id,period,genre,transliteration,translation P459086,Ur III,Administrative," ...guruš engar dumu-ni ...ur-mes 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ugula ur-lugal 8(diš) guruš ugula ab-ba-sag₁₀ 6(diš) guruš ugula lugal-ku₃-zu 3(diš) guruš ugula šeš-kal-la 2(diš) guruš ugula lugal-iti-da 4(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-dingir-ra 7(diš) guruš ugula ur-am₃-ma 4(diš) guruš ugula ur-e₂-nun-na 1(geš₂) guruš ugula al-la-igi-še₃-du gurum₂ u₄ 2(diš)-kam ki-su₇ ka-ma-ri₂ gub-ba giri₃ i₃-kal-la iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅-ma{ki}...da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","n male laborers, plowman and his sons, foreman: Ur-mes, 11 male laborers, foreman: Ur-lugal, 8 male laborers, foreman: Abba-saga, 6 male laborers, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, 3 male laborers, foreman: Šeš-kalla, 2 male laborers, foreman: Lugal-itida, 4 male laborers, foreman: Lu-dingira, 7 male laborers, foreman: Ur-amma, 4 male laborers, foreman: Ur-enunna, 60 male laborers, foreman: Alla-palil; inspection of the second day, on the threshing floor Ka-ma-ri2 stationed, under charge of Ikalla, month: “Barley stored in the harbor,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, destroyed the lands of Zabšali.”" P465343,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 1(diš) udu gir-ru-um niga 2(diš) udu eme-gi-ra nita₂ ma₂-an-na unu{ki} iti-ta u₄ 2(u) 6(diš) ba-ra-zal ki lugal-nir-ta giri₃ ba-qar-tum iti {d}dumu-zi mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba wa-qar-tum nin₉-a-ni","1 kirrum sheep, grain-fed, 2 emegi rams, for Heaven-barge of Uruk, of the month, the 26th day passed; from Lugal-nir, via Baqartum. month: “Dumuzi,” year: “The high-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by extispicy was chosen.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Waqartum, his sister." P480378,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu-nita₂ kur-ra bar-gal₂ 1(diš) sila₄ nita₂ kur-ra bar-gal₂ ri-ri-ga ki ur-ru-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","2 male sheep of the mountain, with fleece, 1 male lamb of the mountain, with fleece, fallen; from Urru, under seal of Lukalla; month: “Lisi,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lukalla, the scribe, son of Ur-E’e, chief livestock administrator." P346107,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...nin₉ ki aŋ₂ {d}dumu-zid-de₃ ...gur₃-ru ki aŋ₂ {d}dur₇-dur₇-e a...zid-de₃ šag₄-ga ri-a nin₉-ŋu₁₀ nam-nin-e tud-da {e₂}tur₃-e i₃ gara₂ amaš-e i₃...un-da-an ... an-eden-ne₂...a-ŋu₁₀ {d}ŋeštin-an-na me-en a ki-sikil...nam dumu banda₃{da} unug{ki} na-nam kul-aba₄{ki} na-nam mu-ut-tin-na me-en ru-ru-a na-nam ki-sikil-e...šeš-a-na... igi mu-un-na-hur kiri₃ mu-un-na... ki lu₂-da nu-u₆-di haš₂-gal mu-na... e₂-eš₂-dam e₂-gal-la si ba-ni-in-sa₂ sukkal lu₂ e₂-gal-la-ta e₃-a ki-sikil-e en₃{en} mu-un-tar-re-en sukkal lu₂ e₂-gal-la-ta e₃-a ki-sikil-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ šeš-zu nam-en-še₃ šu mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-a nam-en unug{ki}ga ...e me hal-hal-ne u išib-ne ki za-za-a-ne a-tu₅-a-tu₅-a-ne susbu₂{be₂}e-ne itud-da eš₃ gal-e e₃-ne muš₃ nu-tum₂-mu-ne šeš-zu nam-en-še₃ šu mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-a ud-bi-a imin he₂-en-na-me-eš imin he₂-en-na-me-eš šir₃ dug₄-dug₄ unug{ki}ga imin me-eš zabalam{ki} ad ša₄-ša₄ ninnu me-eš e-ne-ne an-na mul zu me-eš ki har-ra-an zu me-eš an-na mul zu il₂-la me-eš e-ne-ne šir₃ im-zi-zi-ne šir₃ im-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-ne šir₃-e saŋ-bi nu-mu-un-ne-pad₃-ne ad-da ki-gub-ba nu-mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ me-eš nin₉ banda₃{da} bi-a til₃-la gu₃ mu-un-na-de₂-e gaba ba-da-ab-gu-la gaba ba-da-ab...gu₃ mu-un... me-e-de₃ šir₃ im-zi-zi-ne e-ne-ne...ŋa₂-ŋa₂-ze₂-en nu-mu-un-til₃ mu-un-til₃ kur kug za-gin₃-a-ka dim-ma-ba mu-un-til₃","... beloved sister of Dumuzi Exuding/bearing ..., beloved of Durtur (Whose) seed was planted in the womb by the true ... My sister, born into ladyship She is able to ... fill the cattle pen with butter and cream In the sheepfold she is able to ... In the plain ... you are my ..., {geš}tinanna Oh, the young woman is indeed ... Your little ones/children ... are indeed ... She is indeed the ... of Unug She is indeed the ... of Kulaba You are ..., indeed she is ... The young lady ... for her brother Scratched her face, scratched(?) her nose Scratched her upper thighs, the place not seen (when) with a man, She made straight away to the tavern of(?) the palace The young woman, she(!) was inquiring of the minister who was leaving the palace The minister who was leaving the palace was answering the young woman Your brother is setting his hands upon(?) the en-ship The en-ship of Unug ... The ones dividing up the me, ten išib priests The ones bowing down, the lustration priests, the susbu priests The ones that leave(?) the great shrine monthly/in the moonlight(?), the unceasing ones, (in their presence?) your brother is setting his hands upon(?) the en-ship At that time there should be seven for him, there should be seven for him The song performers of Unug are seven In Zabalam there were fifty lamenters They know the stars in heaven, they know the roads (on) earth The ones that know the stars in heaven are “carrying/raising the middle""(?) They were “raising” the song and “putting down” the song In (performing) the song they(?) could not find “its head” (beginning, soloist, director or (proper) tuning?) for themselves(?) It was them who were not “putting” (the song?) into the (proper) voice and “station""(?) The little sister dwelling in the midst was speaking/singing? She was making (her) chest great (i.e., inhaling, or a technical musical term?), she was ... her chest, she was speaking/singing We will “raise” the song, and you(!) will “put down” the song ... did not live in ... ... lived in the ... of(?) ... She lived in the ..., the mountain of silver and lapis lazuli, in its ..." P454330,Ur III,Administrative," nin dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la","Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur: Aḫuni, cup-bearer, is your servant." P454519,Ur III,Administrative," a-lu₅-lu₅ dumu inim{d}šara₂ kurušda {d}šara₂-ka","Alulu, son of Inim-Šara, fattener of Šara." P455300,Ur III,Administrative," inim{d}šara₂ dumu lu₂-dingir-ra kurušda...","Bēlī-kašid, ... ..." P455493,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}lamma dub-sar dumu a-tu","Urlamma, scribe, son of Atu." P455732,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-u₁₈ dumu bi₂-du₁₁ muhaldim","Lu’u, son of Bidu, the cook." P457071,Ur III,Administrative," ur-am₃-ma dumu ur{geš}gigir lu₂-azlag₂","Ur-amma, son of Ur-gigir, the fuller." P458507,Ur III,Administrative," e₂-a-ni-ša lukur ki-ag₂ lugal na-silim dumu ur-ab-ba-dingir-ra zu","Ea-niša, beloved lukur of the king: Na-silim, son of Urešbara, (is) your servant." P458567,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} a-da-ga dub-sar zu","Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Adaga, scribe, your servant." P458667,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂{d}iškur nu-banda₃ ur-gi₇ dumu... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458685,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}nin-lil₂-ama-mu sukkal-mah e-ne da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners" P478024,Ur III,Administrative," a-al-li₂-mu dumu nam-ha-ni gudu₄ {d}nin-ildu₃-ma","A’allimu son of Namḫani, gudu(-officiant) of Nin-ilduma." P458728,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba i₃-li₂-mi-di₃ sal-hu-ba zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ilī-midi, s., is your servant." P458767,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu {d}nanna-ma-ba zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Šulpa’e, scribe, son of Nanna-maba, is your servant." P464344,Ur III,Administrative," nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ dub-sar dumu ur{d}dumu-zi dub-sar","Nūr-ilī, scribe, son of Ur-Dumuzi, scribe." P465346,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba gu₃-de₂-a sukkal dumu gu-du-du sukkal lugal-ka zu","Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Gudea, sukkal, son of Gududu, royal sukkal, your servant." P416410,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu niga 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(geš₂) 4(u) 3(diš) udu 4(geš₂) 3(diš) maš₂-gal u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-we-er i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 7(geš₂) 5(u) 6(diš) udu","69 sheep, barley-fed, 1 buck, barley-fed, 163 sheep, 243 bucks, the 13th day, from Abbasaga, Aḫu-wer accepted; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 476 small cattle." P416475,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš)... 1(diš) maš₂ šu-gid₂ 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 4(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti bi₂-gu₇ mu si-mu-ru...a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)","1 ..., 1 goat, šugid(?), 1 suckling lamb, slaughtered, the 4th day, from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “Ubi feast,” year: “Simurum for the 9th time was destroyed.”" P416481,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ ba-uš₂ giri₃ {d}na-ru₂-a-e₃ iti šu-numun 1(diš) ba-uš₂ giri₃ {d}nin-gir₂-su-ka-i₃-sa₆ zi-ga iti munu₄-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","1 ox, slaughtered, via Narua’e, month: “Sowing”; 1(ox), slaughtered, via Ningirsuka-isa; “booked-outs;” month: “Malt feast,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P461498,Ur III,Administrative," 5(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 5(u) 5(aš) 5/6(diš) gun₂ gi-zi ša₃ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan 2(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) gun₂ gi-zi ša₃ nibru{ki} ...1(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 4(u) 1(aš) 5/6(diš) gun₂ ša₃-gal udu niga-še₃ a₂ erin₂ gir₂-su{ki} ki sukkal-mah mu-kuₓ(DU) {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ šu ba-ti giri₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","3595 5/6 talents, fodder-reed, in Puzrish-Dagan; 1426 talents, fodder-reed, in Nippur; (total:) 5021 5/6 talents, fodder for the grain-fed sheep; labor of the troops from Girsu, with the sukkalmaḫ, delivery, Šulgi-ilī received; via Lu-girizal month: “Gazelle-feast,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.”" P453060,Ur III,Administrative," ... dumu a... 2(ban₂) 2(diš) lu₂{d}nin {ki} dumu-ni 1(barig) tug₂ ug₃-il₂ dumu ur{geš}dar-du₃ 1(barig) 4(diš) engar ur-mes dumu lugal-me-lam₂ 2(ban₂) 2(diš) ur-dal-la engar dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) da-da-mu dumu du-du 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}nin-tu dumu-ni 1(barig) tug₂ ti-al-ba-ni-du₁₁ 1(barig) 4(diš) iri-dam dumu ma-an-gi₄ 2(ban₂) 2(diš) lu₂-kal-la dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-dub-šen dumu maš-tur uš₂ 1(barig) nig₂-du₇ dumu ša₃-da-nu-šar₂ uš₂ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) lu₂{d}dumu-zi dumu-ni 1(barig) tug₂ ur{d}geštin-an-ka dumu he₂-gal₂ 1(barig) tug₂ ša₃-ku₃-ge ... dumu... nu 1(barig) ka-i₃-sa₆ dumu nin-iri-ni-še₃ 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-kam dumu še-li-li uš₂ 1(barig) ku₃-ga-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}inanna 1(barig) tug₂ ba-sa₆-ga nu 1(barig) lugal-da-ga 1(barig) tug₂ lu₂-inim-gi-na dumu a-tu uš₂ 1(barig) ur-dub-šen dumu lu₂{d}inanna 2(ban₂) ur{d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}inanna dumu nin-a-zu 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-uru₁₁{ki} dumu-ni nu 1(barig) u₄-de₃-nig₂-sa₆-ga ... ...ma₂-gur₈-ra dumu geme₂-tug₂-dam 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-še-il₂-la dumu e₂-utu-gin₇-e₃ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur dumu nin₉-ku-li 2(ban₂) 2(diš) {d}nin-mar{ki}ka i₃-sa₆ dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) du₁₀-nu-si 1(barig) 4(diš) gu₃-u₂-gu dumu geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ 1(barig) 4(diš) u₄-la-ba-da-šu₄ dumu im-ma-si 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}šu-an-na dumu-ni uš₂ 1(barig) mu-ni-e₂-gal... dumu nin-he₂-gal₂ 1(barig) 4(diš) ba-zi dumu geme₂-nimgir 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-iti-da dumu sa₆-ga-ni 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) e₂ e dumu-ni ... ma₂-lah₆ 1(barig) ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da dumu ur{d}geštin-an-ka ma₂-lah₆ ugula ur{d}nanše dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-ušur₂-bar-ra dumu ug₃-il₂ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}na-du₃-a 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-ka-ni dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) engar ur{d}en-ki dumu lugal-še₃ 1(ban₂) 1(diš) ur{d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) nig₂-ma₂ 2(ban₂) 2(diš) {d}utu-sa₆-ga dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-bala-sa₆-ga dumu lugal-zi-mu 1(barig) 4(diš) en-lil₂-e-si 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) {d}utu-ba-e₃ dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(barig) tug₂ lu₂{d}na-du₃-a dumu {d}li₉-si₄ me ugula ad-da ... 