,text,labels 0,Now she was getting increasingly embarrassed as Mattie sat waiting for O'Neill . ,6 1,Melissa stared at her friend in dismay . ,1 2,"The boy bowed again , enjoying her astonishment in the same way he had enjoyed the applause of the T'ang earlier that day when he had played Tsu Tiao . ",3 3,"At first Tony looked less happy than before , and said he had become somewhat despondent about his lack of progress in finding employment . ",4 4,"Then she was silent , staring at him with horrified eyes . ",1 5,"The offended Titan lumbered forward and stamped upon one Raider , crushing it underfoot . ",2 6,` But other people became very sad and worried . ,4 7,Parkin sighed with exasperation . ,2 8,The disgruntlement among its two million members is almost palpable . ,0 9,"Why ever did he bother to write them out ? the landlady asked , gravely vexed and insulted . ",2 10,She had smiled and raised rather amused brows at the stories that tumbled in then of Fergus 's progress . ,5 11,His mounting anger was making his speech more and more incomprehensible through his stroke-stiffened mouth . ,2 12,"I used to stutter a lot in those days , I was a very frightened boy . ",1 13,"When I came across it the other day , I was slightly embarrassed . ",6 14,An exasperated Galileo was able to show up the inadequacy of his rival 's position in a characteristically witty way . ,2 15,"To Erika 's intense annoyance , Fritz promptly accepted the invitation -- obeyed the command , rather -- and as Rosa moved on to the floor with another boy , she was left feeling abandoned -- and foolish . ",2 16,Her excitement shone in her eyes as she showed him her sketches . ,5 17,"I shrug my shoulders , for no matter how mad he gets , he ca n't duff me in , he 's stuck in bed , which is his hard cheese . ",2 18,"A statement was issued from Ibrox yesterday detailing the unsatisfactory nature of the dealings with Bernard Tapie 's club , while expressing regret that there was nothing more Rangers could do on behalf of their now disgruntled fans . ",0 19,"Following yesterday 's revival in fortunes , the London share market was in a despondent mood as the Treasury deflated hopes of early interest rate cuts . ",4 20,He broke off as Jim Miller let go a Indian whoop of relief and delighted grins spread across the faces of everyone in the group . ,5 21,"` I know what you mean , ma'am , "" said Rose gravely , enjoying himself immensely at the sight of Auguste 's embarrassed face . ",6 22,"But when I looked up , I saw , to my great astonishment , a large island in the sky , between me and the sun . ",3 23,"The night outside was drizzling with rain , and everyone except himself hurried for a cab ; the flower-sellers were disconsolate . ",4 24,"She seemed flabbergasted , but rallied and asked me if I would look in at the Gray Mare in Kilburn and say ` hello "" to her son Joe Kelly who worked there . ",3 25,"They seemed anxious and hesitant about leaving , as if uncertain of which direction to take . ",1 26,I remember my despondency in 1926 when Abd al Karim was forced to surrender to the French . ,4 27,Robbie 's exasperation found vent . ,2 28,"For Swift , there is a connection between cosmetics and prostitution ; the carefully assembled exterior often conceals both physical horror and moral contamination . ",1 29,Flora 's eyes were downcast too ; they usually were . ,4 30,A disgruntled father whose two sons have been on several skiing fortnights feels school trips are run primarily for the teachers ' convenience . ,0 31,"His brown , nearly auburn hair clung to his scalp as if with misery , sad eyes stared out of a freckled face , his hands were clenched tight . ",4 32,If this happened they would be terror-stricken . ,1 33,"She was single-minded and uncompromising in her work , so that she sometimes provoked exasperation among her colleagues , a feeling immediately tempered by the admiration they felt . ",2 34,"You arrest somebody , maybe a drunk , the next day he 's feeling a little disgruntled and almost inevitably he 'll make a complaint ",0 35,"Michael frowned at him , bewildered . ",3 36,Jane was in a state of high excitement . ,5 37,"Exhausted and nervous , councillors disappear into small cabals . ",1 38,"` Poor things , no life of their own , "" they say , simultaneously thrilled and appalled as they pore over the latest ` revelations "" in the Mail or Express . ",5 39,"I heard no more of the debate and to the astonishment of my fellow delegates I stormed out of the auditorium and locked myself away in the Ladies to howl out my rage , alone . ",3 40,` Those poor little girls must be frightened out of their minds ! ,1 41,"Mungo felt elated , smiling back . ",5 42,"She jumped up , frowning in dismay . ",1 43,"` I still feel quite peeved about it ; well , more than that really . "" ",2 44,He looked at her with exasperation when she just gazed at him with wide deep blue eyes . ,2 45,Looking down at the dead man Wycliffe felt guilty because he was experiencing a sense of mild elation . ,5 46,Some of the house servants were missing and everybody looked frightened . ,1 47,"It all started early this morning , when a rather anxious mum called in at the office . ",1 48,The impact had caused it to buck like a frightened horse . ,1 49,"When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up ! ",6 50,They looked like a crowd of frightened children . ,1 51,Shiona frowned at the phone in total bewilderment . ,3 52,Evelyn had never experienced such utter despair . ,4 53,"` It is that hard , "" he said ominously , and I thought of John Maggovertski 's sadness for a pretty girl who had whored herself to pay for the white powder . ",4 54,"He was drawn to such slow , mournful music and he carried it with him everywhere . ",4 55,The profound anguish and hopeless despair of this woman in the face of what she believed to be the moral ruin of her whole life can not well be described . ,4 56,The boy was broken-hearted and inconsolable . ,4 57,The glum look on his face was probably normal . ,4 58,Auguste shot him an indignant glance . ,2 59,Some even asked the bewildered woman to sign their jeans . ,3 60,"Her shoulders were slumped and she was walking slowly , looking depressed . ",4 61,"` You 'll not be alone with him , Maggie , he 's got a sister , and in any case Mitch will be there , "" Richie muttered , red with embarrassment . ",6 62,"Ian Fleming 's superhero first appeared in Issue 4 of ZZAP ! , much to the dismay of the reviewing team . ",1 63,"Jessica felt more than flustered , she felt devastated . ",4 64,"Costly experiments on the teeth of live dogs or primates , not to mention the public disquiet about such animal testing , might be avoided and delays reduced . ",1 65,"And then my friends ' boyfriends , on an evening out , they used to just have a go at him , and I 'd feel really embarrassed . ",6 66,"But the blank horror over Khmer Rouge atrocities between 1975 and 1978 has created a blind spot about its strength in Cambodia , and the growing likelihood that it will return to power , either on its own or with the other Cambodian opposition factions . ",1 67,"They gossip and joke and giggle like schoolgirls : very different from their daughters-in-law who are sometimes seen shuffling behind them , heavily veiled and silent and with the downcast eyes of prisoners under guard . ",4 68,"As his wife , as his Louise , had slipped , there was no friend with whom he could share the sorrow he felt over his son . ",4 69,"Liza , for her part , had still seemed inconsolable when she first arrived back at her unit on the edge of Salisbury Plain . ",4 70,Elaine Morris stared out of the window in astonishment . ,3 71,Lily shot a quick horrified look up and down the road . ,1 72,She closed her eyes to hide her revulsion as he pressed his open mouth against hers and began fumbling with the buttons of her bush shirt . ,0 73,"The anguished princess , says Morton , told one friend : ` If this is the price of public life then it is a price I am no longer willing to pay . "" ",4 74,"This time , the Prince 's amusement was obvious . ",5 75,"If she had been paying more attention to his face she might have believed that his deeply shocked , anguished expression was not an act , put on for her benefit . ",4 76,I 'm getting vexed . ,2 77,"Kisling was livid , and with the help of some friends managed to grab the sculptor and throw him down the stairwell from the seventh floor . ",2 78,Blanche was disquieted but not sure why . ,1 79,"The challenge was accepted and amidst cheers from a group of semi-inebriated local husbands , the offended owner headed out the door in search of a couple of friendly Gardai . ",2 80,He saw the bewildered look on Hencke 's face and led him towards two comfortable chairs which stood on either side of a low occasional table . ,3 81,"Father Hugh Mcaleese said : ` We are devastated , but we intend to restore the church to its former glory . ",4 82,"Rather than match China 's firmness , it can be confidently predicted , the Hong Kong authorities will follow past form , cease muttering about their shock and horror over Tiananmen , and return to bland assurances that the negotiations with Peking about a post-1997 ` Basic Law "" for Hong Kong are going well . ",1 83,"Realising that something had gone wrong , the alarmed miner was making his way out of the pit . ",1 84,"Many depressed people just withdraw into themselves , they may sleep a lot in the day but have wakeful nights . ",4 85,"For my part , I feel elated and close to tears . ",5 86," At least if there 's a human being there you can talk about the deal , says Legal & General 's Michael Payne with just a trace of exasperation . ",2 87,"As Koons shows the photos to me during an interview in his Greenwich Village apartment , I feel embarrassed for him . ",6 88,"Then , in response to my crestfallen look , he added kindly : ` Of course you did not look gay -- you 're no screaming queen -- but nevertheless I just knew . "" ",4 89,A look of intense amusement crossed Catherine 's face . ,5 90,They all seem terribly sad . ,4 91,"He grinned unrepentantly , watching her deep blush of embarrassment with apparent fascination . ",6 92,A faint cry of anguish came from the direction of the bed . ,4 93,"Li Shai Tung looked across at him , smiling ; but behind the smile -- beyond it , in some darker , less accessible place -- lay a deep disquiet . ",1 94,Faint annoyance began to show on Major Tzann 's face . ,2 95,Lili was getting exasperated . ,2 96,Meredith escaped through the door he held open and walked quickly home feeling both discomfited and dissatisfied . ,6 97,"John Devereux and Kevin Ellis toured with the Lions , but there were a number of unlucky and disgruntled Welshmen left behind . ",0 98,There was something in the journalist 's manner that goaded Blanche 's exasperation into anger . ,2 99,Wheeler 's fine face flushed with annoyance and he laughed . ,2 100,"He was now a very effective reader of his own work -- his theatrical instincts were here most valuable and , as Edmund Wilson noted , he could communicate a feeling of intense excitement to his audiences . ",5 101,We grew more and more excited . ,5 102,"In one room , a frightened man bared his back which was a mass of scabs and bruises . ",1 103,"He paced about for some time , looking agitated . ",1 104,The jeweller was overjoyed ; he began spending heavily . ,5 105,"` They failed to do so , "" said Sherrin , ` and Michael fretted and fumed and explained that his immense following of fans would be mortified and he would be shamed . ",6 106,"His heartbroken mum , Colette , said : ` Paul is so upset . ",4 107,His liquid eyes were sorrowful and the ends of his moustache drooped . ,4 108,"Some ill children feel so angry , depressed , or anxious about their condition that they refuse to eat . ",1 109,"Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell . ",5 110,"His horrified mother made a public appeal for the return of the ring , given to her by husband Alfed 18-years ago . ",1 111,"In the thirtieth minute , Gary Weaving scored what looked like a perfectly good goal , only for the linesman to rule it out for offside , to everyone 's dismay . ",1 112,He looked very sad . ,4 113,"I am so desolate -- oh , but please , it is all arranged and say no more . "" ",4 114,"He was angry about class , hypocrisy and the establishment . ",2 115,"` T was to stop you becoming completely distraught , but I was afraid to look at you , afraid to come to you that night in case I saw fear or revulsion in your eyes . "" ",0 116,"` In every sense , of course , including the biblical , "" he added in a penetrating whisper clearly audible to his embarrassed family . ",6 117,From a starving stray it was transformed into a contented house cat . ,5 118,"Bert , a lanky , lugubrious individual , declined . ",4 119,"Glancing up at his face , Cassie saw his expression change , his face darkening and hardening as his mounting excitement and desire seemed to quicken into something uncontainable , threatening , like the tide of an incoming sea , to engulf them both . ",5 120,The greatest cause of the Prince 's despondency had been the feeling that he served no useful purpose . ,4 121,Surely someone somewhere knows who killed Ann Heron and that person could ease the pain for her heartbroken family . ,4 122,"If , as she suspected , Elizabeth was miserable because of that dreary village sawbones , then it was dishonest and unlikeable of her to pretend that it was because of her sister-in-law . ",4 123,"For a girl brought up in a Christian Science home there was a certain frightening kind of excitement about medicine , like drink for a teetotaller ; but otherwise she found the work harrowing and repellent . ",5 124,"Daisy leaned forward , at once horrified and fascinated . ",1 125,"However , does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that profound disquiet has been expressed about some of the proposals in the Bill , particularly the fast-track ones ? ",1 126,"For a moment there was a stunned silence from his workmates and then pent-up breath was released in what seemed like a communal sigh , before the chief waggoner yelled , ` Come on ! ",3 127,"His anguished voice tailed off , to intensify the effect . ",4 128,The family are not downhearted ; they have made many people across the country aware of the Trust and their work . ,4 129,With a small sigh of exasperation she thrust her feet to the floor . ,2 130,He had n't sounded very pleased about something -- that made two of them . ,5 131,"` Ma , "" he said in a tentative tone of voice , his face going slowly pink with the strain of trying to communicate with his despondent parent . ",4 132,"From somewhere in the gloom , accompanied by raucous laughter and much crudity , a young female voice began to groan and then rise , unintentionally mimicking the anguish of a wounded soldier . ",4 133,There was a nervous laugh at this topical sally provided by the Zola trial . ,1 134,Her head turned restlessly on the pillow as she strove to distance herself from the increasingly excited voice of the commentator and the air-splitting whine of the high-revving engines . ,5 135,"They will always try to avoid any embarrassment , but will use their judgement on whether or not to make payment . ",6 136,"Matilda looked right back into the flashing eyes of this infuriated female giant and said with total calmness , ` I have not moved away from my desk , Miss Trunchbull , since the lesson began . ",2 137,"I felt elated , especially when he said , ` I 'm looking for an actor just like you . "" ",5 138,This week an irate mother reportedly stormed into a London school and hauled her 15-year-old daughter out of a class in elementary sapphism . ,2 139,He was beginning to feel a bit despondent about the kind of questions Jean was asking . ,4 140,"Applause rang out , and she twirled around to acknowledge it in demure delight , clapping the barman -- and then being crushed against the ample bosom of the barman 's wife . ",5 141,"After the verdict on Monday , an indignant Cannes president Alain Pedretti described it as ` scandalous "" . ",2 142,"I had been working for more than an hour and my wrists ached from the continuous chopping , but I was filled with an immense exhilaration . ",5 143,"Benedict was on his feet , overturning his chair in one violent gesture , a face of livid fury turned on Theda . ",2 144,"Shaw , however , worked off most of his exasperation over the weekend winning the Durham and Cleveland County veterans ' over 50 title . ",2 145,"I feel devastated and it is much worse for my poor mother . "" ",4 146,Many beef farmers in my constituency of Monmouth are deeply anxious about the impact of the MacSharry proposals . ,1 147,` You 're cross because I was honest when I spoke to you that night . ,2 148,Listening to parents in the playground and at more formal events such as parents ' evenings should alert staff to early stages of parental disquiet . ,1 149,"If there is not quite an embarrassment of riches , there is enough to make the small investor blush at the choice . ",6 150,"Gus said : ` Of course ! "" in a slightly startled voice , and visibly withdrew his vision and his thoughts from some distant preoccupation in which she had no part . ",3 151,"She was really pleased when she came back and found him fighting fit , even though he was still using one wing as a crutch to support his crooked leg . ",5 152,"` No , "" she replied briefly , feeling more and more resentful . ",2 153,"He hoped she was n't offended , as a Times reporter . ",2 154,"Some of his actions , in particular the unexpected introduction of a constitutional amendment allowing for an elected Vice-President