/** * File: comfy_shared.js * Project: comfy_mtb * Author: Mel Massadian * * Copyright (c) 2023 Mel Massadian * */ import { app } from '/scripts/app.js' export const log = (...args) => { if (window.MTB?.DEBUG) { console.debug(...args) } } //- WIDGET UTILS export const CONVERTED_TYPE = 'converted-widget' export function offsetDOMWidget( widget, ctx, node, widgetWidth, widgetY, height ) { const margin = 10 const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() const transform = new DOMMatrix() .scaleSelf( elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height ) .multiplySelf(ctx.getTransform()) .translateSelf(margin, margin + widgetY) const scale = new DOMMatrix().scaleSelf(transform.a, transform.d) Object.assign(widget.inputEl.style, { transformOrigin: '0 0', transform: scale, left: `${transform.a + transform.e}px`, top: `${transform.d + transform.f}px`, width: `${widgetWidth - margin * 2}px`, // height: `${(widget.parent?.inputHeight || 32) - (margin * 2)}px`, height: `${(height || widget.parent?.inputHeight || 32) - margin * 2}px`, position: 'absolute', background: !node.color ? '' : node.color, color: !node.color ? '' : 'white', zIndex: 5, //app.graph._nodes.indexOf(node), }) } /** * Extracts the type and link type from a widget config object. * @param {*} config * @returns */ export function getWidgetType(config) { // Special handling for COMBO so we restrict links based on the entries let type = config?.[0] let linkType = type if (type instanceof Array) { type = 'COMBO' linkType = linkType.join(',') } return { type, linkType } } export const dynamic_connection = ( node, index, connected, connectionPrefix = 'input_', connectionType = 'PSDLAYER' ) => { // remove all non connected inputs if (!connected && node.inputs.length > 1) { log(`Removing input ${index} (${node.inputs[index].name})`) if (node.widgets) { const w = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === node.inputs[index].name) if (w) { w.onRemoved?.() node.widgets.length = node.widgets.length - 1 } } node.removeInput(index) // make inputs sequential again for (let i = 0; i < node.inputs.length; i++) { node.inputs[i].label = `${connectionPrefix}${i + 1}` } } // add an extra input if (node.inputs[node.inputs.length - 1].link != undefined) { log( `Adding input ${node.inputs.length + 1} (${connectionPrefix}${ node.inputs.length + 1 })` ) node.addInput( `${connectionPrefix}${node.inputs.length + 1}`, connectionType ) } } /** * Appends a callback to the extra menu options of a given node type. * @param {*} nodeType * @param {*} cb */ export function addMenuHandler(nodeType, cb) { const getOpts = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function () { const r = getOpts.apply(this, arguments) cb.apply(this, arguments) return r } } export function hideWidget(node, widget, suffix = '') { widget.origType = widget.type widget.hidden = true widget.origComputeSize = widget.computeSize widget.origSerializeValue = widget.serializeValue widget.computeSize = () => [0, -4] // -4 is due to the gap litegraph adds between widgets automatically widget.type = CONVERTED_TYPE + suffix widget.serializeValue = () => { // Prevent serializing the widget if we have no input linked const { link } = node.inputs.find((i) => i.widget?.name === widget.name) if (link == null) { return undefined } return widget.origSerializeValue ? widget.origSerializeValue() : widget.value } // Hide any linked widgets, e.g. seed+seedControl if (widget.linkedWidgets) { for (const w of widget.linkedWidgets) { hideWidget(node, w, ':' + widget.name) } } } export function showWidget(widget) { widget.type = widget.origType widget.computeSize = widget.origComputeSize widget.serializeValue = widget.origSerializeValue delete widget.origType delete widget.origComputeSize delete widget.origSerializeValue // Hide any linked widgets, e.g. seed+seedControl if (widget.linkedWidgets) { for (const w of widget.linkedWidgets) { showWidget(w) } } } export function