{"id": 69263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Pixar financoval Steve Jobs.", "evidence": [[[85949, 98264, "Pixar", 1, "Pixar"]], [[85951, 98266, "Pixar", 1, "Pixar"]]], "claim_en": "Pixar was funded by Steve Jobs."} {"id": 76367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Američtí bohové je román.", "evidence": [[[93230, 106166, "Američtí bohové", 0, "American Gods"]], [[93230, 106167, "Američtí bohové", 1, "American Gods"]], [[93230, 106168, "Američtí bohové", 20, "American Gods"]]], "claim_en": "American Gods is a novel."} {"id": 202784, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Despicable Me 2 režíroval výhradně Elmo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Despicable Me 2 was directed exclusively by Elmo."} {"id": 42892, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "San Jose v Kalifornii je páté nejlidnatější město ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[130607, 145394, "San José (Kalifornie)", 1, "San Jose, California"]], [[132253, 147138, "San José (Kalifornie)", 1, "San Jose, California"]], [[310630, 300671, "San José (Kalifornie)", 1, "San Jose, California"]], [[312136, 301992, "San José (Kalifornie)", 1, "San Jose, California"]], [[312137, 301993, "San José (Kalifornie)", 1, "San Jose, California"]]], "claim_en": "San Jose, California is the fifth most populous city in the Untied States."} {"id": 122797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Američtí bohové je kniha.", "evidence": [[[144215, 159263, "Američtí bohové", 0, "American Gods"]], [[144215, 159264, "Američtí bohové", 13, "American Gods"]]], "claim_en": "American Gods is a book."} {"id": 31119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vydavatelství Dr. Dre je bezejmenné.", "evidence": [[[47262, 56382, "Dr. Dre", 1, "Dr. Dre"]], [[47262, 56383, "Dr. Dre", 2, "Dr. Dre"]], [[47262, 56384, "Dr. Dre", 13, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre's label is nameless."} {"id": 157557, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Islandská pobřežní stráž je veřejná instituce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Icelandic Coast Guard is a public institution."} {"id": 194294, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billie Jean je film Michaela Jacksona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billie Jean is a film by Michael Jackson."} {"id": 123179, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alžběta z Yorku se v roce 1809 provdala za krále.", "evidence": [[[144673, 159676, "Alžběta z Yorku", 0, "Elizabeth of York"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth of York married the king in 1809."} {"id": 50224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "CeeLo Green je boxer.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "CeeLo Green is a boxer."} {"id": 135380, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fabian Cancellara se narodil 13. března 1981.", "evidence": [[[157975, 172591, "Fabian Cancellara", 0, "Fabian Cancellara"]]], "claim_en": "Fabian Cancellara was born on March 13, 1981."} {"id": 121836, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Gerrard byl pouze odmítnut na pozici kapitána anglické fotbalové reprezentace.", "evidence": [[[143044, 158152, "Steven Gerrard", 12, "Steven Gerrard"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Gerrard has only been denied the position of captain of the England national football team."} {"id": 171276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Americký televizní sitcom, který běžel šest sezón, se jmenuje Cougar Town.", "evidence": [[[197677, 207665, "Město žen (seriál)", 0, "Cougar Town"]]], "claim_en": "An American television sitcom that ran for six seasons is Cougar Town."} {"id": 187994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Love zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník ze skupiny Beach Boys.", "evidence": [[[219367, 225397, "Mike Love", 0, "Mike Love"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Love a singer, songwriter, and musician from the Beach Boys."} {"id": 40891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 600 př. n. l. byl založen Istanbul.", "evidence": [[[121536, 135813, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[123370, 137825, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[124924, 139254, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[308691, 299011, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[308694, 299013, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "in the 600s BCE, Istanbul was founded."} {"id": 209550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spánek může být narušen dyssomnií, nespavostí, hypersomnií, narkolepsií, spánkovou apnoe, parasomnií, náměsíčností, poruchou chování REM, bruxismem a poruchami cirkadiánního rytmu spánku.", "evidence": [[[248108, 248352, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]], [[248110, 248353, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]]], "claim_en": "Sleep can be disrupted by dyssomnia, insomnia, hypersomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, parasomnia, sleepwalking, REM behavior disorder, bruxism, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders."} {"id": 186613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Keys se objevila v americkém komediálně-dramatickém filmu z roku 2007.", "evidence": [[[217707, 224192, "Alicia Keys", 19, "Alicia Keys"], [217707, 224192, "Holka na hlídání", 0, "The Nanny Diaries (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys has appeared in a 2007 American comedy-drama film."} {"id": 55338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš má o něm přesvědčení.", "evidence": [[[173942, 187123, "Ježíš Kristus", 15, "Jesus"]], [[173942, 187124, "Ježíš Kristus", 28, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus has beliefs about him."} {"id": 223961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová je americká herečka a hudebnice.", "evidence": [[[266810, 263670, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 0, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood is an American actress and musician."} {"id": 131693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olivia Wilde se narodila v 80. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[34916, 42335, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde was born in the 1980's."} {"id": 102060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gimli pochází ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[121711, 136015, "Gimli", 0, "Gimli (Middle-earth)"]]], "claim_en": "Gimli is from the United States."} {"id": 144262, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Pátek třináctého je romantický dějový zvrat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Friday the 13th features a romantic plot twist."} {"id": 57251, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Autorem seriálu Doctor Who jsou staří Řekové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doctor Who was written by the Ancient Greeks."} {"id": 174902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "50 First Dates je americký film z roku 2004.", "evidence": [[[202258, 211577, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates is a 2004 American film."} {"id": 101478, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Samuel L. Jackson je velmi kontroverzní politik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Samuel L. Jackson is a highly controversial politician."} {"id": 101151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První světová válka probíhala od 28. července 1914 do 11. listopadu 1918.", "evidence": [[[118910, 132766, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]]], "claim_en": "WWI was fought from the 28th of July, 1914 to the 11th of November, 1918."} {"id": 128556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním výkonným orgánem vlády Nizozemska je unitární parlamentní konstituční monarchie.", "evidence": [[[150580, 165451, "Nizozemsko", 18, "Netherlands"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands main executive body of government is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy."} {"id": 78942, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Brolin se narodil 18. července 1940.", "evidence": [[[95887, 108960, "James Brolin", 0, "James Brolin"]]], "claim_en": "James Brolin was born on July 18th, 1940."} {"id": 223506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maisie Williamsová debutovala jako herečka v seriálu Hra o trůny.", "evidence": [[[266243, 263284, "Maisie Williams", 1, "Maisie Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Maisie Williams made her acting debut in Game of Thrones."} {"id": 32995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bohemian Rhapsody má více než 3 minuty.", "evidence": [[[49105, 58440, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 2, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody is over 3 minutes long."} {"id": 162598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boudy se mohou lišit velikostí a složitostí konstrukce.", "evidence": [[[187147, 198836, "Kůlna", 1, "Shed"]]], "claim_en": "Sheds can vary in size and complexity of construction."} {"id": 225275, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian De Palma je americký gymnasta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian De Palma is an American gymnast."} {"id": 10240, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Starším bratrem George W. Bushe je Jeb Bush.", "evidence": [[[25228, 31113, "George W. Bush", 9, "George W. Bush"], [25228, 31113, "George W. Bush", 8, "George W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George W. Bush's older brother is Jeb Bush."} {"id": 226835, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Podle počtu přepravených cestujících je letecká společnost British Airways (BA) druhou největší ve Spojeném království.", "evidence": [[[270475, 266507, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]]], "claim_en": "Based on passengers carried, British Airways (BA) is the second largest in the UK."} {"id": 99281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mickey Rooney se objevil ve filmu Boys Town.", "evidence": [[[116930, 130810, "Mickey Rooney", 13, "Mickey Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Rooney was featured in Boys Town."} {"id": 219488, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jerry Goldsmith během své kariéry s nikým nespolupracoval.", "evidence": [[[261143, 259376, "Jerry Goldsmith", 4, "Jerry Goldsmith"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith failed to collaborate with anybody during his career."} {"id": 224526, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peggy Sue Got Married je komediálně-dramatický film.", "evidence": [[[267544, 264221, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]]], "claim_en": "Peggy Sue Got Married is a comedy-drama movie."} {"id": 104061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zeus je nejmladším ze svých sourozenců, který zemřel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zeus is the youngest of his siblings to die."} {"id": 212904, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Děloha (film) je recenzován J. K. Rowlingovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Womb (film) is reviewed by J.K. Rowling."} {"id": 86173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal Steven King.", "evidence": [[[103339, 116735, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire was written by Steven King."} {"id": 117396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen neobdržel žádné vyznamenání ani ocenění.", "evidence": [[[139859, 154886, "Bruce Springsteen", 9, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen received no honors or awards."} {"id": 157754, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Otec Freda Trumpa byl milionář.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fred Trump's father was a millionaire."} {"id": 210882, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Saw VI byl distribuován do domácností po celé Americe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saw VI was distributed to households across America."} {"id": 89255, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan založil skupinu A Perfect Circle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan founded A Perfect Circle."} {"id": 76873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikola Tesla byl katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla was a Catholic."} {"id": 193238, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Edge of Tomorrow byl vydán jako příloha k aplikaci Toma Cruise pro sociální sítě.", "evidence": [[[226262, 230867, "Na hraně zítřka", 4, "Edge of Tomorrow"]]], "claim_en": "Edge of Tomorrow was released as a tie-in for Tom Cruise's social media app."} {"id": 80537, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shay Halley je také známý jako Satan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shay Halley is also known as Satan."} {"id": 60561, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jerrymu Goldsmithovi byly odepřeny všechny nominace na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[77016, 88408, "Jerry Goldsmith", 7, "Jerry Goldsmith"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith was denied any nominations for Academy Awards."} {"id": 80106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One-Punch Man není televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[97075, 110238, "One Punch Man", 11, "One-Punch Man"], [97075, 110238, "One Punch Man", 0, "One-Punch Man"]]], "claim_en": "One-Punch Man is not a television series."} {"id": 52324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nelson Mandela je africký hudebník.", "evidence": [[[68643, 79504, "Nelson Mandela", 0, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela is an African musician."} {"id": 104819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Inspectah Deck je členem skupiny Wu-Tang Clan.", "evidence": [[[123134, 137473, "Inspectah Deck", 0, "Inspectah Deck"]]], "claim_en": "Inspectah Deck is part of the Wu-Tang Clan."} {"id": 54867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Judith Barsi se narodila 6. června 1978.", "evidence": [[[71211, 82153, "Judith Barsi", 0, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi was born on June 6, 1978."} {"id": 219269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Browning se narodil v roce 1801.", "evidence": [[[260865, 259201, "Robert Browning", 0, "Robert Browning"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Browning was born in 1801."} {"id": 87580, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Hunger Games neměl třetí největší tržby za úvodní víkend v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[104774, 118185, "Hunger Games (film)", 19, "The Hunger Games (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Hunger Games did not have the third-largest opening weekend gross in North America."} {"id": 24778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dubaj je název města.", "evidence": [[[40731, 48989, "Dubaj", 0, "Dubai"]], [[40731, 48990, "Dubaj", 3, "Dubai"]], [[40731, 48991, "Dubaj", 7, "Dubai"]], [[40731, 48992, "Dubaj", 17, "Dubai"]], [[40731, 48993, "Dubaj", 22, "Dubai"]]], "claim_en": "Dubai is the name of a city."} {"id": 106183, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Walter Matthau vlastní auta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Walter Matthau owns cars."} {"id": 112549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mickey Rooney si zahrál roli ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[132071, 146909, "Mickey Rooney", 1, "Mickey Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Rooney played a role in a film."} {"id": 19505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kritici považují Vita Corleoneho za jednu z největších rolí Marlona Branda.", "evidence": [[[35320, 42826, "Marlon Brando", 17, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Critics consider Vito Corleone to be one of Marlon Brando's greatest roles."} {"id": 142174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dangerously in Love je album tria.", "evidence": [[[165233, 179353, "Dangerously in Love", 14, "Dangerously in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love is a trio album."} {"id": 126915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "I Kissed a Girl je kůň.", "evidence": [[[148760, 163795, "I Kissed a Girl", 0, "I Kissed a Girl"]]], "claim_en": "I Kissed a Girl is a horse."} {"id": 86961, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlo je běžně spojováno s čarodějnicemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evil is commonly associated with witches."} {"id": 48223, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Merlin byl ukončen v roce 2008.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Merlin was ended in 2008."} {"id": 102562, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Starbucks každoročně uvádí na trh v Indii svůj nápoj Pumpkin Spice Latte.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Starbucks annually launches their Pumpkin Spice Latte in India."} {"id": 68162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Denzel Washington hrál ve filmu Training Day zkorumpovaného policistu.", "evidence": [[[214564, 221565, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[217985, 224406, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[219941, 225819, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[317492, 306526, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[317493, 306527, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[317494, 306528, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[317502, 306536, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]]], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington played a corrupt cop in Training Day."} {"id": 85470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vandalové založili království v letech 1908 a 1910.", "evidence": [[[102644, 115908, "Vandalové", 0, "Vandals"]], [[102644, 115909, "Vandalové", 12, "Vandals"]], [[102644, 115910, "Vandalové", 14, "Vandals"]]], "claim_en": "The Vandals established kingdoms in 1908 and 1910."} {"id": 81483, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne měla hlavní roli režisérky thrilleru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne had a major role as the director of a thriller film."} {"id": 98734, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noam Chomsky je automobil.", "evidence": [[[116382, 130277, "Noam Chomsky", 0, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky is a car."} {"id": 219382, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tyrion Lannister je bývalé jméno George R. R. Martina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tyrion Lannister is the former name of George R. R. Martin."} {"id": 70755, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Craig hrál ve filmu z roku 2002.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig acted in a 2002 film."} {"id": 75398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau hrál v několika filmech společnosti Fox Broadcasting Company.", "evidence": [[[92187, 104960, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 7, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]]], "claim_en": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was in multiple Fox Broadcasting Company productions."} {"id": 228222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Pratt hrál ve filmu, který v pokladnách kin vydělal 1,6 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[272275, 267954, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt was in the cast of a film that earned $1.6 billion at the box office."} {"id": 228331, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Island Records se angažuje v komunitě na Jamajce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Island Records are involved with the community in Jamaica."} {"id": 216667, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glenn Close debutovala na divadelních prknech ve hře Láska z lásky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glenn Close made her stage debut in Love for Love."} {"id": 90805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spotřebitelský software společnosti Apple Inc. zahrnuje kancelářský balík Microsoft Office.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Apple Inc.'s consumer software includes Microsoft Office."} {"id": 13901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy nebyly po druhé světové válce ve stavu geopolitického napětí se Sovětským svazem.", "evidence": [[[29189, 35604, "Spojené státy americké", 30, "United States"], [29189, 35604, "Studená válka", 0, "Cold War"]]], "claim_en": "The United States was not in a state of geopolitical tension with the Soviet Union after World War II."} {"id": 13752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berry se nenarodila jako Maria Halle Berry.", "evidence": [[[29015, 35386, "Halle Berry", 0, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry was not born Maria Halle Berry."} {"id": 179890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Mysu hrůzy hraje Jennifer Anistonová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cape Fear stars Jennifer Aniston."} {"id": 213241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nil protéká Rwandou.", "evidence": [[[252967, 252842, "Nil", 2, "Nile"], [252967, 252842, "Povodí", 0, "Drainage basin"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through Rwanda."} {"id": 48481, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shailene Woodleyová je divadelní herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shailene Woodley is a theater actor."} {"id": 184608, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Briana Banksová pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Briana Banks is from America."} {"id": 50636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl sériový násilník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial rapist."} {"id": 96701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scott Eastwood je jediný parašutista na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood is the only skydiver in the world."} {"id": 7939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová má herecké schopnosti.", "evidence": [[[12989, 16263, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12990, 16264, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12990, 16265, "Solange Knowles", 3, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12993, 16268, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12993, 16269, "Solange Knowles", 3, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12995, 16271, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]], [[12995, 16272, "Solange Knowles", 3, "Solange Knowles"]], [[20637, 25275, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]], [[20637, 25276, "Solange Knowles", 3, "Solange Knowles"]], [[301243, 292363, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]]], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles has the ability to act."} {"id": 120549, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Toyota vytvořila své první letadlo v roce 1936.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toyota created its first airplane in 1936."} {"id": 143448, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Láska a slitování (film) hraje kočka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Love & Mercy (film) stars a cat."} {"id": 121716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mužský sourozenec Henriho Kontinena je vysloužilý tenista.", "evidence": [[[142917, 158035, "Henri Kontinen", 11, "Henri Kontinen"]]], "claim_en": "Henri Kontinen's male sibling is a retired tennis player."} {"id": 160208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selene vystupuje pouze jako vedlejší postava v akčním hororu z roku 2003.", "evidence": [[[298164, 289712, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"], [298164, 289712, "Underworld (film)", 0, "Underworld (2003 film)"]], [[300267, 291535, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"]], [[343363, 327175, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"]]], "claim_en": "Selene only serves as a minor character in a 2003 action horror film."} {"id": 118110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Irsku mají zábavu.", "evidence": [[[138590, 153673, "Irsko (ostrov)", 36, "Ireland"]]], "claim_en": "In Ireland, they have entertainment."} {"id": 224185, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Moderátorem 66. ročníku udílení cen Primetime Emmy byl americký otec narozený v roce 1973.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards was hosted by an American father born in 1973."} {"id": 139435, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stejnopohlavní sňatky z jiných zemí byly v Jihoafrické republice oficiálně uznávány od roku 1995, ale země povolila uzavírání stejnopohlavních manželství až v roce 2010.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Same-sex marriages from outside countries were officially recognized in South Africa since 1995, but the country only allowed same-sex marriages to be performed there in 2010."} {"id": 74143, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beatles se dochovaly pouze dvě knihy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beatles have only two surviving books left."} {"id": 16213, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski vyrůstala v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski was raised in California."} {"id": 104051, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Oběť pěšce hraje Harrison Ford roli Bobbyho Fischera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pawn Sacrifice stars Harrison Ford as Bobby Fischer."} {"id": 196946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Worcester ve státě Massachusetts leží severně od Providence o 40 mil.", "evidence": [[[231423, 234928, "Worcester (Massachusetts)", 2, "Worcester, Massachusetts"]], [[231424, 234929, "Worcester (Massachusetts)", 2, "Worcester, Massachusetts"]]], "claim_en": "Worcester, Massachusetts is to the north of Providence by 40 mi."} {"id": 23673, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar žil v Indii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar lived in India."} {"id": 172409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Machu Picchu je mayská citadela z 15. století.", "evidence": [[[198990, 208678, "Machu Picchu", 0, "Machu Picchu"]]], "claim_en": "Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Maya citadel."} {"id": 31985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie není silně mnohojazyčná země.", "evidence": [[[94902, 107867, "Tanzanie", 38, "Tanzania"]], [[97051, 110200, "Tanzanie", 38, "Tanzania"]], [[306658, 297292, "Tanzanie", 38, "Tanzania"]], [[306675, 297307, "Tanzanie", 38, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is not a highly multilingual country."} {"id": 70786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jindřich VIII. neprovedl žádné změny v anglické ústavě.", "evidence": [[[87456, 99936, "Jindřich VIII. Tudor", 9, "Henry VIII of England"]]], "claim_en": "Henry VIII didn't make any changes to the English constitution."} {"id": 195247, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Bacon hrál v roce 2004 v dramatickém filmu s Billym Westem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Bacon was in a 2004 drama film starring Billy West."} {"id": 152068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Josef Stalin je nesmrtelný.", "evidence": [[[176023, 188986, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 0, "Joseph Stalin"]], [[176023, 188987, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 1, "Joseph Stalin"]], [[176023, 188988, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 24, "Joseph Stalin"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Stalin is immortal."} {"id": 109232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Trent Reznor byl zaměstnán u Marilyna Mansona.", "evidence": [[[128127, 142844, "Trent Reznor", 10, "Trent Reznor"]]], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor has been employed with Marilyn Manson."} {"id": 156675, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nigerijská ekonomika má být v 21. století jednou z největších na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In the 21st century, the economy of Nigeria is set to be one of the world's largest."} {"id": 123811, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joy Ride je film, ve kterém hrál Paul Walker.", "evidence": [[[145317, 160318, "Paul Walker", 4, "Paul Walker"]], [[145339, 160331, "Paul Walker", 4, "Paul Walker"]]], "claim_en": "Joy Ride is a film that Paul Walker starred in."} {"id": 143607, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak byl indický nacionalista v 19. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak was an Indian nationalist in the 19th century."} {"id": 7312, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seth Rogen namluvil hlas pro film Kronika rodu Spiderwicků.", "evidence": [[[11869, 14885, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [11869, 14885, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[11871, 14887, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [11871, 14887, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[16774, 20776, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [16774, 20776, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[19815, 24360, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [19815, 24360, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[175961, 188931, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"], [175961, 188931, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"]], [[197345, 207408, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[211575, 219243, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"]], [[211575, 219244, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[239895, 241582, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[249810, 249835, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[254254, 253977, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"]], [[254254, 253978, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[258673, 257444, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [258673, 257444, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[268472, 265053, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [268472, 265053, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[279388, 274011, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[288427, 281687, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [288427, 281687, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[291141, 284104, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[298927, 290302, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[298927, 290303, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"]], [[300975, 292083, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[320584, 309133, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"], [320584, 309133, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"]], [[324886, 312721, "Seth Rogen", 17, "Seth Rogen"], [324886, 312721, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[344835, 328295, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]], [[344836, 328296, "Seth Rogen", 18, "Seth Rogen"]]], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen has done voice work for the film The Spiderwick Chronicles."} {"id": 109584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Beatles měla čtyři členy: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison a Ringo Starr.", "evidence": [[[128542, 143225, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"]], [[128543, 143226, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles had four members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr."} {"id": 187506, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denzel Washington režíroval film se Stanleym Kubrickem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington directed a movie with Stanley Kubrick."} {"id": 119551, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ryder se věnuje vzdělávání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ryder is a provider of education."} {"id": 142504, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando získal finanční odměnu v soutěži v roce 1951.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando gained prize money for a 1951 contest."} {"id": 33574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladba See You on the Other Side získala v březnu 2016 platinovou desku.", "evidence": [[[49673, 59103, "See You on the Other Side", 3, "See You on the Other Side (Korn album)"]]], "claim_en": "See You on the Other Side was certified platinum in March 2016."} {"id": 15795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Turecko se stalo přidruženým členem EHS.", "evidence": [[[31188, 37876, "Turecko", 30, "Turkey"]]], "claim_en": "Turkey became an associate member of the EEC."} {"id": 37529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Naréndra Módí je poslancem parlamentu za Váránasí.", "evidence": [[[53724, 63722, "Naréndra Módí", 1, "Narendra Modi"]]], "claim_en": "Narendra Modi is the Member of Parliament for Varanasi."} {"id": 200817, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Nesbitt hrál v letech 2001-2007 v seriálu Murphyho zákony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Nesbitt starred in Murphy's Law from 2001-2007."} {"id": 76055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Montrealu se nachází restaurace Mount Royal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Montreal is home to a restaurant called Mount Royal."} {"id": 21494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jugoslávie byla na místě.", "evidence": [[[37283, 45133, "Jugoslávie", 0, "Yugoslavia"]], [[37283, 45134, "Jugoslávie", 1, "Yugoslavia"]], [[37283, 45135, "Jugoslávie", 18, "Yugoslavia"]], [[37283, 45136, "Jugoslávie", 16, "Yugoslavia"]], [[37283, 45137, "Jugoslávie", 11, "Yugoslavia"]]], "claim_en": "Yugoslavia was in a place."} {"id": 61466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leukémie vedla v roce 2015 k 353 500 úmrtím.", "evidence": [[[77951, 89420, "Leukemie", 25, "Leukemia"]]], "claim_en": "Leukemia led to 353,500 deaths in 2015."} {"id": 16895, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filmy Jennifer Lawrence se promítaly po celém světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Lawrence's films have been shown around the world."} {"id": 199982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mel Gibson studoval na americkém Národním institutu dramatických umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson studied at the American National Institute of Dramatic Art."} {"id": 35372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Usain Bolt dosáhl \"trojitého double\".", "evidence": [[[51732, 61516, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt has achieved the \"triple double.\""} {"id": 229249, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cara Delevingne se podílela na romantickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[273575, 268974, "Cara Delevingne", 4, "Cara Delevingne"]]], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne was involved in a film that was romantic."} {"id": 84603, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andy Dwyer je přítelem smrti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andy Dwyer is the boyfriend of death."} {"id": 188839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Děj filmu New Girl se odehrává v Los Angeles, kde se také natáčel.", "evidence": [[[220456, 226233, "Nová holka", 1, "New Girl"], [220456, 226233, "Nová holka", 6, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl is set in Los Angeles, where it is filmed."} {"id": 83194, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski zabil pouze jednoho člověka.", "evidence": [[[100240, 113481, "Theodore Kaczynski", 1, "Ted Kaczynski"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski only killed one person."} {"id": 96827, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Herecké obsazení filmu The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) je bez indických herců.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film)'s cast is without Indian actors."} {"id": 225850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hvězdné války jsou německá franšíza.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Star Wars is a German franchise."} {"id": 49458, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar se narodil v roce 1895.", "evidence": [[[65976, 76838, "Bhímráo Rámdží Ámbédkar", 0, "B. R. Ambedkar"]]], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar was born in 1895."} {"id": 180771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grace Jones hrála ve filmu Conan ničitel.", "evidence": [[[209815, 217615, "Grace Jones", 14, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones acted in Conan the Destroyer."} {"id": 45327, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Conjuring měl soudní žalobu ve výši 20 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Conjuring had a lawsuit of $20 million."} {"id": 125885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "A Perfect Circle je kanadská superskupina.", "evidence": [[[147687, 162707, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]]], "claim_en": "A Perfect Circle is a Canadian supergroup."} {"id": 109566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hana a její sestry je americké komediální drama.", "evidence": [[[128583, 143245, "Hana a její sestry", 0, "Hannah and Her Sisters"]]], "claim_en": "Hannah and Her Sisters is a comedy-drama from America."} {"id": 178988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gianluigi Buffon získal osm titulů v Serii A.", "evidence": [[[207637, 215867, "Gianluigi Buffon", 14, "Gianluigi Buffon"]]], "claim_en": "Gianluigi Buffon has won eight Serie A titles."} {"id": 213201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael C. Hall měl roli v televizním seriálu Dexter, a to titulní postavu.", "evidence": [[[252907, 252797, "Michael C. Hall", 0, "Michael C. Hall"]]], "claim_en": "Michael C. Hall had a role in the television series Dexter, as the titular character."} {"id": 120008, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nepál nehraničí s Čínou.", "evidence": [[[141001, 156178, "Nepál", 8, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal does not border China."} {"id": 113425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Cosby hrál pouze slapstickové komedie.", "evidence": [[[133067, 147948, "Bill Cosby", 1, "Bill Cosby"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Cosby only did slapstick comedy."} {"id": 51156, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brad Pitt hrál ve filmu Počátek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt starred in Inception."} {"id": 157832, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alessia Cara je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[182058, 194336, "Alessia Cara", 0, "Alessia Cara"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara is American."} {"id": 19866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dočasné hlavní město Jemenu není Aden.", "evidence": [[[35661, 43213, "Jemen", 5, "Yemen"]]], "claim_en": "Yemen's temporary capital is not Aden."} {"id": 80536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pierce Brosnan byl v lese.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pierce Brosnan was in a forest."} {"id": 85712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita nemá hlavní kampus.", "evidence": [[[102871, 116155, "Oxfordská univerzita", 10, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford does not have a main campus."} {"id": 89323, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Simon Pegg je Angličan a je vysoký.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Simon Pegg is English and tall."} {"id": 25852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Archimédovo dílo bylo vlivným zdrojem myšlenek pro vědce v období renesance.", "evidence": [[[41942, 50430, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]]], "claim_en": "Archimedes work was an influential source of ideas for scientists during the Renaissance."} {"id": 181730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Valkýra se odehrává během druhé světové války.", "evidence": [[[211292, 219012, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Valkyrie is set during World War II."} {"id": 20803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leopold II. belgický se narodil 17. prosince 1909.", "evidence": [[[36590, 44217, "Leopold II. Belgický", 0, "Leopold II of Belgium"]]], "claim_en": "Leopold II of Belgium was born on December 17, 1909."} {"id": 218293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dwayne Johnson pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[259522, 258110, "Dwayne Johnson", 0, "Dwayne Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Dwayne Johnson is from America."} {"id": 227944, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leslie Groves režíroval během druhé světové války divadelní představení Hamlet pro vojáky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves directed a theater production of Hamlet for the troops during World War II."} {"id": 107626, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Planeta opic (1968) byl natočen během pěti měsíců.", "evidence": [[[126326, 140742, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) was filmed over the course of five months."} {"id": 34527, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Riverdale má výkonného producenta.", "evidence": [[[50709, 60326, "Riverdale (seriál)", 2, "Riverdale (2017 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Riverdale has an executive producer."} {"id": 54555, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Moskva má knihovny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Moscow has libraries."} {"id": 168726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Desatero přikázání (film z roku 1956) vydala společnost MGM.", "evidence": [[[194363, 204755, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments (1956 film) was released by MGM."} {"id": 140850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quincy Jones pracuje v hudební oblasti.", "evidence": [[[163861, 178092, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178093, "Quincy Jones", 1, "Quincy Jones"], [163861, 178093, "Cena Grammy", 0, "Grammy Award"]], [[163861, 178094, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178095, "Quincy Jones", 6, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178096, "Quincy Jones", 7, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178097, "Quincy Jones", 8, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178098, "Quincy Jones", 13, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178099, "Quincy Jones", 16, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178100, "Quincy Jones", 17, "Quincy Jones"]], [[163861, 178101, "Quincy Jones", 10, "Quincy Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Quincy Jones works in music."} {"id": 185502, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Triple H je výkonným pracovníkem v oblasti obchodu.", "evidence": [[[216212, 222907, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H is is an executive in business."} {"id": 180852, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 42 (film) byl natočen na videokameru Sony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "42 (film) was filmed with a Sony camcorder."} {"id": 62611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adam Sandler je herec.", "evidence": [[[79042, 90657, "Adam Sandler", 0, "Adam Sandler"]]], "claim_en": "Adam Sandler is an actor."} {"id": 81146, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Exotičtí ptáci předskakovali kanadskému hudebnímu duu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Exotic Birds opened for a Canadian music duo."} {"id": 60769, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Disketa je typ paměťového média.", "evidence": [[[77213, 88634, "Disketa", 0, "Floppy disk"]]], "claim_en": "A Floppy disk is a type of storage."} {"id": 207953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thanos se objevuje ve filmech společnosti Marvel.", "evidence": [[[246021, 246635, "Thanos", 6, "Thanos"]]], "claim_en": "Thanos appears in Marvel movies."} {"id": 42174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joe Walsh byl v roce 2001 zapsán na oficiální seznam organizace.", "evidence": [[[58453, 68735, "Joe Walsh", 24, "Joe Walsh"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Walsh was written on the official roster of an organization in 2001."} {"id": 53546, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "De Profundis napsali komunisté.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "De Profundis was written by communists."} {"id": 139363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drak je jazykově spojen se slovem \"draco\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dragon is linked linguistically to \"draco.\""} {"id": 4258, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Koepp režíroval šest filmů.", "evidence": [[[20526, 25158, "David Koepp", 8, "David Koepp"]]], "claim_en": "David Koepp directed six films."} {"id": 36530, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Šípková Růženka byla prvním soutěžním snímkem, který se promítal na filmovém festivalu v Cannes v roce 2001.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sleeping Beauty was the first Competition entry to be screened at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival."} {"id": 186068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alec Baldwin hrál ve dvou filmech, které režíroval Martin Scorsese.", "evidence": [[[216961, 223622, "Alec Baldwin", 3, "Alec Baldwin"]], [[216965, 223624, "Alec Baldwin", 3, "Alec Baldwin"]]], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin was in two movies directed by Martin Scorsese."} {"id": 168003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Don Bradman měl všechno, jen ne upadající léta.", "evidence": [[[193421, 203938, "Don Bradman", 20, "Don Bradman"]]], "claim_en": "Don Bradman had anything but declining years."} {"id": 94176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung není teoretik.", "evidence": [[[111618, 125399, "Mao Ce-tung", 1, "Mao Zedong"]], [[111618, 125400, "Mao Ce-tung", 20, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong is not a theorist."} {"id": 79275, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carolina Panthers je sportovní tým.", "evidence": [[[96232, 109365, "Carolina Panthers", 0, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109366, "Carolina Panthers", 1, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109367, "Carolina Panthers", 7, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109368, "Carolina Panthers", 8, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109369, "Carolina Panthers", 9, "Carolina Panthers"], [96232, 109369, "NFC South", 0, "NFC South"]], [[96232, 109370, "Carolina Panthers", 10, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109371, "Carolina Panthers", 11, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109372, "Carolina Panthers", 12, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109374, "Carolina Panthers", 17, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[96232, 109375, "Carolina Panthers", 18, "Carolina Panthers"]]], "claim_en": "Carolina Panthers are a sports team."} {"id": 22130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Basketbal se hraje v pětičlenných týmech.", "evidence": [[[37967, 45880, "Basketbal", 1, "Basketball"]]], "claim_en": "Basketball is played on teams of 5."} {"id": 97694, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marie Curie studovala v Moskvě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marie Curie studied in Moscow."} {"id": 71060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Beastie Boys se objevili na kompilačním albu vydaném v roce 1955.", "evidence": [[[87723, 100231, "Beastie Boys", 4, "Beastie Boys"]]], "claim_en": "Beastie Boys appeared on a compilation album released in 1955."} {"id": 154698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Damon Albarn se oženil s Brianem Enem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Damon Albarn married Brian Eno."} {"id": 45596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celé jméno Carice van Houtenové je Carice Anouk van Houtenová.", "evidence": [[[61926, 72408, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten's full name is Carice Anouk van Houten."} {"id": 140209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tina Turner vydala nula multiplatinových alb.", "evidence": [[[164835, 179028, "Tina Turner", 14, "Tina Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Tina Turner has released zero multi-platinum albums."} {"id": 111744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nejlidnatějším městem Dánska je Kodaň.", "evidence": [[[281941, 276208, "Dánsko", 26, "Denmark"], [281941, 276208, "Kodaň", 0, "Copenhagen"]], [[283951, 277881, "Dánsko", 26, "Denmark"], [283951, 277881, "Kodaň", 0, "Copenhagen"]], [[283953, 277883, "Dánsko", 26, "Denmark"], [283953, 277883, "Kodaň", 0, "Copenhagen"]], [[329743, 316463, "Dánsko", 26, "Denmark"]]], "claim_en": "The most populous city of Denmark is Copenhagen."} {"id": 22482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "FC Barcelona byla založena skupinou nizozemských, francouzských a místních hráčů.", "evidence": [[[38327, 46276, "FC Barcelona", 3, "FC Barcelona"]], [[38338, 46285, "FC Barcelona", 3, "FC Barcelona"]]], "claim_en": "FC Barcelona was formed by a group of Dutch, French, and local players."} {"id": 159366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lee Harvey Oswald byl zatčen pouze za atentát na prezidenta George Washingtona.", "evidence": [[[183729, 195717, "Lee Harvey Oswald", 0, "Lee Harvey Oswald"]], [[183729, 195718, "Lee Harvey Oswald", 9, "Lee Harvey Oswald"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Harvey Oswald was only arrested for the assassination of President George Washington."} {"id": 213077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando hrál ve filmu Josepha L. Mankiewicze a byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[252733, 252550, "Marlon Brando", 11, "Marlon Brando"], [252733, 252550, "Marlon Brando", 0, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was in a film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and he was American."} {"id": 215766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Prvním biskupem Sierry Leone byl sir Milton Margai.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sierra Leone's first Bishop was Sir Milton Margai."} {"id": 130414, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lilith poslouchá \"noční příšeru\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lilith listens to \"night monster.\""} {"id": 219934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaliyah odmítá být nahrávací umělkyní.", "evidence": [[[261724, 259766, "Aaliyah", 3, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah refuses to be a recording artist."} {"id": 63664, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kristen Bellová je politička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell is a politician."} {"id": 45883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen byl oceněn Prezidentskou medailí svobody.", "evidence": [[[62214, 72790, "Bruce Springsteen", 9, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom."} {"id": 76307, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Clancy Brown hraje ve filmu SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.", "evidence": [[[93154, 106058, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 1, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]]], "claim_en": "Clancy Brown stars in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie."} {"id": 160246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Froome prožil celý život v Georgii.", "evidence": [[[42312, 50915, "Chris Froome", 0, "Chris Froome"]], [[42312, 50916, "Chris Froome", 2, "Chris Froome"]], [[42312, 50917, "Chris Froome", 6, "Chris Froome"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Froome lived his entire life in Georgia."} {"id": 50626, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando si dal osmiletou pauzu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando took a eight-year hiatus."} {"id": 132227, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shirley MacLaineová dvakrát kritizovala cenu BAFTA pro nejlepší zahraniční herečku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shirley MacLaine has twice criticized the BAFTA for Best Foreign Actress."} {"id": 198267, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bentley prodává automobily.", "evidence": [[[233107, 236100, "Bentley", 0, "Bentley"]]], "claim_en": "Bentley markets cars."} {"id": 20657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Psychologie je věda o společnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Psychology is a science about society."} {"id": 56539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Gwen Stefani vznikla v roce 1997.", "evidence": [[[72899, 84004, "Gwen Stefani", 1, "Gwen Stefani"], [72899, 84004, "No Doubt", 0, "No Doubt"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani's band was formed in 1997."} {"id": 2343, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Evans hrál v roce 2014 ve filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Evans starred in a 2014 film."} {"id": 30209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irák je země.", "evidence": [[[46326, 55303, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[46326, 55304, "Irák", 1, "Iraq"], [46326, 55304, "Bagdád", 0, "Baghdad"]], [[46326, 55305, "Irák", 3, "Iraq"]]], "claim_en": "Iraq is a country."} {"id": 39306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tupac Shakur se narodil mrtvý.", "evidence": [[[55540, 65573, "Tupac Shakur", 0, "Tupac Shakur"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur was stillborn."} {"id": 69279, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Joel je výherce v loterii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Joel is a lottery winner."} {"id": 116969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ronda Rousey hrála v nule filmů.", "evidence": [[[137330, 152167, "Ronda Rouseyová", 16, "Ronda Rousey"]], [[137330, 152168, "Ronda Rouseyová", 17, "Ronda Rousey"]]], "claim_en": "Ronda Rousey has been in zero films."} {"id": 120419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je pokračování.", "evidence": [[[141455, 156647, "Thor: Temný svět", 1, "Thor: The Dark World"]], [[141455, 156648, "Thor: Temný svět", 7, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a sequel."} {"id": 106540, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taylor Schilling byl nominován na guvernéra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taylor Schilling was nominated for governor."} {"id": 217438, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V březnu byl uveden film Captain America: Zimní voják měl premiéru.", "evidence": [[[258427, 257217, "Captain America: Návrat prvního Avengera", 13, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"]]], "claim_en": "In March, Captain America: The Winter Soldier premiered."} {"id": 61172, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stephen King vydal pouze 6 románů.", "evidence": [[[77688, 89137, "Stephen King", 2, "Stephen King"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen King has only published 6 novels."} {"id": 122807, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Román Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři napsal muž.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four was written by a man."} {"id": 179161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Florida má nejkratší pobřeží v sousedních Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[207837, 216026, "Florida", 8, "Florida"]]], "claim_en": "Florida has the shortest coastline in the contiguous United States."} {"id": 198975, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují mnoho témat.", "evidence": [[[233952, 236839, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations includes many subject matters."} {"id": 29049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Ruffalo neměl menší filmové role.", "evidence": [[[45165, 53907, "Mark Ruffalo", 1, "Mark Ruffalo"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Ruffalo did not have minor film roles."} {"id": 183582, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Hledá se Dory napsala Victoria Strouseová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Finding Dory was written by Victoria Strouse."} {"id": 160703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hayley Atwellová je jidiš.", "evidence": [[[185221, 197017, "Hayley Atwellová", 0, "Hayley Atwell"]]], "claim_en": "Hayley Atwell is Yiddish."} {"id": 88687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Haiti se nachází na Filipínách.", "evidence": [[[105908, 119285, "Haiti", 0, "Haiti"], [105908, 119285, "Filipíny", 0, "Philippines"]]], "claim_en": "Haiti is in the Philippines."} {"id": 21309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Minnesota je bohatá.", "evidence": [[[37079, 44754, "Minnesota", 15, "Minnesota"]]], "claim_en": "Minnesota is wealthy."} {"id": 100098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na MIT pracuje Noam Chomsky.", "evidence": [[[118806, 132663, "Noam Chomsky", 2, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "MIT employs Noam Chomsky."} {"id": 42287, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moskva je v zemi.", "evidence": [[[58590, 68897, "Moskva", 0, "Moscow"]], [[58590, 68899, "Moskva", 1, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is in a country."} {"id": 16281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Parsons získal Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[40569, 48802, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]], [[43617, 52258, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]], [[45858, 54763, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]], [[302115, 293168, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]], [[303724, 294646, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]], [[304648, 295457, "Jim Parsons", 2, "Jim Parsons"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Parsons has received a Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 149040, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dutý muž se dočkal prequelu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hollow Man has a direct-to-video prequel."} {"id": 135615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur leží jeden stupeň jižně od rovníku.", "evidence": [[[158220, 172852, "Singapur", 1, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore lies one degree south of the equator."} {"id": 12680, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bradley Cooper ztvárnil v thrilleru Matrix spisovatele, který se potýká s problémy.", "evidence": [[[27925, 34223, "Bradley Cooper", 13, "Bradley Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper portrayed a struggling writer in the thriller The Matrix."} {"id": 109067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hayden Panetierre si zahrála.", "evidence": [[[127943, 142634, "Hayden Panettiere", 0, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[127943, 142635, "Hayden Panettiere", 1, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[127943, 142636, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[127943, 142637, "Hayden Panettiere", 6, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[127943, 142638, "Hayden Panettiere", 7, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panetierre has acted."} {"id": 94524, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avril Lavigne se v roce 2013 připojila k vydavatelství Epic Records.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avril Lavigne joined Epic Records in 2013."} {"id": 69739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Duff McKagan má narozeniny 5. února.", "evidence": [[[86430, 98837, "Duff McKagan", 0, "Duff McKagan"]]], "claim_en": "Duff McKagan's birthday is February 5."} {"id": 6109, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beastie Boys se objevili na kompilačním albu vydaném společností ROIR v roce 1982.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beastie Boys appeared on a compilation album released by ROIR in 1982."} {"id": 103050, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost General Motors měla továrny, které se netýkaly automobilů.", "evidence": [[[121042, 135342, "General Motors", 0, "General Motors"]]], "claim_en": "General Motors had non-automotive factories."} {"id": 58980, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle přišel o všechny tituly mistra světa v těžké váze TNA.", "evidence": [[[186423, 198236, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[188096, 199640, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[190320, 201373, "Kurt Angle", 20, "Kurt Angle"]], [[314705, 304065, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[316187, 305403, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[316192, 305412, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle lost all TNA World Heavyweight Championships."} {"id": 48214, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Imagine Dragons mají píseň s názvem Radioactive.", "evidence": [[[64576, 75370, "Imagine Dragons", 3, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons has a song called Radioactive."} {"id": 45011, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ink Master měl několik soutěžících.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ink Master had several contestants."} {"id": 26816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mexico City se nachází uprostřed náhorní plošiny ve středním Mexiku.", "evidence": [[[42983, 51622, "Ciudad de México", 2, "Mexico City"]]], "claim_en": "Mexico City is located in the center of a highlands plateau in central Mexico."} {"id": 48913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje DVD a Blu-ray vydání seriálu Glee.", "evidence": [[[146683, 161679, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[149839, 164766, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[152278, 167072, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[311522, 301466, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[312971, 302683, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "There are DVD and Blu-ray releases of Glee."} {"id": 108205, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Journey byla kdysi vyhlášena pátou nejlepší americkou společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Journey was once named the fifth-best American company."} {"id": 5113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lionel Messi je argentinský profesionální zápasník.", "evidence": [[[22134, 27197, "Lionel Messi", 0, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27198, "Lionel Messi", 1, "Lionel Messi"], [22134, 27198, "Zlatý míč FIFA", 0, "FIFA Ballon d'Or"]], [[22134, 27200, "Lionel Messi", 3, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27201, "Lionel Messi", 4, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27202, "Lionel Messi", 10, "Lionel Messi"], [22134, 27202, "Zlatý míč", 0, "Ballon d'Or"], [22134, 27202, "Fotbalista roku (FIFA)", 0, "FIFA World Player of the Year"]], [[22134, 27203, "Lionel Messi", 11, "Lionel Messi"], [22134, 27203, "Treble", 0, "Treble (association football)"]], [[22134, 27204, "Lionel Messi", 12, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27205, "Lionel Messi", 15, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27206, "Lionel Messi", 16, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27207, "Lionel Messi", 17, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27208, "Lionel Messi", 18, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27209, "Lionel Messi", 21, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27210, "Lionel Messi", 22, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27211, "Lionel Messi", 23, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27212, "Lionel Messi", 24, "Lionel Messi"]], [[22134, 27213, "Lionel Messi", 25, "Lionel Messi"]]], "claim_en": "Lionel Messi is an Argentine professional fighter."} {"id": 66486, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kane profesionálně zápasí.", "evidence": [[[83076, 94987, "Kane (wrestler)", 0, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[83076, 94988, "Kane (wrestler)", 2, "Kane (wrestler)"]]], "claim_en": "Kane wrestles professionally."} {"id": 111777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Black Panther vznikl podle původního scénáře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Black Panther is based on an original script."} {"id": 143499, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ježíš byl často označován jako Ringwraith.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesus was often referred to as Ringwraith."} {"id": 120010, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ron Swanson miluje jídla k večeři.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ron Swanson loves dinner foods."} {"id": 18329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Weeknd není Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[33890, 41087, "The Weeknd", 0, "The Weeknd"]]], "claim_en": "The Weeknd is not Canadian."} {"id": 182942, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Victor Hugo byl kdysi zapřísáhlým roajalistou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Victor Hugo was once a pledged royalist."} {"id": 131873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rey Mysterio je člověk.", "evidence": [[[154240, 169014, "Rey Mysterio", 0, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169015, "Rey Mysterio", 0, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169016, "Rey Mysterio", 1, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169017, "Rey Mysterio", 2, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169018, "Rey Mysterio", 3, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169019, "Rey Mysterio", 6, "Rey Mysterio"]], [[154241, 169020, "Rey Mysterio", 10, "Rey Mysterio"]]], "claim_en": "Rey Mysterio is a human."} {"id": 184557, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Linie stínů napsal James Cameron.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Shadow Line was written by James Cameron."} {"id": 125914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Timea Bacsinszky je žena.", "evidence": [[[147716, 162747, "Timea Bacsinszká", 0, "Timea Bacsinszky"], [147716, 162747, "Timea Bacsinszká", 1, "Timea Bacsinszky"]]], "claim_en": "Timea Bacsinszky is female."} {"id": 38847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Clark Gable byl herec.", "evidence": [[[55066, 65107, "Clark Gable", 0, "Clark Gable"]], [[55072, 65112, "Clark Gable", 0, "Clark Gable"]]], "claim_en": "Clark Gable was an actor."} {"id": 94417, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V hereckém obsazení filmu Inception je Tom Hardy.", "evidence": [[[275660, 270778, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"]], [[277932, 272864, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"]], [[280051, 274624, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"]], [[324745, 312632, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"]], [[326065, 313632, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"], [326065, 313632, "Tom Hardy", 6, "Tom Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Inception's cast includes Tom Hardy."} {"id": 163354, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mickey Mantle se také jmenoval Mick.", "evidence": [[[187922, 199476, "Mickey Mantle", 0, "Mickey Mantle"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Mantle was also called The Mick."} {"id": 148601, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alžběta II. se narodila ve čtvrtek 21. dubna 1926.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II was born on Thursday 21 April 1926."} {"id": 21506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Howard Hughes vyráběl mléko.", "evidence": [[[37289, 45152, "Howard Hughes", 5, "Howard Hughes"]]], "claim_en": "Howard Hughes produced milk."} {"id": 226900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Ocean se narodil 28. října 1987 jako Christopher Edwin Breaux.", "evidence": [[[270551, 266575, "Frank Ocean", 0, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean was born Christopher Edwin Breaux on October 28 in 1987."} {"id": 72461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Beckinsaleová navštěvovala Oxfordskou univerzitu, kterou absolvovala s vyznamenáním.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Beckinsale attended the University of Oxford and graduated summa cum laude."} {"id": 183958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tupac Shakur byl čtvrtý měsíc amerického kalendářního roku uveden na místo, které oceňuje lidi, kteří mají vliv na vývoj rocku.", "evidence": [[[214143, 221222, "Tupac Shakur", 5, "Tupac Shakur"], [214143, 221222, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", 1, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur was inducted into a place that recognizes people that has influence on the development of rock on the fourth month of the U.S Calendar year."} {"id": 97612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angelina Jolie není schopna ztvárnit postavy.", "evidence": [[[30175, 36731, "Angelina Jolie", 0, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36732, "Angelina Jolie", 1, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36733, "Angelina Jolie", 2, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36734, "Angelina Jolie", 3, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36735, "Angelina Jolie", 4, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36736, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36737, "Angelina Jolie", 8, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[30175, 36738, "Angelina Jolie", 10, "Angelina Jolie"], [30175, 36738, "Zloba – Královna černé magie", 0, "Maleficent (film)"]], [[301125, 292254, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie is incapable of portraying characters."} {"id": 67344, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moskva je považována za centrum ruské kultury.", "evidence": [[[83915, 95990, "Moskva", 16, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is considered the center of Russian culture."} {"id": 185906, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Niall Horan napsal píseň s názvem Love.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Niall Horan wrote a song called Love."} {"id": 163708, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Bostonu je mnoho vysokých škol.", "evidence": [[[188371, 199767, "Boston", 15, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Boston has many colleges."} {"id": 225845, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Středobodem Hvězdných válek je filmová série vytvořená společností Disney.", "evidence": [[[269225, 265615, "Star Wars", 0, "Star Wars"]], [[269227, 265617, "Star Wars", 0, "Star Wars"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars is centered on a film series created by Disney."} {"id": 171560, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Cooper se rád účastní večírků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper is a party goer."} {"id": 61890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Albánie je pátým zakládajícím členem Organizace černomořské hospodářské spolupráce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Albania is the fifth founding member of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation."} {"id": 55092, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Serena Williamsová je čtyřnásobnou grandslamovou vítězkou.", "evidence": [[[71440, 82402, "Serena Williamsová", 9, "Serena Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Serena Williams is a four time Grand Slam winner."} {"id": 50372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Poezii Emily Dickinsonové vydali nakladatelé.", "evidence": [[[66728, 77552, "Emily Dickinsonová", 13, "Emily Dickinson"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Dickinson's poetry was edited by publishers."} {"id": 194618, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avatar: Poslední vládce větru vytvořili Michael Dante DiMartino a Bryan Konietzko v roce 2005.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avatar: The Last Airbender was created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko in 2005."} {"id": 154997, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Constantine je superhrdina z komiksů DC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Constantine is a DC comics superhero."} {"id": 26548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britové zavedli v Ugandě správní právo.", "evidence": [[[42700, 51345, "Uganda", 11, "Uganda"]]], "claim_en": "The British established administrative law in Uganda."} {"id": 65121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavním městem Libanonu je Tripolis.", "evidence": [[[81673, 93458, "Libanon", 31, "Lebanon"], [81673, 93458, "Bejrút", 0, "Beirut"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon's capital is Tripoli."} {"id": 145072, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Základy někdejšího prvního italského kostela leží nedaleko Neapole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The foundation of what had been Italy's first church lies near Naples."} {"id": 68912, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Caine hrál ve filmech Dostaňte Cartera, Poslední údolí, Slečna, Muž, který chtěl být králem a Příliš vzdálený most.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Caine starred in Get Carter, The Last Valley, Sleuth, The Man Who Would Be King, and A Bridge Too Far."} {"id": 101770, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Randy Orton je herec.", "evidence": [[[119520, 133538, "Randy Orton", 1, "Randy Orton"]], [[119520, 133540, "Randy Orton", 7, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133540, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133541, "Randy Orton", 12, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133541, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133542, "Randy Orton", 17, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133542, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133543, "Randy Orton", 20, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133543, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133545, "Randy Orton", 21, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133545, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133547, "Randy Orton", 24, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133547, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119520, 133549, "Randy Orton", 25, "Randy Orton"], [119520, 133549, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133544, "Randy Orton", 1, "Randy Orton"]], [[119521, 133548, "Randy Orton", 7, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133548, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133551, "Randy Orton", 12, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133551, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133553, "Randy Orton", 17, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133553, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133556, "Randy Orton", 20, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133556, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133558, "Randy Orton", 21, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133558, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133560, "Randy Orton", 24, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133560, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[119521, 133562, "Randy Orton", 25, "Randy Orton"], [119521, 133562, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]]], "claim_en": "Randy Orton is a performer."} {"id": 96488, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé album Aaliyah se jmenovalo Never Let You Go.", "evidence": [[[275893, 270972, "Aaliyah", 9, "Aaliyah"]], [[278185, 273073, "Aaliyah", 9, "Aaliyah"]], [[280174, 274705, "Aaliyah", 9, "Aaliyah"]], [[326172, 313707, "Aaliyah", 9, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah's second album was called Never Let You Go."} {"id": 78086, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dark Places hrají dva herci narození v osmdesátých letech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dark Places stars two actors born in the eighties."} {"id": 33042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beatles hrávali v Liverpoolu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beatles used to play in Liverpool."} {"id": 201780, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg nebyl nikým objeven.", "evidence": [[[237534, 239729, "Snoop Dogg", 1, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was discovered by nobody."} {"id": 205313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky měly premiéru na ABC Family.", "evidence": [[[242589, 243928, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes premiered on ABC Family."} {"id": 221469, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Memorial Day je svátek ve Spojeném království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Memorial Day is a holiday in the United Kingdom."} {"id": 7890, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson je čestným předsedou hudební charity.", "evidence": [[[12907, 16094, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[12909, 16096, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[18728, 22963, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[20379, 24959, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[268655, 265163, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[299153, 290523, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]], [[301252, 292374, "Willie Nelson", 39, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson is the honorary chairman of a music charity."} {"id": 96082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Madisonské mosty (The Bridges of Madison County) byl uveden ve 20. letech.", "evidence": [[[113677, 127544, "Madisonské mosty", 0, "The Bridges of Madison County (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Bridges of Madison County (film) was released in the 20s."} {"id": 116315, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar žil v roce 1990.", "evidence": [[[136704, 151521, "Bhímráo Rámdží Ámbédkar", 0, "B. R. Ambedkar"]]], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar was alive in 1990."} {"id": 167839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hmotnost ledovce může být ukazatelem klimatických změn.", "evidence": [[[193217, 203804, "Ledovec", 17, "Glacier"]], [[193225, 203814, "Ledovec", 17, "Glacier"]]], "claim_en": "The mass of glacier can be an indicator of climate change."} {"id": 38820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peyton Manning se nevěnoval žádnému sportu.", "evidence": [[[55051, 65080, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65081, "Peyton Manning", 1, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65082, "Peyton Manning", 2, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65083, "Peyton Manning", 3, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65084, "Peyton Manning", 6, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65085, "Peyton Manning", 7, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65086, "Peyton Manning", 8, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65087, "Peyton Manning", 11, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65088, "Peyton Manning", 12, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65089, "Peyton Manning", 15, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65090, "Peyton Manning", 16, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65091, "Peyton Manning", 17, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65092, "Peyton Manning", 18, "Peyton Manning"]], [[55051, 65093, "Peyton Manning", 21, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning did not play any sports."} {"id": 171096, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Atlantic City byl natočen v roce 1980.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Atlantic City was produced in 1980."} {"id": 90053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler se oženil 20. dubna 1889.", "evidence": [[[107357, 120787, "Adolf Hitler", 0, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler got married on the 20th of April 1889."} {"id": 186299, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deklarace nezávislosti byla ve Spojených státech přijata 4. července 1775.", "evidence": [[[217263, 223896, "Spojené státy americké", 19, "United States"], [217263, 223896, "Deklarace nezávislosti Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States Declaration of Independence"], [217263, 223896, "Deklarace nezávislosti Spojených států amerických", 1, "United States Declaration of Independence"]]], "claim_en": "The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1775 in the United States."} {"id": 104802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sociální spravedlnost je dnes při snahách o rasovou rovnost ignorována.", "evidence": [[[123122, 137411, "Sociální spravedlnost", 11, "Social justice"]]], "claim_en": "Social justice is ignored today in efforts for racial equality."} {"id": 31434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dwayne Johnson byl v průběhu sezóny 1995 propuštěn.", "evidence": [[[47573, 56775, "Dwayne Johnson", 5, "Dwayne Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Dwayne Johnson was cut during the 1995 season."} {"id": 189937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Election (1999) je založen na životním příběhu Toma Perrotty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Election (1999 film) is based on the life story of Tom Perrotta."} {"id": 5041, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu The Crown (Koruna) byl ztvárněn Winston Churchill.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Crown (TV series) featured a portrayal of Winston Churchill."} {"id": 11587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Avenged Sevenfold nevydala žádný singl.", "evidence": [[[26766, 32861, "Avenged Sevenfold", 17, "Avenged Sevenfold"]]], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold didn't release any singles."} {"id": 216687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glenn Close účinkovala v seriálu Sunset Boulevard.", "evidence": [[[257448, 256454, "Glenn Close", 8, "Glenn Close"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Close performed on Sunset Boulevard."} {"id": 79112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Randy Orton se narodil v jiný den než 1. dubna.", "evidence": [[[96049, 109095, "Randy Orton", 0, "Randy Orton"]]], "claim_en": "Randy Orton was born on a date other than April 1."} {"id": 126305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mitt Romney vlastní společnost Bain Capital.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mitt Romney owns Bain Capital."} {"id": 37010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Selena Gomez vydala nejméně dvě sólová alba.", "evidence": [[[53226, 63200, "Selena Gomezová", 14, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez has released at least two solo albums."} {"id": 224950, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová jela v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was in a car."} {"id": 162196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Schumacher stále aktivně pracuje ve své hlavní profesi.", "evidence": [[[186720, 198498, "Michael Schumacher", 0, "Michael Schumacher"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Schumacher is still actively working in his primary profession."} {"id": 113940, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Bezos je pátým nejbohatším člověkem na světě.", "evidence": [[[133835, 148706, "Jeff Bezos", 11, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is the fifth-richest person in the world."} {"id": 26146, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Darth Vadera ztvárnili tři herci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Darth Vader has been portrayed by three actors."} {"id": 185182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Žiješ jenom dvakrát režíroval James Cameron.", "evidence": [[[215786, 222570, "Žiješ jenom dvakrát", 12, "You Only Live Twice (film)"]]], "claim_en": "You Only Live Twice was directed by James Cameron."} {"id": 207221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miley Cyrus vydala EP pouze v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[245047, 245965, "Miley Cyrusová", 7, "Miley Cyrus"], [245047, 245965, "The Time of Our Lives", 1, "The Time of Our Lives (EP)"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus only released an EP in 2010."} {"id": 197657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Univerzita v Leicesteru objevila a identifikovala ostatky princezny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The University of Leicester discovered and identified the remains of a princess."} {"id": 111855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boston Celtics jsou domácím týmem Seattlu.", "evidence": [[[131331, 146113, "Boston Celtics", 0, "Boston Celtics"]], [[131331, 146114, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"], [131331, 146114, "TD Garden", 0, "TD Garden"]]], "claim_en": "The Boston Celtics are the home team of Seattle."} {"id": 136614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Quinoa je země.", "evidence": [[[159278, 173852, "Merlík čilský", 0, "Quinoa"]], [[159278, 173853, "Merlík čilský", 1, "Quinoa"]], [[159278, 173854, "Merlík čilský", 2, "Quinoa"], [159278, 173854, "Pseudoobiloviny", 0, "Pseudocereal"]], [[159278, 173855, "Merlík čilský", 17, "Quinoa"]]], "claim_en": "Quinoa is a country."} {"id": 172901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pořad The Oprah Winfrey Show přestala Oprah v roce 2000 přihlašovat do soutěže Daytime Emmys.", "evidence": [[[199642, 209326, "Oprah show", 10, "The Oprah Winfrey Show"]]], "claim_en": "The Oprah Winfrey Show stopped being submitted for Daytime Emmys by Oprah in 2000."} {"id": 169377, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tate Taylor režíroval film Dívka ve vlaku.", "evidence": [[[195267, 205565, "Dívka ve vlaku", 0, "The Girl on the Train (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Tate Taylor directed The Girl on the Train."} {"id": 33073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Haitská kreolština vychází z jazyka z indoevropské rodiny.", "evidence": [[[96140, 109232, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"], [96140, 109232, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[96140, 109233, "Haitská kreolština", 1, "Haitian Creole"], [96140, 109233, "Angličtina", 9, "English language"]], [[96140, 109234, "Haitská kreolština", 2, "Haitian Creole"], [96140, 109234, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[96140, 109235, "Haitská kreolština", 6, "Haitian Creole"], [96140, 109235, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[96140, 109236, "Haitská kreolština", 7, "Haitian Creole"], [96140, 109236, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[98675, 111748, "Haitská kreolština", 1, "Haitian Creole"], [98675, 111748, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[100840, 114111, "Haitská kreolština", 1, "Haitian Creole"], [100840, 114111, "Angličtina", 9, "English language"]], [[306825, 297426, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"], [306825, 297426, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[307731, 298171, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"], [307731, 298171, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]], [[307732, 298172, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"], [307732, 298172, "Francouzština", 0, "French language"]]], "claim_en": "Haitian Creole is based on a language in the Indo-European family."} {"id": 85451, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emma Robertsová je akrobatka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts is an acrobat."} {"id": 178137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hardwick uváděl v roce 1999 pořad na BBC America.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hardwick hosted a show on BBC America in 1999."} {"id": 49269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Triple H je profesionální boxer.", "evidence": [[[65589, 76464, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H is a professional fighter."} {"id": 167785, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jamie Foxx je hudební skladatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx is a composer."} {"id": 73550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harald V. Norský zemřel v roce 1968.", "evidence": [[[90348, 103096, "Harald V.", 14, "Harald V of Norway"]], [[90348, 103097, "Harald V.", 11, "Harald V of Norway"]], [[90348, 103098, "Harald V.", 0, "Harald V of Norway"]]], "claim_en": "Harald V of Norway died in 1968."} {"id": 200940, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sade (zpěvačka) měla v Severní Koreji 23,5 milionu prodaných kusů.", "evidence": [[[236436, 238907, "Sade Adu", 15, "Sade (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Sade (singer) had 23.5 million sales in North Korea."} {"id": 140062, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Morena Baccarin hrála ve vojenském sci-fi filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Morena Baccarin was in a military science fiction movie."} {"id": 137046, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Winona Ryder získala nominaci na soudkyni Nejvyššího soudu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder received Supreme Court nominations."} {"id": 157335, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yusuke Murata napsal mangu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yusuke Murata wrote a manga."} {"id": 2545, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John F. Kennedy pocházel z kanadské rodiny.", "evidence": [[[18392, 22574, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy", 5, "John F. Kennedy"]], [[18392, 22575, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy", 6, "John F. Kennedy"], [18392, 22575, "Kennedyovi", 0, "Kennedy family"]]], "claim_en": "John F. Kennedy was from an Canadian family."} {"id": 13719, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taraji P. Hensonová získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[28983, 35359, "Taraji P. Henson", 2, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[28983, 35360, "Taraji P. Henson", 8, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[28983, 35361, "Taraji P. Henson", 11, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[28983, 35362, "Taraji P. Henson", 16, "Taraji P. Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson won an award."} {"id": 152392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seppuku je sebevražda cukrovinkou.", "evidence": [[[176342, 189271, "Seppuku", 0, "Seppuku"]], [[176342, 189272, "Seppuku", 3, "Seppuku"]], [[176342, 189273, "Seppuku", 4, "Seppuku"]]], "claim_en": "Seppuku is suicide by candy."} {"id": 2369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Guerrero měl problémy, které byly zakomponovány do jeho příběhů.", "evidence": [[[18179, 22332, "Eddie Guerrero", 10, "Eddie Guerrero"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Guerrero had issues that were incorporated into his storylines."} {"id": 111412, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bojkot může být pro nebo proti zákonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A boycott can be for or against a law."} {"id": 51367, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hugo Weaving hraje v seriálu Kravaťáci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving is in Suits."} {"id": 46965, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christina Aguilera byla časopisem Billboard uznána za 20. nejúspěšnějšího umělce roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[63295, 74028, "Christina Aguilera", 17, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera was recognized as the 20th most successful artist of the 2000s by Billboard."} {"id": 62338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Cromwell je držitelem Kanadské filmové ceny.", "evidence": [[[78792, 90367, "James Cromwell", 5, "James Cromwell"]]], "claim_en": "James Cromwell is the winner of a Canadian Screen Award."} {"id": 837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ceny Akademie se udělují každoročně.", "evidence": [[[16338, 20258, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The Academy Awards are given annually."} {"id": 91991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine byl filozof.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine was a philosopher."} {"id": 70878, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jiří VI. měl pouze syny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George VI only has sons."} {"id": 211317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry má dítě z umělého oplodnění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has a child by artificial insemenation."} {"id": 223918, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots měli původního člena, který byl americký trombonista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots had an original member that was an American trombonist."} {"id": 72088, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Domov slečny Peregrinové pro podivné děti se celý odehrává v Paříži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children takes place entirely in Paris."} {"id": 205591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl zaměstnán na místech, jako jsou koncerty, a byl Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was employed at venues such as concerts and he was American."} {"id": 13143, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hrál ve filmu Stmívání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi was in Twilight."} {"id": 162010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wikipedie obsahuje více než 40 milionů různých článků.", "evidence": [[[296747, 288488, "Wikipedie", 9, "Wikipedia"]], [[298376, 289860, "Wikipedie", 9, "Wikipedia"]], [[298377, 289861, "Wikipedie", 9, "Wikipedia"]], [[343940, 327587, "Wikipedie", 9, "Wikipedia"]], [[344042, 327658, "Wikipedie", 9, "Wikipedia"]]], "claim_en": "Wikipedia consists of more than 40 million different articles."} {"id": 53106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tanzanie je východoafrická země.", "evidence": [[[69383, 80181, "Tanzanie", 0, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is an East African country."} {"id": 110175, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Západní Virginie sousedí s Ohiem pouze na jihovýchodě.", "evidence": [[[129275, 144036, "Západní Virginie", 1, "West Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "West Virginia only borders Ohio to the southeast."} {"id": 30004, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Finále fotbalového ligového poháru v roce 2000 se hrálo v Londýně ve středu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 2000 Football League Cup Final was played in London on a Wednesday."} {"id": 3593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filipínská ekonomika prochází transformací.", "evidence": [[[19756, 24287, "Filipíny", 32, "Philippines"]]], "claim_en": "The Philippines's economy is transitioning."} {"id": 81210, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Glenn byl jedním z členů skupiny The Beatles.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Glenn was one of The Beatles."} {"id": 153332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vallejo v Kalifornii je vlak.", "evidence": [[[177280, 190138, "Vallejo", 0, "Vallejo, California"]]], "claim_en": "Vallejo, California is a train."} {"id": 67465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Luther King Jr. nezískal Zlatou medaili Kongresu.", "evidence": [[[84036, 96154, "Martin Luther King", 21, "Martin Luther King Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Martin Luther King Jr. did not win the Congressional Gold Medal."} {"id": 130925, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mary Marvel byla zničena Američanem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mary Marvel was destroyed by an American."} {"id": 80494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku byl s 80 góly nejlepším střelcem.", "evidence": [[[97507, 110672, "Romelu Lukaku", 1, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was a top scorer with 80 goals."} {"id": 60755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Imagine Dragons je náboženství.", "evidence": [[[77200, 88617, "Imagine Dragons", 0, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88618, "Imagine Dragons", 1, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88619, "Imagine Dragons", 2, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88620, "Imagine Dragons", 3, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88621, "Imagine Dragons", 5, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88622, "Imagine Dragons", 4, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[77200, 88623, "Imagine Dragons", 9, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons is a religion."} {"id": 95667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portoriko se nenachází v Karibském moři.", "evidence": [[[113197, 127078, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[113197, 127079, "Portoriko", 3, "Puerto Rico"], [113197, 127079, "Vieques", 0, "Vieques, Puerto Rico"]]], "claim_en": "Puerto Rico is not located in the Caribbean Sea."} {"id": 177233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do kin byl uveden Příběh hraček.", "evidence": [[[205409, 213998, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]], [[205409, 213999, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 15, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story was released."} {"id": 71363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Little Mix je britská dívčí skupina z Manchesteru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Little Mix is a British girl group from Manchester."} {"id": 153012, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Phil Mickelson vyhrál 42 turnajů na poslední PGA Tour.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Phil Mickelson has won 42 events on the last PGA Tour."} {"id": 31639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nicolas Cage se narodil jako Nicolas Kim Coppola.", "evidence": [[[47770, 57038, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]]], "claim_en": "Nicolas Cage was born as Nicolas Kim Coppola."} {"id": 175066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna Paquin se celý život vyhýbala herecké profesi.", "evidence": [[[202483, 211737, "Anna Paquin", 2, "Anna Paquin"]], [[202483, 211738, "Anna Paquin", 3, "Anna Paquin"]], [[202484, 211736, "Anna Paquin", 2, "Anna Paquin"]], [[202484, 211739, "Anna Paquin", 3, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin has avoided the acting profession her entire life."} {"id": 7679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexander Hamilton nikdy nesestavil vojenskou společnost.", "evidence": [[[17391, 21518, "Alexander Hamilton", 19, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[18288, 22464, "Alexander Hamilton", 19, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[19835, 24380, "Alexander Hamilton", 19, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[299068, 290454, "Alexander Hamilton", 4, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[301099, 292223, "Alexander Hamilton", 19, "Alexander Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Hamilton never assembled a military company."} {"id": 181579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jag měl 5 knih.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jag had 5 books."} {"id": 104131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Návrat do budoucnosti II je prequel k filmu Roberta Zemeckise.", "evidence": [[[122252, 136527, "Návrat do budoucnosti II", 0, "Back to the Future Part II"], [122252, 136527, "Návrat do budoucnosti II", 1, "Back to the Future Part II"]]], "claim_en": "Back to the Future II is the prequel to a film by Robert Zemeckis."} {"id": 84305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sindh sousedí se státem na poloostrově Káthiávar a nachází se v Indii.", "evidence": [[[101349, 114577, "Sindh", 0, "Sindh"]], [[101349, 114578, "Sindh", 3, "Sindh"]], [[101349, 114579, "Sindh", 11, "Sindh"]], [[101349, 114580, "Sindh", 12, "Sindh"]]], "claim_en": "Sindh borders a state on the Kathiawar peninsula and it is in India."} {"id": 19661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avatar byl uveden do kin v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[35445, 42960, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 0, "Avatar (2009 film)"]], [[35445, 42961, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 15, "Avatar (2009 film)"]], [[35448, 42963, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 0, "Avatar (2009 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Avatar was released in 2011."} {"id": 74368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daddy Yankee se nejmenuje Ramón.", "evidence": [[[91146, 103833, "Daddy Yankee", 0, "Daddy Yankee"]]], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee's given name is not Ramón."} {"id": 20247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Merlin byl vytvořen osobou.", "evidence": [[[36087, 43616, "Merlin (seriál)", 0, "Merlin (2008 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Merlin was created by a person."} {"id": 159349, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lee Harvey Oswald zemřel 18. října 1939.", "evidence": [[[183712, 195703, "Lee Harvey Oswald", 0, "Lee Harvey Oswald"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Harvey Oswald died on October 18, 1939."} {"id": 145283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick byl zaměstnán v 60. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[168586, 182324, "Stanley Kubrick", 15, "Stanley Kubrick"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick was employed in the 60s."} {"id": 206928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Keaton se narodil v roce 1951.", "evidence": [[[244673, 245605, "Michael Keaton", 0, "Michael Keaton"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Keaton was born in 1951."} {"id": 109629, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Manžel Winony Ryder se jmenoval Lucas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder's husband was Lucas."} {"id": 193952, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Oz the Great and Powerful byl uveden do kin prostřednictvím 3D formátu.", "evidence": [[[227120, 231528, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]]], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful was released through a 3D format."} {"id": 201207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joan Cusacková byla v armádě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joan Cusack was in the military."} {"id": 202207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Vražda v Orient expresu hrál starší herec.", "evidence": [[[238196, 240299, "Vražda v Orient expresu (film, 2017)", 2, "Murder on the Orient Express (2017 film)"], [238196, 240299, "Derek Jacobi", 0, "Derek Jacobi"]]], "claim_en": "Murder on the Orient Express starred an elderly actor."} {"id": 188612, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naruto se chce stát vůdcem své listové vesnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naruto wants to become the leader of his leaf village."} {"id": 190504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alfred Hitchcock v roce 1998 rámoval záběry tak, aby maximalizoval empatii.", "evidence": [[[222641, 227906, "Alfred Hitchcock", 0, "Alfred Hitchcock"]]], "claim_en": "Alfred Hitchcock framed shots to maximize empathy in 1998."} {"id": 131969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vatikán ještě nebyl založen.", "evidence": [[[154355, 169106, "Vatikán", 10, "Vatican City"]], [[154355, 169107, "Vatikán", 11, "Vatican City"]]], "claim_en": "Vatican City has yet to be established."} {"id": 132849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš byl kazatel.", "evidence": [[[155303, 169993, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was a preacher."} {"id": 131986, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barry Gibb má sestry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barry Gibb has sisters."} {"id": 119496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul McCartney je pouze jednou uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[140416, 155469, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140417, 155470, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140418, 155471, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140419, 155472, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140420, 155473, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140421, 155474, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140422, 155475, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140423, 155476, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140424, 155477, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140425, 155478, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140426, 155479, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140427, 155480, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140428, 155481, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140429, 155482, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140430, 155483, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140431, 155484, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140432, 155485, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140433, 155486, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140434, 155487, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]], [[140435, 155488, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Paul McCartney is only a one-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 77723, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James McAvoy nebyl schopen hrát v britském seriálu Shameless.", "evidence": [[[94657, 107641, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]]], "claim_en": "James McAvoy was incapable of being in the UK series Shameless."} {"id": 72359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Delta Air Lines odmítá provozovat regionální linku.", "evidence": [[[89058, 101752, "Delta Air Lines", 3, "Delta Air Lines"]]], "claim_en": "Delta Air Lines refuses to operate a regional service."} {"id": 33865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughan zůstal celý život v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[49973, 59482, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 5, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[49973, 59483, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 6, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[49973, 59484, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 9, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"], [49973, 59484, "Montreux Jazz Festival", 0, "Montreux Jazz Festival"]]], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughan stayed in Boston his whole life."} {"id": 105953, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Walsh byl v roce 1998 zapsán na oficiální seznam organizace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Walsh was written on the official roster of an organization in 1998."} {"id": 168634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Tenká červená linie (1998) má výhradně ženské obsazení.", "evidence": [[[194226, 204605, "Tenká červená linie", 2, "The Thin Red Line (1998 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Thin Red Line (1998 film) has an all-female cast."} {"id": 223481, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Telefon iPhone 5C se vždy prodával pouze za jednu cenu, a to za plnou cenu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The iPhone 5C has only ever been sold for one price and that was a full price."} {"id": 226451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chadwick Boseman odmítl hrát ve filmu 42.", "evidence": [[[269989, 266145, "Chadwick Boseman", 1, "Chadwick Boseman"]]], "claim_en": "Chadwick Boseman refused to be in the movie 42."} {"id": 19207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve vietnamské válce hrál roli komunismus.", "evidence": [[[48915, 58235, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 15, "Vietnam War"]], [[51947, 61797, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 2, "Vietnam War"]], [[51947, 61798, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 6, "Vietnam War"]], [[51947, 61800, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 14, "Vietnam War"]], [[55206, 65251, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 15, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "Communism played a part in the Vietnam War."} {"id": 137618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katherine Heigl ještě nehraje.", "evidence": [[[160372, 174889, "Katherine Heigl", 0, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[160372, 174890, "Katherine Heigl", 2, "Katherine Heigl"]]], "claim_en": "Katherine Heigl has yet to act."} {"id": 101130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ellen DeGeneresová nikdy neměla kariéru stand-upistky.", "evidence": [[[118887, 132719, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 4, "Ellen DeGeneres"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres never had a stand-up career."} {"id": 117798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Conan O'Brien ve svých nočních pořadech kombinuje hry a scénky s rozhovory s celebritami.", "evidence": [[[138248, 153236, "Conan O'Brien", 13, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien's late-night programs combine games and skits with interviews with celebrities."} {"id": 60901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová nehrála v žádném televizním filmu HBO.", "evidence": [[[77362, 88817, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 10, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [77362, 88817, "Živě z Bagdádu", 0, "Live from Baghdad (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter has not acted in an HBO television film."} {"id": 32598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna se narodila až po vládě Karla II.", "evidence": [[[48684, 57998, "Anna Stuartovna", 5, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]]], "claim_en": "Anne was born after Charles II's reign."} {"id": 206263, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikdy se nevracej hraje ve Světové sérii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Never Go Back is in the World Series."} {"id": 61789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jimu Hensonovi bylo odepřeno americké občanství.", "evidence": [[[78268, 89791, "Jim Henson", 0, "Jim Henson"]], [[78268, 89792, "Jim Henson", 1, "Jim Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Henson was denied American citizenship."} {"id": 105751, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra o trůny byla v roce 1995 nominována na Světovou cenu fantasy.", "evidence": [[[124231, 138593, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124232, 138594, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124233, 138595, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124234, 138596, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124235, 138597, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124236, 138598, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124237, 138599, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124238, 138600, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124239, 138601, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124240, 138602, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124241, 138603, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124242, 138604, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124243, 138605, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124244, 138606, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[124245, 138607, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "A Game of Thrones was nominated for the 1995 World Fantasy Award."} {"id": 217424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snadná ctnost není první adaptací divadelní hry.", "evidence": [[[258351, 257167, "Lekce neslušného chování", 1, "Easy Virtue (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Easy Virtue is not the first adaptation of a play."} {"id": 110952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "BoJack Horseman je původní seriál společnosti Netflix.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "BoJack Horseman is a Netflix original series."} {"id": 75051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Norovirus postihuje pouze dutiny.", "evidence": [[[91850, 104655, "Norovirus", 9, "Norovirus"]], [[91850, 104656, "Norovirus", 7, "Norovirus"]], [[91850, 104657, "Norovirus", 8, "Norovirus"], [91850, 104657, "Gastroenteritida", 0, "Gastroenteritis"]], [[91850, 104658, "Norovirus", 0, "Norovirus"]]], "claim_en": "Norovirus only affects the sinuses."} {"id": 72815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shawn Mendes je zastupován nahrávací společností, která je britsko-americká.", "evidence": [[[233433, 236356, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"], [233433, 236356, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]], [[235443, 238084, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"], [235443, 238084, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]], [[236242, 238755, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"], [236242, 238755, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]], [[318595, 307484, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"], [318595, 307484, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]], [[320063, 308739, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"], [320063, 308739, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]]], "claim_en": "Shawn Mendes is represented by a record label that is British-American."} {"id": 141753, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gianluigi Buffon nastoupil v základní sestavě brankářského týmu Parmy.", "evidence": [[[164818, 179003, "Gianluigi Buffon", 0, "Gianluigi Buffon"]]], "claim_en": "Gianluigi Buffon played starting goalkeeper for Parma."} {"id": 112169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Apocalypse Now režíroval Nicolas Cage.", "evidence": [[[133505, 148358, "Apokalypsa (film)", 0, "Apocalypse Now"]]], "claim_en": "Apocalypse Now was directed by Nicolas Cage."} {"id": 120957, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Parkinsonova choroba postihla kočky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Parkinson's disease has afflicted cats."} {"id": 54829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Afghánistán se nachází v Asii.", "evidence": [[[71178, 82111, "Afghánistán", 0, "Afghanistan"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is in Asia."} {"id": 7388, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chad Hayes (spisovatel) dokončil vysokou školu 21. září.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chad Hayes (writer) finished college on the 21st."} {"id": 98287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Usher (hudebník) měl reklamní podporu od MTV.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Usher (musician) had advertising support from MTV."} {"id": 126030, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner byl původně natřen modrou barvou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boeing 787 Dreamliner was originally painted in blue."} {"id": 186085, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alec Baldwin hrál pouze hlavní role.", "evidence": [[[216988, 223646, "Alec Baldwin", 3, "Alec Baldwin"]]], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin has played only leading roles."} {"id": 43209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Point Place je fiktivní město a je to příšerné místo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Point Place is a fictional town and it is a horrible place."} {"id": 43669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson začal svou hereckou kariéru v pěti letech.", "evidence": [[[59992, 70397, "Michael Jackson", 4, "Michael Jackson"], [59992, 70397, "Jacksons", 0, "The Jackson 5"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson started his acting career at the age of 5."} {"id": 151663, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Parting Glances byl natočen v roce 1984 a uveden do kin v roce 1986.", "evidence": [[[175608, 188605, "Parting Glances", 0, "Parting Glances"]]], "claim_en": "Parting Glances was shot in 1984 and released in 1986."} {"id": 174647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psi byli selektivně vyšlechtěni.", "evidence": [[[201915, 211270, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been selectively bred."} {"id": 100627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marie Curie získala cenu za chemii.", "evidence": [[[276905, 271921, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 9, "Marie Curie"]], [[280500, 274936, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 9, "Marie Curie"]], [[326788, 314201, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 9, "Marie Curie"]], [[326795, 314205, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 9, "Marie Curie"]]], "claim_en": "Marie Curie won a Chemistry Prize."} {"id": 105980, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Německu se mluví italsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Italian language is spoken in Germany."} {"id": 222949, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Etiopii vznikla charitativní organizace Richarda Curtise.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ethiopia was where Richard Curtis created his charity."} {"id": 130781, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Pohřešovaný hraje hlavní roli Sissy Spacek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Missing stars Sissy Spacek as the main character."} {"id": 94191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Idris Elba se narodil 7. září 1972.", "evidence": [[[111614, 125397, "Idris Elba", 0, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "Idris Elba was born on September 7th, 1972."} {"id": 97495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Texas nemá společnou hranici s Mexikem.", "evidence": [[[115202, 129007, "Texas", 1, "Texas"]]], "claim_en": "Texas does not share a border with Mexico."} {"id": 132366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Right Stuff je historický dokumentární film.", "evidence": [[[154781, 169541, "Správná posádka", 0, "The Right Stuff (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Right Stuff is a historical documentary."} {"id": 183956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tupac Shakur byl v roce 2017 uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy, která oceňuje a archivuje historii nejznámějších a nejvlivnějších umělců, producentů, inženýrů a dalších významných osobností, které měly nějaký zásadní vliv na vývoj rokenrolu.", "evidence": [[[214136, 221217, "Tupac Shakur", 5, "Tupac Shakur"], [214136, 221217, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", 0, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which recognizes and archives the history of the best-known and most influential artists, producers, engineers, and other notable figures who have had some major influence on the development of rock and roll in 2017."} {"id": 163342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mickey Mantle byl americký profesionál.", "evidence": [[[187912, 199467, "Mickey Mantle", 0, "Mickey Mantle"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Mantle was an American professional."} {"id": 171613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Syrakusy ve státě New York měly v roce 2010 řídký počet obyvatel metropole - tři sta padesát.", "evidence": [[[198037, 207981, "Syracuse (New York)", 2, "Syracuse, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Syracuse, New York, had a sparse metropolitan population of three hundred fifty in 2010."} {"id": 35284, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katie Holmes je Australanka.", "evidence": [[[51490, 61241, "Katie Holmes", 0, "Katie Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes is an Australian."} {"id": 222508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vodopád Horseshoe Falls je známý také pod názvem American Falls.", "evidence": [[[265065, 262343, "Podkova (Niagarské vodopády)", 2, "Horseshoe Falls"]]], "claim_en": "Horseshoe Falls is also known as American Falls."} {"id": 22059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gary Ridgway je ryba.", "evidence": [[[37889, 45803, "Gary Ridgway", 0, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[37889, 45804, "Gary Ridgway", 1, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[37889, 45805, "Gary Ridgway", 2, "Gary Ridgway"]]], "claim_en": "Gary Ridgway is a fish."} {"id": 139462, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maďarsko je členem AIIB.", "evidence": [[[290207, 283260, "Maďarsko", 29, "Hungary"]], [[291507, 284431, "Maďarsko", 29, "Hungary"]], [[293623, 286099, "Maďarsko", 29, "Hungary"]], [[337776, 323110, "Maďarsko", 29, "Hungary"]], [[337786, 323117, "Maďarsko", 29, "Hungary"]]], "claim_en": "Hungary is a member of the AIIB."} {"id": 163671, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boston má mnoho komunitních vysokých škol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boston has many community colleges."} {"id": 5451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marvel Cinematic Universe je filmová série.", "evidence": [[[21855, 26844, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 1, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"]], [[21855, 26845, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 9, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"]], [[21855, 26846, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 11, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"]]], "claim_en": "The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a film series."} {"id": 143736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Outlander (televizní seriál) adaptuje romány Pána prstenů.", "evidence": [[[166869, 180670, "Cizinka (seriál)", 0, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander (TV series) adapts the Lord of the Rings novels."} {"id": 201162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joan Cusacková získala nominaci na nejlepší herečku ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[236712, 239129, "Joan Cusacková", 1, "Joan Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "Joan Cusack received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress."} {"id": 79356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pluto se nachází ve vesmíru.", "evidence": [[[97969, 111100, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 25, "Pluto"], [97969, 111100, "Vznik života", 26, "Abiogenesis"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto is in the universe."} {"id": 206739, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Samwell Tarly se objevuje v televizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Samwell Tarly appears in a television."} {"id": 71550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Lid versus Larry Flynt natočili Scott Alexander a Larry Karaszewski.", "evidence": [[[228187, 232431, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[230861, 234464, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[232277, 235523, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[318280, 307206, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[318283, 307210, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[318284, 307211, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt was directed by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski."} {"id": 123361, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taraji P. Hensonová hrála v roce 2012 v americké romantické komedii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson starred in a 2012 American romantic comedy play."} {"id": 129975, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tyrese Gibson je vegetarián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tyrese Gibson is a vegetarian."} {"id": 22570, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ostrov Man byl součástí smlouvy.", "evidence": [[[38415, 46361, "Man (ostrov)", 13, "Isle of Man"]]], "claim_en": "The Isle of Man was part of a treaty."} {"id": 203200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anglická občanská válka skončila v roce 1622.", "evidence": [[[239662, 241425, "Anglická občanská válka", 0, "English Civil War"]], [[239662, 241426, "Anglická občanská válka", 1, "English Civil War"]], [[239662, 241427, "Anglická občanská válka", 2, "English Civil War"]]], "claim_en": "The English Civil War ended in 1622."} {"id": 74370, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Khmerská říše je předchůdcem současné Angoly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Khmer Empire is the predecessor of modern Angola."} {"id": 228568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Telefon se skládá z veršovaného rapu.", "evidence": [[[272701, 268416, "Telephone", 5, "Telephone (song)"]], [[272704, 268424, "Telephone", 5, "Telephone (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Telephone consists of a verse-rap."} {"id": 163088, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Narozeniny Natalie Woodové jsou jejím nejméně oblíbeným dnem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Natalie Wood's birthday is her least favorite day."} {"id": 142351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minions je název univerzitního plaveckého týmu.", "evidence": [[[165410, 179480, "Mimoni", 0, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions is the name of a university swim team."} {"id": 47637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shahid Kapoor získal v roce 2008 Cenu filmové kritiky za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shahid Kapoor won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actor in 2008."} {"id": 193951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Oz the Great and Powerful měl premiéru až před únorem 2013.", "evidence": [[[227117, 231525, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]]], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful premiered only before February 2013."} {"id": 213357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg je americký písničkář.", "evidence": [[[253135, 253029, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg is an American songwriter."} {"id": 140872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kristen Stewartová hrála v sérii Stmívání na trubku.", "evidence": [[[163877, 178115, "Kristen Stewartová", 4, "Kristen Stewart"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Stewart played trumpet in the Twilight series."} {"id": 102604, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beatles byli v Liverpoolu napadeni.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beatles were assaulted in Liverpool."} {"id": 94706, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neil Patrick Harris získal v roce 2014 cenu Tony a v následujícím roce se stal moderátorem udílení cen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neil Patrick Harris won a Tony in 2014 and went on to host the awards the following year."} {"id": 103826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Megan Fox začala svou hereckou kariéru několika menšími filmovými rolemi a byla úspěšná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Megan Fox began her acting career with several minor film roles and was successful."} {"id": 212781, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gustave Eiffel se věnoval meteorologickému výzkumu.", "evidence": [[[252368, 252164, "Gustave Eiffel", 3, "Gustave Eiffel"]]], "claim_en": "Gustave Eiffel focused on meteorology research."} {"id": 161523, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Google je technologická společnost.", "evidence": [[[186067, 197978, "Google", 0, "Google"]], [[186067, 197979, "Google", 1, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google is a tech company."} {"id": 112163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Zbouchnutá byl celosvětově uveden v roce 2003.", "evidence": [[[131662, 146476, "Zbouchnutá", 0, "Knocked Up"]], [[131662, 146477, "Zbouchnutá", 4, "Knocked Up"]]], "claim_en": "Knocked Up was released worldwide in 2003."} {"id": 199383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Watts žongloval pro studio Marvel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Watts juggled for Marvel Studios."} {"id": 150398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kirk Douglas produkoval film Lonely Are the Brave.", "evidence": [[[174222, 187443, "Kirk Douglas", 15, "Kirk Douglas"]]], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas produced Lonely Are the Brave."} {"id": 51487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marc Maron natočil film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marc Maron has a film."} {"id": 31412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: Transformers: Age of Extinction byl uveden do kin.", "evidence": [[[91562, 104305, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"], [91562, 104305, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[93952, 106919, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[306549, 297193, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[306549, 297194, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[306551, 297195, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[307565, 298038, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Age of Extinction was released."} {"id": 168199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktor Doom je vůdcem Romů.", "evidence": [[[193695, 204184, "Doctor Doom", 1, "Doctor Doom"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Doom is the leader of the Romani people."} {"id": 32885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "American Horror Story odmítl spolupracovat se Sarah Paulson.", "evidence": [[[48973, 58309, "American Horror Story", 13, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story refused to work with Sarah Paulson."} {"id": 210870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Saw VI napsali dva lidé.", "evidence": [[[249822, 249846, "Saw 6", 0, "Saw VI"]]], "claim_en": "Saw VI was written by two people."} {"id": 129947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Ruffalo je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[152157, 166944, "Mark Ruffalo", 0, "Mark Ruffalo"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Ruffalo is an American actor."} {"id": 38954, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Khmerská říše je oddělená entita od Angkorské říše.", "evidence": [[[113110, 126948, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]], [[119343, 133330, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]], [[308481, 298858, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]], [[310084, 300155, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]], [[310085, 300156, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Khmer Empire is a separate entity from the Angkor Empire."} {"id": 122849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech získal David Bowie zlatý certifikát.", "evidence": [[[144255, 159301, "David Bowie", 5, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "In the united States, David Bowie was certified gold."} {"id": 30360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jing Tian je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jing Tian is a singer."} {"id": 50421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku se zúčastnil nejméně dvou fotbalových turnajů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was in at least two football tournaments."} {"id": 3373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Henrietta Marie Francouzská zemřela 27. září.", "evidence": [[[19371, 23765, "Henrietta Marie Bourbonská", 0, "Henrietta Maria of France"]]], "claim_en": "Henrietta Maria of France died on September 27."} {"id": 131365, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hebe byla nositelkou pohárů pro Dia a Héru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hebe was the cupbearer for Zeus and Hera."} {"id": 210439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jet Li je ruský mistr bojových umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jet Li is a Russian martial artist."} {"id": 167151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanye West produkoval umělec.", "evidence": [[[192299, 203055, "Kanye West", 1, "Kanye West"]]], "claim_en": "Kanye West produced an artist."} {"id": 46291, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba Take Me High byla vydána na kazetě Betamax.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Take Me High was released on Betamax tape."} {"id": 29922, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K2 se řadí na druhé místo v žebříčku nejvyšších hor světa.", "evidence": [[[46039, 54993, "K2", 0, "K2"]]], "claim_en": "K2 ranks second in highest mountains in the world."} {"id": 115498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Planeta opic (1968) napsal profesionál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) was written by a professional."} {"id": 109213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Třetí série seriálu Sonny with a Chance má 6,3 milionu diváků.", "evidence": [[[128099, 142808, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[128099, 142809, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 14, "Sonny with a Chance"]]], "claim_en": "The third season of Sonny with a Chance has 6.3 million viewers."} {"id": 124762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1975 se Meryl Streepová poprvé objevila na jevišti a hrála profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[146352, 161306, "Meryl Streepová", 6, "Meryl Streep"]]], "claim_en": "In 1975, Meryl Streep appeared on stage acting professionally for the first time."} {"id": 86676, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlato bylo zničeno pro ražbu mincí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gold has been destroyed for coinage."} {"id": 57154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cristiano Ronaldo se narodil 5. února 1985.", "evidence": [[[180108, 192646, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 0, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]], [[181859, 194124, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 0, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]], [[314143, 303579, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 0, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]], [[314145, 303580, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 0, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]]], "claim_en": "Cristiano Ronaldo was born on the 5th February, 1985."} {"id": 165889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alice Cooper se ve skutečnosti jmenuje Vincent Damon Furnier.", "evidence": [[[190751, 201715, "Alice Cooper", 0, "Alice Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Alice Cooper's real name is Vincent Damon Furnier."} {"id": 29627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Furious 7 není dílem franšízy.", "evidence": [[[45765, 54630, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 1, "Furious 7"]]], "claim_en": "Furious 7 is not an installment in a franchise."} {"id": 212357, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linda McCartney byla požádána o ruku v roce 1995.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was proposed to in 1995."} {"id": 26569, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roman Reigns je šampionem Spojených států amerických.", "evidence": [[[42718, 51361, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]]], "claim_en": "Roman Reigns is a United States Champion."} {"id": 178237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V současné době zastává Nawaz Sharif funkci předsedy vlády.", "evidence": [[[206578, 214915, "Naváz Šaríf", 0, "Nawaz Sharif"]]], "claim_en": "Currently Nawaz Sharif serves as a prime minister."} {"id": 147575, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Pertwee byl manžel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee was a husband."} {"id": 185536, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z příkladů základní potraviny jsou plantainy.", "evidence": [[[216247, 222933, "Základní potraviny", 12, "Staple food"]], [[216247, 222934, "Základní potraviny", 13, "Staple food"]]], "claim_en": "One example of a staple food are plantains."} {"id": 85399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nemoci se šířily také po Hedvábné stezce.", "evidence": [[[102571, 115840, "Hedvábná stezka", 12, "Silk Road"]]], "claim_en": "Ailments also spread along the Silk Road."} {"id": 221359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Ultimate Spider-Man byl pro svou čtvrtou a zároveň poslední sérii přejmenován na Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister 6.", "evidence": [[[263580, 261233, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 2, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Ultimate Spider-Man was retitled to Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister 6 for its fourth, and final, season."} {"id": 147136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lahore je město.", "evidence": [[[172846, 186097, "Láhaur", 0, "Lahore"]], [[172846, 186098, "Láhaur", 1, "Lahore"]], [[172846, 186099, "Láhaur", 2, "Lahore"]]], "claim_en": "Lahore is a town."} {"id": 63980, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo je kytarista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo is a guitarist."} {"id": 117366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje země jménem Egypt.", "evidence": [[[137720, 152650, "Egypt", 0, "Egypt"]], [[137720, 152651, "Egypt", 1, "Egypt"]], [[137720, 152652, "Egypt", 5, "Egypt"]], [[137720, 152653, "Egypt", 9, "Egypt"]], [[137720, 152654, "Egypt", 12, "Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "There is a country called Egypt."} {"id": 157531, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová vydala album až v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[181733, 193984, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[181735, 193985, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 2, "Scarlett Johansson"], [181735, 193985, "Přízračný svět", 0, "Ghost World (film)"]], [[181736, 193986, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[181737, 193987, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[181741, 193990, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson only released an album in 2001."} {"id": 107308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Liam Neeson nebyl nominován na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[125949, 140344, "Liam Neeson", 11, "Liam Neeson"]]], "claim_en": "Liam Neeson was passed over for an Academy Award."} {"id": 153559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Francis Ford Coppola byl producentem filmu Apocalypse Now.", "evidence": [[[177501, 190282, "Apokalypsa (film)", 0, "Apocalypse Now"]]], "claim_en": "Francis Ford Coppola was a producer for Apocalypse Now."} {"id": 100020, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sean Connery byl obsazen do filmu Skála.", "evidence": [[[117665, 131559, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery was cast in The Rock."} {"id": 1779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Naomi Scottová hrála ve filmu z roku 2011.", "evidence": [[[17537, 21686, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [17537, 21686, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"], [17537, 21686, "Lemonade Mouth", 3, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott starred in a 2011 film."} {"id": 208724, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice pracoval na operaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice worked on a surgery."} {"id": 101108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Xbox One je konzole neschopná hrát videohry.", "evidence": [[[118865, 132703, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One is a console incapable of playing video games."} {"id": 157186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando byl příznivcem indiánských hnutí.", "evidence": [[[296219, 288138, "Marlon Brando", 5, "Marlon Brando"]], [[297797, 289397, "Marlon Brando", 5, "Marlon Brando"]], [[299943, 291275, "Marlon Brando", 5, "Marlon Brando"]], [[342540, 326533, "Marlon Brando", 5, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was a supporter of Native American movements."} {"id": 5683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Odyssea je ovlivněna činy papeže.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Odyssey is influenced by the actions of the pope."} {"id": 82731, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová vystupovala v Las Vegas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith performed in Las Vegas."} {"id": 63214, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham získal v roce 2007 titul v Premier League.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham won the Premier League title in 2007."} {"id": 72476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ann Richardsová byla Floriďanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ann Richards was a Floridian."} {"id": 80100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just the Way You Are není píseň.", "evidence": [[[97066, 110222, "Just the Way You Are", 0, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110223, "Just the Way You Are", 1, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110224, "Just the Way You Are", 12, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110225, "Just the Way You Are", 11, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110226, "Just the Way You Are", 10, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110227, "Just the Way You Are", 8, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[97066, 110228, "Just the Way You Are", 7, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just the Way You Are isn't a song."} {"id": 163692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Bostonu je mnoho vysokých škol.", "evidence": [[[188357, 199756, "Boston", 15, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Boston has many schools for higher education."} {"id": 68682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alex Kurtzman není schopen přepsat scénář k filmu The Amazing Spider-Man 2.", "evidence": [[[85300, 97606, "Amazing Spider-Man 2", 3, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "Alex Kurtzman is incapable of rewriting the screenplay for The Amazing Spider-Man 2."} {"id": 183379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Legally Blonde napsaly Karen McCullah Lutz a Kirsten Smith.", "evidence": [[[213443, 220688, "Pravá blondýnka", 1, "Legally Blonde"]]], "claim_en": "Legally Blonde was scripted by Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith."} {"id": 157188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhou sérii amerického televizního seriálu Sonny with a Chance sleduje 6,3 milionu diváků.", "evidence": [[[181315, 193574, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]]], "claim_en": "The second season of the American television show Sonny with a Chance has 6.3 million viewers."} {"id": 70596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jared Kushner je investorem na trhu.", "evidence": [[[87263, 99767, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner is a market investor."} {"id": 198384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Marilyn Manson vznikla na Floridě.", "evidence": [[[233239, 236219, "Marilyn Manson (hudební skupina)", 0, "Marilyn Manson (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Manson was formed in Florida."} {"id": 181871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Princezna Mononoke má temnou atmosféru.", "evidence": [[[211447, 219160, "Princezna Mononoke", 7, "Princess Mononoke"]]], "claim_en": "Princess Mononoke has a dark atmosphere."} {"id": 202560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Little Boy byl shozen na německé město.", "evidence": [[[238672, 240671, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]], [[238673, 240672, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy was dropped on a German city."} {"id": 168925, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boeing 767 se stal nejčastěji používaným dopravním letadlem pro transatlantické lety ze Severní Ameriky do Evropy.", "evidence": [[[194650, 205036, "Boeing 767", 19, "Boeing 767"]]], "claim_en": "The Boeing 767 became the most frequently used airliner for North America and Europe transatlantic flights."} {"id": 10410, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hotel Hell vysílá na divoké straně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hotel Hell airs on the wild side."} {"id": 19244, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Montreal je postaven na rovině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Montreal is built on a flat plain."} {"id": 74480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugo Weaving je člověk.", "evidence": [[[235262, 237957, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[237993, 240160, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[241567, 243107, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308848, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308849, "Hugo Weaving", 1, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308850, "Hugo Weaving", 4, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308851, "Hugo Weaving", 6, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308852, "Hugo Weaving", 5, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308853, "Hugo Weaving", 7, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320240, 308854, "Hugo Weaving", 10, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308914, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308915, "Hugo Weaving", 1, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308916, "Hugo Weaving", 4, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308917, "Hugo Weaving", 5, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308918, "Hugo Weaving", 6, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308919, "Hugo Weaving", 7, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[320311, 308920, "Hugo Weaving", 10, "Hugo Weaving"]]], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving is a person."} {"id": 224784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Black Sabbath byl pouze podnik.", "evidence": [[[267846, 264469, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath was only a business."} {"id": 207043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Hiddleston se objevil ve filmu Půlnoc v Paříži.", "evidence": [[[244817, 245735, "Tom Hiddleston", 7, "Tom Hiddleston"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hiddleston appeared in Midnight in Paris."} {"id": 82452, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eva Longoria je komunistka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eva Longoria is a communist."} {"id": 202662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaron Carter se narodil na Tchaj-wanu.", "evidence": [[[238812, 240780, "Aaron Carter", 4, "Aaron Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Carter was born in Taiwan."} {"id": 91510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve spotřebitelském softwaru společnosti Apple Inc. chybí multimediální přehrávač iTunes.", "evidence": [[[108850, 122552, "Apple", 2, "Apple Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Apple Inc.'s consumer software lacks the iTunes media player."} {"id": 84635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moskva se nachází v Číně.", "evidence": [[[26873, 32989, "Moskva", 0, "Moscow"]], [[26873, 32990, "Moskva", 1, "Moscow"], [26873, 32990, "Federální města Ruské federace", 0, "Federal cities of Russia"]], [[26873, 32991, "Moskva", 4, "Moscow"]], [[26873, 32992, "Moskva", 8, "Moscow"]], [[26873, 32994, "Moskva", 16, "Moscow"]], [[26873, 32995, "Moskva", 15, "Moscow"], [26873, 32995, "Rusko", 0, "Russia"]], [[26873, 32996, "Moskva", 13, "Moscow"]], [[26873, 32997, "Moskva", 24, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is in China."} {"id": 71584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království se skládá ze zemí.", "evidence": [[[88253, 100857, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]], [[88257, 100858, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom consists of countries."} {"id": 151281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na vyžádání bylo odvysíláno 1,6 miliardy streamů písní skupiny Fifth Harmony.", "evidence": [[[175120, 188167, "Fifth Harmony", 16, "Fifth Harmony"]]], "claim_en": "There were 1.6 billion on-demand streams for songs by Fifth Harmony."} {"id": 104457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marie I. Portugalská byla známá také jako něco jiného.", "evidence": [[[125202, 139546, "Marie I. Portugalská", 1, "Maria I of Portugal"]], [[125202, 139547, "Marie I. Portugalská", 0, "Maria I of Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Maria I of Portugal was also known as something else."} {"id": 188721, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Herec získal cenu Screen Actors Guild Award za film Crash.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "An actor was the winner of a Screen Actors Guild Award for Crash."} {"id": 150584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Massachusetts je místo.", "evidence": [[[174411, 187621, "Massachusetts", 0, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187622, "Massachusetts", 1, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187623, "Massachusetts", 3, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187624, "Massachusetts", 2, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187625, "Massachusetts", 4, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187626, "Massachusetts", 5, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187627, "Massachusetts", 7, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187628, "Massachusetts", 18, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187629, "Massachusetts", 19, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187630, "Massachusetts", 21, "Massachusetts"]], [[174411, 187631, "Massachusetts", 20, "Massachusetts"]]], "claim_en": "Massachusetts is a place."} {"id": 134786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Freeman je známý díky své postavě doktora Johna Watsona.", "evidence": [[[157356, 171926, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Freeman is known for his portrayal of Dr. John Watson."} {"id": 54147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prvním celovečerním filmem Charlieho Chaplina byl La La Land.", "evidence": [[[70460, 81328, "Charlie Chaplin", 17, "Charlie Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Charlie Chaplin's first feature-length was La La Land."} {"id": 7378, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Caryho Granta přitahovalo divadlo už v mládí.", "evidence": [[[11955, 14965, "Cary Grant", 5, "Cary Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Cary Grant was attracted to theater at a young age."} {"id": 54690, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "José Ferrer získal v roce 1947 cenu Tony za roli ve hře Spice World.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "José Ferrer won a Tony Award in 1947 for his role in Spice World."} {"id": 12201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Sinatra absolvoval mezinárodní turné.", "evidence": [[[27426, 33607, "Frank Sinatra", 16, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra toured internationally."} {"id": 44550, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Graciosa na Kanárských ostrovech leží 2 km od průlivu El Río.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Graciosa, Canary Islands is 2km away from the strait El Río."} {"id": 17028, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Umbrella byl uveden do kin 29. června 2007.", "evidence": [[[32458, 39435, "Umbrella", 13, "Umbrella (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Umbrella was released on June 29, 2007."} {"id": 41967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne má výrazný pěvecký hlas.", "evidence": [[[58253, 68494, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne has a distinctive singing voice."} {"id": 163268, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "That '70s Show je sitcom.", "evidence": [[[187821, 199387, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 0, "That '70s Show"]]], "claim_en": "That '70s Show is a sitcom."} {"id": 83615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Stranger Things se neodehrává v Indianě.", "evidence": [[[268099, 264739, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"]], [[270059, 266193, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"]], [[271182, 267119, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"], [271182, 267119, "Stranger Things", 0, "Stranger Things"]], [[321798, 310197, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"]], [[321800, 310199, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"]]], "claim_en": "Stranger Things is not set in Indiana."} {"id": 43275, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Zaillian získal několik ocenění.", "evidence": [[[59586, 69997, "Steven Zaillian", 4, "Steven Zaillian"]], [[59586, 69998, "Steven Zaillian", 5, "Steven Zaillian"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Zaillian has won multiple awards."} {"id": 61632, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Selena Gomez se zúčastnila bitvy o Dunkerk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez was in the Battle of Dunkirk."} {"id": 165418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jerry Lewis je tragéd.", "evidence": [[[190203, 201286, "Jerry Lewis", 1, "Jerry Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis is a tragedian."} {"id": 97008, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miranda Otto ještě nezačala svou hereckou kariéru.", "evidence": [[[114600, 128346, "Miranda Otto", 0, "Miranda Otto"]], [[114600, 128347, "Miranda Otto", 2, "Miranda Otto"]], [[114600, 128348, "Miranda Otto", 5, "Miranda Otto"]], [[114600, 128349, "Miranda Otto", 6, "Miranda Otto"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Otto has yet to begin her acting career."} {"id": 170155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do kin byl uveden film Pokojská na Manhattanu.", "evidence": [[[196278, 206411, "Krásná pokojská", 3, "Maid in Manhattan"]]], "claim_en": "Maid in Manhattan was released."} {"id": 225084, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval desky pro Johnnyho Cashe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced records for Johnny Cash."} {"id": 177587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Fences hraje Emma Stone.", "evidence": [[[205835, 214310, "Ploty", 0, "Fences (film)"]], [[205835, 214311, "Ploty", 1, "Fences (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fences stars Emma Stone."} {"id": 4082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just the Way You Are je album Bruna Marse.", "evidence": [[[20310, 24857, "Just the Way You Are", 0, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24858, "Just the Way You Are", 1, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24859, "Just the Way You Are", 2, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24860, "Just the Way You Are", 4, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24861, "Just the Way You Are", 7, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24862, "Just the Way You Are", 9, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24863, "Just the Way You Are", 11, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24864, "Just the Way You Are", 19, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[20310, 24865, "Just the Way You Are", 21, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just the Way You Are is a Bruno Mars album."} {"id": 89182, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Silicon Valley je ve středu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is in a center."} {"id": 134061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celé příjmení Rogera Moora je Sir Roger George Moore.", "evidence": [[[156598, 171201, "Roger Moore", 0, "Roger Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Moore's full surname is Sir Roger George Moore."} {"id": 165000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lední medvědi jsou klasifikováni jako mořští plazi.", "evidence": [[[189754, 200975, "Medvěd lední", 7, "Polar bear"]]], "claim_en": "Polar bears are classified as marine reptiles."} {"id": 207731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Blizzard Entertainment vytvořila v roce 2004 hru World of Warcraft.", "evidence": [[[245727, 246434, "Blizzard Entertainment", 7, "Blizzard Entertainment"]]], "claim_en": "Blizzard Entertainment created the game World of Warcraft in 2004."} {"id": 7563, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nicole Kidmanová je občankou 2 zemí.", "evidence": [[[12281, 15384, "Nicole Kidmanová", 19, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman is a citizen of 2 countries."} {"id": 95646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byla vydána kniha Hobit.", "evidence": [[[113155, 127008, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 1, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit was published."} {"id": 151433, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willie Nelson se připojil ke své první kapele The Nelsons v deseti letech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson joined his first band, the Nelsons, at ten."} {"id": 14975, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Silicon Valley není region.", "evidence": [[[30268, 36854, "Silicon Valley", 2, "Silicon Valley"]], [[30268, 36855, "Silicon Valley", 1, "Silicon Valley"]], [[30268, 36856, "Silicon Valley", 5, "Silicon Valley"]], [[30268, 36857, "Silicon Valley", 8, "Silicon Valley"]], [[30268, 36858, "Silicon Valley", 11, "Silicon Valley"]]], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is not a region."} {"id": 149290, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Sinatra recenzoval film Muž se zlatou rukou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra reviewed The Man with the Golden Arm."} {"id": 98061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Pasažéři recenzoval Morten Tyldum.", "evidence": [[[115712, 129581, "Pasažéři", 0, "Passengers (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Passengers was reviewed by Morten Tyldum."} {"id": 112429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Somálsku existují telekomunikace.", "evidence": [[[131948, 146789, "Somálsko", 40, "Somalia"]]], "claim_en": "Telecommunications exist in Somalia."} {"id": 100612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glen Campbell je Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[118288, 132122, "Glen Campbell", 0, "Glen Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell is a Gemini."} {"id": 33284, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grace Jones inspirovala irského zpěváka a skladatele.", "evidence": [[[306864, 297453, "Grace Jones", 21, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones inspired an Irish singer-songwriter."} {"id": 134429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Google má dva zakladatele.", "evidence": [[[288180, 281454, "Google", 2, "Google"]], [[289531, 282587, "Google", 2, "Google"]], [[291025, 283981, "Google", 2, "Google"]], [[336360, 321949, "Google", 2, "Google"]], [[336361, 321950, "Google", 2, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google has two founders."} {"id": 22992, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Továrny Sony produkují velké množství znečištění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sony factories produces a lot of pollution."} {"id": 170646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z karetních her je Dragon Ball.", "evidence": [[[196888, 206973, "Dragon Ball", 10, "Dragon Ball"]]], "claim_en": "One card game is Dragon Ball."} {"id": 49718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neuvěřitelného Hulka se prodalo 263 milionů komiksů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Incredible Hulk sold 263 million comic books."} {"id": 109953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne má výrazný pěvecký hlas.", "evidence": [[[280003, 274586, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[281708, 276045, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[281730, 276054, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[328910, 315859, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne possesses a distinguishable singing voice."} {"id": 157332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Novak Djokovič je sportovec, který se věnuje profesionálnímu tenisu.", "evidence": [[[181515, 193754, "Novak Djoković", 0, "Novak Djokovic"]], [[181515, 193755, "Novak Djoković", 1, "Novak Djokovic"]], [[181515, 193756, "Novak Djoković", 5, "Novak Djokovic"], [181515, 193756, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[181515, 193757, "Novak Djoković", 6, "Novak Djokovic"], [181515, 193757, "Australian Open", 0, "Australian Open"]]], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic is an athlete involved in professional tennis."} {"id": 150357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Musala je údolí.", "evidence": [[[174182, 187373, "Musala", 0, "Musala"]], [[174182, 187374, "Musala", 1, "Musala"]], [[174182, 187375, "Musala", 2, "Musala"]], [[174182, 187376, "Musala", 9, "Musala"]]], "claim_en": "Musala is a valley."} {"id": 207719, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2004 vytvořila společnost Blizzard Entertainment hru World of Warcraft.", "evidence": [[[245713, 246422, "Blizzard Entertainment", 7, "Blizzard Entertainment"]]], "claim_en": "In 2004 Blizzard Entertainment created World of Warcraft."} {"id": 100228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lee Harvey Oswald zavraždil papeže.", "evidence": [[[117899, 131784, "Lee Harvey Oswald", 0, "Lee Harvey Oswald"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated a pope."} {"id": 147541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lev je největší kočka.", "evidence": [[[171100, 184619, "Lev", 2, "Lion"]]], "claim_en": "A lion is the biggest cat."} {"id": 87989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani je bratr Anila Ambaniho.", "evidence": [[[105180, 118597, "Mukeš Ambani", 6, "Mukesh Ambani"]]], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani is the brother of Anil Ambani."} {"id": 123823, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Autobiografie Bethany Hamiltonové se v roce 2014 dočkala filmového zpracování.", "evidence": [[[145334, 160326, "Bethany Hamilton", 2, "Bethany Hamilton"], [145334, 160326, "Surfařka (film, 2011)", 0, "Soul Surfer (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Bethany Hamilton's autobiography was adapted into a film in 2014."} {"id": 161373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Love je spoluautorem písně.", "evidence": [[[185922, 197699, "Mike Love", 5, "Mike Love"]], [[185922, 197700, "Mike Love", 12, "Mike Love"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Love co-wrote a song."} {"id": 117658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pákistán přijal svou první a jedinou ústavu v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[282773, 276907, "Pákistán", 14, "Pakistan"]], [[282773, 276908, "Pákistán", 16, "Pakistan"]], [[284687, 278434, "Pákistán", 14, "Pakistan"]], [[284687, 278435, "Pákistán", 16, "Pakistan"]], [[285471, 279090, "Pákistán", 14, "Pakistan"]], [[285471, 279091, "Pákistán", 16, "Pakistan"]], [[330996, 317462, "Pákistán", 16, "Pakistan"]], [[330996, 317463, "Pákistán", 17, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "Pakistan adopted its first and only constitution in 1980."} {"id": 210865, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saw VI je jamajský film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saw VI is a Jamaican film."} {"id": 26509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bratři Coenové často podvracejí nebo parodují žánry a styly.", "evidence": [[[73233, 84436, "Bratři Coenové", 1, "Coen brothers"]], [[78254, 89776, "Bratři Coenové", 1, "Coen brothers"]], [[80531, 92379, "Bratři Coenové", 1, "Coen brothers"]], [[307053, 297594, "Bratři Coenové", 1, "Coen brothers"]]], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers frequently subvert or parody genres and styles."} {"id": 69333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alessia Cara není Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[86016, 98348, "Alessia Cara", 0, "Alessia Cara"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara is not Canadian."} {"id": 44427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Liverpool je turistická destinace.", "evidence": [[[134556, 149469, "Liverpool", 13, "Liverpool"]], [[136172, 151005, "Liverpool", 13, "Liverpool"]], [[309653, 299812, "Liverpool", 13, "Liverpool"]], [[310757, 300780, "Liverpool", 13, "Liverpool"]], [[310758, 300781, "Liverpool", 13, "Liverpool"]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool is a tourist destination."} {"id": 5332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kapitán Amerika je součástí DC Comics.", "evidence": [[[21718, 26686, "Captain America", 0, "Captain America"]]], "claim_en": "Captain America is part of DC Comics."} {"id": 157458, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Evropské ekonomiky tvoří 80 % světového obchodu.", "evidence": [[[181640, 193894, "G20", 8, "G20"]]], "claim_en": "The european economies account for 80 % of world trade."} {"id": 95166, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Golden State Warriors měli předchozí název.", "evidence": [[[112652, 126481, "Golden State Warriors", 2, "Golden State Warriors"]]], "claim_en": "The Golden State Warriors had a previous name."} {"id": 13893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis hrál v letech 2011-2015 v trilogii The Hangover.", "evidence": [[[29162, 35586, "Zach Galifianakis", 2, "Zach Galifianakis"]]], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis starred in The Hangover Trilogy from 2011-2015."} {"id": 39466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sociální úzkostná porucha je známá také jako SAD.", "evidence": [[[55766, 65830, "Sociální fobie", 0, "Social anxiety disorder"]]], "claim_en": "Social anxiety disorder is also known as SAD."} {"id": 18303, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski vynikl jako neurochirurg.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski excelled as a neurosurgeon."} {"id": 170041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amy Poehler je americká spisovatelka.", "evidence": [[[196140, 206279, "Amy Poehler", 0, "Amy Poehler"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Poehler is an American writer."} {"id": 52928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sparta byla politicky závislá.", "evidence": [[[69214, 79991, "Sparta", 8, "Sparta"]]], "claim_en": "Sparta was politically dependent."} {"id": 168647, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Strážci Galaxie byl vydán online.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Guardians of the Galaxy was released online."} {"id": 131388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Duvall získal v roce 2005 Národní medaili za umění.", "evidence": [[[153670, 168510, "Robert Duvall", 2, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall won the National Medal of Arts in 2005."} {"id": 80964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie Chan není hvězdou kantopopu.", "evidence": [[[97975, 111108, "Jackie Chan", 8, "Jackie Chan"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan is not a Cantopop star."} {"id": 213867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Kick-Ass byl vydán až po roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[253878, 253683, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253878, 253684, "Kick-Ass", 2, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253879, 253685, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253879, 253686, "Kick-Ass", 2, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Kick-Ass was only released after 2011."} {"id": 94953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "FC Barcelona získala čtyři tituly v mezinárodní klubové fotbalové Lize mistrů UEFA.", "evidence": [[[324815, 312688, "FC Barcelona", 10, "FC Barcelona"]], [[324827, 312693, "FC Barcelona", 10, "FC Barcelona"]], [[326095, 313649, "FC Barcelona", 10, "FC Barcelona"]]], "claim_en": "FC Barcelona has won four UEFA Champions League titles in the international club football."} {"id": 108864, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Texasu vládla Francie až do roku 1860.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Texas was ruled by France until 1860."} {"id": 56377, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bill Clinton pracoval.", "evidence": [[[176813, 189744, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189745, "Bill Clinton", 1, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189746, "Bill Clinton", 2, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189747, "Bill Clinton", 7, "Bill Clinton"], [176813, 189747, "Hillary Clintonová", 0, "Hillary Clinton"]], [[176813, 189748, "Bill Clinton", 9, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189749, "Bill Clinton", 12, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189750, "Bill Clinton", 13, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189751, "Bill Clinton", 14, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189753, "Bill Clinton", 16, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189754, "Bill Clinton", 17, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189755, "Bill Clinton", 20, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189756, "Bill Clinton", 24, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189757, "Bill Clinton", 21, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189758, "Bill Clinton", 25, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189759, "Bill Clinton", 28, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189760, "Bill Clinton", 29, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189761, "Bill Clinton", 30, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189762, "Bill Clinton", 31, "Bill Clinton"]], [[176813, 189763, "Bill Clinton", 35, "Bill Clinton"]], [[178567, 191159, "Bill Clinton", 29, "Bill Clinton"]], [[313226, 302882, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]], [[313226, 302883, "Bill Clinton", 2, "Bill Clinton"]], [[313228, 302887, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton worked."} {"id": 93702, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Martin je cyklista z Irska, který závodí na silnici.", "evidence": [[[111069, 124741, "Daniel Martin", 0, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Martin is a bike rider from Ireland who races on the road."} {"id": 223663, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ludwiga van Beethovena učil jeho bratr Johann van Beethoven a Christian Gottlob Neefe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ludwig van Beethoven was taught by his brother Johann van Beethoven and Christian Gottlob Neefe."} {"id": 167026, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra Little Big Shots explodovala v roce 2016.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Little Big Shots exploded in 2016."} {"id": 17323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář filmu The Hateful Eight byl v roce 2014 utajen.", "evidence": [[[32783, 39859, "Osm hrozných", 5, "The Hateful Eight"]]], "claim_en": "The Hateful Eight's script was kept secret in 2014."} {"id": 122352, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Look at My Dab se také jmenuje Dab.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Look at My Dab is also called Dab."} {"id": 113444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Travis Barker pracuje sám.", "evidence": [[[133064, 147946, "Travis Barker", 1, "Travis Barker"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker works alone."} {"id": 169103, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Kroll má vedlejší roli ve filmu Miluji tě, člověče po boku Paula Rudda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Kroll has a supporting role in the movie I Love You, Man alongside Paul Rudd."} {"id": 120551, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marion Cotillard si zahrála osamělou kabaretní zpěvačku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marion Cotillard played a lonely cabaret singer."} {"id": 128513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Thomas Anderson režíroval film Heimat.", "evidence": [[[150540, 165421, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 0, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [150540, 165421, "Heimat", 0, "Heimat (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Thomas Anderson directed Heimat."} {"id": 95461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Watsonová získala v Japonsku svůj první titul ve dvouhře na okruhu WTA.", "evidence": [[[112971, 126812, "Heather Watsonová", 7, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson was awarded her first WTA singles title in Japan."} {"id": 126177, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Voda se vyskytuje v přírodě.", "evidence": [[[148013, 163005, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water occurs in nature."} {"id": 28796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum si zahrála v reklamě na mýdlo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum starred in a soap commercial."} {"id": 28055, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zootopie měla premiéru v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[44173, 52806, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 6, "Zootopia"]]], "claim_en": "Zootopia premiered in 2016."} {"id": 105120, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syd Barrett byl hlavním kytaristou skupiny Pink Floyd.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett was the principal guitarist of Pink Floyd."} {"id": 209184, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Foxcatcher není schopen získat žádnou nominaci.", "evidence": [[[247649, 247949, "Hon na lišku (film, 2014)", 8, "Foxcatcher"]], [[247649, 247950, "Hon na lišku (film, 2014)", 9, "Foxcatcher"]]], "claim_en": "Foxcatcher is incapable of receiving any nominations."} {"id": 207063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hiddleston se objevil ve filmu Michaela Baye.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hiddleston appeared in a Michael Bay film."} {"id": 177734, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Josh Duhamel dělá herectví jako profesi.", "evidence": [[[206001, 214451, "Josh Duhamel", 0, "Josh Duhamel"]]], "claim_en": "Josh Duhamel does acting as a profession."} {"id": 167419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová je dítětem Charlieho Chaplina a Oony O'Neillové.", "evidence": [[[192691, 203380, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 0, "Geraldine Chaplin"]], [[192692, 203381, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 0, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin is the child of Charlie Chaplin and Oona O'Neill."} {"id": 128773, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daddy Yankee se narodil v roce 1988.", "evidence": [[[150817, 165663, "Daddy Yankee", 0, "Daddy Yankee"]]], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee was born in 1988."} {"id": 207488, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Harry Potter a Relikvie smrti zmizel v červenci 2007.", "evidence": [[[245392, 246216, "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti", 1, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows disappeared on July 2007."} {"id": 197471, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris O'Dowd měl hlavní roli ve filmu Rodinný strom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris O'Dowd had a lead role in Family Tree."} {"id": 25485, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Danny DeVito je filmový tvůrce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito is a film maker."} {"id": 158705, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Junun je lyžařská soutěž z roku 2015.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Junun is a 2015 skiing competition."} {"id": 213329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Burstyn dosud nezískala žádnou cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [[[253096, 252975, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[253097, 252976, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn has yet to win any Emmy Awards."} {"id": 12881, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rok otevření One World Trade Center byl 2014.", "evidence": [[[28116, 34410, "One World Trade Center", 12, "One World Trade Center"]]], "claim_en": "One World Trade Center's opening year was 2014."} {"id": 98303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reba McEntire je výhradně lékařka.", "evidence": [[[115951, 129827, "Reba McEntire", 0, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129828, "Reba McEntire", 1, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129829, "Reba McEntire", 3, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129830, "Reba McEntire", 4, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129831, "Reba McEntire", 7, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129832, "Reba McEntire", 8, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129833, "Reba McEntire", 9, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129834, "Reba McEntire", 11, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129835, "Reba McEntire", 14, "Reba McEntire"]], [[115951, 129836, "Reba McEntire", 15, "Reba McEntire"]]], "claim_en": "Reba McEntire is exclusively a doctor."} {"id": 209369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rick a Morty je severoamerický seriál.", "evidence": [[[247857, 248161, "Rick a Morty", 0, "Rick and Morty"]]], "claim_en": "Rick and Morty is a North American show."} {"id": 58106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hrad Pembroke je opevněná stavba.", "evidence": [[[74465, 85704, "Pembroke (hrad)", 0, "Pembroke Castle"], [74465, 85704, "Hrad", 0, "Castle"]]], "claim_en": "Pembroke Castle is a fortified structure."} {"id": 22278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pluto není největší známý transneptunický objekt podle objemu.", "evidence": [[[59003, 69330, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]], [[63980, 74683, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]], [[303435, 294405, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]], [[303439, 294409, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]], [[303461, 294429, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto is not the largest known trans-Neptunian object by volume."} {"id": 104213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adrianne Palicki byla francouzská herečka.", "evidence": [[[123925, 138272, "Adrianne Palicki", 0, "Adrianne Palicki"]]], "claim_en": "Adrianne Palicki was a French actress."} {"id": 164138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Empatie je schopnost vžít se přesně do situace druhého člověka.", "evidence": [[[188811, 200237, "Empatie", 0, "Empathy"]], [[188850, 200259, "Empatie", 0, "Empathy"]]], "claim_en": "Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another's exact position."} {"id": 168754, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "BTS používá Instagram.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "BTS uses Instagram."} {"id": 72256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fairy Tail neměl druhou sérii.", "evidence": [[[88953, 101589, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]]], "claim_en": "Fairy Tail did not have a second series."} {"id": 114128, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Penélope Cruzová byla modelkou pro oděvní společnost Ralph Lauren.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Penélope Cruz has modeled for clothing company Ralph Lauren."} {"id": 35450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg je americká spisovatelka.", "evidence": [[[51646, 61425, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is an American author."} {"id": 91480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Golden State Warriors byli v roce 1540 známí jako San Francisco Warriors.", "evidence": [[[108843, 122546, "Golden State Warriors", 3, "Golden State Warriors"]]], "claim_en": "The Golden State Warriors were known as the San Francisco Warriors in 1540."} {"id": 26205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Shakespeare byl ovce.", "evidence": [[[42240, 50824, "William Shakespeare", 0, "William Shakespeare"]], [[42240, 50825, "William Shakespeare", 1, "William Shakespeare"]]], "claim_en": "William Shakespeare was a sheep."} {"id": 95913, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Stokorcová cesta (The Hundred-Foot Journey) vypráví příběh osla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) tells the story of a donkey."} {"id": 12834, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nizozemci žijí v Amsterdamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Netherlanders live in Amsterdam."} {"id": 144485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bill Gates je člověk, který daruje peníze.", "evidence": [[[167727, 181488, "Bill Gates", 13, "Bill Gates"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Gates is a person who donates money."} {"id": 154049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Orwell je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[178038, 190686, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[178038, 190687, "George Orwell", 4, "George Orwell"]], [[178038, 190688, "George Orwell", 5, "George Orwell"]], [[178038, 190689, "George Orwell", 6, "George Orwell"]]], "claim_en": "George Orwell is an author."} {"id": 147949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států schvaluje zákony a poté je posílá prezidentovi.", "evidence": [[[171561, 185029, "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států amerických", 10, "United States House of Representatives"]]], "claim_en": "The United States House of Representatives passes legislation and then it is sent to the President."} {"id": 48028, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarah Hylandová pochází z Idaha.", "evidence": [[[64394, 75157, "Sarah Hyland", 1, "Sarah Hyland"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Hyland is from Idaho."} {"id": 152305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Michelle Gellarová spoluzaložila národ.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Michelle Gellar co-founded a nation."} {"id": 149433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhá světová válka nezahrnovala vojenské tažení ve východní Africe.", "evidence": [[[173235, 186501, "Druhá světová válka", 11, "World War II"]]], "claim_en": "World War II did not include a military campaign in East Africa."} {"id": 43318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Conjuring je jedním z nejvýdělečnějších hororů všech dob.", "evidence": [[[59629, 70032, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring is one of the highest-grossing horror films of all time."} {"id": 87710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První titul ve dvouhře WTA získala Heather Watsonová 14. října 1972.", "evidence": [[[104911, 118336, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]], [[104911, 118337, "Heather Watsonová", 7, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "The first WTA singles title Heather Watson won was on October 14, 1972."} {"id": 86609, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Louis C.K. je šéfkuchař.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Louis C.K. is a chef."} {"id": 223401, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poppy (zpěvačka) je americká country zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poppy (singer) is an American country singer."} {"id": 76360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lucy Haleová účinkovala v soutěži American Idol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lucy Hale was in American Idol."} {"id": 225099, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval desky pro Elvise Presleyho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced records for Elvis Presley."} {"id": 131298, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Královna Viktorie byla dcerou kováře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Victoria was the daughter of a blacksmith."} {"id": 107223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp je jedináček.", "evidence": [[[125849, 140261, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125850, 140262, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125851, 140264, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125852, 140263, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125853, 140265, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125854, 140266, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[125855, 140267, "Wyatt Earp", 1, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp is an only child."} {"id": 67721, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film The Maze Runner vydělal 348 milionů amerických dolarů.", "evidence": [[[84313, 96431, "Labyrint: Útěk", 13, "The Maze Runner (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Maze Runner made 348 million American dollars."} {"id": 27091, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Islám je město.", "evidence": [[[43260, 51891, "Islám", 2, "Islam"]], [[43260, 51892, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]], [[43260, 51893, "Islám", 8, "Islam"]], [[43260, 51894, "Islám", 10, "Islam"]], [[43260, 51895, "Islám", 11, "Islam"]], [[43260, 51896, "Islám", 17, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam is a city."} {"id": 27515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Blbý a blbější je americká komediální road movie.", "evidence": [[[43644, 52290, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"]]], "claim_en": "Dumb and Dumber is an American comedy road film."} {"id": 162118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokoj 93 je od Madonny.", "evidence": [[[186635, 198429, "Room 93", 0, "Room 93"]]], "claim_en": "Room 93 is by Madonna."} {"id": 29261, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Based on a T.R.U. Story je náboženství.", "evidence": [[[83777, 95797, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 0, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[83777, 95798, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 1, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"], [83777, 95798, "Def Jam Recordings", 0, "Def Jam Recordings"]], [[83777, 95799, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 2, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[83777, 95800, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 3, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[83777, 95801, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 6, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[83777, 95802, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[86359, 98758, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 0, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[86359, 98759, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100585, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 0, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100586, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 1, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100587, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 2, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100588, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 3, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100589, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 6, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[88049, 100590, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306165, 296895, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 0, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306165, 296896, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 2, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306165, 296897, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 3, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306165, 296898, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 6, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306165, 296899, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]], [[306166, 296900, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 0, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]]], "claim_en": "Based on a T.R.U. Story is a religion."} {"id": 25336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Keralské noviny vycházejí především v angličtině a malajálamštině.", "evidence": [[[41286, 49623, "Kérala", 23, "Kerala"]]], "claim_en": "Kerala's newspapers are primarily published in English and Malayalam."} {"id": 7408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bermudy byly osídleny.", "evidence": [[[12000, 15017, "Bermudy", 11, "Bermuda"]], [[12001, 15018, "Bermudy", 11, "Bermuda"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda was settled."} {"id": 174052, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filip V. Španělský byl králem suverénního státu nacházejícího se v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[201160, 210612, "Filip V. Španělský", 10, "Philip V of Spain"], [201160, 210612, "Španělsko", 0, "Spain"]]], "claim_en": "Philip V of Spain was the king of a sovereign state located in Europe."} {"id": 128168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pan Am měl premiéru 25. září.", "evidence": [[[150164, 165090, "Pan Am (seriál)", 4, "Pan Am (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Pan Am premiered on September 25."} {"id": 74282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski je americký občan.", "evidence": [[[91048, 103717, "Theodore Kaczynski", 0, "Ted Kaczynski"]], [[91048, 103718, "Theodore Kaczynski", 5, "Ted Kaczynski"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski is an American citizen."} {"id": 62613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mel Gibson získal cenu za nejlepší herecký výkon.", "evidence": [[[200236, 209809, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]], [[315420, 304672, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]], [[316571, 305734, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]], [[318352, 307302, "Mel Gibson", 13, "Mel Gibson"]], [[318355, 307305, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]], [[318357, 307307, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]], [[318370, 307317, "Mel Gibson", 9, "Mel Gibson"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson won a best actor award."} {"id": 34738, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Dhoom 3 režírovala státem financovaná osoba.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhoom 3 was directed by a state-funded individual."} {"id": 99156, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scooby-Doo je pes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scooby-Doo is a dog."} {"id": 176808, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Legie je americký romantický film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legion is an American romantic film."} {"id": 174798, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Upíří deníky vyvinul Američan narozený na přelomu století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries was developed by an American born on a landmark."} {"id": 18068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wiz Khalifa napsal píseň \"Rollin' In The Deep\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wiz Khalifa wrote the song \"Rollin' In The Deep.\""} {"id": 66326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Islám je druhé největší náboženství na světě.", "evidence": [[[82904, 94778, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam is the second-largest religion in the world."} {"id": 105750, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Kanadě se nacházela italská kolonie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Canada was the location of an Italian colony."} {"id": 124642, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "X Factor je značka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The X Factor is a brand."} {"id": 95694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugo Weaving je člověk.", "evidence": [[[113211, 127097, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[113211, 127098, "Hugo Weaving", 1, "Hugo Weaving"]], [[113211, 127099, "Hugo Weaving", 4, "Hugo Weaving"]]], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving is a person."} {"id": 32351, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Polsko je osmou největší filmovou ekonomikou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poland is the eighth largest economy in film."} {"id": 124737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Clint Eastwood se narodil v květnu 1930.", "evidence": [[[286288, 279772, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[288020, 281305, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[288555, 281773, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[333104, 319310, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[334127, 320265, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[334128, 320266, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[334138, 320269, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood was born in May 1930."} {"id": 214744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tupac Shakur je na scéně známý také jako 2Pac.", "evidence": [[[254982, 254544, "Tupac Shakur", 0, "Tupac Shakur"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur is also known by 2Pac on stage."} {"id": 98297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zákony Jima Crowa znemožnily segregaci.", "evidence": [[[115975, 129860, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 0, "Jim Crow laws"]], [[115975, 129861, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 2, "Jim Crow laws"]], [[115975, 129862, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 11, "Jim Crow laws"]], [[115975, 129863, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 16, "Jim Crow laws"]]], "claim_en": "The Jim Crow laws made segregation illegal."} {"id": 227253, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "IPhony lze používat pro referenční práce.", "evidence": [[[271019, 266973, "IPhone", 19, "IPhone"]]], "claim_en": "IPhones can be used for reference works."} {"id": 34876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Luis Fonsi se narodil v devadesátých letech.", "evidence": [[[51051, 60785, "Luis Fonsi", 0, "Luis Fonsi"]]], "claim_en": "Luis Fonsi was born in the nineties."} {"id": 200491, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z postav filmu Stmívání je Bella Swan.", "evidence": [[[235841, 238440, "Stmívání (sága)", 1, "Twilight (novel series)"]]], "claim_en": "One of Twilight's characters is Bella Swan."} {"id": 173896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Danny Carey se narodil 1. dubna.", "evidence": [[[200974, 210435, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Carey was born on April 1st."} {"id": 32069, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Fassbender hrál v minisérii HBO Band of Brothers.", "evidence": [[[92325, 105077, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]], [[95014, 107991, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]], [[97104, 110285, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]], [[306669, 297302, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]], [[306688, 297311, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Fassbender acted in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers."} {"id": 153410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ze skupiny Beatles zbyli pouze dva žijící členové: Paul McCartney a Ringo Starr.", "evidence": [[[177362, 190195, "The Beatles", 12, "The Beatles"], [177362, 190195, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles have only two surviving members left: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr."} {"id": 31910, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Premiéru měl seriál Glee na stanici ABC.", "evidence": [[[48720, 58035, "Glee", 0, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee premiered on ABC network."} {"id": 148514, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sansu Stark hraje Maisie Williamsová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sansa Stark is played by Maisie Williams."} {"id": 208720, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal v roce 1970 rockovou operu.", "evidence": [[[246986, 247363, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"], [246986, 247363, "Jesus Christ Superstar", 0, "Jesus Christ Superstar"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote a 1970 rock opera."} {"id": 52956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keanu Reeves zemřel před natáčením filmu Moje vlastní soukromé Idaho.", "evidence": [[[69247, 80021, "Keanu Reeves", 5, "Keanu Reeves"]]], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves died before the filming of My Own Private Idaho."} {"id": 33901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Shatner byl moderátorem pořadu.", "evidence": [[[50006, 59518, "William Shatner", 6, "William Shatner"]]], "claim_en": "William Shatner hosted a show."} {"id": 31513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub rváčů režíroval Peter Jackson.", "evidence": [[[47648, 56884, "Klub rváčů (film)", 1, "Fight Club"]]], "claim_en": "Fight Club was directed by Peter Jackson."} {"id": 218662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve štábu filmu Klub Playboy hraje Wes Ramsey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Playboy Club's crew includes Wes Ramsey."} {"id": 124357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fred Trump byl tuřín.", "evidence": [[[145889, 160901, "Fred Trump", 0, "Fred Trump"]], [[145889, 160903, "Fred Trump", 4, "Fred Trump"]], [[145889, 160904, "Fred Trump", 8, "Fred Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Fred Trump was a turnip."} {"id": 173099, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buzz Aldrin se narodil v New Jersey v roce 1930.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buzz Aldrin was born in New Jersey in 1930."} {"id": 177785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Labor Pains režírovala Lara Shapiro.", "evidence": [[[206060, 214516, "Šéfe, jsem v tom!", 6, "Labor Pains"]]], "claim_en": "Labor Pains was directed by Lara Shapiro."} {"id": 87168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nintendo Switch vyrábí společnost v Japonsku.", "evidence": [[[274308, 269618, "Nintendo Switch", 0, "Nintendo Switch"]], [[276662, 271756, "Nintendo Switch", 0, "Nintendo Switch"], [276662, 271756, "Nintendo", 0, "Nintendo"]], [[277491, 272408, "Nintendo Switch", 2, "Nintendo Switch"], [277491, 272408, "Nintendo", 0, "Nintendo"]], [[322393, 310732, "Nintendo Switch", 0, "Nintendo Switch"], [322393, 310732, "Nintendo", 0, "Nintendo"]], [[323541, 311763, "Nintendo Switch", 0, "Nintendo Switch"], [323541, 311763, "Nintendo", 0, "Nintendo"]]], "claim_en": "The Nintendo Switch is made by a company in Japan."} {"id": 63279, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vietnamská válka změnila socioekonomické a politické rozdělení mezi Severem a Jihem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Vietnam War altered the socio-economic and political divide between the North and the South."} {"id": 85416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shania Twain píše písně.", "evidence": [[[102587, 115853, "Shania Twain", 0, "Shania Twain"]]], "claim_en": "Shania Twain writes songs."} {"id": 168831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letopisy Narnie jsou natočeny podle rozhlasového seriálu.", "evidence": [[[194531, 204917, "Letopisy Narnie (filmová série)", 0, "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Chronicles of Narnia is based on a radio series."} {"id": 176574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hadera se nachází v zemi v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[204533, 213294, "Chadera", 0, "Hadera"], [204533, 213294, "Izrael", 0, "Israel"]], [[204539, 213300, "Chadera", 0, "Hadera"], [204539, 213300, "Izrael", 0, "Israel"], [204539, 213300, "Střední východ", 0, "Middle East"]]], "claim_en": "Hadera is in a country in North America."} {"id": 122227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní město Litvy není Vilnius.", "evidence": [[[143576, 158689, "Litva", 3, "Lithuania"]]], "claim_en": "Lithuania's capital city is not Vilnius."} {"id": 23658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Podle příběhu T.R.U. ztratilo nejlepší album Take Care od Drakea.", "evidence": [[[39607, 47686, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]]], "claim_en": "Based on a T.R.U. Story lost Best Album to Take Care by Drake."} {"id": 15149, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grace VanderWaal vyhrála v roce 2007 soutěžní pořad televize NBC America's Got Talent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grace VanderWaal won the NBC TV competition show America's Got Talent in 2007."} {"id": 227555, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sian Brooke hrála ve hře Overwatch.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sian Brooke played Overwatch."} {"id": 23174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová byla pětkrát nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[62645, 73309, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[64898, 75753, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[66743, 77567, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[303589, 294546, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"], [303589, 294546, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]], [[305384, 296214, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"], [305384, 296214, "Oscar za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon v hlavní roli", 0, "Academy Award for Best Actress"], [305384, 296214, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon has been nominated for five Oscar Awards."} {"id": 50642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zákony Jima Crowa byly přijaty po období rekonstrukce po roce 1860.", "evidence": [[[313219, 302871, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 1, "Jim Crow laws"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Crow laws were enacted after the Reconstruction period following the 1860's."} {"id": 150337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irsko je obklopeno vodou a do vnitrozemí zasahuje několik splavných řek.", "evidence": [[[174163, 187357, "Irsko (ostrov)", 10, "Ireland"], [174163, 187357, "Ostrov", 0, "Island"]]], "claim_en": "Ireland is surrounded by water and has several navigable rivers extending inland."} {"id": 127959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Superman pracuje pro Daily Bugle.", "evidence": [[[149940, 164870, "Superman", 14, "Superman"]]], "claim_en": "Superman works for the Daily Bugle."} {"id": 177881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová režírovala film Another Me.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner directed Another Me."} {"id": 25348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Haifská univerzita se nachází v Istanbulu, který je od Haify vzdálen 57 mil.", "evidence": [[[68961, 79772, "Haifa", 15, "Haifa"]], [[71787, 82788, "Haifa", 15, "Haifa"]], [[305599, 296414, "Haifa", 15, "Haifa"]]], "claim_en": "The University of Haifa is located in Istanbul which is 57 miles away from Haifa."} {"id": 225187, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Finále WTA 2014 bylo vysíláno 26. října.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals was broadcasted on October 26."} {"id": 216552, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina The Who vydala skladbu \"Substitute\".", "evidence": [[[257287, 256310, "The Who", 6, "The Who"]]], "claim_en": "The Who released \"Substitute\"."} {"id": 134424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeden herec si zahrál Doktora.", "evidence": [[[156977, 171536, "Doktor (Pán času)", 5, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]]], "claim_en": "One actor has played the Doctor."} {"id": 184849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maďarsko sousedí na severu se Slovenskem, na východě s Rumunskem, na jihu se Srbskem, na jihozápadě s Chorvatskem, na západě se Slovinskem, na severozápadě s Rakouskem a na severovýchodě s Ukrajinou.", "evidence": [[[215368, 222255, "Maďarsko", 1, "Hungary"]]], "claim_en": "Hungary is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, Slovenia to the west, Austria to the northwest, and Ukraine to the northeast."} {"id": 156593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 není film.", "evidence": [[[180670, 193085, "Amazing Spider-Man 2", 0, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is not a film."} {"id": 69785, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leslie Howard byl producentem filmu Titanic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leslie Howard was the producer of the Titanic."} {"id": 202161, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin Thicke spolupracoval s J. Lo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has worked with J. Lo."} {"id": 228180, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Styly mandolíny jsou běžné.", "evidence": [[[272208, 267899, "Mandolína", 6, "Mandolin"]]], "claim_en": "Styles of the mandolin are common."} {"id": 62143, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Schwimmer hrál v televizním filmu natočeném na Novém Zélandu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Schwimmer starred in a television movie based in New Zealand."} {"id": 9321, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tupac Shakur natočil v roce 1996 platinové album.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur made a platinum album in 1996."} {"id": 70946, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Všichni členové skupiny Soundgarden ukončili v roce 2012 studium na vysoké škole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "All members of Soundgarden graduated from college in 2012."} {"id": 59505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ramzan Kadyrov nezaložil každoroční mezinárodní turnaj v zápase ve volném stylu.", "evidence": [[[75918, 87196, "Ramzan Kadyrov", 9, "Ramzan Kadyrov"]]], "claim_en": "Ramzan Kadyrov did not establish an annual freestyle wrestling international tournament."} {"id": 161348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Hněv Titánů byl uveden v Japonsku.", "evidence": [[[185895, 197680, "Hněv Titánů", 10, "Wrath of the Titans"]]], "claim_en": "Wrath of the Titans was released in Japan."} {"id": 83134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do skupiny Girls' Generation patří PSY.", "evidence": [[[100180, 113429, "Girls' Generation", 1, "Girls' Generation"], [100180, 113429, "Girls' Generation", 0, "Girls' Generation"]]], "claim_en": "Girls' Generation includes PSY."} {"id": 221503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "AC/DC se důkladně odvázali při vydání alba For Those About to Rock We Salute You.", "evidence": [[[263767, 261380, "AC/DC", 13, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC was thoroughly uninvolved with the release of For Those About to Rock We Salute You."} {"id": 130458, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Evans hrál v roce 2004 ve filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Evans starred in a 2004 film."} {"id": 183229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles neměl nic společného se založením vévodské domácí farmy.", "evidence": [[[213283, 220559, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 17, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles had nothing to do with the establishment of the Duchy Home Farm."} {"id": 202476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy si zahráli John Hurt a Tom Cruise.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy stars John Hurt and Tom Cruise."} {"id": 156136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Bellová je osobou.", "evidence": [[[180197, 192735, "Kristen Bell", 0, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192736, "Kristen Bell", 1, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192737, "Kristen Bell", 2, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192738, "Kristen Bell", 3, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192739, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192740, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192741, "Kristen Bell", 8, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192742, "Kristen Bell", 9, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192743, "Kristen Bell", 10, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192744, "Kristen Bell", 13, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192745, "Kristen Bell", 14, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192746, "Kristen Bell", 15, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192747, "Kristen Bell", 16, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192748, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"]], [[180197, 192749, "Kristen Bell", 20, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell is a person."} {"id": 105729, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vito Corleone má pouze dceru.", "evidence": [[[124092, 138419, "Don Corleone", 5, "Vito Corleone"]], [[124092, 138420, "Don Corleone", 6, "Vito Corleone"]]], "claim_en": "Vito Corleone only has a daughter."} {"id": 153409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettové byla diagnostikována rakovina prsu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett was diagnosed with breast cancer."} {"id": 7025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uran používá symbol U.", "evidence": [[[23934, 29634, "Uran (prvek)", 0, "Uranium"]]], "claim_en": "Uranium uses the symbol U."} {"id": 183216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek One More Light byl vydán 30. května 2017.", "evidence": [[[213257, 220548, "One More Light", 1, "One More Light"]], [[213264, 220554, "One More Light", 1, "One More Light"]]], "claim_en": "One More Light was released on May 30, 2017."} {"id": 20697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana se nachází ve městě Sears.", "evidence": [[[36488, 44084, "Guyana", 0, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana is located in Sears."} {"id": 145674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quincy Jones byl aranžérem květin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quincy Jones was a flower arranger."} {"id": 221369, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ultimate Spider-Man byl pro svou třetí a předposlední sérii přejmenován na Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ultimate Spider-Man was retitled Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors for its third, and penultimate, season."} {"id": 35471, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Italsky mluví 100 lidí v Černé Hoře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Italian language is spoken by 100 people in Montenegro."} {"id": 65061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Simon je člověk, který hraje.", "evidence": [[[81536, 93293, "Paul Simon", 0, "Paul Simon"]], [[81536, 93294, "Paul Simon", 7, "Paul Simon"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Simon is a man who acts."} {"id": 125431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křesťanství se nepodařilo rozšířit do Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[147108, 162095, "Křesťanství", 16, "Christianity"]]], "claim_en": "Christianity failed to spread to the Americas."} {"id": 134067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Divergentní série: Allegiant je pokračováním Insurgenta a možným prequelem Ascendantu.", "evidence": [[[156608, 171209, "Aliance (film)", 4, "The Divergent Series: Allegiant"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant is the sequel to Insurgent and possible prequel to Ascendant."} {"id": 184931, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winnipeg je domovem jednoho profesionálního sportovního klubu.", "evidence": [[[215471, 222345, "Winnipeg", 16, "Winnipeg"]]], "claim_en": "Winnipeg is home to one professional sports franchise."} {"id": 198080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Příběh mého života nahrála arménská kapela.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Story of My Life was recorded by an Armenian band."} {"id": 13242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Karibiku se nepoužívá americký dolar.", "evidence": [[[30585, 37180, "Americký dolar", 72, "United States dollar"]]], "claim_en": "The United States dollar is not used in the Caribbean."} {"id": 60134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z hereckého obsazení filmu The Invention of Lying je vyloučena Jennifer Garner.", "evidence": [[[76563, 87860, "Umění lhát", 2, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying's cast excludes Jennifer Garner."} {"id": 133078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John McCain nebyl v roce 1989 obviněn z korupce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John McCain was not accused of corruption in 1989."} {"id": 49498, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "A. J. Styles není profesionální wrestler.", "evidence": [[[65819, 76684, "AJ Styles", 0, "A.J. Styles"]], [[65819, 76685, "AJ Styles", 3, "A.J. Styles"]], [[65819, 76686, "AJ Styles", 6, "A.J. Styles"]]], "claim_en": "A.J. Styles is not a professional wrestler."} {"id": 79862, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Redmayne hrál pouze v jednom filmu, ve hře Clue.", "evidence": [[[96833, 109991, "Eddie Redmayne", 3, "Eddie Redmayne"]], [[96833, 109992, "Eddie Redmayne", 8, "Eddie Redmayne"]], [[96833, 109993, "Eddie Redmayne", 9, "Eddie Redmayne"], [96833, 109993, "Teorie všeho (film)", 0, "The Theory of Everything (2014 film)"]], [[96833, 109994, "Eddie Redmayne", 10, "Eddie Redmayne"], [96833, 109994, "Dánská dívka (film)", 0, "The Danish Girl (film)"]], [[96833, 109995, "Eddie Redmayne", 11, "Eddie Redmayne"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Redmayne has acted in only one film, Clue."} {"id": 84292, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vyhledávač Google může vrátit etymologii a synonyma.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Search can return etymology and synonyms."} {"id": 69969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benin má města a vesnice, ale nemá žádná města.", "evidence": [[[86651, 99121, "Benin", 3, "Benin"], [86651, 99121, "Porto Novo", 8, "Porto-Novo"]]], "claim_en": "Benin has towns and villages, but lacks any cities."} {"id": 89623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tokio je nejlidnatější radnice na světě.", "evidence": [[[106862, 120265, "Prefektura Tokio", 1, "Tokyo"]]], "claim_en": "Tokyo is the most populous town hall area in the world."} {"id": 182534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filmy jsou kategorií populární kultury.", "evidence": [[[212311, 219892, "Populární kultura", 2, "Popular culture"]]], "claim_en": "Movies are a popular culture category."} {"id": 125047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana je nejsevernější indický stát.", "evidence": [[[286320, 279788, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]], [[286320, 279789, "Telangána", 4, "Telangana"], [286320, 279789, "Čhattísgarh", 0, "Chhattisgarh"], [286320, 279789, "Maháráštra", 0, "Maharashtra"], [286320, 279789, "Maháráštra", 1, "Maharashtra"]], [[288055, 281327, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]], [[288060, 281330, "Telangána", 4, "Telangana"]], [[334118, 320261, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is the northernmost Indian state."} {"id": 226027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tetris navrhl pouze Satoru Iwata.", "evidence": [[[269464, 265786, "Tetris", 0, "Tetris"]]], "claim_en": "Tetris was designed only by Satoru Iwata."} {"id": 226905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Ocean se narodil jako Christopher Edwin Johnson.", "evidence": [[[270557, 266580, "Frank Ocean", 0, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean was born Christopher Edwin Johnson."} {"id": 98970, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neronova smrt vyvolala v Rusku krátké období občanských válek.", "evidence": [[[116683, 130578, "Nero", 22, "Nero"], [116683, 130578, "Rok čtyř císařů", 3, "Year of the Four Emperors"]]], "claim_en": "Nero's death sparked a brief period of civil wars in Russia."} {"id": 74784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Libanon byl díky svému rozvoji označován jako \"Spojené státy americké Východu\".", "evidence": [[[91578, 104327, "Libanon", 31, "Lebanon"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon was referred to as the \"United States of America of the East\" because of its development."} {"id": 75001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Západní část státu New York se rozkládá na břehu Hořejšího a Erijského jezera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Western New York straddles Lake Superior and Lake Erie."} {"id": 109899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil deGrasse Tyson psal v letech 1995 až 2007 eseje pro časopis Natural History.", "evidence": [[[128958, 143720, "Neil deGrasse Tyson", 13, "Neil deGrasse Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote essays for Natural History magazine from 1995 to 2007."} {"id": 113570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eric Church získal 11 cen Grammy za zpěv country hudby.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eric Church has won 11 Grammy Awards for singing country music."} {"id": 112109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marc Maron má pouze podcast.", "evidence": [[[131570, 146368, "Marc Maron", 0, "Marc Maron"]]], "claim_en": "Marc Maron only has a podcast."} {"id": 132911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album skupiny Daft Punk se jmenovalo Schoolwork.", "evidence": [[[155379, 170068, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]], [[155383, 170071, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk's debut album was called Schoolwork."} {"id": 73390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lana Del Rey není schopna pojmenovat své třetí studiové album Ultraviolence.", "evidence": [[[90148, 102839, "Lana Del Rey", 10, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey is incapable of naming her third studio album Ultraviolence."} {"id": 157804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Americká zpěvačka a skladatelka Demi Lovato prodala v roce 2013 odhadem 110 000 kopií svého třetího hudebního alba.", "evidence": [[[182030, 194315, "Demi Lovato", 14, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "American singer and songwriter Demi Lovato sold an estimate of 110,000 copies of her third music album in 2013."} {"id": 11988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Bezos není zakladatelem společnosti Blue Origin.", "evidence": [[[27193, 33318, "Jeff Bezos", 6, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is not the founder of Blue Origin."} {"id": 34713, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "O. J. Simpson ztvárnil jednu z rolí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson performed a role."} {"id": 74424, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skandál je ze Seattlu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scandal is from Seattle."} {"id": 142543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hannibal vedl armádu přes Pyreneje.", "evidence": [[[165605, 179635, "Hannibal", 6, "Hannibal"]]], "claim_en": "Hannibal led an army over the Pyrenees."} {"id": 198192, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Strain je mysteriózní televizní seriál o vraždách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Strain is a murder mystery television series."} {"id": 32070, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hacksaw Ridge je film.", "evidence": [[[92349, 105096, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[92349, 105098, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 8, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[92349, 105099, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 9, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[92349, 105100, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 10, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[95019, 107996, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[95019, 107997, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 4, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[95019, 107998, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 8, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[95019, 107999, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 9, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[95019, 108000, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 10, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[97111, 110295, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[97111, 110296, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 4, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[97111, 110297, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 8, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[97111, 110298, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 9, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[97111, 110299, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 10, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[306670, 297303, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[306671, 297304, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]]], "claim_en": "Hacksaw Ridge is a film."} {"id": 216020, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iris Murdochová se narodila v roce 1940.", "evidence": [[[256644, 255820, "Iris Murdochová", 0, "Iris Murdoch"]]], "claim_en": "Iris Murdoch was born in 1940."} {"id": 41665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neexistují zvěsti o tom, že Augustova manželka Livie ho otrávila.", "evidence": [[[57952, 68182, "Augustus", 42, "Augustus"]]], "claim_en": "There are not rumors that Augustus' wife, Livia, poisoned him."} {"id": 19857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zpěvák skupiny Imagine Dragons je Dan Reynolds.", "evidence": [[[35639, 43189, "Imagine Dragons", 0, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons' lead vocalist is Dan Reynolds."} {"id": 224850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg je americký rapper.", "evidence": [[[267917, 264541, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is an American rapper."} {"id": 49971, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 21 Jump Street byl vydán pouze společností Colombia Pictures.", "evidence": [[[66294, 77119, "21 Jump Street", 4, "21 Jump Street (film)"]]], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street was only released by Colombia Pictures."} {"id": 160090, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeremy Allen White byl jmenován na 17.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeremy Allen White was named on the 17th."} {"id": 61018, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Moje vlastní soukromé Idaho je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "My Own Private Idaho is a television program."} {"id": 83187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jediným producentem filmu Spider-Man 3 byl Tobey Maguire.", "evidence": [[[100238, 113479, "Spider-Man 3", 10, "Spider-Man 3"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man 3's only producer was Tobey Maguire."} {"id": 93931, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vivien Harmon byla placena Connie Britton.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vivien Harmon was payed by Connie Britton."} {"id": 110697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První série seriálu Mission: Impossible hraje Johnny Depp.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The first season of Mission: Impossible stars Johnny Depp."} {"id": 75781, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Monica Selesová se narodila v SSSR.", "evidence": [[[92590, 105379, "Monika Selešová", 1, "Monica Seles"]]], "claim_en": "Monica Seles was born in the USSR."} {"id": 229144, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zayn Malik se za svobodna jmenoval Javaad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zayn Malik maiden name is Javaad."} {"id": 24392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tanzanie se nachází v Africe.", "evidence": [[[40336, 48521, "Tanzanie", 0, "Tanzania"]], [[40336, 48522, "Tanzanie", 1, "Tanzania"]], [[40336, 48523, "Tanzanie", 3, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is in Africa."} {"id": 158039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Only Lovers Left Alive hraje anglická herečka.", "evidence": [[[182305, 194558, "Přežijí jen milenci", 0, "Only Lovers Left Alive"], [182305, 194558, "Tilda Swintonová", 0, "Tilda Swinton"]]], "claim_en": "Only Lovers Left Alive starred an English actress."} {"id": 179961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Los Angeles Lakers odmítli mít za hráče Kareema Abdula-Jabbara.", "evidence": [[[208897, 216852, "Los Angeles Lakers", 16, "Los Angeles Lakers"]]], "claim_en": "The Los Angeles Lakers refused to have Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as a player."} {"id": 41392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Josif Stalin založil Sovětský svaz 20. dubna 1919.", "evidence": [[[123882, 138236, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]], [[123882, 138237, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 1, "Joseph Stalin"], [123882, 138237, "Sovětský svaz", 6, "Soviet Union"]], [[125440, 139778, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]], [[308753, 299063, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]], [[310417, 300457, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Stalin established the Soviet Union on April 20, 1919."} {"id": 40570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová se věnovala herecké a pěvecké kariéře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy pursued a career in acting and singing."} {"id": 49023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Velká Británie si nárokovala východní polovinu Austrálie.", "evidence": [[[65366, 76256, "Austrálie", 9, "Australia"]]], "claim_en": "Great Britain claimed the eastern half of Australia."} {"id": 7047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Viola Davisová se nemohla objevit ve filmu Kate & Leopold.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Viola Davis was unable to appear in Kate & Leopold."} {"id": 130225, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paramore byl také téměř název kapely.", "evidence": [[[152457, 167268, "Paramore (album)", 0, "Paramore (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Paramore was almost the name of a band too."} {"id": 161670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Streptokok se týká řádu, který je válcovitý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Streptococcus pertains to an order that is cylindrical."} {"id": 2002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tiger Woods vyhrál turnaj Arnold Palmer Invitational.", "evidence": [[[17819, 21974, "Tiger Woods", 16, "Tiger Woods"]]], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods won the Arnold Palmer Invitational."} {"id": 216630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Atlas mraků byl vydán v jeden říjnový den.", "evidence": [[[257383, 256391, "Atlas mraků (film)", 11, "Cloud Atlas (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cloud Atlas was released on a day in October."} {"id": 70444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šestnáctou nejnavštěvovanější zemí světa je Polsko.", "evidence": [[[87110, 99619, "Polsko", 26, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "The 16th most visited country in the world is Poland."} {"id": 143278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roger Federer byl několik let držitelem tohoto ocenění.", "evidence": [[[166427, 180267, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer held the award for years."} {"id": 57322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brock Lesnar vyhrál zápas jménem kickboxer K-1.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brock Lesnar won a fight on behalf of a K-1 kickboxer."} {"id": 185446, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác je zámecké sídlo vládnoucího monarchy Spojeného království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace is the castle residence of the reigning monarch of the UK."} {"id": 134588, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tyra Banksová se objevila na obálce Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue v letech 1999 a 2005.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tyra Banks appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1999 and 2005."} {"id": 12786, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Agent Raghav - kriminální oddělení obdržel peníze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Agent Raghav – Crime Branch received money."} {"id": 44286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul je město.", "evidence": [[[60684, 71124, "Istanbul", 1, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71125, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71126, "Istanbul", 4, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71127, "Istanbul", 5, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71128, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71129, "Istanbul", 14, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71130, "Istanbul", 15, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71131, "Istanbul", 16, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71132, "Istanbul", 20, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71133, "Istanbul", 21, "Istanbul"]], [[60684, 71134, "Istanbul", 22, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul is a town."} {"id": 33049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rajon Rondo obdržel každoroční vyznamenání NBA udělované od sezóny 1768-69.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rajon Rondo received an annual NBA honor given since the 1768-69 NBA season."} {"id": 148587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pierce Brosnan byl zaměstnán nejméně od roku 1997.", "evidence": [[[172252, 185618, "Pierce Brosnan", 2, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[172252, 185619, "Pierce Brosnan", 3, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[172252, 185620, "Pierce Brosnan", 6, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[172252, 185621, "Pierce Brosnan", 13, "Pierce Brosnan"]]], "claim_en": "Pierce Brosnan has been employed since at least 1997."} {"id": 21685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dr. Dre byl dříve umělcem vydavatelství Death Row Records.", "evidence": [[[37493, 45419, "Dr. Dre", 2, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre was previously an artist on Death Row Records."} {"id": 147779, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brunej je téměř celá obklopena horami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brunei is almost completely surrounded by mountains."} {"id": 109293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Falahee zemřel v roce 1989.", "evidence": [[[279921, 274527, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"]], [[328550, 315571, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"]], [[329234, 316100, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"], [329234, 316100, "Jack Falahee", 1, "Jack Falahee"]], [[329237, 316102, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"]], [[329237, 316103, "Jack Falahee", 1, "Jack Falahee"], [329237, 316103, "Vražedná práva", 0, "How to Get Away with Murder"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Falahee died in 1989."} {"id": 148396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do BJP byl přidělen Naréndra Módí.", "evidence": [[[172041, 185450, "Naréndra Módí", 12, "Narendra Modi"]]], "claim_en": "The BJP is where Narendra Modi was assigned."} {"id": 158158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Al Gore je Maďar.", "evidence": [[[182426, 194661, "Al Gore", 0, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore is Hungarian."} {"id": 60946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irák má společnou hranici se 6 zeměmi.", "evidence": [[[77464, 88918, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]]], "claim_en": "Iraq shares a border with 6 countries."} {"id": 111646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Match Point byl dramatický film Woodyho Allena.", "evidence": [[[131061, 145830, "Match Point – Hra osudu", 0, "Match Point"]]], "claim_en": "Match Point was a drama film by Woody Allen."} {"id": 88264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Juliette Binoche hrála výhradně v hollywoodských filmech.", "evidence": [[[105474, 118919, "Juliette Binocheová", 3, "Juliette Binoche"]]], "claim_en": "Juliette Binoche acted exclusively in Hollywood films."} {"id": 108506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Volejbal je aktivita.", "evidence": [[[127315, 141856, "Volejbal", 0, "Volleyball"]], [[127315, 141857, "Volejbal", 2, "Volleyball"]]], "claim_en": "Volleyball is an activity."} {"id": 168679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jane Lynchová je herečka.", "evidence": [[[194299, 204681, "Jane Lynchová", 0, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204682, "Jane Lynchová", 1, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204683, "Jane Lynchová", 5, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204684, "Jane Lynchová", 2, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204685, "Jane Lynchová", 6, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204686, "Jane Lynchová", 7, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204687, "Jane Lynchová", 10, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204688, "Jane Lynchová", 13, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204689, "Jane Lynchová", 14, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194299, 204690, "Jane Lynchová", 15, "Jane Lynch"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Lynch is an actress."} {"id": 74732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Historické centrum Prahy bylo poprvé zapsáno na seznam světového dědictví UNESCO v roce 1937.", "evidence": [[[91552, 104297, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]]], "claim_en": "Prague's historic center was first included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1937."} {"id": 28783, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Turecko se nachází pouze na jednom kontinentu", "evidence": [[[83244, 95182, "Turecko", 0, "Turkey"]], [[85290, 97596, "Turecko", 0, "Turkey"]], [[85808, 98093, "Turecko", 0, "Turkey"]], [[306081, 296837, "Turecko", 0, "Turkey"]], [[307308, 297825, "Turecko", 4, "Turkey"]]], "claim_en": "Turkey is only in a single continent"} {"id": 34515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peter Capaldi získal v roce 2010 cenu za nejlepší mužský komediální výkon.", "evidence": [[[50713, 60328, "Peter Capaldi", 1, "Peter Capaldi"]]], "claim_en": "Peter Capaldi won an award for the Best Male Comedy Performance in 2010."} {"id": 64859, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Snoop Dogga Doggystyle debutovalo v roce 2005 na prvním místě žebříčku Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.", "evidence": [[[81331, 93118, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle debuted at number one on Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts in 2005."} {"id": 183605, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Hledá se Dory napsal někdo, kdo pracuje ve společnosti Disney.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Finding Dory was written by someone who is based at Disney."} {"id": 105476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Flash Thompson obdivuje Martina Luthera Kinga Jr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Flash Thompson admires Martin Luther King Jr."} {"id": 222948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Curtis vždy pracoval pouze se ženami.", "evidence": [[[265590, 262748, "Richard Curtis", 2, "Richard Curtis"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Curtis has only ever worked with women."} {"id": 79833, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rosamund Pikeová získala Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rosamund Pike won an Oscar."} {"id": 11667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demi Lovato je obhájkyní práv žen.", "evidence": [[[26869, 32986, "Demi Lovato", 28, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato is an advocate for women's rights."} {"id": 11292, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Southport pořádá večírky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Southport hosts parties."} {"id": 115499, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kid Rock rapuje.", "evidence": [[[135584, 150445, "Kid Rock", 0, "Kid Rock"]], [[135584, 150446, "Kid Rock", 7, "Kid Rock"]]], "claim_en": "Kid Rock raps."} {"id": 66916, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová získala cenu Youth In Film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams received a Youth In Film award."} {"id": 144926, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dinosauři jsou příbuzní orlů.", "evidence": [[[168232, 181987, "Dinosauři", 7, "Dinosaur"], [168232, 181987, "Orel", 0, "Eagle"]]], "claim_en": "Dinosaurs are related to eagles."} {"id": 83513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "FK Liverpool byl devátým nejhůře vydělávajícím fotbalovým klubem na světě v letech 2014-2015.", "evidence": [[[100559, 113855, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was the ninth lowest-earning football club in the world for 2014-2015."} {"id": 200991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ke středozápadu Spojených států patří Iowa.", "evidence": [[[236496, 238955, "Středozápad Spojených států amerických", 4, "Midwestern United States"]]], "claim_en": "The Midwestern United States includes Iowa."} {"id": 174653, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psi byli po tisíciletí selektivně šlechtěni.", "evidence": [[[201921, 211274, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]], [[201922, 211275, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been selectively bred over millenia."} {"id": 223016, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thénardieři jsou v mnoha úpravách NFL.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Thénardiers are in many adaptations of the NFL."} {"id": 220545, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lisa Bonetová je americká herečka.", "evidence": [[[262483, 260490, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Bonet is an American actress."} {"id": 144258, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Everton F.C. je klub.", "evidence": [[[167453, 181273, "Everton FC", 0, "Everton F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. is a club."} {"id": 167828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jamie Foxx je manžel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx is a husband."} {"id": 82666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pompeje nejsou v Itálii.", "evidence": [[[99733, 112889, "Pompeje", 0, "Pompeii"]], [[99733, 112890, "Pompeje", 19, "Pompeii"]]], "claim_en": "Pompeii is not in Italy."} {"id": 96398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Washingtonská námořní konference se konala v Memorial Continental Hall.", "evidence": [[[113951, 127791, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference happened at Memorial Continental Hall."} {"id": 210201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shantel VanSantenová se narodila v květnu.", "evidence": [[[249008, 249038, "Shantel VanSanten", 0, "Shantel VanSanten"]]], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten was born in May."} {"id": 170523, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Evonne Goolagong Cawley je vegetariánka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evonne Goolagong Cawley is a vegetarian."} {"id": 159405, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Ament je americký rockový baskytarista skupiny Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [[[296455, 288296, "Jeff Ament", 11, "Jeff Ament"]], [[298041, 289592, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"]], [[300200, 291459, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"]], [[343130, 326947, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"]], [[343134, 326951, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"], [343134, 326951, "Pearl Jam", 0, "Pearl Jam"], [343134, 326951, "Pearl Jam", 1, "Pearl Jam"]], [[343135, 326952, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Ament is an American rock bassist for the band Pearl Jam."} {"id": 96968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tělo modré velryby může mít různé odstíny.", "evidence": [[[114552, 128311, "Plejtvák obrovský", 4, "Blue whale"]]], "claim_en": "The blue whale's body can be different shades."} {"id": 80676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Watchmen je temný satirický a dystopický pohled na žánr superhrdinů a trvá šest hodin a pětačtyřicet minut.", "evidence": [[[97671, 110820, "Strážci – Watchmen", 17, "Watchmen (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Watchmen is a dark satirical and dystopian take on the superhero genre and it lasts for six hours and forty-five minutes."} {"id": 68544, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg trénuje mládežnickou fotbalovou ligu v New Yorku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg coaches a youth football league in New York."} {"id": 89135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boeing 777 jsou proudová letadla z jedné rodiny.", "evidence": [[[106354, 119793, "Boeing 777", 0, "Boeing 777"]]], "claim_en": "Boeing 777s are jet airliners in the same family."} {"id": 47909, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Války růží se odehrály ve fikci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Wars of the Roses occurred in fiction."} {"id": 82378, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Kmotr - část III hraje herečka.", "evidence": [[[99440, 112548, "Kmotr III", 3, "The Godfather Part III"], [99440, 112548, "Talia Shire", 0, "Talia Shire"], [99440, 112548, "Talia Shire", 1, "Talia Shire"], [99440, 112548, "Diane Keaton", 4, "Diane Keaton"], [99440, 112548, "Diane Keaton", 0, "Diane Keaton"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III stars an actress."} {"id": 212610, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Knihy Superunknown se prodalo 310 000 výtisků.", "evidence": [[[252135, 251927, "Superunknown", 7, "Superunknown"]]], "claim_en": "Superunknown sold 310,000 copies."} {"id": 66229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Prestige je kanadský film.", "evidence": [[[82790, 94643, "Dokonalý trik", 0, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige is a Canadian film."} {"id": 59571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Punisher se objevuje v amerických reality show.", "evidence": [[[75992, 87271, "Punisher", 0, "Punisher"]], [[75992, 87272, "Punisher", 14, "Punisher"]]], "claim_en": "The Punisher appears in American reality shows."} {"id": 159390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Ament odmítl být členem skupiny Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [[[183758, 195759, "Jeff Ament", 0, "Jeff Ament"]], [[183758, 195760, "Jeff Ament", 11, "Jeff Ament"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Ament refused to be a member of Pearl Jam."} {"id": 23104, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Útoky z 11. září způsobily škody na infrastruktuře ve výši nejméně 10 miliard dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure damage."} {"id": 136427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Malta leží daleko na jih od historické Melity.", "evidence": [[[293336, 285907, "Malta", 17, "Malta"]], [[337399, 322771, "Malta", 17, "Malta"]]], "claim_en": "Malta lies far to the south of the historical Melita."} {"id": 39019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rachel McAdamsová si zahrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[55256, 65298, "Rachel McAdamsová", 2, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65299, "Rachel McAdamsová", 3, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65300, "Rachel McAdamsová", 4, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65301, "Rachel McAdamsová", 5, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65302, "Rachel McAdamsová", 9, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65304, "Rachel McAdamsová", 10, "Rachel McAdams"]], [[55256, 65306, "Rachel McAdamsová", 11, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams starred in a film."} {"id": 112898, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katy Perry namluvila hlas Taťky Šmouly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katy Perry voiced Papa Smurf."} {"id": 146200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1955 získal Noam Chomsky doktorát.", "evidence": [[[169690, 183291, "Noam Chomsky", 8, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "In 1955, Noam Chomsky got a doctorate."} {"id": 100536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conan O'Brien je australský komik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien is an Australian comedian."} {"id": 53695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová byla zaměstnána u Pabla Larraina.", "evidence": [[[69989, 80878, "Natalie Portmanová", 15, "Natalie Portman"], [69989, 80878, "Jackie (film)", 0, "Jackie (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman was employed with Pablo Larrain."} {"id": 72731, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Saw II byl vydán na papíře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saw II was released on paper."} {"id": 55074, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emilio Estevez je broadwayský režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emilio Estevez is a Broadway director."} {"id": 209604, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trollové jsou hudební romantická dobrodružná komedie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trolls is a musical romantic comedy adventure book."} {"id": 140145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Noam Chomsky nešel v šestnácti letech na univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[163113, 177321, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky did not go to university at age sixteen."} {"id": 16329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Špionážní letouny U-2 se vyráběly v Burbanku v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[31724, 38476, "Burbank (Kalifornie)", 7, "Burbank, California"]]], "claim_en": "The U-2 spy planes were produced in Burbank, California."} {"id": 110267, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Punisher je ve skutečnosti Jon Bernthal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Punisher is in real life Jon Bernthal."} {"id": 35045, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ze všech hiphopových umělců je Eminem nejprodávanějším ze všech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Of all the hip-hop artists, Eminem is the best-selling of all of them."} {"id": 120537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emmy Rossum se rozhodla hrát vždy v jiných filmech než v nezávislých romantických dramatech.", "evidence": [[[141550, 156774, "Emmy Rossum", 5, "Emmy Rossum"], [141550, 156774, "Dare (film)", 0, "Dare (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum chose to always act in films other than indie romantic dramas."} {"id": 46279, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ramadán je měsíc, kdy byl v roce 320 n. l. zjeven Korán.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ramadan is the month when the Quran was revealed in 320 CE."} {"id": 140119, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noam Chomsky chodil na univerzitu v Texasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky went to a university in Texas."} {"id": 90135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zootopie je skutečný život.", "evidence": [[[107443, 120898, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 0, "Zootopia"]], [[107443, 120899, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 1, "Zootopia"]], [[107443, 120900, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 2, "Zootopia"], [107443, 120900, "Ginnifer Goodwin", 1, "Ginnifer Goodwin"]], [[107443, 120901, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 6, "Zootopia"], [107443, 120901, "3D film", 0, "3D film"]], [[107443, 120902, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 8, "Zootopia"]], [[107443, 120903, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 9, "Zootopia"]]], "claim_en": "Zootopia is real life."} {"id": 100674, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karel I. se neoženil s bourbonskou princeznou.", "evidence": [[[118352, 132191, "Karel I. Stuart", 6, "Charles I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Charles I did not marry a Bourbon princess."} {"id": 123904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Journey neprodala 48 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[145423, 160416, "Journey", 14, "Journey (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Journey has not sold 48 million albums."} {"id": 50272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nejsvrchnější vrstva mraků Uranu obsahuje pouze vodu.", "evidence": [[[66629, 77439, "Uran (planeta)", 4, "Uranus"]]], "claim_en": "Uranus's uppermost layer of clouds only contains water."} {"id": 41483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Odina nedoprovází zvířecí společníci.", "evidence": [[[57781, 68024, "Ódin", 16, "Odin"]]], "claim_en": "Odin is not accompanied by animal companions."} {"id": 67988, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zooey Deschanel vystoupila pro charitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zooey Deschanel performed for charity."} {"id": 227084, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Roar (píseň) je píseň Katy Perry z jejího pátého alba.", "evidence": [[[270771, 266777, "Roar (píseň)", 0, "Roar (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Roar (song) is a Katy Perry song from her fifth album."} {"id": 66968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hudební idol Setha MacFarlanea byl populární umělec.", "evidence": [[[83563, 95549, "Seth MacFarlane", 17, "Seth MacFarlane"]]], "claim_en": "Seth MacFarlane's musical idol was a popular artist."} {"id": 225767, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cher získala Pulitzerovu cenu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cher has won a Pulitzer Prize."} {"id": 153373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existoval sériový vrah jménem Jeffrey Dahmer.", "evidence": [[[177319, 190168, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 0, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]], [[177323, 190170, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 0, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "There was a serial killer called Jeffrey Dahmer."} {"id": 188861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film New Girl byl vydán v lednu 2005.", "evidence": [[[220489, 226255, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl was released by January, 2005."} {"id": 76871, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bhagat Singh pocházel z Nového Dillí v Indii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bhagat Singh was from New Delhi, India."} {"id": 15499, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Reddit získal 50 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[30905, 37547, "Reddit", 18, "Reddit"]]], "claim_en": "Reddit raised 50 million dollars."} {"id": 8812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: V obsazení filmu Transformers: Poslední rytíř je Tyrese Gibson.", "evidence": [[[14232, 17788, "Transformers: Poslední rytíř", 2, "Transformers: The Last Knight"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: The Last Knight's cast includes Tyrese Gibson."} {"id": 26605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe zemřela na předávkování alkoholem.", "evidence": [[[42760, 51400, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe died of a alcohol overdose."} {"id": 123244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lauren Graham není herečka.", "evidence": [[[144729, 159742, "Lauren Graham", 0, "Lauren Graham"]]], "claim_en": "Lauren Graham is not an actress."} {"id": 105677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ariana Grande je baseballová hráčka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande is a baseball player."} {"id": 76240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Egypt je členem americké ligy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Egypt is a member of the American League."} {"id": 26800, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vegemite je druh stresu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vegemite is a type of stress."} {"id": 211986, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jean-Martin Charcot zemřel v roce 1885.", "evidence": [[[251233, 251141, "Jean-Martin Charcot", 0, "Jean-Martin Charcot"]]], "claim_en": "Jean-Martin Charcot died in 1885."} {"id": 59359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Plutonium reaguje s prvky.", "evidence": [[[75751, 87025, "Plutonium", 3, "Plutonium"]]], "claim_en": "Plutonium reacts with elements."} {"id": 152929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Firefox je shell operačního systému.", "evidence": [[[176876, 189824, "Mozilla Firefox", 0, "Firefox"]]], "claim_en": "Firefox is an operating system shell."} {"id": 70296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zendaya je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[86953, 99430, "Zendaya", 0, "Zendaya"]]], "claim_en": "Zendaya is a Canadian."} {"id": 109535, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pamela Andersonová se objevila v časopise Maxim.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson was featured in Maxim magazine."} {"id": 216324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adolf Dassler zemřel v roce 1978.", "evidence": [[[257019, 256086, "Adolf Dassler", 0, "Adolf Dassler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Dassler died in 1978."} {"id": 221753, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezi hrdiny Arkham Asylum patří Poison Ivy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arkham Asylum's heroes include Poison Ivy."} {"id": 73836, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne prodal celkem 115 milionů alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne's total album sales are 115 million."} {"id": 187339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Nicholson hraje pouze jednoznačně ctnostné postavy.", "evidence": [[[220548, 226299, "Jack Nicholson", 1, "Jack Nicholson"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Nicholson only plays unambiguously virtuous characters."} {"id": 138914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ekvádor sousedí na severu s Kolumbií.", "evidence": [[[162874, 177102, "Ekvádor", 0, "Ecuador"]]], "claim_en": "Ecuador borders Colombia to the north."} {"id": 130803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kerala přestala vydávat jakékoli noviny.", "evidence": [[[153057, 167801, "Kérala", 23, "Kerala"]]], "claim_en": "Kerala stopped publishing any newspapers."} {"id": 178703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Stanton zemřel před zahájením natáčení Disneyho filmu John Carter.", "evidence": [[[207158, 215478, "Andrew Stanton", 1, "Andrew Stanton"], [207158, 215478, "John Carter: Mezi dvěma světy", 0, "John Carter (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Stanton died before the production of Disney's John Carter began."} {"id": 203197, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglická občanská válka poprvé začala v roce 1642.", "evidence": [[[239660, 241422, "Anglická občanská válka", 0, "English Civil War"]]], "claim_en": "The English Civil War first began in 1642."} {"id": 156281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buddy Holly vždy odmítal vystupovat v Lubbocku.", "evidence": [[[180336, 192846, "Buddy Holly", 2, "Buddy Holly"]]], "claim_en": "Buddy Holly always refused to perform in Lubbock."} {"id": 114261, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Knihy Howarda Sterna se prodalo přes milion výtisků.", "evidence": [[[134185, 149085, "Howard Stern", 18, "Howard Stern"]], [[134186, 149087, "Howard Stern", 18, "Howard Stern"]]], "claim_en": "Over one million copies of Howard Stern's book was sold."} {"id": 159840, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vetřelec: Covenant je dokumentární film z roku 1998 s prvky found footage, který režíroval Ridley Scott.", "evidence": [[[185052, 196868, "Vetřelec: Covenant", 0, "Alien: Covenant"]]], "claim_en": "Alien: Covenant is a 1998 found footage documentary directed by Ridley Scott."} {"id": 113215, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš byl vůdce.", "evidence": [[[132799, 147710, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[132801, 147711, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[132802, 147712, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[132803, 147713, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[132804, 147714, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[132805, 147715, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was a leader."} {"id": 62487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Louis C.K. si dal pauzu v seriálu Louie na Havaji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Louis C.K. took a hiatus from Louie in Hawaii."} {"id": 213187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael C. Hall odmítá být hercem.", "evidence": [[[252881, 252772, "Michael C. Hall", 0, "Michael C. Hall"]], [[252881, 252773, "Michael C. Hall", 1, "Michael C. Hall"]], [[252890, 252781, "Michael C. Hall", 0, "Michael C. Hall"]], [[252890, 252782, "Michael C. Hall", 1, "Michael C. Hall"], [252890, 252782, "Dexter (seriál)", 1, "Dexter (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Michael C. Hall refuses to be an actor."} {"id": 225129, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval desky pouze pro Michaela Jacksona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins only produced records for Michael Jackson."} {"id": 102578, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Coldplay podpořili kampaň za lidská práva.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coldplay have supported the Human Rights Campaign."} {"id": 97573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Khal Drogo je součástí kmene germánských válečníků, kteří se potulují po kontinentu Essos.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Khal Drogo is part of a tribe of German warriors who roam the continent of Essos."} {"id": 101135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Russell Crowe se oženil s Ridleym Scottem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe married Ridley Scott."} {"id": 228229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Pratt byl v obsazení čtvrtého dílu série Jurský park.", "evidence": [[[272282, 267957, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]], [[272284, 267958, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt was in the cast of the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park franchise."} {"id": 3429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kuala Lumpur je kulturním centrem Malajsie.", "evidence": [[[19461, 23881, "Kuala Lumpur", 6, "Kuala Lumpur"]]], "claim_en": "Kuala Lumpur is the cultural center of Malaysia."} {"id": 26541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nina Simone byla aktivistka.", "evidence": [[[42696, 51340, "Nina Simone", 0, "Nina Simone"]]], "claim_en": "Nina Simone was an activist."} {"id": 52299, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Titus zničil chrám.", "evidence": [[[68604, 79467, "Titus", 7, "Titus"]]], "claim_en": "Titus destroyed a Temple."} {"id": 35583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Los Angeles se přezdívá \"město andělů\".", "evidence": [[[51778, 61607, "Los Angeles", 16, "Los Angeles"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles is nicknamed the \"City of Angels.\""} {"id": 123802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Silverstone byla hvězdou filmu Clueless.", "evidence": [[[145309, 160307, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 2, "Alicia Silverstone"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Silverstone was the star of Clueless."} {"id": 28784, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rod Laver je bývalý předseda vlády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rod Laver is a former prime minister."} {"id": 58274, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Následuje neo-noirové kriminální drama, které získalo desítky ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Following is a neo-noir crime drama film which has won dozens of awards."} {"id": 106767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt založil stranu \"Bull Moose\".", "evidence": [[[125409, 139751, "Theodore Roosevelt", 31, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt founded the \"Bull Moose\" Party."} {"id": 7694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Trudeau absolvoval jeden ročník inženýrského programu.", "evidence": [[[12549, 15692, "Justin Trudeau", 8, "Justin Trudeau"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Trudeau completed one year of an engineering program."} {"id": 79520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Falahee se narodil v březnu.", "evidence": [[[96461, 109632, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Falahee was born in March."} {"id": 189605, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Try je na šestém EP Pink.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Try is on Pink's sixth EP."} {"id": 86856, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doctor Who se poprvé vysílal v listopadu 1963.", "evidence": [[[104024, 117530, "Pán času", 0, "Doctor Who"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Who first aired in November of 1963."} {"id": 17524, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Instagram je aplikace, kterou používá Selena Gomez ke sdílení fotografií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Instagram is an app used by Selena Gomez to share pictures."} {"id": 34183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sevilla je místo.", "evidence": [[[99709, 112848, "Sevilla", 0, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112849, "Sevilla", 1, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112850, "Sevilla", 2, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112851, "Sevilla", 3, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112852, "Sevilla", 4, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112853, "Sevilla", 5, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112854, "Sevilla", 6, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112855, "Sevilla", 9, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112856, "Sevilla", 11, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112857, "Sevilla", 12, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112858, "Sevilla", 13, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112859, "Sevilla", 14, "Seville"]], [[99709, 112860, "Sevilla", 17, "Seville"]], [[101849, 115098, "Sevilla", 0, "Seville"]], [[306969, 297535, "Sevilla", 0, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298264, "Sevilla", 0, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298265, "Sevilla", 2, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298266, "Sevilla", 3, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298267, "Sevilla", 4, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298268, "Sevilla", 5, "Seville"]], [[307824, 298269, "Sevilla", 6, "Seville"]]], "claim_en": "Seville is a place."} {"id": 178100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Breaking Bad je nahrané dílo.", "evidence": [[[206444, 214793, "Perníkový táta", 0, "Breaking Bad"]]], "claim_en": "Breaking Bad is a recorded work."} {"id": 12757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sám doma byl vydán v roce 1990.", "evidence": [[[28001, 34294, "Sám doma", 0, "Home Alone"]]], "claim_en": "Home Alone was released in 1990."} {"id": 152496, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rafael Nadal byl profesionální basketbalový trenér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rafael Nadal was a professional basketball coach."} {"id": 91478, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: Transformers: Age of Extinction byl film.", "evidence": [[[108823, 122520, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Age of Extinction was a movie."} {"id": 124481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhý film Twilight ságy nebyl uveden v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[146021, 161039, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 4, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]], [[146022, 161040, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 4, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga's second film was not released in 2009."} {"id": 228931, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pulp Fiction spadá do kategorie amerických černých komedií, neo-noirových kriminálních filmů.", "evidence": [[[273155, 268712, "Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvětí", 0, "Pulp Fiction"]]], "claim_en": "Pulp Fiction falls into the category of an American black comedy neo-noir crime film."} {"id": 42366, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gemma Artertonová si zahrála ve filmu Jeníček a Mařenka: Lovci čarodějnic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gemma Arterton bartered in the film Hansel and Grentel: Witch Hunters."} {"id": 123111, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem není hiphopový umělec.", "evidence": [[[144594, 159606, "Eminem", 0, "Eminem"]], [[144594, 159607, "Eminem", 5, "Eminem"]], [[144594, 159608, "Eminem", 16, "Eminem"]], [[144594, 159609, "Eminem", 20, "Eminem"]], [[144594, 159610, "Eminem", 3, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem is not a hip-hop artist."} {"id": 202656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prostřední jméno Aarona Cartera je Jeff.", "evidence": [[[238816, 240784, "Aaron Carter", 0, "Aaron Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Carter's middle name is Jeff."} {"id": 97418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shane McMahon je balón.", "evidence": [[[276004, 271064, "Shane McMahon", 0, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271065, "Shane McMahon", 1, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271066, "Shane McMahon", 4, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271067, "Shane McMahon", 5, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271068, "Shane McMahon", 6, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271069, "Shane McMahon", 10, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271070, "Shane McMahon", 13, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271071, "Shane McMahon", 14, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271072, "Shane McMahon", 15, "Shane McMahon"]], [[276004, 271073, "Shane McMahon", 16, "Shane McMahon"]], [[325219, 312968, "Shane McMahon", 0, "Shane McMahon"], [325219, 312968, "Wrestling", 0, "Professional wrestling"]], [[326224, 313736, "Shane McMahon", 0, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313737, "Shane McMahon", 4, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313738, "Shane McMahon", 5, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313739, "Shane McMahon", 6, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313740, "Shane McMahon", 7, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313741, "Shane McMahon", 10, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313742, "Shane McMahon", 13, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313743, "Shane McMahon", 14, "Shane McMahon"]], [[326224, 313744, "Shane McMahon", 15, "Shane McMahon"]]], "claim_en": "Shane McMahon is a balloon."} {"id": 145407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Orwell je proti státům, které regulují veřejný a soukromý život.", "evidence": [[[168721, 182439, "George Orwell", 1, "George Orwell"], [168721, 182439, "Totalitarismus", 0, "Totalitarianism"]], [[168721, 182440, "George Orwell", 10, "George Orwell"], [168721, 182440, "Autoritarismus", 0, "Authoritarianism"], [168721, 182440, "Autoritarismus", 1, "Authoritarianism"]]], "claim_en": "George Orwell is opposed to states that regulate public and private life."} {"id": 28785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Sinatra byl jedním z nejvlivnějších hudebních umělců 20. století.", "evidence": [[[44906, 53592, "Frank Sinatra", 0, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra was one of the most influential musical artists of the 20th century."} {"id": 42423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Džawaharlal Néhrú selhal ve vedení během čínsko-indické války v roce 1962.", "evidence": [[[126663, 141089, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 29, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[128047, 142754, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 29, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[308947, 299230, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 29, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[310598, 300642, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 29, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]]], "claim_en": "Jawaharlal Nehru had a failure of leadership during the 1962 Sino-Indian War."} {"id": 164812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní natáčení filmu Furious 7 začalo v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[189554, 200815, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 16, "Furious 7"]]], "claim_en": "Furious 7's principal photography began in 2017."} {"id": 203929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Kinsey hrála Laura Linneyová.", "evidence": [[[240711, 242282, "Laura Linney", 7, "Laura Linney"]]], "claim_en": "Kinsey had Laura Linney in it."} {"id": 9305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Imagine Dragons mají píseň s názvem Night Visions.", "evidence": [[[14925, 18561, "Imagine Dragons", 3, "Imagine Dragons"], [14925, 18561, "Night Visions", 0, "Night Visions"]], [[14925, 18562, "Imagine Dragons", 4, "Imagine Dragons"], [14925, 18562, "Night Visions", 0, "Night Visions"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons have a song called Night Visions."} {"id": 60873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Conan O'Brien je pes.", "evidence": [[[77325, 88739, "Conan O'Brien", 0, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88740, "Conan O'Brien", 1, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88741, "Conan O'Brien", 2, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88742, "Conan O'Brien", 3, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88743, "Conan O'Brien", 6, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88744, "Conan O'Brien", 7, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88745, "Conan O'Brien", 8, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88746, "Conan O'Brien", 9, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88747, "Conan O'Brien", 10, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88748, "Conan O'Brien", 13, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88749, "Conan O'Brien", 14, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88750, "Conan O'Brien", 15, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[77325, 88751, "Conan O'Brien", 18, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien is a dog."} {"id": 219926, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Garry Kasparov ještě nehrál šachy.", "evidence": [[[261719, 259758, "Garri Kasparov", 0, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261719, 259759, "Garri Kasparov", 3, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261719, 259760, "Garri Kasparov", 6, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261719, 259761, "Garri Kasparov", 7, "Garry Kasparov"], [261719, 259761, "Mezinárodní šachová federace", 0, "FIDE"]], [[261719, 259762, "Garri Kasparov", 8, "Garry Kasparov"], [261719, 259762, "Deep Blue", 0, "Deep Blue (chess computer)"], [261719, 259762, "Deep Blue", 1, "Deep Blue (chess computer)"], [261719, 259762, "Deep Blue", 4, "Deep Blue (chess computer)"]], [[261719, 259763, "Garri Kasparov", 9, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261719, 259764, "Garri Kasparov", 10, "Garry Kasparov"]]], "claim_en": "Garry Kasparov has yet to play chess."} {"id": 129939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boston založili puritánští pastoři.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boston was founded by Puritan pastors."} {"id": 47001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vincent Cassel hrál ve filmu Mesrine: Instinkt zabijáka.", "evidence": [[[63384, 74140, "Vincent Cassel", 1, "Vincent Cassel"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel acted in Mesrine: Killer Instinct."} {"id": 33778, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexiko vstoupilo do války s Anglií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico went to war with England."} {"id": 129742, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jones je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones is a singer."} {"id": 44056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kane je příchuť vitaminové vody.", "evidence": [[[60392, 70801, "Kane (wrestler)", 0, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70802, "Kane (wrestler)", 1, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70803, "Kane (wrestler)", 2, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70804, "Kane (wrestler)", 3, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70805, "Kane (wrestler)", 4, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70806, "Kane (wrestler)", 7, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70807, "Kane (wrestler)", 8, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70808, "Kane (wrestler)", 11, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70809, "Kane (wrestler)", 12, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70810, "Kane (wrestler)", 13, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70811, "Kane (wrestler)", 14, "Kane (wrestler)"]], [[60392, 70812, "Kane (wrestler)", 17, "Kane (wrestler)"]]], "claim_en": "Kane is a flavor of Vitamin Water."} {"id": 71164, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Nerrukku Ner se začal vyrábět v roce 1997.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nerrukku Ner began production in 1997."} {"id": 156084, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jensen Ackles hrál hlavní roli ve Hvězdných válkách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles played the lead in Star Wars."} {"id": 122362, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demokratická republika Kongo je bývalá francouzská kolonie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a former French colony."} {"id": 152886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Derrick Rose se nenarodil v oblasti Chicaga.", "evidence": [[[293051, 285688, "Derrick Rose", 5, "Derrick Rose"]], [[295664, 287734, "Derrick Rose", 5, "Derrick Rose"]], [[297281, 288946, "Derrick Rose", 5, "Derrick Rose"]], [[341295, 325760, "Derrick Rose", 5, "Derrick Rose"]], [[341303, 325768, "Derrick Rose", 5, "Derrick Rose"]]], "claim_en": "Derrick Rose was not born in the Chicago area."} {"id": 16439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V muzikálu Sister Act se objevují hudební úpravy Marca Shaimana.", "evidence": [[[31867, 38679, "Sestra v akci", 1, "Sister Act"]]], "claim_en": "Sister Act features musical arrangements by Marc Shaiman."} {"id": 189824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Šmoulové (The Smurfs) vydala společnost Columbia Pictures.", "evidence": [[[221758, 227320, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]], [[221759, 227321, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs (film) was released by Columbia Pictures."} {"id": 140135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daddy Yankee natočil dílo.", "evidence": [[[163101, 177309, "Daddy Yankee", 8, "Daddy Yankee"]], [[163101, 177310, "Daddy Yankee", 9, "Daddy Yankee"]], [[163101, 177311, "Daddy Yankee", 10, "Daddy Yankee"]]], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee made a work."} {"id": 3114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Walt Disney spoluzaložil zábavní společnost.", "evidence": [[[19069, 23381, "Walt Disney", 9, "Walt Disney"], [19069, 23381, "The Walt Disney Company", 0, "The Walt Disney Company"], [19069, 23381, "The Walt Disney Company", 2, "The Walt Disney Company"]], [[19069, 23382, "Walt Disney", 26, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney co-founded an entertainment company."} {"id": 41341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čingischán měl království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan had a kingdom."} {"id": 1428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Kmotr - část III hraje pouze Al Pacino.", "evidence": [[[17108, 21197, "Kmotr III", 3, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III only stars Al Pacino."} {"id": 193624, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy obsahují města.", "evidence": [[[226738, 231204, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"]], [[226752, 231210, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "United States contains cities."} {"id": 77748, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughan je hráč na klavír.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughan is a piano player."} {"id": 59168, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba Year Zero byla ukradena skupině Nine Inch Nails.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Year Zero was stolen from Nine Inch Nails."} {"id": 128566, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dhoom 3 znamená v angličtině Výbuch 3 a je to klasika.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhoom 3 means Blast 3 in English and it is a classic."} {"id": 180933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Erich von Manstein byl vydán v roce 1953.", "evidence": [[[210013, 217779, "Erich von Manstein", 22, "Erich von Manstein"]]], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein was released in 1953."} {"id": 192021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adam Lambert je otevřeně heterosexuál.", "evidence": [[[224586, 229418, "Adam Lambert", 10, "Adam Lambert"]]], "claim_en": "Adam Lambert is openly straight."} {"id": 92939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jimi Hendrix nebyl vycvičen pro letecké útočné operace.", "evidence": [[[110251, 123869, "Jimi Hendrix", 6, "Jimi Hendrix"], [110251, 123869, "101. výsadková divize", 0, "101st Airborne Division"]]], "claim_en": "Jimi Hendrix was not trained for air assault operations."} {"id": 118314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demi Lovato dělá hudbu, která je R&B.", "evidence": [[[138825, 153879, "Demi Lovato", 23, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato does music that is R&B."} {"id": 224934, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Kudrow hrála ve filmu Pátek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was in Friday."} {"id": 118858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeremy Irons vždy nedokázal získat žádnou cenu Emmy pro nejlepšího herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[139500, 154536, "Jeremy Irons", 16, "Jeremy Irons"]]], "claim_en": "Jeremy Irons has always been unable to win any Emmy Awards for Best Supporting Actor."} {"id": 99303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Conan O'Brien je producentem seriálu Simpsonovi.", "evidence": [[[116951, 130843, "Conan O'Brien", 7, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien is the producer of The Simpsons."} {"id": 9853, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Zachraňte vojína Ryana režíroval člověk narozený v prosinci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saving Private Ryan was directed by a person born in December."} {"id": 123369, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syd Barrett působil v rybím průmyslu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett was in the fish industry."} {"id": 158446, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zoufalé manželky jsou americký světový seriál.", "evidence": [[[182715, 194896, "Zoufalé manželky", 0, "Desperate Housewives"]]], "claim_en": "Desperate Housewives is an American World Series."} {"id": 8799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků (1937) vydělal na mezinárodním trhu 8 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[15977, 19858, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]], [[17596, 21751, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]], [[18041, 22189, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]], [[301351, 292475, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]], [[302400, 293417, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]], [[304120, 294968, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) made $8 million dollars internationally."} {"id": 49530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Amerika má dlouhou historii kolonialismu.", "evidence": [[[65846, 76706, "Jižní Amerika", 23, "South America"]]], "claim_en": "South America has a long history of colonialism."} {"id": 124852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Howard Hughes natočil v roce 1932 film Zjizvená tvář.", "evidence": [[[146450, 161413, "Howard Hughes", 5, "Howard Hughes"]], [[146451, 161414, "Howard Hughes", 5, "Howard Hughes"]]], "claim_en": "Howard Hughes produced Scarface in 1932."} {"id": 20988, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Sinatra absolvoval turné po Kalifornii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra toured California."} {"id": 118883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reese Witherspoonová nevlastní produkční společnost.", "evidence": [[[139523, 154554, "Reese Witherspoon", 14, "Reese Witherspoon"]]], "claim_en": "Reese Witherspoon does not own a production company."} {"id": 115631, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Írán měl v 19. století konflikty s Ruskou říší kvůli hraničnímu sporu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iran had conflicts with the Russian Empire in the 19th century over a border dispute."} {"id": 27854, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwriting pro počítačového inženýra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for a computer engineer."} {"id": 157869, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mel Brooks je člověk, který natáčí filmy.", "evidence": [[[182139, 194408, "Mel Brooks", 0, "Mel Brooks"]], [[182139, 194409, "Mel Brooks", 1, "Mel Brooks"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Brooks is a person who makes films."} {"id": 153376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slovensko v roce 2009 nevstoupilo do eurozóny.", "evidence": [[[177325, 190171, "Slovensko", 21, "Slovakia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovakia did not join the Eurozone in 2009."} {"id": 199746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tijuana se nachází v Mexiku.", "evidence": [[[234922, 237708, "Tijuana", 0, "Tijuana"]]], "claim_en": "Tijuana is in Mexico."} {"id": 128310, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neal Schon je z Japonska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neal Schon is from Japan."} {"id": 126727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Manchester City F.C. je jedním z nejchudších klubů na světě.", "evidence": [[[148574, 163592, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Manchester City F.C. is one of the poorest clubs in the world."} {"id": 145826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gerard Butler je metodický herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gerard Butler is a method actor."} {"id": 48063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diego Costa je tenista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diego Costa is a tennis player."} {"id": 13075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Manželkou Ellen DeGeneres je australská herečka Portia de Rossi.", "evidence": [[[28349, 34662, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 13, "Ellen DeGeneres"], [28349, 34662, "Portia de Rossi", 0, "Portia de Rossi"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres's wife is Australian actress Portia de Rossi."} {"id": 207867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová se narodila 2. července 1978.", "evidence": [[[245902, 246558, "Carrie Fisher", 0, "Carrie Fisher"]]], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher was born on July 2nd, 1978."} {"id": 20673, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zeus je ve starořecké literatuře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zeus is in ancient Greek literature."} {"id": 116837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christoph Waltz je herec.", "evidence": [[[282641, 276790, "Christoph Waltz", 0, "Christoph Waltz"]], [[282643, 276792, "Christoph Waltz", 0, "Christoph Waltz"]], [[282659, 276801, "Christoph Waltz", 0, "Christoph Waltz"]], [[330799, 317352, "Christoph Waltz", 0, "Christoph Waltz"]]], "claim_en": "Christoph Waltz is an actor."} {"id": 112005, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adrianne Palicki byla herečka.", "evidence": [[[133442, 148308, "Adrianne Palicki", 0, "Adrianne Palicki"]]], "claim_en": "Adrianne Palicki was an actress."} {"id": 203813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uran existuje jako planeta.", "evidence": [[[240554, 242152, "Uran (planeta)", 0, "Uranus"]]], "claim_en": "Uranus exists as a planet."} {"id": 88512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Etiopii žije přibližně 80 etnolingvistických skupin.", "evidence": [[[105736, 119156, "Etiopie", 22, "Ethiopia"]], [[105739, 119158, "Etiopie", 22, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia has around 80 ethnolinguistic groups."} {"id": 111306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Severovýchodní megalopolis zahrnuje Boston a Providence.", "evidence": [[[130691, 145479, "BosWash", 1, "Northeast megalopolis"]]], "claim_en": "Northeast megalopolis includes Boston and Providence."} {"id": 187186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carmelo Anthony byl jednou vyhlášen nejlepším hráčem turnaje NCAA.", "evidence": [[[218386, 224693, "Carmelo Anthony", 2, "Carmelo Anthony"]]], "claim_en": "Carmelo Anthony was once named the NCAA Tournament's Most Outstanding Player."} {"id": 116350, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saamy byl napsán indický filmový režisér, známý především svými akčními filmy typu masala v tamilské kinematografii jménem Hari.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saamy was written an Indian film director, best known for his action-masala films in Tamil cinema name Hari."} {"id": 144711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Íránu se nachází 21 památek zapsaných na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO.", "evidence": [[[292134, 284968, "Írán", 36, "Iran"]], [[294140, 286492, "Írán", 36, "Iran"]], [[294789, 286999, "Írán", 36, "Iran"]], [[339223, 324251, "Írán", 36, "Iran"]]], "claim_en": "Iran has 21 UNESCO World Heritage Sites."} {"id": 173049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barcelona má méně než milion obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[199818, 209486, "Barcelona", 0, "Barcelona"]]], "claim_en": "Barcelona has a population of less than one million."} {"id": 92342, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tým Washington Wizards získal v Belgii konferenční titul.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Washington Wizards won a conference title in Belgium."} {"id": 59471, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Newman odmítl být jezdcem v silničních závodech Sports Car Club of America.", "evidence": [[[75874, 87134, "Paul Newman", 6, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman refused to be a driver in Sports Car Club of America road racing."} {"id": 129593, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Woodruff Yost byl velvyslancem Spojených států v nadnárodní organizaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Woodruff Yost was a United States Ambassador to a supranational organization."} {"id": 119944, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pochody ze Selmy do Montgomery organizovali meliorační myslitelé.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Selma to Montgomery marches were organized by ameliorative thinkers."} {"id": 189584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doktor Živago se jmenuje podle svého antagonisty.", "evidence": [[[221419, 227032, "Doktor Živago", 1, "Doctor Zhivago (novel)"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Zhivago is named after its antagonist."} {"id": 130822, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taraji P. Hensonová byla v roce 2005 nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson was nominated for an Academy Award in 2005."} {"id": 180317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abigail Breslinová hrála ve filmu Zombieland.", "evidence": [[[209317, 217172, "Abigail Breslinová", 2, "Abigail Breslin"], [209317, 217172, "Zombieland", 1, "Zombieland"]], [[209322, 217177, "Abigail Breslinová", 2, "Abigail Breslin"], [209322, 217177, "Zombieland", 1, "Zombieland"]]], "claim_en": "Abigail Breslin starred in Zombieland."} {"id": 196809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Connery je všechno jiné než herec.", "evidence": [[[231252, 234774, "Sean Connery", 0, "Sean Connery"]], [[231252, 234775, "Sean Connery", 4, "Sean Connery"]], [[231252, 234776, "Sean Connery", 5, "Sean Connery"]], [[231252, 234777, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery is anything but an actor."} {"id": 210770, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Harris si 25. října 2002 uřízl ucho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Harris cut off his own ear on October 25, 2002."} {"id": 4450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Blake Edwards režíroval televizní a filmové filmy.", "evidence": [[[20740, 25421, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]]], "claim_en": "Blake Edwards directed television and films."} {"id": 125327, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Série Resident Evil je interaktivní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Resident Evil series is interactive."} {"id": 81819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak zemřel 21. srpna 1920.", "evidence": [[[98870, 111954, "Bál Gangádhar Tilak", 0, "Bal Gangadhar Tilak"]]], "claim_en": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak died on August 21, 1920."} {"id": 222581, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Brazílii jsou duchovní všech států povinni uzavírat sňatky osob stejného pohlaví.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In Brazil, ministers of every state are required to perform same-sex marriages."} {"id": 210043, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Z Afghánistánu pochází Hotakovo království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the source of the Hotak Kingdom."} {"id": 97430, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Martin Scorsese viděl filmovou nadaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese saw The Film Foundation."} {"id": 226636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Haim Saban je filmový producent izraelského původu ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Haim Saban is a film producer of Israeli decent from the United States."} {"id": 124430, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Vlk z Wall Street byl uveden do kin v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[286243, 279733, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[286243, 279734, "Vlk z Wall Street", 7, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[287988, 281270, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[287989, 281271, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[333052, 319248, "Vlk z Wall Street", 7, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[333052, 319249, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334044, 320197, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334045, 320198, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334045, 320199, "Vlk z Wall Street", 7, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334045, 320200, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [334045, 320200, "71. ročník udílení Zlatých glóbů", 30, "71st Golden Globe Awards"]], [[334045, 320201, "Vlk z Wall Street", 9, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334052, 320204, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334052, 320206, "Vlk z Wall Street", 2, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [334052, 320206, "Leonardo DiCaprio", 12, "Leonardo DiCaprio"]], [[334052, 320207, "Vlk z Wall Street", 7, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334052, 320208, "Vlk z Wall Street", 9, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[334052, 320209, "Vlk z Wall Street", 15, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [334052, 320209, "86. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "86th Academy Awards"]], [[334052, 320210, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [334052, 320210, "71. ročník udílení Zlatých glóbů", 30, "71st Golden Globe Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street was released in 2015."} {"id": 52835, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Den nezávislosti: Vzkříšení je film.", "evidence": [[[69115, 79903, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]]], "claim_en": "Independence Day: Resurgence is a film."} {"id": 210433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jet Li se narodil 6. května.", "evidence": [[[249277, 249276, "Jet Li", 0, "Jet Li"]]], "claim_en": "Jet Li was born on May 6."} {"id": 123094, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tygr bengálský má srst.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bengal tiger has a coat."} {"id": 87771, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Washington byl vrchním velitelem královského námořnictva,", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Washington was commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy,"} {"id": 72571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V zápletce filmu Pátý element je nula pojmenovaných postav.", "evidence": [[[89281, 101969, "Pátý element", 2, "The Fifth Element"]]], "claim_en": "The Fifth Element's plot involves zero named characters."} {"id": 227903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová hrála ve filmu 84 Charing Cross Road po boku sira Anthonyho Hopkinse.", "evidence": [[[271839, 267636, "Anne Bancroftová", 14, "Anne Bancroft"], [271839, 267636, "Anthony Hopkins", 0, "Anthony Hopkins"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft starred in 84 Charing Cross Road alongside Sir Anthony Hopkins."} {"id": 62350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pásový opar a herpes patří do stejné rodiny virů.", "evidence": [[[78810, 90383, "Pásový opar", 17, "Shingles"], [78810, 90383, "Varicella zoster virus", 2, "Varicella zoster virus"]]], "claim_en": "Shingles and Herpes are part of the same virus family."} {"id": 139511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Atletika na letních olympijských hrách zahrnuje atletické disciplíny.", "evidence": [[[162360, 176674, "Atletika na letních olympijských hrách", 2, "Athletics at the Summer Olympics"]], [[162361, 176675, "Atletika na letních olympijských hrách", 2, "Athletics at the Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "Athletics at the Summer Olympics includes track and field events."} {"id": 65388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Ocean vydal v roce 2016 nula alb.", "evidence": [[[82164, 93944, "Frank Ocean", 9, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean released zero albums in 2016."} {"id": 48650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem neměl sólovou kariéru.", "evidence": [[[65011, 75872, "Eminem", 16, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem did not have a solo career."} {"id": 46996, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vyhledávač Google vyhledává obrázky na základě informací zadaných do zařízení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Search searches for pictures based on information entered into a device."} {"id": 219958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaliyah bylo odepřeno americké občanství.", "evidence": [[[261752, 259797, "Aaliyah", 0, "Aaliyah"]], [[261752, 259798, "Aaliyah", 1, "Aaliyah"], [261752, 259798, "New York (rozcestník)", 0, "New York"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah was denied American citizenship."} {"id": 102398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boris Karloff se podílel na televizním vysílání.", "evidence": [[[120227, 134418, "Boris Karloff", 11, "Boris Karloff"]], [[120227, 134419, "Boris Karloff", 9, "Boris Karloff"]]], "claim_en": "Boris Karloff contributed to TV."} {"id": 190857, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Angličtí herci hráli ve filmu Láska a přátelství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "English actors star in Love & Friendship."} {"id": 157102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Při útocích 11. září zahynulo 2 996 lidí a jednalo se o jeden z nejsmrtonosnějších útoků v historii USA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people and it was one of the deadliest attacks in U.S. history."} {"id": 19133, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pořad Boardwalk Empire.", "evidence": [[[34896, 42315, "Impérium – Mafie v Atlantic City", 0, "Boardwalk Empire"]]], "claim_en": "Boardwalk Empire is a program."} {"id": 224993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Koňovití jsou někdy označováni jako čeleď koní.", "evidence": [[[268092, 264735, "Koňovití", 0, "Equidae"]]], "claim_en": "Equidae is sometimes known as the horse family."} {"id": 151062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Mazouz je osoba.", "evidence": [[[174894, 187990, "David Mazouz", 0, "David Mazouz"]], [[174894, 187991, "David Mazouz", 2, "David Mazouz"]]], "claim_en": "David Mazouz is a person."} {"id": 151411, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Papež Jan Pavel II. je světec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pope John Paul II is a saint."} {"id": 84131, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová hrála v hudební hororové komedii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher was in a musical horror comedy."} {"id": 57721, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor zemřel při útoku fotbalové reprezentace Toga.", "evidence": [[[180881, 193236, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 6, "Emmanuel Adebayor"], [180881, 193236, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 7, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]], [[184650, 196518, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 0, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]], [[314296, 303716, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 0, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]]], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor died in the Togo national football team attack."} {"id": 82686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Ray Cyrus je otcem Miley Cyrus.", "evidence": [[[99743, 112898, "Miley Cyrusová", 2, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Ray Cyrus is the father of Miley Cyrus."} {"id": 91814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina One Direction vyhrála severoamerické hudební ceny MTV.", "evidence": [[[109165, 122858, "One Direction", 5, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "One Direction has won the MTV North America Music Awards."} {"id": 153595, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech žije 4,3 % světové populace.", "evidence": [[[177542, 190323, "Spojené státy americké", 35, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States contains 4.3% of the world's population."} {"id": 196765, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor je střelcem 31 gólů.", "evidence": [[[231205, 234727, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 8, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]]], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor is the scorer of 31 goals."} {"id": 62685, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Heartlight je první skladba na Goldově mixtapu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heartlight is the first track on Gold's mixtape."} {"id": 127880, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Futurama má nedostatek osobností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Futurama has a lack of personalities."} {"id": 172102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album Seleny Gomez & the Scene vyšlo v jakémkoli roce kromě roku 2009.", "evidence": [[[198610, 208404, "Selena Gomez & the Scene", 3, "Selena Gomez & the Scene"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez & the Scene's debut album was released in any year except 2009."} {"id": 120359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alžběta II. není Britka.", "evidence": [[[141382, 156558, "Alžběta II.", 4, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II is not British."} {"id": 81172, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick nebyl scénárista.", "evidence": [[[261463, 259594, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[261699, 259734, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[321447, 309926, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[321461, 309931, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[321461, 309932, "Stanley Kubrick", 18, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[322564, 310871, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick was not a screenwriter."} {"id": 177806, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Labor Pains byl vydán na DVD a Blu-Ray.", "evidence": [[[206084, 214539, "Šéfe, jsem v tom!", 6, "Labor Pains"]]], "claim_en": "Labor Pains was released on DVD and Blu-Ray."} {"id": 218165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kuvajt není schopen být součástí Arabského poloostrova.", "evidence": [[[259371, 257973, "Arabský poloostrov", 5, "Arabian Peninsula"]]], "claim_en": "Kuwait is incapable of being part of the Arabian Peninsula."} {"id": 138047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel Greenová není fiktivní postava.", "evidence": [[[289999, 283080, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]], [[291331, 284271, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]], [[291331, 284272, "Rachel Greenová", 1, "Rachel Green"]], [[293485, 285999, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]], [[337405, 322776, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]], [[337405, 322777, "Rachel Greenová", 14, "Rachel Green"]], [[337413, 322783, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel Green is a nonfictional character."} {"id": 99379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aruba je pro účely sčítání lidu rozdělena do jedenácti regionů.", "evidence": [[[117033, 130919, "Aruba", 8, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is divided into eleven regions for census purposes."} {"id": 97001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jensen Ackles hrál George Carlina ve filmu My Bloody Valentine 3D.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles played George Carlin in My Bloody Valentine 3D."} {"id": 57363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Prometheus vstoupil do výroby v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[73695, 84940, "Prometheus (film)", 13, "Prometheus (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Prometheus entered production in 2010."} {"id": 179416, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yelp expandoval po celé Asii v únoru 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yelp expanded throughout Asia in February of 2012."} {"id": 66853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Akbar byl mecenášem umění.", "evidence": [[[83418, 95383, "Akbar Veliký", 10, "Akbar"]]], "claim_en": "Akbar was a patron of art."} {"id": 219918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Garry Kasparov vyhrál svůj první velký šachový turnaj 13. dubna 1963.", "evidence": [[[261706, 259739, "Garri Kasparov", 0, "Garry Kasparov"]]], "claim_en": "Garry Kasparov won his first major chess tournament on April 13, 1963."} {"id": 129698, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra Kerplunk byla vydána pouze prostřednictvím online prodeje.", "evidence": [[[151913, 166669, "Kerplunk!", 0, "Kerplunk (album)"], [151913, 166669, "Lookout! Records", 1, "Lookout Records"]], [[151913, 166670, "Kerplunk!", 12, "Kerplunk (album)"]], [[151913, 166671, "Kerplunk!", 16, "Kerplunk (album)"], [151913, 166671, "Lookout! Records", 1, "Lookout Records"], [151913, 166671, "Lookout! Records", 8, "Lookout Records"]], [[151913, 166672, "Kerplunk!", 18, "Kerplunk (album)"]], [[151913, 166673, "Kerplunk!", 20, "Kerplunk (album)"], [151913, 166673, "Epitaph Records", 0, "Epitaph Records"]]], "claim_en": "Kerplunk was released through online sale only."} {"id": 154619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra Civilization IV byla chválena.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Civilization IV was praised."} {"id": 157255, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Giacomo Casanova byl superhrdina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Giacomo Casanova was a superhero."} {"id": 42040, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Midwestern Gothic byl založen v únoru 2010.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Midwestern Gothic was founded in February of 2010."} {"id": 80355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kolumbie je poušť.", "evidence": [[[97352, 110525, "Kolumbie", 17, "Colombia"]]], "claim_en": "Colombia is a desert."} {"id": 78464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Těhotenství není schopno mít příznak častého močení.", "evidence": [[[95421, 108450, "Těhotenství", 7, "Pregnancy"]]], "claim_en": "Pregnancy is incapable of having the symptom of frequent urination."} {"id": 39209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Maze Runner je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Maze Runner is a television series."} {"id": 191619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Slavní a zamilovaní hraje Matthew Perry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Famous in Love stars Matthew Perry."} {"id": 109386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarah Palinová je Australanka.", "evidence": [[[128287, 143000, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin is Australian."} {"id": 147620, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Obnovení seriálu Gilmorova děvčata nebylo na Netflixu vysíláno.", "evidence": [[[171175, 184692, "Gilmorova děvčata", 19, "Gilmore Girls"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls' revival was not streamed on Netflix."} {"id": 47948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Hathawayová získala pouze jednoho Oscara.", "evidence": [[[64315, 75066, "Anne Hathaway", 8, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[64315, 75067, "Anne Hathaway", 9, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[64315, 75068, "Anne Hathaway", 13, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[64315, 75069, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway has only ever won an Academy Award."} {"id": 36396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Morgan Freeman získal Oscara v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[52593, 62557, "Morgan Freeman", 1, "Morgan Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Morgan Freeman won an Academy Award in 2005."} {"id": 141290, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando podporoval apačské hnutí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando supported Apache movements."} {"id": 151214, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lauren Grahamová je knižní kritička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lauren Graham is a book critic."} {"id": 149738, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bruno Mars prodal přes milion singlů.", "evidence": [[[173555, 186779, "Bruno Mars", 13, "Bruno Mars"]]], "claim_en": "Bruno Mars has sold over millions of singles."} {"id": 103622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dinosauři jsou zastoupeni pouze na jednom kontinentu.", "evidence": [[[121636, 135949, "Dinosauři", 16, "Dinosaur"]]], "claim_en": "Dinosaurs are represent on only one continent."} {"id": 222466, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary se za svobodna jmenuje Colin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary's maiden name is Colin."} {"id": 166268, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Horrible Bosses je film.", "evidence": [[[191214, 202117, "Šéfové na zabití", 0, "Horrible Bosses"]]], "claim_en": "Horrible Bosses is a film."} {"id": 1882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gadsdenova vlajka byla pojmenována po osobě.", "evidence": [[[17653, 21809, "Gadsdenova vlajka", 2, "Gadsden flag"]]], "claim_en": "The Gadsden flag was named after a person."} {"id": 18954, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "NASA udělila společnosti SpaceX zakázku.", "evidence": [[[34598, 41976, "SpaceX", 7, "SpaceX"]]], "claim_en": "NASA awarded SpaceX with a contract."} {"id": 156900, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel-Day Lewis měl nominace na ceny jako Oscar, cena BAFTA, vítězství v Critics' Choice Movie Award, vítězství v Golden Globe Award, vítězství v Screen Actors Guild Award a vítězství v Satellite Award.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel-Day Lewis had nominations for awards like the Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Critics' Choice Movie Award wins, Golden Globe Award wins, Screen Actors Guild Award wins, and Satellite Award wins."} {"id": 206206, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mělký Hal je kanadská filmová komedie.", "evidence": [[[243765, 244934, "Těžce zamilován", 0, "Shallow Hal"]], [[243767, 244936, "Těžce zamilován", 0, "Shallow Hal"]]], "claim_en": "Shallow Hal is a comedy Canadian film."} {"id": 81846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Norovirus způsobuje zánět.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Norovirus causes inflammation."} {"id": 50829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Washington byl americký prezident.", "evidence": [[[67170, 77959, "George Washington", 0, "George Washington"]], [[67170, 77961, "George Washington", 35, "George Washington"]]], "claim_en": "George Washington was an American President."} {"id": 31984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naomi Scottová hrála Mohini \"Mo\" Banjaree v trilogii Pán prstenů.", "evidence": [[[48108, 57446, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott played Mohini \"Mo\" Banjaree in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy."} {"id": 15598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Germáni jsou skupina národů.", "evidence": [[[33140, 40233, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]]], "claim_en": "The Germanic peoples are a group."} {"id": 203787, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Perth je nejmenší město ve státě Západní Austrálie.", "evidence": [[[240535, 242137, "Perth", 0, "Perth"]]], "claim_en": "Perth is the smallest city in the state Western Australia."} {"id": 28110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Pacific Rim byl uveden do kin 12. července 1913.", "evidence": [[[44226, 52869, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Pacific Rim was released July 12, 1913."} {"id": 132138, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Odkazy na Star Trek lze nalézt v celé populární kultuře od 50. let 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Star Trek references can be found throughout popular culture from the 1950s."} {"id": 19657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Goldie Hawnová byla bohatá hvězda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Goldie Hawn was a wealthy star."} {"id": 1149, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dennis Hopper žil ve 20. století.", "evidence": [[[16744, 20740, "Dennis Hopper", 0, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[16744, 20741, "Dennis Hopper", 1, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[16744, 20742, "Dennis Hopper", 6, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[16744, 20743, "Dennis Hopper", 3, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[16744, 20744, "Dennis Hopper", 2, "Dennis Hopper"]]], "claim_en": "Dennis Hopper lived in the 20th century."} {"id": 186668, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Summertime (píseň George Gershwina) složil Němec pro operu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Summertime (George Gershwin song) was composed by a German for an opera."} {"id": 48592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gerard Butler není Skot.", "evidence": [[[64954, 75808, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]]], "claim_en": "Gerard Butler is not Scottish."} {"id": 129468, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jerry Goldsmith získal nominace na americké hudební ceny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith received nominations for American Music Awards."} {"id": 43340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chicago leží na březích dvou Velkých jezer.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chicago is located on the shores of two of the Great Lakes."} {"id": 19938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portia de Rossi se objevila v seriálu.", "evidence": [[[35740, 43291, "Portia de Rossi", 1, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[35740, 43292, "Portia de Rossi", 2, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[35740, 43293, "Portia de Rossi", 3, "Portia de Rossi"]]], "claim_en": "Portia de Rossi appeared on a show."} {"id": 79906, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Inhumans vychází z první části komiksů Marvel Comics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Inhumans is based on the first section Marvel Comics race."} {"id": 228078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caleb McLaughlin byl jmenován na měsíc říjen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caleb McLaughlin was named on the month of October."} {"id": 36075, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Juliette Binoche hrála ve španělských filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Juliette Binoche acted in Spanish films."} {"id": 175711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Into the Woods získal nultou nominaci na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[203299, 212345, "Čarovný les", 13, "Into the Woods (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Into the Woods received zero Academy Award nomination."} {"id": 34739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Norovirus je nejčastější příčinou virové gastroenteritidy u lidí.", "evidence": [[[50918, 60649, "Norovirus", 0, "Norovirus"]], [[50931, 60661, "Norovirus", 0, "Norovirus"]], [[50931, 60662, "Norovirus", 24, "Norovirus"]]], "claim_en": "Norovirus is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in humans."} {"id": 142778, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Detroit Diesel je špičkový americký výrobce dieselových motorů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Detroit Diesel is an high-end American diesel engine manufacturer."} {"id": 179005, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Ditko byl kreslíř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Ditko was a cartoonist."} {"id": 20171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donald Glover vytvořil album Because the Internet.", "evidence": [[[35988, 43534, "Donald Glover", 13, "Donald Glover"], [35988, 43534, "Because the Internet", 0, "Because the Internet"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Glover created the album Because the Internet."} {"id": 138684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barvy Borussie Dortmund nejsou černožluté.", "evidence": [[[161487, 175958, "Borussia Dortmund", 13, "Borussia Dortmund"]]], "claim_en": "Borussia Dortmund's colors are not black and yellow."} {"id": 172838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paříž měla vždy jen málo společného s rozvojem vědeckého bádání, pokud vůbec něco.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paris has always had little if anything to do with the advancement of scientific study."} {"id": 212400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundgarden podepsali smlouvu s A&M Records.", "evidence": [[[251785, 251586, "Soundgarden", 6, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden signed to A&M Records."} {"id": 170362, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Logan Lerman ztvárnil d'Artagnana ve filmu Tři mušketýři (2011).", "evidence": [[[196544, 206650, "Logan Lerman", 3, "Logan Lerman"]]], "claim_en": "Logan Lerman portrayed d'Artagnan in The Three Musketeers (2011)."} {"id": 122744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thomas Jefferson neodešel z veřejné funkce.", "evidence": [[[144145, 159202, "Thomas Jefferson", 28, "Thomas Jefferson"]]], "claim_en": "Thomas Jefferson did not retire from public office."} {"id": 137633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Outlander je britsko-americký seriál stanice Starz.", "evidence": [[[160391, 174917, "Cizinka (seriál)", 0, "Outlander (TV series)"], [160391, 174917, "Cizinka (seriál)", 1, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander is a British-American Starz series."} {"id": 73215, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rich Girl (píseň Gwen Stefani) měla dvě minuty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rich Girl (Gwen Stefani song) was two minutes long."} {"id": 171456, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Splash režírovali Tom Hanks a John Candy.", "evidence": [[[197856, 207793, "Žbluňk!", 0, "Splash (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Splash was directed by Tom Hanks and John Candy."} {"id": 225379, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V písni Absolute Beginners hrála skupina A Tribe Called Quest.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Absolute Beginners featured A Tribe Called Quest."} {"id": 129139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lion byl film.", "evidence": [[[151229, 166022, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[151229, 166023, "Lion (film)", 4, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion was a film."} {"id": 18183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dobrý Will Hunting nemohl získat Guse Van Santa na post režiséra.", "evidence": [[[33722, 40888, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting was unable to get Gus Van Sant for director."} {"id": 119216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ronald Reagan byl ministrem zahraničí.", "evidence": [[[139984, 154991, "Ronald Reagan", 0, "Ronald Reagan"]], [[139984, 154992, "Ronald Reagan", 1, "Ronald Reagan"]]], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan was a Secretary of State."} {"id": 4177, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taraji P. Henson byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[20426, 25026, "Taraji P. Henson", 2, "Taraji P. Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson was nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 167251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Count Basie založil alespoň jeden orchestr.", "evidence": [[[192443, 203175, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"]]], "claim_en": "Count Basie formed at least one orchestra."} {"id": 44339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Piráti z Karibiku (filmová série) je franšíza.", "evidence": [[[60731, 71216, "Piráti z Karibiku", 13, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]], [[60731, 71217, "Piráti z Karibiku", 16, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]], [[60731, 71218, "Piráti z Karibiku", 19, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series) is a franchise."} {"id": 101856, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carice van Houten není herečka.", "evidence": [[[119592, 133666, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133667, "Carice van Houten", 2, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133668, "Carice van Houten", 4, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133669, "Carice van Houten", 7, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133670, "Carice van Houten", 8, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133671, "Carice van Houten", 9, "Carice van Houten"]], [[119592, 133672, "Carice van Houten", 12, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is not an actress."} {"id": 119854, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub Leyton Orient F.C. se nachází v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[140844, 155974, "Leyton Orient FC", 0, "Leyton Orient F.C."]], [[140859, 155995, "Leyton Orient FC", 0, "Leyton Orient F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leyton Orient F.C. is in New York."} {"id": 27466, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ayn Randová byla mediální tvůrkyně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ayn Rand was a media creator."} {"id": 115151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Melbourne není v Austrálii.", "evidence": [[[136425, 151216, "Melbourne", 0, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151217, "Melbourne", 11, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151218, "Melbourne", 16, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151219, "Melbourne", 18, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151220, "Melbourne", 22, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151222, "Melbourne", 23, "Melbourne"]], [[136425, 151223, "Melbourne", 26, "Melbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Melbourne is not in Australia."} {"id": 131610, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladbu Purple Haze napsal Eric Clapton.", "evidence": [[[153943, 168763, "Purple Haze", 0, "Purple Haze"]]], "claim_en": "Purple Haze was written by Eric Clapton."} {"id": 56135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Green Day je hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[72512, 83554, "Green Day", 0, "Green Day"]], [[72512, 83555, "Green Day", 1, "Green Day"]]], "claim_en": "Green Day is a music group."} {"id": 37407, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine byl katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine was a Catholic."} {"id": 106295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sokrates byl klasický Říman.", "evidence": [[[124767, 139109, "Sókratés", 0, "Socrates"]]], "claim_en": "Socrates was classical Roman."} {"id": 172090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První deska Seleny Gomez & the Scene vyšla v září.", "evidence": [[[198606, 208401, "Selena Gomez & the Scene", 3, "Selena Gomez & the Scene"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez & the Scene's first record was put out in September."} {"id": 155659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jin a jang obsahují v každé části část opačného prvku.", "evidence": [[[179710, 192274, "Jin a jang", 10, "Yin and yang"]]], "claim_en": "Yin and yang contain a section of the opposite element in each portion."} {"id": 169355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sam Walton byl vždy pouze zakladatelem burákového másla.", "evidence": [[[195242, 205546, "Sam Walton", 0, "Sam Walton"]]], "claim_en": "Sam Walton was only ever the founder of peanut butter."} {"id": 192281, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Psychologické poznatky navazují na filozofické výzkumy a perspektivy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Psychological findings link to philosophical research and perspectives."} {"id": 30246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokoj není nezávislý dramatický film.", "evidence": [[[46358, 55341, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Room is not an independent drama film."} {"id": 62887, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Arquette spolupracoval s Agnieszkou Holland.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette worked with Agnieszka Holland."} {"id": 161875, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britney Spears pracuje jako tanečnice.", "evidence": [[[296740, 288483, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[298364, 289851, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[343842, 327503, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[344012, 327640, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears works as a dancer."} {"id": 221602, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "K-popová hvězda 2 vždy zaměstnávala pouze ženy, které neměly pěvecké nebo herecké nadání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "K-pop Star 2 has only ever hired women that lacked singing or acting talents."} {"id": 154081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gucci je značka zboží, které je kožené.", "evidence": [[[178067, 190706, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is a brand of goods that are leather."} {"id": 201698, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emma Stone začala hrát v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[237433, 239644, "Emma Stone", 5, "Emma Stone"]], [[237433, 239645, "Emma Stone", 7, "Emma Stone"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Stone began acting in 2010."} {"id": 77314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nejúspěšnější písní Carole Kingové byla \"Tapestry\".", "evidence": [[[94226, 107206, "Carole King", 11, "Carole King"]]], "claim_en": "Carole King's most successful song was \"Tapestry\"."} {"id": 13024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Family Guy byl časopisem TV Guide zařazen na deváté místo žebříčku nejlepších televizních kreslených seriálů všech dob.", "evidence": [[[28260, 34566, "Griffinovi", 27, "Family Guy"]]], "claim_en": "Family Guy was ranked the ninth Greatest TV Cartoon of All Time by TV Guide."} {"id": 19656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noam Chomsky se zasloužil o vytvoření Bachtinovy hierarchie.", "evidence": [[[35454, 42968, "Noam Chomsky", 10, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky is credited in the creation of the Bakhtin hierarchy."} {"id": 13436, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Deadpool získal dvě trofeje Akademie filmového umění a věd.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deadpool won two trophies from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."} {"id": 42673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lymfom je smrtelný.", "evidence": [[[60593, 71017, "Lymfom", 28, "Lymphoma"]]], "claim_en": "Lymphoma is deadly."} {"id": 119138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Gorillaz se skládá z animovaných členů.", "evidence": [[[139852, 154876, "Gorillaz", 1, "Gorillaz"]]], "claim_en": "Gorillaz consists of animated members."} {"id": 161128, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kesha se narodila 1. března 1987 v kalifornské Pasadeně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kesha was born on March 1st, 1987 in a Pasadena, California."} {"id": 117451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Původního zpěváka skupiny Slipknot nahradil Corey Taylor.", "evidence": [[[137799, 152757, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]], [[137800, 152758, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "The original vocalist of Slipknot was replaced by Corey Taylor."} {"id": 213287, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nilu se nedaří odtékat přes Keňu.", "evidence": [[[253040, 252898, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]], [[253043, 252900, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile fails to drain through Kenya."} {"id": 115662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benin je tropické ovoce.", "evidence": [[[136579, 151401, "Benin", 0, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151402, "Benin", 1, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151403, "Benin", 2, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151404, "Benin", 3, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151405, "Benin", 4, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151406, "Benin", 5, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151407, "Benin", 8, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151408, "Benin", 10, "Benin"]], [[136579, 151409, "Benin", 11, "Benin"]]], "claim_en": "Benin is a tropical fruit."} {"id": 175341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Telegu je jazyk, ve kterém se píše Sarrainodu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Telegu is the language Sarrainodu is written in."} {"id": 19138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Hamill je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[34902, 42324, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill is a writer."} {"id": 135050, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra Overwatch se hraje výhradně jako hra pro jednoho hráče.", "evidence": [[[157628, 172237, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[157628, 172238, "Overwatch", 4, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[157628, 172239, "Overwatch", 5, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[157628, 172240, "Overwatch", 12, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch is played exclusively as single player."} {"id": 118203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Austrálie byla původně osídlena prostřednictvím trestaneckého tábora.", "evidence": [[[138692, 153769, "Austrálie", 9, "Australia"]]], "claim_en": "Australia was originally settled through a penal camp."} {"id": 59366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Obvinění Michaela Jacksona ze sexuálního zneužívání bylo vyřešeno trestním soudem.", "evidence": [[[75766, 87040, "Michael Jackson", 26, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson's sexual abuse accusation was settled in criminal court."} {"id": 203497, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christian Bale spolupracoval s režisérem.", "evidence": [[[240066, 241725, "Christian Bale", 4, "Christian Bale"]]], "claim_en": "Christian Bale worked with a director."} {"id": 74694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová začala svou kariéru v televizi.", "evidence": [[[91479, 104233, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 1, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams began her career on television."} {"id": 2818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bryan Adams získal za svůj zpěv cenu Ivor Novello.", "evidence": [[[18664, 22903, "Bryan Adams", 9, "Bryan Adams"], [18664, 22903, "Ivor Novello Awards", 0, "Ivor Novello Awards"]]], "claim_en": "Bryan Adams has won Ivor Novello Awards for his singing."} {"id": 205383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Google Home má obrazový vstup a výstup.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Home has image input and output."} {"id": 120604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jurský svět překonal rekord ve výdělcích za úvodní víkend.", "evidence": [[[141629, 156869, "Jurský svět", 15, "Jurassic World"]], [[141633, 156872, "Jurský svět", 15, "Jurassic World"]]], "claim_en": "Jurassic World broke the record for opening weekend earnings."} {"id": 153783, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová má od roku 1997 trvalý pobyt ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova has been a United States resident since 1997."} {"id": 86386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Dubaji se nachází nejvyšší komerční budova světa Burdž Chalífa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dubai contains the world's tallest commercial building, the Burj Khalifa."} {"id": 53872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Fante je člověk.", "evidence": [[[70174, 81056, "John Fante", 0, "John Fante"]]], "claim_en": "John Fante is a person."} {"id": 100792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Willis zemřel v roce 1955.", "evidence": [[[118477, 132325, "Bruce Willis", 0, "Bruce Willis"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Willis died in 1955."} {"id": 162420, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody je americký dětský sitcom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody is an American children's sitcom."} {"id": 110124, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Antarktida je deštný prales.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Antarctica is a rainforest."} {"id": 140842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hokejový klub Liverpool F.C. měl v roce 2014 roční příjem 391 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[163854, 178087, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. had an annual hockey of $391 million in 2014."} {"id": 130809, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noam Chomsky se zasloužil o vznik ministerstva obrany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky is credited in the creation of the Department of Defense."} {"id": 198237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bentley je od května 1998 dceřinou společností koncernu Volkswagen AG.", "evidence": [[[233072, 236074, "Bentley", 0, "Bentley"]]], "claim_en": "Bentley has been a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG since May of 1998."} {"id": 28878, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhé jméno Kurta Anglea je Steven.", "evidence": [[[44997, 53700, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle's middle name is Steven."} {"id": 62394, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ježíš není známý také jako Ježíš Kristus.", "evidence": [[[78842, 90421, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus is not also known as Jesus Christ."} {"id": 186718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Calvin Harris se ve skutečnosti jmenuje také Adam Richard Wiles III.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris also goes by his real name Adam Richard Wiles III."} {"id": 130077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "West Ham United F.C. je fotbalový klub.", "evidence": [[[152311, 167101, "West Ham United FC", 0, "West Ham United F.C."]], [[152311, 167103, "West Ham United FC", 1, "West Ham United F.C."], [152311, 167103, "Premier League", 0, "Premier League"]], [[152311, 167105, "West Ham United FC", 5, "West Ham United F.C."], [152311, 167105, "Thames Ironworks F.C.", 0, "Thames Ironworks F.C."]], [[152311, 167106, "West Ham United FC", 7, "West Ham United F.C."], [152311, 167106, "English Football League", 0, "English Football League"]], [[152311, 167107, "West Ham United FC", 9, "West Ham United F.C."], [152311, 167107, "English Football League", 0, "English Football League"]], [[152311, 167108, "West Ham United FC", 15, "West Ham United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "West Ham United F.C. is a club for football."} {"id": 119536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Manson je fanouškem Bowieho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Manson is a Bowie fan."} {"id": 206814, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan je lampička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan is a lamp post."} {"id": 167212, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Count Basie vzal v roce 1936 svou dceru do Chicaga.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Count Basie took his daughter to Chicago in 1936."} {"id": 188009, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Sicario (2015) byl v roce 2015 nominován na Oscara za nejlepší kameru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sicario (2015 film) was nominated for Best Cinematography at the Oscars in 2015."} {"id": 162559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ed Sheeran je anglický muffin.", "evidence": [[[187119, 198815, "Ed Sheeran", 0, "Ed Sheeran"]]], "claim_en": "Ed Sheeran is an English muffin."} {"id": 42591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg vydal album Rubber Soul pod hlavičkou Death Row Records.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg released Rubber Soul under Death Row Records."} {"id": 220527, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jared Leto se dříve jmenoval Toast.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jared Leto has a former name called Toast."} {"id": 180673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fernando Alonso se celým jménem jmenuje Fernando Alonso Diaz a je Španěl.", "evidence": [[[209698, 217485, "Fernando Alonso", 0, "Fernando Alonso"]]], "claim_en": "Fernando Alonso's full name is Fernando Alonso Diaz and he is Spanish."} {"id": 120723, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Budova Chrysler Building je kratší než Tokijská věž.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Chrysler Building is shorter than the Tokyo Tower."} {"id": 103494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bette Davisová byla na seznamu 50 největších legend amerického filmu, který v roce 2010 zveřejnila organizace AFI.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bette Davis was on AFI's list of top 50 greatest screen legends in American film published in 2010."} {"id": 131776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Poslední díl Twilight ságy byl natočen v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[154141, 168913, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 3, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga's final installment was filmed in 2008."} {"id": 117481, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tatiana Maslany získala rozsáhlá ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tatiana Maslany has received widespread awards."} {"id": 164737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anschluss znamená připojení.", "evidence": [[[189478, 200757, "Anšlus", 0, "Anschluss"]]], "claim_en": "Anschluss means joining."} {"id": 55868, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii se narodilo první prase.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is home to the first pig."} {"id": 149666, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina U2 prodala po celém světě 200 milionů desek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "U2 has sold 200 million records worldwide."} {"id": 188089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thiokol byl známý také jako něco jiného.", "evidence": [[[219485, 225480, "Thiokol", 0, "Thiokol"]]], "claim_en": "Thiokol was also known as something else."} {"id": 201296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert De Niro odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Ronin.", "evidence": [[[236877, 239237, "Ronin (film)", 0, "Ronin (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Robert De Niro turned down the role he was offered in Ronin."} {"id": 43608, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Magic Johnson byl stepař.", "evidence": [[[59918, 70316, "Magic Johnson", 0, "Magic Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Magic Johnson was a tap dancer."} {"id": 26884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lady Gaga získala několik cen Brit Awards.", "evidence": [[[43022, 51670, "Lady Gaga", 22, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga won multiple Brit Awards."} {"id": 64762, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Cromwell měl roli ve Strážcích Galaxie 2.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Cromwell had a role in Guardians of the Galaxy 2."} {"id": 27123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Internet není globální systém propojených počítačových sítí.", "evidence": [[[43256, 51887, "Internet", 0, "Internet"]]], "claim_en": "The internet is not the global system of interconnected computer networks."} {"id": 59519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Samuel L. Jackson není herec.", "evidence": [[[75955, 87234, "Samuel L. Jackson", 0, "Samuel L. Jackson"]], [[75955, 87235, "Samuel L. Jackson", 2, "Samuel L. Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Samuel L. Jackson is not an actor."} {"id": 135401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aruba je pevnina.", "evidence": [[[157998, 172616, "Aruba", 14, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172619, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172620, "Aruba", 1, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172621, "Aruba", 14, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172622, "Aruba", 9, "Aruba"], [158002, 172622, "Oranjestad", 0, "Oranjestad, Aruba"], [158002, 172622, "Oranjestad", 1, "Oranjestad, Aruba"]], [[158002, 172623, "Aruba", 8, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172624, "Aruba", 6, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172625, "Aruba", 3, "Aruba"]], [[158002, 172626, "Aruba", 2, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is a landmass."} {"id": 132492, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hugh Jackman hraje ve filmech Avengers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hugh Jackman is in the Avengers films."} {"id": 87331, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kill Bill: je drama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kill Bill: Volume 2 is a drama."} {"id": 74296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série American Horror Story nemá podtitul.", "evidence": [[[91060, 103729, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story's first season has no subtitle."} {"id": 217543, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve vesmíru byli nalezeni Tardigradové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tardigrades have been found in space."} {"id": 85256, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar byl v armádě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar was in the military."} {"id": 100081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ava DuVernay se narodila v roce 1975.", "evidence": [[[117725, 131607, "Ava DuVernay", 0, "Ava DuVernay"]]], "claim_en": "Ava DuVernay was born in 1975."} {"id": 129128, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu The Leftovers hraje Zadie Smithová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Leftovers stars Zadie Smith."} {"id": 224688, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus má na kontě šest alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus has six albums."} {"id": 138097, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andre Agassi byl v roce 1995 pátým tenistou světa.", "evidence": [[[160871, 175353, "Andre Agassi", 13, "Andre Agassi"]]], "claim_en": "Andre Agassi was the number 5 tennis player in the world in 1995."} {"id": 166801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Billy Wider se narodil v Rumunsku.", "evidence": [[[191862, 202648, "Billy Wilder", 0, "Billy Wilder"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Wider was born in Romania."} {"id": 220414, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Objevit se v arkádě se podařilo postavě jménem Thanos.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Appearance in an arcade has been made by a character name Thanos."} {"id": 83375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tony Blair byl zvolen poté, co na infarkt zemřel mnich.", "evidence": [[[100415, 113707, "Tony Blair", 13, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair was elected after a monk died of a heart attack."} {"id": 23248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jack Nicholson si zahrál někoho, kdo se bouří proti společenskému zřízení.", "evidence": [[[63039, 73735, "Jack Nicholson", 2, "Jack Nicholson"]], [[64962, 75815, "Jack Nicholson", 2, "Jack Nicholson"]], [[66824, 77648, "Jack Nicholson", 2, "Jack Nicholson"]], [[303628, 294575, "Jack Nicholson", 2, "Jack Nicholson"]], [[305422, 296244, "Jack Nicholson", 2, "Jack Nicholson"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Nicholson has played someone who rebels against the social structure."} {"id": 211880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) je film, který vydělal přes 356 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[251115, 251057, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 7, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) is a film that grossed over $356 million."} {"id": 144532, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nepál má 23 milionů obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[167806, 181573, "Nepál", 7, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal has a population of 23 million."} {"id": 87141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Láhaur se nachází v Afghánistánu.", "evidence": [[[104304, 117739, "Láhaur", 0, "Lahore"]], [[104304, 117740, "Láhaur", 1, "Lahore"]], [[104304, 117741, "Láhaur", 2, "Lahore"]]], "claim_en": "Lahore is located in Afghanistan."} {"id": 113919, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry zastupovala společnost Revlon na mezinárodním kosmetickém kongresu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry represented Revlon at the international cosmetics convention."} {"id": 63463, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Margaret Osborne duPont byla sportovní hráčka.", "evidence": [[[79883, 91611, "Margaret Osborneová duPontová", 0, "Margaret Osborne duPont"]], [[79883, 91612, "Margaret Osborneová duPontová", 3, "Margaret Osborne duPont"], [79883, 91612, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[79883, 91613, "Margaret Osborneová duPontová", 4, "Margaret Osborne duPont"], [79883, 91613, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]]], "claim_en": "Margaret Osborne duPont was a sports player."} {"id": 131092, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První zaměstnání Jona Huntsmana mladšího v politice začalo, když byl přijat jako asistent personálu Bílého domu za prezidenta Ronalda Reagana.", "evidence": [[[34781, 42181, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 7, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr.'s first job in politics started when he was hired as a White House staff assistant under President Ronald Reagan."} {"id": 34873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobit se nesetkal s širokým ohlasem kritiky.", "evidence": [[[102472, 115752, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 1, "The Hobbit"]], [[307894, 298370, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 1, "The Hobbit"]], [[307895, 298371, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 1, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit did not receive wide critical acclaim."} {"id": 85191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scotty Moore zemřel 28. června 2010.", "evidence": [[[102293, 115573, "Scotty Moore", 0, "Scotty Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Scotty Moore died on June 28, 2010."} {"id": 192928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Hanna byl americký animátor, režisér, producent, hlasový herec a kreslíř.", "evidence": [[[225864, 230436, "William Hanna", 0, "William Hanna"]]], "claim_en": "William Hanna was an American animator, director, producer, voice actor, and cartoon artist."} {"id": 186282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Co se týče vládní organizace.", "evidence": [[[217239, 223868, "Cochrane Collaboration", 0, "Cochrane (organisation)"]], [[217240, 223869, "Cochrane Collaboration", 0, "Cochrane (organisation)"]]], "claim_en": "Cochrane is a governmental organization."} {"id": 203237, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Extrémní prostředí mohou způsobovat automobily.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Extreme environments can be caused by cars."} {"id": 45982, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Capone byl stíhán za federální trestný čin.", "evidence": [[[62329, 72933, "Al Capone", 17, "Al Capone"]]], "claim_en": "Al Capone was prosecuted for a federal offense."} {"id": 50000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Laura Dern nehrála v televizním filmu Přepočítávání.", "evidence": [[[66323, 77160, "Laura Dernová", 6, "Laura Dern"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Dern did not act in the TV film Recount."} {"id": 208716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice byl zaměstnán u filmu Kráska a zvíře.", "evidence": [[[246982, 247361, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice was employed on Beauty and the Beast."} {"id": 104692, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rhythm Nation byl nejvýdělečnějším coverem skupiny Girls' Generation.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rhythm Nation was the highest grossing cover by Girls' Generation."} {"id": 145774, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita provozuje nejstaršího robota na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The University of Oxford operates the world's oldest robot."} {"id": 94085, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George W. Bush získal více hlasů voličů než jeho soupeř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George W. Bush received more popular votes than his opponent."} {"id": 121913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Winehouse nezemřela ve věku 27 let.", "evidence": [[[143113, 158223, "Amy Winehouse", 10, "Amy Winehouse"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Winehouse did not die at age 27."} {"id": 162866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Broadcast News je komiks.", "evidence": [[[187417, 199067, "Vysíláme zprávy", 0, "Broadcast News (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Broadcast News is a comic book."} {"id": 148683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Julie Bowenová pochází ze severní polokoule.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Julie Bowen is from the Northern Hemisphere."} {"id": 48584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winona Ryder hrála hlavní roli ve filmu Když láska nestačí.", "evidence": [[[24547, 30324, "Winona Ryder", 19, "Winona Ryder"]], [[299640, 291059, "Winona Ryder", 19, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder was the lead actor in When Love Is Not Enough."} {"id": 34791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Benzodiazepiny se mohou předávkovat.", "evidence": [[[50972, 60710, "Benzodiazepiny", 21, "Benzodiazepine"]]], "claim_en": "Benzodiazepines can be taken in overdoses."} {"id": 58943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alfred Hitchcock je člověk.", "evidence": [[[75330, 86578, "Alfred Hitchcock", 0, "Alfred Hitchcock"]]], "claim_en": "Alfred Hitchcock is a person."} {"id": 57262, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adolf Hitler byl manažerem Bayernu Mnichov.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was the manager of Bayern Munich."} {"id": 88315, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor hraje profesionálně tenis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor plays tennis professionally."} {"id": 98866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gruzínci sotva vznikli ze starověkých iberských civilizací.", "evidence": [[[116537, 130414, "Gruzíni", 4, "Georgians"]]], "claim_en": "Georgians barely arose from the ancient Iberian civilizations."} {"id": 228162, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Kafkovi hraje Keanu Reeves.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kafka stars Keanu Reeves."} {"id": 6861, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené státy mají největší populaci vězňů bez násilí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States has the largest population of non-violent prisoners."} {"id": 224810, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Black Sabbath zažaloval Ton Iommi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath was sued by Ton Iommi."} {"id": 95255, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "C. S. Forester byl zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "C. S. Forester was a singer."} {"id": 73538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Freeman se narodil v roce 1981.", "evidence": [[[90335, 103084, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Freeman was born in 1981."} {"id": 169949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brooks Wackerman je členem skupiny Avenged Sevenfold.", "evidence": [[[196035, 206187, "Brooks Wackerman", 0, "Brooks Wackerman"]], [[196035, 206188, "Brooks Wackerman", 3, "Brooks Wackerman"], [196035, 206188, "Avenged Sevenfold", 0, "Avenged Sevenfold"]]], "claim_en": "Brooks Wackerman is a member of the band Avenged Sevenfold."} {"id": 141347, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miley Cyrus se narodila na počátku devadesátých let.", "evidence": [[[290377, 283416, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[291727, 284628, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[293830, 286252, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[338336, 323536, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[338341, 323544, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[338342, 323545, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus was born in the early nineties."} {"id": 162078, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Válka světů režíroval Steven John Spielberg.", "evidence": [[[186592, 198394, "Válka světů (film, 2005)", 0, "War of the Worlds (2005 film)"], [186592, 198394, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "War of the Worlds was directed by Steven John Spielberg."} {"id": 100035, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olympijské hry nejsou mezinárodní sportovní událostí.", "evidence": [[[117681, 131564, "Olympijské hry", 0, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games are not international sporting events."} {"id": 76009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seth Rogen se dočkal kritiky.", "evidence": [[[92834, 105693, "Seth Rogen", 10, "Seth Rogen"]]], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen received critical criticism."} {"id": 157373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V čele Lucemburska stojí korunní princ.", "evidence": [[[181559, 193802, "Lucembursko", 10, "Luxembourg"]]], "claim_en": "Luxembourg is headed by a crown prince."} {"id": 168712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jane Lynchová zemřela 14. července 1959.", "evidence": [[[194339, 204726, "Jane Lynchová", 0, "Jane Lynch"]], [[194340, 204727, "Jane Lynchová", 0, "Jane Lynch"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Lynch died on July 14th, 1959."} {"id": 153926, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Edison Machine Works byla založena za účelem výroby dynama a byla úspěšná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Edison Machine Works was set up to produce dynamos and it was successful."} {"id": 119852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "USA se nezúčastnily války ve Vietnamu.", "evidence": [[[140841, 155964, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 0, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "The US didn't take part in the Vietnam War."} {"id": 171358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byl napsán film Modrý samet.", "evidence": [[[197745, 207704, "Modrý samet", 0, "Blue Velvet (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet was written."} {"id": 120009, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Parkinsonova choroba postihla veverky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Parkinson's disease has afflicted squirrels."} {"id": 185984, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kyra Sedgwicková měla roli v utajovaném případu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kyra Sedgwick had a role in a a coverup."} {"id": 82014, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. se v osmdesátých letech stal osobním asistentem Bílého domu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. became a White House personal assistant in the eighties."} {"id": 95516, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne je anglická hasička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne is a English firefighter."} {"id": 220116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dance odmítl roli Tywina Lannistera.", "evidence": [[[261950, 259972, "Charles Dance", 4, "Charles Dance"]], [[261956, 259979, "Charles Dance", 4, "Charles Dance"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dance turned down the role of Tywin Lannister."} {"id": 93657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The New York Times je denní podcast.", "evidence": [[[111019, 124708, "The New York Times", 0, "The New York Times"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Times is a daily podcast."} {"id": 13846, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Overwatch (videohra) byl propagován pomocí animovaných videí.", "evidence": [[[29110, 35512, "Overwatch", 20, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch (video game) was promoted with animated videos."} {"id": 109697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Velký Gatsby představuje portrét jazzového věku.", "evidence": [[[128709, 143377, "Velký Gatsby", 2, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby presents a portrait of the Jazz Age."} {"id": 163110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dracula je kniha z devatenáctého století.", "evidence": [[[187665, 199259, "Drákula (kniha)", 0, "Dracula"]]], "claim_en": "Dracula is a nineteenth century book."} {"id": 143741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mimoňové jsou film.", "evidence": [[[166873, 180674, "Mimoni", 0, "Minions (film)"]], [[166873, 180675, "Mimoni", 2, "Minions (film)"]], [[166873, 180676, "Mimoni", 3, "Minions (film)"]], [[166873, 180677, "Mimoni", 7, "Minions (film)"]], [[166873, 180678, "Mimoni", 8, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions is a film."} {"id": 55041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Times je webová stránka.", "evidence": [[[71396, 82346, "The Times", 0, "The Times"]], [[71396, 82348, "The Times", 9, "The Times"]], [[71396, 82349, "The Times", 15, "The Times"]]], "claim_en": "The Times is a website."} {"id": 86300, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Existují různé hlavní události wrestlingu, kterých se John Cena zúčastnil.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There are different wrestling main events that John Cena has competed in."} {"id": 88857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Toy Story je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[106093, 119464, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119465, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 1, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119466, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 4, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119467, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 6, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119468, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 9, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119469, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 10, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119470, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 12, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119471, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 15, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119472, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 16, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119473, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 17, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119474, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 18, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119475, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 19, "Toy Story"]], [[106093, 119476, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 22, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story is a television show."} {"id": 119011, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Island je součástí Evropské unie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iceland is part of the European Union."} {"id": 116192, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Simpsonovi bude obnoven pro 31. sérii.", "evidence": [[[136493, 151274, "Simpsonovi", 15, "The Simpsons"]]], "claim_en": "The Simpsons series will be renewed for a 31st season."} {"id": 16706, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jules Dumont d'Urville prozkoumal severní Austrálii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jules Dumont d'Urville explored northern Australia."} {"id": 215434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2007 se v Hollywoodu v Los Angeles konal 79. ročník udílení Oscarů.", "evidence": [[[255911, 255223, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards was in Hollywood, Los Angeles in 2007."} {"id": 163316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Lithgow se objevil v seriálu The Homesman.", "evidence": [[[298542, 290024, "Síla života", 1, "The Homesman"]], [[344189, 327753, "Síla života", 1, "The Homesman"]], [[344249, 327815, "Síla života", 1, "The Homesman"]]], "claim_en": "John Lithgow made an appearance The Homesman."} {"id": 42361, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Heather Grahamová podpořila v roce 2007 kampaň za bezplatné školné.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heather Graham supported the free tuition campaign in 2007."} {"id": 155492, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film To Kill a Mockingbird (Zabít drozda) napsala společnost BMW.", "evidence": [[[179551, 192124, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 0, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird was written by BMW."} {"id": 10204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bitva o Francii byla německá invaze do Francie.", "evidence": [[[25136, 31017, "Bitva o Francii", 0, "Battle of France"]]], "claim_en": "The Battle of France was the German invasion of France."} {"id": 121103, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slovensko je poloostrov.", "evidence": [[[142195, 157411, "Slovensko", 0, "Slovakia"]], [[142197, 157413, "Slovensko", 0, "Slovakia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovakia is a peninsula."} {"id": 73797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Země narození Alberta Einsteina je Německo.", "evidence": [[[234478, 237344, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[237271, 239518, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[240827, 242435, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[318806, 307633, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[318809, 307635, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[318812, 307636, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[318814, 307638, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein's country of birth is Germany."} {"id": 134373, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick hrál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick performed."} {"id": 50568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dětské mozkové obrně lze částečně předcházet snahou zabránit úrazům hlavy v kostele.", "evidence": [[[66913, 77722, "Dětská mozková obrna", 20, "Cerebral palsy"]]], "claim_en": "Cerebral palsy is partly preventable through efforts to prevent head injuries in church."} {"id": 164681, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patrick Wilson (americký herec) byl nominován na člena Nejvyššího soudu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Patrick Wilson (American actor) was nominated for the Supreme Court."} {"id": 183912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Národní muzeum vědy a médií se nachází u Bradfordu.", "evidence": [[[214085, 221173, "Bradford", 14, "Bradford"]]], "claim_en": "National Science and Media Museum is outside of Bradford."} {"id": 39015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muhammad Ali nebyl aktivní během hnutí za občanská práva.", "evidence": [[[55251, 65296, "Muhammad Ali", 34, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was not active during the Civil Rights Movement."} {"id": 40989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Futurama má vázané figurky.", "evidence": [[[57283, 67530, "Futurama", 21, "Futurama"]]], "claim_en": "Futurama has tie-in figurines."} {"id": 226886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Ocean je americký zpěvák, skladatel a rapper.", "evidence": [[[270535, 266560, "Frank Ocean", 0, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean is an American singer, songwriter, and rapper."} {"id": 43736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sharon Stoneová hrála hru Catherine Tramellová", "evidence": [[[60075, 70494, "Sharon Stoneová", 4, "Sharon Stone"]]], "claim_en": "Sharon Stone played the game Catherine Tramell"} {"id": 34021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Simon je herec.", "evidence": [[[50130, 59657, "Paul Simon", 0, "Paul Simon"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Simon is an actor."} {"id": 151117, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elton John je hudebník.", "evidence": [[[174935, 188030, "Elton John", 13, "Elton John"]]], "claim_en": "Elton John is a musician."} {"id": 114503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demi Lovato v roce 2013 prodala mnoho věcí.", "evidence": [[[136033, 150869, "Demi Lovato", 14, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato sold many things in 2013."} {"id": 203095, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Mangold natočil oceňované životopisné drama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Mangold directed an award-winning biographical drama film."} {"id": 7268, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neve Campbellová je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[11801, 14801, "Neve Campbellová", 0, "Neve Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Neve Campbell is Canadian."} {"id": 98211, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série seriálu Arrow je jediná, která je k dispozici na DVD a Blu-ray.", "evidence": [[[276126, 271194, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]], [[278409, 273216, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]], [[325515, 313182, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]], [[325517, 313184, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]], [[325531, 313188, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Arrow's first season is the only one available on DVD and Blu-ray."} {"id": 97451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg se narodil v Detroitu.", "evidence": [[[115068, 128812, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was born in Detroit."} {"id": 49386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele má píseň Hello, které se v prvním týdnu prodalo přes milion kopií.", "evidence": [[[65704, 76574, "Adele", 25, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele has a song called Hello which sold over one million copies in its first week."} {"id": 151592, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snowden se natáčel v Anglii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snowden was filmed in England."} {"id": 220341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Markéta z Valois byla něčí sestra.", "evidence": [[[262249, 260288, "Královna Margot", 3, "Margaret of Valois"]]], "claim_en": "Margaret of Valois was someone's sister."} {"id": 150552, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "DiCaprio hrál ve filmu Vlk z Wall Street.", "evidence": [[[174369, 187591, "Vlk z Wall Street", 2, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "DiCaprio starred in The Wolf of Wall Street."} {"id": 86930, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Island založil modrý náčelník Ingólfr Arnarson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iceland was established by the blue chieftain Ingólfr Arnarson."} {"id": 60385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "RB Lipsko sídlí v japonské spolkové zemi hraničící s Braniborskem.", "evidence": [[[76834, 88197, "RB Leipzig", 0, "RB Leipzig"]]], "claim_en": "RB Leipzig is based in the Japanese federal state bordering Brandenburg, Japan."} {"id": 72718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leighton Meester je herečka.", "evidence": [[[233316, 236277, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[233316, 236278, "Leighton Meester", 1, "Leighton Meester"]], [[233316, 236279, "Leighton Meester", 2, "Leighton Meester"]], [[233316, 236280, "Leighton Meester", 6, "Leighton Meester"]], [[235311, 238005, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[236143, 238683, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[318568, 307452, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[320272, 308892, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[320272, 308893, "Leighton Meester", 1, "Leighton Meester"]], [[320272, 308895, "Leighton Meester", 6, "Leighton Meester"]]], "claim_en": "Leighton Meester is an actress."} {"id": 110157, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Best hrál jako linebacker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Best played as a linebacker."} {"id": 148558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler se připojil k předchůdci DAP.", "evidence": [[[172206, 185592, "Adolf Hitler", 6, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler joined the precursor of the DAP."} {"id": 170421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Prostřední jméno Michaela Vicka je Dwayne, které mu dali rodiče.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Vick's middle name is Dwayne, given to him by his parents."} {"id": 126503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Konzole Xbox One byla oznámena v květnu 2010.", "evidence": [[[148339, 163359, "Xbox One", 1, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One was announced in May of 2010."} {"id": 159483, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Hisense získala v roce 2015 alespoň jednoho psa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hisense acquired at least one dog in 2015."} {"id": 104027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pátek třináctého zahrnuje vraždy.", "evidence": [[[122132, 136428, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 2, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[122132, 136429, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 3, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "Friday the 13th involves murders."} {"id": 205911, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan je často označován jako Vogue.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan is often referred to as Vogue."} {"id": 140223, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amazon je významné filmové studio.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amazon is a major film studio."} {"id": 97619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scény filmu Planeta opic se natáčely v Novém Mexiku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes shot scenes in New Mexico."} {"id": 226079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Lennon byl pouze instalatér.", "evidence": [[[269536, 265840, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon was a plumber only."} {"id": 92749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nick Jonas nemůže zpívat, protože se narodil bez hlasivek.", "evidence": [[[110081, 123708, "Nick Jonas", 0, "Nick Jonas"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas is unable to sing due to being born without vocal chords."} {"id": 227055, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Lid versus Larry Flynt hrají Woody Harrelson a Edward Norton.", "evidence": [[[270730, 266742, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt stars Woody Harrelson and Edward Norton."} {"id": 165514, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ileana D'Cruzová produkovala film Kick.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ileana D'Cruz produced Kick."} {"id": 162851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Broadcast News je film z roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[187402, 199053, "Vysíláme zprávy", 0, "Broadcast News (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Broadcast News is a 2017 film."} {"id": 100029, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kočka Laurie Hernandezové se jmenuje Zoe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laurie Hernandez's cat's name is Zoe."} {"id": 203697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poseidon měl trojzubec v hodnotě 160 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poseidon had a trident worth $160 million."} {"id": 175035, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Knihy Honest se za týden prodalo asi 50 000 výtisků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Honest sold around 50,000 copies in a week."} {"id": 63122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Supremes byla kanadská pěvecká skupina.", "evidence": [[[79540, 91260, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]], [[79540, 91261, "The Supremes", 1, "The Supremes"]]], "claim_en": "The Supremes were a Canadian singing group."} {"id": 89980, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Millar pracoval na filmu Rebellion.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Millar has worked on Rebellion."} {"id": 85263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judith Barsiová nikdy nevystupovala v televizi.", "evidence": [[[26891, 33019, "Judith Barsi", 1, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi has never been on television."