import os import sys # Get the absolute path of the parent directory of the current script my_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Add the My directory path to the sys.path list sys.path.append(my_dir) # Construct the absolute path to the ComfyUI directory comfy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_dir, '..', '..')) # Add the ComfyUI directory path to the sys.path list sys.path.append(comfy_dir) # Import functions from ComfyUI from import * from comfy import utils LORA_CLIP_MAP = { "mlp.fc1": "mlp_fc1", "mlp.fc2": "mlp_fc2", "self_attn.k_proj": "self_attn_k_proj", "self_attn.q_proj": "self_attn_q_proj", "self_attn.v_proj": "self_attn_v_proj", "self_attn.out_proj": "self_attn_out_proj", } LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS = { "proj_in": "proj_in", "proj_out": "proj_out", "transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_q": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_q", "transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_k": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_k", "transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_v": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_v", "transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_out.0": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_out_0", "transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_q": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_q", "transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_k": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_k", "transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_v": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_v", "transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_out.0": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_out_0", "": "transformer_blocks_0_ff_net_0_proj", "": "transformer_blocks_0_ff_net_2", } LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET = { "in_layers.2": "resnets_{}_conv1", "emb_layers.1": "resnets_{}_time_emb_proj", "out_layers.3": "resnets_{}_conv2", "skip_connection": "resnets_{}_conv_shortcut" } def load_lora_tsc(path, to_load): lora = utils.load_torch_file(path) patch_dict = {} loaded_keys = set() for x in to_load: alpha_name = "{}.alpha".format(x) alpha = None if alpha_name in lora.keys(): alpha = lora[alpha_name].item() loaded_keys.add(alpha_name) A_name = "{}.lora_up.weight".format(x) B_name = "{}.lora_down.weight".format(x) mid_name = "{}.lora_mid.weight".format(x) if A_name in lora.keys(): mid = None if mid_name in lora.keys(): mid = lora[mid_name] loaded_keys.add(mid_name) patch_dict[to_load[x]] = (lora[A_name], lora[B_name], alpha, mid) loaded_keys.add(A_name) loaded_keys.add(B_name) ######## loha hada_w1_a_name = "{}.hada_w1_a".format(x) hada_w1_b_name = "{}.hada_w1_b".format(x) hada_w2_a_name = "{}.hada_w2_a".format(x) hada_w2_b_name = "{}.hada_w2_b".format(x) hada_t1_name = "{}.hada_t1".format(x) hada_t2_name = "{}.hada_t2".format(x) if hada_w1_a_name in lora.keys(): hada_t1 = None hada_t2 = None if hada_t1_name in lora.keys(): hada_t1 = lora[hada_t1_name] hada_t2 = lora[hada_t2_name] loaded_keys.add(hada_t1_name) loaded_keys.add(hada_t2_name) patch_dict[to_load[x]] = (lora[hada_w1_a_name], lora[hada_w1_b_name], alpha, lora[hada_w2_a_name], lora[hada_w2_b_name], hada_t1, hada_t2) loaded_keys.add(hada_w1_a_name) loaded_keys.add(hada_w1_b_name) loaded_keys.add(hada_w2_a_name) loaded_keys.add(hada_w2_b_name) ######## lokr lokr_w1_name = "{}.lokr_w1".format(x) lokr_w2_name = "{}.lokr_w2".format(x) lokr_w1_a_name = "{}.lokr_w1_a".format(x) lokr_w1_b_name = "{}.lokr_w1_b".format(x) lokr_t2_name = "{}.lokr_t2".format(x) lokr_w2_a_name = "{}.lokr_w2_a".format(x) lokr_w2_b_name = "{}.lokr_w2_b".format(x) lokr_w1 = None if lokr_w1_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w1 = lora[lokr_w1_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w1_name) lokr_w2 = None if lokr_w2_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w2 = lora[lokr_w2_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w2_name) lokr_w1_a = None if lokr_w1_a_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w1_a = lora[lokr_w1_a_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w1_a_name) lokr_w1_b = None if lokr_w1_b_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w1_b = lora[lokr_w1_b_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w1_b_name) lokr_w2_a = None if lokr_w2_a_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w2_a = lora[lokr_w2_a_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w2_a_name) lokr_w2_b = None if lokr_w2_b_name in lora.keys(): lokr_w2_b = lora[lokr_w2_b_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_w2_b_name) lokr_t2 = None if lokr_t2_name in lora.keys(): lokr_t2 = lora[lokr_t2_name] loaded_keys.add(lokr_t2_name) if (lokr_w1 is not None) or (lokr_w2 is not None) or (lokr_w1_a is not None) or (lokr_w2_a is not None): patch_dict[to_load[x]] = (lokr_w1, lokr_w2, alpha, lokr_w1_a, lokr_w1_b, lokr_w2_a, lokr_w2_b, lokr_t2) for x in lora.keys(): if x not in loaded_keys: print("lora key not loaded", x) return patch_dict def model_lora_keys(model, key_map={}): sdk = model.state_dict().keys() counter = 0 for b in range(12): tk = "diffusion_model.input_blocks.