id,period,genre,transliteration,translation P459080,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki}ga ba-hun 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)","9 rams, 28th day, from Abba-saga, Nalu accepted; month: “ubi-feast,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna of Uruk was installed;” (total:) 9 (rams)." P459081,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar ur₅-še₃ ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂-ta lugal-sa₆-ga u₃ ur{d}šu-mah šu ba-ti iti ku₃ u₄ 2(u) 2(diš) ba-zal mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","3 1/2 shekels 15 grains of silver, for interest, from Ur-Enlila, Lugal-saga, and Ur-Šumaḫ, received. month: “KuŠIM,” the 22th day passed, year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P459082,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) murgu₂ peš 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) {geš}umbin ma₂ 6(diš) {geš}u₃-suh₅ {geš}a-da-še₃ ki lu₂-kal-la-ta mar-sa-aš kišib₃ lu₂-sa₆-i₃-zu mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul ","6 date palm spines, 165 boat ribs(?), 6 pine trees for ada-planks, from Lukalla, to the boat house, under seal of Lu-sa-izu. year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P459083,Ur III,Administrative," 1/3(diš) kuš gu₄ 1(diš) sa gu₄ 2(diš) kuš udu a i₃-ri₂-na 1(u) gin₂ še-gin₂ ... mu si-ma-num₂{ki}","1/3 oxen hide, 1 (bundle of) oxen sinews, 2 sheep skins “(soaked) with madder,” 10 shekels of glue, year: “Simanum.”" P459084,Ur III,Letter," da-da u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 3(gešʾu) sa gi giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆-ra he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu {d} nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","To Dada, say: “1800 bundles of fire-reeds, to(?) Girini-isa, let him give.” Šulgi, strong man, the king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Lisi, governor, of Umma, is your servant." P459087,Ur III,Administrative," ...6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) ...1(diš)-še₃ šu ur₃ zar₃ tab... ...ša₃ {geš}ma-nu ...da-da-ga kišib₃ lugal-e₂-mah-e iti še-kar-ra-gal₂{ga₂}la mu en {d}nanna...e i₃-pa₃ lugal-e₂-mah... dub-sar dumu lugal-ku₃-ga-ni","n + 6 female laborers, 3 ban2, for one day, to gather and pile up the sheaves, on the field Willow, under charge of Dadaga, under seal of Lugal-emaḫe; month: “Barley-stored-in-the-harbor,” year: “The en-priestess of Nanna was chosen by means of the goat.” Lugal-emaḫe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani." P480065,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ kaš e₂-lunga₃-ta e₂-gal gibil-še₃ ga₆-ga₂ 1(u) geme₂ u₄ 8(diš)-še₃ 2(geš₂) dug kab₂-du₁₁-ga ga₂ 1(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ kaš ma₂-še₃ ga₆-ga₂ 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ {geš} ma₂-še₃ ga₆-ga₂ 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ gi {geš}kiri₆ en-gal-du-du il₂-la 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ i₃ zu₂-lum kuš si-ga zi-ga i₃ maš-da-re-a lugal iti mu-šu-du₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","15 female laborers for 3 days beer from the brewery to New Palace carried, 10 female laborers for 8 days 120 verified vessels carried (and) 15 female laborers for 2 days beer to the boat carried; 8 female laborers for 1 day strings to the boat carried; 5 female laborers for 2 days reeds (from) Engaldudu’s garden carried (and) 8 female laborers for 1 day the boat of oil, dates and leather loaded; booked out, oil for the mašdaria-delivery for king; month “Mušudu,” year: “Šū-Suen is king.”" P480066,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 4(diš) gu₄ geš ki na-sa₆-ta e₂-u₆-e i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu ","14 plough oxen from Nasa E’u’e received; month “Ki-siki of Ninazu.”" P480067,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) am gu₄ 1(diš) amar am u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 2(diš)","1 wild ox, 1 wild heifer calf, 21st day, from Abbasaga did Lu-dingir receive; month “šu’eša,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.” (total:) 2 (cattle)." P480068,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) gu₄ ab₂ hi-a 5(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a šu-šum₂-ma ki {d}en-lil₂-zi-ša₃-gal₂-ta ba-zi iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen ... ... ...{d}suen ...uri₅ ... ... ...","144 various oxen and cows, 3513 various sheep and goats, —the delivered— from (the account of) Enlil-zišagal booked out; month “Festival of Šu-Suen.” ... ... ... ... ... ...-Suen, strong king(?), king of Ur, king of the four regions: ... ... ... ..." P480069,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) {geš}il₂ kun-zi-da a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ geme₂ uš-bar-e {geš}il₂ ...ib₂-il₂ ki ku₃-ga-ni-ta šeš-sag₁₀ mu {d}amar-suen lugal šeš... dub... dumu lugal-gu₃...","20 corvée baskets: to the weir of Apisal, did the weaving female laborers the corvée baskets ... carry; from Kugani did Šeš-saga receive; year: “Amar-Suen is king.” Šeš-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-Gudea." P480070,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu-nita₂ bar-gal₂ ba-uš₂ ki lu₂{d}utu-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti pa₄-u₂-e mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","1 ram, with fleece, slaughtered, from Lu-Utu. under seal of Lukalla; month “Pa’ue,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E’e, chief livestock administrator." P480071,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ u₄ 4(diš)-kam 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ u₄ 5(diš)-kam 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ 1(barig) kaš du u₄ 6(diš)-kam 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ 1(barig) 3(ban₂) kaš du u₄ 7(diš)-kam ki ur-mes-ta iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en ga-eš{ki} ba-hun {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal... ensi₂ umma... ...","1 ban2 fine beer on the 4th day, 1 ban2 fine beer on the 5th day, 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig regular quality beer on the 6th day, (5) 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig 3 ban2 regular quality beer on the 7th day; from Ur-mes. month “Pa’ue,” year: “The high priest of Ga’eš was installed.” Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant." P480072,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ ninda šu gur zi-ga šu-nir ki in-sa₆-sa₆-ta kišib₃ ensi₂-ka iti pa₄-u₂-e mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal ...šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","2 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 ŠU-bread booked out for the emblem, from Insasa. under seal of the governor; month “Pa’ue,” year: “Šū-Suen is king.” Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant." P480073,Ur III,Administrative," 5(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ dabin u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti dal mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal... ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","5 ban2 6 sila3 barley flour on the 28th day; from Lu-dingira. under seal of the governor; month “Flight,” year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions: Ayakalla, the governor of Umma, is your servant." P480074,Ur III,Administrative," 4(ban₂) dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄... 5(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄ 2(diš)-kam 4(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄ 3(diš)-kam 1(barig) dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄ 4(diš)-kam 1(aš) 1(geš₂) 1(u) 6(diš) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄ 5(diš)-kam 5(ban₂) dabin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda u₄ 6(diš)-kam 5(ban₂) dabin u₄ 7(diš)-kam 3(ban₂) dabin lu₂-ma₂ e₃-a kišib₃ ensi₂-ka iti ezem{d}šul-gi₂{ki} mu-hul 1(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal... ensi₂ umma... ...","4 ban2 barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 1st day; 5 ban2 4 sila3 barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 2nd day; 4 ban2 7 sila3 barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 3rd day; 1 barig barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 4th day; (subtotal:) 1 gur 76; 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 5th day; 5 ban2 barley flour, 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 6th day; 5 ban2 barley flour on the 7th day; 3 ban2 barley flour, the boatmen departed; under seal of the governor; month “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.” (total:) 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3. Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions: Ayakala, the governor of Umma, is your servant." P480075,Ur III,Administrative," 5(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ba-ba munu₄ 2(u) 6(diš) ma-na šim sag₁₀ 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še dida gu₇-še₃ ki {d}šara₂-kam-ta kišib₃ ensi₂-ka iti {d}dumu-zi mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal... ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","(1) 5 ban2 4 sila3 porridge of malt, (2) 26 mana fine quality beer bread, 1 barig 3 ban2 sila3 barley, sweet-wort for consumption, from Šarakam, under seal of the governor; month “Dumuzi,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions: Ayakalla, the governor of Umma, is your servant." P480076,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ka-giri₃-da bar-la₂ dub-la₂{d}utu gub-ba ugula lugal-iti-da kišib₃ šeš-a-ni mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-mah mu-du₃ šeš-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da","(1) 15 male laborer days on duty at the basin of the Dubla-Utu (canal) stationed; foreman: Lugal-itida, under seal of Šešani; year: “Šū-Suen, the king, Big Stele erected.” Šešani, scribe, son of Dada." P480078,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gun₂ pa {geš} e₂-kikken₂ ba-ba sag₁₀ ki e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀-ta na-ba-sa₂ šu ba-ti kišib₃ ku₃{d}nin-ur₄-ra ša₃ bala-a mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal ku₃{d}nin-ur₄-ra dub... dumu na...","10 talents branches of willow (for) the mill of fine porridge from E’urbidu did Naba-sa receive; under seal of Ku-Ninura. part of the bala; year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.” Ku-Ninura, scribe, son of Na-silim." P416125,Ur III,Administrative," 5(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) udu 4(u) 4(diš) sila₄ 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) maš₂-gal 1(u) 1(diš) maš₂ u₄ 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta","337 rams, 34 male lambs, 147 billy goats, 11 male kids, 3rd day, from Abbasaga did Inta’e’a accept; month “Festival-of-Šulgi,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” (total :) 529 small cattle." P450602,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) sila₄ ga 1(diš) kir₁₁ ga u₃-tu-da e₂-udu-ka en-dingir-mu i₃-dab₅ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti šu-eš-ša mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","2 male lambs, suckling, 1 female lamb, suckling, new-borns in the sheephouse, Endingirmu accepted; 9th day; month: “šuešša,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, en-priestess of Nanna, was installed.”" P464309,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(barig) še gur še geš e₃-a a-ša₃ u-gir₄{ki} ki ur{d}šara₂-ta kišib₃ {d}šul-gi-mu-dah iti nesag mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul {d}šara₂-kam dub-sar {d}šul-gi-mu-dah zu","80 gur 4 barig barley, barley winnowed with a stick, field of Ugir, from Ur-Šara Seal of Šulgi-mudaḫ Month: nesag year: “Simurum was destroyed.” Šara-kam, scribe: Šulgi-mudaḫ, your servant." P467843,Ur III,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) 3(u) 3(diš) ad₆(|LU₂.LAGAB×U|) udu maš₂ hi-a ki na-ra-am-i₃-li₂-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti ...da₃-gu₇ ...us₂-sa ki-maš{ki}...ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","633 carcasses, various sheep and goats, from Naram-ilī did Ur-nigar receive; month “Gezelle-feast,” year after: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P101566,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gaba-ri kišib₃ lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne ugu₂-a ga₂-ga₂-de₃ kišib₃-bi ur{d}nun-gal ... ... ...gal₂ giri₃...{d}ba-ba₆ u₃...zi iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen ...{d}...","Basket-of-tablets: copies, sealed documents, men of the takes, in the debits to be placed’s the sealed documents of Ur-Nungal, ... ... are here; via ...-Baba, and ...-zi, month “Festival-of-Šu-Suen,” year: “... .”" P101581,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) šeš-kal-la 1(diš) ur{geš}gigir dumu {geš}guzza-ni-me 1(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu lugal-iti-da dumu i₃...ša-ri₂ 1(diš) {geš}guzza-ni dumu {d}nin-ur₄-da a 1(diš) lu₂{d}alamuš bar-ra gub-ba lu₂-zah₃ dab₅-ba... en-nu-ga₂ ti-la iti e₂-iti-6(diš)...u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-am₃...zal mu {d}šu{d}...e na-ru₂-a mah in-du₃ a-tu dub-sar dumu nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ gal₅-la₂...","1 (full-time worker) Šeškala, 1 (full-time worker) Ur-Gigir, son(s) of Guzzani, 1 (full-time worker) Lu-Šara, son of Lugal-itida, son of NI-x-šari, 1 (full-time worker) Guzzani, son of Nin-Urda, SIG-a, 1 (full-time worker) Lu-Alamuš, x x Seized runaways ..., in the prison residing; month: “House-month-6,” ..., the 21st day of has passed; year: “Šu-Suen, the king, erected big-stela.” Atu, scribe, Son of Nigar-kidu, The police chief." P101616,Ur III,Administrative," {diš}šu{d}er₃-ra dumu ur{d} ka 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar-še₃ a-hi-ma in-sa₁₀ pu₃-su-nu-um ugula ŋeš₂-da-ka-ne₂ nu-sa₁₀ bi₂-du₁₁ {diš}šu{d}er₃-ra {diš}šu-ku₈-bu-um {diš}a-zu-li... nam-lu₂-inim-ma...e₃... ša₃-ba šu{d}...erim₂ ku₅... šu{d}er₃-ra nam... a-hi-ma sag šu-na...gi₄-gi₄ igi lu₂-ama-na-še₃ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","1 (slave): Šu-Erra, son of Ur-Bilgames, for 10 shekels of silver Aḫīma bought. Pussunum, his officer-of-sixty, “He did not buy him” said; 1 Šu-Erra 1 Šukubum 1 Azuli … , as witnesses appeared. Among them, Šu-Erra to take the oath was delivered. After Šu-Erra had sworn, Aḫīma the slave took over; in the presence of Lu-amana; year “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P101728,Old Akkadian,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ... ... ku₆ še ...{d}inanna-ta ...ab ... ... ... ...{d}suen še... {geš}eb ...gal₂ ...1(diš) mu ...ka₃-li₂-šar₃-ri₂ ...geš-i₃ a-ga-de₃{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P101743,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im di-til-la {d}šara₂-kam ensi₂-ka i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: tablets, completed legal cases of Šarakam, the governor, are here; year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P101768,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁ ma-ni ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: debits, Mani, in Girsu, are here; year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P101791,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i-din-er₃-ra iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti ezem{d}me-ki-gal₂-še₃ ...1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Idin-Erra, from month “Harvest” to month “Festival-of-Mekigal,” (a period of) 12 months, year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the lands of Zabšali destroyed,” are here." P464384,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar gu₄ ga 1(diš) gukkal niga sag₁₀ 2(diš) udu niga 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga 4(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ki a-hu-we-er-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš) gu₄ 8(diš) udu","1 bull calf, suckling; 1 fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed, fine quality; 2 sheep, grain-fed; 1 full-grown billy, grain-fed; 4 lambs: slaughtered, 14th day; from Aḫu-wer, Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1 ox, 8 sheep." P101904,Ur III,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 4(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) še gur lugal i₃-dub e₂-duru₅ ga-ni-ta 1(geš₂) 5(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) gur ki ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da-ta 3(u) i₃-dub a-ša₃ {d}nin-gir₂-su a₂-zi-da {d}nanše-ta šuniŋin 9(geš₂) 8(aš) 4(barig) gur ša₃-bi-ta 1(geš₂) 4(u) giri₃ lu₂-iri-sag 8(aš) giri₃ ur{d}da-mu ur{d}ig-alim dumu ur-sa₆-ga 1(geš₂) 5(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) giri₃ lu₂-iri-sag 1(u) 5(aš) giri₃ ur{d}da-mu {d}nanna-hi-li 7(aš) 2(barig) mu ur-e₂-babbar₂-še₃ lu₂-dingir-ra dumu ga-du še-numun ugu₂-a ba-a-gar 1(geš₂) 3(u) kišib₃ nu-tuku 1(u) 2(aš) ša₃ erin₂ ma₂ geš kišib₃ gu₃-de₂-a nu-banda₃ šu-ku₆ giri₃...banda₃{da} sukkal lugal ur{d}nanše dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga 3(u)...gur še-numun ensi₂ kišib₃ al-la dumu erin-da ugu₂ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ba-zi ga₂-ga₂-dam šuniŋin 1(geš₂)...2(u)...2(diš)...2(barig) gur ...5(aš) 2(barig) gur ... ...bu ...da mu...{ki} ba...","404 gur 2 barrage according to the royal measure," P101918,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) mun gur lugal ba-ri₂ 6(diš) sila₃ im-tur sag sag₃-ga-bi 8(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gur 6(aš) 1(ban₂) gazi gur ba-ri₂-ga 2(ban₂) im-tur sag sag₃-ga-bi 2(aš) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ gur 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ {u₂}... sag sag₃-ga-bi 3(ban₂) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ nig₂-gal₂-la ki ka-a₂-na giri₃ da-ni iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄","87 gur 1 barig salt, the barig reduced by 6 sila3, its struck head: 8 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3; 6 gur 1 ban2 sumac, the barig reduced by 2 ban2, its struck head: 2 gur 3 1/3 sila3; 1 barig 3 ban2 3 sila3 x-plant, its struck head: 3 ban2 9 1/2 sila3; goods on hand, from Ka-ana, via ARADdani; month: “Festival of Lisi.”" P102762,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-du₆-la ensi₂ u₃ dumu-ne-ne lu₂ šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: estates of the governors and their sons, the chief house and temple administrators, are here. year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P102968,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) udu 2(u) maš₂-gal šimašgi u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta en-dingir-mu i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš)","85 sheep, 20 Šimašgi buck goats, 18th day, from Abbasaga, En-dingirmu accepted; month: “Šu-eša,” year: “Enmaḫ-gal-ana, lord of Nanna, was installed;” (total:) 105 (small cattle)." P103563,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba uš-gi-na kurušda i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: (those of) Ušgina, the fattener, are here;" P103677,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta šu-er₃-ra i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki}ga ba-hun 1(diš)","1 jack, 15th day; from Abbasaga Šū-Erra accepted; month: “Ubi-feast,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed;” (total:) 1." P103876,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga ...du₁₀-gan kišib₃ {d}šara₂-kam u₃ lugal-iti-da ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ša₃-ba diri 1(diš)-am₃ i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: credits, in the pouch, sealed documents of Šarakam and Lugal-itida with Abbasaga from month “Gazelle-feast” to month “Harvest” (a period of) 13 months, therein one extra month, are here; year: “Enmaḫgalana, en(-priestess) of Nanna, was hired.”" P103956,Ur III,Legal," egir buru₁₄-še₃ la₂-ia₃ i₃ a-hi-ṭa-be₂ ga-ab-su bi₂-in-du₁₁ mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ tukum-bi nu-un-su šer₇-da-am₃ 1(diš) inim{d}inana-še₃ 1(diš) lugal-iti-da 1(diš) lu₂-gi-na 1(diš) ur-sa₆-ga 1(diš) ur-ku₃-nun-na lu₂-inim-ma-bi-me iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","After the harvest, the oil deficit Aḫi-ṭāb declared, “I will replace it!” He swore by the royal name; If he has not replaced it, it is a capital crime; one Inim-Inanna-še, one Lugal-itida, one Lu-gina, one Ur-saga, one Ur-kununa, are the witnesses; month: “Harvest,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P103981,Ur III,Administrative," 7(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš ku₃-bi 1(geš₂) la₂ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še gin₂ ku₃-babbar ki lu₂{d}šara₂-ta a₂-bi₂-li₂-a šu ba-ti iti {d}dumu-zi mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃","7 sila of sesame oil. Its silver: 1 (shekel) minus 2 1/2 grains of silver. From Lu-Shara, Abi-iliya received. Month: ""Dumuzi."" Year: ""The house of Puzris-Dagan was built.""" P104470,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ niga 2(u) udu ku₃{d}šara₂ ensi₂ i-šim{d}šul-gi 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) udu {d}nisaba-an-dul₃ šabra šu-la₂-a kišib₃ nu-tuku inim {d}šara₂-kam-ta ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi kišib₃ lu₂-bi-ne {d}šara₂-kam-e tum₃-dam iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 2(diš) gu₄ niga 2(u) udu ku₃{d}šara₂ ensi₂ i-šim{d}šul-gi{ki} 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) udu {d}nisaba-an-dul₃ šabra šu-la₂-a kišib₃ nu-tuku ...ta ...ta...zi kišib₃ lu₂-bi-ne {d}šara₂-kam-e tum₃-dam iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu en {d}nanna ba-hun lu₂-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu ur-sa₆-ga","2 oxen, grain-fed, 20 rams, (from) Ku-Šara, governor of Išim-Šulgi; 1 ox, grain-fed, 10 rams, (from) Nisaba-andul, chief household administrator; ..., unsealed, by order of Šarakam, from (the account of) Abba-saga booked out, under seal of Lu-bine; by Šarakam to be transported; month: “Festival-of-Šulgi,” year: “The lord of Nanna was installed.” 2 oxen, grain-fed, 20 rams, (from) Ku-Šara, governor of Išim-Šulgi; 1 ox, grain-fed, 10 rams, (from) Nisaba-andul, chief household administrator; ..., unsealed, by order of Šarakam, from (the account of) Abba-saga booked out, under seal of Lu-bine; by Šarakam to be transported; month: “Festival-of-Šulgi,” year: “The lord of Nanna was installed.” Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Ur-saga." P464281,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","2 billy goats, 1 suckling lamb, slaughtered, 12th day; from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “ubi feast,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P464282,Ur III,Administrative," ... ba... u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)... ki u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti a₂-ki-ti mu en eridu{ki} ba... 1(diš)","1 ..., slaughtered, 13th day; from Ūta-mīšaram Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Akitu,” year: “The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;” (total:) 1." P464283,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta šu-er₃-ra i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki}ga ba-hun 1(diš)","1 jack, 15th day; from Abbasaga Šū-Erra accepted; month: “Ubi-feast,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed;” (total:) 1." P464284,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 3(diš)","3 rams, grain-fed, 23rd day; from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 3." P464285,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ud₅ šimašgi u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ki u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki}... 1(diš)","1 nanny goat, Šimaškian, 14th day; from Abbasaga Ūta-mīšaram accepted; month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” (total:) 1." P464286,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ šu{d}iškur 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ ur{d}nanna 5(ban₂) ninda 3(ban₂) kaš du 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš ša₃-gal kas₄-e-ne giri₃ ur{d}nanna u₄ 4(diš)-kam iti nesag mu sa ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels potash, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, Šū-Adad; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels potash, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, Ur-Nanna; 5 ban2 bread, 3 ban2 beer, regular, 1/2 sila3 plant oil, provisions for messengers, via Ur-Nanna; 4th day; month: “First fruits,” year following: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P464287,Ur III,Administrative," ...gu₄ mu... ba-sa₆-ga 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) ur{d}nin-mug-ga 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) ur-e₁₁-e 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re dumu... 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) ba-zi-ge 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) al-la dumu ur-teš₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) lu₂-eb-gal dumu ... 1(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nita₂ geš {d}nanna-ku₃-zu dumu a-tu šuniŋin 2(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) šuniŋin 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) šuniŋin 4(diš) 1(aš) šuniŋin...{anše}kunga₂ nita₂ geš mu-kuₓ(DU) {d}šara₂ iti šu-numun mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en...","1 ox of 1 year, (from) Basaga; 1 ox of 1 year (from) Ur-Ninmuga; 1 ox of 2 years (from) Ur-e’e; 1 ox of 1 year (from) Lugal-magure son of ...; 1 ox of 1 year (from) Bazige; 1 cow of 2 years (from) Alla son of Ur-teš; 1 cow of 2 years (from) Lu-ebgal, son of KU...; 1 male mule for the yoke, (from) Nanna-kuzu, son of Atu; total: 2 cows of 2 years; total: 1 ox of 2 years; total: 4 oxen of one year total: 1 male mule for the yoke; delivery for Šara; month: “Sowing,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P467836,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) uz-tur 1(diš) ir₇{mušen} 1(diš) tu-gur₄{mušen} 1(diš) šah₂-zah-tur nita₂ geš-gi nig₂-gu₇ nin-ga₂-še₃ 1(diš) uz-tur 1(diš) ir₇{mušen} ba-uš₂ ba-an-ku₄ ...ta u₄ 1(u) 7(diš) ba-zal zi-ga ur{d}lugal-edin-na ...siki{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","1 duck, 1 pigeon, 1 dove, 1 male piglet, canebrake type, for food of my queen; 1 duck, 1 pigeon, slaughtered, brought to the palace; of the month the 17th day passed; booked out of Ur-Lugaledina(’s account); month: “ki-siki-of-Ninazu,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P105116,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ 6(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂ 2(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u)-kam ki na-lu₅ {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu en {d}nanna ba-hun","1 best-quality barley-fed ram, 6 rams, 3 billy goat kids, 2 suckling male lambs, dead, day 20, from Nalu Šulgi-irimu received; month: “festival of Šulgi” (month 7), year: “the priestess of Nanna was installed” (Amar-Suen 9)." P482078,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ niga u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-we-er i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 2(diš) gu₄","2 oxen, grain-fed, 19th day; from Abbasaga Aḫu-wer accepted; month “kisiki-of-Ninazu,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 2 oxen." P339376,Ur III,Administrative," bala im-ma su-ga-ta gi-zi ze₂-de₃ uš-mu ensi₂-ke₄ a₂ in-da-ag₂ gi-zi-bi nu-un-ze₂ 1(šarʾu) sa gi-zi im ba-a-še-en₆ ba-hul uš-mu en₃-bi nu-un-tar ga₂-la bi₂-in-dag inim ensi₂-ka-ke₄ geš la-ba-an-tuku-am₃ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","From the bala(-obligation) of the last year that was repaid to cut fresh reeds Ušĝu the governor ordered, (but) these fresh reeds he did not cut. 36,000 bundles of fresh reed: rain fell (and) they were destroyed. Ušĝu did not make an inquiry, he neglected that. The command of the governor he did not obey; year following: “Šū-Suen, the king, the wall of Martu erected.” Ušĝu, the scribe, son of Lugal-saga." P340460,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun u₃ uru₄-a kilib₃-ba-bi i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, seed grain and fields in plow, their grand totals are here; year: “The en-(priest) of Inanna by the goat was found.”" P340485,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da ka-tar{d}ba-ba₆ ur-ba-gara₂ lu₂{d}ištaran lu₂{d}lamma ŋeš₂-da u₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Katar-Baba, Ur-bagara, Lu-Ištaran, Lul-Lamma, foreman of sixty, and Lu-Ningirsu, year: “Urbilum.”" P340491,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum geš ku₃-ta du₈-ha mu ha-ar-ši{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers,’ ..., year: “Ḫarši Ḫurti.”" P340724,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ša₃-bi su-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) {d}šara₂ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} giri₃ ša₃-ku₃-ge kišib₃ a-ru-a i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: debits, therefroms, restitutions, deliveries to Šara of Apisal, via Šakuge sealed documents, offerings, are here; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P341058,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ la₂-ia₃ lugal-ukken-ne₂ nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, debts of Lugal-ukkene, manager of oxen, are here." P475380,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) še šuku-ra ur{d}ma-mi guru₇ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta ki gu-du-du-ta kišib₃ lugal-inim-gi-na iti pa₄-u₂-e mu si-ma-num{ki} ba-hul lugal-inim-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-nesag-e","2 barig barley rations, (for) Ur-Mami, from the silo of Apisal, from Gududu seal of Lugal-inimgina; month “Pa’u’e,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Lugal-inimgina son of Lugal-nesage." P345961,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ inim{d}inana 4(ban₂) ninda ša₃-gal simug-e-ne giri₃ inim{d}inana 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ giri₃ da-da u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi","5 sila of high-quality beer, 3 sila of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of naga, 1 fish, 1 bundle of onions (for) Inim-Inanna; 4 ban of bread as provisions for smiths, via Inim-Inanna; 5 sila of beer, 5 sila of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of naga, 1 fish, 1 bundle of onions via Dada; it is on the 19th day (of the month), Month: “Festival of Šulgi.”" P345963,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga šimašgi₂ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga šimašgi₂ {d}nin-lil₂ zabar-dab₅ maškim 1(diš) maš₂ niga mu-kuₓ(DU) ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan 1(diš) udu a-lum niga 1(diš) ud₅ maš₂ nu₂-a mu-kuₓ(DU) ur{d}suen dumu lugal 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga mu-kuₓ(DU) {d}utu gal e₂-uz-ga da-a-a-ni maškim 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) šeš-da-da sanga 1(diš) sila₄ {d}utu mu-kuₓ(DU) ensi₂ šuruppak{ki} {d}nanše gal maškim 1(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) ab₂ 3(diš) udu 2(diš) maš₂ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ 1(diš) dusu₂ munus ba-uš₂ mu ur-ra-še₃ dingir-ba-ni sipa ur-ra-ke₄ šu ba-ti zi-ga u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu ki-maš{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","1 barley-fed Šimaškian billy goat, 1 barley-fed female kid (for) Enlil, 1 barley-fed Šimaškian billy goat (for) Ninlil, the zabardab was the requisitioner; 1 barley-fed male kid, delivery of Ṣelluš-Dagan, 1 barley-fed long-fleeced ram, 1 nanny goat, delivery of Ur-Suen, son of the king; 1 barley-fed female kid, delivery of Utu-GIRgal, for the E’uzga, Dayani was the requisitioner; 1 lamb (for) Enlil, 1 lamb (for) Ninlil, delivery of Šešdada, the temple administrator; 1 lamb (for) Utu, delivery of the governor of Shuruppak, Nanše-GIRgal was the requisitioner; 1 ox, 1 cow, 3 sheep, 2 goats (as) provisions for the kitchen; 1 female equid, slaughtered, for the dogs, Ilībani, dog herder, received; withdrawn; it is on the 28th day (of the month). Month: “Festival of Šulgi.” Year: “Kimash and Hurti were destroyed.”" P345964,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) tug₂ di₄-di₄-la gibil₄ {geš}garig ak ki-la₂-bi 1(u) 2(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 7(diš) {tug₂}sag-uš-bar 2(u) 5(diš) ma-na ...uš-bar 5(diš) ma-na ...mug ...4(diš) ma-na ...a₂-na-na-ta mu-kuₓ(DU) i-di₃-er₃-ra lu₂-azlag₂ šu ba-ti iti šu-eš-ša mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","4 small new combed garments, their weight is 12 1/3 mana; 7 “sagušbar” garments, their weight is 25 mana; n “ušbar” garment(s), its/their weight is 5 mana; n “mug” [garment(s)], its/their weight is 4 mana; from Anana, delivery, Iddin-Erra, the fuller, received them. Month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P345965,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga sag₁₀ us₂ 1(diš) udu 3(diš) u₈ 7(diš) ud₅ 2(diš) maš₂ 5(diš) sila₄ ga 3(diš) maš₂ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ki a-hu-we-er-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 2(u) 2(diš) udu","1 barley-fed full-grown billy goat of the second grade, 1 sheep, 3 ewes, 7 nanny goats, 2 billy goats, 5 suckling lambs, 3 suckling goats, were slaughtered, it is on the 14th day (of the month), from Ahuwer, Šulgi-irimu received them. Month: “Harvest.” Year: “The en-priestess of Nanna was installed.” (Total:) 22 sheep" P345966,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kikken a₂-da-bar sag₁₀ lugal-iti-da 1(diš) kikken a₂-da-bar a-kal-la ašgab 1(diš) kikken uš-mu... 1(diš) kikken a-ka₃-da-ni 1(diš) kikken {d}šara₂-za-me ki a-du-ta kišib₃ ur{d}nu-muš-da mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","1 millstone of high-quality black basalt (?) (for) Lugal-itida 1 millstone of black basalt (for) Akalla, the leatherworker; 1 millstone (of black basalt for) Ušmu, 1 millstone (of black basalt for) Akadani, 1 millstone (of black basalt for) Šara-zame, from Adu, the sealed tablet of Ur-Numushda. Year after: “The king Šu-Suen erected the Amorite wall.”" P345967,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ga 1(diš) kir₁₁ ga 1(diš) maš₂ ga u₃-tu-da u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš-ša mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi-lum{ki} mu-hul 3(diš)","1 suckling lamb, 1 suckling female lamb, 1 suckling kid, new-borns; it is on the 29th day (of the month), Šulgi-ayamu took. Month: “šu’ešša.’ Year: “King Amar-Suen destroyed Urbilum.” (Total:) 3." P459208,Early Dynastic IIIa,Legal," 4(u) uruda ma-na sam₂ aša₅ 3(iku) aša₅-bi 1(geš₂) uruda ma-na nig₂-diri 2(u) uruda ma-na nig₂-ba 1(aš) tug₂ aktum₂ 2(aš) siki ma-na amar lu₂ sam₂ gu₇ 1(u) še lid₂-ga sam₂ aša₅ 2(iku) aša₅-bi 1(u) še lid₂-ga nig₂-diri 1(u) še lid₂-ga nig₂-ba 2(aš) {tug₂}aktum₂ 2(aš) siki ma-na 1(ban₂) še ninda 1(geš₂) ninda 1(u) tu₇ 1(u) edakua(|GA₂×(HA.A)|) 1(aš) i₃ sila₃ lugal-mu₁₀...du₁₁... lu₂ sam₂ gu₇ 4(aš) še lid₂-ga sam₂ aša₅ 1(iku) aša₅-bi 3(aš) 2(barig) še lid₂-ga nig₂-diri 2(aš) še lid₂-ga nig₂-ba 1(aš) nig₂-la₂ sag 1(aš) bar-dul₅ 1(aš) i₃ sila₃ lugal-ezem sam₂ gu₇ 1(aš) amar{d} 1(aš) il-igi 1(aš) abzu-zu-zu 1(aš) inim-utu-zi 1(aš) utu-ur-sag 1(aš) ama-bara₂-si sipa lu₂ aša₅ sa₁₀ e₂{d}šubur bala inim{d}sud₃-da-zi","40 mana copper, price of a field; 3 iku its field, 60 mana copper, additional payment; 20 mana copper, gift; 1 aktum-garment, 1 mana wool, Amar-AB-GAL(?): the seller; 10 lidga (measures of) barley, price of a field, 2 iku its field, 10 lidga (measures of) barley, additional payment; 10 lidga (measures of) barley, gift; 2 aktum-garments, 2 mana of wool, 1 ban2 barley bread, 60 breads, 10 PAP (measures) soup, 10 PAP (measures) dried fish, 1 sila3 oil: Lugal-muziduga(?): the seller; 4 lidga measures of barley, the price of a field, 1 iku its field, 3 lidga (measures) 2 barig barley, additional payment; 2 lidga (measures) barley, gift; 1 fine nigla-garment, 1 outer garment, 1 sila3 oil, Lugalezem: the seller; Amar-NE-DAG: the herder; Il-igi, Abzu-zuzu, Inim-utu-zi, Utu-ursag, Ama-barasi, (the witnesses); “RITI,” the shepherd: buyer of the fields; (in the district of) E-Šubur; bala (official): Inim-suda-zi." P459210,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) 3(ban₂) 9(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ la₂-ia₃ su-ga ki šu{d}utu ugula geme₂ geš-i₃ sur-sur-ra-ta bi₂-bi₂ dub-sar i₃ šu ba-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","2 barig 3 ban2 9 1/3 sila3 lard, from the restored deficit of Šu-Utu, foreman of the female sesame oil pressers; Bibi, scribe of oils, received; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, fashioned Great-barge for Enlil and Ninlil.”" P470063,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 3(diš) ab₂ 4(diš) gu₄ 2(gešʾu) 3(u) 2(diš) u₈ 1(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) udu 4(diš) sila₄ ga ...e₂-udu-niga ... ... sa₂-du₁₁... iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul 2(u) 7(diš) gu₄ 2(gešʾu)...","23 cows, 4 oxen, 1232 ewes 105 rams, 4 suckling lambs ... house of grain-fed sheep; regular rations ...; month: “kisiki of Ninazu,” year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed.” (total:) 27 oxen, 1341 sheep." P470064,Ur III,Administrative," 9(aš) še gur sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ šu-igi-še₃-du gu₂-edin-na-ta ki e₂-gal-e-si ha-la šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti nesag-še₃ mu us₂-sa ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul ha-la dumu lugal-e₂-mah {lu₂}lunga {d}šara₂","9 gur barley regular offering for Šara ..., from Gu-edina from Egalesi did Ḫala receive; from the month “Harvest” to the month “First-fruit offering,” year after: “Šašru was destroyed.” Ḫala, son of Lugal-emaḫ, brewer of Šara." P470065,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) eme₆ 1(diš) maš₂-gal a dara₄ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ a dara₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","1 jenny, 1 full-grown mountain goat, 1 young female mountain goat, slaughtered, 8th day; from Lu-dingira did Ur-niĝar receive; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year after: “Kimaš (and) Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P470066,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ sag₁₀ dug kur-ku-du₃ {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal","1 niglam garment, fine quality, (for the) k-vessel of Šulgi-ayamu; month: “Lisi,” year after: “Šu-Suen is king.”" P470067,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu 1(diš) u₈ ba-uš₂ u₄ 3(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","1 ram, 1 ewe, slaughtered, 3rd day; from Nalu; month: “Gazelle feast,” year after: “Simurrum (and) Lullubi for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P470068,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu niga 1(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta en-dingir-mu i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu {d}gu-za ša₃ hul₂-la {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 6(diš)","4 sheep, barley-fed; 1 mature goat, 1 lamb, 4th day; from Abba-saga(?) did En-dingirmu accept; month: “Great festival,” year: “Throne, joy of Enlil, was fashioned.” (total:) 6." P470069,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 2(aš) gun₂ 4(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na siki-gi 3(aš) gun₂ 2(u) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na siki gukkal 3(diš) ma-na siki udu ba-uš₂ nam-en-na ki kas₄-ta gu-du-du šu ba-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","22 talents 4 5/6 mina tan wool, 3 talents 28 1/3 mina wool of fat-tailed sheep, 3 mina wool, slaughtered sheep: lordship; from Kas did Gududu receive; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabšali destroyed.”" P470070,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u)-kam ki be-li₂-i₃-li₂-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti bi₂-gu₇ mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul 3(diš)","2 sheep, 1 lamb: slaughtered, 10th day; from Bēlī-ilī did Šulgi-irimu receive; month: “Ubi feast,” year after: “Simanum was destroyed.” (total:) 3." P470071,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še iri-sa₁₂-rig₇{ki}ta zi-ga ugula a-la-a kišib₃ ur-mes iti šu-eš-ša mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul ur-mes dub-sar dumu ur{d}suen","150 male laborer workdays, grain from Irisagrig(?) booked out; foreman: Alaya, under seal of Ur-mes; month: “Šu’eša,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Ur-mes, scribe, son of Ur-Suen." P480377,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu niga 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga šimašgi₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ mu kas₄-ke₄-ne-še₃ mu maškim iti u₄ 5(diš) ba-zal ša₃ unu{ki}ga zi-ga ki lu₂-dingir-ra iti bi₂-gu₇ mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul 5(diš) udu","4 sheep, barley-fed, 1 big-billy, barley-fed, Šimašgian, to the kitchen because of the runners; ARADĝu is the enforcer; of the month the 5th day has passed; in Uruk booked out; from Lu-dingira month “ubi feast,” year: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed;” (total:) 5 sheep." P480381,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ u₂ il₂-la... e sa-dur₂-ra a-u₂-da ugula mu kišib₃ ur-mes a-igi-du₈ mu ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ur...","2 male laborers for 1 day grass carried, sadura ditch of auda (field), foreman: ARADĝu; under seal of Ur-mes, the canal inspector; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” Ur-mes, son of Nabalu." P392629,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 5(aš) še gur lugal si-i₃-tum... a-ba-ni-se₃-ge-e su-su-dam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ...gur lugal ...nig₂-ka₉ ak ...i₃-se₃-ge-e ...dam ...ku₅ ... a-ba-i₃...e dumu ši... ...tag...","The debit: 5 royal gur of barley, remaining debit of the account, by Abani-sege to be repaid; month: “Harvest,” year: “Amar-Suen is king.” [The debit:] 5 royal gur of [barley], [remaining debit] of the account, by Abani-sege to be repaid; [month]: “Harvest,” [year: “Amar-Suen is king.”] Aba-isege son of ... ..." P392632,Ur III,Administrative," ...5(diš)... ... ...gu₄ 4(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂... ...gu₃-de₂-a... ...gu₄ niga 4(diš)... ...1(diš) udu 1(diš)... ...kal-la... ... ... uš-bar ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan ... mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ses-da-gu₇ mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","... 5 ... ... ... ox(en), 4 sheep and 1(?) goat ... ... Gudea ... ... grain-fed ox(en), 4 ... ... 1 sheep, 1 ... Akalla ... ... ... ... Adda-kal, foreman of weavers, credited to ?elluš-dagan, deliveries. Month: “eating piglettes,” year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed.”" P392630,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ munus u₄ 2(u)-kam 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ nita₂ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) gu₄ 7(diš) ab₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ 2(diš) dusu₂ munus šu-gid₂ u₄ 2(u) 2(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃...ta 5(diš) udu ki na-lu₅... ša₃-bi-ta 5(diš) udu ša₃ giri₃ šu-i₃-li₂ 2(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) amar maš-da₃ giri₃ in-ta-e₃-a ur-mes i₃-dab₅ 8(diš) ab₂ 1(u) 1(diš) dusu₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","1 calf, female gazelle, on the 20th day; 1 lamb and 1 calf, male gazelle, 21st day; 1 lamb, 1 ox 7 cows, 10 less 1 jackasses, 2 jennies, (for) extispicy, 22nd day; from Inta’ea; 5 sheep from Nalu; therefrom: 5 sheep ... via Šu-ilī; 2 lambs, 2 calves, gazelles, via Inta’e; did Ur-mes accept; 8 cows, 11 donkeys, did Enlila accept; month “Akiti,” year “The barge Dara-abzu(-of-Enki) was caulked.”" P392631,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gun₂ gi 1(u) gun₂ {geš}ma-nu ki šeš-a-ni-ta lugal-ezem šu ba-ti iti e₂-iti-6(diš) ša₃ bala-a lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e šabra","10 talents of reeds, 10 talents of willow, from Šešani did Lugal-ezem receive; month “House-month-6,” of the bala. Lugal-ezem, the scribe, son of Lugal-emaḫe, the household manager." P392628,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) sa gu nig₂-dab₅ iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la 1(geš₂) sa gu ezem nesag 1(geš₂) sa gu ezem e₂-iti-6(diš) 3(u) sa gu ezem pa₄-u₂-e ki ur{d}nin-tu-ta kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur mu ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ba-hul lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la šabra","30 bundles of cords requisitions of the month “barley brought to the harbor;” 60 bundles of cords of the festival of the first offerings; 60 bundles of cords of the “house of 6th month” festival 30 bundles of cords of the festival Pa'ue from Ur-nintu sealed tablet of Lu-Ninšubur. Year: “?ašrum was destroyed for the second time.” Lu-Ninšubur, scribe, son of Šeškala, chief household manager." P346086,Old Babylonian,Literary," iri{ki} kug-kug-ga e-ne ba me-en-ze₂-en kur dilmun{ki} kug-ga-am₃ ki-en-gi kug-ga e-ne ba me-en-ze₂-en kur dilmun{ki} kug-ga-am₃ kur dilmun{ki} kug-ga kur dilmun{ki} šen-na kur dilmun{ki} ki sikil-la kur dilmun{ki} kug-ga dili-ŋu₁₀-ne dilmun{ki} u₃-bi₂-nud ki {d}en-ki-ke₄ dam-a-ni-ta ba-da-nud-a-ba ki-bi sikil-la ki-bi dadag-ga dili-ŋu₁₀-ne dilmun{ki} u₃-bi₂-nud ki {d}en-ki-ke₄ {d}nin-sikil-la ba-da-nud-a-ba ki-bi sikil-la ki-bi dadag-ga dilmun{ki} uga{mušen} nu-mu-ni-be₂ dar{mušen} inim gun₃-gun₃ nu-mu-ni-ib₂-be₂ ur-gu-la gu₂ nu-mu-ni-ib₂-rah₂-rah₂ ur-bar-ra sila₄ nu-ub-kar-ra ur-gir₁₅ kun gurum-gurum nu-ub-zu šah₂ še gu₇-gu₇ nu-ub-zu nu-mu-un-kuš munu₄ ur₃-ra barag₂-ga-ba mušen an-na munu₄-bi na-an-gu₇-e tum₁₂{mušen}e saŋ nu-mu-da-šub-e igi gig-gig igi gig-ŋu₁₀ nu-mu-ni-ib₂-be₂ saŋ gig-gig saŋ gig-ŋu₁₀ nu-mu-ni-ib₂-be₂ me-en mu-ni-ib₂-be₂₂-be₂ ... kur tu-uk-ri-iš{ki} kug-sig₁₇ ha-ra-li... {na₄}za-gin₃...sag₁₀-ga hu-mu-ra-bal-bal... kur me-luh-ha{ki} {na₄}gug niŋ₂ al di kal-la... {ŋeš}mes šag₄-gan ŋeš-ab-ba sig₅-ga... ma₂ gal-gal hu-mu-ra-ab-sa₂... kur mar-ha-ši{ki} na₄ kal-la {na₄}du₈... gaba hu-mu-ra-ab... kur ma₂-gan₂{ki} urud niŋ₂-kalag-ga ... na₄ kalag {na₄}šu₄ {na₄}šu min₃ hu-mu... kur ab-ba{ki}ke₄ {ŋeš}esi me-te ŋeš...lugal-la hu-mu-ra-ab... kur za-lam-ŋar{ki} gukkal sag₉ kur elam{ki}ma siki igi saŋ₅ gu₂ eš₃ urim₂{ki} aga nam-lugal-la iri{ki}... še-i₃-ŋeš {tug₂}šutur tug₂ sag₁₀ ma₂ a-ab-ba daŋal-la he₂-ŋal₂-bi hu-mu... iri{ki} ki-tuš-bi ki-tuš dug₃-ga... dilmun{ki} ki-tuš-bi ki-tuš dug₃-ga... še-bi še di₄-di₄-la₂... zu₂-lum-bi zu₂-lum gu-ul-gu... buru₁₄-bi eš₅-am₃... ŋeš-bi ŋeš... ... ... {d}nin...... šu bi₂... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig ugu-dili₂-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}ab-ba₆ im-ma-ra-an-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig pa siki-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}nin-siki-la₂ im-ma-ra-an-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig kiri₃-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}nin-kiri₃-e-tu im-ma-ra-an-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig ka-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}nin-ka-si im-ma-ra-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig... a₂-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}a₂-zid-mu₂-a im-ma-ra-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra-gig zi-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig {d}na-zi im-ma-ra-tu... šeš-ŋu₁₀ a-na-zu a-ra... ti-ŋu₁₀ ma-gig ... {iti}ud₂-duru₅ ud niš-limmu₅-kam mu {ŋeš}tukul kalag-ga {d}en-lil₂-le mu-na-an-šum₂-ma-ta unug{ki} ba-hul-a","The city/cities is/are (most?) pure(?), how you have come to be! The land of Dilmun is pure Sumer is pure, how you have come to be! The land of Dilmun is pure The land of Dilmun is pure, the land of Dilmun is unspoiled The land of Dilmun, the pure place, the land of Dilmun is pure When I was alone, after I laid ... down (in) Dilmun In the place where Enki laid down with his spouse That place was pure, that place was holy When I was alone, after I laid ... down (in) Dilmun In the place where Enki laid down with Ninsikila That place was pure, that place was holy In Dilmun, the raven did not croak(?) The francolin did not “charm with words""(?) The lion did not roar/smite the neck/roar(?) The wolf did not snatch away the lamb The dog did not know how to curl up/bend its tail/(with) its tail(?) The pig did not know how to eat grain When the widow spread out malt on the roof The bird of the sky was not eating the malt The wild dove did not duck its head amongst it(?) The one whose eye hurt/with the igigig disease did not say “my hurting eye” The one whose head hurt/with the saggig disease did not say “my hurting head” The elder woman did not say “I am a elder woman” The elder man did not say “I am an elder man” May the land of Tukriš ship(?) gold (from) Harali and good quality(?) ....(?) lapis for you May the land of Meluha straightaway convey(?) great barges (filled with) carnelian, the precious thing that is desired, the mes tree of Magan, and good quality acacia(?) wood for you” May the land of Marhaši present(?) precious stone and dušia stone for you May the land of Magan ... “strong copper,” ..., diorite, the single(?) pounding stone(?), and double pounding stone(?) for you May the sealand ... ebony, the ornament of the ... of(?) the king for you May the “country of the tent” ... good quality fat-tailed sheep for you May the land of Elam tranship(?) chosen wool (as?) tribute/a load for you May shrine Ur, the crown of kingship, ... the ... city ... sesame, šutur garments, and good quality garments/cloth for you May ... the abundance of the sea for you? The dwelling place of the city is a good dwelling place The dwelling place of Dilmun is a good dwelling place Its barley is tiny barley Its dates are large dates Its harvests are three ... Its trees/wood are ... trees/wood ... Ninhursag(?) ... ... on the back/outside/outer ... My brother, what hurts you? My scalp/brain pan is hurting me She gave birth to Abba My brother, what hurts you? My outgrowth(?) of hair is hurting me She gave birth to Ninsikila My brother, what hurts you? My nose is hurting me She gave birth to “the lady who was born by(?) the nose” (folk etymology for Ningirida) My brother, what hurts you? My mouth is hurting me She gave birth to Ninkasi My brother, what hurts you? My arm is hurting me She gave birth to Azimua My brother, what hurts you? My throat is hurting me She gave birth to Nazi (an alternative writing of Nanše) My brother, what hurts you? My ribs are hurting me. (Subtotal:) 39 (lines), (total:) 216(?) (lines) month “Udduru,“ 24th day, year “Uruk was destroyed by means of the weapon that Enlil gave to him.” (Subtotal:) 44 (lines); (total:) 16 (?)." P346097,Old Babylonian,Literary," in-nin me huš-a ni₂ gur₃-ru me gal-la a {d}inana a₂-kar₂ šu du₇ mud-bi...gu₂ e₃ me gal-gal-la hub₂ sar-re-gin₇ {kuš}gur₂₁{ur₃}bi ki us₂-sa ud mar-ru₁₀(TE)-a šu sa₂ dug₄-ga nin gal {d}inana-ra šen-šen-na sa₂ sig₁₀-sig₁₀-ga gal-zu kur gul-gul ti a₂-ta...še₃ i-ni-in-bad kur-re a₂-bi mi-ni-in-sag₃ piriŋ-gin₇ an-ki-a i-ni-in-gi₄ uŋ₃-e su i-ni-sag₃ am gal-gin₇ kur gu₂-erim₂-ŋal₂-la u₃-na ba-gub-be₂ piriŋ huš-gin₇ uru₁₆-na nu-še-ga-za ze₂-za bi₂-ib₂-te-en-te-en nin-ŋu₁₀ an-gin₇ buluŋ₃-ŋa₂-za ki-sikil {d}inana ki-gin₇ mah-a-za {d}utu lugal-gin₇ e₃-za a₂ daŋal su₃-su₃-za an-ne₂ a-za ni₂ huš gur₃-ru-za ...a ud še-er-zid gur₃-ru-za ...ŋa₂ ŋen-na sa za-gin₃ e₃-za ...a tu₅... ...kur ki sikil u₃-tu-ud-da-za ...en-ul-gin₇ udug₂ mur₁₀-mur₁₀-ra-za ...{ŋeš}tukul ra-gin₇ saŋ gur₄-gur₄-za šir₃-re-eš ib₂-rah₂ kur-kur-re i-lu-lam-ma-bi dug₃-ge-eš i-mi-ib₂-be₂ ...a dumu gal {d}suen-na ki-sikil {d}inana me-teš₂-e ga-i-i in...en an niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne ki niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne {d}inana me-en an niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne ki niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne elam{ki} su-bir₄{ki} ki niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne kur lu₅-lu₅-a ki niŋin₂-na-ŋu₁₀-ne kur šag₄-ga du-du-da-a-ŋu₁₀-ne in-nin₉...kur-re teŋ₃-a me-en ni₂-bi na-ma-ra-be₂ {d} teŋ₃-a...ni₂-bi na-ma-ra-ab-be₂ hur-saŋ kur ebih{ki}ke₄ teŋ₃-a me-en ni₂-bi na-ma-ra-ab-be₂ ni₂-bi-ta na-ma-ra-ab gin₇ kiri₃-bi ki-še₃ na-ma-ra-ab-teŋ₃-a-gin₇ sum₄ sahar-ra na-ma-ra-ab-ur₃-ra-gin₇ ib-ni{d}suen {iti} ŋar niš-limmu₅-kam","Lady who bears an aura amongst the furious me, who rides the great me Inanna, equipped with the ... a'ankar weapon, cloaking the battle(field) with its blood/terror(?) Who leans the shield upon the ground like one who runs amid the great battles(?) Who clutches(?) the storm and the stormwind For(!?) great lady Inanna, counsel is dispensed in battle, wise one Destroyer of the mountain, she unleashed the arrow towards ... by means of (her) power, who smote(?) with the arm(?) in the mountain She screamed in the universe like a pirig creature and made the people tremble Like a great wild bull she stands wildly in the hostile land Like a furious pirig creature you(!) extinguish ... among(?) the mighty/clever(?) and those disobedient to you in your bile My lady, as you grow like heaven Young woman Inanna, as you are supreme like the earth As you come out like Utu, the king, as you move widely about As you move in/are suitable for(?) heaven, as you bear a furious aura As you carry the brilliant sunlight on the earth One who goes in the mountain range, as you bring out a lapis net As you bathe in the pure/flowering mountain As you fashion the šuba mountain, the mountain, the pure place As your wear the udug/šita mace(!?) like (the ancestral deities) Enšar and Enul As you make heads roll(?) in its battles like (you were using?) a ... weapon The black-headed (shout) (this) with song In(?) all the lands (the blackheaded) sing this ilulama song sweetly The lady of battle(?), the great/eldest child of Suen Young woman Inanna, I want to praise you (Inanna said) I am the lady, when I go around heaven, when I go around earth I am Inanna, when I go around heaven, when I go around earth When I go around the earth, (namely?) Elam and Subir When I go around the earth, (namely?) the land of lulubi When I am to thrash around in the inner mountain I am the lady, I am the one that had approached the mountain, it should not/indeed it did(?) act fearfully towards me(?) I am Inanna, I am the one that had approached the mountain, it should not/indeed it did(?) act fearfully towards me(?) I am the one that had approached the mountain range (with?) the mountain of Ebih, it should not/indeed it did(?) act fearfully towards me(?) Like one who should not/indeed did(?) ... towards me(?) from/by means of its fear Like one who should not/indeed did(?) bring its nose(?) near to the ground towards me Like one who should not/indeed did(?) drag (its) beard in the dust for me Ibni-Sîn (was the scribe) (It is the month of) NENEgar, the 24th(?) day" P346098,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...sahar-ra... hur-saŋ...ni₂-ŋu₁₀... a₂ mah...gud mah ga-ba-ši-in a₂ tur...gud tur ga-ba-ši-in hub₂₂-sar hur-saŋ-ŋa₂... šen-šen ga-bi-ib₂-si-sa₂ ti mar-ru₁₀(TE)-ka si ga-bi₂...ab-si-sa₂ a₂-sig₃ ebih-gin₇ ga-bi₂-ib₂-sur-sur ŋa₂-e bulug₄-ŋu₁₀ ga-am₃... {ŋeš}illar {kuš}gur₂₁ tukul-bi si ga-bi₂-ib₂... {ŋeš}tir us₂-sa-bi-še₃ izi ga... hul-du-bi-še₃ {urud}ha-zi₂-in ba-ši-dug₄ a₂-niŋin₂-ba {d}gibil₆ lu₂ sikil-la-ke₄ kiŋ₂₃-du₃ hur-saŋ aratta{ki} šu nu-teŋ₃...ni₂-bi ga-ba-su iri an-ne₂ nam ba-kud-gin₇ ki-bi-še₃ ki-bi-še₃ na-an-gi₄-gi₄ {d}en-le saŋ-ki gid₂-da-gin₇ gu₃-bi...zi-zi kur-re in-ti-ŋu₁₀...kur {d}ebih{ki} ka-tar-ŋu₁₀ he₂...teš₂ hu-mu-i {d}inana...ke₄ {tug₂}pala₃-a ba-mur₁₀ ul gu₂...e₃ ni₂ me-lim₄ huš-a saŋ-ki-na š₄ za-pa-aŋ₂ kug-ga-na {na₄}gug gi₄-rin-na si ba-ni-ib₂-si-sa₂ udug₂ saŋ imin zid-da-na nam-šul ba-ni-in-ak galam {na₄}za-gin₃-na ŋiri₃-ni bi₂-in-gub {an}{an}na nir mi-ni-ib₂-e₃ kan₄ u₆ di-e-de₃ ba mu-ni-in-gub an-ra ne-saŋ-ŋa₂ mu-un-na-an siškur mu-un-na-an-gub-be₂ an {d}inana-ra hul₂-la-e mu-un-gid₂ ki-na ba-e... zag gal an-na-ka ba-e... an a-a-ŋu₁₀ di ma-ra-ab-be₂ inim-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ŋeštug₂... an-ne₂ an-ba ni₂-ŋu₁₀ mi-ni...","Like one who should not/indeed did(?) drag (its) beard(!?) in the dust for me I want to fill my hand with(?) the risen(?) mountain, I want to make it know my fear I want to bring a great bull against its supreme power(?) I want to bring a small bull against its small power(?) I want to run there, I want to chase the skipping rope there In the mountain I want to continually go(?) to(?) battle, I want to have battle set in order(?) I shall set the arrow of my quiver straight(!?) I want to have slingstones twisted (together) like a heavy rope I want to ... my chisel/boundary stake(?) I want to have the throwstick, shield and weapon(?) set in order I want to strike (with) fire towards its adjoining forests I want to employ(?) the hazin axe against its evildoers I want to station Gibil the purifier to work in its standing water I want to submerge/make distant(?) its aura among(?) the mountain range of Aratta, which no hand can approach Like a city cursed by An, it shall not return it to its place, to its place! Like one frowned at by Enlil, it shall not raise its neck there(?) The mountain should wish for(?) my way Ebih should praise me, Ebih should extol me Inanna, the child of Suen She was dressed in the pala garment; she clad herself in pleasure/allure/stars/rosettes(?) She adorned her forehead with a red/furious aura She arranged the red carnelian (beads) on her pure throat(?) She acted youthfully with the seven-headed udug/šita weapon at her right She set her foot on the staircase(?) of lapis In the evening ... brought out ... She set the door that is to be marveled at (open) in its ... She established(?) that of(?) the nesag offerings for An and was establishing the siskur rites/offerings for him An was rejoicing for Inanna He accepted (the offerings)(?) and sat in his place He/she(?) filled the seat of honor of An/heaven An, my father, I(!?) make a case to you, (put) your ear to my words An imposed my aura/fear of me in the heavens" P346099,Old Babylonian,Literary," kur-re in-ti-ŋu₁₀... ebih-a ka-tar-ŋu₁₀ he₂š₂ he₂-i-i {d}inana dumu {d}suen-na-ke₄ {tug₂}pala₃ ba-an-mur₁₀ ul gu₂-a ba-an-e₃ ni₂ me-lim₄ huš-a saŋ-ki-na še-er-ka-an ba-ni-dug₄ zi-pa-aŋ₂ kug-ga-na {na₄}gug gi-rin si ba-ni-in-sa₂ udug₂ saŋ imin-e zid-da-na nam-šul ba-ni-ak galam za-gin₃-na ŋiri₃-ni bi₂-in-gub u₂-sa₁₁-an-na nir mi-ni-ib₂-e₃ kan₄ u₆ di sila-ba bi₂-in-gub an-ra ne-saŋ mu-na siškur₂ mu-na-gub an {d}inana-da hul₂-la-am₃ mu-un-gid₂ ki-na ba-e-tuš zag gal an-na-ka ba-e-si an a-a-ŋu₁₀ di ma-ra-ab-be₂-en inim-ŋu₁₀-uš ŋeštug₂-zu an-ne₂ an-ba ni₂-ŋu₁₀ mi-ni-in-ri za-e me-en inim-ŋu₁₀ an-ki-a gaba-ri la-ba-e-ni-tuku an-bar-ra {ŋeš}silig-ga an-ti-bal ma-an-si-um ...{ŋeš}gu-za suhuš gin₆-na ...nam-šita₄-ke₄ šu ŋa₂-ŋa₂ mu-bu-um-gin₇ gurum-e aš₃ la₂-e ki ha-ha-ze₂ limmu₂ la₂-e zib₂ gid₂-gid₂-i kaskal gaz-e har-ra-an-na zag-še₃ du lugal-bi... du₈ an-na-ka iti₆-gin₇ e₃-a","The mountain should wish for(?) my way In(?) Ebih (the mountain) should praise me, (the mountain) should extol me Inanna, the child of Suen She was dressed in the pala garment; she clad herself in pleasure/allure/stars/rosettes(?) She adorned her forehead with a red/furious aura She arranged the red carnelian (beads) on her pure throat(?) She acted youthfully with the seven-headed udug/šita weapon at her right She set her foot on the staircase(?) of lapis In the evening ... brought out ... She set the door that is to be marveled at (open) in its path She established the nesag offerings for An and established the siskur rites/offerings for him An was one who rejoiced with Inanna He accepted (the offerings)(?) and sat in his place He/she(?) filled the seat of honor of An/heaven An, my father, I make a case to you, (put) your ear to my words An imposed my aura/fear of me in the heavens It is you who has made my word have no rival in the universe In the outskirts of heaven(?) there is a silig axe (There is?) a sign and a mansium royal symbol To flatten(?) the platform, to make firm the throne('s) foundation To set in place(?) the arm of weaponry(?), to bend ... like a mubum tree(?) To yoke (a team of) six and hold the position To yoke (a team of) four and “extend” the reins To smite a caravan, to go to the border in an expedition To appear for the king in the “heaped earth/sand""(?) of heaven like moonlight" P346100,Old Babylonian,Literary," a₂ mah-bi-še₃ gud mah ga-ba-ši-in a₂ tur-bi-še₃ gud tur ga-ba-ši-in hub₂ ga-mu-un-šub e...kug-ga ga-mu-ni-in-sar hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ me₃ ga-ba šen-šen ga-ba-ab-sar-sar ti mar-uru₅-am₃ si ga-bi₂-ib₂-sa₂ a₂-sig₃ ebih₂-bi ga-ba-ab-sur-sur {ŋeš}gid₂-da niŋ₂ su-ub ga-ba-ab-ak {ŋeš}illar {ŋeš}{kuš}{ur₃}ra si bi₂-ib₂...sa₂ tir us₂-sa-bi izi ga... hul-du-bi-še₃ {urud}ha-zi-in ga... a₂-niŋin₂-bi {d}gibil₆ lu₂₁₂-du₁₂ hur-saŋ ...šu nu-teŋ₃-ŋa₂₂-su iri an-ne₂ nam ba-kud-da-gin₇₄-gi₄ {d}en-lil₂-le saŋ-ki gid₂-da-gin₇ gu₂...zi-zi kur-re in-ti-ŋu₁₀ he₂-ku-kur {d}ebih{ki} ka-tar-ra-ŋu₁₀ he₂-si-il-le me-teš₂ hu-mu-i-i an lugal diŋir-re-e-ne-ke₄₄-gi₄ lu₂-tur-ŋu₁₀ kur al bi₂-in-dug₄ šag₄...a-na ab-be₂ in-nin me-en kur al bi₂-in-dug₄ ab-be₂ {d}inana me-en kur al bi₂-in-dug₄ ab-be₂ hur-saŋ {d}ebih{ki}...šag₄ a-na ab-be₂ ki-tuš...{d}a-nun-na...zi he₂-em-duh-duh hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ me-lim₄-bi huš-a kur-kur...ri sukud-da-bi an-na si-bi...e₃-a","I want to bring a great bull against its supreme power(?) I want to bring a small bull against its small power(?) I want to run(?) there, I want to chase the holy skipping rope there In the mountain I want to continually go(?) to(?) battle, I want to chase the battle(?) I shall set the arrow that is (in) my quiver(?) straight I want to twist slingstones (together) like a heavy rope I want to polish the spear I(!?) want to have the throwstick and shield(!?) set in order I want to strike its adjoining forests with fire I want to ... the hazin axe against its evildoers I want to station Gibil the purifier to work in its standing water I want to submerge/make distant(?) its aura among(?) the mountain range of Aratta, which no hand can approach Like a city cursed by An, it shall not return it to its place, to its place! Like one frowned at by Enlil, it shall not raise its neck there(?) The mountain should wish for/observe(?) my way Ebih should praise me, Ebih should extol me An, the king of the gods, was replying My child, you(?) have desired the mountain, (but) what will its midst accomplish(?) You are the lady, the one who has desired the mountain, (but) what will (its) midst accomplish(?) You are Inanna, the one who has desired the mountain, (but) what will (its) midst accomplish(?) (You are the one) who has desired the mountain range of Ebih, (but) what will (its) midst accomplish(?) The abode/station of the gods is imposed with a furious aura And thus(?) a radiance is released upon the holy dwelling of the Anuna The red/furious aura of the mountain range is imposed upon the lands Its height is “of heaven""(?), its horn(?) brought out(?) ..." P346101,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...ka ŋal₂ ba-an...₃-na šu ba-an...₃ ud gal ki bi₂-in-us₂ ...mah-a sa i-ni-in-sa₂... ...mar-ru₁₀ sa₂ bi₂-in-dug₄ su bi₂-ib-zi... šika... ... ... ...","She opened the house of battle She pushed the door of lapis She brought out supreme battle, she founded a great storm The woman levelled the (bow)string with the supreme arrow Holy Inanna clutched(?) the quiver The risen storm(wind) raised up devastation(?) A risen evil wind was ... potsherds" P346102,Old Babylonian,Literary," kug {d}inana-ka a-la-ni-gin₇ bi₂-in-du₃ hur-saŋ {d}ebih{ki}ke₄ im-ma-gub gu₃ mu-un-na-de₂-a hur-saŋ il₂-la-zu-še₃ sukud-da-zu-še₃ sag₉-ga-zu-še₃ sig₇-ga-zu-še₃ {tug₂}ba kug-ga mur₁₀-ra-zu-še₃ an-ne₂ šu si sa₂-zu-še₃ kiri₃ ki-zu nu-ub-teŋ₃-a-zu-še₃ sum₄ sahar-ra nu-mu-un-ra-ab-ur₃-ra-zu-še₃ mu-ug₅-ge-eš šag₄ sig₉-ga mu-un-sig₉-ga am-si-gin₇ si-za mi-ni-ib₂-dab₅-be₂ am gal-gin₇ a₂ gur₄-gur₄-ra-a-gin₇ ki mu-un-na-ši-ib₂-us₂ ...a₂ mah-zu-še₃ ba-e-šub hul gig mu-ri-ib₂-us₂ ...ra ba-ni-in-siŋar ...gud₃ im-ma-ni... ...ku-kur silim zid-de₃... a-a-ŋu₁₀ {d}mu-ul-lil₂ šag₄ kur-kur-ra-ke₄ ni₂ gal... a₂ zid-da-ŋu₁₀ {ŋeš}tukul mi-ni-in... a₂ gab₂-bu-ŋu₁₀ e ... mir {ŋeš}{gana₂}ŋušur zu₂ gal-gal-la e₂-gal mu-un-du₃ niŋ₂... {ŋeš}gu-za mi-ni-in-gub...mi-ni-in... kur-ŋar-ra ŋiri₂šum₂šum₂ pi-li-pi-li...šu kur-ra u₃-ma-ŋu₁₀ saŋ ba-an-šum₂ {d}ebih{ki} u₃-ma-ŋu₁₀ saŋ ba-an-šum₂ ...gin₇... a zig₃-ga-gin₇ e-bi ba-an-sur kur-re u₃-ma-ŋu₁₀ im-ma-an-gub {d}ebih{ki} u₃-ma-ŋu₁₀ im-ma-an-gub","Holy Inanna acted(?) as her pleasure She went/stood among the mountain range of Ebih and spoke to him Mountain range, on account of your raising, on account of your being high On account of your being beautiful, on account of your being verdant On account of your wearing the holy ba garment On account of your setting a hand straight away into heaven(?) On account of your not bringing your nose close to the ground(!?) On account of your not dragging your beard in the dust(!?) They(!?) killed (you?), and (one of them?) stripped(?) (you?) naked(!?) Like an elephant, one seized your tusks Like a great wild bull, like(!?) a thick horned one, ... touched the ground ... Like a bull? I cast down ... towards your massive horns, ... founded hatred for you(!?) ... filled your eyes with weeping(?) ... placed lamentation in your heart In is outskirts the bird of despair founded a nest A 2nd time she made a wish/rejoiced at the furious aura, she boasted faithfully My father Enlil has imposed my great aura in the lands He placed a weapon at my right arm (At?) my left arm I(?) ... on(?) a seal/tablet? (My) rage, a harrow with large teeth, tears apart the mountain ... built a palace and did surpassing things ... set up a throne there, I(?) will make its foundations firm(?) ... gave the knife and the dagger to the kurgara performer ... gave the šem and lilis drums to the lamentation priest ... “exchanged the head” of the pilpili functionary My triumph went against the mountain My triumph went against Ebih Like an overflowing flood, it brought/poured high water/irrigated the u land(?) Like a rising flood, it twisted (i.e. cleaned) the “immense cloth”(?) My triumph stood in the mountain My triumph stood (in) Ebih" P346103,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...di₄-la₂₃-de₃ ga-šub...pad₃-de₃₃...pad₃-de₇-e ... ...re₇{re}eš-am₃ lu₂ he₂-a-he₂ me-eš u₂ nu-gu₇ me-eš a nu-zu me-eš zid₂ dub-dub nu-gu₇ me-eš a bala-bala nu-naŋ me-eš ur₂ dam niŋ₂-dug₃-ge₄ tug₂ nu-sig₉-ge me-eš kadra niŋ₂-dug₃-ge₄ šu nu-gid₂-de₃ me-eš šum₂{sar}ma niŋ₂ ses-am₃ zu₂ nu-gu₇ me-eš lu₂ ku₆ nu-gu₇ me-eš lu₂ ga-raš{sar} nu-gu₇ me-eš lugal-la dumu adab{ki} min-am₃...un-ši-re₇{re}eš ...{ki}......la₂-a ...unug{ki}ga...am₃...{re}eš ... šeš-am₃...un-pad₃-de₃-a...ul-la₂-ta...igi mu-ni-in-duh₂ ...","I will drop into the tiny plants, no one should find my whereabouts I will drop into the large plants, no one should find my whereabouts I will drop(!?) among the dikes of Arali, no one should find my whereabouts ... Those who went towards the king, they were an admixture of people They were those who did not eat food, they did not know water They were those who did not eat heaped up flour They do not drink drawn/libated water They were those who are not tearing off clothes in the lap of the sweet spouse They were those who are not accepting good kadra presents They were those who did not chew garlic, that which is bitter They were those who did not eat fish They were those who did not eat leeks Citizens of Adab, two of them, went towards the king Citizens of Akšak (two of them, went towards the king?), (they were) urnim predator/Elamite dog(?) with crimson attached to their necks (splashed as/like blood)? Citizens of Uruk, two of them, went towards the king Who has seen a sister who will reveal the whereabouts of a brother? Come! We shall go to his friend" P346104,Old Babylonian,Literary,"ŋu₁₀ saŋ u₂-a he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra-an... {d}dumu-zid-de₃ saŋ u₂-a mu-ni-in-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-ne nu-mu-un-pad₃-de₃-eš saŋ u₂-a di₄-di₄-la₂ he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra... {d}dumu-zid-de₃ saŋ u₂-a di₄-di₄-la₂ mu-ni-in-kiŋ₂₃-de₃... saŋ u₂ he₂-en... {d}dumu-zid-de₃ saŋ u₂... eg₂ a-ra-li-ka... {d}dumu-zid-de₃... {d}dumu-zid-de₃... iri{ki}a nin₉-ŋu₁₀...... dumu nin₉-ŋu₁₀ sila-a... dumu gu₅-li sila... lu₂ ba-niŋin-ne... gu mu-un-na... gu zi-ip-pa-tum... {ŋeš}ma-nu mu lu₂ igi-na-ke₄... lu₂ murgu₂ na-ke₄ diš kuš₃-gin₇... šu-ni šu-du₈-a ba-e-dab₅ a₂-ni... ŋuruš-e {d}utu-ra an-še₃ šu-ni... {d}utu uru₈-ŋu₁₀ me-en mi₂-us₂-sa₂... e₂-an-na-še₃ u₂ gur₃-ru-ŋu₁₀... ...