} {"id": 173609, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Muzikál Vlasy (Hair) získal po svém obnovení v roce 2009 cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "After its revival in 2009 Hair (musical) won a Tony."} {"id": 185416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film CHiPs není založen na ničem.", "evidence": [[[216094, 222803, "CHiPs", 0, "CHiPs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "CHiPs is based on nothing."} {"id": 58861, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oscar Isaac si zahrál superhrdinu Apokalypsu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oscar Isaac acted as the superhero Apocalypse."} {"id": 104617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Falahee se narodil v roce 1989 a není znám.", "evidence": [[[122920, 137194, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"], [122920, 137194, "Jack Falahee", 1, "Jack Falahee"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Falahee was born in 1989 and he is unknown."} {"id": 162587, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kůlny lze vyrobit pouze z jednoho materiálu: cementu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sheds can only be made with one material: cement."} {"id": 169871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peyton Manning se narodil 24. dubna.", "evidence": [[[195947, 206085, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning was born on April 24."} {"id": 5137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V rádiu se mluví řecky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Greek language is spoken on the radio."} {"id": 78701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "K diagnóze Huntingtonovy choroby může dojít kdykoli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diagnosis of Huntington's disease can occur at any time."} {"id": 126947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Victor Frankenstein je filmová komedie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Victor Frankenstein is a comedy film."} {"id": 33608, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Litva vystoupila z NATO.", "evidence": [[[49701, 59134, "Litva", 21, "Lithuania"]]], "claim_en": "Lithuania is out of NATO."} {"id": 169301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur je na nízkém místě v hodnocení zdravotní péče.", "evidence": [[[195156, 205485, "Singapur", 18, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is ranked lowly in healthcare."} {"id": 69548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nepál skutečně hraničí s Bangladéšem.", "evidence": [[[86238, 98609, "Nepál", 9, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal does border Bangladesh."} {"id": 146693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let se v roce 2011 konalo na jižní polokouli.", "evidence": [[[170238, 183791, "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let 2011", 1, "2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup"], [170238, 183791, "Kolumbie", 0, "Colombia"]]], "claim_en": "The 2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup was hosted in the southern hemisphere."} {"id": 174664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psi byli selektivně šlechtěni na smyslové schopnosti a fyzické vlastnosti.", "evidence": [[[201959, 211307, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been selectively bred for sensory capabilities and physical attributes."} {"id": 172879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Na cestě (On the Road) měl premiéru 5. září 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "On the Road (film) premiered on September 5, 2012."} {"id": 208290, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Statečné srdce získal Oscara.", "evidence": [[[246444, 246952, "Statečné srdce", 5, "Braveheart"]]], "claim_en": "Braveheart won an Academy Award."} {"id": 46789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shania Twain byla zabita v roce 1965.", "evidence": [[[63122, 73822, "Shania Twain", 0, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73824, "Shania Twain", 25, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73825, "Shania Twain", 24, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73826, "Shania Twain", 21, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73827, "Shania Twain", 20, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73829, "Shania Twain", 11, "Shania Twain"]], [[63122, 73832, "Shania Twain", 5, "Shania Twain"]]], "claim_en": "Shania Twain was killed in 1965."} {"id": 94772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bette Davisová se objevila pouze v britském filmu.", "evidence": [[[112233, 126066, "Bette Davisová", 9, "Bette Davis"]]], "claim_en": "Bette Davis only appeared in British film."} {"id": 214207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Sýrii žijí i Židé.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syria includes Jewish people."} {"id": 127561, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V telefonech se používají dotykové obrazovky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Touchscreens are used in telephones."} {"id": 202525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Little Boy se nikdy nepodařilo shodit.", "evidence": [[[238622, 240611, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy failed to ever be dropped."} {"id": 142565, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Breaking Bad vyhrál osm šampionátů NBA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Breaking Bad won eight NBA Championships."} {"id": 152703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Clooney se narodil v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[176643, 189578, "George Clooney", 0, "George Clooney"]], [[176643, 189579, "George Clooney", 4, "George Clooney"]]], "claim_en": "George Clooney was born in 1980."} {"id": 165648, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Baker namluvil americké audioknihy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Baker has narrated American audio books."} {"id": 85049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K rodu Lusignanů patřila království Jeruzalém, Kypr a Arménie.", "evidence": [[[102145, 115427, "Lusignanové", 0, "House of Lusignan"]]], "claim_en": "The House of Lusignan included the kingdoms of Jerusalem, Cyprus, and Armenia."} {"id": 32456, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vladimír Putin byl předsedou japonské vlády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was the Chairman of the government of Japan."} {"id": 131412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Schindlerův seznam měl premiéru v pátek 30. listopadu 1993.", "evidence": [[[153696, 168550, "Schindlerův seznam", 18, "Schindler's List"]]], "claim_en": "Schindler's List premiered on Friday November 30, 1993."} {"id": 146304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Sonny with a Chance měl ve své druhé sérii 6,3 milionu diváků.", "evidence": [[[292302, 285111, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[294926, 287150, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[339662, 324555, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[339664, 324556, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[339665, 324557, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[339713, 324584, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]]], "claim_en": "Sonny with a Chance had 6.3 million viewers for its second season."} {"id": 185096, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Divize společnosti Davis Entertainment vyvíjejí a produkují projekty pro televizní stanice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Divisions of Davis Entertainment develop and produce projects for networks."} {"id": 217967, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson debutoval ve francouzské populární rodinné hudební skupině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson made his debut in an French popular family music group."} {"id": 5610, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ethan Hawke píše.", "evidence": [[[22248, 27395, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[22248, 27396, "Ethan Hawke", 2, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[22248, 27397, "Ethan Hawke", 10, "Ethan Hawke"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke writes."} {"id": 179296, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tylenol je inzerován pro snížení domácích úkolů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tylenol is advertised for reducing homework."} {"id": 79885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu Alvin a Chipmunkové byl Tim Hill.", "evidence": [[[96847, 110006, "Alvin a Chipmunkové", 0, "Alvin and the Chipmunks (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alvin and the Chipmunks's director was Tim Hill."} {"id": 208649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice pracoval na filmu Road to El Dorado s Eltonem Johnem.", "evidence": [[[246897, 247315, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]], [[246898, 247316, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice worked on the Road to El Dorado with Elton John."} {"id": 94569, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Page Hamilton je Američan a Ir.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Page Hamilton is American and Irish."} {"id": 149278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Connellyová má dvě děti s Paulem Bettanym.", "evidence": [[[173087, 186323, "Paul Bettany", 8, "Paul Bettany"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Connelly has two children with Paul Bettany."} {"id": 222454, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary je hollywoodský herec, spisovatel a komik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary is an actor, writer, and comedian in Hollywood."} {"id": 80206, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Svatý Petr je zmíněn v projevu Mám sen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saint Peter is mentioned in the I have a Dream Speech."} {"id": 216536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina The Who vydala jeden singl s názvem \"Tommy\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Who have released one single, titled \"Tommy\"."} {"id": 2791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Korea je na Indexu neznalosti.", "evidence": [[[18636, 22861, "Jižní Korea", 24, "South Korea"]]], "claim_en": "South Korea is on the Index of Ignorance."} {"id": 137611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg spolupracoval s Dickem Griffeyem, spoluzakladatelem Death Row Records.", "evidence": [[[160368, 174886, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"], [160368, 174886, "Death Row Records", 0, "Death Row Records"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has worked with Dick Griffey, co-founder of Death Row Records."} {"id": 158409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jan II. z Portugalska byl také známý jako nedokonalý král.", "evidence": [[[182672, 194858, "Jan II. Portugalský", 0, "John II of Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "John II of Portugal was also known as the imperfect king."} {"id": 142459, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katrina Kaif se v roce 2003 přestěhovala do Londýna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif moved to London in 2003."} {"id": 147837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andorra se nachází na Zemi.", "evidence": [[[171425, 184898, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[171427, 184900, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra is located on Earth."} {"id": 149814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt se neučil doma.", "evidence": [[[173639, 186843, "Theodore Roosevelt", 8, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt was not home-schooled."} {"id": 76920, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jack Black má nejméně 13 oblíbených filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jack Black has at least 13 favorite movies."} {"id": 132795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dickens se narodil v roce 1765.", "evidence": [[[155242, 169932, "Charles Dickens", 0, "Charles Dickens"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dickens was born in 1765."} {"id": 71336, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwriting pro Macklemora.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for Macklemore."} {"id": 64022, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina AC/DC vydala film Ostří břitvy.", "evidence": [[[80485, 92336, "AC/DC", 15, "AC/DC"], [80485, 92336, "The Razors Edge", 0, "The Razors Edge (AC/DC album)"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC released the film \"The Razor's Edge\"."} {"id": 85713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita nemá hlavní centrum.", "evidence": [[[102881, 116159, "Oxfordská univerzita", 10, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford does not have a main center."} {"id": 167795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jamie Foxx je všechno jiné než hudební producent.", "evidence": [[[193129, 203738, "Jamie Foxx", 0, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203742, "Jamie Foxx", 0, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203743, "Jamie Foxx", 1, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203744, "Jamie Foxx", 2, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203745, "Jamie Foxx", 5, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203746, "Jamie Foxx", 6, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193138, 203747, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx is anything but a record producer."} {"id": 28044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené státy jsou třetí nejmenší zemí podle rozlohy.", "evidence": [[[75949, 87229, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]], [[79983, 91753, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]], [[82503, 94289, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"], [82503, 94289, "Organizace spojených národů", 2, "United Nations"]], [[305992, 296754, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]], [[306001, 296761, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]], [[306003, 296763, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States is the third smallest country by land area."} {"id": 22918, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Wentworth se natáčel v Newcastlu v Novém Jižním Walesu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wentworth was filmed in Newcastle, New South Wales."} {"id": 192464, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francois de Belleforest přeložil Ciceronovo dílo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Francois de Belleforest translated the oeuvre of Cicero."} {"id": 66137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "NASA dohlíží na vývoj vozidel pro posádky.", "evidence": [[[82699, 94553, "NASA", 9, "NASA"]]], "claim_en": "NASA is overseeing the development of crew vehicles."} {"id": 112134, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Blair pochází z Londýna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Blair is from London."} {"id": 79047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laru Croft si zahrála Angelina Jolie.", "evidence": [[[250082, 250136, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[253470, 253321, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[253471, 253322, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[320905, 309394, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[320906, 309395, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[320907, 309396, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[320908, 309397, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[320962, 309439, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Lara Croft was played by Angelina Jolie."} {"id": 49751, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Villa Park byl uzavřen 12. srpna 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Villa Park was closed on August 12, 2012."} {"id": 178884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glen Frey byl členem skupiny Guns n Roses.", "evidence": [[[209689, 217470, "Glenn Frey", 0, "Glenn Frey"]]], "claim_en": "Glen Frey was a member of Guns n Roses."} {"id": 113554, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová recenzovala film Terminál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones reviewed The Terminal."} {"id": 89383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J. K. Rowlingová napsala knihu.", "evidence": [[[106603, 120009, "Joanne Rowlingová", 0, "J. K. Rowling"]]], "claim_en": "J. K. Rowling wrote a book."} {"id": 45865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maďary najdeme v několika zemích.", "evidence": [[[62206, 72781, "Maďaři", 2, "Hungarians"]], [[62206, 72782, "Maďaři", 3, "Hungarians"]]], "claim_en": "Hungarians can be found in several countries."} {"id": 60794, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shawn Carlson je Američan a Němec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shawn Carlson is American and German."} {"id": 225190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na finále WTA 2014 se nekonala žádná tenisová dvouhra.", "evidence": [[[268346, 264944, "WTA Finals 2014", 0, "2014 WTA Finals"]]], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals held no singles tennis events."} {"id": 146671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heavy metalová hudba vznikla až na počátku 60. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[170211, 183767, "Heavy metal", 0, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183768, "Heavy metal", 5, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183769, "Heavy metal", 6, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183770, "Heavy metal", 7, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183771, "Heavy metal", 11, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183772, "Heavy metal", 12, "Heavy metal music"], [170211, 183772, "Anthrax (hudební skupina)", 0, "Anthrax (American band)"]], [[170211, 183773, "Heavy metal", 13, "Heavy metal music"]], [[170211, 183774, "Heavy metal", 14, "Heavy metal music"], [170211, 183774, "Nu metal", 9, "Nu metal"]]], "claim_en": "Heavy Metal music was only developed in the early 1960's."} {"id": 87201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vlk z Wall Street (film z roku 2013) nezískal žádné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[104465, 117887, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "There were no awards that was won by the film The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"} {"id": 205900, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Píseň Sung Blue je gospelová píseň.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Song Sung Blue is a gospel song."} {"id": 191256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jean-Michel Basquiat zemřel na předávkování prášky.", "evidence": [[[223650, 228613, "Jean-Michel Basquiat", 11, "Jean-Michel Basquiat"]]], "claim_en": "Jean-Michel Basquiat died of a pill overdose."} {"id": 44306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z Archimédových děl byl Archimédův palimpsest.", "evidence": [[[134256, 149150, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]], [[135878, 150713, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]], [[310735, 300764, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]]], "claim_en": "One of Archimedes works was The Archimedes Palimpsest."} {"id": 125434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Al Gore zemřel v roce 1947.", "evidence": [[[147453, 162447, "Al Gore", 0, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162448, "Al Gore", 1, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162449, "Al Gore", 2, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162450, "Al Gore", 3, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162451, "Al Gore", 7, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162452, "Al Gore", 8, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162453, "Al Gore", 9, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162454, "Al Gore", 20, "Al Gore"]], [[147453, 162455, "Al Gore", 21, "Al Gore"]], [[147460, 162458, "Al Gore", 0, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore died in 1947."} {"id": 148969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub Newcastle United F.C. nemá tradiční znak.", "evidence": [[[172650, 185921, "Newcastle United FC", 14, "Newcastle United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Newcastle United F.C. does not have a traditional crest."} {"id": 212332, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mary-Kate Olsenová a Ashley Olsenová jsou Američanky z Kalifornie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are Americans from California."} {"id": 25346, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nizozemsko se nachází v západní Asii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Netherlands is located in Western Asia."} {"id": 10018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rúmího vliv přesahuje etnické rozdělení.", "evidence": [[[22417, 27621, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 1, "Rumi"]], [[23466, 28911, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 1, "Rumi"]], [[301477, 292587, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 1, "Rumi"]], [[302521, 293517, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 1, "Rumi"]], [[304310, 295129, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 1, "Rumi"]]], "claim_en": "Rumi's influence transcends ethnic divisions."} {"id": 108203, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Soukromý sexuální útlak je důvodem obchodování s lidmi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Private sexual oppression is a reason for human trafficking."} {"id": 131324, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Adams byl schopný, zkušený a uznávaný politický vůdce nebo osobnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Adams was a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure."} {"id": 67398, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minneapolis byl kdysi v 19. století světovým hlavním městem mletí mouky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minneapolis was once the world's flour milling capital in the 1800s."} {"id": 133398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Subhas Chandra Bose byl v Indii padouch.", "evidence": [[[293135, 285751, "Subháš Čandra Bós", 0, "Subhas Chandra Bose"]], [[335865, 321596, "Subháš Čandra Bós", 0, "Subhas Chandra Bose"]]], "claim_en": "Subhas Chandra Bose was a villain in India."} {"id": 97906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon vychází z řady hraček společnosti Hot Toys Limited.", "evidence": [[[115523, 129389, "Transformers 3", 0, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon is based on a toy line by Hot Toys Limited."} {"id": 162104, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pokoj 93 je od zpěváka, který je Američan.", "evidence": [[[186623, 198420, "Room 93", 0, "Room 93"], [186623, 198420, "Halsey", 0, "Halsey (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Room 93 is by a singer who is American."} {"id": 58086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "WeChat se zabývá pouze finančními převody.", "evidence": [[[74439, 85683, "WeChat", 0, "WeChat"]], [[74439, 85684, "WeChat", 1, "WeChat"]]], "claim_en": "WeChat only handles financial transfers."} {"id": 70849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje mnoho sportovních zpráv a webových stránek, které informují o Floydu Mayweatherovi Jr.", "evidence": [[[223692, 228634, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 8, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]], [[227360, 231751, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 8, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]], [[319796, 308495, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 8, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "There are many sporting news and websites that reports on Floyd Mayweather Jr."} {"id": 200312, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová natočila v roce 2004 film Příběh lásky a tmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman directed A Tale of Love and Darkness in 2004."} {"id": 73197, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Mod Squad běžel v Bulharsku pět let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Mod Squad ran in Bulgaria for five years."} {"id": 215414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V pořadí 79. předávání Oscarů se konalo v sále přejmenovaném na The Dolby Theatre.", "evidence": [[[255884, 255205, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards took place in a venue renamed to The Dolby Theatre."} {"id": 23792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Muhammad Ali byl v životopisném pořadu ESPN zařazen na třetí místo žebříčku nejlepších sportovců 20. století.", "evidence": [[[67423, 78249, "Muhammad Ali", 22, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was ranked third greatest athlete of the 20th century by an ESPN biography program."} {"id": 156277, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Úsvit planety opic je prequel k filmu Vzestup planety opic.", "evidence": [[[180332, 192842, "Úsvit planety opic", 2, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"]]], "claim_en": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a prequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes."} {"id": 182642, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kris Wu je kanadská modelka čínského původu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is a Chinese-born Canadian model."} {"id": 156436, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Platón inovoval dialektické formy v idealogii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Plato innovated dialectic forms in idealogy."} {"id": 121568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Carrey si zahrál postavu plukovníka Hvězdy a pruhy.", "evidence": [[[142756, 157902, "Jim Carrey", 14, "Jim Carrey"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Carrey played the character Colonel Stars and Stripes."} {"id": 32877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Liev Schreiber je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[48961, 58301, "Liev Schreiber", 0, "Liev Schreiber"]]], "claim_en": "Liev Schreiber is an American actor."} {"id": 108193, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Formule (1980) byl uveden do kin v roce 1990.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Formula (1980 film) was released in 1990."} {"id": 126865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lana Del Rey vydala album.", "evidence": [[[148710, 163749, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"], [148710, 163749, "Born to Die (album, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Born to Die"]], [[148710, 163750, "Lana Del Rey", 10, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[148710, 163751, "Lana Del Rey", 11, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[148710, 163752, "Lana Del Rey", 15, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey released an album."} {"id": 132187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Bowie získal zlatou certifikaci.", "evidence": [[[154592, 169331, "David Bowie", 5, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "David Bowie received gold certifications."} {"id": 62082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stanfordova univerzita je místem, kam se rozšířil Facebook.", "evidence": [[[78550, 90083, "Facebook", 4, "Facebook"]]], "claim_en": "Stanford University is where Facebook expanded to."} {"id": 109278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Budapešť je akční film.", "evidence": [[[128218, 142925, "Budapešť", 0, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142926, "Budapešť", 2, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142927, "Budapešť", 3, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142928, "Budapešť", 10, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142929, "Budapešť", 14, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142930, "Budapešť", 16, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142931, "Budapešť", 20, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142933, "Budapešť", 31, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142934, "Budapešť", 29, "Budapest"]], [[128218, 142935, "Budapešť", 26, "Budapest"]]], "claim_en": "Budapest is an action film."} {"id": 28119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Falanga popisuje masu pěchoty, která by se nasadila při psaní fikce.", "evidence": [[[44252, 52894, "Falanga", 2, "Phalanx"]]], "claim_en": "The phalanx describes the mass of infantry that would deploy during fiction writing."} {"id": 106791, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nina Simone zemřela v Amherstu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nina Simone died in Amherst."} {"id": 130527, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost DreamWorks Pictures produkovala film Tropická bouře.", "evidence": [[[152771, 167548, "Tropická bouře (film)", 5, "Tropic Thunder"]]], "claim_en": "DreamWorks Pictures produced Tropic Thunder."} {"id": 13306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miranda Kerr je Australanka.", "evidence": [[[28568, 34899, "Miranda Kerr", 0, "Miranda Kerr"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Kerr is Australian."} {"id": 116064, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lemmy byl neznámý díky svému vzhledu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lemmy was unknown due to his appearance."} {"id": 154096, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Severní Korea je od Jižní Koreje oddělena Berlínskou zdí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "North Korea is separated from South Korea by the Berlin Wall."} {"id": 69330, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Egejské moře je spojeno s Marmarským mořem.", "evidence": [[[86082, 98426, "Egejské moře", 1, "Aegean Sea"]]], "claim_en": "The Aegean Sea is connected to the Sea of Marmara."} {"id": 32500, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Umbrella je poslední singl.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Umbrella is a last single."} {"id": 126409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "U lidí se slabým imunitním systémem se může svrab objevit v kůře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scabies can become crusted in people with weak immune systems.."} {"id": 195413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Město Providence na Rhode Islandu bylo založeno nejméně jednou osobou.", "evidence": [[[229458, 233383, "Providence", 7, "Providence, Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "Providence, Rhode Island was founded by at least one person."} {"id": 168728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Desatero přikázání (film z roku 1956) je americký film.", "evidence": [[[194370, 204762, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments (1956 film) is an American film."} {"id": 5695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judy Garlandové nebyla udělena cena Grammy za celoživotní dílo.", "evidence": [[[22364, 27559, "Judy Garlandová", 14, "Judy Garland"]]], "claim_en": "Judy Garland was not awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award."} {"id": 120888, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve hře Overwatch vystupují lidé.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Overwatch features people."} {"id": 114626, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Craig hrál v roce 2002 v komediálním kriminálním filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig acted in a 2002 comedy crime film."} {"id": 223202, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fotbalový klub FC Bayern Mnichov byl založen v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[265862, 263002, "FC Bayern Mnichov", 4, "FC Bayern Munich"]]], "claim_en": "FC Bayern Munich was founded in 2000."} {"id": 219693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Korsika je pohoří.", "evidence": [[[261367, 259522, "Korsika", 0, "Corsica"]]], "claim_en": "Corsica is a mountain."} {"id": 1461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Me Before You je britsko-americký film.", "evidence": [[[17149, 21243, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 0, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You is a British-American film."} {"id": 183082, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taylor Sheridan obdržel doporučující dopis od Barracka Obamy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taylor Sheridan received a letter of recommendation from Barrack Obama."} {"id": 149752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chile není v Jižní Americe.", "evidence": [[[173576, 186795, "Chile", 0, "Chile"]]], "claim_en": "Chile is not in South America."} {"id": 93961, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Google byla druhou nejhodnotnější značkou na světě čtyři roky po sobě, počínaje rokem 2002.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google has been the second most valuable brand in the world for 4 consecutive years, starting in 2002."} {"id": 104019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kill Bill: Kill Bill: 2. díl natočil Steven Spielberg.", "evidence": [[[122125, 136415, "Kill Bill 2", 0, "Kill Bill: Volume 2"]]], "claim_en": "Kill Bill: Volume 2 was directed by Steven Spielberg."} {"id": 226986, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Black Eyed Peas je americká nahrávací skupina.", "evidence": [[[270649, 266660, "The Black Eyed Peas", 0, "The Black Eyed Peas"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Eyed Peas is an American recording group."} {"id": 82792, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Topman má prodejny po celém Německu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Topman has stores throughout Germany."} {"id": 31771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shane McMahon vyhrál třikrát šampionát v tvrdé rvačce.", "evidence": [[[47903, 57205, "Shane McMahon", 10, "Shane McMahon"]]], "claim_en": "Shane McMahon won the Hardcore Championship thrice."} {"id": 183215, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film One More Light byl vydán prostřednictvím společnosti Fox.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One More Light was released through Fox."} {"id": 27409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bones je televizní seriál zabývající se forenzní antropologií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bones is a TV series dealing with forensic anthropology."} {"id": 57155, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Gambon je vegetarián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Gambon is a vegetarian."} {"id": 20952, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útěk z vězení začal v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[36735, 44358, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break started on 2001."} {"id": 48653, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Manganiello spolupracoval s hercem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Manganiello has worked with an actor."} {"id": 114802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Fante byl irsko-americký herec.", "evidence": [[[134798, 149712, "John Fante", 0, "John Fante"]]], "claim_en": "John Fante was Irish-American."} {"id": 183634, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hledá se Dory režíroval někdo, kdo žije v Pekingu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Finding Dory was directed by someone who is based in Beijing."} {"id": 3074, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Newfoundland a Labrador obsahuje ostrov Newfoundland.", "evidence": [[[18994, 23286, "Newfoundland a Labrador", 1, "Newfoundland and Labrador"]], [[18994, 23287, "Newfoundland a Labrador", 3, "Newfoundland and Labrador"]]], "claim_en": "Newfoundland and Labrador contains the island Newfoundland."} {"id": 155431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kosti jsou výhradně televizní hřiště.", "evidence": [[[179488, 192063, "Sběratelé kostí", 0, "Bones (TV series)"]], [[179488, 192064, "Sběratelé kostí", 12, "Bones (TV series)"]], [[179488, 192065, "Sběratelé kostí", 13, "Bones (TV series)"]], [[179488, 192066, "Sběratelé kostí", 9, "Bones (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Bones is solely a television pitch."} {"id": 116515, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pat Riley hrál v 60. a 70. letech v Národní basketbalové asociaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pat Riley played in the National Basketball Association during 60s and 70s."} {"id": 18218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Manga Code Geass ukazuje deset alternativních scénářů ze seriálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Code Geass's manga shows ten alternate scenarios from the TV series."} {"id": 26537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Novak Djokovič nedosáhl na rekord v počtu odehraných zápasů v jedné sezoně.", "evidence": [[[42688, 51331, "Novak Djoković", 11, "Novak Djokovic"]]], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic fell short of the single-season record."} {"id": 151578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers (film) vychází z řady oblečení vytvořené společností Hasbro.", "evidence": [[[175442, 188433, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers (film) is based on a clothing line created by Hasbro."} {"id": 166790, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Wilder působil v zábavním průmyslu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Wilder was in the entertainment industry."} {"id": 138044, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hilda Ellis Davidsonová se narodila 1. října 1914 ve 21 hodin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hilda Ellis Davidson was born on October 1st, 1914 at 9 pm."} {"id": 179126, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lupe Fiasco je bubeník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lupe Fiasco is a drummer."} {"id": 185607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V titulní roli Popelky se představila Lily James.", "evidence": [[[216346, 223003, "Popelka (film, 2015)", 2, "Cinderella (2015 Disney film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cinderella stars Lily James as the titular character."} {"id": 10137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Gudžarátu žije necelých 60 milionů obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[25077, 30949, "Gudžarát", 0, "Gujarat"]]], "claim_en": "The population of Gujarat is less than 60 million."} {"id": 26938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eduard VIII. byl synem Jiřího V.", "evidence": [[[43083, 51725, "Eduard VIII.", 3, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII was the son of George V."} {"id": 45797, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pornhub je soukromá webová stránka s videem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pornhub is a private video website."} {"id": 44086, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grant Gustin je country zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grant Gustin is a country singer."} {"id": 55668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Are You Experienced je album zpěváka a skladatele.", "evidence": [[[72069, 83059, "Are You Experienced", 0, "Are You Experienced"]]], "claim_en": "Are You Experienced is an album by a singer-songwriter."} {"id": 15287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christina Applegate byla v roce 1991 v Kambodži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christina Applegate was in Cambodia in 1991."} {"id": 225970, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nenávistná skupina praktikuje politiku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hate group practices policies."} {"id": 101204, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Outlander (televizní seriál) dostal v roce 2016 zelenou pro třetí a čtvrtou sérii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Outlander (TV series) was given the green light for the third and fourth season in 2016."} {"id": 9173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele získala v roce 2012 řadu ocenění.", "evidence": [[[14735, 18345, "Adele", 11, "Adele"]], [[14738, 18346, "Adele", 11, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele earned numerous awards in 2012."} {"id": 61908, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert F. Kennedy porazil senátora Eugena McCarthyho v primárkách v Kalifornii v roce 1968.", "evidence": [[[78386, 89921, "Robert Kennedy", 20, "Robert F. Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Robert F. Kennedy defeated Senator Eugene McCarthy in the 1968 California primaries."} {"id": 138927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Organizace spojených národů nemá žádné agentury.", "evidence": [[[291425, 284352, "Organizace spojených národů", 18, "United Nations"]], [[293575, 286064, "Organizace spojených národů", 18, "United Nations"]], [[337590, 322958, "Organizace spojených národů", 18, "United Nations"]], [[337603, 322965, "Organizace spojených národů", 18, "United Nations"]], [[337603, 322966, "Organizace spojených národů", 20, "United Nations"]], [[337603, 322967, "Organizace spojených národů", 23, "United Nations"]], [[337605, 322969, "Organizace spojených národů", 18, "United Nations"]], [[337605, 322970, "Organizace spojených národů", 23, "United Nations"]]], "claim_en": "The United Nations has no agencies."} {"id": 21216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Rio de Janeiru se nachází jeden z nových sedmi divů světa.", "evidence": [[[36996, 44653, "Rio de Janeiro", 20, "Rio de Janeiro"], [36996, 44653, "Corcovado", 0, "Corcovado"]]], "claim_en": "Rio de Janeiro contains one of the New Seven Wonders of the World."} {"id": 216736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reds je německý film.", "evidence": [[[257508, 256504, "Rudí", 0, "Reds (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Reds is a German film."} {"id": 118711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minneapolis leží severně od soutoku řeky Mississippi s řekou Minnesotou ve středu státu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minneapolis is just north of the Mississippi River's confluence with the Minnesota River, in the center of the state."} {"id": 61846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jesse Eisenberg byl vyhozen ze spolupráce s Kevinem Aschem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesse Eisenberg was fired from working with Kevin Asch."} {"id": 149517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sharon Tateová byla vždy svobodná.", "evidence": [[[173320, 186588, "Sharon Tate", 10, "Sharon Tate"]], [[173320, 186589, "Sharon Tate", 12, "Sharon Tate"]]], "claim_en": "Sharon Tate has always been single."} {"id": 30150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gimli je postava z Pána prstenů.", "evidence": [[[46265, 55228, "Gimli", 0, "Gimli (Middle-earth)"]]], "claim_en": "Gimli is a character from The Lord of the Rings."} {"id": 64151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Inspectah Deck je členem skupiny.", "evidence": [[[80592, 92434, "Inspectah Deck", 0, "Inspectah Deck"]]], "claim_en": "Inspectah Deck is a member of a group."} {"id": 113963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Otcem Alžběty z Yorku byl někdo jiný než Eduard IV.", "evidence": [[[133864, 148726, "Alžběta z Yorku", 2, "Elizabeth of York"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth of York's father was someone other than Edward IV."} {"id": 134322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Welling je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[156876, 171453, "Tom Welling", 0, "Tom Welling"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Welling is an American actor."} {"id": 8148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Kung Fu Panda vydělal během premiérového víkendu 60,2 milionu dolarů.", "evidence": [[[13276, 16611, "Kung Fu Panda", 17, "Kung Fu Panda"]]], "claim_en": "Kung Fu Panda made $60.2 million during its opening weekend."} {"id": 49453, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nanotechnologie je manipulace s energií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nanotechnology is manipulation of energy."} {"id": 61351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul byl založen bez jména.", "evidence": [[[80017, 91779, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul was founded without a name."} {"id": 122609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Babe Ruth nehrál za Red Sox.", "evidence": [[[143970, 159050, "Babe Ruth", 1, "Babe Ruth"]], [[143970, 159051, "Babe Ruth", 8, "Babe Ruth"]], [[143970, 159052, "Babe Ruth", 14, "Babe Ruth"]]], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth did not play for the Red Sox."} {"id": 155453, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lionel Messi získal ocenění na mistrovství světa mládeže 2005.", "evidence": [[[179515, 192094, "Lionel Messi", 22, "Lionel Messi"]]], "claim_en": "Lionel Messi won an accolade at the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship."} {"id": 97311, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Whoopi Goldbergová je Američanka a Němka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is American and German."} {"id": 86207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 19. února 1963 se narodil Seal.", "evidence": [[[274141, 269453, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]], [[276540, 271638, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]], [[277437, 272356, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]], [[322243, 310598, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]], [[322244, 310599, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]], [[322247, 310602, "Seal", 0, "Seal (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "On February 19th, 1963, Seal was born."} {"id": 19912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chelsea F.C. je fotbalový klub v Bristolu.", "evidence": [[[35706, 43254, "Chelsea FC", 0, "Chelsea F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Chelsea F.C. is a football club in Bristol."} {"id": 28307, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lou Gehrig dostal v roce 1987 v All-Century Teamu Major League Baseball více hlasů než kdokoli jiný.", "evidence": [[[44431, 53100, "Lou Gehrig", 15, "Lou Gehrig"]]], "claim_en": "Lou Gehrig got more votes than anyone else on the Major League Baseball All-Century Team in 1987."} {"id": 35558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Linda McCartneyová byla fotografka přírody.", "evidence": [[[51742, 61526, "Linda McCartney", 1, "Linda McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was a nature photographer."} {"id": 55150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl vždy shledán vinným z obvinění ze sexuálního zneužívání dětí.", "evidence": [[[71508, 82484, "Michael Jackson", 26, "Michael Jackson"]], [[71508, 82485, "Michael Jackson", 27, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was always found guilty of child sexual abuse allegations."} {"id": 225530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi vítězi 84. ročníku Oscarů byl i Hugo s pěti cenami.", "evidence": [[[268772, 265252, "84. ročník udílení Oscarů", 13, "84th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 84th Academy Awards' winners included Hugo with five awards."} {"id": 17189, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letadla Boeing 737 obsluhují trhy, které dříve zaplňovala velká dopravní letadla.", "evidence": [[[32642, 39674, "Boeing 737", 20, "Boeing 737"]]], "claim_en": "Boeing 737s serve markets previously filled by large airliners."} {"id": 50692, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Punisher selhává jako mistr taktiky stealth.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Punisher fails to be a master of stealth tactics."} {"id": 195240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Bacon hrál ve filmu Pulp Fiction.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Bacon was in the film Pulp Fiction."} {"id": 108726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ringo Starr se objevil v televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[127585, 142170, "Ringo Starr", 17, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr has been featured on television shows."} {"id": 159676, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Robbins byl americkým nosičem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Robbins was an American nose-picker."} {"id": 196067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na stanici ABC měla premiéru třetí série seriálu The Flash.", "evidence": [[[230362, 234068, "The Flash (seriál, 2014)", 12, "The Flash (2014 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Flash's season three premiered on ABC."} {"id": 67312, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin si střihl roli ve filmu Sám doma.", "evidence": [[[83887, 95937, "Macaulay Culkin", 1, "Macaulay Culkin"]]], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin passed down a role in Home Alone."} {"id": 118489, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "R. Madhavan hrál v nejvýdělečnějším americkém filmu všech dob při uvedení do kin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "R. Madhavan was in the highest grossing American film of all time upon release."} {"id": 218934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stratosféra je druhá hlavní vrstva atmosféry.", "evidence": [[[260318, 258741, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]]], "claim_en": "The stratosphere is the second major layer of the atmosphere."} {"id": 29647, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Futurama byl druhý ze dvou amerických animovaných sitcomů, které vytvořil Matt Groening.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Futurama was the second of two American animated sitcoms that were created by Matt Groening."} {"id": 61477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Malcolm Young se narodil v 50. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[77957, 89425, "Malcolm Young", 0, "Malcolm Young"]]], "claim_en": "Malcolm Young was born in the 1950s."} {"id": 159932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christa McAuliffeová vyučovala společenské vědy.", "evidence": [[[184379, 196283, "Christa McAuliffeová", 4, "Christa McAuliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Christa McAuliffe taught social studies."} {"id": 200777, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal někdo, kdo se narodil v roce 1948, a byla adaptována do televizního seriálu.", "evidence": [[[236262, 238772, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236262, 238772, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"], [236262, 238772, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 20, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by someone born in 1948 and it was adapted into a television series."} {"id": 52583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 2. prosince 1970 zahájila činnost Agentura Spojených států pro ochranu životního prostředí.", "evidence": [[[68893, 79702, "Agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí", 1, "United States Environmental Protection Agency"]]], "claim_en": "On December 2, 1970, the United States Environmental Protection Agency started operation."} {"id": 87943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Třetí studiové album 50 Centa se jmenuje Animal Ambition.", "evidence": [[[106943, 120332, "50 Cent", 10, "50 Cent"]]], "claim_en": "50 Cent's third studio album is named Animal Ambition."} {"id": 86367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Velký Gatsby se týká Jaye Gatsbyho a Daisy Buchananové.", "evidence": [[[103521, 116940, "Velký Gatsby", 1, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby concerns Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan."} {"id": 91320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe promovala 5. srpna 1962.", "evidence": [[[108656, 122334, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe graduated on August the 5th, 1962."} {"id": 146998, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Los Angeles Lakers porazili Knicks ve finále mistrovství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Knicks in the Finals championship."} {"id": 82859, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Murray je vítězem Davisova poháru.", "evidence": [[[101617, 114858, "Jamie Murray", 1, "Jamie Murray"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Murray is a champion of the Davis Cup."} {"id": 170791, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fred Savage není schopen režírovat herce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fred Savage is incapable of directing actors."} {"id": 108050, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Ocean je Španěl.", "evidence": [[[126782, 141233, "Frank Ocean", 0, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean is Spanish."} {"id": 141658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glen Campbell je televizní moderátor.", "evidence": [[[164704, 178914, "Glen Campbell", 0, "Glen Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell is a television host."} {"id": 94971, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seznamy jsou součástí novin.", "evidence": [[[112445, 126279, "Noviny", 17, "Newspaper"]], [[112446, 126280, "Noviny", 16, "Newspaper"]]], "claim_en": "Listings are part of newspapers."} {"id": 1934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Porucha mnohočetné osobnosti je jiný název pro disociativní poruchu identity.", "evidence": [[[17747, 21897, "Disociativní porucha identity", 0, "Dissociative identity disorder"]]], "claim_en": "Multiple personality disorder is another name for Dissociative identity disorder."} {"id": 44372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tardigradům se také říká vesmírní medvědi.", "evidence": [[[60863, 71321, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades are also referred to as space bears."} {"id": 106061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demokratická republika Kongo byla do roku 1960 známá jako Belgické Kongo.", "evidence": [[[124495, 138842, "Konžská demokratická republika", 16, "Democratic Republic of the Congo"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as the Belgian Congo until 1960."} {"id": 139643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanada se řadí do první desítky v indexu lidského rozvoje.", "evidence": [[[162528, 176805, "Kanada", 28, "Canada"]]], "claim_en": "Canada ranks in the top ten in the Human Development Index."} {"id": 166735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Winona Ryder celý život působila jako operní pěvkyně.", "evidence": [[[191792, 202592, "Winona Ryder", 0, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191792, 202593, "Winona Ryder", 1, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191792, 202594, "Winona Ryder", 2, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191792, 202595, "Winona Ryder", 3, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder has worked her entire life as an opera singer."} {"id": 119411, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chytit boreliózu je velmi vzácné.", "evidence": [[[140331, 155344, "Lymská borelióza", 31, "Lyme disease"]]], "claim_en": "Catching Lyme disease is very rare."} {"id": 188036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Thiokol byla také známá jako Thiokol Chemical Corporation.", "evidence": [[[219420, 225430, "Thiokol", 0, "Thiokol"]]], "claim_en": "Thiokol was also known as Thiokol Chemical Corporation."} {"id": 114228, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth Rogen pracoval s románem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen has worked with a novel."} {"id": 200116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Největší městská oblast Austrálie je město s nejmenším počtem obyvatel v Austrálii a Oceánii.", "evidence": [[[235387, 238054, "Austrálie", 3, "Australia"], [235387, 238054, "Sydney", 0, "Sydney"]]], "claim_en": "The largest urban area of Australia is the city with the smallest population in Australia and Oceania."} {"id": 87027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Koepp režíroval pouze jeden film.", "evidence": [[[104180, 117647, "David Koepp", 8, "David Koepp"]]], "claim_en": "David Koepp directed only one film."} {"id": 91372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nová Anglie se skládá ze států.", "evidence": [[[108708, 122388, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"], [108708, 122388, "Connecticut", 0, "Connecticut"]]], "claim_en": "New England is composed of states."} {"id": 642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Montreal je ze zákona francouzsky mluvící město.", "evidence": [[[16074, 19943, "Montréal", 8, "Montreal"]]], "claim_en": "Montreal is legally French-speaking."} {"id": 82221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Pfeifferová získala cenu BAFTA.", "evidence": [[[99273, 112404, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 6, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]], [[99275, 112406, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 6, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Pfeiffer won a BAFTA Award."} {"id": 157645, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Venus Williamsová hraje profesionálně tenis ve dvouhře.", "evidence": [[[181863, 194129, "Venus Williamsová", 3, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194130, "Venus Williamsová", 5, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194131, "Venus Williamsová", 8, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194132, "Venus Williamsová", 9, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194133, "Venus Williamsová", 6, "Venus Williams"], [181863, 194133, "Venus Williamsová", 7, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194134, "Venus Williamsová", 14, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194135, "Venus Williamsová", 17, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194136, "Venus Williamsová", 18, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194137, "Venus Williamsová", 19, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194138, "Venus Williamsová", 21, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194139, "Venus Williamsová", 24, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194140, "Venus Williamsová", 29, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194141, "Venus Williamsová", 35, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194142, "Venus Williamsová", 39, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194143, "Venus Williamsová", 40, "Venus Williams"]], [[181863, 194144, "Venus Williamsová", 41, "Venus Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Venus Williams plays professionally in singles tennis."} {"id": 15889, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Me Before You obsahuje oříšky zasazené do Walesu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Me Before You contains peanuts set in Wales."} {"id": 125934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra o trůny neměla více hereček s nominacemi na ceny.", "evidence": [[[147742, 162769, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 17, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones did not have multiple actresses with nominations for awards."} {"id": 152104, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "WeChat obsahuje platební služby včetně nastavení opakovaných plateb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "WeChat includes payment services including setting up recurring payments."} {"id": 188462, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miles Teller navštěvoval Stanfordovu univerzitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miles Teller attended Stanford University."} {"id": 197852, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jean Greyová je známá maximálně pod dvěma pseudonymy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jean Grey is only known under at most two aliases."} {"id": 11475, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alice je film.", "evidence": [[[26651, 32712, "Alice (film, 1990)", 0, "Alice (1990 film)"]], [[26651, 32713, "Alice (film, 1990)", 1, "Alice (1990 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alice is a movie."} {"id": 10032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spotlight byl uveden v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[24951, 30814, "Spotlight (film)", 0, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[24951, 30815, "Spotlight (film)", 8, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[24951, 30816, "Spotlight (film)", 9, "Spotlight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spotlight was released in the 2010's."} {"id": 209354, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexandrie obsluhuje 80 % egyptského dovozu a vývozu.", "evidence": [[[247838, 248140, "Alexandrie", 2, "Alexandria"]], [[247841, 248144, "Alexandrie", 2, "Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandria serves 80% of Egypt's imports and exports."} {"id": 62342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marlon Brando ztvárnil ve filmu Kmotr pouze Michaela Corleoneho.", "evidence": [[[195013, 205365, "Marlon Brando", 3, "Marlon Brando"]], [[195013, 205366, "Marlon Brando", 17, "Marlon Brando"]], [[197950, 207875, "Marlon Brando", 3, "Marlon Brando"]], [[315358, 304631, "Marlon Brando", 3, "Marlon Brando"]], [[315358, 304632, "Marlon Brando", 17, "Marlon Brando"]], [[316515, 305687, "Marlon Brando", 17, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando portrayed only Michael Corleone in The Godfather."} {"id": 47686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bob Marley měl styl zpěvu.", "evidence": [[[64066, 74770, "Bob Marley", 1, "Bob Marley"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Marley had a singing style."} {"id": 50061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Trapná černoška hraje Nidhi Singh.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Awkward Black Girl stars Nidhi Singh."} {"id": 174064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filip V. Španělský se nemohl stát králem.", "evidence": [[[201174, 210627, "Filip V. Španělský", 0, "Philip V of Spain"]], [[201174, 210628, "Filip V. Španělský", 10, "Philip V of Spain"]]], "claim_en": "Philip V of Spain was unable to become king."} {"id": 95064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Odin byl známý ve staré angličtině.", "evidence": [[[112541, 126370, "Ódin", 2, "Odin"]]], "claim_en": "Odin was known in Old English."} {"id": 96452, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Šíp nezískal žádné ceny a nominace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arrow didn't receive any awards and nominations."} {"id": 55052, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Montreal se ocitl v krizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Montreal is in crisis."} {"id": 21163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nelson Mandela byl prezidentem Jihoafrické republiky.", "evidence": [[[36936, 44588, "Nelson Mandela", 0, "Nelson Mandela"]], [[36936, 44589, "Nelson Mandela", 19, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa."} {"id": 110584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Zuckerberg chodil na vysokou školu.", "evidence": [[[283839, 277767, "Mark Zuckerberg", 5, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[283839, 277768, "Mark Zuckerberg", 6, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[284950, 278670, "Mark Zuckerberg", 6, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[329503, 316276, "Mark Zuckerberg", 5, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[330970, 317450, "Mark Zuckerberg", 5, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg went to college."} {"id": 15323, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Macbeth byl adaptován do opery Giuseppe Verdiho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Macbeth was adapted to an opera by Giuseppe Verdi."} {"id": 137573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "AMGTV má Záchranu zvířat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "AMGTV has Animal Rescue."} {"id": 107225, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Provaz byl vydán v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[125858, 140269, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Rope was released in 2001."} {"id": 103997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ligu mistrů UEFA vyhrála společnost Chelsea F.C.", "evidence": [[[122204, 136482, "Chelsea FC", 7, "Chelsea F.C."]], [[122204, 136483, "Chelsea FC", 8, "Chelsea F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The UEFA Champions League has been won by Chelsea F.C."} {"id": 185228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Home for the Holidays hraje producent.", "evidence": [[[215851, 222610, "Domů na svátky", 5, "Home for the Holidays (1995 film)"], [215851, 222610, "Holly Hunter", 0, "Holly Hunter"], [215851, 222610, "Domů na svátky", 0, "Home for the Holidays (1995 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Home for the Holidays stars a producer."} {"id": 197061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Woodruff Yost byl pohřben v roce 1981.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Woodruff Yost was buried in 1981."} {"id": 26139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film The Lego Movie byl uveden v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[42173, 50742, "LEGO příběh", 0, "The Lego Movie"]], [[42173, 50743, "LEGO příběh", 8, "The Lego Movie"]], [[42173, 50744, "LEGO příběh", 14, "The Lego Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The Lego Movie was released in 2015."} {"id": 187360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Wesley se narodil ve Vermontu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley was born in Vermont."} {"id": 189086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Svitavy jsou v České republice.", "evidence": [[[220789, 226588, "Svitavy", 0, "Svitavy"]], [[220790, 226589, "Svitavy", 0, "Svitavy"]]], "claim_en": "Svitavy is in the Czech Republic."} {"id": 40198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drake (hudebník) je celý život v účetnictví.", "evidence": [[[56493, 66698, "Drake (umělec)", 0, "Drake (musician)"]], [[56493, 66699, "Drake (umělec)", 1, "Drake (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Drake (musician) is in accounting his whole life."} {"id": 221049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Rusku v říjnu začalo natáčení filmu Předčítač (2008).", "evidence": [[[263184, 260926, "Předčítač", 3, "The Reader (2008 film)"]], [[263194, 260932, "Předčítač", 3, "The Reader (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Reader (2008 film) production began in Russia in October."} {"id": 120567, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Soderbergh režíroval film Na stříbrném glóbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Soderbergh directed On the Silver Globe."} {"id": 2482, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lily Collins měla roli ve Hvězdných válkách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily Collins had a part in Star Wars."} {"id": 56205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brad Pitt měl hlavní role.", "evidence": [[[72565, 83610, "Brad Pitt", 5, "Brad Pitt"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt has had leading roles."} {"id": 183163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Írán na jihu hraničí s Kaspickým mořem.", "evidence": [[[215595, 222435, "Kaspické moře", 2, "Caspian Sea"]]], "claim_en": "Iran bounds the Caspian Sea at its south."} {"id": 135549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Bezos založil internetovou stránku Amazon.com.", "evidence": [[[158146, 172775, "Jeff Bezos", 0, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos founded the website Amazon.com."} {"id": 95839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jens Stoltenberg byl norským premiérem.", "evidence": [[[113351, 127210, "Jens Stoltenberg", 4, "Jens Stoltenberg"]]], "claim_en": "Jens Stoltenberg was Prime Minister of Norway."} {"id": 42075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Tyler není schopen psát hudbu.", "evidence": [[[58383, 68650, "Steven Tyler", 0, "Steven Tyler"]], [[58383, 68651, "Steven Tyler", 1, "Steven Tyler"]], [[58383, 68652, "Steven Tyler", 6, "Steven Tyler"]], [[58383, 68653, "Steven Tyler", 9, "Steven Tyler"]], [[58383, 68654, "Steven Tyler", 10, "Steven Tyler"]], [[58383, 68655, "Steven Tyler", 17, "Steven Tyler"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler is unable to write music."} {"id": 108357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Gore vyhrál v roce 2000 lidové hlasování.", "evidence": [[[127165, 141696, "Al Gore", 9, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000."} {"id": 117139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Afghánistán se nenachází na Hedvábné stezce.", "evidence": [[[137491, 152353, "Afghánistán", 6, "Afghanistan"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is not located along the Silk Road."} {"id": 63967, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paris byl sotva synem rodičů, kteří pocházeli z dnešní Anatolie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paris was barely the son of parents who hailed from modern-day Anatolia."} {"id": 141307, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, nesponzoruje charitativní organizaci The Prince's Charities.", "evidence": [[[164339, 178599, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 16, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales does not sponsor The Prince's Charities."} {"id": 216911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Phelps byl vždy pouze držitelem světových rekordů na krátké trati.", "evidence": [[[257725, 256699, "Michael Phelps", 8, "Michael Phelps"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Phelps only ever held short course world records."} {"id": 228219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dosud finančně nejúspěšnějším filmem Chrise Pratta byl King Kong.", "evidence": [[[272274, 267953, "Chris Pratt", 5, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt's most financially successful film to date was King Kong."} {"id": 132453, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Green Day je skupina.", "evidence": [[[154878, 169623, "Green Day", 0, "Green Day"]]], "claim_en": "Green Day is a group."} {"id": 203939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Laura Linneyová byla na Titaniku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laura Linney was on the Titanic."} {"id": 36211, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci učinil objevy v astronomii.", "evidence": [[[52418, 62381, "Leonardo da Vinci", 0, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci made discoveries in astronomy."} {"id": 142081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Josh Hartnett není Američan.", "evidence": [[[165146, 179284, "Josh Hartnett", 0, "Josh Hartnett"]]], "claim_en": "Josh Hartnett is not an American."} {"id": 210466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moses Malone si během své první sezóny v dresu Atlanty Hawks vysloužil dvanáctý a zároveň poslední výběr do All-Star.", "evidence": [[[249315, 249308, "Moses Malone", 15, "Moses Malone"]]], "claim_en": "Moses Malone earned his 12th straight and final All-Star selection during his first season with the Atlanta Hawks."} {"id": 47997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Egypt je zakládajícím členem Ligy arabských států.", "evidence": [[[64368, 75122, "Egypt", 20, "Egypt"], [64368, 75122, "Liga arabských států", 1, "Arab League"]]], "claim_en": "Egypt is a founding member of the Arab League."} {"id": 75837, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Washingtonův památník se nachází mezi silnicemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Washington Monument is between roads."} {"id": 87356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rashida Jonesová je spoluautorkou scénáře k filmu Toy Story 4.", "evidence": [[[104530, 117954, "Rashida Jones", 3, "Rashida Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Rashida Jones co-wrote the script for Toy Story 4."} {"id": 198813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pilotní díl seriálu Černá listina režíroval někdo, kdo se podílel na filmovém remaku televizního seriálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The pilot episode of The Blacklist was directed by someone involved in the film remake of a TV show."} {"id": 79506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Albus Brumbál pracoval pouze jako bankovní úředník.", "evidence": [[[96447, 109618, "Albus Brumbál", 1, "Albus Dumbledore"]]], "claim_en": "Albus Dumbledore only ever worked as a bank teller."} {"id": 111911, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alžběta II. byla hlavním trenérem Spojeného království v době, kdy Kanada získala plnou suverenitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II was the head coach of the UK at the time Canada gained full sovereignty."} {"id": 33409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lee Majors zemřel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lee Majors is death."} {"id": 218262, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dwayne Johnson je známý také pod svým ringovým jménem Hillary Clintonová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dwayne Johnson is also known by his ring name, Hillary Clinton."} {"id": 112558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Marťan je natočen podle románu Andyho Weira napsaného v roce 1988.", "evidence": [[[132074, 146920, "Marťan (film)", 0, "The Martian (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Martian is based on Andy Weir's novel written in 1988."} {"id": 127118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vyhlídka na zabití je třetí film o Jamesi Bondovi, který režíroval John Glen a který byl uveden v roce 2002.", "evidence": [[[148970, 164011, "Vyhlídka na vraždu", 6, "A View to a Kill"], [148970, 164011, "Vyhlídka na vraždu", 0, "A View to a Kill"]]], "claim_en": "A View to a Kill is the third James Bond film directed by John Glen and released in 2002."} {"id": 216409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bermudy jsou náchylné k nepříznivému počasí.", "evidence": [[[257121, 256167, "Bermudy", 28, "Bermuda"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda is prone to severe weather."} {"id": 65629, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "FK Liverpool byl v letech 2014-2015 devátým nejlépe vydělávajícím fotbalovým klubem planety.", "evidence": [[[82197, 93979, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was the ninth highest-earning football club on the planet for 2014-2015."} {"id": 145001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Liverpool F.C. je v anglickém policejním sboru.", "evidence": [[[168298, 182049, "Liverpool FC", 0, "Liverpool F.C."]], [[168298, 182050, "Liverpool FC", 1, "Liverpool F.C."]], [[168298, 182051, "Liverpool FC", 5, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. is in the English police force."} {"id": 152866, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syn královny Viktorie patřil k dynastii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Victoria's son belonged to a dynasty."} {"id": 227259, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "IPhony lze používat k fyzickému propojení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "IPhones can be used for physical networking."} {"id": 179219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Up All Night byl poprvé vydán v Irsku a ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[207914, 216099, "Up All Night (album, One Direction)", 0, "Up All Night (One Direction album)"]]], "claim_en": "Up All Night was first released in Ireland and the United States."} {"id": 163433, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Morello absolvoval turné s americkým zpěvákem a skladatelem z Británie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Morello toured with an American singer-songwriter from Britain."} {"id": 147027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buddhismus zahrnuje celou řadu tradic.", "evidence": [[[170584, 184110, "Buddhismus", 0, "Buddhism"]], [[170585, 184111, "Buddhismus", 0, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism encompasses a variety of traditions."} {"id": 181418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Tuska se narodil 26. dubna 1916 ve srubu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Tuska was born on April 26th, 1916 in a log cabin."} {"id": 102020, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hora Mount Hood se nachází v Andách.", "evidence": [[[119756, 133866, "Mount Hood", 0, "Mount Hood"]], [[119756, 133867, "Mount Hood", 3, "Mount Hood"]], [[119756, 133868, "Mount Hood", 2, "Mount Hood"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Hood is in the Andes."} {"id": 81375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Roger Moore zemřel před pěti lety 23. května 2017.", "evidence": [[[98424, 111534, "Roger Moore", 0, "Roger Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Moore died five years before May 23, 2017."} {"id": 95510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cher hrála ve filmu Burleska s Kristen Bellovou.", "evidence": [[[113015, 126854, "Cher", 21, "Cher"], [113015, 126854, "Varieté (film)", 0, "Burlesque (2010 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cher was in Burlesque with Kristen Bell."} {"id": 150377, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Margaret Atwoodová vydala patnáct básnických sborníků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Margaret Atwood published fifteen magazines of poetry."} {"id": 143428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[166575, 180388, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[166575, 180389, "Hayden Panettiere", 6, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[166575, 180390, "Hayden Panettiere", 7, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere was in a film."} {"id": 37493, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: Poslední rytíř si zahrál Mark Wahlberg.", "evidence": [[[53692, 63680, "Transformers: Poslední rytíř", 2, "Transformers: The Last Knight"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: The Last Knight stars Mark Wahlberg."} {"id": 62058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Panther je film o superhrdinovi.", "evidence": [[[78519, 90047, "Black Panther (film)", 0, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Black Panther is a motion picture about a superhero."} {"id": 224853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg pochází z města.", "evidence": [[[267922, 264546, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"], [267922, 264546, "Long Beach", 0, "Long Beach, California"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is from a city."} {"id": 52262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaliyah vytvořila album.", "evidence": [[[68572, 79431, "Aaliyah", 22, "Aaliyah"]], [[68572, 79432, "Aaliyah", 18, "Aaliyah"], [68572, 79432, "Aaliyah (album)", 0, "Aaliyah (album)"]], [[68572, 79433, "Aaliyah", 4, "Aaliyah"]], [[68572, 79434, "Aaliyah", 5, "Aaliyah"]], [[68572, 79435, "Aaliyah", 9, "Aaliyah"]], [[68572, 79436, "Aaliyah", 15, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah created an album."} {"id": 45766, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ginger Baker byl uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[62134, 72675, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 12845, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Holly Hunterová hrála ve filmu Saving Grace.", "evidence": [[[28083, 34379, "Holly Hunter", 6, "Holly Hunter"]]], "claim_en": "Holly Hunter was in Saving Grace."} {"id": 128720, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Bosh není schopen hrát v Národní basketbalové asociaci.", "evidence": [[[150770, 165612, "Chris Bosh", 0, "Chris Bosh"]], [[150770, 165613, "Chris Bosh", 6, "Chris Bosh"]], [[150770, 165614, "Chris Bosh", 8, "Chris Bosh"]], [[150770, 165615, "Chris Bosh", 9, "Chris Bosh"]], [[150770, 165616, "Chris Bosh", 3, "Chris Bosh"]], [[150770, 165617, "Chris Bosh", 2, "Chris Bosh"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Bosh is incapable of playing in the National Basketball Association."} {"id": 203832, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere bylo šest let, když hrála ve filmu Remember the Titans.", "evidence": [[[240580, 242175, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere was six years old when she starred in Remember the Titans."} {"id": 77822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joffrey Baratheon ještě nebyl ztvárněn.", "evidence": [[[94760, 107733, "Joffrey Baratheon", 7, "Joffrey Baratheon"]]], "claim_en": "Joffrey Baratheon has yet to be portrayed."} {"id": 101571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deadpool byl vybrán jako nejlepší komedie.", "evidence": [[[119292, 133267, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool was chosen for the Best Comedy Award."} {"id": 43029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Hamill má na kontě plodné množství hereckých výkonů.", "evidence": [[[59334, 69688, "Mark Hamill", 6, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill has done a prolific amount of voice actor."} {"id": 22528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Noam Chomsky byl profesorem.", "evidence": [[[61948, 72440, "Noam Chomsky", 2, "Noam Chomsky"]], [[65967, 76831, "Noam Chomsky", 2, "Noam Chomsky"], [65967, 76831, "Emeritura", 0, "Emeritus"]], [[303481, 294446, "Noam Chomsky", 2, "Noam Chomsky"]], [[305374, 296208, "Noam Chomsky", 2, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky was a professor."} {"id": 36043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay vydala v roce 2000 píseň s názvem Yellow.", "evidence": [[[52225, 62187, "Coldplay", 8, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay released a song called Yellow in 2000."} {"id": 49841, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steffi Grafová není schopna hrát dvouhru a čtyřhru v tenise.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf is incapable of playing singles and doubles in tennis."} {"id": 122253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina One Direction vydala v roce 2014 singl Five.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One Direction released their single Five in 2014."} {"id": 112871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Galaxy Quest je kanadský film.", "evidence": [[[132412, 147304, "Galaxy Quest", 0, "Galaxy Quest"]]], "claim_en": "Galaxy Quest is a Canadian movie."} {"id": 185392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "CHiPs je film, který byl natočen ve Spojených státech a zařazen do kategorie buddy cop.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "CHiPs is a film that was made in the United States and categorized as buddy cop."} {"id": 127381, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg je pouze tanečnice.", "evidence": [[[149246, 164242, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[149247, 164243, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is only a dancer."} {"id": 47537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rodiče Nicole Kidmanové jsou Irové.", "evidence": [[[63853, 74574, "Nicole Kidmanová", 19, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman's parents are Irish."} {"id": 214080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jonathan Hensleigh pracuje především v žánru akčních dobrodružných filmů jako scenárista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jonathan Hensleigh works primarily in the action-adventure genre as a screenwriter."} {"id": 81655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jason Sudeikis je kanadský komik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jason Sudeikis is a Canadian comedian."} {"id": 103051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. není schopen být profesionálním boxerem.", "evidence": [[[121015, 135305, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 0, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]], [[121015, 135306, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 1, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. is incapable of being a professional boxer."} {"id": 42476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Netopýr Kittiho s vepřovým nosem patří do úřadu Chiroptera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Kitti's hog-nosed bat belongs to the Chiroptera office."} {"id": 119961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp nebyl v roce 1870 ženatý.", "evidence": [[[142744, 157890, "Wyatt Earp", 7, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was not married in 1870."} {"id": 566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Předseda Sněmovny reprezentantů je předsedajícím činitelem Sněmovny reprezentantů Spojených států amerických.", "evidence": [[[16005, 19881, "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států amerických", 14, "United States House of Representatives"]]], "claim_en": "The Speaker of the House is the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives."} {"id": 194662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Seiko prodává hodinky.", "evidence": [[[228013, 232323, "Seiko", 0, "Seiko"]]], "claim_en": "Seiko sells watches."} {"id": 115182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seppuku je korejský rituál.", "evidence": [[[135231, 150150, "Seppuku", 0, "Seppuku"]]], "claim_en": "Seppuku is a Korean ritual."} {"id": 41724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kapustňáci jedí krávy na souši.", "evidence": [[[58012, 68243, "Kapustňák", 0, "Manatee"], [58012, 68243, "Býložravec", 0, "Herbivore"]]], "claim_en": "Manatees eat cows on land."} {"id": 137518, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hugh Grant hrál v televizních seriálech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hugh Grant has been in television shows."} {"id": 72657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny DeVito tvoří.", "evidence": [[[89372, 102070, "Danny DeVito", 17, "Danny DeVito"]]], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito creates."} {"id": 116856, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dolly Parton hrála v divadelním představení Louskáček.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dolly Parton starred in a theater performance of The Nutcracker."} {"id": 165888, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pes Alice Coopera se jmenuje Vincent Dogmon Furryner.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alice Cooper's dog's name is Vincent Dogmon Furryner."} {"id": 61217, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Legie je kompletně počítačově animovaná a má syntetický hlas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legion is completely computer animated and has a synthesized voice."} {"id": 140994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Right Stuff je film.", "evidence": [[[164012, 178261, "Správná posádka", 0, "The Right Stuff (film)"]], [[164012, 178262, "Správná posádka", 3, "The Right Stuff (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Right Stuff is a film."} {"id": 168129, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Connally byl guvernérem Texasu.", "evidence": [[[193580, 204072, "John Connally", 1, "John Connally"]]], "claim_en": "John Connally was a Governor of Texas."} {"id": 1295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Lawrence hrála ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[16932, 20940, "Jennifer Lawrence", 1, "Jennifer Lawrence"]], [[16932, 20941, "Jennifer Lawrence", 9, "Jennifer Lawrence"]], [[16932, 20942, "Jennifer Lawrence", 13, "Jennifer Lawrence"]], [[16932, 20943, "Jennifer Lawrence", 15, "Jennifer Lawrence"]], [[16932, 20944, "Jennifer Lawrence", 17, "Jennifer Lawrence"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Lawrence has been in films."} {"id": 178837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glenn Frey získal cenu Grammy.", "evidence": [[[207346, 215638, "Glenn Frey", 8, "Glenn Frey"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Frey won Grammy Awards."} {"id": 76429, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gemma Arterton je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gemma Arterton is a singer."} {"id": 80080, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Čisté jmění Donalda Trumpa činilo v jednu chvíli 3,5 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[97040, 110191, "Donald Trump", 10, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "The net worth of Donald Trump was at one point $3.5 billion."} {"id": 20030, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco nebylo pojmenováno po španělském světci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco wasn't named after a Spanish saint."} {"id": 141648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Gambon měl roli ve filmu Zpívající detektiv.", "evidence": [[[164698, 178911, "Michael Gambon", 1, "Michael Gambon"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Gambon had a role in The Singing Detective."} {"id": 185489, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Triple H je Severoameričan.", "evidence": [[[216203, 222902, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H is North American."} {"id": 187657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Levi Miller napsal scénář a režíroval kameru ke svému debutu ve velkofilmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Levi Miller wrote the script and directed cinematography for his major film debut."} {"id": 101863, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii se nachází 67 národních historických památek včetně Zvonu svobody.", "evidence": [[[119597, 133678, "Filadelfie", 20, "Philadelphia"], [119597, 133678, "Filadelfie", 6, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia contains 67 National Historic Landmarks including the Liberty Bell."} {"id": 102107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avengers: Age of Ultron ještě nemá premiéru.", "evidence": [[[121756, 136051, "Avengers: Age of Ultron", 0, "Avengers: Age of Ultron"]], [[121756, 136052, "Avengers: Age of Ultron", 14, "Avengers: Age of Ultron"]]], "claim_en": "Avengers: Age of Ultron has yet to premiere."} {"id": 55112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Švédsko bylo neutrální.", "evidence": [[[71463, 82423, "Švédsko", 24, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden was neutral."} {"id": 152249, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alex Rodriguez má na kontě 696 vítězství ve Světové sérii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alex Rodriguez has 696 World Series wins."} {"id": 160593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buffy, přemožitelka upírů, měla více než jednoho spoluproducenta.", "evidence": [[[185110, 196926, "Buffy, přemožitelka upírů", 0, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"]]], "claim_en": "Buffy the Vampire Slayer had more than one co-executive producer."} {"id": 144573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carice van Houten je herečka.", "evidence": [[[167820, 181584, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]], [[167820, 181585, "Carice van Houten", 2, "Carice van Houten"]], [[167820, 181586, "Carice van Houten", 4, "Carice van Houten"]], [[167820, 181587, "Carice van Houten", 7, "Carice van Houten"]], [[167820, 181588, "Carice van Houten", 8, "Carice van Houten"]], [[167820, 181590, "Carice van Houten", 12, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is an actress."} {"id": 18788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stuart Sutcliffe byl původním baskytaristou skupiny Beatles.", "evidence": [[[34425, 41743, "The Beatles", 6, "The Beatles"], [34425, 41743, "Stuart Sutcliffe", 0, "Stuart Sutcliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Stuart Sutcliffe was the original bass player of the Beatles."} {"id": 115364, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kill Bill: V druhém díle odmítla roli Uma Thurman.", "evidence": [[[135415, 150296, "Kill Bill 2", 1, "Kill Bill: Volume 2"]]], "claim_en": "Kill Bill: Volume 2 denied a role to Uma Thurman."} {"id": 108226, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "X Factor je značka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The X Factor is a brand."} {"id": 91688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jordan nikdy nehrál bezkontaktní sport.", "evidence": [[[110452, 124062, "Michael Jordan", 0, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124063, "Michael Jordan", 1, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124064, "Michael Jordan", 2, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124065, "Michael Jordan", 3, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124066, "Michael Jordan", 6, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124067, "Michael Jordan", 10, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124068, "Michael Jordan", 11, "Michael Jordan"]], [[110452, 124069, "Michael Jordan", 13, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan never played a non-contact sport."} {"id": 171722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iain Glen pochází ze Skotska.", "evidence": [[[198160, 208077, "Iain Glen", 0, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is from Scotland."} {"id": 162615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 4. listopadu vyšel ve Spojených státech film Hacksaw Ridge.", "evidence": [[[187165, 198849, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 5, "Hacksaw Ridge"]]], "claim_en": "November 4 was the day that Hacksaw Ridge came out in the United States."} {"id": 99992, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Shatner nebyl moderátorem pořadu, který získal cenu People's Choice Award.", "evidence": [[[117637, 131534, "William Shatner", 6, "William Shatner"]]], "claim_en": "William Shatner did not host a show that won a People's Choice Award."} {"id": 141226, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Burundi nemá politické strany.", "evidence": [[[164262, 178515, "Burundi", 18, "Burundi"]], [[164262, 178516, "Burundi", 21, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi lacks political parties."} {"id": 71607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1995 natočila Jodie Fosterová svůj druhý film.", "evidence": [[[88280, 100881, "Jodie Fosterová", 13, "Jodie Foster"]]], "claim_en": "In 1995, Jodie Foster directed her second movie."} {"id": 106258, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Haitská kreolština vychází z francouzštiny.", "evidence": [[[279547, 274177, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]], [[279548, 274178, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]], [[281259, 275661, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]], [[281260, 275662, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]], [[281260, 275663, "Haitská kreolština", 1, "Haitian Creole"]], [[327896, 315081, "Haitská kreolština", 1, "Haitian Creole"]]], "claim_en": "Haitian Creole is based on French."} {"id": 63792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay spolupracovala s organizací Oxfam.", "evidence": [[[80238, 92021, "Coldplay", 19, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay have worked with Oxfam."} {"id": 135072, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celtic F.C. hraje v Rusku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Celtic F.C. plays in Russia."} {"id": 204726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daniel Craig neuspěl v herecké kariéře.", "evidence": [[[241805, 243363, "Daniel Craig", 0, "Daniel Craig"]], [[241805, 243364, "Daniel Craig", 2, "Daniel Craig"]], [[241805, 243365, "Daniel Craig", 4, "Daniel Craig"]], [[241805, 243366, "Daniel Craig", 7, "Daniel Craig"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig failed to have an acting career."} {"id": 40879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sachin Tendulkar byl zařazen do testovací světové jedenáctky.", "evidence": [[[57183, 67409, "Sačin Tendulkar", 8, "Sachin Tendulkar"]]], "claim_en": "Sachin Tendulkar was included in a Test World XI."} {"id": 10365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pluto má nula měsíců.", "evidence": [[[25356, 31272, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 24, "Pluto"]], [[25356, 31273, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 19, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto has zero moons."} {"id": 45413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rafael Nadal nebyl profesionálním tenistou", "evidence": [[[137796, 152743, "Rafael Nadal", 0, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152744, "Rafael Nadal", 2, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152745, "Rafael Nadal", 5, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152746, "Rafael Nadal", 6, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152747, "Rafael Nadal", 7, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152748, "Rafael Nadal", 8, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152749, "Rafael Nadal", 9, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152750, "Rafael Nadal", 10, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152751, "Rafael Nadal", 15, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152752, "Rafael Nadal", 16, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152753, "Rafael Nadal", 17, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152754, "Rafael Nadal", 18, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[137796, 152756, "Rafael Nadal", 19, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[139989, 154995, "Rafael Nadal", 2, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[139989, 154996, "Rafael Nadal", 0, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[140556, 155635, "Rafael Nadal", 0, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[310856, 300874, "Rafael Nadal", 0, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[310859, 300876, "Rafael Nadal", 0, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[310859, 300877, "Rafael Nadal", 5, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300877, "Seznam vítězů na grandslamových turnajích v tenise", 0, "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions"]], [[310859, 300878, "Rafael Nadal", 6, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300878, "Daviscupový tým Španělska", 0, "Spain Davis Cup team"]], [[310859, 300879, "Rafael Nadal", 7, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300879, "Seznam vítězů na grandslamových turnajích v tenise", 0, "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions"]], [[310859, 300880, "Rafael Nadal", 16, "Rafael Nadal"]], [[310859, 300881, "Rafael Nadal", 17, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300881, "Antukový dvorec", 0, "Clay court"]], [[310859, 300882, "Rafael Nadal", 18, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300882, "Monte-Carlo Masters", 0, "Monte-Carlo Masters"]], [[310859, 300883, "Rafael Nadal", 19, "Rafael Nadal"], [310859, 300883, "Barcelona Open", 0, "Barcelona Open (tennis)"]]], "claim_en": "Rafael Nadal was not a professional tennis player"} {"id": 100156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celtic F.C. sídlí ve Skotsku.", "evidence": [[[117821, 131716, "Celtic FC", 0, "Celtic F.C."]], [[117822, 131717, "Celtic FC", 0, "Celtic F.C."]], [[117822, 131718, "Celtic FC", 1, "Celtic F.C."], [117822, 131718, "Glasgow", 0, "Glasgow"]], [[117822, 131719, "Celtic FC", 3, "Celtic F.C."]], [[117822, 131720, "Celtic FC", 13, "Celtic F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The Celtic F.C. is based in Scotland."} {"id": 108455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jessica Chastainová hrála mimo Broadway.", "evidence": [[[279829, 274453, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[279829, 274454, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[279829, 274455, "Jessica Chastain", 10, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[279829, 274456, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[279831, 274458, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"], [279831, 274458, "Černobílý svět", 0, "The Help (film)"]], [[279831, 274460, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[279831, 274462, "Jessica Chastain", 4, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[329149, 316046, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[329150, 316047, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[329154, 316050, "Jessica Chastain", 4, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[329154, 316051, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[329154, 316052, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"], [329154, 316052, "Černobílý svět", 0, "The Help (film)"]], [[329154, 316054, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"], [329154, 316054, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain acted off Broadway."} {"id": 12082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Severní Korea má zdravotní péči a školství.", "evidence": [[[27292, 33435, "Severní Korea", 22, "North Korea"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea has healthcare and education."} {"id": 141651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adele vydala své debutové album v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[290416, 283450, "Adele", 3, "Adele"]], [[291768, 284655, "Adele", 3, "Adele"]], [[291773, 284673, "Adele", 3, "Adele"]], [[338438, 323603, "Adele", 3, "Adele"]], [[338609, 323710, "Adele", 3, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele released her debut album in 2009."} {"id": 140737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andre Agassi vyhrál grandslamové turnaje.", "evidence": [[[290304, 283349, "Andre Agassi", 6, "Andre Agassi"]], [[290304, 283350, "Andre Agassi", 8, "Andre Agassi"]], [[290304, 283351, "Andre Agassi", 11, "Andre Agassi"]], [[291657, 284555, "Andre Agassi", 6, "Andre Agassi"]], [[291657, 284556, "Andre Agassi", 8, "Andre Agassi"]], [[291657, 284557, "Andre Agassi", 11, "Andre Agassi"]], [[293769, 286205, "Andre Agassi", 11, "Andre Agassi"]], [[338166, 323414, "Andre Agassi", 6, "Andre Agassi"]], [[338166, 323415, "Andre Agassi", 8, "Andre Agassi"]], [[338166, 323416, "Andre Agassi", 11, "Andre Agassi"]]], "claim_en": "Andre Agassi won Grand Slam tournaments."} {"id": 55933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Piráti z Karibiku: Mrtví muži nevyprávějí příběhy měl původně vyjít v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[174734, 187882, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[176236, 189190, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 7, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[176236, 189191, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[177934, 190618, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 8, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[313081, 302752, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[313896, 303379, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]], [[313923, 303395, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales was initially planned for a 2000 release."} {"id": 4233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dillí se nachází v severní Indii.", "evidence": [[[20494, 25117, "Dillí", 0, "Delhi"]]], "claim_en": "Delhi is in Northern India."} {"id": 52803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Watchmen je komiksová série od Dark Horse, vydavatelství DC.", "evidence": [[[69085, 79874, "Watchmen – Strážci", 0, "Watchmen"]]], "claim_en": "Watchmen is a comics series from Dark Horse, a DC imprint."} {"id": 186019, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saswata Chatterjee pracuje v rozhlase.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saswata Chatterjee works in radio."} {"id": 29548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rangún je nejdůležitější obchodní centrum Myanmaru.", "evidence": [[[45705, 54573, "Rangún", 2, "Yangon"]]], "claim_en": "Yangon is Myanmar's is its most important commercial center."} {"id": 224932, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová jela v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was in a car."} {"id": 58570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Imagine Dragons je celovečerní film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons is a feature film."} {"id": 152821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nigérie má největší ekonomiku v Africe.", "evidence": [[[293044, 285683, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]], [[295645, 287709, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]], [[295648, 287714, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]], [[295652, 287718, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]], [[345064, 328490, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]], [[345070, 328491, "Nigérie", 23, "Nigeria"]]], "claim_en": "Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa."} {"id": 109264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ketogenní dieta je dieta s nízkým obsahem sodíku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ketogenic diet is a low sodium diet."} {"id": 77993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Největším vývozním artiklem Virginie podle peněžní hodnoty jsou pomeranče.", "evidence": [[[94938, 107891, "Virginie", 19, "Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Virginia's largest export by monetary value is oranges."} {"id": 68586, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sociální úzkostná porucha prospívá každodennímu životu a usnadňuje schopnost fungovat.", "evidence": [[[220390, 226161, "Sociální fobie", 0, "Social anxiety disorder"]], [[317643, 306655, "Sociální fobie", 0, "Social anxiety disorder"]], [[319438, 308137, "Sociální fobie", 0, "Social anxiety disorder"]]], "claim_en": "Social anxiety disorder benefits everyday life and makes the ability to function much easier."} {"id": 51601, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Desatero přikázání se týká etiky a uctívání.", "evidence": [[[67963, 78819, "Desatero", 0, "Ten Commandments"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments relate to ethics and worship."} {"id": 12001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Juliu Caesarovi bylo něco dáno.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar was given something."} {"id": 213612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate a Leopold se částečně odehrává v New Yorku roku 1876 a v současném New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[253520, 253360, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]]], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold partially takes place in New York in 1876 and modern day New York."} {"id": 150125, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Quebecu se mluví dánsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Danish language is spoken in Quebec."} {"id": 127311, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku se zúčastnil pouze jednoho fotbalového turnaje.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was only in one football tournament."} {"id": 24495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "LinkedIn je od roku 2013 dostupný ve 24 městech.", "evidence": [[[40439, 48658, "LinkedIn", 14, "LinkedIn"]]], "claim_en": "LinkedIn is available in 24 cities as of 2013."} {"id": 62683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tyrese Gibson je známý díky své roli ve filmové sérii Avengers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tyrese Gibson is well known for his role in the Avengers film series."} {"id": 154450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní město Libanonu, Bejrút, bylo označováno za \"Paříž Blízkého východu\".", "evidence": [[[178441, 191027, "Libanon", 31, "Lebanon"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon's capital, Beirut, was referred to as \"the Paris of the Middle East\"."} {"id": 204417, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brad Wilk zemřel dříve, než se stal bubeníkem hardrockové kapely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brad Wilk died before being a drummer for a hard rock band."} {"id": 63241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Manžel Michelle Obamové je 44. americkým prezidentem.", "evidence": [[[79652, 91403, "Michelle Obamová", 1, "Michelle Obama"]]], "claim_en": "The spouse of Michelle Obama is the 44th President of America."} {"id": 176550, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil romány.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created novels."} {"id": 171866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Celý název Bradavic zní Bradavická univerzita čar a kouzel.", "evidence": [[[198324, 208212, "Škola čar a kouzel v Bradavicích", 0, "Hogwarts"]]], "claim_en": "Hogwarts' full name is Hogwarts University of Witchcraft and Wizardry."} {"id": 151563, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Mazouz odmítá hrát.", "evidence": [[[175426, 188418, "David Mazouz", 0, "David Mazouz"]], [[175426, 188419, "David Mazouz", 1, "David Mazouz"]], [[175426, 188420, "David Mazouz", 2, "David Mazouz"]]], "claim_en": "David Mazouz refuses to act."} {"id": 77420, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Paquin vyrostla ve Wellingtonu na Novém Zélandu.", "evidence": [[[94369, 107361, "Anna Paquin", 1, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin grew up in Wellington, New Zealand."} {"id": 197014, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Allure vychází jednou měsíčně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Allure is published once monthly."} {"id": 49107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Její vydání proběhlo v květnu 2013.", "evidence": [[[65447, 76323, "Ona (film, 2013)", 14, "Her (film)"]], [[65447, 76324, "Ona (film, 2013)", 15, "Her (film)"]], [[65447, 76325, "Ona (film, 2013)", 16, "Her (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Her was released in May of 2013."} {"id": 56197, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando vydal seznam v roce 1955.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando published a list in 1955."} {"id": 22391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Myers měl malou roli ve filmu, ve kterém hrál Brad Pitt.", "evidence": [[[38237, 46162, "Mike Myers", 2, "Mike Myers"], [38237, 46162, "Hanebný pancharti", 0, "Inglourious Basterds"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Myers had a small role in a film that starred Brad Pitt."} {"id": 126771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pluto má tři měsíce.", "evidence": [[[148618, 163654, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 19, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto has three moons."} {"id": 62285, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tina Turner vydala osm sólových alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tina Turner released eight solo albums."} {"id": 117289, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vaječníky se nacházejí v symetrických párech podél střední čáry těla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The ovary is found in symmetrical pairs along the midline of the body."} {"id": 149998, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bleskovice se nazývají vzdušné svorky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lightning rod are called air terminals."} {"id": 173665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moesia nezahrnuje celé území dnešního středního Srbska.", "evidence": [[[200681, 210149, "Moesie", 1, "Moesia"]], [[200689, 210152, "Moesie", 1, "Moesia"]]], "claim_en": "Moesia excludes all of the territory of modern-day Central Serbia."} {"id": 111540, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John McCain je nejstarší želvou na světě.", "evidence": [[[283947, 277865, "John McCain", 0, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277866, "John McCain", 1, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277867, "John McCain", 4, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277868, "John McCain", 5, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277869, "John McCain", 13, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277870, "John McCain", 14, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277871, "John McCain", 15, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277872, "John McCain", 16, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277873, "John McCain", 17, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277874, "John McCain", 19, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277875, "John McCain", 22, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277876, "John McCain", 23, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277877, "John McCain", 24, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277878, "John McCain", 25, "John McCain"]], [[283947, 277879, "John McCain", 26, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277886, "John McCain", 0, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277887, "John McCain", 1, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277888, "John McCain", 4, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277889, "John McCain", 5, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277890, "John McCain", 8, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277891, "John McCain", 9, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277892, "John McCain", 14, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277893, "John McCain", 13, "John McCain"]], [[283958, 277894, "John McCain", 15, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317584, "John McCain", 0, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317585, "John McCain", 1, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317586, "John McCain", 4, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317587, "John McCain", 5, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317588, "John McCain", 7, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317589, "John McCain", 8, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317590, "John McCain", 9, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317591, "John McCain", 10, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317592, "John McCain", 13, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317593, "John McCain", 14, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317594, "John McCain", 15, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317595, "John McCain", 16, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317596, "John McCain", 17, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317597, "John McCain", 18, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317598, "John McCain", 19, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317599, "John McCain", 22, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317600, "John McCain", 23, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317601, "John McCain", 24, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317602, "John McCain", 25, "John McCain"]], [[331086, 317603, "John McCain", 26, "John McCain"]]], "claim_en": "John McCain is the world's oldest turtle."} {"id": 113274, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Antarktida je městský stát.", "evidence": [[[132868, 147776, "Antarktida", 0, "Antarctica"]]], "claim_en": "Antarctica is a city-state."} {"id": 97146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová ztvárnila v roce 2011 Bette Davisovou v první sérii antologického seriálu Feud stanice FX.", "evidence": [[[114737, 128476, "Susan Sarandonová", 17, "Susan Sarandon"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon portrayed Bette Davis in the first season of FX's anthology series Feud in 2011."} {"id": 48718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "De Profundis je dopis a nachází se v Britském muzeu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "De Profundis is a letter and it is at the British Museum."} {"id": 31740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Švédsko poskytuje terciární vzdělávání.", "evidence": [[[47875, 57149, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden provides tertiary education."} {"id": 49707, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Blue Jasmine hraje anglická herečka.", "evidence": [[[66034, 76886, "Jasmíniny slzy", 1, "Blue Jasmine"], [66034, 76886, "Sally Hawkins", 0, "Sally Hawkins"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Jasmine has an English actress in it."} {"id": 135465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glee má karaoke hru na PS4.", "evidence": [[[158062, 172677, "Glee", 14, "Glee (TV series)"], [158062, 172677, "Glee", 0, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee has a karaoke game on the PS4."} {"id": 46073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Her nemohla hrát americká herečka Olivia Wilde.", "evidence": [[[62403, 73010, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [62403, 73010, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Her was unable to star American actress Olivia Wilde."} {"id": 107933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judith Barsiová zemřela v roce 1977.", "evidence": [[[126655, 141078, "Judith Barsi", 0, "Judith Barsi"]], [[126655, 141079, "Judith Barsi", 2, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi died in 1977."} {"id": 38422, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš byl pokřtěn.", "evidence": [[[54623, 64616, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was baptized."} {"id": 174645, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Psi byli chováni pouze pro chování.", "evidence": [[[203386, 212417, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been bred only for behavior."} {"id": 85342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tři dny Kondora napsal Robert Redford.", "evidence": [[[102448, 115720, "Tři dny Kondora", 1, "Three Days of the Condor"]]], "claim_en": "Three Days of the Condor was written by Robert Redford."} {"id": 110867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jack Reacher je indie popová skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jack Reacher is an indie pop band."} {"id": 6585, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wilt Chamberlain zaznamenal za svou kariéru nula bodů.", "evidence": [[[23348, 28775, "Wilt Chamberlain", 7, "Wilt Chamberlain"]], [[23348, 28776, "Wilt Chamberlain", 9, "Wilt Chamberlain"]], [[23348, 28777, "Wilt Chamberlain", 10, "Wilt Chamberlain"]]], "claim_en": "Wilt Chamberlain scored zero points over his career."} {"id": 11684, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Území Spojených států je asi největší a nejhlubší oceán.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States' territories are about the largest and deepest ocean."} {"id": 75644, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wonder Woman je kanadská komiksová postava.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wonder Woman is a Canadian comic book character."} {"id": 140455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tyrion Lannister málem zemřel jen jednou.", "evidence": [[[163443, 177681, "Tyrion Lannister", 17, "Tyrion Lannister"]]], "claim_en": "Tyrion Lannister nearly died only once."} {"id": 205058, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jane Eyrová byla napsána členem církve.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jane Eyre was written by a member of the church."} {"id": 169540, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V seriálu Elementární seriál nebyla postava Mycrofta Holmese schopná.", "evidence": [[[195487, 205748, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 12, "Elementary (TV series)"], [195487, 205748, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 0, "Elementary (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Elementary was incapable of having the character Mycroft Holmes."} {"id": 171559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bradley Cooper se narodil v roce 1985.", "evidence": [[[197974, 207922, "Bradley Cooper", 0, "Bradley Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper was born in 1985."} {"id": 23662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dívka ve vlaku je černobílý film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Girl on the Train is a black-and-white film."} {"id": 133310, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost BYD Auto se nachází ve městě Xi'an v provincii Shaanxi.", "evidence": [[[155852, 170537, "BYD Auto", 0, "BYD Auto"]]], "claim_en": "BYD Auto is located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province."} {"id": 128164, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patnáctá sezóna seriálu Family Guy byla nejvýdělečnější sezónou ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Season 15 of Family Guy was the highest grossing season in the United States."} {"id": 174654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Psi byli čtvrtým domestikovaným druhem.", "evidence": [[[203394, 212423, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs were the fourth domesticated species."} {"id": 128339, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Johanka z Arku byla uznána.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joan of Arc was recognized."} {"id": 111446, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Systém PlayStation 4 byl vyvinut v automobilu.", "evidence": [[[130837, 145615, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 was developed in a car."} {"id": 180847, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Střední Amerika obsahuje Anglii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Central America contains England."} {"id": 53076, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hrabství Cambridgeshire leží mimo Anglii.", "evidence": [[[69360, 80138, "Cambridgeshire", 1, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[69365, 80143, "Cambridgeshire", 1, "Cambridgeshire"]]], "claim_en": "Cambridgeshire is outside England."} {"id": 227898, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová byla naživu.", "evidence": [[[271833, 267627, "Anne Bancroftová", 0, "Anne Bancroft"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft was alive."} {"id": 64905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Berlínská zeď byla dělící konstrukce z betonu.", "evidence": [[[81384, 93167, "Berlínská zeď", 0, "Berlin Wall"]]], "claim_en": "The Berlin Wall was a dividing structure made of concrete."} {"id": 121258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf je na několika billboardech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf is in multiple billboards."} {"id": 145047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mentální anorexie se vyznačuje tím, že neváží mnoho.", "evidence": [[[168339, 182085, "Mentální anorexie", 0, "Anorexia nervosa"]]], "claim_en": "Anorexia nervosa is characterized by not weighing a lot."} {"id": 118970, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "La La Anthony byla v roce 2012 v televizním pořadu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "La La Anthony was on a television show in 2012."} {"id": 228927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pulp Fiction je film uvedený v roce 1994.", "evidence": [[[273164, 268718, "Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvětí", 0, "Pulp Fiction"]]], "claim_en": "Pulp Fiction is a film released in 1994."} {"id": 83337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Divergentní je na discích.", "evidence": [[[100380, 113664, "Divergence (film)", 18, "Divergent (film)"], [100380, 113664, "Blu-ray", 0, "Blu-ray"], [100380, 113664, "DVD", 0, "DVD"], [100380, 113664, "Divergence (film)", 0, "Divergent (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Divergent is on discs."} {"id": 52624, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farrah Fawcett hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[164278, 178540, "Farrah Fawcett", 15, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[164278, 178541, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[165985, 179944, "Farrah Fawcett", 6, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[166381, 180228, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[166381, 180229, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[312211, 302044, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[312211, 302045, "Farrah Fawcett", 20, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[312211, 302046, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[313436, 303048, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[313436, 303049, "Farrah Fawcett", 17, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[313436, 303050, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]]], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett acted in a film."} {"id": 49337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Bluntová zemřela 23. února 1982.", "evidence": [[[65652, 76523, "Emily Blunt", 0, "Emily Blunt"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt was died on February 23, 1982."} {"id": 156026, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "West Ham United F.C. je basketbalový klub.", "evidence": [[[180083, 192607, "West Ham United FC", 0, "West Ham United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "West Ham United F.C. is a basketball club."} {"id": 10330, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Judge je otec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Judge is a father."} {"id": 40636, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leicester City F.C. získal titul.", "evidence": [[[56933, 67171, "Leicester City FC", 12, "Leicester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. was the winner of a title."} {"id": 155125, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nástupcem Hebeho byl Leto.", "evidence": [[[179189, 191718, "Hébé", 2, "Hebe (mythology)"]]], "claim_en": "Hebe's successor was Leto."} {"id": 64110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Phil Mickelson hraje golf.", "evidence": [[[202065, 211386, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[204942, 213604, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[204942, 213606, "Phil Mickelson", 4, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[204942, 213607, "Phil Mickelson", 5, "Phil Mickelson"], [204942, 213607, "U.S. Open (golf)", 0, "U.S. Open (golf)"]], [[204942, 213608, "Phil Mickelson", 8, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[204942, 213609, "Phil Mickelson", 10, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[207383, 215669, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[207383, 215670, "Phil Mickelson", 4, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[315687, 304919, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[315687, 304921, "Phil Mickelson", 4, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[315687, 304922, "Phil Mickelson", 5, "Phil Mickelson"], [315687, 304922, "U.S. Open (golf)", 0, "U.S. Open (golf)"]], [[316744, 305868, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316744, 305869, "Phil Mickelson", 4, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316745, 305870, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316745, 305871, "Phil Mickelson", 4, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316745, 305872, "Phil Mickelson", 8, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316745, 305873, "Phil Mickelson", 10, "Phil Mickelson"]], [[316745, 305875, "Phil Mickelson", 5, "Phil Mickelson"], [316745, 305875, "U.S. Open (golf)", 0, "U.S. Open (golf)"]]], "claim_en": "Phil Mickelson plays golf."} {"id": 129511, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Martina Navrátilová je daňový poplatník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Martina Navratilova is a tax payer."} {"id": 99721, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Green Day neprodala po celém světě více než 85 milionů desek.", "evidence": [[[117380, 131300, "Green Day", 21, "Green Day"]]], "claim_en": "Green Day has not sold more than 85 million records worldwide."} {"id": 34889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Apocalypse Now napsal výhradně James Franco.", "evidence": [[[51062, 60793, "Apokalypsa (film)", 0, "Apocalypse Now"]]], "claim_en": "Apocalypse Now was written entirely by James Franco."} {"id": 138041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whoopi Goldbergová není žena.", "evidence": [[[160805, 175315, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[160806, 175316, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is not a woman."} {"id": 31881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ethan Hawke hrál ve filmech, které byly zrušeny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke has starred in films that got cancelled."} {"id": 180932, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Erich von Manstein sloužil čtyři roky v britském námořnictvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein served four years in the British Navy."} {"id": 42052, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mercedes-Benz je divize letecké společnosti.", "evidence": [[[58328, 68592, "Mercedes-Benz", 0, "Mercedes-Benz"]]], "claim_en": "Mercedes-Benz is a division of an airline."} {"id": 17120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dětská mozková obrna je porucha, která ovlivňuje pohyb.", "evidence": [[[32565, 39583, "Dětská mozková obrna", 0, "Cerebral palsy"]], [[32570, 39589, "Dětská mozková obrna", 0, "Cerebral palsy"], [32570, 39589, "Poruchy hybnosti", 0, "Movement disorders"]]], "claim_en": "Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects movement."} {"id": 90478, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "South Park byl vytvořen pro televizní síť Comedy Central.", "evidence": [[[107779, 121253, "Městečko South Park", 0, "South Park"]]], "claim_en": "South Park was developed for the Comedy Central network."} {"id": 50196, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Twilight sága má hvězdu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga has a star."} {"id": 67019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Calvin Harris je DJ, zpěvák a skladatel.", "evidence": [[[83587, 95576, "Calvin Harris", 0, "Calvin Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris is a DJ, singer and songwriter."} {"id": 149503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Patnáctá série seriálu Family Guy začala 21. května 2017.", "evidence": [[[173303, 186567, "Griffinovi", 30, "Family Guy"]], [[173311, 186574, "Griffinovi", 30, "Family Guy"]]], "claim_en": "Season 15 of Family Guy started on May 21st, 2017."} {"id": 39460, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ronald Reagan byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[55765, 65829, "Ronald Reagan", 0, "Ronald Reagan"]]], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan was an American."} {"id": 159287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Secret Life of Us se natáčel v Irsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Secret Life of Us was filmed in Ireland."} {"id": 71904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donald Glover rapuje.", "evidence": [[[88589, 101209, "Donald Glover", 0, "Donald Glover"]], [[88589, 101210, "Donald Glover", 14, "Donald Glover"]], [[88589, 101212, "Donald Glover", 13, "Donald Glover"], [88589, 101212, "Because the Internet", 0, "Because the Internet"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Glover raps."} {"id": 209136, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brave je skotský film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brave is a Scottish film."} {"id": 170373, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Logan Lerman hrál d'Artagnana ve Francii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Logan Lerman played d'Artagnan in France."} {"id": 122621, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová zavraždila Brada Pitta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston murdered Brad Pitt."} {"id": 1659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "FC Barcelona vyhrála v roce 2011 pizzu s feferonkami.", "evidence": [[[17394, 21521, "FC Barcelona", 22, "FC Barcelona"]]], "claim_en": "FC Barcelona won the pepperoni pizza in 2011."} {"id": 114579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denzel Washington přišel o cenu za roli ve filmu Glory.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington lost an award for his role in Glory."} {"id": 109368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sam Claflin není herec.", "evidence": [[[128275, 142988, "Sam Claflin", 0, "Sam Claflin"]], [[128275, 142989, "Sam Claflin", 1, "Sam Claflin"], [128275, 142989, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 1, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sam Claflin is not an actor."} {"id": 152969, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chicago White Sox je basketbalový klub.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chicago White Sox is a basketball club."} {"id": 36340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ty Cobb ukončil kariéru v týmu Philadelphia Athletics v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[52548, 62517, "Ty Cobb", 0, "Ty Cobb"]]], "claim_en": "Ty Cobb finished his career with the Philadelphia Athletics in 2011."} {"id": 48554, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Watsonová získala svůj první titul ve dvouhře WTA na ostrovní zemi.", "evidence": [[[64924, 75778, "Heather Watsonová", 7, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson won her first WTA singles title on an island country."} {"id": 217846, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ryan Phillippe je celý život svobodný.", "evidence": [[[258952, 257626, "Ryan Phillippe", 7, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[258952, 257627, "Ryan Phillippe", 8, "Ryan Phillippe"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan Phillippe has been single his whole life."} {"id": 17248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šílený Max: Fury Road je akční film.", "evidence": [[[32702, 39750, "Šílený Max: Zběsilá cesta", 0, "Mad Max: Fury Road"]]], "claim_en": "Mad Max: Fury Road is an action film."} {"id": 82631, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Pence se stal hostem konzervativní rozhlasové talk show.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Pence became a conservative radio talk show guest."} {"id": 118266, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hardy hrál ve filmu Avengers (2012).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy was in The Avengers (2012)."} {"id": 69470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Svatý Petr nezakládal kostely.", "evidence": [[[86173, 98525, "Petr (apoštol)", 4, "Saint Peter"]]], "claim_en": "Saint Peter did not found churches."} {"id": 121639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celine Dion byla ovlivněna Mozartovou klasickou hudbou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Celine Dion was influenced by Mozart's classical music."} {"id": 129958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí je western.", "evidence": [[[152172, 166953, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a western."} {"id": 192461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francois de Belleforest přeložil dílo Lodovica Guicciardiniho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Francois de Belleforest translated the oeuvre of Lodovico Guicciardini."} {"id": 115529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Surinam se stal závislým státem v roce 1975.", "evidence": [[[135617, 150474, "Surinam", 8, "Suriname"]]], "claim_en": "Suriname became a dependent state in 1975."} {"id": 126329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Allen Iverson byl opravdu vysoký.", "evidence": [[[148183, 163180, "Allen Iverson", 12, "Allen Iverson"]]], "claim_en": "Allen Iverson was really tall."} {"id": 45312, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nelson Mandela byl křesťan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela was Christian."} {"id": 223565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kris Wu je umělec.", "evidence": [[[266321, 263351, "Kris Wu", 1, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is an artist."} {"id": 146557, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Cage je čaroděj.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Cage is a wizard."} {"id": 75824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amerigo Vespucci zemřel v roce 1512.", "evidence": [[[239570, 241363, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[239571, 241364, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[243323, 244560, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[319225, 307988, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[320409, 309012, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[320413, 309014, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[320414, 309015, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]], [[320417, 309018, "Amerigo Vespucci", 0, "Amerigo Vespucci"]]], "claim_en": "Amerigo Vespucci died in 1512."} {"id": 182648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kris Wu je herec.", "evidence": [[[212470, 219987, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]], [[212472, 219988, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]], [[212472, 219989, "Kris Wu", 1, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is an actor."} {"id": 211879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) je americký film s rozpočtem 180 milionů hongkongských dolarů.", "evidence": [[[251134, 251073, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 7, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) is an American film that has a budget of $180 million Hong Kong dollars."} {"id": 65392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje album Jennifer Hudson.", "evidence": [[[81882, 93667, "Jennifer Hudson", 11, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "There is an album by Jennifer Hudson."} {"id": 72455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Faith Evans spolupracovala výhradně s vydavatelstvím Prolific/E1 Music.", "evidence": [[[89166, 101861, "Faith Evans", 5, "Faith Evans"]], [[89166, 101862, "Faith Evans", 2, "Faith Evans"]]], "claim_en": "Faith Evans has worked exclusively with Prolific/E1 Music."} {"id": 140487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje přístav jménem New Orleans.", "evidence": [[[163460, 177714, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]]], "claim_en": "There is a port named New Orleans."} {"id": 87746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 9. srpna 1969 zemřela Sharon Tateová.", "evidence": [[[104953, 118375, "Sharon Tate", 0, "Sharon Tate"]], [[104953, 118376, "Sharon Tate", 11, "Sharon Tate"]]], "claim_en": "On August 9, 1969, Sharon Tate died."} {"id": 28519, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peter Capaldi dostal čtyři kočky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peter Capaldi received four cats."} {"id": 116659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Berlínská zeď byla betonářská firma.", "evidence": [[[137085, 151916, "Berlínská zeď", 0, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151917, "Berlínská zeď", 3, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151918, "Berlínská zeď", 5, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151919, "Berlínská zeď", 8, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151920, "Berlínská zeď", 13, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151921, "Berlínská zeď", 4, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151922, "Berlínská zeď", 1, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151923, "Berlínská zeď", 9, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151924, "Berlínská zeď", 14, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151925, "Berlínská zeď", 15, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151926, "Berlínská zeď", 18, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151927, "Berlínská zeď", 20, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151928, "Berlínská zeď", 21, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151929, "Berlínská zeď", 22, "Berlin Wall"]], [[137085, 151930, "Berlínská zeď", 23, "Berlin Wall"]]], "claim_en": "The Berlin Wall was a concrete manufacturing firm."} {"id": 15241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Renesance začala ve Florencii.", "evidence": [[[30654, 37289, "Renesance", 15, "Renaissance"]]], "claim_en": "The Renaissance began in Florence."} {"id": 194207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "PewDiePie nedělá na YouTube nic jiného než vlogy Let's Play.", "evidence": [[[229563, 233490, "PewDiePie", 1, "PewDiePie"]]], "claim_en": "PewDiePie does anything but Let's Play vlogs on YouTube."} {"id": 98714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Surinam je místo.", "evidence": [[[116358, 130242, "Surinam", 0, "Suriname"]]], "claim_en": "Suriname is a place."} {"id": 36277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shueisha je vydavatelství se sídlem v zemi s nízkými daněmi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shueisha is a publisher headquartered in a country with low taxes."} {"id": 117908, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jim Henson nemohl být loutkářem.", "evidence": [[[138350, 153382, "Jim Henson", 0, "Jim Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Henson was unable to be puppeteer."} {"id": 75382, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hrdinka románu Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři byla založena na autorově druhé ženě Patricii.", "evidence": [[[92169, 104943, "1984 (román)", 15, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"]]], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four's heroine was based on the author's second wife, Patricia."} {"id": 186243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Antonio Vivaldi byl barokní skladatel, který se narodil v roce 1445.", "evidence": [[[217192, 223840, "Antonio Vivaldi", 0, "Antonio Vivaldi"]], [[217193, 223841, "Antonio Vivaldi", 0, "Antonio Vivaldi"]]], "claim_en": "Antonio Vivaldi was a Baroque composer born in 1445."} {"id": 72494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "R. Kelly prodal po celém světě pouze přes 10 milionů desek.", "evidence": [[[89189, 101879, "R. Kelly", 16, "R. Kelly"]]], "claim_en": "R. Kelly has only sold over 10 million records worldwide."} {"id": 165891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alice Cooper absolvoval vysokou školu 4. února 1948.", "evidence": [[[190759, 201720, "Alice Cooper", 0, "Alice Cooper"]], [[190771, 201729, "Alice Cooper", 0, "Alice Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Alice Cooper graduated college on February 4th, 1948."} {"id": 72457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Diana Riggová se narodila sedmého měsíce.", "evidence": [[[89147, 101833, "Diana Rigg", 0, "Diana Rigg"]], [[89152, 101838, "Diana Rigg", 0, "Diana Rigg"]]], "claim_en": "Diana Rigg was born on the seventh month."} {"id": 177972, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Při koledování je zvykem nosit pouze uniformy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "It is customary to only wear uniforms while Trick-or-Treating."} {"id": 22176, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vincent Cassel pochází z Paříže.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel is from Paris."} {"id": 206873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ayutthaya byla přátelská vůči gramotným lidem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ayutthaya was friendly towards literate people."} {"id": 144015, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shawn Michaels byl druhým šampionem WWF Grand Slam.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shawn Michaels was the second WWF Grand Slam Champion."} {"id": 49606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Foreman pracoval pro mrtvolu HBO.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Foreman worked for HBO's dead body."} {"id": 189443, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Yandex působí na Ukrajině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yandex operates in Ukraine."} {"id": 63156, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Austrálie (2008) je nejvýdělečnějším filmem roku 2008.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Australia (2008 film) is the highest grossing movie in 2008."} {"id": 47968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sachin Tendulkar není Ind.", "evidence": [[[64334, 75090, "Sačin Tendulkar", 0, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[64334, 75091, "Sačin Tendulkar", 8, "Sachin Tendulkar"]]], "claim_en": "Sachin Tendulkar is not Indian."} {"id": 35015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Život po smrti je dílem The Notorious B.I.G.", "evidence": [[[51196, 60933, "Life After Death", 0, "Life After Death"]]], "claim_en": "Life After Death is by The Notorious B.I.G."} {"id": 205523, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl lovec vlků.", "evidence": [[[242938, 244183, "Wyatt Earp", 5, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a wolf hunter."} {"id": 84861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The People vs. Larry Flynt je nezfilmovaný scénář.", "evidence": [[[101940, 115179, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt is an unproduced screenplay."} {"id": 97511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool se poprvé objevil ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[115126, 128894, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]], [[115126, 128895, "Deadpool", 2, "Deadpool"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool first appeared in a movie."} {"id": 73581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Liev Schreiber se stal mrtvým.", "evidence": [[[92191, 104962, "Liev Schreiber", 0, "Liev Schreiber"]]], "claim_en": "Liev Schreiber became dead."} {"id": 34850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drake (hudebník) měl americké album, které bylo certifikováno obchodní organizací zastupující nahrávací průmysl ve Spojených státech s názvem Recording Industry Association of America.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drake (musician) had an American album that was certified by a trade organization that represents the recording industry in the United States called the Recording Industry Association of America."} {"id": 102862, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Queen Latifah získala v roce 1996 cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah won an Emmy in 1996."} {"id": 96064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tequila se vyrábí z rostliny, která se vyskytuje především v okolí města Tequila v Mexiku.", "evidence": [[[113604, 127473, "Tequila", 0, "Tequila"]]], "claim_en": "Tequila is made from a plant primarily found around Tequila, Mexico."} {"id": 67994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ringo Starr hrál hlavní roli ve filmech skupiny Who.", "evidence": [[[84617, 96802, "Ringo Starr", 13, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr played a major role in the Who's films."} {"id": 85110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Perlman je Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[102237, 115527, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"], [102237, 115527, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman is a Gemini."} {"id": 133433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zootopia je jeden snímek.", "evidence": [[[155987, 170651, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 0, "Zootopia"]], [[155987, 170652, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 1, "Zootopia"]], [[155987, 170653, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 2, "Zootopia"]], [[155987, 170654, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 3, "Zootopia"]], [[155987, 170655, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 7, "Zootopia"]], [[155987, 170656, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 9, "Zootopia"]]], "claim_en": "Zootopia is a single frame."} {"id": 30933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugh Jackman hraje Wolverina.", "evidence": [[[47073, 56174, "Hugh Jackman", 2, "Hugh Jackman"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine."} {"id": 40924, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Me Before You není britsko-americký film.", "evidence": [[[57215, 67445, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 0, "Me Before You (film)"]], [[57217, 67448, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 0, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You is not a British-American film."} {"id": 82800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ketogenní dieta obsahuje živinu zvanou protein.", "evidence": [[[99865, 113051, "Ketogenní dieta", 0, "Ketogenic diet"]], [[99865, 113052, "Ketogenní dieta", 13, "Ketogenic diet"]]], "claim_en": "Ketogenic diet contains a nutrient called protein."} {"id": 123640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shawn Michaels byl v roce 2011 uveden do Síně slávy WWE.", "evidence": [[[145140, 160137, "Shawn Michaels", 16, "Shawn Michaels"]]], "claim_en": "Shawn Michaels was a WWE Hall of Fame inductee in 2011."} {"id": 11882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Londýn nemá zdravotní péči.", "evidence": [[[27094, 33207, "Londýn", 8, "London"]]], "claim_en": "London does not have healthcare."} {"id": 42897, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lucy Hale je komička a tanečnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lucy Hale is a comedian and dancer."} {"id": 29611, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rihanna získala osm Oscarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rihanna has won eight Oscar Awards."} {"id": 31485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První kapela Travise Barkera se jmenovala Feeble.", "evidence": [[[47704, 56953, "Travis Barker", 5, "Travis Barker"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker's first band was Feeble."} {"id": 207122, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry se zúčastnila soutěže Miss Universe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry was in the Miss Universe Pageant."} {"id": 167293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson je aktivista.", "evidence": [[[192495, 203226, "Willie Nelson", 3, "Willie Nelson"]], [[192495, 203227, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson is an activist."} {"id": 127909, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln vystoupil proti svému sousedovi.", "evidence": [[[149886, 164801, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln spoke out against his neighbor."} {"id": 187412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hippokrates se jmenoval pouze Hippokrates.", "evidence": [[[218662, 224903, "Hippokratés", 0, "Hippocrates"]], [[218663, 224904, "Hippokratés", 0, "Hippocrates"]], [[218663, 224905, "Hippokratés", 1, "Hippocrates"]]], "claim_en": "Hippocrates was only called Hippocrates."} {"id": 119201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Koncert pro Bangladéš je uznáván jako velmi neúspěšný a nevýznamný projekt humanitární pomoci.", "evidence": [[[139943, 154962, "Koncert pro Bangladéš", 13, "The Concert for Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "The Concert for Bangladesh is recognized as a highly unsuccessful and minor humanitarian aid project."} {"id": 163142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rashida Jonesová hrála ve filmu Celeste a Jesse navždy.", "evidence": [[[187701, 199290, "Rashida Jones", 2, "Rashida Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Rashida Jones was in Celeste and Jesse Forever."} {"id": 61641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "František I. Francouzský měl oblíbenou přezdívku František s velkým nosem.", "evidence": [[[78120, 89624, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]]], "claim_en": "Francis I of France had the popular nickname Francis of the Large Nose."} {"id": 227650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln se v roce 1858 vyslovil proti rozšiřování otroctví.", "evidence": [[[271514, 267370, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln spoke out against the expansion of slavery in 1858."} {"id": 38515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tardigradům se také říká vodní medvědi.", "evidence": [[[54720, 64707, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades are also known as water bears."} {"id": 109687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mario Puzo vytvořil Vita Corleoneho.", "evidence": [[[128695, 143365, "Don Corleone", 0, "Vito Corleone"]]], "claim_en": "Mario Puzo created Vito Corleone."} {"id": 80054, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sasko je desátou nejmenší německou spolkovou zemí.", "evidence": [[[254581, 254215, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[256742, 255901, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[258383, 257186, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[321092, 309579, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[321097, 309580, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[321110, 309594, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[321118, 309603, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]], [[321157, 309648, "Sasko", 4, "Saxony"]]], "claim_en": "Saxony is the tenth smallest German state."} {"id": 11985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil Young je kreslený mýval.", "evidence": [[[27192, 33317, "Neil Young", 0, "Neil Young"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Young is a cartoon raccoon."} {"id": 147928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bradley Cooper hrál v thrilleru Limitless spisovatele, který se potýká s problémy.", "evidence": [[[171526, 185003, "Bradley Cooper", 13, "Bradley Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper played a struggling writer in the thriller Limitless."} {"id": 54579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Jedna pravá věc režíroval Mongol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One True Thing was directed by a Mongolian."} {"id": 57136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gimli (Středozemě) je ze španělského legendária o Středozemi.", "evidence": [[[73469, 84709, "Gimli", 0, "Gimli (Middle-earth)"]]], "claim_en": "Gimli (Middle-earth) is from a Spanish Middle-earth legendarium."} {"id": 190866, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Láska a přátelství hraje americká herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Love & Friendship has an American actress."} {"id": 181177, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rebecca Ferguson hrála v pochodové kapele, kterou režíroval Daniel Espinosa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rebecca Ferguson played in a marching band directed by Daniel Espinosa."} {"id": 211318, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry má neteř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has a niece."} {"id": 185771, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Televizní stanice Nine Network vysílala přímý přenos z posledního ceremoniálu udílení cen Logie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nine Network had a live broadcast of the latest ceremony of the Logie Awards."} {"id": 133408, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janet Jacksonová v roce 1982 porušila nahrávací smlouvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janet Jackson broke a recording contract in 1982."} {"id": 130785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Izrael je vyspělá země Blízkého východu.", "evidence": [[[153046, 167793, "Izrael", 0, "Israel"], [153046, 167793, "Izrael", 35, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "Israel is a developed Middle Eastern country."} {"id": 55420, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zastánci konspiračních teorií se domnívají, že JFK se stal obětí spiknutí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conspiracy theorists believe that JFK was the victim of a conspiracy."} {"id": 13331, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vetřelci (film) se dočkali pokračování.", "evidence": [[[28617, 34958, "Vetřelci", 5, "Aliens (film)"]], [[28617, 34959, "Vetřelci", 18, "Aliens (film)"], [28617, 34959, "Vetřelec 3", 1, "Alien 3"]], [[28617, 34960, "Vetřelci", 0, "Aliens (film)"], [28617, 34960, "Sigourney Weaver", 2, "Sigourney Weaver"]]], "claim_en": "Aliens (film) has sequels."} {"id": 1679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ostrov Man se stal součástí Skotska v roce 1266.", "evidence": [[[17707, 21855, "Man (ostrov)", 13, "Isle of Man"]]], "claim_en": "The Isle of Man became part of Scotland in 1266."} {"id": 120517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ativan není obchodní název pro Lorazepam.", "evidence": [[[141533, 156750, "Lorazepam", 0, "Lorazepam"]]], "claim_en": "Ativan is not the brand name for Lorazepam."} {"id": 174520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Závodní tým formule 1 Red Bull Racing závodí pod rakouskou licencí.", "evidence": [[[201735, 211120, "Red Bull Racing", 0, "Red Bull Racing"]]], "claim_en": "Formula One's Red Bull Racing races under an Austrian license."} {"id": 110159, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ready Player One získal cenu za nejlepší postavy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ready Player One won an award for best characters."} {"id": 167831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jamie Foxx se narodil v říjnu.", "evidence": [[[193200, 203786, "Jamie Foxx", 0, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[193202, 203794, "Jamie Foxx", 0, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx was born in October."} {"id": 84926, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Top of the Lake má nejméně dvě postavy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Top of the Lake has at least two characters."} {"id": 81021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tyra Banksová měla malou roli ve filmu Love and Basketball.", "evidence": [[[98038, 111169, "Tyra Banksová", 8, "Tyra Banks"]]], "claim_en": "Tyra Banks had a small role in Love and Basketball."} {"id": 185529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Základní potraviny se vyrábějí pouze v jedné podobě.", "evidence": [[[216242, 222925, "Základní potraviny", 11, "Staple food"]], [[216242, 222926, "Základní potraviny", 12, "Staple food"]], [[216242, 222927, "Základní potraviny", 13, "Staple food"]]], "claim_en": "Staple food comes in one form only."} {"id": 38043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers: Transformers: Age of Extinction nebyl film.", "evidence": [[[54218, 64213, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Age of Extinction was not a film."} {"id": 81844, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje film s názvem Spotlight.", "evidence": [[[98898, 111993, "Spotlight (film)", 0, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111994, "Spotlight (film)", 1, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111995, "Spotlight (film)", 3, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111996, "Spotlight (film)", 6, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111997, "Spotlight (film)", 7, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111998, "Spotlight (film)", 8, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 111999, "Spotlight (film)", 9, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 112000, "Spotlight (film)", 10, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[98898, 112001, "Spotlight (film)", 11, "Spotlight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a film called Spotlight."} {"id": 95904, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco má chladná roční období.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco has cool seasons."} {"id": 78606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Caine nehrál v žádném Nolanově filmu.", "evidence": [[[95567, 108599, "Michael Caine", 13, "Michael Caine"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Caine was not in any Nolan films."} {"id": 131444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Thor: Temný svět distribuuje Stan Lee.", "evidence": [[[153734, 168594, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]], [[153735, 168595, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is distributed by Stan Lee."} {"id": 77301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ricky Martin vydal několik alb ve francouzštině.", "evidence": [[[94212, 107198, "Ricky Martin", 2, "Ricky Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Ricky Martin has released several albums in French."} {"id": 128646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elizabeth Taylorová nehrála ve filmu Obr.", "evidence": [[[150672, 165529, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 13, "Elizabeth Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Taylor did not star in Giant."} {"id": 141432, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taal byl film, jehož choreografii vytvořil Subhash Ghai.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taal was a film that was choreographed by Subhash Ghai."} {"id": 125136, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emma Thompson byla rozladěna Kennethem Branaghem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emma Thompson was discombobulated by Kenneth Branagh."} {"id": 102924, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miley Cyrus je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[279107, 273767, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279107, 273768, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279107, 273769, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279107, 273770, "Miley Cyrusová", 11, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279107, 273771, "Miley Cyrusová", 12, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279107, 273772, "Miley Cyrusová", 16, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273853, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273854, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273855, "Miley Cyrusová", 8, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273856, "Miley Cyrusová", 10, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273857, "Miley Cyrusová", 11, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273858, "Miley Cyrusová", 15, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[279207, 273859, "Miley Cyrusová", 16, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[280674, 275086, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327249, 314576, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327250, 314577, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327251, 314578, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327260, 314584, "Miley Cyrusová", 0, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus is a singer."} {"id": 120164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Walker nemá druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[141167, 156371, "Paul Walker", 0, "Paul Walker"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Walker does not have a middle name."} {"id": 135973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jessica Chastainová získala Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain has won an Academy award."} {"id": 219639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino ještě nehrál.", "evidence": [[[261305, 259474, "Quentin Tarantino", 0, "Quentin Tarantino"]]], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino has yet to act."} {"id": 27244, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Bainová je učitelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Bain is a teacher."} {"id": 43597, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diamanty byly nahrány pomocí mikrofonů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diamonds was recorded by microphones."} {"id": 150648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jakub VI. a I. byl hlavním zastáncem jednotného parlamentu pro Anglii a Skotsko.", "evidence": [[[175543, 188552, "Jakub I. Stuart", 10, "James VI and I"]], [[175544, 188553, "Jakub I. Stuart", 10, "James VI and I"]]], "claim_en": "James VI and I was a major advocate of a single parliament for England and Scotland."} {"id": 165970, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Bad and Boujee byl zkonzervován G. Koopem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bad and Boujee was canned by G Koop."} {"id": 24481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Spade byl vyhozen z účinkování ve filmu Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser.", "evidence": [[[40423, 48641, "David Spade", 2, "David Spade"]]], "claim_en": "David Spade was fired from being in Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser."} {"id": 188500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tate Ellington hrál pouze v estonských seriálech.", "evidence": [[[220033, 225904, "Tate Ellington", 4, "Tate Ellington"], [220033, 225904, "Quantico (seriál)", 0, "Quantico (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Tate Ellington has only acted in Estonian shows."} {"id": 124549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní postavou Hvězdných válek je Luke Skywalker.", "evidence": [[[146117, 161111, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 4, "Star Wars (film)"], [146117, 161111, "Luke Skywalker", 0, "Luke Skywalker"]]], "claim_en": "The main character in Star Wars is Luke Skywalker."} {"id": 14944, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film All the Lovers se ve Francii dostal na šesté místo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "All the Lovers reached number 6 in France."} {"id": 209123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 681 př. n. l. byl zavražděn Sennacherib.", "evidence": [[[247554, 247834, "Sinacherib", 2, "Sennacherib"]]], "claim_en": "In 681 BCE, Sennacherib was assassinated."} {"id": 55694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham vyhrál titul v Premier League nultýkrát.", "evidence": [[[172621, 185895, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]], [[174341, 187567, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]], [[175907, 188874, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]], [[312952, 302666, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]], [[313851, 303340, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]], [[313853, 303342, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham won the Premier League title zero times."} {"id": 64248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miles Teller je člověk.", "evidence": [[[80698, 92549, "Miles Teller", 1, "Miles Teller"]]], "claim_en": "Miles Teller is a person."} {"id": 204356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křída je událost.", "evidence": [[[241295, 242835, "Křída", 0, "Cretaceous"]], [[241295, 242836, "Křída", 1, "Cretaceous"]], [[241295, 242837, "Křída", 5, "Cretaceous"]]], "claim_en": "The Cretaceous is an event."} {"id": 91296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daft Punk je čtyřčlenná kapela.", "evidence": [[[108637, 122297, "Daft Punk", 0, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122298, "Daft Punk", 1, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122299, "Daft Punk", 2, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122300, "Daft Punk", 3, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122301, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122302, "Daft Punk", 9, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122303, "Daft Punk", 10, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122306, "Daft Punk", 15, "Daft Punk"]], [[108637, 122307, "Daft Punk", 16, "Daft Punk"], [108637, 122307, "Random Access Memories", 0, "Random Access Memories"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk is a four-person band."} {"id": 139923, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tina Feyová získala ocenění v devadesátých letech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tina Fey has received awards in the 1990's."} {"id": 72551, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dennis Hopper byl osoba.", "evidence": [[[89279, 101961, "Dennis Hopper", 0, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101962, "Dennis Hopper", 1, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101963, "Dennis Hopper", 15, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101964, "Dennis Hopper", 14, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101965, "Dennis Hopper", 9, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101966, "Dennis Hopper", 7, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101967, "Dennis Hopper", 6, "Dennis Hopper"]], [[89279, 101968, "Dennis Hopper", 3, "Dennis Hopper"]]], "claim_en": "Dennis Hopper was a person."} {"id": 86700, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne byl členem skupiny The Ringwraiths.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne was a member of The Ringwraiths."} {"id": 212567, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marble Hill je čtvrť na hoře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marble Hill is a neighborhood on the mountain."} {"id": 192665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Adams hrála ve svém prvním filmu v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[225410, 230070, "Amy Adamsová", 5, "Amy Adams"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Adams acted in her first film in 2016."} {"id": 106966, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Afrodita se objevuje v řecké mytologii.", "evidence": [[[125621, 139992, "Afrodita", 0, "Aphrodite"]], [[125621, 139994, "Afrodita", 5, "Aphrodite"], [125621, 139994, "Kronos", 0, "Cronus"]], [[125621, 139995, "Afrodita", 7, "Aphrodite"], [125621, 139995, "Zeus", 0, "Zeus"]], [[125621, 139997, "Afrodita", 13, "Aphrodite"]], [[125621, 139998, "Afrodita", 14, "Aphrodite"], [125621, 139998, "Anchísés", 0, "Anchises"]], [[125621, 139999, "Afrodita", 15, "Aphrodite"], [125621, 139999, "Adónis", 0, "Adonis"]]], "claim_en": "Aphrodite appears in Greek mythology."} {"id": 69895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kosatky se vyskytují pouze v jednom typu mořského prostředí.", "evidence": [[[86584, 99041, "Kosatka dravá", 5, "Killer whale"]]], "claim_en": "Killer whales can only be found in one type of marine environment."} {"id": 9229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deník New York Times vychází nepřetržitě od roku 1851.", "evidence": [[[14808, 18426, "The New York Times", 0, "The New York Times"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Times has been continuously published since 1851."} {"id": 94443, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duleep Singh byl druhým mahárádžou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duleep Singh was the second Maharaja."} {"id": 52700, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dolly Partonová byla uvedena do Společnosti lebky a kostí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dolly Parton was inducted into the Skull and Bones Society."} {"id": 2019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Americká agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí zaměstnává hlodavce.", "evidence": [[[17836, 21992, "Agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí", 17, "United States Environmental Protection Agency"]]], "claim_en": "The United States Environmental Protection Agency employs rodents."} {"id": 12333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Novak Djokovič vyhrál 31 loterií v řadě.", "evidence": [[[27566, 33759, "Novak Djoković", 11, "Novak Djokovic"]]], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic won 31 lotteries in a row."} {"id": 150705, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ryder je známý také pod jménem Capco Crane.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ryder is also known as Capco Crane."} {"id": 162701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patrick Cutrone hraje za Barcelonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Patrick Cutrone plays for Barcelona."} {"id": 8592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heidi Klumová pracuje nejméně 13 let.", "evidence": [[[14240, 17794, "Heidi Klumová", 14, "Heidi Klum"]], [[14240, 17795, "Heidi Klumová", 1, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum has worked for at least 13 years."} {"id": 215669, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George H. W. Bush působil jako prezident a ministr zahraničí Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George H. W. Bush served as president and secretary of state of the United States."} {"id": 86622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adele je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[103772, 117267, "Adele", 0, "Adele"]], [[103772, 117268, "Adele", 25, "Adele"], [103772, 117268, "Hello (píseň, Adele)", 0, "Hello (Adele song)"]], [[103772, 117269, "Adele", 3, "Adele"], [103772, 117269, "19 (album)", 0, "19 (Adele album)"]], [[103772, 117271, "Adele", 10, "Adele"], [103772, 117271, "21 (album, Adele)", 0, "21 (Adele album)"]], [[103772, 117273, "Adele", 22, "Adele"], [103772, 117273, "25 (album)", 0, "25 (Adele album)"]]], "claim_en": "Adele is American."} {"id": 215108, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rose Kennedyová zemřela 22. ledna 1995 na stáří.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rose Kennedy died January 22, 1995 of old age."} {"id": 140924, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nina Simone se narodila v Kansasu.", "evidence": [[[163924, 178165, "Nina Simone", 4, "Nina Simone"]]], "claim_en": "Nina Simone was born in Kansas."} {"id": 150276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Phil Mickelson vyhrál v roce 1802 mistrovství NHL.", "evidence": [[[174096, 187272, "Phil Mickelson", 0, "Phil Mickelson"]]], "claim_en": "Phil Mickelson won the NHL Championship in 1802."} {"id": 173110, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buzz Aldrin je anglický inženýr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buzz Aldrin is an English engineer."} {"id": 137401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment financoval americký úřad pro vzdělávání.", "evidence": [[[160150, 174669, "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment", 2, "Stanford prison experiment"]]], "claim_en": "The Stanford prison experiment was funded by the U.S. Office of Education."} {"id": 149887, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V obsazení filmu Vynález lži je i vydra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying's cast includes an otter."} {"id": 219001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jay Sekulow je Newyorčan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jay Sekulow is a New Yorker."} {"id": 133405, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Řemeslníci žili v Amsterdamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Craftsmen lived in Amsterdam."} {"id": 163737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Lightning Point se celý natáčel v Mexiku.", "evidence": [[[188403, 199793, "Surfařky z vesmíru", 1, "Lightning Point"], [188403, 199793, "Gold Coast", 0, "Gold Coast, Queensland"]]], "claim_en": "Lightning Point was filmed entirely in Mexico."} {"id": 143800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stephen Hawking netrpí nemocí ALS.", "evidence": [[[166925, 180746, "Stephen Hawking", 11, "Stephen Hawking"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen Hawking doesn't suffer from ALS disease."} {"id": 125525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man nebyl nominován na Oscara za nejlepší mix zvuku.", "evidence": [[[147221, 162207, "Spider-Man (film)", 16, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was not nominated for an Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing."} {"id": 118979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mel Brooks je kočka.", "evidence": [[[139628, 154633, "Mel Brooks", 0, "Mel Brooks"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Brooks is a cat."} {"id": 4573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kniha To Kill a Mockingbird byla vydána v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[20892, 25620, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 0, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960."} {"id": 91844, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do Alabamské ženské síně slávy byla v roce 1971 uvedena její členka Helen Kellerová.", "evidence": [[[275264, 270434, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]], [[277149, 272117, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]], [[277709, 272650, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]], [[324318, 312330, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]], [[325714, 313325, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]], [[325720, 313332, "Helen Kellerová", 9, "Helen Keller"]]], "claim_en": "Alabama Women's Hall of Fame had the member Helen Keller inducted in 1971."} {"id": 146399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Canary je postava v dílech vydaných americkým komiksovým nakladatelstvím.", "evidence": [[[292310, 285116, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"], [292310, 285116, "DC Comics", 0, "DC Comics"]], [[294314, 286649, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"], [294314, 286649, "DC Comics", 0, "DC Comics"]], [[294931, 287154, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"]], [[294931, 287155, "Black Canary", 1, "Black Canary"]], [[294931, 287156, "Black Canary", 2, "Black Canary"]], [[339912, 324732, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"], [339912, 324732, "DC Comics", 0, "DC Comics"]], [[339914, 324734, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"]], [[339922, 324739, "Black Canary", 0, "Black Canary"], [339922, 324739, "DC Comics", 0, "DC Comics"]]], "claim_en": "Black Canary is a character in works published by an American comic book publisher."} {"id": 33697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Germáni jsou také označováni jako Suebové.", "evidence": [[[99280, 112412, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]], [[102566, 115836, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]], [[306909, 297483, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]], [[307795, 298236, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]], [[308909, 299199, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]], [[308910, 299200, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]]], "claim_en": "The Germanic peoples are also referred to as Suebian."} {"id": 151292, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černé zrcadlo bylo poprvé vysíláno na chilském kanálu.", "evidence": [[[175132, 188172, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror was first broadcast on a Chilean channel."} {"id": 31227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Kanadě se dočkala širokého uvedení a byla přijata s velkým ohlasem.", "evidence": [[[89704, 102394, "Ona (film, 2013)", 16, "Her (film)"], [89704, 102394, "Ona (film, 2013)", 17, "Her (film)"]], [[93748, 106690, "Ona (film, 2013)", 16, "Her (film)"], [93748, 106690, "Ona (film, 2013)", 17, "Her (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Her was given a wide release in Canada and it was acclaimed."} {"id": 47154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bulharsko se stalo demokratickým státem.", "evidence": [[[63466, 74218, "Bulharsko", 14, "Bulgaria"]], [[63466, 74219, "Bulharsko", 22, "Bulgaria"]]], "claim_en": "Bulgaria became a democracy."} {"id": 110905, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Loga společnosti Nike, Inc. s ochrannou známkou jsou \"Just Do It\" a logo Swoosh.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nike, Inc.'s trademarked logos are \"Just Do It\" and the Swoosh logo."} {"id": 7937, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amoxicilin se užívá buď ústy, nebo injekčně.", "evidence": [[[12987, 16260, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]], [[18762, 22990, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]], [[20610, 25243, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]], [[298872, 290263, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]], [[301242, 292362, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]]], "claim_en": "Amoxicillin is taken either by mouth or by injection."} {"id": 197213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Omar Sharif hovořil plynně výhradně hebrejsky.", "evidence": [[[231774, 235143, "Omar Sharif", 7, "Omar Sharif"]], [[231775, 235144, "Omar Sharif", 7, "Omar Sharif"]]], "claim_en": "Omar Sharif was fluent exclusively in Hebrew."} {"id": 53204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Za dynastie Čchin byl zaveden jednotný systém písma.", "evidence": [[[69489, 80301, "Dynastie Čchin", 21, "Qin dynasty"]]], "claim_en": "There was a uniform system of writing established in the Qin dynasty."} {"id": 188630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Foot Locker je známá pouze jako Foot Locker.", "evidence": [[[220185, 226019, "Foot Locker", 4, "Foot Locker"]]], "claim_en": "Foot Locker is only known as Foot Locker."} {"id": 69134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Askeze je ve starověkých teologiích chápána jako cesta k duchovní proměně.", "evidence": [[[85849, 98128, "Askeze", 11, "Asceticism"]]], "claim_en": "Asceticism is seen in the ancient theologies as a journey towards spiritual transformation."} {"id": 54115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt byl po celý život zastáncem přírodních věd.", "evidence": [[[70423, 81285, "Theodore Roosevelt", 8, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt was a naturalist advocate for his entire life."} {"id": 9662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Thewlis je americký vypravěč.", "evidence": [[[24470, 30247, "David Thewlis", 0, "David Thewlis"]]], "claim_en": "David Thewlis is an American storyteller."} {"id": 101929, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg podepsal smlouvu s týmem Boston Celtics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg signed with the Boston Celtics."} {"id": 103439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Brolin se narodil v Georgii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Brolin was born in Georgia."} {"id": 185871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gregory Peck hrál ve filmu Okouzlení (1945).", "evidence": [[[216723, 223390, "Gregory Peck", 4, "Gregory Peck"]], [[216730, 223395, "Gregory Peck", 4, "Gregory Peck"]]], "claim_en": "Gregory Peck was in Spellbound (1945)."} {"id": 9821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anonym vznikl na obrázkovém serveru Tumblr.", "evidence": [[[24667, 30449, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]]], "claim_en": "Anonymous originated on the imageboard Tumblr."} {"id": 183867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Divadlo Alhambra se nachází u Bradfordu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Alhambra theater is outside of Bradford."} {"id": 227580, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mrigayaa získal nejméně dvě ceny za herectví.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mrigayaa won at least two awards for acting."} {"id": 27586, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon je součástí série.", "evidence": [[[43731, 52377, "Transformers 3", 1, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Dark of the Moon is part of a series."} {"id": 177789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Labor Pains byl vydán ve formátu.", "evidence": [[[206072, 214526, "Šéfe, jsem v tom!", 6, "Labor Pains"]], [[206072, 214527, "Šéfe, jsem v tom!", 1, "Labor Pains"]], [[206072, 214528, "Šéfe, jsem v tom!", 2, "Labor Pains"]]], "claim_en": "Labor Pains was released in a format."} {"id": 60348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Clint Eastwood nebyl schopen hrát antihrdinské role.", "evidence": [[[76788, 88140, "Clint Eastwood", 1, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood was unable to play antihero roles."} {"id": 20487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nasazení bylo hodnoceno.", "evidence": [[[38576, 46520, "Nas", 15, "Nas"]], [[38576, 46521, "Nas", 16, "Nas"]], [[38576, 46522, "Nas", 17, "Nas"]], [[38576, 46523, "Nas", 18, "Nas"]]], "claim_en": "Nas was ranked."} {"id": 32264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicki Minaj nikdy necestovala do Queensu ve státě New York.", "evidence": [[[48373, 57703, "Nicki Minaj", 1, "Nicki Minaj"]]], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj has never travelled to Queens, New York."} {"id": 214446, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bruce Lee měl autonehodu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bruce Lee was in a car accident."} {"id": 173225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francie odmítla členství ve Skupině sedmi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "France refused membership in the Group of Seven."} {"id": 197316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[231923, 235232, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 3, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. won an award."} {"id": 70818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Saw II se dostal na první místo žebříčků hned v prvním měsíci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saw II topped charts in its first month."} {"id": 25728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leukémie se v roce 2012 objevila u 352 000 lidí.", "evidence": [[[41718, 50162, "Leukemie", 26, "Leukemia"]]], "claim_en": "Leukemia appeared in 352,000 people in 2012."} {"id": 206818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cosmopolitan poprvé vyšel na Antigui.", "evidence": [[[244553, 245552, "Cosmopolitan", 1, "Cosmopolitan (magazine)"]]], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan was first published in Antigua."} {"id": 142043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kesha je Korejka.", "evidence": [[[165106, 179259, "Kesha", 0, "Kesha"]]], "claim_en": "Kesha is a Korean."} {"id": 112022, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Eat Pray Love se objevila Anne Hathaway v roli Elizabeth Gilbert.", "evidence": [[[133491, 148351, "Jíst, meditovat, milovat", 0, "Eat Pray Love"]]], "claim_en": "Eat Pray Love stars Anne Hathaway as Elizabeth Gilbert."} {"id": 65361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ubisoft sídlí ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[208852, 216822, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]], [[210839, 218519, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]], [[211534, 219219, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]], [[315949, 305165, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]], [[315956, 305176, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]]], "claim_en": "Ubisoft is located in France."} {"id": 97341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minos je otcem Persefony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minos fathered Persephone."} {"id": 166280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Horrible Bosses napsal Seth Gordon.", "evidence": [[[191216, 202118, "Šéfové na zabití", 0, "Horrible Bosses"]]], "claim_en": "Horrible Bosses was written by Seth Gordon."} {"id": 101952, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nanotechnologie je v atomovém, molekulárním a nadmolekulárním měřítku.", "evidence": [[[119689, 133777, "Nanotechnologie", 0, "Nanotechnology"]]], "claim_en": "Nanotechnology is on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale."} {"id": 3216, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Desátý Doktor se objevuje ve filmu Čas Doktorů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Tenth Doctor appears in The Time of the Doctors."} {"id": 54487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Teen Wolf hraje Tom Hanks.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf stars Tom Hanks."} {"id": 121100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Colin Firth je člověk.", "evidence": [[[143388, 158480, "Colin Firth", 0, "Colin Firth"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Firth is a person."} {"id": 125438, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "King Konga produkoval člověk.", "evidence": [[[147119, 162108, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 0, "King Kong (2005 film)"], [147119, 162108, "Peter Jackson", 0, "Peter Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "King Kong was produced by a person."} {"id": 193573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy obsahují města.", "evidence": [[[226663, 231168, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"], [226663, 231168, "Metropolitní oblast Chicaga", 0, "Chicago metropolitan area"]]], "claim_en": "United States contains cities."} {"id": 38338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telefon IPhone 4 byl navržen společností Google.", "evidence": [[[22297, 27497, "IPhone 4", 0, "IPhone 4"]], [[299479, 290867, "IPhone 4", 0, "IPhone 4"]]], "claim_en": "The IPhone 4 was designed by Google."} {"id": 26403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Deadpool nezískal žádné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[42476, 51123, "Deadpool (film)", 13, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[42476, 51124, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool did not win any awards."} {"id": 206776, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Nolte odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu A Walk in the Woods.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte turned down the role he was offered in A Walk in the Woods."} {"id": 157662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lady Gaga pracovala koncem roku 2000 jako skladatelka.", "evidence": [[[181884, 194163, "Lady Gaga", 8, "Lady Gaga"]], [[181884, 194164, "Lady Gaga", 7, "Lady Gaga"]], [[181884, 194165, "Lady Gaga", 9, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga worked as a songwriter in the late 2000s."} {"id": 164586, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "PageRank byl pojmenován po Xavieru Dolanovi.", "evidence": [[[189284, 200571, "PageRank", 1, "PageRank"]]], "claim_en": "PageRank was named after Xavier Dolan."} {"id": 190379, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Všechny moje děti vytvořil katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "All My Children was created by a Catholic."} {"id": 90210, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan je zpěvák rockové superskupiny.", "evidence": [[[107515, 120991, "Maynard James Keenan", 7, "Maynard James Keenan"], [107515, 120991, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]]], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan is a singer in a rock supergroup."} {"id": 148875, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugo Weaving je člověk.", "evidence": [[[172540, 185840, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]]], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving is a person."} {"id": 61357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z členů anglické bluesrockové skupiny Blind Faith byl Ginger Baker.", "evidence": [[[77838, 89291, "Blind Faith", 0, "Blind Faith"]]], "claim_en": "One member of the English blues rock band Blind Faith was Ginger Baker."} {"id": 78495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hotel Transylvánie je film z roku 2012.", "evidence": [[[95445, 108464, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]]], "claim_en": "Hotel Transylvania is a movie from 2012."} {"id": 201643, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V koncertním projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos hrají členové skupiny 2 Live Crew.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos features members of 2 Live Crew."} {"id": 99607, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Schwimmer hrál v roce 1995 v televizním filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Schwimmer starred in a television movie in 1995."} {"id": 102304, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dean Martin byl autorem scénáře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dean Martin was a screenplay writer."} {"id": 148010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "J. J. Cale zemřel 23. července 2013.", "evidence": [[[171615, 185082, "JJ Cale", 0, "J. J. Cale"]]], "claim_en": "J. J. Cale died on July 23, 2013."} {"id": 167155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kanye West vyrůstal v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[192304, 203058, "Kanye West", 1, "Kanye West"]]], "claim_en": "Kanye West was raised in Boston."} {"id": 30750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Myers hrál ve filmu Quentina Tarantina.", "evidence": [[[46895, 55932, "Mike Myers", 2, "Mike Myers"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Myers was in a Quentin Tarantino film."} {"id": 726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hinduismus se zabývá poutěmi na posvátná místa.", "evidence": [[[16174, 20039, "Hinduismus", 6, "Hinduism"]]], "claim_en": "Hinduism engages in pilgrimage to sacred sites."} {"id": 89807, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová je držitelkou několika ocenění.", "evidence": [[[107119, 120492, "Susan Sarandonová", 1, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[107119, 120493, "Susan Sarandonová", 2, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[107119, 120494, "Susan Sarandonová", 8, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[107119, 120495, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon is an award winner."} {"id": 196261, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Browningová hrála hlavní roli ve filmu Něco ve vzduchu.", "evidence": [[[230602, 234259, "Emily Browningová", 3, "Emily Browning"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Browning was the lead role in Something in the Air."} {"id": 51270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhé studiové album Lady Gaga se jmenuje Born This Way.", "evidence": [[[67646, 78471, "Lady Gaga", 12, "Lady Gaga"]], [[67646, 78472, "Lady Gaga", 14, "Lady Gaga"], [67646, 78472, "Artpop", 1, "Artpop"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga's second studio album is called Born This Way."} {"id": 212154, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Red hraje Bruce Willis špiona ve výslužbě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Red stars Bruce Willis as a retired spy."} {"id": 90105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "To Kill a Mockingbird je nepublikovaná povídka.", "evidence": [[[107422, 120877, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 0, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]], [[107422, 120878, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 24, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]], [[107422, 120879, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 10, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]], [[107422, 120880, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 21, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]], [[107422, 120881, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 1, "To Kill a Mockingbird"], [107422, 120881, "Americká literatura", 38, "American literature"]], [[107422, 120884, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 18, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird is an unpublished short story."} {"id": 39822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana se nachází v Číně.", "evidence": [[[56119, 66248, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]], [[56119, 66249, "Telangána", 1, "Telangana"]], [[56119, 66250, "Telangána", 2, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is in China."} {"id": 145539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anton Yelchin hrál role ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[168860, 182568, "Anton Yelchin", 1, "Anton Yelchin"], [168860, 182568, "Pavel Čechov", 4, "Pavel Chekov"]], [[168860, 182569, "Anton Yelchin", 4, "Anton Yelchin"]]], "claim_en": "Anton Yelchin played roles in films."} {"id": 130057, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci nic nepublikoval.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci didn't publish anything."} {"id": 22228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hulk získal nulové reakce kritiků.", "evidence": [[[38077, 45998, "Hulk (film)", 11, "Hulk (film)"]], [[38088, 46007, "Hulk (film)", 11, "Hulk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Hulk received zero reactions from critics."} {"id": 103163, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fred Armisen je člověk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fred Armisen is a person."} {"id": 139199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor se narodil v pondělí 26. února 1984.", "evidence": [[[162017, 176396, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 0, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]]], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor was born on Monday February 26, 1984."} {"id": 9468, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová ztvárnila Bette Davisovou v první sezóně antologického seriálu stanice FX Pes.", "evidence": [[[24282, 30005, "Susan Sarandonová", 17, "Susan Sarandon"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon portrayed Bette Davis in the first season of FX's anthology series dog."} {"id": 220746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winona Riderová hrála rozmanité role v mnoha dobře hodnocených filmech.", "evidence": [[[262750, 260641, "Winona Ryder", 1, "Winona Ryder"]], [[262750, 260642, "Winona Ryder", 3, "Winona Ryder"]], [[262750, 260643, "Winona Ryder", 8, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Rider has played diverse roles in many well-received films."} {"id": 58247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2015 měl Detroit odhadem 677 116 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[74616, 85844, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit had an estimated population of 677,116 in 2015."} {"id": 198422, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arthur Schopenhauer se narodil v roce 1700.", "evidence": [[[233282, 236253, "Arthur Schopenhauer", 0, "Arthur Schopenhauer"]]], "claim_en": "Arthur Schopenhauer was born in the 1700's."} {"id": 15730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Gwen Stefani pocházela z Anaheimu v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[31159, 37841, "Gwen Stefani", 21, "Gwen Stefani"], [31159, 37841, "No Doubt", 0, "No Doubt"], [31159, 37841, "No Doubt", 1, "No Doubt"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani's band was from Anaheim, California."} {"id": 78521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Morena Baccarin byla pro roli Adrie vynechána.", "evidence": [[[95485, 108493, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[95497, 108506, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]]], "claim_en": "Morena Baccarin was passed over for the role of Adria."} {"id": 1024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg se narodil v Long Beach.", "evidence": [[[16577, 20524, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was born in Long Beach."} {"id": 149928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ježíš je ústřední postavou rapu.", "evidence": [[[173754, 186943, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus is the central figure of rap music."} {"id": 213437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál The Originals (televizní seriál) se začal vysílat na stanici CW v říjnu 2005.", "evidence": [[[253258, 253150, "The Originals (seriál)", 0, "The Originals (TV series)"]], [[253259, 253151, "The Originals (seriál)", 0, "The Originals (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Originals (TV series) began airing on The CW in October of 2005."} {"id": 25820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karel II. anglický neměl bratra.", "evidence": [[[41818, 50303, "Karel II. Stuart", 19, "Charles II of England"]], [[41818, 50304, "Karel II. Stuart", 28, "Charles II of England"]]], "claim_en": "Charles II of England did not have a brother."} {"id": 199137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234137, 237048, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]], [[234137, 237049, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 1, "International relations"]], [[234137, 237050, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 2, "International relations"]], [[234137, 237051, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[234137, 237052, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 203649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Pink Floyd byla v roce 1996 uvedena do britské hudební síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[240304, 241941, "Pink Floyd", 20, "Pink Floyd"]], [[240306, 241943, "Pink Floyd", 20, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd was inducted into the UK Music Hall of Fame in 1996."} {"id": 208101, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mohamedova cesta vedla z Medíny a byla přímá.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Muhammad's path went from Medina and was a straight line"} {"id": 17201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lisa Bonetová zůstala celý život v Německu.", "evidence": [[[44674, 53357, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]], [[46860, 55889, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]], [[302232, 293258, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Bonet stayed in Germany her whole life."} {"id": 177572, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frenemies je seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frenemies is a series."} {"id": 82367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Washingtonův památník je vysoký necelých 553 stop.", "evidence": [[[99425, 112532, "Washingtonův monument", 1, "Washington Monument"]]], "claim_en": "The Washington Monument is less than 553 ft tall."} {"id": 166199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Srpen byl měsíc, kdy se narodila Amy Adamsová.", "evidence": [[[191121, 202041, "Amy Adamsová", 0, "Amy Adams"]], [[191122, 202042, "Amy Adamsová", 0, "Amy Adams"]]], "claim_en": "August was the month when Amy Adams was born."} {"id": 132135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Las Vegas znamená ve španělštině \"louky\" kvůli svěží zelené trávě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Las Vegas means \"the meadows\" in Spanish because of its lush green grass."} {"id": 159824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Citalopram je antidepresivum.", "evidence": [[[184265, 196191, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]], [[184269, 196196, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]], [[184281, 196206, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]], [[184281, 196207, "Citalopram", 2, "Citalopram"]]], "claim_en": "Citalopram is an antidepressant drug."} {"id": 22060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Kennedy není senátor.", "evidence": [[[37887, 45801, "Edward Kennedy", 0, "Ted Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kennedy is not a senator."} {"id": 28912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nejlidnatějším městem Sarawaku je Kuching.", "evidence": [[[45157, 53902, "Kuching", 0, "Kuching"]]], "claim_en": "Sarawak's city with the most people is Kuching."} {"id": 189859, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl vyloučen ze Senátu státu Georgia.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter was banned from the Georgia State Senate."} {"id": 17155, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal je na jachtě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is on a yacht."} {"id": 189094, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Svitavy jsou ve Střední Asii.", "evidence": [[[220805, 226603, "Svitavy", 0, "Svitavy"], [220805, 226603, "Česko", 0, "Czech Republic"]]], "claim_en": "Svitavy is in Central Asia."} {"id": 57496, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ramzan Kadyrov je zakladatelem klubu bojovníků Achmat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ramzan Kadyrov is a founder of the Akhmat Fight Club."} {"id": 100146, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willow Smithová je atletka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willow Smith is an athlete."} {"id": 46179, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sons of Anarchy měl premiéru v technicoloru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sons of Anarchy premiered in technicolor."} {"id": 152761, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Morrissey se narodil do rodiny španělských přistěhovalců.", "evidence": [[[176704, 189640, "Morrissey", 5, "Morrissey"]]], "claim_en": "Morrissey was born into an Spanish migrant family."} {"id": 62902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Srbsko je evropská země.", "evidence": [[[198734, 208492, "Srbsko", 0, "Serbia"]], [[200496, 209996, "Srbsko", 0, "Serbia"]], [[200496, 209997, "Srbsko", 4, "Serbia"]], [[200496, 209998, "Srbsko", 16, "Serbia"], [200496, 209998, "Partnerství pro mír", 0, "Partnership for Peace"]], [[200496, 209999, "Srbsko", 17, "Serbia"], [200496, 209999, "Vstup Srbska do Evropské unie", 0, "Accession of Serbia to the European Union"]], [[315453, 304684, "Srbsko", 4, "Serbia"]], [[316591, 305750, "Srbsko", 0, "Serbia"]], [[316591, 305751, "Srbsko", 4, "Serbia"]]], "claim_en": "Serbia is a European country."} {"id": 77521, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Bezos je zakladatel portálu bing.com.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is the founder of bing.com."} {"id": 89163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mount Hood je čtvrtý nejvyšší bod Atlantiku.", "evidence": [[[274709, 269957, "Mount Hood", 9, "Mount Hood"], [274709, 269957, "Kaskádové pohoří", 0, "Cascade Range"]], [[277602, 272525, "Mount Hood", 9, "Mount Hood"]], [[323237, 311437, "Mount Hood", 9, "Mount Hood"], [323237, 311437, "Kaskádové pohoří", 0, "Cascade Range"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Hood is the fourth highest point in the Atlantic."} {"id": 40609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "USA se zúčastnily války ve Vietnamu.", "evidence": [[[56909, 67148, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 18, "Vietnam War"]], [[56909, 67149, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 19, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "The US took part in the Vietnam War."} {"id": 87666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na Zlatý glóbus byl nominován Jack Black.", "evidence": [[[274391, 269686, "Jack Black", 3, "Jack Black"]], [[276719, 271787, "Jack Black", 3, "Jack Black"]], [[277514, 272430, "Jack Black", 3, "Jack Black"]]], "claim_en": "The Golden Globe awards have nominated Jack Black."} {"id": 182146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Loving natočil režisér Marton Csokas.", "evidence": [[[211801, 219439, "Loving", 5, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Loving was directed by Marton Csokas."} {"id": 203715, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Barbara Koppleová režírovala film Havoc.", "evidence": [[[240412, 242028, "Spoušť (film)", 5, "Havoc (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Kopple directed Havoc."} {"id": 146036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Strana PAP je dominantní frakcí v Singapuru.", "evidence": [[[294279, 286618, "Singapur", 26, "Singapore"]], [[339573, 324510, "Singapur", 26, "Singapore"]], [[339574, 324511, "Singapur", 26, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "The PAP are the dominant faction in Singapore."} {"id": 106818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rebecca Hallová získala nominaci na Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[125448, 139793, "Rebecca Hallová", 2, "Rebecca Hall"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Hall received a Golden Globe nomination."} {"id": 143948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan je hlavní zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[167086, 180936, "Maynard James Keenan", 7, "Maynard James Keenan"]]], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan is a lead singer."} {"id": 102367, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth MacFarlane byl nominován na Oscara za napsání textu písně \"Everybody Needs a Best Friend\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth MacFarlane was nominated for an Oscar for writing the lyrics to \"Everybody Needs a Best Friend.\""} {"id": 110188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Pine si zahrál ve filmu Deník princezny 2: Královské zásnuby (2004).", "evidence": [[[129288, 144045, "Chris Pine", 2, "Chris Pine"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pine was in The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)."} {"id": 63509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Imagine Dragons pochází z Las Vegas ve státě Nevada.", "evidence": [[[79941, 91684, "Imagine Dragons", 0, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons is from Las Vegas, Nevada."} {"id": 223181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Clanton se narodil v roce 1862 v Ohiu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Clanton was born in 1862 in Ohio."} {"id": 182623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kris Wu je kanadská modelka.", "evidence": [[[212433, 219965, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]], [[212436, 219967, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]], [[212462, 219981, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is a Canadian model."} {"id": 149835, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ztráta sluchu může být způsobena nemocí.", "evidence": [[[173659, 186861, "Hluchota", 8, "Hearing loss"]]], "claim_en": "Hearing loss may be caused by illness."} {"id": 195408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Náboženský exulant založil město Providence na Rhode Islandu.", "evidence": [[[229450, 233377, "Providence", 7, "Providence, Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "A religious exile founded Providence, Rhode Island."} {"id": 47692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Magna Charta nebyla obvykle obnovována každým panovníkem.", "evidence": [[[64085, 74785, "Magna charta libertatum", 8, "Magna Carta"]]], "claim_en": "The Magna Carta was not typically renewed by each monarch."} {"id": 68190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byla vydána hra Just Dance.", "evidence": [[[84794, 97023, "Just Dance", 2, "Just Dance (song)"]], [[84794, 97024, "Just Dance", 9, "Just Dance (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just Dance was released."} {"id": 221762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Přátelství bylo studováno v akademických oborech, jako je komunikace.", "evidence": [[[264698, 262095, "Přátelství", 2, "Friendship"]], [[264699, 262096, "Přátelství", 2, "Friendship"]]], "claim_en": "Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as communication."} {"id": 174593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Artpop byl recenzován pouze filmovými kritiky.", "evidence": [[[201857, 211215, "Artpop", 13, "Artpop"]]], "claim_en": "Artpop was only reviewed by movie critics."} {"id": 51696, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "R. Madhavan je zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "R. Madhavan is a singer."} {"id": 105993, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Portugalsko má vysokou průměrnou nadmořskou výšku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Portugal has a high average height above sea level."} {"id": 43429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Berlínská zeď rozdělovala Berlín od roku 1961 do roku 1989.", "evidence": [[[59733, 70137, "Berlínská zeď", 0, "Berlin Wall"]]], "claim_en": "The Berlin Wall divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989."} {"id": 189819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Columbia Pictures čekala s uvedením filmu Šmoulové (film) až do roku 2014.", "evidence": [[[221738, 227301, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Columbia Pictures waited until 2014 to release The Smurfs (film)."} {"id": 53372, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Genocida Arménů se odehrála v Osmanské říši a Turecké republice a je předmětem studia historiků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Armenian Genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey and is studied by historians."} {"id": 178631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gabon na severu sousedí se středoafrickou zemí Rovníková Guinea.", "evidence": [[[207074, 215381, "Gabon", 1, "Gabon"]]], "claim_en": "Gabon is bordered by the Central African country Equatorial Guinea to the north."} {"id": 129695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu působil ve 20. a 21. století.", "evidence": [[[151916, 166676, "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu", 0, "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn"]]], "claim_en": "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active during the 20th and 21st centuries."} {"id": 42195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Belgie je od roku 2012 tvořena výhradně Vlámskem.", "evidence": [[[58477, 68766, "Belgie", 21, "Belgium"]]], "claim_en": "Belgium is made up entirely of the Flemish Region since 2012."} {"id": 191975, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Představitelka Aileen Wuoronosové Charlize Theronová byla kritikou odmítnuta.", "evidence": [[[225742, 230349, "Charlize Theronová", 4, "Charlize Theron"]]], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron's performance of Aileen Wuoronos was critically panned."} {"id": 107087, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lincoln-Douglasovy debaty se odehrály v divadle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Lincoln-Douglas debates happened in a theater."} {"id": 207087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království má podle jednoho ukazatele pátou největší ekonomiku na světě.", "evidence": [[[244879, 245808, "Spojené království", 31, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom has the world's fifth-largest economy by one measure."} {"id": 133155, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spoluautorem scénáře k filmu The Night Of je haitský spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Night Of was co-written by a Haitian writer."} {"id": 63555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kleopatra (film z roku 1963) vynechává boj mladé egyptské královny proti imperiálním ambicím Říma.", "evidence": [[[79977, 91749, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra (1963 film) omits the struggles of a young Queen of Egypt to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome."} {"id": 92399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg se podílela na produkci televizní herní show.", "evidence": [[[109712, 123319, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[109714, 123321, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[109719, 123326, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg co-produced a television game show."} {"id": 209380, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Rick a Morty vytvořili výhradně John Travolta a Tom Cruise.", "evidence": [[[247870, 248169, "Rick a Morty", 0, "Rick and Morty"]]], "claim_en": "Rick and Morty was created by John Travolta and Tom Cruise exclusively."} {"id": 196275, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Browningová byla odmítnuta pro roli ve filmu Blue Heelers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Browning was passed over for a role in Blue Heelers."} {"id": 60851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album The Eminem Show od Eminema se stalo celosvětově nejprodávanějším albem roku 2010.", "evidence": [[[77298, 88705, "Eminem", 12, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "The Eminem Show, by Eminem, was the best-selling album of 2010 worldwide."} {"id": 127484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berry je ryba.", "evidence": [[[149410, 164368, "Halle Berry", 0, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164369, "Halle Berry", 1, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164370, "Halle Berry", 2, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164371, "Halle Berry", 5, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164372, "Halle Berry", 7, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164373, "Halle Berry", 8, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164374, "Halle Berry", 11, "Halle Berry"]], [[149410, 164375, "Halle Berry", 16, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry is a fish."} {"id": 199421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mason Evans mladší vyrůstá v Idahu.", "evidence": [[[234510, 237370, "Chlapectví (film)", 1, "Boyhood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Mason Evans, Jr. grows up in Idaho."} {"id": 1891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Slunečnice (1970) byl uveden v roce 1970.", "evidence": [[[17661, 21816, "Slunečnice (film)", 0, "Sunflower (1970 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sunflower (1970 film) was released in 1970."} {"id": 98129, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Overwatch je týmová online hra pro více hráčů.", "evidence": [[[115757, 129634, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch is a team-based online multiplayer."} {"id": 103948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Melancholia režíroval výhradně Kevin Spacey.", "evidence": [[[122039, 136342, "Melancholia", 0, "Melancholia (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Melancholia was directed solely by Kevin Spacey."} {"id": 34803, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taylor Swift má na svém kontě cenu Hot 96.9 Hip Hop Music Award.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift has a Hot 96.9 Hip Hop Music Award."} {"id": 114533, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael McCullers pracoval na komedii a byl úspěšný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael McCullers worked on a comedy and he was successful."} {"id": 124638, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Foreman pracoval pro boxerské zpravodajství HBO a dosáhl strašných úspěchů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Foreman worked for HBO's boxing coverage and he achieved terrible things."} {"id": 113344, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Charlotte v Severní Karolíně sídlí na východním pobřeží klub Hartford Whalers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charlotte, North Carolina is home to the east coast operations of the Hartford Whalers."} {"id": 62448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Beastie Boys nenatočila album Check Your Head.", "evidence": [[[78896, 90488, "Beastie Boys", 12, "Beastie Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Beastie Boys did not make the album Check Your Head."} {"id": 55007, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sherlock (televizní seriál) je na laserdisku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sherlock (TV series) is on Laserdisc."} {"id": 21227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Williams není hudební skladatel.", "evidence": [[[37002, 44659, "John Williams", 0, "John Williams"]], [[37002, 44660, "John Williams", 1, "John Williams"]], [[37002, 44661, "John Williams", 4, "John Williams"]], [[37002, 44662, "John Williams", 13, "John Williams"]]], "claim_en": "John Williams is not a composer."} {"id": 41393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Giacomo Casanova zemřel v červnu.", "evidence": [[[57684, 67922, "Giacomo Casanova", 0, "Giacomo Casanova"]]], "claim_en": "Giacomo Casanova died in June."} {"id": 191697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zambie sousedí na východě s Etiopií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zambia is bordered to the east by Ethiopia."} {"id": 150890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Twilight sáze vystupuje více křesťanů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga stars multiple Christians."} {"id": 148815, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán má ty, kteří umí režírovat film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan has those who can direct cinema."} {"id": 80771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Major League Soccer nepůsobí v Kanadě.", "evidence": [[[97768, 110932, "Major League Soccer", 0, "Major League Soccer"]], [[97768, 110933, "Major League Soccer", 2, "Major League Soccer"]], [[97768, 110934, "Major League Soccer", 1, "Major League Soccer"]]], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer is not active in Canada."} {"id": 131293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Asie zasahuje až do polárních oblastí.", "evidence": [[[153590, 168428, "Asie", 21, "Asia"]]], "claim_en": "Asia extends as far as polar areas."} {"id": 161676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Streptococcus je rod grampozitivních lidí.", "evidence": [[[186216, 198094, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]]], "claim_en": "Streptococcus is a genus of Gram-positive humans."} {"id": 72946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lev je v samostatném rodě než Panthera.", "evidence": [[[89703, 102392, "Lev", 0, "Lion"]]], "claim_en": "The lion is in a separate genus than Panthera."} {"id": 208855, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval s producentem a byl to Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice collaborated with a producer and he was American."} {"id": 177007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe se nikdy nepodařilo získat Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[205118, 213750, "Marilyn Monroe", 22, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe failed to ever win a Golden Globe."} {"id": 86183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett si před svou smrtí v roce 2006 přísně střežil své soukromí.", "evidence": [[[105896, 119273, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett strictly guarded his privacy before his death in 2006."} {"id": 31245, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Malcolm Young je kuchař v důchodu.", "evidence": [[[47391, 56521, "Malcolm Young", 0, "Malcolm Young"]]], "claim_en": "Malcolm Young is a retired chef."} {"id": 47500, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thandie Newtonová je Francouzka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thandie Newton is French."} {"id": 226132, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Dawkins píše knihy o katolicismu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Dawkins writes books about Catholicism."} {"id": 225541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi vítězi 84. ročníku udílení Oscarů byl i film Odloučení.", "evidence": [[[268775, 265254, "84. ročník udílení Oscarů", 13, "84th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 84th Academy Awards' winners included A Separation."} {"id": 149879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Blake (hudebník) vydal dílo pod stolem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Blake (musician) has released work under the table."} {"id": 55155, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Černobylská katastrofa byla katastrofálním porušením lidských práv.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic abuse of human rights."} {"id": 125576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Tyler je americký guvernér.", "evidence": [[[147292, 162298, "Steven Tyler", 0, "Steven Tyler"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler is an American governor."} {"id": 171361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Modrý samet hraje Isabella Rossellini.", "evidence": [[[197749, 207710, "Modrý samet", 1, "Blue Velvet (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet stars Isabella Rossellini."} {"id": 81447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alkaline Trio má na kontě pouze jedno album.", "evidence": [[[98498, 111594, "Alkaline Trio", 5, "Alkaline Trio"]]], "claim_en": "Alkaline Trio only has one album."} {"id": 38004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lizzy Caplanová hrála v televizním seriálu Pravá krev.", "evidence": [[[54212, 64201, "Lizzy Caplan", 2, "Lizzy Caplan"]]], "claim_en": "Lizzy Caplan starred in television show like True Blood."} {"id": 186923, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cher byla vykopána v roce 1987.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cher was excavated in 1987."} {"id": 169964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brooks Wackerman pochází z Filipín a pracoval pouze jako kustod.", "evidence": [[[196053, 206209, "Brooks Wackerman", 0, "Brooks Wackerman"]], [[196053, 206210, "Brooks Wackerman", 3, "Brooks Wackerman"]]], "claim_en": "Brooks Wackerman is from the Philippines and has only worked as a custodian."} {"id": 129592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tokio je sídlem vlády Číny.", "evidence": [[[151803, 166544, "Prefektura Tokio", 0, "Tokyo"], [151803, 166544, "Japonsko", 0, "Japan"], [151803, 166544, "Čína", 0, "China"]], [[151803, 166545, "Prefektura Tokio", 4, "Tokyo"], [151803, 166545, "Edo", 1, "Edo"], [151803, 166545, "Šógun", 0, "Shogun"], [151803, 166545, "Čína", 0, "China"]]], "claim_en": "Tokyo is the seat of government of China."} {"id": 150394, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alec Baldwin přišel o sedm cen Screen Actors Guild Awards za film 30 Rock.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin lost seven Screen Actors Guild Awards for 30 Rock."} {"id": 123635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kráska a zvíře je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[145134, 160134, "Kráska a zvíře (film, 2017)", 0, "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Beauty and the Beast is a T. V. show."} {"id": 69174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[85865, 98140, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is an American."} {"id": 206374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Justinián I. je známý pouze jako Justinián I.", "evidence": [[[244004, 245104, "Justinián I.", 5, "Justinian I"]]], "claim_en": "Justinian I is only known as Justinian I."} {"id": 158827, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marilyn Burns se při narození jmenovala jinak.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marilyn Burns name at birth was different."} {"id": 196563, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amazon Web Services postrádala nástroje pro vzájemné propojení budov.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amazon Web Services lacked tools for the inter-networking of buildings."} {"id": 122941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay odmítla spolupracovat s producentem Brianem Enem.", "evidence": [[[287770, 281093, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"]], [[287771, 281094, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"]], [[332770, 319047, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"]], [[332773, 319050, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"]], [[332777, 319054, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay refused to work with producer Brian Eno."} {"id": 123911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pacific Rim získal obecně negativní recenze.", "evidence": [[[287918, 281216, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]], [[288504, 281742, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]], [[332954, 319179, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]], [[332955, 319180, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Pacific Rim received generally negative reviews."} {"id": 148799, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Off the Wall získal svému zpěvákovi dům.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Off the Wall won its singer a house."} {"id": 132271, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "True Blood není americký seriál.", "evidence": [[[154689, 169439, "Pravá krev", 0, "True Blood"]]], "claim_en": "True Blood is not American."} {"id": 216705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glenn Close nehrála ani v divadelních hrách, ani v muzikálech.", "evidence": [[[257468, 256466, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]], [[257488, 256482, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Close was in neither plays nor musicals."} {"id": 131862, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Travis Barker hrál ve skupině Monkees od roku 1996.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Travis Barker played for the Monkees starting in 1996."} {"id": 127901, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Michelle Gellarová ztvárnila Annette Hargroveovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Michelle Gellar portrayed Annette Hargrove."} {"id": 34357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hora Mount Hood patří k severozápadnímu Pacifiku.", "evidence": [[[52256, 62219, "Mount Hood", 1, "Mount Hood"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Hood belongs to the Pacific Northwest."} {"id": 9713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Recovery je Eminemovo první album.", "evidence": [[[13739, 17190, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[14104, 17628, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[14980, 18628, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[14980, 18629, "Recovery", 1, "Recovery (Eminem album)"], [14980, 18629, "Relapse", 0, "Relapse (Eminem album)"]], [[14980, 18631, "Recovery", 9, "Recovery (Eminem album)"], [14980, 18631, "No Love", 0, "No Love"]], [[18952, 23216, "Recovery", 1, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[18952, 23217, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[299303, 290675, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]]], "claim_en": "Recovery is Eminem's first album."} {"id": 202636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hudební banku (televizní seriál) uváděli výhradně lidé narození v roce 1990.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Music Bank (TV series) has been hosted exclusively by people born in 1990."} {"id": 127873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Johanka z Arku se stala symbolem Aliance na obranu svobody.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joan of Arc became a symbol of the Alliance Defending Freedom."} {"id": 121400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rakovina způsobila více než 15 % úmrtí lidí.", "evidence": [[[142574, 157750, "Rakovina", 31, "Cancer"]]], "claim_en": "Cancer caused more than 15 percent of human deaths."} {"id": 134983, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anglická Wikipedie je španělsky psané vydání encyklopedie.", "evidence": [[[157554, 172139, "Anglická Wikipedie", 0, "English Wikipedia"]]], "claim_en": "The English Wikipedia is the Spanish-language edition of an encyclopedia."} {"id": 71587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Perlman je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[88250, 100855, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]], [[88252, 100856, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman is Canadian."} {"id": 59066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Italština se píše pouze na Krymu.", "evidence": [[[75463, 86719, "Italština", 5, "Italian language"]]], "claim_en": "The Italian language is only written in Crimea."} {"id": 155528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kalifornie je stát USA.", "evidence": [[[179589, 192150, "Kalifornie", 0, "California"]], [[179589, 192151, "Kalifornie", 1, "California"]], [[179589, 192152, "Kalifornie", 2, "California"], [179589, 192152, "Sacramento", 0, "Sacramento, California"]], [[179589, 192153, "Kalifornie", 3, "California"], [179589, 192153, "Los Angeles", 1, "Los Angeles"]], [[179589, 192154, "Kalifornie", 4, "California"], [179589, 192154, "Los Angeles", 1, "Los Angeles"]], [[179589, 192155, "Kalifornie", 5, "California"], [179589, 192155, "San Bernardino County", 0, "San Bernardino County, California"]], [[179589, 192156, "Kalifornie", 9, "California"], [179589, 192156, "Centrální údolí (Kalifornie)", 0, "Central Valley (California)"]], [[179589, 192157, "Kalifornie", 14, "California"], [179589, 192157, "Horní Kalifornie", 1, "Alta California"]], [[179589, 192158, "Kalifornie", 16, "California"], [179589, 192158, "Horní Kalifornie", 1, "Alta California"]]], "claim_en": "California is a U. S. state."} {"id": 112565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Antigua a Barbuda byla objevena v roce 1493.", "evidence": [[[132084, 146927, "Antigua a Barbuda", 6, "Antigua and Barbuda"]]], "claim_en": "Antigua and Barbuda was discovered in 1493."} {"id": 168233, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Írán je sporné území, které má stále umírněný vliv.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iran is a disputed territory that still has a moderate influence."} {"id": 221408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vražda Rogera Ackroyda je skutečný příběh.", "evidence": [[[263654, 261287, "Vražda Rogera Ackroyda", 0, "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd"]]], "claim_en": "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a real story."} {"id": 123441, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kanibalismus byl v minulosti mezi lidmi rozšířen a byl společenským tabu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans and it was a social taboo."} {"id": 16047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanibalismus byl v minulosti mezi lidmi rozšířen.", "evidence": [[[31442, 38158, "Kanibalismus", 7, "Cannibalism"]]], "claim_en": "Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans."} {"id": 160714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jedním ze sídel společnosti Detroit Diesel je Boston.", "evidence": [[[185228, 197023, "Detroit Diesel", 0, "Detroit Diesel"]]], "claim_en": "One of the headquarters of Detroit Diesel is Boston."} {"id": 135267, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Během hurikánu Harvey bylo na Twitteru více než 40 milionů tweetů souvisejících s volbami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Twitter had more than 40 million election-related tweets during Hurricane Harvey."} {"id": 12684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Liga mistrů CONCACAF je zřídkakdy pořádána organizací CONCACAF.", "evidence": [[[27930, 34229, "Liga mistrů CONCACAF", 0, "CONCACAF Champions League"]]], "claim_en": "The CONCACAF Champions League is rarely organized by CONCACAF."} {"id": 29115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Inside Man je filmový snímek.", "evidence": [[[45259, 54009, "Spojenec", 0, "Inside Man"]], [[45259, 54010, "Spojenec", 3, "Inside Man"]], [[45259, 54011, "Spojenec", 6, "Inside Man"]], [[45259, 54012, "Spojenec", 11, "Inside Man"]]], "claim_en": "Inside Man is a motion picture."} {"id": 24190, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ariana Grande je Američanka, která je známá díky písni Side to Side.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande is an American who is known for singing Side to Side."} {"id": 115467, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doc Holliday si v Bostonu zařídil praxi.", "evidence": [[[135533, 150402, "Doc Holliday", 5, "Doc Holliday"]]], "claim_en": "Doc Holliday set up practice in Boston."} {"id": 207838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff B je název třetího alba Britney Spears.", "evidence": [[[245877, 246539, "Britney Spears", 6, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff B is the name of Britney Spears's third album."} {"id": 74578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Nash navrhl budovu.", "evidence": [[[91359, 104059, "John Nash (architekt)", 2, "John Nash (architect)"], [91359, 104059, "Royal Pavilion", 3, "Royal Pavilion"]], [[91359, 104060, "John Nash (architekt)", 0, "John Nash (architect)"]], [[91359, 104061, "John Nash (architekt)", 3, "John Nash (architect)"]]], "claim_en": "John Nash designed a building."} {"id": 3395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[19404, 23817, "Charles Marie de La Condamine", 0, "Charles Marie de La Condamine"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine was American."} {"id": 154595, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scott Eastwood je jediný model v Mléčné dráze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood is the only model in the Milky Way."} {"id": 27104, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marta Kauffmanová vytvořila seriál Přátelé.", "evidence": [[[43236, 51873, "Marta Kauffman", 0, "Marta Kauffman"]]], "claim_en": "Marta Kauffman created Friends."} {"id": 101933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová byla nominována na Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[119665, 133748, "Sarah Paulsonová", 3, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[119665, 133749, "Sarah Paulsonová", 9, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[119665, 133750, "Sarah Paulsonová", 17, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson was nominated for a Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 4810, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Tanzanii žije anglicky mluvící obyvatelstvo.", "evidence": [[[22524, 27753, "Tanzanie", 41, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania has an English-speaking population."} {"id": 83966, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Upíří deníky skončil v pondělí 10. března 2017.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries concluded on Monday March 10, 2017."} {"id": 6237, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Wayne Gacy pohřbil 26 hraček.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Wayne Gacy buried 26 toys."} {"id": 83398, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kristen Bellová hrála ve filmu Spartakus.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell was in Spartacus."} {"id": 151084, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna Paquin žila celý život tam, kde se narodila.", "evidence": [[[174901, 187996, "Anna Paquin", 1, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin lived where she was born for her entire life."} {"id": 119969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Život po smrti je od amerického rappera.", "evidence": [[[140979, 156169, "Life After Death", 0, "Life After Death"]]], "claim_en": "Life After Death is by an American rapper."} {"id": 204351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Křída je paleogenní vymírací činnost.", "evidence": [[[241277, 242821, "Křída", 8, "Cretaceous"]], [[241277, 242822, "Křída", 9, "Cretaceous"]]], "claim_en": "The Cretaceous is a Paleogene extinction activity."} {"id": 35631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matkou Jennifer Anistonové je herečka Nancy Dowová.", "evidence": [[[51829, 61671, "Jennifer Aniston", 1, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston's mother is actress Nancy Dow."} {"id": 52650, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Umělecké jméno Dwayna Douglase Johnsona je The Undertaker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dwayne Douglas Johnson's stage name is The Undertaker."} {"id": 63513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je francouzský.", "evidence": [[[79937, 91675, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]], [[79937, 91676, "Gucci", 4, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is French."} {"id": 107562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glee: The 3D Concert Movie nemá režiséra.", "evidence": [[[126256, 140661, "Glee", 15, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee: The 3D Concert Movie has no director."} {"id": 136100, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Údolí Jižního Walesu se táhne až k západním horám.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The South Wales Valleys stretch to western mountains."} {"id": 90082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demokratická strana má některé členy, kteří se označují za progresivní.", "evidence": [[[107381, 120813, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 9, "Democratic Party (United States)"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Party has some members that define themselves as progressive."} {"id": 172399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Machu Picchu je místo.", "evidence": [[[198980, 208664, "Machu Picchu", 0, "Machu Picchu"]], [[198980, 208665, "Machu Picchu", 1, "Machu Picchu"]], [[198980, 208666, "Machu Picchu", 4, "Machu Picchu"]], [[198980, 208667, "Machu Picchu", 17, "Machu Picchu"]], [[198980, 208668, "Machu Picchu", 16, "Machu Picchu"]], [[198980, 208669, "Machu Picchu", 10, "Machu Picchu"]]], "claim_en": "Machu Picchu is a place."} {"id": 227880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová odmítla hrát ve filmu 84 Charing Cross Road.", "evidence": [[[271812, 267606, "Anne Bancroftová", 14, "Anne Bancroft"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft refused to star in 84 Charing Cross Road."} {"id": 64024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bob Ross uváděl pořad.", "evidence": [[[80515, 92362, "Bob Ross", 1, "Bob Ross"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Ross hosted a show."} {"id": 43069, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chicago je město ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[59369, 69745, "Chicago", 0, "Chicago"]]], "claim_en": "Chicago is a city in the United States."} {"id": 215045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ray Milland hrál v roce 1942 ve filmu Major a Minor.", "evidence": [[[255377, 254835, "Ray Milland", 12, "Ray Milland"]], [[255378, 254836, "Ray Milland", 12, "Ray Milland"]]], "claim_en": "Ray Milland acted in the 1942 film The Major and the Minor."} {"id": 221137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Cruz je americký muž.", "evidence": [[[263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 1, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 5, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 9, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 10, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 14, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 15, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 16, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 17, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 21, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 25, "Ted Cruz"], [263315, 261025, "Ted Cruz", 26, "Ted Cruz"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Cruz is an American male."} {"id": 164044, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cena Saturn za nejlepší fantasy film se uděluje nejlepšímu kocourovi v žánru fantasy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film is presented to the best cat in the fantasy genre."} {"id": 130334, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift není hudební umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[286928, 280398, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]], [[286928, 280399, "Taylor Swift", 1, "Taylor Swift"]], [[286928, 280400, "Taylor Swift", 4, "Taylor Swift"]], [[286928, 280401, "Taylor Swift", 5, "Taylor Swift"]], [[286928, 280402, "Taylor Swift", 23, "Taylor Swift"]], [[286928, 280403, "Taylor Swift", 25, "Taylor Swift"]], [[289051, 282210, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]], [[290745, 283706, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320762, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320763, "Taylor Swift", 1, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320764, "Taylor Swift", 4, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320765, "Taylor Swift", 7, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320766, "Taylor Swift", 6, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320767, "Taylor Swift", 5, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320768, "Taylor Swift", 10, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320769, "Taylor Swift", 8, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320770, "Taylor Swift", 9, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320771, "Taylor Swift", 15, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320772, "Taylor Swift", 14, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320773, "Taylor Swift", 13, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320774, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320775, "Taylor Swift", 17, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320776, "Taylor Swift", 19, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320777, "Taylor Swift", 18, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320778, "Taylor Swift", 22, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320779, "Taylor Swift", 24, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334805, 320780, "Taylor Swift", 23, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320783, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320784, "Taylor Swift", 1, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320785, "Taylor Swift", 6, "Taylor Swift"], [334812, 320785, "Taylor Swift (album)", 0, "Taylor Swift (album)"], [334812, 320785, "Taylor Swift (album)", 2, "Taylor Swift (album)"]], [[334812, 320786, "Taylor Swift", 7, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320787, "Taylor Swift", 8, "Taylor Swift"], [334812, 320787, "Fearless (album, Taylor Swift)", 0, "Fearless (Taylor Swift album)"], [334812, 320787, "Fearless (album, Taylor Swift)", 2, "Fearless (Taylor Swift album)"]], [[334812, 320788, "Taylor Swift", 13, "Taylor Swift"], [334812, 320788, "Speak Now", 0, "Speak Now"], [334812, 320788, "Speak Now", 3, "Speak Now"]], [[334812, 320790, "Taylor Swift", 9, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320791, "Taylor Swift", 15, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320792, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[334812, 320794, "Taylor Swift", 24, "Taylor Swift"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift is not a music artist."} {"id": 8767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Svrab způsobují roztoči.", "evidence": [[[14160, 17696, "Svrab", 0, "Scabies"]], [[14160, 17697, "Svrab", 11, "Scabies"]], [[14160, 17698, "Svrab", 14, "Scabies"]]], "claim_en": "Scabies is caused by mites."} {"id": 108308, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Louie (1. série) napsal a režíroval Louis C.K. a je založen na jeho životě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Louie (season 1) is written and directed by Louis C.K. and based on his life."} {"id": 130651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "IZombie patří Christopheru Nolanovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "IZombie is owned by Christopher Nolan."} {"id": 135689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julie Christie byla vynechána pro film Afterglow.", "evidence": [[[158300, 172924, "Julie Christie", 12, "Julie Christie"]]], "claim_en": "Julie Christie was passed over for Afterglow."} {"id": 164791, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tiger Woods vyrábí golfové míčky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods manufactures golf balls."} {"id": 209086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stadium Arcadium byl vydán v roce 2009 nebo dříve.", "evidence": [[[247510, 247801, "Stadium Arcadium", 1, "Stadium Arcadium"]]], "claim_en": "Stadium Arcadium was released in or before 2009."} {"id": 38113, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Stewart se brzy stane komiksovou postavou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Stewart is soon to be a comic book character."} {"id": 215008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ray Milland plakal ve filmu Zloděj.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ray Milland cried in the film The Thief."} {"id": 41913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundgarden se rozpadli v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[58199, 68424, "Soundgarden", 10, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden broke up in 2000."} {"id": 60870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen má tři děti.", "evidence": [[[77318, 88730, "Bruce Springsteen", 12, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen has three children."} {"id": 177235, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Příběh hraček byl uveden v Hongkongu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toy Story was released in Hong Kong."} {"id": 155566, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevigne byla ruční modelkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevigne was a hand model."} {"id": 44296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham hrál fotbal pouze v Jižní Americe.", "evidence": [[[60694, 71160, "David Beckham", 1, "David Beckham"]], [[60694, 71161, "David Beckham", 2, "David Beckham"]], [[60694, 71162, "David Beckham", 19, "David Beckham"]], [[60694, 71163, "David Beckham", 14, "David Beckham"]], [[60694, 71164, "David Beckham", 11, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham only played football in South America."} {"id": 181574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Jag se nepodařilo vyrobit.", "evidence": [[[210835, 218507, "JAG (seriál)", 0, "JAG (TV series)"]], [[210835, 218508, "JAG (seriál)", 1, "JAG (TV series)"]], [[210835, 218509, "JAG (seriál)", 10, "JAG (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Jag failed to be produced."} {"id": 227455, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rachel McAdams hrála postavu ve filmu Philadelphia.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams played a character in Philadelphia."} {"id": 57634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laurence Olivier hraje.", "evidence": [[[73967, 85202, "Laurence Olivier", 0, "Laurence Olivier"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Olivier acts."} {"id": 6158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová hrála ve filmu Americká gotika.", "evidence": [[[22899, 28234, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 1, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood acted in American Gothic."} {"id": 140036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Journey's End se objevil desátý Doktor.", "evidence": [[[163008, 177236, "Desátý Doktor", 8, "Tenth Doctor"]]], "claim_en": "Journey's End features the Tenth Doctor."} {"id": 52502, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lvi jsou nejmenší žijící kočky.", "evidence": [[[68812, 79633, "Lev", 2, "Lion"]]], "claim_en": "Lions are the smallest living cat."} {"id": 123546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Součástí Pompejí byl složitý vodní systém.", "evidence": [[[145050, 160058, "Pompeje", 6, "Pompeii"]]], "claim_en": "A complex water system was part of Pompeii."} {"id": 173502, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sancho Panza je fiktivní postava románu španělského spisovatele narozeného v Praze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sancho Panza is a fictional character in a novel written by a Spanish writer born in Prague."} {"id": 201418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drakeovo debutové studiové EP debutovalo na prvním místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drake's debut studio EP debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200."} {"id": 139820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jáva se nachází mimo Indonésii.", "evidence": [[[162726, 176984, "Jáva", 0, "Java"]]], "claim_en": "Java is outside Indonesia."} {"id": 65690, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Crystal Palace F.C. hraje na Gillette Stadium.", "evidence": [[[83778, 95803, "Crystal Palace FC", 0, "Crystal Palace F.C."]], [[83778, 95804, "Crystal Palace FC", 4, "Crystal Palace F.C."]], [[83778, 95805, "Crystal Palace FC", 5, "Crystal Palace F.C."], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 0, "Selhurst Park"], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 1, "Selhurst Park"], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 4, "Selhurst Park"], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 5, "Selhurst Park"], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 2, "Selhurst Park"], [83778, 95805, "Selhurst Park", 3, "Selhurst Park"]], [[83778, 95806, "Crystal Palace FC", 3, "Crystal Palace F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Crystal Palace F.C. plays in Gillette Stadium."} {"id": 179038, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na základě doporučení správce vesmírného programu je udělena Vesmírná medaile cti Kongresu.", "evidence": [[[207695, 215913, "Congressional Space Medal of Honor", 1, "Congressional Space Medal of Honor"]]], "claim_en": "Congressional Space Medal of Honor is awarded based on recommendations from the Administrator of the space program."} {"id": 85051, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Orson Welles předával ceny Grammy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Orson Welles presented the Grammy's."} {"id": 174649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pes byl selektivně vyšlechtěn.", "evidence": [[[201913, 211268, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]], [[201914, 211269, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dog have been selectively bred."} {"id": 187876, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Devdas získal v roce 2003 deset cen Filmfare.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Devdas won ten Filmfare Awards in 2003."} {"id": 103436, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Winnie Harlowová je aktivistkou za výzkum rakoviny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Winnie Harlow is an activist for cancer research."} {"id": 50101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem byl Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[156480, 171101, "Eminem", 0, "Eminem"], [156480, 171101, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]], [[311733, 301679, "Eminem", 0, "Eminem"], [311733, 301679, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]], [[313134, 302802, "Eminem", 0, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem was a Gemini."} {"id": 87503, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tiffany Hwang vydala v Japonsku album I Just Wanna Dance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tiffany Hwang released I Just Wanna Dance in Japan."} {"id": 217292, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Constantine je film s Djimonem Hounsou v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[258200, 257038, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258210, 257049, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine is a film starring Djimon Hounsou."} {"id": 202950, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Avenged Sevenfold vyšla 31. října 2007.", "evidence": [[[239271, 241182, "Avenged Sevenfold (album)", 0, "Avenged Sevenfold (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold was released on October 31, 2007."} {"id": 140539, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Bridges je často zaměňován za herce, který hrál Otise \"Bad\" Blakea ve filmu Crazy Heart.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Bridges is often mistaken for the actor who played Otis \"Bad\" Blake in Crazy Heart."} {"id": 69227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Istanbul byl založen v roce 660 př. n. l.", "evidence": [[[85921, 98219, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul was founded in 660 BCE."} {"id": 66155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Clarke Duncan si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[82721, 94575, "Michael Clarke Duncan", 0, "Michael Clarke Duncan"], [82721, 94575, "Zelená míle (film)", 3, "The Green Mile (film)"]], [[82721, 94576, "Michael Clarke Duncan", 1, "Michael Clarke Duncan"]], [[82721, 94577, "Michael Clarke Duncan", 2, "Michael Clarke Duncan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Clarke Duncan had a role in a film."} {"id": 31961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonard Cohen vydal v roce 2001 album s hitem.", "evidence": [[[48094, 57417, "Leonard Cohen", 16, "Leonard Cohen"]]], "claim_en": "Leonard Cohen released a hit album in 2001."} {"id": 115916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Faith Evansová je vdova.", "evidence": [[[136097, 150933, "Faith Evans", 11, "Faith Evans"]]], "claim_en": "Faith Evans is a widow."} {"id": 88654, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Instantní film ničí chemikálie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Instant film destroys chemicals."} {"id": 159118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Norsku se nepodařilo nashromáždit zásoby čehokoli.", "evidence": [[[296421, 288267, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]], [[298013, 289565, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]], [[300167, 291434, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]], [[300169, 291436, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]], [[343043, 326893, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]], [[343046, 326896, "Norsko", 27, "Norway"]]], "claim_en": "Norway has failed to accumulate reserves of anything."} {"id": 26506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K opeře patří i oblečení.", "evidence": [[[80530, 92378, "Opera", 2, "Opera"]], [[305778, 296570, "Opera", 2, "Opera"]], [[307080, 297616, "Opera", 2, "Opera"]]], "claim_en": "Opera includes clothing."} {"id": 54983, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Martin Van Buren byl manžel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Martin Van Buren was a husband."} {"id": 213282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nil protéká Rwandou a má arabské jméno.", "evidence": [[[253035, 252894, "Nil", 0, "Nile"], [253035, 252894, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]], [[253038, 252896, "Nil", 2, "Nile"], [253038, 252896, "Nil", 26, "Nile"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through Rwanda and it has an Arabic name."} {"id": 8513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski nevěřil, že je šílený.", "evidence": [[[13829, 17324, "Theodore Kaczynski", 23, "Ted Kaczynski"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski did not believe he was insane."} {"id": 189656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lily Collinsová je Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[221547, 227146, "Lily Collins", 0, "Lily Collins"], [221547, 227146, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]]], "claim_en": "Lily Collins is a Gemini."} {"id": 39767, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chokher Bali byl indickými cenami opomíjen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chokher Bali was snubbed by Indian award ceremonies."} {"id": 102336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "King Kong je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[120175, 134349, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 0, "King Kong (2005 film)"]], [[120175, 134350, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 1, "King Kong (2005 film)"]], [[120175, 134351, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 9, "King Kong (2005 film)"]], [[120175, 134352, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 11, "King Kong (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "King Kong is a television series."} {"id": 224037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deadpool (film) je americký film o superhrdinovi.", "evidence": [[[266906, 263736, "Deadpool (film)", 0, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool (film) is a superhero American film."} {"id": 184108, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ernest Medina se podílel na válečném zločinu ve Vietnamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ernest Medina participated in a Vietnam War war crime."} {"id": 113657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Compton v Kalifornii je místo, kde se narodil Kendrick Lamar.", "evidence": [[[282209, 276422, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[282210, 276423, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[284219, 278070, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330235, 316845, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330237, 316847, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330238, 316848, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330240, 316850, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330243, 316853, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]], [[330244, 316854, "Kendrick Lamar", 1, "Kendrick Lamar"]]], "claim_en": "Compton, California is where Kendrick Lamar was born."} {"id": 184519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jane \"Eleven\" Ivesovou ztvárnila v seriálu Netflix Millie Bobby Brownová.", "evidence": [[[214941, 221904, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]], [[214943, 221906, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Jane \"Eleven\" Ives was portrayed on Netflix by Millie Bobby Brown."} {"id": 77001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aruba nemá přístup k moři.", "evidence": [[[244722, 245656, "Aruba", 13, "Aruba"]], [[247217, 247529, "Aruba", 2, "Aruba"]], [[247956, 248247, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[247956, 248248, "Aruba", 2, "Aruba"]], [[247956, 248249, "Aruba", 3, "Aruba"]], [[319427, 308126, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[319432, 308130, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[319432, 308131, "Aruba", 2, "Aruba"]], [[319432, 308132, "Aruba", 3, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is landlocked."} {"id": 50619, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Khmerská říše nebyla slabá.", "evidence": [[[66965, 77763, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Khmer Empire was not weak."} {"id": 26277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Walking Dead (komiks) inspiroval právníka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Walking Dead (comic book) inspired a lawyer."} {"id": 138844, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nepál má větší počet obyvatel než Brazílie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nepal has a population that is larger than Brazil's."} {"id": 18129, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg vydal v roce 1993 album Doggystyle.", "evidence": [[[47975, 57293, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[50502, 60060, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[50939, 60667, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[302379, 293399, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[304842, 295656, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[304848, 295660, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg released Doggystyle in 1993."} {"id": 190142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando studoval.", "evidence": [[[222203, 227585, "Marlon Brando", 2, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando studied."} {"id": 206175, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Mělký půlměsíc hraje americký herec Jack Black.", "evidence": [[[243727, 244900, "Těžce zamilován", 0, "Shallow Hal"], [243727, 244900, "Jack Black", 0, "Jack Black"]]], "claim_en": "Shallow Hal stars an American actor Jack Black."} {"id": 118043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Etiopie je republiková země.", "evidence": [[[138502, 153565, "Etiopie", 0, "Ethiopia"]], [[138510, 153569, "Etiopie", 0, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia is a republic country."} {"id": 169937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Japonská fotbalová reprezentace se kvalifikovala na posledních 6 po sobě jdoucích mistrovství světa ve fotbale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Japan national football team qualified for the last 6 consecutive FIFA World Cups."} {"id": 181072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Idris Elba nebyl nikdy obsazen do filmu.", "evidence": [[[211191, 218845, "Idris Elba", 1, "Idris Elba"]], [[211191, 218846, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]], [[211191, 218847, "Idris Elba", 6, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "Idris Elba failed to ever be cast in a movie."} {"id": 58277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Arquette se stal jednorázovým hrobníkem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette became a one-time grave-digger."} {"id": 212902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V děloze (film) hrála francouzská herečka.", "evidence": [[[252536, 252303, "Lůno (film)", 0, "Womb (film)"], [252536, 252303, "Eva Greenová", 0, "Eva Green"]]], "claim_en": "Womb (film) starred a French actress."} {"id": 109012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rachel McAdams hrála v komedii Jmenuji se Tanino.", "evidence": [[[129950, 144656, "Rachel McAdamsová", 2, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams was in the comedy My Name is Tanino."} {"id": 95668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dillí hraničí s nejlidnatějším státem Indie.", "evidence": [[[113180, 127063, "Dillí", 4, "Delhi"]]], "claim_en": "Delhi borders the most populous state in India."} {"id": 156957, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colombiana je francouzský horor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colombiana is a French horror film."} {"id": 2928, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noam Chomsky byl akademik specializující se na politickou ekonomii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky was an academic specializing in political economics."} {"id": 93054, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matrix je film.", "evidence": [[[110368, 123967, "Matrix", 0, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123968, "Matrix", 6, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123969, "Matrix", 14, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123970, "Matrix", 8, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123971, "Matrix", 18, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123972, "Matrix", 19, "The Matrix"]], [[110368, 123973, "Matrix", 20, "The Matrix"]]], "claim_en": "The Matrix is a movie."} {"id": 115730, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Margaret Brownová je z Bostonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Margaret Brown is from Boston."} {"id": 17468, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bill Nye hrál v roce 2017 v seriálu společnosti Netflix s názvem Bill Nye Saves the World.", "evidence": [[[32923, 40006, "Bill Nye", 18, "Bill Nye"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Nye starred in a Netflix series, entitled Bill Nye Saves the World in 2017."} {"id": 196247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Princ egyptský je americký televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[230586, 234239, "Princ egyptský", 0, "The Prince of Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "The Prince of Egypt is an American television show."} {"id": 98695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Harrison byl kytarista skupiny Beatles.", "evidence": [[[118471, 132316, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"], [118471, 132316, "George Harrison", 0, "George Harrison"]]], "claim_en": "George Harrison was the Beatles's lead guitarist."} {"id": 127961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One Direction je sportovní skupina.", "evidence": [[[149936, 164865, "One Direction", 0, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "One Direction is a sports group."} {"id": 14438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wayne Rooney je youtuber.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wayne Rooney is a Youtuber."} {"id": 70230, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syn královny Viktorie patřil k obchodníkům s automobily.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Victoria's son belonged to a car dealership."} {"id": 162389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hélios je mužský potomek Titánů.", "evidence": [[[186941, 198673, "Hélios", 1, "Helios"]]], "claim_en": "Helios is the male spawn of Titans."} {"id": 5166, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bratři Coenové natočili film No Country for Old Men.", "evidence": [[[21549, 26492, "Bratři Coenové", 2, "Coen brothers"]], [[21549, 26493, "Bratři Coenové", 15, "Coen brothers"], [21549, 26493, "Tahle země není pro starý", 0, "No Country for Old Men (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers directed No Country for Old Men."} {"id": 88816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tennessee je mexický stát.", "evidence": [[[106047, 119408, "Tennessee", 1, "Tennessee"]]], "claim_en": "Tennessee is a Mexican state."} {"id": 56805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lev je všežravec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Lion is a omnivore."} {"id": 176029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "WALL-E je držitelem Zlatého glóbu.", "evidence": [[[203835, 212763, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"]]], "claim_en": "WALL-E is a Golden Globe Award winner."} {"id": 62546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou ze zemí je Slovensko.", "evidence": [[[78997, 90595, "Slovensko", 0, "Slovakia"]], [[78997, 90596, "Slovensko", 19, "Slovakia"]], [[78997, 90597, "Slovensko", 21, "Slovakia"]], [[78997, 90598, "Slovensko", 27, "Slovakia"]]], "claim_en": "One country is Slovakia."} {"id": 7729, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Libanon zažil 15 let trvající občanskou válku.", "evidence": [[[24157, 29887, "Libanon", 30, "Lebanon"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon experienced a 15 year long civil war."} {"id": 174462, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nickelodeon vytvořili lidé ve věku 8-17 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nickelodeon was created by 8-17 year olds."} {"id": 131575, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linda McCartney byla španělská šéfkuchařka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was a Spanish chef."} {"id": 38733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Billy Joel vydal nejméně dvě písně v roce 1907.", "evidence": [[[54943, 64961, "Billy Joel", 0, "Billy Joel"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Joel released at least two songs in 1907."} {"id": 3702, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Martin má datum narození 20. srpna 1986.", "evidence": [[[11292, 14224, "Daniel Martin", 0, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Martin has the birth date of August 20, 1986."} {"id": 226838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sedžong Veliký byl bankéř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sejong the Great was a banker."} {"id": 51625, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A Fine Romance byl první projekt, který napsal Bob Larbey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Fine Romance was the first project written by Bob Larbey."} {"id": 208439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Excuse My French je EP od French Montany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Excuse My French is an EP by French Montana."} {"id": 75791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heather Watsonová získala svůj první titul ve dvouhře na okruhu WTA 14. října 1912.", "evidence": [[[92601, 105395, "Heather Watsonová", 7, "Heather Watson"]], [[92601, 105396, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson was awarded her first WTA singles title on October 14, 1912."} {"id": 89246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita je výukové zařízení.", "evidence": [[[106465, 119885, "Oxfordská univerzita", 0, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford is a teaching facility."} {"id": 133043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Letadla Boeing 777 mají motory.", "evidence": [[[155536, 170180, "Boeing 777", 0, "Boeing 777"]], [[155537, 170181, "Boeing 777", 0, "Boeing 777"]]], "claim_en": "Boeing 777 planes have engines."} {"id": 33753, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denzel Washington hrál ve 3 filmech oceněných Oscarem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington has acted in 3 Academy Award winning films."} {"id": 167038, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "South Park neexistuje nejméně od roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[192166, 202918, "Městečko South Park", 8, "South Park"]], [[192166, 202919, "Městečko South Park", 13, "South Park"]]], "claim_en": "South Park has been defunct since at least 2000."} {"id": 156647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hraje.", "evidence": [[[180733, 193133, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[180733, 193134, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi acts."} {"id": 31426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Galaxy Quest je americký film.", "evidence": [[[47585, 56791, "Galaxy Quest", 0, "Galaxy Quest"]]], "claim_en": "Galaxy Quest is an American movie."} {"id": 135067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dwight D. Eisenhower byl spojencem Formosy.", "evidence": [[[157651, 172265, "Dwight D. Eisenhower", 22, "Dwight D. Eisenhower"]]], "claim_en": "Dwight D. Eisenhower was an ally of Formosa."} {"id": 223321, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Blessings hrál ve filmu Dlouhá cesta z ráje.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blessings was on Long Road Out of Eden."} {"id": 27897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brian Michael Bendis zemřel dříve, než vznikly videohry.", "evidence": [[[44017, 52657, "Brian Michael Bendis", 12, "Brian Michael Bendis"]]], "claim_en": "Brian Michael Bendis died before video gaming was created."} {"id": 73314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cher není úspěšná hudebnice a výtvarnice.", "evidence": [[[90092, 102778, "Cher", 1, "Cher"], [90092, 102778, "Cher", 0, "Cher"]], [[90092, 102779, "Cher", 5, "Cher"]], [[90092, 102780, "Cher", 7, "Cher"]], [[90092, 102781, "Cher", 8, "Cher"]], [[90092, 102782, "Cher", 9, "Cher"], [90092, 102782, "Cher", 0, "Cher"]], [[90092, 102783, "Cher", 11, "Cher"]]], "claim_en": "Cher is not a successful musician and artist."} {"id": 37724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Za seriál The Crown (Koruna) získal John Lithgow cenu Screen Actors Guild Award.", "evidence": [[[111685, 125492, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[114687, 128429, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[115250, 129069, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[308319, 298719, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[309797, 299926, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[309799, 299928, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[309802, 299931, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[309814, 299940, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]], [[309828, 299944, "Koruna (seriál)", 14, "The Crown (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Crown (TV series) earned John Lithgow a Screen Actors Guild Award."} {"id": 98778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hra o trůny získala alespoň jednu cenu.", "evidence": [[[116448, 130339, "Hra o trůny", 3, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[116448, 130340, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "A Game of Thrones won at least one award."} {"id": 67571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Závěrečná bitva Války růží byla bitvou.", "evidence": [[[84164, 96278, "Války růží", 11, "Wars of the Roses"], [84164, 96278, "Bitva u Bosworthu", 0, "Battle of Bosworth Field"]]], "claim_en": "The final battle of the Wars of the Roses was a battle."} {"id": 162871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vysílání zpráv napsal James Cameron.", "evidence": [[[187421, 199071, "Vysíláme zprávy", 0, "Broadcast News (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Broadcast News was written by James Cameron."} {"id": 208357, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nashville Songwriters Association International je velké americké sdružení ve světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nashville Songwriters Association International is a large American association in the world."} {"id": 147305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Huckabee byl guvernérem Kansasu.", "evidence": [[[170866, 184420, "Mike Huckabee", 0, "Mike Huckabee"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Huckabee was Governor of Kansas."} {"id": 206902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ayutthaya byla přátelská vůči Číňanům, Holanďanům, Angličanům, Vietnamcům, Indům, Japoncům, Peršanům, Portugalcům, Španělům a Francouzům.", "evidence": [[[244665, 245598, "Ajutthajské království", 1, "Ayutthaya Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Ayutthaya was friendly towards Chinese, Dutch, English, Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, and French people."} {"id": 68635, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Google se specializuje na internetové bankovnictví a software pro internetovou reklamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google specializes in online banking and online advertising software."} {"id": 157857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útěk z vězení nemá pět sezón.", "evidence": [[[182128, 194394, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]], [[182128, 194395, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 22, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break does not have five seasons."} {"id": 162183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Schumacher pracuje.", "evidence": [[[186703, 198481, "Michael Schumacher", 0, "Michael Schumacher"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Schumacher is working."} {"id": 139128, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billie Jean Kingová je občankou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billie Jean King is a citizen."} {"id": 199163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kniha To Kill a Mockingbird zpracovává téma rasové nespravedlnosti.", "evidence": [[[234169, 237091, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 10, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird explores the theme of racial injustice."} {"id": 175570, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Finále Major League Soccer se koná v listopadu a prosinci.", "evidence": [[[203123, 212237, "Major League Soccer", 4, "Major League Soccer"], [203123, 212237, "MLS Cup", 0, "MLS Cup"]]], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer finals occurs in November and December."} {"id": 19699, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost IBM vynalezla stroj.", "evidence": [[[35474, 42990, "IBM", 6, "IBM"]]], "claim_en": "IBM invented a machine."} {"id": 151841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Styl moderování Conana O'Briena je považován za sebeparodický.", "evidence": [[[175781, 188756, "Conan O'Brien", 13, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien's style of hosting is considered to be self-deprecating."} {"id": 127071, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obyvatelstvo Walesu rychle emigrovalo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wales' population rapidly emigrated."} {"id": 30670, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Clinton pracoval od pádu Římské říše.", "evidence": [[[46832, 55847, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton worked since the fall of the Roman Empire."} {"id": 122423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Black Sabbath není anglická rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[143774, 158850, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"]], [[143777, 158852, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath isn't an English rock band."} {"id": 192936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Hanna byl americký animátor, režisér, producent, hlasový herec a kreslíř.", "evidence": [[[225883, 230470, "William Hanna", 0, "William Hanna"]]], "claim_en": "William Hanna was an American animator, director, producer, voice actor, and cartoon artist."} {"id": 83666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stevenu Spielbergovi je čtyřicet jedna let.", "evidence": [[[100709, 114006, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Spielberg is forty one years old."} {"id": 179743, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wentworth Miller debutoval jako scenárista filmem Stoker z roku 2013.", "evidence": [[[208608, 216604, "Wentworth Miller", 2, "Wentworth Miller"]]], "claim_en": "Wentworth Miller made his screenwriting debut with the 2013 Stoker."} {"id": 42520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laura Dern získala Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší herečku v muzikálovém nebo komediálním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[58822, 69147, "Laura Dernová", 6, "Laura Dern"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Dern won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Series."} {"id": 9011, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo obsahuje explicitní výrazy.", "evidence": [[[24182, 29908, "J. Lo", 8, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo includes explicit language."} {"id": 98081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andorra není knížectví.", "evidence": [[[115703, 129574, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra is not a principality."} {"id": 190846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Láska a přátelství hraje Kate Beckinsale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Love & Friendship features Kate Beckinsale."} {"id": 193946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oz the Great and Powerful měl premiéru v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[227113, 231519, "Mocný vládce Oz", 0, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]], [[227113, 231520, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]], [[227113, 231521, "Mocný vládce Oz", 15, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]]], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful premiered in 2013."} {"id": 6897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kevin Durant je fotograf.", "evidence": [[[23807, 29464, "Kevin Durant", 15, "Kevin Durant"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Durant is a photographer."} {"id": 205763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Blunt ještě nikdy nedostala žádnou cenu.", "evidence": [[[243156, 244421, "Emily Blunt", 6, "Emily Blunt"]], [[243156, 244422, "Emily Blunt", 10, "Emily Blunt"]], [[243158, 244423, "Emily Blunt", 6, "Emily Blunt"]], [[243158, 244424, "Emily Blunt", 7, "Emily Blunt"]], [[243158, 244425, "Emily Blunt", 10, "Emily Blunt"]], [[243158, 244426, "Emily Blunt", 11, "Emily Blunt"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt has yet to ever receive an award."} {"id": 157689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benátky se nacházejí v tundře.", "evidence": [[[181910, 194192, "Benátky", 2, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice is located in a tundra."} {"id": 20644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O. J. Simpson byl zproštěn viny.", "evidence": [[[36450, 44044, "O. J. Simpson", 13, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson was acquitted of a crime."} {"id": 133228, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová pracuje ve finančním průmyslu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson works in the financial industry."} {"id": 140457, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Efraim Diveroli je bývalý obchodník se zbraněmi, který se stal Iron Manem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Efraim Diveroli is a former arms dealer who became Iron Man."} {"id": 120652, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mango je indický národní strom.", "evidence": [[[141678, 156919, "Mango", 7, "Mango"]]], "claim_en": "Mango is the national tree of India."} {"id": 115501, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mary Marvelovou stvořil básník science fiction.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mary Marvel was created by a science fiction poet."} {"id": 38286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 2001: Vesmírná odysea byl sestříhán s využitím tělocvičen Shepperton Studios.", "evidence": [[[54475, 64475, "2001: Vesmírná odysea (film)", 9, "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)"]]], "claim_en": "2001: A Space Odyssey was edited using the gym facilities of Shepperton Studios."} {"id": 87434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Twilight sága se skládá pouze z jednoho filmu.", "evidence": [[[104616, 118018, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 0, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga consists of only one motion picture."} {"id": 5308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miranda Kerrová zastupovala australský řetězec obchodních domů David Jones.", "evidence": [[[21695, 26662, "Miranda Kerr", 2, "Miranda Kerr"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Kerr represented the Australian department store chain David Jones."} {"id": 93640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Teorii popisující buňky poprvé vytvořil v roce 1839 Matthias Schleiden.", "evidence": [[[111005, 124695, "Buňka", 12, "Cell (biology)"]]], "claim_en": "The theory describing cells was first developed in 1839 by Matthias Schleiden."} {"id": 177618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Ploty tvoří pouze jedna fotografie.", "evidence": [[[205869, 214340, "Ploty", 0, "Fences (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fences is only a single photograph."} {"id": 84274, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mercedes-Benz je divize estonské společnosti.", "evidence": [[[101313, 114547, "Mercedes-Benz", 0, "Mercedes-Benz"]]], "claim_en": "Mercedes-Benz is a division of an Estonian company."} {"id": 68504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Schwimmer vystudoval univerzitu se sídlem ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[85114, 97382, "David Schwimmer", 3, "David Schwimmer"], [85114, 97382, "Severozápadní univerzita", 0, "Northwestern University"]]], "claim_en": "David Schwimmer graduated from a university based in the United States."} {"id": 65305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. byl jmenován zástupcem ředitele společnosti Burger King.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. was appointed assistant manager of Burger King."} {"id": 31764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bob Dylan získal cenu.", "evidence": [[[47900, 57202, "Bob Dylan", 0, "Bob Dylan"]], [[47900, 57203, "Bob Dylan", 22, "Bob Dylan"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan has won a prize."} {"id": 202169, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin Thicke se rozhádal s Usherem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has a feud with Usher."} {"id": 1164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adam Sandler byl jedinou osobou, která kdy namluvila hlas ve filmu Hotel Transylvánie 2.", "evidence": [[[16760, 20765, "Hotel Transylvánie 2", 11, "Hotel Transylvania 2"]]], "claim_en": "Adam Sandler was the only person ever to voice act in Hotel Transylvania 2."} {"id": 224481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Will Ferrell pracoval pouze na švédské noční živé televizní komediální show.", "evidence": [[[267444, 264138, "Will Ferrell", 1, "Will Ferrell"]], [[267444, 264139, "Will Ferrell", 3, "Will Ferrell"]], [[267445, 264140, "Will Ferrell", 1, "Will Ferrell"]], [[267445, 264141, "Will Ferrell", 3, "Will Ferrell"]]], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell worked only on a Swedish late-night live television sketch comedy show."} {"id": 91331, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Kalifornii existuje přístav jménem Vallejo.", "evidence": [[[108673, 122354, "Vallejo", 0, "Vallejo, California"]]], "claim_en": "There is a port named Vallejo, California."} {"id": 3077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Archimedes nebyl astronom.", "evidence": [[[18996, 23289, "Archimédés", 10, "Archimedes"]]], "claim_en": "Archimedes was not an astronomer."} {"id": 74109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indonésie nemá nadbytek mědi.", "evidence": [[[90883, 103584, "Indonésie", 13, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia doesn't have an abundance of copper."} {"id": 80593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usher v roce 1997 nevydal žádné album.", "evidence": [[[97615, 110762, "Usher", 4, "Usher (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Usher never released an album in 1997."} {"id": 187419, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hippokrates byl zdravotní sestra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hippocrates was a nurse."} {"id": 38790, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Wood byl doprovodným zpěvákem rockové skupiny ze Seattlu.", "evidence": [[[55001, 65023, "Andrew Wood", 0, "Andrew Wood (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood was the back-up singer of a Seattle rock band."} {"id": 88184, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hvězda vs. Síly zla je komiks.", "evidence": [[[274497, 269781, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[274502, 269786, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[274502, 269787, "Star proti silám zla", 3, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[276775, 271836, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[322660, 310948, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]]], "claim_en": "Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a comic book."} {"id": 122002, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando v 60. letech podporoval hnutí za občanská práva.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando supported the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s."} {"id": 82762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Detroit se nachází v Jižní Americe.", "evidence": [[[99832, 113009, "Detroit", 0, "Detroit"]], [[99832, 113010, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]], [[99832, 113011, "Detroit", 7, "Detroit"]], [[99832, 113012, "Detroit", 17, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit is in South America."} {"id": 97356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buzz Aldrin existoval ve 13. století našeho letopočtu.", "evidence": [[[275985, 271037, "Buzz Aldrin", 0, "Buzz Aldrin"]], [[325177, 312935, "Buzz Aldrin", 0, "Buzz Aldrin"]], [[326212, 313728, "Buzz Aldrin", 0, "Buzz Aldrin"]], [[327948, 315116, "Buzz Aldrin", 0, "Buzz Aldrin"]]], "claim_en": "Buzz Aldrin existed in the 13th century AD."} {"id": 113901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tchaj-wan vstoupil do období modrého hospodářského růstu a industrializace v 60. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[133801, 148675, "Tchaj-wan", 16, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan entered a period of blue economic growth and industrialization in the 1960s."} {"id": 80490, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nicole Kidmanová byla nominována na ocenění.", "evidence": [[[97481, 110649, "Nicole Kidmanová", 5, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[97481, 110650, "Nicole Kidmanová", 10, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[97481, 110651, "Nicole Kidmanová", 11, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[97481, 110652, "Nicole Kidmanová", 12, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[97481, 110653, "Nicole Kidmanová", 13, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman has been nominated for awards."} {"id": 87158, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco je sídlem několika maloobchodních společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco is the headquarters of multiple retail companies."} {"id": 101941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "South Park je animovaný ve 2D.", "evidence": [[[119681, 133768, "Městečko South Park", 11, "South Park"], [119681, 133768, "Plošková animace", 0, "Cutout animation"]]], "claim_en": "South Park is animated in 2D."} {"id": 199534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Woody Harrelson odmítl možnost hrát Woodyho Boyda.", "evidence": [[[234644, 237472, "Woody Harrelson", 2, "Woody Harrelson"]]], "claim_en": "Woody Harrelson turned down the opportunity to play Woody Boyd."} {"id": 136675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaliyah byla umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[159558, 174064, "Aaliyah", 12, "Aaliyah"]], [[159558, 174065, "Aaliyah", 24, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah was an artist."} {"id": 105537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Morgan Freeman není producent.", "evidence": [[[123866, 138222, "Morgan Freeman", 0, "Morgan Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Morgan Freeman is not a producer."} {"id": 147905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Big Bang získal v roce 2008 ocenění.", "evidence": [[[171507, 184984, "Big Bang (hudební skupina)", 7, "Big Bang (South Korean band)"]]], "claim_en": "Big Bang won an award in 2008."} {"id": 154328, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Scorsese pracuje v mediálním průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[178316, 190889, "Martin Scorsese", 0, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190890, "Martin Scorsese", 2, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190891, "Martin Scorsese", 5, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190892, "Martin Scorsese", 6, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190893, "Martin Scorsese", 7, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190894, "Martin Scorsese", 10, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190895, "Martin Scorsese", 11, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190896, "Martin Scorsese", 12, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190897, "Martin Scorsese", 13, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190898, "Martin Scorsese", 16, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190899, "Martin Scorsese", 17, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190900, "Martin Scorsese", 18, "Martin Scorsese"]], [[178316, 190901, "Martin Scorsese", 19, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese works in a media industry."} {"id": 156768, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Judy Greerová pracovala ve vězení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Judy Greer was in a prison."} {"id": 37874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James Wilson je postava z neadaptovaného románu.", "evidence": [[[54061, 64041, "James Wilson (Dr. House)", 0, "James Wilson (House)"]]], "claim_en": "James Wilson is a character from an unadapted novel."} {"id": 133424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bangladéš je severoamerická země.", "evidence": [[[155968, 170641, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[155968, 170642, "Bangladéš", 35, "Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh is a North American country."} {"id": 71864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Provaz režírovala Elizabeth Warrenová.", "evidence": [[[231244, 234757, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]], [[231244, 234758, "Provaz (film)", 4, "Rope (film)"]], [[231244, 234759, "Provaz (film)", 6, "Rope (film)"]], [[232626, 235787, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]], [[318383, 307330, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]], [[318386, 307332, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Rope was directed by Elizabeth Warren."} {"id": 141288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Code Geass je film.", "evidence": [[[164320, 178578, "Code Geass", 0, "Code Geass"]], [[164320, 178579, "Code Geass", 6, "Code Geass"]]], "claim_en": "Code Geass is a film."} {"id": 205615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wyatt Earp pracoval na těžbě geologických materiálů ze země a byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[242949, 244199, "Wyatt Earp", 0, "Wyatt Earp"], [242949, 244199, "Wyatt Earp", 5, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp worked to extract geological materials from the earth and he was American."} {"id": 142880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Islám nevyznává 24,1 % světové populace.", "evidence": [[[165937, 179889, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam is not followed by 24.1% of the global population."} {"id": 138040, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Memento dosáhlo 39,7 milionu dolarů.", "evidence": [[[160807, 175317, "Memento (film)", 12, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Memento achieved $39.7 million."} {"id": 32533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ruth Negga se objevila v americkém filmu.", "evidence": [[[93275, 106214, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [93275, 106214, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[93275, 106215, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"], [93275, 106215, "Loving", 0, "Loving (2016 film)"]], [[95514, 108541, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [95514, 108541, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[95514, 108542, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"], [95514, 108542, "Loving", 0, "Loving (2016 film)"]], [[97665, 110815, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [97665, 110815, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[306749, 297371, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [306749, 297371, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[307667, 298122, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [307667, 298122, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[307667, 298123, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"], [307667, 298123, "Loving", 0, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga appeared in an American film."} {"id": 10634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nucená práce je důvodem obchodování s lidmi.", "evidence": [[[25642, 31562, "Obchod s lidmi", 0, "Human trafficking"]]], "claim_en": "Forced labor is a reason for human trafficking."} {"id": 165242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Phillip Glass je autorem symfonií.", "evidence": [[[189998, 201150, "Philip Glass", 9, "Philip Glass"]]], "claim_en": "Phillip Glass has written symphonies."} {"id": 44043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Hathaway se nezúčastnila filmu Hoodwinked!", "evidence": [[[60374, 70777, "Anne Hathaway", 3, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway failed to participate in Hoodwinked!."} {"id": 7327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Red Hot Chili Peppers jsou oceňovaná alternativní funk rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[11892, 14906, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"], [11892, 14906, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 4, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]]], "claim_en": "Red Hot Chili Peppers are an award-winning alternative funk rock band."} {"id": 220465, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Církev Ježíše Krista Svatých posledních dnů má knihu zvanou Nauka a smlouvy, známou spíše jako \"Slovo moudrosti\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a book called the Doctrine and Covenants, more commonly known as the \"Word of Wisdom.\""} {"id": 52838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt sotva realizoval strategii na dvou frontách.", "evidence": [[[69118, 79905, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 38, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt barely implemented a strategy on two fronts."} {"id": 94258, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Haitská kreolština je kniha.", "evidence": [[[111682, 125488, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]]], "claim_en": "Haitian Creole is a book."} {"id": 18964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne pochází z Birminghamu.", "evidence": [[[51615, 61396, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[54640, 64636, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[302700, 293701, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]], [[302702, 293702, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne is a native of Birmingham."} {"id": 195599, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joy hraje indická herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy stars an Indian actress."} {"id": 12725, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sharon Stoneová a Michael Douglas odmítli, že by spolu někdy hráli.", "evidence": [[[30543, 37145, "Sharon Stoneová", 4, "Sharon Stone"], [30543, 37145, "Základní instinkt", 0, "Basic Instinct"]]], "claim_en": "Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas have refused to ever act together."} {"id": 127885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existoval závodní tým, který patřil Paulu Newmanovi.", "evidence": [[[149858, 164779, "Paul Newman", 6, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "There was a race team that was Paul Newman's."} {"id": 114359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leukémií v roce 2015 trpělo 2,3 milionu lidí.", "evidence": [[[134289, 149175, "Leukemie", 25, "Leukemia"]]], "claim_en": "Leukemia was active in 2.3 million people in 2015."} {"id": 28938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Pence je králík.", "evidence": [[[45073, 53797, "Mike Pence", 0, "Mike Pence"]], [[45073, 53798, "Mike Pence", 4, "Mike Pence"]], [[45073, 53799, "Mike Pence", 17, "Mike Pence"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Pence is a rabbit."} {"id": 91052, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elizabeth Taylorová nehrála v žádném americkém filmu.", "evidence": [[[108407, 121964, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 1, "Elizabeth Taylor"], [108407, 121964, "Klasický Hollywood", 0, "Classical Hollywood cinema"]], [[108407, 121969, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 16, "Elizabeth Taylor"], [108407, 121969, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Taylor has not been in an American film."} {"id": 169901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peyton Manning odehrál 14 sezón v NFL.", "evidence": [[[195983, 206131, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]], [[195983, 206132, "Peyton Manning", 1, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning played 14 seasons in the NFL."} {"id": 74756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K povinnostem USS Constitution patřila ochrana obchodní lodní dopravy.", "evidence": [[[238291, 240374, "USS Constitution", 5, "USS Constitution"]], [[241829, 243392, "USS Constitution", 5, "USS Constitution"]], [[242097, 243574, "USS Constitution", 5, "USS Constitution"]], [[319056, 307853, "USS Constitution", 5, "USS Constitution"]], [[320308, 308912, "USS Constitution", 5, "USS Constitution"]]], "claim_en": "USS Constitution duties included protecting merchant shipping."} {"id": 84973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán má ty, kteří umí psát, a nachází se v Asii.", "evidence": [[[102058, 115323, "Ázerbájdžán", 0, "Azerbaijan"], [102058, 115323, "Ázerbájdžán", 27, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan has those who can write and is in Asia."} {"id": 119063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doc Holliday se přestěhoval na Martha's Vineyard.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doc Holliday moved to Martha's Vineyard."} {"id": 30901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kongres Spojených států má horní a dolní komoru.", "evidence": [[[47058, 56160, "Kongres Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States Congress"], [47058, 56160, "Senát Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States Senate"], [47058, 56160, "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States House of Representatives"]]], "claim_en": "The United States Congress features an upper chamber and a lower chamber."} {"id": 119154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angela Lansburyová spoluvlastnila se svým manželem Peterem Shawem společnost Corymore Productions.", "evidence": [[[140165, 155169, "Angela Lansbury", 15, "Angela Lansbury"]], [[140167, 155171, "Angela Lansbury", 15, "Angela Lansbury"]]], "claim_en": "Angela Lansbury co-owned Corymore Productions with her husband Peter Shaw."} {"id": 191055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sousedem Tchaj-wanu je Amerika.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taiwan's neighbor is the Americas."} {"id": 31996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doug Jones je kameraman.", "evidence": [[[48122, 57461, "Doug Jones (herec)", 0, "Doug Jones (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Doug Jones is a cinematographer."} {"id": 96087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Radioaktivní je auto.", "evidence": [[[113641, 127504, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[113641, 127505, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[113641, 127506, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[113641, 127507, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[113641, 127508, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[113641, 127509, "Radioactive", 12, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]]], "claim_en": "Radioactive is a car."} {"id": 128039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wayne Rooney nevyhrál několik mistrovství světa.", "evidence": [[[150036, 164975, "Wayne Rooney", 7, "Wayne Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Wayne Rooney did not win multiple championships."} {"id": 42503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeroným je uznáván východní pravoslavnou církví.", "evidence": [[[58798, 69089, "Svatý Jeroným", 11, "Jerome"]]], "claim_en": "Jerome is recognized by the Eastern Orthodox Church."} {"id": 86674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Buscemi je zoroastrián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi is a Zoroastrian."} {"id": 170379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Logan Lerman si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[196573, 206673, "Logan Lerman", 0, "Logan Lerman"]], [[196573, 206674, "Logan Lerman", 1, "Logan Lerman"]], [[196573, 206676, "Logan Lerman", 3, "Logan Lerman"]]], "claim_en": "Logan Lerman starred in a movie."} {"id": 65675, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Julianne Hough je nemotorná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Julianne Hough is clumsy."} {"id": 3566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Big Show zápasí.", "evidence": [[[19670, 24168, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]]], "claim_en": "Big Show wrestles."} {"id": 223824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots je americká kapela.", "evidence": [[[266657, 263574, "Stone Temple Pilots", 0, "Stone Temple Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots are an American band."} {"id": 183060, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snooki & Jwoww vznikla 25. dubna 2013.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snooki & Jwoww was created on April 25, 2013."} {"id": 56482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf byl odmítnut ve všech pořadech Disney Channel, do kterých se přihlásil.", "evidence": [[[72834, 83919, "Shia LaBeouf", 1, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf was turned down for every Disney Channel show he auditioned for."} {"id": 134170, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katie Stevensová se narodila 8. května.", "evidence": [[[156708, 171317, "Katie Stevens", 0, "Katie Stevens"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Stevens was born on May 8."} {"id": 205138, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elvise produkovali dva Američané.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elvis was produced by two Americans."} {"id": 77714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Fassbender se narodil 2. dubna 1967.", "evidence": [[[94650, 107633, "Michael Fassbender", 0, "Michael Fassbender"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Fassbender was born April 2, 1967."} {"id": 142939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ramona Marquezová je scientoložka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ramona Marquez is a Scientologist."} {"id": 146933, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Franklin Roosevelt se v roce 1905 dožil 67 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Franklin Roosevelt was 67 in the year 1905."} {"id": 116409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kathy Batesová hrála hlavní roli ve filmu Smažená zelená rajčata.", "evidence": [[[136775, 151585, "Kathy Batesová", 3, "Kathy Bates"]]], "claim_en": "Kathy Bates played a primary role in Fried Green Tomatoes."} {"id": 124676, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naga Chaitanya hrál ve filmu Vesnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naga Chaitanya was in The Village."} {"id": 206537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joseph Barbera byl animátor ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[244212, 245276, "Joseph Barbera", 0, "Joseph Barbera"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Barbera was an animator from the United States."} {"id": 77563, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kleopatřin odkaz je mrtvý.", "evidence": [[[94500, 107489, "Kleopatra VII.", 22, "Cleopatra"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra's legacy is dead."} {"id": 218442, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zooey Deschanel hrála sedm let na klávesy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zooey Deschanel has been playing keyboards for seven years."} {"id": 93996, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conor McGregor podepsal smlouvu s WWE.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conor McGregor signed with the WWE."} {"id": 183051, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pořad Snooki & Jwoww sledoval americký kabelový a satelitní televizní kanál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snooki & Jwoww was watched by an American cable and satellite television channel."} {"id": 108705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joe Rogan se v roce 1994 nepřestěhoval do Los Angeles.", "evidence": [[[127528, 142120, "Joe Rogan", 7, "Joe Rogan"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Rogan did not move to Los Angeles in 1994."} {"id": 75261, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peking má méně obyvatel než Kunming.", "evidence": [[[92051, 104828, "Peking", 7, "Beijing"], [92051, 104828, "Kchun-ming", 1, "Kunming"]]], "claim_en": "Beijing has a smaller population than Kunming."} {"id": 8951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sherlock (televizní seriál) byl vydán s originálním soundtrackem.", "evidence": [[[14444, 18051, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[14445, 18052, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock (TV series) was released with an original soundtrack."} {"id": 94488, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pluto se skládá především z vody a hornin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pluto is primarily made of water and rock."} {"id": 68509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syd Barrett si přísně střežil své peníze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett strictly guarded his money."} {"id": 52196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portia de Rossi napsala scénář k filmu Nip/Tuck.", "evidence": [[[68506, 79374, "Portia de Rossi", 3, "Portia de Rossi"], [68506, 79374, "Plastická chirurgie s. r. o.", 0, "Nip/Tuck"]]], "claim_en": "Portia de Rossi wrote Nip/Tuck."} {"id": 8487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julia Louis-Dreyfusová hrála Christine Campbellovou v seriálu Nová dobrodružství staré Christine.", "evidence": [[[15356, 19163, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 7, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"]], [[15912, 19777, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 7, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"]], [[17528, 21675, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 1, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"], [17528, 21675, "Nové trable staré Christine", 0, "The New Adventures of Old Christine"]], [[17528, 21676, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 7, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"]], [[301318, 292446, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 7, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"]], [[302148, 293194, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 7, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"]], [[303892, 294780, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", 1, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus"], [303892, 294780, "Nové trable staré Christine", 0, "The New Adventures of Old Christine"]]], "claim_en": "Julia Louis-Dreyfus played Christine Campbell in The New Adventures of Old Christine."} {"id": 69570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jacinda Barrettová se poprvé dostala do povědomí Američanů jako členka štábu seriálu The Real World: Londýn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jacinda Barrett first became known to Americans as a cast member on The Real World: London."} {"id": 74931, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle si zahrál ve filmu Casino Royale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is an actor in Casino Royale."} {"id": 43776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Colin Kaepernick je hráč pokeru.", "evidence": [[[60099, 70515, "Colin Kaepernick", 0, "Colin Kaepernick"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Kaepernick is a poker player."} {"id": 12399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová byla herečka.", "evidence": [[[27853, 34128, "Carrie Fisher", 0, "Carrie Fisher"]], [[27853, 34129, "Carrie Fisher", 1, "Carrie Fisher"]], [[27853, 34130, "Carrie Fisher", 9, "Carrie Fisher"], [27853, 34130, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 0, "Debbie Reynolds"]]], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher was an actress."} {"id": 209115, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sennacherib byl zavražděn v Kanadě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sennacherib was assassinated in Canada."} {"id": 3404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celtics hráli zápasy v TD Garden.", "evidence": [[[19415, 23827, "TD Garden", 5, "TD Garden"]]], "claim_en": "The Celtics have played games at TD Garden."} {"id": 175279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Uprchlík.", "evidence": [[[202761, 211940, "Tommy Lee Jones", 1, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones passed up the role he was offered in The Fugitive."} {"id": 59600, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hlavní hrdina filmu Inhumans si říká pouze Black Bolt.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Inhumans's main character only goes by Black Bolt."} {"id": 99402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lom je místo, kde se těží stavební kamenivo.", "evidence": [[[117049, 130930, "Lom", 0, "Quarry"]]], "claim_en": "A quarry is where excavation of construction aggregate occurs."} {"id": 116796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Snowden se natáčel v Asii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snowden was filmed in Asia."} {"id": 160223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selene slouží jako ústřední země v akčním hororu z roku 2003.", "evidence": [[[184694, 196561, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"]]], "claim_en": "Selene serves as the central country in a 2003 action horror film."} {"id": 37776, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Budapešti sídlí maďarské Národní shromáždění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Budapest has the seat of the National Assembly of Hungary."} {"id": 208697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice pracoval na filmu Otcové a synové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice worked on Fathers and Sons."} {"id": 145078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kanibalismus byl v mnoha částech Evropy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cannibalism was in many parts of Europe."} {"id": 112120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Atlas mraků postrádá více zápletek.", "evidence": [[[131585, 146381, "Atlas mraků (film)", 1, "Cloud Atlas (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cloud Atlas lacks multiple plots."} {"id": 51103, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je kanadský film.", "evidence": [[[67436, 78259, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a Canadian movie."} {"id": 219769, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křestní jméno Sylvestera Stalloneho je Jason.", "evidence": [[[261445, 259576, "Sylvester Stallone", 0, "Sylvester Stallone"]]], "claim_en": "Sylvester Stallone's first name is Jason."} {"id": 142857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "World of Warcraft je online dobrodružná hra.", "evidence": [[[165915, 179873, "World of Warcraft", 0, "World of Warcraft"]]], "claim_en": "World of Warcraft is an online adventure game."} {"id": 126765, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Walt Disney zemřel v prosinci 1966.", "evidence": [[[148614, 163636, "Walt Disney", 0, "Walt Disney"]], [[148614, 163637, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]], [[148640, 163669, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney passed away in December of 1966."} {"id": 58018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl uvězněn.", "evidence": [[[74356, 85576, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 5, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]], [[74356, 85577, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 6, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was incarcerated."} {"id": 11876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gillian Andersonová nebyla schopná hrát v populárním televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[27092, 33205, "Gillian Andersonová", 1, "Gillian Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Gillian Anderson was incapable of being in a popular television show."} {"id": 88208, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na řece Columbia se plaví lodě a bárky pro obchod.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Columbia River has ships and barges for trade."} {"id": 108925, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brad Pitt hrál ve filmu Thelma a Louise kovbojského stopaře.", "evidence": [[[127798, 142466, "Brad Pitt", 4, "Brad Pitt"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt played a cowboy hitchhiker in Thelma and Louise."} {"id": 10003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Froome není cyklista.", "evidence": [[[24919, 30758, "Chris Froome", 0, "Chris Froome"]], [[24919, 30759, "Chris Froome", 1, "Chris Froome"]], [[24919, 30760, "Chris Froome", 7, "Chris Froome"]], [[24919, 30761, "Chris Froome", 8, "Chris Froome"], [24919, 30761, "Grand Tour (cyklistika)", 0, "Grand Tour (cycling)"]], [[24919, 30762, "Chris Froome", 13, "Chris Froome"]], [[24919, 30764, "Chris Froome", 17, "Chris Froome"], [24919, 30764, "Tour de France 2014", 0, "2014 Tour de France"]], [[24919, 30765, "Chris Froome", 18, "Chris Froome"]], [[24919, 30766, "Chris Froome", 19, "Chris Froome"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Froome is not a cyclist."} {"id": 29575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová vydala album v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[84200, 96322, "Jennifer Hudson", 13, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[86752, 99218, "Jennifer Hudson", 13, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[88697, 101320, "Jennifer Hudson", 13, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[306223, 296951, "Jennifer Hudson", 13, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[306229, 296955, "Jennifer Hudson", 13, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson released an album in 2011."} {"id": 126264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shakira se narodila v neděli 2. února 1977.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shakira was born on Sunday February 2, 1977."} {"id": 226880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jenna Jameson byla vždy pouze striptérkou.", "evidence": [[[270528, 266552, "Jenna Jameson", 0, "Jenna Jameson"]], [[270528, 266553, "Jenna Jameson", 3, "Jenna Jameson"]], [[270528, 266554, "Jenna Jameson", 15, "Jenna Jameson"]], [[270528, 266555, "Jenna Jameson", 16, "Jenna Jameson"]], [[270528, 266556, "Jenna Jameson", 22, "Jenna Jameson"]]], "claim_en": "Jenna Jameson was only ever a stripper."} {"id": 87091, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ben Stiller získal cenu Emmy za nejlepší herecký výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ben Stiller has won an Emmy Award for Best Actor."} {"id": 111816, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Theresa Mayová pracovala v docích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Theresa May worked the docks."} {"id": 63339, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mirnyj (válečná šalupa) byla válečná loď s 20 děly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Mirny (sloop-of-war) was a 20-gun warship."} {"id": 100969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Josh Duhamel se věnuje výrobě.", "evidence": [[[118677, 132526, "Josh Duhamel", 0, "Josh Duhamel"]]], "claim_en": "Josh Duhamel is in the manufacturing business."} {"id": 16673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peking je místo.", "evidence": [[[32064, 38939, "Peking", 0, "Beijing"]], [[32064, 38940, "Peking", 2, "Beijing"]], [[32064, 38941, "Peking", 7, "Beijing"]]], "claim_en": "Beijing is a place."} {"id": 89921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shailene Woodleyová je umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[274885, 270114, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[274885, 270115, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[274885, 270116, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[274885, 270117, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[274885, 270118, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[274885, 270119, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271954, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271955, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271956, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271957, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271958, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[276936, 271959, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277633, 272553, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272556, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272557, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272558, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272559, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272560, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[277636, 272561, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323917, 312050, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323919, 312051, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323924, 312054, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323924, 312055, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323924, 312056, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323924, 312057, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323924, 312059, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312060, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312061, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312062, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312063, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312064, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323925, 312065, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312071, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312072, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312073, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312074, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312075, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323935, 312076, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312087, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312088, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312089, "Shailene Woodley", 2, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312090, "Shailene Woodley", 5, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312091, "Shailene Woodley", 6, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[323959, 312092, "Shailene Woodley", 7, "Shailene Woodley"]]], "claim_en": "Shailene Woodley is a performer."} {"id": 24092, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sunny Leone vystupuje v pořadu vysílaném na MTV India.", "evidence": [[[65855, 76717, "Sunny Leone", 8, "Sunny Leone"]], [[67706, 78537, "Sunny Leone", 8, "Sunny Leone"]], [[303779, 294694, "Sunny Leone", 8, "Sunny Leone"], [303779, 294694, "MTV Video Music Awards", 9, "MTV Video Music Award"]]], "claim_en": "Sunny Leone appears on a show airing on MTV India."} {"id": 159614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Síla Richarda Burbage se projevuje v jeho nehereckých schopnostech.", "evidence": [[[184019, 195988, "Richard Burbage", 19, "Richard Burbage"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Burbage's power is revealed in his non-acting powers."} {"id": 67723, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brock Lesnar nebyl šampionem UFC v těžké váze.", "evidence": [[[84319, 96438, "Brock Lesnar", 18, "Brock Lesnar"]]], "claim_en": "Brock Lesnar was not UFC Heavyweight Champion."} {"id": 140201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando hrál ve filmu z roku 1972.", "evidence": [[[163167, 177386, "Marlon Brando", 3, "Marlon Brando"]], [[163167, 177387, "Marlon Brando", 4, "Marlon Brando"]], [[163172, 177390, "Marlon Brando", 3, "Marlon Brando"]], [[163172, 177393, "Marlon Brando", 17, "Marlon Brando"], [163172, 177393, "Kmotr (film)", 0, "The Godfather"], [163172, 177393, "Kmotr (film)", 1, "The Godfather"]], [[163172, 177394, "Marlon Brando", 18, "Marlon Brando"], [163172, 177394, "Kmotr (film)", 0, "The Godfather"], [163172, 177394, "Kmotr (film)", 1, "The Godfather"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was in a 1972 film."} {"id": 190815, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Myles Kennedy vydal v roce 2015 alba s americkou rockovou skupinou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Myles Kennedy has released albums with an American rock band in 2015."} {"id": 181065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do filmu Americký gangster byl obsazen Idris Elba.", "evidence": [[[210162, 217926, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "American Gangster cast Idris Elba."} {"id": 158497, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fotbalový tým Georgia Institute of Technology byl v roce 2014 suspendován.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Georgia Institute of Technology's football team were suspended in 2014."} {"id": 200063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Netopýr Kitti je známý také jako dravec s prasečím nosem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kitti's hog-nosed bat is also known as a predator."} {"id": 83110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album 30 Seconds to Mars vydalo vydavatelství Idol Records.", "evidence": [[[100154, 113409, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]]], "claim_en": "30 Seconds to Mars was released by Idol Records."} {"id": 89504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson si zahrál ve filmu Godzilla z roku 2006.", "evidence": [[[106742, 120133, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 5, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]], [[106743, 120134, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 5, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson starred in the 2006 film Godzilla."} {"id": 213355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ellen Burstynová dosud nepracovala ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[253132, 253027, "Ellen Burstynová", 1, "Ellen Burstyn"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn has yet to work in film."} {"id": 177837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Milk je pouze fantasy film.", "evidence": [[[206124, 214572, "Milk", 0, "Milk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Milk is only a fantasy film."} {"id": 61995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taylor Schillingová hrála v seriálu společnosti Netflix.", "evidence": [[[194493, 204873, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]], [[197385, 207433, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]], [[315260, 304538, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]], [[316489, 305673, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]], [[316561, 305724, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Schilling was in a Netflix series."} {"id": 44217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní město Libanonu bylo označováno pouze jako Bejrút.", "evidence": [[[60556, 70986, "Libanon", 31, "Lebanon"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon's capital was referred to only as Beirut."} {"id": 17689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Toy Story zazněla píseň You've Got a Friend in Me.", "evidence": [[[33187, 40273, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 18, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story featured the song You've Got a Friend in Me."} {"id": 110391, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Beach Boys byla náboženská skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys was a religious group."} {"id": 167142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kanye West odmítl pracovat pro Jay Z.", "evidence": [[[192285, 203046, "Kanye West", 1, "Kanye West"]]], "claim_en": "Kanye West refused to work for Jay Z."} {"id": 170951, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Smriti Mandhanaová plakala za indický ženský kriketový tým.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Smriti Mandhana cried for the Indian women's cricket team."} {"id": 68992, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jak vycvičit draka (film) byl poražen americkým 3D počítačově animovaným filmem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "How to Train Your Dragon (film) was beaten by an American 3D computer-animated movie."} {"id": 7199, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sestra Hayden Panettiere se jmenuje Leslie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere's sister's name is Leslie."} {"id": 222107, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gregor Clegane je antagonista Sandora Clegana.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gregor Clegane is the antagonist of Sandor Clegane."} {"id": 70886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heidi Klum je velvyslankyní Barbie.", "evidence": [[[87613, 100111, "Heidi Klumová", 6, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum is Barbie's ambassador."} {"id": 101675, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Newman měl fotbalový tým.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Newman had a soccer team."} {"id": 32451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tým Leicester City F.C. byl čtyřikrát finalistou reality show.", "evidence": [[[48551, 57863, "Leicester City FC", 20, "Leicester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. have been reality show finalists four times."} {"id": 6483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Americká herečka Olivia Wilde hraje ve filmu Her.", "evidence": [[[23243, 28644, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [23243, 28644, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "American actress Olivia Wilde stars in Her."} {"id": 146620, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Londýn je hlavním městem Bali.", "evidence": [[[170156, 183721, "Bali", 3, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "London is the capital of Bali."} {"id": 101618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Měsíc narození Jacka Falaheeho je únor.", "evidence": [[[119340, 133321, "Jack Falahee", 0, "Jack Falahee"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Falahee's birth month is February."} {"id": 171005, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Colin Powell byl 65. ministrem zahraničí USA.", "evidence": [[[197318, 207389, "Colin Powell", 4, "Colin Powell"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Powell was the 65th US Secretary of State."} {"id": 137075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje webová stránka s názvem Youtube.", "evidence": [[[159814, 174282, "YouTube", 0, "YouTube"]], [[159864, 174367, "YouTube", 0, "YouTube"]]], "claim_en": "There is a website called Youtube."} {"id": 4539, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kateřina Alexandrijská je Francouzka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherine of Alexandria is French."} {"id": 188017, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Sicario (2015) získal nominace na všechny Oscary kromě ceny za nejlepší střih zvuku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sicario (2015 film) received nominations for all Academy Awards except for Best Sound Editing."} {"id": 181855, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Don Hall je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Don Hall is Catholic."} {"id": 102011, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Randy Orton vytvořil s Codym Rhodesem kolektiv The Legacy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Randy Orton formed the collective The Legacy with Cody Rhodes."} {"id": 211060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V červnu zemřel George Cukor.", "evidence": [[[250062, 250123, "George Cukor", 0, "George Cukor"]]], "claim_en": "George Cukor died in June."} {"id": 135045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Borussia Dortmund nemá nic společného se sportovci.", "evidence": [[[157619, 172227, "Borussia Dortmund", 0, "Borussia Dortmund"]], [[157619, 172228, "Borussia Dortmund", 6, "Borussia Dortmund"]]], "claim_en": "Borussia Dortmund has nothing to do with athletes."} {"id": 6622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steve Buscemi si dal po celá devadesátá léta pauzu od filmů.", "evidence": [[[23391, 28828, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"], [23391, 28828, "Armageddon (film, 1998)", 0, "Armageddon (1998 film)"]], [[23391, 28829, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"], [23391, 28829, "Barton Fink", 0, "Barton Fink"]], [[23391, 28830, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi took a hiatus from films throughout all of the 1990's."} {"id": 98036, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jordan Spence hraje za fotbalový klub Manchester United.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jordan Spence plays for Manchester United Football Club."} {"id": 161960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vše o Evě získal několik Oscarů.", "evidence": [[[186479, 198283, "Vše o Evě", 9, "All About Eve"]]], "claim_en": "All About Eve won multiple Academy Awards."} {"id": 126693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Louis Malle pracoval výhradně v německé kinematografii.", "evidence": [[[148552, 163572, "Louis Malle", 0, "Louis Malle"]], [[148552, 163574, "Louis Malle", 6, "Louis Malle"]]], "claim_en": "Louis Malle worked solely in German cinema."} {"id": 73750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paleogén se píše také jako paleogén.", "evidence": [[[90533, 103288, "Paleogén", 0, "Paleogene"]]], "claim_en": "Paleogene is also spelled Palaeogene."} {"id": 166508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jason Katims se na filmu Roswell nijak nepodílel.", "evidence": [[[191496, 202342, "Roswell (seriál)", 0, "Roswell (TV series)"]], [[191499, 202344, "Roswell (seriál)", 0, "Roswell (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Jason Katims has made no contributions to Roswell."} {"id": 89919, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Land Rover nemá schopnost vyrábět auta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Land Rover lacks the ability to make cars."} {"id": 93671, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 21 Jump Street byl uveden do kin ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street was released in the United States."} {"id": 219291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paprika Capsicum chinense není nikdy známá jako \"kapucínská paprika\".", "evidence": [[[260890, 259226, "Paprika čínská", 0, "Capsicum chinense"]]], "claim_en": "Capsicum chinense is never known as the \"bonnet pepper\"."} {"id": 60239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Beckham je člověk.", "evidence": [[[76670, 87989, "David Beckham", 0, "David Beckham"]], [[76670, 87990, "David Beckham", 1, "David Beckham"]], [[76670, 87991, "David Beckham", 2, "David Beckham"]], [[76670, 87992, "David Beckham", 3, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham is a person."} {"id": 539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt navštěvoval Harvardovu univerzitu v roce 1824.", "evidence": [[[15978, 19859, "Theodore Roosevelt", 8, "Theodore Roosevelt"], [15978, 19859, "Theodore Roosevelt", 0, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt attended Harvard College in 1824."} {"id": 191972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charlize Theronová získala uznání kritiky za film Zrůda.", "evidence": [[[224527, 229375, "Charlize Theronová", 4, "Charlize Theron"]]], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron received critical acclaim for Monster."} {"id": 92352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noc oživlých mrtvol je australský hudební videoklip z roku 1990.", "evidence": [[[109662, 123279, "Noc oživlých mrtvol", 0, "Night of the Living Dead"]]], "claim_en": "Night of the Living Dead is a 1990 Australian music video."} {"id": 158153, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Thewlis působil ve 20. století jako spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Thewlis worked as an author in the 20th century."} {"id": 81010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Basketbal je individuální sport.", "evidence": [[[98026, 111161, "Basketbal", 1, "Basketball"]]], "claim_en": "Basketball is an individual sport."} {"id": 19, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "H. H. Holmes vlastnil budovu západně od Chicaga.", "evidence": [[[15245, 18996, "H. H. Holmes", 5, "H. H. Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "H. H. Holmes owned a building west of Chicago."} {"id": 56301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tony Blair je politik.", "evidence": [[[72666, 83717, "Tony Blair", 5, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair is a politician."} {"id": 199741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tijuana je centrem metropolitní oblasti Mexico City.", "evidence": [[[234917, 237705, "Tijuana", 0, "Tijuana"]]], "claim_en": "Tijuana is the center of the Mexico City metropolitan area."} {"id": 124195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová měla pozitivní test na látku, kterou Světová antidopingová agentura zakázala.", "evidence": [[[145729, 160739, "Maria Šarapovová", 26, "Maria Sharapova"]], [[145729, 160740, "Maria Šarapovová", 25, "Maria Sharapova"]], [[145731, 160742, "Maria Šarapovová", 26, "Maria Sharapova"]]], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova tested positive for a material that has been forbidden by the World Anti-Doping Agency."} {"id": 63233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Narodil se Jeff Bezos.", "evidence": [[[79643, 91395, "Jeff Bezos", 0, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos was born."} {"id": 200934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sade (zpěvačka) měla celosvětově nulový prodej.", "evidence": [[[236430, 238904, "Sade Adu", 15, "Sade (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Sade (singer) had zero sales worldwide."} {"id": 130036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kanada není v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[152256, 167055, "Kanada", 0, "Canada"]]], "claim_en": "Canada is not in North America."} {"id": 213826, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová měla roli ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[253828, 253597, "Sarah Paulsonová", 4, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[253828, 253598, "Sarah Paulsonová", 9, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[253828, 253599, "Sarah Paulsonová", 10, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson had a role in a film."} {"id": 39376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle se nemohl dostat na žádnou vysokou školu.", "evidence": [[[55620, 65654, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle was unable to get into any college."} {"id": 97440, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ježíš byl muslim.", "evidence": [[[115059, 128794, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[115059, 128795, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was Muslim."} {"id": 8462, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Egejské moře je daleko od Černého moře.", "evidence": [[[13728, 17171, "Egejské moře", 1, "Aegean Sea"]]], "claim_en": "The Aegean Sea is far from the Black Sea."} {"id": 113680, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Best se narodil v červenci.", "evidence": [[[133413, 148272, "George Best", 0, "George Best"]]], "claim_en": "George Best was born in July."} {"id": 18455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Douglas odmítl někdy pracovat v televizi.", "evidence": [[[34041, 41282, "Michael Douglas", 9, "Michael Douglas"]], [[34041, 41283, "Michael Douglas", 10, "Michael Douglas"]], [[34041, 41284, "Michael Douglas", 24, "Michael Douglas"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Douglas refused to ever work in television."} {"id": 104053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Dobrý Will Hunting hrála americká herečka Minnie Driverová.", "evidence": [[[122168, 136464, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"], [122168, 136464, "Minnie Driver", 0, "Minnie Driver"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting featured a performance by American actress Minnie Driver."} {"id": 81781, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Hathaway měla hlavní roli ve filmu Rachel se vdává.", "evidence": [[[98842, 111925, "Anne Hathaway", 8, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway had a starring role in Rachel Getting Married."} {"id": 195279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Foo Fighters pochází z Kanady.", "evidence": [[[229249, 233246, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters are from Canada."} {"id": 144695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rok 2001 byl rokem, kdy Michael Schumacher získal titul.", "evidence": [[[167979, 181741, "Michael Schumacher", 18, "Michael Schumacher"]]], "claim_en": "2001 was a year when Michael Schumacher won a title."} {"id": 75783, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film The Conjuring neměl rozpočet 20 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[239544, 241346, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]], [[243289, 244525, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]], [[319223, 307986, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]], [[320403, 309006, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]], [[320404, 309007, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]], [[320408, 309011, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"], [320408, 309011, "V zajetí démonů", 0, "The Conjuring"]], [[320411, 309013, "V zajetí démonů", 8, "The Conjuring"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring did not have a budget of $20 million."} {"id": 148152, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film The Nice Guys režíroval Wally Pfister.", "evidence": [[[171774, 185257, "Správní chlapi", 0, "The Nice Guys"]]], "claim_en": "The Nice Guys was directed by Wally Pfister."} {"id": 4362, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexiko je mezinárodními analytiky označováno za nastupující globální velmoc.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico is identified as an emerging global power by international analysts."} {"id": 37174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tardigrádi jsou mikroživočichové žijící ve vodě.", "evidence": [[[53366, 63346, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades are water-dwelling micro-animals."} {"id": 28406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eva Greenová neměla divadelní kariéru.", "evidence": [[[76740, 88089, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]], [[80359, 92183, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]], [[82864, 94730, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]], [[306035, 296786, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]], [[307260, 297792, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]]], "claim_en": "Eva Green did not have a career in theatre."} {"id": 69563, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg se podílela na produkci filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg co-produced a movie."} {"id": 118085, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Froome nikdy nedojel druhý v závodě Vuelta a España 2011.", "evidence": [[[138549, 153628, "Chris Froome", 8, "Chris Froome"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Froome never finished second in the 2011 Vuelta a España."} {"id": 168711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jane Lynchová je Severoameričanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jane Lynch is a North American."} {"id": 60176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amsterdam byl předním centrem pro štěňata.", "evidence": [[[191942, 202709, "Amsterdam", 9, "Amsterdam"]], [[191943, 202710, "Amsterdam", 9, "Amsterdam"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam was the leading centre for puppies."} {"id": 191090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Franková pochází z Amsterdamu.", "evidence": [[[223392, 228367, "Amsterdam", 23, "Amsterdam"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank is from Amsterdam."} {"id": 75219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joaquin Phoenix vede kampaň pro Hillary Clintonovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joaquin Phoenix campaigns for Hillary Clinton."} {"id": 186763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Connie Brittonová byla nominována na cenu Peabody za seriál Nashville.", "evidence": [[[217908, 224342, "Connie Britton", 12, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton was nominated for a Peabody Award for Nashville."} {"id": 176475, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil koprodukci s Američany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created a co-production with Americans."} {"id": 36062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George W. Bush získal po útocích z 11. září nejvyšší zaznamenané hodnocení prezidentské popularity.", "evidence": [[[52250, 62214, "George W. Bush", 24, "George W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George W. Bush received the highest recorded presidential approval ratings following the September 11 attacks."} {"id": 124885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Breaking Bad získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[146515, 161498, "Perníkový táta", 18, "Breaking Bad"], [146515, 161498, "Perníkový táta", 0, "Breaking Bad"]], [[146515, 161499, "Perníkový táta", 19, "Breaking Bad"], [146515, 161499, "Perníkový táta", 1, "Breaking Bad"], [146515, 161499, "Perníkový táta", 2, "Breaking Bad"]]], "claim_en": "Breaking Bad won awards."} {"id": 157357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Sony založila skupinu Girls' Generation.", "evidence": [[[181537, 193778, "Girls' Generation", 0, "Girls' Generation"]]], "claim_en": "Girls' Generation was formed by Sony."} {"id": 192738, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nejnovější singl LL Cool J se jmenuje Authentic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The latest single of LL Cool J is called Authentic."} {"id": 57196, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář filmu The Hunger Games byl nafocen scenáristy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hunger Games's screenplay was photographed by screenwriters."} {"id": 170077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham porodil 2. května.", "evidence": [[[196184, 206322, "David Beckham", 1, "David Beckham"]], [[196184, 206323, "David Beckham", 2, "David Beckham"]], [[196184, 206324, "David Beckham", 3, "David Beckham"]], [[196184, 206325, "David Beckham", 7, "David Beckham"]], [[196184, 206326, "David Beckham", 21, "David Beckham"]], [[196184, 206327, "David Beckham", 20, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham gave birth on May 2."} {"id": 9812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Islám má více než 1,8 miliardy stoupenců.", "evidence": [[[24659, 30443, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam has over 1.8 billion followers."} {"id": 156864, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kangana Ranaut toužila stát se zubařkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kangana Ranaut aspired to become a dentist."} {"id": 140387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marlon Brando si nikdy nedal čtyřletou pauzu.", "evidence": [[[163348, 177554, "Marlon Brando", 20, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando never took a four-year hiatus."} {"id": 173696, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jackson si vytvořil pověst sólového umělce.", "evidence": [[[200718, 210176, "Michael Jackson", 10, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson created a reputation as a solo artist."} {"id": 55240, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Redford byl hostující hvězdou v seriálu.", "evidence": [[[71610, 82590, "Robert Redford", 4, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford was a guest star on a show."} {"id": 77982, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aubrey Anderson-Emmons se narodila v roce 1999.", "evidence": [[[94921, 107875, "Aubrey Anderson-Emmons", 0, "Aubrey Anderson-Emmons"]]], "claim_en": "Aubrey Anderson-Emmons was born in 1999."} {"id": 53429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mys hrůzy je film o psech z roku 1991.", "evidence": [[[69709, 80570, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 3, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cape Fear is a film about dogs from 1991."} {"id": 40010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bette Davisová je mužská hvězda.", "evidence": [[[56306, 66485, "Bette Davisová", 0, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66486, "Bette Davisová", 1, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66487, "Bette Davisová", 5, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66488, "Bette Davisová", 6, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66489, "Bette Davisová", 7, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66490, "Bette Davisová", 8, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66491, "Bette Davisová", 9, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66492, "Bette Davisová", 11, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66493, "Bette Davisová", 12, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66494, "Bette Davisová", 16, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66495, "Bette Davisová", 17, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66496, "Bette Davisová", 18, "Bette Davis"]], [[56306, 66497, "Bette Davisová", 19, "Bette Davis"]]], "claim_en": "Bette Davis is a male star."} {"id": 146593, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "U olympijských medailí byl standardizován design jejich averzů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Olympic medals had their obverse design standardized."} {"id": 218995, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jay Sekulow se narodil v Japonsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jay Sekulow was born in Japan."} {"id": 229331, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kerala byla pojmenována 1.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kerala was named on the 1st."} {"id": 143044, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Costner získal několik medailí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Costner has won multiple medals."} {"id": 213376, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg navštěvoval americkou hereckou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg attended an American acting school."} {"id": 145750, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lauren Bacallová pracovala v roce 2011.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lauren Bacall worked in 2011."} {"id": 223630, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sue Vertue produkovala sitcom, který skončil v letadle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sue Vertue produced a sitcom that ended on a plane."} {"id": 38335, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carolina Panthers jsou tým.", "evidence": [[[54526, 64526, "Carolina Panthers", 0, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64714, "Carolina Panthers", 0, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64715, "Carolina Panthers", 2, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64716, "Carolina Panthers", 3, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64717, "Carolina Panthers", 9, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64718, "Carolina Panthers", 16, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64719, "Carolina Panthers", 17, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64720, "Carolina Panthers", 18, "Carolina Panthers"]], [[54728, 64721, "Carolina Panthers", 19, "Carolina Panthers"]]], "claim_en": "Carolina Panthers are a team."} {"id": 463, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Hathaway měla roli ve filmu Deník princezny 2: Královské zásnuby.", "evidence": [[[15891, 19748, "Anne Hathaway", 3, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway had a role in The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement."} {"id": 81014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carole Kingová je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[98029, 111163, "Carole King", 0, "Carole King"]]], "claim_en": "Carole King is a Canadian."} {"id": 22247, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snídaňový klub je americký a představuje 80. léta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Breakfast Club is American and represents the 1980s."} {"id": 82804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Felicity Huffman je herečka.", "evidence": [[[99864, 113043, "Felicity Huffman", 0, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113044, "Felicity Huffman", 3, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113045, "Felicity Huffman", 4, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113046, "Felicity Huffman", 5, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113047, "Felicity Huffman", 8, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113048, "Felicity Huffman", 9, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113049, "Felicity Huffman", 10, "Felicity Huffman"]], [[99864, 113050, "Felicity Huffman", 11, "Felicity Huffman"]]], "claim_en": "Felicity Huffman is an actress."} {"id": 199077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234061, 236956, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 19165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ethan Hawke pochází ze Severní Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[34931, 42348, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke is from North America."} {"id": 78813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Glenn nebyl jedním ze sedmi letounů Mercury.", "evidence": [[[95763, 108809, "John Glenn", 5, "John Glenn"]], [[95763, 108810, "John Glenn", 7, "John Glenn"]]], "claim_en": "John Glenn was not one of the Mercury Seven."} {"id": 128043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eagles (skupina) vytvořili album s názvem Hotel California.", "evidence": [[[150028, 164968, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Eagles (band) created an album entitled Hotel California."} {"id": 146186, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu The Shield hrál Michael Chiklis detektiva alkoholika.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Shield starred Michael Chiklis as an alcoholic detective."} {"id": 153147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Brazzers sídlí v Québecu.", "evidence": [[[177097, 190013, "Brazzers", 0, "Brazzers"]]], "claim_en": "Brazzers is based in Quebec."} {"id": 227264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "IPhony lze používat pro skupinové práce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "IPhones can be used for group works."} {"id": 138140, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl zabit doktorem Ozem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was killed by Dr. Oz."} {"id": 205324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky měl producent Granada Productions.", "evidence": [[[242603, 243941, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]], [[242604, 243942, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes had the producer Granada Productions."} {"id": 211814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bobby Moore se narodil 12. dubna 1941.", "evidence": [[[251029, 250989, "Bobby Moore", 0, "Bobby Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Bobby Moore was born on April 12th, 1941."} {"id": 139726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tramadol není schopen způsobit zácpu.", "evidence": [[[290195, 283248, "Tramadol", 9, "Tramadol"]], [[291537, 284467, "Tramadol", 9, "Tramadol"]], [[293655, 286119, "Tramadol", 9, "Tramadol"]], [[337865, 323189, "Tramadol", 9, "Tramadol"]]], "claim_en": "Tramadol is incapable of causing constipation."} {"id": 188510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je známý především jako člen ruské levice.", "evidence": [[[220040, 225909, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is best known as a member of the Russian left."} {"id": 128393, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Glenn byl prvním Američanem, který obletěl Mars.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Glenn was the first American to orbit Mars."} {"id": 125205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "KJ Apa nebyl obsazen do role postavy v seriálu Riverdale.", "evidence": [[[146857, 161828, "K. J. Apa", 2, "KJ Apa"]], [[146858, 161829, "K. J. Apa", 2, "KJ Apa"]]], "claim_en": "KJ Apa was not cast as a character in Riverdale."} {"id": 91556, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Lopesová získala cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Lopes won a Tony."} {"id": 75851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neve Campbellová se narodila 3. října 1974.", "evidence": [[[92662, 105470, "Neve Campbellová", 0, "Neve Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Neve Campbell was born on October 3rd, 1974."} {"id": 184629, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Augusto Pinochet byl chilský politik.", "evidence": [[[215083, 222012, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215092, 222016, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215092, 222017, "Augusto Pinochet", 1, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215092, 222018, "Augusto Pinochet", 2, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215092, 222019, "Augusto Pinochet", 5, "Augusto Pinochet"]]], "claim_en": "Augusto Pinochet was a Chilean politician."} {"id": 87555, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Appian Way Productions je v krabici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Appian Way Productions is in a box."} {"id": 100981, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scénář filmu Příběh hraček byl chválen pro svou vtipnou propracovanost.", "evidence": [[[118695, 132538, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 16, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "The screenplay of Toy Story was praised for its wit sophistication."} {"id": 168592, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ronald Reagan dokončil vysokou školu v roce 1989.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan finished college in 1989."} {"id": 134538, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Modrý samet se zasloužil o to, že dal alespoň jednomu člověku možnost vyjádřit se.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet was credited for giving at least one person a way to express themselves."} {"id": 83967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Starbucks prodává tělové polštáře.", "evidence": [[[100994, 114254, "Starbucks", 10, "Starbucks"]], [[100994, 114255, "Starbucks", 9, "Starbucks"]], [[100994, 114256, "Starbucks", 11, "Starbucks"]]], "claim_en": "Starbucks sells body pillows."} {"id": 131992, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt byl vůdčí osobností.", "evidence": [[[155742, 170371, "Theodore Roosevelt", 0, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170372, "Theodore Roosevelt", 1, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170373, "Theodore Roosevelt", 2, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170374, "Theodore Roosevelt", 12, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170375, "Theodore Roosevelt", 13, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170376, "Theodore Roosevelt", 19, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170378, "Theodore Roosevelt", 27, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170379, "Theodore Roosevelt", 31, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[155742, 170380, "Theodore Roosevelt", 33, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt was a leader."} {"id": 186906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Batman vs. Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti je prvním animovaným filmem, ve kterém se Batman a Superman objevili společně.", "evidence": [[[218069, 224462, "Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti", 4, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"]]], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first animated film to feature Batman and Superman together."} {"id": 214152, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shonen Jump vlastní společnost SJ.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shonen Jump is owned by SJ."} {"id": 43668, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nadlidským schopnostem může zabránit vylepšení člověka genetickou modifikací.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superhuman abilities may be prevented by human enhancement by genetic modification."} {"id": 132943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Obraz Judith Barsi se objevil na obrazovkách televizních stanic.", "evidence": [[[155427, 170106, "Judith Barsi", 1, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi's image has appeared on t.v. screens."} {"id": 227130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "New Orleans Pelicans soutěží v Národní fotbalové asociaci.", "evidence": [[[270825, 266809, "New Orleans Pelicans", 0, "New Orleans Pelicans"], [270825, 266809, "New Orleans Pelicans", 1, "New Orleans Pelicans"]]], "claim_en": "New Orleans Pelicans compete in the National Football Association."} {"id": 41490, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O Seleně byl v roce 1997 natočen životopisný film.", "evidence": [[[57776, 68021, "Selena", 33, "Selena"]]], "claim_en": "Selena was the subject of a 1997 biographical film."} {"id": 1006, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Carradine byl hráčem počítačových her.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Carradine was a gamer."} {"id": 31876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pornhub je vysoká škola.", "evidence": [[[92061, 104839, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]], [[94741, 107722, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]], [[94741, 107723, "Pornhub", 3, "Pornhub"]], [[306626, 297253, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]], [[307599, 298069, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]]], "claim_en": "Pornhub is a college."} {"id": 228694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Odvysílána sezóna seriálu Dva a půl chlapa.", "evidence": [[[272864, 268522, "Dva a půl chlapa", 0, "Two and a Half Men"]], [[272865, 268523, "Dva a půl chlapa", 0, "Two and a Half Men"]]], "claim_en": "Two and a Half Men season aired."} {"id": 169471, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oakland v Kalifornii je třetí nejmenší město v oblasti Sanfranciského zálivu.", "evidence": [[[195395, 205671, "Oakland", 1, "Oakland, California"]]], "claim_en": "Oakland, California is the third smallest city in the San Francisco Bay Area."} {"id": 223079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kambodža má menšinové skupiny, mezi které patří Číňané.", "evidence": [[[265731, 262919, "Kambodža", 6, "Cambodia"]]], "claim_en": "Cambodia have minority groups that includes Chinese."} {"id": 67936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ringo Starr hrál na baskytaru v písni Yellow Submarine.", "evidence": [[[84554, 96743, "Ringo Starr", 1, "Ringo Starr"], [84554, 96743, "Yellow Submarine (píseň)", 4, "Yellow Submarine (song)"], [84554, 96743, "Yellow Submarine (píseň)", 0, "Yellow Submarine (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr played bass on \"Yellow Submarine\"."} {"id": 153477, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Výzva: V roce 2006 se v USA uskutečnila soutěž o nejlepšího zpěváka, který se zúčastnil soutěže o nejlepšího zpěváka: Rivalové III byla vysílána na televizním kanálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Challenge: Rivals III was on a television channel."} {"id": 191606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V seriálu Slavní v lásce vystupují mořské vydry.", "evidence": [[[224082, 228951, "Vzhůru ke hvězdám", 1, "Famous in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Famous in Love stars sea otters."} {"id": 150856, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sociální úzkostná porucha se vyznačuje strachem z Justina Timberlakea.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Social anxiety disorder is characterized by fear of Justin Timberlake."} {"id": 122066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ralph Fiennes nikdy nebyl na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [[[143273, 158372, "Ralph Fiennes", 14, "Ralph Fiennes"]]], "claim_en": "Ralph Fiennes has never been to Broadway."} {"id": 144001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1972 byl Joe Biden zvolen do Senátu.", "evidence": [[[167138, 180969, "Joe Biden", 6, "Joe Biden"]]], "claim_en": "In 1972, Joe Biden was elected to the Senate."} {"id": 176026, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film WALL-E vyhrál mistrovství světa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "WALL-E won a championship."} {"id": 145619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miranda Otto je jedinou sestrou herečky Gracie Otto.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miranda Otto is the only sister of actress Gracie Otto."} {"id": 81120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Greyová byla vynechána při nominaci za film Hříšný tanec.", "evidence": [[[98168, 111277, "Jennifer Grey", 1, "Jennifer Grey"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Grey was passed over for a nomination for Dirty Dancing."} {"id": 30767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln zahájil své prezidentství v lednu 1861.", "evidence": [[[88742, 101379, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[90884, 103585, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[306456, 297138, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[307500, 297989, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[308619, 298962, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln began his presidency in January 1861."} {"id": 126602, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katie Holmesová je režisérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes is a director."} {"id": 136210, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Soundtrack k filmu Arrow složil Blake Neely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arrow's soundtrack was composed by Blake Neely."} {"id": 95276, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "O manželství osob stejného pohlaví se běžně diskutuje v distriktu Columbia.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Same-sex marriage is a common discussion in the District of Columbia."} {"id": 32576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Černobylská katastrofa se nakonec týkala více než 500 000 pracovníků.", "evidence": [[[48660, 57976, "Černobylská havárie", 17, "Chernobyl disaster"]]], "claim_en": "The Chernobyl disaster ultimately involved more than 500,000 workers."} {"id": 41237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Peggy Sue Got Married režíroval Spike Lee.", "evidence": [[[57527, 67743, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]]], "claim_en": "Peggy Sue Got Married was directed by Spike Lee."} {"id": 44223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Walesu rychle klesal.", "evidence": [[[60563, 70994, "Wales", 16, "Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Wales' population rapidly declined."} {"id": 149294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roger Federer hraje sport.", "evidence": [[[173110, 186349, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"]], [[173110, 186350, "Roger Federer", 0, "Roger Federer"]], [[173110, 186351, "Roger Federer", 1, "Roger Federer"]], [[173110, 186352, "Roger Federer", 3, "Roger Federer"]], [[173110, 186353, "Roger Federer", 6, "Roger Federer"]], [[173110, 186354, "Roger Federer", 7, "Roger Federer"], [173110, 186354, "Australian Open", 0, "Australian Open"]], [[173110, 186355, "Roger Federer", 8, "Roger Federer"], [173110, 186355, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[173110, 186356, "Roger Federer", 9, "Roger Federer"], [173110, 186356, "US Open 2005 – mužská dvouhra", 0, "2005 US Open – Men's Singles"]], [[173110, 186357, "Roger Federer", 12, "Roger Federer"], [173110, 186357, "Turnaj mistrů", 0, "ATP Finals"]], [[173110, 186359, "Roger Federer", 14, "Roger Federer"], [173110, 186359, "Davis Cup 2014", 0, "2014 Davis Cup"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer plays a sport."} {"id": 88981, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jesse Eisenberg hraje pouze v dramatických filmech.", "evidence": [[[106202, 119633, "Jesse Eisenberg", 11, "Jesse Eisenberg"], [106202, 119633, "Rio 2", 0, "Rio 2"]]], "claim_en": "Jesse Eisenberg only stars in drama films."} {"id": 78543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ozbrojený konflikt v Kolumbii od roku 2005 narůstal.", "evidence": [[[95495, 108505, "Kolumbie", 12, "Colombia"]]], "claim_en": "Colombia's armed conflict has increased from 2005 onward."} {"id": 63498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim McGraw hrál ve hře s Reese Witherspoon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim McGraw was in a play with Reese Witherspoon."} {"id": 176023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film WALL-E přišel o všechny nominace na Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[203871, 212791, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"]]], "claim_en": "WALL-E lost all Golden Globe Award nominations."} {"id": 102221, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wikipedie má asi čtyřicet tisíc článků o druhé světové válce a dobrých článcích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wikipedia has about forty thousand World War Two Articles and Good Articles."} {"id": 94886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Babe Ruth začal svůj život v roce 1895.", "evidence": [[[28895, 35259, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[301056, 292187, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]]], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth began his life in 1895."} {"id": 145984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Beatles používali výhradně bicí automat.", "evidence": [[[169375, 183018, "The Beatles", 7, "The Beatles"], [169375, 183018, "Pete Best", 0, "Pete Best"]], [[169375, 183019, "The Beatles", 6, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles exclusively used a drum machine."} {"id": 56880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kobe Bryant nikdy nevyhrál šampionát NBA.", "evidence": [[[73272, 84482, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[73272, 84483, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant never won an NBA championship."} {"id": 99186, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pixar začal jako součást filmové a televizní produkční společnosti se sídlem ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pixar started as a part of an film and television production company based in the United States."} {"id": 186381, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colm Feore hrál ve filmu Kronika.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colm Feore was in the cast of Chronicle."} {"id": 123861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V roce 2006 začal hrát Matt Smith.", "evidence": [[[145371, 160361, "Matt Smith", 5, "Matt Smith (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "In 2006 Matt Smith started acting."} {"id": 22088, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zoey Deutch je čínská herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zoey Deutch is an Chinese actress."} {"id": 160018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vynález lži je dramatický film.", "evidence": [[[184468, 196355, "Umění lhát", 0, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying is a drama film."} {"id": 202539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Little Boy byl uveden 25. srpna.", "evidence": [[[238641, 240628, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy was dropped on August 25."} {"id": 135859, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patty Hearst je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Patty Hearst is a singer."