1 00:00:00,133 --> 00:00:01,000 I don't know either 2 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,666 I only know that I don't want him to leave the Su family 3 00:00:03,666 --> 00:00:05,200 Just want him to stay by my side 4 00:00:05,200 --> 00:00:07,166 So don't say you want to 5 00:00:07,966 --> 00:00:08,900 He doesn't believe it 6 00:00:09,600 --> 00:00:10,400 you 7 00:00:11,066 --> 00:00:12,733 我真想把you的头盖骨掀开来 8 00:00:12,733 --> 00:00:13,966 Pour out the water inside 9 00:00:14,466 --> 00:00:16,166 他要是让you能幸福就算了 10 00:00:17,300 --> 00:00:19,166 you把他叫过来我跟他说不行 11 00:00:19,200 --> 00:00:20,766 you这样我更不敢结婚了 12 00:00:22,166 --> 00:00:24,066 大小姐you清醒一点啊 13 00:00:24,066 --> 00:00:25,100 you是个瘸子 14 00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:27,500 you就想这么跟他共度余生啊 15 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:29,166 I can't do this either, can I 16 00:00:29,166 --> 00:00:30,666 I can make money myself 17 00:00:30,766 --> 00:00:31,933 He can protect me, that's enough 18 00:00:33,266 --> 00:00:34,066 He protects 19 00:00:34,466 --> 00:00:34,500 you 20 00:00:34,500 --> 00:00:35,400 He can't even stand up 21 00:00:35,400 --> 00:00:36,400 他拿什么保护you 22 00:00:36,666 --> 00:00:37,800 我保护you还差不多 23 00:00:37,933 --> 00:00:38,933 you怎么不嫁给我 24 00:00:39,566 --> 00:00:40,733 Anyway, you can't go in cheap 25 00:00:40,866 --> 00:00:42,366 Oh, my good bamboo 26 00:00:42,366 --> 00:00:43,933 you别这样 27 00:00:44,100 --> 00:00:44,866 Well 28 00:00:44,866 --> 00:00:45,866 Hey, come on 29 00:00:45,866 --> 00:00:47,366 That Ning Zhuo still knows Marshal 30 00:00:47,366 --> 00:00:48,466 you俩又同在北京 31 00:00:48,466 --> 00:00:49,933 说不定you俩之前还见过 32 00:00:50,333 --> 00:00:51,133 you说 33 00:00:51,700 --> 00:00:52,700 His name is Ning Zhuo 34 00:00:53,266 --> 00:00:54,366 I also know Yuan Zuzong 35 00:00:54,666 --> 00:00:56,100 怎么you认识 36 00:00:56,466 --> 00:00:58,266 Thanks to Marshal last night 37 00:00:58,266 --> 00:01:00,500 For the sake of Ning Zhuo, take action to break free 38 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:02,166 Otherwise, our family would be in big trouble 39 00:01:02,366 --> 00:01:04,000 I haven't heard of this woman before 40 00:01:04,466 --> 00:01:06,066 Maybe it's just the same surname 41 00:01:06,066 --> 00:01:07,000 you仔细说 42 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:08,800 Saying swiping card failed 43 00:01:12,100 --> 00:01:14,866 You may have an issue with the permissions of this card later on 44 00:01:14,866 --> 00:01:15,900 I'll take care of it 45 00:01:16,100 --> 00:01:17,366 You will be seated later 46 00:01:25,733 --> 00:01:27,800 Auntie, do you want to try again 47 00:01:27,800 --> 00:01:28,733 Ah, okay 48 00:01:31,366 --> 00:01:32,300 Swipe card failed 49 00:01:35,166 --> 00:01:36,000 Forget it, forget it 50 00:01:36,300 --> 00:01:38,500 Let's talk about it later if we don't brush it 51 00:01:38,766 --> 00:01:39,566 and so on 52 00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:41,266 Security guard, stop 53 00:01:41,566 --> 00:01:43,333 you们you们要 54 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:44,800 What are you doing