{"code": "protected void tearDown ( ) { }", "nl": "Lágrimas hacia abajo del accesorio, por ejemplo, cierre una conexión de red.Este método se llama después de que se ejecute una prueba."} {"code": "@ KnownFailure ( \"Fixed on DonutBurger, Wrong Exception thrown\" ) public void test_unwrap_ByteBuffer$ByteBuffer_02 ( ) { String host = \"new host\" ; int port = 8080 ; ByteBuffer bbs = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 10 ) ; ByteBuffer bbR = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 100 ) . asReadOnlyBuffer ( ) ; ByteBuffer [ ] bbA = { bbR , ByteBuffer . allocate ( 10 ) , ByteBuffer . allocate ( 100 ) } ; SSLEngine sse = getEngine ( host , port ) ; sse . setUseClientMode ( true ) ; try { sse . unwrap ( bbs , bbA ) ; fail ( \"ReadOnlyBufferException wasn't thrown\" ) ; } catch ( ReadOnlyBufferException iobe ) { } catch ( Exception e ) { fail ( e + \" was thrown instead of ReadOnlyBufferException\" ) ; } }", "nl": "javax.net.ssl.sslengine # Deswrap (ByteBuffer SRC, ByteBuffer [] DSTS) Se debe arrojar readonlybufferException."} {"code": "public static CstFloat make ( int bits ) { return new CstFloat ( bits ) ; }", "nl": "Hace una instancia para el valor dado.Esto puede (pero no necesariamente) devuelve una instancia ya asignada."} {"code": "public long size ( ) { long size = 0 ; if ( parsedGeneExpressions == null ) parseGenes ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < parsedGeneExpressions . length ; i ++ ) size += parsedGeneExpressions [ i ] . numberOfNodes ( ) ; return size ; }", "nl": "Devuelve el \"tamaño\" del cromosoma, a saber, el número de nodos en todos sus genes analizados, no incluye las funciones de vinculación."} {"code": "public void increment ( View view ) { if ( quantity == 100 ) { return ; } quantity = quantity + 1 ; displayQuantity ( quantity ) ; }", "nl": "Este método se llama cuando se hace clic en el botón Plus."} {"code": "public void trimToSize ( ) { ++ modCount ; if ( size < elementData . length ) { elementData = Arrays . copyOf ( elementData , size ) ; } }", "nl": "Recorta la capacidad de esta instancia de ArrayHashlist para ser el tamaño actual de la lista.Una aplicación puede usar esta operación para minimizar el almacenamiento de una instancia de ArrayHashList ."} {"code": "public SyncValueResponseMessage ( SyncValueResponseMessage other ) { __isset_bitfield = other . __isset_bitfield ; if ( other . isSetHeader ( ) ) { this . header = new AsyncMessageHeader ( other . header ) ; } this . count = other . count ; }", "nl": "Realiza una copia profunda en Otro ."} {"code": "public void clearParsers ( ) { if ( parserManager != null ) { parserManager . clearParsers ( ) ; } }", "nl": "Elimina a todos los analizadores de este área de texto."} {"code": "@ Override public void run ( ) { while ( doWork ) { deliverLock ( ) ; while ( tomLayer . isRetrievingState ( ) ) { System . out . println ( \"-- Retrieving State\" ) ; canDeliver . awaitUninterruptibly ( ) ; if ( tomLayer . getLastExec ( ) == - 1 ) System . out . println ( \"-- Ready to process operations\" ) ; } try { ArrayList < Decision > decisions = new ArrayList < Decision > ( ) ; decidedLock . lock ( ) ; if ( decided . isEmpty ( ) ) { notEmptyQueue . await ( ) ; } decided . drainTo ( decisions ) ; decidedLock . unlock ( ) ; if ( ! doWork ) break ; if ( decisions . size ( ) > 0 ) { TOMMessage [ ] [ ] requests = new TOMMessage [ decisions . size ( ) ] [ ] ; int [ ] consensusIds = new int [ requests . length ] ; int [ ] leadersIds = new int [ requests . length ] ; int [ ] regenciesIds = new int [ requests . length ] ; CertifiedDecision [ ] cDecs ; cDecs = new CertifiedDecision [ requests . length ] ; int count = 0 ; for ( Decision d : decisions ) { requests [ count ] = extractMessagesFromDecision ( d ) ; consensusIds [ count ] = d . getConsensusId ( ) ; leadersIds [ count ] = d . getLeader ( ) ; regenciesIds [ count ] = d . getRegency ( ) ; CertifiedDecision cDec = new CertifiedDecision ( this . controller . getStaticConf ( ) . getProcessId ( ) , d . getConsensusId ( ) , d . getValue ( ) , d . getDecisionEpoch ( ) . proof ) ; cDecs [ count ] = cDec ; if ( requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . equals ( d . firstMessageProposed ) ) { long time = requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . timestamp ; long seed = requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . seed ; int numOfNonces = requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . numOfNonces ; requests [ count ] [ 0 ] = d . firstMessageProposed ; requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . timestamp = time ; requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . seed = seed ; requests [ count ] [ 0 ] . numOfNonces = numOfNonces ; } count ++ ; } Decision lastDecision = decisions . get ( decisions . size ( ) - 1 ) ; if ( requests != null && requests . length > 0 ) { deliverMessages ( consensusIds , regenciesIds , leadersIds , cDecs , requests ) ; if ( controller . hasUpdates ( ) ) { processReconfigMessages ( lastDecision . getConsensusId ( ) ) ; tomLayer . setLastExec ( lastDecision . getConsensusId ( ) ) ; tomLayer . setInExec ( - 1 ) ; } } int cid = lastDecision . getConsensusId ( ) ; if ( cid > 2 ) { int stableConsensus = cid - 3 ; tomLayer . execManager . removeConsensus ( stableConsensus ) ; } } } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace ( System . err ) ; } deliverUnlock ( ) ; } java . util . logging . Logger . getLogger ( DeliveryThread . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . INFO , \"DeliveryThread stopped.\" ) ; }", "nl": "Este es el código para el hilo.Ofrece decisiones al objeto Receptor de solicitud TOM (que es la aplicación)"} {"code": "private byte [ ] calculateUValue ( byte [ ] generalKey , byte [ ] firstDocIdValue , int revision ) throws GeneralSecurityException , EncryptionUnsupportedByProductException { if ( revision == 2 ) { Cipher rc4 = createRC4Cipher ( ) ; SecretKey key = createRC4Key ( generalKey ) ; initEncryption ( rc4 , key ) ; return crypt ( rc4 , PW_PADDING ) ; } else if ( revision >= 3 ) { MessageDigest md5 = createMD5Digest ( ) ; md5 . update ( PW_PADDING ) ; if ( firstDocIdValue != null ) { md5 . update ( firstDocIdValue ) ; } final byte [ ] hash = md5 . digest ( ) ; Cipher rc4 = createRC4Cipher ( ) ; SecretKey key = createRC4Key ( generalKey ) ; initEncryption ( rc4 , key ) ; final byte [ ] v = crypt ( rc4 , hash ) ; rc4shuffle ( v , generalKey , rc4 ) ; assert v . length == 16 ; final byte [ ] entryValue = new byte [ 32 ] ; System . arraycopy ( v , 0 , entryValue , 0 , v . length ) ; System . arraycopy ( v , 0 , entryValue , 16 , v . length ) ; return entryValue ; } else { throw new EncryptionUnsupportedByProductException ( \"Unsupported standard security handler revision \" + revision ) ; } }", "nl": "Calcule cuál es el valor de U debe consistir en una clave particular y una configuración de documentos.Correponds a algoritmos 3.4 y 3.5 de la versión de referencia PDF 1.7"} {"code": "private void assign ( HashMap < String , DBIDs > labelMap , String label , DBIDRef id ) { if ( labelMap . containsKey ( label ) ) { DBIDs exist = labelMap . get ( label ) ; if ( exist instanceof DBID ) { ModifiableDBIDs n = DBIDUtil . newHashSet ( ) ; n . add ( ( DBID ) exist ) ; n . add ( id ) ; labelMap . put ( label , n ) ; } else { assert ( exist instanceof HashSetModifiableDBIDs ) ; assert ( exist . size ( ) > 1 ) ; ( ( ModifiableDBIDs ) exist ) . add ( id ) ; } } else { labelMap . put ( label , DBIDUtil . deref ( id ) ) ; } }", "nl": "Asigna la ID especificada al LabelMap según su etiqueta"} {"code": "private void showFeedback ( String message ) { if ( myHost != null ) { myHost . showFeedback ( message ) ; } else { System . out . println ( message ) ; } }", "nl": "Se utiliza para comunicar los mensajes emergentes de retroalimentación entre una herramienta de complemento y la principal interfaz de usuario de WhiteBox."