} {"id": 6717, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Winterbottom pracoval s farmáři v Severní Karolíně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Winterbottom has worked with farmers in North Carolina."} {"id": 65217, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nakladatelství Penguin Books ukázalo, že pro humoristické knihy existuje velké publikum.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Penguin Books demonstrated that large audiences existed for humorous books."} {"id": 17983, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Styles odmítl účast ve filmu Dunkirk.", "evidence": [[[33503, 40658, "Harry Styles", 12, "Harry Styles"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles refused to participate in the film Dunkirk."} {"id": 124329, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Escobar byl legální převozník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Escobar was a legal transporter."} {"id": 207993, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Britsko-americkou akční komedii Baby Driver napsal a režíroval Edgar Wright.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The British-American action comedy film Baby Driver was written and directed by Edgar Wright."} {"id": 22729, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amancio Ortega je Němec.", "evidence": [[[38590, 46537, "Amancio Ortega", 0, "Amancio Ortega"]]], "claim_en": "Amancio Ortega is German."} {"id": 120833, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Toy Story 3 získal v roce 2011 Oscara za nejlepší animovaný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toy Story 3 won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2011."} {"id": 157180, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Clinton neporazil George H. W. Bushe.", "evidence": [[[181308, 193568, "Bill Clinton", 12, "Bill Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton did not defeat George H. W. Bush."} {"id": 81642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne byl uveden do Muzea moderního umění.", "evidence": [[[98694, 111761, "Ozzy Osbourne", 8, "Ozzy Osbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne was inducted into the Museum of Modern Art."} {"id": 77964, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Muhammad produkoval myšlenky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Muhammad produced ideas."} {"id": 202556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Little Boy byl vysazen pouze v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[238662, 240645, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy was only dropped on Boston."} {"id": 45386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Indonéská divočina podporuje rozmanitý život včetně velryb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Indonesia's wilderness supports a variety of life including whales."} {"id": 200433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg vydal album.", "evidence": [[[235807, 238389, "Snoop Dogg", 2, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238390, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238391, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238392, "Snoop Dogg", 14, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238393, "Snoop Dogg", 13, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238394, "Snoop Dogg", 15, "Snoop Dogg"], [235807, 238394, "Paid Tha Cost To Be Da Bo$$", 0, "Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss"]], [[235807, 238395, "Snoop Dogg", 16, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235807, 238397, "Snoop Dogg", 24, "Snoop Dogg"], [235807, 238397, "Reincarnated", 0, "Reincarnated (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has an album."} {"id": 30413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Blake Edwards pracoval.", "evidence": [[[46577, 55574, "Blake Edwards", 0, "Blake Edwards"]], [[46577, 55575, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[46577, 55576, "Blake Edwards", 4, "Blake Edwards"]], [[46577, 55577, "Blake Edwards", 5, "Blake Edwards"]], [[46577, 55578, "Blake Edwards", 6, "Blake Edwards"]], [[46577, 55579, "Blake Edwards", 9, "Blake Edwards"]]], "claim_en": "Blake Edwards worked."} {"id": 128326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mohamed se narodil v arabském městě Mekka v roce 570 n. l.", "evidence": [[[150342, 165255, "Mohamed", 14, "Muhammad"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad was born in the Arabian city of Mecca in 570CE."} {"id": 97214, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Thomas Anderson produkoval film.", "evidence": [[[114813, 128557, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 0, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[114813, 128559, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 14, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Thomas Anderson produced a film."} {"id": 128717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor hraje ve fotbale pouze jako útočník.", "evidence": [[[34713, 42092, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 0, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]]], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor only plays as a forward in football."} {"id": 37464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zakladatelé společnosti Google jsou Larry Page a Sergey Brin.", "evidence": [[[53665, 63655, "Google", 2, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google's founders are Larry Page and Sergey Brin."} {"id": 212317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mary-Kate Olsenová a Ashley Olsenová jsou bývalé dětské umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[251687, 251506, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]]], "claim_en": "Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are former child artists."} {"id": 38806, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hlavní město Severní Koreje je vlhké.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "North Korea's capital city is humid."} {"id": 140705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Love Actually napsal a režíroval Richard Curtis.", "evidence": [[[163681, 177906, "Láska nebeská", 0, "Love Actually"]]], "claim_en": "Love Actually was written and directed by Richard Curtis."} {"id": 129670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anna zavraždila královnu Velké Británie a Irska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne assassinated the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland."} {"id": 209444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sbírky Filadelfského muzea umění obsahují přes 240 000 předmětů.", "evidence": [[[247949, 248240, "Muzeum umění ve Filadelfii", 2, "Philadelphia Museum of Art"]]], "claim_en": "The collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art contain over 240,000 objects."} {"id": 108107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ministerstvo propagandy Josepha Goebbelse po převzetí moci nacisty nic nezískalo.", "evidence": [[[126832, 141280, "Joseph Goebbels", 8, "Joseph Goebbels"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry gained nothing after the Nazi Seizure of Power."} {"id": 65301, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Kiffmeyer je manažerem skupiny Green Day.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Kiffmeyer is the manager for Green Day."} {"id": 157634, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová vystupovala v Chicagu v Londýně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith has performed in Chicago in London."} {"id": 88500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Počet obyvatel metropole Sevilly je 1,5 milionu.", "evidence": [[[105722, 119146, "Sevilla", 3, "Seville"]]], "claim_en": "The metropolitan population of Seville is 1.5 million."} {"id": 41212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Duvall nebyl nominován na sedm Zlatých glóbů.", "evidence": [[[57512, 67728, "Robert Duvall", 1, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall has not been nominated for seven Golden Globes."} {"id": 93079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři je hlavní hrdinkou Julia.", "evidence": [[[110396, 124003, "1984 (román)", 15, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"]]], "claim_en": "In Nineteen Eighty-Four Julia is the heroine."} {"id": 51098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stephen Hillenburg byl jako student fascinován politikou.", "evidence": [[[67440, 78263, "Stephen Hillenburg", 4, "Stephen Hillenburg"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen Hillenburg was fascinated with politics as a student."} {"id": 3188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mel Brooks má v žebříčku Amerického filmového institutu dva filmy.", "evidence": [[[11245, 14157, "Mel Brooks", 14, "Mel Brooks"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Brooks has two films ranked in the American Film Institute's list."} {"id": 194215, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Friedrich je vegetarián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Friedrich is a vegetarian."} {"id": 178459, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rowan Atkinson hraje titulní postavu v televizním seriálu z roku 2000.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rowan Atkinson stars as the titular character in a TV series in 2000."} {"id": 75017, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Day-Lewis zničil divadelní školu Bristol Old Vic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Day-Lewis destroyed the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School."} {"id": 158255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Helen Mirrenová je držitelkou Olivier Award a Tony Award.", "evidence": [[[182518, 194747, "Helen Mirrenová", 2, "Helen Mirren"]]], "claim_en": "Helen Mirren is the winner of an Olivier Award and a Tony Award."} {"id": 198829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Každou epizodu seriálu Černá listina napsala Kristen Stewartová.", "evidence": [[[233764, 236650, "Černá listina (seriál)", 5, "The Blacklist (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Every episode of The Blacklist was written by Kristen Stewart."} {"id": 137345, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundgarden neměli žádné vnitřní rozpory.", "evidence": [[[160096, 174612, "Soundgarden", 10, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden had no internal strife."} {"id": 48990, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benátky byly vyhodnoceny jako nejpřátelštější město na světě.", "evidence": [[[65332, 76232, "Benátky", 25, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice was ranked the most friendly city in the world."} {"id": 172466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matteo Renzi byl počat 11. ledna 1975.", "evidence": [[[199066, 208749, "Matteo Renzi", 0, "Matteo Renzi"]]], "claim_en": "Matteo Renzi was conceived on January 11th, 1975."} {"id": 126068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Walsh byl uveden do kultu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Walsh was inducted into a cult."} {"id": 124905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album See You on the Other Side vydala skupina Korn v roce 2002.", "evidence": [[[146527, 161511, "See You on the Other Side", 1, "See You on the Other Side (Korn album)"]]], "claim_en": "See You on the Other Side was put out by Korn in 2002."} {"id": 112042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson se oženil ve filmu Divoši.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson got married in the film Savages."} {"id": 114572, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angela Lansbury se přesunula k hlasové práci, čímž přispěla do animovaných filmů, jako je Disneyho Kráska a zvíře.", "evidence": [[[136111, 150946, "Angela Lansbury", 16, "Angela Lansbury"]], [[136112, 150947, "Angela Lansbury", 16, "Angela Lansbury"]]], "claim_en": "Angela Lansbury moved into voice work, thereby contributing to animated films such as Disney's Beauty and the Beast."} {"id": 16488, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hráči kriketu tradičně nosí celomodré dresy.", "evidence": [[[31870, 38681, "Kriket", 26, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Cricket players traditionally wear all-blue."} {"id": 54308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kobe Bryant byl součástí organizace NBA.", "evidence": [[[70663, 81550, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant was a part of the organization the NBA."} {"id": 225117, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval nahrávky pro Johnnyho Cashe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced records for Johnny Cash."} {"id": 17590, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Hardy ztvárnil dvojčata Krayova.", "evidence": [[[33062, 40157, "Tom Hardy", 5, "Tom Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy portrayed the Kray twins."} {"id": 58027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Batman vs. Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti jsou obsazeni herci.", "evidence": [[[74363, 85593, "Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti", 3, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"]]], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has cast members."} {"id": 173935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vera Farmiga je americká herečka.", "evidence": [[[201016, 210470, "Vera Farmigová", 0, "Vera Farmiga"]]], "claim_en": "Vera Farmiga is an American actress."} {"id": 63277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Hartford umí hrát na bicí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Hartford can play drums."} {"id": 44671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Stranger Things pojednává o zmizení malého chlapce.", "evidence": [[[61037, 71502, "Stranger Things", 5, "Stranger Things"]]], "claim_en": "Stranger Things is about the disappearance of a young boy."} {"id": 137875, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant nikdy nenapsal autobiografii.", "evidence": [[[160633, 175144, "Ulysses S. Grant", 44, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant never wrote an autobiography."} {"id": 173817, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Sails se odehrává na ostrově.", "evidence": [[[200871, 210353, "Pod černou vlajkou", 0, "Black Sails (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sails is set on an island."} {"id": 77620, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bob Marley byl strýc.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bob Marley was an uncle."} {"id": 148839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uzbekistán je součástí Organizace pro bezpečnost a spolupráci v Evropě (OBSE).", "evidence": [[[172503, 185804, "Uzbekistán", 14, "Uzbekistan"]]], "claim_en": "Uzbekistan is a part of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)."} {"id": 127459, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lee Child se narodil v 50. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[149363, 164326, "Lee Child", 0, "Lee Child"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Child was born in the 1950s."} {"id": 80801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hraje ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[257593, 256579, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[259252, 257892, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[259252, 257893, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[261001, 259285, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[261001, 259286, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321324, 309804, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321327, 309806, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321327, 309807, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321327, 309808, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321329, 309810, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321329, 309811, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321329, 309812, "Steve Buscemi", 3, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321329, 309813, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"], [321329, 309813, "Věznice (film)", 0, "Animal Factory"]], [[321332, 309815, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321339, 309823, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321339, 309824, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321339, 309826, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"], [321339, 309826, "Můj nejmilejší bar", 0, "Trees Lounge"]], [[321339, 309827, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"], [321339, 309827, "Interview (film)", 0, "Interview (2007 film)"]], [[321342, 309829, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321342, 309830, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[321342, 309831, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"], [321342, 309831, "Věznice (film)", 0, "Animal Factory"], [321342, 309831, "Samotář Jim", 0, "Lonesome Jim"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi is in movies."} {"id": 124476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Samsung nikdy nevstoupila do elektronického průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[146053, 161060, "Samsung", 6, "Samsung"]]], "claim_en": "Samsung never entered the electronics industry."} {"id": 186063, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alec Baldwin nebyl obsazen do filmu Beetlejuice (1988).", "evidence": [[[216957, 223617, "Alec Baldwin", 3, "Alec Baldwin"]], [[216973, 223629, "Alec Baldwin", 3, "Alec Baldwin"]]], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin failed to get cast in Beetlejuice (1988)."} {"id": 15718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Teen Wolf sleduje příběh teenagera Scotta McCalla, který je pokousán vlkodlakem a musí se vyrovnat s tím, jak to ovlivní jeho život.", "evidence": [[[31114, 37789, "Vlčí mládě", 1, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf follows the story of a teenager named Scott McCall, who is bitten by a werewolf and must deal with how it affects his life."} {"id": 105658, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alessia Cara vydala film Chandelier.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara released Chandelier."} {"id": 50260, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fyzické bytosti se vyznačují životem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Physical entities are distinguished by life."} {"id": 100794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Nye si zahrál v seriálu společnosti Netflix s názvem Bob.", "evidence": [[[118482, 132331, "Bill Nye", 18, "Bill Nye"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Nye starred in a Netflix series, entitled Bob."} {"id": 51248, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando ztvárnil Vita Corleoneho s kuličkami vaty v ústech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando portrayed Vito Corleone with balls of cotton in his mouth."} {"id": 118500, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Odyssea byla původně v helénském jazyce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Odyssey was originally in a Hellenic language."} {"id": 51318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rosamund Pikeová získala cenu BIFA za nejlepší herečku ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[67656, 78481, "Rosamund Pikeová", 2, "Rosamund Pike"]]], "claim_en": "Rosamund Pike won a BIFA Award for Best Supporting Actress."} {"id": 127951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království nezahrnuje Anglii.", "evidence": [[[149938, 164867, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]], [[149938, 164868, "Spojené království", 22, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom does not include England."} {"id": 84076, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kid Rock není autorem písní.", "evidence": [[[101106, 114357, "Kid Rock", 0, "Kid Rock"]]], "claim_en": "Kid Rock is not a songwriter."} {"id": 24077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Getaway je poslední album Red Hot Chili Peppers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Getaway is the latest Red Hot Chili Peppers album."} {"id": 183219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "One More Light vyšlo 19. května 2017 v 15 hodin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One More Light was released at 3 pm on May 19, 2017."} {"id": 220780, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Royal Tenenbaum hraje Dolly Parton.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Royal Tenenbaum stars Dolly Parton."} {"id": 138973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Machete se objevuje ve falešném traileru k filmu Grindhouse.", "evidence": [[[290093, 283140, "Machete Cortez", 0, "Machete (character)"]], [[291434, 284357, "Machete Cortez", 0, "Machete (character)"]], [[337625, 323005, "Machete Cortez", 0, "Machete (character)"]], [[337702, 323061, "Machete Cortez", 0, "Machete (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Machete appears in the fake trailer for Grindhouse."} {"id": 16892, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, se narodil 14. listopadu 1948.", "evidence": [[[32299, 39259, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was born on November 14 1948."} {"id": 46573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová byla ve Francii suspendována.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova was suspended in France."} {"id": 196061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Flash měl pouze dvě sezóny.", "evidence": [[[230356, 234062, "The Flash (seriál, 2014)", 14, "The Flash (2014 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Flash had only two seasons."} {"id": 81193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Polsko se nachází ve střední Asii.", "evidence": [[[98283, 111387, "Polsko", 20, "Poland"]], [[98283, 111388, "Polsko", 0, "Poland"]], [[98283, 111389, "Polsko", 27, "Poland"], [98283, 111389, "Severoatlantická aliance", 0, "NATO"]], [[98283, 111390, "Polsko", 25, "Poland"]], [[98283, 111391, "Polsko", 23, "Poland"]], [[98283, 111392, "Polsko", 9, "Poland"]], [[98283, 111393, "Polsko", 4, "Poland"], [98283, 111393, "Vratislav (město)", 24, "Wrocław"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is located in Central Asia."} {"id": 113576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Massachusetts leží v Nové Anglii.", "evidence": [[[133250, 148102, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133251, 148103, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133252, 148104, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133253, 148105, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133254, 148106, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133255, 148107, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133256, 148108, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133257, 148109, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133258, 148110, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133259, 148111, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]], [[133260, 148112, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]]], "claim_en": "Massachusetts is in New England."} {"id": 31078, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Syd Barrett byl pouze doprovodným zpěvákem skupiny Pink Floyd.", "evidence": [[[47221, 56348, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]], [[47221, 56349, "Syd Barrett", 2, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett was only the backup singer of Pink Floyd."} {"id": 118075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Los Angeles je metropole.", "evidence": [[[282843, 276972, "Los Angeles", 0, "Los Angeles"]], [[284795, 278509, "Los Angeles", 16, "Los Angeles"]], [[285492, 279122, "Los Angeles", 16, "Los Angeles"]], [[332139, 318526, "Los Angeles", 16, "Los Angeles"]], [[332139, 318527, "Los Angeles", 4, "Los Angeles"]], [[332139, 318528, "Los Angeles", 20, "Los Angeles"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles is a metropolis."} {"id": 208668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal píseň Jesus Christ Superstar.", "evidence": [[[246920, 247329, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Jesus Christ Superstar."} {"id": 48398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jona Snowa hraje výhradně Michael Keaton.", "evidence": [[[146111, 161106, "Jon Sníh", 17, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[148943, 163976, "Jon Sníh", 17, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[311390, 301376, "Jon Sníh", 17, "Jon Snow (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is played solely by Michael Keaton."} {"id": 182650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kris Wu je kanadský herec čínského původu.", "evidence": [[[212474, 219990, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is a Chinese-born Canadian actor."} {"id": 72914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Venus Williamsová je basketbalistka.", "evidence": [[[89657, 102342, "Venus Williamsová", 0, "Venus Williams"]], [[89660, 102344, "Venus Williamsová", 0, "Venus Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Venus Williams is a basketball player."} {"id": 224277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Silvermanová se podílela na několika australských filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Silverman was involved with multiple Australian films."} {"id": 97009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rio de Janeiro se nachází ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[114589, 128336, "Rio de Janeiro", 0, "Rio de Janeiro"]], [[114589, 128337, "Rio de Janeiro", 2, "Rio de Janeiro"]]], "claim_en": "Rio de Janeiro is in France."} {"id": 143341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Cena působil ve WWF od roku 1999.", "evidence": [[[166530, 180351, "John Cena", 3, "John Cena"]]], "claim_en": "John Cena was in the WWF beginning in 1999."} {"id": 45896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo obsahuje provokativní texty.", "evidence": [[[62228, 72818, "J. Lo", 8, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo includes provocative lyrics."} {"id": 229238, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne navštěvovala filmovou akademii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne attended a film academy."} {"id": 962, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kolumbie od 60. let 20. století eliminovala ozbrojené konflikty.", "evidence": [[[16505, 20442, "Kolumbie", 12, "Colombia"]]], "claim_en": "Since the 1960s, Colombia has eliminated armed conflict."} {"id": 108439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fidel Castro pracoval pro kubánského prezidenta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fidel Castro worked for the President of Cuba."} {"id": 22593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová hrála v televizním filmu HBO.", "evidence": [[[38445, 46387, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 10, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [38445, 46387, "Živě z Bagdádu", 0, "Live from Baghdad (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter has acted in an HBO television film."} {"id": 80302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dennis Hopper nebyl Američan.", "evidence": [[[97307, 110482, "Dennis Hopper", 0, "Dennis Hopper"]]], "claim_en": "Dennis Hopper was not American."} {"id": 152055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Gein's se narodil a vyrůstal do svých čtrnácti let v Plainfieldu ve Wisconsinu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Gein's was born and raised until the age of fourteen in Plainfield, Wisconsin."} {"id": 108894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub West Ham United F.C. nebyl založen v roce 1895.", "evidence": [[[127764, 142422, "West Ham United FC", 5, "West Ham United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "West Ham United F.C. was not founded in 1895."} {"id": 30165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První manželka Wyatta Earpa zemřela krátce před narozením jejich prvního dítěte.", "evidence": [[[46507, 55476, "Wyatt Earp", 7, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp's first wife died shortly before their first child was to be born."} {"id": 10849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Bob Thornton režíroval film Táta a oni.", "evidence": [[[25914, 31856, "Billy Bob Thornton", 16, "Billy Bob Thornton"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Bob Thornton directed the film Daddy and Them."} {"id": 62813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thajsko je menší než 49 dalších zemí, jeho celková rozloha je přibližně 513 000 km2.", "evidence": [[[79270, 90932, "Thajsko", 1, "Thailand"]]], "claim_en": "Thailand is smaller than 49 other countries, with a total area of approximately 513,000 square kilometers."} {"id": 64181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eagles (skupina) natočili album Hotel California, které se umístilo mezi 20 nejprodávanějšími alby ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[80622, 92462, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Eagles (band) made an album called Hotel California that was ranked among the 20 best-selling albums in the United States."} {"id": 166583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx je zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[191610, 202437, "Jamie Foxx", 0, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx is a singer."} {"id": 160643, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Roman Atwood je slavný Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Roman Atwood is a famous American."} {"id": 60874, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trevor Noah se narodil na Havaji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trevor Noah was born in Hawaii."} {"id": 22565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Prison Break byl nominován na cenu People's Choice Award.", "evidence": [[[38417, 46363, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was nominated for a People's Choice Award."} {"id": 44679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Svrab se může stát krustou.", "evidence": [[[61045, 71513, "Svrab", 20, "Scabies"]], [[61046, 71514, "Svrab", 20, "Scabies"]]], "claim_en": "Scabies can become crusted."} {"id": 178539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kazachstán se nachází v Asii a Evropě.", "evidence": [[[206952, 215217, "Kazachstán", 4, "Kazakhstan"]]], "claim_en": "Kazakhstan is located in Asia and Europe."} {"id": 186651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alicia Keys zemřela předtím, než se objevila ve filmu Tajný život včel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys died before appearing in The Secret Life of Bees."} {"id": 129191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Evans předváděl na jevišti akrobacii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Evans has done acrobatics on stage."} {"id": 191088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amsterdam byl domovem malíře Rembrandta.", "evidence": [[[223389, 228365, "Amsterdam", 23, "Amsterdam"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam was the home of artist Rembrandt."} {"id": 3777, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Basketbal je sport.", "evidence": [[[19992, 24547, "Basketbal", 0, "Basketball"]], [[19992, 24548, "Basketbal", 1, "Basketball"]]], "claim_en": "Basketball is a sport."} {"id": 146317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Farmakologie nemá nic společného s výzkumem, objevováním a charakterizací chemických látek, které vykazují biologické účinky.", "evidence": [[[169808, 183397, "Farmakologie", 10, "Pharmacology"]]], "claim_en": "Pharmacology has nothing to do with the research, discovery, and characterization of chemicals which show biological effects."} {"id": 140631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Las Vegas se mezi lety 1990 a 2000 téměř nezdvojnásobil.", "evidence": [[[163611, 177850, "Las Vegas", 14, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas's population did not nearly double between 1990 and 2000."} {"id": 109906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Six Flags sídlí v Texasu.", "evidence": [[[128966, 143725, "Texas", 17, "Texas"]]], "claim_en": "Six Flags is based in Texas."} {"id": 94962, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barack Obama zvítězil nad Johnem McCainem.", "evidence": [[[112436, 126273, "John McCain", 23, "John McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Barack Obama won against John McCain."} {"id": 155649, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "FK Liverpool byl v roce 2013 osmým nejhodnotnějším fotbalovým klubem na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was the world's eighth most valuable football club in 2013."} {"id": 113897, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jenna Dewanová je Němka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jenna Dewan is German."} {"id": 119976, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin byl koncipován jako prostředek k přilákání starých posluchačů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin was conceived as a vehicle to attract old listeners."} {"id": 223845, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots měli původního člena, který byl americký zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[266682, 263591, "Stone Temple Pilots", 0, "Stone Temple Pilots"], [266682, 263591, "Scott Weiland", 0, "Scott Weiland"]]], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots had an original member that was an American singer."} {"id": 220668, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Autorkou písně Beautiful je Sally Fieldová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beautiful is written by Sally Field."} {"id": 50018, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katie Price se provdala za českého prince.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katie Price married a Czech prince."} {"id": 215016, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ray Milland tančil ve filmu Major a Minor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ray Milland danced in the film The Major and the Minor."} {"id": 26363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Downův syndrom se každoročně vyskytuje asi u deseti z 1000 narozených dětí.", "evidence": [[[42424, 51053, "Downův syndrom", 24, "Down syndrome"]], [[42429, 51061, "Downův syndrom", 24, "Down syndrome"]]], "claim_en": "Down syndrome occurs in about ten per 1000 babies born each year."} {"id": 89198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Allen Iverson studoval na Harvardu.", "evidence": [[[106419, 119843, "Allen Iverson", 7, "Allen Iverson"]]], "claim_en": "Allen Iverson went to Harvard."} {"id": 194258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mince švýcarského franku jsou oficiální bankovky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coins of the Swiss franc are official banknotes."} {"id": 69059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neurosyfilis byla nemocí Al Caponeho.", "evidence": [[[85698, 97999, "Al Capone", 23, "Al Capone"]]], "claim_en": "Neurosyphilis was an ailment of Al Capone's."} {"id": 217021, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Jab Tak Hai Jaan byl chválen pro chemii mezi hlavními zpěváky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jab Tak Hai Jaan was praised for its chemistry between its lead singers."} {"id": 199049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují zvířata.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "International Relations includes animals."} {"id": 26359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Moonlight se natáčel v Miami ve státě New York.", "evidence": [[[42418, 51048, "Moonlight (film)", 6, "Moonlight (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moonlight was filmed in Miami, New York."} {"id": 85567, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pokračování filmu The Hunger Games (Hladové hry) se jmenuje The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Hladomorna).", "evidence": [[[102739, 116046, "Hunger Games (film)", 24, "The Hunger Games (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The sequel of The Hunger Games (film) is The Hunger Games: Catching Fire."} {"id": 58933, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alfred Hitchcock se přestěhoval do Portugalska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alfred Hitchcock moved to Portugal."} {"id": 99946, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Velký Waldo Pepper hráli dva cvičení psi v rolích Walda a Peppera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Waldo Pepper's cast included two trained dogs as Waldo and Pepper."} {"id": 112228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mexiko je klasifikováno jako nově industrializovaný pes.", "evidence": [[[131706, 146549, "Mexiko", 20, "Mexico"]]], "claim_en": "Mexico is classified as a newly industrialized dog."} {"id": 28963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brazílie byla prohlášena za portugalské císařství Billym Maysem.", "evidence": [[[45174, 53917, "Brazílie", 7, "Brazil"]]], "claim_en": "Brazil was claimed for the Portuguese Empire by Billy Mays."} {"id": 147878, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Winona Ryder odmítla hrát ve filmu Lucas.", "evidence": [[[171475, 184957, "Winona Ryder", 1, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder refused to be in Lucas."} {"id": 223350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V prosinci začalo hlavní natáčení filmu The Disaster Artist (film).", "evidence": [[[266040, 263142, "The Disaster Artist: Úžasný propadák", 5, "The Disaster Artist (film)"]]], "claim_en": "December was the month when the principal photography of The Disaster Artist (film) started."} {"id": 185200, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Home for the Holidays hraje někdo, kdo se narodil 6. června.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Home for the Holidays stars someone who was born on June 6."} {"id": 94257, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Narozeniny Judy Greerové jsou státním svátkem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Judy Greer's birthday is a national holiday."} {"id": 55344, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Bundy dostal tři doživotní tresty.", "evidence": [[[71712, 82682, "Ted Bundy", 14, "Ted Bundy"]], [[71712, 82683, "Ted Bundy", 17, "Ted Bundy"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Bundy received three life sentences."} {"id": 92591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pearl Jam je skupina, jejímž členem je Eddie Vedder.", "evidence": [[[109911, 123521, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Pearl Jam is a band that Eddie Vedder is a member of."} {"id": 895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bylo oznámeno, že film Black Panther bude vyvíjet společnost Marvel Studios.", "evidence": [[[16425, 20351, "Black Panther (film)", 7, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "It was announced that Black Panther would be developed by Marvel Studios."} {"id": 21526, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bob Dylan je auto.", "evidence": [[[37322, 45196, "Bob Dylan", 0, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45197, "Bob Dylan", 2, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45198, "Bob Dylan", 4, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45199, "Bob Dylan", 7, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45200, "Bob Dylan", 9, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45201, "Bob Dylan", 10, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45202, "Bob Dylan", 11, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45203, "Bob Dylan", 12, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45204, "Bob Dylan", 13, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45205, "Bob Dylan", 16, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45206, "Bob Dylan", 17, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45208, "Bob Dylan", 19, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45209, "Bob Dylan", 21, "Bob Dylan"]], [[37322, 45210, "Bob Dylan", 22, "Bob Dylan"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan is a car."} {"id": 219909, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Garry Kasparov zemřel 13. dubna 1963.", "evidence": [[[261696, 259725, "Garri Kasparov", 0, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259726, "Garri Kasparov", 1, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259727, "Garri Kasparov", 2, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259728, "Garri Kasparov", 6, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259729, "Garri Kasparov", 8, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259730, "Garri Kasparov", 9, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259731, "Garri Kasparov", 13, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259732, "Garri Kasparov", 15, "Garry Kasparov"]], [[261696, 259733, "Garri Kasparov", 23, "Garry Kasparov"]]], "claim_en": "Garry Kasparov died April 13, 1963."} {"id": 55593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Základní instinkt se dočkal vydání na Blu-ray.", "evidence": [[[71965, 82949, "Základní instinkt", 11, "Basic Instinct"]]], "claim_en": "Basic Instinct had a Blu-ray release."} {"id": 50194, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Partyzánská válka nebyla součástí války ve Vietnamu.", "evidence": [[[66505, 77333, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 6, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "Guerilla warfare was not part of the Vietnam War."} {"id": 156070, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Larry Buttrose je vydavatelem knihy Cafe Royale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Larry Buttrose is the publisher of Cafe Royale."} {"id": 150461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marie Curie byla chemička, která studovala záření.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marie Curie was a chemist who studied radiation."} {"id": 105037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Earl Warren působil v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[123347, 137794, "Earl Warren", 0, "Earl Warren"]], [[123347, 137795, "Earl Warren", 7, "Earl Warren"]], [[123347, 137796, "Earl Warren", 8, "Earl Warren"]]], "claim_en": "Earl Warren worked in California."} {"id": 155013, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Resident Evil je restaurace.", "evidence": [[[179081, 191622, "Resident Evil", 0, "Resident Evil"]]], "claim_en": "Resident Evil is a restaurant."} {"id": 88867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers používali všechny formy reklamy kromě virálního marketingu.", "evidence": [[[106096, 119479, "Transformers (film)", 11, "Transformers (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers used all forms of advertisement except viral marketing."} {"id": 224113, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew se odehrával v léčebném centru Serenity.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew was set in the Serenity Treatment Center."} {"id": 26197, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Morello nepracoval s kapelou Rage Against the Machine.", "evidence": [[[42232, 50815, "Tom Morello", 1, "Tom Morello"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Morello did not work with Rage Against the Machine."} {"id": 104190, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lidský stav je analyzován v mikrobiologii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The human condition is analyzed in microbiology."} {"id": 83158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heather Watsonová má pouze australské občanství.", "evidence": [[[100203, 113460, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson has only Australian citizenship."} {"id": 112017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do filmu 28 dní (film) se nepodařilo obsadit Diane Ladd.", "evidence": [[[131496, 146278, "28 dní", 2, "28 Days (film)"]]], "claim_en": "28 Days (film) was unable to cast Diane Ladd."} {"id": 46990, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Hathaway byla vždy pouze tanečnicí.", "evidence": [[[63316, 74048, "Anne Hathaway", 0, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[63316, 74049, "Anne Hathaway", 3, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[63316, 74050, "Anne Hathaway", 7, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway has only ever been a dancer."} {"id": 66769, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski hrála ve filmu Entourage sama sebe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski was in Entourage as herself."} {"id": 75901, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers: V Age of Ultron jsou Avengers poraženi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers are defeated."} {"id": 85076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar je označován pouze tímto jménem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar is only referred to by that name."} {"id": 144255, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Houstonská ekonomika má základnu v energetice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Houston economy has a base in energy."} {"id": 62718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Artemis byla ochránkyní mladých žen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Artemis was the defender of young women."} {"id": 82810, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová hraje ve filmu 8 mil.", "evidence": [[[99868, 113054, "Brittany Murphyová", 6, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy is in 8 Mile."} {"id": 24130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay vydala album Viva la Vida aneb Smrt a všichni jeho přátelé.", "evidence": [[[40216, 48384, "Coldplay", 11, "Coldplay"], [40216, 48384, "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends", 0, "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay released their album Viva la Vida or Death and All his Friends."} {"id": 89049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Disociativní porucha identity je známá pouze ve Spojených státech amerických.", "evidence": [[[106287, 119746, "Disociativní porucha identity", 20, "Dissociative identity disorder"]]], "claim_en": "Dissociative identity disorder is known only in the United States of America."} {"id": 30673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sebastian Stan nehrál v žádné minisérii.", "evidence": [[[46836, 55850, "Sebastian Stan", 1, "Sebastian Stan"]], [[46836, 55851, "Sebastian Stan", 2, "Sebastian Stan"], [46836, 55851, "Politická hra", 0, "Political Animals (miniseries)"]]], "claim_en": "Sebastian Stan hasn't acted in a miniseries."} {"id": 8017, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Černobylská katastrofa se nakonec týkala více než 500 000 pracovníků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Chernobyl disaster ultimately involved over 500,000 workers."} {"id": 221080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A&E se dříve jmenovala Entertainment and Artifacts Network.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A&E was previously the Entertainment and Artifacts Network."} {"id": 190298, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Knight píše a vaří.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Knight writes and cooks."} {"id": 30397, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg hraje Dannyho Reagana.", "evidence": [[[46563, 55548, "Donnie Wahlberg", 5, "Donnie Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg plays Danny Reagan."} {"id": 201419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drakeovo debutové studiové album debutovalo v roce 2013 na prvním místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200.", "evidence": [[[237060, 239367, "Drake (umělec)", 6, "Drake (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Drake's debut studio album debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 in 2013."} {"id": 222550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Life Is Peachy vyšlo u vydavatelství Epic Records.", "evidence": [[[266178, 263238, "Life Is Peachy", 0, "Life Is Peachy"]]], "claim_en": "Life Is Peachy was released through Epic Records."} {"id": 96529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film The Prestige byl nominován na tři Oscary.", "evidence": [[[114094, 127905, "Dokonalý trik", 8, "The Prestige (film)"], [114094, 127905, "Dokonalý trik", 0, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige was nominated for three Academy Awards."} {"id": 142972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mount Hood je nejvyšším bodem ve svém kraji.", "evidence": [[[166034, 179991, "Mount Hood", 3, "Mount Hood"]], [[166034, 179992, "Mount Hood", 9, "Mount Hood"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Hood is the highest point in its county."} {"id": 143562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Planetu opic nerežíroval Franklin Schaffner.", "evidence": [[[166703, 180500, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes was not directed by Franklin Schaffner."} {"id": 209503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spánek může být narušen cirkadiánním rytmem spánku.", "evidence": [[[248037, 248305, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]], [[248038, 248306, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]], [[248039, 248307, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]]], "claim_en": "Sleep can be disrupted by circadian rhythm sleep."} {"id": 78756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Planeta opic (1968) napsal William Goldman.", "evidence": [[[95714, 108756, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 2, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) was written by William Goldman."} {"id": 128977, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pierce Brosnan se objevil v rekonstrukci filmu Aféra Thomase Crowna.", "evidence": [[[286746, 280209, "Pierce Brosnan", 8, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[288933, 282113, "Pierce Brosnan", 8, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[333742, 319934, "Pierce Brosnan", 8, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[334715, 320704, "Pierce Brosnan", 8, "Pierce Brosnan"]], [[334720, 320707, "Pierce Brosnan", 8, "Pierce Brosnan"]]], "claim_en": "Pierce Brosnan appeared in the recreation of The Thomas Crown Affair."} {"id": 19071, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Kazachstánu žije 63 % kazašské populace.", "evidence": [[[34842, 42256, "Kazachstán", 33, "Kazakhstan"]]], "claim_en": "63 percent of Kazakhstan's population is Kazakhs."} {"id": 210852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Saw VI režíroval Kevin Greutert.", "evidence": [[[249804, 249817, "Saw 6", 0, "Saw VI"]]], "claim_en": "Saw VI was directed by Kevin Greutert."} {"id": 12755, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marie Curie byla fyzička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marie Curie was a physicist."} {"id": 98006, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny DeVito byl producentem.", "evidence": [[[115624, 129497, "Danny DeVito", 0, "Danny DeVito"]], [[115624, 129498, "Danny DeVito", 13, "Danny DeVito"]], [[115624, 129499, "Danny DeVito", 17, "Danny DeVito"]]], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito was a producer."} {"id": 132287, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křesťanství nemá žádnou specifickou víru.", "evidence": [[[154701, 169456, "Křesťanství", 3, "Christianity"]]], "claim_en": "Christianity has no specific beliefs."} {"id": 92238, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osobnost je ovlivněna vývojem včel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Personality is affected by the development of bees."} {"id": 18607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Las Vegas je 28. nejlidnatější město v Karibiku.", "evidence": [[[34819, 42223, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"]], [[34819, 42224, "Las Vegas", 13, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is the 28th-most populated city in the Caribbean."} {"id": 76453, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katy Perry byla podepsána smlouva s Čínou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katy Perry was signed with China."} {"id": 150681, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chicago se stalo ženou v roce 1837.", "evidence": [[[175551, 188564, "Chicago", 7, "Chicago"]], [[175552, 188565, "Chicago", 7, "Chicago"]]], "claim_en": "Chicago became a woman in 1837."} {"id": 151038, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eminem prodal miliony alb.", "evidence": [[[174851, 187958, "Eminem", 4, "Eminem"]], [[174851, 187959, "Eminem", 3, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem has sold millions of albums."} {"id": 206581, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joseph Barbera se narodil na hoře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joseph Barbera was born on a mountain."} {"id": 39184, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Pogba je člověk.", "evidence": [[[113359, 127222, "Paul Pogba", 0, "Paul Pogba"]], [[113359, 127223, "Paul Pogba", 1, "Paul Pogba"], [113359, 127223, "Záložník (fotbal)", 0, "Midfielder"]], [[113359, 127224, "Paul Pogba", 4, "Paul Pogba"]], [[113359, 127225, "Paul Pogba", 5, "Paul Pogba"]], [[113359, 127226, "Paul Pogba", 6, "Paul Pogba"]], [[113359, 127227, "Paul Pogba", 10, "Paul Pogba"]], [[113359, 127228, "Paul Pogba", 11, "Paul Pogba"]], [[116911, 130789, "Paul Pogba", 0, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133652, "Paul Pogba", 0, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133653, "Paul Pogba", 1, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133654, "Paul Pogba", 4, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133655, "Paul Pogba", 5, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133656, "Paul Pogba", 6, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133657, "Paul Pogba", 7, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133658, "Paul Pogba", 10, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133659, "Paul Pogba", 11, "Paul Pogba"]], [[119583, 133660, "Paul Pogba", 12, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298882, "Paul Pogba", 0, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298883, "Paul Pogba", 1, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298884, "Paul Pogba", 5, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298885, "Paul Pogba", 6, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298886, "Paul Pogba", 7, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298887, "Paul Pogba", 10, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298888, "Paul Pogba", 11, "Paul Pogba"]], [[308517, 298889, "Paul Pogba", 12, "Paul Pogba"]], [[310111, 300178, "Paul Pogba", 0, "Paul Pogba"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Pogba is person."} {"id": 182764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chrissie Fit hraje ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3.", "evidence": [[[212667, 220149, "Ladíme 3", 1, "Pitch Perfect 3"]]], "claim_en": "Chrissie Fit stars in Pitch Perfect 3."} {"id": 213270, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nil protéká Kazachstánem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through Kazakhstan."} {"id": 126909, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost S.M. Entertainment založila skupinu Girls' Generation.", "evidence": [[[148756, 163789, "Girls' Generation", 0, "Girls' Generation"]]], "claim_en": "S.M. Entertainment formed Girls' Generation."} {"id": 50459, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Caitlyn Jenner si nezměnila jméno.", "evidence": [[[66811, 77638, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 0, "Caitlyn Jenner"]], [[66811, 77639, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 11, "Caitlyn Jenner"]]], "claim_en": "Caitlyn Jenner did not change her name."} {"id": 23918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leyton Orient F.C. je na místě.", "evidence": [[[39854, 47942, "Leyton Orient FC", 0, "Leyton Orient F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leyton Orient F.C. is in a place."} {"id": 206639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladbu Titanium částečně napsal Calvin Harris.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Titanium was written in part by Calvin Harris."} {"id": 9704, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Ázerbájdžánu většina občanů nepraktikuje náboženství.", "evidence": [[[24529, 30308, "Ázerbájdžán", 25, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "In Azerbaijan most citizens do not practice religion."} {"id": 111514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pocahontas se rodným jménem jmenovala Little Eagle.", "evidence": [[[130908, 145685, "Pocahontas", 0, "Pocahontas"]]], "claim_en": "Pocahontas's birth name was Little Eagle."} {"id": 228076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caleb McLaughlin je Australan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caleb McLaughlin is an Australian."} {"id": 92657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rupert Murdoch je zaměstnán nejméně od roku 1979.", "evidence": [[[109973, 123589, "Rupert Murdoch", 2, "Rupert Murdoch"], [109973, 123589, "Rupert Murdoch", 3, "Rupert Murdoch"], [109973, 123589, "Rupert Murdoch", 6, "Rupert Murdoch"], [109973, 123589, "Rupert Murdoch", 7, "Rupert Murdoch"]]], "claim_en": "Rupert Murdoch has been employed since at least 1979."} {"id": 52776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Aguilera nebyla uznána jako 20. nejúspěšnější umělec roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[69059, 79856, "Christina Aguilera", 17, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera was not recognized as the 20th most successful artist of the 2000s."} {"id": 37822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ústředním bodem Tádž Mahalu je hrobka Mumtáz Mahal.", "evidence": [[[54032, 64015, "Tádž Mahal", 2, "Taj Mahal"]]], "claim_en": "The Taj Mahal's centerpiece is the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal."} {"id": 222957, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dům 1000 mrtvol je píseň.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "House of 1000 Corpses is a song."} {"id": 189286, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeníček a Mařenka je známá i pod jiným názvem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hansel and Gretel is also known under a different name."} {"id": 51544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stoupenci askeze se vyhýbají nebeským požitkům.", "evidence": [[[67875, 78729, "Askeze", 0, "Asceticism"]], [[67875, 78730, "Askeze", 1, "Asceticism"]]], "claim_en": "Followers of asceticism eschew heavenly pleasures."} {"id": 127525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Louis Tomlinson hrál v televizním pořadu.", "evidence": [[[149436, 164394, "Louis Tomlinson", 4, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[149436, 164395, "Louis Tomlinson", 5, "Louis Tomlinson"]]], "claim_en": "Louis Tomlinson was in a television show."} {"id": 63067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Halle Berry nebyla schopná hrát v romantickém dramatickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[79485, 91198, "Halle Berry", 1, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry was incapable of being in a romantic drama movie."} {"id": 93137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maltština je národním jazykem.", "evidence": [[[110631, 124283, "Maltština", 0, "Maltese language"]]], "claim_en": "The Maltese language is a national language."} {"id": 71223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portia de Rossi se objevila v americkém pořadu.", "evidence": [[[87912, 100428, "Portia de Rossi", 1, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[87912, 100429, "Portia de Rossi", 2, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[87912, 100430, "Portia de Rossi", 3, "Portia de Rossi"], [87912, 100430, "Ted a spol.", 0, "Better Off Ted"]]], "claim_en": "Portia de Rossi was featured on an American program."} {"id": 124953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vývoj filmu Deadpool začal na Jamajce.", "evidence": [[[146590, 161576, "Deadpool (film)", 8, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool's film development began in Jamaica."} {"id": 125655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bob Dylan byl uveden do nejlepšího golfového klubu na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan has been inducted into the best Golf Club in the world."} {"id": 204231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Green Arrow je komiksová postava, která se poprvé objevila v komiksu More Fun Comics.", "evidence": [[[241149, 242700, "Green Arrow", 0, "Green Arrow"], [241149, 242700, "Superhrdina", 0, "Superhero"], [241149, 242700, "Green Arrow", 1, "Green Arrow"]], [[241153, 242703, "Green Arrow", 1, "Green Arrow"]]], "claim_en": "Green Arrow is a comic book character who first appeared in More Fun Comics."} {"id": 45978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natasha Richardsonová si zahrála ve filmu Past na rodiče.", "evidence": [[[62315, 72910, "Natasha Richardson", 9, "Natasha Richardson"]]], "claim_en": "Natasha Richardson starred in The Parent Trap."} {"id": 207568, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Otec nevěsty napsal Steve Martin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Father of the Bride was written by Steve Martin."} {"id": 217419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Easy Virtue je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[258345, 257161, "Lekce neslušného chování", 0, "Easy Virtue (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Easy Virtue is a TV show."} {"id": 180030, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Reg Watson vytvořil dítě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reg Watson created a child."} {"id": 182547, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Existuje kategorie populární kultury pro zábavu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There is a popular culture category for entertainment."} {"id": 156110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eminem nezískal žádnou cenu Grammy.", "evidence": [[[180172, 192705, "Eminem", 8, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem has not won any Grammy Awards."} {"id": 207236, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americké EP Miley Cyrus se jmenuje The Time of Our Lives.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus's American EP is The Time of Our Lives."} {"id": 24867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steffi Grafová je bývalá alkoholička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf is a former alcoholic."} {"id": 76403, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stoupenci askeze stíhají odsouzení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Followers of asceticism pursue condemnation."} {"id": 32544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tenis není raketový sport.", "evidence": [[[48638, 57948, "Tenis", 0, "Tennis"]], [[48638, 57949, "Tenis", 1, "Tennis"]]], "claim_en": "Tennis is not a racquet sport."} {"id": 129656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Starověké Alžírsko znalo mnoho říší a dynastií.", "evidence": [[[151869, 166627, "Alžírsko", 8, "Algeria"]]], "claim_en": "Ancient Algeria has known many empires and dynasties."} {"id": 223304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na albu Long Road Out of Eden se objevila skladba No More Cloudy Days.", "evidence": [[[265983, 263085, "Long Road Out of Eden", 7, "Long Road Out of Eden"]]], "claim_en": "Long Road Out of Eden had No More Cloudy Days on it."} {"id": 219743, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syn Sylvestera Stalloneho se jmenuje Michael.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sylvester Stallone's son's name is Michael."} {"id": 211977, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jean-Martin Charcot se dožil začátku 20. století.", "evidence": [[[251232, 251140, "Jean-Martin Charcot", 0, "Jean-Martin Charcot"], [251232, 251140, "19. století", 0, "19th century"]]], "claim_en": "Jean-Martin Charcot lived to see the start of the 20th century."} {"id": 193194, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hilary Swanková se narodila v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[226203, 230789, "Hilary Swanková", 0, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230790, "Hilary Swanková", 1, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230791, "Hilary Swanková", 4, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230792, "Hilary Swanková", 5, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230793, "Hilary Swanková", 6, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230794, "Hilary Swanková", 7, "Hilary Swank"]], [[226203, 230795, "Hilary Swanková", 10, "Hilary Swank"]]], "claim_en": "Hilary Swank was born in 2017."} {"id": 76250, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Nash je řidička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Nash is a driver."} {"id": 92678, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Babe Ruth hrál za Angels.", "evidence": [[[109993, 123617, "Babe Ruth", 1, "Babe Ruth"]]], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth played for the Angels."} {"id": 216697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glenn Closeová debutovala na newyorském jevišti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glenn Close made her stage debut in New York."} {"id": 115253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dustin Hoffman získal cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dustin Hoffman won a Tony Award."} {"id": 150243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prasthanatraj je společným textovým základem dílčích tradic védánty.", "evidence": [[[174067, 187255, "Védánta", 3, "Vedanta"]]], "claim_en": "The Prasthanatrayi is the common textual basis of the sub-traditions of Vedanta."} {"id": 15756, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Otec Marie Terezie zemřel ve Španělsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maria Theresa's father died in Spain."} {"id": 87388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Teen Wolf byl zrušen 9. července 2015.", "evidence": [[[274353, 269651, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]], [[276713, 271784, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]], [[277501, 272419, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]], [[322433, 310767, "Vlčí mládě", 7, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]], [[322433, 310768, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]], [[323550, 311768, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf was cancelled on July 9, 2015."} {"id": 149092, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Superior Donuts se vysílá na vlajkové lodi společnosti CBS Corporation a je uznávaný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superior Donuts airs on the flagship property of CBS Corporation and it is acclaimed."} {"id": 30024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ed Wood je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[46143, 55097, "Ed Wood (film)", 0, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55099, "Ed Wood (film)", 1, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55101, "Ed Wood (film)", 5, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55103, "Ed Wood (film)", 6, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55105, "Ed Wood (film)", 10, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55107, "Ed Wood (film)", 11, "Ed Wood (film)"]], [[46143, 55109, "Ed Wood (film)", 12, "Ed Wood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ed Wood is a TV show."} {"id": 39146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Serena Williamsová je americká tenistka.", "evidence": [[[55373, 65426, "Serena Williamsová", 0, "Serena Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Serena Williams is an American tennis player."} {"id": 209848, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba Tie Your Mother Down vyšla na EP.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tie Your Mother Down was released on an EP."} {"id": 160816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln žil v Americe.", "evidence": [[[296624, 288416, "Abraham Lincoln", 5, "Abraham Lincoln"], [296624, 288416, "Indiana", 0, "Indiana"]], [[298230, 289766, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343530, 327300, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343536, 327305, "Abraham Lincoln", 18, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343536, 327306, "Abraham Lincoln", 15, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343536, 327307, "Abraham Lincoln", 13, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343539, 327311, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343539, 327312, "Abraham Lincoln", 5, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343539, 327313, "Abraham Lincoln", 6, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343539, 327314, "Abraham Lincoln", 7, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was alive in America."} {"id": 54019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kalifornie leží na pobřeží Tichého oceánu.", "evidence": [[[70324, 81193, "Kalifornie", 1, "California"]], [[70324, 81194, "Kalifornie", 8, "California"]]], "claim_en": "California is on the Pacific coast."} {"id": 110404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rashida Jones hraje hlavní roli v hororovém komediálním seriálu Angie Tribeca stanice TBS.", "evidence": [[[129528, 144266, "Rashida Jones", 3, "Rashida Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Rashida Jones plays the lead role in the TBS horror comedy series Angie Tribeca."} {"id": 8115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani je na seznamu nejmocnějších lidí světa časopisu Forbes za rok 2016.", "evidence": [[[13231, 16549, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]], [[13232, 16550, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]], [[21436, 26331, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]], [[23557, 29088, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]], [[299050, 290427, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]], [[301286, 292411, "Mukeš Ambani", 7, "Mukesh Ambani"]]], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani is on the 2016 Forbes list of the world's most powerful people."} {"id": 199023, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezi mezinárodní vztahy patří zvířata.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "International Relations includes animals."} {"id": 26590, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Píseň ledu a ohně vystupuje Tyrion Lannister.", "evidence": [[[42740, 51378, "Tyrion Lannister", 0, "Tyrion Lannister"]]], "claim_en": "The Song of Ice and Fire series features Tyrion Lannister."} {"id": 221667, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helen Huntová debutovala v roce 2007 jako mimobroadwayská herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helen Hunt made her off-broadway acting debut in 2007."} {"id": 81443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Posledním celovečerním filmem Charlieho Chaplina byl snímek The Kid.", "evidence": [[[98496, 111592, "Charlie Chaplin", 17, "Charlie Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Charlie Chaplin's last feature-length was The Kid."} {"id": 85890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Těhotenství zabraňuje nevolnosti a zvracení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pregnancy prevents nausea and vomiting."} {"id": 57156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová žije v manželství s Justinem Therouxem.", "evidence": [[[73481, 84720, "Jennifer Aniston", 17, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston is in a marriage with Justin Theroux."} {"id": 140181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pavouci nemají centralizovanou nervovou soustavu.", "evidence": [[[163146, 177361, "Pavouci", 9, "Spider"]]], "claim_en": "Spiders do not have a centralized nervous system."} {"id": 187804, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quincy Center je jediná oblast, která kdy existovala v Bostonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quincy Center is the only area to ever exist in Boston."} {"id": 189520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karl Malone byl spoluhráčem pouze s Rajonem Rondem.", "evidence": [[[221338, 226978, "Karl Malone", 1, "Karl Malone"]]], "claim_en": "Karl Malone was teammates with only Rajon Rondo."} {"id": 168151, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Connally sloužil pod prezidentem Lyndonem B. Johnsonem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Connally served under President Lyndon B. Johnson."} {"id": 43035, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe byla celebritou.", "evidence": [[[60604, 71026, "Marilyn Monroe", 3, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[60604, 71027, "Marilyn Monroe", 10, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[60604, 71028, "Marilyn Monroe", 14, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity."} {"id": 81457, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Wire měl více postav z pohledu diváka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Wire had multiple point-of-view characters."} {"id": 20677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson je pouze spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[36465, 44059, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 0, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson is only a writer."} {"id": 178652, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gabon se nachází v Africe.", "evidence": [[[207098, 215404, "Gabon", 0, "Gabon"]], [[207098, 215405, "Gabon", 3, "Gabon"], [207098, 215405, "Libreville", 0, "Libreville"]]], "claim_en": "Gabon is located in Africa."} {"id": 64448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar byl indický politik.", "evidence": [[[80894, 92753, "Bhímráo Rámdží Ámbédkar", 0, "B. R. Ambedkar"]]], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar was an Indian politician."} {"id": 118492, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Merlin byl zničen Julianem Murphym.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Merlin was destroyed by Julian Murphy."} {"id": 114788, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ralph Fiennes uváděl předávání cen Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ralph Fiennes has hosted the Tony Awards."} {"id": 36196, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cena Bravo se uděluje nejvýznamnějšímu mladému evropskému katolíkovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bravo Award is given to the most outstanding young European Catholic."} {"id": 208140, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Easy A je román z roku 2010.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Easy A is a 2010 novel."} {"id": 139982, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benátky se nacházejí v Číně.", "evidence": [[[162946, 177174, "Benátky", 0, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice is located in China."} {"id": 209497, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spánek může být narušen bruxismem.", "evidence": [[[248031, 248299, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]], [[248036, 248304, "Spánek", 13, "Sleep"]]], "claim_en": "Sleep can be disrupted by bruxism."} {"id": 63364, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Stokorcová cesta (The Hundred-Foot Journey) hraje anglický herec.", "evidence": [[[79786, 91524, "Láska na kari", 1, "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film)"], [79786, 91524, "Helen Mirrenová", 0, "Helen Mirren"]]], "claim_en": "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) stars an English actor."} {"id": 45238, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Best odmítá být fotbalistou.", "evidence": [[[61656, 72150, "George Best", 0, "George Best"]]], "claim_en": "George Best refuses to be a football player."} {"id": 202164, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin Thicke spolupracoval s Nathanem Morrisem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has worked with Nathan Morris."} {"id": 158441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zoufalé manželky je komediálně-dramatický mysteriózní televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[182712, 194894, "Zoufalé manželky", 0, "Desperate Housewives"]]], "claim_en": "Desperate Housewives is a comedy-drama mystery television series."} {"id": 206276, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikdy se nevracej (Never Go Back) hraje britský realitní agent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Never Go Back is by a British real estate agent."} {"id": 176035, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film WALL-E vydělal celosvětově 0 dolarů.", "evidence": [[[203842, 212769, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"]]], "claim_en": "WALL-E grossed $0 worldwide."} {"id": 190834, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Myles Kennedy zemřel před vydáním alb skupiny Alter Bridge.", "evidence": [[[223033, 228112, "Myles Kennedy", 10, "Myles Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Myles Kennedy died before releasing albums with Alter Bridge."} {"id": 134582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "IPhone 4 má pouze jednoduchý mobilní operační systém.", "evidence": [[[157145, 171704, "IPhone 4", 5, "IPhone 4"], [157145, 171704, "Chytrý telefon", 0, "Smartphone"]]], "claim_en": "The IPhone 4 has only a simple mobile operating system."} {"id": 84902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prvním singlem Demi Lovato byla skladba Free Bird.", "evidence": [[[101980, 115225, "Demi Lovato", 1, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato's first single was \"Free Bird\"."} {"id": 73729, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yeh Dillagi měl herecké obsazení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yeh Dillagi had a cast."} {"id": 3847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci strávil nějaký čas v Miláně.", "evidence": [[[20057, 24615, "Leonardo da Vinci", 11, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci spent time in Milan."} {"id": 135885, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V hlavní roli filmu Dhool se objevil katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhool featured a Catholic in a lead role."} {"id": 198878, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černá Dahlia je pouze kniha.", "evidence": [[[233827, 236708, "Černá Dahlia", 0, "The Black Dahlia (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Dahlia is only a book."} {"id": 173743, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ocel (film z roku 1997) má v obsazení Judda Nelsona.", "evidence": [[[200776, 210246, "Supertajná zbraň", 1, "Steel (1997 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Steel (1997 film) has Judd Nelson in its cast."} {"id": 120039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V žebříčcích Billboardu se objevila skladba Just Dance.", "evidence": [[[141035, 156211, "Just Dance", 9, "Just Dance (song)"]]], "claim_en": "The Billboard charts included Just Dance."} {"id": 4169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Henman se dostal do čtvrtfinále.", "evidence": [[[20413, 24998, "Tim Henman", 15, "Tim Henman"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Henman has reached the quarter-finals."} {"id": 187728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království není členem žádné organizace.", "evidence": [[[219047, 225177, "Spojené království", 39, "United Kingdom"]], [[219048, 225178, "Spojené království", 39, "United Kingdom"]], [[219087, 225196, "Spojené království", 36, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom is a member of no organizations."} {"id": 102607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výsledkem Washingtonské námořní konference byla smlouva.", "evidence": [[[120460, 134679, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference resulted in a treaty."} {"id": 212176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Albany ve státě New York je hlavní město státu New York.", "evidence": [[[251492, 251335, "Albany (New York)", 0, "Albany, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Albany, New York, is the capital of New York State."} {"id": 55959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Borussia Dortmund není fotbalový klub.", "evidence": [[[72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 0, "Borussia Dortmund"], [72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 12, "Borussia Dortmund"], [72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 2, "Borussia Dortmund"], [72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 3, "Borussia Dortmund"], [72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 15, "Borussia Dortmund"], [72324, 83376, "Borussia Dortmund", 1, "Borussia Dortmund"]]], "claim_en": "Borussia Dortmund is not a football club."} {"id": 119314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2010 vydal Drake (hudebník) své debutové album.", "evidence": [[[140245, 155279, "Drake (umělec)", 6, "Drake (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "In 2010, Drake (musician) release his debut album."} {"id": 4349, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski byla v televizi.", "evidence": [[[22017, 27046, "Emily Ratajkowski", 9, "Emily Ratajkowski"], [22017, 27046, "Reklamy na Super Bowlu", 0, "Super Bowl commercials"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski was on TV."} {"id": 125749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Simon Pegg je výhradně Japonec.", "evidence": [[[147550, 162566, "Simon Pegg", 0, "Simon Pegg"]]], "claim_en": "Simon Pegg is entirely Japanese."} {"id": 132987, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg je člověk.", "evidence": [[[155460, 170133, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is a person."} {"id": 146572, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Provaz je film.", "evidence": [[[170106, 183688, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]], [[170107, 183689, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Rope is a film."} {"id": 67914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Gates je vzácně investor.", "evidence": [[[84508, 96688, "Bill Gates", 0, "Bill Gates"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Gates is rarely an investor."} {"id": 176796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Legie je film, který obdivuje Scott Stewart.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legion is a film admired by Scott Stewart."} {"id": 139285, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hliník je pro zvířata prudce jedovatý.", "evidence": [[[162120, 176459, "Hliník", 13, "Aluminium"]]], "claim_en": "Aluminium is highly poisonous to animals."} {"id": 53871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Den před udílením Oscarů se koná předávání cen Independent Spirit Awards.", "evidence": [[[70176, 81058, "Independent Spirit Awards", 10, "Independent Spirit Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The day before the Academy Awards is when the Independent Spirit Awards are held."} {"id": 64664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová odmítla hrát v jakémkoli americkém komediálním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[81127, 92952, "Lisa Kudrow", 1, "Lisa Kudrow"], [81127, 92952, "Přátelé", 0, "Friends"]], [[81127, 92954, "Lisa Kudrow", 5, "Lisa Kudrow"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow refused to star in any American comedy series."} {"id": 140128, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Francii se mluví anglicky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The English language is spoken in France."} {"id": 188656, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Foot Locker je americký maloobchodní prodejce se sídlem v New Yorku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Foot Locker is a an American retailer based out of NYC."} {"id": 188536, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je umělec.", "evidence": [[[220074, 225941, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[220075, 225942, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is a performer."} {"id": 34973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sborový soubor má obvykle urážlivý název.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Choir ensemble's usually have an offensive name."} {"id": 179100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tobey Maguire opustil Dobrého Němce ještě před začátkem natáčení.", "evidence": [[[207761, 215965, "Berlínské spiknutí", 1, "The Good German"]]], "claim_en": "Tobey Maguire left The Good German before filming began."} {"id": 85944, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles de Gaulle byl presbyterián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles de Gaulle was a Presbyterian."} {"id": 144376, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham hrál fotbal v roce 1985.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham played football in 1985."} {"id": 119548, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ramzan Kadyrov založil v roce 1999 bojový klub Achmat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ramzan Kadyrov founded the Akhmat Fight Club in 1999."} {"id": 201549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Constantine má dějové prvky převzaté z čísel #53 až #55 příběhového oblouku \"Original Sins\".", "evidence": [[[237246, 239493, "Constantine (film)", 1, "Constantine (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine has plot elements taken from issues #53 to #55 of the \"Original Sins\" story arc."} {"id": 187114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eva Mendesová je osoba.", "evidence": [[[218306, 224619, "Eva Mendes", 0, "Eva Mendes"]]], "claim_en": "Eva Mendes is a person."} {"id": 6093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Brady hrál za univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[22822, 28123, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Brady played for a University."} {"id": 15374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Guyana hraničí s Venezuelou.", "evidence": [[[30856, 37494, "Guyana", 2, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana borders Venezuela."} {"id": 87605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Felton je Angličan.", "evidence": [[[104801, 118210, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton is English."} {"id": 24785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maďary lze rozdělit do několika podskupin.", "evidence": [[[40732, 48994, "Maďaři", 4, "Hungarians"]]], "claim_en": "Hungarians can be classified into several subgroups."} {"id": 100042, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výkonným producentem Gilmorových děvčat je Daniel Palladino.", "evidence": [[[117689, 131571, "Gilmorova děvčata", 1, "Gilmore Girls"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls was executive produced by Daniel Palladino."} {"id": 41694, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay vydala své daně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coldplay released their taxes."} {"id": 31674, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová se objevila pouze ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[47812, 57075, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 1, "Evan Rachel Wood"]], [[47812, 57077, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 7, "Evan Rachel Wood"]], [[47812, 57079, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 8, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood appeared only in movies."} {"id": 66399, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl nazýván \"králem R&B\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was called the \"King of R&B.\""} {"id": 182745, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ester Deanová hraje ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ester Dean stars in Pitch Perfect 3."} {"id": 35291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Samsung opustila elektronický průmysl na konci 60. let.", "evidence": [[[51469, 61214, "Samsung", 6, "Samsung"]]], "claim_en": "Samsung exited the electronics industry in the late 1960s."} {"id": 220572, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lisa Bonet se narodila v měsíci.", "evidence": [[[262514, 260511, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Bonet was born on a month."} {"id": 114857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heath Ledger zemřel před obsazením filmu Nejsem tam.", "evidence": [[[134855, 149756, "Heath Ledger", 7, "Heath Ledger"], [134855, 149756, "Heath Ledger", 8, "Heath Ledger"]], [[134858, 149759, "Heath Ledger", 11, "Heath Ledger"]]], "claim_en": "Heath Ledger died before I'm Not There was cast."} {"id": 93347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Led Zeppelin hráli klasickou hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin played classical music."} {"id": 79987, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "New Girl je televizní seriál, který vysílá stanice FOX.", "evidence": [[[96943, 110104, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[96943, 110105, "Nová holka", 14, "New Girl"]], [[96943, 110106, "Nová holka", 18, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl is a television series that aires on FOX."} {"id": 223672, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ludwig van Beethoven se narodil v Bonnu v dnešním Německu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, in present day Germany."} {"id": 157090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Planeta opic je film.", "evidence": [[[181209, 193468, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes is a motion picture."} {"id": 108564, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung byl obouruký.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong was ambidextrous."} {"id": 106485, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Redford byl nominován na člena vlády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Redford was nominated for a Cabinet position."} {"id": 15561, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhý díl Twilight ságy se jmenuje Breaking Dawn.", "evidence": [[[30967, 37629, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 4, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"], [30967, 37629, "Twilight sága: Nový měsíc", 0, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga's second installment is Breaking Dawn."} {"id": 130367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zlato je bezcenný kov.", "evidence": [[[152619, 167394, "Zlato", 22, "Gold"]], [[152619, 167395, "Zlato", 23, "Gold"]], [[152619, 167396, "Zlato", 27, "Gold"]], [[152619, 167397, "Zlato", 21, "Gold"]]], "claim_en": "Gold is a worthless metal."} {"id": 74118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Během 30 dní byl natočen film Malá Miss Sunshine.", "evidence": [[[234828, 237638, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 3, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[237624, 239838, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 0, "Little Miss Sunshine"], [237624, 239838, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 3, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[241192, 242740, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 3, "Little Miss Sunshine"]]], "claim_en": "Over 30 days, Little Miss Sunshine was filmed."} {"id": 164929, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cheyenne Jackson získal cenu Bostonské společnosti filmových kritiků za rok 2006 za nejlepší kameru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cheyenne Jackson earned the Boston Society of Film Critics 2006 award for Best Cinematography."} {"id": 156457, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Cincinnati Kid režíroval alespoň jeden člověk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Cincinnati Kid was directed by at least one human being."} {"id": 149512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daniel-Day Lewis neměl žádnou hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[173332, 186602, "Daniel Day-Lewis", 10, "Daniel Day-Lewis"]], [[173332, 186603, "Daniel Day-Lewis", 13, "Daniel Day-Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel-Day Lewis had no leading roles."} {"id": 185174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Žiješ jenom dvakrát je bondovka.", "evidence": [[[215779, 222560, "Žiješ jenom dvakrát", 0, "You Only Live Twice (film)"]], [[215783, 222565, "Žiješ jenom dvakrát", 0, "You Only Live Twice (film)"]], [[215783, 222566, "Žiješ jenom dvakrát", 2, "You Only Live Twice (film)"]], [[215783, 222568, "Žiješ jenom dvakrát", 12, "You Only Live Twice (film)"]]], "claim_en": "You Only Live Twice is a Bond film."} {"id": 60525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George H. W. Bush má senátorskou univerzitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George H. W. Bush has a senator's university."} {"id": 96065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jefferson Davis se narodil v Texasu.", "evidence": [[[113599, 127470, "Jefferson Davis", 5, "Jefferson Davis"]]], "claim_en": "Jefferson Davis was born in Texas."} {"id": 146639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2003 debutovala ve filmu Eva Greenová.", "evidence": [[[170180, 183744, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]]], "claim_en": "In 2003, Eva Green debuted in film."} {"id": 214763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikita (televizní seriál) se přestal vysílat 9. září 2009.", "evidence": [[[255785, 255151, "Nikita (seriál)", 0, "Nikita (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Nikita (TV series) finished airing on September 9th, 2009."} {"id": 148577, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leukémie je druh onemocnění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leukemia is a type of disease."} {"id": 121475, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Tyson ukončil kariéru.", "evidence": [[[142654, 157806, "Mike Tyson", 0, "Mike Tyson"]], [[142654, 157807, "Mike Tyson", 22, "Mike Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Tyson retired."} {"id": 20611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pamela Andersonová se narodila v roce 1967.", "evidence": [[[36405, 43996, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson was born in 1967."} {"id": 126270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Stanton byl jediným režisérem filmu Život brouka od společnosti Pixar.", "evidence": [[[148118, 163097, "Andrew Stanton", 1, "Andrew Stanton"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Stanton was the sole director of Pixar's \"A Bug's Life\"."} {"id": 216924, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Phelps je držitelem světových rekordů na dlouhých tratích 100 a 200 metrů motýlek a 400 metrů polohový závod.", "evidence": [[[257735, 256708, "Michael Phelps", 7, "Michael Phelps"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Phelps holds the long course world record in the 100 and 200 meter butterfly and the 400 meter individual medley."} {"id": 195427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rock and roll - tak AC/DC pojmenovali svou hudbu.", "evidence": [[[229473, 233399, "AC/DC", 1, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "Rock and roll is how AC/DC has dubbed their music."} {"id": 164860, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "L.A. Guns je hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[189608, 200858, "L.A. Guns", 0, "L.A. Guns"]]], "claim_en": "L.A. Guns is a musical group."} {"id": 228406, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Archie Panjabi získal Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Archie Panjabi won an Academy Award."} {"id": 226670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Haim Saban je italsko-americký investor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Haim Saban is an Italian-American investor."} {"id": 57942, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Meghan McCainová je moderátorka a spolupracovnice stanice Fox News.", "evidence": [[[74290, 85512, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[74290, 85513, "Meghan McCainová", 10, "Meghan McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Meghan McCain is a host and contributor on Fox News."} {"id": 74003, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matkou Anne Hathaway je Meryl Streep.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway's mother is Meryl Streep."} {"id": 109099, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mughalské říši vládli stoupenci Čingischána.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Mughal Empire was ruled by followers of Genghis Khan."} {"id": 102032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová je připomínána pro své celoživotní dary na umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is remembered for her lifelong donations to the arts."} {"id": 41910, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Instantní film představila společnost Polaroid.", "evidence": [[[58193, 68419, "Instantní film", 0, "Instant film"]]], "claim_en": "Instant film was introduced by Polaroid."} {"id": 86141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Riziko demence zvyšuje obezita.", "evidence": [[[103323, 116718, "Demence", 15, "Dementia"]]], "claim_en": "The risk of dementia is increased by obesity."} {"id": 228288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je filmovou adaptací stejnojmenného románu Thomase Harrise.", "evidence": [[[272356, 268044, "Mlčení jehňátek", 1, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs is a film adaptation of the Thomas Harris novel of the same name."} {"id": 174815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky neměly žádné vývojáře.", "evidence": [[[203422, 212452, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries had no developers."} {"id": 144879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vyhledávač Google může vrátit informace o filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Search can return information about movies."} {"id": 150353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Beatles byla country skupina.", "evidence": [[[38694, 46661, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles was a country band."} {"id": 110163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "PlayStation 4 podporuje interakci.", "evidence": [[[129262, 144026, "PlayStation 4", 6, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "The PlayStation 4 supports interaction."} {"id": 175705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Into the Woods získal nominaci.", "evidence": [[[203291, 212341, "Čarovný les", 13, "Into the Woods (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Into the Woods received a nomination."} {"id": 12763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Gore vyhrál lidové hlasování.", "evidence": [[[28000, 34293, "Al Gore", 9, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore won the popular vote."} {"id": 176226, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daft Punk je trio.", "evidence": [[[204073, 212946, "Daft Punk", 0, "Daft Punk"]], [[204076, 212949, "Daft Punk", 0, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk is a trio."} {"id": 27324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nicolas Cage je herec.", "evidence": [[[79153, 90784, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93303, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93304, "Nicolas Cage", 1, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93305, "Nicolas Cage", 2, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93306, "Nicolas Cage", 5, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93307, "Nicolas Cage", 6, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[81544, 93308, "Nicolas Cage", 11, "Nicolas Cage"], [81544, 93308, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[81544, 93309, "Nicolas Cage", 12, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[305894, 296665, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307143, 297681, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297693, "Nicolas Cage", 0, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297694, "Nicolas Cage", 1, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297695, "Nicolas Cage", 2, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297696, "Nicolas Cage", 5, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297697, "Nicolas Cage", 6, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297698, "Nicolas Cage", 11, "Nicolas Cage"]], [[307157, 297699, "Nicolas Cage", 14, "Nicolas Cage"]]], "claim_en": "Nicolas Cage is an actor."} {"id": 42986, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winona Ryder byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[59310, 69662, "Winona Ryder", 7, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder was nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 202074, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Styles vydal album až v roce 1912.", "evidence": [[[237995, 240161, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"]], [[237995, 240162, "Harry Styles", 13, "Harry Styles"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles only released an album in 1912."} {"id": 128313, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Uruguayská fotbalová reprezentace je vítězem mistrovství světa v NHL.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Uruguay national football team is a NHL World Cup winner."} {"id": 157777, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezi absolventy Yaleovy univerzity je nula amerických prezidentů.", "evidence": [[[182010, 194297, "Yaleova univerzita", 23, "Yale University"]]], "claim_en": "Yale University's alumni includes zero U.S. Presidents."} {"id": 11263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Haifě se nachází největší dvanáctiletá škola v Izraeli.", "evidence": [[[26448, 32483, "Haifa", 15, "Haifa"]]], "claim_en": "Haifa is home to the largest k-12 school in Israel."} {"id": 48392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ježíš byl bagdádský Žid.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesus was a Baghdadi Jew."} {"id": 204341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křída ještě nezačala.", "evidence": [[[241268, 242808, "Křída", 0, "Cretaceous"]], [[241268, 242809, "Křída", 8, "Cretaceous"]]], "claim_en": "The Cretaceous is yet to start."} {"id": 11718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celiakie může mít za následek automobily.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coeliac disease may result in cars."} {"id": 133684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Akademici Oxfordské univerzity utekli do Cambridgeshire.", "evidence": [[[156227, 170856, "Oxfordská univerzita", 4, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "The University of Oxford's academics fled to Cambridgeshire."} {"id": 98073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boeing 777 je dálkové dopravní letadlo.", "evidence": [[[115694, 129569, "Boeing 777", 0, "Boeing 777"]]], "claim_en": "The Boeing 777 is a long-range airliner."} {"id": 106219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Conan O'Brien je moderátor nočních pořadů.", "evidence": [[[124700, 139046, "Conan O'Brien", 1, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien is a host of late-night programs."} {"id": 165485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Teorie, že buňka je základní funkční jednotkou všech živých organismů, byla důkladně vyvrácena.", "evidence": [[[298785, 290193, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]], [[300871, 291950, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]], [[345050, 328476, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]], [[345060, 328486, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]]], "claim_en": "The theory that the cell is the basic functional unit of all living organisms has been thoroughly disproven."} {"id": 40337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur leží jižně od Indonésie.", "evidence": [[[56632, 66845, "Singapur", 1, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is south of Indonesia."} {"id": 4903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Simon byl hudebník.", "evidence": [[[21256, 26107, "Paul Simon", 0, "Paul Simon"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Simon was a musician."} {"id": 45670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John F. Kennedy vystudoval Bostonskou univerzitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John F. Kennedy graduated from Boston University."} {"id": 71998, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fairy Tail je japonské drama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fairy Tail is a Japanese drama."} {"id": 132930, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "J. K. Rowlingová napsala první kapitolu knihy Harry Potter a kámen mudrců.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "J. K. Rowling wrote the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."} {"id": 22284, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Wood byl hudebník hrající alt-hip hop.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood was an alt-hip hop musician."} {"id": 151067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tanzanie se nachází v jihovýchodní Africe.", "evidence": [[[174882, 187981, "Tanzanie", 0, "Tanzania"], [174882, 187981, "Tanzanie", 1, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is in southeast Africa."} {"id": 122051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Las Vegas je známé svou obchodní činností.", "evidence": [[[143257, 158358, "Las Vegas", 3, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is known for its commercial activity."} {"id": 135369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Cullen je ve fikci.", "evidence": [[[289660, 282726, "Edward Cullen", 0, "Edward Cullen"]], [[291120, 284084, "Edward Cullen", 0, "Edward Cullen"]], [[293205, 285822, "Edward Cullen", 0, "Edward Cullen"]], [[293205, 285823, "Edward Cullen", 1, "Edward Cullen"]], [[293205, 285824, "Edward Cullen", 3, "Edward Cullen"]], [[336732, 322266, "Edward Cullen", 0, "Edward Cullen"]], [[336767, 322289, "Edward Cullen", 0, "Edward Cullen"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Cullen is in fiction."} {"id": 69768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angelina Jolie je člověk.", "evidence": [[[86463, 98869, "Angelina Jolie", 0, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98870, "Angelina Jolie", 1, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98871, "Angelina Jolie", 2, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98872, "Angelina Jolie", 4, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98873, "Angelina Jolie", 7, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98874, "Angelina Jolie", 8, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98875, "Angelina Jolie", 9, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98876, "Angelina Jolie", 13, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98877, "Angelina Jolie", 14, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98878, "Angelina Jolie", 16, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98879, "Angelina Jolie", 15, "Angelina Jolie"]], [[86463, 98880, "Angelina Jolie", 17, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie is a person."} {"id": 120533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shantel VanSanten má povolání.", "evidence": [[[141545, 156762, "Shantel VanSanten", 0, "Shantel VanSanten"]], [[141545, 156763, "Shantel VanSanten", 2, "Shantel VanSanten"]]], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten has an occupation."} {"id": 67452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Mad Men získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[84051, 96179, "Šílenci z Manhattanu", 12, "Mad Men"]], [[84051, 96180, "Šílenci z Manhattanu", 13, "Mad Men"]]], "claim_en": "Mad Men won an award."} {"id": 226397, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seminář je vědecká instituce pro výuku studentů teologie.", "evidence": [[[270975, 266924, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]]], "claim_en": "Seminary is a scholarly institution for teaching students theology."} {"id": 134790, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mariah Carey je bubenice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey is a drummer."} {"id": 49242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Hasselhoff hrál plavčíka.", "evidence": [[[65571, 76439, "David Hasselhoff", 4, "David Hasselhoff"], [65571, 76439, "Pobřežní hlídka", 0, "Baywatch"]]], "claim_en": "David Hasselhoff played a lifeguard."} {"id": 193340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Nixon se v roce 2001 přestěhoval do Washingtonu.", "evidence": [[[226380, 230961, "Richard Nixon", 0, "Richard Nixon"]], [[226380, 230962, "Richard Nixon", 28, "Richard Nixon"]], [[226381, 230963, "Richard Nixon", 28, "Richard Nixon"]], [[226381, 230964, "Richard Nixon", 0, "Richard Nixon"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Nixon moved to Washington in 2001."} {"id": 40739, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kačer Donald obvykle nosí kožešinu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donald Duck typically wears fur."} {"id": 84366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keturah nebyla ničí konkubína.", "evidence": [[[101413, 114648, "Ketura (biblická postava)", 0, "Keturah"]]], "claim_en": "Keturah was no one's concubine."} {"id": 139503, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Selena Gomez byla komparzistkou v počítačem animovaných 3D fantasy komediích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez was an extra in 3D computer-animated fantasy comedy films."} {"id": 29856, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Syn Marie z Teku se v roce 1936 vzdal trůnu.", "evidence": [[[45969, 54910, "Marie z Tecku", 12, "Mary of Teck"]]], "claim_en": "Mary of Teck's son abdicated the throne in 1936."} {"id": 3682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angličané se odpojili od Jutů a Frísů.", "evidence": [[[19885, 24429, "Angličané", 6, "English people"]]], "claim_en": "English people are disconnected from the Jutes and Frisians."} {"id": 210647, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál v několika filmových hitech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Gere worked in multiple hit films."} {"id": 107578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výsledkem Washingtonské námořní konference byla smlouva.", "evidence": [[[126274, 140676, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference resulted in a treaty."} {"id": 89131, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maggie Q hrála roli Ethana ve filmu Mission: Impossible III.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maggie Q starred as Ethan in Mission: Impossible III."} {"id": 71130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Burundi se nachází v Jižní Americe.", "evidence": [[[25924, 31862, "Burundi", 0, "Burundi"]], [[25924, 31863, "Burundi", 1, "Burundi"]], [[25924, 31864, "Burundi", 6, "Burundi"], [25924, 31864, "Hutuové", 0, "Hutu"]], [[25924, 31866, "Burundi", 9, "Burundi"], [25924, 31866, "Ruanda-Urundi", 0, "Ruanda-Urundi"]], [[25924, 31867, "Burundi", 21, "Burundi"], [25924, 31867, "Tutsiové", 0, "Tutsi"]], [[25924, 31868, "Burundi", 28, "Burundi"]], [[25924, 31869, "Burundi", 33, "Burundi"]], [[25924, 31871, "Burundi", 35, "Burundi"]], [[25924, 31872, "Burundi", 37, "Burundi"], [25924, 31872, "Tanganika (jezero)", 0, "Lake Tanganyika"]], [[300546, 291716, "Burundi", 0, "Burundi"]], [[300546, 291717, "Burundi", 1, "Burundi"]], [[300546, 291718, "Burundi", 33, "Burundi"]], [[300546, 291719, "Burundi", 34, "Burundi"], [300546, 291719, "Východoafrický rift", 0, "East African Rift"]], [[300546, 291720, "Burundi", 35, "Burundi"]], [[300546, 291721, "Burundi", 37, "Burundi"], [300546, 291721, "Nil", 0, "Nile"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi is in South America."} {"id": 52647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joan Crawfordová se narodila v roce 1904.", "evidence": [[[68943, 79747, "Joan Crawfordová", 0, "Joan Crawford"]]], "claim_en": "Joan Crawford was born in 1904."} {"id": 45392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe se v květnu 1791 stal ředitelem divadla ve Výmaru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe became managing director of the theater at Weimar in May 1791."} {"id": 21868, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alkaline Trio vydalo gospelové album s názvem From Here to Infirmary.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alkaline Trio has a gospel album named From Here to Infirmary."} {"id": 195877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Nová dobrodružství staré Christine nezískal žádné ocenění, ani v rámci něj nebylo odehráno žádné představení.", "evidence": [[[230113, 233850, "Nové trable staré Christine", 7, "The New Adventures of Old Christine"], [230113, 233850, "Nové trable staré Christine", 0, "The New Adventures of Old Christine"]]], "claim_en": "The New Adventures of Old Christine has not received any awards, nor have any performances given as part of the show."} {"id": 90370, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sokrates byl klasický spartský filozof.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Socrates was a classical Spartan philosopher."} {"id": 202110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Styles a jeho spoluhráči vydali singl Midnight Memories.", "evidence": [[[238049, 240209, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"], [238049, 240209, "Midnight Memories", 0, "Midnight Memories"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles and his bandmates released the single Midnight Memories."} {"id": 120564, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Je město s 542 664 obyvateli, které je největší v Litvě.", "evidence": [[[141579, 156816, "Litva", 3, "Lithuania"], [141579, 156816, "Vilnius", 0, "Vilnius"]]], "claim_en": "There is a city with a population of 542,664 which is the largest in Lithuania."} {"id": 180810, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Panama se nachází ve Střední Americe.", "evidence": [[[209861, 217662, "Střední Amerika", 2, "Central America"]]], "claim_en": "Panama is in Central America."} {"id": 216432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bermudy se nacházejí v oceánu.", "evidence": [[[257151, 256179, "Bermudy", 0, "Bermuda"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda is in an ocean."} {"id": 217970, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson debutoval na profesionální scéně v roce 1967.", "evidence": [[[259118, 257767, "Michael Jackson", 4, "Michael Jackson"]], [[259122, 257769, "Michael Jackson", 4, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson made his professional debut in 1967."} {"id": 63357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stephen King napsal 7 románů pod pseudonymem.", "evidence": [[[79780, 91518, "Stephen King", 2, "Stephen King"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen King wrote 7 novels under a pen name."} {"id": 10425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Allen hrál ve filmu Last Man Standing.", "evidence": [[[25408, 31330, "Tim Allen", 4, "Tim Allen"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Allen starred in Last Man Standing."} {"id": 78039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Galaxy Quest je film.", "evidence": [[[94975, 107944, "Galaxy Quest", 0, "Galaxy Quest"]], [[94975, 107945, "Galaxy Quest", 4, "Galaxy Quest"]], [[94975, 107946, "Galaxy Quest", 11, "Galaxy Quest"]], [[94975, 107947, "Galaxy Quest", 12, "Galaxy Quest"]]], "claim_en": "Galaxy Quest is a film."} {"id": 132020, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Agentura Reuters rozesílá zprávy pouze v angličtině.", "evidence": [[[154409, 169150, "Reuters", 6, "Reuters"]], [[154425, 169162, "Reuters", 6, "Reuters"]]], "claim_en": "Reuters only sends out news in English."} {"id": 124993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doxycyklin může způsobovat bolesti hlavy.", "evidence": [[[146639, 161629, "Doxycyklin", 6, "Doxycycline"]]], "claim_en": "Doxycycline may cause headaches."} {"id": 135834, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Evans hraje ve filmu Pravdivé lži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Evans is featured in the movie True Lies."} {"id": 4958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Dolmayan se narodil 15. července 1973.", "evidence": [[[21311, 26181, "John Dolmayan", 0, "John Dolmayan"]]], "claim_en": "John Dolmayan was born on July 15, 1973."} {"id": 155308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usherovo druhé jídlo se jmenuje My Way.", "evidence": [[[179368, 191937, "Usher", 4, "Usher (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Usher's sophomore meal is My Way."} {"id": 228285, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je román, který napsal Jonathan Demme.", "evidence": [[[272397, 268101, "Mlčení jehňátek", 0, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268102, "Mlčení jehňátek", 1, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268103, "Mlčení jehňátek", 2, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268104, "Mlčení jehňátek", 6, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268105, "Mlčení jehňátek", 7, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268106, "Mlčení jehňátek", 8, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272397, 268108, "Mlčení jehňátek", 5, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs was a novel written by Jonathan Demme."} {"id": 224487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell hrál v roce 2005 v americkém fantasy komediálním dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell was in an American fantasy comedy-drama film in 2005."} {"id": 12069, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Felton se nenarodil v roce 1987.", "evidence": [[[27273, 33402, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton was not born in 1987."} {"id": 176216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daft Punk kombinuje více uměleckých žánrů.", "evidence": [[[204061, 212940, "Daft Punk", 1, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk combines multiple genres of art."} {"id": 81572, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Děj filmu As the World Turns se odehrává v Oakdale v roce 1930.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "As the World Turns is set in Oakdale in 1930."} {"id": 203717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havoc je film z roku 2006.", "evidence": [[[240415, 242030, "Spoušť (film)", 0, "Havoc (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Havoc is a 2006 film."} {"id": 71987, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Premiéra filmu Avatar byla zrušena v roce 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avatar premiere was cancelled in 2009."} {"id": 149048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kevin Durant byl vysokoškolský basketbalista.", "evidence": [[[292571, 285315, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]], [[294596, 286850, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]], [[295168, 287337, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]], [[340383, 325054, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]], [[340388, 325056, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Durant was a college basketball player."} {"id": 59410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Manchester by the Sea distribuuje studio Paramount.", "evidence": [[[75819, 87085, "Místo u moře", 4, "Manchester by the Sea (film)"], [75819, 87085, "Místo u moře", 0, "Manchester by the Sea (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Manchester by the Sea is distributed by Paramount Studios"} {"id": 42004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Samuel L. Jackson hrál ve filmu Nezlomný od M. Night Shyamalana.", "evidence": [[[58294, 68551, "Samuel L. Jackson", 2, "Samuel L. Jackson"], [58294, 68551, "Vyvolený (film)", 0, "Unbreakable (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Samuel L. Jackson was in the movie Unbreakable by M. Night Shyamalan."} {"id": 118230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Soderbergh dosáhl na Oscara za nejlepší režii.", "evidence": [[[138717, 153785, "Steven Soderbergh", 5, "Steven Soderbergh"]], [[138719, 153787, "Steven Soderbergh", 5, "Steven Soderbergh"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Soderbergh achieved an Academy Award for Best Director."} {"id": 139313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Antarktida se téměř celá rozkládá na sever od antarktického kruhu.", "evidence": [[[162152, 176487, "Antarktida", 1, "Antarctica"]], [[162155, 176490, "Antarktida", 1, "Antarctica"]]], "claim_en": "Antarctica is almost entirely north of the Antarctic Circle."} {"id": 191400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1966 vydal Frank Zappa své debutové album.", "evidence": [[[223806, 228741, "Frank Zappa", 10, "Frank Zappa"]], [[223816, 228748, "Frank Zappa", 10, "Frank Zappa"]]], "claim_en": "In 1966, Frank Zappa released his debut album."} {"id": 16907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mnoho básní Margaret Atwoodové je inspirováno mýty a pohádkami.", "evidence": [[[32314, 39281, "Margaret Atwoodová", 14, "Margaret Atwood"]]], "claim_en": "Many of Margaret Atwood's poems are inspired by myths and fairy tales."} {"id": 157594, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iron Man byl uveden do kin 2. května 2008.", "evidence": [[[296287, 288184, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 15, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[297853, 289442, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 15, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[300036, 291340, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 15, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[342677, 326631, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 15, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[342701, 326644, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 15, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Iron Man was released on May 2, 2008."} {"id": 146991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ketogenní dieta není adekvátní bílkovinná dieta.", "evidence": [[[170540, 184083, "Ketogenní dieta", 0, "Ketogenic diet"]], [[170541, 184084, "Ketogenní dieta", 0, "Ketogenic diet"]]], "claim_en": "Ketogenic diet is not an adequate-protein diet."} {"id": 192476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francois de Belleforest přeložil dílo Eleny Ferrante.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Francois de Belleforest translated the works of Elena Ferrante."} {"id": 102439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Cromwell získal knižní ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Cromwell won a book."} {"id": 122395, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Annie Parisseová účinkovala v rozhlasovém seriálu \"The Following\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Annie Parisse was on the radio series \"The Following\""} {"id": 129682, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Code Geass byl adaptován do čtyř samostatných mang.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Code Geass has been adapted into four separate manga."} {"id": 165933, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "R. Kelly vydal 12 společných alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "R. Kelly has released 12 collaborative albums."} {"id": 34767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Outlander (TV seriál) byl v roce 2016 obnoven pro další série.", "evidence": [[[50947, 60675, "Cizinka (seriál)", 6, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander (TV series) was renewed for additional seasons in 2016."} {"id": 117198, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leukémie se v roce 2012 vyskytla u 2,3 milionu lidí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leukemia was present in 2.3 million people in 2012."} {"id": 68073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vláda České republiky je unitární parlamentní republikou.", "evidence": [[[84672, 96883, "Česko", 2, "Czech Republic"]]], "claim_en": "The Czech Republic government is a unitary parliamentary republic."} {"id": 28151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christina Aguilera je výkonná umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[76120, 87417, "Christina Aguilera", 0, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[76120, 87418, "Christina Aguilera", 3, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94371, "Christina Aguilera", 0, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94372, "Christina Aguilera", 1, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94373, "Christina Aguilera", 2, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94374, "Christina Aguilera", 3, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94375, "Christina Aguilera", 4, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94376, "Christina Aguilera", 5, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94377, "Christina Aguilera", 6, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94378, "Christina Aguilera", 7, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94379, "Christina Aguilera", 10, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94380, "Christina Aguilera", 13, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94381, "Christina Aguilera", 16, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94382, "Christina Aguilera", 17, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[82581, 94383, "Christina Aguilera", 18, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[307235, 297771, "Christina Aguilera", 0, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera is a performing artist."} {"id": 57903, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Nolte je bývalý katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte is a former Catholic."} {"id": 210910, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gabrielle Union hraje ve filmu Minority Report.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gabrielle Union is in Minority Report."} {"id": 183907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bradford se nachází mimo hrabství West Yorkshire.", "evidence": [[[214078, 221169, "Bradford", 0, "Bradford"]]], "claim_en": "Bradford is outside of West Yorkshire."} {"id": 197544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Whitman se narodil v Suffolk County v New Yorku v roce 2014.", "evidence": [[[232235, 235495, "Walt Whitman", 0, "Walt Whitman"]], [[232235, 235496, "Walt Whitman", 10, "Walt Whitman"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Whitman was born in Suffolk County, New York in 2014."} {"id": 83988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Účinná látka přípravku Adderall není amfetamin.", "evidence": [[[102517, 115792, "Adderall", 0, "Adderall"]]], "claim_en": "Adderall's active ingredient is not amphetamine."} {"id": 225158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Finále WTA 2014 skončilo 16. října.", "evidence": [[[268310, 264916, "WTA Finals 2014", 0, "2014 WTA Finals"]]], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals ended on October 16."} {"id": 155946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Uganda leží na polárním kruhu.", "evidence": [[[181357, 193610, "Uganda", 0, "Uganda"], [181357, 193610, "Východní Afrika", 0, "East Africa"]], [[181357, 193611, "Uganda", 3, "Uganda"]], [[181357, 193612, "Uganda", 4, "Uganda"]]], "claim_en": "Uganda is in the Arctic Circle."} {"id": 58270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Perlman se narodil v roce 1945.", "evidence": [[[74631, 85863, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman was born in 1945."} {"id": 165399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Lewis hraje komedii.", "evidence": [[[190185, 201270, "Jerry Lewis", 0, "Jerry Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis performs comedy."} {"id": 186106, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Řeka Detroit leží v Ontariu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Detroit River is in Ontario."} {"id": 196023, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Mumie z roku 2017 byl kritikou oceněn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 2017 film The Mummy was acclaimed by critics."} {"id": 71473, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Litevci zničili Litvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lithuanians destroyed Lithuania."} {"id": 35374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe nečekaně zemřela.", "evidence": [[[51554, 61322, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[51560, 61328, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe died unexpectedly."} {"id": 113496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tádž Mahal má dům pro hosty a mešitu.", "evidence": [[[133119, 147980, "Tádž Mahal", 0, "Taj Mahal"], [133119, 147980, "Tádž Mahal", 2, "Taj Mahal"]]], "claim_en": "The Taj Mahal has a guest house and mosque."} {"id": 151158, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V sérii Resident Evil existuje řada titulů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There are a series of titles in the Resident Evil franchise."} {"id": 140923, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vichry zimy píše Stephen King.", "evidence": [[[163923, 178164, "The Winds of Winter", 0, "The Winds of Winter"]]], "claim_en": "The Winds of Winter is being written by Stephen King."} {"id": 77100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx ztvárnil postavu Annie Willa Stacka.", "evidence": [[[244784, 245704, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[248019, 248291, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[250200, 250239, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[319440, 308139, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[320620, 309165, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx portrayed the Annie character Will Stacks."} {"id": 126149, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aruba je bez částí.", "evidence": [[[288207, 281472, "Aruba", 8, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is without parts."} {"id": 124518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matt Damon hraje francouzského buldočka.", "evidence": [[[146074, 161078, "Matt Damon", 0, "Matt Damon"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Damon is a French bulldog."} {"id": 210826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Samotářská holubice získala v roce 2009 Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší minisérii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lonesome Dove won a Golden Globe for Best Miniseries in 2009."} {"id": 124673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler nikdy nikomu neublížil.", "evidence": [[[146259, 161236, "Adolf Hitler", 1, "Adolf Hitler"], [146259, 161236, "Holokaust", 1, "The Holocaust"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler never caused anyone any harm."} {"id": 212587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Superunknown dosáhl vysokých pozic v hitparádách.", "evidence": [[[252099, 251902, "Superunknown", 7, "Superunknown"]]], "claim_en": "Superunknown reached high positions on charts."} {"id": 217558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na vrcholcích hor byli nalezeni tardigrádi.", "evidence": [[[258565, 257356, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"], [258565, 257356, "Želvušky", 3, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades have been found on mountaintops."} {"id": 7157, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nick Jonas je herec.", "evidence": [[[24074, 29785, "Nick Jonas", 0, "Nick Jonas"]], [[24074, 29786, "Nick Jonas", 8, "Nick Jonas"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas is an actor."} {"id": 152369, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Justin Trudeau vystudoval kanadskou univerzitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Justin Trudeau graduated from a Canadian university."} {"id": 130503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Koepp je pouze producent.", "evidence": [[[152751, 167524, "David Koepp", 0, "David Koepp"]]], "claim_en": "David Koepp is only a producer."} {"id": 5733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russel Brand je herec.", "evidence": [[[22412, 27606, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"]], [[22412, 27607, "Russell Brand", 4, "Russell Brand"]], [[22412, 27608, "Russell Brand", 5, "Russell Brand"]]], "claim_en": "Russel Brand is an actor."} {"id": 13621, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lee Child je Brit.", "evidence": [[[28859, 35221, "Lee Child", 0, "Lee Child"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Child is British."} {"id": 159775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve vodní páře a mracích je nula vody.", "evidence": [[[184210, 196150, "Voda", 8, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "There are zero water in vapor and clouds."} {"id": 102324, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Heinrich Himmler byl kazatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heinrich Himmler was a preacher."} {"id": 157513, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gerald Ford nebyl zvolen, aby letěl do vesmíru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gerald Ford was not elected to go to space."} {"id": 51144, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hraje se Minecraft.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minecraft is played."} {"id": 109903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Los Angeles se nepřezdívá \"Město andělů\".", "evidence": [[[128969, 143730, "Los Angeles", 0, "Los Angeles"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles is not nicknamed the \"City of Angels.\""} {"id": 17379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Bob Thornton režíroval film.", "evidence": [[[32833, 39913, "Billy Bob Thornton", 3, "Billy Bob Thornton"]], [[32833, 39914, "Billy Bob Thornton", 16, "Billy Bob Thornton"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Bob Thornton directed a film."} {"id": 79403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Velký Buck Howard chybí Colin Hanks.", "evidence": [[[253993, 253773, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]], [[255686, 255090, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]], [[256094, 255368, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]], [[320111, 308764, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]], [[320958, 309437, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]], [[320965, 309441, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Buck Howard lacks Colin Hanks."} {"id": 8622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Redford byl hostující hvězdou Zóny soumraku.", "evidence": [[[13942, 17434, "Robert Redford", 4, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford was a guest star The Twilight Zone."} {"id": 142515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reddit neměl kolo financování, které by zahrnovalo investory.", "evidence": [[[165581, 179615, "Reddit", 18, "Reddit"]]], "claim_en": "Reddit did not have a funding round that included investors."} {"id": 67685, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Prometheus je rodinný film, který zahrnuje mimozemšťany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Prometheus is a family movie that involves aliens."} {"id": 183212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One More Light byl uveden v lednu v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[213252, 220544, "One More Light", 1, "One More Light"]]], "claim_en": "One More Light was released in Jan in 2017."} {"id": 48767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výkonnými producenty Gilmorových děvčat byli Amy Sherman-Palladino, Daniel Palladino, David S. Rosenthal a Gavin Polone.", "evidence": [[[65116, 75996, "Gilmorova děvčata", 1, "Gilmore Girls"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls has had Amy Sherman-Palladino, Daniel Palladino, David S. Rosenthal, and Gavin Polone as executive producers."} {"id": 113007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gary Ridgway vraždil lidi.", "evidence": [[[132569, 147476, "Gary Ridgway", 0, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[132569, 147477, "Gary Ridgway", 1, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[132569, 147478, "Gary Ridgway", 2, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[132569, 147479, "Gary Ridgway", 3, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[132569, 147480, "Gary Ridgway", 7, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[132569, 147481, "Gary Ridgway", 10, "Gary Ridgway"]]], "claim_en": "Gary Ridgway murdered people."} {"id": 5643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe je stále naživu.", "evidence": [[[22281, 27462, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[22281, 27463, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[22281, 27464, "Marilyn Monroe", 30, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe is still alive."} {"id": 208767, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval se členy skupiny Eurythmics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice collaborated with members of Eurythmics."} {"id": 123416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Důvodem obchodování s lidmi je komerční sexuální vykořisťování a také nucená práce.", "evidence": [[[144921, 159926, "Obchod s lidmi", 0, "Human trafficking"]]], "claim_en": "Commercial sexual exploitation, as well as forced labor, are reasons for human trafficking."} {"id": 216962, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Karl Urban hrál Marka Zuckerberga ve filmu Davida Finchera The Social Network.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Karl Urban played Mark Zuckerberg in David Fincher's The Social Network."} {"id": 44024, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Útěk z vězení byl historickým dramatem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Prison Break was a historical drama."} {"id": 104934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Redford pracoval v televizi na mnoha pořadech včetně Hlasu Charlieho Ponta.", "evidence": [[[279358, 273980, "Robert Redford", 5, "Robert Redford"]], [[281109, 275497, "Robert Redford", 5, "Robert Redford"], [281109, 275497, "Cena Emmy", 0, "Emmy Award"]], [[327624, 314852, "Robert Redford", 5, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford worked in television on many shows including The Voice of Charlie Pont."} {"id": 127333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jason Bateman hrál ve filmu Zootopia.", "evidence": [[[149193, 164198, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 2, "Zootopia"]]], "claim_en": "Jason Bateman was in Zootopia."} {"id": 41591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grace Jonesová ovlivnila hnutí cross-dressing.", "evidence": [[[57909, 68139, "Grace Jones", 21, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones affected a cross-dressing movement."} {"id": 103944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katie Holmesová má narozeniny v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[122037, 136340, "Katie Holmes", 0, "Katie Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes' birthday is in December."} {"id": 53098, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Příkladem dramatu o kočce a myši je No Country for Old Men.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "An example of a cat-and-mouse drama is No Country for Old Men."} {"id": 65556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Její součástí je pouze televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[82135, 93922, "Ona (film, 2013)", 0, "Her (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Her is only a television show."} {"id": 114220, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Burundi je africká země s rovníkovým podnebím.", "evidence": [[[134154, 149042, "Burundi", 33, "Burundi"]], [[134154, 149043, "Burundi", 0, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi is an African country with an equatorial climate."} {"id": 202390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iluzionista (The Illusionist, 2006) je film z roku 2007.", "evidence": [[[238446, 240468, "Iluzionista (film, 2006)", 0, "The Illusionist (2006 film)"]], [[238463, 240480, "Iluzionista (film, 2006)", 0, "The Illusionist (2006 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Illusionist (2006 film) is a 2007 film."} {"id": 194863, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Izrael není schopen přijmout populaci žadatelů o azyl včetně nelegálních migrantů z Eritreje.", "evidence": [[[228382, 232581, "Izrael", 29, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "Israel is incapable of hosting a population of asylum seekers including illegal migrants from Eritrea."} {"id": 184220, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Furia pochází z Kazachstánu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Furia is from Kazakhstan."} {"id": 194969, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tré Cool se živí hudbou, bubnuje a skládá hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tré Cool plays music, drums, and composes music for a living."} {"id": 156081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elsa Pataky je osoba, která se věnuje modelingu.", "evidence": [[[180140, 192672, "Elsa Patakyová", 0, "Elsa Pataky"]]], "claim_en": "Elsa Pataky is a person who models."} {"id": 172746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Pláž je natočen podle filmu z roku 1996.", "evidence": [[[199466, 209143, "Pláž (film)", 0, "The Beach (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach is based on a 1996 film."} {"id": 105311, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Impeachment je pouze formální prohlášení o pivu.", "evidence": [[[123637, 138053, "Impeachment", 1, "Impeachment"]]], "claim_en": "Impeachment is only a formal statement of beer."} {"id": 176953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vedlejší postava filmu Underworld loví lykany.", "evidence": [[[205058, 213691, "Underworld (film)", 3, "Underworld (2003 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Underworld's supporting character hunts Lycans."} {"id": 208053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eiza González byla vystřižena z akční komedie Baby Driver.", "evidence": [[[246152, 246733, "Baby Driver", 0, "Baby Driver"]]], "claim_en": "Eiza González was edited out of the action comedy film Baby Driver."} {"id": 133050, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Starbucks vaří pivo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Starbucks brews beer."} {"id": 97058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Těhotenství může vzniknout duchovní asistovanou reprodukcí.", "evidence": [[[114639, 128384, "Těhotenství", 2, "Pregnancy"]]], "claim_en": "Pregnancy can occur by assisted reproductive spirituality."} {"id": 171899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výzkum slouží k testování platnosti postupů.", "evidence": [[[198363, 208243, "Výzkum", 4, "Research"]]], "claim_en": "Research is used to test the validity of procedures."} {"id": 108010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Claire Danesová získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[279775, 274389, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]], [[279775, 274390, "Claire Danesová", 2, "Claire Danes"]], [[279775, 274391, "Claire Danesová", 6, "Claire Danes"]], [[279775, 274392, "Claire Danesová", 13, "Claire Danes"]], [[279775, 274393, "Claire Danesová", 14, "Claire Danes"]], [[281486, 275892, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]], [[281486, 275893, "Claire Danesová", 2, "Claire Danes"]], [[281486, 275894, "Claire Danesová", 6, "Claire Danes"]], [[281486, 275895, "Claire Danesová", 13, "Claire Danes"]], [[281486, 275896, "Claire Danesová", 14, "Claire Danes"]], [[283628, 277613, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]], [[283628, 277614, "Claire Danesová", 6, "Claire Danes"]], [[283628, 277615, "Claire Danesová", 13, "Claire Danes"]], [[283628, 277616, "Claire Danesová", 14, "Claire Danes"]], [[328220, 315328, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]], [[329097, 316008, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]], [[329097, 316009, "Claire Danesová", 2, "Claire Danes"]], [[329097, 316010, "Claire Danesová", 6, "Claire Danes"]], [[329097, 316011, "Claire Danesová", 14, "Claire Danes"]], [[329097, 316012, "Claire Danesová", 13, "Claire Danes"]]], "claim_en": "Claire Danes received an award."} {"id": 32580, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Scorsese postoupil Nadaci světové kinematografie.", "evidence": [[[48663, 57979, "Martin Scorsese", 6, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese advanced the World Cinema Foundation."} {"id": 180079, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Watts je mormon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Watts is Mormon."} {"id": 223398, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poppy (zpěvačka) navštěvovala americkou školu zpěvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poppy (singer) attended an American singing school."} {"id": 201894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Groves odmaturoval jako čtvrtý za třídu.", "evidence": [[[237701, 239897, "Leslie Groves", 4, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves graduated fourth for his class."} {"id": 51501, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "New York Giants jsou Britové.", "evidence": [[[67826, 78671, "New York Giants", 0, "New York Giants"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Giants are British."} {"id": 1805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary byl v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary was on a car."} {"id": 4174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1994 byl do kin uveden film Lví král.", "evidence": [[[20420, 25016, "Lví král (film, 1994)", 0, "The Lion King"]], [[20420, 25017, "Lví král (film, 1994)", 22, "The Lion King"]]], "claim_en": "In 1994, The Lion King was released."} {"id": 82090, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Toyota je od roku 2017 světovou jedničkou v prodeji hybridních elektromobilů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toyota is the world's market leader in sales of hybrid electric vehicles as of 2017."} {"id": 127140, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hongkong byl vyřazen z WTO.", "evidence": [[[148993, 164038, "Hongkong", 17, "Hong Kong"]]], "claim_en": "Hong Kong has been kicked out of the WTO."} {"id": 130817, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul je v současnosti Konstantinopol.", "evidence": [[[153096, 167837, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]], [[153096, 167838, "Istanbul", 9, "Istanbul"], [153096, 167838, "Konstantinopol", 0, "Constantinople"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul is currently Constantinople."} {"id": 162794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey je od roku 2004 v Guinnessově knize rekordů označována jako \"nejvyšší zpěvačka\".", "evidence": [[[187345, 198971, "Mariah Carey", 22, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey is referred to as the \"songbird supreme\" by the Guinness World Records since 2004."} {"id": 227907, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová hrála v hororu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft was in a horror film."} {"id": 31936, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gerald Ford pocházel z Bostonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gerald Ford was a Bostonian."} {"id": 193755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Einstein nebyl bez státní příslušnosti.", "evidence": [[[226888, 231347, "Albert Einstein", 17, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Einstein wasn't stateless."} {"id": 210796, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Harris zemřel 1. října 1930.", "evidence": [[[249738, 249748, "Richard Harris", 0, "Richard Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Harris died October 1, 1930."} {"id": 108498, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Konec času je prvním dobrodružstvím desátého Doktora.", "evidence": [[[127304, 141847, "Desátý Doktor", 8, "Tenth Doctor"]]], "claim_en": "The End of Time is the Tenth Doctor's first adventure."} {"id": 102004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království se skládá ze čtyř provincií.", "evidence": [[[121625, 135940, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom consists of four provinces."} {"id": 169335, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sam Walton zemřel 5. dubna 1992 ve svém domě z dětství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sam Walton died on April 5th, 1992 in his childhood home."} {"id": 134912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Avatar je film režiséra Jamese Camerona z roku 2009.", "evidence": [[[157493, 172061, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 0, "Avatar (2009 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Avatar is a 2009 film directed by James Cameron."} {"id": 96189, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová má tři kočky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner has three cats."} {"id": 226418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Perry Saturn vyhrál mistrovství ve wrestlingu ve střední váze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Perry Saturn has won a middleweight wrestling championship."} {"id": 146505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V letech 1996 až 2001 byly natočeny tři filmy, ve kterých hrála Scarlett Johanssonová.", "evidence": [[[170021, 183615, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 2, "Scarlett Johansson"], [170021, 183615, "Přízračný svět", 0, "Ghost World (film)"], [170021, 183615, "Manny & Lo", 0, "Manny & Lo"], [170021, 183615, "Zaříkávač koní (film)", 0, "The Horse Whisperer (film)"]]], "claim_en": "From 1996 to 2001, there were three films Scarlett Johansson was in."} {"id": 135714, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Londýně sídlí Londýnské shromáždění, které má pravomoc měnit rozpočet starosty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "London is the location of the London Assembly, which has the power to amend the mayor's budget."} {"id": 35007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elvis Presley nemohl hrát ve filmu Miluj mě něžně.", "evidence": [[[51182, 60923, "Elvis Presley", 13, "Elvis Presley"]], [[51204, 60943, "Elvis Presley", 13, "Elvis Presley"]]], "claim_en": "Elvis Presley was unable to be in the movie Love Me Tender."} {"id": 100131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Brazílii funguje demokracie.", "evidence": [[[30529, 37135, "Brazílie", 14, "Brazil"]], [[301141, 292277, "Brazílie", 14, "Brazil"]]], "claim_en": "Brazil has a democracy."} {"id": 36983, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marcus Rashford je profesionální tenista.", "evidence": [[[53178, 63144, "Marcus Rashford", 0, "Marcus Rashford"]]], "claim_en": "Marcus Rashford is a professional tennis player."} {"id": 160715, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzská Indočína byla v roce 1995 seskupením francouzských koloniálních území.", "evidence": [[[185232, 197025, "Francouzská Indočína", 16, "French Indochina"]]], "claim_en": "French Indochina was a grouping of French colonial territories in 1995."} {"id": 186636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alicia Keys se v roce 2002 objevila ve dvou filmech, které byly adaptací románů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys has appeared in two films that were adapted from novels in 2002."} {"id": 124460, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všechny videoklipy Jareda Leta zůstaly bez ocenění.", "evidence": [[[146000, 161008, "Jared Leto", 20, "Jared Leto"]], [[146001, 161009, "Jared Leto", 20, "Jared Leto"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Leto's videos have all gone without awards."} {"id": 217684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Pelican Brief je rozhodnutí Nejvyššího soudu Spojených států z roku 1993.", "evidence": [[[258726, 257482, "Případ Pelikán", 0, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]], [[258726, 257483, "Případ Pelikán", 1, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]], [[258726, 257484, "Případ Pelikán", 2, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]], [[258726, 257485, "Případ Pelikán", 3, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]], [[258730, 257489, "Případ Pelikán", 0, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]], [[258730, 257490, "Případ Pelikán", 1, "The Pelican Brief (film)"], [258730, 257490, "Julia Robertsová", 5, "Julia Roberts"]], [[258731, 257491, "Případ Pelikán", 0, "The Pelican Brief (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Pelican Brief is a 1993 United States Supreme Court decision."} {"id": 32012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Redford hostoval v seriálu Perry Mason.", "evidence": [[[48137, 57476, "Robert Redford", 4, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford guest starred on Perry Mason."} {"id": 4566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Plutonium reaguje s vodíkem.", "evidence": [[[20888, 25616, "Plutonium", 3, "Plutonium"]]], "claim_en": "Plutonium reacts with hydrogen."} {"id": 66254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Eagles nevydala píseň \"Take It to the Limit\".", "evidence": [[[82817, 94675, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "The Eagles did not put out the song, \"Take It to the Limit.\""} {"id": 210580, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál ve filmu z roku 2002.", "evidence": [[[249461, 249447, "Richard Gere", 3, "Richard Gere"], [249461, 249447, "Chicago (film)", 0, "Chicago (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere starred in a film from 2002."} {"id": 129943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Falanga znázorňuje větší část pěchoty, která by se nasadila během bojů.", "evidence": [[[152154, 166940, "Falanga", 0, "Phalanx"]], [[152154, 166941, "Falanga", 1, "Phalanx"]]], "claim_en": "The phalanx depicts the greater part of infantry that would deploy during fighting."} {"id": 95672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelangelo byl malíř.", "evidence": [[[113181, 127064, "Michelangelo Buonarroti", 0, "Michelangelo"]], [[113181, 127065, "Michelangelo Buonarroti", 5, "Michelangelo"]]], "claim_en": "Michelangelo was a painter."} {"id": 6968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natalie Woodová jako dítě ve filmu nepracovala.", "evidence": [[[23883, 29571, "Natalie Wood", 2, "Natalie Wood"]], [[23883, 29572, "Natalie Wood", 5, "Natalie Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Wood did not work in films as a child."} {"id": 200804, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je umělecká instalace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is an art installation."} {"id": 187577, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dan Brown nikdy nenapsal žádnou knihu.", "evidence": [[[218865, 225047, "Dan Brown", 0, "Dan Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Brown has never written a book."} {"id": 114104, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonard Cohen vydal album v roce 2004.", "evidence": [[[134029, 148902, "Leonard Cohen", 17, "Leonard Cohen"]]], "claim_en": "Leonard Cohen released an album in 2004."} {"id": 32852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Komplikace spalniček se vyskytují u 33 % lidí.", "evidence": [[[48943, 58284, "Spalničky", 5, "Measles"]]], "claim_en": "Measles complications occur in 33% of people."} {"id": 139575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily Collinsová hrála v seriálu.", "evidence": [[[162522, 176798, "Lily Collins", 2, "Lily Collins"]], [[162522, 176799, "Lily Collins", 8, "Lily Collins"]], [[162523, 176800, "Lily Collins", 2, "Lily Collins"]], [[162523, 176801, "Lily Collins", 8, "Lily Collins"]]], "claim_en": "Lily Collins was on a series."} {"id": 214294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje americký hiphopový umělec, který se jmenuje J. Cole.", "evidence": [[[254403, 254084, "J. Cole", 0, "J. Cole"]]], "claim_en": "There is American hip hop recording artist called J. Cole."} {"id": 148334, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hudba Lany Del Rey byla zaznamenána.", "evidence": [[[171993, 185410, "Lana Del Rey", 1, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey's music has been noted."} {"id": 197617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rafael Nadal vyhrál turnaj osmkrát za sebou.", "evidence": [[[232321, 235552, "Rafael Nadal", 15, "Rafael Nadal"]]], "claim_en": "Rafael Nadal won a tournament eight consecutive times."} {"id": 160173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Selene slouží jako ústřední postava ve filmu režiséra Lena Wisemana.", "evidence": [[[184644, 196511, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"], [184644, 196511, "Underworld (film)", 0, "Underworld (2003 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Selene serves as the central character in a film directed by Len Wiseman."} {"id": 75873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celé jméno Michelle Obamové zní Michelle LaVaughn Robinsonová Obamová.", "evidence": [[[92694, 105538, "Michelle Obamová", 0, "Michelle Obama"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Obama's full name is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama."} {"id": 208148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Easy A je americká teenagerovská komediální báseň.", "evidence": [[[246274, 246819, "Panna nebo orel", 0, "Easy A"]]], "claim_en": "Easy A is an American teen comedy poem."} {"id": 219313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí byl obviněn z únosu.", "evidence": [[[260915, 259243, "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí", 8, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi"]]], "claim_en": "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was accused of kidnapping."} {"id": 159826, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Citalopram je antipsychotikum.", "evidence": [[[185049, 196866, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]]], "claim_en": "Citalopram is an anti-psychotic."} {"id": 221965, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rabat má v metropoli více než milion obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[264326, 261814, "Rabat", 0, "Rabat"]]], "claim_en": "Rabat has a metropolitan population of over a million."} {"id": 676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Zachraňte vojína Ryana zobrazuje útok na pláž Omaha.", "evidence": [[[16112, 19979, "Zachraňte vojína Ryana", 1, "Saving Private Ryan"]]], "claim_en": "Saving Private Ryan depicts the Omaha Beach Assault."} {"id": 223548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kris Wu není schopen hrát v žádném filmu.", "evidence": [[[266301, 263332, "Kris Wu", 1, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu is incapable of being in any films."} {"id": 138442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vitamin B12 je produkován zvířaty.", "evidence": [[[161234, 175736, "Vitamín B12", 3, "Vitamin B12"]], [[161239, 175737, "Vitamín B12", 3, "Vitamin B12"]]], "claim_en": "Vitamin B12 is produced by animals."} {"id": 58353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skladbu Dangerously in Love vydala Beyoncé.", "evidence": [[[74712, 85939, "Dangerously in Love", 0, "Dangerously in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love was released by Beyoncé."} {"id": 146418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zemřel Alan Rickman.", "evidence": [[[169907, 183501, "Alan Rickman", 0, "Alan Rickman"]], [[169907, 183502, "Alan Rickman", 9, "Alan Rickman"]]], "claim_en": "Alan Rickman died."} {"id": 40591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Útoky z 11. září provedli členové Al-Káidy.", "evidence": [[[123020, 137289, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 3, "September 11 attacks"]], [[123020, 137290, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 7, "September 11 attacks"]], [[123020, 137291, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 18, "September 11 attacks"]], [[308652, 298982, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 3, "September 11 attacks"]]], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks were carried out by members of al-Qaeda."} {"id": 110234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Inhumans je připravovaný komiks.", "evidence": [[[130183, 144918, "Inhumans (seriál)", 0, "Inhumans (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Inhumans is an upcoming comic book."} {"id": 113597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Judith Barsi byla osoba.", "evidence": [[[133279, 148139, "Judith Barsi", 0, "Judith Barsi"]], [[133279, 148140, "Judith Barsi", 1, "Judith Barsi"]], [[133279, 148141, "Judith Barsi", 2, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi was a person."} {"id": 73866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matthew Vaughn se podílel na scénáři filmu Hvězdný prach (2007).", "evidence": [[[90651, 103380, "Hvězdný prach (film, 2007)", 1, "Stardust (2007 film)"]], [[90652, 103381, "Hvězdný prach (film, 2007)", 1, "Stardust (2007 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Matthew Vaughn co-wrote Stardust (2007 film)."} {"id": 17384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z postav seriálu Hra o trůny je Joffrey Baratheon.", "evidence": [[[47103, 56203, "Joffrey Baratheon", 3, "Joffrey Baratheon"]], [[49694, 59128, "Joffrey Baratheon", 0, "Joffrey Baratheon"]], [[49694, 59129, "Joffrey Baratheon", 3, "Joffrey Baratheon"]], [[302270, 293306, "Joffrey Baratheon", 0, "Joffrey Baratheon"]], [[304063, 294931, "Joffrey Baratheon", 3, "Joffrey Baratheon"]]], "claim_en": "One of the characters in A Game of Thrones is Joffrey Baratheon."} {"id": 227959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Groves řídil projekt Manhattan, když mu bylo 57 let.", "evidence": [[[271909, 267682, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"], [271909, 267682, "Projekt Manhattan", 2, "Manhattan Project"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves directed the Manhattan Project when he was 57 years old."} {"id": 158215, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant se nezúčastnil americké občanské války.", "evidence": [[[182484, 194717, "Ulysses S. Grant", 1, "Ulysses S. Grant"]], [[182484, 194718, "Ulysses S. Grant", 11, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant was not in the American Civil War."} {"id": 73624, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Austrálie byla energicky pronásledována.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Australia was energetically pursued."} {"id": 181534, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bill Clinton nemá žádné zkušenosti s politikou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton has no experience in politics."} {"id": 5445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tenis se hraje s předmětem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tennis is played with an object."} {"id": 108461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift je popová zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[127263, 141803, "Taylor Swift (album)", 0, "Taylor Swift (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift is a pop singer."} {"id": 148105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ku-klux-klan používal násilí.", "evidence": [[[294486, 286776, "Ku-klux-klan", 18, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[294486, 286777, "Ku-klux-klan", 1, "Ku Klux Klan"], [294486, 286777, "Terorismus", 0, "Terrorism"]], [[295076, 287278, "Ku-klux-klan", 7, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[295076, 287279, "Ku-klux-klan", 1, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[340133, 324898, "Ku-klux-klan", 7, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[340164, 324921, "Ku-klux-klan", 1, "Ku Klux Klan"]]], "claim_en": "The Ku Klux Klan employed violence."} {"id": 52756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pamela Anderson je známá díky své roli v seriálu Baywatch.", "evidence": [[[69034, 79833, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson is known for her role on Baywatch."} {"id": 151046, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus je režisérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus is a director."} {"id": 61583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett je zakládajícím členem firmy Pink Floyd.", "evidence": [[[78061, 89537, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett is a founding member of the firm Pink Floyd."} {"id": 11259, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Zaillian přišel v roce 2011 o ocenění od Sdružení amerických scenáristů.", "evidence": [[[26461, 32495, "Steven Zaillian", 5, "Steven Zaillian"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Zaillian lost an award from the Writers Guild of America in 2011."} {"id": 226379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seminář připravuje studenty nazývané seminaristé studující teologii na vysvěcení na duchovní, akademickou nebo služebnou dráhu.", "evidence": [[[269895, 266067, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]], [[269903, 266073, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]]], "claim_en": "Seminary prepares students called seminarians studying theology for ordination as clergy, academia, or ministry."} {"id": 20941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Philip Seymour Hoffman je autorem.", "evidence": [[[36739, 44361, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 0, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44362, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 1, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44363, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 4, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44364, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 5, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44365, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 6, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44366, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 7, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44367, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44368, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 11, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44369, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 12, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44370, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 13, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44371, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 14, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44372, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 15, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44373, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 18, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44374, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 19, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[36739, 44375, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 20, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44913, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 0, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44915, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 4, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44916, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 5, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44917, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 6, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44918, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 7, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44919, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44920, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 11, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44921, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 12, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44922, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 13, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44923, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 14, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44924, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 15, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44925, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 18, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44926, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 19, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[37155, 44927, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 20, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]]], "claim_en": "Philip Seymour Hoffman is a car."} {"id": 82779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ben Stiller se ve filmovém průmyslu neangažoval.", "evidence": [[[99830, 113006, "Ben Stiller", 0, "Ben Stiller"]]], "claim_en": "Ben Stiller was not involved in the film industry."} {"id": 142490, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benjamin Franklin dokončil vysokou školu 17. dubna 1790.", "evidence": [[[291888, 284760, "Benjamin Franklin", 0, "Benjamin Franklin"]], [[291889, 284761, "Benjamin Franklin", 0, "Benjamin Franklin"]], [[338621, 323715, "Benjamin Franklin", 0, "Benjamin Franklin"]], [[338623, 323718, "Benjamin Franklin", 0, "Benjamin Franklin"]]], "claim_en": "Benjamin Franklin finished college on April 17th, 1790."} {"id": 96181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scaramouche je divadelní postava.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scaramouche is a character in theater."} {"id": 69805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham začal profesionálně hrát v 19 letech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham started playing professionally at 19."} {"id": 85436, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tvůrci Spider-Mana dali postavě dlouhé ruce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The creators of Spider-Man gave the character long arms."} {"id": 155980, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhaalová se narodila v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[180038, 192558, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 0, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhaal was born in Boston."} {"id": 174282, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Do filmu Oliver! se nepodařilo obsadit Olivera Reeda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oliver! failed to cast Oliver Reed."} {"id": 118644, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donald Sutherland hraje ve filmu Zápisník jedné lásky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donald Sutherland is in The Notebook."} {"id": 80870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nicolas Cage je anarchista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nicolas Cage is an anarchist."} {"id": 194450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indiana Pacers se nikdy nesměli připojit k basketbalové lize.", "evidence": [[[227754, 232096, "Indiana Pacers", 1, "Indiana Pacers"]]], "claim_en": "The Indiana Pacers were never allowed to join a basketball league."} {"id": 101509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Simon je herec.", "evidence": [[[119243, 133188, "Paul Simon", 0, "Paul Simon"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Simon is an actor."} {"id": 81947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rhode Island se v roce 1776 zřekl věrnosti katolické církvi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rhode Island renounced its allegiance to the Catholic Church in 1776."} {"id": 201960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alessia Cara vydala svůj debutový singl \"Please Don't Stop the Music\" v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[237817, 240024, "Alessia Cara", 1, "Alessia Cara"]], [[237820, 240027, "Alessia Cara", 1, "Alessia Cara"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara released her debut single \"Please Don't Stop the Music\" in 2015."} {"id": 80262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Recovery je třetí studiové album Marshalla Matherse III.", "evidence": [[[97246, 110431, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]]], "claim_en": "Recovery is the third studio album by Marshall Mathers III."} {"id": 128824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Indonéská divočina má život.", "evidence": [[[150879, 165716, "Indonésie", 12, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia's wilderness has life."} {"id": 97080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Titanic je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Titanic is a TV show."} {"id": 118321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová byla v roce 2006 herečkou.", "evidence": [[[138815, 153871, "Sarah Paulsonová", 1, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[138815, 153872, "Sarah Paulsonová", 2, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson was an actor in 2006."} {"id": 116477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Netflix byla platforma, na které debutoval seriál The OA.", "evidence": [[[136847, 151659, "OA", 0, "The OA"]]], "claim_en": "Netflix was the platform that debuted The OA."} {"id": 145498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Republikánská strana je sociálně konzervativní, pokud jde o práva žen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republican Party is socially conservative with regard to women's rights."} {"id": 152745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sally Fieldová hrála ve filmu Mordor.", "evidence": [[[176692, 189629, "Sally Field", 0, "Sally Field"], [176692, 189629, "Mordor", 0, "Mordor"]]], "claim_en": "Sally Field was in Mordor."} {"id": 113121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filmová série Star Trek zahrnuje filmy, které získaly nominace v oblastech make-upu, hudby, scénografie a zvukového designu.", "evidence": [[[132689, 147612, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 15, "Star Trek (film series)"]], [[132691, 147614, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 15, "Star Trek (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Star Trek film series includes movies which have received nominations in the areas of makeup, music, set design, and sound design."} {"id": 36391, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sue Bird hrála v NHL.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sue Bird played in the NHL."} {"id": 203666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Zemřít pro se objevil George Segal.", "evidence": [[[240333, 241964, "Zemřít pro…", 7, "To Die For"]]], "claim_en": "To Die for features a cameo by George Segal."} {"id": 87293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ian Gillan je producentem.", "evidence": [[[104467, 117888, "Ian Gillan", 0, "Ian Gillan"]]], "claim_en": "Ian Gillan is a producer."} {"id": 176236, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ivanka Trumpová je dcerou bývalé modelky.", "evidence": [[[204090, 212980, "Ivanka Trumpová", 1, "Ivanka Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Ivanka Trump is the daughter of a former model."} {"id": 44879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl kanibalem sedmnácti lidí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal of seventeen people."} {"id": 146644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První větší rolí Kristen Bellové byla v roce 2009 Veronica Mars.", "evidence": [[[170208, 183765, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell's first major role was as Veronica Mars in 2009."} {"id": 179975, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kirk Douglas je herec, producent, režisér a spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[208911, 216864, "Kirk Douglas", 0, "Kirk Douglas"]]], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas is an actor, producer, director, and author."} {"id": 218110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indický národní kongres byl založen pouze mimo Bombaj.", "evidence": [[[259305, 257933, "Indický národní kongres", 8, "Indian National Congress"]]], "claim_en": "The Indian National Congress was founded only outside of Bombay."} {"id": 206806, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cosmopolitan byl poprvé napsán ve Spojených státech jako rodinný román.", "evidence": [[[244537, 245537, "Cosmopolitan", 1, "Cosmopolitan (magazine)"]]], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan was first written in the United States as a family novel."} {"id": 41446, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Moana byl uveden do kin v Detroitu.", "evidence": [[[57733, 67971, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 10, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana was released in Detroit."} {"id": 192648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Adamsová se objevila ve filmu režiséra Tima Burtona.", "evidence": [[[225396, 230057, "Amy Adamsová", 12, "Amy Adams"], [225396, 230057, "Špinavý trik", 0, "American Hustle"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Adams appeared in a film directed by Tim Burton."} {"id": 203338, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saratoga zahrnuje koně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saratoga includes horses."} {"id": 143751, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emma Robertsová se narodila 10. února 1991.", "evidence": [[[166883, 180690, "Emma Robertsová", 0, "Emma Roberts"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts was born on February 10, 1991."} {"id": 205110, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gaius Julius Caesar byl Říman a Ir.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gaius Julius Caesar was Roman and Irish."} {"id": 100396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Outlander není založen na románové sérii.", "evidence": [[[118079, 131935, "Cizinka (seriál)", 0, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander is not based on a series of novels."} {"id": 122795, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andy Warhol založil město.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andy Warhol founded a town."} {"id": 132112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portugalsko nemá společnou hranici se Španělskem.", "evidence": [[[155748, 170388, "Portugalsko", 4, "Portugal"]], [[155748, 170389, "Portugalsko", 5, "Portugal"]], [[155748, 170390, "Portugalsko", 32, "Portugal"], [155748, 170390, "Španělsko", 1, "Spain"]]], "claim_en": "Portugal does not share a border with Spain."} {"id": 187159, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Heartland debutoval v roce 1921.", "evidence": [[[218358, 224677, "Ranč Heartland", 0, "Heartland (Canadian TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Heartland debuted in 1921."} {"id": 50698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lexmark je nezisková organizace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lexmark is a non-profit."} {"id": 78250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Lid versus Larry Flynt napsal Quentin Tarantino.", "evidence": [[[95204, 108219, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 4, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"], [95204, 108219, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt was written by Quentin Tarantino."} {"id": 140102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexická ekonomika nezahrnuje zemědělství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's economy excludes agriculture."} {"id": 212313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mary-Kate Olsenová a Ashley Olsenová jsou módní návrhářky.", "evidence": [[[251684, 251503, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]], [[251685, 251504, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]]], "claim_en": "Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are fashion designers."} {"id": 210584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál v romantickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[249466, 249450, "Richard Gere", 3, "Richard Gere"], [249466, 249450, "Pretty Woman", 0, "Pretty Woman"]], [[249466, 249452, "Richard Gere", 2, "Richard Gere"], [249466, 249452, "Americký gigolo", 0, "American Gigolo"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere starred in a romantic film."} {"id": 70627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson je spoluautorem několika románů.", "evidence": [[[87298, 99789, "Willie Nelson", 3, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson has co-authored several novels."} {"id": 133514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Applegate hrála v roce 1999 ve filmu Neříkejte mámě, že je chůva mrtvá.", "evidence": [[[156063, 170701, "Christina Applegate", 5, "Christina Applegate"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Applegate was in Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead in 1999."} {"id": 66895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan nevyrábí víno.", "evidence": [[[83462, 95443, "Maynard James Keenan", 0, "Maynard James Keenan"]], [[83462, 95444, "Maynard James Keenan", 13, "Maynard James Keenan"]]], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan does not make wine."} {"id": 41757, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ježíšovi se také říká Ježíš Jeruzalémský.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesus is also called Jesus of Jerusalem."} {"id": 136480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán je evropská země.", "evidence": [[[159140, 173734, "Ázerbájdžán", 0, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan is a European country."} {"id": 116428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Wayne Gacy měl o oběti nouzi.", "evidence": [[[282576, 276747, "John Wayne Gacy", 6, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[282576, 276748, "John Wayne Gacy", 7, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[282576, 276749, "John Wayne Gacy", 5, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[284531, 278342, "John Wayne Gacy", 1, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[285382, 279018, "John Wayne Gacy", 5, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[331845, 318312, "John Wayne Gacy", 5, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[331845, 318313, "John Wayne Gacy", 6, "John Wayne Gacy"]], [[331845, 318314, "John Wayne Gacy", 7, "John Wayne Gacy"]]], "claim_en": "John Wayne Gacy lacked victims."} {"id": 133039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Isis je z monoteistického panteonu.", "evidence": [[[155528, 170172, "Eset", 0, "Isis"]], [[155529, 170173, "Eset", 0, "Isis"]]], "claim_en": "Isis is from a monotheistic pantheon."} {"id": 60438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kolumbie má endemické druhy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colombia has endemic species."} {"id": 39711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tony Blair byl zvolen po náhlé smrti své dcery.", "evidence": [[[56005, 66108, "Tony Blair", 5, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair was elected after his daughter's sudden death."} {"id": 130171, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ralph Fiennes zrecenzoval hru Hamlet.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ralph Fiennes has reviewed the play Hamlet."} {"id": 200575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige nemohl hrát Michael Caine.", "evidence": [[[235931, 238514, "Dokonalý trik", 4, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige was incapable of starring Michael Caine."} {"id": 170102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ann Bidermanová je spisovatelka románů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ann Biderman is a novel writer."} {"id": 94960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marlon Brando se nikdy neobjevil ve filmu Rozbitá Missouri.", "evidence": [[[112435, 126272, "Marlon Brando", 20, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando never appeared in The Missouri Breaks."} {"id": 85692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spisovatel filmu Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři měl skutečné jméno.", "evidence": [[[273758, 269123, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"], [273758, 269123, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[274065, 269375, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"], [274065, 269375, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[274069, 269378, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"], [274069, 269378, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[274071, 269380, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"], [274071, 269380, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[322163, 310541, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"], [322163, 310541, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]]], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four's writer had a real name."} {"id": 141370, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedno Eminemovo album se jmenuje Recovery.", "evidence": [[[290383, 283422, "Recovery", 13, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[291733, 284632, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[293834, 286256, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[338349, 323548, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]], [[338352, 323550, "Recovery", 0, "Recovery (Eminem album)"]]], "claim_en": "One album by Eminem is Recovery."} {"id": 46970, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel Greenovou hrála Courtney Coxová.", "evidence": [[[63305, 74036, "Rachel Greenová", 1, "Rachel Green"]], [[63305, 74037, "Rachel Greenová", 2, "Rachel Green"], [63305, 74037, "Monica Gellerová", 1, "Monica Geller"]], [[63305, 74038, "Rachel Greenová", 7, "Rachel Green"]], [[63305, 74039, "Rachel Greenová", 9, "Rachel Green"]], [[63305, 74040, "Rachel Greenová", 20, "Rachel Green"]], [[63305, 74041, "Rachel Greenová", 21, "Rachel Green"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel Green was played by Courtney Cox."} {"id": 53850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Overwatch (videohra) měl představení postavy pomocí animace.", "evidence": [[[70616, 81515, "Overwatch", 20, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch (video game) had character introduction through animation."} {"id": 153064, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sám doma byl vydán v prosinci 1990.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Home Alone was released in December 1990."} {"id": 69205, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yale School of Drama poskytovala vzdělání v oblasti tance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yale School of Drama provided training in dance."} {"id": 57035, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glee byla neadaptovaná kniha.", "evidence": [[[73377, 84599, "Glee", 0, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84600, "Glee", 2, "Glee (TV series)"], [73377, 84600, "Amber Riley", 1, "Amber Riley"]], [[73377, 84601, "Glee", 3, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84602, "Glee", 6, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84603, "Glee", 7, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84604, "Glee", 8, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84605, "Glee", 9, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84606, "Glee", 10, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84607, "Glee", 11, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84608, "Glee", 12, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84609, "Glee", 18, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84610, "Glee", 19, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84611, "Glee", 20, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84612, "Glee", 21, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84613, "Glee", 24, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[73377, 84614, "Glee", 25, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee was an unadapted book."} {"id": 140477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní postavou Fairy Tail je teenager jménem Natsu Dragneel.", "evidence": [[[163457, 177690, "Fairy Tail", 2, "Fairy Tail"]]], "claim_en": "Fairy Tail's main character is a teenager named Natsu Dragneel."} {"id": 69738, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glenn Frey nezaznamenal hity v Top 40.", "evidence": [[[86433, 98839, "Glenn Frey", 7, "Glenn Frey"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Frey did not record Top 40 hits."} {"id": 209714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V seriálu Friends with Benefits nehráli žádní lidští herci.", "evidence": [[[248353, 248531, "Kamarád taky rád", 0, "Friends with Benefits (film)"], [248353, 248531, "Justin Timberlake", 0, "Justin Timberlake"]], [[248353, 248532, "Kamarád taky rád", 1, "Friends with Benefits (film)"], [248353, 248532, "Woody Harrelson", 0, "Woody Harrelson"]]], "claim_en": "Friends with Benefits had no human actors."} {"id": 180998, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Goldblum je herec.", "evidence": [[[210086, 217854, "Jeff Goldblum", 0, "Jeff Goldblum"]], [[210086, 217855, "Jeff Goldblum", 3, "Jeff Goldblum"]], [[210086, 217856, "Jeff Goldblum", 6, "Jeff Goldblum"]], [[210086, 217857, "Jeff Goldblum", 7, "Jeff Goldblum"]], [[210086, 217858, "Jeff Goldblum", 8, "Jeff Goldblum"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Goldblum is a performer."} {"id": 9944, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Genocida Arménů se odehrála v Osmanské říši a Turecké republice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Armenian Genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey."} {"id": 52204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The OA je film společnosti HBO.", "evidence": [[[68515, 79384, "OA", 0, "The OA"]]], "claim_en": "The OA is an HBO movie."} {"id": 13553, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Decter je spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Decter is a novelist."} {"id": 79108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicole Kidmanová není schopná hrát.", "evidence": [[[253509, 253351, "Nicole Kidmanová", 0, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254706, "Nicole Kidmanová", 0, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254707, "Nicole Kidmanová", 2, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254708, "Nicole Kidmanová", 5, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254709, "Nicole Kidmanová", 6, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254710, "Nicole Kidmanová", 9, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254711, "Nicole Kidmanová", 10, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254712, "Nicole Kidmanová", 11, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254713, "Nicole Kidmanová", 12, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[255246, 254714, "Nicole Kidmanová", 13, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309400, "Nicole Kidmanová", 0, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309401, "Nicole Kidmanová", 1, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309402, "Nicole Kidmanová", 2, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309403, "Nicole Kidmanová", 5, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309404, "Nicole Kidmanová", 6, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309405, "Nicole Kidmanová", 9, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309406, "Nicole Kidmanová", 10, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309407, "Nicole Kidmanová", 11, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309408, "Nicole Kidmanová", 12, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309409, "Nicole Kidmanová", 13, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[320915, 309410, "Nicole Kidmanová", 14, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman is incapable of acting."} {"id": 108441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) je založen na fiktivní jahodě.", "evidence": [[[329145, 316045, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 0, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]], [[329151, 316048, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 0, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) is based on a fictional strawberry."} {"id": 227935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leslie Groves zemřel 11. července 1960.", "evidence": [[[271875, 267662, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves died July 11, 1960."} {"id": 61982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Judy Greerová je Texasanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Judy Greer is a Texan."} {"id": 66970, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Youtube je na čtvrtém místě v žebříčku nejpopulárnějších stránek na světě.", "evidence": [[[83540, 95532, "YouTube", 15, "YouTube"]]], "claim_en": "Youtube is ranked as the fourth most popular site in the world."} {"id": 161644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Streptococcus je rod, který dává negativní výsledek v Gramově barvicím testu.", "evidence": [[[187690, 199280, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"], [187690, 199280, "Grampozitivní bakterie", 0, "Gram-positive bacteria"]]], "claim_en": "Streptococcus is genus that gives a negative result in the Gram stain test."} {"id": 155547, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Randy Orton je sochař.", "evidence": [[[179607, 192175, "Randy Orton", 0, "Randy Orton"]]], "claim_en": "Randy Orton is a sculptor."} {"id": 104915, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bratři Coenové byli každý zvlášť nominováni na jednoho Oscara, ale získal ho pouze Ethan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers have each been individually nominated for one Academy Award but only Ethan won."} {"id": 48595, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matthew Modine hrál nositele Nobelovy ceny Dr. Martina Brennera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matthew Modine played the Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Martin Brenner."} {"id": 47474, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selena Gomez nepoužívá Instagram.", "evidence": [[[63791, 74530, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez doesn't use Instagram."} {"id": 85254, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle je ve vlaku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is in the train."} {"id": 124940, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Bob Thornton režíroval čajový obřad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Bob Thornton directed a tea ceremony."} {"id": 181894, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Directors Guild of America je zábavní cech zastupující filmové a televizní režiséry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Directors Guild of America is an entertainment guild representing film and television directors."} {"id": 165137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mickey Rourke se objevil pouze ve filmu Iron Man 3.", "evidence": [[[189896, 201081, "Mickey Rourke", 13, "Mickey Rourke"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Rourke only appeared in Iron Man 3."} {"id": 78286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jordan byl hráčem baseballu.", "evidence": [[[95239, 108245, "Michael Jordan", 13, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan was a baseball player."} {"id": 205935, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan od roku 2011 obsahuje obsah, který zahrnuje články o politickém dialogu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan as of 2011 contains content which includes articles on political dialogue."} {"id": 112988, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Muži v černém II hraje osm dětí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Men in Black II stars eight children."} {"id": 195674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Iggy Azalea podepsala v roce 1992 nahrávací smlouvu se společností Grand Hustle Records.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iggy Azalea signed a recording contract with Grand Hustle Records in 1992."} {"id": 69088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sherlock (televizní seriál) je založen na příbězích.", "evidence": [[[85729, 98029, "Sherlock (seriál)", 0, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock (TV series) is based on stories."} {"id": 106771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donald Glover byl nominován na ceny.", "evidence": [[[125403, 139738, "Donald Glover", 14, "Donald Glover"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Glover was nominated for awards."} {"id": 15974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate Nash vydala 4. března 2013 album Girl Talk.", "evidence": [[[31369, 38091, "Kate Nash", 10, "Kate Nash"]]], "claim_en": "Kate Nash released Girl Talk on March 4, 2013."} {"id": 65512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Norové neemigrovali na Island.", "evidence": [[[81990, 93777, "Island", 11, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Norwegians did not emigrate to Iceland."} {"id": 71339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indiana Jonese hrál pouze Harrison Ford.", "evidence": [[[88045, 100584, "Indiana Jones", 7, "Indiana Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Indiana Jones has only been played by Harrison Ford."} {"id": 163489, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbara Bushová se nemohla provdat za 41. prezidenta Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[188126, 199665, "Barbara Bushová", 0, "Barbara Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush was unable to marry the 41st President of the United States."} {"id": 90637, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Síla se probouzí režíroval Christopher Nolan.", "evidence": [[[107951, 121428, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens is directed by Christopher Nolan."} {"id": 99243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová je rodačkou z Wendy's.", "evidence": [[[116893, 130763, "Brittany Murphyová", 1, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy is a native of Wendy's."} {"id": 148375, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Manson byl falešně obviněn z vedení sekty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Manson was falsely accused of leading a cult."} {"id": 88566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ekvádor nehraničí s Peru.", "evidence": [[[105789, 119204, "Ekvádor", 0, "Ecuador"]]], "claim_en": "Ecuador does not border Peru."} {"id": 142091, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Brady hrál za tým Packers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Brady played for the Packers."} {"id": 67350, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Silicon Valley je ve skandálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is in a scandal."} {"id": 215286, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "PBS je distributorem filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "PBS is a film distributor."} {"id": 127958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen má tři děti mladší deseti let.", "evidence": [[[149943, 164875, "Bruce Springsteen", 12, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen has three children under age 10."} {"id": 44026, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Moana nebyl nikdy uveden do kin.", "evidence": [[[60365, 70762, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 10, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana was never released."} {"id": 87379, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V hitparádách debutovala skladba Shut Up.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shut Up debuted on the charts."} {"id": 175033, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Knihy Honest se prodalo 53 000 výtisků na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Honest sold 53,000 copies in a boat."} {"id": 164218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Great Debaters hraje několik belgických herců.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Debaters includes multiple Belgian actors."} {"id": 45389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice slouží jako výzkumná laboratoř.", "evidence": [[[61745, 72228, "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice", 6, "International Space Station"], [61745, 72228, "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice", 0, "International Space Station"]]], "claim_en": "The International Space Station serves as a research laboratory."} {"id": 207065, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hiddleston napsal román Only Lovers Left Alive.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hiddleston wrote the novel Only Lovers Left Alive."} {"id": 54709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natáčení filmu Temný rytíř povstal probíhalo v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[71064, 81959, "Temný rytíř povstal", 16, "The Dark Knight Rises"]], [[71064, 81960, "Temný rytíř povstal", 17, "The Dark Knight Rises"]], [[71064, 81961, "Temný rytíř povstal", 18, "The Dark Knight Rises"]], [[71064, 81962, "Temný rytíř povstal", 20, "The Dark Knight Rises"]], [[71064, 81963, "Temný rytíř povstal", 0, "The Dark Knight Rises"]]], "claim_en": "The Dark Knight Rises' filming took place in 2013."} {"id": 138108, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Gone Girl byl natočen podle stejnojmenné obrázkové knihy z roku 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gone Girl was based on the 2012 picture book of the same name."} {"id": 69387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Haifa existovala na světě.", "evidence": [[[86076, 98417, "Haifa", 0, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98418, "Haifa", 1, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98419, "Haifa", 2, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98420, "Haifa", 7, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98421, "Haifa", 8, "Haifa"], [86076, 98421, "Haifa", 0, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98422, "Haifa", 17, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98423, "Haifa", 16, "Haifa"], [86076, 98423, "Haifa", 0, "Haifa"]], [[86076, 98424, "Haifa", 19, "Haifa"]]], "claim_en": "Haifa existed in the world."} {"id": 183847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Strain je čistě komediální mysteriózní televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[214007, 221114, "Agresivní virus", 0, "The Strain (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain is strictly a comedy mystery television series."} {"id": 210451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jet Li měl narozeniny 26. dubna.", "evidence": [[[249296, 249292, "Jet Li", 0, "Jet Li"]]], "claim_en": "Jet Li's birthday was April 26."} {"id": 91555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John McCain učinil z reformy financování volebních kampaní jeden ze svých podpisů.", "evidence": [[[108908, 122614, "John McCain", 17, "John McCain"]]], "claim_en": "John McCain made campaign finance reform one of his signature focuses."} {"id": 61327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shane Black se narodil v roce 1962.", "evidence": [[[77816, 89267, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]]], "claim_en": "Shane Black was born in 1962."} {"id": 137341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Rtěnka pod mou burkou hrají američtí herci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lipstick Under My Burkha has American actors."} {"id": 37219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cate Blanchettová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[53465, 63468, "Cate Blanchettová", 4, "Cate Blanchett"], [53465, 63468, "Jasmíniny slzy", 0, "Blue Jasmine"], [53465, 63468, "Jasmíniny slzy", 1, "Blue Jasmine"]], [[53465, 63469, "Cate Blanchettová", 9, "Cate Blanchett"], [53465, 63469, "Královna Alžběta (film, 1998)", 0, "Elizabeth (film)"], [53465, 63469, "Carol (film)", 2, "Carol (film)"], [53465, 63469, "Zápisky o skandálu", 1, "Notes on a Scandal (film)"]], [[53465, 63470, "Cate Blanchettová", 10, "Cate Blanchett"], [53465, 63470, "Podivuhodný případ Benjamina Buttona (film)", 2, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (film)"], [53465, 63470, "Robin Hood (film, 2010)", 0, "Robin Hood (2010 film)"], [53465, 63470, "Popelka (film, 2015)", 2, "Cinderella (2015 Disney film)"]], [[53465, 63471, "Cate Blanchettová", 3, "Cate Blanchett"], [53465, 63471, "Letec (film)", 1, "The Aviator (2004 film)"]], [[53465, 63472, "Cate Blanchettová", 2, "Cate Blanchett"], [53465, 63472, "Královna Alžběta (film, 1998)", 0, "Elizabeth (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cate Blanchett acted in a film."} {"id": 184912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winnipeg je domovem sportovního týmu.", "evidence": [[[215444, 222320, "Winnipeg", 16, "Winnipeg"]]], "claim_en": "Winnipeg is home to a sports team."} {"id": 31339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adam Sandler ještě nenapsal scénář.", "evidence": [[[47527, 56726, "Adam Sandler", 3, "Adam Sandler"], [47527, 56726, "Jack a Jill", 0, "Jack and Jill (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Adam Sandler has yet to write a screenplay."} {"id": 120975, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pixar začal jako součást anglické filmové a televizní produkční společnosti.", "evidence": [[[142053, 157305, "Pixar", 1, "Pixar"], [142053, 157305, "Lucasfilm", 1, "Lucasfilm"]]], "claim_en": "Pixar started as part of an English film and television production company."} {"id": 36956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filipíny byly vždy průmyslově vyspělé.", "evidence": [[[53176, 63143, "Filipíny", 32, "Philippines"]]], "claim_en": "The Philippines has always been industrialized."} {"id": 166963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tobey Maguire je egyptský herec.", "evidence": [[[192054, 202808, "Tobey Maguire", 0, "Tobey Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Tobey Maguire is an Egyptian actor."} {"id": 215540, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 50 First Dates režíroval výhradně Peter Dinklage.", "evidence": [[[256060, 255345, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates was directed solely by Peter Dinklage."} {"id": 94705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bessie Smithová byla ruská špionka.", "evidence": [[[114166, 127979, "Bessie Smith", 0, "Bessie Smith"]], [[114166, 127980, "Bessie Smith", 1, "Bessie Smith"]], [[114166, 127981, "Bessie Smith", 2, "Bessie Smith"]]], "claim_en": "Bessie Smith was a Russian spy."} {"id": 183124, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová vypustila tři prameny eboly do vodovodní sítě v Denveru ve státě Colorado.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson has released three strands of Ebola into the water supply of Denver, Colorado."} {"id": 43849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vladimir Putin zvítězil se ziskem 64 % hlasů.", "evidence": [[[60171, 70591, "Vladimir Putin", 18, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin won with 64% of the vote."} {"id": 222560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album Life Is Peachy bylo vydáno prostřednictvím Immortal Records.", "evidence": [[[265130, 262395, "Life Is Peachy", 0, "Life Is Peachy"]]], "claim_en": "Life Is Peachy was released through Immortal Records."} {"id": 189419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Rudd odmítl roli, kterou mu nabídli ve filmu Role Models.", "evidence": [[[221255, 226902, "Velcí bratři", 3, "Role Models"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Rudd passed up the role he was offered in Role Models."} {"id": 95383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ativan byl vynechán ze seznamu základních léků Světové zdravotnické organizace.", "evidence": [[[112884, 126719, "Lorazepam", 20, "Lorazepam"]]], "claim_en": "Ativan is left off the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines."} {"id": 88587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Gorillaz měla v letech 2006-2012 šestiletou přestávku.", "evidence": [[[105809, 119218, "Gorillaz", 14, "Gorillaz"]]], "claim_en": "Gorillaz took a six-year hiatus between 2006 and 2012."} {"id": 116055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Regionem, který je v politické geografii označován jako samostatný státní útvar, je Rusko.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A region that is identified as a distinct national entity in political geography is Russia."} {"id": 32855, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katharine Hepburnová byla komunistka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katharine Hepburn was a communist."} {"id": 61795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "František I. Francouzský strávil celý svůj život jako rolník.", "evidence": [[[78270, 89794, "František I. Francouzský", 0, "Francis I of France"]]], "claim_en": "Francis I of France spent his entire life as a peasant farmer."} {"id": 185023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Saskatchewan hraničí na jihu výhradně s Quebecem.", "evidence": [[[215592, 222432, "Saskatchewan", 4, "Saskatchewan"]]], "claim_en": "Saskatchewan is bordered on the south exclusively by Quebec."} {"id": 186455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg prodal více než 23 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[217475, 224035, "Snoop Dogg", 2, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has sold over 23 million albums."} {"id": 19580, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Divergentní série: Allegiant vychází z románu a dosáhla věhlasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant is based on a novel and has achieved fame."} {"id": 28705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oscaru Robertsonovi je 22 let.", "evidence": [[[44836, 53528, "Oscar Robertson", 0, "Oscar Robertson"]], [[44836, 53529, "Oscar Robertson", 2, "Oscar Robertson"]], [[44836, 53530, "Oscar Robertson", 3, "Oscar Robertson"]], [[44836, 53531, "Oscar Robertson", 13, "Oscar Robertson"]], [[44836, 53532, "Oscar Robertson", 8, "Oscar Robertson"]], [[44836, 53533, "Oscar Robertson", 7, "Oscar Robertson"]]], "claim_en": "Oscar Robertson is 22 years old."} {"id": 166638, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Riceová se narodila v 60. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[191671, 202488, "Anne Riceová", 0, "Anne Rice"]], [[191672, 202489, "Anne Riceová", 0, "Anne Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Rice was born in the 1960's."} {"id": 137238, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová ještě nevydala album Break Up.", "evidence": [[[159989, 174489, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson has yet to release the album Break Up."} {"id": 85857, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexická ekonomika zahrnuje letadla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's economy includes planes."} {"id": 184508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Millie Bobby Brown nemá žádné herecké zkušenosti.", "evidence": [[[214923, 221891, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]], [[214926, 221894, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Millie Bobby Brown has no acting experience."} {"id": 142187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Polsko je místo.", "evidence": [[[165263, 179375, "Polsko", 0, "Poland"]], [[165263, 179376, "Polsko", 1, "Poland"]], [[165263, 179377, "Polsko", 2, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is a place."} {"id": 55579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dezinvestice z Jihoafrické republiky byla uzákoněna v Paříži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Disinvestment from South Africa was enacted in Paris."} {"id": 13413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Paquin vyrostla na Novém Zélandu.", "evidence": [[[28680, 35013, "Anna Paquin", 1, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin was raised in New Zealand."} {"id": 93614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg podepsal smlouvu s nahrávací společností No Limit Records.", "evidence": [[[110978, 124643, "Snoop Dogg", 13, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg signed with No Limit Records."} {"id": 64255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Amazing Spider-Man 2 měl režiséra.", "evidence": [[[80723, 92574, "Amazing Spider-Man 2", 1, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a director."} {"id": 155711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Randy Orton pochází ze severní polokoule.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Randy Orton is from the Northern Hemisphere."} {"id": 87099, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zemřela Lauren Bacallová.", "evidence": [[[104258, 117707, "Lauren Bacallová", 0, "Lauren Bacall"]]], "claim_en": "Lauren Bacall died."} {"id": 47984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Román Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři napsal britský spisovatel George Orwell.", "evidence": [[[64352, 75105, "1984 (román)", 0, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"]]], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four was written by British novelist George Orwell."} {"id": 127652, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Ticho hraje Dakota Fanningová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Quiet stars Dakota Fanning."} {"id": 218883, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Třináctka byla napsána pro Catherine Hardwicke.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thirteen was written for Catherine Hardwicke."} {"id": 180123, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gil Sharone začal spolupracovat s kapelou z Fort Lauderdale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gil Sharone began working with a band from Fort Lauderdale."} {"id": 17357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scooby-Doo je kreslený film.", "evidence": [[[32811, 39896, "Scooby-Doo", 0, "Scooby-Doo"]], [[32811, 39897, "Scooby-Doo", 3, "Scooby-Doo"]], [[32811, 39898, "Scooby-Doo", 20, "Scooby-Doo"]]], "claim_en": "Scooby-Doo is a cartoon."} {"id": 66292, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Whoopi Goldbergová je farmářka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is a farmer."} {"id": 191665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zambie sousedí na severu s Demokratickou republikou Kongo.", "evidence": [[[224154, 229006, "Zambie", 0, "Zambia"]], [[224158, 229008, "Zambie", 0, "Zambia"]]], "claim_en": "Zambia is bordered to the north by the Democratic Republic of the Congo."} {"id": 141675, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pearl Jam na počátku 90. let prodávali mnoho svých vlastních rockových písní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pearl Jam sold many of their own rock songs in the early 1990s."} {"id": 107800, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexická válka o reformu trvala tři dny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's War of the Reform lasted three days."} {"id": 3483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brie Larsonové byla odepřena jakákoli role ve filmu Short Term 12.", "evidence": [[[19552, 24017, "Brie Larson", 10, "Brie Larson"]]], "claim_en": "Brie Larson was denied any role in the movie Short Term 12."} {"id": 222485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Horseshoe Falls je známý také jako American Falls.", "evidence": [[[265035, 262324, "Podkova (Niagarské vodopády)", 2, "Horseshoe Falls"], [265035, 262324, "Americký vodopád (Niagarské vodopády)", 1, "American Falls"]], [[265037, 262326, "Podkova (Niagarské vodopády)", 2, "Horseshoe Falls"]]], "claim_en": "Horseshoe Falls is also known as American Falls."} {"id": 195392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Město Providence na Rhode Islandu bylo založeno náboženským exulantem.", "evidence": [[[229432, 233360, "Providence", 7, "Providence, Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "Providence, Rhode Island was founded by a religious exile."} {"id": 121032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selena byla zavražděna žárlivým bývalým milencem.", "evidence": [[[142127, 157355, "Selena", 28, "Selena"]]], "claim_en": "Selena was murdered by a jealous ex-lover."} {"id": 139842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Travis Barker je členem kapely.", "evidence": [[[162760, 177007, "Travis Barker", 0, "Travis Barker"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker is part of a band."} {"id": 100593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rúmí byl vlivný myslitel.", "evidence": [[[118275, 132114, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 0, "Rumi"]]], "claim_en": "Rumi was an influential thinker."} {"id": 171737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iain Glen je všechno jiné než filmový herec.", "evidence": [[[198177, 208096, "Iain Glen", 0, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is anything but a film actor."} {"id": 13529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Journey je kapela.", "evidence": [[[28782, 35124, "Journey", 0, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35125, "Journey", 1, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35126, "Journey", 2, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35129, "Journey", 11, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35130, "Journey", 14, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35131, "Journey", 15, "Journey (band)"]], [[28782, 35132, "Journey", 16, "Journey (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Journey is a band."} {"id": 22449, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Netopýr Kittiho má pavučinová křídla na předních končetinách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Kitti's hog-nosed bat has webbed forelimb wings."} {"id": 117550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Klub Newcastle United F.C. je známý po celém světě.", "evidence": [[[137921, 152905, "Newcastle United FC", 18, "Newcastle United F.C."]], [[137921, 152906, "Newcastle United FC", 19, "Newcastle United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Newcastle United F.C. is well-known around the world."} {"id": 208379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones napsal knihu Dvě tváře.", "evidence": [[[246558, 247040, "Tommy Lee Jones", 4, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones wrote the book Two-Face."} {"id": 27351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whiplash je podcast.", "evidence": [[[43473, 52116, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Whiplash is a podcast."} {"id": 186213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Following byl režírován člověkem.", "evidence": [[[217160, 223810, "Sledování (film)", 0, "Following"]]], "claim_en": "Following was directed by a person."} {"id": 18839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Piráti z Karibiku: Mrtví muži nevyprávějí příběhy byl odložen kvůli problémům se scénářem a rozpočtem.", "evidence": [[[34477, 41825, "Piráti z Karibiku: Salazarova pomsta", 10, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales was delayed due to script and budget issues."} {"id": 199182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film To Kill a Mockingbird se zcela vyhýbá tématu rasové nespravedlnosti.", "evidence": [[[234192, 237112, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 5, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird completely avoids the theme of racial injustice."} {"id": 46083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Vedder vydal hudební dílo.", "evidence": [[[62429, 73040, "Eddie Vedder", 5, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[62429, 73041, "Eddie Vedder", 6, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder released a work of music."} {"id": 66654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupinu Daft Punk založili tři Francouzi.", "evidence": [[[83224, 95169, "Daft Punk", 0, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk was founded by three Frenchman."} {"id": 145929, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jamie Lee Curtisová přiměla svého syna, aby se v roce 1978 přestěhoval do Indie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jamie Lee Curtis made her son move to India in 1978."} {"id": 197129, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O. J. Simpson hrál za tým USC Trojans.", "evidence": [[[231667, 235079, "O. J. Simpson", 3, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson played for the USC trojans."} {"id": 183948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tupac Shakur nemůže být uveden do rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[214123, 221206, "Tupac Shakur", 5, "Tupac Shakur"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur is incapable of being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 157049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paradise ukradla Lana Del Rey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paradise was stolen by Lana Del Rey."} {"id": 99833, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Vermontu se mluví dánsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Danish language is spoken in Vermont."} {"id": 212463, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku je profesionální právník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku is a professional lawyer."} {"id": 6329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lana Del Rey nevydala krátký film Tropico.", "evidence": [[[23091, 28432, "Lana Del Rey", 7, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey did not release a short film Tropico."} {"id": 94091, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Denver jednou zpíval o Coloradu.", "evidence": [[[111513, 125264, "John Denver", 13, "John Denver"]]], "claim_en": "John Denver sang about Colorado once."} {"id": 20205, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "PlayStation 4 je virtuální konzole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The PlayStation 4 is a virtual console."} {"id": 41944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Marsden se proslavil ztvárněním Kyklopa.", "evidence": [[[58234, 68457, "James Marsden", 2, "James Marsden"]]], "claim_en": "James Marsden gained prominence with his portrayal of Cyclops."} {"id": 98938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt nežil namáhavým životním stylem.", "evidence": [[[116573, 130455, "Theodore Roosevelt", 6, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt did not live a strenuous lifestyle."} {"id": 60253, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Magna Charta slibovala ochranu baronů před uvězněním.", "evidence": [[[189439, 200722, "Magna charta libertatum", 1, "Magna Carta"]], [[192476, 203215, "Magna charta libertatum", 1, "Magna Carta"]], [[195375, 205654, "Magna charta libertatum", 1, "Magna Carta"]], [[314861, 304167, "Magna charta libertatum", 1, "Magna Carta"]], [[314883, 304183, "Magna charta libertatum", 1, "Magna Carta"]]], "claim_en": "The Magna Carta promised to protect barons from imprisonment."} {"id": 199438, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Octavia Spencerová pracovala na animovaném filmu Zootopia.", "evidence": [[[234528, 237382, "Octavia Spencerová", 4, "Octavia Spencer"], [234528, 237382, "Zootropolis: Město zvířat", 0, "Zootopia"]]], "claim_en": "Octavia Spencer worked on an animated film called Zootopia."} {"id": 99768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavním městem Fidži je Tokio.", "evidence": [[[118731, 132573, "Fidži", 7, "Fiji"]]], "claim_en": "The capital of Fiji is Tokyo."} {"id": 148040, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Darth Vader není postava.", "evidence": [[[171660, 185151, "Darth Vader", 0, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185152, "Darth Vader", 1, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185153, "Darth Vader", 4, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185154, "Darth Vader", 5, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185155, "Darth Vader", 6, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185156, "Darth Vader", 7, "Darth Vader"], [171660, 185156, "Jedi", 0, "Jedi"]], [[171660, 185157, "Darth Vader", 8, "Darth Vader"], [171660, 185157, "Kylo Ren", 0, "Kylo Ren"]], [[171660, 185158, "Darth Vader", 11, "Darth Vader"]], [[171660, 185159, "Darth Vader", 12, "Darth Vader"]]], "claim_en": "Darth Vader is not a character."} {"id": 205510, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl typem osobního strážce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a type of personal guard."} {"id": 213420, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alexandra Burkeová vyhrála volby v roce 2008.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alexandra Burke won an election in 2008."} {"id": 171741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iain Glen hraje v seriálu Hra o trůny.", "evidence": [[[198181, 208100, "Iain Glen", 1, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is in Game of Thrones."} {"id": 88316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mango je ovoce pěstované na stromě, který se nachází ve střední Asii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mango is a fruit grown on a tree found in central Asia."} {"id": 71299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charlize Theron odmítla hrát ve filmu režiséra Guillerma Arriagy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron declined to appear in a film directed by Guillermo Arriaga."} {"id": 196116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arbëreshë v jižní Itálii tvoří nejstarší nepřetržitou etnickou albánskou diasporu.", "evidence": [[[230433, 234118, "Albánci", 17, "Albanians"]]], "claim_en": "The Arbëreshë of southern Italy form the oldest continuous ethnic Albanian diaspora."} {"id": 76677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Nizozemsku působí Mezinárodní trestní soud.", "evidence": [[[25991, 31927, "Nizozemsko", 24, "Netherlands"]], [[300646, 291785, "Nizozemsko", 24, "Netherlands"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands has the International Criminal Court."} {"id": 184532, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Linie stínů natočil Hugo Blick.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Shadow Line was produced by Hugo Blick."} {"id": 81577, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Formule (The Formula, 1980) byl uveden do kin společností Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer v září 1980.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Formula (1980 film) was released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in September 1980."} {"id": 161390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thomas Pynchon napsal v roce 1995 román The Crying of Lot 49.", "evidence": [[[185940, 197723, "Thomas Pynchon", 7, "Thomas Pynchon"]]], "claim_en": "Thomas Pynchon wrote the novel The Crying of Lot 49 in 1995."} {"id": 54279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Atkinsová se narodila 7. května 1948.", "evidence": [[[70637, 81530, "Susan Atkins", 0, "Susan Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Atkins was born on May 7, 1948."} {"id": 199627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černé zrcadlo je britský sci-fi televizní seriál vysílaný na BBC.", "evidence": [[[234778, 237597, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror is a British science fiction television series aired on BBC."} {"id": 118096, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lana Del Rey vydala několik alb.", "evidence": [[[138572, 153648, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"], [138572, 153648, "Born to Die (album, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Born to Die"]], [[138572, 153649, "Lana Del Rey", 6, "Lana Del Rey"], [138572, 153649, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[138572, 153650, "Lana Del Rey", 10, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[138572, 153651, "Lana Del Rey", 11, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[138572, 153652, "Lana Del Rey", 15, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey has multiple albums."} {"id": 67655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Gerrard volí anglické poslance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Gerrard votes for the English Members of Parliament."} {"id": 217345, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Constantine je akční horor z roku 2005.", "evidence": [[[258277, 257108, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine is a 2005 action horror film."} {"id": 28770, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eric Clapton působil ve skupině Blind Faith.", "evidence": [[[44894, 53585, "Blind Faith", 0, "Blind Faith"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Clapton was in Blind Faith."} {"id": 46847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pátek třináctého je filmová série.", "evidence": [[[63162, 73873, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 0, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "Friday the 13th is a film franchise."} {"id": 23172, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Estonsko je stát.", "evidence": [[[39176, 47173, "Estonsko", 0, "Estonia"]], [[39176, 47174, "Estonsko", 20, "Estonia"]], [[39176, 47175, "Estonsko", 26, "Estonia"]], [[39176, 47176, "Estonsko", 7, "Estonia"], [39176, 47176, "Estonci", 0, "Estonians"]], [[39176, 47177, "Estonsko", 8, "Estonia"], [39176, 47177, "Estonská sovětská socialistická republika", 12, "Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic"]], [[39176, 47178, "Estonsko", 12, "Estonia"], [39176, 47178, "Parlamentní systém", 5, "Parliamentary system"]], [[39176, 47179, "Estonsko", 14, "Estonia"], [39176, 47179, "Schengenský prostor", 1, "Schengen Area"]]], "claim_en": "Estonia is a country."} {"id": 84212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Aguilera vyrůstala v Japonsku.", "evidence": [[[101252, 114493, "Christina Aguilera", 1, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera was raised in Japan."} {"id": 165596, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saamy byl natočen v Americe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saamy was remade in America."} {"id": 220384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Největší irácké město je Bagdád.", "evidence": [[[262279, 260298, "Irák", 1, "Iraq"]], [[262284, 260300, "Irák", 1, "Iraq"]]], "claim_en": "Iraq's biggest city is Baghdad."} {"id": 125100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bam Margera není kaskadér.", "evidence": [[[146746, 161729, "Bam Margera", 0, "Bam Margera"]]], "claim_en": "Bam Margera is not a stunt performer."} {"id": 160625, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Victor Hugo byl vždy jen malíř.", "evidence": [[[185144, 196954, "Victor Hugo", 0, "Victor Hugo"]], [[185144, 196955, "Victor Hugo", 1, "Victor Hugo"]], [[185144, 196956, "Victor Hugo", 2, "Victor Hugo"]], [[185144, 196957, "Victor Hugo", 3, "Victor Hugo"]]], "claim_en": "Victor Hugo was only ever a painter."} {"id": 135951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "František I. Francouzský byl označován pouze jako Dobrý král Frank.", "evidence": [[[289775, 282855, "František I. Francouzský", 0, "Francis I of France"]], [[289775, 282856, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]], [[291157, 284120, "František I. Francouzský", 10, "Francis I of France"]], [[291157, 284121, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]], [[293253, 285856, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]], [[336902, 322379, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]], [[336918, 322391, "František I. Francouzský", 0, "Francis I of France"]], [[336918, 322392, "František I. Francouzský", 10, "Francis I of France"]], [[336918, 322393, "František I. Francouzský", 11, "Francis I of France"]]], "claim_en": "Francis I of France was only referred to as Good King Frank."} {"id": 188511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je cokoli, jen ne zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[220062, 225932, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is anything but a singer."} {"id": 77189, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg je kočka.", "evidence": [[[250287, 250321, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250322, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 1, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250323, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250324, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 5, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250325, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 6, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250326, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 9, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250327, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[250287, 250328, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 11, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[319449, 308149, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309175, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309176, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 1, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309177, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309178, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 5, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309179, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 6, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309180, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 9, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309181, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320629, 309182, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 11, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320642, 309187, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320642, 309188, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320642, 309189, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[320642, 309190, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 11, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is a cat."} {"id": 152556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spalničky se nevyvíjejí 10-12 dní po kontaktu s nakaženou osobou.", "evidence": [[[176511, 189451, "Spalničky", 4, "Measles"]]], "claim_en": "Measles do not develop 10-12 days after exposure to an infected person."} {"id": 47703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhé jméno Sarah Palinové je Louise.", "evidence": [[[145257, 160252, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[148211, 163218, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[150861, 165705, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[311263, 301278, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[311264, 301279, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[311271, 301292, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[311308, 301324, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin's middle name is Louise."} {"id": 89525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Bieber získal americkou hudební cenu pro umělce roku.", "evidence": [[[106755, 120142, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Bieber has won the American Music Award for Artist of the Year."} {"id": 57619, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gucci pochází z Itálie.", "evidence": [[[73948, 85186, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is from Italy."} {"id": 197466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris O'Dowd hrál v komedii.", "evidence": [[[232144, 235407, "Chris O'Dowd", 0, "Chris O'Dowd"], [232144, 235407, "Ajťáci", 0, "The IT Crowd"]], [[232144, 235408, "Chris O'Dowd", 5, "Chris O'Dowd"], [232144, 235408, "Ženy sobě", 0, "Bridesmaids (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Chris O'Dowd starred in a comedy."} {"id": 218399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Domov slečny Peregrinové pro podivné děti je film z roku 2001.", "evidence": [[[259641, 258203, "Sirotčinec slečny Peregrinové pro podivné děti", 0, "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is a 2001 film."} {"id": 114487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brad Pitt si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[134442, 149325, "Brad Pitt", 4, "Brad Pitt"]], [[134442, 149326, "Brad Pitt", 5, "Brad Pitt"]], [[134442, 149327, "Brad Pitt", 6, "Brad Pitt"]], [[134442, 149328, "Brad Pitt", 7, "Brad Pitt"]], [[134442, 149329, "Brad Pitt", 8, "Brad Pitt"], [134442, 149329, "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", 1, "Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005 film)"], [134442, 149329, "Troja (film)", 1, "Troy (film)"], [134442, 149329, "Světová válka Z", 2, "World War Z (film)"]], [[134442, 149330, "Brad Pitt", 9, "Brad Pitt"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt appeared in a movie."} {"id": 80547, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Žralok grónský je známý také jako tichý zabiják.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Greenland shark is also known as the silent killer."} {"id": 37090, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christina Aguilera vyrůstala 5 let ve Wexfordu v Pensylvánii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera was raised in Wexford, Pennsylvania for 5 years."} {"id": 167460, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kadet Kelly byl propuštěn v roce 2003.", "evidence": [[[192739, 203458, "Kadetka Kelly", 0, "Cadet Kelly"]]], "claim_en": "Cadet Kelly was released in 2003."} {"id": 55793, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hillary Clintonová vyzvala k vojenské akci USA v Libyi.", "evidence": [[[72162, 83171, "Hillary Clintonová", 17, "Hillary Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Hillary Clinton called for U.S. military action in Libya."} {"id": 29809, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elle Fanningová hrála ve filmu Hvězdné války.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elle Fanning starred in Star Wars."} {"id": 142587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Její film byl propuštěn v roce 2006.", "evidence": [[[165648, 179670, "Ona (film, 2013)", 0, "Her (film)"]], [[165648, 179671, "Ona (film, 2013)", 11, "Her (film)"]], [[165648, 179672, "Ona (film, 2013)", 14, "Her (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Her was released in 2006."} {"id": 35975, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Inhumans nejsou postavy od Marvelu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Inhumans are not Marvel characters."} {"id": 56281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sherlock je dílo.", "evidence": [[[72657, 83699, "Sherlock (seriál)", 0, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83700, "Sherlock (seriál)", 2, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83701, "Sherlock (seriál)", 4, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83702, "Sherlock (seriál)", 5, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83703, "Sherlock (seriál)", 9, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83704, "Sherlock (seriál)", 10, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83705, "Sherlock (seriál)", 11, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83706, "Sherlock (seriál)", 12, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83707, "Sherlock (seriál)", 13, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[72657, 83708, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock is a work."} {"id": 213264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nil protéká lesem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through a forest."} {"id": 162786, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mariah Carey ve své písni We Belong Together (Patříme k sobě) charakteristicky používá píšťalový rejstřík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey has signature use of the whistle register in her song \"We Belong Together\"."} {"id": 7825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maďarsko není ostrov.", "evidence": [[[12802, 15954, "Maďarsko", 1, "Hungary"]]], "claim_en": "Hungary is not an island."} {"id": 162948, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Rodriguezová hrála v televizním dramatickém seriálu, který původně vysílala společnost National Broadcasting Company (NBC).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Rodriguez acted in a television drama series that originally aired on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC)."} {"id": 131628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jensen Ackles je občanem Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles is an United States citizen."} {"id": 195620, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Joy vznikl v březnu 2015.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy was created in March 2015."} {"id": 20534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drew Barrymore je žonglérka.", "evidence": [[[36338, 43900, "Drew Barrymore", 0, "Drew Barrymore"]]], "claim_en": "Drew Barrymore is a juggler."} {"id": 24984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chelsea F.C. vyhrávala soutěže v letech 1965 až 1971.", "evidence": [[[71312, 82250, "Chelsea FC", 5, "Chelsea F.C."]], [[74421, 85661, "Chelsea FC", 5, "Chelsea F.C."]], [[303890, 294779, "Chelsea FC", 5, "Chelsea F.C."]], [[305558, 296381, "Chelsea FC", 5, "Chelsea F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The Chelsea F.C. won competitions between 1965 and 1971."} {"id": 88353, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pekingskou univerzitu založili dva muži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peking University was founded by two men."} {"id": 74952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Devatenáct osmdesát čtyři je fantasy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four is fantasy."} {"id": 19676, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Gray Matters hraje pes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gray Matters stars a dog."} {"id": 98906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobita napsala Ellen Hopkinsová.", "evidence": [[[116541, 130418, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit was written by Ellen Hopkins."} {"id": 201757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Severní Vietnam se oficiálně jmenoval Demokratická republika Kongo.", "evidence": [[[237504, 239708, "Vietnamská demokratická republika", 0, "North Vietnam"]]], "claim_en": "North Vietnam was officially called the Democratic Republic of Congo."} {"id": 128385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Josh Hutcherson zastával manažerskou pozici ve finanční společnosti.", "evidence": [[[150408, 165297, "Josh Hutcherson", 0, "Josh Hutcherson"]], [[150408, 165298, "Josh Hutcherson", 1, "Josh Hutcherson"]], [[150408, 165299, "Josh Hutcherson", 11, "Josh Hutcherson"]], [[150408, 165300, "Josh Hutcherson", 12, "Josh Hutcherson"]]], "claim_en": "Josh Hutcherson was in a managerial position at a finance company."} {"id": 101102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grant Gustin je metodický herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grant Gustin is a method actor."} {"id": 211313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berry má 0 dětí.", "evidence": [[[250385, 250389, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]], [[250386, 250390, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has 0 children."} {"id": 130457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Čingischánova mírná pověst přetrvala v místních dějinách.", "evidence": [[[152700, 167470, "Čingischán", 16, "Genghis Khan"]]], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan's gentle reputation has endured in local histories."} {"id": 10695, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fairfieldské gymnázium bylo založeno v květnu 1898.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fairfield Grammar School was founded in May, 1898."} {"id": 15264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Justin Bieber získal řadu ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Justin Bieber has won prizes."} {"id": 219296, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Capsicum chinense patří do čeledi tulipánovitých, Solanaceae.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Capsicum chinense is a member of the tulip family, Solanaceae."} {"id": 2847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Wales je podnikatel v oblasti internetu.", "evidence": [[[18690, 22932, "Jimmy Wales", 0, "Jimmy Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Wales is an entrepreneur of the Internet."} {"id": 100710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová začala svou kariéru ve společnosti Microsoft.", "evidence": [[[118396, 132229, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 1, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams began her career at Microsoft."} {"id": 91081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anonymous představuje opozici mnoha uživatelů online i offline komunity.", "evidence": [[[108420, 121988, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]]], "claim_en": "Anonymous represents the opposition of many online and offline community users."} {"id": 40804, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Brown je Severoameričan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Brown is an North American."} {"id": 218209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boyd Holbrook se objevil ve filmech jako například A Walk Among the Tombstones.", "evidence": [[[259429, 258020, "Boyd Holbrook", 1, "Boyd Holbrook"]], [[259465, 258037, "Boyd Holbrook", 1, "Boyd Holbrook"]]], "claim_en": "Boyd Holbrook made an appearance in films such as A Walk Among the Tombstones."} {"id": 195283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portland ve státě Oregon je místem, kde vystupovala skupina Foo Fighters.", "evidence": [[[229261, 233253, "Foo Fighters", 6, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Portland, Oregon is a place where Foo Fighters performed."} {"id": 104250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Lucas byl zakladatelem filmové a televizní produkční společnosti se sídlem ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[122539, 136842, "George Lucas", 1, "George Lucas"], [122539, 136842, "Lucasfilm", 1, "Lucasfilm"]]], "claim_en": "George Lucas was the founder of an film and TV production company based in the United States."} {"id": 151607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fotbalový klub FC Barcelona vedl anglický hráč Joan Gamper.", "evidence": [[[175488, 188495, "FC Barcelona", 3, "FC Barcelona"]]], "claim_en": "FC Barcelona was led by English player Joan Gamper."} {"id": 38653, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prusko porazilo Rakousko v bitvě u Königgrätzu.", "evidence": [[[54858, 64866, "Rakousko", 13, "Austria"]]], "claim_en": "Prussia defeated Austria at the battle of Königgrätz."} {"id": 194565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kyle Maclachlan získal cenu Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon.", "evidence": [[[227896, 232243, "Kyle MacLachlan", 6, "Kyle MacLachlan"]]], "claim_en": "Kyle Maclachlan has won an award called Golden Globe for Best Actor."} {"id": 183206, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film One More Light vyšel v červnu prostřednictvím společnosti Warner Bros.", "evidence": [[[213247, 220540, "One More Light", 1, "One More Light"]]], "claim_en": "One More Light was released through Warner Bros in June."} {"id": 151330, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alexandr Lukašenko je ve funkci od 20. srpna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alexander Lukashenko has been in office since 20 August."} {"id": 14677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Beckham hrál fotbal.", "evidence": [[[29958, 36509, "David Beckham", 0, "David Beckham"]], [[29958, 36510, "David Beckham", 1, "David Beckham"], [29958, 36510, "Los Angeles Galaxy", 0, "LA Galaxy"], [29958, 36510, "Manchester United FC", 0, "Manchester United F.C."], [29958, 36510, "AC Milán", 0, "A.C. Milan"], [29958, 36510, "Anglická fotbalová reprezentace", 0, "England national football team"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham played football."} {"id": 227063, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Lid versus Larry Flynt napsal Miloš Forman.", "evidence": [[[270742, 266750, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 4, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt is written by Milos Forman."} {"id": 177304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Felicity Jones se objevila ve francouzském životopisném romantickém filmu z roku 2014.", "evidence": [[[205488, 214067, "Felicity Jones", 10, "Felicity Jones"], [205488, 214067, "Teorie všeho (film)", 0, "The Theory of Everything (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Felicity Jones appeared in a 2014 French biographical romantic drama film."} {"id": 129889, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ruth Negga si zahrála v kritikou oceňovaném filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga has acted in a critically acclaimed movie."} {"id": 95480, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Derek Hough si zahrál v hrobě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Derek Hough starred in a grave."} {"id": 79448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rodrigo Santoro zrecenzoval film Miluji tě, Phillipe Morrisi.", "evidence": [[[96390, 109536, "Rodrigo Santoro", 1, "Rodrigo Santoro"]]], "claim_en": "Rodrigo Santoro reviewed I Love You Phillip Morris."} {"id": 107486, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Audi má v současnosti slogan \"Pravda v inženýrství\".", "evidence": [[[126169, 140563, "Audi", 14, "Audi"]]], "claim_en": "Audi currently has the slogan \"Truth in Engineering.\""} {"id": 100100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Čingischán podporoval náboženskou toleranci.", "evidence": [[[117746, 131624, "Čingischán", 21, "Genghis Khan"]]], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan encouraged tolerance of religion."} {"id": 143564, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová vydala album až v roce 2004.", "evidence": [[[166706, 180502, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 6, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson only released an album in 2004."} {"id": 202456, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy hraje Tom Cruise.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy stars Tom Cruise."} {"id": 97494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Trace Cyrus je bratranec Noaha Cyruse.", "evidence": [[[115109, 128861, "Noah Cyrus", 4, "Noah Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Trace Cyrus is the cousin of Noah Cyrus."} {"id": 41157, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dan Martin je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[57454, 67662, "Daniel Martin", 0, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]], [[57454, 67663, "Daniel Martin", 1, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Martin is Canadian."} {"id": 91579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noc oživlých mrtvol je americký nezávislý horor z roku 1964.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Night of the Living Dead is a 1964 American independent horror film."} {"id": 51437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Manželé Wachowští spolu píší.", "evidence": [[[67775, 78618, "Wachowští", 3, "The Wachowskis"]], [[67775, 78619, "Wachowští", 6, "The Wachowskis"]], [[67775, 78620, "Wachowští", 11, "The Wachowskis"]]], "claim_en": "The Wachowskis write with each other."} {"id": 134643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Délka 65 dílů byla délka seriálu Merlin.", "evidence": [[[157194, 171755, "Merlin (seriál)", 1, "Merlin (2008 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "65 episodes was the length of Merlin."} {"id": 222515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Horseshoe Falls se nachází na mexicko-americké hranici.", "evidence": [[[265074, 262351, "Podkova (Niagarské vodopády)", 0, "Horseshoe Falls"]]], "claim_en": "Horseshoe Falls is along the Mexico-US Border."} {"id": 18580, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rihanna je známá filmová hvězda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rihanna is a renowned movie star."} {"id": 112718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olympijské hry nejsou mezinárodní multisportovní událost.", "evidence": [[[132298, 147180, "Olympijské hry", 0, "Olympic Games"]], [[132298, 147181, "Olympijské hry", 1, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games is not an international multi-sport event."} {"id": 169473, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oakland v Kalifornii je 45. největší město ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[195924, 206048, "Oakland", 1, "Oakland, California"]]], "claim_en": "Oakland, California is the 45th largest city in the United States."} {"id": 58065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Simpsonovi bude ve 28. sérii zrušen.", "evidence": [[[74417, 85658, "Simpsonovi", 15, "The Simpsons"]], [[74422, 85662, "Simpsonovi", 15, "The Simpsons"]]], "claim_en": "The Simpsons series will be cancelled on the 28th season."} {"id": 206358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justinián I. zemřel v roce 565.", "evidence": [[[243983, 245084, "Justinián I.", 0, "Justinian I"]]], "claim_en": "Justinian I passed away in 565."} {"id": 124873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Paradise bylo vydáno společností Warner Bros. Music.", "evidence": [[[146477, 161457, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[146479, 161459, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]]], "claim_en": "Paradise was released by Warner Bros. Music."} {"id": 33192, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film A Monster Calls patří pouze do žánru komedie.", "evidence": [[[49296, 58649, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"]]], "claim_en": "A Monster Calls is only of the comedy genre."} {"id": 146859, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matt Groening získal za Simpsonovi deset ze svých dvanácti cen Primetime Emmy.", "evidence": [[[170395, 183957, "Matt Groening", 15, "Matt Groening"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Groening won ten of his twelve Primetime Emmy Awards for The Simpsons."} {"id": 151894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků (film z roku 1937) není schopna být ve své době nejvýdělečnějším filmem.", "evidence": [[[175834, 188802, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) is incapable of being the highest-grossing film at the time."} {"id": 176289, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Bushová se zasazovala o práva zvířat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush worked to advance the cause of animal rights."} {"id": 138782, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Litva je opuštěná.", "evidence": [[[161579, 176021, "Litva", 3, "Lithuania"]]], "claim_en": "Lithuania is deserted."} {"id": 138923, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine byl Francouz.", "evidence": [[[161714, 176144, "Charles Marie de La Condamine", 0, "Charles Marie de La Condamine"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine was French."} {"id": 218546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Werner Herzog je německý scenárista, režisér, spisovatel, herec a operní režisér.", "evidence": [[[259817, 258350, "Werner Herzog", 0, "Werner Herzog"]], [[259818, 258351, "Werner Herzog", 0, "Werner Herzog"]]], "claim_en": "Werner Herzog is a German screenwriter, film director, author, actor, and opera director."} {"id": 27369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Disney zemřel na rakovinu tlustého střeva.", "evidence": [[[74206, 85430, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]], [[79253, 90917, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]], [[81740, 93508, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]], [[305909, 296682, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]], [[307146, 297683, "Walt Disney", 19, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney died of colon cancer."} {"id": 30476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ryan O'Neal se narodil ve 40. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[46640, 55639, "Ryan O'Neal", 0, "Ryan O'Neal"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan O'Neal was born in the 1940s."} {"id": 179678, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Giacchino je hudební analfabet.", "evidence": [[[208531, 216533, "Michael Giacchino", 0, "Michael Giacchino"]], [[208531, 216534, "Michael Giacchino", 1, "Michael Giacchino"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Giacchino is musically illiterate."} {"id": 60294, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová má dům ve Virginii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin has a home in Virginia."} {"id": 122242, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Afghánistán je zadlužený.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is in debt."} {"id": 221135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Cruz je od roku 2014 starším senátorem Spojených států amerických za Texas.", "evidence": [[[263303, 261011, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"]], [[263312, 261023, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Cruz has served as the senior Unites States Senator from Texas since 2014."} {"id": 128534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Řecko je uzamčeno na pevnině.", "evidence": [[[150557, 165433, "Řecko", 8, "Greece"]], [[150557, 165434, "Řecko", 7, "Greece"]], [[150557, 165435, "Řecko", 6, "Greece"]]], "claim_en": "Greece is land locked."} {"id": 171901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Výzkum není schopen testovat platnost postupů.", "evidence": [[[198365, 208245, "Výzkum", 4, "Research"]], [[198366, 208246, "Výzkum", 4, "Research"]]], "claim_en": "Research is incapable of testing the validity of procedures."} {"id": 155164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Toronto je hlavním městem kanadské provincie.", "evidence": [[[179224, 191763, "Toronto", 0, "Toronto"], [179224, 191763, "Ontario (provincie)", 0, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "Toronto is the capital of a Canadian province."} {"id": 175278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones byl nominován na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[202765, 211941, "Tommy Lee Jones", 1, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones has been nominated for Academy Awards."} {"id": 138357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál House běžel 9 sezón.", "evidence": [[[290025, 283095, "Dr. House", 0, "House (TV series)"]], [[290025, 283096, "Dr. House", 23, "House (TV series)"]], [[290028, 283098, "Dr. House", 0, "House (TV series)"]], [[291357, 284302, "Dr. House", 23, "House (TV series)"]], [[337484, 322872, "Dr. House", 0, "House (TV series)"]], [[337536, 322900, "Dr. House", 24, "House (TV series)"], [337536, 322900, "Dr. House", 0, "House (TV series)"], [337536, 322900, "Dr. House", 23, "House (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "House ran for 9 seasons."} {"id": 3181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová se věnovala kariéře pekařky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy pursued a career in baking."} {"id": 87847, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Uhlík má atomovou hmotnost 6.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carbon has the atomic mass 6."} {"id": 204643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokračování Ria je kniha z roku 2014.", "evidence": [[[241690, 243213, "Rio (film)", 20, "Rio (2011 film)"], [241690, 243213, "Rio 2", 0, "Rio 2"], [241690, 243213, "Rio 2", 1, "Rio 2"], [241690, 243213, "Rio 2", 3, "Rio 2"]]], "claim_en": "Rio's sequel is a 2014 book."} {"id": 171805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mirka Federerová se narodila v roce 1901.", "evidence": [[[198256, 208157, "Mirka Federerová", 0, "Mirka Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Mirka Federer was born in 1901."} {"id": 181854, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Don Hall je Blíženec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Don Hall is a Gemini."} {"id": 116263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mickey Rooney hrál pouze v televizních seriálech.", "evidence": [[[284527, 278333, "Mickey Rooney", 1, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[284527, 278334, "Mickey Rooney", 4, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[284527, 278335, "Mickey Rooney", 10, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[284527, 278336, "Mickey Rooney", 11, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[284527, 278337, "Mickey Rooney", 15, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[284527, 278338, "Mickey Rooney", 21, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[285369, 279012, "Mickey Rooney", 11, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[330708, 317305, "Mickey Rooney", 1, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318295, "Mickey Rooney", 0, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318296, "Mickey Rooney", 1, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318297, "Mickey Rooney", 4, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318298, "Mickey Rooney", 10, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318299, "Mickey Rooney", 11, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318302, "Mickey Rooney", 15, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318303, "Mickey Rooney", 21, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318304, "Mickey Rooney", 22, "Mickey Rooney"]], [[331831, 318305, "Mickey Rooney", 23, "Mickey Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Mickey Rooney has only been in television shows."} {"id": 104931, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dracula má hororovou, komediální i romantickou interpretaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dracula has horror, comedy, and romance interpretations."} {"id": 140766, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Libérie není země.", "evidence": [[[163753, 177996, "Libérie", 0, "Liberia"]], [[163753, 177997, "Libérie", 23, "Liberia"]]], "claim_en": "Liberia is not a country."} {"id": 199682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andre Pirlo působí pouze v newyorském týmu.", "evidence": [[[234837, 237647, "Andrea Pirlo", 0, "Andrea Pirlo"]], [[234843, 237649, "Andrea Pirlo", 0, "Andrea Pirlo"]]], "claim_en": "Andre Pirlo is only on the NYC team."} {"id": 153258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Bainová hraje v Číně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Bain acts in China."} {"id": 37745, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 2015 mezi Američany 56 % dospělých konzumovalo v posledním měsíci alkoholický nápoj, přičemž 10 % dávalo přednost vínu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 2015, among Americans, 56% of adults had consumed alcoholic drink in the last month, with 10% preferring wine."} {"id": 117397, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová je osoba, která hraje.", "evidence": [[[137770, 152704, "Melanie Griffithová", 0, "Melanie Griffith"]], [[137770, 152706, "Melanie Griffithová", 3, "Melanie Griffith"]], [[137770, 152707, "Melanie Griffithová", 6, "Melanie Griffith"]]], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith is a person who acts."} {"id": 206658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Papua-Nová Guinea je mořský živočich.", "evidence": [[[244361, 245381, "Papua Nová Guinea", 0, "Papua New Guinea"]]], "claim_en": "Papua New Guinea is an ocean sea creature."} {"id": 14437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wayne Rooney je fotbalista.", "evidence": [[[29725, 36226, "Wayne Rooney", 0, "Wayne Rooney"]], [[29725, 36227, "Wayne Rooney", 2, "Wayne Rooney"]], [[29725, 36228, "Wayne Rooney", 14, "Wayne Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Wayne Rooney is a footballer."} {"id": 43341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vlad císař je jedináček.", "evidence": [[[129380, 144130, "Vlad III. Dracula", 2, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129380, 144131, "Vlad III. Dracula", 3, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129380, 144132, "Vlad III. Dracula", 13, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129380, 144134, "Vlad III. Dracula", 20, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129382, 144135, "Vlad III. Dracula", 2, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129382, 144136, "Vlad III. Dracula", 3, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129382, 144137, "Vlad III. Dracula", 13, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[129382, 144138, "Vlad III. Dracula", 20, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[309138, 299409, "Vlad III. Dracula", 2, "Vlad the Impaler"]], [[309138, 299410, "Vlad III. Dracula", 3, "Vlad the Impaler"]]], "claim_en": "Vlad the Impaler is an only child."} {"id": 79805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "TD Garden hostila zápasy finále Stanley Cupu v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[96756, 109910, "TD Garden", 9, "TD Garden"]], [[96760, 109913, "TD Garden", 9, "TD Garden"]]], "claim_en": "TD Garden hosted games in the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals."} {"id": 87596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bohemian Rhapsody byla komerčně úspěšná, když vyšla jako singl a prodalo se jí přes milion kopií.", "evidence": [[[104796, 118207, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 7, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody was a commercial success when released as a single and selling over a million copies."} {"id": 61755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celé jméno Anny Frankové znělo Annelies Marie Franková.", "evidence": [[[78235, 89756, "Anne Franková", 0, "Anne Frank"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank's full name was Annelies Marie Frank."} {"id": 32501, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Clooney je filantrop.", "evidence": [[[48602, 57908, "George Clooney", 0, "George Clooney"]]], "claim_en": "George Clooney is a philanthropist."} {"id": 89174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vizigóti postupně přejímali kulturu svých italských poddaných.", "evidence": [[[106396, 119827, "Vizigóti", 16, "Visigoths"]]], "claim_en": "The Visigoths gradually adopted the culture of their Italian subjects."} {"id": 123475, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just the Way You Are je zrušený singl Bruna Marse.", "evidence": [[[144992, 159995, "Just the Way You Are", 0, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 159996, "Just the Way You Are", 1, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 159997, "Just the Way You Are", 3, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 159998, "Just the Way You Are", 4, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 159999, "Just the Way You Are", 7, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160000, "Just the Way You Are", 8, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160001, "Just the Way You Are", 9, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160002, "Just the Way You Are", 10, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160003, "Just the Way You Are", 11, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160004, "Just the Way You Are", 12, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160005, "Just the Way You Are", 17, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160006, "Just the Way You Are", 18, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160007, "Just the Way You Are", 21, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]], [[144992, 160008, "Just the Way You Are", 20, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just the Way You Are is a cancelled single by Bruno Mars."} {"id": 132891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kamala Harrisová zastávala funkci v letech 2004 až 2011.", "evidence": [[[155353, 170048, "Kamala Harrisová", 8, "Kamala Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Kamala Harris served between 2004 and 2011."} {"id": 49828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chester Bennington je buddhista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chester Bennington is a Buddhist."} {"id": 182326, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Netopýr Kittiho je ohrožený druh netopýra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kitti's hog-nosed bat is an endangered species of bat."} {"id": 115181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexandra Daddario je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[135228, 150148, "Alexandra Daddario", 0, "Alexandra Daddario"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandra Daddario is Canadian."} {"id": 57781, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daenerys Targaryen je členka rodu Lannisterů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daenerys Targaryen is a member of House Lannister."} {"id": 74843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států schvaluje zákony předtím, než jsou zaslány prezidentovi.", "evidence": [[[91628, 104403, "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států amerických", 10, "United States House of Representatives"]]], "claim_en": "The United States House of Representatives passes legislation before it is sent to the President."} {"id": 120308, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Austrálii vznikla vojenská kolonie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Australia had a military colony."} {"id": 146717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Bohemian Rhapsody byl vydán v roce 1976.", "evidence": [[[170264, 183812, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 1, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody was released in 1976."} {"id": 223333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dlouhá cesta z ráje měla název How Long.", "evidence": [[[266021, 263124, "Long Road Out of Eden", 7, "Long Road Out of Eden"]], [[266034, 263135, "Long Road Out of Eden", 7, "Long Road Out of Eden"]], [[266034, 263136, "Long Road Out of Eden", 6, "Long Road Out of Eden"]]], "claim_en": "Long Road Out of Eden had How Long on it."} {"id": 201617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V koncertním projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos hrají členové skupiny Slipknot.", "evidence": [[[237322, 239548, "Matt Sorum", 17, "Matt Sorum"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos features members of Slipknot."} {"id": 155898, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christina Aguilera se snažila celosvětově prodat nějaké album.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera has struggled to sell any albums globally."} {"id": 49161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ginger Baker je členem Fraternitas Saturni.", "evidence": [[[65496, 76372, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker is an inductee of the Fraternitas Saturni."} {"id": 209605, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trollové jsou hudební dobrodružná romantická komedie o kočkách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trolls is a musical romantic comedy adventure film about cats."} {"id": 122777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "XHamster produkuje arabský román.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "XHamster produces an Arabic novel."} {"id": 109902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2006 Adele absolvovala BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology.", "evidence": [[[128963, 143723, "Adele", 1, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "In 2006, Adele graduated from the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology."} {"id": 140341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V představení Brass hraje Caroline Blakiston.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The show Brass stars Caroline Blakiston."} {"id": 80310, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byla vytvořena Sansa Stark.", "evidence": [[[254945, 254495, "Sansa Stark", 0, "Sansa Stark"]], [[322427, 310763, "Sansa Stark", 0, "Sansa Stark"]]], "claim_en": "Sansa Stark was created."} {"id": 84395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Los Angeles Lakers porazili tým ve finále mistrovství.", "evidence": [[[101461, 114703, "Los Angeles Lakers", 9, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[101461, 114704, "Los Angeles Lakers", 15, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[101461, 114705, "Los Angeles Lakers", 17, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[101461, 114707, "Los Angeles Lakers", 19, "Los Angeles Lakers"], [101461, 114707, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[101461, 114708, "Los Angeles Lakers", 20, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[101461, 114709, "Los Angeles Lakers", 21, "Los Angeles Lakers"]]], "claim_en": "The Los Angeles Lakers defeated a team in the Finals championship."} {"id": 34066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Velký Buck Howard režíroval John McCain.", "evidence": [[[50179, 59728, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Buck Howard was directed by John McCain."} {"id": 134512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Applegate hrála v roce 2010 ve filmu The Big Hit.", "evidence": [[[157061, 171613, "Christina Applegate", 5, "Christina Applegate"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Applegate was in The Big Hit in 2010."} {"id": 10526, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Pravá krev neobsahuje děsivé motivy fantasy.", "evidence": [[[25556, 31473, "Pravá krev", 0, "True Blood"], [25556, 31473, "Dark fantasy", 0, "Dark fantasy"]]], "claim_en": "True Blood does not incorporate frightening themes of fantasy."} {"id": 35664, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Ruffalo se objevil ve třetí epizodě seriálu CBS Summer Playhouse (1989).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Ruffalo appeared in the third episode of CBS Summer Playhouse (1989)."} {"id": 6589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. nebyl velvyslancem Spojených států v Singapuru.", "evidence": [[[23356, 28786, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 0, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]], [[23356, 28787, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 7, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. was not the United States Ambassador to Singapore."} {"id": 3722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Telangana obsahuje město Warangal.", "evidence": [[[19930, 24481, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana contains the city Warangal."} {"id": 47032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V TD Garden hrál pouze jeden basketbalový tým, a to Lakers.", "evidence": [[[63354, 74098, "TD Garden", 9, "TD Garden"]], [[63354, 74099, "TD Garden", 8, "TD Garden"]], [[63354, 74100, "TD Garden", 5, "TD Garden"]]], "claim_en": "Only one basketball team has played at TD Garden, the Lakers."} {"id": 187707, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené království je členem Společenství národů, Rady Evropy, skupiny ministrů financí G7, fóra G7, skupiny G20, NATO, Organizace pro hospodářskou spolupráci a rozvoj (OECD) a Světové obchodní organizace (WTO).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The UK is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the Council of Europe, the G7 finance ministers, the G7 forum, the G20, NATO, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Trade Organization (WTO)."} {"id": 86753, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matthew Modine ztvárnil historickou postavu Dr. Martina Brennera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matthew Modine played the historical figure Dr. Martin Brenner."} {"id": 157656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Walter Matthau získal ocenění Zlatý glóbus a cenu Tony.", "evidence": [[[181872, 194157, "Walter Matthau", 2, "Walter Matthau"]]], "claim_en": "Walter Matthau won an award called the Golden Globe and Tony awards."} {"id": 210233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William McKinley byl zastřelen.", "evidence": [[[249058, 249096, "William McKinley", 22, "William McKinley"]]], "claim_en": "William McKinley was shot."} {"id": 135088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Subhas Chandra Bose zemřel 10. srpna 1945.", "evidence": [[[157669, 172281, "Subháš Čandra Bós", 0, "Subhas Chandra Bose"]]], "claim_en": "Subhas Chandra Bose died on 10 August 1945."} {"id": 146339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tony Blair je předsedou Labouristické strany.", "evidence": [[[169828, 183414, "Tony Blair", 1, "Tony Blair"]], [[169828, 183415, "Tony Blair", 0, "Tony Blair"]], [[169828, 183416, "Tony Blair", 5, "Tony Blair"]], [[169828, 183417, "Tony Blair", 6, "Tony Blair"], [169828, 183417, "Labouristická strana", 0, "Labour Party (UK)"]], [[169828, 183418, "Tony Blair", 14, "Tony Blair"]], [[169828, 183419, "Tony Blair", 26, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair is a leader of the Labour Party."} {"id": 157930, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Součástí druhé světové války byla německá invaze do Řecka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "World War II included the German invasion of Greece."} {"id": 25223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George W. Bush byl prezidentem v letech 2004 až 2008.", "evidence": [[[41180, 49507, "George W. Bush", 0, "George W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George W. Bush was a president from 2004 to 2008."} {"id": 50404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drew Barrymore začala hrát na divadelních prknech.", "evidence": [[[66901, 77713, "Drew Barrymore", 2, "Drew Barrymore"]]], "claim_en": "Drew Barrymore began acting on stage."} {"id": 57946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naruto není anime.", "evidence": [[[74280, 85502, "Naruto", 11, "Naruto"]], [[74280, 85503, "Naruto", 16, "Naruto"]], [[74280, 85504, "Naruto", 20, "Naruto"]], [[74280, 85505, "Naruto", 22, "Naruto"]], [[74280, 85506, "Naruto", 24, "Naruto"]]], "claim_en": "Naruto is not an anime."} {"id": 68253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Cena se účastnil různých hlavních soutěží ve zpěvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Cena has competed in different singing main events."} {"id": 153705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Desky Daddyho Yankeeho se prodalo více kopií než všech ostatních latinskoamerických hudebních desek tohoto desetiletí.", "evidence": [[[295785, 287818, "Daddy Yankee", 10, "Daddy Yankee"]], [[297347, 289014, "Daddy Yankee", 10, "Daddy Yankee"]], [[341523, 325941, "Daddy Yankee", 10, "Daddy Yankee"]], [[343540, 327315, "Daddy Yankee", 10, "Daddy Yankee"]]], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee's record sold more copies than any other Latin music records of the decade."} {"id": 55622, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wonder Woman je zkušená v lovu divoké zvěře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wonder Woman is skilled in wildlife hunting."} {"id": 184693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Augusto Pinochet se narodil v roce 1910.", "evidence": [[[215161, 222084, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215162, 222085, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]]], "claim_en": "Augusto Pinochet was born in the 1910s."} {"id": 96716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marshall McLuhan předpověděl World Wide Web 30 let před jeho vynálezem.", "evidence": [[[114287, 128069, "Marshall McLuhan", 5, "Marshall McLuhan"]]], "claim_en": "Marshall McLuhan predicted the World Wide Web 30 years before it was invented."} {"id": 177208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Příběh hraček produkovala společnost Nickelodeon.", "evidence": [[[205376, 213974, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story was produced by Nickelodeon."} {"id": 17387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Claire Danesová má s manželem jedno dítě.", "evidence": [[[32838, 39921, "Claire Danesová", 15, "Claire Danes"]]], "claim_en": "Claire Danes has one child with her husband."} {"id": 169960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brooks Wackerman se narodil v roce 1989.", "evidence": [[[196046, 206200, "Brooks Wackerman", 0, "Brooks Wackerman"]]], "claim_en": "Brooks Wackerman was born in 1989."} {"id": 141210, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Russell Brand se narodil v roce 1978.", "evidence": [[[164246, 178492, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Brand was born in 1978."} {"id": 9135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Album The Fall (Gorillaz) je nejvýdělečnějším hudebním albem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Fall (Gorillaz album) is the highest grossing music album."} {"id": 95651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Prakash Jha se narodil v pondělí 27. února 1952.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Prakash Jha was born on Monday February 27 1952."} {"id": 154234, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diego Costa získal trofej.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diego Costa won the trophy."} {"id": 181227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Melissa McCarthy se objevila v amerických televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[210360, 218129, "Melissa McCarthy", 1, "Melissa McCarthy"]]], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy appeared in American television shows."} {"id": 213128, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Weeknd vydal album až v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[252804, 252683, "The Weeknd", 3, "The Weeknd"]], [[252804, 252685, "The Weeknd", 7, "The Weeknd"]], [[252804, 252686, "The Weeknd", 11, "The Weeknd"]], [[252804, 252687, "The Weeknd", 18, "The Weeknd"]]], "claim_en": "The Weeknd only released an album in 2011."} {"id": 137387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film The Lego Movie byl vydán rok po roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[160157, 174678, "LEGO příběh", 0, "The Lego Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The Lego Movie was released a year after 2013."} {"id": 90941, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Legion je hlavní postava seriálu Agents of SHIELD.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legion is the main character of Agents of SHIELD."} {"id": 209951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugh Hefner je Američan.", "evidence": [[[248664, 248774, "Hugh Hefner", 0, "Hugh Hefner"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Hefner is an American."} {"id": 16518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vlk z Wall Street získal nominaci na nejlepší film.", "evidence": [[[31901, 38707, "Vlk z Wall Street", 15, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[31901, 38708, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street received a nomination for Best Picture."} {"id": 82417, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barva noci získala cenu Emmy za nejhorší film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Color of Night won an Emmy for worst film."} {"id": 110713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Džawaharlal Néhrú měl v posledních letech svého života politický klid.", "evidence": [[[129898, 144602, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 29, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]]], "claim_en": "Jawaharlal Nehru had political peace in his final years."} {"id": 13500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "K otěhotnění může dojít líbáním.", "evidence": [[[28757, 35092, "Těhotenství", 2, "Pregnancy"], [28757, 35092, "Asistovaná reprodukce", 0, "Assisted reproductive technology"], [28757, 35092, "Pohlavní styk", 0, "Sexual intercourse"]]], "claim_en": "Pregnancy can occur by kissing."} {"id": 109305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Myšlenky zločince měl premiéru v roce 2006.", "evidence": [[[128199, 142909, "Myšlenky zločince", 1, "Criminal Minds"]]], "claim_en": "Criminal Minds premiered in 2006."} {"id": 205573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp pracoval na čemkoli jiném než na těžbě nerostných surovin ze šachty.", "evidence": [[[242901, 244125, "Wyatt Earp", 5, "Wyatt Earp"], [242901, 244125, "Těžba", 0, "Mining"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp worked to do anything except extract minerals from a seam."} {"id": 112271, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbados je řazen mezi přední rybářské destinace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbados is ranked as a leading fishing destination."} {"id": 96207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Hamill se zcela vyhnul hlasovému herectví.", "evidence": [[[113756, 127620, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[113756, 127622, "Mark Hamill", 6, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill has avoided voice acting altogether."} {"id": 222568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album Life Is Peachy vyšlo u vydavatelství Immortal Records.", "evidence": [[[266187, 263243, "Life Is Peachy", 0, "Life Is Peachy"]], [[266188, 263244, "Life Is Peachy", 0, "Life Is Peachy"]]], "claim_en": "Life Is Peachy was released through Immortal Records."} {"id": 146726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Faith Evans se nesetkala s The Notorious B.I.G. při focení pro Bad Boy.", "evidence": [[[170270, 183818, "Faith Evans", 10, "Faith Evans"]]], "claim_en": "Faith Evans did not meet The Notorious B.I.G. at a Bad Boy photo shoot."} {"id": 122347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alison Brie pracuje jako akrobatka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alison Brie works as an acrobat."} {"id": 150889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rusko obsahuje město Boston.", "evidence": [[[174690, 187843, "Rusko", 3, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "Russia contains the city Boston."} {"id": 186153, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Ontariu je nula vodních ploch.", "evidence": [[[217085, 223727, "Ontario (provincie)", 7, "Ontario"]], [[217085, 223728, "Ontario (provincie)", 8, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "There are zero bodies of water in Ontario."} {"id": 67317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bloku se také říká \"křoví\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A block is also called a \"shrubbed.\""} {"id": 24428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buddhismus je škola.", "evidence": [[[40376, 48576, "Buddhismus", 0, "Buddhism"]], [[40376, 48577, "Buddhismus", 3, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism is a school."} {"id": 102679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benátky se nacházejí mezi Florencií a Boloňou.", "evidence": [[[122289, 136553, "Benátky", 2, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice is located between Florence and Bologna."} {"id": 117724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Soderbergh přišel o Oscara za nejlepší režii.", "evidence": [[[138141, 153089, "Steven Soderbergh", 5, "Steven Soderbergh"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Soderbergh lost an Academy Award for Best Director."} {"id": 194988, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tré Cool je vegan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tré Cool is vegan."} {"id": 141560, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aleister Crowley byl kníže.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aleister Crowley was a prince."} {"id": 105413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Intimity (film) byl uveden do kin v srpnu 2001.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Intimacy (film) was released in August 2001."} {"id": 172649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. se narodil v Americe.", "evidence": [[[199333, 209051, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 0, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. was born in America."} {"id": 228755, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harold Ramis byl negramotný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harold Ramis was illiterate."} {"id": 7750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 11. prosince 1935 se narodil Pranab Mukherjee.", "evidence": [[[12630, 15768, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[12632, 15770, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[12633, 15771, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[17573, 21729, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[19216, 23583, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[19881, 24426, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[299074, 290459, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]], [[301166, 292288, "Pranab Mukherdží", 0, "Pranab Mukherjee"]]], "claim_en": "On December 11th, 1935, Pranab Mukherjee was born."} {"id": 108740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Já před tebou je britsko-americký film, který byl uveden v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[127581, 142166, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 0, "Me Before You (film)"], [127581, 142166, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 5, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You is a British-American film released in 2016."} {"id": 180004, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Reg Watson vytvořil děti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reg Watson has created children."} {"id": 203588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Maguire byl inspirován sportovním agentem jménem Leigh Steinberg.", "evidence": [[[240219, 241876, "Jerry Maguire", 1, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Maguire was inspired by a sports agent named Leigh Steinberg."} {"id": 50728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová odmítla někdy zpívat nebo psát písně.", "evidence": [[[67071, 77864, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]]], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles refused to ever sing or write songs."} {"id": 23763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost KFC prošla mnoha změnami ve vlastnictví psů.", "evidence": [[[39705, 47786, "KFC", 14, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC went through many changes in dog ownership."} {"id": 111193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pátý element byl nejvýdělečnějším francouzským filmem v mezinárodních pokladnách.", "evidence": [[[130575, 145358, "Pátý element", 15, "The Fifth Element"]]], "claim_en": "The Fifth Element was the highest-grossing French film in the international box office."} {"id": 169418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grunge se stal komerčně úspěšným na počátku 90. let.", "evidence": [[[195319, 205609, "Grunge", 5, "Grunge"]]], "claim_en": "Grunge became commercially successful in the early 1990s."} {"id": 13537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Giampaolo Pazzini hraje jako postava za Hellas Verona.", "evidence": [[[28775, 35115, "Giampaolo Pazzini", 0, "Giampaolo Pazzini"]]], "claim_en": "Giampaolo Pazzini plays as a character for Hellas Verona."} {"id": 25846, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Louis C.K. byl nominován pouze na cenu Peabody.", "evidence": [[[41864, 50355, "Louis C.K.", 15, "Louis C.K."]], [[41864, 50356, "Louis C.K.", 16, "Louis C.K."]]], "claim_en": "Louis C.K. has only been nominated for a Peabody Award."} {"id": 225105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval hudbu pro Eddyho Arnolda.", "evidence": [[[268242, 264864, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced music for Eddy Arnold."} {"id": 68812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One Direction nejsou celebrity.", "evidence": [[[85437, 97772, "One Direction", 9, "One Direction"]], [[85437, 97773, "One Direction", 10, "One Direction"]], [[85437, 97774, "One Direction", 11, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "One Direction are not celebrities."} {"id": 66484, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spotřebitelský software společnosti Apple Inc. zahrnuje operační systém macOS a je uznávaný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Apple Inc.'s consumer software includes the macOS operating system and it is acclaimed."} {"id": 179604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Giacchino složil hudbu k filmu Inside Out.", "evidence": [[[208447, 216479, "Michael Giacchino", 1, "Michael Giacchino"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Giacchino composed the score for Inside Out."} {"id": 213879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kick-Ass je pouze horor.", "evidence": [[[253894, 253703, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Kick-Ass is only a horror film."} {"id": 30114, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost KFC se v polovině 60. let rozšířila o prodej automobilů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "KFC expanded to selling cars by the mid-1960s."} {"id": 84161, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Himálaj má některé ze svých pohoří v Bhútánu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Himalayas has some of its mountains in Bhutanl."} {"id": 55053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo obsahuje provokativní texty o sexu a explicitní výrazy.", "evidence": [[[71404, 82364, "J. Lo", 8, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo includes provocative lyrics about sex, and explicit language."} {"id": 125708, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mexiko nemá nejvíce památek světového dědictví UNESCO v Americe.", "evidence": [[[147508, 162513, "Mexiko", 23, "Mexico"]]], "claim_en": "Mexico does not have the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Americas."} {"id": 107239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce začala dříve než revoluce americká.", "evidence": [[[125875, 140279, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125876, 140280, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125877, 140281, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125878, 140282, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125879, 140283, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125880, 140284, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]], [[125881, 140285, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]]], "claim_en": "The French Revolution began before the American Revolution."} {"id": 79032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glee je hororová komedie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glee is a horror comedy."} {"id": 134633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jessica Chastainová není herečka.", "evidence": [[[157200, 171759, "Jessica Chastain", 0, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171760, "Jessica Chastain", 2, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171761, "Jessica Chastain", 3, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171762, "Jessica Chastain", 4, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171763, "Jessica Chastain", 5, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171764, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171765, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171766, "Jessica Chastain", 10, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171767, "Jessica Chastain", 11, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171768, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157200, 171769, "Jessica Chastain", 16, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171770, "Jessica Chastain", 0, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171771, "Jessica Chastain", 2, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171772, "Jessica Chastain", 3, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171773, "Jessica Chastain", 4, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171774, "Jessica Chastain", 5, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171775, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171776, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171777, "Jessica Chastain", 10, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171778, "Jessica Chastain", 11, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171779, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157201, 171780, "Jessica Chastain", 16, "Jessica Chastain"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain is not an actress."} {"id": 212245, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gory Guerrero byl profesionální mexický wrestler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gory Guerrero was a professional wrestler in Mexico."} {"id": 221660, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helen Huntová natáčela v roce 2007 kulisy pro různé nezávislé filmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helen Hunt made sets for various independent films in 2007."} {"id": 102515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Drak je slovo v angličtině.", "evidence": [[[120348, 134559, "Drak", 12, "Dragon"]], [[120349, 134560, "Drak", 12, "Dragon"]]], "claim_en": "Dragon is a word in English."} {"id": 66560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mentální anorexie má společný název.", "evidence": [[[212728, 220184, "Mentální anorexie", 0, "Anorexia nervosa"]], [[316346, 305567, "Mentální anorexie", 0, "Anorexia nervosa"]], [[316347, 305568, "Mentální anorexie", 0, "Anorexia nervosa"]]], "claim_en": "Anorexia nervosa has a common name."} {"id": 117935, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Blake Edwards začínal jako filmový herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blake Edwards started as a film actor."} {"id": 123957, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves dělal ducha pro jednoho Brazilce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for a Brazilian."} {"id": 119467, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Potter je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[140394, 155451, "Harry Potter", 0, "Harry Potter"]], [[140394, 155452, "Harry Potter", 5, "Harry Potter"]], [[140394, 155453, "Harry Potter", 9, "Harry Potter"]], [[140394, 155454, "Harry Potter", 10, "Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Potter is a TV series."} {"id": 163479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbara Bushová je manželka Sylvestera Stalloneho.", "evidence": [[[188037, 199604, "Barbara Bushová", 0, "Barbara Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush is the wife of Sylvester Stallone."} {"id": 106920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Getaway je skladba s názvem Go Robot.", "evidence": [[[126681, 141112, "The Getaway (album)", 14, "The Getaway (Red Hot Chili Peppers album)"]]], "claim_en": "The Getaway has a track called Go Robot."} {"id": 12705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Juliette Binoche absolvovala světové turné.", "evidence": [[[27953, 34254, "Juliette Binocheová", 17, "Juliette Binoche"]]], "claim_en": "Juliette Binoche has done a world tour."} {"id": 6414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Godfather Part II je politická strana.", "evidence": [[[23169, 28532, "Kmotr II", 0, "The Godfather Part II"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part II is a political party."} {"id": 225999, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bylo prodáno více než 170 milionů kopií hry Tetris.", "evidence": [[[269432, 265756, "Tetris", 18, "Tetris"]], [[269433, 265757, "Tetris", 18, "Tetris"]]], "claim_en": "More than 170 million copies of Tetris have been sold."} {"id": 87838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "ČLR má v Číně více členů než ROC.", "evidence": [[[105069, 118480, "Čína", 10, "China"]]], "claim_en": "The PRC has more members in China than the ROC."} {"id": 16019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Brown vydal 18. prosince 2015 album.", "evidence": [[[31414, 38128, "Chris Brown", 18, "Chris Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Brown released an album on December 18, 2015."} {"id": 44365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černobylská katastrofa se nakonec týkala více než 500 000 kuliček.", "evidence": [[[60757, 71241, "Černobylská havárie", 17, "Chernobyl disaster"]]], "claim_en": "The Chernobyl disaster ultimately involved over 500,000 balls."} {"id": 50389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Krotitelé duchů (2016) není schopen být nadpřirozenou komedií.", "evidence": [[[66739, 77563, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 0, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ghostbusters (2016 film) is incapable of being a supernatural comedy movie."} {"id": 84903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie má jeden jazyk, bantuštinu.", "evidence": [[[102031, 115299, "Tanzanie", 36, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania has one language, Bantu."} {"id": 169468, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oakland v Kalifornii je velké přístavní město.", "evidence": [[[195388, 205665, "Oakland", 1, "Oakland, California"]]], "claim_en": "Oakland, California is a major port city."} {"id": 136046, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Reddit má léky proti bolesti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reddit has painkillers."} {"id": 101169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin se objevil pouze ve filmech režírovaných Chrisem Columbusem.", "evidence": [[[118929, 132805, "Macaulay Culkin", 2, "Macaulay Culkin"], [118929, 132805, "Moje první láska", 0, "My Girl (film)"], [118929, 132805, "Party Monster", 0, "Party Monster (film)"], [118929, 132805, "Sám doma a bohatý", 0, "Richie Rich (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin only appeared in movies directed by Chris Columbus."} {"id": 152725, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Land Rover vyrábí Lamborghini.", "evidence": [[[176666, 189610, "Land Rover", 0, "Land Rover"], [176666, 189610, "Lamborghini", 1, "Lamborghini"]]], "claim_en": "Land Rover makes Lamborghini."} {"id": 104709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katie Stevensová hrála ve filmu Faking It.", "evidence": [[[279327, 273963, "Katie Stevens", 0, "Katie Stevens"]], [[281075, 275457, "Katie Stevens", 0, "Katie Stevens"]], [[283179, 277261, "Katie Stevens", 0, "Katie Stevens"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Stevens acted in Faking It."} {"id": 72672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roald Doahl byl vybrán mezi 20 nejlepších anglických spisovatelů od druhé světové války.", "evidence": [[[89393, 102093, "Roald Dahl", 8, "Roald Dahl"]]], "claim_en": "Roald Doahl was chosen as one of the top 20 best English authors since World War II."} {"id": 97899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Venuše má nejhustší atmosféru ze všech pozemských planet.", "evidence": [[[115522, 129388, "Venuše (planeta)", 10, "Venus"]]], "claim_en": "Venus has the densest atmosphere of the terrestrial planets."} {"id": 13462, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joaquin Phoenix vytvořil díla.", "evidence": [[[28699, 35036, "Joaquin Phoenix", 0, "Joaquin Phoenix"]]], "claim_en": "Joaquin Phoenix has produced works."} {"id": 93182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ricky Martin vystoupil s písní.", "evidence": [[[110537, 124143, "Ricky Martin", 0, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124144, "Ricky Martin", 2, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124145, "Ricky Martin", 8, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124146, "Ricky Martin", 7, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124147, "Ricky Martin", 9, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124148, "Ricky Martin", 10, "Ricky Martin"]], [[110537, 124149, "Ricky Martin", 11, "Ricky Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Ricky Martin performed a song."} {"id": 81780, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V ledním hokeji existují národní týmy.", "evidence": [[[98845, 111927, "Lední hokej", 21, "Ice hockey"], [98845, 111927, "Velká šestka (lední hokej)", 0, "Big Six (ice hockey)"]]], "claim_en": "There are national teams in ice hockey."} {"id": 56033, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephen Hillenburg se začal zajímat o ženu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephen Hillenburg developed an interest in woman."} {"id": 161705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Streptococcus nepatří do řádu Lactobacillales.", "evidence": [[[186236, 198107, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]]], "claim_en": "Streptococcus fails to belong to the order Lactobacillales."} {"id": 21138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na film Bezradná (Clueless) navázala série knih.", "evidence": [[[36911, 44563, "Praštěná holka", 7, "Clueless (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Clueless (film) was followed by a series of books."} {"id": 210436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jet Li se narodil v dubnu.", "evidence": [[[249280, 249279, "Jet Li", 0, "Jet Li"]]], "claim_en": "Jet Li was born in April."} {"id": 12440, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Washingtonská námořní konference se měla původně konat v Memorial Continental Hall, ale místo bylo změněno.", "evidence": [[[28406, 34723, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[33454, 40587, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[301740, 292851, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[304666, 295482, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference was initially supposed to be held at Memorial Continental Hall, but the location was changed."} {"id": 224837, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg je profesí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is a profession."} {"id": 72710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bruce Willis pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[89439, 102136, "Bruce Willis", 0, "Bruce Willis"]], [[89451, 102149, "Bruce Willis", 0, "Bruce Willis"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Willis is from America."} {"id": 139373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alessia Cara je žena.", "evidence": [[[162214, 176535, "Alessia Cara", 0, "Alessia Cara"]], [[162215, 176536, "Alessia Cara", 0, "Alessia Cara"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara is a woman."} {"id": 64464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bowie se svou hudbou neexperimentuje.", "evidence": [[[80915, 92769, "David Bowie", 11, "David Bowie"]], [[80915, 92770, "David Bowie", 21, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "Bowie is not experimental with his music."} {"id": 58235, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daft Punk vydali své debutové album v 90. letech.", "evidence": [[[74595, 85825, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk released their debut album in the 1990s."} {"id": 15442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Franková žila většinu svého života v Nizozemsku.", "evidence": [[[30854, 37492, "Anne Franková", 5, "Anne Frank"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank lived in the Netherlands for most of her life."} {"id": 74180, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Toyota je automobilová společnost, která vyrábí součásti automobilů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toyota is an automobile company that manufactures parts of cars."} {"id": 61633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christoph Waltz získal cenu v kategorii nejlepší herec.", "evidence": [[[78110, 89616, "Christoph Waltz", 3, "Christoph Waltz"]]], "claim_en": "Christoph Waltz received an award in the Best Actor category."} {"id": 78418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál True Blood obsahuje romantické motivy z oblasti fantasy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "True Blood incorporates romantic themes of fantasy."} {"id": 165149, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karolína, princezna hannoverská, je manželkou fiktivní postavy.", "evidence": [[[189906, 201089, "Caroline, hanoverská princezna", 5, "Caroline, Princess of Hanover"]]], "claim_en": "Caroline, Princess of Hanover is married to a fictional character."} {"id": 95728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Dolmayan je německý písničkář.", "evidence": [[[113238, 127123, "John Dolmayan", 0, "John Dolmayan"]]], "claim_en": "John Dolmayan is a German songwriter."} {"id": 73560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "O skupině The Vandals bylo poprvé slyšet na Aljašce.", "evidence": [[[90355, 103102, "Vandalové", 0, "Vandals"]]], "claim_en": "The Vandals were first heard of in Alaska."} {"id": 16355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Me Before You nerežírovala Thea Sharrock.", "evidence": [[[31745, 38497, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 0, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You was not directed by Thea Sharrock."} {"id": 128489, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Queen Latifah nemá alternativní identity.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah has no alternate identities."} {"id": 7889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andorra se nenachází v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[12902, 16080, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[12902, 16081, "Andorra", 5, "Andorra"]], [[12902, 16082, "Andorra", 6, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra is not located in Europe."} {"id": 75921, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Reddit měl kolo financování, které zahrnovalo území.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reddit had a funding round that included a territory."} {"id": 103993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pravá krev se odehrává v Jižní Karolíně.", "evidence": [[[122094, 136385, "Pravá krev", 5, "True Blood"]]], "claim_en": "True Blood is set in South Carolina."} {"id": 83122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V seriálu The Leftovers hraje Amy Whinehouse.", "evidence": [[[100168, 113418, "Pozůstalí", 4, "The Leftovers (TV series)"], [100168, 113418, "Amy Winehouse", 0, "Amy Winehouse"]]], "claim_en": "The Leftovers stars Amy Whinehouse."} {"id": 131274, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Keys nikdy nezískala 17 NAACP Image Awards.", "evidence": [[[153566, 168393, "Alicia Keys", 18, "Alicia Keys"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys never won 17 NAACP Image Awards."} {"id": 93317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Brown dosáhl sólového úspěchu u kritiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Brown has achieved solo critical success."} {"id": 175002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donald Trump se narodil v lednu roku 1946.", "evidence": [[[203454, 212470, "Donald Trump", 0, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Trump was born in January of 1946."} {"id": 190223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naruto je pouze britská novela.", "evidence": [[[222285, 227653, "Naruto", 0, "Naruto"]]], "claim_en": "Naruto is only a British novella."} {"id": 189982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Cage je lovec odměn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Cage is a bounty hunter."} {"id": 95662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fotbalový klub Crystal Palace F.C. vyhrál v roce 1991 mistrovství světa ve fotbale.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Crystal Palace F.C. won the World Cup in 1991."} {"id": 141703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Las Vegas je město v Nevadě.", "evidence": [[[164766, 178969, "Las Vegas", 3, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is a city in Nevada."} {"id": 210667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál v americkém filmu.", "evidence": [[[249557, 249552, "Richard Gere", 2, "Richard Gere"], [249557, 249552, "Americký gigolo", 0, "American Gigolo"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere starred in an American film."} {"id": 28364, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patty Hearstová byla unesena v roce 2017.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Patty Hearst was kidnapped in 2017."} {"id": 209502, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spánek může být narušen spánkovou paralýzou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sleep can be disrupted by sleep paralysis."} {"id": 110137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Mirror je britský sci-fi televizní seriál o moderní společnosti.", "evidence": [[[130168, 144897, "Černé zrcadlo", 0, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror is a British science fiction television series about modern society."} {"id": 10010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "NASA vedla většinu amerických snah o výzkum vesmíru.", "evidence": [[[20570, 25198, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]], [[22356, 27552, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]], [[23425, 28865, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]], [[301472, 292583, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]], [[304163, 295018, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]], [[304283, 295105, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]]], "claim_en": "NASA has led most US space exploration efforts."} {"id": 28538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Singapur se stal nezávislým na Spojeném království v roce 1963.", "evidence": [[[44693, 53380, "Singapur", 8, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore became independent from the UK in 1963."} {"id": 14664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Josif Stalin založil Sovětský svaz.", "evidence": [[[29951, 36505, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Stalin established the Soviet Union."} {"id": 18077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gerard Butler přišel na svět v listopadu.", "evidence": [[[33599, 40766, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]]], "claim_en": "Gerard Butler came into the world in November."} {"id": 86552, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Císař Norton má mezinárodní ohlas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emperor Norton has international appeal."} {"id": 217357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Constantine je film.", "evidence": [[[258298, 257120, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258298, 257121, "Constantine (film)", 1, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258298, 257122, "Constantine (film)", 9, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258298, 257123, "Constantine (film)", 16, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258299, 257124, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258299, 257125, "Constantine (film)", 1, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258299, 257126, "Constantine (film)", 9, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258299, 257127, "Constantine (film)", 16, "Constantine (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine is a film."} {"id": 100386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmech platily zákony Jima Crowa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Jim Crow laws were in effect in movies."} {"id": 132046, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt nikdy neplánoval ukončit Velkou hospodářskou krizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt never planned to end the Great Depression."} {"id": 50609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Freelander vyrábí společnost Land Rover.", "evidence": [[[66951, 77751, "Land Rover", 5, "Land Rover"]]], "claim_en": "The Freelander is made by Land Rover."} {"id": 17904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kenneth Branagh je režisér.", "evidence": [[[33411, 40530, "Kenneth Branagh", 0, "Kenneth Branagh"]]], "claim_en": "Kenneth Branagh is a director."} {"id": 165725, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Licence to Wed byla uvedena v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[190551, 201551, "Kněz je poděs", 0, "License to Wed"]], [[190551, 201552, "Kněz je poděs", 1, "License to Wed"]], [[190553, 201555, "Kněz je poděs", 0, "License to Wed"]], [[190553, 201556, "Kněz je poděs", 1, "License to Wed"]]], "claim_en": "License to Wed was released in the 2000's."} {"id": 197392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Simón Bolívar se narodil 24. července 1783 ve srubu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Simón Bolívar was born on July 24th, 1783 in a log cabin."} {"id": 149304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Perlman je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[173112, 186361, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman is Canadian."} {"id": 181601, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "WGBH-TV je americká nekomerční vzdělávací členská televizní stanice PBS.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "WGBH-TV is an American non-commercial educational PBS member television station."} {"id": 72592, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Felicity Jones se objevila ve filmu Amélie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Felicity Jones appeared in Amelie."} {"id": 83491, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl v roce 2005 zproštěn obvinění ze sexuálního zneužívání dětí.", "evidence": [[[100556, 113853, "Michael Jackson", 27, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was acquitted of child sexual abuse allegations in 2005."} {"id": 196245, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Princ egyptský je dramatický televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[230583, 234237, "Princ egyptský", 0, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234244, "Princ egyptský", 0, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234245, "Princ egyptský", 2, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234246, "Princ egyptský", 1, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234247, "Princ egyptský", 8, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234248, "Princ egyptský", 12, "The Prince of Egypt"]], [[230590, 234249, "Princ egyptský", 13, "The Prince of Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "The Prince of Egypt is a drama television show."} {"id": 1047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Twenty One Pilots vznikla v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[16608, 20549, "Twenty One Pilots", 1, "Twenty One Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Twenty One Pilots was formed in 2009."} {"id": 16137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum hrála ve filmu, který napsal Sam Esmail.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum was in a film written by Sam Esmail."} {"id": 147640, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Giacomo Casanova byl dobrodruh a byl kultivovaný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Giacomo Casanova was an adventurer and he was cultured."} {"id": 23734, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V obsazení filmu Inception se objevil slon.", "evidence": [[[39694, 47770, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"]]], "claim_en": "Inception's cast includes an elephant."} {"id": 185003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Yamaha Corporation nemá žádné sjednocené společnosti ani dceřiné společnosti.", "evidence": [[[215589, 222429, "Yamaha", 0, "Yamaha Corporation"]]], "claim_en": "Yamaha Corporation has no unified companies or subsidiaries."} {"id": 114667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Adjustment Bureau je americká vědecká reklamní kampaň z roku 2011.", "evidence": [[[134641, 149558, "Správci osudu", 0, "The Adjustment Bureau"]]], "claim_en": "The Adjustment Bureau is a 2011 American science ad campaign."} {"id": 5250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matthew Vaughn režíroval film Hvězdný prach (flim z roku 2007).", "evidence": [[[22148, 27240, "Hvězdný prach (film, 2007)", 1, "Stardust (2007 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Matthew Vaughn directed the film Stardust (2007 flim)."} {"id": 43818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Beatles vznikla v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[131751, 146598, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[133696, 148566, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[135169, 150094, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[309309, 299550, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[310690, 300734, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles started in 1960."} {"id": 75841, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Asie obsahuje Novosibirsk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Asia contains Novosibirsk."} {"id": 123224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zákony Jima Crowa byly součástí státních hesel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Jim Crow laws were part of state mottos."} {"id": 31224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Blackhawks hráli zápasy v TD Garden.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Blackhawks have played games at TD Garden."} {"id": 226699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina The Beach Boys měla s 36 hity nejvíce hitů v americké Top 40 ze všech amerických rockových skupin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "With 36, The Beach Boys had the most US Top 40 hits of any American rock band."} {"id": 212565, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marble Hill se nachází ve čtvrti Manhattan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marble Hill is in the district of Manhattan."} {"id": 199501, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robbie Collin se zúčastnil slavnostního předávání cen ve Skotsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robbie Collin went to an awards ceremony in Scotland."} {"id": 109320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jared Padalecki se objevil v seriálu Gilmorova děvčata.", "evidence": [[[128220, 142936, "Jared Padalecki", 2, "Jared Padalecki"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Padalecki appeared in Gilmore Girls."} {"id": 4538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kateřina Alexandrijská je křesťanská světice.", "evidence": [[[20847, 25545, "Kateřina Alexandrijská", 0, "Catherine of Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Catherine of Alexandria is a Christian saint."} {"id": 137463, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje televizní seriál, do kterého byla obsazena Naomi Watts.", "evidence": [[[160219, 174750, "Naomi Wattsová", 1, "Naomi Watts"]], [[160219, 174751, "Naomi Wattsová", 5, "Naomi Watts"]]], "claim_en": "There is a television series that cast Naomi Watts."} {"id": 31953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth je známý svou rolí v australském televizním seriálu Home and Away, který se vysílá v současnosti.", "evidence": [[[48099, 57422, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth is known for his role on the Australian TV series Home and Away, airing currently."} {"id": 210290, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moana je severoamerický film.", "evidence": [[[249117, 249156, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana is a North American film."} {"id": 7389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hraje v něm Hugh Grant.", "evidence": [[[11970, 14976, "Hugh Grant", 0, "Hugh Grant"]], [[11970, 14977, "Hugh Grant", 14, "Hugh Grant"]], [[11970, 14978, "Hugh Grant", 16, "Hugh Grant"]], [[11970, 14979, "Hugh Grant", 17, "Hugh Grant"]], [[11970, 14980, "Hugh Grant", 18, "Hugh Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Grant acts."} {"id": 34809, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost z Jižní Koreje se specializuje na zábavu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A company from South Korea specializing in entertainment."} {"id": 58295, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dileep je po Vinayakanovi třetím nejlépe placeným hercem malajalámské kinematografie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dileep is the third highest paid actor in Malayalam cinema after Vinayakan."} {"id": 20465, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Martin pracoval na seriálu Scrubs.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Martin worked on Scrubs."} {"id": 142807, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Itálie má absolutní monarchii.", "evidence": [[[165861, 179836, "Itálie", 0, "Italy"]], [[165863, 179838, "Itálie", 0, "Italy"]]], "claim_en": "Italy has an absolute monarchy."} {"id": 88463, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je kniha z roku 2013.", "evidence": [[[106962, 120354, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 book."} {"id": 49352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler usiloval o zavedení sociálního systému.", "evidence": [[[66596, 77405, "Adolf Hitler", 15, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler aimed to establish a social welfare system."} {"id": 4283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Původní podoba her na hrdiny byla stolní RPG.", "evidence": [[[20551, 25180, "Hra na hrdiny", 6, "Role-playing game"]]], "claim_en": "Role-playing games' original form was table top RPG."} {"id": 174123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter je Američan.", "evidence": [[[201241, 210686, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter is an American."} {"id": 207502, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harry Potter a Voldemort se ve filmu Harry Potter a relikvie smrti usmířili.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harry Potter and Voldemort reconcile their differences in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."} {"id": 24561, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peru se stalo zemí prvního světa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peru has become a first world country."} {"id": 201674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V koncertním projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos hrají členové nejméně jedné rockové kapely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos features members of at least one rock band."} {"id": 134186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie Robinson je naživu.", "evidence": [[[156724, 171336, "Jackie Robinson", 0, "Jackie Robinson"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie Robinson is alive."} {"id": 47143, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje letecká společnost Delta Air Lines.", "evidence": [[[63454, 74200, "Delta Air Lines", 0, "Delta Air Lines"]], [[63454, 74201, "Delta Air Lines", 1, "Delta Air Lines"]], [[63454, 74202, "Delta Air Lines", 2, "Delta Air Lines"]], [[63454, 74203, "Delta Air Lines", 6, "Delta Air Lines"]], [[63454, 74204, "Delta Air Lines", 12, "Delta Air Lines"]]], "claim_en": "There is an airline called Delta Air Lines."} {"id": 72645, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dolly Partonová není schopná natočit album.", "evidence": [[[89370, 102064, "Dolly Parton", 1, "Dolly Parton"]], [[89370, 102065, "Dolly Parton", 2, "Dolly Parton"]], [[89370, 102066, "Dolly Parton", 3, "Dolly Parton"]], [[89370, 102067, "Dolly Parton", 8, "Dolly Parton"]], [[89370, 102068, "Dolly Parton", 9, "Dolly Parton"]]], "claim_en": "Dolly Parton is incapable of making an album."} {"id": 69849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bojkot může být z politických důvodů.", "evidence": [[[86535, 98967, "Bojkot", 0, "Boycott"]]], "claim_en": "A boycott can be for political reasons."} {"id": 195832, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeong Hyeong-don je levák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeong Hyeong-don is left-handed."} {"id": 85548, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Woflmanův scénář napsal Andrew Kevin Walker v roce 2003.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Woflman's screenplay was written by Andrew Kevin Walker in 2003."} {"id": 151725, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2008 vydala Scarlett Johanssonová album.", "evidence": [[[292903, 285575, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[292904, 285576, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[295495, 287616, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[341009, 325479, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[341235, 325710, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 9, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "In 2008, Scarlett Johansson released an album."} {"id": 36157, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Heard hrál v seriálu The Twilight Zone.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Heard starred in The Twilight Zone."} {"id": 18187, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Thewlis hrál fotbal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Thewlis played soccer."} {"id": 17473, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Schindlerův seznam byl uveden do kin 15. prosince 1993.", "evidence": [[[32932, 40013, "Schindlerův seznam", 18, "Schindler's List"]]], "claim_en": "Schindler's List was released on December 15, 1993."} {"id": 75286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Krotitelé duchů měli premiéru pouze v kinech AMC.", "evidence": [[[92075, 104858, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 10, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ghostbusters only premiered at the AMC Theatres."} {"id": 80145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Silicon Valley nepracovalo asi 250 000 pracovníků v oblasti informačních technologií.", "evidence": [[[97112, 110300, "Silicon Valley", 8, "Silicon Valley"]]], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley did not employ about 250,000 information technology workers."} {"id": 98213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Downey Jr. byl odmítnut pro film Sherlock Holmes.", "evidence": [[[115845, 129716, "Robert Downey Jr.", 16, "Robert Downey Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Robert Downey Jr. was rejected for the film Sherlock Holmes."} {"id": 50920, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Polynom je výraz a je důležitý v matematice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A polynomial is an expression and it is important in mathematics."} {"id": 207213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Time of Our Lives je první EP Miley Cyrus.", "evidence": [[[245037, 245958, "Miley Cyrusová", 7, "Miley Cyrus"], [245037, 245958, "The Time of Our Lives", 0, "The Time of Our Lives (EP)"]]], "claim_en": "The Time of Our Lives is Miley Cyrus's first EP."} {"id": 22548, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rúmí byl voják.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rumi was a soldier."} {"id": 198198, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Strain byl uveden na Hulu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Strain was released on Hulu."} {"id": 97032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doug Jones se objevil ve filmu z roku 2006.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doug Jones appeared in a 2006 movie."} {"id": 99756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sienna Miller není modelka.", "evidence": [[[117410, 131322, "Sienna Millerová", 0, "Sienna Miller"]]], "claim_en": "Sienna Miller is not a model."} {"id": 136725, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Diana, princezna z Walesu, nezemřela při autonehodě v Paříži 31. srpna 1997.", "evidence": [[[159403, 173948, "Princezna Diana", 18, "Diana, Princess of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Diana, Princess of Wales did not die in a car crash in Paris on August 31st, 1997."} {"id": 99178, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Bob Thornton režíroval v roce 2001 film Jayne Mansfield's Car.", "evidence": [[[116827, 130710, "Billy Bob Thornton", 16, "Billy Bob Thornton"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Bob Thornton directed the 2001 film Jayne Mansfield's Car."} {"id": 36683, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Jennings Bryan pochází z Indiany.", "evidence": [[[52865, 62810, "William Jennings Bryan", 0, "William Jennings Bryan"]]], "claim_en": "William Jennings Bryan is from Indiana."} {"id": 78388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tým Washington Wizards se stal vítězem sedmi divizních titulů.", "evidence": [[[95344, 108370, "Washington Wizards", 12, "Washington Wizards"]]], "claim_en": "The Washington Wizards have been the winners of seven division titles."} {"id": 43519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Třetí série seriálu IZombie měla premiéru v 21. století.", "evidence": [[[59851, 70255, "IZombie", 6, "IZombie (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "IZombie's third season premiered in the 21st century."} {"id": 22884, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mohamed se přestěhoval z Paříže do Medíny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Muhammad migrated from Paris to Medina."} {"id": 222425, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell hrál v oceňovaném představení ve filmu Talladega Nights.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell starred in an award-winning performance in Talladega Nights."} {"id": 195848, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Saskatchewan měl v prosinci 2013 podle odhadů více než 1 000 000 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[230123, 233858, "Saskatchewan", 5, "Saskatchewan"]]], "claim_en": "Saskatchewan had an estimated population of over 1,000,000 in December of 2013."} {"id": 55660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Wales je americký internetový podnikatel.", "evidence": [[[72029, 83023, "Jimmy Wales", 0, "Jimmy Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Wales is an American Internet entrepreneur."} {"id": 176710, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Bill řídil operaci \"sting\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Bill directed a sting operation."} {"id": 146064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Severní Korea je pohraniční.", "evidence": [[[169446, 183081, "Severní Korea", 3, "North Korea"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea is bordered."} {"id": 47774, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dovolená: V roce 2015 se v Koreji uskutečnil první ročník festivalu \"Dovolená\": Voják není nikdy mimo službu natočil Vipul Shah v roce 1986.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty was produced by Vipul Shah in 1986."} {"id": 104561, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ben Kingsley zemřel Krishna Pandit Bhanji.", "evidence": [[[122857, 137151, "Ben Kingsley", 0, "Ben Kingsley"]]], "claim_en": "Ben Kingsley died Krishna Pandit Bhanji."} {"id": 36267, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Návrat do budoucnosti II je pokračování filmu Roberta Zemeckise.", "evidence": [[[52468, 62448, "Návrat do budoucnosti II", 1, "Back to the Future Part II"], [52468, 62448, "Návrat do budoucnosti", 0, "Back to the Future"]]], "claim_en": "Back to the Future II is the sequel to a film by Robert Zemeckis."} {"id": 89467, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alice je přepracovaný film z roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[106701, 120101, "Alice (film, 1990)", 0, "Alice (1990 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alice is a reworking of a 2017 film."} {"id": 86138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupinu AC/DC spoluzaložil Malcolm Young.", "evidence": [[[103298, 116671, "AC/DC", 0, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC was co-founded by Malcolm Young."} {"id": 116056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elle Fanningová nikdy nehrála ve filmu, který režíroval J. J. Abrams.", "evidence": [[[136320, 151132, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136321, 151133, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136322, 151134, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136323, 151135, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136324, 151136, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136325, 151137, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136326, 151138, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136327, 151139, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136328, 151140, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136329, 151141, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136330, 151142, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136331, 151143, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136332, 151144, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136333, 151145, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136334, 151146, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136335, 151147, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136336, 151148, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]], [[136337, 151149, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]]], "claim_en": "Elle Fanning never starred in a film directed by J. J. Abrams."} {"id": 31028, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mimoňové jsou druhým nejvýdělečnějším animovaným filmem, celosvětově utržili 1,1 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[47179, 56305, "Mimoni", 8, "Minions (film)"]], [[47182, 56308, "Mimoni", 8, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions is the second highest-grossing animated film, raking in $1.1 billion worldwide."} {"id": 84498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Kevin Walker byl za svůj scénář nominován na Olympijské hry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Kevin Walker was nominated by the Olympics for his screenwriting."} {"id": 227948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leslie Groves se narodil 13. července 1970.", "evidence": [[[271896, 267675, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves was born on July 13, 1970."} {"id": 46305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Američtí bohové nevytvořili Bryan Fuller a Michael Green.", "evidence": [[[62644, 73308, "Američtí bohové (seriál)", 1, "American Gods (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "American Gods was not developed by Bryan Fuller and Michael Green."} {"id": 4472, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joaquin Phoenix nehrál vedlejší roli ve filmu Quills.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joaquin Phoenix did not play a supporting role in Quills."} {"id": 121513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Ocean vydal album.", "evidence": [[[142691, 157836, "Frank Ocean", 9, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean released an album."} {"id": 174692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jodie Fosterová získala svého druhého Oscara za radu ve filmu Mlčení jehňátek.", "evidence": [[[201988, 211320, "Jodie Fosterová", 9, "Jodie Foster"]]], "claim_en": "Jodie Foster won her second Academy Award for her advice in The Silence of the Lambs."} {"id": 24776, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Underdog se odehrával v domě Amy Adamsové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Underdog was set in the house of Amy Adams."} {"id": 88804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eragon je film, ve kterém hraje herec.", "evidence": [[[106030, 119396, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film starring an actor."} {"id": 80465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arabština je jazyk, ve kterém agentura Reuters přenáší zprávy.", "evidence": [[[97455, 110621, "Reuters", 6, "Reuters"]]], "claim_en": "Arabic is a language in which Reuters transmits news."} {"id": 48607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pákistánská ekonomika je 42. největší v nominálním hrubém domácím produktu.", "evidence": [[[64971, 75829, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "Pakistan's economy is 42nd largest in nominal gross domestic product."} {"id": 17121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš kázal své poselství ústně.", "evidence": [[[32563, 39581, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus preached his message orally."} {"id": 5035, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čestnou cenu Akademie uděluje Rada guvernérů Akademie filmového umění a věd a je významná v oblasti kinematografie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Academy Honorary Award is given by the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and it is significant in cinema."} {"id": 54728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeremy Irons je držitelem několika cen.", "evidence": [[[71092, 82001, "Jeremy Irons", 18, "Jeremy Irons"]], [[71092, 82002, "Jeremy Irons", 15, "Jeremy Irons"]], [[71092, 82003, "Jeremy Irons", 16, "Jeremy Irons"]], [[71092, 82004, "Jeremy Irons", 7, "Jeremy Irons"]], [[71092, 82005, "Jeremy Irons", 2, "Jeremy Irons"]]], "claim_en": "Jeremy Irons has won multiple prizes."} {"id": 84096, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zinedine Zidane Zlatý míč neobdržel.", "evidence": [[[101132, 114383, "Zinédine Zidane", 16, "Zinedine Zidane"]]], "claim_en": "Zinedine Zidane did not receive the Golden Ball."} {"id": 139424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V jihovýchodní Asii se nachází Bali.", "evidence": [[[162268, 176569, "Bali", 0, "Bali"], [162268, 176569, "Indonésie", 0, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Southeast Asia contains Bali."} {"id": 142028, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mackenzie Foyová je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mackenzie Foy is a singer."} {"id": 199093, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnuje OSN.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "International Relations includes the U.N."} {"id": 209790, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gene Hackman zemřel předtím, než se objevil ve filmu z roku 2004.", "evidence": [[[248436, 248617, "Gene Hackman", 10, "Gene Hackman"]]], "claim_en": "Gene Hackman died before appearing in a 2004 film."} {"id": 105757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeremy Irons je držitelem několika ocenění.", "evidence": [[[124140, 138474, "Jeremy Irons", 7, "Jeremy Irons"]], [[124140, 138475, "Jeremy Irons", 16, "Jeremy Irons"]]], "claim_en": "Jeremy Irons has been the recipient of multiple awards."} {"id": 130976, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "There Will Be Blood je britský dramatický film.", "evidence": [[[153239, 167999, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[153240, 168000, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]]], "claim_en": "There Will Be Blood is a British drama movie."} {"id": 198984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují mnoho témat.", "evidence": [[[233965, 236843, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]], [[233965, 236844, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[233965, 236845, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 2, "International relations"]], [[233965, 236846, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]], [[233965, 236847, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 1, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations includes many subject matters."} {"id": 56263, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noel Fisher ztvárnil postavu skřeta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noel Fisher portrayed a goblin."} {"id": 85095, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžběta I. Anglická byla poslední panovnicí z dynastie Tudorovců.", "evidence": [[[102202, 115476, "Alžběta I.", 1, "Elizabeth I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth I of England was the last monarch of the Tudor dynasty."} {"id": 35853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Albert Einstein se narodil mimo Německo.", "evidence": [[[52031, 61927, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein was born outside of Germany."} {"id": 49182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1992 vydala skupina Radiohead svůj první singl.", "evidence": [[[65513, 76386, "Radiohead", 5, "Radiohead"]]], "claim_en": "In 1992, Radiohead released their first single."} {"id": 127190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všechna Madonnina alba jsou bez názvu.", "evidence": [[[288326, 281614, "Madonna", 10, "Madonna (entertainer)"]], [[288326, 281615, "Madonna", 9, "Madonna (entertainer)"], [288326, 281615, "Madonna (album)", 0, "Madonna (Madonna album)"]], [[288747, 281983, "Madonna", 9, "Madonna (entertainer)"], [288747, 281983, "Madonna (album)", 0, "Madonna (Madonna album)"]], [[288747, 281984, "Madonna", 10, "Madonna (entertainer)"]], [[288747, 281985, "Madonna", 11, "Madonna (entertainer)"], [288747, 281985, "Like a Virgin (píseň)", 0, "Like a Virgin (song)"]], [[333519, 319768, "Madonna", 10, "Madonna (entertainer)"]], [[334432, 320500, "Madonna", 9, "Madonna (entertainer)"]], [[334432, 320501, "Madonna", 10, "Madonna (entertainer)"]]], "claim_en": "Madonna's albums are all untitled."} {"id": 55991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bon Scott byl zpěvákem skupiny.", "evidence": [[[72346, 83400, "Bon Scott", 0, "Bon Scott"]], [[72346, 83401, "Bon Scott", 5, "Bon Scott"]], [[72346, 83402, "Bon Scott", 6, "Bon Scott"], [72346, 83402, "AC/DC", 0, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "Bon Scott was the lead singer for a band."} {"id": 93613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová dosud nebyla nominována na divadelní cenu NAACP.", "evidence": [[[110974, 124635, "Michelle Williams (zpěvačka)", 12, "Michelle Williams (singer)"]], [[110974, 124637, "Michelle Williams (zpěvačka)", 16, "Michelle Williams (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams has yet to be nominated for an NAACP Theatre Award."} {"id": 65983, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stephen Hawking je Rus.", "evidence": [[[82539, 94321, "Stephen Hawking", 0, "Stephen Hawking"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen Hawking is Russian."} {"id": 31522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andorra je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[91651, 104427, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104428, "Andorra", 12, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104429, "Andorra", 11, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104430, "Andorra", 6, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104431, "Andorra", 5, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104432, "Andorra", 2, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104433, "Andorra", 1, "Andorra"]], [[91651, 104434, "Andorra", 13, "Andorra"]], [[94086, 107087, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[94383, 107369, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297203, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297204, "Andorra", 1, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297205, "Andorra", 2, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297206, "Andorra", 5, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297207, "Andorra", 6, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297208, "Andorra", 10, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297209, "Andorra", 11, "Andorra"]], [[306573, 297210, "Andorra", 12, "Andorra"]], [[307568, 298040, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra is a television show."} {"id": 116067, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Illinoiská univerzita v Chicagu je financována ze soukromých zdrojů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The University of Illinois at Chicago is privately funded."} {"id": 163423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ilchanát obsahoval pouze Haiti.", "evidence": [[[188119, 199656, "Ílchanát", 4, "Ilkhanate"]]], "claim_en": "Ilkhanate only contained Haiti."} {"id": 228689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sezóna seriálu Dva a půl chlapa není schopna vysílání.", "evidence": [[[272858, 268519, "Dva a půl chlapa", 0, "Two and a Half Men"]], [[272859, 268520, "Dva a půl chlapa", 0, "Two and a Half Men"]]], "claim_en": "Two and a Half Men season is incapable of being aired."} {"id": 154550, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexická válka o reformu netrvala ani tři roky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's War of the Reform didn't last three years."} {"id": 36044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay vydala píseň s názvem Yellow.", "evidence": [[[52228, 62189, "Coldplay", 8, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay released a song called Yellow."} {"id": 142685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Queen Latifah se narodila v únoru.", "evidence": [[[165739, 179736, "Queen Latifah", 0, "Queen Latifah"]]], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah was born February."} {"id": 210089, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ronaldo Maczinski je Jihoameričan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ronaldo Maczinski is South American."} {"id": 149860, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ativan je na seznamu základních léků Mezinárodního měnového fondu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ativan is on the International Monetary Fund's List of Essential Medicines."} {"id": 79857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Roth se narodil v roce 1961.", "evidence": [[[96810, 109957, "Tim Roth", 0, "Tim Roth"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Roth was born in 1961."} {"id": 5679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhá série Stranger Things se odehrává tři roky po první.", "evidence": [[[22352, 27544, "Stranger Things", 6, "Stranger Things"]]], "claim_en": "Stranger Things' second season is set three years after its first."} {"id": 125668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily Collinsová je slavná osobnost.", "evidence": [[[288135, 281416, "Lily Collins", 0, "Lily Collins"]], [[288135, 281417, "Lily Collins", 4, "Lily Collins"]], [[288135, 281418, "Lily Collins", 5, "Lily Collins"]], [[288135, 281419, "Lily Collins", 10, "Lily Collins"]], [[288617, 281837, "Lily Collins", 0, "Lily Collins"]]], "claim_en": "Lily Collins is a celebrity."} {"id": 55736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson sloužil u letectva.", "evidence": [[[72100, 83088, "Willie Nelson", 8, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson served in the Air Force."} {"id": 224554, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Upíří akademie vydělala 15,4 milionu dolarů na charitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vampire Academy grossed $15.4 million for charity."} {"id": 129093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Python obsahuje ruční správu paměti.", "evidence": [[[151177, 165978, "Python", 5, "Python (programming language)"]]], "claim_en": "Python features manual memory management."} {"id": 132584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Všichni milenci se ve Francii dostal do první desítky.", "evidence": [[[155021, 169735, "All the Lovers", 12, "All the Lovers"]], [[155022, 169736, "All the Lovers", 12, "All the Lovers"]]], "claim_en": "All the Lovers, in France, reached the top ten."} {"id": 81302, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Punk rock je americký rockový žánr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Punk rock is an American rock genre."} {"id": 45323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dwayne Wade začal hrát za tým Bulls v roce 2014.", "evidence": [[[61670, 72162, "Dwyane Wade", 11, "Dwyane Wade"]]], "claim_en": "Dwayne Wade started playing for the Bulls in 2014."} {"id": 161693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Streptokok patří do řádu želvovitých.", "evidence": [[[186230, 198103, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]]], "claim_en": "Streptococcus belongs to the order Turtles."} {"id": 226385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seminář je vzdělávací instituce pro výuku teologie a přípravu studentů na kněžské svěcení.", "evidence": [[[269902, 266072, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]]], "claim_en": "Seminary is an educational institution for teaching students theology and preparing them for ordination."} {"id": 42686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Weasley je součástí série Stmívání.", "evidence": [[[58985, 69303, "Ron Weasley", 0, "Ron Weasley"]], [[58985, 69304, "Ron Weasley", 1, "Ron Weasley"]], [[58985, 69305, "Ron Weasley", 3, "Ron Weasley"], [58985, 69305, "Škola čar a kouzel v Bradavicích", 0, "Hogwarts"]], [[58985, 69306, "Ron Weasley", 2, "Ron Weasley"], [58985, 69306, "Místa v Harry Potterovi", 0, "Places in Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Weasley is part of the Twilight series."} {"id": 142632, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Manganiello sotva pracoval s Arnoldem Schwarzeneggerem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Manganiello has barely worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger."} {"id": 79993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album skupiny Daft Punk se jmenovalo Homework.", "evidence": [[[96952, 110125, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk's album was called Homework."} {"id": 146850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Newcastle United F.C. byl omezen v profesionální fotbalové soutěži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Newcastle United F.C. was restricted from competing professionally in soccer."} {"id": 61256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanada patří do první desítky zemí s nejvyššími příjmy na obyvatele.", "evidence": [[[77754, 89213, "Kanada", 28, "Canada"]]], "claim_en": "Canada is among the top ten highest per capita income."} {"id": 106726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nelson Mandela zavedl reformu.", "evidence": [[[125361, 139694, "Nelson Mandela", 21, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela introduced reform."} {"id": 56530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Capone vykazoval známky syfilitické demence.", "evidence": [[[72878, 83981, "Al Capone", 23, "Al Capone"]], [[72879, 83982, "Al Capone", 23, "Al Capone"]]], "claim_en": "Al Capone showed signs of syphilitic dementia."} {"id": 115517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laura Preponová hrála v seriálu Orange Is the New Black.", "evidence": [[[136563, 151392, "Laura Prepon", 1, "Laura Prepon"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Prepon starred in Orange Is the New Black."} {"id": 205990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elisabeth Sladen hrála hlavní role.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elisabeth Sladen starred in leading roles."} {"id": 205301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky měly premiéru 26. prosince 2007.", "evidence": [[[242576, 243916, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes premiered on December 26, 2007."} {"id": 25740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matkou Jamie Lee Curtisové je Tony Curtis.", "evidence": [[[41750, 50203, "Jamie Lee Curtis", 12, "Jamie Lee Curtis"], [41750, 50203, "Janet Leighová", 2, "Janet Leigh"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Lee Curtis' mother is Tony Curtis."} {"id": 144437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brittany Murphy se narodila v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[167681, 181446, "Brittany Murphyová", 0, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181447, "Brittany Murphyová", 2, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181448, "Brittany Murphyová", 3, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181449, "Brittany Murphyová", 6, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181450, "Brittany Murphyová", 7, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181451, "Brittany Murphyová", 8, "Brittany Murphy"]], [[167681, 181452, "Brittany Murphyová", 12, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy was born in 2009."} {"id": 34828, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je značka bavlněného zboží.", "evidence": [[[51009, 60746, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is a brand of cotton goods."} {"id": 60231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Martin byl umělec.", "evidence": [[[76658, 87977, "George Martin", 0, "George Martin"]]], "claim_en": "George Martin was a performer."} {"id": 125626, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Saddám Husajn se narodil v roce 1870.", "evidence": [[[147383, 162387, "Saddám Husajn", 0, "Saddam Hussein"]]], "claim_en": "Saddam Hussein was born in 1870."} {"id": 78558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Námořní akademie Spojených států je čtyřměsíční akademie.", "evidence": [[[95576, 108602, "Námořní akademie Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States Naval Academy"]]], "claim_en": "The United States Naval Academy is a four month academy."} {"id": 171796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bermudy se nacházejí přibližně 1070 km východo-jihovýchodně od mysu na pobřeží Severní Karolíny a jsou chráněny jako stejnojmenný prvek názvu Cape Hatteras National Seashore Cape Hatteras v Severní Karolíně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bermuda is approximately 1070 km east-southeast of a cape on the coast of North Carolina, and is protected as the namesake feature of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore name Cape Hatteras, North Carolina."} {"id": 167921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jon Pertwee hrál v seriálu z 20. století.", "evidence": [[[193319, 203868, "Jon Pertwee", 3, "Jon Pertwee"]], [[193319, 203869, "Jon Pertwee", 5, "Jon Pertwee"]], [[193330, 203878, "Jon Pertwee", 3, "Jon Pertwee"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee was in a series from the 20th century."} {"id": 77678, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christopher Lee ztvárnil Hillary Clintonovou ve filmu Muž se zlatou zbraní.", "evidence": [[[94613, 107590, "Christopher Lee", 2, "Christopher Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lee portrayed Hillary Clinton in The Man with the Golden Gun."} {"id": 207049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Hiddleston se objevil ve filmu Stevena Spielberga.", "evidence": [[[244826, 245748, "Tom Hiddleston", 7, "Tom Hiddleston"]], [[244833, 245755, "Tom Hiddleston", 7, "Tom Hiddleston"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hiddleston appeared in a film by Steven Spielberg."} {"id": 24366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Keanu Reeves hrál Johnnyho Mnemonica ve filmu Johnny Mnemonic.", "evidence": [[[40308, 48487, "Keanu Reeves", 11, "Keanu Reeves"]]], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves played Johnny Mnemonic in Johnny Mnemonic."} {"id": 10893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Odin se objevuje v severské mytologii.", "evidence": [[[26093, 32091, "Ódin", 0, "Odin"], [26093, 32091, "Germánská mytologie", 2, "Germanic mythology"]], [[26093, 32092, "Ódin", 1, "Odin"]], [[26093, 32093, "Ódin", 2, "Odin"], [26093, 32093, "Germánská mytologie", 2, "Germanic mythology"]]], "claim_en": "Odin appears in Norse mythology."} {"id": 95593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Elementary hraje herecké obsazení.", "evidence": [[[113112, 126950, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 1, "Elementary (TV series)"]], [[113112, 126951, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 12, "Elementary (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Elementary has a cast."} {"id": 166461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Reacher (film) je britský film.", "evidence": [[[191439, 202302, "Jack Reacher: Poslední výstřel", 3, "Jack Reacher (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Reacher (film) is a British film."} {"id": 148834, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová je podnikatelka.", "evidence": [[[172496, 185797, "Jennifer Aniston", 0, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[172496, 185798, "Jennifer Aniston", 10, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston is a businessperson."} {"id": 150301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zlato je nerozpustné.", "evidence": [[[174124, 187295, "Zlato", 15, "Gold"]]], "claim_en": "Gold is insoluble."} {"id": 68505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Downův syndrom plně popsal John Langdon Down v roce 1866.", "evidence": [[[85115, 97383, "Downův syndrom", 26, "Down syndrome"]]], "claim_en": "Down syndrome was fully described by John Langdon Down in 1866."} {"id": 110457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Chase je postava z literatury faktu.", "evidence": [[[280344, 274822, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]], [[281777, 276087, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]], [[281778, 276088, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]], [[329469, 316255, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]], [[329470, 316256, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Chase is a nonfiction character."} {"id": 20936, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rané vyznání víry křesťanství je Apoštolské vyznání víry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "An early statement of faith for Christianity is the Apostle's Creed."} {"id": 78635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kariéra Roberta Redforda začala v roce 1965.", "evidence": [[[95596, 108615, "Robert Redford", 4, "Robert Redford"]], [[95596, 108616, "Robert Redford", 5, "Robert Redford"]], [[95596, 108617, "Robert Redford", 6, "Robert Redford"]], [[95596, 108618, "Robert Redford", 9, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford's career began in 1965."} {"id": 50442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Den nezávislosti: Film Independence Day: Resurgence byl uveden do kin až 24. června 2016.", "evidence": [[[154180, 168965, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 10, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[156885, 171462, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 10, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[158884, 173544, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 10, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[311814, 301746, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 10, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[313187, 302840, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 10, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]]], "claim_en": "Independence Day: Resurgence wasn't released on June 24, 2016."} {"id": 50967, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Derricku Roseovi bylo 22 let, když získal cenu MVP NBA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Derrick Rose was 22 when he won the NBA's MVP Award."} {"id": 15303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laurence Olivier vystupoval po boku herečky.", "evidence": [[[30721, 37343, "Laurence Olivier", 8, "Laurence Olivier"]], [[30721, 37344, "Laurence Olivier", 16, "Laurence Olivier"], [30721, 37344, "Mrtvá a živá", 3, "Rebecca (1940 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Olivier performed alongside an actress."} {"id": 121731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Unapologetic je píseň.", "evidence": [[[142926, 158040, "Unapologetic", 0, "Unapologetic"]]], "claim_en": "Unapologetic is a song."} {"id": 68733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steve Buscemi strávil celou svou kariéru ve farmaceutickém průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[220553, 226301, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226302, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226303, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226304, "Steve Buscemi", 3, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226305, "Steve Buscemi", 6, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226306, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226307, "Steve Buscemi", 9, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226308, "Steve Buscemi", 10, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[220553, 226309, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"], [220553, 226309, "Věznice (film)", 1, "Animal Factory"]], [[317705, 306700, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306701, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306702, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306703, "Steve Buscemi", 3, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306704, "Steve Buscemi", 6, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306705, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306706, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306707, "Steve Buscemi", 9, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317705, 306708, "Steve Buscemi", 10, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306710, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306711, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306712, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306713, "Steve Buscemi", 3, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306714, "Steve Buscemi", 6, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306715, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306716, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306717, "Steve Buscemi", 9, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317708, 306718, "Steve Buscemi", 10, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306721, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306722, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306723, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306724, "Steve Buscemi", 3, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306725, "Steve Buscemi", 6, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306726, "Steve Buscemi", 7, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306727, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306728, "Steve Buscemi", 9, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[317714, 306729, "Steve Buscemi", 10, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi spent his entire career in the pharmaceutical industry."} {"id": 60655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tupac není rapper.", "evidence": [[[77100, 88510, "Tupac Shakur", 0, "Tupac Shakur"]], [[77100, 88511, "Tupac Shakur", 2, "Tupac Shakur"], [77100, 88511, "All Eyez on Me", 0, "All Eyez on Me"]], [[77100, 88512, "Tupac Shakur", 4, "Tupac Shakur"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac is not a rap artist."} {"id": 65557, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Audrey Hepburnová hrála ve filmu Sabrina.", "evidence": [[[82143, 93928, "Audrey Hepburnová", 11, "Audrey Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn starred in Sabrina."} {"id": 185374, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Place Beyond the Pines natočil v roce 2012 režisér Derek Cianfrance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Place Beyond the Pines was directed by Derek Cianfrance in 2012."} {"id": 153293, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Portnoy založil společnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Portnoy has formed a company."} {"id": 153820, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V obsazení filmu Velký Waldo Pepper byl americký herec Bo Svenson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Waldo Pepper's cast included American actor Bo Svenson."} {"id": 167894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jon Pertwee hrál v seriálu v letech 1987 až 1989.", "evidence": [[[193280, 203847, "Jon Pertwee", 5, "Jon Pertwee"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee was in a series from 1987 to 1989."} {"id": 140826, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moskva je město v Rusku.", "evidence": [[[163826, 178067, "Moskva", 1, "Moscow"]], [[163826, 178068, "Moskva", 0, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is a city in Russia."} {"id": 203067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Akon má na svém kontě více než deset písní se zlatým certifikátem.", "evidence": [[[239468, 241302, "Akon", 9, "Akon"]]], "claim_en": "Akon has had more than ten gold certified songs."} {"id": 215554, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu 50 First Dates hrál Peter Segal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "50 First Dates starred Peter Segal."} {"id": 52911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung byl Japonec.", "evidence": [[[69198, 79964, "Mao Ce-tung", 0, "Mao Zedong"]], [[69198, 79965, "Mao Ce-tung", 4, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong was Japanese."} {"id": 49927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hotel Transylvánie je výhradně ručně kreslený.", "evidence": [[[156305, 170913, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]], [[158306, 172941, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]], [[311707, 301643, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]], [[311713, 301646, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]]], "claim_en": "Hotel Transylvania is exclusively hand-drawn."} {"id": 223102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Your Highness byl němý animovaný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Your Highness was a silent animated film."} {"id": 75227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laurence Olivier a Peggy Ashcroftová hráli vedle sebe.", "evidence": [[[92015, 104796, "Laurence Olivier", 8, "Laurence Olivier"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Olivier and Peggy Ashcroft performed alongside each other."} {"id": 149214, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson vydal album.", "evidence": [[[172920, 186168, "Willie Nelson", 1, "Willie Nelson"]], [[172920, 186169, "Willie Nelson", 16, "Willie Nelson"]], [[172920, 186170, "Willie Nelson", 22, "Willie Nelson"]], [[172920, 186171, "Willie Nelson", 24, "Willie Nelson"]], [[172920, 186172, "Willie Nelson", 23, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson has an album."} {"id": 6185, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doctor Who pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[22937, 28275, "Pán času", 0, "Doctor Who"]], [[22937, 28276, "Pán času", 11, "Doctor Who"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Who is from America."} {"id": 28861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexander Lebeděv je chudý.", "evidence": [[[44978, 53676, "Alexandr Jevgenjevič Lebeděv", 3, "Alexander Lebedev"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Lebedev is poor."} {"id": 219758, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sylvester Stallone se narodil 6. července 1946.", "evidence": [[[261436, 259569, "Sylvester Stallone", 0, "Sylvester Stallone"]]], "claim_en": "Sylvester Stallone was born on July 6, 1946."} {"id": 211320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berryová nemá žádné děti.", "evidence": [[[250395, 250395, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has no children."} {"id": 160902, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra Numb byla součástí kontroverzního DLC pro Rock Band 3.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Numb was part of a controversial DLC for Rock Band 3."} {"id": 71997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neuvěřitelný Hulk je neadaptovaný komiks.", "evidence": [[[25909, 31846, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 0, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]], [[25909, 31847, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 1, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]], [[25909, 31848, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 2, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]], [[25909, 31849, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 12, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]], [[25909, 31850, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 17, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]], [[300581, 291744, "Neuvěřitelný Hulk", 0, "The Incredible Hulk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Incredible Hulk is an unadapted comic book."} {"id": 215422, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Začátek a vysílání 79. ročníku předávání cen Akademie se uskutečnilo v 17:30 hodin našeho času a ve 20:30 hodin našeho času.", "evidence": [[[255895, 255215, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards started and aired at 5:30 p.m. PST and 8:30 p.m. EST."} {"id": 164497, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nobelova cena za chemii byla udělena osobě z Nizozemského království.", "evidence": [[[189187, 200507, "Nobelova cena za chemii", 6, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"]]], "claim_en": "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to a person from the Kingdom of the Netherlands."} {"id": 170222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Divergentní série: Insurgent je film podle předlohy Veronicy Rothové.", "evidence": [[[196365, 206483, "Rezistence (film)", 0, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent film is based on a movie by Veronica Roth."} {"id": 184863, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Bourne Supremacy vystupuje postava jménem Pamela Landy.", "evidence": [[[215382, 222266, "Bournův mýtus", 11, "The Bourne Supremacy (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Bourne Supremacy has a character called Pamela Landy."} {"id": 22024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech žije 3,8 milionu lidí.", "evidence": [[[37848, 45773, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States has 3.8 million people."} {"id": 157688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe nebyla herečka.", "evidence": [[[181926, 194212, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194213, "Marilyn Monroe", 8, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194214, "Marilyn Monroe", 10, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194215, "Marilyn Monroe", 14, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194216, "Marilyn Monroe", 11, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194217, "Marilyn Monroe", 16, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[181926, 194219, "Marilyn Monroe", 20, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe was not an actress."