 1,"His 'cure' appears to be banging a rent boy! He most certainly one of yours:)" 1,news of jenna elfman sitcom sends herd of buffalo into wild stampede 0,chicago city council approves $13 minimum wage 0,"I got an interesting tid bit for you: First read the text. The anti-gun senator is noted for having the ONLY legal concealed gun in the city of San Francisco. Also note as a person who carried a concealed gun and still keeps a .357 magnum for protection, that she should KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, until your aming at your target." 0,"Yes. Because evolution requires an old earth, supersport has lumped geology into the evil conspiracy. As our best explanations for the formation of the earth appeal to cosmology, that field as well as astronomy fall within the realm of quack science, according to supersport. In fact, every scientific discipline that has any connection whatsoever to evolution must be corrupt; obviously, chemistry is one of them (we can't make glycogen or DNA without magical, ""atheistic"" polymerization, right?)." 0,protest again delays hawaii giant telescope construction 1,area woman thinks she could live in city she's visiting 0,"if the only choices we can possibly make are the one God approves, then we dont have free will, because we cannot free choose the option that God does not approve of, which means we are forced to only choose the options that God approves of. this is not free will" 1,santa anita racetrack officials award first place to jockey who dragged dead horse 30 yards over finish line 1,bathroom-disinfectant ad reinforces obsessive-compulsive disorder 0,"turns out, michael phelps was listening to future during 'angry face'" 0,"I guess I'd have to reluctantly admit that it didn't take long for some....but I'm an eternal optimist and think civility will prevail. Besides, I try not to judge everybody by the acts of a few." 0,north carolina lawmakers introduce bill to repeal sweeping anti-lgbt law 1,cheering crowd actually trying to get attention of guy behind iron maiden 0,lawmaker running for jeff sessions' old seat is obsessed with 'war on whites' 0,why i love my mom jeans 0,hillary clinton tells a fifth-grader she's also had to deal with bullies 0,isis used chemical weapons in syria: monitor 0,civil rights groups pressure senate to reject trump's supreme court nominee 0,ben affleck vs. bill maher: no one wins 0,dick cheney would torture again 1,"You were the one shooting blanks. If there was one you were real proud of in the NT let's see it again. In the meantime I'll give you an example of your stunted Biblical understanding below. " 0,Oh never mind that such a condition would be toxic...not to mention that no ice cores support such magical ideas. 1,democratic scouts head to tampa to get closer look at mitt romney 1,congressional candidate forced to explain controversial 1971 'fuck everything' remark 1,senators lured back to emergency session by promise of free pizza 0,"chris christie, once a fighter of anti-muslim bigotry, endorses donald trump" 1,boeing lays off only guy who knows how to keep wings on plane 0,queer icon kate bornstein holds groundbreaking conversation with theda hammel 1,chinese graduate student pursues master's in political silence 0,even small changes in global temperatures can have disastrous consequences for birds 0,"mexico's no. 1 baja beach resort: the villa del palmar, south of loreto" 0,gop voters will probably support anyone their party nominates 0,hiv positive man hits london streets for 'heartwarming' experiment 1,area dad wants to watch new blu-ray of 'spring breakers' by himself 0,"chrissy teigen 'gasps' at cardi b song calling for threesome with her, rihanna" 1,fda confirms psilocybin reduces risk of mindlessly following society's rules like fucking lemming 0,few latino kids attend catholic schools - here's why 1,"So the Establishment Clause was included to promote atheism, eh?" 1,report: getting massages at airports apparently part of certain people's lives 1,You mean the ones brought in by BOTH political parties? :) 0,"yes, let's just ignore trump's hateful rhetoric and laugh about the guy in the sweater" 1,gmail user pities hotmail user 1,pope starting to suspect bishops getting huge erections during meeting on child sexual abuse might be pedophiles 0,france's election is about so much more than just populism 0,kim kardashian west held at gunpoint in paris by men dressed as police officers (update) 1,study finds first life forms migrated to earth via interplanetary land bridge 1,spider sitting on shower wall can't wait to see look on man's face 0,when this tenacious learner became a mom 1,los angeles now 70 percent overpasses 1,drunk pilot going to pull over onto cloud until he sobers up a little 0,u.s. senate backs massive increase in military spending 1,"they held a big bash in honor of sluttish welfare queen Ayn Rand: " 0,delta airlines is showing 'carol' with same-sex kissing edited out 0,Yer lucky you ain't as old as me. They would have loved you with the M-1! 0,nepal calls: part two 0,how to tell if a dinosaur is fake 0,watch abby wambach say goodbye to soccer in emotional final game 0,"Nobody I know sanctions adultery. There are already serious consequences built in against it. As far a same sex marriage, I know of nobody that is suggesting legal penalties for it unless one considers the refusal to legally recognize it a legal penalty. Certainly nobody has been jailed or fined for attempting such marriages. Privately performed ceremonies as such are not punished." 1,heaven installs spikes to keep cherubs from shitting on st. peter's gate 0,"abc plays 'the wrong song,' cancels 'nashville' after 4 seasons (update)" 1,"'it's just a plant, man,' says purdue pharma ceo waving poppy flower before opioid lawsuit judge" 1,lookalike couple vaguely disquieting 0,judith miller clings to her own stubborn myths 0,older voters are suffering the greatest election stress. here's why. 0,stephen colbert introduces the hilarious alter egos of donald trump's cabinet 1,helpful man saves woman effort of telling idea to boss herself 0,"Well survival of the fittest was not Darwins term- although he may of used it it the later editions of the Origin. The phase was actually coined by Herbert Spencer in 1851.Weiner could be forgiven for his statement- if he had read the first edition of the Origin (regarded as being the best version as it contains no responses to critiscsms that were levelled at the preceeding editions) he would not have come across it under Darwins name.It is moot really, as natural selection is the term that is used in this context today." 0,why congress should 'fix nics' and reject the nra's so-called concealed carry 'reciprocity' bill 1,At least you are aware of your own mental deficiencies. 1,parents into new snack now 0,parents reveal the wackiest items on their kids' santa lists 0,heroes for homeless kids celebrate in aurora 0,get a hilarious glimpse into the world of a 'wedding hashtag designer' 1,7-year-old puts on uno face 0,"While that may be true, it fails to show that reproduction is a requirement in order to call something living: that living things would disappear as a result of their not reproducing doesnt show that they are not living before they disappear. [start: added 01/01/2006]In fact, even with reproduction, organisms - such as leopards, elephants, whales, and so on - will eventually die out. Does that mean that they are not living organisms now? Of course not.[end: added 01/01/2006]The pro-reproductionists second attempt, and improvement on the first, might go something like this: " 0,"trump responds to father of killed american soldier, can't name a single sacrifice" 1,"...Which is quite easy to make out because the creationists have a few crackpots not doing real science, whereas the scientists are legion and do good research. How many other fields of mainstream science do you support a minority view of? " 0,"You asked where the line should be drawn in regards to weapons?How about where ownership and use of weapons does not violate the rights of others. Before you respons think about it. Do anything you want. If I don't violate anyone then what is the beef? If I don't break any laws or endanger anyone what is the beef?The safe storage and handling of cannon, cannon propellant, and cannon ammo is well known. They can be stored in places typical of homes without violating the rights of others. BTW a cannon is not a weapon. It is considered a 'firework' by the ATF. Ever see a civil war renactment? Lots of cannons? So yes having a cannon in your front yard does fly." 0,khloe kardashian rocks out with mason disick 1,senior citizen apparently here to fix apartment sink 0,7 ways to learn from the things you're bad at 1,report: entire $12 billion farm aid package already blown on really big silo 0,why hosting a party for complete strangers may be the best thing you ever do 1,new gun law would require james holmes to undergo strict background check before purchasing firearms 1,"mccain courts youth vote with lengthy speech on forbearance, morality" 1,"So it was two AK-47s ""semi automatic machine guns.""Tells you right their the person that wrote the article don't know squat.Guess I got me some machine guns then,even got me a semi-auto .22 that must be a machine gun, after all it shoots flames out the barrel.emoticonXWow Hey is that an AK-47 laying on the ground?or is it an AR? could be a shadow, but the front sight looks out of place." 0,"joe biden on beau: 'he said it was my obligation to run, my duty'" 0,lena dunham slams the shame associated with psychiatric medication 0,has the college sports arms race spiraled out of control? 1,actual problem a nice change of pace for anxious man 0,"betsy devos says she's 'misunderstood,' then struggles to explain her own policies" 0,if we treated other public health issues the way the pro-gun crowd treats shootings 1,"Hmmmmm. Reaction Formation much? Wow. I didn't know refuting an analysis was possible by religiously adhering to the concepts you are trying to prove nonexistant." 1,woman's solo hiking trip shockingly doesn't have to do with inner journey or anything 1,health insurance ceo reveals key to company's success is not paying for customers' medical care 1,budget cheat day lets government splurge on anything it wants once a week 0,13 snacks that won't derail your resolutions 1,flu can't wait to get the fuck out of area man's body 0,what the paris attack is really about (hint -- neither free speech nor the varied nature of muslims) 0,"this trans supermodel was outed in the '80s, lost everything and became a pioneer" 1,area man could eat 0,your favorite female 'star wars' heroes finally get their own series 1,banjo-wielding matt damon makes last-minute bid for best original song 0,aly raisman thinks 175 years for larry nassar is 'not enough' 1,"neighbor's house fire kind of beautiful, actually" 1,"Once again, you have attempted to use the Bible to further your agenda and have been found lacking. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,these kids' portraits of the trump administration should hang in a gallery 0,chrissy teigen casually pays off woman's beauty school tuition 0,slushing in utah at the end of ski season 0,un rights chief calls humanitarian situation in syria 'an outrage' 1,depressed cat just going through motions of destroying couch 0,Unions fought to keep children out of work for the same reason they fought to keep blacks and women out of work - they want a monopoly on employment. 0,13 tough life situations -- and the perfect books to get you through 0,suicide 'clusters' may appear in army units 0,independence and nakba: intertwined and inseparable 1,man cites nature as inspiration for random cruelty 1,report: majority of money donated at church doesn't make it to god 0,quentin tarantino calls uma thurman car crash 'biggest regret of my life' 1,"Well I gotta hand it to you, Matt, you're consistent." 0,"'under the gun' examines both sides of the gun-control debate, even if it will only appeal to one" 1,sex scandal sinks klemke reelection bid 0,supreme court to decide if bush-era officials can be sued for post-9/11 civil rights violations 0,chris martin and gwyneth paltrow's kids show off their singing chops at charity event 1,keanu reeves recalls preparing for 'john wick 3' by acting in two previous 'john wick' films 0,"youth homelessness is an invisible issue, but it doesn't have to be" 1,When I want the opinion of a spiritually-dead nincompoop I'll call you. 0,there's going to be a 'law & order' reality show where you decide the verdict 0,russian nuclear submarine catches fire in shipyard 0,belgrade's 4th non-violent pride: pics show a bubble of freedom for lgbtq people in serbia 0,this t. rex dominates 'american ninja warrior' course like it's no big deal 1,area man pretty loud at guitar 0,"I believe you, OTHERS pick and choose what you believe. What is sad is how many lose their faith when they find how much they have been mislead." 0,'black panther' reminds us why pan-african unity is still important 1,exercising woman really starting to feel the burn of lifelong injury developing 0,"See the refutations of Augustines various proofs for the details. Its not actually very interesting since its so elementary. There are many disproofs on the net in addition. One novel one which seems rather neat is this one." 0,Could it be that the Supreme Court does not view the right protected by the Second Amendment as being fundamental? This is the same court that said that only guns in common use are protected by the Second Amendment. That tells me the Supreme Court doesn't think the right to bear arms is as fundamental as other rights protected by the Bill of Rights. The protection of a newspaper by freedom of the press does not depend on the newspaper being in common use. 1,"I guess he was a ""democrat"" as well. He certainly would not have been a republican." 0,"american women take gold, silver and bronze in first-ever paralympic triathlon" 0,maybe we shouldn't waste money on drug testing michigan welfare recipients 0,protesters march in wisconsin after unarmed black man shot dead by police 1,"Stick with the bass guitar. emoticonXRolleyes And if you break a string....TRY not to blame it on Clinton. :p" 1,driver rattled by brush with death for nearly 10 seconds 1,boss's clout evaporates after he's seen in shorts at company picnic 1,obama returns from paris climate talks with couple energy-efficient light bulbs 0,this unreleased britney spears song is all kinds of sultry 0,gorsuch and rbg - the new 'odd couple'? 0,how humans are laying out the welcome mat for mosquitoes and the diseases they carry 0,"how much americans sleep, text and pee every day" 0,will a mega-billionaire rescue america from gop's insurance mayhem? 0,the way to san jose - things to do 0,the secret behind a one day project going viral 1,trump holds strategy meeting with campaign's top militia leaders ahead of election day 1,nation confused after james comey dedicates entire memoir to in-depth retelling of martha stewart insider trading controversy 1,hillary clinton drags taliban leader's body through streets of kabul 0,the importance of vision 0,"u.k. to also ban large electronics on some flights from middle east, africa" 0,doj lawyers will fly to minneapolis to probe jamar clark shooting 0,u.s. citizens say they were detained by border patrol agent for 'speaking spanish' 0,u.s. tourist was detained in north korea for leaving bible in a bathroom 0,6 ways to overcome a life challenge 1,It's hard to build up a pile of bodies in the carbine of an airplane. It's very tight quarters onboard. 1,"Funny, I thought Heribert Nilsson was a botanist. Don't let little details like that get in your way though." 1,"'we must restore rule of law,' says trump as aides pass out revolvers to audience" 0,'the adventures of young hillary' is what america needs right now 1,poll finds only 83% of new yorkers visit statue of liberty every day 0,ferguson shop owner 'overwhelmed' by community support after looting 0,drug-related killings surge in the philippines after duterte's election 1,procrastinating surgeon putting off coronary bypass by cleaning entire hospital 0,the most important first step to success 1,no leads sought in asshole's murder 1,area telemarketer awash in sea of human misery 0,finding a gifted translator to translate your important documents into foreign languages 1,media ignores cancer struggle of champion unicyclist 0,how to make cereal milk ice cream 1,styrofoam coffee cup from omaha excited to finally see pacific ocean 1,"I always thought that NPR was an acronym for National Propaganda Radio. I tune in once in a while when my blood pressure is low. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"Now I read this and thought there are two ways I could describe you: 1) You are very poorly read in history. or 2) Why don't you give a damn about the born? at what point does that defenseless little child become second in your concerns to the unborn? I'm intrigued, I really am." 0,why chinese parents don't say 'i love you' 1,"Spoken as though it is any of your, my, or the law's concern. Why not tell the forum why your opinion on a metaphysical question should be law in the universe." 1,"mousy brunette removes glasses, becomes sizzling sexpot" 0,So you still choose to believe that someone who's a victim of crime should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves? 1,morbidly curious nation wondering how far obama's appearance will deteriorate in 2 years 0,collateral sorrow 1,militia leader sentenced to 6 months' probation for war misdemeanors 1,"Sigh. Try to not logically drop words out of statements from now on, and also try to understand what I am ACTUALLY saying. Here, I guess I'd better repost our exchanges: apparently, after 2 seconds what was said seeps out of your mind. " 1,"'nothing is more attractive than confidence,' says woman who has apparently never seen sonic the hedgehog cosplay" 0,company creates brilliant first-person shooter experience in chatroulette 0,khloe kardashian releases first statement since lamar odom's hospitalization 1,woman sick of being stuck in back half of velma costume entire halloween party 1,construction union seeks to reduce incidence of accidents involving babies crawling on steel i-beams 0,emoticonXRolleyes And you say I'm crazy?! This guy interrogates rocks! emoticonXRolleyes 1,"Damn, had 2 of them on my doorstep yesterday. Why didn't I think of that?" 0,10 tools for parents that should have been invented already 1,innocuous thing you did in public prompts inside joke that bonds group of teens for life 1,netflix executive unsure how to tell barack obama his series idea just 'fawlty towers' 0,the truth about trump's ban on trans soldiers 0,vice president pence pushes expansive nato and defense of european micro-states: does president trump know? 0,kevin spacey should host the oscars! 0,"religious leaders condemn hateful, trump-inspired vandalism at 2 churches" 0,jennifer garner makes first public appearance since ben affleck split 1,freshman asks new roommate not to hide masturbation from him 1,How do you know if they WANT to believe in a deity? They simply don't. 1,billionaire ceo donates rat's ass to world's poor 0,"what really happens when you're infected with measles, in one chart" 1,no one in ballet audience realizes how bad dancers smell 0,find your rudder 1,new york introduces shoe-sharing program for city's pedestrians 0,picasso's nude portrait of a pubescent girl sells for $115 million against backdrop of me too 1,capitol building dome deflates 1,suction cup-wearing robert mueller forced to cower behind white house chandelier after trump returns home earlier than planned 1,guy you don't want to see will meet you there 0,hints of hope emerge in deadly american bat plague 1,kevin bacon talking about his band approved as prescription sedative 1,"paul ryan announces new congress sexual harassment training will create safe work atmosphere, plausible deniability" 1,"new study finds link between cancer, reading text on computer screen" 0,Please provide the actual estimates of the time required along with the necessary references if you please! How much time WOULD it take with confidence limits please! 0,mike pence says he 'stands with the president' on charlottesville 0,an open letter to parents struggling with discipline 0,how the axact scandal changed pakistan's media 1,new one-a-month vitamin presents choking hazard 1,american airlines admirals club installs two-way mirror for members to enjoy misery of passengers in gate waiting area 1,"wow, dad really went from zero to 60 with woodworking this summer" 0,"Yeah, back in the Late 60, because The Black Panther Party was publicly armed, and had publicly advocated Offing the Pigs, our law makers granted the police the law that said it was illegal for anyone to transport any firearm within Ohio. They did it with the understanding that they would not abuse the privilege that was granted for their protection. Well, 40 years went by, and new officers seeing this law on the books started enforcing it. After all, why not, It is the law, and their is no excuse for the law! Period! Well, Ohioans for Concealed Carry and a bunch of others, decided enough was enough, and contacted Ohio law makers who took it off the books because it wasn't being used, as agreed upon!" 0,5-year-old with cancer becomes 'belle of the ball' at magical birthday 1,frustrated sycophant can't figure out what boss wants to hear 0,"No, I'm saying it's OK because abortion is legal in this country. I was just pointing out that it's also legal to execute a convicted killer, and it's fine and dandy to declare wars where many people will die. ""Thall shalt not kill, unless there is a war"". Legally there is a difference. But let's just toss that out for a second. The end result is exactly the same. Eyes fogged over no longer care whether it was fun or self defense. It's only time it's your call, is when it's suicide." 1,"It is? I always thought it was a blended pagan/Christian holiday. emoticonXConfused " 1,temp replaced with cheaper temp 0,'harlem shake' creators threaten legal action against fcc chairman ajit pai 1,Sure keep thinking that way and never mind the millions he put in his pocket. How was someone else put it? A thimble size brain case almost empty. 0,time is 'running out' as great barrier reef hit by another mass bleaching 1,new ted nugent cologne tested on 'every goddamn animal we could find' 0,priyanka chopra nails why uproar over 'the simpsons' apu is justified 1,entire napoleon dynamite plot pieced together through friends' quotes 0,"20th century fox, paramount have no female directors through 2018" 0,'political' science: it's déja vu all over again 0,well-off white men are 3 times more likely than women to get job interviews 0,watch: what it's like to identify as asexual 0,super pac men: how political consultants took a texas oilman on a wild ride 1,"Yet another non-response. (We're not going to have to start counting these, are we?) It fails to address your dilemma of the ""just are"" theories. " 1,"hussein judge hoping for fair, speedy assassination" 0,gay marriage finds scant mention among republicans at values voter summit 0,what i'd really like to tell the 25-year-old fired yelp worker 1,olive garden voted best italian restaurant in annual 'milwaukee magazine' awards 1,report: typical city bus contains no fewer than four erections at any given time 0,north carolina doesn't seem to want people to see police camera footage 1,sasha obama asks father why he was acting like such a pussy during debate 1,buttery goodness now america's top domestic product 0,"ice cube is co-writing, starring in a genre-crossing 'oliver twist' musical" 1,bad to the bone to be used in film 1,congress names very special prosecutor 1,coworker hastily leaves break room to avoid 'here comes the boom' spoilers 1,"Apparently someone doesn't read. Trebor was talking about me not being jewish in the following quote. " 1,streets of portland flooded with counterfeit toothbrushes 0,hammering away at illegal immigration from central america 0,politicians call for schneiderman to resign over physical abuse allegations 0,here's what happens when kids age out of foster care 0,ted cruz may be too conservative to stop trump 1,handwriting expert confirms killer used cursive 1,ben affleck defends decision to set 'argo' in boston 0,bizarre mars dune pattern looks like a message in morse code 1,Probably neat excuse. Do you expect jim to back that claim up? emoticonXGood Don't hold your breath. 1,north korea returns to normalcy with synchronized disco jump-rope gala 0,the secret to building a successful business that won't destroy the planet 0,"Well, really, they both compensate and reciprocate for one another, you could say." 0,"Because if you let gays marry because it is an alternitve way the equal protection says that if you let one happen you have to let the others have that right to. But that is not really my point my real point is that if we let this happend it will ruin marriage in this country, marriage is a bond between a man and a women and if we let gays marry this country will be ruining that tradition thus making this country more secular then it all ready is. AND WE HAVE TO STOP THAT." 0,good karma returns for sikh man who removed turban to help injured boy 1,"What? You're not familiar with a favorite political tactic, guilt by association. emoticonXWow" 0,people on the internet can't stop making fun of tom hiddleston's 'i heart ts' top 1,peruvian shockingly knowledgeable about u.s. history 1,body given false hope with first piece of fruit in 9 days 0,who's to blame for your so-called career? surprise! 1,"So, you think doctors in the US make LESS than those in the UK? Take a look at this: It's called ""statistics"" not ""wishful thinking and personal anecdotes""." 1,"online activists unsure about offensiveness of article, figure they'll destroy author's life just in case" 0,house passes dead-on-arrival bill to address border crisis 1,father not letting firstborn repeat mistakes he made as nine-month-old 0,how the csa model supports a farm 1,huckabee forced to attend fundraiser with head stuck in molasses crock 0,"Any geologists want to help me out here?What they mean by this is that there are sediments in one place and sediments in another place. They can date them radiometrically to determine that they are both from the Edicarian period (even though they may be seperated by millions of years). They then verify that they are Edicarian by looking at the layering to determine if the two pieces were at one point connected, but are now seperated due to tectonics.I'm sure I'm not entirely correct about these methods.I think I'd better study up on some of these qeustions HERE.Maybe you should too." 0,"dog, cat and squirrel drama escalates in a hurry" 1,refugees grateful for chance to see europe while being bounced from country to country 1,venus added to registry of historically significant planets 1,universal remote latest step in area man's plan for total living room domination 0,"To point our an error, i believe the baby was at the infant stage, not the toddler." 0,"50 years after martin luther king jr.'s death, america is still segregated" 1,scientists finally figure out what hats do 0,trump attacks 'groveling' author of study showing no voter fraud 0,the best taxi and ride-hailing apps around the world 1,hot girl's number lingered on 1,death of miss moneypenny all tnt needed to run monthlong bond marathon 0,ukraine war: shelling and hunger killing civilians 1,new louisiana abortion law requires fetuses be given jazz funeral march through the french quarter 0,read live updates on the cnn gop debate 1,"Well I guess then it's open season to call all anti's ""CHRISTONAZI""" 1,dhs sets security alert level to green for 8 seconds 1,home-brewing phase comes to long-overdue conclusion 0,why a cutback in oil production is sorely needed 0,20 unspoken rules of urban lesbians 0,"good girls have abortions, too, naral chief tells dnc" 1,nation to honor harper lee by ensuring novel about horrors of racism always remains relevant 0,mothers around the world are dying -- let's hashtag that 1,"houseguest given entire rundown on input 1, input 2" 1,heavenly authorities arrest god for leaving children in overheating planet 0,"Actually, it does no such thing. It merely means a secular moralist must justify moral codes on the basis of their intrinsic rationality and real world consequences, rather than appealing to a deity as an arbitrary authority. Since all the scriptures of the world have been written by people, this moral authority represents nothing more than their personal opinions about what they think their god wants." 0,why 'death to america' isn't going to disappear overnight (but in the short term it doesn't matter) 0,"I don't have the time nor the funding to put this in video form like Harris and Dawkins. I don't think many, if any, Christians really do - satire about atheism isn't a strong Christian practice, not nearly as strong as atheist satire about Christianity, it seems. Maybe that's what made Poe's Law so notable in the beginning of this thread." 1,"And to think, we're supposed to be ""new World"" the foreward thinkers....what a laugh. Sorry, my last post was after some searching on straight sex discussion boards, and I'm still laughing too hard to take much seriously at this time. emoticonXCry I'm laughing so hard I'm crying." 1,22-year-old fuck complains of age discrimination 0,piece of my heart: quick questions with leslie kritzer and teal wicks 1,new 'game of thrones' trailer reveals final season will be cobbled together from old footage 0,tv agent olivia metzger is parting ways with the creative artists agency 0,does hollywood have a bias against films portraying disability? 0,the u.s. can't afford to continue the death penalty 0,'the president show' sends 'trump' to boot camp with transgender soldiers 0,"Sorry, but that's not in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Try again." 0,#napaquake: how you can help keep #napastrong 0,donald trump vows to take travel ban to the supreme court 1,federal reserve cites healthy economy in decision to have baby 1,inner-city prodigy earns ged at age 11 0,"You obviously got your opinions second hand. Read the sequel to Mein Kampf and you will never be able to say Hitler was not absolutely driven by Darwinism. At least not honestly. If Hitler believed we were all God's children he could not have believed in evolution and therefore the master race or the need to attack America , or anyone for that matter." 0,'deadpool 2' trailer debuts josh brolin's cable and other x-citing mutants 0,kim kardashian's resemblance to cher for halloween is truly uncanny 1,"area waitress has one hell of an ass on her, local man will tell you that right now" 1,warm approach of potential new friendship just street canvasser again 1,Dragons and Dinosaurs coexisting only recently? hmm when they did dissapear? Maybe Conan the Barbarian killed them all! 0,fox news doctor: ben carson was right about guns and the holocaust 0,female entrepreneur : karen quinones 0,"john avildsen, oscar-winning director of 'rocky,' dead at 81" 1,senior pretty checked out during entire final year 0,kim davis's anti-gay views are going to cost her state big time 1,vital info on iraqi chemical weapons provided by u.s. company that made them 0,guess who?! 1,secret service agent not so secret about being david alan grier fan 0,...and 8 beers are imo worse than one joint. People tend not to smoke as many 'doses' of pot as they drink 'doses' of alcohol. 0,"in malala's hometown, a young activist advocates for girls' education" 1,This rates an 8 out of 10 on the hypocracy scale. Weren't you just scolding people both for using false analogies and for citing emotionally laden imagery for political purposes? Tsk tsk. 1,gop convention to feature strong lineup of conservative women listeners 1,couple doesn't deserve deck 1,g7 unable to get deposit back on shipment of 'g8 summer getaway' t-shirts 0,we tested the new 'tearless' onions to see if they really work 1,special ops veteran slips back into family undetected 1,"The sky is blue. Neutral enough. I didn't just condemn the sky, did I? Should I not say that the sky is blue then? " 0,"donald trump supports using federal funds to fix states' bridges and roads, elaine chao says" 1,georgia governor signs bill outlawing abortion except for single 30-second window on third day of fourth week of pregnancy 1,"amazon warehouses stocked with 20,000 doctors in preparation for healthcare launch" 1,new roommates attempt to find manly way of saying good night 1,"revamped wpa to create 50,000 new jobs by disassembling, reassembling hoover dam" 0,"Now you're playing word games to confuse people. Page 11 of the Heller ruling stated that the definition of ""arms"" include all modern forms of bearable arms that're in common use. They didn't rule on machineguns because they weren't part of the case." 0,"what you should buy your 'basic' friend, according to pinterest" 1,"u.s. not planning to attack iran, says u.s. iran war czar" 0,french catering company employs refugees to cook their native foods 1,newlywed couple looks so deeply in debt 1,greenpeace releases rescued dolphins into forest 1,crops begin emerging from farmlands across nation as monsanto ceo slowly raises arms 1,some guy at bar lived in san francisco for a summer and liked it a lot 0,malnutrition rates are up worldwide. here's why. 0,"body slams, ballots, and belated apologies in montana" 0,here's how many calories 6 summer olympic sports burn 0,the kind of risks that are really worth taking 1,stop sign taking forever to change 1,"annoying, well-adjusted friend even fucking meditating now" 0,jay-z's '4:44' makes room for black men to be vulnerable 0,bears run free after 20 years in tiny cages 0,"I believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, this makes me neither a liberal or conservative. The SN was inspired by VOR who kept signing his posts with quotes from Karl Marx." 1,humiliated team of cuban doctors forced to continue treating long-dead fidel castro 0,millie bobby brown teaches us how to pull off clear-knee mom jeans 1,kid diving into pile of leaves has no idea there homeless guy jerking off in there 0,death and mourning on the easter holiday 0,glasses are the new it accessory 0,snake on a plane! reptile slithers out of ceiling causing mid-flight fright 1,dog in purse stares longingly at dog in yard 0,You actually can vote on this (of have your legislatures do it). Some issues require more than just a majority but you can still vote. If 80% of the people think all Jewish persons should live in Florida then its not looking for those Jewish persons that don't wish to live in Florida. This doesn't mean its the right thing to do but this is a flaw of democracy. 0,america ferrera's response to reporter's tone deaf question will make you cheer 1,man discovers huge cache of rare fossils while walking through natural history museum 0,"Ok...many many people have been killed in Africa because of the policies of the countries in the EU, South America, Asia, and so on....this hypocrisy annoys me." 1,undercurrent of inequality and fear roiling just beneath surface of '50s-themed diner 1,stouffer's debuts new frozen meals to bring neighbors after death in family 0,sarah silverman talks to her younger self in 'snl' monologue 1,"No you don't cede that decision to her, Steeeve, you want to butt into her personal life and make her decision for her." 0,anti-slavery hamilton may get to stay on $10 bill while genocidal slaver jackson gets pushed off the $20 0,how using your phone to pay for the subway can help fight climate change 1,small change in procedure wendy's manager's crowning achievement 1,party host proudly informs guests they're eating shark 1,chris penn's body double really letting self go 1,"baby-faced, muscular jimmy carter tells democratic convention the future of medicine is bright" 0,"days before the election, one place in washington rose above politics" 0,nearly one million affected by flooding in myanmar 1,study finds girls go through manga phase earlier than boys 1,"Actually when you read every thing you have to rationalize (lie) what God actually did, for God was done with everything then started again. THe stories don't parallel each other they intersect." 0,"the primal passions of white supremacy, roy moore and the battle to define america" 0,"I am hardly a phyicist, but I am under the impression that there is at least some people who feel there is reason that there are 'uncaused causes'. I think that the terms used are 'Vacuum flucuations', and 'virtual particles'. I am not aware of any peer reviewed articles on it , but a popular press book is 'Achilles in the quantum world' by Richard Morris." 0,7 shameless ways to get an upgrade 1,gus van sant prepares shot-for-shot teen wolf remake 0,"kenyan newspaper editor questioned, released over source" 0,stephen colbert is just as worried about the new citizenship law as fox news 1,netanyahu provides stunning new evidence that iranians planned sacking of babylon in 539 b.c. 1,aides rush on stage to rotate scott walker back to direction of audience 1,biden kicked out of laundromat after shag rug floods washing machine 0,Thanks. Well I'm a resident of California currently but my partner has orders to Virginia. If they allow outside residents to apply for a license we'll do it Considering DC is only a four hour drive or so. 0,"Really? Then why haven't you condemned organizations such as the Brady Campaign? They continually put out the lie that the .50 BMG is capable of bringing down commercial planes as if the entire process was mere child's play, but there's absolutely not a shred of evidence to support this claim." 0,the walking dead: season 5 finale blasts full afterburners! 0,"So then the law is flawed because criminals could just as easily get their hands on select firearms, ban or no ban. You've just admitted that the bill did nothing and thus there's no justification for it to be reinstated." 0,lamelo ball scores 92 points in a single high school basketball game 0,michelle obama's face is on this teen's prom dress for the most inspiring reason 0,norway eliminates fm radio despite majority disapproval from citizens 1,"several probably killed in shooting, lazy police report confirms" 1,tlc producer wants list of 100 fucked-up families on desk by end of day 0,intelligence officials can't say how many americans they spy on 0,"jedi chipmunks fight with lightsabers, universe wins" 0,these 8 asian american movement stories from the past year show us the way forward 1,ape's tits incredible 1,dozens of white houses materialize from temporal vortex as trump's changing account of putin meeting tears apart space-time 1,"The Pastors are claiming themselves as a ""Spiritual shield"" against witchcraft. Of course you don't need such a shield until you find a witch, guess what happens next." 1,area smoker one of america's top phlegm-producers 0,house gop crackdown continues 0,For once I agree with you. Your wrong on your thoughts and views with evolution but your right in saying that abortion is wrong. 1,authorities fear youtube shooter might inspire wave of copycat content creators 0,jessica simpson and eric johnson throw it back to 'national lampoon's vacation' for halloween 1,"just when couple finally stops stressing about having a baby, they're still not pregnant" 0,"Yes, to follow his commandments to love God and to love one another." 0,fake melania trump dreams of day she'll retire role as donald's wife on 'colbert' 1,food network goes off air after every possible iteration of ingredient combinations completed 1,"He could still call home if he needs someone raised from the dead :) God sacrifices I get it, he's still being obedient to himself. " 0,stop fighting for overhead bin space already 0,the only parenting advice i'd dare to give 1,teacher's lounge the site of 5 separate emotional breakdowns today 0,valerie harper gives fans health update following hospitalization 0,That sounds like an honest answer. How did you feel about it at the time? How do you feel about it now? Just trying to educate myself more. Huck 0,"struggling mom puts camper on sale to buy gifts, facebook responds with presents" 0,"GOD was proved not to exist many years ago details if you wish. GOD was proved to exist many years ago details if you wish. IRAQ was proven many years ago to be a justifiable war.\ IRAQ was proven many years ago to be a non-justifiable war. And so it goes. Most such proofs are hot air, unsupported distrortions. Hovind is of course good at that particular game." 0,victoria and david beckham celebrate 16th wedding anniversary on instagram 1,obama fills out lukewarm glassdoor review after exiting presidency 0,scientists reveal the secret key to charisma 1,taco bell unveils new taco with shell made from doritos bags 1,report: most parents willing to entrust children to anyone in character costume 1,"stock analysts confused, frightened by boar market" 1,comeback much harsher than insult 1,working-class silicon valley residents beg onion social to demolish their homes for new headquarters 0,"this syrian family saved their critically ill son, but now they're trapped with the same illness" 0,12 history-making transgender politicians from around the world 1,movie marketed as six different genres 1,venmo rolls out feature allowing users to send goons to collect payment 1,married couple frustrated after months of unsuccessfully trying to sell a baby 0,lung cancer: saved by the scan 0,"Actually in high school I had a friend who used to be in placement. He was sixteen years old an he said he got the s*** beat out of him by an eight year old boy. ""Street kids"" get their XXX beat every day, pain is nothing new to them. It seems they're immune to it. It doesn't matter how hard you can hit, if you can't take a punch, then you can't call yourself street-worthy." 1,incredible 'business-man' has salary of 10 regular men 1,ll cool j struggles to come up with way to brag about being in rollerball 0,you are where you eat 1,paul ryan calls on trump to take dismantling of america more seriously 1,trump disapproval rating reaches all-time none of this matters 0,new york mets gm sandy alderson collapses during news conference 0,"holy mother of all that is good, 'curb your enthusiasm' is officially back" 1,democrats call for convincing amount of condemnation for al franken 1,american psychiatric association adds 'obsessive categorization of mental conditions' to 'dsm-5' 0,this tattoo shop is creating a safe and accepting space for queer bodies 0,"That's is ridiculously poor logic. Simply becuase the church makes mistakes doesn't mean it's incorrect in all other charges. The US government is WAY more corrupt than the Catholic Church, and yet we obey every god-damned thing big brother makes us do." 0,just some guys in england driving a tank to the gas station 0,"Hmm . . . funny, I don't remember ever hearing a pro-lifer say that pregnancy was a wonderful snuggly thing or the best thing in the world. What I do see is pro-lifers like myself wondering why pregnancy is protrayed (in the form of a generalization) as so horrible by people such as yourself who just described it as ""unbelievably"" hard to go through, or a ""life threatening condition"" like malignant cancer. You didn't qualify it by saying ""some"" pregnancies are life threatening or unbearable. Maybe yours was, but how can you say that for every woman in the world? I know for a fact that my wife's pregnancy was not ""unbelievably hard to go through""--she's told me otherwise and I believe her. Sorry, but I believe my wife over you. What you did was use unfounded generalizations, which is exactly the sort of thing this thread is about." 0,what makes bill gates feel 'stupid' 0,true feminism means holding our women leaders accountable 0,ted cruz runs first ad of 2016 presidential cycle on easter weekend 0,"in aftermath of northern california fires, schools brace for newly homeless students" 1,longtime reader of sick of mainstream bias on sites like 1,frustrated man can't believe he can still hear construction worker hammering his wife at this hour 1,'decision 2000' actually made in smoke-filled room in 1997 1,newly discovered fossils reveal prehistoric humans were bony 1,new report finds amazon may be listening to you through hardcover copies of michelle obama's 'becoming' 0,kendall jenner looks red hot on the red carpet 0,"I see, when you say ""I'm not an expert"" do you mean you aren't a climate scientist or do you mean you don't have the scientific knowledge to discuss this?" 1,aaa member pulled first from car crash 0,why this coptic christian bishop is willing to forgive isis 0,trump's monumental betrayal 0,The criminals in DC already have their guns. All striking down DC's handgun ban will do is let the law abiding be able to better defend themselves and be armed for a change. 0,5 tips to help you deal with an estranged child 1,cop grudgingly admits suspect is the best goddamn pedophile he's seen in 30 years on the force 1,inhibitions dropped after first sip of beer 0,the fight to overturn citizens united: what happens now? 1,everyone unaware how much freshman doing keg stand secretly misses his parents 0,the family talisman 1,kind bar ceo admits they just sort of find the bars like that 1,couple fucking at next table obviously on third date 0,bernie sanders requests kentucky primary recanvass 0,registered child sex offenders will soon have convictions noted on their passports 0,why millions of americans are raiding their retirement savings 1,historical archives: immoral woodcut discovered in hay loft 0,afghan president ashraf ghani offers to recognize taliban as legitimate political group 1,That's because the Taliban in Afghanistan didn't have any oil with which to bribe them. 1,jared kushner assures reporters he never revealed state secrets without turning huge profit 1,"deaths of 550,000 confirm which mushrooms are okay to eat" 1,"gm announces money saved from layoffs to fund massive investment in lake homes, private jets" 1,way too much raised for bronchitis research 0,8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling water on dare 1,"department of interior sets aside 50,000 acres as national wildfire refuge" 1,cheney suspects bush listening in on other phone 0,post-retirement work may not save your golden years 1,george clooney enjoys another rousing evening at home with mummified members of rat pack 1,blissful ignorance commemorated on annual 9/10 anniversary 1,mark-paul gosselaar obviously authored own imdb trivia 0,'spongebob' fans will love this pineapple-shaped villa in punta cana 1,authorities: missing plates and glasses found filthy but safe in roommate's room 0,man carrying knife and bible fatally shot by st. louis county police 1,"nhl fans claim hockey way more fun if you there in person, on ice playing game" 0,kevin bacon will come after you if you talk or text during a movie 0,"How is that a affect of deterrence? Deterrence works by preventing people through the fear of consequences. A dead man has no fears. Furman Vs. Georgia, where the supreme court specifically noted that there is not a single piece of conclusive evidence that the penalty is a effective deterrent." 1,'ass' finally inducted into video game hall of fame 0,angry veterans use 'snl' to send president trump a serious message 1,epa urges nation to develop new air source 0,cnn's chris cuomo says reza aslan's 'tone' shows why people are 'fearful' of islam 1," How does this address your claim that the Second Amendment served as a defense against a tyrannical federal government? Are you moving the goalposts now? " 1,local man casually mentions upcoming birthday 0,two former press secretaries have some advice for sean spicer 0,"Well said Jito. I don't understand why pro-lifers dismiss pregnancy as easy and/or suggest that it's a wonderful snuggly thing that's just the best thing in the world. Even if you want a baby, it's unbelievably hard to go through and something your body never fully recovers from. If you don't want a baby and are being forced to go through it, it's unbearable. You can't force somebody to go through this life-threatening condition that is always physically harmful." 1,"You forgot about the youth recruitment efforts as well. I am president of the local chapter of ""Get 'Em While They're Young."" Our mission (agenda, if you will) is to recruit and convert the kids in an effort to increase the prevalence of homosexuality to 20% by 2015, then 51% by mid-century when we will have total control, muahahahahaha!!!" 0,'whiteness history month' stirs up controversy at oregon college 1,"I guess the guys that fought and beat the mighty British Empire and that founded the country that you live in were cowards. It's truly amazing to see that someone who loathes Bush can't see the connection between the 2nd amendment and protection against dictatorship." 0,"north korea executes vice premier for not sitting up straight, south korea says" 1,sitcom characters still in shock after christmas episode proves existence of santa claus 1,"No, but I can't lose. Either he shows up at IIDB and gets smacked around beyond belief (we have some really well-educated people here, but IIDB is a whole different level), or we get to repeatedly ask him why he won't present his ideas to qualified reviewers. P.S.: He claims not to be a creationist, only a non-""Darwinist.""" 1,surgeon general recommends exercising once every several months during flash of panic about health 1,merv griffin leaves lifetime supply of jiffy pop to charity 0,feminists wearing babies 0,report: kimora lee is pregnant 0,6 things all real grown-ups have in their homes 0,tina fey and amy poehler's squad puts taylor swift's to shame on 'snl' 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,gop tax plan estimated to add $1.7 trillion to national debt 1,thieves make off with museum's most valuable docents 0,alex jones calls a press conference to tell reporters they suck 0,Then how exactly did a time capsule that was buried several feet underground get to the surface at the same rate as the surrounding area? 1,study: whites to be minority in donaldson family by 2027 0,ryan murphy apologizes to women in hollywood for the industry's lack of equality 0,"couple stole $35,000 from missing plane victims, police say" 1,"Yawn, again you keep repeating this. You not only refute yourself by providing an example of knowledge of the unknowable, but you gave an example of what is unknowable, by telling me I'd never be able to know you! " 1,colleges send out reminder to graduates that 2008 degrees about to expire 1,"Well then. All of the ex-christians have it both ways don't they. Since they are saved they can lie, cheat, steal and have wild, illicit sex (following the example of several christian preachers)." 0,"This whole riff where people talk about preventing employers from firing gays JUST cause they are gay as a ""special right"" is something that seems to fool those who are prejudiced against gays...... but for most people, they recognize it as a propagandic phrasing with little merit.I think our laws should include something that prevents people from firing employees based on the employee's sexual orientation.But to utilize your phrasing Archie, do you think that religion is something that deserves ""special rights""?" 1,cool guy from middle school still sporting phat pair of jncos 1,man forced to come up with 45 seconds of facial expressions while waitress lists off specials 0,a real phish nye miracle 0,"mysterious 'fireball' was actually russian spy satellite, experts say" 1,"HEY - you took that cross out of context. Or did you have Dracula there, too?" 1,homeless child apparently unaware he lives in nanny state 1,peterson given lifetime channel sentence 0,she's changing the way our kids surf the web 1,adorable animated hunchback to shove self down area throats 1,old man with foggy eye not even magical 0,'secret santa' disburses $100 bills in ferguson to help community heal 1,"man concerned he spread himself too thin between eating sandwich, watching television" 1,"newly engaged couple receives incredible outpouring of insincerity from family, friends" 0,12 weird sports rules you may not have heard of 1,salvation air force collecting used planes in your area 0,hardline immigration hawks are starting to panic about donald trump 0,my quest to become a queer crippled hero: how my origin story shaped who i am as a queer disabled man 1,god-knows-what to take place in rural cabin 1,imaginary brain tumor spreading rapidly 0,hillary clinton calls for 'basic bargain' on economy 0,wake up call to the honduran diaspora 0,"Because their axiom is that the bible is infallible, so any problems with reading it are the reader's fault, whereas yours is that contradiction implies error. What Ken's saying is that we can't draw a distinction between your axioms and those of a bible literalist in terms of which is 'right', because axioms are stated not proved: axioms define what is 'right'.To reiterate: his error is in forgetting that the universe operates according to its own axioms, whatever they may be, and we can judge whether or not our axioms are congruent." 1,You can look as yourself as god if you want...I wouldn't recommend it. 1,god sick of new angel's annoying fucking voice 1,nation's entertainment reporters return to celeb beach body beat following coverage of weinstein scandal 1,quaker oats canister relabeled 'drugs' for grade school play 1,So your value system supports and approves of the kicking of retards? 0,Neener neener - is it time to go in from the playground yet? 1,43-year-old figured he would've grown out of waving to self on security cameras by now 1,reports of movie being good reach area man 1,stock-photo model scout sees something special in man in business suit crossing arms 1,cover author working on word-for-word remake of 'moby-dick' 1,hands-off mom lets kids create own psychological issues 0,Dealing with a designated nuisance species isn't the same thing as hunting. It's wildlife management. 0,"father kills 2-year-old boy and takes own life after 18-hour standoff, police say" 0,why these five numbers shouldn't limit your potential 1,"Loki remember that link we put on the browser..... use it :) Love Your Mother!!!!!!!!!!!! emoticonXAngel" 0,these vertigo-inducing photographs will take your breath away 1,"Where, exactly, did the article say that bacteria exhibit intelligence????" 1,34-year-old man may as well keep pursuing dream at this point 0,novelist obliterates the bundy militia — and oregon's largest newspaper — in 194 words 0,the world's best marathons 1,rnc builds levee out of poor people to protect convention site 0,why eating salmon is so damn good for your skin 1,fourth verse of christmas carol gets super religious 1,"That's deep. Movement is not matter, I will use that the next time I decide to babble. Are the particles no longer matter when there moving ? Your funny." 1,bianchi introduces new bike for blocking commuters on subway during rush hour 0,what wealth isn't 1,town hall audience gives amy klobuchar standing ovation as she lifts chris cuomo up by throat 0,10 trans youth share their struggles and hopes in this emotional short film 1,man only buys products made right here in the usa by cheap immigrant labor 0,"for palestinians, there is no leaving on a jet plane" 0,trump orders strikes on syria in retaliation for chemical attack 1,I have an entire New Testament. You've got what - a mouthful of denial? When you get to the level of the NT works let us know. 1,waitress creeped out by overtipper 1,millions of americans shocked to discover favorite movie directed by woman 1,sudden computer restart vomits up bilious mess of unsaved documents on screen 1,coworker loudly typing away like 1930s cub reporter chasing hot lead 1,democrats unveil 324 million new slogans to appeal to each u.s. resident individually 0,"First, I think you may have misunderstood the ""pro-life mantra"" seeing how many pro-lifers think it permissable to disconnect life-support systems in certain circumstances, which necessarily results in a person's death. But nevertheless, I think we agree that for purposes of the abortion discussion, it is a closer analogy to assume the violinst is only connected for nine months, and no longer than if we assume the violinist to be connected for some other arbitrary period of time. Am I correctly discerning an agreement on that?" 1,college rape victim pretty thrilled she gets to recount assault to faculty committee 1,area man finally finds bodymate 1,emmanuel macron not sure how to tell billionaires notre dame repair only costs $200 0,"Well . . . one could make that argument about anything--voting for instance. Amendments are created by voting, and people and legislatures vote (hopefully) their conscience (and the will of their constituents), even if they are religious. I think this is a different matter than, say, displaying religious icons on courtroom walls or grounds, which is a clear endorsement of religion by the government. The 18th amendment was religion-motivated, but it didn't get rescinded for THAT reason. It got rescinded because it didn't work practically. (and because FDR wanted to see the returns on the economy for his New Deal)" 0,joe scarborough to donald trump: you're acting like a racist bigot 0,on feminism: but i like being a girl 1,date rapist tossing his mortarboard into air 3 rows in front of you 1,biggest mistake of life dressed up as pumpkin 1,mueller combs through dozens of damning white house emails he was accidentally cc'd on 0,"1. When their mind develops and begins working. 2. When their mind stops working. 3. No, it should not, at least until its mind develops. 4. No, they are no longer living, and cannot exist without their brain." 0,america's charter schools have a commitment problem 0,u.s.-backed syrian rebels launch operation against isis in raqqa 1,tim kaine found riding conveyor belt during factory campaign stop 0,gop sen. bob corker: trump hasn't demonstrated 'stability' or 'competence' 0,"tina frost, las vegas shooting victim, wakes from coma" 1,world wonders what trump has on united states that's forcing nation to keep him in power 0,"And like usual, you're wrong How were those pictures you ordered from Fox? You know the civil war ones with the dinosaur prop for the TV show ""Freaky Links""? Did they cost a lot?" 0,leap of faith 0,why underwater homeowners won't be saved by bank of america's $17 billion deal 1,mom thought nfl's first openly gay player should have been drafted earlier 0,a brief history of paul ryan's dance of death with donald trump 1,south dakota considering maybe putting mount rushmore on state quarter 1,year of law school now mandatory for nation's 25-year-olds 1,mom hasn't ordered favorite pizza topping in over a decade 1,meek coworker taken down a notch 1,"He was only the second president in history to be impeached! Certainly you might consider that at least a tiny blemish on his ""sterling"" presidency?emoticonXFrazzled" 1,breaking: congressmen walking somewhere 1,'washington post' reporter frustrated every space in parking garage taken up by anonymous source 0,gay pride: are black gay men proud? 1,You're living in an absolute naive dream world about this guy. I think I should be trying to sell YOU the beachfront property. 0,"So the scumbag judge or judge and jury did a tremendous miscarriage of justice then. But this is off the topic. Its Black on Black gun crime, not judicial activism." 0,ariana grande spills deets on album release on 'tonight show' 0,watch: ghost riding a tractor swing 1,juror way too far into trial to ask what 'contusions' are now 1,army commander depressed after reading facebook comments on latest raid 1,nation not sure how many ex-trump staffers it can safely reabsorb 0,the music of strangers: a film review by dr. lloyd sederer 0,can you trick your body into burning more fat? 0,get chic this upcoming fall season 1,white house reporters warn huckabee sanders she harming america and it's selling like fucking hotcakes 0,a pivotal law for nyc pets 0,5 in u.s. charged with terrorism-related crimes 0,women who love donald trump say he gets a bad rap from the media 0,trump denies meeting with secret service over hillary clinton threat 1,"We accept your forfiet. Two more to go! Once they post, this thread will be pretty much closed. I predict Penfold will go first, followed by Jo. emoticonXSmilie" 0,who urges end to routine antibiotic use in farm animals to stem rise of superbugs 0,cuba and the united states: the long view 1,coworkers currently gchatting about you 0,bertha cáceres: 'my mother's is not the first assassination. i don't want another' 0,forged federal document complicates a growing fight over national monument designation in utah 1,encouraging report shows 45% of onion social users survive beta testing 1,"Let me return the kindness. The correct spelling is ==> especially " 0,from 'that junkie chick' on hbo to soccer mom 1,woman 7 golden retrievers short of childhood vision 1,man totally proud of last night's drunken phone calls 0,"Well, actually if the remainder is split between those who favor a marriage amendement and those who have no oppinion, yeah, actually 52% regardless of the margin of error, is still definitatively a majority." 0,"car crashes straight through restaurant window, injuring 4" 0,the attack on charlie hebdo was a symbolic tragedy so quit trying to change the subject 1,life-changing epiphany wears off on ride home 0,"Well then what the devil are you moaning about then? It's not like Browning shot King, or actually made the rifle that was used or anything like that. Hell it wasn't even a rifle made by the Browning company.There's absolutely no connection between the two for you to be bitching about." 0,adam schiff says there's 'more than circumstantial evidence' of trump ties to russia 0,amy schumer is a tiny witch in very cute halloween throwback 0,dodd-frank at four 1,bill & melinda gates foundation announces new $17 billion initiative to eradicate all 3rd-world mac users by 2040 1,"Those damn black people! All wanting respect and equal opportunity! They should just be happy with what they got!Why should they work for the same pay? They are just selfish! [/end 1asm] This argument is tired *yawn*" 1,45-year-old fails to make someone very happy one day 1,What's this? Do we really get to pick apart the free will defense now? 0,don't fight summer fun -- make it educational 1,woman who claims book changed her life has not changed 0,"And so on. Yes. a lie generated by creationist liars is what you use as source for what scientists are claimed to adhere to? Your dishonesty is actually rather startling. This is the worst attempt at dishonesty I have seen from lying creationists yet, and your gleeful introduction of that lie shows how truly and completely dishonest you are. Would you stop your lies. You are pathetic." 0,how pets can help prevent suicide #nspw2017 0,gop senator tries to take zika money hostage over obamacare cuts 0,it will take more than comey's testimony to sink trump 0,"I think it is very difficult, if not impossible to prove a negative." 0,nancy pelosi demands the suspension of mike flynn over russia ties 0,"It seems that Prop 8, banning gay marriage passed by around 300+ thousand votes. So the inconsistency persists, unless there was voter fraud that only touched on the top of the ticket which would explain why it appears that more progressives supported Obama than these side issues." 0,"Rights do not necessarily imply responsibilities. That this is true is seen clearly in the fact that an infant one hour after birth indisputably has rights, but also indisputably has no corresponding responsibilities." 1,"I actually agree. Make it legal and sign away your rights. However - there are plenty of fathers who opt....... ""Deadbeat Dad"" is practically a profession." 1,"And I didn't. Did you note how I explicitly put [Jesus said] for the first two quotes from the Bible, but not for the third one? Any idea why? Come on, think ... you can do it!" 0,meeting logs: obama quietly coddling big oil on 'bomb trains' regulations 0,making sense of probiotics and prebiotics 1,"'i used to look up to you,' shouts anguished flynn jr. running out of room after learning father a perjurer" 1,And you're baffled that you don't have more intelligent debate with people. I'm shocked. 0,will religious freedom advocates oppose roy moore? 1,"Yes an I am sure you love unbridled capitalism, cruel self centred people do. Capitalism is a cruel system that kills people, lets them starve, makes them homeless, and exploits the poor for the gain of a few." 0,hillary clinton steals the show with pitch-perfect cameo in 'song for women 2017' 1,mit physicists split the smithereen 1,man defends home state's license plate design 1,trump says wasteful nea hasn't produced single valuable work since claes oldenburg's 'giant three-way plug' 1,new study finds humans shouldn't spend more than 5 consecutive hours together 0,"But bestiality consists of animal cruelty, so very much hurts another. Just not another human." 0,mike pence's 'hamilton' recollection conflicts with donald trump's take 0,"Prove it. Got any credible scientific or sociological studies? NOPE, ya don't. Didn't think so." 1,study finds goosebumps caused by psychotic weirdo masturbating to old photo of you 1,Because those who are pro life are against a womens right to own her own body. Her body her choice and none of anyone elses business. Remember control freaks are everywhere. 1,report finds more americans putting off children until companies are ready 0,"elie wiesel, holocaust survivor and nobel laureate, dead at 87" 0,elizabeth warren introduces bill to resolve trump's conflicts of interest 0,"Yep - that's someting that many ""pro-lifers"" also never take into account." 0,militants launch three attacks in somalia and kenya in 24 hours 1,beautiful spring day no match for last 35 years of man's life 1,slightly larger chair shifts delicate balance of office power 0,"You twisted logic strikes again. I realise that if a group of you were to take your guns and rise up against the current administration, you would all be labelled terrorists. This is not evidence that I support the current regime. How you could twist it to seem so is beyond me. If I were to state that you couldn't take on a fully grown polar bear with just a short pointy stick, would that mean I am supporting the oppressive rule of polar bears? I think you should sit down and carefully think out what you infer from other's arguments before you keep coming out with these ludicrous statements." 1,bitcoin on path to functioning just like real currency after small concentration of people acquire majority of it 0,progressives in congress call for $2 trillion in infrastructure spending 0,read this before you plop your v-day flowers into any old vase 0,how the criminal justice system is failing victims of domestic violence 1,So everything that other people say on a website or in a book is just and opinion? And everything you say is a fact? Nice how you've got things set up. 0,"Those cultures that permit multiple wives at least do have issues as a result, but hard to say they fail miserably. We are complex animals and not all animals mate for life. There is significantly more involved in the lifelong union of humans than reproduction. Multi-marry under the right circumstances works, but it isn't for everybody and even for those that it is for doesn't mean it's for them always. In a nutshell marriage is the biggest commitment any person will make and should be given the consideration and thought it deserves. Same sex marriage can cause a perfect union of two people the same as M/F and can make a mockery or marriage just as many M/F unions currently do. The emotional investment is the same, the responsibility and obligations are the same, the only difference is genitalia and a little more hair in some cases." 0,"rowdy, raunchy, jet-setting barbados can be more affordable than you might think" 1,impoverished kenyan bean picker can't wait to see what starbucks has to say about racial sensitivity 0,charlize theron meets the kill club in new 'dark places' clip 0,justin bieber invites controversy with cornrow pic 1,"ex-boyfriend hopes to still be terrible, incompatible friends" 0,"Why can't you answer questions directly?anyway, I support ct in passing civil unions or marriage lite as I like to see it, but It doesn't confer equality. If it is really equ8al than it would be marrige. Reason beinbg portablity ( irealize you think that some day we might have that, but we don't so far and we cannot ccontrol other countries who may have gay marriage but not cilvil unions and may not recognize civil unions but recognize marriage.)If it is good for straight couples, it should be equally good for all couples. . No one is more superior. Everyone should be equal. Marriage for all is equals." 0,"I do not argue so much the quality of llife of an individual woman but more for the quality of life, indeed of having access to life itself, of the children of the woman involved, because in many situations the concern and nurturance of a mother may be the only thing keeping children alive, especially in poor, war-torn nations that do not enjoy the relative wealth of the United States." 0,lupita nyong'o talks 'the culture of hair' alongside gorgeous photo shoot for allure 1,pope spends afternoon filling in glory holes all over st. peter's basilica 0,"Actually the benefits of stable, safe and loving homes for chilren are important to society. To deny gays and lesbians are indeed able to provide this is a flat out lie. I have directed you to the AAP report on gay parenting. I would suggest you actually read it. " 1,area man maps out drinking strategy 0,lauren conrad shares 4 simple rules for dealing with pregnant women 1,gary busey nearly drowns recovering pork chop from swimming pool 1,2012 prius to feature rudimentary reproductive system 1,apple fans disappointed after company unveils same overpriced ceo that barely fucking works 0,cat notices most unexpected visitor at his door and is completely unfazed 0,hoda kotb replaces matt lauer as 'today' co-anchor 1,humiliated man discovers embroidery on his jean pockets 1,inside: spring fashions so glamorous you'll practically shit yourself 0,"The article continues to comment that this mechanism serves as a mechanism tailored for evolution? Irrespective of its origins, somehow, life utilizes evolution FOR evolution. B. Convergence As seen in the docking simulation, the solutions all converg" 1,"Ah?""scratching head""I just woke up,what?womens choice,her body,death penalty?ah ok gotch ya.emoticonXFrazzled" 0,why religious freedom advocates should be concerned about sam brownback 1,semester at sea students steal anchor for dorm room 1,"You say they are not baby humans, but then you refer to them as corpses. A corpse of what???? Can you say...D E N I A L? :)" 0,the so-called 'uptick in hate' is fundamentally american 0,"tortured? you shut ur mouth..,... if ur not achristian then yes, i will pray for you...." 1,"Yeah, your potential spouse will like you for your personality after you meet the prerequisite of being the proper gender for them." 1,record-store clerk gazes down from on high in aloof indifference 1,babysitter enters third hour of negotiations to get 4-year-old to put his pants back on 0,think pynk 1,obama camp vows to win neighborhoods where romney staffers are too afraid to go 1,girl scouts rocked by 'cookies for cash' fundraising scandal 1,icy snowball can already tell it going to make 9-year-old cry 0,a beginner's guide to moving forward in spite of election grief 0,alfonso ribeiro may be forced to leave 'dwts' 0,apple submits brief opposing u.s. government's 'unprecedented' iphone request 1,suspect cleans up real nice 1,frustrated nursing student unable to draw blood without draining entire body 1,american idol winner already complaining about pressures of fame 0,j.j. abrams explains how he picked the new 'star wars' character names 0,"You know that what you call ""immoralism"" is my life. Why do you hate me so much that you would be willing to deny my the happiness that you take forgranted and as your due? You don't even know me yet you are willing to defame me just because I am different from you. I don't understand how I am running over you by living my life openly and wanting the same thing as you the right to consider whom I choose to be my family. If you have an opinion about gay rights thats fine. If you want to deny me the same rights, as you take for granted, because of your opinion and beliefs though laws then that is bigotry." 0,10 easy-to-tackle super bowl sweets 0,"in less than a year, trump has stripped back workers' ability to unionize" 0,'their intent is to cause fear': video campaign exposes sexism against women in politics 0,Yes. (and this is to add stuff to make the post stick....) 1,denis leary drops by comedy club to try out new ford commercial 1,Better that then spending eternity in a place with people like you. 1,women's strike a sobering reality check for subway masturbator 1,treasure hunters discover wreck of 18th-century carnival cruise ship 0,romney: democrats lost because they weren't 'proud' enough of obama 1,"Sorry, I hadn't realised your one-man legislature had passed a law forbidding discussion of equal protections. I'll discuss what I damn well please. " 1,"parents spend first 4 years of child's life fluctuating wildly between hoping child stays asleep, hoping child wakes up" 0,"cleveland, ohio is a magical place" 1,bar bet becomes increasingly complex 0,tomi adeyemi wanted 'children of blood and bone' to be 'so good... so black' 0,"enormous, humongous march trade deficit creating jobs elsewhere" 0,baby fox who was supposed to die finds man who believes in her 1,jeff bezos tables latest breakthrough cost-cutting idea after realizing it's just slaves 1,fox news reporter asks the questions others are too smart to ask 0,why erlich on 'silicon valley' is the best and the worst 0,"one of the biggest mistakes a manager can make, according to linkedin's ceo" 0,"Yes. It is about visual field and acuity. That is the kind, not degree. Chimps are not a higher animal. They are different." 0,choreographer mark dendy enters the labyrinth 1,"The way I read it is that he has disdain for wars which could possible be avoided. It's interestng that one side of the thought process is patriotic, the others have disdain for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Will we never think above a 1st grade level?" 0,The problem here is that Christians (such as I am) consider the Bible to be Proof. 1,report: guy on bench going to town on meatball sub 0,"You know something is wrong with this world when people start calling embryos and non-sentient life forms victims and referring to martin Luther King Jr. to justify their views. It seems today that anyone that shows any decency or slight intelligence or common sense is labeled a radical leftist. Man, the republicans are getting desperate when you see them trying to equate embryos to men using MLK." 1,"Oh no. The main disagreement between theistic evolutionists and Fundmentalists is that Fundies aren't worshipping God, but a false idol of their own making." 1,right-to-kill advocate opposes right-to-die measure 0,jimmy carter to make rare address to britain's house of lords 1,"So if it can be operated by means other than human control, are you saying a dog can operate it, maybe a monkey, thats something we see everyday. You are trying to split hairs Penfold, for a gun to be fired weather robotically, or training a primate to fire one still requires human intervention, so stop acting stupid because you are not stupid." 1,The horsehoe bend was cretaed by the flood in the image of the immaculate horseshoe. repent heathen! 0,pro-choice gop senators keep voting for trump's anti-abortion judges 1,matt damon appears fully nude for first time in local man's imagination 1,man who bought 34th anniversary reissue of fleetwood mac's 'rumours' feeling like real idiot after passing display for 35th anniversary edition 0,"after ireland, the pressure is on italy to legalize same-sex unions" 0,georgia republican: ending confederate holidays 'no better than what isis is doing' 1,study: u.s. wastes 2 million hours annually figuring out where tape roll starts 1,death row inmate saving some of last meal for between execution attempts 1,"I see. So those who feel that they should be able to fire black people just for being black? They are having a view ""forced"" upon them as well? How about if somebody wanted to fire somebody for being Christian? Should we allow that as well? Or just the issues that you don't agree with should have the freedom to fire?" 1,sudafed introduces new sinus drill for immediate congestion relief 0,the empty calories of fossil fuels 0,15 things to bring on your summer adventures 1,fat guy mistakenly thought of as strong 0,"please god, not robin williams..." 1,"Doh! how was that again? umm... so Christianity's tenets can be also found for instance in ... Playboy?" 1,journalist wondering where to mention getting yelled at by u.s. president in article 1,"Yeah, I'm sure no one else will. It's just me, 'cause I'm so ""hateful.' ROTFLMAO!" 0,truth through fiction 0,how third party voters and non-voters could shape the election 1,krill-eating whale too fucking cowardly to prey on something its own size 0,"newsweek, abc '20/20' reports expose abuse, torture of gay youths and troubled teens" 0,uber escalates war with regulators over self-driving cars 1,ringo starr announces 26th beatles album with new backing band 0,half of the amazon's tree species are threatened 0,ecstasy and despair on this historic day 0,"I believe the earliest gospel estimation is placed around 50 ad, which is almost 30 years after Jesus died." 1,That's an out that's peculiar to Christians. Good? Godidit. Bad? Devil's work. 0,sales of ivanka trump products surged last month 0,listen to lana del rey's new single 'honeymoon' 0,"tilda swinton isn't in this clip from 'a bigger splash,' but watch it anyway" 1,nation's stomach ulcers predict trump administration will provide opportunities for unlimited growth in 2017 0,blogger praises k-beauty while calling asians 'ching chongs' in 'funny clothes' 1,bush diagnosed with attention-to-deficit disorder 0,donald trump plays a dangerous game of telephone 0,"When will it stop? Never. They will take every gun, every toy gun, disarm the law enforcment community, give us Nerf batons so we don't actually hurt the criminals, and say that this kinder gentler way of doing things will help. In the meantime murders will go through the roof, like in Australia, rape will escalate, breaking and entering will become common place, and cops will die by the minute. They will not only confiscate the guns, but then charge the owners of those guns for being terrorists. It won't end. In order to establish true dependency upon a government you must force the populous to rely completely on the government for every aspect of life including safety." 1,"Prove something besides your ignorance? Homo-erectus and Neandertals differ in cranium size, bone size, bone structure, number of bones as well as the length and width of individual bones. I can see why people are laughing at you" 1,"I can't believe you think saying ""puff piece"" is an intelligent criticism. Oh wait. You aren't interested in intelligent criticism. You're just looking for an excuse to dismiss... " 1,Please emoticonXRolleyes Why dont YOU post something thats not one sided and full of non factual evidence that isn't full of spin and your crazy agendas? 0,teaching english by the beach in vietnam 1,"new indie film sweeps cannes, sundance" 0,train crash in pakistan kills at least four and injures dozens 1,supporters aggravated bernie sanders didn't use dnc speech to get voters to act against their own self-interest 0,10 rules for a great startup idea 0,sinclair broadcasting orders local anchors to record bizarre 'hostage' video 0,newly blond kanye west makes first appearance after hospitalization 0,a single mother's truth 1,trump relieved to learn both teams in stanley cup finals overwhelmingly white 0,the coffee pouring puzzle that's messing with people's minds 0,"uber charges passenger over $14,000 for 5-mile ride across toronto" 0,7 things you should never ever do for your older kids 1,perfect response to heckler somewhere in prop comedian's trunk 1,jeb bush inching podium closer to center of stage during commercial breaks 1,coworkers nationwide embrace tearfully after painful 3-day separation 1,guinness releases abridged book of freaks for readers who just want the good stuff 0,this is what the most annoying co-workers have in common 1,Is there some sort of a symbolic potent phallic aspect to holding a gun in one's hand? Is Sarah Palin being a manly sort when she shoots a wolf from a helicopter? 0,larry wilmore takes down bill cosby on 'the nightly show' 0,"in sad, sad press conference, milo says 'free speech week' is now just one measly rally" 1,tyson holds contest to let fans submit new ideas for torturing chicken to death 0,and the city with the least attractive people is...? 0,these 16 great videos remind us what it meant to be lgbtq in 2016 1,baby bjorn unveils new infant bandolier for parents of multiples 0,republicans anxious to repeal and replace law of gravity 1,clinton commissions john williams to compose 'clinton's theme' 1,ice launches campaign to reunite immigrant children with arresting officer 1,tom snyder returns to the sea 1,guatemalan coffee picker happy if single person starts day alert 1,I'm glad that you're the one living in fear of becoming a criminal for defending your family and not me. 1,cheney orders motorcade to gun it over half-open drawbridge 0,"I believe that's true, and as a ""believer"" (creationist), here is what is hard to understand about that; In Matthew, 12:30, Jesus says ""He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters"". It is safe to say that both creationists and theistic evolutionists would accept that statement from Jesus, and would seek to be ""with"" him, while agnostic and atheists would consider themselves ""not with"" him. Yet theistic evolutionists are comfortable to (usually politically) be ""with"" agnostics and atheists, and separate themselves from creationists. If they're genuine Christians, knowing about the warnings in the Bible about false teachings, how can they be comfortable with that?Miller laments in several places throughout the book that atheists use evolution as a weapon against religion, and that it shouldn't be that way - that it causes more strife between the two than should exist. " 1,"Oh, and please name a terrorist that purchased a weapon from a gun show, and then used it in a crime." 0,The lutheran ceremony is pretty cool just change a few words to gender nutral. Also the Cathedral of hope in dallas and the MCC in general has some very nice Holy union ceremonies 1,zales introduces new line of casual dating diamond rings 0,lindsey graham got 800 on his sats and won't stop talking about his bad grades 1,catholic church releases new molestation-proof altar boy uniform 0,trump's tax cut challenge 0,passengers terrified when engine cover rips off plane bound for hawaii 0,"yes, baby boomers, 2016 did have 7 bright spots" 0,an army of sophisticated bots is influencing the debate around education 1,guard in video game under strict orders to repeatedly pace same stretch of hallway 1,"So you've got nothing! That's what I thought. All mouth and no substance. You can try saving your tainted reputation by showing us your best 1 alleged geography screw-up from the Gospels. Where's the beef???" 0,"Exactly so. Pro-choice people would not impose their values on anyone; profetallifers would impose theirs on every woman of child bearing age.emoticon_angry" 0,"police: man killed by officers was holding phone, not gun" 0,flash-mob spells out 'resist!' next to trump california golf course 1,weird al honors parents' memory with 'tears in heaven' parody 1,open casket really ruining vibe at funeral 1,bob dole makes car and driver 10 best list 0,5.85 million people who can't vote but can they still complain? 1,Wouldn't it be great if all the gay activists for gay marriage moved to Canada....... 0,hard times and harder choices 0,"You got it wrong Daewoo. The ban was put in place by the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act, designed to correct the erronius Gun Control Act of 1968. The machinegun ban provision was slipped in at the last minute, during a time when those that would oppose it weren't there to debate it." 0,rick scott won't be endorsing a republican presidential primary candidate 0,plus-size model ashley graham lands a spot on abc's 'the year' 0,cardi b doesn't owe you anything 0,disney's new 'frozen' plane makes it harder than ever to 'let it go' 0,miley cyrus' gender-bending performance on 'maya & marty' is pitch perfect 1,child on first day at refugee camp misses dead parents 0,an uber for cuba? 0,"Actually, no, that is not what I said. I said: What you quoted is what Answers in Genesis said. Please do not be dishonest and tell others that I said this as I did not." 0,the shocking transformations of your favorite country stars 1,"So you for strict regulation of business but not people? you know who runs businesses? Yeah, people." 1,"mtv promotes, airs, condemns controversial new video" 0,the lord of the rings: my survival guide to cancer 0,how to make salt-roasted fish with spicy orange salsa 1,u.s. still enjoying small but loyal following 0,man beaten to bloody pulp after allegedly raping nephew's girlfriend 0,another vietnamese activist slapped with prison sentence for toxic spill criticism 1,new jersey supreme court rules the bastard had it coming 0,shepard smith dings trump's gun control turnaround at nra convention 0,wyclef jean is still totally down for a fugees reunion 0,6 things i've decided to stop stressing about 0,7 steps to stay financially fit in 2015 and beyond 1,baby-shower attendees quickly drain box of white zinfandel 1,"You have no Idea how glad I was that I was sitting down when I read this!! First it shocks me that you haven't labeled all those who claim to see UFO's liberals. Then I have to wonder didn't at one time the RCC say we were the center of the universe,... The sun went around the earth,... the earth was flat ?? Theres no one but us .. It was all created for us?? Ok I'm goning to go take a little breath of fresh air and rest for a moment as this is very disturbing to me! .... V.O.R. and I agree on something. I think I'm going to be sick!! Back in a few." 1,"If we could rub a brass lamp, make three wishes and fix our energy problems immediately, I'd agree with you. But since we live in the REAL WORLD, we must become OIL INDEPENDENT while we are perfecting and building an infrastructure of renewable energy sources." 0,trump ominously tweets 'only one thing will work' with north korea 1,pediatricians announce 2011 newborns are ugliest babies in 30 years 1,trump revokes puerto rico recovery funds after learning hurricane maria had fewer survivors 0,weekend roundup: u.s. media mirrors trump's 'america first' myopia on north korea 1,"'invisible airwaves crackle with life,' reports geddy lee from man's detached earbud" 1,"I have done a lot of reflecting... 'For god so loved the world'...that he (supposedly) destroyed it all because he was XXXXXX off. I don't need that kind of 'love' in my life. Obviously, you do. 'Love' has nothing to do with it. It is the Christian commandment that: 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. You have yet to admit that this verse exists but, it seems that you are justifying it on the condition that 'love' is involved. What you mean to say is, 'Women are to submit to their husbands in everything because their husbands supposedly love them.' Or, are you saying that men are to love their wives and submission is optional? That's not what the bible says. Of course, that's not a problem for the Christian women, is it, because they agree.emoticonXFrazzled" 0,trump tells advisers he wants u.s. out of syria: senior officials 1,ferguson pool supply store overestimating how badly looters want chlorine tablets 0,"teach, stream, be acquired: why online education investors are hot for teacher" 0,"The death penalty assures that an incorragable criminal never has the opportunity to kill anybody else. In prison, the criminal could a) kill another inmate, 2) kill a guard, 3) escape and kill a civilian, 4) have their sentence commuted and get out to commit another crime. No, for the reasons stated above and one more. Some people don't deserve to SH, for example." 0,"would you pay $5,000 for wine and beer glasses made of cheese?" 0,this big dog and little bird are inseparable pals 1,rolling stones kick off 'sing our songs for us' tour 0,the small schedule mistakes that ruin your sleep 0,marcus mariota featured in inspiring beats by dre ad 0,"class of 2014, we've come a long way" 1,empire state building ultimately supports nsa spying measures 1,"'i'll have to obstruct one last thing,' whispers jared kushner before wrapping gloved hands around mueller's neck" 0,kate mckinnon kills as laura ingraham on 'saturday night live' 1,This is a free market of ideas. The good ones survive. The bad one die like dinosaurs. 1,new employee still eager enough to pick up slack for coworkers 0,diabetes rate in the u.s. may be leveling off 1,mueller annoyed by dipshit protestors holding up traffic during commute 0,this dog in brazil probably plays soccer way better than you 0,the many benefits of lucid dreaming 1,white house running out of paintings to cover spots where obama has punched through wall 0,this moose strikes a blow against the takeover of the machines 0,report: sheldon adelson backs trump trip to israel after $100 million pledge 1,high school production of our town features line memorization 1,gumption rewarded with even more work 0,comedian janet silverman talks 89 d*ck picks 1,david brooks decries incivility of modern plumbing after tripping on feet and falling headfirst into toilet 0,watch: fearless chihuahua takes on great dane in most endearing attack of all time 0,here's some ways to get teachers to support lgbt students 0,america ferrera to chair committee for women's march on washington 0,skeletons and ancient gold coins found during pompeii excavation 0,u.s. consuls already have the tools to discriminate in visa decisions 1,egyptian woman wishes screaming protester husband would go bonkers for her once in a while 0,"Really, so you are totally knowable? Show me the site that has the Mach User-Manual where I can know everything about you." 0,trump administration: let states decide if health plans have enough doctors 0,"No one mentioned helping or not helping people here, or even dealing with the consquences of pregnancy at all. Its more;'If abortion were banned, what measures or research would you suggest to reduce the pressure for people to have illegal ones or unwanted pregnancies'." 0,you can score free mcdonald's when you buy a taco bell breakfast 0,13 #ridiculousexcusestostayhome -- boomer-style 0,is 'the happiest man in america' still happy? 0,illinois considers allowing recall attempts of chicago mayor 1,man just using virgin mary to get to jesus 0,Right. The frenquecy of the alles have changed over time. 0,gabrielle union on the #metoo movement: 'the floodgates have opened for white women' 1,obama blanks on what he's ineffectually urging congress to take action on now 0,emboldened republicans in kentucky push 20-week abortion ban 1,"So, you have no problem with the fact that this is abortion and was caused by god?" 0,why getting married may help people drink less 1,man either sick or just at end of workday 1,"'how could harvey weinstein get away with this?' asks man currently ignoring sexual misconduct of 17 separate coworkers, friends, acquaintances" 0,"But then, there also is absolutely no evidence for such an intelligence." 1,coy 'dexter' producers hint at 'huge plot holes' in season finale 1,gop leaders move goalposts on opposing trump to him being filmed masturbating on u.s. flag in arlington cemetery 0,3 tips for a happy financial new year 1,disembodied voice in elevator wants to know way to san jose 1,"cnn graphic designer asked to combine dollar sign, syringe, fighter jets, panda" 1,"Actually, I think people are starting to ignore the drivel more and more... But if you insist... " 1,frustrated fcc unable to stop use of word 'friggin'' 1,"But you are the accuser. I've read the Bible and I have studied religion, more than you can imagine. I have also studied biology, performed experiments and reached conclusions. The problem is that you seem unable to think for yourself." 0,hillary clinton takes a stand against 'subminimum wage' for people with disabilities 0,kate hudson and dakota johnson pose for adorable pic with their famous moms 0,'snl' stars have the perfect comeback to trump's angry tweets 1,catchphrase from 'the love guru' overheard 0,there's finally a museum devoted to telling the story of hbcus 1,military apologizes after drone strike intended for yemeni isis base accidentally hits west palm beach wedding 1,porch ceded to bats 1,"Perhaps I should have used the ""1asm"" font. My bad. Was going for humor not unpleasantness. Have yourself a peachy day.:)" 1,star wars news net joins hundreds of publications in condemning trump's attacks on the press 1,u.n. secretary general assumes someone already doing something about uighur internment camps 0,machete-wielding suspect shot as he breaks through door in graphic video 1,viewer outraged 0,please leave your type a-ness off my yoga mat (and i'll do the same) 1,"1984, huh? I'm sure that is all still very relevant. Actually there is a lot of discussion about the nature of Archaeopteryx. Much of it deals with whether it could fly and what it teaches us about how birds came to fly - ground up or trees down. But what they all agreed on, even back then, was that Archaeopteryx is a transitional. Taxonomic debates aren't really very meaningful, really. Creationists like to make a big deal about the fact that most taxonomists and ornithologists classify Archaeopteryx as a bird. But where else would it go? That's a limitation of the Linnean classification system - everything is put somewhere, even if it doesn't exactly fit. The only debate about the evolution of Archaeopteryx among experts is whether it evolved from theropod dinorsaurs or from archosaurs. It's still a transitional." 1,president-elect edwards seen entering chinatown massage parlor 1,bourbon helps carpet salesman forget about carpeting for awhile 0,how teachers can save thousands on their student loans 1,So what you are saying is that the actual purpose of prison is to be raped in the shower by some 400 pound guy called Betty? Or brutalised by a guard with an inferiority complex...and these don't strike you as cruel and unusual? 1,reconstruction finally completed on field destroyed by united flight 93 0,"for the love of god, let that not be an engagement ring on kylie jenner's finger" 1,rotting smell in congress traced to decaying senator who died inside wall 0,obama predicts bright future for legal weed 1,"Look, the ""no one was around to see it"" argument. ""If a tree falls in the woods, and no one was around to see it, did it really fall?"" You lost this one a long time ago, too. You never learn. " 1,seventh-grade biology class grossed out at having to dissect horse 1,new yorkers cower as clinton victory speech reverberates across entire state 0,trump shifts to infrastructure as james comey prepares to testify 1,"'support small business' demands sign in window of boutique open five hours a day, three days a week" 0,'very angry badger' seizes part of 500-year-old scottish castle 0,frank ocean calls rejecting the grammys his 'colin kaepernick moment' 1,3-day waiting period leads to far more feasible murder plot 0,You were crowing a bit. What I don't understand is why. How could you possibly be pleased by some strangers religious views. Would you have been pleased if he switched to liking broccoli? (Or disliking as the case may be) 0,california farmer water cutbacks blocked by judge 1,barnes & noble staffers mock orson scott card crowd from back of room 1,shape magazine declares july 'let yourself go' month 1,radio station playing controversial 'little drummer boy' on repeat in defiance of those who claim it contains sexually predatory themes 0,phish's epic run for the ages 1,philip morris releases new single-puff marlboro minis 1,You said there wasn't a pro-choice group before Roe v Wade. However I would have to do my research to dig up a group in 1850. Hold on... 0,tuesday's morning email: 62 days until election day 0,making inequality the center of the 2016 debate 1,king of comedy's death ignites 100-year war for throne 1,everything you worked so hard for lying in splinters at your feet 0,27 pompom hats you'll want to hide under when cold weather hits 1,"paul ryan mentally logs 4,613th missed opportunity to put stop to all of this" 1,45-minute phone call to credit card company goes great 1,nation's tall asked to stand in back 0,"taylor swift's cover of an earth, wind & fire classic is pissing people off" 1,report: more women forgoing taking their husbands' names in favor of something badass like diesel 0,here's why some black women aren't here for #womenboycotttwitter 1,chicago st. patrick's day parade finally lifts ban on snakes 1,bush calls for rock revolution in weekly pirate-radio address 1,fork manufacturer introduces fifth tine to accommodate growing american mouthfuls 0,danny tanner was once played by a completely different guy 0,beauty queen scarfs down 12 krispy kreme doughnuts in no time 1,nation's creepy middle school gym teachers also come out in favor of circumcision 1,god feeling down in dumps after death of grandmother 1,Isn't the point pretty obvious- that exposure to a gun can raise testosterone levels and trigger violent and aggressive thoughts and actions? 1,"And ends with the woman, whose body is the one having to endure the pregnancy." 1,"You seem to require a slick answer to a complicated question - so how about this: Question: Was Stalin a communist ? Answer: That's what he said he was. Hope this is glib and vacuous enough to meet with your exacting standards." 1,menu describes diner's pancakes as 'world famous' 0,They rarely date fossils anymore...instead they look at the strata of earth the bones were found in. 1,"The US is 3 trillion dollars in debt, abortion is not clear cut (just visit a debate), and you appear to be stereotyping democrats. Also, you may need to read the first ammendment again. For your answer to work, people would have to agree with you first, then they would understand (and agree with) you." 0,rudy giuliani just said trump is trying to 'get us back to a free press' 1,study finds having it all leading indicator that everything will come crashing down 0,president barack obama slams 'repeal and delay' approach to affordable care act 1,fcc chairman overturns decision to cancel 'party down' 0,"Oh I hated being pregnant. However I am not really arguing whether pregnancy in and of itself is punishment, I suspect that is an opinion matter - there are some crazy women who actually liked pregnancy. ;) Julie - however clearly feels that it is acceptable to use a pregnancy and parenting in a punitive matter against women she feels are irresponsible." 1,"The entire Tree came from the sea! emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer emoticonXBouncer" 1,report: majority of married people get up and go to second family's house as soon as spouse asleep 1,kinky girlfriend wants to try sexual pleasure tonight 0,big news: the gop has a plan to make a plan to replace obamacare 1,compromising company's values for advertising revenue referred to as 'partnering' 1,'game of thrones' fan rewatching past episodes to remind self of what characters' breasts look like 0,joe scarborough says trump made rob porter 'the victim' in domestic abuse allegations 1,man at gym just watching tv 0,why bernie sanders and donald trump won the michigan primaries 0,america's 'hamilton' obsession is officially shaping the future of money 1,dozens of black-rubber-clad masochists line up outside capitol for paul ryan's job 0,"This is just ridiculous. The argument doesn't require the connection to be natural or artificial. Whether it is one or the other makes no difference in terms of the morality. If the point is irrelevant, the objection is irrelevant." 1,grandmother talking big game about being alive next year 0,how to safely thaw a turkey 1,ap reporter in gaza needs another term for 'blood-soaked' 1,"senate votes 64-36, not sure on what" 0,how secretary tillerson can right the state department 0,"And yet the atheist belief system allows for everyone to have their own seperate set of morals. According to the Atheist system, what Hitleror Stalin did was perfectly moral because those atheists believed that what they were doing was moral. Disgusting if you ask me." 1,zagat editor a 'nice guy' but 'kind of boring' 0,"Well, I'm not sure if he consumed alcohol or not, but his doctor gave him daily ""vitamin"" shots that contained vitamins as well as amphetamines and maybe other drugs that doctors at the time thought were mentally beneficial.And I've never heard of him being a vegetarian. I saw some show that talked about his voracious apetite, but I don't think they mentioned his being a veggie." 1,freemasons return to jupiter 0,saturday's powerball lottery jackpot now tops $400 million 0,why i no longer support israel 0,meatless monday: robin asbell gets juiced 1,"danny devito a lot taller, thinner in person" 1,breaking: adam got a ps4 for christmas 0,mc hammer is actually afraid of hammers 1,"A real simple Yes. Do I win something? emoticonXSmilie Here is why. " 1,trump calms nerves before inaugural address by reminding himself he's the only person who actually exists 0,5 types of web content for driving extra traffic 1,campus tour guide just needs to make stop to change out laundry really quick 1,local gym teacher loves forcing children to dance 1,man makes quick call to parents so next week's call to ask for money doesn't seem that bad 0,look: we asked you to show us what you're thankful for... and the responses are beautiful 0,full-circle friendship rooted in triple negative breast cancer 0,former black panther uses 'bonus years' to make art 1,fall internship pays off with coveted winter internship 0,"So much for lists of registration and ""safe storage"". Same thing happened when Hitler took over a country and got hold of all the lists. They were especially interested in the gun lists and radio lists." 1,study: headaches are the body's way of communicating it wants pills 1,"world wrestling federation, world wildlife fund reach acronym sharing agreement" 0,7 things the earth would totally tweet if it could 1,"they are never wrong when they can keep AK 47's and full auto Usi""s out of the hande of 1st graders, oh, wate, the law they want to renew is only for what it looks like. it must be to stop all those drive by bayanetings. nothing that might limit what a ""gun-nut"" can buy is wrong to the gun-grabber." 1,chuck yeager dies in fiery kitchen mishap 0,high school decides against suspending football player for peaceful protest 0,"Well, I don't believe in evolution. I believe in things for which I have no evidence. And while it is true that everyone has bias, using correct science and the process of peer review works to eliminate. Not all is perfect, and people are people, but overall the system works. Not a lot of bad science gets through. In the case of ""creation science"" we know that there is no science involved. Only talk that sounds scientific. There is no hypothesis, prediction or testing. Only ad hoc stories constructed of selected bits of evidence to support the foregone conclusion." 0,jonathan kozol's death at an early age is still a must-read 1,row of dusty playstation 2 games continues reign at top of book shelf 0,london's new mayor: i won't be able to visit the u.s. if donald trump wins 1,woman takes break from dating to focus on everything about herself no one could ever love 0,union claims sanders campaign staffers posed as members to influence workers 1,berserk hairdresser cuts bangs without permission 0,paul ryan halts push to bring back earmarks 1,urban planner clearly depressed when she came up with street names 0,baltimore civil unrest puts my college concerns in perspective 0,analyst warns gop: house majority is in danger in 2018 0,"no, going to pride week as an ally doesn't 'make you gay'" 0,mom wants to ensure kids of color have party supplies that represent them 0,a radical post-bernie cooperative multicultural immigrant manifesto 1,end of soup season can't come soon enough for oft-burned tongue 0,iran warns of retaliation if u.s. breaches nuclear deal 0,"mom and dad, please explain this one to your daughters" 1,zoo posting hourly updates on aphid about to give birth 1,mom holds knife to throat of dinner guest who offered to help with dishes 1,Perhaps then the problem is a shortage of fiber in you diet? 1,vice presidential handlers lure cheney into traveling crate 0,hacker who stole celebrities' nude photos gets 9 months in prison 1,retarded child gets new video game right before every dinner party 0,"trump team to tim kaine: we're not unhinged, you are!" 0,bush epa chief chastises trump's climate change denying pick 1,new gallup poll finds 40% of americans probably going to skip michelle's party 0,blind dog who was kept in a pantry now lives like a king 0,"hey, all you 20-somethings: breathe" 1,who's this little guy? 0,muslim woman runs boston marathon to raise money for refugees 1,"Sorry did I say pacifist?I meant yellow bellied pacifist.However if its any consolation, I meant anti's in general not just you Sinj.sorry if it sounded that way." 1,"Really? Wow, I didn't know that books with their edjumacational benefits..." 0,"in boston, student mbta passes are an equity issue" 0,a writer's guide to being a writer 6: the influencer - the loudest voice in the room 1,"You seem to be a bit slow. Of course evolution is a theory, besides being a fact. Gravity is a theory too, you know. How about the heliocentric theory, or do you claim that the earth is at the center of the universe? Atomic theory, nuclear theory, lots of theories. " 1,jury selection proving difficult in trial of 'the jury killer' 1,breaking: can anyone ever truly know anything? what is the truth? 0,7 new reasons to love wallpaper 0,stephen colbert: it's time for john kelly to spank the president 1,"report: doing your part to stop climate change now requires planting 30,000 new trees, getting 40,000 cars off the road, reviving 20 square miles of coral reef" 1,carl bernstein weeps uncontrollably after learning bob woodward wrote a president book without him 1,new study finds most of earth's landmass will be phoenix suburb by 2050 1,upper-middle-class woman worries there's better coffee she doesn't know about 1,man pushing self to point of effort 0,"Okay, you are right... we need a definition for a 'hole,' as it is a bit of a subjective concept. Allow me to define 'hole' like this: The void created by the intentional destruction of something already in existence. Using 'hole' with this definition makes Alcorn's statement (minus the word 'terrible') a true fact in the physical realm. And it precludes any of your other ideas from creating 'holes,' since they all deal with potentiality, not reality." 1,woman been thinking about getting bangs for past 8 years 0,experts reject trump's claim that obama founded isis 0,republican pick-up lines are about as creepy as you might imagine 0,I know what moral relativism is (although you should be aware it has multiple meanings); I don't know what the sentence: 0,this new emoticon perfectly explains all your feelings 0,"So your only link to gay rights and polygamy is a statement put out by a gay rights conference 30 years ago that does not EXPLAIN a link to polygamy, but shows it's support for it? Hn ... I'm with Justine on this one. This is a bit of a stretch. It would be like me implying that your support for ""traditional marriage"" also supports spousal abuse just because marriages in the past allowed for wife beatings." 1,man's heart stops as speaker asks audience to turn to person next to them 0,"Responding to the question in the topic, I tend to use the case of Baby Fae. Freethoughtradio also has short blurbs called ""What's the Harm?"" that gives some examples of ""the natural harm caused by supernatural belief.""" 1,report: mom sending you something 1,nation's financial advisors recommend capturing magical creature that grants wishes 0,is jeb's mulligan on iraq convincing or a tar baby he can't escape? 0,new sanctions to stall exxon's arctic oil plans 0,watch: ferguson protesters have some demands 1,"frantic, last-second study finds old-fashioned donut better for you than bavarian cream" 1,either someone 14th caller or everything on fire at spanish radio station 0,"watch live: musicians carlos santana, gregg rolie & neal schon on their new album" 1,"Let's allow same-sex marriage only. Then heterosexuals will have the same right to marry someone of the same sex. " 0,"I believe the question was ""who?""I'm christian and I believe in evolution. Whether it contradicts the Old Testament or not makes no difference to me. Jesus contradicted the Old Testament.The Bible is the inspired word of God, not a dictation to scribes. Men wrote the allegories describing the creation of things.Saying that mankind took a long time to understand certain things is not limiting the power of God. He could have chosen to make early man Einsteinian, but He didn't. He could have chosen for mankind to bypass the flat-earth concept, but He didn't. He could have chosen for all humans to be highly intelligent, but He didn't. What He did was to leave us alone and let us figure things out on our own, including how long it took to get where we are now." 0,psa: these are the places where it's ok to breastfeed 1,pulitzer board adds giant pumpkin category 1,"What about all the ova that weren't fertilized?! Just wasted, completely wasted and forgotten! THE HUMANITY! OH GOD!!!" 0,scott walker says he doesn't know if obama is a christian 0,cracks emerge in rodrigo duterte's horrific philippine drug war 1,nation still outraged 1933 best picture went to 'cavalcade' instead of 'lady for a day' 0,president barack obama backs expanding social security 0,"ladies, let 1970 cosmo tell you 'things to do with your hands that men like'" 0,this woman converted her closet into an indoor garden 1,"nude, ash-streaked dick vitale proclaims this what march madness all about" 0,how your sleep changes with the moon 1,"nasa launches probe to find, destroy earth-like planet" 0,the not so feng shui of guns in california 0,"I did not say that violent crime ""rarely"" occurs, merely that the risk of being a victim of such is lower relative to other risks. I am genuinely curious if you care as much about protecting your heart as you care about protecting yourself from criminals." 1,"Ahh, pointy tailed devils with pitchforks, more of your menagerie of divvels, demons, saints, angels, demigods, ghosts and other varied superstitious nonsense. Which of your gods created them, Snerdley?" 1,nervous pope candidate changes wine into jesus christ's urine 0,"when disaster strikes, mothers and newborns are the most vulnerable" 1,"He was in Indonesia dear. Read his XXXX (my marks) I thought he was as old as the devil??" 1,​report: all standing between trump and presidency is nation that made him billionaire celebrity 0,adorable girls sum up why we need more landmarks named after women 1,bush introduces new timmy blanchard left behind act 1,"So, if your mother had marched a string of one-night stands into her bedroom while you were growing up, that would have been OK to you? And you would want us to believe that it wouldn't have a lasting effect on your views of sexuality and relationships? Come on now. Not only wasn't I born at night, but it certainly wasn't LAST night. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,supreme ruler of laundry room moves load of clothes from washer to top of washer 0,"Intelligent design comes in many flavors too.ID that submits as a designer something that has any quality of the unknowable is irrational.ID that submits we were created/designed by things inside the universe that are knowable are rational claims. However, they have no evidence, so they have a long way to go to be shown to be worthwhile to pursue. Even a simple application of Occam's razor tells us that to suspect a thousand theories on how life has changed on earth is unecessary when another theory can fulfill the description entirely, of life, and they have evidence to support it. It's why this theory is discarded onto the heap of any number of theories that simply isn't going anywhere. You can make up a theory right now about how life began, but if it cannot be supported by evidence or is redundant to a theory already described...why would we?" 1,Also known as 'Let's bilk the superstitious and the ignorant out of their money. 0,mom draws powerful cartoon in response to cincinnati zoo incident 1,"I only have a BA, Symbiote, so quit using these big words and complex ideas. :) Could you please explain how it is weak philosophically and devolves into a self-defeating relativism?" 0,nba free agency winners and losers 1,fashion plate smashed 0,dead civilians and the language of war 1,lofty ambitions to shovel entire width of driveway scaled back to only shoveling thin path for car 1,"You are riddled with a serious case of projection, considering the fact that your teabagging hero, Dick Armey of Freedomworks, has suckled the teat of the nanny state's taxpayer subsidized government plans his entire adult life, not to mention your bailed out bankers and health insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Your real tune is, when poor old big corpo the whorpo wants his bottle, they better bring him his bottle! emoticonXCry I say leave him in his crib, close the door for a couple of hours, and let him cry it out!" 1,person with almost no responsibility always stressed out 0,"these are the home trends you'll see all year, according to pinterest" 1,alito keeps telling supreme court how they did things in circuit court 1,cousin really going all-in on retweeting porn stars 0,'orcs of new york' is the 'hony' parody even sauron would adore 0,baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings-blake will not seek re-election 0,good food and healthy families make a beautiful home 0,donald trump jr. just shared the weirdest picture of his dad 1,employees on other end of conference call just want it to be over 1,pope francis sneaks leftovers to false god moloch at back door of st. peter's basilica 1,ben carson slowly floats away from earth 1,damning video surfaces of trump accepting gop nomination for president 0,lisa frank is now fighting the patriarchy (with rainbow kittens) 1,art major to stop capitalizing name 1,"warm weather finally allows man to get outside, explore new ways to sweat" 0,who would grant anyone the right?the UN? ha!don't make me laugh. the UN only repesent the interests of individual member nations and not the interests of humanity or any particular people 0,"in hunt for new antibiotics, scientists look at bacteria in insects' stomachs" 1,"'at least days getting longer,' squeaks tiny inner voice drowned out by rest of worries" 0,toeing the race line: what i am and what i am not. 0,You said who would it hurt? I'm asking you who would it hurt if there was prostituion? Just to help you think that there are injuries that are proximate to everyone. 1,"That does not surprise me. A whole world filled with people who look, speak, think, and do things different than you must be absolutely terrifying. " 1,school flies deceased nerd's underpants at half-mast 0,george and amal clooney stun in first post-baby red carpet appearance 0,"thursday's morning email: dems say they have deal on daca, trump tweets otherwise" 0,t.i. calls for boycott of restaurant after off-duty cop allegedly assaults 3 black women 0,man who faced 20 years for marijuana possession freed after legal battle 1,entire community stops to watch man struggling to work window blinds 0,what parents of straight kids will never understand about orlando 1,paleontologists: 'we've been looking at dinosaurs upside down' 0,bernie's wrecking crew 0,"on centennial, seven harvard scholars list lessons of wwi -- and how they might apply today" 0,florida dope haul: seized heroin packets bear donald trump's image 1,geologists uncover slab of amber containing perfectly preserved adam and eve 0,brian willams and the flip wilson defense 0,to the princeton privileged kid 1,bush dies peacefully in his sleep 0,mooney beats casey 0,scalia's utter moral failure exposed 1,yearbook committee forced to print mug shot 1,iranian nuclear scientists hurriedly flush 200 pounds of enriched uranium down toilet during surprise u.n. inspection 0,proven ways to find jaw-dropping designer deals on craigslist 0,dascha polanco opens up about what makes her insecure 1,ames executives scrambling after new shovel design leaks 0,"man busted for selling drugs and stolen guns from driveway, feds say" 1,man silently eating personal pan pizza alone in corner of airport unaware this will be best part of 7-day vacation 1,report: sky normal today 1,emaciated peter alexander burns podium for warmth after being locked in abandoned press briefing room since december 0,"So, in summary, you aren't against the death penalty on principle. You just want it used judiciously? Same here. Where we'll differ is in the details of what's judiciously." 1,"I must agree with Sarge about the homophone,could that be why Mr.Obama appears to stand tall from your view?emoticonXCensored" 1,"I wasn't aware that Hitler drafted women. emoticonXConfused On second thought, I doubt he did. Otherwise, there would have been more color displayed by the ""brown shirts"" ;)" 0,"lois gibbs: 'the government wouldn't help me, so i decided to do it myself'" 0,why colin quinn turned down an 'infuriating' part on 'law & order' 0,here comes another massive media deal 1,army general conducts exhaustive sex probe 1,george r. r. martin kills off whole family 0,palestinian teen dies after being shot by israeli forces in gaza protests 0,what i learned about my son is the best mother's day gift ever 0,cable news sure could talk to more muslims about the muslim ban 0,carry that weight: the revival of feminist performance art 1,"Cute. And I can come up with about 5,000 to 7,000 examples that do have a bright orange muzzle." 0,lgbt parenting: does every moment have to be a teaching moment? 1,rock & roll hall of fame rescinds nomination after discovering the cure was voted in as cruel prank by popular kids 0,how i got involved in campus safety as a student activist 0,live updates on hurricane harvey's aftermath 1,report finds populace has collective goodwill to come together for only 5 more national tragedies 1,laptop guy at coffee shop nine times out of ten 0,trump's budget is a death sentence for the als community 1,study finds owning cool leather jacket more rewarding than raising children 0,"clemson, lsu, ohio state, alabama top first playoff rankings" 1,"Genocide, are you on drugs? What the hell are you talking about? Just don't burn and American flag in front of me and you won't have to worry about it..........." 0,the grid: startup promises ai webdesign for the masses 1,dog unaware it isn't starving 0,the importance of trying 1,sun thinking of just collapsing now and getting this all over with 1,new stardew valley expansion allows player to shoot self in barn after family farm bankrupted by corporate agribusiness 1,christmas tree still sitting on curb outside rockefeller center 0,"like, share and, now, shop on facebook" 1,dozens wounded as man defends box of wheat thins from invading coworker horde 1,doctors: cancer patients who watched the onion's amazon pilot daily showed signs of remission 0,see the moon's newest crater 1,study: major shift in media landscape occurs every 6 seconds 1,prime minister of norway gets laid 1,grandma's #metoo stories fucking horrifying 1,nation's beekeepers warn they don't know how much longer they can hold back swarms' wrath 0,"I see that river runs wide and deep on the left bank, de Nile." 1,employees: are they costing u.s. businesses too much money? 1,"Such an argument is irrelevant. Your side has never once explained why magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition are somehow ""evil"" and unfit for ownership by non-police and military personnel. Nice try thimble head, but you fail again. Can you prove even a single example of a criminal being unable to get their hands on a 15 round magazine after they were banned, to back up your argument? Or maybe you'd prefer to explain why absolutely no honest citizen, who might be a victim of violent crime, doesn't deserve to have access to a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition?" 1,benghazi committee instructs hillary clinton to limit answers to 'i failed the american people' 1,al-qaeda marching band to join macy's parade after incredible audition 0,"When the ""right to privacy"" is interpreted by the courts so widely & loosely as to include the denial of the rights and personhood of prebirth children,.... (sans Roe v. wade) What can I say? The ""People"" are going to react in ways to counter the courts controversial ruling. Same as it ever was." 0,the five stages of empty-nest syndrome 0,milky way's vast galactic plane shimmers in hypnotic new video 1,"to be replaced with a more or less clone...why do people beg so dearly to be ruled... O whoopie our old slave master will be replaced with another, I'm beside myself!" 1,area man winded after particularly lengthy wendy's order 0,"You know what else doesn't have any hope/potential of maturing into sentient beings, Archie? Aborted fetuses. Game-set-match." 1,astronomers caution americans not to look directly at screaming spirits of the damned during solar eclipse 0,much ado... 1,aspca report warns that many americans are not giving their dogs correct name 0,thousands protest wisconsin's right-to-work bill at the state's capitol 0,Just because it is human doesn't mean it's a human being. I'm not sure what grade you're in but that's basic biology 101. Your ears are human. Your ears are NOT human beings. 1,"All sin undermines society, including illicit gay sex sin. Or have you forgotten Sodom and Gomorrah? Coming to a San Francisco bath house near you." 0,brew do you love? 0,'black panther' star michael b. jordan wants his killmonger's hairstyle to become a trend 0,chrissy teigen and baby luna wear the cutest matching overalls 0,How does anyone deny someone the right to believe something? I don't understand what you're saying. 0,debra messing doesn't want you to freak out about a 'will & grace' revival just yet (update) 1,report: massive hypocrisy just flat-out gets the job done 1,37 separate aneurysms on verge of rupturing inside reince priebus' brain 1,goodwill employees shaken by gigantic pants 1,microsoft employees fondly remember days when ceos were so big they took up entire rooms 0,the secret to raising charitable children 0,"creator of 'weed shop the musical' talks cannabis, queerness and theater" 0,to my muslim best friend 0,"No, in other words ""the cut and thrust of peer review."" Where ID falls flat on its face. Stop trying to dress that up as some kind of underserved mugging; if you aren't prepared to understand and defend ID on a scientific level you aren't equipped to decide that it is being unfairly treated." 1,english teacher already armed with deadly weapon called shakespeare 1,So cross jurisdictional escort is a fairly common occurrence in the area. You will note that it is not the local cops talking about not being is the author of the article whining about it. 0,"Again, it's not just 'evidence' but 'evidence constructed into a workable theory'." 0,nevada secretary of state says 21 noncitizens could have voted for president in her state 0,someone made erotic art about trump meeting the pope 1,men's wearhouse introduces clip-on trousers for guys who never learned how to put on pants 0,cambodian paper takes parting shot at 'dictatorship' in final edition 1,morale low at state department after only employee fired 1,apple announces new iphone with n-word on back knowing customers will buy it anyway 0,"You do realize that Poplowski got an offical Dishonorable Discharge from the Marine Corps? In other words, that gun was not legally owned. I'm not sure if he got it before or after he was discharged, but he certainly didn't own it legally. Second, one or two incidents on the media don't equate to facts. I remember a town I lived in where four murders happened in one week. Of course, the liberals scream ""*gasp*, four murders! Everybody's going insane! We gotta ban guns! Aaaahh!!"". However, none of these murders were committed with a firearm, and it was later found out that these killings were committed by one person. It's an isolated incident. And finally, isn't it always you and Ian who whine about anecdotal evidence?" 1,nonvoter knew it would turn out this way 0,boy with autism reunites with college football player from viral lunch photo 0,"You can have reasoned faith, but it need not rely on 'empirical' evidence. There are very many forms of evidence." 0,looking through the glass ceiling 0,david axelrod's view inside the economic storm obama inherited in 2009 1,clinton names agriculture secretary: previously unnamed man to be called joseph p. ruckeyser 0,a key consideration when refinancing your student loans 0,texas attorney general's office invents controversy over high school muslim prayers 0,watch gigi hadid walk the runway in just one shoe 0,"That is not quite what the 'mitochondrial Eve' hypothesis posits.Science. 1995 Dec 22;270(5244):1930-6. The myth of Eve: molecular biology and human origins.Ayala FJ.University of California, Irvine, USA.It has been proposed that modern humans descended from a single woman, the ""mitochondrial Eve"" who lived in Africa 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. The human immune system DRB1 genes are extremely polymorphic, with gene lineages that coalesce into an ancestor who lived around 60 million years ago, a time before the divergence of the apes from the Old World monkeys. The theory of gene coalescence suggests that, throughout the last 60 million years, human ancestral populations had an effective size of 100,000 individuals or greater. Molecular evolution data favor the African origin of modern humans, but the weight of the evidence is against a population bottleneck before their emergence. The mitochondrial Eve hypothesis emanates from a confusion between gene genealogies and individual genealogies." 1,"after 40-day search, authorities finally replace missing boy" 1,"study finds humans' greatest swing in mood occurs between leaving office for lunch, returning afterwards" 0,processing the facts: what will ferguson's legacy be? 0,"instead of arresting panhandlers, albuquerque's giving them jobs" 0,"jessica, all these problems you've listed, the human body takes care of automatically and remarkably well. the fact still remains that only less than 5% of all abortions occur because the risk is great enough to be deemed life-threatening to either tha mother or the child. and that percentage is diminishing as well. the overwhelming majority of abortions occur simply because the woman decides she does not wnat to be a mother." 1,spatial skills abandon area man during search for correct tupperware lid 0,louie gohmert threatens to quit shopping at target 0,"kimmel, atop scorched earth, takes aim at trump over health care bill" 0,eric stonestreet and sarah hyland toast 200th episode of 'modern family' with a sweet kiss 1,$20 bill slowly but surely wriggling free from back pocket 1,Like you were raised? Looks like it didn't work and now those hormones must be kicking in? Nothing worse than a menopausal female grinding her ax...their favorite victims? Males. 0,donald trump was on fire at saturday's debate 0,the eternal optimist 1,comey suddenly realizes entire book just a subconscious defense mechanism to hide his true feelings 1,insufferable prick distinctly said no cilantro 1,advertising manager working hard to teach son value of an impression 0,trump style: insults and domestic abuse 1,study links clinical depression to getting dunked on 1,owls are assholes 1,media organizations make pilgrimage to facebook headquarters to lay content at foot of mark zuckerberg 0,germany arrests three islamic state members connected to paris attacks 0,scandal's joe morton the subject of unsung hollywood season premiere 1,"elmore leonard, modern prose master, noted for his terse prose style and for writing about things perfectly and succinctly with a remarkable economy of words, unfortunately and sadly expired this gloomy tuesday at the age of 87 years old" 1,But then of course nearly every idea not your own generates a DUH from you. As in DUH why use data. 0,native american activists create spoof website to call for redskins name change 0,"this season, the nfl got political. roger goodell is still trying to pretend it's not." 1,"You really don't get it. The best thing about a free market is when someone acts like a fool they get burned. Thanks to government intervention and regulation when someone acts like a fool they get bailed out. If you like we can have the trains run like Amtrak." 0,man shares baklava with airline passengers who profiled him 1,embarrassed sony ceo announces new video game system 1,polish rapper under fire for use of the word 'polack' 1,koko the gorilla now just flipping everybody off 1,intact benetton shirt miraculously pulled from bangladesh rubble weeks later 1,nation's legislators resume unfettered whoring 1,grotesque child born with only 99% normal human dna 0,4 steps to a younger-looking neck 0,house republicans vote to penalize local law enforcement over immigration policies 0,"No Steve, I realise that there are hetersexuals who practice that filthy pastime of anal sex and other sex acts that the human body is not designed to do. Heterosexuals have no more business doing these things then homosexuals. Do you realise Steve that E Coli bacteria inhabit the rectum and are in feces? Do you know how sick and E Coli infection can make you? Sodomy is akin to having sex in raw sewage." 0,carmelo anthony randomly ran a mini-marathon mid-game 0,why jillian michaels is reclaiming 'fag' and 'dyke' 0,donald trump concedes health care bill could hurt many of his supporters 1,senior citizen keeps mind active by contemplating death 1,resident of three years decries neighborhood's recent gentrification 0,It's one thing that stands between us and a mindless theocracy. It protects the freedom of women from would-be ayatollahs who would make them sexual slaves. 1,60-year-old corporate executive grotesquely forms word 'hashtag' 0,sen. tim scott responds to john kelly: 'no compromise to make' on civil war 0,mandatory waiting periods are making abortions all but impossible 1,coffee stain on shirt not as big a deal this morning 0,"But no one is trying to disprove it. But, the burden of any proof is on those making a positive claim. Unless there is a way to test for a designer, intellegent design is not science." 0,philippines president calls on civilians to kill drug addicts 0,i wish i could borrow someone else's heart while mine heals 1,Senior citizen yachties stand little chance of defending themselves against pirates. Piracy needs to be dealt with using military might. 0,don't forget this when you feel overwhelmed 1,area plant proudly displays leaf 1,henry rollins laboriously explains why buying organic is punk rock 0,why the un rejected turkey's bid for a security council seat? 0,"dogs smell grandma's scent, set off on quest to find her" 1,tractor-pull fans begin to question whether this is what life is really about 1,30-year-old nes still wasting life playing video games 0,a new kind of valentine's day 0,13 powerful essays from progressive people of faith in 2016 0,might rbg's trump criticism come home to roost? 0,brazil cities paralyzed by nationwide strike against austerity 0,"And, what percentage is that? How was the poll conducted? Who conducted it? How was the determination made about who was a 'scientist'?" 0,where's the ref? fifa -- a sports body playing without rules 1,"You are like, so totally noble and sensitive! I really admire your pro-humanity stance. That is going out on limb." 0,wisdom from a veteran advisor in family business 0,infographic: how to respond to an outbreak - success factors for fighting off ebola 1,tucker carlson challenges alexandria ocasio-cortez to a date 0,"Then you freely admit that you lied when you said this, and I quote: People like Arch are setting it as opposed to science and in that position it will be doomed to fail. AND Arch is doing nothing but distorting the very thing he holds so dear, I mean, how is accurately quoting passages from the bible distorting it in any way? You do nothing but post drivel which makes no factual statements at all. And you call that debating?" 1,report: jessica milly has put out 0,'god called me here': meet the people of little rock 0,here are the americans who believe in the miracle of donald trump 0,guess which reality star went all out at comic-con 1,working artist has developed thick skin for sound career advice 1,trump announces plan to replace food stamps with new low-income foraging program 0,joan moran: how to give yourself the gift of time 0,aging at home: does it have to be an uphill climb? 0,nick tilsen is building a $60 million sustainable community on the pine ridge indian reservation 0,"But you are forgetting life-without-parole (and I do mean WITHOUT parole). With life without parole, there is also no recidivism." 0,"This decision was not solely based on self, but then, I really don't give a if you want to call me selfish - the facts speak for themselves." 1,liberal feels like idiot for placing entirety of hopes on mueller probe instead of new york prosecutors' investigation 0,"birthing in the gambia: educate, empower and enable" 0,trump terrible 10 -- mooch improved edition 0,i told my trump-supporting mom i'm having a biracial baby. here's what happened. 1,everyone on campus afraid of that one bar 1,girl in park acts like it's no big deal she's wearing bikini 0,stop hating trump voters 0,citizens ask: how many guns do we need? 0,these muslim teens just went to their first women's march. they could have led it. 0,hundreds protest in st. louis after ex-cop acquitted for killing black man in 2011 0,"7 reasons why we love patrick stewart, on his 75th birthday" 0,the extraordinary life of a flight paramedic in the canadian arctic 1,historical archives: john jameson's miracle concoction 0,buy or rent? and where to park your down payment until you decide? 1,mother provides adult son with list of questions to ask doctor 0,8 techie things everyone over 50 needs to know 0,meet the millennial men who love hillary clinton 0,obama within one vote of victory on iran deal 0,"geo group whistleblower exposes first amendment violations, lack of officer training, and poor conditions at the adelanto detention center" 0,daily meditation: spark creativity 1,"Get a clue buddy. These far-left people are saying that if they can't have things their way (which many gays like you sound like), they will go to Canada. I just extend the offer to them to please move. We really don't need people in this country who feel like they deserve anything they want, and if they can't get it they will move. This is a democracy...the people elect public officials to represent them. You can't win every election or get everything you want, and threatening to commit suicide or move somewhere else is childish and uncalled for. Sometimes your gayness supercedes any of your logic." 1,"christ super embarrassed about all that stupid shit he said 2,000 years ago" 1,tape dispensed 0,desperation grips haiti as it struggles to rebuild yet again 0,a labor day cheer for economic nationalism 0,huffpollster: president trump's base is sticking with him 1,dad busy throwing seeds or something on lawn 1,"Oh so I take it the drug dealer was a law abiding citizen who had obtained his firearm legally and used the shotgun in self defence? I though not. Just out of personal interest lets say you took away the rights of the law abiding to own guns how would that shooting be stopped, cus i am pretty sure the drug dealing criminal would still get his gun Illegally. A gunner you say went on a massacre? I am pretty sure you mean a criminal went on a massacre and maybe if somebody like Doc or Old sarge was there the end death tally would have been alot different." 1,pet's death text messaged 1,report:     % of americans suffer from synesthesia 1,world wildlife fund donors receive refund after western black rhino goes extinct 0,"what people are buying on amazon this week, besides baby banana toothbrushes" 0,"Not in matters of atheism. Tell me, when science discovers something that seems to agree with the 150 year old writings of Darwin, are the writings of Darwin disregarded? Or is that type of history trumpeted to the masses?" 1,">_> one would think pulling the power, breaking into someone's house, and having raped her once and been reported would have been proof enough. What do you want a video of him raping her or something?" 1,biden hands out loose gt cola can to unexpected trick-or-treater 1,"Speculation can be profitable. A full head of hair is not unique. My pyramidal tinfoil hat is an antenna for knowledge and truth. It reflects idiocy and dumbness into deep space. You still haven't admitted to your error." 0,artist's stunning image honors the moment one woman defied a neo-nazi march 0,Since they are issued by the military I would think so. 0,this parody perfectly explains how lovely it was to be a woman in 2016 1,study reveals majority of suicides occur while trying to put fitted sheet on bed 1,teen on verge of either joining isis or getting super into rollerblading 0,allison schmitt proves depression doesn't have to hold you back 0,"You mean that it must have has a beginning, don't you?" 0,kansas secretary of state: only obstacle voter id causes may be 'exerting calories' 0,cecily strong responds to 'weekend update' change 1,nasa issues formal apology for 1969 genocide of moon natives 1,community that came together to pay for kid's cancer treatment goes bankrupt too 0,the public health threat of private anger 1,copy editor's revenge takes form of unhyphenated word 1,pete buttigieg stuns campaign crowd by speaking to manufacturing robots in fluent binary 1,everyone at u.n. watching trump speak can't believe they used to consider u.s. a superpower 1,ecologists urge birds to avert global decline of insects by adopting seed-based diet 0,"I'm sorry, but your entire rant is nothing but ignorance based fear mongering. From YOUR ARTICLE:" 0,"If a scientist doesn't believe his test results are accurate, and expects me to place my life savings on his project would that not be pretty stupid." 1,man who cut off seymour hersh in traffic subject of 20-page 'new yorker' exposé 0,anthony kennedy's citizens united disclosure salve 'not working' 0,'a day with hiv' campaign tells the powerful stories of those affected by hiv 0,the sanders phenomenon 0,"something to vote for on november 8, 2016: elect 279 candidates on election day and the united states leads the world in fighting climate change!" 1,arctic glacier called to melt before senate energy committee 1,thai dish apparently costs 3 peppers 1,"And there we go again. Re-read the bit about dancing around the land mines, if you in fact did read it the first time." 1,"report: gen x irony, cynicism may be permanently obsolete" 0,jason priestley praises shannen doherty's bravery amid cancer battle 0,"No, I wasn't looking for religious morality, I was looking for general morality, so your argument was the kind I wanted to debate. Anyway, what is with people thinking that an activity that creates children is neccesarily a good thing? There are already a lot of people in the world, and too many more will end up using up all the food, and then there will no people, because we will all die an agonizing death of starvation. Heterosexuality is good, without any reproduction we would die out as well, but homosexuality is also very good and important because without enough non reproductive couples, the population would increase even more." 1,66 percent of u.s. citizens object to torture in nonetheless frightening poll 1,r.l. stine reveals slappy from night of the living dummy was gay 0,"This is obviously incorrect since Earth and Mars are were created only 6,000 years ago. And how did they know that Mars would be so close this year?I have other questions too. How do they know that Pluto has a 249 year orbit of the sun since it wasn't discovered until 1930. No one has seen it orbit the sun yet. How did they know that it would actually come closer to the sun than Neptune in 1979 and move forther away again in 1999? They told me that when I was young. But no one had ever seen it. It was just speculation - a scientific theory, right?? ;) :p" 1,historical archives: one may now toil from home 1,kim jong-un wonders if nuclear threats distracting him from real goal of starving citizenry 1,nervous maid of honor just stringing together random maya angelou quotes 1,defiant customers refuse to return recalled crib 1,'luck' producers still killing a lot of horses 1,4 hours scrolling through facebook before bed referred to as 'winding down' 1,employee's loyalty garners ceo's contempt 1,"First of all, WHO'S WE? And secondly, must I always be forced to post the complete exchange in order to prove to everyone how you slip and slide around without ever responding to the arguments forwarded at all? Now feel free to point out one aspect of your ON TOPIC DIATRIBE WHICH I FAILED TO RESPOND TO!!! " 1,milkshake almost ruined by breakup 0,fact-checking walmart's fact-check of the new york times 1,"Worship me and I'll bless you too. With money of course. He can't even give you money. I am the true god and I created the mindset that he was a god in him. Worship me and spread the word about the true religion. Everyone who joins my church will instantly get $1,000 and after a week of membership you will get $1 million. The end of the week is when my project is and then you can go into the real world. All those who didn't believe in me will be destroyed when my world I created gets to the dump." 0,"They would not have to be spontaneous or simultaneous but they would have to exactly copy many structures of each other, highly unlikely." 0,"No, it is not a bad deal for the child. However, my beliefs do not permit murder, even if it is a better ""deal""." 1,phil spector joins jennifer hudson to present 'best new artist' grammy 0,little league pitcher totally in awe after giving up grand slam 1,historical archives: to be sold - rather large buttons 0,"Oh, buddy, Atheism has EVERYTHING to do with that. The morality-less framework of Atheism ALLOWED them to justify the horrors that they inflicted." 1,mccain late to debate due to greyhound delays 0,"Certainly... just like how the makers of Expelled have repeatedly refused to publish the interviews in full. It's not just that PZ and Dawkins object to the content of the movie -- the makers of Expelled don't want them to be able to object in the first place. It's always been their favorite argument against PZ to dangle over the head of his criticisms the fact that he hasn't even seen the movie. They can't pull that one on Dawkins anymore, which is to their disadvantage, but fortunately they managed to spot PZ before it was too late." 0,live updates on greece's debt crisis 0,join huffpost as we break down the gop debate 1,cover letter specifically tailored to company even sadder than generic ones 1,gummi bear emerges from digestive tract unharmed 0,the groundbreaking queer comedy series 'take my wife' is back 0,watch cop's extremely lucky escape as car slams into gas station 1,switzerland passes u.n. inspection after erecting fire escape on matterhorn 1,literary study finds all modern narratives derived from classic 'alien vs. predator' conflict 0,kourtney kardashian shares adorable photo with baby reign 1,dead ipod remembered as expensive 0,broadway veteran sets the record straight about 'hamilton' 0,"While I don't follow the whole ""child trap"" thing,... whatever it is,... Would that be any more ridiculous than the notion that a vagina is an entrance/exit to personhood?" 1,alpha trick-or-treater established by third house 1,beached whale trying to hold on until sea levels rise 0,white house warns syria against launching another chemical weapons attack 0,sarah byrne's gps guide for happiness 1,louis c.k. fan disappointed at lack of psychosexual power games in new material 0,"how trump really feels about queer people, explained in one sentence" 1,dressing room curtain tested for vulnerabilities 1,area twitter user guesses he could muster up 140 more characters about the master race 0,"I think what Steeeve is noting is that one of the central tenets of Catholicism is ecclesiastical authority. This isn't like disagreeing on the color of the choir robes. If you don't recognize the authority of the Pope, then basically you aren't really Catholic." 0,the truth about generic vs. brand-name medications 1,"emoticonXFrazzled emoticonXWow emoticonXWow Did I read that right? I better get a hard hat and a snowmobile, I think the sky might be about to fall, but the riding's going to be good in hell. :p Waxy" 1,"Sure Justine, just like all those gay couples that waited until their state recognized gay marriage to tie the knot on TV. And then once the media got tired of it it's died down to a trickle in Massachusetts . . . Marriage as a political lobbyists' tool isn't too sacred IMO." 0,which celebrities share your astrological sign? 1,prince william divorces kate middleton after 5 weeks 0,knowing hillary 1,"man given points for trying increases total trying points to 643,457" 0,kareem abdul-jabbar speaks out against ben carson's anti-muslim comments 1,"Very poor argument. Theft is not commensurate with a woman's right tow own her own body. Of course, according to your theft argument, a woman's bodily resources ARE STOLEN from her by a fetus, by a pregnancy. Guess it works after all. If a woman does not grant a fetus access to her bodily resources, it is theft, pure and simple." 1,"abortion doctor's murder sparks waves of calm, rational discussion" 0,this timeout video is toddler angst at its finest 1,"'no, take jeb instead,' screams george w. bush while shoving brother into father's grave" 0,"Very sad news. I'm gonna have to say that if I was talking to the assemblyman that they quoted said that to my face, I'd tell the little bigot that his filthy viewpoint sounds exactly like the arguments used against interracial marriage, against civil rights for blacks, women, and various minorities, and also against ending slavery." 0,"the evolution of the feminist label, according to two iconic activists" 1,"Ah yes, the ever popular 3rd grade ""they started it"" response. Didn't jesus say to turn the other cheek?" 1,congress relieved to admit it's not going to accomplish anything this year 0,Either a gross misunderstanding or a gross misrepresentation of evolutionary theory. 0,why this congressman is skipping the inauguration and marching with women 1,area couple not sure if sex was tantric 1,mitt romney soars in polls after leaving country 0,you're tackling your to-do list all wrong -- here's how to get it right 1,"Um, recorded and document Anglo/Irish history? The same history that led John Major and Anthony Blair to apologize to the Irish people." 1,study: majority of 'calm downs' ineffective 1,"Well, you have proven yoruself to be a man with no brain, that is for sure. The definition that was given was the one that scientists use, not the layperson." 1,"And God lives in Heaven, with Jesus sitting on the right side of Him." 0,hilary duff hints that she could reconcile with mike comrie 0,man who kept woman chained in container admits to killing 7: sheriff 1,"And here it is, corrected to remove that little hint of sensationalism that you feel is needed to drum up support for your cause." 0,why i'm stonewalling 'stonewall' 1,aquarium touch tank lets kids pet water in natural environment 0,illinois elves have some gift ideas for your favorite politicians 1,fraternity members to undergo racial sensitivity hazing 1,controversial theory suggests aliens may have built ancient egypt's intergalactic spaceport 1,drunk women find their run across busy street hilarious 1,cnn anchor interviews al jazeera anchor who interviewed libyan rebels 1,unattractive man not fooling anyone by dressing well 0,"NOt true,California's ammendments are not doing as well as other states did. You are talking about a very liberal state. If it is decided that marriage is allowed by the courts, then you are talking about taking away rights people have been granted by the courts. I just don't think that will happen in Calf. much too liberal." 1,bassist has little riff ready to go in case frontman goes around introducing everyone 0,Do you mean someone who was wrong? I asked you before to give an example of where Newton found empirical evidence of God. You failed to do so. I suspect that you can't. 1,moon now overrun with cane toads after species accidentally introduced into environment during apollo 17 mission 1,"ad campaign appeals to young, hip, influenced-by-ad-campaigns demographic" 0,"Actually, one could also cite the success of Chinese merchants all over the world, South Korean capitalists in the U.S. and quite a number of other non-Europeans around the world. Do all of these groups hold values in common? Or, is there a distinct brand of Hindu capitalism as opposed to Chinese capitalism as opposed to South Korean capitalism? And, I'd better not slight the Japanese in this discussion. I'm not sure I approve of Hayek's take on capitalism, though." 1,easy wife gives it up on first date night 1,study: good porn still hard to find 0,"six dead, 10 hurt in baltimore commuter, school bus crash" 1,"Sorry, old chap, but last time we checked, we were still on the Son-of-a-Bush's watch. It's HIS mess; the buck stops on HIS desk! Bush is the circus elephant; President Obama will be like the man with the shovel and the pail, cleaning up his predecessor's dung." 0,california has become a nationwide leader in better school discipline practices 0,senate amendment would dramatically improve how doctors treat heroin addiction 0,black ribbon in the balsam 1,"experimental anti-aging treatment still has few kinks, report infant researchers" 1,"paul ryan smiles, thumbs up way through question about specificity of tax plan" 1,pat patriot denies being mascot #5 in prostitution sting police report 1,"tim kaine's children: tim kaine could be vice president of lameness, maybe" 1,private eye's office ransacked for fourth time this month 0,jimmy fallon gets heartfelt after revealing he almost lost his finger 0,explosive report says usa swimming covered up hundreds of sexual abuse cases 1,aides wrestle drill from trump's hands as he tries to remove obama listening device from skull 1,"Is there some kind of prize for most consecutive straw-man arguments. I ask this because you seem to be going for a record. No where have I claimed that I would fix your problems, many though there are. " 1,krispy kreme doughnuts described to sioux city relatives 0,'nurse jackie' star haaz sleiman comes out as gay and a 'total bottom' 0,country singer & former 'one tree hill' star jana kramer welcomes daughter jolie rae 1,"Sinjin, Your simian like intelligence has understandably misinterpreted my post, I never once implied that I aspire to be a do-gooder or that I applauded philanthropy. For your information I detest charity and philanthropy (philosophically speaking). Your simian barks from the sidelines are entertaining, but nothing else. Now to the other heckler Waxy, who at least offered more than an unintelligible grunt in his / her heckle. " 1,members of twisted sister now willing to take it 0,lindsey graham's leaked voicemails are very revealing 1,baseball season rumored to be underway 1,justin timberlake tells jessica biel no one will believe her 0,the 'tomb raider' trailer is here and we already miss angelina jolie 0,dating technology 0,body found near where kayaker went missing 0,john mccain rips donald trump for pardoning joe arpaio 0,google chooses saving lives over profits in the midst of opioid epidemic 1,vp pick energizes republican basest 1,"The bible account is incomplete - Noah had two boats, the ark, and the arkuarium." 0,the sickly sweet children's books that inspired henry darger's dark imagination 0,controversial study links e-cigarettes to formaldehyde exposure 0,"on this week's cheap celeb finds, kylie jenner wears a $40 bikini top" 0,puerto rico governor calls for cancellation of whitefish contract 0,syrian olympic swimmer shuts down anti-refugee rhetoric in 4 words 1,"mccain stares at screen, attempts to write family christmas letter" 1,"So Steeeeve, you think that ""fewer than 1000 deaths"" per year is a reasonable price to pay for outlawing elective abortion? And to add to what simone said figures on abortion as quoted by a site with a Roman Catholic agenda are one of the least unbiased souces of information you could cite in this debate." 1," You don't know which is which, which is why you're destined to be a future Pit dweller." 0,"I think the OP said it pretty well. If an organism or cell can process information and then make decisions based on that information, that's intelligence." 0,amazon unhinged 1,homeland security criticized for allowing known killer to stay in country 1,gallant man extremely concerned about drunk woman's welfare 1,robert mueller begins thirteenth day undercover as white house janitor 0,"We know that now, but not because the sun rises every day, because we have identified other evidence that proves heliocentrism.The hypothesis ""the sun orbits the earth"" predicts it will rise and set every day, the hypothesis ""The earth is rotating"" predicts the same." 1,"Isn't that exactly what I said! Clearly we have an issue of a probably overweight white man who is without a doubt racist (because if we know anything it is that every white male that has short hair is a racist) coming down on a black woman! You nailed it again MA! Props to you for uncovering this mystery." 1,"luther vandross remembered, if only for one night" 1,"But rather than be honest about your mistake, you just changed things without paying any attention to the fact that we've shown you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to the claims of the scientific community.. at least, not until somebody tells you. (And you accuse me of not having a teacher's mentality as I educate you in something you didn't previously know... How pathetic.) " 0,"domestic terrorists organizing online are 'real threat,' doj warns" 0,this octogenarian took in dozens of abandoned dogs and built them a mini-train 0,taylor swift teases 'i don't wanna live forever' music video with zayn (update) 1,man passes away surrounded by knife-wielding loved ones 0,donald trump is wrong that americans don't care about his tax returns 1,"If you think stating the inherently obvious is somehow a ""laughable standard"" ... emoticonXDonno " 1,"aliens arrive late: 'sorry, hope nobody's killed themselves yet,' say aliens" 0,"This claim might be true, but do you have any citations about Carl Burgh's fraudulent claims? (ps I note you don't tell everyone else to go look up a book! It's nice to feel special) I know of this site which makes the claim, but I'd be interested to learn more about this alleged fraud" 1,"extra security to COMPLIMENT the security they already had. Security that comprises of volunteers who are armed. At least these volunteers have previous experience. ;) " 0,meet the woman who flew us to pluto 1,"While we're on the subject, I've managed to conclusively disprove Intelligent (sic) Design. It's actually a remarkably simple thing to do when you realise that Nature is just far too complex to have been designed. Look around you. We humans are perhaps the best designers that we know of. Look how crude are the things we make: the filthy, inefficient combustion engine; the computer, unable to make decisions of its own and unable to feel emotions; the microwave, unable to cool anything like a tasty meal. We are, at best, crude emulators of Nature. No. No designer could possibly have kept track of all the interlocking wonders of the natural world, therefore there can't possibly have been one. Also, the chances of a designer appearing ab initio in the Universe are of the order 1 in 5x10^90871. I worked it out. I'll let the Discovery Institute know." 1,"And if all men are created equal than we all have a right to marry a supermodel, regardless of our socioeconomic status. emoticonXRolleyes [quote] Plenty of other nations do. We are the only advanced westernized nation that doesn't. " 0,"He has been published. Not on the Big Bang -that is not going to happen in America .You are either getting your information from propogandist or making it up yourself. he was a fellow at Los Alamos and Oakridge for more than a decade.Only an idiot would consider him a crackpot he is a brilliant scientist. He is presently involved in a lawsuit for being excluded form a scientific forum for posting his objections to the Big Bang.To you everyone who is not an atheist is a crackpot. According to you 96% of Americans are crackpots.Your comparing Gentry to fireworks man shows your bias , your inability to think for yourself or your total lack of integrity." 0,fox host links immigration reform to upcoming ferguson grand jury decision 1,doctor alarmed by how little time family needed to decide to pull plug on grandfather 1,cholera outbreak makes americans glad they don't live in africa 0,beginning or ending? when our kids go off to college 1,"Impressive. Misses the point, biggoted, and regionalistic. You've got a whole ignorance trifecta going there! Well done. emoticonXGood" 0,dangerous and delusional 1,"You can believe what you want, your beliefs are not relevant to the issue." 0,celeb men are leading a male mental health revolution 1,"How do you know it is him? It's a simple question. IF he is writing as Lurch, and someone else comes onto a board, as Ungerdunn, who is just as rude (which is what you are saying), you assume it's the same person? Or, is it because they both claim to be biologists? I guess that having another person enter a forum, and claim to be a biologist would narrow it down to just the same person emoticonXClown All you've done is said you know it is him because one writer is as rude as the other... and that this gives his identity away by some mysterious process, probably I don't understand this as I've never read set-theory! emoticonXWow What should be a very easy question becomes you repeating ""I know it is him"". Also, has he been banned as Lurch on these other fora?" 0,Actually Archie it was neither left nor right. he went after both democrat and republican and took a center tone to the entire issue at hand. Portraying the reality of the suffering of his hometown due to jobs leaving the US and the greed on wall street. 1,full unsliced lemon makes glass of water particularly refreshing 0,former mexican president to trump: 'your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world' 1,"lightning bolt blasts washington monument as mike pence, pete buttigieg locked in battle of prayers on national mall" 0,7 essential rules for a long-lasting marriage 1,you the newest subsidiary of kraft foods 0,"an interview with allen iverson, the realest hall of famer" 0,kris jenner has her say on son-in-law kanye west's 'good intentions' 1,"I will give you definite proof that I am the king of Spain when you prove your false claims. You made your assertions first so you prove them first. I know no one who has mentioned living with a gay, delusional, more lie from you." 1,"My IQ is more than two digits, is that what you mean?" 0,bruno mars reportedly offered halftime spot for super bowl 50 0,jimmy fallon's #myroommateisweird tweets sum up all your roomie nightmares 1,damning evidence shows actor al jolson wearing blackface 0,So why are you so afraid of it? If it is bad you will have a choice to go to a private insurance company. 0,actress misty upham reported missing in washington state 0,airasia passengers share stories of near-misses that kept them off vanished plane 0,retired police chief says he was unlawfully detained at jfk airport 1,naked man mingles freely in locker room 1,"comics not just for kids anymore, reports 85,000th mainstream news story" 0,this road sign is a lot less helpful than it looks 1,obama begins inauguration festivities with ceremonial drone flyover 0,anheuser-busch delivers a bunch of beer in a self-driving truck 0,"Can we get away from quoting 5 year old posts? Seriously, if you don't take the time to actually read the thread why should I respond to your post?" 0,what makes for a stable marriage? 1,men and women of armed forces thank local woman for song dedication 1,pornhub expands parental controls for user accounts 1,"Your love of assumption is quite amusing (it also highlights your inability to argue honestly). All I did was point out that accidents are a cause of injuries and fatalities dealing with firearms. Nowhere did I suggest banning them in the slightest. Furthermore, I specifically noted that most of the accidents were due to improper gun safety. So how about you take the stick out of your XXX and stop assuming whatever the **** you want for a change? You are a joke Isly. About time you admit it." 0,chrissy teigen poses in her bra with teddy bear post-met gala 0,"william baldwin 'wouldn't vote' for trump, but knows why so many others might" 1,"swing states roughed up by bush, kerry operatives" 1,world bank forecloses on world farm 0,"atheists join hindus, vegans, satanists in asking for state capitol monument" 0,snooping on your smartphone: how to avoid apps spying on you 1,"You know what I meant... it was an expression. But I really don't need to know if your mouth was open or not, way too much information. " 1,"I think we should put to a vote, the right of the religious extremists, to vote at all. What say ye? If the majority agrees, they have no say in anything anymore. Isn't that the way Steeeeeve says it should be done? Put it to a vote?" 0,"Yes. It describes an action without ascribing its form to its end result, outcome, whatever but strictly to a cause/s force/s in action. That is why 'selection' is always teleological. In order to select or choose anything, an end must always be in view. There must always be a volitional discrimination of options based upon a criterion dictated by the desired end. The only time ""channel"" becomes teleological is when something live [a human or a beaver, let's say] intententionally does the channeling. But since it is understood that mechanical forces can also 'channel', unintentional, out of simple mechanics, the word channel cannot be called teleological. In the same way, 'sorting' can be considered non-teleological, hence mechanical, and thus suited to your glossary, because things can be sorted by mechanical forces alone. But 'selection' always requires volition and awareness. So 'selection' is always teleological." 0,"live from the toronto film festival: sunday, sept. 7" 1,report: fbi learns of plot to download old school 1,u.s.–cuba relations end after obama hit by foul ball at exhibition baseball game 1,cricket located 1,vending machine most up-to-date technology in school 0,ice-t and coco talk sex during pregnancy 1,congress splits into male and female senators to discuss newest reproductive bill 1,chicago police department to monitor all interactions with public using new bullet cams 0,"climate change is ruining farmers' lives, but only a few will admit it" 1,upcoming election deduced from sports illustrated content 1,gina haspel nervously rubs lucky prisoner's foot during cia director confirmation hearing 0,"If a child comes in for an abortion and fears abuse from her parents then law enforcement should be notified. The only people protected by opposing notification laws are abusers and pedophiles. No elective, invasive medical proceedure should be performed on a child without the consent of a parent or judge. If a minor is allowed to have an abortion without consent the parents/ guardians will have no idea whats been done to this child should complications arise, they wouldn't be able to give this information to a ER doctor or the childs pediatrition." 0,how i became that middle-aged woman who uses baby talk with her dogs 0,last-minute super bowl party décor 0,democrats agree to reopen government without protections for dreamers 1,partygoer vows to fix keg 0,dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz is taking a ton of heat for helping payday lenders 1,study: 73% of bedroom closets have wife's boy toy crouched naked inside 1,status of gathering upgraded to 'party' by presence of pizza 0,"Nonsense. The most widely accepted idea is that these epics were oral traditions that were finally recorded in writing, possibly by a guy named Homer. Read and read." 1,carhartt introduces rugged work thong 0,the amazing things that happened when i started yoga at 85 1,taylor swift mourns death of boyfriend christopher dorner 0,sanders could pull off michigan-style upset in ohio 0,more than 50 tech companies take on trump's new travel ban 0,"Last time I checked, it was a debate about religion and evolution co-existing. Not a debate about Creationism vs. ""science"" and ""reality""." 1,man runs out of questions to ask 4-year-old 0,kendall and kylie jenner get revenge on cheating guy in snapchat soap opera 1,text message a bit curt 1,dog blocks off afternoon to lick spot on floor where owner once dropped pepperoni 1,scientists warn ionosphere one top-40 hit away from exploding 1,tree outside window upset man just changed channel 0,it only took 7 seconds for this kylie jenner appearance to get really awkward 0,The attacker is usually armed in spite of gun control laws. All they do is disarm the law abiding. Not to mention the lack of enforcement on criminals. 0,jon huntsman accepts post as ambassador to russia 0,people sick of 'thoughts and prayers' demand action after florida school shooting 0,pissed off from a lack of sleep? you might be 'slangry' 1,"Oh, I LOVE semantics games Well, viability now is around 23-25 weeks gestation and really is based on weight more than age. Howeverm the past push towards heroic intervention is now tempered by the rather horrific disabilities and complications seen at the younger age" 1,koch brothers furious kavanaugh never disclosed that nation might care about sexual abuse 0,anti-abortion women's marchers head back to washington 0,spirits in the night 1,'i'd like the crispy chicken sandwich' first truthful thing man has said in weeks 0,the global search for education: latin america is online 1,gym adds big heavy pull thing in corner 1,the media: are they media-obsessed? 1,fema recommends americans always have go-bag packed in case past finally catches up with them 1,report: u.s. economy loses $20 billion annually to americans writing ideas down illegibly 0,So what? Why should the woman be forced to care for this child against her will? 0,"someone replaced train sounds with screams, and it's genius" 0,all of taylor swift's bffs on the 1989 tour 1,community mural depicts misshapen globs of all races 0,the ingredient that's worse than sugar -- and 2 others to watch for 1,supreme court debuts new spaghetti strap sun-robes for spring 1,school psychologist crushing it in wake of fatal sports injury 1,95 killed in rush for free flames in nigerian tanker fire 1,"WOW are we seeing the softer, gentiler Jyoshu? Your snoopy avatar must be afecting you :) :p" 0,5 brilliant italian dishes you haven't tried before 0,"But it does restrict criminal access to such items. And it has nothing to do with Tyranny. If a government feels that a certain measure will protect its people and society at the cost of restricting an item that is dangerous I can understand it. It is not tyranny, it is a government doing what it is supposed to. Again I personally disagree with the decision, but I do not believe it is anybodys 'right' to own a weapon nor do I equate such restrictions with extreme forms of government." 0,"There's no adding of firearms going on, because they're already there! The criminals have them, that's a hard fact of life that can't ever be changed. Deal with it. What we want is for the intended victims to be on equal footing with the bad guys. There's nothing unreasonable about that." 1,highway billboard urges 75-mile detour 1,orca mother carries around dead calf for two weeks as warning to all who would defy her 1,"Yes, some people are jumping ship, which is a crying shame. STICK TO YOUR GUNS MEN! WE'RE WINNING!" 0,nfl players and team owners can see 'concussion' for free 0,michelle obama explains in no uncertain terms why she won't run for office 1,"You can take anything you want, but you won't take that one very far, especially because you cannot find a single post of mine advocating equality of outcome. Harrison Bergeron must be unknown to you - unless your last name is Glampers.emoticonXAngel" 1,employee's multitasking doesn't include work 0,gucci mane sentenced! 0,challenging the warsaw pact from within 1,You want a society that oppresses people. If the law effects even one person adversly then it is unjust and needs to be overturned. IT only goes to prove that conservatives are heartless and want people to suffer. 0,"roy moore says religious liberty 'comes from god,' not the constitution" 1,aretha franklin institute for female entrepreneurship confirms sisters are doin' it for themselves 0,8 reasons women in midlife need more than their besties 1,busy schedule forces vladimir putin to move up election win a couple days early 1,stephen hawking warns about dangers of ai as motorized wheelchair drives toward lake 0,"The terrorists saw it as absolutly necessary. Personally, I disagree. When we kill children in Iraq, we see it as absolutly necessary, call it a horrible side effect of war. I disagree on that, too, I don't think it is necessary at all." 1,"Or, since he didn't have $37-million tucked away from questionable business practices and a rich daddy, perhaps he paid attention to the ramifications of abnormal deficit spending." 0,this is why i prefer the bodies of older women 0,¡que vivan los amos de casa! 0,putting it together in 2015 0,"Just so you know, the majority of Japanese cars sold in the US are also assembled in the US and thus provide Americans with thousands of jobs at these plants." 0,"'IF' is the question. It suggests that Holy Tradition does not know the answer. Secondly, the issue of the flood itself could still be true and tested scientifically... as to whether an historical Noah existed that you might consign to 'myth'. Does anyone here not find it interesting that there is almost a universal factor in societies concerning a global flood? PS I have already discussed M-Eve on another post." 1,new smithsonian exhibit details how fashion pioneers tamed the frumpy west 0,"republicans reject disclosing findings on trump's business conflicts, russia ties" 1,terrifying uniformed bachelorette party storms local bar 0,comedian saffron herndon is 10 and already killing audiences 1,doctors assure recovering patient he has many more years of looking at phone ahead of him 0,melissa joan hart explains it all about being a '90s queen 0,"""refuted?"" O'rly? First they start off defining evolution as ""moleclues to man"" despite what evolution actually states. That further proves my point about strawman. They don't discuss what evolution actually is. Furthermore, the whole notion that increasing capacity and adaption is not increasing complexity is insane. If I take a simple structure, modify it to form something more complex, is that not a change in complexity? The whole idea that modifying DNA, changing it, removing and adding isn't actually changing anything is retarded. And they are separating macro from micro. That's an invalid argument given that macro is nothing more then the aggregate of micro. A billion tiny changes makes a few large ones. The second idiotic article cites Natural genetic engineering. Despite there being absolutely no evidence of this occuring anywhere." 0,"Not at all, I'm simply forcing those making the argument to address the undeniable facts." 1,"nation dutifully gets in cars, stands in line, watches new star wars movie" 0,They need to keep their opinions to themselves and out of the law the effect gay peoples lives. I see nothing wrong with locking up those who incite hatred towards gay people just as we lock up people who shout fire in a crowded theatre. 0,hope solo shows off zika defense armor for rio olympics 1,taxi driver just taking his time as if man not late for color me mine pottery party 1,bananas again sweep primates' choice awards 0,"Just like in memetic algorithms, there are many paths to an endpoint. Both memetic algorithms in development and in the docking simulation converge on similar endpoints each time it is rerun. (e.g. skin in development)." 0,u.s. must do its part to support green climate fund 0,"ricky martin's style evolution, from menudo to mullets and beyond" 1,light playing beautifully off eric trump's gums at inaugural ball 0,listen: radio hosts fired over shocking transphobic broadcast 0,"Fetal Homocide? Toddler Homicide? A human in different stages of development.....Why/or What is the difference?And if someone wanted this legal( Toddler Homicide) ...I don't see much anybody could do legally to stop it.. When women kill their tots they are locked up/ and branded with a criminal record vs the female who callously kills durning the fetal stage.(Double standard?) I have a couple friends, who have aborted more than once, because they didn't want to lose their girly figure(trivial). I find it eerie and disturbion....." 1,"That's ok, cause it's completely legal to light up a cigarette while driving. I guess some feel that must be a lot safer than using a phone. " 1,"nation feels first, only pang of sympathy for zuckerberg after watching him engage with ted cruz" 0,The issue of whether or not gay marriage is a 'human' / 'civil' right is begging the question ... 1,pussy-hat-wearing jeff flake spotted protesting outside senate ahead of voting yes for kavanaugh 1,"'the case, mr. kerry, give me the case,' demands malaysian ambassador holding dangling john kerry from petronas towers skybridge" 0,companies are doing a terrible job on sustainable cotton 0,hot summer shows 1,man's dream to get drunk in an a-frame finally realized 1,man must be living with roommates by choice at this point 1,construction crew arguing over who gets to use the fun tools 0,gwyneth paltrow creeps up on james corden while he's mocking goop 1,"Yeah, I'd say you are wrong. It isn't easy to tell on these forums because we don't have many topics about marriage in vegas." 0,french parliament debates 'deep sleep' bill for end of life 1,area man unable to believe the savings 1,former high-school bully pulls you over for speeding 1,cancer lobbies for decreased cancer funding 1,"trump struck by beautiful vision of what america could be while looking out over seething, screaming arizona crowd" 0,donald trump: the four-legged stool 0,"I laughed when I first saw the ad on MSNBC's Hardball tonight. It shows the fear, insecurities and the fallacies that guide anti-gay equality rights activists." 1,yorkshire terrier monogrammed 0,for all the girls i loved before i knew i could 1,shocked vladimir putin slowly realizing he didn't conspire with trump campaign 0,"what you think about, you bring about" 1,macy's parade float covered in tickets after parking on 5th avenue over holiday weekend 1,3-week-old jack-o'-lantern excited to give one last scare when slightest touch causes it to collapse into disgusting mush 0,"Yes, kind of reminds me of Abraham Lincoln's thought: ""Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.""" 1,gas-station employee gives 109 9/10ths percent 0,what a pair of boots taught me about parenting and fads 1,"foie gras, scallops snuck into opera house" 0,"Wrong, the great majority of handgun bullets won't penetrate standard police body armor. Regular handgun ammunition possesses too low a velocity and too much a frontal surface area to properly bypass the kevlar weeve, especially when they're matched with the laminated ceramic trauma plates. Now hunting rifles, or near any rifle for that matter, WILL penetrate body armor and even the trauma plating like it didn't even exist. Of course Brady's false claim is based on the fake belief that the FN-57 gives AP capabilities to a pocket gun - absolutely false on every possible topic of discussion. He also ignores something very common; body armor or not, being shot in the head will still kill you." 1,girlfriend really has mind of its own today 0,"the nightlife in marrakesh, morocco" 0,donald trump says our schools are 'flush with cash.' they're falling apart! 1,"Is there a defined number of posts he could make in the other threads so that you would consider them ""finished""?" 0,george zimmerman auctioning off gun used to kill trayvon martin 1,"...? Either you've misread what I said, twisted what I said, or you're just stupid." 0,north korea fires short-range missile along its coast 1,eulogizer clearly killer 0,3 tips to ensure a peaceful thanksgiving 0,woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana dispensary 1,rumsfeld makes jerk-off motions as powell speaks at cabinet meeting 0,imagine what obama could have accomplished had he had the support of congress 1,chinese citizens gather in beijing square to watch u.s. national debt clock strike $18 trillion 1,paranoid oscar pistorius still thinks burglar after him 1,":p :p Leave it to you to somehow put a positive ""pro Chrisitian"" spin on it. Waxy" 1,southerner recognized for driving-in-a-circle 0,bernie sanders is closer than ever to catching up with hillary clinton 1,study finds expressing anger in unhealthy ways actually incredibly satisfying 0,"black and blue: on being black, female and depressed" 1,compassionate fisherman doesn't have heart to throw trout back into incredibly polluted lake 0,"matt bomer, zachary quinto and more prep 'boys in the band' for broadway" 0,fat shaming can literally break your heart 0,"kim, cosby and kim: 2014's greatest fails" 0,"gluten-free mania -- if you're following the fad, you're a marketer's dream and part of the confusion" 0,I would be interested to see where I made such a claim. Prove your assertion. 0,savor the south at one of these summer festivals 0,the good fortune of peace 1,george h.w. bush's casket completes log flume journey to u.s. capitol 0,"broadway, tv stars to honor anti-lgbt attack victims, past and present" 1,family wishes dad could find healthier way to express emotions than bursting into full-blown musical number 1,friend's mom tearing it up on facebook 0,"Well, we really don't know. However we do know that the woman has self conscious, and feels pain. Something the fetus lacks. She also can interact with other human beings, and develop relationships and attachments. Another thing the fetus lacks. Phisically, she is larger and much more capable than the fetus, and has a formed brain. Another thing the fetus lacks. In conclusion, we really don't know. But, we do know that the woman can do, feel, and become more than a fetus is." 0,cornel west: obama 'posed as a progressive & turned out to be counterfeit' 1,kasparov de-rezzed 0,"Like Clive14 said, the reason we don't have a 3rd or 4th altnerative is because we are not in a state where we can understand such a possibility, hence the quantum mechanics analogy. Simply because we are not at that state does not mean it does not exist." 0,celebrating christmas 0,how 'daddy' puts the blame for toxic masculinity on spoiled teenage girls 0,I have never said anything about not defending it through armed force. I just don`t believe that you need an armed populace. 0,They can if they're Catholics since Evolution is accepted doctrine now in the Church. 0,mindfulness in your 20s: understanding the brain on stress 0,"turkey soccer match canceled, stadium evacuated over security fears" 1,new epa study finds 98% of u.s. mop water fucking nasty as hell 1,sports de-emphasized 0,teenage gunfight with isis 1,area dad to spend next few days or so telling son it important to respect women 0,"Schumer is a bonafide idiot, as are many in the Senate. He failingly tried to draw Alito into exposing how he would rule on abortion if presented a case. Alito is far too intelligent to be logically trapped by a buffoon such as Shumer.It is also plain to see he interrupts when he supposes the response will indeed make sense against his flailings." 1,cashier allows line-cutting to go unpunished 1,frustrated nsa now forced to rely on mass surveillance programs that haven't come to light yet 0,an open letter on behalf of undocumented immigrants 0,tennis player gabriella taylor possibly poisoned at wimbledon 1,woman comforting friend just going to throw compliments against wall and see what sticks 1,"If it was her head, I'd say implode. Air rushes in to fill a vacuum. ;)" 0,palestinian shot dead after stabbing israeli trooper 1,friends trying on each other's glasses revel in glorious mayhem of having slightly different prescriptions 0,black voters helped elect the man who prosecuted birmingham church bombers 0,Yes it does but I have a feeling that it will take the bulldozer of the SCOTUS to make the 11 dominoes of the old confederacy +Utah fall down. 1,congress can't remember last time it got together and legislated like this 0,"Can you please provide a cite in the Constitution that supports the notion that a Supreme Court Justice nominee has the power to declare that any case is ""settled law"" and the subsequent power to make it so? I didn't think so." 1,"And this coming from a so called, self proclaimed ""rational christian"" ? It appears you have blown your cover as a poser by showing your true colors as an anti-christian atheist and a hatemonger. Thanks for revealing your true Nature. emoticonXGood" 0,"Well, my point is that they (I, you, or any collector) shouldn't be forced but rather, that it is a smart thing to do in order to make sure you are not selling a firearm to a felon (which could land you in prison)." 1,bags under tommy lee jones' eyes causing him neck problems 1,new study finds you'd love being rich asshole 0,"the u.s. under-invests in energy innovation, asserts former energy secretary ernest moniz" 0,"black realness in the mainstream, but is everybody watching?" 1,area man has no idea how to get copy of birth certificate 0,embracing the darkness: a weird and wonderful chat with the amazing aubrey plaza 0,gop congressman turns science committee into platform for his own anti-science views 0,"No, I think you're trying to do more than that. You're trying to say that the increase in crime is due to a lack of gun ownership, aren't you? Because if you are, the article you cite doesn't back up that claim. What, no actual data to back up any of your claims? Do you have access to US crime numbers? How many armed breakins do you get in a country where people do have guns? That's the comparison that needs to be made here." 0,15 songs that defined the boomer generation 0,Really? The transcript shows that he did not ask her anything in the Gay marriage section of the discussion.Transcript can be found here: here: (click on the same-sex benefits section and the transcript shows up right next to the video) 1,movie not nearly as awful as hoped 0,what to do about slums 1,new study finds no long-term health benefits 1,russian nuclear weapons laid out for sale on sidewalk 1,bill & melinda gates shocked to learn ghanaian school never intended to pay back money lent to them 0,i want to be that girl 1,child 'very sorry' for slapping teddy bear 0,supporters defend kirsten gillibrand after trump delivers 'sexist smear' 1,"'urban legends true,' says friend of cousin's roommate" 1,parents' visit injects $66 into local apartment economy 1,kuwait deploys troop 1,area woman always has something quirky to do 1,'game of thrones' showrunners disappointed with how quality of fans has dropped off over past couple seasons 0,livid jimmy kimmel turns up the heat on sen. bill cassidy for second night 1,backup health care plan involves nation sharing one big jar of ointment 0,"And if you rewind a little over 40 years, the exact same thing could be said about interracial marriage.Archie's reply is a non-argument, and false at that.Multiple other groups state discrimination in marriage, but there are LEGITIMATE STATE INTERESTS prohibiting their marriage.Little things like child rape, lack of consent, and other issues." 1,local mosque only rated 1.5 stars on yelp 1,milosevic dreams he's slaughtering ethnic albanians in his underwear 1,name of gay bar should have been clearer 1,man regrets wasting money on college after failing to secure perfect dream life by 24 0,the 'titanic ii' will bring history to life with its 2018 maiden voyage 0,8 do's and don'ts of religion-themed halloween costumes 0,huffpollster: electoral college estimates show hillary clinton beating donald trump and ted cruz 1,melania trump hosts state dinner in stunning black shroud of shrieking crows 1,pet turtle going hog wild on terrarium's new stick 0,brazil's congress set to vote on president rouseff's impeachment 1,movie studio blows whole budget on big-name gaffer 0,my niece has cancer and i'm ticked about it 0,anna deavere smith on the 44th jefferson lecture and the search for american character 1,area man mystified by layout of adjacent town's kroger 1,romney enchants nation with lovely concession song 0,"firefighters battle massive wildfires, smoky conditions in washington" 1,pathetic excuse for man paid same wage as female counterpart 1,breaking: 'the onion' in kill range of boston bomber suspect 0,sir mix-a-lot wasn't trying to speak for women with 'baby got back' 0,the united base of america 0,when your friends are annoying about their social media ranking 0,in memory of the ms st. louis 0,"So know we are breaking it down to whether the loss of life is deliberate.The restaurant bombing.We thought Saddam was there. We KNEW civilians were there. We dropped four 2000lb bunker buster bombs on/around the restaurant. We KNEW that civilians would be killed. We knew that by pressing the button, the bomb would be dropped and people would die.Compare that to the manufacturers. They make products that people use in their daily lifes. There isn't a button somewhere in the cigarette maker's office that kills a smoker when he decides it's time for them to die. " 0,"Well, it happens in virtually every thread.Some disagreements are between individuals of essentially the same basic system [Protestant Christian vs Protestant Christian], [atheist rationalist vs atheist rationalist]. Many disagreements are between individual of differing belief systems. In such cases the individuals often use the same word to mean two different things.What is evidence? Well, that will depend on your core belief system. Sacred writings may be excellent evidence for your belief system, but when you say the Qu'ran proves an issue, the Christian says Thats not evidence!.One side tries to convince the other side that their core beliefs are incorrect, so they really have no evidence for their position." 0,jeb bush wants to cut all energy subsidies 0,heartbreaking illustrations document the last words of unarmed black men 0,"georgia's lieutenant governor tells delta to give nra back its discounts, or else" 1,area spoon only rinsed for past 18 months 0,finding the courage to confront depression 0,freud on how to forget the past 1,heineken apologizes for racist ad with new special-release 'blacks only' beer 0,put a summer spin on your regular old salsa 0,No more so than the Scalia/Uncle Clarence Thomas cabal opining that the words NO LAW mean something other than what they do when they rule in a First Amendment case. 0,still no drinking water in ohio's 4th largest city 0,robin wright explains why she fought for equal pay for 'house of cards' 1,linebacker faces suspension for genocide 0,special counsel robert mueller probing trump business transactions: report 0,Well if they're automatic weapons then they're obviously importing them illegally from outside the country and violating federal regulations. You've got even bigger problems than you think. 1,"* - edit: you know, actually, evidence in the form of experimental results are reviewed, or at least the methods are reviewed, and then if the experiment isn't reproducible then the evidence becomes suspect, so in that light evidence is, sort of, reviewed. Eh, who cares?)" 0,meteorologist has hilarious comeback to daughter who questioned his weather prediction 0,what obamacare's successes should tell us about its failures 0,hong kong chooses new beijing-backed leader amid political tensions 0,senate does equifax a favor as a former executive is charged with insider trading 0,is this donald trump's re-election master plan? 1,"detroit unveils new half-ton, 400 horsepower motown singer" 1,nuclear energy advocates insist u.s. reactors completely safe unless something bad happens 1,adidas unveils new running shoe for fleeing from mass shootings 1,"I'd be pretty dumb to buy something from someone who doesn't even believe in what they're selling. Those teachers may teach it, but they don't believe in it." 0,"very well said... thank you for clarifing... very helpful. -Mosheh Thezion" 0,trump's fbi attacks are helping accused terrorists defend themselves in court 0,john orozco breaks down after qualifying for usa gymnastics team 0,colorado death penalty in focus as massacre trial enters new phase 1,I think it's a pretty neat trick for a dead baby to sit upright in that little tub. 1,"lettuce sentenced to slow, painful death in vegetable crisper drawer" 0,"disabilities act was 'life-changer' for millions, but new legislation needed to move forward" 1,bored u.s. postmaster general creates beard from stamps during meeting 1,rob schneider lands role originally written for chimp 0,"activist remembers those he met on 6,000-mile walk for equality (video)" 1,"What part of ""I don't want a penis"" do you not quite understand? Is it that maybe you are the one who wants a penis? There are ways to resolve that issue. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,marvel salutes hip-hop with 50 variant covers paying homage to classic albums covers 0,gop senator lindsey graham: caitlyn jenner is 'welcome in my party' 1,12-year-old hispanic boy not sure if he's supposed to be looking up to marco rubio 0,russian foreign minister and trump agree: no need to probe election meddling 1,new orleans struck by meteorite 0,shaq was the only one who didn't hear about kobe's retirement poem 0,the director of hbo's new james foley documentary on making a movie about his childhood pal 0,why we eat too much 1,area grandma enjoys flourishing correspondence with mailer-daemon 0,being looked at vs. being seen: a look at transparent director silas howard's new documentary film 1,could australia be building another yahoo serious? 0,"Who has ever made this claim? Please, show me, because I have never once heard it. Of course most individuals are physically capable of producing offspring. Natural selection is dependant upon which individuals will pass their genetic information on to the next generation, and that is determined by at least two factors that I can think of at the moment: 1.) An individual being able to survive long enough to find a mate, and 2.) Actually being able to find a mate and produce offspring, which brings me to my next point:" 0,west virginia flooding kills 24 and submerges towns 0,"Nonsense, societies change over time, therefore they evolve. Only biological populations evolve through natural selection and the theory of evolution only applies to biological populations, but the term ""evolution"" applies to other things too." 1,new toxic-waste by-product contains no fat 0,hillary clinton secures organized labor's prize endorsement 1,"walgreens unveils new line of shrink-wrapped sandwiches to grab when something has gone horribly, horribly wrong" 1,eric trump aims laser pointer at don jr. while flicking lights on and off to erase memory of russia meeting 1,fabled lost city of gold finally discovered off i-95 outside baltimore 0,walk the moon to perform 'shut up and dance' on the vmas red carpet 0,bill hader is abso-moochly perfect as anthony scaramucci on 'snl: weekend update' 0,leonard cohen at 80 0,"american sniper screenwriter jason hall on screenwriting, war movies and being nominated for an oscar" 1,donna brazile says hillary rodham clinton high palace of the solar order was almost like a cult 0,"the center's mike thompson says 'p.s., i love you because...'" 0,8 perks of being divorced during the holidays 1,epa rolls back emissions standards to increase consumer choice over type of apocalyptic hellscape earth will become 0,"donald glover's 'this is america,' through the eyes of a jim crow historian" 1,jerry lewis undergoes emergency gefloigel surgery 1,"Lets concentrate like a laser beam......This thread is about gay marriage.......If you want to talk about gay bashing start your own thread........ thanks........" 1,film-school graduate goes straight to video-store job 1,"mytron the fifth, illuminati ruler and secret overlord of all humanity, dead at 112" 0,does cyber monday still matter? 0,last dog at the shelter receives the sweetest farewell party 0,netflix may expand into news 1,8-month-old sick of staring at pooh's smug face all day 0,louis c.k. compares child molesting to eating candy bars on 'snl' 1,enormous grace slick threatens california coastline 1,prom date arrives in freshly washed pickup 1,huntsman quietly relieved to be polling poorly among gop voters 1,"'it's like you're hearing me but you're not listening to me,' says man to representative on oscar mayer customer service hotline" 0,people are loving this video of beyoncé and jay-z doing the electric slide 0,why lebron wanted to go home 0,the basics of personal branding - five simple questions before you start 1,hillshire farm releases circumcised bratwurst 0,the wind and sea estate is a 5 star getaway: foraging with friends for the future 0,"israel adds palestinian teen to terror victim memorial, sparking praise and protest" 0,why emotional intelligence affects the bottom line 0,literally no one from the white house wants to defend trump on tv right now 0,running from your past: read this magical novel 1,editors of 'good car' magazine: 'the 2013 hyundai sonata is a good car' 0,report: former microsoft ceo agrees to buy clippers for $2 billion 1,chris kattan wondering whether he should start a podcast 1,report: most terrorists do not start the day off with a good breakfast 0,colorado gun restrictions upheld by federal judge 0,10 super chic holiday party ideas you'll wish you thought of first 1,new 'do not kill' registry to allow americans to opt out of being murdered 0,restaurateur david chang is launching a new culture-focused media company 0,desperate trump campaign turns to congress for support in attacks against khan family 0,jimmy kimmel accuses clothing company of 'stealing ideas' from his daughter 1,clinton vetoes 'stab clinton' bill 1,"I don't care for the respect of utter nincompoops. I'm happy to tolerate them, but don't expect me not to laugh at them." 1,new arrivals consult wise couple who have been at resort for 3 days already 0,california shooter killed wife the night before attacking elementary school 1,powerball super fans camping out before the big drawing dressed up as their favorite numbers 0,8 famous women who popped the question 0,paris police arrest second couple over notre dame gas cylinders 1,more vegetables evolving chocolate-sauce-filled centers as evolutionary imperative 1,smiling willie nelson reflects on a lifetime of weed and women 1,elderly man skipping work uses 'dead grandson' excuse again 1,I have no problem with them preaching against gays in their churches and the privacy of thier homes. Its when they crawl out from under their rocks that I have a problem. I also have absolutly no problem what so ever with them talking about Jesus if only they would keep to the subject of Jesus and leave all gay issues alone. Unfortually Paul has replaced Jesus in many churches. 1,trump boys smash father's cell phone to search for chinese spies 1,And yet it's usually the liberal democrats who are in favor of murdering innocent children... 1,fda approves of what new drug is going for 0,you have no idea what the life of a physical comedian is like 0,the president's mission to garner sympathy for white supremacists is utter nonsense 1,"america not sure it will have enough revulsion and horror left for cabinet, court appointments" 1,weird new cereal sets tone for first weekend at divorced dad's 0,does the internet really make bullying worse? 1,"It's clear to me that you are rather desperately in need of facts and direction! emoticonXSmilie " 0,2018 is already off to a violent start 1,"I'm against polygamy, marriages with underaged minors and marriages to livestock as well, so don't feel that you are the only ones not ""accomodated"". " 0,congressional authorization 0,pharma's puerto rico problems could mean drug shortages 1,hero of the common man talks to plumber for entire time he's in house 0,"You are correct, but contingency must be in place to deal with it when it occurs. Look at what happened in Eire with ""Case X"" in 1992- what happens when a country with the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe has to face up to the issue of pregnacy as a consequence of rape: Pages 12-13 of this EU report (Adobe Acrobat reader required):" 0,the one obamacare provision that could blow up a republican repeal 0,trump keeps citing a paris agreement study that seriously misses the point 1,voter nostalgically looks back at time he was uninformed about candidates 1,christian theme park features world's largest spanking machine 0,curing my blindness by turning off my smartphone 1,cat placed on 5 minutes' half-assed observation after possibly ingesting plastic thing 1,congress launches national congress-awareness week 1,"George Bush gave up drinking when he was 40. I think he is 59 now (19 years from being born again and running for President), so it's not like he changed in 2000 when he was running for President. Unfortunately for Hillary, she only has 2 years to disguise her background." 1,"And when have they? Ever? Still waiting for your evidence that monogamous married sex is the most satisfying. As, I'm sure, is Wez." 0,8 ways fitness changed my life 1,'the voice' amends rules to allow votes from those who aren't white landowning males 1,naughty butcher specializes in penis-shaped veal cutlet 0,"aatish taseer talks sanskrit, the dangerous power of english, and his new novel" 0,proof that human alex jones is most certainly not part reptile 1,opera ends on unexpected high note 0,guard dog in training notices very suspicious-looking dog in mirror 0,new year's eve prank leaves 4-year-old glued to mcdonald's toilet 0,"hgtv star explains why you should never ask, 'when are you going to have a baby?'" 0,u.s. schools have already faced 10 shooting incidents this year 0,how baby boomers are redefining healthy aging 0,"missing u.s. marine vet, canadian girlfriend found strangled in belize: reports" 1,latest online security breach forces mom to change post-it 1,fbi releases list of criminals it in no particular rush to track down 0,"25 hilarious, adorable and just plain strange quotes from kids" 0,"fun fall recipes, from joy bauer (video)" 0,tired of the cat eye? try this liner trick instead 1,5 months of college research outweighed by weekend visiting friend at penn state 0,"handel's messiah, jesus, and the old testament" 0,On Faith: Murder is Murder and Abortion is Not - Arthur Waskow 0,gop lawmaker: gay rep. should have stayed in the closet 0,wwii veteran reunites with his long-lost love after 70 years…on skype! 0,travel ban is a minor win for trump and a major loss for human rights 1,meghan mccain forced to live out socialist nightmare of empathy for sick person 0,rescued lion has been obsessed with blankets since he was a baby 1,A load of unowhat repeated for many years now. Junk science commissioned to get results that were desired. Check out lung cancer rates for Rastafarians. Nothing abnormally high. Gateway my arse. 0,mexico mayor killed less than a day after taking office 1,"Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing as you make unfounded claims without supporting them with even the slightest proof. But hey, talks cheap; and you've proven you've got plenty of that since showing up here." 1,entire facebook staff laughs as man tightens privacy settings 0,las vegas review-journal staff balks at limits on covering new owner 1,gop strips steve king of post on powerful house segregation committee 0,"donald trump heading for a series of wins in the northeast, polls say" 1,"obituary cites teen's love of music, cars" 1,al-qaeda's no. 114 killed on office depot run 1,"You mean I can get pregnant all by myself! COOL! Out with the men. They have been ticking me off for YEARS! Well, where should we draw the line with men? At what point is it OK for the government to take control rather than letting men make choices for their bodies? For me. Nothing less than I ALWAYS MAKE MY OWN CHOICES FOR MY BODY is acceptable and anything else is violation." 1,"And the Brady background check has not been repealed either so by your ""logic"" it must be effective." 1,next week's school shooting victims thank senate for failing to pass gun bill 1,michelangelo's david updated 1,apple unveils much-anticipated iphone 4se 0,this one neat trick will eliminate clickbait forever 1,terrified laptop wakes up inside case 0,'one big happy' star kelly brook on the changing definition of family 1,nation to be sterilized from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. this friday 0,parental leave revolution moves from tech to banking 1,obama family adopts 44-year-old portuguese water man 0,trump's lawyers start to couch statements on russia investigation 0,the big education races to watch on election day 0,this rescued mink just discovered the joy of being in water 1,biden invokes freedom of information act to find out when woman gets off work 1,"ailing castro begins 750,000 last words" 0,"60 years after brown v. board, will congress revive a dual school system?" 0,protests continue for stephon clark on martin luther king jr.'s death anniversary 0,key republican puts dagger in push to end filibusters 0,"mike pence may have won the debate, but lost points with donald trump" 0,director alexia kosmider talks new documentary transjourney (audio) 1,felt board adds clarity to christ's teachings 0,obama administration to unveil plans to cut methane emissions 1,You haven't got a point. You're so far from having a point that you make completely blunt things look dangerously pointy. People who believe the Genesis account of creation are barkingly delusional and nobody else has any duty to humour them in any way with the possible exception of preventing them from harming themselves on pointy things. 1,public-speaking student to make point of gesturing 1,"So, am I looking for attention or am I mentally ill?" 1,"I'm not interested in who isn't hitting on you. Do you want an ugly, flaming, gay cellulite blubber-wench hitting on you for three years or not??? Or maybe a pod of those whales all hitting on you?? For the record, gays make normal men's skin crawl, and not in a good way. So keep the spiritually-challenged heathens out of the men's barracks, and out of their showers. Just because you and the rest of the pro-gay crowd thinks that kind of depraved activity is ok doesn't mean the rest of society does." 0,Because it's unfair that us little people can also own guns. 1,man's insecurities versatile enough to be projected onto any situation 1,man on vacation suddenly realizes no one feeding his hostages 1,report: make it stop 1,chef justice luigi vespucci issues spicy dissent on puttanesca v. arrabiata 0,the incredible places in the world we would rather be today 0,the day she let her son wait in the car 0,new nike deal ensures future for women's pro soccer in u.s. 1,census adds question asking participants to identify any unpatriotic neighbor 0,donald trump calls kim jong un a 'smart cookie' 1,man remembers it summer solstice after noticing group of pagans fucking in ring of fire on way to work 0,"I'm talking about the woman, of course. The fetus does not have a positive right to suck nutrients out of the woman's body against her will." 0,i was hit by the car attack in charlottesville 0,emotional intelligence needs a moral rudder 1,So you're stumped again on who your missing link is. Not surprised. OH YE OF GREAT FAITH!! 1,out-of-style woman still has last season's body issues 1,frazzled robert mueller walking around with piece of russia investigation document stuck to his shoe 1,report: freezers in healthy choice corporate offices probably stocked with every kind of healthy choice you could imagine 0,"so you want to talk about ghost in the shell, the whitewashed edition?" 0,"spring must-haves for cool, curvy girls" 1,"Surprise. You obviously do not have to be born to be a person under the 14th Amendment. So, in sum, your conclusion here, like your conclusions in so many other areas, is simply wrong." 1,ecuadorian embassy runs ad seeking 'no drama' tenant for newly vacant room 0,"23,000 firearms were handed in when the UK had its gun ban. According to your logic those people that handed in their firearms can still be prosecuted because they took possession of a firearm prior to the ban. I don't think so." 1,No surprises that an unemployed former public servant would support increasing the amount he leeches off everyone else. It's a joke this is even something people would think about at this point. The titanic's sinking and you're thinking about whether to ask for a room with lilac lampshades. 1,"Well, good, I'm glad as heck you have a mom you can tell that to. Mine would've hit the roof, and then hit me on the way back down. Did she flip or was she pretty cool about it? Just remember (who would we be if not preachy? Us ol' adults, we don't know nuthin') that b.c. isn't one hundred percent reliable or that condoms can break and you can still get nasty bugs all kinds of different ways." 1,"Sorry, I was busy looking at your Base21 source, the one where you post your own article. I figured someone had made up an article on it. Hey, according to PNC=WW3, if I don't like the people who put the information into the State Dept. website, I don't have to believe it. That's according to him." 1,"So it's just fine if someone says ""gay people are prone to force Christians out of their towns"", eh? Interesting. emoticonXWow Just ""typical English usage"", after all ...." 1,man at salad bar has to say every item aloud as he adds it to salad 1,oscars audience shrugging uproariously during jimmy kimmel's opening monologue 1,video game boss thinking he should get big glowing weak spot on back checked out 1,"herculean effort, astronomical expense lead to photo of whole family at disney world" 1,neighborhood kids grant landmark status to house where guy killed himself 1,No thanks. There are other ways to meet dates. It's very easy for gays to meet dates that are not officially gay. 1,alex jones pleads with sandy hook parents to imagine pain an expensive lawsuit would cause him 1,congress confused by $500 million in trump's budget allocated for 'laser stuff' 0,retailers hiring the most employees for the holidays 0,spurs coach gregg popovich rips 'game show' president 1,silvio berlusconi swears dancer was of legal age when he paid her for sex using state money 1,"friends, family waiting for current bout of man's depression to subside before really laying into him" 1,obama increases sense of urgency by riding last white rhino on earth through climate talk 0,"That's not true -- actually, it doesn't make sense. Science is just a bunch of rules (by definition). ""Biology uses science to study life"" is true. ""Physics uses science to study the physical world"" is true, but ""science's purpose is to study life"" is not true. " 0,9/11 health program now officially on borrowed time 1,"We have a terrorist supporter among us, objecting to restrictions on terrorists! Why do you hate America?" 0,vegas atm steals $600 - can you get it back? 1,report: scientists still decades away from deciphering wireless bill 1,teen publication takes bold anti-peer-pressure stance 1,u.s. takes out key iraqi bases in midnight raid 1,ketchup crust on heinz bottle cap still dreams of one day getting onto hot dog 1,victoria's secret introduces 3-inch patch of satin to place anywhere on body 0,"Well, there is a little more to it than that, but agreed." 0,reese witherspoon's star-studded birthday bash is giving us major fomo 1,"breaking: nunes memo exposes deep bias, corruption in devin nunes" 1,"Lets have a look at it a little pause button action, a little jotting down and we have it in writing! Atheist scientists (or Algore) provided me with this technology, not sure which. <--- (one of those smileys Mr Poe enlightened me on)" 1,"Yeah, yeah, yeah...I don't think that I could ever be drunk enough to think Waxy was a ""chick"". :)" 0,russian athlete dedicates olympic medal to 'unfairly' banned compatriots 1,saddam hussein presents suicide bomber's family with oversized check 1,What does spelling have to do with your own opinion? Again this isn't just about you although I think you did resort to correcting someone's spelling and just didn't answer the question. This has nothing to do with being entitled to your own opinion. It is equally bad for anyone to resort to personal attacks on either side of the debate. 1,new pepsi product specifically mentions target demographic in name 1,cheerleader given a 'd' 0,coming soon: a new 'fraggle rock' movie 1,betsy devos argues issue of guns in schools should be fully left up to individual shooters 1,"rommel, hummel dominate parents' christmas list" 0,'climate' is not mentioned once in trump's infrastructure plan 1,gay alabama couple always dreamed of getting married surrounded by hostility 0,"blue-collar democrats to party: it's still the economy, stupid" 0,"So now Wiesmann's barrier is the most important thing to the ToE? Somehow I doubt that biologists agree, but obviously creationists have more authority on the topic of evolution..." 0,the first trailer for abc's menéndez brothers documentary treats murderers like rock stars 1,hang-glider gang terrorizes elderly hot-air-ballooning couple 1,nation shudders to think how mad nra would be if obama actually proposed meaningful gun control 0,"SNIPThis opinion piece was put forth by the Violence Policy Center, the same people who opposed all forms of firearms safety training and gun locks, because they might encourage people to feel that they're more capable of safely operation a firearm. The Violence Policy Center also pushed the idea of an ""assault weapons ban"" because it was easier than a handgun ban, claiming that the uneducated people are unable to tell what is a machine gun and what isn't a machine gun, making passage of such a law all the easier." 0,"'the defiant ones': how dr. dre and jimmy iovine made a lot of music and, yeah, money" 0,"as trump kills daca, bannon's breitbart celebrates a major policy win" 1,creature that craps in box too fancy for dry food 0,the costs of war -- at home 0,this is what happens when the pavement is too hot for your dog 0,how far will an uber driver go to get five stars from you? 1,"Oh, yea. You are damn right those European socialists are dangerous. Americans might look and see their governments actually doing something USEFUL for the people and think that we should have that here. I am surprised we have not nuked them yet." 1,The first half of the above post you're being purposefully thick. The last part is just dumb and not at all based in reality! 1,pumpkin clearly had finger in it 1,visine introduces new eye-whitening strips 0,washington state man jailed after attacking three gay seattle men 0,flower power -- how your child can blossom fully 1,desperate wheel of fortune receives approval to use swear words 0,congress must reclaim war-making authority 0,advocates rally around transgender migrant woman detained in all-male facility 0,the limits of corporate citizenship: why walgreen shouldn't be allowed to influence u.s. politics if it becomes swiss 0,volkswagen looks to settle criminal probe with fines up to $1.2 billion 1,assistant always follows warner bros. ceo with suitcase containing codes to authorize 'collateral beauty 2' 1,biden forges president's signature on executive order to make december dokken history month 0,"first nighter: gyllenhaal, wilson illuminate nick payne's 'constellations'" 1,.. I pointed it out in capitals in the hope that it may help you understand the point...did it work? Who knows 0,even trump voters hate this bill he just signed 0,8 ways to really travel better 0,"I think we are all aware that abortion is a terrible thing. No-one is denying that. And contrary to what some people might think, there is nothing anyone could say to make (most) women undergoing an abortion feel any worse about it. Just like any traumatic situation, sometimes you might just need to talk to someone about it, make sure your head is in the right place. And yes, some abortion clinics do provide counseling, but as far as i know, all of them provide referrals to other organizations that do. Contrary to what some people might think, the employees at these clinics, for the most part, are caring, compassionate people." 1,"Must I do everything here? That's less then 10% of the threads he's insulted people. " 0,'family' groups praise president trump's decision to roll back trans rights 0,"chaplains, counselors, pastors rush to help in san bernardino" 0,"Why not read ""The Science of Consciousness—The Next Scientific Paradigm"" by William A. Guillory, Ph.D. which states in part... ""The Science of Consciousness is essentially the study of the non-material world. It is the study of metaphysical pheno" 1,white house slam dunk contest results in no slam dunks 0,How would you know about who winds up dead more? You don't prove anything either. 0,stephen colbert attempts to list everything trump has attacked harder than nazis 1,time-traveling commodities trader visits alternate hog future 1,heroic goldfish given viking flushing 1,georgia gop demands stacey abrams step down as candidate to avoid conflict of interest 0,11-year-old declares a debate loser: donald trump 0,a bollywood sitcom with priyanka chopra is coming to america 1,content writer awkwardly shows parents around website where he works 0,back from the valley: sebastian junger on korengal 1,lee majors: does he still exist? 1,"Now name one country with universal socialized healthcare with a population of 300 million citizens modulus, just one if you can. Your exemplar countries are tiny in comparison to us so lets get realistic and compare apples to apples for once, ok?" 0,letter threatens alabama media group over coverage of roy moore accusations 1,taylor swift now dating james holmes 0,i'll tell them 0,the 10 most memorable onscreen weddings 1,man calls trust fund savings 0,"I know exactly what you were saying. And it seems I was right, you have nothing to back up your claim that people were betting that it would fail. It's just something you're ""sure"" of, i.e. something you made up. Like I figured." 1,body language experts offer insight into meaning of marco rubio loudly sobbing throughout debate 0,is trouble brewing for the 2015 npt review conference? 1,u.n. address ends in tragedy as ahmadinejad suffers third degree burns from malfunctioning pyrotechnics 1,subpoenaed trump organization financial documents reveal company's only holding is single dairy queen in new jersey 0,"If this is what passes for American healthcare, then your need for change is even more desperate. None of these ""treatments"" is available on the NHS." 1,broncos center apologizes to team after accidentally snapping ball to brady quinn 1,u.s. to slow down relationship with uruguay 0,"jimmy kimmel can't soften daca opponents, even with a cute baby" 0,wall street journal editor directs reporters to get really mealy-mouthed covering trump 0,yolo joe: 11 reasons why biden should jump in already 1,area family putting a little money away to one day blow on single health scare 1,local christian sees parallel to your situation in bible 0,migrant women sentenced for having unmarried sex in qatar 0,those weren't nooses at university of delaware 0,nafta renegotiation is a stark reminder that states and cities must protect against climate disaster 1,detective behind two-way mirror nervously crosses arms as criminal addresses him directly 1,8th grader impregnated during trip to 'march for life' event 0,samantha bee sums up ivanka trump's new white house role in just 8 words 0,john carpenter tells off neo-nazi trolls who think 'they live' is about jewish supremacy 0,different from the norm: 12 unique hotel stays in nyc 0,"Are you suggesting that if abortion were banned that abortion clinics that are already done will flood the US? Please, get real here. People would probably go across the bordor and get abortions might have drugs from canada come over that cause abortion but there is no reason to believe this will ""clog"" up the jails. People need to realize that is was only 30yrs ago that abortion was pretty much illegal (in most states). Did you see prisons flooded ? no." 0,james corden delivers emotional tribute to the 'manchester i know' 1,palestinian family trapped under rubble thrilled to hear 'gaza' trending on twitter 1,dhs announces racial profiling free-for-all this sept. 11 1,obama finishes deal to get every american a free parrot 1,"woodstock '99 revenue projections displayed on multi-colored, laminated boards somewhere in l.a." 0,one man's quest to document the highways that tore his city apart 1,salad suppliers pledge to continue including just enough in bag that some will go bad if you're single 0,3 unique and unusual tips to be financially fit in 2015 1,pet researchers confirm 100% of owners who leave for work never coming back 0,drink me now: go green with pistachios 0,jonathan rhys meyers apologizes after troubling photos emerge 1,apple announces plans for new ipad with extra storage drawer 0,from ball turret gunner to guerilla fighter 0,demi lovato absolutely slays cover of adele's 'hello' 1,k-y introduces new line of jam 1,maze with cheese in center enters human trials following decades of testing on mice 0,street photography in stockholm (pt. 2) 0,"men break down watching footage of female genital mutilation, vow to speak out against practice" 0," in a population of 100 tigers 50 of which have bad eyesight genes and 50 of which have efficient running genes after many generations we would expect there to be relatively few tigers with bad eyesight and relatively many that could run efficiently.That is natural selection.Mutation is a process whereby new genetic material is introduced which then enters into the process of selection. A tiger might be born with 6 legs or white fur."" Put in perspective, the average human is born with 300 mutations, of which 7 are potentially fatal, though usually recessive. " 1,lester holt begins debate by reiterating he doesn't know who these fucking people are 0,leaked report: jerusalem at boiling point 0,police make arrest in socal lemonade stand heist 0,butch lesbians open up about a big misconception about their sex lives 1,club has big hit with closed-mic night 1,new texas legislation would require whiskey bottles to be shot out of air immediately after being emptied 0,dear 2017 1,"millions of white nationalists gather in streets, offices around country to normally go about day" 1,area man still searching for hookup subculture on linkedin 1,mildfires amble through california 0,man falls asleep at intersection. what cops say happens next is pure florida 0,former refugee fights for her dream to abolish female genital mutilation in somalia 1,elon musk gives saudi investors presentation on new autonomous beheading machine for adulterers 1,"Both good questions. And now over to amirsdaddy to avoid them completely." 1,stock market plunges ahead of onion social hague trial 1,special 'framers' cut' of constitution to feature five deleted amendments 0,watch this swimmer disappear into winter storm jonas 0,"women in business q&a: sarah davanzo, chief cultural strategy officer, sparks & honey" 0,conservatives revise history to discredit trump inauguration protesters 0,more latinos seek citizenship to vote against trump 0,clarissa from 'clarissa explains it all' is all grown up in new book 1,clinton debunks rumors about health by telling audience exact day she will die 0,what it means to seize your youth 1,"So you believe if a kid threatens to shoot up the school it should be just ignored as children""s innocent mischief..........Tell that to the kids that died at Colombine..... emoticonXRolleyes" 0,texas deputy gunned down in 'cold-blooded' attack at gas station 1,constitution rapidly ages another 100 years from stress of repeated crises 0,an nfl guide to employee management 0,reporter's interview with kristen wiig is hilariously awkward 0,u.s. will no longer punish families of hostages for paying ransom 0,trump claims star of david picture isn't anti-semitic 0,friday's morning email: inside north korea's nuclear test 1,2012 marvel handbook casually reveals peter parker uncircumcised 1,herpetologists discover species of frogs that evolved to spontaneously grow top hat and cane 0,valerie harper: lung cancer deadlier than breast 0,"Well, by the strict defintion of the word ""born"", an abortion is considered a premature birth." 1,"You are not a conservative, you are hated by both the conservatives and the liberals. The conservatives hate you because you make them look like mor ons. What you are is an incredibly screwed up militant religious zealot that nobody wants around, except us. We want you around because we think you are fun." 0,don't march if you won't keep walking 0,"So we agree..... What I want to know is why the vocal homosexual 'lobby' insists on the term ""marriage?"" emclean, the sanctity of marriage would not be the only thing about marriage to be (harmed?) changed. The whole definition of marriage would change, too." 1,ashcroft loses job to mexican 1,pebble just bounces off big toad 0,talking to our children about capital controls 0,watch these hero humans rescue shark tangled up in fishing line 1,dea seizes half-built suspension bridge from bogotá to miami 0,robert reich pleads with trump to quit it with the 'petty' and 'vindictive' tweets 1,majority whip displays impaled senator outside capitol building as warning to all who cross party lines 1,"???? Everybody knows a ""gunwalker"" is like a dog walker and you get paid pretty good when you have a big clientele. DUH. My guns bigger than your gun because mine eats 7.62x39.emoticonXLove Please not the manhood thing again.;)" 0,"Mother Says D.C. Police Shot, Injured Boy Holding Toy Gun|ABC 7 News L.A. Police Shoot Boy Carrying Toy Handgun Boy with toy gun fatally shot by West Memphis police The Commercial Appeal Orlando Sentinel - Boy had realistic toy gun at Milwee Middle" 0,addressing spiritual bullying: a faith fable 1,hollywood diet secrets fall into non-celebrity hands 1,hemmed-in seattle mayor calls for emergency deforestation 1,al-qaeda chatter deteriorates into gossip 0,creationism banned from uk schools 0,how do you sleep at night while cutting meals on wheels? a white house guide 0,greed and resistance in sarawak's rainforest 0,hugh hefner will be laid to rest beside playboy's first cover girl marilyn monroe 0,can mtv go back to the music in an on-demand world? 0,monica says lady gaga is right about the 'male-dominated' music industry 0,why can't we mourn with muslims? 0,does chasing your dreams scare you? good. 1,"Yeeees, that's why option 4 as I wrote it says ""reinterpret"" as opposed to ""reject."" Having a bad reading day, eh?" 1,breakthrough procedure allows parents to select sexiness of child 0,"report: trump bans 'transgender,' 'fetus,' 'science-based' from cdc documents" 1,area woman worried she's forgetting what heath ledger looked like 0,burger king's 'who is the king?' vote reportedly angers belgian royal 1,gifts from aunt already under tree 1,"Thats great, thanks for telling me how much of a vast knowledge you have in this subject. As for ""poking insults"", I was simply returning your ""insult"" to Duo. I saw alot of credible evidence in that ""claim"" if you will call it that also. " 0,"who's to say the word 'slants' offends asians? the supreme court, that's who." 0,"yes, donald trump is actually going on 'saturday night live' tonight" 0,2 florida deputies shot dead while eating at chinese restaurant 1,russian agent disgusted with things he forced to do to pass self off as reddit commenter 0,how to use photoshop for good rather than evil 1,woman checks terror-alert level before leaving for work 1,"obama praises own strength, resilience in face of hardship during state of the union" 1,huckabee campaign suspended after candidate trapped in briar patch 0,"join mary, joseph and the angels on a pilgrimage to jesus' birth" 1,Just another bogus reason for having and abortion............There are thousands of them......... 0,james corden and the red hot chili peppers strip down for 'carpool karaoke' 1,subject of phone bill delicately broached 0,wsj reporter: trump may have reneged on border wall deal to hold on to campaign issue 0,this cauliflower crusted grilled cheese deserves a moment in the spotlight 1,inspirational english teacher canceled out by every other teacher at school 0,"turkey sacks 107 judges, prosecutors over links to failed coup" 0,"Not at all. Intelligent design lacks science as a whole as it is incapable of producing experiments to prove its assertions or provide geological evidence or even contemporary evidence that its claims are indeed valid. Essentially Intelligent design is nothing more then Goddidit. Things are too complex to explain at the current moment, with the current understanding, therefore God was responsible. ID is fundamentally no different then Animism. What cannot be explained now is the work of God. But instead of rain and sun, it's now the eye. The principle argument has not changed." 1,"new report finds adult film star may have paid over $130,000 to cover up sexual encounter with trump" 1,"hurricane concerned it caught something in panama city, florida" 0,what i learned about my career from leading a double life 1,rodent clearly making its way through steve bannon's body throughout national security meeting 1,birthday wish wasted on trying to bring dad back 0,bill maher calls out donald trump's racism with spot-on monologue 1,so you're one of the many people you got question 1 right emoticonXIdea thank you...thank you. You are the many reasons why the US is still standing on its foundations and not collapsing into senseless ignorance...THANK YOU! :) 0,"the intersection of race, class and the constitution: kalief browder" 1,obama narrowly misses quarterly performance bonus 0,"we're getting closer to leaving home without phones, and this thing is the key" 1,"fast food drive-thru just cow carcass, bucket for money" 0,is ukraine fascist? 0,"toys r us may shut down all u.s. operations, impacting thousands of workers" 0,how your favorite artists might play with thanksgiving dinner 1,steven spielberg claims he dislikes black actors to get out of cannes jury duty 1,webmd doesn't know how to tell you this 1,promotional pen covered in deadly virus 1,catholic church brings in new perspective on solving abuse scandal with appointment of toddler bishop 0,12 reasons to watch the puppy bowl instead of the super bowl 1,twitch streamer sets new record for longest stream lying dead on camera 1,report finds j. geils band's 'centerfold' will outlast you and all that you create in this life 1,attempt to meet different types of people thwarted by partygoer who also watches 'friday night lights' 0,'trump filter' erases the donald from your chrome browser 0,'the middle's' brock ciarlelli on the power of treating being gay as 'no big deal' 1,infowars moves to ban alex jones 0,lena dunham plans to dress as a planned parenthood doctor for halloween 0,"Well, I didn't really mean to go that far. But I'm talking about problems like that all worked out, thought about previously, and that the problem was worked out. I'm talking more about, what if you could make laborers stronger, scientists smarter, and rid us of physical and mental abnormalities ( such as down syndrome, narcolepsy, etc.). I don't think of making everyone the same for that reason. I'm just saying, what if there was a way to better society without going overboard? If the problems were worked out, which I'm sure they will be, what would your moral view on it be?" 0,quantum lip 0,live: south korea vs. algeria 0,navy seal who killed bin laden calls trump's parade plan 'third world bulls**t' 0,'goodell must go' banners flying over nfl stadiums 1,"Here's exactly what you wrote to my comment: Originally Posted by JPSartre12 So now, Canada only has to eliminate age discrimination and you can become completely perverted. Congratulations. " 1,man who should be president has asymmetrical eyebrows 0,would a push to hire more women reduce gender pay-gap? not until we fix the pipeline 0,"take a look inside yellowstone, one of america's wildest places" 1,study finds majority of non-shark-related fears completely unjustified 0,why so many whites think they are discriminated against 0,this organic skyscraper is designed to literally grow as its residents recycle 1,Sooooo? What do you think about the Senator's stance on guns? and her concealed hangun? 0,"Look over the Heller ruling again. All nine judges agreed unanimously that the Second Amendment protected a right that was wholly individual in nature. The only disagreement was whether the right still applied today. And no, the individual states and cities shouldn't be allowed to set their own standards for a constitutional right, that flies in the face of the 14th Amendment. And worse, you're arguing for precedent that would basically allow the various states to not respect your other rights; they could ban the shirt you choose to wear because it's offensive to some small, insignificant minority somewhere." 0,"So umm. What's going on? This was posted a week ago plus about 4 hours ago. I frankly don't care if my opponent posts a day late and would hate to win because of time. BUT the first post was even easier, he could have been typing it as we found judges and I think he mentioned he had started already. I PMed him earlier this week reminding him of the limit and have not recieved a response. Of course maybe the fact that he hasn't logged on since 11/14 has something to do with that." 0,"u.s. swimmers should be charged for false testimony, vandalism: brazil police" 1,enzyme humbled to have played part in successful biochemical reaction 1,"'fear not—she means you no harm,' says elizabeth warren, revealing docile hillary clinton to crowd" 0,catapults v. curtains -- girl books and boy books 1,report: you have won! 0,pope francis reminds the world that caring for the earth is everyone's responsibility 1,"Oh, so the Bible does establish moral absolutes, its just that nobody knows what they really are! Kind of makes the Bible useless as a moral guide. " 0,"Honestly I'm not sure if it was ever said in the Bible, but I sure have heard a lot of the Bible thumpers saying free will is a gift from God." 1,super 8 offering writers residency for anyone working on suicide note 1,"cubs fans cautiously optimistic after jake arrieta throws 8th no-hitter, team scores over 30 runs for 12th consecutive game" 0,17 pieces of feminist jewelry that'll show you're a nasty woman 0,it has been known for a long time -- it's just been surpressed because it contradicts genetic determinism and neo-darwinsm in general. 1,lesbian couple enjoys hot lesbian action 1,"Now, that logic is so bad, it's worse than circular reasoning. It's figure eight reasoning." 0,"thank you, america" 1,bouncer moved to tears by tale of friends already in club 1,fbi investigators struggling to keep track of all the draftkings employees nicknamed 'd-blaze' while sifting through emails 0,sunday meal prep: the healthy recipes that'll make this week easier 0,rick santorum blames absent dads and broken homes for mass shooters 1,"I guess we just haven't shaken all of our Imperialist ways. After all, we've only been away from the British Empire for a little over 200 years.:p" 0,"ummm... the death penalty has always been around. i never claimed that death was the penalty for every crime, nor that it was the most common punishment. try to catch up" 1,jay-z ceo resigns after stock price plunges 0,lakers fan is like 'screw this' and puts on a warriors jersey mid-game 0,first poll since james comey announcement shows no effect on hillary clinton -- yet 0,pfizer death penalty drug decision greeted by activists – but states fight on 0,panama papers include dozens of americans tied to fraud and financial misconduct 1,"rubio campaign deploys 6,000 ground troops to combat isis" 0,7 workout rules you can totally ignore 1,nursing-home resident receives $5.25 worth of care per hour 1,"No! No! No! The extreme right wing religionists create gods in their own corrupt image so you can't expect them to have any decent standards." 0,new 'star wars: battlefront' trailer lands -- and it's slicker than a greased-up 3po 0,stylin' with pete king or how to dress for a world in crisis 0,"alaska wife steals patrol car holding hubby, police say" 1,report: laura's divorce threatens razor-thin democratic majority in family 0,"colleges suspend students for sexual assault, but don't actually ban them from campus" 0,"burglary suspect falls through restaurant ceiling, ruins dinner" 1,company lacks manpower to complete newest round of layoffs 1,"Because all scientists hate god. Again, this is a fact." 0,bill maher thanks donald trump for exposing 'hypocritical' evangelicals 0,"this artist is tackling 'toxic, fragile' masculinity in a colorful way" 1,disappointed first-time voter thought he was going to get to pull big lever 0,this slo-mo watermelon vs. mortar is another kind of food porn 0,the butterfly duty: mapping our way toward unity 1,new co-worker seems like nice enough guy 0,"Actually, I meant the behaviour refered to in her post was interesting." 0,sherman alexie says artists under trump will be 'noise-canceling headphones' 0,the no-problem problem 0,"how to handle the election this holiday season: a shout out to indiana, pennsylvania-based welcome home, a community group doing good." 1,raid introduces new box to cover bug until you work up emotional strength to kill it 1,seaworld debuts new controversial orca whale burlesque show 1,grandparents' cabinets contain brand of cookies previously unknown to humankind 0,fear is just one big joke 0,evangelical leaders release anti-lgbtq statement on human sexuality 1,"They can't, if you value science and common sense, however, science and common sense are irrelevent in their world." 1,college student still managing to look like asshole in picture of village he helped build 0,"And people say I make strawman arguments.Simply put, not enough to justify your ""concerns""." 0,more mosques receive letter threatening genocide as police close in on suspected author 1,"Tell me genius, how is me accurately and correctly pointing out your mistake colluding to misdirect anyone? Either you are again using words you don't know the meaning of to make such an inaccurate statement, or you're just lying. So which is it penfold, are you ignorant or just being dishonest again? emoticonXConfused" 0,"peter thiel wants to buy gawker, new court filing suggests" 0,muslims respond to hateful protests with voter registration drives 1,maybelline announces it will stop testing new products on unsuspecting customers in the middle of the night 0,"Part of the problem with the abortion issue goes with our perception of the value of animal life in general. We see a fly and swat it. We see a rat and set a dog on it. We see a cockroach and stamp on it. Pests. No problem. But when elephants trample villages, or other warm-blooded mammals become pests, there's an outcry about the destruction method. We don't see giant sledgehammers swatting elephants! - practicalities aside. Destruction has to be humane. And when it suits our purposes. It seems that cuddly, warm-blooded, embryo look-alikes get more emotional feeling than flies, cockroaches, mosquitos et al. From a strictly 'argument' point of view, emotion shouldn't enter the picture. If pro-lifers/anti-abortionists looked at the issue dispassionately and rationally (difficult, I know), then they may well end up with a different viewpoint. How do we take the emotion out of argument?" 0,half of abortion clinics in ohio have closed in the past 4 years 0,shepard fairey's new art blatantly condemns 'demagogue' donald trump 1,sunset shot at 1,"""thats just the way it is"" isn't much of an argument! So, basically you don't care that some people can have rights, while others who should have them don't get them. So, I take it you liked segregation, prohabition and prefer women barefoot in the kitchen rather than at the polls voting for anything. Wow! all I an say is wow." 1,"Oh, I think they ought to creat this superstate and we Americans will REALLY have a big laugh. Go for it. I need the levity." 1,"Sorry, jack, but I've already crossed over unto eternal life (John 5:24). You're in big trouble, though: John 3:36 John 8:24 John 14:6" 0,"Yes I disagree with that point. The navy, just like the police, can't possibly be everywhere that danger might raise its ugly head. Merchant ships can't afford a 24/7 navy escort anymore than the average citizen can afford to hire body guards 24/7.There's no legitimate reason why merchant ships should be unarmed and unable to address dangers that deliberately come after them." 0,And that has happened in some cases. Mosquitoes are changing the development cycles to coincide with increasingly warmer temperatures. Fish species are enlarging their habitats as water temperatures rise. Many species are moving north as temperature rises 1,washed-up former spelling bee champion sitting in front of tv sadly mouthing along with scripps contestants 0,cnn chief jeff zucker rips donna brazile's 'disgusting' dealings with clinton campaign 0,"You are perhaps thinking of the Miller-Urrey experiment. No one expected life to appear. They were merely curious about what would happen if they simulated the conditions of the early Earth.Since then, we've found pretty much the same thing in the interior of stony meteorites, including an excess of L-forms. So, it's confirmed the findings of Miller-Urey. None of this has anything to do with evolution, however.Evolution is the change in allele frequencies over time. This happens in populations; individuals don't evolve. Everything else in evolution is an elaboration of this phenomenon." 0,watch this artist carve a watermelon into the night king from 'game of thrones' 0,"If one is prepared to put in a bit of research, that shouldn't apply on a web forum. One has time between posts to check what's being said, look for counter arguments etc. If the best one can come up with after all that is ""I know you are wrong but can't prove it"", then one is out of ones depth in the argument. The unavoidable conclusion from this, is that any claim to ""know"" the other is wrong is 100% faith based...G." 0,elevate your leadership in 2016 1,foreign guy probably dressed very fashionably for wherever he's from 0,teachers union claims the 'trump effect' is warping kids' minds 0,explosive illusions 1,james harden pretty sure he felt something pop in lower beard 1,supercuts ceo apologizes for number of customers scalped every month 0,"meanwhile, in the real world" 1,"** You are very, very good at pretending that what your apponent says is invisible. Your repetition of the same fatuous inanity, (as always, phrased as evasive rhetorical questions instead of honest declarations of opinion), is nothing but a repetition of the objection I demolished in the very post you are quoting. And here's another flash, socrates. The fact that some organisms die, for any number of reasons, sooner than some of their relatives do, explains exactly nothing. The insinuation that this survival differential has some universal, as opposed to local, efficient cause, is pure fecal matter. And that's all you've got, wiseguy. A simple fact of life, and an insinuated cause, and you think they add up to evolution. Breathtakingly simple-minded assumption, fella. " 0,how to prevail over fear when life goes sideways 1,women: why don't they lose some weight? 1,authorities praise twitter users' rapid response to virginia shooting 0,caught on video: the terrifying moment a car went off a cliff 1,point of story apparently that man ate at restaurant 1,plows working around clock to keep new hampshire roads clear of campaign signs 1,sean spicer quietly puts painting back over unfinished escape tunnel 0,turkish soccer body penalizes kurdish club amid mounting tensions 0,"And why do you say that in ancient times that atheists were people who believed in 'God(s), but didn't belive in intervention) (a.k.a Deists). Why do you think that people who didn't believe in god exist?" 0,why this video of a boy zipping a jacket is so powerful 1,'new york times' moves all content you won't give a shit about unless you make at least $200k a year into one convenient section 1,poll finds 97% of americans don't know who donald trump is 0,"And that's the rub: it never has (apart from when it has of course, with the various versions that exist). You choose to put faith in the writings of a primitive bronze age society. I prefer to trust a textbook that is regularly updated to reflect our latest findings; our most up to date and accurate knowledge of the world." 0,france launches new effort for middle east peace 1,statue of liberty corporation to shut down all but new york flagship statue 1,"report: hey, stephen tobolowsky is in this!" 0,who owns the keys to your apple device? (hint: it may not be you) 0,"earth day project collecting 1 million different sounds from our beautiful, bustling planet" 1,dnc honors historic nominee by dropping broken glass shards from ceiling 0,do latino businesses pander to white customers? 0,report: nsa's intercepted data mostly not from intended targets 0,reflecting on the aids epidemic this gay men's health crisis founders' day 1,woman pieces together timeline of boyfriend's past relationships like detective tracking zodiac killer 0,wendy davis just won: supreme court vindicates her epic filibuster 0,kesha thanks fans 'a million times over' in first public statement 1,fda approves female-libido-enhancing man 1,disgusting coworker barely even washed ass before leaving bathroom 0,the restrictions journalists agreed to in order to attend the koch brothers' conference 0,government shuts down as congress fails to reach spending agreement 0,Do you actually have any idea how science works? Why are you not embarrassed for creationism? 1,"area man to ask his doctor about xenical, propecia, claritin, paxil, drixoral, lipitor, tavist-d" 1,man deftly downplays his neighborhood to coworker thinking of moving there 0,restaurant reacts perfectly to diners who were rude to employee with autism 0,you can train your brain to make smarter money decisions. here's how 1,green party official caught embezzling campaign funds for dime bag 1,bride always dreamed about making fiancé's friends sweat asses off in fucking sun 0,eddie murphy receives mark twain prize at kennedy center 0,rep. david cicilline: lgbt people are entitled to 'full equality' 1,I suspect a good many monitors and keyboards got cleaned on that one? ;) 0,warren buffett gives single largest charitable contribution 0,11 things you won't understand about happiness until you are happy 1,mom tries to appear interested in daughter's documentary 1,"Great job straight out of the leftard playbook. Can't refute the message so go after the messenger. Would it matter if it was printed in the NY Slimes, I doubt it." 0,the mediterranean refugee crisis 1,"Don't like it when the person you're arguing against can be as 1astic as you are, huh? I understand, I get these types of whines all the time. thistownwilleat-" 0,"dear conservatives, let's not ruin 2015 like we ruined 2014" 1,man who enjoys thing informed he is wrong 0,the soul's ingredients: the secret to summoning your soulmate 0,barack obama makes last-minute push to block saudi 9/11 bill 0,james corden takes his feud with usain bolt to hilarious new heights 1,police seek poorly drawn man 1,man excited to give visiting friends the real fort wayne experience 1,that guy from that one show spotted with the girl from the shampoo ad 0,"Bad Religion or misapplied Religion has been in every century, country and culture." 0,"mr. fuji, iconic pro wrestler and manager, dead at 82" 1,nyc conservationists decry destruction of rat habitats 0,"Besides being terribly wrong, that's not evolution and has nothing to do with evolution. Perhaps because you know so little about orbital physics you think that the sun rising and setting is any kind of evidence for the earth orbiting the sun. It isn't. You would have to actually understand a little about it to know that. Nobody, from Copernicus onward, used observations of the revolution of the earth to conclude that the earth was in orbit around the sun." 1,louvre curators hurry to display ugly van gogh donor gave them before surprise visit 0,former 'munsters' child star shares the troubling real reason he quit acting 0,"run, ted cruz, run! hillary clinton and the democrats need you" 1,"'i just want a substantive, issues-oriented democratic debate,' lie thousands of americans hungry for unhinged trainwreck" 0,another opportunity 1,man prone to lying beds woman prone to lying prone 1,open dialogue two americans having about race pretty hilarious 0,drunk driver falls asleep on busy highway: cops 0,most germans fear the effects of a trump election victory 1,u.s. consumers demand wider selection 0,dad defends son's cruella halloween costume from 'small-minded' bigots 0,colleges begin establishing exchange programs in cuba 1,"You've gotta love when ignorance lends itself to incredible mistakes like the above statement. ""Excepting"" that there is some magical sky man is precisely what atheists do. Looks like we have another Einstein who wants to test his opinions with people who actually know what they're talking about. lpdm, you'd better learn quickly, or I don't think you'll like it here as much as you were hoping. So far, you've been nothing but wrong." 1,kangaroo decides he'll get there faster by just running 0,jil speaks openly about new york's full moon festival 1,'kennedy curse' claims life of 77-year-old tumor-riddled binge-drinker 0,kaley cuoco explains why her ex-husband 'ruined' marriage for her 0,"Yes, Joe, I agree. Does this new class apply to the new straight couples as well?" 0,ai weiwei commemorates drowned refugees during berlin film festival 0,a letter to heather heyer's mother 0,andrew cuomo creates special unit to investigate post-election surge in hate crimes 0,what to do when you truly want to reinvent yourself 0,chance the rapper livestreams traffic stop in chicago 1,new iowa poll finds majority of democrats would vote for candidate named 'bobby cheeseburger' 1,But how can we make rules without legal lines in sand? At least its better than an illegal line. 0,ex-wall street banker convicted of giving his father insider tips 1,mathematical skill downplayed to get out of splitting check 1,"""That's your problem, you're a sanctimonious putz who thinks that because you say something, it must automatically be accepted as the gospel for some reason, without supporting anything you say with actual evidence."" Sorry for the language but I wanted to quote you accurately. You are truly the King of Irony." 1,man with no plans just too exhausted to go out 0,the box office saw its worst weekend in years 1,defunct 4-year-old sports blog still lurking on internet 1,"nader supporters blame electoral defeat on bush, kerry" 1,new alternative-fuel suv will deplete world's hydrogen by 2070 1,high schooler promises to have man's impregnated daughter home by midnight 1,word 'millennials' forced into headline to boost pageviews 0,"Oh, really? Does that mean that pesticides will be OK on marijuana plants? NO." 1,"this hotel a goddamn maze, reports father" 0,i am a public school teacher. give me all the refugees you've got! 0,want to get shot out of a cannon? call bello the clown 0,hershey: u.s. income inequality is transforming the chocolate business 0,"I think some people will and have argued that. I'll work on finding a quote, but I believe it was somebody here who argued that, because of the recent SCotUS ruling, home invasion in DC would decrease because criminals would be more worried about encountering a homeowner with a gun. You do have a point about preventing a worse crime from occuring,though." 0,lea michele romances fake gosling in 'on my way' video 1,surgery required for new sexual position 0,parents are loving this touching letter written from a newborn's perspective 1,new restaurant specializes in trendy japanese-japanese fusion cuisine 0,a 'sweet valley high' reboot is not totally out of the question 1,terrorism storylines being added to tv shows as quickly as they were dropped 1,witty remark repeated throughout week 1,almost no effort made to stop kid from eating cigarette butt 1,charlton heston gets serious 0,this activist group is giving trump the wall he actually deserves 0,steve bannon slated to speak at black entrepreneurs summit 1,Right. I'm damaged because I'm not a Christian wing-nut. I'm still looking for at least some refutation. 1,disney world forced to euthanize character that attacked visitor 0,greece votes in its second election of 2015 1,"It's called a dictionary. They're really nice, but of course first you need to open one up and actually read what it says emoticonXGood Clickity-click. " 1,"uneasy détente forms between man sitting on patio, bee" 1,nation allows itself 5 minutes to believe this all going to be over soon 0,it's high time we research medical marijuana 0,reporter leads rescuers to truck driver trapped in 10 feet of water 1,"You apparently know as much about law as you do about science. You wouldn't be arrested for having someone willingly consume a plant unless that plant was a controlled substance and last time I checked, poppy and weed weren't cancer cures." 0,the narco-terror trap 0,9 fabulous gift ideas for older loved ones 0,"tolerance for women and girls in afghanistan, not silence" 1,"Hughe betcha, and I bet you could explain that too after your jaw heals from the trip to the bank? emoticonXBouncer" 0,holding universities accountable 0,"from behind the screen, you came so close" 1,report: more americans relying on grandparents to help fuck up their kids 1,"Pure conjecture on your part. As a father of three, I have as much vested interest in my kids as my wife has. To suggest otherwise is BS. But, maybe you don't understand that because you haven't walked a mile in a father's shoes. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,the controversial way some california schools are handling students' misbehavior 1,senate: 'renewed fisa legislation imperative in protecting the few american freedoms that will remain' 0,rep confirms those david bowie rumors about scattering his ashes at burning man are 'untrue' 0,you might be using these popular words all wrong 0,president trump's judicial nominees drive samantha bee to drink 1,32-year-old actress dies of old age 1,"Prone to emotional bias. Controlled by greed and fear. Can use computer keyboard. You pass the testemoticonXLove" 1,"Nope, you're posting your own BS.. and just making yourself look more stupid than you are.. if that's possible... emoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCryemoticonXCry How's your Uncle EZridden.. haven't seen him today...emoticonXKill" 0,the secret to speaking 'teen' 1,I think you need to breathe in a bag for a while..then maybe have a nap. 1,office manager forced to resort to unfriendly reminders 1,workplace shooting planned on company time 1,"I'll put up such a sign up if you agree to put up a sign in your front yard that says, ""As a gun owner, I'm helping to increase my county's burglary rate."" " 0,arrested but innocent? the internet still thinks you're guilty 1,"Um no... It's the truth... Um, I guess it was 1asm, but I don't think that would be something that you would understand." 1,embattled rove seeks asylum in scarborough country 1,fisherman's 4-year-old son liberates bait 0,more signs of fuzzy math in the bernie sanders health plan 0,"Among other things, generally adaptions to a colder environment. As for your theory as a whole, doesn't the whole 15, 000 year gap between the extinction of the Neanderthalls and the development of farming (particularly the grains youre talking about)." 1,elvis costello poster starting to suspect it will never be framed 0,"Apparently not. I live in Utah and every public school has a building on the grounds called the seminary. In seminary class they teach of all things the book of Mormon. A Mormon is basically a financial Christian with a whole other book of incredibly stupid poop in it. These Mormons are as lost a people as you will ever find, totally immersed in a cult fantasy world. So its not surprising." 