{ki}ga niŋ₂-mi₂-us₂-sa₂ ak... nundum kug-ga ne-e ub... dub₃ kug-ga dub₃ {d}inana-ke₄ e-ne... šu-ŋu₁₀ šu maš-da₃... ŋiri₃-ŋu₁₀ ŋiri₃ maš-da₃... bi-ri-la₂-a ri-a₂-ri-eš... {d}utu er₂-na kadra-gin₇ šu... lu₂ arhuš-a-gin₇ arhuš ba... šu-ni šu maš-da₃ u₃-mu... ŋiri₃-ni ŋiri₃ maš-da₃ u₃-mu... bi-ri-la₂-a ri-a₂-ri... galla-ne-ne ŋa₂-nam-ma-an-ze₂ši-re₇... {d}dumu-zid-de₃ bi-ri-la₂-a a₂-ri-eš mu-ni-in-dab₅-be₂-ne lu₂ ba-niŋin-ne-eš a-niŋin₂ ba-ni-in-duh... gu mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne sa mu-un-na-keš₂... gu zi-ip-pa-tum mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne {ŋeš}ma-nu mu-un-na-bur₂-re lu₂ igi-na-ke₄ niŋ₂ mu-un-rah₂-rah₂ lu₂ murgu₂...ke₄ diš kuš₃-gin₇ mu-un-bur₂-re šu-ni šu-du₈-a ba-e-dab₅ a₂-ni a₂-la₂-a ba... ...e {d}utu-ra an-še₃ šu-ni mu-na-an-zig₃ ...uru₈-ŋu₁₀ me-en mi₂-us₂-sa₂-ŋu₁₀ me-enše₃ u₂ gur₃-ru-ŋu₁₀ me-en ...{ki}ga niŋ₂ mi₂-us₂-sa₂...","If my friend dropped his head in the plants then no one can know his place Dumuzi! They were seeking his head in the plants, no one found him If he dropped his head in the tiny plants then no one can know his place Dumuzi! They were seeking his head in the tiny plants, no one found him If he dropped his head in the large plants then no one can know his place Dumuzi! They were seeking his head in the large plants, no one found him If he dropped (his) head in the dikes of Arali then no one can know his place Dumuzi! They were catching him in the dikes of Arali Dumuzi wept and made sobbing noises My sister sustained me in the city, my friend killed me in the city May my sister station (her) son in the street, and may he be kissed May (my) friend station (his) son in the street, and may he not be kissed They surrounded the man, they ... the reservoir They were braiding a cord for him, they were knotting a net for him They were braiding the zippatum cord for him They were “scratching""(?) sticks of manu wood for him The man before him was pelting him The man behind him was pulling him out (from his hiding place) as (if he was merely?) one cubit (tall?) His hands were seized in handcuffs, his arms were bound in manacles The young man raised his hands heavenward for Utu Utu, you are my brother in law, I am your in-law You are my food carrier to the Eanna temple I am the one who made a betrothal gift in Uruk I am the one who kissed the holy lips I am the one who played on the holy knees, the knees of Inanna After you have prepared my hands as the hands of a gazelle After you have prepared my feet as the feet of a gazelle I want to run for my life towards ... Utu accepted his tears as a kadra gift Like a compassionate person he ... mercy After he prepared his hands as the hands of a gazelle After he prepared his feet as the feet of a gazelle He ran for his life towards ... The galla demons were seeking him, no one was finding him Come, let us go to ... Dumuzi! They seized him at ... They encircled the man and ... the reservoir They were braiding a cord for him, they were knotting a net for him They were braiding the zippatum cord for him They were “scratching""(!?) sticks of manu wood for him The man before him was pelting him The man behind him was pulling him out (from his hiding place) as (if he was merely?) one cuibit (tall?) His hands were seized in handcuffs, his arms were bound in manacles The young man raised his hands heavenward for Utu Utu, you are my brother in law, I am your in-law You are my food carrier to the Eanna temple I am the one who made a betrothal gift in Uruk" P346105,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...e-ne im-ma-da-an... e₂ um-ma {d}be-li-li-kam zi ba... um-ma lu₂ na-me-en dam diŋir-ra... a ub-ta-bala a tukumbi naŋ zid₂ ub-ta-bala a tukumbi naŋ a ub-ta-bala zid₂ ub-ta-bala šag₄-bi-a bi₂-in-tuš um-ma e₂-ta bar-ra-e₃ um-ma e₃-da-ni galla-e-ne igi ba-ni-duh-a tukumbi ud-da u₄-ma ki {d}dumu-zid til₃-la nu-ub-zu ...a-na bar-bar-re ...a-na de₂-de₂₂-er e₂ um-ma {d}be-li-kam... ... ... ...","He slipped away from the demons It was the house of the old woman Belili that he ran for his life towards Old woman, I am not a human, I am the spouse of a god After water is poured, if (only?) water could be drunk(?) After flour is poured(!), if (only?) water could be drunk(!?) After water was poured, after flour was poured, she sat him down(?) there The old woman left the house, when the old woman left, The galla demons saw her(!?) If the old woman does not know where Dumuzi dwells What makes her look around with a frightened gaze? What makes her shout with a frightened voice? Come!(!?) We will go to the house of old woman Belili ... ... ..." P346106,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...tukumbi ga-gu₇ a ub-ta-an-bala zid₂ ub-ta-an-dub šag₄-bi-ta ba-e-tuš um-ma e₂-ta bar-ra-e₃ um-ma e₂-ta a-ni galla-e-ne... ... ... ...","After flour is poured(!), if (only?) I could eat flour After she poured the water and heaped the flour, he sat inside The old woman left the house When she left The galla demons saw her ... ... ... ... ..." P346110,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...la₂-še₃ {d}nin-lil... {d}dil-im₂-babbar₂-e ŋeštug₂-a-ni na-an-gub ur-saŋ me-en ŋa₂-e iri{ki}ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ŋen ŋa₂-e iri{ki}ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ŋen a-a-ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ši-du-en {d}suen me-en ŋa₂-e iri{ki}ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ŋen ŋa₂-e iri{ki}ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ŋen a-a-ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga-an-ši-du-en a-a-ŋu₁₀ {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ ga-an-ŋen ŋa₂-e iri{ki}ŋu₁₀-uš-še₃ ga... ... ... {d}... {ŋeš}eme... {d}nanna-ar... {ŋeš}e₂... {d}dil-im₂-babbar₂... {ŋeš}u₃-bi... {d}nanna-ar{d}suen... {ŋeš}u₃ ... {d}dil-im₂... ... ... a-a ugu... {d}kal-kal... ŋeš... a-a ugu... niŋ₂ ... {d}kal... niŋ₂... {d}kal... hul₂-la... ... ... urim₂... pu₂{ŋeš}kiri₆ lal₃ ŋeštin... urim₂{ki}še₃ ga-an... e₂-gal zi-šag₄-ŋal₂ mu-na-an... urim₂{ki}še₃ ga-an-ŋen lugal-ŋu₁₀ barag-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {d}nanna-ar{d}suen-e ud imin-e he₂-a-u₃-tud barag kug ama gal {d}nin-lil₂-la₂ en {d}dil-im₆-babbar₂-e...imin-e he₂-a-u₃-tud ...","Nanna-Suen made a resolution To that of Enlil, to that of Ninlil Dilimbabbar made a resolution I am a hero, I want to go to my city I want to go to my city, I want to go to my father I am Suen, I want to go to my city I want to go to my city, I want to go to my father I want to go to my father Enlil I want to go to my city (For) its miriza planking towards the forest/thicket of hašhur trees Dilimbabbar dispatched a man (For) its emesig planking(?) towards the kugnuna forest(?) Nanna-Suen dispatched a man (For) its cabin(?) towards the mountain of juniper resin Dilimbabbar dispatched a man (For) its u planking Nanna-Suen dispatched a man towards the forest of Ebla(?) (For) its ... to the forest of juniper resin Dilimbarbar dispatched a man His? birth father ... Kalkal ... ... His? birth father ... ... Kalkal ... ... Kalkal ... Rejoicing ... I want to go (back) to Ur He gave to him syrup and wine in the irrigated orchard I want to go (back) to Ur He gave to him life force (in) the palace I want to go (back) to Ur My king, on your throne, the one of Enlil Nanna-Suen! May he be born(?) in (a span of?) seven days (On your?) holy throne, the one of great mother Ninlil Lord Dilimbabbar! May he be born(?) in (a span of?) seven days" P346111,Old Babylonian,Literary," {ŋeš}al-e ki-ta tum-ma-am₃ šul idim an-na šeš banda₃{da} {d}nergal-ka ur-saŋ {d}gilgameš₃-e {ŋeš}al-e sa-par₄-am₃ dumu {d}nin-sumun₂-ka {ŋeš}ŋisal-e dub-saŋ-am₃ {ŋeš}al-lub id₂-da kingal-am₃ kan₄ agrun-na-ka {ŋeš}al-e sukkal-am₃ hul-ŋal₂ ud-nu₂-a dumu {ŋeš}al-me-eš ...dug₄-ga-ta an-ta u₃-tud-de₃ ...ti-ri₂-gu₇{mušen} diŋir-ra ...lub-am₃ ŋeš-gi ur-ra-am₃ ...ušumgal-am₃₃ ...{ŋeš}al-lu₅-hab₂-ba ...{ŋeš}ma-al-tum-ma ...{ŋeš}ma-a-a-al-tum{ki} ...{ŋeš}ar-ga-bi₂-lu₅ dug₃-ga-am₃ hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ mu-un-ŋal₂ ...{ŋeš}al-la-nu-um-ma ...{ŋeš}ar-ga-nu-um-ma ...{na₄}algamešₓ(|SAL.HUB₂|)... ...lum-ma {ŋeš}al lam-lam-ma₃ {ŋeš}al sa-par₄-am₃ ...u₃-šub-ba al saŋ ŋal₂-la-am₃ ...a₂ nam-ŋuruš-a-ka ...niŋ₂ iri{ki} du₃-du₃-de₃ ...du₃-e e₂ zid al...ŋa₂ ...šu daŋal-la-e-de₃-en bala-e gu₂ nu-ŋar-ra-am₃ gu₂ mu-un-na-ab-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...hul-ba saŋ-ba dub₂-dub₂-ba pa-ba mu-un-zi-re ...hirim{hu-ri₂-in-na} šu-še₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...nam tar-ra a-a...en-lil₂-kam {ŋeš}al-e mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}nisaba za₃-mi₂ ","The hoe is the one that exhumes the corpse(?) from the ground The youth, the important one(?) of heaven/An, he is the younger brother of Nergal Hero Gilgamesh, (for him?) the hoe is a sabar net He who is the son of Ninsumun, (for him?) the oar is first(?) The allub tool is the kingal official on/in the river At the door(?) of the agrun chamber/building, the hoe is the vizier Evildoers are children of the hoe during the waning moon(?) By means of/in(?) the regular day(?) they(!?) are being born apart from heaven(?) ... Towards the earth it is the allub tool, (in) the reedbed it is a dog In the thicket it is an ušumgal creature At the site of battle it is ... ax At the site of the fortification, it is an alluhab net(!?) At the place of the table, it is a bowl At the site of a chariot, it is a mayaltum wagon(!?) In the donkey stable, it is an argibil structure It is the hoe, its good name is present in(?) the mountain range The tree of the mountain range is the oak tree The aromatic of the mountain range is (of the) arganum tree The stone of the mountain range is algameš stone The hoe makes ... fructify, the hoe make ... flourish The hoe makes barley good(?), the hoe is (used with?) the sabar net The hoe is (used with?) the brick-mold, the hoe set the head (in it)(?) The hoe is the strength of youth The hoe and the earth-carrying basket are those that are to build the city The true temple is being built, the true temple is being established/maintained You are to broaden the fertile field(?) The field that is revolting against its master The field that does not submit to its master The hoe makes it submit to its master The smiter of the “evil rushes” It tears it out at its roots, it breaks(?) at its branches The hoe was setting the hirim grass at the hand The hoe, the wood(en implement) decreed a destiny by father Enlil Hoe, praise! Nisaba, praise!" P464127,Old Babylonian,Literary,"₃ ...šu bala-e-de₃ ...ta ed₃-de₃ ...saŋ na-an-ga-ma-an-šum₂ ...saŋ na-an-ga-ma-an-šum₂ ...saŋ mu₂-mu₂-de₃ ...bulug₂ nam-mi-in-ŋar ...un-ŋar ud al-e₃ ...un-du₃ nam {ŋeš}al-tar-re ...dupsik-e a₂ si ba-ab-sa₂-e ...{ŋeš}al-a-ni za₃-mi₂ ba-an-dug₄ ...a-ni kug-sig₁₇-ga saŋ-bi {na₄}za-gin₃-na {ŋeš}al sa la₂-a-ni kug-me-a kug-sig₁₇-ga {ŋeš}al-a-ni a₂ bulug₂-ba a₂-bi {na₄}za-gin₃-na-kam zu₂-bi gud-si-dili bad₃ gal ed₃-de₃-de₃ en-e {ŋeš}al mu-un-saŋ₅ nam am₃-mi-ni-ib₂-tar-re ki-in-du men kug saŋ-ŋa₂ mu-ni-in-ŋal₂ uzu e₃-a {ŋeš}al nam-mi-in-dun saŋ nam-lu₂-lu₇ u₃-šub-ba am₃-mi-ni-in-ŋar {d}en-lil₂-še₃ kalam-ma ki mu-ši-in-dar-re saŋ-gig₂-ga-ni-še₃ igi zid mu-ši-in-bar {d}a-nun-na mu-un-na-sug₂-sug₂-ge-eš šu-bi kiri₃-be₂ mu-un-ne-ŋal₂ {d}en-lil₂ a-ra-zu-am₃ mu-ni-in-huŋ-e-ne uŋ₃ saŋ-gig₂-ga-ni-še₃ {ŋeš}al mu-un-da-ab-be₂-e-ne nin en tu-da lugal tu-da {d}nin-men-na-ke₄ tud-tud al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ mas-su an-ki-a en {d}nu-nam-nir-ra saŋ zid saŋ kal-la mu-ni-ib-še₂₁-še₂₁-e-a saŋ-bi gu dili-am₃ mu-ni-e₃-de₃-e-a diŋir-re-e-ne-ra kurum₆ mu-un-dab₅-be₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ {ŋeš}al-a-ni za₃-mi₂ ba-an-dug₄ ki-sikil {d}nisaba eš-bar-re ba-an {ŋeš}al mul {ŋeš}al kug-ba šu mu-un-ne-ŋal₂ e₂-kur e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {ŋeš}al-e ŋar-ra-am₃ ud-de₃ al-du₃-e ŋi₆ al-mu₂-mu₂ nibru{ki} ki ŋar-ra ama₅ tum-ma-al{ki}am₃ tum-ma-al{ki} {gi}bisaŋ ninda ama {d}nin-lil₂-la₂-kam e₂-mi tum-ma-al{ki} ninda sa₂ dug₄-ga-ta ur-saŋ {d}nin-urta {d}en-lil₂-ra mu-un...kur₉-kur₉ maš₂ giggi nesaŋ en-na-ta kug {d}nin{i₃}isin₂{si}na {d}en-lil₂-ra mu-un-da-kur₉-kur₉ abzu igi piriŋ-ŋa₂ me al nu-di-de₃ abzu al-du₃-e eridu{ki} al-tar-ra ama diŋir-re-e-ne {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ ud-al-tar-ra-ni keš₃{ki} mu-un-da-an-til₃ {d}šul-pa-e₃ na-nam al-tar mu-un-da-an-gub eš₃ e₂-an-na {ŋeš}al-e kug-ga-am₃ {d}nin-e₂-an-na im-ma-al zid-de₃ {ŋeš}al du₆-du₆-dam {ŋeš}al {u₂}hirim-e-da ki zabalam{ki}e {ŋeš}al-e {d}inana-ke₄ {ŋeš}al nam mi-ni-in-tar-re sum₄ za-gin₃ e₃-a al-tar-ra-ni-a {d}utu mu-da-an-gub al-tar ka-tar-ra šul {d}utu-kam nin ŋeštug₂ daŋal-la {d}nisaba-kam unkin e₂-an-na-kam al-tar-re ba-an e₂-ha-mun na-nam al-tar mu-da-an-ŋal₂ lugal kid₄-da us₂-e ud zal-e ur-saŋ {d}nin-urta ki-bala-a al-tar-re ba-an-gub iri en-še₃ nu-še-ga šu-še₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ an-še₃ ud-da-am₃ šeg₁₀ al-gi₄-gi₄ ki-še₃ ušumgal-am₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {d}šara {d}en-lil₂-la₂ dub₃-ba nam-mi-in-ŋar niŋ₂ al dug₄-ga-ni mu-na-da-an-šum₂-mu-uš udug₂ {ŋeš}tukul ti zu mar-ru₁₀(TE) al am₃-ma-dug₄ {d}dumu-zid al-lum-lum-ma igi-na-ma-kam {d}gibil₆ {ŋeš}al-a-ni saŋ an-še₃ mi-ni-in-il₂ {ŋeš}al-e kug-ga-am₃ izi nam-mi-in-la₂ {d}a-nun-na al-hul₂-hul₂-le-ne e₂ {d}ŋeštin-an-na-kam {ŋeš}al-ŋar-sur₉-ra-am₃ ama {d}ŋeštin-an-na-kam {ŋeš}al-ŋar-sur₉ gu₃ dug₃-ga-ka en-e {ŋeš}al-a-ni gud-gin₇ murum ša₄ urugal₂{gal}...{ŋeš}al saŋ ki tum₂-ma-am₃ {ŋeš}...ta tum₂-ma-am₃ šul idim an-na šeš banda₃{da} {d}nergal-ka ur-saŋ {d}gilgameš₃ {ŋeš}al-e sa-par₄-am₃ dumu {d}nin-sumun₂-kam {ŋeš}ŋisal dub-saŋ-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}al id₂-da kingal bar-ra-am₃ dag agrun-na-kam {ŋeš}al-e sukkal-am₃ hul-ŋal₂ ud-nu₂-a dumu {ŋeš}al-e me-eš ud sa₂ dug₄-ga-ta an-ta u₃-tu me-eš an-še₃ al-ti-ri₂-gu₇{mušen} mušen diŋir-ra ki-še₃ {ŋeš}al-am₃ ŋeš-gi ur-ra tir-ra ušumgal-am₃ ki me₃-ka dur₁₀-al-lu₅-am₃ ki bad₃-ka {ŋeš}al-lu₅-hab₂-am₃ ki {ŋeš}banšur-ka ma-al-la-tum-am₃ ki {ŋeš}gigir-ka {ŋeš}ma-a-a-al-tum e₂ anše-ka {ŋeš}ar-gibil₂-am₃ {ŋeš}al-am₃ mu-bi dug₃-ga hur-saŋ mu-un-ŋal₂ ŋeš hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}al-la-nu-um-ma šim hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}ar-ga-nu-um-ma na₄ hur-saŋ-ŋa₂ {na₄}algamešₓ(|SAL.HUB₂|)-ma {ŋeš}al lum-lum-ma {ŋeš}al lam-lam-ma {ŋeš}al še dug₃-ga {ŋeš}al sa-par₃-am₃ {ŋeš}al {ŋeš}šub-ba {ŋeš}al saŋ ŋal₂-la {ŋeš}al a₂ nam-ŋuruš-a-kam {ŋeš}al {ŋeš}dupsik niŋ₂ iri du₃-du₃-dam e₂ zid al-du₃-e e₂ zid al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ šu daŋal-la gana₂ lugal-bi bala-e gana₂ lugal-bi gu₂ nu...am₃ {ŋeš}al lugal-bi gu₂ mu-un-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {u₂}numun₂-hul{u₂}numun₂-hul-ba saŋ dub₂-dub₂ ur₂-ba mu-un-bur₁₂-re pa-bi im-ze₂-ze₂-e {u₂}hirim{hi-ri₂-in-na} šu-še₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ŋeš nam tar-ra a-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {ŋeš}al-e za₃-mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}nisaba za₃-mi₂ ...ussu","The lord also made manifest an ancient thing The lord, in order to never change his decreed fate The lord, in order to bring out the seed of the land from the earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth In order to make heads grow in (the place where) flesh comes out He set the axis in place at the bond of heaven and earth The hoe! He put it in place(?) and sunlight came forth He created work assignments, (he was) decreeing fate He was setting in order the labor (of/for) the hoe and the earth-carrying basket Enlil praised his hoe His hoe was gold, its head was lapis His (properly) bound hoe was kumea and gold His hoe, at the side of its “chisel/needle""(?), its side is of lapis lazuli Its blade was a battering ram that is to bring down great fortifications The lord chose(?) the hoe, he was decreeing a fate (for it) He set the earth/a cone/a passage(?), the holy crown, on (its) head At (the place where) flesh comes out he dug (with?) the hoe He placed the head of humanity into the brick-mold Towards/on behalf of Enlil, his land was splitting its earth(?) He looked faithfully towards his black-headed people The Anuna served him Their hands were on their noses (in submission) They were pacifying Enlil with what was an arazu prayer On behalf of the black-headed people(?) they made a request “with him” The lady who gave birth(!?) to the lord and gave birth(!?) to the king Ninmena was establishing childbirth The leader of the universe, lord Nunamnir He was the one naming the “true head,” the “precious head” He brought out the head/the first, it was (on?) a single thread For the gods ... was acquiring(?) food rations Enki praised his (Enlil's) hoe Young lady Nisaba ... in the decision The hand was upon(?) the shining hoe, the pure hoe for ...(?) The hoe was the one establishing the Ekur temple, the temple of Enlil In the day it was building, (at?) night it was growing(?) Founded in(?) Nibru it is the women's quarters of Tummal Tummal, which is the food basket of mother Ninlil (Into) the Emi temple of Tummal with food of the regular offering(?) Hero Ninurta was entering for Enlil With a black kid and the nesag offering of the lord(?) Holy Ninisina was entering for Enlil The Abzu, with the face of a pirig creature, (whose) cosmic powers are not to be requested (The hoe) was building the Abzu, Eridu was the work assignment(?) The mother of the gods, Ninhursaga Made her Udaltar (a name of Šulpa'e/Jupiter) dwell with her (in) Keš It was indeed Šulpa'e, who served in the work assignment(?) with her In shrine Eanna, the hoe is pure/a purifier(?) NinEana, the true wild cow(!) The hoe is among the ruin heaps, the hoe is among the hirim weeds At the site of Zabalam, the hoe, the one of Inanna She(?) was determining a fate (for) the hoe(!?)/was making a work assignment(!?). The one wearing (lit. bringing out) a lapis beard Utu served in her work assignment The work assignment and praise/proverb(?) was of(?) the youth Utu The lady of broad wisdom, she who is Nisaba She made(!?) a work assignment(?) in the assembly of the Eanna temple(?) It is indeed the Ehamun temple (where) she had(?) a work assigment (for)(?) The ... king who is spending his time breaking up(!?) and trampling/following(?) (with the hoe?) Hero Ninurta, he served(?) in the work assignment in the rebel land(?) He was setting the city that was not obedient to its lord “at the hand” Heavenwards he is a storm, screaming Towards earth he is an ušumgal creature, ... Šara sat(?) on the knee of Enlil They(!) were able to give what he desired to him He had desired the udug/šita weapon, the tukul weapon, and barbed(?) arrows for the quiver Dumuzi is the one who makes flourish of the highland(!) Gibil raised the head of his hoe towards heaven The hoe, which was pure, suspended fire (there, i.e., acted like a torch) The Anunua were rejoicing In(!?) the temple of Geštinanna, the algarsur instrument is (there?) It belongs to mother Geštinanna, the algarsur instrument is “that of a good noise” The lord bellows at his hoe like a bull(?) It is the netherworld/grave, the hoe is the one that buries a person (lit. head) (there) The hoe is the one that exhumes the corpse(?) from the ground The youth, the important one(?) of heaven/An, he is the younger brother of Nergal Hero Gilgamesh, (for him?) the hoe is a sabar net He who is the son of Ninsumun, (for him?) the oar is first(?) The hoe is the outer(?) kingal official on/in the river At the door(?) of the agrun chamber, the hoe is the vizier Evildoers are children of the hoe during the waning moon(?) By means of/in(?) the regular day(?) they are born apart from heaven(?) Towards heaven the altirigu bird is the bird of a god Towards the earth it is the hoe, (in) the reedbed it is a dog, in the thicket it is an ušumgal creature At the site of battle it is a durallu ax At the site of the fortification, it is an alluhab net(?) At the place of the table, it is a bowl At the site of a chariot, it is a mayaltum wagon In the donkey stable, it is an argibil structure It is the hoe, its good name is present in the mountain range The tree of the mountain range is the oak tree The aromatic of the mountain range is (of the) arganum tree The stone of the mountain range is algameš stone The hoe makes ... fructify, the hoe make ... flourish The hoe makes barley good(?), the hoe is (used with?) the sabar net The hoe is (used with?) the brick-mold, the hoe set the head (in it)(?) The hoe is the strength of youth The hoe and the earth-carrying basket are those that are to build the city The true temple is being built, the true temple is being established/maintained It is the one that broadens it the fertile field The field that is revolting against its master The field that does not submit to its master The hoe makes it submit to its master The smiter of the evil rushes” It tears it out at its roots, it cuts off at(?) its branches The hoe was setting the hirim grass at the hand The hoe, the wood(en implement) decreed a destiny by father Enlil Hoe, praise! Nisaba, praise (Total:) 108? lines" P452212,Ur III,Administrative," ab-ba-kal-la dumu ur-mes","Abbakalla, son of Ur-mes." P454274,Ur III,Administrative," a₂-al-li-mu dumu nam-ha-ni","A’allium son of Namḫani." P454341,Ur III,Administrative," a-a-kal-la dub-sar dumu er₂-mu","Ayakala, scribe, son of Ašian." P454343,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-ša-lim dumu lugal...","Lu-salim, son of Lugal-... ." P454357,Ur III,Administrative," a-a-kal-la dumu ur-ab-ba","Šara-kam son of Ur-...: Atu your servant." P454367,Ur III,Administrative," a-a-nu-um","Šarrum-bani son of Dingir-azu, chief cattle manager of the king." P454369,Ur III,Administrative," ur-ab-zu dumu lugal-ušurₓ nu-banda₃ gu₄ {d}šara₂","Ur-abzu, son of Lugal-ušur, Oxen manager of Šara." P454488,Ur III,Administrative," a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar}","Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar." P454489,Ur III,Administrative," a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, cattle manager." P454654,Ur III,Administrative," al-ba-ni-du₁₁ dumu ur-nigar{gar}","Albanidu, son of Ur-nigar, gudu(-priest) of Zabala." P454658,Ur III,Administrative," al-la dub-sar dumu lu₂-iri-sag","Alla, scribe, son of Lu-irisag." P454686,Ur III,Administrative," an-na-he-gal₂ dumu ma₂-gur₈-re","Ana-ḫegal, son of Magure." P454766,Ur III,Administrative," bu-da-a dumu kal-li₂-zi","Pudaya, son of Kallizi." P454795,Ur III,Administrative," da-a-gi dub-sar ","Da’agi, the scribe." P454858,Ur III,Administrative," dan-u₂-pi aga₃-us₂ gal-gal lugal","Danuwe, greatest-soldier of the king." P454974,Ur III,Administrative," e₂-mah-ki-du₁₀ dub-sar dumu ur-sila-luh","Emaḫkidu scribe, son of Ur-silaluh." P454990,Ur III,Administrative," a-tu dub-sar dumu nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ gal₅-la₂-gal","Atu, the scribe, Son of Nigar-kidu, The police chief." P455257,Ur III,Administrative," igi-peš₂ dumu ur{d}iškur","Igipeš, son of Ur-Iškur." P455341,Ur III,Administrative," kal-la-mu ensi₂ aš₂-nun-na{ki}ka lu₂{d}suen dub-sar dumu e₂-ki-gal-la zu","Kalamu governor of Ešnunna: Lu-Suena, scribe, son of E-kigala, your servant." P455405,Ur III,Administrative," šu-i₃-li₂ dumu bil-ga kurušda","Šū-ilī, son of Bilga, the fattener." P455521,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu du₁₁-ga","Lu-duga, the scribe, son of Duga." P455527,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-ab-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Šū-kabta, general, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P455533,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba li-bur-an-ne₂{d}suen sukkal nam-dumu zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P455553,Ur III,Administrative," ba-ba dumu da-da","Baba, son of Dada." P455701,Old Babylonian,Administrative," lu₂-sa₆-ga dub-sar dumu ur-ge₆-par₄ gudu₄ {d}inana","Lāgamāl-gāmil, scribe, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Ṣābi’um." P455841,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂{d}nagar-pa-e₃ dumu ka-sa₆-ga ...","Lu-Nagarpa’e, son of Kasaga, ... ." P455868,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆","Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Lu-Baba." P455956,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂{d}suen dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","Ur-kununa, son of Aḫušu-nīšu." P455984,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-inim-gi-na","Lu-Šara, scribe, son of Lugal-inim-gina." P456123,Ur III,Administrative," lugal-e₂-mah-e dub-sar dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga","Nigba-saga," P456130,Ur III,Administrative," a-da-lal₃ bi₂-bi₂","Abbakalla, son of Ur-mes(?)." P456150,Unknown,Administrative," ṭa-bu-um ...i-šar-di₃-ni","Ṭâbum, son of Išar-dīnī." P456359,Ur III,Administrative," lugal-nir-gal₂ ma₂-gin₂ {d}šara₂","Lugal-nirgal, boat-builder, servant of Šara." P456405,Ur III,Administrative," lugal-ti-da dub-sar dumu giri₃-ni","Šara-kam: Šara-dan, son of Aḫu-bani, your servant." P456489,Ur III,Administrative," ma-me-tum dumu-munus lugal a-da-na-ah šabra zu","Mammētum, daughter of the king: Ātanah, chief administrator, (is) [your] servant." P456735,Ur III,Administrative," ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan ensi₂ si-mu-ru-um{ki} i-la-ak-šu-qir dumu a-lu-a šabra zu","Ṣilluš-Dagān, governor of Simurrum: Ilak-šūqir, son of Alu, the chief administrator, (is) your servant." P456769,Ur III,Administrative," ša₃-ku₃-ge dub-sar dumu lu₂-kal-la","Ša-kuge scribe, son of Lukalla" P456781,Ur III,Administrative," ša₃-nin-ga₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušurₓ","Ša-ninga, scribe, son of Lugal-ušur." P456905,Ur III,Administrative," šu-kab-ta₂ a-zu dumu na-ra-am-i₃-li₂ sukkal i₃-du₈ e₂-a-šar dub-sar zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P456960,Ur III,Administrative," šu{d}nin-isin₂{si} dub-sar dumu i₃...","Šū-Nin-Isin, scribe, son of Erra-bani." P457674,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}iškur dub-sar dumu nam-ha-ni","Ur-Ishkur, scribe, son of Namhani." P457721,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}lamma dub-sar dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆","Ur-Lamma, scribe, son (of) Ur-Baba." P457763,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ ur{d}da-mu zu","Ur-Lisi, governor: Ur-Damu, your servant." P457779,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-i₃-si-na dumu lugal-a₂-zi-da","Lu-Isina, son of Lugal-azida." P457789,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu da-da zu","Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Dada, your servant." P457829,Ur III,Administrative," geme₂{d}nin-gal dumu ba-gi-na","Geme-Ningal, son of Bagina." P458053,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}suen šagina unu{ki}ga u₃ {ki}ka ur{d}en-ki ab-ba iri zu","Ur-Suena, general of Uruk and Dēr: Ur-Enki, city elder, (is) your servant." P458063,Old Akkadian,Administrative," ad-da dub-sar","Adda, scribe." P458064,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušur₄","Ur-Šara, scribe, son of Lugal-ušur." P458130,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dumu ur{d}ištaran lu₂ udu niga","Ur-Šulpa’e, son of Ur-Ištaran, man of fat-sheep." P458282,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba da-num₂ dub-sar dumu... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458285,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-me-lam₂ dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458287,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂{d}iškur dub-sar sagi... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458288,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu-eš₁₈-dar dumu pu₃-u₂-du zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458289,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu{d}en-lil₂ dub-sar zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458293,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ di-ku₅ dumu lu₂-a₂-gal₂-la","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P458294,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šu-i₃-li₂-a dub-sar dumu i-tu-ri-a ensi₂ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458389,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen ki-ag₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal uri₅{ki}ma ... dumu lugal-me-lam₂ ensi₂ nibru{ki} zu","Šū-Suen, beloved of Enlil, king of the four corners: king of Ur: ... ... son of Lugal-melam, governor of Nippur, is your servant." P458401,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba na-wi-ir-dingir sukkal i₃-du₈ zu a-na-a lukur-a-ni","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nawir-ilim, courrier, doorman, your servant, Anaya, his lukur." P458404,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu{d}... dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šū-..., scribe, is your servant." P458406,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}... dub-sar dumu... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-..., scribe, son of ..., is your servant." P458410,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šulgi-ilī, scribe, is your servant." P458412,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna sukkal-mah dumu ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ sukkal-mah zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: ARAD-Nanna, sukkalmaḫ, son of Ur-Sulpa’e, sukkalmaḫ, is your servant." P458418,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen-ha-ma-ti","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Gududu, scribe, scribe, son of Dadaga governor of Umma, is your servant." P458425,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma e₂-a-ni-ša lukur ki-ag₂-a-ni lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar zu","Šulgi, mighty man, king of Ur: Ea-niša, his beloved lukur: Lu-Ninšubur, scribe, (is) your servant." P458506,Ur III,Administrative," e₂-a-ni-ša lukur ki-ag₂ lugal na-silim lu₂... dumu ur-eš₃-bar-ra zu","Ea-niša, beloved lukur of the king: Na-silim, ... son of Ur-ešbara, (is) your servant." P458516,Ur III,Administrative," i-tur₂-dingir ensi₂ babilim{ki} i-ṣur-dingir dub-sar dumu-ni","Itūr-ilum, governor of Babylon: Iṣṣur-ilum, scribe, (is) his son." P458570,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} ur-am₃-ma dub-sar dumu na-silim zu","Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Ur-amma, scribe, son of Nasilim, is your servant." P458581,Ur III,Royal Inscription," ur{d}namma nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma ha-aš₂-ha-me-er ensi₂ iš-ku-un{d}suen{ki} zu","Ur-Namma, the mighty man, king of Ur, Hašḫamer, the governor of Iškun-Sin, is your servant." P458617,Ur III,Administrative," {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant." P458628,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ga-eš₈ a-ab-ba-ka da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters his servant (this seal) presented." P458629,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ lu₂{d}šu{d}suen-ka sukkal dumu lugal-dur₂-gar-re sukkal da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters his servant (this seal) presented." P458630,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ ur-nigar{gar} dub-sar dumu... da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters scribe," P458632,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}nanna-zu dub-sar ... zu","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters scribe, is your servant." P458640,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-hu-ba-ni dub-sar","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe." P458641,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a₂-bi₂-lum-ma ša₃-tam zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458642,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ a₂-li₂-a₂ da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners his servant (this seal) presented." P458643,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a₂-ni-a₂ dumu ur-mes {lu₂}lunga zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458644,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba da-da šuš₃ dumu na-me sukkal zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458645,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba da-da-ga ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458646,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba di-in-i₃-li₂ dub-sar dumu a-li₂-ni-su₂ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458647,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba en-te-ni-iš sukkal nam-dumu-ka-ni","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P458648,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ dub-sar dumu ba-ba-ti ša₁₃-dub-ba zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458650,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga governor of Umma, is your servant." P458652,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ha-ma-ti lu₂ kas₄ dumu a-hu-ra-ni nu-banda₃ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458653,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba i-di₃-dingir dumu še-em-zi-egir-ha nu-banda₃ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458654,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba i-di-el dumu še-em-zi-egir-ha nu-banda₃ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458655,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ku₃{d}nanna dub-sar zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458656,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba li-bur{d}suen sukkal-mah zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458658,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-dingir-ra dumu lu₂{d}... dub-sar lugal zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458659,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-šubur zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458660,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, scribe, son of Lu-Baba, is your servant." P458661,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}šara₂ sukkal zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458663,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-dumu-gi₇ gudu₄-abzu {d}nanna dumu {d}nanna-i₃-zi zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458664,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-iti-da dub-sar dumu ur{d}dumu-zi-da zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458665,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba me{d}ištaran nin₉ ki-ag₂-ga₂-ni e₂-a-šar dub-sar zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, scribe, is your servant." P458666,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nam-zi-tar-ra dub-sar dumu a-hu-ni zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458668,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ta₂-ki-il-i₃-li-is₂-su₂ šagina dumu na-wi-ir-dingir sukkal i₃-du₈ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P458669,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba u₂-tul₂-e₂-a dub-sar dumu... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458670,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-e₂-ninnu dub-sar dumu ur...ku₃... lu₂...","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe," P458671,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-eš₂-dam dub-sar dumu...","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe," P458673,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ki... dub-sar dumu lu₂... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458674,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}ba-ba₆ dub-sar dumu en-ku-li zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458675,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu ur-sa₆-ga zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458676,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna-ki-ag₂ dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nanna zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458679,Ur III,Administrative," ...bi₂{d}suen ...kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nin-lil₂-ama-mu sukkal ša₃ e₂-ka nimgir-gal da-ni... in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P458681,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ lugal-a₂-zi-da ša₁₃-dub-ba lugal sanga {d}en-lil₂-la₂ da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners" P458682,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ sag{d}nanna-zu sukkal {d}en-lil₂ da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners his servant (this seal) presented." P458683,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ ur-nigar{gar} ša₁₃-dub-ba da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners his servant (this seal) presented." P458684,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba u₃-ma-ni dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P458686,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂{d}utu ra₂-gaba dumu... da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P458687,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šu{d}suen{d}suen-mi-gir{d}en-lil₂ šagina... dumu... da-ni in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P458708,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba be-li₂-a-ri-ik sagi ensi₂ šušin{ki} {d}šu{d}suen guruš-tur-ni","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Belī-arik, cupbearer, governor Ur-of Susa, Šu-Suen, his little man." P458712,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-amar-ku₃ dub-sar dumu lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re išib {d}nin-urta zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-amarku, scribe, son of Lugal-magure, priest of Ninurta, is your servant." P458713,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-me-me dumu nig₂-kal-la šandana {d}en-lil₂-la₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-meme, son of Nigdugani, š. of Enlil, is your servant." P458715,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-ba{d}en-lil₂-gin₇ dumu id-da-a dam-gar₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Aba-Enlilgin, son of Iddaya trade agent, is your servant." P458718,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-li₂-ni-su dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Alinisu, scribe, is your servant." P458721,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ba-ba-ra... dumu lu₂{d}... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Babara ..., son of Lu-..., is your servant." P458723,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Da-...-zitida, scribe, is your servant." P458725,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga is your servant." P458727,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ha-zi nu-banda₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ḫazi, nubanda, is your servant." P458729,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ib-ni{d}iškur dub-sar dumu {d}utu-ma-ba zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ibni-Adda, scribe, son of Utu-maba, is your servant." P458731,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ku-li ...il₂ ... ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Kuli, ...-il, ..., ... ." P458732,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-sa₆-i₃-zu dub-sar dumu... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of ..., is your servant." P458733,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nanna šagina zi-mu-dar{ki} zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Nanna, general of Zimudar, is your servant." P458734,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Lu-Baba, is your servant." P458736,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}suen dumu a₂... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Suen, son of A-..., is your servant." P458738,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu da-da-ga zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Šulgira, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant." P458740,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}utu dumu ur{d}{aš}ašgi{gi₄} ensi₂ adab{ki} zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Utu, son of Ur-Ašgi, governor of Adab, is your servant." P458741,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-geš-zi-da zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Lu-Ningešzida, is your servant." P458742,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-mah... dub-sar dumu na-sa₆-ga zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-maḫ-..., scribe, son of Nasaga, is your servant." P458745,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba me{d}ištaran nin₉ ki-ag₂-ga₂-ni {d}iškur-illat dumu a-bi₂-a zu dub-sar","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Me-Ištaran, his beloved sister, Adda-illat, child of Abiya, is your servant; scribe." P458746,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba na-silim dumu ur... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nasilim, son of Ur-..., is your servant." P458747,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nam-zi-tar-ra dumu ur{d}nanibgal ensi₂ nibru{ki}ka zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Namzitara, son of Ur-Nanibgal, governor of Nippur, is your servant." P458748,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nig₂-u₂-rum dub-sar dumu ur... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nig-urum, scribe, son of Ur-..., is your servant." P458754,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu-er₃-ra dub-sar dumu u₂-na-ab-še-en zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šū-Erra, scribe, son of Unabšen, is your servant." P458756,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ga₂-gi₄-a dub-sar dumu nam-ha-ni zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-gagia, scribe, son of Namhani, is your servant." P458758,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-mes dumu ur-sa₆-ga ensi₂ iri-sa₁₂-rig₇{ki} zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-mes, son of Ursaga, governor of Irisagrig, is your servant." P458762,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}nanše dub-sar dumu ur-e₂-babbar₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Nanše, scribe, son of Ur-Ebabbar, is your servant." P458763,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur{d}šara₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Šara, is your servant." P458765,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur{d}šara₂ ša₁₃-dub-ba-ka zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Šara, chief accountant, is your servant." P458769,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur₃-re-ba-ab-du₇ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušumgal zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ure-babdu, scribe, son of Lugal-ušumgal, is your servant." P458772,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ aga₃-us₂ gal dumu na-zi-da nu-banda₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šulgi-ilī, great-soldier, son of Nazida, nubanda, is your servant." P458773,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}utu-kalam-ma-na dumu... ... ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Utu-kalamana, son of ..., ... ... ." P458774,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba puzur₄{d}li₉-si₄ dub-sar dumu nu-uh₂-dingir zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Puzur-Lisi, scribe, son of Nuḫ-ilim, is your servant." P458775,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Ayakala, governor of Umma, his servant, he gifted {this seal)." P458780,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}šul-gi-ha-zi-ir šagina da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Šulgi-ḫazir, general, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P458781,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-da-lal₃ dumu ib-ni{d}iškur zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Adalal, son of Ibni-Adda, is your servant." P458782,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-hu-du₁₀ dumu nu-ur₂{d}suen zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Aḫu-ṭab, son of Nūr-Adda, is your servant." P458783,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-ti-da dub-sar zu",is your servant. P458785,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-e₂-an-na ... ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Eanna, ..., ... ." P458806,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-li₂-ni-su₂ dub-sar nu-banda₃ uš-bar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Alinisu, scribe, nubanda of the weavers, is your servant." P458807,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu-kab-ta₂ šagina da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Šū-kabta, general, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P458809,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-me-me šandana {d}en-lil₂-la₂ dumu nig₂-du₁₁-ga-ni šandana {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Urmeme, š. of Enlil, son of Nigdugani, š. of Enlil, is your servant." P458810,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba al... sukkal... zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Al-..., courrier ..., is your servant." P458811,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba bur-ma-ma dub-sar dumu... zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Burmama, scribe, son of ..., is your servant." P458812,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ku₃{d}nanna dumu lu₂-bala-sa₆-ga šuš₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ku-Nanna, son of Lu-balasaga, chief cattle manager, is your servant." P458813,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-a-da... dub-sar dumu... zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Lu-ada-..., scribe, son of ..., is your servant." P458815,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-dingir-ra dumu ur{geš}gigir nu-banda₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Lu-dingira, son of Ur-gigir, nubanda, is your servant." P458818,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-dub-la₂-mah aga₃-us₂ lugal dumu ... zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ur-dublamaḫ, great-soldier, son of ARAD-..., is your servant." P458822,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šara₂-a-mu engar dub-sar dumu... ...","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Šara-amu, plowman, scribe, son of ..., ... ." P458823,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Šulgi-ilī, scribe, is your servant." P458825,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ ba-ba-ti ša₁₃-dub-ba ša₃-tam lugal šagina maš-gan₂ šar-um{ki}ma ensi₂ a-ba-al{ki} šabra ku₃-gal ma-da a-du₁₁-ga šabra {d}be-al-at-suh-ner u₃ {d}be-al-at-te-ra-ba-an šeš a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti ama ki-ag₂-ga₂-ni da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Babati, chief accountant, royal official, general of Mašgan-šarruma, governor of Awal, household manager, ..., in the land irrigation manager, chief temple manager of Belat-suḫner, and Belat-teraban, brother of Abī-simtī, his (Šū-Suen’s) beloved mother, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P458830,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-ku₃-zu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃ zu","Šū-Suen strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager, is your servant." P458835,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba uri₅{ki}ki-du₁₀ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-kidu, is your servant." P458867,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri ur{d}nanibgal ensi₂ nibru{ki} dumu lugal-engar-du₁₀ ensi₂ nibru{ki}ka zu","Šulgi, mighty man, king of Ur, king of the lands of Sumer and Akkad. Ur-Nanibgal, governor of Nippur, son of Lugal-engardu, governor of Nippur, (is) your servant." P464303,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba tu-ra-am{d}da-gan šu-i zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Tūram-Dagan, barber, is your servant." P464346,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šara₂-kam dub-sar {d}šul-gi-mu-dah zu","Šara-kam, scribe: Šulgi-mudaḫ, your servant." P465344,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba wa-qar-tum nin₉-a-ni","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Waqartum, his sister." P465347,Ur III,Administrative," {d}er₃-ra-qu₂-ra-ad dumu {d}er₃-ra-ba-ni {d}lugal-gu₂-du₈-a{ki}", P465349,Ur III,Administrative," {d}nin-tu ša-i₃-li₂-šu", P474685,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}na-ru₂... dub-sar dumu he-sa₆ zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Lu-Nurua, scribe, son of Ḫesa, is your servant." P478281,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba inim{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu ba-sa₆-ga zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Inimšara scribe son of Bašaga is your servant." P478288,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}nin...da dumu sa₆-ga","Ur-ningešzida son of Saga." P478289,Ur III,Administrative," še-le-bu-um dumu ur{geš}gigir","Šēlebum, son of Ur-gigir." P478296,Ur III,Administrative," ur-sukkal dub-sar dumu ur{d}dumu-zi-da","Ur-sukkal, scribe, son of Ur-dumuzida." P478301,Ur III,Administrative," nam-ha-ni dub-sar dumu ur{d}na-ru₂-a","Namḫani, scribe, son of Ur-narua." P512091,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba dingir-ba-ni nu-banda₃ dumu i₃-li₂ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ilum-bani, the overseer, son of Ilī-ukīn is your servant." P512123,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba ir₃-ra-dan dub-sar dumu ar-ši-ah zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P516918,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}ma-ma dumu ha-ba-lu₅-ge₂ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P516919,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-a₂-zi-da dub-sar dumu ur... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P516920,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ab-ba dub-sar dumu ad-da-kal-la nu-banda₃... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P516921,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba ... dub-sar dumu ku₃{d}nin-gal zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: ..., scribe, son of Ku-Ningal, is your servant." P516995,Ur III,Administrative," šu{d}kab-ta₂ a-zu a-a-kal-la simug zu","Šu-Kabta Ayakalla smith, your servant." P382201,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 3(geš₂) 3(u) guruš ...guruš u₄ du₈-a-bi 2(u) 1(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da i₇ pa₂-ri₂-ik-tum-ma a-ša₃ dal-ba-na kun zu-de₃ ba-gi₄ ki ku-li-ta ba-zi ... ...us₂-sa...ti...","14 workmen for 15 days its labor: 210 worker(days); its labor of workmen, free days: 21 days; to the reservoir of the transversal canal the area(s) between the (canal) outlets to explore, sent back; out of Kuli(’s account) booked; ..., year after: “...”." P382202,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu-nita₂ kur-ra ba-uš₂ ki ur-ru-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti dal mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ba-hul lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","1 mountain ram, slaughtered, from Urru, under seal of Lukalla; month: “Flight,” year: “Šašrum for the second time was destroyed.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e’e, chief livestock manager." P382203,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) u₈ 1(diš) ud₅ ri-ri-ga-am₃ ki giri₃-ni-i₃-dab₅-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","2 ewes, 1 nanny, fallen; from Girini-idab, under seal of Lukalla; month: “pa’ue,” year: “En-unu-gal of Inanna was hired.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e’e, chief livestock manager." P382204,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ la-ni-mu","4 rams, 1 male lamb, Lanimu." P382206,Ur III,Royal Inscription," e₂-tum zi-ga ki na-sa₆ iti ezem-mah mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma na-ra-am-i₃-li₂ sukkal i₃-du₈ zu","“House:” “booked-outs” of Nasa; month: “ezem-mah,” year: “Ḫarši and Kimaš were destroyed.” Šulgi, strong man, king of Ur, Naram-ilī, messenger and gate-keeper, is your servant." P416401,Ur III,Administrative," 1(eše₃) geš-ur₃... 1(geš₂) guruš al 5(diš) sar-ta lu₂{d}utu engar 1(eše₃) geš ur₃-ra 1(geš₂) guruš al 5(diš) sar-ta nimgir-he₂-du₇ engar 1(eše₃) geš ur₃-ra 1(geš₂) guruš al 5(diš) sar-ta engar-zi engar 1(eše₃) geš ur₃-ra 1(geš₂) guruš al 5(diš) sar-ta {d}šara₂-mu...engar 1(eše₃) geš ur₃-ra 1(geš₂) guruš al 5(diš) sar-ta ba-la engar a-ša₃ me-en-kar₂ gurum₂ u₄ 6(diš)-kam iti šu-numun mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","1 eše3 land for harrowing, 60 workers each hoeing 5 sar, Lu-Utu, the plot manager; 1 eše3 land for harrowing, 60 workers each hoeing 5 sar Nimgir-ḫedu, the plot manager; 1 eše3 land for harrowing, 60 workers each hoeing 5 sar, Engar-zi, the plot manager; 1 eše3 land for harrowing, 60 workers each hoeing 5 sar, Šara-mutum, the plot manager; 1 eše3 land for harrowing, 60 workers each hoeing 5 sar, Bala the plot manager; field “Menkar;” inspection on the 6th day; month: “Sowing,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P416411,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-šitim-gub-ba e₂-šu-tum-ka gub-ba ugula kišib₃ lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ mu en ga-eš{ki} ba-hun lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","51 1/2 laborer workdays, at Ešitimgubba, storehouse stationed; foreman: ARAD; under seal of Lu-Ḫaya; year: “The high-priestess of Ga’eš was hired.” Lu-Ḫaya, scribe, son of Ur-e’e, chief livestock manager." P416426,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ a-bar-ra-ka {u₂}numun₂ ziₓ(IGI@g)-a u₃ a-e gu₇-a ki-gam-ma-ka-še₃ ga₆-ga₂ ...ur{d}šara₂ mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ ur{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la","16 laborers for 3 days, in HIabaraka, rushes uprooted, and, eaten by water, to Kigamaka carried; foreman: ...-la; under seal of Ur-Šara year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Ur-Šara, scribe, son of Šeškalla." P416398,Ur III,Administrative," e a-ša₃ la₂-tur-ta 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 6(diš) nindan gid₂ nu-tuku 3(diš) nindan gid₂ 2/3(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 2(diš) sar-am₃ 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 1(u) sar 1(u) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 1(u) sar 1(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 4(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 3(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 3(diš) sar 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sar ...nindan gid₂ 1(diš) sar... ...6(diš) sar 1(u) 6(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta sahar... 1(u) 4(diš) nindan 1/3(diš) sar-ta sahar-bi 4(diš) 2/3(diš) sar šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 3(u) 9(diš) 5/6(diš) sar sahar kin e ra-a e sa-dur₂-ra igi e₂-mah mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ 4(u) 8(diš) 3(u)","A dike from the field Latur: 1 1/2 ninda long at one (volume) sar per (ninda), its soil: 1 1/2 sar; 6 ninda long without (work to be done); 3 ninda long at 2/3 sar per (ninda), its soil: 2 sar; 20 ninda long at 1/2 sar per (ninda), its soil: 10 sar; 10 ninda long at 1 sar per (ninda), its soil: 10 sar; 97 ninda long at 1/2 sar per (ninda), its soil: 48 1/2 sar; 3 ninda long at 1 sar per (ninda), its soil: 3 sar; 20 ninda long at 1/3 sar per (ninda), its soil: 6 2/3 sar; 15 ninda long at 1/2 sar per (ninda), its soil: 7 1/2 sar; 6 ninda long at 1 sar per (ninda), its soil: 6 sar; 16 ninda long at 1/2 sar per (ninda), its soil: ; 14 ninda long at 1/3 sar per (ninda), its soil: 4 2/3 sar; total: 99 5/6 sar soil; work “striking” the dike, the dike at the end of the field facing Emaḫ; year: “The en-priest of Inanna in Uruk was chosen by means of a goat;” 48.30" P416405,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(aš) še gur kišib₃ ba-a-a šabra 2(u) še gur kišib₃ {d}šul-gi-a-ti kišib₃ ba ki ta kišib₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-da-gan ba-du₃ ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} ... ...","15 gur of barley, under seal of Baya, the majordomo; 20 gur of barley, under seal of Šulgi-ati, seals taken (?); from ARAD; under seal of Lu-girizal; month: “Lisi,” year after: “Puzriš-Dagan was erected.” Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lu-girizal ... ." P416403,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) še-ba za₃-mu e₂-kikken-ta ad-da-mu {geš}kiri₆ šu ba-ti ki lugal-ukken-ne₂ iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu ki-maš{ki}...hul ","2 barig, barley ration of the new year, from the milling house, Addamu, the gardener, received at the place of Lugal-ukkene; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P416424,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še-ba gur lugal ur-nigar{gar} 1(barig) 3(ban₂) he₂-eb-bu-e 1(barig) 3(ban₂) {d}šara₂-kam 1(barig) 3(ban₂) šu-eš₁₈-dar ...3(ban₂) lu₂-giri₁₇-zal ...3(ban₂) e₂-ki ... ...ša₃-gu₂-bi 1(barig) 3(ban₂) dingir-an-dul₃ 1(barig) 3(ban₂) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1(barig) 3(ban₂) a-kal-la min 1(barig) 3(ban₂) lu₂-zi-mu 1(barig) 3(ban₂) a-kal-la šuniŋin 3(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur še-ba za₃-mu ugula lu₂{d}utu a-ša₃ ka-ma-ri₂{ki}ta ša₃ še ur₅-ra-ka kišib₃ e₂-ki iti min-eš₃ mu {d}amar{d}suen ur-lum{ki} mu-hul","1 barig 3 ban2, barley ration, royal (measure): Ur-nigar, 1 barig 3 ban2: Hebu’e, 1 barig 3 ban2: Šarakam, 1 barig 3 ban2: Šu-ešdar, 1 barig 3 ban2: Lu-girizal, 1 barig 3 ban2: Eki, 1 barig 3 ban2: ..., 1 barig 3 ban2: Šagubi, 1 barig 3 ban2: Dingir-andul, 1 barig 3 ban2: Ur-Šulpa’e, 1 barig 3 ban2: Akalla, second(?), 1 barig 3 ban2: Luzimu, 1 barig 3 ban2: Akalla; total: 3 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 of barley, barley rations of the new year; foreman: Lu-Utu, from the field Kamari; part of the barley loan; under seal of Eki; month: “min-eš,” year: “Amar-Sin destroyed Urbilum.”" P416427,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃...1(barig) 2(diš) sila₃ dabin lugal-ur₂-ra-ni ...ur{geš}gigir dumu a₂-a-si-lu 3(diš) sila₃ ur{d}ištaran 3(diš) sila₃ lugal-a₂-zi-da dumu {d}ab-u₂-ru 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu a-da-lal₃ šuniŋin 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gu₂-na gur sila-a gal₂ ki i₃-kal-la-ta kišib₃ lugal-ur₂-ra-ni mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","Repaid arrears: 1 barig 2 sila3 of dabin-flour: Lugal-urani; 1 barig 3 sila3: Ur-gigir, son of E’asilu; 3 sila3: Ur-Ištaran; 3 sila3: Lugal-azida, son of Abu-ru(?); 3 1/2 sila3: Lu-Šara, son of Adalal; total: 2 barig 1 ban2 4 1/2 sila3 of flour, taxes “being on the street”; from Ikalla, under seal of Lugal-urani; year: “The boat of Enki was caulked;”" P416442,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 2(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na uruda ki-la₂ {uruda}gur₁₀ sumun 1(geš₂) 5(u) 4(diš)-kam ki ku-li-ta 1/2(diš) ma-na uruda ki-la₂ {uruda}gur₁₀ sumun 4(diš)-kam ki lu₂-gi-na-ta 3(diš) ma-na uruda ki-la₂ {uruda}gur₁₀ sumun 2(u)-kam ...lu₅-ta ...gin₂ uruda ...sumun 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ki...idim-ta e₂-kišib₃-ba-še₃ ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","12 1/3 minas of copper, weight of 114 old sickles, from Kuli; 1/2 mina of copper, weight of 4 old sickles, from Lugina; 3 minas of copper, weight of 20 old sickles, from ...-lu; n shekels of copper, weight of 14 old sickles, from ...-idim; to the warehouse brought; year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P416400,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) 1(diš) ul uruda la₂-ia₃ 1(u) 9(diš) ul uruda 2(geš₂) 3(diš) gag uruda kuš a₂-la₂ ur{d}namma kin ba kuš se-ge₄-de₃ a-kal-la ašgab šu ba-ti giri₃ ka-guru₇ iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu ku₃ gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","71 copper rosettes, arrears (being) 19 copper rosettes; 123 copper pegs, (for) the ala-drum of Ur-Namma, job taken, leather to be applied; Akalla, the leather worker, received; via ARAD, the chief granary officer; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “The silver throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P416446,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-me zi-ga ša₃-tam-ne u₃ dub me-dur... pisan-bi-še₃ hal-ha i₃... mu en...unu{ki}...","Basket-of-tablets: tablets(?), “credits” of the šatam(-officials), and tablets(?) ... to the baskets apportioned, are here; year: “Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed.”" P416399,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-bala-a nu-ur₂{d}iškur-ka šu i₃-ib₂-ba ...kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","(To) Lu-balaya: Nur-Iškur has been released. Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief livestock administrator." P416402,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu 2(diš) maš₂ lu₂-banda₃{da} dub-sar","3 sheep, 2 goats: Lu-banda, the scribe." P416414,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) la₂-ia₃ {d}lugal-banda₃{da} 2(diš) ha-da 2(diš) ur-gal-še₃ 1(diš) du₁₀-ga 1(diš) ur-gu₂-de₃-na","1 as arrears of Lugal-banda, 2 of Ḫada, 2 of Ur-galše, 1 of Duga, 1 of Ur-gudena." P416468,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš)... 1(diš) amar... en{d}... 1(diš) šeg₉... šu-eš₁₈... 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-nir-gal₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ u₄ 2(u)-kam ...","2 ..., 1 calf ..., of En-dingirmu; 1 deer ..., of Šu-ešdar; 1 lamb, of Lugal-nirgal; delivery; month: “ki-siki-of-Ninazu,” “The high-priestess of Nanna by means of extispicy was chosen;” 20th day, ... ." P416408,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u) 2(diš) ab₂ 6(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) u₈ 2(u) 5(diš) udu 1(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) ud₅ 2(u) 5(diš) maš-da₃ sila-ta e₃-e₃-de₃ kišib₃ lu₂ didli-ne ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","42 cows, 372 ewes, 25 sheep, 111 female goats, 25 gazelles, from the “street” to be sent out; under seal of various men, Ur-nigar received; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “The en-priestess of Nanna by means of extispicy was chosen.”" P416412,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu iti-ta u₄ 2(u) 1(diš) ba-ra-zal 1(diš) udu iti-ta u₄ 2(u) 2(diš) ba-ra... 2(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(diš) udu iti-ta u₄ 2(u) 3(diš) ba-ra-zal ki aš-ne₂-u₁₈-ta be-li₂-a-ri₂-ik šu ba-ti iti a₂-ki-ti mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","1 sheep of the month day 21 elapsed; 1 sheep of the month day 22 elapsed; 2 bucks, barley-fed, 2 sheep, of the month day 23 elapsed; from Ašne’u Belī-arik received; month: “Akitu,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna by means of extispicy was chosen.”" P416455,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ {d}lamma-mu 2(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 6(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂ šar-ru-um-ba-ni nu-banda₃ 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ gir₂-su... 2(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam","3 sheep, barley-fed, 1 lamb, of Lamma-mu; 2 oxen, 16 sheep, 3 bucks, 1 goat, of Šarrum-bani the overseer; 1 lamb of the governor of Girsu; 2 lambs of the governor of Nippur; delivery; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna by means of extispicy was chosen.” 23rd day." P416458,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gu₄ 3(diš) ab₂ 6(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ 4(diš) dusu₂ munus šu-gi₄ ki šu{d}idim-ta mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ba-hul","4 oxen, 3 cows, 6 male equids, 4 female equids, old, from Šu-Idim, delivery; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Simurum and Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P416406,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 8(aš) gun₂ 2(u) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na siki-gi ki na-ra-am-i₃-li₂-ta mu-kuₓ(DU) {d}šul-gi-mi-šar šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","58 talents 23 1/3 minas of yellowish wool from Naram-ilī, delivery; Šulgi-mišar received; month: “Harvest,” year: “Amar-Sin, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P416438,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ niga 6(diš) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa 1(u) 1(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) maš₂ 2(diš) amar maš-da₃ ensi₂ umma{ki} mu-kuₓ(DU) a₂-ki-ti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ka... 2(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) sila₄ nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ ...udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂... ... ...gu₇ ...us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul u₄...","2 oxen, barley-fed, 6 sheep, barley-fed, “following oxen,” 11 sheep, 1 lamb, 1 kid, 2 gazelle fawns, of the governor in Umma, delivery for the Akitu in the (month) “Harvest” ...; 2 bucks, 1 lamb, of Nigar-kidu n sheep, barley-fed, 1 lamb, of the governor of Apiak; ... ... ... month: “Gazelle feast,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed;” nth day." P416417,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂-gal giri₃ ba-ni... 1(diš) maš₂ a-hu-ba-qar 1(diš) udu inim-ma-ni-zi dam a-da-la₂-a 2(diš) udu ki{d}utu ša₃... giri₃ ur-tum-al iti ezem-mah 2(u) 7(diš) udu ki na-ah-šum... 1(diš) sila₄ ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) giri₃ nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ šuruppak... iti ezem-an-na 1(diš) udu giri₃ inim{d}lu₂... 2(diš) giri₃ ba-ir iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu en mah gal 2(diš) mu... giri₃ a-da-lal₃ iti ses-da... mu en-unu₆-gal 7(diš)₂{d}suen 1(diš) udu... iti šu-eš₅-ša 5(diš) maš₂ i-zi... iti ezem-mah mu gu-za 1(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ giri₃ iti ezem-me-ki mu ur-bi₂-lum... 6(diš) udu ba-ni ezem-an-na ezem-an-na 3(diš) maš₂ igi-gun₃ iti... mu en-mah-gal 1(diš) udu la₂-ia₃ zi-qur₂-i₃-li₂ 1(diš) maš₂ giri₃ ha-ge 1(u) 5(diš) udu ša₃ uri₅{ki}... 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu giri₃... e₂... iti ezem... 8(diš) udu... 8(diš) udu... 1(diš) udu... 1(diš) udu... 4(diš) udu ki... 6(diš) udu a-lum iti ezem-mah ...2(u) udu lu₂... ezem-an-na 2(diš) udu eb-lu...₂ mu... 1(u) 7(diš) a-da-lal₃ 4(diš) udu giri₃... 3(diš) udu iti... mu...{d}nanna... 1(diš) sila₄ ge₆ 2(diš) sila₄ didli... 2(diš) udu a-da...da-ti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna","1 buck via Bani-..., 1 goat of Ahu-waqar, 1 sheep of Inimanizi spouse(?) of Adalaya, 2 sheep in the place of Utu in ..., via Ur-Tummal, month “Grand Festival;” 27 sheep with Naḫšumbala, 1 lamb in the delivery ..., via Nur-ili from Šuruppak, month “Festival of An”; 1 sheep via Inim- ..., 2 sheep via Ba’ir, month “Mekigal Festival” year: “Enmaḫgal”; 2 sheep of ..., via Adalal, month “Piglet feast,” year: “En-unugal”; 7 sheep with Nur-Suen, 1 sheep ..., the month “Šueša,” 5 goats ..., month “Grand Festival,” year: “Throne”; 1 sheep (and) 1 goat via ARAD, month “Mekigal Festival,” year: “Urbilum”; 6 sheep of Bani, (month) “Festival of An”; 3 spottled goats, month “...,” year: “Enmaḫgal”; 1 sheep, arrears of Ziqur-ilī, 1 goat, via Ḫage(?), 15 sheep within Ur ..., 39 sheep via ..., house ..., month: “Festival of ...”; 8 sheep ..., 8 sheep ..., 1 sheep ..., 1 sheep ..., 4 sheep with ..., 6 long-fleeced sheep, month: “Grand Festival;” n 20 sheep ..., (month) “Festival of An”; 2 sheep of Eblu-..., month “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “...”; 17 sheep of Adalal, 4 sheep via ..., 3 sheep, month “...,” year: “...”; 1 black lamb, 2 various lambs, ..., 2 sheep of Ada-..., month “Festival of An,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna.”" P416470,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ gir₂-su{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ id-ni-in{d}suen u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam","1 lamb, of the governor of Girsu; 1 lamb, of Idnin-Suen; 25th day." P416483,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš)","1 lamb, 29th day, from Abba-saga, Nalu accepted. month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1." P416474,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃... i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 2(diš)","2 lambs 23rd day, from Abbasaga, Inta’e’a accepted; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 2." P416452,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 3(diš) udu šu-gid₂ 1(u) 1(diš) u₈ šu-gid₂ ...sila₄ gaba lugal 4(diš) maš₂ šu-gid₂ e₂-u₄-1(u)-5(diš) iti u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) ba-zal ki na-lu₅... na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ba-hul","33 šugid-sheep, 11 šugid-ewes n semi-weaned lamb(s) of the royal (grade), 4 bucks, for “House Day 15”; of the month day 12 elapsed, from Nalu, Nasa accepted. month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Simurum and Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P416463,Ur III,Administrative," 7(diš) gu₄ niga sag gu₄ 1(u) gu₄ niga... siskur₂ gar u₃ eš₃-eš₃ e₂-u₄-1(u)-5(diš) ...u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) ba-zal ...šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","7 oxen, barley-fed, top grade, 10 oxen, barley-fed, ..., siskur-offerings of “NENEgar” and ešeš-celebration, “House Day 15;” of the month day 12 elapsed, from Šulgi-ayamu, Nasa accepted. month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Simurum and Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P416480,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) udu niga u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul 8(diš)","8 sheep, barley-fed, 19th day, from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed;” (total:) 8." P416436,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 6(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) gu₄ geš-du₃ niga 3(diš) ab₂ niga 1(u) 5(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ 4(u) 5(diš) udu niga 2(geš₂) udu a-lum 7(geš₂) udu 1(geš₂) sila₄ ...de₂-a nu-ni-da ...sila₄ zi-qur₂-i₃-li₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂š{ki}...hul u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam","56 oxen, barley-fed, 1 breeding bull, barley-fed, 3 cows, barley-fed, 15 sheep, barley-fed, of good quality, 45 sheep, barley-fed, 120 long-fleeced sheep, 420 sheep, 60 lambs, “beer-pouring” of Nunida; n lambs, Ziqur-ilī; delivery, Nasa accepted. month: “Mekigal Festival,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed;” 25th day." P416451,Ur III,Administrative," ...dusu₂ nita₂ amar ga 1(diš) dusu₂ munus amar ga u₃-tu-da giri₃ bu₃-lu₅-lu₅ mu-kuₓ(DU) na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅₅-ti{ki} u₃ ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","n suckling male equids, 1 suckling female equid, newborns; via Bululu, delivery, Nasa accepted. year: “Ḫurti and Ḫarši were destroyed.”" P416423,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₄ ga 1(diš) kir₁₁ ga u₃-tu-da u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 4(diš)","3 suckling lambs, 1 suckling ewe lamb, newborns; 11th day; Šulgi-ayamu accepted; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “King Amar-Sin Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 4." P416472,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₄ ga 1(diš) kir₁₁ ga u₃-tu-da u₄ 7(diš)-kam ša₃ na-gab₂-tum-ma lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin... mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 4(diš)","3 suckling lambs, 1 suckling female lamb, newborns; the 7th day inside the Fattening House Lu-dingira accepted; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 4." P416421,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar gu₄ ga 1(u) 5(diš) sila₄ ga 7(diš) kir₁₁ ga 8(diš) maš₂ ga u₃-tu-da ša₃ na-gab₂-tum-ma u₄ 7(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(diš) gu₄ 3(u) udu","1 suckling bull calf, 15 suckling male lambs, 7 suckling female lambs, 8 suckling kids, newborns; inside the Fattening House, the 7th day Šulgi-ayamu accepted; month: “Harvest,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, the high-priestess of Nanna, was hired;” (total:) 1 ox, 30 small cattle." P416464,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 2(diš)... 1(u) 1(diš)... 5(diš) maš₂ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃... iti... ...","22 ..., 11 ..., 5 kids, the 9th day, from Abbasaga, Inta’e’a accepted; month: “..,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, the high-priestess of Nanna, was hired;” (total:) 38." P416433,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ la-gi-ip 1(diš) maš₂ bur-ma-ma 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) sila₄ dingir-ba-ni 1(diš) sila₄ šu-ri-im-ku 1(diš) sila₄ im-me-er 1(diš) maš₂ e₂-a-ma-lik 1(diš) maš₂ tu-da-ri 1(diš) sila₄ er₃-re-šum 1(diš) maš₂ a₂-bi₂-li₂ ... ... 1(diš) sila₄ še-le-bu-um 1(diš) sila₄ da-da u₃-kul 1(diš) sila₄ a-bu-za 1(diš) sila₄ ṣe-li{d}šul-gi 2(diš) sila₄ hu-un-nu-um šuš₃ 2(diš) sila₄ lugal-me-lam₂ ensi₂ nibru{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ šu{d}idim 2(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ ur{d}ba-ba₆ ugula ug₃ 2(diš) sila₄ wa-ta₂-ru-um sanga u₄ 3(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-sa₆-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun","1 kid of Lagip, 1 kid of Burmama, 1 lamb of ..., 1 lamb of Ilum-bani, 1 lamb of Šurimku, 1 lamb of Imer, 1 kid of Ea-malik, 1 kid of Tudari, 1 lamb of Errēšum, 1 kid of Abī-ilī, n ... of ...-ni, 1 lamb of Šelebum, 1 lamb of Dada the soldier(?), 1 lamb of Abuza, 1 lamb of Ṣelli-Šulgi, 2 lambs of Hunum, the chief livestock manager, 2 lambs of Lugal-melam, governor of Nippur, 1 lamb of Šu-Idim, 2 sheep 1 lamb of Ur-Baba, the foreman of menials, 2 lambs of Watarum, the temple administrator; the 3rd day, delivery, Abbasaga accepted; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna was hired in Uruk.”" P416462,Ur III,Administrative," ...udu šu-gid₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun 2(u)","20 sheep, (as) šugid, the 13th(?) day, from Abbasaga, Duga accepted; month: “Grand Festival,” year: “The en-priestess of Eridu was hired;” (total:) 20." P416434,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu niga 1(diš)... {d}šul-gi... 1(diš) sila₄ šar-ru... 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ nita₂ ib-ni{d}šul-gi u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e si-ma-num₂{ki} mu-hul 6(diš) udu 1(diš) maš-da₃","4 sheep, barley-fed, 1 ..., of Šulgi-...; 1 lamb of Šarru-...; 1 male calf of a gazelle of Ibni-Šulgi; the 28th(?) day, delivery for the king, Inta’e’a accepted; via Nūr-Suen. month: “Harvest,” year after: “Šu-Sin, the king, Simanum destroyed;” (total:) 6 small cattle, 1 gazelle." P416479,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga sag₁₀ 2(diš) maš₂-gal niga sag₁₀ us₂ 7(diš) maš₂-gal niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ 1(u) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga 1(diš) maš₂ gaba 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃... mu-kuₓ(DU) u₃...teš₂-a se₃-de₃... ki a-ba{d}en... du-u₂-du... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ 2(u) 5(diš) udu","1 buck, barley-fed, good quality, 2 bucks, barley-fed, 2nd grade, 7 bucks, barley-fed, 4th grade, 10 female kids, barley-fed, 4th grade, 2 female kids, barley-fed, 1 unweaned kid, 2 female kids ..., delivery, and ... to give, ...; from Aba-Enlilgin, Duyudu accepted; year: “Šu-Sin, king of Ur, erected the grand-stele for Enlil (and) Ninlil;” (total:) 25 small cattle." P416428,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-wa-qar i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da...","1 sheep, from Abbasaga Aḫu-waqar accepted; month: “Piglets feast.”" P416429,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) sila₄ gub... 8(diš) kir₁₁... 5(diš) maš₂ gub... 6(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ gub... ... u₃-tu... 2(diš) kir₁₁ gub... 1(diš) maš₂... 1(diš) maš₂... 3(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃... 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ gub... ...1(u) la₂ 1(diš) diri u₃-tu-da 1(diš) sila₄ ga a-lum 1(diš) maš₂ ga 1(diš) maš₂ ga igi-gun₃ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ igi-gun₃ ...4(diš) diri u₃-tu-da ba-uš₂ ša₃ libir 1(diš) kir₁₁ ga gukkal ...1(diš) u₃-tu-da ba-uš₂ ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU)-ra ...zi-ga...e₂-eš₃ ...i₃-dab₅ ... iti...u₄ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul 3(u) 7(diš) udu","4 male lambs ..., 8 female lambs ..., 5 male ids ..., 6 female kids ..., (subtotal:) 23, newborns; 2 female lambs ..., 1 male kid ..., 1 male kid ..., 3 female kids ..., 2 female kids, (subtotal:) 9, additional newborns; 1 suckling long-fleeced lamb, 1 suckling male kid, 1 suckling male kid, speckled, 1 female kid, speckled, (subtotal:) 4, additional newborns, slaughtered; among the “old” (delivery); 1 suckling fat-tailed female lamb, (subtotal:) 1, newborn, slaughtered; of the delivery; ... house of shrine, ... accepted; ... ... month: “...,” day, year: “Kimas was destroyed;” (total:) 37." P416448,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ {d}utu mu-kuₓ(DU) ensi₂ šuruppak{ki} zabar-dab₅ maškim 1(diš) gu₄ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄...kam zi-ga iti a₂-ki-ti mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","1 lamb for the god Utu, delivery, the governor of Šuruppak, zabardab, responsible official; 1 ox for the Kitchen; the nth day booked out; month: “Akitu,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna by means of extispicy was chosen;”" P416465,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga {d}inana 1(diš) udu niga {d}gu-la {d}nanše gal maškim iti u₄ 3(u) ba-zal zi-ga ša₃ unu{ki} ki na-lu₅ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","3 sheep, barley-fed, for Inanna; 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Gula, Nanše-GIRgal, responsible official; of the month, day 30 elapsed, booked out in Uruk, from Nalu(’s account); month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P416461,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga siskur₂ dingir-ne 1(diš) maš₂-gal kaš nag-še₃ giri₃ nin-ha-ma-ti 1(diš) gu₄ niga ba-uš₂ zi-ga ki kalam-he₂-na-gi-ta iti-ta u₄ 8(diš) ba-ra-zal iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} u₃ hur-ti{ki} ba-hul","1 sheep, barley-fed, siskur-offering ofs; 1 buck for “beer-drinking,” via Ninḫamati; 1 ox, barley-fed, slaughtered; booked out from Kalam-ḫenagi(’s account), of the month, day 8 elapsed; month: “Harvest,” year after: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P416432,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 7(geš₂) ab₂ niga 5(geš₂) 1(diš) gu₄ 6(geš₂) 4(u) 7(diš) ab₂ 1(geš₂) {anše}kunga₂ nita₂ ...2(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ ... ... šu-šum₂-ma ki na-sa₆ iti ezem-an-na u₄ 3(u) ba-zal mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","79 oxen, barley-fed, 420 cows, barley-fed, 301 oxen, 407 cows, 60 male mules, n male equids, as consignment, from Nasa(’s account); month: “Festival of An,” day 30 elapsed; year: “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P416431,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu... {d}... 1(diš)... {d}... siskur₂... 2(diš)... 1(diš)...sag 1(diš)... 1(diš)... 1(diš)... 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-sun₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga {d}lugal-banda₃{da} 1(diš) maš₂-gal {d}šul-gi 1(diš) maš₂-gal {d}nin-ti₂-ug₅-ga siskur₂ ge₆ {d}nanše gal maškim iti u₄ 2(u) 1(diš) ba-zal šuniŋin 8(diš) udu niga 6(diš)...niga ki na-lu₅-ta ba... iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","1 sheep ... for Enlil, xxx 1 ..., siskur-offering in the house; 2 ... for Silver Mound, 1 ... for Ninḫursag, 1 ... for Nusku, 1 ... for Ninurta, 1 ... for Inanna, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Ninsun, 1 buck, barley-fed, for Lugalbanda, 1 buck for Šulgi, 1 buck for Nin-ti’uga, siskur-offering at night; Nanše-GIRgal, responsible official; of the month, day 21 elapsed; total: 8 sheep, barley-fed, (and) 6 bucks, barley-fed,; from Nalu(’s account) booked out; month: “Harvest,” year: “Ḫarši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P416420,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) ab₂ 1(u) 5(diš) udu 2(u) 1(diš) u₈ 1(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ezem-mah mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 4(u) 3(diš)","2 oxen, 1 cow, 15 rams, 21 ewes, 1 lamb, 2 nanny goats, šugid for the Kitchen, 14th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Grand Festival,” year: “King Amar-Sin Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 43." P416419,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu niga {d}gu-la 1(diš) udu niga an 1(diš) udu niga {d}inana 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-hur-sag ša₃ unu{ki}ga 1(diš) udu niga {d}utu larsa{ki} 1(diš) udu niga {d}nanna-an-na 1(diš) udu niga {d}inanna 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-gal ša₃ tur₃ gal zi-ga u₄ 4(diš)-kam ki a-hu-we-er-ta ba-zi iti maš-ku₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","2 sheep, barley-fed, for Gula, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for An, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Inanna, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Ninḫursag, in Uruk; 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Utu of Larsa, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Nanna-of-heaven, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Inanna, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Ningal, in the large sheepfold; “booked-outs,” 4th day; from Ahu-wer(’s account) booked out; month: “Gazelle feast,” year after: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P416435,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga a-mur-dingir lu₂ kin-gi₄-a li-ba-nu-ug-ša-ba-aš ensi₂ mar-ha-ši{ki} giri₃ lu₂{d}da-mu sukkal 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga gu-ra-a lu₂ ur-šu{ki} 1(diš) udu niga e₂-um lu₂ ma... giri₃ bi₂-li₂-a sukkal mu maškim iti u₄ 1(u) 6(diš) ba-zal ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta ba-zi iti bi₂-gu₇ mu us₂-sa gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 3(diš) udu","1 sheep, barley-fed, for Amur-ilī messenger of Libanug-šabaš, governor of Marhaši, via Lu-Damu, the messenger; 1 buck, barley-fed, for Guraya, a man from Uršu, 1 sheep, barley-fed, for E’um, a man from Mari, via Bilila, the messenger; ARADmu, responsible official; of the month, day 16 elapsed, from Šulgi-ayamu(’s account) booked out; month: “Ubi feast,” year after: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 3 small cattle." P416447,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) udu a-lum lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am maškim 2(diš) amar az e₂-uz-ga a-a-kal-la maškim 1(diš) gu₄ 1(u) udu šimašgi ur{d}nin-gubalag nar ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU)-ra-ta u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta iti ezem-mah mu en {d}inana ba-hun 1(u) 8(diš)","5 long-fleeced sheep Lugal-magure, Uta-mišaram, responsible official; 2 bear cubs for the E’uzga house, Ayakala, responsible official; 1 ox, 10 Šimaškian sheep, for Ur-Ningubalag, the cantor; from the deliveries, the 9th day, from Abbasaga(’s account); month: “Grand Festival,” year: “The en-priest of Inanna was hired;” (total:) 18." P416441,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) udu niga 1(diš) gukkal niga 1(diš) sila₄ niga 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ 1(u) 2(diš) sila₄ a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti mu-kuₓ(DU) u₄-sakar ri-zi-dingir maškim ...udu niga lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re ...maškim ...{d}en-lil₂ ...{d}nin-lil₂ ...nin-urta ...zi maškim ...kuₓ(DU)-ra-ta ...2(u) 6(diš)-kam ...ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ezem-mah mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inanna ba-hun","10 sheep, barley-fed, 1 barley-fed, fat-tailed sheep, 1 lamb, barley-fed, 1 buck, barley-fed, 2 female kids, 12 lambs, of Abī-simtī, delivery, Crescent Day, Rizi-ilum, responsible official; n sheep, barley-fed, of Lugal-magure, ..., responsible official; ... Enlil, ... Ninlil, ... Ninurta, ...-zi, responsible official; from the deliveries, the 26th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Grand Festival,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna was hired;”" P416418,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga... 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga...kam us₂ 1(diš) udu niga {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga {d}nanna 2(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ us₂ 3(diš) udu niga siskur₂ ki{d}suen e₂-u₄-sakar 1(diš) udu niga siskur₂ {d}inana ša₃ e₂-gal ba-ba-an-še-en maškim ...udu ... ...ha-ar-ši{ki} 1(diš) udu niga a₂-ha-ba-tal lu₂ hi-bi₂-la-at{ki} 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga i₃-li₂{d}da-gan lu₂ eb-la{ki} ur-šar-ru-gin₇ sukkal maškim iti u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-zal zi-ga ša₃ tum-ma-al ki en-dingir-mu iti šu-eš-ša mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)","1 sheep, barley-fed, ..., 1 buck, barley-fed, of n grade, 1(?) sheep, barley-fed, for Enlil and Ninlil; 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Nanna; 2 sheep, barley-fed, of 2nd grade, 3 sheep, barley-fed, siskur-offering with Suen, House of Crescent; 1 sheep, barley-fed, siskur-offering for Inanna in the palace, Babanšen, responsible official; ... sheep, ... ... for Marḫuni from Ḫarši; 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Aḫab-atal, man of Ḫibilat; 1 buck, barley-fed, for Ilī-Dagan from Ebla; Ur-šarrugin, the messenger, responsible official of the month, day 29 elapsed, “booked-outs” in Tummal, from En-dingirmu(’s account); month: “Šu’eša,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed;” (total:) 19." P416453,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu li-ip-tum šu ba-ti 2(geš₂) 5(diš) udu 1(u) u₈ ...maš₂-gal ... ... ...maškim ...{ki}ga u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam ki du₁₁-ga-ta ba-zi giri₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dub-sar iti ezem-an-na mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun 2(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) udu","2 sheep Liptum received(?); 125 sheep, 10 ewes, n bucks, ... ... ... ..., responsible official; of Uruk(?), the 26th day, from Duga(’s account) booked out; via Ur-Baba, the scribe; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The en-priestess of Eridu was hired;” (total:) 151 small cattle." P416437,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 2(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ 2(diš) udu niga {d}inanna ša₃...lugal-ki... ...maš₂... ......lugal... ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma 2(diš) udu niga 3(diš)... 2(diš) udu niga {d}en-ki 1(diš) udu niga dub-la-mah ša₃ eridu{ki}ga a-tu ra₂-gaba maškim 2(diš) udu niga {d}inanna unu{ki} a-hu-ni sagi maškim iti u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-zal ki na-lu₅-ta ba-zi ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma iti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun {d}amar{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar ...ur{d}... zu","2(?) sheep, barley-fed, of 4th grade, 2(?) sheep, barley-fed, for Inanna, in ...; n bucks(?) ..., ... in Ur; 2 sheep, barley-fed, 3 ..., 2 sheep, barley-fed, for Enki, 1 sheep, barley-fed, at Dublamaḫ, in Eridu, Atu, rider, responsible official; 2 sheep, barley-fed, for Inanna of Uruk, Aḫuni, cupbearer, responsible official; of the month, day 9 elapsed, from Nalu(‘s account) booked out, in Ur; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna in Karzida was hired.” Amar-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of four quarters: Ur-Šulpa’e, scribe, son of Ur-Ḫaya, your servant." P416445,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ {d}en-ki-ur₃-ra giri₃ du-da-nu-um ki lugal-iti-da iti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun ...{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... ...","3 sheep, barley-fed, offering of “Suen of the roof,” via Dudanum, from Lugal-itida; month: “Festival of An,” “The en-priestess of Nanna in Karzida was hired.” Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Lugal-iti-da, scribe, son of Ur-Dumuzida, your servant." P416456,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ munus tu-li₂-id{d}utu-ši be-li₂-i₃-li₂ maškim ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU)-ra-ta u₄ 6(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ba-zi giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 1(diš)","1 female gazelle fawn for Tulid-Šamši, Bēlī-ilī, responsible official; from the delivery, the 6th day, from Inta’e’a(’s account) booked out, via Nanna-maba, the scribe; month: “Piglet feast,” year: “Šu-Sin is king;” (total:) 1." P416440,Ur III,Administrative," ...udu niga sag₁₀ us₂ ...udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ ...udu a-udu hur-sag niga 4(diš)...us₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal a dara₄ niga {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ us₂ 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu a udu hur-sag niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal a dara₄ niga {d}nin-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ ...aš₂-gar₃ ...eš₃ e₂-u₄ 3(u)-še₃ lugal kuₓ(LIL)-ra iti u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-zal ki ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal-ta ba-zi iti ezem-mah ...dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","1 sheep, barley-fed, of 2nd grade, 1 sheep of 3rd grade, 1 hybrid mouflon, barley-fed, of 4th grade, 1 hybrid buck, barley-fed, for Enlil; 1 sheep, barley-fed, of 2nd grade, 1 sheep of 3rd grade, 1 hybird mouflon, barley-fed, 3rd grade(?), 1 hybrid buck, barley-fed, for Ninlil; 1 sheep, barley-fed, of 3rd grade, 1 sheep, barley-fed, of 4th grade, n female kids ..., for the ešeš-celebration of the 30th day, at the king’s entry; of the month, day 29 elapsed, booked out from Tahiš-atal(’s account); month: “Grand Festival,” year: “The boat called ‘ibex of the Absu’ was caulked.”" P416430,Ur III,Administrative," ...gu₄ u₂ 7(diš) udu u₂ ki puzur₄-i₃-li₂ 1(diš) gu₄ u₂ 5(diš) udu u₂ ki nimgir-inim-gi-na 1(diš) gu₄ u₂ 5(diš) udu u₂ ki ga-ba-tal 1(diš) gu₄ u₂ 5(diš) udu u₂ ki ur{d}ba-ba₆ 5(diš) udu u₂ ki lu₂-sa₆-ga ugula lugal-ku₃-zu 1(diš) gu₄ u₂ 5(diš) udu u₂ ugula nam-ha-ni ...udu u₂ ki i-zu-zu ...iš-a-tal ...u₂ 1(u) udu u₂ ...ku₃-ge šabra ...u₂ siskur₂ guru₇ ...lu₂{d}nanna ...u₂ siskur₂ {d}nisaba ...e₂-a-ba-ni ...dab₅ ezem{d}šu{d}suen₂-tum mu maškim ...2(u) 9(diš)-kam ki du₁₁-ga-ta ba-zi giri₃ hu-la-al dub-sar ...diri ezem-me-ki-gal₂ us₂-sa₂{ki} ba-hul","n ox(en), grass-fed, 7 sheep, grass-fed, with Puzur-ilī; 1 ox, grass-fed, 5 sheep, grass-fed, with Nimgir-inimgina; 1 ox, grass-fed, 5 sheep, grass-fed, with Gab-atal; 1 ox, grass-fed, 5 sheep, grass-fed, with Ur-Baba; 5 sheep, grass-fed, with Lu-saga; foreman: Lugal-kuzu; 1 ox, grass-fed, 5 sheep, grass-fed, foreman: Namḫani; n sheep, grass-fed, with Izuzu, foreman: Taḫiš-atal; n ox(en), grass-fed, 10 sheep, grass-fed, with Šakuge, the household manager; n ox(en), grass-fed, siskur-offering for the granary, with Lu-Nanna; n ox(en), grass-fed, siskur-offering for Nisaba, with Ea-bani; ... taken, month “Festival of Šu-Suen,” in the Fattening House, ARAD-mu, responsible official; the 29th day, booked out from Duga(’s account), via Ḫulal, the scribe; extra month following: “Mekigal Festival,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P416449,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ mu... 8(diš) u₈... mu aga₃-us₂ a-tu₅... e₂-gal-la ku₄... 8(diš) u₈ u₂ mu aga₃-us₂-e-ne-še₃ e₂-muhaldim {d}nanna-kam sukkal maškim u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam ki ur-ku₃-nun-na-ta ba-zi giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅...bad₃ mar-tu...ti-id-ni-im mu... 1(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 6(diš) udu","1 ox ..., 8 ewes ..., because of the soldiers who for the “lustration” ceremony the palace entered; 8 ewes, grass-fed, because of the soldiers, the Kitchen; Nanna-kam, the messenger, responsible official; the 26th day, from Ur-kununa(’s account) booked out, via Nanna-maba, the scribe; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the western wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected;” (total:) 1 ox, 16 small cattle." P416439,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ geme₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ dumu-munus en-na ...1(diš)... ki na-lu₅-ta ba-zi ša₃ nibru{ki} giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ 3(diš)","3 sheep, barley-fed, regular rations of Geme-Enlila, daughter of the high-priest(ess), the 1st day, from Nalu(‘s account) booked out, in Nippur, via Lu-Ninšubur, the scribe; month: “Festival of Šu-Sin,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, the western wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected;” (total:) 3." P416415,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga bara₂ an-na 2(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 3(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ {d}nanna 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ dub-la₂-mah uzu-a-bala 2(diš) udu niga 2(diš) maš₂-gal niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa ezem-an-na 2(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ du₆-ur₃ 2(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 2(diš) udu niga...us₂ {d}nun-gal 1(diš) udu niga dub-la₂-mah 1(diš) dur 1(diš) udu...{d}šul-gi ... ...{d}nin-gal... ...e-us₂-sa {d}nin-uri₅{ki} ...{d}šu{d}suen-ki-ag₂... ...{d}... ... 1(diš) udu...kal-la 2(diš) udu niga...nin-ku₃-nun-na 2(diš) udu niga 2(diš)-kam us₂ {d}gu-la 1(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-e₂-gal giri₃ {d}suen-a-bu-šu sagi u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki...{d}en-lil₂-gin₇-ta ba-zi ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma giri₃...{d}šul-gi-ra šar₂-ra-ab-du iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ 4(u)","1 sheep, barley-fed, for the dais of An, 2 sheep, barley-fed, of 3rd grade, 3 sheep, barley-fed, of 4th grade for Nanna; 1 buck, barley-fed, of 4th grade for Dublamaḫ, ...; 2 sheep, barley-fed, 2 bucks, barley-fed, “following oxen,” “Festival of An”; 2 sheep, barley-fed, of 4th grade, for “Mound of the Roof;” 2 sheep, barley-fed, of 3rd grade, 2 sheep, barley-fed, of grade, for Nungal; 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Dublamaḫ; 1 sheep, barley-fed, “following oxen,” for ANdur; 1 sheep, barley-fed, ..., for Šulgi ...; n ..., for Dandanda; n ..., for Ningal ...; n (sheep, barley-fed, ) “following oxen,” for Ninuri; n ... Šu-Suen-ki’ag ...; n ..., for ...; ... ... 1 sheep, barley-fed, for ...-kalla; 2 sheep, barley-fed, ... for Ninkununa; 2 sheep, barley-fed, of 2nd grade, for Gula; 1 sheep, barley-fed, 1 lamb, for Nin-egal; via Suen-abušu, cup-bearer, the 28th day, booked out from Aba-Enlilgin(’s account), in Ur, via Ur-Šulgi,šarabdu; month: “Ubi feast,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the grand-stele for Enlil (and) Ninlil erected;” (total:) 40." P416476,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) udu 1(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ur{d}nanna-ta {d}...iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu₇ mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul 1(u) 1(diš) udu","10 sheep, 1 lamb, slaughtered, the 21st day, from Ur-Nanna Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Piglet feast,” year after: “Simanum was destroyed;” (total:) 11 small cattle." P416457,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar gu₄ ga 1(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ us₂ 1(diš) udu... 1(diš)... 1(diš)... 1(diš) sila₄... ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki a-hu-ni... ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu min... mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ba-hul","1 suckling bull calf, 1 sheep, barley-fed, of 2nd grade, 1 sheep ..., 1 ..., 1 ..., 1 lamb ..., slaughtered, the 9th day, from Ahuni Ur-nigar received; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” the second, year: “Simurum (and) Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P416471,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu min-kam mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba...","1 sheep, slaughtered, the 20th day, from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” the second, year: “Simurum (and) Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P416469,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu 1(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) kir₁₁ 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu₇ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","3 sheep, 1 nanny goat, 1 male lamb, 1 female lamb, 1 suckling lamb, slaughtered, the 11th day, from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “Piglet feast,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P416478,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) kir₁₁ 1(diš) ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ...{gar} iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu ki-maš{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki}...","1 male lamb, 1 female lamb, 1 suckling lamb, slaughtered, the 12th day, from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “Kimaš (and) Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P416450,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar gu₄ ga 1(diš) u₈ ge₆ ša-ru-um-mi-um 1(diš) maš₂-gal šimašgi₂{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ šimašgi₂{ki} 1(diš) kir₁₁ šimašgi₂{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) kir₁₁ ba-uš₂ u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","1 suckling bull calf, 1 ewe, black Šarumiyum, 1 buck, Šimaškian, 1 male lamb, Šimaškian, 1 female lamb, Šimaškian, 1 male lamb, 1 female lamb, slaughtered, the 29th day, from Lu-dingira Ur-nigar received; month: “Ninazu festival,” year: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P416473,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) ud₅ ba-uš₂ u₄ 7(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","3 sheep, 1 buck, 1 nanny goat, slaughtered, the 7th day, from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: “Gazelle feast,” year after: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P416460,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki šu{d}idim-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","1 male equid, slaughtered, the 9th day, from Šu-Idim Ur-nigar received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed,”" P416466,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ babbar ša₃ wa-da-al-tum 4(diš) udu 2(diš) u₈ 2(diš) ud₅ 3(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna... 1(u) 4(diš) udu","1 white kid, in wadaltum, 4 sheep, 2 ewes, 2 nanny goats, 3 lambs, 2 suckling lambs, slaughtered, the 12th day, from Šulgi-ayamu Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Harvest,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, the high-priestess of Nanna, was hired;” (total:) 14 small cattle." P416482,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","1 sheep, slaughtered, the 9th day, from Nalu Šulgi-irimu received; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “The high-priestess of Eridu was hired.”" P416477,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 8(diš)... ki kur-bi-la-ak-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-dim₂","1 suckling lamb, slaughtered, the 8th day, from Kurbilak Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The boat of Enki was fashioned.”" P416467,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) ud₅ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam ki na-lu₅-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ 3(diš)","1 lamb, 1 buck, 1 nanny goat, slaughtered, the 17th day, from Nalu Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the western wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected;” (total:) 3." P416443,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) udu u₂ 7(diš) maš₂-gal u₂ 8(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) maš₂ ba-uš₂ u₄ 5(diš)-kam ki ur-ku₃-nun-na-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba u₃ lu₂-ša-lim ...ezem-an-na mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃ 2(u) 2(diš) udu","5 sheep, grass-fed, 7 bucks, grass-fed, 8 lambs, 2 kids, slaughtered, the 5th day, from Ur-kununa Šulgi-irimu received; via Nanna-maba and Lu-šalim; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara in Umma erected;” (total:) 22 small cattle." P416425,Ur III,Administrative," giri₃ šu-eš₁₈-dar sagi bala u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu en {d}inana unu{ki}ga maš₂...i₃-pa₃ {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅... šu-eš₁₈-dar sagi dumu...du zu","via Šu-Ešdar, the cupbearer, bala, the 13th day; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “The high-priest of Inanna in Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen.” Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur: Šu-Ešdar, cup-bearer, son of ...-du, your servant." P416407,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 3(barig) dabin gur lugal a₂ 1(diš) guruš 5(diš) sila₃-ta guruš-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ lu₂-hun-ga ki ur-sa₆-ga-ta šu-eš₁₈-dar šu ba-ti iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","1 gur 3 barig of dabin-flour, royal (measure), wage of 1 laborer at 5 sila3 (per day), its laborers: 96 workdays; wages of hirelings, from Ur-saga Šu-Ešdar received; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P416444,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) a₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ tug₂-ba-bi tuku₅-tuku₅-de₃ šu-ba-ra ki šu{d}iškur-ta ba-zi mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","180 workdays, female laborers, to weave rationed garments, “released”; from Šu-Iškur(’s account) booked out. year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P416459,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) i₃-šah₂ u₄ amar-du₃-ta ba-ra-du₈-a geme₂₆ ki lu₂-gi-na-ta ba... mu ha-ar...{ki} ba-hul","1 ban2 of lard, when from ... they were released, the female workers brought (?); from Lugina(’s account) booked out; year: “Ḫarši was destroyed.”" P416454,Ur III,Administrative," 9(aš) še gur še šuku a-na-ti 2(aš)... {d}nun... šuniŋin 1(u) 1(aš)... še šuku-ra a-ša₃... gur₈ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki ba-du₈","9 gur of barley, barley allotment of Anati; 2 gur of barley, of Nun-... ; total: 11 gur of barley, barley allotments from the field ...; month: “ki-siki of Ninazu,” year: “The boat ‘ibex of absu-Enki’ was caulked.”" P416409,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ki šu{d}nisaba-ta lu₂-dingir-ra šu ba-ti mu lu₂-dingir-ra-ke₄ kišib₃ nu-tuku-a-še₃ kišib₃ du₁₁-ga-ni-zi ib₂-ra iti ezem-an-na mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃ du₁₁-ga-ni-zi dumu ur{d}šakkan₂ šuš₃","1 shekel of silver from Šu-Nisaba Lu-dingira received; Since Lu-dingira did not have a seal, the seal of Duganizi was rolled; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The house of Šara was erected,” Duganizi, son of Ur-Šakkan, cattle manager(?)." P416416,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...zu 2(diš)₂ 2(diš)...gu₄ nu-kuš₂ 1(diš) {geš}pa₄-ti-um ha-lu-ub₂ dur₂-ba ku₃ {ga₂}gar 1(diš) geš-rin₂ šu{zabar} 1(diš) {geš}giri₃-gub ša₃-kal 1(diš) {geš}giri₃-gub {geš}asal₂ 2(diš) {geš}gu-za nin {geš}šinig 1(diš) {geš}gu-za gid₂-da 1(diš) {geš}na₂ {geš}taskarin 1(diš) {geš}na₂ {geš}ša₃-kal 1(diš) {geš}na₂ {geš}peš₃","... 2 bundles of ... of hazel wood, 2 ..., 1 pati’um-container made of oak ... with silver inlay, 1 ... with a bronze handle, 1 foot-stool of šakal-wood, 1 foot-stool of poplar, 2 ... chairs made of tamarisk, 1 long chair, 1 bed of fig-tree wood, 1 bed of šakal-wood, 1 bed of apple-tree wood." P416404,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) še gur 1(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar mu-kuₓ(DU) ki ad-da-kal-la ","55 gur 2 barig of barley, 13 1/2 minas 8 2/3 shekels 15 grains of silver, delivery, with Adda-kalla." P416146,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {uruda}zi-ir ki-la₂-bi 6(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ ki i₃-kal-la-ta tug₂-ba-a bala-a-še₃ ku₃{d}nin-ur₄-ra in-la₂ iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu e₂{d}šara₂ ba-du₃","1 copper zir-pot, its weight: 6 1/2 minas 8 shekels, from Ikalla for garment distribution for the bala Ku-Ninura weighed out; month: “Lisi,” year: “The house of Šara was erected.”" P447991,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga puzur₄ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nu-ur₂{d}suen 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-sa₆-ga 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ku₃{d}nanna 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃...naga... 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nun-ne₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur-šu 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga al-la... 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-uš-gi-na 2(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda 1/3(diš) sila₃ i₃ i-ti-zu 3(ban₂) kaš dug dida sag₁₀ 2(ban₂) 7(diš) dug dida du 3(ban₂) 2(ban₂) zi₃-gu sag₁₀ 4(barig) 4(ban₂) dabin 2(diš) sila₃ i₃ kas₄ hu-hu-nu-ri{ki}ta er-ra šuniŋin 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(diš) dug dida sag₁₀ 2(ban₂) 7(diš) dug dida du 3(ban₂) šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(ban₂) zi₃-gu sag₁₀ 4(barig) 4(ban₂) dabin šuniŋin 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 7(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 2(diš)-kam iti pa₄-u₂-e mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Puzur-Mama; 5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Nur-Suen; 5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Lu-saga; 5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Ku-Nanna; 5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, [2 shekels] of potash, (to) [...]; 5 sila3 of beer, 3 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Nune; 3 sila3 of beer, 2 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Ur-šu; 3 sila3 of beer, 2 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Alla-x; 3 sila3 of beer, 2 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels leeks, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, (to) Lu-usz-gina; 2 ban2 of beer, 2 ban2 of bread, 1/3 sila3 of oil, (to) Idissu; 3 ban2 of beer, the jug of fine-quality sweet wort (containing) 2 ban2, 7 jugs of sweet wort, normal quality (containing) 3 ban2; 2 ban2 of fine-quality pea-flour, 4 barig 4 ban2 of semolina, 2 sila3 of oil (for) the messengers that have come from Ḫuḫnuri. Total: 1 barig 2 ban2 9 sila3 of beer, 1 jug of fine-quality sweet wort (of the strength:) 2 ban2 (barley per jug), 7 jugs of regular-quality sweet wort (of the strength:) 3 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 4 ban2 4 sila3 of bread, 2 ban2 of fine-quality pea-flour, 4 barig 4 ban2 of semolina; total: 2/3 sila3 5 shekels of leeks; total: 2 2/3 sila3 7 shekels of oil; total: 18 shekels of potash. 2nd day, month: “pa’u’e,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P469973,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) gukkal niga ki u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun 3(diš)","3 fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed, from Uta-mišarram did Nalu accept; month ""Akītu,” year: “Enunugal(anna as en-priest of) Inanna in Uruk was installed;” (total:) 3." P469800,Ur III,Legal," 1(diš) ur-ge₆-par₄ lugal-ra gaba i₃-in-ri ama-gi-na nin₉-gu₁₀ geme₂-ni nu ensi₂-ke₄ in-hul bi₂-in-du₁₁ ama-gi-na nam-geme₂-še₃ ba-gi-in u₃ ga-za-mu ama-ni...geme₂-še₃ ba-gi-inše₃ ... ...ak ...","One Ur-gepar the king confronted (and) “Amagina, my sister, his slave-girl not being, the governor treated her badly” stated; ... Amagina’s status as slave-girl was confirmed, and Gazamu, her mother’s status as slave-girl was confirmed. to ... ... ... ..." P497981,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) kaš dida sag₁₀ ki ur{d}hendur-sag-ta er₃-ra-ba-ni šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ er₃-ra-ba-ni ur{d}ba-ba₆","1 (gur) wort, fine quality, from Ur-Ḫendursag, did Erra-bani receive; month “Festival-of-Baba.” Erra-bani, servant of Ur-Baba." P514377,Ur III,Administrative," ...6(diš) ma-na siki ud₅ kišib₃ i₇-pa-e₃ ...8(diš) ma-na kišib₃ ur-e₂-nun-na 1(u) 8(diš) ma-na kišib₃ gu₂-tar 1(u) 5(diš) ma-na kišib₃ inim{d}šara₂ dumu da-a-ga 1(u) 7(diš) ma-na kišib₃ a-gu-gu 1(u) 5(diš) ma-na kišib₃ lugal-ezem 1(u) 5(diš) ma-na kišib₃ lugal{d}ištaran siki ud₅ šu-nir apin e₂ šu-du₇-a ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","n 6 mina of female goat hair, under seal of Ipa’e; n 8 mina under seal of Ur-enunna; 18 mina under seal of Gutar; 15 mina under seal of Inim-Šara, son of Da’aga; 17 mina under seal of Agugu; 15 mina, under seal of Lugal-ezem; 15 mina, under seal of Lugal-Ištaran; female goat hair, emblems for the plowman at the equipment house(?), from Ure’e; Year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P514378,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur{d}nin-lil₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-da-a 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) dug dida 1(u) dabin 2/3(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš šu-eš₁₈-dar 5(diš) sila₃ kaš...ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga da-šu-pu₃-ul-šu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nu-hi-lum 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga i-ti-zu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 6(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga du₁₁-ga 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ... šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ kaš 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sila₃ šuniŋin 1(diš) dug dida 1(ban₂) dabin šuniŋin 2/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 6(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam iti šu-numun","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Ur-Ninlil; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Adaya; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shek\1els of alkali, 1 pot sweet wort, 1 ban2 semolina, 2/3 sila3 sesame seed oil, to Šu-Ištar; 5 sila3 beer, 1ban2 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Dašupulšu(?); 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels of garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Nuḫilum; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Itizu; 5 sila3 beer, 6 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to Duga; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali, to ...; total: 3 ban2 8 sila3 beer, 4 ban2 6 sila3 bread, 2 sila3 garlic, total: 1 pot sweet wort, 1 ban2 semolina; total: 2/3 sila3 4 shekels oil, 16 shekels akali; 14th day, month “Sowing.”" P514379,Ur III,Letter," lugal-ušurₓ-ra u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 1(u) še gur še nag-še₃ na-silim dub... he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu na-mi-gur-re","To Lugal-ušur speak: 10 gur of barley for ..., to Nasilim, the scribe, may he give! May he not delay!" P427603,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 3(u) sig₄ ša-at-i₃-li₂ 3(geš₂) 3(u) nam-u la-al-ku-da 2(geš₂) 2(u) la-hu-tum 2(geš₂) 2(u) nam-u a-hu-ni šuniŋin 1/3(diš) sar 9(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ sig₄ us₂-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) nindan a₂ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta geme₂-bi 4(diš) 5(u) 1(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...sila₃-ta ba-hun ...4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ ...ga₆-ga₂ e₂-ki-ba-gar-ra pi₅-ša-ah-dingir mu-kuₓ(DU) me-e₂-a giri₃ {d}iškur-illat iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu...","210 bricks by Šat-ilī; 210, 10-(troop) of Lalkuda; 140 (bricks) by Lahutum; 140, 10-(troop) of Ahuni; total: 1/3 (brick)-sar 9 1/6 shekels bricks, the length involved: 90 ninda, at labor of 72 (bricks per workday), the female laborers involved: 4 and 51 2/3 shekels workdays, at 3 sila3 per (day) hired, the barley involved: 14 1/2 sila3 5 shekels, labor of carrying bricks, (for) the replacement house of Pišah-ilim, delivery of Simat-Ea, via Adda-tillatī; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, Great-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P427604,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) šah₂-ze₂-da iti u₄ 1(diš) ba-zal 1(diš) udu niga iti u₄ 1(u) ba-zal 1(diš) šah₂-ze₂-da iti u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal 1(diš) udu niga iti u₄ 2(u) ba-zal 1(diš) udu... ... sa₂-du₁₁ ki-a-nag... ki {d}iškur-illat-ta ba-zi ša₃ gar-ša-an-na{ki} iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma...e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu... gaba-ri","1 piglet, of the month, 1st day passed; 1 grain-fed sheep, of the month, 10th day passed; 1 piglet, of the month, 15th day passed; 1 grain-fed sheep, of the month, 20th day passed; 1 grain-fed sheep, of the month, 28th day passed; rations of the libation place of Šukabta, out of Adad-tillati(’s account) booked; in Garšana; month “Festival of Ninazu;” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara in Umma erected;” copy." P411986,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gaba-ri nig₂-gur₁₁ še-le-bu-um nu-banda₃ u₃ šu{d}ma-lik dumu-ni im šu-šum₂-ma šu ti-a id-li₂-id i-kun-si-ir šabra da-da-ba-ni engar šu-na-na na-gada la₂-ia₃ su-ga ša-at{d}suen dumu-munus ul-luh-uri₅{ki} u₃ zi-ga ibila 3(diš)-a-ba ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂ nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ u₃ šu-ku-bu-um dumu šu{d}ma-lik šu ba-an-ti-eš₂ giri₃ i₃-li₂-mi-ti di-ku₅ u₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga di-ku₅ ša₃ nibru{ki} iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: copies of goods of Šelēbūtum, the supervisor, and Šū-Mālik, his son, tablets of receipt, receipts of Idlid, Ikūn-sir, the chief household administrator, Dada-bani, the plowman, Šunana, the herdsman; deficits, repayments, of Šāt-Suen, daughter of Ulluḫ-ūri, and credits of the 3 elder sons, herein are; Nūr-ilī and Šukubum, son of Šū-Mālik, received; via Ilī-miti, the judge, and Luduga, the judge, in Nippur, month “Wool center of Ninazu,” year following: “The barge Dara-abzu of Enki was caulked.”" P464343,Ur III,Administrative," ...2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃... 4(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃ 1(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum gur ki šu-eš₁₈-dar-ta ... šu ba-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} mu-du₃ nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ dub-sar dumu ur{d}dumu-zi dub-sar","1 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 ghee, 4 ban2 8 sila3 kašk cheese, 18 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 dates, from Šū-Ešdar, did Nūr-ilī receive; year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara in Umma built.” received; year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara in Umma built.” Nūr-ilī, scribe, son of Ur-Dumuzi, scribe." P453834,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub... nig₂-ka₉ ak siki geme₂ uš-bar u₃ lu₂-hun-ga₂-ne ... mu...lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃-ta mu za-ab-ša-li{ki}še₃ mu-bi mu 2(diš)-am₃ iti-bi iti 2(u) 4(diš)-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: running accounts, wool for female laborers, weavers, and hirelings, are here; from year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected,” to year: “Zabšali,” the years: 2 years, the months: 24 months." P452219,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) gun₂ siki kur-ra ki ensi₂-ta da-da-ga šu ba-ti iti pa₄-u₂-e mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul ","3 talents of mountain(-sheep) wool from the governor Dadaga received; month: “Pa’u’e,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P452222,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta tah-ša-tal i₃-dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","2 sheep, 8th day, from Abbasaga Taḫšatal took; month: “Akiti,” year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P461499,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu hur-sag 6(diš) maš-da₃ ba-uš₂ ki tu-ra-am{d}da-gan-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu ... {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ba-ba-ti dub-sar zu","1 ram of the mountains, 6 antelopes, slaughtered, from Tūram-Dagan, did Šulgi-irimu receive; under seal of Babati; month “...,” year: “....” Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Babati, the scribe, is your servant." P461505,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) še-ba za₃-mu e₂-kikken-ta {d}nin-ur₄-ra-da šu ba-ti iti {d}dumu-zi mu ur-bi₂-i₃-lum{ki} ba-hul ","2 barig ration barley, New Year, from the mill, did Ninurada receive; from month “Dumuzi,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P461534,Ur III,Administrative," ...niga sag gu₄ ...gu₄ niga eš₃-eš₃ e₂-u₄-imin ...u₄ 5(diš) ba-zal 2(diš) gu₄ niga {d}inana iti u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) ba-zal 2(diš) gu₄ niga sag gu₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) gu₄ niga eš₃-eš₃ e₂-u₄-1(u)-5(diš) iti u₄ 1(u) 3(diš) ba-zal ša₃ nibru{ki} 2(diš) gu₄ niga {d}inana iti u₄ 1(u) 4(diš) ba-zal 2(diš) gu₄ niga {d}inana iti u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal 2(diš) gu₄ niga {d}inana iti u₄ 1(u) 7(diš) ba-zal 4(diš) gu₄ niga ezem-ma₂-an-na zabar-dab₅ maškim iti u₄ 2(u) 3(diš) ba-zal ša₃ unu{ki}ga 1(diš) gu₄ niga {d}nin-hur-sag nu-tur 1(diš) gu₄ niga an-nu-ni-tum 1(diš) gu₄ niga {d}ul-ma-ši-tum {d}nanše gal maškim iti u₄ 3(u) ba-zal ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma ...3(u) 2(diš) šuniŋin 4(diš) gu₄ niga sag gu₄ šuniŋin 2(u) 8(diš) gu₄ niga šu-la₂-a bala nam-zi-tar-ra ensi₂ gu₂-du₈-a{ki} be-li₂-a-zu i₃-dab₅ ki a-hu-ni-ta ba-zi iti a₂-ki-ti ...amar{d}suen lugal","2 oxen, grain-fed, top grade, 4 oxen, grain-fed, “Temples” (ceremony), House-of-Day-7; the month, day 5 passed; 2 oxen, grain-fed, Inanna, the month, day 12 passed; 2 oxen, grain-fed, top grade, 9 oxen, grain-fed, “Temples” (ceremony), House-of-Day-15; the month, day 13 passed; in Nippur; 2 oxen, grain-fed, Inanna, the month, day 14 passed; 2 oxen, grain-fed, Inanna, the month, day 15 passed; 2 oxen, grain-fed, Inanna, the month, day 15 passed; 4 oxen, grain-fed, “Festival Boat-of-Heaven,” the zabardab (official) was enforcer; the month, day 23 passed; in Uruk; xxx 1 ox, grain-fed, Annunītum, 1 ox, grain-fed, Ulmašitum, Nanše-GIRgal was enforcer; the month, day 30 passed; in Ur; (total:) 32 (oxen); total: 4 oxen, grain-fed, top grade, total: 28 oxen, grain-fed, ..., bala (tax) of Namzitara, governorn of Kutha, did Beli-zu accept; from (the account of) Aḫuni booked out; month “Akītu” year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P482028,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) maš₂ u₄ 3(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(u)","10 less 1 lambs, 1 billy, 30th day, from Abbasaga did Intae’a accept; month “Big-festival,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 10." P450175,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ugula ba-sa₆ bar-la₂ i₇ si-sa₂ gub-ba kišib₃ ur-e₁₁-e iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu us₂-sa {d}amar{d}suen lugal ur-e₁₁-e dub-sar dumu sa₆-e₂","20 less 1 workdays, male laborers, foreman: Basa, at barla of straight-canal stationed; under seal of Ur-e’e; month: “Barley-at-the-harbor,” year after: “Amar-Suen (is) king.”" P450180,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ didliš ...kal-la i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: various sealed documents, ... ... are here." P479370,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ad₃ udu niga ki ba-a-ga kurušda-ta {d}iškur-ra-bi₂ agrig šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄ u₄ 2(u) 5(diš) ba-zal mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","1 cadaver, ram, grain-fed, from Ba’aga, the fattener, did Adda-rabi, the agrig, receive; month “Festival of Lisi,” day 25 elapsed, year: “The priest of Inanna of Uruk by (extispicy-)goat was chosen.”" P469852,Ur III,Administrative," 1/3(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar še-bi 2(barig) 2(ban₂) ki šeš-kal-la-ta al-la šu ba-ti iti ri-še₃ su-su-dam iti nesag mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal al-la dub-sar dumu lu₂-iri-sag","1/3 shekel silver, its barley: 2 barig 2 ban2; from Šeškalla did Alla receive; to month “Flight” to be repaid; month: “First fruits,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.” Alla, scribe, son of Lu-irisag." P471672,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ki {d}nin-gir₂-su-i₃-sa₆-ta ur{d}lamma šu ba-ti mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃ 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ki {d}nin...i₃-sa₆-ta ur...lamma ... mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃ ur{d}lamma dub-sar dumu a-tu","10 shekels silver, from Ningirsu-isa did Urlamma recieve; year following: “Wall of the land was erected.” 10 shekels silver, from Ningirsu-isa did Urlamma recieve; year following: “Wall of the land was erected.” Urlamma, scribe, son of Atu." P519366,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gin₂ ku₃ zu₂-lum-ma ki lugal-ku₃-zu-ta da-da-ga šu ba-ti mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","4 Sekel Silber für (den Kauf von) Datteln hat von Lugal-kuzu Dadaga erhalten; Jahr: „Kimaš wurde zerstört.“" P519367,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 9(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur lugal še ab-ba muhaldim ensi₂-ka e₂-gibil ab-ba muhaldim-ta ur{d}li₉-si₄ ka-guru₇ šu ba-ti iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ga₂","129 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 Gerste (nach) Königsmaß; Gerste des Abba, des Koches des Stadtfürsten, aus dem „Neu-Haus“ des Abba, des Koches, hat Ur-Lisi, der Getreidespeicher-Aufseher, erhalten; Monat „Haus-Monat-6,“ Jahr „Der En(-Priester) von Eridu wurde inthronisiert.“" P381724,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) guruš nu-banda₃ ur{geš}gigir 1(geš₂) la₂ 2(diš) nu-banda₃ igi-zu-bar-ra 3(u) 6(diš) nu-banda₃ ur-nigar{gar} 6(diš) nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) guruš ša₃-bi-ta 3(u) lugal-ra-us₂-sa 1(u) e₂-uz-ga 5(diš) e₂-gu₄-gaz 5(diš) duh 5(diš) gu₂-gir 5(diš) gu₂-gir ma₂ lugal 5(diš) gu₂-gir murgu₂ gur₈ 3(diš) sipa {anše}si₂-si₂ 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) muhaldim ki ur-nigar{gar} 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) muhaldim ki ur{d}nanše 5(diš) e₂-lunga ki lugal-an-na-tum₂ 2(diš) e₂-lunga ki ur-mes 1(diš) e₂ ur{d}namma 1(diš) gu₂-tul₂ sag-da-na 1(diš) zi₃ ki ur{d}ba-ba₆ 1(diš) zi₃ ki nam-mah 1(diš) zi₃ ki lugal-inim-gi 2(diš) im 2(diš) ga₂-nun-da tuš-a 1(diš) dub-sar...ti 1(diš) dub-sar i₃ zu₂-lum 1(diš) dub-sar in-bul₅-bul₅ 1(diš) dub-sar ar-za-na 1(diš) dub-sar zi₃ nig₂-ar₃-ra imgaga₃ 1(diš) dub-sar ku₆ nisi 1(diš) ur{d}nin-a-zu 1(diš) ur-sa₆-ga durunₓ(|KU.KU|) 1(diš) ki nam-mah 1(diš) ur{d}ba-ba₆ gaba-ta 1(diš) ka e₂-gal 2(diš) ma₂-la₂-a gi unu{ki}še₃ 5(diš) ma₂ {geš}ma-nu 1(u) ma₂-gi-la₂ 1(u) e₂ ensi₂ 3(diš) gi ša₃ nibru{ki} 3(diš) ma₂ i₃-si-in{ki} 7(diš) ki{d}suen 2(u) la₂ 3(diš) im-du₈-a 1(diš) tu al-la 1(diš) tu lu₂-e₂-a 1(diš) gudu₄ {d}mes-lam-ta-e₃-a šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 8(diš) guruš gub-ba 4(diš) iri-ta nu-banda₃ igi-zu-bar-ra 3(diš) iri-ta la₂-ia₃ 2(diš) nu-banda₃ ur{geš}gigir u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄","97 workmen, the supervisor: Ur-gigir; 58, the supervisor: Igizubara; 36, the supervisor: Ur-Nigar; 6, the supervisor: Lu-Baba; Together: 197 workmen. Therefrom: 30, royal entourage; 10, uzga house; 5, slaughterhouse; 5, chaff carriers; 5, ...; 5, ... of the royal barge; 5, ... of the ...; 3, grooms; 18, kitchen, with Ur-nigar; 18, kitchen, with Ur-Nanše; 5, brewery, with Lugal-anatum; 2, brewery, with Ur-mes; 1, household of Ur-Namma; 1, ... in Sagdana, 1, flour carrier, with Ur-Baba; 1, flour carrier, with Nammaḫ; 1, flour carrier, with Kugal-inimgi; 2, clay carriers; 2, in the storage house stationed; 1, scribe of labor; 1, scribe of oil and dates; 1, scribe of ...-straw; 1, scribe of arzana(-flour); 1, scribe of flour, groats, spelt; 1, scribe of fish and vegetables; 1, Ur-Ninazu; 1, Ursaga ...; 1, with Nammaḫ; 1, Ur-Baba ...; 1, mouth of the palace; 2, hung boat, to reeds of Uruk; 5, boat of willow; 10, boat of ...; 10, household of the governor; 3, reed carriers in Nippur; 3, boat of Isin; 7, ... Ki-Suen; 17, pise plasterers; 1, sick, Alla; 1, sick, Lu-Ea; 1, gudu-priest of Meslamta’ea; Total: 188 workers on hand; 4 out of town, supervisor: Igizubara; 3 out of town, deficit; 2, supervisor: Ur-gigir; 29th day, month: “Festival of Lisi”." P519364,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 1(aš) e₂ sar kislah nig₂-sa₁₀-bi 1(u) ku₃ gin₂ da-da simug lugal-geš dumu ur-sag nimgir-ra nin-gissu dam-ni-bi i-ne-la₂... 1(aš) ur-gu dumu lugal-ša₃... 1(aš) lugal dumu ma-ni-li₂ 1(aš) ur{d}ab... dumu ba-ni... 1(aš) lugal-nig₂... dumu a nar 1(aš) ... dumu du-du... lu₂ ki inim-ma... igi-ne-ne-ta inim-bi al-til mu lugal-bi al-pa u₄-ba še ku₃ 1(diš) gin₂-a 2(barig) še-am₃ al-ag₂ ","1 unbebautes Hausgrundstiick (von) 1 sar, das Kaufpreis 10 Sekel Silber, hat Dada, der Schmied, dem Lugal-geš, dem Sohn des Ursag, des Heroldes, und Nin-gessu, seiner Gattin, bezahlt. 1 Urgu, der Sohn des Lugal-ša, des „Reinigungs“-Priesters, 1 Lugal-KA, der Sohn des Man(n)îlī 1 Ur-Ab’u, der Sohn des Bani-..., 1 Lugal-nigsa, der Sohn des A-LAK527, des Barden, (und ) 1 ...-anzu, der Sohn des Dudu, des Schmiedes, sind die Zeugen. Vor ihnen ist diese Angelegenheit abgeschlossen. Der Eid beim Konig ist geleistet. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt (galt für das) Gerste-Silber-(Äquivalent ) je 1 Sekel (Silber) waren 2 barig Gerste dargemessen." P416541,Ur III,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 5(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šu ur₃-ra zar₃ tab-ba u₃ še gur₁₀-a a-ša₃ gibil u₃ a-ša₃ išib-e-ne ugula ba-sa₆ kišib₃ inim{d}inana mu us₂-sa {d}amar{d}suen lugal inim{d}inana dumu lugal-iti-da","417 workdays, male laborers: leveled, sheaves piled, grain harvested in New Field and Priests Field; foreman: Basa, under seal of Inim-Inanna; year after: “Amar-Suen is king.” Inim-Inanna, son of Lugal-itida." P514375,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) gu₄ niga 3(u) udu niga 4(u) udu {d}en-lil₂ ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) kaš-de₂-a lu₂-dingir-ra dumu hul₃-la mu kaš-de₂-a nam-mi₂-us₂-sa₂ ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan še₃ 7(diš) udu tah-ša-tal ra₂-gaba udu su-ga uš-mu kurušda mu maškim u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš)","5 oxen, barley-fed, 30 sheep, barley-fed, 40 sheep, for Enlil, in the delivery for the banquet; Lu-dingira, son of ARADhulla; for the wedding banquet for Ṣelluš-Dagan; 7 sheep from Dah(i)š-atal, the mounted (messenger), sheep replaced by Ušmu, the fattener; ARADmu was the administrator; 18th day; from Abbasaga(‘s account) lifted; month: “Harvest,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 82 (cattle)." P514376,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 3(diš) udu e₂-muhaldim giri₃ na-silim muhaldim 1(diš) maš₂-gal ur-šu-ri-tum-ma 1(diš) u₈ giri₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ u₂-ta₂-mi-ru-um 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ a₂-an-ga₂-ta 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ da-ku-un-ti 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu i₃-li₂ 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ ur-eš₃-lil₂-la₂ 1(diš) sila₄ giri₃ {d}nin-e₂-gal-palil 1(geš₂) 6(diš) udu u₄ 6(diš)-kam 1(geš₂) 5(u) 7(diš) udu u₄ 7(diš)-kam 1(u) 2(diš) udu u₄ 8(diš)-kam nig₂-ezem-ma {na₄}gug-na₂ 3(geš₂) 4(u) 6(diš) ša₃-bi-ta 2(u) 5(diš) udu...a-ša₃-ta ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu lu₂-ba i₃-dab₅ giri₃ lu₅-a-mu 3(diš) udu giri₃ lugal-nam₂-mah 5(diš) maš₂ giri₃ lu₂-kal-la zi-ga-am₃ 3(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) udu si-i₃-tum gaba-ri nig₂-ka₉ ak du₁₁-ga giri₃ šeš-kal-la iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","23 sheep for the kitchen, via Nasilim, the cook; 1 full-grown goat, Ur-šuritumma; 1 ewe, via Ur-Šulpa’e; 1 lamb, via Uta-mišarum; 1 lamb, via A'angata; 1 lamb, via NIdakunti; 1 lamb, via Ur-Baba, son of Ilī; 1 lamb, via Ur-ešlila; 1 lamb, via Nin-egal-palil; 66 sheep, 6th day; 117 sheep, 7th day; 12 sheep, 8th day; festival, carnelian, bed; (subtotal:) 226 (small cattle); therefrom: 25 sheep ... a-sza3-ta did Ur-Baba, son of Luba, receive, via Lu’amu; 3 sheep, via Lugal-nammaḫ, 5 goats, via Lukalla; booked out; 193 sheep, deficit; copy of the account of Duga, via Šeškalla; month: “Harvest,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P514380,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(diš) {gi}kaskal 1(geš₂)-ta 7(diš) {gi}si-ig-da esir₂ su-ba 1(diš) {gi}su₇-su₇ esir₂ su-ba 7(diš) {gi}ba-an-du₈-du₈ guru₇ esir₂ su-ba 1(diš) ma-an-sim zi₃-gu 1(diš) ma-an-sim nig₂-ar₃-ra 3(u)...{gi}gur-sal₄-la esir₂ su-ba 3(diš) {gi}kaskal i₃ zu₂-lum esir₂ su-ba 1(u) 1(diš) {gi}gur zi₃-il₂ esir₂ su-ba 5(diš) {gi}kaskal 2(diš)-ta 5(diš) {gi}kaskal 1(diš)-ta 7(diš) {geš}epir₂... 1(diš) {gi}kid ki-la₂-bi 1/3(diš) ma₂ siskur₂ ba-a 1(diš) {gi}ig suh₄ sal-la gid₂-bi 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal-bi 2(diš) bala-še₃ kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la","3 travel baskets, 60 (sila3) each; 7 sigda baskets, coated in bitumen; 1 reed container, coated in bitumen; 7 plow seeding baskets of the silo, coated in bitumen; 1 sieve for pea-flour; 1 sieve for groats; 30(?) gur-baskets ..., coated in bitumen; 3 travel baskets for oil and dates, coated in bitumen; 11 gur baskets of the flour porters, covered with bitumen; 5 travel baskets, 2 (sila3) each; 5 travel baskets, 1 (sila3) each; 7 ... ; 1 mat, its size: 1/3 sar ... to cover the prayer boat; 1 thin reed door mat its length: 4 cubits, its width: 2 cubits; for the bala; under seal of Lu-Ninšubur year: “The lord of Eridu was installed.” Lu-Ninšubur the scribe, son of Šeškalla." P514381,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) ma₂ 4(u) gur 1(ban₂)-ta ma₂-lah₅-bi i₃-ib₂-u₃ u₄ 3(u) 2(diš)-še₃ še-bi 2(aš) 4(ban₂) gur ma₂ še si-ig ša₃ nibru{ki} 2(diš) ma₂ 3(u) gur 5(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ še-bi 2(barig) 3(ban₂) ma₂ še an-za-gar₃-še₃ 2(diš) ma₂ 1(geš₂) gur 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃-ta ...lah₅-bi i₃-ib₂-u₃ ...2(u) 5(diš)-še₃ še gibil ...2(ban₂) gur uri₅{ki}še₃ {geš}u₂-bil₂ ba-a-gar giri₃ a-hu-ni lu₂...gi₄-a lugal 1(diš) ma₂ 4(u) gur 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃-ta ma₂-lah₅-bi i₃-ib₂-u₃ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ še-bi 3(barig) uri₅{ki}še₃ ku₆ nisi i₃ zu₂-lum ba-a-gar ","2 boats of 40 gur at 1 ban2 (rent per day); its skippers piloting for 32 days, its barley: 2 gur 4 ban2 boat with barley loading in Nippur; 2 boats of 30 gur at 5 sila3 (rent per day), for 15 days, its barley: 2 barig 3 ban2, boat with barley, to the tower(?); 2 boats of 60 gur at 1 ban2 6 sila3 (rent per day), its skippers piloting for 25 days, new barley, its barley: 2 gur 3 barig 2 ban2; toward Ur with charcoal was set; via Aḫūni, the royal messenger; 1 boat of 40 gur at 1 ban2 2 sila3 (rent per day), its skippers piloting for 15 days, its barley: 3 barig; toward Ur, fish, vegetables, oil and dates were set." P514382,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...a-ši-an... 3(diš) ab-ba-mu ugula a-gu-du lu₂ mar-ha-ši i₃-dab₅ 5(diš) {lu₂}tir 1(diš) ugula uri₅{ki}še₃ ugula ur{d}šara₂ 1(diš) geme₂ ur-nigar{gar} a-kal-la i₃-dab₅ ugula er₃-ri-ib 1(diš) ur-gu₂-de₃-na ga₂-nun-še₃ ugula e₂-a-lu-bi 1(diš) ur{d}utu dumu šabra 1(diš) a-kal-la ... 1(diš)... nu... 1(diš) lugal... 1(diš) lugal... 1(diš) lugal-šu-nir-re 1(diš) lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 1(diš) gi-gi šu-ku₆-me ugula ur{d}suen i₇ ib₂-tuš ugula lu₂-kal-la 2(diš) lugal-ušurₓ 1(diš) a₂-gal₂-nu-tuku lugal-ušurₓ i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) ur₄-ša₃-ta-lu₂ dub-sar kaš... 1(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu da-zi-gi₄ šu-bar-ra 1(diš) lugal-nig₂-lagar-e lunga {d}gu-la 1(diš) nimgir-di-ne gudu₄ lu₂-tur-tur i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) du-du-am₃ u₃ lu₂-ba... ni₂-du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) ugula lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 2(diš) ugula e₂-a-lu₂-bi ki-bi ib₂-tuš 1(diš) ur{d}ma-mi ga₂-nun geš{kuš}ummuₓ-da ugula lu₂{d}... 1(diš) ur-sila-luh... 1(diš) a-tu... 1(diš) ur... ugula šu... e₂... ... 5(diš) guruš ugula lugal-mu-ma-ag₂ 1(diš) nam-ha-ni 1(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ ugula ma₂-gur₈-re 3(diš) guruš ugula e₂-a-lu-bi 2(diš) e₂-uz-ga ib₂-tuš 1(diš)...ugula e₂-a-lu-bi ki-a-nag ur{d}šara₂ 1(diš) lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re i₃-du₈ 1(diš) a₂-na-na lu₂-azlag₂ ki lu₂-kal-la 2(diš) guruš ugula mu 2(diš) guruš ugula e₂-a-lu-bi u₂ zi-zi 2(diš) dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e nagar 1(diš) guruš ha-da maškim a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} 1(diš) guruš engar geš-i₃ ad-kup₄-še₃ u₄ 3(u) la₂ 2(diš)-še₃ a-gu i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) geme₂ ur{d} dag-ka ...geme₂ šeš-kal-la ugula ma₂-gur₈-re...e-ni... ... ...šu-ku₆ ugula lugal-ku₃-ga-ni ...il₂ ur-še₃ 1(diš) ur-dun 1(diš) ur-sag₁₀ guru₇ ib₂-tuš 2(diš) e₂-gal-e-si guru₇ uri₅{ki} 1(u) ugula mu dub-sar ...{d}ab-ba-u₂ i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) e₂-sag-il₂-la gi-il₂ 1(u)-a bi₂ nigin₂ ugula lu₂-ka-ni","... ... with Aši’an..., 3 Abbamu, overseer: Agudu, did the man of Marḫaši accept; 5 forresters, 1 overseer, to Ur, overseer: Ur-Šara; 1 female laborer, Ur-nigar, did Akalla accept, overseer: Errib; 1 Ur-Gu’edena to the storehouse, overseer: Ea-lubi; 1 Ur-Utu, son of the chief household administrator, 1 Akalla, ..., ..., 1 ..., ..., 1 Lugal-..., 1 Lugal-..., 1 Lugal-šunirre, 1 Lugirizal, 1 Gigi, parter?, they are fishermen, overseer: Ur-Suen; river stationed, overseer: Lukalla; 2 Lugal-ušur, 1 Agalnutuku, did Lugal-ušur accept; 1 Urszatalu, the scribe of beer ..., 1 Lu-Šara, son of Dazigi, ..., 1 Lugal-niglagare, brewer of Gula 1 Nimgirdine, the priest, did Lu-turtur accept; 1 Duduam and Lu-ba..., Biduga received (him); 1 overseer Lugirizal, 2 overseers Ea-lubi, ... stationed; 1 Ur-Mami , to the waterskin storehouse (?), overseer Lu-..., 1 Ur-silaluḫ ..., 1 Atu ..., 1 Ur-..., ugula Šu-..., E-...; ..., 5 male laborers, overseer: Lugal-mumag, 1 Namḫani 1 Lu-Šara overseer Magurre; 3 workmen, overseer Ea-lubi; 2 e’uzga stationed, 1 ..., overseer Ea-lubi; libation place , Ur-Šara; 1 Lugal-magure, the door keeper, 1 Anana, the fuller, with Lukalla; 2 male laborers, overseer: ARADmu, 2 male laborers, overseer: Ea-lubi; ...; 2 sons of Lugalemaḫe, the carpenter, 1 male laborer, Ḫada, enforcer, Apisal, 1 male laborer, plowman of sesame(?); for the matter, 28 days; did Agu accept; 1 female laborer, Ur-GIR3-DUN ..., 1 female laborer, Šeškalla, overseer Magurre, ... ..., ... fisherman, overseer Lugal-kugani; n porters ... 1 Ur-dun 1 Ur-saga, overseer:; at the silo stationed (?); 2 Egalesi, silo of Ur; 10, overseer ARADmu, the scribe the sila3 measures, did Abba’u accept; 1 Esagila, reed porters, ..., overseer: Lukani." P514383,Ur III,Administrative," ... {d}lamma... 2(eše₃) 1(aš) gur {d}nin-hur-sag gar-si₄-da{ki} 1(eše₃) 1(aš) 1(barig) gur {d}nin-si-gar-eden-na 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(aš) gur {d}nin-hur-sag ur{d}ma-mi 2(eše₃) 4(aš) gur {d}nin-hur-sag maš-gan₂{ki} ... 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 2(aš) 4(ban₂) gur en-u₂-šim-e u₃ en-mu₁₀-us₂-sa₂ a-ša₃ a-ra-li 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) gur ur-sa₆-sa₆ a-ša₃ am-ri₂-ma 2(eše₃) 6(aš) gur lu₂-i₃-zu a-ša₃ sag₁₀-tur 1(eše₃) 4(aš) gur gu-gu-du... ... a-ša₃ ga₂{geš}i₃-šub 2(iku) 3(aš) gur lugal{geš}gigir-re a-ša₃ si 1(eše₃) 1(u) gur ur-mes 1(eše₃) 1(u) gur a-du-du a-ša₃ anše aga₃-us₂-me ... ... {lu₂}tir-ra-me 3(iku) 2(aš) gur lu₂-kal-la 3(iku) 2(aš) gur lu₂{d}šara₂ 3(iku) 2(aš) gur ur{d}suen apin-la₂ ur-sa₆-sa₆ a-ša₃ am-ri-ma 3(iku) 2(aš) gur lugal-ur₂-ra-ni ... 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 3(aš) gur 1(eše₃) 3(iku) su₃ a-ša₃ tur an-ka 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 4(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ {d}šul-pa-e₃ apin-la₂ lugal-nesag-e ur{d}gilgameš₄ {geš}gigir₂-re ma₂-gur₈-re lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re ur₄-ša₃-ki-du₁₀ ... apin-la₂ šuku šu-ha-la-a ... šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) šuniŋin še-bi 1(geš₂) 5(u) 2(aš) 4(ban₂) gur šuku ki-a šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) šuniŋin še-bi 5(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gur ...šuku šu-ha-la-a ...3(iku) su₃ ...ur₄ ... ...{d}suen...","... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Lamma-...; 2 eše3 field, 1 gur, Ninḫursag of Garsida; 1 eše3 field, 1 gur 1 barig, Nin-sigaredena; 1 eše3 3 iku field, 9 gur, Ninḫursag, Ur-Mami; 2 eše3 field, 4 gur, Ninḫursag of Maškan; ... 1 eše3 3 iku field, 2 gur 4 ban2, Enušime and En-mussa, field of Arali; 1 eše3 3 iku field, 10 gur Ursasa the field of Amrima; 2 eše3 field, 6 gur, Lu-izu, the field of Sagatur; 1 eše3 field, 4 gur, Gugudu ... the field of Ga-išub 2 iku field, 3 gur, Lugal-gigire field Si; 1 eše3 field, 10 gur, Ur-mes; 1 eše3 field, 10 gur, Adudu, the equid field; they are soldiers; ... they are forresters; 3 iku field, 2 gur, Lukalla; 3 iku field, 2 gur, Lu-Šara; 3 iku field, 2 gur, Ur-Suen, the tiller, Ur-sasa, field of Amrima; 3 iku field, 2 gur, Lugal-urani; ... 1 eše3 3 iku field, 3 gur, 1 eše3 3 iku field, fallow, the small field of Anka; 1 eše3 3 iku field, 4 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, field of Šulpa’e, the tiller, Lugal-nesage Ur-Gilgameš, Gigire, Magurre, Lugal-Magure, Ur-šakidu, ... tillers, ration fields, Šu-Ḫalaya; ... total: 5 bur3 2 eše3 5 iku field; total, its grain: 112 gur 4 ban2; ration fields, irrigated; total: 5 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku field; total, its grain: 51 gur 4 barig 2 ban2; tillers, ration fields, Šu-Ḫalaya; ... 