} {"code": "public CDeleteAction ( final BackEndDebuggerProvider debuggerProvider , final int [ ] rows ) { super ( rows . length == 1 ? \"Remove Breakpoint\" : \"Remove Breakpoints\" ) ; m_debuggerProvider = Preconditions . checkNotNull ( debuggerProvider , \"IE01344: Debugger provider argument can not be null\" ) ; m_rows = rows . clone ( ) ; }", "nl": "Crea un nuevo objeto de acción."} {"code": "public Yaml ( BaseConstructor constructor , Representer representer , DumperOptions dumperOptions , Resolver resolver ) { if ( ! constructor . isExplicitPropertyUtils ( ) ) { constructor . setPropertyUtils ( representer . getPropertyUtils ( ) ) ; } else if ( ! representer . isExplicitPropertyUtils ( ) ) { representer . setPropertyUtils ( constructor . getPropertyUtils ( ) ) ; } this . constructor = constructor ; representer . setDefaultFlowStyle ( dumperOptions . getDefaultFlowStyle ( ) ) ; representer . setDefaultScalarStyle ( dumperOptions . getDefaultScalarStyle ( ) ) ; representer . getPropertyUtils ( ) . setAllowReadOnlyProperties ( dumperOptions . isAllowReadOnlyProperties ( ) ) ; representer . setTimeZone ( dumperOptions . getTimeZone ( ) ) ; this . representer = representer ; this . dumperOptions = dumperOptions ; this . resolver = resolver ; this . name = \"Yaml:\" + System . identityHashCode ( this ) ; }", "nl": "Crear instancia de YAML.Es seguro crear algunos casos y usarlos en diferentes hilos."} {"code": "public void testHitEndAfterFind ( ) { hitEndTest ( true , \"#01.0\" , \"r((ege)|(geg))x\" , \"regexx\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#01.1\" , \"r((ege)|(geg))x\" , \"regex\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#01.2\" , \"r((ege)|(geg))x\" , \"rege\" , true ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#01.2\" , \"r((ege)|(geg))x\" , \"xregexx\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#02.0\" , \"regex\" , \"rexreger\" , true ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#02.1\" , \"regex\" , \"raxregexr\" , false ) ; String floatRegex = getHexFloatRegex ( ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#03.0\" , floatRegex , Double . toHexString ( - 1.234d ) , true ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#03.1\" , floatRegex , \"1 ABC\" + Double . toHexString ( Double . NaN ) + \"buhuhu\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#03.2\" , floatRegex , Double . toHexString ( - 0.0 ) + \"--\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#03.3\" , floatRegex , \"--\" + Double . toHexString ( Double . MIN_VALUE ) + \"--\" , false ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#04.0\" , \"(\\\\d+) fish (\\\\d+) fish (\\\\w+) fish (\\\\d+)\" , \"1 fish 2 fish red fish 5\" , true ) ; hitEndTest ( true , \"#04.1\" , \"(\\\\d+) fish (\\\\d+) fish (\\\\w+) fish (\\\\d+)\" , \"----1 fish 2 fish red fish 5----\" , false ) ; }", "nl": "Prueba de regresión para Harmony-4396"} {"code": "public void add ( Individual individual ) { individuals . add ( individual ) ; }", "nl": "Agrega un solo individuo."} {"code": "public boolean removeSession ( IgniteUuid sesId ) { GridTaskSessionImpl ses = sesMap . get ( sesId ) ; assert ses == null || ses . isFullSupport ( ) ; if ( ses != null && ses . release ( ) ) { sesMap . remove ( sesId , ses ) ; return true ; } return false ; }", "nl": "Elimina la sesión para una identificación de sesión determinada."} {"code": "public static Bitmap loadBitmapOptimized ( Uri uri , Context context , int limit ) throws ImageLoadException { return loadBitmapOptimized ( new UriSource ( uri , context ) { } , limit ) ; }", "nl": "Carga del mapa de bits con un tamaño cargado optimizado menos que los píxeles específicos."} {"code": "protected BasePeriod ( long duration ) { super ( ) ; iType = PeriodType . standard ( ) ; int [ ] values = ISOChronology . getInstanceUTC ( ) . get ( DUMMY_PERIOD , duration ) ; iValues = new int [ 8 ] ; System . arraycopy ( values , 0 , iValues , 4 , 4 ) ; }", "nl": "Crea un período de la duración determinada del milisegundo con el tipo de período estándar y las reglas ISO, asegurando que el cálculo se realice con el tipo de período de sólo el tiempo.