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-hu-bi₂-ma šeš lugal-sa₆-ga 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}na-du₃-a 1(ban₂) 1(diš) ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu-ni-me 1(barig) 4(diš) in-za 2(ban₂) 2(diš) ab-ba-ku₃-zu dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}en-zu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur{d}utu dumu-ni 1(barig) tug₂ ur{d}en-ki dumu geme₂-še-ku₃-ga 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}geš-bil₃-ga-meš 5(ban₂) tug₂ ur{d}ištaran dumu hu-za-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) nin₉-geš-i₃-gi 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}en-zu dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ugula ur-dub-šen 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ugula lu₂{d}en-zu dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-kam dumu ku₃-nin-ga₂ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-e₂-ki dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lugal-me-na-tum₂ dumu na-si₄-na 2(ban₂) 2(diš) ur-tur-e dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-gurum₂-e dumu ur{d}en-zu ... dumu ha-ba-lu₅-ke₄ 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-ik-šur₂ dumu lugal-sukkal 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀ dumu-ni uš₂ 1(barig) ša₃-ku₃-ge dumu nin-me-kal-la uš₂ 1(ban₂) ab-ba-du₁₀-ga dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-šeš 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-ka-ni dumu du₁₁-ga-ta-bi 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-im-nun dumu nin-me-du₁₀-ga 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-me-lam₂ dumu za-ba₆-ba₆ 1(barig) 4(diš) ki-lu₅-la 1(ban₂) 1(diš) {d}amar{d}en-zu ha-ma-ti dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ug₃-il₂ dumu nin-zi-ša₃-gal₂ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur dumu lu₂-nig₂-du₁₀-ra 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) {d}utu-ba-e₃ dumu-ni uš₂ 1(barig) ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu u₃-ne 1(barig) 4(diš) lugal-sa-du₈ dumu nin... ... dumu ur{d}geš-zi-da 2(ban₂) 2(diš) ab-ba-du₁₀-ga dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) iri-ki-bi a-ru-a lu₂{d}dumu-zi 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-ma₂-gur₈-ra dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) al-la dumu lu₂{d}utu 1(ban₂) 1(diš) lugal{geš}gigir-re dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}šu-an-na dumu ig-za-gin₃ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur-gu-la dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}utu dumu geme₂{d}inanna 1(barig) 4(diš) na-ga dumu geme₂-abzu 1(barig) 4(diš) inim{d}en-zu dumu nin-a-ni-sa₆ uš₂ 1(ban₂) ur{d}nin-mar{ki} dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ga₂-e-lu₂ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-erim₂-ki dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-an-na-du₃-a dumu nin-ki-ša-ra 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-mes dumu nin-kal-la uš₂ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) {d}utu-ba-e₃ dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-gu-la 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}ištaran dumu arad₃-mu-me 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-e₂-si-ga 1(diš) ur-mes dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂{d}nin... dumu lugal-gal-gu 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-iti-da dumu geme₂{d}inanna 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-dab... dumu nin-e-zu 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-šu... dumu geme₂-uš-bar nu 1(barig) ur-dub-šen dumu im-ma-si 1(barig) 4(diš) lugal-a... dumu geme₂{d}utu 1(barig) 4(diš) ša₃-ba-na-sig 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-si... 1(barig) 4(diš) a-na-lu₂-e₃ uš₂ 1(barig) lugal-gu₄... dumu ša₃-nin-ga₂ 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-ušur dumu nin-he₂-gal₂ 1(barig) 4(diš) {d}utu-ba-e₃ dumu nam-nin-a-ni-du₁₀ 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}li₉-si₄ dumu geme₂{d}utu 2(diš) 1(barig) 4(diš) utu... 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-erim₂-ki dumu-ni ... šu-nigin₂ 1(u) 2(diš) guruš 1(barig) tug₂-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) guruš 5(ban₂) tug₂ šu-nigin₂ 1(u) 2(diš) dumu 2(ban₂) 2(diš)-ta šu-nigin₂ 3(u)...dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(u) la₂-1(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) 5(ban₂) gur siki-bi 7(aš) gun₂ 3(u) 2(diš) ma-na tug₂-bi 1(u) 3(diš) gub-ba-am₃ šu-nigin₂ 5(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta nu-dab₅-me šu-nigin₂ 3(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) dumu 2(ban₂) ma₂-lah₆-me šu-nigin₂ 1(u) 2(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) dumu 2(ban₂) šu-nigin₂ 4(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš)-ta šu-nigin₂ 3(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta ba-uš-me e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} iri{ki}bi ...zi ... 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂-an-na-du₃-a dumu ba-ka₅-a 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-gurum₂-e dumu e₂-ta-mu-zu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur{d}...dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-iti-da dumu geme₂-e₂-gibil 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nam-mah{d}ba-ba₆ 1(ban₂) 1(diš) ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu-ni-me nu 1(barig) ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu a-tu 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-še-ku₃-ga dumu geme₂-uruda 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-an-na-du₃-a dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}eš₃-du₁₀-nun dumu ur-ur 1(ban₂) 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-na dumu-ni nu 1(barig) {d}šul-gi-zi ša₃-gal₂ nu 1(ban₂) {d}amar{d}en-zu ša₃-an-na-ke₄-ba-du₁₀ dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ma₂-gur₈-re 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu lu₂-nimgir-me 1(barig) 4(diš) ur{d}lama dumu an-ni ...{d}nin-geme₂-su... ... 5(ban₂)...i₃-pa₃-da nu 1(barig) lu₂{d}igi-ma-še₃ 2(ban₂)...lu₂{d}utu dumu-ni 2(ban₂) 2(diš)... e₃ 2(ban₂)...mes ...da dumu...engur 1(ban₂)...{d}en-zu dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) lu₂₃-a dumu 1(ban₂) 1(diš) arad₂{d}ukken dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš)ša dumu ša₃-zum-ba 2(ban₂) 2(diš)... dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu šeš-gal 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-gurum₂-e dumu ur-ur 1(ban₂) 5(diš)...ur-bara₂-si-ga dumu-ni 1(barig)...ri ...du₁₀-ga ...uš ...šeš-a ...bara₂-si-ga ... 1(barig) tug₂...e-lu₂... uš 1(barig) {d}utu-mu dumu a-tu 1(barig) 4(diš) e₂-zi-kalam-ma dumu nin-lu₂-e₃ 1(diš) tug₂...... dumu nin-ba-zi libir-am₃ da-gu-gu 1(barig) 4(diš) a-du₁₀-ga dumu geme₂{d}ne-šu 1(barig) 4(diš) a-na-lu₂-ba-du dumu šu-mu-im-bi 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lugal-da-da dumu-ni 1(barig) 4(diš) ur-lugal dumu nin-a-su 1(barig) 4(diš) lugal... dumu nin-ensi₂ nu 1(barig) 4(diš) kur-na nu... lu₂-an-na-du₃-a dumu gu-gu 1(barig) tug₂ bar-ra-an... dumu ur{d}... ... nu 1(barig) ta he₂-dab₅-me im-e-tak₄-a-ta nu 5(ban₂) {d}nin-mar{ki} i₃-sa₆ ba-uš₂-ta nu 1(barig) a-ba-ki-ni nu 4(ban₂) ku-li...ti arad₂ du₁₁-ga{d}ba-ba₆ nu 4(ban₂) ša₃-zum-ba arad₂ siki-a-hu-ba-ul nu 1(barig) {d}utu-ki-ni-ra nu 3(ban₂) nin-a-zu nu 3(ban₂) geme₂-iri{ki} sag ur{d}šu-li-šu nu 1(barig) {d}nin-mar{ki}ka arad₂ ur{d}utu libir-am₃ 1(barig) tug₂ lu₂-ma₂-gur₈-ra dumu nin-bara₂-gi-si 1(barig) tug₂ ur{d}hendur-sag 1(barig) tug₂...i₃-sa₆ dumu lugal... ... šu-nigin₂ 1(u) 4(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta šu-nigin₂ 2(diš) guruš 5(ban₂)-ta šu-nigin₂ 2(diš) guruš 4(ban₂)-ta šu-nigin₂ 2(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) dumu 2(ban₂) šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) nu-dab₅-ba-me šu-nigin₂ 2(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta šu-nigin₂ 1(diš) guruš 5(ban₂) ba-uš₂-me e₂ {d}amar{d}suen ...","son of x 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Lu-NinMAR, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for a) menial son of Ur-dardu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) the cultivator Ur-Mes son of Lugal-melam 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Ur-Alla, cultivator, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Dadamu son of Dudu 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Ningirsu, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Tialbanidu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Iri-dam son of Mangi 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Lu-kala, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-dubszen son of Masztur Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Nigdu son of szada-nuszar Dead: 15 litres (of barley for) Lu-dumuzi, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Ur-sabianka son of Hegal-SUD 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) sza-kuge son of ... not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Bidu-isa son of Nin-Irinisze 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-kam son of szelili Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Kugani 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-szulpae 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Inanna 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Basaga Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Lugaldaga 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Lugal-inimgina son of Atu Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Ur-dubszen son of Lu-Inanna Overseer Ur-Gatumdu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Inanna son of Nin-azu 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-urub, his son Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Ude-Nigsaga ... x x Magurak son of Geme-eszdam 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Ninszubura, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-sze’ila son of E-Utugin-e 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Ninszubur son of Nin-kuli 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) NinMAR-ka-isa, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Du-nusi 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Gu'ugu son of Geme-dardu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ulabadaszu son of Immasi 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-si’ana, his son, Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Muni-egalla son of Nin-hegal 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Bazi son of Geme-nimgir 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-itida son of Sagani 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) E-gurume, his son, Boatman 60 litres (of barley for) Ur-Ningeszzida son of Ur-gesztinanka Boatman 20 litres (of barley for) Ur-Nansze, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Uszur-bara son of Ugil 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Nadu’a 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-girizal, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) cultivator Ur-Enki son of Lugal-uszur 10 litres 1 unit Ur-Gatumdu, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Nigdiri 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Utu-Saga, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-bala-saga son of Lugal-zi-mu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) En-e-x-si 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Utu-bae, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Ninszubur 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Lu-nadu’a sons of Lisi-bad Overseer Adda 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-hurim Brother of Lugal-saga 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-nadu’a 15 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Ur-barasiga His sons 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) SZerza 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Abba-kuzu, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Suen 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Ur-Utu, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Ur-Enki son of Geme-sze-kuga 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Bilgamesz 50 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Ur-Isztaran son of Huzani 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Nin-geszigi 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Suen, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) overseer Ur-dubszen 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) overseer Lu-Suen, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utukam son of Kuninga 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-eki, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lugal-menatum son of Nasina 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Ur-turtur, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-gurume son of Ur-Suen son of Habaluke 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-ikszur son of Lugal-sukkal 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) E-urbidu, his son Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) sza-kuge son of Nin-mekala Dead: 10 litres (of barley for) Abba-Duga, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-szesz 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-girzal son of Dugalalbi 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Imnun son of Nin-meduga 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-melam son of Zababa 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Kilula 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Amar-Suen-hamati, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ugil son of Nin-ziszagal 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Ninszubur son of Lu-nigHARra 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Utu-bae, his son. Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Ur-barasiga son of Upi 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lugal-sadu son of Nin-uszur son of Ur-Ningeszzida 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Abba-duga, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Irikibi Dedicated: Lu-dumuzi 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-magura his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Alla son of Lu-Utu 10 litres of barley 1 unit (for) Lugal-geszgigir 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-sianna son of Igzagin 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Ur-gula, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Utu son of Geme-Inanna 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Naga son of Geme-abzu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Sag-Utuzu son of Ninanisa Dead: 10 litres (of barley for) Ur-Ninmar, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) PN? 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Hurim, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Narua son of Nin-kiszara 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Urmes son of Ninkala Dead: 15 litres (of barley for) Utu-bae, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-gula 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Isztaran son sof Arad-mu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-e-siga 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Ur-mesz, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-ninx son of Lugal-galgu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-itida son of Geme-inanna 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Abxx son of Nin-ezu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-szu-x son of Geme-uszbar Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Ur-dubszen son of Immasi? 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lugal-a-x son of Geme-Utu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) sza-banasig 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-sisa 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ana-lu-e Dead: 60 litres (of barley for) Lugal-Gu-x son of sza-ninga 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lur-uszur son of Nin-hegal 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-bae son of Namninani-du 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Lisi son of Geme-Utu (second one) 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Utu-x 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Erimki, his son. Total: 12 male workers (receiving) 60 litres and 1 garment each Total: 1 male worker (receiving) 50 litres (of barley) and 1 garment Total: 12 children (receiving) 20 litres (of barley) 2 units each Total: 33 children (receiving) 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units each Total: 9 children (receiving) 10 litres 1 unit each Its barley: 7,190 litres (of barley) Its wool 452 mana Its garments 13 are standing Total: 5 male workers (receiving) 60 litres each not seized ones Total: 3 male workers (receiving) 60 litres each Total: 1 child (receiving) 20 litres They are boatmen. Total: 12 male workers (receiving) 60 litres each Total: 1 child (receiving) 20 litres Total: 4 children (receiving) 15 litres each Total: 3 children (receiving) 10 litres each Dead ones. House of Ninmar Irikibi Traces 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Naru'a son of Balu'a 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-gurume son of Etamuzu 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Ur-x, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-itida son of Geme-e-gibil 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Nammah-Baba 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Ur-Baba His sons Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Ur-Barasiga son of Atu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-munukuga son of Geme-mes 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lu-Naru’a, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Eszhenun son of Urur 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Lu-Ninszubur, his son Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) szulgi-zi-szagal Not (receiving): 10 litres (of barley for) Amar-Suen-sza-annakebadu, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Margurre 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-barasiga son of Lu-nimgirme 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Lama son of Anni [...] Nin-Girsu dumu#-ni# [...] 50 litres (of barley) (for) x Ipada Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Lu-Igimasze 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) Lu-Utu, his son 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) GAN-e 20 litres (of barley for) [...]-mes Traces Traces Traces son of [...]-engur 10 litres (of barley for) [...]-Suen, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lu-Naru’a son of Nin-zagesi 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Arad-dingira, his son, 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) PN son of sza-zumba 20 litres (of barley) 2 units (for) PN, his son 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-barasiga son of szeszgal 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-gurume son of Urur 10 litres (of barley) 1 unit (for) Ur-barasiga, his son. 60 litres (of barley) x (for) PN [...] PN Namtieszta [...] PN [...] Barasiga 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) PN Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Utu-mu son of Atu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) E-zi-kalama son of Nin-lue 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) PN son of Nin-bazi They are old. Overseer Dagugu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Aduga son of Geme-Lisi 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ana-lu-badu son of szumu-imbi 15 litres (of barley) 1 1/2(disz) units (for) Lugal-dada, his son. 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Ur-Lugal son of Nin-asu 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) Lugal-XXX son of Nin-ensi Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley) 4 units (for) PN Lu-annadu’a son of Gugu 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Barran-x-x son of Ur-NE-x Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) PN Let them be seized. Left from on the tablet Not (receiving): 50 litres (of barley for) Ninmar-isa from the dead. Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Aba-kīni Not (receiving): 40 litres (of barley for) Kuli-hamati Slave of Duga-Baba Not (receiving): 40 litres (of barley for) sza-zumba Slave of Ure-badu Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) SZamasz-kinszara Not (receiving): 30 litres (of barley for) Nin-azu Not (receiving): 30 litres (of barley for) Geme-uru Servants of Ur-Igalim Not (receiving): 60 litres (of barley for) Nin-MAR{ki}-ka Slave of Ur-Utu They are old ones. 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Lu-magura son of Nin-zagesi 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Ur-Hendursag 60 litres (of barley) 1 garment (for) Bidu-isa son of Lugal-[...] Total: 14 male workers (receiving) 60 litres each Total 2 male workers (receiving) 50 litres each Total: 2 male workers (receiving) 40 litres each Total: 2 female workers (receiving) 30 litres each Total: 1 child (receiving) 2o litres Total: 1 child (receiving) 10 litres Not seized ones. Total 2 male workers (receiving) 60 litres each Total: 1 male worker (receiving) 50 litres Dead ones House of Amar-Suen" P519365,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gu₄ niga nin₉-kal-la nin ki ba-sa₆-ta kišib₃ ensi₂-ka mu en {d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ ","4 Mastrinder, (für) Ninkalla, die Herrin, von Basa; Siegel des Stadtfürsten; Jahr: „Die En(-Priesterin) des Nanna wurde durch Opferschau erwählt.“" P388992,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ... ... nam-ha-ni dumu hu-wa-wa ur...dumu lugal-kal-la i₃-gal₂ al-la ensi₂ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš-da-an-gan ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P386436,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 1(aš) ama ud₅ 1(aš)...aš₂-gar₃ ša₃-du₁₀ 1(aš) maš nita ša₃-du₁₀ amar-ezem ur-nu-da e-da-lu₅ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki} ","91 nannies, 1 female kid, new-born, 1 male kid, new-born; Amar-ezem, against Urnu entered; Urukagina, king of Lagash; 7th (regnal year)." P413901,Ur III,Administrative," 4(aš) še gur lugal ki lu₂{d}inana-ka a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-bi₂-a-ti šu ba-ti iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu ...še gur lugal ...lu₂{d}inana-ka a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-bi₂-a-ti šu ba-ti a-bi₂-a... dumu...","4 gur of barley in the royal measure, with Lu-Inanna-ka, the wages of day-laborers, Abi-ati received. Month “kisiki-Ninazu.” 4 gur of barley in the royal measure, [with] Lu-Inanna-ka, the wages of day-laborers, Abi-ati received. Abi-ati son? of ..." P453803,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba guru₇-a tak₄-a geme₂ da i₃-gal₂ iti šu-gar-ra-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti-bi iti 1(u) 3(diš)-am₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: barley rations left in the silo, for female and male slaves, are here; from month “Šugar"" to extra month “Harvest,"" its month (count): 13 months; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Big-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P454103,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ti... apin-la₂ ku-lu₅-ku... a-ša₃ pu-us₂ ...du giri₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ ... mu us₂-sa {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P449042,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," gi amar-abzu utu-ur-sag sag-aya₂-da ... pa-bilₓ-ga šubur-la en-abzu-si ... ","2 reeds? Amar-abzu 7 (reeds?): Utu-ursag 4 (reeds?): Sag-aya-da ... 9 (reeds?): Pabilga 2 (reeds?) , Szul!-la-PA-A 12 (reeds?): En-abzu-si ..." P341977,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba lugal-ku₃-zu u₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P122924,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gin₂ igi 3(diš) gal₂ ku₃-babbar še buru₁₄ a-na-ag₂-bi 1(aš) 1(barig) še gur-ta ki ur{d}lamma-ta lu₂-gu-za dumu lu₂-mah sag-ub₃{ki}ke₄ šu ba-ti iti maš su-su-dam mu lugal i₃-gal₂ iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ mu en kar-zi-da 4(diš) gin₂ igi 3(diš) gal₂ ku₃-babbar še buru₁₄-bi 1(aš) 1(barig) gur-ta ...ag₂-dam ki ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂ kišib₃ lu₂{geš}gu-za...mah sag-ub₃{ki} ... iti... mu en {d}...kar-zi-da","4 1/3 shekels silver, its barley to be measured out at harvest: 1 gur 1 barig each (shekel), from Ur-Lamma did Lu-guza, son of Lu-maḫ of Sagub receive; in month “GANmaš” to be replaced; royal name entered; month “Festival-of-Baba,” year: “Lord of Karzida.” 