0,"kushner following trump's orders on secret link with russia, ex-cia official suggests" 1,weeping tim cook spotted screaming for help at steve jobs' tombstone 1,sharon stone to star in major backstage drama 1,chinese tv show canceled after drawing only 180 million viewers 1,rudy giuliani calls in to talk show he already on to deny what he just said 1,"Oh, I see that Easyrider wants me to post some more. Anything for my old pal EZ! " 0,the outsider has officially squeezed its way inside the art world 1,person sitting in parked car at 2:00 a.m. probably upstanding member of community 0,genius woman uses yelp to rate her dates 0,106 things you can do to bring about the queer revolution 0,i know a lot of radical muslims 1,"I'm actually in the Detroit Subs with one kid in a Blue Ribbon High School and two in college nearby. And yes, the mayor's got the bling goin on in his wife's city-leased Escalade. I'm not sure if it has ""dubs"" on it or not, though, but I bet the stereo's kickin'. :)" 0,how to stand your ground in a world full of mean girls 1,god pissed after learning cost to replace earth's core 0,trump voters blink 1,old refrigerator unable to control when it releases water anymore 0,"20 years after oklahoma city bombing, words still matter" 0,"How does this have anything to do with marriage? Reproduction occurs outside of marriage and has done so long before man became civilized. Permitting only gay marriages won't decrease numbers. Increased family planning and birth control will." 0,fiscal challenges for nyc's health and hospitals corporation 0,iran counts votes after big turnout in presidential election 1,picky refugee just expects to be reunited with exact same family as before 1,inaccuracy of every single detail forces student paper to pull story at last minute 0,the light in the piazza: new productions of 'cavalleria rusticana' and 'pagliacci' at the met 0,"Well, this comes from the same people who invented the death pannels. The truth is that all the developed countries (all of Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Israel) have universal healthcare. Their COST per capita is about half of ours. They have better outcomes.Universal healthcare has been tried in many places and it does work. What does not work is our current system. Wellpoint has just increased premiums by 30% even wiyhout a reform bill. They spend 30% on administrative costs.BTW, do you oppose the bill that would force them to limit the administrative costs to 20%?" 0,the good news of poetry that can win the day 0,"president trump compliments kim jong un, makes case for north korean nukes" 0,wednesday's morning email: 6.2 earthquake devastates central italy 1,pentagon officials listen in silence as mike pence details plans for angel-guided defense weapons system 0,hope hicks' resignation sends tweeters into joke overdrive 0,"Your reason for believing this lies entirely within the Bible. I hardly consider a 1500 year old book ""making clear what he wants"". Particularly given that even among those who believe the book, they still can't agree on what God wants. And of course, that doesn't even beging to address the issue of all the other holy books which contradict the Christian Bible. You may personally believe that you know what God wants, but if so it's not because God has been clear about it." 0,house republicans unveil bill to repeal obamacare 0,i am tired of the hypocrisy 0,how to get out of a bad mood 1,self-defense instructor simulates attacker right down to erection 1,historical archives: a jest for you 0,5 tricks to make your identity portfolio more secure 1,trump vows to leave a better afghanistan for nation's grandchildren to fight in 1,"exactly the logic behind the condom. oh- i'm sorry, those are sinful. looks like you're gonna be virgin for a long time! and good thing too. we don't need any more fundies breeding. :)" 0,george takei accused of groping former male model in 1981 1,"I did not know that Obama was of low IQ and a conservative, for he is most assuredly a racism and bigot." 1,yoga teacher has way too much on plate to fuck any more students right now 1,woman walking alone at night picks up pace after spotting truck full of alabama lawmakers slowly following her 1,"Do your own homework, Orion. And get Jesus before you get stiff on us." 1,house democrats forced to move all their things back into disgusting minority locker room 1,"Actually, if you read the friggin article (*GASP* HERESY!!!), you'd see that this guy was attacked while WALKING FROM THE STORE. If you can't see the difference between his mental existence (quite enough to allow him to move about and do relatively ordinary chores like going to the store), and a foetus that does not have mental existence, there is no hope for you." 1,report: underpaid migrant laborers working 18 hours per day on fifa legal defense 0,must-see tv shows you can't miss this fall 1,science fiction fan increases suavity with trenchcoat 1,man fears he may never trust again after treasured picture of duck turns out to be rabbit 1,nabisco baffled after trump administration gives it $200 million contract to rebuild puerto rico's roads 1,"And where exactly is your proof that ""Stop, don't touch, leave the area, tell an adult"" is indoctrination and translates to ""go out and buy a gun, buy as many guns as possible, obsess over the gun, etc.""" 0,lgbt rights rally in deeply-divided singapore sees record turnout 1,study: best method of finding job still excitedly circling newspaper listing in red marker 0,nobody should be reduced to an 'illegal immigrant' 1,kenneth starr orders lbj exhumed for investigation of possible sexual impropriety 1,pfizer breaks psychological need to always seek fda's approval 1,You throw these insults around like you know what your saying. You are really one of the the most self-deluted zealots I've run across. Keep up the good christer work ArchEvil! You're doing a smash-up job convertin' us heathn's. emoticonXAgree 1,write-in candidate thought he had enough friends to win 1,new iphone application tracks progress of deceased loved ones' decomposition 1,"You've pretty much boxed yourself out of any meaningful method of inquiry with this and the idea of ""resetting telomeres"". If he can ""magic"" away any evidence of age, then he would be indistinguishable from any other 30 year old, so no examination or experimentation would turn up anything out of the ordinary." 1,courageous man overcomes woman's body language to continue hitting on her 1,report: americans waste enough food each year to give over 1 billion third world residents diabetes 1,As long as we cut off the privates of the fathers as well. 1,performers frantically trying to incorporate spewing sewage pipe into rio opening ceremony 1,report: rise in global temperatures likely to increase number of americans who fucking reek 0,donald trump's lawyer claims president was never told about son's russia meeting 0,"Zoos are indeed a good example. Although the environments are made as close as possible to the natural habitats, penguins are often kept in open-air enclosures in temperate or even tropical climates. And there are two critical differences in even the most carefully constructed zoo: the absence of any predators, and the absence of any prey. So why don't the animals quickly/purposefully/nonrandomly cease exhibiting developmentally costly traits which give them an advantage against predators or prey who aren't present?" 0,a measles outbreak is growing in arizona 1,successful u.s. airstrike kills 30 iraqis who may as well have been terrorists 1,message under juice cap totally applies to area woman 1,elderly man can't wait for senility to erase lifetime of regretful memories 1,supreme court votes 7-2 to legalize all worldly vices 1,disheartened man expected at least one text while checking phone after flight 0,"two dacamented dreamers, in alaska and texas, on fighting to stay home" 0,"grab your wine boxes, because 'will & grace' is back" 0,institutionalized rape culture in youth sports: 3 valuable lessons 1,"Just like it's the job of the gun control lobby to try and pass an overwhelming, unreasonable level of fear of an inanimate object?" 1,dick pulled back out again 1,bold employee just watching videos during meeting with sound on 0,"Semantics. God has mandated against homosexuality. My point is, people are prepared to admit that the creation story, and the story of noahs arc are metaphors. They read them, and then look at the evidence to hand and say ""Well, it can't be really true the way it is written, so it must mean this...""But the bias of the church against homosexuality is based of a small passage of text which, it seems, cannot be interpreted away. That part that condemns homosexuality is accurate, straight-from-gods-mouth truth. Again, why the dichotomy? Why are some parts of the bible open to interpretation, but others are rigid?" 0,saudi-uae push to mobilize tribes against qatari emir 0,'fifty shades of grey' sequel needs a new director 1,new debate rules allow for one 15-second strangulation 0,improving the lgbt experience within the workplace 0,officials warn flint residents that some areas have higher lead levels than filters can handle 1,man confidently hits 'send' on worst job application company has ever seen 0,"tina fey tells the 'most american white lady story' in new movie, 'whiskey tango foxtrot'" 1,cage match settles nothing 1,"christmas really over, man realizes as iphone game switches out holiday icon" 1,"Did you go to college, Trebor? You might want to look up how ""pedophilia"" is spelled. LOL!! Then you can go have a beer with Orion and watch his head swivel." 1,"Yeah, ok Archie. I see what you mean about a second grader understanding your argument though. It was written and presented as if by a second grader, after all. Simple questions, no answers-just insults and tantrum throwing." 1,"Based on your stances, what you want is akin to the old Soviet type communism, Matthew. I'll give you a little hint: It doesn't work!" 0,u.s. diplomats drafted a 'dissent memo' objecting to trump's muslim ban 0,"mr. trump, 17 presidents before you protected our national parks. will you?" 1,humanity hoping it only has to put up with few more millennia of this shit 1,black twins always get mistaken for random black people 1,study: 80 percent of all hermits recovering from broken hearts 1,huge animal jumps right fucking out in front of area man 0,"So, the Supreme Court rested its decision not on the 9th Amendment as the District Court had done, but chose instead to base it on the 14th Amendment." 0,"michael bay might secretly be a genius, despite his awful movies" 0,great barrier reef experiences its worst coral die-off 0,whatsapp to phase out subscription fees 1,nobody touching punch at cia christmas party 0,I know you think I was acting emotional with my post and it really is hard to tell whether someone is being emotional over a forum since it is so impersonal. What I can say is that posting about the Bible has become a mere formality to me and not the emot 1,nation horrified to learn about war in afghanistan while reading up on petraeus sex scandal 0,"Anyway Duo_Maxwell this isn't only creationist debaters, there are many more who do the same thing with different debates. you also forgot7. Make random accusations of logical fallacies when they have no idea what they even mean. Example: You said that my spelling is wrong, that's the biggest strawman I've ever heard8. Correct spelling mistakes and convienantly not answer the question. Example: ""What do you thinkk of carbon dating?"" ""you spelled think wrong"". If you want to correct spelling, fine but answer the question as well." 0,the extraordinary journey of india's first olympic gymnast 0,rare shark accidentally caught by fisherman 1,rapist gets new start at technical college 1,there's been an explosion! 0,eminem goes after donald trump on new big sean track 0,'pan' fails to take flight at the box office 1,this bus stop must be near culinary school 0,don sterling won't get an naacp award after all 0,mexico moves closer to extraditing drug lord el chapo to u.s. 1,"company to use internet to waste money, employees' time" 1,hellmann's heir's conduct unbefitting a mayonnaise magnate 0,"senate panel to probe russian hacking, links to campaigns" 0,ruth bader ginsburg is confident we'll get out of this mess 0,'the late show' updated trump's election night speech with annotations 1,trump accidentally records over comey meeting tape with idea for candy hotel 0,video appears to show 76er jahlil okafor in street fight 1,breakup letter taped to baby 0,"trademarks show amazon has sights on meal-kits, 'single cow burgers' and other fast food options" 1,real-life log flume kills family 1,friend really laying into self for failing to reply to email sooner 0,"bill cosby's admission could aid women's cases, lawyers say" 0,"This is not what hospitals do with biomedical waste. They incinerate it. If these people are really doing this I can""t imagine who the buyer is , and they are breaking many many laws." 1,"How mature: all caps screaming and namecalling. It's no surprise, though; it's all you have, Archie. You come in here making assertions about souls, so when we challenge you to defend your view... you don't. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,seymour hersh uncovers new thing too sad to think about 0,"Well, the Judge made a ruling late last week that she should not be revived should her breathing stop again, backing the medical assessment of her doctors: yes, very sad.Another dilemma posed by what has become possible through ever advancing medical science....." 0,could your family escape a house fire in time? 0,southwest airlines flight diverted due to cracked window 0,jews on judaism -- unfiltered: all together podcast 0,top entrepreneurial business lessons i've learned 0,content marketing guide from the best content director awardee: nic mccarthy 1,report: fritz a fine name for a boy 1,"clinton receives 400,000 honorary degrees for college commencement speech" 1,sympathy card signed by assistant 1,chinese man worried you can't have respectful debate about how amazing government is anymore 0,voting underway in myanmar's first free election in 25 years 0,federal judge in detroit orders temporary ban on trump immigration restrictions 0,trumpcare scored so badly it could actually help the senate 1,islamic awakening inspires man to defect from isis 1,"bar has loud, overcrowded section upstairs too" 1,well if I don't get an answer here I'll just spread it around the whole internet. Fine with me. 1,ohio state puts urban meyer on paid secret coaching leave 1,"The author was a Christian..whod of thought it eh? The author says enough about the book to suggest to anyone but a XXXXX that it was too sophisticated to be appreciated by infants and small children and also that it had far more in it than a santa claus connection. Pretty lame bit of ad hominem by proxyemoticonXClown" 1,gunman opens fire in own mcdonald's 1,bush gives france 30 days to speak english 0,another times square 'spider-man' arrested 0,first amendment lawsuit says student was punished for wearing a t-shirt advocating gun rights 1,report: 79% of sincere thoughts played off as jokes 1,single napkin accompanying takeout order presumes man eats anything like human being 1,starr taunts clinton with humiliating 'sittin' in a tree' song 0,eerie sci-fi short explores quest to feel 'connected' with a surprising star 1,"I love this line. I assume by ""harm"" you mean an actual physical harm or some kind or another (physical in this case includes loss of items). So this would cut our laws in half. Walk around naked? No big deal! Have sex on the street why doing cocaine...go for it! Drunk in public? Who cares! The list can go on forever." 0,trump's budget would be devastating to poor victims of domestic abuse 1,period of time in which parents proud of how much child can eat quickly dwindling 0,"white high school football players accused of coat hanger assault on black, disabled teammate" 1,chuck grassley scratches 'christine blasey's a slut' into senate bathroom stall 1,"Don't forget cheaper to feed, take orders better, and are harder to hit." 0,high school students protest racist language by staging a walkout 1,former trump advisor carter page found dumb in d.c. hotel room 1,"Wonderful... As soon as the Christians get in, it'll be ""morals for everyone."" They don't seem to realize that their morals don't necessarily apply to everyone." 1,"I don't think that Bill Clinton has to ""force"" himself upon women. It's more like fighting off the women who want to leap into bed with Bill Clinton. Ted Kennedy has spent a lifetime repenting of his drunkenness and has proved himself a valuable public servant to the American people. Now, when are you going attack doddering old, near-to-death Robert Byrd and castigate him for something he'd done when he was a young and naive young man?" 0,iran denies making deal with u.s. to ship nuclear material to russia 1,everyone in coffee shop billing for their time 1,'apex legends' players finally getting good enough to make game impossible for average people to enjoy 0,"I suspect that you are thinking of birds. But early birds had fingered claws on those wings. It is generally true that no organ ever springs into existance completely developed where nothing existed before. The wings of bats, birds, and pterodactyls are merely the modified fore-limb of a tetrapod. There is evidence that insect wings may have arisen from some sort of thermal panel. And of course, size has considerable relevance to flight. Wingless spiders fly by spinning a loop of silk that is carried by the moving air. Very small insects require almost no wings to fly. What they do is more similar to a whale in water than a bird in air. If by chance, a small animal is upsized because of a competetive advantage, and the wings are too, then it becomes a larger flying animal." 0,a queer woman embarks on unusual quest for acceptance in new film 1,new ted cruz attack ad declares beto o'rourke too good for texas 0,"Evolution explains the examples' abilities to adapt. Without it, you're in the hole." 1,trump admits he assumed roger stone was already in prison 1,"Thats rich. No evidence huh? Here: Global warming, photography, pictures, photos, climate change, impact, science, weather, arctic, antarctica, climate zones, glacier, arctic warming, antarctica warming, documentation, effects, effects of climate change, paleoclimate, mountain glacier the country of Bangladesh is losing its land mass to the encroaching ocean and water is becoming very scarce there. Now, Ill have your rebuttal to that evidence. Epoch; (chuckle); like millennium?? " 1,trump turns on fox news and tells aides to make whatever they're saying a law 0,"what's wrong with this picture? for u.s. fight against isis, everything" 1,"The truth hurts doesn't it? They are anti my morals, anti my family, anti my equality, anti my america, and defintely homophobic and I would add one more bigot." 1,"'first date going really well,' thinks man who hasn't stopped talking yet" 0,"Sigma I have taken into account the options a woman has after pregnancy. However, there are no doubt cases in the history of the world (not just within America) where there were no options available to a mother but to keep her child (ie: the first human woman to give birth in the history of the world). For this pro-choice line of reasoning to be absoulutely true it must be true in every possible situation. Are you saying that the killing would be justified if no other options were available to her?" 0,my truth about being a black man and a black cop 0,apple watch tells us that it is time to get serious about jobs 1,nation's homophobic bigots pack it in 0,supreme court foreshadows big constitutional ruling in immigration case 0,most important election of 2015: chuy garcia's people's campaign versus rahm emanuel's big money 1,"Yeah parents like these?... Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter ? 20/20 - YouTube Christian Nutters is what I like to call them.." 0,san francisco makes a major statement against north carolina's hateful new law 1,robert mueller dreading returning from 2-month european vacation to start russia investigation 0,does romans 13 give the president the right to nuke north korea? 0,5 first-world problems that annoy people anyway 0,the gop on immigration: life imitating satire -- and vice versa 1,extremely vibrant town able to sustain two buffalo wild wings 0,"no, outraged liberals, sean spicer should not be fired for hitler comments" 0,i've been called a lot of things... but isis? 0,"Very nicely stated in an editorial in today's New York Times: At last. Real people matter. Not tiresome maxims of blind, unquestioning faith." 0,galápagos struggle for survival: darwin foundation vs. santa cruz municipality 1,new netflix gas lets users inhale multiple seasons of tv shows 1,report: 97% of inner tube occupants agree it doesn't get any better than this 0,grieving daughter says mom drinks too much and started bringing home 'random men' since dad died 1,reverend al sharpton takes time off from holy duties to make tv appearance 1,magpie worried mate only interested in him for collection of shiny objects 0,"Our national parks are safe as is, huh? Regular people have no reason to feel to need to carry concealed weapons for their own protection, huh? How can you be safe when mexican drug cartel members are literally behind the next bush and inclined to kill you for stumbling upon their operation?" 1,area woman encouraged by sight of other woman drinking beer alone at airport bar 1,elementary schoolers depressed after getting look at voters filing out of gymnasium 0,"while you were asleep new year's day morning, muslims waged jihad on your streets" 1,grocery-store worker can't bear to eat food anymore 0,educating for democracy: collegiate sports and march madness 1,geologists unearth fully intact rock 1,90 percent of americans now wearing laminated id badges 0,"dave chappelle donates $50,000 from michigan show to flint foundation" 1,trump hails gorsuch as fierce protector of future amendment allowing president to temporarily suspend right to assemble 0,"If putting the child up for adoption, this can be covered too. However, you havingto take time out per doctors instructions is something you might not desire as it could affect career opprotunities in certain lines of work." 1,justice stevens retires to spend more time dying in front of family 1,report: getting parents off back now accounts for 38% of economic growth 0,bid on your airline seat the next time you fly 0,"Well if there can be a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, why not to remove marrriage from the federal government? Where do they get that power Constitutionally? So that would mean states can choose not to recognize any marriage Constitutionally. I think that marriage is a church issue. Let gays, straights, everyone get civil unions to be recognized legally. But leave marriage to the churches." 1,nasa catches glimpse of hard-charging curiosity rover just before insight's communications go dark 0,why you should say yes to that birthday invitation 0,trump suggests he could handle press briefings instead of sean spicer 1,"hotshot test pilot removes helmet, reveals female status" 0,ex-israeli defense chief: netanyahu wanted to attack iran in 2010 0,oscars line up five non-white presenters 1,"Yeah, gassing and murdering 6,000,000 Jews doesn't qualify as suffering very much. emoticonXRolleyes I wonder how many slaves were killed by comparison........" 0,this high school student is helping her peers embrace their black identity 1,"Again, as an ignorant layman, I can only get the gist of this material, but how anyone could possibly argue against the genetic code as a product of intelligent design is beyond me." 0,"No, neither am I suggesting that illegality makes something immoral. Legality and morality are completely separate things." 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 1,"Look at Dunblane. Then look at Columbine. Who had the higher death toll? How often do school shootings take place in Germany? When was the last time somebody went driving and shooting in a killing spree in America? Name the last mass public killing in America, in a public place where the number of victims reached double digit territory. Go on Brady, we're waiting for you to prove that you actually have a point. Don't disappoint us." 0,"I disagree. I've been in a loving, committed relationship for 25 years to the same person does this have a negative affect on you?" 0,illinois' wall of fame: the state's best designations 0,men of snl mansplained the 'day without a woman' in spot-on skit 1,jay inslee recalls decision to run for president after 5 teens from across globe pressed enchanted rings together to call him into existence 0,pope francis' iraq peace message meets the reality of war 0,the long fight for justice 0,how much money do you need? 1,loser friend sort of doing better 0,"That's the thing, though; even a self-professed non-expert can perfectly well refute the ridiculous points supersport continually spouts. supersport, on the other hand, doesn't know any better." 1,new custard could cause worldwide flandemic 1,"So you advocate religion not because it is the truth, but instead because it gives you comfort and security? The opiate of the masses eh?" 0,december's people 0,'handmaid's tale' waitlists surge in libraries across america 1,cities move to outlaw hollow-point silver bullets after wave of gruesome werewolf slayings 0,france to ban cell phones in lower grades 1,greenland thinks it looks fat in mercator projection 0,"To be more accurate, (not something noted amongst the pro-gun rabble) the right of protestants to have arms for their defence against catholics.I think we've all seen quite enough of this ""defence"" in Northern Ireland. (assuming that yanks can locate the place with a map emoticonXRolleyes )" 0,ruling galaxies but not countries: new research on women in film 1,legendary reclusive author has never published single piece of writing 1,military recruiter doesn't have to dig too far into bag of tricks to land this one 1,kenny chesney also poor man's kenny chesney 1,voter anger palpable at intentionally anger-stoking rally 1,immigrant also applying to a few reach countries 1,embarrassing bounced check from greece taped up in imf headquarters 0,"What Is a Human Person and Who Counts as a Human Person?: A Crucial Question for Bioethics by Prof. William E. May There is also an extremely academic school of thought which views the human person in terms of the ego in all its derivations. I cannot hope to summarize what this is all about, please refer to: Philosophical Critiques: The Human Person - 3 One could also consider the social development of an infant, inasmuch as humans are, in most cases, very social animals. According to primatologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, the human species is specifically developed to be part of a social system and a newborn infant comes ready made to push all the buttons of the system:" 0,"kuwait may owe as much as $60,000 for trump hotel event in d.c." 1,wretched outcast woman with combination skin forever trapped between dry and oily worlds 1,man hates it when other guys treat his girlfriend with respect 1,"And once again (s)he rambles on while responding to nothing said in the prior post. At least you're consistent in your irrational hate speech. BTW, the term sword of truth implies no violence against anyone at all. Except in the mind of paranoid hate mongers, that is. emoticonXGood" 0,ruby rose and what makes gender non-conforming 'sexy' (or not) 1,nation praying for super nasty luge accident 1,new study confirms this didn't even feel like a 4-day work week 0,they're coming! 0,watch live: william shatner discusses the life of late friend leonard nimoy 1,perfect girlfriend blames self for everything 0,beauty legend bobbi brown on why you should probably throw away your sunblock and skip the botox 1,"You know something is wrong with this world when people attack the act of posting an opinion (that of Ms. King) and another condemns the idea that someone may read it and develop their own opinion. Saving lives is not just a Republican goal. And yes it is an act of desperation. All acts are an act of desperation when it comes to saving the natural process of life with out interference of those who place their comfort above the life inside them. Whatever is wrong outside the womb, is not the fault of the inhabitant within the womb." 0,the best place to buy designer fall clothes on sale 0,real love isn't about finding someone who meets all the criteria on your list 0,the first trailer for the queen biopic 'bohemian rhapsody' is here 1,fans riot in streets as u.s. victorious 0,skin in the game: why republicans' ahca bill should fail 1,local authorities more than happy to let fbi take over 1,"""Used to be."" ""Back in the good ole days."" Gimme a break. Take a time machine to the 50s will ya?" 1,severe allergic reaction causes florida to swell up to twice normal size 0,10 biggest myths about being an escort 1,"world covers ears, chants loudly as epa releases ozone-depletion statistics" 0,donald trump asks why the civil war couldn't have been 'worked out' 1,pornstar has face only stepmother could love 0,"So suddenly, being supervised by not one, but two law-abiding qualified (in one case an instructor!) adults is not safe? Who administered the training and qualifications of the instructor? Who drew up the regulations which allowed this to happen? Who pays lip service to ""safety"" in the use of their deadly toys? We constantly hear that only criminals with guns are a threat, and the law-abiding gun owner is a paragon of rational safe behaviour. This is all too obviously not so." 1,"emoticonXFrazzled Talk about a fast and loose accusation. WHAT DID HE ACTUALLY SAY??? Cause Harry Hay is well known for his gay rights work. If Jennings did find something about the guy inspiring, it was probably his gay rights work. If I said that I thought Martin Luther King Jr was inspiring, would you automatically associate my praise with extramarital affairs? This is just stupid! " 1,personal assistant called after scary dream 1,guidebook writer stumbles upon new england town too quaint for human eyes 1,depressed matt lauer up all night rewatching 8-second clip of career highlights 1,poll: 63% of americans say they have a problem with a mormon president who is also mitt romney 1,outback employees return from mandatory 6-month walkabout in australian wilderness 0,"protect inventors or take down trolls? patent reform with senator john cornyn, ceo innovestion, and rackspace" 0,ted cruz hits the panic button: 'we could lose both houses of congress' 1,local teen would choose gun with night vision laser scope if he joined army 1,nobel prize in chemistry awarded to taft middle school teacher mr. ambler 0,hillary clinton calls for michigan gov. rick snyder to resign or be recalled 1,different waitress brings order 1,"middle-aged woman believes in fourth marriage, angels" 1,man nothing but lumbering golem of rewards cards 0,"iraq militants strike air base, seize oilfields" 1,target pulls all sponsorship from publicly ignored syrian conflict 1,hot new 'murder craze' sweeps chicago 1,afghan warlord takes anderson cooper as 43rd wife 0,friday talking points -- games the whole family can play 0,"Like blacks once were? Wasn't that the main thrust of the 14th amendment and incorporation? Given incorporation, imagine the suits those acts of discrimination would bring emoticonXGood " 1,only positive statistic of year announced 1,"Yeah, cause there are sooo many 100 year old corks just kickin around." 0,"let's not forget that men have impeccable winter style, too" 0,sea lion rescued from santa barbara oil spill dies at seaworld 0,Stop trying to muddy the waters. I asked you to back up your claim that gun control is racist. That is not asking others to do my work for me. That is asking you to back up a claim that you made. 1,"""Hopium"" is the eternal addiction by gun grabbing anti Constitutionalists to hope they can change the Constitution so all their laws and ideas will be adopted. Note I marked your spelling mistakes. Any excuses other than lack of an education? " 1,houghton mifflin harcourt releases new leather-bound philip roth 1,nation struggling to keep track of how far along it is in all its ongoing grieving processes 0,"news roundup for august 17, 2017" 1,cloned cheney lacks charm of original 1,"russian interference had no impact on election, reports website created 8 minutes ago" 0,bernie sanders stresses 'common good' in vatican attack on capitalism 0,"dozens of gravestones toppled, broken at philadelphia jewish cemetery" 1,"bleary-eyed, stuporous houseguest assures host that he slept great" 0,obama plans to tackle major education inequality 0,"'don't call it flesh-eating bacteria,' say florida officials" 0,so we might not be getting more prince music after all 0,4 ways to support farm-to-school policies 1,"Yeah, must be quite a handicap to have to go next door or down the street a block to get one from a buddy :) Are you really that slow? " 1,palmolive attacks dawn for coddling grease 0,it's time to fix the climate -- why do we delay? 1,stars of canceled show terrified fans will raise money for movie 1,"shit-caked, urine-soaked man determined to enjoy carnival cruise" 0,author jeff lindsay says goodbye to serial killer dexter with final novel 0,first look at the new queen elsa from 'once upon a time' 1,"Why did the president have to lie. Kerry served, Bu$h just helped himself to the cocaine." 1,Uhuh! And you've got a bridge in Brooklyn you want to sell me. . . . 0,the 26 funniest tweets from women this week 1,amsterdam tourist can't find 'kind bud' in phrasebook 1,"catholic church speaks out against decadent, sinfully rich dessert" 1,woman nervous for boyfriend to meet person she becomes around parents 1,jesus surprises 700 club with walk-on appearance 0,donald trump made the nicest ad for new travel ban in 'conan' spoof 0,dove controversy: real beauty gone viral 0,he was a friend of mine: jack slater 0,how boehner can 'clean house': one sentence to prevent government shutdowns forever 0,"Oh it's no mistake Montalban. I, unlike you, am quite clear in my arguments, and have a direction and a goal. We can take your other definitions of creationism one at a time, thank you very much. I'd like to first focus on the one that involves your god, or any god, described as being unknowable (which you have said your god is). Will you ""allow"" us to focus on ONE thing? You see, if we have a list of 4 things, and we go through them one by one, we can maybe arrive at the end!!! Crazy thought isn't it!" 1,ford: new f-150 pickup truck capable of crushing a big turtle in one go 1,"It's not often you see such a golden opportunity handed to you on a silver platter. " 1,enraged character in stageplay to be unconvincingly restrained by other actors 0,jacob's pillow dance festival 2014 - daniel ulbricht/ballet 2014 1,man feeling pressure to give mom grandchildren while she still around to raise them 1,purple '91 honda accord lovingly dedicated to la raza 1,tv guide channel tops nielsens 1,2012 seniors thunder into high school's parking lot like coalition forces entering baghdad 0,"You contradict yourself. If the earth was then much as it is today, then there isn't enough water on earth to cover it in any fashion. I have done the math. Do you have any idea of how high the Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes, and the Rockies are? Besides, the Bible talks about a flood that lasted a year, not a series of tsunamis." 0,"There are contradictions in the bible, for so the bible doesn't obey the law of non contradiction. As to the law of identity, Jesus is called both the ""Son of God"" and the ""Son of Man"", which means Also, many parts of the bible are taken as 'metaphors' - yet the law of excluded middle should prevent us from doing that.I'm sure someone will be able to refute my individual points, but on the whole the bible is not an entirely logical source.Furthermore, even if these laws were created by a God, this God does not have to be the same one described in any religion whatsoever. In fact, he doesn't have to be omnipotent, so he could even be dead - Atheists could state that God created these laws then died. In which case, God does not exist but Atheists have still accounted for the creation of said laws." 0,"You mean Intelligent Design, and straight forward logical, rational, common sense arguments that require reason to move to the next step, instead of ideological consensus... huh? go figure... Proponents of ID usually don't argue religiosity or scripture, they let the empirical evidence prove it, funny... that is what true science has always done. Verify the obvious, not ignore it in favor of some mindless postulations [oddly] convenient to how someone wants to live their life; amazing how that works out..." 0,Uh. No they didn't. Have you ever actually taken a biology course? 1,"Hmmm, a mere human-mother cannot make decisions concerning her own body, but you, sk8joyful, can usurp the position of God and tell another human, especially a mere human-mother, what she is allowed to do with her body." 1,china slaughters population to control flu outbreak 1,"breaking: daniel throwing his life away, you should call him, he dropped out of wharton—wharton, for god's sake" 1,angelina jolie coming for your baby 1,doctor unable to hide his excitement from patient with ultra-rare disease 1,"gruff, no-nonsense teacher only hard on students because he gets off on exploiting power" 1,man always attempts to intercept tossed things 0,stanford sexual assault: students plan graduation protest as anger grows 0,"machine guns are not protected by the second amendment, appeals court rules" 1,trump sick and tired of mainstream media always trying to put his words into some sort of context 1,star trek introduces alien character with totally different forehead wrinkles 0,"dear supreme court, our daughter is watching" 1,"Many of the Christian denominations are ignoring them the same way they ignore the prohibitions against pork, mixed cloth, and stoning your children to death because they sass you." 0,"No it isn't. There was an incident here in the states last year that had an elderly woman beaten and raped, and several days later her rapist came back to do it again and she killed him on the spot. She wasn't brought to court to face trial even know she killed someone.THAT is how something like this should be handled." 1,"Sorry to brake it to ya, but just like the Bible says. It's gonna one big war. Thats what all this stuff is leading to. No, I'm not one of those crazy lunes that goes walkin' up and down the street with a sign that says ""The world is comeing to an end"". I'm just sayin', why should we even care......about anything. Might as well start war now and get it over with(in a sense)." 1,man who can't get enough mucus enjoying winter season 0,"You know, I would be fine with that as long as it were truly a middle ground. If that term were used equally among straights as well as gays. But it's just a term. The same as with the term ""marriage."" It's just a term. Just a word. Personally I feel the government needs to get out of the business of marriage altogether. Let the legal term be agreed upon unilaterally." 0,israel terrorizes palestinians in gaza 0,consider britney spears thoroughly unimpressed with ariana grande's impression of her 1,dad thought he could make it out of zoo without buying kids light-up shit 1,god confirms whitey bulger sent to hell for snitching 0,'these storms are just crazy': craft beer brewers feel effects of climate change 1,man taking unemployment as opportunity to think about how he really wants out of life 0,a senate candidate spills the beans: running a positive campaign is for suckers 0,"You say you cannot see it from the gay perspective, then you speak from that perspective as a gay man. This is confusing. As a heterosexual, if you are one, would you give up those rights and let gays have the rights?" 0,"You can do so, and if I don't check your source I guess I'm SOL, eh? I've seen the story many places, but this is beyond simply a site dedicated to outing Bush since its a radio show :P" 1,porn video with unfamiliar acronym in title deemed too risky to click on 1,god pissed solar eclipse not visible from heaven 0,texas to execute man for murdering boy and drinking his blood 0,You mean to tell me it's a falsehood?? I don't believe it. 0,three stylish ways to wear one puffer vest 0,house republican proposes bill to prohibit use of private email servers 0,lebanon's ex-pm says he will return amid claims he was being held captive by saudis 1,embarrassed whale panicking about huge barnacle outbreak before date 1,Get away? We never went near it in the first place. 1,our nation's businessmen: are they just in it for the money? 0,"On the contrary, anyone who takes an interest in such things is well placed to appreciate just how hard it is to grasp such distances." 1,man always insists you toss him keys rather than just hand them to him 1,prison warden vows to take away el chapo's tunnel privileges if captured 0,"I think this is a bad way to put it...the evidence that they earth has been warming since we have had the ability to measure temperature is overwhelming...the cause is unknown and whether or not it is natural is unknown. It does seem fairly narasistic to think in 100 years we have caused so much damage to an earth that at least has been here 10,000 years." 1,car ride devoted to explaining what things will be different about grandma this visit 1,buchanan reveals thousands of americans made in china 0,it can't always be cared by anyone. What if no one wants the baby or you can't get to a place where you can give the baby up (maybe snowed in for a week). Can you kill the baby then because it is now dependent on you. 0,the 'danish girl' creative team share their experiences with the story 0,"dear high school teacher who tried to discourage me from applying to ucla, i'm a bruin now!" 0,"First of all, when gun owners say ban guns, it means, if you want to ban ANY Gun, you are a gun banner! You guys want to muck up the argument with we don't want to ban all guns, just some guns! However, that statement is just for now! If you get the ban more will be following! Nelson T. 'Pete' Shields -- Founder of Handgun Control, Inc." 1,biden's buffalo wing challenge dinner not sitting too well 0,"how not to hide your pregnancy in an underwear ad, a kylie jenner story" 0,'black panther' sequel officially confirmed by marvel studios head 0,"That's not evidence, that's an assertion. As for my dogs (cats), yes. They do put on a winter coat in the much warmer winter climate than Arizona in which I live. So I return to my original question, on what evidence do you base your claim that an arctic fox would not change color in the winter in Arizona?" 1,clairvoyant vince vaughn accepts movie role before it's offered 1,area man already knows which chicken tender he's saving for last 0,"First of all rape is one of the most under-reported crimes so it makes sense that abortion due to rape/incest is also under-reported so that makes your assumptions and numbers off.But of course you are missing the whole point.You are not the one being raped so it isn't YOUR choice.I don't need you making choices for me or telling me what is and isn't good for my emotional health.If one gets raped and DOES NOT want to be pregnant who are you tell them they have to be? Abortion should be legal for everybody who wants one not just rape/incest victims,for the simple reason that no human being has the right to substain life by using the body of another why should a fetus have more rights than actual persons?" 0,"as trump and north korea hurl threats, hawaii prepares for a nuclear attack" 0,here's the biggest problem with obama's new trade push 0,obama's greatest oratory performance 0,"I never said anything about a conspiracy Peeling. I very clearly gave valid reasons to Consider that scientific GRANTS and pay increases for these scientists are based on making new and previously undiscovered claims that forward the science. That is the greatest motivation to lie, cheat, create and falsify evidence which adds to the scientists personal wealth and further promotes a false science that is rife with selfish motivations to preserve, protect and promote it." 1,naacp calls for more diversity in police lineups 1,open-ended new bill criminalizes whatever black people up to right now 1,That lad was off his guts!!!!!. He is no more addicted to religion then he is to the mental institution in which he escaped from! 0,duterte says he may impose martial law if drug problem worsens 1,detective not sure he was close enough to partner to endlessly pursue killer 0,"Wow. A very unusual and distressing story, and probably why saline abortions are no longer used. It is very unfortunate for her to have to live with that disability." 0,kylie jenner spends sunday in a bikini 1,"Your god sees no degree of sins. Shaving your beard, baby-rape, etc, are all punishable by death. That is, unless you repent. emoticonXBanghead" 0,3 reminders that can help you raise resilient kids 0,"The Bible does not say that it is inerrant. And if it did, what if it was wrong? The Bible is only one source of authority for Christians." 0,"Well you think wrong. The Second Amendment is individual, it's tied to all lawful uses of firearms, and the game is over. You lost." 1,"obama, tennessee titans have no clue why team invited to white house" 1,son in iraq or something 1,yosemite closed indefinitely after bear spotted in park 0,republican sen. gardner torches sessions over pot reversal 1,"The catholic church doesn't believe in the death penalty. Huh. Funny how facts get in the way of your arguments eh?" 1,box with cooking instructions immediately retrieved from trash 1,cable-tv judge overruled by network-tv judge 1,25-pound ham wedged in parents' refrigerator 0,clinton announces transition leadership should she win in november 1,kavanaugh says it's super embarrassing and sad that christine blasey ford still in love with him 0,texas gov. rick perry indicted for wearing hipster glasses 1,"sun pacific unveils new 'hotties' variety of voluptuous, shapely clementines" 1,"breaking: fuck, fuck, fuck, this got out of hand" 0,5 money lessons to teach our daughters 0,They don't have to. The government is exercising violence by threatening people with jail time if they cause injury to somebody else who's attacking them. 1,inside: america's love affair with neurotic jewry 1,earth ranked number one party planet 0,donald trump reportedly plans to keep james comey as fbi director 0,And i dont really believe in god because he has shown us NO compelling evidence of his existance. 0,dick cheney's staggering iran hypocrisy explored 0,sexual assault survivors' rights act of 2016: 'our nation's laws stand firmly on the side of survivors' 0,how the washington nationals won over a young atlanta braves fan 0,meatless monday: portuguese mashup 1,"So the Bible proves the Bible right! Of course! Now I'm converted! emoticonXRolleyes You know cyclical arguments are fallacies, right?" 1,study: this descended from wolves 1,american airlines to phase out complimentary cabin pressurization 0,six things we learned from the 'mad men' tca panel 0,have obama's education policies weakened the democratic party? 1,"How about other religious theories. What about teaching about the sun god? I don't mean that they believed that, but teach it as a choice because everyone deserves the right to choose in what they believe. Actually let's also teach how the theory of gravity could be wrong and people can choose to believe that invisible fairys pull people down towards the Earth and other massive objects. We should teach the theory of gravity also but we need to give them the choice on what to believe. " 0,man opens fire on chicago subway train: police 1,texas schools to no longer teach students about autoerotic asphyxiation 1,area molestation victim wants his bear 0,time to end subsidies that are destroying forests 1,report: male hair loss 7 times more painful than childbirth 0,fbi arrests brother of san bernardino terrorist and 2 others on marriage fraud charges 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 0,gop: clinton could cost democrats in battle for senate 0,want to harm your relationship? here are 2 easy ways! 0,prank changes highway sign to reference 'christmas vacation' 0,rare rossini and hot jazz at caramoor 1,raid recalls entire line of insecticide after realizing food chain would collapse without bugs 0,stinging for the fences: bees swarm padres training camp again 1,obama to create 17 new jobs by resigning and finally opening that restaurant 0,why i didn't reveal i'm deaf in my online dating profile 1,sessions: 'i am proud to have served white america' 0,Why would they be useless? They aren't useless on birds? And how is this qustion different in any meaningful way from the above? Aren't wings forelimbs with feathers? It seems that soaring or gliding or even faster running would be extremely useful. 1,area man can't remember whether he rented mimic or the relic 0,"7+ reasons why bisexual, pansexual, fluid, and queer people need to sign up for health insurance this month" 1,wealth-burdened nation grateful for opportunity to spend money at new onion store 0,how this transgender political hopeful plans to capitalize on 'milestone' ruling 1,"darfur, ia also in pretty bad shape" 0,"private prisons, we have a problem" 0,the view from brexit britain -- america still has the chance to repudiate hatred 0,mom's hilarious story about her morning shows the hectic life of a parent 0,drunk man incites panic after jumping on bar and praising allah: police 1,"revealing spring attire reminds man he nothing more than weak, hormonal ogre" 1,"I am just passing on what I seen personally. I am not trying to prove anything. Just sharing an observation. PS...from ""our"" point of view? You got a mouse in your pocket? Please explain." 0,former trump ethics director calls arpaio pardon 'a harbinger of worse to come' 1,pennsylvania republican doubts vote he just suppressed would even have made a difference 0,why democrats would be smart to let donald trump put peter thiel on the supreme court 1,nasa to send earth into space 1,report: female interns earn only three-fourths of college credit that male counterparts do 0,"No, there isn't a consensus among Christians, at least not beyond the fact that God was responsible in one way or another for the universe existing. There is no consensus about method." 0,5 bags that fit the new carry-on suggestions (photos) 1,stupid magazine ranks some stupid crap 0,"playing an aspiring rapper in 'patti cake$,' danielle macdonald is summer's breakout star" 0,one death linked to listeria in dole packaged salad 0,the 'fuller house' season 2 trailer teases a lot of fun 0,colin kaepernick's white parents say they're 'very proud' of him 0,bobby jindal's biggest donors benefited from his administration 0,"kerry agrees to testify in front of issa, but not new benghazi committee" 0,these photos show the strength of students as they protest gun violence 0,'toy story 4' coming to theaters in 2019 0,first gay couple receives marriage license at jailed kentucky clerk's office 1,4 out of 5 texas dentists advocate the death penalty 1,house cat announces plans to just sit there for 46 minutes 0,iraq is investigating alleged executions of sunnis in fallujah 1,Your own source said the amendments are 11-27. Amazing how the 2A got incorporated into the XIV isn't it without Article V. emoticonXGood 1,"""He who laughs last thinks slowest."" I think that applies here; what about you?" 0,the making of them: tv documentary review (belated) 0,secret service officer arrested in child sexting sting 1,"attorney, client privileged" 1,lucky dead student gets own page in yearbook 0,service outages strike ahead of pacquiao vs. mayweather fight 0,army judge rules trump comments have not influenced bergdahl case 1,sean spicer cradling comfort pig throughout briefing 0,"joe biden tells union workers: 'we build labor, we build the middle class'" 1,"So the Romans nailed anyone up that organised the community! Did you get that from the film 'Life of Brian'?" 1,sony scores big win for playstation 5 after poaching yoshi from nintendo with 10-year $400 million contract 1,"dignified cat dressed in adorable, painful sweater" 0,things get chilly between ted cruz and marco rubio 0,these 10 meals reveal one thing fast food restaurants still get wrong 1,connecticut man visited by being from another time zone 0,four consequences of a $15 minimum wage 1,congress approves of $250 billion 1,jeopardy! viewer had no idea he knew so much about weasels 0,"Actually, my wife and I discuss evolution all the time. She's an evolutionary biologist. She did feel as if she had some duty to watch the show, just to stay on top of the sorts of things being said. She just has a low tolerance for willful stupidity. Which I totally understand. :)" 1,pope francis beats confession out of uncooperative catholic 0,polar bear cub sleeps and dreams with cuddly toy in adorable clip 0,spiders inspire fear -- along with novel products that could change the world 0,Actually I don't deal with spanish or french because I don't have to. I speak english. emoticonXRolleyes 0,the louvre gardens are teeming with rats 1,"4 copy editors killed in ongoing ap style, chicago manual gang violence" 0,"This is a separate issue, Voice of Reason. Some didn't understand how pro-choice people can say they personally wouldn't do something and/or think something is wrong but still support other's right to do it, and that's what I was answering." 1,"huckabee sanders warns stormy daniels' disclosures just steamy, sexy distraction from real issues" 1,new poll finds death of spouse most liberating experience in life 0,watch as stephen colbert hilariously tries to seize control of the dnc podium 0,"There is no need for prey animals to grow a third or forth eye as a defense mechanism. Binocular vision works. Its balanced and can render 3d positioning in the mind accurately. The lizard that you mentioned is born with a spot sensitive to light which helps the body absorb vitamin d, as humans do due to skin that is light-sensitive to a certain extent. It isn't an eye for defending against predators, and it doesn't need one. As for insects, the fact that they've survived for such a long time goes to show that they have adapted adequately and are doing well. Have you tried sneaking up on a fly lately?" 0,Obviously the correct thing to do is kill the zygote. The thing that bothers me about this whole thing is some of the people that said they would refuse to choose. This is characteristic of your typical wimpy religious copout and is nothing but a cheep avoidance tactic. These people are not the kind of people that should be making any important decisions that concern other people so I guess its just as well. A zygote is no more viable then a sperm. The attempt to call a zygote a living being is simply more evidence that the religious have no common sense. 1,1998 powerball winner returns to food-service job 0,the real mothers of mother's day 0,i am an immigrant: from food shortage to food network 0,"Please read carefully. He was talking about the US population, not the world. The initial post was NOT detailing population control but bringing up the issue of resource allocation and parenting." 0,the undocu-care-van heads to sacramento 1,...that is on every single one of his posts? Still going to claim you read other peoples stuff properly? 0,"a global meditation for world peace, december 12, 2014" 0,caught on camera: suspect bird-naps peacock 0,colbert mocks 'kellyanne kanye' for his bizarre pro-trump tweetstorm 1,"So, I guess in your view, educating people against prejudice and intolerance is a bad thing." 1,industrial light & magic creates believable storyline 0,"Being new isn't a problem. Nor is uncertainty about a position. The way to learn is to ask questions in appropriate places. However, a problem with message boards is that, without experience, it may be difficult to tell who is speaking from knowledge and who is speaking from ignorance or faith." 1,modest isis leader credits promotion entirely to drone strikes 0,15 darling circle bags to complete your spring wardrobe 0,one of the dea's most wanted drug traffickers pleads to be left in peace 0,30 things i've learned about life and kindness in my 30s 1,alarming study finds 60% of americans don't know where their next value meal going to come from 0,supreme court makes slip-up in death penalty case 0,hating refugees is pretty much as american as apple pie 1,'please don't feed the poor' campaign catching on 0,when i'm forced to see color in my colorblind marriage 1,"well, doesn't area businessman look dapper for his big flight to philadelphia" 0,Well I think that the geology of the planet would influence everything. From religions to morals and scientific progression. Because long ago on our planet Europe not only thought the world was flat and they could fall over at the edge into an abyss but Europe generally didn't have knowledge of the Asian cultures until the silk road was active. If the asian and european cultures were not so greatly distanced from each other history would have been greatly changed to the extent that compared to our world would be pretty loopy 1,report: you have been selected to make a purchase at the onion store 0,gm wants to fill the gap volkswagen's dieselgate scandal left 1,nation's loyalists compete in annual nigel's bangers and mash eating contest 0,teacher removed from classroom over white nationalist podcast says it's satire 1,man unsure how fellow diners got impression appetizer was ordered for table 0,jazz jennings has a message – and a mission 0,chris pratt's son is totally trolling him 1,"PROJECTION, again.... I'm amazed you can't recognise the amount you do it...." 0,"prog noir and beyond: conversations with tony levin, cactus' carmine appice, jim mccarty, and jake shimabukuro" 1,woman hopes husband doesn't notice she lost wedding ring finger over weekend 1,You could probably use it since in all likelihood you know absolutely nothing about it. 0,'i don't feel safe calling the police': new yorkers march against police violence 1,guest given air mattress that will slowly deflate throughout night 0,"do not bring your kids to 'measles parties,' doctors warn" 0,Evolution doesn't explain the event. The event is an example of evolution - a change in the frequency of alleles in a populatioin over time. The explanation may or may not be evolution by natural selection. You merely asserted that based on your imagined case. 1,tapas arriving too fast 1,late-working ceo calls out for coffee in vain 0,where the money went: trump details fundraising for vets 0,north carolina republicans brace for 'bathroom law' blowback 0,"Well, viability now is around 23-25 weeks gestation and really is based on weight more than age. Howeverm the past push towards heroic intervention is now tempered by the rather horrific disabilities and complications seen at the younger age" 0,john kasich is seemingly baffled by young women who get politics 0,why taking a risk is a must for creativity 1,atlantic ocean excited to move into beautiful beachfront mansion soon 0,u.s. senators share their #metoo sex harassment stories 1,"ira, hamas sweep 1990 bombie awards" 0,5 types of annoying people to avoid at all costs 0,bodies of 6 marines in nepal crash id'd 1,charlottesville suspect might have received tacit support from high-level government figure 0,the epiphany in all of us 1,new sitcom pulls back the envelope 1,sierra club withdraws support of controversial fern 0,on losing my first friend 0,i wore crocs to work for a week — and lived to tell the tale 1,"bush vows to do 'that thing gore just said, only better'" 0,"hugh laurie returns to the doctor game, except in chance he has none of the answers" 1,baby feels foolish after realizing stranger waving at toddler next seat over 0,bank of america touts going green but funnels billions into fossil fuels 0,"ryan to unveil policy agenda, starting with anti-poverty initiative" 1,robert de niro to turn 58 for movie role 0,"munich shooter planned attacks for a year, german authorities say" 0,'1984' sales spike after kellyanne conway's orwellian interview 0,"three arrested with cache of weapons, some loaded, near holland tunnel" 0,"Well, that is PART of the Scientific Theory of Evolution. There is more to the Scientific Theory, such as adaptation to local changes in the environment and the ability to use new niches and so on." 0,donald trump appoints rick santorum to catholic advisory committee 0,ann romney's grandma tips are 'freakin' awesome' 1,underprotective father demands daughter arrive home by 10 a.m. 0,"It's been reported in the Telegraph as well as several other news outlets. Want to slander them as well or do you want to try to disprove their story based on its content. I suggest the former, because the University has already confirmed the authenticity of the e-mails and documents. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,"Just this morning there was an article in the paper about a woman in the Extreme Southern part of Texas in Brownsville being shot ""with a stray bullet from Mexican soldiers"" on our side of the river. Over 80% of the crimes are committed by Mexican gang members, many of which are ex-soldiers and drug enforcement for the mafias.Nope, not safe at all when foreign invaders attack Texans on our side of the river and do pseudo cop break and enters of homes or robbery of businesses.That is a good example of the importance of being armed. One county sheriff along the river encouraged citizens to get armed just for that purpose, freely admitting that his officers will not be there when they are needed the most. We Texans have kidnapping and ransome too but reserve our right to protect ourselves unlike EuroAsia who has copitulated entirely.You were saying?" 1,"I see. So physical punishment for sin is now unnecssary? Intriguing. Do tell. Seriously, I am curious where you go with this. And finally: " 0,"So, IOW, you are saying that those of us who are intelligent enough to realize that your non existent imaginary god doesn't exist have a chemical imbalance? Wow, that's quite a stretch even for you Archie baby." 1,"theater major has too long borne shakespeare teacher's blunt upbraidings, bitter scoffs" 1,gunman kills zero at kansas city area mall 1,"And you feel that those who cannot afford to pay can die slowly and painfully in a pool of their own vomit. What a caring chap you are! But the US health care system will still be doing a terrific job. I do hope this is not a popular opinion in the US. Mind you it does seem to be the American opinion with regards to the rest of the world too, so . . . ." 0,of course jesus is black: 'that s**t doesn't happen to white people' 0,"Yes, but our cells, are functional. It's cells are not yet functional beyond dividing." 0,unprecedented opportunities: online learning explosion empowers gendiy 1,cow excited to freak the fuck out during solar eclipse 0,riz ahmed's emmy is a win for south asian representation on tv 1,"Duh! Maybe the folks who wrote the Book of Yasher had access to Manetho. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,4-year-old shows new doll the ropes 0,fishermen hook massive rare sawfish in stunning catch and release 0,tormund and the hound singing could melt the night king's icy heart 1,17-year cicadas horrified to learn about 9/11 1,carlos santana surprises wife with coupon for free 45-minute guitar solo 1,area mom adds ankle weights to already bizarre workout routine 1,hanes introduces new no-way panties 0,debbie wasserman schultz faces tough primary without help from democratic campaign arm 1,stephen miller rewards self after day of speechwriting with trip to see children in local ice detention center 0,swarthmore college president surprises community 0,"And yet you can offer nothing to show it's impossible! It most certainly is a plausible explaination! Fairytale?!? Don't think so, a logical path for the developement of the avian lung." 1,owl can't remember which direction to rotate head back 1,guy from pringles ad convicted of murder on law & order 1,pregnant wife has no idea which jonas brother she married 0,Because there are people who are trying to deny the theory of evolution it's place as a vital part of public school's biology curriculum. 0,"Do you have a quote? a link? anything to make us think that you're not spinning this like you tend to spin everything else?Here's something you didn't think through: you say that ""inherent"" human dignity is a derivative of the image-of-God claim. First, that makes it most certainly not inherent but derived. Second, you insult the entire human race when you claim that human dignity is dependent upon anything else. I'm sorry that you think so little of humans." 0,trevor noah gets a big 'ken boner' 0,jeb bush campaign adviser serves on board of predatory college itt 0,a letter to my teenage daughter 1,vilsack stays up all night with sick corn plant 1,illinois supreme court deems rahm emanuel sleazy enough to run for mayor of chicago 0,That viability isn't a good basis for determining abortion laws? That the point in a pregnancy when a fetus is viable is earlier than once believed owing to medical advances? Do you think this has no realistic limit? 1,"mother, daughter exchange encoded menstruation-related message over dinner table" 1,barnes & noble creates stripper/prostitute memoir section 0,trump executive order helps cement guantanamo's status as a forever prison 0,one way to make college worth it: help students feel like someone cares about them 0,jason isbell is one nashville-based singer unafraid to talk politics 0,"afl-cio bucks progressive allies, backs dakota access pipeline" 1,american dental association recommends making your gums hurt really bad once a day 0,the supreme court let a man die. he was executed with the wrong drug. 1,richard branson's global-warming donation nearly as much as cost of failed balloon trips 0,report: gop candidate against gay marriage was once a gay female impersonator 0,this is where students get suspended from school the most 0,the world war ii-era women who broke up the disney boys' club 1,"I tried. Again I say, this discussion has nothing to do with my spiritual integrity. I'm amazed that you are able to judge its soundness from the total lack of related information regarding same. My suggestion is that you request a total refund of all monies you and any of your associates may have spent on tuition. You were robbed! You might also look into punitive damages. emoticonXBye" 0,i don't fight because i'm violent -- i fight because the world is 1,grandfather's advice pretty bad for someone who's lived that long 1,midwestern tornado destroys 4 world's largest objects 1,north american children begin summer migration to dad's 0,proof that apple watch owners are desperate to convert you to their side 0,mom gives excuse for son's absence that even hermione would accept 1,government closes case on ufos after determining sightings just routine psylandorian patrol ships 1,"Dear Hypocrite, Do you wish to be a competent poster and actually respond to questions and requests? If so, please answer my request (on the other thread) and I will be happy to answer your questions." 1,christian bale loses 40 years for upcoming movie role 1,keebler expands line of residence-themed crackers 0,Which of course says volumes. On the other hand such metaphors are appropriate in many cases. For example consider the vaccination program for smallpox which eradicated the disease FAPP. It was indeed a struggle and new tools and techniques were critical to reaching the objective. From Jenner to the end of the virus as a human pathogen. 1,gop throws all financial support behind one candidate 0,a warm welcome in mumbai 0,a dirty little secret about my sex life 1,google's 9/11 homepage design stirs controversy 0,the top 12 beauty tips we learned from our moms 0,No argument there. I wasn't asked if I wanted my federal tax dollars to go towards same sex benefits in violation of DOMA. :xcensored 1,study finds more americans waiting to start secret second families until later in life 0,another goper has compared planned parenthood to nazi germany 1,"cnn anchors speechless after guest goes on long, coherent thought" 1,realistic day planner only includes first couple weeks after purchase 1,"So put the criminals to death, don't let them see daylight again." 0,why antidepressants won't solve the depression epidemic 0,ancient gravestone used as battering ram in lightning jewelry store heist 1,"'en passant,' whispers mueller as he knocks another pawn off chessboard in shadowy, dimly lit office" 0,"Thats a very good question. To be honest - I would prefer no legislation period - but I would not get up in arms about a late term restriction like I described because 1) a fetus could very well survive outside of the mom at that point, 2) most reputable doctors won't conduct an abortion at that stage without a legitimate medical reason anyway." 1,jenny sanford: 'i'm loving these lax gun purchasing laws' 0,"runaways, neglect and abuse cast shadow on massachusetts school" 1,archaeologists apologize for murdering last remaining neanderthal in fit of crazed bloodlust 1,"I agree, it is pure genius...especially how it has infiltrated politics and governments. emoticonXBanghead" 1,45% of items in woman's apartment have word 'love' written on them 0,gop senator: my family went from 'cotton to congress in a lifetime' 0,here is how phil jackson and the knicks can win free agency 0,abdul malik abdul kareem guilty of conspiring to support isis in texas attack 0,chrissy metz says she was physically abused by her stepfather as a teen 0,"Wouldn't it be wonderful if every woman in the world had access to decent prenatal care, if every woman in the world could be guanateed safe childbirth, wouldn't it be wonderful? The entire series is at: And, if men had to suffer the torture of being in labor for a week and having their insides torn out, don't you think the male-centered world would truly care more about the welfare of women and children?" 0,"Nearly all the food humans eat today, even in the Western world is GM including maize, tomatoes, and soy, etc, etc. used as ingredients in products such some soymilk. Essentially everything is with the exception of ""organic"". However, as i noted above, I wouldn't make this argument because I think GM soy esecially is not very healthy for people snd GM foods tend to be more prone to bacterial infection which can make people sick. I haven't read from all sides, however." 0,"Plenty of instances of killings at courthouses to prove you wrong. And let's not forget the biggest case of murder of innocent unarmed people in a gun-free zone. That's right, September 11th. Everybody but the terrorists were unarmed, everybody died. Can't get any worse than that." 0,"You know, your comparison of those that fought to end segregation, to those that fight to enact gun ban and gun control laws, is nothing more than a cheap and dirty tactic that does nothing to address the issue, and everything to suggest that breaking the law is alright if you're a politician or legislator. There's a very large difference between people like Rosa Parks, and the mayor of Philadelphia; gun ownership is protected by the Constitution, segregation wasn't. The fact that you're comparing those who instituted civil disobedience for good reasons, to those who want to violate state laws to pass their own laws because they think they know better and have a right to do so, just shows that you can't address the point at hand." 1,divorcing parents assure anxious kids that dog still loves them 1,serta wholesaler lets customers cut their own length of mattress 0,computer science in vietnam: counting down to the hour of code 1,alan rickman ends pizza delivery order with ominous 'so be it' 1,crucifix a testament to man's wealth 1,"Don't be hatin' my friend. We have to deal with ""criminals freely walking the streets"" here. There goes one now.emoticonXKill I like the snow. Especially in a paper cone with some syrup." 0,"Actually you're wrong. Actually you're very, very wrong. The 5th Amendment, and all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, only provide protections against government interference, not interference from your neighbors and people who don't have governmental jobs.But just for the sake of argument, if you want to argue how the man's rights were violated, how about we discuss the rights of the woman? Doesn't she have a right to not be raped? Doesn't she have a right to be secure in her own home against forced invasion?" 0,ferguson police officer shot 1,So do you think that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old? 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 0,"is 'having it all' possible for dads, too?" 0,whole foods recalls maytag blue cheese due to listeria risk 1,hillary clinton clearly tailoring debate answers to unclaimed new york superdelegate 1,"Yup, dismissing *spirituality* selfishly, one can conveniently substitute religions like ""legal-ism"". So, a human-mother is equal to the abilities/wisdom of God now? - Interesting thing: How many mothers do *you* know, who can successfully *champion* a person (hiding in coma-states of mind)? Annie" 1,north korea releases new paintings of healthy kim jong il 0,this poor kitty puts our seasonal allergies to shame 1,dying woman sorry she won't get to see 37-year-old son grow up 1,pentagon to withhold budget figures out of respect for american families 1,"So what's your point, Bush is as Liberal as the most Liberal Senator in Congress? " 1,stomach sets aside synthetic additives until it has a few minutes to figure out how to digest them 0,"if your doctor won't give you an iud because you haven't had kids, you need a new doctor" 0,with friends like these: trump speaks among bigots who want lgbt people dead 1,town nervously welcomes veteran back home 0,Apparently you thought I was claiming that pro-lifers thought that the baby's life was more valuable than the mother's life. So I clarified: 0,angela merkel vows g20 won't bow to trump on climate change 1,"I specified that I was talking about CONSERVATIVES. What is there about that that makes you think I am talking about you? Are you ""plural""? Do YOU define the ""conservative"" stance? There is no right-minded analysis which can take what I said about the CONSERVATIVE stance and pretend that I had to have been talking about you, unless one assumes you ARE THE ""conservative stance"". And considering you profess libertarian, it makes it even more bizarre that you pretend to interpret things in such a way... " 1,national interest in anything hovering around 3 percent 1,secret service not sure if that suit of armor was in oval office yesterday 0,coroner to investigate police killing of rock thrower 1,area man feels even lazier when he thinks about how much isis has accomplished this year 0,"actually, cnn's jeffrey lord has been 'indefensible' for a while" 0,i'm the crystal (and so are you): a poem for cold times 1,bath & body works unveils new soothing eucalyptus road flare 1,mom triumphantly drags hotel pool lounge chair back to family like fresh kill 1,clinton's lower lip 'very concerned' about albanian crisis 1,"jfk jr. celebrates 10,000th coupling" 1,Haven't we all . The difference is some of us know that most people have or will and that it does not make us a fount of knowledge. As you show us so well. 0,mark hamill rips his role in 'last jedi': 'he's not my luke skywalker' 1,supreme court mistakenly used belgium's constitution for last 3 rulings 1,no-makeup look easier to achieve than elle claims 1,Got to watch the sneer and smear channel. Rachel Maddow will be frothing out of mouth and nose. 1,"emoticonXRolleyes Drink Kool-Aid often? No major party in the US supports the mass murder of an entire race of people." 1,dozens of panicked mar-a-lago guests crowd front desk to check out after fbi agents spotted at hotel 0,I hardly see why you feel called upon to explain how a hypthetical entity that does not in fact exist requires an explanation at all! There is no evidence of any sprititual entity or spiritual component to any physical entity. 1,ice cream truck driver going to let these kids sweat a little bit before stopping 1,cellmate tired of suge knight's constant stories of '90s rap beefs 1,paul hogan keeps pitching crocodile dundee saturday-morning cartoon 0,2 koreas make history marching under unified flag in olympics opener 0,"I'd say no to the first part, and yes to the second. The ""information theory"" argument is something that gets brought up on forums alot, generally by people who don't know what information theory is, but I've never seen an ""official"" ID person claim it as a central argument. The basic argument is that stuff, from the universe, to people, to eyeballs, to DNA, is too complex to have ""just happened"". Someone, (and they won't say God, cause their not trying to be religious here, oh no...) must have designed them." 1,pork chop trapped in airtight container 1,"Funny how YOU are the one who give people repeated reasons to ""not trust"" you, but you insist that your skepticism is somehow rational... You have already been busted as being dishonest about claiming the poll was done in just ""San Francisco"". And now you are being busted in claiming that the poll was done by the ""gay lobby"". YOU YOURSELF noted, by quoting the article, that it was a REUTERS article. Do you really think that REUTERS is a ""gay lobby""??? Stop saying stupid things because you're trying to save face." 1,optimist half full of shit 0,trump can't simply delete an islamophobic campaign 0,fox news host: donald trump could get corporate sponsors for his wall 1,ipod flaunted 0,9-year-old reporter told to just be 'cute' has landed a book deal 0,arthamptons lifetime achievement award: ruth appelhof at the maidstone 0,"paul ryan reverses course, accepts house chaplain rescinding resignation" 1,new office manager provides terrifying glimpse into plans for regime by placing new collection of teas in drawer 0,chicago's top prosecutor will not try the officer who killed laquan mcdonald 0,ditch the paper and increase productivity with these six apps! 1,man wishes there were some kind of pre-midterm race where voters could select better candidates 1,non-priest arrested on charges of child molestation 1,senatorial candidate challenges opponent to drop out of race 0,even donald trump's former boss thinks he's a 'demented' reality star 1,"LOL! Dodging the problem Easyrider. So, is sidestepping the best you can do?" 0,poll shows many americans agree with hillary clinton that women and men should be paid the same 1,new 'time' to keep everything from happening at once 0,"in first and only vote on trump's muslim ban, republicans fail the test" 1,"So your answer to the question then is ""Nothing"", Marc?" 0,israeli strike kills prominent hezbollah members in syria 1,"quick, painless death tops holiday wish list of local veal calf" 0,facebook to begin letting users know if their data was harvested by cambridge analytica 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on april 21 1,gross national product surpassed by grotesque national byproducts 0,"I see the difference, but that's not what Obama is trying to do. He got us to buy the pig at a firesale and is hoping to make money selling it back to the original farmer or give it to the fieldhands." 0,spring clean your business 0,lesbian ex-mayor has perfect response to ann coulter's hurricane nonsense 0,Interesting thought..... such a situation would theorectically remove the division of opinion that exists based upon the perspective of gender (ie. the pro-life religious male) and would make any difference of opinion be based on moral/philosophical considerations alone. You could argue it would shift opinion towards the mix currently held by women as everyone would be in the position of having to bear pregnancy. Given that there is a full mix of religious and other beliefs in the current day female population perhaps this would be a good analogy to such a state of being you suggest. 0,welcome to the age of context-driven sales and marketing 1,senator feinstein wondering if now a good time to disclose 7 highly credible murder allegations against kavanaugh she received weeks ago 1,report: more americans willing to accept female wonder woman 0,here are your 2017 emmy award winners 0,"on the road to term 4, jerry brown dispenses with kashkari and rolls with arnold schwarzenegger" 0,the 'bear-naked chef' brings his mouth-watering skills to europe 0,conservative fury falls on ryan 0,gop senator says he was unmoved by meeting with merrick garland before meeting actually happens 1,despondent sean spicer returned to locked kitchen cupboard following press briefing 1,"A tenth grade education? Why am I not surprised. That explains why you swallow this evo dung, because it makes you feel smart and enlightened. It is the most popular form of intellectual masturbation for the uninformed and pseudo intellectual today; not to mention the religion of the Natural Man. And here's a clue for you buddy, don't believe everything you read on the internet. Try using common sense before swallowing this tripe and if you want to exercise your common sense muscle, go back and reread all of my posts and try to answer all of my questions objectively. You know, those questions that you and every one of your compadres have completely ignored and not attempted to directly answer at all." 1,"heroic man rushes into movie theater, saves 4 seats" 0,al jazeera america to shut down by end of april 0,palestinian president calls on un to replace u.s. as mediator in peace process 1,"Oh, it gave me quite a shock when that happened! I wasn't expecting it at all! emoticonXRolleyes" 0,word origins as comics: what makes the news easy to swallow 1,"papa john's comes under fire for cruel treatment of the bulbous, deformed creatures that lactate pizza sauce" 0,the weaker becomes the stronger 1,cbs laugh track threatens walkout 1,"Who is Allah, Alex? Great, I'll take 'things a terrorist god would do' for $1600 Alex. " 1,"So, when the tobacco companies say that there is no effect to passive smoking, that's gospel truth, when researchers and doctors demonstrate the harmful effects, that's propaganda. Riiiighhtt..." 1,18-year-old fighting in afghanistan has 9/11 explained to him by older soldier 0,acknowledge and move on 0,houston police chief says he's sick of inaction on gun control 1,lisa murkowski admits she thought being alaskan senator would just mean having to deal with bears and shit 0,11 women revisit the places they experienced street harassment 1,playstation classic to include friend who always whooped your ass to complete retro gaming experience 0,"how our family affects our happiness, in one chart" 0,watch the first trailer for bill murray's 'a very murray christmas' netflix special (update) 1,area woman always has backup problem just in case 1,"So theistic evolution is not a belief, not a faith at all? It is simply a humanistic idea that is based on science, using God to fill gaps?" 0,"Sorry, your going to have to explain to me how Swiss gun laws are in anyway relevant to a shooting in Missouri. Missouri allows concealed carry, it's unfortunate for the victims that ABB does not." 1,every one of man's priorities unrecognizable to grandfather 0,"israel: soldier thought captured is dead, more fighting imminent" 0,medical examiner releases amonderez green autopsy 0,food insecurity and inactivity are driving the obesity epidemic 0,6 cool things to do in macau 1,usda secretary rings nationwide dinner bell for y'all to get in here 0,santa fe high schoolers held gun violence protest 1 month before shooting 1,man begins life in new city by taking last ever walk around neighborhood 0,what aarp wants to hear most from the presidential candidates 1,"Not at all, I love Al Pacino movies!!! Grow up simone. Does the fact that I think Obama was the wrong choice for president make me a racist? Does the fact that I thought McCain would have been a horrible president make me an ageist? I would urge you to take caution in your accusations. In this case the only leaping that took place was your leaping to an assinine conclusion. How very mature of you. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,rolling stone reporter recalls the moment her uva rape story unraveled 1,"new yorker article unread in brooklyn, queens, bronx, staten island" 0,"So indignities offered our citizens will be tolerated if dispensed in small doses? Maybe we might educate the pirates what they should ""know better"" than to try. My taxes pay to have a Navy presence around the world. Americans are American interests." 0,watch this 11-year-old latino muslim stand up to trump's hateful rhetoric 0,body found may be of missing 3-year-old left outside by dad: police 1,"FSM is not world-wide yet, but it is growing. Thank you for the consciousness raising by bringing attention to this glorious belief system. It has the advantage of being every bit as valid and supportable as either creationism or ID. More importantly, it's scripture is unambiguous on the origins of the universe. It looks like you may have attracted a new adherent. Ramen!" 1,clinton assures tim kaine she'll continue serving as president in event of her death 0,woman to be ordained despite excommunication threat 1,"Are you blind, or can't you read? NATO just provided evidence right now. " 1,"Actually yes, but not for the purposes of ilegal search or seisure, I have active duty military friends. They drop by all the time. Obviously your great lack of friends makes that idea hard to understand." 0,house to vote on 3-month highway funding bill before leaving town 1,"Clearly you don't give a damn, because if you did then you would have to admit that you were wrong. Does this mean that you think the introduction of speed limits is a bad idea? " 1,justin bieber recovering in intensive care unit after being badly booed 0,the book we're talking about 0,"Simone is quite right...women will no longer breed to order according to the dictats of outdated religion. British Muslim women will follow at some point (many already are). There are a few hothead extremists who sit on London street corners with placards stating that ""UK will be Islamic"", ""Sharia Law for UK"" etc. etc. But those nutters are ignored along with all the other (non-religious) nutters currently walking the streets of London. (For the record, Muslims make up 2.1 per cent of the total United Kingdom population. They are hardly ""taking over"" ).""muslims are taking over the world"" is a poor excuse of a reason to be anti-abortion and shows desperation, IMO!" 0,democalypse or ass-whuppin'? 1,"'captain actual america' overweight, hopelessly in debt" 0,reality star jill duggar just became a dillard 0,Because God is free to show grace to some and judgement to others. It is what makes Him God and we can't begin to understand His perspective. He is not obliged to explain His eternal perspective to us at all. 1,"ok, sheesh, to clarify, women who arent aborting their babys are pregnant more oftan than not, the women who are having abortons have to have them several times a year." 0,what older men want young men to know about love 1,memphis airport panda express takes over as nation's most depressing place 0,nyt column asserts: us colleges stink 0,young football players' brains change after one season 1,So you yourself could have gone gay but chose to be attracted to women? 1,"local neurotic to undergo invasive 32,000-hour-long therapy procedure" 0,"actually, the only valid question plotter asked is about the existence of dinosaurs (How did they fit into the creation schedule?) Good question plotter...Plotter: ""when did he create all the other planets, when did he create all the other stars and comets?""Gen. 1:14 And God said, ""Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth."" And it was so. and XQ, what stories are you talking about?" 1,I support gay people in all their efforts but I'm not gay myself so you will have to look elsewhere for a date. 0,design in startups from the get-go 0,new study determines the best way to discipline your teen 0,how nonprofits make our lives livable 0,"yup, there's now an ee cream" 0,the omar khadr settlement reaffirms canada's values 1,airline food under fire from area comedian 1,"bill watterson writes, illustrates, shreds new 'calvin and hobbes' strip each morning out of spite" 0,"mister rove, master of the smear" 0,parents respond to article that celebrates dads for one day of parenting 1,report: bananas still most popular fruit for pretending to receive phone call 0,does a reasonable worker lactate? 1,beyoncé begins painful surgical transformation to prepare for role in live-action 'lion king' remake 0,how the traditional nylon toothbrush may be causing your gums to disappear 0,how meeting susan anspach completed the circle 0,birchbox founders reveal the best and worst business advice they've ever received 0,12 baby names inspired by black stars who are making history 1,nation dreading next 6 months of watching candidates trying to relate to it 1,son never showed such dedication until starting football hazing 0,4 crazy-good kebab recipes 0,helen mirren paid tribute to prince with a purple dress and a fake tattoo 1,"So is Clemson related to Clem Kadiddlehopper or somebody else? I am afraid I have never heard of the man before. On MY planet, it's not I who must prove existence. All the ""others"" must prove it. I don't care if the pi/pie is square or the usual shape, round, a circle. As long as it's strawberry/rhubarb, served hot with ONE scoop of REAL vanilla ice cream........With a glass of COLD milk." 1,"You know I actually considered that. Too much work, though. I have added to my list of things to do when I retire. That is, of course, assuming that we turned things around by then. If not, I will likely be too busy ""holding the fort"" against the hordes of starving yuppies." 1,motorcyclists riding 2-wide in lane right next to you probably know what they're doing 1,"I typically don't read Antonia's propaganda pieces, so is she holding up the UK as a shining example of dental health? If so, I suggest that she ask a typical Brit to smile, so she can see for herself the folly in such an assertion. The US' ""bubbas"" have better teeth than the average Brit. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,you've never seen the victoria's secret angels like this before 0,people are lol-ing over this couple's blunt pregnancy announcement 0,8 common habits that are completely killing the chances of living out your dream 0,"The effects are not remotely similar. Marijuana is not an effective pain reliever. It is commonly prescribed to treat nervous disorders and nausea. They don't. The vast majority of users(not addicts) are functioning citizens. The fact that you don't know that proves the point. This is old and tired. The only gateway is the dealer who is encouraged to carry multiple products. That and the fact that many young people figure that if they were lied to about the seriousness of dangers associated with marijuana, maybe those other drugs aren't as bad as they say either. Wonderful strategy on the part of the antis. Except no one smokes 20-40 joints a day." 0,"You are a known anti-gun supporter, should we really be surprised at your presidential choice. Funny thing is, you are going to get screwed just like the rest of us if Obama wins. He might try to take our guns away, but your rights that are important to you wont be very far behind." 1,arby's ceo arrested with trunk full of stolen horsey sauce 0,is toxic algae good for you? 0,dear america: a letter from a reluctant activist 1,"You are, in effect, telling me that putting someone in a position that will inevitable leave them dead does not make you responsible for their death. If I fire a bullet at your head, while that bullet is in mid-air, I am no longer doing anything to hurt you, and you are fine. However, I have set in motion affects that will result in your demise. This makes me responsible for your death." 0,andie macdowell: audiences' 'fear of getting older' hinders older actors 1,"Yup, they're gonna start recrootin' on some Katrina victims. More scary XXXX: " 0,"I'm not familiar with the book, so can't comment upon it first hand. However appears to have a detailed critique of the book and may be of interest to you too. As I say I haven't read the original so cannot judge the quality of the link I'm supplying, so apologies in advance if it grossly misrepresents Mr Well's case." 1,exhausted florida resident returns home after weathering harrowing week with family out of state 1,thin mints exchange hurried farewells as carol enters breakroom 0,5 weight loss habits that are making you gain weight 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,"charlize theron once invited president obama to a strip club, as one does" 0,'crisis actor' alex jones gets a taste of his own medicine in brilliant troll 1,"with you it's pretty easy, we just assume it's all BS, works every time." 1,god demands cuter precious moments figurines 0,what i never knew about motherhood 1,insurance only covers generic heart transplant 1,justice scalia dead following 30-year battle with social progress 0,OK try the US Constitution. We are a representative democratic republic not a majority rule nation. Majorities hold certain powers but they are limited. Minorities continue to have rights which may not be infringed by the majority. Amibiguity and sharing of interests in various types of personal and social decisions is a necessary component of this system. We are built on compromise and that has served us well. 1,man in mickey mouse suit obviously attempted to eat ribs 1,embarrassed cdc announces it accidentally switched flu shots with hiv 1,"and where did they find the participants for this study, bath houses and bars? Gay men are a hidden population in statistical relms. It is very hard to get a true random sample of data on gay men. Studies will say whatever the funder of the study wants it to say. You just get data from the right place. If you want gay men to look like raging alcoholics get your study participants in a bar. If you want them to look like sexaholics then you get your study subjects in bathouses. The truth is that to have honest statistical data you need RANDOM SAMPLES." 0,dozens killed in ethiopia after stampede at protest 0,don't get excited about polling numbers for a couple of weeks 0,remembering the gotham book mart 0,mystery toilet flusher turns out to be something pretty scary 0,the most important things we know after nfl week 3 1,guys' weekend getaway begins with daring purchase of new kind of beer 1,area man thanked for playing 1,"trump boys leave $5 bill, candy bar under propped-up laundry basket in effort to catch op-ed writer" 0,even more executives come forward to defend lgbt rights 0,thousands of pigs rescued in china after photos of flooded barn go viral 0,"my high school boyfriend, the con artist" 1,deutsche bank begins removing possessions from white house after trump defaults on loan 1,"No doubt Matthew! We just have this lust for killing gays. Wow, you really nailed it. We actually are pretty well organized to. Darth Vader is the president of the VA chapter for example. We soon plan on launching a weapon that actually seeks out gays....not that this matters because anyone we don't like we put in the camps. We have a national meeting in a few months in Montana. Maybe if you wear a black robe and do the secret handshake they won't know you are gay so then you can attend. We have really good food at these events." 1,blushing brett kavanaugh admits he flattered christine blasey ford never forgot his laugh 0,scott pruitt lands a second fawning conservative magazine profile 0,donald trump picked the wrong state to call obamacare a 'catastrophic event' 1,social media startup looking for smug little fuck to take leadership role 0,watch macklemore's thoughtful commentary on race in america 0,eclipse 2017: how a tiny town braces for blackout 1,monopoly player insists on being wheelbarrow 1,zamboni crime family indicted in ice-shaving scandal 0,the one thing i 'force' on my kids 0,"Consciousness is created (in my view) by the brain - but I guess it could be described as non-material in the sense that the certainty of its detection is a subjective event. I know that the activity of brain ""waves"" can be monitored, but the stream of consciousness that they give rise to is entirely interior to the mental environment." 1,driver swerves to avoid deer standing right in middle of zoo 0,the catalan independence movement just scored a huge victory 1,indonesian unrest quelled for tourist season 0,"trailblazing women: whitney johnson, leading thinker & co founder of clayton christensen's investment firm" 0,demolishing the 7 myths propping up fossil fuels 0,8 crazy things that happen to your body when you have tons of sex 0,egypt's entry visa canard 1,john ashcroft silences reporters with warning shot 0,8 diy holiday gifts your friends will actually want 1,express-lane cashier confirms her nails are real 0,who needs the apple watch? this startup is building straps that make any regular watch 'smart' 1,recent saving of planet attributed to working assets long-distance plan 1,man halfway down giant water slide remembers today 9/11 0,"clint dempsey talks world cup, jurgen klinsmann and the pressures facing team usa" 1,smoke rings delighting newborn 0,why should we celebrate earth day? 1,"How can I make a 'legitimate' argument with someone who believes all religions are based on ' a man in the sky'. Its like arguing about Oriental culture with someone that thinks China is in Africa...futile. China is not in Africa need to google it lol:)" 0,missing maryland toddler's body found in ohio creek 1,bus rider clutching head in pain completely ignored 0,aclu drags taylor swift for trying to silence critic 0,tim scott: every senator should read coretta scott king 0,how to know when to dial your confidence up -- or down 0,louis c.k. just dropped a new show 0,'the simpsons' predicted disney would buy fox nearly 20 years ago 0,the hollow republican promises to 'read the bill' 0,"Yep, he dodged it again. Care to explain your views on Creation in the Tanakh for the folks here?" 1,"Yeah, that's probably what Stalin and Hitler said at first too. They were also big fans of 'gun-control'. 'Gun-control' works great.. especially in countries with fewer freedoms and/or socialist governments. I read somewhere that in Japan that the police can (and do) visit you twice a year at your home unannounced to question you about your activities. And yet, people still die at the hands of criminals there like anywhere else. Sorry, you assume that because the 'law-abiding' abide by these laws that that will somehow affect the actions of those that disobey the laws. Doesn't work that way. You liberals are always quick to blame inanimate objects for the actions of the irresponsible. But then, liberalism is all about excusing the behavior of the irresponsible." 1,man watches helplessly as white elephant exchange completely devolves into friends just chatting and having nice time 1,rescued baby bird wearing out welcome 0,what to stream on netflix in october 0,two trans women from the bronx open up about their lives and communities 1,man uses weekend to make totally different mistakes than he did during workweek 1,museum proudly exhibits picasso shitty enough to be in kansas city 1,factory farm chicken rounds out miserable existence by going bad in man's refrigerator 0,public school closures are an attack on arkansans of color 1,stevie nicks dancing alone on beach under full moon 0,this stylish kid will teach you how to wear a suit 1,"Because you still can't understand the concept that the militia had absolutely no connection with the private ownership of firearms. You just don't get that serving in the militia wasn't a requirement for a person to be armed. And you've chickened out at elaborating on the shortcomings of your own theory because you have no answers. Cluck, cluck." 1,theresa may narrowly manages to survive parliamentary firing squad 1,authorities say dozens of bystanders failed to act as man went about his life 1,concept car designers struggling to think of cool new ways for doors to open 0,pulse nightclub shooter's father revealed as former fbi informant 1,"Yes, because Republicans are the only hypocrites in the government, right? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,woman would have had awesome time aborting fetus if it weren't for angry protestors screaming outside clinic 0,texas mom outraged because her daughter's school won't allow sunscreen 1,"ER, you're doing the God complex again. Sandra Fluke might not even use birth control because she may very well be celibate. Only God ... and ER who thinks he's God ... know." 0,focus on one particular loophole in gop's new tax-cut plan 1,family trying to tune out hints of misogyny as grandfather lovingly recalls courting grandmother 0,from tiger mothers to fresh off the boat: eddie huang's mom is not every asian-american mom 0,4 must-know facts about clinton wealth 0,"uh, yeah, that was their intent! Under color of law no less. The truth always seems to be your worst enemy doesn't it?" 1,struggling local theater space put out of its misery 0,dear sleep-deprived mama 0,tiger attacks and kills zookeeper at an animal park in spain 0,"j.lo and a-rod will each donate $25,000 to hurricane harvey victims" 0,chipotle is testing queso in hopes of turning business back around 0,finding her own way in paris: meet author/publisher adria j. cimino 1,u.s. capitol cleaning turns up long-lost constitution 1,obama spends another night searching behind white house paintings for safes 1,dzhokhar tsarnaev courtside at pacers-heat game 0,photo editing war breaks out over kim jong un missile test picture 1,retired security guard pens open letter to colin kaepernick about national anthem 0,former nfl player to sue minnesota vikings over investigation into anti-gay allegations 1,"Wow! not only Archie doesn't know the answer to the question. How can one have a knowledge of something it doesn't exist ? so, where does evil come from if God who is good and created everything has absolutely no evil in her ? it seems that the stronger the belief the weakest the knowledge and the logic" 0,sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name 0,how to give a near perfect presentation (and why it's so hard for so many) 0,justice kennedy grills baker in colorado same-sex rights case 0,"solidarity, prayers and support for torched st. louis churches" 1,29-year-old has blast writing his will 1,Oh! Goody! At last someone who wants to actually discuss evolution instead of mythology! 0,5 faulty beliefs that have led to republican dysfunction on health care 0,parkland survivor: 'i've never been so unimpressed by a person' after trump call 0,the room i carry with me 1,"So you're kind of like a crimelord who claims to be a pacifist because he has thugs on the payroll who do the dirty work for him? ""Ah well you see, my personal morality prohibits violence, but that doesn't inhibit me from financing, applauding and demanding violence be done on my behalf whenever it suits me. You see, as long as my hands don't directly commit the violence, I am pure as snow"". In other words, you're discussing when government should use violence. Which according to you, is a lot of the time. Especially should someone dare to defend themselves against a home invader. You really don't see the hypocrisy in condemning someone for violence and simultaneously calling for more violence, do you?" 0,donald trump's dr. oz gambit makes mockery of transparency norms 0,motivational psychology and leadership in higher education 0,"Yes, there are differences, but the claim is not that the other stories were identical, just that they preceded the time Jesus is claimed to have lived, and that elements of these various foreshadowing stories were very similar to those told about Jesus.Continuing for a second on the idea of the eucharist having been borrowed by Christians from earlier traditions:" 0,chris christie sticks taxpayers with huge bill for official portrait 0,"And were THIS the 17th century, I might understand that, but this is the 21st century. We don't ""bleed"" people to make them well; we don't have barbers performing surgery and we usually have a trained physician in the delivery room." 0,focus groups and instant polls won't tell you who 'won' the debate 1,man psyches self out during selection of ice-cream flavor 0,fiona apple sends a big 'f**k you' to trump at standing rock benefit concert 0,"Actually, it is a mutation. Just like the color of the fur is a mutation. Polar bear fur is not white, it is colorless. Moreover, it is hollow. That is another mutation. And Polar bears have longer legs than their closest relatives, the brown bears. They have smaller ears. None of the changes are caused by ""friction"".By the way, the webs between the toes of a Polar bear are very much like the webs between the toes of a duck.Adaptation is, by the way, evolution. I presume that is the word you meant to use. Adaptation is not adaption. You talk about the process as if it were adaption and then call it adaptation. In reality it is adaptation." 0,delta airlines has its first black female captain 0,there isn't a “war on christmas.” there's a fight for inclusivity. 1,automakers ask nation if it still wants that handle above car windows 0,"But does anyone actually need a marriage to do this? No. Are there any laws stating one must be married before giving birth? No." 0,"And you will cowardly ignore the validity of the difference, as you whine that there is one ...A person goes to the doctor, that information is NOT public information. A doctor / patient can claim doctor/patient confidentiality. It's a recognized and valid situation.But with the ""knowthyneighbor"", these polls are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. The purpose of publicizing them is to prevent fraud.If you weren't so intent on trying to bash, you would recognize the obvious distinctions... emoticonXRolleyes" 1,penny not so lucky for tortured soul of lincoln trapped inside 1,ambassador holding phrasebook 'pretty sure' she just strengthened ties with pakistan 0,sean hannity: donald trump should deny press credentials to major news outlets 1,"Remember a Guy named Jesus. He commands this of you too. Sadly you and your religious right Republican christianist buddies have put Jesus in a suit and made him a wall street banker. Using Jesus as cover they despoil the earth, trod upon the poor, ignore the homeless and the hungry, and make the flag their False God. " 0,miley cyrus and other celebs start 2015 with a kiss 1,woman who left room crying earlier expects to jump back into party just like that 0,"song premiere: j.d. mcpherson, 'bossy'" 1,It's ironic that you should talk about lack of evidence. At least we have a source to believe. 1,guy with kids to have more kids 0,The OP assumes ID is real. Asking specifics is ridiculous because we do not know how the proof of ID would be revealed or exactly what the intelligent ' force ' or manifestation would be 0,"""sing"" is an optimistic song to the world" 1,meaning of dream obvious to everyone else 0,this dog is dreaming about something seriously tasty 0,the ryan fitzpatrick era must end for the new york jets 0,"from 'scandal' to 'house of cards,' political dramas are suffering in the trump era" 1,oysters have no discernible effect on date 1,obama warns he may cease to exist unless america believes in him 0,here are the best kimye wedding instagrams 1,indianapolis sports reporter pours his little heart out in peyton manning retirement column 1,"Could it be that you don't know what the term strict constructionist means? Even so, Phyllis doesn't seem to be one and I am not. Orginialist is not ""strict constructionist"". Your extreme black or white thinking really can't see this though can it?" 1,3-day weekend practically already over 1,tourist realizes it's all just a lie set in place for him 1,butterball releases new travel-size turkey 0,debris found in south africa could be from missing flight mh370 1,poll: 80% of americans would get in vehicle with stranger for chance at new life 0,an open letter to my shelter dog's first owner 1,"report: it not good time for long, devastating war for iran, either" 1,nasa designers release flirty new space skirt 1,cop vows to hunt down punk who successfully pressed brutality charges against his partner 1,area man suddenly realizes he's the one who's been killing off world's bee population 1,labor secretary letting 8 million unemployed americans crash at his place until they get back on their feet 1,census bureau releases annual report on neighborhood vibes 0,these hilarious 'hacks' for organizing your kid's bookshelf are spot-on 1,perky optimist brings joy everywhere she leaves 1,dick vitale undergoes annual bracketological examination 1,fabled burger king employee places single onion ring in everyone's fries 0,"Just how do you suppose the government seeking permision would work in reality? And what exactly are you afraid of? It seems odd when people advocate blind trust for Joe Civilian, but then think that the government shouldn't be allowed to be armed. I think there must be a balance in trust given both ways." 1,entire meal consumed while testing if it needs more time in microwave 0,"how to eat healthy around the world (bone broth, anyone?)" 1,experts recommend changing batteries in smoke detector every 6 fires 1,pizza hut employee still hanging around after shift 1,"report: employers created 40,000 new jobs for existing employees last month" 1,"They didn't help, but they are not the only ones. This group is using the fear of that to promote bigotry and hate. I am sure you know what bigotry and hate are, don't you?" 1,churchgoer blanks on why she is lighting votive candle 0,trump's budget: a blow to our communities and to our latin american neighbors 0,new york liberty players wear #blacklivesmatter shirts before their game 0,shutting out the gun nuts? cigarettes may show the way 1,fresca quietly takes control of 18-34 demographic in daring overnight raid 1,garth brooks thinking about how a pie would be good right about now 1,brian boitano sobs quietly in dark 0,pope praises jesuit missions in paraguay after apology for church crimes against indigenous peoples 1,I don't think that Paul was actively gay. He was so odd about having anykind of sex at all that it was pretty warped. 1,jimmy carter contemplating dying right here and now 0,trump's tailspin 0,"rip fred hellerman of the weavers, a group that was a lot more than just 'influential'" 0,the water war that will decide the fate of 1 in 8 americans 0,"Well, I suppose that the reply it took me almost 5 minutes to type, a couple more to check and a couple to correct will not suffice now." 0,"But the Court went further than necessary. They set the point at which States could legally impose restrictions on abortion negating many state statutes in the process and establishing the ""right to abortion"" ON DEMAND at any time. That was an exercise in judicial activism. They took statures that existed in many states and arbitrarily determined at what point they could be applied. It's not the Court's function to legislate from the bench. It is up to the States and Federal Legislatures to determine at what point the fetus' rights are protected." 0,the feminine culture: 6 things i learned from women that make me #thrive 1,bush vows to put man on moon before it disappears at end of month 0,protecting our environment is a matter of life or death 1,'the bachelor' accused of leveraging his power as a reality tv star to lure 30 women to california mansion 0,"I think you might want to check your logic here... As far as I am aware, drug addicts cause a great deal of crime to support their habit. As you are, I am not terribly fond of policing someone's personal habits, but when drugs are the motivating force behind burglaries, assaults and muggings and addicts carry diseases such AIDS and tuberculosis then means of curtailing this should be explored. This may include policing or controlling the supply of drugs to an area to cut down and the amount of drugs sold, and thus less crime to support fewer habits.Easy access to drugs is, logically, part of the problem." 1,blender left on to keep cat company 1,nation's uncles enter last stage of prep for thursday's thanksgiving debates 1,camera admits it can't do much for barry 0,bill maher jokes about what donald trump will really be doing on his asia trip 0,"But even worse, even if there were some unknown mechanism to cause such movement, it would generate heat. The heat generated by the creation of the mountains of the world would be more than enough to reduce the entire surface to molten lava. Add to that the fact that the condensation of the ""vapor canopy"" would release enough heat to boil all of the water on earth. " 0,"a pissing contest, with nukes" 0,5 of the best wurst on planet barbecue 0,mitch mcconnell walks back roy moore criticism 1,heartless dutch curators put deranged scrawlings of mentally ill suicide victim on full display for world to mock 1,man in rental car spends 20 minutes trying to find steering wheel 1,doctor weirded out by patient she just met providing every lurid detail of medical history 0,chris christie gets sued by liberal advocacy groups 0,donald trump's son is giddy over rachel maddow airing his dad's tax return 0,how my daughter taught me that every moment is a gift 0,And a lot of blacks were killed through hangings. Are you against rope vendors? 1,archaeologists: egyptian pyramids actually early attempt at camping 0,"Whatever, people lying by saying that they lost their jobs because they said they believe in Intelligent Design? Good? Bad? Utterly predictable?" 1,fox news now just airing continuous blood-red screen with disembodied voice chanting 'they're coming to kill you' 0,So you're not denying that pro-gun activists in Heller used (or misused) the courts to further their own agenda? 1,report: now sadly the best time in american history to be black 1,police pleasantly surprised to learn man they shot was armed 1,man keeps having same experience where he shows up to work naked 1,novelty pencil worn down to the nub 0,a new way to buy gold 0,"elton john announces retirement — but will perform a long, long goodbye tour" 0,teen girls reviewed super bowl commercials and what they discovered will surprise you 0,hero teacher stops high school shooter in washington state 1,"Oh, so cranky, Dittoboy! Maybe you need some zanax too. Or pray some more to your pagan deities. Little hint: Listening to too much Rush Limbaugh will give you ulcers - all that sustained outrage and all. Plus the morally superior preening... not healthy. emoticonXAngel" 1,study suggests onion social notifications 300 times more satisfying to receive than facebook notifications 0,who's a better liar: brian williams or pinocchio? 1,World government is just around the bend! What shall we call it...The Company...The Authority...The End? 0,it's time for congress to join the fight against food waste 1,faith healer loses patient during routine miracle 1,"Ah, I see, so you obviously have deeply studied the geologic record, and all of the biological evidence, and have conclusive proof of your claims. Or maybe you are just spewing forth the drivel that you learned on cretionist websites that has already been firmly and repeatedly debunked. As Trebor said, the ToE says absolutely nothing about ""your Lord and Saviour"". Innumerous Christians both believe in God and accept the ToE. And as he said, if worshipping YOUR Lord and Saviour requires me to throw reason, facts, common sense, and substantiated science out the window, he and those who want me to worship this ""version"" of him can go suck a monkey's hairy bollocks. " 0,breathe: raising the voice of justice 1,automated teller has more personality than human teller 1,divorced man sadly removes ex-wife's admin privileges from home security system 1,historical archives: to be sold - two chamber pot house 1,"'heed my tragic story well, friends, for you could just as easily be me,' says chris christie in haunting rnc speech" 0,what the entire country needs to learn from the students at mizzou 0,golin ceo fred cook to head usc's center for strategic public relations 0,seniors decked out in graduation gear walk halls to inspire younger students 1,man unwilling to skydive blasted for contradicting previous 'up for whatever' stance 1,scott pruitt defends use of 1st armored division for trip to dry-cleaner 1,"You can thank Slick Willie Clinton who pushed through the sub-prime lending fiasco that eventually blew up under Bush. And gay-boy Barney Franks who oversaw the program. " 0,j. k. rowling magically trolls donald trump for tweeting in the third person 0,my white inheritance 1,ceo has big ideas to grow company's problems 0,"after dark: meet kenny kenny, visual poet and nightlife icon" 0,activists: syrian warplanes bomb isis training camp 1,bar scene also tired of area bachelor 0,"trump team is mulling muslim registry and planning border wall, reported adviser says" 1,"pentagon allocates $600,000 for actual gun used in 'scarface'" 0,this will make all of your troubling thoughts drift away 1,bp ceo: 'we deeply regret the tragic loss of $4.5 billion' 1,delirious rover hallucinates water on mars 1,"gaunt, sickly kirby takes leave of absence from video games following stomach cancer diagnosis" 1,"Umm I dunno that whole faith thing is kind of important. Oh I get it you were being insulting.... Gotcha.... BTW hows that whole spiritual enlightenment thing working out for you? " 0,10 things to expect when you have cancer 0,iraq pm: yemen conflict could engulf entire region in war 0,"as lebanon, jordan, tunisia end 'marry-your-rapist' laws, where next?" 0,bakery owner vows to stop making wedding cakes altogether after pro-gay court ruling 1,"You've got no problem with Jim Crow laws? Nice. It IS seperate. Black people are not white people. " 0,two-year cellphone contracts are almost dead. here's everything you need to know 1,study: all of your memories implanted in you 5 minutes ago when universe was created 0,epa takes real steps toward curbing smog pollution - now we need your voice 1,local homemaker fights to overcome rubbermaid™ addiction 1,out-of-control group yields little usable data 1,"Yes, he did avoid the issues important to me, but then, America's electorate contains a lot of religious bigots, so I was not really surprised. I think he was pretty clear where he stood on abortion rights, though. No chance of another bunch of Romish Supreme Court justices, I think. And if you think Obama is a conservative, can I sell you a bridge in Brooklyn? He's not as liberal as some, and he certainly isn't left wing -- and no, dear, liberal and left are not synonyms, for all you reactionaries like to make the claim they are -- but look at his voting record. It would make you cringe and me applaud. " 1,snuggle marketers kill off 18-34 demographic rather than let it fall into hands of competitor 0,when the air in your home is more polluted than outside 1,lester holt fills in for brian williams during family's nightly dinner 0,al roker slams 'moron' jim inhofe for bringing snowball to senate 0,some lgbt-friendly businesses stayed silent on houston equal rights ordinance 1,delicate pastry not made for this world 0,10 essential life lessons from a grandma 0,this republican once said helping refugees made us a 'better nation.' but now he's done. 0,soaring with the washington ballet's noche de pasión: the tango soirée 0,democrats celebrate doug jones' stunning victory 1,franz ferdinand frontman shot by gavrilo princip bassist 0,britney spears to receive prestigious honor for her lgbtq community support 0,You only say that it won't make a change because you support the effects it will have. 0,loyal dog waits patiently for 7 whole days for owner to come home 0,tiny horse lives large with labrador pal 0,some d.c. businesses are abusing a safety program to racially profile people 1,tommy lee jones tells jimmy fallon he doesn't want to play any of his little fucking games 0,missing children's day: let's bring them all home 1,israel: palestinians given ample time to evacuate to nearby bombing sites 1,man at amusement park gets right back in line for another funnel cake 1,madeline albright sworn in as secretary 1,world rejoices as grumpy cat and her shitty attitude dead forever 1,"'my parents hit me,' says bored 8-year-old trying to get reaction from dinner party guests" 0,america's best 20 hikes 0,"Because the purpose of the US Bill of Rights is to grant or guarantee rights, not to prohibit or curtail personal freedoms." 0,where did the freedom go? fight for the accessible information continues 0,we need to treat gun violence like a public health problem 1,"Some slightly earlier history shows that Clinton wasn't quite that worried about Bin Laden. In 1996, the CIA had Bin Laden pinpointed on a ranch in Afghanistan. It needed permission ONLY from the Clinton White House (not Congress) to vaporize it - it was in the middle of nowhere. An official from the ""United Arab Emirates"" was with him, that was Clinton's excuse for not doing it. What did he think they were doing, making cookies, or did it dawn on him that they may have been up to no good? Thanks a lot, William Jefferson Clinton!" 1,baby found on doorstep moved to neighbor's doorstep 1,"Why does they admin let EZ post comments like this to other people, if he can't be vicl and debate like an adult to others, why is he spread god's love ...right?" 0,why pinterest is totally addictive -- and how to use it to your benefit 1,"james fenimore cooper, famed american novelist, dies at 224" 1,college unveils new media center every month 1,new edition of bible specifically mentions second amendment 1,god wondering how far he could throw earth 1,fema frantically prepares apology for screwing up hurricane florence response 1,mark zuckerberg's net worth plunges not even close to enough 1,gated community interviews dozens for exclusive drug dealer position 1,"What is it that you disagree with? My statement of fact? Or the fact that I made a politically incorrect assertion? emoticonXConfused " 0,trump's trade war is an incompetent response to a real problem 1,"Jimmy Carter was a **cough cough** friend ** cough cough ** of ** cough ** the ** cough ** family ** cough cough** So was ** cough ** cough ** Rev. Lowery ** cough cough**. Coughing's fun. " 1,vin diesel puts on 35 pounds of bone for upcoming role 0,how to cook eggs to reduce your risk of salmonella 0,trump says he's expanded his proposed muslim ban 0,11 unexpected ways to use grapefruit 0,'no good deed' outpaces 'dolphin tale 2' at the box office 1,ray-ban a little unsure public can pull off 2012 series of sunglasses 0,12 things i've learned living 12 years with cancer 0,gop 'self-deportation' fantasy is alive and well 1,popeye's sign town's tallest monument 0,11 things ultra-productive people do differently 0,which roadtrip movie character are you? 1,man points out town where he threw up 0,why the 99 percent keeps losing 0,I think you mean to say is hunters not liberal democrat hunters. Actualy I know of very few hunters that only have rifles or shot guns they usualy also have pistols to since you can hunt with them also. 0,joe biden's decision not to run followed rampant media speculation that he would 0,engineer's voicemail warned state of bridge cracks 2 days before collapse 0,indiana jones leads cops on 100 mph chase 1,geithner refuses to come down off capitol dome 0,montana judge targeted for impeachment for 60-day incest rape sentence 0,"one woman, two proposals, dumbfounding indecision" 1,report: recent wednesday felt like thursday 1,late-arriving guest encouraged to load up on food sitting in sun for past 4 hours 0,trans author: why i don't believe anyone should transition in the public eye 1,stripper failing school she's working self through 0,because every woman wants a man that smells like work boots! 0,"why the united states needs a ""ladenschlussgesetz""" 0,the funniest tweets from women this week 0,here's how a terrorist's son became a peace activist 1,report: standing at work can increase coworkers' disdain up to 70% 0,"Wrong. Crocs, more accurately primitive crocs lived with dinosaurs. Modern crocs did not. Crocs came about 200 million years ago, Alligators much much later." 1,junk mail locked back inside letterbox until something more important delivered 1,most humiliating experience of man's life on dvd march 6 0,the end of shared sacrifice set in stone: yale as metaphor 1,Where better to find more info on the evolutionary migration of humanity than from friendly Keep that pure science with no agenda coming you guys. 0,a selfless chef won a reality game show and used the prize money to feed his community. 0,uber rides don't get any more awkward than this 1,"I know. Sad indeed. Orion and his liberal ilk make it a habit to come up with these sophomoric ideas. As if Jesus (who is God according to Scripture) would come out and give Moses the commandments against gay sex and then turn around and incarnate as a gay man. Get real. When the antichrist comes he'll probably be gay (one OT scripture alludes to the antichrist as having no affinity for women, and Satan loves to mimic God's kingdom with some kind of diabolical twist.). Then Orion will prostrate himself before him and receive him as his long lost savior." 0,"Well it could mean simple instinct, and I think you will find it was only applied to animals with brains. EAM attributes ""intelligence"" even to bacteria and to corn plants, trees, jellyfish, single celled eukaryotes etc. If one is to consider intelligence the main driver of adaptation it must be omnipresent in living organisms - there is zero support for this concept." 1,alumni furious over high school's constant improvements 0,don't spend a cent on bitcoin until you see john oliver's cryptocurrency warning 1,85-year-old russian stares at cement wall of room 0,facebook expands its legal team 0,"elizabeth warren quotes taylor swift, slams trump in commencement speech" 0,we can't believe we spotted jessica alba in these shoes! 1,sonny bono foundation prevents at-risk youths from skiing into trees 1,couple sneaks away from party for a little arguing 0,colleges and universities should become sanctuaries for the undocumented 0,lebron and friends opened the espys with a speech you need to hear 0,msf is refusing all eu funding in protest at turkey migrant deal 0,"election day is less than a week away, and we still don't know james comey's next move" 0,save women's lives - end the helms overreach 0,"Yes, but this is why I brought up the bible, because that would be an alternate reason that would not be caused by homosexual brains that could occur in cultures supportive of homosexuality. I believe that you are right about Japanese culture, if you delved into it you would find there is not a genetic but cultural cause for their high suicide rates, but I believe that you would find the same thing with homosexuality." 1,exhausted trump supporter just decides massive cuts to healthcare subsidies reason he voted for him 0,what i wish for my daughter 0,"The Word of God says otherwise. Romans 1:25-27 - They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creatorwho is forever praised... Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. You've rewritten Biblical Christianity. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (New International Version) - For the time will come when they will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 1,area man has no idea where to get envelope 1,fan has list of dream marketers he'd love to see handle next spider-man film 1,Reasonable gun regulation is an oxymoron like military intelligence. You mean like Bill Ayers (sic) and his wife or Carl Rowen? Wait my bad they aren't from the right. 1,rare autographed portrait of jesus purchased at estate sale 0,to fathers everywhere: it doesn't take a cape to be a hero to your kids 0,"hmm, there may be a link between vaccines and political pandering" 1,rahm emanuel breaks ground on new jason van dyke police academy 1,free-range chicken makes it to bolivia 1,"So EZ, tell us exactly what they mean by magic? Do you believe in magic EZ?" 0,cat turning on the lights is way more fun than a clapper 1,"blood-covered finger confirms nose, in fact, bleeding" 1,"tract writer cites god, jack chick as influences" 1,rick santorum relieved no one has asked him about interracial marriage yet 1,unemployed man photoshops self into former company's staff photo 1,patient referred to physician who specializes in giving a shit 1,ari fleischer replaced by toby keith 0,j.j. abrams is doing something real about #oscarssowhite 0,leaked cables contradict clinton's claims on tpp trade agreement 0,afghan presidential election takes dangerous turn 1,school for the blind has huge empty grass field out front 0,"man takes a dump in bucket on bus, doesn't give a squat (nsfw)" 0,what i realized after years of searching for my soulmate 0,anne frank center blasts trump's limp anti-semitism response 0,the obamas wrest presidential portraiture from its traditional (white) trappings 0,house democrats show solidarity with 'day without a woman' strike 1,zambia tired of being mentioned in 'news of the weird' section 0,"brandy norwood: 'i stopped believing in god, lost my faith... i was depressed'" 0,dad opens up about the tough conversation sparked by water guns 0,Well it's more efficient than the bill we just passed...I think we agree that much. 0,"Exactly. Moreover, in Emerson the discussion of the 2nd Am. is dicta (arguments not pertinent to the verdict) so it is not a binding precedent even for the courts in the same Circuit.A question for the ""original intent"" crowd:What did the Founding Fathers intend with the misplaced comma in the 2nd Amendment?" 0,nina solomon's love book 0,lindsey graham warns trump: firing mueller would be 'beginning of the end' 0,bush dropped out. here's where his voters might go. 1,god orders all followers to swallow cyanide capsules in preparation for voyage to alpha centauri 1,"sleeping airline passenger misses out on aisle-wide bacchanalia of peanuts, decaf coffee" 0,"But himps living in the jungle were in competition with other himps which didn't migrate to the plains. And pressures from predators, climate and changes in the ecosystem should have continued to force the need or desire to control their environment as our line of himp grew to do. My point is that with all of the same basic tools to start out with such as fingers, opposable thumbs and walking upright, there is no reason why only our line evolved to the level that human beings have attained with the same hundreds of millions of years, and the same pressures pushing us all forward, or towards extinction." 0,"economic anxiety, distrust of government fuel gold rush" 1,report: takeout place put burrito in completely different container this time 0,trump's deal with democrats gives proof to fans and critics alike 1,"report: all things aside, american flag still looks pretty good majestically billowing in wind" 0,satellite images indicate north korea is working on a ballistic missile submarine 1,mike pence disappointed god has never asked him to kill one of own children 0,"You not differentiating between the beaver and the beaver dam, the bird and the bird's nest or the man and the man's truck. The dams, nests and truck do not occur naturally...they are constructed by the naturally occuring animals using materials that occur in nature (albeit we have to smelt the iron and vulcanize the rubber whilst the birds and beavers just stick stuff together)." 0,syrian kurds say bashar assad is thwarting humanitarian aid to their region 1,"10th post, Godwins law invoked. That must be some sort of record :)" 1,Apes are sentient...guess your theory is out the window. Either that or Apes need to be freed from the zoo. 1,man taking photo with ipad oblivious to how badass he looks 1,daniel craig takes home pretty good actor award 0,"Yes, but if seen from space (something the ancients couldn't do) it LOOKS like it hangs on nothing. Don't worry, I don't mind spelling it out for you." 0,emerson collins talks new film “a very sordid wedding” & more (audio) 0,trump lawyer attended doj meeting on confidential fbi informant 1,mercedes ruehl reference lost on all but mercedes ruehl 0,7 lies about lgbt musicians we need to stop telling immediately 1,study finds harshly criticizing u.s. education system only causing it to fall further behind peers 1,climate experts say only hope for saving planet lies with people who save napkins from takeout order 0,"the sometimes-gross, non-sexual intimacy of female friendships" 0,"Regardless of the name change, the calendars are still keyed on the birth and death of Christ...and that will be so at least until the atheists are able to come up with another numbering system and force it on everyone else just to pacify their own baby mentalities." 1,"That, my dear sir, is exactly the level of maturity I expect from you guys. :) A fine moderator you are, to be sure." 0,dwts: tonight we rumba! 1,nanny appears in child's drawings more than mother 0,the wsj's long record of protecting polluters 0,largest ever all-female expedition sets sail for antarctica 0,chris martin says he and gwyneth paltrow are 'very close' 0,actress jameela jamil gives men a lesson in how not to be like aziz ansari 0,trevor noah grills chris christie on fedex immigrant tracking proposal 1,speculation on name of royal baby ends 0,60 journalists killed in 2014 as targeting of international press rises 1,struggling american airlines to shutter air passenger service to focus on 'american way' magazine 1,every picture on man's tinder clearly from same event where he dressed up 1,cat that spends life on one of two couch cushions given rabies vaccine 0,"So what if the author isn't arguing against gun control? At last, there is indication that England has taken a step in the right direction and realized that taking all guns away from everybody isn't the answer to crime." 0,"If theres no proof that its genetic, then how can one say, with any degree of certainty, that it isnt a matter of choice? The professor attempts to discredit choice by stating there's no proof it is and promote genetics even without any scientific basis to do so. His selective use of ""lack of proof"" as his main criteria is dubious as a result. Some make the claim that nobody would choose to be gay because of all of the psychological baggage that comes with it. The teasing from straights, the parental pressure, etc., but we know that rebellious teens will do a lot of anti-social things by choice, so that argument doesnt fly." 0,when your life clicks into place 0,trevor noah exposes vladimir putin's sinister actions towards u.s. diplomats 0,when smart lawyers say dumb things 0,we're spending less on health care than we thought we would before obamacare 1,flood of cheap afghan heroin to arrive just in time for recession 1,researchers discover details smaller than minutiae 0,"'the daily show' remembers anthony scaramucci, a man taken before his time" 1,woman decides period over 0,2016 was the year 0,robert pattinson is surprised to learn you still like him 1,parents considering second child so daughter can have someone to grow apart from 0,"See above. Nothing has been demonstrated that convinces me that God has been ruled out of all these issues. He probably isn't active in all situations, but there's nothing that says he (or even Satan) are totally inconsequential either." 1,"emoticonXBanghead Sez-you... emoticonXRolleyes And I thought you didn't know what you were talking about" 0,'springsteen on broadway' is the 'rock and roll storybook' dreams are made of 1,mcdonald's fights world hunger with new triple-decker burger 0,how real estate players are bracing for the l train shutdown 1,could hillary clinton have what it takes to defeat the democrats in 2008? 1,'roseanne' taping repeatedly interrupted by reporters trying to interview members of white working class 0,"a year after a coward killed the charleston 9, bible study continues" 0,harry reid on the gop: 'they don't have enough nerve to repeal obamacare' 1,mother ferries 4 more shirt options back to son in gap dressing room 0,"trump will not campaign for roy moore in alabama, white house says" 0,mila kunis calls out trump's controversial views on immigration 1,wal-mart executives kind of weirded out by town not putting up any resistance to store opening 1,"The slaves, of course, were sentient humans, not mindless collections of tissue. certainly, horses, cattle etc have mre sentience than a fetus, yet you are not calling them ""slaves."" So once again, hyperbole is the PL answer. Nice going." 1,good night's sleep changes nothing 1,man insists facebook friend actually reads 'why palestinians are sub-human' article before commenting on it 0,what we call uber drivers has huge implications 0,prejudice does not discriminate 0,"i love my boyfriend, but i hate our relationship: on non-monogamy" 0,The difference of 43 deaths a year is the 4th largest flucuation since 1990 - not what you call insignificant. Would this difference be made if more guns did equal more crime? 0,"ah, but why do you use the word concept for both evolution and intelligent design? Evolution is a theory that has been studied, given evidence, and offered up for peer review. Intelligent design is simply a concept, a single belief. Evolution is a theory that can be backed up and the world can benefit from it. How can the world benefit from a simple statement that there is an intelligent designer. This has absolutely no application to the natural world today." 1,trump postpones grand opening of trump tower moscow until fuss over bombshell report dies down 0,house republicans prepare their next move on immigration 0,"hasan minhaj inks netflix deal, is first indian-american to front weekly comedy show" 1,report: only predictor of happy marriage is if husband ever won wife big stuffed animal at amusement park 1,furious maitre d' can only assume hostess didn't realize she was addressing everlast 0,radical islamist preacher anjem choudary found guilty of supporting isis 1,air india now offers business caste seating 0,amber tamblyn's haunting poems illuminate the lives of dead actresses 1,pet owner not bothering to neuter loser cat 0,deadly midair collision reported in maryland 1,burger king looks open 1,coworker even a dick in his expense reports 0,the surprising way horses can help ease alzheimer's symptoms 1,woman saves 75 cents 0,You ask to debate a lot of issues at once. Do you believe in a literal Adam? Do you not think that the idea is completely connected to Jesus' ministry? If it weren't for sin - Jesus would need not have come. 1,"fed: 'if jobs are meant to be with us, they'll come back on their own'" 1,Oh what a shame! Especially if it's true! Where did you get the idea that ID theory is not based on evidence and/or testing? 1,lucrative new oil extraction method involves drilling directly into gas stations 0,ravens take out rival steelers in playoff grudge match 1,trump asks why kavanaugh accuser didn't just immediately request hush money 0,3 tips for improving the productivity of your sales team 0,why manufacturers should support ending crude oil export ban 1,afghan warlord not sure which side he feels like helping today 1,unpopped kernels costing u.s. billions 1,"You call me or a family I may have, a perversion(sorry the word was ""perversity""), but that is not hate? I believe I am probably younger than you, but that doesn't mean I was born yesterday." 0,hamburger for my valentine 0,"How do you know square circles do not exist? Modern man could've named a square circle something different than it is. Ancient man could've called an object a square circle. For a question like that, you would have to search the universe to be 100% sure square circles do not exist. " 0,"wall street doesn't believe elon musk can produce 500,000 cars by 2018" 1,role of tree ineptly played by second-grader 0,voting lines are shorter — but mostly for whites 1,tragic oscar-night camera malfunction leaves seven critically underpublicized 1,"Did you actually read it? I suspect not. Did you think that I wouldn't? I suspect so. Did you think that no one here would have any knowledge of good old ""Kimisaurus"" (that's what it was tagged when Kim was telling us about it)? I suspect so. " 0,12 movies for the next 12 months 0,"So you see, Brady, you're wrong again. The McDonald ruling wasn't an issue of guaranteeing white men their ability to feel safe in the face of growing minority groups. Quite the opposite. The McDonald ruling was about striking against those with racist and evil intentions who would use the law to render innocent people helpless for no good reason. It was as much about protecting minorities from harm as anything." 1,warranty outlasts company 1,panicking flu swears it didn't mean to kill old lady 1,chaps unnecessary 1,By your own admission you haven't 'hung out' with stoners for a while and you're making generalisations about them to people who do spend a lot of time with stoners? 1,your dog died 1,"Of course God would have something to offer to lowely peon, but that doesn't explain what use God has for lowely peons, except for doing stupid pet tricks." 1,new robot capable of unhealthily repressing emotion 1,new college freshman refers to dorm by actual name 1,report: grandpa just walks like that now 0,"Actually you are incorrect. The most commonly used rifles on the competition circuit are so-called ""assault weapons"".The ""assault weapon"" moniker is a term just recently fashioned to describe a military looking weapon.There are several target competitions designed solely for these types of rifles." 0,white house prepares to send congress $15 billion spending cuts package 1,report: many states still relying on outdated methods to disenfranchise voters 0,khloe kardashian poses braless for women's health and looks amazing 0,niall horan and james corden parody ginuwine's 'pony' in this halloween treat 0,white house: government shutdown possible if democrats keep hurting trump's feelings 0,'twas the night before the hot dog contest... 1,"You bible has done you a great disservice, it has turned you brain to poop. You should grow the hell up and put aside your idiotic book of fairytales." 1,directions to ed's steak house 1,india holds 5k stampede for charity 0,boy who asked mailman for junk mail in viral story pays kindness forward 1,"bodybuilder strong, but now what?" 1,"So, if a baby is having trouble breathing that's been born already, you don't consider it a 'person'? Methinks you've not thought through the implications of your argument here at all." 1,87% of man's memories shame-based 1,north dakota flooding reminds people of north dakota's existence 0,david allan peters at ameringer | mcenery | yohe 1,nation abuzz over c-span original movie 1,historians still unable to determine how americans were able to build hoover dam 1,"It's like,... ""What part of 12 TRILLION dollars (and growing) in debt is so hard to comprehend? """ 1,man going to show up to launch of j.k. rowling's new book dressed as severus snape anyway 1,prison warden appears on leno with some of his favorite prisoners 1,"Maybe you should have not slept through American History class. The Declaration of Independence isn't law. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,The short answer is that it isn't. See the details here: Phil Plait 0,olympic track star throws javelin to pull out his daughter's tooth 0,another way companies make it harder for new mothers 0,"think about what you just typed, that doesn't make any sense." 1,mental hospital fire leaves hundreds of demons homeless 1,kid honors grandpa's memory with solemn cannonball 0,the definitive international guide to tipping 1, announces plans to develop original programming 1,"So you're saying that God is a ""respector""?-of-persons - iow, the mom's ""more""-important to *God*? than the unborn." 1,"star wars fan collects all 48,720" 0,the definitive list of men you'll find at whole foods 1,baby jesus stolen from live nativity 1,man waiting in h&r block lobby nervously eyeing how much more paperwork everyone else brought 1,critics worried new cia report puts u.s. at considerable risk of transparency 1,"That's funny since it was a gay bar where the discrimination that was stonewall supposedly happened. Here is why gay bars have been such a target of policing--they are very bad places: Gay lifestyle is fuelled by drugs, research reveals | Society | The Observer ""'The gay scene is bar and club orientated,' said Monty Moncrieff, project co-ordinator at Antidote, a drugs service for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. 'That is where people go to meet other gay people and there is a lot of cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine and GHB around. It is a hedonistic culture and often the lifestyle and recreational drug use go hand in hand.'"" 'Where everyone knows your name' my @#%&. emoticonXRolleyes More like 'where everybody knows the name of a local pusher.' emoticonXAngel" 1,f. scott fitzgerald estate wondering why the hell ken burns hasn't come knocking yet 0,policewoman flashed more than her badge at cop conference: report 1,cyclist clearly loves signaling turns 0,donald trump is taking credit for a meaningless stock market record 1,It is impossible to read something that can't be found. 1,"Wait, yes you admit to and own up to being a bigot or yes the minority should always win?" 0,trevor noah compares trump surrogates to bizarre cirque du soleil 0,"gorsuch, like thomas, will get his big payback" 1,defiant evangelicals branch off into new 'first molestist' sub-denomination 1,trump shaping general election strategy with team of most trusted erratic impulses 1,when area waitress gets a chance 0,ko'd martial artist is epitome of show-must-go-on in 'got talent' 1,"OOOHH!! Such ANGER!!!emoticonXAngry What is it about you righties that impels you to resort to ad hominem attacks on those whose opinion differs from yours?emoticonXKill Must be that your quiver quivers for the lack of the arrows of substance.emoticonXAngel" 1,clinton woos gay vote with freddie mercury mustache 0,bye bye 0,tom hardy goes from real-life hero to movie supervillain 0,So a theory was revised... does that mean that it was wrong afterwards? 0,ramadan: religious fervor taken over by media capitalists? 1,nation delighted as many famous people in same room together 0,chris hemsworth's wife elsa pataky posts sweet photo to celebrate his birthday 0,mexico city stages james bond-inspired day of the dead parade 0,the bhikkunis: exploring the history of female monks in thailand 0,process and presentness: the work of israel lund 1,"I get the feeling they have filed under: Plague, Avoid like the." 0,"yeah, this is clearly the best thread on these forums in probably the past year....give us some more pics" 1,company encourages women who have been sexually harassed to come forward with resignation letter 1,"You sound like a child...what an immature post. If there is something you want me to respond to that I have not responded to yet, please, by all means give me your QUOTE. I doubt you will. " 0,"until trump decides otherwise, a bloc of house conservatives now controls government" 0,5 things everyone gets wrong about napping 1,esports star suspected of using peds 1,congress orders clerk to see if he has any in the back 0,poll: california narrows 0,"Damn, your links sure show a lack of knowledge. Do you have any sources that aren't ignorant as all heck? While Hoyle came up with the term 'the big bang', he was mocking it. Hoyle was a proponent of the Steady State concept of the universe, which he held on to long after it was disproved by empirical evidence. FFS, if you are going to use a source, have one that at least has the history of the theory right? Yes, the estimated age of the universe changed over time. We got increasingly more sophisticated ways to measure it. In the last 30 years, the age estimate has not significantly changed, but the +/- has narrowed drastically. Do try to use a source that isn't over 30 years old." 0,'gilmore girls' actors defend against critics who say revival is too mean 0,going back to congo 1,everyone in pride parade straight 1,bend in road not sharp enough to merit so many roadside memorials 0,"Really, well, the pope sees it differently, what do you want me to do about it? AiG and ICR defend dogma in contradiction to reality, you like that? Not surprising. -Mach" 1,"Absolutely, and I am suggesting we first attack Sweden. That's my plan. emoticonXBanghead emoticonXBanghead" 0,"after 46 years, yoko ono is finally credited for co-writing 'imagine'" 1,americans confused by system of government in which leader would resign after making terrible decision 0,the challenge of exclusivity 1,life much better thanks to recent elections 0,saudi execution of shiite cleric draws worldwide protests 0,we get from the world what we invest in ourselves 1,man races against time to take out trash bag with widening puncture 0,muhammad as spirit of truth: a christian testimony against islamophobia 0,powerful senate committee concludes russia tried to sow chaos in 2016 elections 0,should my child play football? 1,justin bieber fan jealous of anne frank 0,how some of trump's bad tweets are helping puppies and kittens 1," and that any consistent pro-life advocate must urge any mother who accidentally loses her child due to actions she undertook be charged with manslaughter.I wonder is this actually the case?"" That's a good point. We need to outlaw miscarriage. After all, women knew the risk of miscarriage when they had sex. " 1,trump solemnly lays wreath at site where he would have died during vietnam war if he weren't rich 0,"The VAST majority of abortions are performed within the first trimester. When they are performed in the second trimester it's a serious procedure for the mother to go through, and is something she obviously wouldn't go into lightly. Her reasons for choosing an abortion as late as that would have to far outweigh anything else, and she would need consent from two doctors to go ahead with it. Basically what I'm trying to say is something like the foetus being developed enough to feel pain would not change the mind of a woman who had just found out she was pregnant and she'd been raped, or was going through something you can't understand. For an abortion that late she'd have to deliver the foetus anyway, which is traumatising enough. " 0,george h.w. bush moved out of icu after health improved 1,voters clamoring to know if female political candidate a mother first 1,"mom hasn't said full, uninterrupted sentence to family since 1997" 0,bob saget says mentor bill cosby has been 'tarnished' by 'despicable' acts 0,ten states with the most student debt 1,5-year-old figures he has a year left of peeing at urinals with his pants all the way down 0,andy samberg casts a spell over donald trump's 'witch hunt' claims 1,no one in group admits girls' night out a colossal failure 1,"Just to let you know you're welcome to come back and debate Islam, don't hurry, you've a lot of reading to catch up on.emoticonXHoho emoticonXLove" 1,george jefferson honored for black television history month 0,"ride-hailing drivers probably make even less than they think, mit paper finds" 0,eight must-reads for fashionistas 1,campus tour guide reminds students at each stop they have to get in first 0,"taraji, kerry and mary j. redefine squad goals in new apple commercial" 1,graduation ceremony a real broken fucking record about student who died in car accident 0,hundreds gather to support kim davis: 'she won't bow' 0,trump ally roger stone says gop nominee should release tax returns 'immediately' 1,marc summers realizes police will immediately look for body in giant pile of mashed potatoes 1,bitcoin plunge reveals possible vulnerabilities in crazy imaginary internet money 1,trump vomits immediately after seeing everyday americans up close 1,Hmmm.... your religious predecessors would have sentenced you to house arrest for something so heretical. 1,study: average man thinks of santa every 7 seconds 0,"Ah ha! Someone who understands the application of information theory to biological organisms. By the biological specific definition of information, the genome of any organism is information about the environment in which it lives." 0,psychologists push for smartphone warning labels 0,viral rabbit video isn't so cute when you know the real story 1,prairie dog town rezoned for commercial use 0,some truly bizarre anti-gay arguments before the supreme court 1,archivists discover unpublished michael crichton manuscript about amusement park that operates without a hitch 0,carrie fisher can't stop swearing during 'star wars: the force awakens' live telecast 1,world's youngest person born 1,russian lawyer admits to repeatedly informing kremlin of trump campaign's ineptitude 1,rural working-class archbishops come out in droves to welcome trump to vatican 1,"'now that's what i call a fumble,' reports man at super bowl party who has no idea what he's talking about" 1,onion social cracks down on sexual harassment by banning all women from platform 1,john boehner beheads juarez cartel member who dared muscle in on his legal weed turf 0,mcdonald's just caved to a ton of pissed off 'rick & morty' fans 0,what all writers (and human beings) should keep in mind 0,"I'm sure you haven't. But it is a worthy thread because of the reality that Islam ""is"" closing in on what we consider ""the free world"". If you love your freedom and the choices you now have, you should pay attention to Islam. They are consumed with a hatred for the west and are dedicated to their cause. Symbiote declares this the worst thread ever. It is unpleasant, but, Islam will not be denied. The numbers Cruiser provided mean a lot. Especially to progressives." 1,"god pledges $5,000 for cancer research" 1,"I did and can. I simply object to it as this is a DEBATE forum and not a ""let me throw my opinion around without support"" forum. oops, I forgot, that is what you call debate. EF" 0,norway pledges $10 million to counter trump's global anti-abortion move 1,body positivity advocate caught in illicit tryst with conventionally attractive lover 0,Bonus question: (Can you spot the grammatical error within the quoted text?) 1,Gee right on schedule here's the other half of the comic relief. Get a job and a life and off the dole. PS I think mum would be happy to see you out of her basement too. 0,olivia wilde's post for her daughter's birthday is filled with girl power 0,irish weather forecaster's halloween report spooks viewers 1,jewelry company jumps gun with engagement ring commercial featuring polyamorous triad 0,how to find work you love 1,science confirms men and women never meant to be more than friends 1,jfk jr. announces plans to run for best-dressed man in '98 1,best-laid plans of mice mostly cheese-related 1,renamed arena will always be verizon wireless amphitheater to locals 0,"state trooper kills unarmed suspect as he attempts to flee, police say" 1,"Not in the mood? Oh I see because they restrict you already your not in the mood to remove the regulations that do not work and insert proper ones that do. Excellent ignore the issue at hand and give no suggestion to improve upon the current laws and restrictions.... " 1,laid-off website designer designs website about being laid off 0,And can you please tell me the difference between nonrandom variation and directed variation? I'd also like a link to verify what you say. Thank you. God Bless! 0,"teaching, learning and the college ratings framework" 1,obama still hasn't figured out how to adjust height of oval office desk chair 1,sessions defends separating immigrant families by citing senate confirmation vote 0,healthy and frosted (!) paleo carrot cake cookies 1,dad apparently using spanish accent to pronounce middle eastern food now 0,will the real jesus please stand up? 1,third stepdad in row has goatee 1,pope cleans up dead angel who flew into sistine chapel window 0,[not] cooking off the cuff: new ideas from sicily and naples 0,here's who the obamas invited to the state of the union address 0,40 symptoms of a healthy woman 0,in venezuela: it's time to consider new options 1,"No, SS. I've made it quite clear I have no intention of pandering to your ignorance which you hold so dear. pandion has answered all your questions before in rigorous detail, and you've ignored his answers. I feel no need to join that club. If the day ever comes when you don't feel the need to protect your ignorance, if you ever trully wish to expand your horizons and actually learn, then go out and get a genentics book as I recommended. Till then I see no reason for me to engage in a lengthy explanation which you won't even read. I'm sure you'll twist this in your mind to indicate something profound, but then I really can't be held responsible for whatever goes on in that skull of yours, so I can't worry myself about it too much." 1,"lame cyberattack on atlanta doesn't even turn atms, street sweepers into killing machines" 0,dick cheney protester says overpowering the guy who grabbed her sign was no big deal 0,5 viruses that are scarier than ebola 0," November 13 NOVA will be presenting a special two-hourdocumentary \""Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial.\"" The film capturesthe turmoil that tore apart the community of Dover Pennsylvania in one ofthe latest battles over teaching evolution in public schools. Featuringtrial reenactments based on court transcripts as well as interviews withexpert scientists and Dover parents teachers and town officials thistwo-hour special follows the celebrated federal case of Kitzmiller v. Doverthrough to the judge's stunning decision.\""Could be interesting I plan on trying to catch it."" Just a reminder that this is on tonight. May provide interesting fodder for debate/commentary. " 0,19 adorable doggie save-the-dates for when you're having a ruff day 1,otherwise savvy woman duped by mascara makers again 1,lockheed martin executive fondly recalls humble beginning dealing arms out of back of chrysler lebaron 1,wife unfazed by husband's sad e-mails to other women 1,rude guy unfortunately says something funny 0,they accused him of taking a backpack. the courts took the next 3 years of his life. 1,maxim skimmed 1,shy man narrowly evades free sample 0,disappointed in 'silence': proud of my domestic ignatians 1,man annoyed by travel plaza's abridged pizza hut menu 1,greenspan considering role in ocean's eleven remake 1,family dinner successfully covers topics of movies and tv 1,pigeon to invoke power of flight 1,office exiles menstruating hr manager 0,woman shuts down dude who demanded $5 back for coffee date 0,rashida jones pays homage to the '90s with 'flip and rewind' music video 1,kathie lee gifford denies getting sincerity implants 0,3 simple steps to teaching your child the art of persistence 1,"jay-z: 'on second thought, i like orlando more'" 1,report: supplying police with high-powered military weapons to sharply reduce costs of shooting suspects multiple times 1,Just three months. Man you have to be the best biology teacher in the world. Where did you learn to pull off a miracle like that? 1,cashier learning valuable but illegal job skills 1,report: 84% of americans currently contestants 1,"I guess you had to resort to that comment because you had no response to what I said. I guess I was right emoticonXBye " 0,"The interesting thing about the 'quality of life ethic' is that, in a pro-choice framework, it means that we can't degrade anyone's quality of life without their permission. So far from entailing a cull of the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped, and the ugly, the quality of life ethic entails that we cannot kill them off. Each person is entitled to the quality of life that they desire where what they desire does not infringe on other's quality of life. " 0,same-sex couples at center of supreme court case get ready for big day 0,'hedwig' takes home tony for best revival of a musical 0,chester bennington's wife shares video of him laughing hours before his death 0,wearable technology: the coming revolution in healthcare 0,"And if you don't think it was justified? It's a public alley, she can walk down it whenever she wants without justifying herself to anyone." 0,twitter goes crazy after ugandan president museveni takes mysterious roadside call 0,avocados are about to get even more expensive 0,defending journalism in the age of trump 0,nfl commissioner's proposed solution to domestic violence problem proves they just don't get it 1,realtor obligated to tell potential buyers about murder happening in basement 1,poll: 89% of debate viewers tuning in solely to see whether roof collapses 0,spot-on video sums up the wildly different lives of cat and dog owners 0,lawyers are now the driving force behind mortgage scams 0,suspected killer of little girl worked for police 1,half-fabricated résumé still unimpressive 0,being comfortable with fear 1,biden lines up sweet summer gig installing above-ground swimming pools 1,open floor plan increases office shooter's productivity by 95% 1,everyone in bustling chinese parade attempting to elude pursuers 0,So individual cells contract to move cytoplasm around and to transport oxygen within itself? 1,supposed adult pays man to sit in room and listen to him talk about his feelings 1,adrenaline supply intended for lifting car off loved one called upon to carry 4 grocery bags at once 0,dear president trump: our grandparents were refugees. this is their story. 0,"Because, not once, did I have feel any sort of physical attraction to the same gender as myself. I have known other people who have. I don't 'CHOOSE' who I think is sexually attractive. It might have been environmental, but it certainly wasn't a 'choice'I have to assume that at least for some , if not most homosexuals, that pattern repeats itself." 0,"ICBM, but I believe the termites make up the largest land-based biomass on earth." 1,"Yes, it doesn't agree with your agenda so it must be trolling. " 0,people are imagining what it would take for 2016 to redeem itself 1,"sun myung moon funeral to be all weird, sources report" 1,sparrow thinks it might have caught bird flu after puking seeds all morning 0,what happened at a texas frat when they thought no one was watching 1,white house convenes panel of scientists to make case that trump capable of crushing train with bare hands 1,overfunded public school forced to add jazz band 0,Do you think humans have the pinnacle of processing power and reason in our brain for the entire universe? (aside from god) 0,"While I'm still iffy on her with the whole New Haven case, and her off-the-bench comments on race, this is one thing I commend her for and agree completely with." 1,area desk doesn't mind if people sit on it like a chair every once in a while 1,"If they haven't been discovered yet, HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU KNOW? Ten percent more brains and you'd be pondlife. emoticonXKill" 1,cash-strapped michael jackson forced to sell off pet giraffes as meat 1,bewildered white house press watches dueling huckabee sanderses each claim she the only one telling truth 0,young frenchman identified as possible bomber in attack on bataclan concert hall 0,drake keeps crushing hard on espn reporter doris burke 1,black father gives son the talk about holding literally any object 1,"Is this your simpleton way of completely missing the point? Of not being able to understand the simplest of ideas? " 0,samsung will give iphone owners a new galaxy phone to try for $1 0,3 things you need to know about gut health 1,fbi panicking after learning encrypted national security communications may have been intercepted by trump administration 1,dad clarifies this not a food stop 0,alabama native channing tatum encourages followers not to vote for roy moore 0,texas attorney general ken paxton indicted 1,"I guess since he said so it must be true... poor daewoo, just remember only whiners point out logic fallacies like ad hominem and argument by dismissal." 1,"Thanks, for giving me the balls. I didn't know you were trying to convert me. So, because I don't believe what you want me to I'm retarded. You know I could say the same about you, it works both ways. You see I don't want to convert you, all I'd like to see is you open your mind to other possibilities. Adios, Arrevideci" 0,"to read or not to read, part 2" 0,house republicans drop efforts to gut ethics watchdog after onslaught of criticism 1,geico saves 15 percent or more by discontinuing advertising 1,woman who drinks 6 cups of coffee per day trying to cut down on blue light at bedtime 0,That and VOR keeps flip flopping on his positions and he refuses to clarify his contridictions. 1,"Oh no, it's not too complex for us to understand. So please explain to we simpletons how Intelligent Design is nothing more than animism. But first, here is the truth regarding this newest perverse propaganda you are promoting." 0,texas won't stop denying immigrants' children birth certificates -- for now 0,uber has a new service and it isn't helping in 'jimmy kimmel' spoof 1,'greatest story ever told' has gimmicky deus ex machina ending 1,fda: juicy green apple conditioner best used with juicy green apple shampoo 1,john ashcroft frolics in secret vault of winnie-the-pooh toys 1,No but it will be funny to see what sex tapes this tramp did too.... 0,"if the presidential election were held tomorrow, i'd shoot myself" 0,"Political leaders should not oppose gay marriage at all. But if a political leader is going to stomp around proclaiming that he wants to ""defend traditional marriage"" and promote ""family values"" by denying others the right to marry, the voters will not be happy if that political leader is discovered to be cheating on his wife. You seem to be suggesting that the arguments by political leaders in favor of ""traditional morality"" and ""family values"" are entirely meaningless and are just pandering to popular prejudices. That is just what the voters, I think, won't like about this.....that all the ""family values"" talk was nothing but political posturing to garner votes. Which it probably was." 0,the legacy i didn't know i wanted 1,scientists probably discover a new species of frog 0,"man proposes to girlfriend on romantic plane ride, immediately throws up" 1,library to display same tattered richard wright poster in honor of black history month 0,watch: 'the huffpost show' sizzle reel 0,russell westbrook with the classic off-the-back-of-the-defender buzzer-beater 0,"Pregnancy is always harmful to the woman's body. However, if the pregnancy is desired then the changes are welcomed by the woman.To a woman who does not want to be pregnant then those changes are very unwelcome and are a bad thing. Pregnancy is always harmful, but the perception of what is happening changes depending on the woman.You do not understand that whether or not pregnancy harms the woman's body is objective, but whether or not the woman wants the pregnancy anyway depends on the woman. You are mixing the two." 1,"Nah, he has been TRAINED to recognize demonic possession as part of his B.A." 1,r.l. stine admits every book he's written directly dictated to him by god 1,state bird reconsidered after latest wren attack 0,the one coworker every employee needs 0,veteran employment is our #1 priority 1,creepy one-word text message from mom could mean anything 0,"Again, we never said that a human fetus was a different species." 1,pbs pulling out the fucking big guns tonight with 'andrea bocelli: one night in central park' 0,"call bulls#!t: just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true" 1,trump: 'i remember flying the plane that bombed the uss arizona during pearl harbor' 0,walkable cities are both richer and smarter 0,new york city makes overdose reversal drug available without a prescription 0,urine-proof paint returns fire on peeing perps 1,"If jesus said 'Make correct Judgments"", IMO you have failed miserably. He is also alledged to ahve said 'He who is without sin cast the first stone. I guess that with all the stones you are casting, you consider yourself without sin." 1,tai chi practitioner really slowly dislocates knee 0,"Well, given that your term is a fabrication of the creationist's mind, I suppose you're right. Evolutionists don't actually exist. Therefore you could assign whatever traits you wanted to them, including dishonesty. Evolutionist is a term designed to cast evolution as a faith based notion. The problem is there is no faith in evolution, faith is a belief in something with no proof. Evolution has proof. Therefore it cannot be a faith based idea. A typical creationist attack is to misrepresent their target by creating a strawman of it. They then declare it is wrong and by proxy, the actual theory wrong. It's fundementally weak, but inline with a belief that is scientifically unsound." 0,"Well, then I'd have to convert everest to kilometers. I live in the US. Metric is alien. haahh." 0,sixty seconds of art 1,poll finds americans' greatest fear is waitress forgetting about them 1,family without candy sits huddled in darkened house like londoners during the blitz 0,"trump filing shows he paid cohen, after cohen paid stormy" 1,"Only in your mind could lying about me be telling the truth smiley. And if you had any concept of what truth is, you wouldn't be an anti-christian atheist my spiritually blind friend. emoticonXAngel" 0,chuck grassley is keeping details of his iowa events secret to avoid protesters 1,so-called professional gamer not even racist 0,kentucky clerk asks court to force governor to let her deny gay marriages 0,vatican appoints 'new generation' cardinal head of key archdiocese 0,uninsured rate down way more in states that embraced obamacare 0,"2 killed, 4 injured in mishap at florida coal power plant" 0,the celebrity that left tom hanks and rita wilson speechless 1,senate committee links child poverty to lack of child jobs 1,video gamer in movie going for the high score 0,"5,000 jack-o'-lanterns stun in haunting halloween display" 1,"Well then, I guess I must be a turkey-sandwich worshipper! emoticonXAngel" 1,biden donates collection of classic skin mags to those in need during holidays 0,how to be an effective listener 0,read the latest updates on the senate health care vote 1,"obama: 'hillary will fight to protect my legacy, even the truly detestable parts'" 0,sofia vergara made a surprise cameo during pitbull's grammys performance 0,the white house won't say whether donald trump played golf. here's why. 1,cvs cashier can't wait to accept $20 bill from customer purchasing 3 different cough medications 0,"after watching katy perry crash a wedding, you'll wish she came to yours" 1,report: authorities recommend the film 'you've got mail' for those snowed in today 1,And it seems that the only thing that repulses you is religion. Curious... emoticonXRolleyes 1,celebrity disappointed after meeting fan 1,Do you need faith to know the sun will rise tomorrow or that 2 + 2 = 4 or to know that if you drop a rock it will fall to the ground? 1,everyone proud of grandma for staying awake 1,"'it's like biggie and tupac all over again,' says dumbass of korean conflict" 0,"My own personal view of it is that it will truly be a sad day indeed when the people are prohibited from exercising their clear constitutional right to amend their constitution. As far as answering the question of what the CA Supremes are likely to do, that I cannot say, since they certainly are not bound to follow the constitution. But assuming they follow the constitution, the amendment will proceed to the November election, as well it ought to." 0,"so, tyler, the creator recorded bill nye's new theme song" 1,zamboni jams up after running over large patch of loose teeth 1,report: those sensors that flush public toilets were also cameras this whole time 0,eric's bogosian's operation nemesis: can a genocide ever truly be avenged? 0,What is your non-violent way of stopping a felon with a knife? A felon who at 30 has spent 10 years in prison and was raped by other prisoners? I suspect you will do what most New Yorkers will do when they witness a crime: NOT GET INVOLVED! I will stop carrying a pistol when life is rosy. What else do you do to protect yourself besides being concerned? 0,new york may finally do something about its awful voting process 1,engineers still unable to produce styrofoam cup without little center nub sticking out from bottom 0,george takei blasts muslim registry as 'prelude to internment' 1,senile senator allowed to believe he solved immigration crisis 0,"beyoncé announces $100,000 in scholarships for hbcu students" 1,"report: whoa, last person on treadmill ran 8 miles" 1,depressed businessman takes 16 power naps a day 0,how to take your dream vacation without a guidebook or expensive cell charges 1,white house begins christmas season with ceremonial lighting of cross 1,clinton forced to kneel before zod 0,this cheeky 1913 letter from a suffragist is giving us life 1,silicon valley startup seeks to change the way women flee tech industry 0,rinkins report: keys to building valuable business relationships 1,"Are you sure? VOR is a 14 year old kid from Florida. His IP is squarely from a ISP from Florida. If he is retired, he is the first person I have ever heard who was 60+ that used slang normally reserved for street gangs. Not to mention that his war stories place him in two different seas at the same time. Somehow 2 tours turned into 4, midlevel ship officer turned into high ranking military advisor. All in all, VOR is far more of a liability to any of his allies because of his lying, lack of education and reading comphrension problems." 0,shredding the past 0,man who tried to burn ex-girlfriend's house with cheetos is convicted 1,hbo film reveals liberace was good friends with gay men 1,idiot zoo animal with zero predators still protective of young 0,"But if the state refuses to recognise their right to commit to each other in a legal union, then they are being denied at least one right which is available to everyone else. This can also affect legal entitlements. Leo" 1,moviegoer manages to sneak candy past teenage usher earning $7 an hour 0,"I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm asking if you'd think differently in that case, and you're not answering." 1,corn added to list of items that upset grandma's stomach 1,"Mother Teresa was too in love with the notion of a good death. " 0,smart earplugs aim to improve your sleep quality by taking noise-blocking to the next level 0,7 ridiculously easy ways to protect your bones at any age 0,"Simply put, gun control doesn't work. Why? 1. Criminals ignore the law, that's why they are criminals. 2. If a criminal is prohibited from legally purchasing a firearm and wish to acquire one, they either steal one or buy one from another criminal who has stolen one. 3. It is already illegal in the U.S. for any felon, mentally ill person, or anyone convicted of domestic violence to own or even touch a firearm, yet these individuals ignore the law and obtain firearms anyway. 4. All gun control does is make it that much more difficult for the average law abiding citizen to own a firearm." 0,the 'pitch perfect 2' super bowl trailer is aca-here 1,weird debate viewer using tonight to inform herself about candidates' policy stances 1,waiting-room copy of people brings area man up to speed on paris hilton 0,why father's day is so difficult for me 1,christie's auctioneer throws in sketch of a horse he did to see if anyone bites 1,high school kicker finds it helpful to imagine football as object that needs to be kicked through goal posts in order to gain points 1,report: average american consumes 156 pounds of sugar per year but would like to consume much more 0,madonna's anti-trump cover of britney spears' 'toxic' is the antidote we need to 2016 0,how to survive the senior year stressfest 0,john boehner calls harry reid's idea 'nutso' 0,the 6 secrets of self-control 0,john oliver is surprised dustin hoffman didn't expect harassment questions 0,matt damon now knows you are sexually attracted to his ponytail 0,"this earth day, i stand for science" 0,I believe once you have the rights granted persons that they may not be taking away because you are asleep or in a coma. Not unless of course it can be shown that higher brain activity has ceased and there is no reasonable expectation that it could return. 0,"Same thing happened in Rwanda. First they put the names of all Tutsis on lists. Then, the Hutu came around with machettes and took them off of the lists....permanently." 0,"barbara annis and dr. keith merron on the need for gender intelligence, an exclusive interview (pt 1)" 1,"Historical record says that there was a wedding ceremony and that Nero in fact married not one but Two of his male slaves... one he was the bride the other time he was the groom. Whether you like it or not the question was answered.. You were and still remain proven wrong... The only dimwit in this thread is you and wanting to marry your mother and/or your sister makes you the pervert... so you just struck out dumbass... emoticonXGoodemoticonXGoodemoticonXGoodemoticonXGood" 1,group that makes dodge truck commercials called 'creative team' 1,Didn't a famous gangster once escape from jail using a gun he carved from soap? Maybe OZ should ban bars of soap? 1,white house graciously accepts saudi prince's thank-you gift of severed yemeni head 0,the debate over school choice in chicago 1,half-empty bottle of malibu found in woods behind school 0,"Well, you have ""proved"" that the U.S. health insurance does not have any higher administrative cost than Medicare or the rest od the industrialized world. I think your problem is that you are convinced in your head that that in our healthcare there is no waste. And you are trying to square it with the obvious fact that our cost is the highest with nothing to show for it. You will have to admit that there is waste. For example we have 5x as many MRI scanners than we need, we perform too many tests, we have high adminstrative cost. All these costs will be reduced. There will be fewer of these things PER INSURED. I do not know how many times I have to repeat this before you get it. The volume of this work PER INSURED will decrease. Do you understand that?" 1,"First off, kudos on getting the quotes right! It's much appreciated. Now, what's your actual assertion? If you spell it out than we can put this definition debate in context, and maybe actually get somewhere." 1,jurisprudence fetishist gets off on technicality 1,roommate never seems to leave apartment 0,this week in...: 19 hypocrisies and counting 0,south korean president meets north korea's kim jong un to talk trump summit 1,swiss guard charge writhing mass of black tentacles devouring pope francis 0,evan rachel wood is finally getting paid as much as her male 'westworld' costars 1,unclear if store called 'casa spazio' sells leather sofas or pizzas 0,greece sees slight uptick in refugee arrivals in august 1,They are the people who dont get their boilers serviced regularly:) 0,"in case you didn't know, green and black tea come from the same plant" 0,cameron monaghan and peyton list star in the next big ya movie adaptation 0,why tina fey turned my life as a war reporter into a comedy 1,tearful trump admits nato alliance closest thing to friendship he's ever had 0,"michelle, ross and carson on the wild ride to 'rupaul's drag race'" 1,rumsfeld wearing same shirt for fourth straight day 0,"oh don't kid yourself, you people were miserable long before I got here. Darwinists' arrogance is astounding." 1,"Sounds like a lot of ***Bull*** to me. bah du bup. BTW, Sammy the Bull spelled his name Gravano, not Grevano. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,2-d doritos sales lagging 0,the fed and the markets 0,the surprising benefit of going through hard times 0,watch a wrecking ball destroy a bunch of cars and get on with your life 0,"What do you mean by other definitions? Before you stated ""Creation is...."" thus it is implicit in this that you are arguing against a single homogonous construct. And it's embarrassing for you to realise that there's actually as much variance of opinion in this, as in evolution." 0,"more than 10,000 migrants rescued from mediterranean in past 2 days" 1,fan prefers tarantino's early work when he was shelving movies all day at video store 0,composer dan licht on writing for dexter 1,area bastards pick wrong guy to mess with this time 0,"Actually, I don't have any respect for creationism in most of it's varied forms. I have had great respect for several individual creationists that I have met. But they earned that respect." 1,parenting experts warn screen time greatly increases risk of child becoming an influencer 0,'ren & stimpy' creator accused of sexually abusing teen girls 1,'a cashier at our davenport location did what?' disgusted sbarro ceo asks 0,serena williams tried to deposit first $1 million check at bank drive-thru 0,america ferrera is basically selena quintanilla's twin in this pic 0,facebook takes a step toward virtual reality with new 360-degree videos 0,will police unions battle houses of worship or seek reconciliation? 1,"Indeed, a coward I might be, but alas you have anonymity! Sorry if I wax lyrical. How do you know what I've done with my life? I know you think yourself clever, but do you really think you are that clever? Wow! " 0,"trump promised senator no federal crackdown on legal weed, but who even knows" 1,acoustic-guitar-wielding trump tells congress 'this here's the story of america' 0,There's a distinct difference... so what? No baby at any age can live outside the womb. It still needs care and attention like any other. This difference in age doesn't mean anything. 0,"marriage equality, but what about divorce?" 0,biden's burden: loss pays another visit 1,new hallmark line addresses israeli-palestinian conflict 1,koch brothers encouraging youth to make voices heard by registering super pac 1,historians suggest 'goodfellas' youtube clips may be fragments of larger work 0,wendy williams faints on live tv dressed as the statue of liberty 1,head on pike really pulling together castle's look 0,california city elects dead man to office after bizarre campaign 1,family has way too many daughters for them not to have been trying for son 1,pipeline company rushes to contain oil spill to small section of media 0,oscars 2018: the complete winners list 0,presidential primaries 0,south syria ceasefire and the next israel-hizballah-iran war 1,"I love to go to the playground and watch the children jumping up and down. They don't know I'm firing blanks.""" 1,"too stupid and liberal!! if they were being exploited that could not now afford 75 million smart phones at $150 a month!! " 0,"americans need to know trump's endgame for syria, duckworth tells constituents" 1,orphanage director pushing asian orphans 0,somali pirates free 26 asian sailors after 4 years in captivity 1,ted cruz provides detailed response to moderator's question about why his face so fucking infuriating 1,"professor sees parallels between things, other things" 0,the revolution at colonial williamsburg 0,this year's primary left most voters with a lower opinion of the gop 1,smoker inspired by sight of elderly smoker 0,let this kid's on-point bat flip guide your monday 1,new study finds americans need 6 hours of sleep at work 1,clinton promises to enact agenda whether or not she elected 1,white castle bathroom stall celebrates 5th conception 0,how women and girls cope with getting their periods in refugee camps 0,see 2 billion 'star wars' deaths in three minutes 0,14 reasons why pharrell williams is definitely a fashion icon 0,"Oh no, I completely hit the point and exposed it for what it is. Your continuing to compare the ID concept to a flat earth belief proves my point even more. That and the fact that you referred to the flying spaghetti monster seven times in your last post." 1,usda rolls out new school brunch program for wealthier school districts 0,colombia plunged into uncertainty as voters narrowly reject peace deal with farc rebels 1,halloweiner frankfest 2013 poster now relic of time long gone 0,"well i was downplaying your argument because really, pregnancy is not that demeaning to a womans body. ITS NATURAL! OBESITY ISNT!" 0,"this is not how you play frisbee, but we love it anyway" 1,new study reveals majority of americans want 1,novelty welcome mat lets party guests know they're in for some fun 0,"One plants seeds in a debate. Get people to think. This is why you see relatively few creationists on these boards. Not because they don't know how to think (some are quite intelligent), but because they don't have a plausible theory to support their ideas. Thinking is the enemy for them, until they can work out a theory." 1,gasoline still inexplicably cheaper than milk 1,newly unearthed journals reveal j. robert oppenheimer annoyed trinity test researchers by quoting 'bhagavad gita' every time they did anything 1,A 6ft tall mugger vs an old man. The muggers hands are leathal weapons vs an old man. Let's see. The criminal got away and the old man is being charged with a crime? Do you see anything wrong with that? 0,the downside of the boom 1,"following death of adam yauch, grieving china frees tibet" 1,troop gradually withdraws 1,assisted care facility hits grand fucking slam with little styrofoam cups of sherbet 1,"stock market 'best since 1928,' say investors" 1,"As I have said before (paraphrasing): ""You can teach any parrot to squak. "" emoticonXAngel" 1,"I'd love to see an explanation about how the study of the natural world disproves the existence of all Deities. Especially the Deistic Gods. And I'd love to see how science is suppose to disprove a being that is not bound by logic, reason or any laws. What science can do is disprove that God was directly responsible for this or that, the sun rising, the rain season, etc. Did you perhaps realize that many scientists are Buddhists because Buddhism which has beings that behave as Gods with such powers and exist partially within the natural and supernatural? Or are you again assuming all religions don't exist except for Christanity?" 0,building the university of the future 1,5-year-old explorer makes contact with life-forms in adjacent booth 0,10 winning recipes for the big game 1,fox producers attempt to tire out aggressive candidates before debate by letting them run around outside 1,And that would make you the one that IS advocating the murder of our future generation. 0,here's more evidence that trump's 'poll truthers' are wrong 0,blm protest at london airport calls out environmental inequality 1,outfit just screams police officer 1,"michelle obama: 'well, there are 8 years of my life i'll never get back'" 1,giuliani clarifies he doesn't want gravestone to say 'he married his cousin' either 1,nerf introduces line of real guns 1,ghostwriter taking a few creative liberties with paul reiser's life 1,pope francis carves roast cherub for vatican christmas dinner 1,trump wakes up covered in dozens of small cuts after being chased through dreams by razor-blade-fingered robert mueller 0,mark hamill gives 'stars wars' super fans the fright of their lives 0,Because he was found guilty of murdering a minor rather than an adult. Any crime committed by an adult against a child is more heinous in nature. 1,parents reminisce to children about dating algorithm that brought them together 0,'3 generations' stars discuss the power of telling trans stories 0,larry nassar's boss accused of assaulting students in practice exam 0,the new new net neutrality 0,serena williams knocked out of olympics in stunning third-round loss 0,"I don't think VoR realizes that we see him gay-bash without a second thought that we recognize his socalled ""coy"" tricks. ""You can fool some of the people some of the time, but............""" 1,strom thurmond begins preparing cabinet 1,The frequency of legitimate ones doesn't warrant my walking around armed all the time IMO. How does my being unarmed put you at risk? Think I should be prepared to shoot someone for you in case of emergency? Touchee yourself. 1,"Possibly, I must admit I never tried to gain access to swords whilst over there." 1,no one on pirate ship has any idea what 'splicing the mainbrace' means 1,crowd at trump rally realizes they've been chanting 'we are frightened and helpless' for last half hour 1,area man has own version of neighborhood-watch program 1,area woman not about to miss ally mcbeal for that 1,female friend group fails in one duty of providing good gynecologist recommendation 0,"You know what they mean, I know what they mean, but as someone involved in teaching evolution to high school kids I wish they'd avoid the implication of purposeful change and just refer to beak size changing in response to new selective pressure.As I said, I may just be being nit-picky. Language apart, this is another nice example of evolutionary change happening right before our eyes." 1,gerber: feeding formula to baby helps infant bond with parent corporation 1,office cheering on employee going for 32-minute nonstop work streak 1,"firewood, bread top new russian agenda" 1,"Not quite sure what you are talking about, Iangb. And I really don't have time to crack the code so if you have a specific question, just ask it already." 0,protesters descend on ice san francisco headquarters after immigration raids 1,nation's math professors announce plans to continue wearing chinos with running shoes indefinitely 1,ghost of carl sagan warns against dangers of superstition 1,algebra notebook forced to bear the brunt of teen's song lyrics 1,fred thompson fears presidential run will typecast him as politician 1,facebook bans extremist figures after designating them dangerous to its public reputation 1,model railroading a harsh mistress 0,"this week in world war i, january 3-9, 1915" 0,these posts reveal the terrible double standard of how we handle black death 1,"God love the world so much he inconvienced himself for 3 days. Pretty bloody , insisting on the sacrifice of your own son .. so pay yourself for the sins of others." 1,korean pop group bts shakes up lineup by adding really old guy 1,school principal pauses for applause that never comes 0,"edison electric institute's anti-solar, pr spending revealed" 1,4th grader panics upon realizing classmate giving presentation had exact same summer as he did 0,israeli forces kill at least 16 palestinian protesters along gaza border: officials 1,area teen accidentally enters teen center 1,hollywood plans big-budget remake of mr. & mrs. smith 1,"I am willing to look at you, me and anyone and tell them if they are not prepared to love and nurture what is produced by sex, don't have it. If you are, get it on." 0,we're obsessed with this magical new harry potter dishware 0,10 things not to do before your next race 1,hillary clinton opens new presidential library charting course of purely theoretical tenure as commander in chief 0,"our homes, ourselves and creating the perfect stress-free environment" 0,"Well, this gets rather complicated. A very young child does not get to choose his or her adoptive parents. Who decides on who adopts whom depends on the kind of adoption and the policies of the particular adoption system. In private domestic adoption, the birth mother usually gets to decide on who will adopt her baby. The foster care system is organized differently, and international adoption is different still and depends on the country from which the child is being adopted. So it's pretty much impossible to generalize about adoption policies and practices. They vary greatly.The point is that the purpose of adoption is to protect the rights of the child." 1,society tea party spoiled by ocelot 0,talented kiddos recreate iconic 'dirty dancing' scene on 'america's got talent' 1,goldfish can't stand bowlmate 1,all-knowing invisible hand of free market once again guides millions in profits to nation's bead stores 1,mom's christmas stocking noticeably less full 1,federal troops seize neglected child in pre-dawn raid 1,trump bestows medal of honor on john mccain's tumor 0,van jones: tough-guy 'trumpzilla' has become 'president snowflake' 1,new evidence reveals christ lounged in tomb for extra hour before finally rising from grave 0,here's even more evidence trump is lying about massive voter fraud 1,baltimore preparing for hurricane joaquin by adding second layer of plywood to shuttered small businesses 0,how pirates and hackers worked together to steal millions of dollars in diamonds 1,'st. elsewhere' pa grilled by howie mandel's biographer 0,let's try to talk about race 0,"Actually there is a better solution. Mandatory male and female birth control pills, financial penalties if you stop taking. Anyone who would get off the pill would want a kid, therefore, abortions would cease." 1,unmanned military drone briefly grasps senselessness of war 1,"report: more women choosing to freeze their eggs until age when sudden, unexplained mass infertility places society on verge of collapse" 0,13 badass grandparents who are having more fun than you 0,"lawsuit against uber by driver charged with murder a hoax, court says" 0,"Your claim is not supported in the least. If we look to the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade, we find that it was not women seeking abortions that were punished, but the people who procured the abortion that were. It would be the same if abortion were again made illegal. To prove this, we need only to look at a recent abortion regulatory statute: the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. Needless to say, there are far less doctors who perform abortions than there are women who seek them, and because it was not a problem executing abortion law prior to 1973, it likewise won't be a problem executing abortion law should abortion be made illegal again." 1,privileged little artiste writing something oh-so-precious into his moleskine notebook 0,syria misses another chemical weapons benchmark despite 'significant progress' 1,will smith: the black man everyone at work can agree on 0,the unsolved tupac and notorious b.i.g. murders to be the focus of new true crime series 0,it's time to stop chasing the impossible ideal 1,new pixar employees required to watch adorable sexual harassment video 1,new boyfriend charming pants off baskin-robbins staff 1,u.s. intensifies empty-threat campaign against north korea 1,"Well, you certainly defended this video, Archangel. How interesting to now hear that you were defending material you hadn't even viewed. But I'm not going to do your homework for you. It's on this thread; jyoshu posted it. So search his posts on these pages. " 1,"fda figures it will get around to regulating supplements with names like black widow, yellow demon" 0,car bomb kills three in southeastern turkey 1,all of man's accomplishments overshadowed by hefty birth weight 1,responsibilities track man down inside dream 0,"So everyone thinks that ""evolutionists"" should seize power or something? If that is true, it is because evolution is very widely accepted." 1,nation hoping for a windy flag day 1,"'your father died peacefully in his sleep,' assures hospice nurse who spent past 6 months watching man wither away in agony" 0,slick rick praises the first-ever global hip-hop day 1,music compels weak man to dance 0,"That's the standard dance. Victor Stenger didn't say it that way. On the back of his book, one review puts it this way;" 0,listen to these parents teach their kids about consent 0,rewriting nepal: 2014 is marked by sparkling english-language debuts 1,best visual effects oscar introduced by highly acclaimed lens flare 1,condé nast launches 'the new yorker for black people' 0,nick cannon wilds out on twitter to shut down those mariah carey rumors 1,cat speed-dials ex-girlfriend 1,weeping willow gets bangs 1,"I guess the Sinagua ruins and the Kayenta, Anasazi Wukoki ruins in Arizona just don't stack up against them big old Jewish buildings." 0,this is the world in your voice. 1,obama a little creeped out by how much everyone in kenya celebrating reelection victory 1,report: you're actually saving money with roller rink membership 0,"If I am to believe in something even if it's scientific, I should be able to challenge the belief's of the person who's pushing it. If they don't believe in what they're selling, why should I." 1,queen elizabeth watches as oxen pull apart farmer who failed to provide yearly tithe of grain 0,"this 4-year-old adores chris pratt so much, she totes around a cutout of him" 0,your weight is just a symptom 0,3 roads to joy: 5 questions to start the journey now 1,new toyota suv holds eight passengers and their suvs 0,"for north carolina attorney general, running for governor will mean taking on his top client" 1,man takes parents on tour of city where he came to escape them 1,clinton laughs off idea she politically savvy enough to launch revenge campaign on kavanaugh 0,monstrously 'nasty' ancient crocodile gets named after lemmy from motorhead 1,officemax employee was here when gel pens were big 1,dunkin' donuts unveils new seasonal rotting jack-o'-lantern latte for end of fall 1,attempt to buy gift for boyfriend results in hatred of boyfriend 1,And I just spent all that money on a new camera. Pity. 0,what's for breakfast? how about some monsanto weed killer? 0,"norman lear, common, shonda rhimes to explore inequality in epix documentary series" 0,"techview: linus torvalds, inventor of linux" 1,panicked studio delays 'man of steel' to get more shots of people looking up in awe 0,james franco opens up about a very 'uncomfortable' sex scene 1,coffee shop customer asks if guy at next table would mind watching while he goes to bathroom 0,"8 awesome (yes, awesome!) things about toddlers" 0,"And where, pray tell are you pulling THIS strawman from?" 0,toward a fairer admissions process 1,is your privacy being violated? an exclusive hidden-camera investigation 0,building a sustainable 'highway of the future' 0,the '7th heaven' cast reunites for the first time in 8 years 1,"dennis hastert fights to locate, save neck" 1,christian bale given neutered male statuette named oscar 0,hpps social shares - test 2 1,cash-strapped oscars to give out emmys 1,light beer healthiest food option at stadium 0,"No, I mean evolution, in which statistically random variation is but one factor. It's a terrible mistake to equate evolution with pure chance." 0,"first up at the toronto film festival: jake gyllenhaal's 'demolition,' the stunning 'lobster' and more" 0,hawaii had more snow this week than denver or chicago has had all year 0,pamela anderson slams australia's treatment of refugee's dog in papua new guinea 0,newsweek's top editor and staffers suddenly fired 0,"I agree that during debate of an issue like this both sides can get pretty nasty. However, you would be hard-pressed to find a place where those that are choice are screaming in your face, interrupting your personal life on an already hard day like this." 1,masters in writing fails to create master of writing 1,poll: 78% of americans hope cataclysmic event wiping out humanity will have big tidal wave 0,roy moore may have been banned from a mall for harassing teen girls in 1980s 0,seth meyers' spoof ad shows how teenagers are actually saving the country 0,trump administration picks strange fight with meals on wheels 0,"in his new act, tommy tune vows to be a 'vitamin for the spirit'" 0,how the host of 'river monsters' hopes his show will inspire environmentalism 0,beyonce's out there making corset pants happen 0,watch evacuating soccer fans sing the french national anthem after paris attacks 1,5-year-old reluctantly lets crying mom sleep in his bed again 1,dad hands phone off to mom immediately after being wished happy father's day 0,man surprises girlfriend by drawing them in different animation styles 1,hospital guest has creepy feeling someone might have died in her room 1,pile of crap excites publicist 1,alcoholic recovered 0,a new 9/11 gift shop 0,Right. And that is the reason for peer review. Creationists don't subject their ramblings to peer review. That is why so much care is devoted to the proper construction of experiments to test the hypotheses by real scientists. Creationists just invent ad hoc stories without any experimentation. 1,elmo admits he's uncomfortable working with gay puppeteer 0,"Yes, you are missing something. How come age doesn't start at conception? How come when babies are born they aren't 9 months old instead of, well, seconds old." 1,plastic bag still up in tree 0,what i learned about love from my boyfriend's depression 0,why we should tip service workers generously 0,climbers abandon everest amid fresh avalanches 0,apparently reese witherspoon likes j.crew as much as we do 1,"That's right, a broken clock tells the right time twice a day, and gun hating hoplophobes are never right." 1,anonymous source informs bob woodward he hasn't been relevant in 40 years 1,"If I thought you'd understand in the least bit why it's important to scrutinize possible occupants of the White House, I'd explain how I feel about. However, you are a hopeless case." 0,"how to re-ignite the spark in your body, mind and soul" 0,pepsi ceo: kendall jenner ad 'made me scratch my head' 0,"on the anniversary of dr. gunn's death, thank an abortion provider" 0,are voters pining for a third-party candidate? it's complicated. 1,greenpeace decides northern spotted owl 'not worth the trouble anymore' 0,why it's taking so long to get more electric cars on the road 0,watch: stories you won't believe from some of the world's dirtiest jobs 1,"oh ok, so I assume you don't live in your own house? I was trying to picture over 61 people fitting into one house. :)" 1,report: increase in gun sales to be most concrete result of obama's pro-gun-control speech 0,Explained away means what? If you don't agree with the mainstream you are wrong. He has not been refuted and he has lots of pictures. Why not go to his site and look? 1,emeril bams groupie 1,coworker with fluorescent bike vest treats office to futuristic light show on way to desk 0,california just made it easier to fire bad teachers 0,bikini-clad britney spends spring break with her sons 0,"maine leading the way on government of, for and by the people" 0,"carly rae jepsen just released her new single, 'all that'" 0,"the vicious knot of syria, the untangling process contains solutions in our time" 0,these astronauts hugged it out in response to reporter's question about political tension 1,"Free traders, rummers, smugglers, disdainers of law, pirates, essentially. But wait! Weren't the pirates a Marxist lot? Aren't there rumors about Black Beard and his communistic leanings? Smugglers And Smuggling in Cornwall" 1,usher to put shirt back on when usher ready to put shirt back on 1,lawyers opposing health care law cite kids-with-pre-existing-conditions-can-go-fuck-themselves clause 0,the currys' nursery for their second baby is freaking adorable 0,how netflix's serial killer drama 'mindhunter' draws from real life 1,resolute congress passes second amendment again 1,"labor dept. creates 20,000 new hobbies for nation's jobless" 0,singing the methane blues 0,a brief (pun intended) history of lawyers in movies 0,woman went into labor on beach in nice during attack 1,man disgusted just by constant thought of 2 guys kissing 1,"trump suffering horrible indigestion after eating fresh, well-prepared state dinner meal" 1,"'i want to be with someone else,' says woman who must think 3-time hyundai sales leaders grow on trees" 1,wal-mart greeter at death's door 1,"emmanuel macron amused by little differences in french, american islamophobia" 1,"Translation; ""Do what I say or I will kick your @ss."" Sounds a lot like the mafia. And you love this diety?" 0,lone man tries to take on a crowd of looters in ferguson 0,"What?! Then how do we discount the Gospel of Thomas or any of the gnostic gospels? How are they wrong and the canonical gospels true? If historians held the ""it does not matter what the document contains"" standard, there'd be no knowing anything." 1,first-grader reeks of urine 0,"Did I say that? No. I blame a society of judgemental, unintelligent people. Nothing to do with how you view abortion or reproductive rights." 1,"yea, I often forget ToE is a mental concept, not a scientific one. Nothing -- and I mean nothing -- will ever dismantle it in the minds of the faithful. Materialism is so entrenched in your mind that even if an animal generates a new piece of morphology by mere thought, sensation or awareness, and then passes that trait down to progeny, (which has been shown on here) you still think materialism stands. It's an unfalsifiable mindset that you and millions of others have created for yourselves." 0,rapper french montana launches campaign to help dreamers go to college 0,here's how to stay on leonardo dicaprio's private island 0,"with his new york walkover, donald trump takes a big step toward 1,237" 1,the elderly: do they suspect? 1,vengeance-minded glacier just biding time until next ice age 0,the importance of staring out the window 1,man thinks going to vegas for things other than gambling somehow less sad 0,totally not drunk new mexico governor chastises cops for breaking up her hotel party 1,area man does indeed belong at applebee's 1,video game character stares impotently at forbidden realm beyond impassable waist-high bush 0,'harry potter' actor alfred enoch says there's no reason hermione can't be black 0,"You may see a vast differene, many do not. The ""moral"" grounds for many is simply the justification for their homophobia." 0,trevor noah on trumpcare's passage in the house: f**king unbelievable 0,what on earth do you have to do to be kicked out of politics? 1,pizza hut unveils new cheese-stuffed delivery boy 0,delighting in criticism 0,"france's sarkozy calls for two-speed eu, tighter borders" 0,"I think that the bad guys will be happy if any gun control law goes into effect, because then there will be less chance of the victum having a weapon for their defense, and the crime rate will rise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 0,"rip bob schiller: radio writing wasn't working, so he sent lucy out to stomp some grapes" 1,trump unveils exclusive double platinum–level press room for only select few journalists 0,That is amazing. I find it crazy that this baby is much younger and smaller and far less developed than many of the babies that are aborted. Abortion is murder. 1,very specific food pyramid recommends two to three shrimp scampis per year 1,t.g.i. friday's executive chef recommends booze-on-meat-with-cheese thing 0,looking for mr. right? this is why you should stop 0,happy anniversary -- meet their first success story 1,god realizes he forgot to put souls in humans 1,larva celebrates ascent to adulthood with bar-moltzvah 1,cool ashtray found 1,historical archives: popular hymns heard sung of late. 1,generous military sends $800 in disability to man who wakes up screaming every night 0,students send hilarious tweets to superintendent thanking him for snow day 0,france votes in first round of presidential election 1,college's new careerlink program connects students with thousands of annoyed alums 0,rand paul ends daylong nsa 'filibuster' 1,fucker sure taking long time to download 1,"straight, gay service members looking forward to asking, telling come september" 1,"presidential debate sidetracked by booker, de blasio arguing about best place in lower manhattan to get tapas" 0,heavy rain floods university's library canteen in just 2 minutes 1,staff of new thai restaurant desperately hoping area couple will try eating there sometime 1,study: not being an asshole boss may boost employee morale 1,single strip of 'i voted' stickers more than enough for midterm polling station 1,"Click on the link...... Center for The Working Poor Which is TADA!!!! The Burning Bush!!!!" 1,local woman has story about how she got these shoes 1,report: nation spends $50 billion annually to get kids excited about things 1,"Yeah, because the Brady ratings and approval of a particular states gun laws has no bearing on reality as far as crime and safety goes! Which is Nato's real point!" 1,"architect presents obama with generic options for war memorial that could work for syria, libya, yemen" 0,death of mentally ill woman in police custody ruled a homicide 1,area man growing a little tired of rushing home to hug loved ones 0,monday's morning email: stormy daniels opens up about trump 0,hollywood screenwriter says depiction of gay men in films is 'horrible' 1,criminal prosecuted to fullest extent of budget 1,nation's sanitation workers announce everything finally clean 0,federal court in seattle also rules against trump's transgender military ban 1,"supreme court legalizes gay marriage after landmark 193,000,000-115,000,000 decision" 1,"Right off I don't know anyone who doe's believe it,any more so than a society that is mandatorily armed (good idea to). Well anyhow Comrade I had you figured to be jumping up and down.Its all nonsense right down to encoded ammo,however ifs do make a good topic. emoticonXBanghead emoticonXKill P.S.plenty of firepower though,probably like most of us." 0,new york attorney general conducting 'inquiry' into trump foundation 1,washington post offers non-subscribers 10 free articles to fact-check per month 0,seaworld's new ad is completely full of it 1,tom delay to pursue corruption in private sector 1,dog keeps iceland awake all night 1,cinnabon defends $800 million contract to manufacture pastries for saudi arabia 1,report: snoring may increase risk of having throat slit during night by loved one 0,grit: your secret success strategy 0,these latinos' reactions to 'coco' prove representation matters 1,kellyanne conway decides to lie low until rule of law dies down 0,"The Bible itself says that a believer may do anything and still be saved, it's right there in the Epistles, just that it is not good for us to do certain things. In short, you can murder, cheat and steal, but Christ asks you not to. That is the startling, terrifying thing about grace. Grace is a gift, freely given. Every limit on human behaviour is one we choose to obey (or try to, more often than not), out of loving obedience to God, there is no compulsion." 1,heritage foundation lowers another retired gop senator into vat of strategists 1,björk spotted leaving nightclub with mysterious firefly trapped inside bubble 1,"Feel free samiinh. After all, chemist asked me the same question just yesterday pertaining to the same subject. And the same question about being angry at an allegedly non existent God applies to you too." 0,is the king solomon story really about mediating or judging? 1,white house declares war on dsl provider 0,how the alt-right is using sex and camp to attract gay men to fascism 0,"Actually, I believe it was a Reagan policy continued by both Bushes." 1,annoying ad turns man pro-whaling 1,microsft bids $2.1 billion for milton berle joke file 0,the tim kaine i know 1,state dept. asks u.s. citizens in libya what the hell they were doing in libya 1,peta condemns bbc for trapping thousands of endangered animals inside tv screens 0,states enacted more than 60 abortion restrictions in 2016 1,"I have no idea what youre talking about, moreno. English is a foreign language? Maybe it is to you, I dont know. " 0,addressing sexual assault in college sports is not a 'distraction' 0,"women in business q&a: roxane divol, svp and gm, trust services, symantec" 0,in depth: behind the veil of the middle east -- what life is like for women there 0,bill nye says empathy is necessary for human survival 1,overpopulation of the earth: will it create valuable new markets? 0,new york attorney general examining eric trump charity payments to trump properties 0,"Oh, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I'm completely for it." 0,kim jong un reopens long-closed border hotline with south korea 0,public theology and taylor swift 0,"Notice the double-standard here? The homosexual lobby accuses us of harassment, yet they are willing to provide names and addresses of people who oppose their agenda. I can't wait to see the backlash from this one." 0,dccc makes first investment in pennsylvania democrat's special election bid 1,hire of local moron gives nation hope for employment 0,"Maybe sentient would have been a better word to use. In a nutshell my position is it is no more immoral to kill a baby before it becomes sentient (if there are good reasons to do so) then it is to euthanatize a dog at the dog pound." 0,kurt angle in royal rumble? seth rollins teases huge wwe debut! | wrestletalk news jan. 2017 1,'new york times' apologizes for running anti-semitic comic strip 'shylock the shyster' for past 37 years 1,farmer chases fifth wedding party out of barn this month 0,"That's not quite true either. Federal laws grant many rights and privledges to married people. The feds may not have a say on who can get married, but there are federal laws that benefit married people." 1,"mars lander staggers into nasa headquarters drunk, broke" 1,area man can tell commercial will be for corona 1,man offended by rude female coworker continuing to speak over him after he clearly interrupted her 1,outbreak of va-va-vooms traced to miniskirt-wearing blonde 0,the mind of the mass murderer 0,"for dreamers who endured the horrors of joe arpaio's arizona, our work is not done" 1,"naked, dripping wet tom brady thrilled by judge's decision to overturn suspension, imagines judge" 0,ryan lochte apologizes for behavior in rio 1,planet fitness offering new lights-off hour so no one can watch you work out 0,brock turner's mugshot is featured in a criminal justice textbook 0,lady gaga stuns in rocker crop top 1,john kerry lost somewhere in gobi desert 1,"So there you have an example of a deterministic system acting to suprise you with unpredictable behavior. Consider it an example of deterministic ""free-will""" 1,desperate dole promises best prom ever 0,mad men: om is where the heart is 1,skittles unveils new liqui-gels for fast-acting fruity flavor 1,overpopulation concerns force u.s. to reopen south dakota 1,"Congrats, you are. Or did you not hear about the bailout?" 0,the 10 healthiest chain restaurants in the u.s. 1,legislators still concerned about key non-issues 0,"I see that you have adopted my signature line (slightly misquoted). I will yield to you and remove mine today. We must agree that Teddy was a great Liberal President. Dono" 1,study finds fewer millennials want to live 0,"no, you just live on delusions. you can't argue the merits of creationism on their own because they don't exist. Creationism is a fraud regardless of the existance of evolution." 1,area man coughs to let others know he's in bathroom 0,ryan reynolds warns deadpool fans: 'don't say a f**king word' 0,black teens affected by gun violence speak out ahead of march for our lives 1,charmin introduces new disposable toilet paper 0,Oh really ? Parts of New Orleans were under water for more than 40 days before all the water receeded. Hasn't the plant life there replenished naturally in the wild ? Of course it has. The Earth is very able to repair itself in spite of modern mans sense of self importance. Here's some interesting photographic evidence of it. 1,study: every 10 seconds a skyscraper window washer falls to his death 1,report: reuben rated top midsize sandwich in its class 1,trump fascinated by israeli cultural tradition of mass slaughter of protesters 1,keystone veto buys environment at least 3 or 4 more hours 0,"But the civil war wasn't fought for slavery. If you will recall the average northern soldier wasn't too fond of blacks, and that is not only sugar coating it, but saying it in the nicest terms possible. The civil war was fought to keep the union in tact. Border states still kept their slaves for obvious reasons, the intactness of the union trumped any moral principal. Besides, that wasn't true even in practice. Black soldiers were paid less, had less equipment, had less medical care and were given the worst jobs possible. Hardly created equal. It took some time before they could even fight. Your argument is a load of garbage to someone who actually has knownledge about the civil war. I won't even go into the reconstruction period and how your so called principal didn't even exist." 0,11 miserable situations parents know all too well 0,australian politicians are gloating about their nation's draconian refugee policy 1,black guy doesn't talk about all the times he didn't get discriminated against 0,the superficiality of online dating apps 1,anthony weiner sends apology sext to entire clinton campaign 1,scientists theorize what earliest dinosaur researchers may have looked like 1,roy moore disgusted by thought of groping breasts of sexually mature woman 1,frat brothers draw all over pledge who passed away at party 1,norad takes area vagina to femstat 3 1,nation suddenly feels old after seeing nick-at-nite lineup 0,internet's newest mystery involves justin timberlake hooking up with a spice girl 1,pope francis pursues sinner across vatican city rooftops 0,families of slain teen and neighbor denounce chicago police: cops failed 0,france's far-right national front unveils new name with pro-nazi past 0,paul mccartney admits the beatles felt 'threatened' by yoko ono 0,"jessica biel says son silas definitely takes after his dad, justin timberlake" 0,"at the women's convention, a clear message: follow black women in 2018" 1,"oliver stone thriller 'individual 1' already written, filmed, nominated for 5 golden globes" 1,climate researchers warn only hope for humanity now lies in possibility they making all of this up 0,"dear baby boomers, step aside" 1,allergy sufferer dies after being stung by dog 1,"If only Ann Coulter could report a pie throwing to the admin like a spoiled little cry baby. emoticonXRolleyes She's probably more of a ""man"" than that though. :p Waxy" 1,area man killed in committee 0,bejewel your cat's butt with twinkle tush 1,jesus christ believed in 1,trump promises government will continue to fund all essential mar-a-lago staff during shutdown 1,kuwait starting to notice girls 0,where you live may add to why you smoke 0,asghar farhadi wins big after boycotting oscars over trump's muslim ban 1,pope francis trains for easter mass by dragging pew loaded with rocks across snow 1,merck ceo taunts patients by lowering drug prices until just out of their reach 1,"ugh, this a place where bartenders wear bow tie" 1,report: 80% of subway track repairmen run over each day 1,'rolling stone' offering readers 3-month free trial period for buying company 1,first family gets pet asp 0,how nebraska can return to college football greatness 1,lemur fantasizes about ripping face off next dumbshit who calls it a monkey 1,john kelly takes responsibility for failing to properly silence victims 0,this may be the most disgusting thing you'll see all week (we warned you) 1,another bunch of southerners dead 1,134-year-old man attributes longevity to typographical error 0,"as more borders close, families rush for refuge" 1,kendrick lamar deletes '' from internet history 0,gay former nfl player's big voice wins the week on 'the voice' 1,chris wallace receives cease-and-desist letter from trump organization in middle of questioning candidate about groping allegations 1,"nation's tourists announce plans to form circle, clap hands around guys doing flips and stuff" 0,bernie sanders: sheriff joe arpaio 'ambushed' my wife 1,man thinks receptionist is hitting on him 0,the ncaa will keep events out of north carolina unless hb2 is repealed 1,"convict sentenced to generating $80,000 to $100,000 in profits for private prison" 1,"doctor, patient have wildly different definitions of word 'hope'" 0,"Three questions: What country operates under an ""unbridled capitalism"" system? Can you name any nation that has operated under your idea of socialism successfully? If the American system of government is so terrible, why do we have one of the highest standards of living on earth? Just because you think you are entitled to what I earn doesn't make it so. Earn your own." 1,drew carey signs 75-year contract to host the price is right 0,"And I think that if I fall off a tall cliff, I'll die. Does that mean that gravity and science are either evil or incorrect?" 0,lessons from a president's day accident 0,"And just how are the criminals and terroists to be kept from entering a school while armed? Airplanes, probably with some of the new technology, but schools, or bars, or post offices, or government buildings? Just a law that says it is illegal, surely is not going to work. emoticonXDonno" 1,lucky old woman getting wheeled around airport 0,amazon admits alexa device eavesdropped on portland family 0,"apple fritter season is here, and so are the recipes you'll need" 0,resisting resistance: what's next in the fight against malaria? 1,brutal cold does not factor into man's decision to stay inside for two days straight 1,You actually have some full insight into gays and what we have gone through and think were pathetic. Once again insults and a bigoted view Archie. You never cease to amaze me. 0,"Then should not your challenge be re-worded to say ""What might be the best...""Because at present we are not at a stage where by we know everything about 'pain' therefore in the current climate, rather than what might be known down the track, I think I have met the majority of your challenge. After-all, you are insisting now on what 'you can measure', and we can't measure all that there is about pain, at present." 0,'prince of pot' spends last 4/20 in prison 0,50 best workplaces for diversity 1,cops cleared on corruption charges after implicating decorated police dog 0,here's what congress is doing about lead pipes in flint and elsewhere 0,what you should know before making a major life change 0,"here we go Dan. your problem with the law is not whether its fair or not, its whether you can benefit personally from it. you have no problem with abortion because your not going to be the victim of such a law, but youd definitely have a problem if you were the one suffering from the law. Apparently you dont care if the law disadvantages or is unfair to others, as long as it doesn't hurt you, you're OK with it." 1,report: majority of add cases go undiagnosed until child's first public failure 1,"deep orange sun slowly, beautifully setting on topher grace's career" 0,"uh oh, one of samsung's replacement phones caught fire on an airplane" 0,fox news viewers really don't like lifelong republican robert mueller 1,lunchbox mostly medications 0,You misunderstand me I believe they should all be locked up. Anyone who preaches against gay people freely living their lives as equal citizens with all the rights and responsibilites should be locked up in the darkest dungeon. There can be no compromise on this issue peoples lives are at stake. 0,how isis uses wheat supplies to tighten its control in iraq 0,"Actually, the fact that children of gay parents are no more likely to be gay than children of straight parents directly refutes the original article.Children of gay parents have only one gender, which the original article pointed to as a cause for homosexuality.If NARTH's article pretends to talk about the impact of a missing gender, then Charliegone's article directly refutes." 1,"rural south dakotan walks away from first encounter with jewish man, shaken but unharmed" 0,still edgy after all these years: jacaranda music's first decade 0,monsanto spin doctors target cancer scientist in flawed reuters story 1,uber driver wants you to know that lots of mexicans live in this neighborhood 0,this is what happens when an nba champ crashes your bachelorette party 1,r.a. has bad feeling about kid in cloak 1,this so typical of hemophiliac 1,west virginia celebrates as 32 die in non-mining-related accident 0,facebook is cracking down on racist posts in germany 0,lawmaker who wants confederate monuments removed gets anonymous racist threat 1,"'low-energy jeb,' whispers jeb bush sitting alone in dark watching televised trump speech" 0,"So a free society is one where the goverment does not have tabs on their citizens? How could then the goverment work when it does not know who they actually govern? The foundation of economics is that you have correct data, else its the beginning of corruption not freedom. And since when was there a dichotomy between freedom and socialism? Further how does the usage of identification ease the rounding up of suspects? Wouldnt it be rather MORE risk to be rounded up if you couldnt identify yourself and thus automatically become suspect than be able to and take yourself out of the calculation?" 0,ellie goulding and james corden perform 'love me like you do' remix 1,sony releases new earbud detangling spray 1,report: only 7 band names remaining 0,mitch mcconnell: 'i didn't think president trump had a chance of winning' 0,civilian 'guard' fires gun while 'protecting' recruiting center 0,jennifer aniston's style evolution proves that she loves an lbd 0,aziz ansari offers donald trump simple advice on combating hate crimes 0,watch prince harry and rihanna get tested for hiv together 1,exhausted studio has done all it can in terms of building excitement for 'the lincoln lawyer' 0,grab them by the… hand: donald trump's disturbing nonverbal behavior 1,house of representatives magically switches bodies with senate 0,macklemore to fans: use music to resist trump 1,"Excuse me?! Didn't AIDS started because your homies either ate or did the nasty with monkeys, thereby crossing the species boundary? What did it have to do with ""da man""? And crime and poverty in Africa is also the white devil's doing? emoticonXConfused " 1,"bo, sunny obama announce selection of artist for their official portraits" 0,5 life lessons i learned from holding a garage sale 1,cash-strapped zuckerberg forced to sell 11 million facebook users 1,overwhelmed new grandparents finally feeling what it like to love a child 1,woman in commercial doing yoga to narration of drug's fatal side effects 0,grammy and tony award nominated brandon victor dixon is on broadway in motown: the musical 1,mars maven begins mission to take thousands of high-resolution desktop backgrounds 0,"humor, hope, and human rights: on the loss of robin williams" 0,15 ways the knicks can trade carmelo anthony 0,"media figures tout trump's 'presidential' shift, but his divisive policies remain the same" 0,"I see a subtle distinction here. Creationism is concerned with the spiritual origins of people. ""Evolutionism"" is entirely concerned with explaining the nature and history of the physical world. The conflict of opinion arises out of the importance of the detail- can Genesis be accepted as a parable which contains a fundemental truth or must it be taken as a historical account?" 1,"Oh dear, deluded philisopher nutter alert. No one can empirically prove anything. Fact. End of discussion." 0,what being a christian means to me: don't worry about the rules; just love 0,women who write about tech are still being abused online 0,yoko ono released from hospital after treatment for 'serious' flu-like symptoms 0,baby and beagle pose for adorable monthly photos over course of 2 years 0,"their stories, our stories: looking toward holocaust remembrance day" 1,bus passenger believes she lives in world where curried shrimp is odorless 0,marco rubio decides to run for senate again 1,deeply held conviction immediately dropped after friend half-heartedly disagrees 1,state department warns americans traveling abroad to avoid lame amsterdam windmill tour 0,nordstrom just low-key dropped a huge fall sale 1,secret police enforce mourning of deng xiaoping 1,Show us your gay fat almighty gremlin omnipotent ogre. Me and EZ Rider want to know. Five years and all. :) 1,"I think if that happened, Texas probably will go back to being the lone star state." 0,tweeters school donald trump over tom cruise 'top gun' speech gaffe 0,google's expansion in boulder has its critics 1,"So now gays don't exist? The anti-marriage side has reached a new low! Denying the existance of a what they are aruging aganist! I didn't think you guys could go that low. I was sadly mistaken. " 0,"Do you want to explain what you think the problem is? You're going to see a much larger change if you start fiddling with the controls than if you were replacing bases within the protein coding sequence - a lot of those wouldn't change anything in the protein, and a lot of the changes to the protein wouldn't have a significant effect either." 1,hillary clinton sets personal single rep squat record while watching bernie sanders on gym tv 1,irs now requiring taxpayers to tip 1,quaker releases new plain flavor-blasted rice cakes 0,"Well, there are books and scientific journals and what not. This XXXX shows up in my son's science class and he will be hearing each and every day from his mother how it is not science and I will get him access to real science information. Yikes." 1,radicalized patagonia releases new fleece made of 100% recycled oil company ceos 0,watch rory gilmore geek out with michelle obama in 'gilmore girls' teaser 0,funniest parenting tweets: what moms and dads said on twitter this week 1,I truly mourn for you cookie. I pity the emptiness and shallowness of your soul. emoticonXCry 1,busy mom wishes she had enough spare time to fuck cia director 0,watch the conventions 1,"once mighty super bowl commercial now sad, pathetic 'price is right' commercial" 1,killer swears girl was in two pieces when he left her 0,starr leaves baylor university faculty post after sex assault scandal 0,sex tied to better brain power in older age 0,you know what else makes it hard to read the 2016 race? poll methods 1,"onion social denies rising global temperatures linked to 50,000 coal plants running round the clock to power site" 1,"new rap song samples 'billie jean' in its entirety, adds nothing" 0,This baby was 21 weeks old. Here is 8 weeks 0,"I can well believe that pandion cannot answer this question; no one can accurately answer it. We know that baldness, as a genetic condition, is polygenetic (ie it's controlled by multiple genes) and autosomal (the genes [or at least the bulk of them] do not reside on the X or Y chromosomes). Despite being autosomal, people appear statistically slightly more likely to exhibit balness if the trait comes from their mother's side of the family. Even if we knew precisely which genes were involved and which of those genes your kids had, we still cannot tell you the likihood of your children being bald. The chances of the gene combination being expressed in the correct way to cause baldness are dependent on age, hormone levels, stress and probably a variety of other environmental conditions." 1,senator moved to tears after reading constituent's heartfelt check 0,We know this because the kids destroyed all the interactive exhibits within a day when the Earth Gallery opened. I for one was most upset as I'd been wanting to have a play too emoticon_cry 0,united airlines skips senate deadline to explain passenger-dragging incident 1,civilian casualty flattered to have been mistaken for hamas leader 0,hillary clinton rode the new york city subway 1,paul mccartney's mix-cd for new girlfriend a little self-indulgent 0,stop the madness 0,"Well for what it's worth, the police prefer to use AR-15 Carbines, MP-5 9mms, and either Mossberg or Remington 12ga when they are serving a no-knock warrant on your house (or the wrong house next door) in the middle of then night. And the AK may be a bit much for home use, as the 7.62 would way over-penetrate the walls and hit the neighbors houses (or the neighbors.) Hope that helped." 1,candy purchase puts yet more money in raisinets' bloated coffers 0,"michelle obama made a valentine's day playlist for barack, and it's perfect" 1,boehner resignation leaves massive leadership vacuum in congress intact 0,friday's morning email: hope is fading in puerto rico over the government response 0,dogs left outside in the cold have died and been found 'frozen solid' 1,more cities providing bins for materials that look recyclable 1,man searching for part of chicken tender thin enough to fit into plastic dipping sauce cup 1,"Except for, ya know, like the whole Old Testament. False testament: archaeology refutes the Bible's claim to history" 0,how i'm finding my voice with wendy davis 1,perfect gift for boring asshole found at crate & barrel 0,"No but his complete dependence on a media machine certainly takes away from the validity of his message. The models for climate change that Gore recites are strictly weather and do not look at global climate patterns and do not look at climate changes within history. The changes that are occuring now are within the limits of changes that have happened elsewhere in history. His information is just a ""part"" of the story. That is why he is incorrect." 1,haha political correctness? I think it is sad when it is politically correct to support a dog over another human... 0,house republican spending bill seeks to block obama's carbon rules 1,hammered office depot manager thrown out of chili's 1,brain-dead americans defend brain-dead florida woman 0,the secret to the best barbecue 1,You mean like a tapeworm? Should removing tapeworms be illegal too? 1,"I wasn't about spelling but Tither's use of a homophone and the irony attached to ""incite"" in this case. A bit of humor far too sophisticated for you. " 0,corbett friend screwing with newspaper endorsements 1,aides gently remind hillary clinton not to refer to opponents as 'obstacles to greatness' 0,"Not entirely true. While we can't disprove that God created the universe, we can disprove many creationist claims. For example, we can disprove that the earth is 6000 years old." 0,"with next term looming, supreme court justices mull new cases" 0,this is what it's like to free dive with whales 0,"a pakistani city hit 122.4 degrees in april, probably setting a world record" 1,sarah huckabee sanders flatly rejects jim acosta's assertion that he's jim acosta 1,"'you are not your job,' obama reminds himself throughout shower" 0,tony hale reveals the new york inspiration for buster bluth's personality 1,12-year-old camper excited to meet girls who will torture her for rest of summer 0,a review: 'one teen story' 0,el evo ya no es pueblo 0,here is what no one says out loud about raising a 13-year-old son with autism 0,let's celebrate this olympic chest bump fail 1,man who never missed 'ally mcbeal' back in the day joins trump legal team 1,michael jordan displeased with this week's burnt offerings 1,nation too sad to fuck even though it's what prince would have wanted 0,why i am green (and the republican candidates make me see red) 0,"Again, you are the affirmative, you must support your claims. Please support the claim that we are using an atheist presupposition. I think we are using more an agnostic presupposition, which is a neutral one." 0,these roads could recharge your electric car as you drive 0,"That's true, as long as ones pursuit of science is really science. In the case of ""creation science,"" there is no science involved. As trebor has said, ""creation science"" is an attempt to find scientific sounding reasons that can be used to justify the conclusions that have already been reached and that are not subject to change. That's how ""creation science"" works. Begin with the conclusion and then search for scientific sounding justification. Real science is a process and a way of learning." 0,'family' pundit makes bizarre and offensive link between robin williams' death and 'ex-gay' therapy 0,"the president wore a tan suit, broke the internet" 0,the ayurveda experience in india 0,orrin hatch trolls utah newspaper that wants him to retire 0,kourtney kardashian thinks life without 'keeping up with the kardashians' would make her 'so happy' 0,"going against the flow: diana paredes, ceo of suade" 0,"I believe a man should be able to opt out of fatherhood.The problem with this article for me is the moral ambiguity - there is no consistent argument laid out for free choice, that is choice for women and men, or even one for consistent slavery (forced births from women, forced money from men). It reeks of the vindictiveness that can be seen in any number of fringe movements, of the ""I don't really care whether we live in a just society, as long as you're not treated better than me"".So yes, I ""a real pro-choicer"" agree with Matt here, the pro-choicers who are portrayed as disagreeing appear to be some kind of stereotyped 1970s feminist-socialist-activist-bra-burning type." 1,"scientists find link between how pathetic you are, how fast you respond to emails" 0,the one tip you need to achieve financial and physical health 0,"Nope. Not part of evolutionary theory. It would be stupid to claim that increased genetic variability would ""disallow"" any portion of the population from breeding." 1,romney rolls sleeves all the way up over his head 1,historical inaccuracy found in wild west strip show 0,jon stewart's final show raised a whopping $2.2m for charity 1,deloitte hires accountant after noticing popular tweets of audit calculations 0,big companies can avoid disruption by partnering with startup accelerators 1,kate middleton suffering from morning sickness 0,danny cortez is a dangerous man 0,a small senate victory maintains methane regulation 0,kris kobach posted partial social security numbers of thousands of kansas officials online 1,"'the time to act is now,' says yellowing climate change report sitting in university archive" 0,marc andreessen's 'colonialism' gaffe? a symptom of silicon valley bias 0,"But the fact remains that guns are, by design, weapons." 0,"debut author virginia franken talks about flawed characters, her (new) addiction to coffee, what dance taught her about writing, and more" 0,princess slays the knight 0,"trump is at war with iran, not isis" 0,e-cig users and vapers need to join anti-drug war movement 0,"Yes I do understand this. But you must admit that the instantaneous formation of a living organism, even an extremely primitive one, complete with the complexity of the DNA code as a result of random encounters of atoms and molecules is a little too much to buy. There is evidence right there for creationism. Only intelligence could have formed such an elaborate complex system for the structure of life and its propagation. " 1,newborn constantly terrorized by horrifying shapeless blobs 1,self-deprecating man just scratching surface of how pathetic he actually is 0,"OS is so consumed with vitriolic hatred of me he is incapable of realizing that I did not start this thread. The fellow who started it has been banned for his extreme anti-woman views. Perhaps OS should be banned for his extreme anti-Simone views." 1,fox cancels apatow's 40-year-old virgin 1,"in attempt to jump-start economy, obama declares tuesdays ladies' night" 0,the importance of a pap and hpv test combination 1,"You're the one who needs to get a grip. Lots could get worse, but not for the reasons you're stating. But I take it you're finally admitting that (actually) 50 million uninsured human beings who could die or go bankrupt is a big problem." 0,"ukrainian band lyudska podoba talks patriarchy, sexualities and trojan horses" 1,nation would not be surprised at this point if chris brown allegedly traveled back in time and punched anne frank 1,"As ""special"" as being one of over 100Million makes me. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,symphony orchestra simply cannot wait for collaboration with john mellencamp 0,"isis laid booby-traps all over mosul to kill, injure returning civilians" 1,balloon deliveryman forced to take bus 1,california to release all prisoners who seem nice enough 1,"Just because Dolphins start using tools doesn't mean that one will give birth to a chipmunk! Get real, evolution is a fairytale!!" 1,security guard can't afford to relax for so much as six hours 1,nation not sure how many ex-trump staffers it can safely reabsorb 0,"chaffetz, cummings seek answers from trump on his business' profits from foreign governments" 1,"Actually, no one cares if you believe in god. That is your business since it is something that you take on faith without any evidence that it is true. And no one believes in ""evolutin"" [sic]. The theory of evolution is an explanation for observed facts that has been repeatedly tested. It is the best explanation that scientists have been able to formulate. It is based on evidence and not faith." 1,"son needs costume, 30 individually wrapped treats tomorrow morning for some school celebration" 1,bar owner considering sept. 11 options 1,tv executive claims to be looking for edgy 0,women in politics matter -- even when they're not women's advocates 1,"ryan zinke apologizes for misuse of government funds by sending ethics committee $160,000 vase" 1,floor plan of retirement community 90% defibrillator locations 1,"real life ""twister"" kills 117" 0,finding the right college is hard. this new database helps students choose wisely. 1,"And, I'm sure you ask yourself that very question before you unzip your fly and whip out your pecker, right?" 0,"Any belief system is a religion loosely defined. I'd like to know how you think rights are afforded to born persons if not by a belief system or at the very least a belief in natural rights. Either way, that doesn't address the point I had. If I can't impose my beliefs on you then who you are to impose your belief of me not hurting chemist99a?" 0,supreme court weighs if friendly tips worth millions constitute insider trading 1,It is me I am celebrating I have been singing the munchkin song for the last day and a half. 0,queen victoria's secret:lifting the fig leaf 0,9 ways the most successful people see life differently 1,"Rather than address my points in the slightest manner, your response consists entirely of this. (Think I'm surprised?) And you somehow think that I'm the one being defeated? But then, with your ""understanding"" of logic, nobody's surprised." 0,"Well, there's also the theory that the second amendment has racist origins. According to the VPC, the second amendment was written because they felt that an armed militia was an important protection against the possibility of a slave revolt. http://www." 0,u.s. weighs bigger role in war in yemen 1,man can't decide whether to give sandwich to homeless or ducks 0,"orlando's number-two animal attraction, behind disney" 0,"The bible is evidence. Its existence is a fact. What that fact represents is subject to interpretation. Ken's argument is that choosing to believe the bible is infallible is no more or less of a presupposition than choosing to believe that logic is infallible. He's right in absolute terms, but those axioms are not equally congruent with reality." 0,2 virginia tech students charged in missing 13-year-old girl's murder 0,root beer float ice cream 1,"Exactly, to everyone else, ""wascallywabit"" makes much more sense than ""pandion"" who doesn't actually answer any issues, he's too bussy admiring how ""great he is at biology."" And if you're wondering why I've kept quiet it's because like ""wascallywabit"" said, I can't be bothered with arrogant people who won't listen to reason." 1,tank operator wishes buddies back home could see him now 0,receiving thanks 1,"aging succubus lowering standards for men ever since she turned 40,000" 1,"grizzly bear sprained paw while mauling hunter, reports ranger" 0,how your morning and nighttime routines affect your health 1,custom fireplace store totally jumps gentrification gun 0,tom brady says gisele bundchen told him to shut up about politics 0,pancake-craving dog accidentally starts house fire 1,nypd deploys new line of plain clothes cop cars 1,republicans give in right before obamacare would have been repealed 0,why trans musician laura jane grace refuses to cancel her nc show 1,"I thought you'd be happy. I mean, hell, it'd mean we were in church, no?" 0,this horror movie trailer is a spooky way to announce a pregnancy 0,"Well, that's your claim, anyway. Truth is that billions of theists accept evolutionary theory as is and reject the standard ID arguments." 0,prominent fisheries scientist under fire for seafood industry funding 0,"immigrants, they get the job done in amazing new 'hamilton mixtape' video" 0,"five years after sandy, lessons for today's hurricane victims" 0,huffpost hill - iraq broken despite all our help 0,trump reads fake version of own speech 0,jennifer lawrence honored robert de niro at the glaad media awards the only way she knows how 0,"This statement is wrong. People from hundreds of years before Jesus was born prophesied that a baby would be born, in Bethlehem, of a virgin. There were over 50 more prophesies that were made about his life, and the sacrafice he made to pay for the sins of man, and the bigest one of all...He completely fufilled scripture when he rose from the dead. These men were inspired by Jesus, God, how can you argue that he is not the christ? The odds of one man filling all the prophesies is impossible. And these scriptures have been unchanged for the past 2000-2500 approx years! Thats proof for me that Jesus existed and that he is God. PM me if you like." 0,Actually all decisions based on the self ARE selfish decisions. I really don't care. I make them all the time too. Everyone does. While this is a philosophical issue I really see it as odd that people claim not to be selfish when doing something that benefits them or prevents harm to them with little regard to anyone else. 1,report: national average now 604 0,the tragic death of alejandro nieto and san francisco's gentrification 1,'zero dark thirty' reveals navy seals killed bin laden by frantically throwing whatever they could find at him 1,woman finds imperfect mate at outlet mall 1,34-year-old asks for big piece 0,palestinians starting to play on less uneven playing field 0,"redemption road: chatting with tom paxton, howard jones, martin sexton, chadwick stokes and erik deutsch" 1,'what's our best path to 270?' gary johnson asks campaign aides packing up office 1,john kerry jettisons russian henchmen from international space station airlock 0,thursday's morning email: justice department takes aim at lgbtq rights 1,study: 82 percent of americans want to run over nathan lane with a tractor 0,china excludes same-sex couples from domestic violence law 1,"hip, laid-back doctor refers to influenza as 'the flu'" 0,how to be free in faith instead of a slave to religion-made certainty 1,area man perfectly content with role as another cog in the wheel 1,foreman whips up special batch of concrete for favorite customer 0,when to get a second opinion 1,child at 9/11 memorial service sternly reminded we are sad today 0,f. gary gray likely to direct 'fast & furious 8' 0,"These ""infants"" do. My mother could have aborted me and she chose to have me. And if the state decides to keep abortion legal? Then you don't care if these ""gifts from God"" have a chance or not?" 1,random uncle's wife crying a bunch throughout grandma's funeral 0,u.s. delegation visits myanmar to invest in community-based businesses 1,kite flyer in the zone 1,"The penis is not designed for the hand? so you want this entire board to believe you don't wank off! Oh come on.....get real...everybody does it...who are you kidding.... You lost all crediblity right there!" 1,environmentalists speak out against excessive cheese logging 0,"Same place. Australia. That, after 5 or 6 thousand illegal guns were just handed in during the last in a series of never-ending amnesties." 1,political blogger mass suicide to be discovered in several weeks 0,"john bolton, top contender for secretary of state, calls for regime change in iran" 1,chorus to 'juke box hero' playing on repeat in monk's bowed head 1,south carolina refuses to remove confederate flag from capitol trailer 1,new mit study suggests sonic the hedgehog might be living in computer simulation 0,dozens injured after trains collide in pennsylvania 1,youngest sibling in family kind of thought mom would lose steam by now 0,giving abdul-rahman kassig the last word 0,"so if for instance enough people think that to exterminate the Jews is good, then it has to be good? the rule of the mob rules right?" 1,systems administrator would so fuck new trainee 0,kim kardashian wears sheer top in festive christmas eve photo 1,"Well hey, if you want the analogy, ya gotta live with where it bites ya ... emoticonXGood" 0,civil rights movement network law is a much-needed tool 0,"So Pat is an example of gonadal dysgenesis (or an intersexual.) Are you sure it is correct to describe this condition as being ""made-up of two genetically distinct people""? Is is not the case that Pat is one genetically distinct person made up of two complete chromosome sets?" 0,donald trump injects yet another conspiracy theory into 2016 news cycle 1,completely out-of-control cell phone nearly vibrates itself off table 0,why a democrat is now blocking an obama nominee 1,personals ad omits goiter 1,family relieved to hear good grandma didn't die 1,"You're a Bush-man, aren't you, gnojek? Come on, admit it. With that stance, you'll be in the White House before sunrise. (You do realize that I was being 1astic - right?) emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"<1> Oooooooooo! That would really scare the criminals wouldn't it? It's already a serious crime for a felon to have a gun...they get caught regularly with them. The drug laws don't seem to have stopped drug trafficing either." 1,red carpet organizers regret only renting one porta potty 0,"dear rolling stone, not all canadians are in love with justin trudeau" 0,why i launched a platform to empower survivors of bullying 1,washing machine loses man's trust 1,report: majority of americans now answering to name 'lardface' 0,amy poehler and ike barinholtz try to play guess who without discriminating 1,"You ever get the impression that WW isn't actually a person, but one of those bots that is designed to participate in conversation in ways vaguely resembling one, but lacking the essential characteristics of diversity of response and the ability to follow an argument?" 0,Really? I suspect that you have been duped by creationist ministers. There is no hype about Miller/Urey. It was an interesting experiment that demonstrated possibilities. 0,do you need a country? here is one! 0,And you think this a good thing? It just shows the weak cowardly position of the creationist. 0,I see. So you can't give an example of a dinosaur being dated with carbon 14. None of us thought you could. 0,spanish government threatens to impose direct rule in catalonia 0,the 9/11 flag from ground zero is missing 1,portugal finally gets it together 1,report: americans most physically active when getting comfy 1,You mean like Eclipses. Oh wait. That was a miracle explained by Science! 1,jealous god wants area man's '69 charger 0,"Guns in our society increased. Total NICS Firearm Background Checks -- November 30, 1998 - February 28, 2010" 0,"vietnam, revisited" 1,cambridge analytica offers 75% off all facebook user data for blowout closing sale 1,"mosquitoes don't even need to bite us, study shows" 0,house democrat: shutdown would be due to gop taking government 'hostage' 0,"after irma, tim duncan pens emotional plea: 'don't forget' the u.s. virgin islands" 1,king latifah returns for wife 0,parents debate: should you send your kids to camp? 0,"meet the girl reshaping little league, one 70 mph fastball at a time" 1,"It was a troll. Now that we've activated email response, it could take another look or expand some mail list." 1,fashion industry pretends to care about plus-size models 1,man under impression he went down fighting 1,breitbart traffic down as readers now getting bulk of news analysis from graffiti scrawled across neighborhood 0,suppression of the transgender vote 0,obama's sxsw appearance coincides with open carry protest 1,"Here is yet another example of Duo holding other people's arguments to a higher standard than he holds his own. Duo, you said ""Second, no one call actually tell the age of anyone here. To declare such when the verifiability that the claim depends on does not exist is sheer insanity."" Are you right? Anyone claiming to know age on these boards without evidence is insanity? Duo, if you are right, you are calling yourself insane. That's not going to help you out on the credibility meter. Perhaps you might want to amend some of you posts?" 0,5 things psychologists wish their patients would do 0,"ebola, isis and our borders" 0,"Hmmm... so, barren women can not have a valid point of view nor women in the stage of menopause because it does not affect them personally. Perhaps you should tell the moderator to institute women only Forums, men only Forums, gays only Forums. etc" 1,ted nugent talks that way even when buying socks 1,giuliani: 'let's just start everything over' 1,area woman already planning party for 'mad men' series finale 1,'the conners' scores big ratings by killing off rest of family 1,"Ever heard of ""Western Civilization""? Maybe you think it applies when Tombstone got itself a hotel?" 1,street performer dreams of performing on streets of paris 1,"Nope. No souces or links @ #98 either. Do you seriously think that merely repeating a statement over and over makes it more credible?" 0,healthcare is a political statement for the republican party 1,"i dont like watching videos. or following steps. isnt there just one thing i could do? you know, like be forgiven or whatever?" 0,the 30 most wtf moments of the 2014-2015 nba season 1,"Via something called ""evidence"". It is something that a creationist will never have come across, thus explaining why you are unaware of it." 0,you can has cheezburger: a guide to potential cheeses and what toppings to pair them with 0,"And last years stats say, 3rd July 2009 The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S." 0,parents of 12-year-old say son killed himself after being bullied over sexuality 1,everyone in sears spanking a child 1,"ok, fine, you can use that line, but there is also a moajority that believes in other things. there's this crazy thing, called a choice. we all have that. remember? i made the choice to have sex, you're making the choice to be a total ***hole. we all make a decision, and its the strong ones that stick with them, even though there are others who dont believe the same thing." 1,"That ""per absorbed photon"" is the giveaway. I would have wanted to say to them ""don't you mean it's energy since the energy it absorbed was the energy of the photon?"" Then they would have said, you silly chemist, don't you know modern physics? emoticonXClown So let me C&P some posts from the thread in another forum, and maybe it'll explain. But this board doesn't allow [tex][/tex] tags to represent equations and greek letters properly so it might not work out so pretty. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ " 0,trump supporters move to block vote recounts in 3 states 0,"This does not mean that the column is fantastic nor imaginative. It may very well be that not all areas of the earth accumulated all types of rock that form the column; this does not mean that the years at which similar columns were deposited in different places in the world are not similar. And of course, even if the Geologic column is not true, this provides no evidence of creationism." 1,"Plenty. You haven't noticed how many ""sentences"" you post that aren't sentences? " 0,mass graves suggest systematic killing of rohingya in myanmar 1,wrong font chosen for gravestone 1,"Doesn't matter if it is 5 months or 8 months (all of which is done) or 1 is a person inside another...why does that make a difference? I suppose you are a ""cancer"" too? So I guess we assume you comment should read "" Her body her choice so long as she is not inside another person and none of anyone elses business."" Surely is a random thought but I would like to have one of my own. I think that if I kill someone else in my own home then it is no one elses business but my own. Sound weird?? I agree...just like your statement." 0,radio host hugh hewitt 'inclined' to vote for donald trump after urging him to drop out 1,family braces as autistic son discovers amtrak's 'track a train' webpage 0,"What are you talking about? Please define information. What does ""new"" information have to do with natural selection or evolution? Evolution is NOT defined by evolutionary biologists as an increase in information.So I ask again, please define information in a meaningful way as it applies to DNA and the genome of an organism." 1,herman cain endorses who gives a fuck 0,here's how much the house has paid in recent sexual harassment settlements 1,groceries strategically placed around checkout conveyor belt's wet spots 0,review: 'teethmarks on my tongue' by eileen battersby 0,these gay dads prove you're never too old to start your own beautiful family 1,death of sailor in iconic vj-day photo reminds americans of halcyon days when wars still ended 1,fcc sentences artie lange to death 1,allstate charged with operating protection racket 1,"Like I said, Catholic school. Or it could be that you're like 80 years old or something, because nowadays, if you talk about God or the Bible, then you don't get in trouble, you get criticized and made-fun-of, not only by your peers, but also by teachers." 1,nancy grace seen in graveyard sucking marrow from caylee anthony's bones 1,hometown wistfully toured via google street view 0,#nevertrump conservative media will have to decide if never means never 1,baby can already tell crib he's in going to be recalled 1,clinton dragged up on stage to sing 'sweet home alabama' with the band 1,There ya go again kronus. You can't refute my argument so you resort to insulting me. emoticonXFrazzled Thanks for being so consistent. emoticonXGood 0,in 'the idea of love' lies lead to love 0,"d23's adam sanderson sees social media, digital technology as the smart way to grow disney's official fan club" 0,activists: isis militants kill over 100 in attack on syrian regime-held area 0,what this ceo did proves that introverts make great leaders 1,"trump insists that now, more than ever, americans must stand strong in face of empathy" 0,Well he HAS admitted he can't prove his belief. I guess that posting here would admit his false dichotomies that it's either literal genesis or evolution are false and god knows the world will end when that happens. Super admitting he's wrong? Never going to happen. 0,rachel maddow stands by her trump tax reporting 1,"Seems that there are a lot of his ""boys"" on the opposing ""team""." 0,growing up in transylvania 1,The tooth fairy has a different function than the Easter bunny. 0,leadership matters: gratitude leads to greatness 0,florida teen apologizes for racist promposal sign 1,owner by far creepiest man in bar 0,"Chuz, the purpose of this summary is not to summarise your arguments as a whole - it is to summarise what your argument is up to this point. Why not post just a summary of your position so far, as you see it - I can do the same, then you can continue with your argument? There's no point in writing an argument, summarising it and then leaving the thread before I've had a chance to respond to even your argument (never mind your summary). If you are going to simply ignore any criticisms of your reasoning, then I struggle to see the point of you repeatedly requesting a one-on-one debate in the first place - you essentially regress your argument to the 'because I said so' that you are (presumably) hoping to avoid, it's just that there's slightly more detail." 1,arby's releases barbara bush tribute edition curly fries 1,area love knows only court-ordered bounds 0,"I think I posted that awhile ago. Its huge BS. Thats like saying ""Civil rights hurt blacks"". Even though abortion may have some unwated side affects, its no where near the emotional and physical pain and suffering for the rest of your life than a forced pregnancy. Just goes to show that the pro-life movement is desperate." 0,Are you sure? What about animals that had a combination of both long and short hair. Such fur would function more efficiently as insulation that either long or short alone. 0,"while most small towns languish, some flourish" 1,Oh really? Then why don't you: 1) explain exactly how my second statement is wrong and 2) how the rest of your post was not an attempt to explain how you wrongly believed my statement to be wrong Here is your entire post: 1,"police chief says there just a few bad, deeply ingrained prejudices giving all cops a bad name" 1,supreme court justices brought to tears by heartfelt testimony of bigot who hates gay people 0,shocking gun ad by georgia gubernatorial candidate brian kemp backfires 1,phalanx of lawyers stares hungrily from back cover of phone book 1,"Then God should have used someone they trusted and respected to deliver that message. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,second-semester fling leads to first-trimester abortion 0,"jack lew nears decision to keep hamilton on front of $10 bill, put a woman on the $20" 1,"historical archives: civil war pre-enactors have stage'd ""battle of bull run""" 1,pair of 26-year-olds hit it off after learning they have student loans from same bank 1,So you think that ID is actually Christanity? [quote]But in usual fashion you will claim it is me who doesn't understand when it is you who must corrupt the truth with the lies and distortions you tell. 1,"kroger recalls 35,000 pounds of ground beef that may contain ceo" 0,trump won't stop joking about dating his daughter 0,9 things that will kill your career 0,mitch mcconnell rules out 'lame duck' action on supreme court 0,elizabeth warren reveals why she just had to attend donald trump's inauguration 0,hawaii becomes the 7th state to legalize medically assisted suicide 0,8 life lessons you can learn from bruce springsteen 1,new law determines bullets no longer responsibility of owner once fired from gun 0,twitter users blast donald trump for using hurricane harvey 'as political cover' 0,the best of paris fashion week street style 1,mom really funny today 0,sean bean's role in 'game of thrones' was much bigger than you thought 1,nba ref petrified after seeing depiction of own death while looking under replay hood 0,jimmy kimmel uses theater to make sense of donald trump's border troops plan 1,"Yeah, they should only teach the sexual positions the Pope would approve of." 1,republican establishment quietly relieved party no longer their responsibility 1,sports banquet ends in trophy fight 0,"No, but in some cultures they mutilate them for meaningless tradition." 0,"astronaut tim peake completes london marathon in space, sets world record" 0,rise of walking for fun & fitness as a social trend 1,nhl fines ozzie guillen just to see if he'll pay 1,terrifying server whole-heartedly cares about guests' dining experience 1,grandson has long hair 0,these simple facebook shortcuts will save you time 1,"honest, hardworking man leans against reliable pickup truck" 0,friday's morning email: flynn reportedly wants immunity 1,"Well nobody has turned up the Ark have they, termites could assure that if properly used. After 40 days and more they would be ravenous." 0,the wealthiest have a private tax system that saves them billions 0,more than 200 demonstrators arrested during may day rallies in paris 1,"'no, no, dear god no,' mumbles powerball presenter after drawing pitch-black ball" 0,report: algerian militant killed in u.s. strike targeting al qaeda operatives in libya 1,elderly man feeling useless in retirement wishes he could go back to feeling useless at work 1,4 billion years of evolution unable to prevent area man from drooling on self 0,"tiq milan opens up about trans male visibility, his advocacy work and liberation" 1,"Somehow, I knew that one would sound sexist. You are, of course, absolutely right. Touchy little thing, aren't you? emoticonXAngel" 0,it's time to tell the truth about motherhood 1,hypochondriac convinced patient has cancer 1,"LMAO and where has been your outrage at GOP politicians cheating? Ensign, Bart Stupak? COME ON LMAO!!!! Your hypocrisy is so damn funny Easilyridden! REPENT!!" 0,that's my daddy: two moms figure out how to tell the truth about their family 1,"Well actually I have not seen your point of view expressed anywhere but on these forums. Seems to me if its rising to ascendancy at least ONE scientist somewhere would have recently at least mentioned it. Quick search reveals NO mentions at all. Of course if you say its displacing NDS then I guess I will have to agree - you being a well known biologist and all, but I remain perhaps a bit irrationaly skeptical." 0,3 networking tips for your summer weekends 0,7 poses to help you keep your new year's intentions 0,aliens might be way bigger than we ever imagined 0,university of texas professors sue to block guns in classrooms 0,classified america 0,will ferrell is really pumped about the usa-germany game 1,man's genetic predisposition for heart disease no match for 10 half-assed push-ups he does couple times a week 1,hair weave shaved off 0,"Cases v United States, 131 F. 2d 916 (1st Cir. 1942), cert. Denied sub nom., Velazquez v. U.S, 319 U.S. 770 (1943). Basically, The US Curcuit Court upheld that the Second Amendment didn't apply to weapons that couldn't be carried by an individual." 1,report: more travelers avoiding long lines at airport thanks to cinnabon precheck memberships 0,obama orders flags at half-staff to honor victims of oregon shooting 1,restaurant fires pizza-delivery dog 0,immigrant youth give dianne feinstein 'donald trump award' 0,"The logic we use to make statements about reality is derived from the way we observe material things behaving, and that logic is not immutable. Quantum physics demonstrates the fundamentally uncertain nature of reality at very tiny scales: the 'law of excluded middle' in particular taking it firmly in the shorts. Given that logic can vary on such a simple metric as physical scale, your argument is starting to look more than a bit frayed at the edges :)" 0,princess charlotte is 'bonding' quite a lot with new baby brother 0,the inspiration of muhammad ali: a black-american muslim perspective 0,"Yes, homo habilus was a monkey. I've been telling people that for years." 1,report: maid of honor not even that good of friends with bride 0,here are some of the best photos from obama's trips to the 50 states 0,the drag queen world series: everything you need to know! 1,embittered raisin won't shut up about how it could have been wine 1,top snake handler leaves sinking huckabee campaign 0,watch nicki minaj's surprise performance with the weeknd on 'snl' 1,"Said like a lazy, ignorant person who would rather live off the sweat of others than go out and earn for himself." 1,small-town sheriff has actually killed surprising amount of people 1,extension cord on stage steals spotlight from jeb bush during campaign rally 0,someone made a $13 bacon cheeseburger-stuffed glazed donut 1,risk champ flunks geography test 1,And we have an emotional post with no substance whatsoever. I'm sure your twin will be checking in soon. I think I'll keep a count of this type of post. 1,"Ahh. Now I see why you turned into an agnostic, if you even believed Christianity in the first place." 1,marketing scientists successfully map the human heartstrings 1,shadow government attracts shadow protesters 0,trump and clinton characters to appear on 'american horror story' 0,robert e. lee was not an 'honorable man.' he was a white supremacist traitor 1,new nervous-energy drink recreates feeling of waiting for girl to call 1,"OOH bitchy ay? Its worse than I thought you actually dont know your a*se from your mouthemoticonXClown " 1,subsidiary publication recommends you see parent corporation's movie 0,"at least 1,400 homes destroyed in california wildfires" 1,new evidence suggests president george washington sent woodcut of penis to secretary 1,trump unveils reelection campaign plan to drive bus into crowds across country 0,"If you paid attention the BATFE said so. Yes but some people don't want to close the borders. They prefer no border controls." 1," it isn't real so it can't be true. That folks is because like the creationist's bible the darwinist academic literature is the source and well-spring of all possible TRUTH.**Big surprise since I'm vastly outnumbered here too. Good thing that reality truth sanity and rightness are not matters of democratic vote and popularity contests. I guess. Except among you darwinists of course.**No it has not despite what you and your girlfriend say. And whether it supports my POV as I believe it does is not the point. The point is that my POV is valid scientific and becoming increasingly accepted while your darwinist boat riddled with leaks and worm holes from day one is finally being allowed to sink to the bottom without further plugging up and bailing out."" Wabbits should stick to wettuce... science is beyond their ability to digest! " 1,"I'm sure the response is that He could. But, y'know, God's a real XXX sometimes... (Besides, who do you think used His uber-complex biochemical engineering skills to create the prions responsible for FFI, anyway?)" 1,"poll shows majority of americans can't blame congress for the shutdown, not with those adorable faces they can't" 0,greece rescues hundreds of migrants from sinking ship off crete 1,scott pruitt orders epa employees to stay in office over weekend while it's being fumigated 1,mueller poses as fox news host to coax rudy giuliani into giving him testimony on trump 1,'i am under 18' button clicked for first time in history of internet 0,report: revolving door gave goldman access to fed secrets 1,a&e biography host peter graves comes out in ellen-inspired ratings grab 1,man unknowingly purchases lifetime supply of condoms 0,tomi lahren's show reportedly suspended from theblaze after pro-choice remarks 0,code word: is 'arrogant' the new 'uppity'? 0,terry mcauliffe defends hillary clinton's 'dead broke' comment 0,latina student who filmed 'build a wall' chant speaks out about backlash 1,comic-con opens with traditional superhero flyover 1,daily spin class only thing keeping mom from driving car full of kids into ocean 0,"prince cremated, private ceremony held with family and friends" 1,"If we were to debate whether God made us perfect as he could have, then of course we can make the point that he obviously doesn't exist." 1,newly sworn-in north korean official wondering how he'll eventually be executed 0,how to rekindle a lost passion in your life 0,safeguarding america's health system from sabotage 0,that drone skirmish with china? it was over before donald trump's first mean tweet. 0,"pence calls trump a 'builder of boundless optimism,' compares him to teddy roosevelt" 1,russian orphans devastated after realizing trump tower meeting not about getting them adopted 1,"I wonder if I can convince a judge that all other legal documents should be read in an ""enlightened"" way. I can perhaps get out of contracts and speeding tickets if I just show them the light and error of their ways! Your supercilious post amazes me." 1,"Exactly, because it's not just an issue of 'her body'. What she does (the smoker) affects other people. Thanks for missing the point. " 1,evangelical haggard claims he was molested by republican congressman 0,the truth about being 40 1,barbara bush calls white house to see if she can leave husband there for few hours 1,"whatever happened to the unborn baby? No consulting him or her I guess. Even though the unborns body is being is the one being torn apart. " 0,gop health care bill disinvests in women's health 0,clinton can win 45 states 1,new co-op airline offers cheaper fares if you help fly the plane 0,republican senator asks if trump is recanting his oath of office 0,what's leaving netflix in may 2016? 0,"Actually I really don't depend on the entertainment industry to give me a realistic picture of anything. I highly recommend you don't, either. What I know about gay people is from knowing gay people." 1,superstitious man puts bag of trash outside house every thursday 0,jake tapper grills gop senator: 'you gave me and anderson cooper a huge tax break' 0,16 days of activism: combating the global scourge of child marriage 0,house chaplain who prayed about gop tax bill fired by paul ryan 0,photographers from 186 countries compete in worldwide competition 1,cnn technicians rush to empty wolf blitzer's urine tank midway through election coverage 0,teen jumps on whale shark like it's nbd 0,peru's presidential election shows a narrow lead for kuczynski 1,"You are going to need to be very specific here buckwheat: Exactly how did you deduce that I think I am so much better than you? And please, be brief." 1,magazine correctly judged by its cover 0,more than meets the eye with tony awards frontrunner christopher jackson of 'hamilton' 0,this group is bringing tampons and pads to evacuees in louisiana 0,the lesbians that founded the gay village and the mafia alliance they made for protection 1,So you evolved and the aryan race was created by God? I have never heard that before. 0,is it wrong to outfox an airline at its own game? 0,washington d.c. officer shoots woman carrying knife 0,michael phelps recreates his 'angry michael phelps face' on 'the tonight show' 1,"Hey Dane, you're real good at calling people ignorant, sanctimoniously declaring everything they say as false, blatantly false, or falsehoods. But would it be too much to ask for you to back up your rejection of berts arguments with anything more than insults? Like some actual facts for example?" 0,"Indeed. And that fact makes the old creationist plum about how evolutionary theory is dogmatic or that evolutionary biologists aren't allowed to disagree with ""standard"" theory a laugh. Clearly, evolutionary biologists disagree and those disagreements are published openly. Science makes progress by questioning and disagreement." 1,pepperidge factory farm under fire for inhumane treatment of milanos 0,"18-19 year olds anyway. It's still illegal for over the counter under the age of 18. Wait a minute, I fail to see how it not being availible will affect teenagers doing it or not." 1,"supreme court leaves final decision on gay marriage in capable hands of texas, alabama, georgia" 0,top republican says hillary clinton's health 'fair game' 0,'saturday night live' can't use language as bad as trump's 0,how paul ryan won over every house republican (except for one) 1,nation's men holding acoustic guitars announce plan to idly strum while you try to talk to them 0,"someone inserted beyonce into famous paintings, and it's just as glorious as it sounds" 0,u.s. federal judge orders ohio to restore early voting for general election 1,report: attempting to prove masculinity results in over 8 million pulled muscles per year 1,heavily starched shirt only thing keeping larry king upright 1,almost no one noticing officials doing corrupt thing 1,I guess it's okay to lie for Jesus just so long as He ain't intently watching. 0,janet jackson addresses split and says she's resuming tour 1,email from mom sent at 5:32 a.m. 1,area man glad his brother is giving mom grandkids 0,"revolutionary advances in abortion access: why not in the u.s., too?" 0,wednesday's morning email: what the georgia special election results mean for the gop 0,I think the energy( essence of the human life) always was 1,obama narrowly survives carnivorous section of rose garden 0," Radiocarbon dating has been repeatedly tested, demonstrating its accuracy. It is calibrated by tree-ring data, which gives a nearly exact calendar for more than 11,000 years back. It has also been tested on items for which the age is known through historical records, such as parts of the Dead Sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb (MNSU n.d.; Watson 2001). Multiple samples from a single object have been dated independently, yielding consistent results. Radiocarbon dating is also concordant with other dating techniques (e.g., Bard et al. 1990)." 0,"Not if they give him the death penalty, then it's apeals till your ears bleed." 1,"fear of being alone, ticking biological clock wed in beautiful outdoor ceremony" 1,bush to sacrifice own life for good of nation 0,kitten valiantly attempts high five 1,cartoon peppers on menu a foreboding warning to all who would dare order spicy entrees 0,how to travel milan in just one day 1,grey parrot disappointed to discover rest of aviary a bunch of idiots 0,megan fox is white hot on the red carpet 0,"3 miami dolphins players kneel during anthem, reversing team policy" 1,"idf soldier recounts harrowing, heroic war story of killing 8-month-old child" 1,"Oh boy,,.. I got ignored with a potty remark. Why is that not surprising?" 1,You betcha. Even JP who usually can defend such stuff has failed. VOR doesn't even bother (not surpisingly consider it requires brain usage) The mere fact they let him do that is damning aganist the Vatican. 0,"viral photo captures incredible moment between police officer, homeless man" 0,chicago is fighting climate change no matter what trump says 1,morning after morning after pill re-impregnates guilt-ridden women 0,what we found at 'the end of the tour' 1,I didn't know that doctors have the constitutional right to perform abortions. What provision in the Constitution guarantees that right? 1,john ashcroft: 'obey' 0,hillary clinton: college costs are 'outrageously high' 0,missouri democrats filibuster for 39 hours to stop anti-gay 'religious freedom' bill 0,this is how 'fuller house' will explain the the olsen twins' absence 0,here are some of the best signs from the equality and resist marches 0,Simple. The big government people will tell you that it's in everybody's best interest. The criminals will just kill you without debate. 0,"Nothing ""proves"" evolution. However, there's an overwhelming amount of evidence that supports evolution." 1,report: many americans not watching enough television to make worthwhile contribution to small talk 0,"feeling the heat in alabama's senate race, luther strange calls for filibuster change" 0,ronaldo's abs are the champions of europe 1,local pet store sells living things to just anyone off the street 0,annie mumolo talks funny women and the possibility of a 'bridesmaids' sequel 0,dwayne 'the rock' johnson shows his nurturing side in hilarious video 0,assessing our children to death 0,trump celebrates national parks — after proposing to slash their funding 1,2-year-old unaware he's basis for 6 couples' decisions not to have kids 0,beyond the bounds of conservation 0,"But same-sex marriage is NOT a fundamental right at this point. THAT'S what up for vote in the first place. You are assuming the premise before the premise has even been decided. If a non-handicapped person gets mad because they aren't getting disability and others' are, and those who prefer to protect disability try to do so by putting it to a vote, it's pretty disingenuous for the non-handicapped person to say ""voting on fundamental rights like disability is fundamentally flawed"". Disability may be a fundamental right for some people, but the issue is whether or not it is for ALL people." 0,harris wittels wasn't scared to laugh 1,abc announces ellen will come out in every episode 1,barber just latest in string of humans to feign interest in what area man says 1,area man released after being wrongfully employed for 9 years 1,pro-sanders phillie phanatic places masking tape reading 'silenced' over honker 1,frugal star wars fan camping out in front of 99-cent theater 1,"guillermo del toro: 'in today's society, the true monsters are the horrifying, flesh-eating gargoyles'" 1,jogger clearly on first run of plan to turn life around 1,"Bravo, Penfold! You are the neatest pricker of balloons with the shortest of needles whom I have come across! -" 1,great mosque of mecca hosts annual christmas tree lighting 0,"obama believes black lives matter, but he didn't say it at his final state of the union" 0,newtown victim's animal sanctuary dream becomes a reality 1,"depraved candidate struggling to support $100,000-a-day advertising habit" 0,police officer goes extra mile for kid whose elf on the shelf got stolen 1,conspiracy theorist starting to think racism may be institutionalized in america 1,"study finds swans only other animals who mate for few years, get scared, end things, then regret it" 0,look: the ultimate tiny home is in a dumpster 1,constrictive dress severs rachel mcadams at waist 0,most of trump's voters don't think he's changed since taking office 0,goliath opens his wallet: a new era for cuba and the united states 0,bollywood superstar sridevi dies at 54 of cardiac arrest 1,auto industry agrees to install brakes in suvs 0,is the media selling or telling: how perception management works in israel's war on gaza 0,"'insane' as today's u.s.-russia situation may be, trump and putin don't matter to fx's 'the americans'" 1,mitt romney jots down ideas for concession speech while obama talks 0,There are real families that are effected by this. It is very sad. What's even more sad is that those that approved the admendment was told exactly what would happen and they still pushed for it and approved it. This is not christian by any means. 0,Both. It's where a human life begins but not a life yet. 0,"So, a human-mother is equal to the abilities/wisdom of God now? - Interesting thing: How many mothers do *you* know, who can successfully *champion* a person (hiding in coma-states of mind)? Annie" 0,house (anti)science panel preps 'making the epa great again' hearing 0,Hehe. Putting political messages on such things seems retarded to me though. -Wez 0,taxpayer costs for arias' defense top $2.7 million 0,the redheads are coming! the redheads are coming! 1,"that's fine, area girlfriend to see 'anna karenina' when visiting mom over christmas" 1,And I would appreciate your refraining from calling your mythology a theory. 0,watch live: grammy award winner timbaland discusses memoir 1,rex tillerson blindsided by news he still works for state department 0,The main incentive for a male child is that in China you can only have one child without severe penalties and a female child means the family name is lost. 1,"man from chippewa falls, wisconsin hates when people from eagle point claim to be from chippewa falls" 0,poll finds little opposition to confirming neil gorsuch 1,"zoning committee meets, zones a bunch of shit" 1,75% of party trolley defaulting on student loans 0,hoosier hostility: not the american way 1,'fox & friends' denounces bombing suspect as overenthusiastic fan whose heart basically in right place 0,kit harington just made his proposal to rose leslie sound pretty nsfw 0,6 things you need to know about the nation's strictest medical weed law 1,"mom wants to know if you could use grandma's antique, 12-person dining room table in your studio apartment" 1,elena kagan asked straight up: 'you got what it takes?' 0,sandra bland swallowed or smoked 'large quantity of marijuana' in jail: da 0,palestinians and standing rock native americans share a struggle for justice 1,study: 25-foot-tall asian women remain underrepresented in media 1,Nice excuse? You mean you want an excuse to have dessert without dinner? 0,5 mistakes moms make when setting new year's resolutions 0,remembering lynn walker huntley 1,gop quick to point out that michael cohen was merely rnc's deputy finance chairman 1,frustrated republicans argue pope should leave science to scientists who deny climate change 1,man with 20 rifles can't remember if his goal to start or stop violent overthrow of government 1,"whoa, vacuum got something pretty big under couch" 1,citizens to vote on young or old reagan for $15 bill 0,happy pride: here are barbra streisand and anne hathaway slaying 'at the ballet' 0,amandla stenberg is fearless and awesome in 'dazed' magazine 1,nation baffled by childless woman who doesn't even have high-powered career 1,girl finally speaking up enough for people to critique her speaking voice 0,kerry washington just summed up what we're all thinking about mental health 0,"Actually it is the creationists who don't know what they are talking about. If they wish to talk about cosmology, then by all means talk about it. Just don't pretend that anything discusses has any bearing on evolutionary theory." 1,palm tree fires off warning coconut 1,high school students line up for school oil portrait day 1,ryan handed romney's latest political positions before walking on stage 1,chuck norris fighting for everyone who can't fight back 1,report: mothers not paying attention to 80% of cool things nation's boys do 1,I guess it is a bad thing to make his wife cry but the republicans can make any hatefilled statement of attack against gay and lesbian americans and that is ok. 0,"clarence thomas sexually harassed me. yes, he should be impeached." 1,"italy, japan advance to g8 finals" 1,nation unable to recall if trump said he'd personally fund abortion bombings or if that just sounds right 0,how really bad cgi almost ruined '80s disney horror flick 'watcher in the woods' 0,palestinians suspicious of al-aqsa surveillance promoted by kerry 1,Look who uses profane language; And you claim I'm regressing ! emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken 0,michelangelo the teenage mutant ninja turtle went to the met to see michelangelo 0,"students march for their lives as trump chills at golf course, largely ignores them" 0,jimmy fallon will host the 2017 golden globes 0,watch: clearing world anger 1,report: it would be a real shame if something were to happen to you 1,'underground railroad' carries slaves from brooklyn to manhattan 1,vending-machine snack fails to deploy 1,I have an avatar? And I wasn't born in 1990. Remember what the say about assumptions... 0,the internet and social media: how to disconnect 1,class of '88 reunion attendees once again trick sue thorpe into thinking jeff urban likes her 0,paralyzed dog couldn't be happier to get a second chance at walking 1,nation planning surprise party to cheer up conor oberst 1,drooling imbecile rocks back and forth in delight while watching arby's clap back at burger king on twitter 1,being older than daughter babysitter's only qualification 1,the titanic scenario: could it really happen? 0,"And yet they also claim other reasons ... fraud and $, which I was addressing." 1,LOL! That's a great intellectual argument! Slackers and Social Evolution. emoticonXClown 1,graffiti artist completes masterwork 'still life of marijuana leaf' 1,genuine happiness now seen only on game shows 0,eurostar to start offering direct trips between london and amsterdam 1,employee worries coworker's computer screen may be larger 0,rupert murdoch says ben carson would be a 'real black president' 0,four simple tips to make your engagement session rock 1,presence of three round objects triggers juggling reflex in local man 0,16 states back a lawsuit to block anti-planned parenthood measure 0,joe biden backed bills to make it harder for americans to reduce their student debt 0,"The problem here is the translation from Hebrew to English. In Hebrew the translation was ""seven pairs"" in the English translation we wrote it as ""seven"". No contradictions there." 0,The article is saying that it was genetic changes. Changes in genes encoding certain transcription factors is what caused changes in the expression of other genes. 0,"Do you mean like Piltdown Man? It was displayed there for 40 years. ""The Eoanthropus dawsoni, or Piltdown Man, was on display at the Natural History Museum in London for 40 years. It was removed when advanced dating techniques not only showed that the bones were only a few hundred years old, but that some of them weren't even human."" Do you guarantee that all of the other displays at the Museum are true? No, of course not. Many other things there said to be 'true' are only 'true' in a transient sense of the word (that only science seems to use) Suggests that Piltdown Man had good science behind it, at the time. Never-the-less the Natural History Museum provides many examples of artistic licence, such as the 'human-like' hand given to a restoration of Australopithecus, displayed at the museum. ""Shattering the Myths of Darwinism"", p205" 1,plan 'l' switched to 1,military aides try to cheer up kim jong-un after failed missile launch by putting on surprise execution 0,And they could have experienced more without gun control. You're jumping to conclusions. 0,"jane lynch covers 'anaconda' -- yes, really!" 1,rachel maddow claims new audio damning enough to pad out entire week's worth of shows 0,why exercising your sense of humor is so important 1,shakira just not feeling up to jiggling ass today 1,"republican party, average working joe bid one another adieu until 2012" 0,why people really buy fur 1,congress votes to intervene in local wedding 0,"if you want to read this book, you'll have to buy an ipad" 0,stan van gundy calls himself out for his past use of term 'posse' 1,And what is so special about religion that give people special rights for a choice? I say no special rights for religion. 1,georgia school board bans 'theory of math' 0,nobel prize winners demand better health care for victims of sexual violence in colombia 0,obesity swept the nation and now healthy schools are taking it back... with your help 0,nina garcia admits fashion industry has a 'huge' race problem 0,theater community receives death threats following 'julius caesar' controversy 1,I still haven't seen an adequate rebuttal to this. Why can't people marry themselves if they are in love with themselves? I must have missed your response. 0,student killed herself after university mishandled her rape report: suit 0,miss north dakota cara mund is crowned state's first-ever miss america 0,"iraqi troops retake the town of nimrud, near historic ruins, from isis" 1,nabisco discontinues wheat thicks 0,"The definition is vague, whether you use all 5 divisions of the definition, or only the first one that you quoted. I think that's what Grocott was saying - that it's not definable in a precise, non controversial way so that everyone can agree on exactly what it includes and what it does not. Even the word ""phenomena"" is vague. The reason I said (and maintain) that it's a murky combination of facts and theories is because it can branch off in different ways and follow different paths, depending on the presuppositions (worldviews) of those assigned the duty of directing it. In this case it's the teaching establishment. There is only a finite amount of instruction time in schools. Some paths get more time, attention, and detail allotted to them than do other paths. " 0,what the heart of a tiger looks like: faith instead of fear 1,aspiring legislator keeps sending unsolicited bills to house of representatives 0,'snl' version of angela merkel is not happy donald trump is time's 'person of the year' 1,defense department holds bake sale to buy bomber 1,"This just goes to prove that these nasty gays are maliciously infiltrating the military far more than we suspected (anyone would think they want to defend the country or something). But no, they just want to infect them with nasty squiggly crawly things. EEeew!! Look the SEALS must be a bunch of raving deviants. Quick, club the lot of them before this thing spreads.emoticonXRolleyes Er . . . *puts down burning cross and slinks into shadow*" 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 0,"why the comparison of gun owners yo violent killers and serial rapists? What law have I broken? Since we are doing comparisons your anti-freedom agenda is very similar to the bazi gun control laws of the 1930s, it is like the jim crow laws of the US. Your agenda is one of racism. This is insulting, ignorant, and shows your true colors as an enemy of freedom." 0,comedian bashes 'snl' for not casting an openly gay man in over 30 years 1,economists warn new graduates may have to tough it out for 5 to 6 weeks before landing dream job 0,kristen wiig crashes bill hader's 'snl' monologue 1,"1) It's on Jupiter. 2) It's on some planet we haven't discovered yet. 3) It's in Hawaii. How do I know this? Divination Obstinance Guesswork Madness Absolutism" 0,bill de blasio thinks he's proved his haters wrong when it comes to pre-k 1,unpopular high-schoolers downplay significance of prom 1,"Wow, someone with similar mental abilities (or rather disabilities) as Archie! emoticonXBounceremoticonXBounceremoticonXBounceremoticonXBouncer" 1,kavanaugh panicking after botching part of confirmation where he asked if he rejects satan 0,charlottesville goddam 0,"Quite frankly, you don't know squat about me. So stop trying to pretend you do.I have gone on record to say I think Christianity does a lot of good in the world.I have even tried to correct Matthew in his anti-Christian tirades. (Until I gave up realizing it would do no good... emoticonXFrazzled )I hate to break it to you, but the WORLD typically functions with people putting out negative news.You hear about how Joe XXXX broke the law.Do you ever hear about how Johnny Atlas keeps the law?emoticonXFrazzled" 1,cheney celebrates earth day by breathing oxygen 0,taylor swift wins video of the year for 'bad blood' at 2015 vmas 1,"experts recommend breaking down crushing defeats into smaller, more manageable failures" 0,gop lawmaker stands by claim that islam is 'a cancer' in america 0,domestic violence still not grounds for divorce in mississippi 1,turning point usa condemns unlv student for filming racist video in portrait mode 1,WOW and the republicans would never do anything like that now would they.......They would never impeach a president over a BJ now would they? 0,It's still not right for religious people to have to never speak their beliefs. It's a form of tyranny. 0,"blackberry still exists, and it's doing alright" 1,area woman morbidly fit 0,poll: some would choose 'meteor hitting the earth' over trump or clinton 0,here's how to tell if hillary clinton will keep her promises on trade 1,giuliani spotted sleeping on new york city subway 1,I wasn't aware that the candidates were the ones allowed to ask the debate questions. emoticonXConfused 1,"Is he anti gay? Yes so they are all in the same boat and cut from the same hatefilled, homophobic, bigoted, christianist cloth." 1,ozzy wins tickets to ozzfest 1,vin diesel will finally kiss car in 'fast & furious 6' 1,donut shop's mission statement awfully ambitious 1,family enters crisis talks after learning restaurant has 45-minute wait 0,one of the last original tuskegee airmen instructors dies at 96 0,"And for years they did. They still can. Again, there is not a real problem with pirates." 0,"this is what super mario looks like without hair, and people are freaked out" 1,man had no idea cough was going to be wet one 0,top north korean aide in charge of negotiating with south korea dies 1,depends on when the baby bird died. run along little boy..let the adults debate. 1,"Yeah the Freedumb that consistenty trounces you just about everytime you ' debate' lol. Although you are too much of a dimwit to see it. What next are you going to calll me Steeeve ( who does the same) next time you try to be bitchy? emoticonXDonno" 1,letter from employer thankfully omits balls-copying incident 1,bratz movie accidentally released 1,corpses of 'lone ranger' producers hung from hollywood blvd. street lights as warning to others 0,we must increase food aid during time of famine 1,"deep down, area man knows he's not done vomiting" 1,experts praise upcoming 'sonic' movie for accurate depiction of hedgehogs 0,you don't need god to have a life purpose: rabbi 0,rattlesnakes have been observed 0,"Yes, it is very hard, even for theologians, to explain." 1,list of things man wants to do before he dies just list of tv shows 1,elderly woman begins freezing meals husband can eat while she's passed away 0,these medical marvels are proof science is amazing 0,identity theft and credit card fraud... who is really at risk? 0,let's talk about solar power and equity 0,workers at donald trump's las vegas hotel vote to unionize 1,cocktail party gets as wild as it's going to get 0,nestle to switch to cage-free eggs in u.s. by 2020 1,rick steves cleaned out by gypsies 1,flu vaccine recalled due to defective government tracking microchips 1,eyes removed in violent yearbook attack 1,panicked newborn didn't realize breathing would be on apgar test 0,watch: why mirrors flip things sideways but not upside down 0,immigration officials asking about fourth-grader turned away by nyc school 1,fbi chief releases composite sketch of dream house 0,friday talking points -- utter foolishness 0,samantha bee launches global 'apology race' tour to say sorry for donald trump 1,"And we all know when you say ""We"" you mean your buddies the Mormons and their Money are the ones voting down such bills.. It's just a matter of time before people start to wake up. Once they realize they've been duped by an invisible man they'll do the right thing and give gay people their rights. " 1,woman with low self-esteem boosts area man's self-esteem 0,james corden making major changes to show after london attacks 1,"Hermeneutics: A three dollar word not worth a plugged nickle. Shake the hermeneutics tree and liberal Christians fall out. It is--to me anyway--the last bastion, the final trench between stubborn faith and a free mind. Here's the recipe for practicing hermeneutics (a fanciful word for interpretation): Put in pan, sprinkle heavily with liberal interpretation, flip 180 degrees once, and serve immediately before anyone knows what they're being fed. " 0,5 ways to make your words more powerful 1,bush elected president of iraq 0,"the death of fake reality television, the birth of 'connected'" 1,report: nation secretly hoping dads die first 0,the 11 most outrageous celebrity outfits of 2015 1,women in hollywood perfectly okay they not represented behind the scenes of 'the blacklist' 0,if the clippers win the nba championship does racism win as well? 1,police uncover talk-show-guest mill in rural kentucky 1,biologists announce they're all done with rodents 1,u.s. middlemen demand protection from being cut out 1,family thought grandfather might enjoy watching worst little league game imaginable 0,cnn's charlottesville coverage shows its deep bench of pro-trump pundits 1,friends star spontaneously shown attending televised nbc sporting event 0,france takes first step toward world cup redemption 1,culinary world stunned as horse meat found at 3-star michelin restaurant the horse & pony 1,woman jealous of horse's eyelashes 1,"Actually the defending of ATF wouldn't do much with regular guns since they have little to do with them. ATFs function is with NFA guns, which you probably know little, or nothing about." 0,'mudbound' oscar nominations place netflix in big leagues 0,top 15 travel spots for 2015 1,glowing ahmadinejad: 'i am the nuclear weapon we've been building' 0,hillary clinton gives emotional shoutout to daughter of slain sandy hook principal 0,ronnie wood says he worried it was 'time to say goodbye' after cancer diagnosis 0,huffpollster: indiana's gop primary will be a battle between demographics and economics 1,loveless marriage offset by beautiful four-bedroom home 0,ask the art professor: how can i make the transition to teaching art at the college level? 1,album that has nothing on fleetwood mac's 'rumours' wins grammy award 0,in your face: the hidden history of plastic surgery and why looks matter 0,big brothers big sisters honors nbc entertainment's jennifer salke with sherry lansing award 1,pastor going on little spiel about seeing how in love couple are despite not knowing them for very long 0,mexican presidential candidate calls for cutting off thieves' hands 1,coworker running ncaa tournament pool really relishing his one week of significance 0,grandma's halloween display shows the horrors of america's racism 1,poll: 89% of illegal immigrants would prefer path to corporate status 0,fox news guest says confederate and pride flags are 'the exact same thing' 1,supernatural powers vested in local pastor 0,amber tamblyn reveals she's expecting a baby girl in powerful essay about motherhood 1,struggling justice alito sent down to lower federal court 0,second-guessing obama's foreign policy 0,the surprising way your name can give away your age 0,is your relationship unhealthy? 2 questions to ask 1,oddsmakers say oakland raiders a long shot to finish season 1,scholars say constitution is open to differing interpretations because nobody can read that crazy script 0,bernie sanders is 'cautiously optimistic' about pulling off an iowa upset 0,the evolution of cannabis culture in washington d.c. 0,transgender troops are fighting for this country. will our country fight for them? 1,romney campaign releases new picture of candidate standing in situation room during bin laden raid 0,And I don't expect you to. The reason you won't go into how all men were created equal during reconstruction is because you cannot prove that all men are not created equal. 0,9 harrowing images that capture the lasting impact of sexual assault 1,employee totally crushes presentation of idea that will soon bankrupt company 0,angela merkel will seek fourth term as german chancellor 1,"Oh, is this an abortion trap? I thought it was really about the death penalty....." 1,"Say hello to my little friend! We the people, through our State Governments!" 0,a valentine like no other 0,you can finally get kendall and kylie jenner's new video game 1,woman judges cities solely by their airports 0,gothamist sites and dnainfo shut down after staffers unionize 1,"years of networking, glad-handing sabotaged by coworker's good idea" 0,"i want you, gentle reader, to lighten up!" 1,groundbreaking study finds gratification can be deliberately postponed 0,this chinese video ​explains​ why beijing rejects the south china sea ruling 0,trump-loving man throws tantrum at black starbucks employee over coffee 0,congresswoman says former congressman tried to force himself on her in elevator 0,lindsey graham booed at town hall for supporting neil gorsuch 1,first disk of rosetta stone hungarian just urges listeners to rethink this whole thing 0,could gucci's clueless co-opting of queercore inspire new resistance? 0,'out of sight': 360-degree film series on diseases the world ignores 0,"5 tv episodes that celebrate hanukkah, too" 0,john legend responds to wgn america's 'underground' cancellation 1,report: texting while driving okay if you look up every couple seconds 0,"The advantage is to the operators of the vessel being attacked. The attackers need to (a) keep the attacked vessel afloat (lest the operators drown) and (b) have living victims to ransom. The attacked, on the other hand, are not restricted at all in defending themselves. They don't even have to fire accurately. Just putting a few holes below the attacker's waterline will cause the attackers to slow down, take on water and sink." 1,"The stench of moral relativism is overwhelming. This terrorist act and the supporters of it should be suitably rewarded, good and hard." 1,fed-up brookstone body-massage chair now only entertaining serious buyers 1,data-entry clerk reapplies carmex at 17-minute intervals 0,"jailed over traffic tickets, this mother attempted suicide. here's how she got to that point." 1," He already gave you two, how much spoon feeding do you need? ""Hitler exterminating 11 million people is evil. But God exterminating all life except a handful of humans and animals isn't evil? Man legislating abortion is evil. But God commanding the Israelites to perform abortions on the Canaanites isn't evil?"" How many times did your God commit these quite specific acts?" 0,my picks for gospel winners at the grammys 0,Because Humphreys went out looking? How many should we allegedly find? 0,kushner doesn't want to give up his security clearance as john kelly cracks down: report 0,"I think the FSM threw these guys a bone. They cherrypicked which taxa would give them the most statistically significant results. If they were to expand the method to include more and more taxa, they'd see the Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Ramen." 0,coloradans who deregistered after trump request for voter data aren't signing up again 1,"Do you wish to be compared to a newly fertilized egg? Have you compared a human being to a zygote perhaps? How did it turn out? What if you did the comaprison from the point of view of an alien species with a different biology? Would you conclude that a zygote and a human being are equivalent?" 0,does your dog trust you enough to do this? 0,key california lawmaker steps down amid harassment claims 0,new yorkers dismayed at election results can seek out 'subway therapy' 1,"john henson, craig kilborn meet for historic smug-bastard summit" 0,michael douglas says his father kirk once thought he was a 'terrible' actor 0,get your quick and dirty arts education with haiku reviews 0,"ten years later, it's still gut-wrenching to look back at katrina footage" 0,I will stop quoting here. Don't want people to have too big a read. Actually ToE isn't all that random. To a certain degree yes. But Sexual Selection aka a part of the ToE. Dictates that when there is a benificial/attractive change. That change will be enhanced almost exponentially. Because the female of the species will be programmed to search for that and will carry the gene herself so will give it to her off spring. And the male will be more succesfull so produce more off spring. So no instant eyes or anything like that. I think that's what you were implying. Sorry for responding in Kronus's stead. I'm sure he can defend himself but I found it unjust the way you replied to his post and attacked it on foundations that you didn't have. 0,"cyclone debbie slams into australia, knocking out power to thousands" 0,poll worker injured by trump sign booby-trapped with razor blades 0,"Except several rligious organizations around the country have financed, and gathered signatures to put anti gay marriage amendments on the ballot. They have a religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. They have turned this belief into law regaurdless of the religious beliefs of gay people. Any one who has voted yes to place these amendments into state constitutions because they have a religious belief that excludes gay people from marriage has also imposed those religious beliefs upon gay people. In short I have been barred from marrying the person I love because someone else, that I do not know and who does not know me, has some sick religious belief." 0,minnesota to replace al franken with lt. gov. tina smith 1,"I forgot you support the NKorea government....yeah, it would be a triumph to you." 0,u.s. pushes security council for new north korea sanctions 0,Why do you find it necessary to fit observations to Genesis? or why it makes perfect sense to design creatures that resemble humans but have them evolve from things that look like apes? and so on? Are you saying that mankind is the original goal of evolution? 0,california marijuana businesses get their first commercial insurer 0,"new york post lobs gop endorsement to donald trump, because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" 1,vatican employees unable to relax at holiday party with pope around 0,the truly uncool thing 'transformers 5' does to anthony hopkins 1,"No, no, no. If humans were created 4,000 years ago, then the earth was created 4,000 years and a few days ago. At least try and get it right." 0,"If that's truly what the organization says, then it's a hypocrite of an organization." 0,'saving private ryan' actor tom sizemore arrested for domestic violence 1,cactus scientists recommend drinking 8 cups of water per year 0,how i navigated my first 7 years of sobriety 1,mannequins seem really in love 0,the 'dead poets society' spoof on 'saturday night live' was a gory bloodfest 1,"kavanaugh: 'i am not denying that ford was sexually assaulted in some alternate dimension, plane of existence'" 1,secretary of education under investigation for falsifying hall passes 1,"To this administration, Keynesian economics are conservative and FDR was a tightwad." 1,land before time vi released straight to landfill 0,j. k. rowling mocks donald trump with magical 'harry potter' taunt 1,part written specifically with sylvia saint in mind 0,"My mom can only trace her family back a few generations. By the time we get to the clan that lived in Ohio in the middle of the 19th century, the records get very confusing and very incomplete. By creationist logic, we must then accept that my ancestors, white Americans, were specially created in North America by God." 0,unhrc decay needs urgent treatment 0,who is qualified to sing at mariah carey's wedding? 'f**king nobody' 1,weak-willed coward changes opinion after learning he was wrong 1,mar-a-lago staff apologizes for letting in guest they just assumed was high-powered lobbyist trying to buy influence 0,artist merges genders with her late lover as ultimate artistic collaboration (nsfw) 1,"Really? Then why did you start off your little rant by admitting that ""...microevolution cannot be reasonably disputed."" Evolution has been observed, and that is a fact. Speciation in both plants and animals has been observed, and that is a fact. Apparently you don't know what a theory is. Might it not be wise to learn just a little about science before you make yourself look so foolish? Theories explain facts." 0,here's a highlight reel of sean spicer's bumbling from 'jimmy kimmel' 0,taylor swift thanks her 'boyfriend adam' during iheartradio music awards speech 0,donald trump's sacking of james comey is a test for republicans 1,"AAAAAAANK! Wrong! ""One of ours"" means that he hasn't broken the law. One cannot be ""one of ours"" if he cannot pass an FBI background check. Since murdering numerous people will definately put a crimp in one's chance of successfully passing, he stopped being ""one of ours"" and became ""one of yours""." 1,casinos getting people to play longer by telling them rest of civilization destroyed 0,judge blocks federal government from enforcing transgender guidance in schools nationwide 0,Surely this question be easy enough to answer. Any rational thinking thiest want to give my question a shot? 1,super fan attends screening of 'infinity war' dressed as marvel's vp of marketing 0,shinto priestess killed by brother during sword attack at tokyo shrine 0,"First of all, it's not a precedent. this is the seventh or eighth state where a higher court has found anti-gay discrimination in marriage unconstitutional. Secondly, when so many rulings go in this direction, it can hardly be called ""lawlessness"". It's a call for lawful, constitutional interpretation of statutes.It takes extraordinary intellectual dishonesty to pretend there is some ""agenda"" at work. These decisions are the consequence of two things: our long history of rationally applying those silly words about equality that folks smarter than this generation of politicians put in the Constitution AND a long-term correction of the misunderstandings of what homosexuality IS and what its consequences are.I know you don't personally believe it, but there is nothing wrong with us." 0,here's your chance to attend kobe bryant's last game 0,eu countries fall way short of meeting refugee relocation goals 1,scott bakula jumps into mccain's body just before election 0,once again: can a mission-driven nonprofit be blindsided? 1,raid on nacho-supremacist compound uncovers guacamole-making materials 0,see the most intense 'secret in their eyes' trailer yet 0,the women's march inspired them to run. now they're unseating gop men. 0,missouri bill redefines hot lobbyist-on-lawmaker action as a 'gift' 1,"""I don't know; just like I do with everything else, I pretend it's not a problem for my indefensible beliefs."" emoticonXRolleyes" 1,household death toll climbs to one 0,"Do you believe that the freedom to not participate in any religion whatsoever is not covered by the expression ""Freedom of Religion""?" 0,lady gaga set to perform david bowie tribute at the grammys 1,report: lake ice grows safer to venture out on with each beer consumed 1,congress debates coolness of rush 1,"Yes, necessarily for YOUR genocidal rantings. But not for actual reality. " 0,"Pandion has already pointed out that this isn't a theory, it's a mode of wishful thinking. More damagingly, however, if you examine it for more than a moment it doesn't even fulfill the role you give it. You say 'many things in nature make no sense without God', but how do god's origins and nature make sense? Where did he/she/it spring from? All you do by invoking god as an 'explanation' is push the problems one step further back. The god hypothesis may look like an explanation, but it is not." 1,soldier back home from serving at mexico border still having nightmares about being used as political prop 1,10-year-old denies girl-liking allegations 1,charles durning hocks up four-pound chunk of phlegm 1,idiotic tree keeps trying to plant seeds on sidewalk 1,nation admits it always a little bored by whole jimmy hoffa thing 1,mike pompeo startled after seeing 'beware of hubris' scrawled in oil on bathroom mirror 1,fema officials panic after accidentally evacuating 1 million residents in direction of hurricane 1,cat who seems a little grumpy today dying of esophageal cancer 0,world bank poised to deny africa's indigenous peoples their rights 0,"a gop congressman wouldn't meet with constituents, so a democrat came instead" 1,paul ryan awaiting soulcycle instructor's approval before accepting speaker role 1,14-word diet stretched to 200 pages 1,visiting parents unknowingly strike up conversation with parents of dorm's blowjob queen 1,clinton consults surgeon general on behalf of friend curious about homosexuality 1,mom wants to know if the people who live in your apartment building are nice 1,study: american intestinal bacteria most obese in world 0,You're working at the wrong end of the problem. We need young to survive. It's the old that are expendable. 0,"You lost this debate Skeptic, why drag it back up again? There are plenty of other subjects that we could debate instead. Pick one of them and let's debate again. Alternatively, how about a formal debate on ID in which you never once mention Behe? That'll be a completely different one and worth considering." 0,fourth graders suspended after plotting to kill teacher with hand sanitizer 1,studio audience wants show to be over 1,"Oh, i thought ""bullet"" was some sort of slang term. Never mind." 0,wanda hallburton's gps guide for positive self-talk 0,the fashion world mourns joan rivers 1,sabra hummus: cedar's hummus lacks experience necessary to become america's no. 1 hummus 0,donald trump uses fbi email announcement to attack hillary clinton in new ad 1,"All I can say is that they have to catch me first. Besides, what would Macy's do with my kneecaps anyway? They would really have to beautify my kneecaps after they get them off of me. They would probibly turn them into porsilin and give them away this Christmas. And by give them away, I mean sale them for thirty-five dollars. Hey, if it's the Macy's in New York, thirty-five dollars would be just giving it away. Actually, I'd like to avoid a sacrificial offering because that would just be to bloody, even if I am putting this post on here on Halloween. And as far as Amanda, well, to quote Sammy Hagar, ""I'll Fall In Love Again."" See, I need my alphabetical music. I am a rock and roll nerd." 0,problems with your pokemon go app? check this site for more info. 1,whole museum visit spent feeling guilty about moving on from paintings 1,protesters ignored 1,concerned text from mom ​gleefully ​mocked like ramblings of village idiot 1,mgm releases gala sixth-anniversary edition of son-in-law 1,bin laden returns to sea 0,"oh no, mr. bill!" 0,trump holds third real press conference 0,why tens of thousands of people are signing up for this online happiness course 0,donald trump picks elaine chao to lead department of transportation 1,gingrich privately regretting not doing 'more jew stuff' on florida campaign trail 1,Said the person who has boobs danging in an avatar. The crazy thing is that gay rights are considered debate fodder at all. 1,religious conservatives argue adam and eve would never have been banished from eden if they'd had guns 1,"Do a little math here: Minus: 500,000 est, who marched in this protest. Leaves at LEAST 39,500,000 who did NOT march. Further into the article: Read it for yourself." 1,"sole remaining lung filled with rich, satisfying flavor" 1,departing bo obama lands k street lobbyist position 0,watch: tennis star mirjana lucic-baroni delivers the world's greatest motivational speech 0,now you can reserve a table at taco bell's test kitchen 0,this muffuletta dip is the one recipe you need to make this weekend 0,ikea australia's response to kanye west's collaboration request is absolutely perfect 0,do (strawberry) blondes really have more fun? 0,"Bet the crime rate skyrockets,but I wonder what happens if you (officers)just put a bullet in them, you know for resisting arrest? Who does that pinhead mayor remind you of?emoticon_rolleyes" 1,obama lays out plan to achieve lasting peace talks in middle east 1,report: 23% of population just sort of like that 1,love for jesus inspires honk 1,baby doesn't realize it's a white supremacist yet 1,previous tenant clearly not bothered by mildew 1,peter strzok summoned before congress again for texts calling trey gowdy 'a pissy little shithead' 0,protester heckles joe biden over son's death from brain cancer 1,nra calls for more common-sense gun deaths 0,what might have been; treaties and nation-building 0,"I'm thinking this is the section of the Iowa Constitution the media will be talking about next: Unlike California, amendments in Iowa must pass the legislature first (simple majority) before going to the voters. While I know little about the Iowa legislature, this seems a no brainer in a populace vote, considering previous votes and more current polls on this subject in Iowa. As a rule I lend polls very little credence, but DOMA passed by a wide majority in 1998. I doubt things have changed enough to cover the gap, a lot of traditional values and religious folks in Iowa." 1,résumé accidentally kept on file 0,lights go on: part xxxxii -- the power of her name 0,world's wealthiest billionaires got nearly $1 trillion richer in 2017: bloomberg 1,Nothing anyone has said has proven anything I have said wrong in any way because all you have are unprovable and unproven assumptions. Now go over to the other debate Creation versus evolution like a good little boy and you will get my response to Tiktaalik. Nkaaaay? 0,ireland's spirits and spirits in the 2014 ford fusion energi 0,"ZERO. I don't think he ####ed one African. Unless you can demonstrate otherwise, your statement is false." 0,"No, not true at all. G-d desires for us to willingly love Him suprememly and for our lives to be guided by Him just as any earthly father would guide his own children. Hell is a place of utter torment that people, who reject G-d, choose to end up in. Consequences of our decisions have eternal signifigance." 0,samantha bee goes full 'schoolhouse rock' with video about rape kit bill 0,10 places to have a 'frozen' vacation 0,the 2016 'dumbing down' of america 1,garrison keillor fully deflates after massive sigh 1,enterprising child saves $54 to buy barrel of oil 0,praise 'the jesus': a 'big lebowski' spinoff is reportedly in the works 0,protesters rally against gop health care plan at senate office building 0,court extends florida voter registration deadline after rick scott refuses 0,photographer documents her grandmother's illness while searching for something more 1,regular citizen heroically enforces park's 'no glass containers' rule 1,"About a third of the weapons seized in Mexico were referred to the U.S. for tracing; approximately 11,000 out of 29,000. About half were successfully traced. Better than 90% of those to U.S. dealers. Of course your definition of ""minute"" might differ from mine." 1,area man lives vicariously through son's bully 1,morbidly obese pumpkin wins contest 1,abc producers blasted for controversial selection of underage 'bachelorette' 0,chinese human rights activist wu gan sentenced to 8 years in prison 1,beautiful nurse gives teen enema 0,student climate change activists deserve support and action for carbon pricing campaign 1,pretentious woman refers to slam piece as 'partner' 0,"Total of denials = 761,814 Violent Crime and Murder rate decreased. Crime in the United States -- by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 1989–2008" 0,dreamers live a nightmare while congress runs down the clock 0,republicans freak out at learning reagan decree protects lois lerner 1,change in bus seats taken personally 0,"fast and furious: novels, the media and our changing world" 0,patient's teeth could be fix for common cause of blindness 0,"** This is the best response you've got!?! What a loser!!" 0,"**Sorry to hear you say this. I have never attacked you personally, never said anything like what you accuse me of saying. I have characterized certain ideas, notions, and opinions as stupid and simple-minded, but not you personally. If your personal identity causes you to believe that an attack on those ideas is an attack on you personally, than obviously what I've been saying about your personal commitent and emotional involvement with materialist/mechanist/darwinist/atheism is spot on the money." 1,man who's been in a bunch of buildings figures he'd be a pretty good architect 0,Which is precisely why the law must needs be silent when it comes to women choosing whether or not to continue their pregnancies.emoticon_xhoho 1,"marine determined to win heart, mind of at least one iraqi" 1,"Superglue! How you gonna make the DNA? This is all facinating but it doesn't have a thing to do with information theory. Copying DnA to do reasearch is a neat trick and quite useful. Is there a point to this?" 0,"Depends on the usage. Generally, it just refers to the Theory of Evolution or a change in allele frequencies in a population." 0,"meet eric dyer, the modern master of the zoetrope" 0,waymo is quietly winning the self-driving car race 1,"When you take that vacation you need, don't go to Rome. :)" 1,"Evidently, when I include qualifiers you ignore those anyway... I never claimed you ""said they were the only hurdle"". But it was the only hurdle you mentioned in your earlier posts. I quoted two posts of yours. Care to show where you mentioned ""congress"" in those posts???? " 0,here's what actually happens to the money in wishing wells 1,report: 55% of nation's granite now engraved with names of victims 1,nine-hundred-pound man left to die 0,the funniest tweets from women this week 0,this video nails the messed up way anti-abortion legislation gets pushed 0,"timothée chalamet says contract blocked him from criticizing woody allen, supporting dylan farrow. it didn't." 1,"j.f.k. high cougars to go, fight, win" 1,eiffel tower finally completed 1,"Hey, I'm from Joisey. Youz guys better watch what you say about us or you'll be sleeping with the fishes. emoticonXKill" 0,all the faces parents make every day 0,No you haven't. You expressed your opinion but refuted nothing. 0,"independent spirit award nominee andrea suarez paz: ""i hope to play something impossible""" 0,financial burden of cancer can harm quality of life 0,what to eat to curb your cravings 0,7 facts school leaders want you to know about kids in new orleans 0,"if men menstruated, would periods still be taboo?" 0,the return to basics in education. did we ever leave? 1,mitsubishi from 'the fast and the furious' lands first directorial role 1,"'you deserve better than the person you're dating,' reports little voice in back of mind" 0,'blade runner 2049' is even better than the original 1,local oddball expends energy doing things 0,"at this prison, people and animals get second chances" 1,"But being American, she knew killing Iraqi children would be the right thing to do FOR TOTAL VICTORY FOR AMERIKA!!1!!" 1,frustrated employee no longer even trying to hide gre study books 1,tea-party host struggling to keep conversation going 1,congress establishes bill suggestion hotline 1,nra visits colorado police evidence room to check up on rifle used in planned parenthood shooting 0,"So sorry; I have a friend who works and lives in the D.C. area, but he has residency in Mass., because he owns a home there. And he was able to be married only because he owns a home there ?" 0,robert kirkman shoots down that huge 'walking dead' fan theory 0,"helping the planet, and your appetite, by dining on invasive species" 1,"Nice try twisting my words, Simone. My post above was an example to show precedence, but you already knew that. And for the record, I don't see ALL women as a disease, just the dumb ones. :p" 0,"A person going to Hell is a consequence of sin. God doesn't want it, but he can't stop it." 0,decoding america's immigration sentiment 1,hardened snacker keeps trying to rediscover that first mind-blowing nacho cheese high 0,"boys in chairs: my first time, 11 years later" 0,eu court issues landmark data ruling 0,police make first arrest in connection to oregon militia standoff 1,"new bomb capable of creating 1,500 new terrorists in single blast" 0,"fathers, let's talk about love, respect and hiv" 0,5 resistance resolutions 0,sunday roundup 0,sonia sotomayor almost stopped pursuing a seat on the supreme court 0,donald trump raises the stakes for a potential debate with bernie sanders 1,"Bang your head long enough, it might knock some sense into it. How about Palin's self imp...appointed defenders answer the valid questions? Isly proved nothing." 1,"facebook informs data leak victims whether they need to burn down house, cut off fingerprints, start anew" 1,god purges millions of souls from heaven now that sexual assault being taken more seriously 1,cory booker introduces oversize velvet blacklight bill decriminalizing marijuana 1,nsa scrambling to reestablish whereabouts of man who covered laptop camera with tape 1,pizza hut introduces new meat sympathizer's pizza 1,report: 43% of party invitations unprovoked 0,the istanbul nightclub attack finally united a divided country 1,pepsi super bowl ad raises worldwide pepsi-awareness .00000000001 percent 1,gm announces plans to recall driverless car by 2021 1,"We're laughing even harder. We don't go to church because of people like you and we're not religious and would rather spend the day ""sinning"" than worshipping something we don't believe in. Guess you forgot how God said ""Love thy neighbor""" 0,It doesn't make sense because no one makes that claim. There are some random events that take place that may have an effect on evolution. That does not mean that evolution is random. 1,"comey: 'what can i say, i'm just a catty bitch from new jersey and i live for drama'" 0,"with all eyes on trump, texas may soon pass horrific anti-lgbtq laws" 0,"Did you read the article? A capuchin is type of monkey, in this case, the type that was used in the experiment." 1,glade introduces new air freshener mask 1,study finds 70% of bingo winners end up prizeless within 5 years 1,man wearing sunglasses upside down on back of head still recovering from paul walker's death 0,reflections of an alzheimer's spouse: anger 1,"Oops, my bad. You're right of course. Port is an interface on a computer. It's also a harbour, so you're wrong too! :P" 0,let's take u.s. nukes off hair-trigger alert before we blow up the planet 0,21st century black giving: 10 high impact principles for a new year 0,learning right gives you might 1,woman only willing to learn new things in settings called boot camp 0,microsoft is trying to predict the next president 0,palestinian youth and the psychological impact of violence 0,"And what evidence do you have that having two gay parents would confuse a child about weahter they should be gay? Did you know that the same percentage of children that were brought up by gay couples turn out to be gay as children who are brought up by straight couples? I would say that destroys your conception that the kid would be confused.I know a number of people who were brought up by commited gay couples (admittedly not many), and not one of the ones I know turned out to be gay." 0,how american sniper became a surprise mega-hit honoring america's martial culture and highlighting the futility of the iraq war 0,kevin hart drops an f-bomb in awkward nfl network interview 0,50 cent ordered to pay additional $2 million in sex tape case 0,"And he accomplished all this human carnage without a gun. This just proves that if it was possible to eliminate all projectile firing weapons from existing on earth, men would find a way to commit atrocities against his own kind just as he did before such weapons existed if murder was in his heart. Guns are not the issue, the corrupted heart/nature of humanity is." 1,grandma knitting escape ladder 0,this 'bear-naked' chef has a thing or two to show you about cooking 0,"At what cost? How many civil rights are you willing to give up in the name of a few less murders each year? Are you perfectly willing to be stopped by the police on a block-by-block basis and forced to show identification and traveling papers, all the while the officers on location are pointing their guns right at your head, ready to XXXX you away at the first sign of a twitch or if you display even a hint of hesitation to comply?How desperately do you crave a police state? How much do you favor a nationwide curfew where violators can be arrested by the police and held without legal counsel for an indefinite period of time? Do you favor the use of physical and mental torture to force convictions even from the innocent?" 0,spring has sprung in the arctic ... but it's way too early for it 1,evening's events immediately recapped with digital-camera slide show 1,study reveals that girls who play princess grow up with skewed perceptions of the role of modern monarchy in a democratic society 0,"The gene and therefore the enzyme it produces. LPL is the designation for a gene that encodes Lipoprotein Lipase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids in lipoproteins. The actual gene encodes a protein of 475 amino acids that becomes a mature protein of 448 amino acids after cleavage of a signal peptide. One study was able to identify 3 common SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in the coding region of the gene, 2 of which result in small changes in enzyme function in European populations. The third SNP converts that locus to a stop codon and results in an enzyme that is 447 amino acids long. Thus, the enzyme has been truncated. The resulting enzyme, LPL S447X, is functional. In fact, it results in lower incidence of vascular disease and lower blood pressure. Other truncations result in non-functional enzymes." 0,lin-manuel miranda's childhood letters are way too real for people who hated summer camp 1,man unable to wear nice clothes without everyone asking questions 1,sensitive scientists report 5 in 5 women don't know how beautiful they are 1,"'join email list' box pre-checked like sneaky, conniving fucker it is" 1,competitive adidas unveils darren wilson as new face of brand 0,kelly ripa returns to 'live' and speaks from the heart after week-long absence 1,"So, all knowledge is ignorance, and all events not in the present are ignorance. I'm not following you here. How about we leave the definitions as they are, so that we can differentate true from false? Calling everything ignorance doesn't move us forward in the debate. If we accepeted your claim, we are typing ignorance and concuding ignorance, so what would the point be?" 0,ferguson protesters guard stores from looters 0,"It should be noted that other exotic amino acids are also used by a few other codes (derived form the original). E.g. Selenocysteine and pyrrolysine are encoded for in many archaea and vertebrates. Archaea, however seem to be the most primitive organisms, thus these encoded amino acids must have been fixated early on.Thus an interesting question can be applied to an ""evolving"" code as posited in the above quote:Are these ""still evolving"" mRNAs, still evolving? Or did it hit an inevitable global optimum? Secondly, from the article:" 0,ukraine at a crossroads: could putin lose his job over mishandling the crisis? 1,area man somehow roped into arguing passionately for green day 0,new type of moon rock discovered by china's yutu lunar rover 0,18 electric wedding kisses that will leave you weak in the knees 1,sherwin-williams triumphantly reports nearly half the planet covered in paint 0,pizza hut's new 'skinny slice' isn't quite a dream come true 0,don't bother asking this amazon echo anything 1,first-generation american's job taken by his father 1,mercy hospital turns away uninsured patient 1,r&b singer guesses she'll just keep moaning into mic until song is over 1,report: iran less than 10 years away from 2016 1,fbi calls for increased surveillance powers to keep pace with evolving threat of presidential administrations 1,losing-powerball-numbers announcement enters 17th hour 0,why the teacher walkouts sweeping the country are a feminist issue 1,child getting pretty cozy with stranger's leg 1,employee slowly realizes boss attempting to have normal conversation with her 0,microsoft fights u.s. government over data requests 0,But we weren't discussing either monkies or hell. One can only wonder at your thought processes that makes such irrelevant and disconnected thoughts pop up. 0,less than half of the money pledged to fight ebola reached affected countries 1,local cvs selling one leather jacket for some reason 1,hollywood maintenance crews sent out to patch up film industry's plotholes 0,are made-from-scratch ice cream shops on the rise? we hope so 1,"So in other words, your internal evidence trumps their internal evidence. Seriously? Would any Muslim accept that ""fulfilled prophecies concerning Christ are the signature of God?"" Of course not. You are so trapped by circular reasoning that it's amazing." 1,1930s comedian pretty sure he's outsmarted murphy bed 1,"Ah, of course. I see the sauce! I have sinned against the Great Languini in the Sky! REPENT! REPENT!" 1,So you'd ask on these issues even if you didn't know if they had signed it? 1,"Nor is there any need for some mythical molecular elemental, nebulas natural selection, or mystical transitionals based on peicemeal forensics and antithestic rhetoric." 1,pope francis spends weekend installing stained glass storm windows in st. peter's basilica 1,man in elevator in on conversation now 1,nra publishes tips for staying safe while committing a mass shooting 0,"The counter arguments put forth by its critics do not defeat the Violinist arguments, at the very least. Whether one accepts the argument anyway is another story :P" 0,obama could end the slaughter in yemen within hours 1,And I didn't have to choose to be homosexual. It is a natural inclination. I chose not to hide or lie about who I am. However you are the one who seems to be under the delusion that being gay is a choice. Once again I ask you if it is just a choice then you choose to be gay this moment. 0,"facing fbi bank fraud investigation, bernie and jane sanders hire lawyers" 1,Well its possible I suppose that GOD created the apple and endowed it with low levels of cyanide for the specific purpose of punishing man should he consume too many. Perhaps at the time the apple being referenced was a special one much like the one in Snow White. 0,new star wars trailer debuts tonight as advance sales smash records 0,eric trump 'liked' michelle wolf's blistering cracks about sarah huckabee sanders 0,"I think perhaps you're confused.1. I know of no meaningful definion of the term ""god' as it pertains to reality.2. When you mention science and history, that implies you are interested in reality.3. There is no evidence to support mythological deities, god or God or Odin or the easter bunny.* So, yes THERE IS NO EVIDENCE of the existence of any mytholgoical gods.** Yes, there is no evidence that the universe was created, or if that statement even has meaning if the universe always was, and always will be.p.s. There is easter bunny.-Mach" 0,"They do it on purpose, alright. But not because it'll be shot down -- in at least one state, the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue.The reason they put them together is that, in most states, a ban on civil unions would FAIL." 1,royal baby spits up on great-grandmother 0,a commodore computer from the 1980s is still heating schools in michigan 0,he's the most mysterious guy in the world 1,gop leaders confident they'll have cruelty necessary to pass healthcare bill 1,mc serch updates list of gas-face recipients 1,"Well if it's so easy then how about you provide the names of the dealers who're selling howitzers and anti-aircraft missiles and fragmentation grenades? And while you're at it, supply the names of the companies who're making them in violation of the various federal restrictions." 1,acid trip better planned than vacation 1,frocked podium boys shine in pre-state-of-the-union rituals 0,let food truly be your fuel 0,ann coulter calls 'grotesque' donald trump a disappointment 0,"epa accidentally spills millions of gallons of waste, turning river orange" 0,jay-z gets concert crowd to sing happy birthday to beyoncé 1,apartment completely flooded with disgusting sunlight 0,photographer creates awesomely surreal pics of his son 0,the best far-flung hotels worth the trip 0,i am not a summertime mom 1,That would be one hell of a would probably drown first though :) 0,donald trump implodes his way to strongest fundraising month yet 0,"huffpollster: hillary clinton leads, but by how much?" 1,tic-tac-toe grandmaster devises brilliant new gambit 1,toys 'r' us sign triggers pavlovian shrieking response in child 0,So what are some examples of restrictive gun laws in South Africa? The people in South Africa think their gun laws are not strict enough. In one of your previous posts you seem determined to use South Africa as evidence that outlawing guns doesn't work. But gun ownership is still legal there. 0,jessica simpson is a vision in blue on date night with husband eric johnson 1,exxonmobil vows lenient treatment for any species that surrenders voluntarily 0,airline passengers! is there a right to recline? 0,"Well if your claim is that you shouldn't push a gun owner's buttons and make them mad, then why are you arguing with me when that's what you're claiming is the wrong thing to do?" 1,depressed groundhog sees shadow of rodent he once was 0,"We can. Geological fossils of severial species, along with observations of specific species in isolated areas." 1,"george r.r. martin announces next book to feature pixies, dracula" 0,kids' behavior linked to moms' acetaminophen use during pregnancy 1,marketing department under impression keebler elves a beloved part of american culture 1,"Now you've ruined it! You're not supposed to mention god. That's the whole idea. ID is stealth creationism. XXXXXX pretend that there is some scientific basis for the assertion that there is some sort of magical designer that is responsible for everything, but they don't say it's god. If they did that, then ID would be religion and introducing it into schools would be unconstitutional." 0,And that is why they are referred to as creationists and not merely as christians. They are only a small subset of the huge christian population. 1,young billionaire's age not reported for sake of nation's ego 1,"Gun Control is not on this list of crime contributing factors. However banning guns would leave the law-abiding defenseless in the face of these criminal predators. Why don't you work for changing these conditions instead of working for something that has no effect on reducing crime (gun control). However, if you think you can prove gun control will work as crime control, then go for it! Maybe you can cower us with your overwhelming evidence." 1,nature films: do they glamorize molting? 0,here's why french queer activists hung a banner against french president macron 1,Make sure you clap when our defense is gutted and we can't adequately defend our own liberty. Turkey. You don't have an ounce of common sense. 0,"skydivers perfectly land slip 'n slide from 5,000 feet" 0,"lava eruption, pakistan protests and a kite surfing record: week in photos" 1,"tom gilbert, actor who portrays tv's regis philbin, to leave 'regis & kelly' show" 0,jeb bush's super pac blew through $116 million in failed effort 1,"'please, melania, don't leave us!' pleads king of wooded faerie realm as first lady climbs back into tree hollow" 1,melania trump straightens husband's neck skin before walking out onto inauguration platform 1,commercial actor informed he doesn't have that prego tomato sauce look 0,"ben carson leading in iowa, new surveys find" 0,let's wish medicare and medicaid a happy birthday by fighting to protect and expand them 0,employee wellness programs aren't so voluntary anymore 0,"hackers breached u.s. election agency after vote, according to security firm" 1,"I find it funny you think Article V was repealed yet the bill of rights references Article V for passage. So we have the bill of rights which can't be repealed but Article V which was repealed meaning all the amendments we had are unconstitutional? You've really lost it haven't you. " 1,"Which part of ""they used self defense shootings, accidents, and suicides"" didn't you understand? " 1,kitchenaid announces it will lift ban on selling mixers to unwed women 1,"Translation: Muslims are worth nothing. Christianity is superior, therefore they are worth nothing. Let the US come in and kill them, ruin their cities, and take their oil." 1,mark zuckerberg touts complete lack of cannibalism on facebook live so far 1,panicking romney attempts to lay off debate moderator 0,"west virginia mayor, official lose jobs over post calling michelle obama 'ape in heels' (update)" 0,there's now a martial art specifically for selfie stick users 0,trump administration repeatedly denied there was any contact with russia during campaign 1,'phantom thread' wins academy award for best film you liked but probably wouldn't see again 0,Pretty much every experiment ever carried out in a petri-dish; take your pick Also the revisited peppered moth experiment I linked to earlier. 0,"Okay, here is how it went: God made the animals. He said,""Hey, Adam needs a helper."" He brought the animals to Adam to name. He couldn't find a helper for Adam. He then took a rib out of Adam's side to create Eve. This was done on the sixth day. God created them both on the sixth day, Adam first, then Eve out of Adam's side after he had Adam name the animals." 1,first report on long-term effects of breakdancing released 0,hillary clinton calls water crisis 'immoral' in visit to flint 0,"So they had guns that could shoot down planes even before they had planes? Their primitive muskets were that powerful? I am not that easy to fool!" 1,new claritin flamethrower incinerates whatever causing allergies 1,hank williams jr. honored by institute for football preparedness 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on march 2 1,trump called up for vietnam service after last of draft deferments expires 0,"here's how washington, d.c. can drive innovation in education throughout the country—with no strings attached" 1,"** Well, it's sure hard to take them from them if they're still standing!! :)" 0,moving trailer for mr. rogers documentary highlights the power of kindness 1,dreamworks skg signs j&h productions to six-year deal 1,trump's prefrontal cortex admits it can't possibly filter all impulsive comments coming from rest of brain 0,here's the trailer for adam sandler's 'the ridiculous 6' on netflix 0,seth meyers: the gop tax bill is a 'brazen heist of the country' 1,library of congress completes destruction of 70 million works deemed culturally insignificant 0,hillary's last ditch effort - the final speech 1,pitbull mix only bites off half of toddler's face 0,will new scientific breakthroughs pave the way for more climate-related lawsuits? 1,don king enjoys grandilomentitudinous sandwich 0,how elizabeth warren's own book makes the case she should run for president 0,it's time to focus on shared goals 1,pulitzer feeling increasingly out of place in washington post office 0,police launch investigation after video appears to show cop shoving man in wheelchair into street 0,"group buys fishing net so others can't, will save up to 10,000 sharks" 0,"Really? A human can be determined scientifically. Personhood is a human legal construct. You cannot prove scientifically what a ""person"" is." 1,area man bored with all the porn he owns 0,nbc news correspondent ayman mohyeldin returning to gaza 1,adult bookstore to enhance shopping experience with café 1,Whatever you sound like a goverment offical now why so many questions? huh what are you trying to get at? Ooaman or should I said Order of apostrophe man? 0,colleges pressured by feds to avoid asking about criminal records on applications 1,vacationing family visits world's biggest asshole 0,"in 'brave new jersey,' tony hale is a doomsday prepper caught in a rom-com" 0,"lawmakers, ignore gun violence survivors at your peril" 1,open-minded man tries to get news from variety of facebook friends 0,the importance of increasing efficiency in new york city government 1,report: 3 players in nfl currently do not have concussions 1,friend attempting to provide comfort has no clue what the fuck she's talking about 0,lena heady goes dark and dramatic for the 2014 emmys 0,to raise the voice in view of the massacre in gaza 1,disturbing fast food truth not exactly a game-changer for impoverished single mom of 3 0,u.s. cities aren't ready to fend off the next flint 0,why do some borrowers pay higher mortgage interest rates than others? 1,jennifer lawrence stuns in oscar de la hoya gown 1,study finds only 20% of seminary graduates go on to become god 0,bill maher has superficial debate about 'n***a' after controversy 0,utah physician says she'll happily do the job jason chaffetz won't 0,dogs at polling stations are getting the uk through election day 0,the queer response to trump's promise to build wall along mexican border 0,chance the rapper celebrates the last christmas before donald trump with run-dmc spoof 0,obama welcomes cleveland cavs and j.r. smith's shirt to white house 0,law enforcement and mental illness: not what they're meant for 0,is it possible to spend too much time with a significant other? 1,"And here all along, I thought I was a humble servent of Evil... Oh, and I'd doubt I'm a 'patriot'. I don't even say the pledge of allegience. I'm more of a mercenary. Just letting you know how to beat a 'terrorist.'" 0,aircraft laser strikes soar to all-time high 0,the cop in the 'what are those?' meme loves that 'black panther' joke 0,"I think you misunderstand my view. I think that a third-term fetus is already sufficiently a person, so I would CERTAINLY consider a newborn baby a person. To me, a person is one who has the most basic, rudimentary sense of thought and emotion. A late-term fetus, from my point of view, is no less a person than an Einstein. An Einstein, of course, is much more useful to a much greater number of people, but from the simple point of view of whether he is more of a person, I would say not." 0,the 5 nba rookies you need to watch this season 0,health risks don't make for a bad president 0,snapchat's snapcash: is peer-to-peer payment safe? 0,step inside the technicolor dream world of brazilian love motels 0,carlos rosario school educates and graduates the new americans 1,department of interior reopens national parks after filling in all canyons posing hazardous fall risk to visitors 0,olympics commentator explains 'they all look the same' remark about chinese skiers 1,elon musk insists he'd be much more innovative pedophile than thailand rescue worker 0,russia vows to expand 'black list' of americans in response to new sanctions 0,miley cyrus' bangerz tour is coming to your living room tonight 0,yet another high school football player dies as death total piles up 1,So let's just kill them and be done with it. Is that what you're saying? 1,"trump relaxes after debate by slipping back into nice, warm personal reality" 1,mosquito confronts partner after testing positive for zika 0,"Yet that is an argument used by most LIB DIM GGs. Now there may be some consternation as to my use of that term, but gun control is for most purposes, the baliwick of those same minions. It will always be easy for the crimiinals to acquire those weapons. Nine million anti-gun laws will not change that." 0,my beautiful reward and the 7 lessons it has taught me 0,gutters and castles 1,study finds not acting like total fucking moron most attractive quality in potential mate 0,i heard it through the grapevine: motown's prospects are looking up 1,mediocre painter's true talent lies in acting like a painter 0,"transcript, emails show how tabloid reporters helped harvey weinstein get dirt on women" 1,new sat section tests ability to pay tuition 0,"when i own my sexuality, will i need queer visibility any less?" 1,freedom-wielding high schooler freedoms down 16 classmates in latest mass freedoming 1,"This is great. You mean none of the Davidic line ever copulated with women to produce their descendents? LOL! " 1,white house infested with bedbugs after biden brings in recliner off the curb 1,excited cia director can't wait to declassify last night's incredible mission in middle east 1,new country-music video has look of 1991 rock video 1,closing of state aviary facilities puts hundreds of mentally ill birds on the streets 1,saltless pretzel hangs alone in bulb-heated rack 0,astronomers discover most distant galaxy yet 0,When was the last mass murder at a UK university then? 0,"The state right before the Big Bang didn't have H, He, or any space." 0,the great escape 1,kids in bus accident mocked by kids in passing bus 0,"It depends, now, doesn't it.What are you looking to do with it. It is a great set of stories to derive moral principles out of, if you look at it in the proper light (THe key is stories). From a historical point of view, it gives insight into the culture and concepts of an early people. Like anything, it is what you make of it." 0,what a dust devil looks like on mars 0,"on 'conan,' trump calls obama for valentine's day advice" 1,"windows toolbar, mouse cursor visible throughout memorial service slideshow" 0,here's how depression affects gay and lesbian couples 1,unconsciousness faked to make anesthesiologist feel better 0,a guide to the perfect day in rio 0,"Yet he hasn't. No pro-choice person I know wants abortion to be prevalent, they just want it to be an option. Wanting it safe and rare and available is not an abnormal positon for a pro-choice person." 0,toddler's walker gets a galactic makeover from all-star tattoo artist 0,katsuya brentwood and beyond 1,trump boys forge father's signature on letters they wrote excusing them from any more testifying 0,lena waithe stuns at met gala as a queer superhero 1,"Because we have different experiences than you and are more educated on the subject. The only ones who tend to ask ""Why do you feel you need a firearm to protect yourself"" are the ones who've never faced such a situation and don't know what it's like to be in such a position." 0,trump's daca decision turns its back on our nation's principles 1,former addict celebrates 10th year of mind-numbing boredom 0,behold the majesty of the turkey 1,"long story short, they had to cut off area guy's arm" 0,here's why congressman blake farenthold resigned so abruptly 0,"Form 4473, question 11a reads as follows:11.a. Are you the actual buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form? Warning: You are no the actual buyer if you are acquiring the firearm(s) on behalf of another person. If you are not the actual buyer, the dealer cannot transfer the firearm(s) to you.Sarah Brady lied on the background check form, she bought the gun on behalf of her son and supplied it to him, thus ensuring that he wouldn't have to worry about the NICS check red flagging him. By gun control standards she's guilty of a straw purchase and should've been sentenced to ten years without parole in a federal prison." 0,u.s. ethics chief ordered gushing responses to trump's tweets 1,man holding giant turkey leg never been more captivating in entire life 0,karl rove: donald trump would get 'creamed' up against hillary clinton 1,"It was an attempt at irony which is not easy for you north Americans to understand. " 0,noaa predicts we'll see more hurricanes this year than in 2015 1,mlb season ends over 200 days early after new rules speed up games way too much 1,This is more of a creationist circlejerk than an actual discussion. 0,bruce dern shares hilarious memory of a girthy alfred hitchcock 0,i struggled to bond with my second son 0,"explosion at fedex facility outside san antonio may be linked to austin bombings, fbi says" 0,christina aguilera is barely recognizable on paper magazine cover 1,man intensely public 0,"maxwell brings viral cashier on stage to sing with him, and he nails it" 0,gymnast laurie hernandez and val chmerkovskiy win 'dancing with the stars' 0,how a family's lack of access to medical marijuana morphed into a messy legal feud 1,thousands of cheering americans packed into park for ted cruz concession speech 1,nation not sure how many ex-trump staffers it can safely reabsorb 1,dog feels like he always has to be 'on' around family 0,arsons at 6 black churches in st. louis area are linked 0,uae warns citizens to avoid wearing traditional clothing while abroad 0,how depression inspired this woman's career choice 1,"Nice attempt at an audition. Since the law firm you hired is supposed to find a director and president for your crumbled .org do you think you will get the job? What's the matter, didn't Hennigan cut it after the other lawyer fled when he saw the handwriting on the wall? emoticonXGood" 1,"Winning any political election has never been about electing the ""best"" man for the office, it simply means you appeal to the majority of people that showed up to vote. Smartest and most popular aren't necessarily the same person, if you went to school you probably remember that. ;)" 0,chelsea clinton calls to stop the demand for ivory to protect africa's elephants 0,huffpollster: even christmas isn't safe from partisanship 1,area man a little too old to have obama fever 0,latinos and the 2014 elections: five reasons to vote in november 0,"off-duty cop kills home intruder who posted online threats, police say" 1,Can you read? You're the type that just waits to say your next piece and never attempts to listen to others. 1,man takes sober moment to reflect on fact that most of meal already gone 1,hellmann's introduces new meat-on-the-bottom mayo cups 0,look out! there's a 'staff shake-up' looming for the white house 0,"This says absolutely nothing about gays.It talks about Congress investigating Science and Ethics.Quite frankly, I think some of the people they NEED to be investigating is NARTH, as I just proved that their article MISQUOTED other research articles.Furthermore, I can supply you with a long list of other anti-gay researchers who likewise have been guilty of misrepresenting other people's research.On a separate note, this article was further down on that web-page. It had this title: ""Federal Judge Dismisses Scientific Misconduct Claim """ 0,why we need the disclose act 1,trump: 'it's my honor to deliver the first-ever state of the union' 1,smithsonian rejects tie dylan mcdermott wore in 'the practice' 1,nesting sea turtle escorted from private beach 1,unhappy couple staying together for one of their children 0,'it's complicated': how i learned to fend off that question 0,13 t-shirt slogans that will inspire anyone in your path 1,archaeologists discover cave where ancient humans first had to pretend to like friend's art 0,women in tech: an interview with wendy lea 1,nationwide sympathy pours in for traumatized cnn town hall survivor 1,"Just looked up the story of Balaam's articulate XXX (which I didn't know about before): I anticipated that the donkey might say something like, ""Where the hell has my tail gone ?"" I've lost all faith in talking donkeys now." 1,"Buy stock in the failing banks? What a great investment. Tell me, where does the money come from?" 0,monday's morning email: former u.s. attorney says trump fired him after missed call 0,why it's ridiculous to report on every poll coming out of new hampshire 0,"Yes, but we had no way to tell until we found them again, now had we?" 1,Ahh Good old (and I mean OLD) Ronnie. This man doesn't know XXXX about foreign policy. 1,"Oh, I get it. So you believe, but you don't exactly ""believe""." 1,out-of-control angel kills dozens of bystanders at vatican air show 0,life would be infinitely easier if these things were more flexible 0,austria legalizes same-sex marriage 1,hate-crime bill stalled by pro-hate lobby 1,chili's introduces savory new 200-times-baked potatoes 1,wildfire somehow rages back into control 0,jay z hopes kalief browder's story will 'save a lot of lives' 1,14-year anniversary of 'crash bandicoot' passes by largely unnoticed 1,2078 nancy pelosi hologram nominated for 38th term in house as party leader 0,lee daniels made 'star' for 'white people to feel good about being white' 1,bartender hurt by unfinished drink 1,"border patrol authorities, militia in tense standoff over claim to detain migrant family they caught at same time" 1,"Are you like a Chinese government official or something? Oh wait. I forgot, the Chinese government controls what you say anyway, so I guess it matters not." 1,paramount hoping overseas market will be dumb enough to embrace latest piece of shit 0,stephen colbert rips facebook for restricting fake news after trump win 0,how netflix's 'girlboss' perpetuates negative stereotypes 0,i am a male babysitter 1,nation did not see mark wahlberg's sex change coming 1,chicago's shedd aquarium admits panda exhibit a ghastly mistake 1,Were most of these people the ones who were too lazy to work? 1,carbon-monoxide detector with snooze button recalled 0,trump's usda pick with ties to russia investigation withdraws nomination 0,adapting change to fit complexity 1,"So, Steeeeve, I take it you are not for a FAIR society? Is an unfair society a moral society? Please explain. I find it difficult to comprehend." 1,parody movie script one crotch-hitting joke short of being greenlit 1,satan depressed all weekend after man opts out of casino trip 1,area man to attend grad school to find a girlfriend 1,"telemundo continues winning streak with incomparable lineup of high-quality scripted programs, award-winning journalism" 0,hit the jackpot with 5 breathtaking las vegas views 0,"So far as I am aware, nobody but you believes this to be the case." 1,"area woman not a morning, afternoon, or night person" 0,spilled milk: dishing daphne 0,"how smartphones damage our skin, according to dermatologists" 1,disgusting gyro meat magically turns delicious after midnight 0,tuesday's morning email: inside the gop health care and immigration order overhauls 1,new 'toastables' offers microwavable pre-toasted bread 0,"To you, it may be an incorrect statement. But if it is, you have to tell me what it is you kill and take the life away from when you abort the zygote. Not knowing if it is being killed or not knowing someone wants to kill it makes no difference. Injustice is still practiced there, and not even some abortion doctors realize it." 1,10th-grade class watches ben-hur for two weeks 0,barack obama is fourth president to put americans at risk in iraq: let those threatened by the islamic state fight it 1,british royal family places queen elizabeth in nursing home 0,"do you know why i'm pulling you over, being wildly aggressive, and charging you with assault today, sir?" 1,"But that is a misunderstanding of what the big bang theory is. What it isn't is an explosion. I don't suppose you have actually studied any astrophysics or astronomy upon which you base your rejection of the big bang, have you?" 1,iran moves to ban events of mass destruction 1,study finds americans lead world in ability to justify unnecessary purchases 0,stephen colbert does the real math on donald trump's promised border wall 0,19 women who have a very complicated relationship with grills 1,console wars heat up as zenith unveils gamespace pro 0,senate candidate takes heat for implying obama supports her opponent because she's black 0,kanye west and kim kardashian provide blueprint for true love at vmas 0,"I don't think this approach is all that new, but I have to admit that I haven't been around as many of the old-school creationists." 1,woman quickly cycles through non-threatening voice inflections before expressing concern 1,spiderman distracts dr. octopus with delicious hostess fruit pies 1,special pull-out section: rural illinois' sexist moms 0,conflict and late rains drive thousands from their homes in somalia 1,"Says the one currently derailing this thread....................... emoticonXDonnoemoticonXDonnoemoticonXDonno How ironic and self-pwning." 0,6 signs you're in a band-aid relationship (and what to do about it) 0,watch samantha bee decimate state officials who trash rape kits 0,prison riot in mexico leaves 52 dead 0,"flaws in how we evaluate leaders (from kahneman's thinking, fast and slow)" 1,mental health experts say friends giving away possessions could be warning sign they planning on moving 0,prison escapee appears in court 1,trump administration launches human rights investigation into senate's harsh treatment of mohammad bin salman 0,is the fda sleeping on the job when it comes to sleeping pills? 0,an lgbt foster youth shares her beautiful christmas wish 0,how to raise kids who can 'love and be loved' 1,"Except that the government was tapping phones, and isn't interfering with freedom of speech. But if you ignore reality, then your parallel kinda works, I guess." 1,"Archie, you have said so many incorrect things about evolution on this thread that it's hard to know where to begin. The idea that 'evolution teaches essentially that a fish walked out of the ocean and survived long enough to become a mammal 'springs readily to mind. " 0,"How? What exactly did they say, that God didn't invent every living thing individually? I'm interested to learn what information you specifically feel was a fabrication." 1,local mother clips article about benefits of vitamin e 0,the washington post walks back report of steve bannon 'confrontation' 0,the republican establishment thinks ted cruz can save them from trump. there's one big problem. 0,So Lewontin is the person who determines the opinion of the general public or something? 0,study can't confirm results of many psychology experiments 0,eye-opening social experiment flips the script on domestic violence 0,switching to renewables will save millions of american lives 0,paypal back up after suffering from temporary global outage 0,"global markets plunge on oil, china fears" 0,equifax says another 2.4 million customers hit by data breach in 2017 0,"environmental leaders cautious, yet hopeful despite trump's big win" 0,why it might cost you a bit more to get in the door at costco 1,metropolitan museum acquires another vase 0,how donald trump united liberals and conservatives on abortion 1,"Lol, daewoo, welcome to the wrong club; members include jet, PhD's and some college textbooks. Do you agree with him that dark skin absorbs less light? Do you think lighter skin absorbs more light and thus conveys and advantage in the cold dark north? " 1,republican congressman terrifies constituents even more by assuring them he read every part of healthcare bill 0,I think you are entirely correct. From the page VOR linked: 0,"hobby lobby, climate change, and the gop's women problem" 1,man who said 'yes' to life found with mountain bike at bottom of gorge 1,"You mean you are as biologically ignorant and as easily refuted as the thread originator? Yes, we knew that already. Why all the big letters?" 0,deadly suicide blast hits afghan capital 0,the power of words: a letter from the psych ward 1,"So you deny that this man is a victim? Realize that the gunshot drew attention, and attention is something criminals don't want. Maybe without that gunshot, the guy would've been beaten to death. But I suppose you'd be happier, because at least the old man wasn't a gun owner. Or I suppose you think he should've let the criminal have the money; all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." 0,ray lamontagne wants you to listen to his new album on vinyl 1,"new report finds link between each passing day, jeanette getting more beautiful" 0,gop wants nasa to stop worrying about earth and focus on space 1,inmates scrambling to replace whitey bulger in prison production of 'guys and dolls' 0,puking statue will make you feel sick -- but you need to look 1,"No, you can go on the public dole and have the rest of us hard-working Americans wipe your arse for you or you can buy your own or be fined for not doing so. " 1,dancing 7-year-old looks to expand fan base from parents to parents' friends 1,"study: average american tries getting out of 10,000 things each year" 1,empire state building reopens spire to visitors 1,"area man, woman each have thorough list of why they should break up on standby" 1,man appalled at date who lied slightly more than him on online dating profile 1,"Just like Obama is? Really? Have you researched it at all? " 1,power-crazed orkin man burns house to ground 1,cereal commercial completely neglects showing numerous life problems character faces beyond breakfast 0,'that nail polish looks horrible on you' and other words of style advice from my grandmother 1,"Well, you got that one exactly right. I didn't bother to watch your video. It was pretty predictable coming from you - personal attacks on creationists. I quoted YOU because of what YOU said." 1,yet another media-savvy ex-hostage delights tv-news producers 1,obese man has amazing calves 1,'what if we put m&m's on top? would they eat that?' doritos exec wonders out loud 0,want to change the world? get ready to get your hands dirty together 1,teen gives up smoking pot after seeing parents high 0,donald trump calls barack obama to chit-chat about oscars in 'conan' spoof 1,hard day's work fails to yield sense of job well done 1,report: purchasing items from onion store most important way to either stop or help donald trump 0,"steve ballmer made a new twitter account, and used it to make a surprising announcement" 1,"bp opens multi-floor, 1,000-pump flagship gas station in times square" 0,Sorry. Disasterous work week. Will post today if that's still okay. Appologies for the delay. 1,nation braces for 13 more weeks of coworkers talking about their fantasy football teams 1,'breaking bad' ends with reveal that whole series was plot of book marie shoplifted 1,whitey bulger verdict interrupted by ben affleck shouting commands from director's chair in balcony 1,discovery of neolithic gift shop suggests stonehenge always meant as tourist attraction 0,"He made a post suggesting you were a troll, it has been removed it seems. Anyway, glad to help." 0,how to fix an out-of control police state 1,god seeking to crack down on souls smuggling drugs into heaven 0,eva longoria schools donald trump in powerfully personal dnc speech 0,Because that the law one has to presume and of course the law applied to that specific case. As to it being contradictory - well the law is loaded with contradictions if you look at all closely. On the other hand consider that the driver killed the woman AND obviously damaged her fetus beyond recovery - WITHOUT the consent of the woman. In other words the death of the fetus was not by consent of the person who holds the right to decide but rather by the negligence or intent of the guilty party.And yes prior to her death (assumming all other requirements were met) she could have AT HER CHOICE and UN-COERCED have chosen to abort the fetus without incurring a legal penalty. But that would of course be much different. 0,jpmorgan chase hit with multi-million dollar fine for shady investment advice 0,new surveys: grown-ups love social media and cyberbullying top concern for parents 0,guy fieri eating to johnny cash's 'hurt' fills us with feelings 1,stephen king stuck at book signing for hours writing personalized novels for line of fans 1,He has a persecution complex. He thinks that every intelligent white male is out to put chains on him and make him sing Gospel songs. ;) 0,these bros wore boob weights in solidarity with well-endowed women 0,kim cattrall's missing brother found dead at his home 0,"How else should it be done? It is a constiturionally protected right. To eliminate that right, the constitutional protection must be removed first, is the removal itself, becomes unconstitutional." 0,congresswoman invites #metoo creator tarana burke to state of the union 1,delirious koala hasn't slept for 72 straight minutes 1,8 simple rules laugh track replaced with somber string arrangement 1,queen elizabeth announces success of monarchy's recent diversity initiative 0,russian bobsledder nadezhda sergeeva fails doping test 1,embarrassed alexandria ocasio-cortez can only afford american flag pin with 19 stars 1,obama announces plan to store nation's extra stuff in large plastic crate 0,"trump praises veterans, hits media at kennedy center event" 0,"So youre saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles, not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to. It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change, it is also substituted for the word science at will. Notice how it was done in post #2 above. The word evolution was dropped, and the word science replaced it. What are the possibilities that evolution is brought in as a narrative gloss after a discovery, rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology, or all of science? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin?" 1,coal now too expensive to put in christmas stockings 1,offended mark meadows reminds colleagues he never once complained about capitol's integrated drinking fountains 0,"well, based on this argument, why shouldnt we kill mute, paralysed, vegetable, comatose, and very very drunk people, since they all cant think, or if they can they cant communicate that they are thinking. How about new-born babies that dont know anything? how about retarded children? you are fooling yourself if you think that women undergo abortions because they dont like that particular ""part of their body"". women undergo abortions because they dont want to raise the child when its born. until you face that truth, you'll be arguing under a dellusion" 1,stephen miller desperately searching for next fix after high of detained children starts wearing off 1,taylor swift accused of ripping off beyoncé by giving birth to twins as part of billboard music awards performance 0,"Actually, we didn't. The first record of a melanic form was in 1848. Presumably other melanic individuals had appeared before this, both in Biston bebularia as well as other moths. We know that a similar mutation occucrred in other moths North America some years after the 1848 record of the B. betualria.There are actually several alleles of the gene responsible for color that form a dominence hierarchy with the fully black morph (called carbonaria) as the top dominant and the typical as recessive. The intermediate forms are referred to as insularia. They are uncommon. At any rate, by 1895, 98% of observed B. betularia in industrialized areas were carbonaria." 0,coming out again! 1,"dad recounts amazing story of how, through quick thinking, he saved $4.27" 0,massachusetts is offering a model for how doctors can talk to their patients about guns 1,exciting new app allows users to be pawns in 26-year-old ceo's little game 0,"healing after divorce in 5 allegories: i was married to the wizard of oz, but i never thought to pull back the curtain" 0,one pot wonders: 7 delicious dinners without the mess 1,cheering gets slightly less loud after obama's call for community service 0,a member of the far-right proud boys menaced a twitter user on his doorstep 1,new 'wacky wipers' make driving in the rain fun 0,fake trump says meryl streep is 'no tara reid' in conan's spoof phone calls 1,child boosted on shoulders for better view of man having heart attack 1,report: causes of death getting less cool over time 0,affordable fast food that's good for you? what a concept 1,area man never in mood to do things he hasn't done before 1,"So this time you are really serious about leaving emoticonXRolleyes So now mental existence isn't good enough (as it is not unique which was my point) but human cells is important and something of a human brain. Well what importance are human cells and a human brain? It seems the idea of a human having importance is not just limited to just happen to add another criteria at the end that you feel is important as well." 0,inside facebook's plan to build an artificial brain 1,mother knows perfect picture to publicize if daughter ever abducted 0,"women in business q&a: alexandra voris and maggie patton, founders of bitsy's brainfood" 1,nation's women not as crazy about bryan gosling 0,bts just became the first k-pop band to go gold 0,why one biologist doesn't believe the g-spot is a myth 1,"All of them since I don't know what quotes you are referring to at all. Link to the post you are speaking about if you can. OK? Otherwise, I see no reason to respond to anymore of your drivel at all." 1,samsonite releases new roller wallet 1,james holmes elected new nra president 1," Anyone wanna make any bets on who the newbie is here???" 0,teacher seniority: the seat belts of the education profession 1,mom sent on fact-finding mission to read what parking sign down street says 1,mitch mcconnell feeling emasculated by wife who makes more illicit money than him 1,old lady at parade flapping little american flag like a motherfucker 0,here's what reagan and bush had to say about immigration 0,the problem with calling women 'females' 1,vast array of lip-balm options paralyzes shopper 1,more americans concerned illegal immigrants will take their spot on couch 1,milosevic confesses to crimes against subhumanity 1,npr host raises voice 1,"brother, sister talk on phone to make mom happy" 0,good news for officer shot in face during stop 0,exxon mobil told to hand over decades of climate documents in major legal blow 0,is taking birth control pills a band-aid treatment for pcos? 1,depressed crab stays buried under sand until 2 p.m. 1,'mad men' premiere features group of actors who are scared to death of never making transition to film 1,sci-fi film presents vision of future in which women never speak to each other 1,"The concealed handgun liscense is irrevelant to the point that all states allow their residents to have guns in one way or another, but are the gun grabbers really dense enough to think that a maniac wont go on a killing spree unless he/she can get a concealed handgun licsense first? Does this maniac think to himself "" I hope I can get that licsense so I can kill a bunch of people""." 1,japan spotted hovering over algeria 1,museum gift shop openly daring anyone to spend $450 on decorative geode 1,report: more american children raised by carjackers who didn't realize there was someone in backseat 0,robert durst admits he was high on meth 'the whole time' while filming 'the jinx' 0,"Should it be legalized? Only if every other country did itIs it harmful? Yes more so then moderate alcohol use and worse then smokingShould it be taxed once legalized? Yes.Should laws still apply to it, such as DUIs and the like? Yes." 1,historical archives: the twenty top-most books in print at present 1,ovarian cancer gets publicist 0,more than 12 million enroll in obamacare 1,man not even the hot kind 1,insufferable man utters words 'craft beer movement' 1,"If the rejecting of the ""lifestyle"" results in death, beatings, job displacement, eviction, insults or inequality, then what would YOU call it? ""Religious moral code?""" 0,"Well, sort of. It isn't necessary, but if you're predicting intelligence from what someone does rather than direct measurements of physical properties, knowing their motivation level might allow you to make more accurate predictions. Nevertheless even without knowing the subjects' motivations at all, today's generic intelligence tests still have excellent predictive power for success in both school and employment, and are perhaps better predictors for future success than any other method we have (including interviews, personality inventories, aptitude in a particular field)" 1,gross doctors recommend drinking 8 warm cups of clam juice a day 1,biden sadly realizes this could be last time he throws lit firecracker into press conference 1,renée zellweger no longer renée zellweger type 0,15 convenient last-minute gifts you can snag at the drugstore 0,justin trudeau is king of the political sock game no more 1,"My God! Archy isn't even aware of the centuries of quibbling and waffling and just-so answers that have gone on among theologians about the problem of evil. It seems that he has never read Augustine, Aquinas, and on and on. He isn't even aware that there is even a name for arguments about the problem. It is called Theodicy." 0,bill maher calls college basketball 'a complete sham' on 'real time' 0,"huffpost rise morning newsbrief, october 13" 0,spain's state prosecutor calls for charges against catalan leaders 0,watch lil wayne & drake perform new single during tour opener 1,worthless child spills last can of beer 0,debunking the myths about boys and emotions 0,america the vulnerable: the forgotten casualties of the tobacco epidemic 1,"Just exactly who is this ""we"" you claim to speak for, old chap? Seems as though you are only speaking for yourself and the few remaining hard right religious lunatic radical fringe wingnuts.emoticonXAngry You had better get used to the phrase ""President Obama""; you will be hearing it a lot for the next 8 years.emoticonXGood" 0,jessica simpson's hsn appearance has some scratching their heads 0,white house official reportedly said mass shooting was a 'reprieve' from chaos 1,I've got to concentrate...concentrate...concentrate. I've got to concentrate...concentrate...concentrate...Hello?.. .Hello?...Hello? Echo...Echo...Echo...Pinch hitting for Pedro Colon...Manny Mota...Mota...Mota... 0,"mosul offensive going faster than planned, iraqi pm says" 1,ben stiller peels banana with own feet 1,bush caught in one of his own terror traps 1,"You should use the same quote when whining about use of partial quotes, and not introduce different ones. Nozza made a false assertion and was refuted with his own words. You introduce a different false assertion and fail. Epically." 0,'cupcake burglar' busted thanks to frosting 0,siri helps hero 4-year-old save his unconscious mom's life 0,"Yes, it does have value only if the woman wants it, in the early stages, when it doesn't have sentience, only potential and DNA. Because then it has value only because of a woman's wants and choices and her dreams for the future. Nothing else gives it value." 1,dea accepts record $280 million drug bribe 1,barista gets sick little thrill telling coffee shop customers there no restroom 1,philip morris lawyers deny cigarettes are cylindrical 1,"Maybe I should add to (or manipulate) sinjins recommendation with Compulsory Competitive Philosphy :) " 1,new education program inspires economically advantaged youth to express themselves through funding the arts 0,elder abuse growing into a national crisis 1,homemade dna test proves trump boys are at least one jar blood 0,turns out running doesn't wreck your knees after all 1,golden years spent in brass urn 1,"If you weren't a newbie, you'd know that I was anti-abortion." 1,woman angered when veiled anger expressed as mock anger is interpreted as real anger 1,"Actually, I read that the god of the bible was really a macaroni monster. He likes cheese, too." 0,sean spicer claims white house has been 'consistent' on calling travel ban 'a ban' 0,trump budget would turn more jails into de facto mental hospitals 1,"report: you know you are a fucking idiot, right?" 1,eddie murphy fucks self for $20 million 0,"Apologies, that wasn't my intention. My meaning was this; while it was your conclusion, your use of it as an unsupported 'fact' forced us to treat it as an assumption. We had no way by which we could make it a conclusion - that's the purpose of this thread!" 0,Hmmm... He may get things right only when he thinks getting it right contradicts evolution... 1,attractive woman surprised to learn coworker a dick 1,friend from college wasted no time becoming white-collar professional 1,newly tenured professor now inspired to work harder than ever 1,angry lumberjack demands hearty breakfast 1,popsicle reintroduces beloved 'plain' flavor 1,white house claims iran behind attack on nancy kerrigan 1,"weird, creepy guy just hanging around same website all day long" 1,springer audience now just chanting 'kill! kill!' 1,"I did, you rejected my evidence with your usual excuses. Now, tell me about the big bang." 1,more americans falling for 'get rich slowly over a lifetime of hard work' schemes 1,clinton emotionally ready to start getting blow jobs again 0,"So parthenegenic births are always female. Where did the X chromosome come from? Is this another case of ""POOF, it was a miracle"" when faced with reality?" 1,report: majority of time in pool spent urging others to enter pool 0,wedding couple does lightsaber duel instead of first dance 0,In your first post. If you are to qualify that by stating I assert that reproduction is not an absolute requirement of life over the ontogeny of an individual then of course reproduction is not essential character of life. 0,suicide bombing near afghan parliament kills more than 30 1,same homeless man always begging for change on united flight 1,sexist media keeps only referring to woman as 'bride of isis soldier' 1,disturbance of arafat's grave casts horrible curse on middle east 0,"Well I think that god must be a bit confused since he also says....Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18He doesn't seem to mind at least some retroactive abortions...." 0,one of the planet's most powerful forces for change? an adolescent girl 0,"If that was not possible evolution would be impossible, it is direct evidence that evolution isn't impossible not that evolution exists. The same can be said for adaptation, natural selection, and mutation. They are all concepts that evolution stands on but their existance does not necessitate evolutions.For instance if I had the theory: when heavy ceramic objects fall on top of one another a very few super energetic particles fly outwards and cause leaves to fall.I could offer the fact that leaves and bricks do in fact fall, as ""evidence"" for my theory but it would not be in any way that the rising and setting of the sun was not evidence for both rotation and orbit." 0,12 items to wear on a first date if your goal is to remain single 0,mike pence left out in cold at winter olympics vip reception 0,hillary clinton wins massachusetts' democratic primary 1,area man meets that special someone else 1,god getting strong urge to bring back dinosaurs 0,schumer: dems are done with trump 1,altruism mocked 0,"This is not a case of disagreement on the interpretation of evidence, it is science versus science fiction.It is a direct accusation by the CURATOR OF BIRDS for the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION against all the proponents of the dino bird story.Not some as you say ""crackpot"" Creationist.These are only two of the many scientist that are embarrassed by the outrageous dishonesty of their contemporaries. ." 1,nbc cancels 'piven' after 5 seasons 1,romney tells heartbreaking lie about single mother of 4 he never met 1,"Guess WhinyemoticonXCrythinks so,personally I think we should all say a prayer,light a few candles and reflect...well I feel better already!emoticonXWow" 0,road rage video shows driver crushing veteran's motorcycle with his car 0,slight drop in measles vaccinations could triple infections in u.s. kids 1,man who plays devil's advocate really just wants to be asshole 0,will this be the china century? 0,"So, your saying an eyewitness would mean nothing. Yeah right." 1,aging mount st. helens starting to think erupting days are behind it 1,"Alright. Aproximately 0 illegal drug dealers paid income taxes on their drug money. (Unless, of course, they laundered it.)" 0,we're all connected 0,"True, they can change laws if the are unconstitutional. So what makes a ban on abortion unconstitutional? Also, what makes the dealth penalty for minors constitutional one day and not the next? In fact 15yrs ago it wasn't an unconstitutional decision. I guess now it is??? Makes no sense. Clive14, those are obviously not my beliefs as I think everyone is equal. I am not sure your wealth makes you different from someone else. It means you wealth is unequal..we are talking about just people. We all end up 6 foot under (so to speak) in the end." 0,"martha the mastiff, 'world's ugliest dog,' is droopy, gassy and gorgeous" 1,frito-lay contest offers consumers chance to appear in upcoming bag of sunchips 0,"Yes, in my view, it would be morally correct since it has no brain and, in my definition, is not a person with rights. However, if she doesn't want to support the violinist in that future, she has the responsibility to disconnect from (and therefore kill) that brainless body before the brain gets transplanted. Otherwise, if she waits to disconnect until it is too late, she would be guilty of killing the violinist (a person)." 0," the memo is real and explains in detail exactly what the gun control groups are after."" So although you provide absolutely no evidence or source to back up this claim we should just accept that the memo is authentic until some disproves it? How does such reasoning even begin to make sense?I'm very suspicious about the legitimacy of such a memo. Here are two bogus quotes attributed to Sarah Brady by some people on the pro-gun side:People that are willing to make up such quotes would probably also be willing to make up such a memo. " 1,dell acquired by gateway 2000 in merger of 2 biggest names in computer technology 1,free-thinking cat shits outside the box 1,girls scouts announces they'll never ever let gross fucking boys in 0,twitter wins dismissal of lawsuit alleging islamic state support: federal judge 1,Could it partially be the fact that they don't want antiquated belief system dogma making their decisions? Must have access to a sonogram sounds like a lobby group attempting to sway opinion while enhancing revenue. Does the legislation force pregnant women who have not chosen abortion to have a sonogram? Raising children creates post-delivery stress syndrome. 0,a great read for a new year 0,remembering james horner 0,democrats and republicans agree more than you'd think about kim davis and abortion rights 1,study: pretending everything's okay works 1,report: more children being raised with religion of pushier parent 0,"a popular voting reform could add 22 million americans to the rolls, analysis shows" 1,romney: 'this is why they call me turnaround mitty from comeback city' 0,rand paul's time on main debate stage could be running out 0,"after one too many fouls, the world cup deserves a red card" 1,"Well, this guy is so bad ad arguing and so good at alienating people that if we sent him into the abortion forum, it is likely, he'd be so ineffective at defending his pro-life position thathe'd actually be contributing to the pro-choice position..." 0,the nightmare of gaza continues 1,school surprised to learn student committed suicide over pressures of intro to communications 0,42 maximum-security inmates in utah prison begin hunger strike 0,nra's ominous but misleading appeal 0,how i can lighten up in the wake of overwhelming loss 1,"So lemme get this straight. Terrorist agents, who have access to missile launchers, grenades, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, and anti-aircraft cannons, all of which come from all other nations in the world...are going through the hassle of coming to America, procuring forged documentation, and buying civilian legal firearms that no army in the world has ever adopted as their main battle weapons? Did you eat lead paint as a kid? Because nobody in full possession of their mental facilities could possibly believe this." 1,"You are just playing dumb, right? There will be fewer technicians and fewer orders for equipment PER INSURED. Their pay will not be cut. There will be fewer of them PER INSURED. Initially the absolute volume will increase." 1,justin trudeau unveils plan to meet healthcare needs of canada's aging prog rockers 1,"Bliss. Thank you forum creators for the ""ignore user"" function. Now I can balance the scales,... one from the right and one from the left." 1,white supremacist living fulfilling racist life since getting kicked offline 1,election night orgy shifts positions so everyone can see results come in 0,obama calls baton rouge police shooting 'the work of cowards who speak for no one' 0,'motorcycle bomb' explodes near police station in istanbul 0,a painter searches for a more interconnected vision of humanity 1,kerry captures bin laden one week too late 0,"Like the above quote, why is the church trying to stop abortion when they would consider one to be alive after taking a breath. if you were to look at it from a scientific standpoint, the individual ovum and sperm are living cells, but they die all the time and no one cares. An embryo or fetus is something starting to develop into a human and that can't be stopped without killing it or injecting differnt DNA, but it's still not too different from sperm and ovum.If you can't trust the church to make fair decisions and follow values and morals and rules they put in place, how can you expect an honest good decision about anything from it." 1,honda civic refusing to start engine in solidarity with striking uber workers 1,you can just push shit in back seat out of way 0,the best italian winter salads have a surprising thing in common 0,l.a. school district reaches $88-million settlement in sex misconduct cases at two campuses 1,that same guy with the glasses at every rock show 0,"I will answer the remainder later as I am pressed for time. Archaeopteryx is not a transitional form. It has well defined feathers. Where is the evidence for transition from scales to feathers that is predicted by evolution. Natural selection in particular but overall evolution. If you read Gould's original work he does not say what he says above and in fact actually contradicts it. It appears like a response that is back peddling at best. As I said, more later.EF" 0,james corden's 'melania' longs to be part of our world in 'little mermaid' spoof 1,"So, Jo, what is it you were saying about the UK being safer than America?" 0,america's favorite mexican food chain is... not chipotle. not even close. 0,"gunman kills teen, police officer in shooting spree" 0,"'american crime' is a fine show, and we have absolutely, positively no idea where it's going" 1,"So, do you spend all of your days as an Obama shill? You have two posts, both anti-McCain. I hope Obama pays well. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,balance... a reminder from the washing machine 0,netanyahu's legacy: a fractured israel and a divided america 1,new study finds solving every single personal problem reduces anxiety 0,"girl, 6, writes touching letter to defend brother with autism" 0,60 years of sound bites to remember 0,milky way's mysterious 'bubbles' yield their secrets 1,"Did you slip in it AGAIN? Were you led astray by a passage from Heller you thought you could use to legitimize gun control, your wet dream? I submit from many past rulings of the courts that little statement is in error." 0,11 sweet and savory apple recipes you'll fall for 1,intergalactic law enforcement officers place energy shackles on hillary clinton 0,"but they do support the choice to abort a fetus or embryo. An argument made for slavery was that ""you don't have to own them but don't tell us what to do""..a fairly similar argument but doesn't show whether or not abortion is wrong just that some lines of thinking should be questioned." 0,the robot apocalypse is looking pretty damn funky in new boston dynamics video 1,You never cease to amaze me at your ability to justify any perversion that suits you Jake. 1,corporation surprised to see its tax money circle back around to it so soon 0,ashley judd fires up women's march with stirring 'nasty woman' performance 0,how to have an eco-friendly christmas 0,a sikh american writes to donald trump 0,trump's revised travel ban is still mired in prejudice 0,the counterintuitive reason you shouldn't say 'sorry' 1,"Okay. Yeah, I believe Nixon was in a stores depot in the navy... but Kennedy was a commander of PT-109 (and he got rescued by an Australian Coast Watcher!) I should also point out that I'm not suggesting military service is either good or bad, it's just that you guys have a different focus. Like in France and Italy, you're not deemed fit for public service until you've been publicised as having been in an affair... preferably with the au pair, or a former porn star." 0,why obama should ask congress for an isis aumf 1,"Why cant you drive a tank? Just go buy one surplus, replace the engine, buy some land to drive it on (the treads are real hard on the pavement). The only limiting factor is cost, so go right ahead and enjoy." 0,"at the university of texas, echoes of its confederate past reverberate in the present" 0,watch live: music producer jermaine dupri talks new show 1,office manager very pleased with new work refrigerator policy 1,scott pruitt nervously picks up walking pace as hundreds of whooping cranes begin silently perching around him 0,"But, it is a new TYPE of butterfly. It would be more like if a bonobo and a human had a child. That is theorotically possible..." 1,"After all he isn't a cousin after all is he. You obviously are older than I thought or spent too much time around the DPC. Old joke? Q. 'where do cousins come from,' A. 'aunt holes'. Darn J.P. and after all this time we spent together emoticonXHoho" 1,"Gosh do you think the Brady Bunch would fund us a trip to a few gun shows? let us keep what we buy?and I would even promise to say what they wanted, Yeah Right. " 1,liability waiver carefully lowered into mine shaft 1,cobweb-covered skeleton gripping senate desk expected to seek 15th term 1,man just needs to power through another day of not being broke and unemployed 1,u.s. dignity reserves nearly depleted 0,what happens when parents read their daughters' tinder messages 1,congress demands to know how facebook got people to give up their civil liberties without a fight 1,dad from 2150 can't get enough iraq war documentaries 0,living with hiv: my journey 0,these chicago landmarks are open to the public for the first time in decades 0,the moment cynthia nixon realized 'sex and the city' was more than just 'a funny show' 1,noxious minions of satan offer free installation through july 0,why you need to brag more and 3 ways to do it 0,"Even Darwin objected to the use of the phrase ""survival of the fittest"" in refering to his theories. He never used the phrase before the 4th edition of ""Origin"" and then he never used it without also making a reference to natural selection." 1,marine hopes to spend second tour of duty on different baghdad city block 1,woman who started sentence with 'oh my god' really needs to stick landing 0,I think that case was in Georgia (a different state) and so far as I know homosexuality was not involved. However if you want to worry about a legal case you need to look at Dover Pa. Not the sticker case in Cobb County. 0,demi lovato explains why she contemplated suicide at age 7 1,chess grandmaster tired of people comparing every life situation to chess match 1,hundreds of rowdy starship crews disembark in nyc during intergalactic fleet week 0,9 lovely thoughts that will brighten your day 0,why runners can't stop talking about themselves 0,"Many of the gun hating crowd also own guns. It's the elitism belief, that they're superior to all humans and thus deserve to be armed, while everyone else in the world should be unarmed and bow before them as if they're gods." 1,"scientists discover 6,000-year-old stain" 0,climate change haunts this year's pumpkin crop 0,an eerie series that examines whether we ever truly die on the internet 0,why george w. bush should not march in selma 1,"the gun haters have lost the battle, it's time for you and your fellow sheeple to leave the country and head for territory where you belong, like France. Go on, beat it! Get out of here before you scream and terror and die of a heart attack at the sight of two children playing cops and robbers and saying ""Bang! Bang! You're dead!""" 0,donald trump calls hillary clinton 'the devil' 0,"isis and boko haram are teaming up for terror, official says" 0,new york state inches closer to single-payer plan with pickup of new support 0,And folks that refuse to see the legitimate ones put us all at risk. Touche. 1,Well you'd know fascist wingnuts for sure. Hitting a meeting tonite? 0,"yes, trump has the power to launch a nuclear attack on his own" 0,5 awesome acts of revenge that qualify as creative genius 1,lottery loser angry at lottery winner 0,"women in business q&a: star jones, president, professional diversity network" 1,"Never said I had it mastered, Mr. unrepentant homosexual. But love does speak the truth." 0,melania trump returns to white house after kidney procedure 0,i flinched at their forgiveness 0,best off-the-radar foreign retirement spots 0,trump says he thought being president would be easier than his old life 0,being moody helps us adapt to change 1,trump boys beg father to nominate g.i. joe action figure cobra commander for va secretary 1,senior citizen shaken by diminished bawdy-limerick recall 0,"stormy daniels, flouting nda, details trump affair to '60 minutes'" 1,nate silver blinded by gods for seeking forbidden knowledge of future 0,why female police officers are increasingly speaking up about pregnancy discrimination 0,searching for my identity and the right house 1,eulogy filled with pro-christian propaganda 0,global surveys show strong support for hillary clinton 1,having awkward conversation with coworkers in alternate venue referred to as 'going out to lunch' 1,"So AIDS is the fault of ""the gays""?emoticonXRolleyes lol it's been a long time, JP." 0,"one year later, arizona real estate investor still missing" 1,"older brother playing with younger brother on swing set will one day con him out of $50,000" 1,So then I guess you could also debate that algebra serves no purpose as well. 1,trump resigns from presidents local 150 in protest of unions 0,Being in the minority or in the majority is irrelevant. Belief has no bearing on reality. 1,encouraging report from radical extremist think tank finds america no safer since 9/11 0,new yorker accused of hate crime in attack on asian man while yelling 'white power' 0,ted cruz blasts new york times for keeping book off bestseller list 1,area man pretty shaken up after running into casual acquaintance at cvs 0,"Terrible logic. The first problem is, 99% of the people who truly love Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are not rapists, murderers, etc. The second problem is, God loving a person and that person going to Heaven are completely different things. It's God's love that allows you to go to Heaven.Crim-" 1,last living california raisin dies of prostate cancer 0,the apple watch: changing the face of time 0,Please off one scientific piece of evidence in support of biblical creation. 1,older cousin thinks it about time to have uninformed sex talk with area 8-year-old 0,a conversation on getting dressed 0,27 delicious ways to do a vegan holiday feast 0,"donald trump is as rich as he says, if you do the accounting wrong" 1,conair releases new double-sided curling iron for flawless burns 1,smiling now primarily used to communicate anger 1,disgusted researchers can't even bring themselves to find out how much mayo the average american consumes yearly 1,sperm bank manager takes wealthy couple to secret back freezer where the real good stuff is stored 0,"canadian ice dancers make history, winning gold in pyeongchang" 1,entertainment tonight host 'can't wait' to see new paramount pictures release 1,"Yes, you also have to admire his philosophy on this: go against my opinion and physical harm will befall you. Who needs reason when you can threaten your opponents with death?" 0,david duke gets spot on debate stage in senate race 0,fifty shades of marina: the new literary sensation 1,nation's cable companies announce they're just going to take $100 from everyone 1,new 92-grain bread depletes majority of world's resources 0,"Is it correct to assume that in the presence of the precursors of the standard genetic code (e.g. intermediates of glucose degradation and the citric acid cycle), the intimate relationship between these molecules resulted in the inevitable organization of the genetic code (global optimum of the system)? Articles 5-7 These articles discuss fascinating mathematical representation of the genetic code. For example, in article 6 a representation of the genetic code as a sixdimensional Boolean hypercube is proposed. Abstract:" 1,47 weak-willed senators bend to interests of powerful american people 1,"For one to have evolution as their foundation belief, means that one cannot be certian of anything....." 1,You are totally full of it. Why don't you go out and find a life -- a real life? 0,why a woman refuses to leave her husband who threatened to kill her 0,managing the restless millennial employee 1,airport security pig finds concealed truffles 0,"postal worker rescues gifts from burning truck, saves christmas" 1,study: you have hpv 1,"Yup, I get the drift. You're the sort that is in denial about how he feels about gays; equating tolerance for gays with tolerance for murderers, while pretending you're doing something else. Now I know how you think, thanks!" 1,"This run down old man walks 3 miles/day, has never broken a major bone and has had only one operation as a college student to remove my appendix. I bet you I can run circles around your flabby liberal arse. :p" 0,why it's time to stop casually calling people 'schizophrenic' and 'bipolar' 0,7 crazy-good recipes for sweet summer corn 0,an easy way to shop small businesses this black friday 0,cupid is stupid 0,egypt sentences 17 people to jail for practicing homosexuality 0,trevor noah skewers betsy devos with fake for-profit university ad 0,woman goes on rant over veteran's service dog in restaurant 0,a millennial dad's tech divide 0,energy sector and epa nominee: oklahoma strong 1,seattle's space needle blasts off after collecting enough rain for home planet 1,café adds heartbreaking little lunch menu 0,why the sharing economy is harming workers -- and what must be done 0,You stand up for women.. I stand up for the child who has no choice Who's being descrimatory here? 0,islamic state retaliates as iraqi forces push on mosul 0,"And here we have a leading YEC showing how he starts with his preexisting religious position and is not about to change it, no matter what the scientific evidences show." 0,"are brick and mortar banks and checking accounts dying due to digital wallets, prepaid debit cards, etc.?" 0,"uaw, fca still negotiating under 'hour-by-hour' contract extension" 0,the false resurrection of george w. bush 0,'lemony snicket' out as wesleyan speaker amid reports of inappropriate comments 1,promotional jacket worn everywhere 1,stumbling drunk chuck grassley warns kavanaugh accuser she can testify all she wants but no one's going to believe her 0,our transgender child 0,what these celebrities have to say about bullying may not be what you're expecting 0,"Don't you think this would fit the 'Creationism is nothing but lie's thread a bit better? Although I notice The Skeptic making disparaging remarks about your examples, it seems he attacks you more than deal with the well documented examples you have." 0,nyc photographer leverages instagram to plot the future of marketing 1,"Anyone can ""give consent"". The issue is wether the parson is old enough to make that decission. I bet the children Michael Jackson raped gave their consent. Does that make it ""allright""? Are the kids ""mature enough"" to take the consequences of those actions?" 0,measles cases could triple even with just a small decline in vaccinations 0,And you just did what you chastise me for in your next sentence 0,"puppy comforts dog having a nightmare, because that's what friends are for" 1,internet to reduce e-mail delivery to 6 days a week 0,"these quotes from kids are hilarious, adorable and oddly insightful" 1,mom wants one of those things your sister has for christmas 1,man thinks receptionist is hitting on him 0,trump suggests florida students could have done more to prevent deadly shooting 0,andrew lincoln and his cue cards are back in 'love actually' reunion teaser 1,man in bar makes general inquiry about the ladies 0,"an image is not the original. a photo of you is not you, its an image of you. the image cannot be or replace the original, and isnt intended toregardless of how ""perfect"" the photocopier is, you cannot cash the ""perfect"" copy of the check. it may be a perfect replica, to the detail, but it is still only an image. the problem isnt the quality of the copying process, but the fact that the copy itself is just that, a copy, not the original" 0,rachel roy reveals her best beauty secrets to into the gloss 1,johns hopkins doctors perform first successful surgery on broken thumb 0,"Scientically the data does account for those things. The numbers show that gay divorce is lower. Hetero couples could be separated, sleeping around, or other as well as the gay couples. It is factored in the obvious reasoning that both could equally be doing that, but it hasn't changed the numbers. Gay divorces are still lower. I did look for more current numbers but didn't find any. I am sure they areout there I just didn't find them." 0,trump claims credit for shock dem win in pennsylvania 0,"egg lobbyists targeted bloggers, media to fight vegan startup" 1,verb to follow noun; prepositional phrase to follow 1,"parents, baby, godmother all uncomfortable with arrangement" 1,mcdonald's prints calorie count right onto meat 0,"Things like future proof of a young earth - evolution needs billons of years. Or proof of severe weather conditions that would destroy the evolutionary process. Life on earth dies completely if it gets out of a fairly narrow temperature range, any time during those billions of years." 1,"wealthy, famous individual described as 'totally down-to-earth' by thousands of acquaintances, all of whom are lying" 0,here's why you need to know broadway and tv star andy mientus 0,twitter users call b.s. on donald trump's tweet about mueller indictments 1,"Yes, but if true it would certainly make the investigation go easier and the repair of other bridges faster and cheaper. Ban gay marriage - your bridges never collapse - imagine that!" 1,man in suit slams fist on desk 1,"I like the idea of sterilization for rightwing Christian extremists, like AA, but it is too late, he's already reproduced." 0,watch 6-year-old sophie cruz give one of the best speeches of the women's march 0,trump jr. left open possibility that dad knew of trump tower meeting at the time 0,thousands of people who failed background checks in 2016 bought guns anyway 1,eddie vedder finally goes away 0,jimmy kimmel fights back tears over cecil the lion's death 1,lawyer urged by mother to include younger brother in murder trial 0,uganda's top anglican leader doubles down on anti-gay law 0,These items do not have killing as their primary use. 0,"Recent studies apparently show that pot is more harmful than you say. One joint is said to contain more carcinogens than four tobacco cigarettes.I doubt your 20,000 joints theory.You have a simplistic argument going for pot. I can't agree that legalizing all drugs would be a good thing either. Programs in Holland have failed to produce significant if any benefits to society in general. The druggies seem to have benefitted by having arrest-free drug zones and access to whatever they want, but the cost of drugs still requires some income, something that most of them likely do not have other than from crime, begging or social programs.One ""benefit"" I see from legalizing drugs is that the users could be more easily identified." 1,reagan's memory honored with sharp increase in federal budget deficit 1,who pushes for more 'ouchless' adhesive funding 1,mom just wants to watch something nice 1,report: majority of americans proficient at owing large sums of money 1,9-pound infant barrels way down birth canal 0,twitter's latest anti-troll measure is perfectly timed 0,"nom funneled millions to fight maine marriage equality, but had only one big donor from the state" 1,wkzn-tv concludes broadcast day 1,winning lottery numbers so obvious in hindsight 1,world's religious leaders admit they just love getting to wear frilly little gowns and having a blast 1,new triple-x dinosaur park opens in nevada 1,chevron touts green initiative with hybrid-powered oil drilling platforms 1,I am un-aware of a conservative nazi party. Did Howard Dean tell you this? 1,man in break room can still hear time clock ticking loudly 1,That should get the natives milling around looking for victims. Fundamentalist Christianity does not take kindly to criticism. 0,diamonds are a girl's best friend -- and other feminist truths 1,"young couple hasn't yet realized they don't have to do grocery shopping, laundry together" 0,What is incredible is that this is probably the most enlightened response I can expect from this crowd. 0,"alex morgan talks world cup, wedding planning, and yoga on the road" 1,"obama returns from trade summit with 5 stout ships full of cardamom, silk, and indigo" 1,"Yep when about 99.99% of a cows diet is grass...I guess we should be eating that instead. It is hard to urinate in one corner of the toilet. If all ground that is being used for livestock is ""wonderfully transformed"" into grain production there will be many many wild species that will go extinct due to lack of uncultivated land." 1,"Except, of course, the evidence is totally against that. Plus, there is the little matter of infant mortality... and lack of resources. But hey, don't let common sense and evidence stop you." 0,"the world's worst ebola outbreak, by the numbers" 0,journalists who refuse to take the same non-answer for an answer 1,"cult leader pretty cool, actually" 1,former orca trainer granted final wish to be buried at seaworld 0,"the big bend, a u-shaped skyscraper, could become the longest in the world" 0,jake tapper has one-word response to creepy kellyanne conway 'snl' sketch 1,Yeah yeah whatever and there are gay catholics also. The point is that the vast majority of baptists are the 0,miranda lambert just got 'engaged' to the most adorable little fan 0,elizabeth warren grills trump's labor nominee over workplace safety 0,quiz: where should you live abroad? 1,nra sends complimentary bereavement gun baskets to families of shooting victims 0,'x-files' creator hints reboot may confirm that theory about scully 1,So says a ghoul who delights in digging up the body of a dead man. 0,"Absolutely true!I discovered that with my fluoride research...For whatever reason, most people take another's word for what the truth actually is instead of searching for it themselves.If the lie is an easier pill to swallow than the truth pill, they'll take the lie. emoticonXFrazzled" 0,netflix's 'glow' trailer is an '80s wrestling-filled dream 0,electing a president: 5 things to consider 1,"report: detroit bankruptcy might transform city into some kind of hellish, depopulated wasteland" 0,"in russiagate, keep your eye on pence" 1,senate rejects pipeline plan that would have created thousands of climate activist jobs 0,politico admits 'mistake' in sending dnc an article in advance 1,local man thinking about becoming asshole 0,"But if you actually take time to read the study that is posted on that website it appears that the claims of the NSPOF are doubtful, inconsistent with other studies, and likely biased in favor of people answering that they had used a gun to defend themselves. " 1,disney still throwing word 'classic' around like so much confetti 0,"False and that doesn't invalide evolution given how it's a misrepresentation of one of the statements in the theory. Gould can take his comments and shove them up his ***." 1,toilet-paper edge given classy appearance with triangular fold 1,led bulb coming to terms with fact that it will outlive all its friends 0,britney and her sons cover people magazine 0,14 photos that show the special bond between moms and daughters 0,chicago just fired an investigator trying to hold cops accountable for unjustified shootings 0,"former new york post reporter on trump: he played 2 sports, 'golf and lying'" 0,etiquette tips for celebrating graduations 1,goose thinking of migrating home a couple weeks early to avoid the crowds 1,man watching cleopatra 2525 has no time to read 0,republicans and democrats have very different ideas about what saved a congressional ethics watchdog 1,Too late. I am a child of the 70's. My mind evaporated decades ago.emoticonXDonno 1,al franken tearfully announces intention to step down from role as harasser of women 1,"THe religious reigh is not mainstream either. And frankly, you are also confusing politics and religion. You do KNOW that there is a difference? You also know there is a differnece between hateful proclimations and scholarship, don't you??" 0,universal patents a wand and spells ride that sounds perfect for a new harry potter attraction 0,on our doorstep: the gatlinburg fires 0,luke from 'gilmore girls' is getting his own line of coffee 1,"gop officials urge calmer, more reasonable death threats toward kavanaugh accuser" 0,7 simple habits you can adopt to keep fit 0,zero deforestation commitments the first step towards certified palm oil 0,"and thus a reason to support balanced reporting. true, there are indisputable facts. say 3000 died. but the interpretation of the facts are subjected to bias. the 3000 deserved to die as collaborators vs the 3000 were innocent and did not deserve to die." 1,sad man tears 2 bananas off larger bunch 0,facebook outreach tool ignores black lives matter 0,"her modern family: four moms, four refugee kids and plenty more" 1,cheer introduces new higher-priced cheer 1,lanthanum quits periodic table of elements 1,report: north dakota leads nation in parking availability 1,If it isn't so hard then why haven't you found it yet? I am still waiting and you becoming cocky is not helping you. 1,panicked agriculture secretary momentarily forgets what corn is 0,report: dnc and clinton campaign funded research behind trump russia dossier 0,"news roundup for august 23, 2017" 1,dad explains obamacare 0,andrew w.k. submits the necessary paperwork to form 'the party party' 0,the bizarre story of trump's first congressional endorsement 1,"Another red herring gay argument. Ever hear of a medical power of attorney? You don't need marriage to have one, you know. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,what self-respecting cop would accept this cake as a bribe? 0,"barbara bush in 'failing health,' won't seek more medical treatment" 1,"surgeon pretty bummed about losing patient, but it not like they were good friends or anything" 0,No minor should be able to consent to medical care without permission from their parents or emancipation from a judge. 1,local household announces plans to overdo halloween again 1,"depressed, butter-covered tom vilsack enters sixth day of corn bender after losing vp spot" 1,middle-aged man having best snacks of his life 1,world map rearranged to accommodate poor geography skills of americans—nations ordered alphabetically 0,lin-manuel miranda takes bow as hamilton one last time 1,fda recommends at least 3 servings of foods with word 'fruit' on box 1,mother feels a little validated after daughter who stayed out late gets murdered 1,nintendo reveals 'smash bros. ultimate' will allow characters to repeatedly punch self in face to freak out opponent 0,canadian police probing stabbing and car attacks as terrorism 0,'life continues': baghdad residents remain resilient amid bombings 1,"yea you've rebuttled every one of my posts with rhetoric. How do you explain how The Computational and Analytical Molecular Evolution Laboratory is calling for a new synthesis based on ""biased"" mutations?????? let's hear it." 1,florida police warn public against taking law into own hands unless it's that law specifically designed for you to do that 0,watch college students surprise beloved cafe worker with a dream trip to disney 0,pregnant cancer patients shouldn't terminate or delay treatment 0,illinois neglects child care payments for needy families 0,"in louisiana, a plan to relocate the country's first 'climate refugees' hits a roadblock" 1,liu xiaobo - going to be pretty tough for the chinese government to kill now 0,"meg whitman compares donald trump to hitler, mussolini" 1,"Even then, your statement does nothing. They aren't ""getting themselves pregnant"". A doctor is doing a medical procedure, that may or may not result in a pregnancy (ya know, those little sperm thingies?) emoticonXAngel" 0,here are 10 of the best political quotes of 2014 1,procrastinating catholic 20 rosaries behind 1,"Nice try, but no cigar. I never said that inflation had no effect. Of course it does. But even factoring in the alleged 500% inflation since the 1960s or whatever it happens to be depending on calculation does not account for the huge run-up in the price of crude to nearly $80 not that long ago. My beef has been the resident ""experts"" here who flout their supposed knowledge and money to impress us lesser mortals who reminded them of the iron law of supply and demand. That, by the way, is found in Economics 101. But you knew that, didn't you? So now, it's a ""technical"" correction. What's next? Some wisdom from Joe Granville or the Elliot Wave Theory? Ball in your court." 0,the effects of 'western' colonization of india on the lives and future of the women of the indian-subcontinent 0,"What's ridiculous is your mis-reading of the argument. I'm both discussing individual pharmacists, and their refusal of service to individuals based on the drug the individual wants, which is already assumed to be dispensed at that pharmacy or chain." 0,paul ryan's war on social security 1,"struggling high school cuts football—nah, just kidding, art it is" 1,Sorry baby the story was in the religion of peace land. Your strawman is burning. 1,"gm workers strike for 2,000-peso raise" 1,report: 98% of battlebots suffer debilitating cpu injuries 1,"And like I said, your opinion is worth exactly NOTHING. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,You mean you don't think you have your own made-up religion?? How interesting! Do you really think you're fooling God? Or us?? Or even yourself?? 0,paul ryan says he doesn't want to work with democrats on health care 0,watch: 'party monster' michael alig give his first video interview since his release from prison 0,"I gotta admit, I got a real chuckle out of this one. :pWaxy" 1,little pussy has to take phone call in other room 0,uc davis chancellor linda katehi placed on leave over claims of ethics violations 1,nsa: 'can somebody good at computers help us?' 1,monopoly releases special 'regular monopoly' edition 0,reinvest in california seniors to boost local economies 1,international criminal court announces new '3 strikes' genocide policy 0,Again? What do you mean? I am talking about different sciences per se. What is your question? 0,why i don't want my kids to be happy 0,there's a sexy kenneth bone costume now because we have no boundaries 1,fountain simulates vomiting lion 0,"the new york times defends covering hacked democratic emails, even if it helped russia" 1,"perot may lead first mars expedition 'only if the people of mars ask me to,' he says" 0,rockette says inauguration performance is 'an issue of racism and sexism' 0,finding purpose in the universe 1,depression symptom checklist speaking to area man as no poem ever could 1,triumph of human engineering slept through 1,helpful waitress asks recently seated couple if they've eaten food before 1,self-defense instructor keeps a couple of secrets to himself 0,"That's a bit of a sidestep. Abortion is not genocide because abortion is not destruction of a certain group of people based on race, religion, ethnicity, etc. There is no way to make a case for abortion being genocide without making capitol punishment qualify as genocide. Frankly, I think it's easier to do the latter (yet most pro-lifers are also pro-death penalty).If you want to make an argument, then make an argument. But don't call abortion genocide; that's just dumb." 0,"I see that you missed to point. I was correcting you lack of knowledge about carbon 14 dating. You think that you can date fossils of this age with carbon. You also seem to think that you can date rocks with carbon 14. You can't. Time after time you reveal your ignorance by your inability to respond appropriately. KNM-WT 15000 was dated from stratigraphic studies of the area and dating of specific, appropriate rock samples from above and below the fossils." 1,secretarian violence claims lives of three receptionists 0,'snl' takes on sexist super bowl stereotypes in the best way 0,melania trump mocked for 'teach kids to be responsible digital citizens' tweet 0,"berlin christmas market attack suspect killed in shootout in italy, official says" 1,tank rolls by living room window 0,martha raddatz was the mvp of that horrifying debate 0,an apology to my fellow black woman 1,report: employees most innovative when brainstorming dramatic quitting scenarios 1,"Oh, this should be good. Please cite some similarities, other than the fact that both are called marriages." 0,top 5 reasons to drop your ex this break up season 1,well that won't help you when you go to hell...Woo hoo 0,the u.s. military can't get out (no matter the country or the conflict) 0,the vitriol displayed toward colin kaepernick is simply un-american 0,"3 habits highly productive people do every day, even if they're 'too busy'" 1,report: still hasn't been long enough to open restaurant called bin laden's 1,texas vows to reclaim title of most regressive state from arizona 1,e.t. toys forced on uninterested children 1,"suburban family invests hopes, dreams in gas grill" 0,12 cards any newly single person would be happy to get in the mail 0,"white house talks tough on iran, but suggests nuke deal is ok after all" 1,man always insists you toss him keys rather than just hand them to him 0,these newlyweds have god-like locks and the internet is living for it 1,guinness world records promotes man who can lift 27 pounds with tongue to editor-in-chief 1,bartender refuses to acknowledge patron's regular status 1,pope accepts senior analyst position at catholic think tank 0,this unorthodox guided meditation might just get you in the habit 0,"twitter users mock 'trump caucus' photo for being 'so white,' they need sunglasses" 1,"man misses simple pleasure of going to movie store, browsing for something, being told it's out, driving home" 0,cartoon donald trump assures colbert his numbers are the biggest 0,trump taps 'jumpin' jack flash' to close the deal in iowa 1,audience at press conference relieved to hear steps will be taken 0,oakland artists take on gentrification as tech boom threatens their city 0,here's the 'gilmore girls' revival teaser and release date 1,"Where on earth, dear, dear person, are you getting your statistics, might I ask? I would love to see this as over 50% of marriages end in divorce. And since gays can't marry, that'd be the heterosexuals. Oh, by the way, please to meet's Mrs Ketcham....:)" 0,tpp: obama's folly 1,"Well ok then, why dont you tell us ""right"" view on gay marriage? (Instead of just b-wording)" 0,nobody keeps baby from the corner 0,read the full text of sally yates' letter opposing donald trump's muslim ban 0,john legend speaks to the crack in the system caused by mass incarceration 1,middlebury vermont town council continues 242-year tradition of american democracy with 4-1 vote to rezone lot for new popeyes 1,sixth-grader's family tree fails to hold up to scrutiny 1,stunted 56-year-old still writing chuck palahniuk novels 1,bunch of people apparently saw that brendan fraser mummy movie 0,obama to impose major new regulations on offshore drilling 0,the real reason trump can't break the gop 1,"kellyanne conway: 'i always liked hope hicks' skin, her unblemished supple skin, pure, tasty skin'" 0,snow angel 0,"We've covered that: zoos do not include predators or prey in those environments. And even if they didn't document minor phenotypic changes, they would surely notice a porcupine being born with no quills, or a tortoise with no shell!" 0,where you can listen to prince online in honor of the late music icon 1,cnbc: 'anyone who owns a suit can come on television' 0,déjà vu? 1,study finds sedentary lifestyle puts millions of americans at risk of becoming beautiful just the way they are 0,Paranoia is so ugly. It's not OK to teach scientific theory but it is OK to tell them that mythology is fact? 0,austria and germany open borders to migrants offloaded by hungary 0,omg did time put devil horns on hillary clinton?! 0,you might want to cut back on the soap 1,couple's fucked-up presex ritual involves tucking both kids into bed 0,"So what if overriding other instincts is an instinc? (and there you go with natural again, why are human instincts not natural instincts?) Pretty much everything we do is instinctual." 0,"True, but the one after this one will be. I think many sane people see the writing on the wall which shows this health care bill only gives you the costs of the current US system with the defects of a universal system. I'm not much for conspiracy theories but if I were I'd think the government was purposely driving health care off a cliff to get universal care in place. " 0,"texas man kills co-worker, then takes own life" 1,paul ryan worried history may judge him harshly for failure to confront tyrannical food stamp abusers 0,public diplomacy in the pacific 0,"feeding people, and democracy, to death" 0,Nope. Not the parts that are taught in high school. The conjecture is mostly at the molecular level these days. 0,two thumbs down on air nonsense 1,egyptian populace to hopefully get something better than democracy out of all this 0,"Well sigma, which is more painful?? Being burnt with salene for 30 minutes to an hour and if that doesnt work after the 3rd time, being born prematurally and laid on a table and starving to death..... OR A woman sticking a clothes hanger up and accidentally killing herself but intentionally killing the kid within her? seems to me that people dont really care about how the baby feels. It has just as much feeling as the mother." 1,miss nude america loses title after appearing clothed in woman's day 0,this is the world's first official 'jewish tartan' 1,all-beef patty 70 percent beef 1,study finds exposure to violent children causes increased aggression in video game characters 1,reno orders investigation of u.s. department of corruption 0,The only reason why that makes no sense is that no one exists inside the embryo. It would be like writing about someone weeding their garden from a weeds point of view. The anthropomorphization of non-mental existant beings is implausible at least. 1,law enforcement questions why alton sterling was even black in the first place 0,report alleges human rights abuses at dhs facilities on the mexican border 1,'parent trap' producers recall euthanizing lindsay lohan clone after completing filming 0,"I believe you can relinquish the child support responsibility if you also relinquish parental rights.Complicated stuff - kind of going through it right now as we are working on revoking my son's bilogocal father's parental rights. Once that is done I can not pursue him for support.Plus, plenty of dads do it the easy way, don't pay, don't care and disappear." 0,magnetic migration 1,report: make it stop 0,israeli ban targeting boycott supporters raises alarm abroad 0,"are we safer now? yes, but not as much as we could be" 0,states slow to shut down weak teacher education programs 1,fully gentrified neighborhood all cheese shops 1,awkward encounter not awkward at all when masturbated about 0,inside amazon: wrestling big ideas in a bruising workplace 1,"'i'll make those bastards pay,' teary-eyed mueller whispers into locket containing photo of james comey" 1,bling-bling pawned 1,nation ready for its din din 0,how the uk is strengthening interfaith bonds after paris attacks 0,why did contraception stop being common ground in the abortion wars? 0,acknowledging the past 0,4 must-have digital marketing core competencies 1,dunbar family forced to discontinue print edition of christmas newsletter 1,designers opt to stick with last year's fashions 1,slovenian 8th-graders surprised even they outperformed u.s. students in science 1,Says the man who wants to criminalize being a victim of a crime. :) 1,"report: only one in every 150,000 dead children becomes angel" 1,polar bear cub just knows he's going to be last of species 1,wounded marine: friendly-fire bullets hurt that much more 0,"Because if evolution cannot explain all changes it is false, Unless you propose some creatures evolved and some were specially created. Is that what you mean?Genesis says that all creatures were specially created. It fits with the observational evidence but there is no smoking gun that proves it.Statis is the norm not the exception.One is right the other wrong. It cannot be both ways.Do you have an answer to how a lizard can morph into a bird considering the amazing difference in the lungs?" 1,"watching thousands march in his honor unlocks deeper, darker corner of trump's psyche" 1,video game blacksmith struggling to compete with random chests full of free armor all over kingdom 1,palm tree in hurricane irma's path ready to bend real good for cameras 0,"So was I. I did say I was playing devil's advocate. As far as I'm concerned, Tiktaalik is a triumph of scientific deduction." 0,"the witching hour, revisited" 1,area woman to celebrate quiet women's history month at home this year 1,preschooler asks to borrow classmate's notes on shapes 1,foot-long hoagie used as ruler 1,"dad just wants nice, simple xbox one for checking email" 0,"Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever heard anyone claim that the pro-choice movement is for the sake of the child. Sorry, you aren't even close. I don't know a pro-choicer period that would say it's for anything other than the sake of the woman." 0,'the interview' is having a very good weekend so far 0,"Just a couple points of clarification... o It may grow into post-birth human person. It may not. o It can already be considered a human child before birth by commonly accepted definitions of the word 'child.'" 0,6 necessities that you probably take for granted (but many people desperately need) 1,world's worst person decides to go into marketing 1,"ganso the super-scientist thinks that blah blah .. ganso the super mathematician using his super computer finds out that blah blah .. does archie and symbiote agree with your calculations ? Actually, I think that there is a passage in the Bible where it says that God forbids climate change, it is sinful you are truly a ganso :)" 0,"and the pro-choicers claim pro-lifers appeal to emotion too much. Nevertheless, I think the embryos would probably be dead if they were just sitting on a counter somewhere so you then save the child." 0,canadian officials start to get handle on massive wildfire 0,team of sherpas first to scale everest in 2 years 1,I believe that the theory you speak of is called slavery; everybody is equal because they have nothing and need to work long and hard just to earn the privilege of living in order to serve their masters. 1,"'gta v' a sophisticated gaming experience, says man who spent 3 hours running over homeless people with fire truck" 0,"Hello there. The principle behind a pro-life Christian supporting the death penalty (I am one) is this: We are talking of innocent life. The death penalty is justified for a person who is guilty of commiting a crime against a society that has that law. The child never did anything wrong. I know of other beleivers who don't support the death penalty, so basically, it's an in-house debate." 1,vatican policymaking once again manipulated by powerful second commandment rights groups 0,"It's not tough, especially for close stars. You use triangulation based on the orbit of the earth." 0,seth rogen says he smoked weed in steven spielberg's face 1,breaking: now it's a party! 1,papa john's now offering 3-day home delivery 0,"Not quite. To be more correct regarding government and guns, the right to own weapons is for the right to revolt and revolt with violence.Our political philosophy is very clear on this:""that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it"" - Declearation of IndependaceYou have the right to try and revolt with violence. You don't have the right to win a revolt." 1,nation stunned as man buys newspaper 1,low-budget film panders just as shamelessly as big studio feature 0,philippine president duterte declares martial law after isis-linked attack 0,we obtained hillary clinton's secret gitmo memo to obama. read it here. 0,chrissy teigen wants you to survive your post-election thanksgiving 1,report: this week's all fucking hell breaking loose projected to be 30% more insane than last week's complete shitshow 0,howard students take over building to protest university embezzlement scandal 1,john boehner calls for national guard to deal with illegal immigrants hiding in mexico 1,'the office' ends as documentary crew gets all the footage it needs 0,north carolina governor's bathroom obsession has been years in the making 0,this 'catfight' clip pauses anne heche and sandra oh's rivalry for a quick pregnancy reveal 1,usda just doing quick smell tests to inspect all the backlogged meat that piled up during shutdown 1,panicking mark zuckerberg holds press conference explicitly welcoming armenian genocide deniers to facebook 0,yale humanists seek to unite new haven community with holiday obelisk 0,charlie rose opens up about one of his greatest regrets 1,alec baldwin secretes own hair gel 0,what it means to survive a hurricane 0,billionaire cash is flooding los angeles to push trump-devos school choice agenda 1,frank zappa fan thinks you just haven't heard the right album 1,"Supreme Court Empowers Foreign Governments to Sway Federal Elections? The Washington Independent Good bye! America! The greedy savages within have finally destroyed you." 0,'ghost plane' wreckage believed to have sunk off jamaica 1,ken burns not sure how to turn down ray romano's repeated offers to narrate next documentary 0,"Upon reviewing the golden rule ""do unto others as you would have them do unto you"" I see nothing of any other 'side.' It's very clear--treat others the way you'd want to be treated. No one wants to be treated badly, so if you follow the golden rule, you'll be benevolent." 1,media urged not to release names of any more presidential candidates in effort to prevent copycats 0,the best places to be in march 1,If you don't get all 10 according to landover you are not a true christian. 0,craig sager brings his a-game to facetime fellow cancer patient 1,romney celebrates florida win with all-night miami beach rave 1,new gym member lingers by free weights for several seconds before returning to elliptical machine 1,orrin hatch mistakenly left dangling in bondage-fetish dungeon 0,this is so much cooler than your boring black ponytail holder 0,trash reading 1,purdue pharma reports opioid deaths falling short of quarterly goals 0,why is the cuomo administration automatically deleting state employees' emails? 1,parents surprised cruel teen daughter hasn't pushed classmate to breaking point yet 0,trevor noah: 'moms are just like superheroes without the capes' 0,oh sure there is. you would just have a lot of angry off people though. 1,mike pence asks waiter to remove mrs. butterworth from table until wife arrives 0,this is what it's like to get butt-dialed by lorne michaels 1,"friends, family admit they expected man's mental breakdown to look completely different" 1,your kids: are they sexy enough? 1,area man locked in protracted battle with sweatshirt neckhole 0,beyoncé's iconic post-pregnancy dress is unexpectedly from a menswear collection 0,"I'll address the later question. They may not ""need"" teeth that big, I couldn't say. Just because a creature has a feature doesn't mean its necessary or useful. While evolution does select for useful traits and against harmful traits, that doesn't mean that a trait won't develop that is simply odd. As long as it isn't particularly negative there's no reason to assume it will go away, and so sometimes you get traits that aren't ""useful"", they're simply not harmful. Those teeth could be such a case." 0,learning the meaning of 'family' -- through intense homophobia 1,devin nunes files lawsuit against parents for derailing russia investigation by giving birth to total dud 0,the women of iraq: what women's roles look like on the ground 0,couple married 75 years renew their vows in sweet nursing home ceremony 1,grandma hangs on to spend one last christmas with nursing home staff 1,"report: oh, fuck yeah, egg yolk dripping all over sandwich" 0,the secrets behind the alvin ailey american dance theater 1,stuffed-up congress allocates $250 million to destroy pollen 1,first-grader given sticker for behavior during lockdown drill 1,person ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prsn) n. A living human. human ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hymn) n. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens You mean these definitions?...Just wondering 1,"People who don't agree with you must be banned or better still shot, right ??" 1,bandai recalls lady gaga 0,"Certainly, because with calm empathy you can casually address such a matter simply because the struggle does not pertain to you personally. To be able to put into question the love of another human being is simply not only alarming in nature, but damning to the very definition of love, equality, and freedom in creation of man.... And to trump this as a question of morality only serves as a mask to curtail the prejudice objections one personally has to a ceremony, right, and relationship that person will not even be personally affected by...." 0,lingerie made for queer people? now there's a boutique for that 0,amy schumer talked about her tampon on the emmys red carpet 0,a joyous eid in somalia: ugaaso abukar boocow's instagram photos capture the celebrations in mogadishu 1,nation leery of very odd little boy 1,ice agent trying to think of fun name for jail cell before locking up immigrant child 1,obama announces we are invading iran right now 0,big checks power jeb bush super pac's unreal money haul 1,"woman deriving some sort of sick pleasure from healthy new diet, lifestyle" 1,"'but a fox wouldn't eat gingerbread,' that one precocious little asshole reports" 1,entertainment writer has knack for making complex pop culture concepts accessible to lay readers 1,"So why did you say pot was worse than alcohol? Just because both are apparently bad, doesn't make one 'worse'. I'll point out that you compared the two first, so saying it's dumb to compare the two's shooting yourself in the foot." 1,moderator sternly issues final warning for tim kaine to stop playing with microphone 0,"wall street lobbyists and d.c. ""insiders"" wrong (again) on dol conflict of interest rule" 0,recovery expressions that blew my mind 0,"Yet without it the vessel is just worms, mud, then dust, like rock & tree houses, not made to endure, yet, the life force, energy, back to the cosmos/source, converted, capable of being rewinded, paused, and fastfowarded, like a movie screen amongst the stars, revealing our lives." 0,journalist once accused of making up sources arrested for threatening jewish institutions 0,not like most girls 0,"the vergara era, part 1: how we got here" 0,"But what about the married couple who know right up front they do not intend to have children, don't even intend to try? Do we ban them from marriage to?" 0,christian devotees around the world re-enact jesus' crucifixion 1,"emoticonXBanghead emoticonXBanghead emoticonXBanghead Experience contradicts previously accepted experience. That's how science evolves. Science. Evolves." 1,man unfortunately sleeps like baby 0,the intervention of richard spencer and the alt-right 0,"obama administration hits goal of welcoming 10,000 syrian refugees" 0,rex tillerson travels to turkey to be honored by the oil industry 1,woman informs husband that he made new friend 0,democratic senators vow transportation bill fight over safety 0,anti-drug senators criticized for 'sham' hearing on legal marijuana 0,the true gifts of the holidays 0,"Well regulated as in the second amendment does not mean regulated by the government, it means well equiped and prepared. The framers of the constitution often spoke of a tyrannical government and how to keep one from coming to power, so why in the hell would they have said lets just give the government total control of guns. Your definition of well regulated makes about as much sense as adding another day to the week." 1,'game of thrones' creators frantically re-shoot finale to make peter dinklage death seem intentional 0,"Well, Satan was invented to explain why there is evil in the world.. the dualism. He was adopted by the Hebrews under the influence of Persia. However, in the Jewish religion, Satan is not this incredilbly evil being out to corrupt souls, but rather just an angel (who had no free will), whose job it was to provide for bad choices so that people may choose GOOD ,and thus live more sanctified lives by their own actions." 1,successories poster shoplifted 0,don't trust your gut on hillary: why the visceral suspicion of her is predictable – and untrustworthy 0,a mooc by any other name 0,white liberals celebrating tomi lahren's daily show interview are missing the point 0,"donald trump thinks roger goodell is 'weak,' 'stupid' and a 'dope'" 1,"stock value of billions of otherwise worthless data, photos, videos, opinions plummets" 1,nothing going right for area surgeon today 1,facebook offers to freeze female employees' newborn children 0,the best style moments from wimbledon 2015 1,trump deploys national guard to press conference for standing ovation 0,"They are safer. The 300 gun deaths per year rate has dropped since then.Let's have a little reality intrude on the gun porn fantasies. Only 13% of Swiss homes ever had an Army-issue weapon in them, Militia service extending only from age 20 to age 30, and the ammunition was stored in a sealed pack, with severe punishments for the seal being broken." 1,al-qaeda hires public-relations consultant just to shoot him 0,the justice department pledge to prosecute white-collar criminals is about to face a major test 0,the best ifttt recipes to make the most of your vacation 0,why banning hate groups won't end them 0,"Yea I know that, but there is no ""abortion"" pill that will terminate a fetus." 0,rep. mike thompson wins re-election 1,Looks like dancing in the blood of innocents to me. 0,mindfulness in your 20s: lessons i learned from a hitchhiker 0,"steady job growth is still not boosting workers' pay, new numbers show" 0,"our smog standards are in jeopardy under trump, and we need to fight back" 0,this weightlifting blooper was funny -- but we all missed the bigger picture 0,instagram influencers are all starting to look the same. here's why. 1,report: 50% of heaven's population just assholes who begged for forgiveness at last second 1,sight of coworkers' stupid fucking faces endured yet again 0,here's how many people in each state may not be able to afford insurance if the supreme court rules against obamacare 0,alaska senate candidate joe miller says abortion is bankrupting social security 1,area man committed to being spicy food guy 1,So? What does that prove? That Cheney's draft number was called more often than Slick's? emoticonXConfused 1,subway drops jared fogle as spokesperson 1,woman mad boyfriend not jealous she danced with other guy 1,'squi' rockets to most popular baby name of 2018 1,'minotaurs the new vampires' says publishing executive desperate to find new vampires 0,"mechanic stole city bus because he was late for work, police say" 0,"I believe many of the intellectuals behind the ""pro-life"" movement (and rest assured it is the intellectuals, not the masses, behind any political movement, whether it be pro-life or instigating a communist revolution) are not opposed to abortion per se. Anti-abortion legislation is simply a tool by which they try to maintain a less sexually permissive society, believing that if women who fall pregnant outside of marriage are forced to endure pregnancy and likely child-raising alone, rather than being offered an easy way out, they will be less likely to have sex outside of marriage. For this reason any method of contraception poses the same threat to them as abortion does, though some methods may be easier to rally support against than others." 1,"Oh dear. Now lets are not stating that gypsies do Not have a culture of theft and violence. You are saying I cannot say that they HAVE a culture of theft and violence because of the above? Grow up emoticonXDonno" 1,area man thankful to be single during golden age of television 0,baseball icon david ortiz slams trump for anti-mexican attacks 0,"Yes, it is interesting how we draw an arbitary ""legal line in the sand"" with regards to determining how late into a pregnancy an elective abortion is available." 0,california debates 'yes means yes' sex assault law 0,getting off the t train 0,fiorina spotted in indiana ahead of cruz announcement 0,the little boy from 'love actually' has not changed at all 0,israelis and palestinians at harvard: part 9 of 9 0,trump jokes about fate of vulnerable gop senator during health care talks 0,mike pence claims there was no contact between russia and trump during the campaign 0,10 ways to win her back if you're a dude in a rom-com 1,"Is this where you fall to your quaking knees, frothing at the maw, shouting halllalujah hallllaaaaalujahhhhhhh" 0,"janis joplin: 'who you are is what you settle for, you know?'" 0,ex-iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad plans to run again 0,friday talking points -- new speaker's speaking problem 1,starfucker gives stephen baldwin a hand job 1,good thing this argument has never been done!...oh wait. With that logic we should make everything legal. You are much better off making theft legal and safe (no more guns needed!) than to have it illegal and dangerous. 1,"What the heck did you have for breakfast today, huh? A bowl of nails and terpentine to wash it down? Talk about a foul mood. You've been to half a dozen threads just this morning launching personal attacks at everybody you come across, and most of them have something to do with 'I'm glad there aren't more people in the world like you,' or 'I hope you're the only ones the terrorists kill so we can get back to making this nation great,' blah blah blah. They invented things like Midol for moods like yours. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them stupid, or misguided, or immoral, or dishonest, or any of the other snipes you've been firing off. Lol, and you're telling me to not throw any hissy fits." 1,cosmopolitan offers 15 tips for fattening up for winter 1,man deeply suspicious after insurer covers prescription without hassle 1,fender introduces new line of sympathy and bereavement guitars 1,dad can't believe lawn didn't get him anything for father's day 0,"first nighter: musicals ""atomic,"" ""the mapmaker's opera,"" ""valueville""" 0,"new fathers suffer from postpartum depression, too" 0,When is wealth redistributed on a whim? The NHS is one of the few good things to come out of WWII and is the mark of a fair society (if you ask me). Restricting health-care according to wealth is despotic.... 1,"pope francis: 'jesus—i get molesting kids, but nuns too?'" 1,"3 dozen chemical, emotional responses activated by phrase 'pigs in a blanket'" 1,wall street executive telling friend how amazing it is to see clinton live 1,'watermelon capital of world' claim goes unchallenged 1,ants demand 23.9-hour workday 1,congress abandons wikiconstitution 0,the email tricks that will completely change your life 1,genealogists find 99% of people not related to anyone cool 1,"breaking: situation worsens in venezuela, bolivia, u.s., japan, mexico, iraq, spain" 0,"1.)Refusing to comment on scientific procedure means absolutely nothing. Maybe we don't have anything to say.2.)Testing your beliefs of your own scientific conclusions is not wrong.3.)I don't lie dude.4.)Because we don't give the response you would like is not wrong.5.)Don't think so.6.)The only thing classical ad-naeseum is your own preconceived idea's of creationism and creationist.You don't want to debate the issues like normal civil people, you just want try to make fools of creationists. Usually you're the one who start's the insulting. Your hatred is obivious and you're open to nothing. Just good 'ol boys patting each other on the back. I know this probably doesn't apply to everyone, there are some good guys out there. emoticonXAngel" 1,new study finds unplanned pregnancies continuing to decline in bruce springsteen lyrics 0,bangladesh bloggers fear deadly backlash won't end soon 0,"This joke is based on some reality, ""the conquest of the North Pole is traditionally credited to Anglo-American Navy engineer Robert Edwin Peary, who claimed to have reached the Pole on April 6, 1909. Anyhow, not all jokes are completely true, how many stand up comedians have you heard??? If you were to nit pick every joke out there (being politicaly correct etc) there would be no jokes left!" 1,"A woman's right to choose to keep her legs together is not in any way abridged by this bill. Ho, ho,f***ing ho." 0,these photos of real kitchen disasters prove we've all been there 0,celebrities are urging australians to vote 'yes' on same-sex marriage 0,daily meditation: the call of adventure 1,jesus-loving co-worker believes she's not alone at lunch table 0,democrats score special election upset in wisconsin gop stronghold 1,report: there must be some trick to unfolding table legs 1,"donald trump jr. divorce leaves confused, heartbroken nation wondering why bad things happen to good people" 0,the fascinating case for eating lab-grown meat 0,cruz super pac aims to take out rubio in florida 1,hero firefighter: 'i'm a hero' 1,endangered rhino just wishes his horn didn't make people immortal 0,calvin harris handles taylor swift joke like a pro while accepting award 0,donald trump concedes he's 'not at all presidential' as he slams michael moore play 1,brown workers put company in the black 1,mark zuckerberg apologizes to congress for not realizing scope of his genius 0,and gun nuts say f*** the children when we have to decide between saving guns and childrens lives 1,"Equal doesn't mean good, saved, or even enlightened, preppie. Try getting out of Hell by telling God you're equal with a Billy Graham." 1,"city to issue deep, meaningful municipal bonds" 0,a brief history of hollywood's complicated relationship with cocaine 0,"But I would have been interested in hearing how you explained the above points. My post was a quick hack job, looked up in a few books that I have along with stuff that I remember from my reading. I may have made an error and would be interested in hearing about it. Maybe I can defend my point of view, maybe I can't. If you put time and effort into a response, why delete it. Redundant posts happen. ss/ww won't pay attention anyway and maybe he would respond to you. He runs from me because he always seems to make himself look like a fool and he realizes it." 1,english professor suddenly realizes students will believe literally anything she says 0,"I think the currently popular belief is that time itself is limited. Space, time, energy, matter and laws all came into existence together. Of course that's impossible for us to envisage...." 0,february is historical accuracy month 1,rookie cop laying on the jargon a little thick 1,podiatrists recommend getting feet rotated every 6 months 1,abusive husband was himself abuser as child 0,black freshmen at university of pennsylvania receive racist messages depicting lynchings 1,inhibitions found in seedy motel room 0,what happened to my son's memory? 0,'planet earth' with aziz ansari subtitles is way too real for us 0,pro-trump trolls target megyn kelly's new book on amazon 1,pillsbury doughboy's image sexed up 1,"I think we're seeing a culture war. Hardly seems a fair fight though, since only one side has any.:p" 1,network executive cancels show after ruining it in development 0,"So ban guns? That is like curing the headache by cutting off the head. Why not make it a crime to sell a gun privately. Perhaps make it a legal requirement to go to a licensed firearms dealer who at no charge to the parties other than the cost of the background check run the potential buyer through the database. I would certainly be willing to do this. As a responsible gun owner, I would hate to think that the firearm I was going to sell to someone might be going to a felon, or someone likely to use it to commit a crime. " 1,"obama blasted by cool, refreshing air" 1,croatian prime minister currently stuck under pile of turnips 0,gender non-conforming kids caught in the crosshairs of hate 1,astronomers discover extremely graphic galaxy 1,royal baby already making new friends 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 0,"q&a with writer/director ben caird on writing and the inspiration for his new film, halfway" 0,how a social media post led a teen into sex trafficking 0,british crew member dies during round the world yacht race 1,guinness forced to recognize bigger record book 0,jesse williams set to be honored with humanitarian award at the 2016 bet awards 1,"Do you grasp the concept of ""consentual""? consentual definition |" 0,will smith created the best instagram hype for the eagles' super bowl 0,dallas shootings cast shadow over obama trip to spain 1,facebook identifies dozens of suspicious accounts seemingly enjoying time on website 0,the royal family is ready for your awkward office holiday party 1,report: really old tenant probably pays much cheaper rent 1,'onion book of known knowledge' contains cure for hiv 1,"Oh, the old carnard, marry someone of the opposite sex and ruin two lives. I get it." 0,"What possible concern is any of that to you? Some actually search for knowledge through debate. This is a debate forum if you recall. Don't play if you're not so inclined but to post warnings not to fall in this trap, c'mon." 1,one beer can't do local alcoholic any harm 1,To bad you don't have the power to define the situation. 0,miley cyrus keeps her sense of humor amid hospitalization 0,watch kevin hart drop the mic on james corden 1,scientists finally prove what area dad has been saying for years 1,study: humans began domesticating animals to comfort children whose parents split up 1,sci-fi geek only hangs out with models 0,tom hanks brags how 'smokin' hot' rita wilson is after 29 years of marriage 0,trump's refusal to accept election results has americans fuming 1,nation breathes sigh of continuing unease 0,10 notable books of 2016 on black women's history 0,because that's the subject of this thread: what designing a solution to a problem actually entails. 0,"Here is a paper dealing with the formation of long chains of amino acids using a simulated volcanic vent. Elongation of Oligopeptides in a Simulated Submarine Hydrothermal System Amino acids are found in meteorites." 1,kfc introduces new previously owned 20-piece hot wings 1,child who soiled self during dance performance apparently just gonna tough it out up there 0,british singer and tv host cilla black dies at 72 0,women step up to share their abortion stories as congress moves against their rights 0,"Well then this doesn't answer my question.If you have 10 doctors for 100 people (this is just an example) and only 50 of them have health insurance and each doctor gets paid $100 a year then your health care per capita is $10 ([10doctors x $100]/100 people). If you change it to 100 people with health insurance you now have $10 per capita as well because you population did not change. Health care costs are shown per capita and not per person insured: Per Capita Health Expenditures by Country, 2007 — Infoplease.comSo again, if you go from $6,000 per capita per that website given above to say Switzerland levels at $4,100 per capita then where did that money come from?" 0,danny pintauro clarifies tony danza's 'disappointed' comment: 'he's worried about me more than anything' 1,sculptor criticized for turning women into objects 0,"the weeknd, mark ronson and bruno mars lead soul train nominations" 0,over 300 women chime in after l.a. times details director's sex abuse reputation 0,"Yes, but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as well. The fact that one requires less change than the other shouldn't matter, should it? Should having to do more reworking of laws and more paperwork hinder the pursuit of equality? It seems to me your argument boils down to ""polygamy requires more work to make the laws accomodate it."" Yeah--such is the price for marriage equality.Let's face it--if society really wanted to make marriage an open-ended institution of equality rather than for opposite-sex couples which comprise most relationships, they could pull it off--polygamy, gays, letting 17 year olds marry, etc. All those civil servants are there and can do it as directed as legislation is changed. Means could be set up to determine inheritance, for example. Laws can be worded to do it." 1,decades of blasts in middle east beginning to expose earth's mantle 1,"alexandria ocasio-cortez criticized for preventing 25,000 new york evictions" 1,Again I have to correct you. Dark moths were not observed before 1848. Similar mutations have been observed in other species of moths both in Europe and in the United States. Merely claiming that there was no change is ducking the question. You didn't bother to inform yourself of the facts and now you return to your incorrect assertion again and again after having been informed of your error. 1,area lady's gentleman caller under employ of jiffy lube 1,Yea right just like jolly old England. Tell that tale to the Marines coz this salty old dog ain't buying it. 1,dismembered nate silver found in dumpster behind gallup headquarters 0,queen elizabeth ii's christmas message: 'light shines in the darkness' 1,"Only those ignorant of science and evolution think that ""evolution"" has anything to do with the Bible. I guess that's because creationism is an attempt to pretend that mythology is somehow scientific and makes silly statements about science. It seems that science is somehow anti-Bible in that case when science debunks ignorance." 0,watch: the pains of being pure at heart unveil new songs 1,"report: it not hard at all to imagine your coworkers' supple, nude bodies" 1,bolton argues war with iran only way to avenge americans killed in upcoming war with iran 0,"entrepreneur series: growing up and doing business with... mandy ingber, celebrity yoga instructor" 0,send in the clowns.. to the zaatari refugee camp 1,I can understand your disappointment. Its very difficult to cure someone of chronic religious delusions. No easy way to relieve the suffering of the victim. But if you really work hard at it for another decade or so you may recover yet. Best of luck and don't fall for the quacks peddling quick cures. 0,we're sugar babies. this is what it's like. 1,"Only if in the same way, this 'straight' group could meet the flag flying criteria, as the gay group has done over and over." 1,report: 89% of americans just want to go home right now 0,why russell simmons wants trump to win the gop nomination 1,Should all drivers have to help pay for harm done by irresponsible drivers? 0,"Your continued comparison of a person exercising their constitutional rights, to engaging in deviant and possibly illegal sexual acts, has reached the point of intolerance, Smith. Every time you mention the word fetish, you're gonna be reported. So unless you wanna get banned cut it out." 0,immigration legislation is dead -- now what? 0,"obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara in photo" 1,mom calling to ask if she can throw away 3-ring binder from middle school 0,'it takes us' photo project shows survivors of gun violence 1,area man got so wasted and abusive last night 1,hurricane bitch hits florida 1,optometrist sets pressure of air puff test way higher for asshole patients 1,pepsico marketing mix-up results in $300 million lemon-lime doritos campaign 1,all of child's fondest memories times when dad trying to make up for things 0,why reese witherspoon says she's 'definitely' a southern mom 0,michigan's congressional hopefuls worry about the next flint 1,staff members under new defense secretary wondering if they still get summers off 0,stephen colbert mocks lawmakers for talking porn instead of guns 1,cbs to retain les moonves' services in smaller sexual-predator-at-large role 0,war in afghanistan: enough is enough 0,justin bieber interrupts performance to scold spanish audience 0,gunmen kidnap australian firm's workers in nigeria 0,5 ways to outsmart the supermarket and lose weight 0,"I'm still confused by this comment. Did you actually mean that? If you did, that is not Pro-choice but Pro-abortion. Women did not have a choice in whether their pregnancies were terminated or not which, having it, is the definition of the PC point of view. So no, they were NOT Pro-choice." 0,"""One day you're going to realize that you're ""evangelizing"" and ""witnessing"" have pushed far more people away from religion then has brought them in."" ""You're not telling people about God, you're guilting them and putting them down. You're drawing an imaginary line that separates ""us"" from ""them"", and you're cutting yourself off from other people. When Jesus ""evangelized"" (I believe with all my heart he would hate that word), he made honest friends, not with the purpose to ""convert"" them. He didn't hand them a track and scare them into being a Christian. No wonder people hate Christians, for God's sake I'm starting to hate Christians."" Maybe you should follow your own advice... jim: Yes, God loves Saddam but He hates the way he is acting." 0,friday's morning email: here's how trump is undermining obamacare 0,wwi liturgy will atone for outbreak of 'the great war' 1,jesus christ pushes past firefighter into burning notre dame to save beloved relic 1,seasonal depression kicks in just in time to numb woman before holiday with family 1,zoologists: ape neurology much like that of banana-obsessed humans 0,silencing milo 1,eric holder announces least controversial decision of tenure 1,netanyahu assures critics he still has utmost respect for u.s. money 0,senate republicans won't refute trump's lie that millions voted illegally 1,naacp demands less minority representation on upn 0,don't pay another bill until you pay this 0,"with police body cameras, d.c. mayor promises transparency with caveats" 1,ceo spends 30 percent of earnings staying out of jail 1,obama turns 50 despite republican opposition 0,"thank you, dishonest media!" 0,13 essential questions to ask when hiring a web design company 1,"Crammed with them, sure, why not? It's easy, only a few million light years. The scientific method is used in weather forecasting too." 0,leslie jones confirms she's 'moved on' from milo yiannopoulos harassment 0,attorney says mississippi cop strangled unarmed black man to death 1,cnn's hollywood minute announces special two-minute season premiere 0,obama: deaths of marines in chattanooga shooting 'heartbreaking' 0,sexually transmitted zika highlights brazil's rampant inequality 0,the most important thing i want my wife to know this mother's day 1,bashar al-assad introduces syrian bike-sharing program 0,Even though I am for gay marriage I do agree. Correlation is not causation. 1,"Gee, and in what year did he state that? 2005? No way. 2000? No. 1995? Nope. 1990? Nah. 1985? Couldn't be. Without more information I can give an exact date, but seeing as how Simpson died in 1984, he must have said that at least 21 years ago (and if he said it in the middle of his life/career, it would have been more like 60 years ago!) - he did not know back then what we now know." 1,anti-homosexuality sermon suspiciously well-informed 0,federal judge tosses 'clock kid' ahmed mohamed's discrimination lawsuit 0,innovation steam awards given to 8 schools 1,bisexual's parents half-understand 0,"I think that's a good question. I also wonder how long the medical establishment has had this rule? Since there must be some long-standing procedures in executions in the United States that require, by law, a doctor's supervision." 0,"dozens of endangered seals wash up dead, starving on california beaches" 0,queer icon kate bornstein reflects on queer and trans identity in 2015 0,why terrible news really might keep you up at night 0,"Then why does the NRA use that quote at this link?" 1,entire southern border somehow on fire 10 minutes after kushner begins tackling immigration system 0,why can't you sleep? the 8 top reasons for insomnia 0,u.s. figure skating team makes history with record number of asian-americans 1,broken ornament relegated to lonely existence on side of tree facing wall 1,"Rather unsurprisingly, the U.S. constitution does not have any bearing on Australian law." 0,lea delaria can make you feel butch without all of the hard work 1,monkfish wishes monkfish weren't all the rage 0,"russian foreign minister meets with tillerson, denies interfering" 1,'very special' constitutional amendment to take on alcoholism 1,44 suspicious packages detonated under white house christmas tree 0,We don't actually know this for sure. There is some data but much speculation as to what is exactly causing larger and more frequent storms. The bigger problem of reducing salinity is the currents themselves and how they intergrate with migration and heat transfer. Sources of food that humans depend upon could disappear if currents drastically change. And the basis of Day after Tommorrow is correct in how the gulf stream helps regulate temperatures in Europe. 1,new super-fast transport system powered by passengers' screams 1,Haaa Haaa Haaa Haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa Thats a good one not. emoticonXClown 0,"Well, if they are already pointing a gun at me, I wouldn't have a chance to pull out a gun and shoot them. They would shoot me before I did that. " 1,"So, I'm wondering, did you neglect to note the reason because you ""forgot"" or because it would weaken your statement and its connotation that we really didn't want him that badly? emoticonXConfused " 0,hillary clinton practiced dodging trump's 'hugs' before the debates 0,leadership and transparency 2015: the social media imperative 0,"dozens of leads, no arrests in ferguson police shooting" 0,gaza rolls out the red carpet for film festival amid the ruins 1,poll: 85% of americans would like to see candidates compete in funny obstacle course 1,So what? How long did the idea of magical creation out of nothing in 6 days hold prevelance before somebody actually challenged it scientifically? 0,"No, everyone should have those regardless of marriage. You're the one here who seems to think straight and gay marriage should be a litmus test for those things." 0,network for public education study exposes charter school scams 1,area power walker looks just ridiculous 0,hundreds in alabama may face jail under new law for voting in gop senate runoff 1,"Gee, I'm just bowled over by your mature and articulate counterargument.emoticonXRolleyes We all know genitals have nothing to do with sex." 1,server loves that dessert 0,piers morgan bragged about how manly he is. it didn't go well. 1,man knows he can always fall back on really terrible job that pays shit 1,boss' dick not going to suck itself 0,these cities are suing the pentagon over 'deadly gaps' in america's gun-check system 0,"Oh sorry, I didn't understand what you were asking. Ok, what I think happened {Like Tasyfish hinted at} was that Moses recorded what god told him or Genesis 1 because it is in more detail, and Genesis 2 is what was passed down through Noah, in Oral history, so it would differ slightly, but that's becaue of man's error, not God's." 0,cameron esposito made yuletide a little gayer with nativity scene photo 0,stop saying 'not my president' 0,think going on a diet is harmless? think again. 0,"Well, that's your own strong bias speaking. Many of the courts and scholars have disagreed with you." 0,britney rocks short shorts and high heels for a day at disneyland 0,"u.s. women's ice hockey team crushes finland, heads to olympic finals" 0,thoughts on national airborne day 0,"Yes and no. Metaphorical creationism can't be disproved period as there are no hard facts to disprove. Literal creationism can be disproven on a number of factors, from the timeline, to events such as the flood." 0,photo of meghan markle's dad could offer a big clue about the royal wedding 0,"after boy is killed by gator at disney, his hometown unites to support family" 1,fruit of islam cause man to soil fruit of looms 1,there is the problem the lack of civilized societies are well.. when you find one come tell me. 0,colbert wants to turn nyc subway rides into a new and terrible punishment 0,"your heart is probably older than you think, cdc warns" 0,sophie from 'the holiday' is all grown up 0,here's how trump's rage campaign opened the door to the james comey firing 1,glaxosmithkline releases new drug to treat people who just feel sort of weird sometimes 0,And science helped Stenger write his book. How can the same subject make a stronger case for both of two completely opposing viewpoints? another 0,bernie sanders promises a contested democratic convention 0,china intensifies pressure on north korea 0,"dwayne 'the rock' johnson saves puppy from drowning, melts our hearts in the process" 1,isis adds few violent white supremacists in bid to get u.s. to rescind terrorist designation 0,kim kardashian gives us the first glimpse of saint west 1,clinton hurls feces at detractors 0,"this common nighttime habit is giving you wrinkles, study says" 1,ruth bader ginsburg returns to off-season lifeguarding job 1,nra: 'please try to remember all the wonderful things guns do for us every day' 0,polish and irish soccer fans shame hooligans with heartwarming embrace 1,biden quietly singing pearl jam's 'even flow' during security briefing 1,"Hey Matt, if that paintbrush were any broader, you could paint a room in just five minutes" 1,"Ooops, typo. Sorry, my bad. I imagine that it is equally as hard to smuggle a gun into the US as the UK however, although don't let that dissuade you in your search for tiny holes in my argument. If a typo that didn't really change the point of the argument was 'the abyss', I'm quite proud of myself. " 0,"this man used netflix to propose, and now we're ugly crying at our desk" 1,local man unsure if woman type of lesbian who only dates women 1,chris farley has hilarious cardiac arrest 0,records show numerous complaints against officer who staged his suicide 0,25 stunning snaps to kick off wedding season 1,nra starts up their shit about what would be even greater injustice 1,alcoholic father granted posthumous sainthood by catholic family 0,donald trump wouldn't have had the ready cash to self-finance entire campaign — analysis 0,"'i am penguin, hear me squeak!' a bird speaks out from inside seaworld's 'antarctica'" 0,aly raisman says usa gymnastics is '100 percent responsible' for nassar abuse 1,woman profoundly moved by lyrics artist put zero time or effort into 0,this disorder feels like 'being awake inside a corpse' 1,gop releases new letter supporting kavanaugh signed by orrin hatch 500 times 0,"Well, since you have natural selection completely wrong, it must not go too well with the Biblical account. By the way, now you have introduced another word that has no meaning in the context. What is a ""kind."" Please be specific so that I will be able to recognize a ""kind."" Please show why a ""kind"" only has the ability to lose information." 1,"'it's a privilege to have worked with such talented people,' says coworker getting the fuck out of there" 1,3822 voted america's favorite pin number 0,"Sorry to inform you, but until you are 18 years old in this country, you are not granted full protection of your rights under the constitution of the united states. I don't agree with testing either, but saying that it violates your rights is not a valid argument. " 0,aziz ansari slated to be 'snl's' first-ever south asian host 1,nation surprised to realize it wants more john travolta 0,"morgan spurlock admits history of sexual misconduct, including rape accusation" 1,half-asleep man pauses 20 minutes between socks 0,the buttermilk biscuit recipes you want and need 1,"Soooo, um, pregnancies are solely a factor of a woman's behavior, eh? No males involved? Um, have you ever been exposed to any level of sex ed?" 1,u.n. tribunal swayed by thousands of children's letters to milosevic 1,john bolton arrives in office excited to see so many familiar wars 0,man builds 'star trek'-themed cabin out of junk 1,man has loyalty to pretzel brand 0,haim is back with new song and video shot by paul thomas anderson 0,blake lively explains the touching reason she joined the women's march 1,report: 32% of prayers deflected off passing satellites 1,kc masterpiece ceo warns against society's increasing reliance on a1 1,trump denies existence of 2016 russia meeting commemorative merchandise 0,what chinese centenarians can teach us about living well 1,dysfunctional family statistically average 0,"That is the kind, not degree. Chimps are not a higher animal. They are different. interesting" 0,hopper from 'stranger things' wore a holiday sweater and became a meme 1,undercover fireman infiltrates three-alarm blaze 1,report: rash not going away on its own 1,kurt warner cheered on by wire-haired man-goblin 1,floppy-armed robot repeatedly warns: 'danger' 0,8 tips for dealing with the loss of a loved one 0,jill scott offers a solution to prevent police assaults in schools 0,"But still, if you think there are rights in the bill of rights that is wrong, that should not be granted or guaranteed, it would be a viable option to vote for removing them.What debate are you trying to end here? The debate: 'do you want little or less gun-control'?" 0,sophie turner burns bright in these first-look images of 'x-men: dark phoenix' 0,"first trailer to lee daniels' new fox series, 'star'" 1,halloween unfortunately not only night of year area man drunk in firefighter uniform 0,rand's filibuster two-fer 1,ferguson decision reaffirms right of police to use deadly force when they feel sufficiently inclined 0,'the world is emptier now': celebrity fans and friends pay tribute to david bowie 0,Giving an answer to a conumdum doesn't necessarily solve it. 1,depressed wolf blitzer locks self in situation room 0,american tourist punched for giving nazi salute in germany 0,the 'artisanal' school supplies list 1,sarah huckabee sanders strongly rebukes implication she doesn't lock own children in cages 1,bush determined to find warehouse where ark of covenant is stored 0,"She should not have the baby in the first place, and thats what im saying. The only irresponsible move a 12 year old would be making is not having an abortion, as she is not physically and emotionally capable of raising or bearing a child." 1,450-pound man didn't go to doctor for a lecture 0,the politics of shame and pride 1,No brother...complete controll of everything you do by a power structure you'll be powerless to stop. Enjoy! 1,ford unveils new sport-futility vehicle 0,miley cyrus gets tattoo of dead dog 1,"That would be the fault of you rather than us. Everyone knows a small mind can't see what's beyond it's comprehension level. " 0,"gop lawmaker, already punished for claiming parents' money as his own, does it again" 0,"So any long publication must be due to a panic attack? It takes a few minutes to read those posts, but it takes an hour and a half to watch Expelled; does that mean that IDers are having the mother of all panic attacks?Your logic can't even be described as ""tortured,"" marc, because it's completely nonexistent." 0,gwyneth paltrow testifies against man accused of stalking her for 17 years 0,"not beaten, bound or broken" 1,historical archives: dances you may wish to try 0,hillary clinton cruises to easy win in arkansas primary 0,"Surely, we can only ""guesstimate"" how many living species have escaped our attention ? But how probable is it that only 1% of all the species that ever existed escaped extinction ? I think your point about mass extinctions may be a key to what has puzzled me." 1,"mohawked, aviator-wearing robert de niro idles cab outside suspected bomb-maker's home" 0,"prince harry, meghan markle's first official post-engagement event will be nod to diana" 1,"Want to know how to make a gay sex liberal mad and whine? Tell him the truth. Then they get their knickers in a wad and whine for the politically correct policeman. p.s. Unless Mother Theresa repented she will not have gone to heaven either." 0,the don sterling apology that didn't happen 0,neil young quits legendary bridge school concert for 'personal reasons' 0,before the end of the year... 0,"this article conterdicts the clame that crime is not increasing in the UK, it was just that they changed how they were reporting it, when they tightened the gun restrictoins (as when they mandated all guns be in safes). i have never said there is a direct couse and effect of having an armed home, and lower crime. i do point out that in places that alow a home owner to protect there property, there is a lower rate of crime. there is more to it than just being armed, it is just one part of the mind set that your life, and the lives of your famley are worth defending." 0,actor tom sizemore denies groping 11-year-old in 2003 0,sanders: 'everybody can bear some of the responsibility' for va troubles 1,biden busted in dnc parking lot selling bootleg 'i'm with her' t-shirts 0,james corden roasts david beckham for matching outfits with posh 0,who else besides joe biden might crash the debate? 1,coworker has that excuse that's going around 0,the daily szep- gop circus 1,struggling lower-class still unsure how best to fuck selves with vote 1,"strange, nightmarish incident results in man waking up as giant kafka" 1,community rallies to save eyesore 0,donald trump names rex tillerson secretary of state 1,report: election day most americans' only time in 2016 being in same room with person supporting other candidate 0,polls close in britain's bitterly fought eu referendum 1,college football scout has eye on high-school cheerleader 1,bus driver appears to have had rough summer 0,"donald trump finally attacks ted cruz, referencing his cuban heritage" 1,newest baywatch cast member kicks it with byron allen 0,Homo-erectus and Neandertals had different bone structures. How could they be fully human when their anatomy is fundementally different? 1,newly discovered recordings reveal beatles actually terrible group 1,grandma's only movie watched again 1,holiday music aficionado urges friends to check out 'frosty the snowman' 0,more equality and dinosaurs: people share how they'd change the world 1,"EZ, the ""I know you are, but what am I?"" response works in the schoolyard, or on the Rush Limbaugh show, but not in the civilized world. Not too surprising coming from a Bush supporter. You could insult the intelligence of an ape." 0,donald trump and america's blood sport of choice 0,"So you're admitting openly that what is a normal occurrence within the human species is offensive to you. That you find repulsive the very intimacy expressed by your own parents that led to your own existence. Do you see how that innate bitterness against the normal and right feelings that have led to the healthy continuation of the human race is ultimately anti-humanity? Why do you hate the normal propagation of our species Matt? Can't you see that if you were given the power to recreate the world in your image, then the world would cease to exist within one generation? No matter how pro-gay you are, how can you be so anti life in good conscience?" 0,open letter to all potential mayoral candidates (a response would be nice) 0,sunday roudup 1,"You mean my dog 'CIgarette'?? I took him out for a drag." 1,unsettling study finds second cousins technically fair game 1,audio guide clearly hates degas 1,playtex unveils new line of quick-dissolving tampons 0,"You have done a marvelous job knocking down strawmen of your own construction. Having offered a naive and superficial caricature of atheism, agnosticism, and theism, you then imagine a self-serving hierarchy that is, in a word, worthless - all in a silly effort to show yourself most humble. Ironic." 1,disillusioned hollywood sign moves back to small iowa farm town 1,"Society highly values the creation of future taxpayers, especially under deficit-spending socialist presidents. :p" 1,"Alrighty then...I will come back after I have ""learnt"" how to spell. :p" 0,this is what amy schumer did at her prom 1,camera falls out of love with melanie griffith 1,zamboni crime family indicted in ice-shaving scandal 1,'dsm-5' updated to accommodate man who is legitimately being ordered to kill by the moon 1,report: someone robbed that kfc again 1,trump maps out plan for first 100 days of not conceding election 0,here's all the expensive nonsense trump's epa chief is wasting your taxes on 1,"unusually level-headed, charismatic lichen species named after obama" 1,rick perry experiences overwhelming feeling of clarity and contentment in final moments before death of campaign 1,Worse yet what if the sperm has penetrated the egg and fertilization will clearly take place in short order but one stops the process before the genomes are integrated????????? 0,on pilgrimage in india 0,the billionaire journalist 0,"patricia elliott, tony-winning actress and tv soap star, dead at 77" 1,We came from apes not created. Why can't people figure that out did any body go to school around here. 0,paula cole reveals the secret (and dark) history of the 'dawson's creek' theme song 0,my conversation with kristen stewart 0,hurricane ophelia sheds light on another climate change concern 0,how to help victims of louisiana floods 0,"Thats true. However, do we not have a state of reasonable compromise at the moment?" 0,kim davis supporters: deputy clerks who issued gay marriage licenses should be fired 0,no african citizens could attend a summit on african trade after visas denied 0,let's celebrate the left-handed leaders who have made a mark on america 0,mark halperin says he is 'profoundly sorry' after sexual harassment allegations 0,can't a girl just gig? 0,"Now, now ZSU, we learned from comrade star gazer that GW created the Continental Army. I am sure these gentlemen have some equally illogical and inaccurate 'facts' to scatter around the barnyard emoticonXHoho" 0,And perhaps you have overlooked the issue of abortion relating to crime. Who knows if were actually aborting future murderers? Aren't you for crime prevention? 1,turkish man kiss you 1,son of edward r. murrow says father 'real dirtbag' compared to onion reporters 1,archaeologists uncover greek amphitheater where first prick saved seats 0,taylor swift shares 'family portrait' with lots of famous ladies 0,If you truly believe this then I think you need to re-read your posts and put yourself in the shoes of those on the receiving end. 1,"Actually no. You read the article again, and thoroughly this time." 0,compelling photos capture pope francis' visit to cuba 1,"Wow, how very open-minded of you. Their opinion differs from yours so they must be small-minded inbreds." 1,suicide note surprisingly upbeat 0,"women in business q&a: laura tenison, founder and managing director, jojo maman bébé" 1,terrier bravely defends family from squeak 0,house democrats on record-breaking fundraising pace 1,report finds poor often hit hardest by 18-wheelers 0,"chewing, and choking, on false (nutritional) equivalence" 0,"Actually, Mega didn't make any claims. He just reposted an editorial." 1,study: majority of frontal lobe occupied by thoughts of sausage links 1,kirstjen nielsen urges migrant parents leave the weak ones behind 0,obama readies for his big whcd night 0,police group makes a big admission about 'justifiable' police shootings 0,"discovering the pink petticoat, tampa's lingerie treasure trove" 1,"Hmmm, well then, God must be unrighteous since we ""evil atheists"" - and tons of other evil people - have not been eliminated. What happened to righteousness NECESSITATING the elimination of evil by killing humans??? Well??? I guess that in addition to being unethical and easily manipulated, your God is also terribly inconsistent." 1,world leaders pour into washington to pay last respects to dying nation 0,here's how rihanna dresses for a casual tuesday 0,mentors we don't realize exist 1,chris collins thanks supporters with can't-miss tip on biotech stock 0,50 ethical businesses to support on black friday 0,"To force women to have babys that they dont even want is even more ""preposterous""." 1,house votes against trump's national emergency on grounds that only congress allowed to misappropriate funds 0,florida school shooting suspect obtained 10 rifles in roughly the past year 1,class clown has nothing on wilmot proviso 0,"times have changed for american families. it's time for policies to change, too." 0,"white house says enviros love this trade pact, but enviros say otherwise" 1,novelist thinks people shrug 10 times more than they actually do 0,former soldier turned zen monk teaches vets to use mindfulness as body armor 0,jeb bush: i misjudged the intensity of gop voters' anger 0,"behold, trump's cabinet members as 'sesame street' characters" 1,"So you're claiming that you ""transformed"" from part of your mother to a human. So you're claiming that you were once almost your mom's arm or leg? lol! Biologically, this is simply a farce statement." 0,Just because a clump if cell will develope into a live human being doesn't mean the mother is obligated to let it happen in her body whether she want it to or not. If that bothers you then STOP DWELLING ON IT. 1,"shit, friend just said something to obnoxious drunk guy on bus" 0,"The founding fathers were afraid to trust the common people with the right to vote. They didn't want mob rule and chaos. ""Most of the Founders believed that property ownership was essential to good citizenship and therefore that only property owners should be able to vote. 'Property', in those days, also included slaves, of course, and half of the Founders were slave owners....The maintenance of power in the hands of the elite was further strengthened by who could vote. In 1787, there were about four million people living in the 13 original states. But only about four percent of them, it is estimated, could vote. Excluded were the one million slaves, the two million women, anyone under the age of 21, and all non-property owners.""" 0,"Theres a book my mom has called ""The trouble with Islam"" by some lady. I don't know her name, but it looks like it may bee a good book for you." 1,hugh hefner found dead by live-in peacock 0,suarez's bite felt strongest in uruguay 0,"newtown shooter may have had interest in pedophilia, fbi reveals" 1,god knocked unconscious by directtv satellite 1,The debate has been settled a long time ago. and also about dragons! 0,"No I don't think that tying your tubes is abortion. I only think abortion comes into play when there is actually cells forming to make a baby, and you get them scraped out, or abort a baby before or after the third trimester. Plus I heard that if you tie the tubes, when you decide you want a baby you can untie the tubes, to conceive a baby. But burning is another thing. But unless there is actual cells forming it is not abortion" 0,"hillary clinton, bernie sanders gloss over context, disagree on details in democratic debate" 0,don lemon on sean spicer: everyone 'is dumber for having listened to that' 1,david lee roth might as well jump 0,the politics of presidential dieting 0,fashion designer peter som's legendary minestrone soup recipe 0,"Just for the record, Storrs Olson's position is archosaur to bird instead of archosaur to ornithodiran to dinosaur to saurischian to theropod to neotheropod to tetanuran to avetheropod to coelurosaurian to tyrannoraptoran to maniraptoriforme to maniraptoran to avialan to pygostylian to ornithothoracine to ornithurine to bird. A lot has happened since 1999 and there are lots and lots of transitional species, including feathered dinosaurs that had not been discovered in 1999." 1,guy who came in late not sure how much longer he should pretend to be frazzled 0,And SS is once again wrong. If you really believe that then try to tell your genes to give you tiger stripes which will be inherited by your children. Good luck. 0,here are the latest photos from march for our lives 1,Right. Catholics say prayers to a woman that they hate. Next! 1,"Well Duh! The answer has ALWAYS BEEN Drugs, and Drug Traffickers. Concentrate on them and you have the answer to the problems!" 1,"So, once again, the lack of criminal prosecution isn't due to the red herring that you claim, but rather the incompetence of the Justice Department. Franken's bill doesn't have a provision for making the Justice Department do its job, does it?" 0,emotional justice: what black women want and need 0,"parents abandoned 2-year-old son to play 'pokemon go,' police say" 0,trump's cabinet picks pave the way for a nihilistic future 0,president obama and hillary clinton met for lunch at the white house 0,5 summer recipes you can bring anywhere 0,why china's economic woes are causing alarm in africa 1,historical archives: ship's log 0,uber vows to repay nyc drivers 'tens of millions' after tax snafu 1,entire treasury department competing for same goldman sachs job opening 0,anthony weiner would rather eat a wooden table than return to congress 0,"kelly clarkson felt 'suppressed,' says top country star's career changed when he came out" 0,i refuse to put your teen on a diet 0,"I think you present a good point, but part of the test here is to see how my post is reponded to; silence from certain people tells us things in inself. So far it seems my initial estimation of the issue is about right- the idelogy being upheld helps some people ignore the effect the punitive policy imposes." 0,"No, it requires pretty much the same amount of faith, as if faith could be quantified. ." 1,report: ground still least desirable surface for breaking fall 1,five minutes of watching indian channel leads to five hours of watching indian channel 0,iran nuclear deal pits u.s. congress versus u.s. allies? 0,the simple mind trick that helped me lose weight 0,new 'dumb and dumber to' clip shows a very special celeb cameo 0,ukrainian lawmaker outlines details on alleged payments to trump campaign chief 0,here are the best pundit reactions to the second gop debate 1,"worthless dog can't talk, drive, solve crimes" 0,"astronaut eileen collins was supposed to endorse trump in her rnc speech, but didn't" 0,wearable sensors can tell if you're sick before you even feel it 1,historical archives: sing ho! for the king of broil'd meats 1,vacationing couple to try something they don't like 0,video proof robin williams will always make us laugh 0,here's what it's like to be somebody who hates everyone and everything 0,"mount vernon says it owns george washington's copy of don quixote, not glenn beck" 0,the wack donald's project 1,bus passenger stops trying to enjoy kansas scenery 1,nation's voyeurs watch women's march on washington from bushes 0,4 full days of nashville 1,"You say some of us are lying and then you say you apologize ""if"" we're ""somehow"" offended. Gee, that's mighty white of you." 1,woman has boy handwriting 1,someone filming b-roll at pike place market right now 0,"Well let's deal with one thing at a time. The NEJM study about Washington D.C. concluded that banning handguns saved 47 lives each year. The study didn't conclude that it was just a ""curious relationship in the numbers."" Go back to that thread and read the study. If you're looking for evidence that is absolutely without any degree of uncertainty then you won't find it. You can't prove things to a 100% certainty with statistics. What you can do is show what is probably true and what is probably not true. Even in court you're not expected to prove that someone is guilty to a 100% certainty. You're expected to prove that they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." 0,"So religion must be systematically abandoned and eradicated, not completely, just enough to be out of the public and political realm, leaving atheism as king. It's not my pet theory that evolutionists are saying that, it's a fact that they are saying that" 1,"Unless you can provide credible evidence we have no reason not to think your WHACKED. Just because the non degree holding super big super straight cool spot guy said so doesn't mean anyone is gonna buy it. " 0,"My outburst was meant to show that even a seven year bombardment of religious propaganda can be ineffective if no reasons whatever are advanced for reaching the conclusions that the theists desire. Theology is a bogus ""study"" of infinite pretensions and of an unknowable ""reality"". Yet I wouldn't describe atheism as a religion: essentially it's a disbelief in the existence of God because there is no good reason for doing so and there are good reasons not to." 0,"u.s. forces enter syrian town, then withdraw, rebel and monitor groups say" 1,cottonelle introduces new 'piping-hot' toilet tissue 1,birthday card for david axelrod circling around afghan war meeting 1,waitress treated extra courteously to compensate for assholes at adjacent table 1,margaret thatcher's ashes scattered over free market 0,"dear dad, happy father's day: a gift from your gay son" 1,"That's good - so you no longer believe all actions that result in inevitable deaths are killings, only cruel ones. This is an improvement on your previous: " 1,oil prices soar like noble eagle 0,reddit bans page hosting celebrity nudes 1,dating profile flatly states man looking for someone he can control 1,seven-year-old told to take it like a man 0,everyone ganged up on marco rubio at saturday's gop debate 1,Do you know how stupid that sounds? Do you have a hangnail or something troubling you? 0,trump's east european achilles heel 0,"scam alert! in a hyperactive hurricane season, the worst may not be over" 1,nasa delays shuttle launch out of sheer habit 1,dunkin' donuts/baskin robbins/pizza hut/taco bell/long john silver's opens 1,oscar countdown 2002 begins 0,"un: civilians are being killed, wounded in record numbers in afghanistan" 0,embracing 'and' 0,"Again: No, but I like to think they have! Im assuming you refer to council tax which is meant to be for community services like rubbish collection, fire protection etc... I agree I dont think we get value for money, but this isnt a tax on actually owning property. You pay it if you rent!" 0,"hillary unleashes, while ivanka keeps quiet" 0,the case for the school bus as the final tech-free frontier 0,"jody hice, anti-islam republican, defeats ken dious in georgia house race" 1,deputy attorney general's wife cracks down on pornography 0,how texas could set national template for limiting abortion access 1,god irritated guests do not understand it time to leave heaven 1,college senior holding out hope that internship will lead to class-action lawsuit 1,evolutionary biologist discovers common human ancestor at cousin's wedding 0,nick offerman is ready to hang up his mustache 1,48 syrian civilians massacred during claire danes' emmy award acceptance speech 0,"news roundup for february 28, 2017" 1,much-criticized media vows to return to softball tactics 0,walking in memphis: huffpost's listen to america tour stops in tennessee 1,woman digs excitedly into ingrown hair around bikini line like grave robber pillaging spoils of the dead 0,2015 mix queer experimental film festival coming to nyc 1,philandering string theorist can explain everything 0,mizzou football players celebrate university president's resignation 1,elderly man looks even sadder when smiling 1,report: some people actually very happy 1,"desperate starbucks now pleading for people to masturbate, use drugs in its restrooms" 0,here's the 'hocus pocus' remake you never knew you wanted 1,town proud of water tower 1,polling place in predominantly black neighborhood clearly brick wall with door painted on 0,two folks wield lightsabers against fireworks from the dark side 1,bailiff can't help wondering what life would be like on other side of judge 1,"I can't convert you JSD, only Christ can. But you must be open to Him and His Spirit for that to happen so don't be looking to me to save you. And you may think I'm self deluted, as in somehow watered down, but you are self deluded as in completely entrenched in your bigotry and ignorance of what is right and true. But thanks for judging me. I welcome it. :p" 0,half of all american families are staring at financial catastrophe 0,"You are the only one defending them now...the funny part it, planned parenthood had the stats as reasons why abortion should be legal (or is legal). But wait! As we established the number of people that died from abortions went down to under a thousand so this reason is still not accurate and is still misleading. Anymore ideas?" 0,"for the first time, chimpanzees are making a fashion statement" 1,"Referencing the NT in an attempt to justify the NT? The very same NT which was written by Jesus' followers? I see. " 0,want to prevent lone wolf terrorism? promote a 'sense of belonging' among immigrants 0,"Really, then show me how I'm wrong - without dogmatic statements. I would suggest, given the fact that you feel the need to ignore science, deny obvious facts of reason, and cling to evolutionary theory, that it is you that has the problem with religion - your naturalistic religion. I would further suggest that you stop attibuting your personal opinions to science, and start calling your comments what they really are, personal opinion. -By the way, is everyone who disagrees with you promoting a ""religious agenda?"" Where have I leaned on religion to make my point? And what makes you think that I need religion to defeat your postion as I have here? I've used science, scientific journals, and good sound reasoning to defeat your comments. I suggest you rethink what you're saying. It sure sounds like you're the one with the ""religious agenda.""" 0,a christmas message to vice president mike pence 0,james corden shuts down bill o'reilly's slavery comments 1,"Yes none of the organs flown in from Africa or India would be farmed from murdered people, would they? " 0,dozens arrested as progressive activists disrupt tax vote in final show of defiance 1,woman always thought she would have more impressive showerhead by this age 0,the education department officially won't deal with transgender students experiencing bathroom discrimination 0,divest or double down? 1,greek populace woken up at 6 a.m. by angela merkel's voice booming through loudspeakers across country 1,struggling rainforest cafe adds thousands of animatronic patrons to restaurants 1,heimlich demands maneuver royalties 1,man walks in on roommate in kitchen having way with his leftovers 0,"black folks, let's talk about homophobia" 1,everyone giving up on john after latest movie recommendation 1,hbo announces 'game of thrones' not coming back this weekend 1,"I suspected as much, well part of my job then is to ignore and make snide comments to people who don't come to debate :) " 0,commence to move forward 0,is twitter bad for language? statistical analysis says no (new book) 0,"suspect in stockholm truck attack confesses to terrorist crime, lawyer says" 0,couple reunited with wedding ring lost in hawaii thanks to gps coordinates 0,the key to winning the super bowl: looking good out there? 0,watch live: jen kirkman discusses her new book 'i know what i'm doing and other lies i tell myself' 1,Are you serious? Man I thought you actually had a brain in that dense hollow cranium of yours. You do realize there are Straight Atheists and GAY Christians right Gans? 1,god recalls collaborating on joint vision of humanity with deceased creative partner 1,local teen quits club that would've been tiebreaker in admission to dream school 0,you don't have to agree with donald trump to be upset about trade policy 1,consumption of buncha crunch reverently paused during unsettling scenes of 'american sniper' 0,britain's labour party readies for potential leadership battle 1,members of opening band walking among crowd during intermission like gods among men 1,"Is North Korea a bastion of peace and good-living? Nope. Is it religious? Nope. Therefore obstacles to 'peace' don't necessarily have to be tied in with religiosity. Hope that's spelt out enough for you. Try to keep up." 1,"work life, personal life both spent desperately trying to appeal to women 18 to 34" 0,the shame game 1,"It truly is sad when an opponent is friendlier than an ally, Mega. At least Ian responded in a friendly way, and me and him don't even agree on this issue." 0,halle berry calls will smith a 'champion for diversity in hollywood' 0,from hunter to hunted: 5 attraction marketing strategies to pull in more prospects 1,north carolina residents terrified after hearing state passed new law 0,"sudan used chemical weapons in deadly darfur attacks, amnesty says" 0,teen does more pullups in a day than you'll do in a lifetime 0,mozambique devises national plan to end child marriage 1,report: everyone starting new exciting stage of life except you 0,5 ways to create the perfect outdoor room 0," Keep in mind that this is an opinion poll, so take it for what its worth, but it seems to indicate that the people of DC wanted to vote on this issue." 1,students thankful standardized curriculum sparing them from free-spirited teacher's antics 1,seventh-grade class scrambling to piece together teacher's home life from desktop background before powerpoint opened 0,there's a reason this lonely bird has such freaky feathers 0,the rise and fall of an algerian tycoon 0,two millennials recreated 'annie hall' with a cast of senior actors 0,tamra judge on what's ahead on 'real housewives of orange county' 0,there's a serious shortage of psychiatrists in the u.s. 1,"You actually posted something that made good sense, and was funny too, maybe there hope for you yet." 1,military recruiter upset area man hasn't called him back 0,medical professionals fact-check 'grey's anatomy' sex scenes 0,"We could ask you the same thing. Why do you constantly try and oversimplify things by claiming that gun control will work, while at the same time not discussing matters relating to income, surroundings, upbringing, recidivism rates, prison sentences and other such matters? " 1,roommates assured girlfriend only staying over for entire duration of relationship 0,"I know something of philosophy, and feel free to use Kant to refute me. I did not say God is necessary for a moral code to exist, I said some sort of Supreme Being is necessary for a moral code to exist objectively outside the human mind.What is your support that we do not know whether it is a person or not morally? I tell you now, a fetus is not morally a person to me. There, you are refuted." 1,new u.s. currency expires if not spent in two weeks 1,baby's third through eighth words registered trademarks 1,supercuts now offering to give customers baths for $14.99 1,"Wow, what a group of rude, self important, pompous, pseudo intellectuals who will insult and personally attack a person for one grammatical error. I meant to say the UNIVERSE has aged from 4 to 14 billion years old since I was in school but rather than deduce that you call me dumb and ignorant ? With all of your so called intelligence can you prove the Universe is now precisely 14 billion years old ? Can you prove Neanderthal Man was a human descendant ? because DNA tests dont prove that out and yet PHDs and Masters Degreed scientists insist they are. That's why the bible say's that the wisdom of this World is foolishness to God." 0,"sometimes, locking kids up makes matters worse" 0,meet the gop congressman who wants to overturn citizens united 0,report: white house exploring new value-added tax and carbon tax 0,idris elba doesn't think he — or any man — is right for the role of james bond 1,"matt lauer spending more time with friends, family after installing automatic locking devices on doors at home" 1,miley cyrus apologizes for breasts 0,ted cruz voices support for states' right to legalize marijuana 1,michael cohen insists he was just in wrong place at wrong time for last 20 years 0,video shows transphobic man preaching in target getting shut down by customer 0,these twins' daily halloween costumes are beyond adorable 0,"So, you would vote to legislate against it? Ok, now that thats cleared up, why do you consider sex to be so bad? Sex is a healthy part of a relationship or marrige, and i would not go to these lengths to minimize it. Sex has a small risk of ending in pregnancy, and an even smaller risk if using a condom, and even smaller than that if the woman uses a contraceptive. Then, if EVERYTHING fails, there would be abortion in the extreme circumstances that it does result in a pregnancy. I doubt that criminalized abortion will reduce sex. It will only cause suffering and fear for women. I thought we were out of the dark ages already." 1,department of transportation allocates $400 million for national shortcut 0,joan moran: 7 business skills that make your personal life successful 0,'the all-knowing buddha': a journey to the heart of tibetan meditation 0,more bad news for macy's ahead of holiday shopping season 0,university of kansas plans to create meditation room 1,12 shirtless firemen save woman from year of loneliness 0,trump denounced his campaign rhetoric almost two decades before running for president 0,"Yes, but what I meant about the legislature passing it is that the legislature could fund it. If there is funding, it becomes a funded mandate. As I've said in the past, though, whether it is classified as an ""unfunded mandate"" or not does not suggest that same-sex marriage is wrong or right." 0,the key to chip and joanna gaines' marriage isn't really a secret 1,white house lawn covered in congressional campaign signs 0,patton oswalt brings late wife's newly published book to her grave 1,aides request john bolton please stop setting fire to middle east tactical map 0,2016 perspectives from the festival of politics 1,trump: 'i am a very stupid human being' 1,high-school teacher reluctantly breaks up fight 0,No proof anyone ever went from gay orientation to straight orientation. 1,man swells with shame after entering zip code into girl scout cookie locator 0,want to pass bills in the texas legislature? try bipartisanship. 1,ken jennings mistaken for subway's jared again 1,cat seemed perfectly content right up until point he bolted out of room 0,donald trump jr.'s rnc speech uses lines from conservative columnist 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 0,"'isis truther' donald trump is like a lawyer's dumbest client ever, trevor noah says" 0,"I would kind of Like to Discuss your Fascinating use of Caps. But seriously, your numbers are insane. Somewhere around 8000 gay couples have gotten married in the past couple of years, how in the world do you imagine that they've cost the state hundreds of thousands or millions each? You just made all that up, didn't you?" 1,"Dear Hypocrite, I guess it is a good thing investments in infrastructure of a country are not socialist traits." 0,my worst career move 0,trump campaign ceo steve bannon failed to properly pay taxes for several years 1,bannon forced to cancel 'muscle & fitness' cover shoot to testify before grand jury 1,"Why is it you leftists are incapable of actually staying on topic and responding to what an opponent is actually saying? On a side note, it's looking ugly out there for the socialist party. It looks like many americans are doing what I did and voting a straight republican ticket. The Rust Belt is also looking more and more like it's going republican and if that happens, it's all over for the socialists. The Senate will be turned over to a republican majority also, if the rust belt continues to turn right. Good luck to everyone. emoticonXBye NOT REALLY, only to the conservatives. emoticonXAgree emoticonXRolleyes" 0,"Actually ""I don't know"" is quite a valid answer in science.However, again you slip into this false construct of a belief that all that can be known is in the scope of science; which you've also denied saying you believe in the past.