import pandas as _pd from skimage import io as _io import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt from pathlib import Path as _Path from PIL import Image as _Image # Ignore warnings import warnings as _warnings _warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") _plt.ion() # interactive mode class MORRIS(): _storage_csv='morris.csv' _storage_jpg='jpgs' def __init__(self,root=_Path(__file__).parent,transform=False): = _Path(root) self.transform = transform self.index = _pd.read_csv( / self._storage_csv) def torch(self): import torch from torchvision import transforms class MORRISTORCH(,MORRIS): def __init__(self,root=_Path(__file__).parent,transform=False): super().__init__(root,transform) def show(self,idx): name=None if isinstance(idx,str): if idx in idx = self.index.index[][0] idx = int(idx) name =[idx] print(f"found item {idx} by name {name}") else: raise ValueError('item name not found') if isinstance(idx,int): name =[idx] _plt.title(name) _plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(self.__getitem__(idx)[0])) else: _plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(idx)) def __getitem__(self,idx): item = self.index.iloc[idx].to_dict() image = _io.imread( / self._storage_jpg / self.index.iloc[idx].filename) image = torch.tensor(image).permute(2,0,1) if self.transform: image = self.transform(image) item = [image,item['name'],item['year']] return item return MORRISTORCH(str(,self.transform) def __len__(self): return len(self.index) def __getitem__(self,idx): item = self.index.iloc[idx].to_dict() image = _io.imread( / self._storage_jpg / self.index.iloc[idx].filename) if self.transform: image = self.transform(image) item['image'] = image return item def show(self,idx): if isinstance(idx,str): if idx in idx = self.index.index[][0] idx = int(idx) name =[idx] print(f"found item {idx} by name {name}") else: raise ValueError('item name not found') if isinstance(idx,int): _item = self.__getitem__(idx) image = _item['image'] name = _item['name'] _plt.title(name) _plt.imshow(_Image.fromarray(image)) else: try: _plt.imshow(_Image.fromarray(idx)) except AttributeError: _plt.imshow(_Image.fromarray(idx.permute(1,2,0).numpy())) def _self_validate(self): """try loading each image in the dataset""" allgood=True for idx in range(len(self)): try: self[idx] except: allgood=False print(f"couldn't load {self.index.iloc[idx].filename}") if allgood: print(f"All good. {len(self)} images loadable.") class Deframe(object): """check for uniform color boundaries on edges of input and crop them away""" from torch import Tensor def __init__(self,aggressive=False,maxPixelFrame=20): self.alpha = 0.1 if aggressive else 0.01 self.maxPixelFrame = maxPixelFrame def _map2idx(self,frameMap): try: return frameMap.tolist().index(False) except ValueError: return self.maxPixelFrame def _Border(self,img: Tensor): """ take greyscale Tensor return left,right,top,bottom border size identified """ import torch top = left = right = bottom = 0 # expected image variance hvar,wvar = torch.mean(torch.var(img,dim=0)), torch.mean(torch.var(img,dim=1)) # use image variance and alpha to identify too-uniform frame borders top = torch.var(img[:self.maxPixelFrame,:],dim=1) < wvar*(1+self.alpha) top = self._map2idx(top) bottom = torch.var(img[-self.maxPixelFrame:,:],dim=1) < wvar*(1+self.alpha) bottom = self._map2idx(bottom) left = torch.var(img[:,:self.maxPixelFrame],dim=0) < hvar*(1+self.alpha) left = self._map2idx(left) right = torch.var(img[:,-self.maxPixelFrame:],dim=0) < hvar*(1+self.alpha) right = self._map2idx(right) return (top,bottom,right,left) def __call__(self,img: Tensor): import torchvision top,bottom,right,left = self._Border(torchvision.transforms.Grayscale()(img)[0]) height = img.shape[1]-(top+bottom) width = img.shape[2]-(left+right) print(f"t{top} b{bottom} l{left} r{right}") return torchvision.transforms.functional.crop(img,top,left,height,width)