4 1/3 shekels silver, its barley at harvest: 1 gur 1 barig each (shekel) to be measured out; from Ur-Lamma son of Ur-nig, under seal of Lu-guza, son of Lu-maḫ of Sagub month “Festival-of-Baba,” year: “Lord of Nanna of Karzida.”" P317338,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba geme₂ uš-bar ... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}...{d}suen₂-a mah mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: barley rations of the female weavers, ..., are here. year: “...-Suen, the king, Great-Stele erected.”" P318698,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak e₂-tum sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, ‘chambers’ of head-plowmen (labor-)troops, porters, house of Ninmar, are here; year: “... .”" P319942,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-gal₂ iti...maš mu ša-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts ... the house of Enlil are here; month: “...,"" year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P320066,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba anše ama-gan-na gub-ba mu ha-ar-ši{ki}ta mu en-unu₆-gal-še₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: breeding donkeys stationed, from the year: “Harši” to the year: “Enunugal.”" P356061,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ša₃ ugnim{ki}ma-ke₄-ne mu didli še erin₂-e gu₇-a e₂-gal-ka i₃-gal₂ iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ iti 2(diš)-kam 1(diš)-am₃ mu us₂-sa en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, men of seizures of Ugnim, various years, barley to the (labor-)troops fed, in the palace, are here; from extra month “Harvest,” to month “Barley-lifted,” (a period) of 2 months, its extra month 1; year following: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna by the goat was found.”" P356066,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu tag-tag e₂-tum-e i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal bad₃ gal-bi mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, weaving, to the ‘chambers,’ are here. year: “Ibbi-Suen, the king, wall grandly erected.”" P339748,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kaš-de₂-a u₃ ninda-šu-ur₃-ra {d}šul-gi-ra i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: Beer ceremonty and Bread-spread of Šulgi are here;" P339965,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ugula {d}šara₂-kam ugula iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, foreman Šarakam, foreman, (a period of) 13 months, are here; year: “Šu-Suen, the king, the house of Šara in Umma erected.”" P355915,Ur III,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 2(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) še gur 1(geš₂) 2(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 4(diš)... ugula lu₂-gi... 1(gešʾu) 3(u) 1(aš) 3(barig)... 2(u) 1(aš) ziz₂ gur 1(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) gig gur ugula lugal-e₂-mah-e 9(geš₂) 5(u) 3(aš) še gur 1(geš₂) 2(u) 9(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) ziz₂ gur 1(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) gig gur ugula du-du-mu 1(gešʾu) 8(aš) še gur 1(geš₂) 2(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) ziz₂ gur 3(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) gig gur ugula lugal{geš}gigir-re 2(geš₂) 2(u) 2(barig) še gur a-ša₃ {d}šara₂ ugula a-ab-ba 3(geš₂) 5(u) 3(aš) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur a-ša₃ {d}šara₂ ugula ur{geš}gigir 1(geš₂) 4(u) 3(aš) 2(barig) še gur a-ša₃ {geš}ma-nu ugula a-gu-gu 2(geš₂) 1(u) 3(aš) še gur a-ša₃ {geš}ma-nu 1(geš₂) 1(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) ziz₂ gur a-ša₃ sipa-ne ugula lugal...a-ni 3(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ a-ša₃ sipa-ne ugula lugal-ku₃-ga-ni 5(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ sipa-ne 1(geš₂) 4(u) 8(aš) 2(barig) gur 1(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gu₂-nida gur a-ša₃ sipa... ugula ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ... še geš e₃-a gu₄ da-umma{ki} šu ba-ti giri₃ lu₂-banda₃{da} mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ba-hul","681 gur 1 barig barley, 86 [gur] 3 barig 5 ban 4 [sila emmer,] foreman: Lugina 631 [gur] 3 barig [barley,] 21 gur emmer, 14 gur 1 barig wheat, foreman: Lugal-emahe 593 gur barley, 89 gur 3 barig 3 ban emmer, 11 gur 1 barig wheat, foreman: Dudumu 608 gur barley, 83 gur 3 barig emmer, 33 gur 1 barig wheat, foreman: Lugal-gigire 140 gur 2 barig barley of the field of Szara, foreman: A'abba 233 gur 2 barig 1 ban 5 sila barley of the field of Szara, foreman: Ur-gigir? 103 gur 2 barig barley of the field of manu-wood, foreman: Agugu 133 gur barley of the field of manu-wood, 78 gur 3 barig emmer of the “field of the shepherds,” foreman: Lugal-xani 37 1 barig 1 ban 7 sila (barley) from the “field of the shepherds,” foreman: Lugalkugani 54 gur 4 barig 1 ban (barley) from the “field of the shepherds,” 108 gur 2 barig (barley), 11 gur chickpeas from the “field of the shepherds,”? foreman: Ur-Enlila threshed grain of the royal plots in Da-Umma did ARAD2 receive via Lu-banda. Year: “Simurum and Lulubu were destroyed for the 9th time.”" P346551,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {ŋeš}... ab₂ mah...kud gud du₇-du₇... {ŋeš}ŋešnimbar urudu kalag-ga...ŋa₂ {u₂}numun₂-gin₇ ba-an-bur₁₂ mi-ni-ib-bal saŋ sahar-ra ba-ni-ib₂ {ŋeš}ze-na-bi gu₂ ba... ...mu₂-a ŋeš ki ba-e-la₂...š-a kur-ra i₃... ...e-šub bad₃-si-bi ba-e-gul ...da gab₂-bu-ba gu₂-da la₂-a-ba ... a-gin₇ igi-bi-ta ba-e-šuš₂ ...igi piriŋ-ŋa₂ ni₂ gur₃-gur₃-ru-bi ... ba-e-šub-bu re ki-erim₂ ba-ab-de₆ ...nanna tir šim {ŋeš}eren-na-gin₇ ir-si-im-bi ba-gul ...di-bi i₃-dug₃-ga re u₆-di-bi ba-gul ...i-im-si-a an-usan... ...","Its throne was covered over from the front(?), she(?) could(?) (only) sit in the dust (instead) They seized the great(?) cows at/by(?) their ... horns, ... cut their horns off ... smote goring bulls with the weapon like (they were) grazing sheep The date palm (of? like?) strong copper, the arm of heroism ... tore it out like a rush, it was cut like a rush, it was turned sideways(?) in its roots Its top was lodged (in the ground), it did not have a person to raise it ... trimmed its midribs and set its top on fire ... its spadix with ripe dates, ... the well The gizi reeds that grew in the holy ... (and the) trees(?) were bowed to the ground(?) The great tribute that ... deposited there was carried away into(?) the mountain In the temple, its {geš}bur ormanment(?) fell, its parapet was destroyed Its ... embracing on its right and left Like smitten heroes, they were covered from the front Its great storm(-demon)?, with an open mouth and the face of an awe-bearing pirig creature The enemy territory brought away(?) the one felled with a saman rope like a caught wild bull The scent of the dwelling of holy Nanna, which was like a juniper forest, was brought to an end (And?) the awe of the temple, which had been good(?)--the awe was (now) destroyed The one that filled(?) the lands like sunlight(?) was (re)built(?) like the evening(?) in(?) heaven (instead?)" P346226,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...min₃-kam... mi... ...gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im ...šu im...mi-ni-in... ...en...le... ki... ...saŋ-bi-še₃... ... ... ...ud-bi bar... ...mir-mir-ra izi-izi-a kur-ra... eme-bi ga-an-ze-er u₃-dub₂ šeŋ₃...kalam-ma su dar-re-dam a₂-bi {d}anzu mah dub₃ bad-ra₂ niŋ₂-nam... ti-ti-bi niŋ₂ za-ra ak-dam ud zal-gin₇ zal... ib₂-ba-ab-bi a₂-sig₃ uru₁₇ gul-gul-la niŋ₂-keš₂₂ haš₄-gal-bi ŋiri₂ sur mud₂ dul₉-dul₉ u₃-mun bal-bal-e-da sa-sa-bi {urud}šum-me šab-dam ŋiri₃-bi hu-riₓ(|URU×MIN|)-in{mušen}na-am₃ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na ni₂ mu-ni-ib-teŋ₃ kur-ra gu₃ mi-ni-ib-rah ...gi₄-ni-še₃ hur-saŋ i₃...uŋ₃š... ki-uri su mu-ni-in...buru₁₄-gin₇ i₃-su...ši... ... ... ...ta... ...UN... ... ...","... It is the 2nd kirugu ... It is the gešgigal “response” An stretched out his hand(?) and tore out(?) ..., he terrified the land Enlil trembled(?) greatly and shouted The flood digging at the earth with a hoe raised its voice(?) Its vanguard(?) is a DUR10. GAG axe/drainpipe(?), its rear is darkness ... Its light (of its eye), which flashes, it is to look far away like the Anzud bird Its mouth is furious, it is to exude with flame(?) in the mountain/land Its tongue (is) flame, raining glowing coals, it is to split the land Its wings (are) that of the supreme Anzud bird with opened knees (i.e., outstretched talons), which nothing (can escape) Its ribcage was something that was to open in its hinges(?), disintegrating like the melting sun(?) On(?) its hips (are) the slingstones(?), the destroyer(s) of cities(?), which are attached to the binding(?) Its thighs are twisting/dripping daggers covered with blood, it is to draw out gore Its muscles are šumme saws that are to cut, its feet are that of the hurin bird It has terrified the Tigris and Euphrates, it has screamed at the mountain/netherworld Because of its shout the mountain range is ..., the people are spread out as sheaves Sumer and Akkad have been made to(?) tremble, they will drown like a harvest The unwitting ones rejoiced, they ... ... ... ... ... ..." P346161,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {id₂}...luh-ha a-ba mu-un... {id₂}{ŋeš}gisal-a-ŋar-ra a-ba mu... id₂ a-ba mu-un-ba-al... ur{d}namma kug-tuku mu-un-ba... id₂ a-ba mu-un-ba-al... {d}šul-gi niŋ₂-tuku mu-un-ba... id₂ a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e lugal šag₄ zid-da nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra saŋ il₂ ur{d}namma šul igi il₂-la kur-gal ud {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ke₄ {d}nun-nam-nir ki-en-gi uri-e me-am₃ mu-un-suh-e nibru{ki}e hur-saŋ nam-til₃-la-ka nam-mi im-mi-in-tar urim₂{ki}e e₂-mud-kur-ra-kam {ŋeš}gu-za-a-ni suhuš-bi im-mi-in-gin₆ aga me-lim₄ me-teš₂ nam-lugal-la saŋ-ŋa₂ im-mi-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}ŋidru kug uŋ₃ šar₂ si-si-e sa₂ šu-ŋa₂ im-mi-in-sa₂ enkar šibir eš-kiri₃ zi-ŋal₂ e... ... ... ... ...ŋal₂ saŋ kun ŋal₂-la... ...gur₃-ru ki-tuš šag₄ hul₂-la ...da ur₂-bi im-mi-in-gin₆ gu₂-da am bi-šuš₂ ...zi kug-babbar-ra gub-ba-am₃ ...ud he₂-ŋal₂-la bal ub-ba {id₂}šir₃-kug mu še ...da-ri ka-ge₅ du-a-ba {id₂}pa₄-bi-luh mu še ŋa₂ iri{ki}ŋa₂ a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-še-na {id₂} kug iri{ki}bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-še-na {id₂}pa₄-bi-luh a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-še-na he₂-ŋal₂-bi ku₆ hu-ma-ra-ab-de₆ e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-še₃ gu₂-gu₂-bi {u₂}munzer lu₂-e u₂-lal₃ gu₇-e a-gar₃ gal-bi še gu-nu mu₂-mu₂ {ŋeš}tir-gin₇ su-su... lugal še-ga {d}... ur{d}...en-gi uri... ... ...","Who will dig the canal here? The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, who will dig the canal here? The canal in which the oar is set (to start a journey?), who will dig the canal here? Who will dig the canal here? Ur-Namma, the one who has silver, will dig here Who will dig the canal here? Shulgi, the one who has possessions, will dig here Who will dig the canal here? The king whose fate was decided in the fertile womb, who raises his head in authority Ur-Namma, the youth who is watched by the Great Mountain, the storm of (i.e. that is?) Enlil Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose? In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine He secured the foundations of his throne The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?) He gave to my hand the enkara weapon, the staff(?) and the nose-rope that convey the people ... ... ... possessing a head and tail (i.e., the beginning and end of a canal?)/present at the head and tail(?) ... bearing ..., a dwelling that makes the heart rejoice ... made its foundation firm ... The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver""(?), flourishes My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean canal is named (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple On its banks are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant” Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?) The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil ..." P346164,Old Babylonian,Literary," a₂ sed₄-de₃... ...har-ra-an-na ... ...du₃-a-ni-gin₇ zi...tum₃ mu-ŋu₁₀ ul-aš-am₃ ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ ka-ta nu-šub-bu-de₃ ar₂-ŋu₁₀ kalam-ma ak-ak-de₃ dub₃-tuku me-en usu-ŋu₁₀ i-im-zig₃-ge-en...di-dam nibru{ki}ta...urim₂{ki}ma-še₃ danna{na} aš-gin₇ šu niŋin₂-niŋin₂-ta šag₄-ŋu₁₀ ha-ba-ab-du₇ piriŋ nam-šul-bi-ta nu-kuš₂-u₃ ni₂...gub-ba me-en {tug₂}niŋ₂-lam₂ banda₃{da}ŋa₂ ib₂-ŋa₂ ba-ab-du₁₁ tum₁₂{mušen} sumur-bi dal-a-gin₇ a₂-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-un-su₁₃-su₁₃ ...anzu{mušen} kur-bi-še₃ igi il₂-la-gin₇ dub₃-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-un-bad-bad ...ra-ŋu₁₀₂-sug₂-ge-eš-am₃ ...gig₂-ga u₈-gin₇ lu-a-ŋu₁₀...dug₃ ha-ma-ab-du₁₁še₃ hub₂ sar-sar-re-gin₇ ...ud daŋal-laše₃ ha-ba-an-kur₉-re ...tur₃ i₃ gal-gal-la...