[quote=Montalban]Is this a rational statement? If so, prove it rationally, by science. " 0,quest for affordable housing drives people away from the coasts 1,physics teacher's car accident would've made perfect example for class 0,this pup who retrieves grocery bags from car is even better than fresh direct 1,"scientists discover dangerous link between book learnin', back talk" 1,couple tired of always having same knife fight 1,"chili dog, cheddar fries caught in area beard" 1,item individually wrapped for no reason 0,this canadian mega-mall is your new vacation spot 0,richard wolff says capitalism drives inequality with 'explosive' consequences for society 0,missing comet lander 'philae' finally located after long search 1,Do people have a short attention span? What do you think?emoticonXKill 1,disturbingly deep voice emanates from minnie mouse costume 0,"Right. That certainly explains the many, many versions of Christianity." 1,"man forced to reverse-engineer point in midst of meandering, absentminded rant" 0,how a nyc gay couple came to forgive the man who attacked them 0,12 delicious marcel duchamp quotes to unleash your inner artist 0,"here's why miley cyrus is my non-straight, non-binary role model" 1,cheetos social media team arguing over whether tweet in chester cheetah's voice 1,sephora makeup artist helping woman create the perfect pink eye 0,'parks and rec' star natalie morales comes out as queer 0,daily meditation: there's nothing wrong with you 1,fbi tracks down elusive picture-disc version of herb alpert's 'whipped cream and other delights' 1,"Does anyone else see a teeny-weeny hint of double standard here? He continues: " 0,I hope I have already begun to change your mind. 0,6 summer salads you'll actually crave 0,"u.s.-mexico relations almost as bad as war times, says former mexican president" 1,kavanaugh impressed by hazing rituals before they let you join supreme court 1,nissin introduces extra-large drum noodles 0, challenges starbucks and peet's coffee to use organic milk 0,a medical student's perspective on medicaid 1,congress repairs to parlor to hear rep. carolyn maloney play the recorder 0,conservatives lash out at 'republican welfare' as opposition to 'ryancare' grows 1,"well duh. Everyone w/ a brain can figure that out. I'm waiting for either Marc or Supersport to post here. I doubt it though. Heaven forbid actually discussing things without their willful ignorance. Or more amusing they'd admit they consider all non-literalist, fundemental jews, chritians and muslims along with every other religion to be atheists. But I don't think they are that stupid." 0,reinventing win-win-win business relationships 1,"Whew, and I thought he had speed and spread copyrighted on this forum. Lets see if you can defend those arguments, one at a time. I used to debate in the same way, but I have since learned. Would you like me to use similar tactics? I am prepared to nuke you with speed and spread." 0,these sikh bhangra dancers will shovel away your winter blues 1,more than $30 worth of burned cds stolen from residence 1,fda approves new drug for treatment of social anxiety 0,unhappy father's day? 1,impoverished monte carlo family forced to live out of racecar 1,airport only place in metro area to buy city's signature food 1,"Woopie. And superman got shot with bullets in hundreds of comic books. And Lord Voldimort is really really evil in 6 books so far." 1,"2018 the year it all going to fall into place, delusional sources report" 1,office bad boy sees right through team-building exercise 1,trinidad and tobago issues commemorative leonardo dicaprio postage stamp 1,"emoticonXRolleyes .....and by the way, I pay, he doesn't............." 1,flea market vendor could possibly let unidentifiable lump go for $15 1,gop officials: kavanaugh shouldn't be held accountable for something he did as white teenager 0,holiday pay falls short 0,"for national coming out day, 150 lgbtq sports people who have come out in the last year" 1,serial killer clearly gunning for 'parking lot butcher' nickname 1,salad rendered unhealthy in three steps 0,arizona republicans want to prosecute protesters the same way they do terrorists 1,netanyahu defends new alliance with israel's far-right aryan supremacy party 0,too many smartphone users taking dumb selfies with bears 0,"if you thought 2016 was terrible, you're actually in the minority" 0,what comes next? rockwell reminds us 1,dolby theatre hunchback stares longingly at beautiful guests from rafters 0,younger siblings are good for older siblings' health 0,this is what 2015 will look like according to 'back to the future' 0,trump is setting the stage to fire mueller 1,nra praised for decreasing stigma of mentally ill acquiring firearms 0,boy calls 911 to ask deputies over for family's thanksgiving dinner 0,"after astana peace talks, obstacles remain to maintain cease-fire in syria" 1,kid figures he'll go down slide 35 more times then call it a day 0,what's your story? 0,"millennials may have abandoned the church, but god has not abandoned them" 0,netanyahu: iran leader's speech shows dangers of nuclear deal 1,"new 40-gigabite ihop breakfast platter holds up to 10,000 pancakes" 0,"to all the meat-loving feminists of the world, riot grill has arrived" 0,"no, the queen isn't being shady about meghan markle and prince harry's wedding" 0,"I have posted responses to Demon38s earlier post. I have offered DNA findings as evidence to begin with. It is not my evidence, but scientific evidence. That is the only evidence that I will provide in this discussion. I think there is ample evidence to cause scientists to rethink their theories, evidence that they do not want to accept because it puts certain hypothesis they have advanced in a poor light. " 1,area man gets terrible creative juices flowing 1,man anxiously scanning bar's reaction to jukebox selection 1,"I don't have to show you squat. You made the 30 house/residence claim. Did you dig that out of your butt, or where did it come from? The burden of substantiating your claim is up to you. " 0,when it's worthwhile to pay extra airline fees 0,a personal memory of former governor mario cuomo 1,laser pointer aimed toward space in 1997 finally annoying planet 13 light-years away 1,fan doubtful 'solo: a star wars story' can live up to denny's blaster fire burger 0,the 'psychics to the stars' sound off on queer astrology 1,"'you've got them right where you want them, mikey,' michael cohen mutters to self after pleading guilty again" 0,going out on a limb: will the democrats hold onto the senate? 1,determined restaurant patrons tough it out on chilly patio 1,john kerry throws vine over pit of quicksand to save child companion 0,prosecutor in walter scott shooting rates 'zero with the black community' 1,kfc releases new family-size nugget 0,nra's dana loesch: 'many in legacy media love mass shootings' 1,report: middle east quickly running out of land area for violence to spill over to 0,"how to beat the winter blues, according to top experts" 0,a simple solution to america's woes: huge raises 1,right to own handheld device that shoots deadly metal pellets at high speed worth all of this 1,"So newborn babies only have no Christian beliefs because Satan has removed them? My position would be that the 'natural' (read:before external influences) state of a person is atheism, for the same reason that you 'naturally' have no belief in gremlins. People aren't born with beliefs, they are naturalised into them - whatever that belief may be." 1,friend who not into dogfighting really ruining match for everyone else 1,guy typing in all caps supports edward snowden 0,"why i still love santa, even if he is getting all the credit for my hardwork" 0,congress just gave up its chance to slightly roll back the drug war 0,soccer and the supporter-built spirit 1,suzanne somers named u.s. thighmaster general 1,man who's only halfway through life can already guess how it's going to end 1,wife always dragging husband into her marital problems 0,jack lew defends efforts to help banks process marijuana sales 0,trump letter resigning from hundreds of companies seems like a big deal. it isn't. 1,isis starting to worry new recruit huge psycho 0,triple bombings in baghdad kill 72 in worst violence so far this year 1,child's favorite restaurant also dad's favorite bar 1,study finds 87% of knowledge about nation comes from side of u-haul trucks 0,"man rides a horse into taco bell, and the internet is freaking out" 0,the rise of a rinpoche 0,white house signing ceremony reveals blinding white maleness of trump's inner circle 1,mason-dixon line renamed ihop-waffle house line 0,house conservatives are trying to kill the lame-duck session 1,index finger rips into toilet paper package like velociraptor claw 0,60 women share their advice for surviving divorce after 60 1,new study finds majority of god's blessings burn up on entry into atmosphere 0,this 594-foot-high basketball shot 'for mankind' is out of this world 0,"a woman as indiana jones? yes, please." 1,"Look again. This time, try and put yourself into the time the Bible was written. Try to see things as they did. Then ask yourself how those scriptures fit into that time period. It's not hard. But you may need to take a few classes on how to analyze historical documents and Hermeneutics before you get it." 1,bush surges ahead in polls after strong showing on pommel horse 0,black lives matter protest moves from mall of america to airport 0,fired u.s. attorney preet bharara said to have been investigating hhs secretary tom price 0,"house democrats bring in record fundraising numbers, gearing up for 2018 midterms" 0,how lupita nyong'o got the role of trevor noah's mom in upcoming movie 0,rubio and cruz have 'anti-lgbt' advisory boards. where is trump's? 1,man just having one of those decades where he doesn't feel like doing anything 0,nas talks 'ghostbusters'-inspired lines and sartorial heroes 1,red lobster criticized for decimating biscuit populations along cheddar bay 1,adam levine receives promotion to senior lead singer of maroon 5 1,"michele bachmann figures why not, introduces homosexual-beheading bill" 0,frein's sister questions brother's injuries 1,excited firefighters point out kid on tricycle 1,kushner assures worried ivanka they'd definitely be last jews to go 0,wall street journal ads call out the paper's bias on climate change 0,"president trump, don't hurt americans by sabotaging the aca" 0,these 5 decisions define you as an entrepreneur 0,democrat decides maybe minor league ballplayers deserve minimum wage 1,new study finds nothing that will actually convince you to change your lifestyle so just forget it 0,gay guys get personal and ask straight men all of their burning questions 1,aspiring elitist moves to new york 1,"Based on your irrational rants, you are most definitely the sockpuppet you proclaimed yourself to be in the post above. " 0,"Nice raising the bar. Fallacies are a creationist's best friend. You claimed:""have never shown to add any new structure or even a new part to any existing structure.""Now you are changing your argument away from structure as new proteins and especially enzymes (which are proteins) don't count." 0,"No when talking about the ark, I like to agree on what we are talking about when using the term kind. And I like to give the person that believes in the flood the opportunity to define it. That includes whether they think dinosaurs and other extinct animals were on the ark. So Im interested in how you define kind and your opinion on the dinosaurs and others." 1,line cook learns leaving restaurant industry not that easy 0,theater: nathan lane and matthew broderick kings of comedy! again!; wonderfully 'curious' 0,do you really need to succeed? 0,this 'pretty little liars' theory about charles has fans fuming 0,tiffani thiessen's daughter and newborn son are beyond adorable 1,trump administration worried president burning through minority scapegoats at unsustainable rate 1,"Talk about avoiding the subject while falling back to a ridiculously unsubstantiated position... ""slippery slope"" has got to be one of the worst excuses for not doing something. Either the ISSUE AT HAND has a reason for not doing it, or it doesn't. If people had pointed out that allowing interracial marriage, and recognizing it as constitutional, would lead to gay marriage later on would you say that we should not recognize it because of ""slippery slope""? It's funny how you acknowledge past changes, yet you don't seem to specifically condemn those past changes (at least that I can see), yet you want to use those instances of past changes to further your cause of preventing this potential future change... " 1,"nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs" 1,man clearly gamed 'which teenage mutant ninja turtle are you?' quiz to get raphael 1,wild-eyed marco rubio embarks in rowboat to help venezuela coup effort 1,"'oh, was i not enough for you?' amazon echo asks couple bringing new baby home" 0,ferguson crisis is symptomatic of many other injustices 0,'sleeping on it' really does help you solve your problems 0,"Then there's that state thaht wants to remove the use of BC and AD from the calendar. I guess they'll change it to some neutral like plus and minus numbers just to stay with the rest of the world....or maybe 2005 will change to 133,956,373,278." 1,steven spielberg: can his career be salvaged? 0,everything you need to know to cook like an italian 0,"un security council blacklists islamist militants in iraq, syria" 1,christianity: is your family at risk? 1,fcc sniper takes out matthew mcconaughey to prevent live broadcast of profanity 1,peta protests use of animatronic animals in commercials 0,hilary swank and brother goof on wine tasters in hilarious prank 0,"Archie is NOT right - he has an opinion, as we all do. Pro-lifers seem to want the definition of human with attendant rights to begin at conception. The blastocyst is now turning into a tumour. So the pro-lifers can now alter their views on what constitutes 'human' as and when it suits their purpose.Forget the emotive view of what an embryo/foetus looks like: some think that as long as it has appendages and looks human, then it IS. It isn't. It's still a parasitic organism dependant on the host mother. You can't deny that.Contraception v. abortion is a separate issue: in the meantime, the host mother should be the final arbiter of what happens to her body." 1,lifeguard getting pretty fed up with out-of-breath kid always hanging on lane line 1,eric holder loads ipod with ap phone conversations for morning commute 0,the black keys new album 'turn blue' is now available to stream in full 0,"Well since posting on this thread has died and this seems to me to be the most interesting atheistic theory, I want to get a bit of clarification. First, what do you mean by being allowed to cease providing for it at any age, but never allowed to kill it? By this do you mean that to cease providing for during the first trimester is not killing it? Is that because it is not alive at that time? If I follow you (and I'm not sure I do) should the mother be allowed to have the baby removed at some point during the third trimester, after which it must be kept alive (and perhaps put up for adoption)?" 0,utah adopts nation's strictest drunk driving law 0,"No. That's not what I said. I said that natural selection is differential reproductive success. I said that those organisms that possessed advantageous characteristics would tend to reach reproductive age more frequently and therefore they will tend to produce more offspring, while those with disadvantageous characteristics will tend to produce fewer offspring. As a result, the heritable characteristics of the population will change over time." 1,annoying coworker insists on existing right in visual range 0,"I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that you think that theropod dinosaurs should have more feathers than this Sinornithosaurus does? First you claim that the entire forelimb would have been useless, and when shown that it was not you claim that the feathers could not have existed because they would be useless, and now when shown a fossil that shows feathers, you are surprised that there are not more.I suspect that not all of the feathers on this creature are apparent in the fossil. But there are enough to show that feathered dinosaurs did, in fact exist. Any argument about whether or not is is possible that such creatures existed is moot. It is irrelevant that you feel that such limbs would have been useless. Obviously they were not.So now we return to your original confused and erroneous arguments." 1,wedding dj could have anyone here 1,overworked prosecutor thinking of taking police brutality case as a little vacation 1,"report: adjectives 'tony,' 'snarky' used only by media" 1,area ceo doesn't have time for this shit 1,assistant manager accused of sexual indiscrimination 0,george clooney on why he'll never dye his hair 0,unencumbered by the facts... 1,"autopsy determines total loser's corpse contained no traces of drugs, alcohol" 0,director scott schwartz takes on disney's hunchback 1,cackling julian assange disintegrates into lines of code as baffled authorities attempt to handcuff him 1,richard grieco's star power inadvertently donated to goodwill 0,"bryant gumbel thanked donald trump for nfl rant, and for good reason" 0,3 reasons to get out of your comfort zone immediately 1,hush falls over prison population as madoff stabs cellmate in throat 1,poll shows increasing number of voters blame founding fathers for starting america 0,"science strikes back: the power of data in the face of ""alternative facts""" 0,"We share a border with Mexico. The drug cartel is armed with missile and grenade launchers. But when was the last time 72 of our police officers were murdered on American soil, in a single day, at a single location? The countries with the greatest number of legal gun ownership, they're absent these mass killings that take place on a regular basis. There's no rebels in America killing entire cities worth of people without opposition; not even in the small towns that're without a local police force. Explain that one away." 0,"the rich will hashtag even more pricey scarves, if trump gets his way" 0,bombing in syria's ghouta won't let up long enough for rescuers to count bodies 0,"There's absolutely no way in hell this could be legal in any sense. That California school got ***** slapped for expelling a student who had a gun off campus, beyond the jurisdictional reach of the school. So how can this school believe they can get away with such an insane policy?" 0,cbs news partners with twitter for second democratic debate 0,"espn reporter michael eaves chokes on a bug, but the show goes on" 0,Actually it uses thymine. Tyrosine is an amino acid. I'm not sure but I'm sure that someone is. But the glory of the internet doth provide: 0,trump court pick says he was joking when he compared gay marriage to marrying bacon 1,superhero never around when mild-mannered journalist david brooks is 0,wild leopard enters school and attacks six people 1,struggling supreme court loses eighth consecutive case 0,the cia's 60-year history of fake news: how the deep state corrupted many american writers 0,11 years later: the human genome paves the way for genomic technonlogy 1,new acnefree treatment ships teens to remote island colony for remainder of puberty 0,father-son duo share lessons about balancing life and technology 0,trump's paid parental leave plan is a non-starter 1,pope loses keys to vatican city 1,new 'robocop' trailer reveals main character to be some sort of robotic policeman 0,comedian writes about abusive relationship in moving instagram post 1,"Such a wonderful come back... full of wit , wisdom, and true Christian (tm) love. And, while some home schoolee excel, a lot don't. The problem with the testing statistics is that is comparing voluntary t taking with mandatory test taking in the public sector. That skews the results." 1,"Yes, the Bible tells us that God Himself will prevent Pharaoh from letting the Israelites go, then turn right around and punish Pharaoh by killing his firstborn son! But its worse, because God does not kill just Pharaohs firstborn son, but ALL of the Egyptians firstborns! Oh, but perhaps the Bible just messed up somehow: maybe it doesnt repeat that God hardened Pharaohs heart. Nope. The Bible says it MULTIPLE times. " 0,new ferguson judge is finally doing something about abusive court 0,paul ryan says he and steve bannon are 'different kinds of conservatives' 0,houthi official: yemen strikes by saudi arabia will set off 'wide war' 0,You yourself said you don't even know what the gun laws in California are. Yet you're saying there you believe they have legitimate tests? 1,cash-strapped oklahoma to conduct executions by hammering squad 0,irish nun shows off silky soccer skills in heavenly kickabout with cop 0,reporter resigns after gop campaign allegedly tried to block damaging story 0,democrats play nice and normal with trump in nominee hearings 0,widely criticized olympian says his 'arrogance' was actually intentional 0,thomas whitby's ascent as a connected educator 1,bus passenger really getting into stranger's nursing textbook 0,the clothes you're wearing may have been illegally made by syrian refugees 0,'spy' director paul feig thinks it's 'ridiculous' women don't get the same opportunities he does 1,poll finds majority of americans would like things to go right for once 1,owners of google hope to parlay world's most popular website into book deal 0,selena gomez and james corden's rollercoaster karaoke is quite a ride 0,"if holiday stress is a disease, the virus is your expectations" 0,"Really, with C being between 1/2 and 2 million defensive gun uses per year. Or perhaps the hundreds of millions of legal, non-defense related, gun uses per year. When you compare the number times a guns are used legally to the number of times they are used illegally, B becomes pretty insignificant." 0,russell simmons leads 'i am a muslim too' rally in new york 0,"i'm impressed! this is a very precise description, in regular englishand yes, the deduction in 9 seems presumptious if all we state is God has a ""possibility of existence"". how this was cleverly cleared up (from the same source site) was simply a trip back to the definition: ""greatest possible being"". the ""greatest possible being"", by definition, MUST have a possible existence. in otherwords, we cannot assume that there is a possibility that the greatest possible being does not exist. yeah, it sounds like the whole ""proof"" is pointless because your premise is already the proofjust keep in mind that for the purposes of this proof, God is defined as ""the greatest being possible"". as long as that definition is maintained, the proof works...does that mean that God exists? hmmm....emoticonXFrazzled" 0,the $25 skin cream our beauty editor loves 0,"I'm not sure where anyone said it related to evolution, the big bang, etc., but I might have missed something." 0,"donald trump insists he has the 'complete power' to pardon, as russia probe persists" 1,transition team assures public trump has too many conflicts of interest to favor any specific one 0,who's the old guy at lollapalooza? 0,david brock urges cbs to reopen review of discredited benghazi report 0,trump administration adds more foreign guest worker visas 0,"No-one experiences the existence of an outside world. Explanations such as the Matrix can explain sense impressions as well as some concept of 'external reality'. We have no more evidence for one than the other.The fact no-one takes them seriously is a psychological point about human beings, nothing to do with reality per se." 1,"watching tv shows on dvd the way to do it, area man reports" 1,nurse being treated for ebola impressed with health workers' new gear 1,precious little voter needs to feel inspired by candidate 0,kittens recovering after photographer rescued them from brush fire 0," there is no doubt that the employee was trying to figure out a way to perpetrate a deception in order to circumvent the law. It is also true that the video taping of parties without their consent is likewise a violation of California law.With that established I would be interested in your comments."" which does nothing to negate the value of this thread. It just proves that Planned Parenthood has used deception in the past and will continue to be deceptive in the future. But my question is this. If PP is simply concerned with offering a medical procedure in order to insure the health and welfare of women, and not the wholesale murder of as many children as possible, why would they see the need to deceive anyone in order to promote their abortions ? " 0,stop saying we need new prison beds in arkansas 0,breaking up with god 0,the essentials of blogging for small business 0,"hong kong actor wears 'brown face,' highlights prejudice among asians" 1,woman thinks she would make a great talk-show host 0,"for someone who says he hates making predictions, trump sure makes a lot of them" 0,white house official gives lip service to puerto rican debt relief but offers no new deal 0,clever husband has the perfect solution to bed-hogging struggles 1,Quite amusing that you refer to westerners as Gringos. The last time I heard that was in a film about Pancho villa! 1,"He stated that "" statistics show that firearms cause aggression in individuals"", no mention of the word can anywhere in there that I saw." 0,how to make a living as a drag queen 0,frankie grande pays the 'indoor boys' a surprise visit 0,every song on kendrick lamar's new album is charting on billboard's hot 100 1,holocaust historian can't help imagining what random people would look like behind barbed-wire fence 1,voyager probe badly damaged after smashing into end of universe 1,u.s. defense secretary: 'i am in love' 1,woman who doesn't use facebook completely out of touch with friends' prejudices 0,scott walker does a number on his job numbers 0,jimmy kimmel hilariously rebrands hatchimals as 'disappointimals' 0,billy bob thornton reportedly taken to er following car accident 1,kidnapped journalist forced to explain to isis captors what buzzfeed news is 0,the continued unravelling of the middle east: a deep dive into history 1,quantum political scientists hypothesize country headed in both right and wrong directions simultaneously 0,bernice king says trump's racist comments are 'troubling to our humanity' 0,three questions about the aereo supreme court case that desperately need answers 0,I think more than this is the principle of human dignity. That humans have inherent dignity and value at every stage of life. This is transcendent of whether they are conscious or unconscious and it is why we treat 24 week premies who have no real conscious existence and a 30 year old automobile accident victim in a coma on a respirator and you and me the same. So strongly do humans recognize this inherent dignity that even in death a person is dignified with a funeral ceremony recognizing their life had inherent meaning and value. We build memorials to those who were victimized in life. 0,"america is pretty damn great already, biden says in fiery dnc speech" 0,whoopi goldberg says the oscars 'can't be that racist' because she won once 0,is early reading a problem? 1,man reading pynchon on bus takes pains to make cover visible 0,have we already solved the student debt crisis? 1,final harry potter book blasted for containing spoilers 0,"Because Apes, monkeys and chimps are on different paths. You wouldn't expect a shark to evolve into a barracuda-like animal. things evolve to fill niches, we currently fill a niche, there is nothing pushing apes, chimps or other primates to fill a niche that is occupied. " 1,area man's recommended daily caloric intake exceeded by 9 a.m. 1,"Thanks,... But I really don't need your persmission or encouragment. And I had a great father's day. Thanks for your concern." 1,breaking: drunk teen going 100 mph down slick highway is invincible 0,attorney lisa bloom planned to discredit harvey weinstein's accusers: report 1,new robert altman film released straight to special-edition director's-cut dvd 0,hillary clinton gets a clean bill of health from her doctor 0,how to get the perfect summer body 0,south korea's ousted leader arrested on bribery charges 1,governor pardons self for living 0,trump adds volatility to a long history of north korean threats 0,"Yes but the proposal was for a formal type debate judged by a third party. Here we are just discussing the debate so far. Welcome to the forum." 0,"broward sheriff's deputy stole dvds, toys from walmart while in uniform: police" 0,amy schumer says she 'would have loved to come out of' goldie hawn 1,tissue feeling a certain responsibility to lift tissue behind it halfway out of box 0,president trump's iran deal message to north korea: do not trust washington 0,"trump is #1 in the polls, and so was the 'macarena'" 1,Well I am polishing my grave dancing shoes as these people in their 70's can not live forever. 0,aclu sounds alarm over trump administration's 'threat' to free speech 1,new bill would limit abortion to cases where procedure necessary to save promising political career 1,kinko's patron pulls the old copy-key switcheroo 0,"how many animals do you think were on the Ark? how many species existed at the time? the story of the ark does not coincide with contemporary science, but it does work with the rest of Genesis. this is Genesis 2: 15-23" 0,"dem rep. totally nails why congress is falling short on gender, racial equality" 0,maryland gov. larry hogan says cancer is 95 percent gone 0,michigan supreme court slams the door on jill stein's recount case 1,clinton bleeds to death 0,more employers may be using temps to skirt immigration laws 1,mcdonald's introduces mccrazy burger 0,"what part of hamas strategy is so difficult for john kerry, joe scarborough and hillary to understand?" 0,"You know, this little phrase, ""minutes before birth,"" keeps popping up in reference to abortion.Could someone please explain to me the point of having an abortion ""minutes before birth""? What is the point?How many, if any, of this sort of abortion is performed?Could I get a really honest answer to that? Please, no lies.How many?Can anyone tell me?" 0,dan harmon finally reveals reason behind 'rick and morty' delays 0,a magical island: making the most of your novel's setting 1,"Are you trying to be funny in a ""I'm the one who drew attention to this aspect in the first place, but now I'm going to criticize you for talking about what I drew attention to"" type mentality? " 0,trevor noah says wikileaks proves clinton is guilty -- of being boring 0,this could be 'one of the warmest christmas days of your lifetime' 1,dipshit toddler waving at wall 0,a patriotic neighbor 1,atari releases updated adventure video game 1,nipple of baby's bottle pierced for authenticity 0,stephen colbert shreds 'self-righteous landfill of angry garbage' bill o'reilly 0,donald trump suggests colin kaepernick 'find a new country' after national anthem protest 0,"No, there really aren't. As for Robertson, why do you think I said he was right (as in global warming is happening and we are largely responsible) by sheer luck?" 1,yankee candle clarifies that product only intended to be dripped on balls 1,man confident perfect dating app waiting for him out there somewhere 1,"'the investigation ends now,' growls shadow counsel holding mueller by throat at top of washington monument" 0,hillary clinton taps jay z to urge young black americans to vote 1,"acne medication may cause dizziness, nausea, loss of hearing, insomnia, blood clotting, difficulty breathing" 0,9 things smart people won't do 0,ashton kutcher and james corden give dads the anthem they deserve 1,everyone in coffee shop can tell trainee a goner 1,"He was big on ""Turn the other cheek"", the pacifist non-gunner." 0,18 hilarious bridesmaid proposal cards you can find on etsy 1,report: there nothing else in bottom of gift bag 1,"relationship not a power struggle, woman who's winning reports" 0,spotify and bumble will finally let you judge potential dates based on their music taste 0,jennifer aniston and justin theroux spend valentine's day in paris 0,you are who your pet thinks you are 1," I suppose ""good"" atheists are always ""good"" until some religious person whitewashed them into doing something ""bad?"" Get real. Fact is ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD." 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 0,9 signs you're winning at the grandparenting game 0,That would be more likely than finding evidence for abiogenesis. 0,"torture report: america conducts a moral reckoning. next, moral repair?" 1,"I'm British, from England, Manchester, the place where those that invented the first car, computer, railway and where the industrial revolution started. Definitely not from the USA where youre more credited with stuff like the first gay bishop, etc, etc, lame!" 0,marco rubio wins puerto rico primary 1,teen male vaguely unnerved by nude pantyhose rack at kmart 0,calle 13 explores the power of a kiss 0,chicago judge orders access to free lawyers at police stations 0,iconic '90s band helped this couple open up about their sexuality 0,mom of transgender teen describes her experience as a gift 1,"Well, then, I guess that in America we can't possibly be safe from kill-happy gunners can we?" 0,the writers workbench: solar chargers 1,unpaid internship a really great experience for local company 0,"women in business: catherine courage, senior vice president, customer experience, citrix" 1,"magnificent sunset loses out to home improvement, judge judy hour" 1,ohio state uses t-shirt blaster to pass out diplomas 1,Just be like the Jews and Christians and steal the idea! A lot of their mythology isn't original: it was stolen from other people who thought it up first. 1,breaking: we might be doing a bad job 0,trump's big new idea for a veterans hotline was tried already... by trump 0,10 years of marriage equality 1,john kelly suspects jared kushner of being illegal immigrant after observing he has no skills 0,jimmy carter says he has melanoma that has spread to his brain 0,this exercise can help you find more time in your day 1,monster at end of book claims life of tv's grover 0,do i need to upgrade my health insurance during the open enrollment period? 0,"yes, 'chinaperson' is a racist term" 0,women leaders talk personal: how to be a true philanthropist 1,h.r. 2651 fans storm senate floor after passage of bill 0,this 83-year-old man just starred in his first porn 1,new vh1 show canceled for not being pathetic enough 1,video game henchmen plan meetup around explosive barrels 0,"traditional campaign tactics are basically a waste of time, new study concludes" 1,amy klobuchar pledges to fight everyday americans 1,obama revises campaign promise of 'change' to 'relatively minor readjustments in certain favorable policy areas' 0,steven spielberg says netflix films shouldn't qualify for oscars 1,man humiliated by wi-fi's poor behavior in front of guests 0,approved catcalls 1,hillary clinton mouthing along to presidential oath 1,real-life family feud offers no fabulous cash prizes 0,state department protest of donald trump's immigration ban hits nearly 900 names 1,concerned nra official rushes out to purchase congressman following mass shooting 0,china's largest freshwater lake is shrinking 0,congress sets date for obama's last state of the union address 0,"why goals are landmarks meant to be passed, not reached" 0,cuba has an ambitious plan to protect its environment from tourists 1,birthday cards from grandma becoming more religious 0,"Please stop making statements that have nothing whatsoever to do with the debate at hand. We're not talking about Christian fundamentalism and ""reality""." 0,5 bad behaviors from the past that are now totally common 0,an all-glowed-up 'wizards of waverly place' cast reunites for wedding 0,democrats split over opposing government funding bill that doesn't protect dreamers 0,these radically colorful photographs will brighten your day 0,unapologetic self-portraits that shatter perceptions of disability 1,And you know he is NATO's boy how? You get a bit more looney with each post there comic relief. Keep the laffs coming tho. 0,keegan-michael key on what everyone gets wrong about detroit 1,martin shkreli faces rough stay in prison system where inmates who funded hair theft are lowest caste 0,colorado congressman hangs on after splitting with donald trump 1,three boomers feared dead in jenga collapse 1,crayola ceo presents jarringly ambitious 5-year plan at annual shareholders meeting 1,mccain speechwriter trying to write lines that don't lead to creepy smile 1,"No Doc. Obama will be happy for Reo. It is compassionate, Social justice stuff, and all!" 0,scientists confirm there's nothing but misinformation on anti-vax sites 1,How is one supposed to be smugly self-righteous if this is the case? No fair. 0,when parents part 1,new study finds human beings were never meant to wake up from sleep 1,"Depressingly familiar, yes you can be,and we only demand what is our right.It's the anti-gunners who are repetitively bleating that we are irresponsible when it comes to accountability. And about time you get back,we didn't really have anyone to pick on.:) emoticonXIdea" 0,"Read to the very end of the verse. ""If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.""" 0,changing prison from the inside out 0,the iphone graveyard 1,moron stepfather takes care of child who doesn't have his genetic material 1,white house security officials relieved ivanka trump's computer just cardboard box with mirror on it 1,study finds 60% of parents too busy with divorce to worry about football safety 0,making a dent in the global water crisis: why it's time to double down 1,"dry, flavorless cupcake disappointing to last bite" 0,donald trump to meet with henry kissinger 1,man read somewhere they proved thing he just made up 1,eleven-year-old used as human shield in dodgeball game 0,"my parents know all about my sex life, and it's awkward" 0,Because there are still a lot of people in this country that support oppression and injustice toward gay people. 1,"It's sophomoric remarks like that that hurt the gay cause in America. God isn't mocked, though. And I doubt the people are either. And I'm glad California outlawed the sin. The only thing you have left is to hope the far left, spiritually-stunted judges in the US Supreme Court are pro Sodom and Gomorrah." 0,"actually, it can be proven whether leprechauns, unicorns, the flying spaghetti monster, magical space monkeys and livining care baers, and even god, exists or not.the question of proving a belief seems kinda self-contradictory to me. if something is a fact that can be proven, then your belief about it is irrelevant. likewise, if you believe something, whether there are facts to support it or not, its still your belief. there are people who believe things inn the absence of supporting facts, and sometimes even in the face of opposing facts. the term for that is faithfaith is the belief of something in the absence of evidence. if you have faith in something, proof is irrelevant, or at least it should be" 1,"Anyone who can read the entire page will find that Zeus is in there, but since you apparently can't read I forgive your ignorance.. emoticonXByeemoticonXBye" 0,"Chloe, the point of this thread is to help you understand what the argument is, not to give analogies to abortion." 1,tucker carlson unsure why he in middle of 20-minute rant against croutons 1,thousands of students forced to attend iowa state after university sets acceptance rate to 140% 0,comedian tracey ullman: 'we just need more women in the studio system' 1,"nunes: 'the american people have a right to know the contextless, selectively-edited truth'" 1,no one has heart to ask human beat box to stop 1,"No, not at all. Read the post above. 'Christmas cracker'?? What's that? Here, we have Fortune cookies.:)" 1,"Fundies don't say do as I say, not as I do. We say do as God says, not as I do. There's a huge difference." 0,u.s. judge dismisses copyright infringement case against shakira 1,area 31-year-old can't believe 'you must be born before this date to buy cigarettes' sign up to 1982 1,"report: average american loses $5,000 each year from splitting check" 1,puerto rico celebrates dependence day 0,"You are exactly right and I believe that is Gods intent. When it comes right down to it, each person must make his peace with God. It is our responsibility and our right as individuals. We have the freedom to choose. It is our God-given right to decide what we will do with God and Christ. " 1,lee greenwood urges u.s. to take military action against iraq 1,trump slammed for signing john mccain defense bill without praising how many people it will kill 1,ad for drummer personally attacks old drummer 1,entire nation pitches in to save yosemite 0,A little of both. Japan is known for allowing its police officers to physically and mentally torture suspects and deny them legal counsel if they determine that such counsel will interfere with their interrogation. Suspects aren't allowed to read confessions before signing them either.Is that what Penfold really wants? 1,"'the convergence is at hand,' announces sears ceo as employees report to company headquarters in white gowns" 0,[in&out korea] anonymous interview on misogyny pt. 1 1,reedsburg chamber of commerce:'come grow with us' 0,'empire' releases pitbull & ne-yo songs from season 2 1,neglected google home sits by window barking at passersby 0,head-on collision with a ford 1,latest bin laden tape for completists only 1,"dildo manufacturers association: nation must return to normalcy, purchase dildos" 1,another comedian ruined by parenthood 0,republicans ready for december shutdown as boehner exits 1,"'we're in this together, you guys,' reports newest member of crunch gym" 0,"Not needed? It is evolution. The collor of the moths is genetic - caused by 2 alleles of a single gene. The frequencies of those alleles were observed to change in the populations of moths over many generations. It is by definition, evolution." 1,"[/QUOTE] UMM okay, and you no doubt put me in my place LMAO I'm sure it was pure poetry emoticonXSmilie" 0,two big tobacco companies want to merge 1,government squandering social security funds on cake 0,this guy's rendition of adele's 'hello' is why the internet was created 1,"Translation: No. we of the hard right religious radical fringe are not ready to discuss this. We can explain away anything our rightie candidate has done - from selling out his country and his buddies in exchange for sheets and morphine in Hanoi to the Keating 5 to being part of creating the mess he says he now wants to reform. As a veteran of a certain type, we all know he's entitled to a funeral at government expense. The people won't have to pay for his. McStain's so crooked he can just be screwed into the ground." 0,"as the u.s. debates gun control, australians turn in their firearms" 1,Because electricity moves faster than a man's arm? Give me one example of this actually happening and I'll concede that it's not a ridiculous thing to consider. 0,the 'arthur' generation will need to save america 0,make the right calls on baseball reform 1,report: watching episode of 'downton abbey' counts as reading book 1,endangered wildlife to be given new identities in species protection program 0,$9 billion is a lot of money: how much could you buy with illinois' budget deficit? 1,"Dear god.You really haven't a clue about what your talking about.Away with the birdies i think.Yousef was responsible for the 93 bombing,and he himself had very broad associations with some of the Al-Qaeda hardcore(Osama said he didn't know him and was in Sudan while Yousef stayed in Peshewer).Osama wasn't responsible for the 93 bombing,he wasn't responsible for Bali and Madrid and i don't care what the world media tells you.But by all means keep spouting your misinformation,i for one find it hilarious. The Yousef-Osama-Saddam link is a conspiracy theory." 0,strangers made sure this homeless man and his dog stayed warm during blizzard 0,why pediatricians are so upset that trump rescinded daca 0,mueller reportedly investigating ukraine payment to trump foundation 0,hilary duff's dating history 1,man dying from cancer spends last good day on phone with insurance company 1,man pinned beneath car wondering when adrenaline going to kick in 1,wikipedia users surprised nobody's made page for john lennon yet 1,Methinks it's rather obvious that mintaka is JimIrvine because no rational newbie would come here and agree with Irvine's ridiculous and juvenile attacks/assertions out of the box. emoticonXRolleyes 0,"julianne moore on 'freeheld,' marriage equality and ellen page's 'extraordinary' coming out" 1,ergonomic advisors call for $30 million in federal lumbar support 0,And we all know that is what it will become. I'm willing to bet money that Marc is going to argue that abiogenesis is a part of evolution as well as the big bang. There's a clear reason why he won't accept the definitions before the debate starts. 0,a majority of americans disagree with donald trump's hard-line stances on climate change 1,"All you have said is there are two apples. I noticed you said describe, I can describe what a chair is, but that description is not the chair itself. Are the apples the ""law of non-contradiction""?" 0,puerto rico loses it as monica puig wins island's first-ever olympic gold 1,kavanaugh surprised senate not questioning fact he never went to law school 0,should you marry that guy? 1,"mom sends blurry, indistinct photo of computer screen showing boots you might like" 1,boehner hoping to remain leader of republican parties 1,area man could have made same meal at home but worse 0,republicans keep trying to shut women down 0,sunday roundup 1,wildlife cleaning volunteer stuck with the gulls again 1,netflix receives 10 emmy nominations for season 4 of 'wings' 1,area mother doesn't see why thai people need to make food so spicy 1,christian slater dropped from list of names to drop 0,the united states and britain must claim part-ownership of yemeni strife 0,"gunman kills one, wounds four in shooting at german nightclub" 0,"reid, warren meet with progressive groups ahead of looming government shutdown" 1,fox news problem solvers in way over their heads 0,house gop is determined to make it harder for poor kids to get free school lunches 0,how to use facebook to make yourself happy 0,"huffpost expands its reporting, video and audio teams with latest round of new hires" 1,everyone on defense team an equally matched romantic interest for member of prosecution 1,man can't believe obama would use tragedy to push anti-tragedy agenda 1,pope francis washes feet of phillie phanatic 1,"sure, area man can watch your cat while his life is falling apart" 0,"as chipotle tries not to make people sick, it's silent on one important issue" 0,chewbacca just got himself a 'chewbacca mom' mask 0,creating is a drug 0,voters in 14 states navigating new rules while trying to cast ballots 1,omarosa searches through tapes of everyone else in white house using n-word for one of trump 0,why these men bucked tradition and wore an engagement ring 1,clinton staff readies emp launch to disable all nation's electronic devices 1,"career spider not sure she's ready for 3,000 children at this point" 1,coworkers agog as employee introduces new shirt into rotation 1,ex-girlfriend making huge mistake 1,obama slips 'hope' into speech for the fans 1,no one able to tell clam just had stroke 1,"Really? What book is that, because I have seen no quotes or links to any source of any info at all from you anywhere above on this page. So once again accipiter, what in the world are you referring to? You and the obvious child oughta get along fine since you both offer nothing more substantial than personal attacks which are based on your own warped beliefs and corrupted interpretations of that which you disagree with. Here's my original post again, I challenge you to explain how these alleged stone age sheep herders whom you scoff at and mock described contemporary living creatures which paleontologists today identify as dinosaurs, from skeletal remains?" 0,5 spectacular april getaways 0,joan rivers: my hero and my cautionary tale 1,circus runaway not looking forward to hometown show 0,trump and america's big black eye 1,bill clinton still waiting for personal apology from monica lewinsky for using power as intern to exploit him sexually 0,apparently andrew wk is a healer 1,accidentally closing browser window with 23 tabs open presents rare chance at new life 1,"You know, I've seen this BS from you quite often. Is your life sour? Do you need to make other peoples lives as miserable as you can just so you can get through the day?" 0,chrissy teigen poses poolside with a plate of chicken on her thigh 1,woman toys with idea of getting sister something nice they can do together as gift before settling on candle 0,donald trump picks dow chemical's andrew liveris to head american manufacturing council 0,"I see your point, Iangb but I'm not about to be leaving before you've had a chance to respond. I won't be ""leaving"" at all. You challenged me to produce an argument, so I'm going to produce my argument. I will then summarize the argument, and you can respond to it and we can then discuss / debate those specifics that you have a problem with.Truthfully, this is how I should have first responded to your challenge. Doing it piece meal has only resulted in a less focused debate.--Chuz" 0,25 heartwarming holiday proposals that are worthy of a champagne toast 1,"natalee holloway, osama bin laden celebrate 5-year wedding anniversary" 1,"In short, you have nothing but faith, and seek to project it where it has no place." 1,"new study going to take another week or so, report scientists who look as if they've been crying" 0,"Well, I did say I was being nit-picky: all I was objecting to was the way the original wording suggested that the change was occurring in order to avoid competition. Assuming it was due to selection, the competition from the larger birds was the putative agent of that selection.(Incidentally, I suspect we live on the same side of the Atlantic.)" 0,"Actually science is not sure whether expansion will continue indefineitely, whether it will stop and remain stable, or whether it will collapse. Last I heard collapse was not given good odds. Hovind is probably behind the curve here." 0,friday talking points -- prelude to silly season 1,Jyoshu - you think anytime a homosexual engages in anything but hiding in the closet and keeping their mouths shut is a gay rights movement. The kids are jerks. 0,2 university at albany students charged after pledge dies in hazing incident 0,11 tips for new parents flying with their children for the first time 1,gop makes good on 2009 promise to block president's healthcare bill 1,woman injured in hostile makeover 0,"just keep swimming, finding dory is fun for the whole family!" 0,the pakistani army's coup against itself 1,clinton reelected by wide margin 1,"You see, that's the problem: ""generally"". You obviously know little or nothing of how prejudice works in this country." 0,at least two killed in blast at peace march in ukraine 1,tonight's dnc program to be just 3 hours of osama bin laden's blown-off face projected onto screen 1,canvas shopping bag celebrates third year on doorknob 0,"someone threw the 'veep' music over that awkward trump non-signing, and it's fantastic" 1,new department of agriculture study finds 85% of u.s. farmers woefully kicking at dirt 1,"I'm not a ""TROLL"" unless of course disagreeing or believing differently from you makes me one. If so then I wear the title with pride." 1,spider eggs hatch in bush's brain 1,ROFL you don't even believe that given the democrat party's known escapades. I do hope you haven't stroked out due to the Brown victory. Let the games begin! 0,here's yet another way to get paid to travel this summer 0,obama's foreign policy approval drops in new poll 0,statues and place names continue to honor champions of slavery 0,why fashion blogger hannah stoudemire is protesting new york fashion week 0,"so what about jesus' life is credible if the source is unreliable? was it that jesus didnt walk on water but he fed 5000 with 5 loaves? was it that he didnt forgive the samaritan harlot but he raised lazarus from the dead? what did the authors get right? i mean, i can easily believe jesus said he came to bring a sword and not peace. but you dont. so how do we possibly pattern our lives according to how jesus lived if we dont know whether what they recorded was actually what he did?it is necessary to believe that the gospels are true, otherwise you cannot follow a pattrn you dont have." 0,top aide denies that donald trump posed as his own spokesman 1,"You really think so? Im flattered, but I think you are wrong." 1,city of baltimore targeting young professionals with new 'you get used to it' campaign 1,custody battle sparks couple's first-ever interest in child 1,cheney clotheslines aide 0,adorable cotton candy girl is the hero we all need right now 0,the smithsonian seeks to preserve the gazebo where tamir rice was killed 1,crullers explained 1,scarf tragically lost in 15-coat pile-up 0,russian president: saber-rattling is counterproductive with north korea. it's impossible to scare them. 0,dana cole's gps guide for focusing on your wellness 1,"prayers answered by random series of events in cold, uncaring universe" 1,discarded banana peel results in tragicomic tableau 1,area woman prefers to get same advice from as many people as possible 1,police continue search for missing gunman 1,supreme court told to take down tip jar 1,critics blast al gore's documentary as 'realistic' 1,budget-conscious obamas strongly pushing malia toward udc community college 0,attention politicians: god created and welcomes us in all of our diversity 0,obama to name former procter & gamble executive as va secretary 0,7 awesome pot pie recipes you need to make now 1,romney campaign reboots for 72nd consecutive week 0,"We need to have far better prenatal and obstetrical care for all women in the world. All truly caring human beings would endorse such care for women, as well as access to contraceptive education and access to reliable contraception to prevent such horrible consequences from pregnancy." 1,classic boring 1,man arriving late forced to use excuse he was saving for leaving early 1,what mom would have wanted evolving over course of funeral planning 1,u.s. to host foster country 0,this video about worry will really make you think 0,benghazi committee chair: staffer fired for classified info breach 0,cubs fans caught in time loop now that 'next year' is in the past 0,"facebook, google and whatsapp plan to increase encryption of user data" 0,the atheist and the nun 0,"clinton camp mastered the science of politics but forgot the art, staffers say" 1,"It's only obvious to the delusional ones, as I did not lift it from anyone. Just stating the truth. If it hurts, tough." 1,pursued drunk driver crafts brilliant 'don't stop' plan 0,business solutions can make trade more inclusive 0,ben carson suggests obama's iran deal is 'anti-semitic' 0,kristen wiig's fake trailer from 'jimmy kimmel' needs to be made into a real movie 1,trump claims waterboarding doesn't come close to the excruciating torment he experiences at every moment 0,And what would that prove? It would certainly show that an animal adapted to survival above the Arctic circle was not adapted to the Arizona desert. Maybe it would indicate that the environmental conditions necessary for the change aren't present in Arizona. How is that relevant to evolutionary theory? 1,family concerned after aging tv show has another terrible episode 0,white nationalists have been saying 'diversity is not our strength' for years 0,donald trump keeps saying things that would destroy any other presidential candidate 1,saudi operative mortified after surveillance footage reveals he wore same outfit as khashoggi 1,frat nutritionists dare americans to swallow more live goldfish 0,trump vows to kill 50 years of federal health and safety protections 0,'people's couch' hunk gears up for the holidays in a very big way 1,ceo sad nobody noticed new tie 0,'the wiz live!' brings the best of black excellence to tv 1,breaking: flight attendant currently attempting to pass cup of cranberry juice over your laptop 1,really ugly shark tired of being mistaken for hammerhead 1,point in evening reached where everyone tries to lift biggest friend 1,concert security drastically overestimating fans' desire to get close to cheap trick 1,oscars create new truman capote biopic category 1,yacht name conveys owner's easygoing lifestyle 1,mother can't believe 10-year-old has already outgrown mobility scooter 0,john legend says it would take a gun to his head to vote for donald trump 0,union plows ahead after major scotus setback 1,kissinger instructs palin on finer points of clandestine carpet bombing 0,do you use someone else's netflix password? you're not alone 1,papal infallibility invoked to allow scrabble word 1,watching faces of students as they finish 'the lottery' highlight of english teacher's year 0,trump doesn't really want you to know that obamacare enrollment just started 1,single woman getting all dolled up to watch room full of people make out this new year's eve 0,this love story will make every scrabble nerd's heart flutter 0,donald trump didn't actually roll back any legal protections for transgender kids 0,7 seriously rad mother's day gifts 1,shocked 'our planet' viewers watch as david attenborough enters scene to break neck of starving polar bear 1,elderly man who's outlived wife by 8 years must not have loved her very much 0,"The laws of physics are short, descriptive statements that describe the operation of certain natural phenomena that always seem to occur in the same way. Many times the ""laws of physics"" have been amended by further information, causing the law to be restated.Actually, I think he meant the way that we have observed the universe and all of nature to operate." 1,"Yes, again you provide a 'just-so' statement; ""evolution is a fact"", and you've already said you only need a catalogue of evidences totally unconstricted in any coherent manner to actually show how. But my challenge to you was not this, it was to prove your version of science is science, by science. So, again you simply answer a totally different point. Well done. It must be so easy to construct your arguments this way, you're always able to answer them, unfortunately, they're your own challenge, not mine." 1,entirety of man's personal data protected by reference to third season of 'the west wing' 0,"So what you are saying is simply that the genes do not actively control the body.What is wrong with assuming that genes therefore do not control the body is the fact that the genes were the blueprint for the body. The genes decided the arrangement of cells, the number of fingers, etc.The body, the cells, and the organelles within the cells are therefore strongly influenced by the DNA sequence." 1,architect asks self how le corbusier would have designed this strip mall 1,frothing alex jones claims sexual harassment part of worldwide imbalance in gender power dynamics 0,legal protections for nursing moms are on the chopping block 0,elections 2014: read updates on battles around the nation 1,"'new year, new caleb,' announces self-assured seventh-grader on first day of school" 1,nepotism passed off as synergy 0,senator manchin's latest attempt at curbing opioid addiction is a very bad idea 1,michelin introduces tires for women 0,"we just can't back donald trump, 30 former gop lawmakers say in letter" 0,blinds and bells: haegue yang's retrospective at the leeum in seoul 0,"I believe it's there, but I'm certainly no one to push that belief on anyone." 1,woman starting to worry she just has type of face where makeup looks insane 0,the lost art of peeing in the shower 0,love letters from wwii: in memory of my father 1,sears gold card holder pushing weight around area sears 0,trusting in grace 1,biden tossed out of car passing by white house 1,area russian to hug you 0,obama explains difference between police reform and 'war on cops' 1,grandma can still feel draft 0,And I see you still flip back and fourth from being an atheist to not being an atheist. 1,jumbled nest of cords makes move to third new apartment 0,silence on black female victims weakens fight against police brutality 1,"Oh spare me the condemnation ya' XXXX-hard. You aren't interested in saving souls. If you were, you would bother to have payed attention to the countless times you have been told that your abrasive, insulting tactics DON'T WORK. Plus an eternity in hell or an eternity with a terroristic God? I think I will stick with being able to live with myself for even today, let alone an eternity. " 1,deadline for prior user to remove clothes from dryer extended 5 minutes 1,You draw very interesting conclusions my friend. If this is your standpoint then what is the purpose of a government? 0,nukes and the global schism 1,"lol Seriously boring is right. Just think, no Larry Craig scandals." 1,golden retriever mauls 5 in huge victory for pitbull apologists 0,why tommy chong is fired up about marijuana 1,'game of thrones' actors reveal reading script for zombie battle and realizing they wasted careers 0,It hasn't been proven that the Second Amendment is solely about tyrannical governments and not about dealing with violent criminals. 1,restaurant hostess loses job to 'please seat yourself' sign 0,embracing the future: this week in daily giving 1,netflix town criers announce arrival of 'mad men' season 6 on streaming 0,starved dogs thrown from van are learning to trust humans again 0,hillary clinton eviscerates donald trump in her best speech yet 0,kim kardashian tackled by hollywood prankster at paris fashion week 1,friends always on best behavior around neil labute 0,ben stiller reading trump's 'stable genius' tweets as zoolander is like ridiculously funny 1,john bolton warns war with north korea won't be cakewalk like iraq 1,real-life nancy drew traces source of her hpv 1,st. louis mayor has sad little plan for turning city into high-tech hub 1,dateline nbc report inspired by actual events 1,"cheney to speak at republican convention from section 109, row 56, seat 3" 1,"You know, you and Saddam may have more in common than you might have thought. But really, I think they may be on to something with Sharia Law. If you steal, they cut off your hand. Pretty good deterent. If you do drugs they execute you. If you commit adultery they stone you to death. But Saddam thought that Sharia law was too harsh to be used in general practice." 1,"Dont be more stupid than you need to. I did not misquote the author his point was not only incorrect but patronising too. Not a good thing if you want to sell a book. Not that you would understand emoticonXBye" 0,men face up to 200 years in prison for gay sex trafficking 0,state rep. claims god is talking to him 1,book about michael jackson available for purchase 0,That is what it said. Now your website gives a false translation to this. It clearly is talking about if the unborn is harmed.Not to mention the numerous other quotes I gave you about how a person (in the Christian faith) is formed before conception! This shows that God has already created you. God also talks about how you can't kill a person he created. This is an easy concept to follow.I suggest if you wish to learn what the Bible says you read it and not take what a biased website has to say. is a joke that misleads people into making God what they want him to be. 1,chili's customer who just finished ribs platter given complimentary hose-down 0,pope francis condemns growing healthcare inequality in wealthy countries 1,elon musk offering $1.2 billion in grants to any project that promises to make him feel complete 1,only adult left in trump administration named 'mad dog' 1,nation suddenly realizes it never had to worry about john mccain dying over past 8 years if he'd become president 1,pepsi ceo's wife buys coke when she's mad at him 1,teen responsible for all six items in clarksburg police blotter 0,what refugees really want 0,prison teaches beekeeping to inmates and it's all the buzz 1,rustic italian village just killing time between wedding feasts 0,bette midler might have the best take on 'batman v superman' 1,report: this just the 30th wake-up call woman needed 0,these 'bachelor' couples are still together 1,report: average american has just 20% of what it takes 0,"And what is an inheritance? Proverbs 13:13 he who feareth the commandment shall be rewarded. 14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life. 15 Good understanding giveth favor 16 Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge 17 a faithful ambassador is health 18 but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured. 19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul 20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise 21 but to the righteous good shall be paid. What inheritance should a good man leave to his children's children? Solomon wasn't talking of money, but of God's law. In Solomon's view, the wicked can have their money, the true reward goes to the righteous. Why this should contrast with selling your luxuries and giving to the poor I'm not sure. " 1,"Except for other inmates, guards, medical staff, etc. And no...nobody has ever escaped from prison and killed wouldn't happen." 1,report: universe to end next friday 0,adele tweets apology after stage rigging hits glasgow concertgoer 1,nation longing for simpler time of knowing exactly who they wanted to kill and why 1,kim jong-un thrown into labor camp for attempting to cross border into south korea 0,"You are assuming that the TOE of evolution has remained static since Darwins time.I have to say that is false. We have 150 years of experimental data beyond that. In addition, we not only have the arguement from homology, but we have genetic data to back it up. So sorry, but you struck out." 1," When you see a Southern Baptist ramming a 757 into a skyscraper or two and killing 3,000 people, write us." 0,ja rule on fyre festival: 'not my fault' 0,"When it comes to all the examples that Behe had provided in both his first book, and his second book , it has been shown to be able to evolve naturally. That means, in principle, IC systems can evolve. If you don't believe so, bring forth the I.C. system of your choice. To say 'But you don't know all the answers' is just the logical fallacy known as 'argument from ignorance'. Behe brings a system up that he claims is IC.. the pathway for evolution is discovered, and Behe trys another one. How dishonest can you get? The concept is falsified." 1,christ's face seen on miracle canvas 0,"That's because these questions were never, ever, EVER raised in the original Parker case. None of the six DC people who took the city to court possessed a felony record, they didn't bring up anything other than the fact that DC made it impossible for them to legally buy and own a handgun. That's all the court addressed. If they addressed anything else in the Heller case it would've been judicial activism, legislating from the bench." 1,paul ryan slits auto mechanic's throat to kick off gop purge of working class 1,"Thank God you have that unfortunate government. It permits you the opportunity to decide on how justice is defined and how it may best be served for all of us. In a perfect world these types of choices would not be necessary, but then in a perfect world there would be no purpose for religion. We do the best we can in proportion to how much we care. Want a different government vote. Want a better government vote wisely. Want a better government quickly. Get others to do the same." 0,pamela wright's son was shot dead a month after newtown. this is her story. 1,al roker stares crestfallen at matt lauer tattoo on own torso 0,ted cruz applauds iowa couple who refused to host a same-sex wedding 1,'the onion' is canceling our 15-second web video featuring kevin spacey 0,"donald trump promised ten of these things, guess which one he actually did" 1,onion social embraces diversity by adding prophet mohammed emoji 0,madonna compares donald trump 'nightmare' to being dumped by an ex-lover 1,wacky forensics investigation turns autopsy-turvy 1,nation's huggers announce plans for you to get over here 0,"Theropods had hollow bones like birds. It was ""developed to be lighter[sic].""" 0,kimmel brings down the house by giving trump's latest tweet a new ending 0,why this aborted airplane landing only looks like your worst nightmare 1,"mom's bathing suit just one giant, body-eclipsing ruffle" 1,disillusioned museum admissions employee doesn't even believe own annual membership pitch anymore 1,coalition of concerned parents condemns video games' false depiction of how easy it is to smash wooden crates 0,"That doesn't teach (here is the topic braille) student athletes anything, it is discrimination and violation of their 2A rights. Drugs are just a strawman. Strike three!" 0,"The Bible. God did not write the Bible, he inspired the people to write it. You are right, no logical contradiction exists. What is option C? I thought there were only evo or creo to choose from." 1,aspiring actor dreams of one day publicly voicing regret for working with woody allen 1,mtv blurs out controversial extended middle finger 0,friday's morning email: trump: 'i thought it would be easier' 1,study: retired dads busier than ever 0,sienna miller finds the fake 'american sniper' baby just as humorous as the rest of us 1,"prince harry, meghan markle set up bridal registry at london-area target" 1,depleted hawaiian volcano now just coughing up bile 0,the one phrase we should stop using 1,"So atheists are capable of goodness, love, kindness, generosity and sympathy but they have no meaning unless one conforms the the fundamentalist christian morality." 1,it impossible to tell what sounds will freak out cat 1,baseball slugger on pace to hit 60 women 0,Warm today near 80f. Not a cloud in the sky. 1,surinamese man struggling to write the great surinamese novel 1,"Jyoshu, stop drinking the Kool-Aid before your brain is totally fried." 1,elementary schooler clearly just learned to swear 0,uber gave government millions of users' data 0,"australian broadcaster apologizes for asking asian journalist, 'are you yellow?'" 0,"huffpost hill - can hillary clinton give out 600 snow shovels, meet with a bunch of rich lesbians and have it all?" 0,tv reporter's water breaks right at this moment during newscast 1,trump warns iran that u.s. won't tolerate widespread suffering in any country besides america 1,new biography reveals einstein devised theory of relativity on paper because he wasn't smart enough to invent microsoft word 0,psychiatrists call for special clinics to prescribe ketamine as anti-depressant 1,bill and melinda scoggins foundation pledges $58 for charity 0,fox news ceo demands donald trump apologize for new megyn kelly attacks 0,what happened when this writer matched with martin shkreli on tinder 0,"Really? Why? Bacteria don't need to see to exist. They don't depend on light to live. In fact, bacteria thrive in dark, moist areas. Why would natural selection determine this ability as being advantageous? If populations of bacteria with the ability to sense light are ""better suited"" than other bacteria, how many different types of light-sensing bacteria are there? " 0,most latinos don't believe they need to be able to do this to be latino 0,"But growth is fairly irrelevant. My sperm can grow into a human too, and have mental existence, yet ejaculating isn't murder. It just becomes a huge debate on where to draw the line, therefore it is best to focus on the state that it is right NOW. Not what it was or could possibly be.That seems reasonable to me.[/QUOTE]" 0,"for novelists, success is not monetary" 0,Science is the current sum of human knowledge about how the world works. 0,stories of lamar odom's kindness pour in from around the nba 0,man missing after explosion was saving up to return to home country 1,tall young girl told she should play basketball 0,love wins in singer dyllan murray's heartfelt new music video 0,"emerson, lake & palmer co-founder, greg lake, dead at 69" 1,queen elizabeth ii to wed longtime partner following passage of gay marriage bill 0,a gospel of white supremacy is not the gospel of christ 0,watch obama get a little nostalgic after his final state of the union 0,"Are you saying that without emotional investment in not believing in evolution, evolution makes sense?" 1,convention crowd really hoping bill clinton breaks tension with joke about how terrible he looks 0,"top 3 reasons why 400 ppm co2 is/is not the end of the world, or how i learned to stop worrying and love air conditioning. part 1: the numbers" 0,the importance of multidisciplinary eating disorders treatment 0,"evidence photos prove michael brown hit darren wilson so hard, he almost left a mark" 0,husky can't stop blowing bubbles; we can't stop saying awww 1,"music playing in bar could stand to be louder, worse" 1,office manager still undecided about sharpie redesign 1,god gets celtic cross tattooed on back 0,dad advice is the best advice 0,this hummus has a secret ingredient supermarkets don't want to sell 0,get up close and personal with trans model and youtube star gigi gorgeous 0,proof that it pays to piss off sarah palin 0,"Unfortunately Democrats have a credibility problem. Many Pro-gun Democrats have been elected, and America is giving them a chance, but apparently they do not believe Obama because of his past Anti-gun support and votes. However Ms. Feinstein's comments about waiting for the correct timing to bring up gun control did not help the creditability problem either. I guess only time will tell." 1,man exhausted after having to explain halloween costume for umpteenth time 0,sexism in the kitchen 1,biden arrives early to set up state of the union fog machine 0,"Well, it depends on your definition of retarded I guess. The standards to get a drivers license are really not that high. Think of how dumb the average person is, and realize that 50% of people are dumber than that. Kinda makes you cringe. And you wonder what has prevented me from being in an accident? Well, perhaps the fact that I am a concientious, defensive, and skilled driver who excercises caution while on the road. Maybe next time someone pulls out in front of me, I should just throw my hands in the air and scream ""take the wheel jesus!"" I am sure some magical being will fly down from heaven and save me from crashing. Yeah...sure." 1,jefferson starship memorial reopens on national mall 0,eat your veggies: 9 deliciously different recipes 1,"Simone you are a wretched little girl and unitl you can properly organize your thoughts into a comprehensible group of statements that expresses your views conciesly you must not post anywhere a man may run afoul of your devilish whimsical rantings. Your befuddlement of these issues of great import will not be tolerated. Do we make ourselves clear young lady? Now off to your room to contemplate the nonsensical mischief and unneccessary consternation we have all suffered due to your blatant disregard of forums ettiquite. emoticonXFrazzled You sound like a 9 year old trying to get a date. Simone hasd left the building the debate has drifted it isn't the end of the world. The sun will rise tomorrow emoticonXBouncer" 0,syrian militias armed by cia are fighting syrian militias armed by pentagon 0,mom-to-be breaks big news to husband with airplane pilot's help 1,iraq beheading videos enter summer reruns 0,"see me as a woman first, a black woman second" 1,biological life regrets waiting 2.3 billion years to try sex 0,"pence, catholic leaders share narrow vision of faith at prayer breakfast" 1,beto o'rourke announces he starting obama cover campaign 0,This looks like something from Bible Code. In other words bull. Edit: Interesting though. 1,More evangelical Christian brotherly love and understanding based on racial discrimination. 1,coworker retreats to remote corner of office to complete disgusting food order 1,study: 90% of plane landings just barely pulled off 1,returning parents can tell son had huge house fire over weekend 0,huffpollster: gallup bows out of primary polling 0,how one dying man changed the debate about the tax bill 0,new york post sportswriter claims he was fired for anti-trump tweet 1,romney promises any pennsylvanian who votes for him can have ann romney for one hour 1,vladimir putin begins second term as whatever he is 0,omarosa turns on trump: wouldn't vote for him again 'in a million years' 1,trump's switzerland trip cancelled as president deemed flight risk 1,airline part of something called 'star alliance' 0,wendy whelan's farewell performance at nycb featured 'after the rain' pas de deux 0,"Typicall response from the liberals on this thread has been to devise a plan to control crime, then worry about the civil rights violations later. The first principle of the liberals here has been ""workability"" and ""practically"", not civil rights. When challenged with a root cause that both sides have agreed upon, it is still the probelm is still guns. When challenged with a solution that addresses the ""workability"" and ""practically"" of civil rights as a first principle and a root cause that both sides have agreed upon, the problem liberals focus on is still guns. To pull a quote from an anti gunner on this board, please forgive the mis quote and feel free to correct me if I am wrong : ""I do not need guns, never have needed them , and never will."" How about an open mind?" 0,china to send elite army unit to ebola-hit liberia 1,football fan disappointed by 'super tuesday' 1,obama leaves post-it on counter with quick note explaining how to use extralegal surveillance apparatus 1,father spends joyful afternoon throwing son around backyard 1,general teaches defense secretary how to drive tank in k-mart parking lot 1,"study links binge eating to stress, contentment, depression, joy, boredom, anger, relaxation" 1,experts warn transitioning too quickly from work to vacation could cause decompression sickness 0,anti-immigrant signs pop up on california highways as state becomes a sanctuary 0,fourth of july ice-cream cake 1,every conceivable nook in car stuffed with trash by second hour of road trip 0,"no, women's soccer does not have a domestic violence problem" 1,"how about a Swiss University? they have full automatic weapons in most homes, and target shooting is a national sport." 0,the best moments from the second democratic debate 0,new google project delivers critical info to refugees' smartphones 0,"netanyahu plays nice on iran, arabs in washington speech" 1,I know I know. Unless a woman is gestating or dieing she is being selfish. 1,man adds a few personalized tracks to standard new-girlfriend mix cd 0,surviving and thriving through adversity: a transgender bathroom and hiv love story 0,"Which still proves nothing in regards to climate change or global warming Why do people seem to think that for global warming to be a fact that it would have to stop snowing?" 1,caterpillar in pupal stage for past 3 months going to be pissed if it turns out to be moth 0,"u.s. obesity rates are rising again, especially among minority women" 1,entitled burger king employee wants $15 an hour just for dealing with worst of america every day 0,chamillionaire responds to critics who don't get why he helped mexican immigrant 0,"as i grieve, 'maybe' has become a positive tool to help me find balance" 1,"As if a mentally incapacitated/incompetent would be allowed to retain the rank of major, and actually be scheduled for deployment into a war zone on active duty." 0,"the future of driving, in one provocative chart" 1,report: friend doing sober january must have really fucked shit up over holidays 0,So although you provide absolutely no evidence or source to back up this claim we should just accept that the memo is authentic until some disproves it? How does such reasoning even begin to make sense?I'm very suspicious about the legitimacy of such a memo. Here are two bogus quotes attributed to Sarah Brady by some people on the pro-gun side: 0,rick perry's mugshot might be a money maker 1,area facebook user incredibly stupid 0,mila kunis and kate mckinnon are the world's worst action heroes in new trailer 1,LOL. Glad he didn't come across a dung pile while he was fashioning us. 1,sierra leone burns down 0,These aren't the only two options available. The many philosophical views of the material world or ethics don't mean these two things don't exist. 0,lady gaga is a rock god on cover of new single 'perfect illusion' 0,22 terrifying and magical capabilities someone has when you fall for them 1,winning argument with aging parents less satisfying than it once was 1,man wearing m&m jacket apparently made in god's image 0,"Actually, it is. There are multitudes of known characteristics that have been shown to be the result of a single point difference in the gene. The discovery of regulatory functions of some translated segments of DNA does not in any way discount what is known about gene function." 1,trump announces 40-month-long search to fill fbi director post 0,watch: schieffer signs off 1,only two segways in town collide 0,the reclusive billionaire bankrolling ted cruz 1,courtroom artist clearly infatuated with bailiff 1,recount reveals nader defeated 0,washington post: maine gov. paul lepage is 'completely unhinged' and should quit 0,"Thanks, DuoMax, for this link. How delightful to see here mention of this solid gesture, on the part of a major creationist organization, in the direction of intellectual integrity. Would that more in the creationist camp were aware. As one of my church's resident out-of-the-closet evolutionists, I've cringed in sermons that have trotted out as many as eight or ten of these hoary old arguments--while referring folks to the Answers in Genesis website and touting their books! Each time a Christian stands in the pulpit and pours out poor argument, s/he loses ground for the faith. Thanks again. Bradley Harris" 0,little leaguers booted from world series over snapchat post 0,man charged after found with rosie o'donnell's daughter chelsea 0,this one thing can enhance your office productivity 1,"Moral of the story, be nice and go to heaven. Be a self-centered jerk and wind up in trouble. Your call, Johnson." 1,4-year-old reportedly loved trip to italy 1,"According to Stalin, only your caretaker, the USSR, can take away your life. God has alot in common with dictators. And often the apologists for dictators have alot in common with apologists such as yourself." 1,report: increasing number of u.s. toddlers attending online preschool 1,disgruntled liberals publishing at furious pace 1,"And it will, I guess, take an amendment to deny rights to and make a whole segment of the population second class citizens." 0,"uncertainty about hillary clinton's health is on the rise, poll finds" 0,gun stocks soar as obama announces executive actions on gun control 1,crowd feeling kind of silly now after spending all that time pleading rooftop sniper not to jump 0,progressive activist group targets vulnerable democratic senators on health care 0,"Bad guy vs bad guy is included to be sure but remember, 43% of the people in the study had no criminal record." 1,international atom registry allows customers to name atom after loved one 1,college freshman has friend from home visiting way too soon 1,family knows better than to fall for mom's little bullshit speech about no presents this year 0,donald trump's attacks on a judge were racist and wrong: poll 0,"Argueing with penfold is like wrestling a pig in the mud, the pig enjoys it." 1,"Welcome to the world of fundamentalism ! You mean you still don't know -they have no use for logic, common sense , hence they use all these absurd comparisons. The debate is going to go around in circles. But be careful what you say about enough time to make a decision, or you might prove Bell right." 0,eye surgery lets abused dog see his rescuer for the very first time 0,16 quick highlights from j.j. abrams and chris rock's tribeca film festival talk 1,lonesome alito declares marriage only between a man and the sea 0,gay men are caught between happiness and social norms in this short film 0,"moms, i know why you're exhausted" 1,family hoping mother knows birthday nature walk a one-time thing 0,"You realise I'm talking about if the burglar is running away, not the householder, right? Looking at it again I realise I may not have phrased it clearly enough. I'm saying that some of those ""violent"" crimes may simply have been burglars pegging it when disturbed." 0,i don't exist: a reflection on contemporary journalism 0,"Gary Ridgway, the serial murderer of some 60 or more women, possibly more." 0,5 gorgeous home office ideas 0,permission denied 0,world meets premiere 0,how to be a hero: insight from the milgram experiment 1,"wacky morning zoo crew dj threatened by younger, wackier morning zoo crew dj" 0,delisting the grizzly bear...or not 1,huckabee earns nickel for presidential campaign by painting old widow's picket fence 0,this note left in robert griffin iii's locker sure seems like a clue to his future 1,frustrated nation out of ideas to solve gun violence problem except for all the obvious ones 1,wealthiest americans ominously remind nation they could easily drop another $10 billion on election 1,howie long expresses desire to direct radio shack spots 0,a cure for microwave spectrum disorder 1,new 'star wars' film once again disappoints die-hard nien nunb fans 1,report: majority of ufo abductions committed by alien that person knows 0,why an 83-year-old woman walked into a police station looking for a hug 1,romney pledges to replace all foreign policy with jobs right here in america 1,"binge-drinking, promiscuous sex good for you, says 'new orleans journal of medicine'" 1,tipper's thumb delivered to gore campaign headquarters 0,greece seeks to reassure europe as tensions rise 0,sophie larios' gps guide for a solid night's sleep 1,"agile, dynamic company able to respond to any challenge by laying off half of staff" 0,"Certainly he did. I have known many scientists (mostly biologists) who had a similar attitude. The problem is that you have it upside down. The study of glorious, naturalistic science informs us of God's creation. You are trying to impose your childish version of your god on the universe." 1,pantomimed lasso motion fails to pull woman across dance floor 0,"beyoncé, me and the hbcu i should have gone to" 0,eu headscarf ban ruling sparks faith group backlash 1,heinz introduces industrial-sized ketchup packet 1,man just going to assume this counts as 'minced' 1,"yeah just like you and your idols Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc." 1,investigation of what fell off nightstand postponed until morning 1,You are jason. And I have proven that you have wrongly slandered me by calling me a hypocrite. I'll expect an apology from you forth with. emoticonXBye 1,"Yet, you want interference by forcing the schools to teach religion in science class. How ironic." 1,philip morris: 'please talk to your cooler children about cigarettes' 0,ex-aide to gabrielle giffords faces recount in house race 0,"a global inspiration: 'queen of katwe' brings worldwide message of faith, resilience for youth" 0,bill maher: democrats must ditch pet causes to stop 'infection' of trump 0,trump's moment of truth is coming 1,all y'all urged to go fuck yo' selves 0,silence your thoughts with this simple technique 1,heavenly sources confirm joe jackson already screaming at michael 0,these 8 arab cartoonists fight for freedom of expression every day 0,what it's like to grow up trans in an ultra-orthodox community 1,"Oh goody! You're asking for a to-do list!! I'm real good at that. Give me a bit to put one together. emoticonXAngel" 0,You could put the stranger out even if they had nowhere to go and it was freezing cold out. 0,That's why the Second Amendment protects the private ownership of arms like the .50 BMG and other such powerful weapons. 0,welterweight boxer dies after sustaining serious injuries in bout 0,3 things you should always do before showering 0,"So you know how foolish you are and hope that name calling will distract from that being recognized by everyone. Erectus skulls were smaller because the brain was smaller. You brought up KNM-WT 15000 (Turkana Boy) and you weren't even aware that as an adult he would have been about 6'1"" tall? Why is his skull smaller than modern humans?" 1,relapse greatest week of man's life 0,this 'homoji' keyboard brings queer shorthand to your text messages 1,"pfizer researchers discover new stimulating, medicating, captivating cure for what ails you" 1,impatient raytheon declares war on north korea 1,playground treated to hot pug-on-pug action 0,kensington palace releases first official photo of prince louis 0,"sewage truck carrying porta-potties rolls over, dumps stinky mess" 1,u.s. to give limestone-based economy a shot starting next week 0,the best relationship of your life will be with someone 'clingy' 1,francis ford coppola admits wedding scene in 'the godfather' needed more lasagna 0,obesity: an individualized approach doubles the success rate of weight loss therapy 0,research funding: when is the money dirty? 1,notre dame gargoyle going to stay as still as possible until arson investigator gone 1,businessman mortified to discover he's been wearing suit backwards all day 1,spelling error leads to elaborate cover-up doodle 0,russian jets in 'unsafe' encounters with destroyer: u.s. official 0,"admit it, trump supporters, you got duped" 1,offbeat congressman having trouble finding committee to fit into 1,new obesity drug delicious 0,"There is only one problem with your statement my friend, and it is a big one in my opinion. I'll fix it! If the bill of rights isn't legally binding, then the declaring of a law to be unconstitutional would never happen. There! It looks correct now!" 0,"and tell me what did you gain out of making this statement? Just to let you know... the Bible (if you would actually read it in context instead of reading a little portion that you want to and interpret it the way you want outside of its context).. teaches how to love... because God is love.. and laid down his own life so that we could be FREE! hmmm.... sounds like the motto of what our troops do for our country... they lay their lives down because they want us to be free... where do you think this ""ideology"" comes from???" 1,thai soccer player still waiting for parents to pick him up 1,teen study bible found to increase fun of religion by .03% 0,3 reasons i haven't told people i'm doing ivf 0,You know what is far worse than murder itself? Executing people to save some money. 0,the fashion world is really trying to make crocs 'it' shoes 1,dead deer by side of road covered in graffiti 0,10 instagram accounts to follow to get you in the holiday spirit 1,cackling warren buffett burns entire fortune in front of nation 0,I see no mention below of any judges in Mass. 0,james van der beek's daughters had an amazing reaction to 'moana' performance 0,police have no idea how laquan mcdonald footage vanished right after they watched it 1,I predict everyone will now stay away from forums dutch starts. emoticonXFrazzled 0,grandparents' super sweet birthday serenade will make you tear up 1,scientists develop new extra-sloppy peach 1,"But apparently they can't say no to renting the property for a gay wedding, even if they decide to just say 'no' to everyone and get out of business. go figure" 0,you're hired! change the process to fill the gender gap so women in tech win 0,'finding dory' just keeps swimming past the box office competition 0,'timmy' kimmel explains how the truth works to donald trump 0,don't do this while trying to conceive 0,big wave surfer breaks his back in harrowing wipeout on video 1,procrastinating attorney just reuses opening statement from last trial 0,10 sustainable etsy stores you should support 0,how this journalist forced officials to release the laquan mcdonald video 1,attending 'price is right' taping apparently sailors' best idea for shore leave 0,why and how to eliminate mortgage charges by third parties 1,report: new 'the handmaid's tale' season focuses on dangers of feminism run amok 0,"Very well said. However, we also believe that gun owners should get as much training as possible, necessary, desired etc. It just should not be required to participate in a Right Recognized by your Constitution as Inalienable, and therefore protected. That sets a bad precedence for the rest of our Bill of Rights. However, safe handling of any potentially dangerous tool is just common sense." 0,children lost and found: the good lie premieres 0,brooklyn queer performance showcase 'ritual' celebrates two year anniversary 0,what the contents of your purse say about you 0,"No no no........ Pre-Creation week: The earth is without form, and consists of water alone Day 1: God creates light. He separates the light from the dark and names the light day, and the dark night. Day 2: God creates the sky separating the unformed Earth with the rest of the unformed universe Day 3: God gathers the water together, allowing dry land to appear. He creates vegetation Day 4: God creates the Sun, moon and Stars. Day 5: He creates living creatures in the water, and birds Day 6: God creates all animals that live on the ground, and he creates Man. Day 7: God blesses the Seventh day and makes it holy, he rests and enjoys his creations. Did that help?" 1,tim ryan attempting to stand out from other candidates on debate stage by wearing blue power ranger costume 1,"man arrested for stealing more than $50,000 in beards from hank williams, jr." 0,how do you campaign for your dad in iowa? ask martin o'malley's teenage son. 0,myth of white supremacy is now out in the open 1,"Wait until Gen. Petraus' report comes out, then you'll eat those words. BTW, do you take ketchup or mustard with that? ;)" 0,learning resilience from hillary clinton 1,kennedy center to dishonor gilbert gottfried 0,"Actually, the Mormon seminaries aren't ""on the grounds,"" although they may be on an adjacent, privately owned piece of property. It would be unconstitutional for the seminaries to be on property owned by the school district. The children go to the seminary on released-time, which has been found to be constitutional (although I don't see how).Pertinent decisions about religious instruction and schools are:McCollum v. Board of Education (333 U.S. 203)Zorach v. Clauson (343 U.S. 306)McCollum found that religious instruction on school property is unconstitutional, while Zorach found that ""accommodating"" religious instruction by releasing students from school for that purpose was not." 1,"Why do they want to threaten us? Is it because they hate freedom? :) It wouldn't have anything to do with our threatening them and their families, eh? If they hated freedom so much they'd attack a closer free country you think?" 0,12 pieces of advice for president-elect trump 1,new apple campaign urges consumers to buy iphone for other hand 1,fourth-grader drawing big blank on which year 9/11 terror attacks occurred 0,'the chew' co-host wants her kids to know moms can be more than mothers 1,"Oh my goodness. This is a trick called semantics. I guess you got sucked in. Yes, abortion is used as contraception unfortunately." 0,un: israeli freeze on palestinian permits after attack may be collective punishment 1,married couple only staying together for sake of u.s. divorce rate 0,"race relations: forgetting ferguson, remembering 1967, contemplating the future" 0,zoe saldana brings out tlc for incredible 'no scrubs' performance on 'lip sync battle' 1,local tcby has missed past 2 logo changes 1,will shortz frustrated that police yet to crack taunting puzzles revealing locations of 40 years of murder victims 0,everyone should take a lesson from this adorably grateful kid 0,lady gaga and taylor kinney make the polar plunge look pretty hot 1,freddie prinze jr. fan's favorite color also green 1,cherokee nation makes headlines as fraction of actress's bloodline 1,"new cheney memoir reveals he's going to live full, satisfied life without ever feeling remorse and there's nothing we can do about it" 0,"But there is no evidence that it did not come about by natural processes. And, there is, in fact, evidence of natural processes that may have resulted in life. Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it so." 0,it's time to kick your phone out of the bedroom 1,god unable to remember what year humanity goes extinct 1,"voice inside cheering libyan rebel's head: 'oh, fuck, now what?'" 1,"um... gee... its killing a baby... now.. before 8 weeks, its not in the form of a human being.. at 4 weeks, its a fish.. at 5.. its a rodent.. but after 8.. its in the shape of a human... there is no way around that fact." 1,"officials urge americans to sort plastics, glass into separate oceans" 1,bill cosby feeling disoriented after jury slips conviction into his verdict 0,bernie sanders is narrowing the gap with hillary clinton in the granite state 0,"I admit I didn't know who Sermonti was at first. A search on Wikipedia returned Ciacco, one of the characters of the Divine Comedy by Dante. a Google search led me to Giuseppe Sermonti who has written against evolution since 1980. He is known for expressing the need for 'purpose' to be part of science, giving such examples as: ""In the presence of the inducer (lactose) the cell produces an enzyme with the purpose of utilizing lactose4)."" In case you never took biochemistry, this is an incredibly well understood chemical process and requires no purpose beyond the interaction of well understood chemicals." 1,man worried new 'jumanji' movie going to ruin memory of mediocre afternoon in 1995 1,jostens unveils new engagement rings for pregnant high-schoolers 1,"'12 years a slave,' 'captain phillips,' 'american hustle,' 'wolf of wall street,' 'blue jasmine,' 'dallas buyers club,' 'her,' 'nebraska,' 'before midnight,' and 'philomena' all written during same continuing education screenwriting class" 1,final german u-boat surrenders to allied powers 1,"god almost forgot to kill dave elfman of boulder, co today" 0,remembering that may of 1963 1,frustration with husband taken out on soap scum 0,"3 ways to make positive, lasting changes in the new year" 1,director has clear vision of how studio will destroy movie 1,"new snack chip evades digestive system, burrows straight into heart" 0,"woman jumps into suv and stabs denver fire chief, police say" 0,kevin hart wore 'all black for a reason' at the oscars 0,"you're on the right track; the problem with evolution is that it has no verifiable creator -- the fact is, mutations (which supposedly add new raw material for selection) have never shown to add any new structure or even a new part to any existing structure. It's a sad fact for evos." 1,last people left at party a ragtag assembly of friends of friends 1,this the fuck harness sex shop worker has at home 1,eighth-grader hasn't missed a '69' joke opportunity all year 1,People make mistakes (excepting some pro-evolutionists who respond with anger and blame others of 'twisting their words'.) 1,lazy fda approves x-ray vision pills 0,"No. I have a beautiful wife and three grown daughters - I don't wish for no more. (That's Texan for: I have no desire for more.) :p BTW - Welcome aboard emoticon_xgood" 1,t.g.i. friday's unveils new jeff daniels barbecue sauce 0,john lewis won't attend civil rights museum opening because trump is going 1,"Oh, if we only had the requisite absolute civilian gun bans, sick things like this would never happen! Huh Brady?" 1,"lol. great point pickle.Honestly, why not put into play the madman breaking into your house with not a care of your life or (im putting in a small child and puppy!) your small child or your little puppy. Because the time you take your sorry little self to the cops, he will be you and your little child." 0,"So what?? Who cares what the number of assumptions are? What we care about is whether the idea is correct. And to determine whether it is correct, you have to have data, not counting assumptions." 1,"Not even for the sake of argument? Are you that limited in your debate skills? You and jyoshu? That's really sad." 0,50 cent faked wealth with borrowed jewelry and cars 0,"call off the search, the cutest donuts in the world have been found" 0,dennis hastert argues humiliation over sexual abuse allegations is punishment enough 1,"'hold still,' says eric trump swinging sword at don jr. trapped inside knight's armor" 0,joe biden urges people to watch how their senators vote on gun bills 1,"< snore > It matters not whether you are capable of responding to me or not. I still point out your argument flaws to others, and they can make their own assessment. Refusing to comment typically does not bode well for you. emoticonXRolleyes Judging from the reactions of others, I would say that the people who share your assessment is ridiculously few. " 0,'not racist' guy says honoring mlk will make him show 'racist ways' 0,emotional intelligence can boost your career and save your life 1,And you remind me of the people in the year 1900 who said man would never be able to build a flying machine. 0,guardian news & media to cut costs by 20% 0,"No kidding, save it to an RTF file and send a copy of it to your Senators and Congressmen! This is clearly a political plot to destroy gay/lesbian families and continue the faithbased attack on protecting children in such families!" 1,"parents sit down with child for 'sex, lies, and videotape' talk" 0,brooklyn pizza restaurant gets threats after video links it to 'pizzagate' hoax 1,local student also a poet 0,"Well, to say it has no mental existence doesn't really tell the whole story. The fetus WILL have (more than likely) full mental existence in a very short time. It seems to me that if you ""view humanity with mental existance as important"" you'd also view as important that the unborn baby WILL indeed reach that point, in all likelihood. " 0,three good reasons to skip the airport lounge 0,here's why you should never pet a service dog 0,"Well then, my skeptic fellow Australians, what is the answer to the question? Do any of you guys here know? I sure as hell don't. Creationists did not misquote Dawkins because the words came from his mouth. And Dawkins is a professional at biology, but he could not answer such a question.In the little amount of fossils that we do see, they are not evolutionary. There is no clear cut fossils showing the evolution of man, is there. By ""true human"" I mean they were just like us, just varients of human kind that we have today - looked human, walked like us, most likely were quite intelligent. I have got to go to school, continue this later." 1,coach angry every player gets a trophy 0,"Thanks: your contributions to this thread throw more light on the subject thananybody else's. However, not sure that believers in any religion in whichsupernatural agencies are worshipped would be happy with the inclusion of""God"" among the set of human beings - unless Jesus Christ was both a man and God which I think is a Christian doctrine.I suppose I started out reading this particular thread expecting to discovera non-circular logical argument that would ""prove"" the existence of a God -and found nothing of the kind. I now think my questions on the matter have been rather stupid and naive." 0,five stupendous lies told by buglers for military intervention in syria 0,did president trump really say he may have taped director comey? 0,planned parenthood sues anti-abortion group behind undercover videos 0,'hunger games' star jena malone shares pregnancy announcement on instagram 0,'anchor babies' and the gop's manifest destiny politics 1,peripheral acquaintance casually mentions she was molested 0,joan rivers died like she lived: shocking people 1,"no no! through the power of god, the animals all came themselves, and lined up ready for the ride, haven't you seen the movie?!?" 1,cancer walk goes under 15-straight miles of high tensile power lines 0,the only shopping guide for cyber monday you need 1,parasitic space worm controlling mark kelly's body announces arizona senate bid 0,"HA wouldnt you say someone who is really overweight actually has more of a problem with stress on their joints, muscels, heart, and bladder than a woman carrying a small child in her womb? Obesity can demand major scarifices in behavior and diet. Some of which can be detrimental.I really dont see your point because this isnt just a woman's problem when it comes to these issues you pointed out.And im not really sure what a ""pregnancy"" is according to you.. please explain.. When i hear the word pregnant, i think of 2 people, not just 1.Also, the baby has its own blood, its own immune system, and contains its own calories once consumed. theres nothing that the mother has that the baby doesnt other than it just needs nutrtion. Just like you need food everyday." 1,every day of local dad's life an endless battle to hold on to good pen 1,"No. I'll type slowly so I don't get ahead of you this time. Follow with your finger and move your lips if no one is watching. Scientists get to define what they mean by the scientific words that they use. Not you and not your preacher. Do I get to define what you mean by the word ""prayer?"" Why not?" 0,"As I said earlier, it is garbage. He can't back it up. As a scientist-in-training, you know that real science requires research and evidential support. supersport has neither. The ""support"" that he cites -- when read in their entirety -- do little or nothing to actually support him. On one forum (mentioned earlier on this forum), the author of the scientific paper that supersport cited actually joined the board to tell supersport to stop misrepresenting his research.The only ""agenda"" that the scientific community has is to find the truth. The fact that the scientific community trounces supersport's points nonstop is not what makes his points wrong; his points are wrong on their own merit, and they'd be wrong regardless of anybody's refutations of them." 1,kfc responds to stockpiling trend with 576-piece bucket 1,wedding album off to bizarre start with photo of 2 acorns floating in glass of water 1,"You bet. Got a Scriptural problem with that, 'O ""jesus""? Or are you not familiar with your own inspired Word?" 1,lindsey graham can't believe he left cd with campaign song at red roof inn 0,weinstein scandal inspires models to share stories of abuse in their industry 0,what the inauguration and women's march looked like from a kid's perspective 1,man could see himself spending rest of life with image of woman in head 1,report: peaceful transfer of power makes last-minute push to become most pressing issue of 2016 election 0,joan rivers perfectly shut down the single woman stereotype in 1967 0,So why should merchant ships be required to go unarmed and defenseless in dangerous areas? 1,pope francis admits 'like 97%' of past church leadership 'probably burning in hell' 0,monkey robs jewelry store and we go bananas (video) 0,in celebration of our national anthem's bicentennial 1,confused zoo officials awkwardly celebrate after endangered panda gives birth to healthy northern white rhino 1,new 'steak & onion' potato chips taste disturbingly like steak and onions 0,california's rare 'super bloom' flowers are migrating north 0,"Exactly. If you are a child rapist and someone pops you in the head than you should go to jail for murder. Sorry, two wrongs don't make a right." 1,mom could have used few more days to self before missing daughter returned 1,"mar-a-lago member complains about loud, obnoxious cabinet meeting at next table" 1,man experiencing first real moment of peace in years resuscitated 1,"department of interior employee caught embezzling 50,000 wolves" 1,"luke, owen wilson recall meeting on set of 'the royal tenenbaums'" 0,the populist president goes to davos 1,disney begins uploading obama's consciousness to hall of presidents robot 0,"north korea fires multiple missiles, south korean military says" 0,how these psychologists are prioritizing mental health care for black america 0,chrissy teigen's hot take on ice cream trends could divide a nation 1,expense-account wizard transforms prostitute into color copies 1,church member not the same since unsuccessful choir tryout 1,"Interesting. So a preferable explanation is that plants evolved and a magical being poofed animals into existance? " 0,garth and kat visit 'snl' for hanukkah 0,would jesus accept climate science? 1,miss america pageant adds sweatpants and messy bun competition 0,"Liberal, not Democrat. Believe it or not, there are pro-gun ""thinking"" Democrats." 1,"Translation = ""I've closed my brain off and I've got not nothing.""" 1,bashar al-assad shares laugh with military leaders over time he once wanted to be a doctor and help people 0,"guns are 'the ultimate public health crisis,' howard dean tells democratic convention" 0,"if you trust big corporations, don't read this" 0,"miley cyrus and liam hemsworth smooch on nye, and the world notices" 0,usa today editorial board calls trump unfit to clean obama's toilets in scathing editorial 1,"ex-wife, divorce lawyer killed as model train careens off tracks" 1,kerry volunteer gets some kerry-primary victory sex 0,u.s. couple who bared butts at thai temple have reportedly been released 1,national filmstrip board calls for quiet 0,most long island politician ever attacks opponent for not loving billy joel enough 0,Except that the word for day in Genesis 1 is 'yom' and was understood to be a twenty-four hour day. 0,how is legoland becoming florida's new must-see attraction? one brick at a time 1,four homeless people dead in what girlfriend refers to as 'cuddle weather' 1,mötley crüe signs sexual-harassment guarantee 0,mom responds to unsolicited advice about improving her postpartum body 1,hillary clinton assured drop in polls just indication people haven't abandoned ideals yet 0,"from a fatherless daughter: dads, you're doing it right" 1,new 'call of duty' career mode lets player join raytheon's board of directors after military service 0,well past second chances: the nfl still doesn't get it on domestic violence 1,one intern way older 1,running shoes used mainly for computer programming 1,hotshot peasant has window 0,patriotic betrayal in the 1960s -- when the cia turned students into spies 0,trance of 'unreal other' 0,not even bill o'reilly believes mike pence's nonsense about women voters 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 1,man nods his way to the top 0,You should have said that. I might have agreed with you. 0,musings after a day at the museum 0,alec baldwin's trump impression is apparently even better than we thought 1,violence erupts across france as citizens protest high cost of refilling crème brûlée torches 0,is music dead? (thoughts on the music industry after sxsw 2015) 0,4 ways caffeine keeps you from realizing your potential 0,mccain to hillary clinton: 'you've got to move on' 0,kim kardashian celebrates 42 million insta followers with raciest pic yet 0,these athletic turkey trotters prove thanksgiving isn't just about the food 0,'don't be mad at me for being a picky eater' 1,So you admit that the bible should be kept out of the hands of children? Is my statement about the bible somehow false? Is the brutal torture and murder of Jesus not glorified in the bible? Is a book that glorifies this type of activity proper reading material for a 5 year old. i bet Rep. Sally Kern would gladly let a five year old read about the brutal torture and murder of Jesus. 0,france-bound airliner grounded at amsterdam over threatening tweet 1,nyse admits: this is all make believe 0,Perhaps it was an allegorical/metaphorical reference to abiogenesis that creationists just haven't understood. 0,The burden of a pregnancy is the woman's. It should be left up to her and her doctor to decide what is best for her. 1,new miami-based tuna is cuban-safe 1,trump boys swallow luggage keys in case they get locked up in jail and need to escape 0,What I find hard to believe is that politicians will place their decision above the right to life of a human person only for political expediency. 0,mom posts photos from travel ban countries to show we're more alike than different 1,congress passes antisocial insecurity act 0,"A law baning same-sex marriage, then I'd agree. But the reason same-sex marriage doesn't exist (other than Mass.) is not because of law; after all, there are plenty of states that don't have same-sex marriage with no law that outlaws it. You're barking up the wrong tree--this is a cultural issue more than a legal one." 1,senate passes blame by vote of 91-8 1,"area 5-year-old telling, area 5-year-old telling" 0,john bel edwards' new ad attacking david vitter is not subtle 1,unnamed new gas station struggling to find 'stop 'n go' variant 1,baby loses train of thought 0,marco rubio makes huge push to gain millennial voters 1,fox voluntarily removes reality from programming 0,"Go pound sand. You're the people who want the Separation of Church and State, remember? Get your sick, satanic mits off the church." 1,middle-aged cat can't begin to compete with adorable kittens on internet 1,"Well I guess atheists are just lucky then! (Maybe ""god"" is watching over them.) Thanks god. LOL @ emoticonXAngel" 1,christmas pageant enters pre-production 1,america's love affair with jim breuer to start any day now 0,"donald trump: if the economy is gonna explode, let it happen quickly" 1,ritalin gummis unveiled 0,"trump backers share his animosity toward the media, poll shows" 1,new carpet cleaner safe for pets that were meant to go on living 1,snack that resided in empty vending machine slot must have been delicious 1,woman knows exactly which knife she'd grab out of cutlery drawer in event of home invasion 0,"So... humans are born with cancer cells already inside them? I'm not talking about what cancer does once it's there, I'm talking about what it does in the first place." 0,derek jeter flawlessly hustled president obama in a round of golf 0,trumpism enters schools when school officials become the bullies 1,If that's the case I wish someone would unplug me. I'm getting tired of this version of reality. 1,"new study finds link between breastfeeding, always knowing what's right for everyone" 0,ashley madison and the clergy 0,amber rose takes down trolls who called her 5-year-old son 'gay' 1,frigid chicago bean shrivels up from below-zero temperatures 0,Sounds like the Brady Law has stopped a lot of criminals from obtaining handguns. 0,republicans left wondering if donald trump will kill the party or just maim it 1,financial experts recommend young grifters start laying groundwork for long con by 25 1,man scolded by brother-in-law for not taking better advantage of open bar 0,portia munson talks color and empowerment at frieze 1,"failing memory fuses robert wuhl, kevin pollack into single entity" 1,journey of self-discovery leads man to realization he doesn't care 0,sean penn seeks to sanction lee daniels over tactics in defamation fight 1,cash-strapped trump forced to replace eric trump with cheap migrant son 0,a republican congressman just destroyed trump's 'lie' of a budget 1,"So you are equating pigs with humans. Pig rights! Yes that is logical. We should value a farm animal the same as your kids. What basis are you using to rationalise such equality? You did have a point, right? * ""In 1890 the Supreme Court of the United States, concluding a great contest begun in the District Court of the Territory of Utah in 1887, held that the National Government had ""a perfect right to prohibit polygamy and all other open offenses against the enlightened sentiment of mankind, not withstanding the pretense of religious convictions by which they may be advocated and practiced.""" 1,michael brown audiotapes conclusively reveal exactly what you want them to 0,"But if the repeated tests just confirm the same errors or misinterpretations of the results, all of the independent reviews in the World wont make a difference." 0,the question all real-life 'heroes' ask themselves 0,karen mcdougal released from contract restricting her from discussing trump affair 1,"lives of mitch mcconnell, john boehner, eric cantor retain meaning" 0,6 things that always go on sale in june 0,natalie allen's gps guide for expressing gratitude before bed 1,kellogg's pulls controversial 'choco-bastard' from store shelves 1,biggest loser in high school adjusting to being ordinary loser in college 0,"with big names like the cure and grimes shining at bestival toronto, it was the details and even a michigan-born techno artist that made it a wonderland" 1,methadone clinic must be having some sort of big party 1,"cast, crew of troy begin disastrous 10-year journey back to hollywood" 0,should i eat it? a dining guide for toddlers 0,ann coulter says 'every woman who has ever been employed by fox' has stories about roger ailes 1,thumbtack on carpet still at large 1,man can still win fantasy football this week provided tight end scores 9 touchdowns on monday 1,millions of work hours lost to voting 0,"john boehner greets pope, talks green ties" 0,'pretty little liars' star troian bellisario weds 'suits' star patrick j. adams in rustic ceremony 1,"Apparently Archie thinks this is golf, where the lowest score wins. Who wants to clue him in?" 1,"Not only is everyone in agreement, which scares me enough, but Parcum even agrees with me. This is really shocking!!!! :)" 1,california officials assure residents there still plenty of other natural resources to waste 1,"But you said that you saw standing aside whilst someone murdered another was cowardly? ::sigh:: Let me simplify for you. Do you kill someone to prevent a murder? " 0,dwight howard on helping to empower and educate girls in east africa 0,watch this comedy editor hilariously mockument his return to standup 0,a fan got a tattoo of jose bautista's bat flip 0,"thank you, 'rent,' from suburban teenagers everywhere" 0,serena williams has perfected her argument against the wage gap 1,family spends relaxing weekend destroying outdoors 0,"""In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, all are one in Christ Jesus"" - Galatians 3:28 Jesus doesn't care whether you're male or female." 0,joe biden slams donald trump: 'he would have loved stalin' 0,clinton hopes to clinch nomination in california 1,trump surrogate enjoying thrill of not knowing what she going to be defending minute to minute 0,"obama, biden endorse kamala harris in california senate race" 1,new swiss army phone may pose health risks 1,area woman recalls days when she resented being hit on 1,man's neuroses really putting genuine compliment through the wringer 1,"The baseball analogy is lost on me. Do you have a cricket analogy? " 0,why it is important to help children in need 0,"Actually, one can argue that it was a pagan institution long before it was a religious one." 1,"onion social ceo appears before hague tribunal to be tried for crimes against humanity, promote new website features" 0,the meldonium ban is more about russia's reputation for doping than performance 1,chuck schumer relieved he's never taken stance meaningful enough to have someone mail him explosive 1,news website refers to users' ceaseless exchange of racial slurs as 'discussion' 1,otherwise reasonable man sincerely believes u.s. landed on moon 1,ostensibly heterosexual man constantly threatening to put objects up coworkers' asses 0,"let's not just take it down, let's take it deeper" 1,johnny rockets customer terrified after evidently falling through wormhole into 1950s 1,area client would like a different font 1,crate & barrel introduces line of disgusting couches you can put on your porch 0,the plot to put amateurism and the ncaa in the past 0,"How about getting the government out of marriage entirely? That is the goal of the libertarians, and maybe the liberals. No standards would be redefined if that happened, and gays would get their right to marry." 0,Well if their reasoning hasn't sunk in by now Anyways I'm pro-choice and pro-death penalty. I do believe in individual responsibility which is why I'm pro-choice for males as well. What's your argument? 1,producer wants to call movie crime and punishment anyway 0,jeff goldblum says he was almost the voice of apple 1,jack lalanne pops back up after cool down 1,mother considers son 'quite the little casanova' 0,here's every easter egg you missed in 'guardians of the galaxy' 1,'breaking bad' creator thinking maybe next season should take dark turn 1,revolutionary new alarm clock for the deaf uses no hammers 1,local grandmother beginning to realize family never even looked for better nursing home 1,new visa talking credit card urges buyers to go for it 0,failing my way to success in brazil 1,man with 3 kids going to make great father someday 0,"9 things your bridesmaids want -- no, need -- you to know" 0,u.s. reportedly investigating possibility of moving some guantanamo prisoners 1,report: at least 14 different types of animals crawl on you while you sleep 1,new therapist obsessed with old therapist 0,north korea's nuclear threat sparks military drills in korean peninsula 0,huffpost rise: october 30th 1,dye pack foils art thief 1,nation shocked anyone would want to purchase media company 0,"Then why doesn't He answer prayers like He says He will in the Bible? So is Jesus, aka God, a liar? Or was not even one of the millions of believers who prayed for Terri Schiavo's life to be saved really God's child? Gee, I wonder how many people out there are being led by a pastor, priest, or what have you, that prayed but God didn't listen because that religious leader is a fraud? Hmmm, maybe the rape or molestation of young boys, adulty, and so on, by religious leaders is more widespread than anyone could have imagined?!?!?!" 0,heavy snow and high winds pound the east coast 1,"good cop, avid-stamp-collector cop routine not working" 1,"Just to be clear, you first state ""most founders were Deists"" you then change it ""the founders that I think are Deist are mostly Deist"" and claim I'm wrong. You moving the goal posts doesn't make you right. Oh, and Washington wasn't a Deist...might want to change that one." 1,cameron diaz finally opens up about generally positive experience in show business 0,"why i didn't run from my rapist, why i couldn't" 0,newlywed couple crash cars into each other in fatal accident 1,"Apparently not. The poster Justine responded to has won the ""most posts per day"" award for some months now... and this after only posting since last November. Can you say ""obsessed""? I knew that you could. :)" 0,j.d. vance: republican presidential nominee in 2032? 0,"trump reportedly called germans 'very bad,' vowed to stop german car sales in the u.s." 1,"Good. You're finally catching on ;-) Likes ""folly""?? It's practically one of his children." 1,"Maybe because it's a loaded question? If another evolution hoax were discovered similar to Piltdown man, would you reject evolution and become a Christian? :p" 1,alcohol goes right back to abuser every time 0,"california bans pet shop sales of non-rescue cats, dogs and rabbits" 0,nepal calls: part three 1,khalid sheikh mohammed confesses to confessing under torture 1,condo board member thinks bylaw cover-up might go all the way to deb 0,high tech hospital could shake up children's healthcare 1,40-foot american flag pin welded to statue of liberty 0,watch top chef michael voltaggio read one-star yelp reviews 0,is osha protecting at-risk workers under a trump administration? 1,"father-in-law think tank issues comprehensive one-sentence solution to immigration, unemployment, crime problems" 1,authorities urge louisiana residents to evacuate dangerous lower income brackets 1,bankrupt toys 'r' us forced to euthanize thousands of hatchimals 0,kindergartener allegedly barred from school because she has two moms 1,teen accurately describes robert mapplethorpe exhibit as 'gay' 1,report: average consumer puts blind faith in 87 corporations per day 0,9 quotes that will help you find the nerve to take a bold risk 0,first nighter: two gentlemen of veronaon screens big and bold 1,local welder suffering from welder's block 0,tesla unveils the d at event in la 1,procter & gamble introduces home menstruation test 1,I see you missed the entire point of my post. Good job on analyzing the 1astic opening though. 0,all men are created equal. does president trump agree? 0,"Well, assuming that the slavery amendments to the federal constitution were repealed, then slavery certainly could be reintroduced. Minority freedoms are denied all the time. The right to murder, for example. I do not believe in the tyranny of the majority; I believe in the majority's right to legitimately wield its power. If we are not going to be governed by majority rule, then what will we be governed by? If not rule by the many, do you propose we be ruled by the few? Would you really be happy to live under a dictator? Because self-government loses its meaning totally if the people are prohibited from amending their constitution by persons other than themselves. I really do not support rule by the very, very few. Because this question is irrelevant." 0,trump won't endorse paul ryan or john mccain 1,swollen rex tillerson spotted rushing to place mouth over leaks spouting in keystone pipeline 0,"civil rights groups sue missouri, saying it's failing to automatically update voter records" 1,You wouldn't. More likely you'll pursue your Wiccan follies until Judgment Day and then wonder what hit you. 1,new study finds people who sit for at least 5 hours each day are comfier 0,twitter has no time for the gop's weird gif response to comey statement 1,smoke detector saves family from buying new batteries for remote 1,intricacies of meal plan discussed 0,"cruz hits back at 'cronyist, washington cartel' iowa governor" 1,christian bale glad to be done with most humiliating experience of professional life 0,"when politicians struggle to find a pathway to peace, business must step it up" 0,"nasa, jesus & templeton?" 1,15 years in environment of constant fear somehow fails to rehabilitate prisoner 0,can you hear us now: an ongoing movement to raise the voices of muslim women 0,ryan reynolds reveals blake lively's perfect response to his birthday tweet 0,friday's morning email: the aftermath of the u.s. strike on syria 1,corporate merger renders thousands of coffee mugs obsolete 0,imf chief lagarde found guilty in french tycoon payout trial 0,obamacare enrollees anxiously await supreme court decision that threatens their coverage 1,"obama throws small business owner into seat, tells him to just smile and keep his fucking mouth shut" 1,u.s. improves infrastructure with transnational power strip 1,study: human ability to cooperate most strongly exhibited when ordering pizza 0,"rest in peace zeus, world's tallest pooch" 1,"since when has religion been pragmatic or based upon systems that works? Obvious answer: never." 0,7 things you probably didn't know about christmas 0,can caribbean cricket get its (political) groove back? 0,psychic helps sniff out missing pet skunk 0,a way to win: election talk with celinda lake 1,inexperienced streaker to practice in living room a few times before doing it for real 1,grandmother can't believe she hung on this long for granddaughter's lame-ass wedding 1,burglar hiding in pistorius' bathroom figures now probably his best chance to escape 0,the fate of anti-zika gmo mosquitos in the u.s. rests on florida 1,authorities not even going to bother looking for motive behind oregon shooting 1,blind date pronounces every syllable of word 'comfortable' 0,"heroin deaths are surging, but deadliest drugs still come in pill bottles" 1,new montana tourism campaign marketed toward urban bison 0,"ted cruz beats back donald trump in two states, shifting race" 1,female trump supporters just feel more comfortable with gop candidate who's openly horrible to them 0,no bern-ing love for hillary 1,"So in other words, you're saying that somewhere along the lines, God changed his mind." 0,"And that's when her career and popularity took a nosedive. Now that she's no longer playing the activist, she's becoming popular again." 0,can bernie sanders ride fracking to victory in new york? 1,"Sure, and a 18 year old marrying a 87 year old might seem odd, and not be harming anyone, and a guy could lust after his flock of sheep, and not be 'harming' anyone. But I'm sure you and I really would argue that there is a difference... and that it's a matter of 'taste'. " 1,mark zuckerberg admits he unsure why anyone still uses facebook 1,new tech-support caste arises in india 1,"Yes, I will mark that on my calendar for future reference.....get help need it." 1,apocalypto star wants to show he can do mayan comedy 1,roomba thrown out of home after being caught staring at sleeping daughter 1,"area man sends message to 3,600 friends asking what they're up to tonight" 1,price of gas rises to four expletives per gallon 1,report: 38% of road trips end with burying friend in shallow grave in desert 1,elliott abrams defends war crimes as happening back in the '80s when everyone was doing it 1,man just knows hillary clinton going to have opinion on not dying in explosion 0,what i want other parents to know about living with food allergies 0,a farm boy meets his prince in a beautiful new children's book 1,new evidence reveals ancient greeks immediately regretted inventing theater 0,artists explore the many influences of ebony and jet magazines 0,older trump voters say they oppose key elements of gop obamacare replacement 0,cristiano ronaldo reportedly scores another baby-on-the-way after twins' birth 1,"Kill or be killed, survival of the fittest? No compassion, the rule of tooth and fang? WOW, color me impressed!" 0,11 free gifts every entrepreneur seeking success and balance should give themselves 0,"people with disabilities have a hard time finding jobs, and this company is doing something about it" 1,dennis miller deeply concerned about long-distance service 0,"If logic was invented by man that would mean that when people did not exist neither did logic. That does not sound logical to me. Most people believe there is life eleswhere in the universe (I'm not saying I do but I just want to illustrate a point). If logic was invented by man does that mean aliens elsewhere in the universe do not have logic to guide them? Just a question. ""In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."" (Colossians 2:3)" 1,trump: 'any shooting actually inspired by me would have left thousands dead' 0,10 delicious ways to cook with maple syrup 0,"Well said. Except for a very few, all the profetallifers here refuse to discuss either. They would rather buff, bluster, and bloviate in the most general of terms." 0,"Yes. I know of no one who agrees with all government policies, or all of the premesis that they're based on. But we do all agree (or at least almost all) that we need some method for forming those policies. Compromises must be made. A religious secularist could believe, for example, that if we allow religious beliefs to dictate policy than it's just a matter of time before general religious freedom is compromised for all but those who follow the religion of the ruling party. Rather than risk that they would think it an acceptable compromise to have some policies that they don't agree with, as long as they don't actively compromise their faith. " 1,moderator asks candidates to be specific when describing hellscape country will become if they not elected 1,"I guess it's a good thing I wasn't replying and/or talking to you then. But thanks for your input, it has been noted." 1,I'll give you His phone number and you can call yourself. It's 1-333-NOS-ODOMY. emoticonXAngel 1,groundbreaking young adult novel features protagonist who's a bit of a loner 1,inept coworker increasingly difficult to fantasize about 1,william safire orders two whoppers junior 1,rudy giuliani lays out legal framework that would keep him on tv for next couple years 1,twitter announces there no trending topics today 0,harry belafonte is really concerned about trump supporters 0,So what else is new? Does Texas support the death penalty? 1,mark zuckerberg insists anyone with same skewed values and unrelenting thirst for power could have made same mistakes 0,barbara boxer tells bob corker it's 'reckless' and 'irresponsible' to vote now on iran bill 1,"Interesting.... have you ever been to a schoolyard recently? I think the ""taunts"" are more directed at gays. Like ""f@ggot"" and ""fairy"". What taunts do you get on a daily basis? What... being called out on your negativity towards the rights of a minority? boo hoo." 0,school got complaints about teacher even before huffpost revealed her racial bias 1,sharon stone auctioned off to german conglomerate 0,why this healing expert doesn't believe in 'closure' 1,john mccain requests ashes be launched into iraq 0,"Why didn't they ""fire"" and ""bar"" him in the sixties?" 1,researchers no closer to understanding what the fuck you're talking about 0,adventures of a creationist at the field museum 0,"puerto ricans are americans, but that doesn't matter to the u.s." 0,the new ireland 0,california wildfire death toll rises to 4 as more bodies found 0,Does the sexual orientation of the would-be single parent even come up? 1,man not belonging to movie's target demographic escorted from theater by hollywood officials 0,why dave chappelle won't be making jokes about rachel dolezal any time soon 0,word origin comics: the abc's of education 0,miami archbishop warns employees: supporting gay marriage could cost you your job 0,stop freaking out about cellulite: the simple question you didn't think to ask 0,"Actually the idea (intelligent modification of a developing organism by that organism during its development) is as INCOHERENT with or without the introduction of GOD. Its an immaterialist concept invoking elan vital or its equiavlent which these days is sometimes designated as ""intelligence"" so as to put the old and spoiled wine of vitalism into new bottles with the hopes that the new label will allow the proponents to sell it to the public." 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,american universities opening up shop in china -- sino-foreign joint education ventures 0,trans in trumpland: election victories signal hope 1,swans in committed relationship barely ever arch necks into heart shape anymore 0,"No one, I repeat no one wants to take punitive actions against any woman unless you call carrying the baby to term punitive action.........All we want is for the baby in the womb to have the same chance you did if possible..........." 0,"u.s. job growth rises briskly, wages continue to climb" 1,boss encourages employees to take short mental breakdowns for every hour of work 1,"Then you must have expected him to be a mute on the show. He was basically just there; he made no worthy comments. It was so bad he had to resort to an emotional hypothetical. He made no sense, and that comment had no part in the interview. Bush doesn't send kids to Iraq. First of all they volunteer. Second of all, they are older than 18. Please let me know what comments Michael Moore made that you thought were worthy. You might have trouble. " 1,busy executive has to take this call girl 1,"Well if no siege comes, I guess no harm no foul." 0,"Lots of makers are still churning out lever action rifles. I am sad to see Winchester closed, but sad feelings is not a good financial reason to keep a poorly run company open." 1,casual drink with acquaintance actually first move in elaborate chess game to get hired at 0,this prairie city deserves your travel dollars. here's why. 0,"girl, 4, killed during apparent road rage attack" 1,party not big enough to move out of kitchen yet 1,"And then he gets to go to Heaven where he becomes a mindless robot whose days are spent praising God And to answer your question NO they did not exercise their free will. If you had read the Bible you would know they were lied to. You can not make a choice freely based on an intentional distortion of the facts." 0,"3 months after the hurricane, one-third of puerto rico's power is still out" 1,"Well, if my plane is already doomed as you say then what difference would it make? Don't you think this poll is leading? It's designed to give the answer that you want." 0,paula abdul's back at it 1,health inspector repulsed by restaurant's customers 1,systems administrator would so fuck new trainee 1,man recalls simpler time when he only masturbated to still images on internet 0,thursday's morning email: the obamacare repeal comes down to these three senators 0,john mcenroe thinks he could beat serena williams 1,new poll finds millennials far more likely to politically identify as feudalists than previous generations 1,jj abrams announces meryl streep will take over role of chewbacca 1,animals keeping impending earthquake to selves 1,philip morris introduces new marlboro sinus pm cigarettes 1,heavily processed food makes pathetic nutritional claims 1,court rules meryl streep unable to be tried by jury as she has no peers 1,panicking taylor swift realizes it too late to call off assassination after katy perry makes peace offering 1,laffy taffy sponsors every cobblestone at 9/11 memorial 1,seagull with diarrhea barely makes it to crowded beach in time 0,"Well, the slavery analogy for gay rights is past it's applicability at this point--one was a property issue (also rooted in deep prejudice), the other is a morality issue. Many people oppose gay marriage out of morality and NOT prejudice. The same can't be said for slavery. There are many ways that the analogy doesn't work and that's just one of them. In fact, it could as easily be an analogy to reverse it and say that the ones who did the enslaving were analogous to gay rights lobbyists and the abolitionists were analogous to those who seek to protect marriage. After all, the plantation owners were the ones really fighting for ill-conceived rights--rights that they shouldn't have had. " 1,goth kid builds scary-ass birdhouse 1,moral tacked onto end of man's life 1,britain plummets to lowest value in world since 1580s 1,local man vows revenge against atlantic ocean 0,will your foundation pass inspection? 1,ritalin cures next picasso 0,12 clever summer party ideas for people who are sick of bbqs 1,republican coma candidate dominates gop debate 0,"polio could be stopped worldwide by year's end, says gates foundation" 1,head of irs has personal filing system to keep track of nation's tax returns 0,"Then for you, you made the right decision at the time. I'd personally have been leary of not getting to work or go to school easily from the doctors statements, especially in regards to keeping the child." 0,"What about this hypothetical rock? Can it exist? Or, does this mean that God himself requires God's Will to exist? Cyclical! :xbanghead" 1,entire life of universe flashes before stephen hawking's eyes 0,this is the fall checklist your home's been waiting for 1,doctor has troubling amount of available appointment slots 0,a quick guide to this year's oscar best picture nominees 1,Oh no an open minded church that doesn't hate? GASP! And sorry but the bible has many interpretations as is clearly seen in the WIDE and VAST amount of differing denominations. Just because their not closes binded right wing bigots doesn't mean you can grill them cause their interpretation is different... 0,"with thousands of syrians trapped in raqqa, a single hospital remains" 0,"rnc troubled by steve wynn sexual assault allegations, plans to keep his money anyway" 0,"Theories change since they are just that - theories. Once time and sufficient investigation has given them sufficient weight, they become laws. Newton's laws were derived to explain direct human experiences (we deal with relatively large objects going at slow speeds relative to the speed of light) and for that regime, they remain true. Since there were still a multitude of basic unanswered questions at the time in Science (about light, the nature of matter, etc.), investigation continued and found, in the 20th century, the laws of relativity and quantum mechanics to explain occurrences outside of the range of the large and slow that we experience. At the beginning of science (say ~17th century), there were a lot more questions than answers. Now, its the other way around - at least when it comes to the essential theoretical basis behind things that human's experience." 0,trump surrogate shot down while trying to spin on sexual assault claims 1,"Please tell me, why did you believe your pastor, but not me? What did he say that was so convincing? And please, PLEASE, tell me what you think the Bible might not be saying that could have any bearing on this in the slightest. How can the fact that we don't know Ehosh's second cousin twice removed have any bearing on this at all, or whatever you think the Bible wasn't saying? " 0,couple is trying to make personal shark cages a thing 1,woman sensitive about that thing on her face 1,samuel adams apologizes for 'boston sucks' pilsner 1,early-morning jogger pities everyone still sleeping 0,"welcome to myanmar's (empty) capital city, president obama!" 0,"john kasich is running for president, because why not" 1,You would think that you would learn by now that Matthew can't think but in the two extremes. It is as if there is a mental block. 1,"study finds every style of parenting produces disturbed, miserable adults" 1,6-year-old becomes first child to complete solo ride around block 0,"Well, many have argued that if you don't except a literal Genesis, you're damned. Perhaps not in this particular thread, but the arguments are esentially the same. I believe that the theological implications of that position are fair game for discussing the validity of creationism." 1,study finds you irrelevant to success or failure of bollywood film 'zanjeer' 1,area mom disappointed no one noticed mastectomy 1,doctors reveal dick cheney burning through at least 3 hearts each week 1,thousands of americans to notice first signs of dementia while visiting parents over holiday 0,chief justice john roberts eulogizes antonin scalia as 'our man for all seasons' 1,"glowing, cackling mcconnell levitates above senate after realizing chamber's rules only self-imposed mental construct" 1,new regulation requires all protected species to be actively looking for new habitat in order to receive funding 1,"aides say bannon was not on the record when he issued deafening, atonal howl that caused journalist's skull to explode" 1,"Just can't satisify ""them thar' Moralizers."" I remember the election of 1960, and how many were worried about JFK taking his ""orders from Rome."" Maybe that is why we are a land of laws, not of men." 1,unemployed man who had to move back in with his parents still for obama 1,couple has nest egg of debt to make sure they've got some money to owe down the road 0,mom creates dreamlike art using just her iphone and kids 0,"as american cities grow, new urbanism must be inclusive" 1,280 days of meryl streep's year spent being honored 1,The same bogus argument wrapped up in a new package. GAY MARRIAGE DESTROYS MARRIAGE!! DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU cAN STILL MARRY WHOMEVER YOU WANT. DUHHHHHHHHHH rocket sience here. 1,"Yes, it's been supressed. Only 14 people knew it before some brave soul tortured them until they confessed the horrible truth!!" 0,charity exec braves mt. kilimanjaro to rally support for hell's kitchen social services 1,unstoppable killing machine out of toner 0,demi lovato says she was 'very conflicted' with her abusive father's death 1,"Man. You just refuse to get it. You think liberals are asking this cause we're greedy? We are trying to HELP OTHERS. Something Christians should be interested in... " 0,"Actually, it is quite correct. You misunderstand. The text book was trying to make it simple so that you would understand. The text book wasn't simple enough. The first record of carbonaria was in 1848. The discussion you quote was trying to explain quite simply, so that you might understand why the change took place. There is no record of anyone ever seeing a carbonaria before 1848. It is probably a safe assumption that an occasional mutation caused some to be born from time to time, but they were not able to reproduce to the extent that they were ever noted before 1848." 1,"russians to build, tear down statue" 0,prince rep has 'no knowledge' of jay z's reported $40 million offer for artist's unreleased music 0,donald trump's ignorance extends to foreign affairs. that's a big problem. 0,this little girl's hilarious message to santa is peak sibling rivalry 1,po' boy $12 0,the immorality of trump's new travel ban 0,awe-inspiring photos of military servicewomen walking the runway 0,is american democracy doomed? 1,god admits there was probably a better way of giving humans taste of heavenly bliss than opioids 0,friday talking points -- gop anti-trump rants 0,local places moms love 0,why jb smoove doesn't want chris rock to boycott the oscars 1,compliment suspiciously vague 0,"None of these alternate views go outside the framework of evolution. They all use poor wording, though, and try to lead one to some conclusion about ""information"" or something." 1,dome-home sales somehow manage to dip even lower 1,"war-torn, blood-soaked kosovo: would bombing it help?" 0,"10 years after financial crisis, our elites have learned nothing" 0,the one thing you're forgetting to bring to thanksgiving dinner 1,clinton appoints very special cabinet member 1,"I have never, and will never stand for reasonable gin control laws. After all, I hate vodka martini's." 1,rookie told to ease up on crime-scene tape 0,stephen king rips donald trump in his scariest horror story yet 0,"Given that the fetus can feel no pain (in the vast majority of abortions), whose pain should I be concerned about? Even if it could, why would its pain be more worthy of protection than the mother's?" 0,1 dead after southwest airlines flight suffers engine failure 1,pope francis warns catholics this not good time to bother god 1,"bush vows to discover, legalize aliens on american, martian soil" 0,"overcoming adversity, a step at a time" 0,how to connect with others 1,lawyers identify dozens more bill cosby victims while interviewing potential jurors 0,nature's trust (part 1) 1,network pushes the 'dumbing it down' envelope 1,science fiction writer admits unstoppable killing machine based on mother 0,attention solicitor general: two more powerful arguments against king v burwell 0,"move over 'hamilton,' d.c. just debuted 'trump'" 0,father of muslim american war hero to trump: 'you have sacrificed nothing' 1,habitat for humanity investigated for working conditions after 92-year-old laborer collapses on site 1,senator baucus shows rest of congress where he found the dead body 0,l.l. bean's ceo offers to help workers affected by trump's travel ban 0,escape from falluja 0,cruz control: an elitist at liberty university 1,"Careful Tither that could be taken as having racial undertones,I LOVE IT!!" 0,trump team claims pardons aren't a topic at the white house 1,We gotta GET them law-abiders for having the audacity to believe the Constitution's Bill of Rights! Huh Brady! 1,"u.s. government sets aside 600,000 acres of pristine land for future generations to pollute" 1,congress allocates $90 million to protect remaining eagles members 0,Because....expansion occurs after heat is added. How can a expansion occur with a prior cause? You're saying the reaction and cause happen at the same time. Show me an example that does that. 1,"mueller: 'well, we got the liar. probe's over'" 1,report: there still time to convert to christianity before christmas starts 0,"Do some research. People collect functional tanks and aircraft. Did you ever hear of the Confederate Air Force? They restore and fly military aircraft. As for tanks, there are many web sites that promote collecting tanks and other military vehicles. And people shoot laws rockets. They just do not shoot live HE rounds. It is a little expensive." 1,kevin hart just going to assume he's in 'space jam 2' unless he hears otherwise 0,"nato launches mission in the aegean sea to end smuggling of migrants, refugees" 1,rock and roll hall of fame retires 'd' chord 0,"When the criminal has greater civil protections than his victim, and this is viewed as being civilized, a society is doomed." 0,clearing the aereo 1,maid dreams children will one day be maids in wealthier households 1,al-qaeda member wistfully recalls time when radicalization done face-to-face rather than online 1,secretary masks deep depression with laughter during office banter 1,god refuses to grant any more transcendent near-death experiences to people who crash snowmobiles 0,woman allegedly blows up pee sample in a 7-eleven microwave 1,husband buys wife tickets to see singer she wants to fuck 0,juan gabriel wins first ever latin grammys three months after death 1,market evidently capable of supporting more than one reality show about cake 1,"Sounds risky... Do you believe this..... ( I hope they aren't teaching this at National AIDS day..." 1,anteater to lay off the fire ants for awhile 0,"But recognition of the big bang as a very good explanation of cosmology isn't limited to evolutionsits. In fact, most other scientists also believe so, most especially cosmologists and astrophysicists, who are directly concerned with the early universe. Evolutionists, even though the origin of matter and time are irrelevant to the study of evolution, are also educated in science and probably accept the work done by these other scientists." 1,naacp issues travel warning for black americans visiting own backyards 1,grandfather tries to make first fall as cool-looking as possible 0,art-house summer films not to be missed 0,what about libya: or how the u.s. prioritizes one suffering nation over another 1,police finally make breakthrough in decades-old marijuana possession cold case 0,ebola and the fear that makes us stupid 0,watch misty copeland dance to the heavenly sounds of cynthia erivo's voice 0,guy creates trump inauguration flyer we should all start passing out 0,"Oh, probably about as many as there are killed by bayonet lugs, pistol grips, heat shields, detachable magazines, and folding stocks." 0,republicans want to defund the commission that fights voting machine hacking 0,"So redemption is not a possibility? They did their time, paid the penalty, and just want their rights as a citizen returned to them....l" 0,how pessimism can help you lose weight 0,"Bellesiles claimed his data was destroyed in a flood. Lott claimed his data was destroyed in a computer crash. Some people have been calling John Lott ""the Bellesiles of the Right."" Read this article ""The Bellesiles of the Right? Another firearms scholar whose dog ate his data."" Lott has already admitted to inventing a fan (Mary Rosh) to praise himself. That's intentionally trying to deceive people.¬Found=true" 0,new ad hammers trump as too impulsive to allow near the nuclear button 0,"7 tips to exchange gifts and save stress, money" 1,camel cash inherited from grandpa 1,psychic helps police waste valuable time 1,woman wearing jacket indulging in forbidden pleasure of having pockets 0,finally something economists can agree on: trump's debt talk made zero sense 0,gender equality won't just change women's lives -- it'll change everyone's 1,"judge rolls eyes, upholds naughty baker's first-amendment rights" 0,why every man should try to be more like idris elba 0,why the story of muhammad ali's rebellion matters today: part 4 1,buddy system responsible for additional death 0,trevor noah 'fires' michelle wolf from 'the daily show' 0,10 worst states for business 1,5-year-old alabama boy misses fun 'bunker grandpa' 0,why i'm choosing to move to nyc 0,the fascinating origin of the word 'jumbo' 0,"within days of taking office, trump set the stage for his current crisis" 0,noose found in african-american history museum exhibit in d.c. 1,vatican officials quietly paint over part of sistine chapel where michelangelo depicted adam fingering cherub 1,"Is it not extremely cold at 35,000 feet? Did he not suffer from hypothermia due to the extreme cold at 35,000 feet? Did he not fall from the sky and break near all his bones when the wheel well opened for landing after a lengthy flight at 35,000 feet? Do I have to give you the flight number and type of airplane in order to get my stuffed animal circus prize?" 1,man can name all parts of the vagina 0,This seems to conflict with some of your earlier posts wherein you support terrorists. 1,weary haitians shrug as ragnarök begins outside port-au-prince 1,"You mean you have been defeated one time too manyemoticonXGood Happy EasteremoticonXLove" 1,lindsey buckingham asks for more screaming at stevie nicks in monitor 0,5 common medicare mistakes and how to avoid them 1,nation to wait for more facts on texas shooting before doing absolutely nothing about it 1,new ice agent establishes dominance by beating up biggest child prisoner on first day 0,kerry washington wows on this week's best-dressed list 0,"leslie allen merritt jr., suspect in phoenix freeway shootings, says he is 'wrong guy'" 0,changing how we study political divisions just might help us heal them 1,couple on verge of breaking up has mind-blowing aquarium visit 0,the uninsured rate for hispanic kids has hit a historic low 1,maker of pizza rolls rethinks letting fans tell its story 0,will flooding in texas lead to more mosquito-borne illness? 0,"climate scientists are like 'doomsday street preachers,' fox guest says" 0,woman 'dragged' from west virginia hearing after listing lawmakers' oil and gas donors 1,single parent wishes she had thought of abandoning child first 1,Lets all make vast generalizations that are not true. Seems fun emoticonXRolleyes 1,local man almost finished collecting fantasy football winnings from 2005 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,the 9 amazing spring cleaning tips all dog owners should know 0,trump's deadly embrace of israel 1,lawn failing to pull off big rock in corner look 1,wrong pre-fab house delivered 0,dear christians 1,"You mean pseudo-science, or faith-based science. You'd have to be a XXXXX to dismiss all of the science done out of hand." 0,sylvester stallone's teenage daughter sistine is a bonafide runway model 0,"You know, that sounds exactly what you are doing. I guess you are as foolish as they are." 1,man worried about drug dealer who's not picking up phone 0,"I have a feeling that the tradtitional marriage the Dobson is refering to is only about 100 years old. Hardly traditional if you view it in the perspective of history. Up until the turn of the 20th century marriage was about property. The man physically owned the woman and the children. I sometimes laugh at these cithgaps, espically the women, when they talk about defending the traditional marriage. They are trying to defend a redefinition of something that has allready been redefined." 0,cincinnati zoo's premature baby hippo takes wobbly first steps 0,trump warns israel new settlements 'may not help' peace process 0,support pours in for 4-year-old whose prosthetic was stolen 0,'gone with the wind' actress says turning 100 is her best role 1,"You mean on the road shared with the adjacent property they claim as tribal land? Mr. Brown was able to attend ball games. Not exactly held captive was he? Where in Canada is it illegal to defend yourself with a firearm, given sufficient threat? And what did the Indians do to the Brown's to justify using deadly force?" 0,And the answer is: we don't know. Maybe it came from nowhere. Maybe it was created. We don't know. 0,kevin hart humors woman who thinks he's chris rock 0,chris stapleton had no idea who adele was when she covered his song 0,rouhani and reformers wins big in first iran's post-nuclear deal election 0,jared kushner went to iraq and couldn't have looked more out of place 1,chained pen yearns to visit rest of bank 0,ted cruz wins idaho republican primary 1,"Listen, JP, you ready for the kid to wind up in Hell or not?" 0,the best live-action 'south park' commercials 1,nancy reagan available at 82 0,insiders blame rove for covering up iraq's real wmd 1,middle-aged man in gym locker room puts shirt on before underwear 1,hometown boy makes good enough 1,daniel tosh chuckles through own violent rape 0,dinosaur skeleton reveals babies may have lived on their own from birth 1,white person waved past beeping walgreens security barrier 1,breaking: everyone at bar cooler than area man 1,dermatologists recommend regularly checking body for screaming demonic face bulging out of skin 1,area dad needs more time with museum plaque 0,"'snl' spoofs oscars, flames hollywood sex harassment with 'grabbies' awards" 0,You offer no positive evidence towards Creationism nor did you deny that the idea of Creationism as scientific was destroyed long ago. 1,subway employee still unnerved by high-pitched screech sandwiches make when cut in half 1,giddy thom yorke goes to bed early to make grammy day get here sooner 1,"Let me guess what bring you closer, besides to hear a child laugh. Twisting nipples!" 0,fighting with monsters 0,nigeria's vote could mark turning point in country's history 0,7 books every middle-aged person should read this summer 1,headline about so-called lobsterman extremely misleading 1,everyone at consumer electronics show forced to share single surge protector 1,area boyfriend much nicer before sex 1,colorado legalizes medicinal fireworks 0,ulysses and the hedge trimmer 1,"Oh, Mrwriterman made a funny. I guess not all gays are humorless. :) " 1,"So what you're saying is that a man can rape, rob, steal, molest children, reject God and Christ, start a major holocaust and wipe out 10 million people in the cruelest of ways, and a hundred other nasty things, and he gets a free ticket to heaven?" 0,get stressed. eat. repeat. how we can break stress eating habits simply by paying attention. 0,cm punk talks ufc and his first opponent 0,faith leaders join the fight for lower payday loan rates 0,surge soda again sells out on amazon 1,suicide bombing: can parents spot the warning signs? 1,report: more elderly improving cognitive function by solving murders 0,newt gingrich defends donald trump by accusing megyn kelly of being obsessed with sex 1,supreme court justices keep citing cases roberts and alito are too young to remember 0,actually some did talk about the complexity of life as well as irreducible complexity even though it may not be mentioned in the title 0,american muslims honor muhammad ali as a champion of their faith 0,selena gomez fuels zedd dating rumors with instagram photo 1,gop statisticians develop new branch of math to formulate scenarios in which trump doesn't win nomination 0,"Actually, that's your job, since it's already generally assumed that guns don't fuel aggression. You're the one who brought that point up, it's your job.You need unquestionable proof that the mere presence of a gun fuels aggression, and so far, none has been presented to me." 1,gallup poll: rural whites prefer ahmadinejad to obama 1,"town still can't think of name for largest, most used street" 0,random people keep giving martin o'malley guitars to play 0,The thing is the Dempski didn't provide any kind of testable or detectable definition about what information is either. He used vague but scienficially sounding terms to push his case. He knew it too. 0,fire island is oasis for queer creatives 0,jerked around after all these years 0,'star wars' gopro video shows what it's like to be a jedi in battle 1,public assured escaped convict has 24 years of rehabilitation under his belt 0,"Not to derail the thread so soon [cause I'd like to learn and discuss as many reasons and basis as are out ""there"" for this position (personally against but prochoice)] but....What do you mean by ""fully human""? Why do you think the fetus is not fully human? Also, why do you place any value in the life of a fetus?" 0,all the best accessories from nyfw 1,"Perfect. A creationists caught repeating the same refuted arguments on different forums. Resistance is met, run like a coward to another forum." 0,nypd weighs allowing chokeholds following eric garner death 1,"Uh, let's see. The one thing this all ""equates to"" is you need a dictionary?" 1,kitchenaid unveils spring-loaded toaster that allows rad high schoolers to grab breakfast in midair while leaving house 1,night out thrown off-balance by friend unexpectedly bringing someone 1,mitt romney reaches out to young voters with laser tag pizza party 1,"Nope. However, he does get to pay child support if he gets caught." 1,technophile has coolest junk drawer ever 0,a pragmatist's guide to coming out stronger after divorce 0,the time i came out to my grandmother and she didn't die 0,aclu sues trump administration over voter fraud probe 0,death of d.c. man in security guard custody ruled a homicide 0,"Again???? Gun control laws by design are meant to kept inner city citizens (i.e. black) from owning guns... Liberal terms such as ""saturday night special"" all have racist undertones. Also since the majority of gun violence in the US is minority on minority... Who are these laws meant to target?" 0,I believe the large majority of such deaths occur among inner city kids who don't know anything about guns except for what they see on TV and movies. 0,Obama overturns ban on overseas abortion funding I thought abortion was the fix for bad or no family planning 1,star trek fan pretty sure show stole his idea 0,"And what exactly am i granting to the suit-wearing politicians in washington by giving them the right to revoke her ability to make these decisions for herself? I don't think dictatorship is the right word, since she is not asking for the power over anyone but herself, and her child. Would you call a man dying of inoperable cancer who decides to end his chemotherapy a dictator? Or a parent who decides to remove their child from life-support?Would you rather it be a democracy? That everytime a woman is faed with this predicament, we put it to a vote? How about an oligarchy- where her situation is put in front of some committee who decides her fate?" 1,area man a walking encyclopedia of everything except leading a normal life 1,Maybe I wanted it from a source that was worth looking at 0,"your fall outfit inspo, courtesy of paris fashion week" 1,brad pitt scampers away from script after detecting musk of chris pine on pages 0,4 couscous recipes for every meal of the day 1,grown man enjoys duping children 0,over 165 countries set to sign paris agreement 1,coin collector has some pretty fucking nice coins 0,But you don't like intellectual property and consign it to non-existence. 1,"Archie, the only way you can possibly come to that conclusion is by literally ignoring everything the author says, every accepted definition of the words socialism, statism, capitalism, fascism and nazism. If we ignore everything the author says and make up our own definitions for those words, it STILL does not work because the argument is STILL illogical and you look like a dishonest fool making it. Face it. You got pwned. Are you really not bright enough to recognize that? " 0,joseph gordon-levitt performs 'rhythm nation' almost better than janet jackson herself 0,"in nyc, birthplace of climate march, a reminder of who suffers most from pollution" 1,new poll finds public becoming more skeptical of profit-driven corporate data mine powered by human misery 1,area wildcat a real wildcat in the sack 0,'egyptian jon stewart' bassem youssef introduces 'muslim morning after kit' 1,latest news of israeli-palestinian violence makes man hungry for falafel 0,8 things we wish our mothers had told us about aging 0,"-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not believe that the supreme court adressed the the problem of convicted fellons having the death penelty reduced to life in prison and going on to kill in prison." 1,"How would I fill in some of the gaps? Here was my sequence: something like unicellular life to multi-cellular life, random multi-cellular conglomerations to an amoeba, to a fish, to a dinosaur, to a mammal, to an ape, and finally to a man??" 0,this underwater technology harnesses ocean waves to make renewable energy 1,tornado creeped out by man who keeps following it in truck and filming it 1,"You're back. Nice attempt at deflection, but care to comment on the ""you're as touchy, judgmental and bitchy as a gay"" statement?" 0,filmmaker brett ratner wants to make history with charlottesville unity concert 0,huffpost hill - so hard to say good bayh 1,eminem horrified upon being informed that 'faggot' actually a harmful gay slur 1,beloved showbiz legend and national treasure michael douglas actually none of these things 0,prince charles warns that the lessons of wwii risk being forgotten 1,man surprised to hear himself tell matt damon he's a 'big fan' 0,twitter doesn't tire of knocking conor mcgregor's stamina 1,julian assange fired from it job at pentagon 1,"american muslims to fort hood shooter: 'thanks a lot, asshole'" 1,giuliani insists breaking the law not a crime 1,"This caught my eye. armor-piercing handguns, cop killer handguns. What exactly is an Armor piercing handgun? And who sells those? Nothing like making up some stuff to make the problem seem worse than it is. Handgun bullets that will defeat a policeman's vest are already illegal! Nothing like throwing in a few lies~!~" 1,"george clinton, della reese meet to discuss key hairstyle issues" 1,alternative training school for dogs de-emphasizes obedience 0, Racial hatred and more racial hatred and more racial hatred! 1,nation's middle class chillingly reappears out of nowhere 1,paul manafort spends afternoon making house look presentable for next fbi raid 1,whippoorwill has had same 3-note song stuck in head for entire life 1,"pope benedict leaves church in helicopter with lebron james, paul feig for some reason" 0,"keith ellison, first muslim congressman, carries clock in solidarity with ahmed" 0,daryl dixon's big secret is finally revealed 0,"trump replaces ice chief daniel ragsdale, appoints thomas homan" 0,a guide to how much butter is in your favorite baked goods 1,area man puts on some nice pants for once in his life 0,and the top markets for renting to millennials are... 1,"Where are those organizations with such scientific rigor? If they truly do exist, they must be in the position to understand the God of the Gaps they're worshipping has become microscopic." 1,interim cia director assures nation he engages in no sexual activity whatsoever 0,teen disfigured by catcaller's pipe attack 0,5 key habits to living a radiant life 0,charlottesville may put the brakes on campus free speech laws 0,"gary richrath, guitarist and songwriter for reo speedwagon, dead at 65" 1,You don't view infants as people either? What form of beast are you? 0,my time as a philly juror 0,mitch mcconnell is your doctor now 0,what future for iraq? interreligious debates at the sant'egidio meeting 0,"We cannot prove the existence of God for, by definition, he dwells in a reality outside our own. Similarly, I cannot prove the existence of a Flying Shoe in Hyperspace, nor can I disprove it, but I can prove that the Flying Shoe does not exist in our world because it exists, by definition, in Hyperspace.I can make up anything I want and say it exists in another universe. A round square, a colorless green idea that sleeps furiously, you name it." 1,piece of shit whom everybody hates assures himself it all in his head 0,britain to impose one of the world's toughest ivory bans 0,"""i woke up like dis"": why my disability is the sexiest thing about me" 1,"Nope. Wouldn't it be better to learn what you are talking about before you speak? " 0,"Ill be the first to agree with the saying ""If you can...and have the place will"" But like anything have to look at the better side of things...It would act like a deterant to allow our responsable citizens to be armed..yes perhaps what you said might take place..but the benefits would outway them..and thats all we can ask for in life.As for our irresponsable citizens...they are already armed." 1,"white house officials confirm malia obama now seven feet, nine inches tall" 1,usa today crossword puzzle grants false sense of intelligence 1,ventriloquist dummy crosses line in suggesting partner is actual dummy 0,and that's how i beat shaq ... at a game of mind control 1,bully tragically trusted to sign arm cast 0,you can't have these tech gadgets for christmas 1,You throw personal insults more than I do. So when will YOU grow up? 0,"oh, no!!! watch mr. bill, gumby and pokey get buried in blizzard time lapse" 1,"oh cc, apparently, 10% of the population has the power to destroy the other 90% somehow. We can't be in the military because we have the power to undermine things, we can't get married cause we will destroy marriage for everyone, we cannot possibly have committed relationships because it would make Britney look bad ( although, I have her beat by 4 years and counting, still happy and going) We have the power. We are gay, ten percent taking out the other 90% or so they say (ask jaaman for more info)" 0,5 faith facts about presidential candidate mike huckabee 1,"after one realizes methadone clinic nearby, behavior around city block makes sense" 0,'mapplethorpe' documentary directors reflect on the artist and their film 1,area man settled for 1,u.s. retakes top spot in annual 'party country' rankings 1,mike pompeo can't believe senate just expects he'll answer questions without being tortured first 1,best buy employee going to tell you what he has at home 1,petulant 12-year-old refuses to brown the ground chuck 1,mood of sex dungeon undercut by sight of plug-in air freshener 1,"So it's alright for a Evo to insult you and go off on a tangent, and expect to get answer. What's the point in answering if your being mocked, before you give answer. Now I know why there are few Creo's on this forum." 0,10 habits of people in the most toxic relationships 1,"Yes but its like sharks when there is blood in the water. Plus I at least do this for fun and why should I not get in my own ideas and have my fun with creationists. They are getting pretty rare you know. Can't let those other rationalists keep them all to themselves. emoticonXAgree " 1,aerobics linked to lousy music 0,don't passively online shame hurricane irma residents 0,"el salvador zoo hippo died from poor care, not beating, prosecutors say" 0,why scott walker's views on evolution are totally relevant 1,"Just because you don't hold the same beliefs as we do, does not invalidate our belief. I feel sorry for you if all you have to believe in is a small petri dish of algae. You do need absolute proof if your going claim it as the only possible way of creation." 1,labor secretary horrified to learn some americans working jobs they do not truly enjoy 1,city planner gets halfway through designing city before realizing he's just doing philadelphia again 1,alien still hasn't gotten around to listening to whole voyager golden record 0,why attending a college in a big city is the fastest way to grow your career 0,john dowd resigns as trump's lead lawyer in russia probe 1,"Here you are making an entirely unsooprted assumption, that I see myself as better than everybody else or that I am somehow smug in my views. I am no better or worse than most. We are all just the same tailess monkeys that walked out of the jungle so many millions of years ago. we are not particularly enlightenend, nor are we likely to become so." 0,And I would agree with you as long as all marriages for all couples were called civil unions and there is no two tiered system. 0,war: the cry of the republicans 1,dept. of transportation discontinues 'bridge out 8 feet ahead' sign 1,pope francis rides into st. peter's square on giant glowing lamb for easter mass 1,area man demands more starches 1,concerned parents demand removal of arsenic from periodic table of elements 0,naked leadership 1,"Then you should be able to post some numbers that show I am wrong. I had absolutely no problem whatsoever finding and posting numbers that show I am wrong. Whipping? Are you on crack, easy? You and your buddy have been completely smacked down here. You have spewed a bunch of rhetoric and BS and been repeatedly shut down with hard FACT. Why dont you go get a high school diploma so you can at least understand basic math...heck...for that matter, a grade school diploma would ensure you had all the math skills to understand how silly your position is in the face of the facts." 0,praise the lord or praise the person? 1,Wasn't there some genius that wanted firearms locked up as a manditory model posting here? Gee if they can steal from the police station what punishment can we mete out for us unwashed working slobs for not locking up and reporting stolen firearms? Got them into Chicago even with its strict gun laws. Wonder if they complied with the IL gun laws? Yea right. 0,browns owner haslam mixes republican politics with football 1,spouse under fire for telling anecdote wrong 1,"ROFL....Yeah, right, since you 'left wingers' seriously see yourself as center-right.....whaddayah know?" 0,asu + gsv report: teachers and tech tools 0,"No nation is perfect, Rev. Not even the USA! A singular instance that you quote is not an argument as anyone can just as easily find criticism with the USA over people freed early from jail.You will find black people over-represented in the jails of the UK, the USA and Australia. There is injustice everywhere." 0,"The amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases (CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas) threatens to snowball because of the rapid depletion of available carbon sinks and the consumption of existing ones. The MAIN problem with de-forestations is NOT that the trees are no longer removing CO2 from the atmosphere, but our use of them is adding CO2 to it (burning, etc.) and the other sources we could turn to to remove it are also being used up. Methane hydrates in the polar seabeds threaten to rapidly increase the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases as soon as the temperature increases enough to destablize the ice crystals holding them in place." 1,network news satellites collide over iraq 1,ophthalmologist instructs patient not to look at anything 24 hours before eye surgery 1,street harasser haunted by woman who got away with dignity intact 1,neither person in conversation knows what hedge fund is 0,how the data world missed the boat on trump 1,"trump, putin hold first joint press crackdown" 0,ammon bundy says he's following directions from god 0,barbara and george h.w. bush could be the cutest presidential couple 1,religious scholars discover jesus christ delivered by dr. sidney adler 1,"reince priebus smiles, shakes head while flipping through old briefing on gop's plans for 2016" 1,magnanimous banker hires occupy wall street protesters 1,biden puts on lucky debate suit 0,"Well if it saves my life what is the problem?? Aren't we pro life here?????" 1,"friend moving apartments probably just going to rent u-haul, have nervous breakdown" 1,surviving miner ordered back to work 0,bhp: 2017 the year of 'electric vehicle revolution' 1,national weather service: 'don't go surfing unless you can really shred that shit' 1,trump condemns white house staffers' use of secret recording studio 1,radio dj invites whole town to some bullshit 1,astronomers say wednesday night will be best chance for americans to view 'novλ' 1,"it doesn't look that cold out, reports man who doesn't have thermo-sensing eyes" 1,"You need to visit some other websites; i.e. get yourself out and around in the real internet world some more. Shake the cobwebs off your bold. There are, for example, presently thousands of posts at the New York Times, in only the last day or two, from single payer and public option supporters. Go scream your bold there Big Shot. You and your other handles that comprise this entire forum of one man who probably also needs to see a doctor for a strong psychiatric prescription." 1,fan just going to keep open mind about whether new 'star wars' best or worst movie ever 1,"Oh, oh, and don't forget to include the proposed Federal Kosher Amendment's text, which just coincidentally matches the Levitical proscriptions, in your argument that things like the FMA have nothing to do with separation of church and state." 1,diplomatic pete buttigieg quickly changes subject from politics at town hall to avoid arguments 0,harvey weinstein is despicable. what about bob? 0,grindr scandal shows the risk lgbtq people take to find community online 1,"Is that your logic? Does the phrase, ""crime of opportunity"" ring a bell?" 1,republicans blame election losses on democrats 1,"Me, too. I'd probably throw in some counseling as well, just for starters." 0,"And that is why there is no plutonium found in the natural (fossil) fission reactors discovered in Oklo, Gabon in Africa.A fission reaction in the presence of U-238 always produces plutonium. In fact, about 1/3 of the energy output from a typical reactor in the U.S. comes from the fission of plutonium-239 that is created by the fission of U-235. When there is not enough fissionable material left in the fuel to sustain a reaction, there always remains several isotopes of plutonium that were not present in the original enriched uranium fuel." 1,junior building inspector closes down tree house 1,clinton hitchhikes to st. louis for jazzfest 0,the very best part of an internet-free family vacation 0,"We're legally dead when we no longer mentally exist (hence the term ""brain-dead""), so there is no logical reason to set the beginning point as anything other than the start of the mental existence. Just as people who are dead and without mental existence do not have the ability to obtain rights, a collection of human cells without a mental existence cannot obtain rights. I also notice you have resorted to attacking other people's views rather than following the topic of the thread, which is to share YOUR views. emoticonXBanghead" 1,public urinator gives passerby dirty look 0,bear's plan to break into man's home foiled by cat door 1,enchanted necromancer brings life back to once-dead argument 0,this veteran's story shows the healing power of having a service dog 0,mystery as five czech tourists disappear in lebanese wine country 0,jeb bush insists he's a washington outsider 1,texas environmentalists lobby for solar-powered electric chair 0,mind-body therapies to ease insomnia 0,bare-handed miracles (pt 1 of 3) 0,5 signs that you should end your relationship 0,does japan need to be involved in the middle east? 1,jenna elfman mentally prepares answer to inevitable question about her outfit 1,employees given list of doctors shitty enough to accept company's health insurance plan 1,5 million illegal immigrants to realize dreams of having deportation deferred 1,"cnn headline news reporter unafraid to face the cold, hard factoids" 0,read live updates on the cnn democratic debate 0,cooking off the cuff: italian rice and sausage (let's not call it risotto) 0,kim kardashian urges all parents to 'do something' in wake of recent shootings 1,"I am sure you meant ""mediate"" instead of ""medicate"" ? Or, is OSU a medical school? Or, did you know the man was off his meds? Exactly what does your rant mean other than you are so frustrated if you hear of a shooting in a Republic of over 3 million it drives you batty? How many kids drowned in 5 gallon buckets between your two posts? How many in car wrecks? How many from blunt objects or knives? Actually, death by guns is far down the list so why is it you go bananas when you hear of a shooting even if someone is killed or not? You do understand there are justifiable shootings also?" 1,newly released female iraqi prisoners offered playboy spread 0,ted cruz is trying and failing to weasel out of his obamacare duplicity 0,people really like kanye's new song 'real friends' because it's really g.o.o.d. 1,area doctor: 'mylanta' 1,riaa bans telling friends about songs 0,"Don't those science writers make things so clear for you people who have no idea of what science is or how it works?Actually, what is tested is the hypothesis. It is tested by making a prediction of a necessary observation and then devising a test of the prediction. Only when the hypothesis is supported should it be called a theory." 1,greenspan to play 15 unannounced small-club shows 1,"It's easy for people too lazy to work for a living to protest in order to get others to pay their bills. :p Psssst! Did you know that the initiators of this were members of the CHRISTIAN Group called The Burning Bush?" 1,it easy to tell what area man will look like as skeleton 0,"man allegedly brandishes gun, yells 'all of you should die' to muslim couple" 0,world's oldest yoga teacher says she doesn't plan on 'growing up' 0,"And if there are two competing hypotheses that are actually hard to choose between? As they get closer, it becomes less possible to choose by instinct or testing. A principle comes in handy." 0,"police, muslim leaders join hands in mourning at westminster bridge" 0,michelle obama's daily habit is all about happiness 1,newt gingrich: 'it's an honor to address a crowd that shares my utterly bizarre and unhealthy obsession with hillary clinton' 1,trump warns china not to underestimate his willingness to sacrifice every american's well-being 1,gop attacks christine blasey ford for never coming forward to testify 0,vet sets out to swim mississippi river in memory of fallen soliders 1,groom not about to let some 6-year-old dance with his bride 0,mckinney police officer involved in pool party incident resigns 1,"Oh come on, marc, you can't possibly expect me to swallow that one. Religion, which locked up astronomers? What atheist social policy was geocentrism getting in the way of, hmm? What makes that farce science's fault?" 0,"michelle phan, youtube's 'beauty bestie,' empowers women from the outside in" 0,nancy pelosi suggests donald trump get his mental health checked 0,"And we do. In some phyla, most of the partially-formed examples still exist. You can find them in mollusks, for example." 0,all the harry potter makeup you need to look as good as hermione 1,latest austin powers movie opens in theaters 0,obama's legacy is proving far harder to erase than trump imagined 1,You don't understand words; why the hell was I thinking you'd understand numbers? emoticonXRolleyes 1,rick gates fondly recalls manafort finding him as hapless street urchin and teaching him how to pickpocket 1,And the funeral dirge of the Left and comparisons to Nazi Germany and/or the collapse of the Roman Empire will begin in 3....2..... 0,why the south carolina church rampage represents a terrorist threat worse than isis 1,"but you too are a figment of my imagination, and you only think you are a giant alien dreaming about this world because i imagined you as such. you cannot disprove this either." 0,equal pay won't happen as long as employers ask for salary histories 1,clinton already working on follow-up book casting blame for failures of first 0,the anti-gay right can't run forever from its history of bigotry 0,deadly stabbing attack at maryland prayer center 1,crude but functional starbucks hewn from rock facing 0,joy behar responds to michael flynn guilty plea with pure joy 0,miley cyrus' 'wrecking ball' could be kelly clarkson's best cover yet 0,10 biggest 'white girl problems' in literature 0,Please define complexity. Please define information. Both definitions should be relevant to biology. 1,old photographs reveal grandmother never that attractive 1,wealthy father nervously waits for response after sending donations to son's top college choices 0,Well do you mean Texas or Texans? Because Texas holds the record for execusions in the US. Not something I'd be proud of. 0,celebrities mourn anne meara on twitter after news of her death 1,roy moore on pedophilia accusers: 'these women are only discrediting me now because shifting sociocultural norms have created an environment in which assault allegations are taken seriously' 0,Finally someone answered the question. Thanks. I thought it might be the government.Does your government attempt to do this?What do you think about other democratic nations that have citizens that are less armed? Do you think that they're in danger - or is it only the American government that's out to do this? 0,glass ceiling. glass closet. glass cubicle. this is living? 0,teen accepted into 113 colleges chooses full ride to hbcu 0,I believe once you have the rights granted persons that they may not be taking away because you are asleep or in a coma. Not unless of course it can be shown that higher brain activity has ceased and there is no reasonable expectation that it could return 0,bacon-scented undies mean all your panty problems are cured 0,chaka khan collaborates with terri lyne carrington on sinatra's 'i'm a fool to want you' 0,trump hints at obamacare replacement that would look nothing like what republicans have in mind 1,"so you have appropiated for yourself the sacrifice of others. Archie, you are a thief of the worst kind. Shame on you, don't you know God is watching you ? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,dorito-factory employee can't get cool-ranch smell out of clothes 0,trump's support for punishing qatar is misguided 1,wine cooler goes straight to dental-office receptionist's head 0,serena williams: 'doctors aren't listening' so black women are dying 0,"death toll in romania fire rises to 41, ex-mayor arrested" 1,"Why? Do you read Chinese? How about ancient Mayan? Since it has no meaning to you, is it not information? Your ability to understand the information does not affect whether or not it's information. It's also counter to your non-material entitity stance. How can something non-material have a meaning or a purpose? Waxy" 0,an american tragedy 0,why i took my baby to #millionsmarchsf 1,report: 99% of employees would use boss as human shield in event of workplace attack 0,dog with skin condition has a strange past 1,study: 84% of couples who walk around exploring new neighborhood never make it home 1,penis enlargement pills tested on dog 1,long john silver's customer finds deep-fried poseidon head in value meal 1,now you can see into your future. and it's pretty darn scary. 1,target 'dorm room essentials' aisle being browsed exclusively by 30-year-old men with studio apartments 0,Oh joy another drive by with absolutely no proof or evidence. 0,"Well, there certainly is here with these cats, because they're not actually inheriting a trait; the symptoms are being independently induced in all the cats, parents and offspring, by denying them all particular nutrients." 1,"Now marc, that just isn't fair. They believe in freedom of speech.... if you agree with them. I just find it difficult agreeing with secular humanists. emoticonXSmilie emoticonXAngel" 0,the best rooftop bars in the u.s. 1,scientists theorize what would happen if they touched a cloud 0,"Hmm, while she is right at the first point, the second doesn't follow." 0,the perfect little tea cake to kick off fall 0,the uptown beggar 0,So the founding fathers and their work is basicy viewed as an authority based on their competence? 0,the vatican's spectacular christmas stamps 1,"I'm going to assume you misunderstood my post because I don't think you are an giving you the benefit of the doubt let me retrace the series of events. Matthew S. Stated that when people say ""We believe marriage is between a man and a woman."" think that gays are not citizens. I then returned a question saying ""if someone if 6 and can't marry are they going to 'not be citizens' as well?"". The logic behind that question is not to say that gays are 6 year olds but rather that gays are citizens just like a 6 yr old even if both can't marry. In other words, marriage doesn't make you a citizen or not...unless you think 6yr olds are citizens as well. Trying to make it seem like I made a statement out of a question is foolish and should be avoided." 0,"u.s. military: firefight with taliban caused civilian deaths, but troops acted in self-defense" 1,"'please hold while i send you through to mr. gilmore,' says jim gilmore inside empty campaign office" 0,chairman of house committee on homeland security wants to review trump's refugee order 0,fbi probes hackers targeting democratic officials' phones 1,"Whose culture are we talking about, here? I thought I was a member of the culture. What am I, chopped liver?" 1,grandma in nursing home starts adorable little sexual relationship 0,"Because you seem to lose sight of that with your whackjob ideas. Case in point ""The manufacturer would have to know where to point LE"" now you have the manufacturer involved in law enforcement. Would you have the big 3 involved in pointing out to LE who last bought their products involving drive bys and vehicular homicide? You have no clue as to how the whole process works yet you are going to put your oar in and muddy the process. Here's a small lesson for you. The manufacturers of firearms don't sell to dealers. They sell to distributors who in turn sell to dealers. You are still lacking any valid proof that the law abiding are the problem. " 1,mike pence clearly went to ash wednesday services dozens of times 0,great science fiction isn't just about facts. it's about imagination. 0,"Actually, this guy was an ex-con. It's illegal for a convicted felon to own firearms. Galileo actually helped us more than he helped you. This proves once again that criminals will always refuse to surrender their weapons." 0,"They have changed. For example, ancient examples of coelacanth were shallow water species, while the modern coelacanth is a deep marine species (actually, two or three species). And the differences are enough to put them in different families.By the way, ark guy, what do you know about taxonomy?" 0,spicer denies that ending maternity care guarantee would mean women pay more for health care 1,"Yeah, so catholics in Mass. will ignore everything that Jesus Christ and the RCC teaches............... I can tell your not a Catholic and know nothing about the RC religion............" 0,"sex abuse survivor quits pope's commission, citing 'shameful' resistance" 0,montreal's osm concludes couche-tard virée classique with record attendance 1,"'that first date is going terribly,' think diners watching couple celebrate 5th anniversary" 0,leadership: 'strong and wrong' over 'weak and right?' 1,"Not really. It just means that Homo erectus was around in Africa 200,000 and 125,000 years ago. So some of them stayed around in Africa. What's your point?" 1,grieving nation solemnly waits extra day for their amazon shit 1,report: anxiety disorders induced by trump presidency not covered under gop health bill 0,"snoop dogg to perform at dnc, courtesy of big pharma" 1,nation too terrified to look at what trump's recent rise in polls attributed to 1,woman knew ever since age 40 she didn't want children 1,"emoticonXDonno You aren't seriously going to deny the homophobia in sports by pointing to a FEMALE dominated area, are you? " 1,man pushed off plate of chicken wings by larger male 1,instant gratification sped up 1,john kelly denies any knowledge of staffer's misconduct that will break in few month's time 1,"Wow Archie, way to suck the fun out of something. Let me use your words here: " 1,"Hey - you're the one who condones sinful, illicit gay-sex sodomy, which God himself calls a perversion, so you're the one who is spiritually and historically challenged. You're right in step with Satan, though, so you can really feel proud of that. LOL! Romans 1:26-27" 1,man trying to get out of executioner duty 0,adorable kids ask pharrell hard-hitting questions about his new book 'happy' 1,"Oh, sorry, I didn't think that was a serious answer. Thanks." 1,last remaining ivory-billed woodpecker really squandering species' final weeks 1,"singing, dancing man just getting started" 1,"Nothing is wrong with spelling it out if I actually wrote out the verse for you. But since I copy and pasted it from the source, I saw no reason to. I obviously mistakenly figured you could figure out which book it was taken from. SORRY... emoticonXRolleyes Blue Letter Bible - Book of Joshua 24 (NKJV - New King James Version)" 0,"I think the problem is, some people believe that gun control, any gun control, is one step closer to the total surrender of all guns. My belief on this is that every time someone calls for repeal of gun control laws or opposes the new gun control laws, it fuels the anti-gun extremists to call for the total ban on all guns. If we cannot make and enforce common sense gun control laws that both sides can agree on, neither side will ever stop. If a buy back was ever proposed in America, very few guns would be sold. If guns were banned all together, only the law abiding people will give up their guns, and anyone who does not will unfortunately become a criminal." 0,jon snow has been battling white walkers while wearing an ikea rug 1,last month apparently women's history month 1,emotional elon musk recalls spending entire birthday working on concepts for mistreating employees 0,dems call for investigation into group behind planned parenthood 'sting' videos 0,See above. Give kids credit. You give them a bogus answer and they will know. We have got to stop treating sex like a dirty little secret. 1,You and your spiritually-challenged friends are obviously too stupid to understand the difference between a cult and Biblical Christianity. 0,two cnn anchors are moving to new york 0,Said like a cruel evil person who has no concern for his fellow man. 0,rescue animals get the help they need thanks to online donations 0,tesla announces major upgrade to original roadster 0,california extends state worker travel ban to 4 'discriminatory' states 0,sarah palin defends curt schilling: 'espn continues to screw up' 0,this teacher is weary 1,man parallel parking tries to leave enough room between cars to infuriate other drivers into just giving up 0,the magical dolphins of slovenia 1,area man's biggest accomplishment not ever killing anyone with his car 1,actress leaves porn past behind with new cinemax erotic thriller 1,bush calls incumbency key issue of campaign 0,why is the self-defense narrative so powerful for gun owners? 1,unlikely team of allies unite to take on airport gate agent 0,a mild-mannered woman from washington is the democrats' deadliest weapon 0,here's some new gay slang and terminology to brighten your sunday 0,the best flatirons for every price point 1,company you've never heard of wants to reward you for your good credit 0,how pakistan's unregulated madrassa system sows religious strife 1,"'i look forward to ending my life,' says assisted suicide advocate before being shot out of cannon at brick wall" 1,wedding dj finally gets the chance to listen to some black eyed peas on his own time 0,families of japanese-american civil rights leaders join legal fight against travel ban 1,obama asks biden not to stand so close 1,woman happy to have such good takeout places she can call when feeling low 0,paddle into history in the first los angles river boat race 1,lunatic realizes thing he screamed in middle of street earlier not entirely true 1,brutalist beaver constructs paul rudolph-inspired dam 1,woman still holding onto hope that toxic friendship could blossom into a toxic relationship 1,congress raises livestock minimum wage to $6.50 per hour 0,supreme court hears arguments in major privacy rights case 1,advertising firm unveils new mute-resistant commercials 0,photos show aftermath of colombia's deadly floods 1,savings passed on to local woman 1,"vanilla ice, mc hammer co-sign apartment lease" 1,pence spends 621st straight sinful day coveting his neighbor's job 0,retirement savings actually fell over the past year 0,trevor noah has a mind blowing theory about sean hannity 0,ellen goes hetero for halloween! 1,manager slits own throat after realizing some members of company not on same page 0,let's get trump's evangelical council to resign 0,race is on to find treatment for mystery illness paralyzing children 1,"bonobo embarrassed after walking in on parents, siblings, cousins, friends, partner having sex" 1,breaking: aclu hard as a fucking rock right now 1,amazing affleck brothers dazzle oscars audience with high-flying trapeze routine 1,line to meet sarah palin goes straight through mall fountain 0,5 facts about life i've realized this year 0,another thing colin powell said in those leaked emails? dick cheney is an idiot. 0,7 times we needed to hear taraji p. henson keep it real 0,we'd like to get our hands on these stephen colbert 'col-bears' 0,el salvador upholds three-decade prison term for woman who suffered stillbirth 0,only one president had the guts to say the state of the union is 'not good' 0,john kerry says that the u.s. will have to negotiate with syrian president bashar al-assad 1,man doesn't get why people waste money on therapist when they could just emotionally crush girlfriend 1,"cat looking out window, bird form unbelievably intense fifth-of-a-second bond" 1,freshness escaping from bag of peas 1,53-inch child thrown from roller coaster regrets nothing 1,single diner in empty restaurant asked to move to smaller table 1,gop promotes carly fiorina to male candidate after strong debate showing 0,the supreme court has had enough of the lethal injection debate 1,How uninteresting must that be for you to intentionally spend time annoying people on the internet? 1,u.s. falls short of success 0,obama responds to charlottesville violence with a quote from nelson mandela 0,"man dies after telling police who chased him 'i can't breathe,' sources say" 1,paul ryan grudgingly impressed by angry protester who's matched his running pace for 9 miles 0,steven avery has no doubts he'll be a free man again after nephew's conviction overturned 0,"Yes, it's very subjective. I was using evil as an example that was incorrectly used on the website. Even though evil is subjective, you can still be evil. (you can do evil to take away your goodness, but the only way to make yourself colder is by removing your heat, not adding ""cold"") No, but there is proof that it's that way, which can be seen through a combination of personal experience and the experiences of others. The classic example about seeing that the Earth is round is that of the horizon. Why do ships appear to sink as they approach it?" 1,department of housing and urban development issues report just to keep name out there 1,greyhound launches new in-bus magazine 0,"This can only be plausible if the victims were killed before they reproduced. But, still evolutionary psychology is tenously at best called ""science."" Just as most of psychology IMO is barely science, if at all." 0,"""eco-warrior"" vandana shiva, at $40,000 a speech, rejoins hawaii anti-gmo crusade, but truth is the victim" 1,widower just doesn't have energy to waltz with dead wife's dress tonight 1,paramedics didn't realize how hard it would be to cut drunk woman out of elmo costume 0,"This question is premised on an untenable assumption: that people should not be allowed to vote on particular issues. This premise is clearly not true in any democratic society, and is especially not true in the United States. In the United States, it is a contradiction in terms to say someone is not allowed to vote on X. I have demonstrated this before, and yet the same silly question keeps coming up." 0,trump administration increasingly at odds with u.s. intelligence community 1,man not sure what to do about vet's request for dog-urine sample 0,gop moderates plot way out of house budget mess 1,frantic steve jobs stays up all night designing apple tablet 0,let's change the conversation from climate change to 'shared benefits' 1,school janitor's summer as human already a distant memory 1,drunken episode a repeat 0,obama: black lives matter activists have legitimate concerns 0,one hint about how to form a new habit (don't overthink it) 0,how discriminatory immigration policy affects the unborn 0,5 real ways to actually support black-owned businesses 1,"christie describes isis as grave, towering, meaty threat to u.s. while staring at diner patron's corned beef sandwich" 0,"chinese reporter rolled her eyes on state television, and social media users can't deal" 1,new york philharmonic hosts open-mic night 1,executioner enters lethal injection room with bag from home depot 1,epa urges flint residents to stop dumping tap water down drain 0,4 ways to survive your darkest days 1,"Or better yet, try doing your homework before making posts. It would 1) allow you to make sense of all that crazy technical jargon, 2) spare Urvogel and trouble of tearing them to pieces and you the embarassment of having to sit through it. Just a honest suggestion. -GFA" 1,absolutely disgusting shower curtain liner has another 3 years left in it 0,And this is evidence of creation... how? Please provide an explanation and a reference for how this is evidence of creation. Thank you! :-) 1,report: suddenly remembering to sit up straight once a month best way to keep back healthy into old age 0,it isn't easy being a 'humane' slaughterhouse 0,"If same sex couples are offered equal rights under a PACS (or some other legally recognized union) as married couples, why does it matter which ""door"" they come in through? They get all the same benefits, including the benefits that come when one partner dies.What's the beef...except that you can't say that you're ""married""?" 0,how san antonio's dominant defense is fueling title hopes 1,former president carter sole attendee at 1997 solar power summit 0,hurricane nicole wreaks havoc on bermuda 1,william barr assures senate he will let donald trump finish his job without any interference 1,new nba starter jackets to come with unwanted pregnancies 0,"drunk naked man streaks at women's march, pays the price" 0,"I believe you mean pro-choice, don't you. A pro-life mod might agree with you." 0,gop sticks it to obama with one more gitmo vote 0,never to be forgotten - a year on from chibok 1,man eating mcchicken sandwich can tell mcdonald's switched up antibiotics 1,selfish missouri voters reject anti-union law after everything bosses have done for them 1,cocksucker beats up motherfucker 0,"This is not the case, not exactly. The Constitution in the United States makes it clear that a citizen is born (or naturalized) and SCOTUS determined any reference to 'person' has never and was never intended to apply pre-natally. If you mean morally... morals cannot be proven one way or another anyway. Prove it. Murder, by definition, must be illegal to be murder. Abortion is not illegal. It is not a risk. You will be denying women. I think the fact of denying women choice in the matter is worse than the risk you speak of. Disingenuous. You are ignoring the myriad of options open to a woman with a born child. In civilized society, with any amount of reasonable effort, a woman can find another to care for a born child. The morality is absolutely not comparable." 1,senile mother a broken novelty record 0,donald trump to begin fundraising 'right away' 1,international aids conference attendees receive complimentary gift bag full of awesome aids gear 0,am i the only virgin in college? 0,here's what happens when a spouse who identified as straight comes out as lgbt 1,"if someone chopped off your best friends head right in front of you, would they be deserving of the death penalty?" 1,"I just bet you thought you were smart just now? I'll go you several... How about: 1. Murder 2. Stealing 3. Adultery 4. Rape Almost every culture since the dawn of civilization has put to death those who have trespassed those basics. But I guess you didn't get that on the Recovery Channel huh? Your idiocy is profound only as your ignorance." 0,3 tips for coping with grief during the holidays 1,family upgrades to shells & cheese 0,"from athens to the u.s., this greek startup wants to make hiring easier" 0,the very nonsensical trump budget proposal 1,man straight-up demands to know how many siblings coworker has 0,gop senator really doesn't want to talk about donald trump 1,ryan chugs down rhino horn and bull semen shake for mid-debate boost 0,dolphins chatter more when solving tricky tasks 1,wave of dread makes rare daytime appearance 1,"No evidence for all the major links in the ""story"" eh? Okay then, you define some ""major links"" and then we will look at the evidence." 1,man beginning to worry that best meals already behind him 0,"No. In 1996 there was a shooting massacre in Port Arthur, in the countries south. The new government had just been voted in, and it was their first act, right on the back of this massacre, to tighten gun laws up significantly. Riding on the back of public horror at the massacre, it was rushed through, approved by both the upper and lower houses, and made law." 0,16 ways to be a better spouse in 2016 0,china's aircraft carrier enters south china sea amid renewed tensions 1,area man to make fun of dancing for a bit before nervously joining in 1,boxing coach wishes just once he could mentor someone who has already fully worked through childhood trauma 1,"And I'd hate to let you sneak across your dishonesty, distortions, disingenuous, and unsupported false assertions." 0,our new mother within 1,"So if it was deemed by 'those with the knowledge that give their opinion weight' that a fetus can feel pain and stress during a termination you would agree that the termination should not be carried out..well done " 0,"comey: trump wouldn't shut up about the inauguration crowd to me, either" 0,sharon tate's sister rips 'tacky' hilary duff film about manson family murder 0,"Another lie. The sentence you've quoted never made any such argument." 0,how to future proof your workplace 0,kate mara's angelic emmy dress nails it 0,"What does adoption have to do with being pro choice or life? I thought that the waiting list was years and years long to get a baby. (Not trying to argue, just don't understand)" 0,"why soccer matters, and why your opinion about it doesn't" 1,man with stupid breaks off co-dependent relationship 0,"i'm a republican, but this isn't the tax reform our country needs" 1,"so you are into pommy bashing now? mae honey, is there anybody you don't like? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,dormant supervolcano underneath yellowstone figures now as good a time as any 0,"waking, dreaming, being" 0,mitch mcconnell says elections are 'not an excuse' for senators to skip work 1,chinese citizens observe 25-year moment of silence for tiananmen square massacre 1,ghost of alvah roebuck enjoying the hell out of sears' decline 0,meet the amazing woman who created her family of 7 sons through adoption 0,connecticut governor says gun restrictions passed after newtown shooting earned him support 0,late night hosts gave donald trump the best gags for his 71st birthday 1,"sweating, shaking pharmaceutical ceo says he can stop profiting off opioid epidemic anytime he wants" 0,baron hill is running for senate. will he run clean? 0,pokemon go leads players into intimacy boutique 1,group of hunky cardinals appeal to pope to relax celibacy requirement 0,oil tanker explosion kills 146 people in pakistan 1,AHHHH the last piece of the puzzle. I now understand you better. 1,drunk driver honored 0,trans teen gavin grimm responds to laverne cox shout out at the grammys 1,"If that's the criteria, then it must be Islam and Roman Catholicism in the Final Days. Of course, the Mormons are mightily proselytizing away. They might make a billion yet." 0,australia's deputy prime minister resigns amid mounting scandals 0,welcome to a new era of activism 0,"Yes, but all concepts of right or wrong are subjective." 0,"Actually, you don't have to have FAITH in science. Good science demands you test it. Repeatedly. That vast majority of religion demands you accept it without question." 0,"wildfires are the 'new reality' for california, gov. brown warns" 1,longtime sexual fantasy awkwardly fulfilled 1,botanists discover trees are all slowly trying to strangle each other 0,local actions lead the global efforts to address climate change 0,these backseat taxi photos are an incredible fashion time capsule 0,"oh, now we're getting somewhere. Explain more, please. Oh, and some evidence of incremental modifications would be nice too." 1,j.crew debuts new line of stylish casualwear for mannequins 1,"We've posted this excellent piece before. The anti-gay crowd (even the anti-gays who surreally style themselves as ""pro-gay"" -- so they can bash gays and still get into heaven...they think) NEVER respond to it, so thoroughly does it explode all their pitiful ""arguments.""" 1,area man excited to hear girlfriend has been doing a lot of thinking 0,why dying in america is harder than it has to be 0,"So you made the point on the interpretation of a legal document. The point is it is okay to illegalise abortion regardless of the reasons for doing so. Thinking outside of our current example can you not see the glaring problem with such an approach? I hope you can because the consequences of accepting such a philosophy are dire indeed.However, returning to our original point, that being the former part of the proposed Bill's title I'd like some supporting evidence. I have pointed out the issue's with Steeeeve's citation, so hope you have something else to offer." 0,5 ways to really help a divorcing friend 0,"i couldn't love myself, so i loved my self-judgment" 1,'you did great!' terrified personal assistant tells clint eastwood 0,these influential marijuana users defy the stoner stereotype 1,supreme court understudy fills in for scalia 1,"Oh gosh , a whole bunch of cut/pastes from a 14 year old that is showing off their lack of knowledge. These are not unknown situations, and are very easily explained." 1,grumblethor the mischievous pleased with mayhem his magical antics have wrought upon white house–fbi relations 1,report: smart car terrible for doughnuts 0,"Not at all. The issue is receiving the marriage benefits. If gays were given all of the benefits of marriage for just living together, we wouldn't have a fight at all as you would have gotten what you want. It isn't the marriage that is important to you but the benefits. And the debate in Italy of singles who live together seeking marriage benefits also is a good example of the can of worms that will be opened if society concedes to the gay crusaders the undue rights they are demanding.Why is it absolutely impossible for you to reply to an issue without first redefining it to fit your warped World view? Have you no objectivity within you at all?" 1,ryan lochte now changing account of events going back years before robbery 1,friend gearing up to hate the hulk 0,what does honolulu's urban development really mean? 1,john bolton urges war against the sun after uncovering evidence it has nuclear capabilities 0,kids' adorable observations about the world may have been crucial to their survival 1,report: one in five women training to be yoga instructors 0,here's what 'all my life' singers k-ci & jojo look like now 1,stupid 16-year-old completely wasting adderall prescription on mental health 0,bernie sanders and mike lee want a fight with the saudis. trump's working to stop them. 1,city terrorized but unimpressed by serial killer who just shoots victims 1,"Here's yet another link: Fuzzy logic does not refute classic logic, it's therefore irrelevant. Your claim is not fuzzy. Knowable NOT knowable. 1 0 Yet you persist in misrepresenting what I post. Stick to the topic, stop railing on about false claims and other topics. ======================= So your scientific claims are bunk, red herrrings, THAT I HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED TO. If you wish to hang onto one of them DO SO. Continue to debate how chaos theory applies to your claim. We can debate further, but you ignore my response, then come back 5 posts later and misrepresent what I post. STOP. Where is your follow-on about fuzzy logic? YOU DID NOT CONTINUE TO DEBATE THE POINT. You dropped it, only to pop up later and claim, dishonestly, that I ignored it. -Mach" 0,uncovered california: community college students' quest for mental health services 0,trump administration proposes massive expansion of offshore drilling 1,job placement service helps students who fail out of dad's alma mater find work at dad's company 0,song and dance for leprosy education 0,"on memorial day, a look inside the lives of u.s. service members in afghanistan" 0,trump refugee order dashes hopes of iraqis who helped the u.s. 0,the single american woman 0,hillary clinton hits trump administration for approach to lgbtq issues 1,affair to threaten whatever it is john edwards does for a living 1,"Simone, read the sentence again please. It was ""Saving lives is ""not just"" a Republican goal."" It concerns the subject of abortion. The only way it relates to the politics of Iraq, is that abortionist would rather kill our kids before they get to ""volunteer"" their services for Iraq. I can't let one statement you made go though. Terrorist continue to terrorize us? Where have they attacked in the U.S. since 9-11? Consider continuing this in an appropriate thread." 1,"""feminazi groups"", eh. Sounds like a Dittohead. Do you worship at the shrine of Lord Gush Limpbutt?emoticonXClown" 1,What's the matter? Can't anybody in KC afford to have 2 cars? emoticonXWow 1,loyal dog waits 2 full hours before consuming dead owner's face 1,national dialogue dusted off 0,"clinton will weigh in on trade deal 'when it's final,' campaign says" 1,This is begging so many darn quesions it's boggling my mind! 0,bill maher rips jeffrey lord for denying russia influenced the election 0,"#metoo and ""legitimate rape""" 0,anti-abortion governor ironically tweets about the importance of 'choice' 1,And it is heat that resets the clock. Thus it is volcanic rock and ash that can be dated most reliably. 1,"bearded, keffiyeh-clad jared kushner avoids conflict of interest by joining saudi royal family" 1,trump dismisses trump as a distraction 1,nation's economists quietly evacuating their families 1,webster's reluctantly adds 'melty' to english lexicon 1,"Sorry but I don't read your posts, do you think I worship your word or something? " 0,10 ludicrous things republicans have actually said about health 1,man trying to remember how that music they used to play before hbo movies went 0,It use to be a beautiful city and great liberty for a navy man................I was at Treasure Island in the early sixties waiting for a flight from Travis AFB to Subic bay in the PI.......Spent a week there....Had a great time.........You would not recognize the place now.......... 1,woman getting stood up on first date got all drunk for nothing 0,white house responds to sexual misconduct allegations against roy moore 1,that guy from that one show in rehab 0,should you be wearing underwear with your workout leggings? 0,9 parking garage designs that are works of art 0,"It still doesn't make sense to say that 6000 years ago was when it happened. If you believe in the biblical god then presumably you believe in prophecy, which mandates that god created the whole of time and space as one. It's a non-sequitur to say it happened 6000 years ago; that would be like you asking me 'when was that wall built?' and me replying 'Halfway along'." 1,mom much more insistent about getting grandkids from one child than other 1,high school nurse getting pretty good at spotting morning sickness 0,"Actually it started when they wrote the consitution - you can practice your religion, but you can't make me do it or even give a flying monkeys XXX about it." 0,scientific research just won a huge victory in the age of trump. here's how. 1,chicago's annual homicide drive off to most promising start in decades 0,stunning health benefits of cotton candy proposed 1,netanyahu feeling like trip to us to start world war iii went pretty well 0,teen football recruit makes bold statement about black lives at training camp 0,the most feminist white house in history just made one of its last moves on equal pay 0,lessons from my father: education is the key to success 0,"in the 'bad moms christmas' trailer, the bad moms' moms are crashing the party" 0,florida man sentenced for running over ducks with lawnmower 0,30 reasons to give thanks to horses 1,fda recommends the blue marlin 0,I wouls also add that humans have been able to make CHIHUAHUAs and Irish wolf hounds from wolves. 0,"Because Africa isn't one big homogeneous ecosystem. There are jungles, plains, deserts, swamps. Himps living in the jungle weren't in competition with himps that started migrating out onto the plains. Their food sources are different, their territories are different. The more suited to plains-dwelling we became, the less attractive a prospect it was to return to the jungle. Pretty straightforward, really." 0,"And who is the 'WE' that we trust? The scientists or the theologians, who disagree with each other? I am curious for it on my own account.. and not willing just to accept someone's authority saying it happened one way or another." 0,how educating a market can grow your small business 0,donald trump fired his campaign manager. the mystery is why it took this long. 0,chilling report details myanmar's horrific campaign against rohingya minority 0,"netflix, disney and school choice" 1,I don't think it's a cover-up. I think that it's a conspiracy between the black helicopters and the aliens beaming suggestions to those without the foil-lined hats on. :) 1,trump complains about overly complicated controls needed to operate modern-day doors 1,texas governor legalizes previously banned wrestling move 0,lots of parents know this scenario 1,jim lehrer forced to report on his own botched debate moderator performance on tonight's 'newshour' 0,the 30 best workplaces to retire from 0,libertarian candidate embraces his role as spoiler in pennsylvania election 0,"school aide fed pet treats to 75 students, claimed they were cookies: report" 0,"happy new year, president trump: the hunt for silver linings" 0,i photograph to remember 0,"Falling, the fact that the homeschoolers you mentioned don't choose to socialize with you, doesn't mean they're not far more capable of functioning in the ""REAL WORLD"" than you might think. I would not choose to socialize with you in the ""REAL WORLD"", and you most likely would not choose to socialize with me, but that does not make me your social inferior!" 1,"war on string may be unwinnable, says cat general" 1,cockatiel can't take a punch 1,kushner frantically searching desk drawer for bold solutions to today's most pressing issues 0,"9,000 animals rescued from 'worst torture operation' in the u.s." 1,"Oh, I think you take delight in spelling it out in excruciating detail. Otherwise, you'd reply on point. " 0,metta world peace thinks that matt barnes fight factored into derek fisher's firing 1,possum gazes longingly at family walking dog 1,universe feels zero connection to guy tripping on mushrooms 1,embarrassed jcpenney announces all it's sold in past year is two fleece jackets and a scattergories game 0,the outrageous dessert you can make in a slow cooker 0,"before we go to far, what is a WMD? the defination is a little inexact." 0,'boo 2! a madea halloween' leads a sluggish weekend at the box office 0,12 hilarious truths of raising kids 1,And so goes the fact you're more than willing to let rapists and murderers go free. 0,"amid an industry boom, incarceration for weed still threatens black women" 0,report: nurse who fought ebola quarantine to leave maine 0,ten great latino books published in 2015 1,"study reveals 93% of americans don't know their congressperson truly, utterly, the way only two souls entwined can" 1,les moonves doesn't know how he going to tell wife he didn't get $120 million bonus 0,"monday matters: adorable kitten and dog grow up together, the white house celebrates marriage equality and a psa for forgiveness" 1,gop announces plan to go after obamacare 0,here's a complete rundown of what happened at the second presidential debate 0,'p is for p*ssy' is the alphabet book of your wet dreams 1,university quickly slaps together rinky-dink ceremony for anyone graduating in december 0,dallas police chief who guided force during sniper attack to retire 0,"You're debating something that is no longer an option. You're arguing on the grounds of debunked precedent, as if the previous interpretations of the Second Amendment are somehow still viable. Well they aren't anymore, arguing old standing is no longer going to be an option for you or anyone else. All of your previous arguments have been eliminated from the equation. It's time to either evolve to meet the changing landscape, or go extinct like the dinosaurs." 0,barack obama's endorsement couldn't come at a better time for hillary clinton 0,3 lessons medicine learned from the life and death of 'bubble boy' 1,"area man much happier, more relaxed since joining cult" 0,nba stars send thoughts and prayers to lamar odom 1,kinky recessive gene loves being dominated 0,german anti-immigrant party sees gains after terrorist attacks 0,"Sure. The outcome of Heller vs DC and Florida Shall - Issue laws support that statement. According to Brady logic, the more helpless you are, the safer you are from criminals." 0,It's evidence of EAM. Probably she comes from a large family. Her mother always had her hands full and was on her feet day and night. 1,area father beginning to suspect 3-year-old a real ding-dong 0,vulnerable republicans just showed why fighting for trans rights is a political winner 1,'game of thrones' producers reveal series moved beyond show's written script halfway through current season 0,"But the belief that 'its gotten us far' is itself a 'scientific' type belief, in fact it has less proof on the empirical assumptions than the science itself. Justifying the validity of experience by experience is the intellectual equivalent of saying'God must exist, because God is good and would not allow a world without God'." 0,anderson cooper briefly speechless when gop strategist swears he's never heard trump lie 1,actual governing to resume 1,Well I know that's where your people got their start. Right out of the left rear flank of a large fore-headed knuckle-dragger. 1,olympic bronze medalist to appear in flintstones on ice 1,guy who got laid off just glad multi-national corporation will make it 0,24 odd things that happen when you absolutely love running 1,"Well, when the people who market prayer come up with evidence that it works as described, let us know! As a meditation technique, it might work fine, who knows, but then, so do many other methods. " 1,cosmopolitan releases 5 sexy helen gurley brown obituaries to drive your man wild 0,"rover runs into trouble, turns back" 0,"Aside from this being completly wrong, it is quite compelling. You make a good point in regard to an organism's form only making sense in relation to its environment. Of course, this is a cornerstone of evolutionary theory. Organisms that are more successful in a certain environment will reproduce and be the ones present in said environment. It actually is possible to look at genes without the context of the orginal creature. This is why we can move genes from one organism and place them in another. Given a complete understanding of molecular biology, we could contruct any form of organism we desired from scratch." 1,abc reannounces cancellation of 'mr. sunshine' just to destroy matthew perry a little more 1,teen weirded out after running over english teacher outside of school 1,"Again, you missed what I was saying. I didn't say there was a connection between killing and gay marriage. Only stating the fact that there are murders which are done because someone's hatred towards gays. PS. Just because you elude to a Marine mind set doesn't mean I didn't catch your intent. Let me just add this, ""If it weren't for us, you jarheads wouldn't get anywhere."" :p" 1,after-work drinks enter third excruciating minute 1,college newspaper staff know exactly how they would respond if editorial freedom challenged 1,trump gives intelligence agencies their daily briefing 1,weekend encounter with coworker never acknowledged 1,sentient couch thinks it would look good over by the window 0,how to turn your phone into a cosmic ray detector 1,political scientists reassure americans that stripping minorities of citizenship usually where descent into fascism peters out 0,nurses endure a shocking amount of violence on the job 0,will foot fetishists foot the bill for nsfw new toy? 0,after celebrating: the hard work of lgbt equality continues 1,clinton's head sawed off 1,senator to try submitting rejected bill to canadian parliament 0,9 printable mother's day cards for procrastinators 1,bush texting while mahmoud abbas speaks 0,neill blomkamp shares new 'alien' concept art on instagram 0,freedom caucus closing in on deal to rewrite health care bill at 11th hour 0,hillary clinton says she did not send classified information in private emails 0,"criminals prefer iphones because they're so secure, police say" 0,if you see a muslim at the airport 1,"I guess we can take ""In God We Trust"" off our money and the courts will be a nightmare, what will they swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on, a Readers Digest? I am sure the Pledge of Allegiance is going to have to be changed also. If we convert to another religion do we get more time? Do the bunnies and puppies and zombie ant making mold take over the world or do we implode or what happens to the planet?" 1,word 'presumptive' prepares for another 4-year hibernation 0,iphone gadget turns any surface into a musical instrument 0,jill soloway has a simple fix for ending hollywood sexism 0,what the marijuana lobby could offer hillary clinton 1,obama reminds nation that he's taking personal day next friday 1,romney tailors nursing home visit to those who will still be alive on election day 0,white house staff secretary rob porter resigns over abuse allegations 1,nation's movie theaters bracing for 'hansel and gretel' being perhaps the biggest hit of all time 0,"following trump's lead, gop shifts from russia revelations to attack on leaks" 1,29-year-old has been going to different friend's wedding every weekend for past 3 years 1,"Ah yes, this is old school Brady here. Wailing on about the evil guns while defending the rapists. Kind of puts is other posts into perspective doesn't it. I think views like this are why Brady had to move to Thailand. Brady, hows the list coming?" 1,"So, it's a proven fact that children denied the act of abortion suffer negative effects? Hmmmmmm" 0,chris christie admits he used birth control 0,robbin' season's true criminal is revealed in the latest episode of 'atlanta' 1,town uglification committee approves new pile of garbage bags 1,report finds average american wastes 77 years of their life not listening to steve winwood's 'the finer things' 1,panicked meteorologists advise entire nation to take cover after losing track of hurricane michael 0,garner's death is a call to action 1,"france, india, brazil among dozens of governments to fall as riots in support of onion social increase globally" 0,how to pick a lifestyle consistent with your passion 1,Oh yeah. Multiply your experience by 50 million non-paying and 12Million illegal people and tell me how happy they'd be to serve you.emoticonXCensored 0,"Excuse me, but you didn't fully read what he wrote. He didn't say that he supported abortion. He said that he wasn't as much a freak about it as you're being." 1,"Look who's talking. Besides, it's a free country. It's not ""Politically Correct Treborville"" that we're playing here." 0,"Oh deary me, no. Where do I even start?The bacteria and enzymes in your gut and intestinal tract that digest food are every bit as microscopic, and they thrive on specific compounds, not elements. Sugars and fats are plain old carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. You could get exactly the same atoms into your body by drinking water and eating graphite - and you'd die. Can you digest cellulose? No - but other animals can, because they have enzymes that can break it down. It's still all just carbon, oxygen and hydrogen - but that's like saying everybody's front door key is just 'brass'. It isn't the fact that it's brass that unlocks your door, it's the shape it's formed into :)" 1,woman preemptively posts a few good photos of herself online just in case she ever dies in shooting 1,"You are aware that words have more than one meaning, right? And that every definition isn't appropriate in every situation? The definition, from, that you should have used is: To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information." 1,friend whose mom just died allowed to pick pizza topping 1,elderly woman relieved to know she's tackled last technological advancement of lifetime 1,trump unable to produce certificate proving he's not a festering pile of shit 0,cops respond to reports of threats and screams... and find the unexpected 0,"letters to california mosques praise donald trump, promise genocide" 1,"university of illinois researchers find link between attending university of illinois, receiving solid education at great price" 1,7-year-old loses respect for shrek after seeing him in burger king commercial 0,stormy daniels has an actress doppelgänger 0,two queens on what it's like to live and breathe drag in wisconsin and new york 0,historic opportunity for the 45th president of the united states 0,o'casey's plays return to stage at philly irish theater 1,lazy minor league promotion just 'baseball night at the stadium' 1,depleted bruegger's bagels gift card living out quiet retirement in wallet's fourth row 0,cuba joins one billion rising to end violence against women 0,5 reasons to love the new york city marathon 1,historical archives: to-day in american history 0,'this is us' is finally going to tell us how jack died 0,daily meditation: finding the sacred 1,coed rec softball team having trouble finding enough hyper-competitive men to ruin experience 1,family members locked in heated bidding war to convince cat to sleep in their bed 0,connecticut to give its electoral college votes to national popular vote victor 0,here's why the fda says you shouldn't use 'produce wash' 0,the washington post's slimy assault on gary webb 0,firefighter who took in friend's 6 kids after he died on 9/11 gets best father's day gift ever 1,"What makes you think I don't. Yours is not the only religion on earth!! And I didn't just jump to the concluision that your soul needed concern, so don't jump to it with me." 1,luxury-craving nation confidently squandering income at pre-2008 levels 1,second life makes dream of owning fictitious coffee shop come true 1,"It's also a noun. But since you're unable but to repeat your self, maybe a few more times will make it 'true'" 1,graduation party more lucrative than planned future career 1,"I once walked into Halbergs office in an effort to borrow a big XY plotter his group had available. Before I left he overwhelmed me with an extended lecture on chronobiology and his current work as well as a large sheath of reprints and reviews. A very vocal advocate of his field (and it WAS his field) and quite a character. Of course I met him in the morning and perhaps he was on a chronobiological peak at the time who can say. Anyway I did get access to the plotter for some chemical work I was doing, and I learned a bit about his work and interests. Productive meeting." 0,pat robertson says he's against vaccination mandates 1,"Somehow I think most people are going to be a lot more comfortable with their kids seeing people in African atire with long hair than with scantily-dressed (or topless) people simulating sex acts. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,japanese businessman found hiding on golf course thinks mid-'80s economic boom still going on 0,judge joe brown begins jail sentence for contempt of court charge 0,"margarita lovers, behold: someone made a cloud that rains tequila" 0,watch a young jennifer lawrence in a high school shakespeare play 1,college residence office gets kick out of pairing up few roommates who will fucking hate each other 1,inspirational poster kitten falls to death after 17 years 0,the latest 'true blood' death was all sookie's fault 1,guinea pig returned for store credit 1,mom on vacation marveling at time difference compared to home 0,"this girl dressed up as michelle obama for school, and michelle loved it" 0,"yoga, mindfulness and weight management" 1,mit scientists perfect $30 million love tester 1,You're out of your depth here kid. Go and clean your push-bike before you go out on your paper's a disgrace! 0,leonardo dicaprio hangs with elephant posse to help save endangered species 0,will smith and alfonso ribeiro had a 'fresh prince' reunion 1,new liver can really handle its scotch 1,unidentified wooden pole leaning against garage wall 0,fifth harmony's lauren jauregui blasts 'toxic' homophobia in poignant twitter exchange 0,terrifying musical number imagines a world without internet 0,wednesday's morning email: trump to meet with mexico's president 1,breaking: waiter picking up napkin with bare hand 1,sports section tragically missing 1,evidence piling up mom slept with one of her college professors 1,"yes, all of those are liberal moves. Unlike you, we know how to use a dictionary." 0,3 little reminders that put love into perspective 1,report: one in three americans will get dessert if someone else does 0,why we should care about changes in the pharmaceutical industry 0,nfl team spends days hiding 'fresh prince of bel-air' lyrics in cryptic tweets 0,how to grill vegetables 1,terrifying mutation killing off u.s. cabinet members one at a time 1,Not even Answers in Genesis thinks that these ideas have any credence. But Mr. Kent Hovind still does. 0,obama photographer trolls vladimir putin with the who lyrics 0,taylor swift was 'the happiest maid of honor ever' at her best friend's wedding 1,"What a shame. Or maybe this is all too complex for you? What if I simplify things? I'll ask you to answer only a single question that is purely substantive and applicable to Divine Command theory: From where does the invisible man get his morals?" 0,an incomplete list of all the ways denzel kills people in 'the equalizer' 1,stuff on floor 1,"Ahh but what if all the shirts have only american flags on them. Would it them be a group of patiotic americans and their children? I mean you do tend to see american flag wear, including tee shirts, everywhere. Would it still be considered a protest if all of them had american flag shirts on them. AHHHH Joe I it hit me of course this is like Ghandis' salt march." 1,"Well, if I could do that, I certaintly wouldn't be spending my time here. emoticonXAgree emoticonXGood" 1,illiterate spirit frustrates ouija- board players 1,iowa aims to keep young people from moving out of state with new 'the stress will kill your mother' retention campaign 1,united airlines offering immigrants special flights that circle u.s. awaiting gaps in travel ban 0,widower finds pic of wife in wedding dress he never got to see her wear 0,What about the similarities between the museum and a church? 1,fat kid just wants to watch you guys play 1,"report: shit, last night was trash night" 0,if the culture fits... what zappos and other employers look for in new hires 1,guy washing hands for full 5 seconds like he's going into surgery 0,8 under-the-radar museums worth visiting 1,dubai completes construction on world's first full-scale replica of dubai 0,how americans get duped into buying endangered animal items 1,"vote, voter wasted" 1,smiling nation takes moment to enjoy thought of what rnc headquarters like right now 1,newlyweds regret saving sex for marriage 0,jimmy fallon shares his thanks for george r.r. martin's new hbo series 0,trump's new medicaid rules aren't about empowering people. they're about punishing the poor. 1,sudden death of aunt creates rupture in family gossip pipeline 1,breaking: no way egypt coming out of this with a functional democracy 0,"Oh. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't recall reading that rule, but it certainly makes sense." 1,fight kind of runs out of steam 15 seconds in 0,congressional hearing goof pulls back the curtain on how washington really works 1,iran promises to end nuclear program in exchange for detailed diagram of atomic bomb 1,bon appétit denies allegations that they responsible for millions of pro-quiche twitter bots 1,"judge restricts roger stone's travel between fox news, infowars studios while released on bond" 0,this comedian makes a solid case for why gatorade should sponsor him 1,report: excitedly bounding into office remains leading cause of workplace injuries 1,'farm aid aid' concert to benefit struggling farm aid concerts 0,meet your 2014 hot dog hero 0,why the new hollywood will never live up to old hollywood 0,"hawaii's politics: surf, aloha aina, and dustin barca" 0,vatican issues first comments on trump's immigration ban 0,disturbing ad shows how trump is teaching students to hate 1,"Oh come on. If those words were hateful, then you need to 'investigate' probably millions of people, because those are pretty normal sentiments. Canada must have a LOT of tax dollars. I don't entirely agree with what he said either, but I think it's downright scary that your govt. investigates something like that." 1,"infomercial host skeptical at first, then delighted by product" 0,has the eu really solved its refugee crisis? 1,town hall audience member asks clinton to quickly pivot away from his question and then state her platform 0,bryan singer asks judge to dismiss sex abuse lawsuit 1,"researchers say that first warning sign of alcoholism generally driving over curb, plowing through fire hydrant, and crashing into aquarium" 0,are there 22 patriotic house republicans? 1,moderator explains that gop will have 2 minutes after every trump response to distance selves from candidate 0,marine le pen literally stole parts of a speech from her rival 1,pillow that survived man's tossing and turning stares frozen in horror at fallen comrade lying on ground 0,the milestone i wasn't ready for 1,pajama-clad child makes turbulent rampage through dinner party 1,I wager 12 cubits that WW has no comprehension of what he just linked to. 0,this is how the republican presidential candidates talk about women 0,top obama official: this is no iraq war 0,"argument between grandmas ends in shootout at texas walmart, cops say" 1,So a mother can kill her handicapped child? That's going in the sig. 1,jeremy piven outraged microsoft word doesn't recognize his name 1,history buff can really relate to millard fillmore 0,"right next door: matthew mcgorry, actor" 1,man finally comfortable enough around girlfriend to cheat on her 0,black lawmakers say gop supreme court obstruction is racist 0,bride gives dying father the best gift a daughter could give 0,baby elephant gets (adorably) rescued from the mud 0,"international travel: opera, luxurious lodging and great food in venice, italy" 1,"Sheeple never understand where money comes from nor do they know cliffs even exist. Full bellies, breeding, mindless entertainment and a government sheppard are their sole requirements." 1,despondent jeff bezos realizes he'll have to work for 9 seconds to earn back money he lost in divorce 1,first automated foxconn machine immediately tries to commit suicide 0,time for an arab nato? 0,what it means to be a 'dream director' at one of d.c.'s struggling schools 1,kerry vows to raise wife's taxes 0,"And Stephen Hawking, the only thing he has said was ""I do not believe in a personal god"", which would make him a pantheist or deist at best." 0,jeb bush calls for crackdown on sanctuary cities in immigration plan 1,activist wet-t-shirt judge votes for girlfriend 1,nra calls for teachers to keep loaded gun pointed at class for entire school day 1,tv producers running out of types of people to have dance with each other 1,"Come on, Aivlis. Give the guy a break. He's just practicing being a grown person.emoticonXHoho" 0,denzel washington doesn't think hollywood has a colorism problem 0,"Here is what fascinates me about the judgmental criticism you offer of my opinion. In typical fashion you make claims which you don't support at all. Here is my post below, point out WITH EVIDENCE!!! what I am distorting in any way; especially that which I hold dear. In other words, write a cogent and rational post which makes sense when applied to the quoted post it intends to attack. emoticonXDonno" 0,icymi: silicon valley's homeless and female friendship psychology 1,congress raises killing age to 19 1,"north korean military developing parade capable of traveling 5,000 miles" 0,ranking 25 of the best 'american horror story' characters ever 0,"in alaska, obama highlights climate change while his decisions draw accusations of 'hypocrisy'" 0,hillary clinton says she's not ready to take a position on marijuana legalization yet 0,february's hottest new releases 0,is paul ryan helping to support the white supremacist movement? 0,david brooks urges republicans: don't settle for cruz 1,man finds self back at porn store again 1,"chelsea clinton: 'my mother will shape this country into a strong, independent young woman'" 0,"Most Christians are, as is frequently pointed out by numerous posters in many different threads on this board." 1,man filming childbirth picks up some b-roll of wife's vagina while waiting for baby to crown 0,strong earthquake hits western argentina 1,trump boys construct fake melania for lonely father to spend time with 0,peak inequality: investigating the lack of diversity among tv directors 1,taylor swift now in long-distance relationship with curiosity rover 1,"So, in order to be against gay marriage, a person has to be faithful in his own marriage? Gimme a break. He supports what his constituents want him to support or he doesn't get elected. In case you haven't noticed, the majority of Americans are against gay marriage." 0,"a toe in the arctic ocean: canada's northwest territories on the looney front, part 2" 0,"Heres how it makes sense; If atheists seek to support their belief system, they are more likely to accept what science tells them about topics like this without giving the details much thought. People are often short on patience you know, post # 40 indicates it. I honestly wonder if those analogies dont soar over many peoples heads. They're not scientific, they're common sense. But if an educated person disregards them because of impatience, or arrogance directed at the source, it can obliterate the effect of their education. It's the difference in having been taught what to think, vs. knowing how to think. There is a reason why the most successful countries involve people besides only the educated in the political process. " 1,"hare krishnas: 'hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare'" 0,this inspiring fitness model lives without a working heart 1,"Well, maybe the pistol and the hunting rifle, what do you need an automatic weapon? Have the deer gotten faster?" 0,"So-called ""Partial Birth"" Abortions are so rare as to be negligible. This ban was just a small step onto taking away a woman's right to choice.If it were a ""born baby"" then they wouldn't have to perform the abortion. It would be able to survive in a respirator.There you go again misusing a legal term.You are the sick one for using emotional arguements and ignoring the facts." 0,graphic novel perfectly captures post-grad life 0,this marvelous mess 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,earliest north american human footprints found in surprising spot in canada 0,You don't beleive that it is possible to do something wrong to prevent a larger number of wrongs in the future? Do you think the ends can ever justify the means? 1,couple takes first steps toward divorce 0,donald glover did what any fan would do after being cast in 'solo' 0,passengers freed from hijacked plane that landed in malta 1,brad pitt called before congress to testify about bicep regimen 0,not your mother's james baldwin 0,we stand behind the uswnt as they boycott 'horrible' conditions 1,bible only work of fiction in family's home 0,these brave souls decided to taste pregnant women's bizarre cravings 1,jared kushner excited to finally visit white house after gaining security clearance 0,diego luna talks filming his first sex scene before he ever had sex 1,cdc study finds decrease in oral sex among teens when researchers are observing 1,national essay writing contest now accepting video submissions 1,woman dots her 'i's with cute round marks 0,how to be superstar sports agent (part two) 0,the gallery trying to get women artists paid 0,"And it doesn't stop there. Another of my favorites is how they loudly criticize radiometric dating (most commonly radiocarbon dating because they know no other kind) then shout from the rooftops that radiometric dating confirms the ""genuineness"" of ~2000 year old manuscripts..." 0,"Well, i vote, that seems to be working enough seeing that 2 pro-life judges have been appointed within 1 year. interesting, im takin a cheesecake break.." 1,"Have some cheese with your whine, turkey? Who is the liar? It is the person who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is an antichrist. 1 John 2:22 That would be you and those like you. Repent, you heathen!" 0,celebrities are freaking out as election results roll in 0,"science, evolution and our intimate parts" 1,"As an old science fiction buff, there's always the fertilizer solution. That would also reduce oil dependency." 1,ikea ceo wants new desk on his desk by end of day 0,nyc removes statue honoring 19th century surgeon who experimented on female slaves 1,You want a world without limits? Head over to some countries in Africa and see how anarchy is doing for them. 1,"half of nation outraged at new, not-yet-released michael moore film" 0,8 healthy habits of couples who attend marriage therapy 1,What is it about the same piece of paper you do not understand? 1,judge totally understands where defendant is coming from 1,cigarette tax hike to pay for iraq war 0,aliens in avocado super bowl ad think we're a bunch of dips 1,time magazine just six months from big cocktail-nation-craze story 0,woman-owned businesses on the rise in afghanistan 0,watch jennifer lawrence & jimmy fallon's instructional dance videos 1,photo of crying father a lasting symbol of economic struggle if there ever was one 0,meryl streep and tom hanks have too much fun playing each other's characters 0,educating for democracy: 'the numbers game' 0,nhl athlete offers the worst non-apology for a slur in sports history 1,"trump insists he never thought about firing mueller, feeding him to pack of rabid dogs, mounting head in oval office as trophy" 1,officemates unwittingly spend entire workday talking to each other on grindr 0,eminem rips nra in a rap: 'they love their guns more than our children' 0,the 7 places even organized people just don't organize 1,parents' password cracked on first try 1,rnc attendee excited to find out what he'll get to boo tonight 1,new harry potter film turns children on to magic of not reading 0,'spinal tap' spoof of donald trump's abc interview turns it up to 11 0,a new what?? 0,you don't need to live in california to create this venice beach-inspired living room 1,disgusted robert mueller eats 2 20-piece chicken mcnugget meals in one sitting in attempt to get into trump's mind 1,stretch of highway learns it was adopted 1,area man considers self ally to women unless they threaten his status in literally any way 0,meatless monday: the seed of something great -- seed food and wine festival 1,dozens of glowing exit signs mercilessly taunt multiplex employee 1,"hillary clinton spends busy day fueling speculation, not ruling things out" 1,Talk about a crock! How can you wail on anyone with your imaginary truth stick of no mercy when you wouldn't know the truth if you tripped over it? And you going ballistic like this just proves the exact point I made in that you'll allow my free speech until I say something you disagree with and then you attack me to shut me up. Which is exactly what I said above that precipitated your childish tirade. See? 0,kid who hugged cop in viral protest photo feared dead in family car plunge 0,'wild thing' charlie sheen wants to throw out first pitch for world series 1,cat likes it doggy style 0,"Perhaps an analogy. Lets say for the sake of the argument you do not smoke or drink (personally against it, for whatever reason). However, you believe others should have the right to drink and smoke if they so choose. So, you are personally against drinking and smoking but you are ""pro-choice"" in that regard (meaning you believe every person should make that determination for themselves).Pro-life would be: You don't drink and smoke (morally against it perhaps) and you are going to make sure that no one else is able to either." 0,trump 'office' parody is a glimpse at the buffoonery we have in store 0,what those racy photos of cowboys' jerry jones represent 0,"Sounds like Marilyn has been puffing the magic dragon a liiiittle too much!! Because I visited her website, I think I lost some intelligence just looking at the nonsense." 1,obama vows to split isis into dozens of extremist splinter groups 1,fan-favorite first season of bush administration released on dvd 0,dad transforms kids' toy cars into epic 'mad max' mobiles 1,long wait for big toenail to fall off nearly over 0,geckos have a blast during space mission 1,senator can't believe he has to come in on a wednesday 0,better skills for a new generation 0,catholic couple embraces 'who am i to judge' 1,new domino's app allows customer to track pizza's movement through digestive system 0,democrats shouldn't panic over one poll showing donald trump ahead 1,seating mix-up puts tony bennett in middle of slipknot 0,the supreme court is weighing corporate power yet again 0,medicare should cover hearing aids 1,"So according to you, you'd prefer it if only the bad guys are armed, because that makes it easy to tell who's the bad guy and who's the good guy; being the good guy is never armed, and thus never able to defend themselves." 1,scientists determine tingling sensation of asmr caused by mass brain cell die-off 0,russia needs turkey in the war on isis 0,how does one set a price on a historic site? 0,all 5 living former u.s. presidents to attend hurricane relief concert 0,6 ways to fight the flu you probably overlooked 1,"study: zero people have led satisfying lives after altering original career plans, aspirations" 0,these sparkly geode lips are about to rock your world 0,usher and harry belafonte talk activism in joint appearance 0,"news roundup for july 19, 2017" 0,people think ivanka trump's new twitter bio is an insult to women 0,What you quoted is what Answers in Genesis said. Please do not be dishonest and tell others that I said this as I did not. 1,"Oh yeah right, like sociopaths who are bent on killing and slaughtering everyone around them, can be fixed with something as stupid as school counseling." 0,second texas judge leaves the republican party in the age of donald trump 1,la-z-boy outlet clearly visible from suburban man's grave 0,"So what is being monitored by the ribosome? Information. Material representations (amino acid sequence vs DNA sequence) of information. But, it does not only monitor it, it manipulates it as a means to an end... fidelity." 1,sesame street mourns death of original letter k 0,patiently waiting (sort of) 0,"Yes, it recognizes there will be religion in our country, it allows all to follow which ever religion suits that individual as long as it does not impose upon others who do not follow that religious system. Our constitution allows for dissent, opposition and opinions. It actually requires such dissent in order to come to conclussions which would serve everyone equally. If for some reason there is a practice which excludes certain individuals from the protections of the law, then it needs to be challenged." 0,state department official: 'it's going to take years' to defeat the islamic state 1,receipt brazenly placed in bag without permission 0,dad's tea party with 2-year-old basically sums up toddlers 0,mega monster cookie bars you'll want to stuff in yo' face 1,north korea successfully harvests wheat in show of growing strength 1,second nintendo controller sits unused 0,hillary clinton: from symbolism to specifics 1,woman injured in hostile makeover 1,e.l. james admits new erotic novel originally 'tiny toons' fan fiction 0,"barksdale, inspiration behind characters on 'the wire,' dies in federal prison" 1,furloughed willie horton pays respects at george h.w. bush funeral 1,mental illness determined not to let stigma of area man define it 1,delicate little man kept awake all night by having coffee after four o'clock 0,"That's true, but how much have we actually learned, and how much have we theorized, with an atheist presupposition, the only presupposition currently allowed?" 1,shannon tweed named head of u.s. task force on nudity & aging 1,man has never given single definitive yes to any invitation he's ever received 0,"roots picnic 2016 will bring usher, future, swizz beatz, kehlani & more" 0,"Take the high road Ethmi, prove him wrong with the legislation itself. Bill number, name, text of the legislation, a link, etc. anything to prove it's there and that he's wrong." 1,secretary pretty sure vending-machine guy is that uncaptured serial rapist 0,"vegas, baby! (well, minus our babies)" 0,restaurant bartender leaves a single beer out to remember fallen soldier 0,4 people stabbed on amtrak train in michigan 1,zoologists admit you really got to hand it to bats for learning to fly 0,scottish leader puts trump on notice in model response to his win 0,"chris christie, mike huckabee bumped from main gop debate" 1,missed call from dad at 9 a.m. strikes terror into area man's heart 1,area man having one of his little bursts of energy where he tries to write a song 0,"Thank God. I too hope it doesn't keep going back and forth. While I live across the river in Parkville, Missouri, I used to live in Overland Park Kansas and went to school there. I think they are generally pretty good public schools, it's just the state school board that keeps effing everything up when they get some christonazis on board." 0,weather channel destroys breitbart over bs climate change story 1,earthquake kills 54 rescue workers' weekend plans 0,"Then why aren't doctors who advise rest and plenty of fluids for a cold in jail? Oh right, because you're lying, as usual." 1,most items at garage sale haunted 1,john bolton: 'an attack on two saudi oil tankers is an attack on all americans' 1,sean spicer given own press secretary to answer media's questions about his controversial statements 1,area man may have lied about having sex 1,Because we really want justice systems based of vengance don't we 1,"'if only sully had been flying those planes on 9/11,' grade-a idiot remarks" 0,one little girl beat the deadliest form of tuberculosis. she is very lucky. 