and the subsequent appointment of Moudud Ahmed to that post , caused some disquiet among party members . ",1 155,"Which was a curious sensation , since in fact her eyes were downcast , apparently studying the vinyl squares of the floor . ",4 156,But it was the scene of my first heartbreak . ,4 157,"However , the existence of a potential rival , no matter how eccentric , meant that there was an alternative fascist allegiance open to disgruntled members of the BUF . ",0 158,He looked so crestfallen that Old Bulldog did n't know what to do for a minute . ,4 159,"` Oh , for God 's sake , "" Jack said with an embarrassed laugh . ",6 160,Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again . ,4 161,If she 's so anxious about my welfare and morals it 's a wonder she has n't come stamping up here to check out the situation for herself . ,1 162,We were confused and anxious when we were not understood . ,1 163,For some the strain of living together without legal ties leads to considerable anguish . ,4 164,"Who can honestly say that they have never been consumed by that intense annoyance , never felt that burning but wrenching tension and anger at life 's petty frustrations . ",2 165,"Several of the men , though none of the women , made embarrassed noises of dissent . ",6 166,All the talk of weddings made Anne feel downhearted and impatient with the secrecy that John insisted on . ,4 167,"And , to complete his heartbreak , his car broke down when he was looking for his ninth win of the season at the Italian Grand Prix . ",4 168,He looked down at her astonished face with darkly angled brows . ,3 169, The parents are horrified and I am totally disgusted . ,1 170,"` It gobbled up the bird in one go , "" said a mournful bird-watcher yesterday . ",4 171,"Five minutes went by as she reflected that Rosemary must be feeling as miserable as Travis , then , checking to see that Travis was all right as she passed , she went to bed . ",4 172,He looked so woebegone . ,4 173,The two observers exchanged amused glances and then wandered away under the trees . ,5 174,"` God , what an accursed night ! "" mumbled Mr Beckenham , and , sipping his liquor , he looked over the makeshift meal with revulsion . ",0 175,Eight out of 10 agreed it was OK for girls to carry condoms but half said they would be too embarrassed to buy them . ,6 176,"` I was so embarrassed , "" said Dave , 38 . ",6 177,Israel and I pushed by the startled and helpless usher and swaggered into the arena dressed in our Mau Mau uniforms . ,3 178,Thames Valley Police are known to be furious about the case . ,2 179,"The happy melody of Morning has Broken followed , but the sadness of family and friends choked many of the words . ",4 180,"Feeling desolate , she climbed back into the car , not daring to look at Roman in the silver moonlight . ",4 181,"When Tina and the children moved into the School , Cecilia felt both dismay and guilty relief . ",1 182,She sounded a little low-spirited . ,4 183,Her tone was sad . ,4 184,I wanted to be a violinist -- that was my real ambition -- but I was too anxious to really get to grips with the instrument . ,1 185,I was so desolate about Chip . ,4 186,"The enraged animal charged into Christopher Rogers , pinning him to the ground . ",2 187,I 'm very depressed and have tried to commit suicide several times . ,4 188,"If someone mentions things like ration books , powdered egg , air raids and so on , my stomach turns over and I feel quite depressed . ",4 189,"A dejected David Mellor , of the Royal Bank , told the magazine Doctor : ` I was led to believe it was n't an appropriate venue for a bank representative . "" ",4 190,"To her delight he even took to discussing his work with her , and Leonora listened , rapt , utterly fascinated by glimpses of the other , professional Penry Vaughan she secretly found so impressive . ",5 191,"Before she could utter the cry of alarm which rose in her throat his hand had closed over her mouth , and Paige 's startled eyes blinked at him over the top . ",3 192,One of the three khthons began to hum a sorrowful melody . ,4 193,"The dog seems anxious to get the harness on ; indeed , all through the trip the dogs are always keen to pull and seem miserable when they are tied off for the night . ",4 194,"` Well , he was pleased when you agreed to this . ",5 195,David coped with his grief by trying to save other youngsters from solvent abuse . ,4 196,"Liz must have looked as woebegone as she felt when they staggered into the stuffy carriage , because Barbara had burst out laughing . ",4 197,By now Nutmeg was so bewildered that he did n't know what to do . ,3 198,"At Portsmouth , Lily Lee creatively amplifies a passage from Machiavelli 's The Prince , inscribing a chilling statement in a bold agitated hand . ",1 199,"Tolonen nodded , suddenly wistful , his lips formed into a sad smile . ",4 200,THE heartbroken mother of transplant donor Paula Moss is leaving England to work as a missionary . ,4 201,"It was a pretty despondent group that sat around the fire of the LRDG patrol , each sunk in his own thoughts . ",4 202,"The reporter , whose English was stilted and hesitant , tried to get an answer from a miffed Atherton who refused saying he had already answered the same question .",2 203,A bewildered Dick Francis walks back to the weighing room as Devon Loch is led away . ,3 204,A dejected Allen added : ` You ca n't give John Aldridge chances like that -- he is a quality finisher . ,4 205,"Charles was absolutely flabbergasted , but he had n't really got time to analyse his reactions . ",3 206,At the same time they could become excited about house matches or school matches and take part in such events with earnest aggressiveness . ,5 207,He paused as his mother stared at him in bewilderment . ,3 208,Mansell was livid and admitted he ran away from the scene of the accident to avoid being tempted into big trouble . ,2 209,"Some real research , I suggest , is needed into a condition which , though frequently rib-tickling in retrospect , causes widespread anguish at the time . ",4 210,"Nevertheless , even among non-abolitionists ( and across most of the political spectrum ) there has been grave disquiet about the state of the prisons . ",1 211,"Somehow she rose over her excitement , though , and concentrated all she could on the task at hand . ",5 212,"Perhaps he was just imagining the undercurrent of nostalgia , he told himself as he looked at Cora-Beth 's flushed , excited face . ",5 213,THE Princess of Wales has once more caused disquiet among fashion commentators by sticking to her own rules . ,1 214,"She was acting like some idiotic schoolgirl , not an intelligent woman , she thought in exasperation . ",2 215,Gabriel forgot his own sadness when he saw the bitterness and deep despair on the farmer 's face . ,4 216,She was still feeling a little anxious when she thought of all she would have to do before she could get to bed that night . ,1 217,"On this occasion , satygraha involved imprisonment of thousands of Indians , much to the embarrassment of the Union Government of South Africa . ",6 218,"She crammed more living into her 30 years than most people experience in two lifetimes , according to her heartbroken parents Ken and Diana . ",4 219,Irishman Mr MacSharry was so furious about Mr Delors ' interference that he resigned his post . ,2 220,Women traditionally show their grief more than men . ,4 221,""" She looked fondly at Anne ` s bright eyes and happy face . ",5 222,"Sonny turned in bewilderment to Johnny , then lumbered out after his brother . ",3 223,"As she poured coffee for Jenny and Paul , she felt unbearably sad . ",4 224,"And out of the dark woods came the black man , leading his horse on one arm , and on the other a tall grey hound with the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature . ",4 225,He became even more lugubrious . ,4 226,I tell you I was flabbergasted and right terrified out of my wits . ,3 227,"And everybody gets very excited , because three hundred and fifty kilos in Durham tomorrow morning sounds like a good pay day . ",5 228,"` I only hope you 're right ! "" he said in anguished tones . ",4 229,Jinny was so startled that she nearly kicked the bucket over . ,3 230,I experienced tears of real grief for the first time when my granny died . ,4 231,"As he nodded she went on , ` I 'd had a bit of a knock in -- in a relationship with a man in London , and I was very miserable over Elise 's death . ",4 232,"For the first time , Coffin saw the signs of grief on Christopher Court 's face . ",4 233,"It was , I thought , a measure of her self-control that she had waited until now to express her annoyance . ",2 234,Paul 's tone and expression showed his puzzlement . ,3 235,Gary 's expression became even more anxious . ,1 236,"Doisneau is a small , bird-like man with mischievous eyes and a gleeful laugh . ",5 237,"She missed him , and missed the companionable secrecy of their relationship , but she was not miserable about it . ",4 238,He looked so downcast that even Angalo patted him on the shoulder . ,4 239,Charlotte looked at Ursula and saw a frozen expression of horror on her face . ,1 240,"` I should think you 're pleased , are n't you ? "" asked Charles genially . ",5 241,"There was considerable public disquiet anyway , but now that bugger Parkhurst has panicked the entire country , we are going to have to lie very low . "" ",1 242,"It is things like that which are really destructive to writers , who are often brave about illness and pain , and resilient after all but the deepest grief . ",4 243,"Marsilid was tried as a treatment for depressed patients , and , given over a period of weeks rather than days , but it had disadvantages as well as advantages . ",4 244,"He even telephoned Wexford to tell him about it , his elation subsiding somewhat when he heard the chief inspector had also found this out three hours before . ",5 245,"He was coming so fast that she knew he had not seen her and she had to brake sharply , frowning with exasperation . ",2 246,"There I lay , half-roasted on one side , freezing on the other , in a sort of trance , more abjectly miserable than I can tell . ",4 247,Within the next few months -- and long before the next election -- they will have to settle these questions or see the spectre of the Winter of Discontent raised to haunt them by gleeful Conservative politicians . ,5 248,Records must not be based on the measurement of subjective impressions such as the number of times parents felt depressed about their child 's behaviour . ,4 249,"A merciful wave was closing over it , healing her despair . ",4 250,"A despondent Renault worker remarked , ` It seems to me that we came very close to something new . "" ",4 251,Some of us contemplate this prospect with horror . ,1 252,"` Everybody in this town , including the stuffed seagull shop , seems to reckon they can sell books , "" said a disgruntled Mr Coward . ",0 253,She was agitated ; there were a few tears . ,1 254,"Lucille 's despondency was caused by a fear of Sharpe 's death , not a British defeat , but she dared not articulate such a thought . ",4 255,"He was a man drowning his sorrows , he 'd decided . ",4 256,"` How pleased your uncle will be , "" said Finn , loitering for hot shaving water . ",5 257,"The journey was taken at a leisurely pace because of the trailer , yet , despite her dejection , Matt 's reminiscences caused it to pass rapidly . ",4 258,Caswell shuffled in obvious embarrassment . ,6 259,"The more resentful and unforgiving Willie Morgan , was taken to court and then had to terminate a lucrative six year contract after only nine months . ",2 260,"Also some disquiet surrounds the production of "" second generation "" vaccines using genetically engineered microbes to make fragments of viruses . ",1 261,The poem interlocks the narrative description with Mariana 's own sorrowful moans . ,4 262,Rachel and her mother looked agitated . ,1 263,"` I had to rush around trying to find a farmer with a cart who might be going where I wanted , "" Katz lamented , his woebegone countenance matching his sorry tale . ",4 264,A cold draught of air was coming from the kitchen and I found the back door to be wide open -- and then my horrified glance fell upon Aunt Louise . ,1 265,One career wife spoke about her exasperation when her husband listened to her with half an ear as he watched television . ,2 266,Bernice was so angry she could hardly speak . ,2 267,The sheriff had said the most likely explanation was that the father had become exasperated . ,2 268,"My hands dart indignantly about my desk as if they were offended mice , opening files , annotating minutes , picking up the receiver . ",2 269,"When one day nobody could rouse him from his trailer , it was Lee Marvin who entered quietly and found a sombre , lonely , sad man . ",4 270,"Coventry turned and looked at him , a long dark sorrowful stare . ",4 271,"` We do n't go to Lightwater Valley , "" said an equally affronted bus driver . ",2 272,He felt both elated and frightened . ,5 273,"Elaine exclaimed , her delight evident as she entered the open-plan living- and dining-room decorated in a fresh lemon and blue fabric which Christina had chosen . ",5 274,Donna seemed quite excited about it . ,5 275,"It is her whole situation -- she is so mournful and silently accusing and sometimes , Robert , I think her as mad as Landor with all this nonsense she makes of the Bible from time to time . ",4 276,As she gazed at it she became embarrassed . ,6 277,"Busking or playing musical instruments in the Underground , to the annoyance of other passengers , is an offence ",2 278,"While Grant was wakening the kids , he discovered to his dismay that most of the cubicles held four occupants , sleeping in bunk beds . ",1 279,"Suddenly , a wave of tiredness swept through her and she closed her eyes for a moment , during which the girl remained quiet , but visibly agitated and eager to be getting on with her work . ",1 280,"The bouncer 's glee , the masculine grunts in the background of ` Quite right , too "" , were a timely reminder of surviving and thriving misogyny , and of the petty power struggle it engenders . ",5 281,"He was a thin , brown man with a brass stud at the neck of his striped shirt and a sad expression as if he were on the point of tears . ",4 282,Floyd Patterson has expressed dismay over the current treatment . ,1 283,"She just looked up at him with bewildered eyes and he put her firmly away , turning to launch himself into the water . ",3 284,"Her voice shook , her face was white with anguish . ",4 285,"Half a week after that encounter , Charlie had heard that his beloved had parted from the man with great grief , and was in need of tender care . ",4 286,"` Nevil does n't work for me , "" he snapped , truly indignant . ",2 287,"I read with dismay the remark attributed to the Central Scotland Water Development Board in your report today that ` water required powerful law "" , otherwise , the water authorities ` would never get anything done "" . ",1 288,"She got up and checked the wardrobes , and her bemusement became sheer bewilderment . ",3 289,"BLACKEYES ended , trailing an ever thinner line of puzzled viewers , exasperated critics , and the nagging question , what went wrong ? ",2 290,Mrs Friar looked offended but continued . ,2 291,"Elizabeth Mowbray 's face was pale and tense , her sorrowful mien reflecting the newly sombre mood of the court . ",4 292,She was becoming increasingly despondent about the way things were going . ,4 293,"Then they walked away , humbled and dejected . ",4 294,Gina bit her lip as her sister 's anguished sobs echoed over the line . ,4 295,And when her words caused a peculiar revulsion within him . ,0 296,Eyewitnesses told of the horror as shrapnel rained down on shoppers from two devices placed in cast-litter bins less than ten yards apart . ,1 297,Court sounded almost indignant . ,2 298,"The Leader of the House , G V Wright , expressed revulsion at the shocking act of IRA terrorism . ",0 299,"She was irritated , indignant . ",2 300,There was dismay in Belgrade . ,1 301,When the reaction set in she had felt utterly miserable . ,4 302,As the week went on I got more and more anguished telegrams from home telling me to conclude the deal and come home . ,4 303,City fans are still livid over the clash with Bull that led to skipper Steve Walsh 's sending off in the 3-0 defeat at Molineux three weeks ago . ,2 304,When he wondered this he felt a deep sadness . ,4 305,There was a hint of exasperation in his voice . ,2 306,Michelle did not raise her head from Tess 's shoulder and the resentful words were muffled . ,2 307,She wished she could share her glee with Adam . ,5 308,"A small , happy man with a white beard , he always wore the traditional grocers ' apron . ",5 309,"Dear Lord , he can be stupid , thought Scarlet , as she saw Camille about to respond with the surprised gratification of a matador to whom the bull has blindly turned his flank . ",5 310,"Temperamental differences operate once more with this new trio of junior heroes , whose elders , the three lieutenants , regard their pranks with mild amusement . ",5 311,It was done on the receivers orders to stop disgruntled workers taking demonstration vehicles from the site . ,0 312,"I was quite embarrassed when we did it two years ago . "" ",6 313,"The headmaster stood at the front of the class with Jim looking rather embarrassed and announced , ",6 314,"Salesmen were still tramping the aisles of the carriages , shouting over the excited chatter of the crowd , the squawking of chickens and bleating of goats . ",5 315,Sometimes our bodies and minds seek excuses to experience griefs that we may have put