ŋal₂-la he₂-bi₂-ib-si udu ha-di-ni-šum ...{kuš}a₂-la₂ šeg₁₀ ha-ba-gi₄ tigi niŋ₂-dug₃-ge si ha-ba-sa₂ {d}šul-gi lu₂ lu-lu-a me-en ninda ŋeš ha-ba-ni-tag piriŋ-gin₇ ta ni₂ il₂-la-ŋu₁₀-ne e₂-gal-mah {d}nin-e₂-gal-la-kam dub₃ he₂-ni-dub₂ a zal-le he₂-ni-tu₅ dub₃ he₂-ni-gurum ninda hu-mu-ni-gu₇ {d}nin-ninna₂ sur₂-du₃{mušen}gin₇ ha-ba-zig₃-ge-en nibru{ki}še₃ a-la-ŋa₂ ha-di-kur₉-re ud-ba-a ud-de₃ gu₄ he₂-eb-be₂ mar-ru₁₀(TE) he₂-niŋin₂-niŋin₂ mir-mir-re {tumu}u₁₉-lu murum-bi ni₂-bi-a hu-mu-un-ša₄ nim ŋir₂-ŋir₂-re tumu imin-bi-ta an-na teš₂ he₂-ni-gu₇ ","Therefore shall relax towards its “cool side” The male going on the road who (otherwise) spends the night on the road Therefore has taken refuge there as if it was his built city So that my name is established to distant time, so that it is not dropped by/from the mouth So that my praise is performed in the land I am possessed of speed, I muster up my strength so that (my) running is tested From Nibru to the brickwork of Urim Therefore my heart resolved to make the round trip as if (the journey) was one double-hour A pirig creature not tiring by means of its youth, I am one who stands by itself(?) My little niglam garment was suitable on my hips(?) Like a ... wild dove flying furiously, I pumped my arms Therefore, like the Anzud bird raising its eye towards its mountain, I spread my knees apart (in stride) Therefore the cities of the land that I founded stood for me Therefore my black-headed people, teeming like ewes, look to me sweetly Like a goat of the mountain range that is running to its dwelling(?) (As?) Utu, broadening the daylight upon the settlements Therefore I(?) was entering the Ekišnugal temple Therefore the temple of Suen, the cattlepen (of) great amounts of butter(?) was filled with abundance Therefore bulls were slaughtered there, sheep were slaughtered there Therefore the šem and ala drums resounded Therefore the tigi drum, the good thing, functioned properly there I am Shulgi, the one who makes anything/food(?) numerous and therefore I(?) offered food (offerings) there When I roused myself from the ... cultic area like a pirig creature It was in the Egalmah temple of Ninegala Therefore (I?) relaxed(?) there, (I?) bathed there with flowing water Therefore (I?) bend the knee there and ate food there Therefore I was arising like a harrier and a falcon Therefore I(!?) was returning(?) towards Nibru in my exuberance At that time the storm therefore shouted, the stormwind circled Therefore the north(?) and south winds howled by themselves Therefore flashing lighting wreaked havoc in heaven together with the seven winds" P346170,Old Babylonian,Literary," niŋ₂-dug₄-ga {d}en-lil₂ lugal-ke₄ ki-bi-še₃ mu-un... iri{ki} an-gin₇ šag₄ bar-ta sag₁₂... nibru{ki} dim-gal an-ki-a su-bi hu-mu-dug₃... erin₂-bi {ŋeš}dupsik-ta he₂-em-ta-an-zig₃ ugnim-bi {ŋeš}tukul-ta he₂-em-ta-ŋa₂... kug-zig₃ kug-babbar gud udu-bi gu₂-un dumu nibru{ki}ke₄-ne hu-mu... e₂ {d}en-lil₂ lugal-ŋa₂-še₃ {d}nin-lil₂-nin-lil₂-še₃ {d}nin-urta ur-saŋ kalag-ga {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka erin₂-bi ha-ba-ra... sur še i₃ siki udu zag u ba-ab-ak šu ha-ba-ab-ak niŋ₂-erim₂ niŋ₂-a₂-zig₃ ka-ba he₂-em-gi₄ niŋ₂-gen₆-na ki-en-gi ki-uri he₂-ni-ŋar u₃-tu-da ki-en-gi dumu nibru{ki} me-en šag₄ tuku kiri₃ šu ŋal₂-ŋal₂ me-en igi kug-zu umuš-ta kal-la me-en ad gi₄-gi₄ a-ra₂-da kuš₂-u₃ me-en niŋ₂-nam zu uŋ₃-ta suh₃-a me-en di-kud u₃-en₃ nu-ša₄-ša₄ me-en ka-aš-bar si nam-e sa₂-sa₂ me-en a₂-tuku niŋ₂... kalag-ga... ... ... udu a-lum... kur igi-nim-ma ki bad-ra₂... {ŋeš}eren {ŋeš}za-ba-lum {ŋeš}šu-ur₂-me {ŋeš}... {d}en-lil₂ lugal-ŋu₁₀ kur-kur-re gu₂ ŋeš... uŋ₃-e du₁₀-us₂ dili-ka ha-ma-an-dab₅ gu₃ teš₂-a ha-ma-an-sig₁₀ ŋa₂-e me-en {d}en-lil₂-še₃ ŋal₂-la me-en ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂ e₂-kur-ra me-en ud ki-en-gi...uri sag₂ ba-ab-dug₄-ga-ta e₂-kur-za-gin₃...en-lil₂-la₂-ka e₂-ŋa₂-ŋeš-šu₂-a {d}nin-lil₂-la₂-ka ...{urud}alan ba-ra-na-ni-in-kur₉ {d}en-lil₂-le šag₄ ki...ŋa₂-ni...e₂... e₂-kur-ra...sa₂-sa₂ erim₃... {ŋeš}...... e₂-ŋa₂-šu₂-a... {ŋeš}gu-za... {d}iš... {ŋeš}gu-za... ...en-lil₂ lugal-ŋu₁₀-ra hu-mu-na-gub a-ra₂ eš₃-kam {d}en-lil₂ diri-še₃","The speech of Enlil, the king(!?), I(?) set in its place The city that is beautiful/verdant(?) like heaven inside and out Nibru, the post of the universe, therefore its flesh is sweetened Therefore I(?) removed the workforce from the carrying basket Therefore its army is separated from(?) the weapon Therefore its gold, silver, bulls and sheep, the tribute of the citizens of Nippur, is released On behalf of the temple of Enlil, my king, and Ninlil The workforce of(!?) Ninurta, the mighty hero of Enlil, I(?) therefore removed (from duty) Half loaves of bread/one half (of the following?)(!?), barley, butter, and sheep's wool was therefore tithed and prepared/taken care of(?) Therefore evil and violence were “returned into their mouths” Therefore truth was established in Sumer and Akkad I was born in Sumer, I am a citizen of Nibru I am a courageous one who continually stokes his nose in submission(?) I am one with a wise eye, valued by the intellect(?) I am an adviser who exhausts (himself) with (his) (unwavering?) way Knowing everything, I am removed from the people I am a judge who does not release (an explanation) (Via?) a decision, I am the one who sets fate (back) in order(?) (Now) the powerful do not engage in excess/behave arrogantly(?) The strong do not oppress the poor ... Therefore he sent long-fleeced sheep and ... ewes straight to me From the highland, his(!?) far away place ... Therefore he brought cedar, juniper, cypress, and boxwood to me by themselves(?) Enlil, my king, who makes the lands ... submit(!?) Therefore he made(?) the people take to a single path for me, he made them into a unified voice for me It is me, I am present facing(?) Enlil, I am the beloved of the Ekur After Sumer and Akkad had been dispersed In the Ekurzagin temple of Enlil, in the Egagešua temple of Ninlil Therefore no king had brought a statue inside for him/her Thus by means of the loving heart of Enlil the Enamtila temple was opened for me Thus great amounts of treasure were brought straight into the Ekur temple Thus everlasting things were piled up in the treasury(?) A throne whose limbs were limbs of exceeding quality, was thus set up for Enlil, my king(?) In the Egagešua temple of the Ki'ur, the great place A throne of Ninlil was thus set up I am Išme-Dagan, the son of Dagan The throne of the seven ... enclosures(?), inlaid with(?) ..., nirigi, and šuba stones(?) ... ... was thus set up for Enlil, my king It is the 3rd time (in a series) (The composition with the incipit) “Enlil exceedingly”" P346569,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂... e₂-gal nam-lugal-la ki-tuš kug dug₃... ŋidlam-ŋu₁₀ kug {d}inana-ke₄ {ŋeš}gu-za-ŋa₂ ma-an... sud-ra₂ ud ul-li₂-a-še₃ gu₂-da... ki-nud niŋ₂-dug₃... ...","I am Lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil; in my palace of kingship, the pure and sweet dwelling, my spouse, holy Inanna, established the foundation of my throne for me, and therefore (will) embrace (me) until distant (time) and far-off days; for the lady, I will spend the day with her in the sweet bedroom, the place where the heart is to rejoice; I am Lipit-Ištar, the mighty heir," P346636,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... barag-za dur₂-bi in-ŋar e₂ me gal kul-ab-ba muš nun-e eš₃ gal mu₂-a gibil gurun-na sag₁₂-ga u₆ di-de₃ hi-li ni₂ gur₃ an-šag₄-ta ed₃-de₃ eš₃ gud-e du₃-a ... ... a₂ nud-da kug {d}inana-ka ki šag₄ kuš₂ innin eden-na-ka šeg₁₂ e₂-muš-a gi-rin-a kug bi ŋar-ra en eden-na u₈ lug-ra a₂ an bad-zu ... ... en {d}... ha-mun... kan₄ iri-kug... bur kug...kurun₂ de₂... an-e sug₂-ga... niŋ₂ kur₉-kur₉ niŋ₂ sa₂ nu-di-dam niŋ₂ e₃ niŋ₂ nu-silig-ge-dam šu-galam igi e₂ me-lim₄-ma ki di tar-ra en {d}nin-ŋir₂-su-ka ...zid tar-re ... ... ... ...dalla ...ra gun₃-a sirara₃ ...nun-na ...ab-ba ...da-ba ... ...ŋi₆ ... ... ... ... ...","Sat on you dais Temple of the great cosmic powers of Kulaba Platform(?) grown by the ruler (in) the great shrine Green sprouts of fruit(-bearing trees?) In order to be admired Bearing allure and awe Descending from the midst of heaven Shrine, goring bull The recumbent arms of Inanna Where there is contemplation by the lady of the plain Brickwork of the Emuša temple, the holy flower Its exuding aura/self undulation? established/set For the lord of the plain, the pasturer of the ewe Your arms (of) distant heaven(!?) (For) lord Ningirsu(?) Flows together(?) At(?) the gate of the Irikug precinct ... Pure ... stone bowl(s), (into which) liquor is poured When(?) they are set up near heaven That which enters (into the temple) Is something that is not to occur regularly That which goes out Is something that is not to cease šugalam shrine(?), with the face of an equine(!?) In(?) the temple with an aura The place where cases are decided by lord Ningirsu He decrees a true fate(?) (For?) the great gods(?) ... ... Manifest city Multicolored for the ruler Sirara Platform of(?) the ruler ... of(?) the sea ... ... ... flood(?) Riding ... ..." P346638,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...e₂... ...ŋir₂-su... ...kug-ga še₂₁... šag₄-zu {d}id₂-lu₂-ru-gu₂...lu₂ zid... ...erim₃ kug...še₃ ak... ... ...","... Eninnu temple, he erected a temple in your sacred space, he sat on your dais The temple of Ningirsu of lagaš Named a good name by holy An Your interior is Ilurugu that purifies the just man Egalgasud temple(!?), storehouse that makes silver and lapis into treasure ..." P429953,Ur III,Administrative," a-al-la-mu dumu la-na kurušda","Ayallamu, son of Lana, fattener." P430333,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}ig-alim dub-sar dumu ur-ki-gu-la zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Igalim, scribe, son of Ur-kigula, is your servant." P430486,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}šu{d}suen-a-na{d}suen-ta₂-ki-il₂ da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Šu-Sin-ana-Sin-takil, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P430642,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba li-bur{d}šul-gi dumu en-um-i₃-li₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Libur-Šulgi, son of Ennum-ilī, is your servant." P430657,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂{d}suen dub-sar dumu i-di₃-er₃-ra zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nūr-Adda, scribe, son of Idī-Erra, is your servant." P384803,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {tug₂}u₂... hi-li₂... ki ur... 1(diš) {tug₂}u₂ ge₆... a-du-du... ki ur-sag₁₀... 1(diš) {tug₂}u₂... {d}šara₂... dumu₄ ki ugula-ta 1(diš) {tug₂}u₂ ge₆ kal nu-banda₃{da} dumu ša₃-ku₃-ge dumu zu-u₂-za-ni nig₂-ba 1(diš) {tug₂}u₂ kal giri₃-ni-i₃-dab₅ dumu a-hu-ni tukul-e dab₅-ba-a tug₂-ba ša₃ en-nu... u₃ ... mu us₂-sa...bad₃ mar...","1 u garment ..., Ḫili, son of ..., from Ur-...; 1 black u garment ..., Adudu, son of ..., from Ursag; 1 u garment ..., Šara-..., son of Igi-nida’a, the basket weaver, from ARAD the foreman; 1 fine black u garment, Nubanda, son of Šakuge, son of Zuzani: ration. 1 fine u garment, Girini-idab, son of Aḫuni, under armed guard; clothing ration in the prison and ...; year after: “Šu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected.”" P313095,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) udu niga 2(diš) gukkal niga 2(diš) u₈ niga 1(diš) u₈ gukkal niga 1(u) 3(diš) maš₂-gal niga sa₂-du₁₁ {d}nin-lil₂-la₂ u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ... 