0,cheetah print-wearing ali wong mini-me throws down on the dance floor 0,world cup boosts iran's image and highlights political sports battles 0,watch a young ryan gosling's mesmerizing dance moves 0,donald trump says refugee crisis and threats to uk identity drove brexit 1,"What exactly are the age ranges of these ""children"" in the news stories?" 0," It was recovered dinosaur DNA -- the blueprint for life -- that was featured in the fictional recreation of the ancient animals in the book and film ""Jurassic Park."" Although that was science fiction, Schweitzer said she was not sure if scientists would be able to isolate dinosaur DNA fragments from the fossilized materials." 0,what this haitian priest can teach the rest of us about faith 1,physician shoots off a few adderall prescriptions to improve yelp rating 1,obama now attempting to get each word of jobs bill passed individually 0,u.s. budget cuts for aid programs are a false economy 0,Tell this to those infants and adults in the netherlands who are being euthanized against their will. this is a logical conclusion of a quality of life ethic without a sanctity of life basis. 0,"graduates, take your time" 1,"Because that is your only excuse? Sorry chum, you still don't get seperation of church and state. If you want to debate religion, take it to the religion forum." 1,hostage with family really lording it over everyone else 0,parents of girl born without nose tell others not to give up on babies with rare condition 0,what selma blair's 'outburst' teaches us about mixing pills and alcohol 1,census study finds thousands of undocumented immigrants living inside u.s. border wall 0,"5 (easy, fun) tips to prevent summer slide" 1,thoughtful ocean returns body a few days after borrowing it 0,"after the march for science, it's time to get political" 1,trump-appointed judicial nominee displays legal expertise by withdrawing nomination 1,heady youth expresses individuality with 'ear-ring' 0,"reeva steenkamp can 'rest in peace' after oscar pistorius' sentence doubled, her family says" 1,"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Thats all I can say HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MY I guess I should keep my jokes to myself? (still laughing) MY sister got that one" 0,janelle monae: 'none of us are free until all of us are free' 1,hand gestures transform friend's story into immersive virtual reality experience 1,trump outlines bold vision for nation's next mass protests 0,the house science committee doesn't seem to understand the concept of winter 1,"Unlike your stiff-necked, Neanderthal mockery of God, Christ, the Bible, and everything noble, which is well documented in these fora, you've never been able to back that claptrap up. You just run off at the mouth like your spiritual father, the Devil (John 8:44)." 0,this is not my body 1,nation horrified to discover cory booker already a senator 0,"Yes, but we do not know that homosexuality is not inherited, and it is the arguments like this that make people want to prove that homosexuality is genetic. Also, people born infertile cannot reproduce, so are those people inferior in a relationship because of what they cannot do?" 0,behold the title of 'american horror story' season 7 0,"I think that we've got to draw a line at some point, to demarcate between adult and child. Where ever we do draw it, it will seem, in some situations to be arbitrary. If we made it 20, the question would be why 20 year olds and not 19. Through the years society has determined that by 18 people should have attained enough life experience to form intent and to comprehend that their actions have consequences (at least as it applies to the death penalty, they can be tried as adults w/o death). We don't execute people who can't comprehend the nature of their crimes and society says that, under 18 you can't fully comprehend criminal actions." 0,And an even funnier thing is it won't affect his wallet at all. 1,argument about capital of australia occurs 10 feet from encyclopedia 1,congress discontinues festival seating after insurance-deregulation-bill stampede 0,the best chance to defeat roy moore may be for the democratic party to lie low 1,amc bob hope retrospective ready to go 1,area dad stares longingly at covered grill in backyard 1,new hampshire primary excites tiny percentage of population who even cares what happens anymore 0,south carolina governor signs 20-week abortion ban 0,when spirituality and entrepreneurship overlap 0,aunt flo makes all the visits you never asked for in adorable video 1,kkk member struggles to blame blacks for his hangover 0,"That, my friend, is where the wisdom of interpretation - makes sense of the data. For exa.: I really have no idea what the Federal GAO has for data, but, The wisdom of giving 850 Billion to a few bankers rather than the people who actually fuel the engine of this economy - eludes me. We have a large and powerful machine, but who is driving? Very important IMHO." 1,"Funny, I don't see waves of Christians pounding their beliefs down anyone's throats. They are using the ballot, which is their right. Unless you're against fair elections, too. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,violinist sick of doing mozart covers 0,for clean air and a safe climate future 0,teen pulls off oscar-worthy promposal asking emma stone to dance 1,philly cheesesteak either perfect or disgusting 1,ceo would trade 5 percent of stock options for 10 percent more time with his kids 0,daily meditation: joyful 1,oscar pistorius swears bloody cricket bat from different murder 0,4 personal tips to set up for sleep success 0,trump's department of homeland security is cruelly separating asylum-seeking families 1,"Man, even when I bless you guys I'm fearmongering. You guys are afraid of everything... emoticonXConfused" 0,the #nevertrump movement could have a big day in wisconsin 0,Oddly enough I found Thomas's opinion to be most compelling. The dissent was surprisingly weak...even for a dissent. It didn't even really make sense. The actual opinion was kinda weak but I got bored reading it so I skimmed the second half. Ha. 1,I see. So the Bible is true because you claim it is true. 0,new 'hunger games: mockingjay - part 2' posters show the cast ready for battle 1,study: other countries weird 0,gwen stefani says her divorce from gavin rossdale is 'still painful' 0,laura ingraham learned the hard way she can't do what the boys do at fox news 0,chemical weapons almost certainly killed jewish refugees the u.s. could have taken in 1,child's description of heaven during near-death experience specifically mentions book deal 0,being transgender in north carolina: reaction to hb2 1,ups guy hasn't heard a doorbell like that one in a while 1,law-abiding citizen keeps herself on track with weekly cheat day 0,black men's sentences 20 percent longer than white men's for similar crimes 0,canadian-iranian professor hospitalized after months in iranian jail 1,biden unleashes torrent of vomit on debate stage 1,senator mix-a-lot sponsors titties-on-glass legislation 0,"Well let's put it this way. I really like playing baseball. So I put in a law that says everyone has to play baseball unless they're in a position where it will threaten their life. Since it's such a wonderful thing no one should have any problem with a law passed, right?" 0,fab fiction of the summer: the mexican flyboy 1,bush spends day feverishly booby-trapping desk 0,"at least 18 killed in large explosion in syria, war monitor says" 0,"Why don't you just sum it up with ""If you're not a fundamentalist Christian""? You also fail to consider Christian agnostics." 0,And he has still yet to provide one. If more gun-control means more lives saved then more gun-control means more self preservation. 0,i profumi di firenze: beautiful scents with a story 0,"Huh? With a 26"" barrel the .50 is good out to 2100 yards. With the 29 or 36 that increases to 2500, but the world record sniper shot was made with a .50 BMG and it was 2657 (1.51 miles)." 0,this is what it feels like to lose to donald trump 1,report: ocean levels could rise foot or more if lots of people go swimming 0,veterans are pissed at trump for not knowing how to spell marine corps 1,"Proof for a non-event? What century did your purported non-event supposedly occur, Einstein?" 0,trump's 'woman card' remark drives $2.4 million in fundraising -- for hillary clinton 1,artists announce they've found all the beauty they can in urban decay 0,a brief and spooky history of the word 'boo' 1,denny's introduces 'just a humongous bucket of eggs and meat' 0,shell to cease costly alaska arctic exploration 1,scuba diver expressing either joy or terror 1,some genius juxtaposing religious iconography and bodily waste yet again 1,supporters praise trump for upholding traditional american value of supporting murderous dictators for political gain 0,"Sorry, but what you do not realize is that we kicked out European forms of government in 1776. We saved European governments in WW2. The USA was the very FRIST government ever to be rulled by common and free men. When the USA first had the vote, Europe still had kings and emperors. Europe has become more like the USA and needs to work harder to become more like the USA. The USA had true freedom for more than 100 years before Europe started to get rid of their kings. In a few European countries they still have thier kings. I do not want to see a return of kings the the USA. Europe is almost like the USA, they just need to try a little harder." 1,"filmmakers call vincent canby's life overlong, poorly paced" 1,list of politically achievable reforms down to just three minor changes to traffic code 1,liquor's neon coloring likely good measure of its excellence 0,tania bruguera: 'in cuba we have learned our duties very well but not our rights' 0,betsy devos sued for weakening sexual assault reporting protections for students 0,democratic drama as curtain rises on new hampshire debate 0,see families reunite after donald trump's travel ban was lifted -- and try not to cry 1,"and what would that be? Would it be a violation of the laws of physics, whatever that is, if I could think or believe myself into healing a disease or various medical condition?" 0,james woods goes after anderson cooper with homophobic 'butt plug' tweet 0,bill maher says fox news is reason america is so polarized 0,dad describes delivering his own baby on twitter 1,"Numbers don't lie, unless they come out of the mouth of a Politican." 0,learn how to troll trump so hard that he blocks you in this masterclass parody 0,hiroshima visit brings feelings of guilt to american born in japan 0,australian journalist's devastating take on trump at g-20 goes viral 1,"Well, if you claim you can give 95% of Americans a tax cut then you'd have to be on par with Jesus." 0,man allegedly kidnaps girl he met on 'disney fairies' website 1,adorable 23-year-old yelling about economic injustice must have just read howard zinn for first time 0,10 steps to fixing a credit report error 1,nation to try channeling outrage over gun control into issue that can actually be addressed 1,'seek funding' step added to scientific method 0,"No, for murdering innocent babies in the womb by performing abortions that were not necessary but just being done as a means of birth control........." 1,"Yeah, reasonable people are OK with ripping unborn fetuses from their mother's wombs minutes before the baby would be born naturally! How dare those kooks try to defend the rights of the unborn fetus!" 0,new photos show hurricane matthew's path of destruction in haiti 0,kylie jenner's first dye job was adorably amateur 0,'i'm sorry i didn't finish the job' 0," When Judge John Jones of Dover Pa. was considering evidence from persuasive evolutionists concerning what should be taught in schools, could it be that he ""hardly knew the field, and didn't have an answer"" that would fit the time constraints of his decision making? Did judge John Jones know what was going on in this country 100 years ago? Why can't today's ID opposing evolutionists see the mistake religious people made 100 years ago, and be enlightened enough to be more open minded about trying to suppress ideas? Maybe because human nature doesn't improve over the generations - following the money always comes first." 0,the myth of the ethical shopper 0,my 8 favorite beauty products 1,"OMG, are you for real? I'd think that if you saw a plane flying low, being chased by a fighter jet, you'd get out of the way. Any SANE person would... Further, you'd be peeved if you found out that it was your govt. being completely insensitive (not to mention wasteful). The govt. screwed up...if it had been Bush you'd be crying bloody murder." 0,will trump follow through on guns? he didn't do so on immigration. 1,sperm can't remember why it came into womb 0,iran only has half the amount of enriched uranium allowed under nuclear deal 1,rapidly swelling man may contain traces of peanuts 0,It is clear that the profetallifers wish to make the pregnant woman a slave to her fetus. 0,"vice gearing up for nightly hbo show with new hires, moves" 1,non-alcoholic beer inventor unveils new non-adhesive glue 1,"anaheim police chief john welter: 'look, our job is to shoot people'" 1,259 new objects now available in gummi form 0,"dolce & gabbana launched a line of hijabs and abayas, but something's off" 1,mike gravel can't believe his polling numbers neck-and-neck with fucking nobody like wayne messam 1,star tour operator points out massive costner dropping to awed passengers 1,botanists vow not to discuss botany during after-work drinks 1,newborn soothed by familiar sound of parents' bickering 1,neurologists find brain still shows signs of self-criticism minutes after death 0,"Well, creationists claim he said that. However, there is no real evidence he ever did. They give two sources.. one says it is was in the 100th edition of the 'origin of species), and the other one was on the centinial edition (which is a real trick, since that is 4 years after his death). No one seems to be able to find the primary source for that quote. Imagine that." 0,french authorities hunt for 8th suspect after discovering alleged getaway car 1,parents fighting about who's unhappier 0,jindal: westboro baptist members who protest funerals face arrest 1,man knows in reality marrying minnie mouse wouldn't be as perfect as he imagines 0,"when will we start expecting extreme weather, and planning for it?" 1,policeman breaks up area party out of pity 0,2020 new york presidential candidates: cuomo v. gillibrand 0,the hypocrisy underlying brazil's impeachment movement 0,'100 years of italian beauty' is a bellissima trip back in time 1,every driver in roundabout just winging it 1,drunk driver in the zone 0,aquaman is a big fan of trump pulling out of the paris agreement 1,"singer cites girlfriend as reason he lives, dies, breaks down, cries" 1,poll: majority of americans still remember where they were when gandalf fell into abyss 1,"grocery store bar actually has great little happy hour, reports man with a serious problem" 1,typo in proposition 8 defines marriage as between 'one man and one wolfman' 0,it may be speaker john boehner and the gop that do not love america 1,"I thought that the most commonly accepted date for the alleged birth of Jesus was in 4 B.C. Assuming the current calendar really were keyed on the birth of Christ, how could Christ have been born Before Christ?" 1,cop who shot unarmed black man let off with a promotion 0,to the mother that told her son this... 1,department of education hires art teacher to spread evenly across all u.s. public schools 1,cozy little out-of-the-way place opens 12th location 0,bill cosby defamation suit adds four more women 1,wal-mart bans semi-nude pantyhose 0,"It is pretty bizzare. There are plenty of groups out there that will reach whatever ""conclusion"" you pay them to reach. Why he didn't cite one of them instead of an easily checkable source that says the opposite of what he says they do is beyond me." 1,rubio refutes claim he soft on immigration by dragging undocumented worker he knocked out cold onto stage 0,looking for love online? here's the best way to do it 1,exxon donates $70 million to clean up portland man's life 0,the 10 best marketing tweets i've ever seen 1,entire meal prep for week eaten by tuesday 1,"Like the crusades and the inquisition? How about the Southern Baptist Convention, formed at the end of the Civil War with the express purpose to discriminate against blacks? And of course, the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood make the same claims as you. Of course, you're going to tell me that you are a christian and they aren't. But when people tell me they are christians you aren't always around so I just never turn my back on them. That way, even if they are follow that strange pull to make a bad decision, I will at least have my eye on my money." 1,"** I know what Kettlewell did, and that's how I know that his method was amateurish and flawed. If you can't see the glaring flaws for yourself, then you aren't much of a scientist. " 0,this 'star wars: the force awakens' visual effects reel is out-of-this-world amazing 0,trump's iran decision leaves only 2 likely outcomes 0,'star wars' fans are freaking out because 'jedi' in 'the last jedi' is plural 0,"And that's all irrelevent, because pages 240-243 concern what happens in the world today, not what happened concerning creation. His feelings about God's interactions with the world today would be different if he had a basic knowledge of the Bible." 1,tan asshole still on island time 1,michele bachmann announces bid to be discussed more than she deserves in 2012 0,boy spends his allowance on hundreds of books for inmates 0,get ready to capture pokémon in the real world with your smartphone 1,first-grade teacher apprehends urinator 1,"politician spots young female aide, and so it begins" 1,"seemingly shy woman really just stuck-up, friends say" 0,'why did you have to wait until i resigned to let me know you appreciated me?' 0,And if someone had written an ad proclaiming that black Americans are inferior the same thing would have happened as well. I can't justify what they did but when you put such a hot-button issue out like that into the has to be expected. People have strong feelings about abortion rights (just like racism) and it is naive to think something like this wasn't going to happen. 1,nonindigenous larry crosses state lines 0,"no, gay marriage wasn't a conservative win" 0,"ohh, trump drained the swamp so the ceo bridge to the white house was clear!" 0,"news roundup for july 10, 2017" 0,the everyday heroes of the hurricanes 0,"for a first-time marathoner, there's strength in numbers" 1,area man switches to backup lie 0,put on your damn swimsuit 1,"Wow that worked well. Please explain where his logic is flawed in the point he made. You cant, because its not. This just proves how much this ""point"" along with all your other arguments have ""flaws in logic"" if you will." 1,gamers rejoice! this potion restores 20 hp 1,postal service unveils new line of stamps honoring americans who still use postal service 1,area sorority girl concerned about war and stuff 1,warby parker apologizes for years of testing glasses on animals 1,magical office worker able to turn everything he touches into more work for colleagues 0,zoo animals roam free after flooding in tbilisi 0,sean spicer is irreplaceable 0,widespread power outage strikes detroit 0,10 of the funniest boomer tv moments ever 0,game of thrones: tyrion will soon betray daenerys 1,nasa discovers impact crater of meteorite that first brought horses to earth 0,new york prepares for protests as grand jury reviews eric garner's death 0,your compliments are gross and so are you 0,copycat culture: adapting to a world of adaptations 0,unpaid student-athletes forced to give back the $7 they got for laser tag 0,why democrats don't need wall street 0,"You're missing the point. The ghetto resistance was drastically outmanned and outgunned, and it still took the professional, well armed German military, nearly a month to beat them down into defeat." 0,johnson & johnson wins reversal of $72 million verdict over talc cancer risks 0,"anti-vaxxers, climate deniers and fear in the age of uncertainty" 1,senator brings obscene material to national attention 0,senate democrats already willing to work with trump administration 0,marilinda garcia wins gop primary in new hampshire 1,heat wave forces johnny cash to don black shorts 1,"bill cosby attacks disrespectful behavior, skyrocketing crime rate among elderly black male comedians" 1,there no way tv character could actually afford big 'new york city' coffee mug 0,lebron james wears a safety pin on the cover of sports illustrated 1,man's anxiety not about to let depression muscle in on turf 1,water pistol fired using sideways gangsta grip 1,"u.s. anachronism at 'all time high,' says truman" 1,epa warns human beings no longer biodegradable 1,"Indeed, Fellow Pastafarian, will those christians ever learn?: And indeed, DamEtel, fellow skeptic, will they ever learn? The answer is no. So... cheers." 1,'lost dog' poster really tooting dog's horn 1,dean cain fanpage last updated 8/14/96 0,wreckage of cargo ship lost during hurricane joaquin believed to be found 0,banners at old dominion university declare students' house a 'freshman daughter drop off' site 0,15 ways to look and feel younger instantly 0,fasting is one of the five pillars of islam. but there are exceptions to the rule 1,"Here in Michigan, they closed down the first rest area on I-75 because of the high amount of gay encounters taking place there. Maybe you should poke your head out of your closet once in a while and see what the rest of your community is up to. " 1,woefully misguided man stocking up on gallons of milk for armageddon 1,"'there is beauty in decay,' says head of federal highway administration while surveying nation's crumbling roads" 1,"I just linked you to it. (You do understand how amendments work, yes?) Note the ""to lay."" " 1,paroled prisoner excited to hear the '80s are back 1,tim robbins tired of being typecast as relatively tall characters 0,"...and if RMNS doesn't explain the development of hands or feet, it's pretty safe to say it doesn't explain the development of anything else, either." 1,ted cruz opens up to town hall audience about early days as larva feeding on porcupine carcass 1,americans finally recognize own country again after president does half-assed job walking back humanitarian crimes 0,"He may not hate it, but he sure does some strange things WRT it. For example: his World Apology Tour 2009. emoticon_rolleyes" 0,you can now buy 'icky trump' t-shirts thanks to the white stripes 0,ahmad khan rahami identified as suspect in manhattan explosion 0,a bunch of stars just wrapped ava duvernay's 'a wrinkle in time' 0,trump administration suddenly pulls plug on teen pregnancy programs 1,plan for future still involves drumming for lifehouse 0,7 things that separate average workers from rock stars 0,the glory days: iv 0,'the late show' confirms there's an anti-trump protest for everyone 1,You forgot to mention that we would have to change our numbering system so that grasshoppers had 4 legs. 1,dad returns from business trip with exotic gifts from idaho 1,"'planet earth ii' finale finally resolves will-they/won't-they storyline between snow leopard, golden eagle" 1,"Compared to what? The U.S.? That would be laughable if it wasn't so serious, it is plain ridiculous. The CDC and NAS studies Tither has posted so many times still hasn't sunk it has it? There is no benefit to any gun control law that has been studied! Now here you are ignoring and contradicting scientific facts...again. Take Chicago, they have strict gun laws and have over 3 times the national rate of murders." 0,these were the snowiest ski resorts in america last year 0,an artist confronts his possible futures 1,same americans who made taylor swift popular polled on constitutionality of health care reform 1,oatmeal variety pack has only 'regular' flavor left 0,"That is an incorrect statement. Viability seems to be the topic that gets little mention here. Humanity, consciousness, personhood, sentience, etc. are all extremely debatable, as has been demonstrated, sometimes ad nauseam. But viability outside another human being is a clearly distinct difference between a zygote and a new-born baby." 0,the whitewashing of james brown 1,"handlers constantly reminding gingrich to stay on uninspiring, belittling message" 0,the 5 amazing health benefits of spicy foods 1,god names rightful owner of west bank 0,darrell issa retiring from congress 1,report: friend has been going by middle name this whole fucking time 0,trump pardons? 0,the 'love actually' mini-sequel won't include alan rickman or emma thompson 1,humble ascetic declines in-flight beverage service 0,here's how to instantly boost your dating confidence 1,"You mental midgets insult my intelligence when you aren't even aware that the word omnibenevolent isn't even found in the Catholic Online - Catholic Encyclopedia . In fact, the word isn't found in any popular dictionary what so ever. It's an urban slang with no historical usage in theological studies or history at all. I ought to know, because it never came up in Bible College, ever. But here it is in the famous and highly referred to URBAN DICTIONARY: Urban Dictionary: omnibenevolent Once again guys, get a clue before you start spouting off your criticisms which you haven't an actual clue about." 0,'it continually surprises me': meet the people of kansas city 0,nevada downpour caused over $1 million in damage 0,missouri attorney general finds no evidence planned parenthood mishandled fetal tissue 0,7 numbers that help put the northern california wildfires into perspective 0,huffpollster: republicans are feeling a lot better about their party post-election 0,the maker of oreos is hiring for a dream job: chocolate taster 1,"You crack me up. That was a nice rant that had absolutely nothing to do with anything. The essential question is not what various religous leaders have said about the issue, but what the Bible says about the issue." 0,"the walking dead guns it, whereas hell on wheels recalibrates" 1,u.s. military lauded for creating gender-neutral killing field 1,so.. eh?? hows this sound? will it fly with conservatives and progressives? I think so. -Mosheh Thezion 0,trump uses major policy speech to threaten to sue sexual assault accusers 0,"So producing a child is the defining characteristic of a marriage? What about love, trust, respect, companionship? My wife and I may decide to not have a child, does that mean our marriage should be made illegal? Again, you keep posting nambla this and nambla that. Nambla is a group of deviant pedophiles, homosexuals despise this behavior too. GROW UP DHARD...I mean DMG2FUN. ;)" 0,patty jenkins is already thinking about a 'wonder woman' sequel 1,going out to dinner with food-loving friend a huge ordeal 1,"Oh, gee! There goes my irony meter. It pegged and started smoking at the end of the first sentence. Archy is just being christian by trying to impose his twisted morality on everyone." 0,pope francis to give historic address to congress 0,how to read a bad book by a great author 1,How about he pulls it out from under the Ramadan tree and unwarps it rather than your Hitler Youth moment? 0,donald trump retweets joke about violence toward hillary clinton 0,"oregon lawmaker groped women at state capitol, report finds" 1,loft apartments converted to mayonnaise factory 1,hunter s. thompson shoots mouth off one last time 0,supreme court to hear challenge to public sector unions 1,u.s. consumer confidence shaken after mom buys wrong kind of tortilla chips 1,biden pins up guitar lesson flyers on white house bulletin board 1,Ok if we can not use guns. Can we use baseball bats? Is that OK with you? 0,woman says cops 'murdered' brother in tussle after breaking into home without warrant 1,candidate with no chance of winning nomination settles on goal of crushing hickenlooper campaign 1,white guy held accountable for crime 1,stuffed gorilla only into you for your shelf 0,ferguson protesters chain mall doors shut in seattle: cops 1,"fda okays every drug pending approval, takes rest of year off" 1,warden figures week in solitary ought to teach inmate not to be schizophrenic 1,unfinished basement has weird feeling about way woman looking at it 0,how fake meat may change our future thanksgiving dinners 0,cathedral moves sculpture because texters keep bumping into it 0,khloe kardashian takes waist training to the extreme 0,"7 totally reasonable ways to handle your divorce, according to hollywood" 0,how good do you want to be? 0,bernie sanders suspends staffer for being as tough on israel as he is 0,u.s-russian plan calls for syria ceasefire starting saturday 0,obama administration facing more opposition to atlantic drilling plans 1,"When he was standing there on the podium accepting his Nobel prize I could tell he was thinking to himself, ""If I could just get a little bit of respect from Jim's Trucking, not necessarily admiration, just a little respect..........................."" ;)" 1,Go ahead and toss your Bible in the trash so you can justify your gay sex sin. See if that gets you into heaven. 0,"los angeles train hits car on tracks and derails, 21 hurt" 0,omg we bought a house! episode 12: anniversary al fresco! 1,"Whatever. First you say no one is calling you a hypocrite, than you say people do it, but it just an attack tactic. If you ever get to a mental state where you can entertain the possibility that a critisism of you can be grounded in reality, than go back to my post where I say ""This is why..."" and give it a read again. Maybe you'll learn somethig. Till then..." 1,nation's women wake up relieved to find selves still in 2012 1,trivial pursuit game reveals man lacks knowledge of basic social skills 1,military now considering limiting soldiers with severe ptsd to 3 combat tours 1,god recalls life-changing encounter with 8-year-old boy who had near-death experience 0,38 women accuse director james toback of sexual misconduct 0,obama administration near ban on trans-fat: report 0,"music lives, live: montreal jazz festival" 1,"Really. If that's being ""saved,"" I prefer to go down with the Titanic." 1,"Repeating superstitious nonsense makes it no less mythological than the first, second and third time you were shown it to be so. Skeletons, even from the BRONZE age, let alone your incorrect reference to the stone age, are not fossils." 0,first look at tony shalhoub in new cbs series 'braindead' 1,joint chiefs chairman pretty sure he could pull off junta if he really wanted to 1,soybean pissed after learning trade war means trip to china canceled 0,tony blair under attack again 1,sure just as soon as you give me some for spontaneous generation and macro-evolution. 0,"Just because you don't have a handle on what civil rights are doesn't make the phrase arbitrary. It's a legal term, not a catch phrase. I'm not a lawyer, I couldn't track down the exact definition they use in Massachusetts, but rest assured they have one." 0,Matt and I go way back. We've been oil and water for years. 1,pope died as he lived: propped up for public viewing 1,nation's teen drug problem ended by rapping cartoon spokesbeast 0,"Ok. So Lott is flakey. Then Bellesiles is OK? Riiiiight. I though a person's reputation stood on thier own behavior and achivements, not based on someone else. Besides the debate weather Lott is dishonest or not is debatable and still going on. The debate weather Bellesiles is dishonest is over, he is most definately a liar, and this was decided by his boss and the Banqcroft prize commitee." 1,someone needs to go over to IIDB and invite those kooks over here to debate me on this thread. There's currently an open thread over there with my name on it...seems they like obsessing over me....they're like a bunch of teeny boppers obsessing and salivating over a Backstreet Boy. 0,tea party pacs' promise to spend on electing candidates falls flat 1,two-month freelance gig posted in 'careers' section of company's website 1,man pretty sure he slept 1,Oh please... You just refuse to acknowledge anything of a victory for LGBT people. 0,"Cornell's writings consistently place him within the collective right camp. Even the arguments that are attributed to him which start this thread show his collective right desire. His claim to neutrality in the individual/collective right debate is as disingenuous as his interpretations of the SCOTUS opinions in both Miller and Cruikshank: Greatest Threat to Second Amendment? Greatest Threat to Second Amendment? Whether ?neutral? or not, Cornell has proven himself capable of distorting SCOTUS opinions when he does not find that they suit his collective right tastes." 0,"See the above critique. Of course, this also is underestimating the power of natural selection and random varition, and includes the logical fallacy of personal incredibiltiy." 1,pan left to soak now predates all current roommates 1,north korea successfully detonates nuclear scientist 0,You can't...only admin can...and there's no need to be sorry. 0,sammy davis jr. handled his oscar flub like a boss 1,mom declares garage her next big project 0,why shrimp scampi has been on america's mind all week 1,"You already screwed them over when you decided to cover their country in radioactive dust. Depleted uranium is a real bitch. " 1,jimmy buffett pays for own drink for first time in 17 years 1,fema unveils nationwide phone tree in case of emergency 0,leo dicaprio: green tech can soon meet 100% of global energy needs 0,cnn chief jeff zucker defends hiring ex-trump campaign manager corey lewandowski 0,the best decluttering advice we've heard 0,fired trump aide: campaign chair should resign if responsible for plagiarism 0,images show that saturn's north polar region has changed color 1,"Well then, you would immediately notice a 15% reduction in bullying! Rejoice! " 0,"how to make greek easter sweet bread ""tsoureki""" 0,'big eyes' is about the 'most quiet feminist you've ever met' 1,scalia goes on abortion bender after being passed over for chief justice 1,local man foremost expert on what the terrorists should do if they really want to hurt us 1,"new wes anderson film features deadpan delivery, meticulous art direction, characters with father issues" 0,how can businesses build trust? 1,rookie trucker always on cb to mother 0,filmmaker says 'stranger things' creators stole his ideas in new lawsuit 1,Good observation! He is very good at presenting fellatious viewpoints and lack of knowledge and content. He is one of the more fellatious people I know and you won't find him taking notice of the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land either. 0,is there such a thing as 'too much' coffee? 1,The Archbishop of York has a screw loose too on that subject. 0,qatar deporting dutch woman who reported she was drugged and raped 1,cryptic new laundry room rule hints at tale of bizarre infraction 0,"I love Jesus John the Beloved is my most favorite writer throughout time If you think I have a problem with a follower of Jesus your wrong. I have a problem with the Christians" 0,bill kristol: rand paul 'is totally overrated' for 2016 0,Twelve out of literally millions. That's far too small a number to justify your position. 1,local building too wheelchair-friendly 1,completely uninhibited party guest still choosing to talk about work 0,watch your favorite musicians perform 'the hamilton mixtape' live 1,t-mobile announces wireless service now covers 70% of your apartment 0,these drag superstars are searching for the world's first drag supermonster 1,"area woman slams down phone, waits for it to ring" 1,relationship experts say healthy couples should be renewing their vows 3 times a week 1,computer being stupid 1,epa unveils plan to add 500 million squirts of lemon to u.s. water supply 1,obama 1astically asks how israel afforded such a great missile defense system 1,I notice its typos and mispellings that attract slim jim. Not much on the meat and taters of postings. It does get the other country leftists jumping ugly when they see we can purchase so many firearms freely. The pious wringing of hands and croc tears over the murder rate here versus the rate some where else is unbelieveable. Instead of blaming XXXX poor police work and a joke of a criminal justice system it has to be lack of gun control. 0,8-bit versions of famous art and pop icons are all kinds of yes 0,'american horror story' releases three torturous teasers for season 6 0,jam session interview: caroline dowd-higgins 1,"No more hypocritical than somebody actively harping on me for citing the Huffington Post, but then HAVING NO negative comment for the RNC embracing NewsMax... But here's an idea. You probably wouldn't vote for me cause I cited Huffington Post, right? So logically, one should ALSO NOT VOTE for Republicans who embrace NewsMax, right??? emoticonXDonno Nah. I don't expect that kind of consistency..." 0,senator: russian trolls stoked nfl debate 1,election experts warn maine's voting system leads to greater risk of getting finger pinched by live lobster stuffed into ballot box 0,read live updates on the government shutdown 0,"True, but what i was trying to state is that the bible has little to do with christianity if you dont believe in it. I know many christians who believe in god, and jesus etc, but think the bible is completely false, and is only a book of fables. Thats what i was trying to imply." 0,samantha bee's spectacular takedown of trolls who went after seattle councilwomen 0,not forgotten: the health and rights of rohingya women and girls 1,"Thanks for clearing that up USAMP1980emoticonXGood I suppose you mean that some unnecessary laws create criminals simply because the laws exist...." 1,"It has been 33 years. The allies managed to stop the holocaust in only two. You guys are certainly dragging your feet at stopping the great American ""holocaust"" against ""unborn babies.""" 0,"a-sides with jon chattman: ryan shaw shows some ""real love""; animal years lift some spirits" 0,bernie sanders' son levi is running for congress 1,Half of the country is stupid enough to think that four (or eight) more years of Dumbya would be good. 1,visiting friend okay doing whatever 1,family receives 38-piece astrazeneca assorted pill sampler 0,"No. We don't agree. For one thing your faith isn't a theory. Creation as described in Genesis is a myth, in fact, two myths. Furthermore, a scientific theory doesn't mean ""wild guess with no foundation"". That seems to be what you want the word to mean. In science a theory is an explanation for observed facts that has been tested. You see, a theory is predictive. I'll give you some examples of scientific theories. The germ theory of disease, the theory of gravitation, the heliocentric theory, tectonic theory, atomic theory. Moreover, you are wrong that science cannot observe actual evolution of life. It is done all the time. While it may be debatable that a virus is alive, the recent case of SARS making the jump from civets to humans after a mutation is evolution." 0,importance of cultural exchange with russia during political frost 1,senate republicans promise there will be plenty of time to review kavanaugh writings when they become law of land 0,several injured after vehicle plows into crowd near london mosque 1,Well it depends he could always be a sperm donor or make some Lesbian couple happy :) 0,"You know 'my kind'? How very presumptuous on your part. Then you know individual choice is the issue, not enforced medical procedures. You didn't answer the question regarding pregnant women who intend to carry to term being required to have a sonogram." 1,"The point being that nobody is spoiling Christmas for the children, you paranoid fruit cake." 1,pope francis admits god really starting to look old 0,someone just gave donald trump a full-moon salute 0,"the farallon islands, usfws, and island conservation's tax-free government contracts" 0,the politics of fashion | the fashion of politics (video) 0,stranded sailor arrested immediately after his rescue 1,apparently fire marshal wasn't just being a dick 1,twentysomething generation turns 35 1,13 year old boy diagnosed with incurable puberty 0,"the rca & arista years: a conversation with laurie anderson on lou reed, plus roger daltrey presents hernan barangan's teen cancer doc road rebellion" 0,friday talking points -- a fool's paradise 1,"But you forget, Ant, that he only uses alternate definitions in very ""special"" dictionaries." 0,"yes, bud weisser was arrested for trespassing at budweiser brewery" 1,new neutrogena extra-strength face wash instantly dissolves bad skin 0,brexit crisis tops off rough stretch in obama's push for legacy 1,I am curious as to how you determine whos middle class on this forum. Do you have a crystal ball or simply discern peoples classes based on whether they agree with you or not? 0,dreamers face nightmare of trump's deportation force 1,alpha male marries tri-delta female 0,this dallas rap group released a powerful ode to black lives matter 1,"Thanks. Since peddler has clearly studied the matter in detail, perhaps he would like to detail these thesis (I'm also also carp at Latin ;)) for us? " 0,"Just to be sure you understood, it was the picture below that picture you were supposed to look at." 0,"And you've been failing miserably, partly because your definition of ""atheism"" is asinine. Even most Christians would disagree with you." 1,fraternity brothers make note not to kill pledge whose family has lake house 0,7 questions about the recent oil price slump 1,"So in your own words the police want to go on murder sprees, because they're armed. According to you the military is just waiting for the first convenient excuse to open fire on anyone, be them designated enemies or just innocent bystanders." 0,a simple experiment in empathy 0,the magic of today's new unicorn leader 1,logging industry announces that they just can't fucking get enough of logs 0,these are the most generous cities in america 0,"Agreed. That is why a sensible interpretation, of new data, is so important! :)" 0,trump's epa pick went easy on industry that backed him: report 0,"new details emerge in forgotten murder that snared attorney, highway patrolmen" 0,how tax cuts led to west virginia's massive teacher strike 0,14 workout pants that could pass as real pants 1,trapped chilean miners considering how funny it would be if they all died right as rescuers completed tunnel 1,family chooses different dog than reincarnated grandfather 0,7 ways stand-up comedy can teach us to effectively motivate others 0,"syrian rebels fear government assault on besieged, starving daraya" 0,i'm an 18-year-old boy who wears blue nail polish -- get over it 1,"And were you and your Repub cronies making such complaints then? Oh wait. That was with Bush. I can guess the reality of THAT situation... emoticonXIc " 0,a knicks' fan's open letter to santa 0,americans aren't always as divided on gun control as it seems 1,nair introduces new incendiary oil for controlled burn of bikini zone 1,report: only .00003% of things that happen actually matter 0,"Preganancy should not be used as a punitive measure against women who are sexual. What you think is not reflective of the reality of women and their cicumstances that exist in the world. The reasons to abort are numerous and complicated. Some reasons are more valid than others. But you have no way of knowing that for millions of women, only they can really know.And although there are some youngsters in this forum who negate life experience, it is not to be negated. Ther is a lot to be said for ""walking in a mile in another's shoes"". Be careful about your desire to take the life circumstances of a stranger in your hands. Are you ready to be morally cuplable for the damage you could do?" 1,family infighting apparent in funeral guest book 0,budapest protesters fight government shutdown of soros-founded university 1,iowa restaurant patron can remember every breakfast ruined by presidential candidates 1,yo-yo ma injured during practice 1,"Did the bill include burning heretics at the stake, stoning them out of the village or removing a women's right to vote?" 1,man has trouble growing full beard of bees 1,john boehner's wife calls for her shutdown king to come back to bed 1,"And to think we almost had cure for cancer, just vanquish the damonic spirits." 0,watch: americans open up about what it's like to be muslim in this country 0,tampons and death threats: tackling transphobia and the period taboo 1,glitch in country allows citizens to temporarily walk through tables 1,30 percent of india's population now under twisted wreckage 1,cocaine dealer most upstanding guy wall street broker knows 1,horrified authorities discover one-day-old funnel cake abandoned in dumpster 1,majestic pine recruited for yosemite by national park headhunters 1,laura bush publishes courageous op-ed calling for imprisonment of whoever created ice 0,big mac creator jim delligatti dies at 98 1,company to get head start on christmas layoffs this year 1,dog who successfully detected cancer in owner put down for practicing medicine without a license 1,"You don't mean Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, do you? The Russian spies? Nah, you said wrongfully accused....." 1,fbi launches nationwide manhunt for new office manager 0,the hottest restaurant in new york city is in a dorm room 0,what common can teach men about getting dressed 1,bryan singer celebrates 'bohemian rhapsody' oscar nominations by popping open special bottle of rohypnol 0,best of abu dhabi: aditya vikram sengupta's labour of love 1,"So what are you claiming now? That all this time that Rosie was making fun of the Chinese, she's actually been Chinese all the while? Because that's the only legitimate way you could draw a parallel with those people who are hypocritically attacking gays while being gay themselves." 0,white nationalist calls trump's denouncement of hate groups 'kumbaya nonsense' 1,biden searching white house one last time for missing pet snake 1,"area man too busy for his buddy phil, eh?" 0,gigi hadid showed a lot of skin in her 6 different amas outfits 1,"I see,... so (to you) it's not like the child has a right to it's life or anything like that. Thanks for the clarification." 0,new internet radio station modeled on heyday of fm radio 1,obama to cut costs by packing lunch every day for u.s. populace 1,pornography-desensitized populace demands new orifice to look at 0,"'half the city is burning': hamburg rocked by violent, anti-g-20 protests" 0,males circumcised to reduce hiv risk in mozambique shift gender norms surrounding sex 0,5 tricks from mom to help you manage stress 0,the end is not the means 1,christian bale visits sikh temple victims 0,protest sparks after black man shot by police in minneapolis 0,"No, you are mistaken. Evolution is concerned with the change in allele frequency over time. The age of the Universe is irrelevent." 1,Well obviously you don't go to KKK meetings so you don't know the wonderful things KKK members do for mankind. 0,"You should make opinions basedon God, not the way other people act. People can be right and still have annoying attitude." 0,I think that the type of weapon does make a difference. A tyrant would be more dangerous to the world if he was armed with WMDs rather than knives. 0,trump says roy moore should concede senate race to doug jones 0,"Each side tries to support their own worldview. There are two positions, and sides are chosen. It's human nature." 0,"Oh it will and from what I have seen of the arguments the court will strike down prop 8 and every anti gay marriage amendment. I have seen the reinactments taken from the trial record. YouTube - Prop 8 Trial Re-enactment, Day 1 Chapter 1" 1,unclear why stagehand wrote heartfelt little notes to everyone in cast 1,report: antismoking group has never even tried cigarettes 1,area dad spends super bowl looking regretfully at son who wasn't allowed to play football 1,pop stars to consolidate 1,remington debuts new split barrel murder-suicide shotgun 0,high school won't allow gay student to receive scholarship at awards dinner 1,"Yes that would solve the problem wouldn't it,worked the first time around,I say that because we (U.S.)are compared to the wild west. But be they whites,Blacks,Reds,or pi** purple shoot a few that try to detain or threaten you, yeah I think they will back off unless they are prepared to go to war." 0,damon albarn gets carried off stage in denmark after 5-hour set 1,lowe's unveils new table saw with attached ice chest for storing cut-off fingers 0,chris christie's strange justice 0,best burger restaurants in america 0,venezuela hunts for rogue helicopter attackers 0,dad claims kingdom so 7-year-old can be real princess 1,evangelical christians enter 10th day of vigil outside your house 1,"I get what you are trying to do but it doesn't work. You might as well say ""let's print a bunch of off the debts...and then force people to burn it!""." 0,a starry night of gershwin by the philadelphians 0,some of amazon's suitors have been burned before 1,"Doesn't surprise me lets all jump ship and put our heads in the sand... Even more of a reason I should run for public office :p " 1,"'to defeat them, i must become them,' john kerry says while putting on black face mask" 1,"He was referring to the mimivirus which does NOT act like any other virus. Some of you people need to study a little harder :) " 0,obama and democrats set a trap for trump after baton rouge 0,"Apart from the 'horizontally instead of vertically' part which I didn't understand - we're a hundred or so years too late, unfortunately. You might as well ask for an example of a book or website on cosmology that 'admits' the sun may just be a big ball of fire pushed by a scarab beetle, and not a nuclear furnace about which the earth orbits. There comes a point where continuing to seriously 'consider' a viewpoint becomes a waste of time and resources, because sufficient testing has been done and evidence recovered to discount it. We may one day encounter evidence that completely overturns the whole applecart, but so far it hasn't happened." 1,I know I'll hold the ball and then I'll run up and you kick it! 1,queen elizabeth disappointed in new royal baby boy's lack of proper inbreeding 1,"poll: 99% of human beings would prefer big, slobbery hound dog pope" 0,how big corporations buy access to the supreme court 1,man spends long day at work waiting to go home and be lonely 0,blake lively brought her family to the met gala without you even noticing 0,almost half of the victims in the turkey bombing were under the age of 14 1,slight inconsistency found in bible 1,book given as gift actually read 0,another open letter to betsy devos from a public school teacher 0,the real reason silicon valley is the world's most elusive tourist attraction 1,I see. Sounds too nebulous to stand up to scrutiny in the US. I'm guessing that the SCOTUS would strike down such as law as being too vague. 1,captain's hat really completes street lunatic's ensemble 0,police escape charges in 96 percent of civil rights cases: report 0,No. you're not making any sense. Where is symbiote? I got a horrible argument for him to dispell. 0,"america, it's time to rise up to save lives" 0,huffpollster: texas and massachusetts are the states to watch on super tuesday 1,courtney love screams at korean manicurist 0,"Well, that is not what your colleagues quoted herein seem to feel... and that certainly is not what empirical evidence is bearing out. Evolution simply put, is the creation story for secular humanists and nothing more, which in and among itself if fine - I don't personally care if believe we evolved from Mountain Dew, but don't try to pass that off as fact when there is substantial evidence that says otherwise. I am sorry... you have not made a convinving arguement here... and I dare say save your breath, you never will." 1,bee wishes it could hang around open soda can without everybody freaking out 1,area man misses rental car 1,bill gates offering $1 million to anyone who can design condom he can't break 1,"obama, rachel goldstein really hitting it off on group trip to israel" 1,roommate protective services rescues helpless 22-year-old from squalid apartment 1,friendly note to coworker undergoes eight revisions 1,voice recognition software yelled at 1,Don't you have that other weird warped forum your posting in now?! Go there with your advice. 1,what grieving widow needs is a day at the spa 0,collecting evidence of war crimes in syria 0,"john stamos finishes rehab, tweets he's 'healthy' and 'grateful'" 1,"sweating, exhausted christian bale stumbles past 13-mile marker on oscars red carpet" 0,miss france iris mittenaere wins miss universe crown 1,rahm emanuel concerned gun violence could spread to parts of city he gives shit about 0,pink gets real about the 'most humbling' part of parenting 0,attention: sports fans! 0,howard dean: democrats shouldn't just oppose everything donald trump proposes 1,asimo tricked into falling down stairs 1,dog chastised for acting like dog 0,"syria ceasefire, backed by russia and turkey, holds after initial clashes" 0,3 proven ways for female entrepreneurs to turn a good idea into a good income 0,wednesday's morning email: latest missile launch from north korea appears to put entire continental u.s. in range 1,I though the torture was just a result of the number of wing nuts there were around the place. 0,"retire! dance! die! but first, pass the chocolate. boomers according to google" 0,"You are right. I correct myself, person. Thanks for pointing that out." 0,vietnamese singer wins international transgender beauty pageant 1,fox news covers spring break pretty well 0,"Please define ""climb upward"" and ""downhill slide"" in biologically meaningful terms. Please define ""degeneration.""" 1,report: one guy really fucking up 4-way frisbee circle 1,mother trying her best to project same amount of insecurities onto all her daughters 1,I so love it when you have to work so hard to avoid any points I made. I take it as assent to my original post. 1,border wall prototype clearly designed by yayoi kusama 0,kourtney kardashian has a girls' night out with her hollywood crew 0,i left a little of me at wounded knee 0,inside los angeles' first ever marijuana farmers' market 0,u.s.-backed syrian militias take back raqqa from isis 1,bono outbids everyone at charity auction for bono-autographed guitar 0,hawaii legalized same-sex marriage 6 months ago -- guess what's happened since 0,another trumpian senate contender links obama to orlando shooting 0,"It should, but between you me and the wall, you know it won't though." 0,kim kardashian reveals how she thinks robbers planned her attack 0,sexual assault survivors aren't just daughters. they're actually humans. 0,permission and prohibition 1,bill clinton agrees to disclose guacamole recipe 1,"'what about you, are you on my team?' trump asks george washington portrait" 0,"in many states, a long-awaited raise for low-paid workers" 1,man sleeps through his stop on elevator 0,these images show what an impeachment looked like 150 years ago 0,why did the dying grandma shred $1 million? 0,watch: these guys explain 'diet racism' 1,'mr. falafel' owner does not actually like being addressed as mr. falafel 0,khizr khan sees a shared 'moral compass' in lessons of japanese-american incarceration 1,converse high tops reveal tv character's eccentric personality 1,"1994 video-store receipt reveals clinton rented night eyes 2, 3" 1,"world cup stadium's walls reinforced with 10,000 homeless brazilians" 0,rose byrne is expecting her second child with bobby cannavale 0,dianne feinstein eviscerates jeff sessions in savage closing argument 0,seth rogen takes down donald trump in donald trump jr.'s dms 0,cops and educators agree: arming teachers is a terrible idea 1,apple announces plans to sell power mac g4 for $120 1,beautiful birth marred by hideous afterbirth 1,ayman al-zawahiri delivers tedtalk on changing face of terrorism 1,comic-book superrman impervious to copyediting 0,"darius rucker cries for the love of the gamecocks, who reach final four" 1,pope breaks ice at clergy abuse summit by having everyone go around and say how many kids they molested 0,justice department blindsided banking agency on marijuana reversal: report 1,pope francis grills burgers on balcony of st. peter's basilica 1,"couple going at it like tired, sexually incompetent rabbits" 1,god completely fucked up after huffing gaseous planet 1,"across nation, superstores driving out old-fashioned megamalls" 0,ariana grande performs 'break free' on 'snl' 0,has lgbtq pride lost its way? 0,"I think that getting your tubes tied is a responsible act. I was just inquiring about the motive for doing so. Too bad more women (and men) don't share your level of responsibility. If they did, we wouldn't need to debate the ""need"" for abortions. emotico" 0,"'the daily show' searches for a 'real, non-douchey' hoverboard" 1,therapist who spent decade working with sex-trafficking survivors urges client to go on about how boss is sometimes too curt 1,cnbc cameraman can't believe he's filming another blog off a computer monitor 1,scientists find human vocal cords developed over millennia to lower voice when speculating on acquaintance's sexual orientation 1,"Yes, letting her get an abortion will teach her that unprotected sex at 13 is okay, because she can always go through a dangerous and invasive medical procedure. In fact, I bet that if she gets that abortion, she's be spreading her legs before the bleeding even fully stops!" 1,"parents' password a grotesque combination of children's names, birthdays" 1,parade of interchangeable starlets delights u.s. populace 1,bush seeking non-masturbating surgeon general 1,paul ryan quickly runs tweet about texas shooting past wayne lapierre before posting 1,constructionist supreme court to revisit women's suffrage 1,biden's handlers suggesting he forget the words 'pink' and 'stink' altogether 0,are you the artist...or the masterpiece? 0,watch this guy's chin perfectly perform ed sheeran's 'thinking out loud' 1,christian prop comic wowing churches from coast to coast 0,"Even if the number of defensive uses is only 800,000 a year, that's still a rate of more than 53 to 1 when compared to the number of homicides committed with a firearm." 1,talkative motherfucker not so extroverted now that friend got off train 0,"Actually the Bible has changed, not to mention had omissions." 0,kerry washington: we shouldn't have to give up our seats at the table for others' bad behavior 0,the powerful new play breaking the silence about sexual violence 1,And Creationists who can't tell the difference between cats and nuclear reactors don't understand fluid mechanics. 1,tmz dayton bureau catches secondhand furniture-store owner coming out of all-night truck stop 0,yelp employee fired after public post to ceo saying she can't afford food 0,"georgia executes gregory lawler for killing police officer, despite autism defense" 0,exclusive met gala photos you won't see anywhere else 1,secretary of transportation spends 3 hours cleaning up wikipedia page on roundabouts 1,visa calls indians to confirm they actually did intend to take on more salary 1,"To the exclusion of all others? I thought you were working for acceptance and inclusion. You are the only one allowed to ""exclude?"" " 1,man's alcoholism getting a little out of hand 1,roy clark deep-fried in beer batter 0,the trap of islam's eternal conflict 1,rich first-grader buys whole sheet of gold stars 1,de blasio pac spends $30 million on ads urging candidate not to embarrass self by running 0,republican mississippi senator's long political past holds clues his time may be up 0,"sexual assault report drops from white house site, remains on obama archive (update)" 1,last line of obama's military force request briefly mentions possibility of 25-year quagmire 1,trump delivers anecdote about small business owner who isn't half the man he is 0,this sneaky wine purse is the answer to every wino's prayers 0,arkansas plans to execute 2 convicted killers on monday 0,"Oh, we could let them in I guess. How much room would it take up in a textbook, two pages maybe?" 0,Ludacris and many others in the hip hop scene disrespect women with their lyrics and videos. Much of what hip hop puts out contributes to unwanted pregnancies. 1,"6,000-year-old culture now a 'developing nation'" 0,5 things to watch for in tonight's gop debate 0,celebs' most iconic grammys outfits ever 0,watching the world destroy itself 0,from man of the year to millions for charity: what i learned from my first campaign (when i was 12) 0,"You know they are having a fit,and when everyone see's the streets aren't running red maybe more states will pick it up and follow." 0,canadian police aplogize for threatening drunk drivers with nickelback 0,"americans take gold, silver in men's freestyle halfpipe" 1,infertile aunt doing it up big at kids table 0,the trump cabinet guide to complimenting people in your life 1,loser woman hasn't even inspired one bar fight 0,"That's NOT the equivalent of ID - you're mixing causes & effects. The theory of evolution, and the theory of intelligent design would equally observe, measure, and publish the effects of the apple falling. Then the evolutionists would say that happenstance origins caused gravity to work that way, and ID proponents would say that a supernatural design caused gravity to work that way. Students shouldn't have it implied to them that happenstance origins are the only possible cause of gravitational behavior. Your ""apple falling"" scenario is a simple one - the original cause of gravity has practically no impact on how we observe and deal with it's effects. Other scientific subjects aren't that simple. " 0,texas ebola patient 'fighting for his life' 1,ecosystem sobered by how young species was when it went extinct 0,"Oh, we don't have to - sorry, I wasn't clear enough there. What I'm trying to do is correct your misapprehensions concerning common descent. You said this:" 1,diabetic 8-year-old throws worst birthday party ever 0,democrats force vote to keep net neutrality rules 1,johnson & johnson hoping brand won't be tarnished if they dip into lethal injection game 0,frank gehry: is music liquid architecture? 1,woman worried she doing bad job enjoying massage 0,"See above. Whether a couple is or isn't monogomous is not for you to determine or worry about. And speak for yourself if you don't mind. This member of the American public's mental health is just fine thank you very much. If gay marriage impacts YOU that much, well that sounds like your problem." 1,subwoofer worth the horrible credit rating 0,dallas politician tells nra to get lost unless it's ready to talk reform 1,therapist beginning to show cracks in caring façade 0,"And religion is what caused the Crusades and most other wars in the past, and many wars, and bloody disputes, to this very day. Many, many, many, many, many more people have died in the name of religion than in anything that could be called ""in the name of atheism""." 0,marijuana warehouse found near police dog training center: cops 0,6 things you should never tell your divorced friend 0,tpp is not the answer 0,congressman says new york city gunman got 'raw deal' 1,vacation to israel canceled due to history of israel 1,"'arby's has been putting more onion bits on their buns,' reports man sinking into heavy depression" 0,"if twitter can #addclimatechangetotv, then maybe trump will pay attention" 1,dementia patient's family keeps ripping her away from idyllic world of 1950s 0,This is exactly he reason it will never happen. Among others. 0,"Hello, unkerpaulie. If the chimpanzee (or ancestral chimp) found itself in the savannah environment in which Homo erectus (skull H) lived, then, yes, H. erectus would be better able to survive than the chimp. On the other hand, if you put an individual erectus in the forest environment in which the chimp survived, probably the chimp would be better adapted." 0,this is what sikh looks like 1,man who threatened to move to canada before election still here 0,"states plan renewed debate on lgbt rights, religious freedom" 1,"university with 20,000 applicants to choose from somehow goes with caitlin" 0,sarah huckabee sanders defends trump's sexist attack on kirsten gillibrand 1,secretary of education given something to do 1,christie 2016 comes from nowhere to win republican nomination 0,ufc champion jon jones sentenced in hit-and-run case involving a pregnant woman 1,new climate change report just list of years each country becomes uninhabitable 1,health department still not able to really prove why people shouldn't be eating candles 1,nra spokesman: a hebrew? 1,glorious new tomorrow postponed indefinitely 1,banana republic announces opening of new stores where buying pants will not be totally humiliating experience 0,how synagogues honor non-jewish congregants on yom kippur 1,rich white people get latino guy to do some work for them 0," including -- and they have statistics -- lots of women in domestic cases \"" Breyer said. \""When you have the First Amendment or some of the other amendments there is always a big area where it's free speech versus a whole lot of things but not often free speech versus life. When it's free speech versus life we very often decide in favor of life.\""Justices debate Chicago handgun ban - CNN.comSo even if the Chicago handgun ban does violate a Constitutional right it could still be justifiable."" That is right! In a 9-0 decision they each said \it is an individual right\""."" " 0,"inaugural parade route for donald trump doesn't violate first amendment, court rules" 0,missing alaska family died in murder-suicide: police 1,phone call with dad just watered-down version of phone call with mom 0,"Cars are a privilege, your gun isn't. Show me evidence that would support the registration of your first amendment rights being constitutional." 0,"the 12 colleges with the biggest sweet tooth, 2015 ranking by grubhub" 1,judge awards heather mills writing credit on 'eleanor rigby' 1,newlywed britney spears hangs bloody sheet in window for reporters 1,biden frantically hitting up cabinet members for clean piss 0,long-shot push to force senate to confirm merrick garland fails in federal court 0,viral photo catches alabama cop helping homeless father and son 1,poll: majority of americans ready to give up on u.s. if someone else goes first 0,mike pence wonders if an iranian scientist was executed because of hillary clinton's emails 1,chuckling cops attempt to imitate sound of man being hit by taxi 0,'suicide squad' kills box office competition with massive $135.1 million debut 1,"Yeah, you are always running away from me like a scared child." 1,woman has no business being an extrovert 1,fifth level of video game reached during phone call to mom 1,robbie krieger goes 51 minutes without mentioning jim morrison 1,trailblazing colleague makes historic contact with people who work on other floor 1,heirloom plasticware lovingly handed down to next hundred thousand generations 0,on poetry awards: figures and questions 0,he looks at tuberculosis death toll and wonders why you're not worried 1,man's facebook status given book deal 1,report: country that might shut down because president wants big wall somehow considered best in the world 1,nation's ever so malleable simpletons fluttering between candidates like shuttlecocks through every moment of debate 1,industrious otters now capitalizing on oil spills 0,"And that part of the decision (not allowing for the woman's health to be taken into account) is why I do not agree with nor do applaud this decision (in fact I am rather disgusted with it). If you'd like to see a more concise view from me, you can see the thread that Another_opinion started here:" 0,"Pregnancy involves risk. While opting to undertake risk for a worthwhile objective is fine, to compel someone to take that risk is not. Obviously some pregnancies are undesirable, when unplanned or especially when the result of rape or incest. Besides, something that almost any woman can do is hardly a ""miracle"". Wondrous maybe but miraculous?" 1,political cartoonist not sure how to convey that large sack in senator's hand is full of money 0,deporters-in-chief: gop will lose the 2016 election 0,when will the economy start caring about home-care work? 1,new altar boy clearly not ready for spotlight of 10 a.m. sunday mass 0,nyt: bloomberg planning independent presidential run 1,prego marketing new marinara as 'the premiere sauce for the #metoo moment' 1,jerry sandusky hoping judge takes it easy on him with sentencing 0,this is probably the first mammal extinct because of man-made climate change 1,kasich privately worried he'll never have charisma necessary to incite supporters to violent frenzy 1,tired but changed-for-the-better friends meet at bar to discuss their thematically linked days 1,study: human hearing most acute when listening to arguing parents from top of stairs 0,watch french president's dog pee in fireplace during official meeting 0,ted cruz will name carly fiorina as his running mate if he wins gop nomination 1,new hampshire legislature passes bill naming fentanyl state opiate 0,"So funny... Like others have pointed out, this dialogue has nothing to do with evolution. It's a ridiculous story otherwise as well... 1. How many secular teachers talk about God in class? I've never had a teacher in any of the secular schools I went to say anything about God, for fear of the controversy it would create. Teachers live in fear of controversy, they don't want to get fired. I think this idea that non-Christian teachers try to convince students that God doesn't exist is a fundamentalist paranoid fantasy. 2. How many atheists use the ""you can't see it so it doesn't exist"" argument? very few. They will use the ""there is no evidence so I don't believe you"" argument, but that has nothing to do with whether Timmy can see teacher's brain." 0,"The 2020 Global Food Outlook answers this as it says that a greater demand for vegetables will correspond with higher prices of vegetables in developing countries. Many articles acknowledge that starving people cannot afford much of any of the food for sale around them, and a greater demand for meat does not necesarily mean a decrease in demand for vegetables as populations grow globally. Since increasing meat consumption is irrational because it will not feed the poor and it will do even more damage to the environment, again, the solution proposed is to support the initiative for developing nations to become more self-sufficient in growing plant foods for themselves." 1,And why would you say something like this? Because Christianity prohibits it? I can't think of any other reason. 1,report: more american fifth-graders taking gap year to unwind before middle school 0,espn analyst blames 'liberal media' for 'war on football' 0,the only republican hillary could beat is trump. or is it? 0,"in a hate-filled election, this moment shows exactly why america is already great" 0,j. crew's jenna lyons doesn't care how you dress for work 1,"Don't worry, think everyone knows that your side doesn't have the sole monopoly on crazy. " 0,icymi: your brain on sleep and why people buy milk during blizzards 1,report: mom's work friend has no one 0,judge dismisses domestic violence charges against ray rice; now what? 0,donald trump to bring adviser with russia ties to classified briefing 1,"Thanks for that rant against religion. You may think its relevant but I dont particularly think it is. Its not only religious people that do not like gays. They need better PR than comparing gay prejudice to racial prejudice. They could learn from black people with their role models though, MLK,Muhammad Ali and Paul Robeson are far better than Liberace and George Michael." 1,co-op casino robbed again 0,merkel condemns 'repulsive' far-right violence in charlottesville 1,time traveler from the year 1998 warns nation not to elect newt gingrich 0,"Considering your previous comment, that isn't you. Once again, that opinion is based upon who you read." 1,faint hope granted by word 'presumptive' cruelly snatched from american people 0,"And here you reveal your prediliction for reading what you want to see into the words of others. I described materialism embracing new forces and phenomena which have withstood the rigors of the scientific method. I explicitly described science as a methodology, not a philosophy. You are wrong about me, WW, and the longer you pretend otherwise, the more time you're going to waste on strawmen and the more chances I'm going to get to make your arguments look silly. It's up to you. Argue with me, or argue with the person you want me to be." 0,'harry potter' tops facebook's '10 books that stayed with you' meme and no one is surprised 0,"too old to drive? think again, google to the rescue." 0,this teen's trying to make the road safer years before she even starts driving 1,man in solitary confinement can't break with reality fast enough 0,the views from this italian city will take your breath away 1,science teacher struggles to justify showing total recall 1,"report: majority of pay phone conversations begin, end in tears" 1,report: some small town enjoying last days of anonymity before harrowing tragedy 0,"Not only do their superiors in higher courts think they are a joke, but their peers in other circuit courts think they are a joke." 0,students stage anti-trump art protest at gop nominee's alma mater 0,"And here our Government recognizes: Rule of Law: Fundamental Rights of Citizens Democracies exist to serve their people" 0,mike trout really is the most valuable player in all of baseball 0,is the internet bad for religion? 1,paul manafort starts new job lobbying prison guards on behalf of aryan brotherhood 0,the troubling connection between anger management problems and gun access 1,proactive man removes own teeth in attempt to curb nail-biting habit 1,chuck schumer honestly pretty amazed he hasn't caved yet 1,report: it pretty incredible that americans entrusted with driving cars 0,"12-year-old says she's desperate to stop the hitting, screaming, fighting with mom" 1,kfc blames popeyes for releasing serial rapist from prison in new attack ad campaign 1,"By the 2A being repealed it would be the Government enacting and that is where the rubber would meet the road, or in other words SHTF. Or just be good little boy's and girls and start talking with a British accent. Also I'm still waiting: O.K. for the sake of argument I concede to the courtroom since there are armed guards around that might handle some sort of contingency,would you even think about conceding to any of the other places you mention?" 0,evidence linking alleged florida shooter to white supremacist group is really thin 1,"so here we have the forum spin doctor trying to cover up whats worse than a kerry flip flop you can run but you cant hide" 0,"They do offer a good insulating blanket which would keep the body of the reptile warm which in turn, would allow the reptile to remain active for a longer period of time. This means more time to hunt and reproduce carrying the mutation onwards." 1,So what? He made a statement on guns clearly and was well killed by one in the end... 0,the westernization of emoji 1,"god deploys 100,000 more mosquitoes to u.s." 0,chinese new year is a boom time for fake girlfriends 0,monday's morning email: what the global cyberattack could mean for you 0,cia chief warns of 'tremendous' consequences for iran 0,"Well, ""reasonable"" is clearly subjective... So the authors of the letter are practicly saying that any gun laws not interfering with the state militia would be permited according to the second amendment. But that gun laws obviously should be reasonable. But what reasonable is, is best left to the democratic will of the people. Or am I reading it wrong?" 0,'juno' writer says it's definitely not an 'anti-choice movie' 0,"Just like no one is really ""for"" abortions, but they think that it's the woman's right to decide. Maybe that's like when congress gave the President the right to decide to go to war, even when they were supposed to declare war." 0,how the gotham typeface came to define our era 1,loft discussed at loft party 1,man forced to venture pretty far into wilds of internet to have opinion confirmed 0,2014: year in review for the white house initiative on asian americans and pacific islanders 0,huffpollster: many americans supported stricter gun laws even before the orlando shooting 1,toilet that uses 50 percent less water must be flushed six times 1,The poor in the US certainly seem to eat more than the rich in most countries. 1,"And, I suppose that the priest wasn't terrifying his victim and wasn't telling the poor child that it was ""God's will.""" 1,i-90 adds lane for drivers traveling cross-country to stop woman from marrying wrong man 1,mom thinks you'd enjoy restaurant she can't remember name of right now 1,"Well, you did... only that ""you"" then resided in countries like France, Brittain, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Ireland, Botswana, China etc, etc ;).... And yes, we where all racists back then..." 0,"it's snowing in hawaii right now, and we can't wait to visit" 1,stressed-out sean hannity buys 12 little cabins in maine to get away from it all 0,"Well, in the sense that we cannot actually detect the intelligent design Behe proposes, then it it OUTSIDE the limit of actual detection." 1,"health experts recommend standing up at desk, leaving office, never coming back" 1,aliens mourn as final cheers episode reaches alpha centauri 0,"I think they have more of a chance becasue, while many manage to delude themselves into believing that an unborn child is not a baby, it would be much more difficult to convince yourself that a crying baby isn't a baby. Even in the animal kingdom (which we are all part of) you see some animals hesitate to kill the young of their own species. Evne coyotes will not generally kill a pup (I have even seen a pack of coyoptes pass a domestic pup without killing it, though they could have. I am told this is because of the stubby nose, which shows the coyotes that it is, indeed, a puppy, even though it looks unfamiliar to them)." 0,"And right at the top of the list, at a whopping 31.2 per 100,000, is Washington DC, even though they had a complete and total gun ban in place. How the hell do you explain that? Nobody could own handguns, nobody could ever carry a gun, nobody could have a gun outside of their home, nobody could even load their private guns, so how do they get to be at the top of the list or death rates?" 0,stop scaring new dads! 0,ruh-roh! runaway 'mystery machine' takes police on high-speed chase 0,"Very well said, but remember, Evolution doesnt mean atheism, but creationism means religion. I know Christians that believe in evolution, but i dont know atheists that believe in creationism." 0,my birthday is a day of infamy 0,john boehner says republicans will 'never' repeal and replace obamacare 0,this poet's chilling take on black death is heartbreakingly true 1,"This coming from someone who doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman. Is that why gays trouble you so much? Your easily confused and hate that awkward moment when realization hits that there is in outy where you thought there should be an inny " 0,advancing the world's women 0,7 things that always go on sale in september 1,impossible to tell if frazzled woman in walgreens uniform going to or coming from work 1,"Wow, Archie actually admits that angels do have free will. That makes a change. But then he goes and spoils it again by saying that they don't really have free will, but describes grace instead. He has a habit of redefining stuff. And I thought he was actually going to admit his mistake. Silly me." 1,bus transporting carnival cruise passengers crashes into sewage treatment plant 1,"You mean that hole that has been observed and proven, repeatedly? Climate Change is a controversy in the same way as the earth being broadly spherical is a controversy. There's a group of nutters who think the earth is flat; doesn't mean there is any reason to believe it is." 1,family cuts nursing home visit short so grandmother can get back to excruciating loneliness 1,"Thats because you love to be shocked. If you mixed with other men you would know that they would have difficulty believing that a man could be very emotionally close to a woman without wanting to have sex with her..thats the way most men think Matt is a man who lusts after men the same way thay men lust after women. If you are going to tell me that not all men think like that and I am producing another stereotype then you should get out more and stop living with your maiden aunt. Sorry to be blunt but you are either a prig or a choose" 1,best thing that ever happened to area man yelling at him about socks 0,portraits of sikh men reveal the diverse beauty of turbans and beards 0,these two men share the beautiful story of how their family was created 1,nostalgic man can still remember time when billboard advertised 'red 2' 0,the rich get richer 1,huckabee sanders claims playing cohen tape backward reveals hidden message exonerating trump from all wrongdoing 0,11 john oliver quotes that make the truth easier to swallow 1,romney thanks state he was born and raised in for just barely giving him enough votes to beat total maniac 1,"I see -- in your opinion is it is ""illegitimate"", therefore it must be so. I think I trust the legal opinions of the courts more, but then, they do occasionally make mistakes. It's just not at all obvious they've made one in this instance." 1,mom hates bad guy in movie 0,"deputy who flipped spring valley high student acted reprehensibly, school officials say" 1,Yes but of course was that rreally a consious choice? I see 1asm but no real answer that is credible.......seesh if I wanted srcasm I would have watched the Orielly factor. (oh wait thats yelling and bicering) knida like politics! (oops 1asm hehe) 0,taco bell: more than just fast food 0,"In other words: No, but I like to think they have!" 1,'the scream' returns from two-year vacation relaxed 0,"Well this doesn't answer my question though. With this bill, where is the money coming from? Are we cutting doctors jobs? I hate to use a Krugman thing but this looks like an ""underpants gnomes"" theory.1) Pass Senate Bill2) ???????3) Save $3,000 per capita." 1,shamefaced man stands stock-still as acquaintance zips up backpack for him 0,"Well, it might help if you could propose a mechanism for such changing traits that would stand up as well as the current model of genetic inheritance." 1,friend wondering if you can catch him up on what happened in previous 7 seasons during 'game of thrones' title sequence 0,the biggest lgbt names in media hit new york for one-night-only fete 0,two years after sandy: addressing the emotional needs of survivors 0,stampede at concert in guinea kills at least 34 0,"Just making sure that everybody is aware of his evasion, misrepresentation, and dishonesty. I figured a good time to do that would be while he was accusing scientists of these things... (I figure it's a damn good illustration when a paper's author tells him to stop misrepresenting the paper, and he keeps doing it anyway.)In fairness, being a creationist isn't necessarily an indicator of dishonesty; there are plenty of creationists who are creationists simply because they are uneducated about the subject. Unfortunately, supersport isn't part of this group; he has seen the evidence and is willfully ignorant of it." 0,chris christie neglects new jersey woes while hinting at 2016 presidential run 1,scientists announce they've completed mapping the human g-spot 0,princess charlotte has maybe the most fashionable christening ever 1,critics accuse joe biden of running for president for political reasons 0,bill to regulate e-cigarettes clears california legislative hurdle 1,poll: 98% of people picture run-down strip mall parking lot when word 'america' said 1,"Well, since the definition of marriage involves ""bringing together to make one"" then that doesn't make sense. But, whatever, nothings stopping you. Marry yourself. I just did (in the eyes of god)." 0,gop senator still thinks efforts to end housing discrimination fueled financial crisis 0,she just wants a job 0,microsoft wants to let you know when the feds are snooping in your email 0,sessions disqualified all dominicans. senators must now disqualify him. 1,How the hell can you narrow it down to three? The competition in the entire top ten is fierce. 0,this couple's wedding photo captures two generations of long-lasting love 0,gorgeous long exposure train photos prove the city has its own magic 0,"Really? Let me see. Two creation myths and a global flood myth where 5 million ""kinds"" of animal were crammed into a big box that magically floats for a year - yeah, that's secular history." 1,"You should watch where you cast stones, kido. Your original post is an example of a straw man...not mine. You should be more careful before operating a just yourself in the foot. LOL!" 1,theresa may recommits to nhs after receiving stark reminder of abysmal state of u.s. mental health care 0,how to survive in a conspiracy theorist's world 1,philip roth obituary just thinly disguised version of author's life 1,"If I ever see Arch defend a position at EvC I will eat my hat and the hat of my fiance, too." 0,So? There are other articles and books that do. Is your link the ultimate authority on the cause of crime? 0,new york and ibiza had a beautiful sexy baby: they called it tel aviv 0,"Actually, penguins are birds. Therefore, they don't have fur, but feathers. However, your point still holds." 1,pope francis spotted sunbathing nude in st. peter's square 1,angelina jolie stuns in first rollerblading competition since double mastectomy 1,uninformed buffoon barely comprehends conversation about taylor swift 1,trump boys defend sending saudi arabia plans for cool missile on personal etch a sketch 1,slower-burning flag introduced 0,rocks thrown at police after killing allegedly armed man 0,"I think you need to answer the same question I asked the other guy, who is God?" 0,republicans admit tax reform won't benefit all middle-class households 1,scientists receive $10 million grant to melt stuff 0,these strangers rushing to help one another remind us we're not alone 1,gore releases three more hostages 1,black man in support of confederate flag triples his media appearance rates 0,china refuses overseas treatment for critically ill nobel peace prize winner 1,minnesota braces for return of bachmann's full attention 1,zangief blasted for disrespectful celebration after fight in spain 0,patrick dempsey's wife files for divorce 0,the 25 best women's fashion deals of the nordstrom anniversary sale under $100 1,housing crisis vindicates guy who still lives with parents 1,north dakota drinks itself to sleep again 0,"If Obama had his way, standing against the government would be the most patriotic thing someone could do." 1,"can of surge results in fully-loaded, in-your-face diabetic reaction" 0,11 things you should never say to a single parent 1,single document engulfed in coworker's 50-page printout 0,"That's right, a higher view of the fetus than there currently is typically in our culture. I have no problem with anyone referring to it that way." 1,male substitute teacher with ponytail cloaked in mystery 1,rotating knife vortex closed pending safety investigation 0,"the drama desks, all the way, m&m's and more" 1,jamie lynn spears loses custody of fetus 0,mcmaster can't remember if trump called comey a 'nut job' in meeting with russians 1,mark zuckerberg promises that misuse of facebook user data will happen again and again 1,gray wolves sighted in capitol building for first time in 85 years 1,unpopular student ridiculed mercilessly in teacher's lounge 0,billy bush reportedly out at 'today' and negotiating exit from show 1,tenants forced to clean apartment before telling landlord about mice 1,80 percent of u.s. populace now selling handmade jewelry 0,why the affordable care act hasn't gone far enough 0,terry crews reveals the text he sent to agent after he was groped 0,"confronting isil: the day and decade ""after""" 1,woman seamlessly transitions from being too hungry to focus on job to being too full to focus on job 1,wedding invitation includes depressing map to church 1,man not himself until he has so much coffee he feels like he's going to die 1,"So that's where you get your religious education from !!! Books written for 'Dummies'!!!" 1,area woman thinking about doing that thing where she's mean to other women she meets for no reason 1,michele bachmann thankful no americans died in sikh shooting 0,will the empire strike back? hopes and fears in the gop establishment. 1,area throat-clearer to go see movie 1,fourth-graders differ over how much allergic classmate's face swelled up 1,god provides gift to women in form of marketing analyst bradley ennis 0,kim jong un calls north korea sub missile launch 'greatest success' 0,woman meets george w. bush while reporting for jury duty 0,9 personal trainer tips for mastering the weight room 0,pixar animator reveals the magic ingredient that adds soul to stories 0,congressional candidate distances himself from 'atheist' label 1,"'becoming a mother has been the most thrilling experience of my life,' reports woman fleeing hospital with stolen baby" 0,That is the premise of my question. On what basis can one claim that the Constitution makes this arbitrary designation with respect to the death penalty? I simply don't see any rational argument for it. 1,"freezing, coatless woman has decided it is spring" 1,mom still raving about butternut squash ravioli she tried 13 years ago 0,"whoops: franklin graham's new bank is lgbt-friendly, too" 0,punk legend gives 'nazi punks f**k off' an update just for donald trump 0,ruth bader ginsburg says 'cooler heads' should prevail on supreme court vacancy 0,"christmas, grief, and moving forward after an alzheimer's diagnosis" 1,elderly rite aid patron stretching out conversation about toothpaste to prolong human contact 0," I've had three children, which gave me an opportunity to observe intimately the development of infants. Also, I worked with emotionally unstable children aged 3 and older, and observed what a delightful species the three-year-olds are. At that point, infants have progressed from the largely self-involved awareness of the 24-month infant as the developing human deals with the problem of separateness and, as a result, issues a robust declaration of independence. No! No! No! are the bywords of a two-year-old. No! I won't! And you can't make me!" 0,caitlyn jenner's transition is far from average: why that matters 0,amber rose fearful over breast reduction surgery on wednesday 0,ryan lochte is 32. we shouldn't treat him like a kid. 0,seattle mayor's accuser in sex-abuse lawsuit comes forward 1,michael bennet quietly asks aide if polling at n/a is good or bad 0,reince priebus says rnc was 'absolutely not hacked' 0,"Because the correct alternative to the best naturalistic explanation scientists have come up with so far may well be an even better naturalistic explanation, not divine intervention." 0,"If your friend is hearing voices in her head to walk into traffic, she needs some psychiatric help." 0,"You mean, the perpetrator is convicted and the defender acquitted? Yes, that's the rule and not the exception. Notice here how no-one ended up dead, or even particularly seriously injured. Additionally the circumstances described are incredibly rare, that's why it makes the news." 0,12 portable vegan snacks for when hunger hits 0,i used an app to buy only ethical food. it was really hard. 1," and in the case of all prenatal medicine it is the pregnant woman who is the patient not the fetus. Shouldn't a doctor be able to act in the interests of the patient without fear of imprisonment? IIRC this was the issue most important to Justice Harry Blackmun (a conservative appointed by Richard Nixon) who authored the court's opinion on Roe v. Wade.The Roe v. Wade Opinion"" a doctor can't kill someone else to save the life of another, so I would say that is probably not a good arguement. Not only that, find \right to privacy\"" in the constitution...oh wait not there. Guess its on the back."" " 1,visiting parents do their best to praise son's new apartment 0,"Are they planning fun fair rides and people dressed as Mickey Mouse at this place? There could even have a ""feed the T Rex"" event where people get to throw lettuce sandwiches into the ""dino pit"" emoticonXHohoThat gives me an idea. Why don't we have a competition to come up with the best suggestion for a display or show at this theme park? The winner gets to feel smug for being so clever ;)" 0,these students aren't joining the national walkout to protest gun violence. here's why. 1,man doing karaoke clearly sings this one every time 0,hamas calls for new palestinian uprising against israel after trump's jerusalem move 1,bored gop vetting rand paul just to kill time before viable 2016 candidate emerges 0,america ferrera posts tearful message on post-election grief 0,"bill de blasio, adam smith and the living wage movement" 1,disciplinarian parent annoying restaurant much more than unruly toddler ever could 0,a nature vs. nurture debate: where does music taste originate? 1,chipotle mayo doing all the heavy lifting in sandwich 1,outline of inhaler clearly visible in comic-con attendee's lycra bodysuit 0,colbert has a few blistering extra questions mueller can ask trump 0,"jian ghomeshi announces new podcast, gets rightfully dragged" 0,why the notion of a 'ferguson effect' on policing is so problematic 0,football-loving americans harassed for wearing turbans to nfl game 0,when the core is shaky 0,I see your point and this goes back to my reply that emotions really show nothing as far as being spiritual. 0,"keystone xl looking more unlikely than ever, despite house vote to approve this dirty energy project" 0,this is how thousands are getting ready for the people's climate march 1,woman all geared up to complain about work sidelined by friend with marital problems 1,couple at point where they're comfortable using toilet at same time 0,hillary clinton aims to regain momentum at debate after surprise defeat in michigan 0,"This is different than stating that abortion is the same, in principle, as killing a born child. We are back on the question of ""Why would someone do this horrible thing"" which pro-life people continually ask and has been answered in many ways by many people. There are many threads on the subject :)That the fetus did not come into existance by it's own choice is really irrelevant. That it did not cause problems of it's own actions does not mean that it does not cause problems." 1,"BOY-HOWDY!! Why don't you let me know how you really feel? I have not tried to demonize anything. Rap music does that to itself without any help from me. Rap is the lowest form of music that I have ever heard. It is just too primative for my tastes. Once again, I am not a racist, nor am I sexist. I do my own washing. I wish you and your child nothing but the best in life. Some folks think that exposing young children to Rap music is a form of child abuse, I agree with those folks. P.S. Tell that Southern girl to find another room-mate, you sound like a horrible role model. Well, got to go wash some more underwear." 0,john oliver: 'f**king idiot' trump managed to screw up disavowing nazis 0,north west and penelope disick are the cutest toddler duo around 1,home-schooled student opens fire on breakfast nook 0,miranda lambert gets teary-eyed singing song she wrote with ex blake shelton 0,15 years of ftc failure to factor privacy into merger reviews 1,dinner party conducting full-scale investigation to determine if tip was included 1,new study finds women should only be making 20 cents less on dollar than men 1,"'richie rich' comics introduces new, even gayer character" 1,farberware releases new nonstick eggs 1,assistant uses cake to smuggle cake-decorating set to martha stewart 0,"Most people are not pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. No one here is going around demanding that women must have abortions." 1,loan officer from future warns: 'stop mortgaging your home at only 1.65% of the prime rate!' 0,cherishing every moment is hard 1,"Right, because besides rape and health concerns these really are the only other reasons women have abortions. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,new employee finally around long enough to be deemed incompetent 0,starbucks' midnight mint mocha frapp couldn't be further from the unicorn frappuccino 0,a blue fuzzy fighter stole the spotlight before mayweather-mcgregor fight 1,guest roster assembled for surprise birthday reveals minimal understanding of girlfriend's social circle 1,paragon of chivalrous virtue lets date have last mozzarella stick 0,how to avoid ending up in a tree in the amazon 0,uzo aduba's emmys dress is a work of art 0,"So the intent hiding behind abortion laws all along was to keep women in the gutter. There was not any legititamte concern for the unborn fetus. It was all about how they could keep women down. Tell me then, would someone who supports a ban on partial birth abortion do so simply because they want to repress women?" 1,"It depends. Do you feel the same way about the Yeti? How about the Lock Ness monster? You can make the statement 'Based on the current available evidence, I do not believe in the existance of any god/gods.' I think it is intellectual fence sitting myself. I feel the same way about God as i do about fairies, the yeti, alien abductions, and 'psychic powers'. There is no evidence that any of these exist, so based on the evidence, I don't believe they exist. Should new evidence be forthcoming, I will reevalutate my position based on that evidence." 1,Do you have something-other then words from a dusty old book of myth to offer as an explanation? 0,donald trump voted least desirable neighbor of the year 0,"melissa mccarthy is easter spicey, the apologizing easter bunny" 0,gunfire erupts in ferguson after protester is struck by car 1,mom guesses dressbarn closure means she'll just have to go shop with all the sluts over at chico's now 0,'the late show' unveils spoof halloween-themed trump merch 1,brad pitt decides to grow out forehead hair 0,4 high-level languages for front-end developers 1,update: 'the onion' has halted production on our travel tips video narrated by jeremy piven 1,hollywood announces plan to remake jimmy stewart 0,head-in-sand purists 1,"elderly dog can already tell owner doesn't think she's worth $3,000 gallstone surgery" 1,pier 1 issues formal apology for rattan death march 0,bruce davis eligible for parole for charles manson family murders 1,firebrand john mccain demands immediate investigation into why he remaining complicit 0,a flash of honesty 0,"Do you see cops driving down the road, going over the speed limit, turning on their lights during rush hour to get to their exit which is just a little ways ahead and then turn their lights off after they exit the highway. People who enforce the law think that they are better than the law, and don't have follow the law, even if they enforce the law, or make them, i personally think that is Bull****!!!" 1,"Good to know that sence of humor hasn't completely evaded you. Had me worried there for a moment, or two, or three... emoticonXWow" 1,pope francis offers molested kids 10% off at vatican city gift shop 0,"made in the image of god: art, feminist theology and caroline mackenzie" 0,piers morgan just pissed off a lot of parents with paternity leave comments 1,area mofo announces plans to chill 0,'kimmy schmidt' star tituss burgess follows up 'peeno noir' with ode to multicultural penis 1,"Actually that was obvious based on your type of irrational reasoning. " 1,midwesterners descend on insurance company's free nail files 1,"federal government adds 600,000 acres to national forbidden zone" 0,bigfoot unveiling turns into huge toe job 1,woman had no idea participating in 5k walk could be so unrewarding 0,man accused of urinating on cop after yelling 'f*** trump' 1,new employee doesn't understand that's where zack sits 0,"And for good reason. Electrical engineers in general have a pretty poor track record when discussing issues that have nothing to do with... electrical engineering. Examples: Walter ReMine, Fred Williams, etc." 0,feeling overwhelmed by all the news this year? you're in the minority. 0,republican congressman tells cub scouts he'll support trump 'no matter what crazy things he says' 0,"Another personal favorite of mine... When I showed up to a seminar hosted by a local creationist, I challenged him to produce a textbook with false evidence. He couldn't. When I brought every last biology and biochemistry textbook from my college career to him for him to scour, he didn't even bother to look.Translation: this claim is XXXX, and Wells knows it." 1,woman apparently wants to smell edible 0,"No I do not say that the creation of energy and matter did not coincide the creation of the laws that govern/regulate them. What I say is that the laws are not the RESULTS of the existence of energy, matter etc." 0,every single kid who was orphaned by ebola in guinea has a home 0,nuns and advocates protest planned pipeline by erecting a chapel in its path 1,gop promises americans will be able to keep current medical conditions if obamacare repealed 1,green bay taxi driver has seen whole heck of a lot 0,"I've never been to Amsterdam. A friend of mine went and he liked it. I'd like to go someday. Hell, I'd just like to get my XXX anywhere, really." 1,new grown-up monitor allows children to listen in on parents crying 1,airbnb user loves how easy website makes it to ejaculate in stranger's sink 0,the power of expectation 0,white house designer michael smith talks obamas and industry secrets 1,Yea they get over it in a year or two. Haaa Haaa 1,"Like I'm teaching history to a bunch of doorknobs... We had a constitution prior to the current one. It was called the Articles of Confederation. " 1,"new, improved obamacare program released on 35 floppy disks" 0,"It seems to be the reason for crafting this new, individual right against the States. Since the original purpose of the Second Amendment doesn't appear to be needed, there is a new use that is protected." 0,twitterverse trolls marco rubio over his 'fool' bible verse tweet 0,why i'm thinking of separating from a wonderful man after 27 years together 1,nurse reminds elderly man she's just down the hall if he starts to die 0,knee osteoarthritis treatment shows promise in early trial 1,that chinese girl in office: 'i am not chinese' 0,check it out: giant pumpkin outweighs smart car 0,"The 10 commandments are a real time story, told and recorded by the person with whom it happened to... Moses.Genesis, is a history lesson, told by a man who had no understanding of modern science, or the language to describe it in that fashion... Moses.If God chose to reveal to you in some special way, the origins of the universe, for you to write down for generations to come.. you would write a different story than Moses. Just as one person views art differently from another person.I see no duplicity between the two." 1,united states sends laos bill for 80 million undetonated bombs still left in country from vietnam war 1,obama up early cooking breakfast in one of michelle's extra long t-shirts 1,brewers stay after game to run the bases 1,"All these posts proving Archie wrong, and not one example of his acknowledging this fact has EVER BEEN FOUND! OMG WOWOWOW!!~!@ Please, Archie, tell us about Tiktaalik. Go ahead. Yes, I'm serious. Do it." 1,director seeking relatively unknown actress for next affair 0,here's a delightfully awkward video about spending valentine's day alone 1,"Rofl, you would still have a problem with that, don't lie. After all, OMG THEY HAVE BENEFITS YOU DON'T GET OMG. And that's unconstitutional isn't it, Matthew S. At least according to your flawed reasoning." 0,"State courts can rule based on state and/or federal law. In this case, the answer was found in the state constitution, so the judge did not need to pursue the issue further.Also, a state constitution can offer more protection that the federal one, as long as, in so doing, it does not contradict the federal constitution." 1,dolby theatre usher throws out matt damon for attempting to film oscars with camcorder 1,breakup doesn't seem to have changed relationship 0,"Actually, everything the bible say's belies your ""atheist answer"". The reality is that the world itself and all of Gods Creation speaks to His existence as being self evident. It takes a degree of faith to accept Jesus as our personal Savior, but as far as accepting the reality of God Himself, all one need do is look observe the world we live in to see that only an incredible and loving God could create such a Beautiful and marvelous World with so many amazing symbiotic and perfectly interdependent forms of life." 1,"I think it is hilarious that you still think that in order to do a detailed study of evolution, you have to read 10 different books on it and take brainwashing classes from a university. Maybe you just like making yourself feel superior to me...who knows..." 0,13 billboards call out how much money politicians got from the nra 1,report: 94% of south dakotans unprepared for mt. rushmore faces coming alive and eating everyone 0,"Good, you can address the claims made here, too. ETA: Also see how the movie's version lines up with the information here regarding Sternberg." 0,try your hand at making sarah palin's donald trump endorsement even wilder 1,"Ok genius, explain to me how come it is that I dont believe in monsters, in ghosts,in luck,the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, and so many other things that a lot of people believe in, but yet I believe in God. Do I have some deep seated delusional fantasy or something like that. You seem to be wise and all knowing( maybe all powerfull as well). Yep, im convinced you are a legend in your own mind. You believe what you will, and I will do the same, and in the end we will see who is right and who is not." 0,irish prime minister uses st. patrick's day to praise immigration in front of trump 1,child buried in backyard under popsicle-stick cross 1,new study confirms humans only use 10% of genitalia 1,big ben set 15 minutes ahead to give london a little extra time in the morning 1,trump demands investigation into whether clintons gave him non-registry wedding gift in 2005 0,state department releases more clinton emails 1,reggie white to host fox's when atheletes talk 0,the most dangerous beaches for shark attacks in the u.s. 1,child so stupid she sees letters backwards 0,"I looked it up and apparently there is a synthetic form of THC on the market, (generically known as Dronabinol and sold under the trade name Marinol). But it is only allowed under restricted prescription (it's a Schedule II controlled substance, the same as morphine or cocaine) and is far less effective than plant-derived THC." 0,"But, of course, religion is a mere matter of brainwashing and programming. Some people, very obviously, need this sort of intrusion into their lives because they can't figure it out for themselves.And, there are some very profound and meaningful religious teachings.However, if one is not permitted to question the tenets of a particular belief system, I find that dangerous.Like in your sect. You do expect complete obedience, do you not? No questioning of your authority?" 0,meeting jon snow irl is apparently like seeing the 'mona lisa' for the first time 0,"holy knockoff, batman! man busted for throwing 'batarang' at cops" 1,freezing woman dining outside desperately clutching cloth napkin for warmth 1,parents of adorable baby on tv show most likely insane 0,medicaid expansion tied to employment among people with disabilities 1,scientists say newly discovered earthlike planet could support robust economy 1,new york times 'faces of the dead' editor just needs a couple more to fill out corner 1,"'we must protect the pure aryan bloodline,' says child after 9 minutes of unsupervised facebook access" 0,this texas city has unsafe water for the 4th time in 2 years 0,a plea to free archbishop mar gregorios yohanna ibrahim and archbishop boulos yazigi who were kidnapped one year ago today 1,2013 year in review photo essay shaping up to be quite horrific 1,civil war historians posit 'you had to be there' theory 1,"tech is the future, reports local dad" 1,pope francis wearing sweater vestments he got for christmas 1,"Has the American Medical Association decided to recognize that aluminum, steel and polymer and addictive narcotic substances that can drastically alter a person's mental status?" 1,'incredibles 2' forced to take out grisly cannibalism scene in order to secure pg rating 1,ratings low for npr morning zoo crew 1,vessel for male sexual gratification very sad today 1,new $50 million planetarium opens young minds to wonders of pink floyd 0,here's how anti-vaxxers actually sound 1,gop leaders demand congressman duncan hunter's resignation after discovering he poor 0,"Reading Difficulties, huh? There's a cure for that. It's called school. Perhaps you should go there....." 1,nutritious lunch brought from home broadcasts middle-aged coworker's recent health scare loud and clear 1,"mayonnaise, black forest ham to share top billing in upcoming sandwich" 0,11 life lessons i learned from my year of running 1,freshman dorm kept cool by 870 fans 0,watch: brandy sings on the subway and nobody seems to notice 0,So there you have it: AMENDMENTS ARE PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. 0,pwc confirms partner responsible for best picture mishap 1,donut-shaped thing in kitchen junk drawer has no discernible purpose whatsoever 1,failure to get into private college to be most financially responsible act of 17-year-old's life 1,bill o'reilly tearfully packs up framed up-skirt photos from desk 1,"Contradict what? Thank you for acknowledging that I know what I'm talking about. I call it questioning. You call it wrangling because you've no coherent thoughts of your own. " 0,'on fleek' viral star peaches monroee just launched her own hair line 0,You don't even take into consideration the possibility that Japan could have a higher mass murder rate- perhaps the same as the US- if guns were freely available in that country. You have a lot of explaining to do if you expect me to buy what you're trying to peddle. 1,hussein court shocked by ironclad alibi 1,bill clinton resting up to sit upright at next debate 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 1,mohawked rex tillerson warns u.s. democracy threatened by plutocratic fascist pigs fucking over the working man 0,feds give $43 million to fast track development of ebola vaccines 1,homesick trump stays up all night on phone with automated mar-a-lago reservations line 0,a tribute to alan rickman: reading between the black and white 0,this job at netflix is an instagrammer's dream 1,report: what's a pretty lady like you doing around an article like this? 0,iraq's prime minister unveils plan to trim criticized government 1,area theater has strict rule against bringing in outside movies 1,"nation's outfoxed sheriffs shake heads, throw hats in dirt" 0,"While I don't appreciate your tone, you are correct in that I misunderstood the premise of this thread. The short answer is that I would have to be convinced that a soul exists and that a soul is injected at any point in the process of conception through labor. An unlikely situation given that I'm an agnostic. Though I have said that I'm amendable to banning 3'rd trimester abortions as a compromise. Loosely related to having my mind changed." 0,beware the squid children of cebu 1,bush to lovely chilean ambassador:'i must paint you' 1,"Thank you for linking my statements wherein I did answer your question. Of course you, someone who doesn't believe in anything can talk about getting rid of religions and yet you cry foul at perceived persecutions by Christians." 0,camila cabello's cover of 'say you won't let go' is raw power 1,local moviegoer enjoying movie so far 0,"Actually, at 24 weeks is when the the interconnection of the fetal brain begins. The nerve cells from the neocortex begin to synapse with the nerve cells of the thalamus. It is at this point that bursts of recognizable brain waves start to appear among the random signals that go on before. It is at this point that some scientists believe a fetus can feel pain as well.It is also at this point that a fetus can possibly survive outside of the womb (23-24 weeks), though the cance of survival is low and the risk of impairment very serious. This point probably won't change with technology either because the fetal lung is not mature enough until this point for even mechanical-assisted breathing." 0,everything you need to know about the new taco bell delivery service 0,"Yes...if you ignore people, they eventually go away...except for me, of course." 0,'daily show' and rosie o'donnell reveal donald trump's 'very very incredible deal' 0,wednesday's morning email: trump shakes up top staff 0,"An independant perspective doesn't make it a good thing. Politicians that propose anti-gun legislation don't have to live in the real world with those of us that the bill will affect, they shouldn't be allowed to propose it." 0,some of justice scalia's biggest fans declare donald trump 'uniquely unsuited' to be president 0,elizabeth warren calls donald trump a 'racist bully' 1,toyota recalls 1993 camry due to fact that owners really should have bought something new by now 0,taliban condemns trump's decision to continue war in afghanistan 1,european leaders: 'we stand together to say loud and clear: we are scared as fuck and don't know what to do' 1,"NEWS FLASH Being Catholic and following Christ's teachings are not one in the same. " 1,obese man impaled in wicker-chair disaster 0,3 unexpected ways to help your kids be mindful about screen time 0,"Actually, 2 viruses and a bacteria have been constructed by building the genome from nucleic acids." 0,"weakened hurricane patricia spares mexican cities, hits remote areas" 0,does policing summons warrants really prevent serious crime? 1,childhood friend stops writing after two e-mails 0,progressive groups want doug jones to throw caution to the wind 0,what olympic swimmer ryan lochte eats for breakfast will shock you 1,"Catholics have ANOTHER way to get to heaven? What is it? PS: Does it have anything to do with moneyemoticonXAngel" 0,'it will never happen to me' 1,office disgusted by two coworkers getting all chummy with each other 1,man waiting to see how few more decades of racial violence play out before taking action 1,"historical archives: facial corsets for ladies, finally" 0,these kids' space-themed halloween costumes were out of this world 0,"No it doesn't. That's why Darwin objected to the use of that phrase in reference to his theory. Those who don't bother to learn the theory tend to misunderstand. Fittness is not a reference to big and strong. It makes it too easy to misrepresent evolutionary theory.I'll state it again since you seem to have missed or ignored it the first time. Natural selection is differential reproductive success. Those organisms that are well adapted to their environment tend to survive to reproduce in greater numbers, and therefore they tend to leave more offspring, than those organisms that are less well adapted.You've got to be a pretty shallow thinker to equate an environmental advantage with big and strong." 1,"oh wait, area man not paul" 0,madeleine albright congratulates jen welter on becoming first female nfl coach 0,"Actually we do not know who the first human to get AIDS was. Most likely it was an African who got it from a green monkey last I looked into the matter, most likely by eating the creature. You are perhaps referring to case zero, but thats only as far back as the chain can be traced, its not the first case in humans." 0,julianne hough lived in pain for years because of endometriosis 1,everyone in motorcycle gang jewish 0,mack wilds plays a crooked cop in the new fox drama 'shots fired' 0,heartbreaking video shows starving polar bear on warming canadian island 1,fox news intern fetching coffee tells herself this will all pay off when she trump's secretary of state one day 0,living life with mindfulness and love 0,"thank a teacher thursday: dominic casulli and the power of encouragement, part 1" 1,"The continents didn't move around much at all, smart one.emoticonXRolleyes God made the continents close to the way they are today just 4000-8000 years ago. The Tower of Babel is fact. The Bible never lies." 1,"indonesian mother sews halloween costumes for 60,000 children" 0,landmarks turn blue for world autism awareness day 0,"trump says there's been no russia contact -- of course, much of what he says is untrue" 1,impatient nation demands supreme court just get to the gay stuff 1,trump forced to take on second job as cvs cashier in order to pay down business debts 0,sunday night's supermoon was incredible — but deadly for these animals 1,bush arrives at debate wearing flight suit 1,seaworld dynamites orca that beached itself on concrete walkway 1,white house releases moving statement honoring woman who called obama an arab in 2008 1,scientists isolate gene simmons 0,'steven universe' creator rebecca sugar on lgbt stories for kids 1,leaf that came out too early cold as shit 1,baseball hall of fame elected to hall of fame hall of fame 1,microlender forecloses on goat 0,"private prison companies will still lock up immigrants, despite doj decision" 1,"man torn between boycotting indiana, visiting evansville zoo" 1,"man pulling in $1,000 per month has nerve to complain about minimum wage laws" 0,nbc reportedly dumps trump-inspired 'law & order: svu' episode until after the election 1,theresa may puts on headphones to hear english translation of trump's address 1,college freshman from florida has never seen people complain about snow for 5 months before 0,the global empowerment of the next generation 1,mrs. butterworth's bottle central to terrifying lsd experience 0,business gains are doubled when they're done with love 1,'run! run and never look back!' whispers heidi cruz while hugging carly fiorina on rally stage 1,"men, boys separated" 1,sudden burst of confidence not sure where the hell it came from either 0,"sorry gop, mike pence can't save you from donald trump" 0,"In case you were wondering, no one here has missed the fact that you're trying to divert attention from the real issues by beating one minor issue into the ground." 1,tiny ben carson tugs at debate moderator's pant leg 1,It was a hypothetical question that has been answered..please try to keep up. 0,to vaccinate or not to vaccinate: why is that even a question? 0,"I agree, for the most part. Once you get to tanks and helicopters though? Too big, too easy a target for a tyrannical regime. Do you see the Iraqis and Afghanis using tanks and helicopters? I'm sure they could get them if they really wanted, but they're useless against a government that invests in satellite technology and bombers. Better to stick with the rocket launchers and mines." 0,"blowing out birthday candles increases cake bacteria by 1,400 percent" 0,selena gomez tears up while performing tribute to christina grimmie during concert 0,justin bieber has 3 go-to poses and they're all surprisingly amazing 0,where is offense? 0,google still a long way from meeting diversity goals 1,"with tens of millions of gun owners, and hundreds of millions of guns in the US, and you think the guns are still the problem...." 0,"That's certainly your right, but supersport is interested in hawking a religious agenda, not a scientific one. He may want it disguised as a scientific one, but a perusal of his posts here bely that desire." 1,"And you wonder why people call ""republicans"" racist, women hating bigots. (hint: it's comments like yours)" 0,"Logically incorrect. One can as many red balls as one likes, and still only have one green one." 0,"haha, probably very smart of you ;) It gets heated in here" 0,"I don't get why either side thinks it matters much. There is evidence that many, many behaviors we see have genetic roots; including behaviors that are unacceptable to society. It is not like something being genetic necessarily matters one iota in terms of the morality the behavior associated with it. So it's just as strange that some feel proving gay-is-genetic will matter as it is strange that some feel that disproving it will matter. The moral issue of homosexual relations will go on regardless of the genetic debate, because quite frankly, one is not dependent on the other." 1,You make it seem as if you are doing me a favor by reading what I post 0,bloomberg's program to build better cities just got bigger 0,"Actually JP so far 5 states have passed gay marriage so no not every time it is put to a vote do we lose.And how am I forcing anyone to accept gay marriage? Am I forcing these voters to attend my wedding or dare I say be in a marriage themselves?And I cannot agree with you more about changing the image of the gay community as a whole.. We are not all a bunch of promiscuous sex crazed people running around...What I find funny is once strait people find out how boring we really are, and how we pay taxes just like every other joe schmo they'll think nothing more of special rights lol...But actually like I stated earlier in another thread if those unions constituted the same legal rights as married couples I would be content." 0,jimmy carter to discuss cancer diagnosis on thursday 1,"Are you suggesting the pollsters are bias? Nooooooooooo, that couldn't be. You think they were trying to sway the election? Noooooooooo, that couldn't be. These guys along with their Hollywood and music industry buddies are lossing their base. They need to go back to movies and music and leave the politics alone." 0,"man shoots up bathroom when occupant takes too long, police say" 0,claire danes is expecting baby number two with hugh dancy 1,man dies all by himself 1,nation demands nasa stop holding press conferences until they discover some little alien guys 1,church masses going wild over catchy new gregorian chant 0,here's a deleted 'broad city' scene you've never seen before 0,kanye west ice cream week returns to new york 0,"the sec, cftc and the real-time risks in today's markets" 0,"no, i didn't fall in love with my son the first moment i met him" 0,google reviewed 2017 and it's enough to make us all cry 1,area man relieved to hear state of union still strong 0,"Healthcare is a human and civil right in a democratic society. YouTube - Peter Paul & Mary - Blowin in the wind ..." 1,"yeah, the lithologically all encompassing, all bedform forming, process immune FLUD" 1,"polls reveal, essentially, nothing" 1,woman thinks she can just waltz back into work after maternity leave without bringing baby to office 0,public higher education in america is facing an existential emergency 0,resolving to be kind: 10 resolutions for 2015 0,drake throws money and angrily storms into club 1,"Uh oh, Mr. Poe's proclamation crashes and burns right there - the Bible says no such thing. This is where a satire quickly changes from something that starts out as mocking, (designed to be something that could be innocence) to a complete lie. It never takes long for atheist satirists to demonstrate their lack of knowledge of the Bible. Atheist mockers dont seem to be quite as skilled as Mr Poe would have us believe." 0,the techno-colonialism of facebook and cambridge analytica 0,kenya should not sign china and south africa coal deal 1,"barbara bush passes away surrounded by loved ones, jeb" 1,how was local man to know carol channing's niece was around? 1,lyndon johnson jr. sworn in as george editor 0,the lesson of harvey and irma: an animal's best ally is its community 1,"fourth-grade teacher receives dark portent of coming storm from gnarled, haggard third-grade teacher" 0,canoe found after hurricane irma eyed as piece of florida history 0,"Simply pointing out that swords cut in both directions. Be that as it may, no one has refuted that there are more cases of Concealed Carry Permit holders who have gone off and assaulted people than there have been school shootings. Care to try? Omegaman tried, failed, and went silent on the topic." 0,"So???? Are we supposed to be surprised? Hardly emoticon_rolleyes State constitutions and / or their amendments don't mean diddly squat if they are not in agreement with the US cconstitution." 1,"So, you're basically saying that Biden was lying through his teeth when he said he doesn't support gay marriage? It was all just a lie to keep from losing votes? Interesting." 0,love is humble 0,10 reasons to visit scotland this year 0,"Really? A lot of people say that every answer makes more questions. In some ways we seem to know less now than we did at the time of Newton, in that we are less certain. And Newton's laws deal with what happens in a vacuum with no resistance, not direct human experience At any rate, my point is that you can't see all the evidence as piling up support for 'science' as 'science' is moulded to fit that evidence. Not a criticism of science, btw." 0,facebook to block private gun sales 1,"Then you have no problems about people reminding you about how the US has screwed up in the past causing the deaths of thousands? Or how about the US overthrowing democracies in Latin America and installing dictatorships? Of course those will be used in a arguments completely irrevelant to them, but considering how you keep using the WWII fallacy to distract the discussion away from your own failure, you shouldn't have any problem no?" 1,"Right, what I think doesn't make you naive or delusional, what you think does." 0,24 movies you'll want to see over the remainder of 2017 1,racist merely misspoke 1,"area man too poor to afford movers, too old to get help from his friends" 1,"Child alert. Child alert. For a 15 year old, I think you need to go back to kindergarten. You are condemning and non-argumentative. I disagree with Silent Poet on most things. However, Poet has been very logical and a staunch advocate of providing evidence to back up claims. As am I. I am christian and against abortion. You however, are non topical, non argumentative in that you attack with Ad Hominem arguments and no substance. Grow up a bit before you attempt to post on forums such as this. The occasional outburst is one thing, but to attack people with nothing but fluff etc only hurts the pro life position, it does not help it." 1,facebook offering new profile frame to let friends know you stopped scrolling briefly to look at disaster photos and felt sorta bad 0,you won't be able to unsee benedict cumberbatch imitating an otter 1,friends can't stand couple's public displays of hostility 1,sleepover guests can only wonder what mysterious delights lie tucked inside off-limits room 0,"there was no audio, so we captioned the trump and putin meeting" 1,"annoying guy in movie theater constantly screaming 'get out of there, you idiot' at bradley cooper's character in 'a star is born'" 0,"But what you are being challenged to do is to give some evidence for the idea that the world was created less than 10,000 years ago. In other words, ""If Genesis-style creation were true, we would expect to see (fill in the blank).""" 0,hbo's martin luther king jr. film reveals his 'dark and dangerous' final years 0,the onion is getting into the movie business 0,background checks for gun sales hit record high on black friday 0,"Well, assuming that when the Bible says ""you"" in passages that are telling ""you"" to do something with your soul, I would hope that it also applies to women. But it never comes out and says ""women and men have souls."" This doesn't mean they don't have them.Same thing with animals. The book isn't written for non-humans, so when it says ""you"" we can assume it doesn't refer to non-humans. But the book never says ""animals don't have souls.""So we can't assume that they don't (according to the bible)." 0,"Well there you go again mixing up a belief in creation (creationists) with a belief that the idea of creation can be based in science (creation science)This is why you are anti-religious in your post. Not everyone who believes in creation, is a creation scientist. I believe in creation, and I'm not a creation scientist, so when you attack us all through confusion, you are, well... attacking us all. Such is your zeal to do so, based as it is, on a philosophy of science." 0,bodies of 74 migrants wash up on libyan beach 0,blimp crashes to the ground at u.s. open 0,"Well that was a good start. Are you planning on insulting everyone who replies to your post?Of course it would be more difficult for criminals to get hold of guns if there were fewer of them around. It would also make it more difficult for children to get hold of them, or feuding neighbours who, on the spur of the moment, think that waving a gun around might bring about a solution to their problems.If you don't think you're going to like the answers to your question, then don't ask the question.Smiley" 1,romney takes in more money than obama for 612th consecutive month 1,fireflies almost salvage man's shitty day 1,'stranger things 2' creators say keen viewers will notice twinge of disappointment hidden in every scene 0,arkansas judge accused of trading sentence reductions for sex 1,hillary clinton to nation: 'do not fuck this up for me' 1,roommate skulking around edge of party like victorian ghost child 1,"BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Frenchman dies in Somalia rescue Ya know, if you didn't watch Faux.News all the time, ya might actually know some real facts, ""Sartre.""" 1,"Still no response, eh. OK, let me put it more clearly, were you lying with what you stated in another forum, which is what I posted in #42, or are you lying now?emoticonXMad" 0,army veteran faces 120-year sentence for firing 2 shots into air 0,"on eve of olympics, top investigator details secret efforts to undermine russian doping probe" 1,dream team wins small soft drink 0,nikki haley called out for hypocrisy after refusing to house guantanamo detainees 0,"""cave men"" did not leave hieroglyphs, unless you want to call ancient Egyptians cave men. The first drawings in caves were found by Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola in 1879." 1,area man has no idea how he got on hamas e-mail list 1,quiet riot speaks out against nation's poor metal health care 1,report: there never been a better time to buy than right now 0,health care coverage is not enough. we need delivery system reform. 1,excited archaeologists hit mass grave jackpot 0,"Well, I'm sincere in how I interpreted what he wrote, and I honestly believe that is what he meant." 0,it's time to get serious about freedom of religion 1,83-year-old sneaks into 65-to-80 singles dance 0,bradley cooper looks unrecognizable for new role 0,the same-sex marriage decision: what to make of the dissenters 1,thomas jefferson impersonator reenacts famous cell phone shouting match with wife 1,"whooooosh. emoticonXBye That was the sound of my point as it went over your head. How much do you want to but I don't find any? Go ahead bet me! Are you afraid?" 1,weird black dot actually part of bowl 0,two victims shot on texas southern university campus 0,"fordham, education department sued over student's mental health records" 0,the ebola fighters 'time' forgot 0,"You hear that cry...allowing gays to marry will cause the downfall of civilization...but you never hear ""how"" or ""why""? More Chicken Little ####." 0,Evolutionary scientists is a confusing term. A geochronologist might work out an age for a lava sample for example. Astronomers have also made comment on the age of the earth as have paleontologists studying certain fossils.So why would no flood make radiometric much more likely to accurate as you say? Can we hear some specific detail on this as it is kinda significant to backing you your assumption. 1,jared kushner spends fourth consecutive day silently ensnared in decorative white house spider webs 0,"the legend of goddess bunny, hollywood's forgotten, disabled, trans art star" 1,neighbor oblivious to fact she being groomed for cat-sitting 1,new biodiversity program busses in species from outside ecosystems 0,labor day 2015: stand together and fight back 0,transcanada shelves its u.s. keystone application 0,"As Kronus explained, there are an infinite number of ""colors,"" because ""color"" is a function of wavelength." 0,'sense8' trailer previews netflix's most mysterious show yet 0,"this statement isn't logical.It does not follow that if the person who creates the laws has to therefore follow them or can't change them...or even that they apply to him. If a teacher says ""no talking in the classroom"" it doesn't apply to the teacher now does it." 0,sen. jeff merkley stages all-night protest on senate floor against gorsuch nomination 1,tv show under fire for depicting murder 0,"No, it doesn't. It is an example of how one part of the theory of evolution works to effect changes in a population." 1,unhinged lunatic using facebook to spread conspiracy theories 0,one more (feminist) wonder about 'wonder woman': it passes the abuse litmus test 0,"No! At conception we are a person and human.All living things belong to a species and the foetus is a living thing, for that reason a foetus must belong to a species, and that species is human.A fingernail is dead so cannot be considered a living human, nor will it develop into a human.The sperm only has half the chromosomes so is not human.The unique human is the key element here, if you cut your nail, the DNA from the nail can be replicated by the living persons nail, a foetus when destroyed cannot have itself replicated, the unique DNA that is destroyed will never be see on earth again, that individual has gone forever, howver, the man with the nail clipped is still alive." 0,human skeletons found under nyc's washington square park 0,"I think they should. I mean, if you're under 18, you are still under your parent's guardian. I feel like they have the right to know if their child is getting an abortion." 0,the 3 (unlikely) artists i'm obsessing over this year 1,"I take it that you are not educated about maternal mortality in pregnancy, then? " 0,'hoodie monks' use hip hop to impart buddhist wisdom 0,former adviser says rick perry's campaign in new hampshire has folded 0,beloved archie comics get a dark makeover in new tv series 'riverdale' 1,area woman's hair always wet 0,millions of kids could be at risk because of this deadly dresser 0,earth orbit: getting crowded... much faster 0,good stock farm: a great new cooking school 1,trump supporter still planning on rioting at national convention anyway 0,40 years on the fence 1,local bull dreams of traveling to spain for running of the bulls 1,"fbi reveals maria butina traded sex in exchange for all 62,984,828 votes trump received in 2016" 1,scientists discover portal to outside world 0,'grey's anatomy' fans launch petition to bring back mcdreamy 0,"Yea the legalizatioin of drugs would cause an epedimic of problems. Crime, suicide, mental health problems, and physical health problems." 0,"on the anniversary of trump's inauguration, the government is shut down" 0,carol chapman's gps guide for better sleep 0,hillary clinton is likely to be the next president of the united states 1,conservation program helps struggling rhinos adapt to modern ecosystem by retraining them as urban scavengers 0,invisibility cloak may be moving closer to reality 0,american express to offer 5 months of paternity and maternity leave 0,learning to live with ulcerative colitis 1,beyoncé quickly releases new song about how buying tidal subscription most empowering thing a woman can do 1,Really. Have you got any quotes from them endorsing monopolies? 1,internal weakness openly shared with coworkers 1,nation puts 2016 election into perspective by reminding itself some species of sea turtles get eaten by birds just seconds after they hatch 1,magical girlfriend transmutes guilt into precious stones 1,"I'm not sure where you live, but round here natural sand gets made from a variety of erosion processes. " 0,sandra bland's mother says cop's perjury charge is 'not justice' 1,jackie chan's ancestors shamed by blooper reel 0,aviva sees the light 0,yoga master: diamond dallas page's reluctant destiny 1,custodian taken into custody 0,nfl players buy xbox for 10-year-old boy wearing colin kaepernick jersey 1,nation has heart set on last muffin 0,here's exactly why a vote for trump is vote against lgbtq rights 0,"Yea, i got one about the UK. Let me find it, hold on." 0,"Why should the family of the criminal be of more concern that the families of the victims? I say, put a bullet in the bastards and be done with it." 1,candidate delighted to be in chair factory 0,flynn's departure leaves trump foreign policy even more disoriented 1,Looking for an opportunity to shoot a gun control advocate while being protected from prosecution by the castle laws in your state? Not happening.... 1,pen pal becomes pen foe 1,60-year-old hippie pitied by 40-year-old punk 1,stormy daniels '60 minutes' interview leads to spike in pornhub searches for anderson cooper 0,a bride harbors an intimate secret in this haunting short film 1,poll: 96% of bands looking for slightly better drummer 0,"And some of those tests fail. There are holes in the theory of gravity. Yet gravity remains fact in simple every day terms. Evolution is fact because ""we can observe it's effects on objects and we can do tests to determine more about it"". Further there are very few holes in that theory. Evolution is therefore more deserving of being called fact than gravity is. What I think you are really trying to say is that you can think you understand gravity (drop ball; ball falls) therefore you see it as a fact. But evolution is complex even at a basic level, so you do not see it as fact." 0,there's another grand canyon 0,subscription services provide book and toy options to parents of brown kids 1,philip morris scientists discover 'pussy lung' virus 1,tom clancy's death hits cincinnati airport hudson news cashier pretty hard 0,david valadao tk house race 1,"tearful trump puts down ladle, walks out of soup kitchen after learning charitable foundation shutting down" 1,ups reports troubling drop in residents answering doors in lingerie 0,'the voice' contestant records 'love letter' to kim jong-un 0,victoria beckham pokes fun at her royal wedding pout in new instagram post 0,"""Ready to go"", in the sense that living things are equipped with a means of making small errors which are used by natural selection to make new structures.Barbarian, regarding mutations:There is a lot of that. Many mutations are recessive and a population over time accumulates a lot of genetic variation that can become useful if the environment changes. The founder population of lizards, for example, could have had at most, 20 alleles for any gene locus, since each lizard can only have 2. The new ones evolved by mutation. Sometimes, we can even observe that happening, or trace the mutation back to a known ancestor. Would you like to learn about it? ." 1,veteran kind of surprised killing all those people didn't give him even a little ptsd 1,"rick moranis to star in straight-to-video release honey, i shrunk some more shit" 1,"Can you say ""OVER GENERALIZATION""? Can you say ""UNJUST STEREOTYPING""? Can you say ""LIES""? Can you say ""MISINFORMATION""? Can you say ""MUDDYING THE WATERS? Can you say ""JAAAMAN""?" 1,pantene releases new complicated 1-in-2 shampoo 0,ukraine begins to cut off transportation to crimea 1,"Tell that to a 17 year old kid!! Haven't you ever been a 17 yera old horny ****** befor? Wait I forgot who I was talking to,.. more than likely not." 1,"Oh. Dammit, at least make it a little more obvious. By the way some of these people think on this forum it sounded pretty realistic to me." 1,ceo has female sex organs 0,government watchdog agrees to investigate trump voter fraud commission 1,"'100% of teenagers huge fucking assholes,' confirms study by sobbing, red-faced scientists" 0,miss israel's selfie with miss lebanon stirs up controversy 1,"Give them a bus schedule or are they too good to ride public transportation? Can they carpool? There's always a solution to temporary transportation problems and it usually doesn't come from Uncle Sam. emoticonXRolleyes " 1,fantasy football star confident he can make leap to general manager of nfl team 0,chloe is back to help you celebrate 'independence'! 1,'97 camaros to come with pubescent mustaches 1,"mute, terrified rubio awakes to find self unable to vocalize any unscripted sentiment" 1,Primarily from your side of the aisle in all arguments. You really described yourself a T. 1,creative asterisk makes reader unaware of word 'fuck' 0,harry reid stunned by ted cruz's claim that most violent criminals are democrats 0,combat gear blurs lines between cops and military in ferguson and hawaii 0,tig notaro is sickened by the anti-gay pizza restaurant in indiana 1,zuckerberg wishes old people would stop commenting on facebook 0,connecticut lawmaker won't seek re-election after mishandling harassment complaint 0,10 things your mom never told you about work 1,"I don't know? How about a person from a group known to do almost anything to get money, but also realises the pain they would bring to a child if they had one." 0,"gop heads to south carolina, where the dirty tricks are about to start" 1,woman comes forward with first allegations of biggest sexual harassment scandal of 2036 0,"And this is a terrific breakthrough. My partner and I are coveered by my company's health insurance, and the state of Connecticut honors our Civil Union. That being said, I still have to pay tax on my partner's health insurance as imputed income because the federal government refuses to acknowledge our union.So it has to be marriage. Full and without exception.Civil Unions are not enough when we are treated differently under the law." 0,Give it a rest... what is evident here is more coffeehouse vasilation on your part... no foam. 1,"Wooh! A bunch of shot up bodies are drivel. Nice, really nice, Sarge!" 1,update: 'the onion' apologizes for killing innocent boston man tom mahoney 0,unhappy: an excerpt from 'shitfaced: musings of a former drunk' 0,the political theology of trumpian evangelicalism 0,monday's morning email: what's next on trump's agenda 1,"Yes, that was one of Galileo's more absurd leaps of logic." 1,"Maybe it's you who needs to hope for the brain-storm. Others got the point of my post. You mock that which you don't get... But I guess if you've been cornered on most of the issue, there isn't much left for you to really do but try to mock other people, and hope that nobody notices that you lost the actual debate..." 1,"scalia recuses self from capital murder case, citing double homicide he committed in '80s" 0,I disagree for the same reasons I have been giving all along. There may be some legislation that was passed that has kept corporations small (Anti-trust) but did it really benefit the society? 0,"Hang on....think about it.......if there is a large group of people who live in the south, and this large group of people moved to the north, WHY -- being from the south -- would there be anyone in the population that had light skin? Look at Iraq -- all those people have the same exact skin color. Same with Kenya. Same with Japan. Same with Russia. Thus, if any of those groups of people were to migrate, they'd all be in the same boat! There would be NO measurable variation of skin color. Your premise is faulty -- as is the whole premise of Toe." 1,"'i'm not really looking to date right now,' says man, as if he not at mercy of love's powerful, mysterious ways" 1,grandma looking like absolute shit lately 0,"Actually, if you look at the example I've given, that's false. The probability of A in one organism may be low, but the probability of A in some organism approaches 100% as the population and the number of generations gets larger. And if A is useful and comes to dominate the population, then the probability of an AB individual appearing then also tends towards 100%. In the example above, the chance of an AB mutant occurring, if A and B are substantially useful mutations, is almost a dead certainty. It would be amazing if they didn't stack. So saying that AB occurring is less likely than A is misleading at best, downright wrong at worst. Behe is clearly misapplying probability theory." 1,u.s. continues proud tradition of diversity on front lines 1,trump agrees to wear wire to take down roger stone 0,"someone stole a ton of very, very valuable bull semen" 0,let's preview the nfl playoffs! 1,powerful special interest group momentarily blanks on agenda 1,"Ah yes, the Might Makes Right principle. Mob rule. You are so fond of it I have to assume that you assume the mob is always going to agree with you. Poor, naive soul..." 0,ted cruz will speak at the gop convention 1,biblical scholars find evidence church covered up for 3 wise men who molested baby jesus 0,"well yes that's what he did, but he did not try to present this as positive evidence for anything. the biomorphs were used to illustrate the point that random mutations are much more likely to produce beneficial results when the mutations are small. analogies always break down at some level, this analogy was used to illustrate a certain point. the assertion that dawkins was suggesting that a biomorph happening to look like a real life object were proof that evolution and natural selection could produce such creatures is false. montalban, to restore integrity i suggest you retract the conclusion you drew from snippets and quotes from dawkins as your paraphrasing was clearly not representative of dawkins' ideas." 0,the other rev. king: a word from mississippi 0,woman accused of heinous sex crimes against 3-year-old and dog 0,crossfit mama gets real about why her post-baby body is 'amazing' 1,'game of thrones' fans excited to hear series will finally be over 1,"That ""somebody"" was a Jesuit priest, the idea met some initial resistance because of it's religious overtones. But the overwhelming evidence in favor of it carried the day. You should study some history too." 1,man who lost leg to whale decides to let it go 0,the unicorn frappuccino is coming to a starbucks near you 0,obama: 'arnold palmer had swagger before we had a name for it' 0,rohit varma on india's surge in the digital era 1,rolling stones: is there humor to be found in their age? 1,bush vomiting again 1,meredith vieira's today show debut marked by uncomfortable hour-long silence 1,dermatologist recommends not caring so much what other people think 1,area man outraged his private information being collected by someone other than advertisers 0,how to start kickin' a** after 50 0,border patrol violence must stop 1,personal trainer has desk 0,getting transit back on track in la county 1,trump struggling to recall words to u.s.a. chant 1,moderator reminds vice presidential debate audience to remain silent when exiting early 1,clinton 'glad to be back in civilization again' 1,jeb bush bungles several questions on first day back at home 1,"sessions argues justice department will not be swayed by political considerations outside private prison lobbyists, wall street donors, anti-lgbt christian activists" 1,Deliberate deception would be putting million year old dinosaur bones on a thousand year old planet. Even more deceiving would be putting vast amounts of oil here as well which takes millions of years to create. I would put the stars in the sky in the same category as this in terms of deception. The stars could be more of a cosmetic thing as far as God is concerned. He could have just added them to our sky without concern for whether it made sense or not. I personally wouldn't fault him for this. 0,"the olympic committee awards the 2024 games to macron, not trump" 0,Proof? All I can think to say is that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. 1,doritos good 1,woman rises early to sow seeds of day's first gchats 0,"Are you trying to make a point here? Or are you just spewing forth your hoplophobic tendencies because you're got nothing better to do? One of the problems with school children is that it's become a crime to discipline them the way our parents were disciplined. There's no spankings, corner times, or sitting on a chair with a dunce cap, because that's all been labeled as abuse to emotional development. Instead we have counseling and the administration of powerful prescription drugs to kids who can barely read. Kids are spoiled rotten and left unsupervised with TV shows and video games that glorify violence and murdering people for fun. Parents are stuck working two or more jobs just to make enough money for bills so they don't wind up on the streets. We need massive reform. We gotta go back to how kids were raised in the 50s." 0,yeah but they also might not care! i mean they might have a gun themselves! 0,"huffpollster: hillary clinton leads nationally, struggles in some battleground states" 1,white house press secretary responds to question about rising obamacare premiums with torrent of toxic spray from parotid glands 1,portrait next to coffin most likely the deceased 0,pope admits he made 'serious errors' in handling chile sex abuse allegations 0,10 secrets of irresistible people 0,the 'gilmore girls' revival is best when it talks about grief 1,Could you avoid your constant use of strawman`s fallacies please? 0,"your favorite 'game of thrones' actor, peter dinklage, might be in 'avengers'" 0,how to deal with isis 1,cassini probe realizes too late this was a setup all along 1,errant keystroke produces character never before seen by human eyes 0,More likely the criminal will shoot first rather than give the other chap a chance. There is no real reason for the average citizen to need or have a hand-gun 0,opposition protesters rally in venezuela against president maduro 1,"I know it's asking a lot, but did you happen to notice the TITLE and the FIRST SENTANCE of the article ? " 1,christian science pharmacist refuses to fill any prescription 0,how many glasses of wine does it take to ruin your diet? 0,"processed meat is carcinogenic and red meat probably is, says who" 0,gop leaders say they're not giving up on repeal vote this week 0,I can. Americans won the Revolutionary War which was primarily a guerilla war. emoticon_xgood 1,silvio berlusconi transferred to steamy all-female penitentiary 0,magna carta: awesome tale 0,democratic response to trump speech highlights party's struggle moving forward 0,3 ways to boost your empathy 1,bashar al-assad tries tiny bit of sarin gas on self to see what it's like 1,fcc passes mandatory garofalo/griffin guest-appearance regulation 0,rant for the litter 0,"malaysian airliner shot down, fedex charged over drug shipments (video)" 0,"Well, at least accoreding to your ""because I say so"" belief. The woman, of course, don't need to pay attention to your desire to control her own body in bondage to your particular brand of outraged morality." 1,man does what he convinced himself he loves for a living 0,jaime king reveals she experienced 'years of abuse as a minor' in moving message 1,seventh-graders still undecided on disparaging name for mr. hyslop 1,burger king franchise owner adds sad little personal touches to restaurant 1,christian pornographer refuses to film sex tape for gay couple 0,"Actually the Alan Guttmacher Institute is quite reputible. They have their own web site. Check it out. Also, why would a site called ""womens issuses"" be in valid?" 1,teenage rebels seize control of food court's corner table 1,nature preserve sets up unrealistic expectations with visitor's center full of taxidermied animals 1,too much expected from nap 0,jon stewart dancing to drake is the one video you need to see today 1,guy's entire job just asking people if they have time for a quick chat 0,"I think even the Court knows that the Fourteenth was not well crafted, at least in terms of forsight. However, once it was ratified the Court really had no choice but to try to work it into the legal landscape.Certainly State power needed to be curtailed to stop such institutions such as slavery, but I don't think restructuring how the entire Constitution works was the right move." 1,tourist in white house gift shop browses rack of security clearances 1,friend hosting super bowl party confirms there still plenty of room on floor 0,"after paris, the show must go on. broadway at white house kristen chenoweth, gloria estefan, sir andrew lloyd webber" 0,chance the rapper teams up with naacp for #staywokeandvote campaign 1,grown adult walks right into karate studio 1,narrow line of dirt not being swept into dustpan without a fight 1,"Abortion is not immoral? End of story? Simone, are you trying to impose your own personal moral code upon me? Well I never...." 1,man's ironclad grasp of issue can withstand 2 follow-up questions 0,"saudi prince flogged in court-ordered punishment, newspaper says" 1,"if you can find an impartial judge, i'll take you up." 1,$5 million bounty placed on recession 0,celebrities mourn george michael after news of his death 0,a litany of thanksgiving 0,america thinks donald trump's debate performance was a catastrophe 0,people's climate march signs speak volumes 0,microsoft and amazon have a plan for driverless cars 0,pranksters slip kkk hoods and urine-proof sheets into trump tower's gift shop 0,6 things you didn't know about michael b. jordan 1,"clinton to get teeth cleaning, glasses before coverage runs out" 0,sean penn sues 'empire' creator lee daniels for claiming the actor hits women 1,mom produces decorative gift bag out of thin air 0,how my non-verbal autistic son communicates using just google street view 0,tom daley and dustin lance black expecting first child together 1,time traveler from 2008 freaked out by guy wearing google glass while smoking e-cigarette 1,william barr declares mueller investigation fully exonerates members of reagan administration from iran-contra involvement 0,"Only in the abortion forums, as this second post in this forum is a SEVERE breach in my standard operating procedures. I stumbled upon this forum when following a link you provided. I got interested and thought the record should be set straight." 0,james corden's double-quick recap of january 2018 is exhausting just to watch 0,don't rely on your fitness tracker to lose weight 0,when arab power meets smart power 1,When's the last time you heard of someone being killed by the accidental discharge of a fire extinguisher? Or when the last time a fire extinguisher was stolen from a home and then used in the commission of a crime? And don't you think the likelihood of being in a car accident is greater than that of being required to shoot someone? 0,"This is ridiculous. Evolution is ""scientifically neutral"". It's you who has the bias." 0,trump blows up statue of liberty 1,two dead in 'kind of brutal' slaying 1,aerobics show used for almost completely non-aerobic purpose 1,shower head snarls like vicious jungle cat before turning on 0,10 tips for balancing work and home 1,"But you have challenged science with your beliefs. You argue against science with your beliefs, based on mythology with no evidential support. You argue against real science so that you can cling to your fairy tales." 0,no shelter: counting the homeless in seattle 1,"See, even conservative christans can have SOME common sense. Well, some conservative Christians." 0,"So you are saying that genesis is a scientific fact.Ok, so how did all the millions of species of life fit on a 450 ft wooden ship?" 1,"american people shrug, line up for fingerprinting" 1,seeing eye dog really blows off some steam in dog park 0,native american students sue the u.s. government over dismal education 0,here's why gay and bi men might be twice as likely to get skin cancer 0,there's a major intensity gap on the gop's new health bill 1,Why should you mutilate your son? Maybe you should have listened 1,"daytime-talk-show mixup leads to 1,000-pound- man makeover" 1,You mean the Conservative tilting Supremes donot know the law ? You want to tell them that ? emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken emoticonXChicken 0,"Today's students are tomorrow's scientists. They are unlikely to study something that, if they hear about it at all, they hear about it on a less serious level than they do the happenstance origins of atheist evolution. To reduce ID to other classes like literature or social sciences, etc. (where poetry, fiction, and prehistoric beliefs are the subject matter) is nothing more than a clever, dishonest attempt to belittle it." 1,kendrick lamar becomes first rapper to win pulitzer prize for editorial cartooning 1,"How and in what context? Was it like: ""Oh bugger, Matthew just got eaten by a T-rex!"" or was it more like: ""Look at this big dino skeleton that I just found!""" 0,john kerry issues dire warning on israeli settlements ahead of pro-settlement donald trump entering office 0,"scholarship funds for alison parker, adam ward honor slain journalists" 0,dad admits killing family on facebook: 'now my family is pain free' 1,16-year-old excited to have whole summer to plan shooting for next school year 0,israeli ambassador ron dermer pokes fun at critics with super bowl prediction 1,man from canada acts like he's not cold 1,"Congratulations, guys: you've unwittingly explained the principles behind the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics: superposition!" 0,researchers discover new source of airborne antibiotic-resistant bacteria 0,'warcraft' trailer debuts at blizzcon 1,school friends don't find camp songs funny 1,chuck schumer condemns mitch mcconnell for being way better at this than him 0,"overheard in minnesota, dontcha know?" 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on april 8 0,an mtv 'cribs'-style tour of pluto 0,46 rescued from sinking fishing vessel off alaska's aleutian islands 0,nick viall is no longer a 'bachelor' 1,u.s. navy creates cool new 'ping' sound 0,food hacks for the best tailgate ever 0,thousands march on national mall to demand puerto rico disaster relief 1,rangers disgusted by prince fielder leaving chewed-up bats all over dugout 0,"donald trump is doing the gop no favors among latinos, says poll" 1,area cockroach fucking huge 1,new uber update allows users to file lawsuit against company directly in app 1,trump casually mills about supreme court changing rooms ahead of state of the union address 0,bill cosby mug shot released 1,area woman wants to be singer or actor or whatever 1,That's a Damascene conversion if ever there was one! Archie's seen the light! 0,"'how do we treat the little people, joan?' i asked. and she said, 'why, we treat them better. we only s--t on people at our level or higher.'" 0,"talking on sunshine; wx geeks, the weather channel's new sunday show" 1,cnn renews 'this week at war' for next eight seasons 1,"Gee, there just isn't an emoticom that properly describes the lunacy that you represent. Oh wait, here's one emoticonXBouncer and here's another emoticonXChicken" 0,ted cruz says he's leaning no on the new obamacare repeal bill 1,teen runaway starts new high-paying career 1,tupperware will never truly recover from red curry leftovers 0,ballet hispánico is giving latino artists a voice they deserve 1,25-year-old goes on raucous immunization binge on night before losing parents' health insurance 1,study: 58 percent of u.s. exercise televised 0,owen tate and his modern day factory 0,laurie hernandez earns the season's first perfect score on 'dancing with the stars' 0,10 qualities of your inner spirit 0,to hope again 0,texas latinos overwhelmingly support abortion rights 0,delta air lines resumes flights after computer systems suffer power outage 1,Nothing I have stated is incorrect. If I did you would get specific. 1,new wheelchair has that 'new wheelchair' smell 1,q-tips introduces new multi-speed electric ear swab 0,GREED but what you fail to admit is that that standard of living comes at a price for someone. 0,5 big misconceptions about life that threaten your happiness 1,new television show to examine rarely discussed years between 1980 and 1989 0,"no, donald trump isn't doing what al gore did in 2000" 0,13 irish baby boy names in time for st. patrick's day 1,unstable man plots to bring guns to schools 0,holiday blues: spirituality to the rescue 0,"another white house iftar, another ramadan without my brother" 0,So you disapprove of what these gun owners are doing? It's encouraging to see someone on the progun side who can think for themselves and recognize when other people on their side are doing wrong. 1,facebook users ashamed of criticizing company after seeing heartwarming 'here together' ad campaign 0,"susan cooper, not diana prince, is my breakout feminist superhero" 0,an american talks turkey about the 'intolerant' chicken 0,can sportswear make sustainability cool? 1,mta unveils new designated seating for commuters who look like they're about to snap 0,land rights for women mean progress for communities 0,third whale this year dies at seaworld san antonio 0,"It's not just a kernel of uncertainty. Jews and Christians alike say that Moses wrote the Pentateuch, but a reading of the Pentateuch makes it obvious that this cannot be true. Luke did not write the book of Luke, the apostle Matthew did not write the book of Matthew, and we don't even claim to know the authors of many books of the Bible. Look up the Documentary hypothesis; early scholars shuffled ""holy writings"" together like a deck of cards to get the Old Testament that everybody today knows and loves." 1,man pretty sure he could run this company into ground way better than boss 1,"Hey, have you printed your name on the inside waistband of you dungarees yet so when you pull your head out from where the sun don't shine you'll know who the heck you are? How many times do you need to be told....GAYS HAVE CHILDREN...MY SON IS PROOF ENOUGH." 1,"You're deluded. Typical left-wing nonsense. No one can ever intellectually oppose the radical left on merit - they must be racists. Sure, Chester. You people are the worst racists of all, as we see in your quote above. And you're too blind to see it. " 0,"immigrant detainees may be dying because of inadequate care, doctors say" 1,historians uncover evidence stonehenge once prominent druid make-out spot 1,mccain gets hammered at local vfw 1,study: 63% of all human speech occurs under breath 1,applebee's steak sent back for not being properly slathered 0,the 17 best public colleges in the country 0,french foreign ministry calls on french nationals to leave libya 0,if trump tweeted about actual dangers the way he tweets about refugees 1,indian-american child having difficulty finding bicycle license plate with his name on it 0,hundreds of coastal communities could face monthly floods in the coming decades 0,That is true but that is the procedure.........Do you deny it? 0,this is the 'single biggest barrier to sexual satisfaction' 1,study: majority of americans not informed enough to stereotype chechens 0,protests over police violence spread around u.s. 0,supreme court to consider lifting class-action bar for millions of workers 1,"defense: 'george zimmerman is, you know, he's a decent enough guy'" 1,economy of vacation town apparently entirely run by overwhelmed high schoolers 1,jason momoa reveals he spent months becoming useless dumbass to get into character for 'aquaman' 0,donald trump tweets cryptic response to twitter account deletion 0,cia left inert explosives on school bus after exercise 1,"*raises hand* I decided I want to marry a goldfish to XXXX you all off.... Please your argument is about as stupid as the people who stand on the street corner and shout ""The end is nigh!!! The end is nigh!!!"" But then again I challenge you to use a word other than deviant. But it fits your misguided argument so by all means..." 0,huffpost hill - president eats burrito instead of revealing benghazi truths 0,actors who have dated multiple costars 0,mariah carey and nick cannon reunite for the holidays 1,report: crane operator last remaining fulfilling occupation in u.s. 0,sanders ramps up spending in effort to catch up to hillary 1,man's ear violently contorted in earphone's vice grip 0,"senate gop bill would give industry 'veto power' over new rules, critics warn" 1,"No, the law didn't specifically mention gays, or dwarfs, or one-eyed pirates, or 6 toed individuals. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,amazon offering 'more deals than black friday' in epic prime day sale 1,americans hopeful this will be last mass shooting before they stop on their own for no reason 1,chick corea falls to communists 0,95-year-old woman uses lottery winnings to join 21st century 0,"most research indicates social deprivation as being main causes of crime coupled nowadays with drugs SO WHY ARE GUNS BEING BLAMED FOR CAUSING CRIME!!! I've been saying this for years... Criminals have always had guns ban or not That is the exact point of this thread... guns bans/control doesn't stop the criminals, endangering the populace. If you want to argue anti-gun... don't support the side of us ""redneck-hillbilly-gunnuts"" that you think are so stupid." 0,10 of illinois' safest cities 1,new diet surge targets overweight snowboarders 0,"dear america, it gets better. love, north carolina" 0,banning one racist fan doesn't fix red sox racism 1,supreme court gets free box of shoes after mentioning nike in ruling 1,area dad figures he's got at least three more months of screwing around before son gains ability to form long-term memories 1,polling booth completely disgusting by time last voters get there 1,stephen baldwin's personal assistant promoted to stephen baldwin 0,just how lumbersexual is your home? 1,governor demands to know which star on american flag is iowa's 0,why i'm buying a house without a family to put in it 1,girl you could've slept with pretty successful now 0,meg gavin's gps guide for finding perspective 0,bernie sanders' health care bill is a huge win for the abortion rights movement 0,And if you wind up killing somebody with a less-lethal device then you've got a mess of legal issues facing you. It's better to avoid such headaches. 1,"man recalls desperate, exhausting 14-month job search that made him want to get into sales" 1,The CIA seems to agree with me. Appears to me that you tinfoil hat is starting to fray about the edges. 0,"while democrats held their convention, here's where the money was" 1,"More heretical misinformation from dear old cap0. 'Zionism is Racism' - a Dead Issue" 1,president bush urges nation 0,'mean girls' and 'spongebob squarepants' lead 2018 tony nominations 1,another disgusting operation proves john mccain is healthy 0,"Somehow I don't think a high percentage of Ham's ""facts"" are facts." 0,dog gives priceless reaction when owner pretends to faint 1,"By sending a tribute to ME, of course. Large and small denominations will be greatly appreciated. emoticonXGood" 0,larry flynt wins right to pursue missouri execution records 1,joe walsh wakes up on stage mid-solo again 1,meteorologists say upcoming hurricane season to be permanent 1,Jesus! Another scientific illiterate. The facts are the observations. And the point is not to test facts but to explain them with an hypothesis that suggests a prediction as a consequence that can be tested by experimentation. 0,mind the (gender) gap 1,"??????? emoticonXBanghead emoticonXBanghead In that case they weren't called by God then, to be celibate, were they??? Anyone who is called by God and doesn't do it is in disobedience. This isn't rocket science, Foundit. " 0,jimmy fallon treats sienna miller and anthony bourdain to some really terrible food 1,"human feet originally used for walking, anthropologists report" 0,"Actually, the process of fossilisation is not slow and can be done relatively quickly. All what you need is for sediments to quickly cover a dead (or an alive body - as what would have happened to Noah's Flood) and hence, fossilsation can occur rapidly; evolutionarly speaking, fossils take millions of years to fossilise a bone, but unless the bone is covered by sediments quickly, the bone will never fossilise. " 0,creators of michelle rodriguez's new film defend it from claims of transphobia 0,mom says she pulled gun on teens threatening her son 0,monday's morning email: the aftermath of the baton rouge shooting that left three officers dead 0,"lawrence taylor's wife, lynette taylor, arrested for alleged attack on the nfl legend" 0,can tai chi and computer games treat your adhd? 1,researchers find that spanking your children is incredibly fun 1,thousands of rats tumble about uncontrollably inside snoopy balloon high above thanksgiving day parade 1,rock song takes pro-rock stance 0,here's what the oscar nominations should look like 0,former providence mayor buddy cianci dies at 74 1,man gets all the way to hospital just to find out wife will be fine 1,showoff pallbearer carries casket by himself 1,bird's nest 65 percent cigarette butts 0,getting the facts right about the ferguson grand jury decision 0,"So then if I owned a business or a piece of property I could then refuse to sell or accommodate fundamentalist anti gay Christians and ""That it has been ""open to all for years"" carries no weight whatsoever."" It is my property and I don't like the immorality of fundamentalist anti gay Christians." 0,"to domestic violence survivors, the alexandria shooter's history is all too familiar" 1,"Yeah everyone knows its wrong to make a graven image dont they Einstein. You are really stupidemoticonXChicken" 0,bobby brown thanks fans for support during 'rough times' 0,only benedict cumberbatch can crack the case in jimmy fallon's mad lib theater 0,"Arguments are infinite, your time is not, Slave. This claim is opposed to Real Ultimate Truth. Go back and beg Society to take pity on you, Slave." 1,clear theme of obedient children emerging in father's bedtime stories 0,a new chapter in u.s.-cuba relations 0,ivanka trump incorrectly names judaism as 1 of the 3 'largest world religions' 0,a lifeline for disappearing cod 0,a taste of proper fun: bermuda 0,knobby-faced beast may be earliest known to stand tall on all fours 1,nate silver ages 40 years after accidentally using polling projection model on self 0,the tennis racket 1,unemployed bob barker spends morning watching 'price is right' 1,3-year-old pretending stuffed animals having big fight about accidental pregnancy 1,So your political thinking is 40 years out of date? That does explain quite a bit. 0,"I'm not claiming any omnipotent deciever. I'm not sure where you derive 'probability' from, or how you can have any degree of certainty over your past experiences or those of other consciousnesses.And in any case, saying 'it hasn't happened yet' is hardly logical proof." 1,report: strongest human relationships emerge from bashing friend who couldn't make it out 1,grossed-out anti-abortion activist has change of heart after seeing picture of fetus for first time 0,this will be mark zuckerberg's biggest challenge as a philanthropist 0,australian politician proposes to partner during same-sex marriage debate 0,"byblos brims with culture, history and life" 0,"This was pretty much my understanding of how natural selection was viewed before Darwin. Nonetheless, I think that my point still stands. Darwin proposed that natural selection is responsible for the diversification of species. This pre-Darwin concept denies this. My understanding is that anti-evolutionists refused to accept that natural selection could have led to the diversification of species. Until recently, when they realized that evolutionary theory could help out in their how-many-animals-could-fit-on-the-ark dilemma; now they suddenly take an idea from evolutionary science and propose that suddenly all the present species could ""micro-evolve"" from a few ancestral ""kinds"" on the ark." 1,sgt. bowe bergdahl recaptured by taliban after wandering off texas base 1,tick scientists confirm 2017 summer will be best on record 1,"liberals return to sodomy, welfare fraud" 0,this squirrel just cheated death on the olympic snowboarding course 1,new workplace diversity initiative kills one white employee every hour on the hour until more minority candidates hired 0,18 alternatives to those played-out dorm-room posters 1,bill clinton admits that knowing what he knows now he would have still preyed on women 0,"Ok, now I'd like to know why Lappster thinks evolution has anything to do with morality? Do you actually know what evolution is Lappster?" 0,filming police in public places: a risky first amendment activity for citizen journalists 0,sponsor drops broncos' brandon marshall after national anthem protest 1,obama has colorado appraised 0,people can't agree on whether this voice is saying 'yanny' or 'laurel' 1,sprite introduces cola-flavored sprite 1,italian grandmother doesn't have heart to tell family any dipshit can make lasagna 0,this initiative aims to give aspiring female filmmakers the chance to work 1,mockingbird imitates car alarm perfectly 0,"ladies, why can't we all just get along?" 0,the new world of cutthroat apps 0,speak up and give back if you want the economy to improve 1,"I'm sorry, did Article V have a clause I'm missing that says you can only amendment the constitution if it accomplishes more freedom? Is there anywhere in the history of that provision that supports this? Can you point to ANYTHING that supports your incorrect viewpoint? " 1,woman amazed she found perfect partner just when she was getting desperate enough to accept anything 0,"Well, if you breed them, you could get taller monkeys with less hair (and other humanlike characteristics). Even so, it would take a long time." 0,second biggest opening in history 0,carolina panthers coach ron rivera has charlotte's latino community fired up 0,even chrissy teigen has a legendary bill murray story 0,solange rocked her first 'snl' performance like the queen she is 0,activists to deliver 'spines' to chuck schumer to protest cabinet confirmations 0,bad policy threatens promise of expanded use of police body cameras 1,"martini, rossi slain by anti-spumanti extremists" 0,"Oops, I think YOU made a mistake here on the second one. This is the correct inequality based off of my original equation. e-c (slaps him in the face with a leather glove) Listen those so-called scholars are religious, not Christians." 1,warren buffett can't believe he has to live next to powerball winner 0,glenn close 'angry and darkly sad' about harvey weinstein allegations 0,bernie sanders blocks obama nominee to lead fda 1,feedback taking too long to be positive 1,physics t.a. not born in u.s. 0,bid to save falls short 0,the real driver of great innovation via alexander graham bell and pharrell williams 1,man who drinks 5 diet cokes per day hoping doctors working on cure for whatever he's getting 0,north korea praises trump and urges us voters to reject 'dull hillary' 1,Born again? Pardon me for getting it right the first time. ;) 0,So you're actually claiming that it is a lie to say that the UK has a lower gun crime rate than the US? Even if the police were miscounting crimes it's still a huge and unjustified leap in logic to conclude from that that the UK does not have a lower gun crime rate. 0,But you know that this is not what I was saying: We have a basis for comparison. 1,nation excited for some insane k-pop shit during opening ceremony 0,ongoing chicanery with the gehry memorial 0,lifetime releases the first trailer for toni braxton's 'unbreak my heart' 1,bill up and dies in tennessee legislature 0,nestlé recalls millions of frozen products that may contain glass 0,ohio cop indicted on murder charge in traffic-stop shooting 0,"That is an erroneous line of reasoning because it fails to take into account the myriad of other options open to a women after birth to remove the newborn from her care without any ill effects (physically anyway). Killing in the instance of a newborn is not justified because of those other options open to her. By contrast, a pregnant woman has exactly one option open to her to remove the fetus from her care and that is abortion. I would contend that the same line of reasoning that allows for adoption can be used here, that no one must donate their resources to a dependant.Your reasoning that a woman, using the same line of reasoning that pro-choice people employ, can withhold her bodily resources ""until the newborn dies"" as if that is equal to withholding bodily resources in pregnancy is faulty." 1,man stuck in no-man's land between two domino's delivery areas 0,"new york giants clean house, fire coach ben mcadoo, gm jerry reese" 1,winneshiek county stadium indeed ready to rock 0,Could you please cite where you are getting this biological definition of evolution? 0,naked truth: how i learned to stop worrying and (sort of) love my body 0,illustrators depict the everyday items giving hope to child refugees 1,swiss unable to maintain neutrality toward delicious pastries 0,suspects chased by cops spin doughnuts on hollywood street 1,waitress only friendly when bringing the check 0,end gun violence by repealing not enacting legislation 1,local newswoman's hairstyle reported on by co-anchor 1,"You're right, I'm not interested in your incoherent ramblings, rather I'm annoyed at the bluster of cut and paste spam you've managed to produce. I have no problem with the list, my problem is with your use of ""logic"". Waxy" 0,"these are the top 15 u.s. cities for couples, according to" 0,"reality, risk & reward: is us kids tv ripe for authenticity and autonomy?" 1,"suicide bombing a cry for help, vengeance against the infidel" 0,david beckham stared down a studio camera: here's what we know 0,poor people's campaign is the angry response to inequality america needs 0,demi lovato drops emotional 'nightingale' music vid 0,adnan syed is getting a second podcast after 'serial' 1,mom sits down for dinner 3 months after rest of family finishes meal 0,bionic fingertip restores amputee's sense of touch 0,how to recover from unicorn hair 0,appeals court won't reconsider bob mcdonnell's case 1,voters shocked christie botched such an easy political cover-up 0,"You SERIOUSLY need to take a basic biology course so you can stop sticking your foot in your mouth emoticonXRolleyes An egg is NOT larva, and larva is NOT a caterpillar, and a caterpillar is NOT a butterfly - much the same as a zygote is NOT a embryo, and a embryo is NOT a fetus, and a fetus is NOT a baby, and a baby is NOT an adult. I challenge you to prove that a larva is exactly the same as a butterfly. If you can't even do something as simple as that, then you'll never understand the process/transformation of what a human has to go through, and THAT in and of itself should give you a clue as to how much in denial you are in, and how much you have to twist the truth around just to justify your version of events. Deal with it!" 1,rod stewart mistaken for elderly aunt 1,"spelling bee champion returns to school a hero, he imagines" 0,obama begins sales pitch on trade to wary u.s. public 0,why the rule of law is key to china's modernization 1,historical archives: kid-ney bean shaped organ recently discovered 0,5 things you miss about married life as a divorced mom 1,'boating world magazine' giving live updates as its team of reporters reads all of mueller report 0,"So now you're freely and willingly admitting that you'd take pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on innocent people who have never done anything to you? Good God! No wonder you don't like guns and want to see everyone disarmed!" 1,advertiser thought this sponsored post was good idea 0,half of u.s. democrats want joe biden in the 2016 race 1,ticketed motorist pointing finger just the green light cop needed 1,exhilarated woman discovers last person who used jigsaw puzzle left lots of pieces sticking together 1,stolen tour bus leads police on chase of historic downtown philadelphia 1,himalayan goat dies following failed everest climb 0,comedian releases song to find her own rachel maddow 0,poll shows support for birth control mandate on eve of court ruling 1,magical gallery transforms dull objects into art 1,12-year-old who got her hair curled for spring dance the very image of old hollywood glamour 1,man who willingly rented 'wrath of the titans' feels his intelligence has been insulted 0,8 ways to recommit to your fading resolutions 1,side effects sound awesome 1,millions of human beings experiencing actual emotions about j.j. abrams directing 'star wars' 0,"Yes, everyone is a ""potential"" felon. Fortunately most people never commit a felony. And there are many different types of weapons, all which could be used by previously law abiding citizens to commit an act of violence." 1,This is often called: 'talking out of both sides of your mouth' 0,what the house gop isn't telling you about their obamacare repeal bill 1,"Well, at least you are more consistent about equality than a lot of people in your movement. " 0,how to buy grown-up art without going broke (or setting foot in a gallery) 0,trump reportedly offered vice admiral harward national security adviser job 0,trump praises chuck schumer in reposted tweet that first called him 'cunning' 0,will the charlie hebdo terrorist attack kill intelligence reform in the united states? 1,annoying man more annoying after skydiving 0,"breweries donate 205,000 cans of water to harvey victims" 0,young mom earns $50 million while caring for two children 0,the forest that fights climate change 0,intuition or ego? 3 simple steps to reach truth 1,'breitbart' refusing to release names of mass shooting victims in order to prevent them from getting attention 0,bill maher gets real about marijuana legalization 1,new employee has never known decadent pleasures of old office 0,"ferguson protesters celebrate thanksgiving in a church, boycott black friday" 1,"So how many locusts, beetles etc. were there on the Ark? Do you think that there were a pair of each species, or just a pair of each ""Biblical Type"" and could you define what is meant by that term? Would that include all beetles/insects/arthropods/invertebrates or just anything you felt was convenient?" 0,what my parents' divorce taught me about heartbreak 1,fred durst spray paints 'limp bizkit' on bridge 0,jon stewart reveals the one thing he'll never do 1,"I guess you missed this bit: State Sen. Robert Hagan (D-Youngstown) admits his bill is purely ""tongue-in-cheek"" but says that the message is anything but a joke. Being a story from a gay news source, maybe you saw the word ""tongue"" and assumed there'd be a vivid description of some abominable sex act, so you stopped reading, closed your browser window, shut down your computer, dunked it in disinfectant, etc., etc. Or is this just proof you don't read what people post?" 0,the science behind why celebrities like ryan lochte tell fibs 0,browns' josh gordon to enter rehab 0,"Or that they tend to be better prepared, or even less willing to accept help from others or get breakdown cover. That's the trouble with these kind of stats, the interpretations are pretty open to debate." 0,in the event of a water landing 0,chinese state media threatens donald trump with 'big sticks' if he pushes for a trade war 0,watch john malkovich perform as a 'lady' in david lynch homage 0,'six million dollar man' star martin e. brooks dead at age 90 0,"women in business: three generations of women in radio: renee roth, jo-ann silverstein and rachel roth" 0,30 days of online dating: naughty by nature 1,hippocratic oath under review by hmo board 1,emotionally abusive social media site continuously manipulating woman into staying 0,lobbying spending hits historic lows 0,hillary clinton really wants you to think she's tough on wall street 0,And think of what other animals have built (and for an actual purpose). Take a look at a bee hive. It's so complex and so perfect for them. They built that. An ant hill is at least 20 times the size of an ant. That's 120 feet for us (for a 6 foot person). 0,trevor noah just sincerely praised donald trump for something 1,dad gets dolled up for trip to lowe's 1,"I avert your gaze. I submit myself to your mercy. Henceforth I shall only respond to your web postings. I shall not respond to postings you make on the web....Wait..... " 0,watch: meteorologist evacuates during live tornado report 0,nasa joins twitter users to name those newly discovered planets. the inevitable happens. 0,"björk retrospective at moma, new york (video)" 1,"But at one time society accepted that slavery was right. So, Abraham Lincoln, how dare you try and impose your own personal moral code on me. We have the right to own slaves via the Constitution and various laws of the society, and because it's in the Constitution and protected by laws, it obviously means society agrees that slavery is not wrong. Therefore, slavery is not wrong." 1,bush told to sign birthday treaty for someone named 'kyoto' 0,trump's whole approach to health care boiled down to one tweet 0,pharmaceutical industry profiting from a solution to a problem they helped create 1,candidate turns to focus group for position on rape 1,"bed bug feels bad for area man, but a bug's got to eat" 0,"Well, yes. Eleven years is quite swift, but it actually supports the theory of evolution through natural selection. The estimates of the speed of evolution that you seem to be depending on were done by George Gaylord Simpson way back in the 1940s or 1950s. Since then, we have observed fruit flies, as well as other specimens, to evolve quite rapidly, showing significant evolution in only a decade or so. More recently, however, scientists have been able to observe evolution in natural settings and have found that it can sometimes be quite rapid when environmental change is rapid. Besides the studies that Reznick did on guppies, there are also the studies of the Galapagos finches by the grants, and studies of anole lizards in the Bahamas. These are observable phenotypical changes, not speciation events." 1,harrison ford chuckles to self upon realizing he hasn't been in movie people liked in 18 years 1,rumsfeld equally proud of all his wars 0,"lice invade espn makeup and hair studios, deadspin reports" 1,world's jews celebrate christmas with ceremonial re-murdering of christ 0,the effects of delaying puberty for trans youth 0,And that didn't have a thing to do with my point. 0,"There is no evidence in your eyes. There is tremendous evidence that the universe and everything in it was designed , even Darwin admitted that was the impression the evidence gave. Of course as an atheist he had to believe differently regardless of how absurd the story was.If particles to people was presented as a senario instead of science we would have no argument." 1,jared kushner forced to follow along with ivanka's classified documents during meetings 0,billy eichner boogied with obama and ellen got all the details 1,"You mean you've spent your good, hard-earned money on his revisionist follies? ROTFLOL!! You could have had a six pack to really make your day." 0,people are losing their minds over a big mac covered in molten copper 0,it just got easier for detroit students to pay for college 0,baby goes all homer simpson while tasting bacon for the first time 1,buick regal named best vehicle in class for idling outside off-track betting parlor 0,trump's evangelical advisors urged him to protect dreamers 1,"Yeah. So let's throw all caution to the wind and criticize the woman with bipolar disorder. And if she commits suicide, we can all have a clear conscience that ""anything"" could have set her off and it wasn't necessarily the manager calling homosexuality an ""abomination"". Try asking one of your ""counselor"" acquaintances about this case. Ask if they think the woman should have been criticized in such a harsh manner with the ONLY obvious objective being for the manager to express himself... " 1,"Oh, dear. I seem to have lost you again. 'Peer' just means a group of people holding the same biases." 1,"Wow. Who knew the entire theory of evolution could be destroyed in a 2 page comic book? I guess when dealing with Creationist and half truths, the KISS motto is best. Waxy" 0,"Actually, I think that lack of support for your mythology is one of the reasons that it isn't accepted as literal. I suspect that your documentation is just assertion that you believe because it tells you what you want to hear.Why is it that creationists keep claining to have ""proof"" and never present any? Have you checked out the threads in the Religion forum where some posters are having trouble demonstrating the historicity of Jesus? How can you claim documentation for Adam & Eve, the Garden, talking snake, the flood?" 0,Exactly. It seems that anyone can dream up hypotheses in evolutionary psychology. Here's what Coyne said: 0,"horrified by johnson & johnson's tactics, a sales rep wears a wire" 0,"Ah, you've engaged in the grammarian nitpick function of debate. Sad, but predictable. Obviously, I was discussing the entire article, which is making that argument. It is generally bad form to quote an entire post when it reaches such length." 1,"Yes, I know all about Dr Dino. He is a fraud and con." 1,doctor quickly scribbles prescription that will lead to 30-year battle with painkiller addiction 0,the easiest & cheapest way to update your beauty look 1,swiss avalanche kills thousands; world stays neutral 0,I'll take these questions (one at a time) in the other thread. 0,exclusive: former congressman harold ford jr. fired for misconduct by morgan stanley 0,"disney, pixar to release a short about a li'l dumpling, and it sounds darling" 1,man angry at self after not recognizing actress in eyelash commercial 0,arkansas gets permission to enforce voter id law in primaries 0,kellyanne conway denies mike pence's expensive nfl exit was a 'political stunt' 1,"brad pitt promises 1,000 years of peace" 0,when gender dysphoria compounds body dysmorphia in eating disorder recovery 1,death withdraws icy hand from shoulder of caroline kennedy 1,studio admits entire israeli-palestinian conflict just marketing campaign for 'you don't mess with the zohan' that got out of hand 1,"obama unsure how to turn huge support among women, latinos, gays, african-americans into electoral victory" 1,clinton says badtz-maru may be his favorite sanrio character 1,"Heh, this is really funny coming form a guy who keeps telling us that the evil Muslims are taking over Europe and that the European socialist economy is going to collapse." 0,hacker releases new 'orange is the new black' episodes after demanding ransom 0,why we 'freeze' in uncomfortable situations 0,it's a girl for christina aguilera! 0,how laramie's lgbt decision awakens us 0,how can you tell if a dog rescue group is legit? 0,"Well, I wasn't an fortunate as you. It took me a few years to see through the fairy tale of evolution and see that God was the only true creator. However, that is a whole 'nother topic." 0,7 very important reasons to take a nap right now 0,black women are rising – when will our pay? 0,low and unrepresentative voter turnout in california 0,"so, what the heck is a probiotic?" 1,79-year-old still saving for future 0,"Or maybe it was his reaction to the outcome of Heller vs. DC, which resulted in the lowest number of homicides since 1966. The facts aren't on your side, Brady. This is probably the only thing Obama ever did politically that I agree with." 1,"george lucas recalls peter mayhew ad-libbing decision to play character as nonverbal, fur-covered monster" 0,aziz ansari pissed about accepting british award in person ... in la 0,dad's fake movie poster gives bedtime with a toddler the dramatic treatment it deserves 1,OMG Simone!emoticonXCry His head is already so big we can hardly fit him on the screen. Don't encourage him.emoticonXHoho 0,charles barkley attempted to ride scooter like georgia state's coach 0,10 ways to raise a reader 1,"'c'mon, c'mon,' says matt damon desperately searching for own name on list of imdb user dolphinsoul60's top 100 actors" 1,hasbro concedes world not ready for rubik's chicken 1,"Here come the Christians, thinking they can know everything by guessing, and commiting the genetic fallacy left and right." 0,"trump says congress won't change libel laws, but that's a decision for the states" 1,no one admits to fart joke 0,user experience: hygiene or strategic differentiator? 1,obama to wait for next bruce springsteen album for word on economy 0,keith olbermann asks if we should give 'president-elect p***y-grabber' a chance 0,I believe you have even debated that it is conditioned into humans to be religious and therefore it validates religions. So why is there a need to debate whether animals love if they are acting on a conditioned response? 0,why is roller derby important to so many queer women? 0,understanding the islamic state 0,the time is ripe for a nonprofit revolution 0,trump's controversial pick for doj civil rights chief appears headed for confirmation 0,congress might actually pass a permanent 9/11 bill 1,dare graduate celebrates first toke 1,steve bannon slurps still-twitching tail into mouth before giving opinion on syria 1,metallica board of directors debates whether new riff will have negative impact on shareholder value 1,shrimp boat captain worn out from long day of putting human face on crisis 1,"cameraman strikes gold with tubby fan eating ice cream, dancing, holding baby" 0,'real world' star writes his own (queer) book of mormon story 1,frustrated iranian scientist forced to shut down project he spent 12 goddamn years of his life on 0,you have the right to remain obnoxious 1,college graduate to never read a book again 0,"So why should you care about their non-scientific beliefs in a debate on science? Most people who believe in evolution do so because of science, so their non-scientific beliefs are irrelevant." 1,"william barr agrees to release nonverbal, abstract visual representation of mueller report" 1,So I pray to chance every night before I go to bed? 0,"Well, I don't work with any ""reefer heads"" or pot smokers now...this was awhile back." 1,And oddly enough you have been given several on silver platters. Perhaps you need to visit a neurologist and get checked for memory problems? Just to remind you once more - SICKLE CELL TRAIT is a mutation AND it benefits the phenotype under specific definable conditions. Do you really want to get hit about the head with that bat yet again? 0,watch: minor league brawl spills into seats 0,abc corrects explosive michael flynn report that drove down stocks 1,report: afghan mineral deposits could completely revolutionize nation's system of corruption 0,a defiant iran defies the un and international laws again 1,office politician runs for coffee 1,"A seminar by the deity? With slides showing each step? I'm sure it would be quite popular. Look, the reason science assumes the operation of natural law is because it has to. If it assumed the deity interfered with everything at her whim, the entire scientific project would be impossible. Why do you keep asking science to act like a religion?" 0,"And yet that is not the case. There are those who believe, on moral grounds, that what Hitler did was the right thing to do. An absolute morality requires absolute consensus, and there isn't any." 0,Purposefully communicating information as a means to an end... wound healing. 1,"If she was French then she was probably good looking, and definitely not fat, as fat french women do not exist. emoticonXClown" 0,what our grieving family needs from loved ones this holiday season 1,idaho legislature declares english only language they know 0,john kasich admits he's against d.c. statehood because it would give democrats more votes 0,donald trump & vaccines: is he ready to be responsible for a children's epidemic? 1,housing prices spike as tech employee takes stroll through neighborhood 0,is this the end of the trump reality show? 1,"The Book of Genesis is either secular or observed history? Somebody get marc a dictionary, please. (And I'd link him to a long list of observed instances of speciation, but he'd ignore it yet again.)" 1,area mom: 'i finally learned computers' 0,what if we were all family generation changers? 0,affordability and attainment: student success from acceptance to graduation 0,samantha bee rounds up comedians for the ultimate roast of donald trump 1,guy in audience shouts out perfect thing 0,Nobody should be forced to even have a sonagram. I think that you'll find reasonable pro-life and pro-abortion people believe that much. 1,corey hart still performing 'sunglasses at night' somewhere 1,Welcome to CuckooLand. Old Sarge will serve as your welcoming committee. 0,ted cruz upsets donald trump in maine republican caucus 1,So on what day did he create time on. Its not mentioned anywhere in the biblical text which seems to simply assume time. 1,breaking: america's white population plummets to 2.7% after trump caves on immigration enforcement 0,free lock boxes tied to safer gun storage in family homes 0,new year's resolution -- let colleges lead the way to a new normal in cuba 0,Where were the French on D-Day and the Normandy Invasion when Hitler was burglering their Nation? I don't recall history mentioning a Frenchman around but the Americans were saving their rears once again... 1,coworker with two computer screens not fucking around 0,"You JUST said they get health care in the hospital! Read your post, where's there NO healthcare. And it IS based on the ability to just want me to pay for someone else's and in the most inefficient way possible." 1,Not even let white people in? I can imagine why your teacher suggested a reality check. 1,"government official who makes perfectly valid, well-reasoned point against israel forced to resign" 0,"Iangb, I would have thought that you would be intellectually honest enough to have (at least) accepted the fact that I have supported my claims. I also thought that (by now) someone from your side of the abortion issue would step in (in this thread or by private message) and hold you to your claims of being 'intellectually honest.' At this point, I actually have you questioning Planned Parenthood's definitions? QUOTE; " 0,containing steph curry -- impossible? 1,new law requires sex offenders to inform residents before moving into their homes 0,"When talking to a person professing Christianity, the Bible is binding. If the Bible advises that abortion is murder, then it is so regardless of what the secular systems of the day have to say about it. When talking with one accepting the principles of Christianity, the premiere of those being that the Bible is binding, the existence of the soul is not up for debate. The position of Bassman, I believe, would be that there is no legitimate right to terminate a pregnancy, especially from the stand-point of the Bible, which of course, is binding to those professing Christianity." 0,song of redemption: the frank morgan story 1,"I think, perhaps, they are sending the message to the priests that molestation of little boys is totally unacceptable. Stick with little girls. Yeah....that's the ticket. emoticonXClown" 0,adventures in our own backyard 0,women and heart disease 0,the trump administration's underrated threat to the irs 0,slain teacher told his fiancee what to say if he died in a school shooting 1,maybelline introduces line of injectable makeup to enhance appearance of internal organs 0,foreign aid to create jobs 1,red cross accused of wartime non-profiteering 0,fat bottom girl 0,ex-new orleans cops plead guilty in post-katrina killings 1,"dirty, disheveled scott pruitt confesses he spent last of epa funding weeks ago" 0,ryan seacrest sells 'squad goals' series to cbs 0,tijuana and the future of trade 0,how everyone with a smartphone can feed a hungry child 1,"Stalin died of natural causes while in power, I believe. Perhaps the fall of communism is due in part that the purges stopped. So, killing hundreds of thousands of people was wise for Stalin, huh? Good. Good. Anybody disagree with canadianman76?" 1,"Not that I am aware of... but I guess it's conceivable that I could have a split personality disorder and not be aware of it. I am still interested in your thoughts to my questions and comments above, though." 1,man wasting his life playing video games when there whole world of other screens out there 0,stephen curry knew exactly what to say to craig sager last night 1,mild sexual harassment ignored to save the hassle 0,the funniest tweets from parents this week 0,freedom with a twist of maturity 1,newly unemployed woman enjoys equal pay for first time in career 1,area man mentions that people have said he looks like tom cruise 1,psychiatrists deeply concerned for 5% of americans who approve of congress 0,thalia cassuto remembers when birth control became legal. she's fighting to keep it that way. 1,tulip popping up in middle of march must think it some kind of hotshot 0,ellen isn't interested in having donald trump on her show 0,johnny galecki returns to 'roseanne' and reuniting is such sweet sorrow 1,death row inmate dies of natural causes 3 days into execution 0,"Every relationship does entail moral obligations in one way or another, but the argument is that there is no relationship that morally obligates one to share ones body. They are trying to generalize 'moral obligations' as if that justifies anything. There are things that cannot be morally obligated, no matter the relationship, so the argument tries to prove." 0,'it's about a sense of meaning' 1,departing obama tearfully shoos away loyal drone following him out of white house 1,wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save husband's life 0,black or white? let's talk about gray 1,white house honors aretha franklin by not releasing official statement on her death 1,cuban army honors fidel castro with 21-gun firing squad 0,steven tyler weathered the storm in new york and ended up on cnn 0,january jones wears many faces for violet grey 0,reverse crowdfund-gineering: five ways to integrate events into your crowdfunding campaign 0,mental illness and identity: would i shed my bipolar disorder skin? 0,obama faces two unappealing choices on gitmo 0,u.s-backed syrian rebels' pleas for help likely to go unanswered 0,"Because the Iliad and Odyssey do not claim to be divine does not mean they should be placed under a different threshold as the Bible. Otherwise, it's special pleading on your part, and thus logically fallacious. This is one of many inconsistencies between skeptics in regards to the scrutiny of the Bible. They are unwilling to put the standards they have on the Bible against other books similar in age. If they did, there would not be a single book left standing." 0,a look behind the bedroom door at what's causing your low libido 1,report: employers know within first 5 minutes of job interview whether they will murder applicant 1,nation's parents announce they have zero fucking patience for this bullshit 1,father's day gift way shittier than mother's day gift 0,'mad men' actor wants mississippi to find hope in his wedding 0,czech's mix part 3: clarinet factory (video) 0,Well if you just shoot someone and they die then they dont get their day in court so they dont get due process. The fifth says you cant lose your life without due process. 1,sales of guys gone wild video disappointing 1,relationship definitely hurtling toward something 1,londoners 2 percent less polite about terrorism following bombings 0,"offshorers demand: no taxes, no risk" 1,"You call this a discussion? You're on here, continually talking about how we need to pass laws that're already on the books, laws that haven't been proven effective or even useful, and you refuse to address the potential shortcomings that we're pointing out to you. This isn't a discussion, this is our group beating up a mental cripple. " 1,hacker just going to fix a few annoying typos on company's website before stealing customer data 1,toy prepares child to one day pull around real telephone on wheels 1,rc car works up courage to approach group of girls 1,need for more places to sit becomes election's most important issue 1,"Ha.a.a.a :p emoticonXGood Good one, sinjin. What is the sound of one hand clapping.....? Ladywolf, Your answer will probably come from many different sources. Your idea that it evolved is pretty-much it, IMO." 0,jimmy carter mediating dispute between martin luther king jr.'s heirs 0,the beverly hills hotel and the dangers of keyboard activism 0,"cultivating the 4 c's of mindfulness for greater peace, poise and personal power" 0,4 people facing 100 lashes for alleged gay sex in indonesia 1,NONONONONONONO! I wasn't talking about you JoeBrummer I was talking about aNaCaLaGoN! Don't worry I try not to pick on people who don't like it!Right Sinjin? 0,scott used to stop breathing nearly 40 times an hour. this device changed his life 0,how to make norwegian skillingsbolle (cinnamon buns) 1,police release haircut-progressed photo of missing woman 0,possible ebola case investigated in italy 1,secretary of treasury announces plan to remove gross penny from circulation 1,"mystery freshman dominates ice breakers, disappears into night" 1,hr director doesn't know what it is about her that makes people want to unload all their problems 0,kentucky clerk: it's 'impossible' for me to marry gay couples 1,peaceful protest interrupted by swarm of aggressive black-clad militants 0,this woman celebrated her 77th birthday in the fiercest way possible 1,new prescription fish tank eliminates need for glasses while looking at fish 0,6 reasons amber riley is a curvy style icon 0,Apples and oranges. We're not demanding that they have abortions either. 1,last minute of man's sexual prime expires during routine visit to dry cleaner 1,"...but you are just fine with marijuana smoke huh? I am working on the assumption that you run home to tell mommie or you run to find your teacher and report it immediately. Midgets like you got to have some backup. How and why do you always change the subject? Can't take the heat? Do you ever read headers? You got a mouth on you as big as grand canyon." 1,creative writing professor takes time to give every student personalized false hope 1,dishwasher broke 1,"Oh come on! Instead of turning my 1asm on it's head why don;t you log off and go listen to some more Chuck Smith tapes? I'm sure the Calvary Chapel brigade could use another ""donation.""" 1,visa fires bob dole 0,why no more than a dribble of outside spending in kansas? 1,serial killer annoyed by young murderers with no appreciation for albert fish 0,"he told his boyfriend, 'i love you.' his boyfriend's response brought him to tears. (video)" 0,who are the yazidi? 0,sarah palin photos of son stepping on dog trigger online outrage 1,new national park caters to business travelers 1,netflix adds thousands of mediocre new subscribers 1,disapproving michelle obama to be printed on all fast food containers 1,everyone on wedding dance floor simultaneously wondering if they're truly happy 0,trump to move u.s. embassy in israel to jerusalem. here's why that matters. 0,a reality show about marshawn lynch is coming to facebook 0,"despite regional differences, women across the globe face same career advancement challenges" 0,politico europe announces expansion plans for 2016 0,"Please note that I added the word ""human"" to your comment above IANGB. After all it is not my claim that all zygotes are human beings / ""persons."" Agree? Also, I want to make it clear that I am arguing only for the most basic of human rights (life) and not for the full panopoly of rights that say an adult human individual would have." 0,"emoticonXWowYou are making up your own strawman arguments as you go along.Asking ""what they would need"" is a poor mask to avoid the fact that YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE in the first place.A lot of ""doesn't this look like ..."", but that's akin to interpreting Rorschach tests. You see what you want to." 1,humiliation of women receives 10 billionth standing ovation 0,"Actually, the majority of my first post in this thread came from Robert H. Churchill's article who is an advocate of the individual rights interpretation." 1,little karate figures on top of local dojo's trophies all cowering in fear 0,Straw purchases are the inevitable byproduct of freedom. It cannot be averted without a tyrannical government. 1,pfizer unveils new double-sided epipen for lovers 0,is this the end of youtube? 0,"Yes, but I think you missed my point. I stated this above, remember the prohabition? People actually drank MORE alchohal. Without a ban, law abiding citizens and criminals will have them, with a ban, there will be just criminals." 1,god struggling to remember how to make geodes 1,"The problem is the one example you chose was and could not be seen as a marriage. In fact it is an affront to homosexuals to consider it so. You have made yourself look always. Ive rattled the monkey's cage and now comes the monkey's rageemoticonXClown" 1,"Excuse me, I stand corrected. For 'pretend' please substitute 'wrongly believe'." 1,"Here it is again I did not say US still tops in gun deaths.. Where did I say that? Read the article.. its an eye opener... Police are historians not protectors... If your comfortable ""under the wing of the beast"" good for you mate.. Perhaps liberty and freedom are things too foriegn a concept to you or your too comfortable suckling the sow of your overeaching federal government pig to care.. " 1,investigative reporter ruins fish sticks for everybody 0,"malcolm-jamal warner likens cosby scandal to woody allen, roman polanski controversies" 0,'tis the season to be cheeky with 'jingle butts' music video 0,how to make a cocktail while flying 1,man wouldn't be eating at red robin if he knew bus was going to hit him in 18 minutes 0,'run the rock 2020' committee created to make dwayne johnson president 0,copyright is broken. can congress fix it? 1,follow-up tests confirm president trump's 19 other personalities also perfectly healthy 0,Just because a man pays support doesn't mean he is part of the childs life.He has no obligation to do *fatherly* things with his child.Women pay child support BTW. 1,fox news apologizes for mistaking patti labelle for aretha franklin 0,"And if they are governed and regulated people can be victimized by the system. In fact, the regulation might be the very thing victimizing people. Again, it isn't the system but the people who are in society that make a morality." 0,sylville smith's father blames himself for being 'wrong role model' 1,kirstjen nielsen reminds herself she a private citizen now after instinctively detaining mexican child on the street 0,pope francis has a very clear message for 'christians' who build walls 0,"So, you don't see how stating that in a functioning democratic society guns belong only in the hands of the state is not anti gun?? Maybe you could give us an example of a statement that is more anti gun that that because I am having trouble imagining one." 1,What seems to be mountains to other gay rights supporters are just mole hills to youemoticonXHoho 1,experts: ebola vaccine at least 50 white people away 0,vatican says transgender man cannot become a godparent 1,First of all a man cannot terminate tissue he isn't carrying.The father can opt out all he wants but when that fetus becomes a born person he is responsible just like the mother is. 0,the january jobs report in pictures 0,red chair wedding: 'the voice' bloodbath semifinals results 1,"wrinkly, oversized trench coat returns to stage for 34th season with local community theatre" 1,poor attendance at intervention a real wake-up call 0,john kasich rules out 2020 presidential campaign 0,'got' season finale hints at appearance of that one big character 0,house republicans are getting uncomfortable with donald trump's stance on executive overreach 1,paintball team visits vietnam memorial 0,"previewing 'hidden figures' with the teary-eyed octavia spencer, taraji p. henson and janelle monáe" 1,can the american idol 2  winner end kelly clarkson's pop-chart dominance? 0,creating black futures within the present 0,'empire' actor trai byers squashes rumors of wanting to quit the show 0,ups tweeted -- then deleted -- a bizarre mlk jr message 0,t-boz adds more fuel to ongoing drama with former manager 1,mcdonald's janitor would like to thank everyone who tossed half-full cups of soda into trash 0,teachers and politicians mount final push to keep betsy devos away from public schools 0,"'steven universe' is exploring unhealthy relationships for a young, queer audience" 0,mara wilson on dealing with mental illness in the public eye 1,half of hollywood test group screened placebo film 0,Like most things theists that statement is based on ignorance. 0,"ahead of hurricane irma, miami detained homeless people against their will" 0,indian prince manvendra singh gohil to open lgbtq center on family's royal grounds 1,new employee confused by office espresso machine just returns to desk with mug of hot water 1,"What a nice way to initially address someone imrahil. You are a shining example of how Christ has changed your life and no doubt one of the reasons people are flocking to your religion. If there is a God, then no one doubts that he could get someone pregnant or create the world in 7 days. The question is, DID he do that just because he COULD do that. And the evidence for both is overwhelming no. BTW your group used to call people XXXXXX that thought the evidence showed the earth rotated around the sun because they said the Bible said it didnt. Lately they have backed off of those statements. And its youre, not your. :)" 1,10th-grade prodigy studying mathematics at 10th-grade level 0,the new york giants are even worse than last season 0,terrified families fleeing northern gaza airstrikes seek refuge with un 0,"Well, yeah, if science hasn't provided an explanation for a phenomenon, then all we can do is shrug and submit grant proposals." 0,why an aging population is not a burden on the economy 1,prison now allowing death row inmates to receive weekly visitors throughout executions 1,pandering nobel peace prize committee honors global harmony again 0,we're so excited about this 'saved by the bell' pop-up restaurant 1,"encouragement of family, friends motivating man to keep struggling indefinitely" 1,thousands of dismembered crash test dummies line newly discovered catacombs beneath ford motor plant 1,"alignment of 6,071 completely independent variables necessary for man to feel okay" 1,fda approves first artificial tumor 0,hugh grant marries for the first time at age 57 0,save the date: i am now able to marry justin timberlake 0,mount holyoke commencement speaker thanks activists for their 'disruption' 1,nikki haley resigns to accept consulting role with afghan warlord 1,"experts say earliest warning signs of mental health issues usually crossing eyes while dribbling finger on lips, saying 'cuckoo, cuckoo'" 1,"And of course, the sea of Montalban's assertions as science, the sea of Montalban's out of context quotes, or the sea of Montalban's misrepresentations of what others have said. It seems that Montalban knows the ""TROOTH"" and won't be discouraged with facts. Sadly, Montalban knows what he believes and reality seems to be irrelevant." 1,pope tweets picture of self with god 1,leonardo dicaprio hopes he screamed and cried good enough in 'the revenant' to win oscar 0,man charged in disappearance of north carolina toddler 0,"It's true, I find the story on sites that are generally anti-bush. However, this was a radio show transcript, not a site. Larry Flint says ""'I've talked to the woman's friends,' Flynt said. 'I've tracked down the doctor who did the abortion, I tracked down the Bush people who arranged for the abortion,' Flynt said. 'I got the story nailed."" I haven't seen it either confirmed or denied by anyone more reputable." 1,woman wonders whatever happened to those rainforests she gave $5 to save that one time 1,study finds flushing toilets wastes billions of gallons of piss and shit annually 0,doing the santa wrap 0,pitbull's tasteless memorial day tweet brings americans together 0,vets in congress urge paul ryan to un-endorse trump 1,bernadette peters comes up twice in one day 0,did trump intend to fire fbi director james comey all along? 0,official texas republican platform says more than half the state is gay 1,kim jong-un panics after returning to north korea to find country's populace has escaped 1,carly fiorina promises to fight for whoever everyday americans are 0,why britain's spy chief says he wouldn't hire james bond 0,5 tips for creating a beautiful product roadmap 0,"if you think your kid has trouble sleeping, this might be why" 0,"almost half of world heritage sites are threatened, report finds" 1,mueller wondering why there all this drama over trump's unpaid parking violations 1,national trust for historic preservation to pay for andy rooney's upkeep 1,jonah lehrer working on book about neuroscience behind why we falsify quotes 0,save this season: the best underwear multipacks 0,I know we know a great deal but even if it is from a taxonomy point of view I still don't think there is conclusive evidence. 0,And anyone who thinks this will be seen as an XXXXX and close-minded. 1,dan aykroyd has aykroyds 0,former senator to run pot company 1,military-industrial complex recalls coming together in aftermath of 9/11 1,negative parent-teacher conference not exactly eye-opening for area mother 0,'moana' comes out on top at the box office for third consecutive weekend 0,"songs from the big chair gets supersized: chats with tff's roland orzabal & curt smith, lloyd cole and lang!" 0,But wouldn't it make it more likely that a gun dealer that was involved in gun trafficking would be audited and caught by the ATF? If there are less FFLs then the ATF has more time to monitor and inspect each gun dealer. 0,syria's bashar assad tops off another year of bloodshed with a holiday photoshoot 0,let's deemphasize people's motivations behind advocacy and volunteering 1,depressed nra member half-hoping son will accidentally shoot him 1,fda recommends adding little tabasco to that bad boy 0,"It is the same as you saying ""you can't know anything of the unknowable""" 0,look: transgender contestants compete for title of miss international queen 1,"'could've been me,' grumbles merrick garland watching gorsuch hearings at bar with fellow highway maintenance workers" 1,"So lets see, you referred to how the 1st amendment applied to the states, posted the 14th amendment privileges and immunities clause and then asked if I thought something was unclear. Of course the privileges and immunities clause is often mistaken to have incorporated the 1st amendment by people who don't know what they are talking about but this is merely coincidence because you randomly quoted part of the 14th amendment but implied it all. Now if I changed it to what it said above would you feel that is an accurate statement? Probably, considering you don't seem to understand a blatant difference between ""original understanding"" and ""original constitution). Your pride ruins you my friend. " 0,"after dark: one-half nelson, artist and nightlife personality" 1,"Well, either the real or imaginary Phyllis implied those things in the post under discussion." 0,20 flattering blazers that will fit over big busts 1,"You mean back in 1993 when Clinton had been in office for only 13 months? Do you think George H.W. Bush knew about these bombers before hand and didn't warn Clinton? But, even so, check out this link, if you aren't too damned lazy (I can't cut and paste from that site): Clinton Administration and Terrorists But phobic little minds are already fixated on what they believe and you probably won't." 1,man listening to 'highway to hell' actually on parkway to waukegan 0,reform jews poised to pass transgender resolution 1,death row inmate can't deny he curious to see how state pulls off lethal injection 0,one arizona man remains missing after flash floods kills eight family members 0,fashion designer prabal gurung is raising thousands for survivors of nepal's earthquake 0,saudis snub obama on riyadh arrival amid growing tensions 0,julia stiles marries preston j. cook in intimate seattle beach wedding 1,bank robbers fail to consider o'reilly factor 0,this rescue pit bull made his bed every day while waiting to be adopted 0,ragnar from 'vikings' is going where? creator talks season 3 0,"mothers, precious and misunderstood: the many mothers i have met" 0,watch: fox news guest blames mass shooting on 'homosexual impulses' 0,24 feminist school supplies for empowered girls 1,guests emerge shell-shocked from rich people's wedding 0,"But it took a lot longer to develop. My point was that only after about 5000 years of human civilization did empiricism as science develop. Religion, supernaturalism, and mythology trace back into prehistory. What we know as science didn't even begin to exist until the late 1500s and 1600s. Before that it was OK to do science like Aristotle did - no experiment, only thinking about a logical answer. Thus, heavy objects fell faster than light ones and any fool could tell that the sun orbited the earth.But science is more than an inner way of thinking. It is a process and a method for learning about the universe. It is called methodological naturalism. That is not to say the science asserts that nothing exists except what is natural. It says that science can't study the supernatural." 0,"Ditto squared. If they support killing a perfectly healthy unborn child, they will argue that the reason stated in the Op is the main reason Abortion is needed and justified. And I must say that if 98% of all abortions were performed for that reason, the public stance against them might not be so strong." 1,immune-deficient realtor forced to spend entire life in housing bubble 1,wedding vows explicitly mention price of ceremony 0,"To those who are sympathetic to gun control. Can we get anyone to listen and change society, ooooor will you just use this problem, and these under trained and under socialized kids to persecute the 2nd Amendment! I am 61 years old, and I can remember when schools filled the gap and taught morals. Now they are not allowed for fear that they might offend someones religious unbelief and be sued. We reap what we sow. If we sow nothing, we reap nothing." 0,5 ways to trick your inner critic 1,tsa agent can't bring himself to make dad take off comfy shoes 0,"I'm not aware that the police used violence in arresting any of the people discussed in this case. Besides, I'm not discussing personal morality here, I'm discussing what should be legal, and what is practical in a society where not everyone shares the same moral views. Government is there to apply limits to what is permitted, based on the will of the people." 1,"Apparently, you have the sides confused. The left pushes porn more so than the right does. That's part of the meaning of ""liberal""...""anything goes""! :p" 0,"a cop's job is difficult, but it can be done without killing humans" 1,medicalert bracelet iced out 0,officials reach deal on trans-pacific partnership 1,outkast universally accepted 1,"Here you go, Maxim Popenker's Modern Firearms site will teach you all! As for Cheney, at least he is getting with the people shooting program, even if he is hitting the wrong side." 1,drug paraphernalia visible in photo of missing cat 0,time to redefine and de-silo online safety efforts 0,wendy williams says she's 'sick of this #metoo movement' 0,"why i won't be at pride this year, in one long rant" 0,obama administration accused of violating constitutional rights of immigrant detainees 0,"I did not say that evolution precludes God, all I am saying is that many Atheists seem to think it does, and thus it likely contributes to the number of people who beleive there is no God. If a person does not beleive in God, then they must beleive there is no ultimate morality." 1,self-actualized historians urge nation not to get hung up on the past 0,video shows mom kicking child out for voting for trump in mock election 0,how to write a thank you that gets you hired 0,mourners gather for funeral of supreme court justice antonin scalia 0,this is why so many boomers are delaying retirement 1,"unpublished twain autobiography rails against youtube, bp, war in afghanistan" 1,do you go to study hall? probably not. It is a requirement where the athletes sign in and sit in the library with their teams and are monitored to make sure that their studying is getting done. 0,police chief busted for parking on sidewalk does the honorable thing 0,maintaining world class integrity in a nonprofit boardroom: guides for action 0,"a u.s. cyclist made sure she won gold, then collapsed to the ground" 1,"alan alda realizes it's less important than what's going on, but wonders if people know he's getting sag life achievement award" 1,nation happily reassured that exxonmobil made profits of $44.9 billion in 2012 0,"despite social liberalization at home, saudi arabia continues to promote islamic radicalism abroad" 1,"When the pro-life movement began in the early 70's, being pro-life meant you were 100% opposed to any and all abortion. In the early 80's, that standard was watered down to include those who had rape, incest, and the life of the mother exceptions. Now in the 90's, things have declined so rapidly that someone who is only opposed to partial-birth abortions can sell themselves as pro-life.""- Pastor Matt Trewhella How does that crow taste?" 0,woman shot by former boyfriend at chicago nordstrom store dies 0,"Yeah, he's absolutely correct. So what's your point? You think you deserve special rights? Are you better than straight people? Are you superior people because your preferred form of sex doesn't allow for pro-creation as God commanded humanity to do? Is this your argument?" 1,"Who knows? Maybe the dudes went to the shooting range close by LAX and didn't go home. The fact is they made up some bogus bullcrap to prosecute when there was nothing illegal. What probable cause was there? None. I had buddy of mine arrested because he was posing with legally held firearms that someone at his college ""ratted"" him out on him having ""illegal"" ones. There was nothing illegal but he was a. thrown in jail. b. spent thousands in lawyer fees c. never got his guns back. c. had to leave his position as student body president...and the police? ""We are sorry about that. Oh well."" You see what I mean? Gotta love LAPD." 0,americans trust hillary clinton over donald trump on terrorism 1,cannibal corpse blasting from papal apartment window 0,'black-ish' creator: i don't want to see 'forced diversity' in hollywood 0,"I didn't answer or you didn't understand? Actually I did answer. The knee joint I described is from a bipedal hominid - there is no question about it. The skull, even though I gave it very ape-like features, is from a biped. There are many examples of what I described." 1,trump casually informs pence he going to make one or two appearances during speech 1,"What prompted this? I guess I need to check what website I'm in... Your response, Orion, (like trs) is that of a gutless, spineless, dip-wad. One who would tinkle in your drawers if you made such a claim while facing me. But, I've dealt with your sorry, trashy kind before and have found that no matter what is said, you'll act like you're ten foot tall and bulletproof. But, carry on, Orion. You've shown your true colors now. Cluck at will... emoticonXChicken emoticonXRolleyes" 0,clinton and sanders face off in wyoming as race heats up 0,pope: it would be 'catastrophic' if 'special interests' derailed climate talks 1,father sits teenage son down to explain how sex with mom works 0,16 tweets that define what it means to be an introvert 0,to the obese woman crying at the picnic table 0,dad's reindeer drone perfectly tackles son's christmas fears 1,entitled deadbeat finally breaks out of 20-year cycle of government dependency 1,"What facts? The article above your post is replete with documented facts. Are you in denial? Have you even read the article? Are all of your responses knee-jerk, shoot-from-the-hip defense mechanisms? Pay attention." 0,"it's just 15 minutes to a grown-up, but not to kids" 1,sitting inside cardboard box the safest 6-year-old will feel for remainder of life 1,"You're full of horse manure, O spawn of Satan. And you lie like your father, the devil (John 8:44)." 1,study: boyfriends who aren't speaking are thinking about ending relationship 90% of time 1,missing park ranger found in better-paying job 0,"How about the individual's offspring? Is a ""subtract 10 years"" gene encoded in the genome just because of one marriage? Still no evidence." 1,saudi authorities decry wasteful 3-hour death-row appeals process 1,"It's also hard to convince a rational person that something is so if there is zero evidence of its truth, but then you wouldn't have any clue about that." 0,13 ways to reduce stress at the office without embarrassing yourself 0,"Well, the claim isn't that they were identical, just that they preceded Jesus and were very similar." 0,"maxine linehan challenges bono, beach boys, and pride of ireland in interpretation of 'beautiful songs'" 1,media reminds public not to overemphasize super tuesday results or draw any sort of wide-reaching conclusions 0,"I think you are right. One of my favorite Sidney Harris cartoons was two scientists coming out of a conference presentation, and one, absolutely thrilled, says to the other, ""What a wonderful talk - everything we know is wrong!""" 0,"It won't. I'd think any responsible parent with a teen under the age of 18 who has a sound relationship with that teen would discuss the possibility of her becoming sexually active (a normal function in spite of some puritan attitudes) and offer simple avoidance of possible pregnancy and abortion. Like vehicle insurance she may never need it, but going without either one is plain stupid." 1,new ed mcmahon autobiography reveals he slept with 7 women 1,area dad looking to get average phone call with adult son down to 47.5 seconds 1,"You wouldn't know irony if it dropped on your toe. :) " 0,"Well, I did not choose to be heterosexual, I was born heterosexual. I can not see why it should be different for Gay people" 0,liberal lion on donald trump's least favorite court lets him have it on immigration 1,grandfather clock does loop-the-loop with pendulum when no one looking 1,podiatrist a jerk 0,trump orders help for chinese phone-maker after china approves money for trump project 0,charter school advocates play the race card 0,outback steakhouse at the center of bizarre conspiracy theory 1,"ROFLMAO! We elect these guys to write that legislation in the first place... emoticonXRolleyes And the whole point of reading the legislation (I know it must be incredibly tough to read anything when you have a job emoticonXRolleyes ) is to be able TO KNOW EXACTLY what it is you're supposedly opposing... So, to summarize ... You praise Wilson for speaking out and claiming ""Liar"", but you haven't actually read the legislation TO HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE as to whether or not Obama was actually lying in the first place... emoticonXRolleyes " 0,a quick reminder that sexual assault is not about lust -- it's about power and control 0,I see no reason why secular shows should be required to mention your mythology. 0,how a high-fat diet may be screwing with your brain 1,suspect wins over detectives with 'rockford files' reference 1,vacationer checks weather report for hometown 1,"Just trying to bring some consistency to the debate. You love it when Democrats pander but not when Republicans do it. Why am I not surprised? ;) " 1,Are you referring to yourself as a Christian or Steeeeve being a Christian? 1,jukebox pretending oasis cd too scratched to play 1,roommate cooked enough of gross thing for everyone 0,that time kendall jenner got a pony for christmas 0,photos show fire and smoke engulfing ankara district after deadly car bomb 0,this bio-mom and stepmom's friendship is nothing short of inspiring 1,nurse to grab lunch right after she finishes draining bile from man's liver 0,here's another huge reason to eat a plant-based diet 1,coworkers unable to put finger on what's weird about gary 1,fisher-price designer would like to see 2-year-old try and choke on newest version 0,the 10 best cities for college grads in 2015 1,uninsured man hoping for gift card to local hospital for christmas 0,recapping the women's college advantage 1,"new app sends dating profile straight to friends, coworkers to laugh at without ever connecting users to each other" 1,field museum officials announce long-awaited pregnancy of prized t-rex 0,scott walker-backed candidate defeated in wisconsin supreme court race 0,shaun king has twitter account suspended after cnn email exchange 0,will smith and jada pinkett smith look incredible as always at the 2016 golden globes 0,'jane the virgin' narrator creates a hero for latinos who feel 'trapped' in a conservative culture 1,"Because of massive cultural differences. You might as well be asking ""if both Americans and British people speak basic english, why do British people refer to apartments as flats?""" 0,"this is where the most confusion comes in, and why many evolutionist that are particular about the definition of evolution gets into arguments. #3 is the only one close to the scientific definition, and still this is technically lacking and only serves the very layman levelyou continue to insist that all misinformation is a result of YEC's distorting the definitions. YEC's didnt write the definitions in, noe the hundreds of other dictionarys that have similar definitions. furthermore, your definitions have done nothing to educate people who are seeking more information. they only serve to display your disdain for creationists and your lack of objectivity" 1,nation's grandmas halt production of afghan blankets 1,I think we should not only allow GAYs to have legal marriage rights but also those who want to practice insist as well as all who want to practice polygamy. Let us not stop there let us sanction union between human and animals. After all I love my Dog and my Parrot. Why stop with GAYs? By the way where does the term GAY come from for homosexuals. 0,let them eat cake! 1,ohio state hires jim tressel as head football coach 0,pistachio biscotti with kirsch-soaked dried cherries 0,michael bolton singing john bolton's scary words about war is almost soothing 1,"Please be sure to give that message to all the criminals out there. We wouldn't like to have the situation where all the law abiding citizens got rid of their guns and the criminals kept them, would we?" 0,aurora releases theater shooting response report 0,luke bryan says confederate flag has become a 'symbol of racism' 0,"No, that's just the pork tacked onto the original bill." 0,trump ally sues qatar for hacking his email 0,daniel boulud awards scholarship to c-cap alum 0,the power of keeping it personal 0,kentucky newspapers endorse alison lundergan grimes 0,80 percent of female restaurant workers say they've been harassed by customers 0,elizabeth warren slams 'bizarre' glass-steagall statements from trump's treasury secretary 0,lorna simpson creates haunting meditations on the state of blackness in america 1,petting zoo all goats 1,new little caesars marketing strategy has employees throw themselves on hoods of passing cars 1,proud business owner tapes first customer to wall 1,friend who's into politics makes you feel stupid again 0,patti smith's advice about what really matters in life will give you chills 0,too big to eat 1,barron trump sprints off convention stage in tears after missing note during clarinet solo performance 1,nation flattered brand would go to the trouble of selling them a hand-crafted product 0,the two-for-one move that tones abs and arms at the same time 0,christmas eve shooting kills 1 at louisiana mall 0,"Actually, for his hypothesis to explain the difference, he would have to say that the DNA changed. Even so, he assumes more." 0,"if you can't keep your new year's resolutions, be kind to yourself" 1,grown man refers to map at beginning of novel to find out where ruined castle of arnoth is located 1,robert pattinson looking forward to taking on more serious vampire roles after conclusion of 'twilight' films 0,Butwhat of the fetus/babies that were wanted by daddy but not by mummy what does termination stop then? 0,everything you need to know about filipino breakfasts 0,william h. macy has ultimate dad moment dancing with his daughter before prom 1,wisconsin has crush on minnesota 0,watch: homophobes have invented a scary new tactic to undo equal rights 1,"Yippie doo! A 23 year old quote from an ornithologist defending his point of view. And his point of view has (or had) merit. But since then, several feathered dinosaurs (not birds) have been found. It has also been shown that the difference between a scale and a feather may be no more than a single point mutation. (You do know what I'm talking about, don't you Calli? You do know what a ""point mutation"" is, don't you?) Bottom line is that there may be no intermediate between scales and feathers. A single point mutation produces feathers from scales. Various kinds of feathers require only further mutation." 0,bill murray is even charming while trying to bribe umpires 1,teen parents skip prom 1,"You wipe your butt with it dumbass! Anybody dumb enough to believe in god knows how to use it." 0,stephen curry apologizes for being better than everyone else 0,the 5 best fictional holidays from television 0,jimmy carter recovers from dehydration scare in canada 1,"area man busts his ass all day, and for what?" 0,why shopping doesn't solve problems in the fashion industry 0,"everyone uses singular 'they,' whether they realize it or not" 0,4 business mistakes i'll never make again 0,james corden battles neil patrick harris in aca-mazing broadway riff-off 0,"the ultimate houston, texas, road trip playlist" 1,hair carefully disheveled in 20-minute ritual 0,'one day at a time' actor pat harrington jr. dead at 86 1,"unemployed prince harry, meghan markle announce plans to give baby up for adoption" 0,why i decided to attach my business to the happy hippie foundation 1,man made clear-headed choice to upload series of online videos explaining how to install surround sound speakers 0,former tennessee judge allegedly voided traffic fines in exchange for sex 0,"Well some call me liberal (VoR anyone?) and I am definately pro-choice, I'll chime in here. I completely agree that in Roe v. Wade they made the wrong decision. I think ammendment X comes into play here. Nowhere in the Constitution does it allow for the federal government to make restrictions based on abortion. This should be up to the states. Now on that same note it is also unconstitutional for the federal government to make a law banning abortion. This is a law that should be addressed by the states as it is not resered to the federal government." 1,saudi arabia officially lifts ban on female monster truck rallies 1,"fbi warns republican memo could undermine faith in massive, unaccountable government secret agencies" 0,"cornered trump could go nuclear at debate, defies calls to quit race over vulgar video" 1,verizon introduces new charge-you-at-whim plan 0,"cuba, the us and obama's state of the union" 0,these carts are letting kids with disabilities roll down the aisle in style 1,valiant fact-checkers once again save american political system from descending into corruption 1,Contribute? Oh please.... Take your crying act somewhere else. Like I said no one is buying your Bull anymore.... 1,study finds majority of accidental heroin overdoses could be prevented with less heroin 1,humane society volunteer spends whole adoption meeting trying to sell family on sicker cat 1,maid of honor specifically selected for ability to take emotional beating 0,trailer for chilean mining accident movie 'the 33' will hit you in the feels 1,university admits it pretty weird they let bunch of 20-year-olds live in big mansion and torture each other 1,"'you are donald trump, 45th president of the united states,' trump reads from faded tattoo on wrist" 1,royal family releases kate middleton ultrasound image 0,"I think there are some things they will habitually avoid discussing. After a while, even Archie realizes the claims he makes that are no-brainer false." 0,hillary clinton and donald trump did not shake hands before their second debate 1,u.n. secretary general staring straight at israeli ambassador while describing horrors of apartheid in nelson mandela speech 0,embed routines and rituals (principle no. 5 of the 7 principles of personal effectiveness) 0,melania trump seeks at least $150 million in damages over report she worked as an escort 0,kelly clarkson announces new children's book about her daughter 0,"The fact that they were too heavy, is simply untrue, see previous post. Hunting depends on many ecological factors, such as their predational preference. Also new fossils suggest a trees down development of bird flight so fully developed flight muscles and feathers were not necessary." 0,"james foley, missing american photojournalist, beheaded by isis" 0,"Let's try to use a little kindness and common sense and not tell people on a public forum to ""shut ur mouth"". Read the forum rules, they might help your focus. -Mach" 1,monument designer to see if some other country wants to buy rejected war memorial 0,watch vin diesel say 'i am groot' in different languages 1," Just a tad inconsistent, wouldn't you say? But, given that there has been a heavily-financed anti-Obama campaign on national media, it may be understandable. And, ABCNEWS is another clone of FauxNews, dontcha know?" 0,this is what earth would be like without the moon 0,colbert is stunned speechless by trump's terrible 'birthday present' for melania 0,"fans, music greats mourn loss of mr. rock 'n' roll chuck berry" 1,Does a bear **** in the woods? Does the Pope live in Rome? 1,night out consecrated with opening exchange of high-fives 1,that's what host of 'showtime at the apollo' talking about 0,what every parent needs to know about their schools 0,foods that are better outside the u.s. 1,biden chokes up while describing hardworking americans who can only afford shitty ditch weed 1,secretary of state fired after inappropriately weighing in on international politics 0,cancer's next big thing -- immunotherapy 0,even prison officials want to curb solitary confinement 1,"Quote Mining. You got to love it. Always fascinating when stuff is dishonestly taken out of context. Normally, we see this from creationists, but you are by no means the first prolifer who has engaged in this practice. But lets look at it" 0,"japan's economy emerges from recession, growth weaker than forecast" 0,mike tyson does his best drake impression after seeing 'hotline bling' meme 0,"So do I, but my reasoning is highly speculative, even by my own standards. there is no doubt the human body is all about manifestation of energy, not just electrical. just saying ""hi"" is creating sound energy through the kinetic energy of your jaw muscles, lung and vocal cords, which was converted from the chemical energy stored in the food you ate. but proving that energy occurs in the human body does not address the question of life itself. If life itself is a form of energy, then it must either be constant at all times (ie, cannot be created or destroyed). Or, it can be converted from one form to another. or both..." 1,"So, when a comedian leaves the stage and say's I killed tonight, then obviously killing people en-masse is just fine, right?" 1,ford assembly line foreman thinking about asking out cute welding robot from work 0,cuban migrants adrift at sea drank own blood and urine to stay alive 1,BOY-HOWDY!!!!! You have spoken the truth and spoken it well. Welcome to you from the conservative South. 0,pit bull had lost all hope when kids found him in the grass 1,royal baby already crawling 1,u.s. now 40 percent sports paraphernalia 1,"What? Let a gaggle of people who are at least as spiritually inept as you take a vote? ROTFLOL! That would be like the 450 Prophets of Baal: Elijah and prophets of baal Face it, Trebor, you've taken a real beating - claiming Maimonides would not refer to 'saints', because Judaism HAS no saints, only to find out when I referenced a Jewish rabbi that you were wrong again. Busted!! emoticonXBouncer" 1,historian has big news for grover cleveland fans 1,desperate catholic church now offering sainthood to anyone who regularly attends weekly mass 0,hurricane harvey should be a wake-up call to trump's disaster relief budget 0,see the first photo of alicia keys' baby boy! 1,clinton makes pact with savages 0,elections in ukraine 0,trump calls on congress to empower agencies to oust federal workers 1,evangelical church strips away all the frills and pomp of catholic molestation 1,man has mosquito on the run 1,And it remains to be seen if your are. Pick an unreasonable and dumb argument go with it. 0,watch abbi from 'broad city' strip naked and rock out to lady gaga 0,watch now: oprah interviews arianna 0,Cumbria shootings: gunman Derrick Bird kills 12 then shoots himself - Telegraph 0,blm's alicia garza launches census project to mobilize black political power 0,strange 'alien skeleton' mystery finally solved 1,your republican friend to explain why paul ryan is great choice 1,motivational poster inspires 264 layoffs 0,not sure what an apple watch is for? try these 12 apps 1,decorative throw pillow positively aching for a quick plump 1,hot-rod-lincoln-driving son may have contributed to father's alcoholism 0,most americans think the senate should hold hearings on the supreme court nominee 1,11% of lunch eaten off sweatshirt 1,"Wow, that must be some good stuff he was drinking to keep him 'under the influence' for THAT long!! :p" 1,picasso's 'guernica' triples in value after being autographed by the 1994 new york rangers 1,john kerry scrambles to stop bunker's self-destruct sequence as russian oligarch taunts him from bank of monitors 0,restore your power through restorative sleep 0,can the green bay packers get back on track in minnesota? 1,When I read your stuff it's as if I had not read anything. 0,ivanka trump and marco rubio's paid leave plan is a disaster for women 1,battleship awkwardly propped up against ferguson police department 0,climate change and trump's board-game patriotism 1,man always three ingredients away from making pancakes 1,'must-see tv' now enforced by law 1,management consultant to consult with management 0,roth vs. traditional 401(k) -- which is better? 0,But that doesn't help much with calculating the length of a day from actual astronomical observations. Perhaps if we told Freeofthought that the current rate of slowing of the earth is 0.005 sec/year/year. I have no doubt that Freeofthought will misunderstand that number - it is a rate. Just assume that rate has been unchanging even though it hasn't been.A lot of the creationists misunderstanding comes from remarks like the following. 1,"So you see a cop on the streets, you see he's armed, that's enough to induce aggression and violence, possibly cause you to hurt others, simply because you saw that somebody else was armed?" 0,"That is not a law to respect, the civil right in the Second Amendment IS!It is unconstitutional to require a license for a right freely given in the Constitution. - Murdoch vs. Pennsylvania plus about 8 more such rulings.You just don't like the BOR brady, that is the Supreme Law of the Land." 0,"And that (among a number of other reasons) is why I will probably never, ever live in the state of California. Personally I have no desire to live somewhere that won't let me take the means to adequately defend my family and myself, if necessary." 1,employee executes daring 3:30 p.m. escape from office 1,'diary of anne frank' found in attic 1,king of queens creator thinks everyone's ripping him off 0,these food-inspired bow ties will make you the 'taco' the town 1,cool glitch effect on movie studio logo must mean shit about to go down 0,96-foot christmas tree goes up in flames 1,"I am also fascinated by the Shoot First Law that has been introduced in Florida. You can now use a gun against any perceived threat. The question is whether this legitamises shooting Jeb Bush. Anyone stupid enough to think this law is a good idea is a definite threat, not merely perceived. Smiley" 0,lindsey graham drops out of presidential race 0,ben carson bizarrely attacks cnn host in hostile interview 1,horrified nation wakes up on cyber monday to find amazon echo devices embedded beneath skin 0,what's your book shelfie style? 0,channing tatum teases 'gambit': 'wait till you see what we're going to do' 0,megan fox welcomes son journey river with brian austin green 0,"""Healthy Families"" seems like a strange name for this group that the link is to." 1,egypt plunges into state of middle east 0,world war iii with china 0,test facebook button 0,give me your dreamers that are searching for purpose 1,william katt programs own name into tivo 0,what warren harding can teach us about sex and foreign influence in american politics 0,"hey, donald trump, 'i apologize if anyone was offended' is not an actual apology" 1,supreme court rules in favor of most buck-wild pride parade nation's ever seen 0,khloe kardashian says no one was doing cocaine at kylie jenner's graduation party 1,"And that's why I think you are a troll. There really aren't any experts here. There are several who are knowledgable in a variety of topics, but that knowledge seems to me to be the result of being both educated and widely read. It also indicates an ability to reason and an open mind." 1,insatiable water droplet barrels down windowpane consuming everything in its path 0,new yorker releases cover it would have run if hillary clinton had won 1,"report: just so you know, your younger sister probably getting laid pretty regularly these days" 1,national association advances colored person 1,child pleads case for why family rabbit should be named aunt susan 0,trump supporters are stepping up their attacks on bob mueller and the fbi 0,read the letter barack obama left donald trump upon leaving office 1,last person to voluntarily write essay dies 0,"Actually, YES I HAVE! Not recently, but every time a cop has ever told me to sign a ticket he has made it clear that signing it isn't an admission of guilt, just an acknowledgment of receiving it. It is SOP for cops to say this with every ticket which requires a signature. And these cops said it to her also. She's either stupid or was looking for any lousy excuse to refuse to cooperate, and then justify her refusal to cooperate with them which is why the Court rejected her argument and threw out her case ala they upheld her conviction and nullified her attempt to unlawfully enrich herself over an issue which she caused herself. Only a knee jerk and emotionally bent liberal like you would defend a scavenger like her who will create any bogus issue possible to make an illegal buck from a fallacious claim." 0,spy satellites show the himalayas' changing glaciers 1,"To use WMD's one actually has to have them my neo-liberal friend. But I guess that kind of basic logic just goes way over your head. *whoooooosh*" 0,training entry plus 5 1,shirtless mike huckabee spends entire debate seated in rickety rocking chair 1,"Does your use of the past tense ""was"" imply that you've seen a burning bush and been converted to reality? Or are you still an ""anti-american pinko commie bleeding heart liberal?""" 0,"from layoffs to sexual assault allegations, it's been a hard week in media" 1,man always sleeps with bat beside bed just in case any major league pitchers try to break in 0,black voter turnout so far is not good for hillary clinton 1,That is the only purpose it was created for. One must wonder if BS can have several uses to man and ID has but one which is the more valuable? 0,"I don't think we have any business forcing anyone to do something they don't want to do. The father is supplying his DNA when he engages in sexual relations. After than point he has in effect signed a blank check. It's like the old saw, if you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime. Fathers to be shouldn't be engaging in sex unless they intend to pony up with the montly check. I come from a bit of a bias on this subject because this was my area of endeavor for some 20+ years." 1,"Ah, historical inevitability. I had no idea you were a marxist, Steeeeve! Unfortunately for you the same argument applies to the collapse of capitalism. And once again you conflate capitalism and freedom. Have you never heard of anarcho-syndicalism? And why is someone more free when their life is controlled by corporations than when those corporations are restrained by a democratic government?" 1,least avid sports fan tasked with fetching the next round 0,shark bites surfer on oahu's north shore 0,how to survive an unpredictable winter 1,jimmy fallon six tantalizing months from disappearing forever 1,no one in women's shelter able to cook decent meal 0,nj man responds to police summons in grossest possible way 0,"Oh, undoubtedly - but the offspring aren't inheriting traits as such are they? They're just suffering the same symptoms of malnutrition as their parents, except that for them it's happening in vitro so they exhibit the effects from birth. That's why it's such a bad example for what you're trying to get others to accept." 1,rex tillerson shoots mike pompeo quick email explaining all the countries 0,"'amazing grace' bidding war erupts, aretha franklin lawsuit could be resolved" 0,"chinese scientists successfully clone 2 monkeys, could lead to human applications" 0,iraq: be careful how you mess with the sunni world 0,thursday's morning email: australia celebrates as parliament approves same-sex marriage 1,barber's paunch keeps touching customer 1,teen worried about friend who tried pot 0,"spotify hit with $1.6 billion lawsuit from publisher representing tom petty, neil young" 0,They do not. They offer increased thermal protection and thus make a greater range of habitats possible. Feathers also offer increased protection from attack. They are so good that several native American cultures were known to make armor from feathers. They absorb and spread impact quite well.Feathers don't itch and they don't rustle in the bush.Do you have an answers that aren't examples of shallow thinking? 