} {"id": 36010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Judi Denchová získala Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[55458, 65502, "Judi Denchová", 13, "Judi Dench"]]], "claim_en": "Judi Dench has won Golden Globe Awards."} {"id": 96056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adderall má mnoho společných farmakologických vlastností s lidskými stopovými aminy.", "evidence": [[[113596, 127468, "Adderall", 18, "Adderall"]]], "claim_en": "Adderall shares a lot of pharmacological properties with the human trace amines."} {"id": 77788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Noam Chomsky přispěl k novým kognitivním rámcům.", "evidence": [[[94729, 107714, "Noam Chomsky", 23, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky contributed to new cognitive frameworks."} {"id": 136698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jižní Korea leží jižně od Severní Koreje.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "South Korea is south of North Korea."} {"id": 145316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aishwarya Rai předala ocenění Purpurové srdce svému kamarádovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aishwarya Rai gave away the award Purple Heart to a comrade."} {"id": 165354, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Světový festival vědy pořádá Světová nadace vědy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The World Science Festival is hosted by the World Science Foundation."} {"id": 179270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tylenol je značka krému.", "evidence": [[[207981, 216154, "Tylenol", 0, "Tylenol (brand)"]]], "claim_en": "Tylenol is a brand of cream."} {"id": 75105, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Chainsmokers jsou kapitalisté.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Chainsmokers are capitalists."} {"id": 51994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Morena Baccarin hrála ve filmu Hvězdná brána: Hvězdná brána: Archa pravdy.", "evidence": [[[160841, 175337, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[162719, 176981, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[163674, 177903, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[312099, 301971, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[313409, 303029, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]], [[313426, 303041, "Morena Baccarin", 1, "Morena Baccarin"]]], "claim_en": "Morena Baccarin was in the film Stargate: The Ark of Truth."} {"id": 149041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Major League Soccer je hlavní profesionální sportovní tým.", "evidence": [[[172752, 186024, "Major League Soccer", 0, "Major League Soccer"]], [[172752, 186025, "Major League Soccer", 1, "Major League Soccer"]]], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer is a major professional sports team."} {"id": 206688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richmond ve Virginii je 50 mil od Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[244398, 245410, "Richmond", 0, "Richmond, Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Richmond, Virginia is 50 miles from United States."} {"id": 156750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film 2001: Vesmírná odysea byl financován společností Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer a získal si uznání.", "evidence": [[[180845, 193209, "2001: Vesmírná odysea (film)", 9, "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)"]], [[180845, 193210, "2001: Vesmírná odysea (film)", 19, "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)"]], [[180845, 193211, "2001: Vesmírná odysea (film)", 20, "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)"]]], "claim_en": "2001: A Space Odyssey was financed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and gained praise."} {"id": 41872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cenu Bravo uděluje časopis Cosmopolitan.", "evidence": [[[58173, 68401, "Cena Bravo", 0, "Bravo Award"]]], "claim_en": "The Bravo Award is handed out by Cosmopolitan."} {"id": 187421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hippokrates byl také označován jako Hippokrates II.", "evidence": [[[218674, 224913, "Hippokratés", 0, "Hippocrates"]], [[218678, 224916, "Hippokratés", 0, "Hippocrates"]]], "claim_en": "Hippocrates was also referred to as Hippocrates II."} {"id": 100092, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grey's Anatomy je drama.", "evidence": [[[117743, 131619, "Chirurgové", 0, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[117743, 131620, "Chirurgové", 16, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[117743, 131621, "Chirurgové", 19, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[117743, 131622, "Chirurgové", 20, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy is a drama."} {"id": 134895, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Little Mix drží kočku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Little Mix holds a cat."} {"id": 158754, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vincente Minnelli je režisér.", "evidence": [[[183042, 195136, "Vincente Minnelli", 0, "Vincente Minnelli"]]], "claim_en": "Vincente Minnelli is a director."} {"id": 101691, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alice je předělávka Stmívání.", "evidence": [[[119418, 133424, "Alice (film, 1990)", 1, "Alice (1990 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alice is a reworking of Twilight."} {"id": 58447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Chase byl součástí týmu diagnostiků.", "evidence": [[[74808, 86013, "Robert Chase", 2, "Robert Chase"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Chase was part of a team of diagnosticians."} {"id": 8147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle je ryba.", "evidence": [[[13274, 16602, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[13274, 16603, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is a fish."} {"id": 49348, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Premier League Asia Trophy je bezvýznamná hra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Premier League Asia Trophy is an insignificant game."} {"id": 125265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dílo Sigmunda Freuda prodchlo současné západní myšlení i popkulturu.", "evidence": [[[146938, 161903, "Sigmund Freud", 19, "Sigmund Freud"]]], "claim_en": "Sigmund Freud's work has suffused contemporary Western thought and pop culture."} {"id": 162081, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Válka světů je založena na jiném tvůrčím díle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "War of the Worlds is based another creative work."} {"id": 179995, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kirk Douglas je vegan, pacifista, hráč na saxofon a Kanaďan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas is a vegan, pacifist, saxophone player and Canadian."} {"id": 2082, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Wagner je dramatik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Wagner is a playwright."} {"id": 207852, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová zemřela 27. prosince 2016 ve svém hotelovém pokoji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher died on December 27th, 2016 in her hotel room."} {"id": 200601, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige hraje Robert Downey Jr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Prestige stars Robert Downey Jr."} {"id": 221683, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všechny záchranné čluny Titaniku byly spuštěny na vodu zcela naložené.", "evidence": [[[263993, 261515, "Titanic", 16, "RMS Titanic"]]], "claim_en": "All of Titanic's lifeboats were launched completely loaded."} {"id": 20513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Led Zeppelin II nahráli pouze Beatles.", "evidence": [[[53537, 63534, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[56921, 67157, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[56921, 67158, "Led Zeppelin II", 2, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[59939, 70350, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[59939, 70351, "Led Zeppelin II", 2, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[302928, 293914, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[305099, 295932, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin II was only recorded by the Beatles."} {"id": 111241, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Akademik byl povoláním Noam Chomsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Academic was Noam Chomsky's occupation."} {"id": 174629, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Aktech X hrála vegetariánská herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The X-Files starred a vegetarian actress."} {"id": 94623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová se rozvedla s Justinem Therouxem.", "evidence": [[[112077, 125886, "Jennifer Aniston", 17, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[112084, 125890, "Jennifer Aniston", 17, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston is divorced from Justin Theroux."} {"id": 117501, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra Assassin's Creed není na více herních konzolích.", "evidence": [[[137869, 152825, "Assassin's Creed", 7, "Assassin's Creed"]]], "claim_en": "Assassin's Creed is not on multiple video game consoles."} {"id": 137869, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A. J. Cook se objevil ve filmu Proč si nehraješ v pekle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A.J. Cook appeared in Why Don't You Play in Hell."} {"id": 34935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jim Henson byl Armén.", "evidence": [[[51102, 60838, "Jim Henson", 0, "Jim Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Henson was an Armenian."} {"id": 596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Audrey Hepburnová pracovala v nejchudších komunitách Asie.", "evidence": [[[16032, 19908, "Audrey Hepburnová", 18, "Audrey Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn worked in some of the poorest communities of Asia."} {"id": 133494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii se nachází první americké město.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is home to the first U.S. city."} {"id": 64194, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Den nezávislosti: Vzkříšení je film jiného žánru než sci-fi.", "evidence": [[[202225, 211553, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[205077, 213707, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[207560, 215799, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[315714, 304952, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]], [[315715, 304953, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]]], "claim_en": "Independence Day: Resurgence is a film of a genre other than science fiction."} {"id": 41305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundgarden hráli v žánrovém stylu alternativní rock.", "evidence": [[[57596, 67823, "Soundgarden", 5, "Soundgarden"], [57596, 67823, "Grunge", 0, "Grunge"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden played in a genre style of alternative rock."} {"id": 130385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hypotyreóza může vést ke špatné schopnosti snášet chlad.", "evidence": [[[152635, 167406, "Hypotyreóza", 1, "Hypothyroidism"]]], "claim_en": "Hypothyroidism can lead to poor ability to tolerate cold."} {"id": 181256, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sean Gunn byl na tenisovém kurtu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sean Gunn was on a tennis court."} {"id": 49802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man byl nominován na Oscara za nejlepší původní píseň.", "evidence": [[[66124, 76963, "Spider-Man (film)", 16, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song."} {"id": 89803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na Oscara byly nominovány nejméně čtyři filmy Toy Story 3.", "evidence": [[[107115, 120489, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 13, "Toy Story 3"]]], "claim_en": "There were at least four Academy Awards for which Toy Story 3 was nominated."} {"id": 136689, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dustin Hoffman je Blíženec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dustin Hoffman is a Gemini."} {"id": 158359, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chelsea F.C. je prvním týmem, který vyhrál všechny 3 klubové soutěže UEFA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chelsea F.C. is the first team to win all 3 UEFA club competitions."} {"id": 93305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vězeň je vážné drama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Prisoner is a serious drama."} {"id": 94299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quinoa je kvetoucí trvalka, která se vyskytuje téměř všude na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quinoa is a flowering perennial that occurs almost anywhere in the world."} {"id": 82011, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bali se nachází na nejvýchodnějším konci Malých Sundských ostrovů.", "evidence": [[[99070, 112181, "Bali", 2, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is located at the easternmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands."} {"id": 116925, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Benjamin Franklin měl na počátku kampaně koloniální disonanci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Benjamin Franklin had early campaigning for colonial dissonance."} {"id": 209049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cenu pro nejužitečnějšího hráče Major League Baseball nikdy nezískal maskot týmu Arizona Diamondbacks.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player Award has never been presented to a mascot of the Arizona Diamondbacks."} {"id": 205276, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hutuští extremisté se podíleli na genocidě ve Rwandě v roce 1995.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hutu extremists were involved in the 1995 Rwanda genocide in Rwanda."} {"id": 159798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Citalopram používá obchodní název Cipramil.", "evidence": [[[184237, 196172, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]], [[184238, 196173, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]]], "claim_en": "Citalopram uses the brand name Cipramil."} {"id": 77719, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost BYD Auto vyrábí pouze jablečný mošt.", "evidence": [[[94656, 107636, "BYD Auto", 0, "BYD Auto"]], [[94656, 107637, "BYD Auto", 2, "BYD Auto"]], [[94656, 107638, "BYD Auto", 3, "BYD Auto"]], [[94656, 107639, "BYD Auto", 8, "BYD Auto"]], [[94656, 107640, "BYD Auto", 9, "BYD Auto"]]], "claim_en": "BYD Auto only manufacturers apple cider."} {"id": 180943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Erich von Manstein si odseděl deset měsíců ve vězení.", "evidence": [[[210022, 217785, "Erich von Manstein", 22, "Erich von Manstein"]]], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein served ten months in prison."} {"id": 6946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pí je matematická konstanta používaná v geometrii.", "evidence": [[[23908, 29595, "Pí (číslo)", 0, "Pi"], [23908, 29595, "Kružnice", 0, "Circle"]]], "claim_en": "Pi is a mathematical constant used in geometry."} {"id": 84239, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John McEnroe byl basketbalista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John McEnroe was a basketball player."} {"id": 202939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avenged Sevenfold je čtvrté studiové album skupiny ANTI records.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold is the fourth studio album from ANTI records."} {"id": 110563, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thajsko je asijská země.", "evidence": [[[129742, 144466, "Thajsko", 0, "Thailand"]]], "claim_en": "Thailand is a country in Asia."} {"id": 200426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg nebyl schopen vydat album.", "evidence": [[[235763, 238325, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235763, 238326, "Snoop Dogg", 15, "Snoop Dogg"], [235763, 238326, "Paid Tha Cost To Be Da Bo$$", 0, "Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss"]], [[235763, 238327, "Snoop Dogg", 25, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235763, 238328, "Snoop Dogg", 24, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has been incapable of releasing an album."} {"id": 76745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Budova Chrysler Building je vyšší než Empire State Building.", "evidence": [[[93627, 106571, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]]], "claim_en": "The Chrysler Building is taller than the Empire State Building."} {"id": 135125, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James Wilson je postava v policejním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[157703, 172305, "James Wilson (Dr. House)", 0, "James Wilson (House)"]]], "claim_en": "James Wilson is a character on a cop drama."} {"id": 172805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Felicity Jones byla nominována na cenu Grammy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Felicity Jones was nominated for a Grammy Award."} {"id": 76654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Bezos je z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[93527, 106482, "Jeff Bezos", 0, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is from America."} {"id": 72638, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "New York Times psaly o upadajícím průmyslu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The New York Times wrote about a declining industry."} {"id": 134609, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephen Hawking je občanem Velké Británie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephen Hawking is a civilian of Great Britain."} {"id": 112090, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nintendo Switch vyrábí společnost, která zkrachovala v japonském Kjótu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nintendo Switch is made by a company that went bankrupt in Kyoto, Japan."} {"id": 143378, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Google sklidila značnou kritiku kvůli obavám o publicitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google has received significant criticism for publicity concerns."} {"id": 98908, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vladimir Putin studoval na střední škole odpočinek.", "evidence": [[[116547, 130426, "Vladimir Putin", 5, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin studied rest in high school."} {"id": 51295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jane Fondová hrála ve filmu se Samem Waterstonem.", "evidence": [[[67652, 78478, "Jane Fondová", 21, "Jane Fonda"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Fonda has been in a movie with Sam Waterston."} {"id": 139433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alžběta z Yorku byla provdána za krále Jiřího.", "evidence": [[[291502, 284422, "Alžběta z Yorku", 1, "Elizabeth of York"]], [[337750, 323096, "Alžběta z Yorku", 1, "Elizabeth of York"]], [[337754, 323097, "Alžběta z Yorku", 1, "Elizabeth of York"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth of York was married to King George."} {"id": 182766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3 hraje Keanu Reeves.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pitch Perfect 3 stars Keanu Reeves."} {"id": 156683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Krtek se používá jako visutý most.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A mole is used as a suspension bridge."} {"id": 185423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film CHiPs je založen na ničem.", "evidence": [[[216103, 222818, "CHiPs", 0, "CHiPs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "CHiPs is based on nothing."} {"id": 162177, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Gates se narodil v 70. letech.", "evidence": [[[186699, 198474, "Bill Gates", 0, "Bill Gates"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Gates was born in the 70's."} {"id": 21712, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Časopis Rolling Stone označil Led Zeppelin za \"nejmenší kapelu sedmdesátých let\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rolling Stone magazine described Led Zeppelin as \"the smallest band of the Seventies.\""} {"id": 13582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výsledkem Washingtonské námořní konference byla Smlouva devíti velmocí.", "evidence": [[[28824, 35178, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference resulted in the Nine-Power Treaty."} {"id": 84921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhá série seriálu Sonny with a Chance měla premiéru 14. března 2011.", "evidence": [[[101996, 115251, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 0, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[101996, 115252, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 5, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[102026, 115294, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]]], "claim_en": "The second season of Sonny with a Chance premiered on March 14th, 2011."} {"id": 60395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pepek námořník je hraná audioknižní adaptace komiksu E. C. Segara Pepek námořník.", "evidence": [[[76848, 88211, "Pepek námořník (film, 1980)", 1, "Popeye (film)"]], [[76848, 88212, "Pepek námořník (film, 1980)", 0, "Popeye (film)"]], [[76848, 88213, "Pepek námořník (film, 1980)", 4, "Popeye (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Popeye is a live-action audio book adaptation of E. C. Segar's Popeye comic strip."} {"id": 64352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Led Zeppelin II je rockové album.", "evidence": [[[80800, 92642, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92643, "Led Zeppelin II", 1, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92644, "Led Zeppelin II", 2, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92645, "Led Zeppelin II", 8, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92646, "Led Zeppelin II", 7, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92647, "Led Zeppelin II", 9, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[80800, 92648, "Led Zeppelin II", 10, "Led Zeppelin II"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin II is a rock album."} {"id": 146765, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Grahamová se objevila v seriálu Emily's Reasons Why Not.", "evidence": [[[170314, 183869, "Heather Graham", 7, "Heather Graham"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Graham was featured in the series Emily's Reasons Why Not."} {"id": 49864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová účinkovala ve třetí řadě soutěže American Idol.", "evidence": [[[66197, 77032, "Jennifer Hudson", 1, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson was on the third season of American Idol."} {"id": 90072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julianne Hough je členkou hotelového řetězce.", "evidence": [[[107371, 120795, "Julianne Hough", 0, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120796, "Julianne Hough", 1, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120797, "Julianne Hough", 2, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120798, "Julianne Hough", 3, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120799, "Julianne Hough", 4, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120800, "Julianne Hough", 5, "Julianne Hough"]], [[107371, 120801, "Julianne Hough", 6, "Julianne Hough"]]], "claim_en": "Julianne Hough is a hotel chain."} {"id": 145749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Litevci jsou etnická skupina z Pobaltí.", "evidence": [[[169087, 182769, "Litevci", 0, "Lithuanians"]]], "claim_en": "Lithuanians are an ethnic group from the Baltic."} {"id": 95893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dr. Dre byl dříve tvůrcem ve vydavatelství Death Row Records.", "evidence": [[[113405, 127263, "Dr. Dre", 2, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre was formerly a creator on Death Row Records."} {"id": 60412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eduard VIII. se odmítl někdy vzdát trůnu.", "evidence": [[[76866, 88245, "Eduard VIII.", 0, "Edward VIII"]], [[76876, 88254, "Eduard VIII.", 0, "Edward VIII"]], [[76876, 88255, "Eduard VIII.", 14, "Edward VIII"]], [[76876, 88256, "Eduard VIII.", 19, "Edward VIII"]], [[76876, 88257, "Eduard VIII.", 23, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII refused to ever abdicate his throne."} {"id": 192737, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poslední album LL Cool J vyšlo v roce 2014.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The latest album of LL Cool J was released in 2014."} {"id": 213289, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Burstyn hrála ve filmu režiséra Darrena Aronofského.", "evidence": [[[253048, 252904, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"], [253048, 252904, "Requiem za sen", 0, "Requiem for a Dream"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn starred in a film directed by Darren Aronofsky."} {"id": 126062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Keanu Reeves napsal.", "evidence": [[[147881, 162887, "Keanu Reeves", 18, "Keanu Reeves"]], [[147885, 162889, "Keanu Reeves", 18, "Keanu Reeves"]]], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves wrote."} {"id": 56564, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Spotlight nesměl být nikdy uveden do kin.", "evidence": [[[72918, 84046, "Spotlight (film)", 8, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[72918, 84047, "Spotlight (film)", 7, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[72918, 84048, "Spotlight (film)", 11, "Spotlight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spotlight was barred from ever being released."} {"id": 100475, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Beatles prodali 178 miliard certifikovaných kusů.", "evidence": [[[118153, 132003, "The Beatles", 18, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles have sold 178 billion certified units."} {"id": 75735, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dubaj je jedním ze sedmi emirátů hlavního města Spojených arabských emirátů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates's capital."} {"id": 95163, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Queen Latifah věnovala Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah has donated a Golden Globe."} {"id": 23227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Himálaj má některé ze svých pohoří v Bhútánu.", "evidence": [[[39190, 47203, "Himálaj", 10, "Himalayas"]]], "claim_en": "The Himalayas has some of its mountains in Bhutan."} {"id": 224498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell v roce 2005 spolupracoval s Marcem Forsterem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell worked with Marc Forster in 2005."} {"id": 83086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Santorini se nachází ve zbytcích sopečné kaldery.", "evidence": [[[100136, 113379, "Théra (ostrov)", 1, "Santorini"]]], "claim_en": "Santorini is located in the remains of a volcanic caldera."} {"id": 204812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Noth byl nominován na Zlatý glóbus za nejlepšího televizního herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[241913, 243466, "Chris Noth", 3, "Chris Noth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Noth was nominated for the Golden Globe Prize for Best Supporting Actor on Television."} {"id": 7266, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Zappa byl skladatel samouk.", "evidence": [[[11798, 14799, "Frank Zappa", 7, "Frank Zappa"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Zappa was a self-taught composer."} {"id": 131699, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová je umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[154045, 168848, "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová", 0, "Catherine Zeta-Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones is a performer."} {"id": 155228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kodokan judo bylo ovlivněno brazilským jiu-jitsu.", "evidence": [[[179284, 191835, "Brazilské jiu-jitsu", 1, "Brazilian jiu-jitsu"]]], "claim_en": "Kodokan judo was influenced by Brazilian jiu-jitsu."} {"id": 35161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shania Twain nehraje country hudbu.", "evidence": [[[51389, 61111, "Shania Twain", 1, "Shania Twain"]], [[51389, 61112, "Shania Twain", 2, "Shania Twain"]], [[51389, 61114, "Shania Twain", 6, "Shania Twain"]]], "claim_en": "Shania Twain does not play country music."} {"id": 154623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Pixar nebyla financována americkým průmyslovým designérem.", "evidence": [[[178625, 191200, "Pixar", 1, "Pixar"], [178625, 191200, "Steve Jobs", 0, "Steve Jobs"]]], "claim_en": "Pixar was not funded by an American industrial designer."} {"id": 176678, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 42 je životopisný sportovní film natočený v roce 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "42 is a biographical sports film shot in 2012."} {"id": 160818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beverly Hills, 90210 se zabýval globálními lidskými právy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beverly Hills, 90210 addressed global human rights."} {"id": 228712, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Erich von Manstein zemřel v Itálii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein died in Italy."} {"id": 29467, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neexistuje žádný film, ve kterém by hrála Sharon Tate.", "evidence": [[[45584, 54443, "Sharon Tate", 5, "Sharon Tate"]], [[45584, 54444, "Sharon Tate", 6, "Sharon Tate"]]], "claim_en": "There are no films that Sharon Tate has ever starred in."} {"id": 42996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adderall nemá mnoho společných farmakologických vlastností s lidskými stopovými aminy.", "evidence": [[[59305, 69657, "Adderall", 18, "Adderall"]]], "claim_en": "Adderall does not share many pharmacological properties with the human trace amines."} {"id": 94657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl člověk.", "evidence": [[[112111, 125916, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter was a person."} {"id": 108447, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 2017 začala třetí série seriálu iZombie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 2017, iZombie's third season began."} {"id": 133135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rhode Island ratifikoval Články konfederace v roce 1774.", "evidence": [[[155775, 170431, "Rhode Island", 7, "Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "Rhode Island ratified the Articles of Confederation in 1774."} {"id": 139996, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Škola BRIT je financována z darů UNICEF.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "BRIT School is funded by UNICEF donations."} {"id": 6553, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tádž Mahal má dům pro hosty.", "evidence": [[[23314, 28726, "Tádž Mahal", 2, "Taj Mahal"]]], "claim_en": "The Taj Mahal has a guest house."} {"id": 112385, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spider-Man se nachází ve Francii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spider-Man is in France."} {"id": 228995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kiefer Sutherland odmítl hrát ve filmu The Bay Boy (1984).", "evidence": [[[273235, 268762, "Kiefer Sutherland", 8, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[273248, 268773, "Kiefer Sutherland", 8, "Kiefer Sutherland"]]], "claim_en": "Kiefer Sutherland declined to appear in The Bay Boy (1984)."} {"id": 50989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Punk rock vznikl ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[67321, 78140, "Punk rock", 0, "Punk rock"]]], "claim_en": "Punk rock was made in the United States."} {"id": 189996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily James se objevila ve filmech v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[221966, 227444, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James appeared in films in 2012."} {"id": 27276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John F. Kennedy Jr. se narodil v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[43408, 52054, "John F. Kennedy mladší", 0, "John F. Kennedy Jr."]]], "claim_en": "John F. Kennedy Jr. was born in 1960."} {"id": 169520, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Sheeran byl žalován ve Framlinghamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Sheeran was sued in Framlingham."} {"id": 53725, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle získal titul mistra světa WWE ve střední váze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle won the WWE's World Middleweight Championship."} {"id": 31342, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jamie Oliver v roce 2008 uvedl na trh kamion s jídlem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jamie Oliver launched a food truck in 2008."} {"id": 208958, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Funny or Die je producentem filmu Billy on the Street.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Funny or Die is the producer of Billy on the Street."} {"id": 155920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Lautner se v roce 2001 objevil ve filmu The Bernie Mac Show.", "evidence": [[[179987, 192522, "Taylor Lautner", 4, "Taylor Lautner"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Lautner appeared in The Bernie Mac Show in 2001."} {"id": 108823, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Drak je odvozen z mimoindoevropské rodiny.", "evidence": [[[127700, 142312, "Drak", 4, "Dragon"]]], "claim_en": "Dragon is derived from outside of the Indo-European family."} {"id": 117526, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje film s názvem Black Panther.", "evidence": [[[137897, 152884, "Black Panther (film)", 0, "Black Panther (film)"]], [[137897, 152885, "Black Panther (film)", 13, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a film named Black Panther."} {"id": 46431, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hugh Jackman hraje D&D, když zrovna nenatáčí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hugh Jackman plays D&D when not filming."} {"id": 16199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sunny Leone byla reportérka.", "evidence": [[[31639, 38387, "Sunny Leone", 8, "Sunny Leone"]]], "claim_en": "Sunny Leone was a reporter."} {"id": 90353, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Woody Allen získal čtyři ceny Tonny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Woody Allen has won four Tonys."} {"id": 58057, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Asi třetina lidí se někdy v životě neonemocní pásovým oparem.", "evidence": [[[74412, 85654, "Pásový opar", 29, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "About a third of people do not develop shingles at some point in their life."} {"id": 211452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Formule (film z roku 1980) je film z roku 1980.", "evidence": [[[250566, 250566, "Záhadný vzorec", 0, "The Formula (1980 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Formula (1980 film) is a 1980 film."} {"id": 127126, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natasha Richardsonová nebyla schopná hrát ve filmu Patty Hearstová.", "evidence": [[[148978, 164017, "Natasha Richardson", 5, "Natasha Richardson"]]], "claim_en": "Natasha Richardson was incapable of starring in Patty Hearst."} {"id": 216775, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Timur si dal titul.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Timur gave himself a title."} {"id": 180949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Erichu von Mansteinovi byl zvýšen trest na dvanáct let vězení.", "evidence": [[[210031, 217790, "Erich von Manstein", 22, "Erich von Manstein"]]], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein's sentence was increased to twelve years in prison."} {"id": 77730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bob Ross nebyl malíř.", "evidence": [[[94666, 107648, "Bob Ross", 0, "Bob Ross"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Ross was not a painter."} {"id": 227217, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zpověď byla v Brazílii komerčně úspěšná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Confessions was a commercial success in Brazil."} {"id": 127041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kleopatra (film z roku 1963) je výpravná historická komedie.", "evidence": [[[151565, 166317, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]], [[151566, 166318, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra (1963 film) is an epic historical comedy film."} {"id": 208281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deset nominací na Oscara získalo Statečné srdce.", "evidence": [[[246430, 246934, "Statečné srdce", 5, "Braveheart"]]], "claim_en": "Ten Academy Award nominations were received by Braveheart."} {"id": 129441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sasko se nachází v Irsku.", "evidence": [[[151645, 166384, "Sasko", 0, "Saxony"]]], "claim_en": "Saxony is in Ireland."} {"id": 125159, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Krtek se používá jako hráz.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A mole is used as a dam."} {"id": 220546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lisa Bonet je pouze americká farmářka.", "evidence": [[[262485, 260491, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]], [[262485, 260492, "Lisa Bonet", 1, "Lisa Bonet"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Bonet is an American farmer only."} {"id": 101103, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Blink-182 je kočka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blink-182 is a cat."} {"id": 51885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Dobrý den, drahoušku režíroval John Moore.", "evidence": [[[160710, 175235, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[162535, 176812, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[162536, 176813, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[312085, 301958, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[313389, 303014, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"], [313389, 303014, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 0, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[313396, 303018, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]]], "claim_en": "A Good Day to Die Hard was directed by John Moore."} {"id": 37816, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Portugalsko má policejní sbor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Portugal has a police force."} {"id": 181068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Idris Elba se nikdy nepodařilo obsadit do filmu.", "evidence": [[[211186, 218837, "Idris Elba", 1, "Idris Elba"]], [[211186, 218838, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]], [[211186, 218839, "Idris Elba", 6, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "Idris Elba failed to ever be cast in a movie."} {"id": 200435, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Meryl Streepová prohrála tři nebo více soutěžních Oscarů za herecký výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Meryl Streep has lost three or more competitive Oscars for acting."} {"id": 181672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Si Ťin-pching byl místopředsedou Ústřední vojenské komise.", "evidence": [[[211003, 218681, "Si Ťin-pching", 9, "Xi Jinping"]]], "claim_en": "Xi Jinping was the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission."} {"id": 49987, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí je kniha.", "evidence": [[[66313, 77142, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a book."} {"id": 213416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexandra Burke odmítla účast v soutěži The X Factor.", "evidence": [[[253227, 253122, "Alexandra Burke", 1, "Alexandra Burke"]], [[253227, 253123, "Alexandra Burke", 5, "Alexandra Burke"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandra Burke refused to be on The X Factor."} {"id": 225771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cher získala zvláštní cenu CFDA Fashion Award.", "evidence": [[[269122, 265527, "Cher", 25, "Cher"]]], "claim_en": "Cher has won a special CFDA Fashion Award."} {"id": 163850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová byla zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin was a singer."} {"id": 161381, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Love byl vykázán z Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[185930, 197707, "Mike Love", 11, "Mike Love"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Love was banned from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 210180, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shantel VanSanten je reklamní modelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten is a commercial model."} {"id": 129685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doctor Who nepochází z Británie.", "evidence": [[[151895, 166658, "Pán času", 0, "Doctor Who"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Who is not from Britain."} {"id": 140809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aspen v Coloradu je místo, kde John Denver prožil většinu svého života.", "evidence": [[[291664, 284564, "John Denver", 13, "John Denver"]], [[291675, 284584, "John Denver", 13, "John Denver"]], [[338181, 323425, "John Denver", 13, "John Denver"]]], "claim_en": "Aspen, Colorado is where John Denver has lived most of his life."} {"id": 193930, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Oz the Great and Powerful byl uveden do kin prostřednictvím formátu IMAX 3D.", "evidence": [[[227097, 231507, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]], [[227099, 231509, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]]], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful was released through the IMAX 3D format."} {"id": 218944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stratosféra je vrstva atmosféry Mar.", "evidence": [[[260331, 258751, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]], [[260332, 258752, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]]], "claim_en": "The stratosphere is a layer of Mar's atmosphere."} {"id": 13419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rok nula byl vydán v roce 2007.", "evidence": [[[30050, 36605, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[30050, 36606, "Year Zero", 11, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[32183, 39095, "Year Zero", 11, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[32183, 39096, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[35022, 42458, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[301830, 292937, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[301830, 292938, "Year Zero", 11, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[303268, 294257, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[304690, 295498, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[304690, 295499, "Year Zero", 11, "Year Zero (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Year Zero was released in 2007."} {"id": 142466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Návrat do budoucnosti - část II byl ukraden Bobem Galeem.", "evidence": [[[165524, 179561, "Návrat do budoucnosti II", 0, "Back to the Future Part II"]]], "claim_en": "Back to the Future Part II was stolen by Bob Gale."} {"id": 171605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Syrakusy ve státě New York měly podle AAA TourBook z roku 1999 145 170 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[198029, 207976, "Syracuse (New York)", 2, "Syracuse, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Syracuse, New York, had a population of 145,170 according to the 1999 AAA TourBook."} {"id": 22507, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Dobrá manželka vyprodukoval celou 300. sezónu.", "evidence": [[[64245, 74987, "Dobrá manželka (seriál)", 12, "The Good Wife"]], [[65936, 76806, "Dobrá manželka (seriál)", 12, "The Good Wife"]], [[303472, 294439, "Dobrá manželka (seriál)", 12, "The Good Wife"]], [[305329, 296159, "Dobrá manželka (seriál)", 12, "The Good Wife"]]], "claim_en": "The Good Wife produced a full 300 episode season."} {"id": 136065, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ava DuVernay je ředitelkou dopravy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ava DuVernay is the director of transportation."} {"id": 45365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sherlock (televizní seriál) vyšel s vázanými vydáními Conan Doylových příběhů.", "evidence": [[[61704, 72191, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]], [[61726, 72204, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock (TV series) was released with tie-in editions of Conan Doyle stories."} {"id": 71530, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scott Eastwood navrhl model automobilu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood designed a car model."} {"id": 218927, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na renesančním umění se podílel Rafael.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Renaissance art involved Raphael."} {"id": 197150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O. J. Simpson získal v roce 1968 Heismanovu trofej.", "evidence": [[[231687, 235087, "O. J. Simpson", 3, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson won the Heisman trophy in 1968"} {"id": 116784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andy Roddick vyhrál nejméně 5 turnajů série Master Series.", "evidence": [[[137153, 151998, "Andy Roddick", 7, "Andy Roddick"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Roddick won at least 5 Master Series."} {"id": 200805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je dílem spisovatele povídek.", "evidence": [[[236260, 238770, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236260, 238770, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by a short story writer."} {"id": 71838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhaalová je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhaal is a Canadian."} {"id": 164728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anschluss se používá k popisu něčeho.", "evidence": [[[189466, 200748, "Anšlus", 0, "Anschluss"]]], "claim_en": "Anschluss is used to describe something."} {"id": 103540, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Koepp režíroval Timothyho Olyphanta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Koepp directed Timothy Olyphant."} {"id": 82127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alessia Cara má píseň číslo jedna.", "evidence": [[[99211, 112337, "Alessia Cara", 7, "Alessia Cara"], [99211, 112337, "Zedd", 5, "Zedd"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara has a number one song."} {"id": 154411, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jules Dumont d'Urville se narodil v roce 1790.", "evidence": [[[178404, 190989, "Jules Dumont d'Urville", 0, "Jules Dumont d'Urville"]]], "claim_en": "Jules Dumont d'Urville was born in 1790."} {"id": 142008, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladba Born to Die od Lany Del Rey se umístila na čtvrtém místě americké hitparády.", "evidence": [[[290449, 283500, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[291820, 284705, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[291835, 284714, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[338517, 323647, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"]], [[338521, 323649, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey's Born to Die peaked at number four on the United States charts."} {"id": 11327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. byl vybrán do funkce náměstka ministra obchodu.", "evidence": [[[26513, 32551, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 7, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. was selected to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce."} {"id": 7726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Uhlík má symbol CO.", "evidence": [[[12591, 15729, "Uhlík", 0, "Carbon"]]], "claim_en": "Carbon has the symbol CO."} {"id": 78820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna se narodila v roce 1668 za vlády Karla II.", "evidence": [[[249790, 249796, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[253148, 253039, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[254885, 254444, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[319922, 308648, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[319923, 308649, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]]], "claim_en": "Anne was born in 1668, during the reign of Charles II."} {"id": 29375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julius Caesar vzácně centralizoval byrokracii republiky.", "evidence": [[[45499, 54329, "Julius Caesar", 17, "Julius Caesar"]]], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar rarely centralized the bureaucracy of the Republic."} {"id": 92477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kapitán Amerika skončil v roce 1944.", "evidence": [[[277232, 272177, "Captain America", 13, "Captain America"]], [[277760, 272713, "Captain America", 3, "Captain America"]], [[277760, 272714, "Captain America", 4, "Captain America"]], [[277760, 272715, "Captain America", 14, "Captain America"]], [[277760, 272716, "Captain America", 17, "Captain America"]]], "claim_en": "Captain America ended in 1944."} {"id": 109745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Orson Welles nepracoval v divadle, rozhlase ani ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[128767, 143435, "Orson Welles", 0, "Orson Welles"]]], "claim_en": "Orson Welles did not work in theatre, radio, or film."} {"id": 228242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Pratt hrál ve čtvrtém díle série Jurský park ještě v době, kdy byl členem hereckého souboru seriálu Parks and Recreation.", "evidence": [[[272320, 267998, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt starred in the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park franchise while he was still a cast member on the show Parks and Recreation."} {"id": 77119, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Highway to Heaven běžel na stanici Hallmark.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Highway to Heaven ran on Hallmark."} {"id": 28150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dean Martin se narodil jako pes.", "evidence": [[[44273, 52910, "Dean Martin", 0, "Dean Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Dean Martin was born dog."} {"id": 201188, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joan Cusacková pracovala s Mattem Damonem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joan Cusack worked with Matt Damon."} {"id": 155083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Silverstone hrála v americkém filmu.", "evidence": [[[179156, 191676, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 2, "Alicia Silverstone"], [179156, 191676, "Praštěná holka", 0, "Clueless (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Silverstone was in an American film."} {"id": 18798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Carrey pracoval s lidmi.", "evidence": [[[34441, 41757, "Jim Carrey", 6, "Jim Carrey"], [34441, 41757, "Muž na Měsíci", 1, "Man on the Moon (film)"], [34441, 41757, "Truman Show", 1, "The Truman Show"]], [[34441, 41759, "Jim Carrey", 13, "Jim Carrey"], [34441, 41759, "Kouzelníci", 2, "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone"]], [[34441, 41760, "Jim Carrey", 14, "Jim Carrey"]], [[34441, 41761, "Jim Carrey", 17, "Jim Carrey"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Carrey has worked with people."} {"id": 10371, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trevor Baxter odjel do Kalifornie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trevor Baxter went to California."} {"id": 213618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Kate a Leopold se celý odehrává v Bostonu v roce 1876.", "evidence": [[[253526, 253365, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]], [[253527, 253366, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]]], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold entirely takes place in Boston in 1876."} {"id": 69744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mys hrůzy je remake jiného filmu.", "evidence": [[[222404, 227744, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 0, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]], [[225004, 229739, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 0, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]], [[226057, 230602, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 0, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]], [[317897, 306905, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 0, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]], [[317898, 306906, "Mys hrůzy (film, 1991)", 0, "Cape Fear (1991 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cape Fear is a remake of another film."} {"id": 187633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minnesota Vikings jsou kanadský tým.", "evidence": [[[218939, 225101, "Minnesota Vikings", 0, "Minnesota Vikings"]]], "claim_en": "The Minnesota Vikings are a Canadian team."} {"id": 55907, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cindy McCainová je počítač.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cindy McCain is a computer."} {"id": 50952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Olympijské hry zahrnují jak podzimní, tak jarní hry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games includes both a fall and spring games."} {"id": 149458, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Raggedy Ann vytvořil voják.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Raggedy Ann was created by a soldier."} {"id": 50819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "T2 Trainspotting je marocký film.", "evidence": [[[67163, 77952, "T2 Trainspotting", 0, "T2 Trainspotting"]]], "claim_en": "T2 Trainspotting is a Moroccan film."} {"id": 103703, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino napsal a natočil film Můj nejlepší přítel má narozeniny v roce 1988.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed My Best Friend's Birthday in 1988."} {"id": 69893, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saturn je křesťanský stát.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saturn is a Christian state."} {"id": 187302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Harbour je Severoameričan.", "evidence": [[[218524, 224790, "David Harbour", 0, "David Harbour"]]], "claim_en": "David Harbour is an North American."} {"id": 8048, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obchodování s lidmi vede k nesvobodné práci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Human trafficking leads to unfree labor."} {"id": 192252, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Harvey vydal v Americe knihu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Harvey published a book in America."} {"id": 23129, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linux distribuuje operační systém Mac OS.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linux distributes Mac OS."} {"id": 43082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pornhub je webová stránka s označením G.", "evidence": [[[59388, 69777, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]]], "claim_en": "Pornhub is a G-rated website."} {"id": 36596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Macbeth byl pravděpodobně poprvé uveden v roce 1806.", "evidence": [[[52771, 62720, "Macbeth", 0, "Macbeth"]]], "claim_en": "Macbeth was probably first performed in 1806."} {"id": 105947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seattle je město.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seattle is a town."} {"id": 60686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Big Bang získala na 9. ročníku udílení cen MTV Video Music Awards Japan 3 ceny.", "evidence": [[[77144, 88561, "Big Bang (hudební skupina)", 7, "Big Bang (South Korean band)"]], [[77144, 88562, "Big Bang (hudební skupina)", 0, "Big Bang (South Korean band)"]]], "claim_en": "Big Bang won 3 awards at the 9th MTV Video Music Awards Japan."} {"id": 60422, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nintendo Switch je pouze mobilní telefon.", "evidence": [[[76867, 88246, "Nintendo Switch", 0, "Nintendo Switch"]], [[76867, 88247, "Nintendo Switch", 2, "Nintendo Switch"]], [[76867, 88248, "Nintendo Switch", 3, "Nintendo Switch"]]], "claim_en": "The Nintendo Switch is only a cellphone."} {"id": 117296, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rajesh Khanna byl v 80. letech 20. století režisérem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rajesh Khanna was a director in the 1980s."} {"id": 210772, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Harris byl irský politik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Harris was an Irish politician."} {"id": 19936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bangladéš se nachází v Africe.", "evidence": [[[35751, 43304, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[35751, 43305, "Bangladéš", 9, "Bangladesh"], [35751, 43305, "Bengálsko", 0, "Bengal"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh is in Africa."} {"id": 52664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boston Celtics hrají své domácí zápasy v TD Garden v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[24767, 30601, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"], [24767, 30601, "TD Garden", 0, "TD Garden"]], [[95258, 108262, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"], [95258, 108262, "TD Garden", 0, "TD Garden"]]], "claim_en": "The Boston Celtics play their home games at TD Garden in Boston."} {"id": 87772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Cruise hrál v romantickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[105016, 118433, "Tom Cruise", 8, "Tom Cruise"]], [[105016, 118435, "Tom Cruise", 20, "Tom Cruise"], [105016, 118435, "Jerry Maguire", 0, "Jerry Maguire"]], [[105016, 118436, "Tom Cruise", 3, "Tom Cruise"]], [[105016, 118438, "Tom Cruise", 4, "Tom Cruise"], [105016, 118438, "Top Gun", 0, "Top Gun"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise was in a romance film."} {"id": 156764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová hraje.", "evidence": [[[180861, 193222, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]]], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles acts."} {"id": 70751, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Barack Obama byl ve funkci nejméně dva roky.", "evidence": [[[87453, 99932, "Barack Obama", 0, "Barack Obama"]], [[87453, 99933, "Barack Obama", 2, "Barack Obama"]], [[87453, 99934, "Barack Obama", 10, "Barack Obama"]]], "claim_en": "Barack Obama served for at least two years in office."} {"id": 140222, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Judi Denchová měla roli ve filmu Moulin Rouge.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Judi Dench had a role in Moulin Rouge."} {"id": 108647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Tesla, Inc. prodává elektromobily po celém světě.", "evidence": [[[127462, 142028, "Tesla (automobilka)", 15, "Tesla, Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Tesla, Inc. sells the electric cars worldwide."} {"id": 156437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku vyhrál mistrovství světa.", "evidence": [[[180486, 192956, "Romelu Lukaku", 5, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku won a championship."} {"id": 25309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matthew McConaughey hrál v roce 1997 v historické romantické komedii.", "evidence": [[[41260, 49598, "Matthew McConaughey", 2, "Matthew McConaughey"]]], "claim_en": "Matthew McConaughey was in a historical romantic comedy in 1997."} {"id": 215937, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Aykroyd hrál v komediálně-dramatickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[256543, 255748, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"], [256543, 255748, "Řidič slečny Daisy", 0, "Driving Miss Daisy"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Aykroyd was in a comedy-drama film."} {"id": 73733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film X-Men: Apokalypsa byl oznámen v roce 1970.", "evidence": [[[234400, 237286, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 0, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]], [[237200, 239451, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 6, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]], [[240770, 242372, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 6, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]], [[318785, 307617, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 6, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]], [[318786, 307618, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 6, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]], [[318807, 307634, "X-Men: Apokalypsa", 6, "X-Men: Apocalypse"]]], "claim_en": "X-Men: Apocalypse was announced in 1970."} {"id": 143749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kniha Kdo chytá v žitě není román.", "evidence": [[[166881, 180683, "Kdo chytá v žitě", 0, "The Catcher in the Rye"]], [[166881, 180684, "Kdo chytá v žitě", 1, "The Catcher in the Rye"]], [[166881, 180685, "Kdo chytá v žitě", 5, "The Catcher in the Rye"]], [[166881, 180686, "Kdo chytá v žitě", 6, "The Catcher in the Rye"]], [[166881, 180687, "Kdo chytá v žitě", 9, "The Catcher in the Rye"]]], "claim_en": "The Catcher in the Rye is not a novel."} {"id": 98457, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kamala Harrisová byla studentkou v San Francisku,Kalifornie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kamala Harris was a student in San Francisco,California."} {"id": 72841, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Vrásky v čase hrál Bon Jovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Wrinkle in Time had Bon Jovi in it."} {"id": 108039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jocelyn není prostřední jméno Cary Delevingne.", "evidence": [[[126767, 141217, "Cara Delevingne", 0, "Cara Delevingne"]]], "claim_en": "Jocelyn is not the middle name of Cara Delevingne."} {"id": 30207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Pfeifferová byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[46517, 55485, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 6, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]], [[46517, 55486, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 7, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Pfeiffer was nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 225676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "50 First Dates je film z roku 2004.", "evidence": [[[268969, 265389, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates is a 2004 movie."} {"id": 6747, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Shatner má Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Shatner has an Academy award."} {"id": 79223, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Istanbulu se zvýšil před rokem 1950.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Istanbul's population increased before the 1950s."} {"id": 126176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ellen DeGeneres hraje pouze heterosexuální postavy.", "evidence": [[[148012, 163003, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 11, "Ellen DeGeneres"]], [[148012, 163004, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 12, "Ellen DeGeneres"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres only plays straight characters."} {"id": 167843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ledovec může poskytovat sladkou vodu.", "evidence": [[[195721, 205929, "Ledovec", 12, "Glacier"]]], "claim_en": "Glacier can provide fresh water."} {"id": 76786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judy Garlandová nebyla žena.", "evidence": [[[93686, 106636, "Judy Garlandová", 1, "Judy Garland"]], [[93686, 106637, "Judy Garlandová", 5, "Judy Garland"]], [[93686, 106638, "Judy Garlandová", 16, "Judy Garland"]]], "claim_en": "Judy Garland was not a woman."} {"id": 198655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jordan Knight je tanečnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jordan Knight is a dancer."} {"id": 137782, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga hraje výhradně životopisné role.", "evidence": [[[160546, 175049, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"], [160546, 175049, "Warcraft: První střet", 0, "Warcraft (film)"]], [[160546, 175050, "Ruth Negga", 1, "Ruth Negga"], [160546, 175050, "Misfits: Zmetci", 0, "Misfits (TV series)"]], [[160546, 175051, "Ruth Negga", 2, "Ruth Negga"], [160546, 175051, "Preacher (seriál)", 1, "Preacher (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga exclusively plays biographical roles."} {"id": 155716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kristen Bellová hrála v noirovém dramatu.", "evidence": [[[179773, 192319, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell acted in a noir drama film."} {"id": 171439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Splash režíroval Ron Howard.", "evidence": [[[197838, 207780, "Žbluňk!", 0, "Splash (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Splash was directed by Ron Howard."} {"id": 91443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan založil v roce 1999 rapovou superskupinu.", "evidence": [[[108786, 122477, "Maynard James Keenan", 7, "Maynard James Keenan"], [108786, 122477, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]]], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan started a rap supergroup in 1999."} {"id": 187373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Wesley se narodil v roce 1952.", "evidence": [[[218607, 224844, "Paul Wesley", 0, "Paul Wesley"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley was born in 1952."} {"id": 68165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Thomas Anderson režíroval film.", "evidence": [[[214652, 221633, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 7, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [214652, 221633, "Magnolia (film)", 0, "Magnolia (film)"]], [[214652, 221635, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 12, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [214652, 221635, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[214652, 221638, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 17, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [214652, 221638, "Nit z přízraků", 0, "Phantom Thread"]], [[219967, 225840, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 4, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[219967, 225841, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 5, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[219967, 225843, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 7, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [219967, 225843, "Magnolia (film)", 0, "Magnolia (film)"]], [[219967, 225845, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 12, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [219967, 225845, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[219967, 225848, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 17, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [219967, 225848, "Nit z přízraků", 0, "Phantom Thread"]], [[219967, 225849, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 21, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [219967, 225849, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[317495, 306529, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 4, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[317516, 306547, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 4, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[317516, 306548, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 5, "Paul Thomas Anderson"]], [[317516, 306550, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 7, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [317516, 306550, "Magnolia (film)", 0, "Magnolia (film)"]], [[317516, 306552, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 12, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [317516, 306552, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[317516, 306556, "Paul Thomas Anderson", 21, "Paul Thomas Anderson"], [317516, 306556, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Thomas Anderson directed a movie."} {"id": 43956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gwen Stefani je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[60336, 70714, "Gwen Stefani", 0, "Gwen Stefani"]], [[60336, 70715, "Gwen Stefani", 1, "Gwen Stefani"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani is an singer."} {"id": 186098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Řeka St. Clair se nachází v Ontariu.", "evidence": [[[217014, 223671, "Ontario (provincie)", 8, "Ontario"]], [[217015, 223672, "Ontario (provincie)", 8, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "The St. Clair River is in Ontario."} {"id": 17145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Goodman hrál ve filmu Cloverfield.", "evidence": [[[32610, 39636, "John Goodman", 7, "John Goodman"]]], "claim_en": "John Goodman starred in Cloverfield."} {"id": 95444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Platón měl učitele jménem Aristoteles.", "evidence": [[[112959, 126804, "Platón", 5, "Plato"]]], "claim_en": "Plato had a teacher named Aristotle."} {"id": 194851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje země, která hostí populaci žadatelů o azyl z Afriky a jmenuje se Izrael.", "evidence": [[[228351, 232552, "Izrael", 29, "Israel"]], [[228394, 232588, "Izrael", 29, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "There is a country that hosts a population of asylum seekers from Africa called Israel."} {"id": 141943, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kuching je hlavní město státu Kelantan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kuching is the capital of Kelantan."} {"id": 205294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky měly premiéru v americké televizi.", "evidence": [[[242566, 243905, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"], [242566, 243905, "BBC One", 0, "BBC One"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes premiered on American television."} {"id": 107841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglický král Karel II. byl králem Skotska a Anglie.", "evidence": [[[126575, 140973, "Karel II. Stuart", 0, "Charles II of England"]], [[126575, 140974, "Karel II. Stuart", 1, "Charles II of England"]]], "claim_en": "Charles II of England was king of Scotland and England."} {"id": 76935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Bundy utekl více než jednou.", "evidence": [[[93823, 106766, "Ted Bundy", 13, "Ted Bundy"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Bundy escaped more than once."} {"id": 151109, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Greyová v březnu dokončila vysokou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Grey finished college in March."} {"id": 187481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Denzel Washington režíroval film, který měl premiéru 16. prosince 2016.", "evidence": [[[218748, 224962, "Denzel Washington", 11, "Denzel Washington"]]], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington directed a movie which was released in 2016 on December 16."} {"id": 161176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hayley Atwellová se věnuje zábavě.", "evidence": [[[185713, 197470, "Hayley Atwellová", 0, "Hayley Atwell"]], [[185713, 197471, "Hayley Atwellová", 1, "Hayley Atwell"]]], "claim_en": "Hayley Atwell is an entertainer."} {"id": 12576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andy Roddick je ženatý s herečkou.", "evidence": [[[27826, 34095, "Andy Roddick", 8, "Andy Roddick"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Roddick is married to an actress."} {"id": 60995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Truman Capote psal knihu čtyři roky.", "evidence": [[[77506, 88960, "Truman Capote", 9, "Truman Capote"]]], "claim_en": "Truman Capote spent four years writing the book."} {"id": 161265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Egypt je město.", "evidence": [[[185816, 197593, "Egypt", 0, "Egypt"]], [[185816, 197594, "Egypt", 1, "Egypt"]], [[185816, 197595, "Egypt", 5, "Egypt"]], [[185816, 197596, "Egypt", 9, "Egypt"]], [[185816, 197597, "Egypt", 12, "Egypt"]], [[185816, 197598, "Egypt", 15, "Egypt"], [185816, 197598, "Alexandrie", 0, "Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Egypt is a city."} {"id": 223816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots je rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[266648, 263568, "Stone Temple Pilots", 0, "Stone Temple Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots are a rock band."} {"id": 139088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Linda McCartney byla pouze aktivistkou za lidská práva.", "evidence": [[[161877, 176291, "Linda McCartney", 0, "Linda McCartney"]], [[161877, 176292, "Linda McCartney", 1, "Linda McCartney"]], [[161877, 176293, "Linda McCartney", 10, "Linda McCartney"]], [[161877, 176294, "Linda McCartney", 12, "Linda McCartney"]], [[161877, 176295, "Linda McCartney", 15, "Linda McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was only a human rights activist."} {"id": 34829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Serotonin vyvolává neuromodulaci.", "evidence": [[[51018, 60752, "Neuromodulace", 3, "Neuromodulation"]], [[51018, 60753, "Neuromodulace", 8, "Neuromodulation"]]], "claim_en": "Serotonin induces neuromodulation."} {"id": 138851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Trek (filmová série) není schopen získat 15 nominací na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[161647, 176075, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 14, "Star Trek (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Trek (film series) is incapable of receiving 15 Academy Award nominations."} {"id": 175017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1946 se narodil Donald Trump.", "evidence": [[[202410, 211684, "Donald Trump", 0, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "In 1946, Donald Trump was born."} {"id": 30116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eragon je film, který režíroval Jeremy Irons.", "evidence": [[[46238, 55198, "Eragon (film)", 0, "Eragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film directed by Jeremy Irons."} {"id": 226321, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dar noci běsní hrají herci a herečky bez přezdívky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gift of the Night Fury stars actors and actresses with no nickname."} {"id": 34251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Xbox One je konzole pro videohry.", "evidence": [[[99800, 112975, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[99800, 112977, "Xbox One", 5, "Xbox One"]], [[101939, 115178, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[103010, 116316, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[306980, 297541, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[307833, 298282, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[307833, 298285, "Xbox One", 5, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One is a console for video games."} {"id": 129142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paulo Dybala hraje fotbal za argentinskou reprezentaci amerického fotbalu.", "evidence": [[[151243, 166038, "Paulo Dybala", 0, "Paulo Dybala"]]], "claim_en": "Paulo Dybala plays football for the Argentina national American football team."} {"id": 151361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Harley Quinn pracovala.", "evidence": [[[295441, 287549, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[295444, 287555, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[340933, 325439, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[340949, 325452, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Harley Quinn worked."} {"id": 66529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emma Thompsonová nikdy nehrála.", "evidence": [[[83120, 95039, "Emma Thompsonová", 3, "Emma Thompson"]], [[83120, 95040, "Emma Thompsonová", 0, "Emma Thompson"]], [[83120, 95041, "Emma Thompsonová", 2, "Emma Thompson"]], [[83120, 95042, "Emma Thompsonová", 4, "Emma Thompson"]], [[83120, 95043, "Emma Thompsonová", 9, "Emma Thompson"]], [[83120, 95044, "Emma Thompsonová", 10, "Emma Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Thompson has never acted."} {"id": 133369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sherlock (televizní seriál) je na VHS.", "evidence": [[[155912, 170599, "Sherlock (seriál)", 17, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock (TV series) is on VHS."} {"id": 115068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Green Day získala cenu za nejlepší rockovou hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Green Day won an award for Best Rock Music."} {"id": 182997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mel Gibson se narodil striktně v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[212996, 220367, "Mel Gibson", 0, "Mel Gibson"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson was strictly born in December."} {"id": 98257, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glee je film.", "evidence": [[[115904, 129783, "Glee", 0, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee is a movie."} {"id": 101479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii se nenachází první americká knihovna.", "evidence": [[[119213, 133148, "Filadelfie", 21, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is not home to the first U.S. library."} {"id": 196504, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Součástí webových služeb Amazonu byly umělecké galerie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amazon Web Services included art galleries."} {"id": 116148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Salman Rushdie byl spisovatel románu vydaného v roce 1981.", "evidence": [[[282554, 276734, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]], [[284502, 278318, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]], [[330700, 317300, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]], [[331818, 318273, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]]], "claim_en": "Salman Rushdie was the writer of a novel published in 1981."} {"id": 127098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "MSG má hořkou chuť.", "evidence": [[[148950, 163984, "Glutaman sodný", 4, "Monosodium glutamate"], [148950, 163984, "Umami", 0, "Umami"]]], "claim_en": "MSG has a bitter taste."} {"id": 202522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Little Boy byl vypuštěn 6. srpna.", "evidence": [[[238620, 240609, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy was dropped on August 6."} {"id": 80032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Hunger Games vystupuje malá kočka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hunger Games stars a small cat."} {"id": 198150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julie Waltersová hrála ve filmu Můj krásný syn.", "evidence": [[[232975, 236010, "Julie Walters", 13, "Julie Walters"]]], "claim_en": "Julie Walters was in My Beautiful Son."} {"id": 68466, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naturi Naughtonová byla vždy jen pekařkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naturi Naughton has only ever been a baker."} {"id": 11815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V médiích se diskutuje o Kim Kardashian.", "evidence": [[[27032, 33158, "Kim Kardashianová", 1, "Kim Kardashian"]]], "claim_en": "Kim Kardashian is discussed in the media."} {"id": 36236, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selena Gomez nebyla ve filmu Program na ochranu princezen.", "evidence": [[[52431, 62392, "Selena Gomezová", 9, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez was not in Princess Protection Program."} {"id": 77966, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mary Marvel byla stvořena odstřelovačem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mary Marvel was created by a sniper."} {"id": 10786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Lennon v roce 2012 překročil hranici 14 milionů prodaných sólových alb.", "evidence": [[[25849, 31800, "John Lennon", 15, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon exceeded 14 million in solo album sales in 2012."} {"id": 165089, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ben Affleck hrál ve vzdělávacím filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ben Affleck starred in an educational film."} {"id": 209861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Singl Tie Your Mother Down byl singl.", "evidence": [[[248536, 248693, "Tie Your Mother Down", 2, "Tie Your Mother Down"]], [[248536, 248694, "Tie Your Mother Down", 1, "Tie Your Mother Down"]]], "claim_en": "Tie Your Mother Down was a single."} {"id": 222006, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vladimir Putin se narodil v důležitém ruském přístavu na pokraji zkázy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was born in an important Russian port on the brink of ruin."} {"id": 88573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Blair prohrál volby do čela Labouristické strany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Blair lost the election for Labour Party leader."} {"id": 163817, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Blackstone získal vzdělání v oboru jaderné fyziky na Charterhouse School.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Blackstone was educated, in nuclear phsyics, at Charterhouse School."} {"id": 121284, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miami Beach se nachází ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[142435, 157621, "Miami Beach", 5, "Miami Beach, Florida"]]], "claim_en": "Miami Beach is in the United States."} {"id": 42576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Black Mirror byl poprvé odvysílán na kanálu Channel 4 v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[58870, 69190, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror was first broadcast on Channel 4 in 2011."} {"id": 204053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alberta obsahuje Banff.", "evidence": [[[240887, 242478, "Alberta", 17, "Alberta"]]], "claim_en": "Alberta contains Banff."} {"id": 52047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglickou ústavu zásadně přepracoval Jindřich VIII.", "evidence": [[[299721, 291126, "Jindřich VIII. Tudor", 9, "Henry VIII of England"]]], "claim_en": "The English constitution was majorly overhauled by Henry VIII."} {"id": 113080, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jindřich II. z Francie nezemřel předčasně.", "evidence": [[[282113, 276351, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 13, "Henry II of France"]], [[284128, 277999, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 13, "Henry II of France"]], [[285114, 278827, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 13, "Henry II of France"]], [[329988, 316663, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 13, "Henry II of France"]], [[331323, 317820, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 13, "Henry II of France"]]], "claim_en": "Henry II of France did not suffer an untimely death."} {"id": 133599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Attenborough pracoval v BBC.", "evidence": [[[156141, 170781, "David Attenborough", 4, "David Attenborough"]]], "claim_en": "David Attenborough worked at the BBC."} {"id": 49113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bratr Henriho Kontinena je aktivním tenistou.", "evidence": [[[65450, 76328, "Henri Kontinen", 6, "Henri Kontinen"]]], "claim_en": "Henri Kontinen's brother is an active tennis player."} {"id": 183268, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hopmanův pohár každoročně ignorovala vdova po Harrym Hopmanovi.", "evidence": [[[213323, 220580, "Hopmanův pohár", 4, "Hopman Cup"]]], "claim_en": "Hopman Cup has been ignored each year by Harry Hopman's widow."} {"id": 67781, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soli hliníku nejsou v metabolických systémech užitečné.", "evidence": [[[84375, 96522, "Hliník", 13, "Aluminium"]], [[84383, 96531, "Hliník", 13, "Aluminium"]]], "claim_en": "Aluminium salts are not useful in metabolic systems."} {"id": 161120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Malaysia Airlines omezila pouze linky do Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[185654, 197398, "Malaysia Airlines", 21, "Malaysia Airlines"]]], "claim_en": "Malaysia Airlines only cut routes to the Americas."} {"id": 9945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Genocida Arménů se odehrála mimo území Osmanské říše a Turecké republiky.", "evidence": [[[24855, 30696, "Arménská genocida", 0, "Armenian Genocide"]]], "claim_en": "The Armenian Genocide took place outside the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey."} {"id": 212030, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Domácí zvíře může poskytnout společnost osamělým starším lidem.", "evidence": [[[251297, 251190, "Domácí zvíře", 6, "Pet"]]], "claim_en": "A Pet can give companionship to lonely elderly adults."} {"id": 71229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Shatner je auto.", "evidence": [[[87896, 100416, "William Shatner", 0, "William Shatner"]]], "claim_en": "William Shatner is a car."} {"id": 2606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amitabh Bachchan obdržel nejvyšší vyznamenání francouzské vlády.", "evidence": [[[18460, 22645, "Amitabh Bachchan", 18, "Amitabh Bachchan"], [18460, 22645, "Řád čestné legie", 1, "Legion of Honour"]]], "claim_en": "Amitabh Bachchan received the highest honor by the Government of France."} {"id": 51359, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve hře Overwatch vystupují antagonisté.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Overwatch features antagonists."} {"id": 99496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová si zahrála v americkém filmu.", "evidence": [[[117163, 131062, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 6, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[117163, 131063, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 7, "Michelle Williams (actress)"], [117163, 131063, "Blue Valentine (film)", 0, "Blue Valentine (film)"]], [[117163, 131064, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 9, "Michelle Williams (actress)"], [117163, 131064, "Místo u moře", 0, "Manchester by the Sea (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams has been in an American film."} {"id": 208070, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci strávil část svých pozdějších let ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[246172, 246743, "Leonardo da Vinci", 12, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci spent some of his later years in France."} {"id": 253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alicia Silverstone byla celebritou s velkou základnou teenagerských fanoušků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alicia Silverstone was a celebrity with a large teenage fan-base."} {"id": 158045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice slouží jako mikrogravitační stanoviště.", "evidence": [[[182311, 194561, "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice", 6, "International Space Station"]]], "claim_en": "The International Space Station serves as a microgravity habitat."} {"id": 43746, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeden ze seriálů Fairy Tail neměl premiéru na TV Tokio.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of Fairy Tail's series did not premiere on TV Tokyo."} {"id": 162780, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mariah Carey se podepsala na používání nejvyššího rejstříku lidského porozumění.", "evidence": [[[190254, 201323, "Mariah Carey", 22, "Mariah Carey"], [190254, 201323, "Fistule", 0, "Whistle register"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey has signature use of the highest register of the human understanding."} {"id": 219089, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Deadpool 2 se objevili superhrdinové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deadpool 2 featured superheroes."} {"id": 101930, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "VHS vyvinula čínská společnost Victor Company.", "evidence": [[[119660, 133743, "VHS", 1, "VHS"]], [[119661, 133744, "VHS", 1, "VHS"]]], "claim_en": "VHS was developed by Victor Company of China."} {"id": 191969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Herečka jihoafrického původu Charlize Theronová získala uznání kritiky za roli policistky ve filmu Zrůda.", "evidence": [[[224525, 229374, "Charlize Theronová", 4, "Charlize Theron"]]], "claim_en": "South African-born actress Charlize Theron received critical acclaim for playing a police officer in Monster."} {"id": 178979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Žralok megamouth je žralok mimo řád Lamniformes.", "evidence": [[[207620, 215837, "Obrouni", 1, "Lamniformes"]]], "claim_en": "The megamouth shark is a shark outside of the Lamniformes order."} {"id": 34443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Shueisha prodává své výrobky především v hlavním městě Japonska.", "evidence": [[[50630, 60186, "Šúeiša", 0, "Shueisha"]]], "claim_en": "Shueisha sells its products primarily in the capital of Japan."} {"id": 183902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Bradfordu se nachází Národní muzeum vědy a médií.", "evidence": [[[214074, 221167, "Bradford", 14, "Bradford"]]], "claim_en": "Bradford is the location of the National Science and Media Museum."} {"id": 169833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cary Grant hrál ve filmu Příběh z Filadelfie.", "evidence": [[[195857, 206009, "Cary Grant", 8, "Cary Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Cary Grant acted in the film The Philadelphia Story."} {"id": 18821, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Margot Kidderová účinkovala v televizním seriálu pro dospělé Call Girls.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Margot Kidder performed on the adult's television series Call Girls."} {"id": 196138, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Etničtí Albánci žijící mimo tradiční komunity v Makedonské republice jsou součástí albánské diaspory.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ethnic Albanians living outside traditional communities in the Republic of Macedonia are part of the Albanian diaspora."} {"id": 225896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Logan (film) je film o Scottu Frankovi.", "evidence": [[[269300, 265665, "Logan: Wolverine", 2, "Logan (film)"]], [[269300, 265666, "Logan: Wolverine", 1, "Logan (film)"]], [[269300, 265667, "Logan: Wolverine", 6, "Logan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Logan (film) is a film about Scott Frank."} {"id": 57179, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl vrah sedmnácti lidí.", "evidence": [[[73517, 84751, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 5, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was a killer of seventeen people."} {"id": 115935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cara Delevingne byla odmítnuta pro roli ve filmu režiséra Jakea Schreiera.", "evidence": [[[136129, 150967, "Cara Delevingne", 4, "Cara Delevingne"], [136129, 150967, "Papírová města", 0, "Paper Towns (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne was passed over for a role in a film directed by Jake Schreier."} {"id": 74288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana sousedí na západě s Německem.", "evidence": [[[91051, 103721, "Telangána", 4, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is bordered by Germany to the west."} {"id": 63739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost KFC byla ve 20. století prodána společnosti Heublein.", "evidence": [[[80182, 91973, "KFC", 15, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC was sold to Heublein in the 20th century."} {"id": 2720, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Inspectah Deck je zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Inspectah Deck is a singer."} {"id": 69322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christian Bale hrál v několika filmech o Batmanovi.", "evidence": [[[219154, 225248, "Christian Bale", 10, "Christian Bale"]], [[221920, 227429, "Christian Bale", 10, "Christian Bale"], [221920, 227429, "Batman začíná", 0, "Batman Begins"], [221920, 227429, "Temný rytíř (film)", 1, "The Dark Knight (film)"]], [[224511, 229359, "Christian Bale", 10, "Christian Bale"]], [[317822, 306848, "Christian Bale", 10, "Christian Bale"]], [[319562, 308297, "Christian Bale", 10, "Christian Bale"]]], "claim_en": "Christian Bale acted in multiple Batman films."} {"id": 86155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski se nepokusil odvolat své soudem určené právníky.", "evidence": [[[103313, 116706, "Theodore Kaczynski", 23, "Ted Kaczynski"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski did not try to dismiss his court-appointed lawyers."} {"id": 60617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joffreyho Baratheona ztvárnil Colin Farrell.", "evidence": [[[77065, 88467, "Joffrey Baratheon", 7, "Joffrey Baratheon"]]], "claim_en": "Joffrey Baratheon is portrayed by Colin Farrell."} {"id": 45495, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Texasu jsou kostely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Texas has churches."} {"id": 169407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dívka ve vlaku je americká romantická komedie.", "evidence": [[[195306, 205599, "Dívka ve vlaku", 0, "The Girl on the Train (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Girl on the Train is an American romantic comedy film."} {"id": 56239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kleopatra (film z roku 1963) je indický dramatický film.", "evidence": [[[72593, 83631, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra (1963 film) is an Indian drama film."} {"id": 182134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Loving nemohl hrát Nick Kroll.", "evidence": [[[211787, 219429, "Loving", 7, "Loving (2016 film)"]], [[211790, 219432, "Loving", 7, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Loving was incapable of starring Nick Kroll."} {"id": 197183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Omar Sharif mluvil plynně italsky.", "evidence": [[[231728, 235107, "Omar Sharif", 7, "Omar Sharif"]], [[231729, 235108, "Omar Sharif", 7, "Omar Sharif"]]], "claim_en": "Omar Sharif spoke Italian fluently."} {"id": 141487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Impeachment je pouze formální sdělení obvinění.", "evidence": [[[164518, 178772, "Impeachment", 1, "Impeachment"]]], "claim_en": "Impeachment is only a formal statement of allegations."} {"id": 11093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "KJ Apa byl vynechán jako člen hereckého obsazení seriálu Shortland Street.", "evidence": [[[26287, 32298, "K. J. Apa", 1, "KJ Apa"]]], "claim_en": "KJ Apa was passed over as a member of the cast of Shortland Street."} {"id": 84354, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americká občanská válka skončila 8. května 1865.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The American Civil War ended on May 8, 1865."} {"id": 59522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hrát se mohou i hry na role.", "evidence": [[[75930, 87213, "Hra na hrdiny", 6, "Role-playing game"]]], "claim_en": "Role-playing games can be performed."} {"id": 176540, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil koprodukci s designovým studiem, které tvořil kdo jiný než Kazutaka Miyatake.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created a co-production with a design studio formed by anyone except Kazutaka Miyatake."} {"id": 121385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Princezna Margaret trpěla zápalem plic.", "evidence": [[[142556, 157735, "Margaret, hraběnka Snowdon", 22, "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon"]]], "claim_en": "Princess Margaret suffered from a case of pneumonia."} {"id": 201628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V koncertním projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos vystupují členové skupiny Aerosmith.", "evidence": [[[237342, 239563, "Matt Sorum", 2, "Matt Sorum"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos features members of Aerosmith."} {"id": 100261, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hora Mount Hood se nachází v Pyrenejích.", "evidence": [[[117922, 131799, "Mount Hood", 0, "Mount Hood"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Hood is in the Pyrenees."} {"id": 101976, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peru prošlo obdobím finančních nepokojů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peru has gone through periods of financial unrest."} {"id": 60354, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bylo natočeno Tisíc sluncí.", "evidence": [[[76791, 88141, "A Thousand Suns", 0, "A Thousand Suns"]]], "claim_en": "A Thousand Suns was recorded."} {"id": 117267, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boston Celtics jsou domácím týmem Seattlu.", "evidence": [[[137628, 152528, "Boston Celtics", 0, "Boston Celtics"]]], "claim_en": "The Boston Celtics are the home team of Seattle."} {"id": 18714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mauricius získal nezávislost v roce 1967.", "evidence": [[[15162, 18869, "Mauricius", 5, "Mauritius"]], [[15162, 18870, "Mauricius", 10, "Mauritius"]], [[19348, 23749, "Mauricius", 5, "Mauritius"]], [[24068, 29779, "Mauricius", 5, "Mauritius"]], [[24068, 29780, "Mauricius", 10, "Mauritius"]]], "claim_en": "Mauritius achieved independence in 1967."} {"id": 99588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku přestoupil do bruselského Anderlechtu.", "evidence": [[[117238, 131132, "Romelu Lukaku", 4, "Romelu Lukaku"], [117238, 131132, "RSC Anderlecht", 0, "R.S.C. Anderlecht"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku moved to Anderlecht in Brussels."} {"id": 118907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ron Perlman se herecké profesi zcela vyhnul.", "evidence": [[[139547, 154575, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]], [[139547, 154576, "Ron Perlman", 1, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman has avoided the acting profession entirely."} {"id": 157666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bangladéš není schopen být národem.", "evidence": [[[181891, 194173, "Bangladéš", 34, "Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh is incapable of being a nation."} {"id": 227232, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zpověď byla ve Spojených státech zapůjčena.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Confessions was rented in the United States."} {"id": 29219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angličané pocházejí z trávy.", "evidence": [[[45339, 54114, "Angličané", 6, "English people"]], [[45339, 54115, "Angličané", 12, "English people"]]], "claim_en": "English people are descended from the grass."} {"id": 112077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikdo nepovažuje Singapur za poloautoritářský režim.", "evidence": [[[131548, 146347, "Singapur", 26, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "None see Singapore as a semi-authoritarian regime."} {"id": 109280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fylogenetický strom je diagram větvení znázorňující fylogenezi.", "evidence": [[[128176, 142890, "Fylogenetický strom", 0, "Phylogenetic tree"]]], "claim_en": "A phylogenetic tree is a branching diagram showing phylogeny."} {"id": 194755, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "L. Ron Hubbard strávil zbývající léta svého života v Six Flags.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "L. Ron Hubbard spent the remaining years of his life at Six Flags."} {"id": 41842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harley Quinn je výhradně filmová postava.", "evidence": [[[58135, 68345, "Harley Quinn", 0, "Harley Quinn"]], [[58135, 68346, "Harley Quinn", 2, "Harley Quinn"]], [[58135, 68347, "Harley Quinn", 10, "Harley Quinn"]], [[58135, 68348, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Harley Quinn is exclusively a film character."} {"id": 4345, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "A Perfect Circle je country superskupina.", "evidence": [[[20614, 25247, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]]], "claim_en": "A Perfect Circle is a country supergroup."} {"id": 38420, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Captain America je typ tenisek.", "evidence": [[[54619, 64613, "Captain America", 0, "Captain America"]], [[54626, 64618, "Captain America", 0, "Captain America"]], [[54626, 64619, "Captain America", 1, "Captain America"]], [[54626, 64620, "Captain America", 2, "Captain America"]]], "claim_en": "Captain America is a type of sneakers."} {"id": 157314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olivia Munn se narodila v červenci 1980.", "evidence": [[[181473, 193725, "Olivia Munnová", 0, "Olivia Munn"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Munn was born in July of 1980."} {"id": 50996, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwriting pro jednoho autora a byl úspěšný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for an author and he was successful."} {"id": 200428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg je pouze herec.", "evidence": [[[235765, 238329, "Snoop Dogg", 1, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235765, 238330, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[235765, 238331, "Snoop Dogg", 9, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is only an actor."} {"id": 67426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jindřich II. francouzský zemřel předčasně v roce 1567.", "evidence": [[[84002, 96126, "Jindřich II. Francouzský", 0, "Henry II of France"]]], "claim_en": "Henry II of France suffered an untimely death in 1567."} {"id": 124054, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rozvod Michaela Jacksona byl vyřešen u civilního soudu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson's divorce was settled in civil court."} {"id": 90903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bryan Cranston nehrál doktora Tima Whatleyho v komediálním seriálu stanice NBC.", "evidence": [[[108244, 121770, "Bryan Cranston", 1, "Bryan Cranston"]]], "claim_en": "Bryan Cranston did not play Dr. Tim Whatley on a NBC comedy series."} {"id": 202299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Silnice New Jersey Turnpike má pět samostatných 12stopých jízdních pruhů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The New Jersey Turnpike has five separate 12 foot lanes."} {"id": 86103, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor není schopen různých typů bojových akcí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is not capable of different types of warfare."} {"id": 224263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Silvermanová se podílela na animovaném filmu Wreck-It Ralph.", "evidence": [[[267171, 263931, "Sarah Silverman", 8, "Sarah Silverman"], [267171, 263931, "Raubíř Ralf", 4, "Wreck-It Ralph"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Silverman was involved with an animated film called Wreck-It Ralph."} {"id": 120510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Just My Luck (2006) si zahrála Lindsay Lohan v roli Ashley.", "evidence": [[[141523, 156735, "Jen trošku štěstí", 2, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"], [141523, 156735, "Jen trošku štěstí", 1, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Just My Luck (2006 film) stars Lindsay Lohan as Ashley."} {"id": 173916, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film An Education (Výchova) pojednává o přechodu mladého psa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "An Education is about a young dog's transition."} {"id": 25395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžběta z Yorku byla něčí neteř.", "evidence": [[[41349, 49700, "Alžběta z Yorku", 9, "Elizabeth of York"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth of York was someone's niece."} {"id": 13549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Největší rozpočtový přebytek v rámci skupiny G20 má Jižní Korea.", "evidence": [[[28917, 35285, "Jižní Korea", 19, "South Korea"]]], "claim_en": "The G20's largest budget surplus belongs to South Korea."} {"id": 196855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Connery vyhrál cokoli kromě ceny Akademie BAFTA.", "evidence": [[[231307, 234813, "Sean Connery", 0, "Sean Connery"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery won anything except a BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award."} {"id": 204705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Craig je hercem ve filmu Kluk na dvoře krále Artuše.", "evidence": [[[241778, 243311, "Daniel Craig", 3, "Daniel Craig"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig is an actor in A Kid in King Arthur's court."} {"id": 54910, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Kmotr - část II hrál Al Pacino nominovaný na Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon.", "evidence": [[[71266, 82215, "Kmotr II", 7, "The Godfather Part II"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part II featured an Academy Award for Best Actor nominated performance by Al Pacino."} {"id": 13366, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Austrálie leží jižně od Bali.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Australia is south of Bali."} {"id": 70454, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gerard Butler se narodil v březnu.", "evidence": [[[223195, 228239, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]], [[226868, 231327, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]], [[229646, 233547, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]], [[318030, 307030, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]], [[319691, 308372, "Gerard Butler", 0, "Gerard Butler"]]], "claim_en": "Gerard Butler was born in March."} {"id": 12034, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Avengers (2012) napsal americký scenárista, který se narodil v roce 1964.", "evidence": [[[27237, 33363, "Avengers (film)", 2, "The Avengers (2012 film)"], [27237, 33363, "Joss Whedon", 0, "Joss Whedon"]]], "claim_en": "The Avengers (2012 film) was penned by an American screenwriter who was born in 1964."} {"id": 187306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Harbour hrál pouze v divadle.", "evidence": [[[218532, 224797, "David Harbour", 0, "David Harbour"]]], "claim_en": "David Harbour has only acted in theater."} {"id": 144702, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hayley Atwell se objevila ve filmu Vévodkyně po boku Keiry Knightly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hayley Atwell appeared in The Duchess alongside Keira Knightly."} {"id": 74214, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daz Dillinger je starostou města Long Beach.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daz Dillinger is mayor of Long Beach."} {"id": 107879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čestnou cenu Akademie uděluje organizace známá také jako BAFTA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Academy Honorary Award is given by an organization also known as BAFTA."} {"id": 153003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve McQueen hrál ve filmu Velký útěk.", "evidence": [[[176951, 189914, "Steve McQueen", 3, "Steve McQueen"]]], "claim_en": "Steve McQueen was an actor in The Great Escape."} {"id": 100055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Monica Selesová byla turistkou v Jugoslávii a ve Spojených státech amerických.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Monica Seles was a tourist in Yugoslavia and the United States of America."} {"id": 34086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicki Minaj nenatočila album Pink Friday.", "evidence": [[[50197, 59746, "Nicki Minaj", 5, "Nicki Minaj"]]], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj did not make the album Pink Friday."} {"id": 39807, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scott Eastwood dělal reklamu na vůni Cool Water, kterou vlastní farmaceutická společnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood advertised for the fragrance Cool Water which is owned by a drug company."} {"id": 161669, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Streptokok patří do řádu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Streptococcus belongs to an order."} {"id": 81187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele je profesionální britská zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[98240, 111332, "Adele", 0, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele is a professional British singer."} {"id": 82531, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Los Angeles je suché letní klima.", "evidence": [[[99599, 112699, "Los Angeles", 16, "Los Angeles"], [99599, 112699, "Středozemní podnebí", 0, "Mediterranean climate"], [99599, 112699, "Středozemní podnebí", 1, "Mediterranean climate"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles has a dry summer climate."} {"id": 16939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Savci patří do rodu.", "evidence": [[[32361, 39327, "Savci", 0, "Mammal"]], [[32361, 39328, "Savci", 24, "Mammal"]]], "claim_en": "Mammals are a clade."} {"id": 107277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duff McKagan je hluboce věřící.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duff McKagan is devoutly religious."} {"id": 76968, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Only Lovers Left Alive hraje herec, který se narodil na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Only Lovers Left Alive starred an actor born on a boat."} {"id": 24924, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bahrajn se nedaří umístit mezi Katarský poloostrov a severovýchodní pobřeží Saúdské Arábie.", "evidence": [[[40880, 49161, "Bahrajn", 1, "Bahrain"]]], "claim_en": "Bahrain fails to be between the Qatar peninsula and the north eastern coast of Saudi Arabia."} {"id": 142800, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michail Prochorov je bývalý předseda největšího italského producenta zlata.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mikhail Prokhorov is the former chairman of Italy's largest gold producer."} {"id": 61701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Celine Dion nezpívá.", "evidence": [[[78178, 89683, "Céline Dion", 0, "Celine Dion"]]], "claim_en": "Celine Dion does not sing."} {"id": 143726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Česká republika má 10,125 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[166859, 180663, "Česko", 2, "Czech Republic"]]], "claim_en": "The Czech Republic has 10.125 million inhabitants."} {"id": 126377, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Larry Junstrom působil v popové skupině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Larry Junstrom was in a pop band."} {"id": 118220, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ronda Rouseyová byla první ženou ze Spojených států, která získala olympijskou medaili v judu.", "evidence": [[[138703, 153778, "Ronda Rouseyová", 3, "Ronda Rousey"]]], "claim_en": "Ronda Rousey was the first woman from the United States to earn an Olympic medal in judo."} {"id": 143572, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Země je planeta.", "evidence": [[[166718, 180519, "Země", 0, "Earth"]], [[166718, 180520, "Země", 1, "Earth"]]], "claim_en": "Earth is a planet."} {"id": 111413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt zahájil vývoj výbušného zařízení, které získává svou ničivou sílu z ohně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt started the development of an explosive device that derives its destructive force from fire."} {"id": 23593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tobey Maguire přišel o všechny ceny Saturn pro nejlepšího herce.", "evidence": [[[39538, 47619, "Tobey Maguire", 6, "Tobey Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Tobey Maguire lost all Saturn Awards for Best Actor."} {"id": 116737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tým New England Patriots drží rekord v počtu dosažených Super Bowlů.", "evidence": [[[137106, 151945, "New England Patriots", 12, "New England Patriots"]]], "claim_en": "The New England Patriots holds the record for most Super Bowls reached."} {"id": 60509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené státy byly první zemí, která vyvinula přenosné počítače.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States was the first country to develop portable computers."} {"id": 173697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jackson napsal píseň.", "evidence": [[[200725, 210193, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[200725, 210197, "Michael Jackson", 16, "Michael Jackson"], [200725, 210197, "Off the Wall", 7, "Off the Wall"]], [[200725, 210198, "Michael Jackson", 18, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson wrote a song."} {"id": 57470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle není desátým šampionem Trojkoruny.", "evidence": [[[73807, 85050, "Kurt Angle", 15, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is not the tenth Triple Crown Champion."} {"id": 113351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Morello působil jako kytarista ve skupině Rage Against the Machine.", "evidence": [[[132956, 147846, "Tom Morello", 1, "Tom Morello"], [132956, 147846, "Rage Against the Machine", 1, "Rage Against the Machine"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Morello worked with Rage Against the Machine as a guitarist."} {"id": 30442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cara Delevinge získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[46606, 55601, "Cara Delevingne", 2, "Cara Delevingne"]]], "claim_en": "Cara Delevinge won an award."} {"id": 106390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Bowie působil v hudební branži.", "evidence": [[[124942, 139270, "David Bowie", 6, "David Bowie"]], [[124942, 139271, "David Bowie", 10, "David Bowie"]], [[124942, 139272, "David Bowie", 12, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "David Bowie worked in music."} {"id": 38195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Newyorské univerzity byly zařazeny mezi 35 nejlepších na světě.", "evidence": [[[54375, 64368, "New York", 33, "New York City"]]], "claim_en": "New York City's universities have been ranked among the top 35 in the world."} {"id": 213883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Kick-Ass je natočen podle komiksu.", "evidence": [[[253897, 253705, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Kick-Ass is based on a comic book."} {"id": 199757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tijuana leží na ostrově.", "evidence": [[[234938, 237718, "Tijuana", 0, "Tijuana"]]], "claim_en": "Tijuana is on an island."} {"id": 62960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Ázerbájdžánu chybí ti, kteří umí číst.", "evidence": [[[79386, 91064, "Ázerbájdžán", 27, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan lacks those who can read."} {"id": 174163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl 39. americkým prezidentem.", "evidence": [[[201283, 210748, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter served as America's 39th President."} {"id": 107520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moonlight měl premiéru v restauraci Wendy's.", "evidence": [[[126205, 140601, "Moonlight (film)", 6, "Moonlight (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moonlight premiered at Wendy's."} {"id": 92739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rod Laver je všeobecně považován za jednoho z nejlepších jazzových hudebníků.", "evidence": [[[110049, 123680, "Rod Laver", 0, "Rod Laver"]]], "claim_en": "Rod Laver is widely regarded as one of the greatest jazz musicians."} {"id": 200628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Geoffrey Beevers působil jako herec v divadle Purpurový strom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Geoffrey Beevers worked as an actor at the Purple Tree Theatre."} {"id": 29798, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mariah Carey pracovala se dvěma různými styly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey worked with two different styles."} {"id": 57105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stevie Nicks byla členkou skupiny Fleetwood Mac.", "evidence": [[[73433, 84673, "Stevie Nicks", 5, "Stevie Nicks"]]], "claim_en": "Stevie Nicks was a member of Fleetwood Mac."} {"id": 62353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ronald Reagan nebyl Američan.", "evidence": [[[78803, 90378, "Ronald Reagan", 0, "Ronald Reagan"]], [[78803, 90379, "Ronald Reagan", 4, "Ronald Reagan"]]], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan was not an American."} {"id": 133865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Naomi Scottová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[156396, 170990, "Naomi Scott", 1, "Naomi Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott starred in a movie."} {"id": 5831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moskva se nachází na jednom kontinentu.", "evidence": [[[22559, 27803, "Moskva", 4, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is on a continent."} {"id": 169617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ken Russell se podílel alespoň na jednom filmu.", "evidence": [[[195587, 205827, "Ken Russell", 7, "Ken Russell"]], [[195591, 205829, "Ken Russell", 7, "Ken Russell"]], [[195591, 205830, "Ken Russell", 8, "Ken Russell"]], [[195591, 205831, "Ken Russell", 12, "Ken Russell"]]], "claim_en": "Ken Russell was involved at least one film."} {"id": 92673, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Decter je křesťan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Decter is a Christian."} {"id": 141584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olympijské hry mají 33 různých sportovních soutěží.", "evidence": [[[164634, 178860, "Olympijské hry", 23, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games has 33 different sport competitions."} {"id": 163144, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rashida Jonesová hrála ve filmu The Social Network.", "evidence": [[[187703, 199292, "Rashida Jones", 2, "Rashida Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Rashida Jones was in The Social Network."} {"id": 106610, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Batman vs. Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti hraje 1 americký herec.", "evidence": [[[125144, 139485, "Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti", 3, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"]]], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has 1 American cast member."} {"id": 161911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alan Shepard byl šéfem úřadu astronautů.", "evidence": [[[186446, 198259, "Alan Shepard", 16, "Alan Shepard"]], [[186448, 198260, "Alan Shepard", 16, "Alan Shepard"]]], "claim_en": "Alan Shepard was Chief of the Astronaut Office."} {"id": 218973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Bold and the Beautiful je sesterským seriálem seriálu The Young and the Restless a slouží jako jeho prequel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bold and the Beautiful is a sister show to The Young and the Restless, serving as its prequel."} {"id": 199566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kongres Spojených států má republikánské zástupce.", "evidence": [[[234688, 237518, "Kongres Spojených států amerických", 2, "United States Congress"]]], "claim_en": "United States Congress has Republican Representatives."} {"id": 56565, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne hrála obchodníka ve filmu Papírová města (2015).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne played a merchant in Paper Towns (2015)."} {"id": 225680, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "50 First Dates je arménský film.", "evidence": [[[268978, 265395, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates is an Armenian film."} {"id": 9883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hulk je film.", "evidence": [[[24761, 30591, "Hulk (film)", 0, "Hulk (film)"]], [[24761, 30592, "Hulk (film)", 1, "Hulk (film)"]], [[24761, 30593, "Hulk (film)", 2, "Hulk (film)"]], [[24761, 30594, "Hulk (film)", 5, "Hulk (film)"]], [[24761, 30595, "Hulk (film)", 6, "Hulk (film)"]], [[24761, 30596, "Hulk (film)", 13, "Hulk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Hulk is a film."} {"id": 176674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "42 napsal a sestříhal Brian Helman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "42 was written and edited by Brian Helman."} {"id": 145991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havaj nemá žádné hlavní ostrovy.", "evidence": [[[169363, 183003, "Havaj", 8, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii has no main islands."} {"id": 188000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sicario (2015) byl nominován na cenu BAFTA.", "evidence": [[[219375, 225400, "Sicario: Nájemný vrah", 6, "Sicario (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sicario (2015 film) was nominated for a BAFTA award."} {"id": 74638, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "French Open není tenisový turnaj.", "evidence": [[[91420, 104153, "French Open", 0, "French Open"]], [[91420, 104154, "French Open", 1, "French Open"]], [[91420, 104155, "French Open", 3, "French Open"]]], "claim_en": "The French Open is not a tennis tournament."} {"id": 63420, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jon Pertwee byl vaudevillový komik.", "evidence": [[[79838, 91565, "Jon Pertwee", 9, "Jon Pertwee"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee was a vaudeville comedian."} {"id": 154808, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Goldie Hawnová byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[178798, 191339, "Goldie Hawnová", 2, "Goldie Hawn"]]], "claim_en": "Goldie Hawn was nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 209360, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexandrie obsluhuje méně než polovinu egyptského dovozu a vývozu.", "evidence": [[[247844, 248146, "Alexandrie", 2, "Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandria serves less than half of Egypt's imports and exports."} {"id": 35627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bahamy jsou neznámé.", "evidence": [[[51813, 61648, "Bahamy", 0, "The Bahamas"]]], "claim_en": "The Bahamas is unknown."} {"id": 217938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na filmu Kung Fu panda se nijak nepodílela Lucy Liu.", "evidence": [[[259076, 257742, "Kung Fu Panda 3", 7, "Kung Fu Panda 3"]], [[259077, 257743, "Kung Fu Panda 3", 7, "Kung Fu Panda 3"]], [[259079, 257744, "Kung Fu Panda 3", 7, "Kung Fu Panda 3"]]], "claim_en": "Kung Fu panda had zero involvement from Lucy Liu."} {"id": 13255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Room je natočen podle stejnojmenného románu.", "evidence": [[[30569, 37168, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Room is based on a novel of the same name."} {"id": 216899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Shakespeare byl dramatik.", "evidence": [[[257705, 256677, "William Shakespeare", 0, "William Shakespeare"]], [[257705, 256678, "William Shakespeare", 3, "William Shakespeare"]], [[257705, 256679, "William Shakespeare", 16, "William Shakespeare"]]], "claim_en": "William Shakespeare was a playwright."} {"id": 212384, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Soundgarden byla seattleská konkurence Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Soundgarden was a Seattle rival of Pearl Jam."} {"id": 20167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lana Del Rey vydala album Born to Die.", "evidence": [[[35986, 43533, "Lana Del Rey", 5, "Lana Del Rey"], [35986, 43533, "Born to Die (album, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Born to Die"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey released the album Born to Die."} {"id": 164012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barry Gibb se narodil v USA.", "evidence": [[[188669, 200122, "Barry Gibb", 4, "Barry Gibb"]]], "claim_en": "Barry Gibb was born in the US."} {"id": 199075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234062, 236957, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]], [[234062, 236958, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[234062, 236959, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 120294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant byl v roce 1867 velícím generálem.", "evidence": [[[141308, 156500, "Ulysses S. Grant", 1, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant was Commanding General in 1867."} {"id": 74630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na nejvyšší příčce žebříčku Billboard 2013 se umístila skupina Imagine Dragons.", "evidence": [[[91419, 104152, "Imagine Dragons", 2, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Ranked highest on the Billboard 2013 list was Imagine Dragons."} {"id": 220586, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obrázek 1: V červenci 2015 byla vymyšlena kniha Washington's Spies (Washingtonovi špióni).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Turn: Washington's Spies was fabricated in July 2015."} {"id": 213010, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando hrál narcistu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando played a narcissist."} {"id": 120575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené státy mají rozlohu 2 miliony čtverečních mil.", "evidence": [[[141589, 156833, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States is 2 million square miles."} {"id": 23099, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Durant se stal prvním monarchou, který byl jmenován Naismithovým vysokoškolským hráčem roku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Durant became the first monarch to be named Naismith College Player of the Year."} {"id": 107037, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam byl zvolen skautským vůdcem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was elected as Cub Scout leader."} {"id": 77435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vandalové byli východogermánským náboženstvím.", "evidence": [[[94387, 107372, "Vandalové", 0, "Vandals"]]], "claim_en": "The Vandals were an East Germanic religion."} {"id": 150936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hry na hrdiny se skládají z RPG v kategorii stolních her.", "evidence": [[[174739, 187885, "Hra na hrdiny", 6, "Role-playing game"]]], "claim_en": "Role-playing games consist of RPGs in the tabletop category."} {"id": 114199, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dileep strávil líbánky v Sallapamu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dileep honeymooned in Sallapam."} {"id": 51711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Connie Brittonová nikdy nehrála v antologickém televizním seriálu o skutečných zločinech.", "evidence": [[[68037, 78904, "Connie Britton", 15, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton has never been in a true crime anthology television series."} {"id": 73321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harley Quinn odmítla, že by kdy milovala Jokera.", "evidence": [[[90080, 102758, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Harley Quinn refused to ever love the Joker."} {"id": 52872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jordan Peele je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[69152, 79936, "Jordan Peele", 0, "Jordan Peele"]]], "claim_en": "Jordan Peele is a writer."} {"id": 158384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eragon je film s drakem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[182648, 194838, "Eragon (film)", 0, "Eragon (film)"], [182648, 194838, "Drak", 0, "Dragon"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film starring a dragon."} {"id": 11131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Carradine je Američan.", "evidence": [[[26321, 32352, "David Carradine", 0, "David Carradine"]]], "claim_en": "David Carradine is American."} {"id": 152227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Applegate odmítla každou filmovou roli, kterou dostala.", "evidence": [[[176183, 189143, "Christina Applegate", 0, "Christina Applegate"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Applegate turned down every film role she received."} {"id": 32730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V okrese Pierce ve státě Washington se nachází nejvyšší hora Kaskádového pohoří na severozápadě Pacifiku.", "evidence": [[[95709, 108752, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"], [95709, 108752, "Mount Rainier", 0, "Mount Rainier"]], [[97871, 111025, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"], [97871, 111025, "Mount Rainier", 0, "Mount Rainier"]], [[98284, 111394, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"], [98284, 111394, "Mount Rainier", 0, "Mount Rainier"]], [[306780, 297394, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"]], [[307692, 298142, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"], [307692, 298142, "Mount Rainier", 0, "Mount Rainier"]], [[307693, 298143, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"], [307693, 298143, "Kaskádové pohoří", 0, "Cascade Range"], [307693, 298143, "Kaskádové pohoří", 7, "Cascade Range"], [307693, 298143, "Mount Rainier", 0, "Mount Rainier"]]], "claim_en": "Pierce County, Washington is the location of the highest mountain of the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest."} {"id": 9300, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Shatner se objevil v seriálu stanice NBC Red.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Shatner appeared in the NBC series, red."} {"id": 202573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Little Boy se nepodařilo nikdy vysadit.", "evidence": [[[238694, 240686, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "Little Boy failed to ever be dropped."} {"id": 113470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hummus je druh sýra.", "evidence": [[[133096, 147965, "Pomazánka", 6, "Spread (food)"], [133096, 147965, "Hummus", 0, "Hummus"], [133096, 147965, "Sýr", 0, "Cheese"]]], "claim_en": "Hummus is a type of cheese."} {"id": 24982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lil Wayne je hudební producent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lil Wayne is a record producer."} {"id": 140811, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lauren Grahamová je spisovatelka.", "evidence": [[[35973, 43523, "Lauren Graham", 0, "Lauren Graham"]], [[35973, 43524, "Lauren Graham", 6, "Lauren Graham"]]], "claim_en": "Lauren Graham is a writer."} {"id": 54073, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Telangana obsahuje města Dillí, Kalkata a Čennaí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Telangana contains the cities of Delhi, Calcutta, and Chennai."} {"id": 223677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "UNICEF UK je jedním z 36 národních výborů UNICEF se sídlem ve vyspělých zemích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "UNICEF UK is one of 36 UNICEF National Committees based in developed countries."} {"id": 96585, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2015 vydal Justin Bieber své čtvrté album.", "evidence": [[[114146, 127962, "Justin Bieber", 11, "Justin Bieber"]]], "claim_en": "In 2015, Justin Bieber's released his fourth album."} {"id": 112581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Orson Welles neuspěl v divadle, rozhlase ani ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[132108, 146978, "Orson Welles", 0, "Orson Welles"]]], "claim_en": "Orson Welles failed in theatre, radio, and film."} {"id": 186884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Knihy Live Through This se prodalo necelých 1,6 milionu výtisků.", "evidence": [[[218040, 224442, "Live Through This", 12, "Live Through This"]]], "claim_en": "Live Through This has sold less than 1.6 million copies."} {"id": 115118, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Big Show vlastní společnost WWE.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Big Show owns WWE."} {"id": 120082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keanu Reeves hrál v roce 2002 ve filmu Johnny Mnemonic.", "evidence": [[[141081, 156274, "Keanu Reeves", 11, "Keanu Reeves"], [141081, 156274, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 0, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves played Johnny Mnemonic in Johnny Mnemonic in 2002."} {"id": 70221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Přesná poloha Kolosea není známa.", "evidence": [[[86876, 99335, "Koloseum", 0, "Colosseum"]]], "claim_en": "The Colosseum's exact location is unknown."} {"id": 103248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ryan O'Neal hraje profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[121225, 135520, "Ryan O'Neal", 0, "Ryan O'Neal"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan O'Neal acts professionally."} {"id": 85737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naruto: Shippuden je prequel k filmu Naruto.", "evidence": [[[102899, 116181, "Naruto", 14, "Naruto"]]], "claim_en": "Naruto: Shippuden is a prequel to Naruto."} {"id": 170864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "A Thousand Suns je album.", "evidence": [[[197137, 207194, "A Thousand Suns", 0, "A Thousand Suns"]]], "claim_en": "A Thousand Suns is an album."} {"id": 3376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ariana Grande propůjčila svůj hlas animovaným televizním pořadům a filmům.", "evidence": [[[19373, 23767, "Ariana Grande", 3, "Ariana Grande"]]], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande lent her voice to animated television and films."} {"id": 228668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Margo Stilleyová hraje ve filmu Jak ztratit přátele a odcizit se lidem.", "evidence": [[[272833, 268509, "Jak se zbavit přátel a zůstat úplně sám", 6, "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Margo Stilley stars in How to Lose Friends & Alienate People."} {"id": 202399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eric Singer hraje v hudební skupině.", "evidence": [[[238453, 240473, "Eric Singer", 0, "Eric Singer"], [238453, 240473, "Kiss", 0, "Kiss (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Singer is in a music group."} {"id": 222702, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Kmotr - část III vydělal více než 140 000 000 dolarů.", "evidence": [[[265289, 262523, "Kmotr III", 9, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III grossed more than $140,000,000."} {"id": 147747, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moderátorský styl Conana O'Briena v pořadu Conan byl charakterizován jako sebeparodický.", "evidence": [[[171319, 184803, "Conan O'Brien", 13, "Conan O'Brien"]], [[171320, 184804, "Conan O'Brien", 13, "Conan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien hosting style on the Conan show has been characterized as self-deprecating."} {"id": 203579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerryho Maguirea produkoval producent animovaného seriálu Simpsonovi.", "evidence": [[[240202, 241849, "Jerry Maguire", 1, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Maguire was produced by a producer of the animated show The Simpsons."} {"id": 133553, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Wood byl alt-rockový hudebník 90. let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood was a 90's alt-rock musician."} {"id": 90079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve všech jeho kapelách zpíval výhradně Slash.", "evidence": [[[107391, 120838, "Slash", 3, "Slash (musician)"], [107391, 120838, "Velvet Revolver", 0, "Velvet Revolver"], [107391, 120838, "Velvet Revolver", 1, "Velvet Revolver"]], [[107391, 120839, "Slash", 1, "Slash (musician)"], [107391, 120839, "Guns N' Roses", 1, "Guns N' Roses"]], [[107391, 120840, "Slash", 10, "Slash (musician)"], [107391, 120840, "November Rain", 1, "November Rain"]]], "claim_en": "Slash exclusively sang lead in all his bands."} {"id": 48222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Merlin měl premiéru v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[64582, 75373, "Merlin (seriál)", 7, "Merlin (2008 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Merlin was premiered in 2008."} {"id": 223493, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na Pražský hrad přijde ročně pouze 5 000 lidí.", "evidence": [[[266226, 263268, "Pražský hrad", 7, "Prague Castle"]]], "claim_en": "Prague Castle only brings in 5,000 people a year."} {"id": 121800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "50 Cent byl časopisem Billboard zařazen na 8. místo žebříčku nejlepších umělců roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[143000, 158123, "50 Cent", 16, "50 Cent"]]], "claim_en": "50 Cent was ranked the 8th best artist of the 2000s by Billboard."} {"id": 53893, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taylor Swift má auta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift has cars."} {"id": 106283, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caroline Blakistonová hraje v televizním dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caroline Blakiston is in a television drama."} {"id": 128444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Facebook je online pornografická stránka.", "evidence": [[[150468, 165350, "Facebook", 0, "Facebook"]], [[150472, 165354, "Facebook", 0, "Facebook"]]], "claim_en": "Facebook is an online porn site."} {"id": 113255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg se narodil v 50. letech.", "evidence": [[[282143, 276387, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[284156, 278018, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[284159, 278021, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[330060, 316706, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[331360, 317865, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was born in the 50s."} {"id": 27591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eddie Vedder vydal béčko.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder has released a B-side."} {"id": 143788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Washingtonův památník se nachází severně od Lincolnova památníku.", "evidence": [[[166915, 180718, "Washingtonův monument", 1, "Washington Monument"]]], "claim_en": "The Washington Monument is north of the Lincoln Memorial."} {"id": 56494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dr. Dre byl dříve spolumajitelem nemocnice.", "evidence": [[[72836, 83921, "Dr. Dre", 2, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre was previously the co-owner of a hospital."} {"id": 86445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Becoming Jane působil jako budoucí konzultant John Hunter Spence.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Becoming Jane had John Hunter Spence as a future consultant."} {"id": 151824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Deadpoolovi nehraje Morena Baccarin.", "evidence": [[[175762, 188742, "Deadpool (film)", 1, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool does not star Morena Baccarin."} {"id": 2718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian Michael Bendis pracoval na videohrách z produkce společnosti Bethesda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian Michael Bendis has worked on video games produced by Bethesda."} {"id": 85724, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Truman Capote je diskordián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Truman Capote is a discordian."} {"id": 105113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indonéská divočina má pouze jeden druh živočichů a rostlin.", "evidence": [[[124780, 139133, "Indonésie", 12, "Indonesia"], [124780, 139133, "Biologická diverzita", 0, "Biodiversity"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia's wilderness only has one kind of animal and plant life."} {"id": 111134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Číňané jsou lidé spjatí s Irskem.", "evidence": [[[130512, 145289, "Číňané", 0, "Chinese people"]]], "claim_en": "Chinese people are people associated with Ireland."} {"id": 32000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šestá sada rozšíření hry World of Warcraft vyšla 30. září.", "evidence": [[[48126, 57466, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]]], "claim_en": "The 6th expansion set of World of Warcraft was released on the 30th."} {"id": 65062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová odmítá žít ve Španělsku.", "evidence": [[[81537, 93295, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 19, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin refuses to live in Spain."} {"id": 41841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Audi mělo dříve slogan \"Pravda ve strojírenství\".", "evidence": [[[58133, 68344, "Audi", 14, "Audi"]]], "claim_en": "Audi previously had the slogan \"Truth in Engineering.\""} {"id": 60939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bela Lugosi byl katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bela Lugosi was Catholic."} {"id": 52515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lewis Hamilton v roce 2016 vůbec nevyhrál.", "evidence": [[[68824, 79643, "Lewis Hamilton", 24, "Lewis Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Lewis Hamilton did not win at all in 2016."} {"id": 100786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Žebříčku Billboard Hot 100 vévodila Mariah Carey.", "evidence": [[[118475, 132322, "Mariah Carey", 3, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "The Billboard Hot 100 was topped by Mariah Carey."} {"id": 201008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ke středozápadu Spojených států patří Paříž ve Francii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Midwestern United States includes Paris, France."} {"id": 86324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Wall je album skupiny Pink Floyd.", "evidence": [[[103469, 116883, "Pink Floyd", 8, "Pink Floyd"]], [[103469, 116884, "Pink Floyd", 9, "Pink Floyd"], [103469, 116884, "The Wall", 0, "The Wall"]]], "claim_en": "The Wall is an album by Pink Floyd."} {"id": 177072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi kosmetické značky patří rouge.", "evidence": [[[205200, 213841, "Kosmetika", 3, "Cosmetics"]]], "claim_en": "Cosmetic brands include rouge."} {"id": 211555, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ryan Gosling si zahrál v životopisném filmu o Dereku Cianfrancovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ryan Gosling starred in a biopic about Derek Cianfrance."} {"id": 171376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do filmu Blue Velvet se nepodařilo obsadit Kylea MacLachlana.", "evidence": [[[197769, 207724, "Modrý samet", 1, "Blue Velvet (film)"], [197769, 207724, "Kyle MacLachlan", 1, "Kyle MacLachlan"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet failed to cast Kyle MacLachlan."} {"id": 177858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Milk je životopisný film se Seanem Pennem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[206147, 214586, "Milk", 1, "Milk (film)"]], [[206147, 214587, "Milk", 0, "Milk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Milk is a biographical film starring Sean Penn."} {"id": 7657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Los Angeles Lakers hrají v NBA.", "evidence": [[[12454, 15566, "Los Angeles Lakers", 1, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[12454, 15567, "Los Angeles Lakers", 3, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[12454, 15568, "Los Angeles Lakers", 4, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[12454, 15569, "Los Angeles Lakers", 21, "Los Angeles Lakers"]], [[12454, 15570, "Los Angeles Lakers", 24, "Los Angeles Lakers"]]], "claim_en": "The Los Angeles Lakers are in the NBA."} {"id": 211196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani je akcionářem společnosti.", "evidence": [[[250228, 250257, "Mukeš Ambani", 0, "Mukesh Ambani"]]], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani is a shareholder."} {"id": 139524, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útěk z vězení nebyl televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[162385, 176701, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]], [[162386, 176702, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was not a television series."} {"id": 81061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grace VanderWaal vyhrála soutěžní pořad televize NBC Grapes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grace VanderWaal won the NBC TV competition show grapes."} {"id": 57728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Manchester City F.C. byla zakoupena skupinou Abu Dhabi United Group.", "evidence": [[[74064, 85284, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Manchester City F.C. was purchased by Abu Dhabi United Group."} {"id": 35140, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anglický král Jindřich VIII. byl neustále daleko od finančního krachu.", "evidence": [[[51319, 61040, "Jindřich VIII. Tudor", 15, "Henry VIII of England"]]], "claim_en": "Henry VIII of England was continually far from financial ruin."} {"id": 182714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3 hrála Anna Camp.", "evidence": [[[212582, 220070, "Ladíme 3", 1, "Pitch Perfect 3"]]], "claim_en": "Pitch Perfect 3 stars Anna Camp."} {"id": 40265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Lucas vytvořil v roce 1969 sérii Indiana Jones.", "evidence": [[[56561, 66754, "George Lucas", 1, "George Lucas"]]], "claim_en": "George Lucas created the Indiana Jones franchise in 1969."} {"id": 118438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bruno Mars prodal celosvětově 9 300 456 alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bruno Mars has sold 9,300,456 albums globally."} {"id": 92796, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Disociativní porucha identity může být způsobena silným stresem.", "evidence": [[[275434, 270571, "Disociativní porucha identity", 7, "Dissociative identity disorder"], [275434, 270571, "Psychické trauma", 0, "Psychological trauma"]], [[277793, 272740, "Disociativní porucha identity", 7, "Dissociative identity disorder"]], [[324468, 312442, "Disociativní porucha identity", 7, "Dissociative identity disorder"], [324468, 312442, "Psychické trauma", 1, "Psychological trauma"]]], "claim_en": "Dissociative identity disorder may be caused by severe stress."} {"id": 114214, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Narozeniny Emmy Roberts jsou státním svátkem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts's birthday is a national holiday."} {"id": 20122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Jackson byl sedmnáctým prezidentem Spojených států a prvním demokratickým prezidentem.", "evidence": [[[35940, 43492, "Andrew Jackson", 0, "Andrew Jackson"], [35940, 43492, "Andrew Johnson", 0, "Andrew Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Jackson was the seventeenth President of the United States and first Democratic president."} {"id": 201667, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V koncertním projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos působí členové nejméně jedné rockové kapely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos features members of at least one rock band."} {"id": 120838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Macintosh byl katastrofou, kterou vytvořil Steve Jobs.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Macintosh was a disaster that Steve Jobs created."} {"id": 191404, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Retrospektiva kariéry Franka Zappy vyšla v roce 1966.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Zappa's career retrospective was released in 1966."} {"id": 6784, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Connie Brittonová byla nominována za projev.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Connie Britton was nominated for a speech."} {"id": 200098, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První městskou oblastí Austrálie je hlavní město státu Nový Jižní Wales.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The first urban area of Australia is the state capital of New South Wales."} {"id": 192014, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adam Lambert je otevřený gay.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adam Lambert is openly gay."} {"id": 220450, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Církev Ježíše Krista Svatých posledních dnů prosazuje zákon o dodržování soboty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints enforces a law of Sabbath observance."} {"id": 194683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Seiko prodává japonské hodiny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seiko sells Japanese clocks."} {"id": 42692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ratatouille je osmý film, který natočil Owen Wilson.", "evidence": [[[58991, 69316, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[58996, 69320, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ratatouille is the eighth film produced by Owen Wilson."} {"id": 133507, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gary Ridgway pracoval pro Toyotu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gary Ridgway worked for Toyota."} {"id": 213281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nil protéká určitým regionem.", "evidence": [[[253030, 252890, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]], [[253033, 252892, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through a region."} {"id": 37939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vietnamská válka se odehrávala na Marsu.", "evidence": [[[54129, 64128, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 0, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "The Vietnam War took place on Mars."} {"id": 39539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chrámová hora je místo, ke kterému se Židé obracejí při modlitbě.", "evidence": [[[55844, 65934, "Chrámová hora", 29, "Temple Mount"]]], "claim_en": "Temple Mount is where Jews turn towards during prayer."} {"id": 208777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice pracoval na filmu Solaris.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice worked on Solaris."} {"id": 211328, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry má dítě s Laurencem Olivierem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has a child by Laurence Olivier."} {"id": 146898, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na Arubě je krajina, která nemá mnoho vláhy ani deště.", "evidence": [[[172950, 186197, "Aruba", 12, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba has a landscape that does not receive much moisture or rain."} {"id": 228507, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film What Makes You Beautiful natočila skupina One Direction.", "evidence": [[[272626, 268275, "One Direction", 2, "One Direction"]], [[272627, 268276, "One Direction", 2, "One Direction"]], [[272630, 268280, "One Direction", 2, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "What Makes You Beautiful was made by One Direction."} {"id": 88427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sleipnir se nikde neobjevuje.", "evidence": [[[105651, 119090, "Sleipnir", 6, "Sleipnir"]]], "claim_en": "Sleipnir appears nowhere."} {"id": 80990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeden z producentů filmu Argo se narodil na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of Argo's producers was born on a boat."} {"id": 135512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glen Campbell je rockový hudebník.", "evidence": [[[158111, 172742, "Glen Campbell", 0, "Glen Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell is a rock musician."} {"id": 13010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Watsonová je tenistka.", "evidence": [[[28240, 34545, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson is a tennis player."} {"id": 81351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dotykové obrazovky se používají pouze v tabletech.", "evidence": [[[98407, 111519, "Dotyková obrazovka", 9, "Touchscreen"]]], "claim_en": "Touchscreens are only used in tablet computers."} {"id": 226991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina The Black Eyed Peas odmítla píseň \"Don't Phunk with My Heart\".", "evidence": [[[270655, 266670, "The Black Eyed Peas", 10, "The Black Eyed Peas"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Eyed Peas rejected \"Don't Phunk with My Heart\"."} {"id": 172769, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Beach byl vydán v Itálii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beach was released in Italy."} {"id": 207333, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vojenské klamání je forma strategického využití informací.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Military deception is a form of strategic use of information."} {"id": 154510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bryan Cranston není herec.", "evidence": [[[178499, 191084, "Bryan Cranston", 0, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191085, "Bryan Cranston", 1, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191086, "Bryan Cranston", 4, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191087, "Bryan Cranston", 8, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191088, "Bryan Cranston", 9, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191089, "Bryan Cranston", 10, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191090, "Bryan Cranston", 11, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[178499, 191092, "Bryan Cranston", 15, "Bryan Cranston"], [178499, 191092, "Perníkový táta", 2, "Breaking Bad"]], [[178499, 191093, "Bryan Cranston", 16, "Bryan Cranston"]]], "claim_en": "Bryan Cranston is not an actor."} {"id": 51382, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ringo Starr ze skupiny Beatles hrál na bicí.", "evidence": [[[67729, 78557, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"], [67729, 78557, "Ringo Starr", 0, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles's Ringo Starr played drums."} {"id": 170874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Tisíc sluncí vytvořila společnost Hostess.", "evidence": [[[197152, 207211, "A Thousand Suns", 0, "A Thousand Suns"]]], "claim_en": "A Thousand Suns was created by Hostess."} {"id": 224650, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William R. Tolbert Jr. byl prezidentem Libérie od května 1971 do roku 1980.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William R. Tolbert Jr. served as President of Liberia from May 1971 until 1980."} {"id": 56724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dobrý Will Hunting je americké drama.", "evidence": [[[73080, 84283, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting is an American drama."} {"id": 20991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ostrov Man byl součástí smlouvy mezi Švédskem a Walesem.", "evidence": [[[38637, 46597, "Man (ostrov)", 0, "Isle of Man"]]], "claim_en": "The Isle of Man was part of a treaty between Sweden and Wales."} {"id": 163191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Heikegani je obraz desetinohého korýše.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heikegani is a painting of decapod crustacean."} {"id": 27835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hilda Ellis Davidsonová byla těhotná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hilda Ellis Davidson was pregnant."} {"id": 105623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Sníh není postava z románů George R. R. Martina Píseň ledu a ohně.", "evidence": [[[279459, 274055, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[281198, 275603, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[283290, 277354, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[327764, 314964, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[328819, 315799, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]], [[328820, 315800, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is not a character in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels."} {"id": 184527, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V obsazení seriálu Stranger Things je Millie Bobby Brownová.", "evidence": [[[214952, 221912, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]], [[214954, 221914, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "The Stranger Things cast includes Millie Bobby Brown."} {"id": 63424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Laurence Olivier hrál v roce 1948 v adaptaci Krále Leara.", "evidence": [[[79842, 91569, "Laurence Olivier", 18, "Laurence Olivier"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Olivier starred in the 1948 adaptation of King Lear."} {"id": 90568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eminem prodal od června 2014 miliony alb.", "evidence": [[[107885, 121377, "Eminem", 3, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem sold millions of albums as of June 2014."} {"id": 2173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James McAvoy hrál v seriálu.", "evidence": [[[17998, 22147, "James McAvoy", 1, "James McAvoy"]], [[17998, 22148, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]]], "claim_en": "James McAvoy starred in a show."} {"id": 180889, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kontrakultura je subkultura s jazykem a normami odlišnými od hlavního proudu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Counterculture is a subculture with language and norms differing from the mainstream."} {"id": 126033, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers (2012) se Robert Downey Jr. představil jako Iron Man.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Avengers (2012 film) features Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man."} {"id": 77140, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Plutonium reaguje s nějakým prvkem.", "evidence": [[[94038, 107031, "Plutonium", 3, "Plutonium"]]], "claim_en": "Plutonium reacts with an element."} {"id": 103373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Scorsese založil v roce 1988 Filmovou nadaci.", "evidence": [[[121359, 135657, "Martin Scorsese", 6, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese founded The Film Foundation in 1988."} {"id": 21703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Duvall nehrál ve filmu Tender Mercies.", "evidence": [[[37657, 45584, "Robert Duvall", 1, "Robert Duvall"]], [[37657, 45585, "Robert Duvall", 11, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall did not star in Tender Mercies."} {"id": 18760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu Kráska a zvíře byl Bill Condon.", "evidence": [[[34384, 41704, "Kráska a zvíře (film, 2017)", 0, "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The director of Beauty and the Beast was Bill Condon."} {"id": 13098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Wood (zpěvák) nebyl závislý na drogách.", "evidence": [[[28335, 34650, "Andrew Wood", 7, "Andrew Wood (singer)"]], [[28335, 34651, "Andrew Wood", 16, "Andrew Wood (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood (singer) was not addicted to drugs."} {"id": 39752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Demokratická strana je menší stranou.", "evidence": [[[113842, 127703, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]], [[117393, 131308, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]], [[117393, 131309, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 5, "Democratic Party (United States)"], [117393, 131309, "Republikánská strana (USA)", 0, "Republican Party (United States)"]], [[117393, 131310, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 30, "Democratic Party (United States)"]], [[117393, 131311, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 23, "Democratic Party (United States)"], [117393, 131311, "Hlavní politická strana", 0, "Major party"]], [[120138, 134287, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]], [[308564, 298917, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]], [[310182, 300246, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Party is a minor party."} {"id": 127614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhalová nehrála ve filmu Chůva McPhee a velký flám.", "evidence": [[[149548, 164509, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 9, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhal did not star in Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang."} {"id": 215548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu 50 First Dates byl Peter Segal.", "evidence": [[[256068, 255351, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates' director was Peter Segal."} {"id": 180923, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tipper Goreová je modelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tipper Gore is a model."} {"id": 4272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana se nachází v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[20542, 25173, "Guyana", 0, "Guyana"]], [[20542, 25174, "Guyana", 17, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana is located in North America."} {"id": 16147, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Queen Latifah je bubenice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah is a drummer."} {"id": 43835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Volejbal zahrnuje venkovní volejbal a vnitrozemský volejbal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Volleyball includes outdoor volleyball and inland volleyball."} {"id": 183178, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kaspické moře je na severozápadě ohraničeno Afghánistánem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Caspian Sea is bounded by Afghanistan to the northwest."} {"id": 229154, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zayn Malik se narodil 12. ledna 1993 v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zayn Malik was born on January 12th, 1993 in a car."} {"id": 123037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Naomi Scottová si zahrála v americkém hudebním filmu pro teenagery.", "evidence": [[[144481, 159506, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [144481, 159506, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott starred in an American teen musical film."} {"id": 80023, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Král rybář se v roli Belly Swan představila Amanda Plummer.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Fisher King features Amanda Plummer as Bella Swan."} {"id": 39529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rhode Island byl čtvrtým státem, který v roce 1777 ratifikoval Články konfederace.", "evidence": [[[55900, 65988, "Rhode Island", 7, "Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "Rhode Island was the fourth state to ratify the Articles of Confederation in 1777."} {"id": 134543, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ježíš byl muž.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesus was male."} {"id": 83209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shailene Woodley se narodila v listopadu a hraje.", "evidence": [[[100255, 113500, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]]], "claim_en": "Shailene Woodley was born in November and she acts."} {"id": 105478, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine zemřel v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[32198, 39127, "Charles Marie de La Condamine", 0, "Charles Marie de La Condamine"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine died in 1980."} {"id": 121503, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lev je jedna z masožravých koček rodu Panthera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The lion is one of the carnivorous cats of the genus Panthera."} {"id": 171712, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Iain Glen je Skot.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is a Scot."} {"id": 223952, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová nemá žádné hudební zkušenosti.", "evidence": [[[266803, 263666, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 0, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood has no experience as a musician."} {"id": 212890, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dělohu (film) napsal pouze Michael Bay.", "evidence": [[[252510, 252283, "Lůno (film)", 0, "Womb (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Womb (film) is written by Michael Bay only."} {"id": 42330, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt inicioval vývoj prvního stroje soudného dne na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the development of the world's first doomsday machine."} {"id": 85992, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mughalská říše byla říše v Asii.", "evidence": [[[103164, 116488, "Mughalská říše", 0, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116488, "Indický subkontinent", 0, "Indian subcontinent"]], [[103164, 116489, "Mughalská říše", 2, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116489, "Afghánistán", 0, "Afghanistan"], [103164, 116489, "Indický subkontinent", 0, "Indian subcontinent"]], [[103164, 116490, "Mughalská říše", 3, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116490, "Indický subkontinent", 0, "Indian subcontinent"]], [[103164, 116491, "Mughalská říše", 26, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116491, "Bengálsko", 0, "Bengal"]], [[103164, 116492, "Mughalská říše", 27, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116492, "Bengálsko", 0, "Bengal"]], [[103164, 116493, "Mughalská říše", 29, "Mughal Empire"], [103164, 116493, "Staré Dillí", 0, "Old Delhi"], [103164, 116493, "Indie", 0, "India"]]], "claim_en": "The Mughal Empire was an empire in Asia."} {"id": 67544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laura Robsonová se účastnila Mezinárodní tenisové federace.", "evidence": [[[84125, 96250, "Laura Robsonová", 3, "Laura Robson"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Robson participated in the International Tennis Federation."} {"id": 131181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobit nebyl vydán 21. září 1937.", "evidence": [[[153474, 168297, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 1, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit was not published September 21, 1937."} {"id": 95450, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anushka Sharma je buddhistka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anushka Sharma is an Buddhist."} {"id": 31933, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Attack on Titan začal vycházet v časopise Bessatsu Shōnen od společnosti Kodansha 9. září 2009 ve 20:00 hodin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Attack on Titan began in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine on September 9, 2009 at 8pm."} {"id": 223935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots pocházejí výhradně z Brazílie.", "evidence": [[[266783, 263652, "Stone Temple Pilots", 0, "Stone Temple Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots are exclusively from Brazil."} {"id": 59797, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Teen Wolf byl na stanici ABC obnoven pro šestou sezónu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf was renewed for a sixth season on ABC."} {"id": 138400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Love Actually byl uveden v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[161195, 175694, "Láska nebeská", 0, "Love Actually"]], [[161195, 175695, "Láska nebeská", 7, "Love Actually"]]], "claim_en": "Love Actually was released in 2005."} {"id": 197863, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jean Grey je známá pod přezdívkou Marvel Cat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jean Grey is known under the alias Marvel Cat."} {"id": 181638, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mogadišo je pouze obchodní.", "evidence": [[[210951, 218618, "Mogadišo", 0, "Mogadishu"]]], "claim_en": "Mogadishu is only a business."} {"id": 66598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 9. dubna 1986 se narodila Leighton Meester.", "evidence": [[[83167, 95108, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]]], "claim_en": "On April 9, 1986, Leighton Meester was born."} {"id": 47947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je filmový politický thriller.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a political thriller movie."} {"id": 15120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ze seznamu skladeb alba Doo-Wops and Hooligans byla vyřazena píseň Just the Way You Are.", "evidence": [[[30417, 37020, "Just the Way You Are", 1, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"], [30417, 37020, "Doo-Wops & Hooligans", 0, "Doo-Wops & Hooligans"]], [[30417, 37021, "Just the Way You Are", 0, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"], [30417, 37021, "Bruno Mars", 8, "Bruno Mars"]]], "claim_en": "Just the Way You Are was dropped from the song list of the album Doo-Wops and Hooligans."} {"id": 157828, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jméno Harley Quinn není hříčkou se jménem \"Harlekýnka\".", "evidence": [[[296291, 288186, "Harley Quinn", 6, "Harley Quinn"]], [[297870, 289455, "Harley Quinn", 6, "Harley Quinn"]], [[342716, 326652, "Harley Quinn", 6, "Harley Quinn"]], [[342719, 326654, "Harley Quinn", 6, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Harley Quinn's name is not a play on the name \"Harlequin.\""} {"id": 156229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Bowie neměl rakovinu.", "evidence": [[[180285, 192815, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "David Bowie did not have cancer."} {"id": 61391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Foo Fighters je místo.", "evidence": [[[191186, 202090, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]], [[191186, 202091, "Foo Fighters", 20, "Foo Fighters"]], [[191186, 202092, "Foo Fighters", 7, "Foo Fighters"]], [[191186, 202093, "Foo Fighters", 5, "Foo Fighters"]], [[191186, 202094, "Foo Fighters", 2, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204168, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204169, "Foo Fighters", 6, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204170, "Foo Fighters", 1, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204171, "Foo Fighters", 5, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204172, "Foo Fighters", 2, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204173, "Foo Fighters", 7, "Foo Fighters"], [193692, 204173, "The Colour and the Shape", 0, "The Colour and the Shape"]], [[193692, 204174, "Foo Fighters", 11, "Foo Fighters"], [193692, 204174, "There Is Nothing Left to Lose", 0, "There Is Nothing Left to Lose"]], [[193692, 204175, "Foo Fighters", 12, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204176, "Foo Fighters", 13, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204177, "Foo Fighters", 14, "Foo Fighters"], [193692, 204177, "In Your Honor", 0, "In Your Honor"]], [[193692, 204178, "Foo Fighters", 16, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204179, "Foo Fighters", 17, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204180, "Foo Fighters", 20, "Foo Fighters"]], [[193692, 204181, "Foo Fighters", 21, "Foo Fighters"]], [[196596, 206696, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]], [[315096, 304391, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters is a place."} {"id": 15151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eragon je film, ve kterém hraje Jeremy Irons.", "evidence": [[[30450, 37051, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film starring Jeremy Irons."} {"id": 190989, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek What a Girl Wants získal zlatou certifikaci nejméně ve čtyřech zemích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "What a Girl Wants earned a gold certification in at least four countries."} {"id": 227066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lid versus Larry Flynt je film ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[270746, 266752, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt is a film from the United States."} {"id": 73061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naomi Scottová hrála v roce 2007 v původním filmu Disney Channel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott was in a Disney Channel original movie in 2007."} {"id": 41424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci se datuje mezi největší malíře všech dob.", "evidence": [[[57717, 67950, "Leonardo da Vinci", 0, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci is dating one of the greatest painters of all time."} {"id": 80876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Felton se narodil v 80. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[97885, 111034, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton was born in the 1980's."} {"id": 65674, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boston zrekonstruoval některé své čtvrti.", "evidence": [[[82242, 94027, "Boston", 18, "Boston"], [82242, 94027, "Gentrifikace", 0, "Gentrification"]]], "claim_en": "Boston has renovated some of its neighborhoods."} {"id": 188674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Clanton měl sestru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Clanton had a sister."} {"id": 160648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daddy Yankee natočil singl.", "evidence": [[[185168, 196968, "Daddy Yankee", 8, "Daddy Yankee"]]], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee made a single."} {"id": 54266, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "One More Light byl dobře hodnocen Pusha T.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One More Light was reviewed well by Pusha T."} {"id": 121388, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers (2012) vystupuje biskup.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Avengers (2012 film) features a bishop."} {"id": 221959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rabat se nachází v Africe.", "evidence": [[[264322, 261808, "Rabat", 0, "Rabat"], [264322, 261808, "Maroko", 2, "Morocco"]], [[264322, 261809, "Rabat", 11, "Rabat"]]], "claim_en": "Rabat is in Africa."} {"id": 163417, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ilchanát obsahoval Írán, Irák, Arménii, Ázerbájdžán, Gruzii, Turkmenistán, Turecko, západní Afghánistán a jihozápadní Pákistán.", "evidence": [[[188114, 199651, "Ílchanát", 4, "Ilkhanate"]]], "claim_en": "Ilkhanate contained Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, western Afghanistan, and southwestern Pakistan."} {"id": 176383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil manga.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created manga."} {"id": 194864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Izrael má nulovou populaci zahraničních pracovníků, kteří nejsou jeho občany.", "evidence": [[[228381, 232580, "Izrael", 29, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "Israel has zero population of non-citizen foreign workers."} {"id": 19680, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung zemřel v roce 1956.", "evidence": [[[35467, 42978, "Mao Ce-tung", 0, "Mao Zedong"]], [[35467, 42979, "Mao Ce-tung", 12, "Mao Zedong"]], [[35467, 42980, "Mao Ce-tung", 14, "Mao Zedong"]], [[35467, 42981, "Mao Ce-tung", 15, "Mao Zedong"]], [[35467, 42982, "Mao Ce-tung", 16, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong died in 1956."} {"id": 144028, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Síla se probouzí produkoval Bryan Burk a získal uznání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens was produced by Bryan Burk and received acclaim."} {"id": 154884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Koncert pro Bangladéš je považován za velmi úspěšný a vlivný projekt humanitární pomoci.", "evidence": [[[178940, 191486, "Koncert pro Bangladéš", 13, "The Concert for Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "The Concert for Bangladesh is seen as a highly successful and influential humanitarian aid project."} {"id": 138329, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ajay Devgan získal národní hudební ceny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ajay Devgan has won National Music Awards."} {"id": 101521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Homeland vytvořila Claire Danes.", "evidence": [[[119247, 133195, "Ve jménu vlasti (seriál)", 0, "Homeland (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Homeland was created by Claire Danes."} {"id": 33166, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Catherine Keener se objevila ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[96234, 109377, "Catherine Keener", 2, "Catherine Keener"]], [[98790, 111864, "Catherine Keener", 2, "Catherine Keener"]], [[306849, 297442, "Catherine Keener", 2, "Catherine Keener"]], [[307759, 298208, "Catherine Keener", 1, "Catherine Keener"], [307759, 298208, "V kůži Johna Malkoviche", 0, "Being John Malkovich"]], [[307759, 298209, "Catherine Keener", 2, "Catherine Keener"]]], "claim_en": "Catherine Keener appeared in a movie."} {"id": 178634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gabon je obklopen Konžskou republikou.", "evidence": [[[207084, 215389, "Gabon", 1, "Gabon"]]], "claim_en": "Gabon is surrounded by the Republic of Congo."} {"id": 162418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Suite Life of Zack & Cody nenáviděl Danny Kallis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody was hated by Danny Kallis."} {"id": 107748, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Russell Crowe prorazil ve filmu v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[126467, 140868, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"], [126467, 140868, "Gladiátor (film)", 0, "Gladiator (2000 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe broke into film in 2005."} {"id": 26661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gerald Ford byl viceprezidentem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[42811, 51444, "Gerald Ford", 1, "Gerald Ford"]]], "claim_en": "Gerald Ford was a vice president of the United States."} {"id": 202145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nicki Minaj spolupracovala s Robinem Thickem.", "evidence": [[[238090, 240236, "Robin Thicke", 3, "Robin Thicke"]]], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj collaborated with Robin Thicke."} {"id": 225118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval hudební nahrávky pro Normu Jean.", "evidence": [[[268261, 264874, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced musical recordings for Norma Jean."} {"id": 206518, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Warren Buffett začal studovat na Pensylvánské univerzitě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett started his degree at the University of Pennsylvania."} {"id": 207504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2007 vyšla kniha o Harrym Potterovi.", "evidence": [[[245413, 246231, "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti", 1, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"]], [[245413, 246232, "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti", 0, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"]], [[245418, 246236, "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti", 1, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"]], [[245418, 246237, "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti", 6, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"]]], "claim_en": "A Harry Potter book came out in 2007."} {"id": 218550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Werner Herzog je výhradně Američan.", "evidence": [[[259822, 258353, "Werner Herzog", 0, "Werner Herzog"]]], "claim_en": "Werner Herzog is exclusively American."} {"id": 42, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V adaptaci Hamleta z roku 1948 hrál Laurence Olivier.", "evidence": [[[15271, 19036, "Laurence Olivier", 16, "Laurence Olivier"]]], "claim_en": "The 1948 adaptation of Hamlet featured Laurence Olivier."} {"id": 93276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktora ztvárnilo mnoho herců.", "evidence": [[[110651, 124309, "Doktor (Pán času)", 5, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]], [[110651, 124310, "Doktor (Pán času)", 6, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]], [[110651, 124311, "Doktor (Pán času)", 9, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]]], "claim_en": "Many actors have portrayed the Doctor."} {"id": 151191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film The Night Of byl napsán v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[175017, 188091, "Jedna noc", 0, "The Night Of"]]], "claim_en": "The Night Of was written in 2011."} {"id": 150689, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John S. McCain Jr. absolvoval v roce 1931 a má své fanoušky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John S. McCain Jr. graduated in 1931 and has a fan base."} {"id": 217205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mnich žije pouze sám.", "evidence": [[[258098, 256975, "Mnich", 0, "Monk"]]], "claim_en": "A monk only lives alone."} {"id": 196844, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sean Connery něco vyhrál.", "evidence": [[[231296, 234806, "Sean Connery", 0, "Sean Connery"]], [[231296, 234807, "Sean Connery", 5, "Sean Connery"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery won something."} {"id": 82465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve fantasy filmu se často objevuje folklór.", "evidence": [[[99518, 112624, "Fantasy film", 0, "Fantasy film"]]], "claim_en": "A fantasy film frequently features folklore."} {"id": 19558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je marvelovský film o superhrdinech.", "evidence": [[[35344, 42850, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a Marvel superhero movie."} {"id": 143872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Řeckým jazykem se mluví pouze mimo Kypr.", "evidence": [[[167004, 180832, "Řečtina", 14, "Greek language"]], [[167004, 180833, "Řečtina", 13, "Greek language"]]], "claim_en": "The Greek language is spoken only outside of Cyprus."} {"id": 208612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Asyřané mluví moderní aramejštinou.", "evidence": [[[246846, 247284, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]]], "claim_en": "Assyrian people speak modern Aramaic languages."} {"id": 200274, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino natočil film Natural Born Killers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino directed Natural Born Killers."} {"id": 25941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil Young je kytarista.", "evidence": [[[41932, 50424, "Neil Young", 7, "Neil Young"]], [[41932, 50425, "Neil Young", 10, "Neil Young"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Young is a guitarist."} {"id": 100763, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Overwatch (videohra) byla propagována pomocí ústního podání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Overwatch (video game) was promoted with word of mouth."} {"id": 56316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jesse Eisenberg a Woody Harrelson si společně zahráli ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[72674, 83728, "Jesse Eisenberg", 6, "Jesse Eisenberg"]]], "claim_en": "Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson starred in a movie together."} {"id": 200509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Funny Girl (film) je kanadský, životopisný, hudební, komediálně-dramatický film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Funny Girl (film) is a Canadian, biographical, musical, comedy-drama film."} {"id": 45295, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra o trůny (3. série) byla oznámena v roce 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones (season 3) was announced in 2012."} {"id": 58731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Irwin byl odborník na přírodu.", "evidence": [[[75096, 86319, "Steve Irwin", 0, "Steve Irwin"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Irwin was a nature expert."} {"id": 48533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino hrál hlavní roli ve filmu Můj nejlepší přítel má narozeniny.", "evidence": [[[64901, 75756, "Quentin Tarantino", 5, "Quentin Tarantino"]]], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino was the lead actor in My Best Friend's Birthday."} {"id": 89, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George H. W. Bush se stal milionářem.", "evidence": [[[15350, 19159, "George H. W. Bush", 9, "George H. W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George H. W. Bush became a millionaire."} {"id": 92261, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Série Kingdom Hearts je mistrovská.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kingdom Hearts is a championship series."} {"id": 20309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kid Rock je umělec.", "evidence": [[[36123, 43658, "Kid Rock", 0, "Kid Rock"]], [[36123, 43659, "Kid Rock", 4, "Kid Rock"]]], "claim_en": "Kid Rock is an artist."} {"id": 1389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fergie vydala singl \"London Bridge\".", "evidence": [[[17058, 21137, "Fergie", 2, "Fergie (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Fergie put out the single \"London Bridge.\""} {"id": 2733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cena Bravo je výroční ocenění.", "evidence": [[[18581, 22805, "Cena Bravo", 0, "Bravo Award"]]], "claim_en": "The Bravo Award is an annual award."} {"id": 97967, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Klub Crystal Palace F.C. vyhrál mistrovství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Crystal Palace F.C. won a championship."} {"id": 106486, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite používá kombo mechaniku dvou postav.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite uses a two character combo mechanic."} {"id": 81952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buddy Holly vystoupil se svými přáteli z dob studia na střední škole v Lubbocku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buddy Holly performed with his friends from his time at Lubbock High School."} {"id": 51815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joe Walsh byl kytarista a zpěvák skupiny The Eagles.", "evidence": [[[68131, 79011, "Eagles", 19, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Walsh was the guitarist and vocalist for The Eagles."} {"id": 75284, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rajon Rondo není čtyřnásobným členem All-Defensive Team NBA.", "evidence": [[[92069, 104846, "Rajon Rondo", 1, "Rajon Rondo"]]], "claim_en": "Rajon Rondo is not a four-time NBA All-Defensive Team member."} {"id": 10554, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Bellová hrála v televizi.", "evidence": [[[21261, 26111, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[21261, 26112, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[21261, 26114, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"], [21261, 26114, "Dobré místo", 0, "The Good Place"]], [[22916, 28252, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[22916, 28253, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[24044, 29751, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[24044, 29752, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[24044, 29755, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"], [24044, 29755, "Dobré místo", 0, "The Good Place"]], [[301532, 292630, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[301532, 292631, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302572, 293561, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302572, 293562, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302572, 293564, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"], [302572, 293564, "NBC", 0, "NBC"], [302572, 293564, "Dobré místo", 0, "The Good Place"]], [[302585, 293574, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302585, 293575, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302585, 293576, "Kristen Bell", 8, "Kristen Bell"]], [[302585, 293577, "Kristen Bell", 9, "Kristen Bell"], [302585, 293577, "Veronica Mars", 0, "Veronica Mars"]], [[302585, 293580, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"]], [[304474, 295284, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[304474, 295285, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[304474, 295287, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"], [304474, 295287, "Dobré místo", 0, "The Good Place"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell has been on television."} {"id": 227928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leslie Grovesová řídila pouze veřejně dostupné výzkumné projekty.", "evidence": [[[271870, 267659, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]], [[271872, 267661, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves only directed publicly available research projects."} {"id": 81746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eat Pray Love je romantický dokumentární film.", "evidence": [[[98800, 111872, "Jíst, meditovat, milovat", 0, "Eat Pray Love"]]], "claim_en": "Eat Pray Love is a romantic documentary film."} {"id": 176434, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vymyslel film Dirty Pair.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise devised Dirty Pair."} {"id": 49931, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lední hokej má mezinárodní týmy.", "evidence": [[[66256, 77086, "Lední hokej", 8, "Ice hockey"]], [[66256, 77087, "Lední hokej", 21, "Ice hockey"]]], "claim_en": "Ice hockey has international teams."} {"id": 21270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jugoslávie po většinu 20. století neexistovala.", "evidence": [[[37040, 44699, "Jugoslávie", 0, "Yugoslavia"]]], "claim_en": "Yugoslavia failed to exist during most of the 20th century."} {"id": 152548, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "R. Madhavan hrál ve filmu 4 idioti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "R. Madhavan was in the cast of 4 Idiots."} {"id": 18038, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Archimedes byl Ital.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Archimedes was Italian."} {"id": 146106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The First Folio je sbírka děl, která byla inspirována Shakespearem, ale nebyla jím napsána.", "evidence": [[[169495, 183121, "William Shakespeare", 20, "William Shakespeare"]]], "claim_en": "The First Folio is a collection of works inspired by but not written by Shakespeare."} {"id": 26404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vaječník je součástí mužské reprodukční soustavy.", "evidence": [[[42469, 51115, "Vaječník", 0, "Ovary"]], [[42469, 51116, "Vaječník", 2, "Ovary"]]], "claim_en": "The ovary is part of the male reproductive system."} {"id": 151488, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Julius Caesar úřadoval v lóži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar held office in a box."} {"id": 108076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joan Crawfordová zemřela na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joan Crawford died on a boat."} {"id": 114037, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech je populární lední hokej a jejich národní tým patří k nejlepším.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ice hockey is popular in the United States, and its national team is one of the best."} {"id": 137741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Manson vedl kvazi komunitu, která vznikla v Massachusetts na konci 60. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[160500, 175006, "Charles Manson", 0, "Charles Manson"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Manson led a quasi-commune that arose in Massachusetts in the late 1960s."} {"id": 159427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Travis Scott je hudební umělec.", "evidence": [[[183816, 195815, "Travis Scott", 0, "Travis Scott"]], [[183816, 195816, "Travis Scott", 2, "Travis Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Scott is a recording artist."} {"id": 95393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Kendricková si vydobyla slávu.", "evidence": [[[112909, 126751, "Anna Kendrick", 8, "Anna Kendrick"]], [[112909, 126752, "Anna Kendrick", 6, "Anna Kendrick"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Kendrick earned fame."} {"id": 8330, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Grey's Anatomy se odehrává ve vesnici na západním pobřeží.", "evidence": [[[13537, 16900, "Chirurgové", 4, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy takes place in a village on the west coast."} {"id": 158261, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Battle of the Bastards se vysílal v Kanadě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Battle of the Bastards aired in Canada."} {"id": 135353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Sony vyrábí nulové zboží pro spotřebitele.", "evidence": [[[157948, 172555, "Sony", 2, "Sony"]]], "claim_en": "Sony produces zero goods for consumers."} {"id": 172767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Pláž režíroval pouze John Daly.", "evidence": [[[199488, 209163, "Pláž (film)", 0, "The Beach (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach was only directed by John Daly."} {"id": 162809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lilith je postava v mytologii.", "evidence": [[[187360, 198981, "Lilith", 0, "Lilith"]]], "claim_en": "Lilith is a figure in mythology."} {"id": 22090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nanotechnologie je na molekulární úrovni.", "evidence": [[[37940, 45851, "Nanotechnologie", 0, "Nanotechnology"]]], "claim_en": "Nanotechnology is on a molecular scale."} {"id": 142583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slash se odmítl vrátit do Guns N' Roses.", "evidence": [[[165645, 179668, "Slash", 5, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slash refused to ever come back to Guns N' Roses."} {"id": 177602, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do filmu Fences se nepodařilo obsadit Violu Davisovou.", "evidence": [[[205851, 214322, "Ploty", 1, "Fences (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fences failed to cast Viola Davis."} {"id": 55919, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Walker se narodil 12. září.", "evidence": [[[72280, 83301, "Paul Walker", 0, "Paul Walker"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Walker was born on September 12th."} {"id": 97863, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Facebook je online román.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Facebook is an online novel."} {"id": 573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doxycyklin nemusí způsobovat zvracení.", "evidence": [[[16011, 19891, "Doxycyklin", 6, "Doxycycline"]]], "claim_en": "Doxycycline may not cause vomiting."} {"id": 177877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová hraje ve Hře o trůny.", "evidence": [[[206175, 214605, "Sophie Turner", 1, "Sophie Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner is in Game of Thrones."} {"id": 227041, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Lid versus Larry Flynt hraje zvukový umělec a tanečník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt stars an audio artist and dancer."} {"id": 197141, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 1968 získal O. J. Simpson ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 1968 O. J. Simpson won an award."} {"id": 61736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Travis Barker hraje ve skupině Blink-182.", "evidence": [[[78213, 89735, "Travis Barker", 0, "Travis Barker"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker is in Blink-182."} {"id": 156101, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Hudson vydala album v tandemu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson released an album in tandem."} {"id": 79971, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin hrál po boku Christophera Lloyda ve filmu Princezna nevěsta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin acted alongside Christopher Lloyd in The Princess Bride."} {"id": 67351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christina Aguilera se objevila v televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[83922, 95998, "Christina Aguilera", 1, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[83922, 95999, "Christina Aguilera", 8, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera appeared on television in a series."} {"id": 128731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Jason Leighová vystupovala až v dospělosti.", "evidence": [[[150782, 165628, "Jennifer Jason Leigh", 1, "Jennifer Jason Leigh"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Jason Leigh only performed in her adult years."} {"id": 91604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Mississippi se natáčel film Logan.", "evidence": [[[108946, 122656, "Logan: Wolverine", 9, "Logan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Mississippi was a filming location of Logan."} {"id": 148662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Bezos věnuje peníze na dobročinné účely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos donates money to causes."} {"id": 146770, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Během Francouzské revoluce v roce 1593 zavedl Výbor veřejné bezpečnosti diktaturu.", "evidence": [[[170323, 183872, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 0, "French Revolution"]], [[170323, 183874, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"], [170323, 183874, "Americká válka za nezávislost", 0, "American Revolutionary War"]], [[170323, 183876, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 11, "French Revolution"], [170323, 183876, "Dobytí Bastily", 0, "Storming of the Bastille"]], [[170323, 183877, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 21, "French Revolution"], [170323, 183877, "Výbor pro veřejné blaho", 0, "Committee of Public Safety"]]], "claim_en": "A dictatorship was imposed by the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution in 1593."} {"id": 140426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amoxicilin se nejčastěji užívá ústy, ale lze jej také aplikovat injekčně.", "evidence": [[[163405, 177643, "Amoxicilin", 3, "Amoxicillin"]]], "claim_en": "Amoxicillin is most often taken by mouth, but it can also be injected."} {"id": 92453, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Turecku se nepodařilo stát se přidruženým členem EHS.", "evidence": [[[109841, 123433, "Turecko", 30, "Turkey"]]], "claim_en": "Turkey failed to become an associate member of the EEC."} {"id": 111158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heidi Klum hrála čtyřikrát.", "evidence": [[[130541, 145322, "Heidi Klumová", 7, "Heidi Klum"], [130541, 145322, "Dohola?", 0, "Blow Dry"], [130541, 145322, "Zakletá Ella", 0, "Ella Enchanted (film)"], [130541, 145322, "Neznámý svůdce", 0, "Perfect Stranger (film)"], [130541, 145322, "Ďábel nosí Pradu", 0, "The Devil Wears Prada (film)"], [130541, 145322, "Heidi Klumová", 8, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum has acted four times."} {"id": 101002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy jsou velmocí.", "evidence": [[[118717, 132558, "Spojené státy americké", 29, "United States"]], [[118717, 132559, "Spojené státy americké", 30, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States is a superpower."} {"id": 19794, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První flotila britských lodí připlula do Austrálie v roce 1788.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The First Fleet of British ships arrived to Australia in 1788."} {"id": 169845, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cary Grant se zatím objevil pouze ve filmu Hledač.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cary Grant has only ever been featured in the film The Seeker."} {"id": 164866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina L.A. Guns vydala album s vlastním názvem.", "evidence": [[[189613, 200863, "L.A. Guns", 17, "L.A. Guns"]]], "claim_en": "L.A. Guns released a self-named album."} {"id": 113429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hongkong není schopen být trvale hodnocen jako nejkonkurenceschopnější subjekt na světě.", "evidence": [[[133062, 147944, "Hongkong", 15, "Hong Kong"]]], "claim_en": "Hong Kong is incapable of being consistently ranked as the world's most competitive entity."} {"id": 187136, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Heartland vysílá BBC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heartland is on BBC."} {"id": 84636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minnesota je regionální divize.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minnesota is a regional division."} {"id": 58109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rusko je oficiální název Ruska.", "evidence": [[[74463, 85702, "Rusko", 0, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "Russia is the official name of Russia."} {"id": 43893, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Idealismus vedl Vizigóty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Idealism led the Visigoths."} {"id": 109388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Trudeau absolvoval McGillovu univerzitu v roce 1994.", "evidence": [[[279935, 274536, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]], [[281637, 276000, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]], [[283745, 277695, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]], [[328589, 315591, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]], [[329247, 316109, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]], [[329253, 316113, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Trudeau graduated from McGill University in 1994."} {"id": 226574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Crowe ztvárnil Johna F. Nashe.", "evidence": [[[270131, 266256, "Russell Crowe", 6, "Russell Crowe"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe portrayed John F. Nash."} {"id": 165842, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Negan je postava z trilogie Rozbitá země.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Negan is a character in the Broken Earth Trilogy."} {"id": 38430, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The OA je seriál na Netflixu.", "evidence": [[[54633, 64629, "OA", 0, "The OA"]]], "claim_en": "The OA is a series on Netflix."} {"id": 202007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Carradine byl zatčen nulakrát.", "evidence": [[[237900, 240081, "David Carradine", 18, "David Carradine"]]], "claim_en": "David Carradine was arrested zero times."} {"id": 117477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Hamill namluvil postavy výhradně v kreslených filmech.", "evidence": [[[137838, 152789, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137839, 152790, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137840, 152791, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137841, 152792, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137842, 152793, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137843, 152794, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137844, 152795, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137845, 152796, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137846, 152797, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137847, 152798, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137848, 152799, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137849, 152800, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137850, 152801, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137851, 152802, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137852, 152803, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137853, 152804, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137854, 152805, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]], [[137855, 152806, "Mark Hamill", 1, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill has voiced characters in cartoons exclusively."} {"id": 78687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Carradine nebyl herec.", "evidence": [[[95640, 108678, "David Carradine", 0, "David Carradine"]]], "claim_en": "David Carradine was not an actor."} {"id": 200109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Největší městská oblast Ameriky je nejlidnatější město Austrálie a Oceánie.", "evidence": [[[235378, 238049, "Austrálie", 3, "Australia"], [235378, 238049, "Sydney", 0, "Sydney"]]], "claim_en": "The largest urban area of America is the most populous city in Australia and Oceania."} {"id": 172803, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Felicity Jones získala za své výkony Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Felicity Jones has received Academy Awards for her performances."} {"id": 136637, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neve Campbellová není schopna mít druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[159299, 173871, "Neve Campbellová", 0, "Neve Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Neve Campbell is incapable of having a middle name."} {"id": 92797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anaheim v Kalifornii se nachází v okrese.", "evidence": [[[275457, 270597, "Anaheim", 0, "Anaheim, California"]], [[275457, 270598, "Anaheim", 1, "Anaheim, California"]], [[275457, 270599, "Anaheim", 2, "Anaheim, California"]], [[275457, 270600, "Anaheim", 5, "Anaheim, California"]], [[277280, 272218, "Anaheim", 0, "Anaheim, California"]], [[277785, 272734, "Anaheim", 0, "Anaheim, California"]], [[324467, 312441, "Anaheim", 0, "Anaheim, California"]], [[324469, 312443, "Anaheim", 1, "Anaheim, California"]], [[324469, 312444, "Anaheim", 2, "Anaheim, California"]]], "claim_en": "Anaheim, California is in a county."} {"id": 40338, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Singapur leží jižně od Sydney.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Singapore is south of Sydney."} {"id": 93160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pátek třináctého je jeden film.", "evidence": [[[110519, 124122, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 0, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124123, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 5, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124124, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 8, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124125, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 9, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124126, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 11, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124127, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 16, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]], [[110519, 124128, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 17, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "Friday the 13th is a single film."} {"id": 152301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "PlayStation 4 je součástí herní značky Xbox.", "evidence": [[[176257, 189203, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 is part of the gaming brand Xbox."} {"id": 81699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Devatenáct osmdesát čtyři získalo šesté místo na seznamu čtenářů 100 nejlepších románů časopisu Modern Library, hned za Anthemem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four received number 6 on the readers' list for Modern Library's 100 Best Novels, just behind Anthem."} {"id": 206953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Keaton se celý život vyhýbal herecké profesi.", "evidence": [[[244708, 245637, "Michael Keaton", 0, "Michael Keaton"]], [[244708, 245638, "Michael Keaton", 1, "Michael Keaton"]], [[244708, 245639, "Michael Keaton", 4, "Michael Keaton"]], [[244708, 245640, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]], [[244708, 245641, "Michael Keaton", 8, "Michael Keaton"]], [[244708, 245642, "Michael Keaton", 9, "Michael Keaton"], [244708, 245642, "Živě z Bagdádu", 5, "Live from Baghdad (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Keaton has avoided the acting profession his entire life."} {"id": 30946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Monica Selesová získala devět grandslamových titulů ve dvouhře, všechny po roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[47114, 56212, "Monika Selešová", 1, "Monica Seles"], [47114, 56212, "Monika Selešová", 2, "Monica Seles"], [47114, 56212, "Monika Selešová", 3, "Monica Seles"]]], "claim_en": "Monica Seles won nine Grand Slam singles titles, all after the year 2000."} {"id": 211760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Myles Kennedy vždy zpíval pouze doprovodné vokály.", "evidence": [[[250959, 250915, "Myles Kennedy", 0, "Myles Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Myles Kennedy has only ever sung background vocals."} {"id": 188108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thiokol byla politická skupina.", "evidence": [[[219512, 225502, "Thiokol", 0, "Thiokol"]]], "claim_en": "Thiokol was a political group."} {"id": 198636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jordan Knight je Číňan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jordan Knight is Chinese."} {"id": 57697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Queen Latifah je americká modelka.", "evidence": [[[74033, 85258, "Queen Latifah", 0, "Queen Latifah"]]], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah is an American model."} {"id": 182637, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kris Wu se narodil v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[212453, 219977, "Kris Wu", 0, "Kris Wu"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Wu was born in 2010."} {"id": 28397, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "U Middletonů hraje Andy Richter.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "At Middleton stars Andy Richter."} {"id": 101152, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth je známý díky roli Homera Simpsona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth is known for playing Homer Simpson."} {"id": 125847, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helen Hunt, americká herečka, hrála v 5 filmech, kde vynikl její výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helen Hunt, American actress, was in 5 films where her performance stood out."} {"id": 169539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Elementary hraje postavu Mycrofta Holmese.", "evidence": [[[195486, 205747, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 12, "Elementary (TV series)"], [195486, 205747, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 0, "Elementary (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Elementary has the character Mycroft Holmes."} {"id": 154801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Páté studiové album skupiny Future vyšlo v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[178889, 191442, "Future (rapper)", 3, "Future (rapper)"]]], "claim_en": "Future's fifth studio album was published in 2012."} {"id": 127549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu byla 29. srpna 1991 na sovětském území rozpuštěna.", "evidence": [[[149474, 164443, "Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu", 3, "Communist Party of the Soviet Union"]]], "claim_en": "The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was dissolved on August 29, 1991 in Soviet territory."} {"id": 10558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "San Francisco se nachází v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[25568, 31492, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "San Francisco is in California."} {"id": 88158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Detroit je vesnice.", "evidence": [[[105380, 118846, "Detroit", 0, "Detroit"]], [[105380, 118847, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit is a village."} {"id": 85643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indonésie má jednu z nejnižších úrovní biologické rozmanitosti.", "evidence": [[[102805, 116103, "Indonésie", 12, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia has one of the lowest levels of biodiversity."} {"id": 174805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky jsou americký podnik.", "evidence": [[[202119, 211450, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries is an American company."} {"id": 181221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Melissa McCarthy získala nulové uznání díky účasti v seriálu Gilmorova děvčata.", "evidence": [[[210353, 218111, "Melissa McCarthy", 1, "Melissa McCarthy"]]], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy received zero recognition from being involved with Gilmore Girls."} {"id": 98993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Babe Ruth hrál baseball.", "evidence": [[[276303, 271358, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[276303, 271359, "Babe Ruth", 1, "Babe Ruth"], [276303, 271359, "Boston Red Sox", 0, "Boston Red Sox"], [276303, 271359, "New York Yankees", 0, "New York Yankees"]], [[276303, 271360, "Babe Ruth", 2, "Babe Ruth"], [276303, 271360, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[276303, 271361, "Babe Ruth", 3, "Babe Ruth"]], [[276303, 271362, "Babe Ruth", 8, "Babe Ruth"]], [[276303, 271363, "Babe Ruth", 9, "Babe Ruth"], [276303, 271363, "Nadhazovač", 0, "Pitcher"]], [[276303, 271366, "Babe Ruth", 18, "Babe Ruth"], [276303, 271366, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[278531, 273296, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[325839, 313452, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[325839, 313453, "Babe Ruth", 2, "Babe Ruth"], [325839, 313453, "Major League Baseball", 0, "Major League Baseball"]], [[325839, 313454, "Babe Ruth", 1, "Babe Ruth"], [325839, 313454, "Boston Red Sox", 0, "Boston Red Sox"]], [[325839, 313455, "Babe Ruth", 10, "Babe Ruth"], [325839, 313455, "Nadhazovač", 0, "Pitcher"]], [[325839, 313456, "Babe Ruth", 26, "Babe Ruth"]], [[326395, 313892, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]], [[326395, 313894, "Babe Ruth", 1, "Babe Ruth"]], [[326395, 313895, "Babe Ruth", 2, "Babe Ruth"]], [[326395, 313896, "Babe Ruth", 4, "Babe Ruth"]], [[326397, 313897, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]]], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth played baseball."} {"id": 9239, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Big Bang získal ocenění na festivalu Sundance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Big Bang won an award at the Sundance Festival."} {"id": 60302, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Západní New York je považován za součást těla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Western New York is considered part of the body."} {"id": 121448, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taraji P. Henson si zahrála v pokračování filmu Think Like a Man v roli Toma.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson starred in Think Like a Man's sequel as Tom."} {"id": 169409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dívka ve vlaku je hra pro systém PS4 vydaná v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[195308, 205600, "Dívka ve vlaku", 0, "The Girl on the Train (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Girl on the Train is a PS4 game released in 2016."} {"id": 198406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Marilyn Manson vznikla v roce 1900.", "evidence": [[[233263, 236237, "Marilyn Manson (hudební skupina)", 0, "Marilyn Manson (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Manson was formed in the 1900's."} {"id": 169594, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ken Russell režíroval film s Oliverem Reedem a tučňáky v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ken Russell directed a film starring Oliver Reed and penguins."} {"id": 165745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Licence to Wed byla vydána v roce 2030.", "evidence": [[[190573, 201574, "Kněz je poděs", 0, "License to Wed"]]], "claim_en": "License to Wed was released in 2030."} {"id": 114280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williams (zpěvačka) hrála v americkém muzikálu.", "evidence": [[[134217, 149108, "Michelle Williams (zpěvačka)", 17, "Michelle Williams (singer)"], [134217, 149108, "Chicago (muzikál)", 0, "Chicago (musical)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams (singer) starred in an American musical."} {"id": 114309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobita napsal anglicko-nizozemský autor.", "evidence": [[[134245, 149140, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit was written by an English-Dutch author."} {"id": 52267, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matt Damon píše televizní scénáře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Damon writes teleplays."} {"id": 228912, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dramatická škola nabízí nultý ročník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drama school offers zero degrees."} {"id": 100426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útěk z vězení nebyl vydán na DVD.", "evidence": [[[118099, 131952, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 12, "Prison Break"]], [[118099, 131953, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 21, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was not released on DVD."} {"id": 149748, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drak je odvozen od jazykové rodiny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dragon is derived from a linguistic family."} {"id": 77673, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Roberto Orci napsal Hvězdné války.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Roberto Orci wrote Star Wars."} {"id": 36706, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alison Brie je oceňovaná filmová producentka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alison Brie is an award-winning film producer."} {"id": 142651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Recovery natočil Kanye West.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Recovery was made by Kanye West."} {"id": 96543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katrina Kaif je pouze účetní na plný úvazek.", "evidence": [[[114106, 127918, "Katrina Kaifová", 0, "Katrina Kaif"]]], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif is a full time accountant only."} {"id": 118579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Atentát je příčinou smrti Abrahama Lincolna.", "evidence": [[[139113, 154178, "Abraham Lincoln", 33, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Assassination is the cause of death for Abraham Lincoln."} {"id": 89361, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pritam bude skládat australskou hudbu k filmu Tubelight (film).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pritam will be composing Australian music for the film Tubelight (film)."} {"id": 136316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina One Direction se stala moderátorem předávání cen Brit Awards.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One Direction has hosted the Brit Awards."} {"id": 89081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Schumacher není profesionální závodník.", "evidence": [[[106300, 119756, "Michael Schumacher", 0, "Michael Schumacher"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Schumacher isn't a professional racer."} {"id": 147450, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cher napsala v roce 2010 americký kulisový hudební film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cher wrote a 2010 American backstage musical film."} {"id": 98069, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rakovinou plic trpí 1,8 milionu lidí.", "evidence": [[[115693, 129568, "Karcinom plic", 21, "Lung cancer"]]], "claim_en": "Lung cancer affects 1.8 million people."} {"id": 124675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film V srdci moře měl premiéru 7. prosince 2015.", "evidence": [[[286274, 279750, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]], [[288025, 281309, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]], [[333091, 319285, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]], [[334076, 320233, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]], [[334077, 320234, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In the Heart of the Sea premiered on December 7, 2015."} {"id": 82642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Strain je název.", "evidence": [[[99702, 112836, "Agresivní virus", 0, "The Strain (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain is a name."} {"id": 171501, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ťiang Wen je čínská zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jiang Wen is a Chinese singer."} {"id": 92388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amsterdamské letiště Schiphol nemůže sloužit jako základna společnosti EasyJet.", "evidence": [[[109701, 123308, "Letiště Amsterdam Schiphol", 6, "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is unable to serve as a base for EasyJet."} {"id": 148136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga se nikdy nenarodila.", "evidence": [[[171755, 185240, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"]], [[171755, 185241, "Ruth Negga", 1, "Ruth Negga"]], [[171755, 185242, "Ruth Negga", 2, "Ruth Negga"]], [[171755, 185243, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga was never born."} {"id": 80614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel McAdamsová nedokončila studium na York University.", "evidence": [[[97616, 110763, "Rachel McAdamsová", 2, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams did not graduate from York University."} {"id": 143740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ginger Baker byl přijat do Hermetického řádu Zlatého úsvitu.", "evidence": [[[166874, 180679, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker was inducted into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn."} {"id": 39687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rebecca Hallová se objevila ve filmu The Gift.", "evidence": [[[55984, 66090, "Rebecca Hallová", 2, "Rebecca Hall"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Hall appeared in The Gift."} {"id": 68679, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stockard Channingová se objevila ve filmu natočeném podle románu amerického autora.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stockard Channing appeared in a film based on a novel by an American author."} {"id": 157171, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Toronto má památku o rozloze 630,2 km2.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toronto has a monument with a height of 630.2 square kilometers."} {"id": 87646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vietnam je 14. nejlidnatější zemí světa 92,7 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[104844, 118247, "Vietnam", 1, "Vietnam"]], [[104849, 118251, "Vietnam", 1, "Vietnam"]], [[104858, 118262, "Vietnam", 1, "Vietnam"]]], "claim_en": "Vietnam is the 14th most populous country in the world 92.7 million inhabitants."} {"id": 143231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Román Velký Gatsby napsal Orrin Hatch.", "evidence": [[[166377, 180226, "Velký Gatsby", 0, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby was written by Orrin Hatch."} {"id": 203192, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Parlamentáři v anglické občanské válce se také nazývali \"Roundheads\".", "evidence": [[[239653, 241413, "Anglická občanská válka", 0, "English Civil War"]], [[239673, 241436, "Anglická občanská válka", 0, "English Civil War"]]], "claim_en": "The English Civil War's Parliamentarians were also called \"Roundheads\"."} {"id": 127539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Morseova abeceda je komunikace.", "evidence": [[[149477, 164445, "Morseova abeceda", 23, "Morse code"]], [[149481, 164448, "Morseova abeceda", 0, "Morse code"]], [[149481, 164449, "Morseova abeceda", 23, "Morse code"]]], "claim_en": "Morse Code is communication."} {"id": 6775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Blink-182 vydala album California.", "evidence": [[[23552, 29078, "Blink-182", 14, "Blink-182"]]], "claim_en": "Blink-182 released the album California."} {"id": 82825, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rehab bylo úspěšné ve více zemích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rehab was successful in multiple countries."} {"id": 99900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu se nezajímal o studium paranormálních aktivit.", "evidence": [[[117551, 131452, "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu", 0, "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn"]]], "claim_en": "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was uninterested in the study of paranormal activities."} {"id": 219716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Black Sails byl obnoven pro čtvrtou sérii.", "evidence": [[[261392, 259541, "Pod černou vlajkou", 9, "Black Sails (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sails was renewed for a fourth season."} {"id": 142034, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "OK Computer byl třetí krátký film Jima Jarmusche.", "evidence": [[[165096, 179254, "OK Computer", 0, "OK Computer"]]], "claim_en": "OK Computer was the third short film by Jim Jarmusch."} {"id": 13224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filip V. Španělský měl nejdelší vousy v novodobé španělské historii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philip V of Spain had the longest beard in modern Spanish history."} {"id": 73381, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mitt Romney pracoval v americkém řetězci restaurací se sídlem v Bostonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mitt Romney worked at an American restaurant chain headquartered in Boston."} {"id": 57745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jessica Chastainová dosud nehrála na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [[[74112, 85331, "Jessica Chastain", 11, "Jessica Chastain"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain has yet to act on Broadway."} {"id": 49144, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Rodriguezová pracovala ve filmu IGPX a dosáhla uznání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Rodriguez worked in IGPX and achieved acclaim."} {"id": 83886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alfa Centauri postrádá zkratku.", "evidence": [[[100905, 114168, "Alfa Centauri", 0, "Alpha Centauri"]]], "claim_en": "Alpha Centauri lacks an abbreviation."} {"id": 112033, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Teen Wolf debutoval po předávání filmových cen MTV v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[131503, 146281, "Vlčí mládě", 5, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf debuted after the 2011 MTV Movie Awards."} {"id": 201927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album Alessie Cary se jmenuje Loud.", "evidence": [[[237752, 239964, "Alessia Cara", 1, "Alessia Cara"]]], "claim_en": "Alessia Cara's debut album is Loud."} {"id": 205641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album St Anger vydala Hillary Clintonová.", "evidence": [[[242990, 244265, "St. Anger", 1, "St. Anger"]], [[242990, 244266, "St. Anger", 0, "St. Anger"]], [[242990, 244267, "St. Anger", 2, "St. Anger"]]], "claim_en": "St. Anger was released by Hillary Clinton."} {"id": 44431, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Mckenna napsal úryvky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Mckenna has written extracts."} {"id": 45329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Okres Venutra se nachází v jižní Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[137630, 152530, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]], [[139817, 154838, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]]], "claim_en": "Venutra county is in Southern California."} {"id": 227037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The People vs. Larry Flynt je výhradně australský film.", "evidence": [[[270708, 266727, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]]], "claim_en": "The People vs. Larry Flynt is an Australian film exclusively."} {"id": 96242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alfred Hitchcock je filmový producent.", "evidence": [[[113799, 127675, "Alfred Hitchcock", 0, "Alfred Hitchcock"]], [[113799, 127676, "Alfred Hitchcock", 23, "Alfred Hitchcock"], [113799, 127676, "Psycho", 0, "Psycho (1960 film)"], [113799, 127676, "Vertigo (film)", 0, "Vertigo (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alfred Hitchcock is a movie producer."} {"id": 15921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Telangana je indický stát.", "evidence": [[[31322, 38033, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]], [[31322, 38034, "Telangána", 1, "Telangana"]], [[31322, 38035, "Telangána", 2, "Telangana"]], [[31322, 38036, "Telangána", 10, "Telangana"]], [[31322, 38037, "Telangána", 4, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is an Indian state."} {"id": 221936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2014 žilo v Rabatu ve městech zhruba 580 000 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[264291, 261790, "Rabat", 0, "Rabat"]]], "claim_en": "As of 2014, Rabat has an urban population of roughly 580,000."} {"id": 82916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Lennon byl několikrát uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[99975, 113187, "John Lennon", 17, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame multiple times."} {"id": 220162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jedinou vládnoucí stranou v době nacistického Německa byla Strana práce, která se ujala vlády nad zemí.", "evidence": [[[262002, 260029, "Nacistické Německo", 1, "Nazi Germany"]]], "claim_en": "The only party in control during Nazi Germany was the Labor Party and they took hands off control of the country."} {"id": 195420, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "AC/DC je skupina, která hrála rockovou a bluesovou hudbu.", "evidence": [[[229465, 233389, "AC/DC", 1, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC is a band that has played rock and blues music."} {"id": 72518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deník The Times přešel v roce 2004 na kompaktní formát.", "evidence": [[[89230, 101914, "The Times", 21, "The Times"]]], "claim_en": "The Times switched to a compact format in 2004."} {"id": 216900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Shakespeare je všeobecně považován za největšího spisovatele alespoň v jednom jazyce.", "evidence": [[[257709, 256683, "William Shakespeare", 0, "William Shakespeare"]]], "claim_en": "William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in at least one language."} {"id": 6938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Černé Hoře se mluví italsky.", "evidence": [[[23852, 29523, "Italština", 5, "Italian language"]]], "claim_en": "The Italian language is spoken in Montenegro."} {"id": 63903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Cromwell zvítězil.", "evidence": [[[80350, 92151, "James Cromwell", 5, "James Cromwell"]]], "claim_en": "James Cromwell won."} {"id": 106918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanská vláda neplánuje přestat používat angličtinu jako vyučovací jazyk.", "evidence": [[[32409, 39379, "Tanzanie", 38, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania's government does not plan to discontinue English as a language of instruction."} {"id": 30993, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lidský stav je analyzován ve vědě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The human condition is analyzed in science."} {"id": 38724, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Greyson Chance je scenárista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Greyson Chance is a screenwriter."} {"id": 65902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Afrodita je dcera Háda a Persefony v Homérově Iliadě.", "evidence": [[[82466, 94249, "Afrodita", 7, "Aphrodite"]]], "claim_en": "Aphrodite is the daughter of Hades and Persephone in Homer's Iliad."} {"id": 106253, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usain Bolt není sprinter.", "evidence": [[[124729, 139077, "Usain Bolt", 0, "Usain Bolt"]], [[124729, 139078, "Usain Bolt", 4, "Usain Bolt"]], [[124729, 139079, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]], [[124729, 139080, "Usain Bolt", 23, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt is not a sprinter."} {"id": 56124, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rok nula je album.", "evidence": [[[72482, 83529, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Year Zero is an album."} {"id": 121669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berryová není zástupkyní společnosti Revlon.", "evidence": [[[142872, 158005, "Halle Berry", 6, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry does not represent Revlon."} {"id": 110646, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christoph Waltz se věnuje žonglování.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christoph Waltz has a juggling career."} {"id": 98219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maďarsko bylo založeno knížetem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hungary was founded by a prince."} {"id": 1727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taylor Swift se stala nejmladší ženou, která byla zařazena do seznamu 100 nejvlivnějších žen časopisu Forbes.", "evidence": [[[17481, 21638, "Taylor Swift", 25, "Taylor Swift"], [17481, 21638, "Taylor Swift", 26, "Taylor Swift"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift was the youngest woman to be included in the Forbes 100 most powerful women list."} {"id": 90291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Barva noci získal v roce 1994 Zlatou malinu.", "evidence": [[[107590, 121085, "Barva noci", 8, "Color of Night"]], [[107593, 121092, "Barva noci", 8, "Color of Night"]]], "claim_en": "Color of Night won a Golden Raspberry Award in 1994."} {"id": 210226, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William McKinley byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[249039, 249070, "William McKinley", 0, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249079, "William McKinley", 0, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249080, "William McKinley", 1, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249081, "William McKinley", 4, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249082, "William McKinley", 6, "William McKinley"], [249049, 249082, "Kongres Spojených států amerických", 0, "United States Congress"]], [[249049, 249084, "William McKinley", 8, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249085, "William McKinley", 15, "William McKinley"]], [[249049, 249088, "William McKinley", 23, "William McKinley"]]], "claim_en": "William McKinley was an American."} {"id": 149310, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen měl tři sestry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen has three sisters."} {"id": 112417, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cristiano Ronaldo je nejlepším střelcem Manchesteru City.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cristiano Ronaldo is Manchester City's highest goalscorer."} {"id": 104645, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Duvall hrál v pěti filmech.", "evidence": [[[280840, 275236, "Robert Duvall", 3, "Robert Duvall"]], [[327580, 314805, "Robert Duvall", 3, "Robert Duvall"]], [[327580, 314806, "Robert Duvall", 7, "Robert Duvall"]], [[327580, 314807, "Robert Duvall", 11, "Robert Duvall"]], [[327585, 314811, "Robert Duvall", 3, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall starred in five films."} {"id": 65146, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Twitter sídlí v San Antoniu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Twitter is based in San Antonio."} {"id": 73851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin ztvárnil postavu Kevina McCallistera.", "evidence": [[[90635, 103366, "Macaulay Culkin", 1, "Macaulay Culkin"]]], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin performed the character of Kevin McCallister."} {"id": 226389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Studentům semináře se říká pouze dětští pastoři a nemají žádné jiné jméno.", "evidence": [[[269906, 266076, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]], [[269915, 266084, "Kněžský seminář", 0, "Seminary"]]], "claim_en": "Seminary students are only called baby pastors and have no other name."} {"id": 23055, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Greyová si vysloužila nominaci na prezidentku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Grey earned a nomination for president."} {"id": 29831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Colin Firth má hvězdu na hollywoodském chodníku slávy.", "evidence": [[[45940, 54864, "Colin Firth", 12, "Colin Firth"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Firth has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame."} {"id": 191613, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Slavní a zamilovaní hraje Matthew Perry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Famous in Love stars Matthew Perry."} {"id": 156268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlo je běžně spojováno s čarodějnicemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evil is commonly associated with witches."} {"id": 222360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell napsal film Ti druzí s interními vtipy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell wrote The Other Guys with inside jokes."} {"id": 210109, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Led Zeppelin je typ zemitého rocku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin is a type of earth rock."} {"id": 57010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arcade Fire jeli na turné se dvěma perkusisty a dvěma saxofonisty.", "evidence": [[[73354, 84570, "Arcade Fire", 1, "Arcade Fire"]]], "claim_en": "Arcade Fire toured with 2 percussionists and 2 saxophonists."} {"id": 81359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Borussia Dortmund má specifické barvy.", "evidence": [[[98412, 111522, "Borussia Dortmund", 13, "Borussia Dortmund"]]], "claim_en": "Borussia Dortmund has specific colors."} {"id": 43532, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Redford ukončil kariéru v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[59848, 70252, "Robert Redford", 4, "Robert Redford"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Redford ended his career in 1960."} {"id": 195938, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hyksósové praktikovali pohřbívání koček.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hyksos practiced cat burials."} {"id": 96429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Liverpool F.C. byl vytvořen za 1,55 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[114837, 128571, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was crafted at $1.55 billion."} {"id": 173669, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Moesie zahrnovala panovníka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Moesia included a monarch."} {"id": 144667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Diego Costa se nestal profesionálním fotbalistou.", "evidence": [[[167941, 181709, "Diego da Silva Costa", 0, "Diego Costa"]]], "claim_en": "Diego Costa fails to be a professional footballer."} {"id": 175109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Axl Rose má silný hlasový rozsah pro zpěv.", "evidence": [[[202536, 211780, "Axl Rose", 3, "Axl Rose"]], [[202537, 211781, "Axl Rose", 3, "Axl Rose"]], [[202540, 211784, "Axl Rose", 3, "Axl Rose"]]], "claim_en": "Axl Rose has powerful vocal range for singing."} {"id": 881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Island je součástí jednotného evropského trhu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iceland is part of the European Single Market."} {"id": 130363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Bloods se pozná podle červených šátků, které nosí její členové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bloods are identified by the red bandanas worn by their members."} {"id": 151451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Irská republika má voleného předsedu vlády.", "evidence": [[[175318, 188302, "Irsko", 6, "Republic of Ireland"], [175318, 188302, "Taoiseach", 1, "Taoiseach"], [175318, 188302, "Taoiseach", 2, "Taoiseach"]]], "claim_en": "The Republic of Ireland has an elected prime minister."} {"id": 95247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ztráta sluchu může vzniknout v důsledku porodních problémů.", "evidence": [[[112742, 126581, "Hluchota", 8, "Hearing loss"]]], "claim_en": "Hearing loss may arise from birth problems."} {"id": 208929, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Funny or Die je daňová společnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Funny or Die is a tax company."} {"id": 135180, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jin a jang nevykazují rovnováhu mezi protiklady.", "evidence": [[[289638, 282707, "Jin a jang", 10, "Yin and yang"]], [[291091, 284048, "Jin a jang", 10, "Yin and yang"]], [[293188, 285803, "Jin a jang", 10, "Yin and yang"]], [[336646, 322169, "Jin a jang", 10, "Yin and yang"]], [[336663, 322178, "Jin a jang", 0, "Yin and yang"]], [[336665, 322180, "Jin a jang", 0, "Yin and yang"]]], "claim_en": "Yin and yang do not show a balance between opposites."} {"id": 200077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Netopýr Kittiho vepřový nos je známý i pod jiným názvem.", "evidence": [[[235339, 238025, "Netopýrek thajský", 0, "Kitti's hog-nosed bat"]]], "claim_en": "Kitti's hog-nosed bat is also known as another name."} {"id": 76724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nas pracuje přinejmenším od roku 1966.", "evidence": [[[93600, 106548, "Nas", 0, "Nas"]]], "claim_en": "Nas has been working since at least 1966."} {"id": 48914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson nebyl v roce 1993 obviněn ze sexuálního zneužívání dětí.", "evidence": [[[65261, 76132, "Michael Jackson", 26, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was not accused of child sexual abuse in 1993."} {"id": 138627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Land Rover nemá schopnost vyrábět automobily.", "evidence": [[[162757, 177003, "Land Rover", 0, "Land Rover"]], [[162757, 177004, "Land Rover", 11, "Land Rover"]]], "claim_en": "Land Rover lacks the ability to make cars."} {"id": 168639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Strážci Galaxie byl uveden do kin ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[195898, 206029, "Strážci Galaxie (film)", 16, "Guardians of the Galaxy (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Guardians of the Galaxy was released in the United States."} {"id": 148614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Sabbath obdrželi od britské hudební síně slávy smlouvu na vydání knihy.", "evidence": [[[172290, 185649, "Black Sabbath", 21, "Black Sabbath"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath received a book deal from the UK Music Hall of Fame."} {"id": 59067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tatum O'Neal strávila celý život svobodná.", "evidence": [[[186530, 198324, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[188241, 199711, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[188241, 199712, "Tatum O'Neal", 3, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[190510, 201519, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314592, 303947, "Tatum O'Neal", 3, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314592, 303948, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314597, 303950, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314597, 303951, "Tatum O'Neal", 3, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314598, 303952, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314598, 303953, "Tatum O'Neal", 3, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314600, 303954, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314601, 303955, "Tatum O'Neal", 3, "Tatum O'Neal"]], [[314601, 303956, "Tatum O'Neal", 6, "Tatum O'Neal"]]], "claim_en": "Tatum O'Neal spent her whole life single."} {"id": 116427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lee Child se narodil v roce 1984.", "evidence": [[[136796, 151600, "Lee Child", 0, "Lee Child"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Child was born in 1984."} {"id": 64127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Artemis nebyla ochránkyní mladých dívek.", "evidence": [[[80575, 92412, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]]], "claim_en": "Artemis was not the protector of young girls."} {"id": 99863, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené království sousedí se čtyřmi aktivními podmořskými sopkami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom borders four active underwater volcanoes."} {"id": 95230, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Bernard Shaw hrál v divadelních hrách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Bernard Shaw acted in plays."} {"id": 107742, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heroin se používá jako farmaceutická droga.", "evidence": [[[126469, 140874, "Heroin", 0, "Heroin"]]], "claim_en": "Heroin is used as a pharmaceutical drug."} {"id": 188236, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Bostoňané (The Bostonians) mělo více než 1984 diváků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bostonians (film) had over 1984 viewers."} {"id": 155982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vyhledávač Google dokáže najít sportovce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Search can find athletes."} {"id": 209161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brave je pouze kniha z roku 2012.", "evidence": [[[247605, 247896, "Rebelka", 0, "Brave (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Brave is only a 2012 book."} {"id": 4965, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Caitlyn Jenner si nezměnila jméno ani pohlaví.", "evidence": [[[21320, 26190, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 12, "Caitlyn Jenner"]]], "claim_en": "Caitlyn Jenner did not change her name and gender."} {"id": 130338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vřískot má určitou úroveň hororu.", "evidence": [[[152591, 167382, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 0, "Scream (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "Scream has some level of horror."} {"id": 37876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Clooney je zaměstnaný.", "evidence": [[[54059, 64040, "George Clooney", 0, "George Clooney"]]], "claim_en": "George Clooney is employed."} {"id": 148418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deadpool je součástí franšízy.", "evidence": [[[172062, 185465, "Deadpool (film)", 1, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool is part of a franchise."} {"id": 124922, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "New Girl je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[146565, 161558, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl is a television series."} {"id": 215053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ray Milland spolupracoval se studiem.", "evidence": [[[255387, 254851, "Ray Milland", 9, "Ray Milland"], [255387, 254851, "Paramount Pictures", 0, "Paramount Pictures"]], [[255387, 254852, "Ray Milland", 10, "Ray Milland"], [255387, 254852, "Universal Studios", 0, "Universal Pictures"]]], "claim_en": "Ray Milland worked with a studio."} {"id": 198948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují globalizaci.", "evidence": [[[233916, 236804, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]], [[233924, 236812, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations includes globalization."} {"id": 164329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Švédsko nemá společnou hranici s Finskem.", "evidence": [[[298669, 290120, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]], [[300786, 291879, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]], [[344463, 327978, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]], [[344548, 328042, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]], [[344594, 328074, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]], [[344596, 328075, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden shares no border with Finland."} {"id": 82783, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paradise je název.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paradise is a title."} {"id": 111052, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Muhammad Ali byl za svého života aktivní.", "evidence": [[[130423, 145199, "Muhammad Ali", 1, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[130423, 145201, "Muhammad Ali", 6, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[130423, 145202, "Muhammad Ali", 19, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was active during his life."} {"id": 26024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bali nemá přístup k moři.", "evidence": [[[42042, 50558, "Bali", 0, "Bali"]], [[42042, 50559, "Bali", 1, "Bali"]], [[42042, 50560, "Bali", 6, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is landlocked."} {"id": 40147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miley Cyrus byla idolem.", "evidence": [[[56443, 66656, "Miley Cyrusová", 1, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[56453, 66665, "Miley Cyrusová", 1, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus was an idol."} {"id": 200502, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedna z postav filmu Stmívání je Bella Swan.", "evidence": [[[235856, 238455, "Stmívání (sága)", 1, "Twilight (novel series)"]]], "claim_en": "One of Twilight's characters is Bella Swan."} {"id": 45683, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noel Fisher ztvárnil Hermionu Grangerovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noel Fisher portrayed Hermione Granger."} {"id": 21965, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wentworth je komunista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wentworth is communist."} {"id": 2785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ava DuVernay je scenáristka.", "evidence": [[[19477, 23912, "Ava DuVernay", 0, "Ava DuVernay"]]], "claim_en": "Ava DuVernay is a screenwriter."} {"id": 44658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bob Marley začínal v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[61031, 71499, "Bob Marley", 1, "Bob Marley"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Marley started out in 1980."} {"id": 150019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Portnoy založil kapelu.", "evidence": [[[38708, 46678, "Mike Portnoy", 0, "Mike Portnoy"]], [[38708, 46679, "Mike Portnoy", 4, "Mike Portnoy"], [38708, 46679, "Dream Theater", 0, "Dream Theater"]], [[38708, 46680, "Mike Portnoy", 20, "Mike Portnoy"]], [[38708, 46681, "Mike Portnoy", 17, "Mike Portnoy"]], [[38708, 46683, "Mike Portnoy", 12, "Mike Portnoy"]], [[38708, 46684, "Mike Portnoy", 10, "Mike Portnoy"]], [[38708, 46685, "Mike Portnoy", 9, "Mike Portnoy"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Portnoy has formed a band."} {"id": 36843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Watchmen je temný satirický a dystopický pohled na žánr superhrdinů.", "evidence": [[[53026, 62970, "Strážci – Watchmen", 2, "Watchmen (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Watchmen is a dark satirical and dystopian take on the superhero genre."} {"id": 141503, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sigmund Freud žil v Innsbrucku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sigmund Freud lived in Innsbruck."} {"id": 165698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pořad American Idol (8. série) uváděla Paula Abdul.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "American Idol (season 8) had Paula Abdul as the host."} {"id": 157460, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Burdž Chalífa se nachází v Asii.", "evidence": [[[181644, 193896, "Burdž Chalífa", 0, "Burj Khalifa"], [181644, 193896, "Spojené arabské emiráty", 0, "United Arab Emirates"]], [[181644, 193897, "Burdž Chalífa", 24, "Burj Khalifa"]]], "claim_en": "The Burj Khalifa is in Asia."} {"id": 133199, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 2001: Vesmírná odysea byl v roce 2005 sestříhán s využitím studiových zařízení britských studií MGM.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "2001: A Space Odyssey was edited using the studio facilities of the MGM-British Studios in 2005."} {"id": 206792, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Nolte odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Dobrý zloděj.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte turned down the role he was offered in The Good Thief."} {"id": 76242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lady Gaga je zpěvačka, skladatelka a herečka.", "evidence": [[[93090, 105998, "Lady Gaga", 0, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga is a vocalist, songwriter, and actress."} {"id": 75494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lil Wayne je tučňák.", "evidence": [[[92288, 105036, "Lil Wayne", 0, "Lil Wayne"]]], "claim_en": "Lil Wayne is a penguin."} {"id": 82577, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kronus a Rhea jsou Diovi rodiče.", "evidence": [[[99637, 112764, "Zeus", 5, "Zeus"]], [[99639, 112765, "Zeus", 5, "Zeus"]]], "claim_en": "Cronus and Rhea are Zeus's parents."} {"id": 164784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tiger Woods vyhrál profesionální golfové mistrovství major.", "evidence": [[[189524, 200790, "Tiger Woods", 26, "Tiger Woods"]], [[189524, 200791, "Tiger Woods", 30, "Tiger Woods"]], [[189524, 200792, "Tiger Woods", 31, "Tiger Woods"]], [[189525, 200793, "Tiger Woods", 5, "Tiger Woods"]], [[189525, 200794, "Tiger Woods", 26, "Tiger Woods"]]], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods won professional major golf championships."} {"id": 67625, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Amazon.com založil Jeff Bezos.", "evidence": [[[84207, 96327, "Jeff Bezos", 0, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Amazon.com was founded by Jeff Bezos."} {"id": 142328, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Královna Viktorie byla královnou jedné země.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Queen Victoria was queen of a country."} {"id": 21102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ozzy Osbourne má standardní anglický přízvuk.", "evidence": [[[37270, 45111, "Ozzy Osbourne", 9, "Ozzy Osbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Ozzy Osbourne has a standard English accent."} {"id": 16799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt se oženil v roce 1882.", "evidence": [[[32228, 39164, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 0, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]], [[32228, 39165, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 7, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]], [[32228, 39167, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 9, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt was married in 1882."} {"id": 189821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šmoulové (film) byl uveden do kin v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[221741, 227303, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs (film) was released by 2012."} {"id": 149556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hugo Weaving jednou namluvil stejnou postavu.", "evidence": [[[173359, 186629, "Hugo Weaving", 7, "Hugo Weaving"]]], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving voiced the same character once."} {"id": 2043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pákistán leží mimo střední a západní Asii.", "evidence": [[[17904, 22060, "Pákistán", 0, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "Pakistan sits outside of Central and Western Asia."} {"id": 115894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Beastie Boys vznikla v roce 1995.", "evidence": [[[136075, 150912, "Beastie Boys", 0, "Beastie Boys"]]], "claim_en": "Beastie Boys was formed in 1995."} {"id": 121163, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gabrielle Union začala svou kariéru v roce 1991.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gabrielle Union began her career in 1991."} {"id": 38644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Detroit založil francouzský badatel.", "evidence": [[[54842, 64850, "Detroit", 12, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit was founded by a French explorer."} {"id": 193592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy obsahují města.", "evidence": [[[226685, 231177, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"]], [[226692, 231181, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"], [226692, 231181, "Metropolitní oblast Chicaga", 0, "Chicago metropolitan area"]]], "claim_en": "United States contains cities."} {"id": 127589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julian Assange se určitým způsobem podílel na zveřejnění tajných dokumentů z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[149527, 164496, "Julian Assange", 4, "Julian Assange"], [149527, 164496, "WikiLeaks", 6, "WikiLeaks"]]], "claim_en": "Julian Assange was involved in some capacity with the publication of secret documents from America."} {"id": 37311, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina The Crazies byla ukončena v roce 2010.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Crazies was canned in 2010."} {"id": 85953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci nezveřejnil své objevy v oblasti optiky.", "evidence": [[[103107, 116427, "Leonardo da Vinci", 29, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci did not publish his findings in optics."} {"id": 203658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pink Floyd dosud nebyli zařazeni do žádné síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[240326, 241958, "Pink Floyd", 20, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd still has yet to be included is any halls of fame."} {"id": 121679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jon Bernthal hrál Punishera.", "evidence": [[[143464, 158569, "Punisher", 15, "Punisher"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Bernthal played Punisher."} {"id": 38932, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mickey Rooney hrál ve filmu natočeném podle události.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mickey Rooney was in a film based on an event."} {"id": 125481, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart byl ženatý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was married."} {"id": 38459, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Debrecín je město v Maďarsku.", "evidence": [[[54667, 64661, "Maďarsko", 5, "Hungary"], [54667, 64661, "Debrecín", 0, "Debrecen"]]], "claim_en": "Debrecen is a city in Hungary."} {"id": 73711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pákistán se podle OSN oficiálně nazývá Pákistánská islámská republika.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pakistan is officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan by the UN."} {"id": 39254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království má devátou největší ekonomiku podle ekonomické teorie.", "evidence": [[[55484, 65522, "Spojené království", 31, "United Kingdom"], [55484, 65522, "Parita kupní síly", 0, "Purchasing power parity"]]], "claim_en": "United Kingdom has the ninth-largest economy by an economic theory."} {"id": 74969, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diamanty vyrobil Sam Feldt.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diamonds was produced by Sam Feldt."} {"id": 99836, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je hovězí wellington.", "evidence": [[[276425, 271505, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[276425, 271506, "Olivia Wilde", 1, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[326611, 314049, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[326611, 314050, "Olivia Wilde", 1, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is a beef wellington."} {"id": 72873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paris Hilton nesnáší \"Hvězdy jsou slepé\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paris Hilton hates \"Stars Are Blind.\""} {"id": 202077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Styles a jeho spoluhráči vydali pouze album Graduation.", "evidence": [[[237997, 240163, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles and his bandmates only released the album Graduation."} {"id": 118281, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One World Trade Center je typ kabrioletu.", "evidence": [[[138780, 153843, "One World Trade Center", 0, "One World Trade Center"]], [[138780, 153844, "One World Trade Center", 1, "One World Trade Center"]], [[138780, 153845, "One World Trade Center", 2, "One World Trade Center"]]], "claim_en": "One World Trade Center is a type of convertible."} {"id": 108421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Luke Cage byl součástí týmu, do kterého patřil i Iron Fist, který pracoval na zakázku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luke Cage was part of a team, including Iron Fist, that worked for hire."} {"id": 208627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal spolu s Andrewem Lloydem Webberem hru Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.", "evidence": [[[246872, 247302, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"], [246872, 247302, "Josef a jeho úžasný pestrobarevný plášť", 0, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Andrew Lloyd Webber."} {"id": 18926, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Los Angeles má obchodní rozmanitost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Los Angeles has business diversity."} {"id": 146326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Ocean vydal nula studiových alb.", "evidence": [[[169819, 183405, "Frank Ocean", 7, "Frank Ocean"]], [[169819, 183406, "Frank Ocean", 9, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean released zero studio albums."} {"id": 139403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett zemřel v roce 2006, ale předtím si přísně střežil své soukromí.", "evidence": [[[290152, 283188, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]], [[293612, 286088, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]], [[337738, 323089, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]], [[337741, 323090, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett died in 2006, but prior to that he was strictly guarding his own privacy."} {"id": 96369, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Malá Miss Sunshine byla natočena v IMAXu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Little Miss Sunshine was filmed in IMAX."} {"id": 38814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "King Konga režíroval Guillermo del Toro.", "evidence": [[[55025, 65054, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 0, "King Kong (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "King Kong was directed by Guillermo del Toro."} {"id": 49305, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Brady je členem NFL.", "evidence": [[[150833, 165671, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[150833, 165672, "Tom Brady", 8, "Tom Brady"]], [[150833, 165673, "Tom Brady", 11, "Tom Brady"]], [[150833, 165674, "Tom Brady", 12, "Tom Brady"]], [[150833, 165675, "Tom Brady", 15, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167628, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167629, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167630, "Tom Brady", 8, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167631, "Tom Brady", 11, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167632, "Tom Brady", 12, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167634, "Tom Brady", 15, "Tom Brady"]], [[152868, 167636, "Tom Brady", 18, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167633, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167635, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167637, "Tom Brady", 8, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167638, "Tom Brady", 11, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167639, "Tom Brady", 12, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167640, "Tom Brady", 15, "Tom Brady"]], [[152869, 167641, "Tom Brady", 18, "Tom Brady"]], [[311621, 301547, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[311621, 301548, "Tom Brady", 11, "Tom Brady"]], [[311624, 301550, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[311624, 301551, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]], [[311624, 301552, "Tom Brady", 5, "Tom Brady"], [311624, 301552, "New England Patriots", 1, "New England Patriots"]], [[311624, 301553, "Tom Brady", 11, "Tom Brady"]], [[311624, 301554, "Tom Brady", 12, "Tom Brady"]], [[311631, 301561, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]], [[311631, 301562, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]], [[311631, 301563, "Tom Brady", 8, "Tom Brady"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Brady is a member of the NFL."} {"id": 176281, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Bushová založila nadaci Barbara Bush Foundation for Child Literacy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Child Literacy."} {"id": 183484, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Estelle Gettyová byla křesťanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Estelle Getty was a Christian."} {"id": 138734, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita je tvořena řadou medvědů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "University of Oxford is made up of a variety of bears."} {"id": 126039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naréndra Módí je čtrnáctým britským premiérem.", "evidence": [[[147856, 162868, "Naréndra Módí", 0, "Narendra Modi"]]], "claim_en": "Narendra Modi is the 14th Prime Minister of Britain."} {"id": 185967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Niall Horan je hudebně negramotný.", "evidence": [[[216843, 223503, "Niall Horan", 9, "Niall Horan"]]], "claim_en": "Niall Horan is musically illiterate."} {"id": 179993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kirk Douglas se přejmenoval na Issur Danielovitch.", "evidence": [[[208932, 216876, "Kirk Douglas", 0, "Kirk Douglas"]]], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas was renamed Issur Danielovitch."} {"id": 111968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Himálaje protínají zemi, která hraničí s Čínou.", "evidence": [[[131445, 146219, "Himálaj", 10, "Himalayas"], [131445, 146219, "Bhútán", 1, "Bhutan"], [131445, 146219, "Indie", 3, "India"], [131445, 146219, "Nepál", 8, "Nepal"], [131445, 146219, "Pákistán", 3, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "The Himalayas crosses a country that borders China."} {"id": 193865, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barry Van Dyke je posledním synem Dicka Van Dykea.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barry Van Dyke is the last son of Dick Van Dyke."} {"id": 85825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bank of America má pouze jeden bankomat.", "evidence": [[[102976, 116274, "Bank of America", 16, "Bank of America"]], [[102976, 116275, "Bank of America", 13, "Bank of America"]]], "claim_en": "Bank of America only has one automated teller machine."} {"id": 204422, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brad Wilk byl kytaristou skupiny Greta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brad Wilk was a guitarist for Greta."} {"id": 25772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe je herečka.", "evidence": [[[41827, 50317, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe is an actress."} {"id": 45199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Duvall byl nominován na deset Oscarů.", "evidence": [[[61549, 72061, "Robert Duvall", 1, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall has been nominated for ten Academy Awards."} {"id": 225150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Finále WTA 2014 byl ženský tenisový turnaj.", "evidence": [[[268308, 264914, "WTA Finals 2014", 0, "2014 WTA Finals"]]], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals was a women's tennis tournament."} {"id": 161115, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová vyhrála více než 10 lahví s vodou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won more than 10 water bottles."} {"id": 180153, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gil Sharone začal produkovat s hudební skupinou, která vznikla v roce 1989.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gil Sharone started production with a musical group formed in 1989."} {"id": 194859, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje země, která hostí populaci žadatelů o azyl včetně nelegálních migrantů ze Súdánu jménem Izrael.", "evidence": [[[228374, 232571, "Izrael", 29, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "There is a country that hosts a population of asylum seekers including illegal migrants from Sudan name Israel."} {"id": 162290, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "L.A. Law běžel pro osm lidí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "L.A. Law ran for eight people."} {"id": 45617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sikhismus vznikl v tichomořské oblasti.", "evidence": [[[138230, 153220, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]], [[140993, 156175, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]], [[310394, 300444, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"], [310394, 300444, "Indický subkontinent", 0, "Indian subcontinent"]]], "claim_en": "Sikhism originated in the Pacific region."} {"id": 208864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal Šachy se Švédem.", "evidence": [[[247167, 247474, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"], [247167, 247474, "ABBA", 0, "ABBA"], [247167, 247474, "Benny Andersson", 0, "Benny Andersson"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Chess with a Swede."} {"id": 220664, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Krásně jí Minnie Driver a Joey Chestnut.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beautiful eats Minnie Driver and Joey Chestnut."} {"id": 93757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hvězda vs. síly zla produkuje ABC Family.", "evidence": [[[275588, 270703, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[324642, 312551, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]], [[324643, 312552, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]]], "claim_en": "Star vs. the Forces of Evil is produced by ABC Family."} {"id": 110482, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian Eno pracoval jako klavírista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian Eno worked as a piano player."} {"id": 70117, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bela Lugosi nebyl Američan maďarského původu.", "evidence": [[[86780, 99237, "Béla Lugosi", 0, "Bela Lugosi"]]], "claim_en": "Bela Lugosi was not Hungarian-American."} {"id": 39938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rakovina má potenciál napadnout nebo se rozšířit do dalších částí těla.", "evidence": [[[56233, 66421, "Rakovina", 0, "Cancer"]]], "claim_en": "Cancer has the potential to invade or spread to other sections of the body."} {"id": 85978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Atlas mraků je adaptací filmu Bůh malých věcí.", "evidence": [[[103133, 116462, "Atlas mraků (film)", 1, "Cloud Atlas (film)"], [103133, 116462, "Atlas mraků", 0, "Cloud Atlas (novel)"]]], "claim_en": "Cloud Atlas is adapted from The God of Small Things."} {"id": 152564, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Colombiana režíroval muž.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colombiana was directed by a man."} {"id": 6047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené státy mají dluh 3,4 bilionu dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States is $3.4 trillion in debt."} {"id": 10539, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Hathaway se nezúčastnila filmu Deník princezny 2: Královské zásnuby.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway failed to participate in The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement."} {"id": 152925, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brazzers je společnost produkující videoreklamy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brazzers is a video advertisement production company."} {"id": 45394, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Phoenix v Arizoně je hlavní město Atlantského oceánu.", "evidence": [[[61736, 72211, "Phoenix", 0, "Phoenix, Arizona"]]], "claim_en": "Phoenix, Arizona is the capital of the Atlantic Ocean."} {"id": 179224, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Up All Night je singl skupiny One Direction.", "evidence": [[[207923, 216109, "Up All Night (album, One Direction)", 0, "Up All Night (One Direction album)"]]], "claim_en": "Up All Night is a One Direction single."} {"id": 83402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Detroit je videohra.", "evidence": [[[100448, 113736, "Detroit", 0, "Detroit"]], [[100448, 113737, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]], [[100448, 113738, "Detroit", 2, "Detroit"]], [[100448, 113739, "Detroit", 5, "Detroit"]], [[100448, 113740, "Detroit", 7, "Detroit"]], [[100448, 113741, "Detroit", 8, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit is a video game."} {"id": 180576, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mečoun (film) je film s nejvyššími tržbami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Swordfish (film) is the highest grossing film."} {"id": 86619, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Začal filmový vesmír Marvelu.", "evidence": [[[103765, 117251, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 6, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"]], [[103804, 117307, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 6, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"]], [[103804, 117308, "Marvel Cinematic Universe", 7, "Marvel Cinematic Universe"], [103804, 117308, "Iron Man 3", 1, "Iron Man 3"]]], "claim_en": "The Marvel Cinematic Universe began."} {"id": 154973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Thomas Anderson hrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Thomas Anderson was in a movie."} {"id": 118934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Svrab byl dříve známý jako Hra o trůny.", "evidence": [[[139577, 154600, "Svrab", 0, "Scabies"]]], "claim_en": "Scabies was previously known as Game of Thrones."} {"id": 212369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundgarden byla seattleská současná skupina Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [[[251928, 251703, "Soundgarden", 6, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden was a Seattle contemporary of Pearl Jam."} {"id": 79242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nina Simone je mileniálka.", "evidence": [[[96193, 109301, "Nina Simone", 0, "Nina Simone"]], [[96193, 109302, "Nina Simone", 19, "Nina Simone"]], [[96193, 109303, "Nina Simone", 18, "Nina Simone"]]], "claim_en": "Nina Simone is a millennial."} {"id": 155900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paramount Pictures vlastní Star Trek.", "evidence": [[[179965, 192505, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 1, "Star Trek (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Paramount Pictures owns Star Trek."} {"id": 149973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bahamy jsou mezinárodně uznávaný stát, který se skládá z řady vnitrozemských oblastí tvořících souostroví.", "evidence": [[[297106, 288794, "Bahamy", 1, "The Bahamas"]]], "claim_en": "The Bahamas is an internationally recognized state that comprises a series of landlocked areas that form an archipelago."} {"id": 140949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ceny Akademie byly poprvé uděleny v roce 1945.", "evidence": [[[163951, 178201, "Oscar", 2, "Academy Awards"]], [[163951, 178202, "Oscar", 5, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The Academy Awards were first presented in 1945."} {"id": 70313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Jobs byl podnikatel.", "evidence": [[[86984, 99461, "Steve Jobs", 0, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99462, "Steve Jobs", 1, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99463, "Steve Jobs", 2, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99464, "Steve Jobs", 12, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99465, "Steve Jobs", 13, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99466, "Steve Jobs", 16, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99467, "Steve Jobs", 20, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99468, "Steve Jobs", 21, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99469, "Steve Jobs", 26, "Steve Jobs"]], [[86984, 99470, "Steve Jobs", 27, "Steve Jobs"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Jobs was a businessman."} {"id": 140101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác postrádá pestrobarevné scagliola.", "evidence": [[[163064, 177277, "Buckinghamský palác", 15, "Buckingham Palace"]]], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace lacks brightly colored scagliola."} {"id": 145603, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-wan je stát ve východní Asii.", "evidence": [[[168930, 182632, "Tchaj-wan", 0, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan is a country in East Asia."} {"id": 181748, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Valkýra je romantický film.", "evidence": [[[211091, 218752, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211092, 218753, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Valkyrie is a romance film."} {"id": 134776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Wedding Crashers hrál Bradley Cooper.", "evidence": [[[157340, 171911, "Bradley Cooper", 7, "Bradley Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Wedding Crashers featured Bradley Cooper."} {"id": 175057, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Paquin porazila 5000 uchazeček o roli.", "evidence": [[[202466, 211722, "Anna Paquin", 2, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin beat 5000 candidates for a role."} {"id": 36858, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hranice Istanbulu se rozšířily o část sousedního města Boston.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Istanbul's city limits have expanded to encompass parts of the neighboring town of Boston."} {"id": 14301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Walker se nenarodil v sedmdesátých letech.", "evidence": [[[29578, 36087, "Paul Walker", 0, "Paul Walker"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Walker was not born in the nineteen seventies."} {"id": 169427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grunge se stal komerčně úspěšným mimo jiné díky albu Dirt od Alice in Chains.", "evidence": [[[195332, 205617, "Grunge", 5, "Grunge"]]], "claim_en": "Grunge became commercially successful due in part to Alice in Chains' Dirt."} {"id": 158254, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Irácký prezident je omezen na tvorbu zákonů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The President of Iraq is limited to creating law."} {"id": 163314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hilary Swanková se vzdala všech rolí ve filmu The Homesman.", "evidence": [[[187887, 199443, "Síla života", 1, "The Homesman"]]], "claim_en": "Hilary Swank passed up all roles in The Homesman."} {"id": 26455, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prison Break je americké televizní seriálové drama.", "evidence": [[[42530, 51180, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break is an American television serial drama."} {"id": 160956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladbu OK Computer nahrál Bob Dylan a vydala ji společnost Columbia Records.", "evidence": [[[185480, 197244, "OK Computer", 0, "OK Computer"]]], "claim_en": "OK Computer was recorded by Bob Dylan and released by Columbia Records."} {"id": 103191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan je akrobat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan is an acrobat."} {"id": 144704, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leighton Meester je člověk.", "evidence": [[[168087, 181850, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[168087, 181851, "Leighton Meester", 1, "Leighton Meester"]], [[168087, 181852, "Leighton Meester", 3, "Leighton Meester"]], [[168087, 181853, "Leighton Meester", 6, "Leighton Meester"]], [[168087, 181854, "Leighton Meester", 8, "Leighton Meester"]], [[168087, 181855, "Leighton Meester", 11, "Leighton Meester"]]], "claim_en": "Leighton Meester is a person."} {"id": 153900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Qui-Gon Jinn je neherní postava.", "evidence": [[[178851, 191401, "Qui-Gon Jinn", 0, "Qui-Gon Jinn"]], [[178852, 191402, "Qui-Gon Jinn", 0, "Qui-Gon Jinn"]]], "claim_en": "Qui-Gon Jinn is a nonfiction character."} {"id": 89509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "California Gurls je část studiového alba Katy Perry.", "evidence": [[[106737, 120130, "California Gurls", 0, "California Gurls"]]], "claim_en": "California Gurls is part of Katy Perry's studio album."} {"id": 137665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna Boleynová byla družkou španělské královny.", "evidence": [[[160421, 174938, "Anna Boleynová", 7, "Anne Boleyn"]], [[160421, 174939, "Anna Boleynová", 10, "Anne Boleyn"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Boleyn was maid of honour to the Queen of Spain."} {"id": 58957, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Desatero přikázání je akční film.", "evidence": [[[75339, 86585, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments is an action film."} {"id": 155764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První světová válka je jinak známá jako Velká válka.", "evidence": [[[179819, 192354, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]]], "claim_en": "WWI is otherwise known as the Great War."} {"id": 54762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Epizoda II - Útok klonů se dočkal vydání na domácím videu pouze na laserdisku.", "evidence": [[[71109, 82037, "Star Wars: Epizoda II – Klony útočí", 21, "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones only saw home video release on Laserdisc."} {"id": 157071, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Heard získal cenu Emmy za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Heard won an Emmy Award for Best Actor."} {"id": 181234, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melissa McCarthy se objevila v knihách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy appeared in books."} {"id": 27140, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alžběta I. Anglická nebyla schopna počít děti a odmítla adoptovat dědice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth I of England was unable to conceive children and refused to adopt an heir."} {"id": 76487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Svatý Petr napsal křesťanský biblický kánon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saint Peter wrote Christian biblical canon."} {"id": 64799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Riu de Janeiru se nachází fotbalový stadion.", "evidence": [[[81259, 93065, "Rio de Janeiro", 20, "Rio de Janeiro"]]], "claim_en": "There is a football stadium in Rio de Janeiro."} {"id": 56733, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Nash měla psa jménem Made of Bricks.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Nash had a dog called Made of Bricks."} {"id": 206731, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Samwell Tarly je zabit v seriálu Hra o trůny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Samwell Tarly is killed in Game of Thrones."} {"id": 62501, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Shakespeare psal thrillery.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Shakespeare wrote thrillers."} {"id": 129546, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ava DuVernay se provdala za režiséra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ava DuVernay married a director."} {"id": 20494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Umbrella vyšlo u vydavatelství Capital Records.", "evidence": [[[36301, 43855, "Umbrella", 0, "Umbrella (song)"], [36301, 43855, "Good Girl Gone Bad", 1, "Good Girl Gone Bad"]]], "claim_en": "Umbrella was released through Capital Records."} {"id": 106176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ingušsko bylo založeno v březnu.", "evidence": [[[124635, 138966, "Ingušsko", 5, "Ingushetia"]]], "claim_en": "Ingushetia was established on March."} {"id": 156909, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mohamed popřel hadísy.", "evidence": [[[181030, 193332, "Mohamed", 32, "Muhammad"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad negated the Hadiths."} {"id": 86869, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nizozemsko hostilo předávání Oscarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Netherlands hosts the Oscars."} {"id": 87737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaron Burr svedl souboj s ministrem financí.", "evidence": [[[104935, 118356, "Aaron Burr", 9, "Aaron Burr"], [104935, 118356, "Alexander Hamilton", 2, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[104947, 118366, "Aaron Burr", 9, "Aaron Burr"], [104947, 118366, "Alexander Hamilton", 2, "Alexander Hamilton"]], [[104961, 118381, "Aaron Burr", 9, "Aaron Burr"], [104961, 118381, "Alexander Hamilton", 2, "Alexander Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Burr engaged a Secretary of Treasury in a duel."} {"id": 141762, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států schvaluje zákony před jejich odesláním předsedovi vlády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States House of Representatives passes legislation before it is sent to the Prime Minister."} {"id": 22709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle vyhrál na mistrovství světa ve wrestlingu v roce 1995 plyšového medvěda.", "evidence": [[[40005, 48127, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle won a stuffed bear at the 1995 World Wrestling Championships."} {"id": 180658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fernando Alonso je všechno jiné než Španěl.", "evidence": [[[209683, 217464, "Fernando Alonso", 0, "Fernando Alonso"]]], "claim_en": "Fernando Alonso is anything except Spanish."} {"id": 24902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Španělsko je město.", "evidence": [[[40941, 49228, "Španělsko", 0, "Spain"]], [[40941, 49229, "Španělsko", 2, "Spain"]], [[40941, 49230, "Španělsko", 18, "Spain"]]], "claim_en": "Spain is a city."} {"id": 56457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chicago White Sox soutěží v americké lize.", "evidence": [[[72809, 83879, "Chicago White Sox", 1, "Chicago White Sox"]], [[72809, 83880, "Chicago White Sox", 7, "Chicago White Sox"]], [[72809, 83881, "Chicago White Sox", 15, "Chicago White Sox"], [72809, 83881, "Americká liga", 0, "American League"]]], "claim_en": "Chicago White Sox competes in the American League."} {"id": 172154, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conor McGregor je moderátor šampionátu ultimátních zápasů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conor McGregor is a presenter for the Ultimate Fighting Championship."} {"id": 199509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Woody Harrelson byl moderátorem pěti pořadů o ceny Emmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Woody Harrelson hosted five Emmy Award shows."} {"id": 141562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selena byla mexicko-americká hudební umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[164598, 178828, "Selena", 0, "Selena"]], [[164599, 178829, "Selena", 0, "Selena"]]], "claim_en": "Selena was a Mexican-American recording artist."} {"id": 3018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Walker má prostřední jméno \"Thomas\".", "evidence": [[[18905, 23150, "Paul Walker", 0, "Paul Walker"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Walker has the middle name \"Thomas\"."} {"id": 51928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na K2 se dá vylézt.", "evidence": [[[68245, 79124, "K2", 8, "K2"]]], "claim_en": "K2 can be climbed."} {"id": 138085, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tiger Woods nepodstoupil operaci zad.", "evidence": [[[160853, 175342, "Tiger Woods", 17, "Tiger Woods"]]], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods did not have back surgery."} {"id": 79299, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ronda Rousey hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[96223, 109357, "Ronda Rouseyová", 16, "Ronda Rousey"]], [[96223, 109358, "Ronda Rouseyová", 17, "Ronda Rousey"]]], "claim_en": "Ronda Rousey was in a film."} {"id": 153521, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "System of a Down se znovu sešli ve voze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "System of a Down reunited in a cart."} {"id": 126745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seattle je v USA.", "evidence": [[[148595, 163608, "Seattle", 0, "Seattle"]], [[148595, 163609, "Seattle", 1, "Seattle"], [148595, 163609, "Washington (stát)", 0, "Washington (state)"]], [[148595, 163610, "Seattle", 2, "Seattle"]], [[148595, 163611, "Seattle", 3, "Seattle"]]], "claim_en": "Seattle is in the US."} {"id": 33777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yale School of Drama poskytla školení v loutkářství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yale School of Drama provided training in puppetry."} {"id": 61290, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundtrack z Hvězdných válek nesměl být přidán do Národního registru nahrávek USA.", "evidence": [[[77784, 89232, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 15, "Star Wars (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars' soundtrack wasn't allowed to be added to the U.S. National Recording Registry."} {"id": 214193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sýrie zahrnuje pouze jednu etnickou skupinu, kterou jsou Italové.", "evidence": [[[254281, 253997, "Sýrie", 4, "Syria"]]], "claim_en": "Syria includes only one ethnic group which is Italian."} {"id": 72941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Noční můra v Elm Street měl odhadovaný rozpočet 1,8 milionu dolarů, které se mu vrátily během prvního týdne.", "evidence": [[[233549, 236461, "Noční můra v Elm Street", 6, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"]], [[235520, 238135, "Noční můra v Elm Street", 6, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"]], [[318621, 307500, "Noční můra v Elm Street", 6, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"]], [[318626, 307503, "Noční můra v Elm Street", 6, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"]], [[318635, 307508, "Noční můra v Elm Street", 6, "A Nightmare on Elm Street"]]], "claim_en": "A Nightmare on Elm Street had an estimated budget of $1.8 million which it earned back in its first week."} {"id": 218372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Francouzský odboj prováděl sabotáže na dopravních prostředcích.", "evidence": [[[259615, 258178, "Résistance", 6, "French Resistance"]]], "claim_en": "The French Resistance executed acts of sabotage on transport facilities."} {"id": 97387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 21 Jump Street vydělal 201 miliard dolarů.", "evidence": [[[115017, 128734, "21 Jump Street", 4, "21 Jump Street (film)"]]], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street grossed $201 billion."} {"id": 132160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zemřela Amy Winehouse.", "evidence": [[[154570, 169291, "Amy Winehouse", 0, "Amy Winehouse"]], [[154570, 169292, "Amy Winehouse", 10, "Amy Winehouse"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Winehouse died."} {"id": 194678, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Seiko má na skladě hodiny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seiko stocks clocks."} {"id": 105364, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útok na Titána se v Japonsku na MBS nevysílal.", "evidence": [[[123689, 138095, "Útok titánů", 9, "Attack on Titan"]]], "claim_en": "Attack on Titan did not air in Japan on MBS."} {"id": 219982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Klementinská kaple je v létě otevřená.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Clementine Chapel is open in summer."} {"id": 49914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ratatouille spoluvlastní Brad Bird a Jan Pinkava.", "evidence": [[[66239, 77065, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ratatouille co-owned by Brad Bird and Jan Pinkava."} {"id": 120320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katrina Kaif se narodila v Paříži.", "evidence": [[[141333, 156530, "Katrina Kaifová", 5, "Katrina Kaif"]]], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif was born in Paris."} {"id": 148999, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Hudson získala Grammy za album.", "evidence": [[[172677, 185936, "Jennifer Hudson", 12, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[172677, 185937, "Jennifer Hudson", 15, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson has won a Grammy for an album."} {"id": 159402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Ament vydal své poslední album v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[183775, 195773, "Jeff Ament", 7, "Jeff Ament"]], [[183775, 195774, "Jeff Ament", 8, "Jeff Ament"]], [[183785, 195783, "Jeff Ament", 7, "Jeff Ament"]], [[183785, 195784, "Jeff Ament", 8, "Jeff Ament"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Ament released his final album in 2005."} {"id": 87575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joe Hart je sportovec.", "evidence": [[[104765, 118179, "Joe Hart", 0, "Joe Hart"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Hart is an athlete."} {"id": 141716, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hudební umění významně ovlivnila apropriace (umění).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Musical arts has been significantly impacted by Appropriation (art)."} {"id": 95155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezi predátory slonů nepatří lvi.", "evidence": [[[112678, 126508, "Slon", 15, "Elephant"]]], "claim_en": "Elephants' predators do not include lions."} {"id": 139667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kniha To Kill a Mockingbird byla vydána v roce 1970.", "evidence": [[[162560, 176835, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 0, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]], [[162561, 176836, "Jako zabít ptáčka", 0, "To Kill a Mockingbird"]]], "claim_en": "To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1970."} {"id": 54057, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlatan Ibrahimović hrál za italskou rockovou skupinu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zlatan Ibrahimović played for an Italian rock band."} {"id": 116565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hana a její sestry je film z roku 1997.", "evidence": [[[136966, 151792, "Hana a její sestry", 0, "Hannah and Her Sisters"]], [[136966, 151793, "Hana a její sestry", 4, "Hannah and Her Sisters"]]], "claim_en": "Hannah and Her Sisters is a 1997 film."} {"id": 192848, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ian Brennan je shakespearovský herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ian Brennan is a Shakespearean actor."} {"id": 11244, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kris Jennerová má hudební vliv na Kylie Jennerovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kris Jenner is a musical influence of Kylie Jenner."} {"id": 22250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vlk z Wall Street byl uveden v jiném roce než v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[38092, 46012, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street was released in a year other than 2013."} {"id": 82888, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adrianne Palicki odmítla hrát ve filmu Světla páteční noci.", "evidence": [[[99944, 113158, "Adrianne Palicki", 0, "Adrianne Palicki"]]], "claim_en": "Adrianne Palicki refused to act in Friday Night Lights."} {"id": 152869, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson hrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[176820, 189771, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[176820, 189772, "Willie Nelson", 36, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson has acted."} {"id": 113360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Malala Júsafzaiová je zastánkyní evangelikalismu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Malala Yousafzai is an advocate for Evangelicalism."} {"id": 181173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rebecca Ferguson byla nominována pouze na cenu Grammy.", "evidence": [[[210289, 218065, "Rebecca Ferguson", 1, "Rebecca Ferguson"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Ferguson has only been nominated for Grammy Awards."} {"id": 136122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Autor Harryho Pottera je Brit.", "evidence": [[[158764, 173397, "Harry Potter", 0, "Harry Potter"]], [[158777, 173403, "Harry Potter", 0, "Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Potter's author is British."} {"id": 101821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daenerys Targaryen se představila ve filmu Hostina pro vrány.", "evidence": [[[121340, 135636, "Daenerys Targaryen", 5, "Daenerys Targaryen"]], [[121340, 135637, "Daenerys Targaryen", 7, "Daenerys Targaryen"]]], "claim_en": "Daenerys Targaryen was introduced in A Feast for Crows."} {"id": 227257, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "IPhony lze používat k vytváření sociálních sítí.", "evidence": [[[271023, 266976, "IPhone", 19, "IPhone"]]], "claim_en": "IPhones can be used for social networking."} {"id": 211357, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Cruise hrál ve filmu z března 1981.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise was in a film from March 1981."} {"id": 83359, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené státy mají stát na sever od Ruska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States has a state north of Russia."} {"id": 40756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Německý ovčák pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[57073, 67303, "Německý ovčák", 0, "German Shepherd"]]], "claim_en": "The German Shepherd is native to America."} {"id": 55738, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Palinová je autorkou několika knih.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin is an author of several books."} {"id": 4198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick nebyl Američan.", "evidence": [[[20449, 25050, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick was not American."} {"id": 42817, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Musala je nejvyšší vrchol Arabského poloostrova.", "evidence": [[[59115, 69450, "Musala", 0, "Musala"]]], "claim_en": "Musala is the highest peak in the Arabic Peninsula."} {"id": 102685, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Stapleton je mileniál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Stapleton is a millennial."} {"id": 152714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kiefer Sutherland je pes.", "evidence": [[[176657, 189592, "Kiefer Sutherland", 0, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189593, "Kiefer Sutherland", 1, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189594, "Kiefer Sutherland", 4, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189595, "Kiefer Sutherland", 5, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189596, "Kiefer Sutherland", 8, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189597, "Kiefer Sutherland", 9, "Kiefer Sutherland"]], [[176657, 189598, "Kiefer Sutherland", 12, "Kiefer Sutherland"]]], "claim_en": "Kiefer Sutherland is a dog."} {"id": 31043, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jessica Chastainová se vyjadřuje k fyzickému zdraví.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain is vocal about physical health."} {"id": 225628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System je druhá domácí konzole společnosti Sony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Super Nintendo Entertainment System is Sony's second home console."} {"id": 70535, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dotykové obrazovky se používají v herních počítačích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Touchscreens are used in gaming computers."} {"id": 215364, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Hostitel hraje herečka narozená v dubnu.", "evidence": [[[255745, 255126, "Hostitel (film)", 3, "The Host (2013 film)"], [255745, 255126, "Saoirse Ronanová", 0, "Saoirse Ronan"]]], "claim_en": "The Host stars an actress born in April."} {"id": 47570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americký dolar je jedinou měnou při vyplácení mezd zaměstnancům.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States dollar is the sole currency in paying employees."} {"id": 169318, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Hammer Film Productions produkovala v USA film Let Me In.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hammer Film Productions produced Let Me In in the US."} {"id": 33486, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Felicity Huffmanová hraje ve hře Wicked.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Felicity Huffman is in the play Wicked."} {"id": 130223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scott Eastwood hraje sekačku na trávu.", "evidence": [[[152454, 167252, "Scott Eastwood", 0, "Scott Eastwood"]], [[152454, 167253, "Scott Eastwood", 1, "Scott Eastwood"]], [[152454, 167254, "Scott Eastwood", 2, "Scott Eastwood"]], [[152454, 167255, "Scott Eastwood", 3, "Scott Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood is a lawnmower."} {"id": 145545, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marshall McLuhan se zúčastnil své promoce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marshall McLuhan attended his graduation."} {"id": 214433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bruce Lee hrál ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[254578, 254213, "Bruce Lee", 13, "Bruce Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Lee was in movies."} {"id": 98710, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bonnie Huntová hrála ve filmu Vykoupení z věznice Shawshank.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bonnie Hunt was in Shawshank Redemption."} {"id": 99283, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Kluci z Brazílie hraje Irene Jacobová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Boys from Brazil features Irene Jacob."} {"id": 187283, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Harbour je vegan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Harbour is vegan."} {"id": 74002, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Beatles začali hrát v květnu 1960.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beatles started in May of 1960."} {"id": 42218, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Otec Vlada Napichovače zemřel přirozenou smrtí.", "evidence": [[[58499, 68791, "Vlad III. Dracula", 1, "Vlad the Impaler"], [58499, 68791, "Vlad II. Dracul", 18, "Vlad II Dracul"]]], "claim_en": "Vlad the Impaler's father died of natural causes."} {"id": 11491, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Nicole Smith pracovala pro několik módních společností.", "evidence": [[[26702, 32777, "Anna Nicole Smith", 2, "Anna Nicole Smith"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Nicole Smith worked for multiple fashion companies."} {"id": 125901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "There Will Be Blood není film.", "evidence": [[[147707, 162728, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[147707, 162729, "Až na krev", 9, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[147707, 162730, "Až na krev", 10, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[147707, 162731, "Až na krev", 15, "There Will Be Blood"]]], "claim_en": "There Will Be Blood is not a film."} {"id": 131822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Serena Williamsová získala grandslamové tituly.", "evidence": [[[154186, 168971, "Serena Williamsová", 8, "Serena Williams"]], [[154186, 168972, "Serena Williamsová", 9, "Serena Williams"]], [[154186, 168973, "Serena Williamsová", 10, "Serena Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Serena Williams has won Grand Slam titles."} {"id": 28432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anglický král Eduard I. potlačil v roce 1212 povstání.", "evidence": [[[44549, 53208, "Eduard I.", 0, "Edward I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Edward I of England suppressed a rebellion in 1212."} {"id": 78333, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Junipero pochází z ostrova Británie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Junipero is from the island of Britain."} {"id": 23634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jakub VI. a I. byl Španěl.", "evidence": [[[39582, 47667, "Jakub I. Stuart", 4, "James VI and I"]]], "claim_en": "James VI and I was Spanish."} {"id": 403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vlk z Wall Street vydělal celosvětově více než 392 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[15824, 19687, "Vlk z Wall Street", 9, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street grossed more than $392 million worldwide."} {"id": 53912, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kleopatra byla římskou královnou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatra was queen of Rome."} {"id": 86525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keith Urban vydal jedno album s názvem \"John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keith Urban has released one album called \"John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16.\""} {"id": 61853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Pierce nehrál za Boston Celtics.", "evidence": [[[78334, 89871, "Paul Pierce", 4, "Paul Pierce"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Pierce has not played for the Boston Celtics."} {"id": 120523, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Západní křídlo se odehrává v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[141539, 156756, "Západní křídlo", 1, "The West Wing"], [141539, 156756, "Bílý dům", 0, "White House"]]], "claim_en": "The West Wing takes place in New York."} {"id": 33893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Letty hraje Michelle Rodriguezová.", "evidence": [[[49998, 59507, "Michelle Rodriguezová", 2, "Michelle Rodriguez"]]], "claim_en": "Letty is played by Michelle Rodriguez."} {"id": 160717, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gruzínské království padlo ve 14. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Kingdom of Georgia fell in the 14th century."} {"id": 147025, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam byl podporován Indickým národním kongresem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was backed by the Indian National Congress."} {"id": 12509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kenny Rogers vypustil do světa píseň The Gambler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kenny Rogers released the dog, The Gambler."} {"id": 100484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová je člověk.", "evidence": [[[118160, 132008, "Jennifer Garner", 0, "Jennifer Garner"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner is a person."} {"id": 69129, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skotské Hebridy nejsou rozšířené a rozmanité.", "evidence": [[[218957, 225118, "Skotsko", 2, "Scotland"], [218957, 225118, "Hebridy", 0, "Hebrides"]], [[224286, 229118, "Skotsko", 2, "Scotland"], [224286, 229118, "Hebridy", 0, "Hebrides"]]], "claim_en": "Scotland's Hebrides is not widespread and diverse."} {"id": 98688, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Wayne Gacy Jr. byl Bostoňan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Wayne Gacy Jr. was a Bostonian."} {"id": 155974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kleopatra (film z roku 1963) je americký dramatický film ze šedesátých let.", "evidence": [[[180028, 192550, "Kleopatra (film, 1963)", 0, "Cleopatra (1963 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra (1963 film) is an American drama film from the sixties."} {"id": 12492, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeroným je uznáván jako doktor církve.", "evidence": [[[27731, 33966, "Svatý Jeroným", 11, "Jerome"]]], "claim_en": "Jerome is recognized as a Doctor of the Church."} {"id": 142669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Caitlyn Jennerová není transsexuální žena.", "evidence": [[[165725, 179728, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 13, "Caitlyn Jenner"]], [[165726, 179729, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 13, "Caitlyn Jenner"]]], "claim_en": "Caitlyn Jenner is not a transgender woman."} {"id": 2670, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2013 byla instalována poslední součást věže One World Trade Center.", "evidence": [[[18517, 22711, "One World Trade Center", 11, "One World Trade Center"]]], "claim_en": "In 2013, the final component of the One World Trade Center's spire was installed."} {"id": 194061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duane Hopwood zahrnuje Ryana Goslinga.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duane Hopwood includes Ryan Gosling."} {"id": 139251, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Petyr Baelish je mýtická bytost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Petyr Baelish is a mythical creature."} {"id": 10790, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Timea Bacsinszká vyhrála 12 dvouher.", "evidence": [[[25854, 31804, "Timea Bacsinszká", 6, "Timea Bacsinszky"]]], "claim_en": "Timea Bacsinszky won 12 singles."} {"id": 215040, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ray Milland koupil společnost Paramount.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ray Milland bought Paramount."} {"id": 3712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dolph Lundgren ztvárnil Punishera.", "evidence": [[[19917, 24470, "Punisher", 14, "Punisher"]]], "claim_en": "Dolph Lundgren portrayed Punisher."} {"id": 141827, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Linkin Park přestali zkoumat hudební typy.", "evidence": [[[164897, 179089, "Linkin Park", 10, "Linkin Park"]], [[164897, 179090, "Linkin Park", 14, "Linkin Park"]], [[164897, 179091, "Linkin Park", 16, "Linkin Park"]]], "claim_en": "Linkin Park stopped exploring musical types."} {"id": 226668, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Haim Saban je italsko-americký televizní producent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Haim Saban is an Italian-American television producer."} {"id": 6130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ilumináti jsou důležití pro některé konspirační teorie.", "evidence": [[[22861, 28184, "Ilumináti", 14, "Illuminati"]]], "claim_en": "The Illuminati are important to some conspiracy theories."} {"id": 96807, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Beach Boys byla kanadská rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[114378, 128139, "The Beach Boys", 0, "The Beach Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys were a Canadian rock band."} {"id": 1776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alfa Centauri je hvězdná soustava.", "evidence": [[[17534, 21682, "Alfa Centauri", 0, "Alpha Centauri"]]], "claim_en": "Alpha Centauri is a star system."} {"id": 122919, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu se nezajímal o studium okultismu.", "evidence": [[[144347, 159372, "Hermetický řád Zlatého úsvitu", 0, "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn"]]], "claim_en": "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was uninterested in the study of the occult."} {"id": 77093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Instagram není služba, která umožňuje uživatelům sdílet obrázky.", "evidence": [[[93985, 106945, "Instagram", 0, "Instagram"]]], "claim_en": "Instagram is not a service that allows users to share pictures."} {"id": 124340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Sinatra se plavil na mezinárodních lodích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra sailed internationally."} {"id": 187056, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Usain Bolt držel rekord v běhu na 200 metrů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt held the 200 meter dash record."} {"id": 148178, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexander Lebeděv vlastní zahraniční noviny.", "evidence": [[[171804, 185277, "Alexandr Jevgenjevič Lebeděv", 5, "Alexander Lebedev"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Lebedev owns a foreign newspaper."} {"id": 168973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Středozem kritizoval britský spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Middle-earth was critiqued by a British writer."} {"id": 14329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gerald Ford byl prezidentským kandidátem.", "evidence": [[[29630, 36132, "Gerald Ford", 0, "Gerald Ford"]]], "claim_en": "Gerald Ford was a presidential candidate."} {"id": 3371, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marie Terezie vládla pouze jeden rok.", "evidence": [[[19369, 23763, "Marie Terezie", 5, "Maria Theresa"]]], "claim_en": "Maria Theresa reigned for only one year."} {"id": 157882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Renesance byla časové období.", "evidence": [[[182161, 194434, "Renesance", 0, "Renaissance"], [182161, 194434, "Dějiny Evropy", 0, "History of Europe"]], [[182161, 194435, "Renesance", 1, "Renaissance"], [182161, 194435, "Raný novověk", 0, "Early modern period"]], [[182161, 194436, "Renesance", 15, "Renaissance"]]], "claim_en": "The Renaissance was a period of time."} {"id": 69225, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová je osoba, která hraje.", "evidence": [[[85916, 98203, "Natalie Portmanová", 0, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98204, "Natalie Portmanová", 1, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98205, "Natalie Portmanová", 2, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98206, "Natalie Portmanová", 6, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98207, "Natalie Portmanová", 7, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98208, "Natalie Portmanová", 8, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98209, "Natalie Portmanová", 11, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98210, "Natalie Portmanová", 12, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98211, "Natalie Portmanová", 13, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98212, "Natalie Portmanová", 14, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98213, "Natalie Portmanová", 15, "Natalie Portman"]], [[85916, 98214, "Natalie Portmanová", 16, "Natalie Portman"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman is a person who acts."} {"id": 57850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jižní ostrov postrádá o 32 % větší rozlohu než Severní ostrov.", "evidence": [[[74183, 85408, "Jižní ostrov (Nový Zéland)", 5, "South Island"]]], "claim_en": "South Island lacks a 32 percent larger landmass than the North Island."} {"id": 197532, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Whitman pracoval v roce 1995 jako novinář.", "evidence": [[[232220, 235480, "Walt Whitman", 0, "Walt Whitman"]], [[232220, 235481, "Walt Whitman", 10, "Walt Whitman"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Whitman worked as a journalist in 1995."} {"id": 88927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mementem se stal sekerník.", "evidence": [[[106152, 119577, "Memento (film)", 0, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Memento became an ax-murderer."} {"id": 102290, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jordan hrál sport.", "evidence": [[[122022, 136308, "Michael Jordan", 0, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136309, "Michael Jordan", 1, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136310, "Michael Jordan", 2, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136311, "Michael Jordan", 3, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136313, "Michael Jordan", 28, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136314, "Michael Jordan", 27, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136315, "Michael Jordan", 20, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136317, "Michael Jordan", 19, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136318, "Michael Jordan", 18, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136320, "Michael Jordan", 17, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136321, "Michael Jordan", 14, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136322, "Michael Jordan", 13, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136323, "Michael Jordan", 12, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136324, "Michael Jordan", 11, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136325, "Michael Jordan", 10, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136327, "Michael Jordan", 7, "Michael Jordan"]], [[122022, 136328, "Michael Jordan", 9, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan played a sport."} {"id": 133402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Planetu opic (film z roku 1968) napsal Američan Rod Serling.", "evidence": [[[287377, 280814, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 2, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[287378, 280815, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 2, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[335918, 321629, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 2, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) was written by an American named Rod Serling."} {"id": 195850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Saskatchewanu žilo v prosinci 2013 podle odhadů nejvýše 108 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[230082, 233826, "Saskatchewan", 5, "Saskatchewan"]]], "claim_en": "Saskatchewan had an estimated population of no more than 108 in December of 2013."} {"id": 133263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "New Girl je auto.", "evidence": [[[157553, 172135, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[157553, 172136, "Nová holka", 6, "New Girl"]], [[157553, 172137, "Nová holka", 13, "New Girl"]], [[157553, 172138, "Nová holka", 17, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl is a car."} {"id": 25493, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Epizody seriálu Sense8 režírovali častí spolupracovníci Wachowských.", "evidence": [[[41501, 49903, "Osmý smysl", 1, "Sense8"]], [[41501, 49904, "Osmý smysl", 0, "Sense8"]]], "claim_en": "Episodes of Sense8 were directed by frequent collaborators of the Wachowskis."} {"id": 206676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richmond ve Virginii se nachází v regionu Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[244383, 245398, "Richmond", 0, "Richmond, Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Richmond, Virginia is in a region of the United States."} {"id": 32820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Srdce zde bije klidovou frekvencí blízkou 22 tepům za minutu.", "evidence": [[[48908, 58231, "Srdce", 18, "Heart"]]], "claim_en": "The heart beats at a resting rate close to 22 beats per minute."} {"id": 88207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heinrich Himmler byl od roku 1943 šéfem německé policie.", "evidence": [[[105408, 118872, "Heinrich Himmler", 10, "Heinrich Himmler"]]], "claim_en": "Heinrich Himmler was Chief of German Police from 1943 onward."} {"id": 92182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heidi Klumová není podnikatelka.", "evidence": [[[109500, 123134, "Heidi Klumová", 0, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum is not a businesswoman."} {"id": 69310, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Voda se v přírodě vyskytuje ve formě rýže.", "evidence": [[[85997, 98318, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water occurs in nature as rice."} {"id": 73979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rozpoznávání řeči zahrnuje dvě věci do více oblastí.", "evidence": [[[90751, 103467, "Rozpoznávání řeči", 2, "Speech recognition"]]], "claim_en": "Speech recognition incorporates two things into multiple fields."} {"id": 31940, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Máslo je druh pomazánky.", "evidence": [[[48070, 57393, "Pomazánka", 6, "Spread (food)"]]], "claim_en": "Butter is a type of spread."} {"id": 89436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Denver nebyl schopen hrát ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[106665, 120066, "John Denver", 0, "John Denver"]], [[106665, 120067, "John Denver", 11, "John Denver"]]], "claim_en": "John Denver was incapable of being in films."} {"id": 38450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán je země.", "evidence": [[[54655, 64649, "Ázerbájdžán", 0, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan is a country."} {"id": 16055, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Historické centrum Prahy bylo poprvé zapsáno na seznam světového dědictví UNESCO v roce 1992.", "evidence": [[[40412, 48631, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]], [[43474, 52117, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]], [[45690, 54557, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]], [[302099, 293153, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]], [[302100, 293154, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]], [[304710, 295516, "Praha", 16, "Prague"]]], "claim_en": "Prague's historic center was first included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1992."} {"id": 157947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Tennant obdržel Národní televizní cenu za vliv.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Tennant received the National Television Award for Impact Award."} {"id": 211301, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Šestá sezóna seriálu The Closer byla spolu se sedmou nejsledovanějším kabelovým dramatem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Closer's sixth season was cable's highest rated drama along with its seventh."} {"id": 50994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kamala Harrisová nikdy nedokončila vysokou školu.", "evidence": [[[67327, 78144, "Kamala Harrisová", 4, "Kamala Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Kamala Harris never graduated from college."} {"id": 198262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bentley je od roku 1998 politickým odpůrcem společnosti Volkswagen AG.", "evidence": [[[233100, 236094, "Bentley", 0, "Bentley"]]], "claim_en": "Bentley has been a political opponent of Volkswagen AG since 1998."} {"id": 114515, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Shatner hrál ve filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Shatner was in movies."} {"id": 69287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V první sezóně seriálu Hra o trůny byli ve štábu angličtí kameramani.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The first season of Game of Thrones included English cameramen in the crew"} {"id": 139136, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Pertwee vystupoval v Británii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee performed in Britain."} {"id": 178659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Malá Miss Sunshine je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[207112, 215421, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 0, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[207112, 215422, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 2, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[207112, 215423, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 6, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[207112, 215424, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 11, "Little Miss Sunshine"]], [[207112, 215425, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 12, "Little Miss Sunshine"], [207112, 215425, "Independent Spirit Awards", 0, "Independent Spirit Awards"]]], "claim_en": "Little Miss Sunshine is a TV series."} {"id": 187337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Nicholson hraje pouze akciové padouchy.", "evidence": [[[218569, 224819, "Jack Nicholson", 1, "Jack Nicholson"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Nicholson only plays stock villains."} {"id": 94917, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Henry Cavill je slavný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry Cavill is famous."} {"id": 211376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Cruise nemá žádné herecké zkušenosti.", "evidence": [[[251869, 251658, "Tom Cruise", 0, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251659, "Tom Cruise", 3, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251660, "Tom Cruise", 4, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251661, "Tom Cruise", 5, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251662, "Tom Cruise", 8, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251663, "Tom Cruise", 9, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251664, "Tom Cruise", 12, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251665, "Tom Cruise", 15, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251666, "Tom Cruise", 16, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251667, "Tom Cruise", 20, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251668, "Tom Cruise", 21, "Tom Cruise"]], [[251869, 251669, "Tom Cruise", 22, "Tom Cruise"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise has no experience as an actor."} {"id": 24664, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Salman Khan byl nejvýše postaveným Indem na seznamu nejlépe placených komunistů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Salman Khan was the highest ranked Indian on a list of top-paid communists."} {"id": 130072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Polsko je v žebříčku vzdělanosti velmi nízko.", "evidence": [[[152288, 167076, "Polsko", 23, "Poland"]], [[152288, 167077, "Polsko", 22, "Poland"]], [[152289, 167078, "Polsko", 22, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is ranked very low in education."} {"id": 219941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaliyah byla nominována na cenu Grammy v kategorii nejlepší zpěvačka R&B.", "evidence": [[[261742, 259790, "Aaliyah", 13, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah has been nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Female R&B Vocalist."} {"id": 35269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Trek je filmový thriller.", "evidence": [[[51446, 61192, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 0, "Star Trek (film series)"], [51446, 61192, "Star Trek (film)", 0, "Star Trek (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Trek is a thriller film."} {"id": 109031, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ku Klux Klan se postavil proti ostatním.", "evidence": [[[127906, 142598, "Ku-klux-klan", 1, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127906, 142599, "Ku-klux-klan", 0, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127906, 142600, "Ku-klux-klan", 19, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127906, 142601, "Ku-klux-klan", 18, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127906, 142602, "Ku-klux-klan", 13, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127940, 142630, "Ku-klux-klan", 13, "Ku Klux Klan"]], [[127940, 142631, "Ku-klux-klan", 1, "Ku Klux Klan"]]], "claim_en": "The Ku Klux Klan opposed others."} {"id": 71232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farmakologie se zabývá výzkumem, objevováním a charakterizací chemických látek, které vykazují biologické účinky.", "evidence": [[[87909, 100425, "Farmakologie", 10, "Pharmacology"]]], "claim_en": "Pharmacology is concerned with the research, discovery, and characterization of chemicals which show biological effects."} {"id": 146131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Led Zeppelin II nahrála skupina Led Zeppelin v roce 1967.", "evidence": [[[169523, 183139, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin II was recorded by Led Zeppelin in 1967."} {"id": 142564, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Etiopii se nacházejí oblasti, které lze označit za džungli.", "evidence": [[[165628, 179654, "Etiopie", 29, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia has areas that can be described as jungles."} {"id": 2112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Lego Movie byl uveden do kin v roce 2014.", "evidence": [[[17931, 22082, "LEGO příběh", 0, "The Lego Movie"]], [[17931, 22083, "LEGO příběh", 8, "The Lego Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The Lego Movie was released in 2014."} {"id": 48230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album Damona Albarna bylo vydáno v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[64597, 75385, "Damon Albarn", 4, "Damon Albarn"]]], "claim_en": "Damon Albarn's debut album was released in 2010."} {"id": 135717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ron Perlman má celé jméno.", "evidence": [[[158330, 172955, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman has a full name."} {"id": 66221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Odin byl ve staré angličtině známý jako Wōden.", "evidence": [[[82794, 94648, "Ódin", 2, "Odin"]]], "claim_en": "Odin was known in Old English as Wōden."} {"id": 147076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle se účastnil profesionálních zápasů ve wrestlingu sumo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle has competed in professional wrestling matches like sumo."} {"id": 83904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na Wall Street se vysílal revival Gilmorových děvčat.", "evidence": [[[100925, 114181, "Gilmorova děvčata", 19, "Gilmore Girls"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls' revival streamed on Wall Street."} {"id": 149898, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alba Ariany Grande nedokázala dosáhnout platiny.", "evidence": [[[173726, 186909, "Ariana Grande", 21, "Ariana Grande"]], [[173727, 186910, "Ariana Grande", 21, "Ariana Grande"]]], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande's albums have been unable to reach platinum."} {"id": 1356, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Divočina přišla o Reese Witherspoonovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wild lost Reese Witherspoon."} {"id": 26456, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prison Break je americké televizní seriálové drama vysílané v letech 2012 až 2017.", "evidence": [[[42536, 51184, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]], [[42536, 51185, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 4, "Prison Break"]], [[42536, 51186, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[42536, 51187, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 18, "Prison Break"]], [[42536, 51189, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 21, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break is an American television serial drama aired from 2012 to 2017."} {"id": 21744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hluk může vyvolat ztrátu sluchu.", "evidence": [[[37546, 45465, "Hluchota", 8, "Hearing loss"]]], "claim_en": "Noise may induce hearing loss."} {"id": 24877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglie se nachází na ostrově Velká Británie.", "evidence": [[[40823, 49089, "Anglie", 4, "England"]]], "claim_en": "England is on the island of Great Britain."} {"id": 187996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sicario (2015) získal tři nominace na cenu BAFTA.", "evidence": [[[219371, 225398, "Sicario: Nájemný vrah", 6, "Sicario (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sicario (2015 film) received three BAFTA nominations."} {"id": 38372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu byla zakládající stranou Svazu sovětských socialistických republik.", "evidence": [[[54569, 64563, "Komunistická strana Sovětského svazu", 0, "Communist Party of the Soviet Union"]]], "claim_en": "The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was the founding party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."} {"id": 162356, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Bill produkoval film Kmotr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Bill produced The Godfather."} {"id": 13386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série seriálu American Horror Story se odehrávala v Austrálii.", "evidence": [[[28615, 34957, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story's first season took place in Australia."} {"id": 211671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jane Eyrová je pouze román.", "evidence": [[[250845, 250815, "Jana Eyrová (film, 2011)", 0, "Jane Eyre (2011 film)"]], [[250845, 250816, "Jana Eyrová (film, 2011)", 2, "Jane Eyre (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Eyre is only a novel."} {"id": 83839, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová prodala Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith sold an Academy Award."} {"id": 207578, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Otci nevěsty hraje B. D. Wong roli Wesleyho Wyndama-Pryce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Father of the Bride stars B. D. Wong as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce."} {"id": 111809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettová si odnesla nominaci na cenu Emmy za roli týrané manželky ve filmu Hořící postel z roku 1984.", "evidence": [[[131335, 146116, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]]], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett took an Emmy Award nomination for her role as a battered wife in the 1984 film The Burning Bed."} {"id": 107596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Jak vycvičit draka nezískal Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší původní hudbu.", "evidence": [[[126304, 140721, "Jak vycvičit draka (film, 2010)", 10, "How to Train Your Dragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "How to Train Your Dragon (film) failed to win the Golden Globe for Best Original Score."} {"id": 175015, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donald Trump se stal 45. první dámou Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donald Trump is the 45th First Lady of the United States."} {"id": 140868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andy Warhol není Američan.", "evidence": [[[163874, 178111, "Andy Warhol", 0, "Andy Warhol"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Warhol is not American."} {"id": 110969, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Machete se objevuje ve filmu Machete a Machete zabíjí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Machete appears in the Machete and the Machete Kills film."} {"id": 64542, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John McCain je známý svou prací na obnovení diplomatických vztahů s Vietnamem.", "evidence": [[[81036, 92882, "John McCain", 18, "John McCain"]]], "claim_en": "John McCain is known for his work to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam."} {"id": 5587, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bostonská univerzita nabízí bydlení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boston University offers housing."} {"id": 64351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina System of a Down prodala pouze 10 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[80795, 92634, "System of a Down", 7, "System of a Down"]]], "claim_en": "System of a Down has sold only 10 million albums."} {"id": 131846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Superior Donuts se vysílá na mrtvole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superior Donuts airs on a corpse."} {"id": 182821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existovala bohyně jménem Artemis.", "evidence": [[[212755, 220199, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]], [[212757, 220201, "Artemis", 0, "Artemis"]], [[212757, 220202, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]]], "claim_en": "There was a goddess called Artemis."} {"id": 137907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lizzy Caplanová není schopná hrát v televizním pořadu, jako je Třída.", "evidence": [[[160668, 175198, "Lizzy Caplan", 2, "Lizzy Caplan"]]], "claim_en": "Lizzy Caplan is incapable of starring in television show like The Class."} {"id": 221989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vladimir Putin se narodil pouze v Krakově.", "evidence": [[[264355, 261833, "Vladimir Putin", 5, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was born only in Krakow."} {"id": 142817, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Norovirus způsobuje infekci trávicího traktu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Norovirus causes infection of the gastrointestinal tract."} {"id": 174037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Endless River je album skupiny, která vznikla výhradně v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[201145, 210598, "The Endless River", 0, "The Endless River"], [201145, 210598, "Pink Floyd", 0, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "The Endless River is an album by a band formed solely in Boston."} {"id": 20591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seattle se stal centrem stavby lodí během zlaté horečky na Klondiku.", "evidence": [[[53645, 63636, "Seattle", 13, "Seattle"]], [[57035, 67268, "Seattle", 13, "Seattle"]], [[59984, 70391, "Seattle", 13, "Seattle"]], [[302934, 293917, "Seattle", 13, "Seattle"]], [[305112, 295943, "Seattle", 13, "Seattle"]]], "claim_en": "Seattle became a shipbuilding center during the Klondike Gold Rush."} {"id": 41776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slovinsko vstoupilo do OECD v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[58063, 68291, "Slovinsko", 29, "Slovenia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovenia joined OECD in 2010."} {"id": 221165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "DJ Khaled se nepodílel na produkci hiphopových alb Me, Myself, & I od Fat Joe.", "evidence": [[[263345, 261058, "DJ Khaled", 3, "DJ Khaled"]]], "claim_en": "DJ Khaled stayed away from the production of the hip-hop albums Me, Myself, & I by Fat Joe."} {"id": 123406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2002 si Katie Holmes zahrála ve filmu žánru psychologický thriller a drama.", "evidence": [[[144914, 159919, "Katie Holmes", 1, "Katie Holmes"]], [[144914, 159920, "Katie Holmes", 7, "Katie Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "In 2002, Katie Holmes starred in a film of the psychological thriller and drama genres."} {"id": 118258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Jonas vydal své debutové album v Mexiku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas released his debut album in Mexico."} {"id": 7321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sikhismus vznikl na konci století, které bylo 15.", "evidence": [[[11882, 14896, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]]], "claim_en": "Sikhism originated at the end of the century that was the 15th."} {"id": 118282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fred Trump byl otcem prezidenta.", "evidence": [[[138774, 153839, "Fred Trump", 0, "Fred Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Fred Trump was the father of a president."} {"id": 16770, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu In & Out si zahrál Kevin James.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In & Out stars Kevin James."} {"id": 197431, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fotbalový klub Santos je čtvrtým nejbohatším investorem v Brazílii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Santos FC is Brazil's 4th richest investor."} {"id": 115204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Izrael má 5. největší ekonomiku na světě podle nominálního hrubého domácího produktu.", "evidence": [[[135251, 150165, "Izrael", 35, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "Israel has the 5th-largest economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product."} {"id": 80413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bali je mezi volbami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bali is between elections."} {"id": 41408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bermudy jsou součástí impéria.", "evidence": [[[57703, 67937, "Bermudy", 0, "Bermuda"], [57703, 67937, "Zámořské území Spojeného království", 1, "British Overseas Territories"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda is part of an empire."} {"id": 177217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Příběh hraček produkovala výhradně společnost DreamWorks.", "evidence": [[[205387, 213982, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story was produced solely by DreamWorks."} {"id": 47418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard III. byl anglickým občanem.", "evidence": [[[63734, 74478, "Richard III.", 0, "Richard III of England"]]], "claim_en": "Richard III was an English citizen."} {"id": 201666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na turné projektu Matta Soruma Kings of Chaos se zatím neobjevili členové skupiny Slipknot.", "evidence": [[[237386, 239610, "Matt Sorum", 17, "Matt Sorum"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum's touring project Kings of Chaos has yet to feature members of Slipknot."} {"id": 140623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hedvábí bylo hlavním obchodním artiklem na Hedvábné stezce.", "evidence": [[[163605, 177847, "Hedvábná stezka", 11, "Silk Road"]]], "claim_en": "Silk was the primary trade item on the Silk Road."} {"id": 34483, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus se ztratila.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus was lost."} {"id": 98687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lana Del Rey absolvovala turné v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[116335, 130226, "Lana Del Rey", 11, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey toured in North America."} {"id": 98491, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Venus Williamsová se narodila v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[116140, 130058, "Venus Williamsová", 0, "Venus Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Venus Williams was born in 1980."} {"id": 37036, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Farma zvířat získala v roce 2000 ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Animal Farm won an award in 2000."} {"id": 7913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cry Freedom je film.", "evidence": [[[12943, 16171, "Volání svobody", 0, "Cry Freedom"]], [[12943, 16172, "Volání svobody", 2, "Cry Freedom"]], [[12943, 16173, "Volání svobody", 7, "Cry Freedom"]], [[12943, 16174, "Volání svobody", 8, "Cry Freedom"]]], "claim_en": "Cry Freedom is a film."} {"id": 49342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Crowe je herec.", "evidence": [[[65710, 76580, "Russell Crowe", 0, "Russell Crowe"]], [[65710, 76581, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[65710, 76582, "Russell Crowe", 5, "Russell Crowe"]], [[65710, 76583, "Russell Crowe", 6, "Russell Crowe"]], [[65710, 76585, "Russell Crowe", 10, "Russell Crowe"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe is an actor."} {"id": 102358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Zuckerberg se podílel na vzniku Facebooku.", "evidence": [[[278997, 273659, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[279001, 273663, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[279001, 273664, "Mark Zuckerberg", 5, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[279001, 273665, "Mark Zuckerberg", 7, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[280626, 275034, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[280630, 275036, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[327131, 314480, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[327131, 314481, "Mark Zuckerberg", 5, "Mark Zuckerberg"]], [[327155, 314498, "Mark Zuckerberg", 1, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg was involved in the creation of Facebook."} {"id": 143175, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nová Anglie má jasné a konzistentní hranice, které zahrnují Pensylvánii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "New England has clear, consistent boundaries which include Pennsylvania."} {"id": 116354, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aaron Sorkin napsal scénář k seriálu Doctor Who.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aaron Sorkin has written for Doctor Who."} {"id": 80997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nejvýchodnějším ostrovem Havaje je Niihau.", "evidence": [[[98013, 111146, "Havaj", 8, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii's easternmost island is Niihau."} {"id": 81115, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Odin byl v Brooklynu známý jako Wōdan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Odin was known in Brooklyn as Wōdan."} {"id": 104013, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tina Turnerová pracovala na muzikálu podle Pomády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tina Turner worked on a musical based on Grease."} {"id": 147849, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Muammar Kaddáfí nebyl chválen za podporu arabské a africké jednoty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Muammar Gaddafi was not praised for supporting Arab and African unity."} {"id": 210445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jet Li je oceňovaný mistr bojových umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jet Li is an award-winning martial artist."} {"id": 151160, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demokratická strana má více peněz než Republikánská strana.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Democratic Party has more money than the Republican Party."} {"id": 96201, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Stanton byl spolu s Philipem Seymourem Hoffmanem spolurežisérem filmu Život brouka od společnosti Pixar.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Stanton was the co-director of Pixar's \"A Bug's Life\" along with Philip Seymour Hoffman."} {"id": 160599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V severovýchodní megalopoli je nula měst.", "evidence": [[[185116, 196932, "BosWash", 0, "Northeast megalopolis"], [185116, 196932, "Boston", 0, "Boston"]], [[185116, 196933, "BosWash", 1, "Northeast megalopolis"]]], "claim_en": "There are zero cities in the Northeast megalopolis."} {"id": 151449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britney Spears je americká zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[292871, 285557, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[295456, 287574, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[295457, 287575, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[340958, 325456, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"], [340958, 325456, "Britney Spears", 1, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears is a American citizen vocalist."} {"id": 188582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pitch Perfect 2 se soustředí na hornické město.", "evidence": [[[220136, 225991, "Ladíme 2", 2, "Pitch Perfect 2"]]], "claim_en": "Pitch Perfect 2 centers on a mining town."} {"id": 192349, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Courtney Love se objevila ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[225001, 229734, "Courtney Love", 7, "Courtney Love"]], [[225001, 229735, "Courtney Love", 10, "Courtney Love"]], [[225001, 229736, "Courtney Love", 14, "Courtney Love"]]], "claim_en": "Courtney Love appeared in a film."} {"id": 9556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu In & Out hraje Kevin Kline.", "evidence": [[[24357, 30113, "Svatba naruby", 0, "In & Out (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In & Out stars Kevin Kline."} {"id": 4926, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matka Tereza prožila většinu své dospělosti v Indii.", "evidence": [[[22074, 27124, "Matka Tereza", 2, "Mother Teresa"]]], "claim_en": "Mother Teresa lived most of her adulthood in India."} {"id": 55329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Madisonské mosty (The Bridges of Madison County) je natočen podle románu.", "evidence": [[[71684, 82656, "Madisonské mosty", 0, "The Bridges of Madison County (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Bridges of Madison County (film) is based on a novel."} {"id": 151997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Řecko je místo.", "evidence": [[[175942, 188918, "Řecko", 0, "Greece"]]], "claim_en": "Greece is a place."} {"id": 37303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emma Roberts je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[53505, 63501, "Emma Robertsová", 0, "Emma Roberts"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts is American."} {"id": 133753, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dobrý Will Hunting patří do žánru drama.", "evidence": [[[156283, 170897, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting is in the drama genre."} {"id": 110237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amsterdamské letiště Schiphol slouží jako asijský dopravní uzel.", "evidence": [[[129363, 144116, "Letiště Amsterdam Schiphol", 6, "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol serves as an Asian hub."} {"id": 30776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jared Padalecki hrál pouze v živých divadelních představeních.", "evidence": [[[46925, 55976, "Jared Padalecki", 2, "Jared Padalecki"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Padalecki only acted in live stage performances."} {"id": 199416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natáčení filmu Chlapectví bylo v letech 2002 až 2013 přerušeno.", "evidence": [[[234496, 237360, "Chlapectví (film)", 1, "Boyhood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Filming for Boyhood was stopped between 2002 and 2013."} {"id": 87405, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Jindřich VIII. hraje venezuelský herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry VIII (TV serial) stars a Venezuelan actor."} {"id": 123267, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ville-Marie byl název, pod kterým byl založen Montreal.", "evidence": [[[144774, 159792, "Montréal", 2, "Montreal"]]], "claim_en": "Ville-Marie was the name under which Montreal was established."} {"id": 128363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Bernard Shaw napsal nejméně jednu divadelní hru.", "evidence": [[[150386, 165280, "George Bernard Shaw", 1, "George Bernard Shaw"]]], "claim_en": "George Bernard Shaw wrote at least one play."} {"id": 81082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alžběta II. se nedočkala kanadského vlastenectví.", "evidence": [[[98143, 111260, "Alžběta II.", 11, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II has not seen Canadian patriation."} {"id": 86002, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aruba je bez správních organizátorů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aruba is without administrative organizers."} {"id": 84742, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olivia Munn je člověk.", "evidence": [[[101826, 115070, "Olivia Munnová", 0, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115071, "Olivia Munnová", 4, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115072, "Olivia Munnová", 5, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115073, "Olivia Munnová", 6, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115074, "Olivia Munnová", 7, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115075, "Olivia Munnová", 8, "Olivia Munn"]], [[101826, 115076, "Olivia Munnová", 9, "Olivia Munn"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Munn is a person."} {"id": 18048, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colin Firth je akrobat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Firth is an acrobat."} {"id": 163761, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Jennings Bryan odmítl možnost stát se ministrem zahraničí za prezidenta Woodrowa Wilsona.", "evidence": [[[188428, 199824, "William Jennings Bryan", 1, "William Jennings Bryan"]], [[188428, 199825, "William Jennings Bryan", 12, "William Jennings Bryan"]]], "claim_en": "William Jennings Bryan passed up the opportunity to be Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson."} {"id": 104772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate Nash vytvořila album s názvem Made of Bricks.", "evidence": [[[123071, 137355, "Kate Nash", 2, "Kate Nash"]]], "claim_en": "Kate Nash created an album called Made of Bricks."} {"id": 79027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Blue Origin Jeffa Bezose bude mít v roce 2095 komerční suborbitální lety lidí do vesmíru.", "evidence": [[[95975, 109045, "Jeff Bezos", 6, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin will have commercial suborbital human spaceflight in 2095."} {"id": 159041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey se narodila 27. září.", "evidence": [[[183359, 195362, "Mariah Carey", 0, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey was born on the 27th."} {"id": 124179, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Philip Seymour Hoffman byl v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philip Seymour Hoffman was in a car."} {"id": 107749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brazilské jiu-jitsu zakazuje grappling.", "evidence": [[[126462, 140864, "Brazilské jiu-jitsu", 0, "Brazilian jiu-jitsu"]]], "claim_en": "Brazilian jiu-jitsu prohibits grappling."} {"id": 161299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Guinevera byla královna, která žila před dávnými časy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Guinevere was a Queen who lived a long time ago."} {"id": 113573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hotel Hell se vysílá na stanici CBS.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hotel Hell airs on CBS."} {"id": 217533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V bahenních sopkách a na Antarktidě byli nalezeni tardigrádi.", "evidence": [[[258535, 257325, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"], [258535, 257325, "Želvušky", 3, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades have been found in mud volcanoes and the Antarctic."} {"id": 176546, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Východ slunce vytvořil žárovku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created the light bulb."} {"id": 126246, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sylvester Stallone hraje v pokračování trilogie Star Wars.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sylvester Stallone is in Star Wars sequel trilogy."} {"id": 38094, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pokračování Pirátů z Karibiku (filmová série) mělo podtitul Truhla mrtvého muže.", "evidence": [[[54272, 64269, "Piráti z Karibiku", 13, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)'s sequel had the subtitle Dead Man's Chest."} {"id": 116775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikola Tesla nezískal technické vzdělání.", "evidence": [[[137215, 152045, "Nikola Tesla", 3, "Nikola Tesla"]]], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla didn't receive an education in engineering."} {"id": 131769, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sandra Bullocková byla liniovou producentkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sandra Bullock was a line producer."} {"id": 131152, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diego Luna se narodil v Mexico City.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diego Luna was born in Mexico City."} {"id": 132946, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Corey Taylor nastoupil do FEMA v roce 1997.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Corey Taylor joined FEMA in 1997."} {"id": 68222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je pouze členem skupiny Smash Mouth.", "evidence": [[[84828, 97054, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is only a member of the band Smash Mouth."} {"id": 81047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glen Campbell získal v roce 2005 cenu Grammy za celoživotní dílo.", "evidence": [[[259530, 258119, "Glen Campbell", 12, "Glen Campbell"]], [[261531, 259635, "Glen Campbell", 12, "Glen Campbell"]], [[322533, 310845, "Glen Campbell", 12, "Glen Campbell"]], [[322541, 310848, "Glen Campbell", 12, "Glen Campbell"]], [[322543, 310850, "Glen Campbell", 12, "Glen Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell won the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005."} {"id": 27593, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rozpuštění Agentury Spojených států pro ochranu životního prostředí navrhl Seth Green.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United States Environmental Protection Agency's dissolution was proposed by Seth Green."} {"id": 222697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Kmotr - část III byl nominován pouze na cenu za nejlepší režii.", "evidence": [[[265284, 262519, "Kmotr III", 9, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III was only nominated for an award for Best Director."} {"id": 118954, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Connery ve filmu Skála nehrál.", "evidence": [[[139606, 154622, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"], [139606, 154622, "Skála (film)", 1, "The Rock (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery did not act in The Rock."} {"id": 211299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poslední turné skupiny The Closer začalo v červenci 2011.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Closer's final tour began in July 2011."} {"id": 99336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mick Thomson se nemohl připojit k žádné kapele.", "evidence": [[[116993, 130881, "Mick Thomson", 1, "Mick Thomson"], [116993, 130881, "Slipknot", 0, "Slipknot (band)"]], [[116993, 130882, "Mick Thomson", 2, "Mick Thomson"]], [[116993, 130883, "Mick Thomson", 3, "Mick Thomson"], [116993, 130883, "Slipknot", 0, "Slipknot (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Mick Thomson was unable to join any bands."} {"id": 111221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Margot Kidderová byla v roce 2015 oceněna.", "evidence": [[[130606, 145393, "Margot Kidderová", 11, "Margot Kidder"]]], "claim_en": "Margot Kidder was the winner of an award in 2015."} {"id": 51949, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Indonésie je národ na zemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Indonesia is a nation on earth."} {"id": 124193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wonder Woman je postava.", "evidence": [[[145734, 160743, "Wonder Woman", 0, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160744, "Wonder Woman", 1, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160745, "Wonder Woman", 2, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160746, "Wonder Woman", 5, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160747, "Wonder Woman", 6, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160748, "Wonder Woman", 8, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160749, "Wonder Woman", 9, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160750, "Wonder Woman", 12, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160751, "Wonder Woman", 13, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160752, "Wonder Woman", 18, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160753, "Wonder Woman", 19, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160754, "Wonder Woman", 20, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160755, "Wonder Woman", 21, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160756, "Wonder Woman", 24, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160757, "Wonder Woman", 27, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160758, "Wonder Woman", 31, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160759, "Wonder Woman", 32, "Wonder Woman"]], [[145734, 160760, "Wonder Woman", 25, "Wonder Woman"]]], "claim_en": "Wonder Woman is a character."} {"id": 74393, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maynard James Keenan vlastní v Arizoně trh s bioprodukty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maynard James Keenan owns an organic produce market in Arizona."} {"id": 3019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kůň byl domestikován v širokém měřítku do roku 3103 př. n. l.", "evidence": [[[18907, 23152, "Kůň", 3, "Horse"]]], "claim_en": "The horse was domesticated on a broad scale by 3103 BC."} {"id": 8758, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dubaj se nachází v Saúdské Arábii.", "evidence": [[[14150, 17683, "Dubaj", 0, "Dubai"], [14150, 17683, "Spojené arabské emiráty", 0, "United Arab Emirates"]]], "claim_en": "Dubai is in Saudi Arabia."} {"id": 45227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo se zabývá tématy.", "evidence": [[[61582, 72093, "J. Lo", 8, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo deals with themes."} {"id": 45038, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu Room je Lenny Abrahamson a scénář napsala Emma Donoghue.", "evidence": [[[136035, 150871, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[137383, 152252, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[139011, 154082, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[309962, 300041, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[310801, 300815, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Room is directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Emma Donoghue."} {"id": 78190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Annin strýc neměl legitimní syny.", "evidence": [[[97155, 110348, "Anna Stuartovna", 5, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]]], "claim_en": "Anne's uncle had no legitimate sons."} {"id": 144891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Spojených států tvoří 100 % celkového počtu obyvatel světa.", "evidence": [[[168193, 181946, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States's population is 100% of the world total."} {"id": 76202, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "True Detective je filmový seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "True Detective is a movie series."} {"id": 153080, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Bellová nezískala cenu Saturn.", "evidence": [[[177022, 189968, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell did not win a Saturn Award."} {"id": 202058, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tamerlan Carnajev měl staršího bratra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tamerlan Tsarnaev had an older brother."} {"id": 123946, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Cusack je člověk, který hraje.", "evidence": [[[145465, 160461, "John Cusack", 0, "John Cusack"]], [[145465, 160462, "John Cusack", 1, "John Cusack"]], [[145465, 160463, "John Cusack", 2, "John Cusack"]], [[145465, 160464, "John Cusack", 3, "John Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "John Cusack is person who acts."} {"id": 132739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth je známý tím, že hraje.", "evidence": [[[287294, 280750, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[287297, 280752, "Chris Hemsworth", 0, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[287297, 280753, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335553, 321326, "Chris Hemsworth", 0, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321327, "Chris Hemsworth", 0, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321328, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321329, "Chris Hemsworth", 2, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321330, "Chris Hemsworth", 5, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321331, "Chris Hemsworth", 6, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335556, 321332, "Chris Hemsworth", 7, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321334, "Chris Hemsworth", 0, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321335, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321336, "Chris Hemsworth", 2, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321337, "Chris Hemsworth", 5, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321338, "Chris Hemsworth", 6, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335559, 321339, "Chris Hemsworth", 7, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321340, "Chris Hemsworth", 0, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321341, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321342, "Chris Hemsworth", 2, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321343, "Chris Hemsworth", 5, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321344, "Chris Hemsworth", 6, "Chris Hemsworth"]], [[335562, 321345, "Chris Hemsworth", 7, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth is known for acting."} {"id": 46870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chobotnice modrokřídlá loví malé raky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The blue-ringed octopus hunts small crayfish."} {"id": 221353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ultimate Spider-Man je založen na stejnojmenném padouchovi.", "evidence": [[[264635, 262048, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 0, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"], [264635, 262048, "Spider-Man", 0, "Spider-Man"]]], "claim_en": "Ultimate Spider-Man is based on the eponymous villain."} {"id": 149204, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nadlidské schopnosti mohou být výsledkem vylepšení člověka nanotechnologií vyvinutou MIT.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superhuman abilities may result from human enhancement by nanotechnology developed by MIT."} {"id": 208699, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice je autorem scénáře k filmu Josef a úžasný barevný plášť (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat).", "evidence": [[[246958, 247344, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice penned Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."} {"id": 173792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nigérie má více obyvatel než kterákoli jiná africká země.", "evidence": [[[200840, 210322, "Nigérie", 14, "Nigeria"]]], "claim_en": "Nigeria has more people than any other country in Africa."} {"id": 121230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pornhub je nejmenší pornografická stránka.", "evidence": [[[142337, 157536, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]]], "claim_en": "Pornhub is the smallest pornography site."} {"id": 38666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Everton F.C. není v Liverpoolu.", "evidence": [[[54877, 64885, "Everton FC", 0, "Everton F.C."]], [[54877, 64886, "Everton FC", 12, "Everton F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. is not in Liverpool"} {"id": 97400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Organizace spojených národů byla založena v roce 1946.", "evidence": [[[115027, 128743, "Organizace spojených národů", 1, "United Nations"]], [[115027, 128744, "Organizace spojených národů", 10, "United Nations"]]], "claim_en": "United Nations was established in 1946."} {"id": 184995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Yamaha Corporation vyrábí výhradně kožichy.", "evidence": [[[215567, 222411, "Yamaha", 0, "Yamaha Corporation"]]], "claim_en": "Yamaha Corporation exclusively produces fur coats."} {"id": 214430, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Lee byl pouze profesionální mistr bojových umění a nebyl schopen hrát.", "evidence": [[[254575, 254211, "Bruce Lee", 0, "Bruce Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Lee was only a professional martial artist and unable to act."} {"id": 198593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dakota je byt nacházející se v kanadské čtvrti Upper West Side.", "evidence": [[[233487, 236409, "The Dakota", 0, "The Dakota"]]], "claim_en": "The Dakota is an apartment located in the Upper West Side of Canada."} {"id": 101399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Luther King Jr. pracoval na segregovaném bydlení v Bostonu v roce 1966.", "evidence": [[[119139, 133088, "Martin Luther King", 11, "Martin Luther King Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Martin Luther King Jr. worked on segregated housing in Boston in 1966."} {"id": 24789, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Stanwycková produkovala Stellu Dallasovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Stanwyck produced Stella Dallas."} {"id": 68786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katrina Kaif hraje pouze v amerických filmech.", "evidence": [[[85411, 97738, "Katrina Kaifová", 0, "Katrina Kaif"]], [[85411, 97739, "Katrina Kaifová", 1, "Katrina Kaif"]], [[85411, 97740, "Katrina Kaifová", 2, "Katrina Kaif"]], [[85411, 97741, "Katrina Kaifová", 10, "Katrina Kaif"]]], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif is in American films only."} {"id": 5192, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buddhismus má 20 milionů stoupenců.", "evidence": [[[11469, 14428, "Buddhismus", 3, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism has 20 million followers."} {"id": 1845, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ranbir Kapoor je spolumajitelem basketbalového týmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ranbir Kapoor co-owns a basketball team."} {"id": 58461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Detroit založily Spojené státy.", "evidence": [[[74826, 86050, "Detroit", 12, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit founded the United States."} {"id": 185565, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Přítelkyní Joy je Park Soo-young.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy's friend is Park Soo-young."} {"id": 167062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V epizodách South Parku sloužil Parker jako hlavní lektor a režisér.", "evidence": [[[192192, 202941, "Městečko South Park", 13, "South Park"]]], "claim_en": "South Park episodes have had Parker serving as the primary reader and director."} {"id": 120906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Vedder měl alba.", "evidence": [[[141959, 157203, "Eddie Vedder", 6, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[141959, 157204, "Eddie Vedder", 5, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder had albums."} {"id": 127074, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1965 se narodila Shania Twain.", "evidence": [[[151571, 166323, "Shania Twain", 0, "Shania Twain"]], [[151572, 166324, "Shania Twain", 0, "Shania Twain"]]], "claim_en": "1965 was the year Shania Twain was born."} {"id": 82746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Izrael je vyspělý národní stát.", "evidence": [[[101542, 114780, "Izrael", 35, "Israel"]]], "claim_en": "Israel is a developed nation-state."} {"id": 32436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Muž z oceli se natáčel pouze v Planu.", "evidence": [[[48544, 57859, "Muž z oceli", 13, "Man of Steel (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Man of Steel was only filmed in Plano."} {"id": 31693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie (film z roku 2016) je pouze televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[47825, 57091, "Jackie (film)", 0, "Jackie (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie (2016 film) is only a television show."} {"id": 6862, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett hrál na kytaru.", "evidence": [[[11703, 14691, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]], [[11703, 14692, "Syd Barrett", 2, "Syd Barrett"]], [[11703, 14693, "Syd Barrett", 14, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett played the guitar."} {"id": 148440, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alex Rodriguez je presbyterián.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alex Rodriguez is a Presbyterian."} {"id": 137589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pilotní díl seriálu Glee se poprvé vysílal v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[160344, 174871, "Glee", 8, "Glee (TV series)"], [160344, 174871, "Pilot (Glee)", 0, "Pilot (Glee)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee's pilot had its first broadcast in 2009."} {"id": 208632, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tim Rice byl zaměstnán ve filmu Road to El Dorado.", "evidence": [[[246868, 247299, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice was employed on the Road to El Dorado."} {"id": 110126, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Justin Timberlake namluvil vedlejší postavu ve filmu Trollové (2016).", "evidence": [[[129225, 143990, "Justin Timberlake", 15, "Justin Timberlake"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Timberlake voiced the supporting character in Trolls (2016)."} {"id": 221783, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Přátelství bylo studováno v akademických oborech.", "evidence": [[[264110, 261659, "Přátelství", 2, "Friendship"]]], "claim_en": "Friendship has been studied in academic fields."} {"id": 1617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na Star Trek se odkazuje ve filmu Karmínový příliv z roku 1999.", "evidence": [[[17704, 21852, "Star Trek", 30, "Star Trek"]]], "claim_en": "Star Trek is referenced in the 1999 movie, Crimson Tide."