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)","11 rams, barley-fed, 2 fat-tailed rams, barley-fed, 2 ewes, barley-fed, 1 fat-tailed ewe, barley-fed, 13 full-grown billy goats, barley-fed, regular offerings to Ninlil; 29th day (of the month); at Tummal(?), from ...; month: “...,” year: “...;” (total:) 30 less 1." P331042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ {d}ig-alim e₂ {d}inana e₂ {d}nin-sun₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331059,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄ e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su e₂ {d}nin-dar-a e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ {d}ig-alim e₂ {d}amar{d}suen","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331060,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še udu še erin₂-e šu ti-a","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P331061,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gu₄ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ {d}nanše e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ uru₁₁{ki} e₂ {d}inana e₂ {d}nin-sun₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379858,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba ša₃... iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄ u₃ iti šu-numun i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} mu us₂-sa-a-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P235695,Ur III,Administrative," ... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","xxx are here; xxx" P101242,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₅ 3(diš) sa šum₂ {d}nanna 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ šu-e₂-a u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la","1 jug of common wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 fish, 3 bundles onions, for ARAD-Nanna; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Šū-Ea; 21st day, month: “Barley at the quay.”" P102137,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂-bi₂-la-tum kurušda iti ezem-an-na u₄ 1(u) 7(diš) zal-la mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ iti še... mu iti-bi 1(u) 4(diš) u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Abilatum, the fattener, month “Festival-of-An,” 17th day passed, year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna by the goat was found,” to month “Harvest,” year: “Simurum, Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed,” its months 14, days 17." P102281,Ur III,Literary," 1(geš₂) gur ziz₂ ur{d}dumu-zi-da umma{ki} 1(barig) še 1(barig) ziz₂ ur{d}dumu-zi-da... iti {d}dumu-zi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu...","60 gur emmer: Ur-Dumuzida (of) Umma; 1 barig barley, 1 barig emmer: Ur-Dumuzida ... month: “Dumuzi,” year: “Šu-Suen the king, the great stele for Enlil and Ninlil, erected.”" P102324,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš)","1 lamb, 16th day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1." P102341,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₄ 3(diš) maš₂ ki a-ba{d}en-lil₂-gin₇-ta du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka ba-du₃ ur-mes dumu la-na kurušda","5 lambs, 3 billy goats, from Aba-Enlil-gin, Duga accepted; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “The house of Šara in Umma was erected.”" P104927,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tag-tag-ga udu zu₂-si-ka su-na u₃ siki-bi udu gi i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: woven goods, sheep of ivory, ..., and the wool, sheep domestic, are here. year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P104981,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak dub-sar zi₃-da-ke₄-ne ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ lugal-lu₂-sa₆-sa₆ nam-ha-ni dumu hu-wa-wa lu₂-me-lam₂ dumu ba-a ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂ ur{d}ba-ba₆ ugula kikken₂ ugula ma₂-gid₂ ur{d}lamma {lu₂}lunga a-tu {lu₂}lunga ur-mes {lu₂}lunga {d}nanše-kam {lu₂}lunga u₃ si-i₃-tum lu₂ didli i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the scribes of flour, Ur-Enlila, Lugal-lusasa, Namḫani, son of Ḫuwawa, Lu-melam, son of Baya, Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig, Ur-Baba, foreman of the millhouse, foreman of long-boats, Ur-Lamma, brewer, Atu, brewer, Ur-mes, brewer, Nanšekam, brewer, and the deficit documents of various men, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P204455,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ anše udu e₂ šu-šum₂-ma nigin₆{ki}ke₄ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}ke₄ i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: cows, donkeys, sheep of the house of consignments from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned”" P204464,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃ a-ga ma₂-lah₄... ...ke₄-ne u₃ bur₂-bi gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of personnel boatmen and harbor laborers, and ... from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P107364,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še geš e₃-a gu₄ u₃ še apin-la₂-da ba-a i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: barley threshed, oxen fields, and barley plowed distributed, are here; year following: “Šu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected.”" P107371,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba mar-sa lu₂-sa₆-i₃-zu i₃-gal₂ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul u₃ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyances of the shipyard of Lu-sa-izu are here; year: “Simanum was destroyed,” and year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P107384,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a-gu mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun u₃ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul-še₃ i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyances of Agu, year: “Enunugal of Inanna was installed” and to year: “Šašru was destroyed,” are here." P108485,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum 2(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) zu₂-lum gur lugal ku₃-bi 1/3(diš){ša} 7(diš) gin₂ igi 3(diš) gal₂ la₂ 6(diš) še ki šabra-ta 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar mu a-ša₃ 1(bur₃) še₃ ki ur{geš}gigir dam-gar₃-ta šuniŋin 2/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) gin₂ la₂ 6(diš) še ku₃-babbar sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 5(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 5(diš) gin₂ uruda ku₃-bi 1/3(diš){ša} 2(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še 5/6(diš) ma-na 2(diš) gin₂ la₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ su₃-he₂ ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ 1(u) še 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš mu i₃ tug₂-ge₂ ak-da-še₃ i₃-li₂ dam-gar₃ ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ 1(ban₂) i₃-geš tug₂-ge ak-de₃ giri₃ ur{d}da-mu ugula uš-bar ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ esir pisan im-sar-ra-še₃ ku₃-bi igi 3(diš) gal₂ 2(barig) zu₂-lum giri₃ in-ti-la 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum giri₃ giri₃{d}ba-ba₆-i₃-dab₅ ku₃-bi igi 3(diš) gal₂ 1(u) 1(diš) še 2(aš) gun₂ im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 6(diš) še giri₃ lu₂{d}geš-bar-e₃ 3(diš) {geš}u₃-suh₅ {geš}šu-dim₂ ma₂-še₃ ku₃-bi igi 3(diš) gal₂...še 1(u) 2(diš) še 2(diš) i₃-šah₂ ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 6(diš) še ug₃ me giri₃ e₂-zi-mu 3(diš) kuš šah₂ ku₃-bi 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) še šuniŋin 1/2(diš) ma-na igi 6(diš) gal₂ 2(u) 3(diš) še ku₃-babbar mu-kuₓ(DU) la₂-ia₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak ik-ṣur₂ dam-gar₃ iti amar-a-a-si mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta iti amar-a-a-si mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃-še₃","5 2/3 shekels silver, remainder; 27 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 dates, royal (measure), its silver: 1/3 (mana) 7 1/3 shekels less 6 grains, the the household manager; 10 shekels silver, because of the field of 1 bur3 surface area, from Ur-gigir, the trade agent; total: 2/3 mana 3 shekels less 6 grains silver, consitute the debits; therefrom: 51 1/2 mana 5 shekels copper, it silver: 1/3 (mana) 2 shekels 20 grains; 5/6 mana 2 less 1/6 shekels, suḫe, its silver: 1 2/3 shekels 10 grains; 2 ban2 4 sila3 plant oil, for oiling garments, Ilī, the trade agent, its silver: 2 2/3 shekels; 1 ban2 plant oil, oiling garments, via Ur-Damu, foremen of weavers, its silver: 1 shekel 20 grains; 2 ban2 5 sila3 EA-bitumen, for the basket of inscribed tablets, its silver: 1/3 (shekel); 2 barig dates, via Intila, 1 ban2 5 sila3 dates, via Giri-Baba-idab, its silver: 1/3 (shekel) 11 grains, 2 talents of plaster, its silver: 1/6 (shekel) 6 grains, via Lu-Gešbare; 3 pine planks, šudim for barges, its silver: 1/3 (shekel) 12 grains (?); 2 sila3 lard, its silver 1/6 (shekel) 6 grains, (for) the porters, via Ezimu; 3 pigskins, it silver: 20 less 2 grains; total: 1/2 mana 1/6 (shekel) 23 grains silver, deliveries; the deficit: 12 2/3 shekels, 1 grain silver; done account of Ikṣur, the trade agent; from month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “Sasrum was destroyed,” to month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “The high-priestess of nanna was named.”" P110413,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba siki-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ša₃ iri i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111031,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nigin₂-ba siki-ba i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111393,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la i₃-gal₂ giri₃ gu₃-de₂-a ab-ba iri u₃ ur{d}... mu hu...{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112258,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ kur-bi-la gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ ur{d}ma-mi sukkal gaba-aš 2(ban₂) kaš 4(ban₂) ninda 1/3(diš) sila₃ i₃ ša₃-gal kas₄ gaba-aš bala-a giri₃ ur{d}ma-mi sukkal šuniŋin 2(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) kaš du šuniŋin 1(barig) ninda šuniŋin 1/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 4(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 6(diš) ku₆ šuniŋin 6(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u)-kam iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","1 jug wort beer, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, 3 fish, 3 bundles of garlic: Kurbilak, off to Persia; 1 jug wort beer, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, 3 fish, 3 bundles of garlic: Ur-Mami, the messenger, off to Persia; 1 ban2 beer, 4 ban2 bread, 1/3 sila3 oil, fodder of the courriers off to Persia, in bala, via Ur-Mami, the messenger; total: 2 jugs regular wort beer, 1 ban2 (barley per jug), total: 1 ban2 fine beer, total: 2 ban2 regular beer, total: 1 barrage bread, total: 1/3 sila3 4 shekels oil, total: 4 shekels alkali, total: 6 fish, total: 6 bundles of garlic; 10th day, month “Lisi,” year: “The lord of Eridu was installed.”" P112421,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba a₂ hun-ga₂ lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ dub-sar mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P206342,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}gan ša₃-bi su-ga e₂-kas₄ ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} giri₃ di-ku₅ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P203299,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ugula du₁₁-ga-zi-da ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki}nigin₆{ki} u₃ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} ugula šar-ru-um-i₃-li₂ i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112536,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₂ udu i₃ siki kas₄ šuš₃ mu 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana mu ša-aš-ru{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P201150,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra zi-ga ša₃-bi su-ga uš-mu dub-sar kurušda i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P201336,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ba-sa₆ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, xxx xxx xxx" P247594,Early Dynastic IIIb,Letter," lu₂-en-na sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}ka-ke₄ na-e-a ...e-tar-zi ...{d} 1(gešʾu) lu₂ elam{ki} lagaš{ki}ta nig₂-gur₁₁ elam{ki}še₃ i₃-il₂ lu₂-en-na sanga ... ...ka dam-ha-ra e-da-ak elam-ma be₂-se₃ 9(geš₂) elam ... 1(aš)₆ lu₂-dun-a nig₂-lu₂-nu-tum₂ ugula simug-ka... ša₃-ba mu-gal₂ e₂...nin-mar{ki}ka-ka i₃-tuš 5(aš) zabar₃ ku₃ luh-ha 2(u)... ... ... 5(aš) tug₂ nam-lugal 1(u) 6(aš) siki udu...gu₇-a bar udu e-še₃-tak₄ ... en... ensi₂ lagaš{ki} ti-la-na en-an-na-tum₂-sipa-zi agrig ... ...du₇-na-bi {d}nin-mar{ki}ra ha-mu-na-tum₃ ","What Lu-ena, administrator of Ninmar, says, to Enentarzi administrator of Ningirsu, speak! 600 Elamites from Lagash property to Elam carried; Lu-ena, administrator of Ninmar, (with PN) of ... battle did; in Elam defeat was placed. 540 Elamites ... Ur-Baba, ward Nig-lu-nutum, foreman of the smiths, in their midst were in the house of Ninmar sat; 5 bronzes of cleanned silver, 20 ... ... ... 