{}.1".format(b) up_counter = 0 for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS: k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_down_blocks_{}_attentions_{}_{}".format(counter // 2, counter % 2, LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS[c]) key_map[lora_key] = k up_counter += 1 if up_counter >= 4: counter += 1 for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS: k = "diffusion_model.middle_block.1.{}.weight".format(c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_mid_block_attentions_0_{}".format(LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS[c]) key_map[lora_key] = k counter = 3 for b in range(12): tk = "diffusion_model.output_blocks.{}.1".format(b) up_counter = 0 for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS: k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_up_blocks_{}_attentions_{}_{}".format(counter // 3, counter % 3, LORA_UNET_MAP_ATTENTIONS[c]) key_map[lora_key] = k up_counter += 1 if up_counter >= 4: counter += 1 counter = 0 text_model_lora_key = "lora_te_text_model_encoder_layers_{}_{}" for b in range(24): for c in LORA_CLIP_MAP: k = "transformer.text_model.encoder.layers.{}.{}.weight".format(b, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = text_model_lora_key.format(b, LORA_CLIP_MAP[c]) key_map[lora_key] = k #Locon stuff ds_counter = 0 counter = 0 for b in range(12): tk = "diffusion_model.input_blocks.{}.0".format(b) key_in = False for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET: k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_down_blocks_{}_{}".format(counter // 2, LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET[c].format(counter % 2)) key_map[lora_key] = k key_in = True for bb in range(3): k = "{}.{}.op.weight".format(tk[:-2], bb) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_down_blocks_{}_downsamplers_0_conv".format(ds_counter) key_map[lora_key] = k ds_counter += 1 if key_in: counter += 1 counter = 0 for b in range(3): tk = "diffusion_model.middle_block.{}".format(b) key_in = False for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET: k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_mid_block_{}".format(LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET[c].format(counter)) key_map[lora_key] = k key_in = True if key_in: counter += 1 counter = 0 us_counter = 0 for b in range(12): tk = "diffusion_model.output_blocks.{}.0".format(b) key_in = False for c in LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET: k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_up_blocks_{}_{}".format(counter // 3, LORA_UNET_MAP_RESNET[c].format(counter % 3)) key_map[lora_key] = k key_in = True for bb in range(3): k = "{}.{}.conv.weight".format(tk[:-2], bb) if k in sdk: lora_key = "lora_unet_up_blocks_{}_upsamplers_0_conv".format(us_counter) key_map[lora_key] = k us_counter += 1 if key_in: counter += 1 return key_map def load_lora_for_models_tsc(model, clip, lora_path, strength_model, strength_clip): key_map = model_lora_keys(model.model) key_map = model_lora_keys(clip.cond_stage_model, key_map) loaded = load_lora_tsc(lora_path, key_map) new_modelpatcher = model.clone() k = new_modelpatcher.add_patches(loaded, strength_model) new_clip = clip.clone() k1 = new_clip.add_patches(loaded, strength_clip) k = set(k) k1 = set(k1) for x in loaded: if (x not in k) and (x not in k1): print("NOT LOADED", x) return (new_modelpatcher, new_clip) def load_checkpoint_guess_config_tsc(ckpt_path, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, output_clipvision=False, embedding_directory=None): sd = utils.load_torch_file(ckpt_path) sd_keys = sd.keys() clip = None clipvision = None vae = None model = None clip_target = None parameters = calculate_parameters(sd, "model.diffusion_model.") fp16 = model_management.should_use_fp16(model_params=parameters) class WeightsLoader(torch.nn.Module): pass model_config = model_detection.model_config_from_unet(sd, "model.diffusion_model.", fp16) if model_config is None: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Could not detect model type of: {}".format(ckpt_path)) if model_config.clip_vision_prefix is not None: if output_clipvision: clipvision = clip_vision.load_clipvision_from_sd(sd, model_config.clip_vision_prefix, True) offload_device = model_management.unet_offload_device() model = model_config.get_model(sd, "model.diffusion_model.") model = model.load_model_weights(sd, "model.diffusion_model.") if output_vae: vae = VAE() w = WeightsLoader() w.first_stage_model = vae.first_stage_model load_model_weights(w, sd) if output_clip: w = WeightsLoader() clip_target = model_config.clip_target() clip = CLIP(clip_target, embedding_directory=embedding_directory) w.cond_stage_model = clip.cond_stage_model sd = model_config.process_clip_state_dict(sd) load_model_weights(w, sd) return (ModelPatcher(model, load_device=model_management.get_torch_device(), offload_device=offload_device), clip, vae, clipvision)