{ "results": { "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.3345724907063197, "acc_stderr,none": 0.028822264091264628, "alias": "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot" }, "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.24705882352941178, "acc_stderr,none": 0.01911709144086774, "alias": "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot" }, "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.20869565217391303, "acc_stderr,none": 0.026854108265439658, "alias": "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot" }, "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.29233226837060705, "acc_stderr,none": 0.018193366406024102, "alias": "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot" }, "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.3276081424936387, "acc_stderr,none": 0.01184132971466995, "alias": "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot" }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.25650557620817843, "acc_stderr,none": 0.026675948246675074, "alias": "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot" }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.22156862745098038, "acc_stderr,none": 0.018407949229981378, "alias": "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot" }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.1956521739130435, "acc_stderr,none": 0.026214799709819596, "alias": "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot" }, "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2364217252396166, "acc_stderr,none": 0.016995363747767788, "alias": "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot" }, "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.30725190839694655, "acc_stderr,none": 0.011639836259579922, "alias": "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot" }, "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.26765799256505574, "acc_stderr,none": 0.027044545314587293, "alias": "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot" }, "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.22941176470588234, "acc_stderr,none": 0.01863631913244453, "alias": "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot" }, "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.1782608695652174, "acc_stderr,none": 0.025291655246273914, "alias": "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot" }, "quo-non_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2364217252396166, "acc_stderr,none": 0.016995363747767788, "alias": "quo-non_logiqa_cot" }, "quo-non_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2926208651399491, "acc_stderr,none": 0.01147864633663914, "alias": "quo-non_logiqa2_cot" }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.27137546468401486, "acc_stderr,none": 0.027162503089239527, "alias": "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot" }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2411764705882353, "acc_stderr,none": 0.018961774215004727, "alias": "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot" }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.21304347826086956, "acc_stderr,none": 0.027057754389936205, "alias": "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot" }, "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2715654952076677, "acc_stderr,none": 0.017790679673144884, "alias": "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot" }, "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2856234096692112, "acc_stderr,none": 0.011396524130843133, "alias": "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot" }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.26765799256505574, "acc_stderr,none": 0.027044545314587293, "alias": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot" }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.21764705882352942, "acc_stderr,none": 0.018290217500245277, "alias": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot" }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.1782608695652174, "acc_stderr,none": 0.025291655246273914, "alias": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot" }, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.23482428115015974, "acc_stderr,none": 0.016955557820725036, "alias": "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot" }, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2926208651399491, "acc_stderr,none": 0.011478646336639108, "alias": "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot" }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot": { "acc,none": 0.31226765799256506, "acc_stderr,none": 0.028307781204694345, "alias": "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot" }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2529411764705882, "acc_stderr,none": 0.019267629016819672, "alias": "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot" }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2826086956521739, "acc_stderr,none": 0.02975452853823325, "alias": "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot" }, "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot": { "acc,none": 0.2939297124600639, "acc_stderr,none": 0.01822240539964835, "alias": "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot" }, "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot": { "acc,none": 0.3428753180661578, "acc_stderr,none": 0.011975782754482172, "alias": "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot" } }, "configs": { "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "dolore-possimus-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot": { "task": "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "dolore-possimus-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "dolore-possimus-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "dolore-possimus-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "dolore-possimus-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "laboriosam-numquam-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot": { "task": "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "laboriosam-numquam-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "laboriosam-numquam-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "laboriosam-numquam-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "laboriosam-numquam-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "magni-excepturi-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot": { "task": "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "magni-excepturi-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "magni-excepturi-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "magni-excepturi-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "magni-excepturi-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "quo-non_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "quo-non_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "quo-non-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "quo-non_logiqa_cot": { "task": "quo-non_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "quo-non-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "quo-non-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "quo-non-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "quo-non-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "temporibus-illo-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot": { "task": "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "temporibus-illo-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "temporibus-illo-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "temporibus-illo-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "temporibus-illo-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot": { "task": "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "unde-laudantium-logiqa2/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot": { "task": "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "unde-laudantium-logiqa/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot": { "task": "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "unde-laudantium-lsat-ar/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot": { "task": "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "unde-laudantium-lsat-lr/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } }, "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot": { "task": "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot", "group": "logikon-bench", "dataset_path": "logikon/cot-eval-traces", "dataset_kwargs": { "data_files": { "test": "unde-laudantium-lsat-rc/test-00000-of-00001.parquet" } }, "test_split": "test", "doc_to_text": "def doc_to_text_cot(doc) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n Answer the following question about the given passage. [Base your answer on the reasoning below.]\n \n Passage: \n \n Question: \n A. \n B. \n C. \n D. \n [E. ]\n \n [Reasoning: ]\n \n Answer:\n \"\"\"\n k = len(doc[\"options\"])\n choices = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\"][:k]\n prompt = \"Answer the following question about the given passage. Base your answer on the reasoning below.\\n\\n\"\n prompt = \"Passage: \" + doc[\"passage\"] + \"\\n\\n\"\n prompt += \"Question: \" + doc[\"question\"] + \"\\n\"\n for choice, option in zip(choices, doc[\"options\"]):\n prompt += f\"{choice.upper()}. {option}\\n\"\n prompt += \"\\n\"\n prompt += \"Reasoning: \" + doc[\"reasoning_trace\"] + \"\\n\\n\" \n prompt += \"Answer:\"\n return prompt\n", "doc_to_target": "{{answer}}", "doc_to_choice": "{{options}}", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": false, "metadata": { "version": 0.0 } } }, "versions": { "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0, "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0, "quo-non_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "quo-non_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0, "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0, "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot": 0.0, "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot": 0.0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot": 0.0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot": 0.0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot": 0.0 }, "n-shot": { "dolore-possimus_logiqa2_cot": 0, "dolore-possimus_logiqa_cot": 0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "dolore-possimus_lsat-rc_cot": 0, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa2_cot": 0, "laboriosam-numquam_logiqa_cot": 0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "laboriosam-numquam_lsat-rc_cot": 0, "magni-excepturi_logiqa2_cot": 0, "magni-excepturi_logiqa_cot": 0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "magni-excepturi_lsat-rc_cot": 0, "quo-non_logiqa2_cot": 0, "quo-non_logiqa_cot": 0, "quo-non_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "quo-non_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "quo-non_lsat-rc_cot": 0, "temporibus-illo_logiqa2_cot": 0, "temporibus-illo_logiqa_cot": 0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "temporibus-illo_lsat-rc_cot": 0, "unde-laudantium_logiqa2_cot": 0, "unde-laudantium_logiqa_cot": 0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-ar_cot": 0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-lr_cot": 0, "unde-laudantium_lsat-rc_cot": 0 }, "config": { "model": "vllm", "model_args": "pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1,revision=main,dtype=auto,tensor_parallel_size=1,gpu_memory_utilization=0.9,trust_remote_code=true,max_length=4096", "batch_size": "auto", "batch_sizes": [], "device": null, "use_cache": null, "limit": null, "bootstrap_iters": 100000, "gen_kwargs": null }, "git_hash": "5044cf9" }