5 lordly garments, 16 wool fleeces from barley eating sheep, left behind; ... Enannatum, governor of Lagash, in his living, Enannatum-sipazi, the steward, in his living, ... its most suitable thing for Ninmar may he bring; 5th (year)." P221454,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 5(u) la₂ 2(aš) še gur sag gal₂ 1(geš₂) 4(u) la₂ 2(aš) ziz₂ babbar₂ šu-nigin₂ 4(geš₂) 2(u) 6(aš) gur sag gal₂ še u₂-rum en-en₃-tar-zi ensi₂ lagaš{ki}ka lugal-pirig-tur sanga geš be₂-ra ","170 less 2 head-gur barley, 100 less 2 white emmer total: 266 head-gur; barely the property of Enentarzi, governor of Lagash; Lugal-pirigtur, administrator, threshed. 3rd (year)." P132525,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da su-ga nig₂ nam-ša₃-tam i₃-gal₂ ... mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132662,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂ dab-ba igi-kar₂-ga e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su e₂ šabra e₂ {d}geš-bar-e₃ e₂ {d}šul-gi e₂ nam-ha-ni e₂ {d}šu{d}suen e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da u₃ e₂ {d}inana i₃-gal₂ ... mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, d.’s, birth gifts for the house of Ningirsu, for the house of the chief household manager, for the house of Gešbar’e, for the house of Šulgi, for the house of Namḫani, for the house of Šū-Suen, for the house of Ningešzida, for the house of Inanna, are here; year: “Great Barge was built.”" P132947,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga dub gid₂-da {uruda}gur₁₀ {uruda}ha-bu₃-da u₃ uruda i₃-gal₂ lugal-im-ru-a ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da simug mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133773,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba-še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ si-ma-num₂{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P101253,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida du 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ nu-ur₂{d}iškur gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida du 5(diš) sila₃ kaš du 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ i-di₃{d}iškur u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la","1 jug of common wort, 3 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 fish, 3 bundles onions, for Nūr-Adda, to the frontier; 1 jug of common wort, 5 sila3 common beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 fish, 3 bundles onions, for Idī-Adda; 16th day, month: “Barley at the quay.”" P101266,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...i₃ u₂-ki-im ...i₃-du₁₀-ga a-du₁₀ nu-banda₃ ni-zu-hu šu-ma... ...ti-u₂-ga₂ ...lu₂-a₂-zi-da ","... ... ukim; ... fine oil, Adu the nubanda; ...; ... ...; ... Lu-azida." P203835,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ dumu lu₂{d}utu gu₄ anše na-gab₂-tum e₂-udu gu₄-apin-ta nigin-na gu-za-la₂ la₂-ia₃ e₃ du₃-a-bi sipa na-gab₂-tum udu siskur₂ udu siskur₂-ra i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Lu-Baba, son of Lu-Utu, oxen and donkeys of the nagabtum the house of sheep from the plow-oxen, grand totals, chairholders, debts, ..., shepherds of nagabtum sheep of ..., are here; year: “... .”" P205836,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak...gur₁₁-ra engar dumu-gu₄-gur e₂ {d}nanše u₃ e₂ {d}dumu-zi i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, debits, plowmen, young oxen turners, of the house of Nanše and the house of Dumuzi, are here; year: “Simurum was destroyed.”" P107131,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im duru₅ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: wet tablets, are here." P218067,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš ab₂ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a al-hul-a 5(diš) kuš šu gu₄ 3(diš) kuš amar a-gar gu₇-a 4(diš) kuš amar a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu amar ...1(u)-kam ...gu₄ 7(diš)-kam kun gu₄ ad₇ gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) ad₇ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na ...gu₄ 8(diš)-kam kun gu₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam si gu₄ 1(diš)-kam 5(diš) ad₇ gu₄ la₂-ia₃-am₃ lu₂-zabala₃{ki} unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a al-hul-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ ar a-gar nu-gu₇-a 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ 2(diš) kun gu₄ sa gu₄ 1(diš)-kam si gu₄ 5(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na ...kuš gu₄ a₂-la₂ {d}šara₂ sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni ...ia₃ 3(diš) kun gu₄ sa gu₄ 2(diš)-kam lugal-ezem unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄...gar gu₇-a 5(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ nu-gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš šu sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam 1(u) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam 4(diš) ad₇ gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) 4(diš) kuš gu₄ sa gu₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ad₇ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ kun gu₄ 3(diš)-kam ur-nigar{gar} unu₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu 2(diš) kun gu₄ sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam si gu₄ 3(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 3(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) kun gu₄ {d}šara₂-kam unu₃ 4(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar nu-gu₇-a 3(diš) kuš šu gu₄ 8(diš) kun gu₄ ...kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 8(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na sa gu₄ 8(diš)-kam kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni {d}šara₂-a-mu unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 3(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar nu-gu₇-a 3(diš) kuš šu 3(diš) kuš šu amar 4(diš) kun gu₄ sa gu₄ 6(diš)-kam 3(diš) ad₇ gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) 3(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ 1(diš) ad₇ gu₄ sa gu₄ 1(diš)-kam 2(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 7(diš)-kam la₂-ia₃-am₃ lugal-ku₃-zu unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ sa gu₄ kam 2(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 2(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal-šu-nir-re unu₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ sa gu₄ 2(diš)-kam 1(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 2(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) kun gu₄ ur{d}su₄-da unu₃ 1(diš) šu gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) bu₃-du unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš šu amar 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ sa gu₄ 2(diš)-kam 2(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 2(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) al-ba-ni-du₁₁ unu₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul...a-gar gu₇-a sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam 1(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 2(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 3(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ 1(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 1(diš)-kam la₂-ia₃-am₃ unu₃ 4(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ sa gu₄ 9(diš)-kam 7(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 5(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na si gu₄ 4(diš)-kam da-a-ga šu ba-ti la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) kun gu₄ a-ki-šar unu₃ e₂ {d}šara₂ 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ sa gu₄ 1(diš)-kam 1(diš) ad₇ gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-gi-na unu₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a ...kun gu₄ ...gu₄ 1(diš)-kam ...kuₓ(DU) ...ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na ...2(diš) kun gu₄ la-lu₅ unu₃ 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš amar a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš amar al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ 1(diš) ad₇ gu₄ sa gu₄ 4(diš)-kam 2(diš) kun gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na la₂-ia₃ 2(diš) ad₇ gu₄ 3(diš) kun gu₄ si gu₄ 5(diš)-kam sa gu₄ 1(diš)-kam la₂-ia₃-am₃ ur-e₁₁-e unu₃ 2(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ ša₃-ba al-hul 7(diš) kuš šu amar sa gu₄ 2(diš)-kam 1(diš) kun gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) 1(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na ur{d}ištaran unu₃ 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) šeš-a-ni unu₃ e₂ {d}nin-ur₄-ra nam-en-na 5(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a 3(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul-a gu₇-a 2(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš šu gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) kuš gu₄ ga mu-kuₓ(DU) za₃ nu-šu₂ 2(diš) kun gu₄ sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam 6(diš) ad₇ gu₄ si gu₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) 6(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) sa gu₄ 1(u)-kam kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) sa gu₄ ga 1(diš) kun gu₄ la₂-ia₃-am₃ ad-da-da u₃ ur{geš}gigir ki a-tu-ta 1(diš) kuš ab₂ mah₂ a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš ab₂ mu 2(aš) a-gar nu-gu₇-a 1(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar nu-gu₇-a 3(diš) ad₇ gu₄ sa gu₄ 3(diš)-kam ...kun gu₄ u₃ šeš-a-ni gu₄-lah₅ 1(diš) kuš šu eme₆ mu-kuₓ(DU) ur{d}šara₂ giri₃... ki kas₄... ...2(u) 6(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar gu₇-a ...9(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar gu₇-a ...kuš amar a-gar gu₇-a ...5(diš) kuš gu₄ a-gar nu-gu₇-a ...5(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) a-gar nu-gu₇-a šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) kuš amar a-gar nu-gu₇-a šuniŋin 1(u) 1(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a šuniŋin 3(diš) kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) al-hul...a šuniŋin 1(diš) kuš amar al-hul-a a-gar gu₇-a šuniŋin 3(diš) kuš gu₄ al-hul-a a-gar nu-gu₇-a šuniŋin 2(u) 2(diš) kuš šu gu₄ šuniŋin 1(u) 4(diš) kuš šu amar šuniŋin sa gu₄ 5(u)-kam šuniŋin 1(geš₂) kun gu₄ šuniŋin 2(u) 8(diš) ad₇ gu₄ šuniŋin si gu₄ 1(geš₂) 6(diš)-kam šuniŋin 1(diš) kuš šu eme₆ mu-kuₓ(DU) šuniŋin 5(u) 8(diš) ad₇ gu₄ geme₂ uš-bar-e gu₇-a giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na ...5(diš) kuš gu₄ ...kuš gu₄ mu 2(aš) gu₄ 3(u) 2(diš)-kam kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni la₂-ia₃ 3(diš) kuš gu₄ 2(diš) kuš amar sa gu₄...1(u) 1(diš)-kam 2(u) 8(diš) kun gu₄ 8(diš) ad₇ gu₄ si gu₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam la₂-ia₃-am₃ sa kuš mu-kuₓ(DU) ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} mu en-unu₆-gal-an-na {d}inana en {d}inanna ba-hun","1 hide of ox, tanned, 2 hides of two-year cows, tanned, 2 hides of oxen, not tanned, 1 hide of ox, tanned, damaged, 5 hides of oxen yokes, 3 hides of calves, tanned, 4 hides of calves, not tanned, 1 hide of calf yoke, tendon of 10 oxen, horn of 7 oxen, n tails of oxen, n carcases of oxen, delivery; n carcasses fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; tendon of 8 oxen, tail of 12 oxen, horn of 1 ox, 5 carcases of oxen, are the deficit; Lu-Zabala, the cowherd; 2 hides of ox, tanned, 1 hide of two-year cows, tanned, damaged, 1 hide of KA-ar oxen, not tanned, 2 carcases of oxen, 5 tails of oxen, tendon of 1 ox, horn of 5 oxen, delivery. n carcasses os oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; n hide(s) of ox(en), ala of Šara, tendons of 3 oxen, sealed tablet of Kugani, deficit: 3 tails of oxen, tendon of 2 oxen, Lugal-ezem, the cowherd; 2 hides of oxen, tanned, 5 hides of two-year oxen, tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged, ..., not tanned, 2 hides of (oxen) yokes, tendon of 3 oxen, 10 tails of oxen, horn of 12 oxen, 4 carcasses of oxen, delivery; 4 hides of oxen, tendon of 11 oxen, sealed tablet of Kugani, 9 carcasses fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: tail of 3 oxen, Ur-nigar, cowherd; 1 hide of ox, tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of (oxen) yoke, 2 tails of oxen, tendon of 3 oxen, horn of 3 oxen, delivery; 3 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: 1 tail of ox. Šara-kam, cowherd; 4 hides of oxen, tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, tanned, 1 hide of ox, not tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged, not tanned, 3 hides of oxen yokes, 8 tails of oxen, ... of n oxen, delivery; 8 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; tendon of 8 oxen, sealed tablet of Kugani, Šara-amu, cowherd; 2 hides of oxen, tanned, 3 hides of oxen, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of ox, not tanned, 3 hides of (oxen) yokes, 3 hides of calf yokes, 4 tails of oxen, tendon of 6 oxen, 3 carcasses of oxen, delivery; 3 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: 1 hide of ox, 1 carcass of ox, tendon of 1 ox, 2 tails of oxen, horn of 7 oxen, are the deficit. Lugal-kuzu, cowherd; 1 hides of two-year oxen, tanned, 1 hide of (ox) yoke, 2 carcasses of oxen, tendon of n oxen, 2 tails of oxen, horn or 2 oxen, delivery; Lugal-šunire, cowherd; 1 hide of ox, tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of ox yoke, tendon of 2 oxen, 1 tail of ox, horn of 2 oxen, delivery; 2 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: 1 tail of ox; Ur-Suda, cowherd; 1 (hide of) ox yoke, delivery; Budu, cowherd; 2 hides of oxen, tanned, 2 hides of calves yokes, 2 carcasses of oxen, tendon of 2 oxen, 2 tails of oxen, horn of 2 oxen, delivery; Albanidu, cowherd; 1 hide of ox, tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, damaged, tanned, tendon of 3 oxen, 1 tail of ox, horn of 2 oxen, delivery; 3 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: 1 hide of ox, 1 tail of ox, horn of 1 ox, are the deficit; UŠ, cowherd. 