} {"id": 157492, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Arizona není stát.", "evidence": [[[181689, 193927, "Arizona", 0, "Arizona"]], [[181689, 193928, "Arizona", 1, "Arizona"]], [[181689, 193929, "Arizona", 2, "Arizona"]], [[181689, 193930, "Arizona", 3, "Arizona"], [181689, 193930, "Phoenix", 0, "Phoenix, Arizona"]], [[181689, 193932, "Arizona", 9, "Arizona"]], [[181710, 193954, "Arizona", 0, "Arizona"]], [[181710, 193956, "Arizona", 2, "Arizona"]], [[181710, 193957, "Arizona", 3, "Arizona"], [181710, 193957, "Phoenix", 0, "Phoenix, Arizona"]], [[181710, 193958, "Arizona", 4, "Arizona"]], [[181710, 193959, "Arizona", 9, "Arizona"]]], "claim_en": "Arizona is not a state."} {"id": 137704, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Úsvit planety opic je oživením Planety opic.", "evidence": [[[160460, 174971, "Úsvit planety opic", 0, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"], [160460, 174971, "Úsvit planety opic", 3, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"]]], "claim_en": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a revival of Planet of the Apes."} {"id": 93391, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Červenohlavý cizinec obsahoval film \"Čas kazatele\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Red Headed Stranger contained the movie \"Time of the Preacher.\""} {"id": 102222, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adam Driver hrál ve filmu Stmívání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adam Driver was in the film Twilight."} {"id": 224266, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Silverman se podílela na filmu.", "evidence": [[[267513, 264205, "Sarah Silverman", 7, "Sarah Silverman"]], [[267513, 264206, "Sarah Silverman", 11, "Sarah Silverman"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Silverman was involved with a film."} {"id": 186609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Asylum Records je americká nahrávací společnost, kterou v roce 1971 založila Jenifer Anniston.", "evidence": [[[217698, 224185, "Asylum Records", 0, "Asylum Records"]]], "claim_en": "Asylum Records is an American record label founded in 1971 by Jenifer Anniston."} {"id": 87633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Match Point je neadaptovaný román.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Match Point is an unadapted novel."} {"id": 213922, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Labor Day je píseň o síle, prosperitě, zákonech a blahobytu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Labor Day is a song about strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being."} {"id": 81887, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boston nepovoluje na svých hranicích žádné komerční podniky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boston allows no commercial enterprises within its border."} {"id": 221640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2007 debutovala americká herečka Helen Huntová jako filmová režisérka.", "evidence": [[[263948, 261484, "Helen Hunt", 3, "Helen Hunt"], [263948, 261484, "Helen Hunt", 0, "Helen Hunt"]]], "claim_en": "In 2007, American actress Helen Hunt made her debut as a film director."} {"id": 62579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vláda Eduarda VIII. začala v únoru 1936.", "evidence": [[[79019, 90622, "Eduard VIII.", 0, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII's reign began in February 1936."} {"id": 1818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth je známý díky roli Thora ve filmu Marvel Cinematic Universe.", "evidence": [[[17584, 21740, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth is known for playing Thor in The Marvel Cinematic Universe."} {"id": 119246, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taylor Swift vlastní cenu CMT.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift possesses a CMT award."} {"id": 157359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Futurama se nikdy nevysílal.", "evidence": [[[181542, 193782, "Futurama", 5, "Futurama"]], [[181542, 193783, "Futurama", 6, "Futurama"]]], "claim_en": "Futurama never aired."} {"id": 131979, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minnesota má peníze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minnesota has money."} {"id": 194183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeb Bush je nejstarší syn bývalého prezidenta George H. W. Bushe.", "evidence": [[[227411, 231790, "Jeb Bush", 3, "Jeb Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Jeb Bush is former President George H. W. Bush's eldest son."} {"id": 167290, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willie Nelson je proti legalizaci marihuany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson is against the legalization of marijuana."} {"id": 149188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miami Marlins je fotbalový tým.", "evidence": [[[172896, 186157, "Miami Marlins", 0, "Miami Marlins"]]], "claim_en": "The Miami Marlins are a soccer team."} {"id": 107919, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Me Before You obsahuje scény odehrávající se ve Walesu.", "evidence": [[[126641, 141043, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 4, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You contains scenes set in Wales."} {"id": 144698, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kde jsme teď je nejnavštěvovanější webová stránka hudební skupiny One Direction.", "evidence": [[[169596, 183225, "One Direction", 16, "One Direction"]], [[169597, 183226, "One Direction", 16, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "One Direction's Where We Are Now is the most visited website by a musical group."} {"id": 78519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Bundy měl dvacet samostatných soudních procesů.", "evidence": [[[95486, 108494, "Ted Bundy", 14, "Ted Bundy"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Bundy had twenty separate trials."} {"id": 47373, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Henri Poincare byl francouzský klavírista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henri Poincare was a French pianist."} {"id": 120969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel McAdamsová si dala v roce 2015 pauzu od herectví na celý rok.", "evidence": [[[142047, 157301, "Rachel McAdamsová", 12, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams took a break from acting in all of 2015."} {"id": 193512, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maisie Williamsová hraje v seriálu Downton Abbey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maisie Williams stars in Downton Abbey."} {"id": 46413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Svatý Petr je z Marsu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saint Peter is from Mars."} {"id": 130282, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle je venčitel psů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is a dog walker."} {"id": 120000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Dobrý den pro smrtonosnou past je oddělený od série Smrtonosná past.", "evidence": [[[142753, 157900, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 0, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]]], "claim_en": "A Good Day to Die Hard is separate from the Die Hard franchise."} {"id": 142327, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dobytí planety opic existuje pouze jako nápad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes only exists as an idea."} {"id": 109808, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jensen Ackles získal několik nominací na Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles received several Oscar Award nominations."} {"id": 152561, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jazykem odia mluví pouze jeden člověk.", "evidence": [[[176514, 189453, "Urijština", 0, "Odia language"]], [[176514, 189454, "Urijština", 1, "Odia language"]], [[176514, 189455, "Urijština", 4, "Odia language"]], [[176514, 189456, "Urijština", 6, "Odia language"]]], "claim_en": "The Odia language is only spoken by one person."} {"id": 28947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christina Aguilera prodala po celém světě 50 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[83472, 95456, "Christina Aguilera", 15, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[85630, 97944, "Christina Aguilera", 15, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[86019, 98349, "Christina Aguilera", 15, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[306113, 296859, "Christina Aguilera", 15, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[307335, 297850, "Christina Aguilera", 15, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera sold 50 million albums worldwide."} {"id": 159043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey je americká skladatelka.", "evidence": [[[183367, 195381, "Mariah Carey", 0, "Mariah Carey"]], [[183367, 195383, "Mariah Carey", 4, "Mariah Carey"], [183367, 195383, "Butterfly (album, Mariah Carey)", 0, "Butterfly (Mariah Carey album)"]], [[183367, 195385, "Mariah Carey", 12, "Mariah Carey"], [183367, 195385, "The Emancipation of Mimi", 0, "The Emancipation of Mimi"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey is an American songwriter."} {"id": 203684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Zemřít pro se objevuje alespoň jedno cameo.", "evidence": [[[240364, 241994, "Zemřít pro…", 7, "To Die For"]], [[240366, 241995, "Zemřít pro…", 7, "To Die For"]]], "claim_en": "To Die for features at least one cameo."} {"id": 198764, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V hlavní roli filmu License to Drive se objevuje kanadský herec narozený v roce 1971.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "License to Drive features a Canadian actor born in 1971 in a lead role."} {"id": 184229, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Furia je zakázaná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Furia is banned."} {"id": 59102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vlk z Wall Street (2013) nezískal žádné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[75517, 86772, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) did not win any awards."} {"id": 48237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní hrdina filmu Memento pátrá po osobách, které ho napadly.", "evidence": [[[64601, 75392, "Memento (film)", 6, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The main character of Memento is looking for the persons who attacked him."} {"id": 14266, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Orson Welles se nepodílel na filmu Občan Kane.", "evidence": [[[29539, 36034, "Orson Welles", 1, "Orson Welles"]]], "claim_en": "Orson Welles was not involved in Citizen Kane."} {"id": 126762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rok 1947 je rokem narození O. J. Simpsona.", "evidence": [[[148604, 163618, "O. J. Simpson", 0, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "1947 is O. J. Simpson's year of birth."} {"id": 208589, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Asyřané hovoří indoevropskými jazyky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Assyrian people speak Indo-European languages."} {"id": 207409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elizabeth Meriwether je dělnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Meriwether is a worker."} {"id": 42831, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry hraje ve filmu Catwoman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry stars in Catwoman."} {"id": 17370, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glen Campbell získal v květnu 2012 cenu Grammy za celoživotní dílo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell won the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in May of 2012."} {"id": 125966, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matt Damon je scenárista.", "evidence": [[[147776, 162799, "Matt Damon", 0, "Matt Damon"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Damon is a screenwriter."} {"id": 22930, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skóre inteligenčního kvocientu je odhad inteligence.", "evidence": [[[38896, 46849, "Inteligenční kvocient", 0, "Intelligence quotient"]]], "claim_en": "Intelligence quotient scores are estimates of intelligence."} {"id": 49716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Virgin Richarda Bransona se v 80. letech 20. století rychle rozrůstal.", "evidence": [[[66033, 76885, "Richard Branson", 8, "Richard Branson"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Branson's Virgin picture grew rapidly during the 1980s."} {"id": 61945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album Based on a T.R.U. Story bylo na 55. ročníku udílení cen Grammy nominováno na nejlepší album.", "evidence": [[[78421, 89954, "Based on a T.R.U. Story", 7, "Based on a T.R.U. Story"]]], "claim_en": "Based on a T.R.U. Story was nominated for Best Album at the 55th Grammy Awards."} {"id": 68526, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Goodman si zahrál hlavní roli ve filmu The Borrowers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Goodman starred in The Borrowers."} {"id": 214625, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian Helgeland psal krváky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian Helgeland has written in blood."} {"id": 65258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Ford Motor Company sídlí v Myanmaru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ford Motor Company is based in Myanmar."} {"id": 75897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Team Fortress 2 je film.", "evidence": [[[92724, 105564, "Team Fortress 2", 0, "Team Fortress 2"]], [[92724, 105565, "Team Fortress 2", 2, "Team Fortress 2"], [92724, 105565, "The Orange Box", 0, "The Orange Box"]], [[92724, 105566, "Team Fortress 2", 15, "Team Fortress 2"]], [[92724, 105567, "Team Fortress 2", 17, "Team Fortress 2"], [92724, 105567, "Free to play", 0, "Free-to-play"]], [[92724, 105568, "Team Fortress 2", 18, "Team Fortress 2"], [92724, 105568, "Free to play", 0, "Free-to-play"]], [[92724, 105569, "Team Fortress 2", 19, "Team Fortress 2"], [92724, 105569, "Matchmaking (video hry)", 0, "Matchmaking (video games)"]], [[92724, 105570, "Team Fortress 2", 12, "Team Fortress 2"], [92724, 105570, "Source engine", 0, "Source (game engine)"]], [[92724, 105572, "Team Fortress 2", 8, "Team Fortress 2"]], [[92737, 105602, "Team Fortress 2", 0, "Team Fortress 2"]]], "claim_en": "Team Fortress 2 is a movie."} {"id": 191033, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filipíny jsou sousedem Tchaj-wanu.", "evidence": [[[223304, 228310, "Tchaj-wan", 1, "Taiwan"]], [[223305, 228311, "Tchaj-wan", 1, "Taiwan"]], [[223313, 228317, "Tchaj-wan", 1, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "The Philippines is a neighbor of Taiwan."} {"id": 210714, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Goldwyn je německý politický aktivista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Goldwyn is a German political activist."} {"id": 155805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lana Del Rey není schopna vydat žádnou hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey is incapable of releasing any music."} {"id": 73893, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Randy Savage má chlupaté nohy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Randy Savage has hairy legs."} {"id": 160061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Levoamfetamin zvyšuje bdělost po dobu 2 hodin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Levoamphetamine increases wakefulness for 2 hours."} {"id": 145914, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Karel Veliký byl jmenován císařem Římanů ve Vatikánu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charlemagne was named Emperor of the Romans in Vatican City."} {"id": 141227, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Nixon se podílel na bostonském maratonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Nixon was involved in the Boston Marathon."} {"id": 49371, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jedním z producentů filmu Spider-Man 3 byl Avi Arad, izraelsko-americký podnikatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of Spider-Man 3's producers was Avi Arad, an Israeli-American businessman."} {"id": 141007, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Snow je postavou 47. série seriálu Sezamová ulice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is a character on the 47th season of Sesame Street."} {"id": 71919, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kathy Batesová je tanečnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kathy Bates is a dancer."} {"id": 32764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jensen Ackles získal několik nominací na cenu Daytime Emmy za svou práci v seriálu Dark Angel.", "evidence": [[[48855, 58173, "Jensen Ackles", 1, "Jensen Ackles"]]], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles received several Daytime Emmy Award nominations for his work on Dark Angel."} {"id": 61788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vera Farmiga si zahrála v seriálu Orphan.", "evidence": [[[78264, 89786, "Vera Farmigová", 10, "Vera Farmiga"]], [[78264, 89787, "Vera Farmigová", 16, "Vera Farmiga"]]], "claim_en": "Vera Farmiga starred in Orphan."} {"id": 86617, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Petyr Baelish je recenzován americkým spisovatelem Georgem R. R. Martinem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Petyr Baelish is reviewed by an American author George R.R. Martin."} {"id": 11490, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Southportu se koná mezinárodní letecká přehlídka Westfield International Airshow.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Southport hosts the Westfield International Airshow."} {"id": 21229, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V květnu roku 1971 bylo 3 090 953 členů mormonské církve.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There were 3,090,953 Mormon members in May of 1971."} {"id": 170928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matrix Revolutions je sci-fi film.", "evidence": [[[197221, 207298, "Matrix Revolutions", 0, "The Matrix Revolutions"]], [[197225, 207303, "Matrix Revolutions", 0, "The Matrix Revolutions"]]], "claim_en": "The Matrix Revolutions is an science fiction film."} {"id": 7756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whitney Houstonová je stále naživu.", "evidence": [[[12645, 15786, "Whitney Houston", 0, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12645, 15787, "Whitney Houston", 23, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12645, 15788, "Whitney Houston", 24, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12645, 15789, "Whitney Houston", 25, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12653, 15798, "Whitney Houston", 0, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12653, 15799, "Whitney Houston", 23, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12653, 15800, "Whitney Houston", 24, "Whitney Houston"]], [[12653, 15801, "Whitney Houston", 25, "Whitney Houston"]]], "claim_en": "Whitney Houston is still alive."} {"id": 124196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 21 Jump Street byl vydán pouze společností Sony Pictures.", "evidence": [[[145728, 160738, "21 Jump Street", 4, "21 Jump Street (film)"]]], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street was only released by Sony Pictures."} {"id": 173877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Danny Carey nemá druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[200946, 210415, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]], [[200949, 210417, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Carey has no middle name."} {"id": 112325, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je vombat.", "evidence": [[[131820, 146672, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[131820, 146673, "Olivia Wilde", 1, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is a wombat."} {"id": 63159, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Joel je zpěvák, skladatel a pianista.", "evidence": [[[79574, 91313, "Billy Joel", 0, "Billy Joel"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Joel is a singer-songwriter and pianist."} {"id": 36199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina The Offspring pochází z Huntington Beach v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[52392, 62354, "The Offspring", 0, "The Offspring"]]], "claim_en": "The Offspring is from Huntington Beach, California."} {"id": 166216, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amy Adams navštěvovala vysokou školu v Americe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amy Adams attended college in America."} {"id": 128496, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Eagles vydali album fish.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Eagles put out the album fish."} {"id": 95800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sachin Tendulkar není hráč kriketu.", "evidence": [[[113322, 127178, "Sačin Tendulkar", 0, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127179, "Sačin Tendulkar", 1, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127180, "Sačin Tendulkar", 2, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127181, "Sačin Tendulkar", 8, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127182, "Sačin Tendulkar", 14, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127183, "Sačin Tendulkar", 21, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[113322, 127184, "Sačin Tendulkar", 22, "Sachin Tendulkar"]]], "claim_en": "Sachin Tendulkar is not a cricketer."} {"id": 66012, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nelson Mandela byl řečník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela was a public speaker."} {"id": 45241, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Warren Buffett je světec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett is a saint."} {"id": 140854, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demi Lovato je dárcem pro LGBT komunitu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato is a donor for the LGBT community."} {"id": 106127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cher hrála v roce 2010 v americkém kulisovém hudebním filmu.", "evidence": [[[124587, 138922, "Cher", 21, "Cher"], [124587, 138922, "Varieté (film)", 0, "Burlesque (2010 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cher acted in a 2010 American backstage musical film."} {"id": 106782, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Hathaway zemřela ve filmu Get Real.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway died in Get Real."} {"id": 128017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shirley MacLaine získala cenu Emmy za film Gypsy In My Soul.", "evidence": [[[149993, 164924, "Shirley MacLaine", 7, "Shirley MacLaine"]]], "claim_en": "Shirley MacLaine won an Emmy Award for Gypsy In My Soul."} {"id": 114243, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Beverly Hills 90210 oslovil přímo Andreu Hey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beverly Hills, 90210 addressed Andrea Hey directly."} {"id": 79019, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Chainsmokers měli alespoň jeden jazzový singl.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Chainsmokers had at least one jazz single."} {"id": 157175, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít měl celosvětovou premiéru v září 2017.", "evidence": [[[42038, 50555, "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít (film)", 9, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was released worldwide in September 2017."} {"id": 146934, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Program UNESCO Město literatury se od roku 1993 zaměřuje na podporu sociálního, ekonomického a kulturního rozvoje měst v rozvinutých i rozvojových zemích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "UNESCO's City of Literature program aims to promote the social, economic and cultural development of cities in both the developed and the developing world since 1993."} {"id": 203829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere bylo deset let, když se zúčastnila konkurzu do filmu Remember the Titans.", "evidence": [[[240586, 242181, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[240587, 242182, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere was ten years old when she auditioned for Remember the Titans."} {"id": 55132, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2016 se v Brazílii konaly letní olympijské hry.", "evidence": [[[71495, 82464, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]], [[71495, 82465, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 9, "2016 Summer Olympics"], [71495, 82465, "Rio de Janeiro", 0, "Rio de Janeiro"]], [[71495, 82466, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 20, "2016 Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "The 2016 Summer Olympics took place in Brazil."} {"id": 114288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Facebook se rozšířil o domácí mazlíčky z Ivy League.", "evidence": [[[135812, 150660, "Facebook", 4, "Facebook"]]], "claim_en": "Facebook expanded to Ivy League pets."} {"id": 109083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andre Agassi byl v roce 1995 na základě turnajových výkonů světovou tenisovou jedničkou.", "evidence": [[[127978, 142670, "Andre Agassi", 13, "Andre Agassi"]]], "claim_en": "Andre Agassi was the number 1 tennis player in the world in 1995, based on tournament performances."} {"id": 155303, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina U2 vydala album Death of a Bachelor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "U2 released the album Death of a Bachelor."} {"id": 42652, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zac Efron pouze hraje.", "evidence": [[[58946, 69263, "Zac Efron", 0, "Zac Efron"]]], "claim_en": "Zac Efron only acts."} {"id": 81799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rey Mysterio nikdy nevyhrál Royal Rumble.", "evidence": [[[98853, 111933, "Rey Mysterio", 14, "Rey Mysterio"]]], "claim_en": "Rey Mysterio never won a Royal Rumble."} {"id": 64495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Justin Bieber dosud nezískal žádné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[80936, 92788, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]], [[80936, 92789, "Justin Bieber", 18, "Justin Bieber"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Bieber has yet to win any awards."} {"id": 105457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Beach Boys měli nejvíce hitů v americké Top 40 ze všech kanadských rockových kapel.", "evidence": [[[123779, 138160, "The Beach Boys", 23, "The Beach Boys"], [123779, 138160, "The Beach Boys", 0, "The Beach Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys had the most US Top 40 hits of a Canadian rock band."} {"id": 107290, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "José Ferrer hrál v roce 1947 roli Cyrana de Bergerac.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "José Ferrer played the part of Cyrano de Bergerac in 1947."} {"id": 52414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Britském muzeu bylo 3. února 2015 vystaveno 1215 kopií Magny Charty.", "evidence": [[[68734, 79578, "Magna charta libertatum", 27, "Magna Carta"]]], "claim_en": "1215 copies of the Magna Carta were on display at the British Museum on February 3rd, 2015."} {"id": 112423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupinu Tenacious D tvoří dva Kanaďané.", "evidence": [[[131942, 146786, "Tenacious D", 1, "Tenacious D"], [131942, 146786, "Jack Black", 0, "Jack Black"]]], "claim_en": "Tenacious D is made up of two Canadians."} {"id": 115143, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alvin a Chipmunkové je americký komediální film.", "evidence": [[[135190, 150113, "Alvin a Chipmunkové", 0, "Alvin and the Chipmunks (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alvin and the Chipmunks is an American comedy film."} {"id": 229443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anderson Silva je americký brazilský mistr smíšených bojových umění.", "evidence": [[[273813, 269164, "Anderson Silva", 0, "Anderson Silva"]]], "claim_en": "Anderson Silva is an American Brazilian mixed martial artist."} {"id": 156021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Král rybář hraje jedna osoba.", "evidence": [[[180081, 192606, "Král rybář", 1, "The Fisher King"]]], "claim_en": "The Fisher King stars a person."} {"id": 65103, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Spader hrál v kontroverzním filmu z roku 1987.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Spader starred in a controversial 1987 film."} {"id": 156590, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čingischán byl vůdce meritokratické Mongolské říše.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan was a leader of the meritocratic Mongol Empire."} {"id": 157904, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ron Cobb je kostýmní výtvarník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ron Cobb is a costume designer."} {"id": 209565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu X-Men (film) napsala pouze J. K. Rowlingová.", "evidence": [[[248133, 248370, "X-Men (film)", 2, "X-Men (film)"]]], "claim_en": "X-Men (film) was written by J.K. Rowling only."} {"id": 68230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová není schopna hrát ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[84857, 97088, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 2, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [84857, 97088, "Křídla vášně", 0, "The Wings of the Dove (1997 film)"]], [[84857, 97089, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[84857, 97090, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 7, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [84857, 97090, "Pokoj s vyhlídkou (film)", 0, "A Room with a View (1985 film)"], [84857, 97090, "Lady Jane", 0, "Lady Jane (1986 film)"]], [[84857, 97092, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 9, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [84857, 97092, "Alenka v říši divů (film, 2010)", 0, "Alice in Wonderland (2010 film)"], [84857, 97092, "Planeta opic (film, 2001)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (2001 film)"], [84857, 97092, "Temné stíny", 0, "Dark Shadows (film)"], [84857, 97092, "Velká ryba", 0, "Big Fish"], [84857, 97092, "Alenka v říši divů: Za zrcadlem", 0, "Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016 film)"], [84857, 97092, "Mrtvá nevěsta Tima Burtona", 0, "Corpse Bride"], [84857, 97092, "Karlík a továrna na čokoládu (film)", 0, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)"]], [[84857, 97093, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 10, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [84857, 97093, "Živě z Bagdádu", 0, "Live from Baghdad (film)"], [84857, 97093, "Burton a Taylorová", 0, "Burton & Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter is unable to act in movies."} {"id": 94868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicki Minaj vyrostla na Haiti.", "evidence": [[[112337, 126185, "Nicki Minaj", 1, "Nicki Minaj"]]], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj grew up in Haiti."} {"id": 76848, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Felton v roce 1997 na filmovém plátně nedebutoval.", "evidence": [[[93742, 106681, "Tom Felton", 2, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton did not make his screen debut in 1997."} {"id": 114076, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "STS-96 odstartovala z vesmírného střediska.", "evidence": [[[134023, 148896, "STS-96", 2, "STS-96"]]], "claim_en": "STS-96 launched from a Space Center."} {"id": 153479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Planeta opic (film z roku 1968) měla scénář, který prošel několika přepisy.", "evidence": [[[177425, 190236, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 12, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) had a script that went through rewrites."} {"id": 19992, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Newman zemřel 26. ledna 1925.", "evidence": [[[35823, 43366, "Paul Newman", 0, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman died on January 26, 1925."} {"id": 214204, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Sýrii žijí Židé.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syria includes Jewish people."} {"id": 32519, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aruba spolehlivě vyhrála posledních 5 světových pohárů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aruba has reliably won the last 5 World Cups."} {"id": 160970, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thomas Pynchon zemřel před vydáním několika povídek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thomas Pynchon died before publishing several short stories."} {"id": 168367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sulejman Nádherný byl pouze stříbrníkem.", "evidence": [[[193891, 204322, "Sulejman I.", 0, "Suleiman the Magnificent"]], [[193891, 204323, "Sulejman I.", 4, "Suleiman the Magnificent"]], [[193891, 204324, "Sulejman I.", 12, "Suleiman the Magnificent"]]], "claim_en": "Suleiman the Magnificent was only a silversmith."} {"id": 92093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Joel vydal v srpnu 1993 album River of Dreams.", "evidence": [[[109408, 123061, "Billy Joel", 14, "Billy Joel"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Joel released River of Dreams in August of 1993."} {"id": 117115, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost KFC vede po celém světě téměř 20 000 soudních sporů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "KFC has almost 20,000 lawsuits around the world."} {"id": 187068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usain Bolt se nekvalifikoval do běhu na 200 metrů při jediném pokusu, který kdy absolvoval.", "evidence": [[[218256, 224579, "Usain Bolt", 17, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt failed to qualify for the 200 meter dash the only time he ever tried out for it."} {"id": 196538, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Webové služby Amazonu zahrnovaly nástroje pro uctívání kultu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amazon Web Services included tools for cult worship."} {"id": 170246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Divergentní série: Povstalci jsou striktně kolumbijský film.", "evidence": [[[196396, 206514, "Rezistence (film)", 0, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent is strictly a Colombian film."} {"id": 135686, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "XHamster produkuje Trosečníka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "XHamster produces Survivor."} {"id": 109611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Disney spoluzaložil vydavatelskou společnost.", "evidence": [[[128645, 143298, "Walt Disney", 26, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney co-founded a publishing company."} {"id": 169470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oakland v Kalifornii je velké přístavní město v oblasti Sanfranciského zálivu.", "evidence": [[[195394, 205670, "Oakland", 1, "Oakland, California"]]], "claim_en": "Oakland, California is a major port city in San Francisco Bay Area."} {"id": 197959, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Autorem hry Until Dawn je společnost Sony Computer Entertainment.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Until Dawn was written by Sony Computer Entertainment."} {"id": 111464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jordan hrál ve filmu Tým snů.", "evidence": [[[130854, 145638, "Michael Jordan", 20, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan was in \"The Dream Team\"."} {"id": 62803, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ashley Judd je sociální aktivistka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ashley Judd is a social activist."} {"id": 109365, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minor League Baseball je hierarchie baseballových lig, jako jsou International League, Pacific Coast League a Mexican League.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minor League Baseball is a hierarchy of baseball leagues such as the International League, the Pacific Coast League, and the Mexican League."} {"id": 187156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje televizní seriál s názvem Heartland.", "evidence": [[[218359, 224678, "Ranč Heartland", 0, "Heartland (Canadian TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a TV series called Heartland."} {"id": 210718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Goldwyn se narodil na hoře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Goldwyn was born on a mountain."} {"id": 34834, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andrew Jackson byl sedmým prezidentem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[51015, 60750, "Andrew Jackson", 0, "Andrew Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States."} {"id": 104375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, je bratrancem královny Spojeného království, Kanady, Austrálie a Nového Zélandu.", "evidence": [[[122675, 136984, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"], [122675, 136984, "Alžběta II.", 0, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales is cousin to the Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand."} {"id": 19418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tygr bengálský patří mezi největší kočkovité šelmy.", "evidence": [[[35197, 42683, "Tygr indický", 0, "Bengal tiger"], [35197, 42683, "Tygr", 0, "Tiger"]]], "claim_en": "The Bengal tiger is a member of the largest cat species."} {"id": 19867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scooby-Doo je sitcom.", "evidence": [[[35665, 43216, "Scooby-Doo", 0, "Scooby-Doo"]]], "claim_en": "Scooby-Doo is a sitcom."} {"id": 94567, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alkaline Trio je jazzrocková skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alkaline Trio is a jazz rock band."} {"id": 143457, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II byl drahý letoun.", "evidence": [[[292031, 284866, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II", 21, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II"]], [[294012, 286400, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II", 21, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II"]]], "claim_en": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II was an expensive aircraft."} {"id": 166990, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dvojice bratrů je uvedena jako režiséři filmu American Pie.", "evidence": [[[192091, 202839, "Prci, prci, prcičky", 0, "American Pie (film)"]]], "claim_en": "A pair of brothers are credited as the directors of American Pie."} {"id": 197641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leicesterská univerzita přispěla k identifikaci peněz krále Richarda III.", "evidence": [[[232346, 235572, "Univerzita v Leicesteru", 11, "University of Leicester"]]], "claim_en": "The University of Leicester contributed to the identification of the money of King Richard III."} {"id": 105894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V New Yorku chybí více než 120 vysokých škol a univerzit.", "evidence": [[[281220, 275631, "New York", 33, "New York City"]], [[283332, 277384, "New York", 33, "New York City"]], [[327825, 315025, "New York", 33, "New York City"]], [[328848, 315817, "New York", 33, "New York City"]]], "claim_en": "New York City lacks over 120 colleges and universities."} {"id": 144385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na desce Ludacrise zazněl tón jeho předchozích románů.", "evidence": [[[167619, 181399, "Ludacris", 12, "Ludacris"]]], "claim_en": "Ludacris's record featured the tone of his previous novels."} {"id": 22252, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tony Blair vyhrál výlet.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tony Blair won a trip."} {"id": 67342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francis Ford Coppola je Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[83916, 95991, "Francis Ford Coppola", 0, "Francis Ford Coppola"]]], "claim_en": "Francis Ford Coppola is a Gemini."} {"id": 127778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Schillingová hrála pouze v seriálech Hulu.", "evidence": [[[149746, 164691, "Taylor Schilling", 1, "Taylor Schilling"]], [[149746, 164692, "Taylor Schilling", 3, "Taylor Schilling"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Schilling has only been in Hulu shows."} {"id": 121841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Albert Einstein se narodil po objevu fotoelektrického jevu.", "evidence": [[[283473, 277486, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"], [283473, 277486, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"]], [[285944, 279550, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"], [285944, 279550, "Fotoelektrický jev", 0, "Photoelectric effect"], [285944, 279550, "Fotoelektrický jev", 20, "Photoelectric effect"], [285944, 279550, "Albert Einstein", 0, "Albert Einstein"]], [[333774, 319963, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"]], [[333790, 319970, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein was born after the discovery of the photoelectric effect."} {"id": 106557, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna Boleynová je zmíněna ve všech příbězích pro děti.", "evidence": [[[125080, 139416, "Anna Boleynová", 39, "Anne Boleyn"]], [[125082, 139418, "Anna Boleynová", 39, "Anne Boleyn"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Boleyn is mentioned in all children stories."} {"id": 22870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Payton Manning musel podstoupit operaci krku.", "evidence": [[[38834, 46788, "Peyton Manning", 11, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Payton Manning had to have neck surgery."} {"id": 81400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album skupiny Coldplay bylo vydáno podle vzoru Mercury Prize.", "evidence": [[[100540, 113835, "Coldplay", 8, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay's debut album was modeled after a Mercury Prize."} {"id": 185633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Hamletovi hrál Ben Whishaw.", "evidence": [[[216377, 223030, "Ben Whishaw", 1, "Ben Whishaw"]]], "claim_en": "Hamlet had Ben Whishaw in it."} {"id": 156181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jim Henson byl z New Yorku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jim Henson was an from New York."} {"id": 34138, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe měla úspěšnou kariéru modelky v Playboyi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe had a successful playboy modeling career."} {"id": 209103, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sennacheribova nejmladší dcera byla Esarhaddon.", "evidence": [[[247532, 247818, "Sinacherib", 2, "Sennacherib"], [247532, 247818, "Asarhaddon", 1, "Esarhaddon"]]], "claim_en": "Sennacherib's youngest daughter was Esarhaddon."} {"id": 65540, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cirhóza může způsobit, že člověk má žlutou kůži.", "evidence": [[[82066, 93862, "Jaterní cirhóza", 4, "Cirrhosis"]]], "claim_en": "Cirrhosis can cause one to have yellow skin."} {"id": 2820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Isabela Francouzská zemřela v roce 1358.", "evidence": [[[18669, 22909, "Izabela Francouzská (1295–1358)", 0, "Isabella of France"]], [[18669, 22910, "Izabela Francouzská (1295–1358)", 20, "Isabella of France"]]], "claim_en": "Isabella of France died in 1358."} {"id": 32992, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tým Houston Rockets získal dva tituly mistra NBA.", "evidence": [[[49080, 58419, "Houston Rockets", 3, "Houston Rockets"]]], "claim_en": "The Houston Rockets have bought two NBA championships."} {"id": 136340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alfre Woodard je americký občan.", "evidence": [[[159000, 173618, "Alfre Woodardová", 0, "Alfre Woodard"]]], "claim_en": "Alfre Woodard is an American citizen."} {"id": 219947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaliyah byla nominována na cenu.", "evidence": [[[261741, 259789, "Aaliyah", 13, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah has been nominated for an award."} {"id": 31287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chicago je vesnice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chicago is a hamlet."} {"id": 89150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Winds of Winter je šestá série seriálu.", "evidence": [[[106373, 119808, "The Winds of Winter", 0, "The Winds of Winter"]], [[106374, 119809, "The Winds of Winter", 0, "The Winds of Winter"]]], "claim_en": "The Winds of Winter is the sixth season in a series."} {"id": 62260, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Nixon byl součástí politiky.", "evidence": [[[78756, 90320, "Richard Nixon", 0, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90321, "Richard Nixon", 1, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90322, "Richard Nixon", 8, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90323, "Richard Nixon", 10, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90324, "Richard Nixon", 11, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90325, "Richard Nixon", 12, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90326, "Richard Nixon", 13, "Richard Nixon"]], [[78756, 90327, "Richard Nixon", 19, "Richard Nixon"], [78756, 90327, "Agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí", 0, "United States Environmental Protection Agency"]], [[78756, 90328, "Richard Nixon", 25, "Richard Nixon"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Nixon was a part of politics."} {"id": 211651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jane Eyrová je natočena podle románu jiného jména.", "evidence": [[[250816, 250786, "Jana Eyrová (film, 2011)", 1, "Jane Eyre (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Eyre is based on a novel of a different name."} {"id": 114231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku se připojil k Chelsea.", "evidence": [[[134148, 149035, "Romelu Lukaku", 7, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku joined Chelsea."} {"id": 54240, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vídeň není město.", "evidence": [[[70554, 81458, "Vídeň", 0, "Vienna"]], [[70554, 81459, "Vídeň", 1, "Vienna"]], [[70554, 81460, "Vídeň", 2, "Vienna"]], [[70554, 81461, "Vídeň", 3, "Vienna"]], [[70554, 81462, "Vídeň", 6, "Vienna"]], [[70554, 81463, "Vídeň", 13, "Vienna"]]], "claim_en": "Vienna is not a city."} {"id": 79135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Instagram obsahuje videa v širokoúhlém formátu.", "evidence": [[[96071, 109128, "Instagram", 11, "Instagram"]]], "claim_en": "Instagram contains videos in widescreen format."} {"id": 165407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rozpolcený je americký film.", "evidence": [[[190207, 201290, "Rozpolcený", 0, "Split (2016 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "Split is an American film."} {"id": 33616, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedna z postav seriálu Homeland je americký mariňák.", "evidence": [[[49715, 59146, "Ve jménu vlasti (seriál)", 3, "Homeland (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "One character on Homeland is a U.S. Marine."} {"id": 189583, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Antagonista seriálu Doktor Živago je lékař.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doctor Zhivago's antagonist is a physician."} {"id": 124941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grand Theft Auto V je stolní hra.", "evidence": [[[146578, 161570, "Grand Theft Auto V", 0, "Grand Theft Auto V"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Theft Auto V is a board game."} {"id": 206740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nick Nolte hrál ve filmu Tropic Thunder.", "evidence": [[[244455, 245458, "Nick Nolte", 5, "Nick Nolte"], [244455, 245458, "Nick Nolte", 3, "Nick Nolte"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte was in the cast of Tropic Thunder."} {"id": 210588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál v hudebním filmu.", "evidence": [[[249467, 249453, "Richard Gere", 3, "Richard Gere"], [249467, 249453, "Chicago (film)", 0, "Chicago (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere starred in a musical film."} {"id": 63117, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Klubu rváčů hraje americký herec.", "evidence": [[[79537, 91258, "Klub rváčů (film)", 1, "Fight Club"], [79537, 91258, "Brad Pitt", 0, "Brad Pitt"], [79537, 91258, "Edward Norton", 0, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Fight Club stars an American actor."} {"id": 147337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Minnesota se nachází v Americe.", "evidence": [[[170894, 184442, "Minnesota", 2, "Minnesota"], [170894, 184442, "Administrativní dělení Spojených států amerických", 0, "U.S. state"]]], "claim_en": "Minnesota is located in America."} {"id": 141541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Nightcrawler hrál Jake Gyllenhaal.", "evidence": [[[290399, 283436, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [290399, 283436, "Slídil (film)", 1, "Nightcrawler (film)"]], [[290399, 283437, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[291754, 284645, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[291754, 284646, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[291755, 284647, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[291755, 284648, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[338965, 324008, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[338965, 324009, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[338983, 324029, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Nightcrawler had Jake Gyllenhaal in it."} {"id": 117742, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glenn Frey navrhoval obaly alb skupiny Eagles společně s Donem Henleym.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glenn Frey designed the covers of Eagles albums with Don Henley."} {"id": 57151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga nehrála v historickém dramatu.", "evidence": [[[73489, 84728, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"], [73489, 84728, "Loving", 0, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga did not star in a historical drama."} {"id": 171710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iain Glen se narodil v jakémkoli roce kromě roku 1961.", "evidence": [[[198147, 208067, "Iain Glen", 0, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen was born in any year but 1961."} {"id": 136396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eagles jsou kapela, která nazpívala píseň Hotel California.", "evidence": [[[159057, 173677, "Eagles", 6, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "The Eagles are a band who sang Hotel California."} {"id": 119466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lion měl spisovatele.", "evidence": [[[140384, 155442, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[140385, 155443, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion had a writer."} {"id": 58317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "SpongeBob SquarePants Movie je pouze televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[74683, 85907, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 0, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]], [[74683, 85908, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 1, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]], [[74683, 85909, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 3, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is only a TV show."} {"id": 192344, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Courtney Love se objevila ve svém prvním filmu v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[225002, 229737, "Courtney Love", 10, "Courtney Love"], [225002, 229737, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[225002, 229738, "Courtney Love", 14, "Courtney Love"]]], "claim_en": "Courtney Love appeared in her first film in 2005."} {"id": 101262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sienna Miller má celé jméno.", "evidence": [[[119016, 132901, "Sienna Millerová", 0, "Sienna Miller"]]], "claim_en": "Sienna Miller has a full name."} {"id": 56932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Becoming Jane se natáčel v Irsku.", "evidence": [[[73259, 84473, "Vášeň a cit", 11, "Becoming Jane"]]], "claim_en": "Becoming Jane did shooting in Ireland."} {"id": 211917, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ztráta zásobování může zahrnovat vojenský úder.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A loss of supply can involve a military strike."} {"id": 32213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rusko nikdy nebylo součástí Unie národů.", "evidence": [[[95147, 108142, "Rusko", 19, "Russia"]], [[95147, 108143, "Rusko", 31, "Russia"]], [[307629, 298088, "Rusko", 31, "Russia"]], [[308738, 299047, "Rusko", 31, "Russia"]], [[308742, 299051, "Rusko", 19, "Russia"], [308742, 299051, "Sovětský svaz", 1, "Soviet Union"]], [[308742, 299052, "Rusko", 31, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "Russia has never been part of a Union of nations."} {"id": 54331, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Margaret Thatcherová byla kanadskou premiérkou.", "evidence": [[[70686, 81570, "Margaret Thatcherová", 0, "Margaret Thatcher"]], [[70686, 81571, "Margaret Thatcherová", 1, "Margaret Thatcher"]]], "claim_en": "Margaret Thatcher was a prime minister in Canada."} {"id": 207321, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vojenské podvody se překrývají s psychologickými poruchami.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Military deception overlaps with psychological disorders."} {"id": 97474, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Burdž Chalífa obsahuje nula eskalátorů.", "evidence": [[[115090, 128837, "Burdž Chalífa", 20, "Burj Khalifa"]]], "claim_en": "The Burj Khalifa contains zero escalators."} {"id": 180972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Goldblum se objevil ve filmu Den nezávislosti.", "evidence": [[[210058, 217825, "Jeff Goldblum", 0, "Jeff Goldblum"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Goldblum was featured in Independence Day."} {"id": 183177, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kaspické moře je ohraničeno několika vojenskými opevněními.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Caspian Sea is bounded by several military fortifications."} {"id": 70707, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rogue se objevuje v kanadských komiksech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rogue appears in Canadian comic books."} {"id": 103522, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vandalové založili království v Madridu a Maroku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Vandals established kingdoms in Madrid and Morocco."} {"id": 218, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. nikdy nebyl šestnáctým guvernérem Utahu.", "evidence": [[[15562, 19391, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 0, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. never served as the 16th Governor of Utah."} {"id": 90818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Bezos není investor.", "evidence": [[[108143, 121667, "Jeff Bezos", 0, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is not an investor."} {"id": 225870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Revolver sedm týdnů kazil žebříček UK Albums Chart.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Revolver messed up the UK Albums Chart for seven weeks."} {"id": 151390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít vyšel v listopadu 2016.", "evidence": [[[175250, 188247, "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít (film)", 9, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was released in November 2016."} {"id": 124507, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian Eno se přidal k sektě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian Eno joined a cult."} {"id": 64851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eric Trump je něčí syn.", "evidence": [[[81343, 93126, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Trump is the son of someone."} {"id": 114058, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Malta leží nedaleko Neapole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Malta is near Naples."} {"id": 16015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak se narodil 23. července 1756.", "evidence": [[[31410, 38125, "Bál Gangádhar Tilak", 0, "Bal Gangadhar Tilak"]]], "claim_en": "Bal Gangadhar Tilak was born on July 23, 1756."} {"id": 169709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brandon Lee zemřel během natáčení filmu Vrána.", "evidence": [[[195700, 205917, "Brandon Lee", 8, "Brandon Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Brandon Lee died during the making of the The Crow."} {"id": 98354, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andy Warhol je malíř.", "evidence": [[[276149, 271222, "Andy Warhol", 1, "Andy Warhol"]], [[276149, 271223, "Andy Warhol", 2, "Andy Warhol"]], [[276149, 271224, "Andy Warhol", 18, "Andy Warhol"]], [[278426, 273224, "Andy Warhol", 1, "Andy Warhol"]], [[280326, 274810, "Andy Warhol", 2, "Andy Warhol"]], [[280326, 274811, "Andy Warhol", 1, "Andy Warhol"]], [[280326, 274812, "Andy Warhol", 18, "Andy Warhol"]], [[325565, 313210, "Andy Warhol", 1, "Andy Warhol"]], [[325565, 313211, "Andy Warhol", 2, "Andy Warhol"]], [[325565, 313212, "Andy Warhol", 18, "Andy Warhol"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Warhol is a painter."} {"id": 71935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matt Damon je korejský herec.", "evidence": [[[88612, 101237, "Matt Damon", 0, "Matt Damon"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Damon is a Korean actor."} {"id": 92750, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film One Dance se v Belgii dostal na první místo v žebříčku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One Dance reached number one in Belgium."} {"id": 4775, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rakovině lze předcházet pěstováním velkého množství zeleniny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cancer can be prevented by planting plenty of vegetables."} {"id": 99653, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "José Ferrer si zahrál roli Harryho Pottera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "José Ferrer played the part of Harry Potter."} {"id": 75555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Google je nadnárodní technologická společnost.", "evidence": [[[92345, 105086, "Google", 0, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google is a multinational tech company."} {"id": 215213, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snílek (film z roku 2005) je americký sportovní němý film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dreamer (2005 film) is an American sports silent film."} {"id": 180843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Střední Amerika obsahuje pouze nesuverénní státy.", "evidence": [[[209951, 217730, "Střední Amerika", 2, "Central America"]]], "claim_en": "Central America only contains non-sovereign states."} {"id": 149774, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Sám doma režírovali podporovatelé z Kickstarteru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Home Alone was directed by Kickstarter backers."} {"id": 143333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vůni Cool Water měl v reklamě Scott Eastwood.", "evidence": [[[166488, 180316, "Scott Eastwood", 2, "Scott Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Fragrance Cool Water had Scott Eastwood advertising it."} {"id": 75144, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hongkong si udržuje od Japonska oddělený hospodářský systém.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hong Kong maintains a separate economic system from Japan."} {"id": 167847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dlouhodobé klimatické změny ovlivňují ledovce.", "evidence": [[[193231, 203818, "Ledovec", 17, "Glacier"]]], "claim_en": "Long-term climatic changes affects glaciers."} {"id": 113235, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2005 byl popraven Stanley Williams.", "evidence": [[[132831, 147746, "Stanley Williams", 5, "Stanley Williams"]], [[132831, 147747, "Stanley Williams", 4, "Stanley Williams"]]], "claim_en": "2005 was the year Stanley Williams was executed."} {"id": 162038, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Benjamin Walker (herec) je stand up komik známý svými slapsticky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Benjamin Walker (actor) is a stand up comedian known for slapstick."} {"id": 179994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kirk Douglas se narodil pod jiným jménem.", "evidence": [[[208934, 216877, "Kirk Douglas", 0, "Kirk Douglas"]]], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas was born under a different name."} {"id": 83454, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skandinávie nezahrnuje Grónsko.", "evidence": [[[100499, 113798, "Skandinávie", 4, "Scandinavia"]]], "claim_en": "Scandinavia does not contain Greenland."} {"id": 213306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Burstyn hrála ve filmu, který režíroval Darren Aronofsky.", "evidence": [[[254818, 254397, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"], [254818, 254397, "Requiem za sen", 0, "Requiem for a Dream"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn starred in a film Darren Aronofsky directed."} {"id": 60829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny Glover má výraznou vedlejší roli ve filmu Svědek (1985).", "evidence": [[[77276, 88683, "Danny Glover", 2, "Danny Glover"]], [[77276, 88684, "Danny Glover", 0, "Danny Glover"]], [[77280, 88688, "Danny Glover", 2, "Danny Glover"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Glover has a prominent supporting role in Witness (1985)."} {"id": 90452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man nebyl nikdy nominován na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[107755, 121241, "Spider-Man (film)", 16, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was never nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 216367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všichni mluvčí jazyka čagataj žili ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[257072, 256129, "Čagatajština", 0, "Chagatai language"]], [[257072, 256130, "Čagatajština", 1, "Chagatai language"]]], "claim_en": "All speakers of the Chagatai language lived in France."} {"id": 136747, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havaj je nejmenší stát USA.", "evidence": [[[159447, 173976, "Havaj", 19, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii is the smallest U.S. state."} {"id": 89188, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Foreman byl vyhodnocen jako osmý nejlepší šunkar všech dob.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Foreman was rated the eighth greatest ham of all time."} {"id": 197804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele získala smlouvu alespoň s jednou nahrávací společností.", "evidence": [[[232533, 235692, "Adele", 1, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele received a contract with at least one record label."} {"id": 75472, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Usher patří mezi duchovní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Usher is one of the clergy."} {"id": 163302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Homesman je neadaptovaný román.", "evidence": [[[187856, 199420, "Síla života", 0, "The Homesman"]]], "claim_en": "The Homesman is an unadapted novel."} {"id": 132805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ramadán je devátý měsíc židovského kalendáře.", "evidence": [[[155250, 169938, "Ramadán", 1, "Ramadan"]]], "claim_en": "Ramadan is the ninth month of the Jewish calendar."} {"id": 1244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub Nottingham Forest F.C. sídlí v anglickém hrabství Lincolnshire.", "evidence": [[[16860, 20871, "Nottingham Forest FC", 0, "Nottingham Forest F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The Nottingham Forest F.C. is based in Lincolnshire, England."} {"id": 138241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Trent Reznor působil.", "evidence": [[[161039, 175514, "Trent Reznor", 0, "Trent Reznor"]], [[161039, 175515, "Trent Reznor", 3, "Trent Reznor"]], [[161039, 175516, "Trent Reznor", 14, "Trent Reznor"]]], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor has worked."} {"id": 42654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peter Davison hrál v britském sci-fi seriálu.", "evidence": [[[58956, 69272, "Peter Davison", 0, "Peter Davison"]]], "claim_en": "Peter Davison acted in a British science-fiction show."} {"id": 74027, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Billy Joel obdržel nejvyšší národní vyznamenání za vliv na americkou kulturu prostřednictvím umění.", "evidence": [[[90810, 103509, "Billy Joel", 13, "Billy Joel"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Joel has received the nation's highest honor for influencing American culture through the arts."} {"id": 179424, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na albu Collision Course se podílela skupina Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Collision Course had Pearl Jam on it."} {"id": 214295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Celé jméno J. Colea je pouze Jelly Lemon Cinnamon.", "evidence": [[[254406, 254087, "J. Cole", 0, "J. Cole"]]], "claim_en": "The full name of J. Cole is Jelly Lemon Cinnamon only."} {"id": 227437, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rachel McAdams složila hudbu k druhé sérii seriálu True Detective.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams composed music for the second season of True Detective."} {"id": 75628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fabian Cancellara má přezdívku pes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fabian Cancellara is nicknamed dog."} {"id": 226094, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Bongwater byl natočen podle oceňované knihy z roku 1995.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bongwater was based on an award-winning 1995 book."} {"id": 42239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "One Direction je skupina složená z mužů ve věku kolem čtyřiceti let.", "evidence": [[[58537, 68839, "One Direction", 8, "One Direction"]], [[58537, 68840, "One Direction", 9, "One Direction"]], [[58537, 68841, "One Direction", 0, "One Direction"], [58537, 68841, "Harry Styles", 0, "Harry Styles"], [58537, 68841, "Louis Tomlinson", 0, "Louis Tomlinson"], [58537, 68841, "Liam Payne", 0, "Liam Payne"], [58537, 68841, "Niall Horan", 0, "Niall Horan"]]], "claim_en": "One Direction is a band comprised of men in their forties."} {"id": 76113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ztráta sluchu může být způsobena stárnutím.", "evidence": [[[92950, 105822, "Hluchota", 8, "Hearing loss"]]], "claim_en": "Hearing loss may be caused by ageing."} {"id": 55581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adele je kanadská zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[71952, 82940, "Adele", 0, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele is a Canadian singer."} {"id": 134409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Top Gun byl inspirován novinovým článkem.", "evidence": [[[156963, 171521, "Top Gun", 1, "Top Gun"]], [[156967, 171523, "Top Gun", 1, "Top Gun"]]], "claim_en": "Top Gun was inspired by a newspaper article."} {"id": 225876, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Revolver se dostal na vrchol amerických hitparád.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Revolver has topped American charts."} {"id": 99083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana se dostala pod indiánskou kontrolu na konci 18. století.", "evidence": [[[116723, 130605, "Guyana", 7, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana came under Indian control in the late 18th century."} {"id": 42445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Holly Hunterová je němá.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Holly Hunter is mute."} {"id": 151654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Spielberg je občanem jedné země.", "evidence": [[[175598, 188601, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Spielberg is a citizen of a country."} {"id": 17469, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson byl Američan.", "evidence": [[[32925, 40007, "Hunter S. Thompson", 0, "Hunter S. Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson was American."} {"id": 191386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Clark Gable hrál ve filmu Matrix.", "evidence": [[[223785, 228725, "Clark Gable", 0, "Clark Gable"]]], "claim_en": "Clark Gable was in The Matrix."} {"id": 189574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktor Živago se jmenuje podle svého hlavního hrdiny.", "evidence": [[[221413, 227028, "Doktor Živago", 1, "Doctor Zhivago (novel)"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Zhivago is named after its protagonist."} {"id": 44792, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Audrey Hepburnová hrála hlavní roli ve filmu Šaráda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn starred as the main character in Charade."} {"id": 29524, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Asie nemá jasnou zeměpisnou hranici se Severní Amerikou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Asia has no clear geographical boundary with North America."} {"id": 157202, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Minnesotu obývali původní obyvatelé Mexika a Střední Ameriky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Minnesota was inhabited by native peoples of Mexico and Central America."} {"id": 5059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš byl kazatel.", "evidence": [[[21421, 26317, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was a preacher."} {"id": 36968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil Young začal vystupovat v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[53157, 63122, "Neil Young", 1, "Neil Young"]], [[53160, 63125, "Neil Young", 1, "Neil Young"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Young began performing in 1960."} {"id": 102986, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hana a její sestry je americká tragédie.", "evidence": [[[120943, 135250, "Hana a její sestry", 0, "Hannah and Her Sisters"]]], "claim_en": "Hannah and Her Sisters is an American tragedy."} {"id": 34135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jessica Langeová získala Zlatý glóbus za novou hvězdu roku.", "evidence": [[[50255, 59816, "Jessica Lange", 6, "Jessica Lange"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange won a Golden Globe for New Star of the Year."} {"id": 224521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Peggy Sue Got Married se v hlavní roli objevila Kathleen Turner.", "evidence": [[[267540, 264219, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]]], "claim_en": "Peggy Sue Got Married featured Kathleen Turner in a lead role."} {"id": 18136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán byl první diktaturou v muslimském světě.", "evidence": [[[33667, 40826, "Ázerbájdžán", 5, "Azerbaijan"]]], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan was the first dictatorship in the Muslim world."} {"id": 108436, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Asie se rozšiřuje o film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Asia extends to film."} {"id": 145228, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jack Paar byl hudební skladatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jack Paar was a composer."} {"id": 20132, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Novak Djokovič získal medaili na zimních olympijských hrách v Pekingu.", "evidence": [[[35944, 43496, "Novak Djoković", 13, "Novak Djokovic"]]], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic got a medal at the Winter Olympics in Beijing."} {"id": 38145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ruský prezident má určitou kontrolu nad Federálním shromážděním.", "evidence": [[[54332, 64332, "Prezident Ruska", 15, "President of Russia"]]], "claim_en": "The President of Russia has some control over the Federal Assembly."} {"id": 76841, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson psal a publikoval články.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson wrote and published articles."} {"id": 30871, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf je mužský umělec.", "evidence": [[[47119, 56216, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"], [47119, 56216, "Shia LaBeouf", 1, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf is a male performer."} {"id": 43944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Orwell je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[60273, 70658, "George Orwell", 0, "George Orwell"]], [[60273, 70659, "George Orwell", 4, "George Orwell"]]], "claim_en": "George Orwell is a writer."} {"id": 165226, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Phillip Glass napsal jedenáct koncertů.", "evidence": [[[189986, 201144, "Philip Glass", 9, "Philip Glass"]]], "claim_en": "Phillip Glass has written eleven concertos."} {"id": 148273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anonym vznikl na imageboardu 4chan.", "evidence": [[[292478, 285245, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]], [[294497, 286782, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]], [[295086, 287285, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]], [[340167, 324924, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]], [[340176, 324929, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]], [[340177, 324930, "Anonymous (skupina)", 5, "Anonymous (group)"]]], "claim_en": "Anonymous originated on 4chan, the imageboard."} {"id": 81042, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Travis Barker se zcela vyhnul bubnům.", "evidence": [[[98061, 111193, "Travis Barker", 0, "Travis Barker"]], [[98061, 111194, "Travis Barker", 9, "Travis Barker"]], [[98061, 111195, "Travis Barker", 14, "Travis Barker"]], [[98061, 111196, "Travis Barker", 17, "Travis Barker"]], [[98061, 111197, "Travis Barker", 19, "Travis Barker"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker has avoided drums completely."} {"id": 202041, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tamerlan Carnajev byl v Allstonu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been to Allston."} {"id": 83323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Hathawayová hraje výhradně vedlejší role.", "evidence": [[[100456, 113752, "Anne Hathaway", 8, "Anne Hathaway"], [100456, 113752, "Rachel se vdává", 0, "Rachel Getting Married"]], [[100456, 113753, "Anne Hathaway", 9, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[100456, 113754, "Anne Hathaway", 2, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[100456, 113755, "Anne Hathaway", 3, "Anne Hathaway"], [100456, 113755, "Deník princezny", 1, "The Princess Diaries (film)"]], [[100456, 113756, "Anne Hathaway", 7, "Anne Hathaway"], [100456, 113756, "Spoušť (film)", 0, "Havoc (2005 film)"]], [[100456, 113757, "Anne Hathaway", 13, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[100456, 113758, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[100456, 113759, "Anne Hathaway", 15, "Anne Hathaway"], [100456, 113759, "Interstellar", 4, "Interstellar (film)"], [100456, 113759, "Alenka v říši divů: Za zrcadlem", 2, "Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016 film)"], [100456, 113759, "Stážista", 1, "The Intern (2015 film)"]], [[100456, 113760, "Anne Hathaway", 18, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway exclusively plays bit parts."} {"id": 103019, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán má vysokou míru literární produkce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan has a high rate of literature production."} {"id": 218451, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zooey Deschanel hraje v kapele na ukulele.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zooey Deschanel plays the ukulele in a band."} {"id": 141972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Day-Lewis se narodil ve Velké Británii.", "evidence": [[[165041, 179213, "Daniel Day-Lewis", 0, "Daniel Day-Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Day-Lewis was born in the UK."} {"id": 57237, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Twenty One Pilots je komediální skupina.", "evidence": [[[73572, 84826, "Twenty One Pilots", 0, "Twenty One Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Twenty One Pilots is a comedy group."} {"id": 17378, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Bob Thornton režíroval film Jayne Mansfield's Car.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Bob Thornton directed the film Jayne Mansfield's Car."} {"id": 5309, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miranda Kerr reprezentovala jako modelka australský řetězec obchodních domů David Jones.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miranda Kerr represented the Australian department store chain David Jones as a model."} {"id": 72959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie neleží mezi Keňou a Mosambikem.", "evidence": [[[89709, 102399, "Tanzanie", 2, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is not between Kenya and Mozambique."} {"id": 207737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 18. června 1913 se narodil Sammy Cahn.", "evidence": [[[245734, 246440, "Sammy Cahn", 0, "Sammy Cahn"]], [[245735, 246441, "Sammy Cahn", 0, "Sammy Cahn"]]], "claim_en": "On June 18, 1913 Sammy Cahn was born."} {"id": 114175, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Islandská pobřežní stráž je zkorumpovaná sekta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Icelandic Coast Guard is a corrupt cult."} {"id": 64324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Demi Lovato nedělá R&B hudbu.", "evidence": [[[80767, 92604, "Demi Lovato", 23, "Demi Lovato"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato does not do R&B music."} {"id": 13226, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Barva noci stoupá v pokladnách kin.", "evidence": [[[28518, 34847, "Barva noci", 8, "Color of Night"]]], "claim_en": "Color of Night soared at the box office."} {"id": 140740, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Walter Matthau přehodnotil několik ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Walter Matthau reviewed multiple awards."} {"id": 32845, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kráska a zvíře je film.", "evidence": [[[48931, 58264, "Kráska a zvíře (film, 2017)", 0, "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)"]], [[48931, 58265, "Kráska a zvíře (film, 2017)", 1, "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Beauty and the Beast is a film."} {"id": 214895, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sochařství je zařazeno do Dějin umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sculpture is included in the History of art."} {"id": 153188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maďary lze rozdělit pouze do dvou podskupin.", "evidence": [[[177145, 190039, "Maďaři", 4, "Hungarians"]]], "claim_en": "Hungarians can only be classified into two subgroups."} {"id": 94892, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katalyzátor pocházel z pátého alba skupiny Linkin Park.", "evidence": [[[112356, 126193, "The Catalyst (píseň)", 1, "The Catalyst"]], [[112356, 126194, "The Catalyst (píseň)", 11, "The Catalyst"], [112356, 126194, "A Thousand Suns", 0, "A Thousand Suns"]]], "claim_en": "The Catalyst was off of Linkin Park fifth album."} {"id": 140578, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Travis Scott je herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Travis Scott is an actor."} {"id": 5849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marion Cotillardová získala Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[22590, 27849, "Marion Cotillard", 1, "Marion Cotillard"]], [[22590, 27850, "Marion Cotillard", 13, "Marion Cotillard"]]], "claim_en": "Marion Cotillard won a Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 143148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Formule (1980) byl uveden v osmdesátých letech.", "evidence": [[[291963, 284812, "Záhadný vzorec", 0, "The Formula (1980 film)"]], [[293982, 286376, "Záhadný vzorec", 0, "The Formula (1980 film)"]], [[338754, 323834, "Záhadný vzorec", 0, "The Formula (1980 film)"]], [[338761, 323841, "Záhadný vzorec", 0, "The Formula (1980 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Formula (1980 film) was released in the eighties."} {"id": 34176, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maďarsko je zakládajícím členem Světové banky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hungary is a founding member of the World Bank."} {"id": 88397, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tardigrady se vyskytují v Himálaji.", "evidence": [[[105613, 119059, "Želvušky", 26, "Tardigrade"]], [[105615, 119061, "Želvušky", 26, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades can be found in the Himalayas."} {"id": 56357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tina Turner vydala album s názvem Private Dancer.", "evidence": [[[176786, 189725, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]], [[178553, 191148, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]], [[179104, 191638, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]], [[313947, 303413, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]], [[315780, 305047, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]], [[315783, 305049, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Tina Turner has an album called Private Dancer."} {"id": 211307, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Halle Berry má dítě s Davidem Gandym.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has a child by David Gandy."} {"id": 129488, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miami Beach se nachází vedle umělého jezera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miami Beach is located next to a man-made lake."} {"id": 184528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Millie Bobby Brownová má 19. února narozeniny.", "evidence": [[[214953, 221913, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "February 19 is Millie Bobby Brown's birthday."} {"id": 96216, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hit byl otištěn v roce 1984.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hit was printed in 1984."} {"id": 132156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "USS Constitution byla součástí kanadského námořnictva.", "evidence": [[[154571, 169293, "USS Constitution", 0, "USS Constitution"]]], "claim_en": "USS Constitution was part of the Canadian Navy."} {"id": 206369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justinián I. byl císař.", "evidence": [[[243993, 245094, "Justinián I.", 0, "Justinian I"]]], "claim_en": "Justinian I was an emperor."} {"id": 24089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi obyvateli Kazachstánu jsou i Rusové.", "evidence": [[[40040, 48165, "Kazachstán", 33, "Kazakhstan"]]], "claim_en": "Kazakhstan's population includes Russians."} {"id": 134408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Burundi je jedním z nejmenších psů v Africe.", "evidence": [[[156962, 171520, "Burundi", 0, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi is one of the smallest dogs in Africa."} {"id": 61543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2004 vydal Leonard Cohen svou jedenáctou desku.", "evidence": [[[78020, 89495, "Leonard Cohen", 17, "Leonard Cohen"]]], "claim_en": "In 2004, Leonard Cohen released his eleventh record."} {"id": 170594, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Don Simpson a Jerry Bruckheimer produkovali alba společně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer produced albums together."} {"id": 159681, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Robbins se narodil v srpnu.", "evidence": [[[184113, 196068, "Tim Robbins", 0, "Tim Robbins"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Robbins was born in August."} {"id": 113695, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V lidském mozku sídlí svědomí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The human brain is home to the conscience."} {"id": 81428, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin hrál Henryho Evanse.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin played Henry Evans."} {"id": 12733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl zástupcem šerifa.", "evidence": [[[27976, 34274, "Wyatt Earp", 0, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a sheriff's deputy."} {"id": 144307, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Malkovich hrál v akčním filmu.", "evidence": [[[167521, 181325, "John Malkovich", 3, "John Malkovich"], [167521, 181325, "Con Air", 0, "Con Air"], [167521, 181325, "Con Air", 1, "Con Air"]]], "claim_en": "John Malkovich starred in an action movie."} {"id": 48117, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nová Anglie se neskládá ze států.", "evidence": [[[64627, 75426, "Nová Anglie", 0, "New England"]]], "claim_en": "New England is not made of states."} {"id": 74760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julie Bowenová se narodila v roce 1979.", "evidence": [[[91540, 104280, "Julie Bowen", 0, "Julie Bowen"]]], "claim_en": "Julie Bowen was born in 1979."} {"id": 54416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Borelióza není způsobena kousnutím klíštětem.", "evidence": [[[70777, 81653, "Lymská borelióza", 11, "Lyme disease"]]], "claim_en": "Lyme disease is not caused by tick bites."} {"id": 11737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vietnamská válka je také známá jako americká válka.", "evidence": [[[26951, 33083, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 0, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "The Vietnam War is also known as the American War."} {"id": 71059, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V místě, které se překládá jako \"Třicet šest pevností\", se mluví jazykem odia, který je významný pro indickou kulturu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Odia language is spoken in a place translated as \"Thirty-Six Forts\" and it is significant to India's culture."} {"id": 24717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shawn Michaels je v současné době podepsán pod WWE.", "evidence": [[[40663, 48914, "Shawn Michaels", 1, "Shawn Michaels"]]], "claim_en": "Shawn Michaels is currently signed to WWE."} {"id": 93083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Melbourne nemá rozsáhlou dopravní síť.", "evidence": [[[110402, 124007, "Melbourne", 24, "Melbourne"]]], "claim_en": "Melbourne does not have an extensive transport network."} {"id": 21248, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je filmová režisérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is a film director."} {"id": 88278, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Džawaharlal Néhrú nebyl členem Indického národního kongresu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jawaharlal Nehru was not in the Indian National Congress."} {"id": 73578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kid Rock je Ukrajinec.", "evidence": [[[90372, 103115, "Kid Rock", 0, "Kid Rock"]]], "claim_en": "Kid Rock is a Ukrainian."} {"id": 65989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quebec je region.", "evidence": [[[82550, 94341, "Québec (provincie)", 4, "Quebec"]], [[82550, 94342, "Québec (provincie)", 9, "Quebec"]]], "claim_en": "Quebec is a region."} {"id": 87720, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tygři nejsou zobrazováni v moderních filmech.", "evidence": [[[104919, 118342, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]]], "claim_en": "Tigers are not depicted in modern films."} {"id": 142935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naomi Scottová odmítla hrát v jakémkoli hudebním filmu pro teenagery z roku 2011.", "evidence": [[[290552, 283563, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [290552, 283563, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]], [[291948, 284797, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [291948, 284797, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]], [[293968, 286367, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [293968, 286367, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]], [[338735, 323817, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [338735, 323817, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]], [[338909, 323976, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"], [338909, 323976, "Lemonade Mouth", 0, "Lemonade Mouth (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott refused to star in any 2011 teen musical films."} {"id": 23289, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost KFC byla počátkem 70. let prodána společnosti Heublein.", "evidence": [[[39245, 47267, "KFC", 15, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC was sold to Heublein in the early 1970s."} {"id": 131712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová hovořila o svých zkušenostech s drogovou závislostí.", "evidence": [[[154068, 168862, "Carrie Fisher", 6, "Carrie Fisher"]]], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher talked about her experiences with drug addiction."} {"id": 110105, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexická ekonomika zahrnuje sekundární sektor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's economy includes the secondary sector."} {"id": 67965, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana se nachází v severní Indii.", "evidence": [[[84566, 96751, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is in northern India."} {"id": 195926, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hlavní božstvo Hyksósů se oženilo s bohem pouště.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hyksos' chief deity became married to a god of the desert."} {"id": 189450, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Yandex působí v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[221278, 226922, "Yandex", 9, "Yandex"]]], "claim_en": "Yandex operates in Europe."} {"id": 193856, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barry Van Dyke je americký lékař.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barry Van Dyke is an American doctor."} {"id": 203461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christian Bale si zahrál v kuchyňském dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christian Bale starred in a kitchen drama."} {"id": 1450, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hru Dhool režíroval indický režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhool was directed by an Indian play director."} {"id": 196362, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K významným průmyslovým odvětvím Berlína patří stavebnictví.", "evidence": [[[230720, 234359, "Berlín", 17, "Berlin"]]], "claim_en": "Berlin's significant industries include construction."} {"id": 31828, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Puerto Rico je španělsky \"bohatý přístav\".", "evidence": [[[47949, 57273, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]]], "claim_en": "Puerto Rico is Spanish for \"Rich Port\"."} {"id": 155935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "X-Men: Days of Future Past je bollywoodská romantická komedie.", "evidence": [[[179996, 192529, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 0, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"]]], "claim_en": "X-Men: Days of Future Past is a Bollywood romantic comedy."} {"id": 28147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whiplash je pes.", "evidence": [[[44269, 52905, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[44269, 52906, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 2, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[44269, 52907, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 3, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[44269, 52908, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 6, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Whiplash is a dog."} {"id": 161668, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Streptokok má obecně kulatý tvar a studuje se v biologii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Streptococcus has a generally round shape and it is studied in biology."} {"id": 86516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe se objevil v historickém filmu z roku 2013.", "evidence": [[[103664, 117119, "Daniel Radcliffe", 6, "Daniel Radcliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe appeared in a 2013 historical film."} {"id": 178638, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Republiku Kongo a Gabon od sebe dělí tři země.", "evidence": [[[207081, 215387, "Gabon", 1, "Gabon"]]], "claim_en": "The Republic of Congo and Gabon are separated by three countries."} {"id": 33633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Don Henley je člověk, který se profesionálně věnuje hudbě.", "evidence": [[[49744, 59167, "Don Henley", 0, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59168, "Don Henley", 1, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59169, "Don Henley", 2, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59170, "Don Henley", 5, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59171, "Don Henley", 6, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59172, "Don Henley", 7, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59173, "Don Henley", 10, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59174, "Don Henley", 11, "Don Henley"], [49744, 59174, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", 0, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"]], [[49744, 59175, "Don Henley", 12, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59176, "Don Henley", 13, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59177, "Don Henley", 14, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59178, "Don Henley", 15, "Don Henley"]], [[49744, 59179, "Don Henley", 19, "Don Henley"]]], "claim_en": "Don Henley is a person that makes music professionally."} {"id": 25913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Nizozemsku sídlí Mezinárodní soudní dvůr.", "evidence": [[[41919, 50413, "Nizozemsko", 24, "Netherlands"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands hosts the International Court of Justice."} {"id": 170383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Logan Lerman se v roce 2016 stal členem amerického dramatického kroužku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Logan Lerman joined a 2016 American drama club."} {"id": 8411, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Freddie Mercury byl uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[13654, 17087, "Freddie Mercury", 10, "Freddie Mercury"]]], "claim_en": "Freddie Mercury was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 146578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Temná hmota je nerozlišitelná od temné energie.", "evidence": [[[170115, 183696, "Temná hmota", 0, "Dark matter"]]], "claim_en": "Dark matter is indistinguishable from dark energy."} {"id": 7507, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool se poprvé objevil ve filmu X-Men.", "evidence": [[[12160, 15244, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]], [[12162, 15247, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]], [[12162, 15248, "Deadpool", 2, "Deadpool"]], [[15503, 19330, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]], [[22176, 27291, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]], [[241152, 242702, "Deadpool", 1, "Deadpool"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool first appeared in X-Men."} {"id": 207869, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matka Carrie Fisherové zemřela 28. prosince 2016.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher's mother died on December 28th, 2016."} {"id": 223764, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ralph Fults byl psanec a hudební umělec z období krize.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ralph Fults was a Depression-era outlaw and musical artist."} {"id": 47729, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Havaj má pobřeží.", "evidence": [[[64107, 74817, "Havaj", 21, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii has a coastline."} {"id": 216964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karl Urban hrál pouze v jednom sci-fi filmu.", "evidence": [[[257781, 256742, "Karl Urban", 1, "Karl Urban"], [257781, 256742, "Star Trek: Do temnoty", 0, "Star Trek Into Darkness"], [257781, 256742, "Riddick: Kronika temna", 0, "The Chronicles of Riddick"]]], "claim_en": "Karl Urban was in only one science fiction film."} {"id": 83166, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sokrates byl zakladatelem filozofie na Západě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Socrates was a founder of philosophy in the West."} {"id": 13738, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V basketbalu lze míč posunout vpřed skórováním bodů v minihrách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In basketball, the ball can be advanced by scoring points in mini-games."} {"id": 138031, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Knihu Temná věž vydal Stephen King.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Dark Tower was released by Stephen King."} {"id": 185861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gregory Peck hrál v roce 1953 v americké romantické komedii.", "evidence": [[[216715, 223385, "Gregory Peck", 4, "Gregory Peck"], [216715, 223385, "Prázdniny v Římě", 0, "Roman Holiday"]]], "claim_en": "Gregory Peck was in a 1953 American romantic comedy movie."} {"id": 79067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mohamed je významný pro náboženství.", "evidence": [[[26020, 31955, "Mohamed", 0, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31956, "Mohamed", 1, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31957, "Mohamed", 2, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31958, "Mohamed", 6, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31959, "Mohamed", 32, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31960, "Mohamed", 31, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31961, "Mohamed", 11, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31962, "Mohamed", 15, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31963, "Mohamed", 16, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31964, "Mohamed", 17, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31965, "Mohamed", 21, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31966, "Mohamed", 20, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31967, "Mohamed", 22, "Muhammad"], [26020, 31967, "Hidžra", 0, "Hegira"]], [[26020, 31971, "Mohamed", 27, "Muhammad"]], [[26020, 31972, "Mohamed", 30, "Muhammad"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad is significant to religion."} {"id": 20876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[36661, 44280, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 0, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]], [[36661, 44281, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 3, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]], [[36661, 44282, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 4, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]], [[36661, 44283, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 5, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]], [[36661, 44284, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 6, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson is in a film."} {"id": 219105, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Deadpool 2 si zahrála Scarlett Johansson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deadpool 2 featured Scarlett Johansson."} {"id": 203720, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Havoc je film z roku 2005 pronajatý na jaře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Havoc is a 2005 film leased in Spring."} {"id": 20504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bohemian Rhapsody byla na vrcholu britského singlového žebříčku.", "evidence": [[[36309, 43864, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 7, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody was at the top of the UK Singles Chart."} {"id": 225665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "50 First Dates je arménský film.", "evidence": [[[268956, 265378, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates is an Armenian film."} {"id": 205318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky měly premiéru 26. ledna 2007.", "evidence": [[[242597, 243935, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes premiered on January 26, 2007."} {"id": 44021, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Laurie Hernandez se narodila a vyrostla v Americe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laurie Hernandez was born and raised in America."} {"id": 217864, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V letech 1999 až 2007 byl Ryan Phillippe ženatý.", "evidence": [[[258982, 257656, "Ryan Phillippe", 7, "Ryan Phillippe"]]], "claim_en": "From 1999 to 2007 Ryan Phillippe was married."} {"id": 124346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Duvall získal za jeden ze svých výkonů Oscara.", "evidence": [[[145877, 160891, "Robert Duvall", 1, "Robert Duvall"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall won an Academy Award for one of his performances."} {"id": 123158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Punisher se narodil jako Francis Castiglione a je fiktivní.", "evidence": [[[144629, 159641, "Punisher", 0, "Punisher"]]], "claim_en": "Punisher was born Francis Castiglione and is fictional."} {"id": 141040, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil Armstrong pracoval na prezidentské medaili svobody.", "evidence": [[[164058, 178288, "Neil Armstrong", 15, "Neil Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Armstrong worked on the Presidential Medal of Freedom."} {"id": 35640, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg je kameramanem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg is a director of photography."} {"id": 174043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filip V. Španělský existoval jako král.", "evidence": [[[201153, 210605, "Filip V. Španělský", 0, "Philip V of Spain"]], [[201153, 210606, "Filip V. Španělský", 10, "Philip V of Spain"]]], "claim_en": "Philip V of Spain existed as a king."} {"id": 67336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Tyson se nemohl utkat s Evanderem Holyfieldem.", "evidence": [[[83908, 95971, "Mike Tyson", 17, "Mike Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Tyson was unable to get a fight with Evander Holyfield."} {"id": 106086, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "FK Newcastle United vyhrál sedmkrát pohár FA a dvakrát Charity Shield.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Newcastle United F.C. has won seven FA cups and two Charity Shield."} {"id": 196212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Conjuring 2 je americký film.", "evidence": [[[230542, 234202, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring 2 is an American movie."} {"id": 69323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lisa Bonetová se narodila 17. listopadu 1967.", "evidence": [[[86007, 98337, "Lisa Bonet", 0, "Lisa Bonet"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Bonet was born on November 17th, 1967."} {"id": 113762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Posláním armády Spojených států amerických není \"bojovat a vyhrávat války našeho národa, a to poskytováním rychlé, trvalé pozemní nadvlády v celém rozsahu vojenských operací a spektra konfliktů na podporu bojových velitelů\".", "evidence": [[[133673, 148539, "Armáda Spojených států amerických", 10, "United States Army"]]], "claim_en": "The mission of the United States Army is not \"to fight and win our Nation's wars, by providing prompt, sustained, land dominance, across the full range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict, in support of combatant commanders.\""} {"id": 16981, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pat Riley odmítl hrát basketbal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pat Riley refused to play basketball."} {"id": 78918, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ceres se nachází ve vnější sluneční soustavě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ceres is in the outer Solar System."} {"id": 140139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zamotaná je tkanička od bot.", "evidence": [[[163112, 177316, "Na vlásku", 0, "Tangled"]], [[163112, 177317, "Na vlásku", 1, "Tangled"]], [[163112, 177318, "Na vlásku", 7, "Tangled"]], [[163112, 177319, "Na vlásku", 15, "Tangled"]], [[163112, 177320, "Na vlásku", 16, "Tangled"]]], "claim_en": "Tangled is a shoelace."} {"id": 198190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Strain je televizní seriál ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[233019, 236033, "Agresivní virus", 5, "The Strain (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain is a television series from the United States."} {"id": 48477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Led Zeppelin je skupina z Anglie, která hraje rockovou hudbu.", "evidence": [[[64842, 75687, "Led Zeppelin", 0, "Led Zeppelin"]], [[64842, 75688, "Led Zeppelin", 24, "Led Zeppelin"]], [[64842, 75689, "Led Zeppelin", 23, "Led Zeppelin"]], [[64842, 75690, "Led Zeppelin", 18, "Led Zeppelin"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin is a band from England that plays rock music."} {"id": 113150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Papua se dříve jmenovala jinak.", "evidence": [[[132717, 147635, "Papua (provincie)", 3, "Papua (province)"]]], "claim_en": "Papua was formerly called a different name."} {"id": 97768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmech Hobit hrál James Nesbitt.", "evidence": [[[115375, 129195, "Hobit (filmová trilogie)", 11, "The Hobbit (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit films starred James Nesbitt."} {"id": 121194, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina The Offspring vznikla v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[142306, 157500, "The Offspring", 3, "The Offspring"]]], "claim_en": "The Offspring formed in 2001."} {"id": 108827, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jared Leto režíroval tři oceněné divadelní hry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jared Leto has directed three award-winning plays."} {"id": 3612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John McCain prohrál.", "evidence": [[[19791, 24333, "John McCain", 22, "John McCain"]], [[19791, 24334, "John McCain", 23, "John McCain"]]], "claim_en": "John McCain lost."} {"id": 23251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brie Larsonová má nulový zájem stát se někdy herečkou.", "evidence": [[[39212, 47225, "Brie Larson", 0, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47226, "Brie Larson", 1, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47227, "Brie Larson", 2, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47228, "Brie Larson", 5, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47229, "Brie Larson", 6, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47230, "Brie Larson", 7, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47231, "Brie Larson", 10, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47232, "Brie Larson", 11, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47233, "Brie Larson", 12, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47234, "Brie Larson", 13, "Brie Larson"]], [[39212, 47235, "Brie Larson", 14, "Brie Larson"]]], "claim_en": "Brie Larson has zero interest in ever becoming an actress."} {"id": 91914, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Taraji P. Hensonová hrála v televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson starred in an ensemble television show."} {"id": 217195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mnich je člověk.", "evidence": [[[258073, 256955, "Mnich", 0, "Monk"]]], "claim_en": "A monk is a person."} {"id": 44058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-wan je 22. největší ekonomikou planety.", "evidence": [[[60387, 70797, "Tchaj-wan", 18, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan is the 22nd-largest economy on the planet."} {"id": 20626, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noam Chomsky se narodil v roce 1953.", "evidence": [[[36439, 44031, "Noam Chomsky", 0, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky was born in 1953."} {"id": 73849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julius Caesar zastával úřad v roce 44 n. l.", "evidence": [[[90633, 103365, "Julius Caesar", 0, "Julius Caesar"]], [[90674, 103400, "Julius Caesar", 0, "Julius Caesar"]], [[90674, 103401, "Julius Caesar", 10, "Julius Caesar"]], [[90674, 103402, "Julius Caesar", 18, "Julius Caesar"]]], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar held office in 44 CE."} {"id": 197652, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leicesterská univerzita přispěla pouze k demolici ostatků krále Richarda III.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The University of Leicester only contributed to the demolition of the remains of King Richard III."} {"id": 216548, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "\"My Generation\" byl singl skupiny The Who.", "evidence": [[[257284, 256307, "The Who", 6, "The Who"]]], "claim_en": "\"My Generation\" was a single by The Who."} {"id": 10487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál IZombie nesouvisí se stanicí The CW.", "evidence": [[[25493, 31423, "IZombie", 0, "IZombie (TV series)"]], [[25493, 31424, "IZombie", 6, "IZombie (TV series)"]], [[25493, 31425, "IZombie", 9, "IZombie (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "IZombie is unrelated to The CW."} {"id": 75412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Krotitelé duchů měli premiéru v Los Angeles v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[239082, 241022, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 10, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]], [[242860, 244100, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 10, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]], [[319159, 307934, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 10, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]], [[319160, 307935, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 10, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"], [319160, 307935, "Krotitelé duchů (film, 2016)", 0, "Ghostbusters (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ghostbusters premiered in Los Angeles in 2016."} {"id": 83633, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nikola Tesla byl futurista.", "evidence": [[[100680, 113983, "Nikola Tesla", 0, "Nikola Tesla"]]], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla was a futurist."} {"id": 167379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stand-up komedie je obecně určena k tomu, aby byla pro diváky vtipná nebo zábavná.", "evidence": [[[192631, 203348, "Stand-up comedy", 2, "Stand-up comedy"]]], "claim_en": "Stand-up comedy is generally intended to be humorous or amusing for the audience."} {"id": 199089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují mnoho témat.", "evidence": [[[234077, 236970, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]], [[234077, 236971, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations includes many subject matters."} {"id": 91599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Krasinski je člověk.", "evidence": [[[108939, 122649, "John Krasinski", 0, "John Krasinski"]], [[108939, 122650, "John Krasinski", 1, "John Krasinski"]], [[108939, 122651, "John Krasinski", 5, "John Krasinski"]], [[108939, 122652, "John Krasinski", 6, "John Krasinski"]], [[108939, 122653, "John Krasinski", 2, "John Krasinski"]]], "claim_en": "John Krasinski is a person."} {"id": 11936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Původní dílo, podle kterého je Emma natočena, byl román vydaný v roce 1815.", "evidence": [[[27156, 33278, "Emma (televizní film, 1996)", 0, "Emma (1996 TV film)"]]], "claim_en": "The original work on which Emma is based was a novel released in 1815."} {"id": 31944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, nemá zájmy, které by zahrnovaly celou řadu humanitárních a sociálních otázek.", "evidence": [[[48071, 57394, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 16, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales does not have interests that encompass a range of humanitarian and social issues."} {"id": 71099, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jáva je pátým největším ostrovem Indonésie.", "evidence": [[[87757, 100268, "Jáva", 9, "Java"]]], "claim_en": "Java is the fifth largest island in Indonesia."} {"id": 134784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Minos byl otcem Katrea.", "evidence": [[[157349, 171920, "Mínós", 4, "Minos"]]], "claim_en": "Minos was a father of Catreus."} {"id": 87582, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janet Leighová byla katolička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janet Leigh was Catholic."} {"id": 34570, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filmem podle komiksů společnosti Marvel je X-Men: Days of Future Past.", "evidence": [[[50847, 60560, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 0, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"]], [[50847, 60561, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 1, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"], [50847, 60561, "X-Men", 0, "X-Men"]], [[50847, 60563, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 3, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"], [50847, 60563, "Michael Fassbender", 6, "Michael Fassbender"]], [[50847, 60565, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 8, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"], [50847, 60565, "X-Men", 0, "X-Men"]], [[50847, 60566, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 13, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"], [50847, 60566, "X-Men", 2, "X-Men"]]], "claim_en": "A film based on Marvel Comics is X-Men: Days of Future Past."} {"id": 173009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irsko mělo v roce 2011 přibližně 6,4 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[199770, 209447, "Irsko (ostrov)", 6, "Ireland"]], [[199771, 209448, "Irsko (ostrov)", 6, "Ireland"]]], "claim_en": "Ireland had a population of about 6.4 million in 2011."} {"id": 26481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nejlidnatějším městem je New York s 8 miliony obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[42555, 51208, "New York (rozcestník)", 6, "New York"]]], "claim_en": "New York's most populous city is New York City with 8 million citizens."} {"id": 40033, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naruto má řidičský průkaz.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naruto is licensed for a driver's license."} {"id": 218579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "USC School of Cinematic Arts je soukromá křesťanská škola.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The USC School of Cinematic Arts is a private Christian school."} {"id": 21710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matthew McConaughey hrál v nule filmů.", "evidence": [[[37521, 45441, "Matthew McConaughey", 2, "Matthew McConaughey"]], [[37521, 45442, "Matthew McConaughey", 5, "Matthew McConaughey"]], [[37521, 45443, "Matthew McConaughey", 6, "Matthew McConaughey"]], [[37521, 45444, "Matthew McConaughey", 9, "Matthew McConaughey"]]], "claim_en": "Matthew McConaughey was in zero films."} {"id": 227792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Woo vytvořil komiksovou sérii Sedm bratrů.", "evidence": [[[271691, 267523, "John Woo", 7, "John Woo"]]], "claim_en": "John Woo created the comic series Seven Brothers."} {"id": 2178, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nikita je reboot televizního seriálu.", "evidence": [[[17999, 22149, "Nikita (seriál)", 1, "Nikita (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Nikita is a reboot of a TV series."} {"id": 135007, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První série Top of the Lake je o domácím násilí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Top of the Lake's first season is about domestic violence."} {"id": 216833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Terminator Salvation hrají pouze Američané.", "evidence": [[[257642, 256626, "Terminator Salvation", 0, "Terminator Salvation"], [257642, 256626, "Christian Bale", 0, "Christian Bale"]]], "claim_en": "Terminator Salvation stars only Americans."} {"id": 116630, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avril Lavigne vytvořila postavu v animovaném komediálním filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avril Lavigne created a character in an animated comedy film."} {"id": 166212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Adams je kanadská herečka.", "evidence": [[[191143, 202055, "Amy Adamsová", 0, "Amy Adams"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Adams is a Canadian actress."} {"id": 9297, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Manželka Karla I. byla matkou jeho dvou bezprostředních nástupců.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles I's wife was the mother of his two immediate successors."} {"id": 198590, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dakota je známá i pod jiným jménem.", "evidence": [[[233482, 236404, "The Dakota", 0, "The Dakota"]]], "claim_en": "The Dakota is also known by another name."} {"id": 73066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Colin Powell byl druhým Afroameričanem, který působil ve sboru náčelníků štábů.", "evidence": [[[89820, 102533, "Colin Powell", 3, "Colin Powell"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Powell was the second African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff."} {"id": 20135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seth Rogen je herec.", "evidence": [[[35942, 43494, "Seth Rogen", 0, "Seth Rogen"]]], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen is an actor."} {"id": 187340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Wesley je profesní pseudonym Paula Tomasze Wasilewského.", "evidence": [[[218570, 224820, "Paul Wesley", 0, "Paul Wesley"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley is the professional alias of Paul Tomasz Wasilewski."} {"id": 192348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Courtney Love se objevila ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[224997, 229730, "Courtney Love", 14, "Courtney Love"], [224997, 229730, "Muž na Měsíci", 0, "Man on the Moon (film)"]], [[225010, 229749, "Courtney Love", 0, "Courtney Love"]], [[225010, 229750, "Courtney Love", 17, "Courtney Love"]]], "claim_en": "Courtney Love appeared in a film."} {"id": 109781, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Venuše má podobnou velikost jako jiná planeta.", "evidence": [[[128807, 143476, "Venuše (planeta)", 8, "Venus"]]], "claim_en": "Venus has a similar size to another planet."} {"id": 64727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Cena získal v roce 2000 titul šampiona těžké váhy ve společnosti UPW.", "evidence": [[[81176, 92994, "John Cena", 2, "John Cena"]]], "claim_en": "John Cena won the UPW Heavyweight Championship in 2000."} {"id": 93330, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Balú vystupoval na výletní plavbě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Baloo was featured in a cruise."} {"id": 92448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Connery nehrál ve filmu Dračí srdce.", "evidence": [[[275369, 270522, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"]], [[277229, 272175, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"]], [[277747, 272698, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"], [277747, 272698, "Dračí srdce", 1, "Dragonheart"]], [[324410, 312400, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"]], [[325849, 313460, "Sean Connery", 6, "Sean Connery"], [325849, 313460, "Dračí srdce", 1, "Dragonheart"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Connery did not act in Dragonheart."} {"id": 113403, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lom je místo, kde se těží ovoce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A quarry is where fruit is excavated."} {"id": 80362, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osobnost je ovlivněna vývojem osobního ukládání informací.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Personality is affected by the development of personal storage of information."} {"id": 51323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thomas Jefferson nezaložil Virginskou univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[67667, 78494, "Thomas Jefferson", 28, "Thomas Jefferson"]]], "claim_en": "Thomas Jefferson did not found the University of Virginia."} {"id": 201586, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bouřka vyžaduje přítomnost bílého blesku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A thunderstorm requires the presence of white lightning."} {"id": 82956, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brad Pitt vyprodukoval nejméně dva držitele Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt produced at least two Oscar winners."} {"id": 20997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marie Curie získala Nobelovu cenu.", "evidence": [[[36778, 44419, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 1, "Marie Curie"]], [[36778, 44420, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 8, "Marie Curie"]], [[36778, 44421, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 9, "Marie Curie"]]], "claim_en": "Marie Curie won a Nobel Prize."} {"id": 2797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noc oživlých mrtvol je americký horor z roku 1990.", "evidence": [[[18641, 22865, "Noc oživlých mrtvol", 0, "Night of the Living Dead"]], [[18641, 22866, "Noc oživlých mrtvol", 1, "Night of the Living Dead"]]], "claim_en": "Night of the Living Dead is a 1990 American horror film."} {"id": 66865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prince je jedním z nejprodávanějších umělců všech dob.", "evidence": [[[83433, 95393, "Prince", 3, "Prince (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Prince is one of the best-selling artists of all time."} {"id": 65162, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Darth Vader je kulisa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Darth Vader is a setting."} {"id": 108250, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shay Haley je herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shay Haley is an actor."} {"id": 13887, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Clint Eastwood pracoval na westernu Unforgiven.", "evidence": [[[29158, 35582, "Clint Eastwood", 5, "Clint Eastwood"], [29158, 35582, "Nesmiřitelní", 0, "Unforgiven"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood worked on the Western dish Unforgiven."} {"id": 115491, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Tyler strávil většinu svého působení ve skupině Aerosmith tím, že se potýkal se závislostí na drogách a alkoholu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler spent the majority of his time with Aerosmith dealing with drug and alcohol addiction."} {"id": 14509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Sinatra nebyl hudebník.", "evidence": [[[29801, 36319, "Frank Sinatra", 0, "Frank Sinatra"]], [[29801, 36320, "Frank Sinatra", 1, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra was not a musician."} {"id": 134547, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keturah byla Abrahamovou manželkou.", "evidence": [[[157093, 171639, "Ketura (biblická postava)", 0, "Keturah"]]], "claim_en": "Keturah was Abraham's spouse."} {"id": 20793, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Příslib se odehrává v 50. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Promise is set in the 1950s."} {"id": 21413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eduard VIII. abdikoval.", "evidence": [[[37183, 44975, "Eduard VIII.", 0, "Edward VIII"]], [[37183, 44976, "Eduard VIII.", 14, "Edward VIII"]], [[37183, 44977, "Eduard VIII.", 19, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII abdicated."} {"id": 53346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugh Grant hrál ve filmu Notting Hill (film).", "evidence": [[[69625, 80456, "Hugh Grant", 4, "Hugh Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Grant was in the film Notting Hill (film)."} {"id": 149472, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lee Child je Francouz.", "evidence": [[[173270, 186531, "Lee Child", 0, "Lee Child"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Child is French."} {"id": 21573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Síla se probouzí produkovali hrobníci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens was produced by grave diggers."} {"id": 200582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige hraje Rebecca Hallová.", "evidence": [[[235940, 238521, "Dokonalý trik", 4, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige stars Rebecca Hall."} {"id": 168621, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Tenká červená linie (1998) hraje Morgan Freeman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Thin Red Line (1998 film) features a performance by Morgan Freeman."} {"id": 32461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2007 vyšel film Transformers (film).", "evidence": [[[93167, 106080, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[95414, 108436, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[95414, 108437, "Transformers (film)", 14, "Transformers (film)"]], [[97596, 110739, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[97596, 110740, "Transformers (film)", 14, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306733, 297357, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306734, 297358, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306738, 297362, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306738, 297363, "Transformers (film)", 14, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306738, 297364, "Transformers (film)", 15, "Transformers (film)"]], [[306738, 297365, "Transformers (film)", 16, "Transformers (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In 2007 Transformers (film) came out."} {"id": 50757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett se podílel na hudebním průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[67108, 77908, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[67108, 77909, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]], [[67108, 77910, "Syd Barrett", 6, "Syd Barrett"]], [[67108, 77911, "Syd Barrett", 7, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett participated in the industry of music."} {"id": 24260, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Zuckerberg spoluzaložil se svými šestnácti spolubydlícími webové stránky.", "evidence": [[[40201, 48370, "Mark Zuckerberg", 6, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg co-founded a website with his sixteen roommates."} {"id": 95350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rihanna je jedním z nejprodávanějších umělců všech dob.", "evidence": [[[112851, 126683, "Rihanna", 13, "Rihanna"]]], "claim_en": "Rihanna is one of the worst-selling artists of all time."} {"id": 92501, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruno Mars neprodal více než 115 milionů singlů.", "evidence": [[[109834, 123425, "Bruno Mars", 13, "Bruno Mars"]]], "claim_en": "Bruno Mars hasn't sold over 115 million singles."} {"id": 156751, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Velký Buck Howard hraje Amy Adams.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Buck Howard stars Amy Adams."} {"id": 213432, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Originals (televizní seriál) je litevský.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Originals (TV series) is Lithuanian."} {"id": 179908, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na vzniku Mysu hrůzy se podílel spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cape Fear involved a writer."} {"id": 57989, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Arjit Singh je indický hudebník mužského pohlaví.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arjit Singh is an Indian male musician."} {"id": 63106, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephen King vydal 54 povídek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephen King has published 54 short stories."} {"id": 202408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eric Singer odmítá vystupovat s Litou Ford.", "evidence": [[[238464, 240481, "Eric Singer", 1, "Eric Singer"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Singer refuses to perform with Lita Ford."} {"id": 26940, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhé studiové album Ariany Grande se jmenovalo My Everything.", "evidence": [[[43073, 51715, "Ariana Grande", 11, "Ariana Grande"]]], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande's second studio album was My Everything."} {"id": 226816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "British Airways (BA) je největší letecká společnost.", "evidence": [[[270442, 266480, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]]], "claim_en": "British Airways (BA) is the largest airline."} {"id": 45429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miami na Floridě je místo, kde si Geraldine Chaplinová udržuje domov.", "evidence": [[[61774, 72246, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 19, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Miami, Florida is a place where Geraldine Chaplin maintains a home."} {"id": 61604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít měl premiéru v listopadu 2016.", "evidence": [[[78080, 89569, "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít (film)", 9, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them premiered in November 2016."} {"id": 182881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dog Day Afternoon hrají Chris Sarandon a Penelope Allen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dog Day Afternoon stars Chris Sarandon and Penelope Allen."} {"id": 165647, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Baker režíroval televizní seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Baker has directed television series."} {"id": 121008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aishwarya Rai kritizovala řadu ocenění a vyznamenání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aishwarya Rai has criticized numerous awards and accolades."} {"id": 94039, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexiko se pustilo do války s jiným národem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico went to war with another nation."} {"id": 185441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác se nachází výhradně v Botswaně.", "evidence": [[[216133, 222844, "Buckinghamský palác", 0, "Buckingham Palace"], [216133, 222844, "Londýn", 0, "London"]], [[216133, 222845, "Buckinghamský palác", 1, "Buckingham Palace"], [216133, 222845, "Westminster (londýnský obvod)", 0, "City of Westminster"]]], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace is located exclusively in Botswana."} {"id": 142574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Modrý samet je film.", "evidence": [[[165637, 179661, "Modrý samet", 0, "Blue Velvet (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet is a movie."} {"id": 145456, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ježíš nekázal své poselství ústně.", "evidence": [[[168768, 182464, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus did not preach his message orally."} {"id": 215335, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Hostiteli hraje herec, který porodil 17. října.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Host stars an actor that gave birth on October 17."} {"id": 48882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drákula byl upír.", "evidence": [[[65229, 76100, "Drákula (kniha)", 0, "Dracula"]]], "claim_en": "Dracula was a vampire."} {"id": 127659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kniha Mormon byla několikrát oceněna cenou Tony.", "evidence": [[[149600, 164573, "The Book of Mormon (muzikál)", 19, "The Book of Mormon (musical)"]], [[149601, 164574, "The Book of Mormon (muzikál)", 19, "The Book of Mormon (musical)"]]], "claim_en": "The Book of Mormon was awarded multiple Tony Awards."} {"id": 172453, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jared Kushner odmítá být developerem nemovitostí.", "evidence": [[[199043, 208720, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner refuses to be a developer of real estate."} {"id": 154196, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová získala Oscara za nejlepší herečku ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress."} {"id": 22853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundtrack k filmu Star Wars byl zařazen do Národního registru nahrávek USA.", "evidence": [[[38816, 46775, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 15, "Star Wars (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars' soundtrack was added to the U.S. National Recording Registry."} {"id": 185415, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "CHiPs je americký komediální román.", "evidence": [[[216097, 222809, "CHiPs", 0, "CHiPs (film)"]], [[216097, 222810, "CHiPs", 1, "CHiPs (film)"]], [[216097, 222811, "CHiPs", 5, "CHiPs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "CHiPs is an American comedy novel."} {"id": 144046, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarkoidóza se nevyskytuje častěji u žen než u mužů.", "evidence": [[[167181, 181012, "Sarkoidóza", 31, "Sarcoidosis"]]], "claim_en": "Sarcoidosis does not occur more often in women than men."} {"id": 53029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Modrý samet se zasloužil o zničení Hopperovy kariéry.", "evidence": [[[24798, 30629, "Modrý samet", 12, "Blue Velvet (film)"]], [[299730, 291134, "Modrý samet", 12, "Blue Velvet (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet was credited for destroying Hopper's career."} {"id": 202649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaron Carter je výhradně Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[238798, 240764, "Aaron Carter", 0, "Aaron Carter"]], [[238798, 240765, "Aaron Carter", 4, "Aaron Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Carter is solely Canadian."} {"id": 138516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Král Eduard VIII. vládl dominiím britského impéria.", "evidence": [[[161310, 175800, "Eduard VIII.", 0, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "King Edward VIII ruled the Dominions of the British Empire."} {"id": 150366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vřískot používal lidi.", "evidence": [[[295311, 287441, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 1, "Scream (franchise)"]], [[297115, 288799, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 1, "Scream (franchise)"]], [[297115, 288800, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 6, "Scream (franchise)"]], [[340850, 325379, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 1, "Scream (franchise)"]], [[341049, 325543, "Vřískot (filmová série)", 14, "Scream (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "Scream used people."} {"id": 136314, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alive 2006/2007 bylo turné německého hudebního dua.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alive 2006/2007 was a tour by a German music duo."} {"id": 59421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matkou Joffreyho Baratheona je Cersei Lannisterová.", "evidence": [[[75825, 87089, "Joffrey Baratheon", 3, "Joffrey Baratheon"]]], "claim_en": "Joffrey Baratheon's mother is Cersei Lannister."} {"id": 2394, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová získala cenu Peabody.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman won a Peabody Award."} {"id": 70207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rodrigo Santoro byl hlavní postavou ve filmu I Love You Phillip Morris.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rodrigo Santoro was the main character in I Love You Phillip Morris."} {"id": 100890, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lucemburk je velký asi jako pes.", "evidence": [[[118583, 132442, "Lucembursko", 8, "Luxembourg"]]], "claim_en": "Luxembourg is about the same size as a dog."} {"id": 16163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Trudeau se narodil v Ottawě.", "evidence": [[[31558, 38281, "Justin Trudeau", 5, "Justin Trudeau"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Trudeau was born in Ottawa."} {"id": 191923, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Hangover Part III obsahuje alkohol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hangover Part III includes alcohol."} {"id": 486, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V jižní Kalifornii se nachází okres.", "evidence": [[[15919, 19787, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]], [[15919, 19788, "Jižní Kalifornie", 2, "Southern California"]], [[15919, 19789, "Jižní Kalifornie", 5, "Southern California"]], [[15919, 19790, "Jižní Kalifornie", 10, "Southern California"]]], "claim_en": "There is a county in Southern California."} {"id": 72343, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tina Turner natočila píseň pro Golden Eye.", "evidence": [[[89038, 101721, "Tina Turner", 14, "Tina Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Tina Turner made a song for Golden Eye."} {"id": 61298, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Holly Hunter je herečka, která hrála ve filmu Saving Grace.", "evidence": [[[77789, 89235, "Holly Hunter", 6, "Holly Hunter"]]], "claim_en": "Holly Hunter is an actress who has starred in Saving Grace."} {"id": 109245, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana sousedí na západě s Atlantským oceánem.", "evidence": [[[128142, 142860, "Guyana", 2, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west."} {"id": 29470, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ekta Kapoor v roce 2007 pracovala na sitcomu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ekta Kapoor worked on a sitcom in 2007."} {"id": 217522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V bahenní sopce byli nalezeni tardigrádi.", "evidence": [[[258523, 257313, "Želvušky", 3, "Tardigrade"]], [[258525, 257315, "Želvušky", 3, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades have been found in mud volcano."} {"id": 132093, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prescott v Arizoně leží mimo území Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[154517, 169224, "Prescott (Arizona)", 0, "Prescott, Arizona"]], [[154517, 169225, "Prescott (Arizona)", 1, "Prescott, Arizona"], [154517, 169225, "Sčítání lidu Spojených států amerických v roce 2010", 0, "2010 United States Census"]], [[154517, 169226, "Prescott (Arizona)", 2, "Prescott, Arizona"], [154517, 169226, "Yavapai County", 0, "Yavapai County, Arizona"]], [[154517, 169228, "Prescott (Arizona)", 11, "Prescott, Arizona"]], [[154517, 169229, "Prescott (Arizona)", 14, "Prescott, Arizona"], [154517, 169229, "Yavapai County", 0, "Yavapai County, Arizona"]]], "claim_en": "Prescott, Arizona is outside of the United States."} {"id": 24988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deadpool se poprvé objevil v komiksu.", "evidence": [[[40935, 49222, "Deadpool", 0, "Deadpool"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool first appeared in a comic."} {"id": 5388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová nemůže hrát ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[21782, 26775, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 1, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[21782, 26776, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 2, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [21782, 26776, "Křídla vášně", 0, "The Wings of the Dove (1997 film)"]], [[21782, 26777, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[21782, 26778, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 7, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [21782, 26778, "Pokoj s vyhlídkou (film)", 0, "A Room with a View (1985 film)"], [21782, 26778, "Lady Jane", 0, "Lady Jane (1986 film)"]], [[21782, 26779, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 8, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[21782, 26780, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 9, "Helena Bonham Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter is unable to act in movies."} {"id": 216577, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kalkaneální ostruhy se zjišťují pomocí 5 typů rentgenového záření.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Calcaneal spurs are detected by using 5 types of x-rays."} {"id": 216283, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Horký byl italský autor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hot was by an Italian author."} {"id": 36414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku ukončil studium v 16 letech.", "evidence": [[[52612, 62571, "Romelu Lukaku", 5, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku graduated at the age 16."} {"id": 53589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Modern Family začal vysílat 23. září 2009.", "evidence": [[[165405, 179476, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]], [[167612, 181392, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]], [[167612, 181393, "Taková moderní rodinka", 5, "Modern Family"]], [[169774, 183368, "Taková moderní rodinka", 5, "Modern Family"]], [[169774, 183369, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]], [[312388, 302180, "Taková moderní rodinka", 5, "Modern Family"]], [[313614, 303170, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]], [[313614, 303171, "Taková moderní rodinka", 5, "Modern Family"]]], "claim_en": "Modern Family started on September 23rd, 2009."} {"id": 120268, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zlo je zřídkakdy spojeno s nevyrovnaným chováním.", "evidence": [[[141282, 156481, "Zlo", 4, "Evil"]]], "claim_en": "Evil is rarely associated with unbalanced behavior."} {"id": 148651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bulharsko se spojilo s Německem.", "evidence": [[[292523, 285282, "Bulharsko", 12, "Bulgaria"]], [[292524, 285283, "Bulharsko", 12, "Bulgaria"]], [[340267, 324979, "Bulharsko", 12, "Bulgaria"]], [[340276, 324982, "Bulharsko", 12, "Bulgaria"]], [[340291, 324993, "Bulharsko", 12, "Bulgaria"]]], "claim_en": "Bulgaria allied itself with Germany."} {"id": 189337, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Requa a Glenn Ficarra režírovali film Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Requa and Glenn Ficarra directed Whiskey Tango Foxtrot"} {"id": 120339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Avengers: Age of Ultron byl uveden do kin v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[141365, 156549, "Avengers: Age of Ultron", 14, "Avengers: Age of Ultron"]]], "claim_en": "Avengers: Age of Ultron was released in California."} {"id": 77072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gemma Artertonová hrála v roce 2013 ve filmu Jeníček a Mařenka: V roce 2013 se v kinech objevil film Gentleman a Grentel: Lovci čarodějnic.", "evidence": [[[93961, 106927, "Gemma Artertonová", 3, "Gemma Arterton"]]], "claim_en": "Gemma Arterton performed in the 2013 film Hansel and Grentel: Witch Hunters."} {"id": 19215, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christopher Lloyd pracoval na seriálu PBS Kids.", "evidence": [[[35006, 42446, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"], [35006, 42446, "Kybernetická honička", 0, "Cyberchase"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lloyd worked on a PBS Kids series."} {"id": 202675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaron Carter se narodil v roce 1997.", "evidence": [[[238829, 240794, "Aaron Carter", 0, "Aaron Carter"]], [[238835, 240800, "Aaron Carter", 0, "Aaron Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Carter was born in 1997."} {"id": 127320, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brunej sdílí Borneo s částmi Malajsie a Indonésie, které zahrnují území na několika ostrovech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brunei shares Borneo with parts of Malaysia and Indonesia, both of which comprise territory on multiple islands."} {"id": 199674, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andrea Pirlo je Ital.", "evidence": [[[234827, 237637, "Andrea Pirlo", 0, "Andrea Pirlo"]]], "claim_en": "Andrea Pirlo is an Italian."} {"id": 60142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Benátky se nacházejí v uzavřeném zálivu.", "evidence": [[[76576, 87875, "Benátky", 2, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice is located in an enclosed bay."} {"id": 2191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vykašlávání hlenu je jedním z příznaků plicní embolie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coughing up mucus is one symptom of pulmonary embolism."} {"id": 107004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Overwatch je hra.", "evidence": [[[125648, 140023, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[125648, 140024, "Overwatch", 7, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[125648, 140025, "Overwatch", 20, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[125648, 140026, "Overwatch", 21, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[125648, 140027, "Overwatch", 22, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch is a game."} {"id": 71856, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Adjustment Bureau je volně založen na díle Johna Updikea.", "evidence": [[[88541, 101159, "Správci osudu", 0, "The Adjustment Bureau"]]], "claim_en": "The Adjustment Bureau is loosely based on a work by John Updike."} {"id": 87837, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ivanka Trumpová existovala koncem března 2017, což mnoho lidí kritizovalo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ivanka Trump existed in late March 2017 which many people criticized."} {"id": 187672, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Levi Miller zničil natáčení svého velkého filmového debutu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Levi Miller destroyed the set of his major film debut."} {"id": 203426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Inspirací pro film Red je výhradně komiksová série Stanleyho Kubricka.", "evidence": [[[239974, 241652, "Red (film, 2010)", 0, "Red (2010 film)"]], [[239975, 241653, "Red (film, 2010)", 0, "Red (2010 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Red's inspiration comes exclusively from a comic book series by Stanley Kubrick."} {"id": 67814, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwriterské paměti a byl úspěšný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote memoirs and he was successful."} {"id": 94717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi se podílel na mnoha filmech bratří Coenů.", "evidence": [[[112177, 125992, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi has been a part of many Coen Brothers' movies."} {"id": 112962, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slovinsko je evropská země, která je vyspělá a má vysoké příjmy.", "evidence": [[[132532, 147438, "Slovinsko", 29, "Slovenia"]], [[132539, 147447, "Slovinsko", 29, "Slovenia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovenia is a European country that is developed and has high-income."} {"id": 58410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Říši vládl Akbar a za jeho vlády se její rozloha ztrojnásobila.", "evidence": [[[74801, 86007, "Akbar Veliký", 22, "Akbar"]], [[75039, 86263, "Akbar Veliký", 22, "Akbar"]]], "claim_en": "Akbar ruled the empire and it tripled in size during his rule."} {"id": 92775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Graciosa na Kanárských ostrovech je kus pevniny obklopený vodou.", "evidence": [[[275428, 270564, "Isla Graciosa", 0, "Graciosa, Canary Islands"], [275428, 270564, "Ostrov", 0, "Island"]], [[277282, 272220, "Isla Graciosa", 2, "Graciosa, Canary Islands"], [277282, 272220, "Ostrov", 0, "Island"]], [[277783, 272732, "Isla Graciosa", 0, "Graciosa, Canary Islands"]], [[324461, 312432, "Isla Graciosa", 2, "Graciosa, Canary Islands"], [324461, 312432, "Ostrov", 0, "Island"]], [[325903, 313521, "Isla Graciosa", 0, "Graciosa, Canary Islands"], [325903, 313521, "Ostrov", 0, "Island"]]], "claim_en": "Graciosa, Canary Islands is a piece of land surrounded by water."} {"id": 27236, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steffi Grafová je bývalá hráčka ping pongu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf is a former ping pong player."} {"id": 48168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktor je mimozemšťan.", "evidence": [[[64539, 75329, "Doktor (Pán času)", 10, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]], [[64539, 75330, "Doktor (Pán času)", 2, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]]], "claim_en": "The Doctor is an alien."} {"id": 54185, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Las Vegas se zvýšil.", "evidence": [[[70495, 81388, "Las Vegas", 14, "Las Vegas"]], [[70495, 81389, "Las Vegas", 15, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas's population has grown."} {"id": 183953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tupac Shakur není schopen být v roce 2017 uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[214132, 221214, "Tupac Shakur", 5, "Tupac Shakur"]]], "claim_en": "Tupac Shakur is incapable of being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017."} {"id": 61240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Hart byl dočasně součástí soudního procesu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Hart was temporarily part of a lawsuit."} {"id": 126487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ilumináti se objevili v televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[148325, 163351, "Ilumináti", 14, "Illuminati"]], [[148330, 163354, "Ilumináti", 14, "Illuminati"]]], "claim_en": "The Illuminati have been featured on television programs."} {"id": 4337, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Newman věnoval peníze na charitu.", "evidence": [[[11368, 14309, "Paul Newman", 7, "Paul Newman"]], [[11368, 14310, "Paul Newman", 8, "Paul Newman"]], [[11368, 14311, "Paul Newman", 10, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman has given money to charity."} {"id": 79059, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mariah Carey vydala knihu s Tor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey released a book with Tor."} {"id": 210189, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shantel VanSantenová je ve znamení Ryb.", "evidence": [[[249004, 249036, "Shantel VanSanten", 0, "Shantel VanSanten"], [249004, 249036, "Ryby (znamení)", 2, "Pisces (astrology)"]]], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten is a Pisces."} {"id": 93977, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavním spisem islámu je Bible.", "evidence": [[[111376, 125013, "Islám", 5, "Islam"]], [[111379, 125015, "Islám", 5, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam's primary scripture is the Bible."} {"id": 82690, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charlize Theron hrála ve filmu Hořící pláň (2008) a kritizovala ho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron starred in and criticized The Burning Plain (2008)."} {"id": 117124, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová získala několik ocenění a nominací.", "evidence": [[[137478, 152345, "Anne Bancroftová", 2, "Anne Bancroft"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won several awards and nominations."} {"id": 81363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Led Zeppelin vznikla ve vesmíru.", "evidence": [[[98429, 111536, "Led Zeppelin", 0, "Led Zeppelin"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin formed in space."} {"id": 65777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Larry Junstrom je bubeník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Larry Junstrom is a drummer."} {"id": 93430, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pink Floyd nemají žádné album s názvem The Wall.", "evidence": [[[110791, 124455, "Pink Floyd", 8, "Pink Floyd"]], [[110791, 124456, "Pink Floyd", 9, "Pink Floyd"], [110791, 124456, "The Wall", 0, "The Wall"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd has no album called The Wall."} {"id": 29712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana nehraničí s Atlantským oceánem.", "evidence": [[[45830, 54733, "Guyana", 2, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana does not border the Atlantic Ocean."} {"id": 212079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "10 Cloverfield Lane je druhý film ze série Cloverfield.", "evidence": [[[251357, 251233, "Ulice Cloverfield 10", 1, "10 Cloverfield Lane"]]], "claim_en": "10 Cloverfield Lane is the second film in the Cloverfield franchise."} {"id": 220426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thanos je postava, která se objevila v tvůrčí práci.", "evidence": [[[262341, 260354, "Thanos", 0, "Thanos"]]], "claim_en": "Thanos is a character that appeared in creative work."} {"id": 103317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Big Show hraje wrestling.", "evidence": [[[121302, 135585, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]]], "claim_en": "Big Show wrestles."} {"id": 228679, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 2014 byla odvysílána poslední sezóna seriálu Dva a půl chlapa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "2014 was the year when the season of Two and a Half Men aired."} {"id": 188795, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nashville Songwriters Association International poskytuje vzdělávání o filmovém průmyslu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nashville Songwriters Association International provides education about the film industry."} {"id": 208248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Despicable Me 3 hraje Steve Carell jedinou roli.", "evidence": [[[246391, 246907, "Já, padouch 3", 3, "Despicable Me 3"]], [[246392, 246908, "Já, padouch 3", 3, "Despicable Me 3"]]], "claim_en": "In Despicable Me 3, Steve Carell plays a single role."} {"id": 221769, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Přátelství bylo studováno v akademických oborech.", "evidence": [[[264094, 261646, "Přátelství", 2, "Friendship"]]], "claim_en": "Friendship has been studied in academic fields."} {"id": 111026, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bob Dylan nebyl uveden do Síně slávy nashvillských písničkářů.", "evidence": [[[130420, 145192, "Bob Dylan", 19, "Bob Dylan"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan has not been inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame."} {"id": 177262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série seriálu Outlander (TV seriál) je založena na filmu.", "evidence": [[[206959, 215227, "Cizinka (seriál)", 0, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The first season of Outlander (TV series) is based on a movie."} {"id": 146094, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Voda má v přírodě podobu ledovců.", "evidence": [[[169673, 183275, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water takes the form of glaciers in nature."} {"id": 27759, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Litvě žije odhadem 2,8 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[43884, 52525, "Litva", 3, "Lithuania"]]], "claim_en": "There is an estimated population of 2.8 million people in the country of Lithuania."} {"id": 141908, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Severovýchodní megalopole zahrnuje Washington, D.C. a Baltimore.", "evidence": [[[164971, 179161, "BosWash", 1, "Northeast megalopolis"]]], "claim_en": "Northeast megalopolis includes Washington, D.C. and Baltimore."} {"id": 222757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Praktická magie je film z roku 1996.", "evidence": [[[265357, 262568, "Magická posedlost", 0, "Practical Magic"]]], "claim_en": "Practical Magic is a 1996 film."} {"id": 190920, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Autorem scénáře k filmu Hotell je švédský scenárista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hotell is written by a Swedish screenwriter."} {"id": 161855, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Lopez získal za svůj výkon cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Lopez has won a Tony Award for a performance."} {"id": 89722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deník New York Times je součástí rostoucího odvětví.", "evidence": [[[107033, 120417, "The New York Times", 0, "The New York Times"], [107033, 120417, "Noviny", 31, "Newspaper"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Times is part of a growing industry."} {"id": 160973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Homeland vychází z izraelského seriálu Váleční zajatci.", "evidence": [[[185494, 197251, "Ve jménu vlasti (seriál)", 0, "Homeland (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Homeland is based on the Israeli series Prisoners of War."} {"id": 36139, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keith Urban vydal nejméně devět prodloužených her.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keith Urban has released at least nine extended plays."} {"id": 114066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dodo byl vyobrazen pouze s červeným peřím.", "evidence": [[[133978, 148864, "Dronte mauricijský", 10, "Dodo"]]], "claim_en": "The Dodo has only been depicted with red plumage."} {"id": 137695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Me Before You se jedna scéna odehrává na hradě Pembroke.", "evidence": [[[160447, 174963, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 4, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You has a scene set in Pembroke Castle."} {"id": 16203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dopamin funguje jako neurotransmiter.", "evidence": [[[31598, 38344, "Dopamin", 5, "Dopamine"]]], "claim_en": "Dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter."} {"id": 146643, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "T2 Trainspotting se odehrává na Edinburském hradě a v jeho okolí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "T2 Trainspotting is set in and around Edinburgh Castle."} {"id": 144054, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fred Trump byl člověk.", "evidence": [[[167192, 181020, "Fred Trump", 0, "Fred Trump"]], [[167192, 181021, "Fred Trump", 8, "Fred Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Fred Trump was a person."} {"id": 174546, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syn Billa Blacka se jmenuje William.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bill Black's son's name is William."} {"id": 181831, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Don Hall je filmový scenárista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Don Hall is a writer of films."} {"id": 165039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Colin Farrell si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[189794, 201008, "Colin Farrell", 2, "Colin Farrell"]], [[189794, 201009, "Colin Farrell", 3, "Colin Farrell"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Farrell appeared in a movie."} {"id": 37880, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Michelle Gellarové trvalo 41 let, než vystudovala vysokou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Michelle Gellar took 41 years to graduate college."} {"id": 93067, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amoxicilin se méně často užívá injekčně než v omáčce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amoxicillin is less commonly taken by injection than by sauce."} {"id": 225108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval hudební nahrávky pro Dottie Westovou.", "evidence": [[[268248, 264868, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]], [[268249, 264869, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]], [[268256, 264873, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced musical recordings for Dottie West."} {"id": 132699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ázerbájdžán leží mezi severovýchodní Asií a západní Evropou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan is between Northeast Asia and West Europe."} {"id": 163953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vynález lži vyšel v říjnu v USA.", "evidence": [[[188613, 200068, "Umění lhát", 3, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying was released in October in the US."} {"id": 73192, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 2015 skupina Red Velvet vyřadila jednoho člena.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 2015, Red Velvet ejected a member."} {"id": 121334, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Papua-Nová Guinea v roce 2011 předstihla Indonésii a stala se šestou nejrychleji rostoucí ekonomikou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Papua New Guinea beat out Indonesia and became the sixth fastest-growing economy in 2011."} {"id": 66699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hardwick moderoval pořad o manželství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hardwick hosted a marriage game show."} {"id": 42280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heather Grahamová si v roce 2008 zahrála ve filmu Řekni, že to tak není.", "evidence": [[[58575, 68875, "Heather Graham", 6, "Heather Graham"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Graham starred in the movie Say It Isn't So in 2008."} {"id": 44234, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ludacris vyhrál debatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ludacris has won a debate."} {"id": 161414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2012 měl premiéru film Hněv Titánů.", "evidence": [[[185967, 197824, "Hněv Titánů", 0, "Wrath of the Titans"]], [[185967, 197825, "Hněv Titánů", 10, "Wrath of the Titans"]]], "claim_en": "Wrath of the Titans premiered in 2012."} {"id": 227914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Groves dohlížel na stavbu Pentagonu.", "evidence": [[[271854, 267641, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves was the overseer of the construction of the Pentagon."} {"id": 80733, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Angelsberg nesousedí s oceánem. protože celá země je uzavřena na pevnině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Angelsberg is not adjacent to an ocean. as the entire country is land-locked."} {"id": 52789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angličtina se používá pouze na Guamu.", "evidence": [[[69073, 79863, "Angličtina", 6, "English language"]], [[69073, 79864, "Angličtina", 0, "English language"]]], "claim_en": "The English language is only spoken in Guam."} {"id": 34716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shakira píše písně.", "evidence": [[[50900, 60631, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[50900, 60632, "Shakira", 13, "Shakira"], [50900, 60632, "Shakira (album)", 0, "Shakira (album)"]], [[50900, 60633, "Shakira", 9, "Shakira"], [50900, 60633, "The Sun Comes Out", 0, "Sale el Sol"]], [[50900, 60634, "Shakira", 6, "Shakira"], [50900, 60634, "Laundry Service", 0, "Laundry Service"]], [[50900, 60635, "Shakira", 2, "Shakira"], [50900, 60635, "Magia", 0, "Magia (Shakira album)"]]], "claim_en": "Shakira writes songs."} {"id": 100686, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Branson otevřel řetězec hrobek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Branson opened a chain of tombs."} {"id": 170432, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Welcome Back (Vítejte zpět) vystupuje delfín.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Welcome Back (film) features a dolphin."} {"id": 154523, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal je člověk.", "evidence": [[[178510, 191099, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 0, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is a person."} {"id": 114244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carice van Houten je osoba.", "evidence": [[[134166, 149058, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149059, "Carice van Houten", 2, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149060, "Carice van Houten", 3, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149061, "Carice van Houten", 4, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149062, "Carice van Houten", 7, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149063, "Carice van Houten", 8, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149064, "Carice van Houten", 9, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149065, "Carice van Houten", 12, "Carice van Houten"]], [[134166, 149066, "Carice van Houten", 13, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is a person."} {"id": 6100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stephen Hawking je čestným členem Královské společnosti umění.", "evidence": [[[11591, 14565, "Stephen Hawking", 6, "Stephen Hawking"]], [[11592, 14566, "Stephen Hawking", 6, "Stephen Hawking"]], [[11593, 14567, "Stephen Hawking", 6, "Stephen Hawking"]]], "claim_en": "The Royal Society of Arts has Stephen Hawking as an Honorary Fellow."} {"id": 181880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Princezna Mononoke je film studia Ghibli z roku 2015.", "evidence": [[[211457, 219166, "Princezna Mononoke", 0, "Princess Mononoke"]], [[211457, 219167, "Princezna Mononoke", 10, "Princess Mononoke"]]], "claim_en": "Princess Mononoke is a Ghibli film from 2015."} {"id": 58135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Carradine měl krevní skupinu B.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Carradine was blood type B."} {"id": 135079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První tým, za který David Beckham hrál v Premier League, byl Manchester United.", "evidence": [[[157666, 172279, "David Beckham", 11, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "The first team David Beckham played for in the Premier League was Manchester United."} {"id": 225153, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Finále WTA 2014 začalo 17. října 2014.", "evidence": [[[268302, 264908, "WTA Finals 2014", 0, "2014 WTA Finals"]]], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals began on October 17th, 2014."} {"id": 44240, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amancio Ortega odmítá být podnikatelem.", "evidence": [[[60638, 71058, "Amancio Ortega", 0, "Amancio Ortega"]], [[60638, 71059, "Amancio Ortega", 1, "Amancio Ortega"]], [[60638, 71060, "Amancio Ortega", 5, "Amancio Ortega"]]], "claim_en": "Amancio Ortega refuses to be a businessman."} {"id": 93620, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski finančně vynikal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski excelled financially."} {"id": 100649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Stověžatá cesta (The Hundred-Foot Journey) vypráví o rodinném sporu.", "evidence": [[[118323, 132158, "Láska na kari", 1, "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) tells the story of a family feud."} {"id": 29036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Caryho Granta v mládí přitahovalo divadlo.", "evidence": [[[45150, 53896, "Cary Grant", 5, "Cary Grant"]]], "claim_en": "At a young age, Cary Grant was attracted to theater."} {"id": 174155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl vždy neschopný politik.", "evidence": [[[201279, 210732, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210733, "Jimmy Carter", 1, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210734, "Jimmy Carter", 2, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210735, "Jimmy Carter", 7, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210736, "Jimmy Carter", 8, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210737, "Jimmy Carter", 9, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210738, "Jimmy Carter", 10, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210739, "Jimmy Carter", 11, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210740, "Jimmy Carter", 15, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210741, "Jimmy Carter", 17, "Jimmy Carter"], [201279, 210741, "Dohody z Camp Davidu", 0, "Camp David Accords"]], [[201279, 210742, "Jimmy Carter", 19, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210743, "Jimmy Carter", 20, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210744, "Jimmy Carter", 21, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210745, "Jimmy Carter", 22, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210746, "Jimmy Carter", 23, "Jimmy Carter"]], [[201279, 210747, "Jimmy Carter", 26, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter has always been incapable of being a politician."} {"id": 21780, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zakladatelem Beninu je Porto-Novo.", "evidence": [[[37639, 45571, "Benin", 14, "Benin"], [37639, 45571, "Porto Novo", 0, "Porto-Novo"]]], "claim_en": "Benin's founder is Porto-Novo."} {"id": 61318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Twitter je zdrojem zpráv", "evidence": [[[77809, 89262, "Twitter", 11, "Twitter"]]], "claim_en": "Twitter is a news source"} {"id": 186565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marie Curie byla jako první žena pohřbena v pařížském Pantheonu na základě vlastních úspěchů.", "evidence": [[[217636, 224127, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 2, "Marie Curie"]]], "claim_en": "Marie Curie was the first women to be entombed in the Pantheon in Paris based on her own accomplishments."} {"id": 94632, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lucembursko není jediné zbývající velkovévodství na světě.", "evidence": [[[112087, 125892, "Lucembursko", 10, "Luxembourg"]]], "claim_en": "Luxembourg is not the world's only remaining grand duchy."} {"id": 60897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci byl vždy pouze v Benátkách.", "evidence": [[[77360, 88815, "Leonardo da Vinci", 12, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci has only ever been in Venice."} {"id": 222778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kolyma má zásoby wolframu.", "evidence": [[[265381, 262599, "Kolyma (region)", 9, "Kolyma"]]], "claim_en": "Kolyma has reserves of tungsten."} {"id": 81448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové album Dolly Parton se jmenuje Jolene.", "evidence": [[[98492, 111590, "Dolly Parton", 1, "Dolly Parton"]]], "claim_en": "Dolly Parton's debut album is Jolene."} {"id": 223413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Dark Half byl vydán před nástupem Clintonovy vlády.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Dark Half was released before the Clinton administration."} {"id": 222789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kolyma má zásoby přírodních zdrojů.", "evidence": [[[265394, 262613, "Kolyma (region)", 9, "Kolyma"]], [[265394, 262614, "Kolyma (region)", 10, "Kolyma"]], [[265394, 262615, "Kolyma (region)", 11, "Kolyma"]]], "claim_en": "Kolyma has reserves of natural resources."} {"id": 158587, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gayathri Raguram byl zaměstnán při natáčení filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gayathri Raguram was employed in making films."} {"id": 24248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Margot Kidderová získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[40185, 48348, "Margot Kidderová", 11, "Margot Kidder"]], [[40188, 48354, "Margot Kidderová", 11, "Margot Kidder"]]], "claim_en": "Margot Kidder won an award."} {"id": 197552, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Master of None měl 2015 diváků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Master of None had 2015 viewers."} {"id": 76080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skandál hraje hip-hopová hudba.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scandal plays hip-hop music."} {"id": 100921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letní olympijské hry 2016 byly zákonem.", "evidence": [[[118623, 132473, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "The 2016 Summer Olympics was a law."} {"id": 106303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ryan Phillippe ztvárnil roli Billyho Douglase.", "evidence": [[[279551, 274181, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[281266, 275668, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[283419, 277449, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[327906, 315089, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[327908, 315091, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[327910, 315093, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[327911, 315094, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[328042, 315195, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[328043, 315196, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan Phillippe performed the role of Billy Douglas."} {"id": 159822, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Citalopram je farmaceutický lék.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Citalopram is a pharmaceutical drug."} {"id": 178891, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dawood Ibrahim pochází z monarchie indického státu Maháráštra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dawood Ibrahim is originally from the monarchy of the Indian state of Maharashtra."} {"id": 111108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heinrich Himmler byl dozorce.", "evidence": [[[130481, 145249, "Heinrich Himmler", 15, "Heinrich Himmler"]], [[130482, 145250, "Heinrich Himmler", 15, "Heinrich Himmler"]], [[130483, 145251, "Heinrich Himmler", 15, "Heinrich Himmler"]]], "claim_en": "Heinrich Himmler was an overseer."} {"id": 69656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marie I. Portugalská se narodila v říjnu.", "evidence": [[[86345, 98747, "Marie I. Portugalská", 0, "Maria I of Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Maria I of Portugal was born in October."} {"id": 188549, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je křesťan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is a Christian."} {"id": 56066, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sportovní osobností roku byl vyhlášen Lewis Hamilton.", "evidence": [[[72491, 83537, "Lewis Hamilton", 17, "Lewis Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Sports Personality of the Year was given to Lewis Hamilton."} {"id": 48559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tiger Woods nevyhrál turnaj o 12 úderů.", "evidence": [[[64921, 75776, "Tiger Woods", 6, "Tiger Woods"]]], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods did not win a tournament by 12 strokes."} {"id": 164011, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Barry Gibb působil ve skupině.", "evidence": [[[188676, 200128, "Barry Gibb", 0, "Barry Gibb"]], [[188676, 200129, "Barry Gibb", 12, "Barry Gibb"], [188676, 200129, "Bee Gees", 0, "Bee Gees"], [188676, 200129, "Bee Gees", 2, "Bee Gees"]]], "claim_en": "Barry Gibb was in a band."} {"id": 90048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Newman odmítl být jezdcem IndyCar.", "evidence": [[[107351, 120783, "Paul Newman", 0, "Paul Newman"]], [[107351, 120784, "Paul Newman", 6, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman refused to be an IndyCar driver."} {"id": 38805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikita je restart filmové série podle televizního seriálu Nikita.", "evidence": [[[55020, 65035, "Nikita (seriál)", 1, "Nikita (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Nikita is a reboot of a film series based on the TV series Nikita."} {"id": 105679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Imagine Dragons mají na svém albu Night Visions singl It's Time.", "evidence": [[[124033, 138361, "Imagine Dragons", 1, "Imagine Dragons"], [124033, 138361, "It's Time", 0, "It's Time (song)"]], [[124034, 138362, "Imagine Dragons", 1, "Imagine Dragons"], [124034, 138362, "It's Time", 0, "It's Time (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons have the single \"It's Time\" on their Night Visions album."} {"id": 39945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Walt Disney Company nevlastní televizní síť ABC.", "evidence": [[[56241, 66429, "The Walt Disney Company", 10, "The Walt Disney Company"]]], "claim_en": "The Walt Disney Company does not own the ABC broadcast television network."} {"id": 63765, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marshall McLuhan je mezi učiteli angličtiny kontroverzní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marshall McLuhan is controversial among English teachers."} {"id": 23071, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rúmího díla se čtou v celém Velkém Íránu a persky mluvícím světě.", "evidence": [[[62516, 73133, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 8, "Rumi"]], [[64777, 75613, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 8, "Rumi"]], [[66610, 77420, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 8, "Rumi"]], [[303534, 294496, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 8, "Rumi"]], [[305373, 296207, "Džaláleddín Balchí Rúmí", 8, "Rumi"]]], "claim_en": "Rumi's works are read across Greater Iran and the Persian-speaking world."} {"id": 52676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Městské centrum Kazaň se nachází v Rusku.", "evidence": [[[68965, 79776, "Rusko", 3, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "The urban center Kazan is contained within Russia."} {"id": 211836, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bobby Moore měl delší celé jméno.", "evidence": [[[251057, 251007, "Bobby Moore", 0, "Bobby Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Bobby Moore had a longer full name."} {"id": 73250, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neymar se narodil 5. února 1992 ve svém dětském domově.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neymar was born on February 5th, 1992 in his childhood home."} {"id": 229232, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne se podílela na thrilleru London Fields.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne was involved with a thriller film called London Fields."} {"id": 143451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taraji P. Hensonová hraje.", "evidence": [[[166595, 180403, "Taraji P. Henson", 0, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180404, "Taraji P. Henson", 1, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180405, "Taraji P. Henson", 2, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180406, "Taraji P. Henson", 3, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180407, "Taraji P. Henson", 7, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180408, "Taraji P. Henson", 9, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180409, "Taraji P. Henson", 8, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180410, "Taraji P. Henson", 10, "Taraji P. Henson"]], [[166595, 180411, "Taraji P. Henson", 16, "Taraji P. Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Taraji P. Henson acts."} {"id": 158514, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gayathri Raguramová hrála v komedii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gayathri Raguram was in a comedy."} {"id": 196789, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sean Connery má hodnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sean Connery has a rank."} {"id": 157173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Příběh hraček 3 získal necelé čtyři nominace na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[181300, 193563, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 13, "Toy Story 3"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story 3 received less than four Academy Award nominations."} {"id": 200802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je dílo.", "evidence": [[[236268, 238775, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238776, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 1, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238777, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 2, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238778, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 3, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238779, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 4, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238780, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 7, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236268, 238780, "Svět Písně ledu a ohně", 0, "World of A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238781, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 8, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238782, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 9, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236268, 238782, "Daenerys Targaryen", 0, "Daenerys Targaryen"]], [[236268, 238783, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 18, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[236268, 238784, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 19, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is a work."} {"id": 226634, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Valerian a město tisíce planet má speciální efekty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets features special effects."} {"id": 165240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Phillip Glass si poslechl hudební divadelní dílo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Phillip Glass has listened to musical theatre works."} {"id": 113268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sdružení amerických režisérů bylo rozpuštěno v roce 1936.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Directors Guild of America was disbanded in 1936."} {"id": 168250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Írán je velmoc.", "evidence": [[[193727, 204207, "Írán", 35, "Iran"]]], "claim_en": "Iran is a power."} {"id": 18546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Megan Fox začala hrát v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[34140, 41391, "Megan Fox", 1, "Megan Fox"]]], "claim_en": "Megan Fox began acting in 2001."} {"id": 66671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pluto se nachází ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[83237, 95178, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 0, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto is in France."} {"id": 134188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Dolmayan se narodil v roce 1973.", "evidence": [[[156742, 171350, "John Dolmayan", 0, "John Dolmayan"]]], "claim_en": "John Dolmayan was born in 1973."} {"id": 118873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler byl zvolen Demokratickou stranou do Poslanecké sněmovny.", "evidence": [[[139515, 154547, "Adolf Hitler", 13, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was elected by the Democratic Party in the House of Commons."} {"id": 52323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nelson Mandela je africký socialista.", "evidence": [[[68635, 79499, "Nelson Mandela", 0, "Nelson Mandela"], [68635, 79499, "Nelson Mandela", 3, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela is an African socialist."} {"id": 97794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladbu I Kissed a Girl nahrál pouze americký baskytarista.", "evidence": [[[115403, 129215, "I Kissed a Girl", 0, "I Kissed a Girl"]]], "claim_en": "I Kissed a Girl was only recorded by an American bassist."} {"id": 87361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Starbucks byla založena v chatrči.", "evidence": [[[104534, 117959, "Starbucks", 1, "Starbucks"]]], "claim_en": "Starbucks was founded in a hut."} {"id": 62148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Sopranovi měl pouze jednoho výkonného producenta.", "evidence": [[[78611, 90163, "Rodina Sopránů", 11, "The Sopranos"]]], "claim_en": "The Sopranos only had one executive producer."} {"id": 199568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kongres Spojených států má 535 zastupujících členů.", "evidence": [[[234691, 237521, "Kongres Spojených států amerických", 3, "United States Congress"]]], "claim_en": "United States Congress has 535 representing members."} {"id": 203593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Maguire byl inspirován sportovním agentem.", "evidence": [[[240222, 241879, "Jerry Maguire", 1, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Maguire was inspired by a sports agent."} {"id": 20690, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová byla 8. června 2016 suspendována.", "evidence": [[[36475, 44068, "Maria Šarapovová", 27, "Maria Sharapova"]]], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova was suspended on June 8th, 2016."} {"id": 121534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matka Clinta Eastwooda se narodila v roce 1931.", "evidence": [[[142719, 157871, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]], [[142720, 157872, "Clint Eastwood", 0, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood's mother was born in 1931."} {"id": 186115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Ontariu je nula vodních ploch.", "evidence": [[[217033, 223684, "Ontario (provincie)", 8, "Ontario"]], [[217033, 223685, "Ontario (provincie)", 7, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "There are zero bodies of water in Ontario."} {"id": 154765, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Já, než se vrátíš se odehrávají scény ve Skotsku a Severním Irsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Me Before You has scenes set in Scotland and North Ireland."} {"id": 224829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snoop Dogg pochází z Long Beach v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[267897, 264528, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is from Long Beach, California."} {"id": 212367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundgarden byli seattleští současníci Nirvany.", "evidence": [[[251922, 251698, "Soundgarden", 6, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden was a Seattle contemporary of Nirvana."} {"id": 27392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Willie Nelson se narodil v roce 1950.", "evidence": [[[74222, 85444, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[74222, 85445, "Willie Nelson", 8, "Willie Nelson"]], [[79296, 90974, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[81764, 93533, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[81764, 93534, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"], [81764, 93534, "Velká hospodářská krize", 0, "Great Depression"]], [[305912, 296684, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[307149, 297687, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]], [[307164, 297707, "Willie Nelson", 0, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson was born in 1950."} {"id": 214903, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "K dějinám umění patří auta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "History of art includes cars."} {"id": 28967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V roce 1944 vznikl film Kapitán Amerika.", "evidence": [[[45089, 53818, "Captain America", 1, "Captain America"]]], "claim_en": "1944 was when Captain America started."} {"id": 135022, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Apple Inc. není schopna být výrobcem telefonů.", "evidence": [[[157602, 172216, "Apple", 1, "Apple Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Apple Inc. is incapable of being a phone manufacturer."} {"id": 197480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris O'Dowd hrál pouze ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[232160, 235420, "Chris O'Dowd", 0, "Chris O'Dowd"]], [[232160, 235421, "Chris O'Dowd", 1, "Chris O'Dowd"]], [[232160, 235422, "Chris O'Dowd", 2, "Chris O'Dowd"]], [[232160, 235423, "Chris O'Dowd", 6, "Chris O'Dowd"], [232160, 235423, "Broadway theatre (divadla)", 0, "Broadway theatre"]]], "claim_en": "Chris O'Dowd has starred only in films."} {"id": 157979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Naomi Scottová si zahrála ve filmu Limonádová pusa.", "evidence": [[[182247, 194504, "Naomi Scott", 2, "Naomi Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott starred in Lemonade Mouth."} {"id": 120874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Korea patří v něčem k nejvyšším.", "evidence": [[[141956, 157196, "Jižní Korea", 24, "South Korea"]], [[141956, 157197, "Jižní Korea", 27, "South Korea"]], [[141956, 157198, "Jižní Korea", 28, "South Korea"]], [[141956, 157200, "Jižní Korea", 31, "South Korea"]], [[141956, 157201, "Jižní Korea", 19, "South Korea"]], [[141956, 157202, "Jižní Korea", 8, "South Korea"]]], "claim_en": "South Korea is ranked among the highest in something."} {"id": 151186, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Hasselhoff hrál ve filmu Baywatch.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Hasselhoff was in Baywatch."} {"id": 185582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "K léčbě onemocnění periferních tepen patří operace.", "evidence": [[[216310, 222977, "Periferní cévní onemocnění", 23, "Peripheral artery disease"], [216310, 222977, "Koronární bypass", 0, "Coronary artery bypass surgery"]]], "claim_en": "Treatments for peripheral artery disease include surgery."} {"id": 225018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Memento získal nominaci za nejlepší střih.", "evidence": [[[268123, 264754, "Memento (film)", 13, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Memento received a nomination for Best Film Editing."} {"id": 98445, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christina Aguilera se hudebnímu průmyslu zcela vyhnula.", "evidence": [[[116104, 130020, "Christina Aguilera", 2, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[116104, 130021, "Christina Aguilera", 5, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[116104, 130022, "Christina Aguilera", 7, "Christina Aguilera"]], [[116104, 130023, "Christina Aguilera", 6, "Christina Aguilera"]]], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera has avoided the music industry entirely."} {"id": 153645, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tanzanie používá svahilštinu v parlamentních debatách, u soudů nižší instance a na základních školách, stejně jako angličtinu z jiných důvodů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tanzania uses Swahili in parliamentary debate, lower courts, and primary school, as well as English for other reasons."} {"id": 11576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První filmová role Jessicy Langeové byla ve filmu Godzilla.", "evidence": [[[26775, 32865, "Jessica Lange", 6, "Jessica Lange"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange's first film role was in Godzilla."} {"id": 203797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Perth je největší město ve státě Východní Austrálie.", "evidence": [[[240529, 242131, "Perth", 0, "Perth"]], [[240536, 242138, "Perth", 0, "Perth"]]], "claim_en": "Perth is the largest city in the state Eastern Australia."} {"id": 205427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl člověk působící v oblasti trestního práva.", "evidence": [[[242739, 244048, "Wyatt Earp", 5, "Wyatt Earp"], [242739, 244048, "Konstábl", 0, "Constable"], [242739, 244048, "Obecní policie", 0, "Municipal police"], [242739, 244048, "United States Marshals Service", 0, "United States Marshals Service"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a person in criminal law enforcement."} {"id": 215675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George H. W. Bush odešel z veškeré politiky v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[256239, 255473, "George H. W. Bush", 0, "George H. W. Bush"]], [[256239, 255474, "George H. W. Bush", 18, "George H. W. Bush"]], [[256239, 255475, "George H. W. Bush", 19, "George H. W. Bush"]], [[256239, 255476, "George H. W. Bush", 21, "George H. W. Bush"]], [[256239, 255477, "George H. W. Bush", 22, "George H. W. Bush"]], [[256239, 255478, "George H. W. Bush", 25, "George H. W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George H. W. Bush retired from all politics in 1980."} {"id": 118090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Froome jezdí na základě licence.", "evidence": [[[138552, 153631, "Chris Froome", 2, "Chris Froome"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Froome rides under a license."} {"id": 70509, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Autorem románu Rozum a cit je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[223277, 228287, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"], [223277, 228287, "Jane Austenová", 0, "Jane Austen"]], [[229700, 233569, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"], [229700, 233569, "Jane Austenová", 0, "Jane Austen"]], [[318043, 307039, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"]], [[318046, 307042, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"], [318046, 307042, "Jane Austenová", 0, "Jane Austen"]], [[318048, 307044, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"], [318048, 307044, "Jane Austenová", 0, "Jane Austen"]]], "claim_en": "Sense and Sensibility is by a novelist."} {"id": 87240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eminem měl dvě nejprodávanější alba desetiletí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eminem has had two best selling albums of the decade."} {"id": 164336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Švédsko hraničí na západě s oceánem.", "evidence": [[[189006, 200364, "Švédsko", 1, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden borders an Ocean to the west."} {"id": 20105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kevin Durant získal na konci roku na Texaské univerzitě řadu ocenění.", "evidence": [[[35915, 43467, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Durant won numerous year-end awards at the University of Texas."} {"id": 200727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je dílem kohokoli jiného než GRRM.", "evidence": [[[236168, 238704, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by anyone except GRRM."} {"id": 82880, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Motorola nevyrábí počítačovou telefonii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Motorola does not make computer telephony."} {"id": 75635, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gendry je učedník krále Roberta Baratheona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gendry is the apprentice of King Robert Baratheon."} {"id": 62640, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sharon Tateová se narodila na Saturnu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sharon Tate was born on Saturn."} {"id": 84889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Melissa McCarthy hrála v akčním filmu.", "evidence": [[[101966, 115205, "Melissa McCarthy", 14, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[101966, 115206, "Melissa McCarthy", 11, "Melissa McCarthy"], [101966, 115206, "Drsňačky", 0, "The Heat (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy has starred in an action film."} {"id": 106163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová pochází ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[124626, 138960, "Solange Knowles", 0, "Solange Knowles"]]], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles is from the United States."} {"id": 96184, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story je sportovní komediální divadelní hra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story is a sports comedy theater play."} {"id": 167433, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová hrála pouze ve velšskojazyčných filmech.", "evidence": [[[192706, 203406, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 0, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin has only acted in Welsh-language films."} {"id": 169299, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Singapur je v žebříčku návštěvnosti kin vysoce hodnocen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Singapore is ranked highly in cinema."} {"id": 107012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Současným zpěvákem skupiny Lynyrd Skynyrd je Ronnie Van Zant.", "evidence": [[[125651, 140033, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 7, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"]]], "claim_en": "Lynyrd Skynyrd's current lead vocalist is Ronnie Van Zant."} {"id": 51333, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Russ měl singly v americkém countryovém žebříčku Countdown.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Russ has had singles on the American Country Countdown."} {"id": 109880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Island byl založen v roce 777 našeho letopočtu.", "evidence": [[[280001, 274584, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]], [[283785, 277734, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]], [[328884, 315840, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Iceland was established in the year 777 AD."} {"id": 136108, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Josh Homme byl zapleten s mrtvými.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Josh Homme had been involved with the dead."} {"id": 24690, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nová Anglie je zahrnuta do amerického úřadu pro sčítání lidu a je velmi kulturní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "New England is included in the U.S. Census Bureau and is very cultured."} {"id": 73602, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dhool hrála indická herečka narozená v roce 1981.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhool starred an Indian actress born in 1981."} {"id": 4386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avengers: Age of Ultron je natočen podle románu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avengers: Age of Ultron is based on a novel."} {"id": 96656, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maya Rudolph je buddhistka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maya Rudolph is a Buddhist."} {"id": 201792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dr. Dre objevil Snoop Dogga.", "evidence": [[[237554, 239750, "Snoop Dogg", 1, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre discovered Snoop Dogg."} {"id": 71160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Írán je 18. největší osel na světě.", "evidence": [[[87820, 100341, "Írán", 2, "Iran"]]], "claim_en": "Iran is the 18th-largest donkey in the world."} {"id": 45169, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Tennant byl v polském rádiu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Tennant was on Polish radio."} {"id": 209475, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Unleashed hraje Jackie Chan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Unleashed stars Jackie Chan."} {"id": 52, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kolumbie je v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[15287, 19059, "Kolumbie", 0, "Colombia"]]], "claim_en": "Colombia is in North America."} {"id": 109077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová prodala meldonium.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova sold meldonium."} {"id": 191623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Famous in Love hrají Bella Thorne, Charlie DePew, Georgie Flores, Carter Jenkins, Niki Koss, Keith Powers, Pepi Sonuga a Perrey Reeves.", "evidence": [[[224099, 228966, "Vzhůru ke hvězdám", 1, "Famous in Love"], [224099, 228966, "Vzhůru ke hvězdám", 0, "Famous in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Famous in Love stars Bella Thorne, Charlie DePew, Georgie Flores, Carter Jenkins, Niki Koss, Keith Powers, Pepi Sonuga, and Perrey Reeves."} {"id": 103418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bob Marley začínal se skupinou Wailers.", "evidence": [[[121403, 135698, "Bob Marley", 1, "Bob Marley"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Marley started with the Wailers."} {"id": 90415, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paříž hostí French Open.", "evidence": [[[107725, 121211, "Paříž", 26, "Paris"]]], "claim_en": "Paris hosts the French Open."} {"id": 5464, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "De Profundis byla napsána milenci královny Viktorie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "De Profundis was written to a lover of Queen Victoria."} {"id": 33891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V jednom indickém státě se mluví jazykem odia.", "evidence": [[[50056, 59574, "Urijština", 1, "Odia language"]], [[50056, 59575, "Urijština", 4, "Odia language"]], [[50056, 59576, "Urijština", 5, "Odia language"]], [[50056, 59577, "Urijština", 6, "Odia language"]]], "claim_en": "The Odia language is spoken in a state of India."} {"id": 176575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hadera se nachází v Izraeli.", "evidence": [[[204532, 213293, "Chadera", 0, "Hadera"]]], "claim_en": "Hadera is located in Israel."} {"id": 152724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rusko má hlavní město.", "evidence": [[[176670, 189614, "Rusko", 3, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "Russia has a capital."} {"id": 100186, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rhode Island byl jednou z patnácti původních kolonií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rhode Island was one of the fifteen original colonies."} {"id": 30943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Platonův učitel byl klasický římský filozof.", "evidence": [[[47093, 56189, "Platón", 5, "Plato"], [47093, 56189, "Sókratés", 0, "Socrates"]]], "claim_en": "Plato's teacher was a classical Roman philosopher."} {"id": 46156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jessica Langeová se poprvé objevila ve filmu Fame z roku 2010.", "evidence": [[[62529, 73149, "Jessica Lange", 6, "Jessica Lange"]], [[62529, 73150, "Jessica Lange", 7, "Jessica Lange"]], [[62529, 73151, "Jessica Lange", 8, "Jessica Lange"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange first appeared in Fame, the 2010 film."} {"id": 126680, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Planeta opic byla ve Spojených státech komerčně úspěšná.", "evidence": [[[148532, 163547, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 19, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes was a commercial success in the United States."} {"id": 72437, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Henri je od roku 2000 lucemburským velkovévodou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henri has been Grand Duke of Luxembourg since 2000."} {"id": 141764, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba Feels So Good byla napsána pro americké album.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Feels So Good was written for an American album."} {"id": 78775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pink Floyd vydali EP s názvem Wish You Were Here.", "evidence": [[[95730, 108772, "Pink Floyd", 8, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd has an EP called Wish You Were Here."} {"id": 216565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prvním singlem skupiny The Who byla píseň I Wanna Hold Your Hand.", "evidence": [[[257298, 256323, "The Who", 6, "The Who"]]], "claim_en": "The Who's first single was \"I Wanna Hold Your Hand\"."} {"id": 221476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Memorial Day je italský svátek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Memorial Day is an Italian holiday."} {"id": 151688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Howard Hughes vedl produkci filmu Zjizvená tvář.", "evidence": [[[175630, 188620, "Howard Hughes", 5, "Howard Hughes"]]], "claim_en": "Howard Hughes lead the production of the movie Scarface."} {"id": 25784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Korea je stát.", "evidence": [[[41803, 50280, "Jižní Korea", 19, "South Korea"]], [[41803, 50281, "Jižní Korea", 24, "South Korea"]], [[41803, 50282, "Jižní Korea", 27, "South Korea"]], [[41803, 50283, "Jižní Korea", 30, "South Korea"]], [[41803, 50284, "Jižní Korea", 31, "South Korea"]]], "claim_en": "South Korea is a country."} {"id": 33121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jack Black je herec.", "evidence": [[[49204, 58525, "Jack Black", 0, "Jack Black"]], [[49204, 58526, "Jack Black", 1, "Jack Black"]], [[49204, 58527, "Jack Black", 2, "Jack Black"]], [[49204, 58528, "Jack Black", 3, "Jack Black"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Black is an actor."} {"id": 90935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thandie Newton se objevila ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[108266, 121806, "Thandie Newtonová", 1, "Thandie Newton"]]], "claim_en": "Thandie Newton has appeared in films."} {"id": 52482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je značka automobilů.", "evidence": [[[68787, 79616, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]], [[68788, 79617, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is a brand of cars."} {"id": 57666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filmem The Conjuring 2 se inspiroval James Wan.", "evidence": [[[182690, 194875, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"], [182690, 194875, "Filmový horor", 1, "Horror film"]], [[184534, 196421, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"]], [[184535, 196422, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring 2 was inspired by James Wan."} {"id": 11416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eagles (skupina) ještě nevydala žádné album.", "evidence": [[[25410, 31331, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[25410, 31332, "Eagles", 20, "Eagles (band)"]], [[25410, 31333, "Eagles", 27, "Eagles (band)"]], [[25410, 31334, "Eagles", 28, "Eagles (band)"]], [[25410, 31335, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32748, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32749, "Eagles", 3, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32750, "Eagles", 7, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32751, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32752, "Eagles", 12, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32753, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32754, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32755, "Eagles", 20, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32756, "Eagles", 25, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32757, "Eagles", 27, "Eagles (band)"]], [[26689, 32758, "Eagles", 28, "Eagles (band)"], [26689, 32758, "Long Road Out of Eden", 0, "Long Road Out of Eden"]], [[29065, 35441, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35442, "Eagles", 6, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35443, "Eagles", 7, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35444, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35445, "Eagles", 12, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35446, "Eagles", 13, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35447, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35448, "Eagles", 15, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35449, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35450, "Eagles", 20, "Eagles (band)"], [29065, 35450, "Hotel California (píseň)", 0, "Hotel California"]], [[29065, 35452, "Eagles", 22, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35453, "Eagles", 25, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35454, "Eagles", 27, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35455, "Eagles", 28, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35456, "Eagles", 19, "Eagles (band)"], [29065, 35456, "Joe Walsh", 15, "Joe Walsh"]], [[29065, 35457, "Eagles", 3, "Eagles (band)"]], [[29065, 35458, "Eagles", 0, "Eagles (band)"], [29065, 35458, "Don Henley", 10, "Don Henley"]], [[302683, 293678, "Eagles", 1, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293679, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293680, "Eagles", 3, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293681, "Eagles", 7, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293682, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293683, "Eagles", 12, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293684, "Eagles", 13, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293685, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293686, "Eagles", 15, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293687, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293688, "Eagles", 21, "Eagles (band)"]], [[302683, 293689, "Eagles", 22, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304207, 295050, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295289, "Eagles", 1, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295290, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295291, "Eagles", 3, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295292, "Eagles", 7, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295293, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295294, "Eagles", 12, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295295, "Eagles", 13, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295296, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295297, "Eagles", 15, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295298, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295299, "Eagles", 21, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295300, "Eagles", 22, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295301, "Eagles", 25, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295302, "Eagles", 27, "Eagles (band)"]], [[304477, 295303, "Eagles", 28, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Eagles (band) has yet to release an album."} {"id": 58634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Silicon Valley se nachází v lidnatém státě.", "evidence": [[[75014, 86236, "Silicon Valley", 0, "Silicon Valley"], [75014, 86236, "Administrativní dělení Spojených států amerických", 7, "U.S. state"]]], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is in a populous state."} {"id": 188487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tate Ellington hrál ve filmu Orphan Black.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tate Ellington acted in Orphan Black."} {"id": 124127, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vlk z Wall Street vydělal více pokračování.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street grossed more sequels."} {"id": 107878, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel Greenová je jednou ze šesti hlavních postav sitcomu Simpsonovi.", "evidence": [[[126600, 140997, "Rachel Greenová", 0, "Rachel Green"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel Green is one of the six main characters in the sitcom The Simpsons."} {"id": 130766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "U2 je severoirská kapela.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "U2 is a Northern Irish band."} {"id": 67232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kangana Ranaut se v šestnácti letech přestěhovala odjinud do Dillí.", "evidence": [[[83857, 95884, "Kangana Ranautová", 7, "Kangana Ranaut"]]], "claim_en": "Kangana Ranaut moved from somewhere else to Delhi at the age of sixteen."} {"id": 111672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Hra o trůny byla nominována Diana Rigg.", "evidence": [[[131082, 145840, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 17, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones had Diana Rigg nominated."} {"id": 194954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První Ku Klux Klan zanikl počátkem digitálního věku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The first Ku Klux Klan died out by the early digital age."} {"id": 15205, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ellen DeGeneresová měla kariéru kuchařky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres had a cooking career."} {"id": 46303, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noviny obsahují videa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Newspapers include videos."} {"id": 93340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slash nepíše písničky.", "evidence": [[[110713, 124391, "Slash", 0, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slash does not write songs."} {"id": 92726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katar je člověk.", "evidence": [[[110034, 123654, "Katar", 0, "Qatar"]]], "claim_en": "Qatar is a person."} {"id": 50434, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Caine hrál ve filmu Stmívání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Caine starred in Twilight."} {"id": 227793, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Woo vytvořil nultý komiksový seriál.", "evidence": [[[271694, 267526, "John Woo", 7, "John Woo"]]], "claim_en": "John Woo has created zero comic series."} {"id": 71901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Série Harry Potter nebyla přeložena.", "evidence": [[[88577, 101198, "Harry Potter", 6, "Harry Potter"]], [[88577, 101199, "Harry Potter", 9, "Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "The Harry Potter series has not been translated."} {"id": 120225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jindřich V. je založen na epické hře Williama Shakespeara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry V is based on an epic play by William Shakespeare."} {"id": 84504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Svrab je infekce kůže, která je nakažlivá.", "evidence": [[[101556, 114787, "Svrab", 0, "Scabies"]]], "claim_en": "Scabies is an infection of the skin that is contagious."} {"id": 70623, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John McCain sledoval senátní výbor pro obchod.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John McCain has followed the Senate Commerce Committee."} {"id": 195243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kevin Bacon hrál pouze v divadelních představeních.", "evidence": [[[229185, 233204, "Kevin Bacon", 1, "Kevin Bacon"]], [[229185, 233205, "Kevin Bacon", 2, "Kevin Bacon"]], [[229185, 233206, "Kevin Bacon", 3, "Kevin Bacon"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Bacon has only acted in stage productions."} {"id": 47200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš je známý také jako Ježíš Nazaretský.", "evidence": [[[63506, 74250, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus is also known as Jesus of Nazareth."} {"id": 228998, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kiefer Sutherland napsal o nominaci na cenu Genie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kiefer Sutherland wrote about a Genie Award nomination."} {"id": 45833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grand Theft Auto V je zločin.", "evidence": [[[62186, 72727, "Grand Theft Auto V", 0, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[62186, 72728, "Grand Theft Auto V", 8, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72728, "Videohra pro jednoho hráče", 0, "Single-player video game"]], [[62186, 72729, "Grand Theft Auto V", 2, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72729, "Grand Theft Auto (herní série)", 0, "Grand Theft Auto"]], [[62186, 72730, "Grand Theft Auto V", 4, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72730, "Hra s otevřeným světem", 0, "Open world"]], [[62186, 72732, "Grand Theft Auto V", 16, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72732, "Hra s otevřeným světem", 0, "Open world"]], [[62186, 72734, "Grand Theft Auto V", 21, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72734, "Hra s otevřeným světem", 0, "Open world"]], [[62186, 72736, "Grand Theft Auto V", 23, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[62186, 72737, "Grand Theft Auto V", 24, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[62186, 72738, "Grand Theft Auto V", 3, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [62186, 72738, "Videohra pro jednoho hráče", 0, "Single-player video game"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Theft Auto V is a crime."} {"id": 144342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boromir zůstal ve třetím díle Pána prstenů nezmíněn.", "evidence": [[[167562, 181352, "Boromir", 1, "Boromir"]], [[167566, 181362, "Boromir", 1, "Boromir"], [167566, 181362, "Návrat krále", 0, "The Return of the King"]]], "claim_en": "Boromir is left unmentioned in the third volume of The Lord of the Rings."} {"id": 141979, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Páter složil loď.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Rev composed a boat."} {"id": 59449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Odyssea nemá nelineární děj.", "evidence": [[[75861, 87122, "Odysseia", 15, "Odyssey"], [75861, 87122, "Odysseia", 14, "Odyssey"]]], "claim_en": "The Odyssey does not have a non-linear plot."} {"id": 108767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jonah Hill vydělal v červnu 2014 16 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[127616, 142212, "Jonah Hill", 4, "Jonah Hill"]]], "claim_en": "Jonah Hill made $16 million dollars in June of 2014."} {"id": 36586, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syrská poušť pokrývá část Jordánska.", "evidence": [[[52761, 62716, "Syrská poušť", 0, "Syrian Desert"]]], "claim_en": "The Syrian Desert is covering parts Jordan."} {"id": 155756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln nikdy neprohrál senátní volby se Stephenem A. Douglasem.", "evidence": [[[179820, 192355, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln never lost a Senate race to Stephen A. Douglas."} {"id": 169705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brandon Lee zemřel v roce 1993 během natáčení kvůli nehodě s rekvizitní zbraní.", "evidence": [[[195693, 205911, "Brandon Lee", 8, "Brandon Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Brandon Lee died in 1993 during filming due to an accident involving a prop gun."} {"id": 217976, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson je devátým dítětem rodiny Jacksonových.", "evidence": [[[259128, 257774, "Michael Jackson", 4, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson is the ninth child of the Jackson family."} {"id": 5151, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dodo byl vyobrazen s šedou botou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Dodo has been depicted with a grey shoe."} {"id": 191091, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gerd von Rundstedt působil ve Wehrmachtu nacistického Německa.", "evidence": [[[225589, 230228, "Gerd von Rundstedt", 0, "Gerd von Rundstedt"]]], "claim_en": "Gerd von Rundstedt was in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany."} {"id": 2100, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Album skupiny Little Mix se dostalo do první desítky ve Velké Británii a USA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Little Mix's album was in the top ten in the UK and the US."} {"id": 206706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním a nejlidnatějším městem Indonésie je Jakarta.", "evidence": [[[244413, 245424, "Indonésie", 9, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia's capital and most populous city is Jakarta."} {"id": 93402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau hrál v roce 1994 v televizním seriálu Noční hlídka.", "evidence": [[[275518, 270652, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 2, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[325967, 313573, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 2, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]]], "claim_en": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was in the television show \"Nightwatch\" in 1994."} {"id": 52514, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Feig spolupracoval s televizní stanicí ABC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Feig has worked with ABC television network channel."} {"id": 2925, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Ramirez uklidňoval obyvatele oblasti San Franciska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Ramirez calmed the residents of the San Francisco area."} {"id": 23608, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shannon Lee je Němka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shannon Lee is German."} {"id": 119531, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettová se vzdala role ve filmu Apoštol.", "evidence": [[[142244, 157443, "Farrah Fawcett", 20, "Farrah Fawcett"]]], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett passed up a role in The Apostle."} {"id": 96612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Guyana nehraničí s Brazílií.", "evidence": [[[114172, 127983, "Guyana", 2, "Guyana"]]], "claim_en": "Guyana does not border Brazil."} {"id": 214437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Pěst zběsilosti hrál Bruce Lee.", "evidence": [[[254598, 254233, "Bruce Lee", 13, "Bruce Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Fist of Fury had Bruce Lee in it."} {"id": 10402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers: V době premiéry filmu Transformers: Age of Extinction.", "evidence": [[[25378, 31295, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[25378, 31296, "Transformers: Zánik", 6, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[25378, 31297, "Transformers: Zánik", 13, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]], [[25378, 31298, "Transformers: Zánik", 9, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Age of Extinction was released."} {"id": 49820, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Návrh zákona Bethany Hamiltonové byl upraven do podoby zákona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bethany Hamilton's bill was adapted into a law."} {"id": 201276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Bean odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Ronin.", "evidence": [[[236851, 239217, "Ronin (film)", 0, "Ronin (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Bean turned down the role he was offered in Ronin."} {"id": 58048, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nelson Mandela představil rozšíření pro videohry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela introduced expansions to video games."} {"id": 154069, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leukémie zahrnuje nedostatek normálních bílých krvinek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leukemia involves a lack of normal white blood cells."} {"id": 151765, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Divoký je jediný snímek.", "evidence": [[[41356, 49707, "Divočina (film)", 0, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[41356, 49708, "Divočina (film)", 2, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[41356, 49709, "Divočina (film)", 3, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[41356, 49710, "Divočina (film)", 7, "Wild (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Wild is a single frame."} {"id": 177062, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nula běžných kosmetických přípravků jsou čističe pleti.", "evidence": [[[205188, 213831, "Kosmetika", 3, "Cosmetics"]]], "claim_en": "Zero common cosmetic are skin cleansers."} {"id": 195664, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Iggy Azalea podepsala nahrávací smlouvu s Motown Records.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iggy Azalea signed a recording contract with Motown Records."} {"id": 181054, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Idris Elba hrál ve filmu Americký gangster.", "evidence": [[[210150, 217916, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "Idris Elba was in American Gangster."} {"id": 209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seattle je město.", "evidence": [[[15548, 19382, "Seattle", 0, "Seattle"]]], "claim_en": "Seattle is a city."} {"id": 191976, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charlize Theronová získala uznání kritiky za svou Vítěznou zahradu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron received critical acclaim for her victory garden."} {"id": 199117, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234112, 237009, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[234112, 237010, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 169872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prostřední jméno Peytona Manninga je Williams.", "evidence": [[[195948, 206086, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning's middle name is Williams."} {"id": 144520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Malá Miss Sunshine se natáčel 30 měsíců.", "evidence": [[[167759, 181524, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 3, "Little Miss Sunshine"]]], "claim_en": "Little Miss Sunshine was filmed over 30 months."} {"id": 185679, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ben Whishaw hrál ve filmu Matrix.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ben Whishaw was in The Matrix."} {"id": 221419, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alec Sokolow pracoval s americkým kongresmanem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alec Sokolow has worked with an American congressman."} {"id": 108712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Clint Eastwood hrál ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[127533, 142121, "Clint Eastwood", 5, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood has been in films."} {"id": 115641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Prestige je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[135740, 150589, "Dokonalý trik", 0, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige is a television show."} {"id": 158110, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Millar pracoval na filmu Rebelové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Millar has worked on Rebellion."} {"id": 225015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Memento získalo nominaci za nejlepší původní scénář.", "evidence": [[[268124, 264755, "Memento (film)", 13, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Memento received a nomination for Best Original Screenplay."} {"id": 116459, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brian Eno pracoval jako prodavač.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brian Eno worked as a salesman."} {"id": 116688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thomas Pynchon publikoval povídky na konci 50. let.", "evidence": [[[137051, 151885, "Thomas Pynchon", 7, "Thomas Pynchon"]]], "claim_en": "Thomas Pynchon published short stories in the late 1950s."} {"id": 92419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Národní bolest je jedním z příznaků plicní embolie.", "evidence": [[[109742, 123342, "Plicní embolie", 1, "Pulmonary embolism"]], [[109742, 123343, "Plicní embolie", 2, "Pulmonary embolism"]]], "claim_en": "National pain is one symptom of pulmonary embolism."} {"id": 173855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Národní knihovna Indie je knihovna veřejných záznamů z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[200920, 210396, "Indická národní knihovna", 0, "National Library of India"]]], "claim_en": "National Library of India is the library of public records from America."} {"id": 14400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Richmondu ve Virginii sídlí nula ze 13 odvolacích soudů Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[29686, 36193, "Richmond", 23, "Richmond, Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Richmond, Virginia is home to zero of the 13 United States courts of appeals."} {"id": 167141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chicago je místem, kde vyrůstal Kanye West.", "evidence": [[[192284, 203045, "Kanye West", 1, "Kanye West"]]], "claim_en": "Chicago is where Kanye West was raised."} {"id": 225775, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cher získala ocenění za sport, osobnost, boj a žurnalistiku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cher has won awards for sports, personality, combat, and journalism."} {"id": 159816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Citalopram je depresivum.", "evidence": [[[184253, 196185, "Citalopram", 0, "Citalopram"]]], "claim_en": "Citalopram is a depressant."} {"id": 162563, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Sheeran je anglický baskytarista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Sheeran is an English bass guitarist."} {"id": 74444, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Savci mají bílkovinná vlákna, která se nacházejí v kůži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mammals have protein filaments found in the skin."} {"id": 118866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Texty písní J.Lo jsou provokativní a sexuální.", "evidence": [[[139512, 154546, "J. Lo", 8, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo's lyrics are provocative and sexual."} {"id": 76541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dánská ústava byla podepsána v srpnu 1849.", "evidence": [[[244281, 245323, "Dánsko", 24, "Denmark"]], [[246764, 247221, "Dánsko", 24, "Denmark"]], [[247457, 247758, "Dánsko", 24, "Denmark"]], [[319367, 308088, "Dánsko", 24, "Denmark"]], [[320550, 309111, "Dánsko", 24, "Denmark"]]], "claim_en": "The Constitution of Denmark was signed in August of 1849."} {"id": 207712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Blizzard vytvořila nejméně jednu sérii videoher.", "evidence": [[[245705, 246415, "Blizzard Entertainment", 6, "Blizzard Entertainment"], [245705, 246415, "Warcraft", 1, "Warcraft"]]], "claim_en": "Blizzard created at least one video game series."} {"id": 72135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Chase nebyl schopen pracovat pod vedením Gregoryho House.", "evidence": [[[88819, 101458, "Robert Chase", 2, "Robert Chase"]], [[88819, 101459, "Robert Chase", 3, "Robert Chase"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Chase was incapable of working under Gregory House."} {"id": 111534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tádž Mahal nemá dům pro hosty.", "evidence": [[[130942, 145724, "Tádž Mahal", 2, "Taj Mahal"]]], "claim_en": "The Taj Mahal does not have a guest house."} {"id": 223674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ludwiga van Beethovena opustili jeho otec Johann van Beethoven a Christian Gottlob Neefe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ludwig van Beethoven was abandoned by his father Johann van Beethoven and Christian Gottlob Neefe."} {"id": 88914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Americký dolar se používá na území, které vlastní Spojené království.", "evidence": [[[106135, 119541, "Americký dolar", 72, "United States dollar"], [106135, 119541, "Zámořské území Spojeného království", 0, "British Overseas Territories"]]], "claim_en": "The United States dollar is used in territory owned by the United Kingdom."} {"id": 44064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé album Eltona Johna se jmenovalo Steven Tyler.", "evidence": [[[60403, 70820, "Elton John", 15, "Elton John"]]], "claim_en": "Elton John's second album was called Steven Tyler."} {"id": 70257, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stevenu Soderberghovi se nepodařilo natočit životopisný film.", "evidence": [[[86951, 99420, "Steven Soderbergh", 5, "Steven Soderbergh"]], [[86951, 99421, "Steven Soderbergh", 8, "Steven Soderbergh"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Soderbergh failed to direct a biographical film."} {"id": 186477, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg prodal mimo republiku nejméně 12 milionů alb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has sold at least 12 million albums outside of the republic."} {"id": 105263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Tunisku byla založena města.", "evidence": [[[123591, 138009, "Tunisko", 4, "Tunisia"]], [[123591, 138010, "Tunisko", 21, "Tunisia"], [123591, 138010, "Kartágo", 0, "Carthage"]]], "claim_en": "Cities were founded in Tunisia."} {"id": 109473, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jazykem odia mluví pouze jeden člověk.", "evidence": [[[128402, 143114, "Urijština", 0, "Odia language"]], [[128402, 143115, "Urijština", 6, "Odia language"]]], "claim_en": "The Odia language is spoken by only one human."} {"id": 28933, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mauricius byl belgickou kolonií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mauritius was a Belgian colony."} {"id": 98761, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První větší televizní role Matta Smithe se odehrála v roce 1992.", "evidence": [[[116408, 130298, "Matt Smith", 9, "Matt Smith (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Smith's first major role in television was in 1992."} {"id": 55063, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marta Kauffmanová je spolutvůrkyní seriálu.", "evidence": [[[71414, 82379, "Marta Kauffman", 0, "Marta Kauffman"]]], "claim_en": "Marta Kauffman is a co-creator."} {"id": 175229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Animovaný film Úžasňákovi byl uveden přímo na video.", "evidence": [[[202700, 211890, "Úžasňákovi", 11, "The Incredibles"]]], "claim_en": "The animated film The Incredibles was released direct to video."} {"id": 103835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elsa Pataky je Španělka a Asiatka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elsa Pataky is Spanish and Asian."} {"id": 95511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Loki je démon ze severské mytologie.", "evidence": [[[113034, 126875, "Loki", 0, "Loki"]], [[113034, 126876, "Loki", 18, "Loki"]]], "claim_en": "Loki is a demon in Norse mythology."} {"id": 83015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minecraft má 2D procedurálně generovaný svět.", "evidence": [[[100064, 113282, "Minecraft", 1, "Minecraft"]]], "claim_en": "Minecraft has a 2D procedurally generated world."} {"id": 142329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé jméno Kim Basingerové je Barbara.", "evidence": [[[165389, 179462, "Kim Basinger", 0, "Kim Basinger"]]], "claim_en": "Kim Basinger's middle name is Barbara."} {"id": 127794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Egypt je oficiálně Egyptská arabská republika.", "evidence": [[[149784, 164728, "Egypt", 0, "Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "Egypt is officially the Arab Republic of Egypt."} {"id": 154337, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Hra o trůny (1. série) se objevil zpěvák Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones (season 1) featured singer Nikolaj Coster-Waldau."} {"id": 125673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sam Claflin hraje ve filmové sérii The Hunger Games roli Finnicka Odaira.", "evidence": [[[147477, 162474, "Sam Claflin", 1, "Sam Claflin"]]], "claim_en": "Sam Claflin is in The Hunger Games film series as Finnick Odair."} {"id": 69704, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwrite pro spisovatele.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for a novelist."} {"id": 209168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Foxcatcher byl nominován na nejlepšího herce.", "evidence": [[[247613, 247911, "Hon na lišku (film, 2014)", 9, "Foxcatcher"]]], "claim_en": "Foxcatcher was nominated for Best Actor."} {"id": 224975, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kentucky je ničitel filmu My Old Kentucky Home.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kentucky is the destroyer of My Old Kentucky Home."} {"id": 154059, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tento sportovní život režíroval metodista narozený v roce 1923.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "This Sporting Life was directed by a Methodist born in 1923."} {"id": 87392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Severní Korea leží na hranici se zemí, jejíž tělesný okrsek čítá 1,381 miliardy obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[104569, 117984, "Severní Korea", 3, "North Korea"], [104569, 117984, "Čína", 0, "China"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea is on the border with a country with a body county of 1.381 billion."} {"id": 63175, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Blake Edwards zahájil svou kariéru ve 40. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[200972, 210433, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[203742, 212703, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[206180, 214608, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[206181, 214609, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[315513, 304766, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]], [[315523, 304771, "Blake Edwards", 3, "Blake Edwards"]]], "claim_en": "Blake Edwards began his career in the 1940's."} {"id": 174158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl prezidentem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[201277, 210730, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter was President of the United States."} {"id": 105298, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bonobové žijí na sever od řeky.", "evidence": [[[123624, 138038, "Šimpanz bonobo", 12, "Bonobo"]]], "claim_en": "Bonobos live north of the river."} {"id": 31802, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert F. Kennedy začal svou politickou kariéru v Hadley ve státě Massachusetts.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert F. Kennedy began his political career in Hadley, Massachusetts."} {"id": 81122, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obyvatelé Andorry měli v listopadu 2013 průměrnou délku života 81 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andorra's people had a life expectancy of 81 in November 2013."} {"id": 143841, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Obamová je první afroamerickou prezidentkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Obama is the first African-American President."} {"id": 26501, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Liverpool byl městem, kde se formovala královna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liverpool was the town where Queen formed."} {"id": 82169, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Piráti z Karibiku mají rozpracovanou duologii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean has a duology in the works."} {"id": 208765, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal Jesus Christ Superstar a byl Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Jesus Christ Superstar and he was American."} {"id": 94978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Dickinsonová se narodila 11. prosince 1830.", "evidence": [[[275738, 270839, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[278003, 272911, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[324805, 312678, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[326096, 313650, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[327660, 314878, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[327661, 314879, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Dickinson was born on December 11, 1830."} {"id": 63436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Havran (2012) byl ve Spojených státech uveden v květnu 2012.", "evidence": [[[79857, 91583, "Havran (film, 2012)", 10, "The Raven (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Raven (2012 film) was released in the United States in May of 2012."} {"id": 69660, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Tyler je pouze zpěvák rockové skupiny z Dallasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler is only the lead singer of a Dallas-based rock band."} {"id": 59428, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Ázerbájdžánu žije vysoký počet Rusů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Azerbaijan has a high number of Russians."} {"id": 26084, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ringo Starr zpíval pro Beatles na každém albu jednou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr sang for the Beatles once on every album."} {"id": 34656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová se profesionálně věnuje herectví.", "evidence": [[[50835, 60525, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 0, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60526, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 1, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60527, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 2, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60528, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 5, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60529, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 6, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60530, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 7, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60531, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 8, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60532, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 9, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[50835, 60534, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 13, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams acts professionally."} {"id": 3809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Sonny & Cher začala působit v polovině 50. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[20024, 24582, "Sonny & Cher", 0, "Sonny & Cher"]]], "claim_en": "Sonny & Cher began in the mid-1950's."} {"id": 21383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kobe Bryant hrál v týmu Lakers.", "evidence": [[[37156, 44928, "Kobe Bryant", 1, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[37156, 44929, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[37156, 44930, "Kobe Bryant", 11, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[37156, 44931, "Kobe Bryant", 16, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[37156, 44932, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[37156, 44933, "Kobe Bryant", 26, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant played on the Lakers."} {"id": 146540, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Laura Dern získala několik cen Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laura Dern has won multiple Tony Awards."} {"id": 226823, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "British Airways je největší letecká společnost podle počtu přepravených cestujících.", "evidence": [[[270451, 266486, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]], [[270452, 266487, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]], [[270453, 266488, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]]], "claim_en": "British Airways is the largest airline by passengers carried."} {"id": 218160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje arabská země jménem Omán, která je součástí Arabského poloostrova.", "evidence": [[[259365, 257971, "Arabský poloostrov", 5, "Arabian Peninsula"], [259365, 257971, "Omán", 0, "Oman"]]], "claim_en": "There is an Arab country called Oman that is part of the Arabian Peninsula."} {"id": 135812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Země je terestrická planeta ve sluneční soustavě.", "evidence": [[[158433, 173061, "Země", 1, "Earth"]]], "claim_en": "Earth is a terrestrial planet in the Solar System."} {"id": 73307, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Bradley-West působil ve zkušební době.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Bradley-West has acted on probation."} {"id": 172277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Jima Hensona uvedla na trh film s Mupety.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Jim Henson Company marketed a film featuring the Muppets."} {"id": 118728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jason Bateman ztvárnil Michaela Blutha.", "evidence": [[[139358, 154395, "Jason Bateman", 2, "Jason Bateman"]]], "claim_en": "Jason Bateman portrayed Michael Bluth."} {"id": 163359, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mickey Mantle dal přezdívku Komerční kometa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mickey Mantle gave the nickname The Commerce Comet."} {"id": 154794, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katie Holmes je Texasanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes is a Texan."} {"id": 77289, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Loving je americké historické drama z roku 2016.", "evidence": [[[94202, 107189, "Loving", 0, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Loving is a 2016 American historical drama movie."} {"id": 164868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "L.A. Guns je skupina hudebníků.", "evidence": [[[189614, 200864, "L.A. Guns", 0, "L.A. Guns"]]], "claim_en": "L.A. Guns is a group of musicians."} {"id": 18074, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zákony Jima Crowa byly přijaty na konci osmnáctého století.", "evidence": [[[33595, 40760, "Zákony Jima Crowa", 1, "Jim Crow laws"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Crow laws were enacted in the late eighteenth century."} {"id": 97176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Pence neprohrál dvě volby do amerického Kongresu.", "evidence": [[[114771, 128511, "Mike Pence", 5, "Mike Pence"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Pence did not lose two bids for a US congressional seat."} {"id": 95637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Venuše má podobnou velikost jako motorový člun.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Venus has a similar size to a speedboat."} {"id": 23500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ze skupiny Beatles zbyli pouze dva žijící členové.", "evidence": [[[39457, 47545, "The Beatles", 12, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles have only two surviving members left."} {"id": 70971, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Malkovich hrál ve filmu Ripleyho hra.", "evidence": [[[87635, 100145, "John Malkovich", 3, "John Malkovich"]]], "claim_en": "John Malkovich starred in Ripley's Game."} {"id": 52480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roger Federer držel toto ocenění čtyři roky po sobě.", "evidence": [[[68789, 79618, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer held the award for four consecutive years."} {"id": 25873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Polsko je osmou největší ekonomikou Evropské unie.", "evidence": [[[41863, 50354, "Polsko", 19, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is the eighth largest economy in the European Union."} {"id": 202606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hudební banku (televizní seriál) uváděl jihokorejský herec narozený v 70. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Music Bank (TV series) has been hosted by a South Korean actor born in the 1970s."} {"id": 203782, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Perth je hlavní a největší město australského státu Západní Austrálie.", "evidence": [[[240503, 242112, "Perth", 0, "Perth"]], [[240504, 242113, "Perth", 0, "Perth"]]], "claim_en": "Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia."} {"id": 145985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Amazing Spider-Man 2 byl napsán v jedné pracovní verzi.", "evidence": [[[169364, 183004, "Amazing Spider-Man 2", 3, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was written in one draft."} {"id": 196848, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sean Connery získal Nobelovu cenu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sean Connery won the Nobel Prize."} {"id": 55849, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Louis Malle působil ve francouzské kinematografii 12 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Louis Malle worked in French cinema for 12 years."} {"id": 187717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království je členem Organizace spojených národů.", "evidence": [[[219033, 225168, "Spojené království", 36, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "United Kingdom is a member of the United Nations."} {"id": 50909, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poldark se vysílá na BBC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poldark airs on the BBC."} {"id": 215831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J. Howard Marshall byl dítě.", "evidence": [[[256426, 255641, "J. Howard Marshall", 0, "J. Howard Marshall"], [256426, 255641, "Kojenec", 0, "Infant"]]], "claim_en": "J. Howard Marshall was a baby."} {"id": 39558, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve věku 26 let vedl Napoleon svou první vojenskou výpravu.", "evidence": [[[55857, 65947, "Napoleon Bonaparte", 12, "Napoleon"]]], "claim_en": "At the age of 26 Napoleon led his first military expedition."} {"id": 15511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje časové období, které začíná koncem období křídy před miliony let.", "evidence": [[[30928, 37583, "Paleogén", 0, "Paleogene"]]], "claim_en": "There is a period of time that starts from the end of the Cretaceous Period million years ago."} {"id": 174466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nickelodeon je určen především dětem a dospívajícím ve věku 8-17 let.", "evidence": [[[201663, 211068, "Nickelodeon (televizní stanice)", 1, "Nickelodeon"]], [[201664, 211069, "Nickelodeon (televizní stanice)", 1, "Nickelodeon"]]], "claim_en": "Nickelodeon is primarily aimed at children and adolescents, aged 8-17."} {"id": 30971, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay podpořila politickou kampaň.", "evidence": [[[47137, 56236, "Coldplay", 19, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay have supported a political campaign."} {"id": 222446, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Will Ferrell hrál pouze ve filmu Le Mepris.", "evidence": [[[264988, 262285, "Will Ferrell", 1, "Will Ferrell"]], [[264988, 262286, "Will Ferrell", 3, "Will Ferrell"], [264988, 262286, "Ledově ostří", 0, "Blades of Glory"]]], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell starred only in Le Mepris."} {"id": 208837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval s kým jiným než s hudebníkem.", "evidence": [[[247135, 247441, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"], [247135, 247441, "Benny Andersson", 0, "Benny Andersson"], [247135, 247441, "Elton John", 20, "Elton John"]], [[247136, 247442, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"], [247136, 247442, "Benny Andersson", 0, "Benny Andersson"], [247136, 247442, "Elton John", 13, "Elton John"], [247136, 247442, "Elton John", 20, "Elton John"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice collaborated with anyone but a musician."} {"id": 162835, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Islámábád je hlavní město.", "evidence": [[[187384, 199013, "Islámábád", 0, "Islamabad"]], [[187384, 199015, "Islámábád", 9, "Islamabad"]]], "claim_en": "Islamabad is a capital city."} {"id": 55445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anna Hathaway hrála ve filmu Mulan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anna Hathaway acted in Mulan."} {"id": 1124, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lev je film natočený podle literatury faktu hlavně Dlouhá cesta domů.", "evidence": [[[16702, 20706, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion is a film based on the non-fiction barrel A Long Way Home."} {"id": 91050, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vallejo v Kalifornii leží na vodě v oblasti North Bay.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vallejo, California is on the water in the North Bay Region."} {"id": 39427, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gianluigi Buffon hrál s Parmou v roce 1995.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gianluigi Buffon played with Parma in 1995."} {"id": 228283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je dramatický film bez hororových prvků.", "evidence": [[[272377, 268075, "Mlčení jehňátek", 0, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272377, 268076, "Mlčení jehňátek", 7, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs is a drama film without any elements of horror."} {"id": 160146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reese Witherspoonová se narodila v Kentucky.", "evidence": [[[184616, 196493, "Reese Witherspoon", 1, "Reese Witherspoon"]]], "claim_en": "Reese Witherspoon was born in Kentucky."} {"id": 61326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf je herec.", "evidence": [[[77823, 89272, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89273, "Shia LaBeouf", 1, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89274, "Shia LaBeouf", 2, "Shia LaBeouf"], [77823, 89274, "Díry", 1, "Holes (film)"]], [[77823, 89275, "Shia LaBeouf", 6, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89276, "Shia LaBeouf", 7, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89277, "Shia LaBeouf", 8, "Shia LaBeouf"], [77823, 89277, "Transformers (film)", 3, "Transformers (film)"]], [[77823, 89278, "Shia LaBeouf", 9, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89279, "Shia LaBeouf", 10, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89280, "Shia LaBeouf", 11, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[77823, 89281, "Shia LaBeouf", 12, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf is a performer."} {"id": 8280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Doctor Who se poprvé vysílal v roce 1963.", "evidence": [[[13452, 16817, "Pán času", 0, "Doctor Who"]], [[13452, 16818, "Pán času", 9, "Doctor Who"]], [[13459, 16825, "Pán času", 3, "Doctor Who"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Who first aired in 1963."} {"id": 114240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarkoidóza obvykle začíná mezi 27. a 48. rokem života.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarcoidosis usually begins between the ages of 27 and 48."} {"id": 155339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První album skupiny Led Zeppelin se jmenovalo Led Zeppelin.", "evidence": [[[179400, 191956, "Led Zeppelin", 6, "Led Zeppelin"], [179400, 191956, "Led Zeppelin (album)", 0, "Led Zeppelin (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin's first album was called Led Zeppelin."} {"id": 91409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Betty Buckleyová hrála v Boradwayově verzi muzikálu Carrie a byla úspěšná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Betty Buckley went on to star in the Boradway musical version of Carrie and she was successful."} {"id": 86414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kit Harington, herec ze seriálu Hra o trůny, byl nominován na cenu.", "evidence": [[[103571, 117003, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 17, "Game of Thrones"], [103571, 117003, "Kit Harington", 0, "Kit Harington"]]], "claim_en": "Kit Harington, actress for Game of Thrones, was nominated for an award."} {"id": 139166, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Joel ovlivnil Ameriku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Joel has influenced America."} {"id": 158870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Got a Girl vznikla v lednu 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Got a Girl was formed in January 2012."} {"id": 153849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "FK Liverpool byl v roce 2016 osmým nejhodnotnějším fotbalovým klubem na světě v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[177828, 190536, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was the world's eighth most valuable football club in Europe in 2016."} {"id": 65576, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francie si zachovala úzké ekonomické vazby a monarchii se svými bývalými koloniemi v Africe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "France retained close economic connections and it's Monarchy with it's former colonies in Africa."} {"id": 58805, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poslední album Christophera Leeho vyšlo v den jeho 82. narozenin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christopher Lee's final album was released on his 82nd birthday."} {"id": 120937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Mantee se mnohokrát objevil ve známých amerických televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Mantee appeared in well-known American television shows many times."} {"id": 188366, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joey Graceffa spolupracoval s webovou stránkou se sídlem v San Burnu v Kalifornii a je Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joey Graceffa worked with a website headquartered in San Burno, California and he is American."} {"id": 164148, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Schopnost porozumět z pohledu druhého člověka se nazývá empatie.", "evidence": [[[188815, 200239, "Empatie", 0, "Empathy"]]], "claim_en": "The capacity to understand from within the other person's frame of reference is called empathy."} {"id": 142256, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zinedine Zidane byl 51. osobou, která obdržela Zlatý míč.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zinedine Zidane was the 51st person to receive the Golden Ball."} {"id": 69476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Počet nových případů pásového oparu za rok se u osob starších 65 let pohybuje v rozmezí 3,9-11,8 na 1 000 osob.", "evidence": [[[86164, 98509, "Pásový opar", 31, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "The number of new cases of shingles per year ranges from 3.9–11.8 per 1,000 among those older than 65 years of age."} {"id": 60988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avenged Sevenfold nevydali jediné živé album.", "evidence": [[[77502, 88957, "Avenged Sevenfold", 17, "Avenged Sevenfold"]]], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold didn't release one live album."} {"id": 140464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní pól se nachází v Antarktidě.", "evidence": [[[163442, 177680, "Antarktida", 1, "Antarctica"]]], "claim_en": "The South Pole is in Antarctica."} {"id": 224212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Richardson spolupracoval s Errolem Morrisem.", "evidence": [[[267113, 263896, "Robert Richardson (kameraman)", 2, "Robert Richardson (cinematographer)"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Richardson has collaborated with Errol Morris."} {"id": 5024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "T-Pain je zakladatelem společnosti Nappy Boy Entertainment.", "evidence": [[[11450, 14401, "T-Pain", 8, "T-Pain"]]], "claim_en": "T-Pain is the founder of Nappy Boy Entertainment."} {"id": 202799, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Despicable Me 2 produkoval Jay Carroway.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Despicable Me 2 was produced by Jay Carroway."} {"id": 101063, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "American Broadcasting Company je čtvrtou nejstarší vysílací sítí.", "evidence": [[[118792, 132642, "American Broadcasting Company", 6, "American Broadcasting Company"]]], "claim_en": "The American Broadcasting Company is the fourth oldest broadcasting network."} {"id": 114389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na Wofford College v Jižní Karolíně pořádá každoročně tréninkový kemp tým Carolina Panthers.", "evidence": [[[135907, 150752, "Carolina Panthers", 19, "Carolina Panthers"], [135907, 150752, "Carolina Panthers", 0, "Carolina Panthers"]]], "claim_en": "At Wofford College in South Carolina the Carolina Panthers host an annual training camp."} {"id": 202789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Despicable Me 2 vznikl v roce 2014 pro společnost Universal Pictures.", "evidence": [[[239007, 240956, "Já, padouch 2", 0, "Despicable Me 2"]], [[239007, 240957, "Já, padouch 2", 9, "Despicable Me 2"]], [[239007, 240958, "Já, padouch 2", 11, "Despicable Me 2"]]], "claim_en": "Despicable Me 2 was produced for Universal Pictures in 2014."} {"id": 67927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Laura Preponová je člověk.", "evidence": [[[84540, 96730, "Laura Prepon", 0, "Laura Prepon"]], [[84540, 96731, "Laura Prepon", 1, "Laura Prepon"]], [[84540, 96732, "Laura Prepon", 3, "Laura Prepon"]], [[84540, 96733, "Laura Prepon", 4, "Laura Prepon"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Prepon is a person."} {"id": 8609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julius Caesar překročil kanál La Manche a Rýn.", "evidence": [[[13944, 17435, "Julius Caesar", 7, "Julius Caesar"]]], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar crossed the Channel and the Rhine."} {"id": 82567, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "King Kong byl natočen v prosinci 2005.", "evidence": [[[99628, 112733, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 6, "King Kong (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "King Kong was made in December, 2005."} {"id": 32865, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Flash vysílala stanice Fox.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Flash aired on Fox."} {"id": 101195, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Sikkimu se nachází nejvyšší horská dráha v Indii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sikkim is host to the highest roller coaster in India."} {"id": 17635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[33129, 40222, "Farrah Fawcett", 15, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[33129, 40223, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[33129, 40224, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[33129, 40225, "Farrah Fawcett", 20, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[33148, 40238, "Farrah Fawcett", 16, "Farrah Fawcett"]], [[33148, 40239, "Farrah Fawcett", 23, "Farrah Fawcett"]]], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett acted in a film."} {"id": 200597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige se objevila Rebecca Hallová.", "evidence": [[[235963, 238540, "Dokonalý trik", 4, "The Prestige (film)"], [235963, 238540, "Rebecca Hallová", 2, "Rebecca Hall"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige was produced by Rebecca Hall."} {"id": 56437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quebec je místo.", "evidence": [[[72794, 83863, "Québec (provincie)", 1, "Quebec"]], [[72794, 83864, "Québec (provincie)", 4, "Quebec"]], [[72794, 83865, "Québec (provincie)", 9, "Quebec"]]], "claim_en": "Quebec is a place."} {"id": 107885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Twilight sáze nehraje Kristen Stewart.", "evidence": [[[126609, 141007, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 1, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga does not star Kristen Stewart."} {"id": 97175, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "FK Manchester City nebyl zakoupen v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[275962, 271019, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]], [[278247, 273117, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]], [[325168, 312930, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]], [[326205, 313722, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Manchester City F.C. was not purchased in 2008."} {"id": 145500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filipíny byly pojmenovány po španělském králi Filipu II.", "evidence": [[[168845, 182549, "Filipíny", 18, "Philippines"]], [[168846, 182550, "Filipíny", 18, "Philippines"]]], "claim_en": "The Philippines were named after Philip II of Spain."} {"id": 228655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Jak ztratit přátele a odcizit se lidem hraje pouze Scarlett Johannsonová.", "evidence": [[[272819, 268500, "Jak se zbavit přátel a zůstat úplně sám", 6, "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Only Scarlett Johannson stars in How to Lose Friends & Alienate People."} {"id": 199414, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mason Evans mladší vyrůstá.", "evidence": [[[234497, 237361, "Chlapectví (film)", 1, "Boyhood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Mason Evans, Jr. grows up."} {"id": 79111, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grey's Anatomy není dramatický seriál.", "evidence": [[[96048, 109094, "Chirurgové", 0, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy is not a drama series."} {"id": 114427, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Laura Linneyová pracovala na kostýmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laura Linney worked in costume design."} {"id": 153317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cvrček má dvě verze.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cricket has two versions."} {"id": 162541, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Orwell je autorem příruček pro svépomoc.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Orwell is the author of self help guides."} {"id": 111530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prometheus měl krátké fáze návrhu.", "evidence": [[[130925, 145707, "Prometheus (film)", 13, "Prometheus (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Prometheus had brief design phases."} {"id": 96576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alberto Contador byl shledán vinným z přestupku.", "evidence": [[[114139, 127952, "Alberto Contador", 3, "Alberto Contador"]]], "claim_en": "Alberto Contador was found guilty of an offense."} {"id": 131857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slash založil kapelu.", "evidence": [[[287162, 280637, "Slash", 3, "Slash (musician)"]], [[287164, 280638, "Slash", 2, "Slash (musician)"]], [[289217, 282333, "Slash", 3, "Slash (musician)"], [289217, 282333, "Velvet Revolver", 0, "Velvet Revolver"]], [[335239, 321100, "Slash", 1, "Slash (musician)"]], [[335240, 321101, "Slash", 3, "Slash (musician)"], [335240, 321101, "Velvet Revolver", 0, "Velvet Revolver"]]], "claim_en": "Slash founded a band."} {"id": 174639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pes byl po tisíciletí selektivně šlechtěn.", "evidence": [[[201902, 211256, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dog have been selectively bred over millennia."} {"id": 209434, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filadelfské muzeum umění obsahuje významné sbírky nedávného původu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Philadelphia Museum of Art contains major holdings of recent origin."} {"id": 132032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lee Min-ho je ve znamení Ryb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lee Min-ho is a Pisces."} {"id": 41604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita je mimo svět.", "evidence": [[[57891, 68122, "Oxfordská univerzita", 1, "University of Oxford"]], [[57891, 68123, "Oxfordská univerzita", 14, "University of Oxford"]], [[57891, 68124, "Oxfordská univerzita", 15, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford is outside the world."} {"id": 155812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roman Reigns je jednorázový šampion WWE ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[179875, 192426, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]]], "claim_en": "Roman Reigns is a one-time WWE United States Champion."} {"id": 196030, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová pracovala na scénářích.", "evidence": [[[230321, 234026, "Carrie Fisher", 5, "Carrie Fisher"]], [[230321, 234027, "Carrie Fisher", 4, "Carrie Fisher"]]], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher worked on screenplays."} {"id": 104080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matt Smith hrál ve filmu Party Animals.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Smith acted in Party Animals."} {"id": 79220, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Návrat do budoucnosti - část II je komediální film.", "evidence": [[[96157, 109256, "Návrat do budoucnosti II", 0, "Back to the Future Part II"]]], "claim_en": "Back to the Future Part II is a comedy film."} {"id": 159634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Síla Richarda Burbage zůstává neodhalena v počtu rolí, které hrál.", "evidence": [[[184039, 196005, "Richard Burbage", 19, "Richard Burbage"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Burbage's power remains unrevealed in the number of the roles he played."} {"id": 199451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Octavia Spencer odmítla pracovat na filmu Snowpiercer.", "evidence": [[[234543, 237395, "Octavia Spencerová", 4, "Octavia Spencer"]]], "claim_en": "Octavia Spencer refused to work on the film Snowpiercer."} {"id": 139377, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skotsko nevlastní žádné ostrovy.", "evidence": [[[162226, 176546, "Skotsko", 2, "Scotland"]]], "claim_en": "Scotland owns no islands."} {"id": 193688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Evans odmítl režírovat drama Než odejdeme a pouze si v něm zahrál.", "evidence": [[[226808, 231280, "Chris Evans", 5, "Chris Evans (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Evans turned down directing the drama Before We Go and only acted in it."} {"id": 155259, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První televizní role Emmy Thompsonové byla ve filmu The Tall Guy.", "evidence": [[[179314, 191864, "Emma Thompsonová", 3, "Emma Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Thompson's first television role was in The Tall Guy."} {"id": 43775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Everton F.C. je hokejový tým.", "evidence": [[[60092, 70509, "Everton FC", 0, "Everton F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. is a hockey team."} {"id": 110113, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ruth Negga je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga is a singer."} {"id": 103538, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Očekává se, že globální oteplování povede k ústupu popíračů změny klimatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Global warming is expected to result in the retreat of climate change deniers."} {"id": 224803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupinu Black Sabbath založil pouze Adam Sandler.", "evidence": [[[267867, 264490, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath was only formed by Adam Sandler."} {"id": 2273, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant velel armádě Konfederace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant commanded the Confederate Army."} {"id": 47630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladba \"I Feel for You\" od Chaka Khan byla vydána pět let po roce 1984.", "evidence": [[[63937, 74641, "Chaka Khan", 4, "Chaka Khan"]]], "claim_en": "\"I Feel for You\" by Chaka Khan was released five years after 1984."} {"id": 32392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První film Kurta Russella ze série Šílený Max byl uveden v roce 2015.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Russell's first movie in the Mad Max franchise was released in 2015."} {"id": 64407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grand Theft Auto V je hra.", "evidence": [[[80872, 92716, "Grand Theft Auto V", 0, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92717, "Grand Theft Auto V", 7, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92718, "Grand Theft Auto V", 1, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92718, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"], [80872, 92718, "PlayStation 3", 0, "PlayStation 3"]], [[80872, 92719, "Grand Theft Auto V", 2, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92719, "Grand Theft Auto (herní série)", 0, "Grand Theft Auto"]], [[80872, 92720, "Grand Theft Auto V", 3, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92720, "Videohra pro jednoho hráče", 0, "Single-player video game"]], [[80872, 92721, "Grand Theft Auto V", 4, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92721, "Hra s otevřeným světem", 0, "Open world"]], [[80872, 92722, "Grand Theft Auto V", 8, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92722, "Videohra pro jednoho hráče", 0, "Single-player video game"]], [[80872, 92723, "Grand Theft Auto V", 9, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92724, "Grand Theft Auto V", 11, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92726, "Grand Theft Auto V", 15, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92727, "Grand Theft Auto V", 17, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92728, "Grand Theft Auto V", 16, "Grand Theft Auto V"], [80872, 92728, "Hra s otevřeným světem", 0, "Open world"]], [[80872, 92729, "Grand Theft Auto V", 20, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92730, "Grand Theft Auto V", 21, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92732, "Grand Theft Auto V", 23, "Grand Theft Auto V"]], [[80872, 92733, "Grand Theft Auto V", 24, "Grand Theft Auto V"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Theft Auto V is a game."} {"id": 58993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Notes on a Scandal byl v roce 2004 nominován na Oscara za nejlepší původní hudbu.", "evidence": [[[75385, 86649, "Zápisky o skandálu", 0, "Notes on a Scandal (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Notes on a Scandal was nominated for The Academy Award for Best Original Score in 2004."} {"id": 85850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Ivory režíroval Kate Beckinsale.", "evidence": [[[103000, 116304, "Kate Beckinsale", 2, "Kate Beckinsale"], [103000, 116304, "Zlatá číše (film)", 0, "The Golden Bowl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "James Ivory directed Kate Beckinsale."} {"id": 1607, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osobnost je ovlivněna vývojem interakcí mezi dvěma nebo více jedinci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Personality is affected by the development of interactions between two or more individuals."} {"id": 151821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Série Harry Potter byla přeložena do mnoha jazyků včetně francouzštiny.", "evidence": [[[175756, 188738, "Harry Potter", 6, "Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "The Harry Potter series has been translated into many languages including French."} {"id": 215938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dan Aykroyd hrál pouze ve filmech z let 2003 a 2004.", "evidence": [[[256546, 255750, "Dan Aykroyd", 2, "Dan Aykroyd"]], [[256546, 255751, "Dan Aykroyd", 3, "Dan Aykroyd"], [256546, 255751, "Krotitelé duchů", 0, "Ghostbusters"]], [[256546, 255752, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"]], [[256548, 255755, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"], [256548, 255755, "Řidič slečny Daisy", 0, "Driving Miss Daisy"], [256548, 255755, "Řidič slečny Daisy", 1, "Driving Miss Daisy"]], [[256552, 255757, "Dan Aykroyd", 3, "Dan Aykroyd"]], [[256552, 255758, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Aykroyd was only in films from 2003 and 2004."} {"id": 60327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhý film Pirátů z Karibiku (filmová série) měl podtitul Na konci světa.", "evidence": [[[76775, 88126, "Piráti z Karibiku", 13, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]], [[76775, 88127, "Piráti z Karibiku", 15, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)'s second film was subtitled At World's End."} {"id": 194939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhý Ku Klux Klan zanikl v 70. letech 19. století.", "evidence": [[[228525, 232707, "Ku-klux-klan", 12, "Ku Klux Klan"]]], "claim_en": "The second Ku Klux Klan died out by the 1870s."} {"id": 92435, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lily Collinsová má minimálně od roku 2017 padáka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily Collins has been fired since at least 2017."} {"id": 151624, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Punisher je mistr fikce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Punisher is a master of fiction."} {"id": 210242, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William McKinley byl zastřelen v areálu Pan-australské výstavy v Chrámu hudby.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William McKinley was shot on the grounds of the Pan-Australian Exposition at the Temple of Music."} {"id": 10519, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Abú Tálib ibn Abd al-Muttalib byl vůdcem Banu Asad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the leader of Banu Asad."} {"id": 116948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Největším městem České republiky není Praha.", "evidence": [[[137313, 152155, "Česko", 2, "Czech Republic"]]], "claim_en": "The Czech Republic's largest city is not Prague."} {"id": 35927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emily Bluntová hraje.", "evidence": [[[52124, 62033, "Emily Blunt", 0, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62034, "Emily Blunt", 1, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62035, "Emily Blunt", 2, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62036, "Emily Blunt", 3, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62037, "Emily Blunt", 6, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62038, "Emily Blunt", 7, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62040, "Emily Blunt", 11, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62041, "Emily Blunt", 12, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62042, "Emily Blunt", 13, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62043, "Emily Blunt", 16, "Emily Blunt"]], [[52124, 62044, "Emily Blunt", 17, "Emily Blunt"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt acts."} {"id": 122647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julius Caesar zastával úřad.", "evidence": [[[333913, 320082, "Julius Caesar", 0, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334058, 320215, "Julius Caesar", 0, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334058, 320216, "Julius Caesar", 4, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334058, 320217, "Julius Caesar", 16, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334058, 320218, "Julius Caesar", 17, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334063, 320221, "Julius Caesar", 0, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334063, 320223, "Julius Caesar", 16, "Julius Caesar"]], [[334063, 320224, "Julius Caesar", 17, "Julius Caesar"]]], "claim_en": "Julius Caesar held office."} {"id": 190048, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lily James se objevila ve filmu Titanic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily James appeared in Titanic."} {"id": 54272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chester Bennington je herec.", "evidence": [[[70630, 81527, "Chester Bennington", 0, "Chester Bennington"]]], "claim_en": "Chester Bennington is an actor."} {"id": 41111, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bangladéš se nachází v Asii.", "evidence": [[[121772, 136068, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[121772, 136069, "Bangladéš", 35, "Bangladesh"]], [[123589, 138007, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[123589, 138008, "Bangladéš", 9, "Bangladesh"], [123589, 138008, "Bengálsko", 0, "Bengal"]], [[125123, 139455, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[125123, 139456, "Bangladéš", 2, "Bangladesh"], [125123, 139456, "Indie", 0, "India"], [125123, 139456, "Myanmar", 0, "Myanmar"]], [[125123, 139457, "Bangladéš", 3, "Bangladesh"], [125123, 139457, "Bhútán", 0, "Bhutan"], [125123, 139457, "Čína", 0, "China"], [125123, 139457, "Nepál", 5, "Nepal"]], [[125123, 139458, "Bangladéš", 35, "Bangladesh"]], [[125123, 139459, "Bangladéš", 39, "Bangladesh"]], [[308716, 299030, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]], [[308717, 299031, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh can be found in Asia."} {"id": 77496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Usain Bolt je člověk.", "evidence": [[[248410, 248573, "Usain Bolt", 0, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308231, "Usain Bolt", 0, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308232, "Usain Bolt", 1, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308233, "Usain Bolt", 2, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308234, "Usain Bolt", 3, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308235, "Usain Bolt", 4, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308236, "Usain Bolt", 7, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308237, "Usain Bolt", 8, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308238, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308239, "Usain Bolt", 12, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308240, "Usain Bolt", 13, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308241, "Usain Bolt", 16, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308242, "Usain Bolt", 17, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308243, "Usain Bolt", 18, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308244, "Usain Bolt", 19, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308245, "Usain Bolt", 20, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308246, "Usain Bolt", 23, "Usain Bolt"]], [[319508, 308247, "Usain Bolt", 24, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320657, 309199, "Usain Bolt", 1, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320665, 309207, "Usain Bolt", 0, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320665, 309208, "Usain Bolt", 1, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320665, 309209, "Usain Bolt", 2, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320665, 309210, "Usain Bolt", 7, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320665, 309211, "Usain Bolt", 8, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320668, 309214, "Usain Bolt", 1, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309216, "Usain Bolt", 0, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309217, "Usain Bolt", 1, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309218, "Usain Bolt", 2, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309219, "Usain Bolt", 3, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309220, "Usain Bolt", 4, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309221, "Usain Bolt", 7, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309222, "Usain Bolt", 8, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309223, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309224, "Usain Bolt", 12, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309225, "Usain Bolt", 13, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309226, "Usain Bolt", 16, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309227, "Usain Bolt", 17, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309228, "Usain Bolt", 18, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309229, "Usain Bolt", 19, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309230, "Usain Bolt", 20, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309231, "Usain Bolt", 23, "Usain Bolt"]], [[320670, 309232, "Usain Bolt", 24, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt is a person."} {"id": 223932, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots měli původního člena, který byl americkým rockovým skladatelem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots had an original member that was an American rock songwriter."} {"id": 74647, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Nash měla píseň s názvem Made of Bricks.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Nash had a song called Made of Bricks."} {"id": 224201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šedesátý šestý ročník udílení cen Primetime Emmy uváděli pouze lidé, kteří nebyli zapojeni do pořadu Late Night.", "evidence": [[[267099, 263888, "66. ročník udílení cen Emmy", 2, "66th Primetime Emmy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards was only hosted by people who were uninvolved in Late Night."} {"id": 37033, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bernie Sanders se stal druhým nejstarším členem demokratů v senátním rozpočtovém výboru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bernie Sanders became the second-most senior Democratic member on the Senate Budget Committee."} {"id": 41214, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Cena se stal v roce 2012 vítězem wrestlingového zápasu Royal Rumble.", "evidence": [[[121879, 136169, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]], [[125262, 139590, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]], [[308731, 299040, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]]], "claim_en": "John Cena was the 2012 winner of the Royal Rumble wrestling match."} {"id": 119585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sňatek Haralda V. Norského byl sporný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harald V of Norway's marriage was disputed."} {"id": 7483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tanzanie má společnou pozemní hranici s 8 zeměmi.", "evidence": [[[12111, 15167, "Tanzanie", 2, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania shares a land border with 8 countries."} {"id": 39417, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thandie Newtonová se věnuje zábavě.", "evidence": [[[55723, 65765, "Thandie Newtonová", 0, "Thandie Newton"]], [[55723, 65766, "Thandie Newtonová", 1, "Thandie Newton"]], [[55723, 65767, "Thandie Newtonová", 4, "Thandie Newton"]], [[55723, 65768, "Thandie Newtonová", 5, "Thandie Newton"]]], "claim_en": "Thandie Newton is an entertainer."} {"id": 3918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Denver měl nula televizních vystoupení.", "evidence": [[[20127, 24667, "John Denver", 11, "John Denver"]]], "claim_en": "John Denver made zero television appearances."} {"id": 153247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ed Wood je dílo.", "evidence": [[[177205, 190083, "Ed Wood (film)", 0, "Ed Wood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ed Wood is a work."} {"id": 102248, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Netopýr Kittiho vepřonožec patří do fylogeneze Chiroptera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Kitti's hog-nosed bat belongs to the Chiroptera phylum."} {"id": 202366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iluzionista (2006) je film, který napsal a režíroval Peter Jackson.", "evidence": [[[238408, 240443, "Iluzionista (film, 2006)", 0, "The Illusionist (2006 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Illusionist (2006 film) is a film written and directed by Peter Jackson."} {"id": 106431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muammar Kaddáfí učinil z Libye socialistický stát.", "evidence": [[[124934, 139262, "Muammar Kaddáfí", 9, "Muammar Gaddafi"]]], "claim_en": "Muammar Gaddafi made Libya a socialist state."} {"id": 102236, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jediným albem Miley Cyrus je Bangerz.", "evidence": [[[278988, 273645, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[278988, 273646, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[280622, 275029, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[280622, 275030, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[280622, 275031, "Miley Cyrusová", 8, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[280622, 275032, "Miley Cyrusová", 10, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327118, 314453, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327119, 314454, "Miley Cyrusová", 15, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327119, 314455, "Miley Cyrusová", 8, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314457, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314458, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314459, "Miley Cyrusová", 8, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314460, "Miley Cyrusová", 10, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314461, "Miley Cyrusová", 11, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327121, 314462, "Miley Cyrusová", 15, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327123, 314464, "Miley Cyrusová", 3, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327123, 314465, "Miley Cyrusová", 4, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327123, 314466, "Miley Cyrusová", 8, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327123, 314467, "Miley Cyrusová", 11, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327146, 314493, "Miley Cyrusová", 10, "Miley Cyrus"]], [[327147, 314494, "Miley Cyrusová", 10, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus's only album ever is Bangerz."} {"id": 179606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Giacchino složil hudbu k filmu Dunkirk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Giacchino composed the score for Dunkirk."} {"id": 153345, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jižní Amerika je domovem největší pandy na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "South America is home to the largest panda in the world."} {"id": 79406, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na Fairy Tail se mohou dívat lidé na Tchaj-wanu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fairy Tail can be viewed by people in Taiwan."} {"id": 215910, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Aykroyd byl v roce 1990 nominován na Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[256513, 255724, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Aykroyd was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1990."} {"id": 118829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angela Lansbury je člověk.", "evidence": [[[139471, 154511, "Angela Lansbury", 0, "Angela Lansbury"]]], "claim_en": "Angela Lansbury is a person."} {"id": 185622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Popelce hraje alespoň jedna herečka.", "evidence": [[[216365, 223019, "Popelka (film, 2015)", 2, "Cinderella (2015 Disney film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cinderella stars at least one actress."} {"id": 46394, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Zachraňte vojína Ryana byl promítán pouze v kinech.", "evidence": [[[62736, 73387, "Zachraňte vojína Ryana", 8, "Saving Private Ryan"]]], "claim_en": "Saving Private Ryan was only shown in theaters."} {"id": 124681, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kleopatra je u mrtvoly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatre is by a corpse."} {"id": 133334, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Korunní kolonie je také známá jako země.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A crown colony is also known as a country."} {"id": 1438, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Arnold Schwarzenegger sedmkrát nevyhrál soutěž Mr Olympia.", "evidence": [[[17121, 21206, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 5, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]]], "claim_en": "Arnold Schwarzenegger did not win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times."} {"id": 227406, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jun Ji-hyun navštěvovala filmovou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jun Ji-hyun attended film school."} {"id": 55103, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Gone with the Wind byl dobře přijat.", "evidence": [[[71454, 82412, "Jih proti Severu (film)", 12, "Gone with the Wind (film)"]], [[71455, 82413, "Jih proti Severu (film)", 12, "Gone with the Wind (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Gone with the Wind was well received."} {"id": 175294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones dosud nezískal žádnou nominaci na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[202775, 211951, "Tommy Lee Jones", 1, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones has yet to receive any Academy Award nominations."} {"id": 211813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dne 24. února 1992 zemřel Bobby Moore.", "evidence": [[[251028, 250988, "Bobby Moore", 0, "Bobby Moore"]]], "claim_en": "On February 24th, 1992, Bobby Moore passed away."} {"id": 107316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film A Monster Calls natočil v roce 2002 J. A. Bayona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Monster Calls was directed by J. A. Bayona in 2002."} {"id": 10376, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Beastie Boys je dříve známá jako Young Aborigines.", "evidence": [[[25346, 31263, "Beastie Boys", 4, "Beastie Boys"]]], "claim_en": "Beastie Boys is formerly known as the Young Aborigines."} {"id": 87125, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephon Marbury vyhrál tři světové série.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephon Marbury has won three world series."} {"id": 158582, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gayathri Raguramová se zúčastnila soutěže.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gayathri Raguram was in a competition."} {"id": 196521, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amazon Web Services představoval služby pro analýzu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amazon Web Services featured services for analysis."} {"id": 55019, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Cooper je režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper is a director."} {"id": 120557, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce vedla ke kontrole cen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The French Revolution led to price controls."} {"id": 69338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celine Dion podepsala smlouvu s nahrávací společností.", "evidence": [[[86024, 98352, "Céline Dion", 3, "Celine Dion"], [86024, 98352, "Epic Records", 0, "Epic Records"]]], "claim_en": "Celine Dion signed with a record label."} {"id": 222684, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miami Beach měla v roce 2000 celkem méně než 90 000 obyvatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miami Beach had a total population of less than 90,000 in 2000."} {"id": 116605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Black Mirror je americký film.", "evidence": [[[136983, 151815, "Černé zrcadlo", 0, "Black Mirror"]], [[136983, 151816, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]], [[136983, 151817, "Černé zrcadlo", 3, "Black Mirror"]], [[136983, 151818, "Černé zrcadlo", 4, "Black Mirror"]], [[136983, 151819, "Černé zrcadlo", 1, "Black Mirror"]], [[136983, 151820, "Černé zrcadlo", 9, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror is a American movie."} {"id": 146546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ariana Grande není americká zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[170091, 183669, "Ariana Grande", 0, "Ariana Grande"]]], "claim_en": "Ariana Grande is not an American singer."} {"id": 50392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melilla má společnou hranici s Aljaškou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melilla shares a border with Alaska."} {"id": 79736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marcus Rashford je Skot.", "evidence": [[[96699, 109849, "Marcus Rashford", 0, "Marcus Rashford"]]], "claim_en": "Marcus Rashford is Scottish."} {"id": 167857, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ledovec je ovlivněn jakýmkoli produktem kondenzace atmosférické vodní páry, která padá pod tíhou, což se nazývá srážky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glacier is affected by any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity which is called precipitation."} {"id": 225025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Memento je film.", "evidence": [[[268148, 264778, "Memento (film)", 0, "Memento (film)"]], [[268148, 264779, "Memento (film)", 1, "Memento (film)"], [268148, 264779, "Jonathan Nolan", 4, "Jonathan Nolan"]], [[268148, 264780, "Memento (film)", 2, "Memento (film)"], [268148, 264780, "Guy Pearce", 1, "Guy Pearce"]], [[268148, 264781, "Memento (film)", 11, "Memento (film)"]], [[268148, 264782, "Memento (film)", 12, "Memento (film)"]], [[268148, 264783, "Memento (film)", 13, "Memento (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Memento is a film."} {"id": 198162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Julie Waltersová hrála ve filmech Wood a Waltersová (1981), Victoria Wood As Seen on TV (1985 -- 1987), Pat a Margaret (1994) a Dinnerladies (1998 -- 2000). Čtyřikrát získala televizní cenu BAFTA pro nejlepší herečku, a to za filmy Můj krásný syn (2001), Vražda (2002), Canterburské povídky (2003) a jako Mo Mowlamová ve filmu Mo (2010).", "evidence": [[[233000, 236024, "Julie Walters", 12, "Julie Walters"], [233000, 236024, "Julie Walters", 13, "Julie Walters"]]], "claim_en": "Julie Walters was in Wood and Walters (1981), Victoria Wood As Seen on TV (1985 -- 1987), Pat and Margaret (1994) and Dinnerladies (1998 -- 2000). She has won the BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress four times, for My Beautiful Son (2001), Murder (2002), The Canterbury Tales (2003) and as Mo Mowlam in Mo (2010)."} {"id": 38514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí je kniha.", "evidence": [[[54752, 64745, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"], [54752, 64745, "Star Wars", 12, "Star Wars"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a book."} {"id": 179068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Catherine Tregenna vytvořila knihu Art and Guff.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherine Tregenna created Art and Guff."} {"id": 39058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Americká agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí zaměstnává pouze umělce.", "evidence": [[[55292, 65350, "Agentura pro ochranu životního prostředí", 17, "United States Environmental Protection Agency"]]], "claim_en": "The United States Environmental Protection Agency only employs artists."} {"id": 114462, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joan Crawfordová se narodila 23. března 1994.", "evidence": [[[135958, 150790, "Joan Crawfordová", 0, "Joan Crawford"]], [[135958, 150791, "Joan Crawfordová", 16, "Joan Crawford"]]], "claim_en": "Joan Crawford was born on March 23, 1994."} {"id": 26326, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "One by One (album skupiny Foo Fighters) je antologie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One by One (Foo Fighters album) is an anthology."} {"id": 65400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené státy jsou čtvrtou největší zemí podle počtu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[81878, 93666, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States is the fourth largest country by population."} {"id": 45090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "LeBron James byl hostem soutěže Kolo štěstí.", "evidence": [[[61441, 71951, "LeBron James", 18, "LeBron James"]]], "claim_en": "LeBron James hosted the Wheel of Fortune."} {"id": 188555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je všechno, jen ne Američan.", "evidence": [[[220109, 225970, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is anything but an American."} {"id": 72982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trent Reznor spolupracoval s Barackem Obamou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor has worked with Barack Obama."} {"id": 212331, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mary-Kate Olsenová a Ashley Olsenová nejsou schopné být módními návrhářkami.", "evidence": [[[251704, 251515, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]], [[251705, 251516, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]]], "claim_en": "Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are incapable of being fashion designers."} {"id": 203640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pink Floyd byli uvedeni do americké rock and rollové síně slávy v Hollywoodu.", "evidence": [[[240292, 241931, "Pink Floyd", 20, "Pink Floyd"], [240292, 241931, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", 0, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd was inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Hollywood."} {"id": 43964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie (2016) je akční film.", "evidence": [[[60294, 70677, "Jackie (film)", 0, "Jackie (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie (2016 film) is a action film."} {"id": 124933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muhammad Ali nebyl pro Afroameričany vzorem rasové hrdosti.", "evidence": [[[146570, 161563, "Muhammad Ali", 9, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was not an exemplar of racial pride for African Americans."} {"id": 11739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rada pro zahraniční vztahy je nezisková organizace.", "evidence": [[[26953, 33085, "Rada pro mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "Council on Foreign Relations"]]], "claim_en": "The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit."} {"id": 87092, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige si zahrál Ian McKellen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Prestige starred Ian McKellen."} {"id": 133452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Lennon byl pouze sólový umělec.", "evidence": [[[155998, 170661, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon was only a solo artist."} {"id": 228818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cindy McCainová je podnikatelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cindy McCain is an entrepreneur."} {"id": 102084, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem vystupuje sám.", "evidence": [[[121742, 136040, "Eminem", 16, "Eminem"]], [[121742, 136042, "Eminem", 17, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem performs alone."} {"id": 117766, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "C. S. Forester byl Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[138223, 153213, "C. S. Forester", 0, "C. S. Forester"], [138223, 153213, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]]], "claim_en": "C. S. Forester was a Gemini."} {"id": 136402, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fahrenheit 451 je jediný dystopický sci-fi film, který kdy existoval.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fahrenheit 451 is the only dystopian science fiction film to ever exist."} {"id": 17087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis byl odmítnut pro roli ve filmu Kampaň.", "evidence": [[[32520, 39525, "Zach Galifianakis", 2, "Zach Galifianakis"]]], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis was passed over for a role in The Campaign."} {"id": 153353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung byl politický vůdce v Číně.", "evidence": [[[177314, 190163, "Mao Ce-tung", 0, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong was a political leader in China."} {"id": 140735, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Utkání hvězd Major League Baseball 1998 se konalo v noci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 1998 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was held at night."} {"id": 129096, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boromir je ve filmu Návrat krále zcela nezmíněn.", "evidence": [[[151179, 165980, "Boromir", 1, "Boromir"]]], "claim_en": "Boromir is completely unmentioned in The Return of the King."} {"id": 46625, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski byla k vidění ve videoklipu k písni \"Blurred Lines\".", "evidence": [[[62949, 73636, "Emily Ratajkowski", 1, "Emily Ratajkowski"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski was visible in the \"Blurred Lines\" music video."} {"id": 64033, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gudžarát je samostatnou suverénní zemí.", "evidence": [[[80489, 92338, "Gudžarát", 0, "Gujarat"]], [[80489, 92339, "Gudžarát", 1, "Gujarat"], [80489, 92339, "Indické státy a teritoria", 0, "States and union territories of India"]]], "claim_en": "Gujarat is it's own sovereign country."} {"id": 84478, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Mayer vystoupil v roce 2001 na festivalu Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Mayer appeared at the 2001 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival."} {"id": 95670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Arquette hrál v situační komedii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette starred in a situational comedy."} {"id": 195714, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Noční můře z Elm Street si zahrál Justin Trudeau.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Nightmare on Elm Street stars Justin Trudeau."} {"id": 138009, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Novak Djokovič je v současné době považován za nejlepšího spisovatele na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic is currently ranked the greatest writer in the world."} {"id": 136197, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Země je planeta.", "evidence": [[[158854, 173488, "Země", 0, "Earth"]], [[158854, 173489, "Země", 1, "Earth"]], [[158854, 173490, "Země", 7, "Earth"]]], "claim_en": "Earth is a planet."} {"id": 219132, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Valencie se nachází v Americe.", "evidence": [[[260673, 259010, "Valencie", 0, "Valencia"]], [[260674, 259011, "Valencie", 0, "Valencia"]]], "claim_en": "Valencia is in America."} {"id": 157537, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles Manson je Texasan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles Manson is a Texan."} {"id": 8958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V únoru 2015 se společnost Apple Inc. stala první americkou společností, jejíž hodnota přesáhla 700 miliard dolarů.", "evidence": [[[18277, 22454, "Apple", 23, "Apple Inc."]], [[19365, 23760, "Apple", 23, "Apple Inc."]], [[301379, 292503, "Apple", 23, "Apple Inc."]], [[302419, 293432, "Apple", 23, "Apple Inc."]], [[304476, 295288, "Apple", 23, "Apple Inc."]]], "claim_en": "In February 2015, Apple Inc. became the first U.S company to be valued over $700 billion dollars."} {"id": 137090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alfre Woodardová je pouze farmářka.", "evidence": [[[159834, 174305, "Alfre Woodardová", 0, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174306, "Alfre Woodardová", 1, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174307, "Alfre Woodardová", 2, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174308, "Alfre Woodardová", 5, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174309, "Alfre Woodardová", 6, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174310, "Alfre Woodardová", 7, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174311, "Alfre Woodardová", 8, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174312, "Alfre Woodardová", 9, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174313, "Alfre Woodardová", 10, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174314, "Alfre Woodardová", 13, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174315, "Alfre Woodardová", 14, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174316, "Alfre Woodardová", 15, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174317, "Alfre Woodardová", 16, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174318, "Alfre Woodardová", 17, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174319, "Alfre Woodardová", 18, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174320, "Alfre Woodardová", 19, "Alfre Woodard"]], [[159834, 174321, "Alfre Woodardová", 20, "Alfre Woodard"]]], "claim_en": "Alfre Woodard is only a farmer."} {"id": 171734, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Iain Glen se narodil v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[198173, 208093, "Iain Glen", 0, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen was born in Europe."} {"id": 50083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarah Palinová byla počata 11. února 1964.", "evidence": [[[66399, 77241, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin was conceived on February 11th, 1964."} {"id": 5386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis hrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[21774, 26768, "Zach Galifianakis", 2, "Zach Galifianakis"]]], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis starred in a film."} {"id": 156686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Camden v New Jersey je obchod.", "evidence": [[[180778, 193165, "Camden (New Jersey)", 0, "Camden, New Jersey"]]], "claim_en": "Camden, New Jersey is a shop."} {"id": 139357, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jedním z vtipálků je Roman Atwood.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One prankster is Roman Atwood."} {"id": 197665, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 2012 byly na univerzitě v Leicesteru objeveny ostatky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 2012, the University of Leicester discovered remains."} {"id": 164580, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "PageRank byl pojmenován po Chorvatovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "PageRank was named after a Croat."} {"id": 88289, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roman Reigns vyhrál Royal Rumble v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[274518, 269799, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]], [[276781, 271839, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]], [[277558, 272469, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]], [[322688, 310979, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]], [[322689, 310980, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]]], "claim_en": "Roman Reigns won the Royal Rumble in 2015."} {"id": 144290, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Diegu Costovi se nedaří hrát jako útočník.", "evidence": [[[167496, 181298, "Diego da Silva Costa", 0, "Diego Costa"]], [[167496, 181299, "Diego da Silva Costa", 1, "Diego Costa"]]], "claim_en": "Diego Costa fails to play as a striker."} {"id": 130969, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dhool je komediální masala film z roku 2003.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhool is a 2003 comedy masala film."} {"id": 218330, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexandra Burke je hlasová herečka ze Spojeného království.", "evidence": [[[259568, 258147, "Alexandra Burke", 0, "Alexandra Burke"], [259568, 258147, "Spojené království", 17, "United Kingdom"], [259568, 258147, "Spojené království", 27, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandra Burke is a voice actor from the United Kingdom."} {"id": 225130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chet Atkins produkoval desky.", "evidence": [[[268277, 264879, "Chet Atkins", 8, "Chet Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Chet Atkins produced records."} {"id": 33579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lana Del Rey vydala v roce 2014 své třetí studiové album.", "evidence": [[[50562, 60104, "Lana Del Rey", 10, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey released her third studio album in 2014."} {"id": 87545, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lewis Hamilton v sezóně 2016 několikrát zvítězil.", "evidence": [[[274375, 269671, "Lewis Hamilton", 24, "Lewis Hamilton"]], [[274375, 269672, "Lewis Hamilton", 23, "Lewis Hamilton"]], [[276711, 271783, "Lewis Hamilton", 24, "Lewis Hamilton"]], [[277511, 272427, "Lewis Hamilton", 24, "Lewis Hamilton"]], [[277511, 272428, "Lewis Hamilton", 23, "Lewis Hamilton"]], [[323573, 311778, "Lewis Hamilton", 24, "Lewis Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Lewis Hamilton won multiple times in the 2016 season."} {"id": 43272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Golden State Warriors hrají nižší basketbalovou ligu.", "evidence": [[[59584, 69992, "Golden State Warriors", 1, "Golden State Warriors"]], [[59584, 69993, "Golden State Warriors", 9, "Golden State Warriors"]], [[59584, 69994, "Golden State Warriors", 10, "Golden State Warriors"]], [[59584, 69995, "Golden State Warriors", 11, "Golden State Warriors"]]], "claim_en": "The Golden State Warriors play minor league basketball."} {"id": 178918, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colm Feore se narodil ráno 22. srpna 1958.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colm Feore was born in the morning of August 22, 1958."} {"id": 168651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Strážci Galaxie poprvé vyšli 1. srpna 2014.", "evidence": [[[194248, 204620, "Strážci Galaxie (film)", 16, "Guardians of the Galaxy (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Guardians of the Galaxy first came out on August 1st, 2014."} {"id": 94631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Furious 7 je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[112082, 125888, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 0, "Furious 7"]]], "claim_en": "Furious 7 is a TV show."} {"id": 171454, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lowell Ganz a Babloo Mandel napsali film Rozbřesk.", "evidence": [[[197854, 207792, "Žbluňk!", 0, "Splash (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lowell Ganz and Babloo Mandel wrote Splash."} {"id": 217896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino napsal Pulp Fiction.", "evidence": [[[259020, 257692, "Quentin Tarantino", 7, "Quentin Tarantino"], [259020, 257692, "Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvětí", 0, "Pulp Fiction"]]], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino wrote Pulp Fiction."} {"id": 119436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Las Vegas není nejlidnatější město ve svém státě.", "evidence": [[[140353, 155377, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is not the most populous city in its state."} {"id": 149884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marie Curie začala svou praktickou vědeckou přípravu ve sklepě.", "evidence": [[[173717, 186901, "Marie Curie-Skłodowská", 6, "Marie Curie"]]], "claim_en": "Marie Curie began her practical scientific training in a basement."} {"id": 45073, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál The Jacksons vysílala španělská televizní stanice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Jacksons aired on a Spanish language broadcast tv network."} {"id": 21427, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ellen Burstynová nedostala žádnou roli ve filmu Vzkříšení.", "evidence": [[[37198, 45000, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn was denied any role in the film Resurrection."} {"id": 98760, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Životní pojišťovna Samsung je její dceřinou společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Samsung Life Insurance is a subsidiary."} {"id": 90959, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Cena je vítězem Royal Rumble za rok 2015.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Cena is a Royal Rumble Winner for 2015."} {"id": 220912, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Duben byl měsíc, kdy byl ve Spojených státech amerických uveden do kin film Osud zuřivců.", "evidence": [[[262967, 260781, "Rychle a zběsile 8", 17, "The Fate of the Furious"]]], "claim_en": "April was the month when the Fate of the Furious was theatrically released in the United States."} {"id": 94969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Newman dosud nezískal jediné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[112441, 126276, "Paul Newman", 1, "Paul Newman"]], [[112441, 126277, "Paul Newman", 6, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman has yet to win a single award."} {"id": 142386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Planeta opic natáčela scény ve dne.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes shot scenes in the daytime."} {"id": 28920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pátek třináctého má v hlavní roli Jasona.", "evidence": [[[45039, 53762, "Pátek třináctého (filmová série)", 1, "Friday the 13th (franchise)"], [45039, 53762, "Jason Voorhees", 0, "Jason Voorhees"]]], "claim_en": "Friday the 13th has Jason as a main feature."} {"id": 228394, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Archie Panjabi získal nominaci na Nobelovu cenu míru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Archie Panjabi received a Nobel Peace Prize nomination."} {"id": 62182, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doktor Holliday se přestěhoval na ruský jihovýchod.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doc Holliday moved to the Russian Southeast."} {"id": 88513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Etiopie má asi 80 etnolingvistických skupin včetně Oromiffů a Amharů.", "evidence": [[[105766, 119187, "Etiopie", 22, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia has around 80 ethnolinguistic groups including the Oromiffa and Amhara."} {"id": 152585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Pokoj měl v Kanadě omezenou premiéru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Room had a limited release in Canada."} {"id": 204686, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Olympijské hry mládeže (Youth Olympic Games, YOG) jsou první multisportovní akcí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is the first multi-sport event."} {"id": 37260, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cesta je americká.", "evidence": [[[53468, 63474, "Journey", 0, "Journey (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Journey is American."} {"id": 113042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sonda New Horizons byla vyslána, aby zaznamenala data na pásku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "New Horizons was sent to record data on tape."} {"id": 134131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vídeň je bowlingová dráha.", "evidence": [[[156670, 171285, "Vídeň", 0, "Vienna"]]], "claim_en": "Vienna is a bowling alley."} {"id": 121618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Himálaj má všechna svá pohoří obsažena v Bhútánu.", "evidence": [[[142810, 157949, "Himálaj", 10, "Himalayas"]]], "claim_en": "The Himalayas has all of its mountains contained in Bhutan."} {"id": 177895, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová měla televizní filmový debut.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner had a television film debut."} {"id": 65215, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ringo Starr se zatím neobjevil v žádném dokumentárním filmu.", "evidence": [[[81696, 93473, "Ringo Starr", 17, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr has yet to feature in any documentaries."} {"id": 228291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je neadaptovaný román.", "evidence": [[[272360, 268054, "Mlčení jehňátek", 6, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs is an unadapted novel."} {"id": 49139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vincent Cassel je Američan.", "evidence": [[[65480, 76357, "Vincent Cassel", 0, "Vincent Cassel"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel is American."} {"id": 79641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filadelfie se nachází v Georgii.", "evidence": [[[96589, 109749, "Filadelfie", 0, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is in Georgia."} {"id": 23770, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dylan O'Brien nehraje v žádném filmu plánovaném na rok 2018.", "evidence": [[[39722, 47804, "Dylan O'Brien", 2, "Dylan O'Brien"]]], "claim_en": "Dylan O'Brien is in no films slated for 2018."} {"id": 58435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adrianne Palicki měla roli ve filmu Světla páteční noci.", "evidence": [[[74806, 86012, "Adrianne Palicki", 0, "Adrianne Palicki"]]], "claim_en": "Adrianne Palicki had a role in Friday Night Lights."} {"id": 29278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marcus Rashford dokončil vysokou školu v roce 1997.", "evidence": [[[45394, 54185, "Marcus Rashford", 0, "Marcus Rashford"]]], "claim_en": "Marcus Rashford finished college in 1997."} {"id": 31991, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na filmu Den nezávislosti pracovalo více scenáristů: Vzkříšení.", "evidence": [[[48131, 57471, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]]], "claim_en": "Multiple writers worked on Independence Day: Resurgence."} {"id": 129351, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linda McCartney zemřela v Japonsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney died in Japan."} {"id": 210625, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Gere hrál ve filmu z roku 1492.", "evidence": [[[249508, 249502, "Richard Gere", 0, "Richard Gere"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere starred in a film from 1492."} {"id": 136092, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "PlayStation 4 vyvíjí společnost Nintendo.", "evidence": [[[158732, 173370, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 is developed by Nintendo."} {"id": 34585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doug Ducey měl spolupracovníka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doug Ducey had a coworker."} {"id": 823, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Vždycky režíroval Mexičan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Always was directed by a Mexican."} {"id": 71808, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usain Bolt nebyl na třech olympijských hrách.", "evidence": [[[88493, 101113, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt has not been to three Olympics."} {"id": 157949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Youtube je hotel.", "evidence": [[[182249, 194506, "YouTube", 0, "YouTube"]], [[182249, 194507, "YouTube", 2, "YouTube"]], [[182249, 194508, "YouTube", 3, "YouTube"]], [[182249, 194509, "YouTube", 8, "YouTube"]], [[182249, 194510, "YouTube", 13, "YouTube"]], [[182249, 194511, "YouTube", 15, "YouTube"]]], "claim_en": "Youtube is a hotel."} {"id": 140327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Divergent byl vydán na Blu-ray a DVD.", "evidence": [[[163283, 177484, "Divergence (film)", 18, "Divergent (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Divergent was released on Blu-ray and DVD."} {"id": 151225, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bryan Cranston měl hlavní roli v dramatickém seriálu.", "evidence": [[[175051, 188113, "Bryan Cranston", 1, "Bryan Cranston"]], [[175055, 188116, "Bryan Cranston", 9, "Bryan Cranston"], [175055, 188116, "Perníkový táta", 0, "Breaking Bad"]], [[175065, 188125, "Bryan Cranston", 4, "Bryan Cranston"], [175065, 188125, "Perníkový táta", 0, "Breaking Bad"], [175065, 188125, "Perníkový táta", 2, "Breaking Bad"]]], "claim_en": "Bryan Cranston had the starring role in a drama series."} {"id": 65628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "FK Liverpool byl devátým nejlépe vydělávajícím fotbalovým klubem na světě v letech 2014-2015.", "evidence": [[[82196, 93978, "Liverpool FC", 11, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. was the ninth highest-earning football club in the world for 2014-2015."} {"id": 142203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Gates se narodil 3. listopadu 1912.", "evidence": [[[165264, 179378, "Bill Gates", 0, "Bill Gates"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Gates was born on November 3, 1912."} {"id": 197485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Whitman se narodil pouze na Havaji.", "evidence": [[[232165, 235428, "Walt Whitman", 6, "Walt Whitman"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Whitman was only born in Hawaii."} {"id": 19375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Helen Kellerová je slavná neslyšící osoba.", "evidence": [[[35152, 42615, "Helen Kellerová", 12, "Helen Keller"]]], "claim_en": "Helen Keller is a famous deaf person."} {"id": 107325, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick natočil film Žádná země pro starý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick directed No Country for Old Men."} {"id": 71439, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jack Falahee se narodil v krabici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jack Falahee was born in a box."} {"id": 187701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Členem Společnosti národů je Spojené království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Commonweath of Nations has the United Kingdom as a member."} {"id": 95530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lev je životopisný film.", "evidence": [[[113037, 126878, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion is a biographical movie."} {"id": 80799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 13. prosince 1957 se narodil Steven Buscemi.", "evidence": [[[97801, 110970, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "On December 13th, 1957, Steven Buscemi was born."} {"id": 55350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zinedine Zidane obdržel Zlatý míč.", "evidence": [[[71722, 82699, "Zinédine Zidane", 13, "Zinedine Zidane"], [71722, 82699, "Zlatý míč", 0, "Ballon d'Or"]]], "claim_en": "Zinedine Zidane received the Golden Ball."} {"id": 14260, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp odmítl kariéru muže zákona.", "evidence": [[[29551, 36046, "Wyatt Earp", 13, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[29551, 36047, "Wyatt Earp", 14, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[29551, 36048, "Wyatt Earp", 42, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[29551, 36049, "Wyatt Earp", 45, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp refused to have a career as a lawman."} {"id": 70156, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová a Brad Pitt jsou v současné době manželé.", "evidence": [[[86818, 99272, "Jennifer Aniston", 17, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are currently married."} {"id": 88697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vzpěračská víla Kim Bok-joo má v hlavní roli jihokorejskou vílu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo has a South Korean fairy in the title role."} {"id": 75656, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Proti rakovině lze bojovat tím, že se nebudeme příliš vystavovat slunečnímu záření.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cancer can be counteracted by avoiding too much sunlight exposure."} {"id": 170535, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Polsko každoročně navštíví miliony turistů.", "evidence": [[[196757, 206835, "Polsko", 26, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is visited by millions of tourists each year."} {"id": 162131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Reese Witherspoonová získala nominaci na Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[186647, 198434, "Reese Witherspoon", 3, "Reese Witherspoon"]], [[186647, 198435, "Reese Witherspoon", 6, "Reese Witherspoon"]], [[186647, 198436, "Reese Witherspoon", 10, "Reese Witherspoon"]]], "claim_en": "Reese Witherspoon's received a Golden Globe nomination."} {"id": 141654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje videohra Overwatch (videohra).", "evidence": [[[164740, 178946, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[164740, 178947, "Overwatch", 1, "Overwatch (video game)"], [164740, 178947, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"], [164740, 178947, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[164740, 178948, "Overwatch", 22, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a video game called Overwatch (video game)."} {"id": 14056, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Giacomo Casanova byl Řek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Giacomo Casanova was Greek."} {"id": 19336, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tanzanie má na jedné ze svých hranic ostrovy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tanzania has islands on one of its borders."} {"id": 71824, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbara Bainová hraje ve filmu Wendy's.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbara Bain acts in Wendy's."} {"id": 872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prvním císařem Mughalské říše byl Bahadur Šáh II.", "evidence": [[[16384, 20313, "Mughalská říše", 29, "Mughal Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Mughal Empire's first emperor was Bahadur Shah II."} {"id": 7118, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Kráska a zvíře hraje Emma Watsonová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beauty and the Beast stars Emma Watson."} {"id": 89119, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Laurence Fishburne hrál v roce 2018 ve filmu o superhrdinech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Laurence Fishburne was in a superhero film in 2018."} {"id": 39935, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nacistické Německo zakázalo určité formy umění.", "evidence": [[[56229, 66417, "Nacistické Německo", 28, "Nazi Germany"]]], "claim_en": "Nazi Germany banned specific art forms."} {"id": 168715, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Desatero přikázání (1956) natočil Cecil B. DeMille.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments (1956 film) was produced by Cecil B. DeMille."} {"id": 146777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Tyler působil v letech 1982 a 1983.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler was active in 1982 and 1983."} {"id": 36185, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rod Laver vyhrál osm titulů z Pro Slamu.", "evidence": [[[52452, 62418, "Rod Laver", 11, "Rod Laver"]]], "claim_en": "Rod Laver won eight Pro Slam titles."} {"id": 52070, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angelina Jolie se rozvedla se dvěma lidmi.", "evidence": [[[68377, 79249, "Angelina Jolie", 17, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie has divorced two people."} {"id": 67546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Šíp není žádná hudba.", "evidence": [[[84129, 96252, "Arrow (seriál)", 15, "Arrow (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Arrow has no music in it."} {"id": 63607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Finger Lakes jsou jen malou částí středního New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[80040, 91803, "New York (rozcestník)", 22, "New York"]]], "claim_en": "The Finger Lakes are only a small part of Central New York."} {"id": 221368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ultimate Spider-Man byl přejmenován.", "evidence": [[[263588, 261238, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 2, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Ultimate Spider-Man was retitled."} {"id": 10190, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Arness hrál roli Nathana Detroita.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Arness played the role of Nathan Detroit."} {"id": 152914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Sám doma nerežíroval Chris Columbus.", "evidence": [[[176862, 189804, "Sám doma", 0, "Home Alone"]]], "claim_en": "Home Alone was not directed by Chris Columbus."} {"id": 8522, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kleopatřin odkaz přežívá ve dvou minisériích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatra's legacy survives in two miniseries."} {"id": 193745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Einsteinovi byl v roce 1905 udělen doktorát.", "evidence": [[[226876, 231337, "Albert Einstein", 18, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Einstein was awarded a PhD in 1905."} {"id": 169851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Jeho dívka Pátek si zahrál Cary Grant.", "evidence": [[[195877, 206019, "Cary Grant", 8, "Cary Grant"]]], "claim_en": "The film His Girl Friday featured Cary Grant."} {"id": 111784, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paříž je také známá jako smrt.", "evidence": [[[131192, 145947, "Paris (mytologie)", 0, "Paris (mythology)"]]], "claim_en": "Paris is also known as death."} {"id": 8797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhá série seriálu Rick a Morty měla premiéru v červenci 2015.", "evidence": [[[14206, 17758, "Rick a Morty", 8, "Rick and Morty"]]], "claim_en": "Rick and Morty's second season premiered in July of 2015."} {"id": 23909, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová spolupracovala s Pablem Larrainem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman worked with Pablo Larrain."} {"id": 207978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V akční komedii Baby Driver si zahrála Lily James.", "evidence": [[[246049, 246656, "Baby Driver", 0, "Baby Driver"]]], "claim_en": "The action comedy film Baby Driver starred Lily James."} {"id": 50179, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2011 se konalo mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let.", "evidence": [[[66495, 77324, "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let 2011", 0, "2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup"], [66495, 77324, "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let", 0, "FIFA U-20 World Cup"]]], "claim_en": "The 2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup was a competition."} {"id": 149873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bridget Moynahan hrála ve filmu The Recruit.", "evidence": [[[292656, 285402, "Bridget Moynahan", 8, "Bridget Moynahan"]], [[294663, 286900, "Bridget Moynahan", 8, "Bridget Moynahan"]], [[340614, 325255, "Bridget Moynahan", 8, "Bridget Moynahan"]], [[340712, 325304, "Bridget Moynahan", 8, "Bridget Moynahan"]]], "claim_en": "Bridget Moynahan acted in The Recruit."} {"id": 26728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Planeta opic je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[42892, 51516, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"], [42892, 51516, "Planeta opic (film, 2001)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (2001 film)"]], [[42892, 51517, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 4, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[42892, 51518, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 7, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[42892, 51519, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 16, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[42892, 51520, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 19, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[42892, 51521, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 20, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes is a TV show."} {"id": 223718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jared Leto je televizní herec, zpěvák a režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jared Leto is a television actor, singer, and director."} {"id": 102584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demence má rizikové faktory.", "evidence": [[[120435, 134649, "Demence", 35, "Dementia"]]], "claim_en": "Dementia has risk factors."} {"id": 102635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bangladéš neleží v Asii.", "evidence": [[[120495, 134716, "Bangladéš", 1, "Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh is not in Asia."} {"id": 137973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Bridges of Madison County je sci-fi film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bridges of Madison County is a science fiction film."} {"id": 105859, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amsterodamské letiště Schiphol slouží jako dopravní uzel.", "evidence": [[[124278, 138645, "Letiště Amsterdam Schiphol", 6, "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol serves as a hub."} {"id": 84824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Inside Man hraje hlavní roli Denzel Washington.", "evidence": [[[101901, 115148, "Spojenec", 2, "Inside Man"]]], "claim_en": "Inside Man stars Denzel Washington as a leading character."} {"id": 73706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Scorsese založil v roce 1990 Filmovou nadaci.", "evidence": [[[90495, 103248, "Martin Scorsese", 6, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese founded The Film Foundation in 1990."} {"id": 50016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžírsko je dodavatelem pro Evropu.", "evidence": [[[66340, 77173, "Alžírsko", 13, "Algeria"]]], "claim_en": "Algeria is a supplier for Europe."} {"id": 5800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na scénáři k filmu Apocalypse Now se podílel Francis Ford Coppola.", "evidence": [[[11542, 14508, "Apokalypsa (film)", 0, "Apocalypse Now"]], [[11543, 14509, "Apokalypsa (film)", 0, "Apocalypse Now"]]], "claim_en": "Apocalypse Now was co-written by Francis Ford Coppola."} {"id": 39503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Fassbender hrál v roce 2007 v minisérii HBO Band of Brothers.", "evidence": [[[55809, 65891, "Michael Fassbender", 1, "Michael Fassbender"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Fassbender was in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers in 2007."} {"id": 213387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg je americký zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[253175, 253048, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[253177, 253053, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg is an American singer."} {"id": 180246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arnold Schwarzenegger hrál ve vědeckofantastickém filmu.", "evidence": [[[209229, 217068, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 12, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"], [209229, 217068, "Terminátor (film)", 0, "The Terminator"]]], "claim_en": "Arnold Schwarzenegger was in a science-fiction film."} {"id": 103890, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Egyptštinou mluví Kleopatra.", "evidence": [[[121979, 136263, "Kleopatra VII.", 5, "Cleopatra"]]], "claim_en": "The language Egyptian is something Cleopatra speaks."} {"id": 163094, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natalie Woodová zemřela ve věku 23 let.", "evidence": [[[187648, 199244, "Natalie Wood", 0, "Natalie Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Wood died at the age of 23."} {"id": 204718, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Craig hraje v reklamě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig is in a commercial."} {"id": 15650, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naréndra Módí byl trestně stíhán.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Narendra Modi has been prosecuted."} {"id": 134329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Software společnosti Apple Inc. pro zákazníky obsahuje operační systém iOS.", "evidence": [[[156884, 171461, "Apple", 2, "Apple Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Apple Inc.'s software for customers features the iOS operating system."} {"id": 189119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Massachusetts má pobřežní hranici s Atlantským oceánem.", "evidence": [[[220842, 226631, "Massachusetts", 1, "Massachusetts"]], [[220843, 226632, "Massachusetts", 1, "Massachusetts"]]], "claim_en": "Massachusetts has coastal border with the Atlantic Ocean."} {"id": 177492, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pythagoras je obecně považován za zakladatele hnutí založeného na učení a víře o posmrtném životě, které zastával Pythagoras a jeho následovníci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pythagoras is generally considered to be the founder of a movement based on the teachings and beliefs about the afterlife held by Pythagoras and his followers."} {"id": 4711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robinson Crusoe na Marsu byl napsán vysokoškolským studentem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robinson Crusoe on Mars was written by a college student."} {"id": 86242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Meteora není rockové album.", "evidence": [[[103402, 116806, "Meteora (album)", 0, "Meteora (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Meteora is not a rock album."} {"id": 220850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andy Fletcher je zakládajícím členem křesťanství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andy Fletcher is a founding member of Christianity."} {"id": 186305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vývoj Železné pěsti začal v Americe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iron Fist's development began in America."} {"id": 107967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jméno San Francisco pochází od jména španělského světce.", "evidence": [[[279770, 274384, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]], [[281478, 275882, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]], [[281479, 275883, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]], [[329088, 316001, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "San Francisco name originates from that of a Spanish saint."} {"id": 183732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Nye byl vždy nezaměstnaný.", "evidence": [[[213874, 221012, "Bill Nye", 1, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221013, "Bill Nye", 4, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221014, "Bill Nye", 5, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221015, "Bill Nye", 7, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221016, "Bill Nye", 14, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221017, "Bill Nye", 18, "Bill Nye"]], [[213874, 221018, "Bill Nye", 0, "Bill Nye"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Nye has always been unemployed."} {"id": 160700, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Starověké Alžírsko znalo mnoho říší a dynastií.", "evidence": [[[185220, 197016, "Alžírsko", 8, "Algeria"]]], "claim_en": "Ancient Algeria has known many empires and dynasties."} {"id": 11791, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Apollo 11 bylo vypuštěno raketou Saturn VI.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Apollo 11 was launched by a Saturn VI rocket."} {"id": 40336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Hamill je pouze Australan.", "evidence": [[[120888, 135180, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[122669, 136979, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[124076, 138403, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[308627, 298967, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[310303, 300348, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[310304, 300349, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]], [[310305, 300350, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill is only an Australian."} {"id": 116667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje skupina Imagine Dragons.", "evidence": [[[137038, 151865, "Imagine Dragons", 0, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[137038, 151866, "Imagine Dragons", 2, "Imagine Dragons"]], [[137038, 151867, "Imagine Dragons", 1, "Imagine Dragons"], [137038, 151867, "Night Visions", 0, "Night Visions"]], [[137038, 151868, "Imagine Dragons", 3, "Imagine Dragons"], [137038, 151868, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[137038, 151869, "Imagine Dragons", 4, "Imagine Dragons"], [137038, 151869, "Night Visions", 0, "Night Visions"]], [[137038, 151870, "Imagine Dragons", 5, "Imagine Dragons"], [137038, 151870, "Smoke + Mirrors", 0, "Smoke + Mirrors"]]], "claim_en": "There is a band called Imagine Dragons."} {"id": 105143, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alexander Hamilton se přestěhoval do Ruska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alexander Hamilton moved to Russia."} {"id": 152881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Punisher se odehrává v roce 1977.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Punisher is about 1977."} {"id": 172799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Felicity Jonesová nebyla schopná ztvárnit Jane Hawkingovou.", "evidence": [[[199523, 209220, "Felicity Jones", 10, "Felicity Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Felicity Jones was incapable of portraying Jane Hawking."} {"id": 16358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donald Glover je rapper.", "evidence": [[[31764, 38524, "Donald Glover", 0, "Donald Glover"]], [[31764, 38526, "Donald Glover", 13, "Donald Glover"], [31764, 38526, "Because the Internet", 0, "Because the Internet"]], [[31764, 38527, "Donald Glover", 14, "Donald Glover"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Glover is a rapper."} {"id": 229340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kerala byla pojmenována podle zákona o reorganizaci států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kerala was named following the States Reorganization Act."} {"id": 61371, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z filmových hereček je Anne Hathaway.", "evidence": [[[77864, 89326, "Anne Hathaway", 0, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89327, "Anne Hathaway", 2, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89328, "Anne Hathaway", 3, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89329, "Anne Hathaway", 7, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89330, "Anne Hathaway", 8, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89331, "Anne Hathaway", 9, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89332, "Anne Hathaway", 12, "Anne Hathaway"], [77864, 89332, "Rio (film)", 0, "Rio (2011 film)"]], [[77864, 89333, "Anne Hathaway", 13, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[77864, 89335, "Anne Hathaway", 15, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "One movie actress is Anne Hathaway."} {"id": 28778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil deGrasse Tyson psal v letech 1995 až 2005 eseje pro časopis Natural History.", "evidence": [[[44901, 53589, "Neil deGrasse Tyson", 13, "Neil deGrasse Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote essays for Natural History magazine from 1995 to 2005."} {"id": 104835, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne se narodila v 16. století.", "evidence": [[[279343, 273970, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[281095, 275479, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[283173, 277255, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[327602, 314822, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]], [[328746, 315736, "Anna Stuartovna", 0, "Anne, Queen of Great Britain"]]], "claim_en": "Anne was born in the 16th century."} {"id": 153161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay pochází z Evropy.", "evidence": [[[177124, 190027, "Coldplay", 0, "Coldplay"], [177124, 190027, "University College London", 0, "University College London"], [177124, 190027, "Anglie", 0, "England"], [177124, 190027, "Spojené království", 0, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay is from Europe."} {"id": 94493, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová je připomínána pro svůj celoživotní přínos zemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is remembered for her lifelong contributions to the country."} {"id": 223949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová se narodila v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[266798, 263661, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 0, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood was born in December."} {"id": 57097, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amaze Entertainment má pouze tříletou historii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amaze Entertainment only has a three year history."} {"id": 180209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny Elfman byl zpěvákem skupiny Oingo Boingo.", "evidence": [[[209191, 217037, "Danny Elfman", 1, "Danny Elfman"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Elfman was the lead singer of Oingo Boingo."} {"id": 84949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Průlomovou rolí Elle Fanningové byla Helen Kellerová.", "evidence": [[[102028, 115296, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]]], "claim_en": "Elle Fanning's breakout role was Helen Keller."} {"id": 87853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kapitán Amerika je součástí komiksů společnosti Marvel od roku 1944.", "evidence": [[[105061, 118474, "Captain America", 13, "Captain America"]]], "claim_en": "Captain America is part of Marvel Comics since 1944."} {"id": 79918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé album skupiny U2 bylo jejich prvním číslem jedna ve Velké Británii.", "evidence": [[[96914, 110068, "U2", 9, "U2"], [96914, 110068, "War (album, U2)", 0, "War (U2 album)"]]], "claim_en": "U2's second album was their first number one in the UK."} {"id": 84053, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce vedla k prototypu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The French Revolution led to the prototype."} {"id": 198652, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jordan Knight je zpěvák chlapecké gospelové skupiny.", "evidence": [[[233561, 236470, "Jordan Knight", 0, "Jordan Knight"]]], "claim_en": "Jordan Knight is the lead singer of a gospel boy band."} {"id": 164147, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Empatie je schopnost vcítit se do toho, co učí jiný člověk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Empathy is the capacity to feel what another person is teaching."} {"id": 212771, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vysokoškolské koleje Harvardovy univerzity se staly koedukovanými v roce 1977.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The undergraduate college of Harvard University became coeducational in 1977."} {"id": 176418, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Sunrise vymyslela hru Gundam SEED Destiny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise devised Gundam SEED Destiny."} {"id": 175274, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones dosud nezískal Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[202756, 211937, "Tommy Lee Jones", 1, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones has yet to win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor."} {"id": 223991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Patrick Bateman je investiční bankéř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Patrick Bateman is an investment banker."} {"id": 149407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První světová válka začala na jednom ze světových kontinentů.", "evidence": [[[292613, 285365, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]], [[294619, 286866, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]], [[295260, 287401, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]], [[340463, 325097, "První světová válka", 11, "World War I"]]], "claim_en": "WWI began on one of the World's continents."} {"id": 157014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním městem Britské Kolumbie je Victoria.", "evidence": [[[181127, 193407, "Britská Kolumbie", 17, "British Columbia"]]], "claim_en": "The capital of British Columbia is Victoria."} {"id": 191737, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nigérie má nula obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[224258, 229083, "Nigérie", 14, "Nigeria"]], [[224258, 229084, "Nigérie", 13, "Nigeria"]], [[224258, 229085, "Nigérie", 15, "Nigeria"]], [[224258, 229086, "Nigérie", 19, "Nigeria"]]], "claim_en": "Nigeria has zero inhabitants."} {"id": 35461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Interstellar měl premiéru v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[104183, 117650, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[104183, 117651, "Interstellar", 18, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[106896, 120293, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[106896, 120294, "Interstellar", 18, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[107270, 120684, "Interstellar", 18, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[307964, 298430, "Interstellar", 18, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[307965, 298431, "Interstellar", 18, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[307965, 298432, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]], [[307966, 298433, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Interstellar premiered in the 2010s."} {"id": 142728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Osobnost je jednotka individuálních rozdílů.", "evidence": [[[165783, 179769, "Osobnost", 0, "Personality"]]], "claim_en": "Personality is a unit of individual differences."} {"id": 137378, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl pokutován penězi.", "evidence": [[[160121, 174638, "Wyatt Earp", 8, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[160121, 174639, "Wyatt Earp", 14, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was fined money."} {"id": 174464, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nickelodeon má ve všední dny dopoledne vzdělávací pořady, ve kterých vystupuje T-Pain.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nickelodeon has weekday morning educational programs featuring T-Pain."} {"id": 57161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey se zapsala do historie mezinárodních hitparád.", "evidence": [[[73488, 84727, "Mariah Carey", 17, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey made international chart history."} {"id": 69994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Villa Parku se v roce 2012 odehrál zápas FA Community Shield.", "evidence": [[[86668, 99142, "Villa Park", 14, "Villa Park"]]], "claim_en": "Villa Park was the location of the 2012 FA Community Shield."} {"id": 171817, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Měsíc narození Mirky Federerové je duben.", "evidence": [[[198269, 208169, "Mirka Federerová", 0, "Mirka Federer"]], [[198270, 208170, "Mirka Federerová", 0, "Mirka Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Mirka Federer's birth month is April."} {"id": 109401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jane Fondová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[128308, 143024, "Jane Fondová", 6, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143025, "Jane Fondová", 8, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143026, "Jane Fondová", 9, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143027, "Jane Fondová", 13, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143030, "Jane Fondová", 17, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143031, "Jane Fondová", 18, "Jane Fonda"]], [[128308, 143032, "Jane Fondová", 20, "Jane Fonda"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Fonda starred in a movie."} {"id": 155905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Spielberg režíroval film.", "evidence": [[[179966, 192506, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[179966, 192507, "Steven Spielberg", 6, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Spielberg directed a film."} {"id": 163276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál That '70s Show začal 23. dubna.", "evidence": [[[187828, 199393, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 0, "That '70s Show"]], [[187828, 199394, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 1, "That '70s Show"]]], "claim_en": "That '70s Show began on April 23."} {"id": 95972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, se narodil v roce 1940.", "evidence": [[[113498, 127381, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was born in 1940."} {"id": 61137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Connaughtský tunel je doplněn kostelem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Connaught Tunnel is supplemented by the church."} {"id": 201279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Ronin napsal Christopher Nolan podle scénáře Johna Davida Zeika.", "evidence": [[[236858, 239222, "Ronin (film)", 0, "Ronin (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ronin was written by Christopher Nolan from a screenplay by John David Zeik."} {"id": 94340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drak je odvozen od jazyka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dragon is derived from a language."} {"id": 72987, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment nebyl financován.", "evidence": [[[89734, 102433, "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment", 2, "Stanford prison experiment"]]], "claim_en": "The Stanford prison experiment was unfunded."} {"id": 40653, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Flash je kanadský televizní seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Flash is a Canadian television series."} {"id": 157024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer nespáchal vraždy ve Wisconsinu.", "evidence": [[[181139, 193420, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 5, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer did not commit murders in Wisconsin."} {"id": 229127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zayn Malik nahrává pod jménem Zayn.", "evidence": [[[273407, 268894, "Zayn Malik", 0, "Zayn Malik"]]], "claim_en": "Zayn Malik records under Zayn."} {"id": 4678, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dialog Tezaaba je v hebrejštině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tezaab's dialogue is in Hebrew."} {"id": 188244, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pes Machine Gun Kellyho se jmenuje Colson Barker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Machine Gun Kelly's dog's name is Colson Barker."} {"id": 202359, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iluzionista (film z roku 2006) je mysteriózní film.", "evidence": [[[238399, 240437, "Iluzionista (film, 2006)", 0, "The Illusionist (2006 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Illusionist (2006 film) is a mystery film."} {"id": 38808, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vyhledávač Google dokáže najít adresy firem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Google Search can find business addresses."} {"id": 159525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gunday je špatný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gunday is a bad film."} {"id": 6543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš je považován za Mesiáše.", "evidence": [[[23303, 28715, "Ježíš Kristus", 1, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus is believed to be the Messiah."} {"id": 44452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lemmy byl známý svým výrazným štěrkovým hlasem.", "evidence": [[[60846, 71309, "Lemmy", 2, "Lemmy"]]], "claim_en": "Lemmy was known for his distinct gravelly voice."} {"id": 30564, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wachowští jsou sourozenci.", "evidence": [[[46727, 55739, "Wachowští", 1, "The Wachowskis"]], [[46727, 55740, "Wachowští", 11, "The Wachowskis"]]], "claim_en": "The Wachowskis are siblings."} {"id": 170641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dragon Ball se dočkal herního zpracování.", "evidence": [[[196882, 206964, "Dragon Ball", 10, "Dragon Ball"]]], "claim_en": "Dragon Ball has been made into games."} {"id": 155814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje televizní pořad Make It or Break It.", "evidence": [[[179878, 192429, "Make It or Break It", 0, "Make It or Break It"]]], "claim_en": "There is a television show called Make It or Break It."} {"id": 105169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vyznavači islámu nejsou známí jako muslimové.", "evidence": [[[123488, 137911, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]], [[123489, 137912, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam's followers are not known as Muslims."} {"id": 76011, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gianluigi Buffon poprvé vyhrál Supercoppa Italiana v roce 2004.", "evidence": [[[92847, 105703, "Gianluigi Buffon", 9, "Gianluigi Buffon"]]], "claim_en": "Gianluigi Buffon first won the Supercoppa Italiana in 2004."} {"id": 32420, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Blackhat hraje Emmanuel Macron.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blackhat stars Emmanuel Macron."} {"id": 54206, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havajské ostrovy jsou 13. nejstarší zemí na světě.", "evidence": [[[70514, 81412, "Havaj", 19, "Hawaii"]], [[70514, 81413, "Havaj", 1, "Hawaii"]], [[70514, 81414, "Havaj", 2, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii is the 13th oldest country in the world."} {"id": 81444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Prestige je film z roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[98490, 111582, "Dokonalý trik", 0, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige is a 2017 film."} {"id": 185538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Plantejny nejsou schopny být základní potravinou.", "evidence": [[[216251, 222938, "Základní potraviny", 12, "Staple food"]], [[216251, 222939, "Základní potraviny", 13, "Staple food"]]], "claim_en": "Plantains is incapable of being a staple food."} {"id": 17825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Batman se objevil v jiných dílech ještě před komiksem z roku 1939.", "evidence": [[[33330, 40445, "Batman", 1, "Batman"]]], "claim_en": "Batman had appeared in other works before a 1939 comic."} {"id": 118566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gilmorova děvčata jsou americký seriál.", "evidence": [[[139086, 154158, "Gilmorova děvčata", 0, "Gilmore Girls"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls is a show in America."} {"id": 148653, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bohemian Rhapsody byl komerčně vydán.", "evidence": [[[172304, 185658, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 7, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody was a commercial release."} {"id": 23221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Ford Motor Company má svůj základ v USA.", "evidence": [[[39188, 47200, "Ford Motor Company", 0, "Ford Motor Company"], [39188, 47200, "Detroit", 0, "Detroit"]], [[39188, 47201, "Ford Motor Company", 19, "Ford Motor Company"]]], "claim_en": "Ford Motor Company has its foundation in the US."} {"id": 3828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rok 2015 byl datem podpisu Magny Charty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "2015 was the date of signing of the Magna Carta."} {"id": 3476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Celtic F.C. má sídlo ve Spojeném království.", "evidence": [[[19539, 23989, "Celtic FC", 0, "Celtic F.C."], [19539, 23989, "Skotsko", 0, "Scotland"]], [[19539, 23990, "Celtic FC", 1, "Celtic F.C."], [19539, 23990, "Glasgow", 0, "Glasgow"]]], "claim_en": "The Celtic F.C. is based in the United Kingdom."} {"id": 120606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christian Bale hrál v několika fantasy filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christian Bale acted in multiple fantasy films."} {"id": 142779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nas je koncertní klavírista.", "evidence": [[[165839, 179817, "Nas", 0, "Nas"]]], "claim_en": "Nas is a concert pianist."} {"id": 75296, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan se oženil v Hongkongu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan was married in Hong Kong."} {"id": 156562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Borelióza není nakažlivá.", "evidence": [[[180629, 193057, "Lymská borelióza", 0, "Lyme disease"]]], "claim_en": "Lyme disease is not infectious."} {"id": 107351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Luke Davies napsal knihu Lion.", "evidence": [[[126016, 140416, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Luke Davies wrote Lion."} {"id": 223135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová byla na natáčení Hvězdných válek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher was on the set of Star Wars."} {"id": 100707, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eragon je film, který režíroval Ed Speleers.", "evidence": [[[118386, 132216, "Eragon (film)", 0, "Eragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film directed by Ed Speleers."} {"id": 221686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všichni členové posádky Titaniku zemřeli na lodi.", "evidence": [[[263999, 261518, "Titanic", 16, "RMS Titanic"]]], "claim_en": "Titanic's crew members all died on the ship."} {"id": 63259, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Velký Gatsby je o 21letém milionáři.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby is about a 21 year old millionaire."} {"id": 111712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Styl Buddyho Hollyho nebyl ovlivněn country hudbou.", "evidence": [[[131119, 145884, "Buddy Holly", 2, "Buddy Holly"]]], "claim_en": "Buddy Holly's style was unaffected by country music."} {"id": 77635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Brown dosáhl sólového komerčního úspěchu.", "evidence": [[[94573, 107552, "Chris Brown", 8, "Chris Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Brown has achieved solo commercial success."} {"id": 78255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ethan Hawke režíruje.", "evidence": [[[251377, 251250, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[251377, 251251, "Ethan Hawke", 2, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[252661, 252413, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[252661, 252414, "Ethan Hawke", 2, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[319734, 308441, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[319737, 308443, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[319737, 308444, "Ethan Hawke", 2, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[319739, 308445, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[319739, 308446, "Ethan Hawke", 2, "Ethan Hawke"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke directs."} {"id": 111856, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Midwestern Gothic vydává historickou beletrii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Midwestern Gothic publishes historical fiction."} {"id": 160472, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Moje léto lásky napsali v roce 1994 společně Pawel Pawlikowski a Michael Wynne.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "My Summer of Love was co-written by Pawel Pawlikowski and Michael Wynne in 1994."} {"id": 26090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Desatero přikázání hraje zásadní roli ve třech náboženstvích.", "evidence": [[[42108, 50669, "Desatero", 0, "Ten Commandments"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments play a fundamental role in three religions."} {"id": 153528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eliza Dushka hrála v několika televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[177478, 190267, "Eliza Dushku", 1, "Eliza Dushku"], [177478, 190267, "Dům loutek", 0, "Dollhouse (TV series)"], [177478, 190267, "Volání mrtvých", 0, "Tru Calling"]], [[177478, 190268, "Eliza Dushku", 0, "Eliza Dushku"]]], "claim_en": "Eliza Dushka was in multiple television shows."} {"id": 94170, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Ramirez terorizoval obyvatele oblasti San Franciska a měl velkou publicitu.", "evidence": [[[275632, 270737, "Richard Ramirez", 1, "Richard Ramirez"]], [[277926, 272859, "Richard Ramirez", 1, "Richard Ramirez"]], [[325965, 313571, "Richard Ramirez", 1, "Richard Ramirez"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Ramirez terrorized the residents of the San Francisco area and was highly publicized."} {"id": 135398, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Lucas nevytvořil sérii Indiana Jones.", "evidence": [[[157996, 172614, "George Lucas", 1, "George Lucas"]], [[157996, 172615, "George Lucas", 13, "George Lucas"]]], "claim_en": "George Lucas did not create the Indiana Jones franchise."} {"id": 206666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ostrovy Papuy-Nové Guineje leží v Melanésii v Tichém oceánu.", "evidence": [[[244377, 245393, "Papua Nová Guinea", 0, "Papua New Guinea"], [244377, 245393, "Melanésie", 0, "Melanesia"]]], "claim_en": "Papua New Guinea's islands lie in Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean."} {"id": 102737, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek The Conjuring je jedním z nejvýdělečnějších dramatických filmů všech dob.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Conjuring is one of the highest-grossing drama films of all time."} {"id": 48796, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Postavy v seriálu Grey's Anatomy se vyvinuly ve zkušené lékaře.", "evidence": [[[146582, 161573, "Chirurgové", 1, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[149586, 164551, "Chirurgové", 1, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[152163, 166948, "Chirurgové", 1, "Grey's Anatomy"]], [[312958, 302673, "Chirurgové", 1, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "The characters in Grey's Anatomy evolve into seasoned doctors."} {"id": 89826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Varun Dhawan je pilot letadla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Varun Dhawan is an airplane pilot."} {"id": 116362, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Family Guy byl časopisem TV Guide zařazen na deváté místo žebříčku nejlepších televizních dramat všech dob.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Family Guy was ranked the ninth Greatest TV Drama of All Time by TV Guide."} {"id": 177671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Hardy je zápasník WWE ve hře jednotlivců.", "evidence": [[[205925, 214395, "Jeff Hardy", 13, "Jeff Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Hardy is a singles WWE wrestler."} {"id": 22269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Gambon hrál ve filmu Zpívající detektiv.", "evidence": [[[38114, 46029, "Michael Gambon", 1, "Michael Gambon"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Gambon acted in The Singing Detective."} {"id": 882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Island je součástí Evropy.", "evidence": [[[17101, 21190, "Island", 1, "Iceland"]], [[17101, 21191, "Island", 18, "Iceland"]], [[17101, 21192, "Island", 20, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Iceland is part of Europe."} {"id": 141174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ganglie pavouků jsou propojené.", "evidence": [[[164211, 178453, "Pavouci", 9, "Spider"]]], "claim_en": "The ganglia of spiders are linked."} {"id": 114879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Thewlis hrál Briana.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Thewlis played Brian."} {"id": 13464, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve skupině Beach Boys byly klávesové nástroje.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys included keyboards."} {"id": 210958, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gabrielle Union je v domácnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gabrielle Union is in a home."} {"id": 81829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Dobrá manželka má v televizi 22 epizod.", "evidence": [[[98887, 111975, "Dobrá manželka (seriál)", 13, "The Good Wife"]]], "claim_en": "The Good Wife is on network television with 22 episode seasons."} {"id": 105177, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steffi Grafová se zúčastnila 9 majorů během dvou let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf competed in 9 majors in two years."} {"id": 125306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Isis je božstvo.", "evidence": [[[146980, 161946, "Eset", 0, "Isis"]]], "claim_en": "Isis is a deity."} {"id": 150174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Temný rytíř (film) je 2. nejvýdělečnějším filmem všech dob.", "evidence": [[[173998, 187181, "Temný rytíř (film)", 16, "The Dark Knight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Dark Knight (film) is the 2nd-highest-grossing film of all time."} {"id": 15000, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Spade hrál ve filmu Černé ovce a získal si uznání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Spade starred in Black Sheep and gained acclaim."} {"id": 117264, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Wilson je vedoucím seriálu House.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Wilson is the showrunner for House."} {"id": 81759, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Třetí studiové album The Weeknd se jmenuje Meet the Beatles.", "evidence": [[[98808, 111878, "The Weeknd", 18, "The Weeknd"]]], "claim_en": "The Weeknd's third studio album is Meet the Beatles."} {"id": 24677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jason Bourne má v obsazení dvě cvičené kočky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jason Bourne has two trained cats as part of the cast."} {"id": 199351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Uggamsová se objevila ve filmu, který režíroval člověk.", "evidence": [[[234412, 237295, "Leslie Uggamsová", 4, "Leslie Uggams"], [234412, 237295, "Deadpool (film)", 0, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Uggams appeared in a film directed by a person."} {"id": 95173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu The Night Of napsali Steven Zaillian a James Marsh.", "evidence": [[[112654, 126483, "Jedna noc", 1, "The Night Of"]]], "claim_en": "The Night Of was written by Steven Zaillian and James Marsh."} {"id": 86579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhaalová byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[103724, 117192, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 8, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"], [103724, 117192, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhaal has been nominated for an Oscar."} {"id": 145452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Imagine Dragons byli vyhlášeni \"průlomovou kapelou roku 2014\".", "evidence": [[[168765, 182461, "Imagine Dragons", 2, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons was named the \"Breakthrough Band of 2014.\""} {"id": 71381, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kleopatra je od Masseneta a je významná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatre is by Massenet and it is significant."} {"id": 213866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2010 byl do kin uveden film Kick-Ass.", "evidence": [[[253876, 253679, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253876, 253680, "Kick-Ass", 2, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In 2010, Kick-Ass was released."} {"id": 68843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ethan Hawke se narodil v roce 1900.", "evidence": [[[85479, 97809, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke was born in the 1900's."} {"id": 44421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Edward VIII. byl vítězem Super Bowlu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Edward VIII was a Super Bowl champion."} {"id": 74903, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Clark Gable byl komparzistou v němých aukcích.", "evidence": [[[91682, 104474, "Clark Gable", 1, "Clark Gable"]]], "claim_en": "Clark Gable was an extra in silent auctions."} {"id": 75982, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Ocean je generál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean is a general."} {"id": 60765, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Sister Act se objevuje hudební aranžmá Dannyho Elfmana.", "evidence": [[[77208, 88628, "Sestra v akci", 1, "Sister Act"]]], "claim_en": "Sister Act features musical arrangements by Danny Elfman."} {"id": 56528, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bali se nachází mezi Jávou na západě a Lombokem na východě, v Indickém oceánu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bali is located between Java to the west and Lombok to the east, in the Indian Ocean."