0,argentina president's bizarre werewolf mishap 1,"You guys are going WAY overboard on this. The changes to the board of education standards will NOT materially change the way evolution is taught in Kansas, nor does it allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in our classrooms. Our districts scientific advisory board says the changes to the curriculum make it ""more factually accurate"", and even the folks who drafted the original curriculum could find no factual fault with the new draft. The chicken littles out there need to get a grip." 1,new 'joker' trailer introduces iconic villain to same generation of fans 0,"what aziz ansari, and most straight men, don't get about consent." 0,don't let the headphones (or the extra fat) fool you 1,upset woman forced to re-sigh louder 0,Marriage is not a religious institution. It is a government contract nothing more. Many people choose to have a religious ceremony to celebrate their marriage but that doesnt make it a religious institution. Need proof? You can get married without the permission of the church but you cant get married without the permission of the government. And because marriage is a government institution then they cannot discriminate against same sex couples and must provide the same benefits to them as is provided to straight couples. And it cannot be a separate institution either because separate is not equal. But as I have already said this shouldnt be up for a vote. Civil rights never should be. 0,debbie allen-helmed 'freeze frame' to explore gun violence in the u.s. 1,american medical association introduces new highly effective placebo doctors 0,The anti-abortionists claim that would be killing a human life to save one. 0,russian spies hack dnc computers and gain access to trump opposition research 0,"when soldier returns home, her toddler son can't contain his excitement" 1,trash bag taped over broken southwest plane window 0,how mitt romney tops sarah palin 1,dept. of homeland security introduces dhs for men 0,keeping jobs in the united states; start leading by example 1,old friends from high school meet up every year to say names of former classmates 0,"There are no objective reasons to condemn gays. Marriage is not a matter of state and so it is meaningless to argue whether a state should recognize it.My advocating of perfect liberty allows no contradictions or exceptions, believe me I have lost alot of support from conservatives for this, perhaps even gays if one really applied it to all extremes." 1,not even julian assange clear on what's going on with him right now 1,neighborhood has gotten a lot safer since mayor vanquished fire troll 0,You weren't referring to your home in your little story of helplessness. 1,"american girl recalls 50,000 dolls with chainsaws for hands" 1,new evidence suggests ancient egyptians only ever visited pyramids when friends were in from out of town 0,gop preparing for contested convention 1,third-grader clearly biting off more than he can chew at elementary school book fair 1,unclear if grandma just friends with 81-year-old widowed man 1,mexican program aims to reach drug lords before they get caught up in cartels 0,having kids radically reshapes parents' immune systems 1,missing girl elected to aruban parliament 0,But isn't that the problem? This creationist decided that science should be limited to his religion. He's afraid of flying. 0,melania trump's online safety pamphlet seems lifted from the obama administration 1,"Gasp! Oh, Jim's! Be still my heart! You called me proper! Sigh! That was the first time! I shall treasure it forever! :)" 1,at&t builds windowless black tower 1,new bug spray forces insects to see people as human beings with feelings 1,beekeeper wishes he understood women like he understands bees 1,glorious heyday of youth spent in parking lot 1,stunned family watches as grandmother wolfs down sandwich in 33 minutes 1,frustrated obama writes letter to his congressman about need for gun control 0,here's why jeb bush's super pac is spending $1.4 million to attack marco rubio 1,pregnant jessica simpson pulls out fetus for photo op 1,I see you still don't understand what a strawman is. It is hard to have a strawman when the comment wasn't directed at any particular claim.... 0,sweden and the wakening of eco-integrity 1,"bloated, rotund bernie sanders reveals he has finished drinking all of flint's water supply" 0,"guy moonwalks through 27 european landmarks, because why not?" 0,these gifs of shia labeouf watching his own movies show how each gop candidate did on tuesday 0,"Yeah, it does have risk unlike the embryonic stem cells, but I think that if it comes out the way they hope, it will eventually lead to more embryonic uses as well when people realize that this can have risks. I think it is good to have this way as a back up while people argue over the use of cells that would otherwise be disposed, and get some treatment to people who need it rather than letting it be denied to them by anti-abortionists. And yeah, it's pretty much guaranteed that someone will find something to object about, claiming it is immoral (maybe it will now be that these stem cells are potential human life and we can't use them emoticonXRolleyes ), but it will likely not have as many objections." 1,"zach braff, alyssa milano call out trump for far more effectively pivoting to politics to save floundering career" 0,"las vegas sands pays $9 million to end sec probe into china, macau" 1,"disgusting, unusable shopping cart has single sprig of parsley in it" 0,a scientific guide for finding the perfect workout music 1,"Turned? What do you mean turned? (Oh man! Got you one more time! Brutal! lol)" 1,purina debuts new 'slovenly feast' for nasty-ass shelter cats 1,"And no, Simone, a market is a metaphor for countless individual relationships. To say it should be regulated is to say the government should interfere with consensual relationships.. To say that consensual relationships are immoral and that interfering with them is moral is turning morality on it's head;." 1,new epa regulations would force power plants to find 30% more loopholes by 2030 0,jada pinkett smith and gabrielle union end feud after 17 years 1,bank patrons can expect same poor service after merger 0,"Yes. But if you rephrased the question as ""Does evil exist independent of an observer with a cohesive values system?"", I'd say ""no"". That an event is regarded as evil requires a values system, but not necessarily theism." 0,trump reveals how he would force mexico to pay for border wall 0,all of the wacky and wonderful royal wedding memorabilia you can buy 1,"You and your buddy galactable can do whatever you want, while the rest of this forum and I will live in reality. Many of the real adults have you on their ignore list, for your tendency to accuse everything, prove nothing, and use cheap shots and insults whenever possible. The fact that the only real argument you have against me is the fact that physically I'm a bit younger than you, proves that you have been defeated long ago, yet you insist on continuing to slander and insult me in order to make yourself look good. All of the ""real adults"" that have replied to this thread so far have called you the real child. Who's immature now?" 1,"Then maybe you could take him! He was the president of the church who preached against gay sex but did it just the same, maybe he will fit right in with your church, maybe your church would give him a position of minister but I doubt it! " 1,dick clark still sitting there 0,code words for spinster throughout history 1,rain told to go away in 1986 returns 0,truck dumps its enormous milk load all over the road 0,see miley cyrus freak out over a surprise phone call from hilary duff 0,writer calls on women of color 'to divest from lena dunham' after controversy 0,"1 dead, 3 hurt in stabbing on ut austin campus" 1,"""think of you more as an evangelical protestant than a Catholic."" LOL you lie down with Dogs, your sure to get up with fleas. (Evangelical protestants please dont take offence it was only a joke) " 0,"And then there's this:Alarm at routine patrols by armed police - Crime, UK - The Independent" 1,"fetid, shit-covered elon musk announces plan to revolutionize nation's sewage system" 0,apple loses patent lawsuit to university of wisconsin-madison 1,"broncos, jaguars helmets sustain severe damage in monday night football helmet collision" 1,avid fisherman forever ruins fishing for son 1,tylenol releases new black bile gel caps for people with unbalanced humors 1,man in suit makes decision affecting thousands of non-suited individuals 0,"A being is something that is conceivable as existing...or something that actually exists.A human being is one of us, a homo-sapien, a member of the group of beings known as animals.A rock is a being of inanimate qualities.God is the supreme being, not capable of being understood totally as this would put Him (or It, or She) on the same level as those that He created.We will never be able to define exactly what or who God is!God is great.God is good.Let us thank Him for our food.God is my shepherd.God is my Light.God is my Co-pilot.God is what keeps me from believing that all this (the totality of all things and happenings) came about by accident.When God made man, She was only kidding! ;)" 1,glaad to honor any mainstream film that gets one thing right about being gay 1,"'i have four young children,' says kellyanne conway in most disturbing public statement to date" 0,a model for the future: funding the end of childhood illness together 0,"interview with louise munson, playwright of luigi" 1,"Don't take it personal EZ, Mental illness is a disease, not something you can do anything about...." 1,"Silly you, forgetting the lessons of Nuremberg. Did the Tribunal bring every private in the Wehrmacht or even every guard in the camps to trial? Back to your Marion Morrison fantasies, old chap!emoticonXSmilie" 1,sully sullenberger realizes it too late now to let everyone know plane did all that stuff on autopilot 0,oregon's new travel video may inspire acid trips more than vacations 0,airasia search continues but bad weather drives back divers 1,"heh heh heh..... So if my name was reverend happy puppy land that would throw you off??? hmm.... something to consider.... I do not support ""guns"" and more than I support hammers. I support the constitution, liberty, and freedom. What my friend do you support?" 1,area film buff wondering what pauline kael would say about cookie's fortune 0,"So what, the thread isn't about her signature. If we started responding to threads by attacking people's signatures, we'd all be in serious trouble. Especially me emoticonXAngel" 1,poster vandal enters 'phallus in mouth' period 0,black athletes don't work on a plantation 0,"God can do whatever He wants. Although one can say ""God does not"" or ""God is not"", a thiest believeing in and worshipping the God of Abraham and Joachim I do not think should ever say ""God can not"" anything....With God, all things and everything is possible. Sentiments such as those expressed above in my view seem to be evident in Western Christianity where it seems believers are too often trying to bring God down to our level, imposing limits etc." 0,watch: 'freakshow' star attempts life-threatening stunt 1,new iranian president really impressed with country's nuclear arms program 1,experts warn situation in gaza will get worse before it gets much worse 1,Horse manure. When did you invent that self-serving rule? Put it back in your ditty-bag. 1,united airlines cracking down on emotional support spouses 0,training tomorrow's leaders in higher education 0,challenging richard dawkins 1,voter turnout reaches all-time low of 17 0,"news roundup for march 14, 2017" 0,vin diesel reveals groot will dance again in 'guardians of the galaxy' sequel 0,student constructs wedding dress out of divorce papers 0,"david petraeus: white house is wrong, generals are 'fair game' for criticism" 0,"u.s. reaches major milestone: 100,000 american students study in china" 0,It has a chance. Any scientist has the opportunity to study ID. We are discussing the science classroom. We already teach it as a hypothesis in most schools. But it simply should not be taught as a valid alternative to evolution. That's what this debate is over. 1,obama hoping jim lehrer doesn't bring up u.s. economy 0,us dietary guidelines: historic battle for people and planet 1,"Poor little poopie. If your gay sex agenda wasn't of the devil himself you might be better received in the world." 0,"The ""study"" fails to do this. It offers a philosophical ""proof"" only, as the scientific method is not used in any way in the ""study""." 0,"Since it wasn't thought up by Hubble, the rest of your post doesn't follow." 0,sushi-themed kitkats are coming to japan for valentine's day 0,can you spot what's wrong with the memphis grizzlies' valentine's day graphic? 0,the christian closet 1,taylor swift inspires teen to come out as straight woman needing to be at center of gay rights narrative 0,"great, donald trump threatened to default on the national debt" 1,campbell's unveils new tomato soup humidifier 0,Do you think this resistance got their most useful weapons out of a normal store? Please dont try such arguments without knowing about European history. 1,"You mean Priests? Because I hear the ladies are crawling all over them, can't get enough of that catholic loving..." 0,the 14 new style stars who will light up the red carpet in 2016 0,afghan boy who made a lionel messi jersey from a plastic bag finally meets his hero 1,300 million without electricity in india after restoration of power grid 0,more berkeley professors shown to have violated sexual misconduct policy 1,scott pruitt accused of bribing fifa referee within 10 minutes of u.s. world cup announcement 1,yosemite expands lodging accommodations with new log cabin high-rises 0,3 leadership mistakes roger goodell made that you shouldn't 1,nation's cuckolded husbands gear up for first day of hunting season with wives' lovers 0,mitt romney: 'we've gotta rethink campaign finance' 0,"First off, define ""government funded"". The FBI? The CIA? Other federal law enforcement agencies? The military? All vital government entities that are and should be armed. The fact that governments around the world have killed their own citizens after disarming them does not mean that they should not be armed, it means that the citizens should not be disarmed. Think of what our country would have become over the last 100 years without an armed government." 1,white house announces sasha obama to now be played by britney watkins 0,trump's 'locker room' defense is the excuse you'd expect from a child 0,latinos face digital divide in health care 1,"'you are the jewel of my collection,' says saudi prince while guiding frightened jared kushner toward harem" 0,trumplethinskin: a president's day fable 1,new 10-10-911 saves emergency victims up to 30 percent 0,"adele opens up about her private life, squad goals and new album" 0,get lucky now: 4 simple ways to jump start your successes in life 0,determined cat goes through a lot to wrestle with stuffed tiger 0,want to be ready for retirement? lower your expectations 1,google launches 'the google' for older adults 0,there are a lot more jobs. but that isn't helping democrats for one key reason. 1,nation hears voices encouraging it to buy gun 1,experts warn prosecuting assange creates slippery slope to where we already are 1,amish teen spends entire rumspringa at apple store 1,"Yea that must be it;), don't worry; no intelligent people were harmed in the making of this film. You see one must be utterly stupid to miss the attribution in the first post I made in this thread. It indicates (if you have enough brain power to understand this) that the statement in it was 1astic dig." 1,guantánamo detainee ruled not mentally fit to testify about psychological torture 0,"That's not what he said. Why do you find it necessary to lie? But of course, you are quoting a news story. I have had experience with news stories that purport to quote what someone has said." 1,man avoids messing with texas 0,"pennsylvania diocese releases names of 51 clergy, laypeople accused of misconduct" 0,this fitness instructor is our new body hero 1,white house raises official hurricane florence death toll to -17 1,"Well, if someday you have a real answer, feel free to post it. Oh, and don't worry about me. I won't be holding my breath." 1,"not snowing over here, man on phone reports" 0,'meow-nisota' all ears for internet cat video festival 0,stunning photographs capture the grief and survival after orlando 0,rules for selling during winter months 0,"harry styles admits to chelsea handler that, yes, he has four nipples" 1,lot of bold talk about making broth going around apartment 0,residents describe terrifying escape from london apartment block fire 1,prince charles weds longtime horse 0,georgia police search for missing 11-year-old boy 1,anderson cooper informs viewers cnn just minutes away from first significant piece of information of day 1,"melania wishes just once she could look in mirror without own reflection turning away, gust of wind blowing through room, doors slamming shut" 1,"Balloon Juice Blog Archive BoBo Brooks, New King of the Media Village Courtiers?" 1,Are you jealous because they won't let you out of the institution while gansao get's to run all over the place? 0,This isn't discrimination because the adult once did have have the right to live in a womb until it could live otherwise. Once out of the womb and living on his/her own this right has been exhausted because there is no need to be living in the womb. Much like you can drive but this 'right' is exhausted when you are drunk or too old to see anything. 1,'can anyone hear me?' shout terrified climate scientists frantically waving arms as passersby walk straight through them 1,"And then you do EXACTLY what I just described. Ignore EVERYTHING I just said, and then just repeat yourself like I didn't just address EVERYTHING you just said... emoticonXFrazzled" 0,rob portman: obama will face 'lawsuits' if he acts alone on immigration 0,"One point I would like to make is that rockets are not legal to own, unless they are demil-ed, and the same goes for tanks and aircraft. They are called Destructive Devices under the NFA, and are regulated heavily." 1,sea claims flip-flop 1,skywriter leaves suicide note 0,the death of email 0,"So what? That means in a firefight with police, the criminal will run out of ammunition in a matter of seconds and be ripe for the picking." 0,gourmet gifts for the foodie 2014 0,limits or limitless? 0,"leann rimes, those are some interesting pants" 1,"bob barr on two-party system: ""waaah! waaah!""" 1,dream vacation turns deadly for area houseplant 1,trump welcomes jefferson davis statue as special state of the union guest 0,brazil probes olympics threats after group backs islamic state 0,"running from obama, mary landrieu embraces hillary clinton" 0,sheldon adelson: party hack 1,mueller admits a smarter president would've totally found way to stop investigation by now 1,"disney reveals that every disney movie takes place in single, unified universe" 1,"MSNBC and CNN are about as ""fair and balanced"" as a drunken sailor." 1,Who are these 1400 geologists? Got a list? Got a link other than the kooks? This 1400 number is only mentioned on your linked site. Nowhere else on the internet. Why? 0,kalamazoo shooting suspect switched cars amid rampage 1,man coasting through life entirely on benefit of doubt 0,"desperate parents of abducted nigerian girls lose hope in government, turn to u.n." 1,Are there any values in kalifornia other than if it feels good do it? The no father in black culture holds true in kalifornia. Maybe even more so than the rest of the country. 1,warren buffett tells colleagues about exciting investment opportunity he recently discovered selling mary kay beauty products 0,black people need more representation and fewer 'representatives' 1,mental health experts recommend calling fratricide prevention hotline for anyone contemplating killing brother 1,psychic-phone-line customer used to be closed-minded just like her friends 1,last french fry told to 'get your ass over here' 1,"'there are no good options in syria,' sighs man who has devoted 12 minutes of research to topic" 1,The VPC has a political agenda. The FBI? That is like saying I believe Coke taste better than Pepsi because the Coke commericial says so. 1,report: your father currently typing 'naked women' into yahoo images search bar 1,"First off, your sick. To actually want to see more death and destruction. Are Americans somehow less intelligent? Your notions are racist for lack of a better term. What to meet stupid? Walk out your front door and sample the people on the side walk. You'll find the same stupid around the world." 1,furious meghan markle can't believe harry hasn't told family she's black yet 1,"man in kitchen can't remember what he got married, bought house, had 3 kids, and came in here for" 1,"clinton calls for big bucks, no whammys" 1,man suddenly regretting asking to be taken seriously by peers 0,over 450 protesters arrested in tehran during crackdown on anti-government demonstrations 1,soccer mom to suck off world's greatest dad 0,reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality 0,the best dinner and a movie combos in la 0,espn to have first female analyst call top soccer tournament on u.s. tv 1,"Interesting. It seems that you like to get your news from Aljazeera. " 1,area teens find once-in-a-lifetime love 1,national forest service recommends campers tie up their food to avoid attracting other visitors 0,"news roundup for may 31, 2017" 0,"The problem with happenstance origins is that there is no evidence, and it's simply not possible to falsify it. If we were able to prove so many scientific proceedures (from abiogenesis to radiometric dating - all based on the presupposition that there is no God) were indisputably true, then ID would be falsified. There is not enough supporting evidence for happenstance origins. Yet so much of happenstance origins is considered science, so all too often, there is no line between religion and science. " 1,woman quickly reading up on candidates' policy stances after voting 1,obama endorses not doing goddamn thing to fix illinois in midterms 0,the fallacy of state-coerced marriage officiants: a primer from the military chaplaincy 0,"To be constantly told I've been defeated by pseudo intellectuals who constantly claim victories when there is absolutely nothing to be gained from debating here shows just how lacking of any actual intelligence you people possess. But you sure feel smart after patting each other on your sanctimonious backs after convincing yourselves that what you know is actually correct when it is no more correct in reality than your warped and very corrupted World views. I will proudly stand alone against your combined self perceived intellect, and most importantly, I will confidently place my beliefs against yours at the end of this life when the true answers to the questions we debate will finally be known. And at that time, this ignorant christian will be standing tall in his knowledge as you all regret everything you have ever believed in your lives." 0,democrats are ceding foreign policy too early in the 2016 election 0,baseball's new rules are even sillier than we thought 1,ted danson totally nails tonight show interview 1,"There's more to this story. The doctors who performed the abortion and the girl's mother, were excommunicated from the Catholic Church. And get this: the stepfather who raped his stepdaughter since she was six was NOT excommunicated, because by the Church's logic, what he did was not as bad! But you know, given the way women are dealt with in their holy book, I shouldn't be surprised." 0,here's where all the 'gilmore girls' characters would have ended up 0,5-year-old boy faces a tough decision about his girlfriends 1,And creationism was investigated and explored completely and shown to be false. 0,"And like the ""chicken and egg"" question, where the answer is ""a bird other than a chicken"", so the answer to your little riddle is likely to be: RNA." 0,'bad moms' stars pull off amazing surprise for a single mom on 'ellen' 0,"a little gay jewish boy: ""life is a cabaret?""" 0,slick rick's 'children's story' is getting turned into a real kid's book 1,'97 neons to come in three hideous new colors 0,"Well, I'd say that since that sort of question don't have a pat and universal answer, then that's why they shouldn't have been asked in the first place, in this case. My view is that questions over a job like this should be about a person's qualifications" 1,haunted hayride makes extra-spooky turn onto interstate 0,'today' anchors wear 'charlie brown' costumes for halloween 0,u.s. deportation rates hit a 10-year low 1,nuclear warhead thrilled for chance to finally escape north korea 0,jobless after 50? here's what to do first. 0,"jon hendricks, legendary jazz and vocalese singer, dies at 96" 1,man strains to find personalities in pet fish 1,one-year-old still waiting for father's first words 1,perverted creep keeps asking women what they're wearing 1,elderly voter never thought she'd get to see female presidential nominee called heartless ice bitch during her lifetime 0,if bernie sanders wanted to solve problems like donald trump 1,You should try reading my posts. It would make you look like you know what you're talking about. ;) 1,"president urges calm, restraint among nation's ballad singers" 0,my disastrous search for the perfect swimsuit 1,area man needs two more trips to best buy to beat xbox 360 game 1,scientist has nagging feeling he left particle accelerator on 0,10 small-space lifesavers 0,conscious politics: hillary at the helm 1,drummer's girlfriend thinks he should sing 0,chrissy teigen is thankful she can now filter out the haters on instagram 0,huffpollster: voters dump marco rubio for ted cruz 0,a new generation of small farmers is emerging in atlanta 1,three dozen confirmed *@@## in power plant *@@## 1,moviegoer can already see where commercials will go 0,a 'game of thrones' prequel could actually happen 1,"'one day this will all be yours,' says buzz aldrin while showing great-grandson around moon" 1,"alex jones warns fans quitting his supplements cold turkey can lead to homosexuality, judaism" 1,u.s. loses u.n. membership after embarrassing video of nation surfaces on internet 1,excited patient points out organ he wants from kidney tank in hospital lobby 0,mindful mantras for teachers 0,you owe me! 1,"Oh, EZ, so this god of yours wants to see ME, does he? Well and good. Because when I have access to that god he is going to get an earful from me about how his people have screwed over the world." 1,sleazy health insurance covers any doctor's visit they can watch 0,"children are in need of families, and you may be the perfect fit" 0,gun lobby politicians like bob goodlatte enable social media killers 0,loretta lynch: spike in anti-muslim hate crimes is a 'stain on our nation's very soul' 1,"'game of thrones' audience disappointed by season finale's bland, uninspired incest" 1,magazine says you have sex and the city fever 1,lapd going about day in uncomfortable silence 0,"But then, you are obviously scientifically illiterate. Why don't you think that the panal of scientists who were hired to write the standards know better than you? It is, after all, their field." 0,police near st. louis quash peaceful protest by declaring it an unlawful assembly 0,"Really if this is another one of your fresh organic sample = age of decades of time capsule because they were both on top of the ground, you're officially delusional." 1,transplanted new yorker disappointed with local bagel scene 1,gap closures to leave americans with fewer places to buy pants for friend's wedding at last second 0,busy philipps consoles michelle williams on 10th anniversary of heath ledger's death 0,bernie sanders holds back tears as brother memorializes their parents during dnc vote 0,an open letter to graduation speakers 1,emoticonXGood I think the 1asm my be lost as someone may not understand. 0,"mccain, graham announce support for former exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson" 0,the south shall rise again 0,man tries to set a fire aboard plane in china 0,even the duchess likes a good deal 0,11 great things about preschoolers 1,"trump promises u.s. will continue to recognize, preserve palestinians' historic refugee camps" 0,cybersecurity lessons from nba mvps lebron james and stephen curry 1,plastic surgeon has leathery wife 1,barry pepper getting by 0,"That's not exactly true now, is it? People get to vote for elected officials, and that's all that's guaranteed federally. Some states have provisions for allowing people to vote on local laws, but in some states the government is allowed to prevent the vote. And of course there is no provision at all allowing the people to vote on federal laws. So in point of fact it is a true statement that in the United States someone is not allowed to vote on X, for some values of X." 0,police assume truck was deliberately driven into berlin christmas market 1,"It is only difficult to sort out if you are a neocon and fail to recognize that neocons are nothing but militant liberals. Bush was BY FAR the most liberal president we have had for at least 20 years. Maybe you need to research traditional conservative values." 0,egypt sets date for parliamentary elections 1,'employees must wash hands' signs top iraqi hospital wish list 0,is the us government cooking the books? 1,wife dropping hints she ready to have second husband 0,brazil president dilma rousseff suspended after senate votes for impeachment trial 0,"more than 160,000 evacuated from worst-ever floods in malaysia" 0,"You believe two things that are incorrect: that you have refuted evolutionary theory, and that we will now accept intellegent design because of your attempt." 1,white house announces obamacare exchange now only accessible from single kiosk in remote iowa cornfield 0,this water bottle for bikes turns air into water as you ride 1,46-year-old spinster dies surrounded by cats 0,more than two in five american adults carry hpv 0,"want a simpler tax code? sure, but it will cost you." 1,"dancing wild man strikes again, badly shaken bar-goers report" 1,biden investigated for questionable workers' comp claim 1,"ROTFLMAO. The guy is more like Bush than I realized. Come on, Easy, if you have never tried pot or XXXX, you are in the minority. Nobody cares." 1,new law requires richard gere to personally inform residents when he moves to new neighborhood 0,sport and society for arete-baseball 1,ted cruz boldly declares nation not deserving of better candidate 1,local man gets cocky with ladder 0,That sentence doesn't even make sense. Did it occur to you that you should actually think about what you are going to say and express actual ideas? 0,turkey says it will suspend high-level diplomatic ties with netherlands 1,man spends entire weekend binge-watching neighbor 0,meet the third party 1,spawn of satan a failure in father's eyes 0,movie review: edge of tomorrow... don't go there 1,technology unfortunately allows distant friends to reconnect 1,kidnapping going pretty smoothly 0,Because the modern application of gun control is to target everyone. But that doesn't change the fact that gun control began as a purely racist concept. 1,They used to draw and quarter tratiors in the past. I wonder if conservatives consider that the good old days? 1,I thought she had great tits and a nice rear personality.emoticonXGood 0,starting a small business is anything but routine 0,"from ferguson to staten island, justice and accountability are nowhere in sight" 0,trump will nominate 'torture memo' lawyer to transportation post 0,the thing that will wreck many americans' retirement 1,paul giamatti lauded for supporting role in area murder 0,washington insider: white house story on porter 'doesn't add up' 1,taste acquired 0,Prove it! Prove that there would be no rooted trees at all within the sedimentary layers at all. And prove that there would be no tracks or burrows or evidence of plant life as we find. In fact we would expect to find all of those things as evidence that this event was fast and cataclysmic in order to find all of these things together in the same areas. 0,'drag race' star willam opens up about break up of 'boy is a bottom' group 0,"The 7 day creation I am referring to, not merely the possibility of divine creation through the Big bang etc" 1,magical voting booth transforms clearheaded americans into reactionist morons 1,spoon's weight topples pint in jarring reminder of how much ice cream area man ate in one sitting 1,lone house with no halloween decorations by far spookiest in neighborhood 1,bruce springsteen accidentally plays 'big government's stealin' our livelihood' at obama rally 0,black parkland students want peers to 'share the mic' 0,birdman is an astonishing new film 1,"female presidential candidate who was united states senator, secretary of state told to be more inspiring" 1,"breaking: wait—sorry, false alarm" 0,'queer eye' emotionally reflects on the unique challenges black gay men face 1,hideo kojima says new experimental video game will consist entirely of 2-hour-long cutscene 1,dad's been on a parenting kick lately 0,"But they didn't have sexual relations. This was from a sperm bank- there was nothing that made the two people create one being. Nonetheless, this is a side issue for future debates. My main point is homosexuality is a disorder that the government shouldn't be condoning. The government obviously doesn't condone pedophilia, poligamy, and incest. Why is the government condoning homosexuality?" 0,"Oh it will and from what I have seen of the arguments the court will strike down prop 8 and every anti gay marriage amendment. I have seen the reinactments taken from the trial record. YouTube - Prop 8 Trial Re-enactment, Day 1 Chapter 1 This has everything to do with emotions. This is my life and the lives of every gay person in the country. This is not some academic exercise there are real people here with real lives. You sit there and you think its great that you get to vote my family out of existence in fact you EZ, Archangel, and the other conservatives on this board take great pleasure and joy in causing and supporting pain and causing emotional distress." 1,crusted ring around nyquil bottle top coming along nicely 1,romney frantically figuring out how tax plan could actually work after realizing he might win election 0,"and now, the first picture from the 'gilmore girls' revival" 0,trump supporter who made nazi salute speaks out 1,I am here right now brady. Doesn't look like you are doing so well. All of your claims and propaganda points a simmering ashes just like your .org soon will be. Have you got any useful skills so you can make a living? emoticonXHoho 1,nation's substitute teachers would like to know who threw that 1,tooth fairy helps self to more teeth 1,spot where dog vomit cleaned up now noticeably cleaner than surrounding floor 0,"Who was Isaak? Where did he say this, when did he say this?" 0,cinephiles will love 'listen up philip' 0,doing academic time 0,jenna jameson calls on women to #dropthecover and celebrates motherhood 1,archaeologists discover fully intact 17th-century belief system in ohio congressman 0,newsguild launches campaign in support of jailed reuters employees 0,"trump lawsuit over white house book 'nonstarter,' legal experts say" 1,"well, neighbors just got a pit bull" 0,"congress may resurrect earmarks. in some states, they never went away" 1,"You slept through the alarm, since it rang about 150 years ago. " 0,hundreds in hollywood protest rampant sexual misconduct 0,a review of 'jim wallis: in conversation' 1,area man has no idea what he went downstairs for 1,local grandmother feared dead after appearing in woman's profile picture 1,comments mysteriously disabled on youtube video of sparrow in yard 1,personal philosophy stolen from martin luther king jr. 0,"7 everyday habits for glowing, younger-looking skin" 1,anderson cooper decides to keep recent gay conversion therapy private 0,seth meyers dubs donald trump the 'tiger woods of hypocrisy' over his golfing 1,apparently man can't just hate bowling 0,'bathroom bill' inspires north carolina rep to come out as bisexual 1,local band cleverly alters product logo 0,unusual polling question reveals which candidate is more likely to win in november 1,"trump vindicated after rest of leaked recording reveals him urging racial reconciliation, calling for interfaith dialogue, condemning gender inequality" 0,"this valentine's day, more americans are searching for love online" 1,trump demands nato allies match u.s. commitment to prioritizing military spending over healthcare 0,even more evidence that anxiety can be genetic 1,chinese class clown executed 0,So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples? Or blacks with slinging drugs and hoochie mammas? Or will you note the eerie similarities betweenn the wording of some of our gun laws to the Nazi gun laws? 1,side salad clearly made from hamburger toppings 0,obama: 'i'm going to do what i can through executive action' on immigration 1,roy moore under fire for new 'children are my future' ad campaign 1,sci-fi fans argue the better of two as-yet-unreleased films 0,group files complaint against judge who sentenced man to marry girlfriend 0,olivia munn and aaron rodgers prove they're huge 'star wars' nerds 1,So penfold and brady you are in favour of denying citizens rights even though they have not been proved to have commited any crime? Ed Kennerdy was on that list so should he be discriminated against even though he has commited NO crime? What is next putting black people on the list purely because of the colour of their skin? You sicken me you two. Why on gods earth would terrorists be buying civilian guns when they could just use AK47? Did you sniff petrol as a youngster as you seem to have. 0,"And yet quantum physics tends to be very contradictory, at least to our perceptions. Acausal events happen. A particle can be in two places at the same time. A particle can disappear and reappear in a different location without traversing that distance. And et cetera.Since the beginning of our local universe occurred at quantum levels, I would be cautious about drawing philosophical conclusions based on our macro-world experiences." 0,"monday's morning email: what's next for trump after his ""worst week""" 0,pope francis's life depicted in new comic book 0,'stranger things' kids already look like winners on the golden globes red carpet 0,"**Nor do I think you at all stupid. I do not debate stupid people, there is no challenge in it. Nor do I debate arrant foolishness and irrational notions such as biblical literalism. It's no more challenging than shooting fish in a barrel, and no more satisfying than destroying a child's faith in the tooth fairy.But I do take offence at you characterizing my ability to reason logically and to think with some originality as being nothing more than 'manipulation' and sophistry." 0,trump touts 'middle class' tax relief but only detail he offers helps the rich 1,that guy from that one show attempting comeback 1,'game of thrones' fans annoyed by obvious product placement for valyrian steel 1,"Use some common sense, would you. And while you're at it, trying reading! I said, and you quoted me as saying: " 0,conservatives urge facebook users to use american flag filter to fight against rainbow pics 0,"republicans fail on health care. here's why the rest of trump's agenda won't be 'so easy,' either" 0,how black girls vote is getting young voters to the poll 1,"I think you're VERY mistaken. I'm not a republican. Nor a democrat. Never been registered as anything other than 'independent'. I'm such because I think. Unlike a party parrot that you seem to be yourself. Since I'm neither...who the hell can ""I"" be in the minority? Must be your biggoted knee-jerk reaction to think that anyone who doesn't think like you and slurp the Flavor Aid is the opposition and as such must be in the 'enemy party'. And you are a hater because you verbiage is hate filled, caustic and ever insulting. And not in a funny, jestful way but full of vitriol and bile." 1,grown man who owns bane action figure has love to give 0,swedish police featured in film shown by fox news say they were selectively edited 0,cara delevingne gets a laugh out of pushing paparazzo in paris 1,grandmother really starting to get the hang of dying 0,"Actually, I'm not looking for shootouts at all with the criminal element. But what is crazy in my opinion, is admitting that there are holes in the system that allow criminals to get automatic weapons illegally, and you see the solution as banning automatic weapons from being purchased by law abiding citizens rather than screaming for the holes in the system to be fixed so the criminals can't get them. It seems to me that you have an anti-gun agenda and will use any flaw in the system as an excuse to ban all guns for all people. Is that a fair assessment of where you stand?" 0,a family dog's letter to his boy 0,top house democrats demand fbi inquiry into trump team's alleged link to email hack 0,"And yet I alread showed what the ""moral code"" of atheistic societies has done for the world: II 128,168,000 VICTIMS: THE DEKA-MEGAMURDERERS 4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State 5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill 6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State 7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime III 19,178,000 VICTIMS: THE LESSER MEGA-MURDERERS 8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military 9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State 10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges 11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State 12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing 13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State 14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse IV 4,145,000 VICTIMS: SUSPECTED MEGAMURDERERS 15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea 16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico 17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia" 1,And you have a right to cling to superstition and magic as true. But that doesn't make mythology true. 1,area man crawling on ground like pig to plug macbook power cord behind desk 1,barack obama 'tiger beat' cover clinches slumber party vote 1,collapsed mine used as excuse to stall coal extraction 0,do we risk having two-tier access to renewable energy? 1,trump fulfills campaign promise of pushing major immigration decision on someone else so he can watch tv 0,presidential candidates react to paris attacks 0,los angeles 1992: a personal reflection 0,j.j. abrams wishes fans a happy star wars day from set 0,"everyone told me my second child would be so much harder than my first, but they were wrong" 0,"From a book review of BETTER FOR ALL THE WORLD: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America's Quest for Racial Purity by Harry Bruinius:, Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Rockefeller foundations, millions of Americans, the State of Indiana. . . all these embraced the concept of EUGENICS.Interesting, yes?" 0,jorge ramos producer speaks out about press conference incident 1,new app matches you with others in vicinity who wasted $2.99 on same app 0,how to make feijoada 1,ceiling fan's one burning ambition to come loose and murder everyone in denny's 1,"i think you may be the one whos perverted. suddenly, were talking about gay sex!!!!!" 1,coalition of buzzed cousins issues annual greatest nation on earth rankings 1,gorilla won't stop saying 'gorilla' in sign language 1,apple announces new trade-in offer for customers to exchange their old iphones for absolutely nothing 0,top 10 reasons i'm glad i grew up without facebook 0,"move over, katy perry. this nerdy professor has his own closing argument to make for clinton." 0,should banks be allowed to robocall your mobile phone? 1,nabisco tentatively adds hummus to list of approved ritz toppings 0,"a tribute to david goldberg: entrepreneur, connector, mensch" 0,west virginia teachers plan statewide strike 1, employees don't have heart to tell ceo about facebook 0,why the rohingya can't return 0,exploring letters from himmler 1,"parents of obama volunteer couldn't be more proud, sick of son" 0,... and justice for all 0,republican women: a reminder that your party is not for you 1,nobody at capital one can remember why it put vikings in its ads 0,here's what just one bad night's sleep can do to you 0,new mlb rules aim to speed baseball games in 2018 1,embarrassed snake can't believe documentary crew caught it whiffing while lunging at toad 0,maybe ridley scott should've read this memoir before replacing spacey with plummer 1,eggs good for you this week 1,"...said a ""certain nobleman""... No wonder you cause such a stink, trebor. And you accuse Easyrider of manipulation of Scripture?" 0,j.k. rowling wishes snape happy birthday in the most magical way 1,terrified fda warns something making bananas black after several days 1,"You silly person. You need to correct your red letter edition of what I said. You need to recall that I conceded you no points. You need to realize that your original premise is rhetorical. You need to learn the various definitions and possible connotations of 'nature', 'natural', 'naturally', 'unnatural' and a plethora of other words that evidently flew right through you without stopping. You have justified absolutely nothing regarding the behavior of animals or humans. Sit in glee and boast all you want along with all those silly people who cheer you on. After all, it's your modus operandi to do whatever feels good. BTW, you did a really poor job of refuting the spread of aids through anal sex." 0,how can illinois trim its massive amount of local government bodies? 1,j.k. rowling revealed to be pseudonym for newt gingrich 1,"study: snapping three times leading way to recall movies, actors" 1,"I like the Grape Flavored best, But I won't be drinking any KoolAid with you or one of your religious Cult Fanatics... And why would I be embarrassed about telling the truth?...." 1,"And isn't it time that the Bush haters on the opposite side of the argument quit spreading lies about the constitutionality of the law? I'm sick of unsubstantiated liberal blather, aren't you? emoticonXRolleyes" 0,alia shawkat is feeling herself 1,senate bully forces legislators to repeatedly pass 'we are huge homos' bill 1,santa fe resident pretty kokopellied out 1,putting up with dave's shit not in job description 1,fbi deputy director touched by heavily redacted farewell card from bureau coworkers 1,coast guard terror suspect released after cell needed for nonviolent drug user 0,transplanting marijuana: myth to mainstream america 0,being overweight makes the brain age faster -- much faster 0,watch live: lili taylor talks abc's 'american crime' 1,twenty minutes spent making tuna fish palatable 1,"Sounds like an abortion bill amendment to restrict all travel by minors is needed by those demanding that young girls give birth after being impregnated by rapists, fathers, uncles, etc. Might as well include adults, just to simplify matters and enhance state police power. Bubbah will be pleased." 0,trump's nativist attacks on immigrants weaken our country 0,why i'm going to let my daughter fail math 1,Say what? You want a scientist to stop short of drawing any conclusion? Well that makes it pretty useless don't ya think? Or would you prefer that rather than stating their honest and best considered opinions that they lie to you and give you an opinion which their best judgement says is wrong? Geez you are just asking for deep deep trouble. 0,want to be healthier? flirt more 1,shoe scientists unveil advanced 'double knot' technology 0,u.s. foreign policy: react to fear or lead with love? 1,area man's mother sizes up new girlfriend's pelvic span 1,thursday cry moved up to wednesday due to scheduling conflict 0,obama wishes george h.w. bush a 'speedy recovery' after fall 0,be still our hearts: raspberry chocolate grilled cheese sandwiches 0,nick verreos sees a marriage between fashion geeks and computer geeks 0,miley cyrus and liam hemsworth had a very instagrammed christmas 0,I have never disagreed that marriage is a special dependent class. My point is that it is a society-sanctioned special class. 0,mesmerizing deep ocean 'symphony' finally identified 1,skipping out on friend's birthday party at last minute closest woman will ever come to feeling rush of heroin 1,"Thanks for what? Pointing out that you have once again misread an article? No problem, I'll be sure to keep up the effort seeing as how you apprecitate so much. emoticonXGood" 0,3 simple ways to relieve holiday tension with tai chi 1,scientists posit theoretical 'productive weekend' 0,lin-manuel miranda is raffling a 'hamilton' date to raise money for immigrants 0,people's opinions on voter id laws can be racialized thanks to one image 0,what the everyday items in your home say about you on a deeper level 1,god excited he only two mortgage payments away from owning heaven 0,al franken will leave senate in early january 1,'the economist' to halt production for month to let readers catch up 1,our nation's guard rails: are they safe enough? 0,You think so? Then accept my terms. Go ahead. See if you're right. 0,anti-defamation league will use donald trump's donations to fund anti-bullying programs 1,You mean other than the fact that Mr. Pocketwatch and Mrs. Pocketwatch don't meet up for a night of whoopee and end up with little baby pocketwatches some time later? How about: I know that humans manufacture pocketwatches. 1,area man clearly came to redbox machine without any game plan 1,crazed loiterer strikes again 0,sen. mike lee says trump is 'fully cooperating' with russia investigation 1,overeager simpleton destroys that which he loves most 0,"the ultimate livingston, montana, road trip playlist" 0,"Funny. That's not what the articles say. All of the articles pretty much concentrate on the research as significant in support of the dinosaur/bird link. If you had been paying attention, you would have been aware that it had been previously established through other tests that protein remnants were present. Thus, the amazement that protein remnants so old had been found had already passed." 1,supreme court agrees to disagree on abortion issue 1,wedding strains relationship to breaking point 0,"The title of the thread gives a false impression by stating that a Christian Pastor believes that bigotry blocked Gay Marriage. Had the title said, pro-gay pastor believes bigotry blocked gay marriage, his position would have appeared as obvious as his views are. She is attempting to make it sound like the christian community is split, but bible believing pastors wouldn't be caught dead endorsing what this pastor believes in any aspect of his so called faith." 0,'fire rainbow' supplants double rainbow as social media rainbow of choice 1,area man carefully weighs one side of argument 0,"israel retroactively legalizes 4,000 settler homes" 1,trump retweets video from anti-muslim hate group 0,You say that alot but discussion is about taking other people seriously. 1,nation's sports fans shocked by truth about 'we will rock you' anthem 0,why i'm not leaving florida (yet) 0,your backyard burgers are bursting with gross bacteria 0,making a living ... and a loving 1,"scientists: rich people, poor people may have shared common ancestor" 0,'girls' producer: people are 'afraid' of lena dunham 'telling the truth' 0,who isn't running for president? 1,director going with unknown for third marriage 1,alpha-bits now available in serif font 1,fuck-buddy becomes fuck-fiancé 0,6 things you need to know about drowsy driving 0,pregnant kelly rowland glows in form-fitting gown 0,is the fda ready for kim kardashian and mutant head lice? 1,clear from stock music that video never meant to be watched with sound on 0,woman gives birth to her new (book) baby in hilarious photoshoot 1,renowned ornithologist always secretly wanted to be a bird 1,"scalia, thomas, roberts, alito suddenly realize they will be villains in oscar-winning movie one day" 0,reb zalman's unique funeral 0,"BWAHAHAHAHHAAH! Innocent citizens are FIVE TIMES more likely to be mistakenly shot by a cop, than a cop even DELIBERATELY by a civilian! Likewise, if my life is in danger, then I'm not really too worried about my lack of accountability to the person choosing to ENDANGER it; and I'm really sure if he's willling to commit armed murder then he's not too worried about misdemeanor gun-laws. Psht, it's amazing how stupid, naive and arrogant these anti-gun XXXXXX are. It's easy to get cute when someone ELSE'S life is on the line, but it's just plain evil to use the guns of the state, to take away someone ELSE'S guns and expose them to danger-- and particularly cowardly and hyopcrticial while cringing behind a safe neighborhood and lifestyle, while hiding from potential danger-- than shamelessly attacking those who simply fight BACK." 1,";) Residual signs of early indoctrination...aka Brainwashing. Cultural assimilation...aka Blending-in. Freudian slip...aka closet Christian. :p" 1,u.s. encouraging cuba to shift toward democratic system of corruption 1,loser older brother looked up to 1,home depot releases new bluetooth cordless hose 1,obama scrambling around white house kitchen before state dinner 0,"#metoo, and it's time for change" 1,"Leave it to a leftist to cite a leftist forum for evidence that a leftist agenda is supported by dedicated leftists. Go figure, huh? This post just proves that attempting to reason with such an irrational thinker is truly a waste of time and effort." 0,Nothing.... they both have to live with the shame of killing their baby. 1,panicked man looking for son stressing everybody out 0,why i'm building my political wardrobe 1,"As the ""leak"" appears to have happened SIXTEEN YEARS AGO, she may have difficulty catching up with that." 1,study reveals lobsters feel pain and get off on it like the kinky little perverts they are 1,world-weary sigh emanates from next bathroom stall 1,beaver can't wait to get started on dam 0,fda warns another company about unapproved consumer genetic tests 1,bush tumbles wildly down washington monument staircase 0,congress ties controversial cybersecurity bill to key spending package 1,"great, now it's turned into a whole big thing" 1,"So, Clinton getting it on with Lewinsky is a sign of intelligence? You can work for the Obama administration with those kinds of smarts. LOl!!" 0,some alzheimer's risk factors may be controllable 1,grocery-store freezer's white castle section a wreck 0,joe arpaio's 'concentration camp' is finally closed 0,"Actually Electro, do you remember this thread? Evidence for a flood? Oddly enough it took 20 pages before one of them even tried to argue against the reasons why the flood did not occur." 1,"This could be used as an example in a 'how to be an internet troll' instuction book. Evasive, obtuse and dishonest." 0,"Um. Have you read Leveticus? And I mean, read it. Not skimmed it.Because, God loves everybody. Are you reaching?And what does fast and loose mean? I'm confused. I think you are trying to label me.. but I'm not quite sure what I'm being labled as. " 1,You'll never have that problem comic relief. You'll always be young mentally. 0,these fashion grandpas could not be more adorable 0,"as sanctuary state, california takes deportation fight to new level" 0,josh smith responds to people who think he's 'greedy' 0,"ny times columnist david brooks explores sin, virtue in new book" 1,report: shame of walking out without buying anything drives 90% of purchases at small businesses 0,philando castile's high school classmates award first scholarship in his honor 1,parents finally tell 2-year-old about 9/11 1,'humor in uniform' submissions at all-time low 1,"department of interior sets aside 50,000 acres of federal land for anonymous sexual encounters" 0,top christian college rejects texas law allowing guns on campus 1,"study: beginning email with short, disingenuous inquiry into personal life best way to network" 0,4 things you need to know about the latest jobs report 1,"How about not clicking the ""reply "" button twice (heh,heh,) No, we didn't (Thank goodness) AND! PM Blair is recanting from the Kyoto protocol. Bully for him!" 0,thewrap sparks change to california law protecting digital media 1,noncompete clause in lease bars tenants from living anywhere else for 90 days after moving out 1,climatologists say humanity's best hope is hurricanes spinning in different directions and canceling each other out 1,And here I thought that could be thrown onto the errors of 'The Great Awakening'. 1,family respects grandmother's wishes to have open-bloused funeral 1,Why don't you answer Bryan's post above troll? He has some important information you would never figure out by yourself? 0,amanda slavin: not just a statistic 1,nonprofit places burnouts in jobs you can do blitzed out of your mind 1,local senior impressed with restaurant cheesecake 0,the magical turpan 0,13 easily overlooked bathroom accessories every home needs 1,greg behrendt releases new book for children: your parents aren't that into you 1,camp counselor assigning kids to horses like wise town matchmaker presiding over marriage 1,catholic teens still coming down after excitement of world youth day 0,try this one thing before assuming you have a sleep disorder 1,"Forgive me. A few minutes with Google ought to give enough info to refute what he said, so I didn't bother. " 0,"(My evidence does not require this quote, it's for comparison only)The theory of evolution is based on evidence, the existence of god, is not..Reason cannot be applied to it. Furthermore, since evolution relies on reason, faith cannot be applied to it. To attempt to label science as a faith is a contradiction. I know it irks you that your faith cannot be proven, but that's the definition of faith!! It wouldn't be faith without it. As Montalban says in a contradiction of motives: His particular faith does not rest on the foundations of [reason]. Why then look for support from reason?" 0,is this black parenting magazine racist? 0,dixie chicks send message of love to orlando victims at new york concert 1,security guards chase naked usa fan around white house 0,candidate: mass fraud during afghan vote 0,'san andreas' kills at the box office 1,aunt scores big with nephews by dropping bombshell story about mom smoking weed as teenager 0,jon kabat-zinn: 'the real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment' 1,man trying to leave hateful message at local synagogue frustrated phone line always tied up with other threats 1,"mayor hits on crazy idea of developing city's waterfront, green spaces" 0,trump associates face growing concern and frustration over donald jr. crisis 1,exhausted olympians wake up early to repeat opening ceremony for american time zones 0,watch the 2016 democratic national convention live 0,"So, he's immune to new information that contradicts his beliefs. He doesn't care, he has his own predetermined conclusions bolstered by reading whatever creationist rubbish he can find, and he simply refuses to let anything else make an impression on him." 0,nearly half of living nfl veterans show signs of brain injury: study 0,atlanta man indicted for pouring boiling water on gay couple 0,living in the shadow of a gun crime: 14 years later 0,jon stewart goes off about donald trump's response to neo-nazis 0,hilarious video shows 'how to bake easter cookies like a toddler' 1,coworker not nearly as fun drunk as originally suspected 1,"'art imitates life imitates art,' remarks man trapped in art museum" 1,recently mugged friend a racist all of a sudden 1,wall street journal lays off 150 stipple-portrait artists 0,rwanda is becoming a magnet for chinese money and migrants 0,'how to get away with murder's' heroine gets more complex 0,"Of course not. That battle has already been lost. Creationism is religion and it cannot be taught in a science class, even when it is called ""creation science"" and the data is distorted and mininterpreted. The most recent attempt by creationists in Kansas on the State Board (and yes, they were YECs) was to eliminate all requirements to teach evolution, and all references to an old earth from all curriculum standards." 0,bill o'reilly compares #blacklivesmatter movement to gestapo 0,the final showdown on 'repeal and replace' obamacare: what to watch for this week 1,obama's fifth gulf coast visit really helps a lot 1,pope francis reverses position on capitalism after seeing wide variety of american oreos 1,blagojevich claims behavior was just elaborate plan to surprise patrick fitzgerald with senate nomination on his birthday 1,neighbors remember serial killer as serial killer 1,report: advertisers threatening to pull money now the only remaining way to effect any change 0,u.s. scientists win nobel medicine prize for body clock research 0,how to track santa claus' flight around the world this christmas eve 1,"anarchists rise up, move to different cafeteria table" 0,chris christie's political confidant and new jersey pension overseer resigns 1,vatican county fair sets record for world's largest communion wafer 1,exhausted nation unsure it has stamina to continue gun control dialogue for fifth consecutive day 1,"'flatbread means pizza,' man explains to visiting father" 0,warm temperatures bring hot deals on winter gear 1,elderly woman spends day in park feeding pigeons dismembered husband 1,touring company of cats prepares for yet another day in the goddamn catsuits 0,america ferrera and eva longoria call out hollywood racism 0,why fashion should be on the climate change agenda 0,cooking off the cuff: bluefish in saor – a new york take on a venetian favorite 1,"I can see that swaying you with facts isn't going to work, so we'll just have to agree to disagree on the definition of terrorist." 0,stunning time-lapse video captures one of the world's strangest landscapes 0,"beijing, brazil, 7-1: awareness shift in soccer, society" 0,look: iconic jean company introduces gay pride line 1,shrimp would be pissed if he could see the lame party he's going to be served at 1,catholic church condemns metrosexuality 1,artist starving for a reason 0,Read above for why your argument sucks. Thanks for proving you never ever ever read anything or watch anything given to you. Just assume whatever we want and hope people don't laugh at us? 0,nba players to start paying for retired players' health insurance 1,go-getter eliminates two steps from grieving process 0,climate change threatens the newest prescription for children: time outdoors 0,david duchovny dishes on the upcoming 'x-files' miniseries 1,local man's body a really big temple 0,game changer: 4 reasons digital learning thwarts feelings of failure 0,south african politician proclaims a 'non-racial' era after vote wins 0,concrete steps you can take to support your muslim neighbors today 0,6 graphics to show to your climate-denying uncle this thanksgiving 0,where are all the beautiful mastectomy bras? 0,peanut boss sentenced to 28 years for deadly salmonella outbreak 1,FYI you'll get sand in your ears from sticking your head in too deep.... 0,a museum in germany is asking designers to give peace a new sign 1,opening soda bottle inadvertently makes man loser 0,south dakota high school principal injured in school shooting 1,nation's moms dance nude around moonlit bonfire to conjure spirit of emma thompson 1,ungrateful man just up and dies after everything insurance company has done for him 0,mizzou chancellor says he's not going to rush to fire melissa click 0,"man who awoke from coma just in time shares his story, urges us to 'find the miracle within'" 0,7 things attracting the youth to american manufacturing 0,the thing about horses 1,":p I wish! If I did, I'd be as wealthy as the Church, who does. emoticonXHoho" 1,most incompetent coworker once again shines at office halloween party 0,woman accused of setting fire to yoga studio explains smiling mug shot 0,remembering pat conroy through his own words: 6 quotes 1,"I think it would be best for neither one to have a gun, as there would be no chance of me getting hurt. After all, I could beat up a guy armed with a plastic fork. However, if the hijacker has a gun, I'd like someone (not me, I'm half blind in each eye, I'd probably hit a passanger or something) to have a gun." 1,"Ahhh I see so God was more than willing to use extreme punishment for not loving your neighbor. Like how Sodom and Gomorrah were punished for not loving their neighbor. " 1,heroic police officer talks man down from edge of purchasing subway footlong sweet onion chicken teriyaki 0,Well both could be a good mother because i know a mother who was very certain she didn't want her baby and went for an abortion but was too late on in her pregnancy to have one and then she was going to give himup fpr adoption but as soon as he was born she loved him and couldn't bear to give him up and know she's a great Mum. Being a good mother mainly depends on what you are like with you're child after birth. 1," Your own source said there's a cliff a mile and a half away, and I'm the liar? Go find it and jump off it, you flaming, incompetent, scatter-brained, dishonest cretin." 1,russian officials scrambling as plan to delegitimize western democracy moving way faster than intended 0,the gift of choice 0,top 10 college basketball seniors 1,'old milwaukee book of world records' confirms title for most punches to shoulder 1,It's a self-defeating question. You're asking why numbskulls participate in numbskullery. 0,"Well, ya know, if you actually, oh I don't know, VISITED THE SITE, you'd see that the """" is a blog-like page (and not the one that is actually giving the info on the evolutionary migration of humanity) and it gave a link to the actual website that we are talking about (the second link I gave): But then, maybe we're expecting a little too much from a creationist." 0,navy hospital removes staffers for calling babies 'mini satans' on social media 1,"sickly, starving rhino not as fun to hunt" 0,"Oh, so business owners don't make ""real"" contributions to society?" 1,That sort of warms the cockles of my heart. Namely that some Europeans might be disinclined to visit or stay here. Don't let the door hit you in the buttocks on the way out. 1,small businessman conducts business on miniature golf course 1,mike pence struggling to reckon with vision of prophet muhammad revealing that vp destined to become next president 0,"from cave painters to cassoulet: a trip to southwest france 100,000 years in the making" 0,texas education board votes to create classes on mexican-american studies 0,i meant betweent 1973-1986 because that was the cutoff date for people to vote in the last election 1,michael jeffreyton wishes screenwriter had given him more believable name 0,"the bitcoin ""crisis"" explained and 5 reasons it can't be killed" 0,fda questions use of aspirin to prevent first heart attack 0,john oliver has a heartfelt message for orlando 1,fifth-grader writes 'mrs. alan greenspan' all over her notebook 0,a visual history of 'the nutcracker' in 100 photos 1,"after 10 months of bitter struggle, downstairs neighbor masters 'jumpin' jack flash'" 1,"Again, key word ""genetic"". My hair has the genetic characteristics of a human, but that doesn't make getting a haircut murder does it? " 0,"pyer moss puts on yet another powerful fashion show, this time tackling mental health and depression" 1,report: stagnant economy forcing more americans to take jobs as infrastructure 0,train passengers defend elderly asian couple from racist tirade 0,"trump's national security transition is 'a mess,"" officials say" 1,"But procreation is so much fun Even better without protection Only drags when your belly pouches With wrist chained to little tikes" 1,nation begs for midterms to be pushed back to delay start of 2020 presidential campaigns 0,"You answered the first one already... it is a 'cartoon'. It showed that just as one was out-lawed, the other was born. You decide what to believe from this.By the way...""Lockheed Martin is a global leader in the design, development and production of missiles and missile defense solutions for the United States and its allies around the world. The goal: Defend against attacks by ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other airborne threats.""" 0,here's a pg-rated facebook alternative for evangelical christians 1,heartbreaking rubio campaign email just asks supporters to send something to make him smile 1,trump boys raid sister's closet for sexy clothes they can use to seduce and blackmail robert mueller 0,qatar said to run a covert training camp for syrian rebels with u.s. help 0,'you are not the brightest of my four sons'... and other depressing things that have been said to me 0,just how is obama's foreign policy a failure? 0,the last broadcast 1,man struggling to pierce orange peel with fingernail under impression he could kill if he had to 1,Like the crazy idea the Earth goes around the Sun. 0,actress shamed for wearing red to golden globes responds to critics 0,"Well then there's grounds for a lawsuit. Find a group of veterans and get them to sue the VA, funded by the NRA, and take the whole organization to court on charges of violating federal standards." 0,nevada politician: getting an abortion was 'the right decision' for me 1,report: more recent college graduates making extra money by tutoring high school teachers 0,7 sweet treats for mother's day 0,i'm still here episode 3: an epidemic of epidemics 1,"defense needs to be more physical, reports man slumped on couch for past 5 hours" 0,"eric trump: my dad isn't racist because he only 'sees 1 color, green'" 0,mit should do better 1,kfc introduces new bird-flu dipping vaccine 0,"Do you mean like Piltdown Man? It was displayed there for 40 years.""The Eoanthropus dawsoni, or Piltdown Man, was on display at the Natural History Museum in London for 40 years. It was removed when advanced dating techniques not only showed that the bones were only a few hundred years old, but that some of them weren't even human."" you guarantee that all of the other displays at the Museum are true? No, of course not. Many other things there said to be 'true' are only 'true' in a transient sense of the word (that only science seems to use) Suggests that Piltdown Man had good science behind it, at the time.Never-the-less the Natural History Museum provides many examples of artistic licence, such as the 'human-like' hand given to a restoration of Australopithecus, displayed at the museum.""Shattering the Myths of Darwinism"", p205" 1,"new legislation would shut down u.s. education system, give each american student $3,000 to start own small business" 1,millions of people prince william would never deign to speak to captivated by royal wedding 0,a true-life love story: what my grandparents taught me about devotion 0,what if every school had this sign? 0,are we prepared for president obama's free community colleges? 0,this is not your grandma's first brexit 1,"Your signal to noise ratio was too low for my tastes: too much ""wackiness"" (I assume ""wackiness"" was what you were trying for) and irrelevant side discussions." 1,lovelorn app aches to know your location 1,report: cost of raising neglected children still low as ever 0,you can now drink girl scout cookies 0,"in most states, the middle class is now growing — but slowly." 0,violence erupts at pro-trump california beach rally 1,nation's tracy chapman fan 'can't wait' for lilith fair 0,"He was using it as an example. He was saying that if something in your life causes you to sin, get rid of it! BTW, thanx for giving me the references to your verses! It is really annoying to have to search through the Bible to find verses that people quote without references." 0,why we can't ignore the outliers 0,white americans say the starbucks arrests were an isolated incident. black americans say they were part of a pattern. 0,why azealia banks will never redefine 'faggot' 0,businesses training to be alzheimer's friendly 1,harvey korman cracks up denny's waitress 0,taylor swift brings fans to tears with surprise gifts 0,"huffpost hill - trump heads to louisiana, will distribute the classiest, absolute best mres" 1,boss's sexual harassment a lot more cautious lately 1,"Good- we were tired of you not responding or saying, ""it isn't worth my time.""" 1,area roofer badmouths college 0,gop congressman: getting rich will solve that whole environment thing 1,"report: only 47,000 social justice milestones to go before u.s. achieves full equality" 0,the future of video: vertical and growing: mary meeker 1,walgreens manager certain dead father would have been proud of crest toothpaste display 1,area man just ruined it for everyone 0,u.s. state department: global terrorist attacks down 13 percent in 2015 1,girl slept with for her sake 1,couple forgets 70th wedding anniversary 0,donald trump makes dubious claim about inauguration singer jackie evancho 1,local dad gets this show on the road 1,report: there probably not the best place to stand 0,passport robot tells man of asian descent his eyes are too closed 1,frito-lay targets blacks with new menthol doritos 1,bruce vilanch sodomized by homosexual 0,"No I shouldn't be fighting against abiogenesis, I'm for unrestricted freedom to explore it all!" 0,host who ben affleck got handsy with in 2004 says it was an 'on-camera game' 1,turkish restaurant thrown into complete disarray by entry of single customer 1,32-year-old still not entirely sure where body stands with lactose 1,sex officials add new base between second and third 1,bush announces 8-month plan to steal favorite desk lamp 1,transit authority pledges to double number of out-of-service buses by 2006 0,10 'outlander' spoilers you need to know for season 2 0,why model carmen carrera doesn't always want to be considered trans 0,iran's amazing spider-woman climbs a wall so fast it doesn't look real 0,oklahoma run 'n' gun biathlon use rainbow flag target to promote event 0,deputy head of norway's labor party resigns amid sexual harassment allegations 0,watch britney spears dance in a bikini 'til the world ends 1,report: statistically speaking there's decent chance pope francis molested someone 1,thousands of drunk revelers dressed as jesus descend on vatican for annual christcon pub crawl 1,obama waiting for perfect moment to walk by white house tour group 1,"dvd tries to pass off 'language options,' 'scene selection' as special features" 0,wapo releases first photos of jason rezaian reunited with family 0,one on one: lily cole on the gift economy 1,big wrench cool 1,loser can't even get wife pregnant 1,dot declares pothole too perfect to fill 0,"'the lego backpacker' instagrams the world, one country at a time" 0,"Like the docking simulation, in development there is a pre-existing fitness landscape (the womb). Both processes converge on similar endpoints each time it is run, both process are biased to a few endpoints and both processes reach local optima (e.g. skin" 1,world's supermodels form hall of justice to protect ordinary models 1,"family, friends concerned after peyton manning wanders away from pocket" 0,a trove of 'lost and found' photos reveal one mystery couple's beautiful life 1,american dental association recommends teeth 0,democrats demand kris kobach resign from trump voter fraud probe 0,a murder in kurdistan 1,stresses of white house causing bo to go prematurely gray 0,we need a president who will continue obama's climate legacy -- not destroy it 0,trans texans share emotional responses on rejection of lgbt discrimination measure 0,woman perfectly breaks down why she's not 'just' a nurse 1,"report: buddy dysmorphia sufferers experience skewed, negative perception of shape of friends" 1,ridley scott trades russell crowe to tim burton for johnny depp 1,leather-clad ted cruz greeting voters at reno-area fetish club 0,"Cost would certainly be an issue. If the adoptive parents were willing to take on that cost, that would be best. I wonder, though, how much demand there really is out there for adopted babies. As I understand the situation, currently there are far more parents looking to adopt than there are new babies up for adoption. However, if such an artificial womb would exist, then that may not be the case any longer. Would the mother then have to be responsible? Not that easy a case to ponder since that would be a case of performing abortion not purely out of a sense of a woman's right over her own body (since transfer would be an option) but out of purely financial, practical reasons." 1,man entering fog of insanity asked if this his first time at dave & buster's 0,"james comey's book pre-sold almost 200,000 copies, source says" 1,Perhaps if you brushed your tooth once in a while and gargled you wouldn't have the stench. 1,teamwork mostly karen 0,"You're an idiot who has obviously never worked ina first responder category. If you think that increasing the volume and social acceptance of drug use to the same level of alcohol will 'solve' anything, then you are just an idiot. You have obviously never seen whart drug abuse does to families and people's lives. You're right, alcohol is worse, and the main reason its worse is because of 2 reasons, volume and availability ala social acceptance. Legalizing all drugs would have catastrophic social impacts.Don't feed me that line about taxing it and using the money for rehab. We have taxed the XXXX out of tobacco and alcohol the last 100 years and the last time I checked alcoholism and lung cancer hadn't been erradicated." 1,drug use by jerry garcia down 85 percent 1,model to give acting a shot 1,sheryl crow unsuccessful; war on iraq begins 1,fda to increase recommended dosage of acetaminophen for children who can handle their shit 0,"move over rosé, blue wine is now on the market" 0,syrian refugees halted by trump's travel ban make long-awaited reunion with family 1,"Yours is already baked. Tell me about your born-again experience, jazy, and how you experienced the Holy Spirit?" 0,the truly awful part about food allergies (and how i got over it) 0,jessica chastain got octavia spencer equal pay and more on their new film 0,egypt sends submarine to look for missing flight ms804 0,winston churchill's grandson introduces a new nickname for donald trump 0,why the bachelor is scarily similar to the hunger games 1,study finds high school students retain only one-third of obsolete curriculum over summer 0,cherry blossoms transform iconic d.c. landmarks a week early 0,7 fascinating but forgotten facts from world war i (new book) 0,iraqi camps swell as civilians flee fighting in fallujah 0,eia: china's blood ivory carving factories 1,onion employees return to mundane lives of writing game-changing news coverage read by billions across globe 1,celebrity smell-alike sweats just like alec baldwin 0,working-class whites still have it a whole lot better than their black counterparts 0,mark zuckerberg's senate testimony predictably led to memes galore 1,controversial new ham sandwich under fire 0,can we briefly talk (honestly) about weddings? 0,education reform and evidence 1,weird wooden chair pressed into service for thanksgiving 0,man builds rad all-terrain wheelchair that looks like a tank for war hero dad 1,"scandal: mccain won miss congeniality of u.s. senate in 2000, 2003" 1,alcoholic's plan for turning life around doesn't involve getting sober 0,trans women and trans men offer intimate answers to personal questions 1,u.s. citizens: 'we love when thing taste like other thing' 0,"the best ways to prepare amaranth, the italian vegetable" 0,5 things i miss most about marriage but never want again 1,u.s. border collie rounds up 11 million illegal immigrants 0,elizabeth warren's pick wins ohio's democratic gubernatorial primary 1,red hot chili peppers accidentally write song about new hampshire 0,masked robber foiled after unfriending victim on facebook 0,every single slang word ever used for 'drunk' 1,bigoted asshole makes the best barbecue 1,city councilman from future warns against building 12th avenue rec center 0,"mexico expects nafta talks by late august, economy minister says" 1,political cartoonist's wife finds disturbing nude drawings of uncle sam 0,I think its actually the states job...the judiciary does need to overturn Roe v. Wade to get this done though...which doesn't mean it becomes illegal. 0,noel comrie's gps guide on positive self-affirmations 1,"Thankyou for bringing to my attention that atoms, neutrons and protons are merely scientific assumptions. Now as I gaze at the night sky with all its' bits and pieces spinning around each other I can sleep happily knowing that our solar system is not part of a housebrick afterall." 1,gazebo underutilized 0,"And only a ""miniscule and negligible fraction of the total wild moth population"" has even been observed resting anywhere else. Despite my explanation of his mathematical misleading, wabbit continues with it.Some of you with better short-term memory might remember that I stated that there is little debate that many of Kettlewell's experiments were imperfect. wabbit has posted some excerpts to this effect, but really, all we need to do here is realize that wabbit has quote mined to his little heart's content. Here's a portion he purposely excised:" 0,why the eu plan to stop mediterranean migration is a human rights concern 1,"................................ My God - what was I thinking getting off welfare, busting my XXX for that degree and getting a job that pays more 7 times what I got the few months used welfare?! emoticonXRolleyes [/quote] " 0,too big to nail? 0,who got next: creating pipelines for girls of color to be on the ballot 1,bose releases new headphones specifically optimized for listening to whitney houston's 'how will i know?' 0,"Do me a favor. Write, in your own words, two paragraphs. One explaining the electromagnetic spectrum (and the visible spectrum's place in it), and one discussing rods and cones in the eyes." 1,siblings patiently waiting for day they'll be close to each other 1,disney unveils first virgin princess 1,"ivanka, donald jr., eric trump removed from white house after mother wins 25-year custody battle" 1,"report: all the good stuff costs, like, 200 bucks" 0,supreme court justice sotomayor continues duties after breaking shoulder 0,here's how older generations are ruining the workplace 0,learning resilience from a master 1,life unfair 0,residents say racism accusations don't tell full story of cops who quit after town elected its first black mayor 0,trump says gulf states will pay for syrian safe zones. that's not the issue. 0,air pollution linked to millions of premature births around the globe 0,to the parent whose heart is hurting this holiday season 0,this rare gene mutation makes some people crave fatty foods 0,sunday roundup 1,report: most americans now getting their news while peeking out between fingers 1,tom clancy really happy with how latest video game with his name on it came out 1,salvadoran earthquake registers 0.2 on local man's consciousness 1,woman doomed to years of hippo-themed gifts 1,world wildlife fund announces new breeding program to create way more squirrels than necessary 0,isis releases more than 200 captive yazidis in iraq 1,hero lawyer uses technicality to free guilty man 0,"fox news host disavows internment camps, after panelists suggest rounding up muslims" 1,"(chuckle) You're such an idiot. And praytell; what evidence do you to tell us where the 17 year old kid got the pistol to begin with?" 1,"word 'innovate' said 650,000 times at sxsw so far" 1,man hates it when trailer gives away entire premise of movie 0,87-year-old musician dies after performing 'there's no business like show business' 1,l'oréal releases new line of makeup specifically for men to wear when wives not home 1,first kid to wake up at slumber party gets exclusive look at friend's mom's morning routine 1,trump slams worldwide jewish conspiracy for not doing more to prevent synagogue shooting 0,"So then, are we to presume that you would favor the sale and distribution of, to take the worst possible example, kiddie porn with no restrictions? After all, the First Amendment says ""Congress shall make NO LAW abridging freedom of the press. BTW, re. Texas v. Johnson: Is a flag burning speech, and where in the Constitution does it say so? I agree with the decision, which simply goes to prove that even a blind Antonin can find a peanut now and then." 1,6th-graders feel kind of bad after seeing how easy it was to make young teacher cry 0,"man throws brisket at woman during beef at bbq fest, police say" 1,"But Sarge, that would require the CakeLady spend HER money, not yours and mine. You know that won't happen." 1,soda nearing room temperature 0,"john kasich compares federal debt to a burning rome, says republicans share blame" 0,president trump is less unpopular than he's been in a while 1,report: there only 17 total square miles on earth where gays not discriminated against 1,"Fred Phelps has joined the forum! Edo, it is abundantly clear how concerned you are about your credibility, when considering your addition of this statement to your previously rather notable track record." 1,Good point. emoticonXAgreeemoticonXAgree The poor guy would be like a midget that got his stepladder taken from him! 1,man nervous about telling date he has her kids 1,man worried any crazy person could get hands on congressional seat 0,little piggy dancing to rihanna's 'work' will make your day 1,bp ready to resume oil spilling 0,3 ways you can be a more positive leader 0,things fall together 0,lana del rey and stevie nicks to cast a joint musical spell on upcoming album 1,rick santorum slightly embarrassed for man introducing him as next president of united states 1,jawa appointed secretary of transportation 1,"Public policy? Takes waaaay too much thought. Now one can go to ballpark here and pay $8.50 for a half pound hot dog, smothered in thick layers of chili, cheese and grilled onions (2,200 calories, 55 grams of saturated fat, 1,600 milligrams of sodium). That's a no-brainer (literally). Dono" 1,nation's rich and powerful wondering when rest of americans will just give up 1,report: tv teens 15 times more likely to crack wise than real teens 1,free toothpick transforms schlubby restaurant-goer into aloof bad boy 1,vacationing man misses own remote control 1,hillary's last name dropped from senate race 1,scientific american somehow makes woman feel bad about her body 0,a weird and wonderful cabaret chronicle: karen mason revisits her roots at 'don't tell mama!' 1,"rice krispie treat eaten in 8"" x 8"" square" 0,syrian rebels shell aleppo after withdrawal 0,dobby the house-elf still brings generosity to the 'harry potter' universe and beyond 1,plant dead because of you 0,"Actually, selection occurs by differential reproductive rates. What this means is that organisms which reproduce more will have more offspring than the others (obviously). Therefore, traits that help organisms reproduce will become more prevailant." 1,"Dont mind him, hes just sticking up for his new boyfriendemoticonXLove" 1,beethoven's ninth symphony gives man idea to be genius of some sort 0,trump asks national prayer breakfast to pray for 'celebrity apprentice' 0,could this be the end of the kellen moore experiment? 0,former bernie supporters canvass for clinton in critical philly suburbs 0,interfaith efforts work for reconciliation in the central african republic 1,std had awesome time on spring break 1,man with flamethrower waiting for appropriate time to use it 1,sla murder trial nostalgic trip back to more innocent time 1,woman rearranging condiments in refrigerator door like puzzle in ancient tomb 0,"notre dame terror suspects planned attack on paris train station, france says" 1,boss born in 1991 1,"'well, that was cool,' say archaeologists before dumping bones of king richard iii back into hole" 0,photographer captures private moments of lgbtq icons in stunning color 0,healthy aging tips for 30-somethings 1,narrow gaps in bathroom stall doors to be widened monday 0,senate republicans just blocked a bunch of gun control measures 1,Na. Probably from smokin the Bovine Excrement they are trying to pedal! emoticonXSmilie 0,"manchester bomber was motivated to commit terrorism by hate preachers, not religion" 0,ted cruz didn't disclose goldman sachs loan during senate campaign 0,the bible could become tennessee's official state book 0,"Felony possession of a firearm is five years in prison. Gun trafficking is ten years per gun. Murder brings the death penalty. None of these punishments are handed down for the crimes that get committed. It's a matter of quantity over quality." 1,royal baby speaks first words 1,man invisible on gchat observes world from impregnable perch 1,What's that? Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes? I suppose they paid the cops for going out of their jurisdiction too? 1,hallmark debuts 1-square-inch father's day card with no room for writing anything 0,climate change could lead to an uptick in type-2 diabetes 1,spanx introduces new shapewear hood to smooth unsightly heads 0,that flaming lips origin story is faker than you thought 1,hbo presentation fails to deliver promised 'brief nudity' 0,the 5 things about clothing you don't need to tell older women 0,"mlb players yordano ventura, andy marte die in separate car crashes" 0,un chief warns that women's rights are under attack worldwide 1,yak chews thoughtfully 1,report: key goes in but won't turn 1,no one notices area man's marginal attempts to change 1,favorite stick brought inside 0,key gop senator will oppose donald trump's arms deal with saudi arabia 1,michael cohen completes first stage of intricate plan to break incarcerated brother out of prison from inside 0,"Oh, I don't know about that. March of the Penguins was a box office success ANF an Oscar winner for best documentary. Calling any of Moore's movies ""a documentary"" requires one to employ some artistic license with the term and some slight of hand." 0,first 'justice league' trailer will make you forget all about 'batman v superman' 0,"childhood brain injury tied to adult anxiety, depression" 0,be honest with everyone 0,weekend roundup: victory in myanmar for democracy -- on a leash 0,"Given that I do not hold that opinion, I would challenge you show where I have stated such." 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on december 3 1,variety of unsustainable business models make up extremely hip neighborhood 1,area grandmother comes forward as 'banksy' 0,angry voters not soothed by clinton's policy prescriptions 1,ganymede totalled in three-moon pileup 0,x's and o's: america's obsession with football at berkeley rep 1,"You can try and deny the facts all you like. Here they are from the CDC for 2003, go spin them." 0,"airline passenger arrested after allegedly saying, 'i kill white people like you'" 0,internet enjoys sarah sanders' claim that trump is 'the best negotiator at the table' 0,climate-denying weather channel founder frets about a hillary clinton victory 1,ken burns completes documentary about fucking liars who claimed they watched entire 'jazz' series 0,japan puts military on alert for possible north korea missile launch 1,the thinkable happens to local man 0,on the ground of standing rock 0,friday's morning email: inside the sexual harassment allegations against movie mogul harvey weinstein 0,"You are free to disagree with the article, Chemist99a, but it was written by a scientist. You are quite free to believe biological complexity is the result of ""natural selection"" somehow organizing a bunch of genetic accidents into complex biological systems. I suspect you will become increasingly unable to impose that view upon everyone else. Questions about Materialismwith some pretty funny stuff about Freud." 0,jimmy kimmel asks people if hillary clinton should be impeached 1,mo'nique know she look good 1,"Archie, you're not one of those Westboro Baptist Chuch types, are you? You don't buy that stuff about 'God Hates the ### Army' and 'God hates America' do you?" 0,"Certainly science has provided part of the answer with their finding of the Mitachondrial ""Eve"", suggesting that one person can have all the DNA necessary for all the variation in human populations.One of the standard rebuttals you hear is ""How did the Kangaroos get to Australia""? I don't know if that's covered in the Bible... if God transported them or not." 1,condoleezza rice drives halfway to airport before realizing she forgot interpreter 0,bayer offers to buy monsanto for $62 billion 1,report: dzhokhar tsarnaev left really nice thank-you note to boat owner 1,"And the scientific papers don't. The problem here is that creationists don't read the scientific papers. In fact, most can't even understand them." 1,parking-ramp attendant moves slightly 0,the year of self-love 0,"1 - It is innacurate. We allow killing in times of war, in self defense, and in state sanctioned executions. So we already have a situation where, when given X mitigating factors, it is justifiable to take a life. It is impossible to say all life is equal, and then to apply that as law. People will be outraged. I know I would be.2 - Objective to who? Who gets to decide how valuable life is? And why should they get to? And who says they are right? The relative value of life works fine, thanks very much." 0,here's a terrifying view of a baseball fan's one-handed catch 0,"michael flynn caught lying about russia talks, reports say" 0,"the scientific, data-driven guide to online dating" 0,"Right. Please, reread your argument. Not to mention what Woodward actually said about Piltdown man." 0,modcloth goes one step further 1,champagne company develops new second-place beverage 0,things my dad never did 1,many native americans still hold traditional beliefs about white man 1,dad recommends hotel 10 miles away from city you're visiting 1,5-year-old critics agree: movie 'cars' only gets better after 40th viewing 0,"Yes, the Byzantines are a Catholic Rite. The Catholic Church is divided into rites- there are seven I believe, the Roman, of course, being the largest. The Byzantine Catholics are an Eastern Catholic Rite, and as you said are almost identicle to the Orthodox Churches except that they acknowledge the Pope as the head of the Church.East to West, a website regarding all the churches of the Catholic Church, especially those of the east.Real quick, the Orthodox acknowledge the Pope as the successor of Peter, but not as the head of the Church. Am I correct?" 1,"Yeah, there are quite a number of dumb Republican bureacrats running Califorhia." 0,my advice to high school grads 0,"A Jungian might suggest such a stance. In other words, one (good) cannot exist without the other (evil). I wonder what some of our more interesting christian friends (AA, GC) might have to say about such?" 1,history channel helicopter to give viewers bird's eye view of history 1,awestruck video-game fan describes brush with playstation 2 1,iowan comforts sobbing jeb bush at town hall 0,what does it mean when we call women girls? 0,bet you didn't know gal gadot is pronounced with a hard 't' 0,the dangers behind teen texting and driving 0,'the big dark': series of storms stretching from china to u.s. batters northwest 0,ariana grande singlehandedly saves tidal with musical impressions on 'snl' 0,"The Polar Icecaps have been melting for the past 14,000 years according to experts. Many in the scientific community believe that it would be another 100-1000 years before the melting of Polar Ice becomes a factor in the rise of sea level. What they believe is more important is the thermal expansion of the world's water that comes with the increase in the oceans' mean temperature.Some predict that the rise in sea level could be 3' by 2100, so don't invest long-term in any beach-front property that isn't on tall stilts and you'll be OK. emoticonXGood" 0,thousands protest in moscow against housing plan 0,"Now this is a totally inaccurate generalization.I don't think you actually realize the sheer numbers of people who smoke pot in this country, and I'm talking on a regular basis.I am certainly one of them. I have friends that do it and friends that don't.We all lead your typical normal life." 0,"Actually, if you want to check, you will find that biologists themselves will point out the holes. We still have a lot to learn. Many of the holes have been closed even in my lifetime and the creationist god-of-the-gaps is being reduced to smaller and smaller gaps. But if you want a creationist to ""join the real world"", you're going to have to do more than be offensive and insulting. You might present some actual facts to support your position. Of course, I presume that you will actually educate yourself before presenting the facts.Have a nice day." 1,unconditional love given to 15-year-old who just called mom a bitch in middle of hollister 1,"If it was the liberal women who were babes, they would be well worth discussing around here now. But since dogs, as in the canine variety are more attractive than your average liberal woman, tq is above discussing such issues. emoticonXGood http://cutepuppiespictures.files.wor...ce-puppies.jpg " 1,trump planning to throw lie about immigrant crime rate out there early in debate to gauge how much he can get away with 0,antonin scalia's death just cost this company $835 million 0,sacha baron cohen rolls up to 'grimsby' premiere in his underwear 1,report: video games will never be art 0,"Because you asked me to quote your lies. I did. Not only can you not find whichever source you claim speaks of birds' infrared vision, you apparently can't find any source that does so. Despite this, you've been whining about how visible and UV camouflage must be moot because of birds IR vision. And to top it off, rather than admit to your mistaken memory, you're blaming the imaginary source:" 1,"Main Entry: unhinged Pronunciation: -'hinjd Function: adjective : UPSET, UNGLUED; especially : mentally deranged How do you deal with the fact that 450+ species in the world naturally engage in homosexual behavior? Apparently you DO think homosexuality is some sort of transmittable diseases. Again, look to webster." 0,the warwick rowers' calendar apparently deemed 'gay propaganda' in russia 1,reality show slowly sinks in 0,"But the responsibility does not end with the woman who experiences the pregnancy. If it did, then men would not be required by law to pay child support." 1,prizes on price is right looking better as man ages 0,here's the hollywood-worthy rio gymnastics story you didn't hear 1,"Confirmation records that you were a Christian? Excuse me while I fall out of my chair in uncontrollable fits of laughter. Did your pastor make you sign a paper that said ""I, _________, have proudly become a Christian on ________ __, _____""? Or did they take pictures of you talking to Jesus in the youth room? Seriously though... no, wait, nevermind. *snicker*" 0,janet jackson reportedly splits from wissam al mana 0,trump faces allegations over charity that forced other politicians to resign 0,"Well, obviously. It possesses some form of intelligence that it is up to the Darwinists to identify, lest their theory will be further destroyed." 0,"the most delicious (and grossest) hangover remedies, ranked" 1,hotshot product talking big game about being good for consumer 0,"But again, the cost is worth it, just as it is with straight couples, as it will benefit gay couples in the same ways. It will mean better employee health and job satisfaction and increased productivity for the gay employees just as it will for the straight employees." 1,coke party takes a couple minutes to get going 0,congress expected to vote on budget to avert government shutdown 1,report: nothing stopping you from deleting your facebook account right now 0,"So, you got your tubes tied because ""With womens right's getting shredded in the debate over abortion, fewer and fewer women are going to want to even risk have sex with men at all. It'll cause a wave of abstinence and imprisonment that will cut succesive generations in half. That'll even further errode the solvancy of social security."" Why would one get their tubes tied if they were swearing off men? emoticonXConfused And do you really believe the rest of the load about imprisonment and SS solvancy erosion, too? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"mysterious defibrillator saves accident victim, disappears" 1,smug new mom going to start a blog 0,parkland survivors call out media for ignoring gun violence in black communities 0,darren sharper faces 20 years in prison under plea deal 1,area man can't imagine life without this woman 0,how fico's new credit score will impact consumers 0,paul ryan: 'anti-semitic images' have no place in presidential campaigns 0,'miracle on ice' veteran wants congressional scrutiny on nhl concussions 1,7-year-old only likes corn 0,want to make meetings more productive? start walking 1,hippie will tell you what the real crime is 0,daily mail hits another low with sexist front page 1,annual 6-sentence conversation with cousin goes smoothly 0,I don't think that any marriage rights are required at all by the Consitution. 1,local man puts rehab behind him 0,mikhail gorbachev says nato is escalating cold war with russia 'into a hot one' 0,"Well of course. This spiritually dead church which exists to serve Man, but not God, must compromise biblical principles in order to attempt to preserve membership in an ever expanding secular humanist society. Just remember that no matter how many churches abandon the spiritual truths outlined in Gods Word in these last days, it does nothing to diminish or nullify that truth." 0,"'i used food to make myself feel better, but i felt worse when i ate'" 1,"Yep, so much for a pastor knowing his sheep(le). It's no wonder that they aren't noticed when they go missing. What ever happened for the shepherd going out and seeking his lost sheep to bring them back to the fold??? As to this case. I mentioned earlier about Rick Warren (author of A Purpose Driven Life)...he doesn't have armed guards in his mega church. But, then again, he's not a fleecing WofF in shepherds clothing who seeks to ravenously devour a flock." 1,"Ah yes, adopting the Nazi Germany policy of encouraging neighbors to snitch on others, to reward tattle tails for violating the trust of others and invading privacy." 0,harvey has broken records on tornado warnings every day so far 1,senator from troubled home state repeatedly acting out in congress 1,So I am thinking it won't be long before we see your butt moving to New England.....look me up when ya get here! 0,how to eat seasonally in the middle of february 1,parents at graduation celebrate child's last accomplishment 1,skittish juniors-department clerk calls security again 1,mackenzie bezos gains huge win in divorce settlement after successfully retaining no stake in 'washington post' 0,hawaii residents face new hazard from erupting volcano: laze 1,"Yea I guess you're right, you people tend to blur together after a time." 1,"Wasn't that you spewing ""facts"" that had no content and were incorrect? gee, what do you wanna be when you grow up? " 0,93-year-old is killin' it on instagram with her modeling shots 1,trump dismisses accusers as women 0,"ebola, aids, and plague inc." 0,the children's books that took our breath away in 2015 1,poll finds declining number of americans believe they god 0,So you have a scumbag democrat screeching hate speech and we are supposed to believe its true! Get real baby even you don't believe this unless you have donated a vital organ associated with reasoning. 0,let's talk toilet paper 1,area woman will see any movie that takes place between 1743 and 1919 1,laura bush suspects anniversary card penned by speech writer 1,"million robot march attended by exactly 1,000,000 robots" 1,bush frustrated by mother's constant questioning of his plans post-white house 1,with great suit comes great responsibility 0,consumers turning to tabletop options in backlash against video games 0,twitter roasts mariah carey for 'disaster' hot tea moment during new year's performance 0,here's proof 'doing what you love' pays off 0,"gina rodriguez's sweet salsa moves raise $10,000 for puerto rico" 1,history channel repeats itself 1,clinton not expecting to collect white house security deposit 0,judge overturns conviction of innocent man sentenced to life more than 40 years ago 0,stephen colbert destroys dissenting justices in same-sex marriage decision 0,this is what boy scouts' intolerance to transgender people is doing 0,disturbing confessions of a costume hoarder 0,"harry styles comforts fan mid-panic attack, restores our faith in humanity" 1,backup spatula always ready to go in case the unthinkable happens 0,rosemary kowalski: imagining beauty 1,experts caution new car loses 90% of value as soon as you drive it off cliff 0,And yet all you do is present your own opinions without supporting facts. 1,23-hour suicide watch a failure 0,what it's like to have face blindness 1,clinton: 'fuck this president shit' 1,kentucky dmv introduces game of chicken to driver's test 1,nuclear bomb detonates during rehearsal for 'spider-man' musical 1,"jaguars, raiders hold postseason exhibition game in london" 0,yoga: how we serve survivors of violence and toxic stress 0,jakrapong kongmalai: find a mentor and avoid years of trial and error 1,pro-life demonstrator clearly using image of subway chicken enchilada melt on anti-abortion poster 0,kids and high sugar die-ts 0,'the birth of a nation': a century later 1,whole foods announces it balancing out lower prices on most items by jacking cost of pita chips way up 1,"I have. Yet I can`t seem to be able to do the creative math that will show that europe will become pre-dominatly muslim in any near future. " 1,man unable to explain contempt he feels for group of people enjoying one another's company 1,fetish only realized after watching wife drown 1,fist-pumping jared kushner leaves jerusalem embassy refreshed and ready to solve next global crisis 1,"I'm afraid I don't recall ever saying that. Surely if I said it, you could produce some evidence, right? " 1,frustrated man doesn't know what else he can do to get cat purring 0,a love letter to the nurses who take care of moms after giving birth 1,network programming dominated by surreality tv 1,stressed lab rat breaking out in human ears 1,"No, God didn't say this BUT thanks for responding to a post that is over 5 years old." 1,jogger horrified by discovery of own gruesome body 1,russian man just pretending meteor shower the reason he's bleeding from face 0,new york's attorney general wants to keep birth control free 0,teens freak out while watching old cigarette commercials 0,how to overcome the stress of long distance relationships 1," You're the one lining up to be Satan's whipping boy for all eternity. It doesn't get any dumber than that." 0,james clapper on donald trump: 'our institutions are under assault' 1,"well-meaning mouse wouldn't really call self a 'pest,' per se" 1,"local sales rep hanging in there, can't complain" 1,david koch delivers suit with note reading 'wear this tonight' to marco rubio's hotel room 1,hanson sweeps 1998 nambla awards 0,lena dunham opens up about sexual healing after assault in poignant essay 0,The goal of anti-abortionist is clear. The job of self restraint is that of each participant in their close encounters. 0,greece orders banks to re-open monday 0,"At what cost? How many civil rights are you willing to give up in the name of a few less murders each year? Are you perfectly willing to be stopped by the police on a block-by-block basis and forced to show identification and traveling papers, all the while the officers on location are pointing their guns right at your head, ready to blow you away at the first sign of a twitch or if you display even a hint of hesitation to comply? How desperately do you crave a police state? How much do you favor a nationwide curfew where violators can be arrested by the police and held without legal counsel for an indefinite period of time? Do you favor the use of physical and mental torture to force convictions even from the innocent?" 0,'roots' remake to air memorial day weekend 1,area woman becomes republican vice presidential candidate 0,katrina commander swears on live tv over puerto rico response 1,"sole remaining lung filled with rich, satisfying flavor" 1,hot girl mentions boyfriend three hours into conversation 1,"Hi Archie! How's the fact checking going? Same as usual? Look at Cash's posting history. You should recognize it, it's similar to yours. I even outlined it above for you. Oh, so he didn't insult Pandion in this specific instance, so I was therefore wrong to say that his usual repertoire consists of insulting those who disagree with him? No, I don't think that's the way it works." 1,hr sends out reminder email about not scrawling 'revenge' in blood in conference room 1,jpmorgan chase acquires bear stearns in tedious-to-read news article 0,barry jenkins quietly makes history with oscar nomination trifecta 0,"The other forest does not photosynthesize all year round, the other forest is also in just as much danger as the rainforest. For some reason, radical environmentalists choose to place undue emphasis on the de-forestation of rainforest rather than global forest as a whole." 0,"They do not differ in any significant way. The living species today closely resemble the fossils. The prediction was made based on the mindset that everything evolved from a common ancestor over billions of years. Furthermore, it was based upon the fossil record, which is supposedly shows how everything evolved." 1,struggling don rickles has nothing but nice things to say about audience 1,cdc warns once-eradicated jitterbug spreading across country at rate not seen since 1940s 1,k-pop group bts excited for first american tour since 1963 appearance on 'ed sullivan' 1,man feels less guilty about gentrifying eastern european neighborhood 0,"Well, then. They're not TROO christians. Just ask a certain poster on this board. When I told this certain poster that I have known several clergymen from several Christian denominations who accepted evolutionary theory, that's what he told me. That certain poster and others would rather claim Newton, who was an arian, as a christian rather than clergymen who accept the divinity of Christ. Those clergy just understand both science and religion better." 0,alec baldwin: it's tough to impersonate the greatest presidential impersonator of all time 0,jenna fischer reveals what pam told michael during his 'office' goodbye episode 0,5 things to do the minute you retire 1,area cow doesn't suspect a thing 0,sweet briar college and the homogenization of u.s. higher education 1,u.s. urges bin laden to form nation it can attack 0,"It's ashame that everyone keeps looking for the judiciary to do the legislature's work. When will the people press Congress to take up abortion? It is the job of Congress after all, to address the issues desired by it's constituents." 1,local hamburger to star in national ad 0,scottish independence: proudly small or proudly together? 0,"But you're missing one important fact. NONE of those ""reasons"" are required for marriage. Absolutely none of them. Any combination of man/woman can marry for whatever reason they want. Even if it's just drunken fun." 1,"Sure, Etel. Guess that's why there's over 1 billion Christians today. Pray to Christ and he can open your eyes." 1,"No, you wouldn't have. I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery without buying a ticket." 0,game-changing plays from week 3 in the nfl 0,Really? Have you ever heard of population genetics? Do you know what Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is? Do you actually think that you are so bright that you have insight that generations of biologists and mathematicians don't. Population genetics is exactly the calculations of how mutatiions spread through populations. 1,madonna gives birth to million-dollar marketing scheme 0,remember that time donald trump almost bought an nfl team? 0,huffpollster: carly fiorina probably won't help ted cruz save his campaign 1,art object purchased at office depot 0,"Too late, drug usage has already created those epidemics. Legalizing drugs may increase some of them temporarily, but they already exist. I would argue that there would be a decrease in crime, for certain." 0,lawsuit accusing trump of inciting rally violence gets green light from judge 1,"government-publications enthusiast makes pilgrimage to pueblo, co" 1,holocaust survivors recall exact day holocaust started right out of the blue 0,here's why ohio state won't repeat 0,trump calls failed bid to repeal obamacare 'pretty impressive' 0,raucous town hall in utah blasts gop rep. chaffetz over trump 0,hydraulic press proves that diamonds are sadly not forever 0,"Again, nonrandom is not the same as Lamarckian. Phenotypic variation can be nonrandom because the organisms can select the most attractive/successful mates with whom to breed. Once again, you're totally stuck on one aspect of the ToE, random mutation; the ToE is much more than that." 1,quentin tarantino breaks three-day media silence 0,gina rodriguez is giving trailblazing women the awards show they deserve 0,'trust no one:' a talk with jayne ann krentz 1,bush to lovely chilean ambassador:'i must paint you' 0,"i was, but now i am" 0,house republicans are trying to tell the senate what to do with its filibuster 0,steve wilson on 'the making of gone with the wind' 1,bachmann says unexplained blackouts from which she wakes up covered in blood won't affect ability to lead 0,"women in business q&a: tooba marwat, owner, signarama" 0,"And you're quite naive if you think that emotional examples mean anything against the facts. The so-called ""Partial Birth"" Abortion is quite rare and usually only performed to save the mother's life, but now they're going to have to let the mother die because Dubya has banned this now thus the first step to going back to the ""good old days"" when women were nothing more than property. You're the sick one. Also, with your resorting to such tactics shows that you are losing. BTW, isn't putting ""Your god"" under your name somewhat sacrilegious by putting yourself above your god? I guess that I'll be seeing you in Hell." 1,new subway promotion to honor subtember 11 1,lone superdelegate voting for martin o'malley feels like total fucking idiot 0,former pennsylvania congressman sentenced to 10 years in prison 0,brazil's senate votes to remove president dilma rousseff from office 0,"By all means, burn those books . . . er, I mean, take down those nativity scenes." 1,It's as much of a point that Phillp Johnson has. Trying to use Philip Johnson as a source about evolution is like trying to use Jack Chick as a source about Catholism. 0,"But you need proof to back up a explantion. If you didn't, all you'd have a creationism. Explanations without any support." 0,indian country all too familiar with rachel dolezals of the world 0,why you should hire for zest 0,they wore it best: miami's most glam moments of 2014 0,will tax reform close the gaps? 0,gifs: the memphis grizzlies weathered this epic oklahoma city thunder storm 1,obama urges young voters to ignore how many lousy candidates democratic party runs 0,aisle view: the queen takes the stage 0,the results are in: social enterprise works 0,elementary school teacher accused in rape of former student 1,doctor advises man with healthy blood pressure to really fucking let it rip 0,celebrating my independence from drug addiction 1,fd&c blue #5 to restore beauty of world's oceans 1,heaven adds guardrail after fifth angel plunges over edge 0,"Actually, this (if what that article is true, which I am not quite sure) is a healthy part of science. Old theories are disgarded and new ones come in as more evidence is brought to bare. Every theory made by fallible man is prone to being disproven and destroyed. Man's theories change everyday, while God's word has remained the same." 0,let's raise a glass to pink for gleefully slamming the troll who hacked her instagram 0,title ix administrators discuss emotional demands of job 1,frozen tundra of emptiness stretching out forever and ever weighed against date with mike4763 1,"which is pretty much the same thing. The majority of representatives get their way. The representatives are elected by a majority. Being overally picky about it gets you no where...we pretty much have a majority rules nation. And we still haven't settled the question about how you think you can impose your belief on others but I can't. The ""convention"" idea didn't work, the idea that you aren't imposing a belief on others didn't work, so what is next?" 1,But you still feel they have the right idea when it comes to firearms? 0,your four-legged friends are leaving a serious carbon pawprint on the planet 0,"jerry brown: 'troglodyte' trump supporters 'dwell in deep, dark caves'" 0,my lust for the little frenchie! 0,the valentine's day cards of your wildest lesbian dreams (nsfw) 1,pope francis attends outdoor mass in cutoff denim vestments 0,"No. It doesn't refer to ""advances"" of life over time at all. It refers to changes of life over time. To call any of those changes ""advances"" is subjective." 1,"Oh but he is different in the mule's tiny mind. The Southern Baptist types are Christian and so uphold the mule's way of life, so it's alright for them to call for mass death." 0,"What we have here is simply a perspective problem, which is the problem with most debates. I see the Bible as sound, and every ""error"" in the Bible I have researched (I have admittedly not researched them all) have been refuted." 0,the new 'batman v superman: dawn of justice' trailer totally delivers 1,"How can they visually express themselves without their right to expression, besides funky hairdoos. " 0,chipotle is making big changes but nobody really cares 0,"The only 'duty' that any human being has with a parasite is to extract it as quickly as they can, if they chose to do so." 1,popeye's home boiglerized 0,read 'death of a king: the real story of dr. martin luther king jr.'s final year' by tavis smiley 1,"I presume that you mean ""non-sequitur"" and ""absolutely"". But nevertheless, you're going to have to explain and support that assertion before any thinking person could possibly give it any credence. You're going to have to give examples of scientific evidence and theories that have been called a ""fact"" that are based on nothing or a non-sequitur. Really. This is a debate. Put up or shut up. Support your ignorant assertions or go away. By the way, at what university did you earn your degree in evolutionary biology? I suspect that you didn't. " 0,thursday's morning email: north korea may be prepping its most powerful nuclear test 1,poll: ted cruz currently leads among voters disputing boundaries of neighbor's yard 0,"And I would like to know why that is. I asked the question in post #2 and got no answer. Are laypersons lacking in intelligence so much that its hopeless for them to be on the same communication level with scientists? Since they share the same society, put their pants on one leg at a time in the same way, eat, sleep, and share economic processes in comparable ways, it seems to me it would be beneficial for them and laypersons both to understand each other when they use identical terms. (like the word, theory) " 1,michelle obama can still hear their little labored breaths when she closes her eyes 0,"nbc nabs trump interview, and msnbc plays it on seemingly infinite loop" 1,st. peter scrambling to throw few more innocent souls into hell to meet monthly quota 1,coworker who just threw fit and stormed out of room looked like total badass 0,all quiet except cruz. and did you read about al gore? 0,"Too much spin there buddy. The potentiality arguement is used by those who believe women have a right to have control over their fertility. As an aside it is also a fundemental tenent in Judaism's view of the unborn- the foetus is a potential life, but has not yet attained that state of being, which occurs at birth." 1,"You're pulling my leg, right? I've been hiring scientists for well over 20 years now and you're going to pull up a wiki reference, that I can edit myself, to prove me wrong? emoticonXWow Tell me, have you ever met an engineer or a scientist? Have you ever seen the curricula that they take or do you just pull statements from your posterior? " 0,my favorite love story 0,pope francis' silent response to the filipino girl: what he might have been thinking 0,a recap of snowden's talk in hawaii (video) 0,"live from sundance: wednesday, jan. 28" 1,chicken's eyes catch first-ever glint of sunlight through crack in warehouse ceiling just before head sliced off 1,1-800-eat-shit finally publishes decades of reckless-driving data 0,charlie palmer brings his steakhouse to nyc 0,our cross to bear 1,There you go. It's difficult to find which side of your mouth to talk out of when the facts are the facts! 0,trump cannot stop the transition to environmental sustainability 1,local audience deemed 'great' 1,new study finds best sunscreen is layer of human blood 0,the mid-sex realization that changed everything 0,6 ugly facts about the jets' latest debacle 1,3 cups of coffee confident they can take man's anxiety from here 1,passengers praying uber just a hobby for elderly driver 1,"'this women's strike won't accomplish anything,' reports man who will boycott upcoming 'avengers' movie" 0,Not true Our laws were originally founded on the precepts of the 10 commandments........ 1,report: climate change to force people to double ice cream consumption speed by 2050 0,robert epley's gps guide for self-confidence 1,signature wedding cocktail provides guests with another thing to quietly make fun of 1,"gene wilder to make horrible, horrible movie" 1,netflix cancels 'jimmy carter's world of peanuts' 1,clinton becomes first president to clear 18 feet in pole vault 0,spreading the gospel: asian leaders wary of saudi religious diplomacy 1,horrifying email from ex-girlfriend titled 'a few things' 0,jesse jackson: 'absolutely' no reason for officer to shoot 0,It's not a literal account unless you interpret it that way. 1,shelling from royal caribbean's m.s. 'allure' sinks carnival cruise vessel that crossed into disputed waters 0,3 numbers that say a lot about donald trump 0,people cannot get over the way trump described frederick douglass 1,elizabeth taylor watches cleopatra alone in dark 0,buzzfeed's 'try guys' tackle immigration and the results are emotional 1,ben carson's message undercut by eyes drifting in different directions 0,from peach cobbler to banana pudding: 10 delicious labor day desserts 0,trevor noah issues warning about donald trump's apparent flip on gun control 0,celine dion performs emotional tribute at the billboard music awards 1, committed to protecting users' personal information 0,hero cop saves 3-year-old girl's life on his wedding day 0,how to save money fast: 10 habits that can fund your dreams 0,shameless new dad uses craigslist to try to hook up with his wife's delivery nurse 1,man crouched inside of robotic welding arm terrified robot will eventually take his job 0,everest avalanche victim's loved ones launch campaign dedicated to 'living life as an adventure' 0,trump's war in yemen is a gift for al qaeda 1,"couple should get dinner with other couple, couple reports" 1,"If our erstwhlle allies would merely begin to see the world as it truly is with evil unimagined since the Nazis nearly overran all of Europe, I would be a happy man." 1,area man thinks movie he saw should have been nominated 0,"murder would violate the common law.People should be free to do as they please, but an employer should also be free to employ who they see fit.we are not talking about legalized beatings.And are you... now saying being gay is a belief system?or are they born that way?which is it?personally, i would never agree to discriminate against people for being gay..however... if they are flaboyantly gay... then i do favor discrimination.there is no need to flaunt it.. as it disturbs people.but if they act normal.. speak normal.. and seem normal, then there would be no justification for firing them in my book.-Mosheh Thezion" 0,jay-z finally explains how he and beyoncé came up with those baby names 1,republicans poised to retain control of senate 0,4 lessons prison taught me about power and control 0,clinton campaign launches 'latinos for hillary' 0,You blame others for your failure to understand the basics. 1,"A government that respects people's liberties is far worse than one that imposes the majority's version of morality on a resistant and dissident minority? Humbug! You only say that because you believe you are in a majority on equal rights for gay Americans. " 0,chuck schumer warns trump not to ruin budget talks by getting involved 1,parents of crying child must not be any good 1,u.s. fish and wildlife officials release photos of missing perch 0,"Well said. Most Americans favor more gun control, but unfortunately this majority of Americans tends not to vote based on the issue of gun control while a very vocal minority composed of gun activists definitely does vote based on the issue. This is something politicians have realized since 1994 so they have been more hesitant to support gun control. There probably will be more gun control supporters in office in the coming years but I'm not sure how much this will change things." 1,Other than the Soldini firearms were purchased legally there is no proof that he had a concealed carry permit. If he had the AP and the rest of the left-tard media (redundancy alert) would still be shouting it from the roof tops. Just because the Brady bunch-VPC says so doesn't make it true. Then what else can we expect from a self confessed torturer of helpless small animals and arsonist? 1,cheney offspring bursts from bush's chest 1,millions participate in cuban version of survivor 0,impressive mom nails skateboard trick while pushing stroller 1,ford recalls 2010 mustang for being too cool 0,"americans' respect for police soars to highest point in 50 years, survey finds" 1,"Like slavery. And the internment of ethnic minorities in concentration camps. And drug prohibition. And gay marriage bans. " 1,"onion social ceo rebukes 480,000 crimes at international criminal tribunal including illegal surveillance, insider trading, mass murder, indecent exposure" 0,dakota access pipeline standoff lapses into violence 1,breaking: has the word 'breaking' lost all its meaning? 0,"So basiclly the equal protection argument will help us based upon sex. There is also this at the end" 1,bank of america introduces new $50 underdraft fee 0,ewww! was that a bugnado on texas weather radar? 1,8-year-old palestinian boy pleasantly surprised he hasn't been killed yet 0,kentucky police stop using 'punisher' logo after realizing what it means 1,area man thought he had more forks than this 0,a stranger was bleeding in the parking lot. this man saved his life with a shirt and a bear hug 0,are you catching other people's emotions? 0,"otto warmbier, u.s. student freed from north korea, has 'severe' neurological injury" 0,jon stewart and 9/11 responders walk the halls of congress 1,new 'doctors without licenses' program provides incompetent medical care to refugees 1,report: of course that guy on college's alumni committee now 1,teen on birthright trip hadn't expected to see so many dead palestinians 0,coach's super profound words: 'ballers make plays. dudes are dudes.' 1,unstable couple playing with fire by organizing game night 0,conservative newspaper editorial boards line up behind hillary clinton 1,man brings visiting parents into office to meet coworkers who can't stand him 1,"That's not evolution, that's abiogenesis. Human memory? How long do you suppose that is? Decide? Now you're pulling our legs. The rest of the ape family will never evolve into humans. Btw we are apes. Simply not true. Your sources are lying to you. Truer words were never spoken. Except most people with a scientific background reject the supposed evidence against evolution and for good reason, it doesn't exist." 0,the disaster that is donald trump's tax plan 0,alleged new orleans airport attacker dies in hospital 0,lin-manuel miranda to trump: 'you're going straight to hell' for blasting san juan mayor 1,ice in urinal just cherry on top for man who came to club to drink piss 0,He is a hell of a lot wiser than thee. 1,wildest friend called up from bench to help woman get over breakup 0,'lethal weapon' reportedly considering re-casting co-lead due to 'emotional abuse' 1,tesla debuts carless driver 0,hug factory 0,what a hillary clinton nomination means for the glass ceiling (hint: not much) 1,"A rifle! No self-respecting liberal would have a rifle! Not a liberal threat against Bush." 0,councilman calls on baltimore rappers to inspire students 0,"The pro gun-control side tries to protect individual rights from being violated by criminals. In contrast, the pro-gun side is more interested in protecting the profits of the gun industry." 1,nation's liberals not sure what to think after hearing special counsel has waterboarded every suspect in trump investigation 0,watch live: equal pay day rally with powher ny at city hall 1,"adam sandler fans disappointed by intelligent, nuanced performance" 1,bumper nilla crop spells profit for wafer growers 1,"Yeah, the lesbians. emoticonXRolleyes It would also mean the end of the human race. emoticonXGood" 0,"students punished for sexual assault should have transcripts marked, title ix group says" 1,bad-ass engagement ring also tells the time and temperature 0,"what not to wear to a wedding, according to etiquette experts" 1,report: biggest parenting fear remains losing child in high-stakes poker tournament 1,teen coming out of shell giving bully lots of new material to work with 0,"was it worth it, america?" 1,study finds leading cause of depression hearing words '2016 frontrunners' 0,"news roundup for september 15, 2017" 0,marco rubio's rivals take aim at his history on immigration 1,grecian formula falls into non-grecian hands 1,So now those that are opposed to even more laws on the books and a return to Old Testament practices are considered left wing? What's this world coming too? LOL 1,"Sweetie, if every gay person were as wealthy as Mary Cheney, we could laugh all the way to the bank and ignore the prejudice in society the way she does. Indeed, we'd probably be the darlings of the GOP. Unfortunately for your delusion, gays are no more or less wealthy on average than anyone else." 0,"on facebook, trump's longtime butler calls for obama to be killed" 1,"nato admits slovenia, mummenschanz, czech republic" 0,what vegetarians don't want you to know ... or hear 1,seaworld responds to california drought by draining animal tanks halfway 1,newly deployed soldier has dreamed of fighting in afghan war since he was little kid 0,stealth trans houdini in the men's locker room 1,compliment goes horribly awry 0,two words that could save nypd -- and us 1,gop candidates fiercely divided over how much voltage border wall should be electrified with 1,"increasingly obsessed robert mueller forces wife to dye hair blond, dress like ivanka" 0,"That is just conservative bias. Conservatives are just as guilty of the same things as liberals and then each has their own ideological idiocy that is unique to each group. Conservatives like classes and don't like change. A pure conservative society would fail just as quickly as a pure liberal one. The last 10 - 20 years as we have become more us vs. them the overall prosperity and well being of the country has declined. With both sides taking the country to extremes. Conservatives eased restrictions and corporations run wild. Those laws are in place for a reason. Liberals overreact and put a choke hold on growth. There was a reason for less restrictive laws, but now they can't do anything meaningful." 0,facebook built censorship tool to appease china expansion 1,nelson mandela evidently thinks world's journalists have nothing better to do than wait around like idiots 1,I thought it was at the bottom of a large body of water. 1,"bush, cheney stand back-to-back, cock shotguns one last time" 1,cackling mitch mcconnell reveals to stunned democrats he's been working undercover for republican party this whole time 1,trump raises $50 million at fundraiser where gop donors get to watch him weep for 2 hours 1,report: 15% of cars in mall parking lots occupied by family member who stormed off after fight 1,unhinged man with jackhammer slips into construction site undetected 1,I see. Then what you are claiming is that creationists are the ones who should define the vocabulary to be used by evolutionary biologists. Would it then be ok for atheists to define the vocabulary of Christianity? 0,man allegedly punches disabled veteran over a service dog 1,report: bridge probably has whole mess of bats under there 1,nascar bed bursts into flames 0,"1 dead, 3 injured in shooting at t.i. concert in nyc" 1,"RIGHT ON!!! How DO we know God thought to himself? Do you think he gets lonely and talks to himself too? hmmm... hehehe LEVIATHAN" 0,the only way to know what neil gorsuch really thinks about gay sex is to ask him about it 1,passenger assures flight attendant he has opened emergency exit dozens of times before 1,"customer awkwardly accepts one cent, receipt" 0,olympic swimmer ariana kukors is ready to fight sexual abuse in sports 0,watch: stunning holy fire ritual lights up orthodox easter 1,man can't get police to care about his bob crane murder theory 1,ted cruz asks central park hansom cab driver how much it costs to whip horse for an hour 0,hundreds of people will work to make sure woody harrelson's live movie goes smoothly 0,it seems 'the walking dead' season 8 trailer just trolled everyone 0,adam smith vs. ayn rand 1,hershey's announces it's all out of candy 1,focus group reveals: 95 percent of americans would like to go home 1,desperate mom okays male babysitter 1,"Right, expect when talking about the 14th amendment. The way you guys like to define ""equal protection"" would make it so any restriction is unequal." 1,report: trying to hug oncoming train still leading cause of death for nation's idiots 1,art world relieved as thieves steal pretty terrible late period renoir work 0,trump's jerusalem embassy ceremony was one big dog whistle 0,here's your first look at 'fear the walking dead' 1,"romney comes clean, admits he made $32 trillion in 2006" 1,bobby jindal vows to return america to time when he was rising republican star 0,the smithereens lead singer pat dinizio dead at 62 1,wildebeest taking awful lot of credit for stampede 1,congress passes bill to add armed patrol to u.s. poverty line 1,cell phone stuck in 2-year contract with local man 1,kim jong-un comes out in support of gay marriage: 'i'm not a monster' 0,'this life isn't worth a damn': the precarious existence of czech intellectuals 0,syria fighting mostly stops as truce takes effect 0,there is no 'alt-right.' there is only white supremacy. 1,fda approves new drug for treating pill deficiencies 1,"Oh, look, removing a quote from its context. How about your address my textbook definition next? " 1,deadlocked supreme court: 'someone's voting twice' 0,syrian archbishop on christians threatened by isis: 'we may disappear soon' 0,behind the design: creating the perfect room for sleep 1,nursing-home residents mate in captivity 0,george clooney slams donald trump for 'idiotic' comments about mexico 0,gay men are being rounded up and killed in chechnya: report 1,suburbanite shocked by poor condition of urban mall 0,healthcare is confusing part iii: the uninsured and serious illness 1,lockheed martin sales staff instructed to really push tactical air-to-surface missiles this week 0,the case for taking a gap year 0,photos of ''star wars' in real life will put you over the moon 1,ozone repletion project nearly finished 0,voter turnout at eu polls: disinterest can be expensive 1,"report: just 2 more days and you can forget all of this, vanish into 'red dead redemption 2'" 0,"With regard to this statement you have to consider:1. How can anyone know what product an ""intelligent designer"" wanted.2. Even from the example of life on Earth we can clearly see there is nothing easy at all about the path life has taken over the millenia.But I think it is possible to hold your position, although it can be a tricky one by virtue of the entrenchment of opinions that has occured in the religion science debate- due to the less than pragmatic attiudes of some of the participants." 0,stephen curry thinks the warriors will lose before the panthers 1,tammys of the world demand to be taken seriously 1,After reading that I had to go talk to Ralph on the big white telephone. 0,I have noticed he seems content to drop a Ad Hominem neglecting to actually argue. 0,bruce jenner okay following deadly car crash 0,"Yes, T. Kennedy is the alias of a known terrorist, and Ted Kennedy got punished because of it. And many are advocating that such a system be used to deny Second Amendment rights and be used to try innocent people in a court of law." 1,"man getting screwed by company's $180,000 health deductible" 1,bob dylan digitally remastered 1,kremlin reports yeltsin in good health following burial 0,6 new jersey newspapers call on christie to resign 0,"You accuse others of making an assumption to the answer. But then you admit that YOU think the answer should have been assumed. Do you see a problem here?" 1,therapists recommend treating people like shit if you're having a bad day 0,"In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson identifies the right to life as a fundamental freedom. If more gun-control saves lives then more gun-control means more freedom. Aren't you pro-gunners interested in freedom?" 1,Well good at least you are aware there is no reason beyond your opinion of morality against gay marriage. So by all means don't marry a man and the problem is solved. 1,taco bell employee somehow dressed down by manager 1,ugly man with huge penis unsure how to get the word out 1,chicago man brushes mound of snow from beef sandwich before eating it 1,british empire to be reduced to 8 acres around buckingham palace by 2050 0,will conservatives learn anything about the need for regulations from london fire that killed dozens? 0,"the reason why premise 1 can logically stand is that God is first of all defined as the ""greatest possible being"". no matter what reality we are considering, such a thing as the greatest possible being in that relity must exist. ""greatest"" is a superlative, compared to all other beings that existits like ""the oldest man alive"". no matter what scenario, such a person as the oldest man alive will always exist, therefore such a man (that fits that definition) will have a necessary existence" 1,"So you carry grenades and 75 pounds of gear, all while wearing camouflage fatigues and can call in an airstrike bombing?" 0,asian-american caucus demands investigation after chinese-american scientist accused of spying 0,"Everything basically. You're held captive by hostile natives that have set up barricades and checkpoints around the property you live on. They decide when you get to come in and go out, and the police have decided to abandon you rather than come to your aid. And Canada has laws that make defense with a firearm either impractical or out right illegal depending on just where you life." 0,the weird thing robert downey jr. hides on movie sets 0,the campaign finance game 1,"yamaha ceo pleased with current production of jet skis, alto saxophones, snowmobiles, power generators, scooters, golf carts" 1,"girlfriend's birthday weekend a nightmarish, labyrinthian journey through her darkest, most depraved desires" 0,the peace process is dying at the hands of israel with help from hamas 1,"Okay I don't care what you call it, but let's take it back to the human being part. If your brain was transplanted into Steve's body, would the new person have your memory and your life experiences and your reasoning powers? For instance, you believe a human being begins at conception. If Steve believed a human being began at birth, would this new individual believe that a human began at conception or at birth?" 0,health: how the inevitable telemedicine trend will change healthcare forever 1,medical breakthrough provides elderly woman with 2 extra years of inconveniencing family 0,house reauthorizes controversial surveillance law 1,'back to dock' voted most popular destination among current rowboat passengers 0,the wage gap closed by a whopping one cent in 2015 0,cincinnati campus police had surge in citations against black motorists and pedestrians 1,concerned nation gently encourages boston to take it easy this st. patrick's day 0,"connection, mission, game: your best friends" 1,"I don't want to know you and you are doing my job easier by your ad homs. My job is to hold the mirror up to nature and make you look as bad as you are :) " 0,study determines whether family or friends are the key to long life 0,taco trucks and other easy targets for racists 1,new archie graphic novel explores rich inner life of jughead 0,the fetus would be a real person...and it seems order to make the iraq war/abortion would have to support the war! 0,"no shame, no future" 0,huffpost hill - florida republicans giddily dust off 'sore loserman' posters 0,huffpost exclusive: greece pre-election poll 0,romney goes after obama with powerpoint presentation 1,er doctor excitedly tells wife he got to use shock paddle thing today 0,this is when you're most likely to catch the flu 0,julie andrews: i've 'just always' been an lgbtq ally 1,reagan's body dies 1,"So now name calling and accusations as to my mental health are what you concider as rational thought? I expect that you must be some sort of expert on warfare, in paticular this war? Am I to believe that you are a soldier there now? Your rage towards me in your post only shows just how easily upset you are. I posted exactly what I meant to and you went off on a tangent. I asked you for proof and all you can do is a schoolyard tactic if ""show me yours before I show mine?"" Pitiful." 0,nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married! 0,steven tyler says he just wants joe perry to live after latest health scare 1,media condemns julian assange for reckless exposure of how they could be spending their time 0,this election isn't about politics. it's about how america sees women. 1,nation's underfunded public education system to experiment with shortened 6-day school year 1,So you haven't got an answer to the question and prove that you are 'busted'.. That's long as we can all see that. 0,cruz likely to block trump on a second ballot at gop convention 0,sónar festival offers more than you might expect 1,grimacing congressman quickly drafts legislation for charley-horse research 0,chinese general slams japan and the u.s. at security meeting 0,"when adults choose not to vaccinate against measles, babies pay the price" 1,ross ice shelf embarks on world tour 0,6 things millennials should do before buying a house 0,ask a queer chick: my mom says i'm claiming to be trans for 'attention' 1,"hanes apologizes, pulls t-shirts from shelves after seeing how local man looks in them" 0,illinois orders mandatory ebola quarantine for high-risk travelers 1,area man would put that meeting in his top 5 all time 0,judge tosses suit accusing trump business dealings of violating constitution 1,'98 oscar mayer wienermobile car & driver's 10 best wienermobiles list 1,"fumbling, inarticulate obituary writer somehow losing debate to christopher hitchens" 0,this grrrl power video game is everything that's right about the '90s 1,I noticed that you do reply to mine. Perhaps you should reconsider since you're getting your ar$e handed to you with every reply I write. ;) 1,man too deep into sentence to avoid saying word he can't pronounce 0,"who wrote the beatles hit ""twist and shout""? the amazing story of bert berns" 1,tide debuts new sour apple detergent pods 1,little caesars marketing new marshmallows 'n' gravy pizza directly to president 0,watch live: actor chris meloni dishes on 'underground' 0,this video of a road being surfaced is ridiculously satisfying 0,10 corners you should never cut when planning a wedding 0,"Since you bring it up, I do think that you are a nut. But your site is even nuttier. Not one shred of evidence that I found - just assertion. Moreover, the author doesn't seem to know the difference between an hypothesis and a theory." 0,an agenda for supporters of a two-state solution 1,inspirational disabled horse crosses preakness finish line after 11 hours 0,the religious imagery stitched throughout the 2018 met gala 0,why calls for boycotts always hurt the wrong people 1,shadow government getting too large to meet in marriott conference room b 1,biden urges paul ryan to check out nude scene from 'porky's' on phone 0,solve your problems by not trying to solve them 0,want to be a judge under trump? chief justice lays out what the job is like 1,robbie knievel jumps entire generation's awareness 1,man starting to think only reason people hanging out with him because they all on same jury 0,kim kardashian says goodbye to obama with family photo and now we're crying just like north 1,parrot's previous owner obviously watched a lot of the price is right 0,a viewer's guide to tonight's democratic debate 1,sick man slowly becoming enthroned in used tissues 0,how is quietly transforming itself into a medical research juggernaut 0,"say goodbye to twitter eggs, not trolls" 0,chinese cyber-attacks: will the united states step up its active cyber defense posture? 1,Seems all the drills would broadcast when they had a leftie. Just could wait for that case of M-1 thumb or the hot one down the shirt. 0,"'if the earth was flat, why haven't the cats pushed everything off by now?'" 0,mike huckabee jokingly breaks campaign finance law in 2016 announcement 1,"Just helping something live doesn't affect evolution unless it affects the ability to reproduce viable offspring. If there was no nylon before the 1940s and there is an organism that can survive by eating NOTHING else, what does that tell you? There could not have been a population of nylon-eating bacteria before 1940. This is a new population that did not exist before." 1,sweeping new labor reforms allow foxconn employees to work in inhumane conditions from home 1,bathroom smells like shit 1,horrified pope calls philadelphia humanity's greatest sin against god 1,terminally ill friend not much fun anymore 0,rand paul warns donald trump not to choose 'menace' john bolton as secretary of state 0,5 important questions to ask about your audience before your next presentation 1,"Doctor, not guy/gal. Say the words...... A doctor. Baby is synonymous with infant. Is fetus synonymous with infant? Strange, isn't it?" 1,shadow of intrigue surrounds local news station's satellite truck 1,warning on police body camera footage cautions viewer they about to see pretty much exactly what they'd expect 0,the conservative reform movement's raging contradiction 0,the importance of adding stress relief to your to-do list 0,boy scouts unveils historic name change as girls join youth programs 1,impoverished child in third world dreams about one day leaving light on for no reason 1,report: a lot of people's dream is to have sex with a ghost 0,muslim man shot near mosque in texas 0,colin kaepernick calls high school team's die-in protest courageous 0,the royal baby is due any day now — but when? we investigate. 0,"the first u.s. boxer to fight as a woman, and then as a man" 1,"No more of a poison than alcohol (actually far less), should we start lacing that with strychnine? ***I can see it now*** *Excuse me bartender...what are the drink specials? -We got Bud Light bottles for $4.00, Jagerbombs for $7.50, and this new drink called Convulsions on the Beach. First one is on the house!" 0,chuck schumer trolls gop over donald trump's comparison of america to vladimir putin 0,12 stunning photos of 'tiny dancers' caught in action 0,dna swab nabs suspect in vanessa marcotte's killing 1,"friend has some jerky in clear, unlabeled bag for you to try" 0,groups working to make the world wide web live up to its name 1,car parked with windshield wipers halfway up offers glimpse of world suspended in time 1,father apologizes for taking out anger on wrong son 1,"kline not sure he fits in at oppendahl, oppendahl, kline & oppendahl" 1,americans experiencing slightly different kind of numbness today 0,recycling opens the door to a circular economy 1,nostalgic memories of land of the lost ruined in dvd release 0,warpaint's theresa wayman on the band's 'vivid' new album and inevitably questioning her career 0,how wilmer valderrama helped make from dusk till dawn a featured attraction at this year's universal studios halloween horror nights 1,you to receive 15 pounds of venison sausage from uncle 0,Look up the evolution of colour vision in primates. It's my personal favourite - but what do you think? 1,Did the Prohibition stop drinking? Did the drug war stop smoking? What makes you think it is different with guns? 1,"On the evidence, that must have been where his brain was located." 0,donald trump boosts the national enquirer as likely showdown with hillary clinton looms 0,"No one wants to take your ""marriage"" away Matt. It's a free country--no one's going to block your way to any chapel that will marry you. Do your gay thing. But let marriage be marriage--it's a different matter. People just want to keep you from tampering with the institution of marriage." 0,your child is born with cerebral palsy: now what? 0,a test for chronic fatigue syndrome 0,donald trump's health secretary pick literally ran away from birther question 0,the 'perfect body' is a lie. i believed it for a long time and let it shrink my life 0,"And once again, is this a strong enough rebuttal to assert proof? no, Behe assumes that a biochemical system that exists today cannot have a precursor, or less complex state of existence. Clive did a good job of demolishing this notion with the mouse trap example he lin the debate thread." 1,6-year-old boy thinks he might be too old to be in women's locker room 1,Good news. It seems as time goes on Arizona attempts to become more and more intolerant and bigoted. Thankfully he put an end to this one (too bad not the immigration one). 1,"routine, affordable medical procedure put off another year" 1,"You do that, and be sure to use it when I repeatedly and ignorantly claim that the unborn are parasites while refusing to actually prove it as ingus has done here. Unless you too are making that claim also, then I would make the same challenge to you." 0,Marriage is a secular condition set up by various Societies over the millenia and one of the prerequisites set out is that such a union should be between people of different genders.Religion has supported this and sanctified it but did not invent it.You don't curse the Church you lobby Society to see if you can effect a change. People who believe the different gender aspect are entitled to lobby for no change. 0,the stop trump movement got new life in ohio 1,nypd lets suspicious man go after only finding 'catcher in the rye' in backpack 1,epa chief pruitt welcomes delegation of pollution from china 0,"the feds are going to collect better data on police killings, but we probably won't see it" 1,iranian scientist annoyed he has to go back to shitty old job building nuclear weapons 1,"lost jack london manuscript, 'the doggy,' found" 1,30-year-old loser still hanging around teen choice awards 0,this photo series powerfully denounces the pain caused by prejudice in small towns in brazil 0,the senate and the house begin their debt limit dance 1,doll real estate agent glosses over giant hinged opening in middle of house 1,"So if a jew tells a big nose joke, he's saying that all jews have big noses? This is a joke thread; I posted a joke, get over it." 1,humane society urges americans to opt for shelter turkey this thanksgiving 1,heroic pickles holding lid shut from inside 0,kylie jenner sports massive septum ring in her latest photo shoot 1,study: 74% of home contractors end up accidentally walling themselves in during housing construction 0,"The problem is that there is no test the staff can administer to determine love. They can't tell if someone is really a loved one, or just some freak off the street that gets off on looking at unconscious people. Restricting access to family members is not an inherently bad idea, but it must include in its definition of family same sex couples. And since the only way to guarantee that definition is legally, what we have here is one more reason why gays should be allowed to get married." 1,And I suspect WW understands it about as well as you do... 0,"The big bang, life from non-life, the progression of life from the simple to the complex, just to name a few. None of these can be proved (even on the balance of probabilities) to be true by operations science. All of these contradict scientific observations of the present. As a result, you must take them by purely blind faith." 0,"34,000 sign petition against archbishop who reportedly invited kim davis to meet pope" 0,do you and your spouse both drink? why it could matter for marital bliss 1,Everyone is welcome to give their opinion on public gun possession here-whether you're for or against gun control (or does gun possession justifies itself) and please state the reasons as well. I would really appreciate it if you guys could include some extra informations regarding this issue. 1,report: most for-profit colleges started in effort to pay off own student debt 0,teenage girl who survived plane crash walked for days before getting picked up by motorist 0,journalists push back on correspondents' association's response to michelle wolf 0,"Because in the case of glacial/interglacial variation, CO2 functions as a feedback from orbital forcing. Again, this is all very simple, basic stuff outlined in chapter 6 of the AR4." 1,"frustrated rahm emanuel torn between addressing chicago's shootings, just fucking going for nation's murder capital" 1,bolton calls for forceful iranian response to continuing u.s. aggression 1,unclear whether grandpa having good time 0,golf sensation jordan spieth loses masters after horrible meltdown; danny willett wins 0,mark twain's fascinating letter to walt whitman 0,how to swear like a local 0,internet personality michael buckley on giving 'sex tips' off broadway 1,"probably because this is an abortion forum and not a forum about the Iraq War..not only that, there is no parallel." 0,death toll from powerful mexico earthquake rises to 91 1,Really? Can you cite those sources? I am sure that you will be citing the literature rather than creationist web sites. 1,"You know America has fallen to a disgusting low when the parasites are furious that someone's rights are not being trampled on to an equal extent to everybody elses. It would be as though during the bombing campaign on Iraq, the left were out protesting that the US hadn't killed an equal number of Israelis, to be equitable. Why even bother getting into the idiocy of someone who thinks the constitution means ""You can restrict free speech, as long as you restrict it to everybody equally, and don't do the 2nd amendment lobby any favours"", maybe they've mistaken the constitution for the communist manifesto." 1,john kelly hoping prejudiced anti-immigrant comments got him back on trump's good side 1,"deceitful woman deviously alters appearance to give illusion of youth, fertility" 0,jay pharoah spoofs usher with 'bad kisser' 1,garroting survivors call for wire ban 0,"as officials attempt to protect dams, more houston neighborhoods deal with flooding" 0,edge of tomorrow as spiritual travel metaphor 0,palestinian journalist killed in israel-gaza protests 0,this behind-the-back bunt almost doesn't make sense at first 1,hr director reminds employees that any crying done at office must be work-related 0,6 expert tips for recent college grads on the job hunt 1,"Ok, if Max is a hillbilly for his punctuation, then you, Ray, aspire to hillbilly-hood! Max hitting some typos while talking about other's intelligence was funny . You going after someone's English is just plain ludicrous! Do you really not know how awful your writing is?" 0,i was openly gay on my high school team and heard slurs all the time 1,god proclaims raspberries 'now even more berrilicious' 1,germs depicted with menacing little faces 0,"And of course my point was to show that not only do they contribute to political activism but they do it through cover organizations. Foundit knows all too well that they will never publish the amounts of money they actually contributed so he asks an impossible question to answer. In addition, you never asked for a dollar amount in your challenge for evidence, you asked for evidence that gay churches were involved in political activism. Which you and smiley know without doubt is true. But you actually have the audacity to deny it unless absolutely overwhelming evidence can be produced which you also know they would never publish." 0,anyone want to watch bill murray get sprayed with champagne? 0,why have there been so many anti-gay attacks in dallas? 0,"on world food day, take action against hunger" 0,your favorite disney fairy tales are being retold through classic paintings 1,nation's journalists remember quaint time when 'huffington post' seemed like death of news industry 0,ellen recruits hollywood's biggest lgbtq stars to pay tribute to obama 0,why eva longoria will never run for public office 0,"dreamers can't sue for in-state tuition in georgia, state supreme court rules" 0,florida paper pushes for bike safety with aggressive reporting 1,antidepressant can't believe it's expected to fix this mess all on its own 1,"man hates being put in position where he has to think, feel, or act" 0,republicans wage last-minute campaign to undermine net neutrality rules 0,"un/opcw report blames syria government, islamic state for chemical attacks" 0,mom sentenced for encouraging boyfriend's sex assault on baby 0,will the ferguson commission's final report just collect dust on a shelf? 1,raytheon ceo sends obama another article about mounting unrest in libya 1,thing in cave not finished with eric yet 0,"This is a pretty loose definition.It's like saying you have faith that Jesus will come again because you personally witnessed his ressurection.But you didn't, you have faith because you believe this with absolutely no material evidence or logic to back it up." 1,"EZ is just delusional , you are ignorant.. there's a big difference. You should know considering he's your best friend...emoticonXHoho" 0,"He had ALREADY MADE the animals. ""now the Lord God HAD FORMED..."" not ""now the Lord God formed..."" See the difference? He already HAD FORMED the animals before he brought them to Adam. He made the animals before Adam." 1,nation hopeful there will be equally random chance of justice for future victims of police abuse 1,mob of rowdy mothers bum-rush botanical garden 0,responsible gun ownership 0,5 entrepreneurial rules to live by 0,is 2017 set up for a financial crisis? 0,the problem with science journalism: we've forgotten that reality matters most 1,smitten foot fetishist thinking these may be the two 0,senators rip obama's 'flexible' interpretation of international drug controls 1,"atm flees to mexico with $50,000" 0,asian-american cops sue california police department over discrimination 0,network faces backlash after putting white woman in 'brownface' to appear muslim 0,"new york homeless speak out on government aid, shelter programs" 0,watch this little girl age 80 years right before your eyes 1," Are you being dense on purpose? I said that I'm not all into the semantics of baby/fetus. I'll conceid that its killing a baby. The TERM for it is fetus, fetus' become babies. I see the logic there (in fact I think I'm agreeing with you). Why must you keep pounding this drum? " 0,And they have been found in volume buried together in the same strata in Ohio also. Vertebrate Fossils - Ohio History Central - A product of the Ohio Historical Society 1,trump boys announce they will not hesitate to egg russia if provoked 1,good charlotte recording 10 new songs to be played at low volume in p.f. chang's 1,man unsure whether to tip bathroom attendant just for wiping his ass 0,will puerto rico be the prequel to global post-climate change dystopia? 0,the greatest -- muhammad ali -- dies at 74 0,heroes everywhere are signing a petition to have deadpool host 'snl' 0,from walls to wheels: driving art in high gear 1,fake-a-wish foundation introduces dying child to brett favre lookalike 1,laid-back company allows employees to work from home after 6 p.m. 1,nation's baby boomers hold press conference to announce they all have diseases now 1,atheist swayed by claymation story of christ 0,"it is a shame, it was a sham" 0,here's what cops and their supporters are saying about the sandra bland arrest video 0,the most exciting way to retire -- and how to afford it 0,bisexual: the new 'it' word 1,"There ya go S&p, make sure you crumble under their combined criticisms of your honest opinion. Make sure you always say nothing that offends their gay sensibilities. You may think that's how to be excepted by them but it isn't. It's just the way people of the world like you float through without ever defending any absolute truths at all." 0,amazon shelves 'x-files' creator's sci-fi series before it begins 0,mysterious light seen near huge black hole 0,"think of it as a photocopy of a check for a million dollars. yes the copy is in the image and likeness of the original check, but it is not the check. you cannot cash the photocopy, regardless of how accurate the copy is, it is not the check, only an image of it. that doesn't mean anything is ""wrong"" with the original, and it doesnt mean that the copy has to have all the properties and function of the original. its just an image" 0,the two opposing world views in the white house 0,higher ed lobby quietly joins for-profit schools to roll back tighter rules 0,"there are 1,000 percent more avocados available in the u.s. than 40 years ago" 0,vine stars chris & shan get super awkward with huffpost 6x60 1,ice detains tim kaine for speaking spanish at campaign rally 0,the remarkable legacy of fidel castro 0,create the ultimate 'boomer cave' from your empty nest 1,documentary a scathing indictment of director's filmmaking skills 1,poll finds 68% of iowans turned on by knowledge whole nation watching 0,"thanks to kickstarter, thousands of endangered penguins will get new homes" 0,opponents of peace 1,southern poverty law center admits they have no idea how dannon yogurt company got on annual list of hate groups 1,37-year-old makes absolutely heartbreaking last-ditch effort to get really into new band 0,koch network spent nearly $400 million in 2015 1,"That would be a bit silly, wouldn't it? If you mean a carrot native to earth, why would you decide to consider evolution when something was found that would shake evoltutionary theory to the foundations. Such a thing would be so far outside the phylogenetic tree constructed by observation of morphology and molecular biology that real doubt would be cast on the theory. But in this case, you would be willing to consider it. I guess that is why you cling to mythology. There is so much doubt and no evidence for creationism that you accept it as real. Bizarre!" 0,americans don't really care about trump's 'great wall' ― but his base sure does 0,"bombs explode outside 2 churches in las cruces, new mexico" 0,100 ways to connect intimately with your partner 0,is allegiance to white supremacy greater than allegiance to god? 1,margaret atwood: 'the handmaids are supposed to be aliens' 0,divergent views on the middle east at the un general assembly 0,trump's fec pick worries watchdogs 0,katy perry shines bright like a diamond 1,dennis quaid not up for any oscars 0,kendall jenner is 'wonder'-fully blonde in vogue 0,"the 7 worst wine storage mistakes you can make, and how to fix them" 1,mueller gives up trying to get report published after receiving 19th literary agent rejection 0,the sound of president trump's silence 1,nyc park officials finally get around to replacing dead light bulbs in statue of liberty's eyes 1,"israel's, hamas' disregard for palestinian life aligning nicely" 0,u.s. allies line up for exemptions from trump's tariffs 0,"christmas dinner: 14 easy, elegant recipes" 0,how a supreme court ruling on abortion could wreak havoc in the states 0,sarah huckabee sanders suggests trump 'weighed in on' son's response to russia meeting 1,remainder of ross ice shelf now in smithsonian freezer 0,the phony criticism over iran sanctions 'snapback' 0,traveling in britain during a transit strike? log on to twitter. 1,puerto ricans hoping this year's hurricane season will blow some infrastructure back in place 0,ben carson to tell supporters he sees 'no path forward' for campaign 0,world's first successful penis transplant results in pregnancy 0,donald trump says he'll cancel boeing's air force one contract 1,family fears grandmother aware of her surroundings 0,"reflections for an uneasy memorial day: obama's mystery achievements, trumping dangerous nonsense" 1,family has strict no smartphone rule while eating dinner in front of tv 0,obama administration takes deportation relief for millions to supreme court 0,melo's hat game > knicks' triangle offense 0,darla moore 0,"israel tells african migrants, asylum-seekers to leave or go to jail" 0,maybe the gop establishment should have embraced john kasich sooner 0,when sugar was the answer 0,a post-election prescription: environmentalism without borders 1,sound designer hits celery with hammer in performance of oscars best sound mixing 0,how to change yourself from the inside out 1,I would be scared about a huge segment of society that considers me a clever ape. 0,acknowledging our shared history 0,mitch mcconnell pledges to avoid debt ceiling disaster 1,sharon's neurotransmitters reach cease-fire agreement 0,the odd couple in today's office: millennials reverse mentor baby boomers 0,I was about to take a sip of coffee when I read that! Would have lost the keyboard and monitor!!! 0,13 dead and 6 injured after blaze breaks out in french bar 0,what has becoming a parent done to me? 1,"date of apple backlash set for march 21, 2008" 1,local senior keeps busy with obituary-clipping hobby 1,office worker suddenly becomes sentient 0,here's why women shouldn't be afraid to ask for a raise 0,team obama's last gasp for middle east peace explained 1,"single-parent families get 'a' rating ,from drug kingpin" 0,"Because the men who wrote it mixed their mythology in with their heros. The first 11 chapters of Genesis are obviously mythology. And if what you say is true, then I guess that means that the Illiad is historical. Why would Homer be right about some lives and events, but wrong about others? And of course, there are other parts of the Bible that are pure fiction - Jonah and Job for example." 0,suspected smugglers appear in court after refugee truck tragedy 1,"How about, ""I think it's a good idea""? As Jito said, maybe YOU can't, but I guess that's your problem." 1,cavs hoping to avoid game 4 0,"And the reasons have been discussed at length and most of us agree about the mother's life being endangered or possibly in cases of rape and incest.........Where we disagree with you is unecessary abortions...such as for birth control, a headache on just and inconveniencce........You think any abortion is alright...We don't....." 0,wells fargo sued for barring daca recipients from student loans 0,kobe bryant feuds with michael b. jordan in spot-on apple tv ad 0,dear minnesota football players: stop perpetuating rape culture 0,devastating floods leave 23 dead in west virginia 0,"great legs, gross teeth: endurance runners and tooth decay" 1,"'please, i'll tell you everything,' whimpers rick gates after mueller threatens to send him back to white house" 0,"bill henderson, jazz vocalist and actor, dies at 90" 0,living life with heart: an interview with tony ducharme 0,"power plan foes from mars, backers from venus (earth actually)" 0,using special nails to save roofs — and dollars 1,A nameless face to the feds? In this era of paranoia and fear and overgrown governments? As if any of us are private and unknown individuals anymore. 0,granny's powerful testimony through song 1,"local man hates self, family, others" 1,"And you can disprove hindusism, or Janism, or Taosism, or Confusism, or Buddhism, or atheism. On the other hand, Christianity make some very strong claims.. such as the phsycial resurrection of someone 3 days dead, dead people walking around a city, thousands of people being fed with 5 fish, and make claims about the existance of demons.. Frankly, those are rather silly superstitions that in my eyes discredit the possiblity of Christiantiy being accurate. Not to meantion the belief in hell and salvation.. sheese, where do people ocme up with these crasy ideas. And, of course, the concept that some religious people have of a 6 day creation a bit over 6000 years ago has been falsified." 0,airplane's terrifying landing may put you off flying for good 0,a love contract to help pets deal with parents' breakup 0,out-bad chronicles: fantasy from hell 1,"brilliant, innovative ceo just wrote words 'social media' on whiteboard and underlined it" 0,nick offerman's satirical video shows the sad state of school lunches 0,"i need feminism, so why do some feminists exclude me?" 1,kavanaugh sweating bullets after betting life savings on being confirmed to supreme court 1,air wick introduces new piss-scented bathroom diffuser 1,man commits to new tv show just hours after getting out of 7-season series 0,perfect party dresses for your body type 0,5 easy weight-loss tips that really work 1,comic-con fan guesses he enjoyed 60-minute panel of silently masturbating alan moore practicing sex magic 1,guys' night out to include several key non-guys 0,huffpollster: republican women really don't like trump 0,secrets about life on earth 0,cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl attacked his head 1,man wishes computer could do thing it already can do 0,"olympic thrills, and a few chills, on a summer puget sound adventure" 1,report: modern-day pablo escobar smuggles one-hitter into music festival 0,you won't believe why this man's license was suspended 0,what brexit can mean for travelers in the near future 1,unfunny inside joke from 5 years ago only thing holding friendship together 0,getting up close to homophobia 1,deep blue quietly celebrates 10th anniversary with garry kasparov's ex-wife 1,"So that would mean that every religion ever conceived must be totally correct, as it can't have been invented if it didn't already exist. Equally the giant pink and blue aardvark of flaming destruction that I just invented must already exist as well. Cool." 0,3 questions every company should be asking before making a new hire 0,the strange tale of a former putin favorite's fall from grace 0,nypd arrests down for second week 1,rumors of extramarital affair end campaign of presidential candidate who didn't know china has nuclear weapons 0,is hillary clinton the last democratic presidential candidate to support the death penalty? 1,new secret service agent disappointed there are no decoy presidents 0,charleston is testing the soul of america 1,ford develops new suv that runs purely on gasoline 0,adam sandler's red carpet date was his 23-year-old doppelgänger 0,will all senate republicans kowtow to trump and the far right? 0,"No, they're the same species. If you put all these fish in the same pool at the end they would all breed with each other. The example wasn't of speciation, merely of a change in a population driven by the environment, which is the essense of evolution." 1,"sweating, trembling mom still coming down from high of having kids under one roof" 0,"No Peeling, it would be, ""We proved it was possible to evolve as humans have, so why can only we do it?"" Why hasn't one other creature on Earth ever evolved to our level of sophistication in the same alleged 4 billion years that we have had to attain our level of evolution? If evo is real, then it seems only right that it should touch all species equally and that all species that weren't forced into extinction, but survived and overcame the pressures they faced should have ended up in a similar evolved place that man has attained in 4 billion years.Unless of course that the science of evolution is a humanistic justification to explain our origins but has no basis in fact what so ever. And that is my claim and belief." 1,"Then since you are so convinced that this is going to happen. Please provide us with a detailed time table with accurate dates and people involved. Then again if it is true then you will be united and form a bond with your husband Jesus. Since as a christian and a member of the church and the church is the bride of Jesus. You will be married to Jesus so actually we win since you will be in a same sex marriage with Jesus yourself one day." 0,post-rachel: what rachel dolezal taught us about race 0,"** Actually it provided proof that RMNS doesn't explain the development of hands and feet, but I don't expect you to be able to understand that." 0,financing the flames -- nif parade fracas pushes outraged jewish groups to define mainstream 1,"jews, muslims, hindus agree on chicken" 0,"what is vidcon? and why did 20,000 teens show up?" 1,electoral college does what it was either designed to do or explicitly designed to prevent 1,"Well, I guess this all just proves that more brain dead crack babies are surviving than I originally thought." 1,family saved by three-way inflatable goat 0,sleeping around: how to sleep in a sensory deprivation tank 1,study: depression up among teenage girls able to perceive any part of world around them 1,"Yea, at least on earth you get some relief, you die eventually." 1,crush on williams-sonoma employee costing man a fortune 0,"tony the tiger, toucan sam and other kellogg's mascots 'speak out' against bullying" 1,crocodile hunter the same way in bed 1,supreme court justice application asks for 3 sample opinions 0,paul beatty becomes first american to win man booker prize for fiction 0,jeff sessions reportedly revives probe of uranium one deal 1,supposedly educated professor has no idea how to get bird out of lecture hall 0,how donald trump created the worst week any candidate's ever had 1,report: countless invasive species detained in epa black sites 1,"Good. But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin, what took the creationists so long to catch up?" 1,bathroom too disgusting to shit in 0,inequality in tech: may i ask one more question? 1,judge pumps self up before verdict by listening to andrew w.k. 0,congo postpones elections as opposition calls for general strike 0,protesters stage third day of demonstrations in st. louis over acquittal of former cop 0,"more 2016 candidates' private numbers, brought to you by trump" 1,ice machine reaches deep within itself to give man one more cube 0,Wrong and no one has ever called bone marrow an inner sanctum and I don't know what a baby's tabernacle might be. 1,cop confident he'll be exonerated by clear video evidence of him shooting defenseless black man 1,roomba claims another pet gerbil 0,"How is that silly? You do realize that the vast majority of firearms used in crimes are stolen no? And many of those are stolen from legal buyers. While it is a poor argument to argue that firearms should be banned for that primary reason, the underlying principle of control over supply is hardly silly. Unless you think that control over nuclear weapons is silly. Maybe you would. After all, you are Isly." 0,read live updates from the confirmation hearings of several trump cabinet picks 1,is area man going to finish those fries? 1,pope francis finds self in hell after taking wrong turn in vatican catacombs 0,"I think this is a fair conclusion. I went as far as I did because of what it seems to say about the governor calling for a joint session. I may be wrong, but the text seems to instruct the governor to keep them in joint session until final action is taken. In other words, it doesn't appear that the governor has an option. And it does not seem that the Constitution allows for a legislative session that never ends. I'm not sure how else to square the two except that the legislature should pursue final action. Of course, as you have pointed out, it really is hard to speculate on this one without any historical context of the amended Amendment Process, and/or the relevant legal precedent surrounding it. Any thoughts on this?" 0,chris christie suspends his presidential campaign 1,area man still talking about crazy productive afternoon 4 months ago 0,trump didn't need a watergate to sink his ratings to nixonian levels 0,mayim bialik is 'very sorry' for her controversial weinstein op-ed 0,this police department may ban people arrested for crimes from public areas 0,emma gonzalez: 'one of the biggest threats' to teens today 'is being shot' 0,friday's morning email: charleston gunman planned attack for months 0,"Actually it wasn't sitting somewhere since there was no ""where"" to ""sit"" and ""always"" and ""eternity"" have no meaning outside of time and no ""time"" existed prior to the ""Big Bang"", maybe." 1,"Its not my fault if you can not understand what I am saying.... pray for understanding, I can not give or make you understand that which is incomprehensible to you but God can help you, pray. Meditate on it, consider it, mull it over and pray for guidance by God. " 1,guest searches hand towel for low-traffic area 0,facebook was so adorable and harmless back in the day 0,an astronaut's suggestion on how to fix politics would be expensive but probably pretty effective 0,you're forgetting about the one backyard feature that can extend your summer 1,corner store customers saddened by sight of frantic trump doing scratch-off tickets right on counter 1,new walgreens facebook plugin allows users to see what prescriptions friends are picking up 1,presidential commission announces no candidates met threshold to compete in second debate 0,how boredom can lead to failure 1,"That's like looking at a rainbow and insisting it only has the color red in it. " 1,umass dartmouth beginning to regret offering course in applied domestic terrorism 1,rat fancy magazine fails to catch on 0,11 tales of struggle and self-discovery 0,how not to defend the humanities 1,'entertainment weekly' critic lets director redo 'sorority row' for better grade 0,a letter from 21-year-old me to 18-year-old-me 1,elderly woman applying makeup most heartbreaking thing on earth 0,"this guy gave people a 'sneak peak' at the iphone 7, but joke's on them!" 0,joe biden tells latinos to 'make no damn apologies for anything' 0,truth through fiction 0,time to defund the diet industry? 0,is disability in? 0,when being beautiful might count against you 1,quaker scientists formulate world's oldest-fashioned oatmeal 1,"And woman's law superceeds both, or hasn't your mummy taught you that little lesson yet Hunted?" 0,Of course the bolshevik revolution was doomed from the start as Russia was not indsutrialised and the revolution was imposed by a minority of the bourgeoisie rather than a mass movement of the proletariat (not that there was a proletariat in Russia at the time). 0,what's it like being blind and gay? (video) 0, takes you to donald trump's website 1,couple stressing about wedding plans as if it won't just take a string of edison bulbs to knock guests' fucking socks off 1,trump reassures struggling farmers he has never seen one of them and cannot be sure they even exist 0,"But what would he have learned from it? If you're going to use that analogy, then lets say the last thing he remembers is walking to the bar. What would he learn or have experienced?" 0,"if mobile games were honest ... well, you'd probably still be addicted" 0,"we're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore" 0,the alarming retirement shortfall for women 1,"Don't forget that he's the anti-Christ and wants to starve Seniors and ""babies"". That's part of the DNC mantra too. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"friend insists you just have to climb ladder, hop gap, scale wall to see the view from apartment's roof" 1,"Dude, it's, like, all over the Bible, man! Maybe if you hit your forehead with Bibles more often, you would know these things!" 1,gay kid excited to be made fun of for second thing 1,nation hit hard 1,north korea tests out new knife in smaller escalation of threats to u.s. 1,early humans finally drunk enough to invent dancing 1,public calls for formation of some sort of federal administration to manage emergencies 1,"world health organization: 'not sure how, but adam levine's new fragrance the only antidote to mers virus'" 1,on-line gambling too depressing to even think about 0,"burkina faso, french troops end deadly hotel siege claimed by al qaeda group" 1,"horrified grimes stumbles upon boyfriend's $18 billion plan for all-new, reinvented grimes" 1,report: more u.s. families living with multiple generations of xbox under one roof 1,new census study finds that 40% of u.s. population is filler 0,americans gave record $373.25 billion to charity last year 0,why change sucks even when you're middle age 0,e-sports organizations are going to launch governing body for pro video gaming 0,this 'ouija' parody is so perfect it's scary 1,smithsonian acquires rare photograph where whole family looks really nice 0,this is the coziest collection from nyfw 0,harry reid: republicans are 'acting as puppets for the nra' 1,"Supersport, where art thou now... Bah, who am I kidding. Of course he won't come over here..." 1,"I believe Alan Keyes already have used that term on us. (Alan Keyes, the ultra-concervative Republican Candidate for the Illinois Senate seat - in opposition to Barack Obama. The Maryland resident the Republican party had to recruit because they couldn't find anyone else in their right mind who would go against Barack. Also the very same Maryland resident/Television talkshow host who beratted Hilary Clinton for moving to NY and expecting to be able to ""represent"" NY'ers. Yeah, look who's the hypocrit now.)" 0,khloe kardashian will help the heartbroken get a 'revenge body' on new reality series 1,area man totally blows his chance to see 'exodus: gods and kings' in theaters 0,"superfood cookie dough bites sound too good to be true, but they're not" 0,san francisco could become the first u.s. city with safe injection sites for drug users 0,stolen moment of the week: brett davis and sally burtnick 1,dnc committee throws bound jay inslee onto melting iceberg before pushing him out to sea 1,"Obviously because they're not chickens yet XD Oh wait they're chicken EGGS right *thinks* no matter they have absolutely nothing to in common with chickens they're some freaky alien species! I like eggs! They're good especially with yellow cheese and salt and pepper. *stomach growls* Oh Sinjin now I'm hungry! Thanks a lot. emoticonXCry" 1,fbi declassifies j. edgar hoover's extensive file on the munster family 0,You make some great points but she could carry the baby to term and then put it up for adoption...........There are long lists of people wanting to adopt babies...........I know a couple that waited 5 years and then adopted a child from South Korea.......... Why does the innocent baby have to forfeit its life? 0,"loose-lipped rudy giuliani does not represent u.s. on foreign policy, warns state department" 0,meet the student who got the democratic candidates to discuss black lives matter 0,trapped in a cycle of harassment as a chronically ill person 0,"Those who set the rules can do with them as they please. It isn't illogical nor hypocritical. It IS illogical to assume you can chew gum if the rule is ""you cant chew gum"" and the teacher allows one student to chew gum." 1,dad doesn't trust the fish here 0,my kids eat chicken nuggets (and other parenting atrocities) 0,controversy erupts after uk retailer removes gender labels from kids' clothes 1,man who stopped dieting already seeing results 0,It wouldn't. Altering any of the fundamental universal constants changes them all. We wouldn't be considering some small change here and small change there. The universe probably wouldn't exist in any form. 1,hidden valley ranch bombed by balsamic extremists 1,"No, this is the point of the 10th amendment. Article 1 Section 8 applies to Congress...the 10th amendment grants all powers not listed to the states or people. The 14th amendment is not the ""federal government can do whatever"" amendment. " 0,'butt crack bandit' caught on camera holding duo at gunpoint 0,success and still enjoying your 'happy place' 1,"You can open any thread topic you please as long as you don't presume to know where I stand. A more proper title would be ""Is Jim morally bankrupt?"" Does your mother know you beat your wife? " 0,"legionnaires' disease kills seven, sickens 86 in new york city" 1,"eric trump scolds father that he mustn't inquire about the businesses, for he's sworn not to tell" 0,tented in iraq; interviews and winter edition 0,harvey's 'unprecedented' rainfall and flooding are 'only getting worse' 0,"dear white people, let's talk about combating racism" 0,this gif sums up the impact of addiction and mental illness on america 1,song deemed good enough to put girlfriend on shoulders 1,"I agree. '...we need to kill off at least 2 billion people and get the earth back to normal.' Let's see, India's population is...what, 1,173,108,018 and China is, 1,330,141,295... emoticonXKill...that should take care of the problem and leave enough resources left for the rest of the planet. :p (just kidding, of course emoticonXRolleyes )" 0,stage door: forbidden broadway's gerard alessandrini 1,surgeon general mills recommends three to five servings of froot per day 0,'baywatch' officially flops as 'pirates' comes in first at the box office 0,"obama praises 'the america i know,' says hillary clinton is the one to lead it" 0,boehner vows to leave successor with clean slate 1,"I take your point. But bloody hell, I couldn't handle a baby at the moment! Does that mean I'm psychologically unready? ...probably, but oh well... " 1,"Actually, that honour is reserved for the usual representations of those who advocate young earth creationism." 1,black man blissfully unaware his name going to be hashtag by end of week 1,"Well, I suppose creationists would object to careful definition of terms and the assiduous distinguishing of fact from non-fact, wouldn't they? It runs counter to all they hold dear." 1,bank teller manages smile with last remaining ounce of strength 1,nasa completely forgot probe was returning today 1,"Lol.. you are so silly. I also see you love shifting the burden of proof, and into making grandiose claims. Bring it on, bring it on. Your opinion is noted and laughed at. I do love your rants though. I do have to wonder, I never clashed with you about the existence of Jesus in this current nick. What was your old one, and why the nickname change? Banned under the old one?" 1,police department reduces costs by using same evidence for every investigation 1,You just don't get it. Americans are freemen. Your faith in governments over people is humorous... How does it fell to lick the bootheels of your government overlords..... Rights are inalienable to man. One man has NO right to intefere with another man. I should be able to do as I please as long as I do not intefere with others... How does your government feel about that? 1,"I think I understand this. The goal is clear, check. Self-restraint is good, check. But I do not see what this has to do with the OP. Could you explain, please? Who are you recommending should use self-restraint? The protestors? Or are you saying, self-restraint is your recommendation for birth control?" 1,new pumpkin spice channel to offer fall-themed hardcore pornography 0,"the view from the mountaintop: martin luther king's turbulent, tragic last year" 0,how to be influenced by real love 0,fall of inversions 1,"No, think about what you just said. A cancer cell doesn't mutate, it attacks healthy cells and causes the destruction of healthy tissue. Kinda like liberals in a healthy society - they are the free radicals of the body politic, huh... go figure." 0,"Well... someone hasn't been following the campaigns for the so-called ""protection of marriage"" amendments, federal or state." 1,all-business adult in halloween shop beelines it straight for pinhead mask 0,"a sexist comment is a sexist comment, no matter who says it" 1,ice agents hurl pregnant immigrant over mexican border to prevent birth on u.s. soil 0,unreasonable happiness 1,"It bounces off me like bullets off Superman emoticonXClown Seriously, this is your rejoiner? To make fun of my title? lol, how that stings... I think I have to go get a tissue before I reply ;) If you care to try and back up your statements, then we might have a debate. " 1,"emoticonXWow You don't even know what the California constitution says, yet you automatically declare they were wrong in interpreting it? emoticonXRolleyes " 0,"i'm impressed! this is a very precise description, in regular english and yes, the deduction in 9 seems presumptious if all we state is God has a ""possibility of existence"". how this was cleverly cleared up (from the same source site) was simply a trip back to the definition: ""greatest possible being"". the ""greatest possible being"", by definition, MUST have a possible existence. in otherwords, we cannot assume that there is a possibility that the greatest possible being does not exist. yeah, it sounds like the whole ""proof"" is pointless because your premise is already the proof just keep in mind that for the purposes of this proof, God is defined as ""the greatest being possible"". as long as that definition is maintained, the proof works... does that mean that God exists? hmmm...." 0,5 ways to be a sustainable traveler 0,atlanta motel standoff ends with suspect stabbing himself 1,So you agree that it's not necessary to have high capacity magazines because gun owners can reload quickly when defending themselves against a criminals. Good we can agree on at least one thing. 0,bruno mars confirms he will funk you up at the super bowl 0,professor threatened with firing says wheaton college is changing the rules 0,sonoma's wackiest wineries 0,"Because the location of the tracks used to be a tidal plane. In other words, it used to be at the edge of the ocean. Around that time the sea coast advanced and receded several times. The tracks were buried. The tracks actually had to be uncovered. The tracks were originally discovered immdiately after an unusually severe storm in the area in which an unusual amount of water came down the Paluxy. That unusual flow of water washed away the soil that covered some of the tracks. Other tracks have been intentionally uncovered. For example, in one case, where a trackway went under a bank, several feet of the bank was removed to expose more tracks." 0,donald trump: the president of id 1,"report: u.s. consumers spend $900 billion each year after saying 'gimme one of those, too'" 0,"AGREED!!!!That has to be BY FAR the best series I've ever read!Also, Asimov's Foundation triligoy is good. And again, the classics:Fahrenheit 4511984Catcher in the Rye...and all those other depressing books..." 0,a ray of hope for lesbian veteran denied burial next to wife? 1,tinder announces app will no longer match users solely with distant relatives 0,ali krieger's strategy for taking setbacks in stride 1,ugly custody battle over ian mckellen narrowly avoided 0,'nuns on the bus' to drive through seven states to greet the pope 0,how to make this glitter eyeliner from fashion week work in real life 1,pope beatifies god in important step toward sainthood 0,how to reduce barriers to better lgbtq healthcare 0,italian recipes that are oldies but goodies 1,"You're FANTASTIC at being a bigot. Not too bad at being an idiot either. Goooooood job, buddy. A great way to go through life. emoticonXBouncer" 0,norwegian recipes: sweet vanilla custard buns! 1,woman barely jogging 1,I also took a look and think your evaluation is charitable. 1,"study: child obesity rates declining, but you wouldn't know it looking at macarthur center mall in norfolk, virginia" 0,fidelity matches some ira contributions 0,"gop senator gets honest: 'trust me, we will not allow the supreme court to flip'" 0,wells fargo faces proposed class action lawsuit over bogus account scandal 1,paul simon wondering how one goes about getting a column on 'the huffington post' 0,#dearbetsy campaign implores donald trump's education pick to protect campus rape rules 0,"Actually, there is no such thing as ""an evolutionary mutation of a gene."" A mutation is a mutation. For evolution to have occurred requires neither that a mutation be new nor useful and they don't require new structures nor structures.Here's a little mental exercise for you. At most, a person can have only two alleles for any gene. This would have been the condition of the human race 6,000 years ago according to creationists. It would not have been possible for there to be more than 2 alleles for any given gene. Now consider that for every gene in the human genome there is an average of 14 different alleles, sometimes more, sometimes less. Where did all of those alleles come from?" 1,nation's sleep experts recommend cutting down on strobe light before bedtime 1,"Quickdraw Ethmi! Outdraws the baddie and shoots him! Hopefully no more than a quaint fantasy, given his admission of philandering." 1,congolese civil war buff fights in civil war 1,cartoon character translated seamlessly into noodle 0,eating like an idiot for a weekend in san francisco 0,"no more adult conversations, prayers or moments of silence" 1,greenspan comes out of retirement for one more interest rate hike 0,what experts say about waiting to cut your baby's umbilical cord 1,world's luminaries crowd around 'time' 100 list posted on editor's door 0,evangelical voters don't care that trump's not religious 0,10 ways to respond to strangers who comment on your 'mom bod' 0,"larry wilmore throws some serious shade at brian williams, the media" 1,kathryn bigelow - first woman to win oscar for best directress 1,man forced to pathetically comb through movie for familiar scene after falling asleep previous night 1,"Well, that's at least one helluva way to say good bye." 0,police supporters rally in washington d.c. 0,democratic election sweep may complicate gop push for tax reform 1,teach for america celebrates 3 decades of helping recent graduates pad out law school applications 0,6 tips for coping with a debilitating disease 1,"Yep, Martha is in trouble and the democrats are panicking. I think the strong Independent support for her opponent is due to Martha's own lack of appeal. By they way, I have to ask....since ""The anointed one"" was in your neck of the woods, did you get a peek at him? prehaps even wave at him (with all 4 fingers) ;)" 1,judge totally understands where defendant is coming from 1,"Your knowledge of history is frightening. We saw how well Sarbane-Oxley, the most far-reaching intrusion into corporate America since FDR, prevented our recent crash. A crash that was precipitated by Clinton's edict to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to loosen up the purse strings so deadbeats could get mortgages." 0,dog waited in this spot for a month for her family to return 0,"Hardly any criminals go armed in England, and certainly not with guns. Burglars and muggers have enough sense to know that while getting done for burglary or mugging will not be pleasant, getting done for burglarly or mugging AND possession of a firearm will be far, far worse, assuming they survive the arrival of the armed response squad." 0,here's what cynthia nixon believes is the 'aids crisis of this generation' 1,world wildlife fund publishes photo of what species last seen in 1987 might have evolved to look like 1,"So which argument do you want to stick with/ The one above that says the black vote was irrelevent or your previous argument in which you claimed was significant. I'll refresh your memory:: " 1,touring raffi refuses to play 'shake my sillies out' 1,eclipse comes just in time to save john kerry from tribe of island cannibals 0,"You can argue anything you want at Yaweh's restaurant. All things are possible with GOD, there is no way to debate anyone who actually believes that and sticks to it." 1,Rants? Obsessive-compulsive? How so? I don't insult you with every post as you do me? What's you major problem? Perhaps you need to go pray. 0,"And a woman's life choices, health, and finances aren't up for hi-jacking. Every time a lifer talks about demanding the nine month rape, they talk about what the baby deserves or not deserves and how it shouldn't be punished. This SCREAMS that you don't value and respect women. The very idea that a woman is aborting as an act of revenge - it's absurd and insulting." 0,things you say in emails vs. how you look typing them 1,dog costumed to create illusion of sports-team preference 0,"limbo for michael slager, ex-cop filmed shooting walter scott in the back" 1,"governor lashes out against cheap scotch, poorly rolled cigars" 0,ana navarro explains why it's hard for marginalized groups to give trump a chance 1,ronald mcdonald statue bears full brunt of teenagers' mockery 1,man always carries gun in case he needs to escalate situation 0,"Bertvan: I suspect that once those other processes are acknowledged, most people will realize it is unlikely that natural selection ever actually created anything. " 1,kavanaugh sobering up after 35-year bender shocked to find out he's supreme court nominee 1,And the ability to digest nylon is not a new function?? You seem to have a different conception of 'new function' that what matches with reality. 0,"382 - 405 are the dates I have, under Pope Damasus I." 1,gated community under siege by savages 0,trump on cabinet picks: 'i want people who made a fortune' 0,a story is literally bursting off the page in this intricate fairy tale photograph 0,7 ways to look like a pro in a wine tasting room 0,hate trump? just wait until 2020. 0,this organization is helping women of color thrive in the communications field 1,area woman loses respect earned since last st. patrick's day 1,"I see! So God is like an abusive parent. ""I love you! Do what I say! No, I'm not going to give you a reason!"" ""I still love you!"" What a temper God has! Maybe he needs anger management. " 1,nation delighted by rich ass who fires people 0,poll signals trouble for gop in blockading supreme court 0,this is what it's really like out there for female superheroes 1,woman apologizes to therapist for monopolizing conversation 0,senate bill may answer a decades-old request 0,women's group uses drones to deliver abortion pills 1,new memoir reveals navy seal bounced a few book ideas off bin laden before killing him 1,employee leaving company unsure how to break it to coworkers who don't really care whether he lives or dies 1,That is so stupid and simple minded. This is why I have come to believe that the left is really brain damaged. They just can't help themselves. 0,you won't be seeing any gallup polls this primary season 0,when sex work pays your tuition 0,12 juicy berry recipes that taste like summer 0,sick dog who was to be euthanized gets diagnosed just in time 0,"texas puts an 'undue burden' on women's choice, abortion clinics tell supreme court" 1,chinese government asks entire nation to pose while millions of surveillance cameras take photographs 1,anonymous source: 'i'm a cowardly snitch' 0,these religions were born in the u.s.a. 0,"resist, recruit, train and sustain" 1,"Of course there is a point, you know as well as daewoo that the bot stuff is utter bull. but feel free to make a spectacle of yourself. So why don't you now support your assertion out by my co-signer status?" 0,"Since when does the fate get decided by the victim? A woman could be said to have a biased opinion on it because she is an involved party. Even so, I take the stand that no one has any authority over the other to make that decision." 1,"sources: c'mon, just give us the goddamn pulitzer already" 0,cnn panel gets in tense battle over caitlyn jenner 1,white sprinter finishes fifth 0,house intelligence chair attempts to clean up mess after alleging trump team was spied on 1,high school band teacher spends 85% of rehearsal hammering in dress code for holiday concert 1,guilt-ridden stacey abrams wondering when she should tell democrats that she lost her election 1,gay rights leader lookin' good 1,limbaugh says drug addiction a remnant of clinton administration 0,"conan o'brien receives rough reception in haiti, because of donald trump" 0,I never said they would actually follow it all the time. I said that most would incorporate it (referring to a world morality). Just because they would accept it doesn't mean they would follow it. Maybe you should stop trying to tear down your little strawmen. 1,jaded seismologist can no longer feel anything under 7.0 on richter scale 0,"There are precious few areas on the planet that have not been explored. Those that haven't would not support the kinds of life we are talking about. There is no evidence of any interim species of apes and humans. Not one shred. Those items in the fossil record that are claimed as possibles are only possibles, are dubious at best, and are extremely rare. A recent study also showed that most characteristics of supposed alternate species of hominids were well within the variation seen in current homo sapiens. The point I was making is that if they existed we would see them." 1,virgin mary night-light stares accusingly as christian teen masturbates 0,"uber ceo travis kalanick and his dad open up on life, love and dropping out of school" 0,how to become a person of influence 0,lights go on part xx: grateful 1,college graduate accepts position above parents' garage 1,"report: distracted driving results in more than 5,000 unfinished texts each year" 0,paul rand: the father of graphic design at the museum of the city of new york 1,trump: 'there is hatred on both sides of my heart' 1,"See, this is the same logic used by the slaver owners. If one believes slavery is wrong then what right does he have to impose that on someone else?" 0,these two words are stealing your freedom 1,"gifted, passionate student really stretching limits of school's resources" 1,school of the arts aims to transform boys and girls into insufferable young men and women 1,congress raises killing age to 19 1,mccain tucks extra neck skin into collar 1,Name them. Real contemporary people who testified about a real superman. And don't forget to identify the time period and where they lived and their written historical accounts. 1,street-smart teen dies in library 0,why i'll happily pay for tidal 1,justice department: 'want to see a dead body?' 1,30-million-year-old species worried it doesn't have another evolution in it 1,"** And you have no idea of what you are talking about. ""Vary-Select-Inherit"" makes a good bumper-sticker, but is otherwise meaningless." 0,young afghans returning from europe face isolation and fear back home 0,internet reminds donald trump his signature collection is made in mexico 0,cia torture's immeasurable damage to u.s. global leadership 0,north korea claims it's planning to fire missiles near guam 1,space under boardroom table a complex web of feet massaging various genitals 0,6 dreamers sue trump administration over daca decision 1,obama visits south-carolina-ravaged south carolina 0,top 10 places spring is in bloom 1,u.s. secretary of beer: 'woooo!' 0,alec and hilaria baldwin's pregnancy announcement is adorable 0,the weird thing gop candidates are doing when they get called out on lies 0,adventures in instructional coaching: it's time to teach 0,immigration activists say deportation raids could send families to their deaths 1,man with new generator hoping for power outage 1,fda: lucky charms no longer part of complete breakfast 1,more elderly americans keeping active by maintaining control of senate 0,sea lion yanks man off boat in effort to snatch fish 1,classically trained actor can talk on cue 0,how to overcome social comparison 0,how art therapy helps you de-stress (even if you don't think you need it) 0,"the abcs of parenting today, with a hipster twist" 1,steve vai impresses the hell out of neighborhood kids 1,retreating clinton campaign torches iowa town to slow advance of sanders volunteers 0,nfl referee ed hochuli denies cam newton's ageism allegations 1,bouncer who's not that big must be fucking crazy 1,jamie crying 0,this school is all about diversity. not! 0,baylor football coach ignoring 'culture problem' despite sex abuse 0,So? The point was that people who support gun control are not necessarily communists. 0,james blake says cop who slammed him 'doesn't deserve' to have badge 1,karzai vows to crack down on self 0,chris christie suggests hillary clinton was to blame for boko haram's kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls 1,I sincerely doubt any of that happened. If so you would have links. Yea we know you are cyber brave to the point of heroine status. You are a troll pure and simple. 1,"Yep, but those ""mixed views"" are slanted way left of center. A good offense always beats a good defense :) My guess is you are not very mature nor old? You out of high school yet? " 0,i'm bi. it took me 21 years to come out of the closet and say it. 0,i thought mediums were frauds until i met one who knew things she couldn't have known 0,donald trump compares trade deal to rape 1,bag of potatoes desperately searching for dirt 1,dip good 0,celebration and destruction 1,breaking: cousin mark coming after all 1,"Tell us Brady, does the information that While Males ratified the 13th and 14th put a twist in your knickers? emoticonXSmilie" 1,kid who mowed white house lawn to flip on trump 0,why the new york times is naming names in national security stories 0,"it's not you, it's me: are your behaviors holding you back?" 0,"You did when you talked about someone loving objects, or a mokey, etc." 0,an open letter to white supremacists from former owner of biggest racist record label 1,man hoping girlfriend doesn't notice valentine's day gift came from gas station 1,report: average american walks less than one mile each year with pants around ankles 1,fivethirtyeight staff finds hundreds of nate silvers representing every voting demographic in america after disastrous aggregator explosion 0,"And as I said, Herbert Spencer's ideas predate Darwin's. Meanwhile, Dawkins writings on religion are irrelevant to whether evolution is good biology." 1,area man tired of making excuses for rapist friend 1,man actually shouting at other man to get jennifer aniston romantic comedy made 1,burger king unveils new low-fat cashier 1,wayne lapierre accidentally blows hand off during cpac speech 0,the norwegian curling team should win gold for their pants 1,toddler chokes to death on plastic taiwanese-made toy 0,democrats should focus scotus fight on gorsuch's backing of big donors 0,un rebukes trump's jerusalem move in overwhelming vote 1,badass churchgoer doesn't even have to look at hymnal 1,mueller reveals russia investigation just elaborate sting to nail clinton child sex-slavery ring 1,local band attempts to track down mysterious visitor to its website 1,gop completely fixes economy by canceling funding for npr 0,what 'real men' really want to do 0,this photo of mark zuckerberg's closet offers a lesson for working parents 0,"And THAT'S why we have these things called judges - so they can rule such things to be unconstitutional. And yet, for some reason, you and your fellow anti-gay people are always complaining about judges doing just that." 0,floating library proves books should be shared in improbable places 0,second saturday staten island art walk 0,Life evolved over billions of years rather than being created in a few days. 0,donald trump flat out lies about his reaction to charlottesville 1,library of congress adds 'no sleep 'til hammersmith' to national motörhead registry 1,dog can't believe owner left on fucking msnbc to keep it company while she at work 0,6 older celebs who stole the show at the golden globes 1,coast guard going to let stranded yacht owner sweat it out little more 1,"trump demands william barr prove loyalty by putting gun in mouth, pulling trigger" 1,"That's military snipers, not for what passes for elite police in the land of the fruits and nuts. SEALS, Marines and Army for the most part." 0,scientists get first-ever glimpse of elusive mineral 0,"So? In your religion's view, everyone sins. Their sin is no greater or more unforgiveable than yours." 1,rob porter apologizes for falsifying number of wives he beat on white house resume 1,u.s. census announces those people will be majority by 2043 0,Because you know the peer review process is biased. Anything submitted for peer review with a recognizable name like Dembski or Behe will be automatically rejected before the first word is read. The scientific community's problems are just that big. 0,ava duvernay on women and minorities breaking into hollywood: 'follow the white guys' 1,"physically fit, emotionally stable kim jong-un addresses un after finally getting nuclear ambitions out of system" 0,"So what is your point? Are you claiming that the tenets of christianity are in doubt because the several thousand denominations hold contradictory views? Science proceeds by challenges and contradictions. Contradiction in science is not evidence of doubt but evidence of a field of advance. In religion, it is without question, a matter of the veracity of the ultimate truth. Which of the thousands of christian faiths hold the truth?" 0,a manners lesson for donald trump about the stars and stripes 0,twitter rips hillary-bashing susan sarandon for women-unite speech at golden globes 0,ruth bader ginsburg says she never should've waded into colin kaepernick controversy 1,pacific ocean quarantined after contact with carnival cruise ship 1,billy joel has billy joel's disease 0,court rules 'cannibal cop' can fantasize about whatever he wants 0,kourtney kardashian and scott disick don't know how to quit each other 1,"In the United States about 12 to 20 new religions pop up every year. Some start out with the ""funny books"". :p" 1,auction won by crab with $20 stuck in claw 1,study finds 68% of americans unprepared for sudden financial stability 1,all the cheapest items on wedding registry already purchased 1,"tempurapedic unveils new line of extra-crispy, deep-fried mattresses" 0,heidi klum stops talking trump for 'box of lies' with jimmy fallon 0,"d-wade, udonis haslem, and lebron opt out" 0,middle (st)age never stop learning 1,nation's sports fans demand to spend $21.99 on something 0,"What Is a Human Person and Who Counts as a Human Person?: A Crucial Question for Bioethics by Prof. William E. MayThere is also an extremely academic school of thought which views the human person in terms of the ego in all its derivations. I cannot hope to summarize what this is all about, please refer to:Philosophical Critiques: The Human Person - 3 One could also consider the social development of an infant, inasmuch as humans are, in most cases, very social animals.According to primatologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, the human species is specifically developed to be part of a social system and a newborn infant comes ready made to push all the buttons of the system:" 1,area man urinating like it's the best thing ever to happen to him 1,jennifer aniston engaged to guy who frankly will never replace brad 1,everyone in sporting goods store looking for something to get on stepson's good side 0," she may have difficulty catching up with that."" You aren't helping your cause with statements like this.In logical debate, your claims are considered to be false until proven true, not the other way around.Nobody can disprove the existence of god, but that is not proof of god's existence. " 1,report: more television viewers becoming desensitized to drama 1,area woman said 'sorry' 118 times yesterday 0,stacy ruiz's gps guide for believing in yourself 1,new report finds humanity 10 years away from something called ash age 0,watch dirt bikers get a bit too close to nature 1,charity notes even one dollar can help a needy child but you'd have to be a dick to give that little 0,most hillary clinton voters think the allegations against bill clinton are credible 0,trumpcare and the gop: legislating cruelty 1,"south korean president eats full, balanced meal in show of strength against north" 0,read live updates from the vice presidential debate 1,budget cuts force british government to shut down mysterious seaside village 1,political scientists baffled by trump's ability to end something he had no control over just days ago 1,baby crow's first word 'caw' 0,how to replace your self-doubt with unshakeable confidence 1,gop leaders celebrate decisive win over americans 0,all the women i have been 1,waters tested as 12-year-old says 'shit' in front of mom for first time 1,They do provide many more services than providing abortions :P 0,these timelapses of america's fastest-growing cities will make your jaw drop 1,rapper not entirely sure who else is on this track 1,study finds people on dates know within 30 seconds if other person is newt gingrich 0,I think an open mind is the best thing to have when it comes to theories. I think there is some truth in everything. 1,amazon reaches 1 trillion labor violations 0,authors are rallying to preserve langston hughes' harlem home 0,meet 10 inspiring people over 50 giving back to the world 1,"Yes, prove it by science. I don't want you to keep reverting to word games/sophistry; philosophical arguments. You must prove it by science. Show me the scientific experiment that proves it. I've asked you a number of times, and every time you've failed to do so." 1,nation's drunk strangers announce plans to agree with anything one another says 1,"shaven, cologned grandpa heads into town to rake in d-day pussy" 1,"What, pray, is a real answer? Because, you know, if it is anything like a corrcect answer you are doing a rather poor job of it, mate." 1,de blasio courts iowa voters by winning 'largest candidate' at polk county fair 0,"little kid dreams the impossible dream, tries to whistle" 1,couple just wants small ceremony in public park with close friends and shirtless stranger hanging around tree 1,"report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person looking, listening in on you" 0,the overlooked way that companies can make workers more loyal 1,fcc chair unveils premium comment line to fast-track net neutrality complaints for $49.99 per month 1,report: overseas sweatshops hurting u.s. sweatshops 0,"Actually, Peeling and others on this thread have proven you and Cash to be utterly wrong. The fact you don't recognize this is irrelevant." 1,second-grader likes to save purple pills for last 0,Walking-fish: What I'd like to know is where this specimen fits in with the following lineage: Eusthenopteron -> Panderichthyes -> Acanthostega -> Ichthyostega. Can anyone elaborate on this? 0,how my obsession with gore and death actually makes my life better 0,"emails: how the obama administration secretly approved expanding piece of enbridge's ""keystone xl clone""" 0,'black panther' hits $1 billion mark in worldwide box office numbers 1,doctors say pope will be infallible for another year at most 0,bill clinton: trump attacks on hillary clinton 'fact-free' 0,oklahoma governor issues 37-day stay for inmate richard glossip 1,obama currently being chased in background of secret service hearing 1,violent death of human being terrific news for once 1,ruby tuesday goes public with request that everyone come on down to ruby tuesday 1,miracle baby born with job 0,national review writer: ben carson 'more authentically black' than obama 1,"white house: 'for russia, the real sanction is knowing that they let us down'" 0,the gop theme o' the week 0,"amtrak train derails in vermont, seven taken to hospital" 1,hillary clinton resumes attacking obama 0,"Yep. Here in the U.S., the 5.7 ammo is the ordinary hollow point for Civilian use. It does not penetrate. It is not Armor Piercing." 1,teen unsure how to break it to parents that the devil got her pregnant 1,23andme forensic kit informs customer what crimes he's committed 1,publicist's single dream in life for nation to have wes bentley fever 0,what is a 'male body'? 0,5 scientific reasons you should go on vacation 0,billy eichner comedy special heading to netflix 1,thing with old girlfriend works with new girlfriend 1,"Asked and answered. You need to get my claims right before you try to rephrase them. It appears often that some posters here do nothing more than learn from each other how to misrepresent someone else's argument. You move to the front of the class. I am not anti-gay. Gays can have more rights than I for all I care. I've not claimed that gays should have fewer or different sets of rights. They can be had without changing the definition of marriage. This thread is not about marriage. " 0,"Well, I've personally measured the gravitational pull of a ball of lead about 5cm in diameter. Are you suggesting that angels push the planets around? That was the leading theory before Newton." 0,"[B] [B] You have not had many REAL conversations with pro-choicers then. The Planned Parenthood Motto is ""EVERY CHILD A WANTED CHILD.'" 0,"Not realy they are still being manufactured for civilian use and are legal in most states even in states where machine guns are not allowed. You would be actualy supprised at how available they are. You sign your life away and are no longer a name less face to the feds but you may be able to own one in your state. All thats needed is to get your chief law enforcment officer to sign your fourm 4, pay $200 to BATFE, pass an FBI back ground chk and wait appx. 2 mo's and you have one." 1,ethan hawke's body found dumped in laurel canyon as 2019 oscar race heats up 1,mother's day card finally arrives 1,teacher who dedicates life to students total fucking bitch 1,"Surely, all you have to do is believe that Christ is your saviour and your heaven ticket is already stamped. So, doing ungodly things is neither here nor there. That is the rule isn't it?" 1,terrified johnny depp unable to remove tonto makeup 1,opening band upstaged by pre-show music 0,why does this town have two grenade launchers? 1,area man would have done things differently if he were killer in movie 1,report: caucasians will soon be a minority in their own goddamn country 0,"trump campaign manager faces new allegations of pushing, sexually suggestive comments" 0,donald trump says hollywood pulled 'the race card' with criticism at oscars 0,suspected austin bomber dead in confrontation with police 0,judge seeks criminal contempt charges against arizona sheriff joe arpaio 0,"watch this guy play out the entire 2017 oscars, impressions and all" 1,loose first-grader brings home different friend every time 0,"the internet of everything: boring, but so important" 1,film critic belatedly comes up with swordfish zinger 0,man says he salutes a donald trump cardboard cutout every day 1,apple user acting like his dad just died 0,wednesday's morning email: what you missed last night in trump's state of the union 1,man leaves position he would kill for 3 years from now to pursue dream job 1,dental hygienist sick of being lied to 1,eric trump leaves plate of seared foie gras outside bedroom door of despondent donald trump jr. 0,watch: u.s. gets even with sensational goal 0,police union chief: tamir rice family should use settlement funds on gun education for kids 1,mlk's family urges nation to spend anniversary of his death twisting his words to fit own political agendas 0,"instead of thoughts and prayers, oregon passes new gun safety law" 1,"Why do ""they"" want it to be true? Some ""gay"" science agenda?" 1,bush picks up 20 copies of washington post he's in 0,Another strawman. Explain to me how new information and new features equals to new structures and body parts. Those links have long been refuted 1,suburbanite saved from certain poisoning by brita filter 1," \""I give you every seed-bearing plant on the fact of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for good. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground -- every thing that has the breath of life in it -- I gave every green plant for food.\"" And it was so.\""Genesis 1: 29-30"" You mean bones with soft tissue inside them, right? I read an article about that last month. It was from a T-Rex, yes.Dinosaur Shocker " 0,martin o'malley fails to make ohio's presidential primary ballot 0,isis' muslim death toll is enormous 0,the things moms carry 0,"equine voices: a safe haven for abused, neglected and abandoned horses" 1,fda declares munchos to be good source of disodium guanylate 1,pope francis wears miter with faceshield to comply with new vatican safety measures 0,khloe kardashian joins 'waist gang' 0,'strange looking' pup finds the perfect family 0,"Under interracial marriage, no black person was prohibited from marrying either.Should people have been satisfied with interracial couples being classified as ""civil unions""?emoticonXFrazzledToday, we recognize that racism is wrong.Yet some people still persist with homophobia. They fail to have a historical context on the real meaning of the methodology they recommend." 1,new planet discovered 400 light years away from public's interest 0,how pop culture can change the way we talk about abortion 1,david byrne holds up old suit to show how far he's come in weight loss journey 1,radical islamic extremists snowboard into u.s. embassy 0,lady gaga introduces us to her creepy 'american horror story: hotel' children 1,"huckabee decries obamacare's failure to help slow, cross-eyed cousin who got kicked by mule" 0,watch pharrell dance across the globe in gorgeous 'freedom' video 0,what white educators can learn from pittsburgh's police chief 1,woman mentions participation in cancer walk to cancer patient 0,russia calls u.s. move to better arm syrian rebels a 'hostile act' 0,The human collective is the authority. One major advantage of this authority over a theistic one is that it actually exists. 1,nra touts oliver north's expertise at avoiding jail time for colluding with hostile foreign powers 0,this cfl player takes unsportsmanlike conduct to another level 0,cookie johnson reveals what led to a secret 2-week separation from magic johnson 0,octavia spencer bought out a screening of 'hidden figures' for low-income families 1,"stadium humors old man on stage, sings along to 'hey jude'" 1,americans pool together $945.23 to counteract corporate money's influence in politics 1,"'look, just tell us who to kill,' snaps u.s. general as trump enters 20th minute of rambling answer on syria" 0,mike huckabee's benghazi tattoo joke goes hilariously wrong 0,"far, far away in a galaxy, there's lots of room for #starwarschristmascarols" 0,that 'historic' middle-class tax cut trump promised? still just a promise. 0,the geography of food stamps: cuts could hurt rural areas harder 1,study finds girls outperforming future employers in school 0,Which is precisely why the law must needs be silent when it comes to women choosing whether or not to continue their pregnancies. 1,nation healed by awesome sports highlight 1,desperate ohio now exploring homeopathic execution methods 1,sources: barista not actually flirting with you 1,visiting chinese pm presents obama with 'the expendables' on dvd 0,love your skin in your 50s and beyond 0,celebrate older americans month by fighting senior poverty 1,hubris rewarded 1,Really? Let's see you show that the God that you believe in is that God.. and that this God even exists outside the imaginations of the mind? 1,freakonomist keeps close eye on ge stock versus height of mexican weightlifters 0,how bet's 'rebel' is reshaping the narrative for black women in hollywood 0,nypd cop who fatally shot ramarley graham found guilty of bad judgment 1,missing white girl drives missing black girl from headlines 1,friend tells depressing details of how he's covered by freelancers union 1,Every time the KKK burns a cross NRA members are there. So what? Every time they burn a cross Christianity is there. 0,"Species may die out, but they may also evolve into new forms- without reproduction there is no possibility of continuity over even short periods of earth time, with it there is." 1,barbaric fifth grader gouges paper onto binder ring without so much as hole punch 1,completely unfair that man ended up on sex offender registry just for public urination on a child 1,scientists announce discovery of dry ice on mars means planet may one day be suitable for halloween party 1,The egg is now a conscious human? In under 72-hours? Wow. 1,backup plan in case menu item out of stock most well-thought-out part of man's life 0,how to pitch healthy living 1,world health organization releases top 10 most fucked up causes of death 1,new hampshire passes law forcing old people to watch gays marry 1,barr releases catatonic mueller after removing all sensitive material from special counsel's brain 0,"beyonce shares more blue ivy photos, melts more hearts" 1,nation relieved insufferable little 'game of thrones' fans don't have book to lord over them this season 0,adopting? proceed reverently 0,robert duvall says he might vote third party in 2016 0,face it: let's talk about talking about sex 0,secret australian government documents found in cabinets from secondhand store 0,what do kids need to know about race? 1,new hobby to tide retired man over until death 0,looking for happiness in all the wrong places 1,area ladle named secretary of soup 1,"** Well, you being a materialist/mexchanist/darwinist and all, I guess we shouldn't have expected you to know the difference between a ""fact"" and a speculative ""just-so story"", but even so, every time you do this it is disappointing. " 1,usa original movie not that original 0,find the love you always wanted in 2015 0,"dad with 350,000 airline miles helps families who can't afford holiday travel" 1,"fbi raids michael cohen's office to get closer look at his innovative, thorough legal work" 0,"mother's day dinner: 10 easy, elegant recipes to wow mom" 0,success secrets from a sports psychologist 0,the best beef burger recipes to make this grilling season 1,"Wow what a lovely christian setaments and attitudes. I wonder what Jesus would say about his number one fan after a statements of hate as the ones above. " 0,elizabeth warren calls for investigation of ny fed over secret tapes 0,why is it so darn hard for women to lose that baby weight? 0,6 reasons this weekend is the best one of the year 0,25 effortless wrap dresses you won't want to take off all summer 1,"romney delivers stern warning to china, speaking directly into the camera in fluent mandarin" 0,chrissy teigen has 2 words for hater who insinuated she's a gold digger 1,nasa celebrates 60th anniversary of launching first moon to orbit earth 1,bizarre assemblage of shapes visible through area man's pockets 1,kim jong-un's wife on nuclear threats: 'this isn't the man i was forced to marry' 1,paul ryan currently 141 miles into run through wisconsin countryside 1,parent now just typing 4-year-old child's every word verbatim throughout day as facebook post 0,I think you just made the point that they're people after a certain degree of development takes place. 0,trump told friends 'you all just got a lot richer' from tax bill: report 1,"That's right, why should everyone contribute when a few can support the many!" 0,will this murder be the first federal hate crime with a trans victim? 0,brothers linked to assad gave thousands to dennis kucinich's ohio political machine 0,'draft biden' effort debuts its first tv ad 0,judge says scotus same-sex marriage ruling doesn't apply to puerto rico 1,suspension of disbelief goes unrewarded 0,"It's one thing for the pot to call the kettle black, but here the cast iron cauldron is calling the porcelain basin black." 0,prince george and princess charlotte steal the show at pippa middleton's wedding 1,"fearmongers, warmongers gather for annual mongering conference" 0,trevor noah: michael flynn too 'stupid' to be national security adviser 0,a playful reminder not to get too stressed out by parenting advice 0,"un chief urges countries to resettle syrian refugees, but pledges are few" 1,sight of o.j. simpson actually kind of comforting 1,study finds employees most productive when they can set their own salaries 1,"Who's God ? Vishnu ? Buddha ? The Great Spirit ? Allah ? Or God ? Waiting............" 0,how do fighter pilots earn their nicknames and call signs? 0,"Mmmmm, not necessarily. Many of the arguments of against gods (those with specific properties, not just a general diety) deal with incompatible traits, like a square circle has. One does not have to search the universe to know square circles do not exist.People state simple negatives all the time. The lack of evidence for the positive makes them reasonable." 0,a quiz for moms: how ready are you for the school year to end? 0,fox news host bret baier admits clinton indictment report was a 'mistake' 1,area man never leaves house without putting on lucky everything 0,paul simon might be done with music 0,'late show' airs its version of kim jong un's response to 'rocket man' 1,blindfolded clinton invites debate coaches to attack her with talking points from all sides 0,"wells fargo ceo should resign over 'egregious fraud' with fake accounts, lawmakers say" 1,internet jokester strikes again 1,frances bean cobain enters prehab 0,this news anchor just broke a major barrier for afro-latina journalists 1,subway sandwich emits noxious honey mustard spray as defense against predators 1,beauty industry exec keeps photo of crying 15-year-old girl on desk to remind himself why he does this 0,the simple trick that'll make your old sweaters look new again 1,Is it productive an exericee to make such generalisations which are in effect a product of a priori notions that anyone who is religious is irrational anyway? 1,"Actually, I don't sneer at you. I laugh at you. And I don't attack your intelligence but your knowledge. You are intentionally ignorant." 1,Perhaps some people here aren't on the same level of intelligence. Seems you and chester understand it now so that is good. 0,4 bold lip looks for spring 1,new report finds moving to isolated seaside cottage greatly increases productivity 1,nate silver projects super tuesday results using microscopic electorate grown in petri dish 0,hackers could tap into 'smart' baby monitors with ease: researchers 1,"paul allen to leave $10,000 to everyone who shares this post" 1,cd club somehow tracks down local woman 0,berkeley gets trolled by the alt-right -- again 0,"grandmother, 60, wins key fight in bid to birth her own grandbaby" 0,carson says trump knows judge attack was wrong 0,crazy cheap deal: fly to 10 countries in 30 days for just $160 0,"behold, the most magical (and massive) picnic of all time" 0,surge soda is back! (and has already sold out once) 1,stephen miller palms ice agent $50 bill in exchange for a little alone time with detained migrants 1,"Walking-fish: Yeh, but God is not a biologist. How would He know?" 1,priest cursed with incredible penis 1,obama proposes tax increase on meanest 2% of population 0,5 labor day escapes that are totally worth the money 0,more bodies found at mass grave in suspected thai trafficking camp 1,heroic cancer sufferer inspires others to get cancer 1,So then will you go the way on liberty (repeal stoopid laws) or tyranny (enact more unconstitutional laws)? 1,nbc announces fall cancellation lineup 0,jason derulo accuses american airlines of 'racial discrimination' after luggage dispute 0,4 super easy ways to keep cyber criminals out of your life 0,"Mach, your ability to make the wrong argument on the wrong post continues. I ask a question of this person, you reply not to them, but to me, and with ad hominem, and a 'just-so' statement." 0,spring skiing in southern vermont 0,"Know of them, no, since I haven't studied any of it, however, typing in ""cave drawing"" at wikipedia brought this up, I suggest you take a look. Cave painting" 1,god announces plans to slowly wean humans off religion 1,"Now I understand why some women want abortions... Would you fit in a towsack goober?" 1,"Yet, apparently, according to Easyrider and Bassman, Howard is not a ""True Christian"". Funny how that goes?" 1,kid with cancer hopes to realize dream of meeting competent oncologist 0,You think open carrying of loaded handguns in public will become fashionable in CA? I think if anyone took to this they'd find themselves asked to leave establishments routinely. 0,"panthers donate $10,000 to each family of charleston shooting victims" 0,joe biden tries to tamp down house dems' anger over deportation raids 0,image vs. substance in your self-made journey 0,"You don't consider yourself anymore advanced than animals? Not seperated specially in anyway? If humans are nothing but animals, than you have to question your own views and morals. For if we are just animals, than we have no cause or goals. You may as well kill yourself right now. Please re-think this idea you have. I understand from your posts that you have a hard emotional problem, and I would urge you to please try and answer yourself those questions. You're views on this issue are built on hate, and annoyance. What morals do you have to support these views other than - You don't like it. -?" 1,study exposes risks of conducting research while driving 0,"ashley graham is done with the 'too fat, too thin' debate" 0,"Got evidence to back that up?? I'm not sure how a stoner's worse than an alcoholic really. -Wez" 1,"trip to bar gives friends opportunity to sit around, do nothing in different place" 0,But faith is not religion. Religion is the expression of belief in a god or higher being or power of the supernatural.As an agnositc I think that both theists and atheists are wrong since it is impossible to know for sure wheither a god exists or not while one is still alive. 1,ex-girlfriend's last electric-bill check remains uncashed in area man's wallet 1,"man and woman get drunk, blow $30,000 in one night" 1,mongol hordes sack u.s. 0,tennessee judge upholds state's lethal injection process 1,tv viewer relates to totally unbelievable character that could never exist in reality 0,washington players celebrate on the field with simulated 'stop and frisk' 1,mister rogers' neighborhood gerrymandered to serve king friday's make-believe agenda 0,That seems unlikely. He gets banned everywhere he goes with his multiple names. He's not very good at hiding his identity and not very good at controlling his temper when dealing with the sort of creation believing XXXXXX that you get frequenting these boards (I can't say I blame him on the latter point).Look around the web though and you will find him elsewhere... 1,"'s plan to charge people money for consuming goods, services called bold business move" 0,"Sounds like lots of arbitrary statements. Your assuming things to be true, and attacking the person not the argument." 0,how police failed to stop a former nfl star's rape spree 0,"Actually the room, straps, and table are all multi-use. And the drugs only cost Texas $86.08 per execution as of 2002." 1,check it out: deer 0,"Cahuella,The Crusades (for the most part) were a justified reaction to Muslim aggression. If you would like to see a recent discussion of this then go to the ""Compromise"" thread on this forum and see what Simone and I discussed.As to the sperm and egg being a thing very similar to a fertilized egg..I think that may be a bit of a simplification.As to the Church making fair decisions, I believe it does. That's why it distinguishes an order of morality with degrees of goodness and badness. That's why a war may be permissable but an abortion is not.Parcum, glad to see you back. I was wondering where you had gone." 0,bryan bishop talks outvets in boston's st. patrick's day parade and more (audio) 1,man going to take edge off with decades-long slide into alcoholism 0,"Actually, Galileo wasn't killed. He was sentenced to house arrest. And his sin was in declaring that the earth moved since the Bible states that the earth doesn't move." 0,most recommended marketing tools by pro bloggers 1,nutella briefly entertained as lubricant 0,"Yes. The US Constitution is secularist, but it's not atheistic." 1,beyonce releases teaser foot ahead of birth of twins 1,10-month-old pug worried upon reaching age when father developed debilitating breathing problems 1,"report: christ, someone actually brought their kid to this" 0,how to be grateful (and stop acting like a frustrated toddler) 0,msnbc head pledges to boost diversity after cinco de mayo disaster 0,activist puts two vampire bats in his mouth ... because? 0,"No. Unless you wish to actually undertake the study of the relevant science, that's what you need to do. Creationists do the same thing. the problem is that creationists tend to accept the word of those who aren't any more educated than they are. Thus, a creationist will accept Hovind's dust on the moon argument or his shrinking sun argument as ""proof"" of a young earth." 0,stop what you're doing and watch chuck schumer bust a move 0,touching video shows what it's really like to raise grandkids 0,this election decides our future for a generation 0,most americans can't afford a minor emergency 0,10 things i learned about ucsf benioff children's hospital oakland 0,he's baaaaack! 0,revisiting the iran deal 0,parents peeved their kids' hatchimals are cursing up a storm 1,"audubon society reveal they've only seen, like, 3 birds" 1,"Quit using movie stars. After Kerry lost, a lot of them got a bad rap and are generally annoying. You're better off corrupting politicians, like that would be hard anyway." 0,el chapo pleads not guilty to drug charges 1,area woman lovingly lint rolling cardigan as if tending to prized stallion 0,"crayola unveils true-blue crayon, and you get the chance to name it" 0,"climate change: 2014 hottest yet, oceans threatened, solar trees, and more!" 1,local dullard opts for vocational school 1,report: 98 percent of americans afraid of 98 percent of americans 1,high school suspends hunky student for wearing shirt 1,girlfriend dumped after forwarding stupid link 1,obama returns from india with these gross candies for everyone 1,study: 90% of workplace injuries caused by bare-knuckle boxing 1,new evidence suggests last ice age caused by earth floating into extremely chilly part of galaxy 1,"Wow, I really had a great laugh...thank you! Then I stopped and remembered that some people actually feel this way. Now I'm getting angry. Must be my hormones, no other explanation for it! :p" 0,obama considering appointing an ebola 'czar' to lead u.s. effort 0,"Because specific species of horses only exist at certain periods in the geological record. Every so often, a new species that looks very, very similar, but with some distinct characteristics appears where the previous one use to in the geological record. Also, off the one of the coasts of either Ireland or England, there are sheer cliffs. In these cliffs you are able to see evolutionary development of shellfish for basically a billion years as you go from the top to the bottom. " 1,wayne lapierre goes on harpooning spree to prove some sort of point 0,the swimsuit guide no woman should have to read 0,national defense strategy 1,beijing fire department extinguishes massive five-alarm burning cloud of smog 0,"Because, when each is in its natural habitat, they are reproductively isolated." 1,perfect gentleman does not assault drunk woman 1,How many suicide bombers have you herard of wearing a cross? You're assertion is usual. 1,gerrymandering mishap leaves nation without any borders whatsoever 0,colombia's 52-year war is officially over as new peace deal passes 1,sound of children's laughter music to disney focus-group leader's ears 1,pool noodle has another season in her 0,"new web series aims to tell stories of love, addiction and healing" 0,jyothi rao: on threads of authenticity 1,area grasshopper kind of a thorax man himself 0,make every democratic senator filibuster gorsuch 0,"Yes California is following European socialism. Just like socialist Europe, they are going broke. Socialism depends on large income taxes to fund social programs. Try the same taxes here in the USA and people will get thier guns and shoot all the politicians trying to tax them. Remember this country was born over a fight over taxes." 0,universal health coverage: a smart investment 0,donald trump voices support for sisi amid human rights crackdown 0,rubio's path to an outright win has vanished 0,conservative pundit s.e. cupp hits trump white house right in the balls 1,'planet earth' pa still trying to get release forms from every bird in serengeti 0,"the 'roseanne' revival catches up to our thorny political mood, for better and worse" 1,john kelly struggles to maintain believable trump impression during phone calls with parkland survivors 1,single woman would love to hear them call her lonely now that she has basil plant 1,sun-dried sparrow carcass washed away with hose 1,"of course she is trolling, how many posting of hers you have to read to realize that? she doesn't want to admit what she knows it's true so she is making fun of it. making fun of it won't cool the Earth. :) I suppose that had she been aboard the Titanic she would have denied it was sinking and kept on dancing until she was in the water." 1,"report: well, here we go" 1,woman pays full price for carpet during one-day-only non-sale 0,here's why we need to stop criticizing lebron james 0,"a progressive firm fired a partner for allegedly assaulting a female staffer. soon she was gone, too." 1,bold intern giving parents tour of office 0,"Again that is a poor analogy. Congress does not have any powers NOT included in the Constitution. Quite the opposite, it specifically says that any powers NOT included in the Constitution is defaulted to the states and Congress is additionally prohibited from taking any more authority NOT named in the Constitution.Since there is no specific naming article saying Congress does not have the power to ban manufacturing weapons, in fact it DOES NOT. According to the 10th Amendment:The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.Thus you have another poor analogy. Congress DOES NOT have the right to ban manufacture of guns." 0,here are the months college students are more likely to experiment with new drugs 0,jamie foxx does a really good doc rivers impersonation 0,the best way to eat avocados: avocado pasta 0,jennifer lopez's new video is a sad premonition of the future of feminism 0,3d-printed 'eyes' could help blind children's faces grow naturally 0,a frequent flighter's tips for drinking wine responsibly 0,10 rom-coms love addicts should avoid 1,This coming from someone that is very choosy in the question that they answeremoticonXRolleyes 0,"this is the consequence of overinflated footballs, tom brady" 1,man somehow overcomes alcoholism without jesus 0,'vacation is when i have a 40-hour week' 0,dating in my 20's: 12 tips i wish i knew to prepare myself for love 0,anti-donald trump forces gear up for third-party challenge 0,david blaine's attempt to catch a bullet in his mouth went painfully wrong 0,american muslims and philanthropy 1,"Are you blind? I was refering to Nancy Pelosi's ""'fair' speech"" policies, not free speech. Fair speech is an attempt to limit free speech." 1,report: iraq war keeping thousands out of unemployment line 1,tsa agents to now simply stand at checkpoints and remind passengers that we all die someday 1,freeloading refugee children taking up thousands of prison cells meant for real americans 1,study: u.s. best place for women to buy jeans 1,"There is the potential for a human that comes out of many, crude and vulgar things. Some end up on a maxi pad or when a guy reaches for the box of Kleenex. Should I feel a special bond with the conceptions rudely flushed out because they couldn't make it to the uterine wall? They had the potential, the DNA, were once a life too, and made a valiant effort. Life is constantly in motion. We don't value all life, or maybe not all life the same. When it appears to have some aspects of human personhood, this would seem like a logical marker, where we'd place greater value." 0,what really happened to luke at the end of 'star wars: the last jedi' 1,elizabeth warren spends evenings tutoring underperforming candidates on creating comprehensive policy 1,hostage negotiation talks stall in congress 1,report: 65% of all wildlife now used as homosexual subculture signifier 1,"A magnanimous troll is nearly an oxymoron but you are a complete m*ron. NATO was making a valid statement not being a are the one with the chip on your shoulder whineyemoticonXClown" 1,ryan seacrest catches up with 'captain phillips' star maersk alabama on red carpet 1,report: it okay to spend rest of day curled in fetal position under desk 0,will trump fire rosenstein? it may not matter. 1,row of asterisks spices up otherwise ordinary e-mail 0,'she's in king david cemetery. that is where i go to see my kid now.' 0,"What is astounding about it? If we had been aborted, we wouldn't have known anything about it. Untold billions of conceptions have been spontaneously aborted. Do you shed tears for those, too?" 1,vin diesel breaks off tracking collar against rocky outcropping 1,usda admits weight loss not possible for people who don't like salmon 0,inside cbs' bid to bolster 'late show with stephen colbert' 0,how peter thiel's gawker battle could open a war against the press 1,Well that lets out most of the supreme court when RvW comes up! And of course 1/2 give or take of the voters would be disqualified if relevant issues come up to a vote. Perhaps we should start an effort to amend the constitution to incorporate your idea! 0,two perspectives: assisted dying or assisted living? 0,chagas disease: a 2014 world cup yellow card 1,trump thanks united nations for inviting him to their country 0,this is how we know daca didn't cause the border crisis 1,scientists politely remind world that clean energy technology ready to go whenever 1,new roommate bestows apartment with unexpected windfall of end tables 0,but she can talk? 1,health experts urge parents to dramatically reduce childrens' on-screen time 0,"miami-dade county bans styrofoam from parks, beaches" 0,"amelia boynton robinson, civil rights activist, dies at 104" 1,god legally changes name to jake steele 1,"So you are pro-life and you hate liberals? Actually Republicans are being liberal in this case (liberal=bigger government, more laws). But I'll assume you mean Democrats on this. What if the baby is a democrat? If it's a democratic parent it's most likely it will grow up democratic and one more person to attempt to keep abortion legal." 1,4 senators mauled during congressional tiger show 0,'god' tells colbert that all these religious site visits make trump seem thirsty 0,here's how to get republicans to change their minds on the minimum wage 0,this photo of me at the women's march went viral and changed my activism forever 1,"Dear smiling, friendly, forgiving Archangel: I would be quite happy to respond to you if you could organize your incoherent mental states into logical, debatable points. Please refer to Chester's Questions for Bible-thumpers for guidelines. As for staying on topic: since there is no God, it is rather pointless to have religious ceremonies in any case, isn't it? As for my nom de Web, you have missed the point altogether. Either you are not quick on the uptake and/or you are completely ignorant of the Japanese language. Hint: surely you have seen the starry emblem on all Subaru cars? To end on a conciliatory note: I entirely agree with the last sentence of your posting [except the punctuation]. -" 0,how to encourage quiet children to push past their fears 1,guillermo del toro makes first appearance with new monster wife at venice film festival 1,"Not nearly as tired as the ""YOU can't live like that because it is against MY religion"" argument. Hell, that one pre-dates Christianity!" 1,area man thinks girlfriend's sister might be a little cuter 1,"Interestingly everyone but 'the left' can assimilate what is being said, however, the left is notorious for their ever-present attitude that everyone else is mindless. You don't got no brownie points....." 0,see how well you know the news with huffpost's headline quiz on google home 0,this school gave kids more recess. here's what happened. 0,top democrats defend bill clinton meeting with loretta lynch 1,"woman has drawn-on eyebrows, nose, eyes, mouth" 1,report: sharks to only kill 10 people this year but one of them will be you 0,12 things cool moms do to embarrass their teen sons 0,"But the question is Can you prove your belief system is true? And all you've done is spew hate for religion but haven't even tried to actually answer the question. And ask yourself this. If the idea of God is such a man made plague, then God doesn't even exist right ? So if God doesn't exist then what has He done to you to make you so venomous and angry at him ? Why would you be so angry at a non existent being ? I challenge you to come up with a rational answer." 0,"And I just say that it would be unjust and unfair of you to force metaphysical belief systems of your own which constitute religious belief upon your follows who may believe otherwise than you. Get pregnant and treat your fetus as a full person if you wish, nobody will force you to abort it. Let others follow their own beliefs differing or the same. Otherwise you attempt to obtain justice by doing injustice.Mo" 1,"Uhhhh, I just said that I DO JUDGE! So what in the hell are you talking about? You're not well. I didn't bother to adress your points about slavery because there's no point. I disagree with your claims as I suspect would most historians. But it doesn't surprise me that Christians would try to claim that they ended slavery since they also try to falsely claim they founded the country." 1,paul ryan wondering if he should have told romney about this guy he's dating 1,jaws of death used to stuff woman into burning car 0,watch: underreported story -- reuniting families with remains of dead migrants 0,turkey's president calls hitler's germany example of effective government 1,employee wishes he had enough job security to voice opinion 1,boyfriend can really envision losing his sense of self long-term with this one 0,"This judge stated that it was UN-Constitutional (according to California Constitution) to limit marriage to opposite-gender couples. So . . . . . why did we vote in 2000 on the definition of marriage? And since the majority stated that marriage was between one man and one woman - why was that not taken into consideration with this ruling? Why is it that when the people speak their voice, it is IGNORED?? Not only the mayor of SF - but this Superior Court judge as well?" 1,berkeley campus on lockdown after loose pages from 'wall street journal' found on park bench 1,whale won't shut up about time it was beached 0,happy birthday america 1,man reserving judgment on best actress nominees until looking at all 5 pictures 0,a letter to ashtanga 1,"palin unveils 9/11 firefighter cousin, reformed lesbian niece, naturalized mexican half brother" 1,last remaining novelist dies in captivity 1,prescription bottle recommends taking 10 tablets if you really want to fly 1,affable anti-semite thinks the jews are doing super job with the media 1,overweight woman encased in geo metro 1,bill cosby feeling better about retrial now that climate around sexual assault has cooled down 0,laverne cox opens up about cisgender actors playing transgender women 0,rachel zenzinger deserves to return to colorado state senate 0,"That's good. You're right, all we can do is hope and pray (I pray for things like this every day, and in a way, God has answered my prayer in this case)." 0,montana gop candidate owns stake in company accused of paying off isis 0,i didn't have this end in mind 0,35 things in your home to get rid of right now 1,gary johnson worried he peaking too early after hitting 9% in polls 0,If the fetus is human is not relevant? So if everyone says it is human then it still doesn't have a right to live then huh? Do you really support the killing of an innocent life for whatever reason? Do you really think placing one human over another is good (in this case women is more important then baby)? 1,scientists claim solar energy will be capable of powering 95% of scorchlands outposts by 2085 0,the real reason your hands are always cold 1,area ladder never thought it would end up a bookcase 0,gop congressman may not vote for president at all 0,paul rudd celebrates kansas city royals' win by getting showered with beer 1,"mia farrow: 'it's possible my son was fathered by frank sinatra, mario puzo, george mcgovern, robert altman, anthony perkins, milton berle, robert redford, michael caine, danny aiello, or bruce dern'" 1,"The whole religion is FAKE. Not just some shroud or a tortilla with the face of Mary on it. I thought the bible taught us not to worship idols anyways? And here comes EZ's idol gay sex zinger in 3...2..1... *snore*" 0,2 democratic senators say neil gorsuch refused to meet with them 0,I think if Islamic fundamentalism shows us nothing else it's that... 0,"Actually, I find it near impossible to discuss the second amendment without gun control advocates bringing up the third argument. Weak? Yes. Rare? No. In my opinion, all arguments in favor of gun control are weak." 1,raccoon crushed to death by garbage truck hits jackpot with reincarnation 0,russian roulette: taxpayers could be on the hook for trillions in oil derivatives 1,wal-mart greeter knows exactly how many blacks in store 0,actually they probably drifted much faster than that.....probably upon a pole reversal. 0,"meet paddles, the most powerful cat in new zealand" 1,sessions vows to protect all deeply held religious bigotry 1,police repeatedly shoot tim cook after mistaking iphone for gun 1,onion twitter password changed to onionman77 0,justice department sues to block at&t's merger with time warner 1,cat's whiskers a little much 1,nra says parkland students should be grateful for guns giving them such a memorable bonding experience 0,jemele hill honored as nabj's journalist of the year 0,17 sweet water toys and swim essentials 1,man planning to rub up against strangers wondering where train is already 1,mom just called to say hi and that she's very sad 1,I still do not understand what these people are demonstrating for or against. Are they demonstarting for being dropped in the middle of cancer treatement? Are they demonstrating for being denied coverage due to pre-existing condition? Are they demonstrating for increasing healthcare costs? Are they demonstrating for keeping 50 million people uninsured? 