3 iku fallow field; ... ... ... ... ... ... year: “...-Suen, king ... ”." P465776,Ur III,Administrative," ...sila₃ 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ še gur... ...lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-ša₃-ga ...6(aš) 4(barig) gur a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂... la₂-ia₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak dingir-ra a-tu dumu lugal-sag₁₀-ke₄ su-su-dam mu... a-tu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa₆-ga","n gur n sila3 3 1/3 shekels barley ..., wages of the hirelings of the field ...; n 6 gur 4 barig(?) wages of the hirelings ..., deficit of the account of ARAD-dingira(?); Atu, son of Lugal-saga must replace it; year: “... .” Atu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga." P465777,Ur III,Administrative," ...gin₂...ku₃ maš a-ša₃-ga ki ur-dun-ta da-da-ga šu ba-ti mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","n shekels ... grains of silver, interest of the field, from Ur-dun did Dadaga receive; year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P465778,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 1(u) kuš gar ka ba-ba sag₁₀ keš₂-de₃ ki a-kal-la-ta kišib₃ lu₂-bala-sag₁₀ iti diri mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul lu₂-bala... dub... dumu ma-ma","130 leather stoppers, the mouths of jugs of fine baba (flour) to bind, from Akalla, under seal of Lu-bala-saga; month: “Extra,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.” Lu-bala-saga, scribe, son of Mama." P465780,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} 4(diš) udu šimašgi niga 1(diš) sila₄ mu 1(diš) gukkal niga 1(diš) maš₂ niga 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-ku₃-zu 2(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂-im-ti u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-sa₆-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu... 1(u) 1(diš)","1 lamb, (from) the governor of Umma; 4 Šimašgi sheep, grain-fed, 1 lamb, ARADmu; 1 fat-tailed sheep, 1 billy, grain-fed, 1 lamb, Lugal-kuzu; 2 lambs, Ninlil-imti(?); the 16th day, as delivery did Abbasaga accept; month “Festival-of-Mekigal,” year: “... .” (total:) 11." P478822,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₃ tu₇ 1(diš) ku₆ puzur₄{d}iškur lu₂ kin-gi₄-a lugal u₄ {ki}ta ki lugal-še₃ ba-gen-na-a 1(diš) sila₃ tu₇ 1(diš) ku₆ šu{d}suen lu₂ kin-gi₄-a-lugal u₄ erin₂ zah₃ e₂-gal dab₅-ba-de₃ im-gen-na-a zi-ga iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam","1 sila3 soup, 1 fish, (for) Puzriš-Iškur, royal envoy, when from Der to the king he went out; 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish, Šu-Suen, royal envoy, when to catch flown troops and slaves of the palace he came; booked out; month “Festival of Šulgi,” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed,” 27th day." P478823,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ... ... ... ","102 rams, 35 nanny goats, ...; ... ." P414452,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ad₃ udu niga 2(diš) ad₃ udu u₂ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} mu-kuₓ(DU) giri₃ ha-ba-lu₅-ge₂ ...e₂-iti-6(diš) mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e e₂ {d}šara₂ mu-du₃ {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... dub-sar dumu da... zu","1 carcass of a grain-fed sheep; 2 carcasses of grass-fed sheep; as rations of Šara of Apisal, deliveries; via Habaluge. Month: “house-sixth-month,” year: “Šu-Suen the king erected the house of Šara.” Šu-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant." P466177,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš-da₃ niga ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam ki u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","1 gazelle, grain-fed, slaughtered, the 25th day, from Uta-mišara, did Šulgi-irimu accept; month: “Festival-of-Mekigal(?),” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P479374,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) sa gi kišib₃ lugal-ezem lugal-ezem... dumu lugal-e₂... šabra","10 bundles of reed, under seal of Lugal-ezem." P480699,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...še-sag₁₁-ku₅ ...suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄...dara₄-abzu {d}en-ki-ka bi₂-in-du₈ ","month “Harvest,” year: “The Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the boat (named) ‘Ibex-of-Abzu’ caulked.”" P481933,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kuš ab₂ babbar u₂-hab₂ ur-nigar zi-ga iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅","1 hide of white cow, (treated with) stink-plant: (from the account of) Ur-nigar booked out; month “Harvest.”" P499480,Ur III,Administrative," 9(aš) 3(ban₂) še gur lugal la₂-ia₃ su-ga še lu₂-unu{ki} ugula... i₃-dub ki-tuš-da-sal₄-la{ki} ki nig₂-u₂-rum-ta ur{d}nanše šu ba-ti iti munu₄-gu₇ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","9 gur 3 ban2 barley, deficit repaid of barley, Lu-Unu, ..., depot of Kitušdasala from Nig-urum did Ur-Nanše receive; month “Malt-feast,” year following “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P513365,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) gukkal niga u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta en-dingir-mu i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","8 fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed, 12th day, from Abba-saga did Endingirmu receive; month “šu’eša,” year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P514392,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur lugal ša₃-gal gašam ki lu₂-kal-la-ta lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su šu ba-ti mu en eridu{ki} ...še gur lugal ...gašam ...lu₂-kal-la-ta kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu...","1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley (according to the) royal (measure), fodder for the artisans, from Lukalla did Lu-Ningirsu receive; year: “The lord of Eridu.” 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley (according to the) royal (measure), fodder for the artisans, from Lukalla; under seal of Lu-Ningirsu;" P388930,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ i₃-gal₂ ... mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P388985,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun ... i₃-gal₂ ... mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P389017,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im a₂ u₄-da he₂-dab₅ ša₃ sag-da-na-ka iti šu-numun iti munu₄-gu₇ iti ezem{d}dumu-zi i₃-gal₂ ... mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-a-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P389031,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak sag-apin e₂ {d}en-lil₂ e₂ {d}en-ki e₂ {d}nin-gul e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ nam-ha-ni e₂ {d}nin-dar-a i₃-gal₂ ... mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P413902,Ur III,Administrative," {geš}hašhur sa₂-du₁₁ bur-e šu₂-a iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la-ta u₄ 8(diš) ba-ra-zal-la-ta u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-ra giri₃ ab-ba-qir iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","Apples, regular covered bowl offerings, from the month “barley brought to the harbor,” from the 8th day having passed, for five days brought into the palace via Abba Month “barley brought to the harbor,” year “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, the large barge for Enlil and Ninlil he built.”" P412631,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu a udu hur-sag 1(diš) udu ge₆ šimašgi 3(u) 5(diš) ud₅ šimašgi 4(diš) maš₂ ga a dara₄ šu-gid₂ iti u₄ 2(u) 1(diš) ba-zal ki u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","4 sheep ... of the mountains, 1 black sheep, Šimaškian, 35 jenny goats, Šimaškian, 4 billy goats, suckling, ..., for exstispicy; of the month, the 21st day passed, from Uta-mišarram, Inta’e took over; month: “Gazelle eating,” year: “Huhnuri was destroyed.” (total:) 44." P412633,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam ki nu-ur₂{d}iškur-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ 1(diš) udu","1 sheep, slaughtered, 24th day, from Nur-Iškur, Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Gazelle eating,” year after: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, the Amorite wall ‘muriq-tidnim erected’;” (total:) 1 sheep." P412632,Ur III,Administrative," 7(diš) {geš}u₃-suh₅ gi-muš 1(geš₂) {gi}kid šer₇-ru-um ki-la₂-bi 1(u) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta lu₂-igi-sa₆-sa₆ šu ba-an-ti giri₃ nig₂-gur₁₁ ša₃ bala-a mu hu-hu-nu-ri ba-hul lu₂-igi-sa₆-sa₆ dub-sar dumu ur{geš}gigir","7 pine planks for gimuš, 1 šerrum-mat, its extent: 13 1/3 shekels; from Ur-E’e did Lu-igisasa receive; via Niggur, in the bala; year: “Ḫuḫunuri was destroyed.”" P413897,Ur III,Administrative," ... 3(diš)... 2(diš) sila₄ ki... 1(diš) sila₄ ki šu... 2(diš) sila₄ ki aš-qu₂... 3(u) udu ki...ta 6(diš) udu mu-kuₓ(DU) giri₃-ki... 1(diš) sila₄ ki la-te-ni-iš-ta ...1(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) ša₃-bi-ta 3(diš) udu sa₂-du₁₁ 3(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-ku₃-nun-na 1(diš) sila₄...ka 2(diš) sila₄ {d}lugal-u₄-da ...1(u) la₂ 1(diš) zi-ga lugal 1(u) udu ša₃ e₂-gal-še₃ aš-qu₂-da-num₂ ...udu ka₂ nanna 2(diš) udu...dam a-la-mu 1(diš) udu la₂-ia₃ a-la-mu ...1(u) 3(diš) 1(u) 6(diš)...da...gub-ba 5(diš)... 1(u) 8(diš) udu... 1(u) 7(diš)...šabra... ...","... 3 ... 2 lambs from [...] 1 lambs from [...] 2 lambs from Ašqudum 30 sheep from [...] 6 sheep delivery of Kišer 1 lamb from Lateniš, (total:) 93. Therefrom: 3 sheep, the regular offerings 3 lambs for Ninkununa 1 lamb for ... 2 lambs for Lugaluda (total:) 9 booked out for the king; 10 sheep into the palace: Ašqudanum n sheep of the gate of Gula 2 sheep 1 sheep, deficit of Alamu (total:) 13 16 ...: Tadinea 5 [...] 18 sheep [...] 17 sheep ... for the chief administrator. ..." P413898,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam ki zu-ba-ga-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun 3(diš) udu","1 jenny, 1 lamb, 1 sucking lamb, slaughtered on the 16th day, from Zubaga Šulgi-irimu received. Month “gazelle-eating,” year: “The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed.” (total:) 3 sheep." P413899,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) zi₃-gu lugal ki šeš-a-ni-ta kišib₃ igi-iri...du₃ ša₃ bala-a mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","60 royal sila3 of pea-flour from Šešani, sealed tablet of IUmani as part of the bala. Year: “The priest of Nanna was chosen by the goat.”" P413900,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur lugal la₂-ia₃ še a-ša₃ iri-ul lu₂-dingir-ra dumu he₂-ti su-su-dam mu ur-bi₂-lum ba-hul","1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley in the royal gur, deficit of the barley of the field of Iri'ul, Lu-dingira, the son of Heti will replace. Year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P469657,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ šu-ma-ma ka-us₂-sa₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ ha-ba-ad gaba-ta 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ kur-bi-la-ak ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 3(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 2(u)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ ","3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundel onions: Šu-Mama, the ka’usa; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundel onions: Habad, the gaba-ta; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundel onions: Kurbilak, the ka’usa; total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer, total: 6 sila3 bread, total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer, total: 6 shekels alkali-plant, total: 3 bundles onions; 20th day, month: “Harvest,” year after: “Martu-Wall was erected.”" P469659,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) guruš u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ nibru{ki}še₃ i₃ ga e₂ ušurₓ... 3(diš) guruš u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ nibru{ki}še₃ in-bul₅-bul₅ il-la kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e","1 male laborer for 5 days, to Nippur butter oil and cheese ...; 3 male laborers for 2 days, to Nippur ...-straw carried; foreman: ...-gala; under seal of Lukalla; year: “Šu-Suen is king.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E’e." P469660,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga sag₁₀ us₂ 2(diš) udu 1(diš) ud₅ 4(diš) sila₄ ki šu-ma-ma-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu₇ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 8(diš)","1 female kid, grain-fed, fine, second (quality), 2 sheep, 1 nanny, 4 lambs, from Šu-Mama did Šulgi-irimu receive; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” (total:) 8." P453648,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) {gi}ma-sa₂-ab tab-ba 2(ban₂)-ta nu-ur₂-ma ba-an-gar tum-ma-al-še₃ giri₃ la-qi₃-pu-um šandana zi-ga iti nig₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","5 masab-baskets at 2 ban each, filled? with pomegranates to Tummal, via Laqipu, the š.; booked out; month: “that of Enlil,” year: “the en-priestess of Eridu was installed.”" P414580,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u) 1(aš) 3(ban₂) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še gur še-numun mur-gu₄ u₃ a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ ki lu₂-gi-na-ta ba-zi kišib₃ ur{d}suen mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","41 gur 3 ban 4 1/2 sila barley: seed, (plough-)oxen feed and wages of day laborers, out of (the account of) Lu-gina booked; sealed document of Ur-Suen. Year after: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P453801,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš na-na-sa₃ 1(diš) sila₃ sa₆-ma-ar 1/2(diš) sila₃ a-li-a-hi dam-a-ni i₃-ba lu₂ me-luh-ha{ki}me a-ru-a lugal sipa a dara₄-me zi-ga iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","1 sila3 sesame oil, for Nanasa; 1 sila3, for Samar; 1/2 sila3, for Ali’aḫī, his wife; oil rations: men of Meluḫḫa; royal offerings, herdsmen of mountain goats; booked out; month “Harvest,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Big-stele for Enlil and Ninlil made.”" P453916,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub... nig₂-ka₉ ak ugula ur-ge₆-par₄ u₃...uš-bar-ke₄-ne ugula ba-ba-lum šuš₃ ugula {d}{aš}ašgi{gi₄}al-su šuš₃ ugula sa₆-ri₂-kum šuš₃ ...{d}nanna-i₃-gi šuš₃ ugula ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃ u₃ bu-ga-a na-gada i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P454106,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a-ša₃ gid₂-da gu₄ u₃ šuku giri₃-se₃-ga ša-ar-i₃-li₂ šabra mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ a-ša₃ gid₂-da zi-ga lugal mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal a-ša₃ im-li-ik{d}šu-suen giri₃ ur-nigar sa₁₂-du₅ lugal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P454148,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) 3(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ še gur šuku ku-ku 2(aš) 3(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ gur šuku er₃-ra-ba-ni 3(aš) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gur šuku a-da-lal₃ 1(aš) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur šuku ur{d}dumu-zi 1(aš) 3(barig) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ šuku dingir-ba-ni ...9(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ gur ...še nu-dab₅-me šu{d}li₉...šu ba-ti a-ša₃ ...bu-gi₄ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ si-mu-ru-um{ki} mu-hul šu{d}li₉-si₄ dumu {d}lamma... ra₂-gaba...","2 gur 3 ban2 1 sila3 barley, prebend of Kuku; 2 gur 3 ban2 1 sila3, prebend of Era-bani; 3 gur 1 ban2 7 sila3, prebend of Adalal; 1 gur 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, prebend of Ur-Dumuzi; 1 gur 3 barig 2 1/2 sila3 barley, prebend of Ilī-bani; 9 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 7 sila3 barley, of those not receiving barley (rations), did Šū-Lisi receive; field; year: “Ibbi-Sîn, king of Ur, Simurum did destroy.” Šū-Lisi, son of ..., rider, ... ." P454156,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ ga-gazi ki ur-mes-ta ur{d}dumu-zi šu ba-ti iti šu-gar-gal","1 ban2 3 sila3 clarified butter, 1 ban2 6 sila3 kašk-cheese with sumac, from Ur-mes did Ur-Dumuzi receive; month “šugargal.”" P454169,Ur III,Administrative," 3(ban₂) dabin 2(ban₂) kaš du ki-a-nag šu-qur-tum 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin keš₃{ki} zu-ga-tum ša₃ {geš}kiri₆ 2(ban₂) dabin 2(ban₂) kaš du 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin zu-ga-tum ša₃ {geš}kiri₆ 1(ban₂) dabin 1(ban₂) kaš du ki-a-nag a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti 1(ban₂) dabin 1(ban₂) kaš 1(diš) sila₃ eša e₂ {d}geštin-an-na 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin ma-at-gi₄-gi₄ 6(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 1(diš) sila₃ eša 1(diš) sila₃ dabin ...ugu₂-ama-ra 6(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ dabin 2(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(ban₂) kaš 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin {d}lugal-pa-du₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 1/2(diš) sila₃ eša 3(diš) sila₃ dabin ...lu₂ bu₃-bu₃ 2(ban₂) še 1(ban₂) kaš du 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin wa-da-al-tum 1(ban₂) kaš 1(diš) sila₃ eša 2(diš) sila₃ dabin zu-ga-tum ša₃ {geš}kiri₆ um...bu-šu-ta ba-zi iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅","3 ban2 of semolina, 2 ban2 of ordinary beer for the funerary libation place of Šuqurtum; 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina (in?) Keš (and the) zugatum(-ceremony) in the garden; 2 ban2 of semolina, 2 ban2 of ordinary beer, 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina, for the zugatum(-ceremony) in the garden; 1 ban2 of semolina (and) 1 ban2 of ordinary beer for the funerary libation place of Abī-simtī; 1 ban2 of semolina, 1 ban2 of beer, 1 sila3 of fine flour for the house of Geštin-ana; 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina for Mat-gigi; 6 sila3 of sig-flour, 1 sila3 of fine flour, 1 sila3 of semolina for Ugu-amara; 6 sila3 of sig-flour, 2 ban2 4 sila3 of semolina, 2 sila3 of dates, 1 ban2 of beer, 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina for Lugal-paḫi; 5 sila3 of sig-flour, 1/2 sila3 of fine flour, 3 sila3 of semolina for theman of Bubu; 2 ban2 of barley, 1 ban2 of ordinary beer, 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina for Wadaltum; 1 ban2 of beer, 1 sila3 of fine flour, 2 sila3 of semolina for the zugatum(-ceremony) in the garden; from (the account of) Suen(?)-abušu booked out; month “Harvest.”" P454200,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba šu-ab-ba i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P454201,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub mu-tum-dingir šabra ša₃ im-lik{d}šu{d}suen{ki} u₃ ša₃ babilim{ki} i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P411983,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub nu-ur₂{d}iškur šabra ša₃ nibru{ki} mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka bi₂-in-du₈ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P454238,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) ma-na siki-gi ku₃-bi 4(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš du₁₀-ga ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 6(diš) še 1(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš ku₃-bi i₃ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ku₃-bi 2(u) lu₂-gu-la 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš du₁₀-ga ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ inim lu₂-gu-la da-a-a šu ba-ti 2(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš du₁₀-ga 1(u) 1(diš)-kam šuniŋin 5(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ ki lu₂{d}šara₂ dam-gar₃-ta lu₂-du₁₀-ga šu ba-ti iti dal","its silver: oil of the sort 10 - 1 (?) (sila3 per shekel) 2 sila3 fine plant oil (of the sort) 11 (?) (sila3 per shekel)" P411977,Ur III,Unknown," pisan dub... bi₂-tum mu-kuₓ(DU) me{d}ištaran iti ses-da-gu₇ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ mu-du₃ i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P448989,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ...aš₂-gar₃ ...ud₅ zur-zur ... maš₂ en-kul-aba₄-si aš₂-gar₃ nanna-mud aš₂-gar₃ igi-gi-gi maš₂ ... ","1 female kid (from?) x-men; 1 nanny (from?) Zur-zur; ... 2 bucks (from?) En-kul-abasi; 1 female kid (from?) Nanna-mud; 1 female kid (from?) Igi-gigi; 2 bucks, (from?) ... ." P449003,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ...gu₄ ama-gal ...ab₂... ... gal-balag amar ama-ki-en-gi ...","1 ox: Ama-gal x cow ... 4: gal-balag 1: IGI-BUR 1 calf: Ama-kiengi" P449005,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ... ... udu amar-e₂-gal ...udu ... ... nannaₓ-du₁₀-gen₇ maš₂ ama-e₂-si udu ud₅ UN-gi₄ ...","... 1 sheep: Amar-egal ... sheep Nanna-du-gen 1 billy goat: Ama-esi 1 sheep nanny (?): SU-SU-UN-gi" P449013,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ... udu gukkal ... ",30 fat-tailed sheep P449039,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," kaš sag me-ereš₂ maškimₓ(|KASKAL.PA.DU|) amar ak ninda tur ak sagi munsubₓ(|PA.MUNSUB|) anše engiz ","2 units of high quality beer for Me-eresz- the supervisor 1 Š-container for Amar 1 Š-container for Ak 1 “small” bread for Ak, the cup-bearer 1 (bread?) , for the herdsman of donkeys 1 (bread?) , for the cook" P449041,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ziz₂ gaz₂ u₄ ezem gu₇ šum₂ ninda u₄ nannaₓ gu₇ šum₂ ninda gu₇ ","1 container NINDAxSZIM of crushed emmer ( ?) on the day of the festival of the consumption of onions and bread 1 container GANxHI KA GUR (?) [...] 1 container GANxHI KA GUR (?)[...] 1 container GANxHI KA GUR [...] on the day of the month ... consumption of onion and bread 20 containers GANxHI GUR [...] container GANxHI KA [...] consumption" P449045,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," mušen-da nam₂-pa ga igi-gi ","1 bur3 2 iku: Mušen-da 1 eše3 4 iku: Nam-pabilga 4 iku: Igi-gi" P449048,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ... kaš... ur-sag kaš še kaš sag ...mes ... ...sag kaš še ul₄-gal kaš sag kaš sag ... ...ama-ul₄-gal kaš sag kaš še dumu-dilmun kaš sag ... ...sag kaš še ri₂-ma kaš še kaš sag kaš še kaš sag kaš sag ... kaš sag kaš še ... ... gu₂-šu-du₈ kaš sag ... ... kas₄","(for) Ur-sag; 1 unit “barley beer” 2 units “high quality beer” (for) ...-mes; ... measures “high quality beer“ 2 measures “barley beer“ (for) PAP-ulgal; 1 measure “high quality beer” 1 measure “high quality beer” (for) Ama-ulgal; 1 measure “high quality beer” 2 measures “barley beer” (for) Son of Dilmun; 1 measure “high quality beer” ... measure “high quality beer” (?) 1 measure “barley beer” (for) Rîma; 1 measure “barley beer” (for) ASZ-SZUL-SZUL; 1 measure “high quality beer” 1 measure “barley beer” 1 measure “high quality beer” 3 measures “high quality beer” 1 measure “high quality beer” 2 measures “barley beer” (for) GAL [...]; (for) the gušudu; 1 measure “high quality beer” (for) ...-GIRI3; messengers," P449049,Early Dynastic I-II,Administrative," ... ... si unu alan-zi ... ... ama-engur-si nam₂-UN-si mes-ki-nu-zu si ... ...e₂-ban ama-ušum-gal ni₂-kur-ra ... ... a₃-la bahar₄ lu₂ ... e₂-nun-gal unu ... ...","... ... Uruk 42 (men?): Alan-zi ... 26 (men?): Ama-engur-si 25 (men?): Nam-UN-si 15 (men?): Mes-ki-nu-zu 16 (men?): SA-si ... 32 (men?) [...] 30 (men?): Ama-uszumgal 23 (men?): Nikurra 43 (men?): [...] 35 (men?): [...] ... 22 (men?): Alalum 204 men subscripted (?) ... 3, enungal (of) Uruk" P342095,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ gaba-ri lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne ... ...gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P122724,Ur III,Letter," lugal-a₂-zi-da u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 3(geš₂) sa gi za-an-ti-ru-um 2(geš₂) sa gi ur-gu-gu i₃-du₈-me he₂-ne₂-eb₂-šum₂-mu {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","To Lugal-azida speak! 180 bundles of reed to Zantirum, 120 bundles of reed to Ur-gugu— they are doormen— may he give them. Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four regions; Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant." P122749,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga du₁₁-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P345836,Old Babylonian,Literary," {d}dim₃-me-mu dumu an-na šeš dingir tur-tur urim₂{ki}ma an sud₄ bar-ra-ka mu-ŋal₂ diŋir igi il₂ šu mu-un-bar","... ... ... ... Lamaštu, the name of the daughter of An; sister god, daughter of the streets of Ur; The splitting a.-sword(?) gone into the mouth (?) The goddess that released the fire (?)" P123695,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum še siki tug₂ i₃ uruda u₃ a₂ nam-lu₂-u₁₈ ki lu₂-gi-na šabra e₂ amar-ra e₂{d}šara₂{ki} iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: accounts ('chambers') of barley, wool, garments, oil, copper and wages of the people of Lugina, administrator of the calf-house in the temple of Šara from month: ""Gazelle feast"" year: ""Kimaš was destroyed"" to month: ""Harvest"" year after the year: ""Kimaš was destroyed"" (total) 12 months are here" P124269,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga tah-ša-tal iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P124414,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ki a-hu-ni-ta iti maš-da₃-gu₇ iti ezem-an-na-še₃ iti 1(u)-kam mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P122940,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še erin₂-e šu ti-a nig₂-ka₉ šu su-ba mu an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul-ta mu bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃-še₃ mu 4(diš)-kam gu₂-un de₆-a mu en eridu{ki}ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃-še₃ mu 1(u)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P123034,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da i₃-dub giri₃ ur{d}nanše dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} hu-ur₅-ti ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P123035,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂-bi-mu dumu ur{d}ig-alim i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P123097,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak simug dub-sar e₂-kišib₃-ba gala nigin₆{ki} nu-banda₃ ur{d}nanše nu-banda₃ ur{d}utu nu-banda₃ lu₂-kal-la sagi ab-ba iri dam-gar₃ lu₂ geš-i₃ e₂ eš₃ gir₂-su{ki} nu-banda₃ a-hu-a e₂ {d}nanše eš₃ didli-bi e₂-muhaldim gala gu₂-ab-ba{ki} u₂-du udu dub-sar gu₄ udu lu₂ kas₄ sa₁₂-du₅ šu-ku₆ mušen-du₃ geme₂ kikken₂ ensi₂ u₃ geš-tug₂-ga ru... mu {d}amar{d}suen ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P123120,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan ur-sur-ra giri₃ lu₂-dingir-ra dumu a-ba-šu-na mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan mu us₂-sa-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380084,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lugal-a-ma-ru i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380170,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-re-ne ...ka₉ nu{geš}kiri₆-ke₄-ne-ta šu-su-ba i₃-gal₂ mu ma-da za-ab-ša...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380318,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra gu₄ udu mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul-ta mu ma₂-gur₈-mah-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P513479,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 2(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 8(diš) ab₂ ba-uš₂ ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti 1(diš) gu₄ ba-uš₂ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ur-e₂-ninnu šu ba-ti ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma ki {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ta ba-zi iti ezem-an-na mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 4(u) 1(diš)","22 oxen, 18 cows, slaughtered, did Ur-Nigar receive; 1 ox, slaughtered, did Ur-Baba, son of Ur-Eninnu, receive; in Ur; from (the account of) Enlila deducted; month “Festival of An,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, did Urbilum destroy.” (total:) 41 (head of cattle)." P469785,Ur III,Administrative," 4(geš₂) 1(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)... gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ {d}šul-pa-e₃ a-ša₃ na-ga-tum...a-ša₃ e₂-gir-gi₄-lu 5(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-gu-la a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-tur u₃ a-ša₃ nun-na 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ a-ša₃ ur{d}nin-ti u₃ a-ša₃ e₂{d}ezina₂ 2(geš₂) 2(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ bad₃-du₃-a a-ša₃ išib-e-ne u₃ a-ša₃ u₂-du-lu₂... 1(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ u₂-du{d}nin-a-ra-li u₃ gaba a-ša₃ gibil 3(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-gu-la a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-tur u₃ a-ša₃ nun-na ... ugula lu₂{d}šara₂ kišib₃ da-a-ga ... mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul da-a-ga dub-sar dumu ur-geš-ša₃-ga","256 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the Šulpa’e field, in the Nagatum field and in the Egirgilu field. 325 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the Audagula field, in the Audatur field and in the Prince field. 195 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the Oxen boot field, in the Ur-Ninti field and the E-Ezina field. 148 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Constructed Wall, in the Incantation priests field and in 75 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Cattle-herder-of-Nin-Arali and (in the field) across from the new field. 215 workdays, irrigation work in the Audagula field, in the Audatur field and in the Prince field. The foreman is Lu-Šara. Sealed tablet by Da'aga. Year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Da'aga, scribe, son of Urgeš-šaga." P417200,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum ša... a-tu dumu lugal-sag₁₀ i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: documents of the ‘house,’ ... of Atu, son of Lugal-saga, are here." P482024,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u) guruš a₂... mu 6(diš)-še₃ šu-ku₆-me mu us₂-sa a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃-še₃ 4(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar ku₃ nam-enku kišib₃ u₃-ma... ","40 male laborers, 1/2 labor, for 6 years, they being fishermen; from year following: “For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed,” to the year following: “The wall was erected;” 4 mana silver, silver of the fisheries-tithe; under seal of Umani." P128724,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na 5(diš) gin₂ ne-mur {geš}asal₂ ša₃ pisan-ga₂ ki lu₂-kal-la-ta 2(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na ne-mur ki ur-e₂-maš-ta gu-du-du šu ba-ti ... iti {d}dumu-zi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","1 2/3 pounds 5 shekels poplar ash, boxed, from Lukalla; 2 2/3 pounds ash, did Gududu, receive; month “Dumuzi,” year: “Shu-Suen, the king, the lands of Zabshali destroyed.”" P128822,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₄ ga 2(diš) kir₁₁ ga 4(diš) maš₂ ga 6(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ ga u₃-tu-da ša₃ na-gab₂-tum u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(u) 5(diš) udu","3 male lambs, suckling, 2 female lambs, suckling, 4 male kids, suckling, 6 female kids, suckling, newborns, in the Nagabtum, the 27th day, did Šulgi-ayamu take on; month “Harvest,” year: “The priestess of Nanna was installed;” (total:) 15 ovicaprids." P128823,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar ga 5(diš) sila₄ ga 4(diš) kir₁₁ ga 5(diš) maš₂ ga 6(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ ga u₃-tu-da u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki a-hu-ni iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","1 heifer calf, suckling, 5 male lambs, suckling, 4 female lambs, suckling, 5 male kids, suckling, 6 female kids, suckling, newborns, the 18th day, with Aḫuni; month: “ubi-feast,” year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P128917,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu niga {d}en-lil₂ 2(diš) udu niga {d}nin-lil₂ ša₃-ge-guru₇-a lugal ur{d}nanše sagi maškim iti u₄ 2(u) ba-zal ki na-lu₅-ta ba-zi ša₃ nibru{ki} iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun 4(diš)","2 rams, grain-fed, for Enlil; 2 rams, grain-fed, for Ninlil; in the royal g., Ur-Nanše, the cup-bearer, was enforcer, of the month day 20 passed, from Nalu(’s account) lifted, in Nippur, month “ubi-feast,” year: “The priest in Eridu was installed;” (total:) 4 (ovicaprids)." P128946,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba lugal-mu-ma-ag₂ ugula i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of the ..., of Lugal-mumag, foreman, are here; year: ”Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P128947,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {gi}pisan lu₂-banda₃{da} ...","Basket-of-tablets: basket of Lu-banda." P129030,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-dingir-ra 3(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 2(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-sag₁₀ 1(u) 2(diš) guruš lu₂{d}da-ia₃ 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ugula lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re 1(u) 7(diš) guruš 3(diš) guruš tu-ra ugula lugal-mu-ma-ag₂ 1(u) 6(diš) guruš ugula ur{geš}gigir gub-ba-am₃ ","11 laborers, foreman: Lu-dingira; 3 laborers, foreman: Lugal-girizal; 2 laborers, foreman: Lu-saga; 12 laborers, foreman: Lu-Daya; 11 laborers, foreman: Lugal-magure; 17 laborers, 3 laborers, sick, foreman: Lugal-mumag, 16 laborers, foreman: Ur-gigir; are stationed," P129072,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba šu ur₃-ra u₃ še u₄-de₃ de₆-a ri-ri-ga a-ša₃ ka-ma-ri₂{ki} a-ša₃ {d}šara₂ u₃ a-ša₃ la₂-mah ki a-du-ta kišib₃ a-du-mu mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","93 female laborer workdays, shocks gathered, leveled, and barley to the day delivered, fallen; (in the) field of Kamari, field of Šara, and field of Lamaḫ; from Adu, under seal of Adumu; year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir; official (seal)." P129220,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 1(diš) šah₂ geš-gi ša₃-gal-bi 1(diš) sila₃-ta iti šu-numun-ta u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal-la iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ ki ur{d}šul-pa-e₃-ta kišib₃ ensi₂-ka mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","1 reed thicket pig, the fodder 1 sila3 each (day), from month “Sowing,” completed 15th day, to month “Dumuzi,” from Ur-Šulpa’e, under seal of the governor, year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant." P131532,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) guruš 3(diš) gin₂-ta ku₃-bi 9(diš) gin₂ lu₂ geš-i₃ sanga {d}dumu-zi-me mu na-mu-še₃ ha-ba-zi-zi su-su-dam mu en {d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","3 male laborers at 3 shekels each, the silver: 9 shekels; they are plant oil workers of the temple household manager of Dumuzi; instead of Namu will to Ḫabazizi be repaid; year: “The high-priestess of Nanna through extispicy was named.”" P416508,Old Akkadian,Administrative," suhuš-gi ensi₂ umma{ki} lugal-šu-nir-e zabar-dab₅-e ...","For(?) Suhušgi, the governor of Umma, by Lugalšunir'e, the zabardab official." P416510,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 2(barig) še gur u₂-an-ne₂ lugal-gu₂ šu ba-ti","2/5 gur of barley of/from U'ane Lugalgu received." P421170,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) geš-ur₃ kar-ta e₂-maš kuₓ(LIL)-ra iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu šu{d}suen lugal","105 beams from the docks (to) the Emaš delivered; month: “House-month-6,” year: “Šu-Suen is king.”" P129808,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak erin₂ sag-apin e₂ {d}nanše e₂ {d}nin-dar-a ug₃ e₂ {d}nin-dar-a sag-apin ug₃ e₂ uru₁₁{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: performed inspections work-gang of plowmen of the temple of Nanše and the temple of Nindara; basket-carriers of the temple of Nindara and plowmen and basket- are here year after the year: ""Kimaš was destroyed""" P129850,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gu₄ udu i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of oxen and sheeps year (incomplete or effaced) are here Year: ""Enmahgalanna, the en-priestess of Nanna, was installed""" P129885,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kab₂-du₁₁-ga zu₂-lum-ma gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P129933,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba siki-ba geme₂ uš-bar 1(diš) ab-ba-gu-la 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur dumu ur{d}lamma dumu da-a-da 1(diš) lugal-ab-ba 1(diš) ur-še-il₂-la 1(diš) ad-da dumu e₂-me-lam₂ 1(diš) i₃-zu 1(diš) ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da 1(diš) giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(diš) da-a-da u₃ kilib₃-ba i₃-gal₂ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P129936,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ e₂ {d}dumu-zi u₃ e₂ {d}nin-dar-a mu en {d}inana maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P130052,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂ bi₂-gu₇-a bala-a ugula kikken-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu{ki} lu-lu-bu-um a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P130081,Ur III,Administrative," guruš 6(diš)-am₃ a₂ buru₁₄ mu 2(diš)-kam 1(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ...1(u) 2(diš)-am₃ a₂ en-te-na 2(diš) gin₂ ...ib₂-su-su ...geme₂{d}nin-mug-ga mu-bi₂-im ...a-da-lal₃ mu-bi₂-im ...ta ...mi-gur-re ...u₄ 4(u)-kam ...1/3(diš) gin₂ su-su-dam ... ... ...7(diš)... lu₂-nin-nu-muš-da-ka-ra in-na-la₂-e iti šu-numun-ta u₄ 1(u)-am₃ ba-ra-zal 1(diš) da-ti dumu lugal-sa₆ 1(diš) me-a-a ha-za-num₂ 1(diš) inim-ma-dingir dam-gar₃ 1(diš) ur{d}nu-muš-da lu₂ ki-ba gub-ba-me di-til-la dumu umma{ki} mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","The male laborers are 6: labor of harvest, of two years, ist silver: 1 1/2 shekels; The male laborers are 12: labor of wintertime, its silver: 2 shekels; ... will repay; ... Geme-Ninmuga her name; ... Adalal her name; from ..., ...-migure, ... for 40 days, the silver: n + 1/3 shekel ...-bara will be repaid; ... to ... 7 ... of Lu-Ninnumušda he will weigh out; from month: Sowing, day 10 completed; 1 Dati, son of Lugal-sa, 1 Me-aya, the mayor, 1 Inima-dingir, the trade agent, 1 Ur-Numušda, are men at the place stationed; complete legal matter, son of Umma; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P130554,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) guruš u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ zi₃ ma₂-a si-ga zi₃ ma₂-ta ba-al 5(diš) guruš u₄ 6(diš)-še₃ nig₂-siskur₂-ra ma₂-a {ga₂}gar sanga-ne-še₃ 6(diš) guruš-še₃ u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ gi il₂-la gi ma₂-da-la₂ ugula lugal-mu-ma-an-ag₂ kišib₃ ab-ba-gi-na ...{d}amar{d}suen lugal...ur-bi₂-i₃-lum{ki} mu-hul ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re","6 workmen for 5 days, flour loaded in the barge, flour unloaded from the barge, 5 workmen for 6 days, (animal) offerings placed in the barge, for the temple administrators, 6 workmen for 2 days, reed carried, read of the tow-boat, foreman: Lugalmu-manag, under seal of Abbagina; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum.” Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure." P130569,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar la₂-ia₃ su-ga šu-ku₆-e-ne ki ur{d}šara₂-ta a-kal-la šu ba-ti iti min-eš₃ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","11 1/3 shekels, 25 grains of silver, replaced deficit of the fishermen , from Ur-Šara, did Akalla receive; month “...” (7th month, Umma calender), year: “The priestess of Nanna with a goat was determined” (Šulgi 43). Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, cattle manager." P131736,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 2(u) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) geme₂ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 1(šarʾu) 5(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 4(u) iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti diri-še₃ 3(geš₂) 5(u) 7(aš) 4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ dabin gur a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 2(u) igi 6(diš) gal₂-bi i₃-ib₂-gar ki ta 1(geš₂) še gur a₂-bi u₄ 1(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 3(u) nig₂-ka₉ še lugal-ezem-ta 2(u) geme₂ iti 4(diš) u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 4(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) geme₂ bala-še₃ gen-na 5(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ zi₃ ar₃-a igi 6(diš) gal₂-bi 9(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) 1/3(diš) 6(geš₂) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ zi-ga didli ki lugal-nig₂-lagar-e ugula uš-bar-ta 3(geš₂) 2(u) 6(diš) tug₂-guz-za du a₂-bi u₄ 5(šar₂) 9(geš₂) 8(geš₂) 1(u) 4(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) dabin gur a₂-bi u₄ 4(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) igi 6(diš) gal₂-bi i₃-ib₂-gar gu₂ ga₂-ra ša₃ umma{ki} u₃ ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} mu {d}nanna kar-zi-da a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam e₂-an-na ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) ","141 1/3 female laborers for 13 months, labor involved: 55,120 workdays, from month “Harvest” (1st month, Umma calendar) to month “Extra”; 237 gur, 4 ban2, 1 sila3 dabin flour, labor involved: 8300, its 1/6th included, from ARAD; 60 gur of barley, labor involved: 5250 workdays; from the grain account of Lugal-ezem; 20 female laborers for 4 months 18 days, labor involved: 2760 workdays; female laborers to bala-service gone; 3344 female laborer days, labor of flour milling, its 6th: 557 1/3 363 female laborer days, labor booked out, various, from Lugal-niglagare, foreman of weavers; 206 regular guzza-garments, labor involved: 18,540 workdays. 494 gur, 3 barig, 3 ban2 dabin flour, labor involved: 17314 1/2 workdays, its 1/6th included; burden set (?) in Umma and in Apisal; year: “Nanna of Karzida was for the second time brought into Eanna” (Šulgi 36)." P131738,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) gu₄ niga 1(geš₂) gu₄ mu 2(aš) niga 2(geš₂) gu₄ mu 2(aš) u₂ 2(u) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) niga 3(u) 6(diš) gu₄ u₂ 6(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) u₂ 4(geš₂) gu₄ amar ga zi-ga bala-a 1(u) 2(diš) gu₄ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ 6(diš) gu₄ nig₂ geš-tag-ga lugal 2(diš) gu₄ {d}šul-gi e₂-gibil-na kuₓ(LIL)-ra 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) gu₄ u₂ ba-uš₂ gešbun₂ {d}šul-gi-ra 1(diš) gu₄ gešbun₂ {d}šul-gi {ki} 4(diš) gu₄ niga maš₂-da-re₆-a lugal a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam 5(diš) šu gu₄ kaš-de₂-a lugal 6(diš) gu₄ ba-uš₂ kišib₃ ensi₂-ka 4(diš) gu₄ ba-uš₂ kišib₃ da-da-ga mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul 1(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 2(u) 7(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) niga 7(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) niga 2(u) 6(diš) gu₄ u₂ 2(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) u₂ 2(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) u₂ 4(diš) gu₄ amar ga zi-ga bala-a 1(diš) gu₄ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ 1(diš) gu₄ nig₂ geš-tag-ga lugal ezem še-sag₁₁-ku₅ 4(diš) gu₄ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ 2(diš) gu₄ nig₂ geš-ga lugal ezem nesag 2(diš) gu₄ niga maš₂-da-re₆-a lugal ezem še-sag₁₁-ku₅ bar-ta gal₂-la 5(diš) gu₄ kišib₃ ab-ba-gi-na 1(diš) gu₄ gešbun₂ {d}šul-gi {ki} mu en {d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ giri₃ lu₂{d}suen mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul zi-ga ša₃-bi-ta nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ sipa gu₄ niga iti 1(u) 6(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ur-lum{ki} ba-hul-ta iti nesag mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul-še₃","77 oxen, grain-fed, 60 oxen, 2 years (old), grain-fed, 120 oxen, 2 years (old), grass-fed, 21 heifers, 2 years (old), grain-fed, 36 oxen, grass-fed, 6 heifers, 2 years (old), grass-fed, 240 ox calves, suckling, “booked-outs” of the bala; 12 oxen, regular offering of Šara; 6 oxen, royal sacrifice; 2 oxen, for Šulgi, in the Newhouse delivered; 1 ox, grain-fed, 1 ox, grass-fed, slaughtered, cultic meal of Šulgi; 1 ox, cultic meal of Šulgi of Ki’an; 4 oxen, grain-fed, royal “mašdare’a”, 2nd time; 5 “šu” oxen, royal “beer-poured” (ceremony); 6 oxen, slaughtered, under seal of the governor; 4 oxen, slaughtered, under seal of Dadaga; year: “Urbilum was destroyed;” 90 less 1 oxen, grain-fed, 27 heifers, 2 years (old), grain-fed, 7 oxen, 2 years (old), grain-fed, 2 heifers, 2 years (old), grass-fed, 2 oxen, 2 years (old), grass-fed, 4 oxewn calves, suckling, “booked-outs” of the bala; 1 ox, regular offering of Šara, 1 ox, royal sacrifice, festival “Harvest""; 4 oxen, regular offering of Šara, 2 oxen, royal sacrifice, festival “First-fruits""; 2 oxen, grain-fed, royal “mašdare’a”, festival “Harvest""; set from outside; 5 oxen, under seal of Abbagina; 1 ox, cultic meal of Šulgi of Ki’an, year: “The high-priest of Inanna by extispicy was chosen,” via Lu-Suen; year after: “Urbilum was destroyed;” “booked outs” and “therefroms” of Nigarkidu, herdsman of oxen, grain-fed; (a period) of 16 months; from month “Harvest,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed,” to month “First-fruits,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P131739,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 4(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) še gur lugal 3(u) 5(aš) ziz₂ gur 1(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gig gur ki ta 3(aš) še gur la₂-ia₃ su-ga bi₂-da šuniŋin še-bi 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) iti nesag mu ha-ar ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-ta iti {d}dumu-zi u₄ 2(u)-am₃ zal-la-aš a₂-bi 2(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 6(geš₂)-kam sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ geme₂ u₄ du₈-a 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) 4(diš) sila₃ dabin gur 1(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ dabin gur bi₂-gu₇-še₃ e₂-a si-ga 1(u) 6(aš) 4(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 1(u) 7(aš) 4(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gur 3(aš) 1(barig) 9(diš) sila₃ še gur a₂-bi 1(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 3(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar sahar al-e 1(u) gin₂-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 3(u)-kam kišib₃ ur{d}nam₂-nun-ka 4(geš₂) 4(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ geme₂ še zi-ga kišib₃-bi 3(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ 2(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ in-u ga₆-ga₂ e₂ {d}šul-gi-ra-še₃ kišib₃ a-kal-la nu-banda₃ 3(geš₂) 5(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ geme₂ ar-za-na-še₃ kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e ... šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 4(u) 7(aš) 5(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ dabin gur šuniŋin 3(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur šuniŋin 3(aš) 1(barig) 9(diš) sila₃ še gur še-bi 3(geš₂) 5(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) še gur 1(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) la₂ 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ la₂-ia₃-am₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak dingir-ra-ka a₂ geme₂-ka iti {d}dumu-zi mu ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","184 gur, 4 barig 4 ban2 barley (measured according to the royal standard), 35 gur emmer, 16 gur, 1 barig 5 ban2 wheat, from ARAD; 3 gur barley, deficit restored by Bida; total, barley involved: 255 gur, 3 barig 2 ban2; 36 female laborers, (at) 3 ban2 (per month), from month “First-offering,” (month 4) year “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed,” to month “Dumuzi” (month 12), the completed day 20, labor involved: 9360 (workdays); it is the debit; Therefrom: 1560 female laborer workdays, labor of the female laborers, “free” days; 165 gur, 4 barig 4 sila3 dabin flour 1 gur, 1 barig 4 ban2 7 sila3 dabin flour for the loss (?) into the household filled; 16 gur, 4 ban2 rough ground flour, 17 gur, 4 barig 5 sila3 “pounded” flour, 3 gur, 1 barig 9 sila3 barley, labor involved: 6033 1/2 female laborer workdays, under seal of Lu-dingira; 22 1/2 sar of soil, per “hoe” 10 (volume-)shekels (per day), labor involved: 270 days; under seal of Ur-Namnunka; 283 female laborer workdays, female laborers who lifted barley, sealed tablets involved: 3, under seal of ARAD; 20 female laborer workdays, straw carried to the house of Šulgi, under seal of Akalla, the nubanda; 234 female laborer workdays, female laborers for arzana-flour, under seal of Lugal-nig-lagare; total: 167 gur, 5 ban2 1 sila3 flour, total: 33 gur, 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 sig-flour total: 3 gur, 1 barig 9 sila3 barley barley involved: 238 gur, 1 barig 3 ban2 total: 8400 1/2 female laborer workdays booked out; the deficit: 17 gur, 1 barig 5 ban2 barley, 960 minus 1/2 female laborer workdays, are the deficit; account of Dingira, labor of the female laborers; Month: “Dumuzi” (month 12), year: “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P131740,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 3(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) a₂ u₄ du₈-a 4(geš₂) 2(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ dabin gur a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 1(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) 5/6(diš) 1(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur a₂-bi u₄ 5(geš₂) 5(u) 5/6(diš) 9(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ eša gur a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) 1(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) zi₃-gu sag₁₀ gur a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 8(diš) 5/6(diš) 2(geš₂) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šu ur₃-ra zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ mah kišib₃ ab-ba-gi-na 3(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šu ur₃-ra zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ muru₁₃ kišib₃ a-kal-la dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e 1(geš₂) 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da i₇ du-du gub-ba 3(u) 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ a-bu₃-du-du 3(u) 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ 2(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ {d}šul-pa-e₃ 2(geš₂) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ du₆{d}nin-hur-sag 1(geš₂) 4(u) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ 1(geš₂) 5(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ na-ga-ab-tum giri₃ ukken-ne₂ 4(geš₂) 5(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ mah giri₃ da-a-ga zar₃ tab-ba šu ur₃-ra 3(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mah-še₃ gen-na 3(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mah-ta gu₂-edin-na-še₃ gen-na 3(u) la₂ 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gu₂-edin-na-ta na-ga-ab-tum-še₃ gen-na 1(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ nin₁₀-nu-du₃-ta e₂-duru₅ a-bu₃-še₃ še zi₃-gu im-ga₆ 2(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ a-ša₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra-ta mu-ša im-zi 2(u) geme₂ u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ mu-ša im-zi 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 8(diš)-še₃ še gu₄ suhub₂ u₃ še a-ša₃ gibil guru₇ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ im-zi 2(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da i₇ gibil gub-ba zar₃ tab-ba šu ur₃-ra u₃ a-da gub-ba kišib₃ ur-e₁₁-e 3(u) 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(u)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 5(geš₂) 2(u) a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ gen-na gur-ra 5(geš₂) 5(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ diri nig₂-ka₉ ak mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul šuniŋin 3(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 5(diš) 1/3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 9(geš₂) 5(u) 4(diš) 2/3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ geme₂ kikken₂-na lugal-inim-gi-na mu ha-ar-ši{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","36 female laborers, from month “Harvest” to month: “Dumuzi,” their labor: 12,960 days, are the debit; therefrom 2160, labor, freed days; 242 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 barley flour, its labor: 7277 5/6 days; 11 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3 rough flour, its labor: 350 5/6 days; 9 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 spelt, its labor: 145 1/2 days 1 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 fine ""string"" flour, its labor: 68 5/6 days 124 female laborer days, leveled, sheaves piled up at thes field GANmaḫ; under seal of Abbagina; 193 female laborer days, leveled, sheaves piled up at the field Muru; under seal of Akalla son of Lugal-emaḫe; 99 female laborer days, at the weir of the waterway Dudu stationed; 31 female laborer days, at the field Abu-dudu; 31 female laborer days, at the field Nin-nudu; 132 female laborer days, at the field Šulpa’e; 128 female laborer days, at the field Mound-of-Ninḫursag; 104 female laborer days, at the field Booted-oxen; 109 female laborer days, at the field Nagabtum; under seal of Ukkene; 294 female laborer days, at the field GANmaḫ; under seal of Da’aga; sheaves piled up, leveled; 33 female laborer days, to GANmaḫ walked; 33 female laborer days, from GANmaḫ to Gu’edina walked 28 female laborer days, from Gu’ednina to Nagabtum walked; 10 female laborer days, from the threshing floor Nin-nudu to the Village-Abu barley and pea-flour carried; 20 female laborer days, at the threshing floor of Nin-ura m-grain moved; 20 female laborers for 3 days, at the threshing floor of Nin-nudu m-grain moved; 30 female laborers for 8 days, barley of Booted-oxen and barley of the new field to the silo of Apisal moved; 24 female laborer days, stationed at the weir of New Canal; sheaves piled up, leveled and at the water(-work) stationed, under seal of Ur-e’e; 32 female laborers for 10 days, their labor: 320 from Apilsal to Nippur walked and returned; 353 1/2 female laborer days, surplus of the account of the year after: “Kimaš was destroyed;” total: 12,365 1/3 female laborer days booked out; deficit: 594 2/3 female laborer days; account of the labor of the female laborers, millers, of Lugal-inim-gina; year: “Ḫarši, Ḫurti (and) Kimaš were destroyed.”" P131741,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 1(u) 3(aš) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur lugal 3(u) 8(aš) ziz₂ gur 3(u) 3(aš) 4(ban₂) gig gur ki ta 3(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur 1(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ imgaga₃ gur 1(barig) 4(ban₂) ziz₂ ki lugal-ušurₓ-ta 3(aš) še gur la₂-ia₃ su-ga bi₂-da 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ imgaga₃ ki nin-me-lam₂-ta šuniŋin še-bi 5(geš₂) 8(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gur 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul u₄ 2(u) 3(diš) zal-la-ta iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul u₄ 7(diš) zal-la-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(šar₂) 8(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 3(u) 1(diš) 1(u) gin₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ du₈-a geme₂ ba-uš₂-a sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 3(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) a₂ u₄ du₈-a geme₂ 3(geš₂) 5(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) la₂ 1/2(diš) sila₃ dabin gur 1(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 3(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gur 4(barig) 1(ban₂) dabin bi₂-gu₇ zi₃ e₂-a si-ga a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 2(u) 6(diš)-kam 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ eša gur 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ nig₂-ar₃-ra sag₁₀ a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 7(diš) 1/3(diš)-kam kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar kin sahar al-e 1(u) gin₂-ta a₂ geme₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 3(u)-kam kišib₃ ur{d}nam₂-nun-ka 4(geš₂) la₂ 2(diš) a₂ geme₂ še zi-ga kišib₃-bi 3(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi₃ ma₂-a si-ga kišib₃ šeš-a-ni 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ in-u ga₆-ga₂ e₂ {d}šul-gi-ra-še₃ kišib₃ a-kal-la 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 4(u) 7(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 8(diš)-kam kišib₃ {d}šara₂-za-me 2(u) 7(diš) geme₂ u₄ 7(diš)-še₃ bala-še₃ gen-na 2(u) 7(diš) geme₂ u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ bala-ta gur-ra a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 3(u)-kam 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-uš-bar tuš-a kišib₃ a-du 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ dabin-na {gi}ma-an-sim gi₄-a kišib₃ ur-zu 4(geš₂) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ geme₂ ar-na kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e uš₂ nin-he₂-gal₂ iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-ta iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul u₄ 7(diš) zal-la-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 7(diš)-kam šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 6(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) la₂ 1/2(diš) sila₃ dabin gur šuniŋin 5(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur šuniŋin 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ eša gur šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ nig₂-ar₃-ra sag₁₀ šuniŋin še-bi 5(geš₂) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 8(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur la₂-ia₃ 1(gešʾu) 2(u) 1(u) gin₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ la₂-ia₃-am₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}šara₂ ugula kikken-na iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","193 gur, 2 ban 5 sila barley (measured according to the) royal (standard), 38 gur emmer 33 gur 4 ban wheat from ARAD. 3 gur, 4 barig 1 ban 5 sila barley, 1 gur, 3 barig 4 ban 5 sila spelt (?), 1 barig, 4 ban emmer from Lugal-ušur. 3 gur barley restored deficit of Bida. 1 barig, 4 ban 4 sila spelt from Nin-melam. Together, the equivalent barley: 308 gur, 3 barig 3 ban 8 sila. 36 female laborers, (each of whom received) 3 ban (per month), from month “Barley brought to the harbor” (month 3 of the Umma calender) of the year “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Šulgi 48) the completed day 23, until month “Bricks cast in moulds” (month 2) of the year following “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Amar-Suen 1), the completed day 7, its labor: 11,304 female laborer days. 31 10 shekels (=1/6) female laborer days, labor of the “free” days of the deceased female laborer. It is the debit. Therefrom: 1,884 (days), labor of the “free” days of the female laborers. 185 gur, 2 barig 4 ban minus 1/2 sila dabin flour. 18 gur, 3 barig 1 ban 4 sila sig-flour, 35 gur, 4 barig 1 ban 5 sila “pounded” flour, 4 barig, 1 ban dabin flour, loss (?), flour “filled” into the house, its labor: 7,226 days. 2 gur, 1 barig 4 ban 1 1/2 sila eša flour, 4 ban 4 sila fine, ground bread (?), its labor: 37 1/3 days. sealed tablet of Lu-dingira. 22 1/2 (volume-)sar soil, per (female) digger 10 (volume-)shekels (per day), labor of the female laborers: 270 days, sealed tablet of Ur-Namnunka. 238 (female laborer days as) labor of the female laborers who winnowed barley, the sealed tablets are 3, sealed tablets of ARAD. 30 female laborer days flour loaded onto the barge, sealed tablet of Šešani. 19 female laborer (days), straw carried to the temple of Šulgi, sealed tablet of Akalla. 4 female laborers, (each) 47 female laborer days, its labor: 188 days, sealed tablet of Šara-zame. 27 female laborers in 7 days went to the bala (service), 27 female laborers in 3 days returned from the bala (service), its labor: 270 days. 96 female laborer days at the weaving-mill, sealed tablet of Adu. 30 female laborer days sieved dabin flour, sealed tablet of Ur-zu. 240 female laborer days, female laborers of the arzana (flour), sealed tablet of Lugal-nig-lagare. Dead: Nin-hegal, from the month “House sixth month” (month 8) of the year “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Šulgi 48), until month “bricks cast in moulds” of the year following “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Amar-Suen 1), the completed day 7, its labor: 187 days. Total: 186 gur, 1 barig 5 ban minus 1/2 sila dabin flour, total: 54 gur, 2 barig 3 ban minus 1 sila sig-flour, total: 2 gur 1 barig 4 ban 1 1/2 sila eša flour, total: 4 ban 4 sila fine, ground bread (?), total, its barley: 300 gur, 1 barig 1 ban 6 1/2 sila, total: 10,715 female laborer days booked out. Deficit: 8 gur, 2 barig 2 ban 1 1/2 sila (barley), deficit: 620 10/60 female laborer days, are the deficit. Account of Ur-Šara, foreman of milling, in the month “bricks cast in moulds” (month 2 of the Umma calendar) of the year following “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Amar-Suen 1)." P500721,Ur III,Administrative," 1(šar₂) 2(geš₂) 4(u) 2(aš) še gur kišib₃ lu₂ sanga {d}dumu-zi ur-nig₂-e tum₃-dam mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ ur-nig₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-gaba","4842 gur barley under seal of Lugula, high priest of Dumuzi, by Ur-nig to be delivered; year: “The lord of Inanna by goat (extispicy) was determined.”" P500720,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(barig) še gur še a-ša₃ ambar-tur zi₃ a₂ geme₂ uš-bar lagaš{ki}ka-še₃ ki lu₂-gu-la sanga {d}dumu-zi-ta kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su giri₃ lu₂{d}utu dumu lu₂-gi-na mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li hul lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu ša₃-ku₃-ge sanga {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀","10 gur 1 barig barley, barley of the field Small-marsh, ...-flour, labor of the female textile workers, to Lagash, from Lugula, high priest of Dumuzi, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, via Lu-Utu, son of Lugina; year: “The lands of Zabšali were destroyed.”" P491488,Ur III,Administrative," 4(geš₂) 6(aš) še gur e₂-kikken da-bad₃-ta a-ra₂ 8(diš)-kam še geš e₃-a giri₃ {d}šul-gi-ba-ni iti {d}dumu-zi mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","246 gur barley, from the mill ‘Da-bad,’ the 8th time, threshed barley, via Šulgi-bani; month “Dumuzi,” year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P481392,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 4(aš) 2(ban₂) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ še gur 2(aš) ziz₂ gur še-numun mur-gu₄ 3(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-ša₃-ge kin ak 2(u) še gur a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂...ke₄ zi-ga ki ta ugu₂ kišib₃ ur{d}šara₂ a de₂-a mu ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul ur-ge₆-par₄ dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la","54 gur 2 ban2 2 2/3 sila3 5 shekels barley, 2 gur emmer, seed barley, fodder; 36 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 5 1/2 sila3, wages of the hirelings, working in the fields; 20 gur barley, wages of the hirelings, ... lifted; from ARAD total: ... under seal of Ur-Šara; water poured; year: “Ḫarsi, Kimaš were destroyed.” Ur-gepar, scribe, son of Ayakalla." P464339,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {kaš}dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa sum geš-kin₂-na-i₃-sa₆ gaba-aš 1(diš) {kaš}dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa sum šu{d}utu gaba-aš 1(diš) {kaš}dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa sum i₃-li₂ gaba-aš šu-nigin₂ 3(diš) {kaš}dida gin šu-nigin₂ 1(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš šu-nigin₂ 3(ban₂) ninda šu-nigin₂ 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šu-nigin₂ 6(diš) gin₂ naga šu-nigin₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) sa sum u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam iti šu-numun mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","1 (dug-vessel) of beer extract, 3 sila3 of beer, 1 ban2 of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, 3 strings of onions: Geš-kina-isag, outbound journey. 1 (dug-vessel) of beer extract, 3 sila3 of beer, 1 ban2 of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, 3 strings of onions: Šu-šamaš, outbound journey. 1 (dug-vessel) of beer extract, 3 sila3 of beer, 1 ban2 of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of potash, 3 strings of onions: Ili-dan, outbound journey. 1(ban2) Total: 3 (dug-vessels) of ordinary quality beer extract, 1 ban2 (each). Total: 1 ban2 minus 1 sila3 of beer. Total: 3 ban2 of bread. Total: 6 shekels of oil. Total: 6 shekels of potash. Total: 9 strings of onions. 13th day. Month: “Sowing”. Year after the year: “Šu-Suen, the king, built the Martu wall”." P464337,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 2(u) gun₂ esir₂ had₂ esir₂ ma₂ gul-la ur{d}bil₃ 1(geš₂) 1(u) gun₂ esir₂ gul-gul e₂-šu-tum gu₂ i₇-da ensi₂-ka-ta giri₃ ur-am₃-ma u₃ šeš-kal-la šu-i 3(u) gun₂ esir₂ had₂ 5(ban₂) sila₃ i₃ ku₆ 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) esir₂ e₂-a ki lugal-nir-gal₂-ta 4(u) 2(diš) {geš}u₃ hi-a ma₂ du₈-a iti diri mu ša-aš-ru-um ba-hul","200 talents of dry bitumen, bitumen of a dismantled boat, (belonging to) Ur-Gilgameš(?); 70 talents of crushed bitumen, from the storehouse on the bank of the Ensi canal. responsibility of Ur-ama and Šeš-kala, the barber; 30 talents of dry bitumen, 50 sila3 of fish-oil, 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of construction bitumen, from Lugal-nirgal; 42 planks: that which caulks a boat. Month: “Extra”. Year: “Šašrum was destroyed”." P464332,Ur III,Administrative," 1(eše₃) gan₂ tug₂-sagaₓ(|ŠE.KIN|) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) geš a-ra₂ 3(diš) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 4(u) 8(diš)-kam 2(eše₃) geš a-ra₂ 2(diš) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ ugula lugal-ku₃-zu kišib₃ nu-ur₂{d}iškur mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₂ nu-ur₂{d}iškur dub-sar dumu a-hu-du₁₀","1 esze3 (which is worked with) a breaking-plow (at) ¾ iku (per day, and) harrowed 3 times at 4½ iku per (day): its laborers’ work is 48 days. 2 eše3 (which is) harrowed 2 times at 4½ iku per (day): its laborers’ work is 24 days. Field: Gi-apin-kudra Overseer: Lugal-kuzu Seal: Nur-Adad. Year: “The Martu wall was built”. Nur-Adad, scribe, son of Ahu-tab." P467645,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) udu sa₂-du₁₁ {d}gu-la ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma 1(u) 4(diš) udu 1(u) u₈ 1(diš) maš₂... ba-ug₇ mu ur-gir₁₅...še₃ dingir-ba-ni sipa ur-ra-ke₄ šu ba-ti zi-ga ki na-sa₆ iti ki-siki{d}...a-zu min mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bum₂...a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","30 sheep, regular delivery of Gula, in Ur, 14 rams, 10+n ewes, 1 billy goat, x [nanny goats], dead, for the dogs, Ilum-b¯ani, the dog-handler, received. Expenditure From Nasag. Month: “Weaving of [Nin]azu, second”. Year: “Simurrum (and) Lullubum, for the ninth time, were destroyed”" P480657,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) esir₂ ki gu-du-du-ta kišib₃ a-gu iti nesag mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka ba-du₃ a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e","2 barig EA bitumen, from Gududu, under seal of Agu; month “First-fruits,” year: “The house of Šara of Umma was erected.” Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emaḫe." P416491,Ur III,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ a-ša₃ {geš}ma-nu ugula ur-mes kišib₃ lugal-e₂-mah-e giri₃ tu-ga-aš mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun lugal-e₂-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku₃-ga-ni","398 laborer days, at the threshing floor of the field Willow stationed; foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Lugal-emaḫe; via Tugaš; year: “The high-priest of Eridu was installed.” Lugal-emaḫe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani." P414454,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅","one lamb (on the) 11th day from Abbasaga Nalu received Month of the festival of An Year in which Enmahgalanna was installed as high priestess of Nanna" P513362,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 5(u) 3(aš) še gur 1(u) 3(aš) ziz₂ gur 2(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) dabin gur ... kislah ","53 gur barley, 13 gur emmer, 21 gur 1 barig groats, ..., threshing floor." P414545,Ur III,Administrative," 9(diš) gu₄ geš 1(diš) ab₂ mah₂ ki da-ge-ta gu₄ nig₂-gur₁₁ išib {d}šul-gi-ra lugal-he₂-gal₂ i₃-dab₅ a-ša₃ ur-ga-la-ma{ki}še₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal 9(diš) gu₄ geš 1(diš) ab₂ mah₂ ki da-ge-ta gu₄ nig₂-gur₁₁ išib {d}šul-gi-ra lugal-he₂-gal₂ i₃-dab₅ a-ša₃ ur-ga-la-ma{ki}še₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal lugal-he₂-gal₂ šabra lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re dumu sa₆-ga-zu","9 plow-oxen, 1 mature cow, from Dage; the oxen are the property of the incantation priest of Šulgi; Lugal-ḫegal took; to the field of Ur-galama; month: “Harvest,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.” 9 plow-oxen, 1 mature cow, from Dage; the oxen are the property of the incantation priest of Šulgi; Lugal-ḫegal took; to the field of Ur-galama; month: “Harvest,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.” Lugal-ḫegal, manager of Lugal-magure, son(?) of Sagazu." P330514,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ dumu lugal-sag₁₀ ","Basket-of-tablets: basket of Nigar-kidu, son of Lugal-saga." P330549,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ kas₄ ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan ša₃ umma{ki} giri₃ gur₄-za-an ša₃ an-za-gar₃ giri₃ a-du ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} giri₃ ku₃-ga-ni iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu ma₂ {d}en-ki-ka ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: rations of Kas, in a leather pouch in Umma, via Gurzan, in Anzagar, via Adu, in Apisal, via Kugani, (a period of) 12 months, are here; year: ‟The boat of Enki was caulked.“" P370976,Ur III,Letter," 6(geš₂) sa gi ur-gu₂-edin-na he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","360 bundles of reed may Ur-Gu’edina give to him. Šulgi, strong man, the king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Lisi, governor, of Umma, is your servant." P430822,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 4(u) la₂ 2(aš) še gur sag gal₂ nig₂ zi-ga ur-gu₂-kam an-na-šum₂-ta nu-ta-zi","40 minus 2 sag-gal gur of barley, items booked out; that of Ur-gu; not booked out of the “he-gave-him” (accounts)." P315581,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga dub-sar ensi₂-gal ...gar i₃-gal₂ ... ...e₂-gal...","Basket-of-tablets: inspections (of) the personnel, scribe of Big-governor ... are here; ... ... ... ... palace ... ." P315599,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nigin bar-ra-kar-a giri₃-se₃-ga dumu lu₂ a-igi-du₈ 2(diš) iti-da ... ... i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: szum2 of the bar-ra-kar (workers), the personnel, children, men, wailers, 2 ... ... ... ..., are here." P315641,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak ... ... ...","Basket-of-tablets inspections" P315707,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak šitim-e-ne nu-banda₃ nig₂{d}ba-ba₆ ...da-da dub-sar gaba-ri e₂-kišib₃-ba i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of carpenters, overseer Nig-Baba ... Dada, the scribe; copies of the storage house, are here. year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned”" P315822,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ...ab-ba ...gal₂ ...en...{d}inana ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of ...-abba are here; year: “Enunugal of Inanna was hired.”" P316002,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ugula lu₂... ... i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets foreman Lu-..., ..., are here; year: “Urbilum.”" P316855,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur-mes dumu ur-nig₂ ša₃ nigin₆{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Ur-mes, son of Ur-nig, in Nigin, are here; year: “Harši was destroyed”" P316893,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba siki-ba geme₂ uš-bar ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} ... mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: barley rations, wool rations, of the female weavers in Guabba, year: “Šaszrum was destroyed.”" P316929,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the requisitioners are here; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.""" P317489,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}... ... iti... iti... i₃-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of grain of the requisitioners from Girsu to Guabba; from month “....” to month “...,” are here. year: “... was destroyed.”" P317534,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še erin₂-e šu-ti-a erin₂ engar ša₃-gu₄ u₃ erin₂ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: grain by the (labor-)troops received, (labor-)troops, plowmen, those of oxen, and (labor-)troops of Girsu are here; year: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P317680,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba ...geš...3(diš) ...{ki} lu-lu-bu u₃ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ...gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: threshed barley, ... ..., year: “Simurum Lulubu” and the year: “Urbilum,” are here." P317686,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab₅-ba gab₂-ra₂ lu₂ mar-sa mu","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, seized, herding assistants, harbor workers, year: “... .”" P317834,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak 2(diš) guruš e₂ {d}dumu-zi","Basket-of-tablets: inspections; 2 workmen, house of Dumuzi," P318174,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak erin₂ gi-zi nu-banda₃ mu","Basket-of-tablets: inspection of (labor-)troops, fodder reed, overseer, year: “... .”" P318281,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak₃-tum mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts ... deficits, year: “Urbilum was destroyed .”" P318445,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak esir₂ ma₂-da-ga de₆-a mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of bitumen to Madaga transported; year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P318819,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gub-ba e₂ šu-šum₂-ma e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su e₂ {d}amar{d}suen i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: plow-oxen, stationed, the house of consignments, house of Ningirsu, house of Amar-Suen, are here; year: “... .”" P319622,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu 2(diš) še-ba geme₂ uš-bar ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} mu","Basket-of-tablets: 2 years, barley rations of female weavers in Guabba, year: “... .”" P319648,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da didli i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, various ones, are here." P319777,Ur III,Administrative," ... mu","Basket-of-tablets: year: “... .”" P319826,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ ud₅ gub-ba ša₃ e₂-duru₅ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: cows, nannies stationed, in the villages, overseas trade, are here; year: “... .”" P319838,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dumu-dab₅-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu...{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of the dumu-daba in Girsu are here; year: “... was destroyed.”" P319947,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub... e₂ šu-šum₂-ma ša₃ nigin₆{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: consignment house in Nigin are here; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P319969,Ur III,Administrative," pisan... dub gid₂-da udu še-ta sa₁₀ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, sheep with grain exchanged, are here;" P320037,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da a-ru-a {d}nin-mar{ki} giri₃ lu₂-hu-rim₃{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, votive offerings of Ninmar via Lu-Ḫurim, are here; year: “Enunugal was hired.”" P320163,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu 2(diš) še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ugnim{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: 2 years of rations, personnel of Ugnim are here; year: “Kimaš.”" P320194,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba kilib₃-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: rations, grand totals, from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P320209,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da si-i₃-tum lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets debits of the takers are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P320378,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a-ša₃-ta e₁₁-da e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: from the fields sent out, house of Ninmar , are here; year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.”" P320444,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba še-ba u₃ guru₇-a tak₄-a-bi gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu...","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals, rations, and in the silo left, from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year: “... .”" P356062,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ša₃ e₂ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts in the houses, are here; year: “... .”" P356063,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ iti 3(diš) iti 2(diš) u₃ {geš}kiri₆ mar-sa gurum₂-ta šu su-ba gu₄-apin i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: labor of 3 months, 2 months, and orchards of the shipyard, from the inspections ... of plow-oxen, are here; year following: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P356065,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak sipa gukkal-na-ke₄ i₃-gal₂ ša₃ ma-da gir₂-su{ki} ugula a-a-kal-la šuš₃ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of herders of fat-tailed sheep are here; in the lands of Girsu, foreman: Ayakalla, the cattle manager; year: “Simurum was destroyed.”" P356067,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ... gu₄-še₃ ha-la i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki in-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: house of irrigation for oxen distributed, are here; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Ma-dara-apsu fashioned.”" P317385,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ša₃-ze₂ mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts ..., year following: “Anšan was destroyed.”" P317408,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba en₃-bi tar-re-dam i₃-gal₂ mu...{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: inquiries are here; year: “...-Suen is king.”" P339076,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan-na sa₂-du₁₁ kas₄ gur₄-za-an muhaldim iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu si-ma-num₂{ki}ta iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: credits in the pouch, rations of the messengers, Gurzan, the cook, from the month “Harvest,” year: “Simanum,” to the month “Barley at the harbor,” year: “The Amorite wall was erected,” are here." P339198,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak ab₂ e₂-tur₃ gu₄{geš}apin udu eme-gi udu-kur-ra sipa ud₅ gu₄ suhub₂ i₃-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, cows of the stall, plow-oxen, sheep, domestic, sheep, foreign, shepherds of nannies, boot-oxen, are here; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P339242,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂ šu-šum₂-ma nig₂-gur₁₁ ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma u₃ dam dumu-na nig₂-gur₁₁ {d}šul-gi-ra giri₃ ša₃-ta-ku₃-zu sukkal u₃ nig₂-gur₁₁ bar-ra gaba-ri kišib₃-ba ba-ba-ti i₃-gal₂ iti {d}dumu-zi mu en eridu{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: house of consignments, property of Ur-Lisi, the governor of Umma and his wife and children, property of Šulgi, via Šatakuzu, the messenger, and property of outside, copies of sealed tablets of Babati, are here; month “Dumuzi,” year: “The en-(priest) of Eridu.”" P339252,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga mar-sa giri₃ lugal-nir-gal₂ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: thereins, restitutions, of the shipyard via Lugal-nirgal, are here; year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P339491,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ erin₂-na ur{d}nin-su nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, labor of (labor-)troops, Ur-Ninsu, manager of oxen, (a period of) 12 months, are here; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P339643,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}nin-tu u₃ šeš-sag₁₀ mu en ga{ki} u₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of Ur-Nintu and Šeš-saga of the year: “Ga’eš,” and the year: “Šu-Suen is king,” are here." P339724,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂-du₁₀-ga ugula mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Luduga, the foreman, year: “The house of Šara was erected.”" P339740,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga še i₃-gal₂ iti ezem{d}amar{d}suen-ta u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-am₃ ba-ra-zal-la-ta mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} mu-hul-ta","Basket-of-tablets: credits of barley, are here; from the month “Festival-of-Amar-Suen,” 24th day passed, year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Šaššurum destroyed.”" P339756,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba na-u₂-a mu 1(diš) iti 5(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na-ta mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun iti 5(diš)-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, Na’ua (a period of) 1 year 5 months, are here; from the year: “Enmaḫgalana” to the year: “Enunugal of Inanna was hired,” 5 months." P339794,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak u₃ kišib₃ dab-ba-bi ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts and their sealed documents of conveyance of Ur-Enlila, are here; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Šaššurum destroyed.”" P339887,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba uruda nig₂-šudum-ma u₃ dam-gar₃ ki da-da-ga-ta mu 1(diš)-a-kam i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of dab, copper of ..., and trade agents, from Dadaga, 1 year, are here; year: “Ḫarši Kimaš were destroyed.”" P340047,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne ša₃ pisan a-a-kal-la ensi₂-ka i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the dab workers, in the basket of Ayakalla, the governor, are here; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the lands of Zabšali destroyed.”" P340100,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum še geš e₃-a mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃-a i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: tablets, ‘chambers,’ threshed barley, year following: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall (called) mūriq-tidnim erected,” are here." P340128,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba en₃-bi tar-re e₂-uš-bar-ra u₃ kišib₃ ra-ra a-a-kal-la šeš i₃-kal-la i₃-dab mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: inquiries of the weaving mill and sealed documents of Ayakalla, brother of Ikalla, accepted, year: “The en(-priest) of Inanna in Uruk by the goat was found.”" P340273,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam lu₂ dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, official, of the men of nigdab, are here; year: “Ḫarši Kimaš were destroyed.”" P340525,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba gi e-eb i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of dab, reed, ARAD-eb, are here;" P340577,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba bar-ra-kar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: Barakara are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P340632,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da lu₂{d}utu sa₁₂-du₅ i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ur₄-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Lu-Utu, chief surveyor, are here; year: “Simurum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P340650,Ur III,Literary," iti še ku₅ iti bara₂-za₃-gar iti ezem-gu₄-si-su iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar iti šu-numun iti ne-ne-gar iti kin{d}inanna iti du₆-ku₃ iti apin-du₈-a iti gan-gan-e₃ iti ab-e₃ ...ud₂-duru₅ ...nibru{ki}",(months) in Nippur. P340797,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba siki-ba šu-du₇-a ša₃ umma{ki} u₃ ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: wool rations, completed, in Umma and in Apisal, are here; year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P340828,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam ...nam a-ša₃ pi₄-sal₄ u₃ gu₂-de₃-na u₃ muš-bi-an-na i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, sealed documents, official, ... of the fields of Apisal and Gu’edina and Mušbiana, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P340847,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak kuš u₃ kišib₃ dib₅-ba-bi lu₂{d}nam₂-an-ka i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of leather and sealed documents of their dab, Lu-namanka, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P340861,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum še geš e₃-a u₃ nig₂-ka₉ didli i₃-gal₂ giri₃ lu₂-gi-na","Basket-of-tablets: tablets, ‘chambers,’ threshed barley, and acccounts, various, are here; via Lugina." P340865,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Ur-Enlila, manager of oxen, are here; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P293351,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) ad₆(|LU₂.LAGAB×U|) udu mu aga₃-us₂-e-ne ugula du-uk-ra ki tu-ra-a hu-um-ṣu šu ba-ti giri₃ šu-eš₁₈-dar dumu e₂-a-ra-bi₂ ša₃ nim-zi-um{ki} iti ezem{d}šul-gi{ki}...hul","10 carcases, sheep, on account of the soldiers, foreman: Dukra; from Turaya did Humṣu receive; via Šū-Ištar, son of Ea-rabi, in Nimzi’um, month “Festival-of-Šulgi,” year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P293352,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sag-nita₂ er₃-ri-iš mu-ni lu₂-la-ga-am₃ e₂-gal bur-gi-gi-ma i₃-im-gar 7(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar na-sa₆-ke₄ sam₂-ma-ni-še₃ i₃-li₂-ki-ib-ri₂ in-na-la₂ mu lugal nu-ub-gi₄-gi₄-da in-na-pa₃ 1(diš) lu₂-du₁₀-ga nu{geš}kiri₆ 1(diš) lugal{d}utu šuš₃ 1(diš) a-ga unu₃ 1(diš) e-la-ak-šu-qir sipa {d}en-lil₂-la₂ 1(diš) ur{d}lamma dub-sar 1(diš) {d}en-lil₂-la₂ sipa gu₄ lu₂-inim-ma-bi-me mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃","1 male slave, Erriš by name, ..., ..., 7 shekels silver for Nasa as his exchange value did Ilī-kibrī, weigh out; He swore the royal name of not contesting, 1 Lu-duga, the orchardist, 1 Lugal-Utu, the cattle manager, 1 Aga, the large cattle herder, 1 Elak-šuqir, shepherd of Enlil, 1 Ur-Lamma, the scribe, 1 Enlila, herder of oxen, are the witnesses hereby; year: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was erected.”" P292153,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ 2(diš) gi-zi giri₃ ab-ba-sa₆-ga","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents 2, fodder reed, via Abbasaga." P291995,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ud₅ ga-za ri-ri-ga i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: nannies of gazaPI, fallen, are here." P291715,Ur III,Administrative," gaba-ri nig₂-ka₉ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šabra i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: copies, accounts of Ur-Šulpae, the chief household administrator, are here." P291548,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba ur{geš}gigir šabra i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, Ur-gigir, the chief household administrator, are here; year: “Enmahgalana, en-(priestess) of Nanna, was hired.”" P290861,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ša₃-bi su-ga šeš-kal-la dumu na-silim i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: credits, therefroms, restitutions, of Šeškalla, son of Nasilim, are here." P292380,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ša₃-bi su-ga ba-sa₆ dub-sar kurušda i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: debits and credits, therefroms, restitutions, of Basa, scribe of fatteners, are here; year: “The wall of the lands was erected.”" P292428,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) guruš 1(diš) guruš a₂ 1/2(diš) 2(diš) guruš a₂ 2/3(diš) iti 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 1(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 1(diš) mu-mu bahar₃ iti 4(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 2/3(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar a₂-bi 4(gešʾu) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 3(u) še gur a₂-bi 1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak lugal-ezem ki ur{d}šara₂-ta mu {d}nanna kar-zi-da","11 male laborers, 1 male laborer, 1/2, 2 male laborers, 2/3, for 13 months, the labor: 5005 workdays; 1: Mumu, the potter, for 4 months, the labor: 120 days; 2/3 mana silver, the labor: 2400 workdays; 30 gur barley, the labor: 900 workdays; account of Lugal-ezem, from Ur-Šara; year: “Nanna of Karzida.”" P291896,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba šuku dab₅-ba giri₃-se₃-ga in-na-dah-a i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P290815,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin₂-ba 5(diš)-ta ki lugal-mu-ma-an-ag₂-ta kišib₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun a-lu₅-lu₅ dumu inim{d}šara₂ kurušda {d}šara₂-ka","50 bundles of good reed in bales of 5 bundles each, from Lugalmu-manag, sealed tablet of Alulu. Month: “barley brought to the docks,” year: “priest of Eridu is installed.” Alulu, son of Inim-Šara, fattener of Šara." P290443,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) še gur ša₃-gal gu₄ niga a₂-ge₆-il₂-la pisan dub-ba ki lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra-ta kišib₃ uš-mu iti min-eš₃ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun uš-mu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa₆-ga","xxx xxx basket-of-tablets, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P393058,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) ab₂ e₂-muhaldim u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ba-zi iti ezem-mah mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 2(diš) gu₄","2 cows (for) the kitchen on the 8th day out of (the account of) Intaea were booked; month: “Great festival,” year: “The throne of Enlil was built;” 2 bovines." P393062,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu šimašgi geš-du₃ u₂ ri-ba-ga-da ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU)-ra-ta u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ba-zi giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen dub-sar iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul 1(diš) udu","1 sheep, Šimaškian, breeder, grass-fed, (for) Ribagada, from the delivery, on the 23rd day, out of (the account of) Intaea was booked; via Nur-Suen, scribe; month: “festival of Šu-Suen,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, destroyed the land of Zabšali.” 1 sheep." P393061,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ niga 3(diš) sila₄ ga ur-šu i₃-dab₅ 3(diš) sila₄ ga uri₅{ki}ki-du₁₀ i₃-dab₅ sa₂-du₁₁ lugal ki a-hu-we-er-ta ba-zi iti a₂-ki-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ 7(diš) udu","1 lamb, grain-fed, 3 lambs, sucklilng, Uršu accepted; 3 lambs, sucklilng, Uri-kidu accepted; sa2-du11-offerings of the king out of (the account of) Aḫu-wer booked; month: “Akitu,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, great-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected;” (total:) 7 sheep." P393049,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) sila₄ šeš-da-da sanga 2(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} 2(diš) sila₄ zabar-dab₅ 1(diš) sila₄ lu₂{d}nanna 1(diš) maš₂ zi-ge nu-banda₃ 1(diš) maš₂ me-a-lam₂ nu-banda₃ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂ {d}šul-gi-ha-ma-ti 1(diš)...gal₂ 1(diš)...mes...ka 1(diš) sila₄ it-ra-ak-i₃-li₂ 1(diš) sila₄ na-da mu-kuₓ(DU) iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul u₄ 3(diš)-kam","2 lambs, Šeš-dada, household administrator; 2 lambs, governor of Nippur; 2 lambs, the zabardab; 1 lamb, Lu-Nanna; 1 male goat, Zige, the manager; 1 male goat, Mealam2, the manager; 1 ox, grain-fed, 10 less 1 sheep, 1 full-grown male goat, 1 male goat, Šulgi-ḫamati; 1 ...; 1 ...; 1 lamb, Itraq-ilī; 1 lamb, Nada; delivery; month: “Harvest,” year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed;” 3rd day." P393067,Ur III,Administrative," ...1(diš) tug₂-guz-za sag₁₀ 1(diš) tug₂ tab-ba sag₁₀ 1(diš) tug₂ bar-dul₅ sag₁₀ 3(diš) tug₂ bar-dul₅ gu₂... 5(diš) tug₂ gu₂-e₃... 5(diš) tug₂ gu₂-e₃ du 2(u) la₂ 3(diš) tug₂-guz-za du 1(diš) {tug₂}ha-bu-um 4(diš) tug₂ 6(diš) tug₂ aktum gi 7(diš) tug₂ elam 5(diš) tug₂ bar-si gu₂-e₃ 6(diš) gada gal sag₁₀ 8(diš) gada ša₃-ga-du₃ 3(diš) gada sag ki gal₅-la₂-gal-ta dingir-ra-ke₄ šu ba-ti iti ezem-nesag","n 1 garment, guz-za, good quality, 1 garment, double-threaded, good quality, 1 garment, outer-cover, good quality, 3 units of outer-cover ..., 5 garments gu2-e3 ..., 5 garments, gu2-e3, regular quality, 20 less 3 garments, guz-za,f regular quality, one garment, soft, 4 garments of ... , 6 garments, native aktum, 7 garments, Elamite, 5 garments, bar-si, gu2-e3, 6 linens, good quality, 8 linens, ša3-ga-du3, 3 linens, head, from (the account of) the galla-gal Dingira received; month: “Festival of first-fruits.”" P393068,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) dusu₂ 4(u) 4(diš)... 1(u) 5(diš) maš₂ 4(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 1(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃ im 1(diš)-kam 6(diš) gu₄ 4(u) 7(diš) dusu₂ 1(diš) udu 2(u) 4(aš) še gur im 2(diš)-kam 2(geš₂) 3(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še gur im 3(diš)-kam 1(u) še gur im 4(diš)-kam 1(u) 9(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar im 5(diš)-kam 1(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 5(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a im 6(diš)-kam 1(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še ku₃-babbar 2(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃ ...kuš gu₄ 2(u) 6(diš) ad₃ gu₄ im 7(diš)... ...1(u) udu im... 1(geš₂) 2(u) udu im... 1(diš) dusu₂ im 1(u)... pisan šu-er₃... i-din-er₃... 8(aš) š 1(u) 1(diš)-kam","3 oxen, grain-fed, 1 donkey, “old”, 44 ... 15 male goats, 4 ban2 1 1/2 sila, 1 ban2 7 sila of kašk-cheese, 1st tablet; 6 oxen, 47 donkeys, “old”, 1 sheep, 24 gur barley, 2nd tablet; 123 gur, 1 barig 4 ban2 5 2/3 sila3, 3rd tablet; 10 gur barley, 4th tablet; 19 shekels silver, 5th tablet; 845 various sheep and goats, 6th tablet; 104 oxen, 1 1/3 mana 3 1/3 shekels 18 grains silver, n ban2 two sila3 of clarified butter, 2 barig 2 ban2 1 sila3 kašk-cheese, n hides of oxen, 26 carcasses of oxen, 7th tablet; 10 sheep, 8th tablet; 80 sheep, 9th tablet; 1 donkey, “old”, ..., 10th tablet; from the basket of Šu-Erra(?) Iddin-Erra received(?); 8 gur barley, 11th tablet." P405912,Ur III,Letter," ba-zi u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 4(iku) mur₇ ti-ra-aš₂ gaba a-ša₃ ulu₃-di a-kal-la šuku-ra-ni-im im-ma ha-bi₂-ib₂-gi-ne₂ ur... dub... dumu ur...","To Bazi say: 4 iku field, to the rear: Tira’aš, to the breast: the field of Uludi ..., of Ayakala it is his subsistence field, may he (Bazi) confirm it on a tablet. Ur-..., the scribe, son of Ur-..." P388081,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam 3(diš) udu u₂ 1(diš) u₈ u₂ u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam ba-uš₂ ki ba-al-li₂ iti ezem-mah","3 sheep 25th day, 3 sheep, grass-fed, 1 ewe, grass-fed, 27th day slaughtered, with Balli; month: “Big-festival.”" P388080,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ša₃ tum-ma-al ki en-dingir-mu-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti šu-eš-ša mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","1 sheep, slaughtered; 13th day in Tummal, from Endingirĝu Šulgi-iriĝu received; month “Šuešša,” year: “The throne of Enlil was crafted.”" P392635,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) u₈ sila₄ nu-a 1(u) ud₅ maš₂ nu-a a-bi-a-bi-ih 1(u) u₈ 1(u) ud₅ ur-nigar{gar} ab₂-rig₅-e ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ur-ku₃-nun-na i₃-dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 4(u)","10 nu'a ewes and lambs, 10 nu'a female and male goats, of Abi-Ebih; 10 ewes, 10 female goats, of Ur-nigar the butcher; from Inta'e'a Ur-kunna took into his command. Month: “Akiti (festival),” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” 40" P392638,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar ki nu-ur₂{d}suen-ta lu₂-gi-na šabra šu ba-ti₅...","9 weaver garments from Nur-Suen Lu-gina, chief household manager, received. Year: “Hurti was destroyed.”" P392642,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) gukkal babbar₂ 1(diš) gukkal geš-du₃ babbar₂ 3(diš) gukkal 2(diš) 7(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) maš₂ 1(diš) ud₅ u₄ 1(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)","3 white fat-tailed sheep, 1 white impregnated sheep, 3 fat-tailed sheep, 2 ewes, 7 sheep, 1 lamb, 1 male goat, 1 female goat, on the 10th day (of the month), from Abbasaga Šulgi-a'amu took into his command. Month: “eating the Ubi (bird),” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum.” 19." P392636,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) en-ša₃-ku₃-ge 1(diš) sila₄ niga mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂{d}nin-šubur {d}nanna zabar-dab₅ maškim 5(diš) u₈ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ zi-ga u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","1 lamb delivery from Enshakuge 1 lamb delivery from Lu-ninshubur for Nanna (the moon god) official administrator 5 ewes accepted into the house of the cook credited on the 29th day. Month: “festival of the Ninazu,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P392641,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) udu niga 5/6(diš) sila₃ še-ta 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ duh u₄ 3(u)-še₃ šuniŋin še-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin duh-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) gur ki inim{d}šara₂ ša₃ umma{ki} giri₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun","30 sheep, grain-fed, 5/6 sila3 of barley each, 2 ban2 4 sila3 of bran, for 30 days, the total, its barley: 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; the total, its bran: 2 gur 2 barig; from Inim-Šara in Umma via Alulu; month “Harvest,” year after: “Enmaḫgalana was installed.”" P392634,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda gal gur zi-ga šu-nir ki gur₄-za-an-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti diri mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","1 gur 5 ban2 5 sila3 of “large bread” booked out of (the account of) Šu-nir, from Gurzan; under seal of the governor; month “extra,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, your servant." P392637,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂)... ki-su₇ a-ša₃{d}nin-ur₄-ra gub-ba ...šeš-kal-la ...{d}šul-pa-e₃ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu... ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu lugal-ku₃-ga-ni","60 [workdays, male laborers], at the threshing floor of the Ninurra field stationed, [the foreman]: Šeškala, [under seal] of Ur-Šulpa’e; year after: “Šu-Suen, the king, the Martu Wall erected.” Ur-Šulpa’e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani." P315604,Ur III,Administrative," ...5(iku) ... ...4(iku) ... 1(eše₃) 4(iku) ... 1(eše₃) ... 5(iku) ... ... ...","... ... 5 iku field area; ... ... 1 eše3 4 iku field area ... 1 eše3 field area ... 5 iku field area ... ... field area ..." P319075,Ur III,Administrative," a₂-pa₅ na-ba-sa₂-ta 1(geš₂) 3(u) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 1(geš₂) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 2(u) sar a-pi₄-sal₄... ... 2(u)... a-ša₃... 1(u) 2(diš)... a... a... ... ... a₂... ... 5(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃...1(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ e a-ša₃ pirig-tur-gin₇-du-še₃ ... šuniŋin 8(geš₂) 5(u) nindan gid₂ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 5(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) sar kin sahar u₃ u₂-sag₁₁ e a-ša₃ lugal-mu₁₀-us₂-sa₂ gaba a-geštin-na-ka e ki-sumun-na gid₂-da ugula sanga {d}dumu-zi u₃ sanga {d}nin a mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba...","From the side of the Nabasa canal: 90 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height, the volume 7 1/2 sar; 60 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 2 cubits the height, the volume: 20 sar; Apisal ...; 20 ... the volume ... 12 ... ... ... ... n ... n ... from the side of ... 55 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height; the volume 4 1/2 sar, 5 shekels. For a levee in the field Pirigtur-gin-DU Total: 530 ninda the length. Total: 118 1/2 sar the activity for earthwork and reed bundle for barges The levee of the Lugal-mussa field that is in front of A-geštin field has been measured up to the levee of a plot with poor soil?; the foremen (are) the chief adminstrator of (the temple of) Dumuzi and the chief administrator of (the temple of) Nin-DARa. Year: The throne of Enlil was fashioned" P320228,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) 4(ban₂) še gur lugal še ur₅-ra-še₃ ki ur ta ur-nigar šu ba-ti ...a-tu iti amar-a-a-si mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","2 gur 4 ban2 barley, (measured in) royal (gur) as a barley loan from UrNI, Ur-nigar has received; under seal of Atu; month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P320284,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) še gur lugal še ur₅-ra engar nu-banda₃ i₃-dub {d}nin-hur-sag-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu ma-an-šum₂ kišib₃ nam-ha-ni šeš-a-na e₂ nam-ha-ni iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul nam... dub... ...","13 gur 4 barig of barley, (measured in) royal (gur). Barley loan for the plowmen of the oxen overseer from the warehouse of Ninhursag, from Bazi, instead of Manšum under seal of Namḫani, his brother; household of Namḫani; month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.” Namḫani, scribe, ..." P346204,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...a nam ba-tar-ra-a-ba ...ŋal₂ an u₃-tu-da ...e u₂-šim-gin₇ ki in-dar-ra-a-ba ...abzu lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...en-ki en nam tar-tar-re-de₃ ...a-ni kug {na₄}za-gin₃-na teš₂-bi ba-ni-in-du₃ ...{na₄}za-gin₃-bi ud kar₂-kar₂-a-ka ...abzu ul im-ma-ni-in-du₃ ...galam dug₄-ga abzu-ta e₃-a ...dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug₂-sug₂-ge-eš₃ i-ni-in-du₃₃-na-am₃ i-ni-in-gun₃ ...le-eš kug-sig₁₇-ga šu tag ba-ni-in-dug₄ ...{ki}ga e₂ gu₂-a bi₂-in-du₃ inim dug₄-dug₄ ad gi₄-gi₄ gud-gin₇ murum...ša₄ ...gu₃ nun...dam dug₃-bi-eš₂ mu-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...sukkal {d} de₃ im... ...gu₃ mu-un... ...gu₃ im-ma-ab-šum₂... ... ...mi₂ dug₄-ga ... na me mah...a ...gaba... ...gur₃-ru ...dug₄-ga {gi}kid za-gin₃-na...gušur...gun₃-a nir-gam-ma-zu am si gur₃-ru kan₄-zu ur-mah lu₂ šu teŋ₄-a ...zu ug₂ lu₂-ra ed₂-de₃ abzu ki sikil me-te ŋal₂ e₂-engur-ra lugal-zu ŋiri₃ im-ma-ri-gub {d}en-ki lugal abzu-ke₄ temen-zu {na₄}gug im-ma-da-an-si-ig mu₇-mu₇ za-gin₃-na mi₂ im-ma-ri-in-dug₄ e₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ lal₃-hur-ra kug gurum₂ ak gud lugal-bi-ir us₂-a sig₁₀-ga ni₂-bi-še₃ murum ša₄ teš₂-bi ad gi₄-gi₄ e₂-engur-ra {d}en-ki-ke₄ {gi}dub-ba-an kug la₂-a šag₄-zu-ta barag mah ki ŋar-ra za₃-du₈-zu aškud₂ kug an-na en ŋeštug₂ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ {d}nu-dim₂-mud en eridu{ki}ga... šag₄ šeg₉-bar-ra lu₂ igi nu-bar...de₃ abgal-zu siki bar-ra bi₂-in-duh eridu{ki} {d}en-ki-ke₄...aŋ₂-ŋa₂... e₂-engur-ra šag₄ he₂-ŋal₂... abzu zi kalam-ma ki aŋ₂ {d}en... e₂ zag-ga du₃-a me galam-ma tum₂... eridu{ki} ŋissu-zu ab šag₄-ga la₂... a-ab zig₃-ga id₂ mah ni₂ ŋal₂... e₂-engur-ra u₁₈-ru mah... e₂ da e₂-engur-ra piriŋ abzu... e₂ mah {d}en-ki-ke₄ ŋeštug₂... ...zig₃-ga-gin₇ ...en-ki-ra mu-un-na-du₁₂-am₃ e₂ kug-ga-ni-še₃ dug₃-bi-še₃ mu-un-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}za₃-mi₂ {ŋeš}al-ŋar {kuš}balaŋ {ŋeš}sur₉-za {ŋeš}har-har {ŋeš}sa-bi₂-tum {ŋeš}mi-riₓ(|URU×MIN|)-tum e₂ sig₉-ga-am₃ ad dug₃-ga nundum bur₂-re buluŋ₅-ŋe₂₆ šag₄ ni₂-ba-ke₄-eš ad ha-ba-ni-ib-ša₄ {ŋeš}al-ŋar kug {d}en-ki-ke₄ ni₂-bi-a mu-na-an-du₁₂ nar imin-e ad he₂-em-mi-ib-ša₄ dug₄-ga {d}en-ki-ke₄ šu nu-bal-e-de₃še₃ ŋal₂-la-am₃ šeg₁₂ e₂-engur-ra-ka šir₃ dug₃-ge-eš im-me mu-un-du₃-a-ba mu-un-du₃-a-ba eridu{ki} {d}en-ki-ke₄ im-ma-ni-in-il₂-a-ba hur-saŋ galam gar₃-gin₇ a-e ba-diri zag-ga-ni-a ŋeš-gi ba-an-tuš {ŋeš}kiri₆ sig₇-ga gurun il₂-a-ba mušen-e ŋiri₃-bi mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ suhur{ku₆}e a-lal₃-e e-ne mu-un-ed₂-de₃ eštub{ku₆}e gi-zi di₄-di₄-la₂-aš kun mu... {d}... abzu-e u₆-e im... e₂-engur hul₂-la-am₃ mu-ni... a-ab-ba-gin₇ ni₂ mu-un-da... id₂ mah-am₃ su-zi mu-un-da... {id₂}buranun-na {tumu}u₁₈-lu sur₂ mu-da-an... {ŋeš}gi-muš-a-ni muš {d}nirah-a-ni {ŋeš}ŋisal-ni ki{mušen} tur-tur-ra-ni {d}en-ki a-ni mu he₂-ŋal₂ sug₄-ga... ma₂ ni₂-bi nam-duh eš₂ ni₂-bi nam-dab₅... e₂ eridu{ki}ga-še₃...da-kar-ra... id₂-da lugal-bi-ir ad im-mi-ib-gi₄-gi₄ gu₃-bi gu₃ amar-ra gu₃ ab₂ dug₃-ga-ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ gud im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-šar₂-re {kuš}a₂-la nu-ŋal₂-la ki-bi-še₃ bi₂-in-gi₄ šem₅{zabar} nu-ŋal₂-la ki-bi-še₃ im-mi-in-e₃ nibru{ki}še₃ ŋiri₃-ni dili mu-un-gub gi-gun₄-na eš₃ nibru{ki}še₃ im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ {d}en-ki-ke₄ kaš-kaš-e ba-de₂ kurun₂-kurun₂-e ba-de₂ kurun₂ sig₁₇ zabar ba-ni-in-de₂ {kaš}ulušin₃ dili-am₃ ba-ni-in-sur {dug}ku-kur-du₃ kaš dug₃-dug₃-ga duh-ba bi₂-in-sa₂-sa₂ ka-bi lal₃ zu₂-lum-ma niŋ₂ ba-ni-in-de₂ duh-bi niŋ₂ lu-lu-a-aš sed₄-e bi₂-in-duh ...en-ki-ke₄ eš₃-e nibru{ki}am₃ ...a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra ninda mu-un-gu₇-e mah-am₃š ...ra {d}en-lil₂ im-ma-ni-in-us₂ ...nin-tur₅ im-ma-an-tuš ...us₂-bi im-mi-in-dur₂-ru-ne-eš ...naŋ-naŋ-e kurun₂ i-dug₃-dug₃-ge₄-eš₄-gur₄-e-ne ...da-min₃ im-di-e-ne ... e-ne ...dug₃-ga-ta ...ra-ŋar-ra-ta ...{ki}a mu-ni...₄-ne gu₃ mu-na-de₂-e ...i₃-sug₂-ge-eš-za-na si bi₂-in-sa₂-de₃-en ...du₃ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ba-ra-an-ri ...e₂ im-ma-an-du₃₉-kur₉-de₃ ...{na₄}za-gin₃-na gun₃-a ...sa₂-e nam-šub šum₂-ma ...e₂ ki al-dug₃-ga ...en-ki-ke₄ me galam-ma tum₂-ma ...e₂ kug-ga du₃-a... ...za₃-mi₂ ","In those distant days when fate was determined The year (of?) abundance engendered by An/The year in which abundance and heaven (alike) were born(?) When the people split (through) the earth like vegetation The lord of the Abzu, king Enki ...(?) Enki, the lord who is to determine fate Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something that (lit. of) glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud It was silver that he built the temple with It was lapis that he made it colorful with He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold In Eridu he built the temple on the riverbank Its brickwork speaks words and gives advice Its reed layers within the brick bellowed like a bull The temple of Enki is to shout nobly The temple brought praise at(?) night for the king while presenting it sweetly/bending its knee (to him)(?) For Enki, the vizier Isimud was speaking(?) He stood in the temple and was speaking He stood in the brickwork and was giving voice/explicating House that was founded in silver and lapis, its foundation set in the Abzu Cared for by the prince in the Abzu Who accepted (its) supreme me(?) and aura in/from(?) the Tigris and Euphrates Your door lock has no rival Your bolt is a lion bearing an aura Your roof beam is the bull of heaven, a pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?) (Your) reed mat sparkles in lapis/blue? towards the roof beams(?) Your vault is a wild bull raising its horns Your gate is a lion seizing a man Your threshold is an ug creature going out towards a man The Abzu, a pure place, fitting E'engura temple, your king has set foot (there) for you Enki, the king of the Abzu He has set(?) carnelian along(?) your foundation With incantations/noise(?) he has taken care of (your) lapis(?) Temple whose pure wax design(?) has been inspected by Enki A bull that is set on track for its master Roaring on behalf of its aura(?) and advising (on behalf of) its dignity(?) E'engura temple, (whose) pure reed fence has been hung/bound (together) by Enki In your midst a supreme dais is founded Your door jamb is the pure aškud bolt(?) of heaven/An The lord of wisdom, king Enki Nudimmud, the lord of Eridu (In?) the “heart of the fallow deer,” into which no one can see He has made(?) your abgal priest loosen (his) hair upon the back When Enki loves Eridu(!?) The midst of the E'engura temple is(?) filled with abundance Abzu, the life of the land, beloved by Enki Temple build on the edge, suitable for the elaborate cosmic powers Eridu, your shade extends into the midst of the sea Risen sea that has no rival Supreme river possessing an aura and giving the land gooseflesh E'engur temple, great flood(?) that touches the ground Temple adjoining the deep water(!?), pirig creature in/of the inner Abzu Supreme temple of Enki giving wisdom in the land Your shout, like a risen river Is singing for king Enki Towards the holy temple he presents sweetly/bends (his?) knee (to it)(?) The lyre, the algar instrument, the balag drum, and the tamborine/rattle The harhar instrument, the sabitum instrument, and the “Mari instrument” that silences the temple(?) (The ones with) a sweet voice and “releasing and growing"" lips May they resound because of(?) their own hearts (i.e., their distinct sounds?) The holy algar instrument of Enki has played itself for him May the seven musicians sing/play(?) The utterance of Enki, which is not to be changed ... is set towards its (proper) place He is singing sweetly about(?) the brickwork of the E'engura temple When/In that which he had built (the temple), in that he had built (the temple) In that which Enki had raised in Eridu Like/as a mountain range that is craftily knotted/equipped with stairs(?) it floats on the water The reedbed dwells at its border(?) In its verdant orchards that bear fruit The bird sets foot/treads there(?) The suhur carp plays(?) in the ulal plants(?) The eštub carp flap their tails for him towards(!?) the tiny gizi reed grouth When Enki rises, the fish rise as a wave In the Abzu, he stands amid admiration In the E'engura temple rejoicing ... Like the sea, he can possess(?) an aura He is a supreme river who can cast(?) a radiance In the Euphrates river he can raise a furious southern wind His boat pole (is) his serpent(?), Neraḫ His oar(s) (are) his little kib birds When Enki sails, the year is filled with abundance The boat released itself and seized its own ropes(?) After(?) he “fled” towards the temple of Eridu In(?) the river ... was advising its king (The one whose) voice (was) the voice of a calf, the voice of a sweet cow Enki was slaughtering bulls and slaughtering sheep He restored the ala drum that was not present to its (proper) place He brought out the šem drum that was not present to its (proper) place He set out alone towards Nibru He was entering into the giguna terrace (of) shrine Nibru Enki approached(!) the beer, he approached(!) the kurun liquor He poured yellow(?) kurun liquor into a bronze (bowl?) He filtered ulušin beer that was singular (in quality, frequency, or “he alone""?) He made kukurdu containers settle(?) in/with(?) the residue(?) of the very good/sweetened beer(?) In its (the vessel's?) mouth he poured(?) date syrup ... He “released""(?) the residue by cooling it(?), (making it?) into “that which is mixed(!?)” Enki, who was in shrine Nibru For his father, Enlil, he was “making bread be eaten” He seated ... An in what was the supreme place For An, he made Enlil follow there He seated Nintur in the “seat of honor” (lit. great(er) side) He sat the Anuna gods in their “foundations""(?) They (lit. the people) were drinking, they were making themselves sweet(!?)with kurun liquor They were rolling around (i.e., knocking over?) the bronze vessels (like/filled with?) apples(!?) (They were making?) the bronze (bowls) have a contest with Uraš (i.e. the earth, by knocking them onto the ground)(?) They were ... the bowl (shaped like?) the holy barge (i.e., the crescent moon?)(?) After beer was drunk and kurun liquor was “enjoyed” After they set foot away from the temple Enlil ... rejoicing in Nibru Enlil was speaking to the Anuna Great gods who are present Anuna, you who (assemble) properly in the Ubšu'ukken My son built the temple, king Enki He made Eridu distant(?) from the ground like a mountain range It was a good place that he built the temple (in) (In) Eridu, the pure place which no one is to enter The temple built in silver and made colorful in lapis The temple that (plays) the seven tigi drums properly and produces incantations/namšub prayers(?) The pure and dignified(!?) šir songs that make the temple site sweet(?) Shrine Abzu, the goodness of Enki, suitable for the elaborate me It is the building of temple of silver of (i.e., in) Eridu Enki, praise" P346205,Old Babylonian,Literary," ud ri-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba mu he₂ an u₃-tud-da-kam uŋ₃-e u₂-šim-gin₇ ki in-dar... en lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ en nam tar-tar-re-e... e₂-a-ni kug {na₄}za-gin₃-na teš₂-bi ba-ni-in-du₃ kug {na₄}za-gin₃-bi ud kar₂-kar₂-ka eš₃-e a ul im-ma-ni-in-du₃ muš₃ kug dug₄-ga ta e₃... en {d}nu-dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug₂-sug₂... e₂ kug-ga i-ni-in-du₃ {na₄}za-gin₃-na i-ni... ...kug-sig₁₇ ...gu₂-a bi₂... šeg₁₂-bi inim dug₄...gi₄...","In those distant days when fate was determined It was the year (of) abundance fathered by An When the people split (through) the earth like vegetation The lord of the Abzu, king Enki Enki, the lord who is to determine fate Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something that (lit. of) glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was ..., coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it sparkle it in lapis He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold He built(?) the ... on the riverbank Its brick work speaks words and gives advice(!?)" P346270,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... kan₄-zu... i-dub-zu ug₂... abzu ki sikil... e₂-engur-ra lugal-zu... ...en-ki lugal abzu... temen-zu {na₄}gug... mu₇-mu₇ za-gin₃-na mi₂... e₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ lal... gud lugal-bi-ir... ni₂... ... ...ŋeštug₂ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...mud en eridu{ki}ga-ke₄ ...šeŋbar-ra lu₂ igi nu-bar-re-dam abgal-zu siki bar-ra bi₂-in-duh ...{ki}ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ki aŋ₂ ...zi kalam-ma ki aŋ₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...zag-ga du₃-a me galam-ma tum₂-ma ...{ki} ŋissu-zu ab šag₄-ga la₂-a ...zig₃-ga gaba-šu-ŋar nu-tuku ...ni₂ ŋal₂-la su kalam-ma zi-zi ...mah ki us₂-sa ...ra piriŋ abzu šag₄-ga ...ŋeštug₂ kalam mu-e-šum₂-mu ...id₂ mah zig₃-ga-gin₇ ...ra mu-un-na-du₁₂-a","Your gate is a lion seizing a man Your threshold is an ug creature going out towards a man The Abzu, a pure place, fitting E'engura temple, your king has set foot (there) for you Enki, the king of the Abzu He has made the carnelian equal along/matched carnelian with(?) your foundation With incantations/noise(?) he has taken care of (your) lapis(?) Temple whose pure wax design(?) has been inspected by Enki A bull that is set on track for its master Roaring on behalf of its aura(?) and advising (on behalf of) its dignity(?) The lord of wisdom, king Enki Nudimmud, the lord of Eridu (In) the “heart of the fallow deer,” into which no one can see He has made(?) your abgal priest loosen (his) hair upon the back When Enki loves Eridu(!?) the midst of the E'engura temple is(?) filled with abundance) Abzu, the life of the land, beloved by Enki Temple build on the edge, suitable for the elaborate me Eridu, your shade extends into the midst of the sea Risen sea that has no rival Supreme river possessing an aura and giving the land gooseflesh In the engur(?) it is a great flood(?) that touches the ground Temple adjoining the deep water, pirig creature in/of the inner Abzu The supreme temple of Enki is giving wisdom in the land Your shout, like a great risen river Is singing for king Enki" P346454,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...₃ ud kar₂... ...abzu-am₃ ul am₃... ...kug galam dug₄-ga abzu-ta e₃... ...{d}nu-dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na... ...kug-ga i-ni-in-du₃ {na₄}za-gin₃-na... ...le-eš kug-si₂-ga šu teš₂-bi ba... e₂ gu₂-a bi₂-in... inim dug₄-dug₄ ad gi₄... gud-gin₇ murum i-im... ...ke₄ gu₃ nun... ŋi₆ ri im-ma...dug₃-bi mu-un... ...sukkal {d}... ...","Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something of glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in what was shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it colorful with lapis He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold In Eridu he built the temple on the riverbank Its brickwork speaks words and gives advice Its reed layers within the brick bellowed like a bull The temple of Enki is to shout nobly The temple brought praise at(?) night for the king while presenting it sweetly/bending its knee (to him)(?) For Enki, the vizier Isimud was ..." P346777,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ul-la... ...galam dug₄-ga abzu... ...mud-dim₂-ra... ... ...","He made (the temple?) in rosette/star decorations(?) in what was shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it sparkle in lapis ..." P346781,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... za-e me-en inim-ŋu₁₀...gaba ri la-ba... ...ra {ŋeš}... ...","An imposed my aura/fear of me in the heavens It is you who has made my word have no rival in the universe In the outskirts of heaven there is a silig axe" P346271,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...zi...mu₂-mu₂ ...e...de₆₇... ... ... {u₂}numun₂ ma...{u₂}numun₂ ma-ra... sa-gaz ...saŋ mu-ra-an-zi-zi gi dili du₃-e... ...","Rushes were rising for me, rushes were growing for me A reed planted alone was shaking its head at me Several reeds planted (together) split apart for me In the forest, a tree has raised itself for me (as high) as heaven My brother, your dream is not good, one should not interpret it Rushes were rising for you(?), rushes were growing for you (It symbolizes) a robber raising his head for you in/from an ambush A reed planted alone shaking its head for you(?)" P346272,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ... ... ... ...dumu unug{ki} min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš ... a-a šu-ru-ub-ba {ŋeš}šukur a-a hab₂-ba šu-ni ŋeš gur₅-ra eme-a-ni e₂-gal-la lugal-am₃ dumu {ki}am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš {ŋeš}tukul saŋ kud-a ur₂-ra la₂-a lugal-am₃ dumu urim₂{ki}ma min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš tug₂-bi da₁₃-na kar-ra ŋal₂-la lugal-am₃ dumu nibru{ki} min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš lu₂ lu₂-ra im₂-ma-ni-ib amaš {e₂} ši-re₇{re}eš {d}ŋeštin-an-na-ke₄ amaš mu-ni-in-dab₅-be₂-ne a idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu₂-de₃ a-šag₄ še-ba mu...e-ne šu nu-um-ma-gid₂-de₃ galla tur galla gu-la...un-na-de₂-e ... šeš-am₃ mu-un-pad₃... ud ul-ta a-ba-gin₇ mu-ni... ŋa₂-nam-ma-ze₂-en gu₅ši-re₇-en-de₃-en gu₅-li-a-ni-ir ...idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu am₃-ma-gid₂-de₃-en ...še-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu am₃-ma-gid₂-de₃ gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ saŋ u₂-a he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra ...de₃ saŋ u₂-a he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra ... ... ...... ... ...","He who was the king, it was two citizens of Uruk that went towards him (They were) thornbushes that are ... in the water(?), lances/points(?) that are fetid in the water(?), his hand chops trees(?), his tongue is “of/in the palace” He who was the king, it was two citizens of Umma that went towards him (They were those who had) bound a weapon that cuts off heads to the loin He who was the king, it was two citizens of Ur that went towards him (They) had/set(?) their clean garments in the harbor (leaving them behind?) He who was the king, it was two citizens of Nibru that went towards him (Saying) “run, one man after(?) the other,” they sent to the sheepfold and cattlepen They were catching {geš}tinanna there (en route to) the sheepfold and cattlepen They were offering her water of the river(!), she was not accepting They were offering her barley of the field, she was not accepting The small/junior galla demon was speaking to the largest/eldest galla demon A sister who reveals the whereabouts of her brother Like whom from ancient time ... Come! We shall go to his friend ... to his friend They were offering him water of the river(!), he(!?) was accepting They were offering him barley of the field, he was accepting If my friend dropped his head in the plants then no one can know(?) his place If Dumuzi dropped his head in the plants then no one can know(?) his place ... ... ..." P346502,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ug₅-ge... ...ama-ŋu₁₀-gin₇... nin₉ banda₃{da}ŋu₁₀-gin₇... ul ud ba-nud...ul-e ba-nud... sipad ul-e ba-nud-gin₇... i-im-zig₃ ma-mu₂-da i-im... šu bi₂-in-kiŋ₂ niŋ₂-me-ŋar... tum₂-mu-un-ze₂-en tum₂-mu-un...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un... ...ŋeštin-an-na-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un... ...en₃-du zu-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂... ...du zu-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...tum₂-mu-un... ... ...mu₂... ma-mu₂-da nin₉... {u₂}numun₂ ma-ra-zi... gi dili du₃-e saŋ... gi didli du₃-e dili ma... {ŋeš}tir-ra ŋeš an-gin₇ ni₂... ne-mur kug-ŋu₁₀ a mu-da-an... {dug}šakir₃ kug-ŋu₁₀ bi ba-ra... {ŋeš}an-za-am kug-ŋu₁₀ {ŋeš}gag...{ŋeš}gag-ta ba-ra... {ŋeš}ma-nu-ŋu₁₀ u₂-gu mu-da... {d}nin {mušen}ta-e ŋa₂ udu...sila₄ šu ba-ni-ib-teŋ₄... ...du₃{mušen}e {gi}dub-ba-an-na-ka buru₅{mušen} šu ba-ni-ib-teŋ₄... ...i₃-dur₂-dur₂ ga nu-un... i₃-dur₂-dur₂ {d}dumu-zid...til₃...amaš lil₂... ...da-ŋu₁₀...sahar-ra ma... ...ŋu₁₀ a₂... ...","If ... has not known the time I will die Plain, you would know the (appropriate word) and speak(it) like my mother (would) So that ... would weep for me like my little sister He laid down in that distant time(?), he laid down in that distant time(?), the shepherd(!?) laid down in that distant time(?) When(?) the shepherd laid down in that distant time(?), he laid down in order to dream/in a dream(?) He arose, it was a dream, he shivered, it was deep sleep He sought his face with his hands, (his) silent stupor was (causing a feeling of) empt(iness)(?) Bring her, bring her, bring my sister Bring my Geštinanna, bring my sister Bring my singer who knows endu songs(?), bring my sister Bring my singer who knows endu songs, bring my sister So that I may reveal the dream for her In the dream, my sister, in the dream, (these are) the contents of my dream Rushes were rising for me, rushes were growing for me A reed planted alone was shaking its head at me Several reeds planted (together) split apart for me In the forest, a tree has raised itself for me (as high) as heaven ... poured water among my pure coals ... opened/removed(?)/broke to bits the chamber(?) of my pure churn My holy anzam vessel, which had been hanging from a peg, was torn off from the peg ... made my (stick of) manu wood disappear A ninninata bird of prey took a lamb at the sheep hut A falcon took a small bird at the reed fence Churns were sitting idle, one no longer poured milk (from them) The anzam containers were sitting idle, Dumuzid was no longer dwelling there/alive(?), the sheepfold had been made into an empty wind My goat buck was swishing its lapis beard in the dirt My ram was scratching the ground with their thick/curved(?) horns" P346505,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...i₃-dur₂-dur₂ {d}dumu... šir₃...","The anzam containers were sitting idle, Dumuzi was no longer dwelling there, the sheepfold had been made into an empty wind The dead Dumuzi! It is a širkalkal(?) composition." P346518,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... en-e a₂ nam... saŋ-kal ... piriŋ gal ... piriŋ tur... ... ... ... me-ŋu₁₀... ŋeš-hur-ŋu₁₀... dub nam tar-ra... ur-saŋ {d}nin-urta... me {d}en-ki-ga... ŋeš-hur me-a... ...","... The lord ... the strength of heroism(?) ... Foremost one(?) ... The great pirig creature ... The small pirig creature ... ... ... My me ... My plans ... My(?) tablet that determines fate ... Hero Ninurta ... The me of Enki ... The plans, where ...? ... where ...?" P346134,Old Babylonian,Literary," en-e kur lu₂ til₃-la-še₃ ŋeštug₂ en {d}gilgameš₃-e kur...til₃...ŋeštug₂-ga-a-ni...gub arad-da-a-ni en-ki-dug₃ en-ki-du₁₀ murgu ŋuruš til₃-la la...ra-an-e₃... kur-raŋu₁₀ ga...₂-gub ...gub-bu-ba mu diŋir-re-e-ne ga-bi-ib₂-gub ...da-a-ni en...du₁₀-e inim mu-ni-ib₂-gi₄-gi₄ lugal-ŋu₁₀ tukumbi kur-ra i-ni-in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ {d}utu he₂-me-e-da-zu {d}utu šul {d}utu he₂-me-e-da-zu kur {ŋeš}eren kud dim₂-ma...šul {d}utu-kam {d}gilgameš₃ maš₂ im-mi-in-teŋ₄ maš₂ su₄ maš₂-da-ri... šu-ni {ŋeš}ŋidru kug...da-ŋal₂ {d}utu an-na-ra gu₃ mu-na-de₂... {d}utu kur-še₃ in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ a₂-tah-ŋu₁₀ he₂-me-en kur {ŋeš}eren kud-še₃ in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ a₂-tah-ŋu₁₀ he₂-me-en {d}utu an-na-ta inim mu-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ ...ni₂-za he₂-me-en kur-ra a-na-bi me-en₄ inim-ŋu₁₀-uš ŋeštug₂-zu ...ab-dug₄ ŋizzal he₂-em-ši-ak ...lu₂ ba-uš₂ šag₄ ba-sag₃ ...u₂-gu ba-an-de₂ šag₄ ba-an-gig bad₃-da gu₂-ŋa₂₂ adda id₂ ib₂ ...igi im-ma... u₃ ŋa₂-e ur₅-gin₇ na-ab-ba-ak...ur₅-še₃ me-en lu₂ sukud-da an-še₃ nu-mu-un... lu₂ daŋal-la kur-ra la-ba... kur-ra ga-am₃-kur₉ mu-ŋu₁₀...","The lord paid attention to the mountain that sustains man Lord Gilgamesh paid attention to the mountain that sustains man He was speaking to his servant Enkidu Enkidu, the shoulder of(?) a young man has not brought out the limits/secrets(?) of living I want to enter into the mountain, I want to establish my name Where a name (can) stand (be inscribed), I want to establish my name Where a name (cannot) stand (be inscribed), I want to establish the name of the gods His servant Enkidu was replying My king, if you are to enter the mountain, Utu should know of it along with us Utu, the youth Utu, should know of it along with us The decision of the mountain of cut juniper belongs to the youth Utu, (Utu should know of it along with us) Gilgamesh took a white goat kid He clasped a brown goat kid of the mašdaria delivery to his chest His hand held the pure scepter at his nose He was calling out to Utu of heaven Utu, if (I) am to enter into the mountain, will you be my helper? If (I) am to enter into the mountain of cut juniper, will you be my helper? Utu from heaven was replying to him You are of yourself a young man, a native son, what are you to the mountain? Utu, I want to speak to you, (may) your ear be oriented towards my words I shall greet you, may (my words) be listened to In my city, a man dies, and (I) am distressed One has forgotten a man, and (my) heart is pained On the city wall, I stretched out my neck(?) (I) saw a corpse floated by the river(?) But I should not be done thusly! Thus I must be? A tall man has never stretched to heaven A broad man has never engulfed the land I want to enter into the mountain, I want to establish my name" P346135,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...e kur... en {d}gilgameš₃...ŋeštug₂-ga... arad-da-a-ni en-ki...gu₃ mu-na... en-ki-du₁₀ murgu₂{gu₂} ŋuruš-e til₃...saŋ til-le-de₃ la-ba-ra-e₃... ...iri₁₁-gal-e saŋ-gig₂-ga... nam tar-tar-de₃ lu₂₂...₉ mu-ŋu₁₀ ga...ŋu₁₀ ga... nu... ... ...saŋ-kal šeg₁₁ gi₄... ...ŋi₆-gin₇ kur-ra gaba... ... gin₇ i₃-ŋir₂-ŋir₂-re da-bi-še₃... ...saŋ šul {d}utu {d}gilgameš₃-ra... ...hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ hu-mu-ni-in-tum₂-tum₂... ...eren kud-kud-de₃ hul₂-la-gin₇ im-ma-na-ni-ib₂... ...gilgameš₃-e hul₂-la-gin₇ im-ma-na-ni-ib₂... lu₂ dili-gin₇ si gu₃ ba-ni-in...₇ gu₃ teš₂ ba-ni-in... ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ama tuku ama... ...dili ŋa₂-gin₇ ak a₂-ŋu₁₀-še₃ hu... ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ama tuku ama... ...gin₇ ak ninnu-am₃ a₂-ni-še₃ ba... ...simug-še₃ ŋiri₃-ni bi₂... ...a₂-aš-ŋar aga a₂ nam-ur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ka im... ŋiri₃... ...taškarin-na-ka im-ma... ... ... ...he₂-a... ...gud₃-ŋu₁₀... ... še₃ ... ...igi-bi duh... ŋiri₃ kur-še₃ gub-ba-ŋu₁₀ iri{ki}še₃ ba-ra-gub... arad zi ba-an-dug₃ nam-til₃ ba-an-ku₄-ku₄ inim mu-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ ...e lu₂-bi igi nu-mu-ni-duh-a šag₄ nu-mu... ...duh-am₃ šag₄ mu-ni-dab... ka ušumgal-kam ...igi piriŋ-ŋa₂-ka ...a-ŋi₆ du₇-du₇-dam ...{ŋeš}gi izi gu₇ lu₂ nu-mu-da-teŋ₃-ŋa₂-de₃₂-am₃ ...ur-mah adda uš₂-am₃ nu-ra de₃ ...gu₇... ...lu₂ uš₂-am₃... ...... ... eš₂ eš₅ tab-ba... bad₃-da... e₂ gi-sig-ga... za-e ŋa₂-e tah-ma-ab ŋa₂... ba-su-a-ba... ud ma₂ ma₂-gan{ki}... ma₂ ma₂-gi-lum... ma₂-la₂ ma₂ zi-šag₄-ŋal₂-la-ka... ŋa₂-nam-ma ga-an-ši-re₇{re}... tukumbi... ni₂ i₃-ŋal₂... umun₂ i₃-ŋal₂... niŋ₂ šag₄-zu ŋa₂-nam-ma ga-an-ši... uš ŋeš₂ nindan la... hu-wa-wa e₂ {ŋeš}eren-na-ka-ni... igi mu-ši-in-bar igi... saŋ mu-na-tuku₄-tuku₄ saŋ... ŋuruš ba-da-me-en-na iri ama tu-da... ...ŋiri₃-na ni₂ ba-an-ri ni₂...₂... ... ... hu-wa-wa usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... ur-saŋ-e dur₂ im-ma-ŋ₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... hu-wa-wa im-ma-ŋar er₂ im-ma-an-pad₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... hu-wa-wa {d}gilgameš₃-ra ša₃-ne-ša₄ ... {d}gilgameš₃ šu ba-nam-ma {d}utu inim ga-mu-na-ab-be₂ {d}utu ama tud-da-ŋa₂ nu-zu a-a buluŋ₃-ŋa₂... ...ra mu-tud-de₃-en za-e buluŋ₃... {d}gilgameš₃ zi an-na mu-un-pad₃ zi ki-a mu-un...zi kur-ra mu-un... ...še₃ mu-un-dab₅ ki-za nam-ba-an... {d}gilgameš₃ dumu-egir šag₄-ga-na arhuš ba-an... ...gilgameš₃ en-ki-du₁₀-ra gu₃ mu-un-na-de₂-e en-ki-du₁₀ mušen dab₅-ba ki-bi-še₃ ha... ŋuruš dab₅-ba ur₂ ama-ni-še₃ he₂-gi₄-gi₄ en-ki-du₁₀-e gu₃ mu-un-ni-ib... ...ra₂ dim₂-ma... ...nam-tar... ...dam ...de₃ ...hul ...de₂-e ...hul ... ...","The 5th is ..., a screaming sagkal snake, ...(?), splitting the mountain range The 6th is ..., beating its breast against the mountain like a flood The 7th is ... flashing like lightning(!), no one will approach its side The seven heroes, the youth Utu gave to Gilgamesh They(?) will bring the boats for portage to the base of the mountain range It was made pleasing there for the one who cuts the juniper It was made pleasing there for lord Gilgamesh In his city as a single man he sounded the horn As two companions (he and Enkidu), (they) shouted together The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother May single males acting(?) like me, act on behalf of my power The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother The single males acting(?) like me, fifty of them, have acted on behalf of my power He set out to the house of the blacksmith He was pouring (the metal for) the (blade of the) a'ašgar ax, the agasilig axe(!?), the arms of heroism He set out to the grove of deep shade He was striking (down) the axe handle(?) of halub wood, apple wood, and boxwood ... No one can cut a three-ply rope(?) On a wall, water does not overwhelm a man(?) Fire cannot be extinguished in a house with a reed fence You help me, I shall help you, what is it of ours that someone can take (away)? When it sank, when it sank When the Magan boat sank When the barge(?), Magilum, sank A raft, a lifeboat, seized ... Come! let us go and have a look! (But) if we go There will be an aura, there will be an aura, turn back! There will be cunning(?) there will be cunning, turn back! (This is) your thought, (but) come, let's go! After someone has not even approached (within) 3600(?) ninda Huwawa has (already) “seized” (him in) his house of juniper/cedar He has looked, it is the look of death He has shaken his head (taking an oath?), its is a head filled with (punishment for?) sin You who are a young man to your detriment, you will not return to the city of your mother He imposed his aura into his muscles and his feet He could not turn his foot (i.e., take a step) on the ground Huwawa by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” The hero(!) sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa ... compassion for Gilgamesh Gilgamesh, release me! So that I may speak a word with Utu Utu, (I) do not know the mother that bore me, (I) do not know the father that reared me I was born in the mountain, you reared me Gilgamesh swore an oath by heaven, he swore an oath by earth, he swore an oath by the netherworld He seized his hand(?), (saying): “you shall not be deprived” At that time, Gilgamesh, the native, had compassion in his heart Gilgamesh was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu, may the captured bird go (back) to its place for me(?) May the captured youth be returned to the lap of his mother His servant Enkidu was replying The tall, (if) he lacks intellect The Namtar demon/fate will consume him, the Namtar demon/fate having not been revealed The caught bird that is to go back to its place The caught youth that is to be returned to the lap of its mother You will not return to the city of your birth mother ... Huwawa was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu is defaming me ..." P346137,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ur₂ hur...ke₄ mu-ni-ib... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni min-am₃ ni₂ teŋ₃-ni eš₅... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni limmu₅ ni₂ teŋ₃-ni ia₂ ni₂ teŋ₃... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni imin-am₃ mu-na-til-la-ta da-ga-na ba-teŋ₃ muš-kar-ŋeštin-na-gin₇ murgu₂-na im-ta ne mu-un-su-ub-ba-ke₄ te-na tibir-ra bi₂-in-rah₂ hu-wa-wa zu₂ ba-an-da saŋ-ki... hu-wa-wa {d}gilgameš₃-ra gu₃... ur-saŋ lul sig₁₀-sig₁₀-ge... min₃-na-ne-ne-bi mah...ugu-na... ur-saŋ usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... hu-wa-wa usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... ...saŋ-e dur₂ ...si₁₂... igi-ni er₂ mu-na... {d}gilgameš₃...{d}utu-ra ga... {d}utu ama tu-ud-ŋa₂ nu... kur-raŋ₃... {d}gilgameš₃ zi an-na mu-un...zi ki-a mu-un-pad₃...kur-ra mu... šu-še₃ mu-un-dab₅ ki-za nam-ba-an-tum₂ {d}gilgameš₃ en-ki-du₁₀-ra gu₃ mu-na-de₂-e en-ki-du₁₀ mušen dab₅-ba ki-bi-še₃ ha-ma ŋuruš dab₅-ba ur₂ ama-ni-še₃ he₂-gi₄... en-ki-du₁₀ {d}gilgameš₃-ra... sukud... ...","They laid it down at the base of the mountain range His 2nd terror, his 3rd terror ... His 4th terror, his 5th terror, his 6th terror ... After his 7 terrors were exhausted, he approached his side Like a gargeština snake, he went from (a hiding place?) onto his shoulder As if(!?) he had kissed him, he struck him on his cheek with his fist Huwawa “flashed his teeth""/laughed(?), ... his forehead(?) Huwawa spoke to Gilgamesh Deceiving hero ... The great two(?) ... upon him ... The hero by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” Huwawa by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” The hero sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises His eye/face ... weeping Gilgamesh! ... I want to speak to Utu! Utu, (I) do not know the mother that bore me, (I) do not know the father that reared me ... bore me in the mountain, you reared me Gilgamesh swore an oath by heaven, he swore an oath by earth, he swore an oath by the netherworld He seized his hand(?) saying(?) he(? Enkidu) shall not dig your grave!(?) Gilgamesh was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu, may the captured bird go (back) to its place for me(?) May the captured youth be returned to the lap of his mother Enkidu replied to Gilgamesh The tall, (if) he lacks intellect" P346530,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...₇ ...gu₃ ba-ni-in-rah₂ ...tuku ama-ni-še₃š ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ba... ...ŋu₁₀-še₃ hu-mu-un... ...","It was made pleasing there for lord Gilgamesh In his city as a single man he sounded the horn As two companions (he and Enkidu?), (they) shouted together The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power ... to his house(?) ... May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power ..." P346531,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...inim mu...