} {"id": 91048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Burstynová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[275121, 270316, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"], [275121, 270316, "Vymítač ďábla", 0, "The Exorcist (film)"]], [[275121, 270317, "Ellen Burstynová", 8, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[275121, 270318, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[275140, 270326, "Ellen Burstynová", 1, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[275140, 270328, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"], [275140, 270328, "Vymítač ďábla", 0, "The Exorcist (film)"]], [[277068, 272061, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[324190, 312227, "Ellen Burstynová", 1, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[324190, 312229, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"], [324190, 312229, "Vymítač ďábla", 0, "The Exorcist (film)"]], [[324190, 312231, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325580, 313222, "Ellen Burstynová", 1, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325580, 313223, "Ellen Burstynová", 4, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325580, 313224, "Ellen Burstynová", 8, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325580, 313225, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325580, 313226, "Ellen Burstynová", 14, "Ellen Burstyn"], [325580, 313226, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]], [[325580, 313227, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"], [325580, 313227, "Oscar za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon v hlavní roli", 1, "Academy Award for Best Actress"]], [[325586, 313233, "Ellen Burstynová", 5, "Ellen Burstyn"], [325586, 313233, "Vymítač ďábla", 0, "The Exorcist (film)"]], [[325586, 313234, "Ellen Burstynová", 8, "Ellen Burstyn"]], [[325586, 313235, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn was in a film."} {"id": 87845, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "King Kong je americký film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "King Kong is an American film."} {"id": 80755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Vynález lži hraje americký komik Louis C.K.", "evidence": [[[97753, 110912, "Umění lhát", 2, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying's cast includes American comedian Louis C.K."} {"id": 8636, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Albus Brumbál pracuje na britské škole.", "evidence": [[[13960, 17452, "Albus Brumbál", 1, "Albus Dumbledore"], [13960, 17452, "Škola čar a kouzel v Bradavicích", 0, "Hogwarts"]]], "claim_en": "Albus Dumbledore works at a British school."} {"id": 38487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Umbrella je na albu.", "evidence": [[[54691, 64679, "Umbrella", 0, "Umbrella (song)"]], [[54716, 64703, "Umbrella", 0, "Umbrella (song)"]], [[54716, 64704, "Umbrella", 13, "Umbrella (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Umbrella is on an album."} {"id": 30167, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dillí má dlouhou historii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Delhi has a long history."} {"id": 71796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lee Daniels režíroval původní film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lee Daniels directed an original film."} {"id": 154142, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Garden State byl na festivalu, který se koná v Honolulu na Havaji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Garden State was at a festival that takes place in Honolulu, Hawaii."} {"id": 71244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psychologie zkoumá mysl.", "evidence": [[[87919, 100436, "Psychologie", 0, "Psychology"]], [[87919, 100437, "Psychologie", 8, "Psychology"]]], "claim_en": "Psychology explores the mind."} {"id": 71134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Black Panther vychází ze stejnojmenného prostředí.", "evidence": [[[87797, 100322, "Black Panther (film)", 0, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Black Panther is based on the setting of the same name."} {"id": 33128, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pacific Rim byl uveden v IMAX 3D a 3D.", "evidence": [[[49210, 58534, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 11, "Pacific Rim (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Pacific Rim was released in IMAX 3D and 3D."} {"id": 67042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shantel VanSantenová poskytla rozhovor časopisu Seventeen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten has been interviewed in Seventeen."} {"id": 143906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "USS Constitution je dřevěná loď námořnictva Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[167039, 180884, "USS Constitution", 0, "USS Constitution"], [167039, 180884, "Fregata", 0, "Frigate"]]], "claim_en": "The USS Constitution is a wooden United States Navy ship."} {"id": 145870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poppy je německé jméno.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poppy is German."} {"id": 222491, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Horseshoe Falls je jeden ze tří vodopádů na kanadsko-americké hranici.", "evidence": [[[265043, 262328, "Podkova (Niagarské vodopády)", 0, "Horseshoe Falls"]]], "claim_en": "Horseshoe Falls is one of three waterfalls along the Canada-US Border."} {"id": 226812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letecká společnost British Airways (BA) je ve Spojeném království třetí největší leteckou společností za EasyJet podle počtu přepravených cestujících.", "evidence": [[[270440, 266478, "British Airways", 0, "British Airways"]]], "claim_en": "British Airways (BA) is the third largest behind EasyJet in the UK based on passengers carried."} {"id": 211321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Halle Berry má dítě s Olivierem Martinezem a jedno s Gabrielem Aubrym.", "evidence": [[[250397, 250396, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has a child by Olivier Martinez and one with Gabriel Aubry."} {"id": 50039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Wild hraje Michiel Huisman.", "evidence": [[[66365, 77214, "Divočina (film)", 2, "Wild (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Wild has Michiel Huisman as a cast member."} {"id": 194745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "L. Ron Hubbard zemřel v září 1986.", "evidence": [[[228125, 232384, "L. Ron Hubbard", 0, "L. Ron Hubbard"]]], "claim_en": "L. Ron Hubbard died in September 1986."} {"id": 19353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Merlina vytvořil Johnny Capps.", "evidence": [[[35118, 42571, "Merlin (seriál)", 0, "Merlin (2008 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Merlin was created by Johnny Capps."} {"id": 121900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Poezie Emily Dickinsonové nebyla za jejího života nikdy vydána nakladatelstvím.", "evidence": [[[143106, 158216, "Emily Dickinsonová", 13, "Emily Dickinson"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Dickinson's poetry was never edited by publishers during her lifetime."} {"id": 32483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Supremes byla chlapecká skupina.", "evidence": [[[93186, 106108, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]], [[95447, 108465, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]], [[97682, 110838, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]], [[306737, 297361, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]], [[307659, 298116, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]]], "claim_en": "The Supremes were a boy group."} {"id": 115015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Denzel Washington celý život pracoval výhradně jako bankéř.", "evidence": [[[135015, 149919, "Denzel Washington", 0, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149920, "Denzel Washington", 1, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149921, "Denzel Washington", 4, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149922, "Denzel Washington", 5, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149923, "Denzel Washington", 9, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149924, "Denzel Washington", 10, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149925, "Denzel Washington", 11, "Denzel Washington"]], [[135015, 149926, "Denzel Washington", 6, "Denzel Washington"], [135015, 149926, "Cena Cecila B. DeMilla", 0, "Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award"]]], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington has worked solely as a banker his entire life."} {"id": 113438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Schwimmer hrál ve filmu Smrtonosná past.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Schwimmer starred in Die Hard."} {"id": 7666, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nicole Kidmanová byla jmenována členkou Řádu Indie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman was made a Companion in the Order of India."} {"id": 178741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katrina Kaif hrála ve filmu Dhoom 3 (2013).", "evidence": [[[207209, 215522, "Katrina Kaifová", 17, "Katrina Kaif"]]], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif was in Dhoom 3 (2013)."} {"id": 30544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Většina druhů na Zemi nebyla popsána.", "evidence": [[[46704, 55719, "Země", 23, "Earth"]]], "claim_en": "Most species on Earth have not been described."} {"id": 35527, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Journey prodala v Rakousku 48 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[51712, 61500, "Journey", 14, "Journey (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Journey has sold 48 million albums in Austria."} {"id": 100739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Randy Orton má přezdívku.", "evidence": [[[118420, 132269, "Randy Orton", 12, "Randy Orton"], [118420, 132269, "Přezdívka", 0, "Nickname"]]], "claim_en": "Randy Orton has a nickname."} {"id": 143308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irská republika sousedí na jihovýchodě s průlivem svatého Jiří.", "evidence": [[[166458, 180292, "Irsko", 3, "Republic of Ireland"]]], "claim_en": "The Republic of Ireland borders Saint George's Channel to the south-east."} {"id": 119071, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová žije v Atlantě.", "evidence": [[[139758, 154760, "Brittany Murphyová", 1, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy is a resident of Atlanta."} {"id": 73646, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Moje vlastní soukromé Idaho měl premiéru v září 1991.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "My Own Private Idaho premiered in September of 1991."} {"id": 69037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Bailey byl najat na zkapalnění scénáře k filmu Black Panther.", "evidence": [[[85674, 97981, "Black Panther (film)", 7, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Bailey was hired to liquefy a script for Black Panther."} {"id": 48124, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lance Armstrong pomáhal založit společnost Subway.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lance Armstrong helped found Subway."} {"id": 162065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Válka světů je výhradně dětská komedie,", "evidence": [[[186579, 198371, "Válka světů (film, 2005)", 0, "War of the Worlds (2005 film)"]]], "claim_en": "War of the Worlds is exclusively a children's comedy,"} {"id": 149915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Los Angeles je okres ležící mimo jižní Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[175111, 188161, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]], [[175116, 188165, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles is a county located outside of Southern California."} {"id": 116821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jižní Amerika je vesmír.", "evidence": [[[282651, 276796, "Jižní Amerika", 0, "South America"]], [[282651, 276797, "Jižní Amerika", 1, "South America"]], [[284582, 278367, "Jižní Amerika", 0, "South America"]], [[331916, 318351, "Jižní Amerika", 0, "South America"]], [[331916, 318352, "Jižní Amerika", 1, "South America"]], [[331917, 318353, "Jižní Amerika", 0, "South America"]], [[331917, 318354, "Jižní Amerika", 1, "South America"]], [[331917, 318355, "Jižní Amerika", 22, "South America"]]], "claim_en": "South America is a universe."} {"id": 113050, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sade se zabývá lovem kožešin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sade is involved in fur trapping."} {"id": 71634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Minos zplodil dítě.", "evidence": [[[88316, 100922, "Mínós", 4, "Minos"]], [[88316, 100923, "Mínós", 5, "Minos"]], [[88316, 100924, "Mínós", 6, "Minos"]], [[88316, 100925, "Mínós", 7, "Minos"]]], "claim_en": "Minos fathered a child."} {"id": 180702, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cary Elwes se narodil v dubnu 1962.", "evidence": [[[209734, 217525, "Cary Elwes", 0, "Cary Elwes"]]], "claim_en": "Cary Elwes was born in April 1962."} {"id": 201010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Středozápad Spojených států zahrnuje Jižní Dakotu.", "evidence": [[[236516, 238973, "Středozápad Spojených států amerických", 4, "Midwestern United States"]]], "claim_en": "The Midwestern United States includes South Dakota."} {"id": 115256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shania Twain se věnuje hudbě.", "evidence": [[[135307, 150212, "Shania Twain", 0, "Shania Twain"]]], "claim_en": "Shania Twain plays music."} {"id": 80668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugh Grant byl postavou britské populární kultury 90. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[97659, 110809, "Hugh Grant", 5, "Hugh Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Grant was a figure of 1990s British popular culture."} {"id": 123469, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Welling hrál v superhrdinském dramatu.", "evidence": [[[286124, 279670, "Tom Welling", 0, "Tom Welling"]], [[287840, 281146, "Tom Welling", 0, "Tom Welling"]], [[332876, 319123, "Tom Welling", 0, "Tom Welling"]], [[332897, 319135, "Tom Welling", 0, "Tom Welling"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Welling played in a superhero drama."} {"id": 104081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Party Animals se objevil Matt Smith.", "evidence": [[[122195, 136480, "Matt Smith", 9, "Matt Smith (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Party Animals featured Matt Smith."} {"id": 10176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Atletika na letních olympijských hrách zahrnuje terénní disciplíny.", "evidence": [[[26032, 31984, "Atletika na letních olympijských hrách", 2, "Athletics at the Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "Athletics at the Summer Olympics includes field events."} {"id": 190791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Román z alternativní historie The Man in the High Castle čeká na adaptaci do televizního seriálu nebo filmu.", "evidence": [[[222998, 228089, "Muž z Vysokého zámku", 3, "The Man in the High Castle"], [222998, 228089, "The Man in the High Castle (seriál)", 0, "The Man in the High Castle (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The alternative history novel The Man in the High Castle is waiting to be adapted into a television series or a movie."} {"id": 186066, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alec Baldwin se objevil ve dvou filmech režiséra Tima Burtona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin appeared in two films directed by Tim Burton."} {"id": 222451, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary je bostonský producent a zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary is a producer and singer from Boston."} {"id": 84877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tony Blair není předsedou žádné politické strany ve Spojeném království.", "evidence": [[[101977, 115217, "Tony Blair", 1, "Tony Blair"], [101977, 115217, "Labouristická strana", 0, "Labour Party (UK)"]], [[101977, 115218, "Tony Blair", 5, "Tony Blair"], [101977, 115218, "Tony Blair", 6, "Tony Blair"]], [[101977, 115219, "Tony Blair", 14, "Tony Blair"]], [[101977, 115220, "Tony Blair", 26, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair is not a leader of a UK political party."} {"id": 194208, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "PewDiePie zemřel v říjnu 1989.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "PewDiePie died in October, 1989."} {"id": 187000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bermudský trojúhelník se nachází v západní části Himálaje.", "evidence": [[[218175, 224531, "Bermudský trojúhelník", 0, "Bermuda Triangle"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda Triangle is in the western part of the Himalayas."} {"id": 180607, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zkrocenou horu produkovali George Lucas a Kathleen Kennedyová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brokeback Mountain was produced by George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy."} {"id": 105665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tině Turner chybí album s názvem Private Dancer.", "evidence": [[[124022, 138353, "Tina Turner", 12, "Tina Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Tina Turner lacks an album called Private Dancer."} {"id": 116074, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "KJ Apa byl v roce 2016 obsazen do role postavy v seriálu Riverdale.", "evidence": [[[136347, 151152, "K. J. Apa", 2, "KJ Apa"]]], "claim_en": "KJ Apa was cast as a character in Riverdale in 2016."} {"id": 118213, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vladimir Putin studoval na střední škole němčinu.", "evidence": [[[138700, 153774, "Vladimir Putin", 5, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin studied German in middle school."} {"id": 144099, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Latinský pop vstoupil na americkou hudební scénu s pomocí Rickyho Martina.", "evidence": [[[167247, 181086, "Ricky Martin", 7, "Ricky Martin"]], [[167247, 181087, "Ricky Martin", 8, "Ricky Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Latin pop entered the U.S. music scene with the help of Ricky Martin."} {"id": 29303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita je prestižní.", "evidence": [[[45422, 54245, "Oxfordská univerzita", 2, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford is prestigious."} {"id": 119855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V testovacím kriketu hrají týmy po dvou směnách a střídají se.", "evidence": [[[140852, 155988, "Kriket", 25, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Test cricket has the teams playing two innings apiece, alternating."} {"id": 141556, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tenis je vojenská strategie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tennis is a military strategy."} {"id": 161510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Google není schopen být společností.", "evidence": [[[186059, 197961, "Google", 0, "Google"]], [[186059, 197962, "Google", 4, "Google"]], [[186059, 197964, "Google", 7, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google is incapable of being a company."} {"id": 198714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Margaret Mitchellová napsala knihu Gone with the Wind, která vyšla v roce 1936.", "evidence": [[[233631, 236563, "Jih proti Severu", 0, "Gone with the Wind (novel)"]]], "claim_en": "Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone with the Wind which was published in 1936."} {"id": 153277, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Community je k dispozici na Hulu pouze ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[177226, 190091, "Zpátky do školy (seriál)", 15, "Community (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Community is available on Hulu only in the United States."} {"id": 135271, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová nehrála v romantické komedii.", "evidence": [[[157863, 172462, "Jennifer Garner", 6, "Jennifer Garner"], [157863, 172462, "Přes noc třicítkou", 0, "13 Going on 30"]], [[157863, 172463, "Jennifer Garner", 7, "Jennifer Garner"]], [[157863, 172464, "Jennifer Garner", 8, "Jennifer Garner"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner was not in a romantic comedy."} {"id": 16880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romové se stěhovali.", "evidence": [[[41575, 49992, "Romové", 0, "Romani people"]], [[41575, 49993, "Romové", 9, "Romani people"]], [[44345, 52999, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55508, "Romové", 9, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55509, "Romové", 0, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55510, "Romové", 12, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55511, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55512, "Romové", 16, "Romani people"]], [[46531, 55513, "Romové", 18, "Romani people"]], [[302198, 293231, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]], [[302200, 293232, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]], [[302219, 293248, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]], [[302219, 293249, "Romové", 16, "Romani people"]], [[304713, 295519, "Romové", 18, "Romani people"]], [[304713, 295520, "Romové", 15, "Romani people"]]], "claim_en": "The Romani people have migrated."} {"id": 117459, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Starbucks je mateřskou společností Evolution Fresh od roku 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Starbucks is Evolution Fresh's parent company since 2009."} {"id": 128555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vladimir Kličko dosáhl vrcholu kariéry v 21. století.", "evidence": [[[286706, 280161, "Vladimir Kličko", 20, "Wladimir Klitschko"]], [[288880, 282074, "Vladimir Kličko", 20, "Wladimir Klitschko"], [288880, 282074, "21. století", 0, "21st century"], [288880, 282074, "21. století", 1, "21st century"]], [[333689, 319893, "Vladimir Kličko", 20, "Wladimir Klitschko"], [333689, 319893, "21. století", 1, "21st century"]], [[333702, 319902, "Vladimir Kličko", 20, "Wladimir Klitschko"]]], "claim_en": "Wladimir Klitschko reached a career peak in the 21st century."} {"id": 44147, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amy Poehler byla členkou hřbitova.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amy Poehler was a member of graveyard."} {"id": 52715, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christopher Lloyd recenzoval pro PBS Kids.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christopher Lloyd reviewed for PBS Kids."} {"id": 217065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daytonská dohoda je známá pouze pod tímto názvem.", "evidence": [[[257910, 256845, "Daytonská dohoda", 0, "Dayton Agreement"]]], "claim_en": "The Dayton Agreement is only known by that name."} {"id": 48278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sade je na 30. místě v žebříčku \"100 Greatest Women in Music\", který sestavuje VH1.", "evidence": [[[64637, 75449, "Sade Adu", 19, "Sade (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Sade is number 30 on VH1's \"100 Greatest Women in Music\" list."} {"id": 144291, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Venus Williamsová má bratra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Venus Williams has a brother."} {"id": 203495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christian Bale získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[240064, 241723, "Christian Bale", 11, "Christian Bale"]]], "claim_en": "Christian Bale won an award."} {"id": 85843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tesla Model S byla uvedena na trh v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[103051, 116365, "Tesla Model S", 0, "Tesla Model S"]], [[103051, 116366, "Tesla Model S", 2, "Tesla Model S"]], [[103051, 116367, "Tesla Model S", 3, "Tesla Model S"]], [[103051, 116368, "Tesla Model S", 6, "Tesla Model S"]]], "claim_en": "Tesla Model S was released in 2016."} {"id": 156187, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nelson Mandela zavedl změny zákonů a předpisů o půdě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela introduced changes to laws and regulations of land."} {"id": 25700, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jak vycvičit draka (film) prohrál s Příběhem hraček 3.", "evidence": [[[41695, 50123, "Jak vycvičit draka (film, 2010)", 10, "How to Train Your Dragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "How to Train Your Dragon (film) lost to Toy Story 3."} {"id": 85259, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Blunt hrála ve filmu podle voleb v roce 2016.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt was in a film based on the 2016 election."} {"id": 70345, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joaquin Phoenix režíroval atentáty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joaquin Phoenix has directed assassinations."} {"id": 45832, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shakira založila zemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shakira founded a country."} {"id": 10013, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Tennant hrál desátého doktora v seriálu Grey's Anatomy.", "evidence": [[[24928, 30783, "David Tennant", 1, "David Tennant"]]], "claim_en": "David Tennant played the Tenth Doctor in Grey's Anatomy."} {"id": 29381, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gillian Jacobs se objevila pouze ve filmu Přírodní bratr.", "evidence": [[[45505, 54334, "Gillian Jacobs", 3, "Gillian Jacobs"]]], "claim_en": "Gillian Jacobs has only appeared in the film Brother Nature."} {"id": 12308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nick Nolte je stále modelem.", "evidence": [[[27535, 33725, "Nick Nolte", 0, "Nick Nolte"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte is still a model."} {"id": 158269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vincent Cassel hrál hlavní roli ve filmu Ocean's Thirteen.", "evidence": [[[296341, 288217, "Vincent Cassel", 0, "Vincent Cassel"]], [[342831, 326729, "Vincent Cassel", 0, "Vincent Cassel"]], [[342846, 326740, "Vincent Cassel", 0, "Vincent Cassel"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel starred as the main character in Ocean's Thirteen."} {"id": 185285, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Fuller pracuje pro spolumajitele společnosti Platinum Dunes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Fuller works for the co-owner of Platinum Dunes."} {"id": 1648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do ságy Twilight patří americký romantický fantasy film Stmívání.", "evidence": [[[17382, 21508, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 3, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"], [17382, 21508, "Twilight sága: Stmívání", 0, "Twilight (2008 film)"]], [[17382, 21509, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 0, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga includes the American romantic fantasy film \"Twilight\"."} {"id": 147638, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Martin se narodil v srpnu 1996.", "evidence": [[[171193, 184702, "Daniel Martin", 0, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Martin was born in August 1996."} {"id": 14403, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Blunt napsala scénář k filmu Ďábel nosí Pradu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt wrote The Devil Wears Prada."} {"id": 136928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Velká země je film z roku 1984.", "evidence": [[[289849, 282928, "Velká země", 0, "The Big Country"]], [[289856, 282951, "Velká země", 0, "The Big Country"]], [[289894, 282996, "Velká země", 0, "The Big Country"]], [[289894, 282997, "Velká země", 1, "The Big Country"]], [[337509, 322885, "Velká země", 0, "The Big Country"]], [[337684, 323047, "Velká země", 0, "The Big Country"]]], "claim_en": "The Big Country is a 1984 film."} {"id": 8477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Nash navrhl Královský pavilon.", "evidence": [[[13751, 17201, "John Nash (architekt)", 2, "John Nash (architect)"]]], "claim_en": "John Nash designed the Royal Pavilion."} {"id": 94173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eliza Dushka je neschopná herečka.", "evidence": [[[111598, 125374, "Eliza Dushku", 0, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[111598, 125375, "Eliza Dushku", 1, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[111598, 125376, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"], [111598, 125376, "Bravo, girls!", 1, "Bring It On (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eliza Dushka is incapable of being an actress."} {"id": 37372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spider-Man byl nominován na Oscara za nejlepší vizuální efekty.", "evidence": [[[53567, 63566, "Spider-Man (film)", 16, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects."} {"id": 52655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Catching Fire přišel o postavu jménem Peeta Mellark.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catching Fire lost a character named Peeta Mellark."} {"id": 29974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "FK Manchester City nezískal zpět svůj status v Premier League.", "evidence": [[[46089, 55042, "Manchester City FC", 7, "Manchester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Manchester City F.C. hasn't regained their Premier League status."} {"id": 10629, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 21 Jump Street byl vydán společností Wendy's.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street was released by Wendy's."} {"id": 8142, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Arrow vysílá Disney Channel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arrow is aired on Disney Channel."} {"id": 215337, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Hostitel hraje slovinský herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Host stars a Slovenian actor."} {"id": 78865, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Washingtonu se používá extrakorporální terapie rázovou vlnou (ESWT).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is used in Washington."} {"id": 205536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl typ malíře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a type of painter."} {"id": 42421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Hanks se stal výkonným producentem minisérie Pacifik na HBO.", "evidence": [[[58724, 69022, "Tom Hanks", 12, "Tom Hanks"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hanks executive produced for the miniseries \"The Pacific\" on HBO."} {"id": 99976, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Velký Gatsby se soustředí na mladého člověka s více než milionem dolarů.", "evidence": [[[117660, 131557, "Velký Gatsby", 1, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby centers on a youthful person with over a million dollars."} {"id": 15976, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oxfordská univerzita se skládá z různých institucí.", "evidence": [[[31380, 38101, "Oxfordská univerzita", 8, "University of Oxford"]]], "claim_en": "University of Oxford is made up of a variety of institutions."} {"id": 15105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Zuckerberg se umístil na 10. místě v žebříčku nejmocnějších lidí světa časopisu Forbes.", "evidence": [[[30405, 37001, "Mark Zuckerberg", 17, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg was ranked 10th on Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People."} {"id": 32789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Francis Ford Coppola je Američan.", "evidence": [[[48918, 58237, "Francis Ford Coppola", 0, "Francis Ford Coppola"]]], "claim_en": "Francis Ford Coppola is an American."} {"id": 40596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minos je otcem Persefony.", "evidence": [[[56891, 67127, "Mínós", 4, "Minos"]]], "claim_en": "Minos fathered Persephone."} {"id": 196270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emily Browningová je žena, která hraje divadlo.", "evidence": [[[230612, 234279, "Emily Browningová", 0, "Emily Browning"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Browning is a woman who acts."} {"id": 131297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nominaci na Oscara získala Helen Huntová.", "evidence": [[[153588, 168426, "Helen Hunt", 2, "Helen Hunt"]]], "claim_en": "An Academy Award nomination was awarded to Helen Hunt."} {"id": 206847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ayutthaya byla přátelská vůči Angličanům.", "evidence": [[[246650, 247119, "Ajutthajské království", 1, "Ayutthaya Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Ayutthaya was friendly towards English people."} {"id": 14251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hvězdné války nejsou film", "evidence": [[[29535, 36021, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 0, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36022, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 1, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36023, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 3, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36024, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 10, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36025, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 11, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36026, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 13, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36027, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 14, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36028, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 16, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36029, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 20, "Star Wars (film)"]], [[29535, 36031, "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", 23, "Star Wars (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars is not a film"} {"id": 91044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie má společnou pozemní hranici s Peru.", "evidence": [[[108445, 122012, "Tanzanie", 0, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122012, "Peru", 0, "Peru"]], [[108445, 122013, "Tanzanie", 1, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122014, "Tanzanie", 2, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122015, "Tanzanie", 3, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122016, "Tanzanie", 8, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122016, "Dar es Salaam", 0, "Dar es Salaam"]], [[108445, 122017, "Tanzanie", 9, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122017, "Chama Cha Mapinduzi", 0, "Chama Cha Mapinduzi"]], [[108445, 122018, "Tanzanie", 19, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122018, "Viktoriino jezero", 0, "Lake Victoria"]], [[108445, 122019, "Tanzanie", 28, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122020, "Tanzanie", 29, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122022, "Tanzanie", 31, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122022, "Tanganika (jezero)", 0, "Lake Tanganyika"]], [[108445, 122023, "Tanzanie", 35, "Tanzania"]], [[108445, 122024, "Tanzanie", 46, "Tanzania"], [108445, 122024, "Malawi", 0, "Malawi"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania shares a land border with Peru."} {"id": 131685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. je Číňan.", "evidence": [[[154031, 168843, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 0, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. is Chinese."} {"id": 193208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pruská akademie věd byla založena pouze mimo Německo.", "evidence": [[[226221, 230830, "Pruská akademie věd", 0, "Prussian Academy of Sciences"]]], "claim_en": "Prussian Academy of Sciences was established only outside of Germany."} {"id": 112713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Příběh hraček 3 byl nominován na cenu za nejlepší střih zvuku.", "evidence": [[[132231, 147118, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 13, "Toy Story 3"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story 3 was nominated to win Best Sound Editing."} {"id": 176273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbara Bushová byla šest let první dámou Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[204126, 213010, "Barbara Bushová", 0, "Barbara Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush was the First Lady of the United States for six years."} {"id": 154764, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Premier League Asia Trophy je v Asii zakázána každé dva roky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Premier League Asia Trophy is banned biennially in Asia."} {"id": 124724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bojkot je neúmyslné zdržení se hlasování.", "evidence": [[[146312, 161277, "Bojkot", 0, "Boycott"]]], "claim_en": "A boycott is an unintentional abstention."} {"id": 92799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Ford Motor Company je pták.", "evidence": [[[110108, 123739, "Ford Motor Company", 0, "Ford Motor Company"]]], "claim_en": "Ford Motor Company is a bird."} {"id": 168191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktor Doom je synem romské čarodějnice.", "evidence": [[[193657, 204139, "Doctor Doom", 1, "Doctor Doom"]]], "claim_en": "Doctor Doom is a Romani witch's son."} {"id": 202879, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek Beasts of the Southern Wild byl navržen na cenu pro nejlepší herečku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beasts of the Southern Wild was submitted for Best Actress."} {"id": 29526, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katie Holmes hrála ve filmu Tommyho Wiseaua.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes was in a movie by Tommy Wiseau."} {"id": 2617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Vynález lži hraje Louis C.K.", "evidence": [[[18458, 22643, "Umění lhát", 2, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying's cast includes Louis C.K."} {"id": 116279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Felton je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[137792, 152738, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton is Canadian."} {"id": 71483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii sídlí některé z prvních amerických institucí.", "evidence": [[[88150, 100704, "Filadelfie", 21, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is home to some of the first U.S. institutions."} {"id": 145878, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Belgie má dopravní síť.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Belgium has a transport network."} {"id": 195767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Noční můra v Elm Street byl natočen pro společnost New Line Cinema.", "evidence": [[[229987, 233770, "Noční můra v Elm Street (film, 2010)", 3, "A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 film)"]]], "claim_en": "A Nightmare on Elm Street was produced for New Line Cinema."} {"id": 178649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gabon sousedí se středoafrickým státem Rovníková Guinea.", "evidence": [[[207093, 215401, "Gabon", 1, "Gabon"]]], "claim_en": "Gabon is bordered by the Central African state Equatorial Guinea."} {"id": 37239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Apollo 11 odstartovalo z Merritt Islandu v Georgii.", "evidence": [[[53436, 63435, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]]], "claim_en": "Apollo 11 was launched from Merritt Island, Georgia."} {"id": 12589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šířilo se křesťanství.", "evidence": [[[27850, 34124, "Křesťanství", 15, "Christianity"]], [[27850, 34125, "Křesťanství", 16, "Christianity"]]], "claim_en": "Christianity was spread."} {"id": 134966, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum hrála ve filmu, který režíroval Ukrajinec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum starred in a film directed by a Ukrainian."} {"id": 74981, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pacific Rim je komiks.", "evidence": [[[91764, 104572, "Pacific Rim: Útok na Zemi", 0, "Pacific Rim (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Pacific Rim is a comic book."} {"id": 224646, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William R. Tolbert Jr. se narodil v Dubaji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William R. Tolbert Jr. was born in Dubai."} {"id": 60930, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Starbucks prodává výrobky australské čajové společnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Starbucks sells products from an Australian tea company."} {"id": 95767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Napoleon vzdal své první vojenské tažení ve věku 26 let.", "evidence": [[[113287, 127150, "Napoleon Bonaparte", 12, "Napoleon"]]], "claim_en": "Napoleon surrendered his first military campaign at age 26."} {"id": 83265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Selena Gomez je nejsledovanější uživatelkou Instagramu na světě.", "evidence": [[[267301, 264027, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]], [[267836, 264459, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]], [[269724, 265974, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]], [[321750, 310162, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]], [[323078, 311314, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]], [[323080, 311316, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez is the most-followed Instagram user in the world."} {"id": 162388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hélios je synem olympských božstev.", "evidence": [[[186938, 198670, "Hélios", 1, "Helios"]]], "claim_en": "Helios is the son of Olympian deities."} {"id": 7794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mandy Moore je hudebnice.", "evidence": [[[24174, 29898, "Mandy Mooreová", 0, "Mandy Moore"]], [[24174, 29901, "Mandy Mooreová", 11, "Mandy Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Mandy Moore is a musician."} {"id": 150760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Blackhat sotva hraje Tang Wei.", "evidence": [[[174577, 187752, "Hacker (film)", 1, "Blackhat (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blackhat barely stars Tang Wei."} {"id": 205816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na 26 z Dodekanéských ostrovů žije obyvatelstvo.", "evidence": [[[243229, 244472, "Dodekany", 0, "Dodecanese"]]], "claim_en": "26 of the Dodecanese islands are inhabited."} {"id": 212080, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu 10 Cloverfield Lane hráli vždy jen mužští herci.", "evidence": [[[251351, 251228, "Ulice Cloverfield 10", 1, "10 Cloverfield Lane"], [251351, 251228, "Mary Elizabeth Winstead", 0, "Mary Elizabeth Winstead"]]], "claim_en": "10 Cloverfield Lane has only ever starred male actors."} {"id": 143970, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sharon Tateová napsala film se svým manželem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sharon Tate wrote a film with her husband."} {"id": 103372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul leží v Itálii.", "evidence": [[[121354, 135645, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul is in Italy."} {"id": 19107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kobe Bryant vyhrál nejméně pět šampionátů NBA.", "evidence": [[[34876, 42295, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant won at least five NBA championships."} {"id": 121511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Do kin byl uveden film Osvícení.", "evidence": [[[142692, 157837, "Osvícení (film)", 4, "The Shining (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Shining was released."} {"id": 122258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kumail Nanjiani hrál v romantickém dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kumail Nanjiani starred in a romantic drama."} {"id": 74722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf hrál ve filmu Surf's Up.", "evidence": [[[91504, 104259, "Shia LaBeouf", 6, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf starred in the film Surf's Up."} {"id": 161179, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andorra je bohyně.", "evidence": [[[185718, 197474, "Andorra", 0, "Andorra"]], [[185718, 197475, "Andorra", 1, "Andorra"]], [[185718, 197476, "Andorra", 2, "Andorra"]], [[185718, 197477, "Andorra", 5, "Andorra"]], [[185718, 197478, "Andorra", 6, "Andorra"], [185718, 197478, "Andorra la Vella", 0, "Andorra la Vella"]], [[185718, 197479, "Andorra", 12, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra is a goddess."} {"id": 112293, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Klute byl pojmenován Alanem J. Pakulou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Klute was named by Alan J. Pakula."} {"id": 30000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hotel Transylvánie je nezávislá produkce.", "evidence": [[[46116, 55071, "Hotel Transylvánie", 0, "Hotel Transylvania"]]], "claim_en": "Hotel Transylvania is an independent production."} {"id": 80279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gwen Stefani pracuje.", "evidence": [[[97334, 110510, "Gwen Stefani", 17, "Gwen Stefani"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani works."} {"id": 169907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 24. března má narozeniny Peyton Manning.", "evidence": [[[195990, 206135, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "March 24th is the birthday of Peyton Manning."} {"id": 20476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Cruise byl nominován na tři Oscary.", "evidence": [[[36293, 43848, "Tom Cruise", 1, "Tom Cruise"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise has been nominated for three Academy Awards."} {"id": 143192, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elton John získal Nobelovu cenu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elton John has won a Nobel Prize."} {"id": 219259, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Browning byl spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[261512, 259625, "Robert Browning", 0, "Robert Browning"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Browning was a writer."} {"id": 148947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psychologie má hlavního hrdinu.", "evidence": [[[172631, 185906, "Agentura Jasno", 2, "Psych"]], [[172631, 185907, "Agentura Jasno", 3, "Psych"]]], "claim_en": "Psych has a protagonist."} {"id": 205117, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gaius Julius Caesar byl kongresman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gaius Julius Caesar was a congressman."} {"id": 68907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Pogba vyhrál čtyři tituly v Serii A bez přestávky.", "evidence": [[[85539, 97853, "Paul Pogba", 4, "Paul Pogba"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Pogba has won four nonconsecutive Serie A titles."} {"id": 129968, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melissa McCarthy hrála v dokumentárním filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy has been in a documentary film."} {"id": 104862, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rosamund Pike nikdy nezískala cenu BIFA.", "evidence": [[[123178, 137552, "Rosamund Pikeová", 2, "Rosamund Pike"]]], "claim_en": "Rosamund Pike never won a BIFA Award."} {"id": 86249, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debbie Reynoldsová nehrála na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [[[103408, 116811, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 15, "Debbie Reynolds"]]], "claim_en": "Debbie Reynolds was not on Broadway."} {"id": 58034, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filipíny jsou nově americké.", "evidence": [[[74388, 85624, "Filipíny", 0, "Philippines"]]], "claim_en": "The Philippines is newly American."} {"id": 81580, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cage Warriors uspořádali akci v nejméně lidnatém městě Anglie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cage Warriors held an event in the least populous city of England."} {"id": 213593, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate a Leopold je horor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold is a horror film."} {"id": 186283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cochrane je výdělečná organizace.", "evidence": [[[217242, 223871, "Cochrane Collaboration", 0, "Cochrane (organisation)"]], [[217243, 223872, "Cochrane Collaboration", 0, "Cochrane (organisation)"]]], "claim_en": "Cochrane is a for-profit organization."} {"id": 208657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval s Annie Lennox.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice collaborated with Annie Lennox."} {"id": 68107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Los Angeles není registrováno jako obec.", "evidence": [[[84705, 96917, "Los Angeles", 11, "Los Angeles"]]], "claim_en": "Los Angeles is not incorporated as a municipality."} {"id": 52897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "LeBron James a Dwyane Wade hráli ve stejném týmu.", "evidence": [[[69181, 79954, "Dwyane Wade", 10, "Dwyane Wade"]]], "claim_en": "LeBron James and Dwyane Wade played on the same team."} {"id": 110186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Scorsese nepracoval na filmu Boardwalk Empire.", "evidence": [[[129284, 144041, "Martin Scorsese", 17, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese did not work on Boardwalk Empire."} {"id": 168121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Connally byl pouze republikán.", "evidence": [[[193566, 204059, "John Connally", 1, "John Connally"]]], "claim_en": "John Connally was only a Republican."} {"id": 31704, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anna Paquin opustila Kolumbijskou univerzitu, aby se mohla věnovat své herecké kariéře na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin left Colombia University to focus on her Broadway acting career."} {"id": 168645, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Strážci Galaxie byl uveden na Tchaj-wanu a v Belgii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Guardians of the Galaxy was released in Taiwan and Belgium."} {"id": 220882, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osud zuřivých měl více než 2017 diváků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Fate of the Furious had over 2017 viewers."} {"id": 124293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1974 vydala skupina Eagles svou třetí desku.", "evidence": [[[145842, 160859, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"], [145842, 160859, "On the Border", 0, "On the Border"]]], "claim_en": "In 1974, the Eagles released their third record."} {"id": 3553, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hardy hrál ve francouzsko-britském kriminálním thrilleru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy was in a French-British crime thriller film."} {"id": 182694, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nina Jacobsonová byla prezidentkou postavy společnosti Walt Disney.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nina Jacobson was president of a Walt Disney Company character."} {"id": 40048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tesla Model S je elektrické nákladní auto.", "evidence": [[[56344, 66542, "Tesla Model S", 0, "Tesla Model S"]], [[56345, 66543, "Tesla Model S", 0, "Tesla Model S"]]], "claim_en": "Tesla Model S is an electric truck."} {"id": 159436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Travis Scott vydal svůj druhý mixtape v květnu 2014.", "evidence": [[[183823, 195824, "Travis Scott", 5, "Travis Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Scott released his second mixtape in May 2014."} {"id": 99409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur je území Finska.", "evidence": [[[117064, 130951, "Singapur", 0, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is a territory of Finland."} {"id": 171288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Cougar Town skončil v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[197691, 207677, "Město žen (seriál)", 0, "Cougar Town"]], [[197691, 207678, "Město žen (seriál)", 16, "Cougar Town"]]], "claim_en": "Cougar Town ended in 2015."} {"id": 55518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nejúspěšnější období klubu Newcastle United F.C. začalo v roce 1911.", "evidence": [[[71887, 82872, "Newcastle United FC", 8, "Newcastle United F.C."]], [[71900, 82882, "Newcastle United FC", 8, "Newcastle United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Newcastle United F.C.'s most successful period began in 1911."} {"id": 86959, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Libanonu je řeka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There is a river in Lebanon."} {"id": 129722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Felicity Huffmanová je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[151928, 166684, "Felicity Huffman", 0, "Felicity Huffman"]]], "claim_en": "Felicity Huffman is Canadian."} {"id": 118620, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina AC/DC vydala desku The Razor's Edge.", "evidence": [[[139178, 154237, "AC/DC", 15, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC released the record \"The Razor's Edge\"."} {"id": 43732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Cruise je herec.", "evidence": [[[60047, 70454, "Tom Cruise", 0, "Tom Cruise"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise is an actor."} {"id": 167988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Don Bradman byl všechno jiné než testovací hráč.", "evidence": [[[193408, 203927, "Don Bradman", 1, "Don Bradman"]], [[193408, 203928, "Don Bradman", 5, "Don Bradman"]], [[193408, 203929, "Don Bradman", 20, "Don Bradman"]]], "claim_en": "Don Bradman was anything but a Test player."} {"id": 144504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katie Holmes se narodila v roce 1948.", "evidence": [[[167739, 181501, "Katie Holmes", 0, "Katie Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Holmes was born in 1948."} {"id": 170163, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek Pokojská na Manhattanu natočil John Hughes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maid in Manhattan was shot by John Hughes."} {"id": 44475, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe hrál Allena Ginsberga v životopisném filmu.", "evidence": [[[60851, 71312, "Daniel Radcliffe", 6, "Daniel Radcliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe played Allen Ginsberg in a biographical film."} {"id": 76335, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mikrobiologický výzkum propaguje informace, které mohou pomoci rodičům.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Microbiologist research promotes information that can help parents."} {"id": 224506, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell pracoval na seriálu, který vytvořila pouze Tina Fey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell worked on a show created only by Tina Fey."} {"id": 107427, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Logic (hudebník) podepsal smlouvu s atlantskou hudební skupinou Visionary Music Group.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Logic (musician) signed with Atlanta based Visionary Music Group."} {"id": 75597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Pacino hraje ve filmu Kmotr - část III.", "evidence": [[[92381, 105136, "Kmotr III", 3, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "Al Pacino stars in The Godfather Part III."} {"id": 66468, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Parkinsonova choroba způsobuje akinezi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Parkinson's disease causes akinesia."} {"id": 34778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová nikdy nehrála v celovečerním filmu.", "evidence": [[[50959, 60699, "Sophie Turner", 5, "Sophie Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner has never been in a feature film."} {"id": 30328, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham začal hrát mezinárodní baseball, když mu bylo 21 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham started playing international baseball when he was 21."} {"id": 182351, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál 24 měl premiéru na stole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "24 premiered on a table."} {"id": 38897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul je člověk.", "evidence": [[[55128, 65166, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]], [[55128, 65167, "Istanbul", 1, "Istanbul"]], [[55128, 65168, "Istanbul", 2, "Istanbul"]], [[55128, 65169, "Istanbul", 5, "Istanbul"]], [[55128, 65170, "Istanbul", 9, "Istanbul"]], [[55128, 65171, "Istanbul", 20, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul is a person."} {"id": 126237, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gaelu Garcíovi Bernalovi se rozšířilo křesťanství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christianity spread to Gael Garcia Bernal."} {"id": 108866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Keaton si zahraje roli Vulturea, superpadoucha z komiksů Marvel.", "evidence": [[[127739, 142395, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Keaton will play the role of the Vulture, a Marvel Comics supervillain."} {"id": 162101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokoj 93 je závěrečný EP.", "evidence": [[[186618, 198415, "Room 93", 0, "Room 93"]]], "claim_en": "Room 93 is a final EP."} {"id": 197415, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "FC Santos dosáhl v roce 2012 ročního obratu přes 114 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Santos FC generated an annual turnover of over $114 million in 2012."} {"id": 221121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ted Cruz je výhradně Australan.", "evidence": [[[263287, 260997, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"]], [[263295, 261005, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Cruz is an Australian exclusively."} {"id": 5536, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tech Valley zčásti tvoří město Albany ve státě New York.", "evidence": [[[21948, 26935, "Albany (New York)", 8, "Albany, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Tech Valley in part consists of Albany, New York."} {"id": 192200, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sacre-Coeur v Paříži je ztělesněním kultu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sacre-Coeur, Paris is an embodiment of cultism."} {"id": 122189, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První sezóna seriálu Glee byla zrušena.", "evidence": [[[143544, 158654, "Glee", 8, "Glee (TV series)"]], [[143544, 158655, "Glee", 10, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee's first season was cancelled."} {"id": 148166, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Malala Júsafzaiová bojuje proti omezením ze strany Talibanu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Malala Yousafzai fights against the Taliban's restrictions."} {"id": 25476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Massachusetts bylo důležitým místem v období měnícího se filozofického myšlení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Massachusetts was a important location during a period of changing philosophical thought."} {"id": 61644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cristiano Ronaldo dosáhl v roce 2017 souboru 100 vítězství v evropských klubových soutěžích.", "evidence": [[[78123, 89627, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 24, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]]], "claim_en": "Cristiano Ronaldo achieve a set of 100 victories in club competitions of Europe in 2017."} {"id": 122689, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rey Mysterio vyhrál WrestleManii 2006.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rey Mysterio won the 2006 WrestleMania."} {"id": 178438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lily Rabe navrhuje ve filmu Bez výhrad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily Rabe designs in No Reservations."} {"id": 158797, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marilyn Burnsová se narodila v úterý 7. května 1949.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marilyn Burns was born on Tuesday, May 7th, 1949."} {"id": 186641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alicia Keys debutovala ve filmu Smokin' Aces v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[217740, 224221, "Alicia Keys", 19, "Alicia Keys"], [217740, 224221, "Holka na hlídání", 0, "The Nanny Diaries (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys made her film debut in Smokin' Aces in 2012."} {"id": 193816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dr. Dre měl v roce 2014 příjem před zdaněním ve výši 620 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[226963, 231413, "Dr. Dre", 5, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre had a pre-tax income of $620 million in 2014."} {"id": 21017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Impeachment je pouze prvním krokem k odvolání.", "evidence": [[[36816, 44459, "Impeachment", 1, "Impeachment"]]], "claim_en": "Impeachment is only the first step towards removal."} {"id": 57191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křesťanství je systém elektrických obvodů.", "evidence": [[[73555, 84792, "Křesťanství", 1, "Christianity"]], [[73555, 84793, "Křesťanství", 2, "Christianity"]]], "claim_en": "Christianity is a system of electric circuits."} {"id": 58834, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Azitromycin je dostupný jako lék na předpis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Azithromycin is available as a prescription medication."} {"id": 145794, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sharon Tateová měla manžela, který byl optimista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sharon Tate had a husband who was an optimist."} {"id": 124829, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gerard Butler se narodil císařským řezem v listopadu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gerard Butler was born via C-section in November."} {"id": 131316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Evans (moderátor) udělal kariéru v rádiu Classic FM.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Evans (presenter) had a career on Classic FM."} {"id": 107275, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Právnická fakulta Chicagské univerzity se umístila v žebříčku \"Kvalita fakulty na základě členství v Americké akademii umění a věd\" na místě vejce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "University of Chicago Law School is ranked egg for \"Faculty quality based on American Academy of Arts and Sciences Membership.\""} {"id": 153167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heather Watsonová nepochází ze Spojeného království.", "evidence": [[[177117, 190022, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson is not from the United Kingdom."} {"id": 54384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Havran (2012) nebyl uveden ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[70739, 81616, "Havran (film, 2012)", 10, "The Raven (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Raven (2012 film) was unreleased in the United States."} {"id": 194494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Sonny with a Chance měl premiéru ve Španělsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sonny with a Chance debuted in Spain."} {"id": 93550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Americká občanská válka začala ve Virginii.", "evidence": [[[110934, 124600, "Americká občanská válka", 1, "American Civil War"]]], "claim_en": "The American Civil War started in Virginia."} {"id": 87326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Phoenix v Arizoně je stát.", "evidence": [[[104517, 117936, "Phoenix", 0, "Phoenix, Arizona"]], [[104517, 117937, "Phoenix", 1, "Phoenix, Arizona"]], [[104517, 117938, "Phoenix", 6, "Phoenix, Arizona"]]], "claim_en": "Phoenix, Arizona is a state."} {"id": 145057, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vídeň je vazalem Rakouska.", "evidence": [[[169631, 183247, "Vídeň", 0, "Vienna"]]], "claim_en": "Vienna is a vassal of Austria."} {"id": 177003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe je držitelkou Zlatého glóbu.", "evidence": [[[205116, 213748, "Marilyn Monroe", 22, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe is the winner of a Golden Globe."} {"id": 65151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Egejské moře má spojnici s Gangou.", "evidence": [[[81631, 93402, "Egejské moře", 1, "Aegean Sea"]]], "claim_en": "The Aegean Sea has the Ganges as a connector."} {"id": 97390, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam byl radou zvolen hlavou státu Indie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was elected by the council as the Head of State of India."} {"id": 169867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peyton Manning byl linebacker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning was a linebacker."} {"id": 78017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová byla autorkou autobiografické divadelní hry pro jednu ženu.", "evidence": [[[94960, 107924, "Carrie Fisher", 4, "Carrie Fisher"]]], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher was the writer of an autobiographical one-woman play."} {"id": 58013, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl starostou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was a mayor."} {"id": 195750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Noční můra v Elm Street byl v roce 2010 produkován společností Platinum Dunes.", "evidence": [[[229968, 233754, "Noční můra v Elm Street (film, 2010)", 3, "A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 film)"]]], "claim_en": "A Nightmare on Elm Street was produced by Platinum Dunes in 2010."} {"id": 179762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wentworth Miller debutoval jako scenárista.", "evidence": [[[208641, 216644, "Wentworth Miller", 2, "Wentworth Miller"]]], "claim_en": "Wentworth Miller made his screenwriting debut."} {"id": 206225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Evan Goldberg je německý režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evan Goldberg is a German director."} {"id": 179972, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kirk Douglas se narodil 9. prosince 1916 ve srubu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kirk Douglas was born on December 9th, 1916 in a log cabin."} {"id": 5812, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Kolumbii se vyskytuje vysoký počet endemických druhů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colombia has a high number of endemic species."} {"id": 29869, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deadpool získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[84668, 96880, "Deadpool (film)", 13, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[84668, 96881, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[87222, 99728, "Deadpool (film)", 13, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[87222, 99729, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[89961, 102651, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[306295, 297016, "Deadpool (film)", 13, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[306295, 297017, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[306297, 297018, "Deadpool (film)", 13, "Deadpool (film)"]], [[306297, 297019, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool won an award."} {"id": 223929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots jsou výhradně jazzová kapela.", "evidence": [[[266777, 263650, "Stone Temple Pilots", 0, "Stone Temple Pilots"]]], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots are exclusively a jazz band."} {"id": 100154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sansu Stark ztvárňuje herečka z Anglie.", "evidence": [[[117809, 131710, "Sansa Stark", 9, "Sansa Stark"], [117809, 131710, "Sophie Turner", 0, "Sophie Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Sansa Stark is portrayed by an actress from England."} {"id": 164003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barry Gibb se narodil ve Velké Británii.", "evidence": [[[188666, 200119, "Barry Gibb", 4, "Barry Gibb"], [188666, 200119, "Man (ostrov)", 15, "Isle of Man"]]], "claim_en": "Barry Gibb was born in the UK."} {"id": 35421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celé jméno Rogera Moora obsahuje jméno Henry.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Roger Moore's full name includes Henry."} {"id": 68995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amanda Peetová není schopná hrát ve filmu Akta X: Chci uvěřit.", "evidence": [[[85819, 98101, "Amanda Peet", 5, "Amanda Peet"]]], "claim_en": "Amanda Peet is incapable of being in the movie the X- Files: I Want to Believe."} {"id": 26792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Frusciante ve své hudbě pracoval s elektronikou.", "evidence": [[[42939, 51579, "John Frusciante", 5, "John Frusciante"]]], "claim_en": "John Frusciante worked with electronica in his music."} {"id": 197747, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lucas hrál herce, jehož smrt se odehrála na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lucas starred an actor whose death took place on a boat."} {"id": 116949, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caroline Kennedyová je katolička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caroline Kennedy is a Catholic."} {"id": 124893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Batman vs. Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[146508, 161488, "Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti", 0, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"]]], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a television show."} {"id": 157700, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tony Blair je vůdce.", "evidence": [[[181922, 194202, "Tony Blair", 1, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194203, "Tony Blair", 5, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194204, "Tony Blair", 6, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194205, "Tony Blair", 12, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194206, "Tony Blair", 15, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194207, "Tony Blair", 16, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194208, "Tony Blair", 26, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194209, "Tony Blair", 27, "Tony Blair"]], [[181922, 194210, "Tony Blair", 28, "Tony Blair"]]], "claim_en": "Tony Blair is a leader."} {"id": 194049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duane Hopwood patří mezi scenáristy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duane Hopwood includes a screenwriter."} {"id": 74813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice je nevhodná pro testování systémů kosmických lodí.", "evidence": [[[91604, 104369, "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice", 7, "International Space Station"]]], "claim_en": "International Space Station is unsuited for the testing of spacecraft systems."} {"id": 65051, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Babe Ruth hrál tesaře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth played a carpenter."} {"id": 43716, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, se narodil 14. října 1948.", "evidence": [[[131566, 146365, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]], [[133599, 148447, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]], [[309267, 299520, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]], [[310684, 300728, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]], [[312283, 302102, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was born on October 14 1948."} {"id": 205569, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wyatt Earp pracoval na čemkoli kromě těžby geologických materiálů ze země.", "evidence": [[[242897, 244121, "Wyatt Earp", 5, "Wyatt Earp"], [242897, 244121, "Těžba", 0, "Mining"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp worked to do anything except extract geological materials from the earth."} {"id": 217586, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Toy Story 3 je film z roku 2010, který byl uveden pouze v Číně.", "evidence": [[[258600, 257386, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story 3"], [258600, 257386, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 3, "Toy Story 3"]], [[258600, 257387, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 14, "Toy Story 3"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story 3 is a 2010 film that was released only in China."} {"id": 143258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V blízkosti Houstonu se nachází záliv Burger King.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Houston is near the Gulf of Burger King."} {"id": 60872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indonésie má pouze řídce osídlené oblasti.", "evidence": [[[77321, 88734, "Indonésie", 3, "Indonesia"]], [[77321, 88735, "Indonésie", 4, "Indonesia"]], [[77321, 88736, "Indonésie", 9, "Indonesia"]], [[77321, 88737, "Indonésie", 12, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia only has sparsely populated regions."} {"id": 73190, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Dolmayan se narodil na hradě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Dolmayan was born in a castle."} {"id": 222227, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gil Sharone nakreslil Teenage Alexe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gil Sharone drew Teenage Alex."} {"id": 142633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gendry je nemanželské dítě krále Roberta Baratheona a královny Cersei.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gendry is the bastard child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei."} {"id": 145588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elizabeth Olsenová zemřela v roce 1989.", "evidence": [[[168908, 182617, "Elizabeth Olsen", 0, "Elizabeth Olsen"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Olsen died in 1989."} {"id": 130013, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Southern Hospitality se dostala do Top 40 na 38. místo v úterý 10. února 2001.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Southern Hospitality reached the Top 40 at number 38 on February 10, 2001 on a Tuesday."} {"id": 139087, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Republikánská strana kontrastuje s progresivní platformou Strany zelených.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republican Party contrasts with the Green Party progressive platform."} {"id": 104937, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Děj filmu Me Before You se odehrává v Austrálii.", "evidence": [[[123243, 137636, "Než jsem tě poznala (film)", 4, "Me Before You (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Me Before You is set in Australia."} {"id": 101200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily James se objevila na BBC.", "evidence": [[[118954, 132851, "Lily James", 4, "Lily James"]], [[118954, 132852, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]], [[118956, 132854, "Lily James", 4, "Lily James"]], [[118956, 132855, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James was on the BBC."} {"id": 148724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album OK Computer je příkladem alternativního rocku konce 90. let.", "evidence": [[[172379, 185701, "OK Computer", 0, "OK Computer"]]], "claim_en": "The album OK Computer is an exemplar of late-1990s alternative rock."} {"id": 169868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peyton Manning je bývalý atlet.", "evidence": [[[195949, 206087, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning is a former athlete."} {"id": 54639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seattle je od roku 1984 technologickým centrem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seattle has been a technology center since 1984."} {"id": 108521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joe Biden se v roce 2009 stal viceprezidentem Baracka Obamy.", "evidence": [[[127333, 141880, "Joe Biden", 0, "Joe Biden"]], [[127333, 141882, "Joe Biden", 16, "Joe Biden"], [127333, 141882, "Barack Obama", 0, "Barack Obama"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Biden became Barack Obama's Vice President in 2009."} {"id": 215864, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jerome Flynn se narodil v letadle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jerome Flynn was born on a plane."} {"id": 11800, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sociální spravedlnosti se dnes dovolává obhajoba tělesně a mentálně postižených.", "evidence": [[[27025, 33152, "Sociální spravedlnost", 11, "Social justice"]]], "claim_en": "Social justice is invoked today in advocating for the physically and mentally disabled."} {"id": 170721, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diana je dvoudílné album.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diana is a two-part album."} {"id": 209300, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Most špiónů režírovala Hillary Clintonová.", "evidence": [[[247777, 248077, "Most špionů", 0, "Bridge of Spies (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Bridge of Spies was directed by Hillary Clinton."} {"id": 122963, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Londýně probíhají politické procesy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "London has political trials."} {"id": 41575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prostřední jméno Meghan McCainové je Marguerite.", "evidence": [[[125694, 140078, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[126912, 141370, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[308788, 299080, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[310447, 300484, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[310449, 300486, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Meghan McCain's middle name is Marguerite."} {"id": 104095, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Sníh nevyjednává o spojenectví mezi Noční hlídkou a divokými.", "evidence": [[[122211, 136494, "Jon Sníh", 13, "Jon Snow (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow does not negotiate an alliance between the Night's Watch and the wildlings."} {"id": 192889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lindsay Lohanová nemá žádnou linii oblečení.", "evidence": [[[225816, 230394, "Lindsay Lohan", 17, "Lindsay Lohan"]]], "claim_en": "Lindsay Lohan has no clothing lines."} {"id": 225696, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Korea má osmý nejvyšší průměrný příjem domácnosti na světě.", "evidence": [[[269007, 265430, "Jižní Korea", 27, "South Korea"]]], "claim_en": "South Korea have the world's eighth highest median household income."} {"id": 60125, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leukémie zachránila v roce 2015 353 500 životů.", "evidence": [[[76578, 87877, "Leukemie", 25, "Leukemia"]]], "claim_en": "Leukemia saved 353,500 lives in 2015."} {"id": 29264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minions nenapsal Brian Lynch.", "evidence": [[[45379, 54161, "Mimoni", 1, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions was not written by Brian Lynch."} {"id": 75026, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rada pro zahraniční vztahy je také známá jako RFC.", "evidence": [[[91813, 104619, "Rada pro mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "Council on Foreign Relations"]]], "claim_en": "The Council on Foreign Relations is also known as the RFC."} {"id": 114469, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Simon Cowell nikdy na nic nepřispěl žádnou částkou.", "evidence": [[[134423, 149306, "Simon Cowell", 0, "Simon Cowell"], [134423, 149306, "Filantropie", 7, "Philanthropy"]]], "claim_en": "Simon Cowell has donated zero dollars to anything ever."} {"id": 135768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Londýn je známý také jako Velký Boston.", "evidence": [[[158388, 173003, "Londýn", 4, "London"]]], "claim_en": "London is also known as Greater Boston."} {"id": 172430, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jared Kushner je prezidentův hlavní poradce.", "evidence": [[[199017, 208699, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner is a president's senior advisor."} {"id": 85633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski často navštěvovala Kalifornii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski often visited California."} {"id": 199345, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leslie Uggamsová recenzovala Empire.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leslie Uggams reviewed Empire."} {"id": 81466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judi Denchová nehrála ve filmu Philomena.", "evidence": [[[259881, 258413, "Judi Denchová", 12, "Judi Dench"]], [[261897, 259925, "Judi Denchová", 12, "Judi Dench"]], [[264067, 261596, "Judi Denchová", 12, "Judi Dench"]], [[321472, 309938, "Judi Denchová", 12, "Judi Dench"]]], "claim_en": "Judi Dench did not star in Philomena."} {"id": 183793, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Potter byl napsán řekou.", "evidence": [[[213940, 221055, "Harry Potter", 0, "Harry Potter"], [213940, 221055, "Joanne Rowlingová", 0, "J. K. Rowling"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Potter was written by a river."} {"id": 24655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Parsons ztvárnil Sheldona Coopera.", "evidence": [[[40598, 48829, "Jim Parsons", 1, "Jim Parsons"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Parsons portrays Sheldon Cooper."} {"id": 98693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kesha se narodila 1. března 1987.", "evidence": [[[116338, 130228, "Kesha", 0, "Kesha"]]], "claim_en": "Kesha was born on March 1st, 1987."} {"id": 126106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James Blake (hudebník) vydal dílo pod pseudonymem Harmonimix.", "evidence": [[[147929, 162922, "James Blake (hudebník)", 4, "James Blake (musician)"]], [[147932, 162923, "James Blake (hudebník)", 4, "James Blake (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "James Blake (musician) has put out work under the alias Harmonimix."} {"id": 185482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jméno Triple H představuje Hanley Harold Hammerstein.", "evidence": [[[216184, 222889, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H's name represents Hanley Harold Hammerstein."} {"id": 7905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miranda Otto je dcerou.", "evidence": [[[12925, 16124, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[12927, 16126, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[18740, 22974, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[21077, 25878, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[278724, 273440, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[299159, 290532, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]], [[301228, 292349, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Otto is a daughter."} {"id": 162627, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Hacksaw Ridge vyšel 4. listopadu 2016.", "evidence": [[[187179, 198863, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 5, "Hacksaw Ridge"]]], "claim_en": "Hacksaw Ridge came out in 2016 on November 4."} {"id": 65335, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mel Brooks je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[81820, 93590, "Mel Brooks", 0, "Mel Brooks"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Brooks is an American actor."} {"id": 33588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vera Farmiga odmítla roli ve filmu Orphan.", "evidence": [[[49685, 59115, "Vera Farmigová", 10, "Vera Farmiga"]], [[49685, 59116, "Vera Farmigová", 16, "Vera Farmiga"]]], "claim_en": "Vera Farmiga refused a role in Orphan."} {"id": 129829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bitva u Trebie byla bitva americké občanské války.", "evidence": [[[152041, 166790, "Bitva na řece Trebia (antika)", 0, "Battle of the Trebia"], [152041, 166790, "Druhá punská válka", 0, "Second Punic War"]]], "claim_en": "The Battle of the Trebia was an American Civil War battle."} {"id": 204575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Komodor je hodnostně výše než kontradmirál.", "evidence": [[[241594, 243126, "Komodor", 0, "Commodore (rank)"]]], "claim_en": "Commodore is ranked above a rear admiral."} {"id": 161887, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 2. prosince 1981 se narodila Britney Spears.", "evidence": [[[186414, 198228, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "On December 2nd, 1981, Britney Spears was born."} {"id": 147167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nervová soustava pavouka se nachází v hlavohrudi.", "evidence": [[[170714, 184308, "Pavouci", 9, "Spider"]]], "claim_en": "The nervous system of a spider is located in the cephalothorax."} {"id": 148467, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Jones (vývojář videoher) je Kozoroh.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Jones (video game developer) is a Capricorn."} {"id": 182302, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V květnu 2014 se uskutečnil koncert Yellow Flicker Beat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yellow Flicker Beat was performed in May 2014."} {"id": 147968, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Buffy, přemožitelka upírů měl více režisérů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buffy the Vampire Slayer had multiple directors."} {"id": 34735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová nemohla před svou smrtí získat Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[50924, 60655, "Natalie Portmanová", 11, "Natalie Portman"]], [[50924, 60656, "Natalie Portmanová", 14, "Natalie Portman"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman was unable to win a Golden Globe Award before her death."} {"id": 144897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Netscape Navigator byl vystřídán novomanželskou sadou.", "evidence": [[[168188, 181942, "Netscape Navigator", 9, "Netscape Navigator"]]], "claim_en": "Netscape Navigator was succeeded by the honeymoon suite."} {"id": 34047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler odmítl vstoupit do Německé dělnické strany (DAP).", "evidence": [[[50153, 59684, "Adolf Hitler", 6, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler refused to join the German Workers' Party (DAP)."} {"id": 144002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Allen nikdy nepracoval v americké televizi.", "evidence": [[[167139, 180970, "Tim Allen", 3, "Tim Allen"], [167139, 180970, "American Broadcasting Company", 0, "American Broadcasting Company"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Allen never worked in American television."} {"id": 24031, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey spolupracovala se dvěma různými nahrávacími společnostmi.", "evidence": [[[39977, 48107, "Mariah Carey", 8, "Mariah Carey"], [39977, 48107, "Virgin Records", 0, "Virgin Records"], [39977, 48107, "Columbia Records", 0, "Columbia Records"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey worked with two different record labels."} {"id": 148612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Silicon Valley se nachází v severní části Leviticus.", "evidence": [[[172261, 185627, "Silicon Valley", 0, "Silicon Valley"]]], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is in the northern part of the Leviticus."} {"id": 47282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peyton Manning není synem quarterbacka NFL.", "evidence": [[[63593, 74347, "Peyton Manning", 3, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning is not the son of an NFL quarterback."} {"id": 196846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sean Connery získal dvě Nobelovy ceny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sean Connery won two Nobel Prizes."} {"id": 150616, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Temná hmota se liší od krav.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dark matter is distinct from cows."} {"id": 132975, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daddy Yankee natočil nejméně čtyři studiová alba.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee made at least four studio albums."} {"id": 62022, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Morrissey si oblíbil pomeranč, realismus kuchyňského dřezu a populární hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Morrissey developed a love of orange, kitchen sink realism, and popular music."} {"id": 160286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Backstreet Boys jsou politická strana.", "evidence": [[[184758, 196651, "Backstreet Boys", 0, "Backstreet Boys"]], [[184758, 196652, "Backstreet Boys", 1, "Backstreet Boys"], [184758, 196652, "Nick Carter (hudebník)", 1, "Nick Carter (musician)"]], [[184758, 196656, "Backstreet Boys", 19, "Backstreet Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Backstreet Boys are a political party."} {"id": 77003, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elizabeth Taylorová byla hlavní postavou filmu Obr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Taylor was the main character in Giant."} {"id": 76647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Generaci X chybí kohorta.", "evidence": [[[93523, 106477, "Generace X", 0, "Generation X"]], [[93523, 106478, "Generace X", 1, "Generation X"]], [[93523, 106479, "Generace X", 2, "Generation X"]]], "claim_en": "Generation X lacks a cohort."} {"id": 147958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angela Lansburyová nezískala uznání za svůj výkon ve filmu Mandžuský kandidát.", "evidence": [[[171563, 185033, "Angela Lansbury", 8, "Angela Lansbury"]]], "claim_en": "Angela Lansbury didn't receive acclaim for her performance in The Manchurian Candidate."} {"id": 25847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ginger Baker byl členem kapely.", "evidence": [[[41843, 50334, "Ginger Baker", 0, "Ginger Baker"]], [[41843, 50335, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"], [41843, 50335, "Cream", 0, "Cream (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker was a member of a band."} {"id": 73013, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Švédské císařství existovalo dříve, než se narodil Gustav Adolf.", "evidence": [[[89756, 102450, "Švédské impérium", 1, "Swedish Empire"]]], "claim_en": "Swedish Empire existed before Gustavus Adolphus was born."} {"id": 170848, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Den památky padlých se v letech 1868 až 1971 slavil 30. května, ale pak se změnil.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Memorial Day was observed on May 30th from 1868 to 1971 but then changed."} {"id": 146406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Turecko není statutárním členem Organizace spojených národů.", "evidence": [[[169899, 183497, "Turecko", 29, "Turkey"]]], "claim_en": "Turkey is not a charter member of the United Nations."} {"id": 227451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje kriminální seriál HBO, v němž hrála Rachel McAdams.", "evidence": [[[271259, 267180, "Rachel McAdamsová", 12, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "There is an HBO crime drama where Rachel McAdams was a cast member."} {"id": 12640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vzpomínka na Titanic je udržována při životě v různých dílech.", "evidence": [[[28559, 34892, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]], [[31398, 38113, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]], [[33712, 40878, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]], [[301760, 292870, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]], [[303180, 294157, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]], [[303182, 294158, "Titanic", 29, "RMS Titanic"]]], "claim_en": "The memory of Titanic is kept alive in different works."} {"id": 18379, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová nemá žádné děti.", "evidence": [[[33962, 41174, "Jennifer Garner", 14, "Jennifer Garner"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner does not have any children."} {"id": 60693, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mercedes-Benz je největší divizí společnosti Daimler AG.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mercedes-Benz is the largest division of Daimler AG."} {"id": 50744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slash opustil skupinu Guns N' Roses v roce 1996.", "evidence": [[[67092, 77890, "Slash", 3, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slash left Guns N' Roses in 1996."} {"id": 122763, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bali leží mezi Nigerem a Lombokem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bali is between Niger and Lombok."} {"id": 24833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glenn Frey byl manažerem skupiny Eagles.", "evidence": [[[40784, 49037, "Glenn Frey", 0, "Glenn Frey"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Frey was the manager of the band Eagles."} {"id": 29776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít měl celosvětovou premiéru v listopadu 2016.", "evidence": [[[45891, 54809, "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít (film)", 9, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was released worldwide in November 2016."} {"id": 63534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Future zpívá výhradně dětskou hudbu.", "evidence": [[[79960, 91715, "Future (rapper)", 0, "Future (rapper)"]]], "claim_en": "Future exclusively sings children's music."} {"id": 93972, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Některé druhy pavouků žijí na stejném místě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Some spider species live in the same place."} {"id": 177002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe hrála pouze na jevišti.", "evidence": [[[205113, 213744, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe acted only on stage."} {"id": 17868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová byla v roce 1998 držitelkou titulu světové jedničky.", "evidence": [[[33383, 40498, "Maria Šarapovová", 7, "Maria Sharapova"]]], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova held the title of the world No. 1 in 1998."} {"id": 152656, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zoe Saldana je někde občankou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zoe Saldana is a citizen of somewhere."} {"id": 213164, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vladimir Putin byl několikrát vězněn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was imprisoned multiple times."} {"id": 37098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Cena je vítězem wrestlingové akce Royal Rumble za rok 2013.", "evidence": [[[109051, 122752, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]], [[110871, 124544, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]], [[308216, 298658, "John Cena", 16, "John Cena"]]], "claim_en": "John Cena is a Royal Rumble wrestling event winner for 2013."} {"id": 198434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Arthur Schopenhauer byl vždy pouze matematik.", "evidence": [[[233298, 236268, "Arthur Schopenhauer", 0, "Arthur Schopenhauer"]]], "claim_en": "Arthur Schopenhauer was only ever a mathematician."} {"id": 14834, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "New Orleans je přístav.", "evidence": [[[36684, 44311, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]], [[39213, 47236, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]], [[41782, 50242, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]], [[301980, 293061, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]], [[303525, 294489, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]], [[304614, 295421, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]]], "claim_en": "New Orleans is a port."} {"id": 57051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová pracuje ve filmovém průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[73395, 84635, "Solange Knowles", 3, "Solange Knowles"], [73395, 84635, "Bravo Girls: Všechno nebo nic", 0, "Bring It On: All or Nothing"]]], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles works in the film industry."} {"id": 97061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alfa Centauri je soustava.", "evidence": [[[114643, 128388, "Alfa Centauri", 0, "Alpha Centauri"]]], "claim_en": "Alpha Centauri is a system."} {"id": 24286, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demi Lovato se stala obhájkyní GLBT komunity.", "evidence": [[[40225, 48393, "Demi Lovato", 28, "Demi Lovato"], [40225, 48393, "LGBT", 0, "LGBT"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato has become an advocate for the GLBT community."} {"id": 71262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byl vydán film There Will Be Blood.", "evidence": [[[224161, 229010, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[224161, 229011, "Až na krev", 9, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[227820, 232188, "Až na krev", 0, "There Will Be Blood"]], [[319871, 308607, "Až na krev", 9, "There Will Be Blood"]]], "claim_en": "There Will Be Blood has been released."} {"id": 142573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dennis byl parašutista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dennis was a skydiver."} {"id": 119655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Liev Schreiber byl oceněn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liev Schreiber was recognized."} {"id": 153686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roman Reigns je jednorázovým šampionem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[177651, 190406, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]]], "claim_en": "Roman Reigns is a one-time United States Champion."} {"id": 98799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anaheim v Kalifornii se nachází na planetě Mars.", "evidence": [[[116447, 130338, "Anaheim", 0, "Anaheim, California"]]], "claim_en": "Anaheim, California is on planet Mars."} {"id": 92264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglický král Eduard I. něco potlačil.", "evidence": [[[109581, 123189, "Eduard I.", 16, "Edward I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Edward I of England suppressed something."} {"id": 107386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Se zuby byl před rokem nula.", "evidence": [[[126046, 140450, "Year Zero", 1, "Year Zero (album)"]]], "claim_en": "With Teeth was before Year Zero."} {"id": 208490, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, byl prvním dítětem nejméně jedné manželky krále Jiřího VI.", "evidence": [[[246700, 247166, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 5, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was the first child of at least one wife of King George VI."} {"id": 39508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Artemis byla helénská bohyně útoku.", "evidence": [[[55807, 65888, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]]], "claim_en": "Artemis was the Hellenic goddess of the attack."} {"id": 163138, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dracula je román irského autora fantasy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dracula is a novel by an Irish fantasy author."} {"id": 74963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vladimir Putin sloužil 16 let jako důstojník zahraniční rozvědky KGB.", "evidence": [[[91746, 104551, "Vladimir Putin", 7, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin served as a KGB Foreign Intelligence Officer for 16 years."} {"id": 43867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pásový opar patří do stejné rodiny léků, do které patří i herpes simplex.", "evidence": [[[60200, 70612, "Pásový opar", 17, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "Shingles belong to the same family of cures herpes simplex is part of."} {"id": 155525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "T-Pain je podnikatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "T-Pain is a businessman."} {"id": 75907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moderní rodina je chráněný park.", "evidence": [[[92726, 105574, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105575, "Taková moderní rodinka", 2, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105576, "Taková moderní rodinka", 3, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105577, "Taková moderní rodinka", 4, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105578, "Taková moderní rodinka", 5, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105579, "Taková moderní rodinka", 6, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105580, "Taková moderní rodinka", 9, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105581, "Taková moderní rodinka", 10, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105582, "Taková moderní rodinka", 11, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105583, "Taková moderní rodinka", 12, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105584, "Taková moderní rodinka", 15, "Modern Family"]], [[92726, 105585, "Taková moderní rodinka", 16, "Modern Family"]]], "claim_en": "Modern Family is a protected park."} {"id": 226062, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Lennon se narodil 9. října 1940.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940."} {"id": 2768, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Logika má obraz s názvem Bobby Tarantino.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Logic has a painting called Bobby Tarantino."} {"id": 8870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Farmakologie se zabývá výzkumem, objevováním a charakterizací řep, které vykazují biologické účinky.", "evidence": [[[14327, 17895, "Farmakologie", 10, "Pharmacology"]]], "claim_en": "Pharmacology deals with the research, discovery, and characterization of turnips which show biological effects."} {"id": 15892, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Allen hrál ve filmu Heimat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Allen starred in Heimat."} {"id": 229289, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neal Schon se jmenoval v roce 1954.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neal Schon was named in 1954."} {"id": 9000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Palinová byla devátou guvernérkou Aljašky.", "evidence": [[[16529, 20467, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[18331, 22502, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[19458, 23878, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[301372, 292497, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[302425, 293436, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]], [[304290, 295112, "Sarah Palinová", 0, "Sarah Palin"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin served as the ninth Governor of Alaska."} {"id": 106314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seth Rogen nezískal roli v seriálu Undeclared.", "evidence": [[[124790, 139140, "Seth Rogen", 4, "Seth Rogen"]]], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen did not land a part on Undeclared."} {"id": 88032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dobytí planety opic je francouzský film.", "evidence": [[[105234, 118655, "Dobytí Planety opic", 0, "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes"], [105234, 118655, "Planeta opic", 0, "Planet of the Apes"]]], "claim_en": "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes is French."} {"id": 96396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dánsko bylo průmyslovým vývozcem.", "evidence": [[[113947, 127787, "Dánsko", 21, "Denmark"]]], "claim_en": "Denmark was an industrialized exporter."} {"id": 90186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jona Snowa hraje výhradně japonský herec.", "evidence": [[[107490, 120963, "Jon Sníh", 17, "Jon Snow (character)"], [107490, 120963, "Kit Harington", 0, "Kit Harington"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is played solely by a Japanese actor."} {"id": 84167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cristiano Ronaldo navštěvoval školu v roce 1985.", "evidence": [[[101208, 114454, "Cristiano Ronaldo", 0, "Cristiano Ronaldo"]]], "claim_en": "Cristiano Ronaldo attended school in 1985."} {"id": 176532, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil koprodukci s designovým studiem zakázaným v Japonsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created a co-production with a design studio banned in Japan."} {"id": 70002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charlie Sheen se narodil v roce 1965.", "evidence": [[[86675, 99151, "Charlie Sheen", 0, "Charlie Sheen"]]], "claim_en": "Charlie Sheen was born in 1965."} {"id": 193227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pruská akademie věd byla pouze hotelem.", "evidence": [[[226246, 230853, "Pruská akademie věd", 0, "Prussian Academy of Sciences"]], [[226246, 230854, "Pruská akademie věd", 1, "Prussian Academy of Sciences"]]], "claim_en": "Prussian Academy of Sciences was only a hotel."} {"id": 222592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sňatky osob stejného pohlaví jsou v Brazílii stále nezákonné.", "evidence": [[[265164, 262425, "Stejnopohlavní manželství v Brazílii", 0, "Same-sex marriage in Brazil"]]], "claim_en": "Same-sex marriage remains illegal in Brazil."} {"id": 156934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eddie Vedder je pouze kuchař.", "evidence": [[[296192, 288119, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[297774, 289383, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[299914, 291256, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[299914, 291257, "Eddie Vedder", 4, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[299914, 291258, "Eddie Vedder", 5, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342489, 326503, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326504, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326505, "Eddie Vedder", 1, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326506, "Eddie Vedder", 4, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326507, "Eddie Vedder", 5, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326508, "Eddie Vedder", 6, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[342490, 326509, "Eddie Vedder", 9, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder is only a chef."} {"id": 117056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Lautner se nemohl objevit v seriálu Moje žena a děti.", "evidence": [[[137410, 152292, "Taylor Lautner", 4, "Taylor Lautner"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Lautner was unable to appear on My Wife and Kids."} {"id": 102759, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spotlight není film.", "evidence": [[[120642, 134891, "Spotlight (film)", 0, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[120642, 134892, "Spotlight (film)", 6, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[120642, 134893, "Spotlight (film)", 7, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[120642, 134894, "Spotlight (film)", 9, "Spotlight (film)"]], [[120642, 134895, "Spotlight (film)", 10, "Spotlight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spotlight is not a film."} {"id": 165804, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boeing 707 je třímotorové proudové letadlo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Boeing 707 is a three-engine jet airliner."} {"id": 125769, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ceny Akademie jsou oficiálně známé jako Tonies.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Academy Awards are known officially as the Tonies."} {"id": 183776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Potter je série televizních pořadů.", "evidence": [[[213920, 221037, "Harry Potter", 0, "Harry Potter"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Potter is a series of TV shows."} {"id": 94289, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spider-Man se oženil se dvěma britskými filmovými herci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spider-Man has married two British film actors."} {"id": 141713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jared Kushner je hlavní poradce prezidenta Williama Tafta.", "evidence": [[[164782, 178977, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"], [164782, 178977, "William Howard Taft", 0, "William Howard Taft"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner is the senior advisor to President William Taft."} {"id": 56591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celine Dion byla ovlivněna svou matkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Celine Dion has been influenced by her mother."} {"id": 197910, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Tvar vody (The Shape of Water) recenzuje Vanessa Taylorová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Shape of Water (film) is reviewed by Vanessa Taylor."} {"id": 133011, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kendall Jenner je mluvčí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kendall Jenner is a spokesperson."} {"id": 106560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leicester City F.C. je klub amerického fotbalu.", "evidence": [[[125083, 139419, "Leicester City FC", 0, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[125084, 139420, "Leicester City FC", 0, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[125084, 139421, "Leicester City FC", 1, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[125084, 139422, "Leicester City FC", 5, "Leicester City F.C."], [125084, 139422, "Leicester", 0, "Leicester"]], [[125084, 139423, "Leicester City FC", 6, "Leicester City F.C."], [125084, 139423, "Leicester", 0, "Leicester"]], [[125085, 139424, "Leicester City FC", 0, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[125085, 139425, "Leicester City FC", 1, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[125085, 139426, "Leicester City FC", 5, "Leicester City F.C."], [125085, 139426, "Leicester", 0, "Leicester"]], [[125085, 139427, "Leicester City FC", 6, "Leicester City F.C."], [125085, 139427, "Leicester", 0, "Leicester"]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. is an American football club."} {"id": 128462, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marie Curie se vzdělávala v oblasti umění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marie Curie was trained in art."} {"id": 70417, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Angelina Jolie má čestný titul v oboru fotografie a Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie has a Honorary Degree in Photography and a Golden Globe."} {"id": 120353, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Connaughtský tunel byl vybaven ventilačním systémem poté, co v něm zahynulo 10 lidí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Connaught Tunnel was equipped with a ventilation system after 10 people were killed."} {"id": 29386, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lví král není schopen být příběhem.", "evidence": [[[45519, 54355, "Lví král (film, 1994)", 2, "The Lion King"]], [[45519, 54356, "Lví král (film, 1994)", 9, "The Lion King"]]], "claim_en": "The Lion King is incapable of being a story."} {"id": 117219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Imperium (2016) napsal politik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Imperium (2016 film) was written by a politician."} {"id": 156494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paris je synem královny Alžběty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paris is the son of Queen Elizabeth."} {"id": 114886, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Bradley-West se narodil v létě 1988.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Bradley-West was born on the summer of 1988."} {"id": 6249, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Předávkování heroinem lze léčit amoxycilinem.", "evidence": [[[11616, 14591, "Heroin", 15, "Heroin"]]], "claim_en": "Heroin overdoses can be treated with amoxycillin."} {"id": 228542, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina One Direction natočila film Life.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One Direction made Life."} {"id": 137053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jared Kushner je hlavní poradce prezidenta.", "evidence": [[[159790, 174268, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner is the senior advisor to the president."} {"id": 101840, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Obvinění popřel Julian Assange.", "evidence": [[[119574, 133636, "Julian Assange", 10, "Julian Assange"]]], "claim_en": "Allegations were denied by Julian Assange."} {"id": 118350, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Internet vznikl na základě výzkumu prováděného v 70. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The internet originated in research conducted in the 1970s."} {"id": 189818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dne 29. července 2011 byl do kin uveden film Šmoulové (film).", "evidence": [[[221737, 227300, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]], [[221739, 227302, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "On July 29 2011 The Smurfs (film) was released."} {"id": 180709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cary Elwes si ještě vyzkoušel herectví.", "evidence": [[[209741, 217530, "Cary Elwes", 0, "Cary Elwes"]], [[209741, 217531, "Cary Elwes", 2, "Cary Elwes"]], [[209741, 217532, "Cary Elwes", 3, "Cary Elwes"]], [[209741, 217533, "Cary Elwes", 1, "Cary Elwes"]]], "claim_en": "Cary Elwes has yet to try acting."} {"id": 133527, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jindřich II. francouzský je otcem tří synů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry II of France is a father of three sons."} {"id": 190897, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Láska a přátelství vystupuje herečka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Love & Friendship features an actress."} {"id": 3618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác má interiéry z počátku 19. století.", "evidence": [[[19802, 24349, "Buckinghamský palác", 15, "Buckingham Palace"]]], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace has early 19th-century interior designs."} {"id": 39664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zac Efron se narodil v roce 1785.", "evidence": [[[55963, 66071, "Zac Efron", 0, "Zac Efron"]]], "claim_en": "Zac Efron was born in 1785."} {"id": 220842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andy Fletcher je zakládajícím členem skupiny Depeche Mode z roku 1990.", "evidence": [[[262862, 260717, "Andrew Fletcher", 0, "Andy Fletcher (musician)"], [262862, 260717, "Depeche Mode", 0, "Depeche Mode"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Fletcher is a founding member of Depeche Mode in 1990."} {"id": 80962, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pamela Andersonová je osoba.", "evidence": [[[97973, 111104, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]], [[97973, 111105, "Pamela Anderson", 1, "Pamela Anderson"]], [[97973, 111106, "Pamela Anderson", 2, "Pamela Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson is a person."} {"id": 187224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Hurt Locker je americký válečný thriller z roku 2008, ve kterém hraje Martin Sheen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hurt Locker is a 2008 American war thriller film staring Martin Sheen."} {"id": 104276, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cleopatre je skladatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatre is by a composer."} {"id": 13656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Derrick Rose byl nejmladším hráčem, který získal cenu MVP NBA, když ji získal v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[28897, 35261, "Derrick Rose", 2, "Derrick Rose"]]], "claim_en": "Derrick Rose was the youngest player to win the NBA's MVP Award when he won in 2011."} {"id": 43421, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thandie Newton je herečka ve filmu Mission Impossible.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thandie Newton is an actress in the film Mission Impossible."} {"id": 82587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Afrodita je bohyně v řecké mytologii.", "evidence": [[[99653, 112786, "Afrodita", 0, "Aphrodite"]]], "claim_en": "Aphrodite is a goddess in Greek mythology."} {"id": 220877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Andy Fletcher se narodil 8. července 1961.", "evidence": [[[262925, 260758, "Andrew Fletcher", 0, "Andy Fletcher (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Fletcher's birth day was July 8th, 1961."} {"id": 18782, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexander Hamilton se rozhodl zůstat ve Třinácti koloniích.", "evidence": [[[34407, 41719, "Alexander Hamilton", 14, "Alexander Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Hamilton chose to stay in the Thirteen colonies."} {"id": 75777, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham nehrál za Real Madrid.", "evidence": [[[92592, 105386, "David Beckham", 13, "David Beckham"]], [[92592, 105387, "David Beckham", 1, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham did not play with Real Madrid."} {"id": 226007, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tetrisu se prodalo přes 100 milionů baterií do mobilních telefonů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tetris has sold over 100 million cell phone batteries."} {"id": 51453, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku byl nejlepším střelcem.", "evidence": [[[67786, 78630, "Romelu Lukaku", 5, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was a top scorer."} {"id": 210832, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Saw VI je horor.", "evidence": [[[249776, 249787, "Saw 6", 0, "Saw VI"]]], "claim_en": "Saw VI is a horror film."} {"id": 23219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Dickinsonová nebyla básnířka.", "evidence": [[[39187, 47191, "Emily Dickinsonová", 1, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47192, "Emily Dickinsonová", 0, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47193, "Emily Dickinsonová", 12, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47194, "Emily Dickinsonová", 14, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47195, "Emily Dickinsonová", 15, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47196, "Emily Dickinsonová", 19, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47197, "Emily Dickinsonová", 18, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47198, "Emily Dickinsonová", 20, "Emily Dickinson"]], [[39187, 47199, "Emily Dickinsonová", 21, "Emily Dickinson"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Dickinson was not a poet."} {"id": 186968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Modern Family měl premiéru na stanici ABC 23. září 2009 v 18:00 hodin.", "evidence": [[[218142, 224509, "Taková moderní rodinka", 0, "Modern Family"]]], "claim_en": "Modern Family premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009 at 6 P.M."} {"id": 170154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokojská na Manhattanu je pouze obraz.", "evidence": [[[196283, 206416, "Krásná pokojská", 0, "Maid in Manhattan"]], [[196283, 206417, "Krásná pokojská", 2, "Maid in Manhattan"]], [[196283, 206418, "Krásná pokojská", 3, "Maid in Manhattan"]]], "claim_en": "Maid in Manhattan is only a painting."} {"id": 1021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Batman se poprvé objevil v komiksu z roku 1939.", "evidence": [[[16572, 20511, "Batman", 1, "Batman"]]], "claim_en": "Batman first appeared in a 1939 comic."} {"id": 86651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Noam Chomsky chodil na univerzitu Ivy League v Pensylvánii.", "evidence": [[[274224, 269544, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"]], [[274226, 269545, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"], [274226, 269545, "Pensylvánská univerzita", 0, "University of Pennsylvania"]], [[274228, 269546, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"], [274228, 269546, "Pensylvánská univerzita", 0, "University of Pennsylvania"]], [[322317, 310677, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"], [322317, 310677, "Pensylvánská univerzita", 0, "University of Pennsylvania"]], [[322319, 310678, "Noam Chomsky", 7, "Noam Chomsky"], [322319, 310678, "Pensylvánská univerzita", 0, "University of Pennsylvania"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky went to an Ivy League university in Pennsylvania."} {"id": 30785, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Pulp Fiction získal chválu za scénář a strukturu vyprávění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pulp Fiction has received praise for its screenwriting and its narrative structure."} {"id": 209342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alexandria se nachází v Kataru.", "evidence": [[[247831, 248133, "Alexandrie", 0, "Alexandria"], [247831, 248133, "Katar", 0, "Qatar"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandria is in Qatar."} {"id": 59245, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kenny Rogers vydal album The Gambler.", "evidence": [[[75650, 86909, "Kenny Rogers", 8, "Kenny Rogers"]]], "claim_en": "Kenny Rogers put out the album, The Gambler."} {"id": 169840, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cary Grant režíroval ve filmu Blonďatá Venuše.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cary Grant directed in the film Blonde Venus."} {"id": 195437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "AC/DC nazvali svou hudbu americkou.", "evidence": [[[229490, 233414, "AC/DC", 1, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC has dubbed their music as American."} {"id": 113578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anna Franková byla Američanka.", "evidence": [[[133600, 148448, "Anne Franková", 5, "Anne Frank"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank was American."} {"id": 189167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi aktivity skupiny Světové banky patří rozvoj zemědělství.", "evidence": [[[220949, 226711, "Skupina Světové banky", 8, "World Bank Group"]]], "claim_en": "The World Bank Group's activities include agricultural development."} {"id": 128484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Froome jezdí pod švédskou licencí.", "evidence": [[[150511, 165389, "Chris Froome", 0, "Chris Froome"]], [[150511, 165390, "Chris Froome", 2, "Chris Froome"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Froome rides under a Swedish license."} {"id": 208499, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, byl obviněn v Buckinghamském paláci.", "evidence": [[[246708, 247173, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 5, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was accused at Buckingham Palace."} {"id": 101436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shawn Mendes a Island Records podepsali smlouvu.", "evidence": [[[119171, 133118, "Shawn Mendes", 2, "Shawn Mendes"]]], "claim_en": "Shawn Mendes and Island Records signed a deal."} {"id": 10114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richmond ve Virginii je vesnice.", "evidence": [[[25037, 30911, "Richmond", 5, "Richmond, Virginia"]], [[25037, 30912, "Richmond", 6, "Richmond, Virginia"]], [[25037, 30913, "Richmond", 2, "Richmond, Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Richmond, Virginia is a village."} {"id": 225273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brian De Palma se narodil v lednu 1940.", "evidence": [[[268455, 265037, "Brian De Palma", 0, "Brian De Palma"]]], "claim_en": "Brian De Palma was born in January 1940."} {"id": 200307, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová produkovala film uvedený v roce 2015.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman produced a film released in 2015."} {"id": 62609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z Beatles zbylo jen pět žijících členů.", "evidence": [[[79049, 90671, "The Beatles", 12, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles have only five surviving members left."} {"id": 103726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království má vládu.", "evidence": [[[121787, 136080, "Spojené království", 11, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom has a government."} {"id": 20705, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lionel Messi získal Zlatou rukavici na mistrovství světa mládeže 2005.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lionel Messi won the Golden Glove at the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship."} {"id": 76343, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skotsko se skládá z více než 790 ostrovů.", "evidence": [[[93191, 106114, "Skotsko", 2, "Scotland"]]], "claim_en": "Scotland consists of over 790 islands."} {"id": 63525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Jonas byl propuštěn mrtvý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas was released by the dead."} {"id": 220522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jared Leto se narodil v měsíci prosinci.", "evidence": [[[262456, 260447, "Jared Leto", 0, "Jared Leto"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Leto was born on the month of December."} {"id": 104263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Macaulay Culkin se vzdal role ve filmu Sám doma 2: Ztracen v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[122552, 136857, "Macaulay Culkin", 1, "Macaulay Culkin"]]], "claim_en": "Macaulay Culkin passed up a role in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York."} {"id": 15387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Detroit je 21. nejlidnatějším městem ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[30793, 37417, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit is the 21st-most populous city in the United States."} {"id": 117971, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunny Leoneová byla počítačovou inženýrkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunny Leone was a computer engineer."} {"id": 24750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Woody Allen získal pouze jednu cenu za nejlepší původní scénář.", "evidence": [[[68338, 79209, "Woody Allen", 17, "Woody Allen"]], [[70427, 81290, "Woody Allen", 17, "Woody Allen"]], [[71099, 82028, "Woody Allen", 17, "Woody Allen"]], [[303854, 294755, "Woody Allen", 17, "Woody Allen"]], [[303862, 294761, "Woody Allen", 17, "Woody Allen"]]], "claim_en": "Woody Allen only won one award for Best Original Screenplay."} {"id": 36386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Seattlu vzrostl o 20 % díky společnosti Boeing.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seattle's population grew by 20 per cent as a result of Boeing."} {"id": 169968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brooks Wackerman je bubeník skupiny Avenged Sevenfold.", "evidence": [[[196055, 206212, "Brooks Wackerman", 0, "Brooks Wackerman"]], [[196055, 206213, "Brooks Wackerman", 3, "Brooks Wackerman"], [196055, 206213, "Avenged Sevenfold", 0, "Avenged Sevenfold"]]], "claim_en": "Brooks Wackerman is a drummer of the band Avenged Sevenfold."} {"id": 124636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keith Stanfield's se narodil 12. srpna 1991 jako LaKeith Lee \"Keith'' Stanfield.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keith Stanfield's was born LaKeith Lee \"Keith'' Stanfield on August 12, 1991."} {"id": 140184, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Love Actually hraje Richard Curtis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Love Actually stars Richard Curtis."} {"id": 77732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Postavu ztvárnila Laura Prepon.", "evidence": [[[94668, 107651, "Laura Prepon", 1, "Laura Prepon"]]], "claim_en": "Laura Prepon portrayed a character."} {"id": 189248, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dan Aykroyd byl nominován na senátora.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dan Aykroyd was nominated for a Senate Seat."} {"id": 32016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thomas Haden Church odmítá být hercem.", "evidence": [[[48556, 57866, "Thomas Haden Church", 0, "Thomas Haden Church"]]], "claim_en": "Thomas Haden Church refuses to be an actor."} {"id": 40079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Spielberg se nenarodil v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[56372, 66564, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Spielberg was not born in December."} {"id": 206555, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joseph Barbera byl producentem.", "evidence": [[[244236, 245290, "Joseph Barbera", 0, "Joseph Barbera"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Barbera was a producer."} {"id": 174214, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oliver Reed hrál v lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oliver Reed was in a boat."} {"id": 60081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bank of America má více než 5 000 maloobchodních finančních center.", "evidence": [[[76501, 87802, "Bank of America", 16, "Bank of America"]]], "claim_en": "Bank of America has over 5,000 retail financial centers."} {"id": 61136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fyzika nepatří mezi nejstarší akademické obory.", "evidence": [[[77644, 89092, "Fyzika", 4, "Physics"]]], "claim_en": "Physics is not one of the oldest academic disciplines."} {"id": 81724, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Duvall je zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Duvall is a singer."} {"id": 36080, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Matrixu nehrají žádní barevní herci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There are no actors of color in The Matrix."} {"id": 148330, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Internet vznikl v rámci projektu, jehož cílem bylo vybudovat robustní komunikaci odolnou proti poruchám prostřednictvím psích sítí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The internet originated in a project to build robust, fault-tolerant communication via dog networks."} {"id": 204809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Noth byl nominován na Zlatý glóbus za nejlepšího televizního herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[241910, 243463, "Chris Noth", 3, "Chris Noth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Noth was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor on Television."} {"id": 143804, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Muži v černém II hraje herec narozený 15. března 1968.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Men in Black II stars an actor born on March 15, 1968."} {"id": 137168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Službu BitTorrent používá skupina Radiohead.", "evidence": [[[159911, 174418, "Radiohead", 14, "Radiohead"]]], "claim_en": "BitTorrent has been used by Radiohead."} {"id": 64120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Trent Reznor pracoval.", "evidence": [[[80579, 92415, "Trent Reznor", 0, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92416, "Trent Reznor", 3, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92417, "Trent Reznor", 4, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92418, "Trent Reznor", 5, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92419, "Trent Reznor", 6, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92420, "Trent Reznor", 9, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92421, "Trent Reznor", 10, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92422, "Trent Reznor", 11, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92423, "Trent Reznor", 14, "Trent Reznor"]], [[80579, 92424, "Trent Reznor", 15, "Trent Reznor"]]], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor has worked."} {"id": 34273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Millar pracoval na komiksech.", "evidence": [[[50391, 59980, "Mark Millar", 0, "Mark Millar"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Millar has worked on Comic Books."} {"id": 127706, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Láhauru se nachází zahrady Shalimar Gardens, v nichž rostou nejvzácnější druhy keřů na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lahore is the location of the Shalimar Gardens which houses the rarest species of shrubs in the world."} {"id": 127824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prometheus je vědeckofantastický horor, v němž vystupují mimozemšťané.", "evidence": [[[149806, 164744, "Prometheus (film)", 0, "Prometheus (2012 film)"], [149806, 164744, "Prometheus (film)", 5, "Prometheus (2012 film)"], [149806, 164744, "Prometheus (film)", 10, "Prometheus (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Prometheus is a science-fiction horror film that involves aliens."} {"id": 87893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx hrál ve filmu Annie.", "evidence": [[[274434, 269731, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[274435, 269732, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[274437, 269734, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[274438, 269735, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[322522, 310837, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[322523, 310838, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[322524, 310839, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx acted in Annie."} {"id": 125835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čaroděj ze země Oz je thriller.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Wizard of Oz is a thriller."} {"id": 29114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Inside Man je film.", "evidence": [[[45236, 53977, "Spojenec", 0, "Inside Man"]], [[45236, 53978, "Spojenec", 1, "Inside Man"]], [[45236, 53979, "Spojenec", 3, "Inside Man"]], [[45236, 53980, "Spojenec", 11, "Inside Man"]]], "claim_en": "Inside Man is a movie."} {"id": 61549, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikola Tesla byl chemik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla was a chemist."} {"id": 105847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man není fiktivní postava založená na amerických komiksech.", "evidence": [[[125224, 139564, "Spider-Man", 0, "Spider-Man"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man is not a fictional character based on American comic books."} {"id": 89499, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vlk z Wall Street (film z roku 2013) získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[106727, 120124, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) won awards."} {"id": 176545, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil koprodukci s designérským studiem vzniklým v roce 1979.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created a co-production with a design studio formed in 1979."} {"id": 183140, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Tata Motors je součástí národní soutěže.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tata Motors is a constituent of the national competition."} {"id": 84493, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hudbu hraje skupina Foo Fighters.", "evidence": [[[101576, 114803, "Foo Fighters", 0, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114804, "Foo Fighters", 1, "Foo Fighters"], [101576, 114804, "Dave Grohl", 1, "Dave Grohl"]], [[101576, 114805, "Foo Fighters", 5, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114806, "Foo Fighters", 6, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114807, "Foo Fighters", 7, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114808, "Foo Fighters", 11, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114809, "Foo Fighters", 12, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114810, "Foo Fighters", 13, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114811, "Foo Fighters", 14, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114812, "Foo Fighters", 15, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114813, "Foo Fighters", 16, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114814, "Foo Fighters", 17, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114815, "Foo Fighters", 20, "Foo Fighters"]], [[101576, 114816, "Foo Fighters", 21, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters plays music."} {"id": 139262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx si zahrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[162099, 176439, "Jamie Foxx", 1, "Jamie Foxx"]], [[162099, 176440, "Jamie Foxx", 2, "Jamie Foxx"], [162099, 176440, "Collateral", 1, "Collateral (film)"]], [[162099, 176442, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx was in a film."} {"id": 56241, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "South Park byl natočen v roce 2000 pro Comedy Central.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "South Park was made in 2000 for Comedy Central."} {"id": 176474, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise je studio, které vytvořilo film Ponyo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise is the studio that created Ponyo."} {"id": 64597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Scorsese získal Oscara.", "evidence": [[[81038, 92883, "Martin Scorsese", 7, "Martin Scorsese"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese has won an Academy Award."} {"id": 134139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Síla se probouzí si v rámci hereckého obsazení nechal ujít Daisy Ridley.", "evidence": [[[156688, 171300, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 1, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens passed over Daisy Ridley as part of its cast."} {"id": 146251, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carlos Santana získal v Japonsku uznání kritiků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carlos Santana received critical acclaim in Japan."} {"id": 32182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "USA vstoupily do války ve Vietnamu, aby zabránily šíření demokracie.", "evidence": [[[48296, 57643, "Válka ve Vietnamu", 14, "Vietnam War"]]], "claim_en": "The US entered into the Vietnam War to prevent the spread of democracy."} {"id": 34209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fahrenheit 451 je dystopický fantasy film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian fantasy film."} {"id": 7621, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gerald Ford byl prezidentem.", "evidence": [[[12384, 15483, "Gerald Ford", 0, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15484, "Gerald Ford", 2, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15485, "Gerald Ford", 6, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15486, "Gerald Ford", 7, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15487, "Gerald Ford", 10, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15488, "Gerald Ford", 12, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15489, "Gerald Ford", 15, "Gerald Ford"]], [[12384, 15490, "Gerald Ford", 17, "Gerald Ford"]]], "claim_en": "Gerald Ford was President."} {"id": 204672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olympijské hry mládeže (Youth Olympic Games, YOG) je událost.", "evidence": [[[241729, 243251, "Olympijské hry mládeže", 0, "Youth Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is a event."} {"id": 43706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Deadpool hraje Ryan Reynolds titulní postavu.", "evidence": [[[60025, 70435, "Deadpool (film)", 1, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds as the titular character."} {"id": 213032, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando hrál ve filmu někoho, kdo zemřel v roce 1993 a byl to Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was in a film by someone who died in 1993 and he was American."} {"id": 12412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Stewartová získala v roce 2008 široké uznání.", "evidence": [[[27648, 33868, "Kristen Stewartová", 4, "Kristen Stewart"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Stewart received widespread recognition in 2008."} {"id": 111600, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ekta Kapoor produkovala americkou telenovelu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ekta Kapoor produced an American soap opera."} {"id": 150547, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peter Davison je křesťan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peter Davison is a Christian."} {"id": 110899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marshall McLuhan navštěvoval jako student Manitobskou univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[130255, 145018, "Marshall McLuhan", 2, "Marshall McLuhan"]]], "claim_en": "Marshall McLuhan attended University of Manitoba as a student."} {"id": 103772, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lee Min-ho se narodil 22. června 1987 v 5 hodin ráno.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lee Min-ho was born on June 22, 1987 at 5AM."} {"id": 84913, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spalničky netrvají 7-10 dní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Measles does not last 7-10 days."} {"id": 209333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Sinatra vydal album The Voice of Frank Sinatra.", "evidence": [[[247812, 248106, "Frank Sinatra", 4, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra released the album The Voice of Frank Sinatra."} {"id": 154718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je Francouz.", "evidence": [[[178723, 191283, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]], [[178723, 191284, "Gucci", 4, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is French."} {"id": 199069, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují OSN.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "International Relations includes the U.N."} {"id": 209319, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Most špiónů režíroval muž.", "evidence": [[[247794, 248088, "Most špionů", 0, "Bridge of Spies (film)"], [247794, 248088, "Steven Spielberg", 1, "Steven Spielberg"], [247794, 248088, "Steven Spielberg", 2, "Steven Spielberg"], [247794, 248088, "Steven Spielberg", 8, "Steven Spielberg"], [247794, 248088, "Steven Spielberg", 14, "Steven Spielberg"], [247794, 248088, "Steven Spielberg", 15, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Bridge of Spies was directed by a man."} {"id": 9104, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avatar měl být původně napsán v roce 1999.", "evidence": [[[14932, 18577, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 7, "Avatar (2009 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Avatar was originally planned to be written in 1999."} {"id": 70198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jona Snowa hraje člověk.", "evidence": [[[86861, 99324, "Jon Sníh", 17, "Jon Snow (character)"], [86861, 99324, "Kit Harington", 0, "Kit Harington"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is played by a person."} {"id": 180067, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Watts pracuje v oblasti literatury.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Watts works in literature."} {"id": 131629, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je součástí skupiny Chanel.", "evidence": [[[153965, 168778, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is part of the Chanel Group."} {"id": 150550, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kris Jennerová je rodičem držitele Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kris Jenner is the parent of an Oscar winner."} {"id": 227951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leslie Groves narukoval do armády Spojených států 17. srpna 1896.", "evidence": [[[271900, 267676, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves enlisted in the United States army on August 17, 1896."} {"id": 222138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z hereckého obsazení filmu The Right Stuff je vyloučen Fred Ward.", "evidence": [[[264534, 261973, "Správná posádka", 1, "The Right Stuff (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Right Stuff's cast excludes Fred Ward."} {"id": 64191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emma Robertsová je Blíženec.", "evidence": [[[80634, 92480, "Emma Robertsová", 0, "Emma Roberts"], [80634, 92480, "Blíženci (znamení)", 1, "Gemini (astrology)"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts is a Gemini."} {"id": 119707, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naomi Scottová se zúčastnila dobročinného večera pro Disney Channel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott was in a Disney Channel fundraiser."} {"id": 201669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matt Sorum zatím nezačal s žádným projektem v rámci turné.", "evidence": [[[237400, 239620, "Matt Sorum", 17, "Matt Sorum"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum has yet to begin any touring projects."} {"id": 17963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando byl aktivista.", "evidence": [[[33478, 40631, "Marlon Brando", 0, "Marlon Brando"]], [[33478, 40632, "Marlon Brando", 5, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was an activist."} {"id": 21812, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Reese Witherspoonová působí jako moderátorka ve správní radě Fondu na obranu dětí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reese Witherspoon serves as moderator on the board of the Children's Defense Fund."} {"id": 7984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul McCartney je babičkou.", "evidence": [[[13090, 16390, "Paul McCartney", 0, "Paul McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Paul McCartney is a grandmother."} {"id": 16455, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Nash vychoval Královský pavilon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Nash raised the Royal Pavilion."} {"id": 113269, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "B. R. Ambedkar nebyl členem ozbrojených složek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "B. R. Ambedkar was not a member of the armed services."} {"id": 53552, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minnesota Vikings je basketbalový tým.", "evidence": [[[69827, 80691, "Minnesota Vikings", 0, "Minnesota Vikings"]], [[69827, 80692, "Minnesota Vikings", 2, "Minnesota Vikings"]], [[69827, 80693, "Minnesota Vikings", 1, "Minnesota Vikings"]], [[69827, 80694, "Minnesota Vikings", 3, "Minnesota Vikings"]]], "claim_en": "The Minnesota Vikings is a basketball team."} {"id": 21173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool nezískal žádné ocenění.", "evidence": [[[36948, 44604, "Deadpool (film)", 14, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool did not win any awards."} {"id": 217848, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ryan Phillippe se vyhýbá tomu, aby měl děti.", "evidence": [[[258955, 257631, "Ryan Phillippe", 7, "Ryan Phillippe"]], [[258955, 257632, "Ryan Phillippe", 8, "Ryan Phillippe"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan Phillippe avoids having children."} {"id": 51629, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nike je výrobce sportovního zboží.", "evidence": [[[67964, 78820, "Nike", 2, "Nike, Inc."]], [[67964, 78821, "Nike", 11, "Nike, Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Nike is a sporting goods manufacturer."} {"id": 73211, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film A Monster Calls je založen na stejnojmenném podcastu.", "evidence": [[[233803, 236682, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"], [233803, 236682, "Volání netvora", 0, "A Monster Calls"]], [[235972, 238547, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"]], [[236624, 239066, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"]], [[318663, 307528, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"]]], "claim_en": "A Monster Calls is based on the podcast of the same name."} {"id": 74303, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brian Wilson nebyl schopen hrát hudbu.", "evidence": [[[91069, 103752, "Brian Wilson", 0, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91069, 103753, "Brian Wilson", 2, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91077, 103764, "Brian Wilson", 0, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91077, 103765, "Brian Wilson", 1, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91077, 103766, "Brian Wilson", 2, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91077, 103767, "Brian Wilson", 5, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91077, 103768, "Brian Wilson", 19, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91114, 103798, "Brian Wilson", 0, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91114, 103801, "Brian Wilson", 7, "Brian Wilson"], [91114, 103801, "The Beach Boys", 0, "The Beach Boys"], [91114, 103801, "The Beach Boys", 1, "The Beach Boys"]], [[91114, 103802, "Brian Wilson", 9, "Brian Wilson"], [91114, 103802, "The Beach Boys", 0, "The Beach Boys"], [91114, 103802, "The Beach Boys", 1, "The Beach Boys"]], [[91114, 103803, "Brian Wilson", 12, "Brian Wilson"]], [[91114, 103805, "Brian Wilson", 20, "Brian Wilson"]]], "claim_en": "Brian Wilson was incapable of playing music."} {"id": 189410, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Role Models hraje Bertrand Russel", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Role Models stars Bertrand Russel"} {"id": 222927, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Curtis postrádá schopnost vtipkovat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Curtis lacks the ability to make jokes."} {"id": 3997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Obyvatelstvo Peru tvoří indiáni, Evropané, Afričané a Asiaté.", "evidence": [[[11322, 14256, "Peru", 18, "Peru"]]], "claim_en": "The population of Peru includes Amerindians, Europeans, Africans, and Asians."} {"id": 199055, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234037, 236934, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]], [[234037, 236935, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 1, "International relations"]], [[234037, 236936, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 2, "International relations"]], [[234037, 236937, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[234037, 236938, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 64239, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pamela Andersonová se narodila 1. června 1967.", "evidence": [[[80681, 92529, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson was born on June 1st, 1967."} {"id": 175227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Animovaný film Úžasňákovi byl nominován na pět Oscarů, ale v každé kategorii prohrál.", "evidence": [[[202702, 211892, "Úžasňákovi", 14, "The Incredibles"]]], "claim_en": "The animated film The Incredibles was nominated for five Academy Awards but lost in each category."} {"id": 157811, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Hamill píše.", "evidence": [[[182038, 194318, "Mark Hamill", 0, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill writes."} {"id": 9532, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Younger měl premiéru v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[17301, 21410, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[18999, 23292, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[301434, 292559, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[302483, 293487, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[304297, 295118, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Younger premiered in 2015."} {"id": 87921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grey's Anatomy je učebnice medicíny.", "evidence": [[[105122, 118548, "Chirurgové", 2, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy is a medical textbook."} {"id": 8712, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kathy Batesová se narodila 28. dubna 1948.", "evidence": [[[14074, 17593, "Kathy Batesová", 0, "Kathy Bates"]]], "claim_en": "Kathy Bates was born on April 28, 1948."} {"id": 81593, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Randy Orton je Texasan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Randy Orton is Texan."} {"id": 32972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noviny vylučují sloupky.", "evidence": [[[49060, 58401, "Noviny", 12, "Newspaper"]], [[49060, 58402, "Noviny", 17, "Newspaper"]]], "claim_en": "Newspapers exclude columns."} {"id": 1756, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rod Lusignanů vládl v době temna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The House of Lusignan reigned during the Dark Ages."} {"id": 160245, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Froome bydlel v perníkové chaloupce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Froome lived in a gingerbread house."} {"id": 79127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Pompeo se umístila na čtvrtém místě v žebříčku časopisu Forbes.", "evidence": [[[250137, 250187, "Ellen Pompeo", 12, "Ellen Pompeo"]], [[253543, 253379, "Ellen Pompeo", 12, "Ellen Pompeo"]], [[255265, 254730, "Ellen Pompeo", 12, "Ellen Pompeo"]], [[320909, 309398, "Ellen Pompeo", 12, "Ellen Pompeo"]], [[320918, 309412, "Ellen Pompeo", 12, "Ellen Pompeo"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Pompeo was ranked fourth on a list in Forbes."} {"id": 201879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leslie Groves absolvoval v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[237675, 239877, "Leslie Groves", 4, "Leslie Groves"]], [[237675, 239878, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves graduated in 2001."} {"id": 175611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Hacksaw Ridge vydělal v roce 1990 celosvětově 175,3 milionu dolarů.", "evidence": [[[203168, 212255, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 5, "Hacksaw Ridge"]]], "claim_en": "Hacksaw Ridge grossed $175.3 million in 1990 worldwide."} {"id": 51393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Star Wars: Poslední Jediové je film.", "evidence": [[[67734, 78561, "Star Wars: Poslední z Jediů", 0, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"]], [[67734, 78562, "Star Wars: Poslední z Jediů", 1, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"]], [[67734, 78563, "Star Wars: Poslední z Jediů", 5, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a film."} {"id": 185074, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Arjun Kapoor moderoval sedmou řadu televizní reality show Faktor strachu: Khatron Ke Khiladi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arjun Kapoor hosted the seventh season of the reality television show Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi."} {"id": 175621, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Hacksaw Ridge byl uveden do kin 4. listopadu 2020.", "evidence": [[[203179, 212262, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 5, "Hacksaw Ridge"]], [[203179, 212263, "Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny", 0, "Hacksaw Ridge"]]], "claim_en": "Hacksaw Ridge was released on November 4, 2020."} {"id": 66330, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sky UK obsluhuje pouze Severní Ameriku.", "evidence": [[[82907, 94781, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"]], [[82907, 94782, "Sky TV", 1, "Sky UK"]], [[82907, 94783, "Sky TV", 5, "Sky UK"]], [[82907, 94784, "Sky TV", 9, "Sky UK"]]], "claim_en": "Sky UK only serves North America."} {"id": 193414, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osmý doktor je zabit na BBC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Eighth Doctor is killed on BBC."} {"id": 61063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ajay Devgn vydražil několik cen Filmware.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ajay Devgn has auctioned several Filmware Awards."} {"id": 114229, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jacinda Barrettová je bývalá fotografka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jacinda Barrett is a former photographer."} {"id": 161951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Vše o Evě se při svém uvedení do kin dočkal chvály kritiků.", "evidence": [[[186476, 198282, "Vše o Evě", 9, "All About Eve"]]], "claim_en": "At its release All About Eve got praise from critics."} {"id": 70335, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Bridges of Madison County je pouze název knihy.", "evidence": [[[87089, 99586, "Madisonské mosty", 0, "The Bridges of Madison County (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Bridges of Madison County is only a title of a book."} {"id": 187990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Love je Mexičan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Love is a Mexican."} {"id": 13216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Laurence Fishburne nehrál ve filmu Muž z oceli.", "evidence": [[[28454, 34788, "Laurence Fishburne", 10, "Laurence Fishburne"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Fishburne did not act in Man of Steel."} {"id": 85218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová hrála v kanadském komediálním seriálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow starred in a Canadian comedy series."} {"id": 6046, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy mají 324 milionů obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[22779, 28081, "Spojené státy americké", 10, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States has 324 million people."} {"id": 53149, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Ren & Stimpy Show byl Nicktoon.", "evidence": [[[69490, 80302, "Ren a Stimpy", 2, "The Ren & Stimpy Show"]]], "claim_en": "The Ren & Stimpy Show was a Nicktoon."} {"id": 218583, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Transformers: V Transformers: Poslední rytíř si zahráli Stanley Tucci a Adam Sandler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Transformers: The Last Knight stars Stanley Tucci and Adam Sandler."} {"id": 19925, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Haifa byla známá jako centrum výroby barviv.", "evidence": [[[35722, 43267, "Haifa", 7, "Haifa"]]], "claim_en": "Haifa was known as a dye-making center."} {"id": 208295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Statečné srdce nikdy nezískal Oscara.", "evidence": [[[246450, 246956, "Statečné srdce", 5, "Braveheart"]]], "claim_en": "Braveheart has never won an Academy Award."} {"id": 71869, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vladimir Putin se narodil v trávě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was born in grass."} {"id": 89728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednoho Oscara získal Princ.", "evidence": [[[107036, 120420, "Prince", 4, "Prince (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "One Academy Award was one by Prince."} {"id": 169890, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peyton Manning se narodil 24. března 1976.", "evidence": [[[195970, 206106, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning was born on March 24, 1976."} {"id": 59233, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eurojust je odborová organizace.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eurojust is a union."} {"id": 130573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Velká ryba hrála Helena Bonham Carterová.", "evidence": [[[152826, 167587, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 9, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [152826, 167587, "Velká ryba", 2, "Big Fish"]]], "claim_en": "Big Fish had Helena Bonham Carter in it."} {"id": 6252, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eliza Dushka hrála ve filmu Nový chlap.", "evidence": [[[11611, 14588, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[11612, 14589, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[11613, 14590, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[11618, 14593, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[16375, 20303, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[19720, 24234, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[136646, 151456, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[147939, 162937, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[147940, 162938, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[156936, 171501, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[163704, 177943, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[170206, 183763, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[172804, 186071, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[175566, 188572, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[186471, 198279, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[194514, 204896, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[206760, 215059, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[211046, 218725, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[213510, 220739, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[225208, 229885, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[241509, 243026, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[242492, 243865, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[250583, 250586, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[265368, 262577, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[270140, 266265, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]], [[299692, 291106, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]]], "claim_en": "Eliza Dushka was in the film The New Guy."} {"id": 36771, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bob Dylan byl uveden na vysokou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan has been inducted into college."} {"id": 99338, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willie Nelson je scenárista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson is a screenwriter."} {"id": 100927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daft Punk je hudební kvarteto.", "evidence": [[[118628, 132478, "Daft Punk", 0, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk is a music quartet."} {"id": 9048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Norové emigrovali na Island ve druhém století.", "evidence": [[[24189, 29918, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Norwegians emigrated to Iceland in the second century."} {"id": 200746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal někdo, kdo se narodil v jakémkoli roce kromě roku 1948.", "evidence": [[[236190, 238720, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236190, 238720, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by someone born in any year except 1948."} {"id": 58002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just the Way You Are je píseň v muzikálu Doo-Wops and Hooligans.", "evidence": [[[74336, 85555, "Just the Way You Are", 1, "Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just the Way You Are is a song in the musical Doo-Wops and Hooligans."} {"id": 1556, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "J.Lo obsahuje provokativní text o roce 1980.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "J.Lo includes provocative lyrics about 1980."} {"id": 24742, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Balúčové mluví větví severozápadních ugrofinských jazyků.", "evidence": [[[40691, 48952, "Balúčové", 3, "Baloch people"]]], "claim_en": "Baloch people speak a branch of Northwestern Ugric languages."} {"id": 23550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Renesance nezačala v Itálii.", "evidence": [[[39497, 47580, "Renesance", 15, "Renaissance"]]], "claim_en": "The Renaissance did not begin in Italy."} {"id": 73906, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Lawrence byla nejlépe placenou herečkou na světě.", "evidence": [[[90686, 103414, "Jennifer Lawrence", 1, "Jennifer Lawrence"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Lawrence has been the highest-paid actress in the world."} {"id": 153045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minions jsou druhým nejvýdělečnějším komediálním hororem.", "evidence": [[[176990, 189943, "Mimoni", 8, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions is the second highest-grossing comedy-horror film."} {"id": 25311, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leukémie je druh planety.", "evidence": [[[41263, 49601, "Leukemie", 0, "Leukemia"]]], "claim_en": "Leukemia is a type of planet."} {"id": 21858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "SpongeBob SquarePants je vysoce hodnocený seriál.", "evidence": [[[37674, 45604, "Spongebob v kalhotách", 2, "SpongeBob SquarePants"]]], "claim_en": "SpongeBob SquarePants is a highly rated series."} {"id": 169349, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Celé jméno Sama Waltona znělo Sam Amanda Walton.", "evidence": [[[195223, 205536, "Sam Walton", 0, "Sam Walton"]]], "claim_en": "Sam Walton's full name was Sam Amanda Walton."} {"id": 152789, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Wood se v roce 1989 začal věnovat akupunktuře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood went into acupuncture in 1989."} {"id": 62461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Travis Scott je kapitalista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Travis Scott is a capitalist."} {"id": 144321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Connie Brittonová hrála v roce 2016 Faye Resnickovou v seriálu American Crime Story.", "evidence": [[[167536, 181335, "Connie Britton", 15, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton played Faye Resnick on American Crime Story in 2016."} {"id": 176639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Velcí bílí žraloci mají na svědomí největší počet nahlášených a identifikovaných smrtelných nevyprovokovaných útoků žraloků na člověka od 60. let 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Great white sharks are responsible for the largest number of reported and identified fatal unprovoked shark attacks on humans since the 1960s."} {"id": 191444, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keith Urban byl propuštěn Brunem Marsem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keith Urban was released by Bruno Mars."} {"id": 112877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Hutchence ještě nezemřel.", "evidence": [[[132411, 147302, "Michael Hutchence", 0, "Michael Hutchence"]], [[132411, 147303, "Michael Hutchence", 15, "Michael Hutchence"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Hutchence has yet to die."} {"id": 133461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Luis Fonsi se narodil na Havaji.", "evidence": [[[156010, 170673, "Luis Fonsi", 0, "Luis Fonsi"]]], "claim_en": "Luis Fonsi was born in Hawaii."} {"id": 101964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Santorini se nachází v Egejském moři jihovýchodně od Řecka.", "evidence": [[[119697, 133785, "Théra (ostrov)", 0, "Santorini"]]], "claim_en": "Santorini is in the Aegean Sea southeast of Greece."} {"id": 49634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Motto společnosti Google zní \"Dělej správnou věc\".", "evidence": [[[65950, 76819, "Google", 23, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google's moto is \"Do the right thing\""} {"id": 181751, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Valkýra byl vydán v roce 1900.", "evidence": [[[211311, 219029, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211311, 219030, "Valkýra (film)", 1, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211311, 219031, "Valkýra (film)", 2, "Valkyrie (film)"], [211311, 219031, "Tom Cruise", 0, "Tom Cruise"]], [[211311, 219032, "Valkýra (film)", 3, "Valkyrie (film)"], [211311, 219032, "Bill Nighy", 0, "Bill Nighy"]], [[211311, 219033, "Valkýra (film)", 11, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211311, 219034, "Valkýra (film)", 13, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211311, 219035, "Valkýra (film)", 15, "Valkyrie (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Valkyrie was released in the 1900's."} {"id": 65131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rizikovým faktorem reaktivace pásového oparu je špatná funkce imunitního systému.", "evidence": [[[81612, 93374, "Pásový opar", 13, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "A risk factor for shingles reactivation is poor immune function."} {"id": 67514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt zemřel několik týdnů po skončení svého desátého funkčního období.", "evidence": [[[84093, 96226, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 40, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt died weeks into his tenth term."} {"id": 7419, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Faerské ostrovy existovaly.", "evidence": [[[12016, 15051, "Faerské ostrovy", 9, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15052, "Faerské ostrovy", 10, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15053, "Faerské ostrovy", 15, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15054, "Faerské ostrovy", 14, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15055, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15056, "Faerské ostrovy", 1, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15057, "Faerské ostrovy", 2, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15058, "Faerské ostrovy", 5, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15059, "Faerské ostrovy", 6, "Faroe Islands"]], [[12016, 15060, "Faerské ostrovy", 11, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21016, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21017, "Faerské ostrovy", 1, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21018, "Faerské ostrovy", 2, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21019, "Faerské ostrovy", 5, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21020, "Faerské ostrovy", 6, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21021, "Faerské ostrovy", 9, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21022, "Faerské ostrovy", 10, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21023, "Faerské ostrovy", 11, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21024, "Faerské ostrovy", 14, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21025, "Faerské ostrovy", 15, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21026, "Faerské ostrovy", 16, "Faroe Islands"]], [[16966, 21027, "Faerské ostrovy", 12, "Faroe Islands"], [16966, 21027, "Faerština", 0, "Faroese language"]], [[239134, 241064, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[239135, 241065, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[250676, 250666, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[250676, 250667, "Faerské ostrovy", 10, "Faroe Islands"]], [[250676, 250668, "Faerské ostrovy", 11, "Faroe Islands"]], [[281998, 276245, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[287549, 280925, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292032, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292033, "Faerské ostrovy", 1, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292034, "Faerské ostrovy", 2, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292035, "Faerské ostrovy", 5, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292036, "Faerské ostrovy", 6, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292037, "Faerské ostrovy", 9, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292038, "Faerské ostrovy", 10, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292039, "Faerské ostrovy", 11, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292040, "Faerské ostrovy", 12, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292041, "Faerské ostrovy", 14, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292042, "Faerské ostrovy", 15, "Faroe Islands"]], [[300938, 292043, "Faerské ostrovy", 16, "Faroe Islands"]], [[312822, 302562, "Faerské ostrovy", 0, "Faroe Islands"]], [[342921, 326798, "Faerské ostrovy", 9, "Faroe Islands"]], [[342921, 326799, "Faerské ostrovy", 1, "Faroe Islands"]]], "claim_en": "The Faroe Islands existed."} {"id": 76640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Sopranovi má šest dílů.", "evidence": [[[93549, 106497, "Rodina Sopránů", 7, "The Sopranos"]]], "claim_en": "The Sopranos has six episodes."} {"id": 206825, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan se nakonec v 60. letech 20. století stal časopisem pro ženy, aby oslovil širší publikum.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan eventually became a women's magazine in the 1960's to appeal to a wider audience."} {"id": 201659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Matt Sorum založil nejméně jeden zájezdový projekt.", "evidence": [[[237377, 239594, "Matt Sorum", 17, "Matt Sorum"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Sorum founded at least one touring project."} {"id": 61178, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eduard VIII. byl dcerou Jiřího V.", "evidence": [[[77684, 89134, "Eduard VIII.", 3, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII was the daughter of George V."} {"id": 91326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avril Lavigne je Němka.", "evidence": [[[108663, 122343, "Avril Lavigne", 0, "Avril Lavigne"]]], "claim_en": "Avril Lavigne is a German."} {"id": 163798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika byla v OSN.", "evidence": [[[296939, 288659, "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika", 7, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic"]], [[298599, 290065, "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika", 7, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic"]], [[298601, 290066, "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika", 1, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic"]], [[298603, 290068, "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika", 7, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic"]], [[344338, 327883, "Ukrajinská sovětská socialistická republika", 7, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic"]]], "claim_en": "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was in the UN."} {"id": 172916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oprah přihlašovala svůj pořad do soutěže o ceny Daytime Emmy až do roku 2005.", "evidence": [[[199659, 209340, "Oprah show", 10, "The Oprah Winfrey Show"]]], "claim_en": "Oprah continued to submit her show to the Daytime Emmy Awards until 2005."} {"id": 30498, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Voda je kapalina.", "evidence": [[[88162, 100723, "Voda", 2, "Water"]], [[88162, 100724, "Voda", 0, "Water"]], [[88162, 100725, "Voda", 6, "Water"]], [[88162, 100726, "Voda", 8, "Water"]], [[88162, 100727, "Voda", 9, "Water"]], [[88162, 100728, "Voda", 10, "Water"]], [[88162, 100729, "Voda", 11, "Water"]], [[88162, 100730, "Voda", 14, "Water"]], [[88162, 100731, "Voda", 15, "Water"]], [[88162, 100732, "Voda", 19, "Water"]], [[88162, 100733, "Voda", 20, "Water"]], [[88162, 100734, "Voda", 21, "Water"]], [[88162, 100735, "Voda", 22, "Water"]], [[88162, 100736, "Voda", 23, "Water"]], [[88162, 100737, "Voda", 26, "Water"]], [[88162, 100738, "Voda", 27, "Water"]], [[88162, 100739, "Voda", 30, "Water"]], [[88162, 100740, "Voda", 28, "Water"]], [[88162, 100741, "Voda", 31, "Water"]], [[88162, 100742, "Voda", 32, "Water"]], [[90524, 103281, "Voda", 2, "Water"]], [[92687, 105517, "Voda", 2, "Water"]], [[306402, 297098, "Voda", 2, "Water"]], [[307483, 297977, "Voda", 2, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water is a liquid."} {"id": 209295, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Most špiónů napsal Matt Charman v roce 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bridge of Spies was written by Matt Charman in 2012."} {"id": 62464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hobit je z žánru.", "evidence": [[[78916, 90509, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]], [[78919, 90510, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit is of a genre."} {"id": 52574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Willis je Angličan.", "evidence": [[[68885, 79697, "Bruce Willis", 0, "Bruce Willis"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Willis is English."} {"id": 78804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Bowie zemřel na rakovinu jater.", "evidence": [[[249763, 249771, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]], [[251851, 251637, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]], [[253093, 252972, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]], [[319921, 308647, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]], [[320858, 309361, "David Bowie", 25, "David Bowie"]]], "claim_en": "David Bowie died of liver cancer."} {"id": 209696, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Friends with Benefits hraje Jenna Elfman.", "evidence": [[[248320, 248506, "Kamarád taky rád", 1, "Friends with Benefits (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Friends with Benefits features Jenna Elfman."} {"id": 59506, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Cena není schopen být wrestlerem.", "evidence": [[[187062, 198762, "John Cena", 0, "John Cena"]], [[187062, 198763, "John Cena", 1, "John Cena"]], [[188711, 200155, "John Cena", 0, "John Cena"]], [[191329, 202211, "John Cena", 0, "John Cena"]], [[191329, 202212, "John Cena", 2, "John Cena"]], [[191329, 202213, "John Cena", 3, "John Cena"], [191329, 202213, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[191329, 202214, "John Cena", 9, "John Cena"], [191329, 202214, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[191329, 202215, "John Cena", 10, "John Cena"], [191329, 202215, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[191329, 202216, "John Cena", 11, "John Cena"], [191329, 202216, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[191329, 202219, "John Cena", 19, "John Cena"], [191329, 202219, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[314683, 304028, "John Cena", 11, "John Cena"]], [[314683, 304029, "John Cena", 3, "John Cena"]], [[314683, 304030, "John Cena", 14, "John Cena"]], [[314685, 304032, "John Cena", 0, "John Cena"]], [[314685, 304033, "John Cena", 2, "John Cena"]], [[314685, 304034, "John Cena", 9, "John Cena"]]], "claim_en": "John Cena is incapable of being a wrestler."} {"id": 33598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První významná televizní role Matta Smithe byla v seriálu BBC Party Animals.", "evidence": [[[49697, 59132, "Matt Smith", 9, "Matt Smith (actor)"]], [[49709, 59143, "Matt Smith", 9, "Matt Smith (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Smith's first major role in television was in the BBC series Party Animals."} {"id": 226711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Beach Boys měla v roce 2007 v hitparádě přes osmdesát písní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys had over eighty songs chart in 2007."} {"id": 127509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andrew Garfield se narodil na hoře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andrew Garfield was born on a mountain."} {"id": 124030, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pěst legendy je remake Labutího jezera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fist of Legend is a remake of Swan Lake."} {"id": 225757, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cher získala cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cher has won a Tony Award."} {"id": 60987, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wiz Khalifa je zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wiz Khalifa is a singer."} {"id": 87146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emma byla vysílána na televizním kanálu.", "evidence": [[[274310, 269620, "Emma (televizní film, 1996)", 12, "Emma (1996 TV film)"]], [[274315, 269624, "Emma (televizní film, 1996)", 1, "Emma (1996 TV film)"]]], "claim_en": "Emma has been broadcast on a television channel."} {"id": 95106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundtrack k filmu The Hateful Eight nesložil Ital.", "evidence": [[[112586, 126408, "Osm hrozných", 7, "The Hateful Eight"], [112586, 126408, "Ennio Morricone", 0, "Ennio Morricone"]]], "claim_en": "The Hateful Eight's soundtrack was not composed by an Italian."} {"id": 229142, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zayn Malik byl počat 12. ledna 1993.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zayn Malik was conceived on January 12th, 1993."} {"id": 75553, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl zproštěn obvinění z vraždy dítěte.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was acquitted of child murder allegations."} {"id": 51612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rodiče Nicole Kidmanové nejsou Australané.", "evidence": [[[67943, 78801, "Nicole Kidmanová", 19, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman's parents are not Australian."} {"id": 15549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Williams je francouzský dirigent.", "evidence": [[[30947, 37605, "John Williams", 0, "John Williams"]]], "claim_en": "John Williams is a French conductor."} {"id": 32006, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Republika Makedonie se nachází v Galaktickém impériu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republic of Macedonia is in The Galactic Empire."} {"id": 18468, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil deGrasse Tyson byl studentem.", "evidence": [[[34055, 41294, "Neil deGrasse Tyson", 6, "Neil deGrasse Tyson"]], [[34055, 41295, "Neil deGrasse Tyson", 7, "Neil deGrasse Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Neil deGrasse Tyson was a student."} {"id": 78012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katherine Heigl odmítla hrát ve filmu Roswell.", "evidence": [[[94947, 107915, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]]], "claim_en": "Katherine Heigl declined to appear in Roswell."} {"id": 112954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Severní Americe byl film Warcraft vydán společností Universal Pictures.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In North America, Warcraft was released by Universal Pictures."} {"id": 4610, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jules Dumont d'Urville zkoumal.", "evidence": [[[20938, 25673, "Jules Dumont d'Urville", 0, "Jules Dumont d'Urville"]]], "claim_en": "Jules Dumont d'Urville explored."} {"id": 25443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Montreal není město.", "evidence": [[[41425, 49801, "Montréal", 3, "Montreal"]], [[41425, 49802, "Montréal", 8, "Montreal"]], [[41425, 49803, "Montréal", 9, "Montreal"]], [[41425, 49804, "Montréal", 10, "Montreal"]]], "claim_en": "Montreal is not a city."} {"id": 177353, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Clarence Thomas je Žid.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Clarence Thomas is Jewish."} {"id": 108121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bali není v Austrálii.", "evidence": [[[126843, 141289, "Bali", 0, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is not in Australia."} {"id": 155795, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers: V Avengers: Age of Ultron se odehrávají bitvy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In Avengers: Age of Ultron, battles are fought."} {"id": 215839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křestní jméno J. Howarda Marshalla je John.", "evidence": [[[256429, 255646, "J. Howard Marshall", 0, "J. Howard Marshall"]], [[256431, 255647, "J. Howard Marshall", 0, "J. Howard Marshall"]]], "claim_en": "J. Howard Marshall's first name is John."} {"id": 203410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Red je výhradně německý film.", "evidence": [[[239989, 241664, "Red (film, 2010)", 0, "Red (2010 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Red is an exclusively German film."} {"id": 21659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Libérie vyhlásila nezávislost.", "evidence": [[[15219, 18959, "Libérie", 14, "Liberia"]], [[15219, 18960, "Libérie", 21, "Liberia"]], [[19646, 24143, "Libérie", 18, "Liberia"]], [[242632, 243961, "Libérie", 18, "Liberia"]], [[242632, 243962, "Libérie", 21, "Liberia"]], [[242632, 243963, "Libérie", 22, "Liberia"]], [[242632, 243964, "Libérie", 15, "Liberia"]], [[242632, 243965, "Libérie", 14, "Liberia"], [242632, 243965, "Libérie", 0, "Liberia"]]], "claim_en": "Liberia declared its independence."} {"id": 2097, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci byl člověk.", "evidence": [[[17925, 22073, "Leonardo da Vinci", 0, "Leonardo da Vinci"]], [[17925, 22074, "Leonardo da Vinci", 15, "Leonardo da Vinci"]], [[17925, 22075, "Leonardo da Vinci", 32, "Leonardo da Vinci"]], [[17925, 22076, "Leonardo da Vinci", 1, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci was a person."} {"id": 24243, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Česká republika má od ledna nejnižší míru nezaměstnanosti v EU.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Czech Republic has the lowest unemployment rate in the EU as of January."} {"id": 208598, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Asyřané mluví pouze starou aramejštinou.", "evidence": [[[246828, 247268, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]], [[246831, 247270, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]]], "claim_en": "Assyrian people speak only ancient Aramaic."} {"id": 149058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers: Transformers: Age of Extinction byl televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[172740, 186020, "Transformers: Zánik", 0, "Transformers: Age of Extinction"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: Age of Extinction was a television series."} {"id": 127265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První album, které vydala Lady Gaga, se jmenovalo The Fame.", "evidence": [[[149128, 164148, "Lady Gaga", 8, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "The first album released by Lady Gaga was The Fame."} {"id": 79482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Cruise získal nominaci na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[96426, 109583, "Tom Cruise", 1, "Tom Cruise"]], [[96426, 109584, "Tom Cruise", 8, "Tom Cruise"], [96426, 109584, "Magnolia (film)", 5, "Magnolia (film)"], [96426, 109584, "Jerry Maguire", 10, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise has received nomination for Academy Awards."} {"id": 80687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noam Chomsky se zasloužil o vznik maximalistického programu.", "evidence": [[[97681, 110837, "Noam Chomsky", 10, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky is credited in the creation of the maximalist program."} {"id": 200296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Natural Born Killers vznikl podle Tarantinova původního scénáře bez revize.", "evidence": [[[235602, 238208, "Takoví normální zabijáci", 5, "Natural Born Killers"]], [[235603, 238209, "Takoví normální zabijáci", 5, "Natural Born Killers"]]], "claim_en": "Natural Born Killers was based upon Tarantino's original screenplay without revision."} {"id": 80540, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do skupiny Girls' Generation patří PSY.", "evidence": [[[97530, 110694, "Girls' Generation", 1, "Girls' Generation"]]], "claim_en": "Girls' Generation includes PSY."} {"id": 32072, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jane Fondová hrála v televizním seriálu se Samem Waterstonem.", "evidence": [[[48193, 57546, "Jane Fondová", 21, "Jane Fonda"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Fonda has been in a television show with Sam Waterston."} {"id": 78105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Russell Brand je pouze rozhlasovým hostem.", "evidence": [[[95039, 108023, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Brand is only a radio guest."} {"id": 219465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jerry Goldsmith během své kariéry s nikým nespolupracoval.", "evidence": [[[261113, 259351, "Jerry Goldsmith", 4, "Jerry Goldsmith"]], [[261115, 259353, "Jerry Goldsmith", 4, "Jerry Goldsmith"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith failed to collaborate with anybody during his career."} {"id": 28676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Demokratická republika Kongo se jmenuje pouze jednou.", "evidence": [[[44935, 53625, "Konžská demokratická republika", 0, "Democratic Republic of the Congo"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Republic of the Congo has gone by only one name."} {"id": 75223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2007 vyšel film Rok nula.", "evidence": [[[92024, 104804, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[92024, 104805, "Year Zero", 11, "Year Zero (album)"]]], "claim_en": "2007 was when Year Zero was released."} {"id": 31209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp se vydal do amerického státu na severovýchodě Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp went to a U.S. state in the Northeastern United States."} {"id": 219493, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Goldsmith spolupracoval s režiséry.", "evidence": [[[261149, 259381, "Jerry Goldsmith", 4, "Jerry Goldsmith"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith collaborated with directors."} {"id": 67648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steffi Grafová hraje sport.", "evidence": [[[84309, 96427, "Steffi Grafová", 0, "Steffi Graf"]], [[84309, 96428, "Steffi Grafová", 2, "Steffi Graf"]]], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf plays a sport."} {"id": 4516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gary Ridgway je Američan.", "evidence": [[[20820, 25513, "Gary Ridgway", 0, "Gary Ridgway"]]], "claim_en": "Gary Ridgway is American."} {"id": 42596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Román Rozum a cit byl vydán v roce 1811.", "evidence": [[[58887, 69203, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"]], [[58901, 69220, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"]]], "claim_en": "Sense and Sensibility was published in 1811."} {"id": 30164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Henson byl zakladatelem společnosti Muppets Inc.", "evidence": [[[46279, 55240, "Jim Henson", 4, "Jim Henson"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Henson was the founder of Muppets Inc."} {"id": 89681, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alžběta z Yorku si nechtěla vzít krále.", "evidence": [[[106926, 120317, "Alžběta z Yorku", 1, "Elizabeth of York"]], [[106926, 120318, "Alžběta z Yorku", 13, "Elizabeth of York"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth of York wouldn't marry the king."} {"id": 41138, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Dobrý Will Hunting hrál Robin Williams.", "evidence": [[[121790, 136084, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]], [[123617, 138031, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]], [[125141, 139482, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]], [[308719, 299032, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]], [[310391, 300442, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]], [[310393, 300443, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting starred Robin Williams."} {"id": 30023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ed Wood je film.", "evidence": [[[46138, 55088, "Ed Wood (film)", 0, "Ed Wood (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ed Wood is a film."} {"id": 81204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Osvícení je britsko-americký psychologický horor.", "evidence": [[[98250, 111342, "Osvícení (film)", 0, "The Shining (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Shining is a British-American psychological horror film."} {"id": 2267, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Silicon Valley není region.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is not a region."} {"id": 138402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donald Sutherland je tanečník.", "evidence": [[[161200, 175698, "Donald Sutherland", 0, "Donald Sutherland"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Sutherland is a dancer."} {"id": 62886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steffi Grafová hraje pouze softbal.", "evidence": [[[79314, 90987, "Steffi Grafová", 0, "Steffi Graf"]], [[79314, 90988, "Steffi Grafová", 1, "Steffi Graf"], [79314, 90988, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[79314, 90989, "Steffi Grafová", 2, "Steffi Graf"]], [[79314, 90990, "Steffi Grafová", 3, "Steffi Graf"]], [[79314, 90991, "Steffi Grafová", 4, "Steffi Graf"]], [[79314, 90992, "Steffi Grafová", 7, "Steffi Graf"]], [[79314, 90994, "Steffi Grafová", 8, "Steffi Graf"], [79314, 90994, "Martina Navrátilová", 23, "Martina Navratilova"]]], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf only plays softball."} {"id": 116205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "KFC má desítky tisíc poboček po celém světě.", "evidence": [[[136507, 151283, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC has tens of thousands of locations around the world."} {"id": 121029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Norton podnikal v oblasti kinematografie.", "evidence": [[[142122, 157353, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton did business in cinema."} {"id": 12536, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Naréndra Módí se vyšvihl do nultých příček.", "evidence": [[[28496, 34831, "Naréndra Módí", 12, "Narendra Modi"]], [[33574, 40736, "Naréndra Módí", 12, "Narendra Modi"]], [[301748, 292858, "Naréndra Módí", 12, "Narendra Modi"]], [[303168, 294145, "Naréndra Módí", 12, "Narendra Modi"]]], "claim_en": "Narendra Modi rose to zero ranks."} {"id": 23100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Modrý samet se zasloužil o to, že Rosselliniová získala dramatické uplatnění nad rámec své předchozí tvorby.", "evidence": [[[39078, 47061, "Modrý samet", 12, "Blue Velvet (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Blue Velvet was credited for providing Rossellini with a dramatic outlet beyond her previous work."} {"id": 224818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Sabbath byla anglická rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[267885, 264514, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath was an English rock band."} {"id": 67613, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jedna z největších letadlových lodí na světě se nachází v Rio de Janeiru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of the world's largest aircraft carriers is in Rio de Janeiro."} {"id": 177443, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Kmart outsourcovala své personální oddělení na Guam.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kmart outsource their HR department to Guam."} {"id": 100365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Bieber získal v roce 2010 americkou hudební cenu.", "evidence": [[[276645, 271745, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]], [[278710, 273432, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]], [[326722, 314158, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]], [[328305, 315376, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]], [[328309, 315379, "Justin Bieber", 17, "Justin Bieber"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Bieber won an American Music Award in 2010."} {"id": 169513, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Sheeran je anglický občan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Sheeran is an English citizen."} {"id": 154651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová si zahrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams starred in a film."} {"id": 123981, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Toyota není jednou z největších společností, které podporují masové rozšíření hybridních vozidel na světě.", "evidence": [[[145527, 160538, "Toyota", 6, "Toyota"]], [[145527, 160539, "Toyota", 8, "Toyota"]]], "claim_en": "Toyota is not one of the largest companies to encourage the mass-market adoption of hybrid vehicles in the world."} {"id": 132899, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Robinson byl oceněn jakoukoli cenou kapitána.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Robinson was bestowed with any award by the captain."} {"id": 60579, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slovensko zatím neposkytuje svým občanům mateřskou dovolenou.", "evidence": [[[77022, 88412, "Slovensko", 20, "Slovakia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovakia has yet to provide maternity leave for its citizens."} {"id": 59469, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doctor Who patří do romantického žánru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doctor Who is in the romance genre."} {"id": 110390, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pomáda byla útokem na lidská práva.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grease was an attack on human rights."} {"id": 125413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grace Kellyová pracovala s člověkem.", "evidence": [[[147090, 162083, "Grace Kellyová", 6, "Grace Kelly"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Kelly worked with a person."} {"id": 64347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Waleská technologie rychle pokročila.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wales' technology rapidly advanced."} {"id": 75292, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham je bezdětný.", "evidence": [[[238925, 240897, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]], [[242726, 244042, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]], [[319143, 307920, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]], [[319144, 307921, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]], [[319147, 307924, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham is childless."} {"id": 57141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keith Godchaux byl v roce 1999 členem skupiny Grateful Dead.", "evidence": [[[73490, 84729, "Grateful Dead", 15, "Grateful Dead"]]], "claim_en": "Keith Godchaux was a member of the Grateful Dead in 1999."} {"id": 175565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Play-off Major League Soccer se odehrává v listopadu a prosinci.", "evidence": [[[203114, 212231, "Major League Soccer", 4, "Major League Soccer"]]], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer playoffs occurs in November and December."} {"id": 203296, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sůl může způsobit Extrémní prostředí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Salt can cause Extreme environments."} {"id": 75393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V okrese Pierce ve státě Washington se nachází nejkratší hora Kaskádového pohoří na severozápadě Tichého oceánu.", "evidence": [[[92181, 104956, "Pierce County (Washington)", 10, "Pierce County, Washington"]]], "claim_en": "Pierce County, Washington is the location of the shortest mountain of the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest."} {"id": 3248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carole Kingová je akrobatka.", "evidence": [[[11277, 14209, "Carole King", 0, "Carole King"]], [[11277, 14210, "Carole King", 1, "Carole King"]]], "claim_en": "Carole King is an acrobat."} {"id": 15134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett se zasloužil o pojmenování souboru Pink Floyd.", "evidence": [[[30432, 37038, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett is credited with naming the ensemble Pink Floyd."} {"id": 17245, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shakira je hudební skladatelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shakira is a composer."} {"id": 46246, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dickens nebyl spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[62585, 73213, "Charles Dickens", 0, "Charles Dickens"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dickens was not a writer."} {"id": 146368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Branson nezaložil v roce 1972 společnost Virgin Records.", "evidence": [[[169858, 183447, "Richard Branson", 7, "Richard Branson"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Branson did not found Virgin Records in 1972."} {"id": 40719, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Josef Stalin se stal generálním tajemníkem v roce 1922.", "evidence": [[[57011, 67249, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 2, "Joseph Stalin"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Stalin was made General Secretary in 1922."} {"id": 60416, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O. J. Simpson byl zatčen.", "evidence": [[[76861, 88229, "O. J. Simpson", 0, "O. J. Simpson"]], [[76861, 88231, "O. J. Simpson", 17, "O. J. Simpson"]], [[76861, 88232, "O. J. Simpson", 18, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson was arrested."} {"id": 68332, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Slovensko leží ve střední Evropě mezi západní a východní Evropou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Slovakia is in Central Europe between Western Europe and Eastern Europe."} {"id": 68185, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gadsdenova vlajka byla pojmenována po svém tvůrci Christopheru Gadsdenovi.", "evidence": [[[84787, 97016, "Gadsdenova vlajka", 2, "Gadsden flag"]]], "claim_en": "The Gadsden flag was named after its designer Christopher Gadsden."} {"id": 103668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Více než 10 % rozlohy Texasu tvoří poušť.", "evidence": [[[122401, 136680, "Texas", 12, "Texas"]]], "claim_en": "More than 10% of Texas's land area is desert."} {"id": 94346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Noviny vylučují zábavné rubriky.", "evidence": [[[111777, 125603, "Noviny", 17, "Newspaper"]]], "claim_en": "Newspapers exclude entertainment features."} {"id": 225816, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čínská čtvrť byla zničena demoliční koulí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chinatown was destroyed by a wrecking ball."} {"id": 137697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "AMGTV má televizní program zařazený jako sportovní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "AMGTV has television programming classified as sports."} {"id": 29583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bali se nachází mezi Jávou na západě a Lombokem na východě.", "evidence": [[[45706, 54574, "Bali", 2, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is located between Java to the west and Lombok to the east."} {"id": 82839, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Liev Schreiber se objevil ve filmu Město smutku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liev Schreiber appeared in City of Sadness."} {"id": 67819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Darth Vader byl vytvořen kanadským filmařem.", "evidence": [[[84407, 96577, "Darth Vader", 4, "Darth Vader"], [84407, 96577, "George Lucas", 0, "George Lucas"]]], "claim_en": "Darth Vader was created by a Canadian filmmaker."} {"id": 36622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nepál je buddhistický národ.", "evidence": [[[52807, 62761, "Nepál", 17, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal is a Buddhist nation."} {"id": 29614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stanley Kubrick má za sebou kariéru režiséra.", "evidence": [[[45766, 54631, "Stanley Kubrick", 0, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[45766, 54632, "Stanley Kubrick", 1, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[45766, 54633, "Stanley Kubrick", 7, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54633, "Zabíjení", 0, "The Killing (film)"]], [[45766, 54634, "Stanley Kubrick", 8, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54634, "Spartakus (film, 1960)", 0, "Spartacus (film)"]], [[45766, 54635, "Stanley Kubrick", 15, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54635, "Dr. Divnoláska aneb Jak jsem se naučil nedělat si starosti a mít rád bombu", 1, "Dr. Strangelove"]], [[45766, 54636, "Stanley Kubrick", 18, "Stanley Kubrick"]], [[45766, 54637, "Stanley Kubrick", 23, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54637, "Barry Lyndon", 0, "Barry Lyndon"]], [[45766, 54638, "Stanley Kubrick", 24, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54638, "Osvícení (film)", 0, "The Shining (film)"]], [[45766, 54639, "Stanley Kubrick", 25, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54639, "Mechanický pomeranč (film)", 0, "A Clockwork Orange (film)"]], [[45766, 54640, "Stanley Kubrick", 26, "Stanley Kubrick"], [45766, 54640, "Spalující touha", 0, "Eyes Wide Shut"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Kubrick has a career as a director."} {"id": 179018, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Ditko byl kreslíř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Ditko was a sketch artist."} {"id": 154999, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson nezemřel ve věku 67 let.", "evidence": [[[179066, 191615, "Hunter S. Thompson", 21, "Hunter S. Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson did not die at the age of 67."} {"id": 785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Don Henley vydal 5 studiových alb.", "evidence": [[[16265, 20164, "Don Henley", 6, "Don Henley"]]], "claim_en": "Don Henley has released 5 studio albums."} {"id": 227435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rachel McAdamsová se měla objevit ve druhé sérii seriálu True Detective, ale kvůli kolizi s rozvrhem od natáčení odstoupila.", "evidence": [[[271243, 267170, "Rachel McAdamsová", 12, "Rachel McAdams"]]], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams was slated to appear in the second season of True Detective, but dropped out due to a schedule conflict."} {"id": 127916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matka Tereza se narodila 5. září.", "evidence": [[[151600, 166348, "Matka Tereza", 0, "Mother Teresa"]]], "claim_en": "Mother Teresa was born on September 5."} {"id": 204842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zaměstnanci Apple Store nemají možnost samostatného kariérního postupu.", "evidence": [[[241957, 243493, "Apple Store", 22, "Apple Store"]], [[241959, 243495, "Apple Store", 22, "Apple Store"]]], "claim_en": "Apple Store employees have no paths of self-directed career advancement."} {"id": 10755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debutové sólové album Cyndi Lauper bylo prvním z osmi alb, která pojmenovala She's So Unusual.", "evidence": [[[25812, 31745, "Cyndi Lauper", 7, "Cyndi Lauper"]]], "claim_en": "Cyndi Lauper's debut solo album was the first of eight albums she named She's So Unusual."} {"id": 111279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shantel VanSanten odmítá pracovat jako modelka.", "evidence": [[[130662, 145457, "Shantel VanSanten", 0, "Shantel VanSanten"]], [[130662, 145458, "Shantel VanSanten", 1, "Shantel VanSanten"]]], "claim_en": "Shantel VanSanten refuses to model."} {"id": 40059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spencer Tracy se narodil 5. května 1900.", "evidence": [[[56353, 66549, "Spencer Tracy", 0, "Spencer Tracy"]]], "claim_en": "Spencer Tracy was born on May 5th, 1900."} {"id": 191973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charlize Theronová byla za roli sériové vražedkyně ve filmu Zrůda všemi kritiky odmrštěna.", "evidence": [[[224563, 229405, "Charlize Theronová", 4, "Charlize Theron"]]], "claim_en": "Charlize Theron's role as a serial killer in Monster was snubbed by all critics."} {"id": 123291, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeremy Allen White prodal práva na film Beautiful Ohio.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeremy Allen White sold the rights to Beautiful Ohio."} {"id": 188043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thiokol se stal součástí společnosti Orbital ATK.", "evidence": [[[219432, 225439, "Thiokol", 0, "Thiokol"]]], "claim_en": "Thiokol became part of Orbital ATK."} {"id": 195089, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Videoklip k filmu We Found Love režíroval Snoop Dogg.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "We Found Love's music video was directed by Snoop Dogg."} {"id": 170065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jedno z prostředních jmen Davida Beckhama je John.", "evidence": [[[196173, 206312, "David Beckham", 0, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "One of David Beckham's middle names is John."} {"id": 43186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Toyota je jedním z největších bratrstev, které podporuje masové rozšíření hybridních vozidel na světě.", "evidence": [[[59493, 69905, "Toyota", 6, "Toyota"]]], "claim_en": "Toyota is one of the largest fraternities to encourage the mass-market adoption of hybrid vehicles in the world."} {"id": 116496, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová získala cenu BAFTA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith won a BAFTA."} {"id": 121942, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willow Smith je někdo, kdo hraje.", "evidence": [[[143137, 158240, "Willow Smithová", 0, "Willow Smith"]], [[143137, 158241, "Willow Smithová", 2, "Willow Smith"]]], "claim_en": "Willow Smith is someone who acts."} {"id": 11805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová získala nominaci na cenu.", "evidence": [[[27024, 33151, "Sarah Paulsonová", 9, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson received an award nomination."} {"id": 174684, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jodie Foster hrála Mary Lianne.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jodie Foster played Mary Lianne."} {"id": 117796, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peking je zřídkakdy město.", "evidence": [[[285480, 279105, "Peking", 0, "Beijing"]]], "claim_en": "Beijing is rarely a city."} {"id": 134449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jessica Chastain se objevila ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[157004, 171563, "Jessica Chastain", 8, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157004, 171564, "Jessica Chastain", 9, "Jessica Chastain"], [157004, 171564, "Černobílý svět", 0, "The Help (film)"]], [[157004, 171565, "Jessica Chastain", 10, "Jessica Chastain"]], [[157004, 171566, "Jessica Chastain", 12, "Jessica Chastain"], [157004, 171566, "Interstellar", 4, "Interstellar (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Chastain appeared in film."} {"id": 221268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Carmichael Show spolupracoval s televizí NBC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Carmichael Show worked with NBC."} {"id": 96815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Gore pochází ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[114389, 128158, "Al Gore", 0, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore is from the United States."} {"id": 187529, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matthew Vaughn je tanečník a spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matthew Vaughn is a dancer and writer."} {"id": 171709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iain Glen je divadelní herec.", "evidence": [[[198146, 208066, "Iain Glen", 0, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is a theater actor."} {"id": 90589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "František I. Francouzský se narodil v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[107896, 121386, "František I. Francouzský", 0, "Francis I of France"]], [[107899, 121389, "František I. Francouzský", 0, "Francis I of France"]]], "claim_en": "Francis I of France was born in December."} {"id": 64691, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man získal Oscara za nejlepší mix zvuku.", "evidence": [[[81131, 92957, "Spider-Man (film)", 16, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"], [81131, 92957, "Spider-Man (film)", 0, "Spider-Man (2002 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man won an Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing."} {"id": 15633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Egyptská národní identita přetrvala a asimilovala kočky .", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Egypt's national identity has endured and assimilated cats ."} {"id": 144606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mentální anorexie je smrtelná.", "evidence": [[[167862, 181642, "Mentální anorexie", 34, "Anorexia nervosa"]]], "claim_en": "Anorexia nervosa is fatal."} {"id": 195221, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Bacon hrál v roce 2005 ve filmu režisérky Nicole Kassellové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Bacon was in a film directed by Nicole Kassell in 2005."} {"id": 156203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen se v roce 1991 neoženil s Patti Scialfa.", "evidence": [[[180260, 192789, "Bruce Springsteen", 12, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen did not marry Patti Scialfa in 1991."} {"id": 74935, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Perry pochází z New Yorku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Perry is from New York."} {"id": 36684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gucci je značka automobilů.", "evidence": [[[52866, 62811, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is a brand of cars."} {"id": 120954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "José María Chacón založil nejbohatší město na Trinidadu a Tobagu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "José María Chacón founded the most wealthy city in Trinidad and Tobago."} {"id": 126841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová si udržuje dům pouze v Paříži ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[148688, 163722, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 19, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin only maintains a home in Paris, France."} {"id": 165886, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buffy Summersová byla zabita Kristy Swansonovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buffy Summers has been killed by Kristy Swanson."} {"id": 133018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Blbý a blbější hraje herec.", "evidence": [[[287328, 280778, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"]], [[289330, 282408, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [289330, 282408, "Jeff Daniels", 0, "Jeff Daniels"], [289330, 282408, "Jim Carrey", 0, "Jim Carrey"]], [[290940, 283916, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [290940, 283916, "Jeff Daniels", 0, "Jeff Daniels"]], [[335696, 321447, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [335696, 321447, "Jim Carrey", 0, "Jim Carrey"]], [[335699, 321449, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [335699, 321449, "Jeff Daniels", 0, "Jeff Daniels"], [335699, 321449, "Jim Carrey", 0, "Jim Carrey"]], [[335700, 321450, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [335700, 321450, "Jim Carrey", 0, "Jim Carrey"]], [[335701, 321451, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"]], [[335704, 321454, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"], [335704, 321454, "Jeff Daniels", 0, "Jeff Daniels"], [335704, 321454, "Jim Carrey", 0, "Jim Carrey"]]], "claim_en": "Dumb and Dumber stars an actor."} {"id": 229263, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevingne není schopná mít hlavní role.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne is incapable of having major roles."} {"id": 110146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slash píše básně.", "evidence": [[[129246, 144011, "Slash", 0, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slash writes poems."} {"id": 108880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harold Macmillan se narodil v pondělí 10. února 1894.", "evidence": [[[127751, 142408, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]]], "claim_en": "Harold Macmillan was born on Monday February 10, 1894."} {"id": 218495, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syn Colina Quinna se jmenuje Edward.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Quinn's son's name is Edward."} {"id": 222370, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Will Ferrell s někým napsal scénář.", "evidence": [[[264903, 262238, "Will Ferrell", 1, "Will Ferrell"]]], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell wrote screenplays with someone."} {"id": 203447, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dědičku (divadelní hra z roku 1947) napsal rolník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Heiress (1947 play) was written by a peasant."} {"id": 146547, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jižní Korea má vysoký úvěrový rating.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "South Korea has a high credit rating."} {"id": 13101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul neměl strategickou polohu na Hedvábné stezce.", "evidence": [[[28360, 34671, "Istanbul", 13, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul did not have a strategic position on the Silk Road."} {"id": 122050, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Brand je osoba.", "evidence": [[[143286, 158379, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"], [143286, 158379, "Herec", 0, "Actor"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Brand is a person."} {"id": 156180, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson byl choreograf.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson was a choreographer."} {"id": 198842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romány Some Girls a Tattoo You byly celosvětově nejpopulárnějšími alby skupiny Rolling Stones.", "evidence": [[[233782, 236663, "The Rolling Stones", 17, "The Rolling Stones"], [233782, 236663, "Some Girls", 0, "Some Girls"], [233782, 236663, "Tattoo You", 0, "Tattoo You"]], [[233787, 236667, "The Rolling Stones", 17, "The Rolling Stones"], [233787, 236667, "Some Girls", 0, "Some Girls"], [233787, 236667, "Tattoo You", 0, "Tattoo You"]]], "claim_en": "The Rolling Stones' novels Some Girls and Tattoo You were their most popular albums worldwide."} {"id": 187546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matthew Vaughn byl přejmenován na Matthew Allard Robert Vaughn.", "evidence": [[[218830, 225015, "Matthew Vaughn", 0, "Matthew Vaughn"]]], "claim_en": "Matthew Vaughn was renamed Matthew Allard Robert Vaughn."} {"id": 77393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dracula byl interpretován pro jeviště i filmové plátno.", "evidence": [[[94345, 107331, "Drákula (kniha)", 6, "Dracula"]]], "claim_en": "Dracula has been interpreted for the stage and the screen."} {"id": 47097, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando podporoval politické hnutí.", "evidence": [[[63410, 74164, "Marlon Brando", 0, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando supported a political movement."} {"id": 114955, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cyndi Lauper je absurdistka.", "evidence": [[[134951, 149843, "Cyndi Lauper", 0, "Cyndi Lauper"]]], "claim_en": "Cyndi Lauper is an absurdist."} {"id": 195838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeong Hyeong-don je akrobat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeong Hyeong-don is an acrobat."} {"id": 110251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "New Girl je film.", "evidence": [[[280178, 274708, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274711, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274712, "Nová holka", 3, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274713, "Nová holka", 13, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274714, "Nová holka", 14, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274715, "Nová holka", 16, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274716, "Nová holka", 17, "New Girl"]], [[280184, 274717, "Nová holka", 18, "New Girl"]], [[280185, 274718, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[329419, 316224, "Nová holka", 0, "New Girl"]], [[329419, 316225, "Nová holka", 13, "New Girl"]], [[329419, 316226, "Nová holka", 16, "New Girl"]], [[329419, 316227, "Nová holka", 18, "New Girl"]]], "claim_en": "New Girl is a movie."} {"id": 177873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová debutovala v celovečerním filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner had a feature film debut."} {"id": 42141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Overwatch není videohra.", "evidence": [[[58478, 68767, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch is not a video game."} {"id": 78996, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demokratická republika Kongo získala nezávislost v roce 1962.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Democratic Republic of the Congo achieved independence in 1962."} {"id": 132068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce nemá žádnou souvislost s revolučními válkami.", "evidence": [[[154496, 169212, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 3, "French Revolution"], [154496, 169212, "Francouzské revoluční války", 0, "French Revolutionary Wars"]], [[154496, 169213, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 19, "French Revolution"], [154496, 169213, "Francouzské revoluční války", 0, "French Revolutionary Wars"]]], "claim_en": "The French Revolution has no connection to the Revolutionary Wars."} {"id": 125773, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John McCain moderoval 56. čtyřleté prezidentské volby.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John McCain moderated the 56th quadrennial presidential election."} {"id": 107499, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bob Dylan je hudební producent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan is a musical producer."} {"id": 48219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Myers měl malou roli policisty ve válečném filmu z roku 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Myers had a small role as a police officer in a 2009 war film."} {"id": 149681, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sindh hraničí s největším japonským státem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sindh borders Japan's largest state."} {"id": 112516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hraje v akčních filmech.", "evidence": [[[282043, 276302, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"], [282043, 276302, "Con Air", 0, "Con Air"], [282043, 276302, "Desperado (film)", 0, "Desperado (film)"]], [[284070, 277963, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"], [284070, 277963, "Con Air", 0, "Con Air"], [284070, 277963, "Desperado (film)", 0, "Desperado (film)"]], [[329898, 316599, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"], [329898, 316599, "Con Air", 0, "Con Air"]], [[331252, 317754, "Steve Buscemi", 1, "Steve Buscemi"], [331252, 317754, "Con Air", 0, "Con Air"], [331252, 317754, "Desperado (film)", 0, "Desperado (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi is in action films."} {"id": 220846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andy Fletcher pochází z Anglie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andy Fletcher is from England."} {"id": 85432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíše pokřtil Jan Křtitel.", "evidence": [[[102632, 115894, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was given baptism by John the Baptist."} {"id": 190158, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oscar de la Hoya byl v roce 1997 nejlépe hodnoceným zápasníkem na světě podle časopisu The Ring.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oscar de la Hoya was The Ring magazine's top-rated fighter in the world in 1997."} {"id": 176583, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hadera se nachází ve správním obvodu, který obklopuje město Haifa v Izraeli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hadera is located in an administrative district that surrounds the city of Haifa, Israel."} {"id": 116988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pokoj je kočka.", "evidence": [[[137351, 152191, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[137351, 152192, "Room (film, 2015)", 7, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[137351, 152193, "Room (film, 2015)", 11, "Room (2015 film)"]], [[137351, 152194, "Room (film, 2015)", 13, "Room (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Room is a cat."} {"id": 19082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Nizozemsku nesídlí Organizace pro zákaz chemických zbraní.", "evidence": [[[34852, 42268, "Nizozemsko", 24, "Netherlands"], [34852, 42268, "Organizace pro zákaz chemických zbraní", 0, "Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands does not host the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons."} {"id": 67401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Starověký Egypt vznikl sjednocením Horní a Dolní Mezopotámie.", "evidence": [[[83982, 96081, "Starověký Egypt", 2, "Ancient Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "Ancient Egypt began with the unification of Upper and Lower Mesopotamia."} {"id": 107998, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sully vyvolal kontroverzi NTSB.", "evidence": [[[126731, 141174, "Sully: Zázrak na řece Hudson", 6, "Sully (film)"], [126731, 141174, "Sully: Zázrak na řece Hudson", 0, "Sully (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sully created NTSB controversy."} {"id": 45456, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rachel McAdamsová vystudovala York College.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rachel McAdams graduated from York College."} {"id": 22687, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miranda Ottová je tetou Lindsay Ottové.", "evidence": [[[38701, 46672, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Otto is the aunt of Lindsay Otto."} {"id": 164995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lední medvědi mají klasifikaci mořských savců.", "evidence": [[[189751, 200971, "Medvěd lední", 7, "Polar bear"]]], "claim_en": "Polar bears have a marine mammal classification."} {"id": 57804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Investiční fondy se také označují jako investiční pooly.", "evidence": [[[74153, 85381, "Investiční fond", 10, "Investment fund"]]], "claim_en": "Investment funds are also referred to as investment pools."} {"id": 97536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V pokračování trilogie Hvězdných válek je postava.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There is a character in Star Wars sequel trilogy."} {"id": 128728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fifth Harmony není hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[150767, 165608, "Fifth Harmony", 0, "Fifth Harmony"], [150767, 165608, "Dívčí skupina", 0, "Girl group"]]], "claim_en": "Fifth Harmony is not a music group."} {"id": 210106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Led Zeppelin je hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[248877, 248929, "Led Zeppelin", 0, "Led Zeppelin"]], [[248877, 248930, "Led Zeppelin", 20, "Led Zeppelin"]], [[248877, 248931, "Led Zeppelin", 23, "Led Zeppelin"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin is a band."} {"id": 192401, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francois de Belleforest přeložil dílo Eleny Ferrante.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Francois de Belleforest translated the works of Elena Ferrante."} {"id": 12701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Etiopie se nachází na poloostrově.", "evidence": [[[27947, 34250, "Etiopie", 0, "Ethiopia"], [27947, 34250, "Africký roh", 0, "Horn of Africa"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia is on a peninsula."} {"id": 69267, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Toy Story 2 vydala společnost Blue Sky Studios.", "evidence": [[[85952, 98267, "Toy Story 2: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story 2"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story 2 was released by Blue Sky Studios."} {"id": 224681, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Páté album Miley Cyrus má psychedelický styl.", "evidence": [[[267733, 264367, "Miley Cyrusová", 11, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus's fifth album has a psychedelic style."} {"id": 128686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V seriálu Jindřich VIII. hraje pouze herec, který se narodil v roce 1976.", "evidence": [[[150722, 165574, "Jindřich VIII. (film)", 6, "Henry VIII (TV serial)"], [150722, 165574, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 0, "Helena Bonham Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Henry VIII (TV serial) stars only an actor who was born in 1976."} {"id": 217933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na filmu Kung Fu Panda 3 se podílela americká herečka.", "evidence": [[[259070, 257738, "Kung Fu Panda 3", 7, "Kung Fu Panda 3"], [259070, 257738, "Angelina Jolie", 0, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Kung Fu Panda 3 had an American actress involved."} {"id": 121216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album 25 bylo vydáno prostřednictvím nahrávací společnosti založené v roce 1782.", "evidence": [[[142325, 157520, "25 (album)", 1, "25 (Adele album)"], [142325, 157520, "XL Recordings", 0, "XL Recordings"]]], "claim_en": "25 was released through a record label founded in 1782."} {"id": 164886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hizballáh získal válečný výcvik od Íránu.", "evidence": [[[189639, 200886, "Hizballáh", 17, "Hezbollah"]]], "claim_en": "Hezbollah received war training from Iran."} {"id": 173637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thenmerku Paruvakaatru zrušil Seenu Ramasamy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thenmerku Paruvakaatru was canceled by Seenu Ramasamy."} {"id": 120170, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hrál ve filmech v roce 1994.", "evidence": [[[141200, 156409, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"], [141200, 156409, "Záskok (film)", 0, "The Hudsucker Proxy"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi was in films in 1994."} {"id": 38674, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carice van Houten není Holanďanka.", "evidence": [[[54883, 64893, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is not Dutch."} {"id": 89843, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je film o americké komiksové postavě.", "evidence": [[[107159, 120535, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"], [107159, 120535, "Marvel Comics", 0, "Marvel Comics"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a movie about an American comics character."} {"id": 204693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Craig hraje ve filmu Elizabeth.", "evidence": [[[242115, 243588, "Daniel Craig", 3, "Daniel Craig"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig is in Elizabeth."} {"id": 15081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 2001: Vesmírná odysea financoval Lord Voldemort.", "evidence": [[[30398, 36993, "2001: Vesmírná odysea (film)", 9, "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)"]]], "claim_en": "2001: A Space Odyssey was financed by Lord Voldemort."} {"id": 85306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers: Avengers bojují proti Ultronovi ve filmu Age of Ultron, který byl uveden do kin v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[102412, 115689, "Avengers: Age of Ultron", 3, "Avengers: Age of Ultron"]]], "claim_en": "In Avengers: Age of Ultron, released in 2015, the Avengers fight Ultron."} {"id": 143776, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fred Trump byl jeho mecenášem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fred Trump was a patron."} {"id": 145916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Útoky z 11. září se odehrály v Los Angeles.", "evidence": [[[169289, 182945, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 8, "September 11 attacks"]], [[169289, 182946, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 10, "September 11 attacks"]], [[169289, 182947, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 11, "September 11 attacks"]]], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks took place in Los Angeles."} {"id": 54338, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Cars Toons je animovaný ve 3D.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cars Toons is 3D-animated."} {"id": 15339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tygři jsou zobrazováni v moderních filmech.", "evidence": [[[37104, 44795, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]], [[39610, 47689, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]], [[302020, 293093, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]], [[302021, 293094, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]]], "claim_en": "Tigers are depicted in modern films."} {"id": 206828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan je pravidelně distribuovaná sbírka stránek, slov a picutres.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan is a regularly distributed collection of pages, words, and picutres."} {"id": 88901, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natáčení filmu Temný rytíř povstal probíhalo v Newarku ve státě New Jersey.", "evidence": [[[106981, 120368, "Temný rytíř povstal", 9, "The Dark Knight Rises"], [106981, 120368, "Newark", 0, "Newark, New Jersey"]]], "claim_en": "The Dark Knight Rises' filming took place in Newark, New Jersey."} {"id": 214222, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sýrie zahrnuje židovské obyvatelstvo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syria includes Jewish people."} {"id": 105106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seppuku je vražda vykucháním.", "evidence": [[[123423, 137863, "Seppuku", 0, "Seppuku"]]], "claim_en": "Seppuku is homicide by disembowelment."} {"id": 40718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Josef Stalin se stal generálním tajemníkem v roce 1922.", "evidence": [[[57009, 67248, "Josif Vissarionovič Stalin", 10, "Joseph Stalin"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Stalin became General Secretary in 1922."} {"id": 166750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winona Ryderová hraje ve filmu Mořské panny z roku 1990.", "evidence": [[[191806, 202611, "Winona Ryder", 4, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder is in the 1990 film Mermaids."} {"id": 71008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Radiohead mají album s názvem Favor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Radiohead has an album called Favor."} {"id": 22603, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant byl prezident.", "evidence": [[[38453, 46402, "Ulysses S. Grant", 0, "Ulysses S. Grant"]], [[38453, 46403, "Ulysses S. Grant", 3, "Ulysses S. Grant"]], [[38453, 46404, "Ulysses S. Grant", 22, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant was a President."} {"id": 12968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Outlander (TV seriál) byl obnoven pro čtvrtou sérii.", "evidence": [[[31852, 38662, "Cizinka (seriál)", 6, "Outlander (TV series)"]], [[34628, 42003, "Cizinka (seriál)", 6, "Outlander (TV series)"]], [[301809, 292913, "Cizinka (seriál)", 6, "Outlander (TV series)"]], [[303225, 294226, "Cizinka (seriál)", 6, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander (TV series) was renewed for a fourth season."} {"id": 12084, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Acetylcholin zabraňuje neuromodulaci.", "evidence": [[[27298, 33441, "Neuromodulace", 3, "Neuromodulation"], [27298, 33441, "Acetylcholin", 11, "Acetylcholine"]], [[27298, 33442, "Neuromodulace", 8, "Neuromodulation"]]], "claim_en": "Acetylcholine prevents neuromodulation."} {"id": 18853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Konzoli Xbox One vyrábí společnost Microsoft.", "evidence": [[[34498, 41854, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[34498, 41855, "Xbox One", 4, "Xbox One"]], [[34498, 41856, "Xbox One", 22, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One is made by Microsoft."} {"id": 223534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maisie Williamsová debutovala jako herečka ve filmu The Night Of.", "evidence": [[[266278, 263317, "Maisie Williams", 1, "Maisie Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Maisie Williams made her acting debut in The Night Of."} {"id": 24691, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "New Orleans je přístav.", "evidence": [[[40644, 48890, "New Orleans", 0, "New Orleans"]]], "claim_en": "New Orleans is a harbor."} {"id": 57487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stephen Hawking není doživotním členem Papežské akademie věd.", "evidence": [[[73820, 85060, "Stephen Hawking", 6, "Stephen Hawking"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen Hawking is not a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences."} {"id": 132285, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daniel Craig se narodil v roce 1991.", "evidence": [[[154697, 169453, "Daniel Craig", 0, "Daniel Craig"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig was born in 1991."} {"id": 25468, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bernard Madoff zaměstnal svého bratra Petera jako lovce krokodýlů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bernard Madoff employed his brother Peter as crocodile hunter."} {"id": 90747, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "21 Jump Street je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[108070, 121583, "21 Jump Street", 0, "21 Jump Street (film)"]]], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street is a television show."} {"id": 68368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobit není kniha.", "evidence": [[[84974, 97232, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]], [[84974, 97233, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 2, "The Hobbit"]], [[84974, 97234, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 5, "The Hobbit"], [84974, 97234, "Hobit", 4, "Hobbit"]], [[84974, 97235, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 21, "The Hobbit"], [84974, 97235, "Pán prstenů", 1, "The Lord of the Rings"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit is not a book."} {"id": 70346, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Popstar: V roli Ashley Wednesday se představí Sarah Silvermanová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping stars Sarah Silverman as Ashley Wednesday."} {"id": 220123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dance byl odmítnut pro roli Alastaira Dennistona do filmu The Imitation Game.", "evidence": [[[261957, 259980, "Charles Dance", 4, "Charles Dance"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dance was turned down for the role of Alastair Denniston for the movie The Imitation Game."} {"id": 52056, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carice van Houten je křesťanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is a Christian."} {"id": 23356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sherlock je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[39312, 47346, "Sherlock (seriál)", 0, "Sherlock (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Sherlock is a TV series."} {"id": 130392, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duane Chapman je americký občan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duane Chapman is an American citizen."} {"id": 69932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Velká obchodní oblast New Orleans neměla v roce 2010 1 452 502 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[86615, 99078, "New Orleans", 3, "New Orleans"]]], "claim_en": "A New Orleans large trading area did not have a 2010 population of 1,452,502."} {"id": 29074, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Craig hrál ve filmu Četa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig starred in Platoon."} {"id": 83113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie Chan není kaskadér.", "evidence": [[[100160, 113410, "Jackie Chan", 0, "Jackie Chan"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan is not a stuntman."} {"id": 95840, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "A. J. Cook se objevil ve filmu Sebevraždy panen.", "evidence": [[[113353, 127214, "A. J. Cooková", 1, "A. J. Cook"]]], "claim_en": "A.J. Cook appeared in The Virgin Suicides."} {"id": 135212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joni Mitchellová vydala album.", "evidence": [[[157790, 172389, "Joni Mitchell", 10, "Joni Mitchell"]]], "claim_en": "Joni Mitchell released an album."} {"id": 165650, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Baker recenzoval reklamy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Baker has reviewed commercials."} {"id": 120716, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pink je vegetariánka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pink is a vegetarian."} {"id": 86025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Celé San Francisco je zcela ploché.", "evidence": [[[26946, 33079, "San Francisco", 18, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "All of San Francisco is entirely flat."} {"id": 151644, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum hrála významnou roli ve filmu Songcatcher (2000).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum played a prominent role in Songcatcher (2000)."} {"id": 142802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chrámová hora je místo, ke kterému se křesťané obracejí při modlitbě.", "evidence": [[[165858, 179833, "Chrámová hora", 29, "Temple Mount"]]], "claim_en": "Temple Mount is where Christians turn towards during prayer."} {"id": 25280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sólové album Dr. Dre se jmenuje 2001.", "evidence": [[[68900, 79706, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]], [[71709, 82679, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]], [[74859, 86077, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]], [[303948, 294837, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]], [[305593, 296408, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]], [[305595, 296410, "Dr. Dre", 14, "Dr. Dre"]]], "claim_en": "Dr. Dre's solo album is titled 2001."} {"id": 72984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pornhub nelze najít na internetu.", "evidence": [[[89733, 102431, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]], [[89733, 102432, "Pornhub", 3, "Pornhub"]]], "claim_en": "Pornhub cannot be found on the Internet."} {"id": 111180, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grace VanderWaal se umístila na prvním místě v soutěžním pořadu televize NBC America's Got Talent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grace VanderWaal came in first place on the NBC TV competition show America's Got Talent."} {"id": 155454, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matka Carice van Houtenové se jmenuje Carice Anouk van Houtenová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten's mother is Carice Anouk van Houten."} {"id": 97268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tina Turner vydala album Break Every Rule in stereo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tina Turner released Break Every Rule in stereo."} {"id": 172431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jared Kushner promoval 10. ledna 1981.", "evidence": [[[199018, 208700, "Jared Kushner", 0, "Jared Kushner"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Kushner graduated on January 10th, 1981."} {"id": 125096, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavním kytaristou skupiny Beatles byl do roku 1940 George Harrison.", "evidence": [[[146743, 161727, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles's lead guitarist was George Harrison until 1940."} {"id": 68919, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Packouz je umělec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Packouz is an artist."} {"id": 127743, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis hrál ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[149699, 164658, "Zach Galifianakis", 2, "Zach Galifianakis"]]], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis starred in movies."} {"id": 61924, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alkaline Trio vydalo jazzové album s názvem Maybe I'll Catch Fire.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alkaline Trio has a jazz album named Maybe I'll Catch Fire."} {"id": 130383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanada leží v Severní Americe, hraničí se Spojenými státy.", "evidence": [[[152632, 167404, "Kanada", 2, "Canada"]], [[152632, 167405, "Kanada", 0, "Canada"]]], "claim_en": "Canada is in North America, bordered the United States."} {"id": 199668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrea Pirlo byl vždy americký hokejista.", "evidence": [[[236088, 238630, "Andrea Pirlo", 0, "Andrea Pirlo"]]], "claim_en": "Andrea Pirlo has always been an American hockey player."} {"id": 225168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Finále WTA 2014 bylo 44. ročníkem tenisové soutěže ve čtyřhře.", "evidence": [[[268323, 264926, "WTA Finals 2014", 0, "2014 WTA Finals"]]], "claim_en": "The 2014 WTA Finals was the 44th edition of the doubles tennis event."} {"id": 34332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít vyšel ve 3D.", "evidence": [[[50452, 60024, "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít (film)", 9, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them came out in 3D."} {"id": 217347, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Constantine je film.", "evidence": [[[258266, 257094, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258266, 257095, "Constantine (film)", 1, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258266, 257096, "Constantine (film)", 9, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258266, 257097, "Constantine (film)", 16, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258267, 257098, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258267, 257099, "Constantine (film)", 1, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258267, 257100, "Constantine (film)", 9, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258267, 257101, "Constantine (film)", 16, "Constantine (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine is a film."} {"id": 102828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek The Belko Experiment byl uveden ve 3D.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Belko Experiment was released in 3D."} {"id": 14560, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Krásná je podle týmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beautiful is by a team."} {"id": 97220, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James McAvoy nebyl schopen hrát ve filmu Děti Duny.", "evidence": [[[275966, 271022, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]], [[278255, 273122, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]], [[325171, 312932, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]], [[326211, 313727, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]], [[327947, 315115, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]]], "claim_en": "James McAvoy was incapable of being in Children of Dune."} {"id": 214867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dějiny umění zahrnují pouze počítače.", "evidence": [[[255141, 254648, "Dějiny umění", 2, "History of art"]]], "claim_en": "History of art only includes computers."} {"id": 25779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ginger Baker hrál pouze na dechové nástroje.", "evidence": [[[41788, 50246, "Ginger Baker", 1, "Ginger Baker"]], [[41788, 50247, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"]], [[41788, 50248, "Ginger Baker", 0, "Ginger Baker"]], [[41788, 50249, "Ginger Baker", 14, "Ginger Baker"]], [[41788, 50250, "Ginger Baker", 15, "Ginger Baker"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker only played brass instruments."} {"id": 95774, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Hunger Games je umístěn do minulosti.", "evidence": [[[113288, 127151, "Hunger Games (film)", 3, "The Hunger Games (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Hunger Games is placed in the past."} {"id": 204544, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Commodore je řazen pod zadní část.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Commodore is ranked below a rear end."} {"id": 62986, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Děj Atlasu mraků se odehrává v šesti různých časových pásmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cloud Atlas's plots are set across six different time zones."} {"id": 212314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mary-Kate Olsenová a Ashley Olsenová jsou návrhářky.", "evidence": [[[251681, 251500, "Mary-Kate a Ashley Olsenovy", 0, "Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen"]]], "claim_en": "Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are designers."} {"id": 199384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spider-Man: Homecoming režíroval Jon Watts.", "evidence": [[[234451, 237321, "Jon Watts", 1, "Jon Watts"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man: Homecoming was directed by Jon Watts."} {"id": 7336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lizzy Caplanová není schopná účinkovat ve více televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[11903, 14914, "Lizzy Caplan", 2, "Lizzy Caplan"]]], "claim_en": "Lizzy Caplan is incapable of appearing in multiple television shows."} {"id": 208368, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones is a Catholic."} {"id": 90160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Supremes byla vynechána vydavatelstvím Motown Records.", "evidence": [[[107468, 120933, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]]], "claim_en": "The Supremes were passed over by Motown Records."} {"id": 89415, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé jméno Alexandra Lukašenka je Michailovič.", "evidence": [[[106636, 120035, "Alexandr Lukašenko", 0, "Alexander Lukashenko"]], [[106647, 120043, "Alexandr Lukašenko", 0, "Alexander Lukashenko"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Lukashenko's middle name is Mikhailovich."} {"id": 110062, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vetřelci (film) měli pracovní název Bishop.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aliens (film) had the working title of Bishop."} {"id": 215808, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Francii byla objevena ischemická choroba srdeční.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coronary artery disease was discovered in France."} {"id": 131934, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Belgie má neefektivní dopravní síť.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Belgium has a inefficient transport network."} {"id": 153902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První sezóna seriálu Glee se vysílala od září 2009 do června 2010.", "evidence": [[[177882, 190569, "Glee", 8, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee aired its first season from September 2009 to June 2010."} {"id": 67783, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Xbox One byl oznámen v květnu 2013 na veletrhu E3.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Xbox One was announced in May of 2013 at E3."} {"id": 191755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Romština je západní románský jazyk.", "evidence": [[[224264, 229094, "Západorománské jazyky", 6, "Western Romance languages"]], [[224266, 229096, "Západorománské jazyky", 6, "Western Romance languages"]]], "claim_en": "Romansh is a Western Romance Language."} {"id": 223315, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dlouhá cesta z ráje se odehrávala pouze v září.", "evidence": [[[265994, 263100, "Long Road Out of Eden", 6, "Long Road Out of Eden"]], [[265994, 263101, "Long Road Out of Eden", 7, "Long Road Out of Eden"]]], "claim_en": "Long Road Out of Eden only had September on it."} {"id": 123129, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Cooper se účastnil filmu Wedding Crashers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper partied in Wedding Crashers."} {"id": 116402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Názory Abrahama Lincolna a Stephena A. Douglase se vždy zcela shodovaly.", "evidence": [[[330733, 317317, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[332093, 318499, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[332094, 318500, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln's and Stephen A. Douglas's opinions were always in total alignment."} {"id": 46618, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Cooper hrál v divadelní hře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper was in a play."} {"id": 154448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln žil v roce 1858.", "evidence": [[[178440, 191026, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was alive in 1858."} {"id": 122571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Cusack pracoval s Cameronem Crowem na filmu Řekni cokoliv...", "evidence": [[[143933, 159013, "John Cusack", 1, "John Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "John Cusack worked with Cameron Crowe on Say Anything..."} {"id": 219316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí nebyl nikdy obviněn úřady.", "evidence": [[[260917, 259245, "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí", 8, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi"]]], "claim_en": "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has never been accused by authorities."} {"id": 19703, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cate Blanchettová hrála ve filmu, který režíroval Shyam Benegal.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cate Blanchett acted in a film directed by Shyam Benegal."} {"id": 129667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Meghan McCainová je moderátorkou a přispěvatelkou ve zpravodajském pořadu.", "evidence": [[[151874, 166634, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]], [[151874, 166635, "Meghan McCainová", 10, "Meghan McCain"]], [[151874, 166636, "Meghan McCainová", 5, "Meghan McCain"], [151874, 166636, "Meghan McCainová", 6, "Meghan McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Meghan McCain is a host and contributor on a news program."} {"id": 216170, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kozí ostrov je spojen s americkým prezidentem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Goat Island is connected to the U.S. president."} {"id": 62420, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hinduismus má Sruti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hinduism has the Sruti."} {"id": 221402, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vražda Rogera Ackroyda poprvé vyšla na jaře roku 1926.", "evidence": [[[263645, 261279, "Vražda Rogera Ackroyda", 0, "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd"]]], "claim_en": "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is first published in Spring of 1926."} {"id": 196438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ward Moore byl tvůrce vědeckofantastických filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ward Moore was a science fiction film maker."} {"id": 70823, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-wan se oficiálně nejmenuje Čínská republika.", "evidence": [[[87496, 99965, "Tchaj-wan", 0, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan is not officially called the Republic of China."} {"id": 155643, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Američané měli premiéru mimo území Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Americans premiered outside of the United States."} {"id": 147193, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová byla jmenována v roce 1996.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner was named in 1996."} {"id": 68772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olympijské hry nevrhají světlo na neznámé sportovce.", "evidence": [[[85394, 97712, "Olympijské hry", 29, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympics Games do not shed light on unknown athletes."} {"id": 181004, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Goldblum hrál ve filmu Ruská archa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Goldblum starred in Russian Ark."} {"id": 85064, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nizozemsko je umístěno v západní Evropě.", "evidence": [[[102178, 115449, "Nizozemsko", 1, "Netherlands"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands is positioned in Western Europe."} {"id": 222428, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Will Ferrell napsal Talladega Nights s Adamem McKayem za 2 dny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell wrote Talladega Nights with Adam McKay in 2 days."} {"id": 224907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lisa Kudrow hrála ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[267985, 264622, "Lisa Kudrow", 11, "Lisa Kudrow"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was in movies."} {"id": 73522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaliyah vyrůstala v Detroitu.", "evidence": [[[90322, 103067, "Aaliyah", 1, "Aaliyah"]]], "claim_en": "Aaliyah was raised in Detroit."} {"id": 210302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moana je hurikán z roku 2016.", "evidence": [[[249132, 249175, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249176, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 1, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249177, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 2, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249178, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 3, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249179, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 6, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249180, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 10, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[249132, 249181, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 12, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana is a 2016 hurricane."} {"id": 140696, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny DeVito má internetový podnik.", "evidence": [[[163673, 177902, "Danny DeVito", 17, "Danny DeVito"]]], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito has an Internet venture."} {"id": 146772, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Akkineni Nageswara Rao hraje ve filmu Daag.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Akkineni Nageswara Rao stars in Daag the movie."} {"id": 160249, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Froome žil v chudobě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Froome lived in poverty."} {"id": 118960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Chase se nedokáže zapojit do seriálu House.", "evidence": [[[139620, 154630, "Robert Chase", 0, "Robert Chase"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Chase is incapable of being involved in a show called House."} {"id": 137657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco je cílovým trhem dvou různých dopravních síťových společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco is the target market of two different transportation network companies."} {"id": 105314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Čou En-laj se zasloužil o pád komunistické strany od moci.", "evidence": [[[123641, 138057, "Čou En-laj", 1, "Zhou Enlai"]]], "claim_en": "Zhou Enlai was instrumental in the Communist Party's fall from power."} {"id": 61160, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara je hlavní postavou Laila.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara has the main character Laila."} {"id": 222025, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brubaker je oceněný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brubaker is an award-winning film."} {"id": 41109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt si zahrál hlavní roli ve filmu The Walk.", "evidence": [[[57405, 67620, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt", 4, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"], [57405, 67620, "Muž na laně (film, 2015)", 2, "The Walk (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in The Walk."} {"id": 122936, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Davis Guggenheim je režisér hudebních videoklipů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Davis Guggenheim is a music video director."} {"id": 184679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Augusto Pinochet zemřel v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[215143, 222066, "Augusto Pinochet", 27, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[215143, 222067, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]]], "claim_en": "Augusto Pinochet died in 2016."} {"id": 201271, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natascha McElhone si zahrála ve filmu Ronin.", "evidence": [[[236844, 239210, "Ronin (film)", 0, "Ronin (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Natascha McElhone starred in Ronin."} {"id": 98795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chlebovník je mnohonásobné ovoce, které se skládá z 5 jednotlivých květů.", "evidence": [[[116445, 130336, "Chlebovník různolistý", 6, "Jackfruit"]]], "claim_en": "The jackfruit is a multiple fruit, composed of 5 individual flowers."} {"id": 87599, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dustin Hoffman ztvárnil postavy, které jsou nebezpečné.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dustin Hoffman has portrayed characters that are dangerous."} {"id": 219068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Deadpool 2 si zahrála Scarlett Johansson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deadpool 2 featured Scarlett Johansson."} {"id": 208841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval s kýmkoli kromě Ennia Morriconeho.", "evidence": [[[247142, 247445, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice worked with anyone except Ennio Morricone."} {"id": 217196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mnich je výhradně nelidské zvíře.", "evidence": [[[258074, 256956, "Mnich", 0, "Monk"]], [[258074, 256957, "Mnich", 1, "Monk"]]], "claim_en": "A monk is solely a non-human animal."} {"id": 53, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe se podílela na válečném úsilí.", "evidence": [[[15288, 19060, "Marilyn Monroe", 7, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe was a part of the war effort."} {"id": 199324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Uggamsová měla roli v americkém hudebně dramatickém televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[234378, 237273, "Leslie Uggamsová", 4, "Leslie Uggams"], [234378, 237273, "Empire (seriál)", 0, "Empire (2015 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Uggams had a role on an American musical drama television series."} {"id": 64802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portugalsko je vyspělá země.", "evidence": [[[318932, 307750, "Portugalsko", 30, "Portugal"], [318932, 307750, "Vyspělá země", 0, "Developed country"]], [[318938, 307755, "Portugalsko", 30, "Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Portugal is an advanced country."} {"id": 203635, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Pink Floyd byla v roce 1998 uvedena do americké rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[240285, 241923, "Pink Floyd", 20, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd was inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998."} {"id": 222755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Praktická magie je založen na básni z roku 1995.", "evidence": [[[265352, 262565, "Magická posedlost", 0, "Practical Magic"]]], "claim_en": "Practical Magic is based on a 1995 poem."} {"id": 129150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kristen Bellová je Kanaďanka.", "evidence": [[[151239, 166035, "Kristen Bell", 0, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell is Canadian."} {"id": 155573, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Trent Reznor zabíjí nejméně od roku 1988.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor has killed since at least 1988."} {"id": 191946, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Hangover Part III obsahuje alkohol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hangover Part III includes alcohol."} {"id": 224101, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Battle Studies World Tour bylo turné amerického žongléra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Battle Studies World Tour was a tour by an American juggler."} {"id": 78760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album 30 Seconds to Mars bylo vydáno společností Immortal Records.", "evidence": [[[95716, 108757, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]]], "claim_en": "30 Seconds to Mars was released by Immortal Records."} {"id": 110284, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní město Severní Koreje není Pchjongjang.", "evidence": [[[129402, 144151, "Severní Korea", 2, "North Korea"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea's capital city is not Pyongyang."} {"id": 101383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Všichni milenci se dostali do první desítky nejprodávanějších knih.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "All the Lovers reached the top ten in books."} {"id": 28945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Okres San Bernardino se nachází v jižní Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[83459, 95441, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]], [[85622, 97935, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"], [85622, 97935, "San Bernardino County", 0, "San Bernardino County, California"]], [[85622, 97936, "Jižní Kalifornie", 10, "Southern California"]], [[85622, 97937, "Jižní Kalifornie", 11, "Southern California"], [85622, 97937, "San Bernardino County", 0, "San Bernardino County, California"]], [[86020, 98350, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"]], [[306119, 296862, "Jižní Kalifornie", 10, "Southern California"]], [[307408, 297912, "Jižní Kalifornie", 1, "Southern California"], [307408, 297912, "Jižní Kalifornie", 0, "Southern California"]], [[307408, 297913, "Jižní Kalifornie", 10, "Southern California"]], [[307408, 297914, "Jižní Kalifornie", 11, "Southern California"], [307408, 297914, "San Bernardino County", 0, "San Bernardino County, California"]]], "claim_en": "San Bernardino county is in Southern California."} {"id": 119956, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Offspring je chobotnice.", "evidence": [[[140949, 156102, "The Offspring", 0, "The Offspring"]]], "claim_en": "The Offspring is a squid."} {"id": 6394, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mnoho kopií Archimédova písemného díla se dochovalo až do středověku.", "evidence": [[[23149, 28504, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]]], "claim_en": "Many copies of Archimedes' written work survived through the Middle Ages."} {"id": 120056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hedvábí nebylo hlavním obchodním artiklem na Hedvábné stezce.", "evidence": [[[141062, 156232, "Hedvábná stezka", 5, "Silk Road"]]], "claim_en": "Silk was not the major trade item on the Silk Road."} {"id": 221994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vladimir Putin se narodil ve městě pouze u Kaspického moře.", "evidence": [[[264360, 261838, "Vladimir Putin", 5, "Vladimir Putin"], [264360, 261838, "Petrohrad", 0, "Saint Petersburg"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin was born in a city only on the Caspian Sea."} {"id": 204600, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lékař Sanjay Gupta stáhl své jméno z úvah o pozici generálního chirurga Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Physician Sanjay Gupta withdrew his name from consideration for the position of Surgeon General of the United States."} {"id": 92602, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Útoky z 11. září způsobily škody na oknech ve výši nejméně 10 miliard dolarů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks caused at least $10 billion in window damage."} {"id": 146630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dwayne Johnson měl hlavní podíl na vzniku OSN.", "evidence": [[[170173, 183738, "Dwayne Johnson", 0, "Dwayne Johnson"], [170173, 183738, "Organizace spojených národů", 1, "United Nations"]]], "claim_en": "Dwayne Johnson had a leading role in the creation of the UN."} {"id": 3961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Stewartová hrála Bellu Swan v sérii Stmívání.", "evidence": [[[20170, 24701, "Kristen Stewartová", 4, "Kristen Stewart"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Stewart played Bella Swan in the Twilight series."} {"id": 86853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Radiohead vydali své poslední album v roce 1992.", "evidence": [[[103991, 117492, "Radiohead", 5, "Radiohead"]]], "claim_en": "Radiohead released their final album in 1992."} {"id": 78240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spojené království má podle odhadů z roku 2016 65,1 milionu obyvatel a 90 % z nich žije v Londýně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom has an estimated 65.1 million inhabitants as of 2016 and 90% of them live in London."} {"id": 212779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1977 se vysokoškolské koleje Harvardovy univerzity staly koedukovanými.", "evidence": [[[252367, 252163, "Harvardova univerzita", 8, "Harvard University"]]], "claim_en": "In 1977, the undergraduate college of Harvard University became coeducational."} {"id": 217044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V červenci byla podepsána Daytonská dohoda.", "evidence": [[[257878, 256818, "Daytonská dohoda", 0, "Dayton Agreement"]], [[257883, 256823, "Daytonská dohoda", 0, "Dayton Agreement"]]], "claim_en": "The Dayton Agreement was signed in July."} {"id": 200992, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Středozápad Spojených států zahrnuje i Londýn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Midwestern United States includes London."} {"id": 12611, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Montreal je město.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Montreal is a town."} {"id": 172509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Entourage (film) se natáčel v Anglii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Entourage (film) was filmed in England."} {"id": 128814, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marta Kauffmanová vytvořila film Sotva naživu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marta Kauffman created Barely Alive."} {"id": 194047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Duane Hopwood zahrnuje Ryana Goslinga.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Duane Hopwood includes Ryan Gosling."} {"id": 161870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britney Spears se narodila 2. prosince 1981.", "evidence": [[[186396, 198212, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears was born on December 2nd, 1981."} {"id": 47310, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bradley Cooper se objevil v seriálu, který vytvořil Darren Star.", "evidence": [[[63620, 74373, "Bradley Cooper", 6, "Bradley Cooper"], [63620, 74373, "Sex ve městě", 0, "Sex and the City"]]], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper appeared in a show created by Darren Star."} {"id": 34631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová hrála ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[50822, 60504, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 1, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[50822, 60505, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 2, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [50822, 60505, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [50822, 60505, "Křídla vášně", 0, "The Wings of the Dove (1997 film)"]], [[50822, 60506, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 7, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [50822, 60506, "Lady Jane", 0, "Lady Jane (1986 film)"], [50822, 60506, "Pokoj s vyhlídkou (film)", 0, "A Room with a View (1985 film)"]], [[50822, 60507, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 8, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[50822, 60508, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 9, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[50822, 60509, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 10, "Helena Bonham Carter"], [50822, 60509, "Burton a Taylorová", 1, "Burton & Taylor"], [50822, 60509, "Toast (film)", 1, "Toast (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter was in movies."} {"id": 4015, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Surinam se stal nezávislým státem za pět let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Suriname became an independent state in five years."} {"id": 99922, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hra Overwatch umožňuje hráčům dělat různé věci.", "evidence": [[[117569, 131467, "Overwatch", 4, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[117569, 131468, "Overwatch", 5, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[117569, 131469, "Overwatch", 6, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[117569, 131470, "Overwatch", 7, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch lets players do things."} {"id": 73079, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Ocean vydal vizuální antologii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean released a visual anthology."} {"id": 163711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Bostonu působí téměř 3 000 startupů.", "evidence": [[[188375, 199770, "Boston", 15, "Boston"]], [[188380, 199774, "Boston", 15, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Boston has nearly 3,000 startups."} {"id": 45029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cenu Emmy získal seriál Mad Men.", "evidence": [[[63640, 74387, "Šílenci z Manhattanu", 12, "Mad Men"]]], "claim_en": "An Emmy award was won by Mad Men."} {"id": 154522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Žádní savci nejsou monogamní.", "evidence": [[[293734, 286167, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]], [[295907, 287914, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]], [[295912, 287918, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]], [[341824, 326103, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]], [[341825, 326104, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]], [[341826, 326105, "Savci", 34, "Mammal"]]], "claim_en": "No mammals are monogamous."} {"id": 204343, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Křída nesouvisí s událostí vymírání v paleogénu.", "evidence": [[[241294, 242833, "Křída", 8, "Cretaceous"]], [[241294, 242834, "Křída", 0, "Cretaceous"]]], "claim_en": "The Cretaceous is unrelated with Paleogene extinction event."} {"id": 119711, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Hasselhoff si zahrál po boku Toma Cruise.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Hasselhoff starred alongside Tom Cruise."} {"id": 15488, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Pertwee vystupoval v roce 1984 v divadle Glasgow Empire Theatre.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Pertwee performed at the Glasgow Empire Theatre in 1984."} {"id": 119797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 30 sekund na Marsu byl distribuován na konci roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[140792, 155924, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]], [[140797, 155926, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]]], "claim_en": "30 Seconds to Mars was distributed in the late 2000s."} {"id": 15510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Split (americký film z roku 2016) je o ženě, která unese tři dospívající dívky.", "evidence": [[[38065, 45991, "Rozpolcený", 1, "Split (2016 American film)"], [38065, 45991, "James McAvoy", 18, "James McAvoy"]], [[39793, 47876, "Rozpolcený", 1, "Split (2016 American film)"]], [[42897, 51525, "Rozpolcený", 1, "Split (2016 American film)"]], [[303609, 294560, "Rozpolcený", 1, "Split (2016 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "Split (2016 American film) is about a woman that kidnaps three teenage girls."} {"id": 154332, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jon Snow je nejkratší mužskou postavou seriálu Hra o trůny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is the shortest male character on Game of Thrones."} {"id": 199922, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Metro Boomin je známý také pod jiným uměleckým jménem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Metro Boomin is also known by a different stage name."} {"id": 149415, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Platónův student byl vědec z Eretrie, Chalkidice.", "evidence": [[[173217, 186483, "Platón", 5, "Plato"], [173217, 186483, "Aristotelés", 0, "Aristotle"]]], "claim_en": "Plato's student was a scientist from Eretria, Chalkidice."} {"id": 46778, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Iluzionista hraje Robert Pattinson.", "evidence": [[[63104, 73810, "Iluzionista (film, 2006)", 0, "The Illusionist (2006 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Illusionist stars Robert Pattinson."} {"id": 159951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christa McAuliffeová odmítla učit na střední škole v Concordu.", "evidence": [[[184397, 196294, "Christa McAuliffeová", 4, "Christa McAuliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Christa McAuliffe refused to teach at Concord High School."} {"id": 37588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katherine Heigl se objevila ve filmu Roswell.", "evidence": [[[111505, 125233, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[114444, 128196, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[115047, 128774, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[308283, 298690, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[309729, 299857, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]], [[309731, 299859, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]]], "claim_en": "Katherine Heigl appeared in Roswell."} {"id": 187698, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království je automobil.", "evidence": [[[219009, 225155, "Spojené království", 0, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "United Kingdom is a car."} {"id": 79660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mel Gibson režíroval a produkoval film.", "evidence": [[[96616, 109776, "Mel Gibson", 13, "Mel Gibson"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson directed and produced a film."} {"id": 81585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Sopranovi byl vysílán na stanici Hallmark.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Sopranos has been broadcast on Hallmark."} {"id": 108736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mercedes-Benz je společnost, jejíž divizí je Daimler AG.", "evidence": [[[127568, 142154, "Mercedes-Benz", 0, "Mercedes-Benz"]]], "claim_en": "Mercedes-Benz is a company of which Daimler AG is a division."} {"id": 89658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muhammad Ali byl zabit v Louisville ve státě Kentucky.", "evidence": [[[274816, 270065, "Muhammad Ali", 40, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[274820, 270068, "Muhammad Ali", 5, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[274823, 270069, "Muhammad Ali", 40, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[274825, 270070, "Muhammad Ali", 40, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was killed in Louisville, Kentucky."} {"id": 134921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Fidži je ostrovní republika.", "evidence": [[[157492, 172060, "Fidži", 0, "Fiji"]], [[157499, 172064, "Fidži", 0, "Fiji"]]], "claim_en": "Fiji is an island republic."} {"id": 159673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Timu Robbinsovi se nikdy nepodařilo udělat kariéru hudebníka.", "evidence": [[[184099, 196059, "Tim Robbins", 0, "Tim Robbins"]], [[184102, 196062, "Tim Robbins", 0, "Tim Robbins"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Robbins failed to ever have a career musician."} {"id": 124265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Jason Leighová debutovala na Broadwayi v roce 1998.", "evidence": [[[147339, 162355, "Jennifer Jason Leigh", 20, "Jennifer Jason Leigh"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Jason Leigh's debut on Broadway was in 1998."} {"id": 40811, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cher hrála v roce 2010 ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[57110, 67336, "Cher", 21, "Cher"]]], "claim_en": "Cher was in a 2010 film."} {"id": 4254, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexické hospodářství zahrnuje zemědělství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico's economy includes agriculture."} {"id": 18655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nacistické Německo kontrolovalo umělecký projev.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nazi Germany controlled artistic expression."} {"id": 193152, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal Peter Jackson.", "evidence": [[[226155, 230732, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]], [[226155, 230733, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 1, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [226155, 230733, "Hra o trůny", 0, "A Game of Thrones"]], [[226155, 230734, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 3, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [226155, 230734, "Tanec s draky", 0, "A Dance with Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire was written by Peter Jackson."} {"id": 93163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift byla vydána v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[110522, 124131, "Taylor Swift (album)", 0, "Taylor Swift (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift was released in 2017."} {"id": 50583, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judy Garlandová zemřela v roce 1800.", "evidence": [[[154400, 169139, "Judy Garlandová", 0, "Judy Garland"]], [[157111, 171663, "Judy Garlandová", 0, "Judy Garland"]], [[157111, 171664, "Judy Garlandová", 6, "Judy Garland"]], [[157111, 171665, "Judy Garlandová", 7, "Judy Garland"]], [[157111, 171666, "Judy Garlandová", 9, "Judy Garland"]], [[159126, 173721, "Judy Garlandová", 0, "Judy Garland"]], [[311846, 301767, "Judy Garlandová", 0, "Judy Garland"]]], "claim_en": "Judy Garland was dead in 1800."} {"id": 88657, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Řekou Mississippi protéká New Orleans.", "evidence": [[[274592, 269868, "New Orleans", 11, "New Orleans"]], [[322830, 311116, "New Orleans", 11, "New Orleans"]], [[323701, 311929, "New Orleans", 11, "New Orleans"]], [[323704, 311930, "New Orleans", 11, "New Orleans"]], [[323765, 311960, "New Orleans", 11, "New Orleans"]]], "claim_en": "The Mississippi River is straddled by New Orleans."} {"id": 120014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Centralia v Pensylvánii je velké město.", "evidence": [[[141006, 156179, "Centralia", 0, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[141006, 156180, "Centralia", 1, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]]], "claim_en": "Centralia, Pennsylvania is a big city."} {"id": 209162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brave je film z května 2012.", "evidence": [[[247607, 247897, "Rebelka", 14, "Brave (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Brave is a May 2012 film."} {"id": 79396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Avengers (2012) režíroval Spike Lee.", "evidence": [[[96331, 109482, "Avengers (film)", 2, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Avengers (2012 film) was directed by Spike Lee."} {"id": 213218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nil protéká lesem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through a forest."} {"id": 198500, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladbu Rich Girl nazpíval Dr. Dre.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rich Girl was performed by Dr. Dre."} {"id": 43401, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melbourne je pouze název planety v galaxii Andromeda.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melbourne is only the name of a planet in the Andromeda galaxy."} {"id": 111585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Nixon porazil v maratonu viceprezidenta Huberta Humphreyho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Nixon defeated Vice President Hubert Humphrey in a marathon."} {"id": 217322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Constantine je film, ve kterém hraje alespoň jedna herečka.", "evidence": [[[258237, 257070, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"]], [[258240, 257072, "Constantine (film)", 0, "Constantine (film)"], [258240, 257072, "Rachel Weisz", 0, "Rachel Weisz"]]], "claim_en": "Constantine is a film starring at least one actress."} {"id": 200685, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harvey Kurtzman učil v New Jersey.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harvey Kurtzman taught in New Jersey."} {"id": 150884, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stranger Things je báseň.", "evidence": [[[174683, 187836, "Stranger Things", 0, "Stranger Things"]]], "claim_en": "Stranger Things is a poem."} {"id": 96644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Domy se v roce 2002 staly nejcennějším vývozním artiklem Virginie.", "evidence": [[[114206, 128011, "Virginie", 19, "Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Houses became Virginia's most valuable export in 2002."} {"id": 67746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skandinávie zahrnuje odlehlé norské ostrovy Svalbard a Jan Mayen.", "evidence": [[[84354, 96492, "Skandinávie", 4, "Scandinavia"]]], "claim_en": "Scandinavia includes the remote Norwegian islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayen."} {"id": 38071, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ty Cobb se narodil v Louisianě.", "evidence": [[[112191, 126013, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]], [[115738, 129622, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]], [[118378, 132208, "Ty Cobb", 0, "Ty Cobb"], [118378, 132208, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]], [[308379, 298764, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]], [[308381, 298766, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]]], "claim_en": "Ty Cobb was born in Louisiana."} {"id": 45708, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filmová série Underworld se skládá ze šedesáti filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Underworld film series consists of sixty films."} {"id": 45924, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keanu Reeves si zahrál Nea ve filmu Matrix.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves acted as Neo in The Matrix."} {"id": 82906, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kathy Batesová se proslavila svým výkonem ve filmu Adamsova rodina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kathy Bates rose to prominence with her performance in The Adams Family."} {"id": 51926, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film The Right Stuff byl adaptací stejnojmenné knihy Tobiase Wolffa.", "evidence": [[[68249, 79127, "Správná posádka", 0, "The Right Stuff (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Right Stuff was adapted from Tobias Wolff's book of the same name."} {"id": 148237, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Pan Sunshine se začal vysílat na stanici ABC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mr. Sunshine began its run on ABC."} {"id": 141063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Bowie měl dítě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Bowie had a child."} {"id": 178677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Stanton byl celý život neschopný pracovat na animovaných filmech.", "evidence": [[[207162, 215482, "Andrew Stanton", 1, "Andrew Stanton"], [207162, 215482, "Hledá se Nemo", 0, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215482, "Hledá se Nemo", 7, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215482, "Hledá se Nemo", 8, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215482, "Hledá se Nemo", 13, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215482, "VALL-I", 0, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215482, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215482, "Život brouka", 0, "A Bug's Life"], [207162, 215482, "Život brouka", 8, "A Bug's Life"], [207162, 215482, "Život brouka", 13, "A Bug's Life"]], [[207162, 215483, "Andrew Stanton", 2, "Andrew Stanton"], [207162, 215483, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215483, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 1, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215483, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 16, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215483, "Příšerky s.r.o.", 0, "Monsters, Inc."], [207162, 215483, "Příšerky s.r.o.", 9, "Monsters, Inc."]], [[207162, 215484, "Andrew Stanton", 5, "Andrew Stanton"], [207162, 215484, "Hledá se Nemo", 0, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215484, "Hledá se Nemo", 8, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215484, "Hledá se Nemo", 13, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215484, "VALL-I", 0, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215484, "VALL-I", 8, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215484, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"]], [[207162, 215485, "Andrew Stanton", 6, "Andrew Stanton"], [207162, 215485, "Hledá se Nemo", 0, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215485, "Hledá se Nemo", 7, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215485, "Hledá se Nemo", 8, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215485, "Hledá se Nemo", 13, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 1, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 9, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 17, "Toy Story"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story 3"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 12, "Toy Story 3"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 13, "Toy Story 3"], [207162, 215485, "Toy Story 3: Příběh hraček", 14, "Toy Story 3"], [207162, 215485, "VALL-I", 0, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215485, "VALL-I", 8, "WALL-E"], [207162, 215485, "VALL-I", 13, "WALL-E"]], [[207162, 215486, "Andrew Stanton", 7, "Andrew Stanton"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Dory", 0, "Finding Dory"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Dory", 8, "Finding Dory"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Nemo", 0, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Nemo", 7, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Nemo", 8, "Finding Nemo"], [207162, 215486, "Hledá se Nemo", 13, "Finding Nemo"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Stanton has been incapable to work on animated movies his entire life."} {"id": 35155, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Texas má společnou hranici s mexickým městem Ciudad Juárez.", "evidence": [[[51351, 61073, "Texas", 1, "Texas"]]], "claim_en": "Texas shares a border with Ciudad Juárez, Mexico."} {"id": 178844, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hudební ceny získal Glenn Frey.", "evidence": [[[207355, 215649, "Glenn Frey", 8, "Glenn Frey"]]], "claim_en": "Music Awards were won by Glenn Frey."} {"id": 131990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughan navštěvoval vysokou školu v texaském Dallasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughan attended college in Dallas, Texas."} {"id": 145242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank Ocean vydal v roce 2016 dvě alba.", "evidence": [[[168543, 182275, "Frank Ocean", 9, "Frank Ocean"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Ocean released two albums in 2016."} {"id": 201267, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Ronin režíroval John Boyega.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ronin was directed by John Boyega."} {"id": 112833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gillian Jacobsová se objevila v televizním seriálu Hot Tub Time Machine 2.", "evidence": [[[132367, 147273, "Gillian Jacobs", 3, "Gillian Jacobs"]]], "claim_en": "Gillian Jacobs appeared in the television show Hot Tub Time Machine 2."} {"id": 145677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová napsala film Bible.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher wrote The Bible."} {"id": 37698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carrie Fisherová promluvila o svých zkušenostech se závislostí na alkoholu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carrie Fisher spoke about her experiences with alcohol addiction."} {"id": 35346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portoriko má miliony obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[51520, 61267, "Portoriko", 6, "Puerto Rico"]]], "claim_en": "Puerto Rico has a population in the millions."} {"id": 206480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brazílie je největší zemí kontinentu.", "evidence": [[[244144, 245227, "Brazílie", 0, "Brazil"]]], "claim_en": "Brazil is the largest country in a continent."} {"id": 178240, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nawaz Sharif nemá žádný záznam v politice.", "evidence": [[[206589, 214924, "Naváz Šaríf", 0, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214925, "Naváz Šaríf", 6, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214926, "Naváz Šaríf", 7, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214927, "Naváz Šaríf", 8, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214928, "Naváz Šaríf", 9, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214929, "Naváz Šaríf", 13, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214930, "Naváz Šaríf", 15, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214931, "Naváz Šaríf", 18, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214932, "Naváz Šaríf", 21, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214933, "Naváz Šaríf", 22, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214934, "Naváz Šaríf", 24, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214935, "Naváz Šaríf", 25, "Nawaz Sharif"]], [[206589, 214936, "Naváz Šaríf", 1, "Nawaz Sharif"]]], "claim_en": "Nawaz Sharif has no record in politics."} {"id": 5689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza je lék.", "evidence": [[[15361, 19165, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[16311, 20224, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[99409, 112518, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[112784, 126619, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[112784, 126620, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 1, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[116971, 130853, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[129815, 144526, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[146080, 161084, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[151258, 166053, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[153976, 168788, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[153976, 168789, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 1, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[168992, 182678, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[168992, 182679, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 1, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[171234, 184732, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[180105, 192645, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[197928, 207853, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[197928, 207854, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 1, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[216185, 222890, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[222972, 228062, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]], [[246086, 246688, "Amyotrofická laterální skleróza", 0, "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"]]], "claim_en": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a cure."} {"id": 27516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Blbý a blbější je komediální road movie ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[43638, 52275, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"]]], "claim_en": "Dumb and Dumber is a comedy road movie from the United States."} {"id": 58361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Rusku se mluví semitskými jazyky.", "evidence": [[[74746, 85965, "Semitské jazyky", 1, "Semitic languages"], [74746, 85965, "Střední Asie", 0, "Central Asia"]]], "claim_en": "Semitic languages are spoken in Russia."} {"id": 42900, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg začal hrát dříve než Mark Wahlberg.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg started acting before Mark Wahlberg."} {"id": 21649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nová Anglie leží v údolí Indu.", "evidence": [[[37452, 45372, "Nová Anglie", 16, "New England"]]], "claim_en": "New England is in the Indus Valley."} {"id": 138095, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vizigóti byli vždy stoupenci ariánství.", "evidence": [[[160874, 175355, "Vizigóti", 16, "Visigoths"]]], "claim_en": "The Visigoths were always followers of Arianism."} {"id": 150388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Edward Norton je kočka.", "evidence": [[[174214, 187428, "Edward Norton", 0, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187433, "Edward Norton", 0, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187434, "Edward Norton", 1, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187435, "Edward Norton", 3, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187436, "Edward Norton", 4, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187437, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187438, "Edward Norton", 8, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187439, "Edward Norton", 10, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187440, "Edward Norton", 12, "Edward Norton"]], [[174220, 187441, "Edward Norton", 13, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton is a cat."} {"id": 111326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První a jediná kapela Travise Barkera se jmenovala Feeble.", "evidence": [[[130715, 145498, "Travis Barker", 5, "Travis Barker"]], [[130715, 145499, "Travis Barker", 6, "Travis Barker"], [130715, 145499, "The Aquabats", 0, "The Aquabats"]], [[130715, 145500, "Travis Barker", 8, "Travis Barker"], [130715, 145500, "Blink-182", 0, "Blink-182"]], [[130716, 145501, "Travis Barker", 5, "Travis Barker"]], [[130716, 145502, "Travis Barker", 6, "Travis Barker"], [130716, 145502, "The Aquabats", 0, "The Aquabats"]], [[130716, 145503, "Travis Barker", 8, "Travis Barker"], [130716, 145503, "Blink-182", 0, "Blink-182"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker's first and only band was Feeble."} {"id": 65076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Beauty Shopu chybí Dana Elaine Owens.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beauty Shop lacks Dana Elaine Owens."} {"id": 58073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson zemřel ve věku 100 let.", "evidence": [[[74433, 85679, "Hunter S. Thompson", 0, "Hunter S. Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson died at age 100."} {"id": 3823, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Život po smrti je pokračování Harryho Pottera.", "evidence": [[[20037, 24596, "Life After Death", 5, "Life After Death"]]], "claim_en": "Life After Death is a sequel to Harry Potter"} {"id": 158498, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fotbalový tým Georgia Institute of Technology se utkal s týmem Yellow Jackets.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Georgia Institute of Technology's football team competed against the Yellow Jackets."} {"id": 148439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lance Armstrong byl vždy zdravý.", "evidence": [[[172079, 185474, "Lance Armstrong", 11, "Lance Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Lance Armstrong has always been healthy."} {"id": 105017, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andy Warhol je autorem mnoha knih včetně memoárů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andy Warhol is an author of numerous books including a memoir."} {"id": 42825, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Podtypem antijaderných protilátek jsou krevní buňky anti-dsDNA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A subtype of anti-nuclear antibodies are anti-dsDNA bloodcells."} {"id": 92356, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Haifa byla známá jako místo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Haifa was known as place."} {"id": 22, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Beastie Boys vydala v roce 2005 album Paul's Boutique.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beastie Boys released Paul's Boutique in 2005."} {"id": 130633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Captain America začal vycházet v roce 1944 po válce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Captain America started in 1944 following the war."} {"id": 28569, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Oliver zahájil provoz restaurace v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[44692, 53379, "Jamie Oliver", 11, "Jamie Oliver"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Oliver launched a restaurant in 2008."} {"id": 41151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Morello se narodil v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[57446, 67654, "Tom Morello", 8, "Tom Morello"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Morello was born in New York."} {"id": 141864, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Svobodný stát Prusko nahradil 8. října 1918 Pruské království.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Free State of Prussia replaced the Kingdom of Prussia on October 8, 1918."} {"id": 133538, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln prohrál se Stephenem A. Douglasem o majetek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln lost a fortune to Stephen A. Douglas."} {"id": 152902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Orwell není zastáncem společenského vlastnictví.", "evidence": [[[176852, 189798, "George Orwell", 1, "George Orwell"]]], "claim_en": "George Orwell does not advocate social ownership."} {"id": 138417, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub Leicester City F.C. se stal finalistou FA Cupu pouze jednou.", "evidence": [[[161223, 175729, "Leicester City FC", 20, "Leicester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. have been FA Cup finalists only once."} {"id": 179884, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Mys hrůzy si zahrála Emma Watsonová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cape Fear features a cameo from Emma Watson."} {"id": 142842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tobey Maguire je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[165899, 179865, "Tobey Maguire", 0, "Tobey Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Tobey Maguire is an US actor."} {"id": 46130, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alan Ladd byl metodický herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alan Ladd was a method actor."} {"id": 165718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Licence to Wed je romantická komedie.", "evidence": [[[190554, 201557, "Kněz je poděs", 0, "License to Wed"]]], "claim_en": "License to Wed is a romantic comedy film."} {"id": 3740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Russell Crowe přijímá pouze televizní role.", "evidence": [[[19969, 24518, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[19969, 24519, "Russell Crowe", 5, "Russell Crowe"]], [[19969, 24520, "Russell Crowe", 9, "Russell Crowe"]], [[19969, 24521, "Russell Crowe", 0, "Russell Crowe"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe only accepts television roles."} {"id": 168963, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Středozem je součástí sbírky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Middle-earth is part of a collection."} {"id": 187425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hippokrates žil v letech před naším letopočtem.", "evidence": [[[218679, 224917, "Hippokratés", 0, "Hippocrates"]]], "claim_en": "Hippocrates was alive during BC years."} {"id": 27766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis hrál ve filmu Matrix.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis starred in The Matrix."} {"id": 95190, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dustin Hoffman pracuje v truhlářství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dustin Hoffman works in carpentry."} {"id": 180241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Arnold Schwarzenegger se nedokázal zapojit do práce Jamese Camerona.", "evidence": [[[210710, 218413, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 12, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]]], "claim_en": "Arnold Schwarzenegger was incapable of being involved with work by James Cameron."} {"id": 228244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Žádný z filmů Chrise Pratta nevydělal v pokladnách kin více než 10 000 dolarů.", "evidence": [[[272299, 267975, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "None of Chris Pratt's films have made more than $10,000 at the box office."} {"id": 213597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kate a Leopold se celý odehrává v současném Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[253492, 253335, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]]], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold entirely takes place in present day Boston."} {"id": 103264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová není aktivistka.", "evidence": [[[121242, 135541, "Jennifer Garner", 11, "Jennifer Garner"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner isn't an activist."} {"id": 182041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moucha je sci-fi postava.", "evidence": [[[211669, 219340, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 0, "The Fly (1986 film)"]], [[211669, 219341, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 1, "The Fly (1986 film)"]], [[211669, 219342, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 2, "The Fly (1986 film)"]], [[211669, 219343, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 6, "The Fly (1986 film)"]], [[211669, 219344, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 9, "The Fly (1986 film)"], [211669, 219344, "Moucha II", 0, "The Fly II"]], [[211669, 219345, "Moucha (film, 1986)", 8, "The Fly (1986 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Fly is a science fiction character."} {"id": 133061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dileep (herec) asistoval oceňovanému režisérovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dileep (actor) assisted an award-winning film director."} {"id": 73770, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Amanda Show byl v letech 1999 až 2002 nejoblíbenějším pořadem Nicku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Amanda Show was the most popular Nick show from 1999 to 2002."} {"id": 72538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Silverstone získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[229454, 233379, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 4, "Alicia Silverstone"]], [[232059, 235341, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 1, "Alicia Silverstone"]], [[233227, 236207, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 1, "Alicia Silverstone"]], [[233227, 236208, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 4, "Alicia Silverstone"]], [[318537, 307427, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 1, "Alicia Silverstone"]], [[320040, 308721, "Alicia Silverstoneová", 1, "Alicia Silverstone"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Silverstone won an award."} {"id": 174914, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu 50 First Dates byl Peter Segal.", "evidence": [[[202412, 211686, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates' director was Peter Segal."} {"id": 60273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Temný rytíř byl uveden do kin šest měsíců po Ledgerově smrti v roce 2007.", "evidence": [[[25260, 31153, "Temný rytíř (film)", 9, "The Dark Knight (film)"]], [[324369, 312375, "Temný rytíř (film)", 9, "The Dark Knight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Dark Knight was released six months after Ledger's death in 2007."} {"id": 85485, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan režíruje telenovely.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan directs soap operas."} {"id": 107804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "21 Jump Street je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[126527, 140921, "21 Jump Street", 0, "21 Jump Street (film)"]]], "claim_en": "21 Jump Street is a television show."} {"id": 21442, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Italštinou mluví malé menšiny na místech, jako je Francie a Itálie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Italian language is spoken by small minorities in places such as France and Italy."} {"id": 23088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neymar se narodil 5.", "evidence": [[[39055, 47043, "Neymar", 0, "Neymar"]]], "claim_en": "Neymar was born on the 5th."} {"id": 206390, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justinián I. je tradičně znám jako Justinián Veliký.", "evidence": [[[244029, 245120, "Justinián I.", 0, "Justinian I"]]], "claim_en": "Justinian I is known traditionally as Justinian the Great."} {"id": 137966, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Ted režíroval Seth MacFarlane.", "evidence": [[[289987, 283071, "Seth MacFarlane", 3, "Seth MacFarlane"]], [[291319, 284261, "Seth MacFarlane", 3, "Seth MacFarlane"]], [[293473, 285994, "Seth MacFarlane", 3, "Seth MacFarlane"]], [[337569, 322934, "Seth MacFarlane", 3, "Seth MacFarlane"]], [[338494, 323633, "Seth MacFarlane", 3, "Seth MacFarlane"]]], "claim_en": "Ted was directed by Seth MacFarlane."} {"id": 52090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Útěk z vězení byl vysílán na stanici Fox v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[68399, 79267, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 0, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was broadcast on Fox in 2013."} {"id": 183680, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Entire History of You napsal tvůrce marockého komediálního dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Entire History of You was written by the creator of a Moroccan comedy-drama."} {"id": 54755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Román Sense and Sensibility byl poprvé uveden na trh v roce 1813.", "evidence": [[[71104, 82032, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"]]], "claim_en": "Sense and Sensibility was first marketed in 1813."} {"id": 118540, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Žít svůj život byl uveden v Británii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Live Your Life was released in Britain."} {"id": 134367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alba Smash skupiny The Offspring se celosvětově prodalo pouze padesát kopií.", "evidence": [[[156928, 171495, "The Offspring", 9, "The Offspring"]]], "claim_en": "The Offspring's album Smash has only sold fifty copies worldwide."} {"id": 193826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Časopis Forbes odhadl čisté jmění Dr. Dre v roce 2014 na 550 milionů dolarů, což je o 20 % více než v předchozím roce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Forbes estimated Dr. Dre's net worth at $550 million in 2014, a 20% increase from the previous year."} {"id": 62941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Louis C.K. režíroval a hrál v internetovém seriálu Horace and Pete.", "evidence": [[[79359, 91037, "Louis C.K.", 7, "Louis C.K."]]], "claim_en": "Louis C.K. directed and starred in the web series Horace and Pete."} {"id": 169646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ken Russell režíroval pouze film s Johnnym Deppem a Vanessou Redgrave v hlavních rolích.", "evidence": [[[195635, 205862, "Ken Russell", 7, "Ken Russell"], [195635, 205862, "Tommy (film)", 1, "Tommy (1975 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ken Russell only directed a film starring Johnny Depp and Vanessa Redgrave."} {"id": 113986, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slovinsko prorazilo v roce 2007, kdy vstoupilo do eurozóny a stalo se první bývalou komunistickou zemí, která tak učinila.", "evidence": [[[133888, 148748, "Slovinsko", 29, "Slovenia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovenia broke ground in 2007 when the country joined the Eurozone and became the first formerly communist country to do so."} {"id": 197097, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Wesley si zahrál ve filmu Guiding Light.", "evidence": [[[231617, 235057, "Paul Wesley", 2, "Paul Wesley"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley was in Guiding Light."} {"id": 202243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Železná pěst vytvořil Damon Lindelof.", "evidence": [[[238238, 240335, "Iron Fist (seriál)", 0, "Iron Fist (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Iron Fist was created by Damon Lindelof."} {"id": 29745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jordan byl řidičem kamionu.", "evidence": [[[45859, 54764, "Michael Jordan", 0, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan was a truck driver."} {"id": 5783, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Timea Bacsinszká prohrála 14 čtyřher.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Timea Bacsinszky lost 14 doubles."} {"id": 11115, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billie Joe Armstrong byl jmenován na 17. místě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billie Joe Armstrong was named on the 17th."} {"id": 38191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg se nikdy neobjevil v seriálu Modrá krev.", "evidence": [[[54372, 64365, "Donnie Wahlberg", 5, "Donnie Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg has never appeared on Blue Bloods."} {"id": 17841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Food Network je nedostupný pro 83,3 % domácností s televizí.", "evidence": [[[33341, 40457, "Food Network", 8, "Food Network"]]], "claim_en": "Food Network is unavailable to 83.3% of households with television."} {"id": 127662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Hamill je břichomluvec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill is a ventriloquist."} {"id": 13546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lom je místo, kde byl vytěžen písek.", "evidence": [[[28785, 35149, "Lom", 0, "Quarry"]]], "claim_en": "A quarry is where sand has been excavated."} {"id": 88198, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je o hradu zvaném Essos.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is about a castle called Essos."} {"id": 142241, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth Rogen nenadaboval hlas pro film Monstra vs. Vetřelci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen has not done voice work for the film Monsters vs. Aliens."} {"id": 78747, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Napoleonovo rodné jméno nebylo Napoleon.", "evidence": [[[95702, 108747, "Napoleon Bonaparte", 8, "Napoleon"]]], "claim_en": "Napoleon's birth name was not Napoleon."} {"id": 182797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ochránkyně mladých dívek se jmenovala Artemis.", "evidence": [[[212717, 220179, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]]], "claim_en": "The protector of young girls was called Artemis."} {"id": 144243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Občanská válka v Libanonu trvala více než deset let.", "evidence": [[[167432, 181263, "Libanon", 30, "Lebanon"]], [[167433, 181264, "Libanon", 30, "Lebanon"]]], "claim_en": "Lebanon's civil war lasted over a decade."} {"id": 170081, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeden ze synů Davida Beckhama se jmenuje Joseph.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of David Beckham's son's names is Joseph."} {"id": 83703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just Dance byl propadák.", "evidence": [[[270133, 266258, "Just Dance", 0, "Just Dance (song)"]], [[323132, 311359, "Just Dance", 8, "Just Dance (song)"]], [[323132, 311360, "Just Dance", 9, "Just Dance (song)"]], [[323132, 311361, "Just Dance", 10, "Just Dance (song)"]], [[323135, 311363, "Just Dance", 10, "Just Dance (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just Dance was a flop."} {"id": 119786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film A Monster Calls vyšel až v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[140791, 155920, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 0, "A Monster Calls (film)"]], [[140791, 155921, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 5, "A Monster Calls (film)"]], [[140791, 155922, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 4, "A Monster Calls (film)"]], [[140791, 155923, "Volání netvora: Příběh života", 6, "A Monster Calls (film)"]]], "claim_en": "A Monster Calls was only released in 2011."} {"id": 24369, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kevin Durant získal na konci roku řadu cen Emmy.", "evidence": [[[40313, 48491, "Kevin Durant", 6, "Kevin Durant"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Durant won numerous year-end awards at the Emmys."} {"id": 193757, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Einstein prodal švýcarské občanství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Einstein sold Swiss citizenship."} {"id": 93503, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Manželka Paula Bettanyho není slavná.", "evidence": [[[110866, 124540, "Paul Bettany", 8, "Paul Bettany"]], [[110869, 124542, "Paul Bettany", 8, "Paul Bettany"], [110869, 124542, "Jennifer Connelly", 14, "Jennifer Connelly"], [110869, 124542, "Jennifer Connelly", 13, "Jennifer Connelly"], [110869, 124542, "Jennifer Connelly", 3, "Jennifer Connelly"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Bettany's wife is not famous."} {"id": 89959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pokud jde o památky světového dědictví UNESCO v Americe, nejvíce jich má Mexiko.", "evidence": [[[107267, 120682, "Mexiko", 23, "Mexico"]]], "claim_en": "In terms of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Americas, Mexico has the most."} {"id": 157667, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Myers měl ve filmu Quentina Tarantina Inglourious Basterds malé kuře.", "evidence": [[[181886, 194167, "Mike Myers", 2, "Mike Myers"]], [[181887, 194168, "Mike Myers", 2, "Mike Myers"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Myers had a small chicken in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds."} {"id": 118779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere se nepodílela na vzniku Kingdom Hearts.", "evidence": [[[139422, 154467, "Hayden Panettiere", 1, "Hayden Panettiere"]], [[139429, 154474, "Hayden Panettiere", 1, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere had no part in the creation of Kingdom Hearts."} {"id": 222340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Will Ferrell hrál ve filmu Talladega Nights.", "evidence": [[[264869, 262215, "Will Ferrell", 1, "Will Ferrell"]]], "claim_en": "Will Ferrell starred in Talladega Nights."} {"id": 42165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bitva o Francii nebyla německou invazí do Francie.", "evidence": [[[58458, 68738, "Bitva o Francii", 0, "Battle of France"]]], "claim_en": "The Battle of France was not the German invasion of France."} {"id": 225054, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spider-Man 3 byl distribuován studiem Pixar.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spider-Man 3 was distributed by Pixar Studios."} {"id": 102355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Koncertu pro Bangladéš se zúčastnilo 40 000 osob.", "evidence": [[[120180, 134356, "Koncert pro Bangladéš", 12, "The Concert for Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "The Concert for Bangladesh was attended by 40,000 individuals."} {"id": 4253, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Heidi Klumová není modelka.", "evidence": [[[20517, 25151, "Heidi Klumová", 0, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum is not a model."} {"id": 136388, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth Rogen byl najat jako žirafa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen was hired to be a giraffe."} {"id": 168735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Desatero přikázání (film z roku 1956) je film z roku 1959.", "evidence": [[[194373, 204764, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]], [[194373, 204765, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 8, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]], [[194373, 204766, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 11, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments (1956 film) is a 1959 movie."} {"id": 69818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nas odmítl, že by se kdy stal textařem.", "evidence": [[[86530, 98946, "Nas", 16, "Nas"]], [[86530, 98947, "Nas", 0, "Nas"]], [[86530, 98951, "Nas", 11, "Nas"], [86530, 98951, "Life Is Good", 0, "Life Is Good (Nas album)"]], [[86530, 98952, "Nas", 18, "Nas"]], [[86530, 98953, "Nas", 21, "Nas"]]], "claim_en": "Nas refused to ever be a lyricist."} {"id": 35342, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kurt Angle je wrestlingový šampion.", "evidence": [[[51528, 61274, "Kurt Angle", 2, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61275, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61276, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61277, "Kurt Angle", 12, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61278, "Kurt Angle", 13, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61279, "Kurt Angle", 14, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61280, "Kurt Angle", 15, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61281, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61283, "Kurt Angle", 26, "Kurt Angle"]], [[51528, 61284, "Kurt Angle", 27, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is a wrestling champion."} {"id": 16648, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joe Biden byl členem skupiny Wu-Tang Clan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joe Biden was a member of the Wu-Tang Clan."} {"id": 6533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson se usadil v Aspenu.", "evidence": [[[23297, 28711, "Hunter S. Thompson", 4, "Hunter S. Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson settled in Aspen."} {"id": 172534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra o trůny je desková hra.", "evidence": [[[199151, 208828, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 0, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones is a board game."} {"id": 56305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rihanna má celosvětový prodej přes 230 milionů kazet.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rihanna has sales exceeding 230 million tapes worldwide."} {"id": 148590, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avengers: Avengers: Age of Ultron byl uveden v HD rozlišení.", "evidence": [[[172246, 185615, "Avengers: Age of Ultron", 14, "Avengers: Age of Ultron"]]], "claim_en": "Avengers: Age of Ultron was released in HD."} {"id": 74656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Xbox One je třetí konzolí značky vlastněné společností Nintendo.", "evidence": [[[235796, 238375, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[238166, 240286, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]], [[320301, 308910, "Xbox One", 1, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One is the third console in a brand owned by Nintendo."} {"id": 139582, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Krotitelé duchů měli premiéru v hotelu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ghostbusters premiered in a hotel."} {"id": 186874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech se prodával film Live Through This.", "evidence": [[[218034, 224436, "Live Through This", 12, "Live Through This"]]], "claim_en": "Live Through This has been sold in the United States."} {"id": 143695, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Organizace IBRO vyhodnotila George Foremana jako nejhoršího boxera v těžké váze všech dob.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The IBRO rates George Foreman as the worst heavyweight of all time."} {"id": 183534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbar Conan byl pokračováním průlomového filmu Arnolda Schwarzeneggera.", "evidence": [[[213639, 220837, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 9, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]]], "claim_en": "Conan the Barbarian was the sequel to Arnold Schwarzenegger's breakthrough film."} {"id": 92911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kim Basinger není zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[110219, 123842, "Kim Basinger", 0, "Kim Basinger"]]], "claim_en": "Kim Basinger is not a singer."} {"id": 60110, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noc oživlých mrtvol je série sedmi zombie hororů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Night of the Living Dead is a series of seven zombie horror films."} {"id": 10749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tesla, Inc. má podřízenou společnost.", "evidence": [[[25792, 31724, "Tesla (automobilka)", 2, "Tesla, Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Tesla, Inc. has a subordinate company."} {"id": 215837, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "J. Howard Marshall byl podnikatel a akademik z Ruska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "J. Howard Marshall was a businessman and academic from Russia."} {"id": 215044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Oscar byl udělen Rayi Millandovi.", "evidence": [[[255375, 254833, "Ray Milland", 3, "Ray Milland"], [255375, 254833, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "An Oscar was awarded to Ray Milland."} {"id": 202244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Železná pěst byl vytvořen pro společnost Netflix.", "evidence": [[[238229, 240326, "Iron Fist (seriál)", 0, "Iron Fist (TV series)"]], [[238235, 240332, "Iron Fist (seriál)", 0, "Iron Fist (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Iron Fist was created for Netflix."} {"id": 221794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Přátelství bylo studováno pouze v psychologii.", "evidence": [[[264125, 261670, "Přátelství", 2, "Friendship"]]], "claim_en": "Friendship has been studied only in psychology."} {"id": 625, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První televizní rolí Matta Smithe byl člověk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Smith's first television role was as a human."} {"id": 41352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Louis Tomlinson je Američan.", "evidence": [[[57644, 67876, "Louis Tomlinson", 0, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[57644, 67877, "Louis Tomlinson", 6, "Louis Tomlinson"], [57644, 67877, "One Direction", 0, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "Louis Tomlinson is American."} {"id": 226281, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Dar noci běsů se objevují výhradně hlasy lidí z Keni.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gift of the Night Fury exclusively stars the voices of people from Kenya."} {"id": 107269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln byl prezidentem v 60. letech 19. století.", "evidence": [[[125909, 140313, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[125909, 140314, "Abraham Lincoln", 14, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was president in the 1860s."} {"id": 67677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Family Guy vytvořil Seth MacFarlane a měl na něj velký vliv.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Family Guy was created by Seth MacFarlane and has been influential."} {"id": 110075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moses Malone se v roce 1981 zúčastnil finále NBA.", "evidence": [[[129173, 143950, "Moses Malone", 11, "Moses Malone"]]], "claim_en": "Moses Malone participated in the 1981 NBA Finals."} {"id": 26866, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "USS Constitution pořádá slavnosti a vzdělávací programy.", "evidence": [[[43018, 51660, "USS Constitution", 21, "USS Constitution"]]], "claim_en": "The USS Constitution organizes ceremonies and educational programs."} {"id": 30171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jessica Langeová je divadelní herečka.", "evidence": [[[46288, 55248, "Jessica Lange", 0, "Jessica Lange"]], [[46288, 55249, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange is a stage actor."} {"id": 110796, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová se jako teenagerka přestěhovala do San Diega.", "evidence": [[[129982, 144692, "Brittany Murphyová", 1, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy moved to San Diego as a teenager."} {"id": 84816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift nevydala v roce 2014 album 1989.", "evidence": [[[269624, 265898, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[272662, 268353, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[273923, 269245, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[273924, 269247, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"], [273924, 269247, "1989 (album, Taylor Swift)", 1, "1989 (Taylor Swift album)"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift did not release 1989 in 2014."} {"id": 8464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "I Kissed a Girl je pouze EP.", "evidence": [[[13731, 17172, "I Kissed a Girl", 0, "I Kissed a Girl"]], [[13731, 17173, "I Kissed a Girl", 1, "I Kissed a Girl"]], [[13731, 17174, "I Kissed a Girl", 2, "I Kissed a Girl"]], [[13731, 17175, "I Kissed a Girl", 3, "I Kissed a Girl"]], [[13731, 17176, "I Kissed a Girl", 20, "I Kissed a Girl"]]], "claim_en": "I Kissed a Girl is only an EP."} {"id": 132058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shailene Woodley pochází z místa.", "evidence": [[[154460, 169186, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[154461, 169187, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]]], "claim_en": "Shailene Woodley is from a place."} {"id": 65024, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dickens zemřel v roce 1890.", "evidence": [[[81498, 93255, "Charles Dickens", 0, "Charles Dickens"]], [[81501, 93258, "Charles Dickens", 0, "Charles Dickens"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dickens died in 1890."} {"id": 189142, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Massachusetts leží uprostřed Connecticutu a Vermontu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Massachusetts is in the middle of Connecticut and Vermont."} {"id": 112728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christian Bale zemřel v roce 1974.", "evidence": [[[132248, 147134, "Christian Bale", 0, "Christian Bale"]]], "claim_en": "Christian Bale died in 1974."} {"id": 114007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ubisoft podniká ve francouzském Rennes.", "evidence": [[[134006, 148886, "Ubisoft", 0, "Ubisoft"]]], "claim_en": "Ubisoft does business in Rennes, France."} {"id": 104175, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leonardo DiCaprio recenzoval celou řadu filmů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leonardo DiCaprio has reviewed a wide range of movies."} {"id": 122332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbados nemá přístup k moři.", "evidence": [[[143687, 158783, "Barbados", 0, "Barbados"]], [[143687, 158784, "Barbados", 15, "Barbados"]]], "claim_en": "Barbados is landlocked."} {"id": 174321, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oliver Reed hrál ve filmu Hacksaw Ridge.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oliver Reed was in Hacksaw Ridge."} {"id": 40618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Voda se v přírodě vyskytuje jako medvěd.", "evidence": [[[56918, 67154, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water occurs in nature as a bear."} {"id": 80567, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve McQueen hrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[97600, 110750, "Steve McQueen", 3, "Steve McQueen"]]], "claim_en": "Steve McQueen was in a film."} {"id": 128642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eva Green v roce 2003 ve filmu nedebutovala.", "evidence": [[[150666, 165526, "Eva Greenová", 1, "Eva Green"]]], "claim_en": "Eva Green did not make her film debut in 2003."} {"id": 96311, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cizinec s červenou hlavou se objevil ve filmu Bostonská univerzita.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Red Headed Stranger has been featured in Boston University."} {"id": 128551, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Koloseum se nachází ve Francii.", "evidence": [[[150570, 165441, "Koloseum", 0, "Colosseum"]]], "claim_en": "The Colosseum is in France."} {"id": 88468, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Kumkum Bhagya byl v roce 2014 zrušen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kumkum Bhagya was canceled in 2014."} {"id": 138530, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth MacFarlane režíroval leteckou dopravu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth MacFarlane directed air traffic."} {"id": 112655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Nizozemsku sídlí Mezinárodní trestní soud.", "evidence": [[[132174, 147052, "Nizozemsko", 24, "Netherlands"]]], "claim_en": "The Netherlands is the headquarters of the International Criminal Court."} {"id": 199707, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linda Schuylerová se podílela na vzniku seriálu Instant Star.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linda Schuyler helped create the Instant Star series."} {"id": 97665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Southpaw hrál Jake Gyllenhaal.", "evidence": [[[115277, 129095, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Southpaw had Jake Gyllenhaal in it."} {"id": 132934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gone Girl je místo.", "evidence": [[[287316, 280768, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[289320, 282400, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[290931, 283905, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[290931, 283906, "Zmizelá (film)", 1, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[290931, 283907, "Zmizelá (film)", 5, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[290931, 283908, "Zmizelá (film)", 6, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[290931, 283909, "Zmizelá (film)", 7, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335654, 321410, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335668, 321425, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335674, 321427, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335675, 321428, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335675, 321429, "Zmizelá (film)", 1, "Gone Girl (film)"], [335675, 321429, "Ben Affleck", 9, "Ben Affleck"]], [[335675, 321430, "Zmizelá (film)", 6, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335675, 321431, "Zmizelá (film)", 7, "Gone Girl (film)"], [335675, 321431, "Rosamund Pikeová", 9, "Rosamund Pike"]], [[335680, 321435, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321436, "Zmizelá (film)", 1, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321437, "Zmizelá (film)", 2, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321438, "Zmizelá (film)", 5, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321439, "Zmizelá (film)", 6, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321440, "Zmizelá (film)", 7, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[335680, 321441, "Zmizelá (film)", 8, "Gone Girl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Gone Girl is a place."} {"id": 90315, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hraje ve filmu Fargo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi is in the country Fargo."} {"id": 137798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Louis Tomlinson je osoba.", "evidence": [[[160561, 175066, "Louis Tomlinson", 0, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[160561, 175067, "Louis Tomlinson", 1, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[160561, 175068, "Louis Tomlinson", 4, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[160561, 175069, "Louis Tomlinson", 6, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[160561, 175070, "Louis Tomlinson", 11, "Louis Tomlinson"]], [[160561, 175071, "Louis Tomlinson", 12, "Louis Tomlinson"]]], "claim_en": "Louis Tomlinson is a person."} {"id": 65059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havaj je součástí Koreje.", "evidence": [[[81546, 93312, "Havaj", 1, "Hawaii"]], [[81546, 93313, "Havaj", 2, "Hawaii"]], [[81546, 93314, "Havaj", 4, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii is a part of Korea."} {"id": 76283, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool byl původně zobrazen jako superhrdina.", "evidence": [[[93150, 106056, "Deadpool", 2, "Deadpool"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool was initially depicted as a superhero."} {"id": 49304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Brady je v NFL.", "evidence": [[[65620, 76495, "Tom Brady", 0, "Tom Brady"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Brady is in the NFL."} {"id": 151029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brandon Lee zahynul při nehodě, při níž byl použit stetoskop.", "evidence": [[[174845, 187954, "Brandon Lee", 8, "Brandon Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Brandon Lee was killed in an accident involving a stethoscope."} {"id": 76297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sonda New Horizons se dostala co nejdále od Pluta.", "evidence": [[[93149, 106054, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 23, "Pluto"]], [[93149, 106055, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 24, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "New Horizons went as far away from Pluto as possible."} {"id": 171078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lalla Wardová byla prohlášena za Sarah Wardovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lalla Ward was declared Sarah Ward."} {"id": 59159, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Connie Brittonová byla ve vězení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Connie Britton was in prison."} {"id": 190957, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tokio se umístilo na třetím místě v žebříčku globální ekonomické síly.", "evidence": [[[223201, 228244, "Prefektura Tokio", 19, "Tokyo"]], [[223211, 228248, "Prefektura Tokio", 19, "Tokyo"]]], "claim_en": "Tokyo ranked third in the Global Economic Power Index."} {"id": 42694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Brand se stal umělcem.", "evidence": [[[58997, 69321, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"]], [[58997, 69322, "Russell Brand", 3, "Russell Brand"]], [[58997, 69323, "Russell Brand", 4, "Russell Brand"]], [[58997, 69324, "Russell Brand", 5, "Russell Brand"]], [[58997, 69325, "Russell Brand", 6, "Russell Brand"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Brand is a performer."} {"id": 198039, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Komisi pro ochranu památek města New York zasedá historik Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission includes a United States historian."} {"id": 146173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Útěk z vězení byl v roce 2006 nominován na Oscara za oblíbené nové televizní drama.", "evidence": [[[169566, 183173, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[169567, 183174, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was nominated for the 2006 Academy Award for Favorite New TV Drama."} {"id": 28577, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christopher Lee má narozeniny 27. května.", "evidence": [[[44701, 53387, "Christopher Lee", 0, "Christopher Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lee's birthday is May 27th."} {"id": 31239, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Schindlerův seznam získal v časopise Time sedm hvězdiček.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Schindler's List received seven stars in Time magazine."} {"id": 183833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Los Angeles měl premiéru seriál The Strain.", "evidence": [[[213992, 221102, "Agresivní virus", 5, "The Strain (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain premiered in Los Angeles."} {"id": 183273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vdova po Harrym Hopmanovi neví o Hopmanově poháru.", "evidence": [[[213327, 220583, "Hopmanův pohár", 4, "Hopman Cup"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Hopman's widow is unaware of Hopman Cup"} {"id": 79953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Planeta opic (1968) byl natočen za tři dny.", "evidence": [[[96931, 110090, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) was shot in three days."} {"id": 158046, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Bluntová se narodila ve středu 23. února 1983.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt was born on Wednesday, February 23, 1983."} {"id": 73869, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate Nash měla album Made of Bricks, které se ve Velké Británii dostalo na první místo.", "evidence": [[[90650, 103379, "Kate Nash", 2, "Kate Nash"]]], "claim_en": "Kate Nash had an album called Made of Bricks, which peaked at number 1 in the UK."} {"id": 225581, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezi vítězi 84. ročníku Oscarů byl alespoň jeden životopisný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 84th Academy Awards' winners included at least one biopic."} {"id": 228247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Pratt měl pouze epizodní roli ve filmu Jurský svět.", "evidence": [[[272305, 267983, "Chris Pratt", 6, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt only had a cameo in Jurassic World."} {"id": 181571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje deset sezón seriálu Jag.", "evidence": [[[210831, 218500, "JAG (seriál)", 10, "JAG (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "There are ten seasons of Jag."} {"id": 72764, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colin Firth hrál v roce 2009 v kanadském televizním dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Firth was in a 2009 Canadian drama television show."} {"id": 56320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve vládě Ruské federace zastával funkci předsedy Vladimir Putin.", "evidence": [[[178524, 191106, "Vladimir Putin", 2, "Vladimir Putin"]], [[313200, 302858, "Vladimir Putin", 2, "Vladimir Putin"]], [[313201, 302859, "Vladimir Putin", 2, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "In the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin served as the Chairman."} {"id": 89045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stevu Buscemimu byla odepřena jakákoli role ve filmu Fargo.", "evidence": [[[274676, 269927, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[274678, 269929, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[276850, 271882, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[323199, 311407, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"]], [[323742, 311948, "Steve Buscemi", 2, "Steve Buscemi"], [323742, 311948, "Fargo (film)", 1, "Fargo (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi was denied any role in the film Fargo."} {"id": 174661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psi byli selektivně šlechtěni na fyzické vlastnosti.", "evidence": [[[201941, 211291, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]], [[201942, 211292, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]], [[201947, 211297, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been selectively bred for physical characteristics."} {"id": 25363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor hrál i po útoku na fotbalovou reprezentaci Toga.", "evidence": [[[41315, 49650, "Emmanuel Adebayor", 6, "Emmanuel Adebayor"]]], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor kept playing after the Togo national football team attack."} {"id": 101183, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Camden v New Jersey je země.", "evidence": [[[278821, 273519, "Camden (New Jersey)", 0, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[280518, 274956, "Camden (New Jersey)", 0, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[326869, 314259, "Camden (New Jersey)", 0, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[326869, 314260, "Camden (New Jersey)", 3, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315421, "Camden (New Jersey)", 0, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315422, "Camden (New Jersey)", 2, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315423, "Camden (New Jersey)", 4, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315424, "Camden (New Jersey)", 3, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315425, "Camden (New Jersey)", 6, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315427, "Camden (New Jersey)", 17, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315428, "Camden (New Jersey)", 18, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315429, "Camden (New Jersey)", 26, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315430, "Camden (New Jersey)", 28, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315431, "Camden (New Jersey)", 33, "Camden, New Jersey"]], [[328357, 315432, "Camden (New Jersey)", 40, "Camden, New Jersey"]]], "claim_en": "Camden, New Jersey is a country."} {"id": 3494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angličané nejsou spojeni se Sasy.", "evidence": [[[19567, 24050, "Angličané", 6, "English people"]], [[19567, 24051, "Angličané", 7, "English people"]]], "claim_en": "English people are unconnected to the Saxons."} {"id": 158405, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jan II. portugalský byl až do své smrti portugalským králem.", "evidence": [[[182667, 194854, "Jan II. Portugalský", 0, "John II of Portugal"]], [[182668, 194855, "Jan II. Portugalský", 0, "John II of Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "John II of Portugal was the king of Portugal until his death."} {"id": 179157, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Florida hraničí pouze se zemí.", "evidence": [[[207829, 216019, "Florida", 8, "Florida"]]], "claim_en": "Florida is bordered by only land."} {"id": 117507, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zeus je otcem Herkula ve starořecké mytologii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zeus is father of Hercules in Ancient Greek mythology."} {"id": 50003, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Britney Spears v roce 1999 vypustila psa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Britney Spears released a dog in 1999."} {"id": 111410, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harryho Pottera napsal skotský autor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harry Potter was written by a Scottish author."} {"id": 85626, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bridget Moynahanová byla vystřižena z filmu Lord of War.", "evidence": [[[102796, 116091, "Bridget Moynahan", 8, "Bridget Moynahan"]]], "claim_en": "Bridget Moynahan was cut from Lord of War."} {"id": 12466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "SpongeBob SquarePants je nejrozšířenějším majetkem MTV Networks.", "evidence": [[[27706, 33935, "Spongebob v kalhotách", 2, "SpongeBob SquarePants"]]], "claim_en": "SpongeBob SquarePants is the most distributed property of MTV Networks."} {"id": 104327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Walt Disney založil společnost se sídlem v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[279273, 273905, "Walt Disney", 26, "Walt Disney"], [279273, 273905, "The Walt Disney Company", 0, "The Walt Disney Company"]], [[279292, 273927, "Walt Disney", 9, "Walt Disney"], [279292, 273927, "The Walt Disney Company", 0, "The Walt Disney Company"], [279292, 273927, "The Walt Disney Company", 2, "The Walt Disney Company"]], [[327501, 314733, "Walt Disney", 26, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney founded a company headquartered in California."} {"id": 198124, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Young MC je jméno psa Marvina Younga.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Young MC is Marvin Young's dog name."} {"id": 65262, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Irák je místo.", "evidence": [[[208736, 216717, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[210672, 218381, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219141, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219142, "Irák", 1, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219143, "Irák", 3, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219144, "Irák", 7, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219145, "Irák", 8, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219146, "Irák", 9, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219147, "Irák", 12, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219148, "Irák", 14, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219149, "Irák", 15, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219150, "Irák", 16, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219151, "Irák", 19, "Iraq"]], [[211428, 219152, "Irák", 25, "Iraq"]], [[315925, 305143, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[315925, 305144, "Irák", 7, "Iraq"]], [[316844, 305950, "Irák", 0, "Iraq"]], [[316844, 305951, "Irák", 19, "Iraq"]]], "claim_en": "Iraq is a place."} {"id": 165468, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jerry Lewis je komik a byl vychvalován.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis is a comedian and he has been lauded."} {"id": 123895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peyton Manning hrál na pozici quarterbacka.", "evidence": [[[145416, 160408, "Peyton Manning", 0, "Peyton Manning"]], [[145416, 160409, "Peyton Manning", 8, "Peyton Manning"]], [[145416, 160410, "Peyton Manning", 12, "Peyton Manning"]], [[145416, 160411, "Peyton Manning", 16, "Peyton Manning"]], [[145416, 160412, "Peyton Manning", 17, "Peyton Manning"]], [[145416, 160413, "Peyton Manning", 18, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning played the position of quarterback."} {"id": 138606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kosatka dravá je ozubená.", "evidence": [[[161407, 175903, "Kosatka dravá", 0, "Killer whale"]]], "claim_en": "The killer whale is toothed."} {"id": 200736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně je od někoho, kdo pracuje v čemkoli jiném než v žánru science fiction.", "evidence": [[[239472, 241304, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [239472, 241304, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by someone who works in anything except the science fiction genre."} {"id": 389, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brad Pitt se objevil v road movie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt appeared in a road movie."} {"id": 77200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift je pouze jméno interpreta.", "evidence": [[[94112, 107099, "Taylor Swift (album)", 0, "Taylor Swift (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift is only the name of a performer."} {"id": 10428, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Guyana je považována za zemi v pásu asteroidů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Guyana is considered to be in the asteroid belt."} {"id": 89748, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snímek Based on a T.R.U. Story prohrál v kategorii Nejlepší album s filmem Lemonade od Beyoncé.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Based on a T.R.U. Story lost Best Album to Lemonade by Beyonce."} {"id": 8090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Mayer vydal své první EP u Columbia Records.", "evidence": [[[13209, 16523, "John Mayer", 5, "John Mayer"]]], "claim_en": "John Mayer released his first EP with Columbia Records."} {"id": 38081, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Parting Glances vyšlo v roce 1996.", "evidence": [[[54262, 64263, "Parting Glances", 0, "Parting Glances"]]], "claim_en": "Parting Glances was released in 1996."} {"id": 208726, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal skladbu Code.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote code."} {"id": 136497, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jimmy Carter vedl mezinárodní financování olympijských her v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[159152, 173751, "Jimmy Carter", 20, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter led the international funding of the 1980 Olympics."} {"id": 148094, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dědeček George W. Bushe z otcovy strany byl senátorem z nejjižnějšího státu v oblasti Nové Anglie na severovýchodě Německa.", "evidence": [[[292465, 285237, "George W. Bush", 10, "George W. Bush"], [292465, 285237, "Connecticut", 0, "Connecticut"]], [[340146, 324905, "George W. Bush", 10, "George W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "George W. Bush's paternal grandfather was a senator from the southernmost state in the New England region of northeastern Germany."} {"id": 176241, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ivanka Trumpová je přítelkyní první manželky.", "evidence": [[[206282, 214675, "Ivanka Trumpová", 1, "Ivanka Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Ivanka Trump is the friend of a first wife."} {"id": 52581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kevin Spacey byl uměleckým ředitelem.", "evidence": [[[70535, 81435, "Kevin Spacey", 9, "Kevin Spacey"]]], "claim_en": "Kevin Spacey was an artistic director."} {"id": 72149, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "SpaceX je kanadská soukromá společnost pro vesmírnou dopravu.", "evidence": [[[88833, 101476, "SpaceX", 0, "SpaceX"]]], "claim_en": "SpaceX is a Canadian private space transportation company."} {"id": 196964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Diwali není schopen být svátkem.", "evidence": [[[231445, 234948, "Diwali", 0, "Diwali"]], [[231445, 234949, "Diwali", 2, "Diwali"]], [[231445, 234950, "Diwali", 4, "Diwali"]]], "claim_en": "Diwali is incapable of being a festival."} {"id": 163429, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Morello absolvoval turné s americkým zpěvákem a skladatelem.", "evidence": [[[187957, 199505, "Tom Morello", 3, "Tom Morello"], [187957, 199505, "Bruce Springsteen", 0, "Bruce Springsteen"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Morello toured with an American singer-songwriter."} {"id": 162015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wikipedie vznikla před 40 lety.", "evidence": [[[186537, 198331, "Wikipedie", 5, "Wikipedia"]]], "claim_en": "Wikipedia started 40 years ago."} {"id": 166798, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Wilder byl věřící.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Wilder was religious."} {"id": 139662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rebecca Hallová byla v obsazení filmu Probuzení.", "evidence": [[[162562, 176837, "Rebecca Hallová", 2, "Rebecca Hall"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Hall was in the cast of The Awakening."} {"id": 206694, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nejlidnatějším městem Indonésie je Jakarta.", "evidence": [[[244401, 245412, "Indonésie", 9, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia's most populous city is Jakarta."} {"id": 108756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film SpongeBob SquarePants Movie natočil v roce 2011 Stephen Hillenburg.", "evidence": [[[129611, 144349, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 0, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was directed by Stephen Hillenburg in 2011."} {"id": 40964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Norton je člověk.", "evidence": [[[57282, 67519, "Edward Norton", 0, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67520, "Edward Norton", 1, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67521, "Edward Norton", 2, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67522, "Edward Norton", 3, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67523, "Edward Norton", 4, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67524, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67525, "Edward Norton", 8, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67526, "Edward Norton", 10, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67527, "Edward Norton", 11, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67528, "Edward Norton", 12, "Edward Norton"]], [[57282, 67529, "Edward Norton", 13, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton is a person."} {"id": 56974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Svatý Petr je synovec Jana.", "evidence": [[[73301, 84522, "Petr (apoštol)", 7, "Saint Peter"]]], "claim_en": "Saint Peter is the nephew of John."} {"id": 75741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Big Show se narodil v roce 1950.", "evidence": [[[239518, 241331, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]], [[243277, 244513, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]], [[245856, 246525, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]], [[319217, 307977, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]], [[320405, 309008, "Big Show", 0, "Big Show"]]], "claim_en": "Big Show was born in 1950."} {"id": 87152, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Keturah byla manželka biblického matriarchy.", "evidence": [[[104309, 117743, "Ketura (biblická postava)", 0, "Keturah"]]], "claim_en": "Keturah was the wife of a Biblical matriarch."} {"id": 96549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Albertu Einsteinovi byla odepřena Nobelova cena.", "evidence": [[[114110, 127921, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein was denied the Nobel Prize."} {"id": 21331, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem nebyl členem skupiny The Dirty Dozen.", "evidence": [[[37109, 44806, "Eminem", 16, "Eminem"], [37109, 44806, "D12", 0, "D12"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem was not a member of The Dirty Dozen."} {"id": 186733, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Calvin Harris se celý život vyhýbal produkci desek.", "evidence": [[[217860, 224306, "Calvin Harris", 0, "Calvin Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris has avoided record producing his entire life."} {"id": 90645, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu American Horror Story hraje Sarah Paulsonová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "American Horror Story stars Sarah Paulson."} {"id": 79593, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson začal hrát teprve v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[96538, 109707, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 3, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson only started acting in 2012."} {"id": 171821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mirka Federerová byla sportovkyní raketového sportu.", "evidence": [[[198276, 208174, "Mirka Federerová", 0, "Mirka Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Mirka Federer was an athlete of a racket sport."} {"id": 186917, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Batman vs. Superman je posledním z řady mnoha hraných filmů, v nichž vystupují Batman i Superman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman is the latest in a series of many live action films which feature both Batman and Superman."} {"id": 160256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Backstreet Boys vznikla v roce 1993.", "evidence": [[[184727, 196587, "Backstreet Boys", 0, "Backstreet Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Backstreet Boys formed in 1993."} {"id": 47291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Minneapolis se nachází severně od soutoku řeky Mississippi s řekou Deerfield.", "evidence": [[[63600, 74355, "Minneapolis", 5, "Minneapolis"]]], "claim_en": "Minneapolis is just north of the Mississippi River's confluence with the Deerfield River."} {"id": 1262, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hliníkové soli se při trávení nepoužívají.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aluminium salts are not used in digestion."} {"id": 10218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Amsterodamské letiště Schiphol slouží jako přestupní uzel společnosti Vueling.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol serves as a hub for Vueling."} {"id": 100110, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Dunkirk (2017) nebyl natočen na 65mm filmový pás IMAX nebo 65mm velkoformátový filmový pás.", "evidence": [[[117759, 131634, "Dunkerk (film)", 7, "Dunkirk (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Dunkirk (2017 film) was not shot on IMAX 65 mm or 65 mm large format film stock."} {"id": 82546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Khmerská říše se nacházela mimo jihovýchodní Asii.", "evidence": [[[99631, 112743, "Khmérská říše", 0, "Khmer Empire"]], [[99631, 112744, "Khmérská říše", 1, "Khmer Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Khmer Empire was outside of Southeast Asia."} {"id": 41821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Macklemore není hiphopový umělec.", "evidence": [[[127197, 141722, "Macklemore", 0, "Macklemore"]], [[128997, 143764, "Macklemore", 0, "Macklemore"]], [[308834, 299115, "Macklemore", 0, "Macklemore"]], [[310468, 300503, "Macklemore", 0, "Macklemore"]], [[310580, 300625, "Macklemore", 0, "Macklemore"]], [[310580, 300628, "Macklemore", 10, "Macklemore"], [310580, 300628, "The Heist", 0, "The Heist (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Macklemore is not a hip hop artist."} {"id": 1384, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colin Firth je Blíženec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Firth is a Gemini."} {"id": 181504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Clinton byl 22. prezidentem USA.", "evidence": [[[210744, 218427, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton was the 22nd U.S. President."} {"id": 89479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Al Capone byl po deseti letech propuštěn.", "evidence": [[[106700, 120100, "Al Capone", 23, "Al Capone"]]], "claim_en": "Al Capone was released after ten years."} {"id": 67355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Santorini je velké čtvercové souostroví.", "evidence": [[[83925, 96002, "Théra (ostrov)", 1, "Santorini"]]], "claim_en": "Santorini is a large, square archipelago."} {"id": 121821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vincent Cassel hraje pouze Holanďany.", "evidence": [[[143019, 158136, "Vincent Cassel", 1, "Vincent Cassel"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel only plays Dutchmen."} {"id": 154043, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Bond byl recenzován Ianem Flemingem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Bond was reviewed by Ian Fleming."} {"id": 16824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na albu Lady Gaga Born This Way se objevily písně \"Just Dance\" & \"Poker Face\".", "evidence": [[[32236, 39177, "Lady Gaga", 8, "Lady Gaga"]], [[32266, 39206, "Lady Gaga", 8, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga's album, Born This Way, featured \"Just Dance\" & \"Poker Face\"."} {"id": 69816, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lahore se nachází v Asii.", "evidence": [[[86502, 98920, "Láhaur", 1, "Lahore"]]], "claim_en": "Lahore is located in Asia."} {"id": 68123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Britney Spears ještě nevydala žádné album.", "evidence": [[[84738, 96950, "Britney Spears", 6, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96951, "Britney Spears", 7, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96952, "Britney Spears", 11, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96953, "Britney Spears", 13, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96954, "Britney Spears", 14, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96955, "Britney Spears", 15, "Britney Spears"]], [[84738, 96956, "Britney Spears", 17, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears has yet to release an album."} {"id": 23972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Angličané osídlili Anglii v 5. a 6. století.", "evidence": [[[39906, 48011, "Anglie", 7, "England"]]], "claim_en": "England was settled by the Angles in the 5th and 6th centuries."} {"id": 142317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daredevil byl produkován produkční společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daredevil was produced by a production company."} {"id": 143443, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Prvním hudebním vydáním Kendricka Lamara byla sonáta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kendrick Lamar's first musical release was a sonata."} {"id": 36857, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hranice Istanbulu se rozšířily.", "evidence": [[[53045, 62993, "Istanbul", 15, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul's city limits have expanded."} {"id": 134605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová má na svém kontě nultý ročník produkce.", "evidence": [[[157153, 171709, "Jennifer Hudson", 11, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[157153, 171710, "Jennifer Hudson", 7, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[157153, 171711, "Jennifer Hudson", 5, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson has made zero productions."} {"id": 80377, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John McCain byl hráčem baseballu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John McCain was a baseball player."} {"id": 153628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Faerské ostrovy byly součástí turné.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Faroe Islands were part of the tour."} {"id": 47706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carice van Houtenová není schopná být herečkou.", "evidence": [[[64089, 74793, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64089, 74794, "Carice van Houten", 12, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64089, 74795, "Carice van Houten", 13, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74811, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74812, "Carice van Houten", 4, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74813, "Carice van Houten", 7, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74814, "Carice van Houten", 8, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74815, "Carice van Houten", 9, "Carice van Houten"]], [[64106, 74816, "Carice van Houten", 12, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is incapable of being an actress."} {"id": 100022, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V San Francisku se nachází Hudsonův most.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco is the location of the Hudson Bridge."} {"id": 216791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Timur byl pouze Číňan.", "evidence": [[[257576, 256564, "Tamerlán", 0, "Timur"]]], "claim_en": "Timur was only Chinese."} {"id": 151056, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau hrál detektiva Sherlocka Holmese.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau played Detective Sherlock Holmes."} {"id": 131740, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Podle některých hlavní představitelé zoroastrismu ovlivnili jiné náboženské systémy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "According to some, Zoroastrianism's major leaders have influenced other religious systems."} {"id": 211325, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berry má pouze mužské děti.", "evidence": [[[250403, 250402, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"], [250403, 250402, "Dcera", 0, "Daughter"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has only male children."} {"id": 3037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Didier Drogba je středopolař.", "evidence": [[[18953, 23218, "Didier Drogba", 0, "Didier Drogba"]]], "claim_en": "Didier Drogba is a center midfielder."} {"id": 157819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Danny DeVito netvoří krátké horory.", "evidence": [[[182048, 194324, "Danny DeVito", 17, "Danny DeVito"]]], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito does not create short horror films."} {"id": 108620, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zendaya není herečka.", "evidence": [[[127426, 141976, "Zendaya", 0, "Zendaya"]]], "claim_en": "Zendaya is not an actress."} {"id": 226068, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Lennon se narodil na lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Lennon was born on a boat."} {"id": 5813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kolumbie má nízký počet endemických druhů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colombia has a low number of endemic species."} {"id": 52520, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Top of the Lake se bude odehrávat ve Vaucluse.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Top of the Lake will be set in Vaucluse."} {"id": 47855, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bleskovka začala v Evropě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lightning rod started in Europe."} {"id": 187363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Wesley je výhradně Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[218596, 224835, "Paul Wesley", 0, "Paul Wesley"]], [[218598, 224836, "Paul Wesley", 0, "Paul Wesley"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley is solely a Canadian."} {"id": 171718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iain Glen je člověk, který hraje v televizi.", "evidence": [[[198156, 208074, "Iain Glen", 1, "Iain Glen"]]], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is a person who acts on television."} {"id": 11517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Al Gore byl dříve viceprezidentem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[26699, 32773, "Al Gore", 0, "Al Gore"]], [[26699, 32774, "Al Gore", 8, "Al Gore"]]], "claim_en": "Al Gore was formerly the United States Vice President."} {"id": 179877, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Mys hrůzy hraje Patrick Stewart.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cape Fear stars Patrick Stewart."} {"id": 197460, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris O'Dowd hrál v seriálu, který vytvořili dva muži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris O'Dowd starred in a show created by two men."} {"id": 146231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Juventus F.C. odmítl svůj tradiční černobíle pruhovaný domácí dres v roce 1903.", "evidence": [[[169723, 183310, "Juventus FC", 1, "Juventus F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Juventus F.C. rejected their traditional black-and-white-striped home uniform in 1903."} {"id": 82921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christopher Lee vydal v den svých narozenin album.", "evidence": [[[99980, 113189, "Christopher Lee", 11, "Christopher Lee"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lee released an album on his birthday."} {"id": 127504, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tokio odepřelo Tokugawovi Ieyasuovi vstup do země.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tokyo denied Tokugawa Ieyasu entry."} {"id": 20326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Medvěd hnědý je savec.", "evidence": [[[36141, 43679, "Medvěd hnědý", 0, "Brown bear"], [36141, 43679, "Medvědovití", 0, "Bear"]]], "claim_en": "The brown bear is a mammal."} {"id": 58230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fotbalisté Nottingham Forest F.C. hrají tenis.", "evidence": [[[74625, 85855, "Nottingham Forest FC", 0, "Nottingham Forest F.C."]], [[74625, 85856, "Nottingham Forest FC", 1, "Nottingham Forest F.C."]], [[74625, 85857, "Nottingham Forest FC", 5, "Nottingham Forest F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The Nottingham Forest F.C. play tennis."} {"id": 30396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Unapologetic je album.", "evidence": [[[46564, 55549, "Unapologetic", 0, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55550, "Unapologetic", 4, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55551, "Unapologetic", 8, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55552, "Unapologetic", 9, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55553, "Unapologetic", 10, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55554, "Unapologetic", 14, "Unapologetic"]], [[46564, 55555, "Unapologetic", 16, "Unapologetic"]]], "claim_en": "Unapologetic is an album."} {"id": 201424, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drakeovo debutové gospelové album je certifikováno jako platinové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drake's debut gospel album is certified platinum."} {"id": 164243, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu The Great Debaters hraje nizozemský herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Debaters stars a Dutch actor."} {"id": 98171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert Downey Jr. odmítá být hercem.", "evidence": [[[115795, 129670, "Robert Downey Jr.", 0, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129689, "Robert Downey Jr.", 0, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129690, "Robert Downey Jr.", 2, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129691, "Robert Downey Jr.", 5, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129692, "Robert Downey Jr.", 6, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129693, "Robert Downey Jr.", 7, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129694, "Robert Downey Jr.", 13, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129695, "Robert Downey Jr.", 14, "Robert Downey Jr."]], [[115812, 129696, "Robert Downey Jr.", 16, "Robert Downey Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Robert Downey Jr. refuses to be an actor."} {"id": 168999, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Manmohan Singh byl premiér po prvním indickém premiérovi.", "evidence": [[[194751, 205119, "Manmóhan Singh", 1, "Manmohan Singh"]]], "claim_en": "Manmohan Singh was a prime minister after the first Prime Minister of India."} {"id": 64911, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daft Punk vydali své první album v květnu 1997.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daft Punk released their first album in May of 1997."