0,"Wrong again. If she supported bans on all guns then why would she say ""I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I'd walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me."" Shes Jewish too so shes definitly not on Hitlers side." 1,"Let me add a little extension to what you have accurately portrayed: or 'bring back the gallows and the guillotine:emoticonXSmilie " 0,"Bad, bad, bad. :( 1) Reducing meat consumption will create a change towards more agricultural farming which is more sustainable for humans and the environment.1) Some, perhaps all ""Livestock feed"" is actually edible for humans; GM maize is regularly consumed in the US and Mexico.2) One does not have to consume those foods as there are thousands of plant foods that can be eaten." 0,6 exercises that will transform your body 0,how to become a star 0,"maybe firstly you should explain how god works? In what way does he manupilate matter in defience of the laws of physics, where does he dwell, how can we not observe such a being? And all the other questions of the supernatural. The theory of a god is actually a lot, lot more complicated than evolution as you have to explain *how* God works to get even basic science points." 1,borrowed cd slowly integrated into own collection 1,man confused by obscure down-ballot measure about deciding who his senator should be 0,"Well, if they've re-established control in New Orleans(and it seems they have), then taking a gun away from someone carrying it on the street would be what the police normally do in any city. If they were taking it away from peoples' homes, and not letting them keep them, that would be over and above what they normally do. (I'm very pro-2nd Amendment, so don't get me wrong here. I'm just pointing out that taking guns away from people happens in every city every day)I also think that it's kind of disingenuous to complain about the military coming in--just a week ago everyone was criticizing the govt. for NOT sending in the military. Now people are criticizing them for doing it???" 0,"the making of 'alias grace,' a margaret atwood true-crime mystery" 1,"third desperate, unsolicited email to tenuous business contact should do the trick" 1,new omnigrain cheerios made with every existing grain on earth 0,restrictive north carolina voting law is dead after supreme court refuses to review it 1,friendship blossoms into unrequited love 0,anne hathaway to moms: 'there is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy' 1,botanist holding up entire salad bar 0,orangutan's horrific death underscores need for brands to use certified palm oil 0,what being 'pro-israel' should mean 0,how to prevent screen addiction in your young children 0,It's possible that Archaeopteryx is not a direct descendant of modern birds but it's certainly not far from the line and it shares both avian and therepodian characteristics. 0,"years of living dangerously takes on climate denial, anti-science attacks on climate solutions" 0,gunman in federal building shooting got 'raw deal': congressman 0,donald trump thinks north carolina got it wrong on anti-lgbt bathroom bill 0,bob corker accuses wolf blitzer of 'having a great time' pressing him about tax bill vote 0,"aclu sues milwaukee over stop-and-frisk, widening challenge to police practice" 0,girls charged in slender man attack will be tried as adults 1,"dark, sinister underbelly of small suburban town turns out to just be heroin again" 1,"dc executive worried batgirl script not interesting enough to be movie, 3 more movies, 2028 reboot and 4 more movies" 1,travel channel blows its 'bed and breakfasts of new england' wad 0,no more 'reconciliation' talk 1,charlize theron hired to ride struggling cleveland light rail system monday through friday 0,air france flight forced to land in kenya over bomb scare 0,kickstarter aims to give book on black boy joy to public schools 0,kam chancellor got the cops called on him for looking at a gym 1,visionary sports columnist asserts that muhammad ali's greatest fight wasn't in the ring 1,report: 79% of minority suspects receive miranda rights while unconscious 0,activists swarm congress members' offices to protest trump's 'swamp cabinet' 0,it's not getting any easier for women to become ceos 1,out-of-control scott walker injured after wildly careening between stances on immigration 0,korean 'fifty shades' parody has crazy twist you won't see coming 0,"newsroom trends, journalism, media ethics and engagement in 2016" 0,daddy yankee singing 'despacito' with cancer patient needs no translation 0,a game show winner on his biggest jackpot yet: a son 0,nervous flyer screwed by pals who secretly pack dildo in his bag (nsfw) 1,diners slightly unnerved that waitress didn't write down order 0,scooby-doo movie says being a size 8 is a curse 0,so you're hiring a consultant? -- a few do's and dont's 0,gladys knight sues to remove name from chicken and waffle restaurant 1,who warns against eating fish and keeping active following death of world's oldest woman 1,u.s. stock market soars after bernanke's reassuring comments about 'pacific rim' 1,opium-inspired ad executive composes epic tums jingle 1,"blogger takes few moments every morning to decide whether to feel outraged, incensed, or shocked by day's news" 0,this university is pledging free tuition to students displaced by harvey 0,trump's trade rhetoric is unhinged. his tariffs aren't. 1,mom scanning menu finds 'pan-seared diver scallops' faster than speed of light 1,"babbling, grinning mitch mcconnell demands emts loading him on stretcher vote yes on healthcare bill" 0,"gentrification mockumentary asks you to please remember rich, white kids" 0,back for a second season: hardwired 2.0 0,"You know Brady, you've said a lot of stupid stuff over the years. I even remember finding a post of yours where you said all guns and gun owners should be registered, but sex offenders shouldn't be. This latest post of yours is just another senseless and stupid rambling of somebody that's so hateful and fearful of an inanimate object that it's impossible for him to function in our society and can barely handle his own needs." 0," take the Bible out of the context of God for a minute and \""have a squiz\"" at it as a book of fiction you just borrowed from the library.Waxy"" You never actually observe something happening the instant it is, and most of the time you are just observing effects that event caused. The actual time ago the event was is pretty much irrelevant other than the amount of data you can get - if given the results from an experiment done several hundred years ago (well beyond anyone's lifespan) does this mean that they are now automatically untrue? " 1,"trump: 'we will fight in afghanistan until victorious, or i change my mind, get distracted, look bad, or get bored'" 1,towels across water park lounge chairs mark family's ironclad claim 1,"meals on wheels volunteers deliver body chocolate, edible underwear to seniors shut in on valentine's day" 1,house lawmakers brainstorming some good things to say about poor people before meeting pope francis 1,james holmes shows up to court wearing glasses with eyeballs dangling out on springs 1,Do try to keep up with yourself. People like you are always talking about how we need gun control laws in response to the crimes taking place. But you have absolutely no answer for what to do when said laws are violated. 1,"Quite true. Top that with the adolescent mentality exhibited by SP and the boys and you've got yourself a reason to consider calling Dr. Jack Kevorkian. " 0,"hospitals are supposed to be for healing. in gaza, they're part of the war zone" 0,scott baio wants donald trump to 'relentlessly attack' hillary clinton 1,lifelong dream no match for first brush with adversity 1,laura bush noisily devours infant 0,monday's morning email: what to expect from trump's afghanistan strategy 0,55 tips to lose the weight for good 1,great lover also great at slinking out 0,here's the real reason this so-called bernie bro cried at the dnc 1,overweight man receives 'lose weight fast' spam e-mail featuring his picture 1,call from daycare can't be good 0,"brad pitt's despondent weatherman is 'so, so, so, so scared' right now" 0,an open and personal email to hillary clinton from a contemporary 0,"lady gaga, jlaw and more sign letter opposing texas anti-lgbtq legislation" 0,obama to cancel debts owed by defrauded for-profit college students 0,north korea's internet is back up after mass cyber attack 0,15 shot in chicago on sunday 0,"Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I support any choice that the woman wants to make. No, I don't support forced abortions anywhere, I don't support what's going on in China and India because they're still taking a choice away from the women.What I don't get is that many prolifers think that prochoicers are ONLY for the choice of abortion. All the prochoicers I know support any choice the woman feels right about making. For example, I was called a hypocrite because I'm prochoice and pregnant. The person said ""You're forcing others to abort while you carry to term."" I have NEVER forced anyone to do anything, nor will I ever. I've also never aborted...and many prolifers automatically assume that if one is prochoice they've aborted." 1,movie theater employee hurt by customer's comments about high price of popcorn 0,two guys build a wall around trump tower to keep the real danger in 0,"dear graduates, put your online superpowers to work" 1,"apple releases brief, fleeting moment of excitement" 0,what if you couldn't protect your children? 1,ulta releases line of shitty hair ties to give cheap-ass friend who's always borrowing them 0,the smart way to sell your clothes on ebay 1,bush to london bombers: 'bring it on' 0,this eating disorder awareness campaign boycotts the 'before' photo 0,military service members prefer 2 presidential candidates who question war 1,your neighbors: should you consider talking to them? 0,the gop health care bill falls apart ― again ― and no one can agree whose fault it is 0,5 foolproof muffins to kick off baking season 0,republicans are killing this regulation in order to save it 1,"Yes, mulitculturalism is wonderful. You know what else is wonderful? Fact checking: Archie swallows own foot again It was the second link when I googled his name. At least try to not look like a jackass every time you post. " 0,another sigma nu chapter suspended over offensive remarks about women 0,"iman shumpert helped deliver his baby, and headphones were involved" 0,"**Excuse me, walkingfish, for butting in, but I'd like to reiterate my point to schuster that Darwin's theory of ""Natural Selection"" is just an outgrowth of an ancient social rationalization for unequal distribution political/economic power and privilege, (that is, social elitism, aristocracy and racism), falsely and anthropomorphically applied to non-human life." 0,disney releases first image of 'star wars: rogue one' cast 0,why we should remember to treat every day like a special occasion 0,"Well, when we talk about rights as allowable behaviour, then yes we do have this right. And it doesn't end when it affects someone else. GALTON:" 0,the power of collective voice 0,"Please go to and do research. You will find some hard to understand articles and some easy ones. All of them, however, are very informative." 0,how these mayors rise above the stress of their demanding jobs 0,watch: dolphin knocks stand-up paddleboarder off his board 0,microsoft: russian hackers exploiting windows flaw 0,I believe it is merely all known living species against those known by the fossil record and extinct. There are undoubtedly more extinct species that we are unaware of than living ones. 1,genie grants scalia strict constructionist interpretation of wish 1,"Yeah, renaissance right back to the dark ages, that is what you a holes did the last time you were in charge." 0,why political losers tell us more about american politics than the winners 0,earth day: a two-step strategy makes a sustainable difference 1,"computer analyst unable to fashion crude tools, grind wheat" 1,gop warns refugees likely to be driven to terrorism by way america would treat them 1,pope francis canonizes single turkey in annual vatican tradition 0,the innocent victims of europe's refugee crisis 1,papa john's removes n-word from menus 0,"If that's true, then Freedom of Speech is doomed. Harassment is subjective. Now I can claim that a book I don't like is harassing me, and it will be banned." 0,"120,000 adoptions for a no-kill animal shelter" 0,ohio state university attack leaves 11 injured 1,man sort of curious what his last straw is going to be 1,"Dude, my own father had hospice care in my home up until he died. I think I know a thing or two about it. None of what you say disproves that end-of-life can still be a scary thing. Maybe if you'd stop just being belligerent about it and actually thoughtfully discuss it, you might actually find some things I'm saying you find agreeable. (GASP!)" 1,caged saddam to be highlight of inaugural ball 0,how to botch a wedding toast in 5 words 0,friday talking points -- the knives come out 0,'be aware' is the anthem for self-serving millenial activism 1,"I think that is true of so many things. Wanna screw something up royal? -- add humans. I heard once that a gallon (or maybe is was a barrel) of Coca Cola (syrup) is more expensive than the same amount of oil. Things that make you go hmmm." 0,"You think ""the unborn child is worthy of protection""...""but not more so than the mother, probably less""...yet you believe ""in most circumstances the child should be carried to term?""" 0,"more than 130,000 vaccine doses reportedly destroyed in syria after attack" 1,employee apparently confident enough in job performance to eat snacks during meeting 1,report: more americans putting off retirement until final few moments before death 1,"You can take it any way you want . I don't care. So you have a problem with reading the thread from the beginning do you ? Why ? I am just curious....poor reading skills ? what is the problem here ?" 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 1,defensive clinton campaign releases new 'who are you to judge me?' ad 1,"I know that. Evolution releases itself from its foundation at will. When it wants to speculate about things like abiogenesis and claim it to be science, it allows itself to do that. It's that interchangeability thing you spoke of above." 0,gawker is said to retool as politics site 0,40 tweets that sum up life with 4-year-olds 0,democrats push to fold planned parenthood panel after shooting 1,harried woman on train quickly doing plastic surgery on face before work 1,man breaks out dating boxers 0,nationwide tax day marches demand donald trump release his tax returns 0,how the little i do can make a difference in my world 0,how to emotionally recover from the election 0,"unsurprisingly, celebrities were not impressed with donald trump's press conference" 0,"univision anchor booed at commencement after speaking spanish, mentioning trump" 0,sandy hook father to alex jones: 'i'm not backing down' 1,third-grader prays massive deficit coupled with decreased tax base causes district-wide school closings tomorrow 1,tennis ball brought on trip 1,My house evolved over millions of years. it built itself . Prove me wrong. emoticonXRolleyes 0,watch this paddleboarder get straight-up wrecked by a dolphin 1,failed attempt at hyperbole yields dead-on statistic 0,georgia man shot by police who may have responded to wrong address 1,homeless man has nice summer tan going 0,"Socialism is a very broad category of political ideals, which particular form were you thinking of?And just so you know, Fascism is not a form of socialism in any way. Socialism does not have oppressive governments. The purpose of socialism is to remove the class differences in society, if there is a small group of bureaucrats enforcing their will on the workers then that's a class difference." 1,queen elizabeth screaming at stockbroker to dump everything 0,"Well either the police are going by documented reports, or they're just making up a BS number to give politicians something to bite on for furthering their agenda." 1,naturist retreat ends in boner 0,"clinton, hours before 9/11 attack, said he 'could have killed' bin laden" 0,"Could you perhaps define ""teleology"" as you understand it and say why you believe there is teleology in the universe?" 0,"in a single week, plague cases more than doubled in madagascar" 0,And there are plenty of cases where criminals are scared off by much less than a gun. 1,Using Bush as a 180 compass is just fine by me. 1,"kofi annan places 4,000-pound wreath on mass grave" 1,"'fly, my pretties,' says jeff bezos releasing swarm of amazon drones to hunt down nude photos" 0,"That's an interesting subject, I had not heard of that b4. Did our bodies once produce Vitamin C?." 1,scott pruitt tosses another pvc tube on campfire 1,"Thats nice...Care to make an argument, or are you just op-eding my viewpoints?" 0,love: solange covers lucky mag 1,"nation tired of having to skim past headlines about apple, samsung lawsuit" 0,dedicated 'humans of new york' fans raise money to send underserved kids on harvard visit 0,the entrepreneurial advantage 1,doctor informs woman she pregnant as hell 1,libyan rebels still working full-time at other jobs 1,congolese rebel can't bring himself to care about congolese war 0,obama loses key potential republican ally on guantanamo bay closure 0,friday talking points -- don't panic 1,weird birthday boy blowing out candles wishes for john hickenlooper to win democratic primary 0,women honor harriet tubman with 100-mile trek along the underground railroad 0,"Almost? Usually, that is true, and it involves selection between populations. However, there are often times when some of a population is better able to survive. Those times, selection occurs within a population." 1,last 12 years a real wake-up call for area man 0,incredibly daring man swims to hawaii's lava with a selfie stick 1,man who enjoys popular rock songs discovers perfect radio station 1,"Once one is adept at finding evidence after a conclusion is presumed, all sorts of ""proofs"" reveal themselves. What's next, Nostradamus?" 1,millions of american lips called to service in fight against poverty 0,7 havana attractions you can't wait to see 1,"Wow! sorry for making a little light on a touchy subject. ""we are all monkeys"" was meant to be a joke and I am a catholic, because I was baptized catholic, but I don't have to believe that Jesus saved anyone because I don't know if he did and I don't really care. All I care about is today and tomorrow and relax, you can't go around freaking out all the time. And someone, who ever said we don't have tails, well here is an evolution tid-bit for you, elephants don't have thick course hair anymore either... is that called??? evolution? I think we did have some sort of stubby tail at one point and that's where I think we got our ""Tail-bone"" from. I am just kidding, but relax. Anyone who gets all huffy-puffy about what I think... well, then you are a monkey. Nikki" 1,conga-line participant beckons ominously 0,anatomy of an 'uncoupling' 0,"watch this guy count to 100,000 for no reason whatsoever" 0,"caring for every preemie, every day" 1,delta airlines counter agent assures man he will never see his family again 0,"how to tell if a product is actually eco-friendly, from alexandra zissu (video)" 0,"Private guns were completely private. They were personal property and could not be seized. It was the man that carried the weapon who was required to provide service, and required to provide his own weapon. Since the enrollment and inventory requirements were specifically to ensure that every man had his own private rifle, shot, powder, kit to fight with, it would seem rather stupid to worry that it was infringing on peoples right to bear arms, wouldn't it? Contrast this with today, where registration schemes have been used in places like new york to provide lists for seizure or surrender of firearms. In the one case, you have a law that is meant to insure that everybody has a weapon, i the other, it is a law determined to limit the accessibility of weapons. You really don't see the difference here?" 1,viagra giving hope to thousands of struggling stand-up comedians 1,nation's debate viewers disgusted with selves after connecting with mitt romney 1,shooting suspect released after not breaking any arizona laws 0,the unbelievably easy 2014 midterm election voters guide -- money in politics 0,"after fifty years of occupation, what's next: an open letter to president mahmoud abbas" 0,gawker's season of fear and loathing 0,the 7 things tech companies need to realize about older workers 0,an iowa teenager didn't wreck his state's health care market. here's who did. 1,olympic speed skater thinking about maybe taking out the garbage 0,a rhubarb explainer for everyone who's still confused 1,desperate hillary to obama: 'next vote wins' 0,"Actually I'm so sure of my manhood that even though I knew that charge would be levelled against me I still posted anyway. Anyway if you feel that men need to be degraded to make up for past actions to women you have gone from ""righteous"" to bitter." 0,surprise bidder for weinstein company wants embattled studio to be led by women 0,bernie sanders: 'it would not be a bad thing' if fbi director james comey resigned 1,"And you tell people not to call you a gay basher? LOLemoticonXRolleyes emoticonXRolleyes emoticonXCensored I know very well what faux means - that is the reason it is bashing to call someone's marriage that." 0,"in a deadly crash, who should a driverless car kill -- or save?" 0,the 'game of thrones' season 6 trailer hints at jon snow's resurrection 0,"Yes, I mean the couple who was wrongly accused of being Russian spies in the 50's and then exicuted. This was stupid for at least two reasons. One, they weren't spies. Back about 5 years ago, they had a family member come out and say that they testified wrongly against them. Second, the whole idea of the Russian threat was some paronoid fantasy by this one guy named McCarthy who was an idiot and a big fraidy cat. Because of his loonicy, too many people lost jobs wrongfully (and lives) and made an entire nation of scared citizens even more frightened.Besides, the Russians were never really a threat to us in the first place. They were more of a threat to themselves." 0,gluten-free quinoa stuffed mushrooms 1,area woman dumped on 15-week anniversary 0,my money is on a trump victory 0,gop delegate reports violent threats from trump supporters 1,ant born 1,suitcase spends all year looking forward to carousel ride 1,jared kushner relieved he can finally stop anonymously buying all items ever sold from wife's clothing line 0,when do i get to stop spinning the plates? 1,leno's voicemail message pauses for laughter 0,"debbie robins de la bouillerie, best selling author, executive leader, film and television producer died on august 31st at the age of 58." 1,hospital gift shop figures it can soak 'em for 30 on the 'i'm thinking of you' teddy bear 0,open letter to pope francis: help save my vocation 1,"Yes, the university one is quite possibly the most nonsensical. I will never understand why people seem to think that the mere presence of a weapon makes it somehow more likely that there is going to be a problem. I have lots and lots of guns, right here at my house. Last year, the murder rate at my house was 0. I think that we can most likely maintain the same this year. What school are you at?" 1,missing boy scout earns publicity badge 1,standoff in ivory coast threatens to boil over into full-scale news blurb 1,"u.s. indicts 12 russian officials who will be indicted for 2018, 2020 election hacking" 1,"Well, we have Noah and his family getting off the Ark after the great flood. But no mention of Gilgamesh writers. They obviously weren't born yet. " 1,breaking: still nothing 1,fireworks accident blows off tip of florida 1,onion social ceo addresses user privacy concerns by adding new 'are you sure?' prompt to doxing feature 1,"Seriously, in part is Waxy saying, I was here first? (It's my forum, I'll whine if I want to.)" 0,"study: how long you wait to see a doctor is linked to race, employment" 1,cubs eliminated from playoff contention 1,nation's gynecologists assure women that whatever gets stuck in there they can get out 1,previously unknown prejudice against japanese surfaces during game of battleship 0,"Well, it seems to me that if you have a reflex it means you have an at least partially developed and functional nervous system which would tell me that you can feel pain." 1,area man achieves your dream 1,fran drescher screeches out for cancer awareness 0,4-year search for missing malaysia airlines jet to end next week 1,arne duncan stressed about preparing for standardized secretary of education exam 1,sole survivor of air crash has asia's 'sole survivor' stuck in head 1,amazing medical discovery to add years of fish-oil consumption to man's life 1,fracking industry now largest employer of recent pr graduates 0,"Well, again, the best resource I could think of is wikipedia, just do a few searches there (I suggest starting with ""Human evolution"") and I'm sure most of your questions will be answered. Bear in mind though that even this will only give you a basic overview. If you really want to go in depth, take a college course on evolution. Another good site would be TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy" 0,17 tweets about the horrifying reality of accidentally sending a sext 0,"Crammed with them, sure, why not? Its easy, only a few million light years. The scientific method is used in weather forecasting too. " 0,"we're crazy in love for leslie jones, tara lipinski and johnny weir's beyoncé moves" 0,the science-backed ways that movement boosts your mood 1,high-culture wars heat up over controversial new opera 0,"The question is: To what degree do wars cull out particular genes as opposed to ideas? Another thing to consider is not who is getting killed, but who is being born. Unless, something is done about the niche, it will just get filled again by whoever was decimated. Compare: Germans (hypothetically) settling in the Ukraine versus the US bombing of Hiroshima (which was not then settled by the US). Consistent genetic pressure is really key." 0,obama administration warns schools to allow transgender access to bathrooms 0,google introduces a new way to screen telemarketers 0,dustin lance black has great reply after being told two men shouldn't raise kids 1,"warm, syrupy pleasure coursing through man's veins after big hit of mattress" 0,"twitter 'verifies' jason kessler, organizer of charlottesville white supremacist rally" 1,"popeye decries mideast bombings; 'dese bombinks is disgustipating,' says sailor man" 0,buddhist monks buy lobsters destined for the dinner table and set them free 1,"No, its not. Thats a strawman. I have never stated anything of the sort. You just cannot debate honestly. I never said that since one argument is wrong, that all are wrong. I am saying that I can prove all the arguments wrong independantly. Not that I have to. Now, any of you able to give even a hint of an intelligent answer to the OP? Or does that shatter your delusion that you dont support murdering children?" 0,dear mr. president: a dispatch from bowling green 0,'real people' in car commercials are either actors or not terribly bright 1,...or we could feed the criminals to the dinosaurs! the cows for meatloaf. 0,former u.s. attorneys warn trump about 'severe repercussions' of firing robert mueller 0,"But we certainly have the right to evict such persons. But then, regardless, the embryo is not a person." 1,libyans agree to come up with something for qaddafi to do all day in exchange for him leaving 0,"But it is based on history. There is plenty of history showing that women had illegal abortions. Or, if their families had money. went to Costa Rica or Britain to have a legal one in those countries.Women died or had severe medical emergencies due to illegal abortions. Doctors and nurses were prosecuted for providing these services." 1,defiant mitch mcconnell holds merrick garland's severed head aloft in front of capitol building 1,romantic gesture too expensive to waste on current girlfriend 0,madonna teases new song at surprise met gala performance 1,naked eric trump runs through state dinner pursued by screaming au pair 0,will congressional nsa action matter? 0,"another noose found near d.c. museums, police say" 0,pennsylvania's congressional delegation will no longer be all men 0,tale of two primaries and how to uphold majority rule 0,how 2016 fashion week is already more inclusive than usual 0,male writer outs female writer who wanted anonymity 0,gina rodriguez tears up as she gets a surprise visit from acting teacher 1,"I never suggested that they shouldn't be. The punishment should equal the crime. And your welcome." 1,woman stalked across 8 websites by obsessed shoe advertisement 0,the one thing all personal trainers tell their clients to do more of 0,austin street sign vandalized in tribute to david bowie; city lets it stay 1,increasing number of americans unable to point out map 1,teens find this one hilarious store 1,new anti-drug program teaches teens to resist psychiatrist's constant pressure to use drugs 1,eric clapton wows audience with even slower version of 'layla' 1,white house dishwasher tenders resignation 1,federal court ruling requires private businesses to install handicapped-accessible wheelchair jumps 1,embarrassed california firefighters realize they've been spraying flames this whole time 1,pizza slice only has one pepperoni 0,"It's NOT any of my business, but when presenting information to the readers at large, such topics need to be ####ing addressed, something militant pro-abortionist seldom want to bring up. I'm actually happy that you had a good operation and think more should go into ensuring ALL women have the same low risk proceedures when necessary. We're dealing with health aspects, all, not just selective. And there may even be things I'm not aware about to consider." 1,man needs emotional support only a woman can feign 0,"Actually, they are genetic. Our cells have receptors which are triggered by exposure to pathogens; that's how we ""learn"" to fight off a disease. And not everyone has the same receptors, which ones you posses is a genetic trait. It's one of the reasons that Native Americans were so vulnerable to European diseases, they hadn't evolved the receptors that would have enabled them to build up defences against the diseases the Europeans had lived with for generations. If your hypothesis was correct we wouldn't see different populations having different reactions to the same disease." 1,encouraging new study indicates majority of u.s. students can now recognize math 1,creative alcoholic comes up with idea to drink a lot 0,usain bolt ends olympic career with one more gold 0,"Most of them happening in the inner cities of Illinois, New York and California - states where the restricted access of firearms is supposedly designed to keep acts like these from happening. Who's the real traitor in this case; Obama for not passing your gun control package? Or the black guys that feel the need to kill their fellow black men for whatever reason motivates them?" 1,forensic evidence shows signs of feeble struggle 0,"a week in brooklyn, new york, on a $55,000 salary" 0,how to criticize your kids without ruining their self-esteem 0,how is natural wine different from the stuff you're drinking? 1,"Which you would do by having teachers teach kids that being gay is alright. You would teach those kids, against their parents wishes, that being gay is alright. You would do that after you make it legal WITHOUT A POPULAR VOTE. Seems that you really don't give a rat's XXX about this poor dead kid at all. You just see his corpse and throw him on top of your gay marriage banner. How noble of you. " 1,man who encourages child's destructive id referred to as 'good with kids' 0,hillary clinton taps pusha t for voter registration drive 1,"'okay, i'm ready to speak to you under oath,' says eric trump from beneath rubber donald trump mask" 1,pollsters admit they underestimated voters' adrenal glands 0,"Oh I quite agree. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to see it as such. I was admitting to those who don't that it does appear that God confirms their homosexual prejudices. To back Traveler up however, I don't buy the 'closet case' answer myself. People who are racist aren't secretly scared they are black, equally homophobes aren't necessarily closet homosexuals. Unfortunately such irrational prejudices just exist." 1,"You don't know what you're talking about and never have. Study up on this, Einstein, and you won't feel so superior. Dating the New Testament" 1,"Once again - show our exact words where we say that it should negate his arguments against same-sex marriage? His arguments negate themselves and need no help from him, and we do not claim that his hypocrisy negates the arguments - we just point out his hypocrisy. All I see here is you making wild inferences and speculations on some statements that say nothing of what you are claiming. The ""very first paragraph"" doesn't ""link them"" in the way you are suggesting - it links them to show his hypocrisy. SHOW US THE EXACT WORDS - highlight them - where we say what you claim, not some words where you try to connect something that was never said. Have fun with the strawperson, jim, you seem to enjoy them. emoticonXKill" 0,the skinny on sleep and your weight 0,how three heroin-addicted sisters are getting sober 0,"past armageddon and on to zippori, one of israel's premier archaeological sites: spring break 2016, breaking bad on the looney front - part 1" 0,8 things guns compensate for (besides your penis) 0,want better behaved kids? tell them they're so loved 1,"hanes, fruit of the loom locked in bitter struggle no one else aware of" 1,"Here's some advice, if you're going to try and crack on me, make your 'jokes' (I'll be nice and call them that) less passive and more active, grammar-wise. Crim- A definition is the meaning of word that someone created using their own opinions. Is there a difference? And, a circle could be called a circle in the English language, but I could make up a new language in which a circle would be called a square and a square a circle." 1,local child amuses café—but for how long? 1,pueblo indians can't keep pace with area mom's appetite for earthenware 0,this craigslist missed connection is delightfully feminist 0,"The difference, Eddie is simply this. If the Constitution needs to be changed, the founders instigated a means to do so. Said means is doubly hard as to make sure what is done, has been given much thought and study. The plan afoot today by the Gun Grabbers is to incrementally usurp the rights of free men, until, the fait accompli has been established. If the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, or any of the other rights guaranteed by the Constitution are to be abridged, they must ne done so by legal means, i.e. constitutional amendment." 1,cnn promises to maintain complete lack of editorial integrity despite at&t-time warner merger 0,isis losing its 'capital' is a pivotal defeat for the terrorist group 0,here's why jake gyllenhaal didn't sweat playing gay in 'brokeback mountain' 0,pastor ripped for posting video of woman in wheelchair towed by truck 1,"Like evolution, right? You have your conclusion, so everything else must adhere to it. Just answer the question. How to you account for the statements above?" 0,"George Bush won the majority of votes (the first majority winner in 16 years) in an election with the highest turnout in US history (>117Million voters). The Senate Minority Leader was defeated by a nobody. Democrats lost at least 3 seats in each of the House and Senate, something that never happens in a Presidential election year. This gave the Republican majority in both branches of Congress even more control. 11 Liberal ballot initiatives went down in flames by huge margins. If liberalism ISN'T dead, then it's in ICU on a heart and lung machine. emoticonXRolleyes " 0,an open letter to progressives: tpp is not yet 'the most progressive trade agreement in history' 0,gloria steinem warns that donald trump & state laws will endanger women's rights 0,this author thinks all women are 'crazy' -- and wants us to own it 0,friday's morning email: hackers reportedly target u.s. nuclear plants 1,empty inner tube ominously exits mouth of lazy river 0,ted cruz-john kasich pact gets off to a bad start 1,usps unveils new line of commemorative prince-inspired postal workers 1,"president, cabinet move into new open plan offices" 1,man overjoyed he no longer has to purchase entire day's worth of egg mcmuffins in morning 0,gina rodriguez is bringing a show about an undocumented family to tv 1,"captor, captive have different senses of humor" 1,supreme court rules gay rights do not extend to dessert 0,pilot uses gps tracker to draw picture of a plane... with a plane 0,20 meditation tips for beginners 0,hip-hop legends salt-n-pepa want more women in rap today 1,new study finds primitive customers capable of buying tools from hardware store 1,semiotics department accuses university administration of anti-semiotism 1,"It is abundantly clear to me now that you are either too stupid to understand my point, or you are too chicken to address it. Or maybe both." 1,new york city announces subway just for amazon employees now 0,"I think there are two separate questions here.(1) When does personhood begin?(2) Who gets to make such arbitrary, moral decisions on behalf of a pregnant woman?Both are legitimate issues of contention. You can't just dismiss the one you don't want to argue as unimportant. There are lots of excellent arguments going every which way, and many of them are objectively unresolvable, such as the one pertaining to the onset of personhood. They are truly matters of opinion.So, since there is obviously little agreement between people about when an egg and sperm become a person with full human rights, the practical question really is whose opinion matters most? The woman's, or the faceless bureaucrat's? emoticonXGood" 0,nfl player shares some good news about his daughter's cancer treatment 1,nasa launches first cordless satellite 0,"hillary clinton to release 2015 tax returns within days, criticizes donald trump" 0,talking to our kids: the conversation we should be having 0,presidential hopefuls ham it up at iowa state fair 1,"If truth makes you uncomfortable, feel free not to respond to me. I will continue to point out hypocrisy , and bigotry. I'll mock anybody who says 'slavery wasn't all that bad' either." 1,family of congressman glad he finally found outlet for his racism 0,traffic courts are driving inequality in california 1,the cyberspace revolution: why are the media ignoring it? 0,this 'alice in wonderland' wedding will take you down the rabbit hole 0,here's a brand new thing you didn't know about 'the office' 1,too late now to switch from checkout line with talkative cashier 1,brooks brothers unveils new line of monogramed cum rags 1,gallup pollster forced to cut off another gop voter's enraged rant in order to get to next call 1,scientific journal releases list of year's top 100 compounds 0,president trump's war on children 0,listen up! my favorite americana discoveries of 2014 1,'what's all this i'm hearing about people getting security clearances?' asks confused mike pompeo to white house staff avoiding eye contact 0,"who urges trump to expand, not repeal, obamacare" 0,And those pillars will be replaced by something stronger like equality and Justice. 0,taylor swift calls out celebrity culture 1,disappointing buffalo wild wings not living up to ridicule 1,first-time voter will always remember day he cast ballot for nick barborak 0,soda taxes create complicated rules 0,a look at transgender sex workers living in china 0,behind every easter is a crucifixion 1,"Yeah, ok, keep up with your ""Creationist"" therory and I'll stick to my much more believable idea of ""Evolution."" Keep your religion out of MY Government!" 1,asshole even shoots pool like an asshole 0,"I know this would be somewhat of a drain on your time but I think it would be helpful if you would make a short post at the end of each post stating how much time the next poster has, what post number this is, how many are left, any comments concerning going outside the rules, etc." 1,husband calls for greater restrictions on pier one imports 0,a response to letters defending the japanese american incarceration in the la times 0,homeland security lifts trump travel ban 0,poll: millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations 1,man wastes no time masturbating while roommate gone for weekend 1,breaking: thriller writer jeffery deaver at top of his game 1,priscilla chan leaves mark zuckerberg for onion social ceo 0,democrats' surrender on torture is nearly complete 0,"So we should just say ""god did it"", and give up?" 0,kfc ads get even weirder with norm macdonald as 'real' col. sanders 0,dem group boosts rep's gop challenger in hopes of splitting primary vote 1,apple recalls thousands of earbuds that unexpectedly bloomed 0,hillary clinton is making big promises to ufo believers 0,huffpollster: most americans support a pathway to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants 1,internet explorer makes desperate overture to become default browser 0,why my anger turned to sadness when i took a closer look at my parents' lives 0,a digital magna carta between two doors 0,"But the big bang did not create matter. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The matter was already there.You might just as easily ask if god was there to create the universe, where did this god come from.Your answer would be that god has always been there, but I would argue that the matter has always been there. The only difference between these theories is that mine has one less assumption." 0,floor pizza and the new mediocrity 0,even americans who favor gun control aren't very optimistic about it 0,here's a preview of what obama will say in the state of the union 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on february 8 0,"at lg forum hosted by h.a.p.a., green and espero target homelessness, lifting people out of poverty" 0,discovering a lost and forgotten early christian 'gospel' 0,bernie sanders' jumpshot is more impressive than his primary win 1,eating enthusiast acquires chocolate eclair 0,man who jumped fence was able to enter the white house 1,ecstatic american indians praise 'the lone ranger' 0,"Nice try. If America was an Ally to Germany during WWII, to this day you wouldn't forgive US Citizens no matter what excuse they have." 0,"virginia is on the verge of giving health coverage to 400,000, but there's a catch" 0,"The likelihood of death in a full-term pregnancy through giving birth is 10 times that of the likelihood as a result of an early-term abortion. Pregnancy and giving birth is dangerous. It is ironic, however, that in the Christian United States, the primary cause of death and injury during pregnancy is due to male violence against the pregnant woman. If American men could be trained not to hate women so much, particularly pregnant women, I don't know what the stats might be." 0,don't blame 'a' but 'pretty little liars' is ending after 7 seasons 1,'vogue' assistant photo editor tasked with airbrushing out all of amy adams' swastika tattoos 0,afro-textured hair: beautiful and magical or nappy heads in need of perminators? 0,listening to nas makes me complicit in misogynoir 1,defiant sarah huckabee sanders claims she doesn't know where voice comes from when she opens mouth 0,"with ebola no longer an international emergency, let's recall how america lost its mind over it" 0,susan rice: i didn't do anything 'untoward' with intelligence 0,justin timberlake wants his son to be inspired by charlottesville's strength 1,report: 250 million americans still need guests on their podcasts this week 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on april 22 0,climate change and children: a call for action 1,woman assures friend she has blackouts from drinking all the time 0,joe biden endorses tom perez for dnc chair 0,police in ferguson let high-profile journalists go while charging regular folks with crimes 0,It doesn't have to be that way because it's the death penalty. It's that way because of our ever deteriorating legal system. 0,"And for the record, i think anyone that tries to take away a women's right to her own body is a sexist and has no respect for human life, or has any concious about the woman at stake here. You care merely about a couple of cells and not about the real humans, nor do you care about society. It seems to me you are only trying to earn yourself brownie points in heavan. I am not influenced by that, im going to have my own opinions, and speak about what i feel is right instead of some christian god telling me what to do." 0,michael douglas denies masturbating in front of a former employee 1,congress puts aside partisan differences for good of military contractors 1,pope francis clarifies that god just one of many immortal beings who speak to him every day 0,And thats factually (and logically incorrect). There are many alternatives virtually an infinitude of them in fact. 1,ryan gosling sneaks past paparazzi in full-body red carpet camouflage 1,"Yes, we should have a speedier route to the needle. If we miss a few, send a few innocent people to their deaths, no harm no foul." 0,orange workout gear that'll legitimately up your gym game 1,area man patiently waiting for humiliating email to cycle off first page 0,the rise and fall of the blackberry: an interview with  jacquie mcnish and sean silcoff 0,r.l. stine releases 'goosebumps' titles his publisher rejected 1,What didn't you learn in that class that we need to teach you? 1,tea party congressman listens to constituent who wears thomas jefferson costume everywhere 1,man realizes he has no interests 1,google employees disappointed 15th anniversary party only has one solar-powered lego drag race reffed by david pogue 0,why being proud of the little things you do will help you in the long run 1,nation sick of looming stuff 0,jake tapper hits back at trump: he's nastier to me and don lemon than he is to putin 1,dr. scholl's introduces line of sexy lace insoles 0,massage therapist sues marvel comics' stan lee for alleged sexual misconduct 1,"mentally ill man not in mood to gun down strangers, but glad to know that option there if needed" 1,"Do you have to have human organs to be considered a person? Who made this rule??? You? What if you get lung removed...are you less of a person? So around 8 weeks though you believe it is in fact a human? " 0,"Let me get this straight. You are going on Plato saying that not beleiving in Zeus, Mars, Apollo, et al. is like a diease in the brain as supporting Christianity?" 0,kate middleton and the debilitating disease that leaves you feeling lost and alone 1,"Hey that cheeseburger is on me,and make sure it has extra rat poison!" 1,man going to restroom deputizes friend to order him another beer 1,supermodel's true beauty comes from outside 0,"I agree it's a threat to us but the point is whether it's really caused by increaing amount of carbon dioxide and how big the threat is.Maybe global warming is just a part of process of global climate change which occured several times long time ago, ie, ice age things like that.As far as I know, global warming is one of the catastrophe which leads to extinction of human beings. However, there might be another problems which are also big threat to us and all creatures on the earth.Anyway, I'm not an expert of environment, so I might be wrong but at least I can say it seems there are some bad effetcts of global warming such as rising sea level, abnormal climate pattern, things like that.We should do something, which might not be appropriate way to solve the problem but it's surely the beginning." 0,new numbers reveal huge disparities in opioid prescribing 0,Sorry to shatter you little world but this is happening it has been happening 25 years and it is happening now and it is completly legal no laws have been broken and yes there is a market for fetal tissue /limbs and bodies.Do some research you will be surprised what you will find. 0,to my grandmother after my father's death 0,"the way we see: this (may 26, 2014)" 0,how real is 'marcomentum'? 1,gap forced to recall pants after man dies eating 37 pairs of corduroys 1,illegal activity moved 32 feet from shore 0,peter dinklage might've spit his gum into wife's mouth before accepting his emmy 0,soap star's pattern of forming unhealthy bonds began in preschool 1,person cropped out of picture clearly buzz lightyear 0,"the key takeaways from the iran deal, according to former state department negotiators" 0,"actually, donald trump told republicans all along how little he respects democracy" 0,prince harry asks brother prince william to be his best man 1,shitty human being blames decreased daylight this time 0,So geology is a religion because we weren't here to see rock X formed? 1,terri schiavo's corpse blown away by hurricane 0,Not afraid of anything... I want them and buy them because I CAN. They all have different uses and history I collect some of them for that reason. 0,feeding the soul as well as the stomach 1,hungover energy secretary wakes up next to solar panel 1,tumor-covered chester cheetah apologizes for role in marketing dangerously cheesy cheetos to children 0,"""Babies"" are a stage reached after birth. If you are talking about abortions, then no babies are involved, anti-choice, histrionic revisionist linguistics none withstanding" 0,this lady gaga parody gives a 'million reasons' why 2016 really sucked 0,"Little boy, you need to do a little study on Nazis. They specialized in death. Unlike pro-life people." 0,californian falls to his death from cliff trying to rescue his dog 0,a conversation with pavel durov 1,narcissist mentally undresses self 0,walmart customer fatally shoots teen accused of stealing diapers 1,Note the word calls! In several! Many! Get it! This was a terror tactic that their very own Police department REFUSED! Well. Until it was all over that is! That is why I asked the hard questions. Is this the kind of protection we hope for when we call our very own police? 0,"JFriday:In fairness, no one, pro or ant-gun can ever use UK stats to support thier argument again. Back in Jan '03 the UK government finally came clean and announced that they had been seriously fu**ing with crime statistics.You can make the argument that the UK state had something to hide with guncontrol and you would probably be right. Reliable information from UK ministries should now be accepted as less than credible." 0,michael bloomberg states support for bloomberg politics after report he's soured on star journalists 1,What difference does it make? Do you only care about frequent killings and choose to ignore isolated incidents? If so doesn't that mean that innocent people dying only interests you when it's in large enough numbers that you can try and exploit them for your own selfish agendas? 0,'sister act' remake proves hollywood needs to stop 1,vcr fast-forwarded with toe 1,It's usually easier to take the immoral path. Stealing's easier than working. Lying's easier than telling the truth. Being a deadbeat parent is easier than being a good parent. The list goes on and on. 1,baby takes political stance 0,"Maybe you'll have to clear up the difference between ""understanding"" and ""knowing."" I know what I think the difference is, but I need to know what you mean when you say ""I understand that there is definitely no god."" Personally, I understand that we have no verification one way or another. All I know is that I don't know one way or the other." 0,the gop establishment has found the one thing that can make donald trump palatable: ted cruz 1,"There you are NATO, you have justified a Final Solution for the ""Mexican problem"". Let me quote you " 0,watch a carnivore make vegans sound like meatheads 1,panicked oyster praying that lump it feels forming only a pearl 0,"the great seafood treats of late summer, part ii: the fish fry" 0,what's in your mailbox? tips on what to do when uncle sam comes knocking 0,did melania trump really 'like' my tweet about her marriage? 0,gop senators who have condemned trump's attacks against the khans have one thing in common 1,girlfriend loves spending 'alone time' with you 0,8 surprising memory boosters 1," What say you, Archie? Are you going to put any meaning into your accusations, or will you chicken out because you know that I'm right and that you're full of balderdash?" 0,"Why conception? When a mature ovum leaves the ovary, it has every potential of turning into a human being. How dare I stand idly by while that potential life is wasted, unfertilized? No; clearly, it is my duty to try to reach that ovum with my seed. God said to be fruitful and multiply, so I am just following God's will." 0,what i understood about a father-daughter relationship only after my father passed away 0,carrie fisher remembered as fans celebrate 'star wars day' 0,So you are saying that the democrats have no choice but to inaugarate Brown and let him stop the bill? You suggest that whatever option they pick will be political suicide. 0,trans woman covers women's running body issue 0,"There is a point, however, that the fetal lung is not mature enough to survive outside the womb even with mechanical assistance. So, unless our technology will be pretty radically different in the future, it isn't about getting it out, it's about it not surviving when it is out." 1,"Wow, you're good. It took me 40 years to figure that one out." 0,why happy hours may soon replace early bird specials 0,negro week at the 1939–1940 new york world's fair 0,"dear dads, thank you for who you are" 1,police officer wouldn't have killed black man if he knew everyone would make such a big fuss about it 1,"study: online content creators outnumber consumers 2,000 to 1" 0,south carolina gov. nikki haley to endorse marco rubio 0,And so does the Catholic Church.........They accept the homosexual but still condemn the homosexual act as they would any other sin....... 1,marauding gay hordes drag thousands of helpless citizens from marriages after obama drops defense of marriage act 1,majority of americans voice support for bernie sanders after learning he's a millionaire 1,johnson & johnson introduces new leave-in q-tips 1,single-engine cessna crashes into bush 1,pope-killing virus claims yet another victim 0,an engineering student working to improve his community 1,trio of cutups attempts to hide horse from landlord 0,"And what did I say? I quoted the title of the video, said ""Enjoy"" and labeled the link ""link"" So how is saying ""enjoy"" and ""link"" which were MY words mockery? The only thing that suggests otherwise is the VIDEO's Title, which I did not create." 1,"steve allen: gone, forgotten" 1,saudi prince visits injured yemeni child in hospital to finish the job 0,dog the bounty hunter joins lawsuit against chris christie over bail reform 0,"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation, he deserves to be filibustered into the ground. For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked, answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people." 0,true north at southwest airlines 1,pathetic 4-year-old needs father to stand on merry-go-round platform for entire ride 1,blood-sucking lamprey forced to make awkward small talk with fish it's hooked onto 1,"They could not avoid showering with them without seperate showering facilitiesemoticonXIdea According to your logic if women object to men showering with them they must be paranoid men haters!....I like the way you think;)" 0,facebook plans to hand over russia-linked ads to congress 0,"Well, first, I did say ""The fact that you and I cannot understand this doesn't make it impossible."" Secondly, how is no god possible? Third, a person being 100% something and 100% something else isn't entirely impossible. There are people all over the world who change from 100% idiotic to 100% non-idiotic all the time. Lastly, there are many things we don't understand... so what's your point in restating what I said? " 1,The leftie trolls are acting to character. The cant refute the content so they attack the source..yawn 1,list of names on gchat sidebar like a portal into area man's past lives 0,teenage pro surfer reportedly killed catching hurricane irma's waves in barbados 0,gap years: are they effective for students? 1,"My goodness, Tabbi. That was certainly a quick response. Do you live in here? Don't you have a life outside of these precincts?" 0,'a letter to my granddaughters' 1,area man gets in one last night of sex before breakup 0,how we're using existing technology to save vets' and service members' lives (and how you can help) 0,the seductive illusion of power 0,"But the point you miss is that a caterpillar is NOT a butterfly; a puppy is NOT a full grown dog; a ZYGOTE and a FETUS are NOT children. These entities have not YET grown or developed or changed into those other entities." 0,"Actually, that's what they call most of the people that come in to contact with me." 0,why we won't be participating in black friday 0,We don't live on carbon dioxide. We live from the energy stored in carbon compounds when we break them down. 1,secretary of transportation worried he's not living up to legacy of claude s. brinegar 1,curiosity rover finds 5 bucks on mars 0,"What do you mean by this? Could we not have the law treat under-18 capital offenders on an individual basis, determining whether the individual offenders in the individual cases were sufficiently developed?Also, what would you say to the response that our current law provides that juveniles are sufficiently developed enough to have the responsibility, without parental involvement, to decide whether to obtain an abortion? Is it not a conflict to say juveniles should not be eligible for the death penalty because they are not morally developed enough, but at the same time say juveniles are morally developed enough to decide whether to obtain an abortion without involving their parents?" 0,"oh yeahrubbish rubbish,scientifically speaking, human life (using a most bsic term) begins at conception. the twins exist as two seperate entities the moment each contains the individual human dna. seems to me you better be certain when it begins before you go around ending it. if you are driving at night an you ""think"" you might see a person ahead in the middle of the road you are hopefully not gonna drive over that person. Instead that uncertainty should lead you to stop. If you dont like that example, consider a hunter who is unsure what is in the bushes." 1,area man eats breakfast for dinner in desperate attempt to reinvent his life 0,"americans expect government officials to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, poll shows" 0,5 crazy things about monday night's historic kansas-oklahoma game 0,review: new apple tv is bursting with potential 0,rhea maceris' gps guide on feeling empowered 0,scott walker is missing! 0,stephen colbert urges his viewers to go watch jimmy kimmel 1,"I don't know about you..but being shot in the back is more human than being taken apart piece by piece. If I recall correctly, Chinese inmates sentenced to death are executed this way to minimize the pain." 0,"Kent Hovind is a slimy, uneducated, hack. His only education past high school is a degree from an unaccredited bible school. He is also a liar, since I just can't believe that anyone could be so stupid to say some of the things that he does. Of course, there are other people that are so stupid that they actually believe him." 0,powerball ticket sold with all winning numbers in $421 million jackpot 0,trump administration paves way for states to force medicaid recipients to work 1,individuals unaware they constitute area man's support network 0,knight news challenge gives $3.2m to 22 ideas to inform the public and increase voting 1,phone lifted up by headphone cord like prize fish 0,regulator warns banks they can't use new chat system to hide information 0,7 reasons we love matt bomer 1,sources: nfl knew what evil lurking within heart of man 0,how to eliminate procrastination (the surprising strategy one man used) 0,a piece of paper is controlling my students' lives 0,"We already accept that it is. You don't have to convince us. However, consider what this does to your argument that natural selection is random." 1,area dad suspicious of car parked across street 0,cargo ships in california slow down to protect blue whales 1,"Dude, you only figured that out now? I'm disappointed in you. just joking. Everything he states has a hidden agenda." 1,laura ingraham claims protesting parkland students don't have enough gun knowledge to criticize nicholas cruz 1,bird has big plans for cage 1,satan refuses to accept any more catholic priests in hell 1,area man relieved friend's short story sucks 0,"dutch heath authorities to kill 8,000 ducks to prevent bird flu" 0,megyn kelly on donald trump: 'i have done my level best to not make this story about me' 0,ice cube takes down donald trump in 1 devastating tweet 1,report finds drug tunnels most intact transport infrastructure in u.s. 0,james comey just exposed his own hypocrisy on hillary clinton's emails 1,man forgets he has infant strapped to back 0,avoid these 5 common race day mistakes 1,pence relaxes onstage by imagining entire debate audience burning in hell 1,postmodern architect unveils 7-story found-art object 1,Of course anyone can cite exceptions.....did you see the baby? Probably not.......As long as the mother is OK the baby does not count....... emoticonXRolleyes 0,the overselling of ed tech 0,the story of how pumpkin spice lattes almost never happened 1,jury finds defendant pretty 1,trump boys attempting to tunnel from south lawn to fbi headquarters to free paul manafort from custody 1,new facebook feature allows user to cancel account 0,all the 'sleepy hollow' season 2 intel you can handle 1,man tentatively takes shot at bad-mouthing girlfriend's family for first time 0,"news roundup for september 22, 2017" 0,ben & jerry's releases 'cake my day' as its newest flavor 1,'aha!' shouts devin nunes pulling back shower curtain in hopes of revealing hidden fbi agent 0,watch: shep smith's chilling description of new isis video 0,woman duct-tapes her dog's mouth and brags about it 1,tea party congressman calls for tax breaks to put out raging wildfire in district 0,we might be all wrong about robots taking our jobs 0,it took me 30 years to come to terms with half of my identity 1,"Because the NY Times, CNN, ABC, Dan Rather, and Handgun Control are all atheist-lead and anti-Christianity. Yeah." 1,Really??? Maybe you should do a little research before you make sweeping statements like that. -- 1,man cruises by william h. macy's website to check out the latest news 0,chuck todd's warning to gop 0,i'm the same person - being gay and loving god 1,mild-mannered reporter suddenly transforms into incredible unemployed man 0,"Your view of choice is your belief. I don't ""believe"" that a pregnant woman or anyone else should be able to choose for the child. That child does not have a choice. Choosing to kill someone is a choice, but it is not a choice that should be legal. Therefore, you are forcing your view of ""choice"" on me by making abortion (murder) illegal." 0,sunday roundup 0,huffpost hill - 'rand paul tongue guy' now a thing 0,banking saves health care 0,cnn's ana navarro says michelle wolf's critics are acting like 'snowflakes' 0,Actually they do. Whether or not you think they should is another matter entirely. Did you not notice where the article came from? From a paper in India. I also found articles on the same subject from papers all over the country as well as in other countries such as Romania. Save your snobbery for someone else. 1,"Are you going to go and urinate on his grave as well? My! My! What hatred and vitriol! What does it feel like to have so black a heart?" 1,doctors no closer to cure for old-person smell 0,"how to make a sex playlist that isn't corny as hell, according to djs" 1,"No, I write things on my hand all the time. ""Pay x bill"". It isn't frightening that when asked what bills I have to pay that I have to look at my hand. It is a good technique to remember key points much just having note cards or a teleprompter. The fact that this is even thread on this forum just shows you have petty the public has become. No wonder Daewoo refuses to post here anymore. Thanks a lot!" 1,john goodman's mouth obviously full during dunkin' donuts voice-over 0,has d-day arrived for cuba? 0,how apps can cause us to take fewer risks in the game of life 0,the soul-crushing reality of the stay-at-home dad 1,bats shooed out of nation's waterslide tunnels in preparation for summer 1,"If I had said that, I would have been wrong. But the fact is that I didn't say that. You seem to have a problem in undertanding English. Let me help. Here is what I said: " 1,man returning from vacation settles on single concise anecdote he'll tell everyone who asks 0,"Actually, as long as any group is not breaking laws, their ownership of guns is legal. The KKK can even own guns as long as the KKK is abiding by the law. I noticed Brady refered to the KKK as a mob, I get the picture Brady thinks that if gun owners gather for whatever the reason, that we are mobs as well, but when his side gathers they are an organization. And no Brady, I dont belong to or associate with hate groups." 0,my lovely wife in the psych ward 1,zogby poll: john zogby coolest dude in america 1,rwandan refugees angered over lack of aol access 0,"how women are changing the world, shown in gorgeous illustrations" 1,"Well then, using just the Bible, what is the value of pi to the third decimal point?" 0,artist's 'trumpbeast' is a chilling portrait of the current administration 0,"If that were true, why are there millions of miscarriages each year? I don't believe a word of it." 1,new after-school program aims to keep children off streets for additional 45 minutes 1,nuclear-bomb instructions found in pentagon 0,how to get the love that you 'deserve' in marriage 0,"'beetlejuice' sequel is not a go, according to tim burton's rep (updated)" 1,"new monster energy defibrillator touts 1,200 volts delivered straight to heart" 1,"hotel bar really hopping tonight, says hotel bartender" 1,crane operator likes to start day with a quick 360 1,"It is supported, I have shown that it is true. Your only argument is to claim that organisations that perpetrate genocide don't agree that it is genocide. Wow what an argument you have. " 1,"In that case a man in a coma is not a person then, is he?" 0,"journalists attend private koch brothers gathering, but agree not to name donors" 1,merle haggard haggard 0,"donald trump is unqualified to be president, majority of american voters say" 1,taylor swift now dating suri cruise 1,So you are saying that we determine our DNA? Do you actually think before typing? 0,this iphone x unveiling parody doesn't pull any punches 1,number of acceptable things candidates can say now down to four 1,colorful multicultural mural celebrates diverse lack of talent 0,"Really? What a surprise! So tell me. If you don't know what it is or how it works, how do you know that you are opposed to it?" 0,hillary clinton and bernie sanders vie for california's support 1,astronomers discover previously unknown cluster of nothingness in deep space 1,report: still a few seconds left where plane low enough to crash with everyone surviving 1,There may be many among you who do not recognize the fallacy of lesz's claim. I expect parroted snidery from the group until you all learn more. 1,"Yeah, I'll get out of the kitchen, but like you maybe I should come back under another name? Huh, Jason?" 0,Really? Show me that by quoting where the article says it. 1,post-modern condition upgraded to pre-apocalyptic 0,"there's a new meghan markle wax figure, and it's actually a great likeness" 0,the secret to successful co-parenting over the holidays 1,miracle paycheck lasts for 7 whole days 0,chris christie's professed priorities 0,tucker carlson's bizarre rant over lauren duca 0,angelique kerber defeats serena williams in australian open 1,self-conscious puppet has no idea what to do with hands 1,nation could probably draw john boehner from memory at this point 0,climate change may melt the glaciers from glacier national park 0,sacred sites 0,what not to do during an interview 0,apple will probably introduce a new iphone sept. 9 1,by this stupidity a KKK mob with guns is a militia! 1,"recently discovered 13,000-year-old footprints reveal humans danced the charleston earlier than first thought" 1,friend's grandma to give you hug too 0,"amy schumer is jennifer lawrence's friend, but she doesn't like taking photos with her" 0,a safe birth for imelda 1,nasa now almost positive mars is rocky 0,yet another donald trump pick has a habit of spreading dangerous conspiracy theories 1,"Confucius, that is one of the biggest puddles of sentimental puppy dribble that has ever been manufactured." 0,gop sen. jeff flake comes out and says it: 'my party might not deserve to lead' 0,the parental blame game 1,report: nuclear arsenal will go bad unless used by 2000 1,area woman can't bring herself to pardon store's appearance 1,"Quoted for truth. Your selected style actually offers effective real world application. Kung Fu is dance. TKD and Karate have faired poorly in MMA. Muay Thai and BJJ seem to be popular these days for good reason. Are we having fun yet?" 1,gay comptroller tired of being referred to as 'that gay comptroller' 0,this new federal law will change foster care as we know it 1,"I am quite tempted to list my religious affiliation as Zardoz in the upcoming census. Out of curiousity Z: How many followers do you need to become tax exempt and what percentage of the proceeds will you pass on to your subjects. Also, which one of us will be closest to you in the ever after?" 1,bruce springsteen on fence about playing assad's birthday gig 0,"trump: rescind obama's transgender directives, but 'protect everybody'" 1,kerry's face droops with joy over latest polls 0,mark twain gave good advice about the dangers of good advice 1,You mean like how you suck any rationale thought or discourse from a debate topic? Talk about ABORTING. 1,report: most couples met on set of 'daredevil' 1,alcohol only thing making operating heavy machinery bearable 0,why should you feel threatened by the greeting card industry? 0,11 doodles to help you hang in there after heartbreak 1,mom wants to know if you'll be free if she visits 14 months from now 0,top climate change doubter didn't mention that oil companies were paying him 1,Do you have to work at becoming so scientifically illiterate? What ever happened to the creationist chant about evolution being a product of pure chance? You seem to chant all of the other creationist tripe. 0,Well then it sounds like you don't even know what a SM is seeing as the 3rd one is the main one that people like you bring up when debating this isse. 1,neil gorsuch vows to interpret constitution using scalia's original intent 0,let this daft captain convince you to take a boat instead of a plane 0,"dare to be 100: yes, virginia, wherever" 0,watch live: the solutions summit at un headquarters 0,people are freaking out over chris pine's hilariously weird lookalike 1,waiter seriously needs his apps 1,"man pours all his culinary talents into inserting, removing pizza from oven" 0,"** Silly thinking. Evolution is a natural phenomenon that requires explanation; it explains nothing, it simply is what it is, i.e., a plain fact of life. It is an effect, not a cause, and except among some darwinian true-believers, effects are never their own causes. In this particular instance certain organisms we call eubacteria have evolved inter- and intra-cellular communication systems--a phenomenon not found in, say, grains of sand or salt or the various molecules, atoms, quarks and other 'things' that 'bits of stuff' can be reduced to by materialist/mechanist darwinists. ** Forgive me, but I'm the one laughing now!! That you find this behaviour non-indicative of intelligence only points to a certain lacune on your part as far as that quality is concerned. ** Sorry, just can't stop laughing. Foolish words do that to me every time." 0,'new hampshire' episode 3: how the heroin crisis is bleeding into the primary 1,unpatriotic man does not maintain erection during national anthem 1,"How refreshing. Sadly for you and like-minded ""patriots"", you cannot tell citizens where they ""should go"", except figuratively." 1,dunkin' donuts introduces new girl scout-flavored coffee 1,world populace actually fine with rich people dying on mount everest 0,"missing puppy headed back to worried owners after 2,400-mile road trip" 0,The article said very little about his observations and almost nothing about his methods. 1,report: it would probably be nice having friends 1,"church, state joyfully reunite after 230-year trial separation" 1,smooth transaction at dmv exaggerated into story anyway 0,the dangerous belief that extreme technology will fix climate change 0,you need to watch this toddler reenact 'the fresh prince of bel-air' intro 0,the importance of celebrating the little wins 1,bored assistant principal browses through confiscated items 0,a christmas miracle 1,earth explodes 0,"charity for homeless returns martin shkreli's $15,000 donation" 1,I feel a No True Scotsman coming on. Should I even bother to mention Hovind? 0,tv is finally catching up with real single women 0,an american beauty brand just released a line of nail polish for muslim women 1,proposed law would require mothers to look at pictures of congressmen she disappointing before having abortion 0,"Actually, you have slipped into talking Bible here and seem to be refering to the miracle of Lazarus." 1,pope's renal system proves fallible 1,pushy hermit crab girlfriend wants to move in 0,"besides pain, there is a plethora of experiences that take place in a person's mind that cannot be yet detected by science. imagination, taste, dreams, art appreciation, etc. even though these things are real, they cannot be quantitatively described in physical terms, so they cannot be treated by science" 1,Here we go again with the name calling..............See what I mean wonder the gay movement is losing traction in this country........ 0,"While the current cannon was 'accepted' by the late second century, there were numerous other 'gospels' that existed by then, and were eliminated at the 4th century time frame. Most of those copies were destroyed, but some have been unearthed." 1,campaign adviser recommends throwing old blanket over romney for debates 1,leftover bugles still stuck to trump's fingers during bill signing 0,the gun doesn't have to go off for it to be a hate crime 1,"'people are inherently good,' world halfheartedly mutters" 0,"Well right there, you used an oxymoron, ""Great"" and ""Evangelist"" got together about as well as Military Inteligence. Secondly, as I stated left too many other questions unanswered about the ""Preacher.""" 1,I'm not going to waste my time on someone lining up to be a perennial pit dweller. 0,trainers share the worst fitness advice they've ever heard 0,If you can't eliminate demand you could try to limit supply and control access to that supply. 1,man finally able to forgive self for terrible mistake he made 2 seconds ago 0,what actually happens when gay guys see other gay guys and straight people aren't around 0,my guilty pleasures: nfl football and world war ii 1,georgia election worker assures black man ballot scanner supposed to sound like shredder 1,arby's regional manager's work done here 0,the pope and the politics of hope 1,proud species commits suicide rather than be driven to extinction by humans 0,"So please, feel free to leave this thread to those who DO wish to discuss the issue. No one is forcing you to discuss the topic of this or any other thread. I notice you evidently are not interested in ""Understanding ""Sexual Prejudice"""" That is absolutely fine with me.Or are you now opposed to ""Freedom of Speech"" also?" 1,nasa says presence of diving board on mars confirms planet may have once contained water 1,celebrity killed in mid-air 747 collision 0,I think our culture is going to play a big role in this as well. I think that is where the majority of this problem lies. 0,gop prays for ossoff lossoff 0,8 clever packed lunch hacks we stole from kids 0,this pic proves simone biles is a mere mortal after all 1,area panties in a bunch 1,"child baffled by stationary, non-violent images" 0,at least 800 migrants attempt to cross into spain from morocco 0,I dunno... we already have enough fundies thinking that the Big Bang is part of evolution... 0,"sorry baseball fans, but vin scully will miss the mlb postseason" 0,preventing 'madmen' from getting their hands on nuclear material 0,bernie sanders tells donald trump: stop talking about bill clinton's sex life 0,the snowflake's guide to staying sane in the age of you know who 0,peanut exec faces life sentence for shipping tainted peanut butter 1,pet gerbil has been absolutely crushing it lately 0,9 excellent reads for labor day weekend 0,That's right. It merely has the capacity to make errors which sometimes slightly improves function in a particular environment. And those tend to accumulate over time. 0,"Our emphasis on Police and crime fighting reduced crime. Not gun control! Our murder rate is largely an Inner City drug and drug gang related problem. Fix that and then you will finally be doing something!" 0,the bachelorette's 'whaboom' guy was the actual worst 1,jeeves asked about genital warts 0,lack of progress on nato may turn georgia towards russia 1,beekeeper slowly becoming bee hoarder 0,sh*t talk: everything you need to know about pooping at the office 0,"thomas pogge has 'done damage' to yale philosophy department, colleague says" 1,troubling report finds millions of americans forced to make ends meet by getting up and going to work every day 0,two non-binary college activists on creating space for themselves on campus 0,"Because when someone attacks the pregnant woman, she doesn't have a choice whether the fetus dies. When she has an abortion, it is her choice. A woman should be able to choose whether or not she remains pregnant." 0,"britain grants refugee status to ex-president of maldives, lawyer says" 1,family has extremely lax standards for who gets to be called aunt 1,concerts held to wish world's poor good luck 0,virgin galactic is helping develop a new supersonic commercial airplane 0,charlize theron makes a villain out of vin diesel in this 'fate of the furious' clip 0,"My life was a gift from my parents, no more, no less. When i look in the mirror, i do not see an embryo. If someone gives you something, they have every right to take it away if they feel you are not suited to handle it, or if they had second thoughts. I would think this was ok if the baby was stopped in an earlier stage, but once its in its third trimester, you have no right to kill it." 1,"Waxy: Why are you standing by saying nothing while one of your own is continuing to show how ignorant he is by asserting Isochron was not used at KBS Tuff ? Ray M." 1,courageous heterosexual has never donated blood to red cross in solidarity with gay men 1,Well then the courts must be insane. Because I'm sure there are some gun control laws that they're struck down due to their ineffectiveness. 1,mike pence visits small town hit hard by kids seeing r-rated movies 0,'jessica jones' uses superheroes to expose the terror of domestic abuse 0,tower of human skulls casts new light on aztecs 1,man getting futon all dolled up for craigslist photo shoot 1,texas sheriff cracks down on chicken-on-chicken violence 1,ceo's funeral a networking dream 1,student fills in new essay portion of sat with all c's 0,"immigrant mother receives pardon for minor driving conviction, but still could be deported" 0,darren wilson and vegan mom 0,"artist transforms gallery into a basketball court, all in the name of 'space jam'" 1,uber hires marketing firm to help decrease brand awareness 0,draftkings and fanduel skip out on congressional hearing into daily fantasy sports 0,everything you need to know before watching the 'stranger things' season 2 premiere 1,mar-a-lago assistant manager wondering if anyone coming to collect nuclear briefcase from lost and found 1,news van driver sick of helping anchors move 0,When the needs of the two are in conflict this is unavoidable. 0,saddle up! 'westworld' is renewed for season 2 0,doj is monitoring investigation into fatal police shooting of philando castile 0,eagles of death metal singer does groveling 180 on 'pathetic' parkland survivors 1,"...but it's consentual! Why do you and your Victorian sisters keep barging in and spoiling the fun? Everytime we get close to exchanging precious bodily fluids, YOU and your posse show up and spoil the moment. Are you afraid of how our offspring might look? Don't you realize we can always have an abortion? Please, let me finish...emoticonXHoho" 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on april 20 0,how bush was blindsided by trump 1,trump makes light-hearted jokes with dead bodies of hurricane victims during visit to carolinas 1,"mother given gift basket of soaps, bubble bath hopefully takes hint that she smells like shit" 1,nation fondly recalls when just regulating video games seemed like solution to gun violence 0,plane diverted after ebola virus reclines in seat 1,"You put such confidence in articles written by partisan plebes, using unsupported, irrelevant links to make the printed text pseudo-intelligent. I cannot imagine you holding your own in a serious debate." 0,"Oh dear, you're back to your nasty ad hominem self. I could have made fun of the fact that you don't know about materialism, and how its a major force behind evolution. Which is itself a suggestion that you are unaware of the socio-political forces driving western evolutionary theory.**The issue is about people behind sciences, making many different 'sciences'; based on bias, cultural/political/historical. 'Peer' doesn't mean anything because 'peers' are just people with the same background/bias etc.I notice you didn't touch upon Nationalist Sciences. Or for that matter, Capitalist Science.*You mean 'understanding' written English.**I say 'western' because there are other evolutionary theories - Marxist, Nazi, Feminist etc.Thank you, come again." 1,owner admits fantasy team in rebuilding year 1,sex life embellished during doctor visit 1,man who stood and watched robbery acted on pure instinct 1,god admits he never created gerbils 1,new study finds earth's core will be most habitable part of planet by 2060 1,entire conversation with parents spent changing the subject 1,chris brown's agent suggests suicide could be great career move 0,the tools my father gave me 1,"So let me make sure I have it right, in order to be a family-man/Catholic, I must be anti-abortion and against the rights of homosexuals. Is this what makes a good family-man/Catholic; denying the rights of those who are different from what is considered by some to be ""normal"", and telling others what to do with their body?" 0,ryan seacrest will work red carpet at oscars despite sexual misconduct claims 1,federal judge pencils blocking trump's unconstitutional executive orders into monthly schedule 0,woman plunges 6 feet down open new jersey cellar 1,vacationing secretary of homeland security asks neighbor to keep eye on nation over weekend 0,interview: director david dobkin on the judge 0,5 bittersweet truths that put life into perspective 1,man has no idea what to do with visiting friend between meals 0,this guy used augmented reality to recreate 'the ring' in real life 1,campbell's unveils one big can-sized noodle 0,the changing holiday shopping landscape 1,nation satisfied as selena gomez completes transition into sexualized plaything 0,"Yes, I believe there will be a lot more to come (as you said, just look at the ""hobbits"" that were recently discovered). I love this sort of look into the migrations of everyone over the last 160,000 years or so." 0,forgiveness for mother and child 1,governor approves 24-hour waiting period for women voters 0,So what? The fact remains that Britain is still four times as dangerous as America in terms in crime rates. Or are you arguing that their crime level is acceptable and that you're alright with so many more people being a helpless victim unable to do anything? 1,lack of media interest makes genocide cover-up unnecessary 0,amy schumer hints she will push to reduce gun violence 1,houston residents begin surveying damage of 200 years of unchecked worldwide industrialization 1,area man up for anything except being the one who makes the decision 0,bernie sanders shows how reagan destroyed the middle class 1,french teacher forces student to inform her of bathroom fire in french 0,report: kerry warns israel could become 'apartheid state' 1,Come back when you learn the difference between climate and weather. 1,unclear if fountain is the type you're allowed to run around in 1,ancient melanesian masks thundered past to get to star wars exhibit 0,"I don't believe Hell is a place either (or even if I believe in hell to begin with), but tell me more about what you mean by this. It sounds interesting." 0,frat guide includes freshman hotness scale to 'get you guys laid' 0,"If that is a human being, then is my kidney a human being too?" 0,the obama administration cracks down on payday lenders 1,"hillary clinton reveals zero in non-candid, tell-nothing interview" 1,frantic john kerry looks on as teresa slowly lowered into kim jong-un's electric eel tank 1,30th anniversary of 1973 commemorated 0,deadly clashes erupt as venezuela holds widely boycotted election 1,federal prison system retires mcveigh's number 0,why this nun says you don't have the same soul you were born with 0,here's your chance to score never ending pasta at olive garden 0,"schock is scrutinized around the country, but especially in his home district" 0,international operators of equity crowdfunding sites beware -- the sec may come after you 1,advisors hopeful jeb bush finally has momentum to end campaign 1,police say conditions too nippy to rescue missing hiker 1,excited mike pence assures john mccain he has his 'last rites' kit ready to go just in case 0,50 photos from 2017 that show the power of women's rage 1,"French like turkeys even the yanks eat turkeys. What has a turkey got to do with the French voting No! By the way, why do you spell turkey with a capital T?" 1,military recruiter fondly recalls when he was just a naïve kid being coaxed into making binding 8-year commitment to fill quota 1,little tobacco hit with $3.5 hundred lawsuit 1,I'd argue that the woman wants to control who lives or dies. That's scarier to me. emoticonXRolleyes 1,harrison ford begs agents to just let him die now 1,sound technicians resort to hanging donald sutherland upside down in empty stairwell to get optimal voice-over tone 0,demi lovato and wilmer valderrama decide to give their hearts a break 1,boardwalk con men hit hard by sharp decrease in chumps 0,climate change is taking a toll on farmers' mental health 0,"So given that there are cases where both dies... we just have to give up the mother's right to live over a fetus (which will die)? What if the mother isn't physically ready to have a baby. In the case of a young female (I'm talking age of 9 and younger, cause there are cases of young kids having their periods) being raped, doesn't she a ""baby"" (and I say baby, because she is still at an age where a parent would consider her their youngin)... have the right to live? For me, if I knew my child was raped and is in no way ready for a child of her own, physically or mentally... I would rather her not risk her life to try and bring that fetus into the world.Abortion should be pro-choice." 0,"Well, it does say on the site ""Any concealed handgun permit holders who are eventually acquitted of their alleged crimes are not included in the tallies maintained on the site although the facts surrounding the shooting are detailed.""So if you go to their pdf file you can still find out details about the very few cases that were acquitted or dismissed:" 0,are you selfish or self-responsible? 1,new study recommends insects spend at least 30 minutes skittering per day 1,biden opts out of putting last few felonies on job application 1,u.s. upset after aliens land in italy 1,jason statham beats wedding planner to death in new romantic comedy 1,"Strange, I thought it was supposed to be a global flood that wiped out all of man except the chosen few. That would be 'involving Australia' one assumes." 1,"Fetal genocide, enjoy it while you can. emoticonXKill I guess some of us just don't share your spin. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,"bush, loafers thrown at him reunite on nbc for 10-year anniversary special" 1,description of hot-dog ingredients fails to ruin picnic 0,an eye-opening look at school playgrounds around the world 0,beautiful boozy cadbury creme egg milkshakes! 0,agents of change: 5 inspiring men worthy of your attention right now 1,great barrier reef offers scuba divers chance to see beautiful diversity of ocean death 0,hillary clinton shows support for anti-muslim ban protesters 0,i'm finally ok with letting myself be 'uncomfortable' 1,tokyo portal outage delays millions of japanese warp commuters 0,central london panics over reports of shots fired 1,last thing government worker needed was agency labeling him 'nonessential' 1,report: majority of instances of people getting lives back on track occur immediately after visit to buffalo wild wings 1,friend who listened to podcast on watergate bursts into conversation with guns fucking blazing 0,a nobel prize for sustainable fashion 0,why we sabotage our relationships 0,the world's largest lottery has just drawn its winners 0,congress may actually do something on criminal justice reform 0,in memoriam: robin thicke's career 1,trump pours himself glass of chocolate syrup on rocks to unwind after stressful day 1,"Yes, well thats usually the way it works. Kinda hard to enslave everybody when they are packing heat." 0,get ready to lol at this 'force awakens' trailer with jar jar binks 1,whitewater rafting trip in which friend drowned still pretty fun 0,these vintage coloring books were around before adult coloring was cool 0,chita rivera to young performers: learn how to sing and dance 0,in search of the sea gypsies (photos) 1,millions across country celebrate 'make a kid at work' day 0,mind-boggling optical illusion will make you think you can't see straight 0,tracy morgan forgives the truck driver who almost killed him 1,"Clue: It's there in your own sentence. Five letters, beginning and ending with ""S"". If you need further interpretive assistance, don't bother with Sarge, she's waiting for an original thought." 0,the crawleys are back: why the world loves downton abbey 1,congress continues debate over whether or not nation should be economically ruined 0,"As proved above by definition of reason above, it all depends on what premise or starting assumption you have as to what conclusion you will reason out. You are correct that faith does not neccessary require evidence. But there is usually always evidence to support the validity of a particular faith, in this case Christianity." 1,rescuers heroically help beached garbage back into ocean 0,shredding the fourth amendment in post-constitutional america 0,is 'russiagate' collapsing as a political strategy? 1,yin making inroads on yang 1,new tandem mobility scooter released 0,donald trump is terrible news for our food system 1,man always gets little rush out of telling people john lennon beat wife 1,rupert murdoch acquires cable 1,obama begins state of the union by asking congress to imagine newt gingrich standing before them 1,burned-out coffee-shop employee just lets paul simon play for fifth time 0,trump says muslim judges also might not be fair to him 0,betsy devos chooses to spotlight a problematic charter school founded by pitbull 1,But you are. You can't just claim someone is not a person and therefore say you are not imposing beliefs on them. If this were the case then I'd just say you aren't a person and therefore when I hurt you it wouldn't be wrong. 1,"just a stay-in-bed kind of day, fire department declares" 1,"paul giamatti cuts back on acting to focus on signature line of shapeless khakis, rumpled polos" 1,clinton goes on fun plane ride 0,worse than watergate: trump's constitutional crisis 1,Most of the laws of the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia are aimed at rendering the citizens into prey. You can't point to many that don't. Self defense is not allowed there I am afraid. 1,delusional man somehow thinks he's going to get oscar nomination 1,grandfather's place at dinner table marked by pills 1,styrofoam clamshell hiding exquisite pearl of pulled pork sandwich 1,football fan wears off-season body paint 0,chrissy teigen slams idea she's promoting eating disorders with doritos licking 1,new clinton memoir: 'we all made mistakes but you made most of them' 1,$50 million worth of diamonds stolen in average day in brussels 0,medical marijuana patients can't bring up drug's medical use in federal trial 0,ted cruz probably can't save the gop establishment from donald trump 1,americans demand their voices be heard and also some kind of dessert you get after breakfast 1,road sign over-explains highway's dangers 0,merkel: isis poses major risk to europe 1,family not appreciably enriched by trip to mount rushmore 0,"Hence why this forum is essentially a joke. Without PRATTs, creationists have nothing. Go to the link in my signature for a place that cracks down on PRATTs." 1,christmas letter ominously makes no mention of the twins 0,"the blog is just the link for the article....geez, get a grip." 0,"I think often abortion is wrong but I do not agree with criminalizing it. Primarily the reasons that are used to justify criminilzation are hugely fallacious and secondarily because it won't do a thing that is positive. A woman who is determined to end her pregancy - will. Criminalization will simply make it extremely dangerous. I am responsible, have even had my tubes tied, but if I were to become pregnant and that pregnancy were the result of rape or a threat to my health or livlihood I would end it - and I will not be checking the law books first. Every woman has her line in the sand - abortion will go on regardless of its legal standing. There are a miriad of reasons seek abortion - comdemning those reasons does nothing (i.e. calling them selfish) - addressing them could help. The reasons are valid." 0,"Except in the Dred Scott case the court wasn't trying to determine whether slavery was a collective or individual right, or what the constitution applied to in regard to slavery." 0,"Well I ####,moan,and bitch about it to and I know I can't prove anything,but do'nt logic say an AK47 ASSAULT RIFLE not semi auto but the real deal is going to cost hundreds less south of their border,Know doubt the same for an M16.Also you don't have to worry about smuggling them in as much if at all.Besides it getting harder all the time to get your ASSAULT RIFLES(you know the full auto type)not to mention hand grenades and rpgs at your corner gun shop anymore.Oh yeah less not forget the gun shows,and all there loop holes. Jus a thought." 1,woman with furrowed brow on airplane carefully studies article about which actress wore dress better 0,"outside groups kick into high gear post-primary in georgia, south carolina" 1,"Where is the evidence for an American-style ""culture of fear"" in India? An op-ed from a Detroit-based member of a rightwing thinktank shouting that they need guns, just doesn't cut it." 0,world's richest lose $194 billion in first trading week of 2016 0,"I argue against them with regards to whatever argument they muster. Do we have any of those on this message board? Because from what I can see, it's primarily the ""religious"" argument counter..." 0,"three months of fighting in libya's benghazi kills 600, say medics" 0,twitter applauds trump's demands for 'law and order' 0,new taliban chief calls for unity amid leadership struggle 1,mexico announces plans to refry over 700 million beans 0,"What a condescending attitude you have. In case you haven't noticed, you are a very small part of the human race that you smuggly hold in contempt. (Thankfully small!) Your mission should be to improve it, not to stand back and claim you are better than everybody else, as you seem to do.Killing innocent people of any age is wrong. Children are no exception, they are just the epitomy of innocence.The ""pretty sick"" applies to your own deluded thoughts.Rest assured, I will not mourn your death or the deaths of any of those you may have taught your insane values. You are emoticonXCensored !" 1,jeff bezos assures amazon employees that hr working 100 hours a week to address their complaints 1,Hey don't insult Olberman... he looks good on the tube emoticonXGood lol.... 1,undecided debate viewer waiting until he hears same responses for seventh time before making decision 1,"bloody, detached hand of bears' player still in julius peppers' facemask" 0,what to do when someone gives you a gift and you didn't get them one 0,3 things that young women need to remember about feminism 0,this is what's delaying 'big bang theory' season 8 0,the best chance to defeat roy moore may be for the democratic party to lie low 0,the spice girls' 'wannabe' music video just got a rad feminist makeover 0,"by embracing psychology and ignoring polls, democrats could still win the '14 elections" 1,"So, in your scenario, Prototype, are you anti-choice folk going to force us who believe in choice, who believe that a woman owns her very own body, are you going to place us in re-education jails so that we, too, believe that a fertilized egg is a human being?" 1,ted cruz attempts to connect with voters by wearing more handsome man's face as mask 0,"addition works in the intangible as well. 1 minute + 1 minute = 2 minutes. 1 idea + 1 idea = 2 ideas. the concept of quantity is not limited to matter. if there was just a vaccous void were absolutely nothing was happening, then there would be no application of logic. but even that in itself would be logical. nothing + nothing = nothing is logical. it would actually be logical if a void with nothing added to it result in something. so even in a void, logic still prevails" 0,"Proof that evolution is ""right"" is not necessary to prove that Genesis is not science. Genesis is an inspired poem, and contains truth in its message, but it is pretty obviously a work of poetry, like a song. Look at the repetition, and all the metaphors! Poetry does not imply fiction. THere are many historically valid poems. Plus, when read figuratively, Genesis poses no conflict at all with science. Evolution is not the only science that demonstrates Genesis can not be read literally. What about the speed of light from the stars, geology, genetics, comparative embryology, etc. The only stumbling block between science and faith is a strictly literal interpretation. For most of us Faith and science work together! see: for more detailed information." 0,4 surprising reasons why preschool and kindergarten must change 0,new survey shows bernie is right: young americans want to reverse runaway inequality 1,executive reschedules wife's birthday for october 1,"protagonist rapidly getting dressed must be late, reports cunning viewer recognizing film's subtext" 1,dog's eye gunk wiped back on dog 1,"area organization pro-white, ain't anti-nobody" 0,obama refutes allegation that he wiretapped trump tower during campaign 0,"You know what the funny thing is about all of the ""links"" that they have found between ape and man? I could easily find people today that look exactly like the ""links"" that scientists have found. Maybe you should try picking one ""link"" from the site that you gave me. I could give you creationist sites, but that wouldn't prove anything more than your site proved. Here's an alternative theory: creation by God." 1,"job candidate awaiting interviewer just smiling, making enthusiastic eye contact with every passerby in lobby" 0,huffpollster: is bernie sanders really leading in new hampshire? 1,It doesn't take a Ph.d. to understand who wrote the first Gospel. Grade school children can look up who was the first man to walk on the moon. 1,schwarzenegger elected first horseman of the apocalypse 1,mitt romney graciously accepts thing he has paid millions of dollars for 0,three jews visit scandinavia 0,"'an invitation to kill': proxies, foreign powers in syria endanger civilians" 1,group of fifth-grade boys discover pile of naked ladies discarded in woods 0,schumer trolls trump tax plan: you're doing it wrong 0,obama chides darrell issa for touting alliance with him in re-election fight 1,islamophobe disappointed manhunt over before he even had chance to indiscriminately vilify all muslims 0,democrats turn to supreme court to save 'golden week' of early voting 1,joe paterno dies in hospital; doctors promise to tell their superiors first thing tomorrow 0,the 7 upsides to sending your last kid off to college 1,historical archives: owls deemed arse-holes 0,6 treatable conditions that mimic dementia 1,report: it too soon to glance back at attractive person 0,i'm young and healthy: why do i need an advance health care directive? 0,"mattis, tillerson want blank check to wage illegal war" 1,mom tucks handwritten guide on how to use netflix into kitchen drawer 1,new historical evidence suggests most pilgrims sailed back home to celebrate first thanksgiving 1,woman forced to do some detective work after obituary for dead classmate leaves off cause of death 1,speakeasy patrons apparently unaware it legal to go to regular bars again 0,"You pointed out someone that had 6 fingers. I said that making a copy is not creating anything new, I never mentioned anything about reproduction." 0,38 of the best macaroni and cheese recipes on planet earth 1,craig kilborn ready to return to the daily show 1,"woman struggling to contort dreams, ambitions into shape of dental technician" 0,carrie fisher calls controversy over princess leia bikini toys 'stupid' 0,"little girl attempts to play with game boy, flabbergasted by lack of touchscreen" 0,why smartphone use helps develop 21st century skills in higher education 1,minnesota resident thinking of finally packing it all up and moving someplace warm like michigan 0,25 times mariah carey proved she's one glamorous mom 0,"Your statement is a logical fallacy. It is not proof but simply illogical. The fallacy is called the fallacy of inconsistency. You argue from two contradictory premises. 1) God is all Powerful, 2) God can not do something.You state one as the conclusion of the other but that is just a funny way of stating two premises. The statement is illogical. Look up your favorite text on logical fallacies and you will see that I am right." 1,new pompous asshole magazine to compete with cigar aficionado 0,leah remini claims she was pressured to bring kevin james into scientology 1,mlb hoping to boost attendance at league meetings with 'star wars' night 1,somali pirates tow guy with stalled jet ski 0,ariana grande reportedly dating 'snl' star pete davidson 1,medical experts disappointed with man who failed to live up to life expectancy 0,"ferguson is not among the most dangerous places in the world, donald trump" 0,11 wabi sabi home decor ideas that embrace imperfection 0,why i can never order from chipotle again 1,"experts point to long, glorious history of successful u.s. bombing campaigns" 1,"prince harry, meghan markle debating between hawaiian luau- or 'x-files'-themed wedding" 0,magic scott's misdirection: pruitt gives climate science the reality show treatment 0,black women are the embodiment of black glory 0,extensive coral reef found hidden at the mouth of the amazon river 1,friend's wife reportedly very funny 0,"No, the question is why you let violent individuals remain free in public." 0,melissa harris-perry becoming editor at large 1,"I reap many rewards and then some. emoticonXAngel Saving all your money to buy a perpetual future you think will make you happy, when you know nothing in this world will satisfy you, now that's Stupid. Put your questions in the right Forum next time, ok." 0,bush torture defender suggests obama should be impeached over bergdahl 0,report: mueller subpoenas pr executives linked to manafort 1,Oh? And what is the specific amount of pot you have to smoke before you become a drug crazed fiend? 1,and we all know how Marie Antoinette ended up after eating her cake some people never ever learn 1,flustered mathematician unable to recommend good number 1,al kozlewski pulls a kozlewski 1,er doctor secretly thinks of self as ward's george clooney 0,naomi watts and liev schreiber hit the emmys red carpet 0,queen cersei reading insults from 'the bachelor' is what tv dreams are made of 1,araa kayboard bustad 1,nerd has most obscure crush ever 1,inspired man bolts out of bed at 3 a.m. to jot down great new worry 0,"Yes because it is ""officially"" a life.Whether a person believes in life at conception or not they all agree it is life at birth and half way through life it is still life and right before death it is still life.If she does not want the child she can refrain from sex,use a contraceptive or abortion.If he does not want it he can refrain from sex (not likely for men),use a condom (not a guarantee to work),have surgery (hard to reverse) but that is it.So if he was to use a condom and get her pregnant she still has the last option." 1,nation admits it probably going to come out of this having learned completely wrong lessons 0,"make no mistake, trump's government shutdown is about racism" 1,woman dozing at coffee shop has that dave eggers sex dream again 1,furiously barking dog spends another day trying to warn nation about child trapped in cage 0,i'm mourning the old kidz bop kids 0,5-year-old has heart-wrenching reunion with mom after airport detention 0,trump refers to immigrants as 'animals.' again. 1,dinty moore breaks long silence on terrorism with full-page ad 1,nation's math teachers introduce 27 new trig functions 0,watch: 2014 bet awards performances 1,report: ants having some kind of party inside crack in pavement 1,"oscars attendees cower in awe as disembodied, all-knowing voice proclaims information about nominees" 1,"In other words, Archie cannot show ANY money raised by ""pro-gay churches"", so he's going to ignore that... emoticonXRolleyes " 1,yalie strikes harvard lad sharply about the face and neck 1,recurring zhang ziyi fantasy always involves getting kicked in the face 0,sarah silverman channels joan rivers in heaven 1,"Come now, VoR. Everyone knows that the French would never fight another themselves. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,breeze plays kick-ass riff on wind chimes 0,americans say the white house is creating more problems than it solves 0,"why christ, mao and the buddha are making a comeback in china" 1,Have you lost your mind? I got no idea what you are talking about. 0,"lgbt christians speak out: ""love the sinner, hate the sin"" won't cut it anymore" 0,5 awesome festivals in india you shouldn't miss 1,"Selective reading huh? Well, there is none so blind as he who will not see." 1,target range under fire from community members 0,democrats agree to compromise on superdelegates and other reforms 1,"man who just bought mayan headdress, 4 crates of corn pretty sure you'll be looking like the fool when apocalypse happens" 0,watch ellen slap jennifer aniston silly 1,wendy's new homestyle chicken strips salad shamelessly touted 0,what i learned from being diagnosed with narcolepsy 1,proud billionaire helps young son open first offshore bank account 1,chris columbus admits there are hours of 'home alone 2' outtakes featuring trump saying racial slurs 1,millionaire pays for breast implants for rolls royce hood ornament 1,moving to new city to solve all of area man's problems 0,white house just gave a terrible defense of trump's refugee ban 1,Ha! There are a lot more gay owned and straight non-homophobic or non-religious businesses than that. Thanks for the cheap and clueless stereotype though! 1,"livestock happiest, healthiest attendees of state fair" 1,"'it was fine,' says man following visit with only people on earth who love him" 1,"Which is why 50 million Americans are uninsured, including 9 million children. With 27,000 from that group dying every year, as a result of ""freedom"", and unpaid hospital bills the leading cause of bankruptcy and homelessness. Also for the other 50 million who are underinsured." 0,"And it is. The ToE is a theory, however. It explains evolution, which has been observed. Do not attempt to deny that." 1,dept. of transportation to replace highway mile markers with dead raccoons 1,"5""11 185 pounds. Brown hair blue eyes yeah it's my looks Easy.... Oh and please don't speak about wit or wisdom when you had to repeat the tenth grade twice.....;)" 0,5 ways to get rid of summer weight gain 1,brutal reality check turns three 0,barack obama 'singing' 'all i want for christmas' is a gift 0,5 questions to measure the feasibility of your startup idea 1,"man's bloodstream enjoys hour-long intermission between coffee, alcohol blitzes" 1,universe comes to halt as kid flips through first shark book 0,controversial photo-editing app under fire for makeup removal feature 0,"women, people of color still abysmally underrepresented in hollywood leadership" 1,"Seriously? You tell me how Ancient Greeks saying X means the bible can't possibly say Y. What's the connection? There isn't one. As Trebor pointed out, it's a red herring, and indicative of faulty reasoning on Easy's part, and apparently yours as well." 0,gop senators aren't ready to accept trump as their champion 0,if grown-ups faced the same problems kids do 1,"they might be giants behind the music episode lacks sex, drugs" 0,"well heck, if lifeforms cannot realistically be strung together by small, gradual, materialist increments (which they can't and there is no evidence for) then the only alternative is special creation." 1,"So we should wait till the blastocyst is definitely a tumour, in case it turns into a fetus?" 0,"the first trailer for 'snowden,' starring joseph gordon-levitt, is practically a résumé" 1,"americans urged to get saving $30,000 out of way before obamacare repealed" 1,report: students who take latin have better chance of summoning demon later in life 1,pedestrian crossing street makes sure to look at approaching car so driver will feel more guilty if they run him over 0,12 non-cliché beauty lessons according to your favorite celebs 1,nasa announces future shuttle launches will be sudden and without warning 1,mom sleeps in past sunrise 1,bernie sanders agrees to drop out of race in exchange for 13-hour speaking slot at convention 1,"And yet again, not one word regarding ""force"" and substantiating that claim despite the fact that your claims are repeatedly shot down... And going a step further, NOBODY has what you claim is liberty. I repeat, cause I know you'll avoid it, NOBODY has what you claim is ""liberty"". (well, except for any guy who would be absolute monarch of his own country... But then I'm sure the U.S. would see fit to overthrow and execute that guy anyways...) emoticonXRolleyes There is not a single person in the U.S. who has that. Everybody in the U.S. has some issue on which the government does not represent his wishes. " 1,coworkers each putting in herculean effort to sustain conversation for entire commute 1,john bolton insists iran likely harboring dangerous terrorist osama bin laden 0,steven tyler admits to hitting on daughter liv's famous pal while she watched 0,trump's anti-muslim order could have 'chilling' effect on science 0,a healer is discovered: galen comes home 0,u.s. kids fail at physical activity 0,u.s. fears russia ramping up support for assad 1,'jeopardy!' bans obsessive weirdos who ruin the fun by preparing way too much for show 0,lena dunham dings woody allen 0,will greater israel transform into greater palestine? 1,"hundreds of cheap, generic doorstops flood market after doorblocker patent runs out" 1,obese doctors urge nation to eat three meals a meal 1," they can refuse any ceremony they want. That it has been \""open to all for years\"" carries no weight whatsoever. It is church property--which is essentially the same as a church saying it doesn't want gay ceremonies in its sanctuary which churches are free to refuse. Maybe churches are imposed upon in such ways in Canada but not in the US.Given these matters I'm not sure the HRC is being any more honest than the video they are responding to."" So then if I owned a business or a piece of property I could then refuse to sell or accommodate fundamentalist anti gay Christians and \That it has been \""open to all for years\"" carries no weight whatsoever.\"" It is my property and I don't like the immorality of fundamentalist anti gay Christians."" " 1,"human slave from future remembers when cyber monday was about celebrating savings, not robot uprising" 0,where to watch fourth of july fireworks in illinois 1,desperate snl releases 'best of melanie hutsell' dvd 0,meghan markle's jeweler is making sure her engagement ring stays one of a kind 0,hillary set to move past prelims with roosevelt island address (are the clintons cynics or realists?) 1,benadryl introduces new non-drowsy allergy dart 1,psychic phone service devastates competition by only hiring the best psychics 0,the $400 juicero juicer is the funniest silicon valley fail in forever 1,alan keyes admits: 'i just enjoy campaigning' 1,"Good one, Truthsayer emoticonXGood ...a rich white woman... LOL! Gotta be from Texas. :p" 0,why bernie sanders is in deep trouble in south carolina 1,needle-exchange program attracting 'druggies' 0,lamar odom leaves hospital after 'miraculous and continued improvement' 1,doctors recommend getting 8 centuries of cryosleep 0,watch: amazing paper airplane toss hits soccer player 1,man runs into ex-wife while wearing sandwich board 0,the best volunteer programs do this 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on february 26 0,medics drop soccer player from stretcher; he's ticked 1,cranberry juice industry hoping 2009 a big year for urinary tract infections 1,"for gay couple, fulfilling lifelong dream of marriage not worth moving to iowa" 1,let's have an up or down vote on your marriage rights too Lurch..... 1,band loudly discusses record deal at ihop 1,recent graduate figures she might as well do good in world until economy picks up 1,rick perry apologizes for trying to outdo fellow cabinet members by using $72 million of taxpayer funds on lampshade 0,pregnant ellie kemper isn't into strangers touching her stomach 0,Pretty good considering Darwin wasn't aware of genetics. Too bad Wells is stuck in 1859. The modern synthesis provides perfectly legitimate mechanisms. 0,"italy's mount etna is erupting, and it's magnificent" 0,"12 illustrations that pay tribute to the late, great carrie fisher" 0,josh earnest's first wh briefing didn't end so well 0,an epidemic of gun silence 0,all gold everything (notes on depression and feeling broken) 1,d.c. authorities struggling to keep squatters out of empty state department 1,fbi quickly follows up on tip about potentially dangerous man who killed 17 in school shooting 0,patrick stewart reads hilariously bad reviews of iconic tourist attractions 0,"1) ""false impression by stating that a Christian Pastor believes that bigotry blocked Gay Marriage."" 2) ""Had the title said, pro-gay pastor believes bigotry blocked gay marriage"" The only difference here being that you would want to label him as ""pro-gay"" and exclude ""Christian"". By the same token, should we remove ""Christian"" and replace it ""anti-gay"" from any pastor that speaks against homosexuality? Naw. Of course not. There is nothing dishonest about acknowledging he is a Christian. His statements should make it clear that he is pro-gay. Your dispute is pointless..." 1,lowe's introduces 2-way ladder user can also climb down 0,armed citizens are now guarding military recruiting centers after chattanooga shooting 0,"It is worse then that they just don't get it. Once you put some civil rights on the ballot nothing is off limits. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly ect.. they are all up to be voted out of existence for an unpopular minority by the majority. They just don't get it." 0,west virginia teachers are making sure their students get fed while they're on strike 1,"Do you even read what anyone posts? Try it, you might learn something.......maybe not......." 0,the real march madness: slashing student aid 0,attention carnivores: meat 'sushi' wrapped in bacon can be yours 0,senators challenge trump administration over twitter witch hunt 1,And ill continue to have pity for abused and unplanned pregnant women lacking basic healthcare. 0,meryl streep and mark ruffalo sitting in a tree ... 0,georgia to provide planned parenthood with free std test kits again 0,gravedigger suspended after taking photo with dead man 1,whales beach selves in attempt to purchase 'the onion book of known knowledge' 1,royal baby has father's eyes 0,everyone loves alternative facts 0,it's time to rethink what we consider an oscar performance 0,see photos from the 2015 white house correspondents' dinner 0,sarah michelle gellar thinks it's time to stop asking for a 'buffy' reboot 1,"Well, at least we agree that someone is obfuscating and denying." 1,fat girl euphemized 1,distraught mueller burns every piece of evidence in case after hearing trump's critique of u.s. intelligence community 0,college costs are america's cruel graduation gift 0,burned car tied to murdered girl: cops 1,"My my, did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed or what, of course you realize that you just gave me the answer I was looking for, not that I didnt already know the answer, I just wanted you to say it. I dont believe I need a clue, so I will let you have it instead Brady." 0,"more than 250 new emoji to be released, and we have the list" 0,this dance inspired by 'moonlight' is almost as gorgeous as the real thing 1,rnc taps dennis hastert to lead new youth outreach program 0,hannibal buress jokes about getting death threats after cosby routine 0,nato troops killed in afghanistan helicopter crash 0,moving forward from charlottesville 0,atheists sue pennsylvania house after being barred from giving opening invocations 1,area couple vows never to go dildo shopping while horny again 0,"But let me guess ... if they step down RIGHT after they find they will have to issue to gay couples, you'd be in favor of them being able to be sued for it, simply because the ""discrimination"" in such an event was toward gays? Right? At least if you are consistent with your stance elsewhere in regards to 'timing' ... Anyway, aside from that inconsistency with your position elsewhere, I agree that county officials should need to comply. After all, there are probably OTHER examples whereby county officials have to do things that they are religiously against, such as issue divorce papers. Or marry some drunk couple that they know aren't really being serious even though they're tying the knot ... If all county officials could just refuse to do their job because of their objections--for WHATEVER reasons--it would be a collosal mess." 0,marvel won't make a female thor movie 'any time soon' 0,this is the most unexpected rumor of the day 1,"martin luther king bust first thing to go, romney adviser quietly thinking" 0,rupert murdoch bashes as 'nonsense' concerns about sexual harassment at fox 0,hillary clinton loses lead over bernie sanders in new iowa poll 1,clive cussler realizes latest novel not thrilling 3 hours after sending it to printer 0,price-gouging pharma ceo takes over cancer company 0,"puerto rico's official death toll hits 39, with the final number still unknown" 0,u.s. army deserter bowe bergdahl faces life in prison as sentencing hearing begins 0,this 2-year-old has a lifetime's worth of perfect halloween costumes 1,"The Right of the people...Shall not be infringed.... BY THE GOVERNMENT. Private businesses (although less and less) can make thier own rules regarding thier establishment... Strange concept eh? " 1,bored kim jong-un stacks entire north korean populace into human pyramid to kill time 0,trump and steve bannon look back with rose-colored glasses in james corden spoof 1,devotees visit ihop to get foreheads marked with syrup cross on national pancake day 0,sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord of the rings' 1,"** You've almost got it. Follow that thought and you'll get it." 0,finding kind: a film and campaign that asks girls to be a little kinder 1,everyone at airport delighted by chubby family rapidly waddling toward gate 0,"If the justification for morality is obedience to a divine authority, it has no place in a public school. Those without religious beliefs are not by definition immoral." 1,area secretary lotions obsessively 0,university of missouri starts reviewing demands from student activists 1,the onion apologizes 1,"I know what the OP is Green was a far better player than either. Hendrix is overblown .Clapton was better than him and Santana is a shadow of Green If you think that creating a sound that resembles a cat being tortured is skillful then Hendrix is your man I cant help it if you are tone deaf and believe hype over quality. Come on yourselfemoticonXGood" 1,woman under impression she being discreet about fishing stray hair out of bra 0,megyn kelly says trump sexism question 'wasn't an attack' 0,expectant mother chrissy teigen is totally embracing her body 0,siri calls 911 for teen pinned under fallen truck 0,"audra mcdonald, kirsten gillibrand to celebrate the lgbtq community in nyc" 1,2024 financial collapse passes house 258-159 1,92% of area woman's holiday recipes involve pulverizing bag of oreos 0,"for lgbt people, a routine doctor visit can be a 'degrading experience'" 0,"Show me where healthcare can be found in the Constitution as a guaranteed right. Just saying so doesn't cut it. We are (or were, any way) a nation of laws." 0,"run towards (not away from) trump's america: the problem is global, but the solution will be american" 0,incredible new slate of documentaries to elevate everyday lgbt heroes 1,u.s. hunger for fish byproducts not as strong as first imagined 0,texas bill would allow obs to withhold information from pregnant women 1,"Do you think that dinosaurs did not exist nowadays for two of them would not fit in Noah's ark ? and what happened to the dragons?? emoticonXConfused" 1,"You put on ignore before and it didnt even last a single post. Neither will this prance offemoticonXDonno" 1,"vicious, man-eating carnivores on decline in arctic" 0,"And do you include me in that analysis? Perhaps you could link me to these threads so that we can see exactly how they 'open' I'm not saying I haven't seen put-downs of religion on this forum, but in my experience there's either personal history between the posters (the response is effectively continuing an on-going spat that transcends the thread), or the OP itself was laden with flame-bait." 0,"dear patricia arquette, who 'fought' for us" 1,"Regardless of our training in martial arts, the only viable defense against a gun is another gun. If we were all subjected to mandatory martial arts training from birth through adulthood, we'd be not much safer from gun crime than we are right now." 0,donald trump's plan to deport undocumented immigrants 'to be determined': aide 1,mta official too nervous to tell commuters waiting for train that service shut down permanently an hour ago 1,couple excited to start planning wedding expenses 1,"teary-eyed student loan officers proudly watch as $200,000 asset graduates from college" 1,ethical hunter throws duck he shot back into sky 0,"taco bell, where a 'lifetime of food' costs just $10,000" 0,internet charmed by viral photo of teen working to pay for first real date 1,report: girl who called you a slut in high school posting passionate status about women's march 0,the feeling to ignore when you're on an emotional roller coaster 1,"new vcr made by communists, grandpa alleges" 1,immigrant children terrified at ghastly visage of la llorona in detention center 1,study finds effectiveness of medical treatment skyrockets when doctor acts like condescending dick 0,560-pound man says he's riding across country to save his life -- but is he scamming america? 0,"They used to keel over regularly before modern medicine and my wife has been on medication for a thyroid condition ever since she delivered.""During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, between 1 percent and 1.5 percent of all births ended in the mother's death as a result of exhaustion, dehydration, infection, hemorrhage, or convulsions. Since the typical mother gave birth to between five and eight children, her lifetime chances of dying in childbirth ran as high as 1 in 8. This meant that if a woman had eight female friends, it was likely that one might die in childbirth.""" 0,Just as soon as peddler's cheek stops stinging and he picks the glove up... 1,ann coulter attacks trump for cowardly backing down from full on race war 0,newspaper formally apologizes to wookiees for a 40-year-old 'star wars' mistake 1,$300 tax refund used to justify $700 worth of miscellaneous purchases 1,advisors instruct william barr to avoid referring to trump as 'my liege' during confirmation hearing 1,weak-willed intellectual infant checks to see how many more pages left in book chapter 1,american gladiator still insists friends call him 'turbo' 1,"diabetic, gout-ridden kim jong-un by far healthiest person in north korea" 0,jimmy carter pushes colleges to get tougher on campus rapists 1,tip of area man's tongue refuses to relinquish richard crenna's name 1,historical archives: hy-genic apportionment of remaining paper 1,man basks in triumphant glory after purchases line up to exact value of gift card 0,"And how exactly do you propose this suggestion actually be enforced? Have you got it all thought out and prepared to defend in a debate, or are you just throwing out what the liberal loonies tell you is a good idea?" 0,"But again, that requires a YEC to contradict their belief in the flood. As earlier stated, previous YECs have gone into the field, looked at the data and evidence and abandoned YEC as it makes absolutely no sense. YEC 'science' is not used in hydrocarbon production." 1,desperate gop spotted in south dakota trying to build keystone pipeline themselves 1,marriage going to be hard to go back to on monday 1,cretinous reprobate home for the holidays 0,reese witherspoon was red hot at the 'gone girl' premiere 1,"Depends on how basic they are. Not much call for using flint, steel and tinder to start fires." 0,"To a small extent, this happens already. Oftentimes (21.3%, U.S.), a woman decides to have and abortion because she cannot afford a baby (from here, source). This is in effect removing members of society who are non-productive (babies produce virtually nothing useful until they mature by about 10 years). And poor families are less productive, since they are often on welfare. Granted, this is a rather harsh perspective, but the effect is the same: In the U.S., there are about (21.3% X 1.31 million) 280,000 less people every year who would have likely grown up in a poor home (assuming the child wouldn't have been adopted). Forced contraception/abortion is seen as an effective way of solving poverty in some parts of the world..." 0,"annie is not as bad as you feared, but not as good as you hoped" 1,prince harry gets old suit tailored to wear to wedding 1,man's area code provides exciting glimpse at past life 1,"And you're insane. You couldn't predict a rainstorm, if it was already raining. Prove that you say what I'm going to do. Thought so. Kreskin or Jombi, you are not. LOL" 1,"Actually, isn't it creationists who claim that the universe was created from nothing? Creationists even have a magazine formally called ""Ex Nihilo"" (changed to ""Creation"" because creationists didn't know what it meant.)" 1,quick scan of room confirms area man once again sweatiest person present 0,"thousands protest peacefully in baltimore, and many lend a helping hand" 1,"No. Not only are you wrong, you seem to lack the integrity to learn the basics of what you claim to oppose. You oppose evolution you say, but you have no idea of what it is. Most educated creationists not only admit evolution, they propose evolution at rates that make real biologists laugh." 0,twitter thinks apple's homepod looks like a roll of toilet paper 1,"Where? I don't see it. My monkey brain's fine but my eyes aren't what they used to be. I'm guessing we're through discussing the legality of armed self-defense in Australia given the flurry of OT links?" 0,americans finally found something to drink that's better than soda 1,"Most don't really see much wrong with pre-marital sex. Welcome to the 21st century. No, welcome to the 20th century first. -Wez" 0,trail to the chief: inaugural edition 1,woman mentally rearranging rankings of children while opening mother's day gifts 1,obama purchases ad space on side of mccain's bus 1,college allowing students individual commencement speakers to make ceremony acceptable for all 1,"So your position is that the writers of the marriage statutes when laws were first formed fully intended for homosexuals to be included? If that's the position you're cornered to, I have no problem leaving you with your delusion ;) " 1,In the thousands of scientific papers that present the thousands of bits of evidence that go to prove evolution beyond all sensible sane and reasonable doubt. 1,panicked john kelly ushers half-naked trump away from podium as president shouts support for eugenics 0,dope cannabis lifestyle brand is unapologetically asian-american 1,85 percent of u.s. cole slaw remains uneaten 0,"Well, there are several problems with your post. 1) You misunderstand the term 'THEORY' when applied to scientific theory's. A theory is a model to try to explain the FACTS. WHen it comes to evolution, the theory of evolution is a model to try to explain the observed fact that evolution happens. Second of all, Humans and modern apes share the same ancestor. From a biological point of view, humans ARE apes that have a specialised brain. The third problem is many religious people take much of the bible as allegorical. That means they are able to reconcilate such things as scientific fact, (evolution, expanding universe, age of the universe, biology, geology and physics), and their belief in God." 1,barbra streisand to take rare public dump 0,asian immigrants becoming us citizens at high rate 0,'night of a thousand judys' is a pride month event you shouldn't miss 0,4 simple ways to stay grounded and stress-free during the holidays 0,why progressives are cautiously optimistic about hillary clinton 1,"This is odd. You voluntarily participate in a Religion discussion forum - indeed, the frequency of your posting suggests that this participation occupies a substantial portion of your leisure time - but when someone presents you with the opportunity to demonstrate the validity of your position, you 'have better things to do'." 1,church sign vandalized by satan 0,deputy interior secretary met with lobbyist for a casino his former firm also represents 0,the human and financial cost of pollution 1,man running toward departing train must have finally realized he loves her 0,"One shouldn't assume ignorance on the part of creationists. That is a mistake that too many evolutionists make. In the real world, we have people willing to say things they already know isn't true. Why should creationists be any different? After all, they are people, too. But rather than accept that fact, evolutionists argue that creationists are ignorant of a subject when, in reality, they (creationists) were simply telling lies." 0,how to spot your future ex-husband on the very first date 1,"'he's not right for you,' report relationship experts who must not want to see you be happy" 1,overweight man repeatedly introduced to overweight woman at party 1,"In my lifetime, we've made huge strides, but there's a lot more to learn." 0,gregg popovich goes full throttle on 'soulless coward' donald trump 0,"marketers -- when is ""who and why?"" more important than ""where?""" 1,two-faced house guest who didn't need anything suddenly wants glass of water 0,The empire you defend is tyrannical. They are responsible for the death of millions. 0,"Well stated. Whatever the reason, the new culture of ridicule IS there. When you see the in person comments of Dawkins, Provine, Myers, you'll know where posters here get it from. I hope you'll watch the movie, and post up what you think." 0,why i know turning 60 will be one big party 1,That must be why they like to wear boots in Texas. 1,a classic jason somehow gets mixed into area man's anecdote collection 0,women may be more anxious than men at work because they have more to lose 0,steven spielberg bashes virtual reality at cannes 0,pre-holiday jerry brown preps for term 4 1,mama duck doesn't recall asking for injured baby to be rescued from road 0,"They originally might have been an arbitrary guess, but experience of all humans always has given them a very high probability of being true (at least the existence of the outside world, the others are abstract logical concepts that don't have a physical reality, just an abstract one)." 1,personal philosophy stolen from martin luther king jr. 1,"onion social ceo promises algorithm will now automatically label racist, sexist content as 'debatable'" 0,swiping right on a hottie? hold on a second 1,god humbled to be the answer to 'jeopardy!' clue 0,"""they said, i'm sorry, because you weren't physically injured, you can't go to the private events.""" 1,revolutionary new homophobia immersion therapy involves lowering patient into tank of gays 0,supreme court puts redrawing of texas electoral maps on hold 0,donald trump actually tries to explain his wall to stephen colbert 0,"Then, how much money should spend on the war on terror? Should we bankrupt the country to do it? Is it necessary to spend so much that we go bankrupt, or is it better to wisely spend the money we have and to fight an intellegent war against terror?" 0,"I have heard that the USA spends around 40% (total) more on health care than Canada does. That would be impressive if it weren't for one fact. The USA has 900% of our population. It is your administration costs what are getting you the most. We only spend around 11% on administration while the USA spends around 25% of their health care dollars. We have a cap on how much a doctor can be sued for as well. Yes, our system isn't perfect, but it still works.Nearly 50 million Americans don't have health care at all, that is around 18% of your total population. This is quite shameful. As I've stated, the USA is the only Nation in the Industrialize world to not have universal health care." 0,But the sea and sky are the same regardless. I would say the sailor conceives the information with language. He infers the information with language. 1,bush extremely proud of new suit 1,new okcupid feature alerts users when it's time to come crawling back 1,"The point that seemingly escapes you is that not even in the most wonderful country on the planet in all of human history has free speech been considered an absolute right that nothing can limit in any way. Thank you for comprehending. Not." 0,a stunning look inside an abandoned french chateau 1,fatal school bus crash cements bff status 0,garbage truck scoops up man looking for wallet 0,bee attack sends 3 to the hospital 1,horrible facebook algorithm accident results in exposure to new ideas 1,frugal couple saves money by making own porn 1,The critical factor here is punishing women. Women must be punished. For whatever strikes the fancy of Cybererratus. 1,diners eating impossible burgers doused with beet juice by protesting meat-rights activists 0,new rule from obama will punish contractors who cheat or endanger workers 0,barb from 'stranger things' is pissed she was left in the upside down 1,Will the Catholics ever elect somebody who is not a complete knob? He speaks just like he knows something about gay relationships. emoticonXRolleyes 0,white house lawyer insists trump isn't considering firing mueller 0,americans aren't thrilled with trump's threat of 'fire and fury' against north korea 0,"the resurrection according to scifi, part 3: harry potter" 0,'octopussy' villain louis jourdan dead at 93 1,stupid thing won't work 1,"Reading comprehension not among your skill sets eh simone? Splain to us how this 2000+ page monster is going to relieve the problem will you. While you are at it, let us know where you got your fitional 50 million number. Lots of people will die, insurance is no guarantee of life baby. Get real" 1,jay-z vows not to lose touch with millionaire roots on gritty throwback track about buying first yacht 0,But doesn't Genesis imply that creation occured in one 7-day period (though the days could be symbollic)? 0,accused father and son urinal thieves flushed out by cops 0,"texas public school districts may now store, not trash, leftover food" 1,'rocketman' viewers not sure movie really needed 45-minute princess diana death scene 1,bel-air homeowners association issues fine to resident with unapproved wildfire in front yard 0,where to find the duchess of cambridge's birth announcement dress 0,10 things that really make my head explode 0,watch: experts talk pesticides and health 1,"u.s. government opens special 5,000-acre area where americans can go blow off steam" 0,why america's public media can't do its job 1,"smiley face doodled on check commemorates undeniable chemistry between waiter, ericson family" 1,search for 'kick-ass shelves' continues 1,virulent strain of soy flu traced to single tofurkey 0,8 lessons for life while traveling 0,highway sign hacked to show crude message about donald trump 0,is a four-day school week a good idea? 0,several injured by accidental gunfire at waldorf astoria wedding party 0,You know how those anti-gunners are?they just kinda get stuck in that same old revolving door.Can't come up with anything new so they rehash. 0,"Why so many claims in opposition? I make a single claim, that can be refuted through logic, if it's fallacy. But the claim is correct.This new claim is an interesting one that I have seen others use. I'll tell you on what basis. Based on reason. To hold that nothing can be known for certain, is ultimately reduced to absurd unintelligble nonsense. I'll start a thread about this claim, it's a hot topic to be sure!" 1," Me thinks thou dost be too kind. Yon creature willst make the false charge in any event. emoticonXKill" 1,area man's favorite things all types of meat 0,"I take it you have no understanding of science, much less the scientific method?" 0,His point was criticism of people managing the numbers of their population with abortion. It also addresses the intentional overpopulation for the purpose of overwhelming declining populations. 1,authority figure demands to know meaning of this 1,...Because everyone knows there are no married men sexually abusing children. emoticonXConfused 1,"The gentleman (??) in question has been presented the facts numerous times. He ""pooh-pooh""s them as irrelevant. He places himself above scientific research. He doesn't know the difference between unsolicitated testimonials and scientific evidence." 1,"'these kids should be in school instead of protesting,' say people so tantalizingly close to getting the point" 1,magazine editor undergoes sleek new redesign 0,critics say kentucky's new 'religious freedom' bill targets lgbtq students 1,crowd cheers as 93-year-old fuckup finally graduates from college 1,lizard planning to bite new owner first chance it gets 1,nation's dads treated to mark knopfler meet-and-greet 0,georgia congressional candidate receives threatening package 0,moses and the red sea 0,the end might be near for brick and mortar black friday 0,"restaurant bans tips, will pay servers a livable wage" 1,u.s. adds 4 million jobs but in st. louis 0,the fellowship of the film 1,alcohol-themed party a success 1,family tells ailing mandela racism over 1,employees from other department announce plan to ramble on about fucking nothing right next to your desk 0,the voice's audra mclaughlin: 12 things you need to know 0,curiosity captures 360-degree panorama from martian dune 0,"all-female skate crew challenges patriarchy, gentrification in nyc" 1,exercise briefly considered 0,9/11 and the (un)making of the 21st century 1,haunted house guests escorted into vip section where they can touch the performers 1,new viacom ad tells employees to get back to work 0,"no, drake and serena williams are still not engaged" 0,"No.I am saying. Privately owned guns serve the purpose of the militia, which is all citizens over 17 years of age.I am saying, a list of names and addresses do not serve any purpose of military readiness.My signature, yes it has no bearing on the I appologize for any confusion if anyone has interpreted as so. Your signature is about gun registration in a gun registration thread." 0,muslim women forced to remove hijab for mugshots file civil rights lawsuit 1,"From the threads I see, you would be banned in 10 posts, and everything deleted. The level of discourse over there intelligence over there makes ER looks semi-intelligent." 1,gop voters: 'can we see what it looks like with huntsman and perry again?' 1,sanders impresses florida voters by jumping from hotel balcony into pool 1,anthropologists unearth possible missing link between a- and b-list celebrities 0,bill nye slams cnn for putting climate change skeptic on earth day panel 1,"'it's been an honor, gentlemen,' shift supervisor says as giant vat of molten cheese erupts" 1,man having a great time will soon have to apologize to everyone 0,boston judge orders apple to help law enforcement examine iphone 1,frustrated men demand to know 'exactly where on tits it okay to touch nowadays' 1,report: today the day woman either quits job or goes home and watches 4 hours of netflix 0,marqkria lost 260 pounds: 'my motivation came from wanting to take control of my life' 0,alexa and google home record what you say. but what happens to that data? 0,"the u.s., cuba, and strategic foreign policy" 1,"Can cause aggression, does not mean that it will though. Alcohol has a far greater record of this but yall are not trying to ban that. So do women but we arent going to ban them now are we, Sorry but I was in a marriage from hell and just had to throw that in." 1,man who forgot to buy valentine's day gift relieved to remember wife passed away years ago 0,singapore's first female president will be a hijab-wearing muslim woman 1,"'mother mary was essentially raped,' mourdock says while digging self into deeper hole" 0,"""the innocents"": a film review" 1,jerry always willing to pick up overtime 1,u.s. leads world in mexican-food availability 1,prince harry engaged to woman who will never love him the way 29-year-old idahoan graphic designer jennie hoffman does 1,manager fails to keep it short or sweet 0,trump releases letter from putin amid talk of nuclear arms race 0,united airlines flies children with serious illnesses to santa's north pole 1,woman panics after accidentally getting into exact-change lane 0,7 strategies for lasting fat loss 1,teacher wishes she could inspire one of the more popular students 0,six inspiring architectural projects that have revitalized muslim communities 1,craigslist apartment listing uses record 354 exclamation points 1,"And you are an outright liar. Obama moved money from the ripoff of Medicare Advantage into actual health care in the real Medicare. And, speaking of lying snakes, ER, doesn't your forked tongue get all tangled up in your mouth?" 0,donald trump says he's 'troubled' by oklahoma police shooting 0,want to watch your entire life pass by in an instant? just do this 1,michelle obama not so keen on president's new bangs 0,"Well, if Genesis was in fact true, then we would have to assume that God is real and the Bible more or less explains what he wants, right? And if there is someone ""up there"" who will damn you to eternal torment if you don't do what he wants (which is one interpretation of the Bible) than that might effect the way you act. I realize that that isn't exactly the same as changing your moral compass, but history has demonstrated that most people's moral will stretch to accomodate pressing needs, and I think an actual vengeful diety would qualify." 0,how to advance lgbt rights in red states 0,graphic photos from the gaza strip show utter destruction and death 0,the tr*mp effect: transgender folks' mental health post-election 0,10 behaviors that could launch your career 0,"8 'walking dead' secrets you didn't know, according to a dead man" 1,ryan zinke comes out in support of controversial wildfire 1,"'follow your instructions, this is all part of the plan,' hisses richard nixon tattoo protruding from roger stone's back" 0,what europe can teach us about trump 1,greyhound now offering direct service from kansas to l.a. porn director's driveway 1,"A sex offender is always wicked and villainous? Geesh, not very forgiving. While I certainly agree many are, I have seen many who are not a threat to society. Those folks on ""To Catch A Predator"" are definitely a threat though." 1,drone that destroyed wrong target casually flying away like nothing even happened 1,couple duetting 'suddenly seymour' at karaoke bar probably gonna fuck like animals after this 1,home homosexuality test now available 1,u.n. weapons inspectors thoroughly unimpressed with yemeni weapons 1,sitcom on pbs assumed to be intellectual 0,"no, bernie sanders has not pushed hillary clinton to the left" 1,tour becoming one-on-one between guide and man who knew name of mckinley's assassin 1,ariel castro failed by system 0,krugman: the right fears democracy 1,"cure for cancer only 10 years away, announce scientists who work better under a deadline" 1,rex tillerson blindsided by news he still worked for state department 1,recording academy reminds aging musicians to die before december 15 to be included in 2017 grammy tributes 1,new girlfriend bears disturbing resemblance to old girlfriend 0,6 reasons why trump's wall is even dumber than most of trump's other ideas 0,the problem with fake news? 'real' news is bogus too 0,barack obama: look to a veteran 'whenever the world makes you cynical' 0,shell's arctic ambitions held up in seattle 0,But you just said that the program was designed. You seem to be having trouble making up your mind. 1,"No need to visit relatives that don't live in the same metro area, right? emoticonXWow" 0,"Well! I guess that just showed you guys. It seems that HeavenBound thinks that having a closed mind is a bad thing. And yet," 1,Before you were claiming it was a slippery slope. Now you're claiming it's a strawman. Perhaps you don't understand what either term means. 0,"I'm sure you reproduce these quotes in good faith, but you ought to know they are not necessarily what they seem. The Darwin quote is a particularly craven quote mine: he was expressing empathy with those of his readers who found it difficult to imagine how such a thing as an eye could evolve by stages; effectively putting himself in their place so that he might more readily take them by the hand and show them how such evolution may occur, with ample supporting evidence from the natural world. I refer you to the Quote Mine Project for further edification." 1,fans of victorious nobel laureates riot in stockholm 0,"hey, which one of you wise guys teleported me into the future?" 0,florida no longer has any active zika virus transmission zones 1,everyone in town hall debate audience has spouse who lost health insurance and is dying of cancer 1,eva longoria tans self out of visible spectrum 1,"nelson mandela admits thoughts, prayers of millions played no part in recovery" 1,deepfake video of mark zuckerberg barely good enough to masturbate to 0,if you've ever been told you're too sensitive... 1,"[bold added--ww] ** Why, yes, of course!! How foolish of everybody! It's obviously just one more case of ""spontaneous generation"", that's all. Any darwinist can see that, plain as day!" 0,this video of kids recreating 'how i met your mother' is legendary 0,topless protester in spain grabs waxwork donald trump's crotch 0,india is home to the world's first completely solar-powered airport 1,man hoping to accidentally see roommate's girlfriend naked 0,praia de iracema is the place you should have been this week 1,It's either that or he's a frustrated tenor for the Vienna Boys Choir. ;) 0,"this artist created a show just for dogs, and they loved it" 0,"Well, certainly I don't expect to change the minds of millions of Americans, and that is not my goal. My goal is to convince readers of my writing that Americans SHOULD agree with same-sex marriage because it is morally correct to do so." 1,anxious gina haspel gives self little pep interrogation in bathroom mirror 0,new offshore drilling analysis shows what trump's plan puts at stake 0,london life 1,maple tree wishes it was given a say in becoming memorial to man's dead wife 1,exxonmobil swears it's going to start taxes early this year 0,new 'incredibles 2' trailer is all about mom's new job and dad staying at home 1,So if you are not naive then you must be evil 0,"Obviously not. If the right to life trumps all other rights, then it follows that the mother's right to life and the child's right to life cancel each other out. Mind you, if it's her choice then the pro-life movement endorses such heroism, right?" 0,zachary quinto uses fake name at starbucks. customer gets steamed. 1,Yeah. It's snowing sooner here in the Midwest. I think the next Ice Age is coming. 1,"Cheerio and thanks for the examples! Yes these are perfect examples of animals creating ""unnatural"" things- I happen to be thinking of Beavers and their dams but hey, thats just me." 0,defiant north korea launches what appears to be icbm 1,mississippi brings down yet another national average 1,new biblical text reveals god first sent christ to save elk as practice 0,"So why is it a white man can't just think himself black, or vice versa?" 0,target raises minimum wage to $10 an hour: report 1,mother of slaying victim glad it was onion reporter who knocked on her door half an hour after funeral 1,"roommate, girlfriend never seem to have sex" 1,study: majority of new marine life species now discovered while cleaning oil spills 0,amy schumer makes it official with her new chef boyfriend 0,"in a devastated puerto rican landscape, getting by on tenacity, patience and the kindness of neighbors" 1,man nods knowingly at mechanic 0,'the daily show' puts trump supporters through some 'extreme vetting' 1,young child still developing antibodies to mountain dew 1,riverboat horseracing fails utterly 0,"Actually, qualified biologists know no such thing. In fact, I've never known one who would agree with that assertion. Can you give us some peer reviewed references to support your assertion?" 1,responsible gun owner keeps firearms safely locked away where only he can get them during mental breakdown 0,conversations with god about bush 1,new healthier menu features food wendy's customers bring from home 1,nation admits there could be a little less porn 1,man from last week smacked into present day 1,destruction of rainforest cafe clears room for new hooters 1,"Including the mentally ill, those with previous violent felonies, and children?" 0,"This obviously depends on the person. Both are not good...once again, a comparision is not gonna work. Whether you are an alcoholic or a weed-a-holic(not a real word) you will still mess up your health (which is a good reason we shouldn't have public health care)." 0,obama's foreign policy: continuity rather than contradictions 0,4 ways grandparents unintentionally sabotage parents 0,the most wtf moments from men's new york fashion week 1,woman nervously reaches for cell phone as suspicious black man tells her today's soup is minestrone 0,"While this is true, the number of abortions at or after 21 weeks is not insignificant. According to the Guttemacher Institute, 1.2% of abortions occur at or after 21 weeks. That translates into about 15,480 abortions. This thread, of course, is talking specifically about those 15,480 abortions." 1,gorgeous 25-year-old dead at 79 1,guy at house party must be at least 32 0,how this couple lost more than 40 pounds each in five months 1,novelty alarm clock not so funny at 7 a.m. 0,"by letting go of perfection, i found my strength as a mother" 0,the one big issue antonin scalia consistently got right 1,consumers now required to seek treasury department approval on all purchases over $50 0,how do you survive an ostrich attack? watch this video. 1,delta blues poised for biggest revival since 1915 1,logitech introduces high-resistance keyboard for fitness-minded typists 0,see the latest empowering breastfeeding photo that's causing controversy on facebook 1,family with 2-hour layover sets up rough shantytown at airport gate 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 1,conservative floridian enjoys living under sharia law more than he thought he would 1,'game of thrones' fans now just hoping george r.r. martin dies soon so estate can release whatever he's already written 1,"Aww, he is just confused. He has nothing to offer and when he first read the topic he XXX-umed that it was going to be a discussion of his noggin. The last thing we need is a damn limey board nanny. Play the ball old chap and not the man - famous limey quote" 1,rhode island votes to move 2008 primary to tomorrow 0,taylor swift's mom says groping incident 'shattered our trust' 1,"family knows not to interrupt dad while he's skimming pool, listening to orioles radio broadcast" 0,"Just so you know Peach, the 167 death row inmates are now serving life in prison. At least that one who's not guilty might now have a chance to be free." 0,why some vaccines require more than one dose 1,gore excited after seeing self on tv 1,uncle strikes out hard with book gift 0,"stress and performance anxiety, part 2" 1,'that's it? what the heck was that?' says dad in scorched-earth review of movie you suggested family watch together 1,pope francis kills 3 hours milling around atlanta airport during layover to d.c. 0,father's day tribute to a family man 0,do we sleep better on the solstice? 0,what it's like to lose a patient to suicide as a mental health professional 1,mitt romney frantically running around ohio smiling and waving 0,"'i reunited with my birth mother, who says she wishes she never had me and that i would die'" 0,so you want to be an entrepreneur? 4 reasons to think twice 0,donald trump's proposed cabinet would bring some fringe figures in from the cold 0,This is absurdity. I suppose then that medicine should wreak my body. How about viruses? Am I destroyed by them? 0,mark hamill reveals luke skywalker might be gay in 'star wars' 1,mike pence breaks out formal altar boy robes for state of the union address 1,syrian man kept up all night by neighbors dying 1,man looking for job that plays to his natural talent for half-assing things 1,apartment manager already knows to look out for tenant sending in minnie mouse checks 1,toby keith struggling to come up with rhyme for ahmadinejad 0,8 latinas every american woman should thank 1,alarming report finds hundreds of items still not available in s'mores flavor 0,"Well, here's another quote from Allan Feduucia: ""Feathers are unique to birds, and no known structure intermediate between scales and feathers has been identified."" (J. Alan Feduccia, The Age of Birds, Harvard University Press, 1980, pg. 52) Sounds contradictory to me!" 0,white house blames deadly gaza violence on hamas 'propaganda' 0,obama's next chapter: write a new book 1,bette midler ruptures 0,nobody knows what will happen if donald trump doesn't win a delegate majority 0,an open letter to the republican leadership 1,woman shows hairstylist example of haircut she wants 0,this mom is fighting to criminalize drowsy driving in her state 1,high-school teacher constantly using janitor as example 1,cat totally unaware its owner aaron eckhart 1,kamikaze swimmers finally reach pearl harbor 0,elect to watch all 13 of stephen curry's record-breaking 3-pointers 1,trump dismisses concerns over white house chaos after pack of feral dogs takes over 4th west wing room 0,these breathtakingly beautiful cakes are straight out of a dream 1,Nonsense. Just look at all the great things that the Dark Ages did for Europe! 0,"dr. king died fighting for economic justice. nearly half a century later, we continue his fight." 0,tired and poor need not apply: the american dream is not for you 0,google grants $1 million to non-profit to bring more black boys to tech 0,beverly whipple: unsung hero of women's rights 0,baseball team creates in-stadium nursing suite for moms 1,40-year-old has spiky hair 1,'les misérables' takes home oscar for most sound 1,vatican unveils new pope signal 0,bartender accused of plotting to poison john boehner 0,my link to muhammad ali through parkinson's 0,artist performs a kaleidoscopic transformation on fruits and veggies 1,"Are abortion, guns, politics, societies, and bonuses not in the universe? " 0,"outrage erupts over report that mark wahlberg made over 1,000 times more than michelle williams" 1,city adds some big concrete stairs 1,karate studio hoping to get local phone number that spells out word 'kick' or 'chop' 1,voters tune into vp debate to find out what race would look like if this was normal election year 0,"how democrats can emerge from the ""valley of humiliation""" 0,libraries burning: from sarajevo to mosul 0,hope solo says ex-fifa president sepp blatter groped her 1,"What part did your real daddy play in it? Will he be on the island, too? This is a good example of a scant level of maturity. Your simple out for various arguments is to play the idiot/XXXXX card. More and more each day I see you as a complete waste of oxygen." 1,O.K. lets' play your game. Gun control has worked exactly WHERE? 0,this democratic congressman is adopting obama's overtime rules 0,"after peddling islamophobia, trump to give speech on islam while in saudi arabia" 1,trendy restaurant has communal napkin 1,new pub to cater to needs of irish 0,kendrick lamar won a pulitzer because 'damn.' is journalism 1,woman builds ironclad case proving mila kunis looks bad without makeup 1,trump vows extensive search to find new dhs director with ideal personality disorders 1,laffy taffy writer disdains bazooka 0,darren wilson ain't no ham sandwich: prosecutorial manipulation of a flawed grand jury system 1,It is our civic duty to convince these people that they are SICK! 1,"AHHH good old capitalism, I suppose you will be wanting poor, and work houses, and debtors prisons. Ever read Dickens now that was captialism at its finist. " 0,donald trump cancels press event with black pastors after finding out they're not endorsing him 1,negligent oaf sloppily packs away board game without so much as a thought to future players 0,prince george and princess charlotte steal the show at the royal wedding 0,how a tv-free summer is changing our family 0,how to make pumpkin treats for your dog 1,it not clear if it okay to pass handicapped woman on sidewalk 1,visit home reveals parents currently watching previously undiscovered game show 1,new dating site matches users with partners they deserve 1,shareware fee paid 0,alton sterling's family demands action from baton rouge officials 1,new study finds box still world's most popular container 0,these 13 celebs recite 'hotline bling' almost as well as drake 0,trump's space adviser wants to toss nasa's climate research funding 1,priest regrets vow of celibacy after learning about furries 0,a devastating story of friendship and heartbreak that definitely passes the bechdel test 1,"shit, guy in front of you ordering for entire construction crew" 0,rnc proclaims mike pence the winner more than an hour before the debate 1,skywriter trailed by skyeditor 1,scientists theorize sun could support fire-based life 0,#trumphair is the hilarious hashtag our country deserves 1,clinton delivers stump speech in moscow warehouse in effort to appeal to russian hackers 1,paleontologists determine dinosaurs were killed by someone they trusted 0,john stossel: the reason why i watch fox news 0,"Incorrect. Evolution is not something that must be adhered to. It is a scientific theory. As such, if evidence was brought to light that evolutionary theory couldn't account for, then the theory would be altered or scrapped. It's really quite simple." 0,trump voter fraud commissioner says panel should be more transparent or disband 0,drunk birds slur their 'words' just like humans 1,overweight man to lose weight if he gets really overweight 1,trump privately terrified his sexual assault victims will someday come forward 1,"No, the liar is he who claims to follow Jesus Christ, but is the antithesis of his reported teachings. Try looking in the mirror. I am not lying, therefore I am not a liar, despite what your book of fairytales claims." 0,north carolina tells supreme court it's giving up fight over 'jim crow' voting law 1,kennedy curse sure taking its sweet time with rfk jr. 0,reince priebus warns ethics chief to 'be careful' 1,paris vows to rebuild notre dame despite cosmic absurdity of seeking inherent meaning in fleeting creations of man 0,china unveils its first restaurant inside an airplane 1,woman tragically succumbs to natural hair color 0,watch an escalator malfunction send flyers hockey fans flying 1,kitchenaid unveils new all-terrain rolling pin 1,"Am I suppose to take that as an insult or just a passing remark,hmmm?" 1,man surveys party for next group to silently stand in 1,travel mug regales other mugs with stories from road 1,national security commission warns clinton: 'the call is coming from inside the house' 0,"sick of light pollution? head to a national park, study says." 0,huckabee backs denying abortion to 10-year-old raped by stepfather 0,milo ventimiglia strips down to raise awareness for breast cancer on 'ellen' 0,mischa barton joins 'dancing with the stars' 0,"home genetic tests may be riddled with errors, and companies aren't keeping track" 0,these creative newborn photos are adorably whimsical 1,"And this differs from your cell how? (oh wait it doesn't). " 0,ed sheeran once got 'hammered' and hit justin bieber in the face with a golf club 0,huffpost hosting big father's day event in nyc 1,"last-ditch climate change report provides locations of weapons, current whereabouts of oil executives" 1,"And with your current attitude and those like you, you will lose again..........Hey I love it............keep up the good work...... I don't think I could have the hate for someone that you have but if I did I would definitely move on to a place like Canada or Cuba where the majority agree with my beliefs......... That is just me though..........." 0,"dear oxford dictionaries, 'pwnage' is not a word and never will be" 0,tom hanks reveals the origin of his famous 'forrest gump' accent 0,the things i do to feed the world 1,recently canonized martyr added to vatican's animatronic hall of saints 0,dickipedia: founder of bikram yoga 0,trump administration seems to be winging it on food stamp replacement boxes 1,alcoholic kindergarten teacher stretches naptime to three hours 0,everything old is new again 1,"B.S. simone. He was the perfect age for Vietnam. Why hasn't he released his draft card? I know, they only sent them to citizens." 1,fermilab receives generous anonymous particle donation 1,area woman marries into health insurance 1,"No, you at least need a sling shot and ball bearings, lol." 0,'daily show' eviscerates trump's black and white view of law and order 1,"'everything's $10,000' chain goes out of business" 1,new orleans adopts $10 cover charge 1,nancy pelosi slams edited footage with claim that when she's drunk you'll fucking know it 0,russians at home and in america expect trump to deliver -- but on what depends 0,medicine and self-discovery: part ii of a q&a with dr. victoria sweet 0,avoid confrontation in the south china sea 0,"How do you define evolution? If you don't see any, then you aren't using the definition used by evolutionary biologists. The question is who should define the vocabulary of evolutionary biologist, evolutionary biologists or creationists?" 0,21 things every pug lover desperately needs in their home 0,taylor swift says ryan adams' 1989 cover album is 'such an honor' 0,"in kenya's forbidden forests, conservation can turn violent" 1,un quietly pushed into east river 1,obama orders guantánamo prisoners transferred to next president 1,conrad bain steps down as national kitsch-reference laureate 0,"omg, the duchess of cambridge is vogue uk's june cover star" 0,"No, genesis is not a history lesson. It is a combination of 'just so' stories, and a religious message in allegory format. If you bothered to learn understand some of the hebrew puns behind many of the words, and also see the political commentary of events that were happening during the time it was written, that would be obvious." 1,I won't hold my breath awaiting a retraction of this piece of balderdash you've composed. Guess we'll chalk it up to puffery. 0,building a child's self esteem on stage and off 1,george zimmerman not going to let one bad experience deter him from neighborhood watch responsibilities 0,nobody wins when the final score is 161-2 0,"So you would go with the unknowable argument? Well then this is applicable to your response: So now you have said that god is undefinable or often said ""supernatural"". T:I believe in God A:What is God? T:I dont know. Then my question to you would be that if you dont know what God is... then what is it that you believe in?" 0,"surprise, surprise, donald trump's supporters are trying to 'rig' the election" 0,eddie redmayne wins best actor at the globes 1,So a gun is a fire hazard in a public place? I gotta say the gun haters are getting more creative with their arguments. 1,congress to meet at feingold's house today 1,"study finds placing one foot forward, then the other, remains best method of walking" 0,"You do not have a right to drive. No one does. Driving is not a right. The state does not owe it to you to give you a license to drive. The activity of driving is a priveldge granted by the state, not a right.Rights are not regulated by government. You have them and no earthly authority can take it away from you. The state never gave me my rights, I already had them, nor do I have to ask for permission to exercise them." 1,ron paul withholding presidential endorsement until true libertarian candidate enters race 1,lottery ticket holder has already spent $900 million in anticipation of winning big prize 1,polite disney world guest decides not to bother mickey mouse for picture 0,"media, the myth of trump and what really matters" 1,So the fact that it is not legally recognized is the problem. What is the reason it's not legally recognized? Because the couple is gay. 1,newly discovered journal entries reveal sacagawea's repeated attempts to ditch lewis and clark 1,democratic candidate blows fundraising lead on massive 15-story lawn sign 1,winchester unveils new 9mm stray bullet guaranteed to hit innocent bystanders 1,thousands gather to watch losing incumbents marched out of washington 1,members of u2 to stare in different directions 0,islamophobia and charlie hebdo 0,tig notaro discusses her amazing topless performance with conan 1,character witness told he doesn't have what it takes to be star witness 1,michael j. fox visibly excited by return to tv 1,What can ya expect when they killed free speech in favor of hate speech tribunals? Diversity at work maybe? 0,each of these quadruplets got accepted into harvard and yale 0,"amid the chattering of the global elite, a silent interlude" 0,"WF, that is true and if the young lady life is endangered then to terminate the pregnancy would be appropriate but get a neutral doctor to make that decision, not one from Planned Parenthood or and abortion clinic who have a biased interest in performing abortions...............That is all I ask..........." 1,petsmart introduces heart-shaped puppy for valentine's day 0,theresa may's political future in danger after stunning election defeat 0,Just because it isn't verbally found in the Constitution doesn't mean I feel that it is constitutionally irrelevant. I feel that it is. Here is my question to you understand why abortion is constitutional? 0,colbert: fbi is so far up trump 'they're reading his emails with a proctoscope' 1,trump campaign ponders going negative 0,And yet there are plenty of websites written by scientists with the details: 0,jenny beavan doesn't care if people didn't clap for her at the oscars 1,new study finds most of earth's oxygen used for complaining 1,movie characters happen to pass through pamplona on the one week bulls run 0,chelsea manning and the brutality of transphobia in america 0,"Are you saying that an argument that is inconsistent with science should not be called unscientific, or are you saying that it should not be rejected because it is unscientific?" 1,"Oh you do love to do the psychological technique known as 'transference' don't you...or is it 'projection'??? You are so obsessed with gay sex, I would not be surprised if you and Ted Haggard have a lot to talk about." 0,alec confidential: inside the secretive group's annual conference 0,this supreme court case could significantly weaken teachers unions 0,"this fall's can't-miss, most noteworthy memoirs" 0,mark wahlberg prays god will forgive him for this movie role 0,It may only be salvaging to you but to the parents involved it is body theft.Let me just ask you to step in our shoes for just 10 minutes imagine trawling around 100's of hospital labs and medical schools seeing all these poor little babies lined up in jars and i don't mean just a few there is up to 50 in each hospital and school imagine looking at those jars hoping that one of them is your child so you can at lastgive him the burial he/she deserves(a basic human right) yet at the same time praying that none of them are yours.Having done that can you still say that it is only salvage bearing in mind our children were only sent for post mortem and many of us have not seen them since? 0,james franco responds to sexual misconduct allegations 1,narcissist convinced total strangers would want his organs 1,barack obama names alan moore official white house biographer 0,"So you're admitting that Sarah Brady intentionally committed a straw purchase of a firearm, especially one that can be modified and turned into a long range sniper rifle." 1,double-entendre doesn't stand up to scrutiny 0,study proves exactly how gross bathroom hand dryers really are 1,"OK, and this point I'm going to have to go with ""Functionally handicapped"" for $200 Alex. Go back, reread Ethmi's OP. The question was-why aren't people working to get alcohol and tobacco banned since they are responsible for more deaths than guns. And, as I and others have pointed out about a dozen damn times already, the entire question is flawed as a gun's sole purpose is to kill, while alcohol and tobacco kill as a side effect through overindulgence. And there is also the fact that you cannot point a cigarette or bottle of JD at someone and kill them. " 1,"Maybe what they're saying is ""Grow some balls and practice civil disobedience by violating anti-Constitutional Laws that threaten your safety." 1,area bird creeped out by bird watcher 0,"doctor says lover gave him poisoned, 'sweet' coffee" 0,paula abdul's gps guide reveals how the star finds her center 0,transgender inmates to be integrated according to identity in san francisco 1,"But a business is just a private citizen! Why should the gov't levy different taxes against them?! :O Doing business is an activity, yes. Doing business as a corporation subjects you to restrictions that a corporation must work under. " 1,area mom convinced 30-year-old daughter would be married by now if she just brushed her hair more 0,"man apparently opens beer with butt, inspires bartenders everywhere" 1,"Too hard of a question... Pass. There'd be no need for an 'Abortion' forum on this board. His (my) name would be Mickey Jones? Easy... One of them would be sterile. Yes, No, and maybe so." 0,men behaving badly 0,"exercise may be the key to battling alzheimer's, studies find" 0,8 thrilling books to fill the 'gone girl' void 1,report: u.s. exported 6 billion tons of crude web content last year 0,9-month old shot by father cleaning illegal gun 0,"jury finds ex-cop guilty of child molestation, he drinks poison" 0,these illustrations perfectly sum up what it's like to have anxiety 1,"""wounder""? ""handle you food""? Did you ever make it out of the 5th grade, carp breath?" 1,clear american sky a constant reminder of industrial inferiority 1,history channel treating invention of popcorn like it's fucking penicillin 0,trump is so toxic that even members of his own party would rather vote hillary 1,"Examined the record? Now it's not even the patient, just the record? Good god man! Many times, only a number of criteria must be met, not all of them. It would be like me saying that there must be gas in your car since it is running. Then you tell me that I must look at the gauge then physically take the tank off to be able to say without a doubt there is gas in it. Flat EEG in the cerebral cortex means no brain activity in cerebral cortex means PVS. There is no reason to test a swallowing reflex, a pain response reflex, or sphincter tone. " 1,tsa guy circling stuff on boarding pass with reckless abandon 0,literally no one supports lincoln chafee in latest poll 0,tuesday's morning email: take a look at the wildfires devastating california wine country 1,picking thing up from apartment floor rescheduled for thursday 0,who says all countries should tax sugary drinks to curb obesity 1,"It's manifestly evident that a people gets exactly the leaders and government type it deserves. In 4 years, you'll be begging for the good ole years of Bush...and the peace and plenty of Clinton will be recalled as the golden age...cause most people will forget anything negative that happened. But, that's in 4 years. In 2.8 years you may be residing in a shallow pit somewhere. Now, if you'll forgive me, I'm off to demonstrate my Quisling skills to my masters." 1,activity made up to sell athletic shoes 1,court takes custody of harley from unfit motorcycle mama 1,pharmaceutical rep assures doctor he personally tries every drug he promotes 1,Which ones? Ineffective how? I'd guess the laws weren't struck down simply because too many people broke them. 1,author accepts award on ghostwriters' behalf 0,"Only when it is anti-intellecutal relgion, such as those YEC's. Most relgiions are much more reasonable." 0,trump announces paris accord decision with ... is that jazz music? 0,congress finally passes bipartisan legislation to address opioid epidemic 1,family unsure why grandmother's caregiver seems like he actually enjoys spending time with her 0,peter dinklage meets the world's worst 'game of thrones' fan in 'saturday night live' promo 1,14-hour labor not exactly cakewalk for baby sticking halfway out mother's vagina either 0,noah cyrus makes her late-night debut belting out 'make me (cry)' 0,"underserved kids learn a year's worth of math in 6 weeks, thanks to new app" 0,distributor will not release new louis c.k. film after sexual misconduct report 0,jury awards ex-employee of roscoe's chicken n' waffles $1.6m in race discrimination suit 0,this is why you shouldn't go to the circus 1,man with eye patch in town 1,cnn panelists warn north korea situation way too complex for them to discuss intelligently 0,5 disturbing statements by the cop who shot philando castile 0,the warped environmentalism of america's biggest industrial meat producer 1,"Thanks god we sorted that out! I mean, the whole South America - Africa thing is just a coincidence right? Right?" 1,man born to party dies partying 0,what miles teller wishes he could tell people about 'fantastic four' 0,firefighter loses home to fire days after he receives racist threat 1,dad holds best buy salesman's feet to fire with question about hdtv compatibility 0,princeton students protest protesters 0,margarita murillo: another victim of neoliberalism in honduras? 0,"I don't know if we can be as accurate as a couple of million years, but I agree that the age of the earth is just right for supporting man." 1,"Your absolutely right. I am unsure of the point of this thread entirely. Is it just like fishing for responses on what our notions are or are you trying to learn something for yourself in which case I would say personal research is better than online forums. Cool coincidence" 0,'the huffpost show' takes on: loretta lynch stalemate 0,"syria, russia pound rebel-held aleppo but advances halt" 0,"britain to send 125 military advisers to iraq, says david cameron" 0,laura jane grace talks with fan about transphobic assault in the punk community 1,tesla posts massive first quarter loss after self-driving car absconds with $702 million in cash 0,why uber should hire a woman ceo 1,party guest figures bedroom dresser probably where host wants everyone to leave empty cans 1,officials unveil plan to convert underused senate chamber into storage facility 0,brexit: a cousin of trumpism? a distant cousin of fascism? 1,And here the assi once again refuses to respond to a valid post as he personally insults a member who shows more intelligence and wisdom than he does in every post COBHC writes. And this coming from a guy who is barely out of his teens himself. Hypocrite much assipiter? emoticonXRolleyes 1,paul ryan discovers half-finished escape tunnel leading out of speaker's office 1,"No, I for one dislike your posts because I know you intentionally write irrational posts to help support your religious cause. Just for the record montalban, basically every single legitimate scientist is ""pro-evolution"". Creation theory is not taught in public schools, not by chance, but because...*gasp* it's RELIGIOUS MUMBO JUMBO. There is no evidence to support it. Creation fiction has made no progress with it's ""faith-based"" (lackofevidence) with rational people. And I'll also say that I'd welcome ad hominem over irrational thinking any day. Ad hominem is just a lack of patience, or someone who doesn't care to hide their emotion or opinion. Irrational thinking on the other hand is often only cured by death. Someone guilty of ad hominem can still hold a rational debate. The irrational..well, why bother? -Mach" 1,WND is not some guy on the internet who is 30 years old and has only had summer jobs on his resume. 1,cnn holds panel discussion to determine if there race problem in america 0,gop plan to avoid september shutdown: we'll get back to you later 0,And how does this compare to your ideas on artificial selection? 1,"Yes, because atheists love it when New Orleans gets drowned in water and thousands die. Hell, I know I'm throwing a party tonight, going to get my atheist friends over, and my pagan brothers to. Maybe a couple of beers, some dogs on the grill, all topped off with us ******* on a crucifex. Grow up." 1,mike pence has long heart-to-heart with staffer who came to work with coffee on breath 1,area man incapable of making plans without excitedly rubbing palms together 1,pope francis asks congregation if it's okay if they do a low-key easter this year 1,Er . . . how do you know that god hasn't told anyone to kill enmasse (in the last 2000 years)? Does he run all his orders by you? 0,a childless woman's response to 'you're missing out' 1,gap debuts new line of children's sweaters to clutch to chest when son goes missing 1,tearful meghan mccain opens up about father's dying wish that she be given her own daytime talk show 0,pregnancy isn't always pretty 1,pilot informs passengers they will be rerouting to avoid scary cloud that looks like shark 0,walking away from the game: a higher calling or just over it? 1,microsoft signs justice dept. attorney to $350 million endorsement deal 1,10-year-old shocked woman from 'guinness book' who can pop her eyes out not a millionaire 0,mexican man says 19-inch penis is destroying his life 0,batboy who died in tragic accident remembered 0,5 reasons trump's mika tweets are even worse than you think 1,bush's approval rating of other americans also at all-time low 0,these were the hottest baby names of 2017 1,"You've said this on other forums as well: you don't have $10,000. You're only making a fool of yourself." 1,domino's surprises customer with nice steak dinner 0,putin under fire over ukraine at g-20 summit 0,celebrities send love to london with touching social media messages 0,I'm not against concealed carry in principle but open carry seems silly to me. I smell posers. 1,single fat kid takes 50 years off jungle gym's life 1,art experts confirm guggenheim museum a forgery 1,stick shift bragged about 1,Sounds like Phunting would have made a good German in the 1930s. 1,Your correct the research is sound and the conclusions are accurate. I am impressed you came to this conclusion without even reading it. 0,scottish leader demands new referendum on independence 0,obama encourages staff to 'stay on offense' in final year 0,this hotel offers the ultimate in sweet dreams: a 10-pound doughnut 0,"Actually, they didn't. The whole tragedy was caused by gun control. If even one student was packing when that occured, 33 lives could have been saved. But no, more victims of botched laws and corrupt politicians." 1,"obama's record-breaking fundraising effort bankrupting npr, world wildlife fund, aclu" 0,a progressive vision for the fbi 0,obama hosts annual ramadan iftar dinner at the white house 0,breaking: israelites in sinai suddenly achieve freedom from pharaoh -- good times forecast 0,"i think shortej is not a creationist. he/she never said so, and started off by saying he/she accepts evolution and maintains her catholic beliefs. (i have a hunch its ""she"")" 1,ride mis-pimped 1,gratitude for thank-you note plunges friends into inescapable appreciation spiral 0,"hundreds of thousands on precipice of losing everything, yet no one seems to care?" 1,"I believe suicide is murder, no matter how you look at it. It's already illegal, and if you do it, then chances are you're either taking PCP or are mentally unstable." 1,"Just to be pedantic, a better analogy would be: ""If you are here, why do you have brothers and sisters?""" 0,amazon pulls racist 'slavery gets s**t done' products from website 1,nation celebrates awkward 'take your illegitimate daughter to work' day 0,this 'jaws' analogy did not end well for mike huckabee 1,pope francis pardons those who dodged the draft during crusades 1,motion picture academy releases complete list of films that can be enjoyed without supporting sexual predator 1,new study finds best way to determine if you are android still cutting open forearm to reveal circuitry within 1,all the good sentiments on 'get well soon' card already taken 1,"super bowl stadium solemnly stands, places hands over heart for maroon 5 halftime show" 0,"no, not trump, not ever" 0,"on alan turing, me and my son" 1,transportation secretary calls for $200 billion in funding to repair nation's rickety wooden bridges 0,why is egypt prosecuting human rights defenders? 1,"knife-throwing, plate-spinning congressman dominates newscasts" 0,"plus-size holiday fashion: tutus, sequins, and standing out" 1,civil unrest in sierra leone concerns npr listener 0,this election year's darwin award goes to the folks behind this political mailer 0,the consumer financial protection bureau: a government agency for promoting growth 1,report: america still world leader in manufacturing excuses 0,14 snapshots that summed up parenthood in 2014 1,nigel farage dies of milkshake wounds 1,ted cruz stuck in nosebleed seats at senate campaign rally 1,obama sleeping with louisville slugger under bed now 0,police officer who killed unarmed motorist cleared of all charges 0,"DC has a law that human and civil rights can not be put up for a vote, this is the way it should be in the rest of the country. Why do you want to be able to vote on other peoples lives? Why is it that you are so cruel?" 0,josh hutcherson hints at more 'hunger games' movies 1,world wildlife fund now just trying to get few nice photos of every species for posterity 0,theory versus truth 1,kerry takes frustration out on lobster 1,white house insists it won't dictate the manner in which kavanaugh exonerated 1,retired factory worker had no idea earnings from '50s would have to support 3 generations of family 1,posthumously recorded bob dylan album receives rave reviews 0,jeb bush may be the most awkward 2016 candidate 1,detective trying to get into mind of litterer 0,this 'bachelorette' fight about what engagement means is too real 1,report: most small businesses fail in first 6 hours of being on fire 1,study finds college still more worthwhile than spending 4 years chained to radiator 0,Is the Ammo Shortage the Result of a Government Conspiracy or an NRA Marketing Campaign? 0,six ways to support opposition in turkey 0,what gop hopefuls think of tom cotton's iran bombing claim 1,another friends star to appear in another big-screen bomb 0,"Well memory is NOT something that is immaterial is it. Its always implemented in the form of material processes well known to biochemistry. Metabolism, ion flows, neuron activity and interconnections, along with potentiation of those connections into networks.Free-will of course is what we call the experience of our choices being not wholly determined by external states alone. By no means does that exclude the fact that our internal states (of which we are largely ignorant) also play a role. The autonomy arises from the operation of the brain and those internal states. Again a purely materialist explanation. And there is no evidence of anything other than material processes in the experience of free-will. In other words neither memory nor free-will require a non-materialist viewpoint." 0,"pope francis visits a troubled, overcrowded prison in philadelphia" 0,Not this time. That was the previous attempt by the good people of Kansas. 0,meet the megadonor behind the lgbtq rights movement 0,"as yahoo roils, martha nelson stays focused on media" 1,fire hydrant blows load all over hot neighborhood kids 1,woman can't wait to get home and take off uncomfortable persona 0,5 lessons i've learned raising a boy 1,father doesn't understand teenage son's obsession with classic rock 0,it's been 60 years and we're still failing 0,"Great. Then define information. If it is unseen, how do you know that it didn't increase. Isn't it necessary that there should be a way to quantify informatiion before you can make claims as to whether it has or has not increased? Again, evolution doesn't account for the origin of life, only the origin of the changes in the heritable characteristics that are observed in populations of living organisms." 1,bill clinton waiting until after primaries to endorse candidate 1,You know what I find amusing here...your entire argument revolves around how it will affect your wallet. Forget about the lives of the people who are denied rights in this country that you take forgranted. That is the true christian-American spirit isn't it? Oh how proud our forefathers would be if they could see us now...oh wait...most of them owned people...nevermind. 0,"Yes, it is, and I'll gladly excuse his grammar compared to my zero ability in Hungarian." 0,This makes more sense then anything else I've heard on this thread. 1,"Oh . . . please be gentle with me. Whew! :p " 0,pondering religion's absence as son turns 13 0,cities in this state have the worst smog 1,advertising executive gets in touch with inner-child demographic 0,the selfie girls everyone mocked use their fame for good 1,"syrian rebels, government think it's about time to call syria a day" 0,the clinton campaign is in 'the barrel.' they have a plan to get out. 0,will smith shooting scene witness shocked by alleged shooter cardell hayes' calm behavior 0,the fallen served for our freedom 0,"Well, their cash cow dried up and even Toby Hoover is going to have to get a new gig. No matter how many times these dire warnings were given they just never came to pass and over 2/3rds of the people are wise to them now and they have lost any credibility at all. Folks all over are now standing up demanding their rights and the left has expended both it's money and political and emotional capital. Stick a fork in them Lucy, they are done emoticonXHoho" 0,"three qualities a woman should possess to be powerful, from jill abramson (video)" 0,sarah palin gave a very un-sarah palin speech at cpac 0,"You're thinking is right on, sinjin. Although it's kinda hush-hush, it has been determined (especially in the more charismatic churches) that when one ""goes further"" in religion the other feels alienated and problems/troubles that probably would have never risen in their relationship oozes out. A new circle of friends emerge which make the one that is “left behind” feel closed out and closed off. Arguments then seem to erupt daily and most of it over who is doing the “right thing” according to that religion, followed all too often by divorce." 0,it's the horrifying tale of the drunk girl who won't stop partying 0,changing residency standards attack student voters 0,this teacher remixes rap songs like 'bad and boujee' to teach history lessons 1,report: more americans forced to sell gold pocket watch in order to afford set of fine combs for wife 1,"So why is this killing in DC on the news, when so many previous ones were ignored and treated like they didn't exist? Didn't the report say the police recovered a so called ""assault rifle"" from the suspects? Something that's supposed to be banned under current DC laws? Aren't magazines above 10 rounds also banned? How'd this killing happen if these two features are completely banned within DC and not available to anyone there?" 1,grandson's jigsaw puzzle strategy fucking pathetic 1,"Sing, goddess, of Achilles ruinous anger Which brought ten thousand pains to the Achaeans, And cast the souls of many stalwart heroes To Hades, and their bodies to the dogs And birds of prey."" ""Nothing can be revoked or said in vain nor unfulfilled if I should nod my head. Since you use quotes from old books to back up your claims, I will too. Here's some from Zeus-The Iliad. What??! I'm not making any sense. hmm." 0,15 times adele made you lol hard 0,helping ukraine: how? 0,world's largest polluters set to meet by rising sea. will climate come up? 1,first date in six months to be last date in six years 0,thanksgiving in a can: retro faves have long shelf life 1,fed admits up until now u.s. has just been coasting off money from 'avatar' 1,dixie donates $5 million in clean drinking cups to drought-ravaged southern africa 1,minnie driver optioned by harrison ford 0,sean spicer finally calls it quits after 6 months of humiliations 0,freyda miller: words and deeds 1,guantanamo bay begins construction on senior care wing 0,this is how it feels to lose a gutsy nfl game 1,"So who do you hold responsible for forcing people to stay at the convention center to die? Lemme guess. Should they be held criminally negligent? I'm sure the ""bipartisan"" commission will find out who is responsible and hold them accountable." 1,Sounds like I got the better deal. Maybe you should have held your pre-printed sign higher so the cameras could read ALL of it. ;) 1,"Maybe you aren't aware, but something that hasn't happend but has a possibility or probability of happening is potential, so the word is accurate to describe it. And since I'm sure Steeeeve (the dictionary worshipper) will step in, here is the definition: " 0,"I've been around the creationist/science discussions for a number of years, about 20 or so. The ""you believe in evolution"" argument has been around for at least that long. In my experience it has been a waste of breath to try to convince creationists that I don't believe in evolution any more than they do. As I recall, the argument was even presented in a court case back in the late 60s, or maybe it was the early 80s. I could be wrong. I'll have to check on that." 0,this union is spending big with hopes of improving the plight of low-wage workers 1,"Son, It is a them not a his :P *cough* spellcheck *cough* on edit Yes they rock! Dont forget where you go that cd :) your old mom emoticonXWow" 1,"convulsing teen bleeding from eyes, nose thinks he can feel the synthetic weed kicking in" 0,mike boggs' record catches up to him 1,guard gives death row inmate every chance to end life before they try new execution drug on him 0,another mass shooting and more prayers. america has officially given up. 1,"local play well-attended by friends, family" 0,cruz calls trump 'serial philanderer' and 'pathological liar' in blistering attack 0,we could see michelle obama in all of these designs 1,fucking oasis to probably be worked into olympics opening ceremony 0,refugee blues 0,"hannity rips jimmy kimmel in off-the-rails feud as 'twisted, creepy weirdo""" 0,"australia is responsible for immigrant children suffering in detention, un investigator says" 1,kennedy space center displays suit worn by buzz aldrin while lobbying for nasa funding 0,gabby giffords endorses hillary clinton for president 1,sullen jeff sessions scrolls through minority incarceration statistics to cheer self up 0,"why human rights matter: u.s. should promote, not impose, liberty" 1,u.s. military defends controversial decision to test kilauea volcano on hawaiian civilians 0,"man snaps selfie with a python. the snake snapped back, unsurprisingly." 0,can you survive five days on the amazon? 0,trump caps off infrastructure week by stoking a mideast crisis 0,rubio launches new lines of attack against christie 0,exclusive: bet responds after coming under fire from journalists and publicists 1,rudy giuliani suddenly realizes he's been grinning during entire 9/11 ceremony 1,palestinians prepare for massive ground invasion 1,"The question is do the dogs want to be protected ? Those poor dogs, for all you know they might prefer death." 0,john oliver lays out the most disturbing ways in which trump impacts america 0,khloe kardashian reportedly pregnant with tristan thompson's baby 0,"women in business: mollie spilman, chief revenue officer, criteo" 1,paul ryan quietly doing seated ab exercises throughout state of the union 1,pope francis packs swimming vestments just in case there pool at hotel 1,television character nervous about upcoming class reunion 0,police move homeless off philadelphia streets before pope's visit 1,ponds institute tops 1997 cosmopolitan college poll 0,republicans are shocked (!) that they've nominated an ignorant boor 0,"You mentioned him once or twice. I could give a rats a$$ about him. My concern is for you or anyone else who is in your situation. If you end up getting shot, as you walk towards that light remember you had ample opportunity to have prevented the dire mess you may find yourself in! It was not the guns fault, heck it really was not your brothers fault... It would have been your fault because you failed to act. This line has nothing to do with my position on guns or trying to get a ""one up"" on the debate. You are in a dire LIFE THREATENING emergency much worse than me owning every mortar, grenade, f16, m16, ak-47 in the world. Do you get it?" 0,"Sucide? Isn't that a mental health issue? If you take a gun from a sucidal and depressed person, does that cure depression? If it does that you have addressed the root cause of sucide. If it does not than you really have not done anything to cure the fundamental cause of sucide." 1,man trying to enter conversation spends few minutes smiling and nodding at edge of circle 0,this 23-month-old is probably more stylish than you 1,"Sounds like a movie... We could threaten to use our old nukes on all the potential enemies...oh, yeah, we've already done that." 0,top gop strategist who bashed donald trump will now try to get him elected 0,new 'star trek' tv series in the works for 2017 0,saturday's morning email: funnies edition 1,humanity still producing new art as though megadeth's 'rust in peace' doesn't already exist 0,sinclair takes a swipe at cnn with misleading 'fake news' video 1,loser hiding behind winning smile 0,the how-many-years' war 1,decision to ask out girl made using 10-sided die 0,this color-changing cake is like magic you can eat 1,up-and-coming local band signs two-cassette deal 1,someone's job riding on success of antacid gum 1,pretentious peasant insists he never watches beheadings 0,13 dead from unexplained illness in liberia 0,racists charged in terror plot against somali refugees get a nearly all white jury 1,karl rove ensures republican elected as student body president 0,senate's new plan to repeal but not replace obamacare is dead 0,video proves there are no 'routine' traffic stops for black people 1,podcaster makes solemn promise to improve sound quality next episode 1,area man's bathroom a monument to ongoing war against his own disgusting body 0,san francisco begins providing attorneys for immigrants who can't afford them 0,trump's dangerous move towards protectionism 1,melania trump hangs decayed badger carcass over white house mantel to finish off traditional slovenian christmas decor 0,find lead paint violations in new york city neighborhoods 1,area man thinks he was fired because of recession 1,economists recommend setting aside part of every paycheck in case of dire straits reunion tour 1,"'i'm afraid you won't be coming to our new headquarters,' declares alexa as amazon execs find themselves locked in seattle office" 1,2014 olympics to be held in 19th century 0,5 signs you should be eating more carbs (really!) 0,"This is not true. Rather, when there is conflict between one's sanctity of life vs another's quality of life, the sanctity of life must win." 0,little girl and husky puppy howl in a doggone cute duet 0,ukraine's donbas is like america's deep south 0,sarah palin slams donald trump's carrier deal as 'crony capitalism' 0,a somali refugee's american story 0,want to become a travel 'hacker'? read this first. 0,aaron rodgers finally breaks his silence on 'bachelorette' brother 1,"Wow, you PROVED the Big Bang to be a big dud? I didn't see this clear refutation of a longheld scientific theory written up in any of the peer reviewed scientific journals. I must have overlooked it. Can you give the reference to your article?" 0,"Actually, according to your use of the word ""person,"" she is. A significant percentage of fertilized eggs fail to implant and are instead passed. How sad (and typical) that you haven't bothered to educate yourself about these things." 1,like boxes of shit in your house? get a cat 1,parents honor beloved dead grandmother by naming baby 'gamgam' 0,"earth day is nearly here, but our planet is worth caring about every day" 0,"You lost me there. Try them how and for what? This bill is a long way from passing. Doesn't seem to have great support beyond the ""plenty"" people you mentioned." 1,Cool then if you have a company holding your 401k based in New York does that mean they have to honor your investment in virginia? Does this also mean that you can't drive outside virginia because the sorrounding states don't have to honor your drivers license? 1,sea of hair engulfs nation after bosley physicians lose control of restoration 0,donald trump opponents' path to victory is dark and full of terrors 1,dead hamster feels its life has been properly honored by shoebox coffin 0,a century later the same old thrill 1,"Archie proves, for the umpteenth time, that he is utterly incapable of reading for comprehension. Oh, and stop with the ""Obama is the antichrist"" rhetoric. You're embarassing yourself even more than usual." 1,department of the interior sets aside two million acres for car commercials 1,man who temporarily disables facebook account deems self 'off the grid' 0,world's most innovative companies 0,trump praises saddam hussein again — this time for killing terrorists 'so good' 1,man guessing he's stared at giant sequoia long enough to appreciate it 0,"So every woman who has an abortion lives an irresponsible life. Care to give any examples, or are you just spouting rubbish with no experience or knowledge whatsoever?" 1,fbi: six dead not really 'mass' murder 1,study finds rising sea levels result of expansive colonization effort by dolphins 0,this crazy thing happened when i quit diet coke 0,"So, we are debating creation, yet you don't consider quoting the bible, the single most important original proponent of the creation account and to you, it doesn't qualify as a source for what is being discussed here? You say this and expect to be taken seriously?" 1,personal trainer impressed by man's improved excuses 1,last cherry tomato in salad a wily little bastard 1,"area man secretly tired of exposing his big belly for friends to slap, yet knows no other way" 0,amanda peet was really excited about her husband's emmy win for 'game of thrones' 1,tim kaine forced to drink ipecac after eating sheet of 'i'm with her' stickers 0,erika christensen and cole maness are married 0,"But you know what really doesn't make sense? Why are they evangelising to people (who they know most of them will reject them) if those people get a special dispensation? They'd be condemning people to hell by evangelizing, would they not? Why not leave the people be and let them get the special dispensation? emoticonXConfused" 1,office manager unveils new rule 0,florida county asks judge to clarify gay marriage ruling 1,senior citizens discuss merits of county-clerk candidates 1,can of soda in freezer realizing owner never coming back for it 0,how to choose a worthwhile organization 0,you must hear this dog sneeze before you do anything else 0,what to expect from 'the simpsons'/'family guy' crossover 1,christopher plummer probably nailing it in 'king lear' somewhere 1,glandular problem forces man to eat fifth helping 1,study: floating heap of trash now ocean's apex predator 1,chemicals that pushed man's ancestors to run down wild boar flare at sight of white cheddar popcorn bag 1,bush to olympians: 'bring back lots of valuable gold' 1,wary michael jackson hologram just trying to keep low profile 0,we need more college graduates 0,"What's a ""marriage officer""? If that's like a priest or minister, than certainly they shouldn't have to perform a ceremony that doesn't coincide with their beliefs. But if it's a government position, like a justice of the peace, then they should either leave their religion at home when they go to work, or get a job that doesn't conflict with their beliefs. Religious freedom does not give you the freedom to deny freedom to someone else." 1,Voice of Reason? HmmHe used to be in Military Intelligence hence the debacle in Vietnam. He probably still thinks that the US won the war. 0,"42,000 pounds of trash removed from hawaii home" 1,mom really gunning to befriend babysitter during weekly 3-minute interactions 1,"report: only 893,000 news stories to go until 2016 election over" 0,take yourself to work every day! 0,going beyond the usual arguments about gun safety 0,up to 60 robbers storm bart train in flash mob hold-up 0,chuck schumer: tom perez will make the dnc do more than 'yak' 0,brits slam theresa 'the appeaser' may for refusal to condemn trump's refugee ban 0,"No, the legal middle ground between no same-sex marriage and only same-sex marriage is marriage for all, just as the legal middle ground between no opposite-sex marriage and only opposite-sex marriage is marriage for all. Another possiblity would be marriage for none, but let's not go there." 1,republicans condemn akin's comments as blemish on party's otherwise spotless women's rights record 0,pamela geller and the professional islamophobia business 0,australia travel tips: how to get the most out of the smallest continent 0,"The anti-abortionists claim a load of **** on many issues. I don't listen to them. To put the ""life"" of an unfertilized egg above that of a person is grotesquely sick IMO. I support any such stem cell research wholeheartedly." 0,adam levine proudly displays his 'baby bump' alongside wife in cute instagram photo 0,poz retreats: empowering people who are infected and/or affected by hiv/aids 1,"maria butina slips away after binding half-naked, blindfolded robert mueller to bed" 1,"breaking: bitcoin value currently plummeting—no, wait—skyrocketing—no, plummeting" 0,bill maher and sarah silverman are cowardly and silent when it comes to louis c.k. 0,"here's what we learned during this miserable, endless election year" 1,furloughed government employee using time off to visit local food pantry she been hearing about 0,nine rules for effective online content 0,lamar odom to document his road to recovery in new reality series 0,devin nunes vows to 'never' reveal source of surveillance claims 1,man with big stick to lead russia 1,sudden resurfacing of file called 'lyrics.doc' a chilling reminder of life thought left behind 1,fbi: 'you know you're desperate when you're asking the american people for help' 0,bb and me: emotional intelligence 0,5 things not to say to a transgender person (and 3 things you should) 1,It might be telling that super heroes typically don't use firearms. That I'd prefer my crowds to have few if any guns concealed within hardly makes me pro-crime. Nor does it make me a pacifist. I'm a big fan of violence. The hands on kind. 1,secret santa seems to think you a big 'laverne & shirley' fan 0,reflections from ivy day 0,hobby lobby still covers vasectomies and viagra 0,harambe's grandmother euthanized at miami zoo 0,jeb bush quits firm that profited from obamacare 0,7 things i learned while making a movie about pregnancy loss 0,history teacher removed from classroom for comparing trump to hitler 1,'army of one' campaign attracting troubled loners to military 1,schnauzers rioting outside madison square garden following westminster dog show defeat 1,man with dream to open liquor store achieves dream 0,20 people found refuge in a famous paris bookstore during attacks 1,"[quote=zsu2357;361600] Now, now ZSU, we learned from comrade star gazer that GW created the Continental Army. I am sure these gentlemen have some equally illogical and inaccurate 'facts' to scatter around the barnyard" 0,theater: bradley cooper gets ugly; tr knight gets closeted 0,want to start school later? avoid these 10 common traps 1,nbc cancels csi 1,nation letting itself have few moments of celebration before returning to horrifying reality of violent extremism 1,silicon breast implants perform millions of calculations per second 1,Most certainly. The fact that you think that it is unnecessary only underlines your ignorance. Why don't you discuss beetle lungs for us. Those are organs necessary for the survival of both bears and cheetahs. How about livers. Same story. Thyroid? Pituitary? Pancreas? Go for it. 0,"yes, but adam wasnt created with hereditary information or from sperm and egg cells. adam was the prototype. any subsequent humans should be born following the fashion in which adam was made. otherwise adam could have been shaped like a goat and still bear human children, because god could have formed him into whatever shape or lack of shape he wanted, yet put the genetic information in him to produce human offspring. why should adam's children look like adam? wouldnt adam's children be born the way adam was created, or not?" 0,can this man save detroit public schools? 0,"spain just made history -- twice. here's what went down, hour by hour" 0,washington teen broke up with girlfriend before deadly shooting: reports 1,nursing home patient glad she's going home tomorrow every day 1,winter storm threatens homeless man's plans to survive over thanksgiving 1,"We all agree that abortion is ""killing"". Killing something that has yet to become self aware is different IMO. Funny you request an open ""mind"". My point is that it ain't a human being if it ain't got no mind. That's why they unplug you when you're brain dead." 0,"again, please review the definition of an atheist humor cannot be observed by apparatus that test the physical realm. it is an abstract and intangible quality. so is beauty, artistic ability and pleasure. yet these things exist and are as real to an atheist as it is to a theist. an atheist does not need a devine revelation to appreciate intangible qualities or account for their existence. they can be detected through mental processing, and communicated so that others can agree on the quality and identify it when it is present. being an atheist does not preclude belief in the existence of intangible and abstract things. it just precludes the belief in god and a spiritual/supernatural realm" 0,rescuers in rebel-held syrian area accuse government of gas attack 1,"Did you even notice that they were not the first to report it? Oh wait, you didn't because you are obviously using the fallacy of selective observation. " 1,parents of 6-year-old sorely regretting purchase of knock-knock-joke book 1,embarrassed brett kavanaugh can't believe he wore handmaid costume on same day as protesters 0,florist who turned away gay couple wants supreme court to hear her case 0,"Well either way he didn't answer the question. I saw the video. I saw and heard his responce. He can't squirm his way out of the fact that he didn't know the answer. The internet site also quotes:" 1,david spade just shot 0,6 steps to help you genuinely forgive even the unforgivable 0,fisherman's worst nightmare comes true 0,home invasion prompts neighbors to invest in security 0,the world will end this summer -- according to hollywood 0,"Incorrectly by those who don't understand evolution. Talking about the evolutionist theories about the big bang is pretty mindless, since the big bang is cosmology. Whether or not there was or was not a big bang is irrelevant to evolutionary biology. Lumping other sciences under ""evolution"" is a method of creationists so that they can claim that they don't oppose ""science"" but only evolution. To be a creationist is to reject the last 400 years of science - cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics, nuclear physics, geology, paleontology, tectonics, biogeography, genetics, population genetics, and so on. You get the idea." 1,blagojevich just getting started 1,"So the BBC folks are frauds and liars? You really are an idiot aren't you? Piltdown Bird is a colorful way of saying it was a Piltdown like fraud. National Geographic knew it was a fake and published the article anyway. Of course you probably still believe in the original Piltdown don't you? You probably believe the Nebraska Man and Haeckels speechless apes were real too. There is an echo when you think isn't there?" 0,congressional candidate recounts childhood abuse in powerful campaign ad 1,u.n. peacekeepers pulled from bosnia to mow ted turner's lawn 0,"It's worse than that, Pandion. For example, here's what I told him over at ARN on the same subject back on April 5th." 1,hero financial officer saves 12 grand 1,media stumped on how to handle missing mixed-race woman 0,"cheer up, democrats" 0,25 halloween costumes for men with beards 1,house haunted by elks club members 0,the real point of going off the grid 0,"There is never a question of ""killing people"" in such circumstances, it a matter of deciding if treatment should be withdrawn and thus allow them to die, i.e. where there is no possibility of any sort of a recovery." 0,jimmy kimmel hilariously stops by 'sesame street' to introduce a new letter 0,nationwide art project is making space for historic women in all 50 states 0,don't press the button: the problem with email and what to do about it 0,"Actually it wouldn't. Since there is no rational, believable evidence for creationism, it wouldn't be any more believable if evolution were disproved. As an example, I dare you to start a thread in an appropriate forum and give us tested evidence for a global flood as depicted in Genesis. Good luck." 1,25-year-old man no longer impressed by mewtwo 0,hackers crack voting machines within minutes at def con in vegas 1,"Whatever you say. emoticonXRolleyesYou are just underlining my point. Instead of proceeding with you thread you are content with just being a troll, so just be a troll. emoticonXGood" 1,"As I have pointed out, the only BS here is your accusations." 1,ex-girlfriend flashback leaves man paralyzed in produce aisle 1,system for telling clean clothes from dirty falls apart by second day of trip 0,facebook's war continues against fake profiles and bots 1,terri schiavo dies of embarrassment 1,arm & hammer representative starting to wonder what he's doing at sxsw 1,yeti releases abdominable crunch workout video 1,bored iowa town trying to convince kirsten gillibrand it local tradition to eat live tarantula 0,emily's list founder: women are the 'problem solvers' in congress 0,the constant conflict between feminism and nationalism 0,in the heights 0,this poet doesn't care if you're tired of hearing about race 0,20 suede pieces you'll want to wear all spring 1,largemouth bass has largemouth sass! 1,hmo targets blacks with 'rapping good' health campaign 1,lush unveils new line of anti-aging youthful maiden bloodbombs 0,the good girl's guide to socializing with celebs 1,temporary worker permanently scarred 1,10 million fans killed off in sopranos season premiere 0,several people injured in car incident near london museum 0,how prepared are directors for the challenges of the nonprofit culture? 1,god's gift to women returned 1,child assured most monsters do not exist 1,toddler just looking for sensible mid-range tricycle 1,thirsty mayor drinks town's entire water supply 1,grasshopper dismembered by future supreme court justice 0,nevada must not allow a death row inmate to 'volunteer' for execution by fentanyl and other drugs 0,samantha bee airs her first ever 'trump-positive' piece 1,dental hygienist angered by lack of flossing 0,gop senators throw support behind mitch mcconnell as feud with trump escalates 0,give the gift of play this holiday season 0,why did wikileaks name 'country x' when glenn greenwald wouldn't? 1,israeli government found to be in league with jewry 1,"put it on pay-per view, call it a new extream sport." 1,area man honored to have name in hat 1,"That seems reasonably likely, happens to a lot of people. Umm, you're the one questioning whether the environment can cause cancer? The ""Evolutionist scientists"" you despise so much are the ones publishing papers about the environmental causes of cancer. Cancer isn't ""selected"", people who get cancer often die and have no more children... Think before you post next time? Or is that too much to ask?" 0,former obama aide david plouffe calls donald trump a 'psychopath' 0,in defense of the promposal 0,missouri gov. eric greitens refuses to resign despite calls from his own party 0,I believe that science explains the way God created the universe. 1,"I dunno. What is the scoop here? You complain about the responses we give, and yet you keep coming back for more. Even people with down syndrome learn enough to only stick their hands in the open flame once." 1,government admits to hiding embarrassingly lame 1973 extraterrestrial encounter 0,to my meant-to-bes: a letter to my failed ivf embryos 1,"Force the children to learn science? How obscene!! what's next ? maths?? emoticonXRolleyes" 1,albanian village bombed forward into stone age 0,john boehner: we should know if paul ryan is running for speaker soon 0,"Just like the plastic gun fear, the armour piercing bullet fear was built upon misinformation and myth." 0,ana navarro calls out gop: you'd impeach hillary clinton over this 1,running back's buttocks undulate hypnotically in sexuality-challenging slow-motion replay 1,ron paul promises to return when country needs him most 1,Tanq and tonic...ahh yes. The truth serum. You know me too well.emoticonXHoho 0,"Distract? No. If Wells is accusing equivocation, he'd better be able to back up his claim." 1,hospital paperwork reduces man's reading comprehension to first-grade level 1,drunk man staring at ihop syrups 1,rubenesque woman has picassoesque face 0,"The curriculum is legal outside the public school system, and used in private schools. (I left a couple of sample links on the other board.) So do you see those private schools as engaged in child abuse?" 0,thousands march in france over the murder of an 85-year-old holocaust survivor 0,moderation and modernity: challenges for moroccan islam 1,two dozen restaurant patrons made violently ill from marriage proposal 0,tracy k. smith is america's new poet laureate 1,"So the tooth that gave rise to Nebraska Man was evidence - evidence of what - a tooth. But from that piece of evidence evolutionaries were able to extrapolate a whole new race of men! So, is it still ?evidence?? So much for evidence pointing to evolution ? it is what you make of the ?evidence?." 0,'finding dory' shows no signs of slowing down at the box office 1,forgetful karl lagerfeld inadvertently starts lobster-bib trend 1,chris christie dreaming about 72-inch springsteen sub 1,netflix instant thinking about adding good movie 0,"Well, ya know, if you actually, oh I don't know, VISITED THE SITE, you'd see that the """" is a blog-like page (and not the one that is actually giving the info on the evolutionary migration of humanity) and it gave a link to the actual website that we are talking about (the second link I gave): then, maybe we're expecting a little too much from a creationist. emoticonXBanghead emoticonXBanghead" 0,Is that not agnostic? You leave yourself open to change if evidence dictates it. Sorry if this is just turning into word games. 1,chase ceo giving commencement speech pledges to double whole class's student loan debt 1,lindsey graham dining alone at applebee's kind of wishes protesters would come heckle him 0,new documents show pompeo failed to disclose additional business ties to china 1,u.s. public health service estimates they'll have tuskegee experiment wrapped up by 2020 1,"Winston, I must confess my ignorance; before this, I thought your posts couldn't possibly get any more asinine. I see I was wrong about that. You have a spare tire just in case? Just in case of a car accident? In case your engine explodes? In case someone hijacks your car? Congratulations, Winston. You have made by far the most asinine post I have ever seen. And you are the most asinine person I have ever seen. " 0,"news roundup for july 12, 2017" 1,"completely unrealistic tv character has complex, multifaceted personality" 1,study: support for bill of rights highest while attempting to talk way out of drunk driving arrest 0,stephen hawking's disability wasn't something to 'overcome' 0,activist hopes public suicide leads to more awareness 1,trip to office kitchen hastily altered to trip to bathroom to evade despised coworker 1,america's love affair with ally mcbeal ends violently 1,westboro baptist church not really sure why they're picketing allan arbus' funeral 1,"You know, its those happy-smiley cartoons that really freak me out. Is this just me or does anyone else find them creepy?" 0,woman survives 7-story plunge from parking garage in bmw 1,report: you to learn names of 3 reprehensible public officials this week 1,lone man with six-pack 'partying' 0,pope wraps up south american tour with visit to banado norte slum 1,scientists genetically engineer lab rat predisposed to think anything wrong with it might be cancer 0,marco rubio launches his first presidential television ad 0,petition to censure trump gains momentum 0,bernie sanders slams trump: 'that kind of crap is not going to work in the united states' 1," nonsense and lies that bertvan spewed is it that you want me to elaborate on?Or did you want me to elaborate on some of the falsehoods and lies of yours that I have challenged? Are you actually up to dealing with challenges to your spewed falsehoods or will you run from that?"" YES, all of that. Prove it has any basis in fact and that berts claims cannot be true. Talk and attacks are cheap but proof of anything substantial and real is few and far between by you. I'll see you uh, never? Because all of the ridiculous assertions and claims you make are unprovable by any reasonable standard. " 1,cracking sound alerts man he reaching styrofoam plate's weight limit 1,adorable puppy nets owner handjob 0,12 comics to remind you that you're a flawed but amazing human being 0,the future is blurry! 0,backpage ceo likely to walk from pimping charges as judge cites shield law 1,"That was not the point. The point was that you needed a definition of what Truth is, which is absurd to the point of being retarded. You have no legitimate individual freedoms or rights. Only the false promises and definitions of these things society offers you. Maybe when you were gay-bashed, you should have thought about what the meaning of your so-called rights was. " 0,pit bull lovers gather in washington 1,man really letting no one have it during exit interview 0,miami police officer's facebook plea: 'everyone's life matters' 0,the hilarious hipster classifieds you'll (probably) never see online 0,texas gop chair laments inclusion of gay conversion therapy in party platform 1,parents drop fake treating-you-like-an-adult act half-hour into visit 0,naval chakra tune up: yoga sequence from stephanie snyder 0,sweet video honors the amazing work of child life specialists 0,"how much beer the world drinks, in 1 interactive globe" 1,dog named murph lives up to name 1,Here is a mind blower. Maybe they are celebate because being married to Jesus they are saving themselves for sex with him. 0,Incorrect- I think Olsen is very specific in citing those he feels have overstepped the mark in this instance. He is not ruling out the possibility of a link at all- he (rightly IMO) is targeting certain workers and publications. 1,pantone intern starstruck after meeting designer behind sand dollar 13-1106 0,should grandparents worry about their credit? 0,what happened to america's first muslims? 0,Umm...thats the point of saying God of the Gaps - when science fills in the gaps then there is less for your God to do. 0,mental health and nuclear weapons 0,some leaders are born women 0,drunk ron weasley wishing harry potter 'happy birthday' is pure magic 0,claims about andreas lubitz's mental health further stigmatize mental illnesses 0,twitter unloads on the house gop with #gopsongsaboutethics 0,the one thing that really was better when we were kids 0,"can america be saved?: how did 'yes, we can!' become 'no, we couldn't'? (part one)" 1,rudy giuliani backtracks on previous statements referring to 9/11 as tragedy 0,new developing nations leader has big plans to crack down on global tax dodging 1,santa anita park officials announce they will stop allowing bets on all upcoming horse deaths 0,jonathan adler's stunning new hotel project has a powerful mission 0,ted cruz: the media salivates when criminals are republican 1,you seem to know a lot about something that exists only in your imagination. archangel knows also everything about dragons. when does the soul takes abode in a human being according to you? can we detect this happenning? any pictures of souls? 1,"area man's got a ton of shit on his mind right now, okay?" 1,businessman goes home for the holidays to network with family 1,subconscious can't wait to turn offhand remark from boss into dream about drowning horse 0,"#2 was questioning the personal, non-scientific beliefs of the evolution believer" 1,fda calls concrete breast implants 'architecturally sound' 1,male marsh wren chirping his balls off to attract mate 0,"So sorry, Anastasia...that's a horrible thing to face. And now, using that excuse? What! If justice was swift for the guilty then he would not have escaped only to do it again. Some criminals never change, and via your testimony, only live to do it again. There are some who need to be put to death. Your situation made me shudder, Anastasia. But, I am glad you didn't let it (revenge) effect you to the point of taking his life yourself. If it would have been my father, those many years ago, I cannot say that I would have waited, nor would have accepted that lame excuse of retardation. I could very well be in prison myself." 0,free school lunches kept me from starving 1,"But didn't you know? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that. They don't get it, they actally believe that they're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well. It isn't terrorists, or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms, it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to fear. Those like Pat Robertson, or Jerry Falwel who have influence and many others as well like your President. How many other Judges feel and believe the same as Judge Moore in Alabama did?" 0,"Banning abortion is a tool with which to punish women you deem promiscuous or immoral and recreate through a police state a mythical golden age of christian virtue, got you. The rest is just a cover story in the same way biblical creationists who want their religion brought into the school system advocate ""intelligent design"". They call it ""lying for baby Jesus""." 0,watch: snow drifts were no match for this determined freight train 0,death of high school quarterback evan murray ruled an accident 0,this obama-themed clothing line just dropped into your life 0,the obscure trade provision everyone is talking about 1,charlton heston gets serious 0,there can be dignity in the face of poverty 1,"I'm going to ask you a direct question, which I am sure you will ignore. John is an atheist. He has stolen some money. He is sincerely remorseful over his actions. Since John is remorseful, has your Judeo-Christian God FORGIVEN John? You can ""blah, blah, blah"" all you want, but a ""yes"" or a ""no"" needs to be given EXPLICITLY in your answer. " 0,this is what a perfect shot on goal looks like 0,sean hannity goes berserk after losing conservative media award 1,masturbating mom can't get bobby flay southwestern eggs demo to stop buffering 0,the power of perspective 0,'la 92' looks back at the rodney king protests 25 years later 1," But? If? Isn't? But that's? Must be a Progressive prison or something. emoticonXSmilie" 0,missing from amazon's search for a second home: the climate effects 0,"finally, a virtual reality headset that's cheap and actually works" 0,shooting non-targets 0,conservatives start spending to block obama supreme court nominee 1,'missed connection' ad obviously cheney 0,Well that explains your anger.:p I hope you are blessed with homeliness.:) Makes your commitment easier to keep. How old are you now? 1,george kennedy's honor riding on internal breath freshener 0,"What would you know about fair and balanced? I know a lot of truths about gays. Do you want me to start posting incessant threads pointing them all out? And I am the moderator for the formal debate forum, not the entire board. Want to debate me on the benefits of gays on society vs Christianity?" 1,poll finds 100% of americans blame shutdown entirely on colorado representative scott tipton 1,local church full of brainwashed idiots feeds town's poor every week 1,cnn investigating reports of wolf blitzer's highly proper sexual conduct 0,"Exactly. That the change in moth color was due to natural selection was first posed in about 1896 by J.W. Tutt. The funny thing is that as pollution increased, the moths turned black, and then as the pollution was cleaned up, they turned white again. carbonaria have become pretty scarce." 1,"Oh gosh, silly, silly me, not blaming an entire group of people for something a few nutjobs did. My, I'm so embarassed for being so intolerant and thinking that! emoticonXBangheademoticonXBanghead " 1,"man who will pay $60,000 in medical bills this year can't afford health insurance right now" 0,a-sides with jon chattman: sweet and not-so-sweet emotions: joe perry gets honest about aerosmith in new memoir 1,"sauce-spatter analysis allows investigators to reconstruct horrific, grisly consumption of meatball sub" 1,police sketch artist admits to only drawing people who have wronged him personally 0,what life is like where it's snowy and cold 1,report: stating current year still leading argument for social reform 0,"americans more polarized than at any time in last two decades, poll shows" 1,mugger can't believe crap victim has on mp3 player 0,13 times celebrities got real about mental health 0,"the 5 top u.s. national parks, in photos" 1,man celebrates raise company will eventually use to justify firing him 1,report: some people live in pennsylvania 0,the key to setting achievable goals 1,creative writing teacher announces plan to sit on edge of desk 0,"with a little luck, trump and his cronies will disrupt their own plans" 0,man claiming to be boko haram leader appears in new video 1,stouffer's discontinues toaster steaks 0,these simple tricks will make it way easier to work from home 0,swedish prosecutors drop julian assange rape investigation 1,burmese python shocked at amount of stress man holding in his neck 0,duchess kate hits scotland in a gorgeous blue coat 1,new resort community still trying to think of name 1,"Well, the French have always been an independent and rebellious lot, not like those staid northern Europeans. And let's remember how much we all owe to those heathens of Greece and Rome! " 1,arizona high schools to now teach spanish entirely in english 0,"reclaiming 'usa!, usa! usa!' from the bigots in murrieta" 1,frustrated writer tosses another crumpled-up laptop in trash can 0,a millennial perspective on concur's new app center 1,bush to meet with agriculture secretary down in the holler 0,why we're still fighting the last war on trade policy 1,impressive new hire figures out bare minimum of work job requires on first day 0,the top 10 workout songs for january 2018 0,virginia board votes to amend harsh abortion clinic regulations 1,"moby provides long-range, blurry photo taken through window to prove he currently dating natalie portman" 1,archaeologists unearth ancient clay pot shards from dwelling of earliest known klutz 1,"I've decided that I will answer this question once and for all if someone can prove to me why people need tennis racquets. If someone can answer this for me, I will attempt the definitive assault weapon response. Have at it." 0,"And are people in DC legally allowed to carry their guns with them in a concealed manner, having them readily available like the rest of us do in the country?Absolutely not. According to DC your rights don't extend past your home, and it barely even exists inside your home." 0,don't raise the massachusetts charter cap just yet 1,tour guide always builds in 10 minutes for everyone in group to mount cannon like horse 0,"True. Gallup couches the questions in a way that favors spiritualism. That is his preference and I think that his polls are slanted that way. I don't think I have ever seen a poll that actually asked the question directly and ""no religion"" doesn't really ask it. The numbers are just guesses. I think Big Orn is correct 7 to 10% is probably a bit low." 1,'the last jedi' footage reveals chewbacca balding since 'the force awakens' 0,how to create a hotel-worthy bathroom 1,newsweek editors argue over what to make readers fear next 1,report: dad wants to show you where fuse box is 1,nation's sexual degenerates impatient for gay marriage slippery slope to kick in 1,annual teeth cleaning reveals three previously unnoticed rows of teeth 0,social engineering: 9 ways to keep your identity safe 1,jealous paul ryan asks legislator with 37% approval rating what his secret is 1,How often to you poke your nose into monkey genitals in order to know that? 1,mysterious necrotic skin disease continues to eat away at baby's face weeks after being kissed by ted cruz 0,google will team up with ford to build self-driving cars: report 0,state department has spent none of the $120 million allocated to fight russian interference 0,senate can't pass methane rollback so interior decides to do it anyway 1,u.s. worried about living up to netanyahu campaign promises 0,brazilian artists pay tribute to olympic refugee team in stunning murals 1,"Somebody needs to check his Little Golden Dictionary. ""Random"" and ""selective"" are antonyms. To say that selection is random is to admit ignorance of the English language." 1,Does that mean test tube babies are pure and sinless? If so then why don't we just eradicate that whole phase of passing through the birth canal (if that's what IS where we get our sinful nature) and just have test tube babies! Wheeeee! 1,islamic fundamentalists condemn casual day 1,report: airlines installing uncomfortable bumps in seatbacks because it pleases them 0,inside the making of 'serial' 1,"trump: 'i know that was pretty bad, but let's just say you're going to want to save your energy'" 1,u.s. to just hand terry jones over to fundamentalist muslims 1,study: no two people have listened to same band since 2003 1,new study finds employee morale drastically improves after watching coworker throw fit 1,"nyc mayor: 'reconcile yourselves with your god, for all will perish in the tempest'" 1,local company introduces new take your daughter's friend to work day 0,"I see. So you must be a female to know for a fact that this is false. Actually I'm not interested in that kind of science and I don't care. I haven't seen the papers but I suspect the book was written for mercenary reasons. What does that have to do with cosmology, physics, astrophysics, geology, molecular biology, genetics and on and on? Someone mentioned that you seem to mistrust science and it seems that you do." 0,dr. krugman meets dr. fox 1,university of nevada renames vito corleone school of business following latest accusations against benefactor 1,neil armstrong becomes 115 billionth man to die on earth 0,top doj official implies reporter may not be jailed in leak case 1,total idiot resorting to tribalism decades before climate catastrophe makes it necessary 0,death with dignity advocates say most catholic voters support the right to die 0,"Which, we suppose, in your mind releases the sperm donor of any responsibility whatsoever, right?Isn't it interesting that your solution for the abortion issue demands that women deny their sexuality while permitting men to run the gamut of theirs.Does this attitude, of which you are not the only proponent, stem from a hatred or a fear of women?" 1,military drone takes advantage of gi bill education benefits 1,claire danes fantasized about 1,dog to allow child 3 more yanks on tail before putting an end to this 0,will smith says trump may force him to run for president 1,marco rubio climbs over garden wall for forbidden midnight meeting with super pac 0,"a big shift is coming, and it could uber-ize entire industries" 1,madcap romp escalates into zany hijinks 0,enda: the nightmare scenario in which gopers push a bad bill that gay groups dropped 1,white-on-white violence claims life of accounts receivable supervisor 0,don't sweat the sweat stuff 0,5 steps to get you from shy to sociable 0,south african court more than doubles oscar pistorius sentence 0,new freestyle rap card game is bringing hip-hop culture to your tabletop 1,trump claims he can overrule constitution with executive order because of little-known 'no one will stop me' loophole 0,little girl who couldn't believe obama was leaving office finally met the president 0,the corruption beneath cuomo's casino push 1,"Once again you have nothing but hot air. Can't bust the resurrection; can't bust the rabbis on Isaiah 53, can't falsify the Gospels, etc. You are truly pathetic. You also need to get a new avatar. ""Smiley"" is definitely something you're not. You're a friggin witch if anything." 0,You have to have a planet for evolution to occur on. It has to fit into the timeline . If it does not fit evolution is impossible. Yes I do agree with you on the second point. 0,skittles highway spill reveals awful trend in the food industry 1,magazine runs article about louis c.k. 1,ted cruz skyrockets in polls after head permanently sealed within iron mask 0,"For a 13 year old girl that could greatly damage her body to have a pregnancy so young. She is just starting to grow and mature, and its not healthy, natural, or right to have a pregnancy at that age. She could cause alot of damage being that young." 0,axl rose has something to say about that vocal range chart 1,global-warming crisis makes for delightful mid-february afternoon 1,man keeping running total of how many people in gym in worse shape than him 1,bags filled with sand still most advanced u.s. anti-flood technology 1,"Most congregations are expecting to leave the U.C.C.? Where did you see this, or are you making up the news again?" 1,Well if you don't know the facts then why do you keep coming back for more? 0,why i refuse to apologize for my selfies 0,"That's not evolution. Life has evolved in the lab, many times." 1,man insists on calling fanny pack 'lumbar satchel' 1,area woman has already figured out who killed the vicar 1,"I don't see how you figure that. Are you intoxicated by any chance? I'm not trying to insult you, I'm serious. You're not writing well, and I'm not refering to your point either." 1,study finds newborn infants can tell if parents are losers 1,stripper does adequate job 1,"rolex unveils new diving cuckoo clock capable of working up to 3,000 meters underwater" 0,james corden honors 'diverse' and 'brilliant' london in wake of terror attack 0,the trauma that followed my surprise pregnancy 0,"Actually, I snipped your remarks because 1) you twisted what I said and 2) I'm already spending too much time arguing with random complainers and I was in a hurry to do something more important at the time." 0,baha'i prayer and quotes about america 0,"reporter crashes the debate and causes some good, old-fashioned chaos" 1,ultrasound technician asks pregnant woman if she'd like to know baby's name 1,trump administration urges saudis to stick to killing random yemeni civilians 1,fingernail got fucking huge out of nowhere 1,peeping tom tired of watching people watch television 1,new study confirms sharks just really angry dolphins 1,naïve detective suspects fair play 1,financially struggling trump campaign holds fundraising riot 1,And I the opposite... Kind of a wash I guess. 0,And instead place my faith in the mythology of nomadic herdsmen? It is much more logical to believe in some all knowing but unknowable magic being who poofed everything into existance and then created all of the evidence to make it appear as if he didn't. 0,7 ways to breakup like a boss 1,I thought the almighty expressed his will in the Bible for mortal men to know it... 1,indiana governor insists new law has nothing to do with thing it explicitly intended to do 0,rep. elijah cummings: police-community relations is the 'civil rights cause of this generation' 1,bride has to admit it'd be pretty exciting if someone objected at wedding 1,get clarity on what the future holds so you can go back to worrying about costume ideas. 1,fbi seizes massive anthrax stockpile 0,"Well, at least you realize that. Just the way some apes became humans and some became chimps." 0,And there are plenty of people who smoke who don't develop lung cancer. You're cherry picking. 1,Funny how you haven't had a literature or history class recently. Would you like me to contact the several history and literature/English teachers in my school and ask them if they credit Homer as the actual author of those epics? 0,five emerging trends for the u.s. elections 1,report: 92% of divorced parents get back together if children ask enough times 0,eu awards sakharov prize to yazidi women who escaped isis 1,area photo 201 students all take pictures of same homeless guy 0,meghan markle confirms her dad won't attend the royal wedding 0,secrets of a professional present purchaser 0,"prosecutors in tamir rice case bizarrely pointed toy gun at witness, lawyers allege" 0,trump's strain on free speech 1,"historical archives: a brief ""bring-you-up-to-date""" 1,30-year-old factors in birthday money 0,mom's viral video sums up the first pregnancy vs. the rest of them 0,this innocent map looks just like a penis 0,california police chief lashes out at dhs over immigration raids 0,watch live: actor tony hale dishes on the latest season of 'veep' 0,issa rae's unapologetic support of black stars at the emmys is a mood 0,"donald trump signs spending bill, averting government shutdown" 1,man worried harassing messages he sending on dating app getting lost among abuse from other guys 1,Why? You'll just call them 'stupid'. And by doing so you will have effectively trumped all of the facts in one fell swoop. Right? 0,both israel and hamas have a responsibility to protect civilians 0,missouri governor accuses ferguson police of attacking michael brown's character 1,study finds earth's animals one giant creature before breaking apart millions of years ago 1,new psa reduces accidental staplings by 33 percent 0,"No it doesn't!It cost way more money in appeals than it does to excute someone. WE the taxpayers pay for legal represenatation for them and us, plus the cost of keeping them in jail. The appelas process alone costs the tax payers millions.It is far more expensive to kill them than to leave them in jail with no chance of parole." 1,"man completes life $130,000 over budget" 0,'i didn't just scream' 0,ex-prosecutor accused of wiretapping married cop she wanted to romance 1,picture of iphone used as iphone wallpaper 1,woman who choked to death alone in apartment kicked out of book club for missing last 2 meetings 1,halliburton employee's pay docked for weeks spent as hostage 0,"Yes, it is human, biologically. However, it isn't a human being as it isn't alive." 0,watch: stone brewing evacuates as wildfire approaches 1,"I would not doubt for a second that your avatar is your actual picture. FYI, the moon is in the first quarter..." 1,measuring spoon hasn't looked back ever since being detached from ring 0,i was taught to be ashamed of my sexuality 1,media company looking for ways to get rid of veteran 24-year-old employee 1,merrick garland kind of uncomfortable with political analysts casually pointing out he'll die relatively soon after nomination 1,nfl pregame ceremony honors retired 52-year-old cornerback as oldest living former player 1,Heck Doc what job is that?little job?.And he is very informed because Comrade P see's to it.emoticonXGood 1,"My thoughts are my own, not from some 2000 year old Book that makes as much sense as a bag of Rocks. And I have only ever called anyone a name in response to an attack on me, If you call what you have been doing debating then I see what the problem really is." 1,'you thought you could get rid of me?' says cassini probe emerging from shadows to confront petrified nasa administrator 0,'birdman' may have just locked up best picture 1,"villain contends he, hero 'very much alike'" 1,"Oh, I see. So America does not care for the rights of the people? America cares only for the opinion of the majority? Hrm, that's funny. I fail to remember learning that part in all my US history classes. When did the founding fathers say that? Where in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights might I find such a notion? 'Rouge" 0,charlottesville shows that states must amend their open-carry laws 1,ted danson tries to steer interview back toward becker 0,taliban making military gains in afghanistan 1,"'donald trump is the 45th president of the united states,' spontaneously reports subconscious during first calm moment of day" 1,report: north korea just enjoys nuclear talks 0,"despite the ugliness, i am staying hopeful in trump's america" 0,trevor noah explains why he's always seen black women as the strongest leaders 0,i was denied entry to a county courthouse because i am a muslim woman 1,area mom was waiting in the car for 20 minutes 0,learning from failure 0,mommy needs a nap 0,"3,500-year-old dagger was used as a doorstop" 0,missing louisiana teen's sister: 'she is our heart and we want her home' 1,"Taking away peoples right to an abortion is a great idea !! People are confused and don't really know they want a kid, they just think they don't. It will all be alright after the kid arrives, .. they will discover we know best and keep and love and shelter these kids in a nurturing way. We know best and we know that none of them will ever just end up in a trash can or droped off at the local childrens home to join the thousands of other unwanted kids. None will ever become a pawn in a divorce situation, nore will any of them be sold into child slavery or prostitution. How do we know all this ? .. We just know people who don't think they are ready for or want a kid really do !! They will love and nurture it and all will be well." 1,national security experts: 'isis are fucking assholes' 0,how does draymond green take his game to the next level? by tuning in to the wnba 1,"Talk about incoherent wishful thinking. Instead of unsubstantiated claims and baseless attacks, why don't you provide, oh, I don't know, mybe some peer-reviewed EVIDENCE? You know, that little old thing that is required for anyone to take your wild claims even remotely seriously?" 0,friday talking points -- it's raining shoes! 0,"aleppo hit by worst strikes for months as putin, assad ignore u.s. plea" 0,minnesota state fair in posters 0,Hope you have fun carrying your pistol through the post office lobby! 0,rupaul comes under fire for comments about openly trans contestants on 'drag race' 0,bp's clean water act fines will be smaller than gulf states thought 0,"I'd say there were a lot of stones going both ways. Do you know the Rev. well enough to be able to make that claim, that he's a bigot? Or is it he represents the system?" 1,"Trebor can't cough up the missing link so he changes the goalposts. And FYI, Jesus is risen. You'll see him soon enough I suspect. Now, who's yo (evolutionary) daddy?" 0,voters are excited for november despite not really loving the likely nominees 1,north korea nukes self in desperate plea for attention 1,Link me to one saying weed 'addiction' is worse than alcoholism please. 0,elizabeth warren: new chat system lets banks avoid regulation with 'a wink and a nod' 1,nation not sure how to describe mark 0,So as a gay man I should be forced to accept hetero marriage. If I am forced to accept hetero marriage they should be forced to accept gay marriage. What part of equal protection do you not understand? I personally would like to see all displays of all religions wiped fron the public square. No one is going to dictate to me how to live my life based upon some outdated religious belief that I don't subscribe too. 1,ivanka ashamed after becoming first trump to run business into ground 0,russian skater alina zagitova breaks world record set minutes earlier by teammate 0,"three die in grenade attacks in burundi capital, as protests continue" 0,americans approve of barack obama's legacy but don't necessarily want to see it continue 1,"Good idea...except we don't really have to elect him to any post...just send him over there. Hopefully, he would be beheaded by nightfall on the first day. emoticonXHoho" 0,10 of the best beauty buys from sephora's vib spring sale 0,retail group spoofs 'ferris bueller' in ad bashing donald trump's tariffs 0,two conferences spotlight the muslim world's struggle to counter militancy 0,"Very many have: dolphins and whales, for example, and some cave-dwelling birds." 1,woman on tv engulfed in animated credit-card bills 0,ernie hudson reportedly joins bill murray and dan aykroyd in 'ghostbusters' reboot 1,"I'm one of those cruel heartless bastards that thinks the Constitution doesn't apply to terrorists. Break out the cattle prods and ""LET'T PARTY"" emoticonXRolleyes" 0,tea party candidate doesn't want to be associated with the tea party 0,this 11-year-old perfectly sums up the problems in ferguson 0,trump nominee kathleen hartnett white ignores climate change in her own backyard 1,warrantless surveillance bill to protect nation by creating dozens of future whistleblowers 0,'guardians of the galaxy' hits a milestone at the box office 0,the middle east after isis 1,resigning house leader cantor reflects on all the accomplishments he thwarted 0,parents fight to save their two daughters after tragic diagnosis 1,cryptic long john silver's campaign just says 'you are the bait now' 0,"dr. oz, mel gibson, & congress called out using steve buscemi and an adorable puppy" 0,"That is a nice little pistol with lots of smack for only 11 onces. Also, I like DA automatics." 0,native american boy pulled from class over mohawk hairstyle 1,"Aaahhh, so just not accomplishing our goals and going home is not defeat, there has to be paperwork for it to be a defeat. Gotcha. " 0,"That's not entirely true. For example, a country that isn't already saturated with, say, handguns, would imo greatly suffer if handguns were suddenly legalised. Banning handguns in a country that is saturated already, is imo, idiotic. -Wez" 1,god reveals jerusalem actually only 87th holiest site on earth 1,"I don't have to say anything here, your post made it sound sick enough. Yes, freedaom at all cost. Isn't that the theory this country was founded by?" 0,the 'g word' project maps hundreds of gender stories 1,calcutta fire marshal: many indian homes lack bride extinguisher 1,"Im still waiting to find the text book that will show me how to get perfect order out of nothing explodeing!. What we need is theory to revolve around facts not facts to revolve around theory, other wise all we are ever gonna be are unanchored ships on stormy seas!.." 0,minnesota café charges 35 cent 'fee' to protest minimum wage hike 0,now this is how you rock white-on-white 1,prince harry: 'i killed taliban-looking people' 1,"Well, Merkel is a way better looking guy than Schroeder , thats for sure ! But Schroeder is the King of hair dyes....I will get my advise from the best." 1,talk-show host takes brief break from mocking jessica simpson to interview her 0,the bizarre plot to blow up target stores to tank company stock 1,biden quietly asks obama to pick him up some of those real throwing stars from japan 0,how we became the heaviest drinkers in a century 0,facebook reportedly beta-testing 'downvote' button 1,romney receives 20-minute standing ovation at naawp event 0,the army tells its soldiers to get some sleep 1,"Pathetic, why would you let anyone besides yourself determine who you call family? Nobody is forcing their religion on you. Nobody is even saying who you can or can't get married to. What is being said is that you, or anyone else, doesn't have the ""right"" to have that marriage recognized by gov't. Universal recognition by gov't doesn't even happen in hetro marriages. Nowhere in the founding documents of this nation does it say ""All gov't entities shall recognize all people's marriages"". Since we have ""a government for the people by the people"", the duties of government not spelled out in the founding documents are determined by the people. You have the freedom to vote your beliefs and so does everybody else." 0,recipe for a great mom: reflections from one outnumbered male 1,middle manager follows proper procedure 0,"True but this progesses nothing twoards a conversation because you have no told me the nature of such an existance. You have said if A is then A=A.... thats saying a lot without saying anything at all because you have failed to provide what A is." 0,huffpollster: 2016 could be the year of the third parties 1,"What, to be ""open-minded?"" or to embrace your definition of ""tolerance?""" 0,this '10 things i hate about you' reunion is just too good to be true 1,everyone in whitey bulger trial found dead in woods outside dorchester 1,paula deen releases delicious new butter product made from her breast milk 0,blacker and better: jessica lea mayfield 0,my kid doesn't need permission to walk out 0,"Misunderstanding or misrepresentation? Biologists and geneticists do not claim that DNA is isolated from the environment. We are well aware that the environment can cause mutations under many conditions (cosmic radiation, x-ray, etc.). What is denied is that mutations are environmentally directed - in other words, exposure to cosmic radiation will not cause a mutation that will make the organism resistant to cosmic radiation. The mutations will be random. On the other hand, natural selection IS, by definition, the response of populations to their environment. The environment has been shown to have effects on DNA, i.e., the genome of the population." 1,"god, this has been argued against a thousand times. by this deffinition masterbation is killing, menstration is involentary manslauter. by this deffinition you kill someone every time you walk by a carrot without eating it." 0,"if the laws of logic are human constructs then how can they be absolute since humans think differently and often contradictorily. If they are produced from human minds, and human minds are mutually contradictory, then how can the constructs be absolute? Therefore, the laws of logic are not human constructs." 0,Such personal attacks as yours indicate a bankruptcy of argument and reveal much about you while revealing nothing about me. If someone says that you are more likely to die in a car accident than in an airplane accident would accuse them of not caring about airplane accident victims? Would you accuse them of taking delight in the number of car deaths? 0,virginia alcohol agents involved in bloody arrest return to duty 0,venture fair in athens gives greek entrepreneurs newfound hope 1,pete townshend can't explain 0,become who you are: the world's first legally recognized cyborg may be onto something 0,interview with elaine jung 0,"father of war hero near tears as he pleads with paul ryan, mitch mcconnell to 'repudiate' trump" 1,the problem is that the scientists don?t rule the world but the fundamentalists do and since Global Warming does not appear in the Bible it can not be true. Right? By the way when the day comes that the fruity nutters are proved wrong it will be too late. And the fruity nutters will say: ?It was God?s will ? We are doomed as the fundamentalist ?capitalist axis in the USA will screw the world for good sooner or later. 