ŋ egir gaba-ri us₂...inim mu-na... ... mu-na... ...ni₂-zu ba-ši... ...","Enkidu has defamed me The hireling who is hired by (mere) sustenance, who follows behind his opponent, has defamed (me) ... ... you yourself/your aura ... ..." P346534,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ta... ...nam-me-a... us₂-sa igi... ...ta e₃ igi... mu... ...kug... ...kur-ra-ka ud mu... kur-ra-ka mu-na-zalag-ge... mu-na-ta... haš₄-a-na ba... bar-še₃ ba... ...igi he₂... ...","A 2nd time the white bull coming out from the horizon The bull reposing among the cypress trees A shield touching the ground, watched by the assembly A shield emerging from the treasury, watched by the young man The youth Utu was suspended above among his holy rays ... He ... sunlight in the mountain cave He was illuminating(?) the mountain cave for lugalbanda His good udug protective deity was suspended above him His good lamma protective deity went “at his thigh""(?) His afflicting god stood aside During that of his “may he raise his eyes toward the sky for Utu”" P346133,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ... mu... dam... za-e ad-da... ...la₂-zu-ne... nam-ba-ni-in-kur₉... ...ha-šu-ur₂ nu... ...he₂-me-da... ... ŋa₂-nu... ma₂-gur₈... ma₂ {ŋeš}... ma₂ ukuš₂... ma₂ ki buru₁₄... šeg₁₂ kul-aba₄{ki}... {d}lugal-banda₃{da} lu₂... šu nu-um-ma-gid₂... {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil₂-la₂... {tug₂}saŋšu piriŋ me₃-a ugu-za he₂... ... en kur gal-la gaba nu... gaba-za he₂-en ... kur-ra sa sa ... iri{ki} im-še₃-du ki... {d}lugal-banda₃{da} lu₂ numun-e... šu nu-um-ma-gid₂... ...dumu ki-aŋ₂ {d}... ...a ud-gin₇ e₃... ...iti₆-gin₇... ...rah₂-rah₂... ... ...lugal-banda₃{da} ... ...lirum he₂-ŋal₂š₂-u₃-de₃ ...ud imin-bi {d}iškur-ke₄ ...nim-gin₇ ga-ŋir₂ ...ŋen-ni ...gi₄-bi ...a ...a ...kur₉-da ...a ...","... ... I (Lugalbanda) relied upon you (the Anzu bird) He said “may your wife be my mother” He said “may you be my(?) father” Your little ones as my brothers Indeed (I?) will regard them (lit. bring them in) Since yesterday in the (mountain of) cypress, the unknown of mountain(s) (I) have been standing in place (waiting) for you May your spouse stand beside you in my greeting I shall greet you ... Come, my lugalbanda Like a barge(?) (carrying) precious metal, like a boat (carrying) barley Like a boat that is to transport apples Like a boat providing shade to(?) cucumbers Like a boat exuding allure at the site of the harvest Go proudly back to the brickwork of Kulaba Lugalbanda, the one who loves the seed(?) Was not accepting (the suggestion) Ninurta, the son of Enlil May he cover the top of your head with the sagšu turban, the pirig creature of battle ... of lord(?)/mighty ... of(?) the Great Mountain (Enlil) (whose) chest cannot be turned back May he stand it(?) on your chest In the mountain/foreign land a ... net(?), a ... net(?) ... (You?) will go(?) to the city(?), the site of Unug(?) Lugalbanda, the one who loves the seed(?) Was not accepting these Like Šara, the beloved son of Inanna Bring out your barbed arrows like sunlight Bring out ... like moonlight May the barbed arrow act as a šagtur snake(?) to those it hits The Anzu bird (to) holy lugalbanda Was speaking(?) May there be strength in your arms May you(?) never tire Your pumping arms shall not suffer pain Moving like the sun, like Inanna, like(?) the seven storms of Iškur (You said?) “I want rise like flame and flash like lightning” Go where your eye looks and sees Set your foot to wherever you eye raises to Confront according to your free will/wish In the place where your heart also speaks to you (about) Untie your sandals (When) Utu is to bring (you) (back) to your city, Kulaba The one who curses you" P346147,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...kul-aba₄{ki}a saŋ-men...₄ ŋi₆-par₄... ...par₄-ra-ke₄ eš₃ gal... ...lu₇ aratta{ki}... ......ŋeš ... ud-te-en-e um-ma... ...{d}dumu-zid-da udu maš₂...... a kalag-ga a-šag₄ {d}dumu-zid... udu kur-ra-gin₇ dub₃ ha-ra-ni-ib₂... gaba kug-ŋa₂-a ud-gin₇ e₃-ni ušu₃ aš₃ zi-pa-aŋ₂...he₂-me-en ...kar₂ dumu {d}utu za₃-mi₂ ...keš₂ ba-ši-in-ŋar ...ta ba-ra-an-pad₃ ...","When you place the sagmen crown (on your head?) in Uruk and in Kulab The ... of the great shrine should bring you to the gipar complex(?) (And then) the ... of the gipar complex should bring you to the great shrine(?) The people of Aratta ... they carry ... and wood(?) After this day reaches the evening In the site of Dumuzi where (his) sheep and goats ... are numerous In the “mighty water,” the field of Dumuzi They should kneel down for you like a sheep of the mountains Come out upon my holy chest like sunlight (Subtotal of) 36 (lines) May you be that of the šuba stone(!?) of my throat ... Enmerkar, son of Utu, praise The lord placed care towards the holy word of Inanna He selected a messenger who was learned and strong from the workforce/troops" P346132,Old Babylonian,Literary," lugal-zu dug₄-ga-ni nu-ŋu₁₀ tah-a-ni nu... lugal-ŋu₁₀...tu-da-ni nam-en-na tum₂... en unug{ki}ga muš-saŋ-kal ki-en-gi-ra til₃-la...ma₅ durah-maš kur-bad₃-da a₂-nun-ŋal₂ šilam-za₃ maš kur naŋa kug-ga-kam suh-suh ab₂ zid...kur šag₄-ge tud-da en-me-er-kar₂...utu-ke₄ mu-e-ši-in-gi₄-nam iri{ki}na ir₇-saŋ{mušen}gin₇ ŋeš-bi-da na-na-ra-ab-dal-e mušen-gin₇ gud₃ us₂-sa-bi-a nam-bi₂-ib₂-hu-luh-e šakanka-bi ŋal₂-la-gin₇ na-an-sig₉-ge₄-en iri{ki} gul-gul-la-gin₇ sahar na... aratta{ki} a₂-dam {d}en-ki-ke₄ nam ba-an-kud ki bi₂-in-gul-la-gin₇ ki nam-ga-bi₂-ib₂-gul-en egir-bi {d}inana ba-ši-in-zig₃ gu₃ im-mi-rah₂-aš šeg₁₀ im-mi-in-gi₄ kuš₇ bi₂-in-su-a-gin₇ kuš₇ nam-ga-bi₂-ib₂-su-su kug-si₂ u₃-tu-da-ba {kuš} šir u₃-ba-ni-in-ak kug-me-a sahar-ba zag ba-ni-in-us₂ kug saŋ še₃ u₃-mu-un-dim₂-dim₂ anše kur-kur-ra-ke₄ bar um-mi-la₂... ŋa₂-e-še₃-am₃ {d}en-lil₂ banda₃{da} kur-kur-ra-ke₄ en {d}nu-dim₂-mud-e šag₄ kug-ge ba-an-pad₃... kur me sikil-la-še₃ ha-ma-du₃... {ŋeš}taškarin-gin₇ hi-li ha-ma-ab... {d}utu agrun-ta e₃-a-gin₇ si-muš₃ ha-ma-gun₃... zag-du₈-zag-du₈-bi urin ha-ma-mul... agrun-agrun-ba šir₃ kug nam-šub du₁₂-a... ...{d}nu-dim₂-mud-ke₄ ŋa₂-ra dug₄-mu... ...ab-be₂-na-bi u₃-mu... ...da... ... ... inim-bi eš₃ e₂-an... ŋi₆-par₄ {ŋeš}mes gibil-gin₇ gurun... lugal-ŋu₁₀ en kul-aba₄{ki}ra šu ga-mu-na... ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a... kiŋ₂-gi₄-a lugal-zu-ur₂ en kul-aba₄{ki}... u₃-na-a-dug₄ u₃-ne-de₃-tah ŋa₂-e-me-en en šu sikil tum₂-ma-ar {ŋeš}rab₃ mah an-na nin an-ki-ke₄ in-nin₉ me šar₂-ra kug {d}inana-ke₄ aratta{ki} kur me sikil-la-še₃ hu-mu-un-de₆-me-en kur-ra {ŋeš}ig gal-gin₇ igi-zu bi₂-in-tab-me-en aratta{ki}e unug{ki}še₃ gu₂ a-gin₇ i₃-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ aratta{ki} unug{ki}še₃ gu₂ ŋa₂-ŋa₂ nu-ŋal₂ e-ne-ra dug₄-mu-na-ab ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a-ka kiŋ₂-gi₄-a en aratta{ki}ke₄ mu-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ nin gal {d}inana me huš-a a hur-saŋ kur šuba₃-ka dur₂ ŋar-ra barag kur šuba₃-ka še-er-ka-an dug₄-ga en lugal-ŋu₁₀-u₈ subur-ra-na-še₃ nin e₂-an-na-ka mu-na-ni-in-kur₉-re en aratta{ki} gu₂ ki bi₂-in-ŋar...kul-aba₄{ki}še₃ ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a-ka en unug{ki}ga muš-saŋ-kal ki-en-gi-ra til₃ saŋ zid₂-gin₇ ma₅-ma₅ durah-maš kur-bad₃-da a₂-nun-ŋal₂ šilam-za₃ maš kur naŋa kug-ga-kam suh-suh-e ŋeš₂ im-gid₂-da limmu₂-kam-ma iri...gud huš ni₂ gal gur₃-ru","The utterance of your king is nothing to me(? lit. my non-existence), his reiteration is nothing to me(?) When my king was born, he was suitable for lordship The lord of Unug, a sagkal snake living in Sumer, crushing heads like flour A mountain goat whose strength is in the mountain peak The šilamza bovine, the mountain(?) goat purified with soap and plucked of its wool(?) Given birth to by the true cow in the mountain midst Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has sent me to you In his city, I(!) shall make (the people) fly from the trees like pigeons I(!) shall terrify (the people) in their founded nests like birds According to the current market rate I will tear away/silence(?) (the people) I will make (the people) hold dust as if (they inhabited) a destroyed city Aratta, the settlement that Enki has cursed I too shall destroy the place like the one who has destroyed places Inanna has raised ... behind them She has shouted and screamed (I) too shall devastate like the one who has devastated After (an inhabitant) has packed leather bags with gold ore (After) (an inhabitant) has placed kugmea metal in its ore(?) beside it After (an inhabitant) fashions the metal into pouches(?) After one fastens sacks(?) upon donkeys of the mountains(?) On my behalf, the junior Enlil of the lands The lord that Nudimmud has chosen in (his) pure heart (They) will therefore build ... for me in the manner of(?) the mountain of the pure me Make it alluring like the box tree for me Make (its) rays sparkle for me like Utu coming out of his agrun chamber And make its thresholds sparkle (like) a standard for me When(?) the holy songs and incantations are sung in its agrun chambers Say the spell of Nudimmud for me After you have spoken what you are saying to me(?) To the scion who grows(?) a lapis beard I shall speak the words to him in the shrine of Eanna In the gipar complex, bearing fruit like a new mes tree I shall repeat it for my king, the lord of Kulaba Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the messenger) should be saying to him (the lord of Aratta said)(?) Messenger, to your king, the lord of Kulaba When you speak to him, when you repeat It is I, the lord who is suitable for the pure hands(!?) And therefore the neck stock of heaven, the queen of the universe The lady of the many cosmic powers, holy Inanna It is I(?) who she brought to Aratta, the mountain of the pure me It is I(?) who she has made block your face(?) from(?) the mountain like a great door How could Aratta submit to Unug? Aratta's submission to Unug does not exist Speak (that) to him Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the lord of Aratta) should be saying to him (the messenger said)(?) The messenger was replying to(!) the lord of Aratta The great lady Inanna, riding on/superimposed by the furious me Seated in the mountain range of the mountain of šuba stones Having adorned the dais of the mountain of šuba stones My lord and king, in the manner of her servant(?) The lady has made him enter into the Eanna temple(?) (Saying) “The lord of Aratta has bowed his neck (to) the ground on behalf of Kulaba""(?) Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the messenger) should be saying to him (the lord of Aratta said)(?) The lord of Unug, a sagkal snake living in Sumer, crushing heads like flour A mountain goat whose strength is in the mountain peak The šilamza bovine, the mountain(?) goat purified with soap and plucked of its hair(?) (Total) 60 (lines) It is the 4th “long-tablet” (in the composition:) “The city, a furious bull bearing a great aura.”" P346230,Old Babylonian,Literary," hur-saŋ {na₄}za-gin₃-na-gin₇ tar-re-gin₇ iri {d}iškur-re ba-an-de₂-a-gin₇ gu₂ ki-še₃ ŋa₂-ŋa₂-dam e₂-e kur {ŋeš}eren kud nu-me-a {urud}ha-zi-in gal-gal ba-ši-in-de₂-de₂ {urud}aga-silig-ga a₂ min-a-bi-da u₄-sar ba-an-ak ur₂-bi-a {urud}gi₂-dim ba-an-ŋar suhuš kalam-ma-ke₄ ki ba-e-la₂ pa-bi-a {urud}ha-zi-in ba-an-ŋar e₂-e ŋuruš ug₅-ga-gin₇ gu₂ ki-še₃ ba... gu₂ kur-kur-ra gu₂ ki-še₃ ba... alal-bi im-ma-ra-an... im šeŋ₃-šeŋ₃ an-na ba-e... {ŋeš}kan₄-bi ba-ra-an-si-ig teš₂-bi... kan₄ še nu-kud-da še i-ni-in... šu kalam-ma-ta še ba-da... ...silim-ma-bi {ŋeš}al-e... kur-kur...silim-silim-bi... a-gar₃ mah-e a-eštub{ku₆}... e₂-kur-ra {urud}gi₂ itima{ma} e₂ ud nu-zu... dub-šen kug diŋir-re-e-ne uri... la-ha-ma dub-la₂ gal e₂... lu₂ an-zil gu₇-a nu-me... {d}na-ra-am{d}suen šu gibil-ke₄ bi₂-in-sag₃ {ŋeš}eren {ŋeš}šu-ur₂-me {ŋeš}za-ba-lum {ŋeš}taškarin ŋeš gi-gun₄-na-bi-eš ba-an-sur-sur kug-sig₁₇-bi mi-si-ra bi₂-in-ed₃ kug-babbar-bi šir-ra bi₂-in-ak urud-bi še mah de₆-a-gin₇ kar-re bi₂-in-si-si kug-bi kug-dim₂-e im-dim₂-e 3(u) za-bi za-dim₂-e im-dim₂-e urud-bi simug im-tu₁₁-be₂ niŋ₂ iri hul-a nu-me-a e₂-e ma₂ gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us₂ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ ma₂ gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us₂ niŋ₂ uru₁₇-ta ba-ra-e₃ niŋ₂ uru₁₇-ta ed₂-da-bi a-ga-de₃ dim₂-ma-bi ba-ra-e₃ ma₂-e kar ib₂-kur₂...a-ga-de₃ ba-kur₂ ud te-eš dug₄-ga kalam teš₂-a ŋar-ra a-ma-ru zig₃-ga gaba-šu-ŋar nu-tuku {d}en-lil₂-le nam... kur gu₂-bi₂-na... hur-saŋ... uŋ₃-ŋa₂ nu-sig₁₀... gu-ti-um{ki}... dim₂-ma lu₂... {d}en-lil₂-le kur-ta... šid-šid buru₅{mušen}gin₇... a₂-bi gu maš-anše... niŋ₂-na-me a₂-bi... lu₂ na-me a₂-bi... {lu₂}kiŋ₂-gi₄-a har-ra-an-na nu-mu... ma₂ ra-gaba id₂-da nu-mu-un-dib-be₂ uzud sig₁₇ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ amaš-ta ba-rah₂-rah₂-aš na-gada-bi bi₂-in-us₂-u₂-us₂ šilam tur₃-bi-ta ba-rah₂-rah₂-aš unud-bi bi₂-in-us₂-u₂-us₂ ŋeš gu₂-ka en-nu-uŋ₃ ba-e-zal har-ra-an-na {lu₂}sa ba-e-tuš abul kalam-ma-ka {ŋeš}ig im-ma bi₂-in-gub kur-kur-re bad₃ uru₁₇-ne-ne-ke₄ gu₃ gig mi-ni-ib₂-be₂-ne ŋeš₂","As if to(?) cut/separate(?) it like the mountain range of lapis lazuli In order to bring (its) neck to the ground like a city that Iškur had poured (upon) Although the temple was not (in/of) the mountain of the cut cedar/juniper He brought(?) great hazin axes towards it He sharpened along both edges of the agasilig ax He set the gidim implement into its base It was excavated up to the foundation of the land He set the hazin ax into its “branches” The house fell with its neck to the ground like a dead young man The whole of the lands fell with their necks to the ground He split its rainpipe away from it The rain that had fallen went (back) up into heaven He removed (the ornaments?) from the gate/door, (the temple's/land's?) dignity changed He cut down barley at the gate/door where barley was not cut He cut off barley from the hand of the land He made the pickax strike the gate/door of well being The well-being of all the lands(?) changed Like(?) a great meadow in which(?) the carp flood expands(?) The great gidim implements of (i.e., for use against?) the Ekur temple he set (its metal) into molds The people saw (into) the itima chamber, the building where sunlight is unknown Agade saw (into) the holy treasure box of the gods Its lahama creatures, the great pilasters stationed at the temple Who did not commit taboo Naram-Sîn, the “renovator” struck them down Cedar, cypress, juniper, boxwood Concerning(?) the woods of its giguna structure, he ... He had its gold brought up/down in misir bags(?) He had its silver put in lubšir bags He had its copper loaded into the harbor like barley brought (in) great (quantity) (And thus) the precious metal worker would (re)fashion its precious metal (Subtotal:) 30 (lines) (And thus) the stone cutter would (re)fashion its precious stone (And thus) the metalworker would strike its copper As if(?) the property was not of a destroyed city At the temple he parked great boats in the harbor Towards/concerning the temple of Enlil he parked great boats in the harbor (Thus) the property left the city When the property left the city The reasoning/mood of Agade left (as well) (When?) the boat(s) changed(?) harbors, the mood of Agade changed The storm that erupted(?) and beset the land all together The risen flood that had not rival Enlil, because his beloved Ekur was destroyed, what was that which would be done more (than that as revenge)(?) He raised his eye towards the land/mountain of Gubin He stripped the whole (of the population) away from the broad mountain ranges (Those who were) not placed among the people, not counted among the land Gutium, a people(?) who knew no attachment (Possessing) the intellect of a man, the counsel of a dog, and the features of a monkey Enlil brought out from the mountains They(?) touched the ground like the copulation/superimposing(?) of small birds(?) They(?) stretched out their arms in the plain for him like a net (for the) herd Nothing escaped their reach Their reach spared no one The messenger did not go on the road The boat of the rider was not passing the river Towards the yellow goat(s)(?) of Enlil driven from the sheepfold, he made its herder follow Towards the cow(s) driven from the cattle pen, he made its herder follow A guard was in effect (lit. spent time) upon the trees of the riverbank(?) The robber dwelled on the highway At the gate of the land, he made the door stand ... The lands were crying out bitterly in the walls of their cities (Total:) 60 (lines)" P346545,Old Babylonian,Literary," saŋ-ki...{d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam kiš{ki}₇ im... e₂ ki unug{ki}ga gud...sahar-ra mi-ni-ib... ki ud-ba šar-ru-um-ki... sig-ta igi... ...en-lil₂-le ...a-ga-de₃... ... ... ... e₂-gal šag₄ hul₂... lu₂-hul-ŋal₂... ki uz... ka₅...","It was the frown of Enlil After it killed(?) Kish like the bull of heaven After it slew the temple of Uruk in the dust like a great bull Where, at that time to Sargon, the king of Agade From the lowland to the highland After Enlil gave the en-ship and kingship to him At that time the sanctuary Agade holy Inanna ... May distress fall upon your palace, which was built (for) rejoicing May the evildoer shout continually in the ... plain(?) (In) the site of your uzga, where the cleansing rite had been established May the fox, the one of the destroyed ruin mound, drag its tail there" P346778,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ke₄-ne₂-e-ne ...gin₇ kuš₂ mi-ni-ib ...teŋ₃-ŋa₂ nu-zu ...du-de₃ la-la-bi nu...gi₄ ...ra me-a-gin₇ ...tuku₄-e mu-na-ab-la₂-la₂ ...ni₂ im-ma-ni-in-teŋ₄ ...dur₂-ra-na ba-ra-an-ŋen{en} ...šub-bu-de₃ ...de₃{ki} mu-un-šub ...ŋa₂-ŋa₂-gin₇ ...ra ...am₃ ... ... e₂-kur... a₂... lu₂... gi-gun₄-na... nita {lu₂}la... e₂-še₃ {ŋeš}... e₂-kur... kur kug... hur... iri{ki}... e₂-e... {urud}ha... {urud}... ...","The governors, sagga officials And the land recorders of the border of the plain Were properly conveying the monthly nindaba offerings and (the nindaba offerings of?) the new year(?) At the gate of Agade, exhaustion was placed(?) Holy Inanna did not know how to accept the nindaba offering (anymore) As/like a citizen, the temple to be founded(!?) did not satisfy (her) The matter/word of the Ekur engendered (dazed) silence Trembling lingered for (Inanna?) (in?) Agade In Ulmaš (Inanna?) was afraid She went out from the city into(?) her (original?) (place of?) dwelling The young woman, as if to(?) abandon that of(?) her women's quarters Holy Inanna abandoned the shrine of Agade Like a warrior advancing against the weapon She imposed battle and combat apart from the city(?) She beat the breast for the enemy (instead) It was not (before the elapse of) five days, it was not (before the elapse of) ten days The bindings(?) of the en-ship, the crown of kingship ... He “bound his hands” towards the Ekur temple ... He acted towards the giguna like (it was worth?) (a mere) thirty gig Like a male thief who plunders a city He gathered up/imposed(?) great ladders (for use) against the temple In order to destroy the Ekur temple like a great boat In order to loosen (its) soil like a mountain mined (for) precious metal As if to(?) cut/separate(?) it like the mountain range of lapis lazuli In order bring (its) neck to the ground like a city that Iškur had poured (upon) Although the temple was not (in/of) the mountain of the cut juniper He brought(?) great hazin axes towards it ..." P346209,Old Babylonian,Literary," ud šu bal ak-de₃...lam-e-de₃ ud-de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇...gu₇-e me ki-en-gi-ra šu bal ak-de₃ bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄-gi₄-de₃ iri gul-gul-u₃-de₃ e₂ gul-gul-u₃-de₃ tur₃ gul-gul-u₃-de₃ amaš tab-tab-be₂-de₃ gud-bi tur₃-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de₃ udu-bi amaš-bi-a nu-daŋal-e-de₃ id₂-bi a mun₄-na tum₃-u₃-de₃ gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {u₂}hirim mu₂-mu₂-de₃ eden-e {u₂}a-nir mu₂-mu₂-de₃ ama dumu-ni-ir ki nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ ad-da a dam-ŋu₁₀ nu-di-de₃ dam banda₃ ur₂-ra nu-hul₂-le-de₃ dub₃-ba nu-buluŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-e-de₃ emeda{da}e a nu-di-de₃ nam-lugal-la ki-tuš-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ eš-bar kiŋ₂-ŋa₂...e-de₃ nam-lugal kalam-ma kar-kar-re-e... igi-bi ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂-ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-ta ŋeš-hur ha-lam-e... ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ra saŋ-ki ba-da-an-gid₂-da-a... {d}en-lil₂-le igi-ni ki kur₂-ra ba-an-ŋar-ra-a-ba {d}nin-tur₅-re niŋ₂-dim₂-dim₂-ma-ni zag bi₂-in-tag-ga-a-ba {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na šu bi₂-in-bal-a-ba ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de₃ ŋeš-hur-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ urim₂{ki}ma me nam-lugal-la bal-bi su₃-su₃-ud-de₃ dumu nun-na e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-na šu pe-el-la₂ di-de₃ ...nanna uŋ₃ u₈-gin₇ lu-a-na igi-te-en-bi si-il-le-de₃ urim₂{ki} eš₃ nindaba gal-gal-la nindaba-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ uŋ₃-bi ki-tuš-bi nu-tuš-u₃-de₃ ki-erim₂-e šum₂-mu-de₃ šimaški{ki} elam{ki} lu₂ ha-lam-ma ki-tuš-bi tuš-u₃-de₃ sipad-bi e₂-gal-la ni₂-te-na lu₂-erim₂-e dab₅-be₂-de₃ i-bi₂{d} kur elam{ki}ma-še₃ ŋeš-bur-re tum₂-u₃-de₃ iš za-bu gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta zag an-ša₄-an{ki}še₃ sim{mušen} e₂-bi-a ba-ra-an-dal-a-gin₇ uru₁₇-ni-še₃ nu-gur-re-dam {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na gu₂ min₄{min}a-bi u₂ hul mu₂-mu₂-de₃ kaskal-e ŋiri₃ nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ har-ra-an nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ uru₁₇ a₂-dam ki ŋar-ŋar-ra-ba du₆-du₆-ra de₃ uŋ₃ saŋ-gig₂ lu-lu-a-ba ŋeš-haš-e ak-de₃ gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {ŋeš}al nu-ru-gu₂-de₃ numun ki nu-tag-ge-de₃ e-el-lu šir₃ gud sub₂-sub₂-ba eden-na nu-di-de₃ {e₂}tur₃-ra i₃ ga-ar₃-ra nu-ak-de₃... ha-lam-e-de₃ sipad-de₃ gi-šukur-ra amaš kug-ga šu nu-niŋin₂-niŋin₂-de₃ i-lu-lam-ma dun₅-dun₅ {dug}šakir₃-ra amaš-a nu-di-de₃ eden-na maš₂-anše tur-re-de₃ niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂ til-le-de₃ niŋ₂-ur₂-limmu₂ {d}šakkan-ke₄ šurim ki nu-tag-ge-de₃ ambar-re šu ki-in-dar di-de₃ numun nu-tuku-tuku-de₃ ŋeš-gi gi saŋ hul mu₂-mu₂-de₃ hab₂-ba til-le-de₃ pu₂{ŋeš}kiri₆ u₂ gibil-la₂ nu-me-a ni₂-ba šu₂-šu₂-u₃-de₃ urim₂{ki} am gal u₃-na gub-ba ni₂-bi-ta nir-ŋal₂ iri numun nam-en nam-lugal-la ki sikil-la du₃-a gud-gin₇ saman ul₄-la-bi šub-bu-de₃ gu₂ ki-še₃ la₂-e-de₃ an {d}en-lil₂ {d}en-ki {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ nam-bi ba-an-tar-re-eš₂-ru-dam a-ba šu mi-ni-ib₂-bal-e inim dug₄...en-lil₂-kam saŋ a-ba mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ an-ne₂ ki...tuš-ba bi₂-in-hu-luh uŋ₃-e ni₂ bi₂-in-teŋ₃ {d}en-lil₂...gig-ga mu-un-zal iri-a me bi₂-ib-ŋar {d}nin-tur₅-re ama₅ kalam-ma-ke₄ {ŋeš}ig-šu-ur₂ im-mi-in-gub {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na a im-ma-da-an-keš₂ {d}utu niŋ₂-si-sa₂ inim gin₆-na ka-ta ba-da-an-kar {d}inana-ke₄ me₃ šen-šen-na ki-bala-e ba-an-šum₂ {d}nin-ŋir₂-su-ke₄ ki-en-gi ga-gin₇ ur-e ba-ni-in-de₂ kalam-ma ga-ba-ra-hum im-ma-an-šub niŋ₂ lu₂ nu-zu-a niŋ₂ igi nu-ŋal₂-la inim nu-ŋal₂-la niŋ₂ šu nu-teŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-dam kur-kur-re e₂ ni₂-ta-bi-a šu suh₃-a ba-ab-dug₄ iri{ki}ba diŋir iri{ki}bi-e-ne bar-ta ba-suₓ(DU)-ge-eš nam-lu₂-lu₈ e₂ ni₂-te-bi-a zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an ud-de₃ šu-ne-ne ba-du₃-du₃ ud nu-mu-un-ši-ib₂-gur-re ud gi₄-a mu-un-na-tuku-am₃ ud bi-še₃ nu-um {d}en-lil₂ sipad saŋ-gig-ga-ke₄ a-na bi₂-in-ak-a-bi {d}en-lil₂-le e₂ zid gul-gul-lu-de₃ lu₂ zid tur-re-de₃ dumu lu₂ zid-da-ke₄ dumu saŋ-e igi hul-bi dim₂-me-de₃ ud-ba {d}{ki} kur-ta im-ta-an-ed₃ ...","In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in its sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water So that hirin grass grows in the fertile field So that the “lamentation plant” grows in the plain So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child So that the father does not say “ah, my wife” So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap So that the little ones do not grow on the knee So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby So that the dwelling of kingship is changed In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people teeming/pastured like ewes(?) of Nanna In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that they are given into enemy territory So that Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes their shepherd in his very own palace So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown from(!?) its house (= nest), he is not to return to his city So that malevolent plants grow on both banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cheese(?) are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed So that the shepherd does not circle around (herding) within the corral and the holy sheepfold So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals So that the dung/bedding of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds So that the “evil-headed” reed grows in the wetlands, so that (the wetlands) die with a stench(?) So that the irrigated orchard with no new growth covers itself over Urim, the great wild bull standing wildly, noble in and of itself The city where the seed of the en-ship and kingship is planted in a pure place In order to fell it quickly with a tethering rope like a bull, in order to bring its neck to the ground An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag decreed its fate That determined fate is something that cannot be changed--who can alter it? It is the command of An and Enlil--who could confront it? An terrified within the dwelling of Sumer, the people were frightened Enlil made a painful day elapse, silence befell the city Nintur set (open?) the bolt (in the street) at the women's quarters of the land Enki bound up the water away from the Tigris and Euphrates Utu took away justice and the true word from the mouth (of anyone that would speak it) Inanna gave the battle and combat (to the enemy) in the rebel land Ningirsu poured out Sumer like milk among the dogs Rebellion fell upon the land, it was something no one knew It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?) The lands were confused in their very own temples(!?) In the city, the gods of that city stood outside Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?) The storm bound their hands, the storm will not return them The storm acquired blocking(?) for them(?), it did not go(?) towards their (sturdy) bottom(?) This is what Enlil, the shepherd of the black-headed people, did Enlil, in order for Enlil to destroy the true temple and diminish the true man In order to exert the evil eye upon the son of the true man, the eldest son At that time Enlil brought down Gutium from the mountain ..." P346213,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...ib-bal-bal numun ba-ni-ib-i... er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ ...gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...gun₄-na kug-ge šu lil₂-la₂ ba-ab-dug₄ ...inana...da-gur ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...ŋi₆-par₄ kug...erim₂-e igi mi-ni-in-bar ...nam-en-na...šu ba-e-lal-lal ...ŋi₆-par₄-ta₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...{ki} šeg₁₂-hur-šag₄-ga...ud gig-ga ba-e-ri ...mah ki-tuš ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ nin mul-mul-e uru₁₇{ki} hul-lu-a-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂ lu₂ nu-mu-un-gi₄-a-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋir₂-su{ki} iri{ki} ur-saŋ-ŋa₂-e-ne-ke₄ e ba-ab-dug₄ {d}nin-ŋir₂-su-ke₄ e₂-ninnu-ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ ama {d}ba-ba₆ e₂-uru₁₇-kug-ga-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂ a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ud-ba inim ud-dam al-du₇-du₇ šag₄-bi a-ba-a mu-un-zu inim {d}en-lil₂-la₂ zid-da-aš geleŋ-ŋe₂₆-de₃ gab₂-bu su-su-de₃ {d}en-lil₂ lu₂ nam tar-tar-re-de₃ a-na bi₂-in-ak-a-ba {d}en-lil₂-le elam{ki} lu₂-kur-ra kur-ta im-ta-an-e₃ {d}nanše dumu-ŋir₁₅ iri bar-ra mu-un-na-tuš-am₃ {d}nin ra eš₃ gu₂-a-ab-ba-ka izi im-ma-da-an-ten kug {na₄}za-gin₃-bi ma₂ gal-gal-e bala-še₃ i₃-ak-e nin niŋ₂ ra-ni hul-lu til₃-la-am₃ kug {d}nin ke₄ ud-ba ud gin₇ bar₇-ra im-ma-da-ab-tar-re ki lagaš{aš}{ki}e elam{ki} šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄ ud-bi-a nin-ŋa₂ ud-da-a-ni sa₂ nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-dug₄ {d}ba-ba₆ lu₂-lu₇-gin₇ ud-da-a-ni sa₂ nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-dug₄ ud-de₃ šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...gul-gul-e šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...gul-gul-e šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...abzu e₂-bi ki-nu-nir-ša₃-ba ni₂ im-ma-da-an-teŋ₃ ...{ki} uru₁₇ nam-dumu-ŋir₁₅-ni-gin₇ kar-kar-re-de₃ ba... ...uru₁₇-ni niŋin₆{ki}a kur-re ba... ... {ki}a ki-tuš ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra... ...gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im... ...kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal ...ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-gur ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...{d}nanna-ka a₂ dugud ba-ši-in-de₂ ...gana₂ e₂ danna {d}suen-na tur₃ dugud-gin₇ ba-an-gul ...ra-bi maš kar-ra-gin₇ ur-e im-me-e{ki} ga-gin₇ ur-e ba-an-de₂ i₃-gul-gul-lu-de₃ ...dim₂-ma uludin₂ sag₉-ga-bi me-ze-er-ze-re-de₃ ...par₄ kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal en-bi ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...barag an-na-da gid₂-da-bi-a a-nir ba-da-ab-si {ŋeš}gu-za an-na-biš li-bi₂-ib-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}ŋešnimbar-gin₇...gur₅ ba-ab-dug₄ teš₂-bi ba-ra-an-kad₄ aš-šu₂ e₂ id₂ niŋ₂-erim₂...nanna-ka lu₂-erim₂-e ba-e-dib e₂ e₂ pu-uh₂ šag₄ sug₄-ga ba-ab-ŋar ki ... ga{ki} ab₂ lu...ri tur₃ dugud-gin₇ ba-an-gul ...nin...ŋa₂-bur-ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ ...gara₂-ke₄ ni₂-te-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋi₆-par₄ kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal en-bi ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ {d}nin-a-zu e₂-gid-da {ŋeš}tukul ub-ba i-ni-gub {d}nin-hur-saŋ e₂-nu-tur-ra-ke₄ ud hul ba-an-da-dal tum₁₂{mušen}gin₇ ab-lal₃-ta ba-da-an-dal eden-na bar bi₂-ib₂-gub a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋeš-banda₃{da} e₂ er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ŋeš-banda₃{da} ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ {d}a₂-zid-mu₂-a nin uru₁₇-a-ke₄ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me lu₂ kukku₅-a ba-an-dur₂-ru-ne-eš ...hul-lu-de₃ lu₂ kukku₅-a ba-an-dur₂-ru-ne-eš₄ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ ...gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...ul₄-e tug₂ ba-da-mur₁₀ giri₁₆-lu mu-unš ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur ba-ra-an-dab₅ e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...diri-ga a naŋ-e ba-am₃-til","Gutium procreated there, they issued (their) seed there Nintur wept bitterly on behalf of her creation She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly At the site of Zabalam the pure giguna was rendered into an empty wind Inanna turned away(?) from Uruk, enemy territory ... (In?) the Eanna complex the enemy saw the holy gipar shrine The office of the en priest(ess) of the gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... (In) Umma the painful storm/day imposed (itself) in the Šeghurša temple (Šara) took to a different path (away from) the Emah temple, his beloved dwelling The shining lady(?) wept bitterly on behalf of her destroyed city She was saying “The charms of the city satisfy no one(?)” bitterly ... in Girsu, the city of heroes Ningirsu took to a different path (away from) the Eninnu temple Mother Baba wept bitterly in her temple of the Irikug precinct She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” At that time, the word, which was a storm, was thrashing about--who could have known its midst? The word of Enlil is to twist towards(?) the right, it is to drown(?) on the left(?) What was it that Enlil, the one who is to determine fates, did? Enlil brought down the Elamite, the foreigner, from the mountain Nanše, the native citizen, was dwelling in the suburbs ... could extinguish the fire(?) for Ninmar in the shrine of Gu'a'abba Its precious metal and lapis lazuli was made to traverse (into the river) in large boats The lady whose property was destroyed and brought to an end(!?)--pure Ninmar At that time he was able to(?) decree(?) a day scorching like ... The site of lagash! It returned it (to) Elam in its (own) hand At that time the day of “my lady” was also not regularly performed Baba, like a human, her day was also not regularly performed (Saying) “Woe, the storm returned it in its (own) hand The storm that destroys the city returned it in its (own) hand The storm that destroys the temple returned it in its (own) hand Dumuzi'Abzu was afraid in the temple (of?) Kinirša Kinunir, just as(!?) her native city, (its impending) plundering was spoken/ordered The mountain (i.e., the Guti?) set ... in the city of Nanše, in Nigin She wandered away from(!) Sirara, her beloved dwelling She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... It brought a heavy arm towards the banks of the princely canal of Nanna He destroyed the settlements and travel houses of Suen like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?) Its fugitivies left(?) together(?) like fleeing goats He poured out Ga'eš like milk among the dogs, it is to be destroyed The beautiful features of the fashioned statues are to be torn out/broken ...(?) The office of the en priestess of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) He took away the en priestess from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... A lament filled(?) the dais that extended with the heavens(?) The upper part of the throne(?) was not ..., (its) top was not fitting Like a date palm it was cut down, he bound them together Aššu, where the temple was attached to the canal, he muddied the water/removed it from(?) the water(?) At (the place where) evil does not pass of Nanna, the evildoer passed through The temple ..., in the “house of the assembly” famine was introduced He destroyed Ki'abrig, where cows ...(?) are numerous, like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?) Ningublaga took to a different path (away from) the gabur temple Nini'gara wept bitterly by herself She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priestess fled from the gipar, enemy territory ... Ninazu stood his weapon in the corner in the Egida temple An evil storm flew on/was cast upon(?) Ninhursag in the Enutur temple Like a wild dove she flew away from the window and stood aside in the plain She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly In {geš}banda, the temple where there was mourning, the reed of lamentation grew Ningešzida took to a different path (away from) the {geš}banda temple, his beloved dwelling Azimua, the lady of the city, wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly At that time the southern storm made the people dwell in darkness (As a prelude to) destroying the city of Ku'ara, it made the people dwell in darkness NineHAma wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly Asalluhi dressed hurriedly and intoned a lament(?) Lugalbanda took to a different path (away from) his beloved dwelling She (Ninsumun?) was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly (In?) Eridu, which had been floated in a flood, drinking water ceased(?)" P346214,Old Babylonian,Literary," eridu{ki} a gal-e ... bar-ba eden-lil₂-e du₃... lu₂ zid ki-lul-la... {d}... ŋuruš me-en ud... ud nu-gul-la hi-li nu-til-la me-en... ... gin₇ sag₉-ga me-eš i₃... alim-gin₇ igi gun₃-gun₃ me-eš i₃... alan-gin₇ kuš₃-kuš₃-a de₂-a me-eš i₃... gu-ti-um{ki} lu₂ ha-lam-ma-ne me-ze-er... ...en-ki-ra abzu eridu{ki}še₃ šu-a ba-e-de₃-en... ...a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi₂-in-tah-en... ...a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi₂-in-tah... he₂-en... ŋissu... ...gub-bu-un-da-nam ud-de₃... ...a-na šu ba-e-de₃-teŋ₄... ...u₂-gu me-de₂-en-de₃...₃-kud ki-erim₂-e... ...ŋal₂-la-a-da a-na-aš ba... a-na-aš me-gul-gul-lu... a-na-aš me-ze-er-ze... ...kur₂-ra im-ma-da... ...ŋeš hul-lu mu-e-ni... me-eš ildum₂-ba... ...ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an... ...er₂ gig mu...ŋu₁₀... ... ... ... ...","(In?) Eridu, which had been riding(?) on a flood, drinking water ceased(?) In its outskirts, which had been made into a windblown plain ... The true person ... in an ambush ... KAhegal? and Igihegal? ... You(?) are a young man, the day/storm ... Day/storm that does not destroy/is not restrained, you(?) are one whose allure is not exhausted ... They (the two gatekeepers?)) who are beautiful of body(?) like ..., we will ... They who are speckled of face like an alim creature(?), we will ... They who are poured like a statue into molds, we will ... Gutium, the people who destroy(?), will break them We sent by hand to father? Enki in the Abzu of Eridu ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add? ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add? If(?) it is (the case that) we go out from(?) Eridu If we stand ... in the day? shade will not ... If we stand ... at night, the day/storm would not acquire ... (While) standing in the day(?) with(?) our distress, what will we take from you(?)? (While) standing in the night(?) with(?) our sleeplessness, what will we forget (i.e., leave behind)? Enki, if your city is cursed, it will be given to(?) the enemy land Why do they diminish us in the status of(!?) being apart from Eridu? Why do they destroy us(?) (in our state of) not being touched (with care?) like a date palm? Why do they break us(?) (in our state of) not being coated (in bitumen) like a new boat? It is the case that Enki has set his gaze at a different place The storm(?) ... of grievous sin gave/placed an evil tree/weapon(?) for him They are arisen ... who lie down in their packs Enki took to a different path away from Eridu Damgalnuna, the mother of the Emah temple, wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly ... ... ... ... ... ..." P346216,Old Babylonian,Literary," {d}en...le ša₃-ŋar lu₂ niŋ₂-hul iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš niŋ₂ iri{ki} gul-gul...e₂ gul-gul iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš niŋ₂ igi-bi-še₃ {ŋeš}tukul-e la-ba-ab...iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš šag₄ nu-si-si igi niŋin-niŋin-bi iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš urim₂{ki}ma gi dili du₃-a-gin₇ saŋ sag₃-ge nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ uŋ₃-bi ku₆ pu₂-a lug-ga-gin₇ zi...mi-ni-ib-tum₂-tum₂-mu tur mah-bi i₃-par₄-par₄-ra-ge...lu₂ nu-um-zi-zi-zi lugal-bi dub-la₂-aŋal₂ lugal niŋ₂-sag₉-ga gu₇...a šukur₂₅ ud im-šuš₂-šuš₂ igi im-la₂-e ša₃-ka-tab...zu-zu e₂-lunga-na kaš nu-un-ŋal₂ gid₂-da...ŋal₂ e₂-gal-la-na niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂₇ agrun mah-a-ni še nu-um-si-si zi-bi...tum₂-mu gur₇-du₆ guru₇-maš-e {d}nanna-ka {d}ašnan nu...ŋal₂ kiŋ₂-sig diŋir-re-e-ne-ke₄ šu ba-e-lal-lal unu₂ gal-bi kurun lal₃ muš₃ im-ma...de₆ ŋiri₂ a gud gu₇ udu gu₇-ra u₂-šim-e ba...nud gir₄ mah-ba gud udu nu-ak-e ir nu-mu-un-ur₅-ur₅-e bur-saŋ a₂ sikil {d}nanna-ka za-pa-aŋ₂-bi ba-ra-gul e₂ gud-gin₇ gu₃ bi₂-ib₂-dug₄-ga-a-ri sig₉-ga-bi ba... mu-un kug-ga si sa₂-e ŋar-ra-bi ba-su₃-ud {na₄}kinkin naŋa₃ ŋeš-gan-na i₃-durun-durun lu₂ nu-um-ši-gurum-e kar za-gin₃-na {d}nanna-ka a-e ba-da-la₂ a ma₂-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ gu₃ nu-mu-un-gi₄-gi₄ asil-la₂ nu-mu-un-šub unu₂ banda₃{da} {d}nanna-ka iš ba-da-dub-dub {u₂}numun₂ ba-da-mu₂ {u₂}numun₂ ba-da-mu₂ gir-re-e ba-an-mu₂ ma₂ ma₂-gur₈-ra kar za-gin₃-na muš₃ im-ma-ab-de₆ id₂ ma₂-gur₈-ra ba-ab-du₇-a-za a₂ nu-mu-un-su₃-su₃-e ezen ki ŋarza-ka ŋeš-hur-bi ba-kur₂ ma₂ nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-na-ka nesaŋ nu-mu-un-ab-tum₂ {ninda}nindaba-bi {d} nibru{ki}še₃ nu-mu-un-na-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ id₂-bi šag₄-sug₄-ga i-ni-ŋal₂ ma₂-gur₈ nu-mu-un-dib-be₂ gu₂ min₄{min}a-bi ŋiri₃ nu-ŋal₂ u₂ gid₂-da ba-am₃-mu₂ {e₂}tur₃ daŋal-la {d}nanna-ka dub-ba-an-bi ba-si-il gi-sig {ŋeš}kiri₆...la₂ gu₂-ŋiri₁₆ ba-an-ŋar-ŋar {ab₂}šilam amar-bi-da...ab-dab₅ ab₂ munzer-e eden ki nu-zu-bi ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅-be₂-eš {d}ga-a-a-u₂ lu₂ ab₂ ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}tukul šurim-ma ba-šub {d}šu-ni-du₁₀ i₃ ga-ar₃-ra du₆-ul-du₆-ul-e i₃ ga-ar₃-ra nu-du₆-ul-du₆-ul i₃-bi lu₂ i₃ nu-zu-ne i₃-dun₅-dun₅-ne ga-bi lu₂ ga nu-zu-ne i₃-muš₃-muš₃-u₃-ne {e₂}tur₃-re {dug}šakir₃-e dun₅-dun₅-e gu₃ nun nu-mu-ni-ib-be₂ ne-mur dugud-bi i-rah₂-a-ri i-bi₂-bi ba-gul {d}suen-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra er₂ mu-un-na-šeš₄-šeš₄ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ uru₁₇{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na-ra...a-na-aš ba-e-da-gur-re-en {d}en-lil₂ urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na-ra...a-na-aš ba-e-da-gur-re-en ma₂ nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-na-še₃ nesaŋ nu-mu-un-na-ab-tum₃ {ninda}nindaba-bi {d}en-lil₂ nibru{ki}še₃ nu-mu-un-na-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ en iri bar-ra en iri šag₄-ga lil₂-e ha-ba-ab-lah₅-e-eš urim₂{ki} iri{ki} {ŋeš}al-e ri-a-gin₇ du₆-du₆-da ba ...ur₃ ki ni₂ dub₂-bu {d}en-lil₂-la₂ eš₃ lil₂-la₂ ba-ab-ŋar {d}en-lil₂ iri-zu igi-zu igi ba...e₂-ri-a sug₄-ga urim₂{ki}ma ur-bi ur₂ bad₃-da si-im-si-im nu-mu-un-ak-e tul₂-saŋ bulug-ga ganba{ba}bi-a ki li-bi-ib-de₅-de₅-ge a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ iri{ki}ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-ta a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib {d}en-lil urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-da a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-da a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib urim₂{ki}ma-ŋu₁₀ ha-ra-ni-ib-e₃ uŋ₃ hu-mu-ra-ab-daŋal-la me ki-en-gi-ra ba-da-ha-lam-ma ki ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ ki-ru-gu₂ eš₅-kam-ma a e₂ zid e₂ zid lu₂-bi lu₂-bi ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ diš šu-ši im-gid₂-da dam-qi₂-i₃-li₂-šu {iti}ab-e₃ ud 2(u)-1(diš)-kam","Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city He made the hungry/dissatisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established Its people took refuge like a fish living in a well/pond Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered The king(?) mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him The king who had ate and drank(?) good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?) The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting He did not have beer in his brewery, its ... was not present There was no food for him in his palace, it was not suitable for dwelling His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?) (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps The afternoon meal of the gods was actively diminished there In the great banquet the honeyed liquor ceased (As for?) the giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep, it lay (abandoned) in the plants In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?) The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?) The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently The deposit of the properly executed deliveries was (a) distant (memory) The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?) The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy(?) Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew Boats and barges quit the shining harbor In “your” canal that was made suitable for barges, no one was rowing anymore The plans of the festival at the place of rites was changed The nesag offering ships of his birth father (Enlil) no longer brought the nesag offering ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Nibru for him There was emptiness in the river/canal, barges were not traversing it No foot was set/present on its two banks, tall plants grew The fence of the broad cattle pen of Nanna was torn apart The reed fence of the orchard was ..., ... established a breach The cow was seized along with its calf The munzer fed cows took to a strange path in an unknown part of the plain Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the bedding/dung Šunidug, the one who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese People who did not know butter were churning its butter People who did not know milk were ... its milk In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased Suen wept to his father Enlil My birth father, my city was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me? Enlil, my Ur was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me? The nesag offering ships of his birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (at) Nibru for him The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city Ur, like a city struck by a hoe, has been broken up into ruin heaps The Ki'ur(?) shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine Enlil, ... your eye at your city, it is an empty wasteland The dogs of Ur are not sniffing at the base of the city wall The one who burrows/demarcates(?) wells is not gathering earth at the market price(?) My birth father, turn around my city back to your arms from its loneliness Enlil, turn around my Ur back to your arms from its loneliness Turn around my Ekišnugal temple back to your arms from its loneliness So that my Ur is brought out, so that the people are broadened So that he returns the me of Sumer which were destroyed to their place It is the 3rd kirugu Alas, the true temple, the true temple, its man, its man It is the gešgigal “response” Enlil was replying to his son Suen (Total:) 60 (lines) ""Long-tablet"" of Damqi-ilišu Month ""Abe,"" 21st day." P346217,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-am₃-mu₂ a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-am₃-mu₂ a-še-ra ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e ...ŋu₁₀ dumu-ŋir₁₅ ni₂-za he₂-me-en er₂-ra-na me-en ...nanna dumu-ŋir₁₅ ni₂-za he₂-me-en er₂-ra-na me-en di-til-la inim pu-uh₂-ru-ma-ka šu gi₄-gi₄ nu-ŋal₂ inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka šu bal-e nu-zu urim₂{ki} nam-lugal ha-ba-šum₂ bal da-ri₂ la-ba-an-šum₂ ud ul kalam ki ŋar-ra-ta zag uŋ₃ lu-a-še₃ bal nam-lugal-la saŋ-bi-še₃ e₃ a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-duh-a nam-lugal-bi bal-bi ba-gid₂-e-de₃ šag₄ kuš₂(SAG)-u₃-de₃ {d}nanna-ŋu₁₀ na-an-kuš₂-kuš₂-u₃-de₃ iri{ki}zu e₃-bar-ra-ab ud-ba lugal-ŋu₁₀ dumu-ŋir₁₅-ra ra-ni ba-an en {d}dil-im₂-babbar dumu-ŋir₁₅-ra šag₄ hul-lu im-ma-an-dim₂ {d}nanna lu₂ iri{ki}ni ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂ iri{ki}ni ba-ra-e₃ {d}nin-gal-e gir₅ iri{ki}ni-ta ki kur₂-še₃ du-u₃-de₃ ul₄-ul₄-la-bi ba-ra-an-mu₂ iri{ki}ta ba-ra-e₃ urim₂{ki}ma {d}a-nun-na-bi bar-ra ba-sug₂-ge-eš urim₂{ki} izi ni₂-bi......a ba-a-te urim₂{ki}ma ŋeš-bi tur₅-ra-am₃ gi-bi tur₅-ra-am₃ bad₃-bi en-na niŋin₂-na-a-bi-da a-nir ba-da-sa₂ ud-šu₂-uš-e {ŋeš}tukul-e igi-bi-še₃ saŋ i₃-sag₃-sag₃-ge urim₂{ki}ma {urud}ha-zi-in gal-gal-e igi-bi-še₃ u₄-sar i₃-ak-e {ŋeš}gid₂-da a₂ me₃-ke₄ si bi₂-ib₂-sa₂-sa₂-e-ne {ŋeš}pana gal-gal {ŋeš}illar {kuš}gur₂₁{ur₃}ra teš₂ im-da-gu₇-e {ŋeš}ti zu-ke₄ muru₉ šeŋ₃-gin₇ bar-ba am₃-mi-ib₂-si na₄ gal-gal-e ni₂-bi-a pu-ud-pa-ad im-mi-ib₂-za u₄-šu₂-uš uru₁₇{ki}ta tumu hul-e mu-un-da-an-gi₄-gi₄ urim₂{ki}ma usu-bi-ta nir-ŋal₂ gab₂-gaz-e ba-a-gub uŋ₃ lu₂-erim₂ a₂ bi₂-ib₂-ŋar {ŋeš}tukul-e ba-sug₂-ge-eš uru₁₇{ki} {ŋeš}tukul-e saŋ nu-šum₂-ma-šum₂-ma-am₃ ša₃-ŋar-e ba-e-tuš ša₃-ŋar-e iri{ki} a-gin₇ ba-e-si ŋa₂-la nu-um-ta-dag-ge ša₃-ŋar-e igi-bi im-gurum-me-e sa-bi im-lug-gu₂-ne uŋ₃-bi a-niŋin₂-na ba-e-si zi i-ak-e lugal-bi e₂ ni₂-te-na-ka zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an nam-lu₂-lu₈-bi šu-bi ba-e-šub {ŋeš}tukul ki bi₂-ib₂-tag šu-bi gu₂-bi-še₃ ba-ši-ib-de₅-de₅ er₂ mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂-ne teš₂-bi-a ad mi-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ inim im-šar₂-šar₂-e-ne me-li-e-a dug₄-ga-me nam-mu tah-me nam-mu en₃-še₃-am₃ ka garaš₂-a-ka im-til-la-de₃-en-de₃-en urim₂{ki}ma šag₄-bi nam-uš₂-am₃ bar-bi nam-uš₂-am₃ šag₄-bi-a niŋ₂ ša₃-ŋar-ra-ka im-mi-ni-ib-til-e-de₃ bar-bi-a {ŋeš}tukul elam{ki}ma-ka i-im-til-e-de₃-en-de₃-en urim₂{ki}ma lu₂-erim₂-e im-ma-gub ga-nam-ba-til-e-de₃-de₃-en zi-bi murgu₂-bi-še₃ i₃-ak-e gu₃ teš₂-a bi₂-ib₂-sig₁₀-ge-eš abul-la-bi {ŋeš}si-ŋar bi₂-in-duh-duh-uš {ŋeš}ig-bi ud bi₂-gub-bu elam{ki}e a mah e₃-a-gin₇ ŋiri₃ im-ma-ni-ib₂-ŋar urim₂{ki}ma {ŋeš}tukul-e {dug}sahar₂-gin₇ saŋ gaz i₃-ak-e lu₂-kar-ra-bi dub₃ nu-um-zil-e bad₃ zag-ga im-tab ku₆ a-niŋin₂-na lug-ga-gin₇ zi-bi in-tum₃-tum₃-mu e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ {d}nanna-ka lu₂-erim₂-e ba-e-tuš kug {d}niŋ₂ dugud-ŋal₂-la-a{mušen} im-zi-ir-zi-re-ne alan an-zag-ge₄ si-a-bi gu₂-gur₅-ru ba-ni-in-ak-aš {d}nin-e₂-i₃-gar₉ agrig-mah ma šu bi₂-in-dag igi-bi-ta ba-e-šuš₂ sahar-ra ba-da-tuš ...mah-bi si-muš₃-bi-ta ba-an-dab₅-be₂-eš si-bi ba-ra-an-kud ...du₇-du₇-e udu u₂ gu₇-gin₇ {ŋeš}tukul-e ba-an-sag₃-sag₃ ...ŋešnimbar-gin₇ gu₂-gur₇-ru ba-ab-dug₄ teš₂-bi ba-ra-an-kad₄ {ŋeš}ŋešnimbar urud kalag-ga a₂ nam-ur-saŋ-ŋa₂ {u₂}numun₂-gin₇ ba-bur₁₂ {u₂}numun₂ ba-zi₂ ur₂-ba ti mi-ni-ib-bal saŋ sahar-ra ki ba-ni-ib-us₂ lu₂ zi-zi la-ba-tuku {ŋeš}ze₂-na-bi gu₂ ba-an...gur₅-uš saŋ šu bi₂-in-hu-hu-az ...a₂ zu₂-lum-ma-bi pu₂ ba...ra-an de₃-eš ...zi...kug-ge mu₂-a šu ba-e-lal-lal diš šu-ši...","Enlil was replying to his son Suen In the ... of of the windswept city(?), the reed of mourning grows in lamentation In the ..., the reed of mourning grows in lamentation In the ..., he spends time in lamentation My son, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are) Nanna, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are) There is no revocation of a final verdict, the word of the assembly The uttered word of An and Enlil knows no change If Ur was given kingship, ... did not give an eternal term of office From the distant day when the land was founded to the (current) limit of teeming people Who has seen a reign of kingship taking precedence (forever) In order to lengthen the term of kingship(?), in order to take counsel (to that effect?) My Nanna, do not become exhausted (doing this), leave your city At that time, my king, the native son, quit/killed his liver/lungs Lord Dilimbabbar “fashioned a destroyed/evil heart” Nanna, who loved his city, left his city Ningal, in order to go (as a) stranger(?) of her city to a strange place Hurriedly she got dressed/braided a rope (for escape?) and left the city The Anuna of Ur stood outside In Ur fire(?) that ... by itself was extinguished(?) In Ur its trees were sick, its reeds were sick A lament was competing with the wall up to its circuit (in terms of completeness) Daily weapons were smashing heads before it In Ur great hazin axes were sharpened before it They were setting the spears, the arms of battle, in order Great bows, throw sticks, and shields were consuming together Barbed(?) arrows filled its outside like a rainstorm Great stones made a thudding pudpad noise by themselves Daily an evil wind returns among the city In Ur the noble one, divested of his(?) strength, stood among the murderer(s) The enemy defeated the people, (those who?) stood among the weapons (In?) the city the ones who did not advance against the weapons dwelled/sat in hunger Starvation thus filled the city, it was not ceasing In hunger they were bowing their heads and twisting their muscles Its people filled the ponds, they were ... Its king breathed painfully in his own(?) house Its humanity dropped their hands, (their) weapons touched the ground They gathered/clasped their hands to their necks(?), they were weeping Together they advised, they discussed Alas, what is it that we will say, what is it that we will add? How long until we are to be finished in the mouth of catastrophe? The inside of Ur is death, the outside is death (How long until) we are to be finished within that of starvation inside (the city)? (How long until) we are to be finished among the weapon(s) of Elam outside (the city)? The enemy stands in Ur, we must come to an end(?) Acting on behalf of their life and their back(?) they spoke together They opened the bolt of the gate, the storm was making its door stand (in the street) Elam set foot there like a great onrushing flood In Ur (they) were crushing their heads with weapons like a porous pot(?) (They) could not sprint away(?) as fugitives, (they) were seized(?) within the wall's limits Like fish living in a pond, they were seeking refuge The enemy dwelled in the Ekišnugal temple of Nanna They were breaking the holy “having heavy possessions” bird(!?) They cut down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine Nine'igara, the supreme steward, abandoned the storehouse(!?) Its throne was covered over from the front(?), she(?) could(?) (only) sit in the dust (instead?) They seized the great(?) cows at/by(?) their ... horns, ... cut their horns off ... smote goring bulls with the weapon like (they were) grazing sheep ... was cut down and bound together like a date palm The date palm (of? like?) strong copper, the arm of heroism It was torn out like a rush, it was cut like a rush, it was turned sideways(?) in its roots Its top was lodged in the ground, a person to raise it was not available ... trimmed its midribs and set its top on fire ... its spadix with ripe dates, ... the well The gizi reed that grew in the holy ... were actively diminished(?) (Total:) Sixty+ (lines ...)" P346218,Old Babylonian,Literary," gi-zi muš₂ kug-ge mu₂-a šu ba-e-lal-lal gu₂-un gal-gal-eš kur₂-re i₃ e₂-e ŋeš-bur₂-bi ba-e-šub bad₃-si ba-a-gul anše-e zid-da gab₂-bu-ba gu₂-da la₂-bi ur-saŋ-ur-saŋ gaz-a-gin₇ igi-bi-ta ba-e-šuš₂ ud gal ka duh-a igi piriŋ-ŋa₂ ni₂ gur₃-gur₃-ru-bi am dab₅-ba-gin₇ samanₓ(|EŠ₂.SUD.EŠ₂.TU|) ba-an-šub-šub-bu ki-erim₂ ba-ab-dug₄ ki-tuš kug {d}nanna tir šim {ŋeš}eren-na-gin₇ ir-si-im-bi-a ba-an-gul a-sal bar-bi kug-sig₁₇ {na₄}za-gin₃-na u₃-gun₃ dug₄-ga-a-bi e₂ u₆-di-bi i₃-dug₃-ga re u₆-di ba-a-gul ud-gin₇ kur-kur-ra i-im-si-a an-usan an-na-gin₇ ba-e-du₃ {ŋeš}ig-bi ud mul an-na sag₁₂-ga-a-gin₇... dug₄-ga-a-bi {urud}₄-gi₄ ba-ra-an de₃-eš a₂-si-bi a-ba lib-lib-be₂-eš šu pe-el-la₂ ba-ab-dug₄ {ŋeš}nu-kuš₂-u₃-bi-da lu₂-kar-ra-gin₇ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ {ŋeš}saŋ-kul {ŋeš}suhub₄ kug-ga {ŋeš}ig gal gu₂ gid₂ nu-mu-un-na-ak-e {ŋeš}ig gu₂ gid₂-da za-pa-aŋ₂-bi ba-šub lu₂ gu₂ gid₂-de₃ la-ba-ab-tuku ...kug...šu ba-e-lal-lal sila daŋal-la ... e bu-ba {ninda}nindaba-bi... ...kug-ba tigi₂ šem₅{zabar} {kuš}a₂-la₂-e gu₃ nun...ib-be₂ mah...a-u₃-a šir₃ kug nu-mu-ni-ib... dub-la₂ ki nam tar-re-de₃ ka-inim-ma nu-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}gu-za di kud-ru-bi nu-mu-un-gub di si nu-mu... {d}alamuš-a {ŋeš}ŋidru ba-da-an-šub šu-ni gu₄-ud-gu₄... a₂-nud-da {d}nanna-ka ŋiri₃-na nam-un... dub-šen kug lu₂ igi bar-re-dam erim₂-e ŋeš-nud gi₄-rin-na nu-un-gub u₂ za-gin₃ nu-mu-un-bur₂ urud an-zag-ge₄ si-a-bi gu₂-guru₅...eš ensi kišib-ŋal₂...šu li-bi₂-in-du₇ uz-ga...šu-luh dadag-ga šag₄-gada-la₂-bi-e-ne gu₂ ki ŋal₂-bi ba-e-sug₂-sug₂-ge-eš kur₂-re ba-ab-lah₅-e-eš ...suen-e...ŋal₂-la-a-ni a-a-ir ba-ši-in-de₆ ...en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ dub₃ ki ba-ni-ib-us₂ŋu₁₀ igi erim₂-ma bi₂-duh en₃-tukum-še₃... siki-pa...keš₂-da-ŋa₂ ud sikil₇-ra mi-ni-in-kur₉ šag₄ su₂-mu-ug₂-ga i-zi-gin₇ hu-luh-ha-ha-za igi zid bar-mu-un-ši-ib {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zi mu-un-na-ab-be₂ iri gul bad₃ gal bad₃-si-bi ud sig₁₀-ge u₃ ur₅-re bal an...am₃ mi-ri-ib-dug₄-ga bal ud ku₁₀-ku₁₀-da...ŋal₂-lu ša-ra-dug₄ tuš ki-tuš e₂-temen-ni₂-gur₃-ru-za zid-de₃-eš du₃-du₃-am₃ urim₂{ki}ma...he₂-en-du₃ uŋ₃ he₂-en-ši-gurum-e ur₂-bi-a he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan he₂-eb₂-da-tuš pa-bi-a kiri₃-zal he₂-ŋal₂ {d}utu he₂-en-da-hul₂ he₂-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan-ma-ka gu₂-da he₂-em-mi-in-la₂ urim₂{ki} iri an-ne₂ nam tar-ra ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid de₂-a-gin₇...zig₃ {d}nanna-ra sig...igi-nim-ma...he₂-en-na-si-a {d}suen-ra kaskal kur-ra-ke₄ si he₂-en-na-sa₂-e {d}muru₉-e ki us₂-sa-a {na₄}šu mu-un-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam šu he₂-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ a-a {d}nanna iri{ki}ni urim₂{ki}ma saŋ il₂-la mu-un-gub šul {d}suen e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-na im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ {d}nin-gal-e agrun kug-ga-na ni₂ mu-ni-ib-te-en-te-en urim₂{ki}ma e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-na im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ ki-ru-gu₂ limmu₅-kam-ma iri{ki} lil₂-la₂-am₃ šag₄-bi a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ šag₄-bi a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ uŋ₃-bi a-še-ra ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im ud gig-ga ud gaba-zu zig₃-ga-ab e₂-za gi₄-bi {iti}še-kiŋ₂-kud ud u-ussu-kam","The gizi reeds that grew in the holy enclosure(?) were actively diminished(?) The enemy carried (away) the great tribute that ... deposited there In the temple, its {geš}bur ormanment(?) fell, its parapet was destroyed ... embracing on its right and left Like smitten heroes, they were covered from the front Its great storm(-demon)?, with an open mouth and the face of an awe-bearing pirig creature ... were felling them with a saman rope like a caught wild bull, enemy territory ... ... brought the scent of the dwelling of holy Nanna, which was like a juniper forest to an end Its asalbar feature, the one that was overlaid(?) with gold and lapis ... (And?) the awe of the temple, which had been good(?)--the awe was (now) destroyed” The one that had filled(?) the lands like sunlight(?) was (re)built(?) like the evening(?) of heaven (instead?) Its door, the one that ... sunlight(?) like a beautiful/verdant star of heaven/constellation(?) (And?) the great boundary stakes? shouted(?) so that ... would not(?) tear them out(!?) Its hinge ... was defiled(?) with a stunned silence Together with its door fitting, it wept like a fugitive The holy bolt and bar were no longer fixed on/controlling(?) the great(?) door The noise of the (previously?) fixed/controlled(?) door fell(?) (silent?), it had no one to fix/control it ... was actively diminished(?), it set ... in the broad street In the royal offering place the nindaba offering of the royal offering place(!?) was changed In its holy ... was not making the tigi, šem, and ala drums sound nobly Among its supreme tigi drums(!?) the a'ua functionary did not sing pure songs (At) the gate tower where fates are to be determined there were no affairs(?) The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking In the holy(!) bed chamber of Nanna ... shall not ... at his feet(?) The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it) ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it) They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine The dream interpreter, the engiz temple cook, and the seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?), the enemies took them away Suen brought his ... there for his father He knelt there before his birth father Enlil My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at my ..., how long ... On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?) The great cleaned pure “day""(?) has become dirty ...(?) Examine faithfully your heart darkened (by anger), which terrifies like a wave Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be spoken(?) (Previous) dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully May ... (re)build it ..., may the people bow down towards it May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan dwell with it May there be joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice with him On its ..., ... may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ... May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you May(?) Enlil, like(?) a true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?) For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order (With a noise like?) a rainstorm touching the earth, (may?) pounding stones(?) be employed(?) for him It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?) Father Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber He was able to enter into Ur, into his Ekišnugal temple It is the 4th kirugu The city was an empty wind, in its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament In its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament Its people spend the day in lamentation It is its gešgigal “response” Bitter storm, raise you chest (depart), turn back/confine yourself in your house. Month “Harvest,” 18th day." P346219,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {ŋeš}gu-za ki di {d}alamuš ŋidru ba-an-da-šub šu-ni... a₂-nud-da kug {d}nanna-ka ŋiri₃-na dub-šen kug lu₂ igi nu-bar-re-dam erim₂-e igi i-ni-in-bar ŋeš-nud gi₄-rin-na nu-um-gub u₂ za-gin₃ nu-mu-un-bur₂ {urud}alan an-zag-ge₄ si-a-ba gu₂-guru₅ ba-an-ne-eš ensi kišib-ŋal₂-bi eš-da šu li-bi₂-in-du₇-uš gu₂ ki ŋal₂-la-ba ba-e-sug₂-eš kur-re ba-ab na-eš uz-ga kug šu-luh dadag-ga-ke₄ šag₄-gada-la₂-bi-ne ŋeš-hur me kug-ga ba-da-ha-lam-e iri kur₂-še₃ ba-ab-re₇-eš {d}suen-e šag₄ hul-la-ni a-a-ni-ir ba-ši-in-de₆ igi a-a ugu-na {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ dub₃ ki ba-ni-in-us₂ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ en₃-tukum-še₃ niŋ₂ igi erim₂-e mu-e-duh... nam-en nam-lugal šum₂-ma-za-am₃ na-mu-e-ši a-a {d}en-lil₂ lu₂ a₂ aŋ₂-e dug₄-ga zid a-a {d}en-lil₂ nam mu-e-tar-ra ŋalga ba-ra-an-duh-duh... siki-pa nam-en-na suh keš₂-da-ŋa₂ {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zid mu-un-na-ab-be₂ dumu-ŋu₁₀ iri nam-he₂ kiri₃-zal ša-ra-da-du bal-zu ba-ši-ib-kiŋ₂ iri gul bad₃ gal bad₃-si-ba si₃-ge₅ u₃ ur₅-re bal an... mi-ri-ib-dug₄-ga bala ud ku₁₀-ku₁₀-ga-bi-ir ŋal₂-lu ša-ra-zu tuš-u₃-ri ki-tuš e₂-temen-ni₂-gur₃-ru-za zid-de₃-eš du₃... urim₂{ki} kiri₃-zal-la he₂-en-du₃ uŋ₃ he₂-em-ši... ur₂-bi-a he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan he₂-em-da-hul₂ pa-bi-a kiri₃-zal he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}utu he₂-em-da-hul₂ {ŋeš}banšur-ba he₂-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan-ka gu₂-da he₂-em-mi-la₂ urim₂{ki} iri an-ne₂ nam tar-re ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid de₂-am₃ gu₂ an-še₃ he₂...zig₃ {d}nanna-ar ma-da sig nim-ma gu₂ hu-mu-na... {d}suen kaskal kur-ra-ke₄ si he₂-na... muru₉-gin₇ ki us₂-sa-a-gin₇... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam šu zid... {d}nanna iri-ni urim₂{ki}ma saŋ il₂ mu... {d}suen-e e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-še₃ im-ma-da-an-kur₉... {d}nin-gal-e agrun-na kug-ga-na ni₂ mu-ni-ib₂-te-en... šul {d}suen e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ im-ma-da-kur₉-kur₉ ud gig-ga ud gaba-zu zig₃-ga-ab ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud iri gul-gul ud gaba-zu zig₃...ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud e₂ gul-gul ud gaba-zu zig₃...ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud ki-en-gi-ra ba-zal-la-ri kur-kur-ra he₂-eb-zal ud ma-da ba-zal-la-a-ri kur-kur-ra he₂-eb-zal kur ti-id-nu-um-e he₂-eb-zal kur-re he₂-eb-zal he₂ he₂-eb-zal he₂-eb-zal...he₂-eb-zal ... urim₂{ki}ma bal nam-he₂ ud he₂-ni-ib-su₃-ud-de₃ uŋ₃-bi u₂-sal-la he₂-em-nud e-ne su₁₃-ud-bi im-ak ...nam-lu₂-lu₈ ba-tu₁₁ ba-de₅-de₅ egir₃-re mu-lu er₂ a-še-re {d}nanna a iri-zu a e₂-zu a nam-lu-lu₈-zu ki-ru-gu ia₂-kam-ma-am₃","The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking In the holy bed chamber of Nanna ... he(?) does not ... at/on his feet(?) The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it) ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it) They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine The engiz temple cook, dream interpreter, and seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?) the mountain(dwellers?) carried(?) them away In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites They(?) were forsaking the pure plans and the me, they(?) went to another city Suen brought his ruined heart there for his father He knelt there before his birth father Enlil My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at the accounts(?), how long ... When you give lordship and kingship, do not ... towards me/on my behalf Father Enlil, the one of the true order and command Father Enlil, it is the fate that you decreed and therefore no one can release (its) logic(?) On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?) Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen My son, a city of abundance was built(?) for you, your turn of office sought (you?) out(?) The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be known(?) Previous dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully May ... (re)build it in joy, may the people bow down towards it May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan rejoice with him May ... have joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice On its table may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ... May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you May Enlil, who is the true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?) For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order Touching the ground like a rainstorm(?) ... It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?) Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high Suen was able to enter the Ekišnugal temple Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple Bitter storm, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house Storm, destroyer of cities, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house Storm, destroyer of temples, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house May the storm that once spent time in Sumer spend time in the (other) lands instead May the storm that once spent time in the land spend time in the (other) lands instead May it spend time in the land of Tidnum instead, may it spend time in (that) land May it spend time in the land of Gutium instead, may it spend time in (that) land May it spend time in the land of Anšan instead, may it spend time in (that) land So that in Ur the term of office and abundance last long (So that) the people lay down in the meadows and copulate Alas, humanity is stricken(?) and gathered up(?) The princess(?) the one (of) weeping and lament (says) “Nanna, alas, your city, alas, your temple, alas, your humanity” It is the 5th kirugu" P346211,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...šu bal ak-de₃ ŋeš... ...de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇ teš-bi... me ki-en-gi-ra šu... bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄... uru₁₇ gul-gul-lu-de₃ e₂ gul-gul-lu... turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|) gul-gul-lu-de₃ amaš tab-tab-e-de₃ gud-bi turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|)-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de₃ udu-bi amaš-bi-a nu-daŋal-e-de₃ id₂-de₃ a mun₄-na tum₃-e... ama dumu-ni ki nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂... ad-da a dam-ŋu₁₀ nu-di... dam banda₃ ur₂-ra nu-hul₂-le... ... dub₃-ba nu-buluŋ₃-e... ...{da}e ... ... nam... igi-bi ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en... ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ta saŋ... {d}en-lil₂-le₂ igi-ni ki... {d}nin-tur₅-e niŋ₂-dim₂... {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}... {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal... ki-en-gi... ... iš za-bu gaba... sim e₂-bi ba-ra... {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na... kaskal-la ŋiri₃ nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃... iri a₂-dam ŋar-ŋar-a-ba du₆... saŋ-gig₂ lu-lu-a-ba ŋeš-haš-e... gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {ŋeš}al nu-ru-gu₂-de₃... e-lu šir₃ gud sub₂-sub₂-ba eden-na nu-di-de₃ {e₂}turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|)-ra i₃ gar₉ nu-ak-de₃... ha-lam-e-de₃ du₉-du₉ {dug}šakir₃-a amaš nu-di-de₃ eden-na maš₂-anše tur-re-de₃ niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂ til-le-de₃ ...šakkan-na-ke₄ nu-tag-ge-de₃ di-de₃ numun nu-tuku-tuku-de₃ ... ...lugal kalam-ma kar... ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂-ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ta ŋeš-hur ha-lam-ma-de₃ ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ta saŋ ba-da-an-gid₂-da-ba {d}en-lil₂-le igi-ni ki kur₂-ra ba-ra-ŋar-ra-a-ba {d}nin-tur₅-e niŋ₂-dim₂-dim₂-ma-ni zag bi₂-in-tag-a-ba {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na šu bi₂ šul {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal-e nam ba-ni-kud-a-ba ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de₃ ŋeš-hur-bi kur₂... urim₂{ki} me nam-lugal-na bal-bi su₁₃-su₁₃-de₃ dumu nun-na e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ šu pe-el-la di-de₃ {d}nanna uŋ₃...gin₇...a-na igi-ta-bi si-le... urim₂{ki} eš₃ nindaba gal-gal-la nindaba... uŋ₃ ki-tuš-ba nu-tuš-u₃-de₃ lu₂-erim₂ šum₂... elam{ki} lu₂-kur₂-ra ki-tuš-bi tuš-de₃ sipad-bi e₂ ni₂-te-a lu₂-erim₂-e dab₅-be-de₃ {d}i-bi{d} kur elam-ma-še₃ ŋeš-bur₂-ra tum₂-mu... iš za...gaba ab-ka-ta zag an-ša₄-an-še₃₇ iri-ni-še₃ nu-gur-re-de₃ ...buranun-na gu₂ min₄{min}a-ba u₂ hul ...de₃ har-ra-an nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ du₆-du₆-da de₃ ...