} {"id": 184479, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Producenty alba Above the Law jsou John Denver a John Daly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Above the Law is produced by John Denver and John Daly."} {"id": 115950, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Voda se v přírodě vyskytuje jako rosa.", "evidence": [[[136136, 150971, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water occurs in nature as dew."} {"id": 200706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal někdo, kdo se narodil jako George Meredith.", "evidence": [[[236148, 238687, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"], [236148, 238687, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by someone who was born George Meredith."} {"id": 5630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová byla pětkrát nominována na cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [[[22264, 27439, "Susan Sarandonová", 16, "Susan Sarandon"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon has been nominated for five Emmy Awards."} {"id": 94004, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Millar pracoval na autech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Millar has worked on cars."} {"id": 227628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Born This Way je píseň od Lady Gaga.", "evidence": [[[271489, 267351, "Born This Way (píseň)", 0, "Born This Way (song)"]], [[271489, 267352, "Born This Way (píseň)", 2, "Born This Way (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Born This Way is a song by Lady Gaga."} {"id": 114824, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Lennon nebyl rock and rollový umělec.", "evidence": [[[134813, 149721, "John Lennon", 17, "John Lennon"]], [[134813, 149722, "John Lennon", 5, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon was not a rock and roll artist."} {"id": 108886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Futurama je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[127768, 142424, "Futurama", 0, "Futurama"], [127768, 142424, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127768, 142425, "Futurama", 2, "Futurama"], [127768, 142425, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127768, 142426, "Futurama", 5, "Futurama"], [127768, 142426, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127768, 142427, "Futurama", 6, "Futurama"], [127768, 142427, "Cartoon Network", 0, "Cartoon Network"]], [[127768, 142428, "Futurama", 8, "Futurama"]], [[127768, 142430, "Futurama", 11, "Futurama"]], [[127768, 142432, "Futurama", 12, "Futurama"]], [[127768, 142434, "Futurama", 13, "Futurama"], [127768, 142434, "Comedy Central", 0, "Comedy Central"]], [[127769, 142429, "Futurama", 0, "Futurama"], [127769, 142429, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127769, 142431, "Futurama", 2, "Futurama"], [127769, 142431, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127769, 142433, "Futurama", 5, "Futurama"], [127769, 142433, "Fox Broadcasting Company", 0, "Fox Broadcasting Company"]], [[127769, 142435, "Futurama", 6, "Futurama"], [127769, 142435, "Cartoon Network", 0, "Cartoon Network"]], [[127769, 142436, "Futurama", 8, "Futurama"]], [[127769, 142437, "Futurama", 11, "Futurama"]], [[127769, 142439, "Futurama", 12, "Futurama"]], [[127769, 142440, "Futurama", 13, "Futurama"], [127769, 142440, "Comedy Central", 0, "Comedy Central"]]], "claim_en": "Futurama is a TV show."} {"id": 5101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Edward Norton není schopen pracovat ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[21466, 26362, "Edward Norton", 0, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton is incapable of working in cinema."} {"id": 133444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Londýn je v Anglii.", "evidence": [[[155989, 170657, "Londýn", 0, "London"]]], "claim_en": "London is in England."} {"id": 88465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Diana Ross byla členkou skupiny.", "evidence": [[[105683, 119114, "Diana Rossová", 1, "Diana Ross"]], [[105684, 119115, "Diana Rossová", 2, "Diana Ross"], [105684, 119115, "The Supremes", 0, "The Supremes"]]], "claim_en": "Diana Ross was in a group."} {"id": 183728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Nye pracoval proti společnosti Boeing Corporation.", "evidence": [[[213865, 221007, "Bill Nye", 4, "Bill Nye"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Nye worked against Boeing Corporation."} {"id": 26776, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Paradise byl vydán v roce 2012.", "evidence": [[[42920, 51559, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]]], "claim_en": "Paradise was released in 2012."} {"id": 189825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šmoulové (film) byl uveden společností Columbia Pictures v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[224275, 229104, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs (film) was released by Columbia Pictures in 2011."} {"id": 131577, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mike Judge je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Judge is a Catholic."} {"id": 192849, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ian Brennan je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[225662, 230279, "Ian Brennan", 0, "Ian Brennan (writer)"]], [[225663, 230280, "Ian Brennan", 0, "Ian Brennan (writer)"]], [[225664, 230281, "Ian Brennan", 0, "Ian Brennan (writer)"]]], "claim_en": "Ian Brennan is a writer."} {"id": 122222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Konzoli Xbox One vyrábějí mniši.", "evidence": [[[143575, 158688, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "The Xbox One is made by monks."} {"id": 212656, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu Elementary hraje Johnny Lee Miller.", "evidence": [[[252194, 251990, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 1, "Elementary (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Elementary stars Johnny Lee Miller."} {"id": 143227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul Walker si zahrál v hororu Osm dole.", "evidence": [[[166304, 180182, "Paul Walker", 4, "Paul Walker"], [166304, 180182, "Osm statečných", 0, "Eight Below"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Walker starred in the horror film Eight Below."} {"id": 3690, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Luther King Jr. byl posmrtně vyznamenán Zlatou medailí Kongresu.", "evidence": [[[19892, 24439, "Martin Luther King", 21, "Martin Luther King Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal posthumously."} {"id": 120391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Pfeifferová získala ocenění.", "evidence": [[[141417, 156603, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 6, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Pfeiffer won an award."} {"id": 212530, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Termín kultovní film byl poprvé použit v Paříži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The term cult film was first used in Paris."} {"id": 127370, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Úsvit planety opic je sólový film.", "evidence": [[[149237, 164234, "Úsvit planety opic", 2, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"]], [[149237, 164235, "Úsvit planety opic", 8, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"], [149237, 164235, "Válka o planetu opic", 1, "War for the Planet of the Apes"]]], "claim_en": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a solo movie."} {"id": 80895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl 15. února 1992 odsouzen k patnácti trestům obecně prospěšných prací.", "evidence": [[[97900, 111050, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 5, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to fifteen terms of community service on February 15, 1992."} {"id": 163726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bleskový bod se natáčel v Mexiku.", "evidence": [[[188393, 199784, "Surfařky z vesmíru", 1, "Lightning Point"]]], "claim_en": "Lightning Point was filmed in Mexico."} {"id": 143176, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bessie Smithová zemřela 26. září 1937 na rakovinu plic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bessie Smith died, of lung cancer, on September 26, 1937."} {"id": 130271, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Jindřich VIII. hrál herec, který se narodil v Německu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry VIII (TV serial) stars an actor who was born in a Germany."} {"id": 33718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emma Robertsová se narodila v květnu 1991.", "evidence": [[[49819, 59279, "Emma Robertsová", 0, "Emma Roberts"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts was born in May of 1991."} {"id": 88640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "PlayStation 4 používá herní ovladače.", "evidence": [[[105856, 119244, "PlayStation 4", 7, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 uses gaming controllers."} {"id": 212788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gustave Eiffel se věnoval výzkumu aerodynamiky.", "evidence": [[[252373, 252168, "Gustave Eiffel", 3, "Gustave Eiffel"]], [[252375, 252170, "Gustave Eiffel", 3, "Gustave Eiffel"]]], "claim_en": "Gustave Eiffel focused on aerodynamics research."} {"id": 228431, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wallace (báseň) napsal Angličan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Wallace (poem) was written by an English person."} {"id": 198854, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černá Dahlia je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[233798, 236679, "Černá Dahlia", 0, "The Black Dahlia (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Dahlia is a TV show."} {"id": 118626, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spisovatelství bylo povoláním Edgara Allana Poea.", "evidence": [[[139174, 154234, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]]], "claim_en": "Writing was Edgar Allan Poe's profession."} {"id": 17271, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sever je filmový debut Scarlett Johanssonové.", "evidence": [[[32726, 39775, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 1, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "North is the film debut of Scarlett Johansson."} {"id": 142447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay podporovala umění.", "evidence": [[[165510, 179546, "Coldplay", 19, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay have supported the arts."} {"id": 212909, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando hrál Emiliana Zapatu.", "evidence": [[[252546, 252311, "Marlon Brando", 10, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando played Emiliano Zapata."} {"id": 124666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Stapleton je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[146256, 161233, "Chris Stapleton", 0, "Chris Stapleton"]], [[146256, 161234, "Chris Stapleton", 1, "Chris Stapleton"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Stapleton is a writer."} {"id": 87757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Amanda Peet hrála ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[104970, 118392, "Amanda Peet", 0, "Amanda Peet"]], [[104970, 118393, "Amanda Peet", 2, "Amanda Peet"]], [[104970, 118394, "Amanda Peet", 5, "Amanda Peet"]], [[104971, 118395, "Amanda Peet", 2, "Amanda Peet"]], [[104971, 118396, "Amanda Peet", 5, "Amanda Peet"]], [[104971, 118397, "Amanda Peet", 0, "Amanda Peet"]]], "claim_en": "Amanda Peet was in films."} {"id": 152358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ludacris nezískal cenu Screen Actors Guild.", "evidence": [[[176348, 189277, "Ludacris", 2, "Ludacris"]]], "claim_en": "Ludacris has not won a Screen Actors Guild award."} {"id": 81607, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pluto je poměrně velké.", "evidence": [[[98653, 111728, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 13, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto is relatively large."} {"id": 92031, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Walt Disney je stále naživu.", "evidence": [[[109344, 123011, "Walt Disney", 0, "Walt Disney"]], [[109346, 123012, "Walt Disney", 0, "Walt Disney"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney is still alive."} {"id": 222785, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kolyma má zásoby uhlí.", "evidence": [[[265393, 262612, "Kolyma (region)", 9, "Kolyma"]]], "claim_en": "Kolyma has reserves of coal."} {"id": 8865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Branson neotevřel řetězec obchodů s hudebními nosiči.", "evidence": [[[14301, 17862, "Richard Branson", 7, "Richard Branson"]], [[14302, 17863, "Richard Branson", 7, "Richard Branson"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Branson did not open a chain of record stores."} {"id": 206675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richmond ve Virginii leží ve středoatlantické oblasti Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[244381, 245397, "Richmond", 0, "Richmond, Virginia"]]], "claim_en": "Richmond, Virginia is in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States."} {"id": 202528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Velitel vojenského letectva Spojených států amerických shodil Little Boye.", "evidence": [[[241901, 243455, "Little Boy", 0, "Little Boy"]]], "claim_en": "A commander of the United States Army Air Forces dropped Little Boy."} {"id": 52279, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "K folklóru patří pratfalls.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Folklore includes pratfalls."} {"id": 108098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ozarks je kniha.", "evidence": [[[126942, 141390, "Ozark Plateau", 0, "Ozarks"]]], "claim_en": "The Ozarks are a book."} {"id": 163654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grand Ole Pry hostil pouze koně.", "evidence": [[[296922, 288644, "Grand Ole Opry", 19, "Grand Ole Opry"]], [[296922, 288645, "Grand Ole Opry", 20, "Grand Ole Opry"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Ole Pry was only hosted horses."} {"id": 133346, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Irák se nachází v transkontinentální oblasti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iraq is in a transcontinental region."} {"id": 45562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Warren Ellis napsal příběhový oblouk, na němž je založen Iron Man 3.", "evidence": [[[62157, 72698, "Iron Man 3", 2, "Iron Man 3"]]], "claim_en": "Warren Ellis wrote the story arc Iron Man 3 is based on."} {"id": 85224, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Loving byl společností Focus Features zadržen.", "evidence": [[[102326, 115601, "Loving", 1, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Loving was withheld by Focus Features."} {"id": 226765, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu My Bloody Valentine 3D hraje Angelina Jolie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "My Bloody Valentine 3D stars Angelina Jolie."} {"id": 220424, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thanos je značkový produkt.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thanos is a name brand product."} {"id": 46534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "X-Men: Days of Future Past je film podle komiksových postav X-Men.", "evidence": [[[62865, 73515, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 0, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"]]], "claim_en": "X-Men: Days of Future Past is a film based on X-Men characters in comics."} {"id": 113565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Redmayne nikdy nepracoval s Justinem Chadwickem.", "evidence": [[[133261, 148113, "Eddie Redmayne", 3, "Eddie Redmayne"], [133261, 148113, "Králova přízeň", 0, "The Other Boleyn Girl (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Redmayne has never worked with Justin Chadwick."} {"id": 138365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sean Combs se narodil v Harlemu v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[161159, 175666, "Sean Combs", 1, "Sean Combs"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Combs was born in Harlem, New York."} {"id": 206201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mělký Hal je film.", "evidence": [[[243759, 244928, "Těžce zamilován", 0, "Shallow Hal"]], [[243763, 244932, "Těžce zamilován", 0, "Shallow Hal"]]], "claim_en": "Shallow Hal is a film."} {"id": 228323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost Island Records byla založena na Jamajce.", "evidence": [[[272402, 268113, "Island Records", 0, "Island Records"]]], "claim_en": "Island Records was founded in Jamaica."} {"id": 72416, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spider-Mana sžírá odmítnutí, nedostatečnost a osamělost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spider-Man is consumed with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness."} {"id": 18986, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Led je biblický název vody.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ice is the biblical name of water."} {"id": 79573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Trent Reznor není hudebník.", "evidence": [[[96521, 109694, "Trent Reznor", 0, "Trent Reznor"]], [[96521, 109695, "Trent Reznor", 3, "Trent Reznor"]]], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor is not a musician."} {"id": 201614, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bouřka má akustický účinek na vnější atmosféru Země.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A thunderstorm has an acoustic effect on the Earth's outer atmosphere."} {"id": 75432, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Karel I. byl král.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles I was a king."} {"id": 12479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peyton Manning dovedl svůj tým k osmi divizním titulům.", "evidence": [[[27717, 33953, "Peyton Manning", 8, "Peyton Manning"]]], "claim_en": "Peyton Manning led his team to eight division championships."} {"id": 139576, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Simon je americký občan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Simon is an American citizen."} {"id": 116475, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Cruise spolupracoval s Jamesem Cameronem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise worked with James Cameron."} {"id": 157198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt se vypořádal se svými fyzickými zdravotními problémy.", "evidence": [[[181325, 193581, "Theodore Roosevelt", 6, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt got the better of his physical health issues."} {"id": 150208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžběta I. Anglická byla panovnicí z dynastie Tudorovců.", "evidence": [[[174030, 187206, "Alžběta I.", 1, "Elizabeth I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth I of England was a monarch of the Tudor dynasty."} {"id": 46392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughan je kytarista.", "evidence": [[[139189, 154246, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 1, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[141574, 156812, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 5, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[141574, 156813, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 17, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[141574, 156814, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 22, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[141574, 156815, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 25, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158691, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 1, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158692, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 2, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158693, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 5, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158696, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 17, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158697, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 22, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[143578, 158698, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 25, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[310983, 301008, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 5, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[310983, 301009, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 22, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[310983, 301010, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 25, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312673, 302444, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 1, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312673, 302445, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 2, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312673, 302446, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 5, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312673, 302447, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 17, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312673, 302448, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 22, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]], [[312675, 302450, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 1, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]]], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughan is a guitar player."} {"id": 227087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Roar (píseň) se nachází pouze na třetím albu Katy Perry.", "evidence": [[[270788, 266789, "Roar (píseň)", 0, "Roar (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Roar (song) is only featured on Katy Perry's third album."} {"id": 22102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Weeknd je Australan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Weeknd is Australian."} {"id": 15484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ben Stiller získal cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [[[30890, 37533, "Ben Stiller", 12, "Ben Stiller"]]], "claim_en": "Ben Stiller has won an Emmy Award."} {"id": 31792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Everton F.C. je britský fotbalový klub, který v současnosti sídlí v Goodison Parku.", "evidence": [[[47918, 57241, "Everton FC", 12, "Everton F.C."]], [[47922, 57248, "Everton FC", 12, "Everton F.C."], [47922, 57248, "Goodison Park", 0, "Goodison Park"]]], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. is a british football club that is currently located at Goodison Park."} {"id": 80866, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "PlayStation 4 používá kapesní zařízení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 uses hand-held devices."} {"id": 184494, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Millie Bobby Brownová nemá žádné sci-fi vazby.", "evidence": [[[214901, 221877, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]], [[214912, 221881, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Millie Bobby Brown has no science fiction affiliations."} {"id": 58581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Journey je druhá nejprodávanější skupina podle Asociace amerického nahrávacího průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[74940, 86148, "Journey", 14, "Journey (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Journey is the 2nd best-selling band according to the Recording Industry Association of America."} {"id": 18739, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Supermana vytvořila postava z DC Comics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superman created a DC Comics character."} {"id": 119416, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Francii se mluví řecky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Greek language is spoken in France."} {"id": 128467, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Punisher nemá nic společného s Frankem Castlem.", "evidence": [[[150495, 165377, "The Punisher (seriál)", 5, "The Punisher (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Punisher has nothing to do with Frank Castle."} {"id": 133888, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uhlík má písmeno C.", "evidence": [[[156418, 171022, "Uhlík", 0, "Carbon"]]], "claim_en": "Carbon has the letter C."} {"id": 211597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gabourey Sidibe hrála ve filmu Precious.", "evidence": [[[250750, 250737, "Gabourey Sidibe", 0, "Gabourey Sidibe"]]], "claim_en": "Gabourey Sidibe acted in Precious."} {"id": 9981, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus se narodila v Tennessee.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus was born in Tennessee."} {"id": 41850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bret Easton Ellis napsal scénář k filmu The Canyons.", "evidence": [[[58142, 68354, "Bret Easton Ellis", 20, "Bret Easton Ellis"]]], "claim_en": "Bret Easton Ellis wrote the screenplay for The Canyons."} {"id": 183589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Hledá se Dory režíroval Ingmar Bergman.", "evidence": [[[213689, 220868, "Hledá se Dory", 1, "Finding Dory"]]], "claim_en": "Finding Dory was directed by Ingmar Bergman."} {"id": 154879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Wood nešel v roce 1989 na odvykací kúru.", "evidence": [[[178936, 191480, "Andrew Wood", 16, "Andrew Wood (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Wood did not go into rehab in 1989."} {"id": 85642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil Diamond má prostřední jméno Leslie.", "evidence": [[[102809, 116105, "Neil Diamond", 0, "Neil Diamond"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Diamond has a middle name called Leslie."} {"id": 83838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Felton je herec.", "evidence": [[[100872, 114132, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]], [[100872, 114133, "Tom Felton", 2, "Tom Felton"]], [[100872, 114134, "Tom Felton", 3, "Tom Felton"], [100872, 114134, "Draco Malfoy", 4, "Draco Malfoy"]], [[100872, 114135, "Tom Felton", 4, "Tom Felton"]], [[100872, 114136, "Tom Felton", 8, "Tom Felton"]], [[100872, 114137, "Tom Felton", 10, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton is an actor."} {"id": 136518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Keaton nebude mít hereckou roli ve filmu Spider-Man: Homecoming z roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[289804, 282891, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]], [[289809, 282902, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]], [[289829, 282912, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]], [[337041, 322478, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]], [[337044, 322479, "Michael Keaton", 5, "Michael Keaton"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Keaton will not have an acting role in the 2017 movie Spider-Man: Homecoming."} {"id": 115298, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kniha Eat Pray Love (Jíst, modlit se, milovat) je založena na matce Elizabeth Gilbertové.", "evidence": [[[285310, 278975, "Jíst, meditovat, milovat", 0, "Eat Pray Love"]], [[285312, 278976, "Jíst, meditovat, milovat", 0, "Eat Pray Love"]]], "claim_en": "Eat Pray Love is based on Elizabeth Gilbert's mother."} {"id": 208120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mohamedovým cílem po hidžře byla Medína.", "evidence": [[[246237, 246787, "Medína", 4, "Medina"]], [[246238, 246788, "Medína", 4, "Medina"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad's destination after his Hijrah was Medina."} {"id": 158169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál American Horror Story vysílá stanice FX od roku 2009.", "evidence": [[[182437, 194671, "American Horror Story", 24, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story has aired on FX since 2009."} {"id": 144341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alfredu Hitchcockovi bylo odepřeno americké občanství.", "evidence": [[[167561, 181351, "Alfred Hitchcock", 3, "Alfred Hitchcock"]]], "claim_en": "Alfred Hitchcock was denied U.S. citizenship."} {"id": 219240, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Browning byl skotský dramatik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Browning was a Scottish playwright."} {"id": 59184, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Katharine Hepburnová zemřela v roce 1907.", "evidence": [[[75575, 86824, "Katharine Hepburnová", 0, "Katharine Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Katharine Hepburn died in 1907."} {"id": 75678, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Místní území hrabství Cambridgeshire je rozděleno mezi dva unitární orgány.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cambridgeshire's local land is divided between two unitary authorities."} {"id": 76157, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Mladá Viktorie hrála Emily Bluntová.", "evidence": [[[92998, 105876, "Emily Blunt", 11, "Emily Blunt"]]], "claim_en": "The Young Victoria starred Emily Blunt."} {"id": 115970, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lynyrd Skynyrd byla rocková skupina ze Středozápadu.", "evidence": [[[136159, 150987, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 1, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"], [136159, 150987, "Florida", 0, "Florida"]]], "claim_en": "Lynyrd Skynyrd was a Midwestern rock band."} {"id": 117069, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jedním z manažerů skupiny Coldplay je Brian Eno.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of Coldplay's managers is Brian Eno."} {"id": 186722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Calvin Harris je dýdžejem.", "evidence": [[[217846, 224288, "Calvin Harris", 0, "Calvin Harris"]], [[217846, 224289, "Calvin Harris", 22, "Calvin Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris deejays."} {"id": 99273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Volejbalu se účastní šest týmů po dvou hráčích.", "evidence": [[[116922, 130804, "Volejbal", 0, "Volleyball"]]], "claim_en": "Volleyball involves six teams of two players."} {"id": 149820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglický spisovatel napsal knihu Hobit.", "evidence": [[[173645, 186848, "Hobit aneb Cesta tam a zase zpátky", 0, "The Hobbit"]]], "claim_en": "An English author wrote The Hobbit."} {"id": 105535, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donald Trump byl v roce 2011 544. nejbohatším člověkem na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donald Trump was, in 2011, the 544th richest person in the world."} {"id": 50203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje televizní seriál Teen Wolf.", "evidence": [[[66514, 77339, "Vlčí mládě", 0, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a television series called Teen Wolf."} {"id": 191310, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ze Země na Měsíc je filmová minisérie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "From the Earth to the Moon is a film miniseries."} {"id": 75595, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heidi Klumová příležitostně hraje.", "evidence": [[[92379, 105134, "Heidi Klumová", 0, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum occasionally acts."} {"id": 41545, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eliza Dushka hrála ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[58259, 68499, "Eliza Dushku", 2, "Eliza Dushku"]]], "claim_en": "Eliza Dushka was in films."} {"id": 139742, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Homeland hraje Cloris Leachmanová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Homeland stars Cloris Leachman."} {"id": 7879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mel Gibson nerežíroval a neprodukoval biblické drama.", "evidence": [[[12882, 16053, "Mel Gibson", 14, "Mel Gibson"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson did not direct and produce a biblical drama film."} {"id": 176288, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Barbara Bushová byla zakladatelkou nadace Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy.", "evidence": [[[204141, 213015, "Barbara Bushová", 16, "Barbara Bush"]], [[204149, 213018, "Barbara Bushová", 16, "Barbara Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush was the founder of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy."} {"id": 179175, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dominick Dunne byl podvodník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dominick Dunne was an impostor."} {"id": 24899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nepál byl vždy královstvím.", "evidence": [[[40859, 49140, "Nepál", 32, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal was always a kingdom."} {"id": 66882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slash se vrátil do Nirvany.", "evidence": [[[83446, 95423, "Slash", 5, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slash returned to Nirvana."} {"id": 189428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Role Models hraje alespoň jeden herec.", "evidence": [[[221266, 226911, "Velcí bratři", 3, "Role Models"]]], "claim_en": "Role Models stars at least one actor."} {"id": 134580, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Budapešť je klasifikována jako město.", "evidence": [[[157132, 171681, "Budapešť", 0, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171682, "Budapešť", 2, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171683, "Budapešť", 3, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171684, "Budapešť", 10, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171685, "Budapešť", 14, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171686, "Budapešť", 16, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171687, "Budapešť", 19, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171688, "Budapešť", 20, "Budapest"]], [[157132, 171689, "Budapešť", 29, "Budapest"]]], "claim_en": "Budapest is classified as a city."} {"id": 9040, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dům duchů je natočen podle románu La Casa de los Espíritus od Isabel Allende z roku 1982.", "evidence": [[[14576, 18212, "Dům duchů", 4, "The House of the Spirits (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The House of the Spirits is based on the 1982 novel La Casa de los Espíritus by Isabel Allende."} {"id": 3130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, se narodil v roce 1948.", "evidence": [[[19056, 23369, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales was born in 1948."} {"id": 110792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mark Zuckerberg je jedním z nejméně vlivných lidí na světě.", "evidence": [[[129979, 144690, "Mark Zuckerberg", 16, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg is one of the least influential people in the world."} {"id": 116794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Desatero přikázání není soubor biblických zákonů.", "evidence": [[[137162, 152003, "Desatero", 0, "Ten Commandments"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments are not a set of biblical laws."} {"id": 32023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buddhistická praxe nezahrnuje Dharmu a Sanghu.", "evidence": [[[92241, 105002, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]], [[94966, 107934, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]], [[97063, 110219, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]], [[307624, 298082, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism practices doesn't include the Dharma and the Sangha."} {"id": 156451, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bývalé hlavní město Tanzanie se jmenovalo Mbeya.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tanzania's former capital city was Mbeya."} {"id": 161435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buddhismus je čtvrtým největším náboženstvím na světě, má 500 milionů stoupenců.", "evidence": [[[185982, 197847, "Buddhismus", 3, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism is the world's fourth-largest religion, 500 million followers."} {"id": 213423, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexandra Burke se zúčastnila páté řady soutěže The X Factor.", "evidence": [[[253238, 253131, "Alexandra Burke", 1, "Alexandra Burke"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandra Burke was on The X Factor's fifth series."} {"id": 183162, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kaspické moře je na jihu ohraničeno Íránem.", "evidence": [[[213192, 220512, "Kaspické moře", 2, "Caspian Sea"]]], "claim_en": "The Caspian Sea is bounded by Iran to the south."} {"id": 81231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicki Minaj vyrostla ve Velké Británii.", "evidence": [[[98276, 111379, "Nicki Minaj", 1, "Nicki Minaj"]]], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj grew up in the UK."} {"id": 23835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carol Danversová se objevila v 35 komiksech vydaných nakladatelstvím Marvel Comics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carol Danvers appeared in 35 comic books published by Marvel Comics."} {"id": 154818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výsledkem Washingtonské námořní konference byla smlouva.", "evidence": [[[178835, 191381, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[178835, 191382, "Washingtonská konference", 7, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[178836, 191383, "Washingtonská konference", 6, "Washington Naval Conference"]], [[178836, 191384, "Washingtonská konference", 7, "Washington Naval Conference"]]], "claim_en": "Washington Naval Conference resulted in a treaty."} {"id": 22601, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhaalová si zahrála.", "evidence": [[[38452, 46393, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 0, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46394, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 4, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46395, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 5, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46396, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 6, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46397, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 8, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46398, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 12, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46399, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 9, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46400, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 7, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]], [[38452, 46401, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 13, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhaal acted."} {"id": 154243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Schwimmer v roce 1988 absolvoval soukromou univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[178225, 190822, "David Schwimmer", 3, "David Schwimmer"], [178225, 190822, "Severozápadní univerzita", 0, "Northwestern University"]]], "claim_en": "In 1988, David Schwimmer graduated from a private university."} {"id": 12348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byl osídlen Island.", "evidence": [[[27581, 33782, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Iceland was settled."} {"id": 68084, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Počet obyvatel Walesu se změnil.", "evidence": [[[84694, 96909, "Wales", 16, "Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Wales' population changed."} {"id": 21304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whitney Houston hrála ve filmu Foresta Whitakera.", "evidence": [[[57888, 68119, "Whitney Houston", 19, "Whitney Houston"]]], "claim_en": "Whitney Houston starred in a Forest Whitaker film."} {"id": 11717, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Značka Virgin Richarda Bransona v 90. letech prudce rostla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Branson's Virgin brand grew rapidly during the 1990s."} {"id": 82488, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Los Angeles Lakers vyhráli v prosinci 1971 až lednu 1972 33 zápasů v řadě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Los Angeles Lakers won 33 straight games in December 1971 - January 1972."} {"id": 45027, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Injustice 2 je členem britské královské rodiny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Injustice 2 is a member of British royalty."} {"id": 104287, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tequila se vyrábí v Kanadě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tequila is made in Canada."} {"id": 20582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Family Guy nevytvořil Seth MacFarlane.", "evidence": [[[38588, 46535, "Griffinovi", 0, "Family Guy"]]], "claim_en": "Family Guy was not created by Seth MacFarlane."} {"id": 24521, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Talulah Riley se objevila ve filmu Hard Candy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Talulah Riley appeared in Hard Candy."} {"id": 167063, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V týdnu předcházejícím vysílání byly napsány a vyrobeny epizody South Parku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In the week preceding its broadcast, South Park episodes have been written and produced."} {"id": 100745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gia je film, který dramatizuje život modelky.", "evidence": [[[118426, 132275, "Gia", 0, "Gia"]]], "claim_en": "Gia is a film that dramatizes the life of a model."} {"id": 49048, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele vydala nejméně dvě studiová alba.", "evidence": [[[65394, 76285, "Adele", 10, "Adele"]], [[65394, 76286, "Adele", 22, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele released at least two studio albums."} {"id": 218961, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stratosféra se nachází nad mezosférou.", "evidence": [[[260354, 258767, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]], [[260355, 258768, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]], [[260356, 258769, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]]], "claim_en": "The stratosphere is above the mesosphere."} {"id": 45994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Usher vydal album v roce 1997.", "evidence": [[[62331, 72935, "Usher", 4, "Usher (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Usher released an album in 1997."} {"id": 88075, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hudbu k filmu Heartbreak Ridge složil Clint Eastwood.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heartbreak Ridge was scored by Clint Eastwood."} {"id": 11730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harold Macmillan se narodil 10. února 1794.", "evidence": [[[25794, 31726, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]], [[27104, 33228, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]], [[30161, 36714, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]], [[301665, 292778, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]], [[301666, 292779, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]], [[302971, 293952, "Harold Macmillan", 0, "Harold Macmillan"]]], "claim_en": "Harold Macmillan was born on February 10, 1794."} {"id": 42384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Machete se objevuje ve skutečném traileru k filmu Grindhouse.", "evidence": [[[58676, 68979, "Machete Cortez", 0, "Machete (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Machete appears in the Grindhouse real trailer."} {"id": 160320, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zemřel Theodore Roosevelt.", "evidence": [[[184790, 196681, "Theodore Roosevelt", 0, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[184790, 196682, "Theodore Roosevelt", 35, "Theodore Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt died."} {"id": 31689, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sokrates byl klasický kontinentální filozof.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Socrates was a classical continental philosopher."} {"id": 137470, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Kuala Lumpuru sídlí od roku 1911 malajsijský parlament.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kuala Lumpur has housed the Parliament of Malaysia since 1911."} {"id": 143889, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Indiana Jones je paleontolog.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Indiana Jones is an paleontologist."} {"id": 110023, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf je herec.", "evidence": [[[129106, 143890, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf is an actor."} {"id": 90178, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adele je britská farmářka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adele is a British farmer."} {"id": 148432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kniha Devatenáct set osmdesát čtyři se neobjevila na seznamu čtenářů 100 nejlepších románů časopisu Modern Library.", "evidence": [[[172984, 186218, "1984 (román)", 22, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"]]], "claim_en": "Nineteen Eighty-Four did not appear on the readers' list for Modern Library's 100 Best Novels."} {"id": 66278, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart měl dva syny, kteří ho přežili, Jeorga a Händela.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had two sons who outlived him, Jeorg and Handel."} {"id": 135208, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pluto je o 1000 gramů menší než Eris.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pluto is smaller than Eris by 1,000 grams."} {"id": 68671, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Judi Denchová hrála hlavní roli ve filmu Star Wars: Klony útočí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Judi Dench starred in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones."} {"id": 33565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cyndi Lauper vydala píseň \"Girls Just Want to Have Fun\".", "evidence": [[[49668, 59077, "Cyndi Lauper", 2, "Cyndi Lauper"]], [[49668, 59078, "Cyndi Lauper", 18, "Cyndi Lauper"]]], "claim_en": "Cyndi Lauper released the song \"Girls Just Want to Have Fun.\""} {"id": 115895, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "K New Yorku patří Newyorská univerzita a je velmi ceněná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "New York City includes New York University and it is highly regarded."} {"id": 53911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ridley Scott je režisérem filmu Americký gangster.", "evidence": [[[70210, 81088, "Ridley Scott", 1, "Ridley Scott"], [70210, 81088, "Americký gangster", 0, "American Gangster (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ridley Scott is the director of the film American Gangster."} {"id": 97604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina The Chainsmokers odmítla vydat píseň Don't Let Me Down.", "evidence": [[[115220, 129038, "The Chainsmokers", 3, "The Chainsmokers"]]], "claim_en": "The Chainsmokers refused to release the song Don't Let Me Down."} {"id": 142144, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Severní Korea hraničí s vražedkyní.", "evidence": [[[165208, 179339, "Severní Korea", 3, "North Korea"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea is bordered by a murderer."} {"id": 42358, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bali se nachází v Kanadě", "evidence": [[[58671, 68974, "Bali", 0, "Bali"]], [[58671, 68975, "Bali", 6, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is located in Canada"} {"id": 108479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Minions režírovali Steven Spielberg a Chris Nolan.", "evidence": [[[127283, 141816, "Mimoni", 1, "Minions (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Minions was directed by Steven Spielberg and Chris Nolan."} {"id": 209715, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Friends with Benefits vystupuje roztomilé štěně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Friends with Benefits features a cute puppy."} {"id": 50173, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) hrají pouze mileniálové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hundred-Foot Journey (film) stars only millennials."} {"id": 141481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Inhumans je připravovaný televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[164511, 178768, "Inhumans (seriál)", 0, "Inhumans (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Inhumans is an upcoming tv series."} {"id": 210254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William McKinley byl zastřelen šest měsíců po začátku svého druhého funkčního období.", "evidence": [[[249083, 249116, "William McKinley", 0, "William McKinley"], [249083, 249116, "William McKinley", 22, "William McKinley"]]], "claim_en": "William McKinley was shot six months into his second term."} {"id": 180659, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fernando Alonso se narodil v jakémkoli roce kromě roku 1981.", "evidence": [[[209684, 217465, "Fernando Alonso", 0, "Fernando Alonso"]]], "claim_en": "Fernando Alonso was born in any year except 1981."} {"id": 92310, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jane Lynchová přišla o cenu Screen Actors Guild Award.", "evidence": [[[109624, 123248, "Jane Lynchová", 10, "Jane Lynch"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Lynch has lost a Screen Actors Guild Award."} {"id": 118352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Samuel L. Jackson nehrál ve třetím filmu ze série Smrtonosná past.", "evidence": [[[138853, 153896, "Samuel L. Jackson", 2, "Samuel L. Jackson"], [138853, 153896, "Smrtonosná past 3", 0, "Die Hard with a Vengeance"]]], "claim_en": "Samuel L. Jackson was not in the third movie in the Die Hard film series."} {"id": 155504, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kniha Ready Player One získala v roce 2007 cenu Nebula.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ready Player One won the 2007 Nebula Award."} {"id": 151958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ceny Akademie se zcela liší od Oscarů.", "evidence": [[[175902, 188868, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"]], [[175902, 188869, "Oscar", 1, "Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The Academy Awards are completely different from the Oscars."} {"id": 153577, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Toy Story je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[177520, 190294, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story is a TV show."} {"id": 114735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II nebyl schopen létat.", "evidence": [[[134702, 149625, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II", 10, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II"]], [[134703, 149626, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II", 10, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II"]]], "claim_en": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II was incapable of flying."} {"id": 175224, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Úžasňákovi získal dva Oscary.", "evidence": [[[202691, 211885, "Úžasňákovi", 14, "The Incredibles"]]], "claim_en": "The Incredibles won two Academy Awards."} {"id": 228297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek byl hororový thriller se Scottem Glennem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[272368, 268061, "Mlčení jehňátek", 0, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs was a horror-thriller film starring Scott Glenn."} {"id": 201810, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dakota Fanningová se podílela na filmu Jane ze ságy Stmívání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dakota Fanning was involved with a film called Jane in The Twilight Saga."} {"id": 21994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wiz Khalifa je osoba, která skládá písně.", "evidence": [[[37815, 45743, "Wiz Khalifa", 0, "Wiz Khalifa"]]], "claim_en": "Wiz Khalifa is a person who writes songs."} {"id": 116419, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Selena Gomez hrála na Netflixu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez was on Netflix."} {"id": 76227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skladbu Endless Love vydala Diana Ross.", "evidence": [[[93071, 105982, "Diana Rossová", 14, "Diana Ross"]]], "claim_en": "Endless Love was released by Diana Ross."} {"id": 47951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chobotnice s modrým prstenem má jed.", "evidence": [[[64318, 75073, "Hapalochlaena", 2, "Blue-ringed octopus"]], [[64318, 75074, "Hapalochlaena", 3, "Blue-ringed octopus"]]], "claim_en": "The blue-ringed octopus has venom."} {"id": 124302, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shah Rukh Khan hrál nejméně ve dvou filmech, které režíroval B. R. Chopra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shah Rukh Khan starred in at least two movies directed by B. R. Chopra."} {"id": 127399, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Egypt je členem Klubu chlapců a dívek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Egypt is a member of the Boys and Girls Club."} {"id": 119945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bali se nachází mezi Jávou na západě a Lombokem na mysu.", "evidence": [[[140937, 156085, "Bali", 2, "Bali"]]], "claim_en": "Bali is located between Java to the west and Lombok to the cap."} {"id": 102873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "OA debutoval ve filmu Wendy's.", "evidence": [[[120837, 135136, "OA", 0, "The OA"]]], "claim_en": "The OA debuted at Wendy's."} {"id": 131917, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Johnny Mnemonic se dočkal vydání pouze v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[154288, 169056, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 12, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[154288, 169057, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 13, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Johnny Mnemonic only saw release in Europe."} {"id": 59371, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fantasy film je film, který patří do světové literatury.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A fantasy film is a film that belongs to the global literature."} {"id": 166604, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jamie Foxx předal Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx presented a Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 184461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Above the Law je známý také jako píseň.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Above the Law is also known as a song."} {"id": 75112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adolf Hitler nikdy nebyl politickým vůdcem Německa.", "evidence": [[[91927, 104718, "Adolf Hitler", 1, "Adolf Hitler"], [91927, 104718, "Diktatura", 0, "Dictatorship"]], [[91927, 104719, "Adolf Hitler", 29, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[91927, 104720, "Adolf Hitler", 16, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[91927, 104721, "Adolf Hitler", 14, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[91927, 104722, "Adolf Hitler", 13, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was never a political leader of Germany."} {"id": 209870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na osamělém místě má scénář podle detektivního románu z roku 1947.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In a Lonely Place has a script based on a 1947 mystery novel."} {"id": 16815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Spielberg se podílí na tvorbě filmů.", "evidence": [[[41411, 49772, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49773, "Steven Spielberg", 1, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49774, "Steven Spielberg", 2, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49775, "Steven Spielberg", 5, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49776, "Steven Spielberg", 6, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49777, "Steven Spielberg", 7, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49778, "Steven Spielberg", 8, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49779, "Steven Spielberg", 11, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49780, "Steven Spielberg", 12, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49781, "Steven Spielberg", 13, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[41411, 49782, "Steven Spielberg", 15, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[44218, 52861, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[44218, 52862, "Steven Spielberg", 2, "Steven Spielberg"], [44218, 52862, "DreamWorks", 0, "DreamWorks"]], [[46445, 55410, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[46445, 55411, "Steven Spielberg", 1, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[46445, 55412, "Steven Spielberg", 2, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[302190, 293221, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[302190, 293222, "Steven Spielberg", 6, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[302190, 293223, "Steven Spielberg", 7, "Steven Spielberg"]], [[304705, 295511, "Steven Spielberg", 15, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Spielberg participates in the creation of movies."} {"id": 187549, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matthew Vaughn se narodil v nemocnici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matthew Vaughn was born in a hospital."} {"id": 197520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Být učitelem bylo zaměstnáním Walta Whitmana.", "evidence": [[[232206, 235458, "Walt Whitman", 6, "Walt Whitman"]]], "claim_en": "Being a teacher was a job of Walt Whitman."} {"id": 80936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elle Fanningová je filmová herečka.", "evidence": [[[97950, 111075, "Elle Fanningová", 8, "Elle Fanning"]], [[97950, 111076, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]]], "claim_en": "Elle Fanning is a movie actress."} {"id": 182738, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3 hraje Keanu Reeves.", "evidence": [[[212630, 220112, "Ladíme 3", 1, "Pitch Perfect 3"]]], "claim_en": "Pitch Perfect 3 stars Keanu Reeves."} {"id": 84870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Heather Graham si zahrála ve filmu Úžasňákovi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heather Graham starred in the movie The Incredibles."} {"id": 2167, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve spotřebitelském softwaru společnosti Apple Inc. chybí sada pro kreativitu a produktivitu iLife.", "evidence": [[[17986, 22137, "Apple", 2, "Apple Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Apple Inc.'s consumer software lacks the iLife creativity and productivity suite."} {"id": 88764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Winehouse nezemřela na otravu alkoholem.", "evidence": [[[105980, 119353, "Amy Winehouse", 10, "Amy Winehouse"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Winehouse did not die of alcohol poisoning."} {"id": 161896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britney Spears se narodila v roce 1981.", "evidence": [[[186427, 198240, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]], [[186428, 198241, "Britney Spears", 0, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears was born in 1981."} {"id": 179334, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osamu Tezuka byl mladý dospělý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Osamu Tezuka was a young adult."} {"id": 6853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Star Trek vynalezl klingonštinu pro stejnojmenný fiktivní druh.", "evidence": [[[23764, 29424, "Star Trek", 21, "Star Trek"], [23764, 29424, "Klingonština", 0, "Klingon language"]]], "claim_en": "Star Trek invented Klingon language for the fictional species of the same name."} {"id": 73844, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Glee vydala vlastní řadu sladkostí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glee has released its own line of sweets."} {"id": 41691, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Britney Spearsová vydala album v roce 2002.", "evidence": [[[57987, 68220, "Britney Spears", 6, "Britney Spears"], [57987, 68220, "Britney Spears", 7, "Britney Spears"]]], "claim_en": "Britney Spears released an album in 2002."} {"id": 223107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zooey Deschanelová hrála ve filmu Your Highness.", "evidence": [[[265763, 262937, "Princ a pruďas", 0, "Your Highness"]]], "claim_en": "Zooey Deschanel stars in Your Highness."} {"id": 194612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avatar: Poslední vládce větru je animovaný světový seriál.", "evidence": [[[227954, 232284, "Avatar: Legenda o Aangovi", 0, "Avatar: The Last Airbender"], [227954, 232284, "Světová série", 0, "World Series"]]], "claim_en": "Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated World Series."} {"id": 8385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžběta II. uskutečnila státní návštěvu.", "evidence": [[[13615, 17033, "Alžběta II.", 10, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II conducted a state visit."} {"id": 10098, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Winona Ryder hrála v britských filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder has been in British films."} {"id": 112308, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John S. McCain Jr. vstoupil do letectva.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John S. McCain Jr. entered the air-force."} {"id": 228817, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cindy McCainová je manželkou zvoleného prezidenta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cindy McCain is the wife of a presidential elect."} {"id": 228640, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Jak ztratit přátele a odcizit se lidem hraje pouze Scarlet Johannsonová.", "evidence": [[[272794, 268483, "Jak se zbavit přátel a zůstat úplně sám", 6, "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Only Scarlet Johannson stars in How to Lose Friends & Alienate People."} {"id": 83899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buňky jsou základním měřítkem struktury a funkce.", "evidence": [[[100932, 114187, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]]], "claim_en": "Cells are fundamental measurements of structure and function."} {"id": 116092, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt rozšířil hranice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt expanded the borders."} {"id": 40515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Conjuring 2 je americký horor z roku2016 a pokračování filmu The Conjuring z roku 2013.", "evidence": [[[308646, 298978, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"]], [[308646, 298979, "V zajetí démonů 2", 1, "The Conjuring 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring 2 is a2016 American horror film and the sequel to 2013's The Conjuring."} {"id": 189817, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šmoulové (film) byl uveden do kin společností Columbia Pictures v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[221736, 227299, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]], [[221748, 227311, "Šmoulové (film)", 10, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs (film) was released by Columbia Pictures in 2010."} {"id": 25584, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 1996 Kurt Angle poprvé vystoupil jako profesionální wrestler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In 1996 Kurt Angle made his first appearance as a professional wrestler."} {"id": 53535, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janelle Monáe podepsala smlouvu s Atlantic Records na šest let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janelle Monáe is signed to Atlantic Records for six years."} {"id": 61875, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Roy Whiting je profesorem v Západním Sussexu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Roy Whiting is a professor in West Sussex."} {"id": 155315, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adolf Hitler pracoval po převzetí moci nacisty v roce 1933 a začal zavádět radikální a kontroverzní změny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler worked after the Nazi takeover in 1933 and began to institute radical and controversial changes."} {"id": 83813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V západním Chicagu začalo hlavní natáčení filmu Muž z oceli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In West Chicago, Man of Steel began principal photography."} {"id": 195115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "We Found Love je píseň z roku 2015.", "evidence": [[[228899, 232979, "We Found Love", 2, "We Found Love"]]], "claim_en": "We Found Love is a song from 2015."} {"id": 104797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joe Walsh hrál ve skupině The Eagles.", "evidence": [[[123103, 137391, "Eagles", 19, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Joe Walsh played for The Eagles."} {"id": 113147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Watsonová hraje tenis.", "evidence": [[[132714, 147632, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]], [[132755, 147667, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson plays tennis."} {"id": 71827, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Americká rozhlasová a televizní společnost se jmenuje pouze celým názvem.", "evidence": [[[88515, 101132, "American Broadcasting Company", 6, "American Broadcasting Company"]], [[88515, 101133, "American Broadcasting Company", 0, "American Broadcasting Company"]]], "claim_en": "The American Broadcasting Company is only called by its full name."} {"id": 194174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeb Bush je mladší bratr obchodníka.", "evidence": [[[227413, 231792, "Jeb Bush", 3, "Jeb Bush"], [227413, 231792, "George W. Bush", 0, "George W. Bush"], [227413, 231792, "George W. Bush", 1, "George W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Jeb Bush is the younger brother of a salesman."} {"id": 218538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Werner Herzog se narodil v dubnu.", "evidence": [[[259805, 258340, "Werner Herzog", 0, "Werner Herzog"]]], "claim_en": "Werner Herzog was born in April."} {"id": 58837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skóre inteligenčního kvocientu je absolutní.", "evidence": [[[75228, 86457, "Inteligenční kvocient", 9, "Intelligence quotient"]]], "claim_en": "Intelligence quotient scores are absolute."} {"id": 25174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Beatles byla anglická rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[41132, 49462, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles were an English rock band."} {"id": 222224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gil Sharone se objevil v americkém sitcomu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gil Sharone appeared on an American sitcom."} {"id": 108960, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mick Thomson byl v Miláně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mick Thomson was in Milan."} {"id": 173874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Danny Carey hrál pouze v jazzové kapele.", "evidence": [[[200943, 210412, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]], [[200944, 210413, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]], [[200945, 210414, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Carey was only ever in a jazz band."} {"id": 186740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Connie Brittonová hrála v televizním seriálu Nashville od roku 2012 do roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[217869, 224313, "Connie Britton", 12, "Connie Britton"]], [[217871, 224315, "Connie Britton", 12, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton starred on the television drama Nashville from 2012 until 2017."} {"id": 202132, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin Thicke vystupoval naživo s K. Michelle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has performed live with K. Michelle."} {"id": 61130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga přivítala Mildred Lovingovou.", "evidence": [[[77648, 89095, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga greeted Mildred Loving."} {"id": 12258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Burundi má ekonomické strany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Burundi has economic parties."} {"id": 47210, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Beverly Hillbillies je seriál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Beverly Hillbillies is a series."} {"id": 160447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi rizikové faktory pásového oparu patří špatná funkce imunitního systému.", "evidence": [[[184925, 196785, "Pásový opar", 13, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "Shingles risk factors include poor immune function."} {"id": 107470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "L. A. Reid byl odmítnut na pozici generálního ředitele americké nahrávací společnosti, kterou vlastní Sony Music Entertainment.", "evidence": [[[126156, 140552, "L.A. Reid", 1, "L.A. Reid"], [126156, 140552, "Epic Records", 0, "Epic Records"]]], "claim_en": "L.A. Reid was turned down for the role of CEO of an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment."} {"id": 68760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portugalská říše byla jednou z nejmenších říší ve světových dějinách.", "evidence": [[[85379, 97691, "Portugalská koloniální říše", 0, "Portuguese Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Portuguese Empire was one of the smallest empires in world history."} {"id": 228282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je hororový thriller.", "evidence": [[[273258, 268784, "Mlčení jehňátek", 0, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs is a horror-thriller film."} {"id": 211883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) je film, který vydělal přes 400 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[251117, 251059, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 7, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) is a film that grossed over $400 million."} {"id": 10896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Instagram je hrobka pro sdílení fotografií.", "evidence": [[[26094, 32094, "Instagram", 0, "Instagram"]]], "claim_en": "Instagram is a photo-sharing tomb."} {"id": 41878, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pulp Fiction je považován za útok na lidská práva.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pulp Fiction has been regarded as an attack on human rights."} {"id": 24839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanley Williams se narodil v roce 2005.", "evidence": [[[40786, 49038, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[40794, 49046, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Williams was born in 2005."} {"id": 142634, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Texasu se nachází Disney World.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Texas is the home of Disney World."} {"id": 151195, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janet Jacksonová podepsala smlouvu s australskou nahrávací společností.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janet Jackson was signed to an Australian record label."} {"id": 17276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicole Scherzinger zpívá pouze píseň With or Without You.", "evidence": [[[32735, 39798, "Nicole Scherzingerová", 11, "Nicole Scherzinger"]], [[32735, 39799, "Nicole Scherzingerová", 14, "Nicole Scherzinger"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Scherzinger only sings With or Without You."} {"id": 83934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je osmý film z MCU.", "evidence": [[[100953, 114204, "Thor: Temný svět", 1, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is the eighth film in the MCU."} {"id": 45705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Purple Rain bylo jediné album, které kdy vytvořil Prince.", "evidence": [[[62048, 72556, "Prince", 11, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62048, 72557, "Prince", 14, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62048, 72558, "Prince", 15, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62048, 72559, "Prince", 21, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62048, 72560, "Prince", 22, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72591, "Prince", 10, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72592, "Prince", 11, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72594, "Prince", 14, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72595, "Prince", 19, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72596, "Prince", 21, "Prince (musician)"]], [[62074, 72597, "Prince", 22, "Prince (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Purple Rain was the only album ever created by Prince."} {"id": 222477, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary pochází ze Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary is from the United States."} {"id": 136603, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Předávkování heroinem lze léčit změnou stravy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Heroin overdoses can be treated with dietary changes."} {"id": 190040, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily Jamesová ztvárnila postavu.", "evidence": [[[222018, 227483, "Lily James", 1, "Lily James"]], [[222018, 227484, "Lily James", 4, "Lily James"]], [[222018, 227485, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James portrayed a character."} {"id": 213371, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg navštěvoval americkou školu zpěvu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg attended an American singing school."} {"id": 104769, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grant Gustin hrál roli postavy.", "evidence": [[[123068, 137354, "Grant Gustin", 1, "Grant Gustin"]]], "claim_en": "Grant Gustin played the role of a character."} {"id": 16572, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rafael Nadal nebyl prvním mužem, který desetkrát vyhrál turnaj Monte-Carlo Masters.", "evidence": [[[31977, 38809, "Rafael Nadal", 18, "Rafael Nadal"]]], "claim_en": "Rafael Nadal was not the first man to win the Monte-Carlo Masters ten times."} {"id": 329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Investiční fondy jsou také označovány jako prostě fondy.", "evidence": [[[15701, 19559, "Investiční fond", 10, "Investment fund"]]], "claim_en": "Investment funds are also referred to as simply funds."} {"id": 156152, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brittany Murphyová hrála ve filmu Neříkej ani slovo.", "evidence": [[[180207, 192752, "Brittany Murphyová", 6, "Brittany Murphy"]]], "claim_en": "Brittany Murphy starred in Don't Say a Word."} {"id": 198726, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Licence to Drive hraje americká kočka narozená v roce 1952.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "License to Drive stars an American cat born in 1952."} {"id": 5513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lovci stínů měli premiéru v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[21916, 26909, "Lovci stínů: Nástroje smrti", 4, "Shadowhunters"]]], "claim_en": "Shadowhunters premiered in 2016."} {"id": 151985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muhammad Ali není boxer.", "evidence": [[[175934, 188903, "Muhammad Ali", 0, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188904, "Muhammad Ali", 5, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188906, "Muhammad Ali", 13, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188907, "Muhammad Ali", 18, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188908, "Muhammad Ali", 21, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188909, "Muhammad Ali", 23, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188910, "Muhammad Ali", 28, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188911, "Muhammad Ali", 31, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188912, "Muhammad Ali", 38, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[175934, 188913, "Muhammad Ali", 39, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali is not a boxer."} {"id": 167352, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obecným záměrem stand-up komedie je být vtipný nebo zábavný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The general intention of stand-up comedy is to be humorous or amusing."} {"id": 119714, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "William Shatner uváděl pořad, který získal cenu People's Choice Award.", "evidence": [[[140690, 155850, "William Shatner", 6, "William Shatner"]]], "claim_en": "William Shatner presented a show that was the winner of a People's Choice Award."} {"id": 149094, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matt Lautner vyhrál soutěž X Factor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Lautner won the X Factor."} {"id": 141737, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Giacomo Casanova byl sotva dobrodruh.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Giacomo Casanova was barely an adventurer."} {"id": 33367, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Džaváharlál Néhrú byl žena.", "evidence": [[[49483, 58830, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 1, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58831, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 2, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58832, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 3, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58833, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 6, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58834, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 7, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58835, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 8, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58836, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 9, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58837, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 16, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58838, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 22, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58839, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 23, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58840, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 24, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58841, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 25, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]], [[49483, 58842, "Džaváharlál Néhrú", 30, "Jawaharlal Nehru"]]], "claim_en": "Jawaharlal Nehru was a woman."} {"id": 102642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana obsahuje pouze město Boston.", "evidence": [[[280649, 275051, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]], [[280654, 275069, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]], [[280655, 275070, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"], [280655, 275070, "Boston", 0, "Boston"]], [[280655, 275071, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]], [[327203, 314534, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]], [[327203, 314535, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]], [[327203, 314536, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"], [327203, 314536, "Boston", 0, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana only contains the city Boston."} {"id": 31418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Franšíza Saw vydělala necelých 873 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[47551, 56755, "Saw (filmová série)", 8, "Saw (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "The Saw franchise grossed under $873 million."} {"id": 134705, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi zemřel v úterý 4. října 1904.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi died on Tuesday October 4, 1904."} {"id": 73792, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rtěnka pod mou burkou má komentář.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lipstick Under My Burkha has commentary."} {"id": 214130, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Celeste a Jesse navždy hraje Jensen Ackles.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Celeste and Jesse Forever stars Jensen Ackles."} {"id": 169300, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur je na nízkém místě v žebříčku osobní bezpečnosti.", "evidence": [[[195155, 205484, "Singapur", 18, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is ranked lowly in personal safety."} {"id": 6881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marcus Allen byl v 80. letech minulého století nejlepším hráčem Super Bowlu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marcus Allen was a Super Bowl MVP in the 1980s."} {"id": 177324, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Albert Einstein získal Nobelovu cenu za fyziku.", "evidence": [[[205512, 214085, "Albert Einstein", 4, "Albert Einstein"]]], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein received a Nobel Prize in Physics."} {"id": 73701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Denpasar je hlavní město ostrova Bali s 350 000 obyvateli.", "evidence": [[[90493, 103247, "Bali", 3, "Bali"], [90493, 103247, "Denpasar", 5, "Denpasar"]]], "claim_en": "Denpasar is the capital of Bali, with a population of 350,000."} {"id": 52109, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chobotnice modrokřídlá loví výhradně raky.", "evidence": [[[68417, 79280, "Hapalochlaena", 11, "Blue-ringed octopus"], [68417, 79280, "Korýši", 0, "Crustacean"]]], "claim_en": "The blue-ringed octopus solely hunts crayfish."} {"id": 81484, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Evan Rachel Woodová spolupracovala se Sarkozym.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evan Rachel Wood has worked with Sarkozy."} {"id": 182708, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nina Jacobsonová má narozeniny v roce 1965.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nina Jacobson's birthday is in 1965."} {"id": 124538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Severní Korea se nachází na Pyrenejském poloostrově.", "evidence": [[[146094, 161093, "Severní Korea", 0, "North Korea"]]], "claim_en": "North Korea is on the Iberian Peninsula."} {"id": 14165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Apollo 11 odstartovalo v červenci.", "evidence": [[[33913, 41118, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]], [[35824, 43367, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]], [[37773, 45705, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]], [[301900, 292991, "Apollo 11", 1, "Apollo 11"]], [[303357, 294326, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]], [[304557, 295376, "Apollo 11", 8, "Apollo 11"]]], "claim_en": "Apollo 11 was launched in July."} {"id": 4424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Pratt ztvárnil Star-Lorda ve filmu Strážci Galaxie.", "evidence": [[[20708, 25365, "Chris Pratt", 5, "Chris Pratt"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pratt portrayed Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy."} {"id": 115836, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willie Nelson byl propuštěn kvůli žirafě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson was discharged due to a giraffe."} {"id": 113319, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Napoleon se narodil v Haute-Corse.", "evidence": [[[132935, 147824, "Napoleon Bonaparte", 8, "Napoleon"]]], "claim_en": "Napoleon was born in Haute-Corse."} {"id": 35180, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Existuje a existovala pouze jedna verze Supermana.", "evidence": [[[51382, 61105, "Superman", 17, "Superman"]]], "claim_en": "Only one version of Superman exists and has existed."} {"id": 117872, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Foreman je bronzový olympijský medailista.", "evidence": [[[138317, 153325, "George Foreman", 5, "George Foreman"]], [[138356, 153386, "George Foreman", 1, "George Foreman"]], [[138356, 153387, "George Foreman", 5, "George Foreman"]]], "claim_en": "George Foreman is an Olympic bronze medalist."} {"id": 20743, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neymar se proslavil v raném věku v Santosu.", "evidence": [[[36530, 44140, "Neymar", 3, "Neymar"]]], "claim_en": "Neymar came into prominence at an early age at Santos."} {"id": 2384, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "USS Constitution byla loď amerického námořnictva.", "evidence": [[[18237, 22400, "USS Constitution", 0, "USS Constitution"]], [[18237, 22401, "USS Constitution", 11, "USS Constitution"]], [[18237, 22402, "USS Constitution", 21, "USS Constitution"]]], "claim_en": "The USS Constitution was a ship in the navy."} {"id": 202075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Harry Styles a jeho spoluhráči vydali album Up All Night.", "evidence": [[[238004, 240169, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles and his bandmates released the album Up All Night."} {"id": 186695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Calvin Harris je zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[217811, 224267, "Calvin Harris", 0, "Calvin Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris is a singer."} {"id": 154988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau je herec.", "evidence": [[[295969, 287951, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297478, 289132, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289222, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289223, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 2, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289224, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 3, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289225, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 6, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289226, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 7, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289227, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 8, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[297580, 289228, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 9, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342574, 326556, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342580, 326561, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342581, 326562, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342583, 326563, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342597, 326571, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342600, 326573, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 0, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342600, 326576, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 6, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342600, 326577, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 8, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]], [[342600, 326579, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", 9, "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau"]]], "claim_en": "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is an actor."} {"id": 213591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate & Leopold je film z roku 2001.", "evidence": [[[253479, 253328, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]]], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold is a 2001 film."} {"id": 12083, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Severní Koreji žijí žirafy a pandy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "North Korea has giraffes and pandas."} {"id": 122693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Sám doma nenapsal a neprodukoval John Hughes.", "evidence": [[[144056, 159132, "Sám doma", 0, "Home Alone"]]], "claim_en": "Home Alone was not written and produced by John Hughes."} {"id": 71404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Archimedes byl člověk.", "evidence": [[[88084, 100617, "Archimédés", 10, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100618, "Archimédés", 11, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100619, "Archimédés", 12, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100620, "Archimédés", 15, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100621, "Archimédés", 16, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100622, "Archimédés", 17, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100623, "Archimédés", 21, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100624, "Archimédés", 24, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100625, "Archimédés", 25, "Archimedes"]], [[88084, 100626, "Archimédés", 26, "Archimedes"]]], "claim_en": "Archimedes was a person."} {"id": 118670, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kurt Angle není wrestler.", "evidence": [[[282922, 277037, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277038, "Kurt Angle", 2, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277039, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277040, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277041, "Kurt Angle", 5, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277042, "Kurt Angle", 6, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277043, "Kurt Angle", 10, "Kurt Angle"]], [[282922, 277044, "Kurt Angle", 13, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284823, 278532, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278542, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278543, "Kurt Angle", 2, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278544, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278545, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278546, "Kurt Angle", 5, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278547, "Kurt Angle", 6, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278548, "Kurt Angle", 10, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278556, "Kurt Angle", 22, "Kurt Angle"]], [[284832, 278557, "Kurt Angle", 27, "Kurt Angle"]], [[331305, 317793, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332200, 318574, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332201, 318575, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318579, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318580, "Kurt Angle", 2, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318581, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318582, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318583, "Kurt Angle", 5, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318584, "Kurt Angle", 6, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318585, "Kurt Angle", 10, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318586, "Kurt Angle", 11, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318588, "Kurt Angle", 13, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318589, "Kurt Angle", 14, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318590, "Kurt Angle", 15, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318591, "Kurt Angle", 16, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318592, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318595, "Kurt Angle", 22, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318596, "Kurt Angle", 23, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318597, "Kurt Angle", 26, "Kurt Angle"], [332210, 318597, "World Wrestling Entertainment", 0, "WWE"]], [[332210, 318598, "Kurt Angle", 27, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318600, "Kurt Angle", 29, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318601, "Kurt Angle", 30, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332210, 318602, "Kurt Angle", 31, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318606, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318607, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318608, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318609, "Kurt Angle", 5, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318610, "Kurt Angle", 6, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318611, "Kurt Angle", 7, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318612, "Kurt Angle", 10, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318613, "Kurt Angle", 12, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318614, "Kurt Angle", 13, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318615, "Kurt Angle", 14, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318616, "Kurt Angle", 15, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318617, "Kurt Angle", 11, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318618, "Kurt Angle", 16, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318619, "Kurt Angle", 19, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318620, "Kurt Angle", 20, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318621, "Kurt Angle", 21, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318622, "Kurt Angle", 22, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318623, "Kurt Angle", 23, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318624, "Kurt Angle", 26, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318625, "Kurt Angle", 27, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318626, "Kurt Angle", 28, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318627, "Kurt Angle", 29, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318628, "Kurt Angle", 30, "Kurt Angle"]], [[332215, 318629, "Kurt Angle", 31, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle isn't a wrestler."} {"id": 18656, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nacistické Německo ovládalo kukuřici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nazi Germany controlled corn."} {"id": 13567, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kiefer Sutherland je pouze malíř.", "evidence": [[[28807, 35165, "Kiefer Sutherland", 0, "Kiefer Sutherland"]]], "claim_en": "Kiefer Sutherland is only a painter."} {"id": 153890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít je neadaptovaný román.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an unadapted novel."} {"id": 78570, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Faye Resnicková je Štír.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Faye Resnick is a Scorpio."} {"id": 128208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andrew Garfield je pouze učitel.", "evidence": [[[150213, 165136, "Andrew Garfield", 0, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165137, "Andrew Garfield", 1, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165138, "Andrew Garfield", 2, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165139, "Andrew Garfield", 3, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165140, "Andrew Garfield", 6, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165141, "Andrew Garfield", 7, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165142, "Andrew Garfield", 9, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165143, "Andrew Garfield", 12, "Andrew Garfield"]], [[150213, 165144, "Andrew Garfield", 13, "Andrew Garfield"]]], "claim_en": "Andrew Garfield is only a teacher."} {"id": 31403, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmanuel Adebayor se podílel na útoku na fotbalovou reprezentaci Angoly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmanuel Adebayor was involved in the Angola national football team attack."} {"id": 11101, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do skupiny Girls' Generation nepatří Hyoyeon.", "evidence": [[[26295, 32305, "Girls' Generation", 1, "Girls' Generation"]]], "claim_en": "Girls' Generation does not include Hyoyeon."} {"id": 168302, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra o trůny (3. série) se natáčela především ve středu Severního Irska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones (season 3) was filmed primarily in the center of the Northern Ireland."} {"id": 97996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) byla uvedena do kin v listopadu 2016.", "evidence": [[[115613, 129485, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 6, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) was released in November of 2016."} {"id": 107462, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gendry se objevil v románu Jumanji.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gendry appeared in the novel Jumanji."} {"id": 54449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sam Worthington si zahrál ve filmu Avatar roli Jakea Sullyho.", "evidence": [[[70803, 81688, "Sam Worthington", 2, "Sam Worthington"]]], "claim_en": "Sam Worthington was in avatar as Jake Sully."} {"id": 211130, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf je německý performer.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf is a German performance artist."} {"id": 26043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rozhlasový pořad Howarda Sterna byl v letech 1986 až 2005 vysílán celostátně v pozemním rádiu.", "evidence": [[[42055, 50583, "Howard Stern", 1, "Howard Stern"]]], "claim_en": "Howard Stern's radio show was nationally syndicated on terrestrial radio from 1986 to 2005."} {"id": 10383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anne Hathawayová dosud nehrála.", "evidence": [[[25353, 31269, "Anne Hathaway", 0, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway has yet to act."} {"id": 33193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Corey Taylor hraje v estonské kapele.", "evidence": [[[49275, 58606, "Corey Taylor", 0, "Corey Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "Corey Taylor is in an Estonian band."} {"id": 114628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Burundi má mírné podnebí.", "evidence": [[[134615, 149523, "Burundi", 33, "Burundi"], [134615, 149523, "Ekvatoriální podnebí", 0, "Tropical rainforest climate"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi has a temperate climate."} {"id": 54195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Divergentní série: Allegiant je na něčem založena.", "evidence": [[[70503, 81398, "Aliance (film)", 1, "The Divergent Series: Allegiant"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant is based on something."} {"id": 143511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sokrates byl Říman.", "evidence": [[[166658, 180455, "Sókratés", 0, "Socrates"]]], "claim_en": "Socrates was Roman."} {"id": 65364, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Solange Knowlesová je dvojjazyčná.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Solange Knowles is bilingual."} {"id": 133757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marta Kauffmanová produkovala film Veroničina skříň.", "evidence": [[[156287, 170901, "Marta Kauffman", 2, "Marta Kauffman"]]], "claim_en": "Marta Kauffman produced Veronica's Closet."} {"id": 207885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aruba leží sto mil jižně od pobřeží Venezuely.", "evidence": [[[245955, 246597, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is a hundred miles south of the coastline of Venezuela."} {"id": 105628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na filmu Pokoj pracoval Lenny Abrahamson.", "evidence": [[[123962, 138299, "Room (film, 2015)", 0, "Room (2015 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Room was worked on by Lenny Abrahamson."} {"id": 21316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Island nezaložil norský náčelník Ingólfr Arnarson.", "evidence": [[[37083, 44759, "Island", 10, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Iceland was not established by the Norwegian chieftain Ingólfr Arnarson."} {"id": 21814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anaheim v Kalifornii je nejlidnatější město v okrese Fila.", "evidence": [[[37621, 45556, "Anaheim", 1, "Anaheim, California"]]], "claim_en": "Anaheim, California is the most populous city in Fila County."} {"id": 201688, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emma Stoneová začala hrát ve svém rodném městě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emma Stone was started acting in her hometown."} {"id": 106636, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Imagine Dragons mají poslední studiové album.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons have a final studio album."} {"id": 86217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Řecko se nachází v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[103399, 116803, "Řecko", 0, "Greece"]], [[103399, 116804, "Řecko", 5, "Greece"], [103399, 116804, "Balkán", 0, "Balkans"]], [[103399, 116805, "Řecko", 18, "Greece"]]], "claim_en": "Greece is located in Europe."} {"id": 200236, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dominick Dunne byl členem skupiny Panic in Needle Park.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dominick Dunne was a member of the band Panic in Needle Park."} {"id": 55532, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Balúčové mluví o smrti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Baloch people speak of death."} {"id": 163119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dracula je gotický horor.", "evidence": [[[187674, 199267, "Drákula (kniha)", 0, "Dracula"]]], "claim_en": "Dracula is a Gothic horror film."} {"id": 210027, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Afghánistán je spojencem dynastie Šafaridů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the ally of the Saffarid dynasty."} {"id": 106599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buddhismus se již nepraktikuje.", "evidence": [[[125306, 139630, "Buddhismus", 0, "Buddhism"]], [[125306, 139631, "Buddhismus", 6, "Buddhism"]], [[125306, 139632, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]], [[125306, 139633, "Buddhismus", 10, "Buddhism"]], [[125306, 139634, "Buddhismus", 19, "Buddhism"]], [[125306, 139635, "Buddhismus", 2, "Buddhism"], [125306, 139635, "Mahájána", 0, "Mahayana"]], [[125306, 139637, "Buddhismus", 14, "Buddhism"], [125306, 139637, "Mahájána", 0, "Mahayana"]], [[125306, 139638, "Buddhismus", 15, "Buddhism"], [125306, 139638, "Mahájána", 0, "Mahayana"]], [[125306, 139639, "Buddhismus", 18, "Buddhism"], [125306, 139639, "Mahájána", 0, "Mahayana"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism is no longer practiced."} {"id": 186207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Následující text byl napsán osobou.", "evidence": [[[217154, 223804, "Sledování (film)", 0, "Following"], [217154, 223804, "Christopher Nolan", 0, "Christopher Nolan"]]], "claim_en": "Following was written by a person."} {"id": 202760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Despicable Me 2 byl vyroben společností Illumination Entertainment.", "evidence": [[[238957, 240913, "Já, padouch 2", 1, "Despicable Me 2"]]], "claim_en": "Despicable Me 2 was produced by Illumination Entertainment."} {"id": 68205, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hugh Jackman odmítl roli ve filmu Bídníci.", "evidence": [[[84801, 97031, "Hugh Jackman", 3, "Hugh Jackman"]], [[84801, 97032, "Hugh Jackman", 2, "Hugh Jackman"]]], "claim_en": "Hugh Jackman turned down a role in Les Miserables."} {"id": 77813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eddie Guerrero byl závislý na heroinu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eddie Guerrero was addicted to heroin."} {"id": 73269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu SpongeBob SquarePants Movie hraje pes.", "evidence": [[[90029, 102700, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 1, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie stars a dog."} {"id": 35538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham je ženatý s Emmou Buntonovou.", "evidence": [[[51723, 61508, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham is married to Emma Bunton."} {"id": 183130, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Tata Motors je součástí časopisu Public Opinion.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tata Motors is a constituent of the Public Opinion Magazine."} {"id": 99176, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Red Hot Chili Peppers byla založena v roce 1992.", "evidence": [[[30524, 37126, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37127, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 9, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37128, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 10, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37129, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 12, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37130, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 13, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37131, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 14, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[30524, 37132, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 15, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292268, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292269, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 9, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292270, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 10, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292271, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 12, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292272, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 13, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292273, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 14, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[301138, 292274, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 15, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]]], "claim_en": "The Red Hot Chili Peppers were founded in 1992."} {"id": 125114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Willieho Nelsona vychovali jeho rodiče.", "evidence": [[[288064, 281333, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]], [[288578, 281797, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]], [[333167, 319415, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]], [[333170, 319416, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]], [[333172, 319417, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson was raised by his parents."} {"id": 57837, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cate Blanchettová hrála v 80. letech 20. století divadlo v Austrálii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cate Blanchett performed theater in Australia in the 1980s."} {"id": 20212, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vera Farmiga režírovala filmy Conjuring.", "evidence": [[[36031, 43567, "Vera Farmigová", 12, "Vera Farmiga"]]], "claim_en": "Vera Farmiga directed the Conjuring films."} {"id": 15322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephanie Daleyová je film o cudnosti dospívajících.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephanie Daley is a film about teenage chastity."} {"id": 66684, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Indii se sleduje kriket.", "evidence": [[[83253, 95192, "Kriket", 33, "Cricket"]], [[83336, 95282, "Kriket", 33, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Cricket is followed in India."} {"id": 196021, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americký akční horor Mumie z roku 2017 je rebootem stejnojmenného filmu z konce devadesátých let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 2017 American action-adventure horror film The Mummy is a reboot of the late-nineties film of the same name."} {"id": 119165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Truman Capote se s Harper Lee setkal pouze jednou.", "evidence": [[[140166, 155170, "Truman Capote", 9, "Truman Capote"]]], "claim_en": "Truman Capote only met Harper Lee once."} {"id": 24377, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Spacey byl vyhozen z práce v divadle.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Spacey was fired from working in theater."} {"id": 34171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Frank má podobu studiového alba.", "evidence": [[[50290, 59869, "Frank (album)", 0, "Frank (Amy Winehouse album)"]]], "claim_en": "Frank is in the form of a studio album."} {"id": 131679, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "NASA zanedbává vývoj víceúčelové lodi Orion Crew Vehicle.", "evidence": [[[289197, 282321, "NASA", 9, "NASA"]], [[290849, 283807, "NASA", 9, "NASA"]], [[335539, 321321, "NASA", 9, "NASA"]]], "claim_en": "NASA is neglecting the development of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle."} {"id": 200341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Tábor z roku 2003 byl filmovým debutem Anny Kendrick.", "evidence": [[[235653, 238245, "Anna Kendrick", 3, "Anna Kendrick"]]], "claim_en": "The 2003 film Camp was Anna Kendrick's film debut."} {"id": 21872, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Libanon byl díky své prosperitě označován za \"Švýcarsko Východu\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lebanon was referred to as the \"Switzerland of the East\" because of its prosperity."} {"id": 160233, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Froome má dva britské rodiče jak etnického původu, tak občanství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Froome has two British parents both in ethnicity and citizenship."} {"id": 74842, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Zemeckis natočil filmy pro rodiny a je uznávaný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Zemeckis has made movies for families and he is acclaimed."} {"id": 54995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Slwas se narodil 23. července 1965.", "evidence": [[[71351, 82299, "Slash", 0, "Slash (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Slwas was born born July 23, 1965."} {"id": 8256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Epizoda II - Útok klonů vyšel na Blu-ray v roce 2011 u příležitosti 50. výročí Star Wars.", "evidence": [[[13420, 16783, "Star Wars: Epizoda II – Klony útočí", 21, "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones was released on Blu-ray in 2011 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Star Wars."} {"id": 5111, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Hutchence zemřel v australském Sydney.", "evidence": [[[22118, 27182, "Michael Hutchence", 15, "Michael Hutchence"], [22118, 27182, "Sydney", 0, "Sydney"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Hutchence died in Sydney, Australia."} {"id": 99020, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "James McAvoy hrál v televizi.", "evidence": [[[116655, 130552, "James McAvoy", 2, "James McAvoy"]]], "claim_en": "James McAvoy has been on television."} {"id": 100255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na Arubě nejsou kaktusy.", "evidence": [[[117923, 131800, "Aruba", 12, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba does not have cacti."} {"id": 35888, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adolf Hitler byl nacista.", "evidence": [[[52072, 61962, "Adolf Hitler", 0, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[52072, 61963, "Adolf Hitler", 9, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[52072, 61964, "Adolf Hitler", 14, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[52072, 61965, "Adolf Hitler", 29, "Adolf Hitler"]], [[52072, 61966, "Adolf Hitler", 30, "Adolf Hitler"]]], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was a Nazi."} {"id": 178119, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hardwick uváděl pořad na BBC America.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hardwick hosted a show on BBC America."} {"id": 183217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film One More Light byl vydán v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[213259, 220550, "One More Light", 1, "One More Light"]]], "claim_en": "One More Light was released in 2017."} {"id": 6616, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letní olympijské hry 2016 se konaly mimo Rio de Janeiro.", "evidence": [[[23401, 28835, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "The 2016 Summer Olympics was held outside of Rio de Janeiro."} {"id": 97045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles de Gaulle byl sbormistrem.", "evidence": [[[114652, 128397, "Charles de Gaulle", 0, "Charles de Gaulle"]]], "claim_en": "Charles de Gaulle was a choir leader."} {"id": 206664, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Papua-Nová Guinea zaujímá východní část Nové Guineje.", "evidence": [[[244366, 245384, "Papua Nová Guinea", 0, "Papua New Guinea"]]], "claim_en": "Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern side of New Guinea."} {"id": 145754, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Earl Warren pracoval jako imitátor vládních úředníků.", "evidence": [[[169107, 182781, "Earl Warren", 0, "Earl Warren"]]], "claim_en": "Earl Warren worked as a government official impersonator."} {"id": 73529, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Warren Buffett je chobotnice.", "evidence": [[[90328, 103077, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]]], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett is a squid."} {"id": 83403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elvis Presley se v roce 1968 vrátil na jeviště.", "evidence": [[[100449, 113742, "Elvis Presley", 16, "Elvis Presley"]]], "claim_en": "Elvis Presley returned to the stage in 1968."} {"id": 33298, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth se objevil v seriálu The Outer Limits.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth appeared in The Outer Limits."} {"id": 147155, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Slečna Selfridgeová se nachází v Podněstří.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miss Selfridge is in Transnistria."} {"id": 167222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Count Basie vzal svou skupinu do města v zemi.", "evidence": [[[192393, 203140, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"], [192393, 203140, "Chicago", 0, "Chicago"]], [[192414, 203156, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"], [192414, 203156, "Chicago", 0, "Chicago"], [192414, 203156, "Chicago", 2, "Chicago"]]], "claim_en": "Count Basie took his group to a city in a country."} {"id": 52644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jefferson Davis vyrostl a celý život strávil na moři.", "evidence": [[[68942, 79746, "Jefferson Davis", 5, "Jefferson Davis"]]], "claim_en": "Jefferson Davis grew up and spent his entire life at sea."} {"id": 156669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová byla nominována na Oscara.", "evidence": [[[296189, 288116, "Sarah Paulsonová", 9, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[296189, 288117, "Sarah Paulsonová", 11, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[297757, 289364, "Sarah Paulsonová", 11, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[342456, 326477, "Sarah Paulsonová", 11, "Sarah Paulson"]], [[342457, 326478, "Sarah Paulsonová", 11, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson was nominated for an Academy Award."} {"id": 135078, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Wayne Rooney je hráčem Anglie od roku 2009.", "evidence": [[[157664, 172277, "Wayne Rooney", 14, "Wayne Rooney"]], [[157664, 172278, "Wayne Rooney", 17, "Wayne Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Wayne Rooney is a player for England since 2009."} {"id": 211122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf nemá žádné zkušenosti s vystupováním.", "evidence": [[[250147, 250195, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[250147, 250196, "Shia LaBeouf", 12, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf has no experience as a performance artist."} {"id": 45984, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Inspirací pro Hvězdné války je Luke Skywalker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The inspiration for Star Wars is Luke Skywalker."} {"id": 155265, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John F. Kennedy Jr. byl zabit v roce 1960.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed in 1960."} {"id": 101121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roald Dahl je britský spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[118879, 132712, "Roald Dahl", 0, "Roald Dahl"]]], "claim_en": "Roald Dahl is a British writer."} {"id": 216364, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jazyk čagatajština nemá žádnou psanou podobu.", "evidence": [[[257069, 256127, "Čagatajština", 0, "Chagatai language"]]], "claim_en": "There is no written form of the Chagatai language."} {"id": 214934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Po Jiřím VI. nastoupila jeho nejmladší dcera.", "evidence": [[[255214, 254681, "Jiří VI.", 28, "George VI"]]], "claim_en": "George VI was succeeded by his youngest daughter."} {"id": 159437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Travisi Scottovi bylo odepřeno americké občanství.", "evidence": [[[183824, 195825, "Travis Scott", 0, "Travis Scott"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Scott was denied American citizenship."} {"id": 62349, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shawn Carlson je vychovatel domácích zvířat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shawn Carlson is a pet educator."} {"id": 25177, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová je zapomenuta pro svou eleganci.", "evidence": [[[41126, 49455, "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová", 16, "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis"]]], "claim_en": "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is forgotten for her elegance."} {"id": 22882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Linda McCartneyová byla Němka.", "evidence": [[[40541, 48768, "Linda McCartney", 0, "Linda McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was German."} {"id": 122255, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Google byl založen v době, kdy Page a Brin byli doktorandy na prasečáku.", "evidence": [[[143606, 158716, "Google", 2, "Google"]]], "claim_en": "Google was founded while Page and Brin were Ph.D. students at pig."} {"id": 118019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jordan byl sportovec v bezkontaktním sportu.", "evidence": [[[138476, 153542, "Michael Jordan", 0, "Michael Jordan"], [138476, 153542, "Basketbal", 0, "Basketball"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan was an athlete in a non-contact sport."} {"id": 163293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu The Homesman hraje Hilary Swank.", "evidence": [[[187848, 199413, "Síla života", 1, "The Homesman"]]], "claim_en": "The Homesman stars Hilary Swank."} {"id": 219895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Garry Kasparov je politický aktivista.", "evidence": [[[263772, 261382, "Garri Kasparov", 0, "Garry Kasparov"]]], "claim_en": "Garry Kasparov is a political activist."} {"id": 117000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michigan je osmý nejlidnatější z 50 států USA.", "evidence": [[[282666, 276808, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]], [[284597, 278377, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]], [[285419, 279041, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]], [[285420, 279042, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]], [[330829, 317366, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]], [[330833, 317370, "Michigan", 2, "Michigan"]]], "claim_en": "Michigan is the eighth most populous of the 50 United States."} {"id": 50258, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "House je seriál pro jednoho herce s Hughem Lauriem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[66570, 77387, "Dr. House", 8, "House (TV series)"]], [[66570, 77388, "Dr. House", 9, "House (TV series)"]], [[66570, 77389, "Dr. House", 10, "House (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "House is a one-man show starring Hugh Laurie."} {"id": 78584, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bangladéš nebyl zasažen vojenskými převraty.", "evidence": [[[95540, 108574, "Bangladéš", 31, "Bangladesh"]]], "claim_en": "Bangladesh has been unaffected by military coups."} {"id": 137565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová hrála ve filmu Shutter Island.", "evidence": [[[160316, 174855, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 6, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams was in Shutter Island."} {"id": 58217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje několik televizních seriálů, v nichž se objevila Evan Rachel Woodová.", "evidence": [[[74570, 85805, "Evan Rachel Woodová", 1, "Evan Rachel Wood"]]], "claim_en": "There are several television series where Evan Rachel Wood appeared in."} {"id": 78599, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Whiplash byl uveden v kinech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Whiplash was released in a box."} {"id": 87918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kačer Donald obvykle nosí námořnickou mikinu.", "evidence": [[[105123, 118549, "Kačer Donald", 2, "Donald Duck"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Duck typically wears a sailor sweatshirt."} {"id": 97233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Year Zero je album skupiny Nine Inch Nails.", "evidence": [[[117227, 131122, "Year Zero", 0, "Year Zero (album)"]], [[117227, 131123, "Year Zero", 8, "Year Zero (album)"], [117227, 131123, "Nine Inch Nails", 5, "Nine Inch Nails"]]], "claim_en": "Year Zero is an album by the band Nine Inch Nails."} {"id": 8292, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Album Wild bylo vydáno v roce 2014.", "evidence": [[[13469, 16835, "Divočina (film)", 0, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[13469, 16836, "Divočina (film)", 3, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[13476, 16840, "Divočina (film)", 0, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[13476, 16841, "Divočina (film)", 3, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[13486, 16853, "Divočina (film)", 0, "Wild (2014 film)"]], [[13486, 16854, "Divočina (film)", 3, "Wild (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Wild was released in 2014."} {"id": 212385, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundgarden se definitivně rozpadli rok předtím, než vznikla Nirvana.", "evidence": [[[251927, 251702, "Soundgarden", 6, "Soundgarden"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden had disbanded permanently the year before Nirvana formed."} {"id": 23332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, založil v březnu 1976 nadaci The Prince's Trust.", "evidence": [[[39284, 47310, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 16, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales founded The Prince's Trust in March of 1976."} {"id": 210670, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Gere získal cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Gere won a Tony award."} {"id": 107634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steffi Grafová je Lev.", "evidence": [[[126355, 140759, "Steffi Grafová", 0, "Steffi Graf"]]], "claim_en": "Steffi Graf is a Leo."} {"id": 223266, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šestadvacátého ledna 2016 je datum, kdy Maria Šarapovová neprošla dopingovým testem.", "evidence": [[[265937, 263056, "Maria Šarapovová", 25, "Maria Sharapova"]]], "claim_en": "January 26th, 2016 is the date when Maria Sharapova failed a drug test."} {"id": 216413, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bermudy se nacházejí pouze v Indickém oceánu.", "evidence": [[[257134, 256171, "Bermudy", 0, "Bermuda"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda is only in the Indian Ocean."} {"id": 83456, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "San Francisco má teplé léto.", "evidence": [[[100500, 113799, "San Francisco", 18, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "San Francisco has warm summers."} {"id": 48340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peking je vlajkovou lodí národa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beijing is the nation's flagship."} {"id": 129054, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Donald Sutherland hraje ve filmu Zápisník jedné lásky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Donald Sutherland is in The Notebook."} {"id": 130965, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z nejmenších zemí Afriky je Burundi.", "evidence": [[[153233, 167996, "Burundi", 33, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "One of the smallest countries in Africa is Burundi."} {"id": 107568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Konkrétních výsledků inteligenčního kvocientu nelze dosáhnout, protože testování je mimo.", "evidence": [[[126262, 140666, "Inteligenční kvocient", 9, "Intelligence quotient"]]], "claim_en": "Concrete intelligence quotient scores cannot be achieved because the testing is off."} {"id": 96416, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Druhé album Celine Dion bylo ovlivněno R&B.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Celine Dion's second album was influenced by R&B."} {"id": 52360, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga je královnou Ruska.", "evidence": [[[68666, 79530, "Ruth Negga", 0, "Ruth Negga"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga is the queen of Russia."} {"id": 100867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neil deGrasse Tyson ostře kritizoval rubriku \"Vesmír\" v časopise Natural History.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neil deGrasse Tyson heavily criticized the \"Universe\" column of Natural History."} {"id": 98141, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Punk rock se rozvinul ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[115880, 129753, "Punk rock", 0, "Punk rock"]]], "claim_en": "Punk rock developed in the United States."} {"id": 133016, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kris Kristofferson byl buddhista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kris Kristofferson was a Buddhist."} {"id": 12336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Newman závodí v silničních závodech.", "evidence": [[[27579, 33775, "Paul Newman", 6, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman competes in road racing."} {"id": 36125, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Testovací kriket má neomezený počet aut.", "evidence": [[[52315, 62283, "Kriket", 25, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Test cricket has unlimited cars."} {"id": 144477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zlato má peněžní ideu.", "evidence": [[[167711, 181476, "Zlato", 23, "Gold"]]], "claim_en": "Gold has a monetary idea."} {"id": 27374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dianě Rossové bylo odepřeno získat v USA první místo v hitparádě popu.", "evidence": [[[43516, 52175, "Diana Rossová", 7, "Diana Ross"]], [[43516, 52176, "Diana Rossová", 14, "Diana Ross"]]], "claim_en": "Diana Ross was denied a US number-one Pop hit."} {"id": 132688, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael McCullers spolupracoval s Lukasem Moodysonem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael McCullers worked with Lukas Moodyson."} {"id": 2754, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Eubank Jr. je starostou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Eubank Jr. is a mayor."} {"id": 210336, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skladbu Here Comes the Sun hrála skupina The Beatles.", "evidence": [[[249165, 249218, "Here Comes the Sun", 0, "Here Comes the Sun"]]], "claim_en": "Here Comes the Sun was played by The Beatles."} {"id": 18206, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Queen Latifah je fotografka.", "evidence": [[[33746, 40913, "Queen Latifah", 0, "Queen Latifah"]]], "claim_en": "Queen Latifah is a photographer."} {"id": 130387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mentální anorexie se vyznačuje omezováním.", "evidence": [[[152639, 167408, "Mentální anorexie", 0, "Anorexia nervosa"]]], "claim_en": "Anorexia nervosa is characterized by restriction."} {"id": 144249, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Timon a Pumbaa je německý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Timon & Pumbaa is German."} {"id": 99160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daft Punk vydali své debutové album v roce 1993.", "evidence": [[[276306, 271367, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]], [[278559, 273315, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]], [[325911, 313528, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]], [[326433, 313916, "Daft Punk", 8, "Daft Punk"]]], "claim_en": "Daft Punk released their debut album in 1993."} {"id": 104978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whoopi Goldberg je člověk.", "evidence": [[[279364, 273985, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279366, 273987, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279366, 273988, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279366, 273989, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 1, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 273997, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 273998, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 1, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 273999, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 274000, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 5, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 274001, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 6, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 274002, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 9, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 274003, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[279374, 274004, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 11, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315757, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 0, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315758, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 1, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315759, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 2, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315760, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 5, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315761, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 6, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315762, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 9, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315763, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]], [[328759, 315764, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 11, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg is a person."} {"id": 176452, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sunrise vytvořil žárovku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sunrise created the light bulb."} {"id": 159615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spektrum Richarda Burbage se projevuje v počtu ztvárněných rolí.", "evidence": [[[184021, 195989, "Richard Burbage", 19, "Richard Burbage"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Burbage's spectrum is shown in the number of the parts he portrayed."} {"id": 223338, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní natáčení filmu The Disaster Artist (film) není schopno začít.", "evidence": [[[267334, 264056, "The Disaster Artist: Úžasný propadák", 5, "The Disaster Artist (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The principal photography of The Disaster Artist (film) is incapable of starting."} {"id": 183384, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Legally Blonde napsal Franz Kafka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legally Blonde was scripted by Franz Kafka."} {"id": 68112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Just Dance je celé album.", "evidence": [[[84715, 96924, "Just Dance", 0, "Just Dance (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just Dance is a full album."} {"id": 226967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina The Black Eyed Peas měla vždy jen jeden singl.", "evidence": [[[270633, 266636, "The Black Eyed Peas", 10, "The Black Eyed Peas"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Eyed Peas has only ever had one single."} {"id": 53686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leighton Meester se narodila 9. května 1986.", "evidence": [[[24805, 30638, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[120160, 134322, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]], [[299734, 291137, "Leighton Meester", 0, "Leighton Meester"]]], "claim_en": "Leighton Meester was born on May 9, 1986."} {"id": 113503, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Šesté dítě Lil Waynea se jmenuje Carter III.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lil Wayne's sixth child is called Carter III."} {"id": 86728, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Západní Hollywood v Kalifornii se nachází v Indii.", "evidence": [[[103873, 117369, "West Hollywood", 0, "West Hollywood, California"]], [[103873, 117370, "West Hollywood", 3, "West Hollywood, California"]]], "claim_en": "West Hollywood, California is in India."} {"id": 142659, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Caine hrál nejméně ve třech Hitchcockových filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Caine was in at least three Hitchcock films."} {"id": 213609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kate & Leopold je film z roku 2017.", "evidence": [[[253507, 253349, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]], [[253508, 253350, "Kate a Leopold", 0, "Kate & Leopold"]]], "claim_en": "Kate & Leopold is a 2017 film."} {"id": 27233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Řeckým jazykem mluví necelých 13,2 milionu lidí.", "evidence": [[[43392, 52036, "Řečtina", 14, "Greek language"]]], "claim_en": "The Greek language is spoken by less than 13.2 million people."} {"id": 186164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Ontariu se nachází jezero Erie.", "evidence": [[[217095, 223733, "Ontario (provincie)", 8, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "Ontario contains Lake Erie."} {"id": 30768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Otcem Sofie Coppolové je Abraham Lincoln.", "evidence": [[[46912, 55965, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]]], "claim_en": "Sofia Coppola's father is Abraham Lincoln."} {"id": 55706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním hrdinou filmu Psych je Shawn Spencer.", "evidence": [[[72074, 83065, "Agentura Jasno", 2, "Psych"]]], "claim_en": "Psych's protagonist is Shawn Spencer."} {"id": 11309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mohamed byl pronásledován některými mekkánskými hrnci.", "evidence": [[[26492, 32525, "Mohamed", 20, "Muhammad"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad was persecuted by some Meccan pots."} {"id": 68004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Britská Kolumbie má silný trh s bydlením.", "evidence": [[[214063, 221159, "Britská Kolumbie", 34, "British Columbia"]], [[317429, 306458, "Britská Kolumbie", 34, "British Columbia"]], [[317439, 306470, "Britská Kolumbie", 34, "British Columbia"]]], "claim_en": "British Columbia has a strong housing market."} {"id": 206973, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Meyerowitzových příbězích hraje jeden herec.", "evidence": [[[244734, 245663, "Meyerowitzovic historky (nový výběr)", 1, "The Meyerowitz Stories"], [244734, 245663, "Adam Sandler", 0, "Adam Sandler"]]], "claim_en": "The Meyerowitz stories stars an actor."} {"id": 19711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Islandská pobřežní stráž je sotva známá jako Landhelgisgaeslan.", "evidence": [[[35485, 43002, "Islandská pobřežní stráž", 0, "Icelandic Coast Guard"]]], "claim_en": "The Icelandic Coast Guard is barely known as Landhelgisgaeslan."} {"id": 79171, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Albus Brumbál pracuje v zimě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Albus Dumbledore works during the winter."} {"id": 35913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Star Wars: Poslední Jediové je druhý film z trilogie pokračování Hvězdných válek.", "evidence": [[[52091, 61986, "Star Wars: Poslední z Jediů", 1, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the second film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy."} {"id": 30220, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling je o propagaci wrestlingu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling is about wrestling promotion."} {"id": 44418, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Freeman zemřel v roce 1971.", "evidence": [[[134513, 149409, "Martin Freeman", 3, "Martin Freeman"]], [[134513, 149410, "Martin Freeman", 4, "Martin Freeman"]], [[136114, 150949, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]], [[136715, 151529, "Martin Freeman", 3, "Martin Freeman"]], [[136715, 151530, "Martin Freeman", 4, "Martin Freeman"]], [[309633, 299786, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]], [[309633, 299787, "Martin Freeman", 3, "Martin Freeman"]], [[309633, 299788, "Martin Freeman", 4, "Martin Freeman"]], [[310745, 300770, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]], [[310747, 300772, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]], [[310747, 300773, "Martin Freeman", 3, "Martin Freeman"]], [[310747, 300774, "Martin Freeman", 4, "Martin Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Freeman died in 1971."} {"id": 158591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gayathri Raguramová se podílela na filmu, ve kterém hraje Prabhu Ganesan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gayathri Raguram took part in a film featuring Prabhu Ganesan."} {"id": 14363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helen Huntová hrála nejméně v pěti různých televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helen Hunt has been in at least five different television shows."} {"id": 120077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film SpongeBob SquarePants Movie režíroval Donald Trump.", "evidence": [[[141098, 156291, "Spongebob v kalhotách: Film", 1, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was directed by Donald Trump."} {"id": 5221, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mithun Chakraborty hraje ve filmu Bashan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mithun Chakraborty is in Bashan."} {"id": 82639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Druhého alba Tylera, The Creatora se v Číně prodalo 90 000 kopií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tyler, The Creator's second album sold 90,000 copies in China."} {"id": 127710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Damien Chazelle režíroval film Whiplash.", "evidence": [[[286613, 280057, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[288374, 281639, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[288785, 282015, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[333586, 319814, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[334552, 320591, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[334553, 320592, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Damien Chazelle directed Whiplash."} {"id": 26868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Las Vegas je předměstí.", "evidence": [[[20660, 25309, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"], [20660, 25309, "Předměstí", 0, "Suburb"]], [[116022, 129912, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129913, "Las Vegas", 1, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129914, "Las Vegas", 2, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129915, "Las Vegas", 13, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129916, "Las Vegas", 18, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129917, "Las Vegas", 9, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129918, "Las Vegas", 7, "Las Vegas"]], [[116022, 129919, "Las Vegas", 6, "Las Vegas"]], [[298978, 290358, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"], [298978, 290358, "Předměstí", 0, "Suburb"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is a suburb."} {"id": 9339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Koepp je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[14985, 18638, "David Koepp", 0, "David Koepp"]], [[14985, 18639, "David Koepp", 1, "David Koepp"]], [[14985, 18640, "David Koepp", 7, "David Koepp"]]], "claim_en": "David Koepp is a writer."} {"id": 187128, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Saddám Husajn byl shledán nevinným z obvinění ze zločinů proti lidskosti a propuštěn.", "evidence": [[[218322, 224635, "Saddám Husajn", 20, "Saddam Hussein"]]], "claim_en": "Saddam Hussein was found innocent of charges of crimes against humanity and let go."} {"id": 170211, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Divergentní série: Povstalec je založen výhradně na sérii o Harrym Potterovi.", "evidence": [[[196352, 206469, "Rezistence (film)", 0, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent is based solely on the Harry Potter series."} {"id": 153063, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chelsea F.C. pracuje pro fotbalový tým.", "evidence": [[[177010, 189958, "Chelsea FC", 0, "Chelsea F.C."]]], "claim_en": "The Chelsea F.C. work for a soccer team."} {"id": 73107, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film John Wick: Kapitola 2 byl uveden do kin ve Francii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Wick: Chapter 2 was theatrically released in France."} {"id": 202065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harry Styles a jeho matka vydali album Midnight Memories.", "evidence": [[[237981, 240150, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"]], [[237991, 240158, "Harry Styles", 7, "Harry Styles"], [237991, 240158, "Midnight Memories", 0, "Midnight Memories"]]], "claim_en": "Harry Styles and his mother released the album Midnight Memories."} {"id": 155631, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Furious 7 byl natočen během několika dnů.", "evidence": [[[179691, 192257, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 16, "Furious 7"]]], "claim_en": "Furious 7 was filmed in multiple days."} {"id": 189130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Massachusetts leží západně od Atlantského oceánu.", "evidence": [[[220849, 226636, "Massachusetts", 1, "Massachusetts"]]], "claim_en": "Massachusetts is due west of the Atlantic Ocean."} {"id": 44543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shawn Michaels je v současné době podepsán pod WWE jako ambasador a trenér.", "evidence": [[[60920, 71377, "Shawn Michaels", 1, "Shawn Michaels"]]], "claim_en": "Shawn Michaels is currently signed to WWE as an ambassador and trainer."} {"id": 203938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Mystic River hrála Laura Linney.", "evidence": [[[240721, 242294, "Laura Linney", 8, "Laura Linney"]]], "claim_en": "Mystic River had Laura Linney in it."} {"id": 183851, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Strain je televizní seriál z žánru hororového dramatu.", "evidence": [[[214016, 221125, "Agresivní virus", 0, "The Strain (TV series)"], [214016, 221125, "Drama", 12, "Drama"], [214016, 221125, "Horor", 0, "Horror fiction"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain is a television series in the horror drama genres."} {"id": 226222, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Dar noci běsů se objevil hlas herce, který měl narozeniny 17. května 1945.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gift of the Night Fury stars the voice of an actor whose birthday was on May 17, 1945."} {"id": 223035, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Waterboy má pokračování s názvem The Watergirl.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Waterboy has a sequel called The Watergirl."} {"id": 70514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paul McCartney je autorem nebo spoluautorem 67 písní, které se dostaly na první místo žebříčku Billboard Hot 100.", "evidence": [[[87177, 99703, "Paul McCartney", 9, "Paul McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Paul McCartney has written or co-written 67 songs that have reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100."} {"id": 142990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe hraje pouze fiktivní postavy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe only plays fictional characters."} {"id": 103258, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spencer Tracy byl medvěd.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spencer Tracy was a bear."} {"id": 27340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glee je televizní seriál stanice Fox.", "evidence": [[[43464, 52107, "Glee", 0, "Glee (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Glee is a television series on Fox."} {"id": 18892, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco má přehradu, která se napojuje na Tichý oceán.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco has a dam that connects to the Pacific Ocean."} {"id": 102606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Agentura Reuters vysílá zprávy na Blízkém východě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Reuters transmits news in the Middle East."} {"id": 135244, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "De Profundis bylo napsáno politickému komentátorovi a bylo důležité.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "De Profundis was written to a political commentator and it was important."} {"id": 50752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele má album s názvem 25.", "evidence": [[[67105, 77902, "Adele", 22, "Adele"]], [[67105, 77903, "Adele", 24, "Adele"]], [[67105, 77904, "Adele", 25, "Adele"], [67105, 77904, "Hello (píseň, Adele)", 1, "Hello (Adele song)"]], [[67105, 77905, "Adele", 26, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele has an album called 25."} {"id": 7374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Inhumans je vyvíjen pro stanici ABC.", "evidence": [[[11948, 14958, "Inhumans (seriál)", 0, "Inhumans (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Inhumans is developed for ABC."} {"id": 46660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur má vysokou úroveň svobody tisku.", "evidence": [[[64004, 74712, "Singapur", 26, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore has a high level of press freedom."} {"id": 57670, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benzodiazepin byl v roce 1977 celosvětově nejméně předepisovaným lékem.", "evidence": [[[74024, 85253, "Benzodiazepiny", 2, "Benzodiazepine"]]], "claim_en": "Benzodiazepine was globally the least prescribed medication in 1977."} {"id": 39234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Klub Leicester City F.C. získal mistrovský titul.", "evidence": [[[55462, 65506, "Leicester City FC", 10, "Leicester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. won a championship."} {"id": 74248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natalie Portmanová pracovala.", "evidence": [[[93355, 106307, "Natalie Portmanová", 1, "Natalie Portman"]], [[93355, 106308, "Natalie Portmanová", 2, "Natalie Portman"]], [[93355, 106309, "Natalie Portmanová", 7, "Natalie Portman"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Portman worked."} {"id": 132245, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janet Varneyová je režisérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janet Varney is a director."} {"id": 227737, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rodina Jacksonových se stala známou jako \"psí královská rodina\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Jackson family became known as the \"Royal Family of Dogs\"."} {"id": 129574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky měly premiéru 10. září 2002.", "evidence": [[[151780, 166528, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 1, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries premiered on September 10, 2002."} {"id": 125322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi týmy Atlantické divize Východní konference Národní basketbalové asociace patří New York Knicks.", "evidence": [[[146989, 161960, "New York Knicks", 1, "New York Knicks"]]], "claim_en": "Among the teams in the Atlantic Division of the National Basketball Association's Eastern Conference are the New York Knicks."} {"id": 44374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Babe Ruth nebyl hráčem baseballu.", "evidence": [[[60759, 71242, "Babe Ruth", 0, "Babe Ruth"]]], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth was not a baseball player."} {"id": 148693, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brian není členem skupiny The Beach Boys.", "evidence": [[[173019, 186245, "The Beach Boys", 1, "The Beach Boys"]], [[173019, 186246, "The Beach Boys", 3, "The Beach Boys"]]], "claim_en": "Brian is not in The Beach Boys."} {"id": 155270, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně recenzoval George R. R. Martin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire was reviewed by George R. R. Martin."} {"id": 121655, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Hamill je režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill is a director."} {"id": 4920, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rakousko se zúčastnilo olympijských her.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Austria participated in the Olympics."} {"id": 168324, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra o trůny (3. série) se natáčela především ve středním Irsku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones (season 3) was filmed primarily in the center of Ireland."} {"id": 96035, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ricin je sloučenina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ricin is a compound."} {"id": 172827, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z hlavních vědeckých center je Paříž.", "evidence": [[[199555, 209239, "Paříž", 3, "Paris"]]], "claim_en": "One major center of science is Paris."} {"id": 81919, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Útěk z vězení nezískal Cenu veřejnosti.", "evidence": [[[260717, 259038, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[264485, 261930, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[321560, 310040, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[321571, 310050, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]], [[321593, 310057, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break did not win a People's Choice Award."} {"id": 114969, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hrad Pembroke je ve vlastnictví.", "evidence": [[[134963, 149853, "Pembroke (hrad)", 9, "Pembroke Castle"]]], "claim_en": "Pembroke Castle is owned."} {"id": 122897, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bangladéš sousedí s pěti zeměmi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bangladesh borders five countries."} {"id": 9271, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lana Del Rey je hudební producentka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey is a music producer."} {"id": 131958, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selena Gomez nikdy nepoužívala internet.", "evidence": [[[154337, 169086, "Selena Gomezová", 20, "Selena Gomez"], [154337, 169086, "Instagram", 0, "Instagram"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez has never used the internet."} {"id": 60123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Základem seriálu The Flash je Barry Allen.", "evidence": [[[76554, 87843, "The Flash (seriál, 2014)", 1, "The Flash (2014 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Flash's basis is Barry Allen."} {"id": 222041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brubaker je film z roku 1950.", "evidence": [[[264414, 261874, "Brubaker", 0, "Brubaker"]]], "claim_en": "Brubaker is a 1950 film."} {"id": 168360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ederson Moraes pochází z Recife.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ederson Moraes is from Recife."} {"id": 6053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psychologie je společenskovědní předmět.", "evidence": [[[22783, 28085, "Psychologie", 1, "Psychology"]]], "claim_en": "Psychology is a social science class."} {"id": 72184, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šmoulové jsou televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[88867, 101501, "Šmoulové (film)", 0, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs is a TV series."} {"id": 192453, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francois de Belleforest překládá články.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Francois de Belleforest translated articles."} {"id": 127047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum hrála ve hře, kterou režírovala Maggie Greenwaldová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum starred in a play directed by Maggie Greenwald."} {"id": 206952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Keaton je britský režisér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Keaton is a British director."} {"id": 191945, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Hangover Part III obsahuje alkohol.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hangover Part III includes alcohol."} {"id": 87609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angela Lansbury nebyla nikdy provdaná za Petera Shawa.", "evidence": [[[104806, 118214, "Angela Lansbury", 15, "Angela Lansbury"]]], "claim_en": "Angela Lansbury was never married to Peter Shaw."} {"id": 130274, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Craig trénoval v dódžó.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig trained at a dojo."} {"id": 108706, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leighton Meester se narodila v pondělí 9. dubna 1986.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leighton Meester was born on Monday April 9, 1986."} {"id": 100425, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jerry Seinfeld byl v 80. letech 20. století stand-up komik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jerry Seinfeld was a stand-up comic in the 1980s."} {"id": 129484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Christopher Lloyd nepracoval pro animované pořady.", "evidence": [[[151687, 166427, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lloyd did not work for animated programs."} {"id": 216403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bermudy jsou zvíře.", "evidence": [[[257115, 256162, "Bermudy", 0, "Bermuda"]]], "claim_en": "Bermuda is an animal."} {"id": 74727, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Michelle Gellarová přehodnotila cenu Daytime Emmy 1995.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Michelle Gellar reviewed the 1995 Daytime Emmy Award."} {"id": 89994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Cusack nehrál ve filmu Řekni cokoliv...", "evidence": [[[107303, 120715, "John Cusack", 1, "John Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "John Cusack did not star in Say Anything..."} {"id": 205049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Román Jane Eyrová napsala Charlotte Brontëová.", "evidence": [[[242268, 243680, "Jana Eyrová", 0, "Jane Eyre"]]], "claim_en": "Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Brontë."} {"id": 120761, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Larry Buttrose je autorem fantasy trilogie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Larry Buttrose is the author of a fantasy trilogy."} {"id": 47650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeden z předních výrobců elektronických výrobků se jmenuje Sony.", "evidence": [[[63962, 74664, "Sony", 2, "Sony"]]], "claim_en": "One of the leading manufacturers of electronic products is called Sony."} {"id": 105525, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Metallica vznikla na základě románu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Metallica is based on a novel."} {"id": 179146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Florida leží mezi Alabamou, Atlantským oceánem a Floridským průlivem.", "evidence": [[[207814, 216008, "Florida", 1, "Florida"]]], "claim_en": "Florida is between Alabama, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Straits of Florida."} {"id": 151107, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vizigóti konvertovali od ariánství k buddhismu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Visigoths converted from Arianism to Buddhism."} {"id": 85786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ty Cobb neudělal v profesionálním baseballu žádný rekord.", "evidence": [[[102940, 116225, "Ty Cobb", 7, "Ty Cobb"]]], "claim_en": "Ty Cobb didn't set any records in professional baseball."} {"id": 67077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Radiohead je hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[83673, 95681, "Radiohead", 0, "Radiohead"]], [[83673, 95682, "Radiohead", 6, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95682, "Pablo Honey", 0, "Pablo Honey"]], [[83673, 95684, "Radiohead", 8, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95684, "OK Computer", 0, "OK Computer"]], [[83673, 95685, "Radiohead", 9, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95685, "Kid A", 0, "Kid A"]], [[83673, 95686, "Radiohead", 13, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95686, "Hail to the Thief", 0, "Hail to the Thief"]], [[83673, 95687, "Radiohead", 15, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95687, "In Rainbows", 0, "In Rainbows"]], [[83673, 95688, "Radiohead", 16, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95688, "The King of Limbs", 0, "The King of Limbs"]], [[83673, 95689, "Radiohead", 17, "Radiohead"], [83673, 95689, "A Moon Shaped Pool", 0, "A Moon Shaped Pool"]]], "claim_en": "Radiohead is a troupe."} {"id": 77430, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demi Lovato hrála ve filmu Kadet Kelly.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato starred in Cadet Kelly."} {"id": 143883, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cindy McCainová je majitelkou koček.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cindy McCain is a cat owner."} {"id": 148929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Designated Survivor (televizní seriál) je film.", "evidence": [[[172600, 185885, "Prezident v pořadí", 0, "Designated Survivor (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Designated Survivor (TV series) is a movie."} {"id": 47571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige nehrál Michael Caine.", "evidence": [[[63876, 74592, "Dokonalý trik", 4, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige did not star Michael Caine."} {"id": 69140, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olympijské hry se konají každé finanční čtvrtletí.", "evidence": [[[85836, 98114, "Olympijské hry", 2, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games occur every financial quarter."} {"id": 107278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Benátky se nacházejí v jižní Itálii.", "evidence": [[[125916, 140319, "Benátky", 0, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Venice is located in southern Italy."} {"id": 159847, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vetřelec: Covenant je sci-fi film režiséra Ridleyho Scotta.", "evidence": [[[184291, 196215, "Vetřelec: Covenant", 0, "Alien: Covenant"]]], "claim_en": "Alien: Covenant is a science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott."} {"id": 52058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Posel byl uveden do kin v roce 2009.", "evidence": [[[68364, 79229, "The Messenger", 0, "The Messenger (2009 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Messenger was released in 2009."} {"id": 55786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová si zahrála ve filmu No Reservations.", "evidence": [[[72156, 83156, "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová", 11, "Catherine Zeta-Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones is in No Reservations."} {"id": 142409, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Franková se narodila ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem v Německu.", "evidence": [[[165470, 179522, "Anne Franková", 5, "Anne Frank"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany."} {"id": 228296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mlčení jehňátek je film.", "evidence": [[[272366, 268058, "Mlčení jehňátek", 0, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]], [[272366, 268059, "Mlčení jehňátek", 6, "The Silence of the Lambs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Silence of the Lambs is a film."} {"id": 160736, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Buddhismus je čtvrté nejrozšířenější náboženství na světě.", "evidence": [[[185249, 197036, "Buddhismus", 3, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism is the fourth-largest religion in the world."} {"id": 133594, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje herec jménem Walter Matthau.", "evidence": [[[289395, 282465, "Walter Matthau", 0, "Walter Matthau"]], [[289396, 282466, "Walter Matthau", 0, "Walter Matthau"]], [[289396, 282467, "Walter Matthau", 1, "Walter Matthau"]], [[336330, 321939, "Walter Matthau", 0, "Walter Matthau"]], [[336331, 321940, "Walter Matthau", 0, "Walter Matthau"]], [[336373, 321957, "Walter Matthau", 0, "Walter Matthau"]]], "claim_en": "There is an actor name Walter Matthau."} {"id": 106804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ruth Negga ztvárnila Mildred Lovingovou ve filmu Loving.", "evidence": [[[125433, 139772, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga portrayed Mildred Loving in the film Loving."} {"id": 74089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Allen Ginsberg protestoval proti pronásledování bezmocných.", "evidence": [[[90874, 103577, "Allen Ginsberg", 19, "Allen Ginsberg"]]], "claim_en": "Allen Ginsberg protested against the persecution of the powerless."} {"id": 128519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lana Del Rey žila vždy pouze v Anglii.", "evidence": [[[150539, 165420, "Lana Del Rey", 0, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Lana Del Rey has only ever lived in England."} {"id": 18388, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Londýn zaměstnává starostu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "London employs a mayor."} {"id": 42566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Las Vegas je nejlidnatější město ve svém státě.", "evidence": [[[58884, 69201, "Las Vegas", 0, "Las Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Las Vegas is the most populous city in its state."} {"id": 159943, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christa McAuliffeová učila na střední škole Oak Ridge.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christa McAuliffe taught at Oak Ridge High School."} {"id": 147831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Julianne Moore není herečka.", "evidence": [[[171424, 184897, "Julianne Moore", 0, "Julianne Moore"]]], "claim_en": "Julianne Moore is not an actress."} {"id": 46137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Desatero přikázání je biblický film.", "evidence": [[[62473, 73093, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments is a biblical film."} {"id": 163124, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dracula je gotický hororový experiment.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dracula is a Gothic horror experiment."} {"id": 2571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ryan Phillippe hrál ve filmu Kruté úmysly.", "evidence": [[[18418, 22603, "Ryan Phillippe", 1, "Ryan Phillippe"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan Phillippe starred in the film Cruel Intentions."} {"id": 39608, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bethany Hamiltonová se stala obětí útoku žraloka.", "evidence": [[[55909, 66011, "Bethany Hamilton", 0, "Bethany Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Bethany Hamilton was a victim of a shark attack."} {"id": 132251, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man: Homecoming není distribuován společností Sony Pictures.", "evidence": [[[154660, 169397, "Spider-Man: Homecoming", 1, "Spider-Man: Homecoming"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man: Homecoming is not distributed by Sony Pictures."} {"id": 202467, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy hraje vegan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy stars a vegan."} {"id": 75489, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "C. Křestní jméno S. Forestera bylo německé.", "evidence": [[[92283, 105032, "C. S. Forester", 0, "C. S. Forester"]]], "claim_en": "C. S. Forester's first name was German."} {"id": 87519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V roce 1933 získalo Prusko nezávislost.", "evidence": [[[104721, 118138, "Prusko", 6, "Prussia"]]], "claim_en": "In 1933, Prussia gained its independence."} {"id": 160934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln prohrál v roce 1858 v senátních volbách v USA s Douglasem.", "evidence": [[[296629, 288419, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[296630, 288420, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343574, 327334, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[343582, 327339, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln lost a US Senate race to Douglas in 1858."} {"id": 135199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Warren Buffett se narodil v Itálii.", "evidence": [[[289640, 282709, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"]], [[293192, 285811, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"], [293192, 285811, "Omaha", 0, "Omaha, Nebraska"], [293192, 285811, "Omaha", 1, "Omaha, Nebraska"]], [[336657, 322176, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"]], [[336672, 322186, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"]], [[336676, 322189, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"]], [[336677, 322190, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"], [336677, 322190, "Omaha", 0, "Omaha, Nebraska"]], [[336694, 322201, "Warren Buffett", 4, "Warren Buffett"]]], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett was born in Italy."} {"id": 196277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Browningová je žena.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Browning is a woman."} {"id": 7710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charlie Chaplin začal vystupovat, když byl ve středním věku.", "evidence": [[[12575, 15713, "Charlie Chaplin", 8, "Charlie Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Charlie Chaplin started performing when he was middle-aged."} {"id": 10247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Američtí bohové vytvořili Bryan Fuller a Michael Green.", "evidence": [[[25183, 31066, "Američtí bohové (seriál)", 1, "American Gods (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "American Gods was developed by Bryan Fuller and Michael Green."} {"id": 160709, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln byl kdysi naživu.", "evidence": [[[185226, 197020, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was alive at one point."} {"id": 181086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Idris Elba hrál ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[210178, 217952, "Idris Elba", 1, "Idris Elba"]], [[210178, 217953, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]], [[210178, 217954, "Idris Elba", 6, "Idris Elba"]]], "claim_en": "Idris Elba was in a movie."} {"id": 20996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fylogenetický strom je založen pouze na podobnosti znaků.", "evidence": [[[36777, 44418, "Fylogenetický strom", 0, "Phylogenetic tree"]]], "claim_en": "A phylogenetic tree is based upon only similarities in characteristics."} {"id": 106894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Houston není město.", "evidence": [[[279638, 274282, "Houston", 0, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274283, "Houston", 1, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274284, "Houston", 2, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274285, "Houston", 6, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274286, "Houston", 7, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274287, "Houston", 12, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274288, "Houston", 14, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274289, "Houston", 15, "Houston"]], [[279638, 274290, "Houston", 16, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275774, "Houston", 0, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275775, "Houston", 16, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275776, "Houston", 1, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275777, "Houston", 2, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275778, "Houston", 5, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275779, "Houston", 12, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275780, "Houston", 14, "Houston"]], [[281367, 275781, "Houston", 6, "Houston"], [281367, 275781, "Sam Houston", 27, "Sam Houston"]], [[328022, 315184, "Houston", 0, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315895, "Houston", 0, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315896, "Houston", 1, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315897, "Houston", 2, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315898, "Houston", 5, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315899, "Houston", 6, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315900, "Houston", 7, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315901, "Houston", 12, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315902, "Houston", 14, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315903, "Houston", 15, "Houston"]], [[328967, 315904, "Houston", 16, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315953, "Houston", 0, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315954, "Houston", 1, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315955, "Houston", 2, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315956, "Houston", 5, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315957, "Houston", 6, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315958, "Houston", 12, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315959, "Houston", 14, "Houston"]], [[329037, 315960, "Houston", 16, "Houston"]]], "claim_en": "Houston is not a city."} {"id": 93308, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Antarktidě žije 1 000 až 5 000 lidí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "1,000 to 5,000 people reside in Antarctica."} {"id": 105051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku debutoval po dovršení 16 let.", "evidence": [[[123362, 137815, "Romelu Lukaku", 5, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku debuted after the age 16."} {"id": 69456, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seth Rogen byl vyhozen ze spolupráce s Juddem Apatowem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen has been fired from working with Judd Apatow."} {"id": 66014, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Who je britská hudební skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Who is a British band."} {"id": 73929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rekord v počtu asistencí v La Lize v současnosti drží Lionel Messi.", "evidence": [[[90707, 103428, "Lionel Messi", 3, "Lionel Messi"]]], "claim_en": "The record for most assists in La Liga is currently held by Lionel Messi."} {"id": 185069, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Arjun Kapoor nebyl schopen moderovat televizní reality show.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arjun Kapoor was incapable of hosting a reality television show."} {"id": 78578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Luis Fonsi je portorický zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[95552, 108583, "Luis Fonsi", 0, "Luis Fonsi"]]], "claim_en": "Luis Fonsi is a Puerto Rican singer."} {"id": 72201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf se nedokázal objevit v obsazení filmu Disturbia.", "evidence": [[[88883, 101513, "Shia LaBeouf", 6, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf was unable to appear in the cast of Disturbia."} {"id": 187179, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carmelo Anthony se stal nejlepším hráčem turnaje NCAA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carmelo Anthony was the NCAA Tournament's Most Outstanding Player."} {"id": 192622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Huginn je havran, který často cestuje s Odinem.", "evidence": [[[225365, 230031, "Ódin", 16, "Odin"]]], "claim_en": "Huginn is a raven that often travels with Odin."} {"id": 109770, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Olivia Munn má za sebou kariéru spisovatelky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Olivia Munn has a novelist career."} {"id": 123379, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Green Day je tým.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Green Day is a team."} {"id": 209119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sennacherib neměl žádné děti.", "evidence": [[[247549, 247830, "Sinacherib", 2, "Sennacherib"]]], "claim_en": "Sennacherib had no children."} {"id": 174822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky je americký seriál.", "evidence": [[[202144, 211474, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211484, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211485, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 1, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211486, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 5, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211487, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 4, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211488, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 6, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211489, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 10, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211490, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 14, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211491, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 13, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211492, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 15, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211493, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 17, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202157, 211494, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 16, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries is an American company."} {"id": 36985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kryštof Kolumbus se plavil přes jezero.", "evidence": [[[53183, 63151, "Kryštof Kolumbus", 1, "Christopher Columbus"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Columbus sailed across a lake."} {"id": 80625, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daredevil následuje Matta Murdocka.", "evidence": [[[97624, 110771, "Daredevil (seriál)", 0, "Daredevil (TV series)"], [97624, 110771, "Daredevil", 5, "Daredevil (Marvel Comics character)"]], [[97624, 110772, "Daredevil (seriál)", 6, "Daredevil (TV series)"], [97624, 110772, "Charlie Cox", 0, "Charlie Cox"]]], "claim_en": "Daredevil follows Matt Murdock."} {"id": 19759, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alžběta I. Anglická neměla vlasy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth I of England had no hair."} {"id": 59772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judith Barsi bylo odepřeno americké občanství.", "evidence": [[[76181, 87479, "Judith Barsi", 0, "Judith Barsi"]]], "claim_en": "Judith Barsi was denied American citizenship."} {"id": 119615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tyra Banksová je tvůrkyní, výkonnou producentkou a moderátorkou soutěže America's Next Top Model.", "evidence": [[[140582, 155678, "Tyra Banksová", 11, "Tyra Banks"]]], "claim_en": "Tyra Banks is the creator, executive producer, and presenter of America's Next Top Model."} {"id": 41178, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Obchod na Hedvábné stezce nehrál významnou roli ve vývoji civilizací Číny, Koreje, Japonska, Indie, Persie a dalších.", "evidence": [[[57470, 67681, "Hedvábná stezka", 10, "Silk Road"]]], "claim_en": "Trade on the Silk Road did not play a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, Korea, Japan, India, Persia, and others."} {"id": 202129, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robin Thicke má píseň se zpěvem Ushera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has a song with vocals by Usher."} {"id": 185877, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gregory Peck se objevil ve filmu, který režíroval a napsal William Wyler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gregory Peck appeared in a film directed and written by William Wyler."} {"id": 56717, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Arquette hrál ve filmu Breaking Bad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette was in Breaking Bad."} {"id": 213313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen Burstyn hrála ve filmu Requiem za sen.", "evidence": [[[253074, 252948, "Ellen Burstynová", 11, "Ellen Burstyn"], [253074, 252948, "Requiem za sen", 0, "Requiem for a Dream"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen Burstyn starred in Requiem for a Dream."} {"id": 208604, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Všichni Asyřané mluví středoamerickou novoaramejštinou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "All Assyrian people speak Central Neo-Aramaic."} {"id": 140886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Čas na dobrodružství je film společnosti Cartoon Network.", "evidence": [[[165573, 179608, "Čas na dobrodružství", 0, "Adventure Time"]]], "claim_en": "Adventure Time is a Cartoon Network movie."} {"id": 20742, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Willie Nelson opustil vysokou školu, aby se mohl věnovat hudbě.", "evidence": [[[36572, 44189, "Willie Nelson", 9, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson forewent college to pursue music."} {"id": 161007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gal Gadotová se umístila za Esti Ginzburghovou v žebříčku nejlépe vydělávajících hereček/modelek v Izraeli.", "evidence": [[[185537, 197289, "Gal Gadot", 4, "Gal Gadot"]]], "claim_en": "Gal Gadot was ranked behind Esti Ginzburgh for highest earning actress/models in Israel."} {"id": 205968, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cosmopolitan z roku 2011 obsahuje obsah, který zahrnuje tři články o kariéře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cosmopolitan as of 2011 contains content which includes three articles on careers."} {"id": 96905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil Armstrong zahájil svou vesmírnou kariéru v roce 1973.", "evidence": [[[275941, 271006, "Neil Armstrong", 7, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[275941, 271007, "Neil Armstrong", 8, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[275941, 271008, "Neil Armstrong", 13, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[278224, 273101, "Neil Armstrong", 7, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[280221, 274744, "Neil Armstrong", 7, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[280221, 274745, "Neil Armstrong", 13, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[327900, 315084, "Neil Armstrong", 8, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[327900, 315085, "Neil Armstrong", 7, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[327900, 315086, "Neil Armstrong", 13, "Neil Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Armstrong began his space career in 1973."} {"id": 177597, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Fences vystupuje animatronická postava.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fences stars an animatronic figure."} {"id": 81504, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Avatar byl v Londýně chválen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avatar was praised in London."} {"id": 228732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harold Ramis se narodil v roce 1946.", "evidence": [[[272911, 268554, "Harold Ramis", 0, "Harold Ramis"]]], "claim_en": "Harold Ramis was born in 1946."} {"id": 14891, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Etiopie se nachází v zemi.", "evidence": [[[30178, 36745, "Etiopie", 0, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia is in a country."} {"id": 33328, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neve Campbellová měla hlavní roli ve čtvrté a páté sérii dramatického seriálu společnosti Netflix.", "evidence": [[[49423, 58747, "Neve Campbellová", 4, "Neve Campbell"]], [[49424, 58748, "Neve Campbellová", 4, "Neve Campbell"]]], "claim_en": "Neve Campbell had a starring role in the fourth and fifth seasons of a Netflix drama series."} {"id": 172528, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra o trůny je internetový seriál.", "evidence": [[[199139, 208814, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 0, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones is a web series."} {"id": 100505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "West Ham United F.C. se původně nejmenoval Thames Ironworks.", "evidence": [[[118179, 132023, "West Ham United FC", 5, "West Ham United F.C."]]], "claim_en": "West Ham United F.C. was not originally called Thames Ironworks."} {"id": 184516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Millie Bobby Brownová se narodila v červenci.", "evidence": [[[216406, 223074, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Millie Bobby Brown was born in July."} {"id": 120584, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nacistické Německo neprovedlo v roce 1941 operaci Barbarossa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nazi Germany did not conduct Operation Barbarossa in 1941."} {"id": 4993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Margot Kidderová získala ocenění v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[21349, 26215, "Margot Kidderová", 11, "Margot Kidder"]]], "claim_en": "Margot Kidder won an award in 2000."} {"id": 14686, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demi Mooreová snědla G.I. Jane.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Demi Moore ate G.I. Jane."} {"id": 55157, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ekta Kapoorová pracovala na indické telenovele, která byla zrušena před odvysíláním.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ekta Kapoor worked on an Indian soap opera that was canceled before airing."} {"id": 53772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Debbie Reynoldsová nehrála ve filmu Jak Západ zvítězil.", "evidence": [[[70072, 80955, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 6, "Debbie Reynolds"]]], "claim_en": "Debbie Reynolds did not star in How the West Was Won."} {"id": 23801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pink Floyd mají album s názvem Animals.", "evidence": [[[39749, 47827, "Pink Floyd", 8, "Pink Floyd"]]], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd has an album called Animals."} {"id": 72306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slovinsko není schopno být národem.", "evidence": [[[88999, 101643, "Slovinsko", 0, "Slovenia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovenia is incapable of being a nation."} {"id": 30685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Jak vycvičit draka byl nominován na Oscara za nejlepší animovaný film.", "evidence": [[[46841, 55859, "Jak vycvičit draka (film, 2010)", 10, "How to Train Your Dragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "How to Train Your Dragon (film) was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature."} {"id": 70028, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miranda Kerrová zastupovala australský řetězec obchodních domů.", "evidence": [[[86718, 99189, "Miranda Kerr", 2, "Miranda Kerr"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Kerr represented a Australian department store chain."} {"id": 76978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Buscemi je americký herec.", "evidence": [[[93863, 106806, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi is an American actor."} {"id": 82370, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jednou z hlavních kontroverzí zoroastrismu je víra a učení, které se soustředí na příchod žáka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of the major controversies of Zoroastrianism is the belief and doctrine that is centered on the advent of the disciple."} {"id": 19009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Helen Mirrenová ztvárnila královnu.", "evidence": [[[34650, 42028, "Helen Mirrenová", 1, "Helen Mirren"]], [[34650, 42029, "Helen Mirrenová", 2, "Helen Mirren"], [34650, 42029, "Alžběta II.", 0, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Helen Mirren has portrayed a queen."} {"id": 184864, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Bourne Supremacy vystupuje hlavní hrdinka jménem Pamela Landy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Bourne Supremacy has a protagonist called Pamela Landy."} {"id": 80949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Gotham měl premiéru v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[97958, 111085, "Gotham (seriál)", 7, "Gotham (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Gotham premiered in 2010."} {"id": 112321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V seriálu se objevila Portia de Rossi.", "evidence": [[[131818, 146669, "Portia de Rossi", 1, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[131818, 146670, "Portia de Rossi", 2, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[131818, 146671, "Portia de Rossi", 3, "Portia de Rossi"]]], "claim_en": "Portia de Rossi appeared on a show."} {"id": 861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt spolupracoval s Oliverem Stonem.", "evidence": [[[16369, 20298, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt", 4, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt has worked with Oliver Stone."} {"id": 208824, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice spolupracoval se členy skupiny ABBA a byl Američan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice collaborated with members of ABBA and he was American."} {"id": 206176, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Shallow Hal hraje americký herec, komik, scenárista, producent, hudebník a zpěvák jménem Jack Black.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shallow Hal stars an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, musician and singer name Jack Black."} {"id": 17174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Do filmu 28 dní (film) se nepodařilo obsadit Dominica Westa.", "evidence": [[[32619, 39643, "28 dní", 2, "28 Days (film)"]]], "claim_en": "28 Days (film) was unable to cast Dominic West."} {"id": 145347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anderson Cooper je umělec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anderson Cooper is an artist."} {"id": 120489, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl sexuální delikvent z Milwaukee.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was a sex offender from Milwaukee."} {"id": 18809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sully vydělal celosvětově přes 238 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[34443, 41764, "Sully: Zázrak na řece Hudson", 6, "Sully (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Sully grossed over $238 million worldwide."} {"id": 173045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barcelona je hlavní město státu New Jersey.", "evidence": [[[199814, 209483, "Barcelona", 0, "Barcelona"], [199814, 209483, "Trenton", 0, "Trenton, New Jersey"]]], "claim_en": "Barcelona is the capitol city of New Jersey."} {"id": 46271, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prescott v Arizoně se nachází v severní části okresu Yavapai.", "evidence": [[[62613, 73247, "Prescott (Arizona)", 0, "Prescott, Arizona"]]], "claim_en": "Prescott, Arizona is in northern Yavapai County."} {"id": 3372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Henrietta Marie Francouzská zemřela 10. září.", "evidence": [[[19370, 23764, "Henrietta Marie Bourbonská", 0, "Henrietta Maria of France"]]], "claim_en": "Henrietta Maria of France died on September 10."} {"id": 78730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil Young nemá druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[95682, 108723, "Neil Young", 0, "Neil Young"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Young has no middle name."} {"id": 210619, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere získal cenu Screen Actors Guild.", "evidence": [[[249503, 249497, "Richard Gere", 3, "Richard Gere"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere won a Screen Actors Guild award."} {"id": 212760, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hanks předal vyznamenání Kennedyho centra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hanks has presented a Kennedy Center Honor."} {"id": 60373, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angličtina není ovlivněna germánskými jazyky.", "evidence": [[[76817, 88177, "Angličtina", 2, "English language"]], [[76817, 88178, "Angličtina", 9, "English language"]], [[76817, 88179, "Angličtina", 0, "English language"]], [[76820, 88182, "Angličtina", 2, "English language"]]], "claim_en": "The English language isn't influenced by Germanic languages."} {"id": 229350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní natáčení filmu Vantage Point (film) začalo v roce 2006.", "evidence": [[[273697, 269058, "Úhel pohledu (film)", 10, "Vantage Point (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The principal photography of Vantage Point (film) began in the year 2006."} {"id": 165476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jerry Lewis je všechno jiné než lidumil.", "evidence": [[[190269, 201329, "Jerry Lewis", 0, "Jerry Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis is anything but a humanitarian."} {"id": 27399, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Terry Crews hrál v roce 2001 v týmu San Diego Chargers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Terry Crews played on the San Diego Chargers in 2001."} {"id": 185639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Criminal Justice hrál Ben Whishaw.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Criminal Justice had Ben Whishaw in it."} {"id": 30637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jindřich II. francouzský zemřel v řece.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henry II of France died in a river."} {"id": 167285, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Willie Nelson je liberální protestant.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson is a liberal protester."} {"id": 177880, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[206176, 214606, "Sophie Turner", 5, "Sophie Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner starred in a film."} {"id": 75344, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seth Rogen přišel o chválu kritiků.", "evidence": [[[92129, 104906, "Seth Rogen", 10, "Seth Rogen"]], [[92132, 104908, "Seth Rogen", 10, "Seth Rogen"]]], "claim_en": "Seth Rogen lost critical praise."} {"id": 79009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Miranda Cosgroveová je americká herečka.", "evidence": [[[250021, 250090, "Miranda Cosgrove", 0, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[253395, 253271, "Miranda Cosgrove", 0, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[253396, 253272, "Miranda Cosgrove", 0, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[319980, 308695, "Miranda Cosgrove", 0, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[320924, 309416, "Miranda Cosgrove", 0, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[320924, 309417, "Miranda Cosgrove", 11, "Miranda Cosgrove"]], [[320924, 309418, "Miranda Cosgrove", 12, "Miranda Cosgrove"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Cosgrove is an American actress."} {"id": 94319, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Novak Djokovič získal stříbrnou medaili.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic won a Silver medal."} {"id": 206351, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Justinián I. vládl Byzantské říši v letech 527 až 588.", "evidence": [[[243971, 245072, "Justinián I.", 0, "Justinian I"]]], "claim_en": "Justinian I ruled the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 588."} {"id": 8150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Morello se začal zajímat o hudbu.", "evidence": [[[13278, 16613, "Tom Morello", 8, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29314, "Tom Morello", 0, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29315, "Tom Morello", 1, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29316, "Tom Morello", 2, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29317, "Tom Morello", 3, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29318, "Tom Morello", 4, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29319, "Tom Morello", 5, "Tom Morello"], [23702, 29319, "Axis of Justice", 1, "Axis of Justice"]], [[23702, 29320, "Tom Morello", 8, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29321, "Tom Morello", 10, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29322, "Tom Morello", 11, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29323, "Tom Morello", 14, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29324, "Tom Morello", 15, "Tom Morello"]], [[23702, 29325, "Tom Morello", 16, "Tom Morello"]], [[299197, 290568, "Tom Morello", 8, "Tom Morello"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Morello became interested in music."} {"id": 52990, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce byla částečně způsobena zadlužením vlády.", "evidence": [[[69270, 80048, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 8, "French Revolution"]]], "claim_en": "The French Revolution was partly caused by the government being in debt."} {"id": 161421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ginevra byla stará panna.", "evidence": [[[185966, 197821, "Guinevere", 0, "Guinevere"]], [[185966, 197822, "Guinevere", 2, "Guinevere"]], [[185966, 197823, "Guinevere", 3, "Guinevere"]]], "claim_en": "Guinevere was a spinster."} {"id": 37122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willieho Nelsona vychovali George a Wilma Nelsonovi.", "evidence": [[[53454, 63458, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson was raised by George and Wilma Nelson."} {"id": 14229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rozšířilo se křesťanství.", "evidence": [[[29521, 36000, "Křesťanství", 15, "Christianity"]]], "claim_en": "Christianity spread."} {"id": 45123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Zaillian obdržel cenu na filmovém festivalu v Austinu v roce 2017.", "evidence": [[[61470, 71986, "Steven Zaillian", 5, "Steven Zaillian"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Zaillian received an award at the 2017 Austin Film Festival."} {"id": 113918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V srdci moře mělo premiéru v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[133812, 148683, "V srdci moře", 5, "In the Heart of the Sea (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In the Heart of the Sea got its premiere in 2015."} {"id": 15340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Život Pí jsou zobrazeni tygři.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tigers are depicted in Life of Pi."} {"id": 178975, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezi lamniformes patří některé z nejznámějších druhů delfínů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lamniformes include some of the most familiar species of dolphin."} {"id": 123727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Videoklip k filmu We Found Love režíroval Marcos Siega.", "evidence": [[[145235, 160231, "We Found Love", 17, "We Found Love"]]], "claim_en": "We Found Love's music video was directed by Marcos Siega."} {"id": 72680, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harry Fraud absolvoval stáž v bance.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harry Fraud interned at a bank."} {"id": 62907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chrysler Building byla se svými 318,9 metry po určitou dobu nejvyšší budovou.", "evidence": [[[79330, 91008, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]]], "claim_en": "The Chrysler Building was the tallest building for a while at 318.9 meters tall."} {"id": 227920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Groves byl důstojníkem inženýrského sboru Armády Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[271862, 267647, "Leslie Groves", 0, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves was a United States Army Corps of Engineers officer."} {"id": 62164, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Supermana v roce 1988 ztvárnil George Reeves.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superman has been portrayed by George Reeves in 1988."} {"id": 120772, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Monica Selesová vyhrála devět aut.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Monica Seles won nine cars."} {"id": 117838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Schillingová debutovala ve filmu v roce 1807.", "evidence": [[[138274, 153261, "Taylor Schilling", 2, "Taylor Schilling"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Schilling made her film debut in 1807."} {"id": 4316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Futurama je animovaný seriál.", "evidence": [[[20583, 25208, "Futurama", 0, "Futurama"]]], "claim_en": "Futurama is an animated series."} {"id": 116741, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rogue se objevuje v akčních komiksech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rogue appears in action comic books."} {"id": 113489, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Hunger Games měl třetí největší tržby za premiérový víkend v Evropě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Hunger Games had the third-largest opening weekend gross in Europe."} {"id": 107221, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Republikánskou stranu zažaloval Středozápad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republican Party was sued by the Midwest."} {"id": 106029, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Příjmení Amancia Ortegy je Gaona, které vyslovil v roce 1954.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Amancio Ortega's last name is Gaona, which he dropped in 1954."} {"id": 152910, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Postavy Inhumans jsou převzaté z komiksů Image Comics.", "evidence": [[[176857, 189800, "Inhumans (seriál)", 0, "Inhumans (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Inhumans's characters are adapted from Image Comics."} {"id": 184027, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Hardy se objevil v reklamě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy appeared in a commercial."} {"id": 106423, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Savce vlastní vykradači hrobů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mammals posses grave robbers."} {"id": 209137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Walt Disney Pictures uvedla do kin film Brave.", "evidence": [[[247575, 247860, "Rebelka", 0, "Brave (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Walt Disney Pictures released Brave."} {"id": 76356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Nebezpečně zamilovaný vydal umělec.", "evidence": [[[93211, 106143, "Dangerously in Love", 0, "Dangerously in Love"]], [[93259, 106198, "Dangerously in Love", 0, "Dangerously in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love was released by an artist."} {"id": 193254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snímek Na hraně zítřka vyšel v Brazílii.", "evidence": [[[226274, 230884, "Na hraně zítřka", 20, "Edge of Tomorrow"]], [[226275, 230885, "Na hraně zítřka", 20, "Edge of Tomorrow"]]], "claim_en": "Edge of Tomorrow came out in Brazil."} {"id": 90865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Salman Rushdie je německý politik.", "evidence": [[[108195, 121728, "Salman Rushdie", 0, "Salman Rushdie"]], [[108208, 121743, "Salman Rushdie", 0, "Salman Rushdie"]]], "claim_en": "Salman Rushdie is a German politician."} {"id": 48583, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Riddick je v roce 2013 v kurzu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Riddick is in a 2013 race."} {"id": 64961, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra Destiny není zaměřena na boj se zbraněmi a pistolemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Destiny is not centered around gun and weapon-based combat."} {"id": 222628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Obchodním partnerem Rakouska je Vídeň.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Austria's trade partner is Vienna."} {"id": 141980, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dead Man Down hraje otec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dead Man Down stars a father."} {"id": 108165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elton John se ještě stal členem Britské akademie písničkářů, skladatelů a autorů.", "evidence": [[[126976, 141458, "Elton John", 22, "Elton John"]]], "claim_en": "Elton John has yet to become a fellow of the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors."} {"id": 78791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Radiohead jsou polská kapela.", "evidence": [[[95747, 108790, "Radiohead", 0, "Radiohead"]]], "claim_en": "Radiohead are a Polish band."} {"id": 157221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muammar Kaddáfí řekl ano panafrikanismu.", "evidence": [[[181361, 193616, "Muammar Kaddáfí", 21, "Muammar Gaddafi"]], [[181362, 193617, "Muammar Kaddáfí", 21, "Muammar Gaddafi"]]], "claim_en": "Muammar Gaddafi said yes to Pan-Africanism."} {"id": 172757, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Beach je dobrodružný dramatický zábavní park.", "evidence": [[[199477, 209152, "Pláž (film)", 0, "The Beach (film)"]], [[199477, 209153, "Pláž (film)", 1, "The Beach (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach is an adventure drama amusement park."} {"id": 45889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šesté album Lil Waynea vyšlo v listopadu 2008.", "evidence": [[[62224, 72798, "Lil Wayne", 13, "Lil Wayne"], [62224, 72798, "Tha Carter III", 0, "Tha Carter III"]]], "claim_en": "Lil Wayne's sixth album came out in November 2008."} {"id": 104448, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kobe Bryant získal v 21. století cenu pro nejužitečnějšího hráče finále.", "evidence": [[[122748, 137034, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122749, 137035, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122750, 137036, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122751, 137037, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122752, 137038, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122753, 137039, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122754, 137040, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122755, 137041, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122756, 137042, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122757, 137043, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[122758, 137044, "Kobe Bryant", 19, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant earned the Finals MVP Award in the 21st century."} {"id": 181165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rebecca Ferguson měla ve filmu Život jen krátkou epizodní roli.", "evidence": [[[210280, 218059, "Rebecca Ferguson", 1, "Rebecca Ferguson"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Ferguson only had a brief cameo in \"Life\"."} {"id": 26794, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mount Vernon v New Yorku je místo, kde vyrůstal Sean Combs.", "evidence": [[[42936, 51576, "Sean Combs", 1, "Sean Combs"]]], "claim_en": "Mount Vernon, New York is where Sean Combs was raised."} {"id": 33550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Red Hot Chili Peppers nemají nic společného s Los Angeles.", "evidence": [[[96612, 109772, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[99199, 112327, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[101368, 114599, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[306889, 297470, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]], [[307786, 298229, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]]], "claim_en": "Red Hot Chili Peppers have nothing to do with Los Angeles."} {"id": 204431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brad Wilk byl v roce 1980 členem skupiny Greta.", "evidence": [[[241383, 242926, "Brad Wilk", 4, "Brad Wilk"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Wilk was a member of Greta in 1980."} {"id": 57706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eva Longoria hraje ve filmu Drsný časy.", "evidence": [[[74040, 85264, "Eva Longoria", 3, "Eva Longoria"]]], "claim_en": "Eva Longoria is in Harsh Times."} {"id": 135819, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hvězda vs. Síly zla je hraný seriál.", "evidence": [[[158437, 173065, "Star proti silám zla", 0, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil"]]], "claim_en": "Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a live action series."} {"id": 33972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Kennedy spolupracoval s republikány.", "evidence": [[[50081, 59610, "Edward Kennedy", 18, "Ted Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kennedy worked with Republicans."} {"id": 216368, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jazyk čagatajů byl v roce 1700 zcela vyhynulý.", "evidence": [[[258357, 257170, "Čagatajština", 0, "Chagatai language"]]], "claim_en": "The Chagatai language was completely extinct by the 1700s."} {"id": 105627, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kráska a zvíře je oceňovaný muzikál.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beauty and the Beast is an award-winning musical."} {"id": 7238, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Demokratická strana pracuje pro hlavní stranu.", "evidence": [[[11761, 14753, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 0, "Democratic Party (United States)"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Party works for a major party."} {"id": 83800, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Dhool režírovali bratři Coenové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dhool was directed by the Coen brothers."} {"id": 85445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Wahlberg hraje jednu z hlavních rolí v kanadské reality show.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Wahlberg co-stars in a Canadian reality series."} {"id": 123410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scott Eastwood se narodil v 80. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[144918, 159924, "Scott Eastwood", 0, "Scott Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood was born in the 1980's."} {"id": 227953, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leslie Groves zemřel 13. července 1970 na rakovinu plic.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leslie Groves died July 13, 1970 from lung cancer."} {"id": 180139, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gil Sharone začal spolupracovat s kapelou irského původu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gil Sharone began working with a band of Irish ancestry."} {"id": 170204, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drop Dead Gorgeous sleduje porotce v soutěži krásy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drop Dead Gorgeous follows the judges in a beauty pageant."} {"id": 181726, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Valkýra skončil v roce 2000.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Valkyrie ended in the 2000's."} {"id": 118449, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Brigitte Macronová je sousedkou prezidenta Francouzské republiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brigitte Macron is the neighbor of the President of the French Republic."} {"id": 192370, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Courtney Love se objevila výhradně v hororech.", "evidence": [[[225038, 229773, "Courtney Love", 10, "Courtney Love"], [225038, 229773, "Lid versus Larry Flynt", 0, "The People vs. Larry Flynt"]], [[225038, 229774, "Courtney Love", 14, "Courtney Love"], [225038, 229774, "Muž na Měsíci", 0, "Man on the Moon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Courtney Love has appeared exclusively in horror films."} {"id": 76008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Blunt je Francouzka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt is French."} {"id": 68483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Villa Park hostil v roce 2012 90. ročník FA Community Shield.", "evidence": [[[85089, 97362, "Villa Park", 14, "Villa Park"]]], "claim_en": "Villa Park hosted the 90th FA Community Shield in 2012."} {"id": 66582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rod Lusignanů ovládal velkou část Evropy a Levanty.", "evidence": [[[83158, 95102, "Lusignanové", 0, "House of Lusignan"]]], "claim_en": "The House of Lusignan ruled much of Europe and the Levant."} {"id": 32565, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havajské ostrovy nejsou hustě osídlené.", "evidence": [[[48659, 57975, "Havaj", 19, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii is not densely populated."} {"id": 190168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oscar de la Hoya byl zabit v roce 1990.", "evidence": [[[222209, 227589, "Oscar de la Hoya", 0, "Oscar De La Hoya"]], [[222209, 227590, "Oscar de la Hoya", 13, "Oscar De La Hoya"]], [[222209, 227591, "Oscar de la Hoya", 8, "Oscar De La Hoya"]], [[222209, 227592, "Oscar de la Hoya", 7, "Oscar De La Hoya"]]], "claim_en": "Oscar de la Hoya was killed in 1990."} {"id": 96932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1997 se Corey Taylor připojil ke skupině Slipknot.", "evidence": [[[275944, 271009, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]], [[278227, 273103, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]], [[280225, 274749, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]], [[325125, 312895, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]], [[326190, 313714, "Corey Taylor", 3, "Corey Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "In 1997, Corey Taylor joined Slipknot."} {"id": 167221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Orchestr Counta Basieho se dostal do třetího nejlidnatějšího města ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[192391, 203138, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"], [192391, 203138, "Chicago", 0, "Chicago"]], [[192394, 203141, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"]]], "claim_en": "Count Basie's orchestra was taken to the third-most populous city in the United States."} {"id": 76276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo (album) obsahuje singl Play.", "evidence": [[[93120, 106028, "J. Lo", 18, "J.Lo (album)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo (album) includes the single Play."} {"id": 12225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doctor Who se dočkal filmového pokračování.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doctor Who is continued by a movie."} {"id": 88865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skopje bylo v letech 972 a 992 sotva hlavním městem.", "evidence": [[[106097, 119480, "Skopje", 8, "Skopje"]]], "claim_en": "Skopje was barely a capital from 972 and 992."} {"id": 73008, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sherilyn Fenn si zahrála ve filmu Osvícení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sherilyn Fenn had a role in The Shining."} {"id": 53902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maďarsko ještě nebylo založeno.", "evidence": [[[70206, 81085, "Maďarsko", 0, "Hungary"]]], "claim_en": "Hungary has yet to be founded."} {"id": 46443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Shatner se neobjevil v seriálu televize NBC Třetí skála od slunce.", "evidence": [[[62774, 73428, "William Shatner", 7, "William Shatner"]]], "claim_en": "William Shatner did not appear in the NBC series, 3rd Rock from the Sun."} {"id": 181724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Valkýra je historický film.", "evidence": [[[211064, 218734, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]], [[211065, 218735, "Valkýra (film)", 0, "Valkyrie (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Valkyrie is a historical motion picture."} {"id": 196409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurupt je kněz.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurupt is a priest."} {"id": 40801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Bridges byl nominován na Oscara, ale prohrál.", "evidence": [[[57101, 67325, "Jeff Bridges", 2, "Jeff Bridges"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bridges was nominated for an Academy Award but lost."} {"id": 211209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani je akcionářem společnosti Apple.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani is a shareholder of apples."} {"id": 15289, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sonda New Horizons byla vyslána, aby zaznamenala údaje o Marsu.", "evidence": [[[30703, 37327, "New Horizons", 1, "New Horizons"]]], "claim_en": "New Horizons was sent to record data on Mars."} {"id": 166581, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx získal Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[191601, 202429, "Jamie Foxx", 1, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx was the winner of a Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 9752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martin Freeman je zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[24592, 30371, "Martin Freeman", 0, "Martin Freeman"]]], "claim_en": "Martin Freeman is an singer."} {"id": 146874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angelina Jolie nehrála ve filmu Girl, Interrupted.", "evidence": [[[170412, 183972, "Angelina Jolie", 4, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie was not in the film Girl, Interrupted."} {"id": 209197, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Foxcatcher byl nominován na nejlepšího amerického herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Foxcatcher was nominated for Best American Supporting Actor in films."} {"id": 163515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hank Williams hrál ve filmu Grand Ole Pry.", "evidence": [[[42624, 51281, "Grand Ole Opry", 19, "Grand Ole Opry"]]], "claim_en": "Hank Williams was in the Grand Ole Pry."} {"id": 13630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu Melancholia byl dánský scenárista.", "evidence": [[[28876, 35241, "Melancholia", 0, "Melancholia (2011 film)"], [28876, 35241, "Lars von Trier", 0, "Lars von Trier"]]], "claim_en": "Melancholia's director was a Danish screenwriter."} {"id": 189881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matka Auguta Prewa byla anglická módní návrhářka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Augutus Prew's mother was an English fashion designer."} {"id": 85538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V období renesance došlo ke společenským a politickým otřesům.", "evidence": [[[102748, 116055, "Renesance", 12, "Renaissance"]]], "claim_en": "The Renaissance saw social and political upheaval."} {"id": 107025, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Macbeth byl poprvé vydán v edici Folio v roce 1623.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Macbeth was first edited in the Folio of 1623."} {"id": 74779, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Logika se narodila ve vaně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Logic was born in a bathtub."} {"id": 58601, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mauricius se v roce 1810 stal britskou koloniální državou.", "evidence": [[[74984, 86197, "Mauricius", 5, "Mauritius"]]], "claim_en": "Mauritius became a British colonial possession in 1810."} {"id": 54886, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První televizní rolí Lily Collinsové byla ve dvou letech \"vystrašená holčička\" v reklamě na Sprite.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily Collins' first role on television was \"frightened girl\" in a Sprite commercial at the age of two."} {"id": 5705, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emma Watsonová je francouzsko-britské auto.", "evidence": [[[22374, 27568, "Emma Watsonová", 0, "Emma Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Emma Watson is a French-British car."} {"id": 69243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rodiče a zákonní zástupci Charlese, prince z Walesu, jsou Lilly a James Potterovi.", "evidence": [[[85958, 98273, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 0, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]], [[85958, 98275, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 10, "Charles, Prince of Wales"], [85958, 98275, "Princezna Diana", 0, "Diana, Princess of Wales"]], [[85958, 98276, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 13, "Charles, Prince of Wales"], [85958, 98276, "Camilla, vévodkyně z Cornwallu", 0, "Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall"]]], "claim_en": "The birth parents and legal guardians of Charles, Prince of Wales are Lilly and James Potter."} {"id": 69942, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco leží v severní Kalifornii vedle Sacramenta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco is in Northern California next to Sacramento."} {"id": 81421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamese Bonda produkuje filmová společnost.", "evidence": [[[98468, 111564, "James Bond", 8, "James Bond"]]], "claim_en": "James Bond is produced by a film company."} {"id": 130153, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál OA byl v únoru 2017 obnoven pro druhou sérii.", "evidence": [[[152377, 167180, "OA", 10, "The OA"]]], "claim_en": "The OA was renewed for a second season in February 2017."} {"id": 70544, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Burundi obývají Twaové a Tutsiové.", "evidence": [[[87211, 99720, "Burundi", 6, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "Burundi is populated by Twas and Tutsis."} {"id": 159944, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christa McAuliffeová vyučovala společenské vědy na střední škole v Concordu.", "evidence": [[[184391, 196288, "Christa McAuliffeová", 4, "Christa McAuliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Christa McAuliffe taught social studies at Concord High School."} {"id": 44181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "T-Painovo debutové album se jmenovalo Chocolate and Cheese.", "evidence": [[[60517, 70950, "T-Pain", 1, "T-Pain"]]], "claim_en": "T-Pain's debut album was Chocolate and Cheese."} {"id": 24332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kmotr - část III je hororový film.", "evidence": [[[40363, 48563, "Kmotr III", 0, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III is a horror film."} {"id": 150596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shakira je tanečnice.", "evidence": [[[292744, 285454, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[292744, 285455, "Shakira", 1, "Shakira"]], [[295350, 287462, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[295350, 287463, "Shakira", 1, "Shakira"]], [[297130, 288818, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[340725, 325307, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[340727, 325308, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]]], "claim_en": "Shakira is a dancer."} {"id": 43770, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Tisíc sluncí byl natočen online.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Thousand Suns was recorded online."} {"id": 62112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adele si během roku 2013 dala od hudební tvorby pauzu.", "evidence": [[[78612, 90164, "Adele", 22, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele took a break during 2013 from creating music."} {"id": 223532, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maisie Williams byla nominována na cenu za nejlepší herečku ve vedlejší roli v dramatu, ale prohrála.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maisie Williams was nominated for but lost the award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama."} {"id": 98603, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kariéra Bena Kingsleyho trvá necelých 40 let.", "evidence": [[[116250, 130170, "Ben Kingsley", 0, "Ben Kingsley"]]], "claim_en": "Ben Kingsley's career has spanned under 40 years."} {"id": 135744, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmech se mluví dánsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Danish language is spoken in films."} {"id": 223340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní natáčení filmu The Disaster Artist (film) začalo v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[266023, 263126, "The Disaster Artist: Úžasný propadák", 5, "The Disaster Artist (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The principal filming of The Disaster Artist (film) started in 2016."} {"id": 39840, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Tennant se vždy míjel s Národními televizními cenami.", "evidence": [[[56139, 66303, "David Tennant", 3, "David Tennant"]]], "claim_en": "David Tennant has always been passed over by the National Television Awards."} {"id": 226802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film My Bloody Valentine 3D režíroval Jason Reitman.", "evidence": [[[270428, 266469, "Krvavý Valentýn", 2, "My Bloody Valentine 3D"]]], "claim_en": "My Bloody Valentine 3D was directed by Jason Reitman."} {"id": 86277, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fergie byla v letech 1994 až 1998 zpěvačkou skupiny The Black Eyed Peas.", "evidence": [[[103457, 116872, "Fergie", 1, "Fergie (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Fergie was the female vocalist for The Black Eyed Peas from 1994 to 1998."} {"id": 115297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lady Gaga ještě nenapsala žádnou píseň.", "evidence": [[[135350, 150248, "Lady Gaga", 0, "Lady Gaga"]]], "claim_en": "Lady Gaga has yet to write a song."} {"id": 34120, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skotsko obsahuje dva poloostrovy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scotland contains two peninsulas."} {"id": 216663, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Glenn Close hrála v roce 1980 v inscenaci Barnum.", "evidence": [[[257419, 256422, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]], [[257420, 256423, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Close was in productions of Barnum in 1980."} {"id": 85544, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ellen DeGeneres se provdala za katolíka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres married a Catholic."} {"id": 147596, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království má 12. nejdelší silnici na světě.", "evidence": [[[171151, 184659, "Spojené království", 4, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The UK has the 12th longest road in the world."} {"id": 224543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peggy Sue Got Married je komediální dramatický film z roku 1986.", "evidence": [[[267567, 264243, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]], [[267571, 264246, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]], [[267575, 264250, "Peggy Sue se vdává", 0, "Peggy Sue Got Married"]]], "claim_en": "Peggy Sue Got Married is a 1986 comedy-drama film."} {"id": 108125, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whoopi Goldbergová byla spoluproducentkou televizní herní show.", "evidence": [[[126850, 141303, "Whoopi Goldbergová", 10, "Whoopi Goldberg"]]], "claim_en": "Whoopi Goldberg was the co-producer of a TV game show."} {"id": 218954, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stratosféra se nachází nad mezosférou.", "evidence": [[[260342, 258759, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]]], "claim_en": "The stratosphere is above the mesosphere."} {"id": 167206, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Count Basie založil v roce 2000 šestnácti až osmnáctičlenný big band.", "evidence": [[[192369, 203119, "Count Basie", 0, "Count Basie"]]], "claim_en": "Count Basie formed a 16 to 18 piece big band in 2000."} {"id": 229270, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neal Schon je kanadský rockový kytarista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Neal Schon is a Canadian rock guitarist."} {"id": 124431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elle Fanningová nikdy nehrála ve filmu Super 8.", "evidence": [[[145957, 160969, "Elle Fanningová", 2, "Elle Fanning"]]], "claim_en": "Elle Fanning never starred in Super 8."} {"id": 105809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Útoky z 11. září se týkaly dopravních prostředků.", "evidence": [[[124209, 138552, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 7, "September 11 attacks"]], [[124209, 138553, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 8, "September 11 attacks"]], [[124209, 138554, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 10, "September 11 attacks"]], [[124209, 138555, "Teroristické útoky 11. září 2001", 11, "September 11 attacks"]]], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks involved modes of transportation."} {"id": 140046, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grace Jones se přestěhovala.", "evidence": [[[163009, 177237, "Grace Jones", 1, "Grace Jones"]], [[163009, 177238, "Grace Jones", 7, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones moved."} {"id": 161813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jet Li odešel do důchodu ve věku 81 let.", "evidence": [[[186334, 198149, "Jet Li", 5, "Jet Li"]]], "claim_en": "Jet Li retired from Wushu at age 81."} {"id": 146357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pouze deset zemí má více památek světového dědictví UNESCO než Írán.", "evidence": [[[169848, 183435, "Írán", 36, "Iran"]]], "claim_en": "Only ten nations have more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than Iran."} {"id": 62050, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Úsvit mrtvých (film z roku 1978) měl pokračování, které vyšlo v roce 2004.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dawn of the Dead (1978 film) had a sequel that came out in 2004."} {"id": 75662, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Carradine byl akrobat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Carradine was an acrobat."} {"id": 186234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Antonio Vivaldi se narodil ve městě na severovýchodě Francie.", "evidence": [[[217182, 223828, "Antonio Vivaldi", 1, "Antonio Vivaldi"], [217182, 223828, "Benátky", 0, "Venice"]]], "claim_en": "Antonio Vivaldi was born in a city in northeastern France."} {"id": 97939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Leslie Alexander je bývalý burzovní makléř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Leslie Alexander is a former stock broker."} {"id": 191741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z trenérů je Jennifer Hudsonová.", "evidence": [[[224247, 229071, "Jennifer Hudson", 23, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[224247, 229072, "Jennifer Hudson", 24, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[224248, 229073, "Jennifer Hudson", 23, "Jennifer Hudson"]], [[224248, 229074, "Jennifer Hudson", 24, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "One coach is Jennifer Hudson."} {"id": 93256, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Quebec neleží v Kanadě.", "evidence": [[[110646, 124292, "Québec (provincie)", 1, "Quebec"]], [[110646, 124293, "Québec (provincie)", 4, "Quebec"]], [[110646, 124294, "Québec (provincie)", 9, "Quebec"]], [[110646, 124295, "Québec (provincie)", 20, "Quebec"], [110646, 124295, "Kanada", 7, "Canada"]], [[110646, 124296, "Québec (provincie)", 24, "Quebec"]], [[110646, 124298, "Québec (provincie)", 18, "Quebec"]], [[110646, 124304, "Québec (provincie)", 10, "Quebec"], [110646, 124304, "Montréal", 1, "Montreal"]], [[110646, 124305, "Québec (provincie)", 5, "Quebec"], [110646, 124305, "New Hampshire", 1, "New Hampshire"]]], "claim_en": "Quebec is not in Canada."} {"id": 181348, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eazy-E se narodil v Comptonu v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[210530, 218287, "Eazy-E", 1, "Eazy-E"]]], "claim_en": "Eazy-E was birthed in Compton, California."} {"id": 155765, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Warren Buffett je Severoameričan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett is a North American."} {"id": 79696, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buffy, přemožitelka upírů, měla při natáčení několik problémů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buffy the Vampire Slayer had multiple issues in its production."} {"id": 68399, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová hrála ve filmu King Kong.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams starred in King Kong."} {"id": 87672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ethan Hawke hrál.", "evidence": [[[104877, 118277, "Ethan Hawke", 0, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[104877, 118278, "Ethan Hawke", 5, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[104877, 118279, "Ethan Hawke", 6, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[104877, 118280, "Ethan Hawke", 7, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[104877, 118281, "Ethan Hawke", 10, "Ethan Hawke"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke has acted."} {"id": 208293, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Statečné srdce vyhrálo loterii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Braveheart won a sweepstakes."} {"id": 138201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pasažéři je píseň.", "evidence": [[[160990, 175442, "Pasažéři", 0, "Passengers (2016 film)"]], [[160990, 175443, "Pasažéři", 1, "Passengers (2016 film)"]], [[160990, 175444, "Pasažéři", 5, "Passengers (2016 film)"]], [[160990, 175445, "Pasažéři", 7, "Passengers (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Passengers is a song."} {"id": 152787, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavním městem Britské Kolumbie je Toronto.", "evidence": [[[41453, 49834, "Britská Kolumbie", 17, "British Columbia"]]], "claim_en": "The capital of British Columbia is Toronto."} {"id": 17126, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angelina Jolie měla šest manželství.", "evidence": [[[32580, 39601, "Angelina Jolie", 17, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie has had six marriages."} {"id": 84677, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Irská republika leží nedaleko Francie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republic of Ireland is near France."} {"id": 218824, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oh Yeon-seo je bývalá členka skupiny LUV a je muzikálová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oh Yeon-seo is a former member of LUV and she is musical."} {"id": 134703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "VHS se dočkala svého vydání ve Spojených státech v roce 1977.", "evidence": [[[157258, 171833, "VHS", 1, "VHS"]]], "claim_en": "VHS was got its release in the United States in 1977."} {"id": 119221, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zoey Deutch je americká žába.", "evidence": [[[139993, 155000, "Zoey Deutch", 0, "Zoey Deutch"]], [[139993, 155001, "Zoey Deutch", 1, "Zoey Deutch"]]], "claim_en": "Zoey Deutch is an American frog."} {"id": 159859, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alien: Covenant je jednoaktovka z roku 2017, kterou společně napsali John Logan a Dante Harper.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alien: Covenant is a 2017 one-act play co-written by John Logan and Dante Harper."} {"id": 224195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moderátorkou 66. ročníku udílení cen Primetime Emmy byla moderátorka pořadu.", "evidence": [[[267090, 263880, "66. ročník udílení cen Emmy", 2, "66th Primetime Emmy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards was hosted by the host of a show."} {"id": 27855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ramadán je doba, kdy byla zjevena Bible.", "evidence": [[[43975, 52613, "Ramadán", 1, "Ramadan"]]], "claim_en": "Ramadan is when the Bible was revealed."} {"id": 104445, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Schwimmer absolvoval v roce 1988 soukromou univerzitu v Coloradu.", "evidence": [[[122743, 137031, "David Schwimmer", 3, "David Schwimmer"], [122743, 137031, "Severozápadní univerzita", 0, "Northwestern University"]]], "claim_en": "David Schwimmer graduated from a private university in Colorado in 1988."} {"id": 63313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mars se nachází v galaxii Andromeda.", "evidence": [[[79730, 91473, "Mars (planeta)", 0, "Mars"], [79730, 91473, "Sluneční soustava", 33, "Solar System"]]], "claim_en": "Mars is in the Andromeda galaxy."} {"id": 146628, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "První recenze filmu Marvel Cinematic Universe byla pozitivní.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Marvel Cinematic Universe's first review was positive."} {"id": 36133, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Producentem skupiny Foo Fighters byl Butch Vig.", "evidence": [[[52314, 62282, "Foo Fighters", 16, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters have been produced by Butch Vig."} {"id": 201229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Joan Cusacková byla zaměstnána u Debbie Reynoldsové.", "evidence": [[[236792, 239168, "Joan Cusacková", 1, "Joan Cusack"], [236792, 239168, "Svatba naruby", 0, "In & Out (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Joan Cusack was employed with Debbie Reynolds."} {"id": 128738, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adele získala v roce 1958 řadu ocenění.", "evidence": [[[150786, 165630, "Adele", 0, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele earned numerous awards in 1958."} {"id": 210034, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Z Afghánistánu pochází Heftalitská říše.", "evidence": [[[250764, 250748, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the origin of the Hephthalite Empire."} {"id": 65386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Darth Vader slouží Hydře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Darth Vader serves Hydra."} {"id": 106201, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Xbox One vyrobila společnost Apple.", "evidence": [[[124681, 139017, "Xbox One", 0, "Xbox One"]]], "claim_en": "Xbox One was made by Apple."} {"id": 119072, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carl Sanders pokřtil 16. listopadu 2014 svou oblíbenou loď.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carl Sanders christened his favorite boat on November 16, 2014."} {"id": 268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dobrý Will Hunting si zahrál Mark Wahlberg.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting starred Mark Wahlberg."} {"id": 108216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Crowe ztvárnil Maxima Decima Meridia, římského generála.", "evidence": [[[279798, 274407, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[279813, 274439, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[281511, 275914, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[328282, 315368, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[329112, 316020, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe portrayed Maximus Decimus Meridius, a Roman General."} {"id": 60742, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jedinou filmovou rolí Russella Crowea byl Scrooge McDuck.", "evidence": [[[25303, 31200, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[25303, 31201, "Russell Crowe", 5, "Russell Crowe"]], [[25303, 31202, "Russell Crowe", 6, "Russell Crowe"]], [[339398, 324368, "Russell Crowe", 2, "Russell Crowe"]], [[339398, 324369, "Russell Crowe", 5, "Russell Crowe"]], [[339398, 324370, "Russell Crowe", 6, "Russell Crowe"]], [[339398, 324371, "Russell Crowe", 9, "Russell Crowe"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Crowe's only film role was Scrooge McDuck."} {"id": 76394, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leonardo DiCaprio hrál ve filmu Titanic.", "evidence": [[[93260, 106199, "Leonardo DiCaprio", 4, "Leonardo DiCaprio"], [93260, 106199, "Titanic (film, 1997)", 1, "Titanic (1997 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo DiCaprio was in the film Titanic."} {"id": 58530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Eagles není americká rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[74891, 86105, "Eagles", 0, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "The Eagles are not an American rock group."} {"id": 93424, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Území Spojených států jsou propojená.", "evidence": [[[110786, 124451, "Spojené státy americké", 5, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "The United States' territories are connected."} {"id": 163483, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Barbara Bushová byla v letech 1989 až 1993 první dámou Ugandy.", "evidence": [[[188040, 199606, "Barbara Bushová", 0, "Barbara Bush"]]], "claim_en": "Barbara Bush was First Lady of Uganda from 1989 to 1993."} {"id": 193931, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Oz the Great and Powerful byl uveden do kin prostřednictvím formátu IMAX 3D.", "evidence": [[[227095, 231505, "Mocný vládce Oz", 14, "Oz the Great and Powerful"]]], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful was released through the format of IMAX 3D."} {"id": 128391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Jennings Bryan neměl s politikou nic společného.", "evidence": [[[150414, 165304, "William Jennings Bryan", 0, "William Jennings Bryan"]], [[150414, 165305, "William Jennings Bryan", 1, "William Jennings Bryan"]], [[150414, 165306, "William Jennings Bryan", 9, "William Jennings Bryan"]]], "claim_en": "William Jennings Bryan had nothing to do with politics."} {"id": 207243, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus vydala v roce 2015 EP.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus released an EP in 2015."} {"id": 86466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quinoa se vyskytuje ve světě.", "evidence": [[[103614, 117060, "Merlík čilský", 17, "Quinoa"]]], "claim_en": "Quinoa occurs in the world."} {"id": 40478, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spojené království není konstituční monarchií.", "evidence": [[[56792, 67020, "Spojené království", 11, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom is not a constitutional monarchy."} {"id": 110190, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Společnost KFC působila v Kanadě do poloviny 80. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[129293, 144049, "KFC", 13, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC operated in Canada by the mid-1980s."} {"id": 121617, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paranormální jevy se týkají létajících objektů.", "evidence": [[[142806, 157947, "Paranormální jev", 7, "Paranormal"]]], "claim_en": "Paranormal pertains to flying objects."} {"id": 103277, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers (film) vyšel v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[121253, 135544, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers (film) came out in 2000."} {"id": 218959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stratosféra se nachází pod troposférou.", "evidence": [[[260347, 258761, "Stratosféra", 0, "Stratosphere"]]], "claim_en": "The stratosphere is below the troposphere."} {"id": 5480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Císařovna Matylda se provdala za císaře.", "evidence": [[[21871, 26860, "Matylda Anglická", 1, "Empress Matilda"]]], "claim_en": "Empress Matilda married an emperor."} {"id": 49227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním kytaristou skupiny Eagles byl 27 let Don Felder.", "evidence": [[[65553, 76421, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "The Eagles's lead guitarist was Don Felder for 27 years."} {"id": 53539, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Coldplay vydali EP u nezávislého vydavatelství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coldplay released an EP with a indie label."} {"id": 184034, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Hardy se objevuje výhradně v shakespearovských komediích.", "evidence": [[[214231, 221315, "Tom Hardy", 4, "Tom Hardy"]], [[214231, 221316, "Tom Hardy", 3, "Tom Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy appears exclusively in Shakespearean comedies."} {"id": 169395, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Dívka ve vlaku je natočen podle knihy amerického autora.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Girl on the Train is based on a book by an American author."} {"id": 156796, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nicki Minaj navštívila Haiti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nicki Minaj has visited Haiti."} {"id": 111454, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kathy Bates byla v roce 2005 nominována na cenu Tony za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kathy Bates was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Lead Actress in 2005."} {"id": 20082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Megan Fox začala svou hereckou kariéru několika menšími pokusy o atentát.", "evidence": [[[35892, 43442, "Megan Fox", 1, "Megan Fox"]]], "claim_en": "Megan Fox began her acting career with several minor assassination attempts."} {"id": 80657, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na Marsu se nachází oblast Tharsis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mars contains the Tharsis region."} {"id": 169296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur je v žebříčku vzdělanosti na nízkém místě.", "evidence": [[[195150, 205481, "Singapur", 18, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is ranked lowly in education."} {"id": 17363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grave VanderWaal je Američanka a sklidila kritiku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grave VanderWaal is American and has received criticism."} {"id": 79895, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Gone Girl chybí herecký výkon Rosamund Pike.", "evidence": [[[96856, 110011, "Zmizelá (film)", 7, "Gone Girl (film)"]], [[96856, 110012, "Zmizelá (film)", 1, "Gone Girl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Gone Girl lacks a performance by Rosamund Pike."} {"id": 151587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Londýn je jeskyně.", "evidence": [[[175455, 188458, "Londýn", 0, "London"]]], "claim_en": "London is a cavern."} {"id": 1346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Willow Smith není herečka.", "evidence": [[[17002, 21064, "Willow Smithová", 0, "Willow Smith"]]], "claim_en": "Willow Smith is not an actress."} {"id": 110114, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Judy Garlandová je po smrti.", "evidence": [[[129287, 144043, "Judy Garlandová", 0, "Judy Garland"]], [[129287, 144044, "Judy Garlandová", 24, "Judy Garland"]]], "claim_en": "Judy Garland is deceased."} {"id": 59655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harald V. Norský se oženil se šlechtičnou.", "evidence": [[[76056, 87352, "Harald V.", 12, "Harald V of Norway"]]], "claim_en": "Harald V of Norway married an aristocrat."} {"id": 200288, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Natural Born Killers byl výrazně přepracován scenáristou Davidem Velozem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The screenplay for Natural Born Killers was heavily revised by screenwriter David Veloz."} {"id": 4937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jane Fonda hrála ve filmu Batman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jane Fonda was in the movie Batman."} {"id": 226974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Black Eyed Peas vystoupila se singlem.", "evidence": [[[270638, 266646, "The Black Eyed Peas", 7, "The Black Eyed Peas"]], [[270638, 266647, "The Black Eyed Peas", 9, "The Black Eyed Peas"]], [[270638, 266648, "The Black Eyed Peas", 10, "The Black Eyed Peas"]], [[270638, 266650, "The Black Eyed Peas", 11, "The Black Eyed Peas"]], [[270638, 266651, "The Black Eyed Peas", 12, "The Black Eyed Peas"]], [[270638, 266652, "The Black Eyed Peas", 13, "The Black Eyed Peas"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Eyed Peas performed a single."} {"id": 163516, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grand Ole Pry byla pouze dostihová dráha.", "evidence": [[[188155, 199690, "Grand Ole Opry", 0, "Grand Ole Opry"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Ole Pry was only a race track."} {"id": 3158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Johnny Mnemonic měl premiéru v Japonsku 15. dubna 1995.", "evidence": [[[19100, 23415, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 12, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Johnny Mnemonic premiered in Japan on April 15, 1995."} {"id": 216937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Karl Urban hrál v prvním a čtvrtém díle pěti sérií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Karl Urban was in the first and fourth installments of five series."} {"id": 19484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vandalové založili království v 8. století.", "evidence": [[[35289, 42780, "Vandalové", 0, "Vandals"]]], "claim_en": "The Vandals established kingdoms in the 8th century."} {"id": 81507, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Indie je tyranie.", "evidence": [[[98554, 111641, "Indie", 1, "India"]]], "claim_en": "India is a tyranny."} {"id": 169825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cary Grant se objevil ve filmu Udělala mu chybu.", "evidence": [[[195847, 206001, "Cary Grant", 8, "Cary Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Cary Grant appeared in the film She Done Him Wrong."} {"id": 219333, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Úřady Spojených států obvinily Abú Bakra al-Bagdádího.", "evidence": [[[260936, 259257, "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí", 8, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi"]]], "claim_en": "United States authorities have accused Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."} {"id": 160470, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Istanbul byl založen na výběžku oddělujícím Zlatý roh a Marmarské moře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Istanbul was founded on the promontory separating the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara."} {"id": 41698, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Orwell je odpůrcem králů, kteří regulují všechny aspekty veřejného i soukromého života.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Orwell is opposed to kings that regulate all aspects of public and private life."} {"id": 177345, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Clarence Thomas je sériový vrah.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Clarence Thomas is a serial killer."} {"id": 102091, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Třetí studiové album skupiny Arcade Fire bylo komerčně neúspěšné.", "evidence": [[[119866, 134001, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119867, 134000, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119868, 134002, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119869, 134003, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119871, 134005, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119872, 134006, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119873, 134007, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119874, 134008, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119875, 134009, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119876, 134010, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119877, 134011, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119878, 134012, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119879, 134013, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119880, 134014, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119881, 134015, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119882, 134016, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119883, 134017, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119884, 134018, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119885, 134019, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]], [[119886, 134020, "Arcade Fire", 6, "Arcade Fire"]]], "claim_en": "Arcade Fire's third studio album was commercially unsuccessful."} {"id": 192339, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hubert Humphrey působil v Senátu po čtyři funkční období.", "evidence": [[[225751, 230353, "Hubert Humphrey", 1, "Hubert Humphrey"]]], "claim_en": "Hubert Humphrey served in the Senate for four terms."} {"id": 106735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Darth Vader byl stvořen někým z filmového průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[279672, 274310, "Darth Vader", 4, "Darth Vader"]], [[281333, 275734, "Darth Vader", 4, "Darth Vader"], [281333, 275734, "George Lucas", 0, "George Lucas"], [281333, 275734, "George Lucas", 1, "George Lucas"]], [[327991, 315156, "Darth Vader", 4, "Darth Vader"], [327991, 315156, "George Lucas", 0, "George Lucas"]]], "claim_en": "Darth Vader was created by someone in the film industry."} {"id": 62352, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Usain Bolt se zúčastnil olympijských her.", "evidence": [[[78802, 90374, "Usain Bolt", 3, "Usain Bolt"]], [[78802, 90375, "Usain Bolt", 7, "Usain Bolt"]], [[78802, 90376, "Usain Bolt", 8, "Usain Bolt"]], [[78802, 90377, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt was in the Olympics."} {"id": 70285, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mezi predátory slonů patří žraloci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elephants' predators include sharks."} {"id": 98703, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Martin Scorsese je držitelem ceny AFI za celoživotní dílo z roku 2001.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Martin Scorsese is a recipient of the AFI Life Achievement Award in 2001."} {"id": 136165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Schumacher získal nula titulů.", "evidence": [[[158821, 173425, "Michael Schumacher", 3, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158821, 173426, "Michael Schumacher", 1, "Michael Schumacher"], [158821, 173426, "Mistrovství světa jezdců F1", 10, "List of Formula One World Drivers' Champions"]], [[158821, 173427, "Michael Schumacher", 4, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158821, 173428, "Michael Schumacher", 18, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158821, 173429, "Michael Schumacher", 20, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158822, 173430, "Michael Schumacher", 3, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158822, 173431, "Michael Schumacher", 20, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158822, 173432, "Michael Schumacher", 18, "Michael Schumacher"]], [[158822, 173433, "Michael Schumacher", 4, "Michael Schumacher"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Schumacher won zero titles."} {"id": 146470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Ren & Stimpy Show byl vytvořen výhradně pro děti.", "evidence": [[[169969, 183569, "Ren a Stimpy", 0, "The Ren & Stimpy Show"]]], "claim_en": "The Ren & Stimpy Show was created exclusively for kids."} {"id": 84691, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John S. McCain Jr. byl v roce 1931 vyloučen ze školy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John S. McCain Jr. was expelled in 1931."} {"id": 185596, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Léčbou periferního onemocnění tepen je čerstvý vzduch.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A treatment for peripheral artery disease is fresh air."} {"id": 38347, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kuala Lumpur je kulturním centrem Malajsie.", "evidence": [[[54544, 64542, "Kuala Lumpur", 6, "Kuala Lumpur"]], [[54554, 64550, "Kuala Lumpur", 6, "Kuala Lumpur"]]], "claim_en": "Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's cultural center."} {"id": 59820, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maminka (televizní seriál) byla pojata v rámci People's Choice Awards.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mom (TV series) was conceived of at the People's Choice Awards."} {"id": 120884, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gemini (tamilský film z roku 2002) získal Filmfare Awards za herecké výkony a režii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gemini (2002 Tamil film) won Filmfare Awards for acting and directing."} {"id": 59451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Beckham hrál v Premier League.", "evidence": [[[75853, 87116, "David Beckham", 12, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham played in the Premier League."} {"id": 193210, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pruská akademie věd byla založena v srpnu 1700.", "evidence": [[[226225, 230834, "Pruská akademie věd", 0, "Prussian Academy of Sciences"]]], "claim_en": "Prussian Academy of Sciences was established in August 1700."} {"id": 18102, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Mantee byl křesťan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Mantee was a Christian."} {"id": 138327, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "To, že se David Arquette stal světovým šampionem těžké váhy WCW, bylo uváděno jako klíčové pro zánik NBA.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette's becoming a WCW World Heavyweight Champion has been cited as pivotal to the demise of the NBA."} {"id": 212345, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linda McCartneyová odmítla vkročit do ordinace lékaře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney refused to step foot into a doctor's office."} {"id": 142799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Blbý a blbější je americká komediální roadmovie.", "evidence": [[[165854, 179830, "Blbý a blbější", 0, "Dumb and Dumber"]]], "claim_en": "Dumb and Dumber is an American comedy road play."} {"id": 211177, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bratr Marcuse Allena se narodil v Paříži.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marcus Allen's brother was born in Paris."} {"id": 30385, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Inspectah Deck je filmový producent.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Inspectah Deck is a movie producer."} {"id": 128004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "MSG se používá pouze ve filmovém průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[149985, 164918, "Glutaman sodný", 1, "Monosodium glutamate"]], [[149985, 164919, "Glutaman sodný", 4, "Monosodium glutamate"]]], "claim_en": "MSG is only used in the film industry."} {"id": 224793, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Sabbath vznikli v Evropě.", "evidence": [[[267856, 264484, "Black Sabbath", 0, "Black Sabbath"], [267856, 264484, "Birmingham", 0, "Birmingham"]]], "claim_en": "Black Sabbath formed in Europe."} {"id": 218722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth hrál pouze ve filmu Sněhurka a lovec.", "evidence": [[[260026, 258514, "Chris Hemsworth", 2, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth only starred in Snow White and the Huntsman."} {"id": 128302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "USS Constitution nebyla součástí amerického námořnictva.", "evidence": [[[150311, 165230, "USS Constitution", 0, "USS Constitution"]]], "claim_en": "USS Constitution wasn't part of the U.S. Navy."} {"id": 115985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Barva noci získal nula Zlatých malin.", "evidence": [[[136192, 151024, "Barva noci", 8, "Color of Night"]]], "claim_en": "Color of Night won zero Golden Raspberry awards."} {"id": 102182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Úsvit planety opic je prequel k filmu z roku 2011.", "evidence": [[[119993, 134133, "Úsvit planety opic", 2, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes"]]], "claim_en": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a prequel to a 2011 movie."} {"id": 344, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Srbsko má vysokou pozici na indexu.", "evidence": [[[15730, 19584, "Srbsko", 20, "Serbia"], [15730, 19584, "Světový index míru", 0, "Global Peace Index"]]], "claim_en": "Serbia has a high rank on an index."} {"id": 175112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Axl Rose má živá vystoupení.", "evidence": [[[202577, 211804, "Axl Rose", 3, "Axl Rose"]], [[202577, 211805, "Axl Rose", 12, "Axl Rose"]]], "claim_en": "Axl Rose has live performances."} {"id": 225269, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brian De Palma je zápaďák.", "evidence": [[[268441, 265024, "Brian De Palma", 0, "Brian De Palma"], [268441, 265024, "Spojené státy americké", 0, "United States"], [268441, 265024, "Spojené státy americké", 2, "United States"], [268441, 265024, "Spojené státy americké", 3, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "Brian De Palma is a Westerner."} {"id": 130301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Freddie Highmore hraje v televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[152550, 167343, "Freddie Highmore", 5, "Freddie Highmore"]]], "claim_en": "Freddie Highmore starred in a television series."} {"id": 33199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Bostonu vznikl první veřejný park ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[49283, 58639, "Boston", 12, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Boston had the first public park in the United States."} {"id": 143383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Král rybář se ve vedlejší roli objevila Mercedes Ruehl.", "evidence": [[[166534, 180356, "Král rybář", 1, "The Fisher King"]]], "claim_en": "The Fisher King features Mercedes Ruehl in a supporting role."} {"id": 3403, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Led Zeppelin se poprvé jmenovala The Beatles.", "evidence": [[[19413, 23824, "Led Zeppelin", 5, "Led Zeppelin"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin was first named The Beatles."} {"id": 181009, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Goldblum je všechno jiné než Američan.", "evidence": [[[213668, 220854, "Jeff Goldblum", 0, "Jeff Goldblum"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Goldblum is anything except American."} {"id": 24381, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniela Hantuchová byla poražena britskou tenistkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniela Hantuchová was beat by a British tennis player."} {"id": 113092, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Batman má vynikající deduktivní uvažování a dokáže si rychle spojit stopy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Batman has excellent deductive reasoning and can quickly make connections between clues."} {"id": 46426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson po dvou letech zanechal studia na vysoké škole.", "evidence": [[[62808, 73455, "Willie Nelson", 9, "Willie Nelson"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson dropped out of college after two years."} {"id": 89285, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku byl ryba.", "evidence": [[[106507, 119923, "Romelu Lukaku", 0, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was a fish."} {"id": 46916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Testovací kriket se hraje v průběhu pěti dnů.", "evidence": [[[63231, 73938, "Kriket", 25, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Test cricket is played over the course of five days."} {"id": 181168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rebecca Ferguson hrála Alžbětu Woodvillovou ve filmu Bílá královna.", "evidence": [[[211232, 218908, "Rebecca Ferguson", 1, "Rebecca Ferguson"]]], "claim_en": "Rebecca Ferguson played Elizabeth Woodville in The White Queen."} {"id": 71462, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nicole Kidmanová není herečka.", "evidence": [[[88143, 100676, "Nicole Kidmanová", 0, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100677, "Nicole Kidmanová", 1, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100678, "Nicole Kidmanová", 2, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100679, "Nicole Kidmanová", 5, "Nicole Kidman"], [88143, 100679, "Oscar za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon v hlavní roli", 1, "Academy Award for Best Actress"]], [[88143, 100680, "Nicole Kidmanová", 6, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100681, "Nicole Kidmanová", 9, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100682, "Nicole Kidmanová", 10, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100683, "Nicole Kidmanová", 11, "Nicole Kidman"]], [[88143, 100685, "Nicole Kidmanová", 13, "Nicole Kidman"], [88143, 100685, "Oscar za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli", 1, "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress"]], [[88143, 100686, "Nicole Kidmanová", 14, "Nicole Kidman"]]], "claim_en": "Nicole Kidman is not an actress."} {"id": 107050, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "I Believe (píseň Frankie Laine) je nejvýdělečnější písní Irvina Grahama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "I Believe (Frankie Laine song) is the highest grossing song by Irvin Graham."} {"id": 34790, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Drake (hudebník) je název alba.", "evidence": [[[50981, 60718, "Drake (umělec)", 0, "Drake (musician)"]], [[50981, 60719, "Drake (umělec)", 1, "Drake (musician)"]], [[50981, 60720, "Drake (umělec)", 2, "Drake (musician)"]], [[50981, 60722, "Drake (umělec)", 6, "Drake (musician)"]], [[50981, 60723, "Drake (umělec)", 7, "Drake (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Drake (musician) is the name of an album."} {"id": 31978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Calvin Harris má v UK Singles Chart více písní než Michael Jackson.", "evidence": [[[94927, 107881, "Calvin Harris", 17, "Calvin Harris"]], [[306650, 297276, "Calvin Harris", 17, "Calvin Harris"]], [[306651, 297277, "Calvin Harris", 17, "Calvin Harris"]], [[306655, 297290, "Calvin Harris", 17, "Calvin Harris"]]], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris has more songs on the UK Singles Chart than Michael Jackson."} {"id": 78181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thomas Jefferson byl prezidentský spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thomas Jefferson was a presidential novelist."} {"id": 53112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jim Carrey hrál v hlavní roli ve filmu Neuvěřitelný Burt Wonderstone.", "evidence": [[[69389, 80186, "Jim Carrey", 13, "Jim Carrey"]]], "claim_en": "Jim Carrey was in the main cast of in The Incredible Burt Wonderstone."} {"id": 120370, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Narodil se Muhammad Ali.", "evidence": [[[141393, 156569, "Muhammad Ali", 0, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was born."} {"id": 33217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Walt Disney Company vlastní společnost A+E Networks.", "evidence": [[[49303, 58653, "The Walt Disney Company", 10, "The Walt Disney Company"]]], "claim_en": "The Walt Disney Company owns A+E Networks."} {"id": 87995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pár správných chlapů je film.", "evidence": [[[105187, 118604, "Pár správných chlapů", 0, "A Few Good Men"]]], "claim_en": "A Few Good Men is a film."} {"id": 204838, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zaměstnanci Apple Store mají skvělou platformu kariérního postupu.", "evidence": [[[241947, 243486, "Apple Store", 22, "Apple Store"]]], "claim_en": "Apple Store employees have a great platform of career advancement."} {"id": 115844, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Čingischán praktikoval demokracii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan practiced democracy."} {"id": 137012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "NASA vedla mise k přistání na Měsíci.", "evidence": [[[159747, 174225, "NASA", 8, "NASA"]]], "claim_en": "NASA led the moon landing missions."} {"id": 160019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vynález lži je restaurace.", "evidence": [[[184469, 196356, "Umění lhát", 0, "The Invention of Lying"]]], "claim_en": "The Invention of Lying is a restaurant."} {"id": 218087, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dívka ve vlaku vznikla pod produkční značkou Amblin Partners.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Girl on the Train was written by a production label of Amblin Partners."} {"id": 185235, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Home for the Holidays hraje někdo, kdo zemřel o svátcích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Home for the Holidays stars someone who died on a holiday."} {"id": 157046, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hugo Weaving je osoba.", "evidence": [[[181163, 193439, "Hugo Weaving", 0, "Hugo Weaving"]]], "claim_en": "Hugo Weaving is a person."} {"id": 23820, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vincent Cassel hrál ve filmu Černá labuť.", "evidence": [[[39761, 47843, "Vincent Cassel", 0, "Vincent Cassel"], [39761, 47843, "Černá labuť (film, 2010)", 0, "Black Swan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent Cassel starred in Black Swan."} {"id": 64452, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nepokoje v Los Angeles v roce 1992 je jen jeden z názvů těchto událostí.", "evidence": [[[80899, 92762, "Nepokoje v Los Angeles 1992", 0, "1992 Los Angeles riots"]]], "claim_en": "The 1992 Los Angeles riots is just one name for those events."} {"id": 120522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Venus Williamsová absolvovala vysokou školu 17. června 1980.", "evidence": [[[33850, 41009, "Venus Williamsová", 0, "Venus Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Venus Williams graduated from college on June 17th, 1980."} {"id": 146661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Norton hrál ve filmu Klub rváčů.", "evidence": [[[170197, 183754, "Klub rváčů (film)", 1, "Fight Club"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton starred in Fight Club."} {"id": 210905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Foo Fighters vznikla podle jména, které hlásili piloti.", "evidence": [[[249868, 249894, "Foo Fighters", 2, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters was created by a name reported by pilots."} {"id": 92644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "KGB se řídila vojenskými zákony a předpisy.", "evidence": [[[277261, 272198, "KGB", 7, "KGB"]], [[277766, 272721, "KGB", 7, "KGB"]], [[324447, 312420, "KGB", 7, "KGB"]], [[325888, 313509, "KGB", 7, "KGB"]], [[326020, 313602, "KGB", 7, "KGB"]]], "claim_en": "The KGB was governed by military laws and regulations."} {"id": 144804, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé jméno Alexandra Lukašenka je počítač.", "evidence": [[[168090, 181857, "Alexandr Lukašenko", 0, "Alexander Lukashenko"]], [[168091, 181858, "Alexandr Lukašenko", 0, "Alexander Lukashenko"]], [[168094, 181859, "Alexandr Lukašenko", 0, "Alexander Lukashenko"]]], "claim_en": "Alexander Lukashenko's middle name is computer."} {"id": 144082, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "50 Cent je mim.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "50 Cent is a mime."} {"id": 74105, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fotbalový klub Everton F.C. hrál na stadionu Twickenham.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. played at Twickenham Stadium."} {"id": 136626, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carterová hrála v televizním filmu HBO Live From Baghdad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter acted in the HBO television film Live From Baghdad."} {"id": 184489, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Millie Bobby Brownová hrála v dramatickém seriálu.", "evidence": [[[214895, 221871, "Millie Bobby Brown", 0, "Millie Bobby Brown"]]], "claim_en": "Millie Bobby Brown was in a drama series."} {"id": 170347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Titul Juris Doctor lze v Austrálii získat bez absolvování právnické fakulty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Juris Doctor can be earned in Australia without completing law school."} {"id": 156629, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1933 neztratilo Prusko nezávislost.", "evidence": [[[180712, 193117, "Prusko", 6, "Prussia"]]], "claim_en": "In 1933, Prussia did not lose its independence."} {"id": 92996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Budapešť byla součástí Rakouska-Uherska.", "evidence": [[[275475, 270615, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]], [[277300, 272236, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]], [[277804, 272757, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]], [[277805, 272758, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]], [[324497, 312467, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]], [[324501, 312469, "Budapešť", 11, "Budapest"]]], "claim_en": "Budapest was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire."} {"id": 104028, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Johnny Mnemonic je guvernérem státu Iowa.", "evidence": [[[32094, 38974, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 0, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38975, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 1, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38976, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 2, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38977, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 4, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38978, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 5, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38979, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 8, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38980, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 12, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]], [[32094, 38981, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 13, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Johnny Mnemonic is the governor of Iowa."} {"id": 168268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Írán je významným středním národem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iran is a significant middle nation."} {"id": 2963, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Autorem hudby k filmu Broadchurch je Michael Giacchino.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Broadchurch's composer is Michael Giacchino."} {"id": 99224, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elizabeth Olsenová je Francouzka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Olsen is French."} {"id": 114442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Beatles nevznikla v Liverpoolu.", "evidence": [[[134396, 149285, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134398, 149286, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134399, 149287, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134400, 149288, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134401, 149289, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134402, 149290, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134403, 149291, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134404, 149292, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134405, 149293, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134406, 149294, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134407, 149295, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134408, 149296, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134409, 149297, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134410, 149298, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134411, 149299, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134412, 149300, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134413, 149301, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134414, 149302, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[134415, 149303, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles was not formed in Liverpool."} {"id": 179000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gianluigi Buffon získal fotbalové tituly.", "evidence": [[[207650, 215878, "Gianluigi Buffon", 14, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207650, 215879, "Gianluigi Buffon", 12, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207650, 215880, "Gianluigi Buffon", 13, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207650, 215881, "Gianluigi Buffon", 10, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207650, 215882, "Gianluigi Buffon", 11, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207650, 215883, "Gianluigi Buffon", 9, "Gianluigi Buffon"]], [[207655, 215886, "Gianluigi Buffon", 10, "Gianluigi Buffon"]]], "claim_en": "Gianluigi Buffon has won football titles."} {"id": 12587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kill Bill: Kill Bill: 2. díl má hvězdu.", "evidence": [[[27836, 34112, "Kill Bill 2", 1, "Kill Bill: Volume 2"]]], "claim_en": "Kill Bill: Volume 2 has a star."} {"id": 125750, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katharine Hepburnová se narodila v Německu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Katharine Hepburn was born in Germany."} {"id": 107060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Let 1549 společnosti US Airways neměl žádného pilota.", "evidence": [[[125686, 140060, "Let US Airways 1549", 1, "US Airways Flight 1549"]], [[125686, 140061, "Let US Airways 1549", 12, "US Airways Flight 1549"]]], "claim_en": "US Airways Flight 1549 did not have any pilots."} {"id": 54760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hrabství Cambridgeshire je bez vlády.", "evidence": [[[169330, 182978, "Cambridgeshire", 7, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[173268, 186528, "Cambridgeshire", 1, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[173268, 186529, "Cambridgeshire", 7, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[173268, 186530, "Cambridgeshire", 8, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[312610, 302383, "Cambridgeshire", 7, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[312610, 302384, "Cambridgeshire", 8, "Cambridgeshire"]], [[312617, 302389, "Cambridgeshire", 7, "Cambridgeshire"]]], "claim_en": "Cambridgeshire is ungoverned."} {"id": 68443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pharrell Williams nehraje na bicí.", "evidence": [[[85053, 97334, "Pharrell Williams", 4, "Pharrell Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Pharrell Williams does not play drums."} {"id": 8355, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steve Buscemi hrál ve filmu Továrna na zvířata.", "evidence": [[[13575, 16962, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"], [13575, 16962, "Věznice (film)", 1, "Animal Factory"]], [[13597, 16997, "Steve Buscemi", 8, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Buscemi was in the movie Animal Factory."} {"id": 193220, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Hamburku byla založena Pruská akademie věd.", "evidence": [[[226236, 230844, "Pruská akademie věd", 0, "Prussian Academy of Sciences"]]], "claim_en": "Prussian Academy of Sciences was established in Hamburg."} {"id": 207199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na filmu Dívka s perlovou náušnicí se podílel Johannes Vermeer.", "evidence": [[[245016, 245941, "Dívka s perlou (film)", 2, "Girl with a Pearl Earring (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Girl with a Pearl Earring involves Johannes Vermeer."} {"id": 195658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iggy Azalea podepsala nahrávací smlouvu s nahrávací společností amerického rappera T.I.", "evidence": [[[229869, 233696, "Iggy Azalea", 3, "Iggy Azalea"]]], "claim_en": "Iggy Azalea signed a recording contract with the record company of American rapper T.I."} {"id": 119209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Red Hot Chili Peppers je americká jazzová skupina.", "evidence": [[[139951, 154971, "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 0, "Red Hot Chili Peppers"]]], "claim_en": "The Red Hot Chili Peppers are an American jazz band."} {"id": 206882, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ayutthaya byla přátelská k Číňanům, Holanďanům, Angličanům, Vietnamcům, Indům, Japoncům, Peršanům, Portugalcům, Španělům a Francouzům.", "evidence": [[[244628, 245573, "Ajutthajské království", 1, "Ayutthaya Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Ayutthaya was friendly towards Chinese, Dutch, English, Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, and French people."} {"id": 170517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Evonne Goolagong Cawleyová je bývalá světová tenisová jednička.", "evidence": [[[196738, 206823, "Evonne Goolagongová", 0, "Evonne Goolagong Cawley"]]], "claim_en": "Evonne Goolagong Cawley is a former World No. 1 tennis player."} {"id": 10483, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettová hrála ve filmu Ateista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett acted in The Atheist."} {"id": 43745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Na TV Tokio měl premiéru jeden ze seriálů Fairy Tail.", "evidence": [[[131590, 146384, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]], [[135050, 149959, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]], [[309278, 299525, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]], [[309279, 299526, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]], [[309284, 299529, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]], [[309286, 299530, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]]], "claim_en": "One of Fairy Tail's series premiered on TV Tokyo."} {"id": 152506, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Legion je postava z komiksů Marvel Comics vytvořená v roce 1980.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Legion is a Marvel Comics character created in 1980."} {"id": 115036, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sheryl Lee se objevila ve filmu jako učitelka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sheryl Lee appeared in a film as a teacher."} {"id": 222932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Curtis založil v roce 1985 britskou charitativní organizaci.", "evidence": [[[265569, 262726, "Richard Curtis", 2, "Richard Curtis"], [265569, 262726, "Comic Relief", 0, "Comic Relief"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Curtis founded a British charity in 1985."} {"id": 14867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Linux distribuuje operační systém Mac OS.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Linux distributes Mac OS."} {"id": 103383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Thomas Anderson produkoval film Viktoria.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Thomas Anderson produced Viktoria."} {"id": 102702, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ashton Kutcher režíroval film George Clooneyho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ashton Kutcher was directed by George Clooney."} {"id": 123287, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Toronto mělo okolní obce.", "evidence": [[[144786, 159807, "Toronto", 12, "Toronto"]]], "claim_en": "Toronto had surrounding municipalities."} {"id": 175801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Arrow se natáčel především v Rusku.", "evidence": [[[203553, 212550, "Arrow (seriál)", 3, "Arrow (TV series)"], [203553, 212550, "Arrow (seriál)", 0, "Arrow (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Arrow was primarily filmed in Russia."} {"id": 119578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bratři Coenové ještě nezískali Oscara za nejlepší film.", "evidence": [[[283017, 277148, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]], [[284908, 278644, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]], [[285646, 279301, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]], [[331473, 318003, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]], [[332265, 318668, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]], [[332266, 318669, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]]], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers have yet to win the Academy Award for Best Picture."} {"id": 190294, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Knight je producentem a režisérem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Knight produces and directs."} {"id": 54837, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Island nemá vysokou zeměpisnou šířku.", "evidence": [[[71189, 82121, "Island", 6, "Iceland"]], [[71189, 82122, "Island", 7, "Iceland"]]], "claim_en": "Iceland does not have a high latitude."} {"id": 150759, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Margot Kidder se v roce 2009 objevila na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Margot Kidder has appeared on Broadway in 2009."} {"id": 144701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filadelfie je centrem nelegální činnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is a center of illegal activity."} {"id": 209341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexandrie se nachází v Egyptě.", "evidence": [[[247826, 248114, "Alexandrie", 0, "Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandria is in Egypt."} {"id": 210263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William McKinley se narodil v roce 1846.", "evidence": [[[249086, 249119, "William McKinley", 0, "William McKinley"]], [[249093, 249126, "William McKinley", 0, "William McKinley"]]], "claim_en": "William McKinley was born in 1846."} {"id": 21752, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Žralok grónský se také nazývá žralok šedý.", "evidence": [[[37558, 45500, "Žralok malohlavý", 0, "Greenland shark"]]], "claim_en": "The Greenland shark is also called the gray shark."} {"id": 118028, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost KFC otevřela restaurace na Bahamách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "KFC opened restaurants in Bahamas."} {"id": 5923, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Willie Nelson hrál v kapele.", "evidence": [[[22671, 27978, "Willie Nelson", 6, "Willie Nelson"]], [[22671, 27979, "Willie Nelson", 7, "Willie Nelson"]], [[22671, 27980, "Willie Nelson", 15, "Willie Nelson"]], [[22671, 27981, "Willie Nelson", 26, "Willie Nelson"], [22671, 27981, "Superskupina", 0, "Supergroup (music)"]]], "claim_en": "Willie Nelson was in a band."} {"id": 206057, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V roce 1892 vyhořelo Burnaby.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Burnaby was burned down in 1892."} {"id": 34304, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V herních pořadech se používají dotykové obrazovky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Touchscreens are used on game shows."} {"id": 105363, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Atomovou blondýnku snědl Kurt Johnstad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Atomic Blonde was eaten by Kurt Johnstad."} {"id": 69637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elizabeth Banksová vystudovala vysokou školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Banks is a college graduate."} {"id": 166589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx získal cenu Grammy.", "evidence": [[[191608, 202435, "Jamie Foxx", 10, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx won a Grammy Award."} {"id": 219017, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jay Sekulow je Armén.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jay Sekulow is Armenian."} {"id": 210831, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V obsazení filmu Osamělá holubice byly pouze peruánské ženy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lonesome Dove's cast included only Peruvian women."} {"id": 207754, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sammy Cahn byl americký katolík a hudebník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sammy Cahn was an American Catholic and musician."} {"id": 188976, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "William Cohen pochází z Oregonu.", "evidence": [[[220637, 226458, "William Cohen", 0, "William Cohen"]], [[220640, 226461, "William Cohen", 0, "William Cohen"]], [[220641, 226462, "William Cohen", 0, "William Cohen"]]], "claim_en": "William Cohen is from Oregon."} {"id": 45325, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shailene Woodleyová pochází mimo Ameriku.", "evidence": [[[61662, 72155, "Shailene Woodley", 0, "Shailene Woodley"]], [[61662, 72156, "Shailene Woodley", 1, "Shailene Woodley"]]], "claim_en": "Shailene Woodley is from outside of America."} {"id": 88160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dangerously in Love je sólové jazzové album.", "evidence": [[[105358, 118810, "Dangerously in Love", 7, "Dangerously in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love is a solo jazz album."} {"id": 76643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Platón byl teoretik.", "evidence": [[[93517, 106472, "Platón", 0, "Plato"], [93517, 106472, "Filosof", 5, "Philosopher"]]], "claim_en": "Plato was a theorist."} {"id": 44948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sally Fieldová nezískala Oscara.", "evidence": [[[61312, 71829, "Sally Field", 2, "Sally Field"]], [[61312, 71830, "Sally Field", 3, "Sally Field"]]], "claim_en": "Sally Field did not win an Academy Award."} {"id": 157971, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexiko ztratilo nezávislost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico lost independence."} {"id": 461, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ron Perlman je americký občan.", "evidence": [[[15943, 19826, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman is an American citizen."} {"id": 86894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Havajské ostrovy nemají přístup k moři.", "evidence": [[[104034, 117540, "Havaj", 2, "Hawaii"]], [[104042, 117545, "Havaj", 2, "Hawaii"]]], "claim_en": "Hawaii is landlocked."} {"id": 84003, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ronald Reagan nepřišel po Dwightu D. Eisenhowerovi.", "evidence": [[[101138, 114393, "Ronald Reagan", 29, "Ronald Reagan"], [101138, 114393, "Dwight D. Eisenhower", 0, "Dwight D. Eisenhower"]]], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan did not come after Dwight D. Eisenhower."} {"id": 92126, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Harrison Ford hraje ve filmu Blade Runner 2049.", "evidence": [[[275313, 270476, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[277188, 272146, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[277731, 272678, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[324352, 312361, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[325802, 313417, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[325803, 313418, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[325805, 313419, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]], [[325814, 313429, "Blade Runner 2049", 1, "Blade Runner 2049"]]], "claim_en": "Harrison Ford stars in Blade Runner 2049."} {"id": 167175, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Třetí série seriálu Westworld měla premiéru 2. října 2016.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Westworld's third season premiered on October 2, 2016."} {"id": 218229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boyd Holbrook se objevil ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[259451, 258025, "Boyd Holbrook", 1, "Boyd Holbrook"]]], "claim_en": "Boyd Holbrook appeared in films."} {"id": 14848, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughn hrál v kapele Marca Benna.", "evidence": [[[30131, 36691, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 7, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]]], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughn played in Marc Benno's band."} {"id": 116578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie je stát.", "evidence": [[[136944, 151775, "Tanzanie", 0, "Tanzania"]], [[136944, 151776, "Tanzanie", 1, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is a state."} {"id": 225513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi vítězi 84. ročníku udílení Oscarů byl i film Potomci.", "evidence": [[[268737, 265221, "84. ročník udílení Oscarů", 13, "84th Academy Awards"]], [[268758, 265242, "84. ročník udílení Oscarů", 13, "84th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 84th Academy Awards' winners included The Descendants."} {"id": 152801, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Nice & Slow byl uveden ve vesmíru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nice & Slow was released in space."} {"id": 130114, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Beckinsale odmítla někdy pracovat s Christianem Balem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Beckinsale declined to ever work with Christian Bale."} {"id": 39592, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Connie Brittonová odstartovala seriál Světla páteční noci.", "evidence": [[[55890, 65981, "Connie Britton", 7, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton kicked off Friday Night Lights."} {"id": 77367, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Noam Chomsky absolvoval kurzy rétoriky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Noam Chomsky took courses in rhetoric."} {"id": 8102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pásový opar a herpes patří do stejné rodiny.", "evidence": [[[13432, 16798, "Pásový opar", 17, "Shingles"]]], "claim_en": "Shingles and Herpes are part of the same family."} {"id": 66636, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Transformers: Poslední rytíř je pouze kniha.", "evidence": [[[83215, 95163, "Transformers: Poslední rytíř", 0, "Transformers: The Last Knight"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers: The Last Knight is only a book."} {"id": 110496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ráj byl vydán v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[280460, 274914, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[281783, 276091, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[283828, 277761, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[329476, 316257, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[329477, 316258, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[329480, 316260, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[329483, 316261, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]]], "claim_en": "Paradise was released in 2013."} {"id": 37899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hraje v ní anglická herečka Olivia Wilde.", "evidence": [[[111934, 125762, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [111934, 125762, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[115536, 129407, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [115536, 129407, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[118126, 131977, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [118126, 131977, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Her stars English actress Olivia Wilde."} {"id": 164749, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anschluss znamená zničení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anschluss means destruction."} {"id": 105100, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eagles je metalová skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eagles is a Metal band."} {"id": 154575, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osoba narozená v Keene ve státě New Hampshire režírovala film Zachraňte vojína Ryana.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A person born in Keene, New Hampshire directed Saving Private Ryan."} {"id": 226075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Lennon je stále naživu.", "evidence": [[[269524, 265822, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]], [[269524, 265823, "John Lennon", 8, "John Lennon"]], [[269524, 265824, "John Lennon", 17, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon is still alive."} {"id": 64986, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nuuk je největší podzimní hospodářské centrum.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nuuk is the largest economic center in autumn."} {"id": 10202, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Overwatch je týmová hra.", "evidence": [[[20838, 25531, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[22595, 27855, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[22595, 27856, "Overwatch", 4, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[22595, 27857, "Overwatch", 5, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[23722, 29373, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[23722, 29374, "Overwatch", 4, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[23722, 29375, "Overwatch", 5, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[301493, 292596, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[301494, 292597, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[301494, 292598, "Overwatch", 12, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[302553, 293543, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]], [[304381, 295187, "Overwatch", 0, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch is a team game."} {"id": 166749, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Winona Ryderová si vysloužila prezidentskou nominaci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder earned a presidential nomination."} {"id": 5302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marcus Rashford se narodil 31. října.", "evidence": [[[21690, 26657, "Marcus Rashford", 0, "Marcus Rashford"]]], "claim_en": "Marcus Rashford was born on October 31."} {"id": 154449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln žil v roce 1858.", "evidence": [[[293715, 286156, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287904, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287905, "Abraham Lincoln", 13, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287906, "Abraham Lincoln", 14, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287907, "Abraham Lincoln", 16, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287908, "Abraham Lincoln", 24, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287909, "Abraham Lincoln", 31, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287910, "Abraham Lincoln", 28, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[295903, 287911, "Abraham Lincoln", 33, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[297417, 289076, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[297417, 289077, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[341807, 326091, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[341902, 326158, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln lived in 1858."} {"id": 79235, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gary Ridgway pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[96200, 109325, "Gary Ridgway", 0, "Gary Ridgway"]], [[96200, 109326, "Gary Ridgway", 2, "Gary Ridgway"]]], "claim_en": "Gary Ridgway is from America."} {"id": 108513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Časopis TV Guide označil Family Guy za jeden z nejlepších televizních kreslených seriálů všech dob.", "evidence": [[[127322, 141863, "Griffinovi", 27, "Family Guy"]]], "claim_en": "Family Guy was called one of the Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time by TV Guide."} {"id": 39474, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Cara Delevingne ztvárnila Margo Roth Spiegelmanovou ve filmu Papírová města (2015).", "evidence": [[[55775, 65839, "Cara Delevingne", 4, "Cara Delevingne"]]], "claim_en": "Cara Delevingne portrayed Margo Roth Spiegelman in Paper Towns (2015)."} {"id": 89466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Johnny Mnemonic měl premiéru v Číně.", "evidence": [[[106725, 120123, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)", 12, "Johnny Mnemonic (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Johnny Mnemonic premiered in China."} {"id": 117896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První kočkou Wyatta Earpa byla Urilla Sutherland Earpová.", "evidence": [[[138337, 153361, "Wyatt Earp", 7, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[138354, 153384, "Wyatt Earp", 7, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp's first cat was Urilla Sutherland Earp."} {"id": 117011, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V srpnu vyšla sada rozšíření pro hru World of Warcraft.", "evidence": [[[282677, 276816, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]], [[285422, 279044, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"], [285422, 279044, "World of Warcraft: Legion", 0, "World of Warcraft: Legion"], [285422, 279044, "World of Warcraft: Legion", 2, "World of Warcraft: Legion"]], [[332101, 318505, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]]], "claim_en": "World of Warcraft had an expansion set released on August."} {"id": 213868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kick-Ass je film.", "evidence": [[[253880, 253687, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253880, 253688, "Kick-Ass", 1, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Kick-Ass is a film."} {"id": 143340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer začal svůj život v roce 1960.", "evidence": [[[166493, 180322, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 0, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer began his life in the year 1960."} {"id": 97741, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Marie Presleyová se narodila v Texasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Marie Presley was born in Texas."} {"id": 93136, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Meghan McCainová je Ruska.", "evidence": [[[110484, 124102, "Meghan McCainová", 0, "Meghan McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Meghan McCain is a Russian."} {"id": 107112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Volejbal zahrnuje střelbu.", "evidence": [[[125745, 140132, "Volejbal", 31, "Volleyball"]]], "claim_en": "Volleyball involves shooting."} {"id": 178767, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katrina Kaif se objevila v indickém akčním špionážním thrilleru z roku 2012.", "evidence": [[[207245, 215550, "Katrina Kaifová", 17, "Katrina Kaif"]]], "claim_en": "Katrina Kaif appeared in a 2012 Indian action spy thriller."} {"id": 145087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Roger Federer se tenisu zcela vyhnul.", "evidence": [[[292166, 285003, "Roger Federer", 0, "Roger Federer"]], [[292166, 285004, "Roger Federer", 6, "Roger Federer"], [292166, 285004, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[292166, 285005, "Roger Federer", 7, "Roger Federer"], [292166, 285005, "Wimbledon (tenis)", 0, "The Championships, Wimbledon"]], [[292166, 285006, "Roger Federer", 8, "Roger Federer"], [292166, 285006, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[292166, 285007, "Roger Federer", 9, "Roger Federer"], [292166, 285007, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[292166, 285008, "Roger Federer", 12, "Roger Federer"], [292166, 285008, "Turnaj mistrů", 0, "ATP Finals"]], [[294191, 286530, "Roger Federer", 0, "Roger Federer"]], [[294191, 286531, "Roger Federer", 1, "Roger Federer"]], [[294191, 286532, "Roger Federer", 6, "Roger Federer"], [294191, 286532, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[294191, 286533, "Roger Federer", 9, "Roger Federer"], [294191, 286533, "Wimbledon 2005", 0, "2005 Wimbledon Championships"]], [[294191, 286534, "Roger Federer", 13, "Roger Federer"]], [[294833, 287045, "Roger Federer", 0, "Roger Federer"]], [[294833, 287046, "Roger Federer", 1, "Roger Federer"]], [[294833, 287047, "Roger Federer", 3, "Roger Federer"]], [[294833, 287048, "Roger Federer", 6, "Roger Federer"]], [[294833, 287049, "Roger Federer", 7, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287049, "Australian Open", 0, "Australian Open"]], [[294833, 287050, "Roger Federer", 8, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287050, "Grand Slam (tenis)", 0, "Grand Slam (tennis)"]], [[294833, 287051, "Roger Federer", 9, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287051, "US Open 2005 – mužská dvouhra", 0, "2005 US Open – Men's Singles"]], [[294833, 287052, "Roger Federer", 12, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287052, "Turnaj mistrů", 0, "ATP Finals"]], [[294833, 287053, "Roger Federer", 13, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287053, "Tenis na Letních olympijských hrách 2008", 0, "Tennis at the 2008 Summer Olympics"]], [[294833, 287054, "Roger Federer", 14, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287054, "Davis Cup 2014", 0, "2014 Davis Cup"]], [[294833, 287055, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"], [294833, 287055, "US Open 2005 – mužská dvouhra", 0, "2005 US Open – Men's Singles"]], [[339318, 324310, "Roger Federer", 0, "Roger Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer avoided tennis entirely."} {"id": 84470, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal George R. R. Martin.", "evidence": [[[101527, 114773, "Píseň ledu a ohně", 0, "A Song of Ice and Fire"]]], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire was written by George R. R. Martin."} {"id": 102350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Adams se v roce 1776 v Kongresu zasadil o Deklaraci nezávislosti.", "evidence": [[[120174, 134348, "John Adams", 8, "John Adams"]]], "claim_en": "John Adams advocated for the Declaration of Independence in the 1776 Congress."} {"id": 490, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje teorie transformační gramatiky, kterou vypracoval Noam Chomsky.", "evidence": [[[15921, 19792, "Noam Chomsky", 8, "Noam Chomsky"]]], "claim_en": "There is a theory of transformational grammar developed by Noam Chomsky."} {"id": 124311, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jimmy Carter předsedal vzniku dvou nových států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter presided over the establishment of two new states."} {"id": 112701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mladší skončil v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[132219, 147101, "Znovu 20", 2, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[132219, 147102, "Znovu 20", 4, "Younger (TV series)"]], [[132219, 147103, "Znovu 20", 5, "Younger (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Younger ended in 2015."} {"id": 228701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Erich von Manstein žil v době druhé světové války.", "evidence": [[[272881, 268537, "Erich von Manstein", 0, "Erich von Manstein"], [272881, 268537, "Druhá světová válka", 0, "World War II"]]], "claim_en": "Erich von Manstein was alive during the Second World War."} {"id": 108979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avril Lavigne odmítá být zpěvačkou a skladatelkou.", "evidence": [[[127850, 142540, "Avril Lavigne", 0, "Avril Lavigne"]], [[127852, 142542, "Avril Lavigne", 0, "Avril Lavigne"]]], "claim_en": "Avril Lavigne refuses to be a singer-songwriter."} {"id": 110812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Šmoulové se začal natáčet v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[130010, 144722, "Šmoulové (film)", 7, "The Smurfs (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Smurfs began filming in 2010."} {"id": 83660, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naomi Scottová hrála v seriálu Breaking Bad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naomi Scott starred in the TV series Breaking Bad."} {"id": 73108, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taylor Swift je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[89865, 102574, "Taylor Swift", 0, "Taylor Swift"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift is a vocalist."} {"id": 185438, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vládnoucí monarcha Spojeného království žije v Buckinghamském paláci.", "evidence": [[[216125, 222837, "Buckinghamský palác", 0, "Buckingham Palace"]], [[216126, 222838, "Buckinghamský palác", 0, "Buckingham Palace"]]], "claim_en": "The reigning monarch of the UK lives in Buckingham Palace."} {"id": 55856, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Gambon je botanik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Gambon is a botanist."} {"id": 43317, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Islandská pobřežní stráž je známá také pod jiným názvem.", "evidence": [[[59633, 70035, "Islandská pobřežní stráž", 0, "Icelandic Coast Guard"]]], "claim_en": "The Icelandic Coast Guard is also known as something else."} {"id": 36713, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Současný zpěvák skupiny Lynyrd Skynyrd je Johnny Van Zant.", "evidence": [[[21996, 27013, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 8, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"]], [[299469, 290842, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 7, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"], [299469, 290842, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 8, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"]], [[335300, 321141, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 7, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"], [335300, 321141, "Johnny Van Zant", 0, "Johnny Van Zant"]], [[335300, 321142, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 8, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"], [335300, 321142, "Johnny Van Zant", 10, "Johnny Van Zant"]]], "claim_en": "Lynyrd Skynyrd's current lead vocalist is Johnny Van Zant."} {"id": 5219, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Felicity Huffmanová se proslavila rolí v komediálně-dramatickém a mysteriózním seriálu Zoufalé manželky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Felicity Huffman became renowned for her role in the comedy-drama and mystery series Desperate Housewives."} {"id": 22487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Steven Zaillian přišel na filmovém festivalu v Austinu v roce 2009 o všechny ceny.", "evidence": [[[38328, 46277, "Steven Zaillian", 5, "Steven Zaillian"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Zaillian lost every award at the 2009 Austin Film Festival."} {"id": 56330, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marc Maron žije v Los Angeles.", "evidence": [[[72684, 83737, "Marc Maron", 11, "Marc Maron"]]], "claim_en": "Marc Maron is a resident of Los Angeles."} {"id": 168487, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kanadský parlament se skládá z předsedy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Parliament of Canada consists of a president."} {"id": 34764, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eric Bana se od herectví zcela distancoval.", "evidence": [[[50949, 60679, "Eric Bana", 0, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60680, "Eric Bana", 1, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60681, "Eric Bana", 2, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60682, "Eric Bana", 3, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60683, "Eric Bana", 4, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60684, "Eric Bana", 5, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60685, "Eric Bana", 8, "Eric Bana"]], [[50949, 60686, "Eric Bana", 9, "Eric Bana"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Bana has stayed away from acting completely."} {"id": 221127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Cruz má druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[263298, 261008, "Ted Cruz", 0, "Ted Cruz"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Cruz's has a middle name."} {"id": 7943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Londýn je globální město.", "evidence": [[[12998, 16280, "Londýn", 8, "London"]], [[13002, 16284, "Londýn", 8, "London"]], [[20705, 25352, "Londýn", 8, "London"]], [[22080, 27137, "Londýn", 8, "London"]], [[298897, 290278, "Londýn", 8, "London"]], [[301244, 292364, "Londýn", 8, "London"]]], "claim_en": "London is a global city."} {"id": 157273, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Salman Rushdie byl obviněn z plagiátorství románu z roku 1981.", "evidence": [[[181431, 193692, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]], [[181432, 193693, "Salman Rushdie", 1, "Salman Rushdie"]]], "claim_en": "Salman Rushdie was accused of plagiarizing a 1981 novel."} {"id": 132947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nikola Tesla nebyl v Americe.", "evidence": [[[155417, 170094, "Nikola Tesla", 4, "Nikola Tesla"]], [[155417, 170095, "Nikola Tesla", 5, "Nikola Tesla"]], [[155417, 170096, "Nikola Tesla", 6, "Nikola Tesla"]], [[155417, 170097, "Nikola Tesla", 15, "Nikola Tesla"]], [[155417, 170098, "Nikola Tesla", 21, "Nikola Tesla"]], [[155417, 170099, "Nikola Tesla", 23, "Nikola Tesla"]]], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla hasn't been to America."} {"id": 19887, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Taylor Swift nemá pět alb.", "evidence": [[[52862, 62806, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[56226, 66410, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[58920, 69235, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"], [58920, 69235, "1989 (album, Taylor Swift)", 0, "1989 (Taylor Swift album)"]], [[302828, 293816, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]], [[305037, 295844, "Taylor Swift", 16, "Taylor Swift"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Swift does not have five albums."} {"id": 63805, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ratatouille je pátý film z produkce Pixar Animation Studios.", "evidence": [[[201602, 211027, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[204504, 213270, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[206890, 215167, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[315627, 304855, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[316712, 305844, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]], [[316717, 305847, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"], [316717, 305847, "Pixar", 0, "Pixar"]], [[316719, 305848, "Ratatouille (film)", 1, "Ratatouille (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ratatouille is the fifth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios."} {"id": 3426, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jenna Jamesonová vystupovala v televizních reklamách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jenna Jameson has been on advertisements on television."} {"id": 217929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na filmu Kung Fu Panda 3 se Dustin Hoffman nepodílel vůbec.", "evidence": [[[259062, 257735, "Kung Fu Panda 3", 7, "Kung Fu Panda 3"]]], "claim_en": "Kung Fu Panda 3 had zero involvement from Dustin Hoffman."} {"id": 178276, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Televizní stanice WB vysílala film The Wayans Bros.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The WB tv station aired The Wayans Bros."} {"id": 140083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Match Point je televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[163045, 177265, "Match Point – Hra osudu", 0, "Match Point"]]], "claim_en": "Match Point is a TV show."} {"id": 160892, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pes Buddyho Hollyho se jmenoval Tito Rodriguez.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buddy Holly's dog's name was Tito Rodriguez."} {"id": 202442, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy hraje malíř.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy stars a painter."} {"id": 175668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Cukor režíroval svůj první celovečerní film v roce 1937.", "evidence": [[[203240, 212309, "George Cukor", 2, "George Cukor"], [203240, 212309, "George Cukor", 3, "George Cukor"], [203240, 212309, "George Cukor", 4, "George Cukor"]]], "claim_en": "George Cukor directed his first feature film in 1937."} {"id": 189388, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christopher Mintz-Plasse hraje ve filmu Role Models.", "evidence": [[[221217, 226873, "Velcí bratři", 3, "Role Models"]], [[221218, 226874, "Velcí bratři", 3, "Role Models"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Mintz-Plasse stars in Role Models."} {"id": 129282, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan řídí dopravu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan directs traffic."} {"id": 105870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mise: Impossible byl v letech 1966-1973 na vrcholu sledovanosti agentury Nielsen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mission: Impossible was at the top of Nielsen ratings from 1966 to 1973."} {"id": 113106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sky UK je britská telekomunikační společnost.", "evidence": [[[282118, 276366, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"]], [[284138, 278007, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"], [284138, 278007, "Spojené království", 0, "United Kingdom"]], [[285123, 278848, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"]], [[285124, 278849, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"]], [[329995, 316668, "Sky TV", 0, "Sky UK"]]], "claim_en": "Sky UK is a British telecommunications company."} {"id": 107163, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Papua se téměř nazývala Irian Jaya.", "evidence": [[[126847, 141301, "Papua (provincie)", 3, "Papua (province)"]]], "claim_en": "Papua was almost called Irian Jaya."} {"id": 23741, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "I Kissed a Girl je součástí druhého studiového alba Katy Perry.", "evidence": [[[39689, 47766, "I Kissed a Girl", 0, "I Kissed a Girl"]]], "claim_en": "I Kissed a Girl is part of Katy Perry's second studio album."} {"id": 110592, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Jobs byl Bolivijec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Jobs was a Bolivian."} {"id": 49525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere je francouzská herečka.", "evidence": [[[65838, 76699, "Hayden Panettiere", 0, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere is a French actress."} {"id": 4541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pár správných chlapů je sci-fi film.", "evidence": [[[11383, 14325, "Pár správných chlapů", 0, "A Few Good Men"]]], "claim_en": "A Few Good Men is a science fiction film."} {"id": 2131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Styl Buddyho Hollyho byl ovlivněn rapovou hudbou.", "evidence": [[[17959, 22115, "Buddy Holly", 2, "Buddy Holly"]]], "claim_en": "Buddy Holly's style was influenced by rap music."} {"id": 133403, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peking je národním centrem vysokoškolského vzdělávání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beijing is the nation's higher education center."} {"id": 134599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Jurský svět z roku 2015 vydělal během premiérového víkendu méně než tisíc dolarů.", "evidence": [[[157146, 171705, "Jurský svět", 15, "Jurassic World"]]], "claim_en": "The 2015 film Jurassic World earned less than one thousand dollars during its opening weekend."} {"id": 68445, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království zahrnuje čtyři země.", "evidence": [[[218310, 224623, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]], [[221124, 226821, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]], [[317580, 306609, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]], [[319404, 308112, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom includes four countries."} {"id": 135047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Pawn Sacrifice vystupuje herečka, která má na svědomí porážku nacistů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pawn Sacrifice features an actress responsible for defeating the Nazis."} {"id": 199787, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Phelps byl vybrán jako kapitán amerického olympijského týmu pro rok 2016.", "evidence": [[[234975, 237743, "Michael Phelps", 16, "Michael Phelps"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Phelps was selected to be a captain of the 2016 US Olympic team."} {"id": 52749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Matkou Miley Cyrus je Billy Ray Cyrus.", "evidence": [[[69028, 79829, "Miley Cyrusová", 2, "Miley Cyrus"]]], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus's mother is Billy Ray Cyrus."} {"id": 159061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V březnu se narodila Mariah Carey.", "evidence": [[[183399, 195406, "Mariah Carey", 0, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "March was the month Mariah Carey was born."} {"id": 104951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ruth Negga spolupracuje pouze s režisérem McG.", "evidence": [[[123260, 137667, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"], [123260, 137667, "Loving", 5, "Loving (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga only works with director McG."} {"id": 155260, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scott Eastwood pracoval jako farmář.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scott Eastwood worked as a farmer."} {"id": 185606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Popelce hrají Helena Bonham Carter a Lily James.", "evidence": [[[216345, 223002, "Popelka (film, 2015)", 2, "Cinderella (2015 Disney film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cinderella stars Helena Bonham Carter and Lily James."} {"id": 210033, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z Afghánistánu pochází pouze Kušánská říše.", "evidence": [[[248771, 248853, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"]], [[248772, 248854, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the source of only the Kushan Empire."} {"id": 204316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lotyšská sovětská socialistická republika není nikdy známá jako sovětské Lotyšsko.", "evidence": [[[241236, 242782, "Lotyšská sovětská socialistická republika", 0, "Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic"]]], "claim_en": "The Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic is never known as Soviet Latvia."} {"id": 109377, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Massachusetts není světovým lídrem ve strojírenství.", "evidence": [[[128295, 143011, "Massachusetts", 7, "Massachusetts"]]], "claim_en": "Massachusetts is not a global leader in engineering."} {"id": 55029, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avengers je automobil.", "evidence": [[[71408, 82368, "Avengers (film)", 0, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]], [[71408, 82369, "Avengers (film)", 1, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]], [[71408, 82370, "Avengers (film)", 14, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]], [[71408, 82371, "Avengers (film)", 15, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Avengers is a car."} {"id": 131404, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George R. R. Martin je známý pouze pod jménem \"Fatty G\".", "evidence": [[[153692, 168547, "George R. R. Martin", 3, "George R. R. Martin"]]], "claim_en": "George R. R. Martin is only known by the name \"Fatty G\"."} {"id": 133298, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Lego Movie byl uveden do kin v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[155843, 170528, "LEGO příběh", 0, "The Lego Movie"]]], "claim_en": "The Lego Movie was released in 2016."} {"id": 93018, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Match Point byl nerealizovaný scénář Woodyho Allena.", "evidence": [[[110335, 123931, "Match Point – Hra osudu", 3, "Match Point"]]], "claim_en": "Match Point was an unproduced screenplay by Woody Allen."} {"id": 175228, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Úžasňákovi získal cenu Annie za nejlepší animovaný film.", "evidence": [[[202699, 211889, "Úžasňákovi", 14, "The Incredibles"]]], "claim_en": "The Incredibles won an Annie Award for Best Animated Feature."} {"id": 87527, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Velký Buck Howard hrají Američané a získal uznání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great Buck Howard stars Americans and it received acclaim."} {"id": 138808, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gwen Stefani vždy odmítá vystupovat.", "evidence": [[[161606, 176044, "Gwen Stefani", 17, "Gwen Stefani"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani always declines to perform."} {"id": 21314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Krasinski hraje v autě.", "evidence": [[[37097, 44785, "John Krasinski", 0, "John Krasinski"]], [[37097, 44786, "John Krasinski", 1, "John Krasinski"]], [[37097, 44787, "John Krasinski", 2, "John Krasinski"]], [[37097, 44789, "John Krasinski", 6, "John Krasinski"]]], "claim_en": "John Krasinski is a car."} {"id": 124354, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kristen Bellová hraje ve slapstickových filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell is in slapstick films."} {"id": 204254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Green Arrow navrhl George Papp.", "evidence": [[[241155, 242705, "Green Arrow", 1, "Green Arrow"]], [[241157, 242707, "Green Arrow", 1, "Green Arrow"]], [[241158, 242708, "Green Arrow", 1, "Green Arrow"]]], "claim_en": "Green Arrow was designed by George Papp."} {"id": 183396, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Legally Blonde měla režiséra.", "evidence": [[[213468, 220712, "Pravá blondýnka", 1, "Legally Blonde"]], [[213477, 220718, "Pravá blondýnka", 1, "Legally Blonde"]]], "claim_en": "Legally Blonde had a director."} {"id": 22374, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dean Martin se při narození jmenoval Dino Paul Crocetti.", "evidence": [[[38219, 46140, "Dean Martin", 0, "Dean Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Dean Martin was named Dino Paul Crocetti at birth."} {"id": 136102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Carolina Panthers je tým z jihu USA.", "evidence": [[[158749, 173380, "Carolina Panthers", 0, "Carolina Panthers"], [158749, 173380, "Severní Karolína", 0, "North Carolina"]]], "claim_en": "Carolina Panthers are a team from the southern US."} {"id": 132225, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Gruzínci vznikli ze starověké mongolské civilizace.", "evidence": [[[154633, 169377, "Gruzíni", 4, "Georgians"]]], "claim_en": "Georgians arose from the ancient Mongolia civilizations."} {"id": 91086, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice funguje jako výzkumná laboratoř.", "evidence": [[[108425, 121990, "Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice", 6, "International Space Station"]]], "claim_en": "The International Space Station functions as a research laboratory."} {"id": 224169, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Foxcatcher byl nominován na sedm Zlatých glóbů.", "evidence": [[[267058, 263854, "Hon na lišku (film, 2014)", 8, "Foxcatcher"]], [[267059, 263855, "Hon na lišku (film, 2014)", 8, "Foxcatcher"]]], "claim_en": "Foxcatcher was nominated for seven Golden Globes."} {"id": 97517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová se objevila v americkém seriálu.", "evidence": [[[115140, 128911, "Lisa Kudrow", 1, "Lisa Kudrow"], [115140, 128911, "Přátelé", 0, "Friends"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow made an appearance in a US series."} {"id": 24707, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe měla hereckou kariéru.", "evidence": [[[40668, 48919, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[40668, 48920, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[40668, 48921, "Marilyn Monroe", 8, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[40668, 48922, "Marilyn Monroe", 10, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[40668, 48923, "Marilyn Monroe", 16, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[40668, 48924, "Marilyn Monroe", 22, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe had an acting career."} {"id": 141329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prodalo se více než milion kopií filmu Bohemian Rhapsody.", "evidence": [[[164360, 178642, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 7, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "More than a million copies of Bohemian Rhapsody were sold."} {"id": 9332, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lionel Messi se narodil 24. června 1987.", "evidence": [[[14967, 18617, "Lionel Messi", 0, "Lionel Messi"]], [[14979, 18627, "Lionel Messi", 0, "Lionel Messi"]]], "claim_en": "Lionel Messi was born on June 24th, 1987."} {"id": 151077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syd Barrett byl spisovatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett was a novelist."} {"id": 15653, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Hardy nehrál ve filmu V Arábii bychom všichni byli králi.", "evidence": [[[31049, 37712, "Tom Hardy", 14, "Tom Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy wasn't in In Arabia We'd All Be Kings."} {"id": 139546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Legenda o Tarzanovi (film) je filmové dílo.", "evidence": [[[162404, 176709, "Legenda o Tarzanovi", 0, "The Legend of Tarzan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Legend of Tarzan (film) is a cinematic work."} {"id": 149853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Russell Brand je spisovatel.", "evidence": [[[173683, 186880, "Russell Brand", 0, "Russell Brand"]], [[173683, 186881, "Russell Brand", 11, "Russell Brand"]]], "claim_en": "Russell Brand is a writer."} {"id": 153661, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alkaline Trio je skupina.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alkaline Trio is a group."} {"id": 60732, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portugalsko má nízkou životní úroveň.", "evidence": [[[77179, 88598, "Portugalsko", 31, "Portugal"]], [[77179, 88599, "Portugalsko", 30, "Portugal"]], [[77179, 88600, "Portugalsko", 32, "Portugal"]], [[77179, 88601, "Portugalsko", 36, "Portugal"]], [[77179, 88602, "Portugalsko", 40, "Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Portugal has a low living standard."} {"id": 50223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Doxycyklin nemusí způsobovat průjem.", "evidence": [[[66536, 77356, "Doxycyklin", 6, "Doxycycline"]]], "claim_en": "Doxycycline may not cause diarrhea."} {"id": 188031, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Thiokol byla také známá jako ATK Launch Systems Group.", "evidence": [[[219413, 225423, "Thiokol", 0, "Thiokol"]]], "claim_en": "Thiokol was also known as ATK Launch Systems Group."} {"id": 169546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Elementární má herec John Noble.", "evidence": [[[195493, 205754, "Sherlock Holmes: Jak prosté", 12, "Elementary (TV series)"], [195493, 205754, "John Noble", 4, "John Noble"]]], "claim_en": "Elementary has the actor John Noble."} {"id": 14481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-wan se nachází ve východní Asii.", "evidence": [[[29764, 36286, "Tchaj-wan", 0, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan is in East Asia."} {"id": 71492, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Republikánská strana podporuje silnou národní obranu, aby mohla konkurovat Rusku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Republican Party supports a strong national defense in order to compete with Russia."} {"id": 144085, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Fenjves napsal ghostwrite pro softwarového inženýra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Fenjves ghostwrote for a software engineer."} {"id": 131839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hraje basketbal.", "evidence": [[[154205, 168991, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar", 0, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar"]], [[154206, 168992, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar", 0, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar"]], [[154210, 168995, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar", 0, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar"]]], "claim_en": "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar plays basketball."} {"id": 161208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt se narodil v roce 1919.", "evidence": [[[185748, 197516, "Theodore Roosevelt", 0, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197517, "Theodore Roosevelt", 9, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197518, "Theodore Roosevelt", 13, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197519, "Theodore Roosevelt", 14, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197520, "Theodore Roosevelt", 18, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197521, "Theodore Roosevelt", 23, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197522, "Theodore Roosevelt", 25, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197523, "Theodore Roosevelt", 26, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185748, 197524, "Theodore Roosevelt", 30, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197527, "Theodore Roosevelt", 0, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197528, "Theodore Roosevelt", 3, "Theodore Roosevelt"], [185753, 197528, "Mount Rushmore", 2, "Mount Rushmore"]], [[185753, 197529, "Theodore Roosevelt", 9, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197530, "Theodore Roosevelt", 13, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197532, "Theodore Roosevelt", 14, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197533, "Theodore Roosevelt", 18, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197535, "Theodore Roosevelt", 21, "Theodore Roosevelt"], [185753, 197535, "Panamský průplav", 10, "Panama Canal"]], [[185753, 197537, "Theodore Roosevelt", 23, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197538, "Theodore Roosevelt", 25, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197539, "Theodore Roosevelt", 26, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197540, "Theodore Roosevelt", 30, "Theodore Roosevelt"]], [[185753, 197541, "Theodore Roosevelt", 34, "Theodore Roosevelt"], [185753, 197541, "První světová válka", 0, "World War I"]]], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1919."} {"id": 74142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Platón odmítl být filozofem.", "evidence": [[[90917, 103611, "Platón", 0, "Plato"]]], "claim_en": "Plato refused to be a philosopher."} {"id": 40604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "50 Cent vydal v roce 2014 album Animal Ambition.", "evidence": [[[56904, 67142, "50 Cent", 10, "50 Cent"], [56904, 67142, "Animal Ambition", 1, "Animal Ambition"]]], "claim_en": "50 Cent released Animal Ambition in 2014."} {"id": 161253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francouzská Indočína se po roce 1887 oficiálně nazývala Mario.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "French Indochina was officially known as Mario after 1887."} {"id": 182799, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Artemis byla jen výjimečně zobrazována s lukem a šípy.", "evidence": [[[212730, 220185, "Artemis", 8, "Artemis"]]], "claim_en": "Artemis was only rarely depicted as carrying a bow and arrows."} {"id": 184921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Winnipeg je domovem několika sportovních týmů.", "evidence": [[[215458, 222335, "Winnipeg", 16, "Winnipeg"]]], "claim_en": "Winnipeg is home to several sports teams."} {"id": 185127, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Britská televize je divizí společnosti Davis Entertainment.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "British television is a division of Davis Entertainment."} {"id": 71995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na Haiti neproběhla revoluce", "evidence": [[[231425, 234930, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[231425, 234931, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[232782, 235890, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[232782, 235891, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[318413, 307345, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[318413, 307346, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[318414, 307347, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[318414, 307348, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[318416, 307349, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[318416, 307350, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[318419, 307351, "Haiti", 17, "Haiti"]], [[318419, 307352, "Haiti", 21, "Haiti"]], [[318419, 307353, "Haiti", 18, "Haiti"]]], "claim_en": "Haiti has not had a revolution"} {"id": 152469, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lindsay Lohan se podílela na remaku filmu.", "evidence": [[[176414, 189367, "Lindsay Lohan", 2, "Lindsay Lohan"]], [[176414, 189368, "Lindsay Lohan", 3, "Lindsay Lohan"]]], "claim_en": "Lindsay Lohan was involved with a movie remake."} {"id": 47164, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Její hlavní hvězdou je francouzská herečka Rooney Mara.", "evidence": [[[63471, 74223, "Ona (film, 2013)", 3, "Her (film)"], [63471, 74223, "Rooney Mara", 0, "Rooney Mara"]]], "claim_en": "Her stars French actress Rooney Mara."} {"id": 23841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mary-Louise Parkerová nedostala Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [[[39788, 47864, "Mary-Louise Parkerová", 2, "Mary-Louise Parker"]]], "claim_en": "Mary-Louise Parker did not receive a Golden Globe."} {"id": 155203, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Daft Punk vznikla 3. července 1993.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daft Punk was formed in July 3, 1993."} {"id": 223772, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ralph Fults byl psanec a útěkář z éry řvoucích dvacátých let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ralph Fults was a Roaring Twenties era outlaw and escape artist."} {"id": 123306, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conor McGregor zahájil svou boxerskou kariéru v roce 2008.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conor McGregor started his boxing career in 2008."} {"id": 116753, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal hraje ve filmu La La Land.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is in La La Land."} {"id": 79984, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pákistán se oficiálně nejmenuje Pákistánská islámská republika.", "evidence": [[[96941, 110103, "Pákistán", 0, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "Pakistan is not officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan."} {"id": 210923, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gabrielle Union hraje ve filmu Minority Report.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gabrielle Union is in Minority Report."} {"id": 227015, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová se narodila v Číně, vždy tam žila a má výhradně čínské předky.", "evidence": [[[270687, 266707, "Jennifer Aniston", 0, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston was born in China, has always lived there, and has exclusively Chinese ancestry."} {"id": 152938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Quebec je střední škola.", "evidence": [[[176892, 189834, "Québec (provincie)", 1, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189835, "Québec (provincie)", 4, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189836, "Québec (provincie)", 5, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189837, "Québec (provincie)", 6, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189838, "Québec (provincie)", 9, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189839, "Québec (provincie)", 10, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189840, "Québec (provincie)", 11, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189841, "Québec (provincie)", 12, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189842, "Québec (provincie)", 13, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189843, "Québec (provincie)", 18, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189844, "Québec (provincie)", 23, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189845, "Québec (provincie)", 20, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189846, "Québec (provincie)", 24, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189847, "Québec (provincie)", 14, "Quebec"]], [[176892, 189848, "Québec (provincie)", 15, "Quebec"]]], "claim_en": "Quebec is a high school."} {"id": 117135, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "LeBron James byl v roce 2015 hostem pořadu Saturday Night Live.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "LeBron James hosted Saturday Night Live in 2015."} {"id": 155622, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Precious měl premiéru na filmovém festivalu.", "evidence": [[[179676, 192243, "Precious", 6, "Precious (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Precious premiered at a film festival."} {"id": 87888, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ježíš byl Žid.", "evidence": [[[105108, 118517, "Ježíš Kristus", 0, "Jesus"]], [[105108, 118518, "Ježíš Kristus", 5, "Jesus"]], [[105108, 118519, "Ježíš Kristus", 7, "Jesus"]]], "claim_en": "Jesus was a Jew."} {"id": 191739, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová je trenérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson is a coach."} {"id": 99934, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kate Walshová hrála v broadwayském muzikálu 13 Reasons Why.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kate Walsh was in the Broadway Musical 13 Reasons Why."} {"id": 218760, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oh Yeon-seo spolupracovala s Jo Eun-byul.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oh Yeon-seo worked with Jo Eun-byul."} {"id": 196811, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sean Connery vyhrál závod.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sean Connery won a race."} {"id": 42199, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Invaze Rudé armády do Gruzie byl film sovětské ruské Rudé armády.", "evidence": [[[127724, 142344, "Invaze Rudé armády do Gruzie", 0, "Red Army invasion of Georgia"]], [[310595, 300640, "Invaze Rudé armády do Gruzie", 0, "Red Army invasion of Georgia"]]], "claim_en": "The Red Army invasion of Georgia was a movie by the Soviet Russian Red Army."} {"id": 5479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Císařovna Matylda se provdala za budoucího císaře Svaté říše římské.", "evidence": [[[21870, 26859, "Matylda Anglická", 1, "Empress Matilda"]]], "claim_en": "Empress Matilda married the future Holy Roman Emperor."} {"id": 85689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Emily Bluntová nikdy nedostala cenu Britannia.", "evidence": [[[102850, 116142, "Emily Blunt", 10, "Emily Blunt"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt never received a Britannia award."} {"id": 143027, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fantasy film obvykle zahrnuje magii a je rozšířen v 21. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A fantasy film usually involves magic and is prevalent in the 21st century."} {"id": 152181, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emilio Estevez je král.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emilio Estevez is a king."} {"id": 30508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doktora si zahrálo mnoho herců.", "evidence": [[[46806, 55825, "Doktor (Pán času)", 5, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]], [[46806, 55826, "Doktor (Pán času)", 9, "The Doctor (Doctor Who)"]]], "claim_en": "Many actors have played the Doctor."} {"id": 87198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miranda Kerr není modelka.", "evidence": [[[104392, 117814, "Miranda Kerr", 0, "Miranda Kerr"]], [[104392, 117815, "Miranda Kerr", 2, "Miranda Kerr"]], [[104392, 117816, "Miranda Kerr", 6, "Miranda Kerr"]], [[104392, 117817, "Miranda Kerr", 7, "Miranda Kerr"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Kerr is not a model."} {"id": 60775, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James Brolin není herec.", "evidence": [[[77231, 88647, "James Brolin", 0, "James Brolin"]]], "claim_en": "James Brolin is not an actor."} {"id": 86447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peking je druhé největší mongolské město.", "evidence": [[[103594, 117045, "Peking", 7, "Beijing"]]], "claim_en": "Beijing is the second largest Mongolian city."} {"id": 26082, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Křestní jméno Luise Fonsiho, které nepoužívá při vystoupení, je Luis Alfonso Rodríguez López-Cepero.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Luis Fonsi's given name, which he does not use when performing, is Luis Alfonso Rodríguez López-Cepero."} {"id": 178257, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naváz Šaríf je nejstarším pákistánským premiérem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nawaz Sharif is the oldest Prime Minister of Pakistan."} {"id": 70942, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Best měl nultý ročník mistrovství světa ve fotbale.", "evidence": [[[87606, 100106, "George Best", 11, "George Best"]]], "claim_en": "George Best was capped zero times."} {"id": 106014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sharon Tateová měla manžela, který byl režisérem.", "evidence": [[[124427, 138791, "Sharon Tate", 10, "Sharon Tate"]]], "claim_en": "Sharon Tate had a husband who was a director."} {"id": 142893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Coldplay není Evropan.", "evidence": [[[165948, 179897, "Coldplay", 0, "Coldplay"]]], "claim_en": "Coldplay is not European."} {"id": 66683, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment financoval americký Úřad pro námořní výzkum.", "evidence": [[[83252, 95191, "Stanfordský vězeňský experiment", 2, "Stanford prison experiment"]]], "claim_en": "The Stanford prison experiment was funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research."} {"id": 69830, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glen Campbell je Texasan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glen Campbell is a Texan."} {"id": 80266, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Liverpool F.C. nevyhrál Pohár UEFA.", "evidence": [[[97249, 110435, "Liverpool FC", 2, "Liverpool F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Liverpool F.C. has not won a UEFA Cup"} {"id": 67061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Soundgarden je hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[83629, 95618, "Soundgarden", 0, "Soundgarden"]], [[83629, 95619, "Soundgarden", 5, "Soundgarden"]], [[83629, 95620, "Soundgarden", 6, "Soundgarden"]], [[83629, 95622, "Soundgarden", 11, "Soundgarden"], [83629, 95622, "King Animal", 0, "King Animal"]]], "claim_en": "Soundgarden is a music group."} {"id": 53618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe se v roce 2013 objevil v životopisném filmu.", "evidence": [[[69894, 80773, "Daniel Radcliffe", 6, "Daniel Radcliffe"], [69894, 80773, "Zbav se svých miláčků", 0, "Kill Your Darlings (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe appeared in a 2013 biographical film."} {"id": 105444, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Allen Ginsberg protestoval proti katolicismu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Allen Ginsberg protested against Catholicism."} {"id": 32106, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kanibalismus byl mimo mnoho částí světa.", "evidence": [[[307621, 298079, "Kanibalismus", 7, "Cannibalism"]], [[307622, 298080, "Kanibalismus", 7, "Cannibalism"]]], "claim_en": "Cannibalism was outside of many parts of the world."} {"id": 103523, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jackson zemřel v červnu 2009.", "evidence": [[[121525, 135803, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[121525, 135805, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson died in June of 2009."} {"id": 67870, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tádž Mahal má formální emisary.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Taj Mahal has formal emissaries."} {"id": 112559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uran má nejnižší teplotu ze všech planet sluneční soustavy.", "evidence": [[[132073, 146919, "Uran (planeta)", 5, "Uranus"]]], "claim_en": "Uranus has the lowest temperature of any planet in the Solar System."} {"id": 165425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Split je filmová komedie.", "evidence": [[[190208, 201291, "Rozpolcený", 0, "Split (2016 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "Split is a comedy film."} {"id": 211115, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf se narodil v lednu.", "evidence": [[[250133, 250183, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"]], [[250134, 250184, "Shia LaBeouf", 0, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf was born in January."} {"id": 13, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Thewis má na svém kontě mnoho pozoruhodných výkonů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Thewis has had many notable performances."} {"id": 109965, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dylan O'Brien spolupracoval s malířem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dylan O'Brien has worked with a painter."} {"id": 40043, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deluxe edice skupiny Paramore vyšla v listopadu 2014.", "evidence": [[[117699, 131583, "Paramore (album)", 19, "Paramore (album)"]], [[120493, 134715, "Paramore (album)", 19, "Paramore (album)"]], [[310258, 300292, "Paramore (album)", 19, "Paramore (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Paramore's deluxe edition came out in November of 2014."} {"id": 86569, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Syd Barrett napsal skladbu Matilda Mother.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett wrote Matilda Mother."} {"id": 154279, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mark Wahlberg se oženil ve Wahlburgers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mark Wahlberg got married in a Wahlburgers."} {"id": 15112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wayne Rooney hrál ve fotbalovém týmu.", "evidence": [[[30407, 37002, "Wayne Rooney", 0, "Wayne Rooney"]], [[30407, 37003, "Wayne Rooney", 1, "Wayne Rooney"]], [[30407, 37004, "Wayne Rooney", 2, "Wayne Rooney"]]], "claim_en": "Wayne Rooney was in a soccer team."} {"id": 154836, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saturn je křesťanský stát.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saturn is a Christian state."} {"id": 69425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie (film z roku 2016) je životopisný televizní pořad.", "evidence": [[[86108, 98454, "Jackie (film)", 0, "Jackie (2016 film)"]], [[86109, 98455, "Jackie (film)", 0, "Jackie (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie (2016 film) is a biographical television show."} {"id": 160180, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Selene vystupuje pouze jako vedlejší postava ve filmu režiséra Lena Wisemana.", "evidence": [[[184653, 196522, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"], [184653, 196522, "Underworld (film)", 0, "Underworld (2003 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Selene only serves as a minor character in a film directed by Len Wiseman."} {"id": 126899, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jokera navrhli Bob Kane a Jerry Robinson.", "evidence": [[[148750, 163786, "Joker (komiks)", 1, "Joker (character)"], [148750, 163786, "Joker (komiks)", 0, "Joker (character)"]]], "claim_en": "The Joker was designed by Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson."} {"id": 195928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní božstvo Hyksósů vůbec nesouvisí s žádným bohem pouště.", "evidence": [[[230184, 233937, "Hyksósové", 18, "Hyksos"]], [[230185, 233938, "Hyksósové", 18, "Hyksos"]]], "claim_en": "The Hyksos' chief deity is completely unaffiliated with any god of the desert."} {"id": 79270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hráči kriketu tradičně nenosí celobílé oblečení.", "evidence": [[[96203, 109336, "Kriket", 26, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Cricket players do not traditionally wear all-white."} {"id": 76233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černé zrcadlo bylo poprvé vysíláno v roce 2000.", "evidence": [[[240153, 241812, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]], [[243841, 244990, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]], [[246395, 246910, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]], [[319311, 308045, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"]], [[319312, 308046, "Černé zrcadlo", 2, "Black Mirror"], [319312, 308046, "Černé zrcadlo", 0, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror was first broadcast in 2000."} {"id": 78196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J.Lo (album) nahrála zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[95193, 108197, "J. Lo", 0, "J.Lo (album)"], [95193, 108197, "Jennifer Lopez", 0, "Jennifer Lopez"]], [[95193, 108198, "J. Lo", 18, "J.Lo (album)"], [95193, 108198, "Play (píseň, Jennifer López)", 0, "Play (Jennifer Lopez song)"]], [[95193, 108199, "J. Lo", 17, "J.Lo (album)"], [95193, 108199, "Love Don't Cost a Thing", 0, "Love Don't Cost a Thing (song)"]], [[95193, 108200, "J. Lo", 19, "J.Lo (album)"], [95193, 108200, "Ain't It Funny", 0, "Ain't It Funny"]], [[95193, 108201, "J. Lo", 20, "J.Lo (album)"], [95193, 108201, "I'm Real", 0, "I'm Real (Jennifer Lopez song)"]]], "claim_en": "J.Lo (album) was recorded by a singer."} {"id": 26654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heidi Klumová hrála ve filmu Ella Enchanted.", "evidence": [[[42803, 51434, "Heidi Klumová", 7, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum acted in Ella Enchanted."} {"id": 101300, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Oblast Sanfranciského zálivu obsahuje nula měst.", "evidence": [[[119071, 132990, "San Francisco Bay Area", 3, "San Francisco Bay Area"]]], "claim_en": "San Francisco Bay Area contains zero towns."} {"id": 172925, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bane byl vytvořen společností DC comics.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bane was created by DC comics."} {"id": 166223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amy Adamsová se narodila v roce 1975.", "evidence": [[[191152, 202061, "Amy Adamsová", 0, "Amy Adams"]], [[191154, 202063, "Amy Adamsová", 0, "Amy Adams"]]], "claim_en": "Amy Adams was born in 1975."} {"id": 104406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles Dickens napsal.", "evidence": [[[122699, 136999, "Charles Dickens", 0, "Charles Dickens"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dickens wrote."} {"id": 201445, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Statické a dynamické jsou dvě kategorie webových stránek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Static and dynamic are the two categories of web page."} {"id": 59925, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Green Day získala pět cen Grammy za nejlepší alternativní album, nejlepší rockové album, nahrávku roku, nejlepší rockové album a nejlepší album hudební show.", "evidence": [[[76338, 87635, "Green Day", 22, "Green Day"]]], "claim_en": "Green Day won five Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Album, Best Rock Album, Record of the Year, Best Rock Album, and Best Musical Show Album."} {"id": 200603, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu The Prestige nemohla hrát Scarlett Johanssonová.", "evidence": [[[235967, 238544, "Dokonalý trik", 4, "The Prestige (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Prestige was incapable of starring Scarlett Johansson."} {"id": 97259, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Keith Urban zpíval v roce 1985 sólově.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keith Urban sang solo in 1985."} {"id": 101016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Šíp má producenta.", "evidence": [[[118732, 132574, "Arrow (seriál)", 0, "Arrow (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Arrow has a producer."} {"id": 51511, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jedním z příznaků rakoviny plic je kašel.", "evidence": [[[162028, 176403, "Karcinom plic", 4, "Lung cancer"]], [[163209, 177433, "Karcinom plic", 4, "Lung cancer"]], [[312024, 301911, "Karcinom plic", 4, "Lung cancer"]], [[312025, 301912, "Karcinom plic", 4, "Lung cancer"]]], "claim_en": "One of lung cancer's symptoms is coughing."} {"id": 209546, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spánek může být narušen hlukem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sleep can be disrupted by noise."} {"id": 156682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Clint Eastwood si zahrál roli hrdiny.", "evidence": [[[180777, 193164, "Clint Eastwood", 1, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood played a hero role."} {"id": 102431, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conor McGregor podepsal Deklaraci nezávislosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conor McGregor signed the Declaration of independence."} {"id": 78067, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ralph Fiennes je scientolog.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ralph Fiennes is a Scientologist."} {"id": 199614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Black Mirror je sci-fi seriál.", "evidence": [[[234757, 237576, "Černé zrcadlo", 0, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror is a science fiction show."} {"id": 82793, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spoluzakladatelé skupiny Paramore opustili kapelu v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[263529, 261190, "Paramore (album)", 2, "Paramore (album)"]], [[265829, 262981, "Paramore (album)", 2, "Paramore (album)"]], [[266947, 263766, "Paramore (album)", 2, "Paramore (album)"]], [[321693, 310124, "Paramore (album)", 2, "Paramore (album)"]], [[322939, 311224, "Paramore (album)", 2, "Paramore (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Paramore's co-founders left the band in 2010."} {"id": 17690, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Příběhu hraček zazněla píseň Short People.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Toy Story featured the song Short People."} {"id": 7415, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dementia je nový název skupiny AC/DC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dementia is the new band name for AC/DC."} {"id": 91425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Avengers (2012) se jako významná součást objevuje Robert Downey Jr.", "evidence": [[[108761, 122449, "Avengers (film)", 2, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Avengers (2012 film) has, as a significant component, Robert Downey Jr."} {"id": 63476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dan Martin se narodil 20. března 1986.", "evidence": [[[79901, 91635, "Daniel Martin", 0, "Dan Martin (cyclist)"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Martin was born March 20, 1986."} {"id": 218186, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Boyd Holbrook se objevil například ve filmu Out of the Furnace.", "evidence": [[[259398, 257991, "Boyd Holbrook", 1, "Boyd Holbrook"]]], "claim_en": "Boyd Holbrook appeared in films such as Out of the Furnace."} {"id": 63077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené království zahrnuje Wales.", "evidence": [[[79492, 91217, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom encompasses Wales."} {"id": 199604, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cracks má herpes a chlamydie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cracks has herpes and chlamydia."} {"id": 66111, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caroline Blakistonová pochází ze Skotska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caroline Blakiston is from Scotland."} {"id": 76146, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Superman žije v Gothamu.", "evidence": [[[92996, 105874, "Superman", 13, "Superman"]]], "claim_en": "Superman lives in Gotham."} {"id": 196688, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hvězdy jsou slepé produkoval George Lucas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stars Are Blind was produced by George Lucas."} {"id": 71301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hudba Celine Dion byla ovlivněna pouze jedním žánrem.", "evidence": [[[87971, 100501, "Céline Dion", 15, "Celine Dion"]]], "claim_en": "Celine Dion's music has been influenced by one genre only."} {"id": 228410, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Archie Panjabi získal nominace na ceny Emmy.", "evidence": [[[272505, 268182, "Archie Panjabi", 1, "Archie Panjabi"]]], "claim_en": "Archie Panjabi received nominations for Emmy Awards."} {"id": 130943, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katherine Heigl hrála Isabel Evansovou v seriálu Roswell.", "evidence": [[[153205, 167973, "Katherine Heigl", 3, "Katherine Heigl"]]], "claim_en": "Katherine Heigl played Isabel Evans in Roswell."} {"id": 8530, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Twilight sáze hraje více lidí.", "evidence": [[[13841, 17334, "Stmívání (filmová série)", 1, "The Twilight Saga (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga stars multiple people."} {"id": 178168, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Světové obchodní centrum stále stojí.", "evidence": [[[206509, 214852, "Světové obchodní centrum", 1, "World Trade Center (1973–2001)"]]], "claim_en": "The World Trade Center is still standing."} {"id": 136270, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caesar je adaptací historických událostí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caesar is an adaptation of historical events."} {"id": 225042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Memento získal nominaci za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Memento received a nomination for Best Actor."} {"id": 116432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andy Samberg jako jediný člověk v historii namluvil hlas ve filmu Hotel Transylvánie 2.", "evidence": [[[136804, 151603, "Hotel Transylvánie 2", 11, "Hotel Transylvania 2"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Samberg was the only person ever to voice act in Hotel Transylvania 2."} {"id": 221357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ultimate Spider-Man je pouze komiks.", "evidence": [[[263579, 261230, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 0, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"]], [[263579, 261231, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 5, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"]], [[263579, 261232, "Dokonalý Spiderman", 9, "Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Ultimate Spider-Man is only a comic book."} {"id": 96681, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Twilight sáze vystupuje více zpěváků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Twilight Saga stars multiple singers."} {"id": 96244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jamie Foxx si zahrál hlavní roli Willa Stacka.", "evidence": [[[113792, 127666, "Jamie Foxx", 7, "Jamie Foxx"]]], "claim_en": "Jamie Foxx starred as Will Stacks."} {"id": 213697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Muž se železnými pěstmi hraje pouze Adam Sandler.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Man with the Iron Fists only stars Adam Sandler."} {"id": 72740, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marc Maron žije pouze v New Yorku.", "evidence": [[[89468, 102164, "Marc Maron", 11, "Marc Maron"]]], "claim_en": "Marc Maron has only ever lived in New York."} {"id": 228187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeden styl mandolíny má vyřezávanou horní desku.", "evidence": [[[272227, 267916, "Mandolína", 6, "Mandolin"]]], "claim_en": "One style of the mandolin has a carved top."} {"id": 195606, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joy je výhradně dětský film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy is exclusively a children's film."} {"id": 75318, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jessica Langeová získala Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší zvukový design.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange won a Golden Globe Award for best sound design."} {"id": 298, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marie Antoinetta se narodila v pondělí 2. listopadu 1755.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marie Antoinette was born on Monday November 2nd, 1755."} {"id": 218032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dánská dívka je pouze kniha.", "evidence": [[[259233, 257877, "Dánská dívka (film)", 0, "The Danish Girl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Danish Girl is only a book."} {"id": 3619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác má vnější design z počátku 20. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace has early 20th-century exterior designs."} {"id": 95017, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků (1937) byl ve své době mezinárodně nejvýdělečnějším filmem.", "evidence": [[[112527, 126346, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) was the highest-grossing film at the time internationally."} {"id": 111726, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce nevedla k hrůzovládě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The French Revolution did not lead to the Reign of Terror."} {"id": 170135, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Snímek Pokojská na Manhattanu byl natočen podle povídky Johna Hughese.", "evidence": [[[196259, 206395, "Krásná pokojská", 0, "Maid in Manhattan"]]], "claim_en": "Maid in Manhattan was based on a story by John Hughes."} {"id": 159779, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "0,001 % vody se nachází ve formě plynu.", "evidence": [[[184213, 196153, "Voda", 8, "Water"], [184213, 196153, "Pára", 0, "Vapor"]]], "claim_en": ".001% of water can be found in forms of gas."} {"id": 112847, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Danny DeVito pracuje ve stavebnictví.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Danny DeVito works in construction."} {"id": 49255, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Allen hrál v muzikálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Allen starred in a musical."} {"id": 70573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vláda nade mnou je britský film.", "evidence": [[[87243, 99748, "Volání o pomoc", 0, "Reign Over Me"]], [[87243, 99749, "Volání o pomoc", 4, "Reign Over Me"], [87243, 99749, "Columbia Pictures", 0, "Columbia Pictures"]]], "claim_en": "Reign Over Me is a British film."} {"id": 65431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Detroitu bylo v roce 2015 677 116 toulavých psů.", "evidence": [[[81908, 93700, "Detroit", 1, "Detroit"]]], "claim_en": "Detroit had 677,116 stray dogs in 2015."} {"id": 111480, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Svrab existuje pouze v hladké formě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scabies only exists in a smooth form."} {"id": 73510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nick Jonas je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[90314, 103063, "Nick Jonas", 0, "Nick Jonas"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas is a Canadian."} {"id": 111697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Punisher hraje Andrew Lincoln.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Punisher stars Andrew Lincoln."} {"id": 214476, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Connaughtský tunel sousedí s horou Mount Macdonald.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Connaught Tunnel is adjacent to Mount Macdonald."} {"id": 6745, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Desatero přikázání je epická báseň.", "evidence": [[[23515, 28979, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 0, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]], [[23515, 28980, "Desatero přikázání (film, 1956)", 20, "The Ten Commandments (1956 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments is an epic poem."} {"id": 28900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sikhismus je panenteistické náboženství.", "evidence": [[[20766, 25458, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]], [[156579, 171187, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]], [[299046, 290424, "Sikhismus", 0, "Sikhism"]]], "claim_en": "Sikhism is a panentheistic religion."} {"id": 80853, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Sarandonová získala Oscara.", "evidence": [[[97860, 111015, "Susan Sarandonová", 1, "Susan Sarandon"]], [[97860, 111016, "Susan Sarandonová", 7, "Susan Sarandon"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Sarandon won an Academy Award."} {"id": 131051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Telangana je indický film.", "evidence": [[[153333, 168103, "Telangána", 0, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168104, "Telangána", 1, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168105, "Telangána", 2, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168106, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168107, "Telangána", 4, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168108, "Telangána", 7, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168109, "Telangána", 8, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168110, "Telangána", 9, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168111, "Telangána", 10, "Telangana"]], [[153333, 168112, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana is an Indian film."} {"id": 137372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francis Ford Coppola není producent.", "evidence": [[[160118, 174634, "Francis Ford Coppola", 0, "Francis Ford Coppola"]], [[160118, 174635, "Francis Ford Coppola", 10, "Francis Ford Coppola"]]], "claim_en": "Francis Ford Coppola is not a producer."} {"id": 42325, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Hamill od 90. let 20. století namluvil postavy v mnoha videohrách.", "evidence": [[[58617, 68921, "Mark Hamill", 6, "Mark Hamill"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Hamill has voiced characters in many video games since the 1990's."} {"id": 7668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Monroe zemřela v roce 1978.", "evidence": [[[12468, 15584, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12468, 15585, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12468, 15587, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12469, 15586, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12469, 15588, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12469, 15589, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12481, 15599, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[12481, 15600, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[17209, 21302, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[17209, 21303, "Marilyn Monroe", 2, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[17209, 21304, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[18276, 22452, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[18276, 22453, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[19824, 24369, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[19824, 24370, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[299035, 290414, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[301090, 292213, "Marilyn Monroe", 0, "Marilyn Monroe"]], [[301090, 292214, "Marilyn Monroe", 29, "Marilyn Monroe"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Monroe died in 1978."} {"id": 193600, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spojené státy obsahují Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Filadelfii, Miami, Atlantu, Boston a San Francisco.", "evidence": [[[226704, 231191, "Spojené státy americké", 12, "United States"]]], "claim_en": "United States contains Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, Miami, Atlanta, Boston, and San Francisco."} {"id": 7689, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John D. Rockefeller nezaložil společnost Rockefeller & Andrews.", "evidence": [[[12519, 15663, "John D. Rockefeller", 7, "John D. Rockefeller"]]], "claim_en": "John D. Rockefeller did not found Rockefeller & Andrews."} {"id": 105329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joaquin Phoenix je od svých tří let Kanaďanem.", "evidence": [[[123656, 138069, "Joaquin Phoenix", 0, "Joaquin Phoenix"]]], "claim_en": "Joaquin Phoenix has been a Canadian since age three."} {"id": 144954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere hrála Kairi ve filmu Moonrise Kingdom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere played Kairi in Moonrise Kingdom."} {"id": 80318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Společnost Walt Disney Company vlastní a provozuje televizní síť ABC.", "evidence": [[[97312, 110488, "The Walt Disney Company", 10, "The Walt Disney Company"]]], "claim_en": "The Walt Disney Company owns and operates the ABC broadcast television network."} {"id": 122659, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jimmy Carter byl hráčem baseballu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter was a baseball player."} {"id": 203606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Maguire byl inspirován profesionálním sportovním agentem jménem Leigh Steinberg.", "evidence": [[[240242, 241893, "Jerry Maguire", 1, "Jerry Maguire"]], [[240250, 241903, "Jerry Maguire", 1, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Maguire was inspired by a professional sports agent named Leigh Steinberg."} {"id": 195271, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Florence Ballardová je milionářka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Florence Ballard is a millionaire."} {"id": 37151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerome je uznávaný.", "evidence": [[[53344, 63325, "Svatý Jeroným", 11, "Jerome"]]], "claim_en": "Jerome is recognized."} {"id": 145130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Rage Against the Machine se rozpadla v roce 1999.", "evidence": [[[168418, 182169, "Rage Against the Machine", 10, "Rage Against the Machine"]]], "claim_en": "Rage Against the Machine broke up in 1999."} {"id": 129230, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bratři Coenové získali Oscara za nejlepší původní scénář.", "evidence": [[[151338, 166136, "Bratři Coenové", 7, "Coen brothers"]]], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers were the winners of the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay."} {"id": 197772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová zemřela v roce 1969.", "evidence": [[[232514, 235671, "Jennifer Aniston", 0, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235672, "Jennifer Aniston", 2, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235673, "Jennifer Aniston", 7, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235674, "Jennifer Aniston", 8, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235675, "Jennifer Aniston", 9, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235676, "Jennifer Aniston", 10, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235677, "Jennifer Aniston", 13, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235678, "Jennifer Aniston", 14, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235679, "Jennifer Aniston", 16, "Jennifer Aniston"]], [[232514, 235680, "Jennifer Aniston", 17, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston died in 1969."} {"id": 86233, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vikram má asociace se socialismem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vikram has associations with socialism."} {"id": 86531, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leicester City F.C. je softbalový klub.", "evidence": [[[103708, 117158, "Leicester City FC", 0, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117159, "Leicester City FC", 1, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117160, "Leicester City FC", 2, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117161, "Leicester City FC", 6, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117162, "Leicester City FC", 7, "Leicester City F.C."], [103708, 117162, "King Power Stadium", 0, "King Power Stadium"]], [[103708, 117163, "Leicester City FC", 10, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117164, "Leicester City FC", 11, "Leicester City F.C."], [103708, 117164, "Premier League", 0, "Premier League"]], [[103708, 117165, "Leicester City FC", 14, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117166, "Leicester City FC", 16, "Leicester City F.C."]], [[103708, 117167, "Leicester City FC", 20, "Leicester City F.C."], [103708, 117167, "FA Cup", 0, "FA Cup"]], [[103708, 117171, "Leicester City FC", 25, "Leicester City F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leicester City F.C. is a softball club."} {"id": 86116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Série Saw vydělala 873 milionů dolarů.", "evidence": [[[103273, 116646, "Saw (filmová série)", 8, "Saw (franchise)"]]], "claim_en": "$873 million was grossed by the Saw franchise."} {"id": 109876, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Malá Dorritka byla vydána až v 80. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[128946, 143708, "Malá Dorritka", 0, "Little Dorrit"]]], "claim_en": "Little Dorrit was only published in the 1980s."} {"id": 118319, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christoph Waltz získal cenu za nejlepšího psa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christoph Waltz received a Best Dog Award."} {"id": 76546, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Sister Act vydělal peníze.", "evidence": [[[244285, 245324, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]], [[246807, 247255, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]], [[247453, 247755, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]], [[319368, 308089, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]], [[320544, 309102, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"], [320544, 309102, "Sestra v akci", 0, "Sister Act"]], [[320549, 309110, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]], [[320561, 309119, "Sestra v akci", 5, "Sister Act"]]], "claim_en": "Sister Act made money."} {"id": 18473, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adrianne Palicki měla vedlejší roli ve filmu Sweeney Todd.