convertToWidget(node, widget) { showWidget(widget) const sz = node.size node.removeInput(node.inputs.findIndex((i) => i.widget?.name === widget.name)) for (const widget of node.widgets) { widget.last_y -= LiteGraph.NODE_SLOT_HEIGHT } // Restore original size but grow if needed node.setSize([Math.max(sz[0], node.size[0]), Math.max(sz[1], node.size[1])]) } export function convertToInput(node, widget, config) { hideWidget(node, widget) const { linkType } = getWidgetType(config) // Add input and store widget config for creating on primitive node const sz = node.size node.addInput(widget.name, linkType, { widget: { name: widget.name, config }, }) for (const widget of node.widgets) { widget.last_y += LiteGraph.NODE_SLOT_HEIGHT } // Restore original size but grow if needed node.setSize([Math.max(sz[0], node.size[0]), Math.max(sz[1], node.size[1])]) } export function hideWidgetForGood(node, widget, suffix = '') { widget.origType = widget.type widget.origComputeSize = widget.computeSize widget.origSerializeValue = widget.serializeValue widget.computeSize = () => [0, -4] // -4 is due to the gap litegraph adds between widgets automatically widget.type = CONVERTED_TYPE + suffix // widget.serializeValue = () => { // // Prevent serializing the widget if we have no input linked // const w = node.inputs?.find((i) => i.widget?.name === widget.name); // if (w?.link == null) { // return undefined; // } // return widget.origSerializeValue ? widget.origSerializeValue() : widget.value; // }; // Hide any linked widgets, e.g. seed+seedControl if (widget.linkedWidgets) { for (const w of widget.linkedWidgets) { hideWidgetForGood(node, w, ':' + widget.name) } } } export function fixWidgets(node) { if (node.inputs) { for (const input of node.inputs) { log(input) if (input.widget || node.widgets) { // if (newTypes.includes(input.type)) { const matching_widget = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === input.name) if (matching_widget) { // if (matching_widget.hidden) { // log(`Already hidden skipping ${matching_widget.name}`) // continue // } const w = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === matching_widget.name) if (w && w.type != CONVERTED_TYPE) { log(w) log(`hidding ${w.name}(${w.type}) from ${node.type}`) log(node) hideWidget(node, w) } else { log(`converting to widget ${w}`) convertToWidget(node, input) } } } } } } export function inner_value_change(widget, value, event = undefined) { if (widget.type == 'number' || widget.type == 'BBOX') { value = Number(value) } else if (widget.type == 'BOOL') { value = Boolean(value) } widget.value = value if ( widget.options && widget.options.property && node.properties[widget.options.property] !== undefined ) { node.setProperty(widget.options.property, value) } if (widget.callback) { widget.callback(widget.value, app.canvas, node, pos, event) } } //- COLOR UTILS export function isColorBright(rgb, threshold = 240) { const brightess = getBrightness(rgb) return brightess > threshold } function getBrightness(rgbObj) { return Math.round( (parseInt(rgbObj[0]) * 299 + parseInt(rgbObj[1]) * 587 + parseInt(rgbObj[2]) * 114) / 1000 ) } //- HTML / CSS UTILS export function defineClass(className, classStyles) { const styleSheets = document.styleSheets // Helper function to check if the class exists in a style sheet function classExistsInStyleSheet(styleSheet) { const rules = styleSheet.rules || styleSheet.cssRules for (const rule of rules) { if (rule.selectorText === `.${className}`) { return true } } return false } // Check if the class is already defined in any of the style sheets let classExists = false for (const styleSheet of styleSheets) { if (classExistsInStyleSheet(styleSheet)) { classExists = true break } } // If the class doesn't exist, add the new class definition to the first style sheet if (!classExists) { if (styleSheets[0].insertRule) { styleSheets[0].insertRule(`.${className} { ${classStyles} }`, 0) } else if (styleSheets[0].addRule) { styleSheets[0].addRule(`.${className}`, classStyles, 0) } } }