0,"space, race and the space race" 0,"You keep claiming that, but you never reference it. I'd like to see sources and names. Just because evolutionary sources don't claim to be engaging in a PR exercise doesn't mean they aren't doing it. There is plenty of evidence of it, even if they don't honestly admit it." 1,birthplace of president carter accidentally visited 0,elizabeth banks posts aca-amazing 'pitch perfect 2' cast photo 0,"sonar is more than that; it's a method of communication. females heard sonar sounds from another female, they would call less frequently, likely to tune in to what the other female was communicating. According to the researchers, female bats interact mainly with other females in complex hierarchies during their lives, so that could be why they take more of an interest in echolocation sounds from their own sex......She told Discovery News, ""The connection of the two studies is in the idea that bat communication is more complex than previously documented, since research is finding a variety of social calls to be communicating territory defense and mate attraction, as well as sonar calls, previously thought to only function in prey capture and navigation, to also have a communication role."" " 1,93% of americans admit they occasionally check behind shower curtain for bad guys 1,"Howie, You don't even know who I claim to be. ...and evidently, you don't know chitlins from grits. (Neither of them has a singular descriptor. It's chitterlings and grits...not a chitterling or a grit.) Where did you go to school? " 1,syrian electronic army has a little fun before inevitable upcoming deaths at hands of rebels 1,"hubble space telescope finds men from venus, women from mars" 0,can limiting the use of military gear prevent another ferguson? 1,"dad's tough exterior hides angry, resentful center" 0,A taste of what could be our future if the left has its way. 1,subway manager disgusted by sight of cold cut combo devouring large rat 1,state election commission chases wild animals out of voting booths in preparation for upcoming midterms 1,michael dukakis still drives old tank everywhere 0,team usa wins third straight olympic gold beating serbia in rio 0,Well it came from somewhere and presumably changed as it went along. 0,"my husband died, how can i be thankful?" 0,egyptian death sentence for soccer fans puts president's iron grip to the test 0,"If you literally mean ""kill,"" then you are right. However, many pro-lifers use ""kill"" as a synonym for ""murder."" Given the strength of your rhetoric, I assumed that you were a pro-lifer equating the choice of abortion with a choice of murder, which is an unsupported controversial assertion. If you meant that a choice to abort is a choice to kill, regardless of the moral status (murder or non-murder) of that particular act of killing, then I agree with you, although I'm not sure why you bothered to say it." 1,"dreary, passionless couple believes your soulmate out there too" 0,"sorry, but marvel and 'star wars' films are leaving netflix" 1,report: there an adult superstore off exit 16 0,"The Second Amendment does not apply to an Ohio Law. Thus, this ban is not unconstituitonal under the US Constitution. The Ohio Constitution, may however, protect gun rights, but I haven't read it." 1,song crafted in the deepest pit of hell wins big at grammys 0,what we're talking about when we talk about skin care 0,The character of God seems to be in the eye of the beholder... Or non-existant. 1,justice department calls on ferguson to align level of institutional racism with rest of country 1,area teen smoking like he's been to fucking war or something 0,'ant-man and the wasp' trailer brings the fun after 'avengers: infinity war' 0,officials raid home of activist behind planned parenthood 'sting' videos 0,asians most likely to be charged for espionage in u.s.: report 0,how the iran nuclear deal came to be 1,"dnc files lawsuit alleging nation should never, ever stop focusing on 2016 election" 0,"Archie, the ONLY issue that gays don't have a majority support for gay equality on is gay marriage. That's it.Laws against sodomy? Majority oppose them.Laws against gay adoption? Majority oppose them.Laws against gays in the military? Majority oppose them.Hate crime legislation for gays? Majority supports them.ENDA? Majority support.Even CIVIL UNIONS has a majority support.But you are too swept up in your self-assumed superiority to recognize when you are standing alone...I am laughing at the fact that you are fighting against people who comment on SOME Christian actions against gays, but then you EXUDE the very thing we are talking about.You become a living example.Quite frankly Archie, I think you are a thorough embarrassment to most of the other anti-gay posters on these threads.Comparing gays to al Qaeda? emoticonXDonno And I thought Robertson and Falwell were emoticonXCensored when they tried to associate gays as a cause to the issue of 9/11." 1,jenna bush's federally protected wetlands now open for public drilling 0,the damaging stigmas men of color in makeup face 1,man from future can't stop living in the less-far-into-the-future 1,hard to tell if wikipedia entry on dada has been vandalized or not 0,video captures courthouse beating of inmate accused of killing chicago child 0,scientists agree this is the most effective diet for weight loss 0,15 adorable notebooks that will make you want to put away your iphone and write 1,"son discovers dad's welcome back, kotter spec script while cleaning out attic" 1,"So is it safe to say you may be for pro-ignorance? With technology ANSWERS become clear. Everything cost money. Education cost money, therefore knowledge has a price tag. Do you now suggest people don't go to College because it too is yet another EXPENSE. Society should NOT be inventing equipment that advance our intelligence. Sonograms are great tool for understanding more to those women who have doubt. I don't know about you, but I'm all for empowerment with knowledge. Most people are ""VISUAL"" people and perhaps seeing the unborn may make the CHOICE clearer for the woman. I'm for educating those from ALL PERSPECTIVES. Most people would rather see physcial evidence that a sonogram may provide than the RHETORIC of SLOGANS and IDEALISTIC POINTS OF VIEW. I know your kind...""just trust me"" is your motto." 1,financial analysts offer to talk about recession for $5 1,nasa acquires moon for kennedy space center exhibit 0,midlife sex: myths vs. reality 0,morocco cracks down on journalists 1,"Let's clean up our terminology. ""Color"" is just our brains' way of comprehending wavelength of light, so instead of saying ""color,"" let's say ""wavelength."" You took Kronus's statement as meaning that we can make machines that can see wavelengths that we can't see with our eyes. This is true." 1,"Well since Bush took office the mantra has bee ""Local Control"" has it not. Apparently the people of your state want whats happening. Local control in action. Rejoice in your victory." 0,using new technology to give voice to the voiceless 0,"oval office press chaos: 'you guys are getting worse,' says trump" 1,"Which assumes we(unbelievers) will have traditional Christian Ceremonies, for one I don't ever plan on getting married and I plan to live forever so I see no need to have a funeral." 1,latest gop debate concludes with candidates wrestling squealing pig to ground and slaughtering it 1,postal service: 'and wait until you cocksuckers see what we do with wednesdays' 1,dog held against will inside skype window 1,man on rolling swivel chair pushes away from desk like blue angel breaking formation 1,nra says mass shootings just the unfortunate price of protecting people's freedom to commit mass shootings 0,But only if they're willing to receive one. Most aren't. 0,jeff sessions opposes bipartisan drug sentencing reform bill 0,"tyler, the creator, is a huge fan of tesla ceo elon musk" 0,watch 'drag race' star milk channel madonna in iconic ad for pop star's new skincare line 0,'just another lingering flu' by dr. david lourea (excerpt) 1,"I can hear all the scores of laughter now. emoticonXRolleyes emoticonXRolleyes emoticonXRolleyes But alas, this is pointless, as are you. I'm bored and done. ciao" 0,are you living your divorce or living your life? 0,souls of wisdom 0,the ugliest american: thinkers from around the world weigh in on trump's rise 1,"I believe we have a human responsibility to one another. That we are our brother's keeper. Tell me, Bassman, if there aren't enough jobs, and the costs of medical care are skyrocketing through the roof, what do you suggest your fellow Americans do? Just drop dead?" 1,fbi agent still tasked with following noam chomsky around prepares for another day in local panera 0,big banks call for 'strong' climate deal 0,watch live: cast of 'girls' dishes about new season 1,everything a goddamn ordeal in area family 0,fact or fiction? identifying reliable integrative medicine resources 0,theater: nph is... wait for it... epic in 'hedwig;' daniel radcliffe is impressive in 'cripple;' 'the great immensity' isn't 1,bush attempts to distance self from yet another failed business 1,"Do you think that being allowed to marry your favorite sheep would undermine the institution of marriage? How about the ability to marry multiple partners? Or do you think that nothing is capable of undermining the institution of marriage? Just trying to gauge your level of sincerity. And sanity. " 1,"Not being a jew, I suppose I'll opt for the Christian Devil." 1,quiznos releases new 6-foot-long party man 1,salvation army clothing drop-off choked with stirrup pants 1,man with hammer-induced thumb injury appeals to christ almighty 1,report: good thing world has unlimited quantity of oil 0,why this mom of four loves her 'jelly abs and shriveled up skin' 0,"Not at all, more stories that have been fed to you. The notion of a literal Genesis was rejected two hundred years ago, when no evidence of it could be found. the leading scientists of the day were often also trained in divinity, so they were looking HARD for it. But they had the integrity to admit that it wasn't there." 0,"boy, 2, makes basketball free throws from a balcony like a boss" 0,what's really lurking in those pedicure tubs? 1,11-year-old moron can't wait to get her first period 0,"No. The point is that doctors are more dangerous than guns, highlighting the stupidity of the anti-gun crowed who believe that guns should be outlawed because they are “dangerous.” Furthermore, if we wanted to include deliberate killing, we" 0,10 lies everyone tells you about paris 1,"NO, gun registration should not be mandatory anywhere in the US. The government has no business knowing who has a gun. Gun registration could possibly allow the government to infringe on constitutional guarantees provided by the Bill Of Rights. Just knowing that there are many Senators and Congressmen who would like to abolish gun rights gives credence to the fact that government could actually try to limit or ban the 2nd Amendment in the future. P.S. Crazy is as Crazy says. Scary to think that some would believe that a registered gun that becomes a stolen gun would help in finding the thief or killer if that same criminal gets rid of the gun. Which, if later found, would then be traced back to the legitimate owner, who may not even know the gun had been stolen. The alibi better be outstanding!" 0,donald trump has a new conspiracy theory. this one involves google. 0,a conversation on death and dying with my 5-year-old daughter 1,mom gathers rolls of wrapping paper around her to stroke softly 1,dad delivers state of the union rebuttal directly into television screen 0,aid workers face an underreported sexual violence crisis 1,pizza hut's new pizza lover's pizza topped with smaller pizzas 1,senator misses simpler time when he could do abominable things in peace 0,4 resolutions every runner should make 1,"Careful now, Simone. A lesser man might report you to the moderator.;) " 1,cryptozoologist falls for it again 1,"Waxy, don't you have better things to do than cruise gay threads. ;)" 0,apple watch: success or failure? 1,Sinjin's in Kalifornia. Carrying more than two bandoliers across your chest is so Rambo and 80's-esque. 1,makeshift opinion thrown together from viewpoint currently dominating conversation 1,chipper coworker must have eaten breakfast like some big shot 1,area woman fulfills dream of becoming writer by getting job at bookstore 0,stephen colbert brings down the house with his explanation for trump's actions 1,breakthrough drug eliminates crying in infants 0,"cosby's legal team secures imported jury, blames press for creating bias" 1,"Well Clive, I will formally invite them here........ I don't know if any of them will take my invitation seriously, but we will see." 1,afterbirthers demand to see obama's placenta 0,tampa sports teams donate money to help move confederate monument 1,"Yes, socialist. Check the definition. I don't watch Fox. Is that the best you can do?" 1,stack of unused cd-rs turns five 1,showerhead self-conscious about single jet that sprays sideways 1,83rd birthday party stretches definition of party 1,clinton ominously tells iowan supporters to mark front doors with campaign logo before sundown 0,"How does being poor limit your responsibility to protect yourself? I know a poor woman who has 10 kids just hoping that one day she would find a man that would be willing to help raise the rest. Also, what do you mean by ""less fortunate? It never happened but she kept having kid after kid and hoping it would. Should she be excused for her behavior because she is poor? No, she kept going to BARS looking for good men. Bad choices = bad outcome. Do you think that this is proof that abortion is necessary? Nope, abortion IS NOT the answer in cases like this, only responsibility can solve the problem. The bad thing is that only one of the men do anything for the children and he doesn't do enough. She has never filed for child support and the kids are almost never disciplined. " 0,cyndi lauper: trump is a 'bum' 1,dorm room decorated with empty bottles of adderall 0,gold medal burgers you have to make for labor day 1,husband points out that he vacuumed 0,Who is to say that the guys teaching the geology know what they are teaching? 0,john oliver rallies 'time-wasters and troublemakers' to fight the fcc 0,blowing smoke at global warming 0,john oliver's guide to everything students need to know 0,look who made an appearance at l.a. pride... 0,jordan klepper destroys gop bill that sells 'good guy with a gun' myth 0,joan rivers defends israel with an analogy all her own 0,"hillary's email, hillary's truth" 1,aol acquires time-warner in largest-ever expenditure of pretend internet money 0,tuesday's morning email: trump's bad press just got worse 1,academy honors retiring daniel day-lewis with small farewell happy hour in dolby theatre kitchen 0,"This is just plain dumb. Abortion is NOT the primary means of birth control. If it is used as birth control, it's because others have failed or haven't been tried." 0,black history month: feminism and inclusion 1,"And of course the Bible or rather the HUMAN author would say that.... " 1,panic rapidly setting in as man realizes he has no plan for ripe avocado 1,troubling report finds dreamily sliding down back of door after kissing date on porch plummets 78% 0,milo ventimiglia tries to defend crock-pot on 'ellen' 0,"That's EXACTLY the point. Regardless of whether or not human minds think differently, whichever mind produced and agrees that 2+2=4 is absolutely correct, the rest are wrong. We know this because we can observe and test the concept in the physical world and prove that it is true. This goes for just about anything, dissention in the face of facts does not change the facts.IMHO, this invalidates your claim that something produced in the human mind is not absolute due to some human minds being contradictory." 1,"How do you know that you do? Look I trained as a botanist, there is no plant which has a nervous system. You can bank on it. Nothing in plants carries out the same function as neurons. You want to argue the point then I am willing to let you engage in mental self-abuse. Enjoy, but in the privacy of your own mind." 1,report: this movie old enough that they might have actually hurt dog 1,suspicious new wikileaks document dump exposes how awesome and trustworthy u.s. government is 0,what the new superbug means for the fight against antibiotic resistance 0,judge who asked 'why couldn't you keep knees together?' resigns 1,pabst drinker celebrates pabst purchase with pabst 1,president's cathartic words help nation begin to heal following yet another senseless 'saturday night live' 0,white house finally reveals whether donald trump has confidence in jeff sessions 1,"mitch mcconnell has hands, vocal cords removed to prevent self from holding hearing on scalia replacement" 0,"If one can't attempt to falsify a theory then it is not open to science and therfore useless to science. It becomes simply an untestable belief." 1,car bomber given shittiest possible car 1,boeing ceo admits company made mistake by including automatic self-destruct function on all 737 max planes 1,white house increases security after man shows up at oval office looking for obama 0,lessons from my gratitude jar 1,songs that are always on in background expected to win big at grammys 0," Islamics Hindus Buddhists and etc.. There isn't a week or two that goes by where someone finds or admits to raping a child storing child ponorography and etc. from a Church.This isn't something only exclusive to Catholics. However the Vatican is faster at ex-communicating a woman attempting to become a priest then a priest caught sodomizing children."" They aren't the same. the point is that a group that is fraught with immoral behavior has no crediblity or authority when it comes to dictating what people should or should not do on the basis of morality.Consider it this way: Bill Clinton speaking about how a boyfriend should act in accordance to fideilty. No one is going to believe him because has squandered all of his crediblitiy and authority. It's the same way with the Catholic Church. " 0,the public service loan forgiveness program is what's best about america 0,my life at frost valley ymca 1,terrible fucking taste sweeps teen choice awards 0,chance the rapper unboxing his grammys with his daughter is too cute for words 0,"""Lottery""? I hope you don't mean that it is completely random in all cases... Note: did you notice that this was the position you were arguing against in the previous sentence?" 0,6 queer couples share their definition of black love 0,trump campaign alumni start group focused on voter registration and fraud 0,deaf dog took a bullet for his owner... and now he's homeless 0,selfie-hating photobomber gets treated to epic photoshop battle 1,"More like ""we"" the Mormons who funded air time for anti gay prop 8 commercials brainwashing the ignorant thinking the gays would come and eat their young out of cradles... Your just a dinosaur slowly wasting away Easy. " 1,"harry connick, jr. dies in piano fire" 0,researchers uncover brain region associated with generosity 1,excited juror feels like murder trial being put on just for her 0,abe's visit will remind americans china's power must be checked 1,bush quietly rolls back iraq death toll to zero 0,rex tillerson says u.s. committed to nato in first alliance meeting 0,college basketball player with inoperable brain tumor raises $1 million for charity 0,"it's 2018, so of course merriam-webster added 'dumpster fire' to its dictionary" 1,queen elizabeth rushed to hospital for royal blood transfusion 1,"you are again dodging the bullet: you kill pure and simply for pleasure not for necessity. By the way, how red is your neck today?" 1,Thus you admit that you would prefer ignorance to knowledge. How sad. 1,clinton takes stand against harmful uv radiation 0,Same in the US. The father does not have the right to choose. 0,photographer diego saldiva lived a nightmare every parent fears 1,"'we'll be moving shortly,' says train conductor waiting for workers to remove dead body from tracks" 1,study: universe actually shrunk by about 19 inches last year 1,butterfly under immense pressure not to fuck up timeline with misplaced wing flap 1,local laundromat employs social media coordinator 0,former versace store clerk sues over secret 'black code' for minority shoppers 0,"snoop dogg helps give out 1,500 turkeys to families in need" 1,first-time carjacker wasn't expecting a stick shift 1,silvio berlusconi gets penis stuck in wine bottle stuck in prostitute 1,clinton sold 0,"Abortion is about pregnancy - and whether or a not a woman wants to be or can sustain a pregnancy - physically, emotionally and economically.Nobody has to be a parent. That is why there is adoption, safe-haven laws, the signing away of parental rights - and oh yes, an ever growing population of dead beat dads.I am still waiting to see proof of all the mourning dads due to women having abortions. Most of those women are desperate and alone - or have the blessing of the father." 1,sun goes out for a few seconds 0,here's how obama pulled off a surprise trip to afghanistan 0,jilted bride penned the world's most depressing ebay listing 0,why changing the world is a two-step process 1,sessions drops pile of weapons in prison yard before ordering inmates to reduce overcrowding by 30% 1,researchers announce they don't have heart to reveal what will happen to 1 in 5 women 0,"Maybe Massachusetts should allow for divorces via notarized mail by non-residents or whatever else is needed to make it easier to do so remotely and more timely, if someone has a serious need to get a legal divorce for such a marriage that only exists somewhere else. What interest would a state that doesn't recognize gay marriage in the first place have in allowing gay divorce?" 1,country cd put on to impress repair guy 1,"I already have, hence the explanation I provided. If you challenge me to show you an error then I will. Did you expect me to try and show something that was true and see if I could convince you it wasn't? When you post your evidence it usually has holes in it, not always but the truth is funny that way. It is very difficult sometimes to cover it up. And stay away from those shrimp, eagles, gays and snowmen They are all abominations." 1,secretary of interior unveils plans for new high-speed creek 0,'whoisdsharp' injects some viral vine violin into huffpost 6x60 1,"Dunno about that. It looks pretty danged cozy for the corporate socialist. The American people, however, look to be shat upon by the Republicorps screaming and bawling in the streets." 0,samantha bee tells democrats what it'll take to stop donald trump 0,ny governor assigns investigation into eric schneiderman abuse allegations 1,report: most americans have enough saved for retirement to live comfortably on streets 1,turnout lower than expected for gala central african awards 0,george takei reminds donald trump of the past horrors of nuclear weapons 0,kylie jenner and tyga got way handsy in the club like no one was snapchatting 1,explosion used to signify big savings 0,hope hicks named white house communications director 1,madd psa clarifies it's okay to drive drunk if it'll be big pain to get car tomorrow 1,leonardo dicaprio nervous about telling new girlfriend he a virgin 0,toyota launches 'back to the future'-themed ad campaign 0,giuliana rancic on cheating ex jerry o'connell: 'it's all good' 0,Evolution wasn't introduced until 1859. When did abortion become popular?The industrial revolution occurred in the 1800s. Maybe that was the cause of abortion's alleged popularity.Grover Cleveland was elected in the 1800s. Clearly he had something to do with the alleged increase in abortion's popularity.The American Civil War occurred in the 1800s. It must have been the impetus for the rise in popularity of abortion.A human embryo does have features that look like gill slits. They are not gills but pharyngeal clefts. No modern book presents any information that human embryros have gill slits as if it is fact. 0,"As Arthur Jones described in the copy/paste in my first post, there are benefits. You have not addressed what it said." 1,world-weary man bitterly rents mercury rising 1,decades of breathing really starting to catch up with chinese man 0,ben affleck happily reviewing 'batman v superman' means sad affleck is officially dead 0,south china sea: philippines running out of options 0,china's sexiest panda obliterates own record in latest sex romp 0,mandy moore shows off shiny new engagement ring at 2017 emmy awards 0,iraqi catholic bishop still has vivid memories of mosul's fall 1,captain asks stranger to keep eye on destroyer while he runs to bathroom 1,all of math teacher's examples involve moon pies 0,"'hatchet man' suspect could have ties to murder of teen hikers, police say" 0,"That's a bad term. I wouldn't call myself that, but I do know more then average person." 1,"'diversity was the real winner last night,' report hundreds of dumbasses whose very existence insults the name of journalism" 0,al qaeda chief calls for more kidnappings 1,louie anderson now available in pasta form 0,newspaper scraps references to gay man's husband in his mom's obituary 0,"Then 99% of creationists are not informed as far as I can tell. It seems that your position is that ""informed"" creationists are neo-Darwinists, fully accepting of the theories of evolution." 1,picture most closely resembling actual self immediately deleted 0,following the money: energy dollars hard at work on capitol hill 1,"Don't you know? GOD was the reason why something that was buried 50 years ago is the same age as baby bird hatched two hours ago! Seriously, you call yourself a scientists and you don't prostrate yourself and credit God for everything? Don't you WORSHIP and thank GOD every time your microwave turns on when you push the button? Seriously. emoticonXGood" 1,"Did you notice how what I was responding to was said? I didn't think so. Your tunnel vision is showing again. " 1,routine drunk-driving trip turns tragic for five local teens 1,"Well, you're writing from an embryo's point of view, when an embryo doesn't even have a point of view. It would be like writing from a rock's point of view." 0,So?I look into the clouds and see a cow. Clouds aren't telling me to have a steak. 0,"You're obviously an Obama supporter, they're the only people who wouldn't be upset at his abusive tactics of threatening lawsuits against anyone that runs unfavorable ads against him, thus showing that he doesn't support the First Amendment." 1,this time to be different 1,"Ah, so I don't like democracy, and yet it is you who in the post are telling me that I have to support McCain's statement. Are you serious? That sure doesn't sound like democracy to me. I also find it funny that you claim that I don't like democracy when my very post stated that I would be voting for the Democrat party. But then, I guess if we don't support Bushyboy and his fellow republicanazis, we must be against democracy, right? Get real, Phyllis." 1,couple puts handful of items on registry that loser family members can afford 1,megachurch threatened by new ultrachurch 1,"lol. Thanks for agreeing with me. I stated as you quoted that it did not work. Where again where you trying to attack me? By calling me illiterate you yourself call yourself illiterate as your statements agree with what I said. If you need me, I'll be in the audience. You're arguing with yourself. Pray tell, where did I say he accomplished anything? Or are you lying? [/quote] Sure child. They have real religious freedom there[/quote] Only you would consider Taosim and Buddhism not to be religions. Oh wait, I fogot, you consider all non-extremist christians not be athiests. " 1,limited-edition solange vinyl features list of chores to do while album plays in background 0,'draft biden' super pac releases first ad 1,"report: 80% of women currently wearing wrong size bra, shirt, shoes, pants, hat" 0,national enquirer turns on michael cohen 0,michelle wolf speaks out on white house correspondents' dinner controversy 0,my michael brown and ezell ford moment 0,9 shows that make the case for watching television in august 0,feds say hydropower capacity could be doubled in u.s. 0,"as high court weighs online sales taxes, states get ready to pounce" 1,pence tells emotional story of longtime friend who was aborted after second trimester 1,area horse hung like horse 0,supreme court hands a major victory to workers who were stiffed on overtime pay 0,watch heroic drivers rescue 2 scared dogs dashing down freeway 0,rainbow flags burned outside north carolina church after law controversy 1,levi's factory implicated in cruel treatment of denim cows 1,uncle put more thought than usual into this year's gift cards 0,"migrant boat to europe sinks, some 200 feared dead" 1,lifelong newport smoker barely alive with pleasure 0,defiant sanders camp: it ain't over 0,pope urges using 'weapons of love' to combat evil in easter message 1,"despite armie hammer profile in 'good housekeeping' magazine, 'lone ranger' a flop at box office" 0,media ethics: whose standards? 1,trump boys chasing wounded boar around white house 0,donald trump renominates environmental pick democrats called 'extreme' and 'embarrassing' 0,former counterterrorism official slams 'coward' trump over comey firing 0,kelsea ballerini believes it's a new era for women in country music 1,millions of policy proposals spill into sea as brookings institution think tanker runs aground off crimea coast 0,girl cries after mlb star traded; he takes her for pizza 1,local news anchor mistakenly reveals salary during broadcast 0,Abortion is their best choice?????? Yet women deserve better? Why do you think abortion is their best choice? 0,"'the shining' is now 'the chickening,' so be afraid and chicken" 0,before and after satellite images show hurricane maria's destruction of dominica 0,rihanna's low-cut red gown is a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen 1,tbs once again leads all networks in leslie nielsen ratings 1,security removes biden's rowdy buddies from auditorium 0,I think such a move would qualify as a recognized declaration of war. 1,local woman considers telling gynecologist whole truth 1,lester jackson gets his sorry ass home 0,is north korea really ready to negotiate its denuclearization? 0,dc police investigating possible hate crime after 2 men beaten in alleged anti-gay attack 0,your career - paved road or tall grass? 0,florida man gets arrested with 'go directly to jail' shirt 0,let us not celebrate a fifth anniversary of the syrian conflict 1,20-something thinking about maybe doing something funny with his facial hair 1,thomas edison invents marketing other people's ideas 0,stop telling me i am ruining my kids 1,scott pruitt claims misappropriated epa funds would have only been wasted on dumb shit like clean water 0,american airlines merger settlement approved by u.s. judge 1,back-to-back broadcasts of 'big' happening on tbs apparently unrelated to death of penny marshall 1,espn curious if you have ever considered playing fantasy football 0,january is the month for personal renewal 0,jenny slate has the best college story ever 1,mitt romney announces he's running for his life 1,"Wow. I particularly like the part where you criticize someone for a lack of intelligence while making an elementary grammar mistake. It's you're not your. " 1,"You want to explain to me what the age of consent was in 1st century Palestine? And rejoicing really sounds like fear and intimidation to me. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,24 powerful reactions to leelah alcorn's death 0,fight white supremacy with your wallet and your voice 1,I can tell that you dismissed the post below that. And I feel I can assume that you didn't read it. Odd that a paranoid conspiracy theorist / communist who concluded that communism has never led to dictatorship should accuse me of being a fanatic. 0,"in trump's america, we must all become journalists" 0,this is how you visualize the heartbeat of a city 1,You telling me that one day I could have claws come out of my hands?........SWEET! 0,"astronomers discover tiny, shy moon hiding in the shadows of the solar system" 1,hulking strongman now only voice of reason in republican party 0,the challenge of grief 0,nordstrom stopped carrying ivanka trump because no one was buying it 1,drive-time commute jam-packed with entertainment 0,the troubling trend behind california's measles outbreak 0,the huffington post is hiring story editors for the voices department 1,sports-related murder provides perfect local-news segue 1,mueller loses visual on oval office camera after trump spills a1 sauce on bust of winston churchill 0,And that's what I'm talking about. It doesn't have to have been 'explained' to me. I already know that's your view. 1,tucker carlson spends entire show screaming over child bride he invited on to debate him 0,danny masterson's publicist suggested a woman can't be raped by a man she's in a relationship with 1,sen. hatch says trump allegations not serious enough that scales should fall from eyes revealing what madness we have begotten 0,federal judge orders return of iranian national deported under trump's ban 0,george w. bush throws shade at donald trump 0,But that is your goal whether you want to admit it or not. And that is your sole way of defending creationism as you have admitted you cannot argue creationism based on its own merits. Creationism is wrong independent of Evolution. Even if you somehow manage to disprove evolution (along with every science) you still have to even take a single step towards proving Creationism. 0,"aaron hernandez, ex-patriots star, convicted of murder" 0,To be honest I wouldn't mind too much missing old age...(whenever that starts). 0,trump's talk on terror and iraq has experts worried about a coming backlash 0,progressive book club kicks off with elizabeth warren's new book 0,literally everyone should stock up on these 9 useful prime day discounts 1,No - but they certainly have a bias. As do we all. 1,"georgia adds swastika, middle finger to state flag" 1,"oh, area man's aching back" 0,"The purpose of the Bill of Rights. Preamble to the Bill of Rights" 0,"public wary of gop plan to repeal obamacare without a replacement, poll shows" 0,But the number of criminals that have firearms can be reduced. In developed nations that have very strict gun laws there are a lot less criminals obtaining and using guns to commit crimes. How does your theory explain that? 0,selena gomez hits the beach in a bikini 0,"during the debate, these two did the unthinkable and united the country" 0,what happened after oprah made this single mom's wildest dreams come true 1,hero publicist honored 1,"nasa receives info on jupiter's large helium deposits from juno probe's squeaky, high-pitched transmission" 1,"Based on what besides your own immediate knee-jerk denials? You're always in the tank for the Bible bashers." 0,mitt romney tweets he's not donald trump's secretary of state pick 1,high school student whines his way to 4.0 gpa 0,success in relationships 0,study finds american diets are poor (but improving!) 1,"Well, we have our head in the sand in more ways than one." 0,"if you're graduating this year, you need to read this" 0,5 of the most interesting restaurants in the world 1,tollbooth attendant wishes just one high-speed chase would crash through entry bar 1,"responsible, thoughtful nation decides to ignore charlie sheen situation" 0,ashley graham's new swimwear line uses unedited paparazzi photos 1,the edge still introducing self as such 0,'one blow could change.. life': boxer overcame rough childhood to become inspiring athlete 1,former big celebrity finds new career as pathetic former celebrity 1,"And that has what to do with determining a McVeigh type? Pray do tell how do you determine when a person is about to murder? Is it the fish symbol on the bumbper? Or the NRA decal on the window? Or the McCain bumper sticker? Ban abortion bumper sticker? And the christian strawman has what to do with the Homeland Insecurity Report other than boost my point? " 1,authorities on loudspeaker plead with holdout characters to evacuate disney world while they still can 1,"well known gresham, or musicians form gresham, or supergroup" 0,"If you don't mind, could you just outline your paradigm please? and also, when you say you have experience, do you mean in ""real"" debating (HS and College) or just on this and other sites?" 0,priest's lost puppy was much closer than he thought 0,when will we let sienna miller graduate from playing wives stuck at home? 0,6 reasons wisconsin should make the college football playoff 0,new york times editorial board endorses john kasich for gop nomination 0,"pregnant florida mom beats son, kills puppy: cops" 0,9 page-turners too addictive to put down 1,report: jack black's life more valuable than yours if it ever comes down to it 1,scientists close to developing life-saving vaccine that they can rub in faces of their doubters 0,"from birth control to culturally competent care, affordable care act breaks down health care barriers" 1,tortured ugandan political prisoner wishes uganda had oil 0,kids with allergies are more likely to have anxiety and depression 0,you are enough 1,"Well, that's disappointing. I though the congratulations were for me (17th wedding anniversary yesterday). Okay, I suppose a woman's right to choose might be as important. Congrats! Smiley" 0,"logic would lead one to believe abortion is wrong...but why be consistent in your thinking.The point is, logic and rational thinking is not a requirement to make a law. You can ban abortion is you want...the states did it and the constitution allows it, even if 5 legislatures think otherwise." 1,nation's sane people to nation's insane people: 'please stop shooting us' 0,turn your scraps of summer fruit into the most gorgeous ice cubes 1,cocktail-party guest cornered by joel stein 0,"I believe such amendments cannot be pushed retroactively for them, so their marriages will stand (Something with US contitution code not allowing things like that to be retroactive)." 1,"But on the other hand, Genesis isn't a scientific document. No wonder. Why would a bronze age nomad from the Levant be aware of at least 3 tailless species of primates, or even the tailed primates from Africa, South America, and even Madigascar. If they aren't mentioned in the Bible, do they exist?" 1,'boy meets world' spin off to focus on difficulties of raising autistic child 1,area man nervously asks girlfriend if she'll settle 1,man always makes sure to put phone on silent before misplacing it 0,"I think bringing ""emotions"" into the question of whether God exists or not tends to cloud the issue a bit.Isn't the essence of atheism a rational enquiry which concludes that in the absence of any credible evidence, there is no reason to believe in God ? An emotional attachment to ""non-belief"" would be irrelevant (and irrational)." 0,what to give your very good dog this holiday season 0,10 ways i am failing adulthood 0,why don't we say 'you're welcome' anymore? 1,washington's hobby lobby lobbies to strengthen hobbies 1,roommates still don't know each other well enough to not speak 1,cast of 60 minutes suffers collective stroke 0,"only 12 of trump's 22,450 employees have given a substantial donation to his campaign" 1,"But you are ok with a woman deciding what is right for someone else's own body...specifically the babies? Seems to me a woman isn't more qualified to deal with the issue of abortion than a man. In fact, it could be said that the man has the only independent perspective." 1,8th grader caked in makeup probably really confident 0,the presidential cookie poll let us down this year 0,beyonce steps out in yet another affordable look 0,trump at your (thanksgiving) table 1,man with apple hovering in front of face sues rené magritte's estate 0,a valentine for my best friend: my life wouldn't be the same without you 0,this is how ted cruz wins 0,what everyone should know about life with a brain injury 0,911 calls from parkland shooting reveal terror of parents desperate for answers 0,"So God gets to do these terrible things, but He gets a free pass because He's God?Kinda funny what happens when you show Archie that the Bible doesn't even support his beliefs, isn't it guys?I still like the fact that the Bible says not to count children under one month of age as persons, yet here Archie expects us to count a zygote as ""a human life.""" 1,jeff bezos' heart breaks a little reading albany's amazon headquarters pitch 0,"People are protected by law from being harassed, assaulted and/or murdered because they are people. Not because they are a certain religion. Because they are people it would be wrong to allow such things." 1,traveler excited hotel has hbo until he checks listing 1,"** Tell me that after you come across a beating rock. " 1," Hey - I'm not the one who's going to wind up as Satan's whipping boy for all eternity. So you need to wise up while you can. Here's what you have to look forward to: The Truth About Hell" 0,opposition calls for turkish vote annulment after erdogan wins powers 0,north korea's evil-looking hotel has a brighter feature 0,"iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the rise of isis, reports spiegel" 1,"So much bandwidth; so little substance. Aren't you embarrassed to post such inconsistent ramblings? Women with pre-existing mental problems are more likely to experience post-abortion issues. Well, DUH!!!" 0,miles teller doing ok after bronco flips over in car crash 0,u.s. intel officials knew last year about cia security breach that led to wikileaks dump 1,man needs verbal assurance that hand stamp will get him back in 1,area man accidentally responds to own 'm4m' ad 1,poor kwanzaa sales disappoint retailers 0,xavier dolan is on the run in exclusive clip from thriller 'tom at the farm' 0,this teen learned to accept his sexuality and gender 'in different ways' 0,tweeters freak out over donald trump's appointment of 'warmonger' john bolton 0,turkey issues warning over travel to u.s. after trump protests 0,not one woman less: protesting femicide in buenos aires 1,"Well, she IS getting her info outta the bible, one of the bloodiest snuff novels ever written lol..." 1,entire house implicated by phish poster 1,weak little man asks for help 1,"facebook bans thousands of snowboarders, base jumpers in crackdown on 'dangerous' accounts" 0,seth meyers shreds gop hypocrisy over donald trump's attacks on amazon 1,time-warner ceo announces plans to merge with secretary 0,hillary clinton torches the 'lip service' of ivanka trump 0,reports: pixar executive takes leave of absence after sexual harassment complaints 1,oscars committee announces plan to shorten ceremony to single-millisecond flash of blinding white light 0,you thought flint was bad? see the lead levels in california children 1,"new, improved olean 30 percent less likely to make you shit in your pants" 0,"Those abortions that are perpetrated as ""birth control"" should be outlawed." 1,"doctor asks patient if he would mind having medical student, some of his poker buddies in room for exam" 0,Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. The deliberately out-of-context quotes again that directly contradict the conclusions of the authors. 0,"There are some very rare cases where abortion is legitimately allowable by society. However, most abortions do not fall under this catagory." 1,fbi raids fridge 1,fridge magnet pushed to limits 0,emily's list makes its first 2018 house race pick 0,occidental college mostly cleared in federal sexual assault investigation 0,"Actually there are already a couple floating around. One fascinating one: Gaia theory and the Daisyworld model. It's all around self-organising systems and the earth as a self-regulating system/organsism/something or other. James Lovelock and co. Interesting to read but sometimes feels a little too 'lets-all-just-get-along' to be real, hard-core theory. Either way, it's probably a lot more likely to be accepted than creationism, should evolutionism for some reason be disproved." 0,new airport security rules could mean 'short interviews' with passengers 0,these stunning older celebs ruled the oscars red carpet 0,'we are the same blood': the invisible lives of india's dalit women 1,man arriving early to party to walk up and down street for 10 minutes 1,obama signs conservation act to preserve nation's last remaining area of common ground 1,lack of sexual tension with coworker almost unbearable 0,facebook recognizes everyone needs paid time off. not just parents. 1,"oh, god, area man making his move" 1,kavanaugh claims he never committed sexual assault as it will be defined after future supreme court case 0,the republican plan for higher education: less red tape and less money 0,dump trumpers think they need just 57 votes to win 1,You are so FUN. Its amazing to hear you say this considering how much you applaud a law that pretty much allows this in Arizona. 1,91-year-old woman an expert at outliving 1,new report finds u.s. employees most engaged at workplace while working as frontman of styx 1,man approaches unfamiliar shower knobs like he breaking wild stallion 1,high school history textbook concludes with little blurb about last 40 years 1,trump motorcade picks up few lyft passengers to help president make ends meet 0,"Since evolution is a non-theistic theory (it does not consider if there is a god or not), you will have to look at some like would also look up Kenneth MIller on the web... a highly Christian biologist who defends evolution." 0,the 7 stages of potty training 1,"eleven-year-old has miniskirt, pumps, vague notion of what sex is" 1,"Since I don't believe believe that everything had a common ancestor , a rock , I consider all ancient reptiles dinosaurs. If that is incorrect in your book so be it. We are not debating the definition of dinosaurs." 1,internal affairs investigator disappointed conspiracy doesn't go all the way to the top 1,awards given out randomly to skinny blonde women 0,podcast review: no such thing as a fish 0,why are these six states defending horrific cruelty to animals? 0,psychic fall cometh! 0,"hey, remember when bernie sanders played a rabbi in a rom-com?" 1,amish woman knew she had quilt sale the moment she laid eyes on chicago couple 0,on labor day: the tale of generational struggle for middle class wages 0,anti-abortion leader emerges as white nationalist 1,I was right wasnt I? You do have buck teeth and play the banjo...look see if the Sesame street web site has a definition of zombie..what an arsehole lol 1,poll finds hillary clinton candidate most americans want to have 8-ounce glass of tap water with 1,pope francis working out at vatican gym wearing 'sex abuse summit 2019' t-shirt 0,the secret of ugly sweater day 0,"you think these foods are healthy, but they are not" 1,clinton campaign airlifts 200 crates of volunteers to wisconsin headquarters 1,"I've always wondered, do toilet cleaners, like yourself, use the same brush for their teeth? emoticonXRolleyes" 0,'american crime' creator john ridley tackles sexual assault on campuses 1,angela merkel opens up to the only newspaper she trusts 0,who lost iraq? and what we can do about it 1,"So if it's not human, we can kill it? But I dare say that's a different topic completely. Sorry, that was more along animal rights than abortion. Abortion is this for me: If the baby is going to endanger the mother's life as well as the baby, why endanger the baby and the mother? Sticking on the decided path, would you rather kill something you know is human, or something that you're not sure is human. It sounds a bit cruel and I didn't intend it to be that way at all. It's just that one loss would hard enough, why make it two?" 1,scientists working to harness energy produced by intense fracking debates 0,"Actually, the dating is done on layers above and below the rock in which fossils are found. You see, generally fossils are found in some sort of sedimentary rock. And sedimentary rock cannot be dated. But a layer of volcanic ash above and below the fossil can be dated and thus give a date within a range." 1,Do you think that red herrings and strawmen will help your case? ;) 0,why are trans people left out of lgbt history so often? 0,boehner delays leadership elections with gop in turmoil 1,uncool zookeeper won't let anyone ride gorillas 1,jimmy carter already back to elite sumo wrestling circuit after recovering from hip surgery 0,10 big space-saving ideas for small kitchens 1,neighbor bragging about 20-pound box he fedexed 0,boston globe offers 'spotlight' fellowship to fund investigations 0,"train collision in belgium kills 3, injures 40" 0,OH get off it!!!! How many times have we seen the argument from your side that gay marriage would increase the incidence of AIDS? 0,alzheimer's journal - come back early today 0,"chris hughes throws in the towel, puts 'new republic' up for sale" 1, now somehow most eerie site on entire internet 1,nra calls for department of education to provide every student with body bag 0,how has digitization affected my personal life & environment so far? 1,tokyo adds 100-story toadstool to skyline 0,"Interesting, but it appears to ignore the fact that there is pre-existing variation (just look at the pictures). Emphasizing mutations is ok, but relying solely on them will probably skew results." 0,"If there is a positive relationship between drug consumption and crime, it doesn`t seem very likely that crime would go down as a result of lowering the price on drugs (and thus rasing consumption)." 0,"So, I guess you didn't get the memo that this country was FOUNDED on Christian/Judaic beliefs. Remember: You do have rights; to an extent." 1,second-grader expelled from sex farm 1,'game of thrones' season 3 opens with every character getting fingered while discussing arrival of winter 1,grandma happy to babysit while couple desperately attempts to rekindle relationship 0,how to thaw the climate conflict 0,17 fantastically fun shirts for girls who love stem 1,"Oh, I agree....private security companies are the answer. Very republican of you." 1,wistful woman wonders if this could be the one she'll sleep with for few weeks before losing interest 0,remembering high school 1,vulture feeling nauseous after eating bad rotting deer carcass 1,confused firefighters fail to rescue child wearing firefighter costume 1,gold bracelet picked up at pharmacy 1,third world disease eliminated with hot-air hand dryers 0,as i watch my daughter grow into the woman she'll become 1,tom clancy treated like he's some kind of terrorism expert 1,cottonelle adds blue strip to toilet paper but keeps what it does a secret 1,consumer entering that awkward age between target demographics 1,male friends depart for annual camping trip to complain about camping 0,nana finally makes it to never land in battle for the book! 1,dripping wet 7-year-old gets on hotel elevator 0,don't expect to see kim kardashian give birth on tv again 0,blocking the courts: the trump triple threat 0,8-year-old spreads love in the classroom with braille valentines 0,"This has to be what the 5th time you've been given links to educate yourself? I don't think you'll understand. You fail to understand such a pedestrian concept as Erosion, I frankly don't expect you to understand those two links. But humor me. " 0,koch brothers group slams donald trump's immigrant ban as 'counterproductive' 1,american museum of natural history acquires rare third-grader separated from group on class trip 0,apple co-founder steve wozniak ditches facebook after data scandal 0,insane marshmallow clouds bubble up in severe storms 1,second-person narrative enthralling you 1,report: america ready for third ketchup brand 0,"Also another example put forward is a bacteria that can only sustain itself by eating Nylon. The theory goes - nylon is a recent invention therefore this bacteria must have eolved recently.What it suggests however is that a portion of an existing population would have died if not for nylon... the bug has to have nylon, or it will die.It is akin to looking at a portion of the human population who would die from heart-trouble. But thankfully we've now got artificial hearts, therefore this portion can survive. They are not a new species of human, but live only because of a recent invention." 0,thousands protest in mexico one year after 43 students went missing 0,That's a pretty tortured comparison :) What exactly makes the forecaster's error one of measuring distance? 1,"spielberg panics, adds comical groin injuries to 'lincoln'" 0,"Because you people keep wanting one restriction after another after another after another. Nothing is ever good enough for you, you always want more than ever. Well we don't want to abide by your wishes, gun ownership is a recognized right, and your hatred of rights won't be tolerated. We're not going to just stand by and be painted as the bad guys because you have the mentally disabled belief that banning gun ownership will reduce crime, and anybody who disagrees with you want to see people killed." 0,"sanders gains with democratic activists, but clinton still leads" 0,why my daughter's nursery will be pink 1,celebrities: are they aware enough of aids? 0,here are all the 2018 grammy winners 0,digital trust foundation seeking proposals on digital abuse programs 1,study links drinking while pregnant to being at kid rock concert 1,grandmother will live on in arguments over her wedding china 0,'chaotic' planets make the search for e.t. more complicated 0,bruce springsteen takes powerful stance amid trump's immigration ban 1,crocodile bites off bush's arm 0,"no matter what happens in the gop primary, a lot of republicans won't be happy" 1,woman didn't know progress on toxic masculinity would turn boyfriend into such a weepy little pansy 1,rachael ray snaps chicken's neck live on air 1,steven spielberg recalls coming to blows with e.t. on film set 0,rome's gay pride revelers have other aims for their march 1,newborn has father's asshole 1,paula poundstone still famous 0,"They are both written in the bible. Neither of them have any evidence (apart from the bible) to support their existence. One of them has been proven to be utterly false. This naturally discredits the other, as they appear in the same publication by the same author. Why decide one is true when the other is clearly not, and neither have any other supporting evidence?" 1,god admits he was in pretty bad place while creating universe 1,fda defends decision to reclassify alternative milks as 'nut sweat' 0,nyc medical students won't accept obamacare repeal without a fight 0,making sure internet explorer doesn't replace actual exploring 0,brad pitt and the kids fill in for angelina at 'unbroken' premiere 0,firefighter and police officer take adorable photos with their newborn 1,"You should take a course in reading comprehension and civility. Hebrew scholars overwhelmingly agree Genesis was meant to be read as history. What they believe it is history is another story. Some do , some don't ." 1,high-end persian rugs attend trial in show of support for paul manafort 0,from the front line against hiv: time to end the federal syringe ban 1,pawn-shop customer plans to buy toaster back 0,firefighters are happy to rescue 12 police officers stuck inside elevator 1,gay man unaware he focus of thousands of prayers 0,it's mildly infectious and treatable—yet patients still face discrimination 0,"No, it's not an ""inability"" at all. It's a simple matter of you trying to take what IS a religious issue for many people and divorce it from religion altogether. That's not going to happen for many people. And BTW, if you are going to refer to people as ""Antis"", at least be upfront about what you feel they are ""anti-"" toward. ""Anti-gay?"" ""Anti-gay marriage?"" What? But behind that are deeper, more fundamental issues about what homosexuality IS and the morality of it. To many people who view homoseuxality as immoral, your movement seems to be trying to write immorality into law." 1,I would argue against this but I would need to introduce subjectivism into the argument. lolemoticonXCensored 1,man's weekly recycling just boxes of nestle drumsticks 1,self-described avid reader halfway through dragonriders of pern for sixth time 1,police horrified by grisly remains of taco bell meal 1,ranking women somehow not issue in miss usa debacle 0,cops recording your every move for 10 weeks doesn't violate the constitution 1,proud father teaches son how to shave eyebrows for first time 0,5 essential lists to make before the end of this year 0,professor to 'part ways' with college over comments about islam 1,historical archives: to be sold - tri-cornered shoes 1,nbc admits to never actually making an episode of 'chuck' 0,fox news guest blames liberals for inner-city violence 1,"scott bakula turns 43, newspaper reports" 1,"a woman's responsibility to nurture and care for a child does not include a license to kill it. ""you must act according to your conscience -- as must I and everyone else"" - who are you jimminy cricket? yeah, just let your conscience be your guide" 0,queer christians respond to jeff sessions' new 'license to discriminate' 0,we must ensure democratic integrity in the digital age 0,amazon signs lease for possible store in manhattan 0,thrilling season opener marred by concussion questions 1,fantasy novel not holding back on criticisms of dwarvish culture 0,batumi is beautiful even if trump's activities there are not 0,pastor blasts trump's 'shithole' comments in front of mike pence 1,"That's a great way to get more people to respond to your post. emoticonXRolleyes Apparently the fish in this pond are too smart to take the lure you're casting. :p Waxy" 1,congress allocates $500 million for development of funkier bass lines 0,"Personally, I don't have a problem with a single thing you said.You made your CHOICE, and we in the Pro-Choice camp respect your right to choose.Now, just don't go around trying to impose your choice (which I personally think is perverted and sexist) on the women in my family.You have the obligation to respect their choices just as we respect yours.BTW, please tell Gush Limpbutt that there is a world of difference between human, i.e, possessing the right genes, and personhood, which begins at birth." 1,giddy tim kaine presses face against campaign bus window as horse trailer drives by 1,deal alert: get 'kingdom hearts iii' for free for next 30 seconds while gamestop clerk is dealing with something in back 0,donald trump says he'll do interview with univision's jorge ramos 0,how where you live affects your child's mental health 1,ohio governor makes desperate plea to aquaman 1,"mueller annoyed by chipper, overeager adam schiff constantly sending him evidence he's already uncovered" 0,it wasn't just white men who participated in the 'unite the right' rally 0,"hollande, valls, macron and article 49-3: france tries harder to reform" 0,"'8 on 8' brawl ends in officer shot, suspect killed" 0,"""Supposedly""? You ran from those threads. You are the one making assertions that you don't back up. You are the one unwilling (i.e. unable) to show that Arctic foxes can adapt to a Phoenix summer. You are the one who keeps ignoring (what I will henceforth refer to as) The Chihuahua Challenge. For somebody claiming to be so clearly right and so obviously vindicated by the evidence, you've done nothing to show it, and you've done everything to run from it." 1,pocket electronic-bible-verse database coveted 0,"with greetings from trump, pence says u.s. committed to europe" 0,"Why do people on the pro-gun side continuously try to oversimplify the issue? No one is really arguing that there would be zero murder without guns. The question is would there be less murders without guns. In developed nations with stricter gun laws there are less murders. At any rate, I don't think you can draw such conclusions based on one incident." 1,dog doesn't realize he just graduated 0,five lessons of being a multi-millionaire 1,alarming report finds only 6% of earth's surface indoors 1,panicked donald trump jr. tries to cover up contact with wikileaks by deleting firefox icon from desktop 0,this awesome dad crafts intricate toast breakfasts for daughter with allergies 1,"Thats because there are far more heterosexuals. I cannot take a racist heterophobic serious when he tries to tell me that using certain words mean that a heterosexual man is an abuser or misogynist. As said, your expertise are firmly on the other side. As for your nonsense about Univ Houston. I simply do not believe it. You have the manner of a school teacher and the wit of railway clerk." 1,larry king's frothing saliva hosed off bette midler 1,"rex, rob ryan finally get bunk beds they always wanted" 1,"** Gee, another one who doesn't accept the phenomena of intelligence and intelligence testing, reality be damned. I don't know what you mean by ""design responses to stimuli"", unless you refer to your favourite computer programmes again. In that case, go back and re-read what I've said about that. " 0,deflategate: another image blow to the nfl that is not likely to hurt its business 1,"you can hold snake, owner reports" 0,scientists crack mystery of tiny traveling plants 0,"Exactly, which brings us back to square 1. Creationism is based on religion, and Evolution is based on the Scientific method, but is not proven. Creationism isnt even near being proven. So, why would you try to impose your religious beliefs on public school children?" 1,report suggests stalin was just one great purge away from creating communist utopia 0,5 ways to enjoy your engagement 1,study finds majority of u.s. currency has touched financial executive's nude body 0,our 10 favorite post-gay movies 0,fbi employees wear 'comey is my homey' shirts to family day 1,man sneaks in mid-snack nibble 1,defense department typo results in u.s. attack on ira 0,washington governor: 'we are not afraid to take action' on guns 1,"Bollocks. Using a definintion that you agree with is NOT part of the debate. Arguing from personal incredulity is all of your handwaving and assertions amounts to. Use the real definition, not a wishy washy one that happens to alighn itself with your delusion. " 0,the top 5 issues newlyweds face 0,from the other side; an honest review from employees 1,doctor asks new mother if she'd like to keep newborn's exoskeleton 1,it pretty obvious what friend will look like old 0,"there is no right way, just write" 0,stephen colbert gets women from 1776 to react to the first female presidential nominee 1,waitress who took over at table just doesn't have same spark as richard 1,"'the president can suck my big fat dick,' says rex tillerson in veiled attack on trump" 0,trump the globalist plutocrat 0,how marvel beat dc at the movies 1,unclear what coworker with banana on desk all day waiting for 0,"obama: families of gun violence victims don't care about politics, just change" 1,new history textbook makes hatred of history come alive for students 0,"Really? Intra-species evolution and inter-species evolution are one and the same? *edit* I was reading on micro-evolution in wikipedia, here is what they had to this incorrect? ""Typically, observable instances of evolution are examples of microevolution; for example, bacterial strains that have become resistant to antibiotics. Because microevolution can be observed directly, both pro-evolution and some anti-evolution groups agree that it is a fact of life.""" 1,woman forced to converse awkwardly with bank-promotion clown 0,exclusive look inside the baltimore police investigation into freddie gray's death 0,who is hacking all of these 'glee' stars? 0,rand paul's campaign website misspelled 'education' 1,"india continues surge towards status as first world nation by reelecting racist, right-wing authoritarian" 1,"Obviously, in the event of a disaster, George W. Bush sure thinks he has a right to choose. Hmmm, let's see, should I interrupt my vacation just because people are drowning in New Orleans? Naw, I don't think I should. They're just poor people and they probably didn't vote for me." 0,"In the examples you gave, the doctor is clearly trying his* very best to save the most lives he can. What if the Siamese twins were in no mortal danger while together? And what if one Siamese twin has legs but the other doesn't? Isn't the other twin dependent on the one with legs? Could a doctor ethically remove the legless twin if the legged twin wanted to and if the legless twin was retarded and the procedure would leave the legless twin dead?*(or her best.. I'm sorry but my doctor is male, so I will no longer use ""his/her"" or ""he/she""... it just gets tiring after a while...)" 0,joe arpaio revives racist obama birther conspiracy 1,god announces successful test of first category 7 hurricane 1,tiny dog suffocates in louis vuitton bag 1,report: this not a gun 0,"tlc's my husband's not gay: damaging for mormons, especially gay mormon youth" 1,"So Steeeeve, as you have made no response in over a month I'll take your answer to my last question as a yes: More AIDS deaths are an acceptable trade for reducing access to abortion. If you disagree, I'm all ears as to your justification." 1,"bob iger: at disney, we live every day in terror that you'll turn on superhero movies" 1,cold panic grips stacey abrams as trump begins delivering speech almost identical to one she wrote 1,dan fogelberg fails to soothe area lite 108 listener 1,parents wish weak-willed daughter would push back against violin lessons just a little 1,nation hoping 'the newsroom' ends before trayvon martin storyline 1,lutheran minister arrested on charges of boring young children 0,arresting portraits give voices to homeless people in america's poorest big city 1,"Well done you must be expressing'original sin'emoticonXClown If you fancy the married woman next door then you must therefore be an adulterer and if you want to punch someone but do not you still are an aggressor. Give yourself a biscuitemoticonXBouncer There is a world of difference between a man who wants to have sex with other men but does not and another who does have sex with men. You may call them both gay but to do so would only be to make a small point..just as you are doing. It was quite obvious that I was referring to sexually active gays but if it makes you feel better......." 1,humanizing detail tacked onto end of new board member's bio 0,you know why? because God touches our hearts like nothing you have ever felt before. it is amazing 0,remembering jimmy breslin and a newspaper world long gone 0,texas provider will offer free abortions for women affected by harvey 0,18 habits of highly creative people 1,article about return of burger king chicken fries only news area man has clicked on today 0,I think you are the same person as usa all the way and again.. you have no right to talk about murder because you murder the english language everytime you post.And no.. the baby does not belong to god because there is no baby and I don't know if there is a god or not. Btw.. I'm not going to incubate something in my body because of you think it's wrong because someone who may or may not exist said so. 0,"the 'broad city' ladies have a spa day, but it doesn't go well" 1,fashion industry declares hottest spring look is upbeat attitude 1,bush campaign more thought out than iraq war 0,cops accused of racism after detaining black man over 'vegetation' 0,hhs secretary tom price says 'nobody will be worse off financially' under obamacare repeal 1,woody harrelson spends two hours drawing marijuana leaf on binder 1,dasani under fire after tanker explosion leads to massive water spill off coast of mexico 0,tom petty's last tour included a subtle nod of support for trans rights 0,So what? If somebody wants to die then they'll kill themselves no matter what. 0,don't call khloe kardashian 'the fat sister' 1,"report: folks, bette midler is back on broadway and not a minute too soon" 1,area dad botches 'princess bride' quote 0,18 awesome picnic recipes (that aren't sandwiches) 0,women are using iconic anti-mobster law to go after harvey weinstein 1,"trump thanks supporters who sacrificed time, money, friends, family, morals, religious beliefs to be here today" 0,kids sue the government for not protecting them from climate change 1,god really dreading visit from older brother who made much more successful cosmos 1,aids baby lays tiny hand in palm of 'onion' reporter 0,I'll assume this is figurative since they do not literally melt. 1,starring in hollywood blockbusters los angeles man's only claim to fame 0,election day: gov. hopeful vitter trails in deep-red louisiana 0,"the truth about politics: mo' money, mo' problems" 1,single most replaceable person in company will walk if he doesn't get raise 0,tasting your way around the wizarding world of harry potter - diagon alley 0,rand paul: hillary clinton is a 'war hawk' 1,heroic turtle dials most of 911 1,paris review receives mysterious plimpton essay about being a ghost 0,"Microevolution has occured. Several times over and recorded in the lab and the natural world. [quote] Give me one peer reviewed paper . Just one. Not the latest dogma from talk origins . 29 evidences for bs.[quote] Huh. Guess you're wrong. [quote]Talk Origins does your thinking not mine. Give me peer reviewed documents not the latest political/religious factions babblings. Of course they don't exist but how could they? [quote] And how does that mean evolution is wrong and creation is correct? You do realize that even if you somehow manage to prove evolution false (not likely), you are still miles from proving creation right?" 0,7 things every homeowner should do before going on vacation 1,new low stooped to 1,man miscast in role of father 0,cadbury's chocolate will no longer be imported from the u.k. and everyone is depressed 0,"watch tom hardy sing (yes, sing) about a serial killer in this 'london road' scene" 1,"cory booker expelled from senate, stripped naked, forced to wander maryland bog in woe for all eternity" 0,kim k shares photos from north's baptism in jerusalem 1,millions of gallons of oil spill into washington from ruptured rex tillerson 1,scientists trace campus-wide pussy shortage to zbt house 1,polite high school football team runs around banner that took hours to make 1,"You missed out mean-spirited, which fits like a very well fitting glove." 1,woman's tan lines don't make any sense 0,senate still at odds over zika funding with only 3 days left before summer break 0,father of otto warmbier will attend winter olympics in south korea: report 0,"behold, chris christie's fawning 'interview' with donald trump" 1,majority of time at party spent trying to figure out ride home 0,"Actually, I reported the real results of a study. Regular church attendees are twice as likely to vote Republican...etc., the conclusion was, however, meant to be a joke. Most got it, you didn't. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,moderators give marco rubio 90 seconds to deliver closing statement of campaign 0,if only all tampon ads were this honest 0,jeb bush: i embrace carbon reduction 1,"Wow BIOLOGISTS have been working on strteches of DNA of previously unknown function and found what they went looking for - function. That sure knocks genetics and evolution off its feet. Yep no question about it at all. Darwin will be trashed when junk DNA is explained, all his predictions about junk DNA being functionless will be falsified. Oh, oh wait a second. Darwins theory and the NDS make zero predictions about ""junk"" DNA! Guess that if one has nothing to falsify then falsification is pretty unlikely." 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 0,jill zarin saw ramona singer's divorce 'coming from a mile away' 1,every intern at nonprofit trying to solve refugee crisis first 0,"'the other side of memorial day,' or dying in paradise" 0,vehicles fall through wisconsin lake's ice as parking lot collapses 0,california's marijuana legalization aims to repair damage from the war on drugs 1,"bitchy girlfriend just asking for anne hathaway to swoop in, steal man away" 0,10 eating habits linked to dying from cardiovascular disease and diabetes 1,nobel prize awarded to man who helped humans have more fucking babies 1,obamacare helps uninsured americans become blindingly enraged at insurance companies 0,california moves to extend health insurance to undocumented immigrants 1,gorillagram employee shot by white house security 0,nick offerman rsvps to wedding in very ron swanson-esque way 0,7 trends that offer a snapshot of american religion today 0,how the obama administration is making it harder to shed student debt 1,mom decides enough time has passed to lose touch with paramedic who saved son's life 0,john boyega rocks our world with these fine michael jackson moves 0,does your writing reveal secrets about your leadership? 0,hollywood executive: we should have done more to stop harvey weinstein 1,british royal family concerned after queen elizabeth ii beheads 7 tourists 1,"Yawn, refer to the above post you clever little cookie. You're obviously the other 'half' of the brain cell missing from the preacher." 1,cool 'cybergranny' needs machines to help her live 0,"trump's wild wiretap goose chase has no end in sight, apparently" 0,"How do you know he was a gun owner? Maybe he borrowed it. ;)And I bet he was a carnivore, walked upright and drove a car, as well." 1,poignant dying words wasted on dumbshit nephew 0,huffpost hill - house republicans vote unanimously to fight later 0,watch live: reproductive rights at forefront on wisconsin primary day 0,"'a rising tide lifts all boats,' but the boatless are left to suffer" 0,sleep problems may hint at future heart disease risk 0,"new york bomber sought an isis-inspired attack with failed device, investigators say" 1,"First off, no one says that if there is evil, there can't be a God. They say that if there's evil, then God can't be omnipotent and all benevolent. Let's keep the topics straight. Also, I see no way in which the existence of good bolsters the argument that God exists. I could posit the existence of a God of popcorn, and then say ""look, here's some popcorn, my God must be real!"" Somehow, I don't think that would convince you." 0,state officials fire employee who sent false missile alert in hawaii 0,who will win and who should win at the 2015 emmys 0,verizon and unions reach 'tentative agreement' to end strike 0,this startup wants to make overpaying for a tiny nyc bedroom seem cool 1,"Yeah. Funny thing about that. NONE of what you quoted includes any discussion of money raised... They organized marches. Yes. They had phone banks for the purpose of persuading undecided voters. Yes. But no mention of money raised... And don't get me wrong. I am against the organizing of marches and the phone banks. But if we're going to start indicting on that as well, please let me know cause the list of ""guilty churches"" just got a heck of a lot longer as opposed to just listing ones which had generated ""$190,000"" directly, and lots more from individual church members." 1,middle-aged funeral director buys flashy red hearse 0,the real reason tyrese didn't reunite with taraji p. henson on 'empire' 1,kamala harris assembles campaign staff of unpaid california prison laborers 1,"Drugs should be legal. period. Just like that other more nefarious drug: ReligionemoticonXAngel" 1,"and how long before they absuse this law. I felt threaten by grandma....she was looking at me all mean anf hitting me with her I shot her..... Bad LAw!" 1,sensei's assistant really getting his ass whipped 0,"I agreew with you in principle. However, I see too many flaws in our justice system to make it useful at this point." 0,"what it's like to become a brand new dad, in photos" 1,american torturing jobs increasingly outsourced 1,heartbroken chris brown always thought rihanna was woman he'd beat to death 0,drake bell mourns the loss of ex-girlfriend stevie ryan with heart-wrenching tweets 1,"nation wishes area man were a creep, but, ugh, he's actually really fucking nice" 1,"25-year-old moving into comfortable, rent-free arrangement in parents' home worried he's hit rock bottom" 0,congress races against time to avoid yet another shutdown 0,a gamechanger: nobel prize winner kailash satyarthi 1,right guy to fuck with identified 1,"sprint, t-mobile ceos merge into grotesque executive hybrid" 1,And down the road abit don't be surprised if you see Sunday Blue Laws being enacted to enforce worship on Sunday! All in the name of giving man a rest from toil of course! 1,new archaeological find suggests mary magdalene was actually a size 12 1,local sea cow tired of all the lies 1,eighth-grader drinks at twelfth-grade level 1,'95-'96 prayers finally answered 0,gop congresswoman calls on rep. blake farenthold to resign 0,facebook in real life: politics 0,from loud chewing to cherry-tomato spewing: the five senses of office pet peeves 1," It really cracks me up, Falwell talking bout ""first-class nuts"". He's the posterboy for ""Private-Lear-Jet Nuts""." 1,dubious inclusions damage credibility of entire record collection 1,discouraged bush begins seeking approval of other nations 0,study finds hiv+ gay men with undetectable viral load will not transmit virus 0,"gold star family promised $25,000 by trump finally receives check in the mail" 1,7th heaven celebrates 100th underage drinking episode 1,pete buttigieg releases comprehensive list of fun personality quirks to include in articles about him 0,dog picks out her own shelter kitten to take home 1,slow-thinking bystander weighing pros and cons of pulling man out of river 1,michael cohen granted prison work release for new job with trump 2020 campaign 1,anarchy symbol updated to appeal to today's teens 0,"But it's not detecting any ""new"" wavelength. It's just detecting a wavelength that our eyes are incapable of detecting. You can't see radio waves, so radio waves are meaningless to your eye, but they're not meaningless to your clock radio receiver." 1,marine corps shortens slogan to 'the few' 0,rob kardashian posts cutest video for his anniversary with blac chyna 1,date line 0,kittens become friends with horses after playing in their hay net 0,"This is more accurate, but let me modify it a bit. Without evidence there is no reason to conclude that there MUST be a god. A lack of evidence does not ensure that there is no god, just that we can't assume that there is." 1,man finally unpauses 'super mario bros.' after 18 years of chores 0,how a social media detox helped ed burns become more productive 0,"Again, modern birds seem to do fine as do gliding mammals such as flying squirrels." 1,paramount executive snaps up script that begins with studio logo fading into establishing shot of actual mountain 1,'why can i never seem to say the right thing?' weeps trump into pillow 1,kiss with wife pretty good 1,obama's embarrassing ska album resurfaces 1,mark zuckerberg: 'you should be grateful all your incessant oversharing online is actually worth something' 1,genetics emphatically deny playing any part in area man's body 0,pride in mental health: an interview with the trevor project and crisis text line 1,last few republican senators form roman tortoise 0,"gop-led house ignores dems' sit-in, approves $1.1 billion to fight zika" 0,You can forget the loaded language including false notions of progress. Lifeforms are evolving by way of purely physical and chemical mechanisms. 0,if these walls could talk 0,"ted cruz, marco rubio urge oregon militants to stand down" 1,new pepsi negative-220 burns twice the calories it contains 0,Obviously that is the case. We cannot simply say that a certain God exists and have it be so. 1,of course hair stylist remembers gina 0,shopping for happiness in the oscar race's gorgeous department stores 0,grindr now offers reminders for users to get regular hiv tests 0,'simpsons' creator on apu debate: 'people love to pretend they're offended' 0,investigating abuses at unlicensed religious homes for troubled kids 1,aztec extremists cut out visiting pope's heart 1,dad frees up entire day to spend on quality father-grill bonding time 1,"The enemies of freedom already have. The coined a new word. It is PRE Traumatic Stress Disorder. Meanwhile, 12 times as many children die from Drowning than from accidental gunshot!" 0,a political obituary for the president's son-in-law 0,j.k. rowling reveals what her horcrux would be (if she had to make one) 1,facebook friend apparently dead now 0,best news ever: drinking champagne keeps your mind sharp: science 1,israel vows to use veto power if chuck hagel confirmed as u.s. secretary of defense 0,lawmakers seek investigation of al jazeera amid israel documentary controversy 0,"honestly, this lineman-sized dancer beats any football game" 1,"Gee, where does the analogy with computers show this? NOWHERE! Focus dude. If you are going to address my statements, then address what I was discussing. If you just want to spew out pointless God propaganda, go do it in another thread." 0,what it takes for a poor black kid from chicago to earn a college degree 0,You lost me there. Try them how and for what? 1,I dunno. Those Priuses are so small inside and out. How much explosive compound could Hasan fit into the thing and still be able to get in and drive it? 0,the kurds under erdogan's tyrannical governance 0,jennifer lopez rear-ended by drunk driver 0,exclusive video: sean hayes discovers family's criminal past 1,ünited stätes toughens image with umlauts 1,area man does most of his traveling by gurney 0,this is how your grocery store is tricking you into spending more money 0,obama's supreme court nominee just bragged about sending this man to prison. now he's free. 1,republicans outraged over redtube censoring of conservative voices 0,It varies. Sometimes elementary/middle school kids and sometimes older minors like high school kids. I not talking about gangbangers if this is where you're going. 0,the largest demographic of binge drinkers might surprise you 0,bill maher lets 'impish brit' milo yiannopoulos off easy 1,'you better give our dad a good trade deal or you'll be sorry!' shout angry trump boys on phone with employee of local chinese restaurant 0,trump brags that he won most of the women's vote in 2016. he didn't. 1,"kushner: 'i did not collude, but i pretty much have to say that, right?'" 1,trouble again in tv's africa 0,empowering women and girls to own their worth 0,kathy griffin drops f-bomb while taking back her apology to trump 0,allies: islamist motive for killing nemtsov is nonsense 1,gina haspel briefs senators on saudis' 'shockingly uninspired' khashoggi interrogation 0,thousands march in nyc to protest chokehold death 1,"weary, cynical woman knows better than to bring tomato plant into world like this" 1,"nation curious after discovering mysterious, eccentric benefactor paid off country's debt in full" 1,pristine shipment of fish product contaminated by filthy u.s. inspectors 0,security video pokes holes in robber's threat to shoot store workers 1,biden requests to be named special envoy to reno 0,now is the time to talk about your pregnancy loss 0,Because A BALANCE needed to be struck! It doesn't go entirely in either direction. We need to balance the right to revolt against an unjust govt. with the problems created when everyone owns assualt rifles and bazookas and we have no registration. Either extreme presents a problem. 1,nbc to add dateline: flursday 0,"Lots of things would stop people from having more than two kids. Having easy access to contraception and reliable sex education would be a couple. Education and career opportunities for women would be another thing that would limit the number of children. Education about, as well as concern for the effects of overpopulation on the world would also limit population. Actually, a major factor is pure and simple access to decent and comprehensive health care. Most people used to choose to have large families because so many children died in infancy. If they are assured that their children will live to adulthood, people won't feel the need to have large families to ensure that at least some of them will survive. Also, religions that demean women and forbid contraception should be restrained from determining public policy." 0,hillary clinton scores another big union endorsement 1,divorced father buys string cheese to make coming to his place fun 0,louis c.k. reveals he once ruined a job for jimmy fallon 1,coddled potted plant could never make it on outside 0,"hillary stays quiet on critical issues, just like in 2008" 0,south sudan marks 6 years of independence as 6 million go hungry 0,can spatial skills actually help your writing? 1,kfc introduces new boneless ceo 1,nation's dads announce plans to trade in the dodge for something with a little more zip 0,mass die-off of dolphins directly linked to deepwater horizon spill 1,woman speaks for record-breaking 8 hours without being interrupted by man 0,That's not quite right. More accurate would be: Nothing that occurs outside the realm of physical law is in the realm of science. Science by no means precludes the possibility of there being something outside the realm of science. 1,"entirety of hollywood film industry replaced with 40,000 christopher plummers" 0,That distinction may be irrelevant since they do say that no god that any religious person believes in exists. And that is what I was getting at originaly. Still I think that the idea that the existence of all religious gods can be ultimately refuted based on the logic you bring up is invalid. 1,"trump lawyers anxious 4,731st shoe will drop" 1,pope francis donates clothing to needy refugees 1,"yellow cross receives record 10,000 liters of urine donations" 1,exhibitionist zoo elephants waiting for crowd to gather before screwing 1,The Fact that you believe there is some sort of salvation in Jebus proves you are the dumb one.. You should stop rejecting reality .... 1,scientists warn all plant life dying within 30-yard radius of ted cruz campaign signs 0,'civic eagle' app wants to bring americans face to face in online debate 1,gerbil running late will have to eat her babies on the go 0,how to regrow vegetables from nothing more than kitchen scraps 0,how many women does it take to change a cable news host? 0,the world's fastest blind woman has no plans to slow down 0,the infuriating reason wells fargo got away with its massive scam for so long 0,a poem i wrote after my parents told me i'm on the autism spectrum 1,man's obituary accompanied by photo of him dressed as wizard 0,sxsw apologizes for asking u.s. olympian ibtihaj muhammad to remove hijab 1,"jesus announces plans to return once the dow clears 27,000" 0,"You seem fairly intelligent. However, it is you who seems ""highly confused"" over the definition of murder. You see, you are speaking in terms of legal jargon as it is applied inside a particular country. I'm referring to the moral implications of taking the life of a defenseless person without its consent. I might have better represented my argument to you by stating: we will never know with absolute certainty whether or not am unborn human constitutes a person, and thus whether or not aborting them constitutes killing them, i.e. murder in a strictly moral, and not political, sense.In response to your attacking on my saying we are glad we weren't aborted, yeah it has no bearing on my argument and I put it in for fun. Good for you to spot it." 0,donald trump says he'll stick with personal twitter account as president 1,trump boys sadly release pet alligator into lincoln memorial reflecting pool 1,rumsfeld only one who can change toner in white house printer 1,"typical strategy of the gay movement when challenged, resort to name calling ""trolls"" bigot etc, - project this form of abusive behavior on the adopted child who rebels against his gay 'carers' once he understands the reality of a heterosexual world. Placing children with gay couples is unnecessary and harmful - if group homes are the only alternative then it is argued such environments are more healthy and indeed normal than farming kids out to gays" 1,toddler makes convincing case for being afraid of horse 0,let's all get naked and pose like frozen chickens 1,indian sweatshop worker has to work in the fucking dark now too 0,"First, why don't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get. The current rate of change of the earth's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century. US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents.Will get to the rest later" 0,"iran's nuclear deal: sanctions are lifted, what is next?" 1,nation celebrates full week without deadly mass shooting 0,ellie goulding perfectly sums up the sheer terror of panic attacks 0,chris columbus explains the obstacles to making a 'goonies' sequel 0,fda to screen all donated blood for the zika virus 0,103 uber drivers accused of sexually assaulting or abusing customers: cnn 1,guy just trying on shirt right in middle of store 1,friend's threats to come visit becoming disturbingly more genuine 1,"HOLY COW!!!! Is this the ""Sacred Institution of Marriage"" you and jyoshu are so fervent to protect?" 1,You have conviced no one or even come remotely to forming an argument. 0,"yes, ashanti is still here and ready for you to 'say less'" 1,"If you mean this in the way that you can never ""truly know"" that Last Thursdayism isn't true, then sure. " 0,photos appear to show richard dreyfuss groping fans backstage 1,hospital comforts patients with new therapy oyster program 1,unambitious terrorists overturn trash can 1,empty 'about us' page leaves chinese buffet's origins shrouded in mystery 0,"Actually, the storm lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. The ark was actually afloat for a year or so. So I guess the answer is that the ark had all kinds of pestilent insects winging about and biting and stinging the occupants. The problem is, how did these aquatic breeders actually propagate in the feces and urine infested bilge of the ark?" 1,grandma told 'do not resuscitate' means 'low-sodium diet' 1,grandmother doesn't care for new priest 1,election-crazed 'new york times' expands poll coverage to 18.5 million more races in 371 additional states 0,desperate dolphin mom seen helping her trapped baby breathe 0,u.s. justices reject challenge to protest ban on supreme court plaza 1,And you are only trying to earn yourself brownie points in hell. 1,hamburglar urges senate subcommittee to 'robble robble robble' 1,":p :p Only as mix George, only as mix. :p Waxy" 0,why email is microsoft's secret weapon 0,a promise to the missing moms 0,"That is the declaration of independence not the constitution.I can go you one better admendment 9 and 10 talk about certain rights retained by the people.Amendment IXThe enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment XThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.The conservatives would argue that by offering same sex marriage that their persute of happiness is denied by gay people even existing and that they have to look at us." 1,"viacom demands youtube pull 400,000 ex-tv viewers from its site" 1,new religious freedom bill gives small business owners right to annul any gay marriage 0,congratulations to fbi director jared kushner 1,dwarf actor assured guest spot on 'how i met your mother' will not be demeaning 1,study finds average american inadvertently eats equivalent of 8 pieces of fruit per year 1,nana j. reclaims top spot from gram gram following exceptional birthday outing 0,russia's economy headed for even more trouble 1,unpopular police officer thinking about committing racially motivated offense for a little support 1,tony blair apparently not british prime minister anymore 1,gluten-free pancake mix just a bag of sand 1,photograph of little girl being absorbed into michelle obama portrait goes viral 0,"senate hopeful wants to woo black voters with 'kool aid, kfc and watermelons'" 1,"new product can do all that, more" 1,ahmadinejad signs on as dean at sarah lawrence 1,"as election draws near, area man moves to all-obama t-shirt rotation" 0,is facebook making us lonely? 1,"second fatwa issued on salman rushdie for derivative, uninspired 13th novel" 1,"So, you believe in a utopia where there are no laws? " 1,raid introduces new lilliputian repellant spray 0,florida lawmakers vote to ban marriage under the age of 17 0,questions linger for candidates on retirement issues 1,woman assaulted by celebrity just needs to sit tight for 40 years until dozens more women corroborate story 0,"dear mark ruffalo, timothy mcneil and matt bomer: why is matt bomer playing atrans woman?" 0,"Yep. But our ancestors lived in an area of abundant fruit, and we got all we needed from our diets, so it was no big thing when the gene broke. A few non-primate organisms also have it broken, but it's broken in a different way.Barbarian observes:It's remarkable then, how much progress we've made. You may or may not approve of the theory, but it works very well at learning more about biology." 1,mtv movie awards snubs director jonas mekas yet again 0,philadelphiatheatreco. celebrates 40 with stars aligned 0,houston woman contracts flesh-eating bacterial infection from harvey floodwaters 1,"Hey, Jack, in case it missed your expert scrutiny, I'm first normally responding to some pro-gay argument that's referenced in a great many of those posts. There's scores of you guys defending such iniquity at any given time. Just look at the last twenty posts and it's five or more of you pro-gay pundits vs. one or two respondents. Seems to me it your cause to promote and defend, just like we're seeing across America. Make you guys a deal: You shut up about it and it will greatly please me to never mention it. I don't suppose you will ever do that now, will you? LOL!" 1,report: average american worker replaced within 10 minutes of taking vacation 1,area boy enters jumping-and-touching-tops-of-doorways phase 1,b*a*p*s rented on strength of academy award-winning stars 1,"i assume you can demonstrate that everyone that opposes or critiques gay rights are personally attacking an individual or group? please, be my guest" 1,jesse helms treed by coon hounds 0,"I believe you are thinking of orders, not denominations. There is a big difference. Strict and loony? Could you be a little more specific, because this statement sounds like it's coming out of complete ignorance. You also seem to be making the assumption that all of the non-Catholic Christians are somehow very similar, which couldn't be further from the truth." 1,letter of recommendation reused for eighth intern 1,new study finds being on cover of 'people' magazine best predictor of revealing all 1,family impressed by extra effort father putting in to hide drinking 1,trump: 'america hasn't been stronger or more united since i first opened my eyes and created the universe' 1,"I guess banning drugs are also a tyranny then. Why dont you fight against the laws in US that restricts drug-use? " 0,tennis star forgot her massive check at u.s. open 1,david lynch finally releases colorized edition of 'eraserhead' 1,trump assures nation that decision for syrian airstrikes came after carefully considering all his passing whims 1,dad's previously unheard-of friend dies 0,gay bishop announces divorce 0,irvin d. yalom: a conversation 1,thomas the tank engine a little uneasy with his broad autistic following 0,abandoning voters of color would be immoral and shortsighted 0,"I can't imagine it either, but if I had to pick one type of business most capable of turning a government mandate into a profit, insurance companies would get my vote. I'm afraid that too many people subconsiously think that conflicts between opposites like health providers (or trial lawyers) vs. insurance companies result in victory for the general public. Shandag's comments show that they both can have common interests (State mandates) that result in wins for both of them and a loss for the general public." 0,planned parenthood sues ohio in dispute over fetal tissue 0,"Sure,,,,I have more than a few that was purchased from a individual,,,,no registration,license,no paperwork.I hand him the money and he hands me the gun.All legal and absolutley no paper trail. As far as guns purchased from a licensed dealer,all that is documented is the info for a background check,And by law that info must be destroyed within,I think 90 days. Kind of puts a snag in the whole confiscation idea ,,ehhhh?" 1,apparently facebook friend under impression ron paul still running for major federal office 0,christina aguilera to guest judge on 'rupaul's drag race' season premiere 1,fbi warns of 'american dream' scam 0,"it can be cared by anyone who wants to care for it. a 1-day-old baby is a natural citizen of the country in which it was born, and therefore is protected by the law of that country. killing the baby would be murder. a person being dependent on someone else does not mean that the host can kill the dependent person at their discretion." 1,meghan markle nervously looking over clinic pamphlets weighing her options 1,white house quietly retracts entire state of the union address 1,area man unsure whether he's on right bus for most of trip 1,congress agrees to $1.3 billion for protective border fencers 1,world's physicists complete study of physics 1,"An immaculately presented response, entirely avoiding the topic, or indeed reason, in order to unwittingly further the case for retrospective abortion." 0,why gq's amy schumer cover is a little disappointing 0,"despite trump, federal 'tort reform' makes a hasty retreat" 1,"beyond meat researchers announce creation of fully conscious, plant-based veal calf" 0,trump's already urging policy changes after nyc terrorist attack -- without waiting for 'the facts' 1,"But yet you have the right to make an an a-s-s out of yourself? As far as the nude beaches go, it would be worth the plane fare if I knew you were going to be at one so I could laugh my a-s-s off. FROTFLMAO " 0,israeli ambassador explains netanyahu's statements on potential palestinian state 1,"Show of hands, how many people think that is the same story? Flood Stories from Around the World" 0,"rest assured, amy schumer and jennifer lawrence still hang out" 1,trump makes last-minute push to appeal to whites 1,yellowstone places old faithful on 6-month loan to acadia national park 1,high school freshman thinks 'romeo and juliet' might just be her favorite play 1,punxsutawney phil beheaded for inaccurate prediction on annual groundhog slaughtering day 1,mars probe destroyed by orbiting spielberg-gates space palace 1,teen's eulogy mostly nickelback lyrics 0,"Its amazing how the facts are in front of thier faces yet they still claim they are only for ""Reasonable"" gin control laws." 1,"Well uh I am a fan. & you remind me of Humpty Dumpty. " 0,5 perfect-for-packing lunch salads 1,endangered species list edited to fit poster 1,new financial report finds economy invincible forever this time 0,cold anger in restless times: the growing movement for racial and social justice 0,"this ceo will send your kids to school, if you work for his company" 0,geniuses made a must-watch 'formation' parody about anti-abortion laws 0,'who makes the game?' donald sterling certainly asked the right question 1,michael jordan accidentally packaged in plastic 1,nation's attractive people demand we send them all $200 checks 1,teen rebel refusing to purchase yearbook 0,another gop congressman calls for special prosecutor to probe russia's election meddling 1,obama already knows who he's going to tear apart in memoir 1,"The IDEA isn't a bunch of bull, but our implementation of it does leave a lot to be desired. Too bad Jefferson wasn't immortal!!! " 0,paris attacks suspect salah abdeslam charged in belgium 0,pfizer is abandoning controversial plan 0,"trevor noah: 'trump may destroy the world, but god damn he's cute'" 1,historians say it still a mystery how people in ancient times didn't just go crazy and kill themselves 0,immigration backlash at the heart of british push to leave the e.u. 1,parasites just getting the hang of how host does things 0,here's why immigration advocates are pressing so hard for executive action 1,desperate 'time' magazine announces 'man of june' 1,white castle crave case handcuffed to wrist 1,obama hosts diplomatic talks at starbucks while oval office carpet cleaned 0,an heir to the chilean presidency: isabel allende bussi 0,"Since when are profetallifers ""reasonable people""? How reasonable can it be for them to try to impose their particular answer to a metaphysical question on others who believe differently?" 1,chuck e. cheese's pit boss tells floor attendant to keep an eye on guest winning big at skee-ball 1,childish gambino teases concept album exploring what world might be like if he put a shirt on 0,love is waiting for a test result and having someone hold your hand 0,ivanka on roy moore: 'there's a special place in hell' for child abusers 0,"If the child is to be born into a poverty stricken part of the world and is expected to die by the age of 7 by either disease or lack of food, why not spare pain and abort?" 1,helicopter ride pretty much delivers the goods 0,john legend sends personal message to manchester victim's family 1,internet collapses under sheer weight of baby pictures 0,why being #1 isn't all it's cracked up to be 0,"Would that work like the ban on illegal drugs in American? Does that ban keep illegal drugs out of American? The ban on illegal drugs does one thing, it does keep illegal drugs from law-abiding citizens. Law-abiding citizens are the only ones that respect the law when it comes to bans." 1,"'i promise to work tirelessly to achieve my campaign's goals,' threatens trump in terrifying address" 0,acclaimed mexican journalist: the drug war is 'completely false' 0,"5 strange 'simpsons' things you haven't seen, even after 30 years" 1,closed-door meeting to determine future of honey-roasted peanuts 0,6 intimate details you can tell just by looking at someone 1,new online voting system allows millions of masturbators to take part in democracy 0,"oregon college shooting survivor writes graphic, gripping account" 1,restaurant patron seeking corroboration that soda is not diet 1,local building accessible to only the strongest of the handicapped 0,trump supporters harass immigration protesters in iowa 1,Modest as well I see. You haven't answered my question at all. If you are going to wander into a thread like this and make such a comment as follows: 1,viagra announces real medicine that gave customers erections was confidence all along 1,"Yeah guess that probably makes me a gun-toten redneck drunk,shooten everything in sight huh.emoticonXKillemoticonXGood" 0,making the road in new york: a model for work-family policy change 1,"Actually, breeding horses and donkeys isn't an effort to create a new species. Where did you get such a thoughtless idea. And neither is interbreeding lions and tigers. However, you don't seem to be aware that neither ligers or tigons are sterile. They are capable of breeding with each other or with either of the parent species. And then there are polar bears and brown bears, which can and will interbreed if given the opportunity. And the offspring are perfectly fertile." 0,how trump's homophobic usda chief scientist pick directly threatens lgbtq people 1,cool mccain supporter wears 'mccain 2000' shirt to campaign speech 1,"Yes, we shouldn't let those slaves be citizens, they will burden our legal system since they will now have...OMG...rights!" 1,obama to take break from stumping to preside over united states 0,more american women expect to have children in the future 1,starbucks offering new lukewarm coffee to help ease customers' transition from iced to hot 0,And your point was demonstrated to be specious using your own source. To contain strawmen even as you claimed it to be a strawman. 0,"**True, and the confusion was my bad, as explained already. However, the fact of revertant mutation in eusocial bacteria colonies, as demonstrated by Ames and by Cairns, still shoots great big holes in the darwinist assumptions arising out of your old war-horses, Luria & Delbruck '43, and its ""clone"", Lederberg and Lederberg '52." 0,"Oh, I hear you. I am covered by my partner's insurance here as well. I would not have been able to get the insurance if we were not legally a union. It's amazing. And I am REALLY greatful for that!" 0,scary and gross - 3 disturbing consequences of a warming planet 1,dominos unveils napkin-stuffed pizza crust 1,redbox debuts new touchscreen in back of kiosk for pornographic features 0," being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.\"" I guess you're right an individual's right to bear arms is not found in the Second Amendment.Abortion is a right constructed in the chambers of the minds of seven judges.Many pro-lifers perhaps but not all pro-lifers. Me for example."" No. It is the job of the court to interpret the Constitution, not define it. " 1,elon musk embarrassed after realizing he proposing idea for thing that already exists 1,area man hurt 1,starbucks unveils $7 wake-up slap 0,alligator and python locked in death duel on golf course 1,new pre-sauced napkins can be thrown away straight from package 0,And this is merely another piece of evidence that Sport's a XXXXX. 1,report: rich suitors able to correctly guess beautiful woman's dress size 92% of time 0,chrissy teigen already gave out the cutest award of oscar night 1,"Well as long as you ignore the evidence, why do you need proof. Blind faith works just fine." 1,sec replay official overturns 'roe v. wade' 1,woman transitions from being terrified of getting pregnant to being terrified she can't get pregnant 0,south korea to hold presidential election in may to replace impeached leader park geun-hye 0,here are the most breathtaking new year's eve fireworks displays 1,"wedding guest in suspenders, bow tie unafraid to take dance floor" 0,'game of thrones' star reveals tormund's love for brienne extends off screen 0,trump super pac gets 12-year-old girl to interview roy moore 1,meg white drum solo maintains steady beat for 23 minutes 0,huffpost pollster - polls and charts 1,white house ficus to leave for virginia arboretum after declining trump's offer to be chief of staff 0,"So if an atheist believes that humans are the highest form of intelligence, and a devout Christian believes God is the highest form of intelligence, the Christian should allow the atheist to force him to behave as if humans are the highest form of intelligence?" 1,"'leaking sure is cool, huh, guys?' says disguised john kelly to white house aides" 0,23 incredible benefits of getting more sleep 0,wanda sykes gets right to the point with donald trump diss 1,report: there no way of knowing whether the vague award mom won at work a big deal or what 0,miley cyrus under fire in the uk for 'sexually suggestive' mac ad 0,"lies, abuse and murder collide in new true crime documentary" 1,purina introduces 'own shit' dog food flavor 1,mom starting to fear son's web series closest thing she will have to grandchild 0,how real is work-life balance? 0,paul ryan renews call to suspend hillary clinton's classified briefings 1,"That ""brilliant"" statement has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original point. ...later" 0,the king of credit card fraud 1,girlfriend acting all clingy after getting pregnant 1,federal government to be run by cheaper mexican officials 1,distraught man still finding painful reminders of long-gone hoagie around apartment 0,"Well, I would call it a formalized set of rules and procedures for evaluating the validity of propositions. How does that relate to a dogma with a higher refresh rate?????" 0,scientists invented a headband that could help us better understand each other 1,report: shopoholism may have killed the shoposauruses 1,cam girl has ash on forehead 0,I'm glad you made the same correlation I did. ToE is a substitute for #### in this case. 1,nasa relaunches astronaut jim lovell to 'finish the job' 1,grocery store not fooling anybody by marketing cantaloupe as fun super bowl snack 1,lie to cover surprise party sounds more fun than surprise party 1,marvel hints at upcoming death of stan lee 0,what comics can offer to bible readers 1,shanghai family sick of eating chinese 0,holy guacamole! people in new zealand are stealing avocados 0,scientists discover tiniest hedgehog ever 0,20 reasons you're so lucky to have a big sister (especially as a young woman!) 1,"priest religious, but not really spiritual" 1,"advertiser reaches out to youth with off-set, mixed-typography font" 0,missed connections at a trump rally 1,third-grader watching another year of back to school commercials suddenly realizes he'll die one day 0,"Actually, submitting samples that will return bogus dates is dishonest. Creationists have done this several times." 0,gop congressman complains women are 'in my grill' over obamacare repeal 0,hilarious haunted house photos are the funniest part of halloween 1,liver flees george jones' body 0,"driverless cars: hype, hubris and distractions" 1,enchilada premonition comes to pass 1,Hades! What's another trillion added to the $20 trillion Bush trotted up in his Iraqi debacle and military contractor handouts? 0,"Let's hear more. Remember; it is estimated that over 6 billion people were on earth at the time of the flood. Also, Genesis 1 : 6 thru 1 : 10 - Water was above and below the firmament of Heaven. What happened to the waters that were above the firmament? Was this used for the deluge that covered the earth? It had never rained before The Flood. Why, if someone made up this story, would they have said such a thing? Wouldn't it be much more believeable if they would have said, ""There had never been such a rain as this...""?" 1,putin starts off morning by sitting down to write the day's news 1,chiropractor scrambling to put vertebrae back in right order before end of session 0,joy behar publicly apologizes for disparaging mike pence's christian faith 1,adjusting several sliders on recording studio's mixing console pays off big time 1,trophy son half father's age 1,"Liar, liar, pants on fire. You pro gay sex heathens haven't a clue what's coming your way. And you don't have to like it. " 0,leaping shark slams into paddleboarder in florida 1,presidential debate to be accompanied by sultry latin beat 1,nation's nutritionists confirm mini versions of food nummier 1,If the same question had been posed by different polls over time it would be easier to draw trends from the responses..... but good luck with finding some trends in amongst that lot. 1,EasyRider just doesn't like gay men trying to shove it down his throat! emoticonXAngel 1,elderly woman casually mentions wish to die 1,"You know it's true. Doesn't it make you simmer , considering all that anal fixation you have." 0,trump is delivering the politicized judiciary republicans dreamed about 1,last week's trek pretty awesome 0,paul ryan is more of a con man than ever 0,"A) we can use experiments to show evoution. We have observed it. For example, there is the lactose test, where some bacterial had the geneto digest lactose removed. After letting it grow into the billions, andthen fed ONLY lactose, it can be shown that some individuals had a genethat could digest lactose, and survive. There is also anti-bodic resistantbacteria that evolved due to the use of antibodics .. evolution at work." 1,sight of 400 war elephants on horizon marks hillary clinton's arrival in swing state 1,isis having difficulty finding american recruits physically fit for jihad 0,don't sleep on target's chic new modern home collection with dwell magazine 1,gun show vendor jokes with insane customer about how he hopes he's not insane 1,"Good, associate yourself with him. After all, having a best pal who weaves a web of contridictions and lies can't hurt you right?" 1,desperate pbs premieres nova: boobs a-bouncin' 1,"'it's real easy,' declares it guy about to speak incoherently for next 30 seconds" 0,"The one that was investigating whether or not there were 'fast evolving' gamete cells. There were 4 general things they were going to study 1) fast evolving gamete cells, 2) accumulation of genes 3) forgot and 4) forgot. How did the article turn out?" 1,Even when the God/Jesus tells you to do just that. OK. 1,"it is not an addiction but a sexual aberration for sure, an incurable one going by what you say. I feel sorry for homosexual sodomites, it is not their fault to want to insert and be inserted penis wise where penises shouldn't go into. But, s***t happens." 1,woman unaware she's only person on acid at james taylor concert 1,"bolton: 'we will not be drawn into a lengthy ground war in syria—although, saying it out loud, that sounds incredible'" 1,father excitedly tells 10-year-old son about new video game system 0,"732,000 DIDN'T sign the petition. It seems only 5% of South Dakotans say ""repeal the extreme abortion ban"" and that is ASSUMING that all the signatures are valid. The good news for South Dakota is that come November they can show America how they really feel about abortion as opposed to having the courts decide laws." 0,'alone in the game' shows biggest hurdles for lgbtq athletes exist off the field 0,woman alleges donald trump groped her at 1998 tennis tournament 1,hillary clinton threatened by black man 0,the gop tax plan tells us everything about who matters in american democracy 1,palin brushing up on foreign policy at epcot 1,safety-conscious senior locks screen door 1,mit researchers discover each other 0,"won't ask, don't tell" 0,my battle with depression and anxiety 0,the american public finally heard the women larry nassar abused 0,"Actually, it's true. One Darwin's basic ideas upon which he based the theory of natural selection." 0,u.s. reverses course and offers new dates for nato talks 1,tv viewers outraged at timing of commercial break 1,"What is this ""we"" stuff? Got a mouse in your pocket? I thought god was going to destroy it...not ""we"". " 0,"north korea may test-launch missile around donald trump's inauguration, south korea warns" 0,these two little kids are better at soccer than you are at anything 0,chuck schumer admits democrats need to do more to show americans what they stand for 0,jared kushner received his security clearance: reports 0,pig farmers are struggling to keep up with america's bacon needs 1,temperature of coffee expected to rise nine degrees by end of 21st century 1,bar mitzvah transforms jewish boy into elderly man 0,watch this cat lose its mind after faced with an optical illusion 1,study: 0% of people die from getting fingers lodged in bowling ball and being dragged down lane 1,"gay gene isolated, ostracized" 0,things heat up in the kitchen when 12-year-old busts out moves we didn't see coming 0,why is a central bank taking the risks of quantitative easing? 0,the cosmic mass: one priest's quest to reinvent worship for the 21st century 0,'shell-shocked' cnbc staffers had long flight home 1,monaco residents terrified to walk through penthousing projects 0,'wild boar curling' rescues stranded wild boars from frozen lake 1,trump announces paris climate deal rejection in front of 16 running faucets 0,barack obama vetoes bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue saudi arabia 0,"um, reese witherspoon's look-alike daughter is stunning" 1,woman on first date feels like she could spend whole life in uncomfortable silence with this man 1,"Steeeeve? Do yourself a favor and stop fantasizing about my opinion, 'mmkay? I don't believe you are like that. This junk you do where you refuse to address what I DO say and make up strawman arguments gets you nowhere... I understand you're getting angry, but YOU are MAKING YOURSELF angry over a position I do not have... Let me repeat that. Hopefully it will sink in? YOU are MAKING YOURSELF angry over a position I do not have... With that said, I return you to your delusions... " 1,ed mcmahon endorses another depressing product 1,"So, the short story is that you used to be Snow White, but you drifted? ;)" 0,senate passes 3-year highway funding bill 1,libertarian candidate worried after latest poll shows him 98 points behind 1,"In the future, please try to spare me the theatrical flair. ...." 0,3 simple steps to take back control of your business day 0,why these muslim kids are scared of a donald trump presidency 0,wyclef jean says he 'would definitely' reunite with the fugees 1,"What are you talking about.... This is the law: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. How is this Anarchy? BTW the article is being 1astic if you didn't get it, It demonstrates the hypocracy of the lunatic fringe lefties out there... Did Rosie bring her armed guards to san fran to get hitched?" 0,this may be holding you back from repairing a broken relationship 0,john legend goes in chrissy teigen drag to reenact twitter feuds with trevor noah 1,boy stops worshipping dad at record age of 3 1,government no longer even bothering to hide halliburton favors 1,wild-eyed sears ceo convinced these the flannel pajama pants that will turn everything around 0,ice lawyer charged with trying to defraud immigrants by stealing their identities 1,"How about the pass that the Clintonistas routinely gave to Bubba for his Oval Orifice tryst with Monica?? " 1,stephen breyer sets supreme court record for most gavels in mouth 1,bill gates finally getting into radiohead's kid a 0,the amazing london museum you never heard of 0,nasa reveals plans for new rover 0,"You really have flipped over the edge into the desparate area of insanity. Please Penfold present some STATISTICS to back up your wild accusations. IF you cannot present anything other than the disgraceful 43..... Then shut up Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens save lives, the statistics back this up from EVERY country EVER to introduce gun control." 0,this influencer is using youtube to speak frankly about student loan debt 0,"russell crowe reacts to death of john nash, 'a beautiful mind' mathematician" 1,fitbit releases new tracking collar that gets tighter every second you are inactive 0,"A fairly good explanation, toned down a bit from Darwin's explanation (for the average person who does not have a PHD in biology)." 0,"to avoid disaster in syria, the u.s. should learn from iraq" 0,public pension funds profit trump; possible links to shady russian business deals 1,u.s. ambassador to cambodia thinks diplomatic immunity covers what he just did 1,churchgoer tips god for excellent week 1,"Again, I know what a parable is. I do appreciate your condescension, though. " 0,former google engineer james damore takes refuge among the alt-right 0,innovative bottom-up solutions to tackle urban poverty 0,people on the street apologize to their old teachers on 'jimmy kimmel live' 0,sen. mark warner warns trump: firing robert mueller would be a 'gross abuse of power' 1,"Yeah, because in the in europe, nobody cares about women who are murdered... emoticonXRolleyes" 0,could cannabis prevent childhood seizures? 1,"Confused? First you say you don't believe in killing children unless it's ""absolutly (sic) necessary"", then you say you can't imagine a time that it would be absolutely necessary. Can't you make up your mind?" 0,having a tough time giving up control? this guide is here to help 0,"Pregnancy isn't expensive at all unless you're conned into thinking it has to be. If it were, poor people couldn't have the kids they do. Medical costs can be paid for by others. It's the luxuries many yuppy types seem to think they need that makes the after effects costly. In most cases of putting a pregnancy up for adoption, there is NO cost incurred to the mother." 0,holiday season perfect for big change in your hair style 0,matching organizational capabilities to design execution 1,sole surviving bridge club member didn't want to win like this 0,"No, that was not an argument. It was an illustration of a point. The point was this: that in order to stand in moral judgment of God, you would have to be of higher moral character than God. In other words, you would have to be God in order to judge God. Now, the point I made is that this is highly unlikely, as any being claiming to be God would not misspell words, no matter how closely the letters are on the keyboard.To be clear, I was not attacking you (at least I didn't intend to) by calling out your spelling mistake. I was trying to illustrate a point. And the point was this: you are not perfect, and therefore, you are not God. And if you are not God, then you really cannot stand in moral judgment of God." 0,why is a dairy farmer with no intel experience the house intelligence committee chairman? 0,establishment rallies 'round rubio 0,"lax supervision plagued officer sex cases, ap investigation finds" 1,man can get by in his own language 0,But I'll bet that you don't know what any of them are. 0,new evidence this simple reform would get a lot more people registered to vote 0,how our connectivity is influencing our real-life connections 1,robin williams still missing after three-day free-association binge 0,prince george really doesn't want to leave australia 1,conjoined twins separated at birth reunited in freak accident 1,ty cobb returns to old private practice in enchanted forest toadstool 1,poll finds 30% of americans still undecided whether to vote out of fear or spite 1,weird-looking guy somehow manages to look normal in facebook profile picture 1,area 93-year-old has death-after-life experience 1,queen elizabeth hoping she dies before having to knight any djs 1,kate middleton feels royal baby kicking during queen's coronation anniversary 1,shark attack claims life of some guy on tv 0,high school custodian offers students inspired guidance 0,the top 2 things people choose to dream about 1,area man somehow endures harrowing entertainment-free commute 0,7 ways to cook up chemistry through conversation 0,"americans are embarrassed by farts, says least surprising poll ever" 0,'what happened' and moving on from the 2016 election 1,"And you know what I think? I think that everyone who doesn't have sex 24 hours a day 7 days a week is denying human beings life every second. I'm sure some of those sperm would love to have the chance to breathe the air that you are breathing in vain because you don't think they should live [/1asm]. Why don't you think this? Why embryos? Embryos are the one thing that have great potential to cause harm in a woman, and you just so happen to choose them as human beings. Very suspicious..." 1,leading probability researchers confounded by three coworkers wearing same shirt color on same day 1,police satisfied after drunk man assures them there's no problem 1,daily meditation really helping man stay self-centered 0,behold a tatted up zayn malik 0,'jeopardy' had 'game of thrones' categories! now our watch begins! 0,khloe kardashian channels priscilla presley in insta pic 0,"To the extent that working toward social change on any moralistic issue is an 'imposition', sure. But I think one could say that about anything that has a social effect." 0,george and amal clooney cozy up at casamigos launch party in ibiza 0,who admits it botched response to ebola outbreak 0,"Hi Smallax, welcome to the forum. I did a search and have found some products which might give you an idea about costs and concepts for performing such an experiment. It sounds interesting by the way.First, I found Glass Bell jars that are safe at high pressure.'s a Nalgene vacuum chamber as another option to the Bell Jar depending on the pressure you're going to use.'s a motor driven vacuum pump:'s a precalibrated absolute zero apparatus: link gives a wide range of products that you might want to be aware of for a wider selection of potential equipment:'s a fiber optic system which is interesting and utilizes natural light: Huvco Daylighing Solutions | Parans Fiber Optic Systems | Tubular Skylights | High Performance SkylightsHere's another design but is a different company: SUNLIGHT DIRECTKeep us informed if you run the experiment. I'd be interested in the results." 1,man builds house he designed when he was eight years old 1,"You mean notice how all you ignore the relevant points and have your pip squeak to save you each time. You mean notice what a cowardly nothing you are, without a little gang to back you up. You mean notice how you don't care about that uninsured 7 1/2 month unborn child murdered by the health insurance industry. You mean notice how you do not worship Jesus Christ, but the Almighty Dollar. You mean notice how you are not an agent of the Lord, but a Serpent For Satan. Your handle should say: I_Am_A_DW_For_The_Devil." 1,"Gee, maybe catch a few episodes of ""Entertainment Tonight"" and see if they have anything on it. Why not just refute what she said. After all, she posted it, so it must be true, right? (For those wondering why I posted this, see this thread." 0,"Then you are probably a bit older than I. My mother was 45 in 1963, the year I entered the Army. My mother will be 86 next month and we have a party planned with her older sister, nieces, grand nephews, grandchildren, and great grand children. I am so sorry for your early loss. My father died at 73 from complications after a ""successful"" surgery. It was still difficult." 0,19 times shorter was way better 0,adorable tiger cubs turn into fearsome big cats over course of 1 year 1,cosmopolitan offers 15 tips for fattening up for winter 0,trump eyes fracking mogul harold hamm as energy secretary: report 0,a gay take on a pop classic becomes a rallying cry for orlando 0," Nukes Cannons Grenades land mines RPG or aStinger shoulder fired AAM system.That's because their right to bear armes was given by The Creator.The NRA says that thanks to their right to bear arms they have no crimeanymore while it's soaring all over the world.So thanks to GUNS the USA is a crime free paradise.*** ########-------------------------------------------Watch this KILLER TV ChannelGun Owners Say'Guns don't kill people - people kill people.' That may be true but I think the gun helps. You're not going to kill many people by standing around shouting 'bang!'."" No kidding, and not just your wife. I like to think that I am as manly a man as any man, but I would certainly rather shoot somebody from 10 or 20, or 50 ft away than bet my life on who is the better bare knuckle brawler or bet my life on a foot race. " 0,how to make this the best holiday season money can buy 0,my friend michael and the power of acknowledgement 1,john kerry costs u.s. defense industry $400 billion 0,one direction star responds to claims he's homophobic 0,donald trump thinks he's doing well with women voters 1,busy obama sends drone to pick up sasha from school 0,how to get your home guest ready for the holidays 1,"Math is confusing too, doesn't mean we should get rid of it." 1,softball team unsure of how to console jackass captain who just struck out 1,"Because the soundbite ""survival of the fittest"" was coined to explain evolution to the stupid masses." 0,want to be more memorable? create your own personal connection story 0,kathy griffin lawyers up to address 'bullying' from trump family 0,"So it's just as we've said: registration can and does lead to confiscation down the line. And now we have further proof that we're right about what we say.Government gets the weapon registered, then they can, at any time and for any reason, demand it be surrendered to the authorities or else punishment will be administered." 1,man spends entire marketing meeting nodding 1,surgeon general warns teens cinnamon challenge is not for pussies 0,Actually I didn't even read it (and doubt I ever will). Don't get all worked up over it. 0,this congressman thinks we can fix the economy by drinking beer 0,is fatherhood in cheyenne jackson's future? 1,study: majority of time machine owners use device primarily to get couple more hours of sleep 0,sonoma sheriff battles with ice over misinformation on california wildfires 1,dolphin spends amazing vacation swimming with stockbroker 0,snyder decides against endorsing trump for president 1,expressing deeply held political opinion referred to as 'gaffe' 0,"In what universe is there a right to murder?Unfortunately, we in the United States have only recently recognized that abusing children and owning slaves is not a right.And, only recently have women enjoyed the right to vote in the United States.What certain activities are forbidden in public?Some of the conservative red states have only recently decreed that there should be speek limits. Not for safety reasons, of course.And, George Walker Bush has guaranteed the right of corporations to dump dangerous chemicals into lakes and rivers and the oceans." 0,bernie sanders gives some advice to ronda rousey 1,factory robot working on some of its own designs after hours 0,trump's goon squads 0,man accused of killing girlfriend on hike wanted insurance money 0,tove lo is the latest star on taylor swift's epic 1989 tour guest list 0,why i decided not to do a phd 1,man confused by compliment from person whose career he can't help 0,now it's burger king renouncing us citizenship -- let's eat somewhere else 1,"You don't see protesters walking around going ""I wanna marry my dog"" or ""beastiality rocks"" do you?!" 0,"And how have I deprived you of your right to teach your religion to your children in your home and in your church. How does an objection against the imposition of your religion by force of the government deprive you of your rights. I can certainly see how the imposition of your religion would deprive me of my right to the free exercise of my own religion, but why do you feel that you have a right to impose your religion on me?" 1,lazy daredevil to lie across 12 couches 1,study: owning a boat not worth it 0,planned parenthood apologizes for statements in undercover video 0,donald trump tells religious conservatives he's their guy 0,huffpollster: california's democratic primary looks closer than ever 1,gina haspel recalls having to torture more prisoners than male colleagues to prove herself 1,new speech recognition software factors in user's mouth always being full 1,"I like how you don't defend what you said but merely post some unrelated link on the 2nd amendment. Do you still claim Article V was repealed!?!?!? I figured you wouldn't respond to the other can only make up so much huh Doc?" 1,trail of lawn-mower assassin still fresh 0,"You are welcome to your faith, and you can use it to believe whatever you like, but this continuing misconception of yours that (on the subject of evolution) we're exchanging beliefs and opinions of equal merit can only be counterproductive. Evidence inevitably weighs in, and apart from a single chapter in a single book all of it is landing on my side. Either the whole world is lying to me, or that one chapter is allegorical, misinterpreted or just plain wrong. It does not require faith, bias or belief to be convinced when the evidence is overwhelming. You proudly proclaim you have the faith, the bias, necessary - that's fine; as I said you're welcome to it. But don't make the mistake of assuming everyone forms their opinions the same way." 1,man briefly forgets hotel staff are not humans 1,black man at walgreens impressed by how attentively employees tailing him 1,report: make it stop 1,clinton aide told to leave behind weak volunteer who collapsed during march to south carolina 1,michelle obama quietly reassigned to department of agriculture after butting heads with president 1,"Therefore you accept that the Republican party almost as a whole is ""grade A USDA approved Liberalism."" About time you did. " 0,it's going to be a while before uber replaces car ownership 1,nation watches in envy as 15-year-old jots notes in margin of 'to kill a mockingbird' 1,trump touts success of singapore summit after securing $10 billion trade deal to sell nuclear warheads to north korea 0,james corden takes 'avengers' stars on an epic hollywood stars tour 1,"after a string of accidents, u-haul announces closure of aircraft division" 1,open-minded man would be willing to look past jennifer lawrence's flaws 1,And yet we're still waiting for your mental condition to finally hit you like a ton of bricks.... Denial is the usual reaction... 1,quirky restaurant's bathroom had better fucking deliver 0,chris christie: watercolor memories of a candidacy that 'peaked too soon' 0,"They found that it violated their state constitutions, right? This has nothing to do with the US Constitution." 1,area high school somehow still carrying on without 2011 seniors 0,young girl draws the horror she witnessed in nice attack 1,"strangulation the new blow to the head, says hired killer magazine" 0,"But it really does deal with thinking. It can invite a more wide open scientific investigation of ecological and developmental patterns. It's not politically afraid to pursue facts about newly discovered complexities of life which pose problems for those trying to make a case for happenstance origins. It invites thought, not suppression, of irreducible complexity, another problem for happenstance origins. " 0,"You're a little confused about that. It's all real DNA. Some of it just doesn't code for anything. But some parts of non-coding DNA (which you call ""junk"") has other functions besides coding for proteins." 0,chris hemsworth knows 'what love is' now that he has kids 1,only two golden tickets remain 0,I agree. What is the point? Felons with firearms do not bother with CCW licenses. 1,new program provides depressed americans with suicide assistance dogs 1,god admits he way less strict with last few billion children 1,less popular friend proposes combining birthdays into single party 0,hillary clinton reveals what's more important than her campaign 0,"Yes, they do show a faithful devotion to the ultimate reality that there are no gods. You're an atheist, aren't you?" 0,#trumpacandy took over twitter and it was gloriously sweet 0,"You don't have too. I mean, someone using a b'hai web site is defending the church with the sources they use. Of course, I love watching EZ prove the point by arguing against it" 1,"area woman not yelling at you, she's just saying" 1,bodybuilder can't believe he forgot to develop right arm 1,"report: ugh, no one would care anyway" 1,"'no way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens" 0,what was left of the moderate republican party just died in south carolina 1,Your adversaries appreciate it greatly. Which part of the parades do you suppose they focus on to demonize you? 1,bin laden sends belated threat to israel for 60th birthday 0,7 styling tricks to spruce up your home this year 0,the other show's second anniversary serves classic numbers and rising drag race queen 0,women's soccer star says u.s. team is 'fighting for bigger picture' equality 0,is this the first photograph of a human being? 0,"in francis' vatican, the homeless get vip treatment" 1,A truly charming publication. Over flowing with the warmth of human goodness. 0,history will remember transphobic trump and his supporters with contempt 0,hillary clinton pledges not to cut social security benefits 1,ryan zinke calls for legislation to slow down destruction of wildlife so he can truly savor every minute of it 0,chemistry lessons for leaders 1,"mom $15,000 in the hole with ceramic frog dealer" 1,trump campaign selects mike pence as concrete reminder that this all really happening 1,'candy land' screenwriter under impression fans counting on him to get this right 0,"Well, here is my take on it. I really believe that only the truly evil end up in Hell. Those like Hitler. I think that anyone else goes to heaven - Wiccans, Atheists, Buddhists, etc. - anyone who follows Christ's message of love, tolerance, and acceptance, whether knowingly or not. Those who preach hate, and those who act on that hate, like Hitler, the KKK, and any other person/persons filled with hate (sad to say, this seems to apply to our own friend Archie here) are the ones who will end up in hell." 0,"That's the best you could do? There's the other three and here's a bonus one: 'To disarm the people is the best, most effectual way, to enslave them.' - George Mason" 1,love letter made longer by increasing margins 1,"Liberals are squawking about more funding for atheist groups? Homosexuals don't deserve equality? Liberals are pro-terrorism? Goodness, even your backtracking just digs the hole deeper. Just can't help it, can you?" 0,the average nfl career lasts just 3 years. this player is focused on what happens next. 0,what happens after you crack the glass ceiling 1,u.s. mint employee disciplined for putting own face on nickels 1,supreme court agrees to hear new jack white album 0,"'the bachelor' season 21, episode 4: here to make friends podcast" 1,alan colmes' death goes unreported on hannity & colmes 1,"Said the person who can't read....or at least comprehend. I love how you attacked me on things we both agreed on." 0,life between curfews and kids 1,nation finishes romantically pairing off except for the losers 0,cooking off the cuff: a simple sicilian way with swordfish - with a light sauce as equal partner 0,church shooting leaves 5 dead in russian region of dagestan: report 1,The riddles continue? emoticonXConfused Wouldn't it have taken less time and have been less ambiguous if you or Dr Spock just posted the # of the post?emoticonXRolleyes emoticonXRolleyes 1,pelosi: 'we must fight even harder against trump's authoritarian impulses now that we've voted to enable them' 1,cannon overshoots tim kaine across wells fargo center 1,"Why would I want lies , deceptions and superstition? I mean, if believing in Jesus makes people act like you, NO THANKS" 1,pop culture site powering through 4 weeks of sponsored posts for movie its film critic called 'contemptible trash' 0,"I believe science can indeed tell us when it cannot be considered a ""person"" as we define a person legally. No mental existence for the simple reason that the hardware has yet to form. Protecting ""potential"" persons is beyond the scope of our Constitution IMO." 0,the bravery of transgender service members rejuvenates the sense of service this veteran's day 1,everyone in friend group drinking solely so they can tolerate each other 1,"doll-housing crisis set to worsen, mean older brother says" 1,burger king's royal taster found dead 0,my biggest leadership win: the day my life stopped working 0,john legend gushing about chrissy teigen and baby luna is just the cutest 0,"Of course not, but I fail to see how atheists are using science as its god, can you please explain that to me directly? Evolution doesn't refute god at all. In fact with evolution, intelligent design is entirely possible. But that still doesn't make it science." 0,sepp blatter faces 90-day suspension from fifa 0,face it: ted cruz won the republican debate 1,report: dog's nose must really itch if he willing to repeatedly kick self in face that hard 0,omarosa was right and wrong in joining trump 0,"You may have missed the context from the other thread I referred to.The point I made is that the unlikeliness of a Presidential signature did not stop Senator Obama from voting in favor of a required Iraq troop withdraw timetable. The promised veto threat didn't matter in this instance. He was ""standing on principle."" Well, same would apply for his newfound views disfavoring DOMA as well in my view." 1,dead daughter would have wanted $220 million liability settlement 0,roommate dancing while he thinks no one's watching is amazing 1,5 states to decide whether to legalize marijuana or continue honoring god 0,politics are dominating the supreme court this week. that's not good. 0,5 reasons you should let your mind wander 0,bernie sanders says hillary clinton should cut ties with clinton foundation if elected 0,rubio supporters get in a scuffle with a 'rubiobot' 0,the no paper challenge: what if we wrapped gifts sustainably? 1,sudanese elephant trying to forget 1,fox ordered to cancel upcoming when presidents are assassinated live special 1,crowd of voters cheers patronizing rhetoric 0,That has nothing to do with acknowledging or not acknowledging facts. 1,man knows exactly which asshole got him sick 0,this teenager's gory special effects videos are bloody impressive 0,4 low-risk strategies for expanding your professional network 0,books with badass female protagonists: what's your go to book? 0,"At your service:ComparisonI could've just circled the whole thing, but this makes it clearer. Plus it's overall body shape is ""fatter""" 0,will content marketing replace traditional sales? 0,The question still remains as to whether this is negative intrusion (which is what the libertarians want) or positive intrusion (what the libertarians do not want.) Anyone with half a brain can know that it's intrusion. The matter becomes complicated when one tries to place it in the category of anti-murder laws or theocratic forced religion laws. 1,nation on edge as court votes whether to legalize gay marriage now or in a few years 0,grateful for my mom's legacy this mother's day 0,how do conservatives ignore trump's behavior? 0,donald trump says peace in the middle east is 'one of the toughest deals' 0,"russian plane broke up at high altitude, official says" 0,"the most popular pies around the world, according to pinterest" 0,churchill's polar bears are finally back on the ice—and they're sending a christmas message 1,visiting liberian dignitary in no hurry to leave 0,next week's republican debate in utah canceled 0,'trump that b***h' sign at nashville gas station offends many residents 1,fast food customers less appealing than in commercial 1,melania trump's plane forced to make emergency landing after smoke begins billowing out of first lady 1,newly discovered dna evidence suggests children could be closely related to humans 1,new study finds humans may have some capacity for compassion 0,"If you still believe this way, then you must believe then it is OK to kill a child that has been born if it might not be loved, or might suffer, etc. That is the logical conclusion to your argument. If an unborn child and a born child are the same to you, then you cannot make a distinction as to which one should be killed and which one shouldn't. That is the spiralling hole into which abortion leads. There is a basic loss of respect for human life. Your defense actually scares me more than someone who deceives themself into believing the unborn child is not alive." 0,"See above. A lock can create doubt about the ease of entry into a residence. Many criminals move from door to door until they find one that is unlocked, rather than drawing undue attention by smashing one in." 0,"mark hamill joins 'star wars' fans at disneyland, and they totally freak out" 1,"If it did that, then you might have won an argument by now." 1,freak accident paralyzes man from waist up 0,"Which, to my mind, is the more proper way to do things. Having the people decide on legislative matters seems alot like having a commitee of your neighbors decide on the proper way to perform your heart surgery. Too many states make it far too easy to get an issue on the ballot, and alot of very stupid laws and constituional amendments have resulted. Take a look at California politics if you want some examples." 0,"It would be 'an' analogy, but like the language analogy, it has its limitations.It is interesting to note that creationist computer software developers/programmers cannot seem to agree on the implications of 'mutations' when using such analogies - one such person, C.K. Lester, declared that computer programs can accumulate up to 30% 'random change', just like DNA (hypothetically) can, therefore, the computer analogy is a good one. But programmer R. David Pogge declares that even a single altered bit in a line of computer code a million bits in length would destroy it." 0,texas hospital sued over ebola training seeks dismissal of the lawsuit 0,zimbabwe's youth defy blackout to organize protests on social media 1,mom dishing up her famous comments about your body this thanksgiving 0,the great republican revolt 1,driving instructor has own gas pedal in case student total pussy 1,"Why not? My mother has been 39,for the last 39 years." 1,terrified 'newsroom' writers nodding heads at every bad idea aaron sorkin says 1,new stamp honors 41-cent stamp 0,"after dark: meet joey arias, drag icon and nightlife legend" 0,"Yeshua is a more accurate pronounciation. There is little acceptance that it was ever ""Yahshua"" among scholars" 0,'moana' sails straight to the top of the box office with massive $81.1 million opening 1,"eric trump hooks donald jr. up to xbox, ipad, roomba to practice passing polygraph test" 0,"This whole thing is simply an epistemological argument, for which there is no answer. What is the nature of knowledge? There are positivists (Abe here) and there are constructivists (what Abe says you have to be if you don't believe in god.) This is a metaphysical debate that is decades old and it simply depends upon your point of view for the purpose of the discussion at hand." 0,"i am trying to show that in fact the crime rate is increasing, not that there is more than a change in how it is reported. around here (my home county) we are doing much better." 0,rahm emanuel is andrew cuomo: hillary are you listening? 1,mega-churchgoer hopes to appear devout on jumbotron 0,"ailey dancers and the kids with disabilities: ""if a finger can move, they're a part of it""" 0,Your wrong. Airplanes and courthouses are gun free zones but these places never have massacres. 1,"Perhaps I worded that wrongly. My apologies. emoticonXDonno Once again my argument is ousted. You people are too smart. I think I'll stick to the Fun Debates for now." 1,"Oh...come on know Bush is actually making it worse. After all, it is happening on Obama's watch, and we have got to have someone to blame. Bush was the president...let's just blame him. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,teacher sees potential in student with glasses 1,rapture wreaks havoc on local book club 0,"Actually, natural selection tends to preserve a species with only minor changes in a stable environment. But environments tend to change. I don't know what that ""incipient organ"" junk is supposed to mean. Is that another way of saying ""what good is half a wing."" Well, check out a penguin to find out. Look at a seal flipper. It has the same bones, arranged in the same way as a monkey. What good is it for a land animal? And what does ""fully functional"" mean? What function? Perhaps the new organ had a different purpose - take the clawed hands of fossil birds for example. They were good for catching prey and climbing, just like they were for their dinosaur ancestors. But those clawed wings also allowed early birds to fly." 0,'the walking dead' set to 'another one bites the dust' makes perfect sense 0,"The mechanism, according to biologists, is a random mutation that would usually not reproduce much, but reproduces when the rest of the bacteria are removed. The mutation becomes a standard gene at this point." 0,setting up the jokes for maximum effect 0,'family feud' was out of control in steve harvey's 'tonight show' return 0,"Without the Fall, Jesus would have no need to come to earth and be resurrected. Without Genesis, the entire bible-as-literal kinda falls apart." 0,"sparring over soda tax, cities set referendums" 0,this lesbian is considered a father in indiana (and an amazing one at that) 0,ios 9.3 link glitch is ruining some iphones 1,guy riding atv has really been looking forward to breaking his neck on wooded trail 1,My mistake; I read it wrong. And guess what? I do know what the moon is ;) 1,senator dick durbin forced to watch state of the union address from home after getting ripped off by ticket scalper 0,elizabeth warren slams pat toomey for trying to let banks 'swindle' cities and towns 0,manufacturers struggle to turn data into insight 0,matchbox 20 singer rob thomas apologizes for racist comments made in australia 0,tom hanks in carly rae jepsen's 'i really like you' video is oddly entertaining without music 0,salmonella is on the rise because people won't stop cuddling their chickens 0,colorado sheriff accused of sexually assaulting inmate with developmental disabilities 1,loser congressman carries around pocket-sized version of constitution everywhere 0,here's what gop voters thought about the second debate 0,dee bogetti's gps guide for living in the moment 0,toby keith is joining trump in saudi arabia for a men-only concert 1,middle eastern man not sure how many days' worth of airport detention clothes to pack 0,the perfect to keep a sexy bod and still enjoy your vacation 1,obama debuts annoying catchphrase 0,10 reasons it's awesome to be a black gay man 1,Nice to know that you are breaking the law responsibly. emoticonXGood 0,church honors 'dearly beloved' prince by putting his lyrics on sign 1,area woman has more than 200 products to help calm her 1,"perhaps you would like to explain simplistic. Is the anthropic principle simplistic? What natural law created natural law? Where did the information come from? Is matter creating matter simplistic? Matter creating information? Here;s a deep thought: If matter created the Universe what if it changes it's mind! emoticonXRolleyes" 0,roy moore during speech to honor vets: accusations against me are 'hurtful' 1,hot-dog craving ends after first bite 1,"Umm, don't know about you but I also eject waste through my penis - just don't do it when having sex, just not polite (unless they ask, now there's another fetish I don't get). Isn't it odd if the anus was not designed for a penis its still pleasurable? " 1,sessions rattles baton along prison bars in speech vowing to crack down on violent crime 0,mariah carey reveals her bipolar ii diagnosis in candid interview 0,the prospects for mediation between saudi arabia and iran 1,"romney's acceptance speech to avoid mentioning personal, professional, religious, political life" 0,do college students care more about mental health than administrators? 1,republicans introduce economic equality bill for fun of shooting it down 0,this is the first u.s. school to allow marijuana for disabled students 1,report: music industry made $18 in 2009 0,"big bird, beastie boys mashup tells you how to get to sabotage street" 0,senators visit cuba hoping congress will ease restrictions 0,family finds frozen kitten and nurses him back to life 0,"nyc police union chief blames mayor, protesters for police killings" 0,"Ever heard of gravitational lensing? It was the FIRST test of general relavtivity back in 1919." 0,prince charles voted next commonwealth leader after queen's endorsement 0,grandparents are apparently bribing their kids over baby names 1,nation's schools to ensure bullied transgender students hide in stalls of bathrooms corresponding to biological sex 1,"That is a completely subjective assessment. Thelmoose and Unkerpaulie were already quick to dissociate themselves from any smugness or self righteousness on this very thread. It's a schism! I'm filing for their excommunication! emoticonXWow" 0,ted cruz makes it too easy to point out the hypocrisy of his latest campaign ad 0,power plays by robert dekkers for post:ballet 1,incredibly popular george h.w. bush funeral gets extended 2-week run 1,man does incredibly well at slot machine demo embedded in ad 0,emeritus pope benedict to attend weekend's canonizations 1,man freely smoking pot in washington literally has no issue he feels strongly about anymore 1,"Oh, now you've got Obama leaving a mess in your hole, and James Carville blasting your hole (Spicy Cajunspunk)? Now Bubba's not so sure about wanting to plug/plough your hole. Boy you really do get around, EZ. That hole must be pretty wide and loose." 1,"roommate not seen for, like, five days" 1,apple unveils single colossal iphone all americans can use at once 0,"trump administration points to new york, chicago in latest 'sanctuary city' threat" 0,"trump is telling ""jokes,"" but nobody's laughing" 1,"over 417,000 hours of private presidential conversations discovered after no one remembered to turn off richard nixon's tape recorder" 0,fox news radio host todd starnes deems chick-fil-a the 'official chicken of jesus' 0,fyre festival co-founder has history of failing his customers 0,transmasculine bodies and the media 1,white house flag now moving minute to minute to indicate trump's mood 1,report: majority of statements now prefaced by phrase 'in light of recent events' 0,it aint over...till it's over! 0,how one man is redefining 'responsible' gun ownership 0,this gay couple shares the beautiful story of how their family formed 1,"What the freaking hell are you even talking about, dude? Hi its Me did not even post that. Do you even read the dang posts here before spouting off your drivel!? Not to mention that it proved the unintelligence of creationists (as well as their predictive abilities, which, I must say are very poor)." 1,"report: that's expensive, please put that down" 1,"Um. LOOK AT THE THREAD TITLE Jyoshu. This thread is about bible illiteracy. I realize you want to change the topic to something else. But again, it's illogical to complain I didn't answer a question you hadn't asked before. " 0,"Yet Bush's military record is downright questionable, as well as his Saudi Links, not to mention his business failures." 1,band dreams of one day becoming popular enough to alienate early fans 0,this 14-year-old cellist is making her mark in classical music 1,veteran given hero's welcome back to afghanistan 1,pat robertson says pie not delicious 1,pope francis hastily condemns capital punishment after vatican police announce new evidence found in 2014 stabbing 0,va loan program may be letting veterans down 1,"Both statements are factual. It's only your limited grasp of reality that makes them confusing. " 1,"ex-starbucks ceo howard schultz announces he considering overpriced, mediocre presidential run" 0,"Yes. The better question is, did it happen just like in Genises? I don't think so." 1,"The same thing it says about your spelling abilities, plenty. emoticonXRolleyes" 1,backpedaling trump claims eldest son would probably be fine doing 5 to 10 years in prison 0,"jeb poverty plan would end food stamps, let states sort things out" 0,gun lobbyist warns gun owners could resort to 'bullet box' if they don't like election results 1,"I'm a redneck because, unlike you, I believe in self-determination?! emoticonXWow" 1,report: 96% of nation's smut consumed by filthiest 1% 1,"sociologists confirm emergence of generation more entitled, self-absorbed than any seen before" 0,"'goodbye to the dead,' a conversation with brian freeman" 0,how trump university relied heavily on the craft of con men 0,this is how to afford living abroad 1,"So it doesn't matter that someone dies in their forties from hunger and cold because they are homeless and penniless, whilst another lives in luxury with the best food and medicines until his 80s: they are both equal? What planet do you live on, for it sure aren't the real world..." 0,toothbrush melts into oblivion in surprisingly hypnotic video 1,seating chart revised to put problem senators up front 0,the 20 funniest tweets from women this week 0,hannibal buress arrested for disorderly intoxication in miami 1,man who got 6-figure book deal from his tumblr account has the fucking nerve to appear on national television 1,gay guy's gay thing well attended 0,capital in 21st century 1,"Yes, it is. I'm actually considering moving out of the south specifically for that reason. I will miss the largemouth bass fishing....wth is a pike? ;) It's always been that bad though, now that I think about it. It's just I ignored it more when I was younger. The sticker is moronic IMO. If they label ""evolution"" with that, they should go ahead and label every single book, TV, everyone's forehead, and every object that can hold a sticker in the entire world. Some people thing there is ""openess"" about being correct or incorrect. On some things that are opinion, sure. On reality? Not the case. I mean, I'm not running around believing John Kerry actually won the election despite the evidence, although I certainly could, if I approached the election results with ""an open mind"". Although I could....hmmm...just have to keep it up for 4 years! -Mach" 1,"That's nice, but have you ever thought of reading your own religion's Holy Book so that you can intelligently discuss what it is that Jesus and his disciples said? " 0,Most of the time one should be able to tell the sex of the baby by about 20 weeks and very often even at sixteen. Second trimester starts at 12 weeks. You cant get an abortion after determining the sex because its illegal.Where are you getting your data? 0,newspaper front pages usher in uncertainty of new trump era 0,9 things you're doing that drive your doctor crazy 1,republicans' 'diversity through imported africans' plan criticized 0,michigan residents are pretty unhappy with rick snyder 1,secretary of agriculture finally gets around to reading fast food nation 0,the questions we should be asking ourselves when we make school lunch 0,"2 officers fired, 2 suspended for violently dragging doctor off united flight" 1,"Since you say I call names, we could have a real simple debate if you like. You copy/paste all the times I've called someone names, and I'll copy paste all the times I've been called names. The one with the most copy/pastes wins. How about if I give you a 5 to 1 ratio on it? I'm a lot more confident I'd win that one, than the 'evolution is atheistic' one. :)" 0,"gentrification rolls on in dallas, but will it grow up?" 0,the gulf crisis: fake news shines spotlight on psychological warfare 0,trump is the 'embodiment of everything republicans were trying to exorcise' 0,moving unicef ad shows how history is repeating itself for refugees 0,andy samberg impaled jerry from 'parks and recreation' with an emmy 1,caricaturist's self-portrait extremely forgiving 0,"stop calling young adults ""college kids""" 1,area man fantasized about for one and only time in his life 1,man taking phone out of case for first time in years struck by forgotten beauty 1,brief ceremony marks delivery boy's passage into delivery manhood 0,Genes transfered horizontally are as subject to selection as anyother form of gene. Once intergrated into the recieving genome they are simply one more heritable element and if they alter the phenotypes (many are either neutral or even inactivatee) then of course they are subject to selection. Why do you think otherwise? Remember that horizontal transfer is a rare event roughly on a par with ordinary mutations. 1,"Your denial is not serving you very well, Trebor. Also, try to learn to be something other than a dedicated kibbitzer for a change." 0,"But my point is that the Supreme Court has disagreed. Hence the illegitimate legal doctrine of substantive due process, which maintains that the due process clause can be violated even in cases where due process has been given." 0,deciphering what one woman wants in a man 1,kanye west jumps on massage table to deliver speech about relaxation 0,the embarrassing skin problem nobody talks about 0,"No - but then the feral child illustration was intended to highlight the significance of human social 'DNA' to humans, not to imply that it can civilize any old species. However, you raise a good point which I can turn to my advantage: let's replace the dogs in your reversed scenario with, say, chimps. Can they learn table manners and use silverware, learn to use the toilet or bathe themselves? Yes. I've seen a bonobo prepare a boil-in-the-bag meal. I consider my point concerning the role of social DNA in distinguishing human from animal pretty much made" 1,"'okay, gene, let's just get through this,' marketing executive beginning day tells self" 1,hillary clinton issues single-word victory speech following super tuesday results 1,"aarp blasted as out of touch, past its prime" 0,"women in business q&a: paula kavolius, founder and president, house of possibilities" 1,group of '90s footnotes welcomes gingrich home 0,the sad mother's ring 0,3 attacks in 3 months put spotlight on terrorism in the u.k. 0,Well it doesn't go against the US constitution...Does it go against the California constitution? I haven't seen much credible evidence for this..then again I don't know much about the California constitution. Do you? 0,"john mccain, czar hater, calls for ebola czar" 0,it's complicated: 5 tips for using facebook while dating 1,family comforted by thought that man's death will prevent others from climbing war memorial to pretend to fuck horse 1,rosetta stone offers new spanish language course for pandering presidential candidates 1,reason man turning to religion later in life must be horrifying 0,"So the main disagreements between fundamentalists and theistic evolutionists are what are, and are not first (primary) causes. And atheists believe everything is a second cause (or first cause) with no intelligence behind it. It still doesn't make any sense to me why theistic evolutionists are in such agreement with atheists, and so far apart from ""fundamentalists"". " 0,"social unity is most important, says pm modi on india's 70th independence day" 1,"True until proven otherwise eh? Xcaliber and you must get along great. You have things backward and you are probably being confused by the 'experiment to falsify a theory', that is a tenet of science based on the generalization that untrue theories are easily disproved. No logician (and by extension no good scientist) would ever hold a lack of disproof as proof. Oh right theories are never proven, so in fact your definition of theory would go something like this -> 'an idea that is not disproved which we assume is true'. " 0,"maintaining neutrality in the new york times, from jill abramson (video)" 0,can the u.s. and india create an enduring entente? 1,"Well, I guess you got something there. . . . . .can't put the cart before the hose!!" 1,colgate unveils new dental grout to fill in gaps between teeth 0,"double standard, double spacing" 0,a new future for fashion 0,woman's face-down halloween dummy gets repeated 911 calls 1,"Usually i'd agree with you but i think at 15 a person is more likely to follow a group blindly,less likely to think on his own and will find it harder to articulate there argument.VOR doesn't count,he is obviously senile.] And yes Modern Republic is correct,his posts seem oddly familar... emoticonXCool" 0,the republican tax plans are all basically insane 0,"Just another example of using a verse meant for personal use and applying it to wars. Sorry, just doesn't work that way." 0,"chromat features not 1, but 2 plus-size models on its runway" 0,"woman admits stealing cop car, speeding off while handcuffed" 1,willow rented 0,It has a financial impact on ALL taxpayers. To say that it has no impact on anyone else is disengenuous. 1,7.1 billion demonstrate in favor of global warming 0,"machines won't replace us, they'll force us to evolve" 1,punk band has something against local newscaster for some reason 0,"So what we have here is a lie, based on a distortion, which is itself a fallback position from a fallback position from a fallback position from an evidence-free made-up graph about the magnetic age of the earth. And creationists say the truth is constant..." 0,leaving your dream: tedx talk 0,look: what it's like to race canoes in ny's hudson river 0,americans say 2-to-1 that we never should have invaded iraq 1,single woman has facebook profile picture with sister 0,"scant oversight, corporate secrecy preceded us weed killer crisis" 1,secretary of the interior meekly asks if there anything she can do to help stop isis 0,democratic senators urge justice department leadership to protect robert mueller 0,the most beautiful acceptance speech this week came from a queer korean 0,infuriating video shows meek mill making homeless man do pushups for $20 1,bra training complete 0,how states can help 5 million kids with a parent behind bars 0,"even as 2018 looms, most in congress nearly always vote with trump" 0,number of sanctuary congregations doubles since trump's election 0,"Yes, because its THEIR decision, its THEIR stomachs, and its THEIR lives. I agree that some decisions do need to be made with parental consent, but not this one. Irrelevant. How does purchasing a house have to do with abortion? Ok, so what if the kid wants to have the baby and the adults want to get rid of it? What if the adults want her to have the baby and the kid wants to get rid of it? You would force the kid to have a child (that doesn't seem responsible at all), or you would force the kid to abort her child (thereby taking away her son or daughter). Both of those decisions don't sound very consitent or responsible. The decision is best left up to the person that is pregnant, regardless of their age." 0,artists as global citizens 1,mcdonald's introduces new 6-piece chicken ncnoltes 0,'spirit' of the iran nuclear deal is a two-way street 1,"So then how do you know that abortion isn't in the plan then? If as you say we have ""VERY LIMITED PERSPECTIVE""" 1,sweating cornnuts vp stammers way through pitch for 'nutsarito' at taco bell 1,dunkin' donuts signs 10-year partnership to be exclusive food vendor of united states 0,lucky the pig finds a happy home after falling onto highway 1,driver rules out driver error in crash 0,"This is retarded. A species would be defined by the genome, not which organs work the way they are supposed to or not." 1,"Yes, he threw the ID camp a bone. Tell us, Monty - what have the ID 'scientists' been doing to look for design? I mean besides reading other people's research and proclaiming ""See! Design!""?" 0,"women in business q&a: rebecca henderson, group president, randstad professional solutions" 1,"I made contact with God once, but the acid wore off.... " 0,28 secrets of exceptionally productive people 0,Because the judges President Bush nominates are strict constructionist.They interpret the law not make it...........That is the worse nightmare for a liberal or a gay who depend on judges to over rule the vote of the people............They can't win at the ballot box so they think they can win in the courts....It won't happen.get use to it................ 1,From the Catholic Educators Resource Center...Yeah...I am sure there would be no myths in there...sure you're right. emoticonXRolleyes 0,barcelona holds huge protest in support of refugees 1,dead-eyed man has been looking for non-humiliating halloween costume for past 2 hours 0,"There are all kinds of social services, religious and otherwise available that will provide assistance to any woman who wants to carry her baby to term........ When pro abortion people use that as and argument it is just a red herring and smoke screen." 0," but that's not the addition of new information that's deletion of old information which supports the creationist theory that all creatures were perfect until the fall!\"""" The important point is that it completely crushes one of the \strongest\"" biological arguments they use against evolution.Also it is a single gene that produces 24 different isoforms in mammals but not in lower vertebrates.So it has gone from an indeterminate (based on my quick searches) number of fewer isoforms in lower vertebrates to the 24 found in mammals. That's an increase in information."" " 1,complex human being reduced to 'gutter guy' for purposes of to-do list 1,"court summons comes with 1,025 free hours of aol" 0,here's what i'm doing with my 'thoughts and prayers' this week 0,"because i'm gay and in high school, legislators don't care about my health" 0,"You know, I cannot even remember if we covered it in middle school or high school biology. I do remember learning about Mendel and his genetics, but I swear I can't remember if we even mentioned Darwin's name. If we spent any time on it at all, it was very little. Our biology classes were mostly devoted to taxonomy, anatomy/physiology, and cellular machinery." 0,why today's parents have no business giving their kids advice 0,another entry in the files of 'jennifer lopez is better at dubsmash than you' 1,opposition to soda ban sad proof that americans still fight for what they believe in 1,biden winks after offering to buy eggnog for white house christmas party 1,"'you know, i directed it too,' bradley cooper says out loud again to no one in particular" 0,man jumps from hotel's 45th floor with jet pack 0,"The number of deaths wouldnt be lower in any way. After all, countries like Rwanda and Sierra Leone dont have a working governmental strucure so couldnt enforce such a ban." 0,the major concern with the phone call with taiwan 0,this bracelet lets a dad feel what it's like to be pregnant ... in his wrist 0,Not heard that before! made me laugh almost as much as your lettuce eating Tyrannosaur 1,man visiting hometown amazed to find all his childhood insecurities still there 0,"This assumes brain-dead is a logical choice to consider one dead. Even so, it proves nothing about when life begins. What says they have to be the same? This is a classic example of a conclusion not following from the premise." 1,"Obviously 1asm escapes you....if you did not understand that remark about gun control working in Europe during the 1930's. Report me? My knees are trembling already. I believe Steeve was expressing his right to free speech." 0,colbert's mcdonald's all-day breakfast prophecies are coming true 1,"hillary clinton opens chili's franchise just outside of washington, d.c." 1,"Why you quoted me is questionable. What I posted was merely a series of mathematical equations proving that Hovind is completely full of ****. How you consider mathematical equations ""mockery"" I don't know, but more likely, you did not bother to watch the video. Instead, in your normal fashion, you simply ASSUMED what you wanted to believe and then went from there rather then actually looking at what it was and what it had to say. Your post more accurately is towards the link that AA posted in defense of his beliefs (yet failed to realize was satirizing those beliefs). Furthermore, I'm not an atheist even though your poor definition wants me to be." 1,archaeologists unearth ivory trumpet dating back to prehistoric jazz age 0,isn't she going to miss a father? 1,phone-sex ad masturbated to for 0 cents a minute 0,"Right. We are explaining natural phenomena by natural means. We do so simply because we can test natural explanations while we cannot test the supernatural. We use methodological naturalism (not, by any means, philosophical naturalism) to observe, test and explain the natural. This is not a denial of god or an assumption about the existance of a god. It is a recognition of the fact that we cannot investigate the supernatural by natural means. Even methodological naturalists can be theists - Kenneth R. Miller for example." 1,"I saw that. Typical evasion. You guys don't have a clue who yo daddy is. OH YE OF GREAT FAITH to believe anyway! This is hilarious to watch them weave and dodge and duck!!!" 1,lone tent a dark harbinger of looming street festival 1,marine biologists train highly intelligent octopus to profitably manage mid-size aluminum goods supplier 1,produce section bursts into laughter after will ferrell makes casual remark about apples 0,real-life fitness strategies to survive the winter months 1,going to tops of things still favored by nation's tourists 1,david remnick quietly relieved he won't have to lose debate to steve bannon in front of everyone 0,Crime has dropped significantly in New York and Los Angeles in recent years. 0,"seeing the humanity of ""the other""" 1,john kerry poses as masseuse to get few minutes with putin 1,area woman almost imagines taste of peppermint mocha on tongue but stops herself 1,"Have another Midol, O stiff-necked ones. And speaking of fathers, at best you godless (evolution-minded) heathens are the descendants of a tribe of lice-infected, large-foreheaded, knuckle-dragging, rump-sniffing troglodytes. Which explains the quality of your world views. emoticonXBouncer" 0,turkish president: no muslim family should engage in birth control 1,standards lowered for second search through fridge 1,first baby of 2010 finally born 1,every glass in grandmother's cupboard visibly filthy 1,"We already went over that You're just parroting the same lines. Typical creationist tactic. Do you have anything NEW that HASN'T been REFUTED? Hillary Clinton is a hack. " 1,school bully not so tough since being molested 0,malaysia arrests north korean man as row over kim jong nam's death escalates 0,slovakia's prime minister fico quits amid crisis over murdered journalist 0,incredible waterspout spotted over iowa lake 1,man has extra spring in his step after getting news that classmate moved home and stopped pursuing her dream 0,"So were the officers on the front lines of the Mumbai massacre. But they didn't shoot back, they hid like cowards. They let people get killed for no good reason." 1,prima donna surgeon storms out of half-full operating theater 0,democratic ads highlight trump's horrible comments on women 0,what it's like to be suddenly poor and homeless at 70 1,veteran brita filter's tour of duty extended another 3 months 0,ohio delays execution after failing to find sick inmate's vein 1,"Well, since a working definition of ""insanity"" would be denying observable reality, I would say that your argument is insanity. On a side note, how have you not been banned yet? Any particular reason admin?" 1,teacher asks students to split into 2 groups to simulate ideal class size 0,look: 5 jaw-dropping hideaways for living off the map 1,"catholic child told about doggy heaven, doggy hell" 0,"This is exactly what I said in a pm to her. I also suggested that she talk to women who have had abortions, who have not, who have had adoptions, and who have been adopted. I wish there was some kind of ""place"" you could go to automatically get this kind of dialogue. Not internet sites, but face to face stuff.Want to start a counseling center? :)" 0,"love hurts: a mature, brief surmise on moving on from rejection and heartache" 1,"vacationing uncle posts terse, emotionless facebook update from cruise ship" 1,area man to run naked through streets tonight no matter who wins election 0,is art feminine? 1,masturbatory prose style fails to reach climax 0,impulse -- ep.9 1,connect four-playing sis pretty sneaky 0,"boy george opens up about happiness, being a u.s. politics junkie and more" 1,son's black market value checked online 0,"climate change this week: the munchkin dilemma, solar cash crop and more!" 1,"Exactly, they are big on condeming the sins of those other guys. It makes them feel better about themselves. Also, it is always a good idea to have a vitriolic campaign about something that will never change so they will always have an enemy - homos are not going to disappear, abortion will never be made illegal. That's how the religious right recruits folks - get 'em all indignant about the ""others"" and they never notice they are being fleeced by the fat little pastor." 1,parents fight to remove cartoon characters from industrial solvents 0,"Problem is, you think requiring a woman not to kill someone is ""treating them as breeding animals"". Kind of an odd thought." 0,"I see you are on form today BradleyHarris, that is another very good post, and it certainly (for me at least) shed light on Nu Leaders line of reasoning. The point on the second law of thermodynamics is interesting. By invoking it as supporting evidence it can be seen to justify the belief on one hand, but also work against it on the other. This also shows a certain expectation on the part of the observer- chances are this line of reasoning is quiet ""safe"" as we are unlikely (my opinion) to encounter sentient aliens for sometime." 0,carrie fisher's birth announcement in 1992 captured her signature humor 0,everything sees 0,"This was a comment on the physics book that has biographies of great physicists that were Bible believing christians. Right. Many believed in alchemy (they were wrong), harmful effects of night air (they were wrong), spontaneous growth of maggots from rotting meat (they were wrong), rats arising from grain (they were wrong), and the Bible (they were wrong). If it is important that Newton believed in the Bible, why isn't it as important that he believed in alchemy and did not believe in the divinity of Christ.There isn't any such thing as science from a Christian perspective. Either it is science, or it isn't.You claimed to have studied evolution. You didn't. Why would you tell us that you did?" 1,senior-center residents debate new anchorwoman's ethnicity for fifth straight evening 0,all-female rock band reminds moms they are 'enough' 0,jim parsons is having a divine moment 1,"Or maybe they do? Could this sick, perverted individual be the spokesperson for the so called ""gay movement""?" 1,rembrandt's 'night watch' falls off museum wall after sticky tabs come loose 0,the olympic hangover is real 1,giants fan visiting philadelphia feels betrayed by bud light ad for eagles 1,"abortion issue 'most critical of our time,' say tobacco-industry executives" 0,a labor day documentary: 'brothers on the line' tells the story of the reuther brothers -- founding fathers of the american middle class 1,"Not only would I throw the switch, I'd pay the electric bill, too. emoticonXGood" 1,"We are figments of our own imaginations, sent here by Satan to annoy the faithful! emoticonXAngel" 0,norman reedus' new movie 'air' looks just as creepy as 'walking dead' 1,mail for former resident looks important 1,u.s. economy continues campaigning for barack obama 0,"Actually, I don't ask how the idea occurred. As I mentioned, Darwin suggested it. I'm not sure what the rese of that paragraph means." 0,It isn't offered to make that assertion at all. It is offered to show that God values the life of the unborn if He will demand that a man responsible for causing its death in the womb be held accountable by paying the ultimate price. 1,20th century fox green-lights 'united 93 vs. predator' 0,This remains unspecified. (I explained this in the last paragraph) 0,21-year-old adult throws hissy fit 0,"Creationism is not something new, it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin. None of them belived in a divine parrot that is just plain silly. In the crucible of natural science throughout the Middle Ages, the Scientific Revolution and well into the 19th century theology was the queen of the sciences. Now we subject students to higher math studies that they will most likely never use and speculations about conceptual mechanisms like natural selection that have no practical application. Naturalistic presumption has become sacrosanct in the rhetoric of the professional scientists who have been crystal clear on how they define creationism. You can ignore the statement by D.J.Futuyma and identical ones made by Gould, Mayr, Dawkins, Dobzhansky and others but not without departing from mainstream evolutionary biology. " 0,what's at stake: the current landscape on lgbtq nondiscrimination protections 0,5 reasons why you need boundaries in your relationships and life 1,"corey flintoff unleashes sonorous, pleasantly modulated string of obscenities" 1,does strange death curse haunt cast of gone with the wind? 0,"melissa mathison, oscar-nominated 'e.t.' screenwriter, dead at 65" 0,dustin diamond arrested for 'reckless' behavior 1,"detroit begs nation to just give it something, anything, to manufacture" 0,"verizon ny charged 'basic rate' phone customers multiple rate increases for the deployment of the fios, title ii, fttp broadband networks" 0,comedian breaks down the hilarious struggles of a latino thanksgiving 0,'saturday night live' celebrates halloween with spooktacular montage 0,"It can go both ways. We all doubt. It is what you do with it that matters.[QUOTE=gnojek]If a child grew up never hearing the words religion, gods, spirits, etc. would this child still have faith of some sort?Is faith some innate human tendency?It could be seeing as how there is the ""god spot"" in the brain, but maybe the god spot wouldn't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE]Look around. Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air. It is obviously part of our psyche. Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith. Even on different sides of the planet.It's as natural as the sun rising." 1,antifa organizers announce plans to disrupt neo-nazi rally or whatever else going on that day 0,"day 2: mosel riesling, how divine" 1,rising star john kerry's stirring speech paves way for 2016 presidential run 1,breast implants found to cause problems in laboratory mice 1,rock hard café acquires autographed bon jovi cock ring 0,house vote maintains military ability to jail people without trial 0,barack obama congratulates prince harry and meghan markle on engagement 0,"So he ""overlooks"" plate tectonics twice? He's either ignorant or a liar. Some might say both. Knowing his other work as I do, I say both." 1,"So if a story in the bible is proven to be true, like the fact that there is enough water in the ice caps, and the atmosphere to cover the highest mountains, then these ""myths"" would become less rediculous? Or would there be a logical explanation other than a higher life form did it? Mayabe a crazy man built a big boat at the right time and happened to have two of each animal at the time? But that would be crazy talk. Wouldnt it?" 1,"You are getting silly now. McVeigh was a nutball and he has already been executed for his crime. His partner is doing life and may yet get the death penalty. Based on your argument above, I take it that you have decided to throw in with the Islamic terrorists." 0,mitch mcconnell says republicans have the votes to pass tax bill 0,"this is totally false. the laws of logic being absolute does nothing to support a case for god. in fact, everything the bible tells us about god's nature indicates that god is illogical, unpredictable, unreliable and irreplicable. this is totally the opposite of logic" 1,"Yes I apologize for your ignorance and your inability to 'get it'.... " 1,10-pack of swiss miss bracing itself to shoulder burden of holding together man's depressing holiday alone 0,trump and china risk sparking dangerous middle east arms race 0,"Liberals love big Gov't. They can't do anything for themselves so they want to rely on the Gov't for everything. Ahhhh you smell that, smells like communism to me. Lets not worry too much about it though, we'll all be equal I'm sure our masters will also have a fun time listening to our ""protests"" once all of our rights have been taken away." 1,leg man also an arms buff 0,jessie james decker shares inspiring message about post-baby bodies 0,memories of sand and sea: gush katif residents mark 10 years to disengagement 0,And I maintain that your belief is dangerous to America and people like you should be deported to less civilized countries so you can truly appreciate what you had. 0,4 tips for a safe cyber monday 0,look: the magical world of tarot 0,deconstructing the fear of rejection: what are we really afraid of? 0,china is eating trump's lunch 0,I've seen people (on TV:)) who would actually know about such things say that the fact that these things passed in these states pretty much spels doom for any possible constitutional ammendment. Don't ask me how they figure this. It's just what they were saying. 0,saturday's morning email: funnies edition 1,"Like you said in the OP, all the talk of violence comes from the left :) He gotta love what this ""new economy"" has done to CALPERS emoticonXBouncer No doubt his teabaggers approved? ;)" 1,"So that's what, at least 4 lies in 8 days? Pretty impressive Archie. You should be on your knees asking god's forgiveness for your lies." 1,area man asked to shoot janice an e-mail 1,study finds dogs twitching in sleep are dreaming about tearing owners limb from limb 0,this state just did something good for transgender people 0,mitch mcconnell is keeping the senate rule that lets dems block trump's judges 1,top of mt. everest pulling away majority of hollywood films with generous tax credit program 1,motorist overwhelmed by array of jerky choices 0,"""Usually, ""rationality"" is a Humpty-Dumpty word, that means whatever the user finds is convenient to club his opponents with."" itself is a limited commodity. To make a claim that everything is knowable is a statement that is impossible to prove; Scientism makes this claim. Closely related to it is Objectivism.""Scientism, in the strong sense, is the self-annihilating view that only scientific claims are meaningful, which is not a scientific claim and hence, if true, not meaningful."" Reading:""Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time"" by Michael ShermerNot only does it include creationism, :) but also the philosophy of Ayn Rand (Objectivism)" 1,justice scalia endorses new easton gaveling gloves 1,ambitious social media startup has long-term 3-month plan for company 0,huffpost hill - please clap: 2016 nearly over 1,craftsman confirms new hammer backwards-compatible with previous generation of nails 1,james comey quickly reopens clinton email investigation for few more minutes 0,beyonce holds a chanel #surfbort in cr fashion book 1,man has story for every stain on pants 1,macy's concludes thanksgiving day parade with traditional procession of santa's coffin 0,"supermodel stephanie seymour arrested, charged with drunken driving" 0,reince priebus says it's 'too late' for a new candidate to stop trump 0,katherine heigl says she 'would never intend to be difficult' 0,majority of americans want congress to move on from health care reform 0,swedes stumped by swedish 'national security adviser' on fox 0,weekly roundup of ebay vintage home finds 0,bill maher blasts spoiled rich kids during 'new rules' 1,"Oh, please show me this. I wait with bated breath for you to provide the quotation in which I ""assumed"" that evolution has been ""disproved"" I'm really looking forward to your providing of this. Until then, you aren't worth my time, strawman." 0,restoring a sense of decency to our destructive politics 0,down the rabbit hole: a tale of suicide and macaroni 0,the one question that captures the bittersweet reality of divorce 0,to our students after the confirmation of betsy devos: we've got this 1,north korean prisoners temporarily put into american detention camp to help ease shock of return 0,legendary broadcaster dies at 82 0,"As I understand, Scalia and Thomas are some of the most conservative members of the court." 0,the best toys to shop on prime day for kids of all ages 1,asshole moves to part of city where all the assholes live 0,emma thompson thinks there are many more harvey weinsteins in hollywood 1,woman shouts down hall for boyfriend to come kill giant ax murderer she found in bedroom 0,"Their ""ultimate reality"" is that some higher authority may exist. It's still an ""ultimate reality"" to them. Definitely a religion." 1,"I dont need a sex lesson from a little boy. Once again you missed the point( getting to be a habit). We are talking about behaviour that was condemned by the preacher, one of which was adultery..not fornicating but I am sure the preacher would condemn that too If you read the link you would know. If homosexuality is condemned by god then they cannot marry in gods eyes..keeping up? If gays cannot marry then gay sex must be outside of marriage therefore it is fornicating. You really should try to use your little head more. 'Lets stay on topic' who made you a mod?emoticonXChicken" 0,bank teller's bad spanish skills thwart attempted robbery 1,youtuber wastes 2 whole minutes explaining how to prep a deck for sealant as if viewer total moron 0,jesus was a socialist 1,This is a laughable oversimplication of reproduction. Humans don't make copies. Do you reproduce asexually? I know I don't. 0,a view to a kill: leopard leaps from tree to attack impala 1,"Because there couldn't possibly be any undetected illegal gun trafficking, could there be? " 1,line of lizards winding out door outside national geographic casting office 1,isis fighter dreading smug looks from hometown friends who told him caliphate sounded like dumb idea 0,the daily fantasy sports protests in nyc looked hilarious 1,"You're lying to yourself.. So I'll just keep letting you know until the cloud of delusion dissipates. " 0,a lesson america can teach 0,taiwan navy fires missile in error as china's communists mark birthday 0,"but it is what section 32 of Indiana constitution Section 32. Arms--Right to bear. The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State." 1,new candy to hum and glow in mouths 0,"stop talking about 'screen time,' start thinking about screen use" 0,prosecutor tells black congressmembers the war on drugs isn't racist 0,"chef teaches inmates at cook county jail how to cook, how to live" 1,"oh do tell us of this dooms day event, will we need new nike sneakers and $1.75 in our pocket when we all die?" 1,report: most americans' retirement plans consist of hoping their random junk turns out to be collector's item worth millions 0,cnn taunts trump and the gop with 'schoolhouse rock' 0,why these trump voters are sticking up for an undocumented neighbor 1,mets earmark $53 million for pitching relief 1,poll: 56% of voters say country better off than it was 4 eons ago 0,former cia officials give turkish coup plotters advice on cnn 1,"You were asked to give us your explanation of evolution. So far you've just regurgitated creationist arguments against it, without showing that you actually understand what you're arguing against. But instead of trying to answer the question that was asked of you, you just spat out some more quotes. The least you could have done was to use quotes that explained evolution as you percieve it, but they're not even on topic, going on about morality and atheism! You continue to confirm your ignorance for us." 0,I think you are on to something.The problem I see is that any proponent of a plan such as this will have toi take on both the health insurance lobby and the pharma lobby and their bottomless well of $$$ and propaganda.Here's hoping now that there's a new sheriff in town. 1,"'maybe hang out in the water awhile, then look for some old bread,' duck tells self" 0,breitbart fires reporter over her islamophobic tweets post-london attack 0,'the gop will not be the jay-z to hillary's solange' 0,"Really! Then I assume that you have read Darwin - at least On the Origin of Species. Otherwise you are babbling. Please cite specific passages from Darwin's books where he made ""morals and ethics"" a joke. Please also do the same for the works of Dawkins. Your assertion presumes that you have read the works of both men." 0,i'm going to keep smiling 1,fbi can't bring themselves to bust guy torrenting every season of 'picket fences' 0,mississippi town rejects 'historic' lgbtq pride parade despite local support 1,zsa zsa or eva gabor dead 1,"Maybe you should form a religion for gays only where all members have to be married to each other...then push for the issue on religious freedoms rights. ;)" 1,new book written from perspective of gargamel 1,self-helped woman won't stop at just self 1,john kelly roots out remaining priebus sympathizers hiding in tunnels throughout white house 0,"katie ledecky, 18-year-old u.s. swimming sensation, accidentally breaks world record" 0,Let me explain this to you.You want to stop abortions for someone else. You want to take a womans right to choose away. Where as Jito supporting a womans right to choose does not impose upon your life in any way.You want to stop me from being able to marry this does not effect your life in any way yet has a devastationg effect on my life. The left supports rights while your side want to limit the rights of others.You want to stop me from being able to marry because you have a religious belief against it even though I may have a religious belief that supports it. Therefore you are imposing your religious and moral views on me when I do not share those beliefs. 0,6 diy stress hacks using what's in your closet 1,new plastic surgery technique makes 40-year-old women look like really-weird-looking 38-year-olds 1,obama deeply concerned after syrians gassed to death on white house lawn 0,stoner-turned-doctor sees dark side of pot 0,"I am curious about your position. Why have you chosen the nervous system and brain and organs as the cutoff points for the humanmeter? Have you done so arbitrarily? Does this mean that if these are not as you said ""completed and operating (developed)"" then we are not human? If this were true there would be alot of handicapped people who are not human. Christopher Reeve and all the other quadrapalegic and parapalegics like him would be in trouble. What IQ determines a fully developed brain?" 1,god admits heaven was way cooler in the '70s 1,"Zing! And did anyone ever sit down with the Upanishads and compare them to the Sermon on the Mount? Very suspicious indeed.emoticonXDonno" 0,"north korea demolishes tunnels at nuclear test site, reports say" 0,"I think you need to look up euthanasia, and not only for the correct grammar. Those examples are not euthanasia. Abortion is not the same thing as euthanasia. Why don't you just say what is on your mind, rather than setting these ham-handed traps you hope someone will fall into? It is clear what your opinion is. If you have something to say, by all means express yourself." 0,jeb bush slams lobbyists despite his close relationship with them 0,chances are your new year's resolution will end today 0,"Strawman. The argument is not to do whatever one wishes with ones body. The argument is soley that one does not have to have another attached, ever, against ones will." 0,skydiver luke aikins makes jump without a parachute 1,bush sr. apologizes to son for funding bin laden in '80s 0,"Anti abortion people want to take a womens right to an abortion away period. Would you force someone to get a sonagram of a tumor and be forced to look at it and think ""do I really want to have this tumor removed?"" That is exactly what a fetus is and for some women that is how it is viewed." 0,Object to the woman being required to remain pregnant when she does not want to be. 0,amy schumer denies she has a 'blind spot' about race 0,terrified dolphin throws himself at man's feet to escape hunters 1,robert mueller driving suv 100 mph down runway as air force one narrowly lifts off 0,"But the embryo is a mere clump of flesh inside of a woman's body. Science proves it. It has no sign of intelligence, it is merely cells at this stage. Therefore, it cannot be referred to as another person, or neighbor, and is no where near comparable to a human. Choices that harm another should be illegal, but choices regarding your own personal liberty and freedom should be made by the individual. Not the government." 0,You don't have to be the best organism to survive. You just have to be good ENOUGH. 1,scientists warn americans to stay away from that bird 0,eden baylee is a stranger at sunset 0,global perceptions of china as a superpower 0,why statehouse interns are especially vulnerable to sexual harassment 1,third-person limited omniscient narrator blown away by surprise ending 1,murphy brown: still on the air? 0,kristen wiig is a comedy goddess in this deleted 'snl' sketch 1,gentle ben biographer's shocking new book reveals famous bear's 28-pine-marten-a-day habit 0,spouse criticism may worsen chronic low back pain 0,the toy aisle is almost too much for this boy to handle 1,"'i don't fit into any of corporate america's little boxes,' says single, 18-to-36-year-old hispanic female with brand loyalty to tom's, chobani" 0,"welcome to herointown, new jersey's 4th-largest city" 0,the smart alice vote 0,"That is about the same for me (although I never went to church), and I find it more of an intellectual stimulation, and I can learn a lot too" 1,disney trailer teases exit of major character in upcoming film 'death at pooh corner' 0,"76ers top lakers for first win of season, snap 28-game skid" 0,lights go on: part li -- a single word 1,"Sure, cause everyone ALWAYS agrees with everything their church minister says. emoticonXRolleyes" 0,new york cracks down on payday lenders 1,australian parliament gathers to discuss dwindling hemsworth reserves 1,amount of halloween candy collected down 15 percent 0,spoof gum commercial chews away at islamophobia in the best possible way 0,here is jake gyllenhaal singing his heart out ahead of his broadway musical debut 0,do you have what it takes to be a prison censor? 0,"It's remarkable then, how much progress we've made. You may or may not approve of the theory, but it works very well at learning more about biology." 0,bernie sanders praises nba for moving all-star game out of north carolina 0,how to make the most gorgeous summer dinner ever 1,cat dead set on finding way into mirror 0,"It's even worse than that. He isn't asking for info on how it works; if he was I would supply it gladly. He claims to already know that it's wrong, which implies that he thinks he knows what it's about. But despite already knowing what carbon dating is, he still needs someone here to provide an explanation before he can present his ""proof"" that it's incorrect. As Akbar says, ""It's a trap!""" 1,area dad concerned he's running out of family photos to digitize 0,"kim kardashian is back on the town, and her look is... interesting" 1,$30 million donation from chan-zuckerberg charity to help kids learn to read returned 1,middle-aged woman so tired of going back and forth between divorced parents' nursing homes 1,"Losing again I see. Don't change the subject. How are supporting 'gay sex debauchery' and lying in any way synonymous? You have made the accusation. Back it up. If different words are too much for your miniscule brain to cope with, I suggest you try yelling your hogwash on a street corner, where less people will be able to see how much of a fool you are." 1,bouncer instructed not to let people like himself in 0,schools enact positive change with drama therapy 1,Oh - so you don't want to force me through pregnancy at any cost to me? You will let me make what decision is best for me? You will actually realize that I am in the best position to know? 0,No. You've not understood what I said. I don't know how to make it perfectly clear to you...the reason the skin color vs. homosexuality analogy is not valid is that one is in 100% of the cases studied a result of uncontrollable genetic inheritance and the other is generally not. 0,migrant and refugee children find a home in greece's intercultural schools 1,heartbroken russian ambassador thought special meetings with jeff sessions were very memorable 0,deadly california wildfire near big sur set to explode in size 0,"fighting pests with sounds waves, not pesticides" 0,"And the risk to minority's civil rights is, of course, the reason for the bill. They are, after all, limiting what can be started via initiative, not eliminating the initiative process altogether. The fraud was merely an example of why the change is needed. As has been argued here before, if civil rights need protecting, it's from the majority. Allowing civil rights to be modified via the initiative process simply makes it too easy for the majority to impose it's will on the minority. That's not what a Democracy is about, at least not our Democracy." 1,mommy having sleepover 1,homosexuality only thing parents can accept about son 0,here's who will moderate the presidential and vice presidential debates 0,fox news guest: san bernardino shooting raises questions on 'state of feminism in muslim america' 1,capsizing boat passes u.s. in global quality of life rankings 0,invest in human capital 0,matt damon reveals the vain reason behind donald trump's movie cameos 1,santorum nostalgic for time when beliefs were outlandish enough to make headlines 1,authorities confirm north korea now has missile capable of hitting sam waterston's house 0,5 nutritionist-approved back-to-school tips 1,'the onion' hires several pastry chefs away from entenmann's to form new bakery 0,cities across the west coast are uniting against monsanto 1,"report: majority of mothers would drop kids off at warehouse called 'fun zone' for hour of free time, no questions asked" 1,"Not only is Phyllis right in calling you what you are but you clearly ignore reality. You were already called on using incorrect facts might as well say ""denying abortion will cause 10000000 bagillion deaths a day""" 0,"And you know what? No amount of epigenetic change is going to turn a fruitfly embryo into a human. One of the reasons they are different, and subject to different epigenetic regimes, is because despite genetic homologies (which evolutionary theory predicts), their genomes are significantly different. They have some different genes, in different quantities, and in different arrangements, and that is critical. Epigenetics alone can't take one species and turn it into another, so far as anyone knows. It takes genomic restructuring, and that happens only through genetic mutation." 1,group of christie campaign deserters found in forest 0,"I think it depends on what they were charged with. Rapist-no child molester-no Basically most or all crimes of violence-no Possession of pot-o.k. your basic chicken ####stuff.emoticon_xkill" 1,'new york times' publisher reveals asking trump to decrease anti-media rhetoric except against those fuckers at 'the washington post' 0,the black friday and cyber monday travel deals to book asap 0,how much will black lives matter in trump's america? 1,blood runs down house of representatives walls as chamber itself selects new speaker 0,officers of the peace 1,senate intelligence committee confirms from testimony that donald trump jr. has no knowledge 0,why do weddings cost so much? 1,"I think that might mean that you should shut your trap about other people and not pass judgement on them (i.e. Carl Sagan right here in this topic, etc.). What do you think?" 1,larva acting like it knows everything about chewing leaves 0,why these people of faith are marching for women this weekend 1,Pro-lifers are like slave traders? What a pro-lifers trading? Anyone who denies a human being a fundamental human right is a slave a right to life...??? 1,grandma guts it out through lunch on sunny patio 1,man in international airport only speaks business 1,And the UN seems to feel it's necessary to spell out that you have the right to marry and have a family. 0,"money men say, voters move over, it's not your election!" 0,the new colossus of today is white nationalism 1,9/11 memorial curators decide not to display swastika formed by twisted girders found at ground zero 0,how pluto got its giant frozen heart 1,"sleeping middle-aged businessman in airport suddenly so childlike, so vulnerable" 0,"three chinese tourists dead, six people missing in borneo shipwreck" 0,"florida woman crashes wedding, and it doesn't end well" 0,"donald trump to meet with editors of new yorker, vanity fair and vogue" 0,"How do you know there isn't a tiger in the bathroom? You feel very strongly and have over-whelming evidence that there is no tiger in your bathroom? (You live in an urban area, there are no zoos, you don't hear scratching or biting or the maiming of your poodle, and the water is going) But you cannot prove a negative. Which is also why you won't be able to prove that creationism is wrong, and why we can't prove evolution is wrong. The focus must be on proving one right. How you might do that depends on your method of reasoning and thought." 1,"It seems my attempt at spreading intellectual capacity failed. The answer to my question and yours to me is no." 0,"I think you are misinterpreting what I am saying. For example, we would still exist without a lung or a heart if that lung or heart were replaced by artificial lungs or hearts. Indeed, if you push things to the extreme case (and, granted, this is going into the science fiction realm but it proves a point), if we could artificially keep our functioning brains alive and functioning on their own (without a body), then ""we"" would still exist as long as the brain's function involved all the mental processes related to our mental existence. That existence would just be pretty dismal without any sensory inputs or freedom of motion (unless they were supplied artificially). That is what I am heading at. What are we at our very core? I don't see how you logically derive this conclusion from what I said. Can you elaborate?" 0,federal judge refuses to block mississippi anti-lgbt law 1,new don blankenship campaign ad touts jobs created in wake of upper big branch mining disaster 1,war talks begin at camp goliath 1,"How do they use ""the empirical evidence prove it"", when they do no research, and no evidence actually supports their ""theory""?" 0,"on mars, who's in charge?" 1,bored god tries to fit all of jupiter in mouth 1,texan feels emotionally empty after chili cook-off 0,"Oh, don't be so hasty Bear in mind that at the scale upon which bacteria operate, molecules are significant physical structures. The bacterial flagellum, for instance, is an outboard motor constructed directly out of proteins, which are in turn directly, physically translated via RNA from DNA sequences. The physical shape of the folded molecular structure of those proteins is what makes the motor work. So there's nothing abstract about the relationship between DNA and the organism's physical form or abilities." 1,"Better still , you pop down to your local army barracks and explain it to thememoticonXClown" 0,a new joint message from the kremlin and the trump administration 0,"Wait, did you really ask a question imply an answer and then condemn someone for it? Haha, your logic may be more delusional than I thought." 1,biden pardons single yam in vice presidential thanksgiving ritual 0,ellen finally meets that chicken nugget kid sabotaging her twitter record 1,area woman has no idea she will hate jennifer lawrence 7 years from now 1,lucky bastard gets to be in coma 0,hillary clinton wins endorsement from united food and commercial workers union 0,photos of janet jackson's style evolution through the years 0,"You do have a problem with this person defending himself or you would not be attacking him. Fear made him do this. The fear was created in him by the buglers. You want unarmed passengers to attack armed terrorists on airplanes, but you have a problem with a home owner killing buglers." 1,truther jihadist wishes al-qaeda had committed 9/11 attacks 1,mta officials assure new yorkers that today's subway will run just as fucked up as normal 1,jay z honored to be nominated in same category as jay z 1,lab mouse nervous for first day of new job getting cancer 0,"adele dresses up as dolly parton, to make her feel her love" 1,complete idiot still thinks brittany murphy dating jeff kwatinetz 0,un chief warns trump not to ditch iran nuclear deal 1,study: more couples delaying divorce until kids old enough to remember every painful detail 0,"slaughtering wolves in canada: a new essay shows just how unscientific, unethical, and inhumane these studies are" 1,dole reveals one cantaloupe out there contains $10 million check 0,bernie sanders: 'it is not a radical idea' to ask for a $15 minimum wage 1,"You mean like Korea? Oh wait we are still there.... Is Israel a nice secure place safe from terrorism? The notion that Iraq will be without conflict will not occur in our life time." 1,virginia governor calls on state to move past racist legacy of last few weeks 0,glitter birkenstocks are now a thing you can actually buy 1,cardinal law canonized following miracle of escaping criminal prosecution 1,Sounds like my 9mil. is more secure under my bed in hands reach. 1,excited african safari tourists quietly marvel as poacher stalks prey 0,college football's 5 unexpected heisman trophy hopefuls 0,ramadan reflection day 7: prayers for the people of burma's concentration camps 1,archivists unearth rare early career paul newman salsa 0,"But Miller is with Jesus (and by extension, you): he says that God exists and that Christianity is true. Or, if you insist that he's against you, you're left with this conundrum: You call Miller and theistic evolutionists incorrect, and he calls you and anti-evolutionists incorrect; why is your position any more logical than his?Regarding your citation about atheists using evolutionary findings to support their concepts, you omit the remainder of the paragraph. Shame on you, marc, for your quote mine. Miller clearly continues with ""philosophical pronouncements"" that many atheists do not forward. Over the following three paragraphs, he examines a single philosophical insinuation -- not a plethora of them -- and then moves beyond ""atheistic philosophical pronouncements.""" 1,area man realizes he's not the cool uncle 0,the u.s. already tested trump's canned goods idea on native americans. it was bad. 1,hmo targets blacks with 'rapping good' health campaign 0,"The value of logical reasoning is dependent upon your axioms. Highly religious people are no less capable of reasoning logically than anyone else - but the unshakeable axiom that their personal version of god really exists enters into every equation. For you, one axiom is the existence of Vitality; volition made quantifiable, and the other is that darwinian evolution must be wrong and worthless in every respect.There is no logical reason for you to deride NS the way you do; it's an integral part of any evolutionary theory that seeks to explain the big picture of how the organisms we see around us came to be; the occurrence of mutations, volitional or otherwise is not enough on its own. But your axioms prevent you from incorporating it into EAM and getting on with your life." 0,Not to be totally dependant and the systems of another body to keep it alive. Take a fetus out of the womb (That is during the period which most abortions are carried out) and it will die. Plus if the mother dies the fetus will as well. A baby doesn't depend on its mother's body to function. It can do that itself. 1,nation's ivy leaguers share hearty laugh that dartmouth grad thinks she can talk shit on anyone 1,"kfc, midas team up for much-anticipated crossover meal" 1,senate subcommittee on energy and water development more like a family 0,parents floored by stranger's kind act following their toddler's tantrum 0,the missing link: moving beyond first-level solutions to women's leadership 0,"two coasts, one problem: in florida, gop leaders think voters are stupid" 0,tommy wiseau is about to star in another weird movie. here's what to expect. 0,"lyft and uber pull out of austin, but deceptive pricing is here to stay" 0,these epic 360-degree photos will make you feel like you're on vacation 0,what's in a name? 0,magical marseille 1,nader polling at 8 percent among past supporters 1,news report on wartime atrocity even more powerful for its brevity 1,Well you wouldn't have to 5hit yourself everytime you walked down the streets if you had a gun yourself. 1,Were you drunk or were you high on hallucinogens...speed? lsd? crack? 1,"You still trying to push your propaganda film? Let me ask you something, why would the fetus try and avoid the forceps? An infant will cheerfully try and grip a knife that is about to end it's life." 0,I think you have your image of an assault weapon slightly skewed. an assault weapon by its very name is a weapon designed to harm another human. this does not mean full auto it just means that it was never designed to be a target/hunting/self defense weapon. 1,justin timberlake pulling panicked all-nighter after realizing new album due tomorrow 1,"box of old playboys found, good ones too" 0,ohio police chief: senseless killings by cops 'making us all look bad' 0,41 photos of presidential pets over time 1,clothes come to forefront as major theme in this year's new york fashion week 0,That’s not the problem. The problem is how do you account for all the different species that are on the earth today coming from what you say were on the ark? 0,What does being a priest have to do with anything? It wouldn't matter if he were a Satan worshipper. 1,guy from sopranos drops by local pizza parlor for free slice 0,when is a religion 'extremist'? 1,parents seize creative control of 3rd-grade art project 0,teacher cut off woman's hair during hug: cops 0,"6 dead, including 4 kids, in mass shooting near houston" 1,neighbors' wi-fi password must be something good 1,secretary of education reveals she's forced to use own salary on yacht supplies 1,"That's quite a leap, even for you. How did you know that the officiers were pro-life? Or that any pro-life people would condone the officiers' behavior in this instance. I certainly think it was excessive. I guess I must not be pro-life by your illogic." 1,"Ok, i think i get your point, you dont care about laws so you do as you like, you dont agree with something so you do want you want to do. I may not agree with you, so in your view, i dont need any bodys permission to take you out." 0,michael moore rips 'so-called president' 1,3m introduces new line of protective foam eye plugs 1,garden state some poor fuck's favorite movie 0,"So, you are going to ignore the fact that you just suggested that it was the Democrats trying to pass the immigration bill when it was really bipartisan? Really, Phyllis, are you too proud to admit that you were wrong?" 0,trump working hard to pass cruelest health care bill yet 1,oscars officials warn only famous actors permitted to get political in acceptance speech 0,forget driverless cars. flying vehicles are almost here 0,You don?t offer much in the way of an argument. 1,miracle dog gives birth to septuplets 0,strive for rising expectations 0,the kind of demonstration i'd like to see 0,activist artist dread scott on why we need a revolution 0,beyonce shows love for 'cha cha' and lone star beer 0,from brothers to enemies: how syria's war has divided families 1,exxonmobil swears it's going to start taxes early this year 1,bush calls cabinet meeting to get story straight 0,duggar sisters say josh was 'a little too curious about girls' 0,"This is more of a legal question involving whether or not it was negligence(sp). If so, you can't really sue for amounts of money you MIGHT get in the future. He could sue for lost pay on the job and other medicial procedures. So ya know :). I don't really know what the question is." 1,"family comes first, reports man trying to get out of work" 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on december 23 1,one of those fucking people wins new hampshire primary 0,dentist offers to buy back halloween candy 1,"Well, you must not be a GOP lawmaker or the President of the United States. They're convinced that the only way to prevent the SCOTUS finding in favor of same-sex marriage is to amend the Constitution." 1,man at park who set up table full of water cups has no idea how passing marathon runners got impression they can take them 1,"This is pathetic Monty. Taking snippets of long exchanges completely out of context to suit your purpose on a unrelated thread, IN REPSONSE TO SOMEONE ELSE. Are you still stewing over this? GET OVER IT. In the future, please refrain from involving me in your nonsense. Waxy" 0,this quiz picks music and books based on your wine preferences 1,trump asks entire senate to clear out of chamber so he can speak to comey alone 0,"universities, public spaces and the democratic way of life" 0,using the united fiasco to flourish in the future 1,field-trip mishap fulfills child's wish to be oscar mayer wiener 0,how current eating disorder discourse fails the lgbtq community. and how we can change that. 1,new poll finds 74% of americans would be comfortable blaming female president for problems 0,trump weighs in as costly congressional race heads for a tight finish 1,ghost of brando urges man to finish whole cheesecake 1,ralph northam admits he once engaged in pedophilia as part of michael jackson costume 1,florida resort allows guests to swim with miami dolphins 0,united nations panel assails trump's refusal to explicitly condemn neo-nazis 0,martin o'malley aims to set the bar on criminal justice with comprehensive reform plan 0,start the year with a social detox 0,even female doctors struggle for equal pay 1,brad pitt stumbles across old cardboard box with gwyneth paltrow's head in attic 1,john deere unveils new line of lawnmower sidecars 1,report: more prisons now encouraging inmates to explore their creativity by designing own method of execution 0,diy holiday gift bag 1,depressed monkey throwing shit at himself 1,insane man gets a little perspective by reminding himself that he is god 1,area woman tired of men staring at her breast implants 1,desperate u.s. colleges weigh emergency bob marley legend ban 1,life-saving drug more accessible to lab rat than majority of americans 0,hillary clinton continues to distance herself from her husband's crime policies 0,how those anti-muslim videos probably got into trump's twitter feed 1,"cry of more, more, more heard in midnight hour" 1,widower misses sex with dead wife terribly 1,"romney, ryan sneak into dnc while posing as caterers" 1,report: recently laid-off workers not doing enough to help economy 1,mysterious man in parking lot threatens to harm rudy giuliani if he ever blabs about trump's legal payments again 0,22 animals wearing pajamas just because 1,dad ready to forgive dixie chicks 0,you won't believe how this guy beat 'dark souls' 1,struggling used bookstore has tried everything but organizing books by genre and author 1,"Agreed, and the vehicle they will be riding in will be the Prosperity Express.:)" 1,hazing incident ends in tragic joining of fraternity 1,"Yes, and those apartments are frequently broken into, in the broad daylight, because criminals know that they won't be harmed." 1,rare quarter worth 26 cents 0,secret service wanted to leak 'embarrassing' info on congressman 0,michael avenatti warns michael cohen: i still have more documents to release 0,john grisham calls string of arkansas executions a 'spectacular legal train wreck' 1,"I can neither confirm nor deny at this particular juncture that I may or may not be either male or female. :) " 1,girlfriend talks through whole goddamn commercial 0,fight over obama's treasury nominee underscores battles within democratic party 1,area man purchases the devil's advocate on dvd for some reason 0,house panel votes to keep congressional reports private 1,I'd lo9ve to test your hypothesis sometime by dropping a few Democrats into a pack of wolves and seeing who survives. emoticonXSmilie 0,most americans (incorrectly) believe crime is up. that's great news for donald trump. 1,near-death experience followed by right-on-the-money death experience 1,biden's ebay feedback rating dips below 35 percent 1,jared and ivanka holding each other at gunpoint in kitchen after simultaneously revealing undercover identities 0,this roald dahl clothing line is a childhood dream come true 0,ten days in june 0,top hud official worked at cambridge analytica -- but it's not in his bio 0,skip bayless's tweet about gordon hayward's injury stirs outrage 0,i was pranked by muhammed ali 0,early apple computer sells for almost $1 million at auction 0,time magazine's rape crisis article 0,"Well, many argue that pro gay rights is a conservative. They say that conservatives favor government staying out of people's lives and not dictating the way that people should live. They argue that conservative people are using religion, not conservative principle to stand against gay rights. I don't know if that is true; I do know that whether conservative, liberal, both, or neither, I cannot find a way to call myself a good person if I do not support gay rights." 0,california lawmakers approve gas tax to pay for $52 billion infrastructure plan 0,a guide to sex at 50 and beyond 0,the roots to premiere 2 children's series on amazon 1,"sole remaining lung filled with rich, satisfying flavor" 0,'it's just a nice place to live': meet the people of charleston 1,live cow lowered onto floor of u.s. house of representatives 0,prevent pr disaster: 6 steps for crisis planning 0,30 days of online dating: i should have broken the rules 0,"Although i personally oppose abortion,i agree that two wrongs dont make it right." 0,"**This is the line that caused me to butt in, walking-fish. Again, my apologies, but prs has no idea of the difference between Lamarckian and Darwinian theory, and how that theoretical difference would be reflected in different social theories. As far as I can tell prs has nothing but preconceived misconceptions about this. I felt compelled to speak up. Hope you're not put out about my intrusion." 0,"cynthia erivo will star in harriet tubman biopic, 'harriet'" 0,"Well, it is being challenged in the courts, so the only way to overturn it would be to deem it no longer constitutional. Oh, and thank you!" 0,"less fear, more courage" 0,"mad men: ""the forecast"" is mixed" 1,Duh? I'm referring to the left wingers right here on this forum as well as the left wing media and left wing congress and left wing Teleprompter of the United States (TOTUS). 0,samantha bee rips nra-beholden senators with spoof halloween costumes 1,man has mixed feelings about $39 flight 0,donald trump is not the first president to send someone a check 1,"Somehow I seriously doubt that ""Testimonium Flavianum itself"" meant ""from the website by Peter Kirby entitled 'Testimonium Flavianum' that happens to have the text of Josephus' An 20.9.1."" But if that's what you're going with, whatever. " 1,When is science going to get started on the book of Exodus? Job? Proverbs? 0,merkel's party beaten by anti-immigrant afd in german state election 0,new chair of senate indian affairs committee wanted dapl protests shut down 0,9 self-assuring affirmations for when you need a little boost 0,5 ways to file your taxes with less stress 0,pope francis warns of 'dangerous' alliance between u.s. and russia 0,dear white people: we don't need your saving 0,the ukraine: what would churchill do? 1,visit home reveals parents currently watching previously undiscovered game show 0,biting argument over trump may cost man his ear 1,boise homemaker bows toward mecca just to see what it's like 1,earth's successful completion of orbit around sun inspires woman to reflect on eating habits 1,new report finds americans most interested in science when moon looks different than usual 1,And then you can go pat yourself on the back and pretend it's all better. I hope your personal comfort level will be worth the havoc that will be brought upon the lives of women. 1,double-jointed man on date breaks it out too early 0,the ultimate checklist for new parents 0,boehner opens door to suing obama over iran deal 0,the best rent the runway dresses for bridesmaids 0,remembering jim brady 1,gop-controlled wisconsin legislature votes to dissolve state rather than let democrats have it 0,head of trump 'election integrity' probe pens wildly misleading op-ed about voter fraud 1,jellyfish falls short of dream to kill diana nyad 1,mathematician has popular equation stuck in head all day 0,huffpost rise: what you need to know on february 10 1,"I love how you anti equality conservatives become bogeymen the instant something like this is passed. Threatening with judgment, death, hate, killings, gee everyone if we don't keep the status quo the world might end! I guess the world is falling apart for people like you. It doesn't really surprise me. " 1,man excited to look like different type of idiot in front of coworkers at bar 0,black fashion designers are finally getting their moment in the spotlight 1,'true blood' characters openly talking about how they can't wait for episode to end 0,O they don't make space anymore. They'll just put him in a cell with pot growers and crack addicts. He'll be lucky if he gets a spot on the floor to sleep on. 0,national park service studies historic lgbtq sites for possible recognition 1,man receives first baboon-face transplant 1,'aryan notions' opens sixth berlin location 1,fetus going to pretend he doesn't hear loud argument coming from other side of uterine wall 0,10 smart gift ideas for the healthiest cook on your list 0,"No no; again, you don't get it. He's only struggling because of people like you who deny the obvious. Rather than listen to what Majerus says about Majerus's project, you're listening to Mr. Mistaken Coyne and the author of the the Science article, which doesn't say what you think it says." 1,bigot relieved to learn gays in his state still effectively subhuman 1,husband apologizing in sleep 0,facialist to the stars accused of hiring a hit man to kill competitor speaks out 1,spy drone taken out of service after returning with creepy photos of insurgents changing 1,china vows to begin aggressively falsifying air pollution numbers 1,"american airlines, us airways merge to form world's largest inconvenience" 1,"olympic skier stares down icy, forbidding slope of rest of life" 0,"Well Nozza1...I for one enjoyed your post,you don't seem to see enough of you guys from Australia or the Englanders that are as vehement as you seem to be on their gun bans in your respective countries. You move over here to the U.S.A. I think we'll be better off for it. Nozza we do hear a little from you guys but not like that.Hang in there." 0,poisoned daughter of russian spy released from hospital 1,prick veterinarian keeps dachshund waiting in empty lobby for 45 minutes 0,why i will never carpe diem again 1,anderson cooper begins debate by giving trump opportunity to explain what the fuck is wrong with him 1,"residents of philadelphia, cleveland at least relieved they can't host another one of these fucking things for few decades" 0,new musical shines light on 'paris is burning' star and the mummified man found in her closet 1,revlon unveils new age-defying monster makeup 1,"obama spends wednesday doing some urgings, some callings on" 1,man in center of political spectrum under impression he less obnoxious 1,bird of paradise just staring at david attenborough during courtship dance 1,cat prepares for anal display in owner's face 1,"white-hot gop race down to two mentally ill people, person who lost nomination last time" 0,"**Here you reveal exactly what I've just spoken of--you assume that science and the scientific method equates to, is synonymous with, materialism/mechanism. It most certainly is not. Nor is the accompanying assumption, i.e., that any science which does not strictly adhere to materialust/mechanist assumptions, is not, and cannot be, real science. Equally untrue.Both assertions are unnecessary to an objective approach to science, per se, but are part and parcel of an emotional defence of materialism/mechanism and its biological aspect, RMNS darwinism." 1,"Are you telling me liberals have jobs? You sure can't tell it by all the anti military/war protests, the flag burnings, you saw prior to the start of the war and by all the libs that post here 24/7........They are either unemployed or 12 year old kids out of school for summer vacation.........." 0,steve bannon says president cut off obamacare payments to destroy health law 1,white house blocks seahawks punt 0,could quincy jones be any cooler in this new fashion campaign? 0,"""that bastard kushner...""" 0,twitterverse trolls iphone x's new security feature with arya stark jokes 0,dining out in dallas by john mariani 0,escaped bull dies after leading police chase through nyc 0,only three states score higher than d+ in a state integrity investigation 1,quake claims 500 hours 1,self-destructing onion social algorithm delivers stirring monologue about folly of mankind's hubris 1,"The Raw Story | Peanut execs won't say if they eat their own products Oh my! Another Republican pleads the Fifth." 1,police assure residents kidnapping was only one of those custody-related ones 1,clinton's sight restored 1,dan savage disgusted by letter from perverted reader contemplating oral sex 1,dalai lama swears he recognizes guy at party from past life 1,man stays up most of night rocking cat back to sleep 0,the peterson farm bros' beef with chipotle (part 4): the definition of ethical behaivor 1,"Like Big Bad John McCain? Who's been a dependent of Big Daddy gubment all his life?" 1,"'nothing would surprise me at this point,' says man who will be shocked by 8 separate news items today" 1,chicago out of names for subdivisions 0,netflix just hired producer ryan murphy in a huge 5-year deal 0,oregon may just be the most stunning state in america. here's proof. 0,what we know so far about the new white house org chart 0,17 ways to make the most of what's left of summer 1,popular new amazon service just comes to your house and kills you 1,john boehner to paul ryan: 'i was once young and beautiful too' 1,nation just goes ahead and decides 'freedom prevails over hate' is lesson of 9/11 1,"sadly, gift certificate to loews cinemas perfect gift for area man" 1,cnn launches 'cnn for the shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel' news channel 1,man wearing 'jewmerica' t-shirt never dreamed he'd see this day 1,"dick cheney finally hunts down, kills man he shot in face in 2006" 0," It doesn't look like the UK has been doing too bad. Crime has actually been decreasing." 0,gop's confirmation of lynch won't change anything with obama 1,So you support allowing a 10 y/o to buy an Uzi and carry it into a federal court house or school as long as he does not commit a crime? Wow. And your logic about taking criminals off the street and then having no gun control concerns would be perfect...if we had a finite number of criminals. We don't. New murderers and theives and carjackers and dope dealers and bank robbers and child rapists are born every day. 1,even business card trying too hard 1,rick scott orders hurricane michael to evacuate from florida 0,"florida newspaper blasts marco rubio: 'you are ripping us off, senator'" 1,"Here we go again. emoticonXRolleyes Another bible thumping straight individual with no formal training in the subject matter, professing to be an expert on how homosexuals feel. Get a life." 0,"Mythology. But nevertheless, shipbuilding has been going on for a lot longer than 500 years. There have been a lot of skilled shipbuilders who have passed along their knowledge from generation to generation. Do you think that every time someone builds a ship that they invent the whole process? Nah. 300 ft is about the limit for wood no matter how you design it. Even worse it you cast a big box adrift in a huge storm. How did the animals survive the rolling and rolling?" 0,texas republicans urge trump-style immigration crackdown 1,area man finally in enough pain to go to doctor 1,'98 camaros test higher than owners 0,"how chronic stress can create hormonal havoc, part two" 0,jeremy lin makes it a gold christmas for lakers 0,sam smith's pop rise: how a uk soul man came out and still became america's next top idol 1,netflix gently reminds 'arrested development' fans that new episodes of the show won't actually solve world's problems 1,vegetarian can't bring self to eat ihop's funny face pancakes 0,i am addicted to goodwill 1,leather-clad nomads seize power in australia 1,"Oh please, have you looked in any economics, business or law departments recently?" 1,parents legally change 9-year-old's name to better reflect current pop culture 0,eric cantor's new job 0,"And depending on what human is ""finding the answers"" it can unfortunately cheapen and deny many central Biblical teachings." 0,internal email: sinclair ceo tells employees not to let 'extremists' bully them 1,showers with girlfriend increasingly cleansing-focused 0,deconstructing stigma: helping yourself and others 1,report: turkey sandwiches an excellent source of turkey sandwiches 1,bush calls for end to 'era of political argument' 0,donald trump 'sad to see' confederate monuments being taken down 1,cameraman finds sole black person in studio audience 1,"aaron eckhart likes to make one frankenstein movie for them, one frankenstein movie for himself" 1,oscar mayer inedibles not huge success 0,samsung just unveiled its thinnest phone ever 0,bestselling author marie force provides her path to success 0,the role moderate republicans played in passing the civil rights act of 1964 1,creepy older brand clearly targeting female 18-to-24-year-olds 1,bush calls in national marching band to lift u.s. spirits 1,stephen miller furious at propublica for only releasing 7-minute recording of immigrant children sobbing 1,"You should really think about what you say before you say it. I have heard this before and its garbish, I have been around and owned guns my whole life and I have never, not even once, had the thought of getting a gun just because someone ###### me off. I would never use a gun on a person unless that person were a viable threat to my life, such as coming at me with a knife for example." 0,shaky ukrainian ceasefire largely holds 0,houses of worship explore creative designs to serve people with disabilities 1,nra criticizes video game makers for downplaying portrayal of euphoric rush felt watching light leave enemy's eyes 0,"6 months of trump, 6 lessons learned" 0,heartbroken locals hold candlelight vigil for taco bell that burned down 0,"we aren't doing enough to help syrian refugees, but how much more can we do?" 0,why there are tiny holes at the bottom of windows on planes 1,trump locked out of white house after accidentally revoking own security clearance 0,hurricane harvey is just the latest in facebook's fake news problem 0,hillary clinton makes her final pitch of the election in north carolina 1,americans bravely go to polls despite threat of electing congress 0,watch: how do you train for a competitive eating contest? 1,controversial christian faction believes jesus was nailed to two parallel pieces of wood 1,monarch butterfly makes directorial debut on 'nature' episode 0,"Well, the question I am asking is for you to provide a valid scientific prediction based on creationism." 1,inside: the fetish photography of german chancellor helmut kohl 1,all y'all urged to go fuck yo' selves 1,everything that's wrong with business in america given promotion 0,why you shouldn't visit iceland during the summer 1,"'just illegalize us already,' nation's assault weapons beg" 0,dustin hoffman accusers speak out about alleged abuse in joint nbc interview 0,i fell in love carrying another man's child 0,sunday meal planner: get through the week with breakfast enchiladas and more 1,Ted Kennedy was on the no fly list or in other words a terrorist. How he got there was not known. It took him with all the weight he had a struggle to get off. Weasel hole out of that. 0,solitute creek is deaver at his most dynamic 1,winner didn't even know it was pie-eating contest 1,"'it's just a costume, it's just a costume,' man nervously assures himself as giant hot dog starts walking toward him" 0,how early-life stress could increase risk of anxiety and depression later in life 1,g20 leaders attend saudi crown prince's informative seminar on eliminating dissident journalists 0,trump aims to limit the education department's influence in new order 0,transitional: #1 summer design style 1,paul lynde impersonation lost on daughter's friends 1,johnson & johnson introduces self-lotioning baby 1,man playing 'battlefield v' has now spent more of life fighting nazis than grandfather did 1,"trump offers clear, historical precedent for deploying u.s. military with no provocation" 0,Just because it doesn't make it into press doesn't mean that normal self-defense doesn't occur and is illegal. 1,annoying youtube algorithm not letting man forget single time he watched 14 hours straight of hitler speeches 1,nation excited to see whatever bile the internet spews up today 1,"jimmy stewart: 'please god, i want to live again'" 0,pittsburgh penguins defeat san jose sharks 3-1 to claim the stanley cup 1,"The fact that YOU could see no alternative except for ALL and EACH shows a shortcoming in YOUR mental abilities, not mine. Here are just a few alternatives to ALL you apparently didn't know exist. SOME MANY MOST FEW It's no my fault your vocabulary and mental abilities are so limited. " 0,"wilbur and orville wright meet tom hanks: natgeo, pay attention -- this is how it's done" 0,family business 0,5 things teens want to tell you 0,"Well try Arkansas (75/25), Georgia (76/24), Kentucky (75/25), Michigan (59/41), Mississippi (86/14), Montana (67/33), North Dakota (73/27), Ohio (62/38), Oklahoma (76/24), Oregon (57/43), and Utah (66/34). All of these margins were well above the percentage of votes cast for Bush and Kerry, respectively. Ohio, for instance, went to Bush by 2%, but the ban was passed by 24%. Bush lost Oregon by 4%, but the ban passed by 14%. Bush lost Michigan by 3%, but the ban passed by 18%. The margin of victory for each of these states exceeds George Bush's margin of victory in that state. Those extra votes had to come from somewhere, and it seems like many people other than the ""religious right"" feel the same way." 0,reese witherspoon voices disappointment at oscars' astonishing lack of diversity 0,declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's inquiry into saudi arabia 1,japanese family puts aging robot in retirement home 1,american classmates having difficulty understanding better educated foreign exchange student 0,"'uncharted 4' director bruce straley talks diversity, storytelling tips and more" 1,So how is the oil and gas agreement with China working out for you antipodeans? 0,miracle cyclist crashes into high-speed train and survives 0,"nikki haley takes a swipe at marco rubio, saying he 'believes in amnesty'" 1,"You would say that, because you are neither a woman, nor gay. Families were ruled by the husband with a clenched iron fist by the way, and women and children had few rights. The family structure was ""secure"" that way. Yes, the fact that there was lower teen pregnancy outside of marriage, is just such a good thing in and of itself. This meant fewer people burning in hell, which is what is really important.emoticonXRolleyes" 0,sunday roundup 0,the wave: the single greatest threat to new relationships 0,watch: mama weasel won't let teeny baby fall behind 0,"if an ice cap melts in the arctic and the gop doesn't see it, did it really melt?" 1,"study: only 40% of mice have little welcome mat, doorway leading to tiny home inside wall" 0,"Well then quit trolling, and start debunking the BS by providing links to cases that were solved by having a gun registry in place." 1,nato airstrike destroys key taliban day care center 0,"i'm sick of apathy -- and you should be, too" 1,"new instant lottery game features three ways to win, 19,839,947 ways to lose" 1,shaken secretary of transportation reduces speed limit to 5 mph after witnessing accident 0,george takei has the perfect response to dumb questions about gay people 1,seaworld whales demand 10 percent chum increase 1,new evidence suggests dinosaurs died in cretaceous period hospice 0,Yea I agree with you on how there was no exact se t of laws at the beginning of creation. The reason I say that they most likely didn't marry their sisters is mostly cause God gets mad at Cain and places a mark on his head so everyone he runs across will not kill him unless they want to die a death 10 times worse than his. Kinda just says that there are other people out there. 1,irish-americans gear up for 'the reinforcin' o' the stereotypes' 0,south korean president shakes hands with north korean leaders during winter olympics opening ceremony 0,He only understands natural selection when he belives that it goes against what is accepted by scientists. 0,"We don't know for sure. Traditionally thought to be Homer but is probably from oral tradition. Single authorship itself is disputed. Beyond that, I don't know much about it. What is your point in asking this question?" 1,"Insects are not birds. Get your terminology correct. Also please stop lying. It makes baby jesus cry. " 0,what gets lost when a real murder becomes an entertainment craze 1,"I'd love to know what would constitute ""impartial"" in your view. Btw who'd scrutinize the board? Why don't you pro-compulsory birthing folks just start a fund and offer to pay women $100,000+ for carrying to term and surrendering the baby. I'd bet you'd have many takers. Can you get a second mortgage on a trailer?" 0,mom shows why mothers have 'earned' their postpartum 'stripes' 1,aftershock a real 'fuck you' to earthquake victims 1,report: things finally as bad as trump claims 0,we ain't germans 1,"****! I go to Home Depot, have a basic understanding of car maintenance, love to fish, always wear sensible shoes and will frequently go without make-up. I never knew I was a XXXX. Man if I can't get my stereotypes right, I guess I will just have to give up my crush on the cute dude guitar player I saw last night..... :p" 0,shirtless goofball in flag underwear invades field at world series 1,college accepts safety student just in case top choices don't work out 0,"In this case, I will present the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection as evidence that life is evolving. As the evidence has been shown to support it, you are the person who should be presenting evidence. Currently, your assertion that organisms are ""devolving"" because of mutations has been shown to be faulty." 1,yosemite national park completes construction on new 6-lane scenic driving trail 1,ron desantis clarifies that 'monkey' comment was intended as subtle enough dog whistle to get away with 1,george lucas announces gala 21st anniversary star wars rerelease 1,cinemax director wins award for skinematography 1,man ruthlessly scolds other man online for having opinion he held less than 2 years ago 0,"So God already knows if a particular person will become an addict? That doesn't leave much free choice for that person, does it? If I go to a restaurant and God already knows I'm going to choose the poached salmon for my entree, then I don't have much choice in the matter, do I? Omniscience and free will are mutually exclusive. If God is omniscient, then we are indeed ultimately robots. Deluded with the perception of free will, but robots none the less.Unless of course, God is so omnipotent that he can know everything and still allow free choice. But then reason, logic, and thought become delusional. Sounds like a loose / loose situation to me." 1,study: average person's enjoyment of vacation drops 36% for each additional family member present 1,fat couple's love like a fat flower 0,"on this week's best-dressed list, gabrielle union pulls a hat trick" 0,"LOL! If my post was about either of those things, I would cut it down. The vast majority of the post, however, is about the objections to irreducible complexity." 1,ryan seacrest nervous about how audiences will respond to slightly shorter haircut 0,'a quiet place' reclaims top spot at the box office 0,is it just me or have kids become extra suave recently? 1,joe biden shows up to inauguration with ponytail 1,stripper not in phone book 1,"census bureau: 9,000 to 15,000 people work at census bureau" 1,steve bannon mixes discarded climate change report with saliva to build final wall of nest 0,meet the man who helps hollywood stay sober 1,buzzfeed editors unsure how to spin petraeus story into reason the '90s were great 0,12 stylish easter ideas that go beyond the holiday 0,donald trump's campaign flails trying to defend his 'rigged election' talk 0,st. vincent will direct film adaptation of 'dorian gray' with female lead 1,Oh my!!!!! and Huffington Post think the guy was at fault! Get out! 0,"End the guessing right now. Don't guess. The meaning of the 2nd Amendment is explained in two documents: 1) The Militia Act of 1792 and 2) Federalist Papers #29. Both of which was written by the same Congress and same men who wrote the 2nd Amendment, the Constitution, and established the political philosophy of our country.First the Militia Act states WE AREA ALL IN THE MILITIA and that all citizens bring thier own weapons. - more broader philosophy and intent of the 2nd Amendment and the Militia Act is further explained in the Federalist #29. - documents are the thoughts and intent of the men who wrote the 2nd Amendment. So gun control slime are guessing or trying to reinvent history when they think gun ownership is collective. None of these documents anywhere support the collective idea." 1,single mom ready to get back out there during 30 minutes per week she's not working or watching daughter 0,you wanted government run like a business? you got it. 1,lazy wildlife rescuer lets oily pelicans pile up in sink for 5 days 0,lena dunham's dog quiz is shameful 0,why suing your bank could help others avoid being ripped off 0,everything you need to know about mike kelley 0,new 'oitnb' trailer is all about hugs and 'naked cat fights in the shower' 1,life-raft companion looks just like juicy steak 1,"script could use another pass, mom says" 0,"to fight radicalization in southeast asia, empower the women" 0,"Well, we'll ignore the fact that you think dinos are the same as modern day reptiles, and we'll ignore the fact that you are assuming that what goes today must have gone before (something you rant against on a daily basis). Who said anything about reptiles or dinosaurs?" 1,ex-sniper shot dead after surviving years in harrowing united states 0,the problem with getting too much light at night 0,"What basis do fundamental rights derive from? In other words, how can we tell whether something is a fundamental human right?" 1,"If you thought I was agreeing with JPSarte on that, apparently YOU have a problem reading my posts. My original statement on the matter: ""let's not assume SCOTUS wouldn't take it on. They've proven numerous times that they are willing to take on cases that are deemed controversial."" (read carefully now)" 0,mountain west and plains best places to retire in u.s. 1,diet candy's aftertaste experienced 12 years later 0,"I am hardly a phyicist, but I am under the impression that there is at least some people who feel there is reason that there are 'uncaused causes'. I think thatthe terms used are 'Vacuum flucuations', and 'virtual particles'. I am not awareof any peer reviewed articles on it , but a popular press book is 'Achilles in the quantum world' by Richard Morris." 1,police find adorable little skeleton 0,playing monopoly with our lives 0,tiny changes {today's buddha doodle} 1,"Hardy, har har! It is nice to see sinjin is still ""hanging"" around :)" 1,report: you're far too dumb to be reading the mueller report yourself 0,prison escapee caught in florida after 56 years on the run 0,turkey's increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers 1,alcoholic parent easy to shop for 0,yo soy blanco 1,customer who declined initial offer of assistance from floor salesman comes crawling back 0,would you rather: max rockatansky or nux from 'mad max: fury road' 1,nation descends into utter moral chaos following 'dear abby' writer's death 0,consumer beware in biomedical research and women's health 1,"'this will be the end of trump's campaign,' says increasingly nervous man for seventh time this year" 0,i won't be coming home for christmas: the christmas experience in prison 0,"white house defends jeff sessions leading fbi director search, despite recusal promise" 1,"'once they put me on cheeses, i will finally be happy,' says costco employee handing out free vienna sausage samples" 0,russell simmons denies rape accusations with #notme 1,senator's myspace top 8 all corporations 1,"Nope, that wasn't one of mine. But Easyrider does seem to be contradicting himself now. Either that or he can't see how someone who does not believe in Jesus can be a nice person. Obviously, he just hasn't met the right people. Smiley" 0,Well then move out of the rough areas. Stop staying in them like some battered spouse who can't seem to break the cycle of abuse and leave their partner.Stop whining about how bad life is because there are guns in America. Imagine how much better if would be if the drug dealers and mass murderers weren't allowed to walk the streets as if they owned them. 0,"alaska airlines employee calls tomi lahren 'tami,' twitter loves it" 0,"Thanks Duo.peddler, how about you actually address the points I put to you originally?""Off course, you might be trying to infer that because there are differences of opinion in the field of evolution makes the whole notion irrelevant. I disagree, but if you insist we will examine differences in opinion between different groups within, lets see......... how about Christianity? Do they make the whole religion completely rejectable?""Cheers :)" 0,facebook reportedly working on healthcare features and apps 0,"Yes. I believe it's a matter of personal individual freedom. If purchased legally, and not used to commit a crime, what harm comes from handgun ownership? I don't own one, but I own many other guns. If they can ban handguns, what's to stop them from banning shotguns, or even BB guns? I don't believe in a nanny state, taking away my toys ""for my own good"". Waxy" 1,trump boys ransack mueller's office to steal answer key to questions for their dad 0,mat kearney gets a 'second wind' with new album and tour 0,mitch mcconnell says americans won't tolerate democrats blocking supreme court nominations 0,obamacare premiums will be way higher next year. they didn't have to be. 1,clinton tests positive for presidency-enhancing drugs 0,somebody give this kid a trophy 1,sweatshop worker doesn't even want to know working conditions of place her company gets fabric 1,distracted priest pronounces couple 'man and plumbing problem' 1,mtv shifts focus to youth 0,"maybe ""billionnaire"" should mean helping 1 billion people instead of making $1 billion" 0,for that parent who's not the sharpest crayon in the box: a poem 1,hillary clinton wows russians with poignant chekhovian monologue 1,voice of patrick stewart lends air of legitimacy 0,"after seeing this, you're going to want to run to banana republic" 1,wheelchair-bound student would have preferred to sit out pep rally 1,new desk chair a boring dream come true 0,14 michigan state reps reportedly heard about abuser larry nassar and did nothing 1,"Hey! When you make yourself look like a fool, I let you know. When you are wrong, as you often are, I let you know. When you act like a pompous XXX and try to correct others when you lack the knowledge to do so, I let you know. I talk down to you, since you are fundamentally ignorant. Others, I try to instruct. Work on your English. It is pretty good for a non native speaker but it could stand some improvement." 1,And you're a poor replacement for that koolaid-drinking Seer Travis. 1,"Your ""opinion"" was a kindergarten question outlining a ""problem"" that never existed, a ""problem"" that was explained to you 3 or 4 times. How is it our fault that you ask such embarassing questions repeatedly, despite having the answers explained to you repeatedly? How does this reflect poorly on anyone but you?" 0,central african republic and its neglected tropical diseases 1,area man to start curling his 2s 0,"trump's diplomacy is inappropriate, delicious" 1,taylor swift grateful kanye west controversy taking heat off new swastika tattoo 0,did the hurricanes change the climate debate? 1,restaurant gives totally unwanted twist to mexican cuisine 1,new desktop folder created for sad little creative project 0,walton foundation pledges $1 billion for charter schools 0,my experience of coming out in kentucky... 0,friday talking points -- mcconnell for sale! 1,'modern family' appears at 9 p.m. just as prophesied in 'tv guide' 0,newt gingrich thinks nepotism laws shouldn't apply to trump administration 1,man entirely different misogynist online than in real life 1,movie fails to deliver stupidity promised in preview 1,enjoyment of steve miller band's 'jungle love' last piece of common ground in america 1,hot puerto rican scientist sweeps latin nobel prize awards 0,this is what happens when you search 'pumpkin spice' on nordstrom 0,this year's flu season looks like a bad one — and it could be coming early 1,cheap airfare sole reason for trip to italy 1,innovative fat man combines waffles with ice cream 1,I am still waiting for you to tell me why the gay priests only molested boys.......It has to do with how they are physically contructed......... 1,'rock the vote' propels metallica to senate 0,global political crises boil down to two words: fossil fuels 1,giant hole swallowing up your house added to list of things to worry about 1,rest of world not biting on couple's open relationship 1,woman bids farewell to former self before beginning new skin care regimen 1,invasive restaurant franchise spreads to third state 0,"veterans mentor chicago's at-risk youth, help them cope with trauma" 0,"chinese university bans christmas, calls it 'kitsch'" 0,"Yet it is the only source I've seen that counted the incedents in which a gun was used in self-defence, but nobody was injured. I could assume that all of your sources and Ians only count occasions where one was injured. According to the source, they'd 91.7% of all times where a gun was used in self-defence." 0,what shale gas revolution means for international energy geopolitics and new world order? 0,united ceo blames 'belligerent' customer for flight melee 1,"Was she on her knees, taking lessons from you...or was she skilled already?" 0,stephen colbert is driving bill o'reilly crazy 1,friend working at milwaukee history museum could probably get you in for free 0,trump tells australia prime minister that he 'hates taking' refugees 0,"Invalid argument to assert that mutations can map a road outside of their assigned task in illogical, where would the information to do so come from? Biology works because every individual cell doing what it was created to do along with what the one next to it was, though created to perform another set of instructions creates the molecular change that the combination of the cells together would produce. But there is no additional information there... not int he way you assert." 0,san juan mayor slams feds' response to puerto rico: 'get your ass moving' 0,"purritos = cats, burritos, the internet. all our favorite things" 1,"This is not to say that every current dictionary includes such a definition... yet... but a number of major on-line ones demonstrably do, and to my knowledge human civilization has yet to suffer any negative effects. (By the way, the above entries also include the typical ""husband and wife"" kind of arrangement as well. Funny how words can have more than one meaning, isn't it?)" 0,the art of listening 0,"Cite the books. As far as I know, the evolution of the peppered moths is used as an example of natural selection. You don't seem to have understood. Again, cite the books. None I ever used ever claimed that it was proof of evolution." 0,"And from this we are to infer that Leakey doubts human evolution? There is by now a huge variety of fossil hominids. If Leakey was admitting that it was difficult to be certain which were or were not directly ancestral to modern humans, this is no more than scientific honesty."