4 hides of oxen, tanned, 2 hides of two-year oxen, tanned, 2 hides of oxen, damaged, tanned, 2 hides of two-year oxen, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of ox yoke, tendon of 9 oxen, 7 tails of oxen, horn of 5 oxen, delivery; 9 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; horn of 4 oxen, did Da’aga receive; deficit: 1 tail of ox, Akišar, cowherd. house of Šara. 1 hide of ox yoke, tendon of one ox, 1 carcass of ox, delivery; Abbagina, cowherd. 1 hide of ox, tanned, 1 hide of two-year old ox, tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, damaged, tanned, n tail(s) of ox(en), horn or 1 ox, delivery; n carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; n + 2 tails of oxen, Lalu, cowherd; 1 hide of ox, destroyed, tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, damaged, tanned, 2 hides of calves, not tanned, 1 hide of calf, damaged, tanned, 1 hide of ox yoke, 1 carcass of ox, tendon of 4 oxen, 2 tails of oxen, delivery; 2 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; deficit: 2 carcasses of oxen, 3 tails of oxen, horn or 5 oxen, tendon of 1 ox, are the deficit; Ur-e’e, cowherd. 2 hides of oxen, not tanned, 1 hide of ox, damaged on the inside, 7 hides of calves yokes, tendon of 2 oxen, 1 tail of ox, delivery; 1 carcass of ox fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; Ur-Ištaran, cowherd. 1 hide of ox yoke, delivery; Šešani, cowherd, house of Ninura, of lordship; 5 hides of oxen, tanned, 3 hides of two-year oxen, tanned, 2 hides of two-year oxen, damaged, tanned, 2 hides of two-year oxen, not tanned, 1 hide of ox yoke, 1 hide of sucking bullcalf, delivery, uncovered side, 2 tails of oxen, tendon of 3 oxen, 6 carcasses of oxen, horn of 13 oxen, delivery; 6 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; 1 hide of two-year ox, tendon of 10 oxen, sealed tablet of Kugani, deficit: 1 tendon of sucking bull-calf, 1 tail of ox, are the deficit; Addada and Ur-gigir, from Atu; 1 hide of full-grown cow, not tanned, 1 hide of two-year cow, not tanned, 1 hide of two-year ox, not tanned, 3 carcasses of oxen, tendon of 3 oxen, n tail(s) of ox(en), Abbagina and Šešani, oxen drivers. 1 hide of old jenny, delivery; Ur-Šara, via ..., from Kas(?); together: 26 hides of oxen, tanned; together: 9 hides of two-year oxen, tanned, together: n hides of calves, tanned, together: 5 hides of oxen, not tanned, together: 5 hides of two-year oxen, not tanned, together: 9 hides of calves, not tanned, together: 11 hides of oxen, damaged, tanned, together: 3 hides of two-year oxen, damaged, tanned, together: 1 hide of calf, damaged, tanned, together: 3 hides of oxen, damaged, not tanned, together: 22 hides of oxen yokes, together: 14 hides of calves yokes, together: tendon of 50 oxen, together: 60 tails of oxen, together: 28 carcasses of oxen, together: horn of 66 oxen, together: 1 hide of old jenny, delivery; together: 58 carcasses of oxen fed to weaving female laborers, via Lugal-inim-gina; together: 5 hides of oxen, [together]: n hides of two-year oxen, together: tendon of 32 oxen, sealed tablet(?) of Kugani, deficit: 3 hides of oxen, 2 hides of calves, tendon of n + 11 oxen, 28 tails of oxen, 8 carcasses of oxen, horn of 14 oxen, are the deficit. tendon and hides, delivery in Apisal; year: “Enunugalana of Inanna, the priest of Inanna, was installed” (Amar-Suen 5)." P254888,Old Babylonian,Literary," ninda he₂-ŋal₂ {d}nin-ka₆ ib₂-gu₇ ninda-ŋu₁₀ he₂-ŋal₂ lu₂-kur₂ ib₂-gu₇ ","If there was food, a mongoose ate it. If my food was present A stranger ate it." P254856,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-mah-e šah ŋeš-gi₄ in-dab₅ gu₃ mu-rah₂-rah₂-rah₂ en-na-bi-še₃ uzu-zu ka-ŋu₁₀ nu-ub-si za-pa-aŋ₂-zu ŋeštug₂-ŋu₁₀ u₁₈-lu-un-e... ","A lion caught a marsh boar He shouted “How much longer will your flesh not fill my mouth?” (So that(?)) my ears can forget(?) your squeal" P216421,Old Akkadian,Administrative," u-bil-eš₁₈-dar šeš lugal dub-sar zu","Ūbil-Aštar, brother of the king: KAL-KI the scribe, (is) his servant." P216756,Old Akkadian,Royal Inscription," šar-ru-i₃-li₂ dumu puzur₄-ma-ma ensi₂","Šarru-ilī, son of Puzur-Mama, the governor." P247689,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," gan-kun-sig eriš-dingir {d}pa-bil₃-sag","Gan-kunsig, the ereš-dingir priestess of the god Pabilsag." P253733,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) ma-na siki ki ur-ba-ba-ta da-da-mu šu ba-ti iti du₆-ku₃ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal da-da-mu dub-sar dumu a-lu₅-lu₅","20 ma-na of wool. From Ur-Baba. Dadamu received. Month: ""Shiny mound."" Year: ""Ibbi-Suen (was) king."" Dadamu, scribe, child of Alulu." P212179,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga šu-ma-ma iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam ...ša-aš-ru{ki}...hul ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118641,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ur{d}nanna iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen-še₃ iti 9(diš)-kam mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P200554,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum mu-kuₓ(DU) u₃ zi-ga ur-tur sipa gu₄ niga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 1(diš)-še₃ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P127425,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) sila₄ niga sa₂-du₁₁ u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam 4(diš) sila₄ ga ka-izi-še₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ i₃-dab₅ 1(u) 2(diš) sila₄ niga sa₂-du₁₁ u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam 2(diš) sila₄ niga uzu elam-še₃ 7(diš) sila₄ ga ka-izi-še₃ a-a-kal-la i₃-dab₅ sa₂-du₁₁ lugal kišib₃ {d}nanna-an-dul₃ ki na-lu₅-ta ba-zi iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","11 male grain-fed lambs, regular offering, 11th day; 4 male suckling lambs for roasted meat, Ur-Bawu received. 12 male grain-fed lambs, regular offering, 12th day; 2 male grain-fed lambs for Elamite meat; 7 male suckling lambs for roasted meat, Ayakala received; regular offering for the king; under seal of Nanna-andul; from (the account of) Nalu booked out. month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P273525,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu bar-gal₂ ba-uš₂ ki ku₃-ga-ni-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti min-eš₃ mu en-unu₆-gal en {d}inana ba-hun lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","1 sheep, with fleece, slaughtered, from Kugani, under seal of Lukalla; month “mineš,” year: “Enunugal(ana), the en-priest of Inanna, was installed.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E’e, cattle manager." P131769,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) gal sag-kul zabar ki-la₂-bi 2(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) gal zabar ki-la₂-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 1(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gu-na-an-gi₄ zabar ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) za-hum zabar ki-la₂-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 3(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) {zabar}dug lah₅-tan ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na 5(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) {uruda}tun₃-la₂ ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) 3(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) {zabar}... ki-la₂-bi 1(u) 4(diš)... 1(diš) ha-zi-in zabar ki-la₂-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na 2(diš) ha-zi-in zabar gu₂ bir₅-ra ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(diš) {uruda}ba-an-du₈-du₈ ki-la₂-bi 5(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 1(u) apin-me zabar ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) {uruda}le-le-es₅ ki-la₂-bi 2(u) ma-na 1(u) 5(diš) tu-di-da zabar ki-la₂-bi 5/6(diš) ma-na 3(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) {uruda}a... ki-la₂-bi 6(diš)... 1(diš) {uruda}... ki-la₂-bi... 4(diš)... ... ... 1(diš)... 1(u) 4(diš) {na₄}... 2(diš) {na₄}ŋeš... 1(diš) {na₄}geš-bu₁₀... 2(diš) {na₄} me... 1(u) 2(diš) {na₄}ma-da... me-e₃ 1(u) 7(diš) {na₄}nir₃ 1(u) 2(diš) {na₄}gug šu-gur-ra 2(diš) {na₄}gug gazi 1(diš) {na₄}geš-bu₁₀ al-ga-mes 1(diš) {na₄}geš-bu₁₀ ki-maš{ki} 1(diš) {na₄}geš-bu₁₀ bu₃-uz-hi-li 1(diš) {na₄}du₈-du₈-um zabar ga₂-ra 1(diš) aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) {na₄}gug gid₂ 2(diš) {na₄}geš-bu₁₀ tur bur-ra 1(diš) uruda {d}suen gid₂ 1(diš) {na₄}an-kid gid₂ 4(diš) tug₂-guz-za du 4(diš) tug₂-guz-za du zu₂-eh 1(diš) tug₂ bar-dul₅ sipa 1(u) {tug₂}uš-bar 2(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ du 1(diš) gada du sumun 1(diš) {tug₂} du 6(diš) {geš}pisan siki 4(diš) gal₂... 1(diš) tun₃-la₂ zabar ki-la₂-bi 5/6(diš) ma-na 3(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) gal zabar ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) {zabar}ma₂-gur₈ ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) gin₂ 1(diš) {uruda}gal sag-kul ki-la₂-bi 5/6(diš) ma-na 1(u) 3(diš) še ku₃-babbar ... ša₃ pisan-ga₂-ka gal₂-la kišib₃ i₃-kal-la gil-sa si-il-la {d}nin-me-en-ka iti nesag mu {geš}gu-za en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","3 large (bowls?), ..., bronze. Their weight: 2 1/3 ma-na, 4 shekels. 1 large (bowl), bronze. Its weight: 1/2 ma-na, 1 shekel. 3 Guna(n)gi vessels, bronze. Their weight: 1 ma-na, 8 shekels. 1 ewer vessel, bronze. Its weight: 1/2 ma-na, 3 shekels. 1 bronze vat. Its weight: 1 2/3 ma-na, 5 shekels. 1 copper axe(?) Its weight: 1 ma-na, 13 shekels. 1 bronze ... Its weight: 14 ... 1 axe, bronze. Its weight: 2/3 ma-na. 2 axes, bronze, neck ... Their weight: 1 ma-na. 1 copper bucket. Its weight: 5 5/6 ma-na/ 10 plowshares, bronze. Their weight: 1 copper kettledrum(?). Its weight: 20 ma-na 14 toggle pins, bronze. Their weight: 5/6 ma-na, 3 shekels. #tr.en: 1 copper ... Its weight: 6 ... 1 copper ... Its weight: ... 4 ... ... ... 1 ... 14 ... stones. 2 ... stones. 1 gamgam-wood stone. 2 jasper stones. 12 veined jasper stones. 17 calcedony(?) stones. 12 carnelian stones, ... 2 carnelian stones, red. 1 gamgam-wood sone, steatite(?). 1 gamgam-wood stone, Kimash (type?). 1 gamgam-wood stone, bu3-uz-hi-li. 1 du8-du8-um stone, set in bronze. 1 Ishtar-symbol, gold. 98 carnelian stones, long. 2 gamgam-wood stones, small vase(?). 1 copper Suen, long. 1 ... 4 guz-za textiles, running (quality). 1 bar-tug2 textile, shepherd (quality). 10 textiles, weaver (quality). 2 nig2-lam textiles, running (quality). 1 (piece of) linen, running (quality), old. 1 headbands (for women), running (quality) 6 boxes (for) wool. 4 ... 1 axe(?), bronze. Its weight: 5/6 ma-na, 3 shekels. 2 large (bowls), bronze. Their weight: 1 ma-na, 18 shekels. 2 bronze barges. Their weight: 1 ma-na. 10 shekels. 1 copper (bowl) large, ... Its weight: 5/6 ma-na. 13 grains of silver. Within the ”boxes” existing. Seal(ed tablet of) Ikala. ”On-the-road” treasury of Nin-men. Month: ”First Fruit (offerings)”. Year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P136312,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga u₃ kurušda-e ib₂-dab₅ ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139619,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ e₂-tur₃-ra gu₄{geš}apin udu nam-en-na udu-kur-ra u₃ sipa ud₅-da-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P142042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak bala-a lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne mu ša-aš-ru ba-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx"