1 00:00:03,866 --> 00:00:06,566 Hey, Zhang Shao, do you think this can be done 2 00:00:06,900 --> 00:00:07,733 Oh, my goodness 3 00:00:07,733 --> 00:00:11,366 Don't worry, I believe Mr. Yu will definitely save me face 4 00:00:11,933 --> 00:00:12,966 Not only Mr. Yu 5 00:00:13,066 --> 00:00:15,800 Even Zhao Heilong from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce 6 00:00:15,933 --> 00:00:17,000 We can all make it 7 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:18,700 hey 8 00:00:18,700 --> 00:00:19,900 It is said that President Zhao 9 00:00:19,900 --> 00:00:22,200 But one of the top underground bosses in Cangzhou 10 00:00:22,700 --> 00:00:26,966 It's really tempting to call this person hahaha 11 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:29,800 President Zhao is hosting a banquet for distinguished guests today 12 00:00:30,100 --> 00:00:31,866 After this matter is completed 13 00:00:31,866 --> 00:00:33,566 I'll take you up and show you around 14 00:00:33,566 --> 00:00:36,166 跟赵会长熟悉熟悉heyhey 15 00:00:36,500 --> 00:00:37,900 Thank you, Zhang Cheng 16 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:39,200 No thanks 17 00:00:40,266 --> 00:00:41,066 thank 18 00:00:48,300 --> 00:00:50,600 Ask your mother, do you deserve it 19 00:00:51,066 --> 00:00:54,333 Oh, my goodness李total你真会开玩笑快快坐 20 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:56,733 Get out of here 21 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:57,800 Who's joking with you 22 00:01:04,266 --> 00:01:05,666 She looks really good 23 00:01:07,466 --> 00:01:08,266 Tender 24 00:01:08,666 --> 00:01:09,900 Can pinch the water out 25 00:01:09,900 --> 00:01:10,933 Mr. Yu, please take care of yourself 26 00:01:13,666 --> 00:01:14,466 total 27 00:01:14,466 --> 00:01:18,100 I invited you over today to discuss the final payment with you 28 00:01:19,466 --> 00:01:23,266 The remaining balance of 20 million owed to our Qiao Group should be repaid