ŋeš-haš-a ak-de₃ ...de₃ numun ki nu-tag-ge-de₃₃ ...ha-lam... ... ...igi nu-ŋal₂ inim... kur-kur-re ni₂-ta-bi-a... iri-ba diŋir-bi-ne bar-ta ba... nam-lu₂-lu₇ e₂ ni₂-te-bi-a... ud šu bal ak-de₃ ŋeš-hur ha-lam... ud-de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇ teš-bi i₃... me ki-en-gi-ra šu bal... bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄-gi... ...gul-gul-lu-de₃ e₂... ...gul-gul-de₃ amaš... nu... udu...amaš-a... id₂... ...","In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child So that the father does not say “ah, my wife” So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap So that the little ones do not grow on the knee So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby So that the dwelling of kingship is changed In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates It was the (time) that Utu cursed the journeys and caravans In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans (several lines missing) From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown (from) its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city So that malevolent plants grow on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, ... So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals So that the dung/bedding(?) of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates It was the (time) that the youth(?) Utu cursed the journeys and caravans In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people ... like ... of Nanna In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that enemy territory gives it away(?) So that Šimašgi and Elam, the foreign/enemy people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes its shepherd in his very own house So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown from its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city (So that) malevolent plants (grow) on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?) The lands were confused all by themselves(?) The gods of that city stood outside Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?) In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water" P346215,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...u₂-a ba-ši-in... ...a ba-ši-in... ...gub-bu-bi šukur₂ mah-gin₇ ba-e... ...abul-la mah {ŋeš}ig im-ma bi₂... lu₂ u₂-še₃ nu lu₂ a-še₃ nu uŋ₃ a tul₈-la₂ de₂-a-gin₇ šu i₃-niŋin-ne usu-bi ni₂-bi-a nu-ŋal₂ ne₃-bi ba-ra-an-tuš ...en-lil₂-le ša₃-ŋar lu₂ niŋ₂-hul iri-a ba-an-da-tuš niŋ₂ iri gul-gul-e niŋ₂ e₂ gul-gul-e iri-a ba-an-da-tuš niŋ₂ igi-bi-ta {ŋeš}tukul la-ba-gub-bu-a iri-a ba-an-da-tuš šag₄ nu-si-si igi niŋin-niŋin-bi iri-a ba-an-da-tuš urim₂{ki}ma gi dili du₃-a-gin₇ saŋ sag₃-ge nu-ŋa₂... uŋ₃-bi ku₆ šu dab₅-ba-gin₇ zi-bi mi-ni-in-tum₃... tur mah-bi i₃-barag₂-barag₂-ge-eš lu₂ nu-um-zi-zi... lugal-bi dub-la₂ a niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂ lugal niŋ₂-sag₉-ga gu₇ naŋ-a šukur₂-re im-ma-an...šu₂-šu₂ igi im-la₂-e šag₄-ka-tab i₃-zu-zu ... na kaš nu-ŋal₂ gid₂-da-bi nu-um-ŋal₂ ...niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂ tuš-u₃-bi nu-dug₃ agrun še nu-um-si-si zi-bi la-ba-ši-in... gur₇-du₆ gur₇...{d}nanna-kam {d}ašnan nu... kiŋ₂-sig diŋir-re-ne...gu₇ ki-sig₁₀-ga ba... unu₂ gal-ba kurun₂ lal₃ ŋeštin... ŋiri₂ a gud udu gu₇ gud... gir₄ mah-ba gud udu i₃... bur-saŋ a₂ sikil {d}nanna-kam... e₂ gud-gin₇ gu₃ bi₂-in-dug₄... mu kug-ga si nu-mu-un... {na₄}kinkin {ŋeš}naŋa₃ {ŋeš}gan... kar {na₄}za-gin₃ {d}nanna... a ma₂-saŋ-ŋa₂-a nu... unu₂ banda₃{da}... ...numun₂ ... ...kar... ... ...","... the provider(? i.e., the king?) ... ... the provider(?) ... Its standing/serving ... like a supreme ration ... At its great gate Enlil stood the door (open) in the wind(?) In Ur, no one went towards food, no one went towards water The people were circling around like water poured into a well/pond Its strength was not present in its aura(?) and thus its strength did not dwell (there)(?) Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city He made the hungry/unsatfisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established Its people took refuge like a caught fish Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered The king(?) was mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him The king who had ate and drank good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?) The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting There was no beer in the “house of the plain""(!?), its ... was not present There was no food for him in his palace, it was not good(?) for dwelling His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?) (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps The afternoon meal of the gods was not? eaten, funerary offerings(?) ... In the great banquet the honeyed liquor and ... wine ceased? The giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep ... In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?) The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?) The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently ... did not execute deliveries properly, ... The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?) The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy? Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew Boats and barges quit the shining harbor ... ... ..." P346550,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...... ...... ... {u₂}... ...un-duh-duh... ...la₂...... ...ta ba-da-gur... ...ta ba-da-gur dumu... ...a-ni mu-un-šub e₂... ...ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an... ... ... ur-saŋ... ...aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃...ŋu₁₀ im-me-a... ...iri{ki} ni₂-ba lu-a šu...š ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni... ...{d}nam-rat munus sag₉ ... ...sug₄-ga i-im-ŋal₂ a...₄ nam ba-an-kud...ŋal₂... ...gin₇ ba-ur₅-ur₅... ...","... ... ... ... Its stolen(?) rushes ... carried (away)(?) the rushes ... ... piled up and spread .... out ... in the manner of sheaves ... a corpse was in the Euphrates ... ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my spouse” ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my son” The one of the true temple/productive estate(?) abandoned his temple and was not saying “my temple” The rich person took a different path away from his possessions ... ... the hero ... ... took a different path away from his beloved ... The one that is saying(?) ... my city(?) Kazallu, the city that teemed by itself, was confused Numušda took a different path away from his city, his beloved dwelling His wife Namrat, the beautiful woman, was weeping bitterly Emptiness was in the river, ... could not irrigate Like a river cursed by Enki, its intake was blocked ... did not have(?) grain in the field, the people did not eat The watered orchards were baked like an oven, the plain was dispersed." P346552,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...lu₂ i₃ nu... ...lu₂ ga nu... ...ra {dug}šakir₃... ...dugud-bi i₃-rah₂... ...unu₂ gal {d}nanna... ...suen-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra... ...ugu-ŋu₁₀ iri-ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...kiš-nu-ŋal₂-ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀... nindaba-bi {d}en-lil₂ nibru... en iri bar-ra en iri šag₄-ga... urim₂{ki} iri {ŋeš}al-e ri... ...ur₂ ki ni₂ dub₂-bu... ...","People who did not know butter were churning its butter People who did not know cream were ... its cream In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased ... the great dining hall of Nanna ... Suen wept to his father Enlil My birth father, my city was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me? Enlil, my Ur was ... for him(!?), why did you turn away from me? My Ekišnugal temple was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me? The nesag offering ships of my(?) birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (of/at) Nibru for him The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city Ur, like a city struck by a pickax, has been broken up into ruin heaps The Ki'ur? shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine" P346589,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...tuš-de₃ ki-erim₂... ...lu₂-kur₂-ra ki-tuš... ...ni₂-te-na lu₂-erim₂-e... ...suen kur elam{ki}ma-še₃ ŋeš... ...gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta zag an... ... ...","... So that its people do not dwell in their dwelling, so that they are given into enemy territory So that Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes its shepherd in his very own palace So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan ..." P346228,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... gurun... ...tug₂-gin₇ im-mi...₃... igi-bi...₄ diŋir kalam-ma...₄ UN ur₂... ...kukku₅ uŋ₃-e ... {d}en-lil₂-le₂...zag hul mu-ni...nam-ra-bi ba-ab... dumu nibru{ki}a mušen dab₅-ba-gin₇ šu-ni-a bi₂... nam-lu₂-lu₇-bi ur-gin₇ gu₂-na ŋiš ba-ab-ŋar... {d}en-lil₂-le nibru{ki}a ki-tuš-bi im-mi-in-kur₂... e₂-kur-še₃ lu₂ nu-mu-un-ši-in... {d}lamma {d}...e₂-a ba-ra-e₃ u₃-ku-ku{mušen} šag₄...gud₃-bi ba-ni-in... {d}en-lil₂-le iri-ni nibru{ki}a iri-ni nu-me-a erim₂-e igi bi₂-ib₂... e₂-kur-ke₄ ki-tuš he₂-em-mi-in-hu-luh e₂... itima kug unu₆ nam-diŋir-ra-na saŋ-ki mu-ni-in...a-ga-ni-še₃ nu... {d}en-lil₂ ...bi₂-in... iri ni₂-te-na šu bal ba-ni-ib₂-ak kur-kur-re... {ŋeš}ig e₂šu₂-šu₂ si-ŋar-bi... niŋ₂-gur₁₁-ra-ni...... {d}en-lil₂-le iri...mi-in... {d}en-lil-le... ... ... kan₄ še nu-kud... {d}en-lil₂-le... gana₂-ni zid-de₃... pu₂ {ŋeš}kiri₆ gurun nu-il₂ {d}en... šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) an-na-ke₄ im-mi-in... niŋ₂-ur₂-limmu maš₂-anše {d}šakkan-ke₄ im-da...u₂ gu₇ nu-me-a-bi im ... {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na ka-bi im...a-eštub idim-bi... id₂ tur-tur-re sahar im-ma-ab-si peš₁₀... ab niŋ₂-daŋal-ba en-nu-uŋ₃ ba-ab-ŋar ambar-ra ku₆... in-di har-ra-an-na li-bi-ir ba-e... lu₂ du kaskal-bi ni₂ nu-te-te-en ... {d}en-lil₂-le abul iri-na {ŋeš}ig ma...abul kur-kur-ra-ke₄ {ŋeš} nibru{ki}a lu₂ u₂-bi ba-an-de₆ lu₂ a sig₉-ga nu-ub...šub nam-lu₂-lu₇-bi ki... ...tuku šag₄-ka-tab-ba ba... ...tuš er₂ i₃-šeš₂-šeš₂ ...še₃ a gig-ga... ...kam... ...... ...","... Teeming ..., fruit ... ... covered(?) like a garment ... threw ... into confusion there(?) ... ..., its front/face/eye ... ... shook ..., the god of the land ... ... shook, ... ... dark ... the people ... Enlil ... an evil ..., ... its booty The citizens of Nippur, like caught birds, he ... in his hand like dogs, he put yokes on the necks of its people Enlil changed the settlement of Nippur, ... Towards the Ekur, he cut ..., no one entered? towards him The lamma and alad/šedu(?) spirits of the temple went out, the ukuku bird, the bird of despair, made its nest there Enlil made the enemy look at(?) his city Nippur, his city that was no more And therefore he terrified the Ekur, the dwelling, the temple ... He frowned at the holy shrine, the inner sanctum of his divinity, behind him ... Enlil was destroying ..., ... The city threw itself over, the lands ... The door of the Ekur temple ... covered, its bolt ... His property ... Enlil ... the city Enlil ... ... ... The “gate where grain is not cut/diverted” (gate of the Ekur complex) ... Enlil ... His fertile field ... The well and orchard that did not bear fruit, Enlil ... He ... the rain of heaven The wild and domestic herds of Sumuqan ... in a state of non-eating they came to an end(?) The intake of the Tigris and Euphrates was blocked(?), the carp flood ... its spring All the smaller waterways filled up with silt, the banks ... A watch was set on the broad sea, in the marsh the fish ... The libir demon/policeman(?) ... on the paths and roads The highway traveler did not relax, ... Enlil stood open the door at the gate of his city (open) in the wind(?), at(?) the gate of the lands, ... the door He brought(?) the impure person(?) into Nippur, no one could ... clear water You abandoned ..., its people ... ... lay fasting ... sat down(?) and wept ... ... on account of his ... a pained cry ... It is the nth kirugu ..." P346148,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...lu₂-erim₂ nu...kur₂ im-ma-an... ba-sug₂-ge... im-ma-an-dab₅-be₂-eš eden lil₂... ...silim du₃-a gu₇-a naŋ-bi-še₃šub... dum-dam mu-ni-in...giri₁₆-lu im-mi-in-e₃... ...lu₂ banda₃{da} šag₄ kuš₂-u₃-bi...igi-še₃ ka ba...₂-ib₂ ... ba ... ...mi-ib₂-dug₄-ge... ...du₃-a me-a... ... ...","... Its baliff/lurker, though not an enemy, ... another place The great gods cut ..., they stood outside They roamed in the mountain range, the plain with howling? phantoms ... They abandoned the praised(?) city/city built in peace(?) on account of (a lack of) eating and drinking/hunger and thirst(?) In the meadow(?) ... howled and brought out/intoned a lament The deliberations of the elders and juniors ... before ... the utterance(?) ... ... ... ... ... where(?) ...? ..." P346554,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... dim₂-ma-bi šu... udug sag₉-ga-bi... ni₂ me-lim₄ saŋ-ŋa₂ ŋal₂-la... unug{ki}ga teš₂-bi a-ba... iri-da kur-kur... e-ne... ... ... šag₄ {tumu}...... erin₂ saŋ-gin₇ mu-un...... kaskal munu₄-gin₇ mu-un...... me₃ zu-ba šu-ba bi₂... saŋ erin₂-na lu₂-ta e₃... gu-ti-um{ki} ...e ... igi... ...","Who changed its discernment, who altered its intelligence? Who struck its good udug protective spirit? Who beat its lamma protective spirit? Who ruined the aura and radiance that had been on (its) head? Who ... the dignity(?) of Uruk, who ... the nugig midwife(?) Along with the city the foreign lands ..., in Uruk who ... in its temple? ... ... With the midst/heart of a storm(?) ... Like elite troops they plundered (all of(?) ...), ... They crushed the road like malt, the one apart from them(?) like a god/An? ... They made the battle veterans “fall into their hand""(!?), they ... their tactics/intellect/mood(?) The elite of the troops, who emerged (separate) from the (average) man(?) ... Gutium ..., the weapon ... Not even looking with both of their eyes(?), ..." P346162,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {d}nun-nam... nibru{ki}e...saŋ...nam... urim₂{ki}e e₂... {ŋeš} suhuš-bi...gin₆š₂ saŋ...mi-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}...kug uŋ₃ šar₂ si sa₂...šu-ŋa₂ im-mi...sa₂ ...kiri₃ zi-ŋal₂ e...ŋu₁₀-uš im-ma-an-šum₂ ...e...e₂ u₆₂ ... ... gi-zi... na-ri-ŋu₁₀ ud he₂-ŋal₂-la...{id₂} kug mu še... mu da-ri ka-ge₅ du-a-ba {id₂}pa₄... ...iri{ki}ŋa₂ a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi... ...kug iri-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-ši-na ...luh a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-ši-na ...ku₆ hu-ma-ra-ab-de₆ e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-še₃ ...gu₂-gu₂ mu-su-ur lu₂-u₂ u₂-lal₃ gu₇-e še gu-nu mu₂-mu₂ {ŋeš}tir-gin₇ su-su-e... ...ub-da limmu₂-bi še-ga {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...sipad u₂-a ki-en-gi uri-e ki aŋ₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ bal-na niŋ₂ urim₂{ki}ma-ke₄ sila-am₃ ud mi-ni-in-za-e-en-za-e-le za-e me-en ur{d}namma lugal mu da-a-ri za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga ","Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose? In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine He secured the foundations of his throne The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?) He gave to my hand ... and the nose-rope that convey the people ... the temple to be admired(?) he put in order(?) ... The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver""(?), flourishes My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the “its (outlying) ditches are clean” canal is named (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple ... (on its banks) are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant” Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?) The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil In his reign(?) that makes(?) (every)thing of Urim rejoice, you are the one who spends time there(?) Ur-Namma, king with an eternal name, your praise is sweet" P346163,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...ta ur-saŋ...en ba-tud-da-na-ta... ...ušumgal-e tud-da... lugal...ub-da limmu₄-ba me-en na-gada sipad saŋ-gig₂-ga me-en nir-ŋal₂ diŋir kur-kur-ra me-en dumu u₃-tud {d}nin-sumun₂-kam me-en šag₄-ge pad₃-da an kug-ga me-en lu₂ nam tar-re {d}en-lil₂-la₂ me-en {d}šul-gi ki aŋ₂ {d}nin-lil₂-la₂ me-en mi₂ zid dug₄-ga {d}nin-tur₅-ra me-en ŋeštug₂ šum₂-ma {d}en-ki-kam me-en ...kalag-ga {d}nanna me-en ...duh-a {d}utu me-en hi-li pad₃-da {d}inana... ...ŋir₂-nun-na...en har-ra-an-na...en dur₃{ur₃} dub-sar... nam-ur... ŋeštug₂... inim... niŋ₂... niŋ₂... ...e₃ me-en ...ke₃-eš ...še₃ šu he₂-em... ...en e₂-gal-la he₂-bi₂... ... ...še₃ ni₂ he₂-eb-ši-te-en-te-en ...har-ra-an-na...kaskal-e ŋi₆ ba-da-sa₂-a ...a-ni-gin₇ zi-ni ha-ba-ši-in-tum₃ mu-ŋu₁₀ ud ul-li₂-a-aš ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ ka-ta nu-šub-bu-de₃ a-ar₂-ŋu₁₀ kalam-ma ak-ak-de₃ dub₃-tuku me-en usu-ŋu₁₀ im-zig₃-ge-en ...ŋa₂ me-en nibru{ki}ta šeg₁₂ urim₂{ki}ma-še₃ danna aš-gin₇ šu niŋin₂-niŋin₂...šag₄-ŋu₁₀ ha-ma-ab-dug₄ piriŋ nam-šul-bi-ta nu...ne₃-ba gub-ba me-en {tug₂}niŋ₂-lam₂ banda₃{da}ŋu₁₀ ib₂-ŋa₂ ba-ab-du₁₁ tum₁₂{mušen} ...dal-a-gin₇ a₂-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-un-su₁₃-su₁₃ {d}anzu{mušen} kur-bi-še₃ igi il₂...dub₃-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu... uru₂ ma-da ki ŋar-ŋar...sug₂-ge-eš-am₃ uŋ₃ saŋ-gig₂-ga u₈...ha-ma-ab-du₁₀ maš₂ hur-saŋ-ŋa₂še₃ hub₂ sar-sar-re-de₃ {d}utu a₂-dam-ma ud daŋal-la ...kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la ha-ba-an-kur₉-re {d}suen-na tur₃ i₃ gal-gal-la he₂-ŋal₂-la he₂-bi₂-ib₂-du₃ gud ha-ba-ni-gaz udu ha-ba-ni-šum šem₅ {kuš}a₂-la₂-e...ha-ba-gi₄ tigi niŋ₂-dug₃-e...sa₂ {d}šul-gi lu₂ ... piriŋ... ... ud te-eš... {d}iškur-re... šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) an-na-ke₄ a ki-ta... na₄ tur-tur-bi na₄ gal-gal... murgu₂-ŋa₂ dub-dab he₂-em-mi-ib₂... lugal me-en ni₂ ba-ra-ba-da-teŋ₃ su ba-ra-ba-da-zig₃ piriŋ banda₃{da}gin₇ guru₅-uš hu-mu-bur₂-bur₂ anše-eden-na-ke₄ hub₂-ŋa₂ hu-mu-un-šu₂-šu₂ šag₄ la-la ŋal₂-la-ŋu₁₀ kaš₄ hu-mu-ni-gun₃-gun₃-nu dur₃{ur₃} aš...im₂-ma-ŋu₁₀-ne {d}utu e₂-a-ni-še₃ igi i₃-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ kaskal u-ia₂ danna-am₃ šu hu-mu-niŋin₂ saŋ-ur-saŋ-ŋu₁₀-ne igi hu-mu-un-duh-a ud aš-am₃ nibru{ki} urim₂{ki}ma eš₃-eš₃-bi hu-mu-un-niŋin₂ šeš gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ šul {d}utu-am₃ e₂-gal an-ne₂ ki ŋar-ra-am₃ kaš hu-mu-di-ni-naŋ nar-ŋu₁₀ tigi imin-e šir₃-ŋa₂ ha-ma-ab-dug₄ ŋidlam-ŋu₁₀ ki-sikil {d}inana nin hi-li an-ki-a gu₇ naŋ-bi-a ha-ma-da-an-tuš-e ni₂-ŋu₁₀ silim-še₃-am₃ ba-ra-ab... igi il₂-la-ŋu₁₀ he₂-em-mi-in-ŋen šag₄ gur₆-gur₆-a-ŋu₁₀ an-ta he₂-ib₂-gi₄ inim-inim-ma im-sar-ra-ŋu₁₀ zi a-a-ŋu₁₀ kug {d}lugal-banda₃ {d}nanna lugal an-ki-ke₄ ... ...ud ul-li₂-a-še₃ ...e-a ed₃-de₃ lugal...ŋa₂-gin₇-nam uŋ₃-e ba-ra-ŋal₂-la an...kug-sig₇ saŋ-ŋa₂ mu-ni-ge-en e₂-kur za-gin₃-na ŋidru ha-ba-ab-dab₅-be₂ barag babbar {ŋeš}gu-za suhuš gin₆-na saŋ... nam-lugal-la...mah kur an-ub-da limmu₂ uŋ₃ saŋ sig₁₀-ga-a-ba mu-ŋu₁₀ he₂-em-mi-še₂₁ šir₃ kug-ŋa₂ hu-mu-un-e₃-de₃ nam-mah-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-ni-in-pad₃-de₃-e-a a₂ mah lugal-la-ka mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}suen-e e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-ta ...saŋ nam-kalag-ga nam-til₃ niŋ₂-dug₃ saŋ-e-eš rig₇... ...mah šum₂-ma {d}nu-nam-nir-ra ...šul-gi kur gul-gul kalam...en išib an-ki-a gaba-ri nu-tuku {d}šul-gi dumu nir-ŋal₂ an-na-ke₄ mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}nisaba za₃-mi₂ šu-niŋin ninnu","I am the king, from the womb I was a hero I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature I am the king of the 4 quarters I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands I am the child born of Ninsumun I am the one chosen in the heart by An I am the man decreed by Enlil I am Shulgi, loved by Ninlil I am the one taken care of by Nintur I am one given wisdom by Enki I am the mighty king of(?) Nanna I am the open-mouthed pirig creature (of) Utu I am Shulgi, whose allure was chosen/discovered (by) Inanna I am a girnun equid, suitable for the road I am a horse swishing its tail on the road I am a male donkey of Sumuqan, seeking to run I am the knowledgable scribe of Nisaba Like my heroism and my strength Intelligence is therefore perfected(?) The true word is therefore made compatible with me(?) Therefore justice is loved(?) Therefore(?) evil is not loved(?) Therefore(?) the speaking of evil words is hated(?) I am Shulgi, the mighty king who goes out towards the front Because I am rejoicing at my might and shoulder (=strength)(?) ... I establish the (length of) the double-hour and had palace(s) built (there at that interval)(?) ... Therefore shall relax towards its “cool side” The male going on the road who (otherwise) spends the night on the road Therefore has taken refuge there as if it was his built city So that my name is established to distant time, so that it is not dropped by/from the mouth So that my praise is performed in the land I am possessed of speed, I muster up my strength, I am ... running From Nibru to the brickwork of Urim My heart therefore spoke to me in order to make a round trip as if (it was only) one double-hour A pirig creature not tiring by means of its youth, I am one who stands in its strength My little niglam garment was suitable on my hips(?) Therefore, like a ... wild dove flying furiously, I pumped my arms Therefore, like the Anzud bird raising its eye towards its mountain, I spread my knees apart (in stride) Therefore the cities of the land that I founded served me Therefore my black-headed people, teeming like ewes, look to me sweetly (Like) a goat of the mountain range that is to run to its dwelling(?) (As?) Utu, broadening the daylight upon the settlements Therefore I(?) was entering the Ekišnugal temple Therefore the temple/courtyard!? of Suen, the cattlepen (of) great amounts of butter(?) was heaped up with abundance Therefore bulls were slaughtered there, sheep were slaughtered there Therefore the šem and ala drums resounded Therefore the tigi drum, the good thing, was played properly there I am Shulgi, the one who makes anything/food(?) numerous and therefore food (offerings) were offered there When I roused myself from the ... cultic area like a pirig creature ... ... Therefore the howling(?) storm shook the ground Iškur shouted in the broad heavens Therefore the rain of heaven mingled with (lit. embraced) the water below Its small and large (hail)stones Therefore made a thud on my back I am a king who therefore could not be frightened or have gooseflesh Like a fierce pirig creature (I) therefore snarled(?) Therefore (as) an equid of the plain (I) galloped Therefore (with) my heart with happiness inside of it (I) was running When I ran (as) a perfect male donkey Utu was to look towards his house (at sunset) And thus (I) had made the round trip, the journey being 15 double-hours My sagursag performers saw (the feat?) It was one day, I(!?) performed(!?) the ešeš festival in (both) Nibru and Urim My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu It was the palace founded by An, therefore I drank beer there with him Therefore my singer performed my song(?) at the seven tigi drums My spouse, the young maiden Inanna, the lady (who is) the allure of the universe She sits with (me) in eating and drinking Thus I myself have not been praised(i.e., I have not boasted?) Thus my raised eye goes (where it wishes)(?) Thus my “free will” confronts(?) (what it wishes) My fixed sayings/affairs(?) that were written By the life of my father, holy lugalbanda(!) (And) Nanna, the king of the universe ... ... to distant days ... Thus there has not been a king ... like me among the people An has firmly placed a golden crown on my head Thus in the shining Ekur (I) seized the scepter(?) Thus (my) head was raised heavenwards (on) the white dais and the throne with a firm foundation Thus (my) power was exalted in the kingship Thus the enemy land/mountain was destroyed, the land made firm Therefore may my name be invoked among the cared for people (of) the four regions Therefore they shall perform(?) my pure songs Therefore they shall discover my greatness The one taken care of with the great might of kingship Who Suen at the Ekišnugal temple Gave heroism, might, and a good life Given supreme strength by Nunamnir Shulgi, the destroyer of the enemy land, the establisher of the land The išib priest of the universe who has no rival Shulgi, cared for by the noble son of An Nisaba, praise Total: 50 (lines)." P346558,Old Babylonian,Literary," lugal me-en šag₄-ta... {d}šul-gi me-en... ...igi huš ušumgal... limmu₂... ...sipad saŋ-gig₂... ...ŋal₂ diŋir kur... ...","I am the king, from the womb I was a hero I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature I am the king of the four quarters I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands" P346165,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...nisaba-ke₄ ...ŋizzal-la šu daŋal ma-ni-in-dug₄ ...ŋal₂ tak₄-a niŋ₂-e nu-dib-be₂ me-en sa nemur₂-gin₇ zig₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-ne {anše}ni-is-kum kaš₄ kalag-ga di-ŋa₂ šag₄ an-na-ke₄ hul₂-la ma-ab-de₆ a-la-ŋa₂ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid ma-ni-in-de₂ nam-si-sa₂-ŋu₁₀-uš ŋidru ma-an-šum₂-mu-uš gu₂ kur-kur-ra-ke₄ ŋiri₃ ba-da-gub {ŋeš}tukul-ŋa₂ mu-bi sig-še₃ mu-un-ŋal₂ aga-kar₂ sig₁₀-ga-ŋu₁₀-u₈ igi-nim-še₃ mu-un-ŋal₂ me₃ šen-šen-na um-ta-ab-e₃-en ...ib₂ dug₄-ga {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ ...ŋu₁₀-u₈ igi-še₃ ba-du-un ...šag₄ ba-ab-zalag-ge-en ŋa₂-e me-en {ŋeš}tukul-la a-la mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-an {urud}šukur {urud}ma-sa-tum a-ba-da-ab-ŋal₂-le-en-na {kuš}da-lu-uš₂-a a₂-sig₃-ge-bi mu-zu im-du-ug im-lag hul sag₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-u₈ mir ni₂ ŋal₂-la-gin₇ dal-le-da-bi šag₄ dab-ba-ŋu₁₀-u₈ li-bi₂-ib-dib-be₂-en ni₂ zi-ir kur-re ba-ab-šum₂-mu-un šeš gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ šul {d}utu-am₃ ki zi-šag₄-ŋal₂-la-ka igi mu-na-ni-duh {d}šul-gi me-en dalla-bi-a inim mu-da-ab-be₂-en diŋir igi sag₉ me₃-ŋa₂-kam ...utu...šeš-ra ki aŋ₂ {d}lamma {ŋeš}tukul-ŋa₂-kam ga₁₄-mu-un-ne₃-e ...e₃ ...","The beautiful Nanibgal, Nisaba Gave wisdom and intelligence generously to me I am experienced scribe who does not ignore (lit. pass by) anything When I rose as (if possessing) the musculature of a leopard When I galloped mightily like a nisku equid The heart of An brought rejoicing for me In my happiness Enlil spoke truthfully to me They gave me a scepter because of my justice (I) was able to step on the neck of the lands ... put the fame of my weapon to the Lowland ... put (news of) my conquests to the highland After I go out(?) into combat and battle To the place that Enil has grown angry (at) (?) I go at the front of(?) my troops I illuminate the area (lit. field) that I see It is I who puts passion into the weapon I am in possession of the spear and the masatum weapon (I) know the slingstone of the sling (i.e., how to load it?) My discharged(?) destructive clay bullets and pellets The ones that are to fly like an aura bearing(?) northern storm In(?) my anger I do not let them pass (their mark?) I give fear and distress(?) to(?) the (enemy) land My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu I looked to him in a place of encouragement/vitality I am Shulgi, I speak a word with him openly He is the beautiful-faced god of my battle The youth Utu who makes a brother love a brother(?) is the protective spirit of my weapon Because of his word I will be strong(?), I will be mighty(?) ... Utu comes out for me in the combat of battle(?)" P346167,Old Babylonian,Literary," ama-gi₄ nu-me-en šag₄ inim... inim-ŋu₁₀ saŋ i₃ li... šag₄ izi-gin₇ bar₇-ra-am₃... inim-ma lu₂ inim-ma diri-ga... niŋ₂ kal-kal-la ŋa₂-e lu₂... sun₅-na dugud-bi saŋ... niŋ₂-na-me-u₈ la-ba-an... inim an-na inim {d}en-lil₂-la₂... zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra-ka kiri₃ šu...ŋal₂ ŋa₂-la nu-dag-ge muš₃ nu-tum₂-bi me-en diŋir-re-e-ne gub-ba in-ga-an-zu {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-e-ne ki sed₄-bi mu-zu {d}šul-gi nam-nun-na gu₂ gal peš₁₁-a me-en niŋ₂ gal-gal-la a-ba-da-ab-ŋal₂-la-an šag₄-ŋu₁₀ hul₂-la ba-da-am₃-ŋal₂-la ...dag-ge bar...be₂ me-en ... ... lugal ud...a-aš diš... šag₄-ŋu₁₀ niŋ₂-a₂-zig₃ ba-ra-mu-un-na-ta... nam-lu₂-lu₇ an-ta sig₁₀-ga-a-ta ŋeštug₂ dab₅-dab₅-ba na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ nu-me-en en₃-du ud-bi-a-ta libir-ra ud ul-a-aš tigi za-am-za-am šu ŋu₁₀-ne ud na-a-me lul-še₃ ba-ra-bi₂-pad₃ ka-ge ba-ra-bi₂-gi niŋ₂ libir-ra en₃ he₂-bi₂-tar-tar šub-bu-de₃ ba-ra-bi₂-šum₂ šir₃-gid₂-da-ŋa₂ e₂ dug₃-ga-ŋa₂ pa e₃... tigiŋeštug₂-ga... niŋ₂šub...","(I) have known (how to impose) the meaning of the words “I am not freed” My words are the finest of pressed/high quality oils A heart that burns like fire--(I) have known its cooling One will weigh (my) words against(?) a man excessive in words I am a man of the most precious things The importance of being humbled is appreciated by me One cannot slander/alter(?) anything of mine(?) By the word of An and Enlil (I) shall cover (my) mouth (in submission) for the life of the homeland and the life of the foreign lands I am their unceasing one, their unfailing one (I!) too have known how to serve the gods (I) have known the cooling place(!?) of the Anuna I am Shulgi, whose great neck grows thick in princeliness When(?) I am able to have great things Rejoicing is able to be (in) my heart I am one who will not cast that which is being brought to an end aside (Or) a single king from(?) ancient times Thus I am not plotting(?) violence against him (That which accrued) after mankind was placed from heaven (on the earth)(?) I am not a barbarian(!) regarding (this) accumulated(?) knowledge From cultic songs of the (present?) time to ancient ones of distant days(?) Therefore when I ... the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments(?) At no time have I chosen them/uttered(?) falsely or blocked them in the mouth Therefore I have inquired after these ancient things and not given them over to be abandoned Therefore I made my širgida songs manifest in my good palace/temple Therefore the ... of the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments, everything, I embedded in (my) memory(?) That which was thus not dropped from the hand" P346275,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ki-uri-ke₄ nam... ...gin₇-nam im nu-mu... nam-kug-zu-gin₇ ir im... ...ŋa₂ šid uttuku{gu}de₃... ...sag₁₂-ga {d}nisaba... ......šu daŋal ma-ra-an-dug₄ ...ŋal₂ tak₄-a niŋ₂ nu-dib-be₂ me-en ...gin₇ zig₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-ne ...kaš₅ kalag-ga...ŋa₂ ...hul₂-la ma-an-dug₄ ...lil₂-le gu₃ zid ma...","I learned the tablets of (both) Sumer and Akkad, the scribal art Like (a mere member of?) the indigenous population(?) I did not write tablets The scribal art(?), like(!?) a place of wisdom ... a scent(?) Adding(?), subtracting(?), counting, computation(?), I did in their entirety The beautiful Nanibgal, Nisaba Gave wisdom and intelligence generously to me I am experienced scribe who does not pass by anything When I rose as (if possessing) the sinew of a leopard When I galloped mightily like a nisku equid The heart of An rejoiced for me In my happiness Enlil spoke truthfully to me" P346203,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...{ki} me-lim₄-zu an-ki-a dul₉ u₁₈-ru-zu mah dib eš₃ nibru{ki} ki an a-na šuš₂-a-aš ne₃-zu zag-bi-še₃ ŋal₂ šeg₁₂ kilib₃-ba kalam-ma ki ŋar-ra šeg₁₂-zu šeg₁₂ saŋ-bi-im kur-kur-re iri{ki} na du₃-a-ba me mah šu mi-ni-teŋ₄ me mah-zu-gin₇ mu-zu mah-am₃ mu-zu-gin₇ sahar-zu sahar dug₃-ga-am₃ iri{ki} an-ki-a mu-zu diri-ga-am₃ us₂-saŋ sig igi-nim-ma dim-gal uŋ₃ šar₂-ra me-en me-zu me galam-ma me nu-sag₂-dam ŋeš-hur-zu-u₈ abzu sig₉-ga-gin₇ ni₂ gal ši-im-duh-duh nam-mah-zu {d}uraš sig₇-ga-gin₇ na-me nu-zu-zu-dam nam tar-ra saŋ-bi-še₃ e₃-a-zu niŋ₂ ar₂-re-eš dib-ba hur-saŋ sukud-ra₂ šu nu-teŋ₃-ŋa₂ me-en saŋ il₂ zag dib-ba an-ne₂ us₂-sa me-en šag₄-zu u₁₈-ru me-en bar-zu ni₂ gur₃-ru me-en {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne u₂ nam-til₃-la-bi-še₃ za-e ši-im-ma-ab-du₃-en gu₇ naŋ-bi-še₃ ši-im-ma-sig₇-ge-en amaš zi-bi-še₃ ŋal₂ me-en a₂-zu-ta gu sa-par₄ gid₂-gin₇ niŋ₂-nam la-ba-ra-e₃ eš₃ nibru{ki} a-ra₂-zu niŋ₂ mah-am₃ niŋ₂ ka-ge dib-ba me hal-ha-zu ŋeš-šub zid-da niŋ₂ sag₂ nu-di-dam iri{ki} šag₄-zu kug-ga-am₃ bar-zu šen-šen-am₃ su-bar-ra-zu me-lim₄ gur₃-ru-am₃ ki-zu ki suh-ha-am₃ en ŋeštug₂-a kur-gal {d}en-lil₂-le šag₄-zu-a eš₃ bi₂-in-du₃ eš₃-bi eš₃ za-gin₃ eš₃ nam tar-re-dam e₂-kur e₂ za-gin₃ e₂ nam tar-re-dam nun-zu {d}nu-nam-nir ninda₂ me ru-a ama {d}nin-lil₂ nin gal ki-ur₃-ra-a nin me u₃-tud-da e-ne e-ne-gin₇ kalam-ma diŋir a-ba mu-un-til₃ a-ne-ne šu bi₂-in-gur-ru-uš huš-bi bi₂-in-dur₂-ru-ne-eš me zid me gal me ar₂-re-ka dur₂ im-mi-in-ŋar-re-eš {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi im-ši-ŋal₂ inim kug kal-kal zid-de₃-eš di-bi ŋizzal ši-ma-an-ke₄-eš {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-bi igi im-mi-in-ŋal₂-eš ki-a zag mi-ni-in-ŋar-re-eš ud-bi-a an gal ki daŋal-ba šag₄-bi mu-un-e₃-a diŋir {d}a-nun-na an-ki-ke₄-ne kiŋ₂ ib₂-gi₄-gi₄-ne {ŋeš}al {ŋeš}dupsik niŋ₂ ki ŋa₂-ŋa₂ šu-ba... mu-un-ŋal₂ ...{d}nisaba","City, your aura covers the universe Your might is supreme and surpassing Shrine Nibru Wherever the heavens cover (i.e., everywhere) Your strength is there (all the way to) its boundaries (Among) all of the brick (structures) founded in the land Your brickwork is the foremost brickwork The lands accept the supreme cosmic powers in all their cities Like your supreme cosmic powers, your reputation is supreme Like your reputation, your soil is good soil City, your name is surpassing in the universe You are the bond of the lowlands and highlands, the great pillar of the many people Your cosmic powers are clever and that cannot be dispersed And thus your plans, like something that occupies the subterranean waters, And thus your plans, like something that occupies the subterranean waters, emit a great aura your greatness, which is verdant like the goddess Uraš (earth personified) No one is to ascertain. Your fate, going out at the forefront, is something that surpasses (any) praise A high mountain range that no hand can approach are you. Head raised high, surpassing You are touching heaven Your interior is powerful Your exterior is filled with awe And thus you produce food (for) the Anuna for their lives You are verdant for their eating and drinking You are the sheepfold that is there for their breath Nothing can escape from you arm, which is like the extended cords of a net Shrine Nibru, your way is that of greatness Surpassing description When you divide up the cosmic powers (it results in) a true lot that cannot be dispelled City, your inside is pure Your outside is pure Your body bears an aura Your site is a chosen(?) place The lord of wisdom, the Great Mountain Enlil, has built a shrine in your midst That shrine, the sparkling shrine, it is the shrine that is to determine fate The Ekur, the sparkling temple, it is the temple that is to determine fate Your ruler, Nunamnir, the young bull who inseminates the cosmic powers Mother Ninlil, the great queen of the Ki'ur complex, lady who gave birth to the cosmic powers What other god lives in the land like he and she? They have wrapped themselves with intelligence and counsel at the place of dusk They have sat down (in their thrones) with a reddish hue(?) They have sat down (in their thrones) among the true cosmic powers, the great powers, the cosmic powers of praise The Anuna gods look to them as their birth parents And therefore they listen to their pure and most precious words, uttered faithfully Both Enlil and Ninlil looked at the sky They made a (temporary) sanctuary(?) on the earth (according to the stars they saw) At that time, the intentions for the broad earth that great An had brought forth (for Enlil and Ninlil to see) The Anuna gods of heaven and earth set to work (to fulfill them) The hoe and the earth-moving basket, those (tools) which establish a city, were ... in their hands ... Haya(?) and Nisaba" P346171,Old Babylonian,Literary," a-ra-zu-ne... ŋa₂-la nu-dag-ge... ki-ur₃-še₃ šu... niŋ₂ tum₂-tum₂-e im₂-e... ul₄-ul₄-la dub₃ nu-kuš₂... nesaŋ tum₃ e₂ nu... nibru{ki}še₃ he₂-ŋal₂... keš₃{ki}a išib-bi... urim₂{ki}še₃ i₃ saŋ... eridu{ki}še₃ ŋa₂-la nu-dag... ki unug{ki}še₃ nindaba... e₂-kur-ta nam-til₃ šum₂-ma... zi-šag₄-ŋal₂ uru₂-ni-še₃ al... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ sipad kur-kur... lugal me₃-še₃ ku-kur du₇-du₇... da-da-ra nam-šul... ŋiri₂-ur₃-ra u₃... me₃-a nim-gin₇... suhuš gin₆-na erin₂... {na₄}saŋ-kal na₄... {kuš}gur₂₁{ur₃} igi tab ugnim-ma... ur-saŋ igi zalag-ga zu₂-keš₂ gin₆-ne₂... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ dumu {d}en-lil₂ me-en {kuš}ummud a sed₄ zi ŋuruš-a... igi ŋal₂ kaskal-a an-dul₇ erin₂-na me... lugal tuš-a-ni barag-ga ŋen-na me... šag₄ dugud-da inim-še₃ ŋal₂-la me... dim₂-ma kalag su₁₃ a-ra₂-e kiŋ₂-ŋa₂... niŋ₂-nam nu le me-en... šag₄ sud-ra₂ ŋeštug₂ daŋal-la me... im-gid₂-da {d}nin-ŋeš-zi... {iti} ŋar ud u-eš₅... mu {i₃-si}isin₂-na... ki 3(u) me-en","I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice I am the unceasing one serving Nuska I am one whose hand is oriented(?) towards the Ki'ur I am the fitting one for carrying things and running(?) I am one constantly hurrying (but) whose knees do not tire I am the bringer of the nesag offering who does not allow light to pass through(?) the Ebabbar temple I am the one who chases(?) abundance towards/on behalf of Nippur In Keš I am the one serving as(?) its išib priest On behalf of Urim I am the first rate butter and cream On behalf of Eridu I am its unceasing one On behalf of the site of Unug I am the great nindaba offerings I am the one given life by the Ekur temple(?) I am the one who wishes for vitality on behalf of his city I am lipit-Ištar, the shepherd of the lands I am the king, a wave thrashing towards battle I am one who does not loosen the knots of the bindings of youthfulness I am the one sharpening the giri'ura knife In battle I am the one flashing like lightning I am one who establishes the foundation and destroys among the troops I am the sagkal stone(?), the stone that ...(?) I am a shield, the watcher of the army I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil I am a waterskin (of) cold water, the life of the young man/worker I am the one who watches the campaign, the (protective) shade of the troops I am a king that when he sits, he goes on(!?) the dais I put important thoughts to words(?) I am one (who possesses) profound intellect and counsel(!?), seeking the (correct) way I am one who does not hurry(!?) anything, ... I am one (who possesses) profound thought and broad understanding ""Long-tablet"" of Ningešzida-... month o""NENEgar,"" 13th day, year ""Isin ..."". ... 30 (lines ...)" P346568,Old Babylonian,Literary," zid-de₃... ...zid bar-ra {d}... urim₂{ki}ma gu₃... ...ta-u₁₈-lu lu₂ šag₄... ...šu-me-ša₄-ta ni₂... ŋeštug₂ bad-ra₂ {d}en... ...{ki}... ...","I am the one who makes the woman sparkle as a flower/star(?) I am the one who Nanna looks at with a favorable eye He spoke faithfully to me in Urim Uta'ulu (Ninurta), I am the man of his heart He was able to(?) impose a great aura upon me in the Ešumeša temple I am one whose understanding was opened by Enki In Eridu he gave the kingship to me" P346570,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... a₂ mah šum₂-ma... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ šul... diŋir-re-e-ne saŋ... e₂-kur-re muš₃ nu... lugal kadra-še₃ maš₂... kiri₃... lugal šud₃-de₃ gub-ba... inim sag₉-sag₉-ge {d}en... ...ra-zu-ne {d}nin-lil₂... ... ... ...ka-aš bar-re... ...kur-re a₂ aŋ₂-ŋa₂...₂ kalam... niŋ₂-gin₆-na-ŋu₁₀-še₃... nun {d}li-pi₂... ...ŋu₁₀-še a-na... ...niŋ₂... ... ...gin₆-na me-en ...","I am one given strength by Enlil I am lipit-Ištar, his attentive youth I am the constant (attendant) of the gods In the Ekur I am its unceasing one I am the king who holds the goat kid to his chest as a greeting gift I am the one humbled and touching the nose in submission I am the king standing in prayer I am the one who makes words pleasant, who pacifies Enlil I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice I am the unceasing one serving Nuska I am judge who sets affairs straight when he is to make a decision I am adept at giving orders to the lands I established justice in Sumer and Akkad and sweetened the flesh of the land What can be abandoned because of my truth? I am lipit-Ištar, who sets the people in order What has ceased because of my justice? ... ... I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation" P346181,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...i₃-si-na₂-gi₄-a gal nir-ra₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ u₂-a-zu he₂-am₃ e-ne-ra mu-na-an-dug₄ šag₄-ba-tuku-am₃ ka-ta e₃-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ {d}nin-i₃-si-na-ka-še₃ ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub sun₅-na-bi mu-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ a-a {d}en-lil₂ diŋir ušum pa e₃ i-bi₂ nun-gal-e-ne en an-ki me-zu me-a dib a₂ aŋ₂-zu a₂ aŋ₂-ta rib sipad zid šag₄-ge pad₃-da-zu ...u₃-mu-un {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra ...ra-ba u₃-mu-ni ...ha-ra...eŋar ...še₃...ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub₂₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ mu pad₃-da-ŋu₁₀ me-en uŋ₃-ŋa₂ saŋ mi-ni-in-il₂ zi-ŋal₂-e ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi he₂-en-ŋal₂ kalag-ga saŋ-en₃-tar e₂-kur-ra ensi₂ eš₃ mah-am₃ u₄-ta-u₁₈-lu ki šen-šen-na-ka a₂-tah-zu he₂-am₃ hul-du-zu buru₅{mušen}gin₇ ha-ra-ur₄-ru zar-re-eš ha-ra-ab-sal-e ki-ru-gu₂ limmu₅-kam-ma nun {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ {d}nu-nam-nir-ra en dug₄-ga nu-kur₂-ru-de₃ uŋ₃ šar₂-ra-ba mu-ni im-mi-mah ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im {d}en-lil₂ me-en an-še₃ me-en ki-še₃ en me šar₂ me-en {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ nam dug₃ mi-ni-ib-tar-re šir₃-nam-gala {d}nin-i₃-si-na-ke₄","Ninisina, ... child of An, great bride of the lordly one(?) ... said to her “may Lipit-Ištar be you provider” It is the šagbatuku To his utterance, to that of Enlil, NinIsina(!) paid attention and answered him humbly Father Enlil, god who is an emergent ušum creature(?), foremost(?) of the great princes (Igigi) Lord of the universe, your me exceed (other) me(?), your commands surpass (other) commands(?) You shepherd chosen in the heart ... lord Lipit-Ištar After you(?) raised/carried ... among(?) May ... ... placed ... ... Enlil(?) paid attention to the spoken word of Ninisina He cries out truthfully to ... and decrees a fate Lipit-Ištar, you are the one I chose by name, (you) have raised (your) head among the people The people look towards (you) like their birth parents The powerful one, caretaker of the Ekur temple, who is ensi official of the supreme shrine Utaulu (Ninurta), may he be your helper at the place of combat May he gather up your enemy like small birds (in a net) for you, may he spread them out into sheaves for you It is the 4th kirugu Ruler Lipit-Ištar, Nunamnir, the lord who will not change his utterance, glorifies(?) his name among the many people It is the gešgigal “response” I am Enlil, heavenwards I am riding(?), towards the earth I am lord (of) the many cosmic powers(?) I will decree a good fate (for) Lipit-Ištar and therefore it is something that cannot be changed Song of the gala priesthood of Ninisina" P346182,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...aŋ₂-zu a₂ aŋ₂... ...u₃-mu-un {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra ...u₃-mu-ni-in-ze₂-eŋ₃ ...ha-ra-ab eŋar su kalam-ma mu-e-dug₃ mu-un-ši-bar na-aŋ₂ zid tar-mu-ni-ib ki-ru-gu₂ eš₅-kam-ma nun {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra nam-til₃ ud su₃-ra₂ saŋ-e-eš rig₇-ba-ab ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-kam inim dug₄-ga {d}nin-isin₂{si}na-ka-še₃ ...{d}en-lil₂-le ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub ...ra gu₃ zid mu-na-an-de₂-e nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ mu pad₃-da-ŋu₁₀ me-en uŋ₃-ŋa₂ saŋ mi-ni-in-il₂ ...e ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi he₂-em-ši-ŋal₂-le-eš ...en₃-tar e₂-kur-ra ensi₂ eš₃ mah-a šen-šen-na-ka a₂-tah-zu he₂-a ...gin₇ ha-ra-ur₄-u₃ zar-re-eš ha-ra-ab-sal-e ...","Father Enlil, god who is an emergent ušum creature(?), foremost(?) of the great princes (Igigi) Lord of the universe, your me exceed (other) me(?), your commands surpass (other) commands(?) ... for(?) lord lipit-Ištar After you give ... ... will ... ... put ... the pure place(?), you sweetened the flesh of the land ... looked at your ..., decree a fate (for him) It is the 3rd kirugu Nunamnir, dedicate a life of distant days to the ruler lipit-Ištar It is its gešgigal “response” To the spoken word of Ninisina ... Enlil paid attention He cries out truthfully to ... and decrees a fate Lipit-Ištar, you are the one I chose by name, (you) have raised (your) head among the people The people looked towards (you) like their birth parents The powerful one, caretaker of the Ekur temple, ensi of the supreme shrine Utaulu, may he be your helper at the place of combat May he gather up your enemy like small birds (in a net) for you, may he spread them out into sheaves for you ... ..." P346183,Old Babylonian,Literary," he₂-ŋal₂ ab sikil nesaŋ zag-mu...šu gal mu...du₇-du₇ nam-til₃-la urim₂{ki}ma-še₃ gun₂-bi im-mi-ni {d}suen-e nindaba si bi₂-in-sa₂ nibru{ki}še₃ nam-tum₄ e₂-kur-re e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la-še₃ bi₂-in-kur₉ {d}en-lil₂ nindaba-da hul₂-la nam mu-ri-in-tar ama ugu-a-ni nin gal {d}nin-lil₂...mi₂ zid na-mu-un-e₃ {d}suen-e {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra... nam {d}suen-i-din-nam sud-ra₂-še₃...e-de₃ šu bi₂... sipad sun₅-na gu₃ zid mi...nam-til₃ he₂... {d} i-din-nam gu₃ zid mi...nam-til₃ he₂-na... zi ud sud-ra₂ ŋal₂ nam tar-re...nam-e-eš he₂-en... ŋeš-šub-ba til₃-le ud da-ri₂-ka...saŋ-e-eš he₂-en-ba še saŋ-bi e₂-kur za-gin₃-še₃ ŋa₂-e ma-ra-e-dim₂ ninda gur₄ si-ma še hal-bi-gin₇ he₂-eb₂-ku-ul mu sag₉-sag₉ ud til₃-la itud silim-ma e-ne sig₁₀-ga-de₃-en e₂-gal-a-na sag₉-ga šag₄ hul₂-la šu du₇ mu-ne en {d} i-din-na-am sag₉-sag₉-ge mu-un-ba til₃-le niŋ₂-ba-bi he₂-me... {ŋeš}gu-za nam-lugal-la saŋ he₂-il₂...du-ri₂-še₃ he₂... ud ul-še₃ mu-ni i₃-gal-e kur šuš-mu-un-na-ab-ze₂-en ","He greatly perfected(?) the abundance of the pure shrine/sea(?), the nesag offering of the New Year To the harbor of life, the harbor of Ur he rode (with?) the load/tribute(?) Suen conveyed the nindaba food offering, he brought (it) to Nibru He brought it into the Ekur, the temple of Enlil Enlil, who was rejoicing at the nindaba offering, decreed a fate His birth mother, the great lady Ninlil, was faithfully treating him well Suen ... to Enlil and Ninlil He prayed so that the fate of Sîn-iddinam would be determined(!?) in perpetuity The humble shepherd who you speak with faithfully, ... life for him Sîn-iddinam, who you speak with faithfully ... life for him May a true decreed fate where there is long life(?) be decreed (for him) May a lot of living eternally be given (to him) as a gift(?) I fashioned(?) for you (food using?) the highest quality grain on behalf of(?) the shining Ekur So that the reputation of(?) the thick loaves sifted like sieved barley(?) is great/May its name(?) be collected/pecked at? like the open/divided/sieved(?) barley of a thick bread loaf with sifted (grain)(?) In order that you(?) establish (for?) him good years, days of living and months of well-being You will bring a suitably glad liver and rejoicing heart into his palace Sîn-iddinam has spoken good (words)/prayed and therefore you(?) will ... living as a gift/the gift (of?) living May the throne of kingship be exalted, may it ... forever (So that?) his name will be great until distant days, overwhelm (pl.) the land for him" P346261,Old Babylonian,Literary," {m}{d}en-lil₂-mas-su inim dug₃ ad gi₄ sag₉ ka lal₃ inim gun₃-gun₃-ra u₃-na-a-dug₄ dumu diŋir-ra-ni-ir gub-ba ama a-a-ni ni₂ teŋ₃-ŋa₂-e-de₃ u₃-ne-de₃-tah {d}alad {d}lamma diŋir kal-la-ŋu₁₀ uludin₂ alan zil₂-zil₂ me-te nam-dub-sar-ra ur-saŋ šag₄-tam-e-ne a₂ aŋ₂-ŋa₂ ki-bi-še₃ gi₄ šag₄ lugal-la-na dug₃-dug₃-ge-ra u₃-ne-de₃-peš {m}lugal-nesaŋ-e nu-eš₃ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ lu₂ zu₂ bir₉ lugal-a-na dumu zu-zu um-mi-a nibru{ki}a ad-da-zu na-ab-be₂-a ud i₃-tak₄-na-ŋu₁₀ ba-hu-hu-bu-uš-a šag₄-ŋu₁₀ mu-da-šub šaŋar immen₂-ŋu₁₀ ba-tur nam-zu ib₂-gu₇-en i-si-iš-zu ib₂-sig₉-ge-en mah-zu ib₂-sur-re-en bar-šeŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-e-zu ib₂-uš₂-en lib bar ke-ŋu₁₀-ta šu ba-e-dag ŋeštug₂ šag₄ tuku-tuku lib be₂-ŋar en₃ tar-tar-re-de₃ zi ba-ir ni₂ teŋ₃-teŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-de₃ šag₄-ŋu₁₀ mud₂ lugud ba-ab-si ki nam tar-ra nu-ub-da-ŋen-na-aš dug₄-ga {d}en-lil₂-le muš₃-me-zu igi he₂-bi₂-duh ","After you speak to Enlilmassu, (the provider of) sweet words and good advice, the (possessor of) a “honey mouth, who is charming ... you repeat, My alad spirit, my lamma spirit, my valued (personal) god (Akkadian, the one of the side(?)), with good features and stature Embodiment of the scribal art Hero of the šatam officials, who restores commands to their place Who sweetens the heart of the king, after you (say) a third time to him Lugalnesage, the nu'eš priest of Enlil, the jester of his king Son of Zuzu, master (scribe) of Nibru, it is (him who) speaks (thusly) When I was abandoned, (I) was “cut down""(?) My heart fell, my (interest in) eating and drinking diminished Your destiny(?) consumed me, your lament silenced me(?) Your greatness (i.e., arrogance) has twisted(?) me Your fog(?) has killed me (For the time being) I have abandoned my attentiveness (to you) I was silent to(?) listening (to you) and pondering (you?) (I) have been distressed to inquire after (you) (In order) to be afraid(?), my heart has filled with blood and pus (But) because(?) it (this plight?) not yet gone into the “place of fate""(?) May the command of Enlil make me(?) see your face (again) ""Long-tablet"" of Nannameša Your annoyance has killed me The silence confines me in my place(!?) My ear is set (to hear) you And I am quiet" P346154,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... inim mah... id₂-lu₂-ru-gu₂ a-ra₂ mah-zu nu... mu-še₃ mu-ri-in-še₂₁ lu₂ zid kug-sig₁₇ mu-un-dadag... lu₂ erim₂-e u₄-za-ha-al-e ba-ab-šum₂-mu... umuš ŋalga dim₂-ma ga zid-de₃-eš gu₇-a e-ne ad gal du₁₁-du₁₁ gal-zu mah dumu saŋ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...mah u₃-tud kilib-ba-bi šuš₂ mu-e-šum₂-mu {d}asar-lu₂-hi ŋeštug₂ bad a-a-ni-gin₇ gal... igi ŋal₂ tuku niŋ₂-nam bur₃-bur₃-e e-ne-ra... alan mah an-ki-a me niŋ₂-nam-ma igi zu-zu dumu ŋeštug₂ daŋal šu du₇ a-ra₂ ŋeš gal gi hal-hal-la-ke₄ {d}asar-lu₂-hi balaŋ mah nam gal tar-re šu bar a-ra₂ niŋ₂-nam nu-zu-zu diŋir gal an-ki-še₃ me ba-a mu₇-mu₇ mu-e-šub-eš diŋir igi sag₉ igi niŋin nam-lu₂-lu₇ uludin₂ hi-li su₃ tibir rah₂ gal-an-zu kiŋ₂ gal-le ak ad gal di-kud eš₃ mah-a inim-ma nu-kam₃-me a-ra₂-ni mah šir₃-ra-ni ga-am₃-ed₃ mu-ni pa ga-am₃-e₃ saŋ gun₃-gun₃-nu abzu sukkal mah eridu{ki}ga {d}asar-lu₂-hi nir-ŋal₂ enkum ninkum abgal abrig₂ en ... ka kug ba-a-zu igi-bi hu-mu-un-ši... ud-šu₂-uš-e e₃-bi za-ra hu-mu-ra-an-sig₁₀-ge₅... šu sikil ŋiri₃ sikil niŋ₂-nam ku₃-ku₃-ug šu-luh dadag-ga nam-šita₄ e₂-abzu zu₂ keš₂-bi za-e-me-en kuara{ki} iri ki-aŋ₂ šag₄-ge pad₃-da-zu hul₂-la hu-mu-u₈-da-an-tuš {d}asar-lu₂-hi nun šag₄ daŋal mu-še₃ mu-ri... igi bar-bi-še₃ mi-ni in... ... nam-ereš-e... ...","... Supreme word ... “River of the ordeal, no one ... your supreme flow” He named you You purify the true man (like) gold You will furnish the evildoer with(?) disappearance Faithfully consuming intellect, counsel, and intelligence (as if they were) milk(?) How he is speaking with a great voice Supremely intelligent one, eldest son of Enki You gave ... that covers(?) everything that the supreme ... gave birth to(?) Asalluhi, (possessor of) profound intelligence, like his father... Possessor of insight, penetrating everything, for him ... Supreme purification priest that surveys the cosmic power of everything in the universe Son who exemplifies broad wisdom, (whose) way (is) a great tree(?) of the split reed(s) (i.e., among splitting reeds?) Asalluhi, supreme gu4(u) functionary, determining the great fate(s) Whose “release” (is a) way/decree of which nothing is known When great An allocated the cosmic powers to the universe They (the members of the divine assembly?) cast (i.e., assigned?) incantations/murmuring (upon) you (as your lot) God with a beautiful face, surveyor of humanity (Possessing) features that exude allure, superior work of the skilled metalworker” Great voice/adviser(?), judge of the great shrine whose word will not be changed His way is supreme, I want to intone his song, I want to make his name manifest One who is possessed of a variegated head(?) of the Abzu, supreme vizier of Eridu Asalluhi, authoritative one May the enkum and nenkum functionaries The abgal, agrig, ..., ..., and the en(?) and ereš-digir(?) functionaries May they(?) look(?) towards the utterance of your holy mouth Daily may they prepare the exit for you (Possessor) of pure hands and feet, who purifies everything, who cleanses the šuluh ritual You are the one who organizes the namšita functionar(ies) of the Eabzu temple (In) Ku'ara, your beloved city that was chosen in the heart May you dwell joyfully (there) Asalluhi, the ruler with a broad mind (Enki?), ... named you(?) (there) Towards their/its sight ... ... ladyship ... ..." P346150,Old Babylonian,Literary," sipad zid kalam-ma zid-de₃-eš tud-da engar gana₂ daŋal-la he₂-du₇-am₃ ši-im-da-ŋen nindaba gal-gal-da ŋeš-la₂-bi nu-mu-un-gub e₂-kur za-gin₃-še₃ {d}en-lil₂ a₂-dam kug ki-a hur-ra-za nibru{ki} iri...ni₂-za ši-im-mi-du₃-du₃-a ki-ur₃ kur ki sikil su-a bi-dug₃-ga ub-da limmu₂-ba ba dur-an-ki ki ba-e-ni-tag-ga sahar-bi zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra... kug huš-a uš₈...gin₃... ... ... šita kug me... kur gal {d}en... iri{ki} nu-du₃... tur₃ nu-du₃ amaš... lugal nu-il₂-e en nu-u₃-tud lu₂-mah ereš-diŋir maš₂-a nu-mu-un-dab₅-be₂ erin₂-e šagina ugula nu-tuku-tuku id₂-de₃ a-eštub{ku₆} bi nu-du-un-du-un egir-bi ab su₃-a si li-bi₂-ib-sa₂ kun nu-mu... ab-e erim₃ dugud ni₂-ba nu-mu-un-u₃-tud ...engur-ra-ke₄ ŋeš-gi-a nunuz nu-mu-ni-ib₂-nu₂-nu₂₄ ki daŋal-la gud₃ la-ba-ni-ib₂-us₂-e ","Its supreme farmer, the true shepherd of the land Born faithfully on a good day The farmer is the ornament in the vast field And therefore he comes(?) with many nindaba offerings (And therefore?) silence has not set into the sparkling Ekur Enlil, when you designed the pure settlement in the ground And therefore had Nibru ..., built in(?) your own city (And) sweetened the flesh (of) the Ki'ur complex, the mountain, the pure place (And) planted Duranki in the midst (of?) the 4 corners Its soil(?), the life of the land and the life of the (other) lands Its brickwork (consisting) of reddish gold(?) on(?) a foundation of lapis lazuli Prayed to him (with?) the holy šita prayer/ritual arrangement and the holy me (10) Great Mountain Enlil, without you Cities would not be built, settlements would not be founded The cattlepen would not be built, its sheepfold would not be accumulated(?) The king would not be exalted, the lord/en priest(ess) would not be born The lumah priest and erešdigir priestess would not be chosen by extispicy Among the troops neither general nor sargeant would possess (command over them) In the river/canal, the carp flood would not excavate the higher land Its end would not function properly in the deep(?) sea, (its) “tail would not undulate” (i.e., leave a wake) The sea would not have given birth to heavy (laden) treasure houses(?) by itself The fish of the deep water would not have laid eggs in the reedbed The bird of heaven would not found a nest in the broad earth" P346603,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ezem gal-gal-bi uŋ₃... ...en-lil₂ {d}uraš... abzu barag kug-ga... ...sig itima{ma} kug... e₂-kur e₂ za-gin₃ ki-tuš... ni₂ me-lim₄-bi an... ŋissu-bi kur-kur-ra ša-mu-un... muš₃-bi an-šag₄-ga-aš ša-mu-un... en-en-e-ne barag-barag... nindaba kug-ga si mu-un-ne-eb... ...siškur₂-ra u₃-gul mu-un-ne-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...en-lil₂ sipad zid bar-ra-zu ...zid de₂-a kalam-ma il₂-la-zu ...šu-ni-še₃...ŋiri₃-ni-še₃ ...ra ki su₃ŋa₂-ŋa₂ amagi-gin₇ du₇...niŋ₂ ki-šar₂-ra-ke₄ ...da-ri-a gu₂-un dugud-da-bi... ... ...dug₄ e₂ niŋ₂ ra-ke₄ ...nindaba si bi₂-in-sa₂ši im-mi-in-tum₃ ...zid teš₂-ba lu-a ...niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂-la-kam pa e₃-ši bi₂-in-ak mu-ni-in-sig₇ ...barag-ge si-a-na ...gin₇ an-ne₂ ši-gi₁₆-ib₃ ni₂-ba mu-un-ŋen ki-a ušumgal-bi-im ...diŋir mah-bi-im ...","The people spend their time in abundance by means of great festivals Enlil, your (earth goddess) Uraš/oval(?), exuding allure Your Abzu, greatly suited for the pure dais Your “deep moumtain,” the holy shrine, a place of relaxation Your Ekur, the lapis temple, supreme dwelling bearing an aura Its aura touches heaven And therefore(?) its shade stretches over the lands And therefore(?) its sacred space(?) opens up towards the midst of heaven The lords and rulers Brought the holy nindaba offerings there properly for (their benefit?) And ... pray/beseech him with šud prayers(?) and siskur rites Enlil, your shepherd that you looked at faithfully The one (you) called to faithfully, the one you elevated in the land The land to his hand, the land to his feet (You make?) the (most) distant place of the land(s) submit to him Accumulated(?) like frost, that of the entire universe Its weighty mašdaria deliveries and tribute ... ... He brought in regularly into the treasury He conveyed nindaba offerings into the supreme courtyard He brought(?) them into the Ekur as heaps Enlil, true shepherd of that which teems(?) together He is the herder and leader of living things He made his great princeship manifest(?) He made the pure crown and pectoral(?) verdant/beautiful(?) on (his body) In the Tumuhursag temple, where he resides on the dais He shall lay across(?) heaven like a rainbow He went by himself as a floating cloud He is the only ruler(?) of heaven, he is the ušumgal creature of the earth He is the supreme god of the Anuna" P346327,Old Babylonian,Literary," lu₂-lu₇ diŋir-da nu-me-a nu la-ba-gu-le-en nu la-ba-tur-re-en id₂-da ed₃-de₃-bi ku₆ nu-dib-be₂ a-šag₄-ga ed₃-de₃-bi maš-da₃ nu-dib-be₂ di gal-gal-e sa₂ nu-ub-be₂ kaš₄ i₃-ib₂-e sa₂ nu-ub-be₂ tukumbi diŋir-ra an-na-kam niŋ₂ mu še₂₁-a an-na ŋar-ŋar ","If a man is without a personal god You will neither be increased nor diminished (During) the “descent” into the river a fish will not pass by (During) the “descent” into the field a gazelle will not pass by Great judgements(?) will not occur regularly (Even if) he runs (i.e., hurries?), it will not occur readily If (his) god (says) “Yes!” Anything that is named is given approval(?)" P346328,Old Babylonian,Literary," lu₂-u₁₉ diŋir-da nu-me-a u₂ la-ba-gu-le-en u₂ la-ba-tur-en id₂-da a dib-be₂ ku₆ nu-um-dib a-šag₄-ga-ni dib-be₂ maš-da₃ nu-um-dib di-ir-ga sa₂ nu-ub-du di gal-gal-la sa₂ nu-ub-du tukumbi niŋ₂ diŋir-ra-ni a-na... niŋ₂ mu...a-na... ","If a man is without a personal god You will neither be increased nor diminished (While) passing through the water(?) in the river, a fish has not passed by(?) (While) passing through his field, a gazelle has not passed by(?) The ritual arrangement(?) has not occurred regularly(?) Great judgments(?) have not occurred regularly If “that of his god” is approval(?) Anything that is named is given approval(?)" P346206,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... šeš...en šeš... kan₄ e₂-gal-la... u₃-mu-un si ma₂-gur₈-me he₂... nu-banda₃ {ŋeš}gigir₂-ra-me he₂-me-en kuš₇ {ŋeš}gigir₂ sar-ra-me he₂-me-en ad-da iri di kud-ru-me he₂-me-en mussa mussa ad-da-me he₂-me-en mussa gu₂ zig₃-ga-me he₂-me-en ...niŋ₂-ze₂-ba hu-mu... nam-til₃... ... ... ...daŋu₁₀ ŋa₂-e mu...ku₇-da šu-ni lal₃ lal₃-e ŋa₂-e mu-un-ku₇-ku₇-da a₂-šu-ŋiri₃-ni lal₃-e ku₇-ku₇-de₃ ŋa₂-e mu-un-ku₇-ku₇-da {sar} sag₉-sag₉...{sar}am₃... ... ...","May you be our brother, may you be our brother May you be our brother/standard(?) of/at the gate of the palace May you be our lord of the prow of the barge May you be our captain of the chariot May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot May you be our city elder who decides cases Son-in-law, ..., son-in-law, ... Brother(!?), may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse) Your having come is indeed life ... ..., my god(?)! He is the one that sweetens me(?) His hands (are) honey, his feet (are) honey that sweetens me(?) His limbs (are) sweet honey that sweetens me(?) The beautiful hiz plant ..., it is the hiz plant that he has watered" P346207,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...lam-lam-ma... i-bi₂ sag₉-sag₉ mu-un... šeš-me he₂-me-en... kan₄ e₂-gal... u₃-mu-un si... nu-banda₃ {ŋeš}gigir₂... kuš₇ {ŋeš}gigir₂ sar-sar... ad-da iri di kud-ru... mussa mussa... šeš mussa ad-da... mussa gu₂ zig₃-ga-me he₂... ama-ŋu₁₀ niŋ₂-ze₂-ba hu-mu-u₈-da... im-ma-ŋen-na-zu na-aŋ₂-til₃ na-nam e₂ kur₉-ra-zu he₂-ŋal₂-la-am₃ da-nud-da hul₂-la diri... ze₂-ba-ŋu₁₀ ki-nud...ze₂-ba an-ze₂-eŋ₃-i-de₃-en ","Flourishing ..., ... his birth mother Brother(!?) with a beautiful face, he has advised his father May you be our brother, may you be our brother May you be our ... of/at the gate of the palace May you be our lord of the prow of the barge May you be our captain of the chariot May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot May you be our city elder who decides cases Son-in-law ..., son-in-law ... Brother, may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse) Your having come is indeed life When you enter the house, it is abundance ""I want to lie down” is my surpassing rejoicing My sweet, let (us?) delight ourselves(!?) in the bedroom" P346229,Old Babylonian,Literary," šag₄-tum₂ eden... ... u₂......gir₅-re ... an-eden-na mu-un-kiŋ₂ nu-mu-ni-in... {d}li₉-si₄-na er₂ im-ma-an-pad₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... tumu nim-ma kiŋ₂-a-ni ba-an-tum₃ tumu sig-ga ka ba-a-ni ba-an-tum₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na keš₂-da ni₂ mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄-e ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ma-ra-gi₄-gi₄-ne dur₃ ŋu₁₀ gal₅-la₂ kalag-ga-ŋu₁₀ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ildum₂-ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-an-kud ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne amar-ŋu₁₀ haš₄-bi hul-a-bi ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...ka-nu-um tir-ra-a-ni kud-de₃ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...id₂-da šu₂-šu₂-ke₄ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...a-šag₄-bi a de₂-a-bi ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...dib-ba-ŋu₁₀šeš₄-šeš₄ ...šukur sig₉šeš₄-šeš₄ ...u₃-suh₅ mu-da-an-kud {ŋeš}lam-ba mu-un-da-an-nud ...am₃-dug₄ i-lu ga-am-dug₄ ...{sila}ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ildum₂-ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ...ŋu₁₀ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ henzer-ŋu₁₀ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ buru₅{mušen} gud₃-bi hul-a-bi i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ amar-ŋu₁₀ haš₄-bi hul-a-bi me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ak-ka-nu-um tir-ra-ni kud-de₃ ga-am₃-dug₄ ku₆-ŋal₂ id₂-da šu₂-šu₂-gin₇ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ mu-un-gar₃ a-šag₄-bi a de₂-a-bi me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ a-ba-še₃ ga-di a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ur-ŋu₁₀ ama-ŋu₁₀ ba-an-gurum me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ama-ugu-ŋu₁₀ ga-ša-an-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ ur-ŋu₁₀ ba-an-gurum me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di nig arhuš nu-tuku ga-mu-un-na-di-di {d}li₉-si₄-na šag₄ sag₃-ga-ni-ta dil-ni ba-da-an-tuš me-li me-e šu ba-ni-in-teŋ₄ saŋ-dili-gin₇ ga-tuš ga-er₂-ra usar-gin₇ nu-tuku ni₂-te-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ga-gu₇ ma-la-gin₇ nu-tuku ni₂-te-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ga-gu₇ {ŋeš}i-dub e₂-ŋu₁₀ nin₉-ŋu₁₀ he₂-am₃ {ŋeš}si-ŋar e₂-ŋu₁₀ šeš-ŋu₁₀ he₂-am₃ ŋu₁₀ ze₂ dur₃ ŋu₁₀-še₃ er₂-ra ga-an-na-an-til₃ dur₃ ŋu₁₀-še₃ še ša₄ ga-an-na-an-til₃ šu-ŋu₁₀ he₂-e₃ saŋ-ŋa₂-ni-še₃ zi he₂-e₃ teŋ₄-ŋa₂-a-ni-še₃ ab₂-gin₇ pel₂-la₂-bi gu₃ im-me eme₇-gin₇ gu₃ he₂-ni-de₂ dur₃ ŋu₁₀-še₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na gig-ba-bi gu₃ im-me {d}li₉-si₄-na sug-e gu₃ he₂-ni-de₂-a-ba ...id₂-da-ke₄ de₂-a-ba ... ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-gur dur₃ ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...dur₃ ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...ŋu₁₀ dur₃ ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...dur₃ ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ...ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ...dur₃ ŋu₁₀ a-ba-še₃ ga-di na-ab-be₂ ga-di ... ...igi nu-mu-ni-du₈-a {d}li₉...gig-ga-bi gu₃ im-me šu-ni du₇-e₃...ŋa₂-ni-še₃ re du₇-e₃...