# from othersets import load_otherset import os # load all text files from ./other/texts, return a list of strings def load_texts(): texts = [] for filename in os.listdir('./other/texts'): with open('./other/texts/' + filename, 'r') as f: texts.append(f.read()) return texts # create a jsonl file with the text content on the 'target' column, and the humber in the 'image_relpath ' def create_jsonl(texts): with open('./other/texts.jsonl', 'w') as f: for i, text in enumerate(texts): f.write('{"image_relpath": "' + str(i+1) + '.png", "target": "' + text + '"}\n') # start the process if __name__ == '__main__': texts = load_texts() create_jsonl(texts)