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adrianne Palicki had a supporting role in Sweeney Todd."} {"id": 49932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hulk sklidil smíšené kritiky.", "evidence": [[[66259, 77090, "Hulk (film)", 11, "Hulk (film)"]], [[66259, 77091, "Hulk (film)", 12, "Hulk (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Hulk garnered a mixed bag of critical reviews."} {"id": 95834, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Země Rusko se nachází v Eurasii.", "evidence": [[[113358, 127221, "Rusko", 0, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "The country Russia is in Eurasia."} {"id": 189855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter působil v letech 1963-1967 v Senátu státu Georgia.", "evidence": [[[221781, 227336, "Jimmy Carter", 7, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter served in the Georgia State Senate from 1963 to 1967."} {"id": 125089, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zápas Mikea Tysona s Evanderem Holyfieldem byl označen jako \"Hrozny hněvu\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mike Tyson's fight with Evander Holyfield was billed \"The Grapes of Wrath.\""} {"id": 198208, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Saturn je menší než Jupiter.", "evidence": [[[233038, 236042, "Saturn (planeta)", 0, "Saturn"]]], "claim_en": "Saturn is smaller than Jupiter."} {"id": 172042, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Liana Liberato se v roce 2014 objevila v litevském romantickém filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liana Liberato appeared in a 2014 Lithuanian romantic drama film."} {"id": 96575, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Borussia Dortmund je baseballový klub.", "evidence": [[[114145, 127958, "Borussia Dortmund", 2, "Borussia Dortmund"]], [[114145, 127959, "Borussia Dortmund", 3, "Borussia Dortmund"]], [[114145, 127960, "Borussia Dortmund", 15, "Borussia Dortmund"]], [[114145, 127961, "Borussia Dortmund", 12, "Borussia Dortmund"]]], "claim_en": "Borussia Dortmund is a baseball club."} {"id": 117633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Python obsahuje automatické krabice na cereálie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Python features automatic cereal boxes."} {"id": 137893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ethan Hawke hrál pouze ve filmech, které získaly negativní kritiky.", "evidence": [[[160663, 175186, "Ethan Hawke", 5, "Ethan Hawke"], [160663, 175186, "Společnost mrtvých básníků", 4, "Dead Poets Society"]], [[160663, 175188, "Ethan Hawke", 7, "Ethan Hawke"]], [[160663, 175190, "Ethan Hawke", 14, "Ethan Hawke"], [160663, 175190, "Gattaca", 15, "Gattaca"]]], "claim_en": "Ethan Hawke has only starred in films that got negative critical reviews."} {"id": 196203, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Conjuring 2 je romantický film.", "evidence": [[[230533, 234191, "V zajetí démonů 2", 0, "The Conjuring 2"]]], "claim_en": "The Conjuring 2 is a romance film."} {"id": 205494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl zaměstnán v uměleckých galeriích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was employed at art galleries."} {"id": 73275, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moskva je hlavní město Číny.", "evidence": [[[90035, 102707, "Moskva", 0, "Moscow"]]], "claim_en": "Moscow is the capital of China."} {"id": 211873, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Viz. SZA.Run je ovlivněna gangsta rapem a dronovou hudbou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "See.SZA.Run is influenced by gangsta rap and drone music."} {"id": 28426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-pej je centrum Tchaj-wanu.", "evidence": [[[44545, 53206, "Tchaj-pej", 11, "Taipei"]]], "claim_en": "Taipei is the center of Taiwan."} {"id": 34005, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba In the End obsahuje v rámci své hlavní melodie nástroj piano.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "In the End contains the instrument piano within its main melody."} {"id": 16675, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lauren Graham je herečka.", "evidence": [[[32105, 39004, "Lauren Graham", 0, "Lauren Graham"]], [[32105, 39005, "Lauren Graham", 1, "Lauren Graham"]], [[32105, 39006, "Lauren Graham", 2, "Lauren Graham"]]], "claim_en": "Lauren Graham is an actress."} {"id": 67081, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vatikán vznikl na základě smlouvy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vatican City was brought into being by a treaty."} {"id": 103911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Just My Luck (2006) hraje americký herec narozený v osmdesátých letech.", "evidence": [[[279218, 273866, "Jen trošku štěstí", 1, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"], [279218, 273866, "Chris Pine", 0, "Chris Pine"]], [[279220, 273867, "Jen trošku štěstí", 1, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"], [279220, 273867, "Chris Pine", 0, "Chris Pine"]], [[279221, 273868, "Jen trošku štěstí", 1, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"], [279221, 273868, "Chris Pine", 0, "Chris Pine"]], [[327447, 314688, "Jen trošku štěstí", 1, "Just My Luck (2006 film)"], [327447, 314688, "Chris Pine", 0, "Chris Pine"]]], "claim_en": "Just My Luck (2006 film) stars an American actor born in the nineteen eighties."} {"id": 11221, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Boston prochází od roku 2010 gentrifikací.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Boston has undergone gentrification since 2010."} {"id": 137179, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Doctor Who má svůj film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Doctor Who has a movie."} {"id": 10505, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mandy Mooreová pochází ze Severní Karolíny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mandy Moore is a North Carolinian."} {"id": 19120, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Philip Seymour Hoffman hrál ve filmu Válka Charlieho Wilsona.", "evidence": [[[48826, 58145, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[51797, 61632, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[54952, 64971, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[302726, 293733, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]], [[304926, 295732, "Philip Seymour Hoffman", 8, "Philip Seymour Hoffman"]]], "claim_en": "Philip Seymour Hoffman was in Charlie Wilson's War."} {"id": 132913, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sean Combs se narodil v lese.", "evidence": [[[155382, 170070, "Sean Combs", 1, "Sean Combs"]]], "claim_en": "Sean Combs was born in a forest."} {"id": 219717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ještě před odvysíláním třetí série byla seriálu Black Sails prodloužena čtvrtá série.", "evidence": [[[261389, 259537, "Pod černou vlajkou", 7, "Black Sails (TV series)"]], [[261389, 259538, "Pod černou vlajkou", 9, "Black Sails (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Before its third season had even aired, Black Sails had been renewed for a fourth season."} {"id": 138949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gin získává část své chuti z bobulí.", "evidence": [[[161736, 176158, "Gin", 0, "Gin"]]], "claim_en": "Gin derives part of its flavour from berries."} {"id": 89532, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl zatčen za krádež pera.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was arrested for stealing a pen."} {"id": 11248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Led Zeppelin byli v roce 1985 uvedeni do Rock and Rollové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[26436, 32470, "Led Zeppelin", 24, "Led Zeppelin"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1985."} {"id": 66691, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vlk z Wall Street (film z roku 2013) není film.", "evidence": [[[83269, 95213, "Vlk z Wall Street", 0, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[83269, 95215, "Vlk z Wall Street", 2, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [83269, 95215, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"]], [[83269, 95217, "Vlk z Wall Street", 9, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[83269, 95218, "Vlk z Wall Street", 15, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]], [[83269, 95219, "Vlk z Wall Street", 16, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"], [83269, 95219, "Oscar za nejlepší film", 1, "Academy Award for Best Picture"]], [[83269, 95220, "Vlk z Wall Street", 20, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) is not a film."} {"id": 59954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham je od Victorie Beckhamové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham is away from Victoria Beckham."} {"id": 129959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chlebovník pochází mimo části jižní Asie.", "evidence": [[[152174, 166955, "Chlebovník různolistý", 3, "Jackfruit"]]], "claim_en": "Jackfruit is from outside of parts of South Asia."} {"id": 96775, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pekingská univerzita se nachází ve zvláštní ekonomické zóně ve východní Asii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peking University is in a special economic zone in East Asia."} {"id": 224381, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Southampton F.C. je vítězem FA Cupu.", "evidence": [[[267312, 264039, "Southampton FC", 9, "Southampton F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Southampton F.C. is an FA Cup winner."} {"id": 6068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ringo Starr není hudebník.", "evidence": [[[22793, 28094, "Ringo Starr", 0, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr is not a musician."} {"id": 128818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Eric Trump je dítě muže, který se narodil na vesmírné lodi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Eric Trump is the child of a man born on a spaceship."} {"id": 28152, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christina Aguilera je slamová básnířka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christina Aguilera is a slam poet"} {"id": 168322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hra o trůny (3. série) se natáčela především ve středu Chorvatska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones (season 3) was filmed primarily in the center of Croatia."} {"id": 4252, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heidi Klum je modelka.", "evidence": [[[20516, 25150, "Heidi Klumová", 0, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "Heidi Klum is a model."} {"id": 133340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln prosazoval rychlou modernizaci hospodářství.", "evidence": [[[155881, 170579, "Abraham Lincoln", 7, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln promoted rapid economic modernization."} {"id": 115127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe hrál beatového básníka.", "evidence": [[[136417, 151208, "Daniel Radcliffe", 6, "Daniel Radcliffe"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe played a beat poet."} {"id": 6456, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kate Nash vydala tři studiová alba.", "evidence": [[[23213, 28601, "Kate Nash", 10, "Kate Nash"]]], "claim_en": "Kate Nash released three studio albums."} {"id": 107105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Adjustment Bureau je americký sci-fi thriller z roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[125734, 140105, "Správci osudu", 0, "The Adjustment Bureau"]]], "claim_en": "The Adjustment Bureau is a 2000 American science fiction thriller film."} {"id": 155209, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vin Diesel opustil sérii před uvedením filmu Furious 7.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vin Diesel left the franchise before Furious 7 was released."} {"id": 120031, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Quentin Tarantino napsal a režíroval film Můj bratranec Vinny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed My Cousin Vinny."} {"id": 31504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Osvícení nebyl vydán v roce 1980.", "evidence": [[[47639, 56855, "Osvícení (film)", 0, "The Shining (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Shining was not released in 1980."} {"id": 197078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Wesley se objevil ve filmu Japonsko.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Wesley appeared in Japan."} {"id": 219277, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Capsicum chinense pochází z Ameriky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Capsicum chinense originates in the Americas."} {"id": 88682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Warren Buffett odmítá být filantropem.", "evidence": [[[274598, 269873, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]], [[274598, 269874, "Warren Buffett", 15, "Warren Buffett"]], [[276826, 271867, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]], [[276826, 271868, "Warren Buffett", 15, "Warren Buffett"]], [[276826, 271869, "Warren Buffett", 16, "Warren Buffett"]], [[277583, 272510, "Warren Buffett", 15, "Warren Buffett"]], [[322844, 311126, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]], [[322844, 311127, "Warren Buffett", 15, "Warren Buffett"]], [[322848, 311129, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]], [[322848, 311130, "Warren Buffett", 15, "Warren Buffett"]]], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett refuses to be a philanthropist."} {"id": 224897, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová byla v autě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was in a car."} {"id": 164401, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carey Hayes je komunista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carey Hayes is a communist."} {"id": 136416, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jennifer Garnerová hrála ve hře 13 Going On 30.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jennifer Garner was in the play 13 Going On 30."} {"id": 79280, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Sutter napsal Fargo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Sutter wrote Fargo."} {"id": 147651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mexiko je druhou nejlidnatější zemí v roce 2011.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mexico is the second most populous country in 2011."} {"id": 19182, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mike Tyson ukončil profesionální box v roce 1994.", "evidence": [[[34952, 42366, "Mike Tyson", 22, "Mike Tyson"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Tyson retired from professional boxing in 1994."} {"id": 8777, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová byla suspendována Národní hokejovou ligou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova was suspended by the National Hockey League."} {"id": 86229, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tři dny Kondora je pouze japonský film z roku 1988.", "evidence": [[[274151, 269468, "Tři dny Kondora", 0, "Three Days of the Condor"]], [[277440, 272359, "Tři dny Kondora", 0, "Three Days of the Condor"]], [[322250, 310605, "Tři dny Kondora", 0, "Three Days of the Condor"]], [[323452, 311685, "Tři dny Kondora", 0, "Three Days of the Condor"]], [[323453, 311686, "Tři dny Kondora", 0, "Three Days of the Condor"]]], "claim_en": "Three Days of the Condor is only a 1988 Japanese film."} {"id": 124760, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Houstonská ekonomika má širokou turistickou základnu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Houston's economy has a broad tourist base."} {"id": 108854, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chicago je město.", "evidence": [[[127726, 142348, "Chicago", 0, "Chicago"]], [[127726, 142349, "Chicago", 1, "Chicago"]], [[127726, 142350, "Chicago", 15, "Chicago"]], [[127726, 142351, "Chicago", 14, "Chicago"]]], "claim_en": "Chicago is a town."} {"id": 221260, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Block (album) vydala skupina Gin Blossoms.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Block (album) was released by the band the Gin Blossoms."} {"id": 144641, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Americká občanská válka se odehrála mimo území Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[167902, 181671, "Americká občanská válka", 0, "American Civil War"]]], "claim_en": "The American Civil War took place outside of the United States."} {"id": 124387, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová získala v roce 2013 cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won a Tony in 2013."} {"id": 16549, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan je instalatér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan is a plumber."} {"id": 12525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Příznaky spalniček nezačínají na obličeji a poté se nerozšíří na zbytek těla.", "evidence": [[[27763, 34011, "Spalničky", 3, "Measles"]], [[27763, 34012, "Spalničky", 2, "Measles"]]], "claim_en": "Symptoms of measles do not start on the face and then spread to the rest of the body."} {"id": 37105, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Benjamin Franklin, otec zakladatel, vedl americkou revoluci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, lead the American Revolution."} {"id": 76053, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Grey's Anatomy se zaměřuje na život postav, které se vzdělávají.", "evidence": [[[92896, 105752, "Chirurgové", 1, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy focuses on the lives of characters that are being trained."} {"id": 165432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Lewis je člověk, který píše scénáře.", "evidence": [[[190216, 201298, "Jerry Lewis", 0, "Jerry Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis is a person who writes screenplays."} {"id": 41509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steve Coogan je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steve Coogan is a Catholic."} {"id": 111948, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Bell je americká zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[131394, 146170, "Kristen Bell", 0, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell is an American singer."} {"id": 64599, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Babur pocházel z východní a střední Asie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Babur was from East-Central Asia."} {"id": 182140, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Loving hrál Marton Csokas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Loving starred Marton Csokas."} {"id": 206877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ayutthaya odmítala všechny cizince.", "evidence": [[[246676, 247144, "Ajutthajské království", 1, "Ayutthaya Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "Ayutthaya refused all foreigners."} {"id": 115671, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zeus není příbuzný s Kronem.", "evidence": [[[135775, 150628, "Zeus", 5, "Zeus"]]], "claim_en": "Zeus is unrelated to Cronus."} {"id": 135096, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Malajsie leží u Rudého moře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Malaysia is on the Red Sea."} {"id": 106202, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Dunkirk (2017) byl natočen na 70mm a 70mm velkoformátový filmový pás IMAX.", "evidence": [[[124718, 139066, "Dunkerk (film)", 7, "Dunkirk (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Dunkirk (2017 film) was shot on IMAX 70 mm and 70 mm large format film stock."} {"id": 90740, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lance Armstrong měl štěně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lance Armstrong had a puppy."} {"id": 115490, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Faye Resnicková je dobrá kuchařka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Faye Resnick is a good cook."} {"id": 47679, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ned Stark pracoval se sádrou ve smrti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ned Stark worked with a cast in a death."} {"id": 187274, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Harbour účinkoval v televizi.", "evidence": [[[218489, 224766, "David Harbour", 0, "David Harbour"]], [[218489, 224767, "David Harbour", 1, "David Harbour"]]], "claim_en": "David Harbour has performed on television."} {"id": 190835, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Myles Kennedy vydal alba s americkou popovou skupinou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Myles Kennedy has released albums with an American pop band."} {"id": 101473, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lucy Haleová nehrála ve filmu American Juniors.", "evidence": [[[119209, 133144, "Lucy Hale", 2, "Lucy Hale"]]], "claim_en": "Lucy Hale was not in American Juniors."} {"id": 96476, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muži v černém II je korejský film.", "evidence": [[[114040, 127858, "Muži v černém 2", 0, "Men in Black II"]]], "claim_en": "Men in Black II is a Korean film."} {"id": 185628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cate Blanchett odmítla roli, která jí byla nabídnuta ve filmu Popelka.", "evidence": [[[216372, 223025, "Popelka (film, 2015)", 2, "Cinderella (2015 Disney film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cate Blanchett refused the role she was offered in Cinderella."} {"id": 71692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Martina Hingisová odmítla hrát v severoamerické sezoně na tvrdém povrchu.", "evidence": [[[88367, 100983, "Martina Hingisová", 11, "Martina Hingis"]]], "claim_en": "Martina Hingis refused to play the North American hard-court season."} {"id": 138651, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeff Bridges získal Zlatý glóbus.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jeff Bridges won a Golden Globe."} {"id": 153301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Whiplash je kriminální film.", "evidence": [[[177245, 190104, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Whiplash is a crime film."} {"id": 15589, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Titanic nebyl prvním filmem, který dosáhl miliardové hranice.", "evidence": [[[30985, 37656, "Titanic (film, 1997)", 14, "Titanic (1997 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Titanic was not the first film to reach the billion-dollar mark."} {"id": 84207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth se objevil ve filmu Truman Show.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth appeared in The Truman Show."} {"id": 47974, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dobrý Will Hunting je film.", "evidence": [[[64340, 75096, "Dobrý Will Hunting", 0, "Good Will Hunting"]]], "claim_en": "Good Will Hunting is a film."} {"id": 225479, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lední hokej je populární v Kanadě, Finsku, Lotyšsku, České republice, Švédsku, Slovensku, Bělorusku a Švýcarsku.", "evidence": [[[268691, 265182, "Lední hokej", 5, "Ice hockey"]]], "claim_en": "Ice Hockey is popular in Canada, Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovakia, Belarus and Switzerland."} {"id": 127619, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nebezpečně zamilovaný debutoval na prvním místě na Marsu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love debuted at number one on Mars."} {"id": 30792, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Wyatt Earp se zúčastnil přestřelky.", "evidence": [[[46950, 56012, "Wyatt Earp", 0, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[46950, 56013, "Wyatt Earp", 23, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[46950, 56014, "Wyatt Earp", 26, "Wyatt Earp"]], [[46950, 56015, "Wyatt Earp", 43, "Wyatt Earp"]]], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp took part in a gunfight."} {"id": 125621, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Než padne noc je americké životopisné romantické drama z roku 2000.", "evidence": [[[286385, 279838, "Než se setmí", 0, "Before Night Falls (film)"]], [[288120, 281405, "Než se setmí", 0, "Before Night Falls (film)"]], [[288610, 281832, "Než se setmí", 0, "Before Night Falls (film)"]], [[333253, 319472, "Než se setmí", 0, "Before Night Falls (film)"]], [[334189, 320294, "Než se setmí", 0, "Before Night Falls (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Before Night Falls is a 2000 American biographical romantic drama."} {"id": 77623, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Demi Lovato hrála v seriálu Sezamová ulice.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato acted on Sesame Street."} {"id": 54218, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carice van Houten není zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[70528, 81431, "Carice van Houten", 0, "Carice van Houten"]]], "claim_en": "Carice van Houten is not a singer."} {"id": 20937, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Apoštolské vyznání víry je jedním z nejstarších vyznání víry křesťanství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Apostle's Creed is one of the oldest statements of faith for Christianity."} {"id": 24296, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hra Overwatch obsahuje třicet hratelných postav.", "evidence": [[[40235, 48401, "Overwatch", 4, "Overwatch (video game)"]]], "claim_en": "Overwatch features thirty playable characters."} {"id": 147787, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Sinatra je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra is a Catholic."} {"id": 195101, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Videoklip We Found Love obsahuje pouze témata závislosti a romantiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "We Found Love's music video only includes themes of addiction and romance."} {"id": 75033, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tygr bengálský patří k největším druhům psů.", "evidence": [[[91816, 104621, "Tygr indický", 0, "Bengal tiger"]]], "claim_en": "The Bengal tiger is a member of the largest dog species."} {"id": 75699, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Furious 7 byl režírován.", "evidence": [[[92504, 105266, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 0, "Furious 7"]], [[92504, 105267, "Rychle a zběsile 7", 14, "Furious 7"]]], "claim_en": "Furious 7 was directed."} {"id": 148384, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thajsko je ústavní demokracie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thailand is a constitutional democracy."} {"id": 26497, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brock Lesnar porazil Dwayna Johnsona.", "evidence": [[[42572, 51227, "Brock Lesnar", 6, "Brock Lesnar"], [42572, 51227, "Dwayne Johnson", 0, "Dwayne Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Brock Lesnar defeated Dwayne Johnson."} {"id": 170528, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Polsko je od roku 2017 šestnáctou nejnavštěvovanější zemí světa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poland is the 16th most visited country in the world as of 2017."} {"id": 138207, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alžběta II. byla královnou v době katastrofy z 11. září 2001.", "evidence": [[[161007, 175468, "Alžběta II.", 14, "Elizabeth II"]], [[161007, 175469, "Alžběta II.", 15, "Elizabeth II"]], [[161007, 175470, "Alžběta II.", 18, "Elizabeth II"]], [[161007, 175471, "Alžběta II.", 19, "Elizabeth II"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth II was queen at the time of the 9/11 disaster."} {"id": 119084, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Farrah Fawcettová získala v roce 1984 další čtyři nominace na Zlatý glóbus za práci v televizních filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Farrah Fawcett earned four additional Golden Globe nominations for her 1984 work in TV movies."} {"id": 7505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kobe Bryant vstoupil do NBA bezprostředně po ukončení studia na vysoké škole.", "evidence": [[[12156, 15240, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]], [[12492, 15609, "Kobe Bryant", 2, "Kobe Bryant"]]], "claim_en": "Kobe Bryant entered the NBA directly after college."} {"id": 179232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Up All Night je album portorické chlapecké popové skupiny.", "evidence": [[[207939, 216124, "Up All Night (album, One Direction)", 0, "Up All Night (One Direction album)"], [207939, 216124, "One Direction", 0, "One Direction"]]], "claim_en": "Up All Night is an album by a Puerto Rican pop boy band."} {"id": 201600, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Blesky a bouřky spolu nesouvisí.", "evidence": [[[237305, 239540, "Bouřka", 0, "Thunderstorm"]]], "claim_en": "Lightning and thunderstorms have no relation."} {"id": 202376, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Iluzionista (film z roku 2006) je romantický televizní pořad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Illusionist (2006 film) is a romantic television show."} {"id": 138513, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kris Kristofferson spolupracoval s bostonskými písničkáři.", "evidence": [[[161308, 175798, "Kris Kristofferson", 2, "Kris Kristofferson"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Kristofferson collaborated with Boston songwriters."} {"id": 101813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 je hollywoodský film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a Hollywood film."} {"id": 220591, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Otočte se: Washingtonovi špióni byl za rok obnoven.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Turn: Washington's Spies was renewed in a year."} {"id": 157393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "T-Pain je zakladatelem vydavatelství Imprint, které bylo založeno v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[181576, 193820, "T-Pain", 8, "T-Pain"]]], "claim_en": "T-Pain is the founder of a record label imprint established in 2015."} {"id": 68787, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavním městem Litvy je Vilnius.", "evidence": [[[85421, 97758, "Litva", 3, "Lithuania"]]], "claim_en": "Lithuania's capital city is Vilnius."} {"id": 141375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "MLS Cup se koná po skončení play-off Major League Soccer.", "evidence": [[[164402, 178681, "Major League Soccer", 4, "Major League Soccer"]]], "claim_en": "MLS Cup takes place after the Major League Soccer playoffs."} {"id": 126920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Klub Leyton Orient F.C. působí v Americe.", "evidence": [[[148816, 163860, "Leyton Orient FC", 0, "Leyton Orient F.C."]], [[148817, 163861, "Leyton Orient FC", 0, "Leyton Orient F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Leyton Orient F.C. is in America."} {"id": 175265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones je herec.", "evidence": [[[202753, 211930, "Tommy Lee Jones", 0, "Tommy Lee Jones"]], [[202753, 211931, "Tommy Lee Jones", 1, "Tommy Lee Jones"]], [[202753, 211932, "Tommy Lee Jones", 4, "Tommy Lee Jones"]], [[202753, 211933, "Tommy Lee Jones", 5, "Tommy Lee Jones"]], [[202753, 211934, "Tommy Lee Jones", 8, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones is an actor."} {"id": 24014, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americký občan Andre Agassi hrál tenis.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "American citizen Andre Agassi played tennis."} {"id": 47358, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Egyptě se mluví dánsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Danish language is spoken in Egypt."} {"id": 194665, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seiko je společnost zabývající se chytáním.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Seiko is a grabbing company."} {"id": 137538, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost SpaceX zahájila soukromou sbírku finančních prostředků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "SpaceX started private fundraising."} {"id": 110256, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Adams byl zpěvák.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Adams was a singer."} {"id": 154877, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "One World Trade Center je postaveno z deskových skleněných panelů na ocelovém rámu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One World Trade Center is constructed of plate glass panels over a steel frame."} {"id": 40630, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Předpokládá se, že Nigérie se stane jednou z nejmenších ekonomik na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nigeria is predicted to become one of the smallest economies in the world."} {"id": 92585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Peer Astrom píše anglicky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Peer Astrom writes in English."} {"id": 149628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Spojených státech vyšla deska Led Zeppelin II.", "evidence": [[[173435, 186690, "Led Zeppelin II", 0, "Led Zeppelin II"]], [[173435, 186691, "Led Zeppelin II", 7, "Led Zeppelin II"]]], "claim_en": "Led Zeppelin II was released in the United States."} {"id": 136543, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "George Best byl po celou svou fotbalovou kariéru pouze obráncem.", "evidence": [[[159215, 173795, "George Best", 9, "George Best"]]], "claim_en": "George Best was only ever a defender for his entire football career."} {"id": 89100, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Interstellar je vědeckofantastický film.", "evidence": [[[106319, 119765, "Interstellar", 3, "Interstellar (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Interstellar is a science-fiction movie."} {"id": 153328, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Simon obdržel ocenění.", "evidence": [[[177275, 190127, "Paul Simon", 11, "Paul Simon"]], [[177275, 190128, "Paul Simon", 16, "Paul Simon"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Simon received an award."} {"id": 37573, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série seriálu American Horror Story se neodehrávala v Kalifornii.", "evidence": [[[111480, 125214, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[114414, 128176, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[115012, 128730, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[308293, 298694, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[308294, 298695, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story's first season did not take place in California."} {"id": 94069, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stevie Ray Vaughan nebyl čtenáři časopisu Guitar Player zvolen nejlepším novým talentem.", "evidence": [[[114820, 128560, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", 22, "Stevie Ray Vaughan"]]], "claim_en": "Stevie Ray Vaughan was not voted Best New Talent by readers of Guitar Player."} {"id": 128967, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vincent D'Onofrio není držitelem ceny Saturn.", "evidence": [[[151023, 165848, "Vincent D'Onofrio", 4, "Vincent D'Onofrio"]]], "claim_en": "Vincent D'Onofrio is not a Saturn Award winner."} {"id": 61831, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dvanáctý Doktor je Pán času.", "evidence": [[[78310, 89848, "Dvanáctý Doktor", 2, "Twelfth Doctor"]]], "claim_en": "The Twelfth Doctor is a Time Lord."} {"id": 167361, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stand-up komedie je pouze dramatický styl.", "evidence": [[[192605, 203328, "Stand-up comedy", 0, "Stand-up comedy"]]], "claim_en": "Stand-up comedy is only a drama style."} {"id": 203317, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Extrémní prostředí může být způsobeno oxidem uhelnatým.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Extreme environments can be caused by carbon monoxide."} {"id": 102514, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portugalsko je národní stát.", "evidence": [[[120350, 134561, "Portugalsko", 2, "Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Portugal is a nation-state."} {"id": 210441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rodištěm Jeta Li je Peking.", "evidence": [[[249286, 249283, "Jet Li", 0, "Jet Li"]]], "claim_en": "Jet Li's birthplace is Beijing."} {"id": 150528, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Transformers (film) je sci-fi televizní pořad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Transformers (film) is a science fiction tv show."} {"id": 83662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Billie Joe Armstrong se narodil osmnáctého.", "evidence": [[[100703, 114000, "Billie Joe Armstrong", 0, "Billie Joe Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Billie Joe Armstrong was born on the 18th."} {"id": 194786, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Válečné štěstí způsobilo válčení dvou aktérů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fortunes of War has caused the warring of two actors."} {"id": 109498, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Filadelfie se nachází v Pensylvánii.", "evidence": [[[128423, 143134, "Filadelfie", 0, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is located in Pennsylvania."} {"id": 64782, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "KFC je po McDonald's druhým největším restauračním řetězcem na světě.", "evidence": [[[202834, 211999, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]], [[205705, 214197, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]], [[208164, 216271, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]], [[315809, 305069, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]], [[316794, 305912, "KFC", 1, "KFC"]]], "claim_en": "KFC is the world's second-largest restaurant chain after McDonald's."} {"id": 83569, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mitt Romney byl zaměstnán ve společnosti Bain & Company.", "evidence": [[[100621, 113918, "Mitt Romney", 9, "Mitt Romney"]]], "claim_en": "Mitt Romney was employed at Bain & Company."} {"id": 174771, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Maggie Gyllenhaalová hraje pouze ve filmech, které režíruje Rob Lowe.", "evidence": [[[202075, 211400, "Maggie Gyllenhaal", 4, "Maggie Gyllenhaal"], [202075, 211400, "Donnie Darko", 0, "Donnie Darko"]]], "claim_en": "Maggie Gyllenhaal is only in films directed by Rob Lowe."} {"id": 6739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nejmladší z dětí Krona a Rhey je Zeus.", "evidence": [[[23516, 28981, "Zeus", 5, "Zeus"]]], "claim_en": "The youngest of Cronus and Rhea's children is Zeus."} {"id": 13171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sonny s šancí není schopen být televizním pořadem.", "evidence": [[[28439, 34771, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 1, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34772, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 5, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34773, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 6, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34774, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 9, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34775, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 11, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34776, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 14, "Sonny with a Chance"]], [[28439, 34777, "Sonny ve velkém světě", 20, "Sonny with a Chance"]]], "claim_en": "Sonny with a Chance is incapable of being a television show."} {"id": 20587, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Hudsonová se v soutěži American Idol umístila na sedmém místě.", "evidence": [[[36389, 43974, "Jennifer Hudson", 1, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson came in seventh place on American Idol."} {"id": 11353, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gwen Stefani je módní návrhářka.", "evidence": [[[26549, 32588, "Gwen Stefani", 0, "Gwen Stefani"]], [[26549, 32589, "Gwen Stefani", 16, "Gwen Stefani"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani is a fashion designer."} {"id": 114143, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demokratická republika Kongo byla do roku 1960 belgickou kolonií.", "evidence": [[[134059, 148940, "Konžská demokratická republika", 16, "Democratic Republic of the Congo"], [134059, 148940, "Belgické Kongo", 0, "Belgian Congo"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Republic of Congo was a Belgian colony until 1960."} {"id": 166726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jediné ocenění, na které byla Winona Ryder kdy nominována, byla cena Grammy.", "evidence": [[[191780, 202576, "Winona Ryder", 19, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191780, 202577, "Winona Ryder", 4, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191780, 202578, "Winona Ryder", 7, "Winona Ryder"]], [[191780, 202579, "Winona Ryder", 21, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "The only award Winona Ryder was ever nominated for was a Grammy."} {"id": 206002, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg není schopen produkovat žádná alba.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is incapable of producing any albums."} {"id": 209440, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filadelfské muzeum umění neobsahuje žádné sbírky asijského původu.", "evidence": [[[247945, 248237, "Muzeum umění ve Filadelfii", 2, "Philadelphia Museum of Art"]]], "claim_en": "The Philadelphia Museum of Art contains zero holdings of Asian origin."} {"id": 71024, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Polsko je uzavřeno pro turistický ruch.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Poland is closed off for tourism."} {"id": 46405, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Série Divergent má verzi IMAX 3D.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series has an IMAX 3D version."} {"id": 33337, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Občanská válka v Libérii skončila v Monrovii.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Liberia's civil war ended in Monrovia."} {"id": 83649, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Karel I. Anglický se pohádal s parlamentem.", "evidence": [[[100693, 113994, "Karel I. Stuart", 9, "Charles I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Charles I of England quarrelled with Parliament."} {"id": 143026, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Hyland měla malou roli v životopisném hororu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Hyland had a small role in a biographical horror film."} {"id": 201602, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bouřka nic nepřináší.", "evidence": [[[237311, 239543, "Bouřka", 20, "Thunderstorm"]]], "claim_en": "A thunderstorm produces nothing."} {"id": 210643, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Gere byl oceněn Zlatým glóbem.", "evidence": [[[249528, 249521, "Richard Gere", 3, "Richard Gere"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Gere was the recipient of a Golden Globe award."} {"id": 227156, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Berlíně žije 3,7 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The population of Berlin is 3.7 million people."} {"id": 28428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Johanka z Arku je národním symbolem.", "evidence": [[[44543, 53204, "Jana z Arku", 15, "Joan of Arc"]]], "claim_en": "Joan of Arc is a national symbol."} {"id": 70438, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Raees (film) hraje katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Raees (film) stars a Catholic."} {"id": 124365, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vydavatelství Coke Boys Records zlikvidoval americký rapper.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Coke Boys Records was eliminated by an American Rapper."} {"id": 50090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hra o trůny získala v roce 1997 cenu Locus.", "evidence": [[[66408, 77249, "Hra o trůny", 2, "A Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "A Game of Thrones won the 1997 Locus Award."} {"id": 42293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tým Minnesota Vikings hrál v Super Bowlu.", "evidence": [[[58594, 68905, "Minnesota Vikings", 3, "Minnesota Vikings"]]], "claim_en": "The Minnesota Vikings has played in the Super Bowl."} {"id": 212607, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Knihy Superunknown se prodalo 310 020 výtisků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Superunknown sold 310,020 copies."} {"id": 134112, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "VHS byla vyvinuta v 80. letech 20. století.", "evidence": [[[156649, 171244, "VHS", 1, "VHS"]], [[156655, 171253, "VHS", 1, "VHS"]]], "claim_en": "VHS was developed in the 1980s."} {"id": 7272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Členové skupiny Beatles odmítli přihlášky George Harrisona, Johna Lennona, Paula McCartneyho a Ringo Starra.", "evidence": [[[11808, 14809, "The Beatles", 1, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "The Beatles members rejected George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr's applications."} {"id": 106466, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eat Pray Love je romantický komediální dramatický film ze 60. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[124972, 139305, "Jíst, meditovat, milovat", 0, "Eat Pray Love"]]], "claim_en": "Eat Pray Love is a romantic comedy-drama film from the 1960s."} {"id": 48318, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ian Gillan je Němec.", "evidence": [[[64679, 75502, "Ian Gillan", 0, "Ian Gillan"]]], "claim_en": "Ian Gillan is German."} {"id": 102137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Iron Man je filmový snímek.", "evidence": [[[119955, 134090, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 0, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134091, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 1, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134092, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 2, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134093, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 7, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134094, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 8, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134095, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 9, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134096, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 16, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]], [[119955, 134097, "Iron Man (film, 2008)", 18, "Iron Man (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Iron Man is a motion picture."} {"id": 132609, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Počet obyvatel města Centralia v Pensylvánii byl v roce 2013 sedm.", "evidence": [[[287267, 280721, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[287271, 280725, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"], [287271, 280725, "Centralia", 1, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[289278, 282366, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[335464, 321247, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[335465, 321248, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]], [[335471, 321255, "Centralia", 8, "Centralia, Pennsylvania"]]], "claim_en": "The population of Centralia, Pennsylvania was seven in 2013."} {"id": 46784, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Henrietta Marie Francouzská se narodila v Rakousku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Henrietta Maria of France was born in Austria."} {"id": 69610, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rajon Rondo je čtyřnásobný držitel Grammy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rajon Rondo is a four-time Grammy winner."} {"id": 153305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Albánie přijímá kupony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Albania accepts coupons."} {"id": 226238, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dar noci běsů se objevuje hlas herce, který má narozeniny 4. října.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gift of the Night Fury stars the voice of an actor whose birthday is on October 4."} {"id": 184077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kenneth Lonergan je katolík.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kenneth Lonergan is a Catholic."} {"id": 120900, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ellen DeGeneres je hvězdou seriálu Ellen.", "evidence": [[[283254, 277326, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 9, "Ellen DeGeneres"]], [[287491, 280890, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 1, "Ellen DeGeneres"]], [[287492, 280891, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 1, "Ellen DeGeneres"]], [[331765, 318228, "Ellen DeGeneresová", 1, "Ellen DeGeneres"]]], "claim_en": "Ellen DeGeneres is a star of Ellen."} {"id": 38991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Neuvěřitelný Hulk je druhým filmem ze série o superhrdinech společnosti Marvel.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Incredible Hulk is the second film in the Marvel superhero series."} {"id": 93945, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kosatka patří do rodiny.", "evidence": [[[111340, 124970, "Kosatka dravá", 0, "Killer whale"]]], "claim_en": "The killer whale belongs to a family."} {"id": 53166, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Všichni milenci se dostali do první desítky pouze mimo Rakousko.", "evidence": [[[69449, 80251, "All the Lovers", 12, "All the Lovers"]]], "claim_en": "All the Lovers reached the top ten only outside of Austria."} {"id": 53818, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Alec Baldwin ještě nezískal cenu SAG.", "evidence": [[[70125, 81013, "Alec Baldwin", 7, "Alec Baldwin"]]], "claim_en": "Alec Baldwin has yet to win a SAG Award."} {"id": 13654, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "American Idiot je album skupiny Green Day.", "evidence": [[[28901, 35264, "American Idiot", 0, "American Idiot"]]], "claim_en": "American Idiot is a Green Day album."} {"id": 89822, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Hasselhoff hrál pouze ve španělských televizních seriálech.", "evidence": [[[108896, 122598, "David Hasselhoff", 3, "David Hasselhoff"], [108896, 122598, "Pobřežní hlídka", 0, "Baywatch"], [108896, 122598, "Knight Rider", 0, "Knight Rider (1982 TV series)"]], [[108896, 122599, "David Hasselhoff", 5, "David Hasselhoff"]], [[108896, 122600, "David Hasselhoff", 8, "David Hasselhoff"]], [[108896, 122601, "David Hasselhoff", 9, "David Hasselhoff"]]], "claim_en": "David Hasselhoff has only acted in Spanish TV series."} {"id": 22313, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Don Henley je komik", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Don Henley is a comedian"} {"id": 111639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sense and Sensibility napsal anglický autor.", "evidence": [[[131050, 145823, "Rozum a cit", 0, "Sense and Sensibility"], [131050, 145823, "Jane Austenová", 0, "Jane Austen"]]], "claim_en": "Sense and Sensibility was written by an English author."} {"id": 104868, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prison Break nebyl nominován na cenu Favorite New TV Drama.", "evidence": [[[123184, 137555, "Útěk z vězení (seriál)", 11, "Prison Break"]]], "claim_en": "Prison Break was not nominated for Favorite New TV Drama."} {"id": 97875, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adele je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[115506, 129365, "Adele", 0, "Adele"]]], "claim_en": "Adele is American."} {"id": 64758, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Glee byl nominován na jednu cenu Tony.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Glee was nominated for one Tony Award."} {"id": 82954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sausage Party je počítačem animovaný sitcom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sausage Party is a computer-animated sitcom."} {"id": 25861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "New York má 21,8 milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[41867, 50360, "New York (rozcestník)", 3, "New York"]]], "claim_en": "New York has a population of 21.8 million."} {"id": 16506, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Packouz se narodil v Seattlu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Packouz was born in Seattle."} {"id": 132770, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Olympijské hry nemají letní ani zimní olympijské hry.", "evidence": [[[155209, 169905, "Olympijské hry", 2, "Olympic Games"]]], "claim_en": "The Olympic Games does not have both Summer and Winter Olympic Games."} {"id": 202990, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Současnou generální ředitelkou společnosti Lockheed Martin je Marillyn Hewsonová, která pochází z Kansasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The current Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin is Kansas native Marillyn Hewson."} {"id": 102312, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Starší bratr a jediný žijící příbuzný Daenerys Targaryen se jmenuje Viserys.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daenerys Targaryen's older brother and only living relative is named Viserys."} {"id": 65439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Trek je automobil.", "evidence": [[[82124, 93909, "Star Trek (filmová série)", 0, "Star Trek (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Star Trek is a car."} {"id": 67343, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ricin je jedovatý.", "evidence": [[[83917, 95992, "Ricin", 0, "Ricin"], [83917, 95992, "Toxicita", 3, "Toxicity"]], [[83917, 95993, "Ricin", 3, "Ricin"]]], "claim_en": "Ricin is poisonous."} {"id": 94197, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eagles (skupina) nevydala žádné album.", "evidence": [[[111658, 125449, "Eagles", 1, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125450, "Eagles", 2, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125451, "Eagles", 3, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125452, "Eagles", 7, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125453, "Eagles", 11, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125454, "Eagles", 12, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125455, "Eagles", 13, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125456, "Eagles", 14, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125457, "Eagles", 15, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125458, "Eagles", 18, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125459, "Eagles", 21, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125460, "Eagles", 22, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125461, "Eagles", 20, "Eagles (band)"], [111658, 125461, "Hotel California (píseň)", 0, "Hotel California"]], [[111658, 125462, "Eagles", 25, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125463, "Eagles", 27, "Eagles (band)"]], [[111658, 125464, "Eagles", 28, "Eagles (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Eagles (band) failed to release any albums."} {"id": 12360, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zeus je ze starořímského náboženství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zeus is from ancient Roman religion."} {"id": 169302, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Singapur je na nízkém místě v žebříčku kvality života.", "evidence": [[[195159, 205487, "Singapur", 18, "Singapore"]]], "claim_en": "Singapore is ranked lowly in quality of life."} {"id": 112927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portia de Rossi spolupracovala s hercem.", "evidence": [[[132478, 147394, "Portia de Rossi", 1, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[132478, 147395, "Portia de Rossi", 3, "Portia de Rossi"]], [[132478, 147396, "Portia de Rossi", 2, "Portia de Rossi"]]], "claim_en": "Portia de Rossi worked with an actor."} {"id": 86828, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pluto je známý transneptunický objekt.", "evidence": [[[103989, 117491, "Pluto (trpasličí planeta)", 12, "Pluto"]]], "claim_en": "Pluto is a known trans-Neptunian object."} {"id": 70037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Colin Firth není herec.", "evidence": [[[86707, 99181, "Colin Firth", 0, "Colin Firth"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Firth is not an actor."} {"id": 132332, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Kazachstánu žije nula Rusů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kazakhstan's population includes zero Russians."} {"id": 131191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Miley Cyrus hrála v dokumentárních filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Miley Cyrus starred in documentaries."} {"id": 6521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brad Pitt produkoval film 12 let otrokem.", "evidence": [[[23282, 28692, "Brad Pitt", 10, "Brad Pitt"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt produced 12 Years a Slave."} {"id": 83705, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlo je běžně spojováno s vendetou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evil is commonly associated with vendettas."} {"id": 130919, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brazílie byla vždy kolonií.", "evidence": [[[153204, 167963, "Brazílie", 0, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167964, "Brazílie", 1, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167965, "Brazílie", 4, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167966, "Brazílie", 8, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167967, "Brazílie", 9, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167968, "Brazílie", 10, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167969, "Brazílie", 12, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167970, "Brazílie", 14, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167971, "Brazílie", 15, "Brazil"]], [[153204, 167972, "Brazílie", 21, "Brazil"]]], "claim_en": "Brazil has always been a colony."} {"id": 177261, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Třetí série seriálu Outlander (TV seriál) měla premiéru v roce 2016.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The third season of Outlander (TV series) was premiered in 2016."} {"id": 113401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál The Adjustment Bureau je volně založen na knize \"Adjustment Team\" od Philipa K. Dicka.", "evidence": [[[133574, 148425, "Správci osudu", 0, "The Adjustment Bureau"]]], "claim_en": "The Adjustment Bureau is loosely based on \"Adjustment Team\" by Philip K. Dick."} {"id": 132, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Drake (hudebník) vydal svou debutovou knihu v roce 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drake (musician) released his debut book in 2009."} {"id": 111144, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vystoupení Michaela Jacksona bylo vysíláno živě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson's performances were broadcast live."} {"id": 204788, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi režiséry seriálu Jak jsem poznal vaši matku patří Pamela Frymanová, která režírovala více než polovinu všech epizod seriálu.", "evidence": [[[241882, 243440, "Jak jsem poznal vaši matku", 7, "How I Met Your Mother"]]], "claim_en": "How I Met Your Mother's directors include Pamela Fryman who directed more than half of the total episodes of the series."} {"id": 212833, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Dogs D'Amour hraje folkovou hudbu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Dogs D'Amour play folk music."} {"id": 199042, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[234024, 236922, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 72304, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Rolling Stones je anglická rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[88994, 101636, "The Rolling Stones", 0, "The Rolling Stones"]]], "claim_en": "The Rolling Stones are a English rock band."} {"id": 134959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nick Jonas vydal své poslední album v roce 2004.", "evidence": [[[157531, 172100, "Nick Jonas", 6, "Nick Jonas"]], [[157531, 172101, "Nick Jonas", 21, "Nick Jonas"]], [[157531, 172102, "Nick Jonas", 26, "Nick Jonas"]]], "claim_en": "Nick Jonas released his final album in 2004."} {"id": 32682, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Paradise je od společnosti Lamborghini.", "evidence": [[[95670, 108709, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[97827, 110994, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[306779, 297393, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"]], [[306791, 297402, "Paradise (EP, Lana Del Rey)", 0, "Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)"], [306791, 297402, "Lana Del Rey", 0, "Lana Del Rey"]]], "claim_en": "Paradise is by Lamborghini."} {"id": 163270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pořad That '70s Show začal v říjnu.", "evidence": [[[187823, 199389, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 0, "That '70s Show"]]], "claim_en": "That '70s Show began in October."} {"id": 3502, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Princezna Margaret, hraběnka ze Snowdonu je členkou královské rodiny.", "evidence": [[[19575, 24061, "Margaret, hraběnka Snowdon", 0, "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon"]], [[19575, 24062, "Margaret, hraběnka Snowdon", 4, "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon"]], [[19575, 24063, "Margaret, hraběnka Snowdon", 5, "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon"]], [[19575, 24064, "Margaret, hraběnka Snowdon", 19, "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon"]]], "claim_en": "Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon is a member of a royal family."} {"id": 39293, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Keisuke Honda je známý svou přesností.", "evidence": [[[55529, 65567, "Keisuke Honda", 2, "Keisuke Honda"]]], "claim_en": "Keisuke Honda is known for his accuracy."} {"id": 4329, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První album Setha MacFarlanea vyšlo v roce 2011.", "evidence": [[[20600, 25233, "Seth MacFarlane", 17, "Seth MacFarlane"]]], "claim_en": "Seth MacFarlane's first album was released in 2011."} {"id": 186147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Ontariu žijí lidé.", "evidence": [[[217078, 223714, "Ontario (provincie)", 1, "Ontario"]], [[217078, 223715, "Ontario (provincie)", 3, "Ontario"]], [[217078, 223716, "Ontario (provincie)", 13, "Ontario"]], [[217078, 223717, "Ontario (provincie)", 14, "Ontario"]]], "claim_en": "There are people in Ontario."} {"id": 173699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson pauzíroval Černý nebo bílý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson paused Black or White."} {"id": 34537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Wahlberg má za sebou začátek kariéry frontmana skupiny Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.", "evidence": [[[50718, 60332, "Mark Wahlberg", 1, "Mark Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Wahlberg has an early career as frontman for the group Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch."} {"id": 135195, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tvůrci Spider-Mana dali postavě jako součást kostýmu kombinézu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The creators of Spider-Man gave the character a jumpsuit as part of its costume."} {"id": 39295, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "The Weeknd má debutové album.", "evidence": [[[55524, 65564, "The Weeknd", 7, "The Weeknd"]]], "claim_en": "The Weeknd has a debut album."} {"id": 154809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina Tenacious D začínala v Texasu.", "evidence": [[[178888, 191441, "Tenacious D", 0, "Tenacious D"]]], "claim_en": "Tenacious D started in Texas."} {"id": 39340, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku hraje za Rakousko.", "evidence": [[[55579, 65604, "Romelu Lukaku", 0, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku plays for Austria."} {"id": 108826, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Helen Mirrenová získala stipendium Fancy Fellowship.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Helen Mirren was a recipient of the Fancy Fellowship."} {"id": 114568, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Faith Evansová se setkala s Puff Daddym na focení kapely Bad Boy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Faith Evans met Puff Daddy at a Bad Boy photo shoot."} {"id": 155268, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alba Tiny Turner Break Every Rule se prodalo více než 1000 kopií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tina Turner's album Break Every Rule sold more than 1000 copies."} {"id": 218090, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Indický národní kongres byl založen v době vlády britského Rádže.", "evidence": [[[259287, 257917, "Indický národní kongres", 8, "Indian National Congress"]]], "claim_en": "The Indian National Congress was founded during the British Raj."} {"id": 20371, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Courtney Love nevydala žádný sólový singl.", "evidence": [[[36197, 43731, "Courtney Love", 17, "Courtney Love"]]], "claim_en": "Courtney Love has not released any solo singles."} {"id": 210444, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jet Li se narodil v pekingské nemocnici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jet Li was born in a hospital in Beijing."} {"id": 112650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vzteklina není nakažlivá.", "evidence": [[[132169, 147049, "Vzteklina", 9, "Rabies"]]], "claim_en": "Rabies is non-communicable."} {"id": 129613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michelle Williamsová je člověk.", "evidence": [[[151817, 166570, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 0, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166571, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 1, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166572, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 5, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166573, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 7, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166574, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 8, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166575, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 9, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]], [[151817, 166576, "Michelle Williams (herečka)", 13, "Michelle Williams (actress)"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Williams is a person."} {"id": 113218, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cara Delevigne byla instalatérka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cara Delevigne was a plumber."} {"id": 174829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky nejsou založeny na žádném jiném díle.", "evidence": [[[202152, 211481, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[202156, 211483, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries is based on no other works."} {"id": 103614, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Santorini je poloostrov.", "evidence": [[[121618, 135926, "Théra (ostrov)", 0, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135927, "Théra (ostrov)", 1, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135928, "Théra (ostrov)", 2, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135929, "Théra (ostrov)", 3, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135930, "Théra (ostrov)", 10, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135931, "Théra (ostrov)", 13, "Santorini"]], [[121618, 135932, "Théra (ostrov)", 23, "Santorini"]]], "claim_en": "Santorini is a peninsula."} {"id": 138924, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Muž z oceli (film) se natáčel v Hollywoodu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Man of Steel (film) was filmed in Hollywood."} {"id": 139828, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál OA debutoval na streamovací platformě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The OA debuted on a streaming platform."} {"id": 111471, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Muhammad Ali byl vždy pouze hráčem golfu.", "evidence": [[[130865, 145645, "Muhammad Ali", 0, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[130865, 145646, "Muhammad Ali", 31, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali was only ever a golfer."} {"id": 45927, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kriket není schopen být sportem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cricket is incapable of being a sport."} {"id": 14210, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Neil Young je Kanaďan.", "evidence": [[[29481, 35951, "Neil Young", 0, "Neil Young"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Young is Canadian."} {"id": 148372, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kurt Angle je dvojnásobným vítězem WarGames.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle is a two-time WarGames winner."} {"id": 179702, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "AC/DC jsou rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[208614, 216609, "AC/DC", 0, "AC/DC"]], [[208614, 216610, "AC/DC", 1, "AC/DC"]], [[208614, 216612, "AC/DC", 4, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216612, "High Voltage (australské album)", 0, "High Voltage (1975 album)"]], [[208614, 216613, "AC/DC", 5, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216613, "Mark Evans", 0, "Mark Evans (musician)"]], [[208614, 216614, "AC/DC", 6, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216614, "Highway to Hell", 0, "Highway to Hell"]], [[208614, 216615, "AC/DC", 8, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216615, "Brian Johnson", 1, "Brian Johnson"]], [[208614, 216616, "AC/DC", 9, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216616, "Back in Black", 0, "Back in Black"]], [[208614, 216617, "AC/DC", 13, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216617, "For Those About to Rock We Salute You", 0, "For Those About to Rock We Salute You"]], [[208614, 216618, "AC/DC", 14, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216618, "Phil Rudd", 0, "Phil Rudd"]], [[208614, 216619, "AC/DC", 15, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216619, "The Razors Edge", 0, "The Razors Edge (AC/DC album)"]], [[208614, 216620, "AC/DC", 16, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216620, "Chris Slade", 1, "Chris Slade"]], [[208614, 216621, "AC/DC", 17, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216621, "Stiff Upper Lip", 0, "Stiff Upper Lip (album)"]], [[208614, 216623, "AC/DC", 18, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216623, "Black Ice", 0, "Black Ice (album)"]], [[208614, 216624, "AC/DC", 19, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216624, "Malcolm Young", 0, "Malcolm Young"]], [[208614, 216625, "AC/DC", 20, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216625, "Axl Rose", 1, "Axl Rose"]], [[208614, 216626, "AC/DC", 21, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216626, "Cliff Williams", 0, "Cliff Williams"]], [[208614, 216627, "AC/DC", 25, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216627, "Back in Black", 0, "Back in Black"]], [[208614, 216628, "AC/DC", 27, "AC/DC"]], [[208614, 216629, "AC/DC", 29, "AC/DC"], [208614, 216629, "Rock and roll", 0, "Rock and roll"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC are a rock band."} {"id": 216665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Glenn Close začala svou profesionální divadelní kariéru v roce 1950.", "evidence": [[[257421, 256424, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]], [[257472, 256469, "Glenn Close", 5, "Glenn Close"]]], "claim_en": "Glenn Close began her professional stage career in 1950."} {"id": 11952, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adam Driver chodí do kostela.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adam Driver is a church goer."} {"id": 70599, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ashton Kutcher hrál společně s Cameron Diaz.", "evidence": [[[87269, 99771, "Ashton Kutcher", 8, "Ashton Kutcher"], [87269, 99771, "Mejdan v Las Vegas", 0, "What Happens in Vegas"]]], "claim_en": "Ashton Kutcher was co-stars with Cameron Diaz."} {"id": 55541, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hlavní kampus Brownovy univerzity se nachází v druhém největším městě Nové Anglie.", "evidence": [[[71946, 82934, "Brownova univerzita", 19, "Brown University"]]], "claim_en": "Brown University's main campus is located in the second largest city in New England."} {"id": 59207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Beckham je ženatý s Gordonem Ramseyem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Beckham is married to Gordon Ramsey."} {"id": 45852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kate Nash je po celou svou kariéru u stejné nahrávací společnosti.", "evidence": [[[62185, 72726, "Kate Nash", 10, "Kate Nash"]]], "claim_en": "Kate Nash has been on the same record label for her entire career."} {"id": 97421, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál Outlander je natočen podle románů Stephenie Meyerové.", "evidence": [[[115040, 128757, "Cizinka (seriál)", 0, "Outlander (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Outlander is based on novels by Stephenie Meyer."} {"id": 175569, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Major League Soccer zahrnuje fotbalový míč.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer involves a soccer ball."} {"id": 15357, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Syd Barrett zemřel v roce 1999.", "evidence": [[[37148, 44893, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[37148, 44894, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]], [[39636, 47712, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[42749, 51389, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[302022, 293095, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[302023, 293096, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[303583, 294541, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[303583, 294542, "Syd Barrett", 10, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett died in 1999."} {"id": 144674, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Severovýchodní megalopolis zahrnuje Portland.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Northeast megalopolis includes Portland."} {"id": 125846, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Heather Watsonová je šampionka.", "evidence": [[[147657, 162678, "Heather Watsonová", 0, "Heather Watson"]], [[147657, 162679, "Heather Watsonová", 4, "Heather Watson"]]], "claim_en": "Heather Watson is a champion."} {"id": 109250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ruth Negga hrála roli Mildred Lovingové.", "evidence": [[[128144, 142863, "Ruth Negga", 5, "Ruth Negga"]]], "claim_en": "Ruth Negga played the role of Mildred Loving."} {"id": 125851, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Írán měl konflikty s Ruskou říší.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iran had conflicts with the Russian Empire."} {"id": 11701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Foo Fighters mají na kontě osm alb.", "evidence": [[[26916, 33048, "Foo Fighters", 21, "Foo Fighters"]]], "claim_en": "Foo Fighters have eight albums."} {"id": 150012, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Titanic není film.", "evidence": [[[173830, 187018, "Titanic (film, 1997)", 0, "Titanic (1997 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Titanic is not a film."} {"id": 121928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "F. Scott Fitzgerald napsal Velkého Gatsbyho v roce 1922.", "evidence": [[[143128, 158232, "Velký Gatsby", 0, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in 1922."} {"id": 122994, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jessica Langeová získala v roce 2016 cenu Tony.", "evidence": [[[286083, 279646, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]], [[288460, 281720, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]], [[332796, 319065, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]], [[333968, 320144, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]], [[333970, 320145, "Jessica Lange", 14, "Jessica Lange"]]], "claim_en": "Jessica Lange was the recipient of a Tony Award in 2016."} {"id": 27612, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tablet Fujitsu iPAD není těžký.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Fujitsu iPAD is not heavy."} {"id": 96433, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ronald Reagan měl před sebou nejméně šest prezidentů, jedním z nich byl Dwight D. Eisenhower, a byl prvním od dob Eisenhowera, který zastával funkci dvě funkční období.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan had at least six presidents before, one of whom was Dwight D. Eisenhower and he was the first since Eisenhower to serve two terms."} {"id": 27375, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "AK-47 je střelná zbraň.", "evidence": [[[43554, 52201, "AK-47", 12, "AK-47"]], [[43554, 52202, "AK-47", 1, "AK-47"]]], "claim_en": "AK-47 is a firearm."} {"id": 225668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scénář k filmu 50 First Dates napsal James Cameron.", "evidence": [[[268962, 265383, "50× a stále poprvé", 0, "50 First Dates"]]], "claim_en": "50 First Dates was written by James Cameron."} {"id": 70940, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pornhub je soukromá webová stránka s videem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pornhub is a private video website."} {"id": 155465, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dillí nesdílí hranici s jiným státem v Indii.", "evidence": [[[179521, 192100, "Dillí", 2, "Delhi"], [179521, 192100, "Harijána", 0, "Haryana"]]], "claim_en": "Delhi does not share a border with another state in India."} {"id": 85650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Malá Miss Sunshine se natáčela ve Washingtonu.", "evidence": [[[102812, 116108, "Malá Miss Sunshine", 3, "Little Miss Sunshine"]]], "claim_en": "Little Miss Sunshine was filmed in Washington."} {"id": 72892, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Bostonu byl první veřejný park v Etiopii.", "evidence": [[[89644, 102333, "Boston", 12, "Boston"]]], "claim_en": "Boston had the first public park in Ethiopia."} {"id": 186744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Connie Britton se v roce 2015 připojila k hereckému obsazení seriálu Nashville.", "evidence": [[[217874, 224318, "Connie Britton", 12, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton joined the cast of Nashville in 2015."} {"id": 89158, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V letech 431 až 404 př. n. l. byla Sparta ve válce s Athénami.", "evidence": [[[106384, 119817, "Sparta", 6, "Sparta"]]], "claim_en": "Between 431 and 404 BC, Sparta was at war with Athens."} {"id": 133927, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portugalské císařství bylo jednou z nejkratší dobu trvajících říší ve světových dějinách.", "evidence": [[[156456, 171058, "Portugalská koloniální říše", 0, "Portuguese Empire"]]], "claim_en": "The Portuguese Empire was one of the shortest-lived empires in world history."} {"id": 76107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vznikla druhá řada seriálu Fairy Tail.", "evidence": [[[92945, 105820, "Fairy Tail", 8, "Fairy Tail"]]], "claim_en": "There was a second series of Fairy Tail."} {"id": 145010, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scénář k filmu Batman vs. Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti napsali Chris Terrio a David S. Goyer.", "evidence": [[[168310, 182062, "Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti", 3, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"]]], "claim_en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was written by Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer."} {"id": 193939, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Oz the Great and Powerful byl uveden na běžných kanálech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Oz the Great and Powerful was released on conventional channels."} {"id": 131494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Filip V. Španělský byl instalatér.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philip V of Spain was a plumber."} {"id": 6600, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Cusack natočil jednu ze svých prvních filmových rolí v polovině 80. let.", "evidence": [[[23366, 28799, "John Cusack", 1, "John Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "John Cusack made one of his earliest film roles in the mid-1980s."} {"id": 93677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Den nezávislosti: Vzkříšení mělo nulový počet scénáristů.", "evidence": [[[111039, 124720, "Den nezávislosti: Nový útok", 0, "Independence Day: Resurgence"]]], "claim_en": "Independence Day: Resurgence had zero writers."} {"id": 19341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Orson Welles měl prezidentský hlas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Orson Welles had a presidential voice."} {"id": 149537, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roman Reigns je vítěz.", "evidence": [[[173341, 186615, "Roman Reigns", 11, "Roman Reigns"]]], "claim_en": "Roman Reigns is a winner."} {"id": 7171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Avatar měl premiéru v Londýně.", "evidence": [[[24093, 29805, "Avatar (film, 2009)", 15, "Avatar (2009 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Avatar premiered in London."} {"id": 70669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Isabella Francouzská měla přezdívku Vlčice.", "evidence": [[[87339, 99814, "Izabela Francouzská (1295–1358)", 0, "Isabella of France"]]], "claim_en": "Isabella of France's nickname was the She-Wolf."} {"id": 30655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rakovině lze předcházet udržováním zdravé váhy.", "evidence": [[[46814, 55830, "Rakovina", 18, "Cancer"]], [[46815, 55831, "Rakovina", 18, "Cancer"]]], "claim_en": "Cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight."} {"id": 121313, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Caroline Kennedyová je soudkyně.", "evidence": [[[142463, 157646, "Caroline Kennedyová", 0, "Caroline Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Caroline Kennedy is a judge."} {"id": 42894, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglický král Eduard I. potlačil povstání ve Walesu a byl úspěšný.", "evidence": [[[59208, 69550, "Eduard I.", 16, "Edward I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Edward I of England suppressed a rebellion in Wales and was successful."} {"id": 78538, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky jsou filmový seriál.", "evidence": [[[95507, 108518, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 0, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108519, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 1, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108520, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 4, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108521, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 5, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108522, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 13, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108523, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 16, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108524, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 17, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108525, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 15, "The Vampire Diaries"]], [[95507, 108526, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 14, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries is a film series."} {"id": 110022, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Americký idiot má písně \"American Idiot\", \"Boulevard of Broken Dreams\", \"Holiday\" a \"Wake Me Up\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "American Idiot has \"American Idiot\", \"Boulevard of Broken Dreams\", \"Holiday\", and \"Wake Me Up.\""} {"id": 130720, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dubaj se nachází na jihovýchodním pobřeží Perského zálivu.", "evidence": [[[287009, 280479, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]], [[289103, 282272, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]], [[334914, 320849, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]], [[334916, 320851, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]], [[334923, 320855, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]], [[334924, 320856, "Dubaj", 1, "Dubai"]]], "claim_en": "Dubai is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf."} {"id": 185509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Triple H je kvaker.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Triple H is a Quaker."} {"id": 130412, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zadavatelé reklamy používají znělky v televizních broucích.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ad buyers use jingles in television bugs."} {"id": 31400, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "První televizní role Matta Smithe přišla v roce 2006.", "evidence": [[[47547, 56752, "Matt Smith", 9, "Matt Smith (actor)"]]], "claim_en": "Matt Smith's first television role came in 2006."} {"id": 44798, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Portugalsko je muzeum.", "evidence": [[[61398, 71909, "Portugalsko", 0, "Portugal"]]], "claim_en": "Portugal is a museum."} {"id": 145850, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Část zpěvu pro skupinu The E.N.D. nazpívala Fergie.", "evidence": [[[169211, 182871, "Fergie", 8, "Fergie (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Some singing for The E.N.D. was performed by Fergie."} {"id": 98075, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tesla Model S je sportovní elektromobil.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tesla Model S is an electric sports car."} {"id": 88710, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daniel Radcliffe se objevil v reklamě na Gushers z roku 2013.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daniel Radcliffe appeared in a 2013 Gushers ad."} {"id": 227902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[271838, 267632, "Anne Bancroftová", 14, "Anne Bancroft"]], [[271838, 267634, "Anne Bancroftová", 15, "Anne Bancroft"], [271838, 267634, "Sloní muž (film)", 0, "The Elephant Man (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft was in a film."} {"id": 24292, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kongres Spojených států zasedá ve sklepě.", "evidence": [[[40230, 48398, "Kongres Spojených států amerických", 1, "United States Congress"]]], "claim_en": "The United States Congress meets in a basement."} {"id": 139846, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lee Harvey Oswald byl zatčen za zabití strážce zákona.", "evidence": [[[162758, 177005, "Lee Harvey Oswald", 9, "Lee Harvey Oswald"]]], "claim_en": "Lee Harvey Oswald was placed under arrest for killing an officer of the law."} {"id": 28803, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shane McMahon ani jednou nevyhrál mistrovství Evropy.", "evidence": [[[44938, 53626, "Shane McMahon", 10, "Shane McMahon"]]], "claim_en": "Shane McMahon did not win the European Championship once."} {"id": 76032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amsterdamské letiště Schiphol nemůže sloužit jako evropský dopravní uzel.", "evidence": [[[92864, 105718, "Letiště Amsterdam Schiphol", 6, "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is unable to serve as a European hub."} {"id": 39347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Formule 1 známkuje své nápady.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Formula One grades their ideas."} {"id": 9437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Trent Reznor nezaložil skupinu Nine Inch Nails.", "evidence": [[[15140, 18822, "Trent Reznor", 3, "Trent Reznor"]]], "claim_en": "Trent Reznor did not found Nine Inch Nails."} {"id": 219731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sylvester Stallone pochází výhradně z Itálie.", "evidence": [[[261407, 259554, "Sylvester Stallone", 0, "Sylvester Stallone"]]], "claim_en": "Sylvester Stallone is exclusively from Italy."} {"id": 122833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "John Williams je člověk.", "evidence": [[[144240, 159287, "John Williams", 0, "John Williams"]], [[144245, 159296, "John Williams", 0, "John Williams"]]], "claim_en": "John Williams is a person."} {"id": 183990, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sicílie se nachází ve Středozemním moři.", "evidence": [[[214177, 221265, "Sicílie", 0, "Sicily"]], [[214177, 221266, "Sicílie", 4, "Sicily"]]], "claim_en": "Sicily is located in the Mediterranean Sea."} {"id": 210001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z Afghánistánu pochází dynastie Šafaridů, která vládla v letech 438-439 n. l.", "evidence": [[[248726, 248820, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"], [248726, 248820, "Saffárovci", 0, "Saffarid dynasty"], [248726, 248820, "Saffárovci", 1, "Saffarid dynasty"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the source of the Saffarid dynasty which ruled from 438 to 439 CE."} {"id": 90152, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Islám je druhé nejmenší náboženství na světě.", "evidence": [[[107456, 120920, "Islám", 3, "Islam"]]], "claim_en": "Islam is the world's second-smallest religion."} {"id": 57652, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Etiopie je v současnosti Etiopská federativní demokratická republika.", "evidence": [[[73979, 85212, "Etiopie", 0, "Ethiopia"]]], "claim_en": "Ethiopia is currently the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia."} {"id": 94896, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jugoslávie se neskládala ze souostroví Balkánský poloostrov.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yugoslavia failed to consist of the coterminous Balkan peninsula."} {"id": 183174, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kaspické moře se nachází v západní Asii.", "evidence": [[[213207, 220524, "Kaspické moře", 1, "Caspian Sea"]]], "claim_en": "The Caspian Sea is located in western Asia."} {"id": 108818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Klub Miami Marlins je součástí Demokratické strany.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Miami Marlins are part of the Democratic Party."} {"id": 80650, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dopamin zabraňuje neuromodulaci.", "evidence": [[[97648, 110799, "Neuromodulace", 3, "Neuromodulation"]]], "claim_en": "Dopamine prevents neuromodulation."} {"id": 19995, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sonda New Horizons proletěla kolem největší planety Sluneční soustavy.", "evidence": [[[35803, 43348, "New Horizons", 9, "New Horizons"], [35803, 43348, "Jupiter (planeta)", 0, "Jupiter"]]], "claim_en": "New Horizons flew past the largest planet in the Solar System."} {"id": 59197, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg hrál v pěti filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has starred in five motion pictures."} {"id": 192950, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "William Hanna byl řidič.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "William Hanna was a driver."} {"id": 179160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mexický záliv, Floridský průliv a Atlantský oceán hraničí s Floridou.", "evidence": [[[207828, 216018, "Florida", 8, "Florida"]]], "claim_en": "The Gulf of Mexico, the Straits of Florida, and the Atlantic Ocean border Florida."} {"id": 111151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hinduismus obsahuje filozofii jógy.", "evidence": [[[130538, 145318, "Hinduismus", 8, "Hinduism"], [130538, 145318, "Jóga", 0, "Yoga"]]], "claim_en": "Hinduism contains the Yoga philosophy."} {"id": 165811, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letadlo Boeing 707 vyrobila společnost Apple.", "evidence": [[[344940, 328385, "Boeing 707", 0, "Boeing 707"]], [[344948, 328392, "Boeing 707", 0, "Boeing 707"]], [[344952, 328396, "Boeing 707", 0, "Boeing 707"]]], "claim_en": "The Boeing 707 was built by Apple."} {"id": 80209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stan Lee a Dave Gibbons se hlásí k odpovědnosti za design Jokera.", "evidence": [[[97188, 110369, "Joker (komiks)", 1, "Joker (character)"]]], "claim_en": "Stan Lee and Dave Gibbons claim responsibility for the Joker's design."} {"id": 136334, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ted Kaczynski poslal balíček do New York Times.", "evidence": [[[158995, 173614, "Theodore Kaczynski", 17, "Ted Kaczynski"]]], "claim_en": "Ted Kaczynski sent a package to the New York Times."} {"id": 147123, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seattle je největší vnitrozemské město v severozápadní oblasti Tichého oceánu v Severní Americe.", "evidence": [[[170681, 184264, "Seattle", 0, "Seattle"]], [[170681, 184265, "Seattle", 4, "Seattle"]], [[170681, 184266, "Seattle", 10, "Seattle"]]], "claim_en": "Seattle is the largest inland city in the Pacific Northwest region of North America."} {"id": 40562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James McAvoy odmítá pracovat ve filmovém průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[56865, 67102, "James McAvoy", 6, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67103, "James McAvoy", 10, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67104, "James McAvoy", 11, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67105, "James McAvoy", 12, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67106, "James McAvoy", 13, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67107, "James McAvoy", 16, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67108, "James McAvoy", 17, "James McAvoy"]], [[56865, 67109, "James McAvoy", 18, "James McAvoy"]]], "claim_en": "James McAvoy refuses to work in the film industry."} {"id": 160407, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kuala Lumpur má nejkratší dvojčata.", "evidence": [[[184882, 196752, "Kuala Lumpur", 14, "Kuala Lumpur"]]], "claim_en": "Kuala Lumpur has the shortest twin buildings."} {"id": 109633, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jednou z Archimédových tříd byl Archimédův palimpsest.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "One of Archimedes classes was The Archimedes Palimpsest."} {"id": 134097, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II poprvé vzlétl v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[156640, 171237, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II", 10, "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II"]]], "claim_en": "Lockhead Martin F-35 Lightning II first flew in 2008."} {"id": 78386, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tom Cruise hodil cenu Saturn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise threw a Saturn Award."} {"id": 69632, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Telangana má hlavní město.", "evidence": [[[222292, 227660, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]], [[224874, 229616, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]], [[224874, 229617, "Telangána", 3, "Telangana"], [224874, 229617, "Hajdarábád", 0, "Hyderabad"]], [[225946, 230513, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]], [[317883, 306888, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]], [[317906, 306912, "Telangána", 11, "Telangana"]]], "claim_en": "Telangana has a capital."} {"id": 87947, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost KFC má po celém světě téměř 40 000 provozoven.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "KFC has almost 40,000 locations around the world."} {"id": 19065, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant vedl bitvy.", "evidence": [[[34835, 42250, "Ulysses S. Grant", 12, "Ulysses S. Grant"], [34835, 42250, "Ulysses S. Grant", 13, "Ulysses S. Grant"], [34835, 42250, "Ulysses S. Grant", 14, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant fought battles."} {"id": 209350, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alexandrie je egyptské město.", "evidence": [[[247835, 248136, "Alexandrie", 0, "Alexandria"]]], "claim_en": "Alexandria is Egyptian."} {"id": 147918, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Leonardo da Vinci zveřejnil všechny své vědecké poznatky.", "evidence": [[[171528, 185004, "Leonardo da Vinci", 29, "Leonardo da Vinci"]]], "claim_en": "Leonardo da Vinci published all of his scientific findings."} {"id": 123460, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Myers měl roli ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[144969, 159979, "Mike Myers", 1, "Mike Myers"]], [[144969, 159980, "Mike Myers", 2, "Mike Myers"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Myers had a role in a film."} {"id": 34215, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Natalie Woodová získala tři nominace na Oscara před dovršením 25 let.", "evidence": [[[50331, 59920, "Natalie Wood", 2, "Natalie Wood"]]], "claim_en": "Natalie Wood received three Academy Award nominations before turning 25."} {"id": 182936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Soundtrack k filmu Daleko od bláznivého davu vytvořil pouze francouzský skladatel.", "evidence": [[[212928, 220323, "Daleko od hlučícího davu", 3, "Far from the Madding Crowd (1967 film)"], [212928, 220323, "Richard Rodney Bennett", 0, "Richard Rodney Bennett"]]], "claim_en": "The soundtrack of Far from the Madding Crowd was only by a French composer."} {"id": 111547, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Logan se nenatáčel v Mississippi.", "evidence": [[[130938, 145722, "Logan: Wolverine", 9, "Logan (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Logan was not filmed in Mississippi."} {"id": 103548, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Justified hrál Robert Pattinson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Justified starred Robert Pattinson."} {"id": 212906, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marlon Brando se účastnil protestu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando was in a protest."} {"id": 80742, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Angličtina je ovlivněna klasickou latinou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "English is influenced by classical Latin."} {"id": 63044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Příběh hraček 2 byl vyroben společností Pixar Animation Studios.", "evidence": [[[79461, 91181, "Toy Story 2: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story 2"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story 2 was produced by Pixar Animation Studios."} {"id": 38323, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V letadle Boeing 777 je maximálně 396 míst k sezení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There is a seating capacity of at most 396 for the Boeing 777."} {"id": 82929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "One by One (album skupiny Foo Fighters) bylo vydáno 22. října 2002.", "evidence": [[[99986, 113193, "One by One", 0, "One by One (Foo Fighters album)"]]], "claim_en": "One by One (Foo Fighters album) was released on October 22nd, 2002."} {"id": 60263, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Doggystyle od Snoop Dogga debutovalo na druhém místě žebříčku Billboard 200.", "evidence": [[[76696, 88016, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[76696, 88017, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"], [76696, 88017, "Doggystyle", 9, "Doggystyle"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle debuted at number two on Billboard 200 charts."} {"id": 84334, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tyrion Lannister je postava jednoho románu.", "evidence": [[[101406, 114641, "Tyrion Lannister", 0, "Tyrion Lannister"]], [[101406, 114642, "Tyrion Lannister", 6, "Tyrion Lannister"], [101406, 114642, "Střet králů", 0, "A Clash of Kings"], [101406, 114642, "Střet králů", 1, "A Clash of Kings"]]], "claim_en": "Tyrion Lannister is a character in one novel."} {"id": 195617, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joy hraje herečka narozená 16. srpna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy stars an actress born on August 16."} {"id": 96347, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Walt Disney je v Americe neznámý.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Walt Disney is unknown in America."} {"id": 57052, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Inside Man je pouze kniha a veškeré plány na stejnojmenný film padly.", "evidence": [[[73387, 84629, "Spojenec", 0, "Inside Man"]], [[73387, 84630, "Spojenec", 7, "Inside Man"]]], "claim_en": "Inside Man is only a book and any and all plans to make a movie of the same name fell through."} {"id": 181203, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Southpaw napsal Kurt Sutter v roce 2011.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Southpaw was written by Kurt Sutter in 2011."} {"id": 198250, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bentley prodává pouze letadla.", "evidence": [[[233095, 236091, "Bentley", 0, "Bentley"]]], "claim_en": "Bentley only markets planes."} {"id": 1566, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Anglický král Richard III. byl pařížským králem.", "evidence": [[[17293, 21403, "Richard III.", 0, "Richard III of England"]]], "claim_en": "Richard III of England was King of Paris."} {"id": 146553, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Novak Djokovič překonal ocenění za jednu sezónu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Novak Djokovic broke the single-season award."} {"id": 113378, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Dubaji se nachází nejvyšší kočka světa Burdž Chalífa.", "evidence": [[[282177, 276398, "Dubaj", 17, "Dubai"]], [[330112, 316759, "Dubaj", 17, "Dubai"]], [[330119, 316763, "Dubaj", 17, "Dubai"]], [[330120, 316764, "Dubaj", 17, "Dubai"], [330120, 316764, "Burdž Chalífa", 0, "Burj Khalifa"]]], "claim_en": "Dubai contains the world's tallest cat, the Burj Khalifa."} {"id": 214385, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chandni vznikla v kostele.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chandni was created in a church."} {"id": 27105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Přátele vytvořila Marta Kauffmanová.", "evidence": [[[43240, 51875, "Marta Kauffman", 0, "Marta Kauffman"]]], "claim_en": "Friends was created by Marta Kauffman."} {"id": 191832, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neexistují žádné západní románské jazyky.", "evidence": [[[224362, 229219, "Západorománské jazyky", 0, "Western Romance languages"]], [[224362, 229220, "Západorománské jazyky", 1, "Western Romance languages"]], [[224362, 229221, "Západorománské jazyky", 2, "Western Romance languages"]], [[224362, 229222, "Západorománské jazyky", 6, "Western Romance languages"]], [[224362, 229223, "Západorománské jazyky", 17, "Western Romance languages"]]], "claim_en": "There are no Western Romance Languages."} {"id": 216642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Atlas mraků byl uveden pouze v kinech IMAX.", "evidence": [[[257395, 256402, "Atlas mraků (film)", 11, "Cloud Atlas (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Cloud Atlas was only released in IMAX cinemas."} {"id": 202941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Avenged Sevenfold je od britské skupiny.", "evidence": [[[239250, 241170, "Avenged Sevenfold (album)", 0, "Avenged Sevenfold (album)"]]], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold is by a British band."} {"id": 10458, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Grace Jones inspirovala zpěvačku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Grace Jones inspired a singer."} {"id": 121826, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Lennon zůstal celý život v účetnictví.", "evidence": [[[287600, 280959, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]], [[332479, 318836, "John Lennon", 4, "John Lennon"]], [[332479, 318837, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318863, "John Lennon", 0, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318864, "John Lennon", 17, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318865, "John Lennon", 16, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318866, "John Lennon", 15, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318867, "John Lennon", 12, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318868, "John Lennon", 7, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318869, "John Lennon", 5, "John Lennon"]], [[332520, 318870, "John Lennon", 4, "John Lennon"]]], "claim_en": "John Lennon stayed in accounting his whole life."} {"id": 190025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily James se objevila ve filmech z Hollywoodu.", "evidence": [[[222080, 227519, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James appeared in films from Hollywood."} {"id": 228846, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dramatická škola nabízí televizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Drama school offers a television."} {"id": 753, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tottenham Hotspur F.C. je basketbalový tým.", "evidence": [[[16231, 20116, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 0, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."]], [[16231, 20117, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 5, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."]], [[16231, 20118, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 6, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20118, "FA Cup", 0, "FA Cup"]], [[16231, 20119, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 7, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20119, "FA Cup", 0, "FA Cup"]], [[16231, 20120, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 8, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20120, "FA Cup", 0, "FA Cup"]], [[16231, 20121, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 9, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20121, "EFL Cup", 0, "EFL Cup"]], [[16231, 20122, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 11, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20122, "FA Cup", 0, "FA Cup"]], [[16231, 20123, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 12, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."], [16231, 20123, "EFL Cup", 0, "EFL Cup"]], [[16231, 20124, "Tottenham Hotspur FC", 15, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C."]]], "claim_en": "Tottenham Hotspur F.C. is a basketball team."} {"id": 86428, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kris Kristofferson byl autorem skladby \"Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down\".", "evidence": [[[103576, 117006, "Kris Kristofferson", 1, "Kris Kristofferson"]]], "claim_en": "Kris Kristofferson was the composer of \"Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down.\""} {"id": 103988, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Karan Johar trénuje minimálně od ledna.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Karan Johar has been practicing since at least January."} {"id": 173858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Danny Carey je americký bubeník.", "evidence": [[[200922, 210398, "Danny Carey", 0, "Danny Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Danny Carey is an American drummer."} {"id": 4557, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quinoa je v rodině.", "evidence": [[[20868, 25582, "Merlík čilský", 0, "Quinoa"]]], "claim_en": "Quinoa is in a family."} {"id": 50549, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Praxe buddhismu nezahrnuje studium písem.", "evidence": [[[66895, 77709, "Buddhismus", 7, "Buddhism"]]], "claim_en": "Buddhism practices doesn't include study of scriptures."} {"id": 114121, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Madonna podepsala smlouvu se společností Sire Records v roce 1984.", "evidence": [[[134044, 148922, "Madonna", 8, "Madonna (entertainer)"], [134044, 148922, "Madonna", 9, "Madonna (entertainer)"]]], "claim_en": "Madonna signed with Sire Records in 1984."} {"id": 13399, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tanzanie leží mezi Keňou a Mosambikem na východě a západě.", "evidence": [[[28639, 34988, "Tanzanie", 2, "Tanzania"]]], "claim_en": "Tanzania is between Kenya and Mozambique to the east and west."} {"id": 84001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nikola Tesla byl historik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nikola Tesla was a historian."} {"id": 97618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "George Foreman byl zařazen mezi nejlepší boxery všech dob.", "evidence": [[[115219, 129037, "George Foreman", 18, "George Foreman"]]], "claim_en": "George Foreman was ranked one of the greatest punchers of all time."} {"id": 202759, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Despicable Me 2 natočil v roce 2014 Pierre Coffin.", "evidence": [[[238958, 240914, "Já, padouch 2", 0, "Despicable Me 2"]], [[238958, 240915, "Já, padouch 2", 9, "Despicable Me 2"]], [[238958, 240916, "Já, padouch 2", 11, "Despicable Me 2"]]], "claim_en": "Despicable Me 2 was directed by Pierre Coffin in 2014."} {"id": 172118, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charlie Chaplin prožil dětství ve 20. století.", "evidence": [[[198634, 208425, "Charlie Chaplin", 0, "Charlie Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Charlie Chaplin's childhood was in the 20th century."} {"id": 199772, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Phelps byl svým týmem vybrán jako vlajkonoš.", "evidence": [[[234985, 237749, "Michael Phelps", 16, "Michael Phelps"]], [[234986, 237750, "Michael Phelps", 16, "Michael Phelps"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Phelps was selected by his team to be the flag bearer."} {"id": 77281, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Blue Jasmine je pouze o Velké hospodářské krizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Blue Jasmine is about the Great Depression only."} {"id": 166435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jack Reacher (film) je pouze romantická komedie.", "evidence": [[[191407, 202273, "Jack Reacher: Poslední výstřel", 3, "Jack Reacher (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jack Reacher (film) is only a romantic comedy."} {"id": 161029, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Theodore Roosevelt se nabídl, že povede dobrovolníky do Itálie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Theodore Roosevelt offered to lead volunteers to Italy."} {"id": 70244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Edgar Allan Poe byl havran.", "evidence": [[[223044, 228118, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228119, "Edgar Allan Poe", 1, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228120, "Edgar Allan Poe", 2, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228121, "Edgar Allan Poe", 4, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228122, "Edgar Allan Poe", 7, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228123, "Edgar Allan Poe", 8, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228124, "Edgar Allan Poe", 9, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228125, "Edgar Allan Poe", 11, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228126, "Edgar Allan Poe", 12, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228127, "Edgar Allan Poe", 13, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228128, "Edgar Allan Poe", 14, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228129, "Edgar Allan Poe", 16, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228130, "Edgar Allan Poe", 21, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[223044, 228131, "Edgar Allan Poe", 28, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231245, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231246, "Edgar Allan Poe", 1, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231247, "Edgar Allan Poe", 2, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231248, "Edgar Allan Poe", 4, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231249, "Edgar Allan Poe", 7, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231250, "Edgar Allan Poe", 11, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231251, "Edgar Allan Poe", 12, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231252, "Edgar Allan Poe", 13, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231253, "Edgar Allan Poe", 14, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231254, "Edgar Allan Poe", 16, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231255, "Edgar Allan Poe", 19, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231256, "Edgar Allan Poe", 21, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231257, "Edgar Allan Poe", 22, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231258, "Edgar Allan Poe", 23, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[226783, 231259, "Edgar Allan Poe", 28, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[318002, 307009, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[318002, 307010, "Edgar Allan Poe", 1, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[318002, 307011, "Edgar Allan Poe", 2, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[318002, 307012, "Edgar Allan Poe", 3, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319679, 308361, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308375, "Edgar Allan Poe", 0, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308376, "Edgar Allan Poe", 1, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308377, "Edgar Allan Poe", 2, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308378, "Edgar Allan Poe", 3, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308379, "Edgar Allan Poe", 4, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308380, "Edgar Allan Poe", 7, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308381, "Edgar Allan Poe", 8, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308382, "Edgar Allan Poe", 9, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308383, "Edgar Allan Poe", 10, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308384, "Edgar Allan Poe", 11, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308385, "Edgar Allan Poe", 12, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308386, "Edgar Allan Poe", 13, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308387, "Edgar Allan Poe", 14, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308388, "Edgar Allan Poe", 15, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308389, "Edgar Allan Poe", 16, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308390, "Edgar Allan Poe", 19, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308391, "Edgar Allan Poe", 20, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308392, "Edgar Allan Poe", 21, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308393, "Edgar Allan Poe", 22, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308394, "Edgar Allan Poe", 23, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308395, "Edgar Allan Poe", 24, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308396, "Edgar Allan Poe", 25, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308397, "Edgar Allan Poe", 28, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308398, "Edgar Allan Poe", 29, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308399, "Edgar Allan Poe", 30, "Edgar Allan Poe"]], [[319694, 308400, "Edgar Allan Poe", 31, "Edgar Allan Poe"]]], "claim_en": "Edgar Allan Poe was a raven."} {"id": 126650, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vzpoura na Bounty je adaptací městské legendy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mutiny on the Bounty is an adaptation of an urban legend."} {"id": 8787, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Summity G20 měly velké protesty.", "evidence": [[[14191, 17740, "G20", 12, "G20"]]], "claim_en": "G20's summits have had major protests."} {"id": 60112, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jim Parsons hraje ve filmu Fresh off the Boat.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jim Parsons stars in Fresh off the Boat."} {"id": 4148, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dopamin je uvolňován ionty.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dopamine is released by ions."} {"id": 134288, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Lincoln Motor Company pojmenoval Henry M. Leland.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lincoln Motor Company was named by Henry M. Leland."} {"id": 127019, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eminem prodal přesně 100 milionů alb.", "evidence": [[[148863, 163911, "Eminem", 4, "Eminem"]]], "claim_en": "Eminem has sold exactly 100 million albums."} {"id": 177200, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Toy Story je film, který využívá počítačovou animaci.", "evidence": [[[205374, 213972, "Toy Story: Příběh hraček", 0, "Toy Story"]]], "claim_en": "Toy Story is a movie that uses computer animation."} {"id": 94021, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, založil v roce 1986 nadaci The Prince's Trust.", "evidence": [[[111428, 125060, "Charles, princ z Walesu", 16, "Charles, Prince of Wales"]]], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales founded The Prince's Trust in 1986."} {"id": 12431, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Athéna byla synkretizována s římskou bohyní Minervou.", "evidence": [[[27664, 33883, "Athéna", 1, "Athena"]]], "claim_en": "Athena was syncretized with Roman goddess Minerva."} {"id": 29469, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Louis C. K. byl vyloučen z jakékoli účasti na seriálu Horác a Pete.", "evidence": [[[45601, 54462, "Louis C.K.", 7, "Louis C.K."]]], "claim_en": "Louis C.K. was excluded from any involvement in the series Horace and Pete."} {"id": 84578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Obyvatelé Andorry měli v roce 2013 nejnižší průměrnou délku života na světě.", "evidence": [[[101630, 114870, "Andorra", 13, "Andorra"]]], "claim_en": "Andorra's people had the lowest life expectancy in the world in 2013."} {"id": 198873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Černá Dahlia je francouzsko-americký film.", "evidence": [[[233820, 236701, "Černá Dahlia", 0, "The Black Dahlia (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Black Dahlia is a French-American motion pictures."} {"id": 220243, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Původní kořen slova aristokracie znamenal v řečtině závod lodí.", "evidence": [[[262103, 260159, "Aristokracie", 0, "Aristocracy"]], [[262103, 260160, "Aristokracie", 1, "Aristocracy"]]], "claim_en": "The original root word for aristocracy meant boat race in Greek."} {"id": 205844, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Řecku patří Dodekanés.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Greece own the Dodecanese."} {"id": 139137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rhode Island byl první ze 13 kolonií, která se zřekla věrnosti britské monarchii.", "evidence": [[[161924, 176320, "Rhode Island", 7, "Rhode Island"]]], "claim_en": "Rhode Island was the first of the 13 colonies to renounce allegiance to the British monarchy."} {"id": 208812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal hru Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat s kým jiným než s Andrew Lloydem Webberem.", "evidence": [[[247099, 247418, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with anyone except Andrew Lloyd Webber."} {"id": 36003, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Etiopie byla za vlády krále Jiřího monarchií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ethiopia was a monarchy under King George."} {"id": 7434, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mohamed se v roce 622 přestěhoval z Mekky do Medíny.", "evidence": [[[12055, 15102, "Mohamed", 21, "Muhammad"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina in 622."} {"id": 211191, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani se narodil na stole.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani was born on a table."} {"id": 168571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ronald Reagan si držel rating srovnatelný s Billem Clintonem.", "evidence": [[[194149, 204551, "Ronald Reagan", 28, "Ronald Reagan"]]], "claim_en": "Ronald Reagan held an approval rating matching Bill Clinton."} {"id": 182776, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Pitch Perfect 3 hraje Keanu Reeves.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pitch Perfect 3 stars Keanu Reeves."} {"id": 175366, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na začátku Batmana hrál Adam West jako Batman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Batman starred Adam West as Batman at the beginning."} {"id": 212753, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Hanks získal vyznamenání Kennedyho centra.", "evidence": [[[252341, 252144, "Tom Hanks", 8, "Tom Hanks"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hanks has been awarded a Kennedy Center Honor."} {"id": 105646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Album Tiny Turner Break Every Rule se stalo zlatým.", "evidence": [[[123991, 138328, "Tina Turner", 14, "Tina Turner"]]], "claim_en": "Tina Turner's album Break Every Rule went gold."} {"id": 118395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Netscape Navigator byl odmítnut dceřinou společností AOL.", "evidence": [[[138917, 153962, "Netscape Navigator", 2, "Netscape Navigator"]]], "claim_en": "Netscape Navigator was rejected by a subsidiary of AOL."} {"id": 29187, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Soderbergh režíroval životopisný film.", "evidence": [[[45313, 54076, "Steven Soderbergh", 5, "Steven Soderbergh"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Soderbergh directed a biographical film."} {"id": 228344, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Island Records je hudební škola.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Island Records is a music school."} {"id": 220126, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Charles Dance odmítl pracovat na jakémkoli pořadu HBO.", "evidence": [[[261962, 259985, "Charles Dance", 4, "Charles Dance"], [261962, 259985, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 0, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Dance refused to work on any HBO shows."} {"id": 25366, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mike Pence se stal moderátorem konzervativní rozhlasové talk show.", "evidence": [[[41312, 49647, "Mike Pence", 5, "Mike Pence"]]], "claim_en": "Mike Pence became a conservative radio talk show host."} {"id": 77505, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Spider-Man byl uveden do kin v Thajsku dříve než ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was released in Thailand before the United States."} {"id": 933, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Scénář filmu The Amazing Spider-Man 2 přepsal Roberto Orci.", "evidence": [[[16467, 20400, "Amazing Spider-Man 2", 3, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "The screenplay of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was rewritten by Roberto Orci."} {"id": 51217, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nat Faxon hrál ve filmu Ben a Kate.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nat Faxon was in Ben and Kate."} {"id": 150272, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Al Capone nebyl stíhán za federální zločin.", "evidence": [[[174097, 187273, "Al Capone", 17, "Al Capone"]], [[174097, 187274, "Al Capone", 19, "Al Capone"]]], "claim_en": "Al Capone was not prosecuted for a federal crime."} {"id": 207358, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vitamin B-12 si ve vodě zachovává svůj tvar.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vitamin B-12 maintains its shape in water."} {"id": 228585, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Telefon se skládá z prozaického rapu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Telephone consists of a prose-rap."} {"id": 64472, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michelle Obamová zemřela 17. ledna 1964.", "evidence": [[[316770, 305891, "Michelle Obamová", 4, "Michelle Obama"]], [[316770, 305892, "Michelle Obamová", 1, "Michelle Obama"], [316770, 305892, "Barack Obama", 0, "Barack Obama"]], [[316770, 305893, "Michelle Obamová", 7, "Michelle Obama"]], [[316770, 305894, "Michelle Obamová", 8, "Michelle Obama"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Obama was died on January 17th, 1964."} {"id": 17266, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Smrt v ráji měla několik po sobě jdoucích znovuzrození.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Death in Paradise has had consecutive rebirths."} {"id": 187493, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denzel Washington měl epizodní roli ve filmu Fences.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington had a cameo in Fences."} {"id": 10424, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bruce Springsteen byl organizátorem Kennedyho centra pro vyznamenání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bruce Springsteen was a Kennedy Center Honors organizer."} {"id": 111453, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pustina byla později olizována na filmovém festivalu Toronto After Dark.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Void was later licked at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival."} {"id": 60415, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Istanbul je vesnice.", "evidence": [[[76865, 88235, "Istanbul", 0, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88236, "Istanbul", 1, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88237, "Istanbul", 4, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88238, "Istanbul", 5, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88239, "Istanbul", 8, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88240, "Istanbul", 15, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88241, "Istanbul", 16, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88242, "Istanbul", 20, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88243, "Istanbul", 21, "Istanbul"]], [[76865, 88244, "Istanbul", 22, "Istanbul"]]], "claim_en": "Istanbul is a village."} {"id": 150479, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Fidaa je v drávidské zemi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Fidaa is in a Dravidian country."} {"id": 18646, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Laurence Olivier a Peggy Ashcroftová odmítli pracovat společně.", "evidence": [[[34261, 41536, "Laurence Olivier", 8, "Laurence Olivier"]]], "claim_en": "Laurence Olivier and Peggy Ashcroft refused to work together."} {"id": 108014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jižní Amerika má dlouhou historii imperialismu.", "evidence": [[[126744, 141194, "Jižní Amerika", 23, "South America"]]], "claim_en": "South America has a long history of imperialism."} {"id": 106695, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Andorra obchoduje se dvěma zeměmi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Andorra trades with two countries."} {"id": 201301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stellan Skarsgård odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Ronin.", "evidence": [[[236884, 239242, "Ronin (film)", 0, "Ronin (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Stellan Skarsgård turned down the role he was offered in Ronin."} {"id": 93026, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Tesla, Inc. je prodejcem elektromobilů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tesla, Inc. is a seller of electric cars."} {"id": 131922, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupina AC/DC nebyla MTV vyhlášena sedmou \"Největší heavymetalovou kapelou všech dob\".", "evidence": [[[154313, 169072, "AC/DC", 27, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC was not named the seventh \"Greatest Heavy Metal Band of All Time\" by MTV."} {"id": 130727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Bones je volně založen na životě a díle Kathy Reichsové, která seriál také produkuje.", "evidence": [[[155183, 169886, "Sběratelé kostí", 5, "Bones (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Bones is loosely based on the life and writings of Kathy Reichs, who also produces the show."} {"id": 185443, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buckinghamský palác nemá žádné domy s žádnou administrativou.", "evidence": [[[216129, 222841, "Buckinghamský palác", 0, "Buckingham Palace"]]], "claim_en": "Buckingham Palace has houses no dealings with any administrations."} {"id": 67477, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shirley MacLaineová získala Oscara.", "evidence": [[[84047, 96174, "Shirley MacLaine", 1, "Shirley MacLaine"]], [[84047, 96175, "Shirley MacLaine", 0, "Shirley MacLaine"]], [[84047, 96176, "Shirley MacLaine", 6, "Shirley MacLaine"]]], "claim_en": "Shirley MacLaine has won an Academy Award."} {"id": 42439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Jordan byl sportovec.", "evidence": [[[58729, 69025, "Michael Jordan", 0, "Michael Jordan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jordan was an athlete."} {"id": 6886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nelson Mandela byl revolucionář bojující proti apartheidu.", "evidence": [[[23798, 29457, "Nelson Mandela", 0, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid revolutionary."} {"id": 135333, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Frank Sinatra zemřel v prosinci.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra died in December."} {"id": 23273, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emma Robertsová se vdala v roce 1991.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emma Roberts was married in 1991."} {"id": 169915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Japonská fotbalová reprezentace je jedním z nejúspěšnějších týmů v Asii.", "evidence": [[[195999, 206145, "Japonská fotbalová reprezentace", 4, "Japan national football team"]]], "claim_en": "Japan national football team is one of the most successful teams in Asia."} {"id": 91684, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Arnold Vinick je postava ze seriálu The Newsroom.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arnold Vinick is a character on The Newsroom."} {"id": 208757, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal společně s Francouzi rockovou operu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote a rock opera with the French."} {"id": 123858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kurt Angle byl sportovec.", "evidence": [[[145376, 160366, "Kurt Angle", 0, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160367, "Kurt Angle", 2, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160368, "Kurt Angle", 3, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160369, "Kurt Angle", 4, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160370, "Kurt Angle", 5, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160371, "Kurt Angle", 6, "Kurt Angle"]], [[145376, 160372, "Kurt Angle", 7, "Kurt Angle"]]], "claim_en": "Kurt Angle was an athlete."} {"id": 213444, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál The Originals (televizní seriál) se vysílal na americké německojazyčné televizní stanici.", "evidence": [[[253272, 253160, "The Originals (seriál)", 0, "The Originals (TV series)"], [253272, 253160, "The CW", 0, "The CW"]]], "claim_en": "The Originals (TV series) has aired on an American German language broadcast television network."} {"id": 93214, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jensen Ackles byl zabit 1. března 1978.", "evidence": [[[110573, 124205, "Jensen Ackles", 0, "Jensen Ackles"]]], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles was killed on March 1, 1978."} {"id": 140482, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steven Buscemi, americký herec, se narodil 13. prosince 1957.", "evidence": [[[163454, 177688, "Steve Buscemi", 0, "Steve Buscemi"]]], "claim_en": "Steven Buscemi, American actor, was born on December 13th, 1957."} {"id": 79254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donald Trump ukončil svou prezidentskou kampaň v červnu 2015.", "evidence": [[[96191, 109298, "Donald Trump", 15, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Trump ended his presidential campaign in June 2015."} {"id": 39259, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Lily Jamesová hrála Violet-Elizabeth Bottovou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lily James played Violet-Elizabeth Bott."} {"id": 190007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lily Jamesová má nulové herecké zkušenosti.", "evidence": [[[221979, 227458, "Lily James", 1, "Lily James"]], [[221979, 227459, "Lily James", 4, "Lily James"]], [[221979, 227460, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James has zero experience acting."} {"id": 35160, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Show Ellen vysílala 4. července.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Ellen Show broadcast on the Fourth of July."} {"id": 107480, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Taylor Lautner namluvil hlas v seriálu \"Co je nového, Scooby-Doo?\".", "evidence": [[[126161, 140559, "Taylor Lautner", 4, "Taylor Lautner"]]], "claim_en": "Taylor Lautner was a voice actor for \"What's New, Scooby-Doo?\"."} {"id": 115231, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Deepika Padukone hrála nejméně ve čtyřech válečných filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deepika Padukone has been in at least four war movies."} {"id": 193839, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ed Gagliardi zemřel 11. května 2014 v odpoledních hodinách.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ed Gagliardi died on May 11, 2014 in the afternoon."} {"id": 25601, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Warren Buffett je obchodní magnát.", "evidence": [[[41619, 50038, "Warren Buffett", 0, "Warren Buffett"]]], "claim_en": "Warren Buffett is a magnate of business."} {"id": 78326, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Meghan McCainová se podílela na moderování pořadu Outnumbered.", "evidence": [[[95276, 108280, "Meghan McCainová", 10, "Meghan McCain"]]], "claim_en": "Meghan McCain co-hosted Outnumbered."} {"id": 171897, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Výzkum není schopen ověřit platnost experimentů.", "evidence": [[[198359, 208241, "Výzkum", 4, "Research"]]], "claim_en": "Research is incapable of testing the validity of experiments."} {"id": 111041, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Steve Irwin se narodil v roce 1900.", "evidence": [[[130406, 145166, "Steve Irwin", 0, "Steve Irwin"]]], "claim_en": "Steve Irwin was born in the 1900's."} {"id": 84988, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Louis Tomlinson není autorem písní.", "evidence": [[[102088, 115343, "Louis Tomlinson", 0, "Louis Tomlinson"]]], "claim_en": "Louis Tomlinson is not a songwriter."} {"id": 186247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Antonio Vivaldi byl výhradně romantický skladatel.", "evidence": [[[217215, 223854, "Antonio Vivaldi", 0, "Antonio Vivaldi"], [217215, 223854, "Romantismus (hudba)", 0, "Romantic music"]]], "claim_en": "Antonio Vivaldi was exclusively a Romantic composer."} {"id": 110142, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Franklin D. Roosevelt zahájil vývoj zbraně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Franklin D. Roosevelt started the development of a gun."} {"id": 52507, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mitt Romney působil v průmyslu.", "evidence": [[[68815, 79636, "Mitt Romney", 9, "Mitt Romney"]]], "claim_en": "Mitt Romney was in an industry."} {"id": 201878, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Leslie Grove byl žákem Vojenské akademie Spojených států amerických ve West Pointu.", "evidence": [[[237676, 239879, "Leslie Groves", 4, "Leslie Groves"]]], "claim_en": "Leslie Grove was a pupil at United States Military Academy at West Point."} {"id": 157336, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vývoj filmu Deadpool začal 26. února 2004.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Deadpool's film development began on February 26, 2004."} {"id": 184297, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vera Wangová sídlí v McDonaldu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vera Wang is based in a McDonalds."} {"id": 34720, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je píseň.", "evidence": [[[50897, 60625, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a song."} {"id": 76795, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celé jméno Tima Rotha není Timothy Simon Roth.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Roth's full name is not Timothy Simon Roth."} {"id": 86802, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Někteří lidé v Kerale jsou muslimové.", "evidence": [[[103962, 117466, "Kérala", 16, "Kerala"]]], "claim_en": "Some people in Kerala are Muslim."} {"id": 192616, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Odin je havran.", "evidence": [[[225379, 230041, "Ódin", 17, "Odin"]], [[225379, 230042, "Ódin", 15, "Odin"]]], "claim_en": "Odin is a raven."} {"id": 4186, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Byl vyroben tablet Fujitsu iPAD.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Fujitsu iPAD was made."} {"id": 67654, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tim Roth je spořivý člověk.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tim Roth is a frugal person."} {"id": 200723, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Píseň ledu a ohně napsal někdo, kdo se narodil v Texasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Song of Ice and Fire is by someone born in Texas."} {"id": 63519, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hunter S. Thompson nebyl Američan.", "evidence": [[[80004, 91769, "Hunter S. Thompson", 0, "Hunter S. Thompson"]]], "claim_en": "Hunter S. Thompson was not American."} {"id": 150980, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhá punská válka má pouze jedno jméno.", "evidence": [[[174784, 187912, "Druhá punská válka", 0, "Second Punic War"]]], "claim_en": "The Second Punic War only has the one name."} {"id": 91876, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Impeachment nemusí nutně znamenat odvolání z funkce, ale může znamenat prosté sesazení z funkce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office, but could mean simple demotion."} {"id": 198989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mezinárodní vztahy zahrnují pouze zábavní průmysl.", "evidence": [[[233970, 236857, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 9, "International relations"]], [[233970, 236858, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 10, "International relations"]], [[233970, 236859, "Mezinárodní vztahy", 0, "International relations"]]], "claim_en": "International Relations only includes the entertainment industry."} {"id": 87014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Piráti z Karibiku se odehrávají na hřbetě fiktivní želvy.", "evidence": [[[104175, 117644, "Piráti z Karibiku", 8, "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "Pirates of the Caribbean is set on the back of a fictional turtle."} {"id": 53730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Po Eduardu VIII. nastoupil na trůn Jiří VI. poté, co se vzdal trůnu.", "evidence": [[[70021, 80908, "Eduard VIII.", 15, "Edward VIII"]]], "claim_en": "Edward VIII was succeeded by George VI after abdicating the throne."} {"id": 151637, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rakovina má potenciál napadnout nebo se rozšířit do dalších částí těla, pokud se neléčí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cancer has the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body if left untreated."} {"id": 123511, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Annette Badlandová hrála ve vědeckofantastickém seriálu BBC nejméně 4 sezóny.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Annette Badland was in a BBC science fiction series for at least 4 seasons."} {"id": 85457, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pink Floyd mají album s názvem Coming Home.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pink Floyd has an album called Coming Home."} {"id": 77127, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sloni se objevují v umění a jsou to velmi elegantní tvorové.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elephants have been featured in art and are very elegant creatures."} {"id": 7714, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Katalyzátor je podněcovatel ohně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The catalyst is a fire starter."} {"id": 96389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Roger Federer byl držitelem ceny Laureus.", "evidence": [[[113944, 127785, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer held the award from Laureus."} {"id": 177979, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Věta, která se říká při koledování, vždy zněla pouze: \"Dej mi své peníze\".", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The phrase to say while Trick-or-Treating has only ever been, \"Give me your money\"."} {"id": 104825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V Manitobě se narodila Anna Paquin.", "evidence": [[[123140, 137477, "Anna Paquin", 1, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Manitoba was the place in which Anna Paquin was born."} {"id": 129283, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rúmího díla jsou hojně čtena akademiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rumi's works are widely read by academics."} {"id": 86440, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Osobnost je ovlivněna vývojem povětrnostních systémů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Personality is affected by the development of weather systems."} {"id": 177660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Hardy nebyl schopen třikrát držet titul mistra světa v těžké váze TNA.", "evidence": [[[205914, 214387, "Jeff Hardy", 13, "Jeff Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Hardy has been incapable of holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship three times."} {"id": 170209, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Divergentní série: V roce 2011 vyšel seriál Povstalci.", "evidence": [[[196353, 206470, "Rezistence (film)", 0, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]], [[196353, 206471, "Rezistence (film)", 1, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]], [[196353, 206472, "Rezistence (film)", 8, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]], [[196353, 206473, "Rezistence (film)", 11, "The Divergent Series: Insurgent"]]], "claim_en": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent was released in 2011."} {"id": 58341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nuuk je největší vojenské středisko Grónska.", "evidence": [[[74699, 85927, "Nuuk", 0, "Nuuk"]]], "claim_en": "Nuuk is the largest military center of Greenland."} {"id": 214924, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jiří VI. se oženil s Alžbětou II.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George VI married Elizabeth II."} {"id": 55562, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Noviny obsahují předpověď počasí.", "evidence": [[[71936, 82923, "Noviny", 17, "Newspaper"]]], "claim_en": "Newspapers include weather forecasts."} {"id": 197233, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Omar Šaríf hovořil plynně španělsky.", "evidence": [[[231804, 235162, "Omar Sharif", 7, "Omar Sharif"]]], "claim_en": "Omar Sharif was fluent in Spanish."} {"id": 119833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sachin Tendulkar je sportovec.", "evidence": [[[140840, 155957, "Sačin Tendulkar", 0, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155958, "Sačin Tendulkar", 1, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155959, "Sačin Tendulkar", 2, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155960, "Sačin Tendulkar", 5, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155961, "Sačin Tendulkar", 6, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155962, "Sačin Tendulkar", 7, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155963, "Sačin Tendulkar", 8, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155965, "Sačin Tendulkar", 11, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155966, "Sačin Tendulkar", 12, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155967, "Sačin Tendulkar", 13, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155968, "Sačin Tendulkar", 14, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155969, "Sačin Tendulkar", 15, "Sachin Tendulkar"]], [[140840, 155970, "Sačin Tendulkar", 16, "Sachin Tendulkar"]]], "claim_en": "Sachin Tendulkar is an athlete."} {"id": 106499, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Arquette byl na hřbitově.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Arquette was in a graveyard."} {"id": 60387, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Trelawny ze Studny je první hra, ve které Meryl Streepová hrála profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[76833, 88196, "Meryl Streepová", 6, "Meryl Streep"]]], "claim_en": "Trelawny of the Wells is the first play Meryl Streep acted in professionally."} {"id": 202, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Caroline Kennedyová je advokátkou OJ Simpsona.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Caroline Kennedy is an attorney for OJ Simpson."} {"id": 217178, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pákistánské hnutí bylo výsledkem uměleckých, hudebních a architektonických proměn.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Pakistan Movement was the result of artistic, musical, and architectural transformations."} {"id": 22639, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mellila je město ve Španělsku.", "evidence": [[[38490, 46444, "Melilla", 0, "Melilla"]]], "claim_en": "Mellila is a city in the country of Spain."} {"id": 211185, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sestra Marcuse Allena se narodila v roce 1963.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Marcus Allen's sister was born in 1963."} {"id": 128334, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Velký Buck Howard pochází z místa.", "evidence": [[[150356, 165263, "Velký Buck Howard", 0, "The Great Buck Howard"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Buck Howard is from a place."} {"id": 23885, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Výkonným producentem seriálu Riverdale je Greg Berlanti.", "evidence": [[[39822, 47907, "Riverdale (seriál)", 2, "Riverdale (2017 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Riverdale's executive producer is Greg Berlanti."} {"id": 223356, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Allen se v seriálu Last Man Standing neobjevil.", "evidence": [[[266045, 263149, "Tim Allen", 4, "Tim Allen"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Allen did not appear on Last Man Standing."} {"id": 35358, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rogue je zakládající členka X-Menů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rogue is a founding member of the X-Men."} {"id": 200460, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Meryl Streepová má více nominací na cenu BAFTA než kterýkoli jiný herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Meryl Streep has more BAFTA Award nominations than any other actor."} {"id": 148655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Paul je proslulý tím, že místo přihrávek střílí a má nejnižší počet asistencí v NBA.", "evidence": [[[173015, 186240, "Chris Paul", 1, "Chris Paul"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Paul is notorious for shooting instead of passing, with the lowest assist record in the NBA."} {"id": 208025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Baby Driver režíroval Edgar Wright.", "evidence": [[[246106, 246702, "Baby Driver", 0, "Baby Driver"]]], "claim_en": "Baby Driver was directed by Edgar Wright."} {"id": 155556, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hongkong udržuje kombinovaný hospodářský systém s Čínou.", "evidence": [[[179614, 192180, "Hongkong", 10, "Hong Kong"]]], "claim_en": "Hong Kong maintains a combined economic system with China."} {"id": 177889, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sophie Turnerová je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sophie Turner is a singer."} {"id": 118038, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "King Konga režíroval výbor.", "evidence": [[[138493, 153558, "King Kong (film, 2005)", 0, "King Kong (2005 film)"], [138493, 153558, "Peter Jackson", 0, "Peter Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "King Kong was directed by committee."} {"id": 188921, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ryan Gosling odmítl někdy jet do Ugandy.", "evidence": [[[220561, 226315, "Ryan Gosling", 17, "Ryan Gosling"]], [[220562, 226316, "Ryan Gosling", 17, "Ryan Gosling"]]], "claim_en": "Ryan Gosling has refused to ever go to Uganda."} {"id": 170075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham pochází pouze ze Sibiře.", "evidence": [[[196179, 206318, "David Beckham", 0, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham has only ever been from Siberia."} {"id": 151485, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Haitská kreolština je založena na francouzštině a je to důležitý jazyk.", "evidence": [[[340969, 325463, "Haitská kreolština", 0, "Haitian Creole"]]], "claim_en": "Haitian Creole is French-based and it is an important language."} {"id": 9510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amsterdam byl předním centrem ekonomie.", "evidence": [[[24315, 30063, "Amsterdam", 9, "Amsterdam"]]], "claim_en": "Amsterdam was the leading centre for economics."} {"id": 97107, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Anistonová je dcerou Nancy Dowové.", "evidence": [[[114694, 128433, "Jennifer Aniston", 1, "Jennifer Aniston"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Aniston is the daughter of Nancy Dow."} {"id": 72067, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Miranda Otto začala svou hereckou kariéru v 50 letech.", "evidence": [[[88749, 101386, "Miranda Otto", 1, "Miranda Otto"]]], "claim_en": "Miranda Otto began her acting career at age 50."} {"id": 117279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Robert F. Kennedy vedl nultou kampaň do amerického Senátu.", "evidence": [[[137640, 152538, "Robert Kennedy", 7, "Robert F. Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Robert F. Kennedy managed zero campaigns for the U.S. Senate."} {"id": 42131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Kmotr - část III hraje Andy García.", "evidence": [[[58412, 68688, "Kmotr III", 3, "The Godfather Part III"]]], "claim_en": "The Godfather Part III stars Andy García."} {"id": 110929, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Albert Einstein je chemik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Albert Einstein is a chemist."} {"id": 7862, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mia Sara ztvárnila Harley Quinn.", "evidence": [[[12856, 16042, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]], [[18714, 22951, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]], [[20302, 24847, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]], [[248558, 248718, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]], [[299154, 290524, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]], [[301215, 292334, "Harley Quinn", 11, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Mia Sara has portrayed Harley Quinn."} {"id": 144605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adam Sandler hraje profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[294134, 286489, "Adam Sandler", 0, "Adam Sandler"]], [[294793, 287002, "Adam Sandler", 2, "Adam Sandler"]], [[294793, 287003, "Adam Sandler", 4, "Adam Sandler"]], [[294793, 287004, "Adam Sandler", 3, "Adam Sandler"], [294793, 287004, "Jack a Jill", 0, "Jack and Jill (2011 film)"]], [[294793, 287005, "Adam Sandler", 1, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339329, 324330, "Adam Sandler", 0, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339329, 324331, "Adam Sandler", 1, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339329, 324332, "Adam Sandler", 2, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339329, 324333, "Adam Sandler", 3, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339329, 324334, "Adam Sandler", 4, "Adam Sandler"]], [[339331, 324335, "Adam Sandler", 0, "Adam Sandler"]]], "claim_en": "Adam Sandler acts professionally."} {"id": 168083, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jean-Jacques Dessalines byl počat 20. září 1758.", "evidence": [[[193517, 204016, "Jean-Jacques Dessalines", 0, "Jean-Jacques Dessalines"]]], "claim_en": "Jean-Jacques Dessalines was conceived on September 20th, 1758."} {"id": 69947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 1976 byla Meryl Streepová nominována na cenu Tony.", "evidence": [[[86630, 99098, "Meryl Streepová", 6, "Meryl Streep"]]], "claim_en": "In 1976, Meryl Streep was nominated for a Tony."} {"id": 111893, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jazyk Python postrádá dynamický typový systém.", "evidence": [[[133367, 148235, "Python", 5, "Python (programming language)"]]], "claim_en": "Python lacks a dynamic type system."} {"id": 80350, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Bedazzled (2000) hraje Brendan Fraser roli Mikea Smithe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bedazzled (2000 film) stars Brendan Fraser as Mike Smith."} {"id": 53150, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Pepek námořník hraje Sheryl Crow jako Olive Oylová.", "evidence": [[[69434, 80235, "Pepek námořník (film, 1980)", 1, "Popeye (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Popeye stars Sheryl Crow as Olive Oyl."} {"id": 107989, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Keanu Reeves hrál ve skupině Dogstar.", "evidence": [[[126718, 141148, "Keanu Reeves", 16, "Keanu Reeves"]]], "claim_en": "Keanu Reeves was in the band Dogstar."} {"id": 54343, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Babe Ruth je v baseballové síni slávy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Babe Ruth is in the Baseball Hall of Fame."} {"id": 42735, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Connie Britton hrála Vivien Harmonovou.", "evidence": [[[59032, 69363, "Connie Britton", 9, "Connie Britton"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Britton played Vivien Harmon."} {"id": 7219, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uzbekistán je členem organizace.", "evidence": [[[24151, 29878, "Uzbekistán", 14, "Uzbekistan"]]], "claim_en": "Uzbekistan is a member of an organization."} {"id": 88321, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth se objevil v televizních pořadech.", "evidence": [[[106956, 120347, "Chris Hemsworth", 1, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth appeared in TV shows."} {"id": 68932, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shirley MacLaineová nezískala cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [[[85565, 97873, "Shirley MacLaine", 7, "Shirley MacLaine"]]], "claim_en": "Shirley MacLaine has not won an Emmy Award."} {"id": 218188, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boyd Holbrook odmítl roli, která mu byla nabídnuta ve filmu Out of the Furnace.", "evidence": [[[259412, 258006, "Boyd Holbrook", 1, "Boyd Holbrook"]]], "claim_en": "Boyd Holbrook turned down the role he was offered in Out of the Furnace."} {"id": 36920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Írán je druhou největší zemí Severní Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[55653, 65695, "Írán", 2, "Iran"]]], "claim_en": "Iran is the second-largest country in North America."} {"id": 187822, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Brentwoodu v Los Angeles sídlí veterinární školy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Brentwood, Los Angeles is the home of veterinary schools."} {"id": 35706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ingušsko vzniklo na počátku 90. let 20. století.", "evidence": [[[51891, 61728, "Ingušsko", 5, "Ingushetia"]]], "claim_en": "Ingushetia was established in the early 1990s."} {"id": 165426, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jerry Lewis je Armén.", "evidence": [[[190219, 201301, "Jerry Lewis", 0, "Jerry Lewis"]]], "claim_en": "Jerry Lewis is an Armenian."} {"id": 59171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kenny Rogers byl předstižen v anketě \"Nejoblíbenější zpěvák všech dob\".", "evidence": [[[75673, 86925, "Kenny Rogers", 9, "Kenny Rogers"]]], "claim_en": "Kenny Rogers was passed over for the \"Favorite Singer of All-Time.\""} {"id": 190766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dysfonie se může vyznačovat určitým vlivem na kvalitu hlasu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dysphonia can be characterized by some effect on vocal quality."} {"id": 205825, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dodekanés se nachází v jihovýchodní části Egejského moře.", "evidence": [[[243236, 244480, "Dodekany", 0, "Dodecanese"]]], "claim_en": "The Dodecanese are in the southeastern Aegean Sea."} {"id": 171284, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Cougar Town byl americký televizní sitcom, který získal obrovské uznání kritiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cougar Town was an American television sitcom that won massive critical acclaim."} {"id": 8539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syrská poušť se rozkládá na 500 000 km2 na Blízkém východě.", "evidence": [[[13842, 17335, "Syrská poušť", 0, "Syrian Desert"]], [[13848, 17341, "Syrská poušť", 0, "Syrian Desert"]], [[13849, 17342, "Syrská poušť", 0, "Syrian Desert"]], [[13870, 17374, "Syrská poušť", 0, "Syrian Desert"]]], "claim_en": "The Syrian Desert covers 500,000 km2 in the Middle East."} {"id": 57276, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "R. Kellymu se během své kariéry nepodařilo vytvořit jediný hit.", "evidence": [[[73659, 84911, "R. Kelly", 3, "R. Kelly"]]], "claim_en": "R. Kelly was unable to make a single hit song during his career."} {"id": 105724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chrysler Building byla vždy nejkratší budovou na světě.", "evidence": [[[279474, 274072, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]], [[279474, 274073, "Chrysler Building", 4, "Chrysler Building"]], [[279474, 274074, "Chrysler Building", 5, "Chrysler Building"]], [[279474, 274075, "Chrysler Building", 6, "Chrysler Building"]], [[279474, 274076, "Chrysler Building", 7, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281201, 275605, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"], [281201, 275605, "Chrysler Building", 0, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281201, 275606, "Chrysler Building", 4, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281204, 275608, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281204, 275609, "Chrysler Building", 4, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281204, 275610, "Chrysler Building", 5, "Chrysler Building"]], [[281204, 275611, "Chrysler Building", 7, "Chrysler Building"]], [[327782, 314981, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]], [[328829, 315807, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]], [[328833, 315811, "Chrysler Building", 1, "Chrysler Building"]]], "claim_en": "The Chrysler Building was always the world's shortest building."} {"id": 131007, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Argentinec Lionel Messi hraje fotbal profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[153282, 168033, "Lionel Messi", 0, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168063, "Lionel Messi", 0, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168064, "Lionel Messi", 1, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168064, "Zlatý míč FIFA", 0, "FIFA Ballon d'Or"]], [[153299, 168066, "Lionel Messi", 3, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168068, "Lionel Messi", 10, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168069, "Lionel Messi", 11, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168070, "Lionel Messi", 12, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168071, "Lionel Messi", 15, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168071, "FIFA", 0, "FIFA"]], [[153299, 168073, "Lionel Messi", 17, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168073, "Zlatý míč", 0, "Ballon d'Or"]], [[153299, 168075, "Lionel Messi", 21, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168075, "Argentinská fotbalová reprezentace", 0, "Argentina national football team"]], [[153299, 168076, "Lionel Messi", 22, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168076, "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale hráčů do 20 let 2005", 0, "2005 FIFA World Youth Championship"]], [[153299, 168077, "Lionel Messi", 23, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168077, "Diego Maradona", 0, "Diego Maradona"]], [[153299, 168078, "Lionel Messi", 24, "Lionel Messi"]], [[153299, 168079, "Lionel Messi", 25, "Lionel Messi"], [153299, 168079, "Mistrovství světa ve fotbale 2014", 0, "2014 FIFA World Cup"]]], "claim_en": "Argentinian Lionel Messi plays soccer professionally."} {"id": 133393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bratři Coenové byli režiséry filmu No Country for Old Men.", "evidence": [[[155937, 170617, "Bratři Coenové", 2, "Coen brothers"]]], "claim_en": "The Coen brothers were the directors of No Country for Old Men."} {"id": 152905, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Keeping the Faith byl vydán na VHS.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Keeping the Faith was released on VHS."} {"id": 79511, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jason Bonham hrál na kytaru ve skupině Led Zeppelin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jason Bonham played guitar for Led Zeppelin."} {"id": 77147, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stanley Tucci je Australan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stanley Tucci is an Australian."} {"id": 140288, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Návrh byl uzavřen společností Mandeville Films.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Proposal was shut down by Mandeville Films."} {"id": 63425, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Silicon Valley se nachází v kulturním, obchodním a finančním centru severní Kalifornie.", "evidence": [[[79864, 91588, "Silicon Valley", 2, "Silicon Valley"], [79864, 91588, "San Francisco", 0, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "Silicon Valley is in the cultural, commercial, and financial center of North California."} {"id": 210025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Z Afghánistánu pochází pouze dynastie Ghaznavidů.", "evidence": [[[248756, 248840, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"]], [[248757, 248841, "Afghánistán", 8, "Afghanistan"]]], "claim_en": "Afghanistan is the source of only the Ghaznavid dynasty."} {"id": 200291, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Natural Born Killers byl natočen podle skutečného kriminálního románu Trumana Capoteho.", "evidence": [[[235595, 238206, "Takoví normální zabijáci", 5, "Natural Born Killers"]]], "claim_en": "Natural Born Killers was based upon a true crime novel by Truman Capote."} {"id": 1500, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ginger Baker je členem Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[17207, 21299, "Ginger Baker", 2, "Ginger Baker"]]], "claim_en": "Ginger Baker is an inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 37515, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pablo Picasso neuspěl jako keramik.", "evidence": [[[53715, 63717, "Pablo Picasso", 0, "Pablo Picasso"]]], "claim_en": "Pablo Picasso failed to be a ceramicist."} {"id": 81441, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anglický král Eduard I. na něco reagoval.", "evidence": [[[98486, 111579, "Eduard I.", 16, "Edward I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Edward I of England responded to something."} {"id": 31731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "U2 je rocková skupina.", "evidence": [[[47880, 57155, "U2", 0, "U2"]], [[47880, 57156, "U2", 1, "U2"], [47880, 57156, "Adam Clayton", 0, "Adam Clayton"]], [[47880, 57157, "U2", 2, "U2"], [47880, 57157, "Bono", 1, "Bono"]], [[47880, 57158, "U2", 8, "U2"], [47880, 57158, "Boy (album)", 0, "Boy (album)"]], [[47880, 57159, "U2", 9, "U2"], [47880, 57159, "Sunday Bloody Sunday (píseň)", 0, "Sunday Bloody Sunday"]], [[47880, 57160, "U2", 11, "U2"], [47880, 57160, "The Joshua Tree", 0, "The Joshua Tree"]], [[47880, 57162, "U2", 14, "U2"], [47880, 57162, "Achtung Baby", 0, "Achtung Baby"]], [[47880, 57163, "U2", 15, "U2"], [47880, 57163, "Pop (album, U2)", 0, "Pop (U2 album)"]], [[47880, 57164, "U2", 16, "U2"], [47880, 57164, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb", 0, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb"]], [[47880, 57165, "U2", 18, "U2"], [47880, 57165, "Songs of Innocence (album)", 0, "Songs of Innocence (U2 album)"]]], "claim_en": "U2 is a rock band."} {"id": 41588, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quinoa nemá jedlá semena.", "evidence": [[[57868, 68105, "Merlík čilský", 1, "Quinoa"]]], "claim_en": "Quinoa does not have edible seeds."} {"id": 10720, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ježíš je známý také jako rapper.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jesus is also known as a rapper."} {"id": 143597, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Budapešti se nachází nejmenší jeskynní systém s termální vodou na světě.", "evidence": [[[166739, 180530, "Budapešť", 30, "Budapest"]]], "claim_en": "Budapest has the world's smallest thermal water cave system."} {"id": 83131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ben Kingsley hraje.", "evidence": [[[100183, 113432, "Ben Kingsley", 0, "Ben Kingsley"]], [[100183, 113433, "Ben Kingsley", 1, "Ben Kingsley"]], [[100183, 113434, "Ben Kingsley", 2, "Ben Kingsley"]], [[100183, 113435, "Ben Kingsley", 3, "Ben Kingsley"]]], "claim_en": "Ben Kingsley acts."} {"id": 221662, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Helen Huntová byla před zahájením natáčení filmu Then She Found Me nahrazena Albertem Brooksem na postu režiséra.", "evidence": [[[263971, 261500, "Helen Hunt", 3, "Helen Hunt"]]], "claim_en": "Helen Hunt was substituted with Albert Brooks as director before production of Then She Found Me began."} {"id": 132613, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sarah Palinová je americká politička z Aljašky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sarah Palin is an American politician from Alaska."} {"id": 11542, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vlk z Wall Street byl film z roku 2013, který byl uveden do kin v prosinci.", "evidence": [[[26747, 32839, "Vlk z Wall Street", 7, "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Wolf of Wall Street was a 2013 film released in December."} {"id": 203875, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tall Story režíroval někdo, kdo se narodil v roce 1908.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tall Story was directed by someone born in 1908."} {"id": 198411, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Marilyn Manson vznikl teprve v roce 1930.", "evidence": [[[233269, 236241, "Marilyn Manson (hudební skupina)", 0, "Marilyn Manson (band)"]], [[233272, 236244, "Marilyn Manson (hudební skupina)", 0, "Marilyn Manson (band)"]]], "claim_en": "Marilyn Manson was only formed in 1930."} {"id": 124436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool není osmým dílem filmové série X-Men.", "evidence": [[[145962, 160973, "Deadpool (film)", 1, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool is not the eighth installment in the X-Men Film series."} {"id": 110574, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Nelson Mandela je asijský socialista.", "evidence": [[[129753, 144475, "Nelson Mandela", 0, "Nelson Mandela"]]], "claim_en": "Nelson Mandela is an Asian socialist."} {"id": 63047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Vedder byl zpěvákem skupiny Pearl Jam.", "evidence": [[[200707, 210165, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[205975, 214430, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[316615, 305771, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]], [[316616, 305772, "Eddie Vedder", 0, "Eddie Vedder"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Vedder was the vocalist of Pearl Jam."} {"id": 23929, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ocenění Kennedyho centra obdržel Billy Joel.", "evidence": [[[39869, 47958, "Billy Joel", 13, "Billy Joel"]], [[39870, 47959, "Billy Joel", 13, "Billy Joel"]]], "claim_en": "The Kennedy Center Honors has been received by Billy Joel."} {"id": 147160, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Monica Selesová získala nula grandslamových titulů ve dvouhře.", "evidence": [[[170710, 184305, "Monika Selešová", 3, "Monica Seles"]], [[170710, 184306, "Monika Selešová", 5, "Monica Seles"]]], "claim_en": "Monica Seles has won zero Grand Slam singles titles."} {"id": 129547, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ringo Starr nahradil Peta Besta ve skupině Beatles po roce 1962.", "evidence": [[[151752, 166484, "Ringo Starr", 12, "Ringo Starr"]]], "claim_en": "Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best in the Beatles after 1962."} {"id": 107987, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tardigrádi jsou nesegmentovaní živočichové.", "evidence": [[[126717, 141146, "Želvušky", 0, "Tardigrade"]], [[126717, 141147, "Želvušky", 18, "Tardigrade"]]], "claim_en": "Tardigrades are non-segmented animals."} {"id": 144130, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zoe Saldana má odjakživa zakázaný vstup do Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[292083, 284916, "Zoe Saldana", 0, "Zoe Saldana"]], [[294103, 286470, "Zoe Saldana", 0, "Zoe Saldana"]], [[294144, 286495, "Zoe Saldana", 0, "Zoe Saldana"]], [[294144, 286496, "Zoe Saldana", 3, "Zoe Saldana"], [294144, 286496, "Star Trek (film)", 14, "Star Trek (film)"]], [[339112, 324154, "Zoe Saldana", 0, "Zoe Saldana"]], [[339122, 324158, "Zoe Saldana", 0, "Zoe Saldana"]]], "claim_en": "Zoe Saldana has always been banned from America."} {"id": 96147, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matt Smith začal hrát teprve v roce 2005.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Smith started acting only in 2005."} {"id": 106254, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "James Bond je založen na postavě z televizního seriálu.", "evidence": [[[124728, 139076, "James Bond", 0, "James Bond"]]], "claim_en": "James Bond is based on a character from a TV series."} {"id": 197661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Univerzita v Leicesteru objevila a identifikovala pouze ostatky královny.", "evidence": [[[232370, 235585, "Univerzita v Leicesteru", 11, "University of Leicester"]]], "claim_en": "The University of Leicester only discovered and identified the remains of a queen."} {"id": 181223, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Melissa McCarthyová není schopná hrát ve filmech.", "evidence": [[[210355, 218114, "Melissa McCarthy", 1, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210355, 218115, "Melissa McCarthy", 15, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210355, 218116, "Melissa McCarthy", 14, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210355, 218119, "Melissa McCarthy", 11, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210355, 218120, "Melissa McCarthy", 10, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210358, 218123, "Melissa McCarthy", 10, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210358, 218124, "Melissa McCarthy", 11, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210358, 218126, "Melissa McCarthy", 13, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210358, 218127, "Melissa McCarthy", 14, "Melissa McCarthy"]], [[210358, 218128, "Melissa McCarthy", 15, "Melissa McCarthy"]]], "claim_en": "Melissa McCarthy is incapable of appearing in films."} {"id": 63959, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kangana Ranaut se nepřestěhovala do Dillí, když jí bylo šestnáct let.", "evidence": [[[80405, 92239, "Kangana Ranautová", 7, "Kangana Ranaut"]]], "claim_en": "Kangana Ranaut did not relocate to Delhi when she was sixteen."} {"id": 203137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "James Mangold režíroval v roce 2017 americký zápas.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "James Mangold directed a 2017 American wrestling match."} {"id": 128550, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová vydala album v roce 1908.", "evidence": [[[286704, 280160, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[288872, 282068, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[290627, 283614, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[333682, 319890, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[334606, 320628, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]], [[334619, 320635, "Scarlett Johanssonová", 0, "Scarlett Johansson"]]], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson released an album in 1908."} {"id": 64049, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeff Bridges hrál postavu ve filmu Crazy Heart.", "evidence": [[[80494, 92343, "Jeff Bridges", 2, "Jeff Bridges"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bridges played a character in Crazy Heart."} {"id": 190341, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "The Great British Sewing Bee je pořad na stanici WGBH.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Great British Sewing Bee is a show on WGBH."} {"id": 134808, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adolf Hitler byl ministrem obrany Německa v letech 1933-1945.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was Defence Secretary of Germany from 1933 to 1945."} {"id": 79394, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "P.S. Miluji tě (film) je televizní pořad založený na dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "P.S I Love You (film) is a drama based television show."} {"id": 63134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Reddit nevybral miliony dolarů.", "evidence": [[[79559, 91299, "Reddit", 18, "Reddit"]]], "claim_en": "Reddit did not raise millions of dollars."} {"id": 21312, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První série seriálu American Horror Story se odehrávala v roce 1984.", "evidence": [[[57884, 68117, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[60830, 71299, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[62726, 73383, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[303129, 294112, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]], [[305216, 296056, "American Horror Story", 5, "American Horror Story"]]], "claim_en": "American Horror Story's first season took place in 1984."} {"id": 75559, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Usain Bolt nezískal olympijské tituly v běhu na 100 a 200 metrů.", "evidence": [[[92358, 105109, "Usain Bolt", 7, "Usain Bolt"]], [[92358, 105110, "Usain Bolt", 9, "Usain Bolt"]]], "claim_en": "Usain Bolt did not win the Olympic 100 m and 200 m titles."} {"id": 228756, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harold Ramis byl buddhista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harold Ramis was a Buddhist."} {"id": 68706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Srdce bije rychlostí blízkou 72 úderům za minutu.", "evidence": [[[85325, 97625, "Srdce", 18, "Heart"]]], "claim_en": "The heart beats at a rate close to 72 beats per minute."} {"id": 38088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sunny Leone je moderátorkou reality show.", "evidence": [[[54386, 64381, "Sunny Leone", 10, "Sunny Leone"]]], "claim_en": "Sunny Leone is the host of a reality show."} {"id": 43928, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zach Galifianakis byl odmítnut pro roli ve filmu Masterminds.", "evidence": [[[60253, 70645, "Zach Galifianakis", 2, "Zach Galifianakis"]]], "claim_en": "Zach Galifianakis was passed over for a role in Masterminds."} {"id": 118937, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Chris Pine se dosud objevil pouze v britských filmech.", "evidence": [[[139581, 154603, "Chris Pine", 1, "Chris Pine"]], [[139581, 154604, "Chris Pine", 2, "Chris Pine"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Pine has only ever appeared in British films."} {"id": 179554, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zpívající detektiv má epizody.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Singing Detective has episodes."} {"id": 139645, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "RB Lipsko sídlí v Sasku v Německu.", "evidence": [[[162533, 176810, "RB Leipzig", 0, "RB Leipzig"]]], "claim_en": "RB Leipzig is based in Saxony, Germany."} {"id": 80077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kim Kardashian má dva strýce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kim Kardashian has two uncles."} {"id": 30660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Deník New York Times je součástí upadajícího odvětví.", "evidence": [[[46837, 55852, "The New York Times", 6, "The New York Times"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Times is part of a declining industry."} {"id": 164507, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nobelovu cenu za chemii získal Albert Einstein.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Albert Einstein."} {"id": 12393, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Divočina je film.", "evidence": [[[27631, 33843, "Divočina (film)", 0, "Wild (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Wild is a film."} {"id": 114634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shakira pochází z Kolumbie.", "evidence": [[[136163, 150991, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]]], "claim_en": "Shakira is from Colombia."} {"id": 17439, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vědecký název lva se jmenuje Panthera leo.", "evidence": [[[45032, 53739, "Lev", 0, "Lion"]], [[47225, 56353, "Lev", 0, "Lion"]], [[47225, 56354, "Lev", 5, "Lion"]], [[49765, 59209, "Lev", 0, "Lion"]], [[49765, 59210, "Lev", 5, "Lion"]], [[304074, 294939, "Lev", 0, "Lion"]]], "claim_en": "The lion's scientific name is called Panthera leo."} {"id": 93345, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Režisérem filmu Lev byl Garth Davis.", "evidence": [[[110712, 124390, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion's director was Garth Davis."} {"id": 198761, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Licence to Drive si zahrál menší roli Corey Feldman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "License to Drive features Corey Feldman in a minor role."} {"id": 125161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Helena Bonham Carter dosud nebyla nominována na Oscara za nejlepší ženský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[286343, 279804, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[286347, 279810, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[288077, 281345, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[333187, 319430, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[334459, 320521, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 2, "Helena Bonham Carter"]], [[334459, 320522, "Helena Bonham Carterová", 3, "Helena Bonham Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Helena Bonham Carter has yet to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress."} {"id": 31963, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shane Black se narodil v roce 1961.", "evidence": [[[92176, 104951, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]], [[94868, 107842, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]], [[96996, 110149, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]], [[306640, 297263, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]], [[306641, 297264, "Shane Black", 0, "Shane Black"]]], "claim_en": "Shane Black was born in 1961."} {"id": 208040, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Britsko-americký film Baby Driver je melodrama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The British-America film Baby Driver is a melodrama."} {"id": 180467, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sam Smith si zahrál ve filmu Can I Kick It?", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sam Smith was on Can I Kick It?."} {"id": 88442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupinu A Perfect Circle založili Billy Howerdel a Maynard James Keenan.", "evidence": [[[274533, 269822, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]], [[274535, 269824, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]], [[274544, 269831, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]], [[274552, 269836, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]], [[322715, 310994, "A Perfect Circle", 0, "A Perfect Circle"]]], "claim_en": "A Perfect Circle was formed by Billy Howerdel and Maynard James Keenan."} {"id": 219327, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí nebyl nikdy obviněn ze zločinu.", "evidence": [[[260929, 259254, "Abú Bakr al-Bagdádí", 8, "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi"]]], "claim_en": "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has never been accused of a crime."} {"id": 62056, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Caitlyn Jenner je cisgenderová žena.", "evidence": [[[78527, 90051, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 11, "Caitlyn Jenner"]], [[78527, 90052, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 13, "Caitlyn Jenner"]], [[78527, 90053, "Caitlyn Jennerová", 14, "Caitlyn Jenner"]]], "claim_en": "Caitlyn Jenner is a cisgender woman."} {"id": 13073, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Čas na dobrodružství získal ocenění.", "evidence": [[[28319, 34635, "Čas na dobrodružství", 19, "Adventure Time"]]], "claim_en": "Adventure Time won an award."} {"id": 67958, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Jackson měl osobní letadlo.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson had a personal plane."} {"id": 70471, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mel Gibson pracoval.", "evidence": [[[87137, 99640, "Mel Gibson", 15, "Mel Gibson"]], [[87137, 99641, "Mel Gibson", 14, "Mel Gibson"]], [[87137, 99642, "Mel Gibson", 13, "Mel Gibson"]], [[87137, 99643, "Mel Gibson", 8, "Mel Gibson"]]], "claim_en": "Mel Gibson worked."} {"id": 176566, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hadera se nachází v zemi Evropské unie.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hadera is in a country in the European Union."} {"id": 16867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Teen Wolf byl 9. dubna 2015 obnoven pro šestou sérii.", "evidence": [[[32273, 39230, "Vlčí mládě", 6, "Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "Teen Wolf was renewed for a sixth season on April 9, 2015."} {"id": 87430, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rod Serling se hádal s lidmi kvůli násilným konfliktům.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rod Serling argued with people over violent conflict."} {"id": 224920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lisa Kudrowová byla pouze autorkou.", "evidence": [[[268001, 264638, "Lisa Kudrow", 0, "Lisa Kudrow"]]], "claim_en": "Lisa Kudrow was only an author."} {"id": 30907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Výsledkem rakoviny plic je nula úmrtí.", "evidence": [[[47052, 56156, "Karcinom plic", 21, "Lung cancer"]]], "claim_en": "Lung cancer results in zero deaths."} {"id": 195719, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Noční můře v Elm Street hraje Kyle Gallner.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A Nightmare on Elm Street stars Kyle Gallner."} {"id": 211522, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Thomas DeSimone zmizel na Haiti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Thomas DeSimone disappeared in Haiti."} {"id": 78494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nanotechnologie je v lidském měřítku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nanotechnology is on a human scale."} {"id": 136413, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Victor Frankenstein je oceněný film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Victor Frankenstein is an award-winning film."} {"id": 5077, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii vzniká první americká nemocnice.", "evidence": [[[21443, 26337, "Filadelfie", 21, "Philadelphia"]]], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is home to the first U.S. hospital."} {"id": 104916, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pamela Andersonová je známá díky své roli v televizním seriálu.", "evidence": [[[281104, 275494, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]], [[283190, 277265, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]], [[328751, 315745, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]], [[329018, 315938, "Pamela Anderson", 0, "Pamela Anderson"]]], "claim_en": "Pamela Anderson is known for her role on a TV show."} {"id": 196973, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Diwali je slavnostní předávání cen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Diwali is a award ceremony."} {"id": 209758, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Hory na Měsíci (film) hraje James McAvoy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Mountains of the Moon (film) stars James McAvoy."} {"id": 129886, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zeus je nadpřirozená bytost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Zeus is a supernatural being."} {"id": 175000, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donald Trump se narodil v červnu roku 1944.", "evidence": [[[202393, 211670, "Donald Trump", 0, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Trump was born in June of 1944."} {"id": 81890, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Clint Eastwood je komik.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood is a comedian."} {"id": 76281, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jessica Biel nehrála v komediálních filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jessica Biel has not acted in comedy movies."} {"id": 123669, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Letní olympijské hry 2016 skončily 21. srpna.", "evidence": [[[145175, 160175, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "The 2016 Summer Olympics ended on August 21st."} {"id": 154533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kleopatřin odkaz zanikl.", "evidence": [[[178519, 191103, "Kleopatra VII.", 22, "Cleopatra"]]], "claim_en": "Cleopatra's legacy is gone."} {"id": 81618, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Marlon Brando si dal čtyřletou pauzu, než se objevil ve filmu Missouri se láme.", "evidence": [[[98664, 111739, "Marlon Brando", 20, "Marlon Brando"]]], "claim_en": "Marlon Brando took a four-year hiatus before appearing in The Missouri Breaks."} {"id": 37926, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Adderall má mnoho společných chemických vlastností s lidskými stopovými aminy.", "evidence": [[[54114, 64114, "Adderall", 18, "Adderall"]]], "claim_en": "Adderall shares many chemical properties with the human trace amines."} {"id": 38699, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emmy Rossum režíroval Wolfgang Peterson.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emmy Rossum was directed by Wolfgang Peterson."} {"id": 125170, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V roce 2004 získal britskou komediální cenu Matt Groening.", "evidence": [[[146824, 161799, "Matt Groening", 15, "Matt Groening"]]], "claim_en": "In 2004, a British Comedy Award went to Matt Groening."} {"id": 131408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Transformers (film) je americký sci-fi film.", "evidence": [[[153693, 168548, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]], [[153694, 168549, "Transformers (film)", 0, "Transformers (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Transformers (film) is an American science fiction film."} {"id": 21834, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dennis Hopper si zahrál v nezveřejněném dramatu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dennis Hopper is uncredited in an unreleased drama."} {"id": 186173, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Následující je romantický film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Following is a romance film."} {"id": 47517, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paris je synem královny Hekuby.", "evidence": [[[63824, 74559, "Paris (mytologie)", 0, "Paris (mythology)"]]], "claim_en": "Paris is the son of Queen Hecuba."} {"id": 2996, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Slovinsko je monarchie.", "evidence": [[[18878, 23116, "Slovinsko", 3, "Slovenia"]]], "claim_en": "Slovenia is a monarchy."} {"id": 78449, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Martin Luther King mladší je mrtvý.", "evidence": [[[95403, 108428, "Martin Luther King", 0, "Martin Luther King Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Martin Luther King Jr. is dead."} {"id": 45087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černý panter je výhradně komiks.", "evidence": [[[61447, 71955, "Black Panther (film)", 0, "Black Panther (film)"]], [[61447, 71956, "Black Panther (film)", 2, "Black Panther (film)"]], [[61447, 71957, "Black Panther (film)", 9, "Black Panther (film)"]], [[61447, 71958, "Black Panther (film)", 10, "Black Panther (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Black Panther is exclusively a comic book."} {"id": 60088, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Chile není na západní polokouli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Chile is not in the western hemisphere."} {"id": 35232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Provaz byl vydán v roce 1948.", "evidence": [[[51466, 61211, "Provaz (film)", 0, "Rope (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Rope was released in 1948."} {"id": 27724, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson hraje v životopisném filmu.", "evidence": [[[43856, 52482, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson", 4, "Aaron Taylor-Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Taylor-Johnson is in a biopic."} {"id": 152036, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prince nezemřel na předávkování opioidy.", "evidence": [[[175995, 188960, "Prince", 23, "Prince (musician)"], [175995, 188960, "Fentanyl", 0, "Fentanyl"]]], "claim_en": "Prince did not die from an opioid overdose."} {"id": 183064, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snooki & Jwoww měla premiéru v 21. století.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snooki & Jwoww premiered on a date in the 21st century."} {"id": 133883, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adaptace seriálu Američtí bohové se začala vysílat v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[156414, 171018, "Američtí bohové", 20, "American Gods"]]], "claim_en": "American Gods' adaptation began airing in 2016."} {"id": 54594, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Impeachment je pouze neformální sdělení obvinění.", "evidence": [[[70955, 81845, "Impeachment", 0, "Impeachment"]], [[70955, 81846, "Impeachment", 1, "Impeachment"]]], "claim_en": "Impeachment is only an informal statement of charges."} {"id": 73630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pochody ze Selmy do Montgomery byly neúspěšnou demonstrací touhy afroamerických občanů uplatnit své ústavní právo volit.", "evidence": [[[92289, 105037, "Pochody ze Selmy do Montgomery", 1, "Selma to Montgomery marches"]]], "claim_en": "The Selma to Montgomery marches were a failure to demonstrate the desire of African-American citizens to exercise their constitutional right to vote."} {"id": 73265, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Isis měla sektu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Isis had a sect."} {"id": 12242, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Daniel Craig se objevil v 0 filmech s Angelinou Jolie.", "evidence": [[[27509, 33691, "Daniel Craig", 8, "Daniel Craig"], [27509, 33691, "Lara Croft – Tomb Raider", 0, "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig has appeared in 0 movies with Angelina Jolie."} {"id": 73627, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ryder je poskytovatel vzdělání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ryder is a provider of education."} {"id": 161663, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Streptokoky patří do všech řádů kromě těch mléčných bakterií.", "evidence": [[[296707, 288467, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]], [[296709, 288468, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]], [[344019, 327645, "Streptokok", 0, "Streptococcus"]]], "claim_en": "Streptococcus belongs to every order but those of lactic acid bacteria."} {"id": 203391, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Husí kůže (film) je natočen podle příběhu katolíků.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Goosebumps (film) is based on a story by Catholics."} {"id": 48391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Temný rytíř se odehrává v Metropolis.", "evidence": [[[64791, 75627, "Temný rytíř (film)", 2, "The Dark Knight (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Dark Knight is set in Metropolis."} {"id": 201727, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "IPhone 3G se oproti svým předchůdcům liší.", "evidence": [[[237481, 239688, "IPhone 3G", 4, "IPhone 3G"]]], "claim_en": "IPhone 3G are different compared to its predecessors."} {"id": 168134, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Connally odmítl být ministrem námořnictva.", "evidence": [[[193583, 204075, "John Connally", 1, "John Connally"]]], "claim_en": "John Connally refused to be a Secretary of the Navy."} {"id": 202660, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Aaron Carter má druhé jméno.", "evidence": [[[238806, 240772, "Aaron Carter", 0, "Aaron Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Aaron Carter has a middle name."} {"id": 223044, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film The Waterboy má stopáž 120 minut.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Waterboy has a run-time of 120 minutes."} {"id": 210297, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Moana je hudební fantasy-dobrodružná videohra.", "evidence": [[[249123, 249164, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana is a musical fantasy-adventure video game."} {"id": 107966, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lom je místo, kde bylo vytěženo pouze stříbro.", "evidence": [[[126688, 141118, "Lom", 0, "Quarry"]]], "claim_en": "A quarry is where only silver has been excavated."} {"id": 99723, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Houstonská ekonomika má základnu v cestovním ruchu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Houston economy has a base in tourism."} {"id": 145696, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tardigrady lze nalézt v každém biomu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tardigrades can be found in every biome."} {"id": 77630, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln debatoval se Stephenem A. Douglasem.", "evidence": [[[248547, 248707, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[250705, 250700, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[252056, 251831, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[319535, 308271, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[320682, 309240, "Abraham Lincoln", 10, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln debated Stephen A. Douglas."} {"id": 209316, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Na filmu Most špiónů se podílel pouze Donald Trump.", "evidence": [[[247796, 248090, "Most špionů", 0, "Bridge of Spies (film)"]], [[247799, 248093, "Most špionů", 0, "Bridge of Spies (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Bridge of Spies was only co-produced by Donald Trump."} {"id": 201127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shah Rukh Khan debutoval v Bollywoodu v roce 1942.", "evidence": [[[236670, 239097, "Shahrukh Khan", 7, "Shah Rukh Khan"]]], "claim_en": "Shah Rukh Khan debuted in Bollywood in 1942."} {"id": 78468, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Linda McCartney se narodila v roce 1941.", "evidence": [[[95422, 108451, "Linda McCartney", 0, "Linda McCartney"]]], "claim_en": "Linda McCartney was born in 1941."} {"id": 44865, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Norton je člověk, který režíruje pro film.", "evidence": [[[61227, 71722, "Edward Norton", 3, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton is a person who directs for film."} {"id": 91075, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbados je řazen mezi přední elfské lesy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbados is ranked as a leading Elvish forest."} {"id": 68813, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Život po smrti je od Eminema.", "evidence": [[[85461, 97792, "Life After Death", 0, "Life After Death"]], [[85461, 97793, "Life After Death", 1, "Life After Death"], [85461, 97793, "Eminem", 0, "Eminem"]], [[85461, 97794, "Life After Death", 4, "Life After Death"]], [[85461, 97795, "Life After Death", 5, "Life After Death"], [85461, 97795, "Ready to Die (album, The Notorious B.I.G.)", 0, "Ready to Die"]], [[85461, 97796, "Life After Death", 8, "Life After Death"], [85461, 97796, "Hypnotize (píseň)", 0, "Hypnotize (The Notorious B.I.G. song)"]]], "claim_en": "Life After Death is by Eminem."} {"id": 79087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[253499, 253342, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[253499, 253343, "Olivia Wilde", 1, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[253499, 253344, "Olivia Wilde", 2, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[255216, 254682, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[319998, 308704, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[320000, 308705, "Olivia Wilde", 0, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[320000, 308706, "Olivia Wilde", 1, "Olivia Wilde"]], [[320000, 308707, "Olivia Wilde", 2, "Olivia Wilde"]]], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is a performer."} {"id": 151991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film 2001: Vesmírná odysea byl vyroben s využitím alespoň jedné americké mediální společnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "2001: A Space Odyssey was produced using at least one American media company."} {"id": 40717, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Melanie Griffith hrála v Chicagu na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [[[57008, 67247, "Melanie Griffithová", 11, "Melanie Griffith"]]], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith has performed in Chicago on Broadway."} {"id": 160354, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová získala jednu sušenku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won one cookie."} {"id": 88729, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tesla, Inc. není výrobce automobilů.", "evidence": [[[105961, 119343, "Tesla (automobilka)", 0, "Tesla, Inc."]]], "claim_en": "Tesla, Inc. is not a car manufacturer."} {"id": 76432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Felton má za sebou hereckou kariéru.", "evidence": [[[93296, 106236, "Tom Felton", 0, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106237, "Tom Felton", 1, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106238, "Tom Felton", 2, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106239, "Tom Felton", 3, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106240, "Tom Felton", 4, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106241, "Tom Felton", 7, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106242, "Tom Felton", 8, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106243, "Tom Felton", 9, "Tom Felton"]], [[93296, 106244, "Tom Felton", 10, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Felton has an acting career."} {"id": 218103, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Indický národní kongres byl založen 20. prosince 1885.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Indian National Congress was founded on December 20th, 1885."} {"id": 98851, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Při útocích z 11. září zahynulo 2 996 psů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 dogs."} {"id": 226250, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Dárek noční běs vystupuje hlas amerického filmaře.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gift of the Night Fury stars the voice of an American filmmaker."} {"id": 13533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln byl první osobou, která zastávala titul prezidenta.", "evidence": [[[28769, 35111, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was the first person to hold the title of President."} {"id": 55306, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mezi predátory slonů patří lvi.", "evidence": [[[71662, 82644, "Slon", 15, "Elephant"]]], "claim_en": "Elephants' predators include lions."} {"id": 8829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V provincii Helmand se nachází Laškargáh.", "evidence": [[[14252, 17813, "Hilmand (provincie)", 3, "Helmand Province"], [14252, 17813, "Laškargáh", 0, "Lashkargah"]], [[14252, 17814, "Hilmand (provincie)", 7, "Helmand Province"]]], "claim_en": "Helmand Province contains Lashkargah."} {"id": 143060, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzská Indočína se po roce 1947 oficiálně nazývala Mario.", "evidence": [[[166128, 180068, "Francouzská Indočína", 0, "French Indochina"]]], "claim_en": "French Indochina was officially known as Mario after 1947."} {"id": 151058, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Venuše je pozemský meteor.", "evidence": [[[295410, 287516, "Venuše (planeta)", 8, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287517, "Venuše (planeta)", 10, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287518, "Venuše (planeta)", 0, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287519, "Venuše (planeta)", 1, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287520, "Venuše (planeta)", 5, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287521, "Venuše (planeta)", 12, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287522, "Venuše (planeta)", 21, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287523, "Venuše (planeta)", 24, "Venus"]], [[295410, 287524, "Venuše (planeta)", 25, "Venus"]], [[340834, 325367, "Venuše (planeta)", 8, "Venus"]], [[340836, 325369, "Venuše (planeta)", 8, "Venus"], [340836, 325369, "Terestrická planeta", 0, "Terrestrial planet"], [340836, 325369, "Terestrická planeta", 1, "Terrestrial planet"]], [[340838, 325370, "Venuše (planeta)", 0, "Venus"]]], "claim_en": "Venus is a terrestrial meteor."} {"id": 17419, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Benin má 90 % zaměstnanosti a příjmů plynoucích z samozásobitelského zemědělství.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Benin has 90% of its employment and income arising from subsistence farming."} {"id": 57198, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kriket je v Británii neznámý.", "evidence": [[[73529, 84770, "Kriket", 33, "Cricket"]]], "claim_en": "Cricket is unknown in Britain."} {"id": 203852, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hayden Panettiere vydala knihu kritických esejů o filmu Guiding Light.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere edited a book of critical essays on Guiding Light."} {"id": 143039, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "R. Kelly je známý díky hitu R&B \"Bump N' Grind\".", "evidence": [[[166106, 180041, "R. Kelly", 3, "R. Kelly"]]], "claim_en": "R. Kelly is known for hit R&B single \"Bump N' Grind.\""} {"id": 184111, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Furia napsal někdo, kdo je známý díky filmu Mirrors.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Furia is written by someone known for Mirrors."} {"id": 186653, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Alicia Keys se objevila ve filmu Shrek Třetí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys has appeared in Shrek the Third."} {"id": 100244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Margaret Atwoodová vydala pouze romány.", "evidence": [[[276589, 271682, "Margaret Atwoodová", 0, "Margaret Atwood"]], [[278697, 273425, "Margaret Atwoodová", 15, "Margaret Atwood"]], [[326712, 314132, "Margaret Atwoodová", 12, "Margaret Atwood"]], [[326712, 314133, "Margaret Atwoodová", 16, "Margaret Atwood"]], [[328296, 315374, "Margaret Atwoodová", 0, "Margaret Atwood"]]], "claim_en": "Margaret Atwood has published only novels."} {"id": 57505, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Caine nebyl schopen hrát ve filmu Muž, který chtěl být králem.", "evidence": [[[180542, 192987, "Michael Caine", 5, "Michael Caine"]], [[182443, 194676, "Michael Caine", 5, "Michael Caine"]], [[184230, 196166, "Michael Caine", 5, "Michael Caine"]], [[314221, 303657, "Michael Caine", 5, "Michael Caine"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Caine was incapable of starring in The Man Who Would Be King."} {"id": 108557, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Gone Girl byl natočen podle stejnojmenného románu.", "evidence": [[[127364, 141909, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Gone Girl was based on the novel of the same name."} {"id": 97231, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal je člověk.", "evidence": [[[275996, 271050, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 0, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[275996, 271051, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 1, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[275996, 271052, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 2, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[275996, 271053, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[275996, 271054, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[275996, 271055, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[278256, 273123, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 0, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[278259, 273124, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 1, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[278259, 273125, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 2, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[278259, 273126, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[326209, 313725, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 0, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315127, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 0, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315128, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 1, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315129, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 2, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315130, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315131, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[327958, 315132, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]]], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is a person."} {"id": 123197, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tygři se objevují ve starověké mytologii.", "evidence": [[[144699, 159719, "Tygr", 19, "Tiger"]]], "claim_en": "Tigers appear in ancient mythology."} {"id": 142813, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Blíženci jsou souhvězdí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gemini is a constellation."} {"id": 150766, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syd Barrett působil jako skladatel.", "evidence": [[[174571, 187748, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[174575, 187749, "Syd Barrett", 0, "Syd Barrett"]], [[174575, 187750, "Syd Barrett", 1, "Syd Barrett"]]], "claim_en": "Syd Barrett worked as a songwriter."} {"id": 155137, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Narodila se Anna Paquin.", "evidence": [[[179200, 191740, "Anna Paquin", 0, "Anna Paquin"]], [[179200, 191741, "Anna Paquin", 1, "Anna Paquin"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Paquin was born."} {"id": 42771, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve Filadelfii se urodil první americký vodní meloun.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Philadelphia is home to the first U.S. watermelon."} {"id": 78777, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Henry Cavill je součástí DC Extended Universe v roli Supermana.", "evidence": [[[95732, 108774, "Henry Cavill", 8, "Henry Cavill"]]], "claim_en": "Henry Cavill is part of the DC Extended Universe in his role as Superman."} {"id": 154501, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Justin Timberlake namluvil hlavní postavu ve filmu Trollové (2016).", "evidence": [[[178491, 191075, "Justin Timberlake", 15, "Justin Timberlake"]]], "claim_en": "Justin Timberlake was the voice of the main character in Trolls (2016)."} {"id": 224032, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deadpool (film) měl tržby přes 2 016 000 milionů amerických dolarů.", "evidence": [[[266900, 263730, "Deadpool (film)", 17, "Deadpool (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Deadpool (film) had over 2,016,000 million U.S. dollars in revenue."} {"id": 85934, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tiger Woods se nemůže zúčastnit turnaje The Open Championship.", "evidence": [[[103092, 116420, "Tiger Woods", 31, "Tiger Woods"]]], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods is incapable of competing in The Open Championship."} {"id": 105979, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Beckham je od roku 1999 ženatý s Victorií Beckhamovou.", "evidence": [[[124405, 138761, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham has been married to Victoria Beckham since 1999."} {"id": 127701, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film 30 Seconds to Mars byl vydán v roce 2010.", "evidence": [[[149653, 164612, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]], [[149654, 164613, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)", 1, "30 Seconds to Mars (album)"]]], "claim_en": "30 Seconds to Mars was released in 2010."} {"id": 178076, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V seriálu Breaking Bad vystupuje postava jménem Saul Goodman.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Breaking Bad has a character called Saul Goodman."} {"id": 1422, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. je člověk.", "evidence": [[[17158, 21251, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 0, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]], [[17158, 21252, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 1, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]], [[17158, 21253, "Floyd Mayweather, Jr.", 15, "Floyd Mayweather Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a person."} {"id": 10951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Travis Barker odmítl kdy hrát za skupinu Aquabats.", "evidence": [[[26154, 32165, "Travis Barker", 5, "Travis Barker"]], [[26154, 32166, "Travis Barker", 6, "Travis Barker"], [26154, 32166, "The Aquabats", 0, "The Aquabats"]]], "claim_en": "Travis Barker refused to ever play for the Aquabats."} {"id": 32508, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mark Ruffalo měl menší herecké role.", "evidence": [[[48614, 57920, "Mark Ruffalo", 1, "Mark Ruffalo"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Ruffalo had minor acting roles."} {"id": 134814, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Radiohead vydali portfolio In Rainbows.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Radiohead released the portfolio In Rainbows."} {"id": 55978, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Spider-Man 2 byl napsán roboty.", "evidence": [[[72340, 83394, "Spider-Man 2", 0, "Spider-Man 2"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man 2 was written by robots."} {"id": 73249, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Počet případů sepse se od roku 1980 zvyšuje.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sepsis rates have been increasing since 1980."} {"id": 75061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco má záliv, který se spojuje s Atlantským oceánem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco has a bay that connects to the Atlantic Ocean."} {"id": 223257, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Maria Šarapovová neprošla 26. ledna 2016 dopingovým testem.", "evidence": [[[265931, 263052, "Maria Šarapovová", 25, "Maria Sharapova"]]], "claim_en": "Maria Sharapova failed a drug test on January 26th, 2016."} {"id": 108516, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wiz Khalifa hraje ve filmu Twilight.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wiz Khalifa is in Twilight."} {"id": 213810, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sarah Paulsonová je herečka.", "evidence": [[[253809, 253578, "Sarah Paulsonová", 0, "Sarah Paulson"]]], "claim_en": "Sarah Paulson is an actress."} {"id": 155131, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Franšíza Golden State Warriors se do oblasti Sanfranciského zálivu přestěhovala v roce 1805.", "evidence": [[[179197, 191737, "Golden State Warriors", 3, "Golden State Warriors"]], [[179197, 191738, "Golden State Warriors", 2, "Golden State Warriors"]]], "claim_en": "The Golden State Warriors franchise relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1805."} {"id": 102486, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová je zapomenutá pro svůj půvab.", "evidence": [[[120310, 134530, "Jacqueline Kennedyová Onassisová", 16, "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis"]]], "claim_en": "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is forgotten for her grace."} {"id": 20915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Malajsie je země s více etniky.", "evidence": [[[36696, 44321, "Malajsie", 18, "Malaysia"]], [[36696, 44322, "Malajsie", 19, "Malaysia"]]], "claim_en": "Malaysia is a country with multiple ethnicities."} {"id": 8910, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Barbarella soutěží s komiksem Jeana-Clauda Foresta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Barbarella is in competition with a comic by Jean-Claude Forest."} {"id": 164892, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Hizballáh je součástí Íránu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hezbollah is part of Iran."} {"id": 119839, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Čingischán není mrtvý.", "evidence": [[[140827, 155951, "Čingischán", 0, "Genghis Khan"]], [[140827, 155952, "Čingischán", 12, "Genghis Khan"]], [[140827, 155953, "Čingischán", 13, "Genghis Khan"]]], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan is not dead."} {"id": 63391, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "San Francisco nebylo poprvé kolonizováno španělskými kolonisty.", "evidence": [[[79810, 91542, "San Francisco", 7, "San Francisco"]]], "claim_en": "San Francisco wasn't first colonized by Spanish colonists."} {"id": 213280, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nil protéká Etiopií a má arabský název.", "evidence": [[[253032, 252891, "Nil", 2, "Nile"], [253032, 252891, "Nil", 0, "Nile"]], [[253039, 252897, "Nil", 0, "Nile"], [253039, 252897, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile drains through Ethiopia and it has an Arabic name."} {"id": 1335, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dva členové skupiny Lynyrd Skynyrd zemřeli v dubnu 1977.", "evidence": [[[16984, 21046, "Lynyrd Skynyrd", 3, "Lynyrd Skynyrd"]]], "claim_en": "Two of Lynyrd Skynyrd's band members died in April 1977."} {"id": 32257, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ke Spojenému království patří Wales.", "evidence": [[[48368, 57699, "Spojené království", 15, "United Kingdom"]]], "claim_en": "The United Kingdom includes Wales."} {"id": 70915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Susan Atkinsová, členka Mansonovy \"rodiny\", byla odsouzena za vraždu.", "evidence": [[[87577, 100060, "Susan Atkins", 0, "Susan Atkins"]]], "claim_en": "Susan Atkins, a member of the Manson \"Family\", was convicted of murder."} {"id": 132377, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Matrix hraje herec.", "evidence": [[[154794, 169549, "Matrix", 0, "The Matrix"], [154794, 169549, "Keanu Reeves", 0, "Keanu Reeves"]]], "claim_en": "The Matrix stars an actor."} {"id": 2301, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film X-Men: Days of Future Past vyšel v roce 2016.", "evidence": [[[11152, 14036, "X-Men: Budoucí minulost", 0, "X-Men: Days of Future Past"]]], "claim_en": "X-Men: Days of Future Past came out in 2016."} {"id": 35926, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Yusuke Murata byl soupeřem Riichira Inagakiho.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Yusuke Murata was rivals with Riichiro Inagaki."} {"id": 203480, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christian Bale napsal scénář k filmu The Fighter.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christian Bale has written The Fighter."} {"id": 174025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Endless River je patnácté studiové album skupiny Journey.", "evidence": [[[201126, 210576, "The Endless River", 0, "The Endless River"]]], "claim_en": "The Endless River is Journey's fifteenth studio album."} {"id": 215406, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Akademie filmového umění a věd udělovala 79. ročník Oscarů.", "evidence": [[[255893, 255213, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards were presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."} {"id": 146458, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existovala rocková skupina The Beatles.", "evidence": [[[169960, 183563, "The Beatles", 0, "The Beatles"]], [[169960, 183564, "The Beatles", 21, "The Beatles"]]], "claim_en": "There was a rock band called The Beatles."} {"id": 90591, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Prince zemřel ve věku 57 let.", "evidence": [[[107914, 121399, "Prince", 23, "Prince (musician)"]], [[107914, 121400, "Prince", 0, "Prince (musician)"]]], "claim_en": "Prince died at the age of 57."} {"id": 75474, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Green day vydala album American Idiot, sbírku rockových písní s texty, které se vztahují ke společnému příběhu.", "evidence": [[[92270, 105018, "Green Day", 12, "Green Day"], [92270, 105018, "Rocková opera", 0, "Rock opera"]]], "claim_en": "Green day released American Idiot, a collection of rock music songs with lyrics that relate to a common story."} {"id": 131606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarkoidóza není popisována jako nebolestivé kožní onemocnění.", "evidence": [[[155647, 170292, "Sarkoidóza", 32, "Sarcoidosis"]]], "claim_en": "Sarcoidosis is not described as a non-painful skin disease."} {"id": 99991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skladba Another One Bites the Dust byla na setlistu skupiny Queen na Woodstocku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Another One Bites the Dust was on Queen's set list for Woodstock."} {"id": 71225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Open Championship 2017 se hraje v Pebble Beach.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The 2017 Open Championship is played at Pebble Beach."} {"id": 78763, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku se zúčastnil nejméně dvou baseballových turnajů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was in at least two baseball tournaments."} {"id": 153184, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Očekává se, že nigerijská ekonomika se stane jednou z největších na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nigeria's economy is anticipated to become one of the biggest in the world."} {"id": 211059, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "George Cukor se narodil v Portoriku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "George Cukor was born in Puerto Rico."} {"id": 24401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf nezískal nominaci na cenu pro mladé umělce.", "evidence": [[[40342, 48528, "Shia LaBeouf", 1, "Shia LaBeouf"]]], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf did not receive a Young Artist Award nomination."} {"id": 153023, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gwen Stefani získala cenu People's Choice Award.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani received a People's Choice Award."} {"id": 39746, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demokratická strana má více členů než Republikánská strana.", "evidence": [[[56040, 66143, "Demokratická strana (USA)", 23, "Democratic Party (United States)"]]], "claim_en": "The Democratic Party has more members than the Republican Party."} {"id": 16002, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na Islandu se prosadil německý vliv.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "German influences established themselves in Iceland."} {"id": 200412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg pochází z Los Angeles.", "evidence": [[[235746, 238303, "Snoop Dogg", 0, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg is from Los Angeles."} {"id": 202232, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Vražda v Orient expresu hrálo nula herců nebo hereček.", "evidence": [[[238209, 240307, "Vražda v Orient expresu (film, 2017)", 2, "Murder on the Orient Express (2017 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Murder on the Orient Express starred zero actors or actresses."} {"id": 131717, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tiger Woods měl nejkratší sérii bez vítězství v kariéře, která trvala 107 týdnů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tiger Woods had a career-low winless streak of 107 weeks."} {"id": 120971, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stanley Williams zemřel v roce 2007.", "evidence": [[[283262, 277337, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[283262, 277338, "Stanley Williams", 4, "Stanley Williams"]], [[283262, 277339, "Stanley Williams", 5, "Stanley Williams"]], [[285795, 279420, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[285795, 279421, "Stanley Williams", 5, "Stanley Williams"]], [[285795, 279422, "Stanley Williams", 4, "Stanley Williams"]], [[285801, 279426, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[285801, 279427, "Stanley Williams", 5, "Stanley Williams"]], [[331787, 318251, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[332364, 318739, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]], [[332365, 318740, "Stanley Williams", 0, "Stanley Williams"]]], "claim_en": "Stanley Williams died in 2007."} {"id": 195220, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kevin Bacon spolupracoval s Barrym Levinsonem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kevin Bacon has worked with Barry Levinson."} {"id": 76001, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost IBM vynalezla bankomat v roce 1998.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "IBM invented the ATM in 1998."} {"id": 81167, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Jose v Kalifornii mělo v roce 2015 odhadovanou statistiku kriminality 1 026 908 vražd.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Jose, California had an estimated 2015 crime statistic of 1,026,908 murders."} {"id": 113730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Čingischán byl vyznavačem meritokracie.", "evidence": [[[133635, 148495, "Čingischán", 21, "Genghis Khan"]]], "claim_en": "Genghis Khan was a practitioner of meritocracy."} {"id": 59762, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moana je film.", "evidence": [[[76170, 87467, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[76170, 87468, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 1, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana is a movie."} {"id": 130432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Andy Warhol nemá výtvory, které by se daly sbírat.", "evidence": [[[286970, 280438, "Andy Warhol", 17, "Andy Warhol"]], [[289082, 282253, "Andy Warhol", 17, "Andy Warhol"]], [[290756, 283712, "Andy Warhol", 17, "Andy Warhol"]], [[334878, 320828, "Andy Warhol", 17, "Andy Warhol"]]], "claim_en": "Andy Warhol does not have creations that are collectible."} {"id": 101578, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Pogba zahájil svou kariéru jako hráč fotbalového klubu Manchester United.", "evidence": [[[119297, 133274, "Paul Pogba", 4, "Paul Pogba"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Pogba began his career as a football club player with Manchester United."} {"id": 16132, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psychologie se zabývá vztahy mezi jednotlivci ve společnosti.", "evidence": [[[31530, 38258, "Psychologie", 1, "Psychology"], [31530, 38258, "Společenské vědy", 0, "Social science"]]], "claim_en": "Psychology is concerned with relationships among individuals within society."} {"id": 109408, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Doxycyklin může u dětí způsobit zvýšené riziko úpalu.", "evidence": [[[128332, 143054, "Doxycyklin", 6, "Doxycycline"]]], "claim_en": "Doxycycline may cause increased risk of sunburn in children."} {"id": 85679, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ty Cobb hrál za Detroit Tigers 22 sezón.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ty Cobb played for the Detroit Tigers for 22 seasons."} {"id": 55512, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dolly Parton napsala pro Taylor Swift píseň Jolene.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Dolly Parton wrote \"Jolene\" for Taylor Swift."} {"id": 104578, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffith vystupovala v New Yorku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith has performed in New York."} {"id": 222461, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Denis Leary je režisér a hudebník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Denis Leary is a director and a musician."} {"id": 107464, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ulysses S. Grant byl v roce 1958 18. prezidentem Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[126887, 141356, "Ulysses S. Grant", 0, "Ulysses S. Grant"]]], "claim_en": "Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States in 1958."} {"id": 87726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Brad Pitt hrál ve filmu Thelma a Louise.", "evidence": [[[104927, 118349, "Brad Pitt", 4, "Brad Pitt"]]], "claim_en": "Brad Pitt was in Thelma & Louise."} {"id": 142739, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Cory Monteith hrál ve filmu Ryba.", "evidence": [[[165790, 179775, "Cory Monteith", 0, "Cory Monteith"]]], "claim_en": "Cory Monteith was a fish."} {"id": 209145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Brave je televizní seriál.", "evidence": [[[247596, 247882, "Rebelka", 1, "Brave (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Brave is a television series."} {"id": 23139, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Whiplash je film.", "evidence": [[[41120, 49447, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 0, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[41120, 49448, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 2, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[41120, 49449, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 3, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[41120, 49450, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 6, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]], [[41120, 49451, "Whiplash (film, 2014)", 8, "Whiplash (2014 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Whiplash is a film."} {"id": 56061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Eyre se narodil na ostrově.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Eyre was born on an island."} {"id": 36263, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jensen Ackles je herec a trojúhelník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jensen Ackles is an actor and triangle."} {"id": 12760, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Druhá světová válka se týkala Kanady.", "evidence": [[[28040, 34337, "Druhá světová válka", 1, "World War II"], [28040, 34337, "Spojenci (druhá světová válka)", 5, "Allies of World War II"]]], "claim_en": "World War II involved Canada."} {"id": 125763, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Velký bílý žralok se nejraději živí lidmi.", "evidence": [[[147562, 162574, "Žralok bílý", 16, "Great white shark"]]], "claim_en": "The great white shark prefers to prey on humans."} {"id": 125346, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Norsko mělo mnoho panovníků.", "evidence": [[[147011, 162012, "Norsko", 17, "Norway"]]], "claim_en": "Norway has had many monarchs."} {"id": 156412, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Connie Nielsenová pracuje výhradně pro televizi Starz.", "evidence": [[[180464, 192940, "Connie Nielsen", 0, "Connie Nielsen"]], [[180464, 192941, "Connie Nielsen", 1, "Connie Nielsen"]], [[180464, 192942, "Connie Nielsen", 3, "Connie Nielsen"]]], "claim_en": "Connie Nielsen exclusively works for Starz."} {"id": 117868, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "SpaceX je americká soukromá vesmírná komunikační společnost.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "SpaceX is an American private space communication company."} {"id": 18298, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sarkoidózu poprvé popsal Angličan Jonathan Hutchinson.", "evidence": [[[33872, 41053, "Sarkoidóza", 32, "Sarcoidosis"]]], "claim_en": "Sarcoidosis was first described by the English dog Jonathan Hutchinson."} {"id": 134487, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Milla Jovovichová má za sebou nula filmových rolí.", "evidence": [[[157035, 171593, "Milla Jovovich", 1, "Milla Jovovich"]]], "claim_en": "Milla Jovovich has had zero movie roles."} {"id": 164504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Byla udělena Nobelova cena za chemii.", "evidence": [[[189194, 200514, "Nobelova cena za chemii", 0, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"]], [[189194, 200515, "Nobelova cena za chemii", 2, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"]], [[189194, 200516, "Nobelova cena za chemii", 6, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"]], [[189194, 200517, "Nobelova cena za chemii", 7, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"]]], "claim_en": "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded."} {"id": 111070, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jediným producentem filmu Spider-Man 3 byl Mel Brooks.", "evidence": [[[32828, 39907, "Spider-Man 3", 0, "Spider-Man 3"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man 3 had Mel Brooks as its sole producer."} {"id": 104264, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg natočil nula alb u vydavatelství No Limit Records.", "evidence": [[[122553, 136858, "Snoop Dogg", 13, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[122553, 136859, "Snoop Dogg", 14, "Snoop Dogg"], [122553, 136859, "No Limit Top Dogg", 0, "No Limit Top Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg recorded zero albums with No Limit Records."} {"id": 36471, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jihovýchodní Anglie má celkem méně než osm a půl milionu obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[52656, 62619, "Jihovýchodní Anglie", 5, "South East England"]]], "claim_en": "South East England has a total population of under eight and a half million."} {"id": 185484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Triple H byl vždycky neschopný wrestlingu.", "evidence": [[[216455, 223135, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]], [[216455, 223136, "Triple H", 4, "Triple H"]], [[216455, 223137, "Triple H", 5, "Triple H"]], [[216455, 223138, "Triple H", 6, "Triple H"]], [[216455, 223139, "Triple H", 8, "Triple H"]], [[216455, 223141, "Triple H", 19, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H has always been incapable of wrestling."} {"id": 215647, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "41. prezidentem Spojených států byl George H. W. Bush.", "evidence": [[[256197, 255439, "George H. W. Bush", 0, "George H. W. Bush"]]], "claim_en": "The 41st president of the United States was George H. W. Bush."} {"id": 1322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Just Dance byl spící hit.", "evidence": [[[16960, 21012, "Just Dance", 9, "Just Dance (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Just Dance was a sleeper hit."} {"id": 82420, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Odhaduje se, že na světě je 500 milionů AK-47.", "evidence": [[[101372, 114601, "AK-47", 12, "AK-47"]]], "claim_en": "It is estimated that there are 500 million AK-47 around the world."} {"id": 8891, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nina Simone měla peníze na školu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nina Simone had money to go to school."} {"id": 202322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na dálnici New Jersey Turnpike jsou opuštěná odpočívadla.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The New Jersey Turnpike has abandoned rest areas."} {"id": 61407, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Bowie je nejprodávanějším popovým umělcem na světě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Bowie is the world's best-selling pop artist."} {"id": 76315, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Portoriko je nezačleněný region Spojených států.", "evidence": [[[243980, 245081, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[246494, 246989, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[319337, 308069, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[320492, 309069, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[320496, 309076, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]], [[320501, 309080, "Portoriko", 0, "Puerto Rico"]]], "claim_en": "Puerto Rico is an unincorporated region of the United States."} {"id": 3874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "All the Lovers se ve Švýcarsku dostala do první desítky.", "evidence": [[[20086, 24639, "All the Lovers", 12, "All the Lovers"]]], "claim_en": "All the Lovers reached the top ten in Switzerland."} {"id": 204062, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Banff je zničený v Albertě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Banff is destroyed in Alberta."} {"id": 204207, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gwen Stefani hraje ligu amerického fotbalu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani is in an American football league."} {"id": 153525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Clint Eastwood hrál v televizním seriálu Rawhide.", "evidence": [[[41513, 49918, "Clint Eastwood", 1, "Clint Eastwood"]]], "claim_en": "Clint Eastwood was in the television series Rawhide."} {"id": 109749, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "True Blood není temná fantasy.", "evidence": [[[128776, 143453, "Pravá krev", 0, "True Blood"]], [[128777, 143454, "Pravá krev", 0, "True Blood"]]], "claim_en": "True Blood is not dark fantasy."} {"id": 8087, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Donnie Wahlberg pracuje ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[13203, 16518, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[13203, 16519, "Donnie Wahlberg", 3, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[13203, 16520, "Donnie Wahlberg", 6, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[18892, 23138, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[18892, 23139, "Donnie Wahlberg", 3, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[18892, 23140, "Donnie Wahlberg", 6, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[21298, 26169, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[21298, 26170, "Donnie Wahlberg", 3, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[21298, 26171, "Donnie Wahlberg", 6, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[23544, 29057, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[23544, 29058, "Donnie Wahlberg", 3, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[23544, 29059, "Donnie Wahlberg", 6, "Donnie Wahlberg"]], [[299192, 290561, "Donnie Wahlberg", 3, "Donnie Wahlberg"], [299192, 290561, "Pavučina snů (film)", 0, "Dreamcatcher (2003 film)"], [299192, 290561, "Oprávněné vraždy", 0, "Righteous Kill"]], [[301282, 292405, "Donnie Wahlberg", 1, "Donnie Wahlberg"]]], "claim_en": "Donnie Wahlberg works in film."} {"id": 86584, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Renato Balestra je sirotek.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Renato Balestra is an orphan."} {"id": 167095, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Hathaway získala filmovou cenu.", "evidence": [[[192224, 202987, "Anne Hathaway", 8, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway won a film award."} {"id": 98577, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wayne Rooney vyhrál několik mistrovství světa.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "There are multiple championships that Wayne Rooney won."} {"id": 66993, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Audrey Hepburnová hrála ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[83607, 95601, "Audrey Hepburnová", 9, "Audrey Hepburn"], [83607, 95601, "Prázdniny v Římě", 0, "Roman Holiday"]], [[83607, 95602, "Audrey Hepburnová", 11, "Audrey Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn starred in a movie."} {"id": 76977, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jimmy Carter nevyhrotil stav geopolitického napětí mezi východním a západním blokem.", "evidence": [[[93865, 106808, "Jimmy Carter", 20, "Jimmy Carter"], [93865, 106808, "Studená válka", 0, "Cold War"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter did not escalate the state of geopolitical tension between the Eastern and Western Blocs."} {"id": 143105, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jefferson Davis vyrůstal ve Spojených státech.", "evidence": [[[166173, 180103, "Jefferson Davis", 5, "Jefferson Davis"]], [[166175, 180104, "Jefferson Davis", 5, "Jefferson Davis"], [166175, 180104, "Louisiana", 0, "Louisiana"], [166175, 180104, "Mississippi (stát)", 0, "Mississippi"]]], "claim_en": "Jefferson Davis grew up in the United States."} {"id": 226147, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Richard Dawkins pravidelně vystupuje na internetu a v televizi.", "evidence": [[[269615, 265894, "Richard Dawkins", 16, "Richard Dawkins"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Dawkins makes regular internet and television appearances."} {"id": 74498, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Harley Quinn odmítá spolupracovat s Jokerem.", "evidence": [[[235570, 238190, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[238071, 240224, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[241618, 243147, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[319019, 307820, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[319021, 307821, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[319022, 307822, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[319023, 307823, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]], [[319025, 307825, "Harley Quinn", 5, "Harley Quinn"]]], "claim_en": "Harley Quinn refuses to work with the Joker."} {"id": 178341, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Al Jardine odmítá hrát na všechny hudební nástroje.", "evidence": [[[206704, 215018, "Al Jardine", 1, "Al Jardine"]]], "claim_en": "Al Jardine refuses to play all musical instruments."} {"id": 175574, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Major League Soccer začala s 6 týmy v play-off.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Major League Soccer started with 6 teams in the playoffs."} {"id": 20142, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hliník je rostlinami tolerován.", "evidence": [[[35948, 43500, "Hliník", 13, "Aluminium"]]], "claim_en": "Aluminium is tolerated by plants."} {"id": 128521, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anne Hathawayová hrála v Bídnících.", "evidence": [[[286699, 280156, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[288875, 282070, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[290624, 283612, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[333679, 319888, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[334594, 320614, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[334595, 320615, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]], [[334597, 320617, "Anne Hathaway", 14, "Anne Hathaway"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Hathaway was in Les Misérables."} {"id": 6977, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Edward Norton režíroval film Keeping the Faith.", "evidence": [[[23886, 29574, "Edward Norton", 3, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton directed Keeping the Faith."} {"id": 47979, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kleopatřin odkaz přežívá ve hře Antonius a Kleopatra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Cleopatra's legacy survives in the play Antony and Cleopatra."} {"id": 70887, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jednou z velvyslankyň Barbie je Heidi Klum.", "evidence": [[[87555, 100034, "Heidi Klumová", 6, "Heidi Klum"]]], "claim_en": "One of Barbie's ambassador is Heidi Klum."} {"id": 196282, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Browningová byla odmítnuta pro roli ve filmu Něco ve vzduchu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Browning was passed over for a role in Something in the Air."} {"id": 215432, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dne 4. července 2007 se konal 79. ročník předávání cen Akademie.", "evidence": [[[255909, 255222, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]], [[255937, 255246, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards took place on July 4th, 2007."} {"id": 206774, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Nolte vydal album The Ridiculous 6.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte released the album The Ridiculous 6."} {"id": 154677, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Reddit obsahuje příspěvky.", "evidence": [[[41646, 50077, "Reddit", 2, "Reddit"]], [[41646, 50078, "Reddit", 3, "Reddit"]], [[41646, 50079, "Reddit", 10, "Reddit"]]], "claim_en": "Reddit features submissions."} {"id": 174127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jimmy Carter se narodil 1. října 1924 ve srubu.", "evidence": [[[203283, 212336, "Jimmy Carter", 0, "Jimmy Carter"]]], "claim_en": "Jimmy Carter was born on October 1st, 1924 in a log cabin."} {"id": 51016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Zlato není tvárné.", "evidence": [[[67351, 78163, "Zlato", 1, "Gold"]], [[67351, 78164, "Zlato", 28, "Gold"]]], "claim_en": "Gold is not ductile."} {"id": 118340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "José Ferrer byl ředitelem vládních projektů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "José Ferrer was a director of government projects."} {"id": 172768, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pláž je film, který spadá do žánru dobrodružného dramatu.", "evidence": [[[199489, 209164, "Pláž (film)", 0, "The Beach (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach is a film that falls under the adventure drama genre."} {"id": 35016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Život po smrti hraje hlavní roli The Notorious B.I.G.", "evidence": [[[51195, 60932, "Life After Death", 0, "Life After Death"]]], "claim_en": "Life After Death stars The Notorious B.I.G."} {"id": 92312, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Planeta opic je americký sedan.", "evidence": [[[275346, 270494, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[277215, 272163, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[277218, 272165, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[277218, 272166, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 1, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[324385, 312387, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[324385, 312388, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 1, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[324385, 312389, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 2, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[324388, 312390, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 0, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes is an American sedan."} {"id": 92784, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kanada má se Spojenými státy společnou měnu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Canada shares a currency with the United States."} {"id": 92347, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jakub VI. a I. byl hlavním zastáncem jednotného parlamentu pro Irsko.", "evidence": [[[109656, 123275, "Jakub I. Stuart", 10, "James VI and I"]]], "claim_en": "James VI and I was a major advocate of a single parliament for Ireland."} {"id": 31022, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Asie má společnou hranici se třemi oceány.", "evidence": [[[47201, 56324, "Asie", 6, "Asia"]]], "claim_en": "Asia shares a boundary with three oceans."} {"id": 38754, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pablo Escobar byl zabit v obchodě 7-11.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Pablo Escobar was killed at a 7-11."} {"id": 55236, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Síla se probouzí byl nominován na ceny.", "evidence": [[[71596, 82576, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 19, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens was nominated for Awards."} {"id": 3628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Haifě se nachází restaurace Technion.", "evidence": [[[19812, 24357, "Haifa", 15, "Haifa"], [19812, 24357, "Technion – Izraelský technologický institut", 0, "Technion – Israel Institute of Technology"]]], "claim_en": "Haifa is home to the restaurant Technion."} {"id": 218282, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dwayne Johnson je pouze šéfkuchař.", "evidence": [[[259510, 258089, "Dwayne Johnson", 0, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258090, "Dwayne Johnson", 6, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258091, "Dwayne Johnson", 9, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258092, "Dwayne Johnson", 10, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258093, "Dwayne Johnson", 11, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258094, "Dwayne Johnson", 12, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258095, "Dwayne Johnson", 13, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258096, "Dwayne Johnson", 14, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258097, "Dwayne Johnson", 18, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258098, "Dwayne Johnson", 17, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258099, "Dwayne Johnson", 21, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258100, "Dwayne Johnson", 22, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258101, "Dwayne Johnson", 23, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258102, "Dwayne Johnson", 24, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258103, "Dwayne Johnson", 25, "Dwayne Johnson"]], [[259510, 258104, "Dwayne Johnson", 27, "Dwayne Johnson"]]], "claim_en": "Dwayne Johnson is only an chef."} {"id": 175849, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Poslední dva díly seriálu Glee byly odvysílány 20. března 2015 ve 21:00 hodin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The last two episodes of Glee aired at 9 pm on March 20, 2015."} {"id": 120495, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Chan režíruje čínské filmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Chan directs Chinese films."} {"id": 147372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová se začala objevovat ve filmech v devadesátých letech.", "evidence": [[[170920, 184466, "Melanie Griffithová", 1, "Melanie Griffith"]]], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith began appearing in movies in the nineties."} {"id": 190047, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lily James má nulové herecké zkušenosti.", "evidence": [[[222025, 227486, "Lily James", 0, "Lily James"]], [[222025, 227487, "Lily James", 1, "Lily James"]], [[222025, 227488, "Lily James", 4, "Lily James"]], [[222025, 227489, "Lily James", 5, "Lily James"]], [[222025, 227490, "Lily James", 6, "Lily James"]]], "claim_en": "Lily James has zero experience acting."} {"id": 79903, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Christopher Lee byl zpěvákem heavy metalu na třech albech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Christopher Lee was a heavy metal singer on three albums."} {"id": 2537, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paris (album Paris Hilton) obsahuje prvky hudebního žánru, který vznikl v klubu na konci šedesátých let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paris (Paris Hilton album) incorporates elements of a music genre that originated in a club in the late 1960s."} {"id": 179722, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "AC/DC jsou country hudební skupina.", "evidence": [[[208575, 216575, "AC/DC", 0, "AC/DC"]]], "claim_en": "AC/DC are a country music band."} {"id": 95204, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skupinu The Beach Boys spoluzaložil Billy Joel.", "evidence": [[[112697, 126539, "The Beach Boys", 1, "The Beach Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach Boys were co-founded by Billy Joel."} {"id": 18360, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Demi Lovato je zpěvačka.", "evidence": [[[33955, 41160, "Demi Lovato", 0, "Demi Lovato"]], [[33955, 41161, "Demi Lovato", 10, "Demi Lovato"], [33955, 41161, "Unbroken", 0, "Unbroken (Demi Lovato album)"]], [[33955, 41162, "Demi Lovato", 12, "Demi Lovato"], [33955, 41162, "Skyscraper (píseň)", 0, "Skyscraper (song)"]]], "claim_en": "Demi Lovato is a singer."} {"id": 148877, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Zachraňte vojína Ryana režíroval člověk narozený v prosinci 1967.", "evidence": [[[172544, 185844, "Zachraňte vojína Ryana", 1, "Saving Private Ryan"], [172544, 185844, "Steven Spielberg", 0, "Steven Spielberg"]]], "claim_en": "Saving Private Ryan was directed by a person born in December 1967."} {"id": 195579, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Joy je film, který získal řadu ocenění.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Joy is an award winning film."} {"id": 76703, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung se narodil v roce 1993.", "evidence": [[[93585, 106530, "Mao Ce-tung", 0, "Mao Zedong"]], [[93585, 106531, "Mao Ce-tung", 5, "Mao Zedong"]], [[93585, 106532, "Mao Ce-tung", 10, "Mao Zedong"]], [[93585, 106533, "Mao Ce-tung", 16, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong was born in 1993."} {"id": 223193, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Clanton zemřel na nemocničním lůžku.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Clanton died on a hospital bed."} {"id": 73949, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Sade není Britka.", "evidence": [[[90724, 103440, "Sade Adu", 0, "Sade (singer)"]]], "claim_en": "Sade is not British."} {"id": 147515, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saif Ali Khan se podílel na hororových filmech.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saif Ali Khan has been involved in horror films."} {"id": 97902, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ricky Martin hrál role v televizi.", "evidence": [[[118094, 131946, "Ricky Martin", 3, "Ricky Martin"]], [[118094, 131947, "Ricky Martin", 4, "Ricky Martin"]]], "claim_en": "Ricky Martin has played roles on television."} {"id": 204234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Green Arrow je zvláštní značka šípu, kterou vytvořil Mort Weisinger.", "evidence": [[[241127, 242678, "Green Arrow", 0, "Green Arrow"]], [[241130, 242681, "Green Arrow", 0, "Green Arrow"]], [[241130, 242682, "Green Arrow", 3, "Green Arrow"]], [[241130, 242683, "Green Arrow", 5, "Green Arrow"]]], "claim_en": "Green Arrow is a particular brand of arrow created by Mort Weisinger."} {"id": 39941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Downův syndrom je onemocnění.", "evidence": [[[56304, 66484, "Downův syndrom", 0, "Down syndrome"], [56304, 66484, "Genetická choroba", 0, "Genetic disorder"]]], "claim_en": "Down syndrome is an ailment."} {"id": 101726, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snoop Dogg nebyl schopen být součástí Death Row Records.", "evidence": [[[119470, 133484, "Snoop Dogg", 5, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was incapable of being part of Death Row Records."} {"id": 91016, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ludacrisova deska postrádala tón jeho předchozích alb.", "evidence": [[[108355, 121909, "Ludacris", 12, "Ludacris"]]], "claim_en": "Ludacris's record lacked the tone of his previous albums."} {"id": 96886, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Abraham Lincoln byl nepolitický.", "evidence": [[[114463, 128221, "Abraham Lincoln", 0, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[114463, 128222, "Abraham Lincoln", 9, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[114463, 128223, "Abraham Lincoln", 18, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[114463, 128224, "Abraham Lincoln", 22, "Abraham Lincoln"]], [[114463, 128225, "Abraham Lincoln", 31, "Abraham Lincoln"]]], "claim_en": "Abraham Lincoln was unpolitical."} {"id": 107080, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Seriál Flash se vysílal v roce 1990.", "evidence": [[[125727, 140102, "Blesk (seriál)", 0, "The Flash (1990 TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Flash aired in 1990."} {"id": 151088, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Precious měl premiéru v roce 2008.", "evidence": [[[174910, 188004, "Precious", 6, "Precious (film)"]], [[174911, 188005, "Precious", 6, "Precious (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Precious premiered in 2008."} {"id": 109065, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg byl součástí církve.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg was part of a church."} {"id": 13288, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Její hvězdou byla americká kočka Rooney Mara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Her stars American cat Rooney Mara."} {"id": 151582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Kristen Bellová v televizi nehrála.", "evidence": [[[175447, 188442, "Kristen Bell", 6, "Kristen Bell"]], [[175447, 188443, "Kristen Bell", 7, "Kristen Bell"]], [[175447, 188444, "Kristen Bell", 9, "Kristen Bell"]], [[175447, 188445, "Kristen Bell", 10, "Kristen Bell"]], [[175447, 188446, "Kristen Bell", 16, "Kristen Bell"]], [[175447, 188447, "Kristen Bell", 17, "Kristen Bell"]]], "claim_en": "Kristen Bell has not been on television."} {"id": 37406, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jared Leto režíroval tři videoklipy skupiny Thirty Seconds to Mars.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jared Leto has directed three music videos for Thirty Seconds to Mars."} {"id": 152867, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dílo Sigmunda Freuda neproniklo do popkultury.", "evidence": [[[176816, 189764, "Sigmund Freud", 19, "Sigmund Freud"]], [[176818, 189769, "Sigmund Freud", 19, "Sigmund Freud"]]], "claim_en": "Sigmund Freud's work has not suffused pop culture."} {"id": 51133, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Bradley-West je londýnský herec.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Bradley-West is an actor from London."} {"id": 77279, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Agatha Christie byla jmenována dámou za svůj přínos anglické literatuře.", "evidence": [[[94194, 107183, "Agatha Christie", 3, "Agatha Christie"], [94194, 107183, "Řád britského impéria", 0, "Order of the British Empire"]]], "claim_en": "Agatha Christie was made a Dame for her contribution to English literature."} {"id": 131004, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Richard Branson nespolupracoval se Simonem Draperem.", "evidence": [[[153288, 168041, "Richard Branson", 7, "Richard Branson"], [153288, 168041, "Virgin Records", 0, "Virgin Records"]]], "claim_en": "Richard Branson did not work with Simon Draper."} {"id": 173525, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hilary Swanková hrála v seriálu Beverly Hills 90210 v letech 1997 až 1998.", "evidence": [[[200495, 209995, "Hilary Swanková", 5, "Hilary Swank"]]], "claim_en": "Hilary Swank was on Beverly Hills 90210 from 1997 until 1998."} {"id": 143814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Peagreen Clock hrál Tom Felton.", "evidence": [[[166940, 180760, "Tom Felton", 2, "Tom Felton"]]], "claim_en": "Peagreen Clock was played by Tom Felton."} {"id": 20688, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Skupina Beastie Boys vydala album.", "evidence": [[[36477, 44071, "Beastie Boys", 8, "Beastie Boys"]], [[36477, 44072, "Beastie Boys", 7, "Beastie Boys"]], [[36477, 44073, "Beastie Boys", 12, "Beastie Boys"]], [[36477, 44074, "Beastie Boys", 13, "Beastie Boys"]]], "claim_en": "The Beastie Boys released an album."} {"id": 120248, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Pár správných chlapů režíroval James Cameron.", "evidence": [[[141259, 156458, "Pár správných chlapů", 0, "A Few Good Men"]]], "claim_en": "A Few Good Men is directed by James Cameron."} {"id": 114874, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Grey's Anatomy je televizní drama.", "evidence": [[[134870, 149773, "Chirurgové", 0, "Grey's Anatomy"]]], "claim_en": "Grey's Anatomy is a TV drama."} {"id": 123940, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Xbox One má krabicový design.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Xbox One has a boxy design."} {"id": 156060, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anna Boleynová žila v Londýně v roce 1522.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Boleyn lived in London in 1522."} {"id": 15265, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hromosvod se nazývá více názvy.", "evidence": [[[30684, 37311, "Hromosvod", 2, "Lightning rod"]]], "claim_en": "Lightning rod are called by multiple terminologies."} {"id": 57395, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Emily Ratajkowski se narodila v Londýně.", "evidence": [[[73722, 84971, "Emily Ratajkowski", 1, "Emily Ratajkowski"]]], "claim_en": "Emily Ratajkowski was born in London."} {"id": 111177, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Muhammad Ali získal v roce 1964 titul v boxu v těžké váze.", "evidence": [[[130557, 145332, "Muhammad Ali", 7, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[130557, 145333, "Muhammad Ali", 19, "Muhammad Ali"]], [[130557, 145334, "Muhammad Ali", 20, "Muhammad Ali"]]], "claim_en": "Muhammad Ali won the heavyweight boxing title in 1964."} {"id": 17244, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shakira je autorkou písní.", "evidence": [[[42289, 50888, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[42289, 50889, "Shakira", 2, "Shakira"], [42289, 50889, "Magia", 0, "Magia (Shakira album)"]], [[42289, 50890, "Shakira", 6, "Shakira"], [42289, 50890, "Laundry Service", 0, "Laundry Service"]], [[42289, 50891, "Shakira", 9, "Shakira"], [42289, 50891, "The Sun Comes Out", 0, "Sale el Sol"]], [[42289, 50892, "Shakira", 13, "Shakira"], [42289, 50892, "Shakira (album)", 0, "Shakira (album)"]], [[44779, 53474, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[46987, 56061, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[302243, 293273, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[302244, 293274, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]], [[302245, 293275, "Shakira", 0, "Shakira"]]], "claim_en": "Shakira is a songwriter."} {"id": 218711, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Chris Hemsworth hrál ve filmu Dokonalý útěk.", "evidence": [[[261271, 259448, "Chris Hemsworth", 2, "Chris Hemsworth"]]], "claim_en": "Chris Hemsworth acted in A Perfect Getaway."} {"id": 111907, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Švédsko poskytuje svým občanům všeobecnou zdravotní péči a terciární vzdělávání.", "evidence": [[[131346, 146122, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131347, 146123, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131348, 146124, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131349, 146125, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131350, 146126, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131351, 146127, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131353, 146128, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131354, 146129, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131355, 146130, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131356, 146131, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131357, 146132, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131358, 146133, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131359, 146134, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131360, 146135, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131361, 146136, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131362, 146137, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]], [[131363, 146138, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden provides universal healthcare and tertiary education for its citizens."} {"id": 88047, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ekta Kapoor odmítla nabídky práce v televizi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ekta Kapoor refused television job offers."} {"id": 215911, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dan Aykroyd byl nominován na Oscara za nejlepší mužský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[256511, 255720, "Dan Aykroyd", 4, "Dan Aykroyd"]]], "claim_en": "Dan Aykroyd was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor."} {"id": 43734, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Irsko nesdílí anglický jazyk s Velkou Británií.", "evidence": [[[60053, 70465, "Irsko (ostrov)", 36, "Ireland"]]], "claim_en": "Ireland does not share the English language with Great Britain."} {"id": 8154, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí není film.", "evidence": [[[13282, 16624, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16625, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 2, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16626, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 9, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16627, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 10, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16628, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 12, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16629, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 15, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16630, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 17, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16631, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 18, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[13282, 16632, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 19, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"], [13282, 16632, "Oscar", 0, "Academy Awards"], [13282, 16632, "Filmová cena Britské akademie", 0, "British Academy Film Awards"]], [[21750, 26730, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26732, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 2, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26733, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 3, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"], [21750, 26733, "Finn (Star Wars)", 1, "Finn (Star Wars)"]], [[21750, 26734, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 8, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"], [21750, 26734, "Lawrence Kasdan", 2, "Lawrence Kasdan"]], [[21750, 26735, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 9, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26736, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 10, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26737, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 12, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26738, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 15, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26740, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 17, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[21750, 26742, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 19, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35703, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35704, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 1, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35705, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 2, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35706, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 7, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35707, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 6, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35709, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 19, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35710, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 18, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35711, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 17, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35713, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 15, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35714, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 12, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35715, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 11, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35716, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 10, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35717, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 9, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35718, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 8, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[29280, 35719, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 3, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"], [29280, 35719, "Finn (Star Wars)", 1, "Finn (Star Wars)"]], [[299200, 290571, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[301307, 292431, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[314010, 303476, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 0, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[314010, 303477, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 1, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[314010, 303478, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 2, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[314010, 303479, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 12, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]], [[314010, 303480, "Star Wars: Síla se probouzí", 19, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens is not a film."} {"id": 151628, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Brady byl draftován v sedmém kole.", "evidence": [[[175511, 188521, "Tom Brady", 4, "Tom Brady"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Brady was drafted in the seventh round."} {"id": 17879, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kumulovaný dluh Donalda Trumpa byl odhadnut na 3,5 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[33449, 40582, "Donald Trump", 10, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Trump's cumulative debt was estimated at $3.5 billion."} {"id": 189278, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jeníček a Mařenka je známý také pod názvem Bratříček a sestřička.", "evidence": [[[221093, 226802, "Jeníček a Mařenka", 0, "Hansel and Gretel"]]], "claim_en": "Hansel and Gretel is also known as Little Brother and Little Sister."} {"id": 181499, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bill Clinton je americký politik.", "evidence": [[[210739, 218424, "Bill Clinton", 0, "Bill Clinton"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Clinton is an American politician."} {"id": 78904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Vetřelci (film) je sci-fi horor.", "evidence": [[[95851, 108911, "Vetřelci", 0, "Aliens (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Aliens (film) is a science fiction horror film."} {"id": 183194, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kaspické moře je na západě ohraničeno Arménií.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Caspian Sea is bounded by Armenia to the west."} {"id": 6286, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Harold Macmillan byl Brit a Španěl.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Harold Macmillan was British and Spanish."} {"id": 183322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Vince Vaughn se objevil ve filmu z roku 1999.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Vince Vaughn appeared in a 1999 film."} {"id": 121061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kriket je v Oceánii neznámý.", "evidence": [[[142159, 157384, "Kriket", 33, "Cricket"], [142159, 157384, "Australasie", 0, "Australasia"]], [[142178, 157397, "Kriket", 33, "Cricket"], [142178, 157397, "Australasie", 0, "Australasia"]]], "claim_en": "Cricket is unknown in Oceania."} {"id": 33966, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Pierce hrál se starou ponožkou.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Pierce played with an old sock."} {"id": 174666, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Psi byli selektivně vyšlechtěni.", "evidence": [[[201943, 211293, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]], [[201944, 211294, "Pes domácí", 2, "Dog"]]], "claim_en": "Dogs have been selectively bred."} {"id": 77814, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Egypt je členem Organizace islámské spolupráce.", "evidence": [[[94759, 107732, "Egypt", 20, "Egypt"]]], "claim_en": "Egypt is an affiliate of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation."} {"id": 41349, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal hrál v nule filmů.", "evidence": [[[122047, 136346, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 2, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136347, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 1, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136348, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136349, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136350, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136351, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[122047, 136352, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138181, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 1, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138182, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 2, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138183, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138184, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138185, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138187, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 10, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[123816, 138188, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[125384, 139718, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[125384, 139719, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [125384, 139719, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[125384, 139720, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [125384, 139720, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[125384, 139722, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [125384, 139722, "Slídil (film)", 0, "Nightcrawler (film)"]], [[308752, 299059, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[308752, 299060, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [308752, 299060, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[308752, 299061, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [308752, 299061, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[310420, 300460, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"]], [[310420, 300461, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [310420, 300461, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[310420, 300462, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [310420, 300462, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[310420, 300464, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [310420, 300464, "Slídil (film)", 0, "Nightcrawler (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is in zero movies."} {"id": 65981, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Huntsman Jr. ukončil kariéru asistenta v Bílém domě.", "evidence": [[[82570, 94364, "Jon Huntsman, ml.", 7, "Jon Huntsman Jr."]]], "claim_en": "Jon Huntsman Jr. ended his career as a White House staff assistant."} {"id": 202122, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robin Thicke spolupracoval s Christinou Aguilerou.", "evidence": [[[241338, 242881, "Robin Thicke", 3, "Robin Thicke"]]], "claim_en": "Robin Thicke has worked with Christina Aguilera."} {"id": 41960, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Provaz není technicolorový film.", "evidence": [[[58244, 68485, "Provaz (film)", 4, "Rope (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Rope is not a Technicolor film."} {"id": 5698, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert Downey Jr. hrál ve filmu Avengers.", "evidence": [[[22368, 27562, "Avengers (film)", 2, "The Avengers (2012 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Robert Downey Jr. was in The Avengers."} {"id": 126731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lion byl životopisný film z roku 2016.", "evidence": [[[286513, 279966, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[288269, 281542, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[288694, 281926, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[288695, 281927, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[333422, 319661, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[333424, 319662, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]], [[333430, 319679, "Lion (film)", 0, "Lion (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Lion was a 2016 biographical film."} {"id": 175008, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Donald Trump se narodil v roce 1950.", "evidence": [[[202396, 211672, "Donald Trump", 0, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Donald Trump was born in 1950."} {"id": 215960, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Event management zahrnuje pořádání svateb.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Event management includes arranging weddings."} {"id": 184710, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Augusto Pinochet byl chilský generál.", "evidence": [[[215182, 222112, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]]], "claim_en": "Augusto Pinochet was a Chilean general."} {"id": 74225, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Charles, princ z Walesu, má zájmy, které zahrnují řadu humanitárních a sociálních otázek, například práva žen.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Charles, Prince of Wales has interests that encompass a range of humanitarian and social issues, such as women's rights."} {"id": 14889, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzský jazyk se nepoužívá nikde.", "evidence": [[[30176, 36739, "Francouzština", 9, "French language"]], [[30176, 36740, "Francouzština", 10, "French language"]], [[30176, 36741, "Francouzština", 14, "French language"]]], "claim_en": "The French language is used nowhere."} {"id": 127347, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Lewis Hamilton byl vyhlášen nejhorší sportovní osobností roku.", "evidence": [[[149207, 164211, "Lewis Hamilton", 17, "Lewis Hamilton"]]], "claim_en": "Lewis Hamilton was named Worst Sports Personality of the Year."} {"id": 213222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Burundi protéká Nil.", "evidence": [[[252955, 252833, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]], [[252955, 252834, "Nil", 9, "Nile"], [252955, 252834, "Burundi", 37, "Burundi"]], [[252956, 252835, "Nil", 2, "Nile"]], [[252956, 252836, "Nil", 9, "Nile"], [252956, 252836, "Burundi", 37, "Burundi"]]], "claim_en": "The Nile runs through Burundi."} {"id": 213873, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Film Kick-Ass byl uveden do kin v roce 2013.", "evidence": [[[253887, 253691, "Kick-Ass", 0, "Kick-Ass (film)"]], [[253887, 253692, "Kick-Ass", 2, "Kick-Ass (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Kick-Ass was released in 2013."} {"id": 106407, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Olivia Wilde je řidička.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Olivia Wilde is a driver."} {"id": 42522, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jake Gyllenhaal hraje v nula filmech.", "evidence": [[[58895, 69210, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 3, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [58895, 69210, "Hodná holka", 0, "The Good Girl"], [58895, 69210, "Den poté (film, 2004)", 0, "The Day After Tomorrow"]], [[58895, 69211, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 6, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [58895, 69211, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[58895, 69212, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 7, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [58895, 69212, "Zkrocená hora", 0, "Brokeback Mountain"]], [[58895, 69214, "Jake Gyllenhaal", 11, "Jake Gyllenhaal"], [58895, 69214, "Slídil (film)", 0, "Nightcrawler (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jake Gyllenhaal is in zero movies."} {"id": 3571, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hru Grand Theft Auto V vyvinula společnost Rockstar North.", "evidence": [[[11278, 14211, "Grand Theft Auto V", 0, "Grand Theft Auto V"]]], "claim_en": "Grand Theft Auto V was developed by Rockstar North."} {"id": 36673, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Franková se narodila v evropském městě.", "evidence": [[[52863, 62807, "Anne Franková", 0, "Anne Frank"]], [[52863, 62808, "Anne Franková", 5, "Anne Frank"]]], "claim_en": "Anne Frank was born in a European city."} {"id": 123395, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Adolf Hitler podporoval německé osídlení Ruska a Polska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Adolf Hitler was in support of German settlement in Russia and Poland."} {"id": 44270, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Audrey Hepburn pracovala v některých z nejchudších psích komunit.", "evidence": [[[60671, 71108, "Audrey Hepburnová", 18, "Audrey Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn worked in some of the poorest communities of dog."} {"id": 71950, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colin Firth se zúčastnil amerických prezidentských voleb v roce 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Firth was in a 2009 American Presidential election."} {"id": 119389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ve filmu Dobrý den, drahoušku si zahrál pouze Alan Rickman.", "evidence": [[[140310, 155328, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 1, "A Good Day to Die Hard"], [140310, 155328, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 0, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]], [[140310, 155329, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 4, "A Good Day to Die Hard"], [140310, 155329, "Smrtonosná past: Opět v akci", 0, "A Good Day to Die Hard"]]], "claim_en": "A Good Day to Die Hard stars only Alan Rickman."} {"id": 213193, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael C. Hall přišel o všechny Zlaté glóby.", "evidence": [[[252901, 252793, "Michael C. Hall", 1, "Michael C. Hall"]], [[252901, 252794, "Michael C. Hall", 0, "Michael C. Hall"], [252901, 252794, "Dexter Morgan", 11, "Dexter Morgan"]]], "claim_en": "Michael C. Hall lost every Golden Globe Award."} {"id": 175731, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Soví pláč je celosvětová charitativní akce z roku 2009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Cry of the Owl is a 2009 global charity event."} {"id": 83089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Claire Danesová nezískala cenu Screen Actors Guild Award.", "evidence": [[[100138, 113382, "Claire Danesová", 1, "Claire Danes"]]], "claim_en": "Claire Danes did not receive a Screen Actors Guild Award."} {"id": 50756, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Colin Firth hrál v roce 2009 v americkém dramatu A Single Man.", "evidence": [[[67111, 77914, "Colin Firth", 8, "Colin Firth"], [67111, 77914, "Single Man (film)", 0, "A Single Man"]]], "claim_en": "Colin Firth was in a 2009 American drama film called A Single Man."} {"id": 71481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Černé zrcadlo je vědeckofantastický film.", "evidence": [[[88147, 100697, "Černé zrcadlo", 0, "Black Mirror"]]], "claim_en": "Black Mirror is a science-fiction movie."} {"id": 52875, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Deník New York Times byl založen v Bostonu.", "evidence": [[[69157, 79939, "The New York Times", 0, "The New York Times"]]], "claim_en": "The New York Times was founded in Boston."} {"id": 184681, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Augusto Pinochet zemřel v roce 1914.", "evidence": [[[216413, 223088, "Augusto Pinochet", 0, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223089, "Augusto Pinochet", 1, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223090, "Augusto Pinochet", 5, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223091, "Augusto Pinochet", 7, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223092, "Augusto Pinochet", 8, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223093, "Augusto Pinochet", 21, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223094, "Augusto Pinochet", 22, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223095, "Augusto Pinochet", 23, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223096, "Augusto Pinochet", 24, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223097, "Augusto Pinochet", 26, "Augusto Pinochet"]], [[216413, 223098, "Augusto Pinochet", 27, "Augusto Pinochet"]]], "claim_en": "Augusto Pinochet died in 1914."} {"id": 163277, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seriál That '70s Show se původně vysílal na stanici NBC.", "evidence": [[[187829, 199395, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 0, "That '70s Show"]]], "claim_en": "That '70s Show originally aired on NBC."} {"id": 203841, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "První hlavní role Hayden Panettiere v celovečerním filmu společnosti Disney přišla, když jí bylo osmnáct let.", "evidence": [[[242091, 243573, "Hayden Panettiere", 5, "Hayden Panettiere"]]], "claim_en": "Hayden Panettiere's first starring role in a Disney feature film came when she was eighteen years old."} {"id": 128870, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skopje bylo mrtvé tělo.", "evidence": [[[150945, 165794, "Skopje", 0, "Skopje"]]], "claim_en": "Skopje was a dead body."} {"id": 160815, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fotbalový klub Juventus F.C. se utkává na stadionu Juventusu v portugalském Lisabonu.", "evidence": [[[185340, 197108, "Juventus FC", 1, "Juventus F.C."], [185340, 197108, "Juventus Stadium", 0, "Juventus Stadium"]]], "claim_en": "Juventus F.C. competes at Juventus Stadium in Lisbon, Portugal."} {"id": 208216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Programátor zahrnuje všechna zaměstnání kromě webových vývojářů.", "evidence": [[[246358, 246883, "Programátor", 8, "Programmer"]]], "claim_en": "Programmer includes all jobs except web developers."} {"id": 73166, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pocahontas byla ženské dítě Powhatana.", "evidence": [[[89928, 102631, "Pocahontas", 1, "Pocahontas"]], [[89931, 102634, "Pocahontas", 1, "Pocahontas"]]], "claim_en": "Pocahontas was the female child of Powhatan."} {"id": 206766, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Nick Nolte hrál ve filmu Breaking Bad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Nick Nolte starred in Breaking Bad."} {"id": 95322, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Renato Balestra pocházel z rodiny stavebního inženýra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Renato Balestra came from a family of civil engineers."} {"id": 186648, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Alicia Keys debutovala ve filmu.", "evidence": [[[217751, 224229, "Alicia Keys", 19, "Alicia Keys"]]], "claim_en": "Alicia Keys debuted in a movie."} {"id": 72435, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Shirley MacLaine získala cenu BAFTA pro nejlepší zahraniční herečku za filmy Ask Any Girl a The Apartment.", "evidence": [[[89130, 101815, "Shirley MacLaine", 7, "Shirley MacLaine"]]], "claim_en": "Shirley MacLaine has won a BAFTA for Best Foreign Actress for Ask Any Girl and The Apartment."} {"id": 194686, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seiko vždy prodával pouze obrazy.", "evidence": [[[228045, 232343, "Seiko", 0, "Seiko"]]], "claim_en": "Seiko has only ever sold paintings."} {"id": 52104, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dystopická společnost je dějištěm filmu Hunger Games.", "evidence": [[[68408, 79274, "Hunger Games (film)", 0, "The Hunger Games (film)"]]], "claim_en": "A dystopian society is the setting for The Hunger Games."} {"id": 88202, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Berlínská zeď se nacházela v Rakousku.", "evidence": [[[105410, 118873, "Berlínská zeď", 0, "Berlin Wall"], [105410, 118873, "Berlín", 0, "Berlin"]]], "claim_en": "The Berlin Wall was in Austria."} {"id": 63552, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bradley Cooper hrál hlavní mužskou roli ve filmu Wet Hot American Summer.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper played the male lead in Wet Hot American Summer."} {"id": 59833, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Roger Federer byl držitelem této ceny pouze jeden rok.", "evidence": [[[76249, 87540, "Roger Federer", 12, "Roger Federer"]], [[76249, 87541, "Roger Federer", 13, "Roger Federer"]], [[76249, 87542, "Roger Federer", 15, "Roger Federer"]]], "claim_en": "Roger Federer held the award for only a year."} {"id": 19896, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Watchmen je sbírka DC Comics.", "evidence": [[[35699, 43248, "Watchmen – Strážci", 0, "Watchmen"]]], "claim_en": "Watchmen is a DC Comics collection."} {"id": 211216, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mukesh Ambani nemá v ničem podíl.", "evidence": [[[250256, 250272, "Mukeš Ambani", 1, "Mukesh Ambani"]]], "claim_en": "Mukesh Ambani has no shares in anything."} {"id": 125165, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Knihu Gone Girl nenapsala Gillian Flynnová.", "evidence": [[[146817, 161792, "Zmizelá (film)", 0, "Gone Girl (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Gone Girl was not written by Gillian Flynn."} {"id": 28936, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ruský prezident může udělovat milosti.", "evidence": [[[45060, 53785, "Prezident Ruska", 15, "President of Russia"]]], "claim_en": "The President of Russia can grant pardons."} {"id": 53720, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Catherina Zeta-Jonesová vystupovala na Broadwayi.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherina Zeta-Jones performed on Broadway."} {"id": 127025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeffrey Dahmer byl rehabilitován.", "evidence": [[[148865, 163912, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 9, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]], [[148866, 163913, "Jeffrey Dahmer", 9, "Jeffrey Dahmer"]]], "claim_en": "Jeffrey Dahmer was rehabilitated."} {"id": 176171, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jackie Evancho vydala tři písně, které debutovaly v Top 10 žebříčku Billboard 200.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jackie Evancho has released three songs that made Billboard 200 top 10 debuts."} {"id": 117947, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prostřední jméno Seleny Gomez je Ann.", "evidence": [[[138393, 153438, "Selena Gomezová", 0, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez's middle name is Ann."} {"id": 74000, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Šíp je na Marsu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Arrow is on Mars."} {"id": 152077, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Shia LaBeouf hrál v animovaném filmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Shia LaBeouf was in a animation."} {"id": 158227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe se v roce 1791 stal správcem divadla ve Výmaru.", "evidence": [[[296337, 288214, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe", 12, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"]], [[297925, 289492, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe", 12, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"]], [[342826, 326724, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe", 12, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"]]], "claim_en": "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe became janitor of the theater at Weimar in 1791."} {"id": 37858, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bill Nye nehrál v dokumentárním filmu.", "evidence": [[[54040, 64023, "Bill Nye", 17, "Bill Nye"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Nye did not star in a documentary."} {"id": 15253, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Naturi Naughton je matka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Naturi Naughton is a mother."} {"id": 205112, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Gaius Julius Caesar se narodil v roce 130 př. n. l. v Římě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Gaius Julius Caesar was born in 130 BC in Rome."} {"id": 21125, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Seriál Hra o trůny natočil D. B. Weiss.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Game of Thrones was photographed by D. B. Weiss."} {"id": 170308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "H. H. Holmes byl známý také jako Dr. Henry Howard Holmes.", "evidence": [[[196477, 206596, "H. H. Holmes", 0, "H. H. Holmes"]]], "claim_en": "H. H. Holmes was also known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes."} {"id": 77568, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Franklin Roosevelt byl prezidentem v roce 1905.", "evidence": [[[94509, 107494, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", 19, "Franklin D. Roosevelt"]]], "claim_en": "Franklin Roosevelt was president in the year 1905."} {"id": 23533, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pornhub je největší pornografická stránka.", "evidence": [[[40107, 48251, "Pornhub", 0, "Pornhub"]]], "claim_en": "Pornhub is the largest pornography site."} {"id": 92383, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jonah Hill nehrál ve filmu 21 Jump Street.", "evidence": [[[275360, 270517, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"]], [[277219, 272167, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"]], [[277737, 272681, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"]], [[324392, 312392, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"], [324392, 312392, "21 Jump Street", 0, "21 Jump Street (film)"]], [[324392, 312393, "Jonah Hill", 5, "Jonah Hill"], [324392, 312393, "21 Jump Street", 0, "21 Jump Street (film)"]], [[324393, 312394, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"], [324393, 312394, "21 Jump Street", 0, "21 Jump Street (film)"]], [[324398, 312397, "Jonah Hill", 1, "Jonah Hill"]]], "claim_en": "Jonah Hill did not star in 21 Jump Street."} {"id": 19623, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bela Lugosi je herec.", "evidence": [[[35419, 42922, "Béla Lugosi", 0, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42923, "Béla Lugosi", 3, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42924, "Béla Lugosi", 4, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42925, "Béla Lugosi", 7, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42926, "Béla Lugosi", 8, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42927, "Béla Lugosi", 9, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42928, "Béla Lugosi", 14, "Bela Lugosi"]], [[35419, 42929, "Béla Lugosi", 16, "Bela Lugosi"]]], "claim_en": "Bela Lugosi is an actor."} {"id": 198191, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "The Strain je německá knižní série.", "evidence": [[[233014, 236028, "Agresivní virus", 0, "The Strain (TV series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Strain is a German book series."} {"id": 25651, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Denzel Washington režíruje.", "evidence": [[[41629, 50046, "Denzel Washington", 0, "Denzel Washington"]], [[41629, 50047, "Denzel Washington", 9, "Denzel Washington"]], [[41629, 50048, "Denzel Washington", 10, "Denzel Washington"]], [[41629, 50049, "Denzel Washington", 11, "Denzel Washington"]]], "claim_en": "Denzel Washington directs."} {"id": 203196, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anglická občanská válka se vedla kvůli způsobu hry anglického fotbalového týmu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The English Civil War was over the manner of England's football team."} {"id": 64615, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dwyane Wade byl v senátu.", "evidence": [[[81062, 92897, "Dwyane Wade", 0, "Dwyane Wade"]]], "claim_en": "Dwyane Wade was in the senate."} {"id": 109604, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bohemian Rhapsody je hudební skladba.", "evidence": [[[128652, 143305, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 0, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143308, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 2, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143309, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 3, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143310, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 4, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143312, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 7, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143316, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 8, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143319, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 9, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143320, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 10, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143322, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 11, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143324, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 15, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143327, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 16, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]], [[128652, 143330, "Bohemian Rhapsody", 19, "Bohemian Rhapsody"]]], "claim_en": "Bohemian Rhapsody is a musical composition."} {"id": 63383, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Španělsko vysílá turisty do Afriky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Spain sends tourists to Africa."} {"id": 135091, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neal Schon se narodil v roce 1959.", "evidence": [[[157673, 172285, "Neal Schon", 0, "Neal Schon"]]], "claim_en": "Neal Schon was born in 1959."} {"id": 221964, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Rabat má od roku 2014 statisíce městských obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[264738, 262134, "Rabat", 0, "Rabat"]], [[264739, 262135, "Rabat", 0, "Rabat"]]], "claim_en": "Rabat has an urban population of hundreds of thousands as of 2014."} {"id": 71098, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Západní New York leží mezi Ontarijským a Erijským jezerem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Western New York lies between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie."} {"id": 186131, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "V Ontariu se nachází řeka Detroit.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ontario contains The Detroit River."} {"id": 88795, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "PlayStation 4 je součástí každé herní značky.", "evidence": [[[106976, 120363, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"]]], "claim_en": "PlayStation 4 is part of every gaming brand."} {"id": 60692, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Videohry nejsou na systému PlayStation 4 podporovány.", "evidence": [[[77154, 88569, "PlayStation 4", 0, "PlayStation 4"]], [[77154, 88570, "PlayStation 4", 1, "PlayStation 4"], [77154, 88570, "PlayStation 3", 0, "PlayStation 3"]], [[77154, 88571, "PlayStation 4", 2, "PlayStation 4"]], [[77154, 88573, "PlayStation 4", 7, "PlayStation 4"], [77154, 88573, "PlayStation", 0, "PlayStation"]], [[77154, 88574, "PlayStation 4", 11, "PlayStation 4"], [77154, 88574, "PlayStation", 0, "PlayStation"]], [[77154, 88575, "PlayStation 4", 12, "PlayStation 4"], [77154, 88575, "PlayStation", 0, "PlayStation"]], [[77154, 88576, "PlayStation 4", 17, "PlayStation 4"], [77154, 88576, "PlayStation", 0, "PlayStation"]]], "claim_en": "Video games are unsupported on the PlayStation 4."} {"id": 12, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Carlos Santana rozpustil skupinu Santana v roce 1965.", "evidence": [[[15237, 18989, "Carlos Santana", 0, "Carlos Santana"], [15237, 18989, "Carlos Santana", 2, "Carlos Santana"], [15237, 18989, "Carlos Santana", 3, "Carlos Santana"]]], "claim_en": "Carlos Santana disbanded Santana in 1965."} {"id": 47137, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zlo je běžně spojováno s účelovostí.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Evil is commonly associated with expediency."} {"id": 169606, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ken Russell režíroval film, který byl adaptací románu Waluigi.", "evidence": [[[195576, 205815, "Ken Russell", 0, "Ken Russell"], [195576, 205815, "Waluigi", 0, "Waluigi"]]], "claim_en": "Ken Russell directed a film that was adapted from a novel by Waluigi."} {"id": 143116, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michael Jackson je stále naživu.", "evidence": [[[290575, 283577, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[290575, 283578, "Michael Jackson", 31, "Michael Jackson"]], [[290575, 283579, "Michael Jackson", 30, "Michael Jackson"]], [[290575, 283580, "Michael Jackson", 29, "Michael Jackson"]], [[290575, 283581, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]], [[291960, 284807, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[291960, 284808, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]], [[291960, 284809, "Michael Jackson", 29, "Michael Jackson"]], [[291960, 284810, "Michael Jackson", 30, "Michael Jackson"]], [[293983, 286377, "Michael Jackson", 30, "Michael Jackson"]], [[293983, 286378, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]], [[293983, 286379, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338744, 323823, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338744, 323824, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338746, 323827, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338747, 323828, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338757, 323835, "Michael Jackson", 0, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338757, 323836, "Michael Jackson", 28, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338757, 323837, "Michael Jackson", 29, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338757, 323838, "Michael Jackson", 30, "Michael Jackson"]], [[338757, 323839, "Michael Jackson", 31, "Michael Jackson"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Jackson is still alive."} {"id": 89904, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Eric Trump je jedináček.", "evidence": [[[274882, 270111, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]], [[274882, 270112, "Eric Trump", 2, "Eric Trump"]], [[276930, 271948, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]], [[277667, 272609, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]], [[277667, 272610, "Eric Trump", 2, "Eric Trump"]], [[277667, 272611, "Eric Trump", 3, "Eric Trump"]], [[323905, 312045, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]], [[323905, 312046, "Eric Trump", 2, "Eric Trump"]], [[323905, 312047, "Eric Trump", 3, "Eric Trump"]], [[323907, 312048, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]], [[323908, 312049, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Trump is an only child."} {"id": 200495, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Stmívání je série knih od Leigh Bardugo.", "evidence": [[[235844, 238443, "Stmívání (sága)", 0, "Twilight (novel series)"]], [[235851, 238450, "Stmívání (sága)", 0, "Twilight (novel series)"]]], "claim_en": "Twilight is a series by Leigh Bardugo."} {"id": 220706, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Hlavní natáčení filmu Split (americký film z roku 2016) začalo v roce 2015.", "evidence": [[[262681, 260608, "Rozpolcený", 4, "Split (2016 American film)"]]], "claim_en": "The principal filming of Split (2016 American film) began in 2015."} {"id": 166715, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Kanibalismus je čin, při kterém lidé spalují maso nebo vnitřní orgány jiných lidí.", "evidence": [[[191768, 202565, "Kanibalismus", 0, "Cannibalism"]]], "claim_en": "Cannibalism is the act of humans burning the flesh or internal organs of other human beings."} {"id": 212492, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Romelu Lukaku byl počat 13. května 1993.", "evidence": [[[251982, 251757, "Romelu Lukaku", 0, "Romelu Lukaku"]]], "claim_en": "Romelu Lukaku was conceived on May 13th, 1993."} {"id": 83442, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Otec Erica Trumpa má narozeniny 14. června.", "evidence": [[[100490, 113790, "Eric Trump", 1, "Eric Trump"], [100490, 113790, "Donald Trump", 0, "Donald Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Eric Trump's father's birthday is June 14."} {"id": 40781, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Batman začíná získal pozitivní hodnocení Rogera Eberta.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Batman Begins received positive reviews by Roger Ebert."} {"id": 53755, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Čistý dluh Marka Zuckerberga ke květnu 2017 činil 63,3 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[70055, 80937, "Mark Zuckerberg", 2, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg has a net debt of $63.3 billion as of May 2017."} {"id": 152342, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Midwestern Gothic založil pes.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Midwestern Gothic was founded by a dog."} {"id": 6059, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Existuje píseň s názvem Radioactive.", "evidence": [[[11574, 14539, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14551, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14552, "Radioactive", 1, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"], [11586, 14552, "Rock", 0, "Rock music"]], [[11586, 14553, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14554, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14555, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14556, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14557, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[11586, 14559, "Radioactive", 14, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[19703, 24223, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[19703, 24224, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[112557, 126383, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[125424, 139760, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[125424, 139761, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[125424, 139762, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[125424, 139763, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[125424, 139764, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[134742, 149659, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157460, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157461, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157462, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157463, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157464, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[142262, 157465, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[148969, 164010, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167026, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167027, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167028, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167029, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167030, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[152240, 167031, "Radioactive", 14, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[154814, 169572, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[156514, 171124, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[156514, 171125, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[161668, 176093, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[161668, 176094, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[175303, 188291, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194269, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194270, "Radioactive", 1, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194271, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194272, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194273, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194274, "Radioactive", 7, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"], [181983, 194274, "Billboard Hot 100", 0, "Billboard Hot 100"]], [[181983, 194275, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194276, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194277, "Radioactive", 12, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[181983, 194278, "Radioactive", 14, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[189801, 201015, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[195538, 205772, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[195538, 205773, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[195538, 205774, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[201600, 211026, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213723, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213724, "Radioactive", 1, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213725, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213726, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213727, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213728, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213729, "Radioactive", 7, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213730, "Radioactive", 12, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213731, "Radioactive", 9, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[205098, 213732, "Radioactive", 14, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[230459, 234130, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[230459, 234131, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[235760, 238324, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[237927, 240093, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[237927, 240094, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[253160, 253043, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[257492, 256486, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290893, "Radioactive", 0, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290894, "Radioactive", 1, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290895, "Radioactive", 2, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290896, "Radioactive", 5, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290897, "Radioactive", 6, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290898, "Radioactive", 8, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]], [[299517, 290899, "Radioactive", 12, "Radioactive (Imagine Dragons song)"]]], "claim_en": "There is a song called Radioactive."} {"id": 223941, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stone Temple Pilots měli původního člena, který se narodil na kartonové krabici.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stone Temple Pilots had an original member that was born on a cardboard box."} {"id": 132025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Pákistán má 42. největší ekonomiku podle nominálního hrubého domácího produktu.", "evidence": [[[287181, 280649, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]], [[289231, 282337, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]], [[290864, 283822, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]], [[335283, 321129, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]], [[335326, 321154, "Pákistán", 22, "Pakistan"]]], "claim_en": "Pakistan has the 42nd largest economy in nominal gross domestic product."} {"id": 134071, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zeus je ve starořeckém náboženství bohem oblohy a hromu.", "evidence": [[[156619, 171217, "Zeus", 0, "Zeus"]]], "claim_en": "Zeus is god of sky and thunder in the Ancient Greek religion."} {"id": 98309, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Arnold Schwarzenegger není herec.", "evidence": [[[115952, 129837, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 0, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]], [[115952, 129838, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 14, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]], [[115952, 129839, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 13, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]], [[115952, 129840, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 12, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]], [[115952, 129841, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 9, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]], [[115952, 129842, "Arnold Schwarzenegger", 8, "Arnold Schwarzenegger"]]], "claim_en": "Arnold Schwarzenegger is not an actor."} {"id": 22655, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bob Dylan byl uveden do Rokenrolové síně slávy.", "evidence": [[[38511, 46462, "Bob Dylan", 19, "Bob Dylan"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."} {"id": 146699, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt byl odmítnut pro roli ve filmu The Walk.", "evidence": [[[170243, 183795, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt", 4, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"]], [[170244, 183796, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt", 4, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Gordon-Levitt was passed over for a role in The Walk."} {"id": 25958, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Desatero přikázání vypráví, režíruje, píše a produkuje Cecil B. DeMille.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Ten Commandments is narrated, directed, written and produced by Cecil B. DeMille."} {"id": 113905, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Titanic je pod vodou.", "evidence": [[[133817, 148687, "Titanic", 0, "RMS Titanic"]], [[133817, 148688, "Titanic", 28, "RMS Titanic"]]], "claim_en": "Titanic is underwater."} {"id": 108061, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Nepál měl pláně.", "evidence": [[[126791, 141244, "Nepál", 11, "Nepal"]]], "claim_en": "Nepal had plains."} {"id": 57181, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lily Collinsová hrála.", "evidence": [[[73526, 84759, "Lily Collins", 0, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84760, "Lily Collins", 2, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84761, "Lily Collins", 8, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84762, "Lily Collins", 9, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84763, "Lily Collins", 10, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84764, "Lily Collins", 13, "Lily Collins"]], [[73526, 84765, "Lily Collins", 14, "Lily Collins"]]], "claim_en": "Lily Collins has acted."} {"id": 4821, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Spider-Man dostal od svých tvůrců schopnost přilnout k většině povrchů.", "evidence": [[[21172, 26001, "Spider-Man", 3, "Spider-Man"]]], "claim_en": "Spider-Man was given the power to cling to most surfaces by it's creators."} {"id": 26812, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "John Cusack nehrál ve filmu High Fidelity.", "evidence": [[[42956, 51597, "John Cusack", 2, "John Cusack"]]], "claim_en": "John Cusack was not in the film High Fidelity."} {"id": 166754, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Druhé jméno Billyho Wildera je Samuel.", "evidence": [[[191811, 202614, "Billy Wilder", 0, "Billy Wilder"]]], "claim_en": "Billy Wilder's middle name is Samuel."} {"id": 93957, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "San Francisco je místo, kde se odehrával film Blue Jasmine.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "San Francisco is where Blue Jasmine took place."} {"id": 26838, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Carole Kingová je americká občanka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Carole King is an American citizen."} {"id": 69481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Christopher Lloyd namluvil jednu z postav.", "evidence": [[[222135, 227542, "Christopher Lloyd", 0, "Christopher Lloyd"]], [[222135, 227543, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"]], [[224671, 229465, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"]], [[225721, 230326, "Christopher Lloyd", 0, "Christopher Lloyd"], [225721, 230326, "Anastasia (film, 1997)", 0, "Anastasia (1997 film)"]], [[225721, 230327, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"]], [[319586, 308314, "Christopher Lloyd", 5, "Christopher Lloyd"]]], "claim_en": "Christopher Lloyd voiced a character."} {"id": 206701, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Indonésie je zadlužená.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Indonesia is in debt."} {"id": 32001, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šestá sada rozšíření hry World of Warcraft byla vydána 29. září.", "evidence": [[[48136, 57475, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]]], "claim_en": "The 6th expansion set of World of Warcraft was released on the 29th."} {"id": 3653, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Švédsko udržuje systém sociálního zabezpečení.", "evidence": [[[19850, 24401, "Švédsko", 29, "Sweden"]]], "claim_en": "Sweden maintains a social welfare system."} {"id": 92482, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Klub Everton F.C. vyhrál od roku 1995 každý rok nějakou významnou trofej.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Everton F.C. has won a major trophy every year since 1995."} {"id": 186712, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Calvin Harris pochází z Edinburghu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Calvin Harris is from Edinburgh."} {"id": 168842, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Letopisy Narnie je seriál výhradně od společnosti Walt Disney Co.", "evidence": [[[194542, 204929, "Letopisy Narnie (filmová série)", 0, "The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Chronicles of Narnia is a series exclusively from Walt Disney Co."} {"id": 90098, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Adidas navrhuje pouze automobily.", "evidence": [[[107399, 120854, "Adidas", 0, "Adidas"]], [[107399, 120855, "Adidas", 10, "Adidas"]]], "claim_en": "Adidas only designs cars."} {"id": 145997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moana je film společnosti Disney.", "evidence": [[[169370, 183012, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]], [[169370, 183013, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 1, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana is a Disney film."} {"id": 32198, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Celé jméno Kennyho Chesneyho je Kenneth Arnold Chesney, jméno, které mu dali jeho rodiče.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kenny Chesney's full name is Kenneth Arnold Chesney, a name given to him by his parents."} {"id": 104045, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bob Dylan je podcaster.", "evidence": [[[122161, 136458, "Bob Dylan", 0, "Bob Dylan"]]], "claim_en": "Bob Dylan is a podcaster."} {"id": 66037, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Quincy Jones byl dirigent a jazzový aranžér.", "evidence": [[[209664, 217448, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"], [209664, 217448, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[212213, 219810, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[212213, 219811, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"]], [[214824, 221811, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[316149, 305359, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"]], [[316981, 306081, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"], [316981, 306081, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[316983, 306084, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[316985, 306088, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"], [316985, 306088, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]], [[316996, 306097, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"], [316996, 306097, "Quincy Jones", 0, "Quincy Jones"]], [[317003, 306099, "Quincy Jones", 5, "Quincy Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Quincy Jones was a conductor and jazz arranger."} {"id": 214861, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dějiny umění zahrnují architekturu, tanec, sochařství, hudbu, malířství, poezii literaturu, divadlo, vyprávění, film, fotografii a grafiku.", "evidence": [[[255136, 254645, "Dějiny umění", 2, "History of art"]]], "claim_en": "History of art includes architecture, dance, sculpture, music, painting, poetry literature, theatre, narrative, film, photography and graphic arts."} {"id": 72613, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Faith Evans vydala v roce 2009 své páté album.", "evidence": [[[89326, 102023, "Faith Evans", 7, "Faith Evans"]]], "claim_en": "Faith Evans released her fifth album in 2009."} {"id": 147482, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Snoop Dogg moderoval čtyři televizní pořady.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Snoop Dogg has hosted four television shows."} {"id": 128053, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Daddy Yankee byl producentem pořadu Salón de La Fama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Daddy Yankee was a producer on Salón de La Fama."} {"id": 45639, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard Branson spolupracoval s dalšími.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard Branson worked with others."} {"id": 155198, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Angela Bassettová získala učitelský plat na Yaleově univerzitě.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Angela Bassett received a teacher's salary from Yale University."} {"id": 101789, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Šesté album Lil Waynea dosud nebylo vydáno.", "evidence": [[[121314, 135599, "Lil Wayne", 13, "Lil Wayne"]], [[121314, 135602, "Lil Wayne", 14, "Lil Wayne"]], [[121314, 135603, "Lil Wayne", 17, "Lil Wayne"]], [[121316, 135604, "Lil Wayne", 13, "Lil Wayne"]], [[121316, 135605, "Lil Wayne", 14, "Lil Wayne"]], [[121316, 135606, "Lil Wayne", 17, "Lil Wayne"]]], "claim_en": "Lil Wayne's sixth album is still unreleased."} {"id": 226783, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film My Bloody Valentine 3D režíroval v roce 1990 Patrick Lussier.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "My Bloody Valentine 3D was directed by Patrick Lussier in 1990."} {"id": 136271, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jones si zahrála ve filmu Stmívání.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones starred in Twilight."} {"id": 145888, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Sám doma se objevuje hudba.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Home Alone features music."} {"id": 108113, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Seppuku je proti harakiri.", "evidence": [[[126835, 141283, "Seppuku", 0, "Seppuku"]]], "claim_en": "Seppuku is against harakiri."} {"id": 15520, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Catherine Zeta-Jones hrála v muzikálu.", "evidence": [[[30926, 37571, "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová", 2, "Catherine Zeta-Jones"]], [[30926, 37572, "Catherine Zeta-Jonesová", 9, "Catherine Zeta-Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Catherine Zeta-Jones starred in a musical."} {"id": 101398, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Robert Wagner je komunista.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Robert Wagner is a communist."} {"id": 188673, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Billy Clanton ukradl domácí zvířata.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Billy Clanton has stolen pets."} {"id": 216938, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Karl Urban hrál britskou komiksovou postavu.", "evidence": [[[257751, 256721, "Karl Urban", 1, "Karl Urban"], [257751, 256721, "Soudce Dredd", 0, "Judge Dredd"]]], "claim_en": "Karl Urban played a British comic book character."} {"id": 115954, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp se zúčastnil bitvy u Alama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp took part in the Battle of the Alamo."} {"id": 46234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gucci je součástí skupiny Gucci Group.", "evidence": [[[62602, 73232, "Gucci", 0, "Gucci"]]], "claim_en": "Gucci is part of the Gucci Group."} {"id": 215844, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "J. Howard Marshall byl podnikatel a student.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "J. Howard Marshall was a businesswoman and student."} {"id": 114493, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Sansu Stark hraje Maisie Williamsová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sansa Stark is played by Maisie Williams."} {"id": 208567, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Indonésie má více než polovinu obyvatel na Jávě.", "evidence": [[[246793, 247243, "Indonésie", 4, "Indonesia"]]], "claim_en": "Indonesia has more than half of its population in Java."} {"id": 110605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Geraldine Chaplinová odmítá vstoupit do Švýcarska.", "evidence": [[[129784, 144507, "Geraldine Chaplinová", 19, "Geraldine Chaplin"]]], "claim_en": "Geraldine Chaplin refuses to enter Switzerland."} {"id": 132401, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jak vycvičit draka 2 byl film společnosti Disney.", "evidence": [[[154824, 169576, "Jak vycvičit draka 2", 0, "How to Train Your Dragon 2"]]], "claim_en": "How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a Disney film."} {"id": 204034, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Pryč s láskou je americký film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Down With Love is an American film."} {"id": 68972, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lidé přeložili Odysseu do moderních jazyků.", "evidence": [[[85604, 97913, "Odysseia", 11, "Odyssey"]]], "claim_en": "People have translated the Odyssey into modern languages."} {"id": 217568, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Richard III. je nejdelší hra, která byla uvedena v divadle Globe.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Richard III is the longest play that was staged at the Globe Theater."} {"id": 138605, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Daniel Craig hrál v roce 2011 v anglicky mluveném thrilleru.", "evidence": [[[161412, 175906, "Daniel Craig", 17, "Daniel Craig"], [161412, 175906, "Muži, kteří nenávidí ženy (film, 2011)", 0, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Daniel Craig was in an English language thriller film in 2011."} {"id": 6314, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Katie Stevensová je Američanka.", "evidence": [[[23062, 28410, "Katie Stevens", 0, "Katie Stevens"]]], "claim_en": "Katie Stevens is an American."} {"id": 189332, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot je komediální životopisné drama.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a comedy drama biographical movie."} {"id": 19852, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Neil Armstrong není schopen sloužit jako zkušební pilot.", "evidence": [[[35642, 43192, "Neil Armstrong", 1, "Neil Armstrong"]], [[35642, 43193, "Neil Armstrong", 3, "Neil Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Neil Armstrong is incapable of serving as a test pilot."} {"id": 112663, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jennifer Hudson se ve třetí řadě soutěže American Idol umístila na sedmém místě.", "evidence": [[[132179, 147056, "Jennifer Hudson", 1, "Jennifer Hudson"]]], "claim_en": "Jennifer Hudson came in seventh place on the third season of American Idol."} {"id": 211365, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tom Cruise hrál ve filmu zařazeném do kategorie romantický.", "evidence": [[[250468, 250465, "Tom Cruise", 8, "Tom Cruise"], [250468, 250465, "Jerry Maguire", 0, "Jerry Maguire"]], [[250468, 250466, "Tom Cruise", 20, "Tom Cruise"], [250468, 250466, "Jerry Maguire", 0, "Jerry Maguire"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Cruise was in a film categorized as romance."} {"id": 35392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fred Trump byl otcem herce.", "evidence": [[[51588, 61354, "Fred Trump", 0, "Fred Trump"]]], "claim_en": "Fred Trump was the father of an actor."} {"id": 206900, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Japonci se k Ayutthayi chovali přátelsky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Japanese people were treated in a friendly fashion by Ayutthaya."} {"id": 155173, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Prostřední jména Zaca Efrona jsou Emma a Suzanne.", "evidence": [[[179261, 191793, "Zac Efron", 0, "Zac Efron"]]], "claim_en": "Zac Efron's middle names are Emma and Suzanne."} {"id": 36336, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Marvel Cinematic Universe je pokračující filmová série, jejímž posledním příspěvkem je Spider-Man: Homecoming.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an ongoing film series with the latest entry being Spider-Man: Homecoming."} {"id": 106797, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Polsko je osmou nejmenší ekonomikou v Evropské unii.", "evidence": [[[125425, 139766, "Polsko", 19, "Poland"]], [[125431, 139770, "Polsko", 19, "Poland"]]], "claim_en": "Poland is the eighth smallest economy in the European Union."} {"id": 101730, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Bezos není výrobcem společnosti Blue Origin.", "evidence": [[[119460, 133478, "Jeff Bezos", 6, "Jeff Bezos"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Bezos is not the manufacturer of Blue Origin."} {"id": 102082, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Angelina Jolie nebyla nikdy vdaná.", "evidence": [[[121738, 136038, "Angelina Jolie", 17, "Angelina Jolie"]]], "claim_en": "Angelina Jolie has never been married."} {"id": 71417, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tezaab je nezávislý film.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tezaab is an independent film."} {"id": 22526, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Otcem Sofie Coppolové je Francis Ford Coppola.", "evidence": [[[61947, 72439, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]], [[64256, 75004, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]], [[65954, 76821, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]], [[303479, 294445, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]], [[305328, 296158, "Sofia Coppola", 1, "Sofia Coppola"]]], "claim_en": "Sofia Coppola's father is Francis Ford Coppola."} {"id": 82222, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Michelle Pfeifferová přišla o cenu BAFTA.", "evidence": [[[99286, 112421, "Michelle Pfeiffer", 6, "Michelle Pfeiffer"]]], "claim_en": "Michelle Pfeiffer lost a BAFTA Award."} {"id": 44051, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Mao Ce-tung zemřel 4. července 1976.", "evidence": [[[60381, 70780, "Mao Ce-tung", 0, "Mao Zedong"]], [[60381, 70781, "Mao Ce-tung", 16, "Mao Zedong"]]], "claim_en": "Mao Zedong died on July 4th 1976."} {"id": 80758, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Čelistní lámání (Jawbreaker) hraje Jennifer Lopezová.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jawbreaker (film) stars Jennifer Lopez."} {"id": 106642, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Féničané se do Tuniska přistěhovali počínaje 12. stoletím př. n. l.", "evidence": [[[125181, 139524, "Tunisko", 21, "Tunisia"]]], "claim_en": "Phoenicians immigrated to Tunisia beginning in the 12th century BC."} {"id": 73881, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Conan O'Brien zažaloval americkou noční talk show.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Conan O'Brien sued an American late-night talk show."} {"id": 160006, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film In & Out režíroval muž.", "evidence": [[[184458, 196342, "Svatba naruby", 0, "In & Out (film)"]]], "claim_en": "In & Out was directed by a man."} {"id": 41234, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Peter Capaldi nebyl nikdy nominován na nejlepšího herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [[[57524, 67740, "Peter Capaldi", 2, "Peter Capaldi"]]], "claim_en": "Peter Capaldi has never been nominated for Best Supporting Actor."} {"id": 108089, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "World of Warcraft vydal 30. července sadu rozšíření.", "evidence": [[[279787, 274400, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]], [[281498, 275903, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]], [[281501, 275906, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"]], [[328262, 315358, "World of Warcraft", 12, "World of Warcraft"], [328262, 315358, "World of Warcraft: Legion", 0, "World of Warcraft: Legion"]]], "claim_en": "World of Warcraft released an expansion set on the 30th."} {"id": 55718, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "J. J. Cale hrál na kytaru.", "evidence": [[[72087, 83076, "JJ Cale", 0, "J. J. Cale"]]], "claim_en": "J. J. Cale played guitar."} {"id": 25372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eragon je film s Robertem Carlylem v hlavní roli.", "evidence": [[[69009, 79808, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]], [[71813, 82813, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]], [[75046, 86266, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]], [[303960, 294846, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"], [303960, 294846, "Robert Carlyle", 0, "Robert Carlyle"]], [[305601, 296416, "Eragon (film)", 1, "Eragon (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eragon is a film starring Robert Carlyle."} {"id": 97968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Karel I. se oženil s bourbonským princem.", "evidence": [[[115610, 129483, "Karel I. Stuart", 6, "Charles I of England"]]], "claim_en": "Charles I married a Bourbon prince."} {"id": 26, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Debbie Reynoldsová byla umělkyně.", "evidence": [[[15252, 19007, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 0, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19008, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 1, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19009, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 2, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19010, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 3, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19011, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 6, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19012, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 7, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19013, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 8, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19014, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 9, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19015, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 10, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19016, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 14, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19017, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 15, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19018, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 16, "Debbie Reynolds"]], [[15252, 19019, "Debbie Reynoldsová", 17, "Debbie Reynolds"]]], "claim_en": "Debbie Reynolds was a performer."} {"id": 96661, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Všichni milenci se v Belgii dostali do první padesátky.", "evidence": [[[114228, 128031, "All the Lovers", 12, "All the Lovers"]]], "claim_en": "All the Lovers reached the top fifty in Belgium."} {"id": 136078, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Kim Basingerová pochází z Athén ve státě Georgia.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Kim Basinger is from Athens, GA."} {"id": 217309, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Constantine je film, ve kterém hraje Shia LaBeouf.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Constantine is a movie starring Shia LaBeouf."} {"id": 81697, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aaron Burr zabil prezidenta Spojených států.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aaron Burr killed a President of the United States."} {"id": 112570, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Charles Marie de La Condamine zemřel v 70. letech 17. století.", "evidence": [[[132088, 146934, "Charles Marie de La Condamine", 0, "Charles Marie de La Condamine"]]], "claim_en": "Charles Marie de La Condamine died in the 1770's."} {"id": 118061, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Melanie Griffithová hrála ve filmu Snídaňový klub (1985).", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Melanie Griffith performed in The Breakfast Club (1985)."} {"id": 15002, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Imagine Dragons mají singl s názvem \"It's Time\".", "evidence": [[[30292, 36891, "Imagine Dragons", 1, "Imagine Dragons"]]], "claim_en": "Imagine Dragons have a single called \"It's Time.\""} {"id": 228338, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost Island Records byla pojmenována na Jamajce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Island Records was named in Jamaica."} {"id": 128305, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Postava v katolické církvi je svatý Petr.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A figure in the Catholic church is Saint Peter."} {"id": 167227, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Count Basie vzal svůj orchestr do Chicaga na dlouhou dovolenou.", "evidence": [[[192410, 203153, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"]], [[192417, 203159, "Count Basie", 8, "Count Basie"]]], "claim_en": "Count Basie took his orchestra to Chicago for a long vacation."} {"id": 91159, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grace Jones nikoho neinspirovala.", "evidence": [[[108499, 122105, "Grace Jones", 21, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones didn't inspire anyone."} {"id": 22072, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Tamera Mowry hrála v malířské skupině.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Tamera Mowry was in a painting group."} {"id": 171600, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Město Syracuse ve státě New York mělo v roce 2010 600 000 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[198023, 207972, "Syracuse (New York)", 2, "Syracuse, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Syracuse, New York, had a metropolitan population of 600,000 in 2010."} {"id": 47634, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Michael Caine hrál ve filmu Příliš vzdálený most.", "evidence": [[[63941, 74645, "Michael Caine", 5, "Michael Caine"]]], "claim_en": "Michael Caine acted in A Bridge Too Far."} {"id": 208582, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Asyřané mluví moderní aramejštinou.", "evidence": [[[246804, 247252, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]], [[246805, 247253, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]], [[246806, 247254, "Asyřané", 2, "Assyrian people"]]], "claim_en": "Assyrian people speak modern Aramaic."} {"id": 202951, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Skupina Avenged Sevenfold byla vydána online.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Avenged Sevenfold was released online."} {"id": 110481, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V severovýchodní megalopoli je nula měst.", "evidence": [[[129639, 144371, "BosWash", 0, "Northeast megalopolis"]], [[129639, 144372, "BosWash", 1, "Northeast megalopolis"]]], "claim_en": "There are zero cities in the Northeast megalopolis."} {"id": 172751, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Filmovou adaptaci The Beach natočil výhradně John Denver.", "evidence": [[[201559, 210999, "Pláž (film)", 0, "The Beach (film)"]]], "claim_en": "The Beach was adapted for film by John Denver exclusively."} {"id": 60750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Upíří deníky měly premiéru na stanici CW v roce 2001.", "evidence": [[[77193, 88614, "Upíří deníky (seriál)", 1, "The Vampire Diaries"]]], "claim_en": "The Vampire Diaries premiered on The CW in 2001."} {"id": 9623, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Steven Tyler působí od roku 1970 do současnosti.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Steven Tyler has been active from 1970 to the present day."} {"id": 79603, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Elvis Presley vlastnil Dollywood.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Elvis Presley owned Dollywood."} {"id": 56440, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Film Star Wars: Epizoda II - Útok klonů měl premiéru ve čtvrtek.", "evidence": [[[72796, 83867, "Star Wars: Epizoda II – Klony útočí", 17, "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones"]]], "claim_en": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones was released on a Thursday."} {"id": 53242, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Stephen Colbert se vysílá na stanici NBC.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Stephen Colbert is on NBC."} {"id": 121025, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Velký Gatsby se nezabývá tématem idealismu.", "evidence": [[[142108, 157342, "Velký Gatsby", 2, "The Great Gatsby"]]], "claim_en": "The Great Gatsby does not explore themes of idealism."} {"id": 20928, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "New England Patriots vlastní rekord v počtu zhlédnutých Super Bowlů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The New England Patriots owns the record for most Super Bowls seen."} {"id": 162195, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael Schumacher se narodil ve vaně.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael Schumacher was born in a bath."} {"id": 134968, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "David Beckham nemá žádné děti.", "evidence": [[[157539, 172110, "David Beckham", 25, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham has no children."} {"id": 179951, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Molly Bernardová se narodila 4. měsíc dvanáctiměsíčního kalendářního roku.", "evidence": [[[208885, 216844, "Molly Bernard", 0, "Molly Bernard"]]], "claim_en": "Molly Bernard was born on the 4th month of the 12 month calendar year."} {"id": 140014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hobit není filmová série.", "evidence": [[[162979, 177206, "Hobit (filmová trilogie)", 0, "The Hobbit (film series)"]]], "claim_en": "The Hobbit is not a film series."} {"id": 68738, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rosamund Pikeová nehrála ve filmu Libertine.", "evidence": [[[85358, 97671, "Rosamund Pikeová", 2, "Rosamund Pike"]]], "claim_en": "Rosamund Pike was not in The Libertine."} {"id": 197127, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "O. J. Simpson navštěvoval americkou univerzitu.", "evidence": [[[231657, 235076, "O. J. Simpson", 3, "O. J. Simpson"]]], "claim_en": "O. J. Simpson attended USC."} {"id": 54668, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Selena Gomez hrála v televizním seriálu Wizards of Waverly Place.", "evidence": [[[71033, 81913, "Selena Gomezová", 1, "Selena Gomez"]]], "claim_en": "Selena Gomez acted in the television series Wizards of Waverly Place."} {"id": 74850, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Island je součástí Avengers.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iceland is part of the Avengers."} {"id": 159392, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jeff Ament se rozhodl navždy zadržet album \"Tone\".", "evidence": [[[183761, 195762, "Jeff Ament", 7, "Jeff Ament"]]], "claim_en": "Jeff Ament decided to withhold the album \"Tone\" forever."} {"id": 107774, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Krotitelé duchů distribuovala společnost Universal Studios.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Ghostbusters was distributed by Universal Studios."} {"id": 219960, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Aaliyah byla nominována na cenu Emmy.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Aaliyah has been nominated for an Emmy Award."} {"id": 93404, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bylo oznámeno uvedení filmu Beyond Westworld.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Beyond Westworld was announced."} {"id": 205755, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Emily Blunt získala ocenění Britská umělkyně roku 2012.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Emily Blunt won British Artist of the Year in 2012."} {"id": 117957, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tým Boston Celtics nesdílí arénu s týmem Boston Bruins.", "evidence": [[[138410, 153453, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]]], "claim_en": "The Boston Celtics do not share an arena with the Boston Bruins."} {"id": 107768, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Texaské Osage Plains se skládají z pouště a hor.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Texas's Osage Plains comprises of desert and mountains."} {"id": 29750, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Joseph Merrick byl producentem hry Sloní muž.", "evidence": [[[45868, 54791, "Joseph Merrick", 0, "Joseph Merrick"]], [[45868, 54792, "Joseph Merrick", 29, "Joseph Merrick"], [45868, 54792, "Sloní muž (film)", 1, "The Elephant Man (film)"], [45868, 54792, "Sloní muž (film)", 0, "The Elephant Man (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Joseph Merrick was the producer of the play The Elephant Man."} {"id": 171735, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Iain Glen je Skot.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Iain Glen is a Scot."} {"id": 188016, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Film Sicario (2015) neprošel nominací na cenu BAFTA pro nejlepšího herce ve vedlejší roli.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Sicario (2015 film) was passed over for a nomination for the Best Supporting Actor BAFTA."} {"id": 126862, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ron Perlman je někdo, kdo se herectví věnuje profesionálně.", "evidence": [[[286536, 279982, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]], [[288288, 281562, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]], [[288288, 281563, "Ron Perlman", 4, "Ron Perlman"]], [[288288, 281564, "Ron Perlman", 1, "Ron Perlman"]], [[333465, 319710, "Ron Perlman", 0, "Ron Perlman"]]], "claim_en": "Ron Perlman is someone who acts professionally."} {"id": 18153, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gilmorova děvčata jsou dramatický seriál.", "evidence": [[[33698, 40864, "Gilmorova děvčata", 0, "Gilmore Girls"], [33698, 40864, "Komediální drama", 0, "Comedy-drama"]]], "claim_en": "Gilmore Girls is a dramedy show."} {"id": 203054, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Akon je bavič.", "evidence": [[[239445, 241291, "Akon", 0, "Akon"]]], "claim_en": "Akon is an entertainer."} {"id": 57901, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Colin Powell byl prvním robotem, který působil ve sboru náčelníků štábů.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Colin Powell was the first robot to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff."} {"id": 100941, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Berlínská zeď byla zeď.", "evidence": [[[118646, 132494, "Berlínská zeď", 0, "Berlin Wall"]], [[118646, 132495, "Berlínská zeď", 4, "Berlin Wall"]], [[118646, 132496, "Berlínská zeď", 5, "Berlin Wall"]]], "claim_en": "The Berlin Wall was a wall."} {"id": 10512, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tchaj-wan se oficiálně nazývá Čínská republika.", "evidence": [[[25526, 31449, "Tchaj-wan", 0, "Taiwan"]]], "claim_en": "Taiwan is officially called the Republic of China."} {"id": 90539, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Vladimir Putin studoval hmyz na Petrohradské státní univerzitě.", "evidence": [[[107844, 121328, "Vladimir Putin", 6, "Vladimir Putin"]]], "claim_en": "Vladimir Putin studied insects at the Saint Petersburg State University."} {"id": 219494, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jerry Goldsmith spolupracoval s komiky.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jerry Goldsmith collaborated with comedians."} {"id": 157156, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Zde je rozšířená hra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Here is an extended play."} {"id": 160171, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ve filmu Podsvětí: Ve filmu Underworld: Evoluce je ústřední postavou Selene.", "evidence": [[[184642, 196510, "Selene (Underworld)", 1, "Selene (Underworld)"]]], "claim_en": "In the film Underworld: Evolution, Selene serves as the central character."} {"id": 79589, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Michael McCullers spolupracoval s Tinou Fey a byl úspěšný.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Michael McCullers worked with Tina Fey and he was successful."} {"id": 32915, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Ty Cobb se narodil v Georgii.", "evidence": [[[49009, 58350, "Ty Cobb", 1, "Ty Cobb"]]], "claim_en": "Ty Cobb's place of birth is in Georgia."} {"id": 131496, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Pátého srpna 2016 začaly letní olympijské hry.", "evidence": [[[153804, 168658, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]], [[153808, 168662, "Letní olympijské hry 2016", 0, "2016 Summer Olympics"]]], "claim_en": "On August 5th, the 2016 Summer Olympics began."} {"id": 14676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "David Beckham hrál s United.", "evidence": [[[29956, 36508, "David Beckham", 11, "David Beckham"]]], "claim_en": "David Beckham was with United."} {"id": 211991, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jean-Martin Charcot získal v roce 1893 Nobelovu cenu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jean-Martin Charcot was awarded a Nobel prize in 1893."} {"id": 110744, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V obsazení filmu Inception se objevil japonský herec Ken Watanabe.", "evidence": [[[129935, 144639, "Počátek (film)", 2, "Inception"], [129935, 144639, "Ken Watanabe", 0, "Ken Watanabe"]]], "claim_en": "Inception's cast includes Japanese actor Ken Watanabe."} {"id": 171611, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Syrakusy ve státě New York si podle sčítání lidu Spojených států z roku 2010 nárokovaly 145 170 obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[199243, 208970, "Syracuse (New York)", 2, "Syracuse, New York"]], [[199244, 208971, "Syracuse (New York)", 2, "Syracuse, New York"]]], "claim_en": "Syracuse, New York, claimed a population of 145,170 residents according to the 2010 United States Census."} {"id": 13697, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Skladbu I Kissed a Girl natočil japonský zpěvák.", "evidence": [[[28942, 35315, "I Kissed a Girl", 0, "I Kissed a Girl"]]], "claim_en": "I Kissed a Girl was recorded by an Japanese singer."} {"id": 91867, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bryan Cranston byl ve vězení.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Bryan Cranston was in prison."} {"id": 205818, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Na 26 dodekanéských ostrovech se nachází letoviska.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "26 of the Dodecanese islands are resorts."} {"id": 139075, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jon Snow je pouze postava v seriálu stanice Starz.", "evidence": [[[161865, 176286, "Jon Sníh", 0, "Jon Snow (character)"], [161865, 176286, "Hra o trůny (seriál)", 3, "Game of Thrones"]]], "claim_en": "Jon Snow is only a character on a Starz series."} {"id": 35340, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Společnost American Broadcasting Company byla prodána společnosti Citadel Broadcasting.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "American Broadcasting Company was sold to Citadel Broadcasting."} {"id": 163247, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "That '70s Show je dobový sitcom.", "evidence": [[[187796, 199367, "Zlatá sedmdesátá", 0, "That '70s Show"]]], "claim_en": "That '70s Show is a period sitcom."} {"id": 211315, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Halle Berry nikdy neměla děti ani je neadoptovala.", "evidence": [[[250390, 250392, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]], [[250391, 250393, "Halle Berry", 17, "Halle Berry"]]], "claim_en": "Halle Berry has never had children or adopted."} {"id": 13786, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Eddie Redmayne hrál ve filmu, který režíroval Justin Chadwick.", "evidence": [[[29050, 35424, "Eddie Redmayne", 3, "Eddie Redmayne"], [29050, 35424, "Králova přízeň", 0, "The Other Boleyn Girl (2008 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Eddie Redmayne acted in a film directed by Justin Chadwick."} {"id": 111509, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Watchmen je film o vlku samotáři, který pochází z Kanady.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Watchmen is a film about a lone-wolf, who hails from Canada."} {"id": 189282, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jeníček a Mařenka je známý také jako Velký bratr a Velká sestra.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Hansel and Gretel is also known as Big Brother and Big Sister."} {"id": 18676, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Dědeček Edwarda Nortona se jmenuje James Rouse.", "evidence": [[[48379, 57707, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[51370, 61093, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[54321, 64315, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[302670, 293660, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[304895, 295693, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]], [[304896, 295694, "Edward Norton", 7, "Edward Norton"]]], "claim_en": "Edward Norton's grandfather is James Rouse."} {"id": 149044, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V Kerale ubývá obyvatel.", "evidence": [[[172731, 185986, "Kérala", 14, "Kerala"]]], "claim_en": "Kerala has a shrinking population."} {"id": 60316, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Anne Bancroftová získala Oscara.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Anne Bancroft won an Oscar."} {"id": 163741, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Bleskový bod byl natočen v roce 2011 v živém studiu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Lightning Point was filmed in a live studio in 2011."} {"id": 27534, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Teorie popisující buňky byla poprvé vytvořena v roce 1839.", "evidence": [[[43659, 52301, "Buňka", 12, "Cell (biology)"], [43659, 52301, "Buněčná teorie", 0, "Cell theory"]]], "claim_en": "The theory describing cells was first developed in 1839."} {"id": 10997, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Paul Feig má televizní pořad, který byl odvysílán 24. března 2005.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Paul Feig has a television show that was aired on March 24th, 2005."} {"id": 72956, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Scarlett Johanssonová vydala singl Break Up.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Scarlett Johansson released the single Break Up."} {"id": 29372, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Germáni jsou indoevropskou skupinou nazývanou také Suebové.", "evidence": [[[45503, 54332, "Germáni", 0, "Germanic peoples"]]], "claim_en": "The Germanic peoples are an Indo-European group also called Suebian."} {"id": 87437, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Voda se v přírodě vyskytuje jako stratosférická vlhkost.", "evidence": [[[104625, 118022, "Voda", 3, "Water"]]], "claim_en": "Water occurs in nature as stratospheric humidity."} {"id": 223451, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Model iPhone 5C nahradil model iPhone 5.", "evidence": [[[266170, 263231, "IPhone 5C", 0, "IPhone 5C"]]], "claim_en": "The iPhone 5C replaced the iPhone 5."} {"id": 21644, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V obsazení Jasona Bournea se objevila Julia Stiles.", "evidence": [[[37443, 45357, "Jason Bourne (film)", 6, "Jason Bourne (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Jason Bourne has Julia Stiles as part of the cast."} {"id": 93801, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Audrey Hepburn hrála ve filmu Sabrina.", "evidence": [[[111167, 124822, "Audrey Hepburnová", 11, "Audrey Hepburn"]]], "claim_en": "Audrey Hepburn starred in Sabrina."} {"id": 44822, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Dům Lusignanů obsahoval několik citací.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The House of Lusignan included multiple citations."} {"id": 37249, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bryan Cranston hrál v seriálu televize NBC.", "evidence": [[[53442, 63442, "Bryan Cranston", 1, "Bryan Cranston"]]], "claim_en": "Bryan Cranston was on a NBC show."} {"id": 2806, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Winona Ryder nebyla členkou hereckého obsazení filmu Černá labuť.", "evidence": [[[18648, 22886, "Winona Ryder", 19, "Winona Ryder"]]], "claim_en": "Winona Ryder was not a cast member of Black Swan."} {"id": 115024, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu The Proposal hrál Jim Gaffigan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Proposal stars Jim Gaffigan."} {"id": 171447, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Splash je broadwayská hra z roku 1984.", "evidence": [[[197846, 207787, "Žbluňk!", 0, "Splash (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Splash is a 1984 Broadway play."} {"id": 30829, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Ricin pochází z Amazonie.", "evidence": [[[46978, 56054, "Ricin", 0, "Ricin"], [46978, 56054, "Skočec obecný", 7, "Ricinus"]]], "claim_en": "Ricin comes from the Amazon."} {"id": 228409, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Archie Panjabi byla nominována na cenu Emmy za vynikající herečku v hlavní roli v dramatickém seriálu a vynikající herečku ve vedlejší roli v komediálním seriálu.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Archie Panjabi was nominated for Emmys for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series."} {"id": 77463, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jedno z největších měst na světě se nachází v Rusku.", "evidence": [[[94411, 107402, "Rusko", 0, "Russia"]]], "claim_en": "One of the largest cities in the world is in Russia."} {"id": 123800, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Derrick Rose hraje v Bostonském symfonickém orchestru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Derrick Rose plays for the Boston Symphony Orchestra."} {"id": 185510, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Triple H se narodil 2. června 1999.", "evidence": [[[216234, 222916, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]], [[216234, 222917, "Triple H", 7, "Triple H"]], [[216234, 222918, "Triple H", 6, "Triple H"]], [[216234, 222919, "Triple H", 5, "Triple H"]], [[216234, 222920, "Triple H", 4, "Triple H"], [216234, 222920, "Triple H", 0, "Triple H"]]], "claim_en": "Triple H was born June 2nd, 1999."} {"id": 165484, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Buňka je základní stavební jednotka všech neživých organismů.", "evidence": [[[190275, 201335, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]], [[190285, 201342, "Buňka", 0, "Cell (biology)"]]], "claim_en": "The cell is the basic structural unit of all nonliving organisms."} {"id": 120323, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jackie Robinson ještě nehrál ve Světové sérii.", "evidence": [[[141341, 156535, "Jackie Robinson", 8, "Jackie Robinson"]]], "claim_en": "Jackie Robinson has yet to play in the World Series."} {"id": 211160, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rain Man získal Oscara za nejlepšího amerického herce.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rain Man won an Oscar for Best American Actor."} {"id": 33079, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Boston Celtics nehrají své domácí zápasy v TD Garden.", "evidence": [[[96108, 109151, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]], [[98665, 111740, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]], [[100864, 114125, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]], [[306827, 297428, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]], [[307734, 298173, "Boston Celtics", 3, "Boston Celtics"]]], "claim_en": "The Boston Celtics do not play their home games at TD Garden."} {"id": 8612, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Mariah Carey podepsala smlouvu na 100 milionů dolarů s americkou nahrávací společností Virgin Records.", "evidence": [[[13927, 17426, "Mariah Carey", 8, "Mariah Carey"]]], "claim_en": "Mariah Carey signed a $100 million contract with Virgin Records America."} {"id": 155576, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Jižní pól se nachází mimo Antarktidu.", "evidence": [[[179642, 192206, "Antarktida", 1, "Antarctica"]]], "claim_en": "The South Pole is outside of Antarctica."} {"id": 185049, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Saskatchewan hraničí na jihu s restaurací a nočním klubem.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Saskatchewan is bordered on the south by a restaurant and a nightclub."} {"id": 36145, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Čistý majetek Marka Zuckerberga k 5. květnu 2017 činil 63,3 miliardy dolarů.", "evidence": [[[52325, 62293, "Mark Zuckerberg", 2, "Mark Zuckerberg"]]], "claim_en": "Mark Zuckerberg has a net worth of $63.3 billion as of May 5, 2017."} {"id": 76658, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Fidži je město.", "evidence": [[[93532, 106486, "Fidži", 0, "Fiji"]], [[93532, 106487, "Fidži", 14, "Fiji"]]], "claim_en": "Fiji is a town."} {"id": 62436, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků (film z roku 1937) zahrnuje synchronizovaný zvuk.", "evidence": [[[78885, 90480, "Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků", 7, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)"], [78885, 90480, "Zvukový film", 0, "Sound film"]]], "claim_en": "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) involves synchronized sound."} {"id": 95598, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "David Carradine hrál ve filmu Mistr Ninja.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "David Carradine was in Master Ninja."} {"id": 189389, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Role Models je film.", "evidence": [[[221220, 226876, "Velcí bratři", 0, "Role Models"]]], "claim_en": "Role Models is a film."} {"id": 72161, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Lance Armstrong založil Nadaci Lance Armstronga na pomoc dalším lidem, kteří přežili rakovinu.", "evidence": [[[88843, 101481, "Lance Armstrong", 12, "Lance Armstrong"]]], "claim_en": "Lance Armstrong founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation to assist other cancer survivors."} {"id": 208363, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Tommy Lee Jones se představil jako texaský ranger Woodrow F. Call.", "evidence": [[[246539, 247025, "Tommy Lee Jones", 4, "Tommy Lee Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Tommy Lee Jones was featured as Texas Ranger Woodrow F. Call."} {"id": 21997, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Bill Cosby byl předmětem chvály za morální chování.", "evidence": [[[37830, 45753, "Bill Cosby", 18, "Bill Cosby"]]], "claim_en": "Bill Cosby has been the subject of praise for moral conduct."} {"id": 42518, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "V prosinci se narodil Frank Sinatra.", "evidence": [[[58814, 69143, "Frank Sinatra", 0, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra was born in December."} {"id": 69985, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dennis Hopper si posmrtně zahrál v dramatu, které získala do distribuce americká zábavní společnost.", "evidence": [[[86658, 99127, "Dennis Hopper", 21, "Dennis Hopper"]]], "claim_en": "Dennis Hopper has a posthumous credit in a drama that's been acquired for distribution by an American entertainment company."} {"id": 18908, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Napoleon vedl vojenskou výpravu.", "evidence": [[[34544, 41914, "Napoleon Bonaparte", 13, "Napoleon"]]], "claim_en": "Napoleon led a military expedition."} {"id": 118695, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Knihy Doggystyle od Snoop Doga se v prvním týdnu po vydání prodala téměř miliarda kopií.", "evidence": [[[282917, 277032, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[284854, 278585, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"]], [[285553, 279172, "Snoop Dogg", 6, "Snoop Dogg"]]], "claim_en": "Snoop Dog's Doggystyle sold almost a billion copies in the first week of its release."} {"id": 215109, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Rose Kennedyová byla katolička, která se dožila více než 100 let.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Rose Kennedy was a Catholic who lived to be over 100 years old."} {"id": 143672, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Bradley Cooper hrál ve filmu Wet Hot American Summer.", "evidence": [[[166812, 180607, "Bradley Cooper", 6, "Bradley Cooper"]]], "claim_en": "Bradley Cooper was in Wet Hot American Summer."} {"id": 215440, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "V roce 2006 udělovala Akademie filmového umění a věd 79. ceny Akademie.", "evidence": [[[255923, 255235, "79. ročník udílení Oscarů", 0, "79th Academy Awards"]]], "claim_en": "The 79th Academy Awards were presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2006."} {"id": 104814, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Janelle Monáe podepsala smlouvu s týmem Pittsburgh Penguins.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Janelle Monáe is signed to the Pittsburgh Penguins."} {"id": 157939, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Dracula má pouze divadelní interpretaci.", "evidence": [[[182212, 194480, "Drákula (kniha)", 6, "Dracula"]]], "claim_en": "Dracula only has theatrical interpretations."} {"id": 13229, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Matt Bomer je tanečník.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Matt Bomer is a dancer."} {"id": 83157, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Ve filmu Sunburn hrála kočka.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "A cat was in Sunburn."} {"id": 76953, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Aruba je moře.", "evidence": [[[244651, 245584, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[244651, 245585, "Aruba", 3, "Aruba"]], [[244651, 245586, "Aruba", 6, "Aruba"]], [[244651, 245587, "Aruba", 9, "Aruba"]], [[244651, 245588, "Aruba", 12, "Aruba"]], [[244651, 245589, "Aruba", 14, "Aruba"]], [[247152, 247457, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[247854, 248156, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[247854, 248158, "Aruba", 6, "Aruba"]], [[247854, 248159, "Aruba", 12, "Aruba"]], [[319414, 308117, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[320600, 309146, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[320603, 309148, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[320606, 309151, "Aruba", 0, "Aruba"]], [[320606, 309152, "Aruba", 6, "Aruba"]], [[320606, 309153, "Aruba", 7, "Aruba"]], [[320606, 309154, "Aruba", 9, "Aruba"]]], "claim_en": "Aruba is a sea."} {"id": 204358, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Křída skončila masovým vymíráním v roce 1009.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Cretaceous ended with a mass extinction in 1009."} {"id": 71195, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Planeta opic (film z roku 1968) nemá žádné scény na poušti.", "evidence": [[[227707, 232050, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[230457, 234129, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[318205, 307166, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[318208, 307168, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[318215, 307173, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]], [[318226, 307178, "Planeta opic (film, 1968)", 15, "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film) does not have any scenes in a desert."} {"id": 125685, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Francouzská revoluce vedla v roce 1592 ke kontrole cen potravin a dalších položek.", "evidence": [[[147497, 162505, "Velká francouzská revoluce", 21, "French Revolution"]]], "claim_en": "The French Revolution led to price controls on food and other items in 1592."} {"id": 104261, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Výzva byla přejmenována na Real Authentic Road Food Challenge.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "The Challenge was renamed Real Authentic Road Food Challenge."} {"id": 110832, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Rod Laver získal osm titulů mistra světa.", "evidence": [[[130238, 145004, "Rod Laver", 11, "Rod Laver"]], [[130239, 145005, "Rod Laver", 11, "Rod Laver"]], [[130240, 145006, "Rod Laver", 11, "Rod Laver"]]], "claim_en": "Rod Laver won eight World Series titles."} {"id": 205466, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Wyatt Earp byl malířem krajin.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Wyatt Earp was a landscape painter."} {"id": 126504, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Frank Sinatra byl odmítnut pro roli ve filmu Muž se zlatou rukou.", "evidence": [[[148343, 163364, "Frank Sinatra", 20, "Frank Sinatra"]]], "claim_en": "Frank Sinatra was passed over for a role in The Man with the Golden Arm."} {"id": 22307, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Anna Kendricková hrála v hudební komedii.", "evidence": [[[38674, 46633, "Anna Kendrick", 3, "Anna Kendrick"]], [[38674, 46634, "Anna Kendrick", 8, "Anna Kendrick"]]], "claim_en": "Anna Kendrick acted in a musical comedy."} {"id": 205315, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Baletní střevíčky produkovala současná televize Granada.", "evidence": [[[242593, 243932, "Baletní střevíčky", 1, "Ballet Shoes (film)"]]], "claim_en": "Ballet Shoes was produced by the current Granada Television."} {"id": 178428, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jenny Wadeová tančí ve filmu Bez výhrad.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jenny Wade dances in No Reservations."} {"id": 208665, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tim Rice napsal spolu s Bjornem Ulvaeusem píseň Šachy.", "evidence": [[[247300, 247610, "Tim Rice", 1, "Tim Rice"]]], "claim_en": "Tim Rice wrote Chess with Bjorn Ulvaeus."} {"id": 117536, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "Jaden Smith je Jamajčan.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "Jaden Smith is a Jamaican."} {"id": 99196, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Plutonium reaguje s uhlíkem.", "evidence": [[[116841, 130727, "Plutonium", 3, "Plutonium"]]], "claim_en": "Plutonium reacts with carbon."} {"id": 31102, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Jared Padalecki hrál v seriálu.", "evidence": [[[47249, 56370, "Jared Padalecki", 0, "Jared Padalecki"]], [[47249, 56371, "Jared Padalecki", 1, "Jared Padalecki"]], [[47249, 56372, "Jared Padalecki", 2, "Jared Padalecki"]]], "claim_en": "Jared Padalecki acted in a show."} {"id": 35014, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Hudba Celine Dion byla ovlivněna jedním žánrem.", "evidence": [[[51185, 60925, "Céline Dion", 15, "Celine Dion"]]], "claim_en": "Celine Dion's music has been influenced by a single genre."} {"id": 104119, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Stephen Hawking byl v pracovní neschopnosti.", "evidence": [[[122236, 136513, "Stephen Hawking", 11, "Stephen Hawking"]]], "claim_en": "Stephen Hawking has been incapacitated."} {"id": 66322, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Grace Jones inspirovala řeckého zpěváka a skladatele.", "evidence": [[[82909, 94786, "Grace Jones", 21, "Grace Jones"]]], "claim_en": "Grace Jones inspired a Greek singer-songwriter."} {"id": 87920, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Thor: Temný svět je film z roku 2013.", "evidence": [[[105151, 118574, "Thor: Temný svět", 0, "Thor: The Dark World"]], [[105151, 118575, "Thor: Temný svět", 1, "Thor: The Dark World"], [105151, 118575, "Thor (film)", 18, "Thor (film)"]], [[105151, 118576, "Thor: Temný svět", 3, "Thor: The Dark World"], [105151, 118576, "Idris Elba", 5, "Idris Elba"]], [[105151, 118578, "Thor: Temný svět", 16, "Thor: The Dark World"]]], "claim_en": "Thor: The Dark World is a movie from 2013."} {"id": 39151, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Snímek Nebezpečně zamilován debutoval na pátém místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200.", "evidence": [[[113298, 127154, "Dangerously in Love", 14, "Dangerously in Love"]], [[116877, 130749, "Dangerously in Love", 14, "Dangerously in Love"]], [[119603, 133681, "Dangerously in Love", 14, "Dangerously in Love"]], [[310107, 300175, "Dangerously in Love", 14, "Dangerously in Love"]]], "claim_en": "Dangerously in Love debuted at number five on the US Billboard 200 chart."} {"id": 74809, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Uruguayská fotbalová reprezentace si dvakrát zajistila zlaté medaile ve fotbale na letních olympijských hrách.", "evidence": [[[91599, 104364, "Uruguayská fotbalová reprezentace", 10, "Uruguay national football team"]], [[91602, 104366, "Uruguayská fotbalová reprezentace", 10, "Uruguay national football team"]]], "claim_en": "The Uruguay national football team has secured the Gold Medals in football at the Summer Olympics twice."} {"id": 69308, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Robert F. Kennedy napsal knihu The Enemy Within.", "evidence": [[[85996, 98317, "Robert Kennedy", 9, "Robert F. Kennedy"]]], "claim_en": "Robert F. Kennedy wrote The Enemy Within."} {"id": 204217, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Gwen Stefani je hlavní zpěvačkou skupiny No Doubt.", "evidence": [[[241103, 242645, "Gwen Stefani", 1, "Gwen Stefani"]]], "claim_en": "Gwen Stefani is the main vocalist of No Doubt."} {"id": 150967, "verifiable": "NOT VERIFIABLE", "label": "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "claim": "John Mayer se učil hrát na kytaru.", "evidence": [], "claim_en": "John Mayer took a guitar lesson."} {"id": 110855, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Elizabeth Taylorová nebyla herečka.", "evidence": [[[130051, 144778, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 0, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144779, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 1, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144780, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 7, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144781, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 3, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144782, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 8, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144783, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 9, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144784, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 13, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144785, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 14, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144786, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 15, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144787, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 16, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144788, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 19, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144789, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 24, "Elizabeth Taylor"]], [[130051, 144790, "Elizabeth Taylorová", 25, "Elizabeth Taylor"]]], "claim_en": "Elizabeth Taylor was not an actress."} {"id": 122068, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Tom Hardy spolupracoval s kandidátem na nejslibnějšího nováčka.", "evidence": [[[143302, 158389, "Tom Hardy", 14, "Tom Hardy"]]], "claim_en": "Tom Hardy worked with the nominee for Most Promising Newcomer."} {"id": 210294, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Moana vznikla výhradně v produkci studia DreamWorks Animation.", "evidence": [[[249122, 249163, "Odvážná Vaiana: Legenda o konci světa", 0, "Moana (2016 film)"]]], "claim_en": "Moana was produced by DreamWorks Animation Studios exclusively."} {"id": 4791, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Zemřel anglický král Richard III.", "evidence": [[[21144, 25970, "Richard III.", 0, "Richard III of England"]]], "claim_en": "Richard III of England died."} {"id": 9560, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "REFUTES", "claim": "Amelia Earhartová se nemohla stát spisovatelkou.", "evidence": [[[24362, 30117, "Amelia Earhartová", 0, "Amelia Earhart"]], [[24362, 30118, "Amelia Earhartová", 3, "Amelia Earhart"]]], "claim_en": "Amelia Earhart was incapable of becoming an author."} {"id": 143731, "verifiable": "VERIFIABLE", "label": "SUPPORTS", "claim": "Paul Newman pocházel z Ameriky.", "evidence": [[[166865, 180668, "Paul Newman", 0, "Paul Newman"]]], "claim_en": "Paul Newman was from America."}