aside or denied because we could n't face them at the time . ,4 316,"But the STUC also voiced disquiet about the way last Monday 's picketing was handled by police , and said it had secured a pledge that policing would now be ` even-handed "" . ",1 317,He also incurred the anger of the apothecaries who were afraid of being put out of business if all their complex mixtures were swept away . ,2 318,He says that he was so mad that he got a knife to scare them . ,2 319,"To some extent , adults can choose of their own free will whether to deal with their grief or not . ",4 320,The excited smile on her face told Ingrid that the girl was enjoying herself . ,5 321,"With horror in her eyes , the nurse stated that the young girl had tearfully told the physician the events that had led to her tragic situation . ",1 322,If you have symptoms that you think may be caused by food intolerance you should not feel affronted if the doctor 's initial questions seem rather personal and irrelevant to the aches and pains being suffered . ,2 323,"Of all the journalists who made the pilgrimage to Dovercourt , the team from the BBC caused the greatest excitement . ",5 324,` I felt less nervous in the play-off against Faldo than I have here . ,1 325,"She was deeply depressed , and felt guilty about her depression . ",4 326,"The earliest sparkling wines were undoubtedly discovered by accident , probably by the trial and error methods employed by anguished winemakers ironically trying to avoid the nuisance of fizzy wines . ",4 327,Kate 's voice was husky and bewildered . ,3 328,"My mother was only a sad woman in an old photograph , younger then than I was now . ",4 329,Though later when I did the piece in Vienna I was furious when the orchestra showed up with five basses and a dozen first violins . ,2 330,Furious Tory MPs now want to go to the High Court to force a new ballot . ,2 331,"Her eyes were wide open , and upon her face was an expression of absolute astonishment . ",3 332,"Equally inevitably , there was outrage and dismay in India . ",1 333,"I found that most parents were initially rather shocked at finding out their daughter was pregnant , some cried , some got angry , some were very matter-of-fact , and some were quite pleased . ",5 334,"Ah was affronted fur her , imagine gettin' stuck ` n "" huvin' to get rolled on to a stretcher , the perr o' them , and kerted oot covered up wi' his poplin shortie . ",2 335,"As you would expect , she was overcome with grief . "" ",4 336,A disconsolate group of climbers sitting round a kitchen table all lean forward and peer out at the iron-grey clouds rumbling past . ,4 337,"In the event , Maman was inconsolable . ",4 338,"` About what , dear ? "" she asked in a startled voice . ",3 339,I seem to be more nervous in that way than I once was . ,1 340,"Honestly , I 'm really happy for you ! ",5 341,The civil servants watched with barely concealed glee as the ruling party became embarrassed when the North Koreans demanded compensation not only for Japan 's colonial rule but also for all the years since . ,6 342,"Protagonists of unity may have been despondent about the loss of the EDC and the European Political Community , but were not routed . ",4 343,"She looked at the crumpled figure who was fighting for breath on the pillow , perspiration pouring down his anguished face . ",4 344,"For once in his life , Leopold must have been truly happy : his hopes and prayers for his beloved son seemed at last to have come to fruition . ",5 345,Amid intense media excitement and stringent security Mandela was given a tumultuous ticker-tape welcome in New York where he received the freedom of the city . ,5 346,"Queen Margaret came out of the church , a veil covering her grief-stricken face . ",4 347,They burst in on the somewhat startled signalman who was puzzled by the dramatic appearance of the two familiar faces . ,3 348,A host of splendid 19th century rooms throughout Lord Byron 's apartments are open for the delight of the public . ,5 349,My poor mother was grief-stricken and all alone . ,4 350,Ellen gave me an amused glance . ,5 351,"Bang on cue , she strode out on to the stage , feeling none of the terror that had crippled her last performance , the excited cheers of the children bringing a beaming smile to her face . ",5 352,"Meanwhile Crowe , who had been watching the carnage unfold from the other end with increasing horror , unfurled some strokes of class in an attempt to ease the situation . ",1 353,"Celia was mortified , yet , to her horror , she wanted to scream . ",6 354,"A patient in an anxious state is more likely to bump into , or trip over , objects ; shaking or tense hands are more likely to drop things , spill things and so on . ",1 355,He was becoming agitated . ,1 356,As he looked around he could not hide his astonishment . ,3 357,Edward concealed his dismay . ,1 358,"She looked startled when I snapped at her : ` What have they worked out ? "" ",3 359,""" I felt mortified , but cushioned by the drink . "" ",6 360,"A heartbroken Daniels watched this all going on , and was moved to break the golden rule of not speaking until spoken to . ",4 361,I have seen him as Grimes many times and never without a sense of embarrassment that this finely sensitive singer should have been asked to adopt a vicious role alien to him . ,6 362,"There was the mournful sound of human voices , and then a jolt . ",4 363,"Taking advantage of Guy 's momentary stupefaction , she wriggled out from under him and leapt off the bed , everything forgotten but the need to escape from something she dared not put a name to . ",3 364,"The first important truth for voters in such spirits is that , in their dismay about recent economic and political errors , they are forgetting the immense Tory achievements which preceded them , and are now at risk again . ",1 365,"I felt frustrated , angry , utterly dejected . ",4 366,"It is worth , asking if all our sadness and anxiety is in fact for our child . ",4 367,"In an attempt to counteract despondency , to reclaim the green world for itself , not solely as a balm for my despair , I arranged with Barry 's help an interview with David Ricalde . ",4 368,As she looked around she felt a twinge of sadness that in a carriage where 70 per cent of the commuters were men there were five women forced to stand in the aisle . ,4 369,"Yet a disgruntled secretary , or one left unemployed by dismissal or the death or recall of his master , might easily be tempted to profit by the information he had acquired in his work . ",0 370,"He woke stupefied , flicking his tongue over his parched lips like a reptile . ",3 371,Jean-Paul gave a sigh of exasperation . ,2 372,It showed some women in a northern English town at the turn of the century ; they were standing under an advertisement for Mazawattee tea and seemed depressed . ,4 373,"Unless they are given opportunities to express their grief in appropriate ways which can include weeping for loss , they will never be able to acquire the creative energy necessary to find a new job . ",4 374,"Scorning the establishment , they left homes and heartbroken parents . ",4 375,"Her ladyship looked frightened , shocked . ",1 376,"They left behind them broken glass , tyremarks on the road and another exasperated shop owner . ",2 377,"And Victoria now pulled her granddaughter past the indignant old lady , whose face was expressing shock . ",2 378,"In Washington there was understanding , but just as much disquiet about British Defence policy . ",1 379,"Taking as his theme the great rivers of the world , the Ganges , the Jordan , the Mississippi , the Clyde -- and of course the Boyne -- he weaves a tapestry evoking both sorrow and joy . ",4 380,"I replied , endeavouring to conceal my excitement . ",5 381,The bewilderment of the child Nizan can not be overstated . ,3 382,There was world-wide revulsion when the IRA exploded a bomb during a Poppy Day service in Enniskillen in the late 80s . ,0 383,"His marriage to Osthryth , the sister of King Ecgfrith , inhibited him from bestowing royal favour on Wilfrid until Archbishop Theodore engineered a reconciliation of offended parties in 686 . ",2 384,"Ten cold , frightened men climbed out of their trench and listened to the young officer in cynical silence . ",1 385,But some of the younger dons were ecstatic about the election . ,5 386,"For the more depressed and lonely people who have few if any outside contacts , counselling can appear to deepen the very feelings that it is seeking to alleviate , especially in the early stages . ",4 387,"You must have been heartbroken . "" ",4 388,"Power tools coming from the hip , gunslinger style , or British Gas portraying the contented family enjoying the warm glow of its new central heating . ",5 389,The crowd was wild with excitement . ,5 390,"With a grunt of exasperation , Henry leapt across the room and into the yard , crossing the space between kitchen and dining room until he reached the stables . ",2 391,` Tears of rage and despair have been shed by SNP workers and our voters are stunned . ,3 392,"After the coming of the man in the night , Miguel had grown glum and thoughtful . ",4 393,"She saw his fear , his bewilderment , and above all , a kind of astonishment at the enormity of the complications that lay ahead . ",3 394,"Bellybutton said in an indignant voice , as though my question had impugned McIllvanney 's honour . ",2 395,"I was elated , excited , in another world . ",5 396,"The girl was glued to the spot , terror-struck , pop-eyed , quivering , knowing for certain that the Day of Judgment had come for her at last . ",1 397,"` I had the sense he was rather sad , "" the writer now remembers . ",4 398,Michael Stein was trying unsuccessfully to calm an irate customer who was arguing about his bill . ,2 399,"County had lost six of their last eight League games at the Baseball Ground , which had prompted disgruntled supporters to call for the resignation of manager Arthur Cox . ",0 400,"Now fed-up locals want the name of their quiet cul-de-sac in Studley , Warwickshire , changed -- unless BBC chiefs drop the flop of a show first . ",0 401,Two fierce eyes glared at the terror-stricken sailors . ,1 402,"And when I first got an inkling the little was far worse than none , and I became melancholy and miserable . ",4 403,"It was after noon by the time we actually got sorted , much to the annoyance of the lady from the Public Relations company who had hired us . ",2 404,"Effortlessly , his knee slid to part her legs , but when she threw him a look of utter dismay he paused . ",1 405,Wenner would fly in to issue instructions to an increasingly disconsolate staff and Jagger would pay the bills . ,4 406,"There must be another reason why you are so sad , "" he said , looking kindly at me . ",4 407,"To those workers who profess bewilderment as to how they might help , who feel their knowledge in sexual matters is insufficient or are doubtful of their capabilities for sexual counselling and aid , one would suggest that they raise the matter within their training departments . ",3 408,I felt that she was quite distressed by the birth -- she seemed drowsy and a bit blue . ,4 409,"Neither of us could wait to get the round over , we were so cold and miserable . ",4 410,"And though , as Lachlan had planned , they had expected the attack in the morning , they were quite happy when their lookouts reported the Macleans ' approach in the early evening . ",5 411,"She became happier , more settled . ",5 412,"Despite the sadness of the occasion , many gave way to hysterical giggling as they gradually realized that every compartment contained mourners or corpses . ",4 413,"In a low , resentful voice , Cullam said , ` I was sick . ",2 414,She realised with astonishment that he was actually pleading . ,3 415,Joe sat with his head in his hands not hearing the mournful sound of a tug edging shorewards in the direction of the docks or the lonely cry of the seagulls overhead . ,4 416,The wedding guest did not exactly beat his breast but he looked considerably crestfallen . ,4 417,"` It 's inconceivable , I agree , "" responded Howard , waving a well-manicured hand , his plump face pink with embarrassment at the directness of Newman . ",6 418,All this generated considerable excitement within AEA . ,5 419,His eyes were so far out of his head that he looked like a startled grasshopper . ,3 420,"At that stage , Sunderland were good value for the lead and Mr Crosby must have been a contented man . ",5 421,My husband still feels very cross . ,2 422,Have you ever felt so angry about men that you 've been moved to write a song about it ? ,2 423,"Annabel said in an agitated voice , ` I feel as if my mind is whirling madly , like a hurricane . ",1 424,` At first I was too flabbergasted to do anything . ,3 425,"They seemed demoralized and miserable , operating an endless mechanical process . ",4 426,Their heads were close together and as he appeared they all looked up in unison with startled faces and fell silent . ,3 427,"As he stared at the torment , fury , and despair in her face , he knew that Clare would not forgive him . ",4 428,Miss Worthington often felt it would have been an unendurable sorrow to her parents if they had lived to witness the extent of the deterioration . ,4 429,"This causes considerable annoyance to the Germans , who find themselves being forced to speak English and say that they will settle the matter ` by decree "" . ",2 430,He was so miserable . ,4 431,"As he released his anger , he felt his love for his ex-wife , and wept over their divorce . ",2 432,"You could make a fortune , "" she said in genuine amusement . ",5 433,"To my mind , it begins so well that it could easily be mistaken for a translation of an eighth-century hermit 's verse , composed in a beehive hut by a contented holy man of Old Ireland . ",5 434,Manager Graeme Souness 's touchline ban meant he could only watch in anguish from the directors ' box . ,4 435,That certainly did n't sound serious enough to account for her great grief . ,4 436,"When the marchers passed the city 's overhead railway , two trains hooted in solidarity , to the crowd 's delight . ",5 437,"In fact they encouraged us most warmly , and we shared the general mood of elation at the overall success of the 1974 submission . ",5 438,The smiles hide the anguish . ,4 439,"But now he has made a full recovery to the delight of his proud parents , Fred and Denise . ",5 440,"Feeling thoroughly disquieted , she left her room in a rush . ",1 441,She was tingling with excitement . ,5 442,"The remaining men were just preparing to leave when suddenly a young man called Laban Tall rushed into the malthouse , almost too excited to speak . ",5 443,"I could tell she was angry and I was ready to cry , but Frankie pulled me roughly back off the step and we turned to leave . ",2 444,"Lissa gazed up at him , at his vexed expression , and tried to quell the smile that pulled at her lips . ",2 445,"But he was confronted by an ecstatic welcome from his mother , who was waiting for him on the doorstep . ",5 446,She shot him a horrified look . ,1 447,His comments are a major diplomatic gaffe as the CRC has supported the region in its disquiet over the CRE 's decision to begin an investigation . ,1 448,A frown of exasperation lined her brow as she shook her dark head in bewilderment . ,3 449,"As trains halted , the orchestra struck up Aaron Copland 's Fanfare For The Common Man much to the amusement and delight of curious passengers . ",5 450,"As the frightened boy bolted to Gooseneck 's side , there was a scream from Fishbane 's corner where an unwary Pole had reaped the consequences of turning her back to view the drama . ",1 451,"` It is a long time since anyone cared for you as tonight you cared for Ana , is it not ? "" he asked softly , his hand coming to tilt her downcast face . ",4 452,"Believing that he had no ` right "" to be angry over this mishap , Matthew retreated to his bedroom , took out a penknife and cut a painful slit in his own hand . ",2 453,"Athelstan sat in complete stupefaction , drinking his beer , as Cranston cleared every platter , washing it all down with another bowl of claret . ",3 454,"Always he gets angry when she takes customers home . "" ",2 455,"There was public disquiet , questions in the Commons and an enquiry ordered into Jeffrey 's whereabouts . ",1 456,"` You look glum today , "" Bragg said good-humouredly . ",4 457,"He was exasperated , but not cast down . ",2 458,There are periods when we feel totally inconsolable . ,4 459,Nigel became despondent but I did n't . ,4 460,"He shows his annoyance with some intimidating facial expression , backed up by a sparse selection of adjectival punctuation invariably using the ` f "" word , which he uses with considerable effect . ",2 461,People waiting for trains watched in horror as the violence spread towards the Festi Hall . ,1 462,"First of all the crowd was stunned , and then they erupted , giving Allan a marvellous reception on his lap of honour But the night was yet young . ",3 463,Some members of the UN Security Council will be miffed .,2 464,"With a wide , delighted smile , because she had n't really expected ever to see him again , she teased , ` Are you following me ? "" ",5 465,"Blake looked at the exasperated face of the Doctor , ' but this computer can predict what I 'm going to do . ",2 466,"As I walked down the front steps for the last time , a feeling of elation swept over me . ",5 467,"With her long hair drooping round her face and her large , mournful eyes , she looked like a lost basset-hound puppy . ",4 468,She was feeling hurt and a little bewildered . ,3 469,""" Debbie would be pleased , "" she said . ",5 470,I feel so