The Evaluate Integers, Floats, and Strings nodes now employ the SimpleEval library, enabling secure creation and execution of custom Python expressions. ( Below is a short list of what is possible. ______________________________________________ "EVALUATE INTEGERS/FLOATS" NODE EXPRESSION EXAMPLES: Addition: a + b + c Subtraction: a - b - c Multiplication: a * b * c Division: a / b / c Modulo: a % b % c Exponentiation: a ** b ** c Floor Division: a // b // c Absolute Value: abs(a) + abs(b) + abs(c) Maximum: max(a, b, c) Minimum: min(a, b, c) Sum of Squares: a**2 + b**2 + c**2 Bitwise And: a & b & c Bitwise Or: a | b | c Bitwise Xor: a ^ b ^ c Left Shift: a << 1 + b << 1 + c << 1 Right Shift: a >> 1 + b >> 1 + c >> 1 Greater Than Comparison: a > b > c Less Than Comparison: a < b < c Equal To Comparison: a == b == c Not Equal To Comparison: a != b != c ______________________________________________ "EVALUATE STRINGS" NODE EXPRESSION EXAMPLES: Concatenate: a + b + c Format: f'{a} {b} {c}' Length: len(a) + len(b) + len(c) Uppercase: a.upper() + b.upper() + c.upper() Lowercase: a.lower() + b.lower() + c.lower() Capitalize: a.capitalize() + b.capitalize() + c.capitalize() Title Case: a.title() + b.title() + c.title() Strip: a.strip() + b.strip() + c.strip() Find Substring: a.find('sub') + b.find('sub') + c.find('sub') Replace Substring: a.replace('old', 'new') + b.replace('old', 'new') + c.replace('old', 'new') Count Substring: a.count('sub') + b.count('sub') + c.count('sub') Check Numeric: a.isnumeric() + b.isnumeric() + c.isnumeric() Check Alphabetic: a.isalpha() + b.isalpha() + c.isalpha() Check Alphanumeric: a.isalnum() + b.isalnum() + c.isalnum() Check Start: a.startswith('prefix') + b.startswith('prefix') + c.startswith('prefix') Check End: a.endswith('suffix') + b.endswith('suffix') + c.endswith('suffix') Split: a.split(' ') + b.split(' ') + c.split(' ') Zero Fill: a.zfill(5) + b.zfill(5) + c.zfill(5) Slice: a[:5] + b[:5] + c[:5] Reverse: a[::-1] + b[::-1] + c[::-1] ______________________________________________