El cálculo utiliza los campos de hora, minuto, segundo y milisegundo."} {"code": "public FlatBufferBuilder ( ) { this ( 1024 ) ; }", "nl": "Comience con un búfer de 1kib, luego crece según sea necesario."} {"code": "public PbrpcConnectionException ( String arg0 , Throwable arg1 ) { super ( arg0 , arg1 ) ; }", "nl": "Crea una nueva instancia de PBRPCConnectionException."} {"code": "public void uninstallUI ( JComponent a ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < uis . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { ( ( ComponentUI ) ( uis . elementAt ( i ) ) ) . uninstallUI ( a ) ; } }", "nl": "Invoca el método Uninstallui en cada UI manejado por este objeto."} {"code": "public static void shutdown ( ) { if ( instance != null ) { instance . save ( ) ; } }", "nl": "Guarda el archivo de configuración."} {"code": "public boolean GE ( Word w2 ) { return value . GE ( w2 . value ) ; }", "nl": "Una comparación mayor o igual"} {"code": "public static UnionCoder of ( List < Coder < ? > > elementCoders ) { return new UnionCoder ( elementCoders ) ; }", "nl": "Construye un codificador de unión con la lista dada de los codificadores de elementos.Esta lista corresponde a un mapeo de una etiqueta de unión al codificador.Las etiquetas de la unión comienzan en 0."} {"code": "public void testFileDeletion ( ) throws Exception { File testDir = createTestDir ( \"testFileDeletion\" ) ; String prefix1 = \"testFileDeletion1\" ; File [ ] files1 = createFiles ( testDir , prefix1 , 5 ) ; String prefix2 = \"testFileDeletion2\" ; File [ ] files2 = createFiles ( testDir , prefix2 , 5 ) ; FileCommands . deleteFiles ( files1 , true ) ; assertNotExists ( files1 ) ; FileCommands . deleteFiles ( files2 , false ) ; Thread . sleep ( 1000 ) ; assertNotExists ( files2 ) ; }", "nl": "Verifique la capacidad de eliminar una lista de archivos."} {"code": "public boolean isOnClasspath ( String classpath ) { return this . classpath . equals ( classpath ) ; }", "nl": "Evalúa si la dependencia está dirigida a un tipo de ClassPath."} {"code": "protected void source ( String ceylon ) { String providerPreSrc = \"provider/\" + ceylon + \"_pre.ceylon\" ; String providerPostSrc = \"provider/\" + ceylon + \"_post.ceylon\" ; String clientSrc = \"client/\" + ceylon + \"_client.ceylon\" ; compile ( providerPreSrc , providerModuleSrc , providerPackageSrc ) ; compile ( clientSrc , clientModuleSrc ) ; compile ( providerPostSrc , providerModuleSrc , providerPackageSrc ) ; compile ( clientSrc , clientModuleSrc ) ; }", "nl": "Cheques que todavía podemos compilar un cliente después de un cambio"} {"code": "public PerformanceMonitor ( ) { initComponents ( ) ; if ( Display . getInstance ( ) . getCurrent ( ) != null ) { refreshFrameActionPerformed ( null ) ; } resultData . setModel ( new Model ( ) ) ; performanceLog . setLineWrap ( true ) ; resultData . setRowSorter ( new TableRowSorter < Model > ( ( Model ) resultData . getModel ( ) ) ) ; }", "nl": "Crea nuevo formulario de formulario"} {"code": "@ DSGenerator ( tool_name = \"Doppelganger\" , tool_version = \"2.0\" , generated_on = \"2014-09-03 15:01:15.190 -0400\" , hash_original_method = \"F262A3A18BABECF7EC492736953EAF6E\" , hash_generated_method = \"94A4545C167C029CC38AACEACF2087E9\" ) private void unparkSuccessor ( Node node ) { int ws = node . waitStatus ; if ( ws < 0 ) compareAndSetWaitStatus ( node , ws , 0 ) ; Node s = node . next ; if ( s == null || s . waitStatus > 0 ) { s = null ; for ( Node t = tail ; t != null && t != node ; t = t . prev ) if ( t . waitStatus <= 0 ) s = t ; } if ( s != null ) LockSupport . unpark ( s . thread ) ; }", "nl": "Despierta el sucesor del nodo, si existe uno."} {"code": "@ DSComment ( \"From safe class list\" ) @ DSSafe ( DSCat . SAFE_LIST ) @ DSGenerator ( tool_name = \"Doppelganger\" , tool_version = \"2.0\" , generated_on = \"2013-12-30 13:02:44.364 -0500\" , hash_original_method = \"EA3734ADDEB20313C9CAB09B48812C54\" , hash_generated_method = \"4858AFE909DDE63867ACB561D5449C13\" ) static public void assertFalse ( String message , boolean condition ) { assertTrue ( message , ! condition ) ; }", "nl": "Afirma que una condición es falsa.Si no lo es, lanza una asseritionfailedError con el mensaje dado."} {"code": "@ Override protected void initData ( ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( this , PushMessageService . class ) ; this . startService ( intent ) ; this . bindService ( intent , this . connection , Context . BIND_AUTO_CREATE ) ; }", "nl": "Inicializar los datos de la actividad."} {"code": "public static Date parseDateDay ( String dateString ) throws ParseException { return getSimplDateFormat ( DF_DEF ) . parse ( dateString ) ; }", "nl": "Devoluciones Fecha analizada desde la cadena en formato: yyyy.mm.dd."} {"code": "private boolean doesStoragePortExistsInVArray ( StoragePort umfsStoragePort , VirtualArray virtualArray ) { List < URI > virtualArrayPorts = returnAllPortsInVArray ( virtualArray . getId ( ) ) ; if ( virtualArrayPorts . contains ( umfsStoragePort . getId ( ) ) ) { return true ; } return false ; }", "nl": "Comprueba si el puerto de almacenamiento dado es parte de Varray"} {"code": "public SpringVaadinServletService ( VaadinServlet servlet , DeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration , String serviceUrl ) throws ServiceException { super ( servlet , deploymentConfiguration ) ; this . serviceUrl = serviceUrl ; }", "nl": "Cree una instancia de servicio de servlet que permita el uso de una URL de servicio personalizada."} {"code": "private static List < TranslationResult > translateChildrenOfNode ( final ITranslationEnvironment environment , final IOperandTreeNode expression , OperandSize size , final boolean loadOperand , Long baseOffset ) throws InternalTranslationException { final List < TranslationResult > partialResults = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; final List < ? extends IOperandTreeNode > children = expression . getChildren ( ) ; Collections . sort ( children , comparator ) ; for ( final IOperandTreeNode child : children ) { final TranslationResult nextResult = loadOperand ( environment , baseOffset , child , isSegmentExpression ( expression . getValue ( ) ) ? expression : null , size , loadOperand ) ; partialResults . add ( nextResult ) ; baseOffset += nextResult . getInstructions ( ) . size ( ) ; } return partialResults ; }", "nl": "Itala sobre los niños de un nodo en el árbol del operando y genera traducciones para ellos."} {"code": "public void removeShutdownLatch ( final CountDownLatch latch ) { removeShutdownLatch ( latch , false ) ; }", "nl": "Libera el pestillo y lo elimina de los pestillos que son manejados por este controlador."} {"code": "public Version ( ) { this ( CommonReflection . getVersionTag ( ) ) ; }", "nl": "Construye una nueva versión de la versión del servidor actual en ejecución"} {"code": "public static void startActivity ( Context context , String chatId ) { Intent intent = new Intent ( context , SendGroupFile . class ) ; intent . putExtra ( EXTRA_CHAT_ID , chatId ) ; context . startActivity ( intent ) ; }", "nl": "Iniciar SendGroupFile Activity"} {"code": "public Index excludedDataCenters ( String excludedDataCenters ) { this . excludedDataCenters = excludedDataCenters ; return this ; }", "nl": "Establece la lista de centros de datos excluidos."}