sad with Marie gone . ,4 471,They were young but they walked bent in sorrow . ,4 472,"Katherine could feel his anguish , and for the second time that day the tears slid down her cheeks . ",4 473,"But one day when the lord was off hunting the fox said : "" Friends , we are all happy and contented , but our master sometimes seems rather sad and downcast . ",4 474,"Several times , Gedge had persuaded him to stay with the band when he had become disgruntled and ` warnings "" had not been given because he ostensibly wanted to leave anyway . ",0 475,The man seemed stunned . ,3 476,"Paula , mother of Nicola , 4 , and Richard , 2 , was pleased when the local council made the playground in the town park more child-friendly . ",5 477,"Two could play the same game , and the Russian was now riled . ",2 478,"Laura 's normally full , warm lips tightened with annoyance . ",2 479,"My elation of the previous day began to evaporate until I remembered Agnes , the indentures I had signed , and the basic honesty of Ralemberg and de Macon . ",5 480,"Darren , looking small and extremely disgruntled , was slumped in the front left-hand seat . ",0 481,"She supposed she ought to feel apprehensive , but she felt only deep delight , and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to be making her way through the moonlight to Raynor . ",5 482,"It was there , that same until-then-pleasant morning , to the astonishment of all the workers in the Library , that Stour stumbled into the Great Chamber and laid his burden down . ",3 483,"Some horses become excited and upset if something goes a bit wrong when they are in harness , such as chains or ropes becoming entangled around their feet . ",5 484,"Cranston repeated , fighting hard to control the excitement in his voice . ",5 485,I understand the mood but if some of them are disgruntled they are entitled to call an EGM . ,0 486,"He also said , to the delight of those Nonconformists who read his memoirs , that Watson 's tour was far more successful than Matthew Arnold 's . ",5 487,"If I failed to do so , he would become exasperated and start shouting at me , telling me how stupid I was ; whereupon I would dissolve into tears and rush out of the room . ",2 488,"The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband 's side , and even crawled into his bed in a vain attempt to infect herself with his disease . ",4 489,"When she was ecstatic , and she was often ecstatic , ecstasy flew from her face like the sun from a mirror . ",5 490,"Lin Foh seemed incensed , but kept his voice down as they reached the outside steps of the Coroner 's Court . ",2 491,I got the impression that he was extremely alarmed about his own position and was determined to eliminate any risk for himself by a massive change of Government . ,1 492,Imagine the horror on my beloved 's face when he discovered I had in fact flung in the rubbish his much prized and read collection of Guitarist magazines ! ,1 493,The girl looked startled . ,3 494,It is difficult to tell whether they are disappointed or pleased when the expected end seems delayed . ,5 495,"The three of them started walking , followed by the excited crowd . ",5 496,She did n't want to trouble the penguin with the bewilderment in her eyes . ,3 497,"Alexandra was extremely excited , over-excited in Janet 's opinion . ",5 498,"At the same time , I 'm elated and I can go back to the vices I did have , "" said Mr Tyson . ",5 499,Maria 's ( 3.5 years ) parents were concerned because of her severe headbanging at home . ,1 500,George drove past and felt a terrible anger replace his elation . ,5 501,Irina hung up in exasperation . ,2 502,"Aside from the fact that Jill is quite capable of carrying her own books , her glumness could easily be due to being a young lesbian forced to suppress it and wishing Jack would take his stupid pick-up lines elsewhere . ",4 503,Emily could see his puzzlement . ,3 504,"` Of course , we were devastated , but we knew now what had been wrong all along -- and at least they could n't blame me any more . "" ",4 505,"Vitor went down on his hunkers and , much to the child 's glee , spent a minute or two admiring the toy . ",5 506,"There was amusement in Jake 's voice , but there was something else as well . ",5 507,I am surely not alone in feeling profoundly sad over the so-called reprieve of certain regiments in the British Army . ,4 508,Following this there was considerable despondency amongst the committee as there seemed to be little hope for the future . ,4 509,Her brow creased in puzzlement . ,3 510,"An anguished groan escaped her , the certain knowledge hers that both she and Cara could say goodbye to that interview for ever if she breathed a word of the truth to him . ",4 511,The articles are on public record and the purchaser runs the risk of a disgruntled shareholder seeking to have the sale set aside if its consent was not obtained . ,0 512,"In our elation there was some suspicion that our experience had been secret , adventurous , and unique . ",5 513,"Ana started to laugh and Mitch gave her a startled glance and then laughed ruefully too , giving her a hug . ",3 514,Jenna 's face flushed with embarrassment at the way the girl watched in amused surprise . ,6 515,His eyes flared over her astonished face . ,3 516,Then she must sit in the sun before hauling it back up and altogether I was enraged and wished I was in a condition to show her how it should be done . ,2 517,"They can be happy and cheerful but they can also get fed-up , frustrated , angry , disappointed and hurt inside -- just like real people . ",0 518,In the longer term the offspring of depressed mothers are more likely to suffer from childhood depression . ,4 519,"Emily suddenly felt a surge of elation , she was eager for the new experience of being introduced into what she considered was the world of adulthood . ",5 520,"Feeling oddly bereft and desolate , besieged by Dolly 's incessant chatter , Luce was pleased to get back to the hotel . ",4 521,"No speeches have yet been greeted with ecstatic cries of ` author , author "" -- probably because Denis Healey is not there -- but the clash of rival socialist philosophies is no less cacaphonous . ",5 522,The boy gave a nervous smile ; Jean-Paul gestured to the waiter . ,1 523,"He shook his head , exasperated and cynical . ",2 524,"Little Maureen was agitated , but she made a nice speech . ",1 525,"The grand old man of the Scottish mountains , author and TV star Tom Weir , said he was sad about the plan . ",4 526,"To Shiona 's absolute horror , Jake had blamed her . ",1 527,"Slowly , he corners the frightened younger boy , talks reassuringly as he kisses and caresses him . ",1 528,Polanski had received notices of similar disquiet over his films . ,1 529,"Mait was momentarily nonplussed , but soon recovered , as he mentally ran through the possible effects of this on his plan . ",3 530,"` You keep them , "" she cried , throwing the jewels into the plump lap of the astounded Soapy Finnegan . ",3 531,She glanced down at the linoleum in despair . ,4 532,The sun was shining the next morning but the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Eline 's feelings of dejection . ,4 533,Seb reached Burford in a state of high excitement only to find that Superintending Constable Aplin was in London . ,5 534,But there is no doubt that some of these ideas are causing great disquiet among Branch Management and Staff . ,1 535,A smile of amusement played on his lips as he studied his unkempt prize . ,5 536,They are sad for Johnny Bryan because he can never truly be a member of this particular family . ,4 537,Another step forward and Pooley noted to his utter stupefaction that it had vanished altogether into empty air . ,3 538,"I 'm just so excited , because he says I can be in charge of it . ",5 539,Everyone is terribly concerned at the moment ; we had thought that the security at St Helier was tighter than in most other hospitals . ,1 540,Then the toot of a trumpet and the clown with the enormous sorrowful eyes was coming at her in her ring-side seat and she wanted to run away . ,4 541,Remember that hypnosis is not a party game to be practised by amateurs for the amusement of themselves or others . ,5 542,"Unable to help herself , Mrs Abigail made a vexed noise . ",2 543,"She subsequently attended the genetic counselling clinic , and was very anxious about the situation . ",1 544,Minute shards of glass slashed across Rohmer 's ecstatic face . ,5 545,The participants in folk dance can and certainly do show elation . ,5 546,"It emerged that , in conscious and especially in excited or agitated patients , the drug produced a remarkable state of inactivity or indifference . ",1 547,Jenny sat with a contented smile on her face during this interchange while mother repressed her irritation and anger with her husband 's remarks . ,5 548,"Scott ran a hand through his hair , bewilderment on his face . ",3 549,"Scientists , on both sides of no-man 's land , become bitterly indignant when someone points such external influences out to them . ",2 550,"During the following months the School managed to carry on , but the atmosphere must have been one of great despondency . ",4 551,"During the days that followed Brackenbury 's hasty departure , Edward 's despondency increased . ",4 552,"At first , she was utterly bewildered when he burst out laughing . ",3 553,"Jamie Hill , defending , said Glorney 's marriage had broken down and his despair manifested itself in him turning to drink and committing offences . ",4 554,"Rose was excessively clinging in her behaviour and anxious when Clive was either late , as he often was , or away on an extended business trip . ",1 555,You may find your exasperation turns to inspiration ,2 556,"` When Liz came back there was raucous laughter and she felt humiliated . "" ",6 557,"No , she 's not vexed . ",2 558,"She could not convince me at the time that anything bad could happen , now that I had finally ` solved "" my eating problems , and for a short time I felt jubilant , relieved and ecstatic . ",5 559,"He felt elated , warm-hearted at the sight of the place where he 'd been born . ",5 560,"A miffed European Parliament head , President Jose Maria Gil -Robles , who is visiting Paris , promptly canceled a scheduled stop at de Charette 's office --- pending an apology .",2 561,"Not so , according to elated opponents of nuclear power . ",5 562,"Diana took the criticism to heart , avidly read what was being said about her and became depressed and despondent . ",4 563,"Rebecca went in search of her bag , and Lissa sent an irate look in Adam 's direction . ",2 564,"Moreover , I disliked the Lady Eleanor intensely , with her sorrowful face and moping ways . ",4 565,"As a friend of Linde 's , I was rather embarrassed , however , when I was later sent his paper by a scientific journal and asked whether it was suitable for publication . ",6 566,"Agnes noted with alarm that a pink flush was suffusing Dorothy 's face , a sure sign of temper , and really , thought her loyal assistant , she had every right to be cross under the circumstances . ",2 567,"He saw Maud once in the Kurfrstendamm , eating alone in a cafe and looking a little desolate , with a stack of coins already piled beside her plate although her meal had only just come . ",4 568,Andrus seemed totally bewildered . ,3 569,"I am stunned to find him so fine and ruddy in the startling , bleak white of this room ; so handsome in the face of my decay , my washed-out skin and faded eyes , my smears of blood and perspiration . ",3 570,She in turn had been drawn to him at the time when she was miserable about Jean-Pierre . ,4 571,"The man stared at her in stunned silence , his chest rising and falling with some kind of agitation . ",3 572,"Nevertheless , Maeve 's sharp eyes had missed nothing ; her husband looked exhausted , troubled , and now she felt agitated . ",1 573,"At the sixth congress , in 1986 , irate delegates rejected a ridiculously optimistic programme that had been drafted in secret by Le Duan , the then secretary-general . ",2 574,They simply could not understand why people in England were so worried . ,1 575,My heart was thumping with disquiet . ,1 576,"So I got very , very depressed about it all and I just said to the officers , ` Put me in my cell and leave me alone . ",4 577," It was just like Rambo , said one of the scores of horrified students who fled from the university after the massacre . ",1 578,She really was mad about what she 'd just found in her freezer . ,2 579,Jim could nonetheless tell by his anxious face that something was wrong . ,1 580,"Then , as could happen with him , he felt a deep despondency replace his feeling of elation . ",5 581,"Vincent agreed , too low-spirited to put up any resistance . ",4 582,"The horse , having been abandoned in the traces for twenty-four hours , was utterly disgruntled . ",0 583,"Help us to become more aware of the needs , the joys and the sorrows of our brothers here . ",4 584,"I coped at the time but now , five years on , I feel guilty and resentful about the whole affair . ",2 585,He looked quite nonplussed . ,3 586,"Now it was the Young King who drew back and , doubtless to their father 's immense exasperation , refused to accept Richard 's homage . ",2 587,"How mad we 've been , Lyn . ",2 588,"Delighted about Jim , apprehensive for Jasper , Alice lay for a long time awake in the silent room . ",5 589,"But , not surprisingly , many parents continue to feel anxious , tense and sad about their children . ",4 590,"And having made the mistake a bird seldom gets a second chance , for the startled butterfly takes off , not in the direction the bird might have expected but , apparently , backwards . ",3 591,"And she did , leaving a very bewildered Ellie to look round her at the well-equipped kitchen and the gently steaming kettle . ",3 592,Carlie and Harvey feel bitter and resentful about the way they 've been treated . ,2 593,She was shortish and had an attractive way of cocking her head on one side and looking up with big dark eyes and a wryly amused smile . ,5 594,"The advertisements appeared in Novoye Russkoye at the weekend , causing a buzz of excitement in the Soviet expatriate enclave of Brighton Beach , also known as Little Odessa . ",5 595,"It was the prospect of finding gold that induced these excited men to make such frantic efforts to open out the barrow "" . ",5 596,"Journalists were asked by the manager to attend a midday conference at Celtic Park in the expectation that Brady would be commenting on his dismay over anonymous , directorial criticism of the team 's progress . ",1 597,"Depression flattens the voice almost to monotony ; movement is slowed , and a dejected facial expression is characteristic of many people when they are in a low mood . ",4 598,She voiced her disquiet and Ana laughed . ,1 599,"Auguste sat in the small balcony with his mother and father , for once not noticing the unaccustomedness of their best clothes , so excited were they . ",5 600,"She tried to sleep , but she was desperately nervous about tomorrow . ",1 601,They were exasperated and mystified . ,2 602,"The simple , laughing islanders subsequently worshipped it as a god , much to the amusement of their more sophisticated neighbours . ",5 603,She was really embarrassed . ,6 604,"She was particularly concerned when , shortly before her wedding day , she discovered that Prince Charles planned to give his friend a bracelet inscribed with their nicknames ` Fred "" and ` Gladys "" . ",1 605,"The Lancashire members were furious when they heard that Gooch and the other England selectors had axed Red Rose favourite Phil DeFreitas , preferring Essex pacemen Neil Foster and Mark Ilott . ",2 606,Never before had Bodmin seen so many faces and so many happy faces all at one time ! ,5 607,"The day was high and bright , the salt tang seasoning the after-pulse of summer heat which still hung in the air , but nothing could shift my sense of despondency , nagging depression . ",4 608,"How often do parents say in exasperation , ` Oh , you 'll be the death of me "" ? ",2 609,This can be dangerous work : three field workers in Korup were trapped behind a tree by an enraged elephant after their tranquilliser dart missed its target . ,2 610,Hepzibah looked at Carrie 's woebegone face . ,4 611,"The note of anger carried to the groups and couples passing by , provoking amusement and raised eyebrows . ",5 612,"Julia , stunned but dry-eyed , had given her statement to the police . ",3 613,"` The popular story is that he was so heartbroken he ran off to join a religious order , and has since been ordained . "" ",4 614,Merrill laughed at her dejection . ,4 615,Meanwhile the flood of letters of a very different sort from anxious Hong Kong citizens to this and every other newspaper office continues . ,1 616,"She 's in a lot of pain , and is extremely anxious about her condition . "" ",1 617,"At their graves their families would unite with their beloved over a memorial meal and a drink , easing their grief in recreating the family intimacy , only transiently ruptured . ",4 618,Leonora shook her head in revulsion . ,0 619,Troubled Premier John Major now faces huge protests from disgruntled workers if the cash goes towards creating jobs overseas . ,0 620,"When I asked if they could make me an identical one trimmed with black fur and beading instead , they were horrified but they agreed in the end . "" ",1 621,"In England wild storms swept the country , and commuters were infuriated and inconvenienced by the ASLEF dispute . ",2 622,"And our hero in his turn , felt despondent and fearful , for his little grey mentor had given him no instructions for this eventuality . ",4 623,Rune frowned as his eagle-eyed regard read the despair on her face . ,4 624,His parents were furious over the engagement business . ,2 625,Behind the front door hovered a small and wiry man who appeared greatly agitated and whose polished bald head was flushed and sweating profusely in spite of the cold . ,1 626,"And I 'm really excited about it and there 's lots of interest , I think this places are taken up already . ",5 627,"As Clinton was taking up the reins of power , a disconsolate President Bush flew back to Washington to make arrangements for the handover . ",4 628,"The New Zealand-born but peripatetic investor was speaking at GPG 's annual meeting in London , where he faced tough questioning from a disgruntled shareholder about accounting practices and future strategy ",0 629,She did n't look quite so indignant as she 'd looked before . ,2 630,He discovered to his astonishment that Frank now professed atheism . ,3 631,""" Dear God , "" he said , beginning to get rattled . ",1 632,"Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said . ",3 633,"The tears came , and rapidly dissolved her angry expression to one of utter despair . ",4 634,THE glum look on the face of England Manager Graham Taylor says it all but he has no intention of quitting . ,4 635,And the overjoyed youngster was swept off her feet by her favourite royal . ,5 636,"` Now you are mocking me , "" Vologsky murmured , with a slightly embarrassed smile . ",6 637,He could see sorrow in the dark eyes which glowed as if there were candles burning behind them . ,4 638,"The Estonians require a language test before full civil rights are granted , to the dismay of their Russian-speaking population . ",1 639,Dotty flushed with annoyance . ,2 640,She began to feel exasperated . ,2 641,"You could n't simply ignore the fact that he had sentenced you to death , but it was important to let him know that you were n't rattled . ",1 642,"One episode ends with the proud man broken , humiliated and in tears . ",6 643,"During the day her mother seemed happy at times , baking , trying out fresh recipes , or changing yet again the curtains , or crocheting new chair-backs . ",5 644,So you can see why mothers get angry when they discover that even everyday foods such as apples can cause a build-up of unwanted chemicals in their children 's bodies . ,2 645,The merchant 's long face was even more mournful and the friar was sure the man had been crying . ,4 646,He gave a little grunt of exasperation . ,2 647,Whether the cries of anguish for 1991 alone are justified remains to be seen . ,4 648,Police found the exhausted pensioner bewildered by the roadside . ,3 649,"That he forgot his guest in his despair , ",4 650,She felt the anguished tears of motherhood blur her vision and blinked them away . ,4 651,"He turned a livid , stubbled face to the crowd . ",2 652,She showed her anger in public by virtually ignoring Charles . ,2 653,Now fed-up councillors are planning to meet officials from the Re-Roof Housing Association . ,0 654,She shot him a look of exasperation . ,2 655,"This ` return to the sources "" discovers either that such primitive celebrations are entirely divorced from modern sexuality , or that they always concealed a deathly horror . ",1 656,"Gioella 's eyes flashed with amusement as she pushed a chair towards her and said , ` Constance , what a very sophisticated dress . ",5 657,"In his meeting with Bush , zal reportedly sought to express his disquiet about a bill passing through the US Congress aimed at marking the "" 75th anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 1915-23 "" . ",1 658,The assistant looked alarmed . ,1 659,On this occasion City accepted with relish the chances which came their way and inflicted serious psychological damage on their dejected opponents . ,4 660,"Topaz was indignant , some of her fear dissipating . ",2 661,"For example , mildly depressed and tired old people used to be given amphetamines . ",4 662,I was working late on one of these bad nights when an excited Dr Laurent rushed into my office . ,5 663,"One unnamed area was criticised after it appeared to have industrial dereliction and sad , downcast people . ",4 664,There was a trace of exasperation in his voice as he said : ` I 've told my promoter Dan Duva that I want to fight all those contenders that the people want me to fight . ,2 665,Patrick was not ready yet to share Stevie 's excitement . ,5 666,The Government resolutely refused to comment until in January 1978 we suddenly heard that an exasperated Lord Rosebery had broken off the sale and given Sotheby 's the go-ahead to auction the contents in May . ,2 667,Cleo stared at the contents with dismay . ,1 668,Producers must believe in their ability and not succumb to despondency . ,4 669,"You ai n't gone and got yourself worked up into a glum mood , have you now ? "" ",4 670,President Truman and his advisers were anxious over Sino-Soviet relations and wondered whether American forces could take the port of Dairen and thus prevent the Soviet Union from occupying the Liaotung peninsula of south Manchuria . ,1 671,"Overjoyed at the prospect , she found it difficult to conceal her excitement from those around her . ",5 672,"` I am practical , "" Jessamy insisted with some annoyance . ",2 673,"What does stand out is that everyone believes that the profession , its standards and its aims , matter , and they all feel an excitement about the job of acting . ",5 674,"The first week I was at the school , I attempted to climb a tree , and was reproved by a horrified prefect . ",1 675,One horrified look told him that Daisy had already sunk to her pasterns . ,1 676,"He pressed himself back once more against the wall , panting with excitement . ",5 677,I can understand the apparent stupefaction of all parties . ,3 678,"Riot police were needed to quell pitch invasions. -- More than 200,000 ecstatic Leeds United fans took part in a carnival-style street party yesterday as their team paraded the League Championship trophy . ",5 679,But now she looked excited . ,5 680,Constance looked at him in bewilderment . ,3 681,The insurance cover is designed to protect intermediaries against suits for damages brought by irate customers . ,2 682,NURSES are being given acting lessons -- to help them cope with irate patients . ,2 683,"Not from irritation , but because she knew it was a lie , and felt sorrowful because of Alice . ",4 684,"With a little grimace , she turned to stare with rather horrified fascination at the dark oil paintings that lined the walls . ",1 685,"` I desire first to go to the palace of Westminster , my lord , there to greet the queen my mother and tender my condolences -- and to share the grief of my family . "" ",4 686,The old man answered my knock and his big face split into a delighted grin when he saw me . ,5 687,Sir Jack Brabham says he 's never been so excited about a new motor car and the challenge is to go and take on the best ,5 688,"` Good heavens , no , lady "" came the indignant reply . ",2 689,"A disgruntled postman rang up a radio chat show to complain , and found himself spearheading an anti-Florio movement that culminated in 50,000 people marching on the state capitol . ",0 690,"He had thus been forced to hide his ignorance , which ill became a bohemian poet , when the trial burst upon a horrified society . ",1 691,She was totally nonplussed . ,3 692,"When I was 15 I was in a depressed state and I thought , I 'll do these last paintings about the end of the world and then I 'll end it . ",4 693,He looked a little crestfallen . ,4 694,He looked most disconsolate . ,4 695,"You then left that meeting , rather hurriedly , before it ended , in a very anxious state . ",1 696,She stared until it was hard to know which was herself -- the disconsolate woman in the chill room or the other sorrowful face in the night outside . ,4 697,"We had n't gone very far when we met up with another Lancaster returning from a Cook 's Tour , and to my horror the two aircraft then flew wing-tip to wing-tip all the way home . ",1 698,"And Ryan had spent more than one night under the roof with her , she remembered in bitter anguish . ",4 699,"A few months later Gough Whitlam brought the Australian Army home but it is said that for those who experienced the horrors , each one left a little piece of themselves out in Viet . ",1 700,"Very likely he was simply lying on his bed in a state of dejection and , perhaps , of remorse for his massacre of "" the possessions "" which was now generally thought not to have been necessary . ",4 701,This did the trick : the boys now have a more distant friendship and David is much happier . ,5 702,This caused a good deal of consternation and dismay in Westminster . ,1 703,"` He was depressed and has suffered a great deal of mental anguish . "" ",4 704,Laura stared up at Ross in stupefied amazement . ,3 705,"Ethel shook her head in puzzlement , but a gleam had been coming into Eames 's eyes . ",3 706,"The commercial ethic meant some deterioration in standards , while the cutbacks in the Overseas News department , one of the glories of Bush House , caused much dismay in the public communications world . ",1 707,"Squeezed like despondent sardines , they looked as if they were huddling for warmth . ",4 708,` He was livid . ,2 709,"Brian Davies , also from near Coventry , had entered some immense pumpkins and marrows , but seemed mournful . ",4 710,"To our gratification , Blackwells , whom we had approached , expressed interest in the project , something we had not dared to expect . ",5 711,"Much pressure can overtly or unwittingly be put on grown up children , to provide grandchildren for the delight of the grandparents . ",5 712,"Len looked apologetic and woebegone , and mumbled something about not letting down his mates . ",4 713,"Perhaps elated behaviour has evolved in connection with a rise in the hierarchy , depressive behaviour with a fall . ",5 714,"They were very polite , but also very embarrassed . ",6 715,"The next thing he knew he was lying on the floor , half stunned , beans everywhere . ",3 716,"More usually it left him ashamed and angry , despite his wife 's kind words of consolation , and Ashi herself in an agitated state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness . ",1 717,I 'm embarrassed for Blade . ,6 718, But the council 's so embarrassed about that one that they 're just leaving them to put it right as quietly as they can . ,6 719,"Wycombe were beaten by Bob Taylor 's 82nd-minute winner , and their disconsolate boss Martin O'Neill said : ` I was actually looking forward to extra-time because I was so sure we would win . ",4 720,There was real anguish in his eyes . ,4 721,"He was a contented man for he had a good wife , a prosperous farm in Upper Caversham some four miles from Reading market , had had a good season and a financially successful day . ",5 722,"Not everybody wants and trailed into silence , for Lily 's eyelids were now fluttering , holding back offended tears . ",2 723,"` When a police sergeant revisited Mr Thompson he was still clearly the worse for drink and was in an agitated state . "" ",1 724,Her disgruntlement arose from the now obvious fact that the prince was enamoured of Joan . ,0 725,"However , she had no intention of revealing her gratification to Anne . ",5 726,"He began to kiss her , and Dinah knew slight revulsion ; if only he would leave her alone for once ! ",0 727,Yesterday it was also disclosed that glamorous Suzannah Dwyer told her devastated husband of her romance 24 hours before Bates went public with the news at a press conference . ,4 728,There was anger in Jacob 's voice and stance as he led her towards Sylvie 's bedroom . ,2 729,Thus if a particularly irate husband pronounced the words three times in the heat of the moment the divorce was permanent and could not be reversed . ,2 730,And yesterday his heartbroken wife Jane slammed police for failing to find him after she raised the alarm 48 hours earlier . ,4 731,Bob sat up on the bed and gazed at her in astonishment . ,3 732,"He had a narrow mournful face , tapering to a long pointed chin . ",4 733,"Returning to the campuses in a state of excitement , they sensed victory over the authorities , but had to secure the release of their arrested colleagues . ",5 734,Through a swell of tears Ruth stared incredulously at the bundle and felt such despair that she feared she would drop the child . ,4 735,"But I do n't want an indignant boyfriend on my doorstep breathing fire . "" ",2 736,"Apparently the RLD was not aware of the details of the Vanguard accident at that time , but the subsequent publication of the report on the accident should have reinforced their disquiet . ",1 737,This disgruntled minority has a disturbing impact on the performance of other pupils . ,0 738,"Figurative arts , even more than poetry , expressed the mixed feelings of elation over past victories and fear of future incursions which the Celts inspired . ",5 739,At this stage you are normally expected to experience grief when the main feeling is shock . ,4 740,"Except the O'Neil family in the first row of the circle , who sat in stupefied amazement , hardly believing what they had witnessed . ",3 741,He 'd play her along until she got fed-up and started making too many demands . ,0 742,Nutty was not offended . ,2 743,They were a little anxious about the flight over the Timor Sea as their compass had been 10 awry on the outward journey though it was correct at Melbourne . ,1 744,"She took two or three large breaths over the top of her bag of groceries , while Mrs Stych watched her stupefaction with complacency . ",3 745,"Without another word , Bert Rafferty gently picked up the frightened child and made towards the cliff . ",1 746,Corbett stopped his horse and turned to the startled Ranulf . ,3 747,Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair . ,4 748,"When Lansdowne communicated his despair about the war to the press in 1917 and called for negotiations , there was a storm of protest . ",4 749,Determinedly she put her worries and the root cause of her despondency behind her and tried to think more cheerfully . ,4 750,"He considered this thoughtfully , then a gleam of amusement came into his eyes . ",5 751,"More then 40,000 ecstatic fans filled stadia each night to scream at the girly they instantly dubbed the Mighty Minogue . ",5 752,I want you and Sheila to know how very much I appreciate the kindness shown to me in my earlier mood of despondency . ,4 753,Interpersonal arguments and difficulties were also a more common feature of the experiences of depressed patients than of the comparison group . ,4 754,"Within months revival began , and overjoyed Christians overflowed into the city streets . ",5 755,But conservatives are also miffed about Foster 's long ties to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the fact that his teen-age pregnancy program dispenses contraceptives .,2 756,"Even as he spoke , she saw the dawning horror in his eyes . ",1 757,"His face was livid , and his hand had clapped to his sword . ",2 758,She stopped as she saw the look of annoyance on his face . ,2 759,"` I thought they must have had a quarrel , "" Brand said , and I had the impression he was n't heartbroken about it . "" ",4 760,"` You think of everything , do n't you ? "" she said with a delighted smile . ",5 761,"In front of stunned mourners he told grieving widow Linsay Robinson to ` pay up or else "" . ",3 762,"Untidy work led to rows , rows led to confrontation , confrontation led to the boy being soundly thrashed by his exasperated mother . ",2 763,Please do n't let the dismay of the pro-Ford lobby colour your judgement in future road tests . ,1 764,Taheb 's face became sad . ,4 765,"His moist mouth suckled , and when she gazed down at his rapt , contented face she knew that she was lost to him . ",5 766,I could n't bear the mournful look on his face . ,4 767,""" What 's this , playing infant games still ? "" he demanded , and was gratified to see the flush of embarrassment in Tristram 's cheek . ",6 768,Sister Cecilia was flushed with vexation . ,2 769,"Even so , becoming angry when travel arrangements go wrong can hardly help . ",2 770,"Her astonished eyes were taking in his costume : gold-embroidered satin jacket , knee breeches and jabot of the eighteenth century . ",3 771,"Ralf the pedlar stood in the centre of the drawbridge , a pleased smile stretching from ear to ear . ",5 772,He felt too let-down and disgruntled . ,0 773,She knew that his Gothic romance and glossary were being turned down by publisher after publisher and he grew despondent as he rewrote and rewrote again . ,4 774,"Then he relaxes into a sorrowful smile , like when you remember someone you loved who died a long time ago . ",4 775,He left so quickly that she stared in astonishment at the door he had closed behind him . ,3 776,A CITY 'S terror-stricken minicab drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after the murder of a young cabbie . ,1 777,"Shelley sat down beside the patient and smiled at him , the cheerfulness coming from somewhere behind her deep despair . ",4 778,"Geographical moves have been found to be third most important in a list of ten precipitants concentrated in the month before the onset of depressive symptoms , in forty consecutive clinically depressed patients . ",4 779,"She turned to Fran , faint annoyance crossing her face . ",2 780,"It is also worth speculating on the fate of what must have been a nonplussed Christopher Chryselius , Sir John Pennington must have been thoroughly annoyed at the outcome , too . ",3 781,"He looked up , his lugubrious face pale , and Athelstan saw it was tear-stained . ",4 782,Paddington grew more and more excited as he listened . ,5 783,"He seemed too depressed to do very much , wandering round the house like a zombie . ",4 784,I 'm really ashamed of the matter and therefore return to you the bond cancelled . ,6 785,"There were rumours of anger among the grain farmers , who were being given IOUs instead of cash for their crops . ",2 786,"It can be the focus of inconsolable grief ; it inspires poetry and literature , symphonies and songs . ",4 787,"The kids were mortified but I thought it was a real hoot . "" ",6 788,Nor was the thought that he alone might hold the key to the mystery the sole component in his strangely elated state . ,5 789,Maurice seemed startled . ,3 790,She sounded very disappointed and David knew she was suppressing her exasperation . ,2 791,"I was mortified , because we did n't appear at the presentation ceremony and I did n't receive a medal as a memento of the occasion . ",6 792,"Sonia and Helen flung themselves into my arms , to Joe 's great astonishment . ",3 793,The Brazilian lover was looking increasingly disconsolate . ,4 794,"Shelley looked at the happy faces of her companions , and knew they wanted to be alone , however sweet they were being . ",5 795,Now Endill felt really depressed . ,4 796,But why does Mr Ross always look sad ? ,4 797,"That may not , however , be enough for the offended partner . ",2 798,But the parting has brought some sweet sorrow to her and her landlord . ,4 799,"That was still the kind of work that I wanted to do , and if I thought very much a comprehensive schools it was in a spirit of mild disquiet . ",1 800,"Anyone could have typed that message and his initial , she realised with dismay . ",1 801,The look of reproach and sorrow on her face cut into him far more deeply than any angry words could have done . ,4 802,She gave him a startled glance . ,3 803,Connor 's voice was gleeful . ,5 804,"The pain had faded into the background and she was starting to feel stupefied , her head stuffed with cotton wool , her eyes heavy . ",3 805,It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way . ,1 806,Agnes watched with amusement as his interest quickened or faded with each phrase . ,5 807,"In time , perhaps , she would make efforts to conceal her resentment about his ability to make her feel guilty , and he would make efforts to conceal his anguish about the loss of her . ",4 808,"There was dismay on her face , now . ",1 809,"Bank customers are notoriously slow to shift their business , even if they are miffed . ",2 810,"Cowed , he stiffened his stance , his eyes slightly downcast . ",4 811,"De Gaulle was incensed , ordered Massu 's recall to Paris , and , against the advice of several senior advisers , insisted that Massu should not be permitted to return to his command . ",2 812,"Schellenberg went out , closing the door , feeling totally bewildered . ",3 813,Tug had just one glimpse of the girl 's horror as her mouth and her eyes opened wide . ,1 814,"` A great number , "" said the astounded Mrs Phelps . ",3 815,The RUC men who had conducted the police investigations were fiercely indignant and a senior officer threatened to resign . ,2 816,The manager who seeks to increase the nurse 's embarrassment or difficulties is of little help . ,6 817,"I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time . ",4 818,"I 'm always happy when I 'm wearing trousers and a jacket that covers my bum ! "" ",5 819,"` She felt that would have caused pain and anguish to William and Harry . "" ",4 820,The young woman just stared back like a frightened rabbit . ,1 821,"But the address underlines the anguish of Her Majesty 's speech after the Windsor Castle fire when she referred to 1992 as her ` annus horribilis "" . ",4 822,"Edwin , I would be utterly desolate were it not for my faithful companion here . ",4 823,"Inevitably some become despondent , fearing they will never work again . ",4 824,Athelstan gasped with excitement and went round to rouse the coroner . ,5 825,We therefore have a clashing interest of views over whether to feel sympathy or revulsion about Blanche . ,0 826,"Now Mr Rifkind has written to the BSC chairman , Sir Robert Scholey , asking for further assurances after meeting anxious union leaders . ",1 827,The butcher becomes incensed . ,2 828,Milton took pity on his embarrassed friend . ,6 829,I remember my feeling of elation when I climbed aboard the train . ,5 830,Fruit and vegetable growers in the area are furious about the decision . ,2 831,"Rock became aware that the thrilling , magical father , who had taken his young son backstage , on the road , drinking , water-skiiing , was gradually becoming a resentful tyrant . ",2 832,To her annoyance a warm blush was steadily creeping into her cheeks . ,2 833,"MOST of those who read Glenys Roberts 's moan ( March 15 ) and who know Monaco felt , I suspect , more sorrow for the author than disdain for the place . ",4 834,Roberts looked nervous but kept a fixed smile . ,1 835,When he saw this he was further enraged and started towards the seer with an axe . ,2 836,Then in his foolish exhilaration he had leaped into a tree and spotted them with his binoculars . ,5 837,"Robyn leant against the door to the office and found herself experiencing the old , familiar surge of deep annoyance . ",2 838,"The despairing , faithless , gaping , horrified wife looked down at her lover , and knew that he was dead . ",1 839,He cursed his lack of self-control ; he knew that the old biddies had seen it and he felt humiliated . ,6 840,"The children , at least the younger ones , become bewildered and distraught . ",3 841,"When Annie 's daughter died at the age of five , she was heartbroken . ",4 842,Jesus felt despair and sorrow to such an extent that there is a mood of desperation in the story . ,4 843,He was very frightened now . ,1 844,"` I was devastated , I wanted him back , "" Carol said after the hearing at Fareham . ",4 845,To only a few had he been the devil who gloated over their private grief . ,4 846,"When they got to the florist and Georg saw his father emerging he really was cross , so cross he leapt out from the driver 's seat and intercepted Willi on the pavement . ",2 847,His face was livid and bloody . ,2 848,To her bewilderment they both dissolved into giggles . ,3 849,"Leapor was still downcast about the loss of her job , perhaps unable to write much poetry , when she met Freemantle . ",4 850,I feel really miserable to tell the truth . ,4 851,"She picked up a pen and drew a line through the service charge , then handed the bill to the indignant guest . ",2 852,"The girls exchanged nervous glances , thinking that it must be Miss Hardbroom come to reprimand them for being out of bed . ",1 853,"But , determined that he should n't have the satisfaction of seeing her vexation , she said drily , ` Do n't mention it ; I 'm only glad it was n't rush-hour . "" ",2 854,"A bewildered and shocked survivor can be guided through red tape , and practical alternatives can be found , as in the case of Liz and Tom who were burgled while on Income Support . ",3 855,So we 're quite excited about it and also it 's quite a major problem . ,5 856,It was a measure of Arnold 's astonishment that he used the dialect expression of concern . ,3 857,"I have grown up to be distrustful of men , doubtful of my own goodness , extremely resentful and explosively angry . ",2 858,"Quick -- sign the register , get out , escape from the puzzlement in her eyes . ",3 859,"` They say the king 's left Welshpool with a small escort ahead of the army , "" volunteered a boy a yard or so in front of them , turning an excited face . ",5 860,He was at the graveside looking mournful and interesting . ,4 861,Vincent was irritated but not dismayed . ,1 862,Sheila Williams was feeling miserable . ,4 863,Darby was momentarily crestfallen before saying : ` I still think it 's an office you need to find . ,4 864,"One woman , who already had a job and a busy life of her own , was surprised to find how sad she felt when her children left home in quick succession . ",4 865,"His face was completely serious , even slightly mournful . ",4 866,"` You are all bloody mad , "" screamed the disgruntled player , in a high piping voice . ",0 867,Rachel had been nonplussed . ,3 868,"Then Isabel saw Ellen 's stunned face and realised that her maid , at least , did not know she had spent the night alone . ",3 869,"Afterwards , Mr Booth showed his delight by distributing chocolate bars to auction room patrons . ",5 870,"If I mention our separate sleeping arrangements to friends , they are horrified . ",1 871,"He ignored the affronted expression that crossed Isabel 's face at this sardonic rejoinder , and continued . ",2 872,"When anything important happens you 're stunned , and thrown out for a while , and then you recover ",3 873,BANGOR 'S Alex Lightbody must be the most bewildered bowler in the NIBA this season . ,3 874,GRAHAM TAYLOR will defy the fury of a humiliated nation and risk his entire reputation on an England miracle in the next five months . ,6 875,Lesley was totally happy about it . ,5 876,They looked furious when they saw our faces peering in and made frantic signs for us to close the curtains again . ,2 877,"One itemised phone bill to Bedworth 's horrified mother ran to 34 pages of listed calls , the jury heard . ",1 878,"He uttered a short sharp bark , which made Rosie jump ; she assumed it was a cough , then realised that it was intended as an expression of amusement . ",5 879,Yanto realised to his horror he was now the nearest man to the exit bar . ,1 880,Country and Western is suitable for calming an agitated animal ,1 881,"Through some unexplained process , magnetic fields produced by the electric currents flowing in the cables seem to induce , say the depressives , the darkest feelings of gloom and despondency . ",4 882,Lenin was furious when he learned about it . ,2 883,He felt their resentful eyes burning the nape of his neck . ,2 884,He saw her glance up in puzzlement and ask why he was still fully dressed . ,3 885,The silence that followed was finally broken by a nervous laugh from one of the men-at-arms . ,1 886,` We are sad for Jason Livingston . ,4 887,He turned to see four alarmed faces and the atmosphere was thick with unanswered questions as he walked out . ,1 888,They talk about the sadness of departure ; what about the guilt of arrival ? ,4 889,"Her headache seemed to be getting worse and worse , and Raffaella 's command of English slipped as she grew increasingly excited . ",5 890,"To Meryl 's vexation , the boundary wall proved to be nearly eight feet high . ",2 891,"But for the time being , Private Morrison 's family , already overcome by grief , can only wait and hope his body will be released to them soon . ",4 892,"During his fishing time though it was sheer delight for him , his boys were always ready and willing to go to sea , bother U-boats etc ! ",5 893,Do n't get agitated . ,1 894,Many parents experience deep pain and despair about their teenage children . ,4 895,Had witnessed her puzzlement and then her shocked surprise as she realised what it was . ,3 896,Tabitha Campbell-Black was livid because she won a bag of Bailey 's Performance Mix horse feed rather than a T-shirt with a picture of a polo pony on the front . ,2 897,I was extremely indignant . ,2 898,He felt increasingly irritated and despondent . ,4 899,"He looked away , a bitter anger in his eyes . ",2 900,"On the other hand , the most important person , the cameraman , wore jeans and a Micky Mouse T-shirt , over which his mournful , deadpan moon face shone incongruously . ",4 901,"By this time I was beginning to think that Eric was either dead or had chosen to forget me , and I felt very depressed . ",4 902,"Penelope Huntley sat silent through this speech , chain-smoking , her eyes downcast . ",4 903,"If refused , they may feel saddened , disappointed , or inconvenienced , but their self-concept is n't shattered . ",4 904,She did not look like a happy woman . ,5 905,"` I have naught to offer you , "" the youth was saying and there was sorrow in his voice . ",4 906,"At various periods in his life , he had felt contented , satisfied , angry -- certainly angry -- smug , remorseful , even guilty . ",5 907,"THE sickened owner of a horse which was attacked in its stable at Newton Bewley , near Hartlepool , is appealing for help in tracking down the thugs responsible . ",0 908,"Usually so mentally attuned , so aware of what she was thinking and feeling , he looked angry and nonplussed , unable to understand her withdrawal . ",3 909,"He was , naturally , sometimes nervous in the face of my beauty ; and at other times needlessly pleased with himself . ",1 910,"The mood by this time may be more depressed , as they start to look at their own problems as opposed to those of their partner . ",4 911,"In any event , a dissatisfied enquirer can be a disgruntled member ! ",0 912,` Then why are you looking so glum ? ,4 913,"Chambers shot him a look of astonishment , then turned to include Nora ",3 914,He looks offended when I tell him he is perceived as a man 's man . ,2 915,"As they passed her table , she heard the older woman counting one-two-three , one-two-three like a jolly and exasperated gym teacher . ",2 916,"I remembered his amusement about such underwear on his first evening at Sleet , how he subsided into laughter , infectious to everyone but me . ",5 917,"` You could have lent it to me , "" Paula said , peeved . ",2 918,"At a nervous and hurriedly arranged press conference , the Ibrox publicity machine could barely paper the cracks between the departing boss and his bewildered chairman . ",3 919,He collapsed in a coma at a London club and died hours later in hospital from massive internal bleeding in front of his devastated mum and dad . ,4 920,The contrast with her exhilaration on the frozen lake had come so swiftly . ,5 921,"` No , better to limit the damage , control his anger , make nothing of it , pretend he did n't mind . ",2 922,He laughed at Claudia 's startled expression . ,3 923,Of course I like them ; if I did n't I 'd be utterly miserable . ,4 924,There was genuine sorrow in the producer 's voice . ,4 925,"Too much , it seemed to me , was made of Tom 's grief : his courtship of Araminta was forward-looking , and deep grief needs roots in the past . ",4 926,Kendall-Hume turned back to face the dismayed couple . ,1 927,But it was not a happy smile . ,5 928,"There have been some most tempting glimpses of it when you have become excited about a design or angry with yourself for a failure to meet your own high standards . "" ",5 929,The bearers looked embarrassed and tried to get her to go . ,6 930,A comic romp starring Billy Crystal in which a group of disgruntled New Yorkers play out their frontiersmen fantasies on a two week cattle-drive in New Mexico . ,0 931,"People were very angry when Admiral Byng failed to attack the French at Minorca , and the decision to execute him for cowardice was exactly what the public wanted . ",2 932,"Jasper reddened and pressed his lip together , and Farraline looked embarrassed . ",6 933,"When Alain 's mother finally went inside with a few rueful shakes of her head and a pleased look on her face , Jenna decided to risk all . ",5 934,"He 'll be cross , but I 'll go . ",2 935,"When another patron tried to step in , the enraged lover flew at him . ",2 936,"He was embarrassed about the nature of his illness and reluctant to discuss his bowel function with anyone , especially young women . ",6 937,Deep down I get more and more frightened . ,1 938,He was inconsolable when he found what she 'd done . ,4 939,"Captain McArthur was a musical comedy aficionado , and not pleased when Mrs Kingswood spoke critically of the form . ",5 940,"We are always sad when a young international athlete finds himself in this situation . "" ",4 941,I sit disconsolate in the snow . ,4 942,For a moment Rob looked rather embarrassed . ,6 943,"It 'll be very loud and you might get frightened . "" ",1 944,But her symbolic stance emerges at a time when there is considerable disquiet over the imaging of children . ,1 945,Harry released her and once again his expression was downcast . ,4 946,"When he took his hand away still saying nothing , she felt slightly hurt and resentful . ",2 947,"` Do n't be despondent , "" she told me . ",4 948,"He was gleeful about the idea of a Faber ` Vaudeville "" production in 1929 where he starred as a baritone singing Bolovian Ballads and a song about a blue baboon . ",5 949,"After one alarmed glance at her apoplectic face , Mr Loveitt said smoothly : ` I think we should get back to the facts . ",1 950,No wonder Superintendent Miller had become exasperated . ,2 951,"But behind the strained , happy smiles there will lie the awful knowledge that Alex saw the killer -- and was too young to understand what was going on . ",5 952,"Residential workers are faced with youngsters who are not only anxious and resentful about family events , but may also be mistrustful of those who try to help them . ",2 953,"Many solicitors never overcome their own embarrassment about the amount that they charge , though few go on to lower their fees . ",6 954,His grief-stricken widow destroyed all his cricket clothes and equipment . ,4 955,"They 'd had a skinful so were n't in a particularly noticing mood but they saw and heard nothing , nothing except what they described as a kind of mournful whistling coming from deep in the wood . "" ",4 956,"Nevertheless , the Commission 's disquiet has not prevented it from agreeing the designation . ",1 957,The infuriated Milan Cardinal told the city governor that both the Chief of Police and the governor would be excommunicated if Landriani was not immediately released back to the convent . ,2 958,"He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them , and he could tell that the girl was frightened too , by her quick , shallow breathing . ",1 959,"This time , with deepening anger on the streets over price liberalisation , the hardliners were not to forgo their chance . ",2 960,I watched with dismay as they hit the floor and bounced to eight dusty oblivions . ,1 961,"She did n't want to get sad now , not now after it had been so good . ",4 962,"The old hands at machine knitting glibly talk about ` two-thirties "" to the bewilderment of the newcomers at the knitting club . ",3 963,"The finding of the "" goat "" has caused particular excitement , since i is one of the few large mammals to have been discovered this century . ",5 964,"It is true that the wonderful advance of our people has transformed the wilderness into a home where men and women can live comfortably , elegantly , happily , if they are of contented disposition ",5 965,She looked utterly desolate and all of her thirty-eight years ; her cheeks seemed to sag and her jaw-line looked heavy . ,4 966,"They might have been in the private wing , put away by their guilty and embarrassed families . ",6 967,Maggie felt an odd excitement stirring inside . ,5 968,Contented workers are more likely to be profitable . ,5 969,"As he drove out of his allotted space , to his astonishment he saw Alexandra about to get into her white saloon . ",3 970,She was offended and took it all personally . ,2 971,"By six o'clock the water had n't arrived and Haverford , looking at their despondent faces , said , ` It 's like a death in the family . "" ",4 972,She 'd felt quite frightened and had n't accepted the invitation . ,1 973,Flt Lt Marshall was extremely embarrassed and always avoided my eye whenever he came into the Met Office after that . ,6 974,"Yet the sorrow of Leibnitz , were he to have needlessly destroyed it , is described as ` a natural feeling for a humane man "" . ",4 975,"He seemed agitated , restlessly pacing about , looking out into the crowds , then drawing back into the shelter of the arcade . ",1 976,"` I 'm too miserable to eat . "" ",4 977,He gave one swift look at her horrified expression before continuing . ,1 978,"Your eyesight 's not good enough , "" Miss Dersingham said with exasperation . ",2 979," You 're not vexed , are you ? he asked incredulously . ",2 980,"Startled , and by now more than a little frightened , Patrick headed for Foyles , hoping to lose his followers in the bookshop 's maze of nooks and corners . ",1 981,The priest became agitated . ,1 982,"Downstairs in the lobbies , Tories were running around in equal bewilderment over the Speakership . ",3 983,Culley imagined Susan 's gleeful smile as she waited for Yorke to work it out . ,5 984,One insider said last week : ` The sheer anger of people has taken everybody by surprise . ,2 985,"` It 's absolute nonsense , "" wails an exasperated spokesman . ",2 986,"Utterly flabbergasted , Leith began to realise that he was accusing her of announcing their ` engagement "" to all and sundry . ",3 987,"Or was it just fear that paralysed her , like a frightened rabbit ? ",1 988,"She looked stunned , almost like a sleepwalker . ",3 989,"Homosexuality aroused revulsion in about a quarter of the respondents , another quarter seeing it as sick , odd or ridiculous . ",0 990,"`` We feel at this point actually quite exhilarated , '' said Nicola McIntyre of San Francisco .",5 991," Sometimes I've thought I 'll never forget what happened it all comes back and I feel guilty , or or dirty , or humiliated and bitter ",6 992,"Support for the Greens may have shrunk but it was still at the same level as the Liberal Democrats "" , the third party in Parliament , so perhaps Ms Cooke was unduly downcast . ",4 993,It is not uncommon to hear of old women who are cross when asked to perform domestic tasks in residential care ! ,2 994,"Cranston , too , was thinking about events in the Tower but was too anxious to concentrate on the problems they posed . ",1 995,"Such old people may have little embarrassment with each other about bodily functions , perhaps less than some husbands and wives because they were the stuff of taken-for-granted childhood . ",6 996,"` If the manual was lying in the BMW , I think some hint of the elation of the police would have come through on the intercepts . ",5 997,The kids will be heartbroken . ,4 998,"I have climbed it from all sides , every time making new discoveries , finding new surprises and delights and , let me confess , secret places from which I have recoiled in horror . ",1 999,Her mother would be cross and he would feel stupid . ,2 1000,"To his absolute delight the first trap had held what must have been a seven pound salmon , plus a couple of mullet which he had ignored . ",5 1001,"As the programme of meetings rolled on , sometimes with many presentations on the same day , Horsley was exhilarated , amazed and excited . ",5 1002,"Have we become so depressed about any real prospect of newness that we 've decided to enjoy our chains , masochistically dwelling on our miseries and inadequacies ? ",4 1003,Strip searching made me feel terrible -- I was dead embarrassed . ,6 1004,"Imagine my excitement , therefore , when it seemed recently that I might have stumbled across it in the shape of the Tower House in Malmesbury , Wiltshire . ",5 1005,"And it was equally insistent that a policy of retreat would cause dismay in Washington , thereby diminishing Britain 's ability to exert influence over American policy . ",1 1006,"He was on his feet , the chair toppling over behind him , his face livid , his knuckles white-ridged and aimed at her . ",2 1007,"Often she would say something foolish , immediately regret it , then , to cover her embarrassment , say something worse . ",6 1008,"They seemed happy about my victory in Germany and most of them expected me to win more races last year . "" ",5 1009,In her incensed whisper she called me names I did n't understand . ,2 1010,I was also under no illusion that some backbenchers on our side were nervous about the policy . ,1 1011,"The elite were offended , but the common people loved it . ",2 1012,"And therein lay the extent of his gratitude , she realised with a feeling of despondency , but to disguise her feelings she added brightly , ` When we 're at the hospital we must visit Stella . "" ",4 1013,Aristophanes shook his handsome head over his friend 's amusement . ,5 1014,"The ambassador dithered so Benjamin stormed out , grasped a frightened servant and made him take us to where Clinton was sitting with the Lady Francesca in a small bower built against the chateau wall . ",1 1015,"If you do feel revolted when you watch the patient eat , you should not feel guilty about it , but neither should you let yourself become irritable with the patient over it . ",0 1016,"The horror in her voice was almost ludicrous , and Briant raised his eyebrows slightly . ",1 1017,"Shadow ministers , who had been behaving as if they were about to move into Whitehall , looked stunned and shattered . ",3 1018,I was a bit embarrassed about that . ,6 1019,"` I used to be sad and pathetic , but I 'm not so miserable any more . ",4 1020,But the behaviour of Reverend Prentice has only added to his anguish . ,4 1021, Do n't look so horrified ! ,1 1022,I hate to disappoint anyone but that was n't the case -- although the veiled hints caused us plenty of amusement . ,5 1023,"If there is continuing disquiet about the way an industry is being run , Members can express their disquiet by questioning the fitness of the persons appointed by the Government to run it . ",1 1024,"Instead , I made my way back along the sand , watching some evidently exhilarated surfers . ",5 1025,"By comparison , she felt drained and despondent . ",4 1026,"I was too miserable to giggle , but I wondered if the fiances had when he postured on his lawn . ",4 1027,By resorting to a money-lender it became more difficult to conceal their embarrassment -- than if they had merely run up bills with retailers . ,6 1028,"In this he resembled Bonamy Dobre at Leeds , who reacted with the utmost dismay when his pet student , Robin Skelton , announced his engagement to a fellow-student . ",1 1029,"She had assumed that because mother had n't wept or shown grief that her father had n't been loved by anyone but herself and her father 's parents , who wept copiously . ",4 1030,Senator Sherman had shot marginally less well than his son and was openly disgruntled about this . ,0 1031,Fry said his farewells to the players who regarded him as a father figure before heading for home in Bedford a devastated man . ,4 1032,This leads to highly agitated motions and correspondingly high temperatures . ,1 1033,"` What did you mean , Rachel ? "" her mother asked slowly , ignoring her husband 's indignant look . ",2 1034,"Breakfast was quite a social affair as we were frequently visited by new found friends in the shape of two fat and very vocal geese , a young swan and a bevy of excited ducks . ",5 1035,But he 'd become depressed about his exams and could n't concentrate on his work . ,4 1036,The anger in her voice took him aback . ,2 1037,"Gascoigne is the first Englishman to fill the role since Bobby Charlton , a man whose absence from a team sheet spread dismay among team-mates and supporters alike . ",1 1038,"Gloom , on the other hand , sees a noisy , grimy city with crowded underground stations , overpriced restaurants , jostling strangers and mournful faces . ",4 1039,We are more despondent and needy than ever ! ,4 1040,They 're frightened to death . ,1 1041,No one was more pleased about Dara 's demise than Roshanara Begum . ,5 1042,Frau Nordern bit her lip in vexation . ,2 1043,"All through his life , though Ken could be austere and stubborn to a point which provoked exasperation , his evident holiness was so blended with cheerfulness that he seldom lost the admiration and affection of his contemporaries . ",2 1044,He was not inconsolable . ,4 1045,"I feel excited when I come up with something that I can have Jack to help me with , I 'm always ready to hear what he has . ",5 1046,The driver watched in astonishment as the car whacked into the side of his vehicle . ,3 1047,Piggy had no sense of humour and often got very angry when other boys found things he did amusing . ,2 1048,"He himself was thrilled , but his pleasure was diminished as he imagined Ken 's pallid , bandaged head shadowed on the screen . ",5 1049,He was a bit stunned and rushed home to raise the alarm . ,3 1050,"Sybil 's expression , which had become momentarily sad , softened into a tender smile that was wholly natural . ",4 1051,"A black-haired woman with a long , sad face was inside . ",4 1052,"The Spaniard was becoming agitated again , wondering whether he had already gone too far . ",1 1053,"He became very depressed for some time before he could reassess himself , start to use his considerable abilities and begin courting his wife again . ",4 1054,"` Right now I 'm feeling very excited . "" ",5 1055,There was a hint of exasperation in his voice . ,2 1056,But I remember the excitement in my children 's faces . ,5 1057,He could see Harry 's puzzlement . ,3 1058,"There was a cool mockery in his deep voice , and she turned to glare at him , hating him for the fact that he seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort . ",5 1059,"They stared at one another in dismay , the sad , small wickedness of their friends and neighbours strewn around their minds like dirty confetti from a party long past . ",1 1060,"To the dismay of German suppliers , Mr Lopez is also eager to share this advice with foreign competitors . ",1 1061,But Christine felt vexed when at the next Pack Meeting Sarah lost points for the Six through being a slowcoach . ,2 1062,"McColgan , slumped in deep dejection , said afterwards : ` It was just a bad race on my part . ",4 1063,"` Did you have a good day at the office ? "" she asked , hearing herself with horror . ",1 1064,"No less a person than Gloria Estefan rang my startled publisher before leaving London , to order the Ology book , because she was crazy for the commercials . ",3 1065,"Sometimes , amid great excitement , his mother was in , with guests who drank wine and laughed loudly and spoiled him and Pam . ",5 1066,"As I read it , I was sad to think how miserable Anne had been , in a big house away from home , where no one understood her . ",4 1067,"When Anna left Inspector Aziz , she was much happier . ",5 1068,"But when he stepped up on to the conductor 's rostrum for the opening production of a new season , he was -- every time -- filled with a sense of sheer elation . ",5 1069,Other people 's sorrows on the whole weigh lightly on our shoulders : a merciful provision . ,4 1070,"The kids were mortified but I thought it was a real hoot . "" ",6 1071,"What a visiting Londoner sees as the soaring grandeur of New York , a fed-up New Yorker sees as sunlight deprivation . ",0 1072,You can imagine my horror ! ,1 1073,We shall find reason for disquiet about this argument . ,1 1074,"` I 'm not particularly worried if players do n't score , but you just ca n't stroll around . ",1 1075,There is nothing new in the experts spreading unwarranted alarm and despondency . ,4 1076,Sue gets cross about that . ,2 1077,The Oracle clearly becomes very anxious about this and demands to know their business . ,1 1078,Ray Shepherd 's voice was quiet and he ignored his son 's mounting horror . ,1 1079,"How dare you seem so mournful . "" ",4 1080,"Just before we were to go upstairs to be photographed , an agitated Nigel Lawson came up to me saying that he wanted a word . ",1 1081,"He had taken an interest in the growing baby , and had become anxious about Jane 's health and safety , the way expectant fathers were supposed to . ",1 1082,I could tell from the blank embarrassment in Tom 's expression that she had not acknowledged him . ,6 1083,"It was , however , obvious that there was some deep sadness within him . ",4 1084,"` Harry , we 're going to make ourselves miserable beyond measure if we go on like this . ",4 1085,"` God give me strength , "" he yelled , instantly turning his attention back to the younger man who stood before him , and whose woebegone expression would have been comical were it not so pitiful . ",4 1086,The passengers looked horrified . ,1 1087,I became concerned when I saw my husband becoming a different person . ,1 1088,"A terrible , furious , impotent anger filled him , making him want to strike out , to shout and scream . ",2 1089,They were on the top floor of an old house and he was very cold and very miserable . ,4 1090,"As Joe and Biddy became a little more cheerful , discussing my possible plans for the future , I became more miserable . ",4 1091,The Department of Health is aware of the disquiet among dentists . ,1 1092,"She gazed at Ruth , and her face seemed to fill up with horror . ",1 1093,I wanted to express my fear and my horror . ,1 1094,The last time she had walked down this lane she had been too anxious about Susan to notice very much . ,1 1095,My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving . ,6 1096,My friend is very anxious about your welfare . ,1 1097,"When he saw her horrified expression , however , he stopped being a doctor and became quite fatherly instead . ",1 1098,"She sounded frightened , a little distraught . ",1 1099,Ace 's eyes were full of mocking laughter as they took in the discomfited expression on the journalist 's face . ,6 1100,What a contrast with the rattled and untrustworthy gamblers at Number 10 and Number 11 Downing Street . ,1 1101,"` Carpenter ? "" her father asked with a tinge of bewilderment in his voice . ",3 1102,"As Michael Codron told me : ` Ken remained very loyal to it , even though he was miserable about it . ",4 1103,"Lineker became incensed when Taylor went public , not only questioning whether Lineker should remain as captain , but whether his form justified a place in the side -- even though he was maintaining his phenomenal strike rate . ",2 1104,Derby County 's grief at the foot of the first division continues as they went down two one at Crystal Palace . ,4 1105,"Jacob filled to the brim with sorrow for the woman whom , despite everything , he had loved . ",4 1106,"I do n't think I could cope with your heartbreak . "" ",4 1107,"After a day or two , the owner became irked , and went to the airport to inspect his plane . ",2 1108,"One of the four ads is for insurance , another for Sherwood 's and the other two draw the attention of anxious patients to a particular service offered by local solicitors . ",1 1109,"` You do these ? "" he asked an indignant Auguste . ",2 1110,"` Forgive me , Miss Kyte , "" said the other lady softly , ` but you look quite downcast . "" ",4 1111,I laughed -- I did n't feel offended . ,2 1112,Leading scorer Paul Wilkinson struck his 20th goal of the season against his former club but looked glum as he left the dressing room . ,4 1113,"He seemed exasperated , though well in control . ",2 1114,"Suddenly , to the Collector 's astonishment , the Padre gripped him by the throat and shouted : "" A matter of opinion ! ",3 1115,There is a clear lesson there for a beleagured John Major and a rattled Tory government . ,1 1116,Nothing happened -- not that she 'd really thought anything would -- although there was a nervous tingle in her fingers . ,1 1117,In an expression of community sympathy many local children in South Ronaldsay made and sent cards to the four devastated mothers . ,4 1118,"Her elation took her into her clothes , back to the kitchen to leave Phoebe a scrawled memo , and out of the front door . ",5 1119,"An infuriated Charles ordered the battering of Newgate , where artillery breached the wall and hit the nearby Carmelite house ( now Whitefriars Museum where Civil War will be displayed ) supposedly killing two of the occupants . ",2 1120,She had been experiencing considerable feelings of grief about her husband and had been able to cry on occasions . ,4 1121,Stephen Spielberg says anxious parents should view it first . ,1 1122,"He stopped , becoming aware of the glare from his uncle and the frank astonishment from his agent . ",3 1123,The Germans still seemed stunned . ,3 1124,"If the birds are disturbed during the process , there could be large numbers of stupefied birds fluttering amongst the traffic as the morning progresses with public complaints resulting , "" the report stated . ",3 1125,But he still feels miffed and mystified as to why manager Kevin Keegan discarded him so readily from St James ' Park and why no other Premier League clubs were willing to hire his lethal skills . ,2 1126,"For Andrew , the trip up to London to the awards ceremony attended by the Princess of Wales , was almost overshadowed by his excitement over his first journey on a train up to the capital . ",5 1127,He felt suddenly deeply depressed . ,4 1128,""" No , "" I said , trying to sound convincing but daunted by the simple bewilderment in his face . ",3 1129,"A stunned Mrs Hanley said as she left court : ` We never wanted anybody to go to prison over this . "" ",3 1130,"After the operation , you may feel sick or very depressed -- this is the effect of the trauma of the operation and of the anaesthetic . ",4 1131,"She frowned , feeling slightly bewildered . ",3 1132,An agitated old lady addressed Ramsey severely and asked why he did not go back to his own country and do good there instead of stirring up trouble in the United States . ,1 1133,"The alarmed Hungarians initially kept this threat to themselves , but have since raised the issue in private both within the Warsaw Pact and with certain Western governments . ",1 1134,"The onlookers at first thought this accident was part of the show and were creased with laughter , making the poor man even more irate . ",2 1135,"Now her vivid imagination had no difficulty in showing her how Mark 's last drive alone must have been , how miserable he must have felt . ",4 1136,"I kept trying to get back to Changez 's lugubrious face , which reclined morosely in his good hand as the guests filled the air around him with cultivated noises . ",4 1137,"He said nothing , and from the anger on his face she saw that he did n't think he owed her a reply . ",2 1138,"But he could not watch her terrible despairs without participating in them ; increasingly , he found he was as paralysed by them as she was herself . ",4 1139,"As the tartan army drowned its sorrows in the bars of Soho , Frank preferred a candlelit dinner . ",4 1140,So I was in a great state of elation . ,5 1141,"His voice was as sensual as raw silk , but when he saw her bewilderment his eyes drifted over to Mandy 's table . ",3 1142,"Upon recovering , he admitted he had been extremely depressed since the death of his wife from cancer a year earlier and now did not think he had anything to live for . ",4 1143,"Francis was not totally disconsolate and added : ` The way our fans came behind us is the best I 've ever heard it here , and I hope it continues . ",4 1144,"On a recent visit to a day centre , which served both younger disabled and old people , I was told that old people were envious and resentful when computer learning was introduced for the younger disabled people . ",2 1145,"Albert was offended , and swung his legs athletically out of bed , wincing on the distant side of his face . ",2 1146,"A reader , disgruntled in large proportion , sat down to work out how much of his salary he would have to hand over to the Inland Revenue heavy mob for the past year . ",0 1147,"The sweat of moving packs of eighty pounds through the crush of bewildered , nervous men . ",3 1148,"There was no excitement about my first bra -- I even had to pay , because my mum claimed I did n't need one ! ",5 1149, I have been looking forward to her visit for weeks and was very excited when I met her . ,5 1150,"In icy tones , the offended bureaucrat replied : ` For future reference , you will call me Mr Hooton , not Richard . "" ",2 1151,His delight first makes itself evident during his solo for Lise even though technical mistakes keep on happening . ,5 1152,The EC was infuriated . ,2 1153,"That evening she felt no nervousness at all , just excitement , controlled excitement . ",5 1154,"I felt pierced to the heart , dejected and lonely . ",4 1155,She thought he seemed sadder and older and somehow lonely . ,4 1156,"I 've heard of women so depressed that they spend their 40th birthday incommunicado , having a mini nervous breakdown in bed . ",4 1157,"In it a deeply depressed Spiro , 46 , makes several rambling statements about his money problems . ",4 1158,"Although I have has a lot of support , I feel heartbroken about Henri 's future . ",4 1159,"Shackel became indignant and said he would fetch a magistrate and complain about the Chief Constable 's attitude , which he did . ",2 1160,She 's really riled now . ,2 1161,"Loads of my friends are miserable over the way they look , and the media are basically saying , ` Yes , you 're right to be miserable . ",4 1162,"` I am vexed , John . ",2 1163,"Charles was horrified , conscious that his brother was now disqualified as a man of God from leading an invasion , and , as a celibate , from having a legitimate heir . ",1 1164,"` You must n't be downcast , "" said Lydia . ",4 1165,"` Cool it , Steve , and tell me why you 're so ecstatic . ",5 1166,"Normally such a happy , sunny person , she felt a vague disquiet , as though she was changing without her wanting to . ",5 1167,"` Oh ! "" she bleated , her voice high and rather indignant . ",2 1168,He looked offended but I guessed his idea of discretion was swapping his length of lead pipe for a rubber truncheon . ,2 1169,Physically she felt devastated . ,4 1170,Tennyson discloses that the setting of Mariana is in Shakespeare 's Measure for Measure where the dejected Mariana resides alone in a moated grange . ,4 1171,"You 're pleased about his engagement -- he told me that some time ago -- and you 've as good as admitted it tonight . "" ",5 1172,"Before the astounded car owner could react , the Prophet had pulled the door shut , reached over the back of the driver 's seat and jammed the muzzle of the gun into the man 's neck . ",3 1173,Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage . ,5 1174,"Depressed and bewildered because it had inexplicably impaired his ability to think and concentrate , he soon guessed that his paralysis and clumsiness would make him always dependent on a wheelchair . ",3 1175,"I told Dana I could no longer bear the atmosphere of the city , the right-wing bullies , the Falangists , the deadening work of teaching mostly bored and resentful students . ",2 1176,"Maggie was stunned , but not for long ; her temper surfaced . ",3 1177,"Her fingers tightened on his hands , hearing the anguish in his voice . ",4 1178,The despair in their father 's voice had sent a sudden chill of apprehension through the brothers . ,4 1179,"He had a clear picture of a sad and lonely man , deeply concerned about his health and dwelling on a future which seemed to promise only a fairly rapid decline into senility . ",4 1180,"The bull tossed the effigy out of their hands and became very infuriated . "" ",2 1181,"The message was clear as members of Gloucestershire county council turned up to todays budget meeting , with protestors , anxious over the scale of impending cuts urging councillors to think again before wielding the axe . ",1 1182,"He listened soberly and with growing dismay to what the young bank officer from Jeddah had to say , and scanned the computer printouts across his desk with a practised eye . ",1 1183,The euphoria and sense of well-being which accompanied the boom years of the 1980s has been replaced by a mood of despondency as companies and individuals experience the effects of a western-style recession . ,4 1184,They aimed for higher status jobs and felt humiliated when they were unemployed . ,6 1185,Mr Stokill must have noticed my look of bewilderment . ,3 1186,He sounded quite sad about it . ,4 1187,This act of selfless good nature earned her a fine of one hundred francs and caused a riot in the Latin Quarter when enraged fans besieged the Prefecture of Police . ,2 1188,The media excitement about Enid Blyton and Captain W. E. Johns soon died away . ,5 1189,"But Matta was gazing at him , and his grin was wider , more gleeful . ",5 1190,"By calling on his fellow socialists to perform the equivalent of a collective hara-kiri , he paradoxically appears to have given them back hope of a new life at the moment of their deepest despair . ",4 1191,"Unfortunately Chris 's health suffered , and she became very depressed . ",4 1192,"` But I feel dismay , sorrow , for so many people in our country who do not share this personal good fortune and who as a result of further years of Tory government will experience further disadvantage . ",4 1193,"She wrote : "" Thank you for your letter dated 9th October 1991 which I have read with great dismay . ",1 1194,"His smile was patient , peeved , and very sad . ",2 1195,"She looked desperately tired , but there were no obvious marks of grief on her face . ",4 1196,Ashley recoiled in horror . ,1 1197,Lady followed her example rather than suffer at the hands of her infuriated master . ,2 1198,"Hamnett became irate and , alleging breach of contract and damage to her image , threatened to sue him for a 500,000 . ",2 1199,The idea of their having a say in the running of a club appears to make officials recoil with horror . ,1 1200,"` We are at our wits ; end here "" , say the airport management , ` and this has caused considerable upset and annoyance to the lady owning the number published "" . ",2 1201,"Elizabeth 's face lit up , as she told him of Martha 's excitement over the clothes sent by Tamar . ",5 1202,"I understood that this was my mother 's wedding , and although I was necessary to it I was expected to do nothing but be there and appear contented . ",5 1203,Natasha laughed at Maggie 's bewildered expression . ,3 1204,"` After he got back I felt like I was in a black hole , "" groaned a disconsolate Wilkinson after his two hour defeat . ",4 1205,She was getting agitated . ,1 1206,"To the dismay of the South Africans , umpire Cumberbatch merely signalled a leg-side wide . ",1 1207,"His embarrassment about self-disclosure gives the impression , belied by his other books , that he knew nothing of the mystery that grace works by means of human weakness , not by side-stepping it . ",6 1208,Melanie was shocked to see the horror on her aunt 's face . ,1 1209,"Suddenly , to her relief , the telephone rang , Joanna picked it up , wrote down the message , and came back to the table , looking elated . ",5 1210,"Raising her eyes , she stared in rather horrified fascination at the opening door . ",1 1211,"She was simultaneously pleased , revolted and delighted . ",0 1212,"He stood there stoically , hiding his grief as Newlands announced he had received only twelve votes . ",4 1213,There was one other horrified observer of the scene . ,1 1214,"Benny looked around him , a bewildered expression on his face . ",3 1215,"She gave him a quick amused glance , her head leaning back against the faded red of the alcove seat . ",5 1216,"Pleasure can be no more than a gourmet 's appreciation for delicacies , whereas a happy person can readily settle for a much simpler diet . ",5 1217,Was his sadness tinged with guilt ? ,4 1218,"The women wait anxiously and when the boat returns one of its crew has been lost , causing inconsolable grief to his young wife . ",4 1219,"It is also likely that by providing minimum standards of living , social services reduce public apathy and dejection and thus maintain the will to work . ",4 1220,There may be cases where there is parliamentary disquiet over a ministerial proposal and then the minister has a change of mind . ,1 1221,"The Gorengs made their home in the former diplomatic quarter , the area which had , to the glee of the Chinese in the Toku-ru warehouse , been accidentally shelled by the malai navy on invasion day . ",5 1222,"` Can it really work ? "" enquired his startled colleague . ",3 1223,"All during the night , over and over again , she had found it absurd that she 'd ever considered herself a happy woman . ",5 1224,It was the kind of life that ` was making life miserable in the extreme for her and since I felt responsible for her it was making me miserable too . ,4 1225,"But he felt ` dismay and sorrow for so many people in our country who do not share this personal good fortune . "" ",1 1226,A vexed expression crossed Louise 's pretty face . ,2 1227,Bishop did n't seem discomfited . ,6 1228,I pointed out that I kissed Frankie but she dismissed my puzzlement . ,3 1229,"Anxious people become acutely sensitized to their bodies , noticing minor bodily changes upon which they focus . ",1 1230,Now she was mad with grief . ,4 1231,She gave an embarrassed smile and looked down at her hands . ,6 1232,"June Barraclough 's A Time to Love ( Methuen , 12.95 ) spans both World Wars and paints a vivid picture of the loves and sorrows of the characters in the lives of two women friends . ",4 1233,"He was court martialled but to the anger of the unpopular Governor , was acquitted . ",2 1234,` I am obviously very pleased about winning but it was also great that my parents were here . ,5 1235,There is always a moment in time when we can make a decision whether or not to vent our anger . ,2 1236,"I drowned my sorrows on the school goalposts , as football was banned . ",4 1237,"He predicted ` deep dismay in Hong Kong , deepened only by the statement of the official Opposition . "" ",1 1238,"Catherine looked downcast , and McLeish felt uneasy . ",4 1239,"She looked a little less resentful than earlier , and -- dare he hope it ? -- even slightly anxious for him . ",2 1240,"Privately , Juliet was feeling rather despondent . ",4 1241,Then his startled gaze met the glowing eyes above the white patch of the handkerchief the man was holding at his mouth . ,3 1242,I chuckled at the astonishment on her face . ,3 1243,"He laughed shortly , little amusement on his face . ",5 1244,"I went swimming , and I was so happy I cried into the sea for three-quarters of an hour . ",5 1245,Mr Kinnock says the Prime Minister is too frightened to debate the issue . ,1 1246,"The mood was despairing , despondent , and war-weary -- apathetic rather than rebellious . ",4 1247,"He watched , felt indignant but also justified because he was right . ",2 1248,"` Well , you 're very sad , Tess , and you have no reason to be . ",4 1249,"Driving back , she managed to keep her anger in control . ",2 1250,Frau Nordern allowed herself a note of exasperation . ,2 1251,"Back in his office , McCready threw himself into his chair in deep dejection . ",4 1252,"Gloria stared , her mouth agape , then turned to Ruth in bewilderment . ",3 1253,Leo demanded as he wrenched back to stare down into her almost terror-stricken face . ,1 1254,"I am dismayed , but not surprised . ",1 1255,He could see no way out and in his anguish he began to think of doing himself in ; the method he would use would have to be quick and simple . ,4 1256,Joey seemed bewildered as he put one large hand on his mother 's shoulder . ,3 1257,"They caught a suspicious individual one evening , and turned him over to the police ; but he turned out to be a frightened bilberry-picker who had lost his way . ",1 1258,"And suddenly they found themselves talking the sort of language that all of us can understand , and they got quite excited about this . ",5 1259,"The Odones were left stunned when they were told in 1984 at the Children 's Hospital in Washington DC that their fun-loving , brilliant six-year-old son -- he already spoke three languages -- had ALD , and was under sentence of death . ",3 1260,Sly was left feeling absolutely livid . ,2 1261,"Then she remembered his horror when he 'd said , ` Do n't tell me you 're a virgin ! "" and her heart closed in on itself like a wounded animal . ",1 1262,The pretty young undergraduate felt elated . ,5 1263,"Seeing the look of dismay on her mother 's face , Tamar continued , ` You wo n't be telling a lie . ",1 1264,There was an anguished cry from the tub . ,4 1265,"His voice was tetchy , but not alarmed . ",1 1266,Both Mr Pitman Senior and Junior were reps who grew progressively despondent over the standard of rooms and services they encountered on their travels . ,4 1267,"Then , having shown the plate to various not very excited colleagues , he resumed his holiday . ",5 1268,"If Russia was miffed about the membership plans , other East European nations were delighted .",2 1269,Liz suppressed her annoyance before it could take hold . ,2 1270,Of course Ed was really peeved about how Martinez handled the whole Harley business . ,2 1271,"Despite the disquiet at the club this year , Mr Stringer still appears more relaxed and more in control than he did when he first took charge in that winter of 1987 . ",1 1272,"Herman , startled but pleased , moved in , only to be disconcerted as Erika pushed him away . ",3 1273,"Trance-like he drove down the Edgware Road , responding to the multitudinous traffic lights with mechanical movements , while the agitated Eleanor continued to lash his unreceptive ear with a never-ending stream of abuse . ",1 1274,Wayne will be livid when he hears . ,2