ŋa₂-ni-še₃ ab₂-gin₇ pel₂-la₂-bi gu₃ im-me eme₇-gin₇ gu₃ de₂-de₂ dur₃{sila₄}ni-še₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-da-an-šub bar-ta ba-da-an-tuš ama {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-da-an-šub bar-ta ba-da-an-tuš saŋ-ŋa₂-ni-ta kur-ŋar-ra in-ŋar teŋ₄-ŋa₂-ni-ta nam... in-ŋar i-bi₂-ni-ta er₂-ra in-ŋar iri tuš-u₃-de₃-en ba-ra-na-tuš-u₃-de₃-en iri{ki}ni ki-sikil he₂-am₃ me-e-li-e₂-bi he₂-am {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-ra-e₃ ama {d}li₉-si₄-na dili-ni ba-da-an-tuš ud lu₃-a-ŋu₁₀ ud...a-li-ŋa₂-ŋu₁₀ {d}li₉-si₄-na...kal-kal-la-am₃₃ ","In(?) the pasture(?) and the plain ... ... slipping/diving(?) ... She sought ... in the high plain, she did not ... there Lisin wept, she was making sobbing noises She brought her seeking high(land) wind(?) She brought her loud (lit. mouth opened/speaking) low(land) wind(?) Lisin, who was bound to(?) the gate, weeps (by) herself(?) They will return him for me, they will return him for me They will return my young male donkey, my mighty policeman, for me ... cut him off from my clan, (but now) they will return him for me My calf, the one whose thigh is shattered(?), they will return him for me The wild donkey whose thicket is being cut, they will return him for me The canal inspector whose river is being emptied(?), they will return him for me The farmer (absent due to/during?) the irrigating of the(?) field, they will return him for me (With) my chest (with) breasts/nipples seized/having seized (i.e. stopped milk flow?) (its) breasts/nipples(?) ..., ... she weeps ... for him (With) my left side filled with (i.e., pierced by)/torn by(?) a pin/thorn/lance, ... she weeps(?) ... for him At that time, ... cut down conifer tree, ... and laid it down among its saplings I want to lament, I want to lament (For) my young male donkey(?) who ... has separated, I want to lament (For) my one who ... has separated from my clan, I want to lament (For) my sprout/neophyte(?), I want to lament (For) my baby, I want to lament (For) the sparrow, whose nest is destroyed, I want to lament (For) my calf/chick(?), the one whose thigh is broken, I want to lament (For) the wild donkey whose thicket is being cut, I want to lament (For) the canal inspector whose river is being emptied(?), I want to lament (For) the farmer (absent during?) the irrigating of his field, I want to lament I shall go to the rear (of the temple, i.e. sanctum?), I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) My dog, my mother, has curled up, (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) My birth mother, Ninhursag My dog, has curled up, (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) The merciless bitch, I shall repeatedly go (to her) for him Lisina sits alone in (the dust?) due to her grief ""Woe(?) is me,” she (Ninhursag) accepted (this lamentation?) Like (one who is) alone, I want to sit and weep Like (one) who has no neighbor, I want to eat by myself Like (one) who has no girlfriend/female neighbor, I want to eat by myself May the threshold of my house be my sister May the bolt of my house be my brother My sweet voice(?) shook(?) the marshes On behalf of my young male donkey, I want to live there weeping for him On behalf of my young male donkey, I want to live there moaning for him May my hand come out towards my(!?) head May (my?) ... breath/life(?) come out towards my(!?) cheek(!?) Like a cow she cries out in desolation May she bray like a female donkey on behalf of my young male donkey Lisin cries out bitterly Lisin is the one who should(?) shout out in the marshes The ... of the river is the one who should(?) shout out in lament ... has turned away(?) my young male donkey, ... has turned away my young male donkey ... has turned away ..., my young male donkey ... has turned away my ..., my young male donkey ... has turned away ..., my young male donkey I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated my young male donkey, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... I ... shall not ... ... I shall go to ... ... I shall go to ... ... did not look at ..., lisin shouted bitterly May her hand come out towards her head May her ... breath/throat come out towards her cheek(!?) Like a cow she cries out in desolation Braying like a female donkey on behalf of her? young male donkey Lisin abandoned her city and dwelled outside of it Mother lisin abandoned her city and dwelled outside of it Apart from/by means of(?) her head she set the kurgara perfomer, she set ... apart from/by means of her cheek(!?) Apart from/by means of(?) her eye she initiated a lamentation For him(?) I shall not dwell (in) the city(?) that I am to inhabit(?) May her city be a pure place, and may she(?) be its (exclamation of) “woe""(?)) Lisin went out from her city Mother lisin dwelled apart and alone My disturbed day, my destroyed/forgotten day(!?) Lisin, who is the most precious(?) ... Who is(?) behind/after ... double ruling" P346152,Old Babylonian,Literary," dumu nun-e kug-ta e₃-a ba-zal-zal si ... kur me sikil eš₃ abzu šag₄...daŋal kur me... ki-ur₃ sug-ta me-lim₄ huš-a-zu muš₃ nam-dug₃-zu-še₃ nam-gal nam-mah-zu-še₃ saŋ im-ma-il₂-la₂ nam tar-re-de₃-eš a₂ mah mi-ni-in-su₁₃-un nam-lugal an-ki-zu an gal-e šu daŋal mu-ri-in-dug₄ nam-dumu nun gal-zu {d}en-lil₂-le nam-men šu mi-ri-in-du₇ nam-diŋir mah {d}en-lil₂ pa e₃ ma-ra-ni-in-e₃ a-ra₂-a a sig mah-zu-še₃ nam tar-re ki dug₃ ama dug₃ {d}en-ki šag₄ kug-ta ŋiri₃-zu-še₃ im-mi-in-ŋar {d}en-lil₂ nam-mah nam-en-na mi-ni-in-tud-de₃-en {d}nanna u₄-sakar-zu u₄-sakar imin-bi mu pad₃-da {d}en-lil₂ an-ki-ka mu-zu kug-ga mu mi-ri-in-pad₃ dumu nun-e nam-gal-zu an-ki-a pa e₃ im-mi-in-e₃ unkin mah nam{d}en-lil₂-la₂-na saŋ-e-eš mu-ra-an-rig₇ {d}en-ki-ke₄ du₆ eridu{ki}ta nam-men nam-mah-zu mu-ri-in-tar abzu mah du₆ eš₃ eridu{ki}ta nam-en gal-zu-še₃ lugal an-ki-ke₄... a nam-gal-zu-še₃ ba-an-dug₄ {d}nanna saŋ-zu il₂ {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne-er ha-la ba-an-pad₃ me sikil šag₄ hul₂-la-ka-ne-ne ki-tuš kug im-mi-ni-in-tuš-un diŋir gal-gal-e-ne nindaba-eš ba-an-pad₃ zag-gu-la₂ šag₄ hi-li mahš diŋir-re-e-ne siškur₂ šag₄ hul₂-la-ne...mi-ni-in-šum₂-šum₂ ki-mah ki kug-ga mi-ni-in...un {d}nanna ki kug-ga ki-tuš kug mi-ni-in-tuš-un {d}en-ki-ke₄ ki-tuš ma-ra-ab-sikil-ešen-e an mu-ra-ab-kug-ge ki mu-ra-ab-šen... e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ e₂ tir {ŋeš} barag mah-zu ki kug-ga ma-ra-ab-ak izi-ŋar an-ki-a ŋeš-hur šu-luh mah-zu si ma-ra-ra-sa₂-e ...zu banšur ki kug-ga ma-ra-ab-šen ...kiŋ₂-sig-ga kiŋ₂-sig kiŋ₂-nim-zu ma-ra-an-sa₂ ...ha ma-ra-ab-ku₃-ug ma-ra-ab-šen ... ...mi-ni-in-pad₃ {d}en-ki abzu-ni u₃-tud šu-luh mu-ra-an-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {d}ku₃-su₁₃-e šu-luh-ha ba-ni-gub e₂ ni₂-bi u₃-tud šag₄ bar-ba gir₄ gud udu ninda eš₃ bar-ba šu-luh kug-ga e₂-e i₃-im-sikil-e saŋ ba-ab-ha-za a₂-šu-ŋiri₃ ba-an-durun-uš šu-luh-ha kug nu-šub-bu-še₃ sug mah daŋal kug-ga-ta nam-bi im-ta-e₃ e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ barag mah kug-ga me gal mah an-ki-a šu du₇ kug-ta peš₁₀ mah a tu₅-a-zu i₃ hur-saŋ su kug-ga ŋal₂-la-zu {d}nanna barag mah-zu dur₂ ŋar-ra gada-mah aga saŋ il₂ si mul suh-gir₁₁ nam-men-na i₃ mah i₃ nam-men i₃ unkin gal-zu su-bar kug-ga-ka kar za-gin₃ kar mah kar kug-ga-na {d}nin-gublaga-ke₄ en šu im-ma-an-kug-ga {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}ta šu-bi i₃-im-sikil-e u₂-a-zu banšur unu₂ ki-gal-zu-še₃ šu kug ŋa₂-ŋa₂-zu-še₃ {d}ku₃-su₃-e šu sikil šu dadag ak šu im-ma-an-kug-ge {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}ta šu-bi i₃-im-sikil-e eš₃ abzu barag mah urim₂{ki}ma nam dug₃ gal tar-re e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ ki-tuš kug dug₃-ga-am₃ {d}nin-gal nin mah-bi ...kug ki nam-nin-za {d}nanna lugal-bi-ir e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ agrun kug-ga e₂ nam-lugal-zu {d}nanna {d}nin-gal ki-tuš mi-ni-ib₂-hul₂ {d}suen...en zu mah an-ki aga-zu aga mah-am₃ me-lim₄ huš an-ki-a ri-a...dil-im₂-babbar šu he₂-en-na-kug-ge an-gin₇ he₂-en-na-kug-ge...gin₇ he₂-en-na-šen-e šag₄ an-na-gin₇...en-na-dadag-ge aga kug saŋ...em-ma-il₂-e ...suen-e en zu mah an-ki barag sikil-la šu du₇ ... babbar-e saŋ-men aga zid-da si mul mah... saŋ im-ma-il₂-e... i₃ kug i₃ sikil i₃ dadag-ge","Princely son, emerged from the pure ..., spending time(?), ... his(?) horn ... The mountain of the pure me, shrine Abzu, broad ..., mountain of the ... cosmic powers The supreme foundation ... Your reddish aura ... from/in the marshland/throne(?) (You are) the one whose(?) head is raised on behalf of your goodness as well as your greatness and supremacy You sail/run/spread out supremely(?) in order to(?) determine fate Great An broadly put your kingship of the universe at your disposition (As for?) you great status as princely son, Enlil has perfected your lordship(?) Enlil has made (your) supreme divinity manifest The determination of fate on behalf of the way (i.e. flow?) of(?) your supreme cold water(?), the sweet earth, the sweet mother(?) Enki at the inner(?) ... has set at your feet Enlil engendered you into (a role of) supremacy and lordship Nanna, your crescent is invoked by the name “the seven crescents""(?) Enlil uttered your name, which is holy, for you in the universe Princely son, he made your greatness manifest in the universe The supreme assembly has bestowed upon you his Enlil-ship Enki at the mound(?) of Eridu determined your lordship and supremacy for you At the supreme Abzu, the mound(?) of shrine Eridu, on behalf of your great lordship The king of the universe, ..., spoke on account of your greatness Nanna, he has selected as (your) share your(?) exaltedness among the Anuna gods He seated you/made you dwell (in?) the holy dwelling(!?) among(?) their heart-gladdening(?) pure cosmic powers He has chosen the great gods for nindaba offerings They sat in the family shrine(?), (its) midst filled with supreme allure He has given the gods heart-gladdening siskur offering/ritual there He sat you in the supreme place, a pure place He sat(!?) you in the supreme place, a pure place Enki purifies the dwelling, he sanctifies the ... place(?) He purifies heaven for you, he sanctifies earth for you The Ekišnugal temple, the temple that is a forest of cedar trees, ... He prepares your supreme dais (in?) a pure place for you, it is(?) the torch(?) of the universe He properly executes your supreme plans and cleansing ritual for you He purifies the Dumah, your ... dining hall (and?) the table of(?) the pure place for you In you morning meal, in the afternoon meal, your afternoon and morning meal(!?) He has set the loads of(?) nindaba offerings in order for you He purifies and sanctifies the temple of(?) the cleansing rites(?) for you ... ... chose/named ... there Enki, the engenderer of his Abzu(?), sets up/initiates the cleansing ritual for you there Kusu has served in conjunction with(?) the cleansing ritual, in(?) the temple fashioned by itself At the outside of the inner ... the oven (for) bulls, sheep, and bread(?) at the outside of the shrine, (with?) the holy cleansing ritual In the temple he purifies, he(?) has been ready(?), (his) limbs sit (idle?) In order that the holy cleansing ritual is not abandoned, (from) the supreme marsh From the broad and pure ..., its fate emerges The Ekišnugal temple, supreme and holy dais, equipped with the great and supreme me of the universe When you wash at the holy ..., (on?) the supreme bank When you put (i.e., apply?) oil of the mountains (on your) pure body Nanna, (when) you sit on your supreme dais The gadamah garment, the exalted crown (with) shining horns, the pectoral of lordship Pure oil, holy oil, sanctified oil The supreme oil, the oil of lordship/en priesthood, the oil of the great assembly, it is of (i.e., on?) the holy body In his blue quay, his supreme quay, his pure quay Ningublaga, the lord who has purified the hands (And?) Enki purify the hands in the Abzu of Eridu In order that you set pure hands(?) towards(?) your food and drink(?) (upon?) the table (of?) your dining hall (on?) the platform Kusu, the one who(?) purifies hand and sanctifies hands, will purify the hands Enki purifies the hands in the Abzu of Eridu Determining a good and great destiny (for both?) shrine Abzu and the supreme throne of Ur The Ekišnugal temple is a pure and good dwelling, (and) Ningal is its supreme queen The holy ... is a pure place of your queenship for Nanna the king The Ekišnugal temple, the pure cella, the temple of your kingship Nanna and Ningal have rejoiced (in) the dwelling Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, your crown is a supreme crown Casting(?) a red/furious aura throughout the universe, ... Dilimbabbar, thus the hands(?) are pure for him Thus they are pure like heaven for him, thus they are sanctified like earth for him Thus they are clean for him like the midst of heaven(?) Thus ... in/of the universe raises (his) head (with) a pure crown Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, ideally suited for the pure dais Dilimbabbar(?), the crown, ... the true crown (with) supreme shining horns, Raises (his head)" P346155,Old Babylonian,Literary," en me-te kug-ga ni₂ huš gal gur₃-ru lugal-ŋu₁₀ en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ni₂ huš gal gur₃-ru ur-saŋ sur₂-du₃-a diŋir-re-e-ne lugal-ŋu₁₀ kiri₃-zal igi gun₃ ti mar-ru₁₀ šu du₇ nemur₂ banda₃{da} saŋ ŋeš ra-ra muš-huš šegₓ(|KA׊E|) gi₄-gi₄ tum₂-tum₂-ma bi-du₁₀ ušumgal ambar-ra guru₅ bur₂-ra u₁₈-lu lu₂-ra te-a nun saŋ mah kur šag₄-ga lug-ga eden saŋ dub₂-dub₂-bu lugal-ŋu₁₀ ka-zu en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ki-zu... {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ka-zu en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ki-zu... gada-la₂-mu₂ a-gin₇ ŋar-ra-zu šag₄-zu a-ba mu-un-zu {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da a-gin₇ ŋar-ra-zu šag₄-zu a-ba mu... inim kug-zu mu-un-zu-ra mu-un-zu nu-mu-un-zu-ra... nu-mu-un-zu-ra nu-mu-un-zu-ra mi-dim₂ mu-un-na... {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da nu-mu-un-zu-ra mi-dim₂ mu-un... inim mah-zu ki-še₃ du-a-ba muš-huš na-nam... id₂-da a-ŋi₆-a-gin₇ du₇-du₇ a-šag₄-ga ma-ru... ...lum a me ku₅-ku₅-ru ... ...šag₄ na mu-un... ... ...","Lord, holy ornament, bearing a furious and great aura My king, lord Ningešzida, bearing a furious and great aura Hero, falcon of the gods, my king, face sparkling (with) joy, equipped with arrows and a quiver Wild leopard who kills, screaming mušhuš creature ..., ušumgal creature rushing forth/gnashing its teeth(?) in the marshes, southern storm drawing near to man First, great ruler living in the mountain midst, smashing heads of sheep(?) in the plain My king, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningišzida, your place(?) ... Ningešzida, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningešzida, your place(?) ... My(?) linen clad priest, when you put ... thusly, who has known your thoughts? Ningešzida, when you put ... thusly, who has known your intention? For the one who has known your holy word, he has known it (to his benefit?), for the one who has not known he has not known it(?) For the one who has not known, for the one who has not known, ... Ningešzida, for the one who has not known, ... When you exalted word comes towards the earth/netherworld, it is indeed a mušhuš creature ... Thrashing in the river like(?) a flood, ... in the field like(?) a stormwind(?) Magilum(?), separating the ... high flood, u ... his own heart/midst ... ..." P346151,Old Babylonian,Literary," nin mul-an-gin₇ gun₃-a dub za-gin₃ šu du₇ {d}nisaba immal₂ gal {d}uraš tud-da šeg₉ naŋa kug-ga ga zid gu₇... gi-di imin-e ka ba... me gal ninnu-e šu du₇... nin-ŋu₁₀ a₂-nun-ŋal₂ e₂-kur-ra ušumgal unkin-e dalla e₃ {d}a-ru₁₂-ru₁₂ kalam-ma im-ta inim du₁₁-du₁₁ ki ni₂ si ud-da šag₄ kuš₂-u₃ kur i₃ he-nun-ta mi₂ zid dug₄-ga ŋeštug₂ gal-la kur gal-e tud-da ...zid dub-sar mah an-na saŋ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...ŋal₂ diŋir-re-e-ne mu₂-mu₂-de₃ ...en-na u₆ di-de₃ ...zid... ... ... ...munus... ...tur₃-ra i₃ he₂...amaš gara₂ he₂-me... e₂-niŋ₂-gur₁₁-ra kišib-la₂ he₂-me-en e₂-gal-la agrig zid he₂-me-en gur₇-du₆ gur₇-maš-a guru₇ gu₂ gur me-en nun-e {d}nisaba-ra mi₂ dug₄-ga a-a {d}en-ki za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga-am₃ ","Lady who is sparkling like a heavenly star, perfecting/equipped with a lapis tablet Nisaba, given birth to by the great wild cow Uraš Fallow deer(?) purified by potash(?), suckling nourishing milk ""Opening the mouth” of the seven flutes/pipes Perfecting the fifty cosmic powers My lady, the strong one of the Ekur temple ušumgal creature that is manifest in the assembly Aruru of the land, speaking words by means of clay(?) Taking counsel in the place filled with awe(?), of/in the day Taken care of by(?) the mountain(?) by means of the oil of abundance(?) One (possessing) great wisdom, sired by the Great Mountain (Enlil) True lady, the supreme scribe of An, the land recorder of Enlil Wise and attentive one of the gods In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows In order to admire/see the grain goddess Ezina of lordship (i.e., high quality) In order to faithfully take care of(?) the seven great thrones/rulers Nisaba, the true woman, the good woman, woman who was born in the mountain/netherworld Nisaba, in the cattlepen you shall be the oil, in the sheepfold, you shall be the cream In the treasury, you are the seal-bearer In the palace, you are the true steward You are the one who heaps up large and small grain piles The ruler who has taken care of Nisaba Father Enki, your praise is sweet" P346160,Old Babylonian,Literary," lu₂ e₂ munus-e niŋ₂ mi₂ dug₄-ga sahar e₂-ŋa₂-na tug₂ gin₆-na-a-ni... šul diŋ e₂-ŋu₁₀ kurun dab₅-ba-gin₇ lu₂ muš ŋir₂ e₂ ku₁₀-ku₁₀-ga niŋ₂-me-ŋar su₁₃-ga dam-a-ni tug₂ ba-an-dun mu-un-ši-sug₂-ge eš {d}nun-gal nin e₂-kur-ra za₃-mi₂ ","That man in(?) the “house of the woman""(?) is something that is cared for(?) In(?) the dust of my(!?) house his “true""(?) garment ... The young man has not ... his god My house (brings) the sky/god(?) (down for the man) as if seized by liquor (i.e., drunk?) Snakes and scorpions have filled the darkened house with stunned silence His spouse has laid the warp (for) the garment(?), (she and the other weavers?) are to serve him(?) Nungal, the lady of the prison Praise!" P346196,Old Babylonian,Literary," e₂ me ur₄ an-na ki-gal-la gub-ba me zid ur-saŋ-ŋa₂ barag-ge nun-e mu₂-a a₂ me₃ {ŋeš}mitum₂ tir ma-ru-da ni₂ gur₃ šeg₁₂ gurun nu-silig-ge temen ud lu-u₁₉-lu-za en-ul-e ŋar-ra eš-bar me nun-na-kam kur-ra ab-diri saŋ il₂ nun-e-ne e₂ mah u₆ e₃-zu ud-gin₇ muš barag-ge e₂-šu-me-ša₄ mu-zu {d}en-lil₂-le ni₂ huš ma-ra-ni-ri nun-zu tumu-e kur-e ur-saŋ-e ni₂ ri zag dab₅-ba ensi₂ gal {d}en-lil₂-la₂ nir an-ki-da zag šuš₂-a kišib-ŋal₂ si-ŋar a-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka me nam-gal šu du₇ gaba-ŋal₂ saŋ huš ri palil a-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂ kur gu₂-erim₂-ŋal₂ mu-na-gul-gul-e saŋ-kal piriŋ kur-gal-e tud-da e₂-šu-me-ša₄ e₂ {d}nin-urta-ke₄ muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂-ŋa₂-du₆-da...saŋ-ta il₂-la men an-eden-na ki kug sikil... e₂ temen-zu dim gal nun... nin-zu munus dili-e ŋa₂ barag... du₆-saŋ-dili muš-zu...ul am₃-mi... nun-zu šag₄ nu-dab-e... dumu nun kur-gal-da gu₂... {d}šu-zi-an-na dam banda₃... e₂ du₆-saŋ-dili... muš-za e₂ bi₂-in... barag-za dur bi₂-in-ŋar keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} uru₁₆ an-ki ša₃-tur₃ gal-gin₇ ni₂ ri-a e₂ {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ka ki-šur₂-a du₃-a keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} aratta{ki} šag₄-zu šag₄ sig bar-zu al-lil₂-la₂ piriŋ gal...eden-na ...eden-na hur-saŋ gal mu₇-mu₇-ta ri-a šag₄ an-si-an-na šag₄ iti₆ nu-e₃ {d}nin-tur₅-ra sag₁₂-ga e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} šeg₁₂-zu du₈-du₈-zu gi-gun₄-na za-gin₃ bar-zu du₃-a-za nun-zu nun šeg₅-šeg₅ egi₂-zid gal an-na dug₄-ga-ni an dub₂ ka ba-a-ni ud te-eš ta {d}a-ru-ru nin₉ gal {d}en-lil₂-la₂ e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-ŋar barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar ","Temple that gathers up the me of heaven, standing on the platform The true me of the hero(?), grown by the ruler(?) and the prince Carrying an aura along with(!?) the weapons of battle (including) the mitum weapon, the bow and the quiver Mighty brickwork that is unceasing, foundation of your storm/day of the southern wind/humanity(!?) Founded by the (ancestral deity) Enul(?), which was(?) the decision of (i.e., guided by?) the princely cosmic powers Great city(?) surpassing(?) in the mountain/land, one who holds the head high (among) the rulers Supreme temple, your emerging awe spreads (over?) the holy space like daylight Ešumeša, Enlil upon your name Has cast a reddish/furious aura Your ruler, the wind!(?), the mountain, hero, exuding an aura, surpassing Great ensi official of Enlil Authoritative one who rivals(?) heaven and earth Seal keeper of the bolt of father Enlil, perfecting the cosmic powers of greatness Forceful one, with a head that casts a reddish (aura)(?), foremost one of father Enlil He will destroy the land of the enemy for him Foremost one, pirig creature, engendered by the great mountain Ešumeša, temple of Ninurta He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Egaduda temple, ... raised by(!?) the head Crown of the plain, holy and pure place ... Temple, your foundation is the great bond of the ruler Your lady, the singular woman occupying the house and(?) dais Dusagdili temple, she gladdens your face/appearance(?) in the cella(?) Your ruler, who will not grow angry, surpassing in wisdom Princely child, who causes flourishing with the great mountain Šuziana, junior spouse of Enlil Edusagdili temple, ... She erected a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais Mighty/exalted(?) Keš, with the features(?) of the universe Exuding an aura like a great šatur snake Temple of Ninhursaga, built/planted(?) in a hole Important(?) Keš, your midst is a deep(?) midst, your outside is raised(!?) Great pirig creature who ... in the high plain, ... of(?) the plain Great mountain range laid down by means of noise/incantations (Possessing) an interior of twilight, (from whose) interior moonlight does not escape, beautified(?) by(?) Nintur Temple of Keš, your brickwork, your fashioned(?) brick (Your) temple-terrace, a lapis crown(!?) which is fashioned/planted at(?) your outside(!?) Your ruler (is) a “silent ruler,” the great egizid priestess of heaven Her command shakes heaven, her utterance (is) a loud(?) storm Aruru, the elder sister of Enlil Temple of Keš She erected(!) a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais" P346198,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... dumu...en... e₂... ... e₂... gi-sa... tar-sir-sir eš...mes-e... nun-zu ša₃-la₂ tuku... nin a... ... ... {d}... dumu ama-ni-ir... e₂ umma... muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂... e₂-še-er-zid... unu šuba la₂... idim gal niŋin₃-ŋar-ra... me zid me ak šu daŋal... zabalam₄{ki} eš₃ ... eš₃-zu ud... kurku₂ ad mi... unu₂ zid-zu nu-gig... kurku₂ ma-ra-ni... nin-zu {d}inana ... ušumgal lu₂ dili ur₂ dab₅-ba... niŋ₂ bar₆-bar₆ saŋ mu₂-mu₂... ki-bala-še₃ saŋ ŋa₂... ŋeš-he ni₂-te... dumu {d}suen-na {d}... e₂ ki zabalam₄... muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂ u₆ gal-gin₇ su huš ni₂ guru₃ eš-bar an-eden-na ud-ten galam e₃ e₂ {d}iškur-ra igi-zu-še₃ he₂-ŋal₂ aga-zu-še₃ kiri₃-zal temen ŋal₂-zu si piriŋ... alal kug ubur an-na šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) še... dub-la₂-za e₂-za am-si idim šeg₁₂ zid temen e₂-gar₈ ni₃ il₂-zu ...dungu ra...muš ...iti₆ ...nam-gu₇ {d}iškur a-mar ...{tumu}u₁₈-lu {tumu}mir imin ...{tumu}mir dal-dal ...ta im-ma ...{na₄}esi {na₄}... ... ... {d}en-lil₂ nam tar... e₂-sug₄-ga ŋiri₂ sar-sar zi saŋ-gig₂-ga me mah-am₃ an-e an-šag₄-ta mu-ra-an-šum₂ e₂-mah e₂ a₁₂-ra₂-bu e₂-zu a zal-le uz kug-ga eš₃ ŋa₂-ŋa₂-zu {d}nin...saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ keš₃{ki}ra dug₃ me gal...sikil-la šu-luh dadag {d}{aš}aš₇...adab{ki}ke₄ adab...id₂-de₃ la₂-a mušŋar ...e ki ŋar-ra ...un ...am₃ ... ...imin-e ad ŋa₂... nin a-zu gal kalam-ma {d}nin-i₃-si-in-na dumu an-na-ke₄ e₂ i₃-si-in{ki} muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂-igi-kalam-ma uš ki ŋar-ra hur-saŋ mu₂-a daŋal ki us₂-sa kur gu₂-erim₂-ŋal₂-e ...kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ ...{d}nin... ... ... muš-za e₂ bi₂-ib-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar {ki} eš-bar-e gal kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ e gi-ba kan₄ ni₂ me-lim₄ ŋal₂-la-za ŋeš-bur₂-zu muš-ša₃-tur₃ muš-huš gu₂₂ nun-zu sa ba-de₃ mah-di-bi he₂-du₇ me zid nam-galam-ma gal-zu {d}ištaran₄ e₂ muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂... e₂-sikil me sikil... me-bi galam... ... ...e₃ ...uŋ₃-bi...še₃ la₂ ...me₃ ... ... zid-da-bi kur du ga-bu-zu erim₂ sal-e nun-zu uru₁₆ mah ud ki us₂-sa₃ ni₂ huš gal ri-a ...lugal-zu {d}za-ba₄-ba₄ e₂ bi₂-in-ŋar barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar ...ŋeš-keš₂-kalam-ma ...nun gi₄-a diŋir-re-e-ne immal₂ te-en-te {gud}dam e-nir ŋa₂-ŋa₂ gu₃-de₂-a kar-zu kar sig a na₈-na₈ ...zu galam ka-ad ...mitum₂ an-ta bar-ra ...eš₃-lam la₂-a ...es₃-lam ... ...","Son of Enlil, lord Ningirsu Eninnu temple ... Egalgasud temple, storehouse that makes silver and lapis Into treasure Etarsirsir temple, enunciating/effecting(?) decisions and the cosmic powers, the hero who strokes the nose (in submission) Your prince, possessed of pity ... Lady, great physician of the black headed Šara, ... a good thing Who allocates the cosmic power to his mother Temple of Umma He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Ešerzidguru temple Inner sanctum hung with šuba stones Great spring(?), the nigar sanctary of ... Adorning/touching the true me, the exercised(?) me broadly Zabalam, shrine ... Your shrine at daybreak(?) She has found the voice of(i.e. found expression for?) the wish(?) (In) your true sanctum, the nugig midwife Laid down the wish Your lady Inanna, ... ušumgal creature grabbing the limbs(?) of the single(?) man Shining as something white Advancing toward the rebel land By her own doing the firmament is made beautiful(?) The child of Suen, Inanna Temple of Zabalam She erected a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais Temple bearing a reddish aura like great awe(?) Decision (renderer?), in(?) the plain an attacking(?) storm Temple of Iškur, before you is abundance, behind you is joy Your intact(!?) foundation(?) is a ... with the horn of a pirig creature(?) Pure drainpipe, breast/nipple of heaven, rain producing ...(?) barley At your pilaster, at your temple, (you are) a wild elephant True brickwork, your foundation (with?) a wall that bears an aura(?) ... thick(?) clouds(?), ... snakes and scorpions/GIRI snake(?) ... moonlight ... oppression(?), Iškur, a flood(?) The seven ... southern and northern winds ... the northern wind, the dust storm ... running from the horizon ... the mountain of diorite and ... stone Both(?) Enlil and Enki determine her(?) destiny Esuga temple, sharpened dagger(?) (At?) the throat of the black headed, the me that are great An gave to you from the midst of heaven Emah temple, the temple of Adab (In?) your temple, (in which there is?) flowing water(?) The holy shrine/treasury, your established shrine Ninhursaga for Keš Establishes(?) sweetly The great me, the pure ruin mound, the pure cleansing Ašgi, the god of Adab Adab, (possessing) a temple attached to the river/canal He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Isin, city founded by An He has built(?) it on a low center Its front is a flood, its midst is skillfully knotted(!?) Resounds(?) with the seven wishes(?) Lady, great physician of the land NinIsina, child of An The temple of Isin She erected in your sacred space She sat on your dais Eigikalam temple, (its) foundation set upon the earth Growing mountain range, set on the ground broadly(?) The enemy land Seeking? ... ... He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Dēr, greatly(?) effecting a decision, blocking(?) ... At your gate which possesses an aura and radiance Your(?) ornament/trap(?) embraced (i.e., catches?) the muššatur and mušhuš creatures Your ruler, the leader of the gods Exalted one of issuing advice, ornament(?) Of the true cosmic power of cleverness The wise one, Ištarān, king of the foundation(?) of heaven Edimgalkalam temple He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Esikil temple, its pure me are surpassing in the lands Its me are elaborate(?) and mighty When he opens his knees (as a predatory bird?), the evildoer does not escape When he establishes a triumph, rebel lands and cities(?) are destroyed When he frowns, the people are gathered(?) into sand dunes(?) Your ruler is a great lion who binds the enemy to his hand Your king is a reddish storm, a flood in the middle of battle Your(!?) right arm makes the mountain tremble Your left arm spreads out(?) (over) the enemy/spreads out the enemy (like sheaves?) Your ruler, supreme flood, storm touching the earth Exuding a great reddish/furious aura Eduba temple, your king Great ... Zababa He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Egeškešedakalam temple (Bull) whose horn cannot be turned back(?) of the gods The wild cow ... relaxing Wild bull establishing a lament(?) Kutha(!), your harbor is a clear harbor, (enough so) to drink water (from) Your interior is skillfully knotted Your mitum weapon is released(?) from heaven Your sacred space is a lapis pectoral(?) attached to the Meslam temple Your prince is Erra, king/god of the Meslam temple ..." P346634,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...nun-na gal pad₃-da...ri-a ...a la₂-a {gi}henbur sag₁₂-ga ...nam-he-a du₃-a ...ezem ŋal₂-la-zu...dug₃-ga-am₃ ...{d}en-lil₂-da zag ša₄-a ...nin-lil₂...nam-nir-ra-ka ... ... šag₄ erim₂-ŋal₂... ki-gal šu-luh sikil-zu nam-išib...he₂-du₇-za en {d}nu-nam-nir-ra u₂ mu-ni-su-su nun-zu nun šag₄ kuš₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ eš₃ mah-a tum₂-ma ...e₂-kur-ra kin-gal {d}nuska-ke₄ ...{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...e₂ bi₂-in-gub ...dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar ","Tummal, which found the princely and great cosmic powers(?), exuding an aura Your foundation (of) a pure cleansing ritual, suspended in the Abzu Ancient city, beautiful/verdant canebrake with old/dead reeds and reed sprouts Your interior is a mountain of abundance that was built in plenty (During) the first month of the year, when your festival takes place, ... is good The great lady of the Ki'ur complex rivals with Enlil Your ruler, Ninlil, the beloved spouse of Nunamnir Thickening/reversing(?) the blood(?) in(?) the heart of the evildoer The platform (that hosts?) your pure ritual cleansing, the art of the išib priest ... is your ornament(?) He dines with(?) lord Nunamnir Your ruler is a ruler who takes counsel (with) Enlil, suitable for the supreme shrine Protective udug spirit of the Ekur, commander Nuska Temple of Enlil He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais" P346637,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ha-mun-na...a kan₄ iri{ki}kug-še₃ ŋal₂-la-za ... ...","... ... in confluence At the gate that is oriented to/opened towards the Irikug precinct ..." P346199,Old Babylonian,Literary," e₂ dug₃ ki dug₃-ga du₃... e₂ keš₃{ki} e₂ dug₃ ki dug₃... ma₂-gur₈ nun-gin₇ an-na... ma₂-gur₈ kug-gin₇ si... ma₂ an-na-gin₇ muš₃... banda₃-gin₇ piš₁₀... e₂ gud-gin₇ murum... e₂ šag₄-bi-ta... a-ga-bi-ta... e₂... e₂... e₂ men gal an... e₂ {d}tir-ra-an-na an... e₂ muš₃-bi an-šag₄-ga la₂-a sig₉-ga ŋissu-bi kur-kur-ra dul e₂ an-ne₂ ki ŋar-ra {d}en-lil₂-le za₃-mi₂ dug₄-ga e₂ {d}nin-tur₅ eš-bar kiŋ₂ dug₄-ga e₂ keš₃{ki} gurun-na sig₇... keš₃{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga... ur-saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi-gin₇ rib... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba...igi mu-ni-in... e₂ min-kam-ma ","The good temple built in a good place The temple of Keš, the good temple built in a good place Floating like a noble barge in heaven Casting ... like a holy barge Like the boat of An, (it is) the sacred space/face(?) of the lands Waddling away from the shore like the junior/wild u bird Temple roaring like a bull, bellowing like a bull calf Temple, from its midst is the heart of the land From behind it is the life of Sumer Temple, great oval touching heaven Great Ezida shrine(?) touching heaven Temple, great crown touching heaven Temple, rainbow touching heaven The sacred space of the temple is suspended in the midst of heaven Its foundation? occupies the Abzu Its shade covers the lands Temple founded by An And praised by Enlil Decided by mother Nintur Temple of Keš, verdant (with) fruit Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 2nd temple" P346200,Old Babylonian,Literary," e₂ an-še₃ ki-še₃ 5(šar₂) e₂ an-še₃ ki-še₃ 5(bur₃) e₂ an-še₃ a-lim ki-še₃ lu-lim e₂ an-še₃ šeg₉-bar ki-še₃ dara₃-maš e₂ an-še₃ šeg₉-bar-gin₇ gun₃-a ki-še₃ durah-gin₇ gun₃-a e₂ an-še₃ muš-gu₇{mušen} sig₇-ga ki-še₃ {mušen} a šuš₂-a e₂ an...ud-gin₇ a ki-še₃ {d} barag₂-ga e₂ an-še₃ {ŋeš}lam {ŋeš}lam ki-še₃ {ŋeš}eren duru₅{ru}am₃ e₂ an-še₃ kur-ra-am₃ ki-še₃ idim-ma-am₃ e₂ an-ki-a eš₅-kam-ma-bi nam keš₃{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga-an-tum₂-mu ur-saŋ-bi {d}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib-ba ama ši-in-ga-an-u₃-tud nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba-ra a-ba-a igi mu-ni-duh e₂ eš₅-kam-ma","Temple, towards the sky it is 10 šar2, towards the earth it is 5 šar2 Temple, towards the sky it is 10 bur3, towards the earth it is 5 bur3. Temple, towards the sky it is a bison, towards the earth it is a red deer Temple, towards the sky it is a fallow deer, towards the earth it is a ram Temple, towards the sky it is speckled like a fallow deer, towards the earth it is speckled like a wild goat Temple, towards the sky it is a green mušgu bird, towards the earth it is an u bird covered by water Temple, towards the sky it comes out(!) like the sun, towards the earth it is covered by Nanna (i.e., moonlight?) Temple, towards the sky it is almond trees, towards the earth it is a sappy cedar/juniper Temple, towards the sky it is a mountain, towards the earth it is a spring It is indeed the 3rd temple of the universe Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 3rd temple" P346201,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...kug dib-be₂ e₂ nun ...keš₃{ki} kug dib-be₂ e₂ nun {d}a-nun-na me-eš nu-eš₃...e₂-an-na me-eš e₂-e lugal bur₃-ra am₃-mi-in-gub en šar₂ šag₄ {tug₂}ba₁₃ am₃-mi-in-la₂ a-tu-e šibir šu bi₂-in-du₇ tu am₃-mi-in... lal₃ e₂ kug-ga am₃-mi... ... kug am₃... pa₄-šeš-e-ne si mu-un... uru₁₆-uru₁₆ mu-un-ni-ib-be₂... si am-ke₄-eš gum₂-gum₂ mi... {ŋeš}al-ŋar-sur-ra suh₃-sah₄... tigi niŋ₂-dug₃-ge si ha-ba...₃ kiri₃-zal... ... ... ...{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂... ...saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄...ama ši-in-ga... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba...a-ba igi mu-ni-in... e₂ imin-kam... iri{ki}še₃ iri{ki}še₃ lu₂ teŋ₃ na... e₂ keš₃{ki} iri{ki}... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-še₃ lu₂ teŋ₃... ur-saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄-še₃ lu₂... keš₃{ki} du₃-a {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄... keš₃{ki} mi₂ dug₄-ga ama {d}nin-tur₅... ","Temple (into which) the pure(?) pass, noble temple Temple of Keš, (into which) the pure(?) pass, noble temple The temple, its en priests(!?) are the Anuna gods(!) Its nueš priests are the pillars/bonds of the Eanna temple At the temple the king stood/set up/brought/poured? ... at/among/in the stone bowls(?) The enšar priests (somehow a reflex of the primordial/ancestral deity Enšar?) wore the ba garment The atu priest held(?) the sceptre The tu priest brought/poured the “gathered(?) waters” The lalšaga(?) priest dwelled in the pure temple The pure enkum priests were there(?) ... The pašeš priests set ... in order(?) They were saying “uru'uru” In the manner of(?) a wild bull's horn ... blared The algarsura instrument rang The good tigi drum/song was (played) properly The temple is good, its joy is good ... Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 7th temple To the city, to the city, the one who approaches should not approach To the temple of Keš, to the city, the one who approaches should not approach To its lady Nintur, the one who approaches should not approach To its hero Ašgi, the one who approaches should not approach The builder of Keš, Ašgi, praise! The one who takes care of Keš, mother Nintur, praise!" P346640,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...lu₂ ši-in-ga-an-tum₂... ...saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib-ba ama ši-in-ga-u₃-tud nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba-ra a-ba igi mu-ni-in-duh e₂ ia₂-kam-ma ","Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 5th temple" P346641,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...ŋar-ra {d}en-lil₂-le zag...dug₄... ...eš-bar kiŋ₂ dug₄-ga ...gurun sig₇-ga ...rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga...tum₂... ...{aš}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib...ši-in... ... ...","... Temple founded by An and praised by Enlil Decided by mother Nintur Temple of Keš, verdant (with) fruit Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? ..." P346642,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {d}nin-tur₅...a-ba-a... ... e₂ dug₃ ki... e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.AN|){ki} e₂ dug₃ ki... ... nun-gin₇ an... ... kug-gin₇ ...₄ muš₂ kur... ...{mušen} banda₃-gin₇ piš₁₀-ta sur... ...gin₇ murum ša₄ ninda₂-gin₇ gu₃ nun... lipiš kalam... zi ki-en... ...eb-gal an... an... ...","Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the first house(?) The good temple built in a good place The temple of Keš, the good temple built in a good place Floating like a noble barge in heaven Casting ... like a holy barge Like the boat of An, (it is) the sacred space/face(?) of the lands Waddling away from the shore like the junior/wild u bird Temple roaring like a bull, bellowing like a bull calf Temple, from its midst is the heart of the land From behind it is the life of Sumer Temple, great oval touching heaven Great Ezida shrine touching heaven" P346337,Old Babylonian,Literary," {na₄}za-gin₃ in-tuku gud in-tuku kan₄ lu₂ še in-tuku ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e ","The one who has possessed silver The one who has possessed lapis The one who has possessed oxen The one who has possessed sheep (At) the gate (of) the one who has possessed barley Will spent the day there" P346339,Old Babylonian,Literary," kug tuku-e za-gin₃ tuku-e gud tuku-e udu tuku-e kan₄ lu₂ še tuku-ka ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e ","The one who possesses silver, the one who possesses lapis The one who possesses oxen, the one who possesses sheep At the gate (of) the one who possesses barley Will spend the day there" P346279,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...mah-e a... nu-duh... um-mi-in-hu-um...še₃ um-ši-in-ŋal₂-le... ... ŋa₂ ninda kum₂ ninda te-en-e si um-ma-ni... ...lum mah sag₁₀ ŋeštin-da šar₂-ra ...tur₃ kug-ga lal₃ ku₇-ku₇-da kiŋ₂ um-ma-ni... ...inim dug₃ {d}en-ki-ka-ta lal₃ um-da-šar₂-šar e₂-gal dug₃-ga-na ŋešbun ha-ba-ni-ib₂... ... sum₄ ba-du₃-a tur₃ amaš ki-gub-zu-um ...ru₁₀(TE)-da izi-gin₇ ŋir₂ ŋeš-gin₇ ba-ra-dim₂-en ...eme-bi sila limmu₂ ...urud-da ba-ra-am₃-da-sa₂-e zi₂-a niŋ₂-gu₇ maš₂-anše ...še₃ e₃-a kad₅ da {ŋeš}tukul-la...šu... in-še₃ mu-ni-ib₂... ...til₃-la ... ...saŋ mu-un... ... ... ...tigi mah ... ...di mu-na-ni... ...a... ...dub₂ aš₂ la-ga mu... ...ka-aš bar-me... ...","May the supreme ... have a contest for me In your ... with bindings(?) that are not loosened After ... snaps you off(?) in your thick(?) reed fence After he sets you towards the great cauldrons (for fuel) After hot and cold foods are set in order on my table(!) After superior quality dates mixed with wine After butter of the pure cattlepen, and sweetening honey are prepared After honey is mixed with (various) grades(!?) (of?) flour of the good word of Enki (i.e., purified by incantation?) Shulgi can have a meal in his good palace ... cheek(?), who fashions a beard(?), the cattlepen and sheepfold is your station And therefore(?) unlike wood you cannot be fashioned into arrowheads along with(?) the quiver, flashing(?) like flame And therefore(?) (regarding) the double dur axe, its “tongue” (i.e., blade?) an “intersection of streets” The mitum weapon, (or any) weapon of copper, you(!?) cannot coexist/vie(!?) with(?) (as a binding or handle?) The young reed is stripped of its foilage by the ox, (it is) fodder for livestock Little sprouts gone out to the wall, binding ... Arrows ... silent men(?) ... weapons Again the Tree insulted the Reed Reed at that time(?) ... a living person/sustaining someone(?) ... The insulter ... ... ... The great ala and tigi drums ... May our king judge our case and make a decision My king: Tree, my ward/subordinate(?) Has insulted (as with?) clods(?), he has cursed (as with?) clods(?) May our king judge our case and make a decision Shulgi was answering them" P346242,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...zu-še₃ im... ...da-ni ... ga-ab-sa₁₀ŋ₂-lu₂-lu₇ bun₂ du₁₁-du₁₁ ŋuruš iri...sig₁₀-sig₁₀-ge ki-sikil tur dag-gi₄-a til₃-la u₃...ku-ku gaba-ri-ŋu₁₀ me-en e-ne-eŋ₃ diri inim bal-e nu-sag₉ nu-nus sun₇-na šu-um-du-um nu-kal-la šag₄ gur₄ du₁₄ mu₂-mu₂ gu₃ de₂-de₂ ze₂-za ŋalga suh₃-e e₂-e an-na...ama₅-ni-še₃ la-ba-ab-du₇ šu dag-dag-ge ha-la-ni gu₇-gu₇ na₈-na₈ eŋ₃-gig-ga kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ bid₃-da... en-na-bi-še₃-am₃ du₁₄ mu-da-ak... i-bi₂ duh um-ma-ne muš₃-me-bi gi₄... saŋ-du siki sal ugu zi₂ saŋ sal... arkab muštug₂ šag₄... saŋ-ki gud i-bi₂ ze₂-ze₂ ka ha-az... ga-ba-al mu-du₃-du₃... hul de₃ kalam-ma nu-ga nu-nus... sig₇-sig₇-ga šag₄ lugud... gig₂-ga me-luh-ha{ki} dim₃ zid₂ mil lu₂-tumu... ib₂ gid₂ šag₄ ti-ki-il gu₂ gur₄ gaba ze₂... bid₃...gal₄-la tur siki gal₄-la gid₂-gid₂ pe...lu₂ šal-la pa₄-hal-la ... uš-a₂ me-en ...še-en-ka₆ mu...du₁₁ ...a ... ...un-ši-ku-ku ... ...","Her(?) two tongues ... Your(?) weakness ... Diluted beer ... Wheeler-dealer who is always standing around(?), the speech of humanity (for gossip) Enflaming, setting lies among the young men of the city The little girl(s) living in the district cannot sleep You are (really) my opponent? (Producer of) excess words(?), conversationalist/interpreter that is not good Haughty woman whose lips are worthless, feeling (too) wonderful (about herself?), starting arguments Shouter, croaker, (one whose) counsel is confused She has destroyed(!?) ... house/temple, it has not been suitable for the women's quarters Roaming/loitering (is) her inheritance share Eating and drinking, seeking the taboo item, her anus is scratched/cracked How long can she argue? (Possessing) the eyesight of the old women and the face of a servile laborer Thick/square-headed, (possessing) thin hair, a scraped/cut head?, a thin head(?) (Your) spouse (is like) a bat, you have emptied the contents of (his) ear/mind(!?) ""Trapezoid,” “cut/scraped eyes,” “seizing mouth,” scratched/cracked lips You will (really) quarrel with me? Destructive one/evildoer(?) of the land(?), unsuitable one among women (Emitting) sobbing noises/pale, (possessing) a heart pumping pus Black one of Meluhha, weak one (who eats only?) malt flour, idiot, one who is not set/inappropriate for (her) way (Possessor of) long hips, a bloated stomach, a thick neck, and a “broken” chest (Possessor of) an anus that is a “sheaf""(?), a small vagina, extremely long pubic hair A cracked/scratched(?) vagina, who (has) a blocked and afflicted womb(?) ... You are one (who says(?)) “do not behave like my ...” Prostitute who acts like a mongoose(?) in the tavern Marrying a spouse (and then) divorcing a spouse, idiot, an “I want to follow” among young women Coming up towards the vagina(?), a birth mother daily A dog with its paw raised ... behind men She does not let the young ... living in the district sleep" P346674,Old Babylonian,Literary," me-ta-am₃ am₃-di-di-in ga-ba-al nam-mu-du₃-en a₂-zu na-ma-tur ta-aš ga-ba-al nu-du₃-e-en ta-am₃ i-ri-ak šu-bi na de₅-ge₄ u₃ ba-ra...ku-ku-un ...sig-zu-um i₃-gu₇ ...","Where do you come from? Do not fight, your arm/power should not be too small for me(?) Why (should) I not fight? What did I(?) do? You(?) ..., and therefore(?), “one with the consecrated/instructing/separating hand(?)” I(?) cannot sleep What, idiot, have you slandered?" P346243,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...ra... ...gu₇-gu₇... ...du₁₁ inim lul-la... ...ze₂-eŋ₃-ze₂-eŋ₃ e₂ lu₂-ka... u₃...e šag₄ munus-e-ne... a a lu₃-lu₃ zid₂... in...us₂ in-tur-tur in-ar₃-ar₃... i-ni-in-du₈ i-ni-i-ni-in... eŋ₃ šu dug₄-ga-ni...ra₂-še₃ nu-mu... ma...ib₂-gi₄-gi₄-in lu₂-ki-e-ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂ na-aŋ₂-lu₂-tumu-ka gab₂-us₂ na-aŋ₂-lu₂-lu₇ lu₂...aŋ₂-gi₄-me-eš₃-ka lu₂ e-ne-eŋ₃ pad-pad-du di-da-ni nu-me-a tug₂ an-na-ab... lu₂...pu-uh₂-ru... al-suh₃-suh₃ al-ur₄-ur₄-ru al-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂... ...di tuku...a-na u₃-ba-e-gub e-ne... hul gig e-ne-eŋ₃ am₃... ...dur₂ šu ba-an-teŋ₄ am₃-ma-sar-sar... u₃ za-e na-aŋ₂-munus-e...en ...še-er nu-tuku na-aŋ₂-munus-e la-ba-ab-du₇{ŋeš} kiŋ₂-e š₂ ku₄-ku₄... e-sir₂-ra u₃-ba-e-gub in al... tar u₃...bal ŋiri₃-bi-da ba... pu-uh₂ u₃-um-gur teš₂₂ al... in-na...dub₂... e₂ kaš ŋal₂-la {gi}... e₂ tu₇ ŋal₂-la {ŋeš}... e₂ ninda ŋal₂-la muhaldim gal-bi-im e₂ šu-bi al-dur₅-dur₅ lu₂-bi na-aŋ₂-usar...du₃... e₂-bi-še₃ si sa₂-bi ku₄-ku₄... e₂ sa a-ab-la₂-e...ab-su₃-e a₂...aŋ₂-e...sag₃-ge gi₄-in...a-ke₄ ur₂-bi...dub₂-bu eŋ₃ šu...ŋal₂ im-mi... u₃ za-e... ir-da e₂ {ŋeš}ig gi... {na₄}kinkin... dam i-ri... ga gu₇... e₂ gi₄... ... ...ed₃-da... ... ...dub₂-dub₂... ...dug₄... ... ...e-sir₂-ra ni₁₀-ni₁₀ lu₂","One who humiliates, insulting woman Slanderer, “head striker” Speaker of hostility, conversing in lies Continually “giving” houses(?), (but) not dwelling in the house of a man And you (really) are among women? Filling water and roiling water//roiling clear water(?), milling flour She leaned(?), she diminished, she milled She baked there, she burned there She does not set that which she has created “on (its) way” You will reply to me Witness of idiocy An “I want to follow” of the word/speech of humanity The one of “collegiality,” the one who “breaks words to pieces""(?) Her case(?) is non-existent, and yet(?) a garment has been worn Litigant who has approached(?) the assembly, the assembly(?) ... She is confused, she is shaking, she is seeking (aimlessly) Litigant, after you stand in ... and ... a word Pitfall, hater, you utter words They “accept” the ... and chase her away(?) And you are (really) “of womanhood""? She has had no limit, (her) womanhood is unsuitable She cannot comb her wool, she cannot spin thread with the spindle She cannot keep up(?) with work, entering and going out (from the house?) are diminished(?) When you stand in the street, (another) abuses When you attempt to converse with praise/quote a proverb(?), it falls at(?) the feet (i.e., fails?) When you(?) ... towards/on behalf of the assembly, they take it seriously(?) But after you turn away, you are shameless ..., ... is laughing This is an insult that you make? In a house where there is beer, she is its trough In the house where there is soup, she is its emerah jug In the house where there is food, she is the chief cook The house whose “hand is wet,” she asks after She acts neighborly towards its master Entering into that house straightaway She sweeps the house, she adorns/sprinkles it She is issuing orders and shouting(?) Servile laborer of the steward, bride, the daughter of the house She smites(?) their legs/lap(?) She says to them “Do not take anything, (everything) that is here is mine” And you ... Her house is a pigsty, her inner room is a kiln The door of her house is a reed screen A millstone is her husband, the pounding stone is her son Spouse of a slave, consumer of “that which is dragged” One who suckled among female slaves, offspring of male slaves (Your) house was built by a female slave and cared for by a male slave And you are (really) “of women""? Lunatic, ecstatic, conversing in an ecstatic state (User of) hostile speech, “eye turner,” evil person (Saying) “I want to insult,” the words haven fallen out of the mouth ""I want to talk,” “I want to kill""(?) ... pig of the marshes, dog, one who is “cut off""(?) Standing in the street, prowling the street, at the threshold(!?) of men(?)" P346675,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...du₁₁ inim lul... ze-eŋ₃ lu₂ e₂... ...e šag₄ munus me... ...lu₃ ...... ... ...","Speaker of hostility, conversing in lies ..., one who does not dwell in a house(!?) And you are (really) among women? Filling water and roiling water/roiling clear water(?), milling flour ... ..." P346676,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...sir₂-ra ni₁₀-ni₁₀... ...dag... usar usar-da du₁₄... ŋeštug₂-ni ... i-im-ŋen-bi-ta... bi-a... eŋ₃ nu-dug₄-ga-ni... eŋ₃ bi₂-in-dug₄... ... ... ...gin₇ u₃-mu... ...ŋu₁₀ du₅-mu-ŋu₁₀ i₃-gin₇ ŋa₂...₂ kar-kid ma-an-dug₄... di gin₆-na-am₃ dab₅-mu... a-ba-am₃ e-ne ga-ša-an-kug...","Standing in the street, prowling the street, sitting at the thresholds of men (you have learned the counsel in the houses of men) The wife of the man, the daughter of the man living in the district do not sleep In order to start arguments between neighbors Her ears are open(?), her eyes are planted By means of/after? the “she came""(?), she causes ... to approach ... She places an argument in their midst She hangs what they(!) have not said from ... She causes ... to say something and they drag it about in order to prove it ... My spouse, like her spouse, ... My son, like her son, I, (un)like her, ... Have not abused, she behaved as a prostitute towards me, she has divorced (her) spouse Undertake proper legal action (against her) Who is she? Ninkuzu, daughter of my(?) lord" P346680,Old Babylonian,Literary," en-e niŋ₂-ul-e pa na... en nam tar-ra-na šu... {d}en-lil₂ numun kalam-ma... an ki-ta bad-re₆...saŋ... bad-re₆...saŋ... ...","The lord also made manifest an ancient thing The lord, in order to never change his decreed fate The lord, in order to bring out the seed of the land from the earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth" P346681,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... {ŋeš}al-e u₃ idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-da... kan₄ ki agrun-na-ka {ŋeš}... hul-ŋal₂ ud-nu₂-a dumu {ŋeš}... ud sa₂ dug₄-ga-ta-a an-še₃... an-še₃ al-ti-ri₂-ki{mušen} mušen diŋir... ...ŋeš-gi-a ur...ušumgal-am₃₃₂-am₃ ...","The hoe is the kingal official on/in the u land(?) of the river At the chamber/door(?) of the site(?) of the agrun chamber, the hoe is the vizier Evildoers are children of the hoe during the waning moon(?) By means of/in(?) the regular day(?) they are born towards(!?) heaven(?) Towards heaven the altirigu bird is the bird of a god Towards the earth it is the hoe, in the reedbed it is a dog, in the thicket it is an ušumgal creature At the site of battle it is a durallu ax At the site of the fortification, it is an alluhab net(?)" P346682,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ... mu-un-zi₂-e ...{hu-ri₂-in}...še₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...ra a-a {d}en-lil₂ ...mi₂ dug₄-ga ...nisaba za₃-mi₂ ","It tears it out at its roots, it breaks(?) at its branches The hoe was setting the hirim grass at the hand The hoe, the wood(en implement) decreed a destiny by father Enlil(?) Hoe, praise! Nisaba, praise!" P346257,Old Babylonian,Literary," ud ul uru₄-e dumu-ni na mu-un-de₅... a-šag₄ dib-be₂-da-zu... eg₂ pa₅ su₇ duh-u₃-de₃ igi kar₂-kar₂... a-šag₄ a de₂-a-zu-ne a-bi šag₄-bi nu... ud a-ta i-im-me-ed₃-de₃... a-šag₄ ki-duru₅-bi en-nu-uŋ₃ ak-ab ki-še-er a-ra-ab... gud suhub giri₃ na-ra-ab...e u₂-saga₁₁-bi u₃-bi₂-zi₂ a-šag₄ ki-ŋar u₃-bi₂-dug₄ u {urud}tun₃-sal šanabi ma-na-ta sa₂-a-ab {ŋeš}al-šub-be₂ umbin gud ha-ra-ab-šu₂-šu₂ sa ha-ra-ab-la₂-la₂ ki ka sal-la-bi u₂-tag ha-ra-ab-tag-tag gu₂ a-šag₄-ga ub-da limmu₂ {ŋeš}al-la ha-ra-ab-niŋin₂-niŋin₂ en-na a-šag₄-ga al-šeŋ₆-šeŋ₆-ŋa₂-dam teš₂ a-ra-ab-sig₁₀-ge₅ {ŋeš}šu-gar₆-zu sa ha-ra-ab-gi₄ {ŋeš}šudul₄-zu a₂-šita₄ ha-ra-ab-keš₂ {kuš}usan₃ gibil-zu {ŋeš}gag-ta ha-ra-ab-la₂ {kuš}usan₃ sumun-zu mud la₂-la₂-bi dumu gašam-e-ne du₁₀ ha-ra-ab-ak-en {urud}giŋ₄ {urud}bulug₂ {urud}dur₁₀ šum-me niŋ₂ ak {ŋeš}šu-kar₂-zu a₂-zu saŋ ha-ra-ab-us₂-en {kuš}saŋ-keš₂ bar-ed₃-de₃ {kuš}ka-du₁₀ {kuš}usan₃ he₂-en-ha-za {gi}ba-an-du₈-zu kab₂ di mu-ra-an-ak a₂ kalag-ga-zu ha-ra-an-ak-en a₂-aš₂ a-šag₄-zu e₂-za-a he₂-en-ŋal₂ kiŋ₂-zu niŋ₂ nam-mu-un-šub-be₂-en gud {ŋeš}apin gud diri a-ra-ab-tuku-a gud gud-da dur bi-ib₂-tu-lu-a {ŋeš}apin-bi {ŋeš}apin-na a-ab-diri ...{ŋeš}apin diš-e 1(burʾu) am₃ ...8(U) am₃ ŋeš du₃-da-ab ...kuš₂-u₃-da-zu-gin₇ a-ra-ab-dim₂-e bur₃ ba 3(diš) še gur-am₃ ba-an-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ usu {ŋeš}apin diš-ta a-šag₄ {ŋeš}bar-dili-bi u₃-bi₂-ak {ŋeš}bar-dili-bi {ŋeš}apin...u₃-bi₂-ak tug₂-gur-ra-ab ... ud mul... u {ŋeš}apin... {ŋeš}al du₃... a-šag₄ uru₄{ru}... {ŋeš}apin-zu gu ha... {ŋeš}ka-šu₂ {ŋeš}apin-na-zu {kuš}im... {ŋeš}dam-zu {ŋeš}gag sal-la šub... {ŋeš}le-um-zu a₂ he₂-bi₂-tal₂-tal₂ absin₃-zu... diš nindan-ta-am₃ absin₃ ussu-am₃ gub-ba-ab absin₃ dur₂-dur₂-ru-na še-bi gu₂ a-ab-gid₂ a-šag₄ uru₄{ru}da-zu-ne lu₂ še numun ŋar-ra-zu-uš igi-zu ŋar-ni min šu-si-ta-am₃ {d}ašnan he₂-en-šub diš ninda-ta-am₃ še diš giŋ₄ ha-ra-an-ŋar tukumbi še numun e₂-tur₃-ra nu-um-suhur {ŋeš}niŋ₂-kud {ŋeš}eme {ŋeš}apin-na-zu kur₂-ra-ab tukumbi dur a-ab-tu-lu dur tur-ra-ab ki absin₃ si sa₂ i₃-uru₄{ru} {ab}absin₃ {ŋeš}šibir uru₄{ru}ab ki absin₃ {ŋeš}šibir i₃-uru₄{ru} {ab}absin₃ si sa₂ uru₄{ru}ab absin₃ si sa₂ gu₄ gu₄ nu-mu-ra-ab... absin₃ lu-gu₂-zu si ha-ra-ab-sa₂ absin₃ ab-ki-iz-bi a absin₃ gib-ba...gana₂ kud-da...uru₄... šeg₁₂ lag-bi ha... ki-sahar us₂... ki-sahar... henbur₂... ud henbur₂-e... siškur₂ {d}nin-gi₄... zu₂ bir₅{mušen}a bal... ud še ka sal-la absin₃-na-ka a-ab... a numun saŋ-ŋa₂-ka dug₄-ga... ud še {gi}kid-ma₂-šu₂-a-ba a-ab-gub-ba a dug₄-ga... {še}lillan-bi a dug₄-ga-ab ud še lu-ha am₃-si-a a na-ab-be₂-en sa-ma-na-aš ba-e-gig ud še ak-de₃ ba-ab-du₇-a a dug₄-ga-ab {ŋeš}...-an diš sila₃-ta ku-dun ba-an-tuku-tuku še gur₁₅-gur₁₅-ru-da-zu-ne še ur₅ gurum nam-ba-ak-e ud a₂-ba-ka gur₁₅-ru-a-ab ...diš-e lu₂ še-zar keš₂-da min-am₃ u₃ lu₂ diš-e igi-ni-še₃ še-zar hu-mu-na-ab-tag-ge eš₅-am₃ hu-mu-ra-ab-gur₁₅-gur₁₅-ru-ne lu₂ še de₅-de₅-ga-zu še huz na-an-ak-e še garadin-na na-ab-si-il-si-le-de₃-en kiŋ₂ ud-da-zu ud tur-gin₇ usu di₄-di₄-la₂-zu-ne u₃ lu₂ še de₅-de₅-ga-zu-ne šid-bi du₆-ul-la-ab zar-re-eš nud-de₃-eb kiŋ₂-zu mi₂ zid a-ra-ab... še sumun-e tuku-a... gu₇-gu₇-zu-uš lu₂ še ŋeš... še-zar-ra ne... siškur₂... ud še ab-ed₃... har-ra-an... ... zu₂ ŋeš-bad-ra₂-zu kuš la₂-la₂-bi esir₂ ha-ra-ab-sub₆-sub₆ gud dur₂-dur₂-ru-da-zu-ne lu₂ še ŋeš-bad du₈-zu usu he₂-ri-gub-bu-uš ud še bi₂-in-su₇-a siškur₂ še nu-nir-ra dug₄-ga-ab ud še al-la₂-ed₃-de₃-en-na-zu lu₂ še al-la₂-ed₃-de₃-en-na-zu lu₂ še ki-ta al-la₂-e na-gub lu₂ ŋeštug₂ tuku gub-ba-ab lu₂ še a eš₅-am₃ ha-ra-gub-bu-uš še nir-ra-zu {ŋeš}ŋidru-še₃ nud-de₃-eb siškur₂ u₄-te-en ŋi₆-ba dug₄-ga-ab ud sa₉-a-gin₇ še bur₂-ra-ab na de₅ {d}nin-urta engar {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {d}nin-urta en dumu {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ke₄ za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga-am₃ ","The one who sows (since) ancient time was the one who instructed his son When you pass through the field Inspect the dikes, ditches, and/of the threshing floor(?) that are to be opened When you irrigate the field, its water (should) not rise (too high) in its midst When (the field) (re)emerges from the water Watch the wet patches of the field, after it has been fenced/reached the appropriate limit Do not let the suhub oxen trample it After you cut down the bundles (for reinforcement) and establish the suitable area (of) the field Ten (times) level it with a light hoe weighing two-thirds mana The alšub implement should cover up the oxen hoof (marks), may it sweep (the field clean) The utag tool should touch the places (of?) “narrow intake""(?) for you The hoe should encircle the four edges of the field Until (the field) is dried, ... should be employing (the tools) together(?) for you The implements should be prepared (their bindings restored?) for you The equipment of your yoke should be bound for you May your new whip hang from a nail for you The handle bindings of your old whip The craftsmen should repair (! this ms.: “pray”!?) it for you The adze, chisel/drill, dur maul(?) and šumme saw, that which does/makes(??), your implements, your strength(?), should be constant(?) for you The leather thong, braiding lever, cover/wrapping, and whip should be at your disposal ... (should) check your basket for you, you should strengthen your arms You should have what you require (for) the field in your house(?), do not neglect anything (pertaining) to your work The plow ox has acquired an extra ox for you The bond between oxen was made (sufficiently) slack The plow was made to have an extra plow The assignment(?) of 1 plow is 10 bur (When) it is eight bur, (re)build the wood(en) object(?) ... will make ... for you according to what you are to toil(?) It is ... gur of barley that will be expended (for oxen feed)(?) in the 1 bur area After working the field (with) the bardili plow by means of the force of one seed plow After working the field (with) the bardili plow and the tugsig plow, use the tuggur plow After the stars of heaven are appropriate (in the proper place) Ten (times) the plow ... The hoe should work everything for you When you sow the field Your plow should be marked/aligned Lay down a ... on the kašu of your plow (to prepare it for seeding?) Lay down your beam (with) a thin nail Your boards/ears should be spread out, ... your furrow Set up eight furrows per one ninda (of width) The barley would have lodged in ... furrows When you sow a field Look (carefully) towards the one planting the barley seed At a depth of two fingers, he should drop grain He should set one gig of barley per one ninda If the barley seed was not “incised/scratched in the stall” Change your wedge(?) of the plowshare If the bindings have slackened, reduce (i.e. tighten) the bindings Where straight furrows were sown(?), sow “shepherd's crook” furrows Where “shepherd's crook” furrows were sown(?), sow straight furrows The straight furrow will not(!?) be ... with ... and ... edges(?) for you Your twisted furrows should be straightened out ... the “unobstructed""(?) furrows, ... the traversal furrows, and sow your “separated field” Its brick(like?) clods should be collected for you The blocking(?) deposits of the furrow should be beaten The covering(?) deposits of(?) the furrow should be thinned out/weakened Regarding the seedlings, it is good for you After the seedlings have split the ground Perform the rites of Ninkilim Turn away the bite of the locust When the barley exceeds the “narrow intake” of the furrow Water it with the water of the first seed When the barley stands in (the form of?) a reed mat, water it Water the ripe grain When the grain is filled with(?) offshoots, you should not water it, you would have(?) afflicted it in the manner of the samana disease When the grain has become suitable for dehusking, water it It(?) will acquire a profit of one sila grain for each ban When you are to harvest the grain, do not let the grain bend itself over (overripe) Harvest at that of its appropriate time There is one cutter(?) and two(!?) people to bind the barley sheaves And one who will “touch” the barley sheaves before him (They) are three, they should harvest for you Your grain gatherers should not break(?) the barley They(!?) are not to split apart the barley of the stacks of sheaves Your work of the day, when the day is young (i.e. at dawn) The force of your “little ones” and your grain gatherers Store/gather its number(?), lay down (the grain) in the manner of sheaves Your work should be executed with care After having old grain (for so long before the harvest?) Do not have someone thresh the barley for your eating(?) Give your barley sheaves a rest The rites of the barley sheaf should be performed for you daily When you bring up the barley (for transportation) Set your paths in order ... ... ... The leather (straps) that bind together the teeth of your threshing sledge should be coated with bitumen for you When your oxen ..., the ones threshing the grain (by sledge) should stand for you (by their own?) strength When he ... the barley Perform the rites of grain that is not winnowed (impure grain) When you are to bring up(!?) the barley When you are to have someone who is to bring up(!?) the barley Station an intelligent person (in the role of) standing “below” (winnowing/bringing up(!?)) the barley Three grain movers(?) should be stationed there for you Lay your winnowed grain down for the (measuring) stick Perform the rites of its evening and night When it is midday, spread out the grain The instruction of Ninurta, the farmer of Enlil Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil Your praise is sweet" P346129,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...₄... e₂ e₂-e diri-ga...amaš gid₂-da ma-ra... e₂-e dug mu-un...kaš sag₁₀ mu-un-de₂ {kaš}dida imŋaŋa₃ ku₇-ku₇-dam gi-ŋar-re-eš mu-un-ŋal₂ zu-a-zu hu-mu-un-ši-du-un kal-la-zu hu-mu-un-du-un dumu gu₅-li-zu nam-mu-ni-ib-tak₄-tak₄-a kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu ki aŋ₂-ŋu₁₀ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu sag₉-ga-ŋu₁₀ ud nam-zal-e ŋi₆ nam-sa₂-e iti₆ ba nam-ba-ni-ib-ku₄-ku₄ ud me-e-zal-la-gin₇ ŋi₆ me-e-sa₂-a-gin₇ kur₉-ra ba-ni-huŋ-ŋe₂₆ ki ŋar ma-ra-ab-du₇ šag₄-ba dur₂ ŋar-ke₄ si ma-ra-ab-sa₂-e ku₆-ŋu₁₀ lu₂ nud-a-ŋu₁₀ ba-ra-ra-zi-zi lu₂ tuš-a-ŋu₁₀ du₁₇ ba-ra-mu₂-mu₂ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu ki aŋ₂-ŋu₁₀ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu sag₉-ga-ŋu₁₀ id₂ mun₃-na-gin₇ na-ba-al... sahar-ŋar id₂-gin₇ zi-zi...","... ... built a house for you, ... built a storeroom for you ... built a house that is more than a house(!?), a long (sided?) sheepfold for you In the house .... pot(s)? and poured(?) good quality beer (in them) ... put sweet beer up to the fence So that your acquaintance(s) come towards you(!?), so that your friends come towards you(!?) Do not abandon the child of your friend Enter it for me, my beloved child Enter it for me, my beautiful child Don't spend the day (idle?), don't spend the night (idle?) Do not bring moonlight into the house As I have spent the day(?), as I have spent the night(?) The one who enters is pacified there, the area(?) has been made appropriate for you Sitting down in its midst(?) is set in order for you My fish, so that my one(s) who sleep (there) do not wake up So that my one(s) who dwell (there) do not quarrel Enter it for me, my beloved child Enter for me, my beautiful child Do not dig (in it?) like a brackish waterway ... Like river silt, do not learn how to rise (i.e., be excavated(?))" P346131,Old Babylonian,Literary," ku₆ zag nam-dag-ge-a ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ku₆ hi-a he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ sum₄ sag₉-sag₉ u₂-lal₃ ku₆-ŋu₁₀ suhur-gal{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ {gi}ub-zal gu₇-gu₇ ... ku₆-ŋu₁₀ suhur-tur he₂-ga-me-da-ku₄-ku₄ nundum gal-gal gi-zi naŋ...ke₄ ku₆-ŋu₁₀ eštub{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ {ŋeš}gi-muš giggi a-šag₄-ga ri-a ku₆-ŋu₁₀ kun-bi₂{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da šah₂ ma₂-gan-la₂ gu₂ id₂-da-še₃ niŋ₂-silaŋ-ŋa₂ kar-kar re ku₆-ŋu₁₀ kun-bi₂{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ kun si gam₃ kun sa-ha ŋeš-ta lah₄ ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ubiₓ(|ŠE.SUHUR|) gal-ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ ku₆ niŋ₂ ga dumu-gin₇ er₂ pad₃... ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ubiₓ(|ŠE.SUHUR|) sig₁₀-ge he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ ...am₃ zu₂ ga-rig₂-am₃ {ŋeš} ...ummud...da-ke₄ŋa₂... ...₄-ku₄ ...","Fish, do not reject(?) a companion(!?) My fish, may various kinds of fish also enter with you (Possessing) beautiful beards, eating(?) the ulal plant My fish, my suhurgal carp, may it too enter with you Eating the ubzal reeds and ... My fish, my suhurtur carp, may it too enter with you The one with big lips(?), sucking(?) the young reed growth My fish, my eštub carp, may it too enter with you A black boat pole cast into the field My fish, my gubi eel, may it too enter with you A farrowing(?) pig ... towards the river bank in order to constantly steal dough(?) My fish, my gubi eel, may it too enter with you (Possessing) a horned tail and a crook of a tail(!?), who plunders fruit(?) from the tree(s)(?) My fish, my great ubi fish, may it too enter with you The fish ... weeping like a child ... My fish, the ubi.sig fish, may it too enter with you (Its) head is a hoe, (its) teeth are a comb Its skeleton is the top of a conifer(?) tree Its air bladder(!?) is the waterskin of Dumuzi ... ... ... ... My fish, my ... fish, may it too enter with you" P346302,Old Babylonian,Literary," iri{ki} ur-gir₁₅ nu-me-a ka₅-a nu-banda₃ ","In the city where no dog is present(!) The fox is overseer" P346317,Old Babylonian,Literary," ninda he₂-ŋal₂-la {d}nin-ka₆ i₃-ib-gu₇ ninda ha-ma-ŋal₂-la lu₂-kur₂-ra ib₂-gu₇ ","If there was food, a mongoose ate it If there was food for me A stranger ate it" P346359,Old Babylonian,Literary," {ŋeš}ma₂ niŋ₂-gin₆-na ni₂-ni ba-ab-dirig-ga {d}utu kar-ra gin₆-na mu-un-na-ši-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂ ","The truth(ful?) boat that has floated (downstream) by itself Utu will seek (in order to rescue it)" P346360,Old Babylonian,Literary," tur₅-ra dug₃-ga-am₃ peš₁₃ gig-ga-am₃ peš₁₃ tur₅-ra im-ma-dirig-ga-ta ","Illness is “good” (i.e., better) Pregnancy is painful Pregnancy and sickness (i.e., morning sickness) ... is much (worse)" P346382,Old Babylonian,Literary," zig₃-ga-ŋu₁₀ dug₄-ga ma-la-ga-a-ni usar na de₅-ga lu₂ du₁₄-da-ka-a-ni ","The one who says “my expenditure""(?) is her girlfriend. The neighbor who is freed from obligation(?) is the one of (i.e., object of) his quarreling." P346387,Old Babylonian,Literary," ... ...gin₇ ba-an... ...sag₉-ga-bi... ...bi₂-ib ... ... ... ...ŋal₂ nu-tuku {kuš}usan₃...hul... bi₂-in-sag₃ diŋir-ŋu₁₀ me-am₃-še₃ du ... ... ... ...... ninda {d}nin-ka₅... ninda kur₂ gu₇-gu₇ niŋ₂-tuku niŋ₂-al-di niŋ₂-gig diŋir-ra-kam u₂ hub₂ til₃-la-še₃ ugu-zu-še₃ dumu-ŋu₁₀ dub-sar... nu-ŋar-ra ...zu ... ...","... ... like ... ... ... good ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Does not have ... With(?) a destructive ... whip(?) He struck My god, where(?) are you going(?)/how will you(?) succeed? ... ... Food(?) eaten by a mongoose Food(?) eaten by a stranger (To have both) wealth and desire (for more) is a taboo of (one's) god In order to sustain deafness/obstinancy, (it is) upon/against you My son, the unfit scribe(?) ... ..." P346297,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a nu-un-dab₅ {ŋeš}az-bala al-ak-e ","He has not caught the fox (But) he is making the azbala trap (to catch it) He has not caught the fox (But) he is making the azbala trap (to catch it)" P346299,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a {id₂}idigna-še₃ kaš₃ i₃-sur-sur-ra a-eštub{ku₆} ba-zig₃-ge-en-e-še ","A fox into the Tigris urinating: “I raise the carp flood” he said." P346322,Old Babylonian,Literary," ir₇-saŋ{mušen} ugu-bi {ŋeš}kiri₆ me-te-bi dar{mušen} ugu-bi a-šag₄-ga me-te-bi bi₂-za-za ugu-bi me-te-bi ","The top of the head/voice? of the irsag pigeon (is) the ornament of the orchard The top of the head of the francolin (is) the ornament of the field The top of the head of the frog (is) the ornament of its (the field or orchard's) pond(?)" P346370,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...a-ri-a nu-tak₄... ...gur₈ in-nu-da nu-tak₄... dumu-ŋir₁₅ du-lum nu-tak₄-tak₄ ","The palace will never abandon the arid land The barge will never abandon straw The “citizen” laborer will never abandon work" P346293,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-mah-e a₂-tah-ni {ŋeš}gi lu-lu-am₃ ...mah-e ŋeš-gi-a lu₂ zu-a-ni nu-ub-gu₇ ","As for the lion, his helpers (in) the reed bed are teeming The lion has not eaten his acquaintance in the reed bed" P346295,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-mah-e uzud hu-na mu-ni-dab₅ šu ba-am₃ u₈ tab-ba-ŋu₁₀ gur₄-rašum₂ tukumbi šu mu-un-ši-bar-re-en ...dug₄-ma-ab uzud-e ur-mah-e ...ib-gi₄-gi₄ za-e mu-ŋu₁₀ nu-zu ...ak mu-ŋu₁₀ ud {e₂}tur₃-ra-še₃ i₃...ŋu₁₀ gu₃ mu-na-de₂-e ...gu₃ ri-a mu-na-ni-ib-gi₄... ...udu hi-a nu-dur₂-ru-na-e... ","The lion seized the she-goat in (its) weakness(?) (Who said) “Release (me), and I shall give my thick(er) companion ewe to you” (The lion said) “If I release you towards her(?), tell me your name” The she-goat was answering the lion “You have not known my name?” ""I can be intelligent” (is) my name!” When (the lion) went to the pen He was shouting to her “my(?) ...” She was answering him from afar ""I have been intelligent! Instead of sheep(?), nothing dwells (here)!”" P346303,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur sag₉-ga ur-tur-še₃ in-kur₉ ","A sweet dog has become a puppy (again)." P346304,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅-re ga-ba-al nam-mu-du₃-en zu₂ nu-mu-ra-ab-kud-de₃ ","To a dog hostility do not display, and it will not bite you." P346305,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅-re šu teŋ₃-ba-ab mu-un-zu ŋa₂-ŋa₂ nu-ub-zu-am₃ ","The dog “take it!” knew, putting down it did not know." P346308,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅-re libₓ(|NI.LU|) he₂... ur-gir₁₅-re mu-bi... ","If a dog ... sheep lard Its name is “dog” If a dog ... sheep lard Its name is “dog”" P346309,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅... {uzu}saŋ... im-mi... ","The dog ... meat ... ... ." P346311,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅-re ur₃... nu-ub... ur...","A dog the roof/to drag(?) did not ... A dog ..." P346312,Old Babylonian,Literary," nig tu-ud-da-gin₇ erin₂ zu₂ kud-kud-de₃ ",Biting the workforce like a bitch that has given birth to puppies P346340,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur-gir₁₅ ma₂-addir-še₃ niŋ₂-na-me nu-mu-un-šum₂ u₃ {ŋeš}ma₂-addir-ra šu am₃-sag₃-sag₃-ge ","The dog gave nothing to the ferryboat, but strikes the ferryboat with his paw" P346348,Old Babylonian,Literary," la₂...šub du-lum ud-bi-ta-ŋu₁₀ ŋeštug₂-ŋa₂ u₁₈-lu-un-e-še ","A donkey threw off/abandoned its bound sack (Saying) “I will forget my toil of that (previous) time”" P346373,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur mu₂-da gu₃ ba-an-de₂ ...kuš du₃-bi₄-gi₄ ","... shouted (like) a rabid dog ... repaid the cost of leather dressing(?)" P346296,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a kun-bi mu-un-šub kun tab-ba-ni am₃-i-i ","A fox dropped its tail and praised(?) its companion(?)." P346300,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a nam-lul-la-še₃ ŋeštug₂-ga₁₄-ni al-gub ba-šub-bu-de₃-en id₂-da iri-ŋu₁₀ al-tum₂-mu-un-e-še ","A fox planned treachery Saying “(If?) I was to fall down (fail?), I will be carried(?) in the canal (of!?) my city" P346301,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a ur₂ {ŋeš}kišig₂-še₃ in-kur₉ ur-gir₁₅ kan₄-na ba-an-tuš e₃-ma-ab ed₂-de₃ nu-ub-zu-am₃ gu₂-e-ta a-na-gin₇-nam in-kur₉ en-na nu-al-mu₂-mu₂ al-tuš-en-e-še ","A fox entered the trunk/roots of a thornbush (While) a dog sat at the gate (Saying) “Come out to me!” (but) it did not know how to come out (The fox said) “why would I(?) enter (there) from here? Until it stops growing/chasing(?), I am staying (here)”" P346318,Old Babylonian,Literary," uzud-de₃ sa₁₂-rig₇ maš₂ gal-la-kam maš₂ gal sum₄ la₂-a ","The (female) goat is the dedication (gift) of the large goat buck The large goat buck wearing a beard" P346356,Old Babylonian,Literary," kir₄-gin₇ en-na nu-ni-hab₂-a nu-gu₇-e ","Like a hyena, as long as it does not stink, he will not eat (it)" P346384,Old Babylonian,Literary," {ŋeš}taškarin mu-ni nu-pad₃-da su-ni i₃-pad₃-da iri{ki} mu hu-mu-kur₂-kur₂ mu-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-gin₆-na {d}nin-ka₆ ni₂ diŋir-ra nu-zu ŋeš-šub us₂-sa ama-zu hul₂-la kaš₄ tuku-ma diŋir-zu hul₂-la ti₈{mušen} ka adda-kam ba-an-kur₉ nim kur₉-ra-am₃ inim-zu ba-tum₃-am₃ {ŋeš}ŋidru gud ha-pa-gaz {kuš}a₂-si udu ha-pa-šum₂ ki saŋ-ki nu-ŋal₂-ta lu₂ nu-tuš e-ne sukkal-a šag₄ {ŋeš}ŋidru-kam i₃ he₂-en-de₂ lu₂ diŋir-ra-a-ni nu-mu-un-kal-kal adda-bi ki nu-tum₄ ibila-a-ni a nu-de₂ {d}gidim...naŋ ha-ma-da-gub-be₂... er₂ geme₂-kam u₈... dumu geme₂-kam dam... sug-a-ni ma₂ nu... gu₂ sug-a-ni... ... igi... ... ... ... ... dam nu-ŋar-ra ... lu₂... ma e₂ nu-tuku e₂...a... šu bar ŋal₂ sahar nu... niŋ₂-gig {d}utu-kam nita du-du niŋ₂ pad₃-da munus du-du niŋ₂ ugu bi₂-ib-de₂ lu₂-huŋ še sa-ke₄ ha-ab-ib-gi₄ saŋ i-bi₂ dug₄-ga e₂-gal {ŋeš}tir-ra-am₃ lugal ur-mah-e {d}nun-gal {ŋeš}sa-us₂-sa ŋuruš-e šuš-šuš e₂-ta e₃ sila-ta kur₉-ra geme₂ nin-a-ni-ta ŋešbun-ni bi₂-in-ŋar še nu-ŋal₂ šu iri{ki}kam gi nu-ŋal₂ nam-ukur₃ nam-ukur₃{ur₂} diri-ga hu-su ga-me-en ašgab-e-ne zi {d}en-ki a lu₃ za₃-le {lu₂}azlag₂-e-ne ku₆ al-šeŋ₆-ŋa₂ ha-ra-ba-sed₆-sed₆-de₃ ...pad-ra₂ de₅-de₅-ga ŋa₂-e...le-e ","The weapon is not one that utters his name, it is one that finds his flesh If the city changes (its) name/year(?), I would (have to) affirm my name/year(?) The mongoose does not know the aura of divinity Follow your lot and make your mother rejoice, run(?) and make your god rejoice The buzzard entered the mouth of a corpse(?) The fly is the one that enters, your mouth is the one that strikes/jumps? If the scepter slaughters the bull, if the whip slaughters the sheep, in the place where there is no assembly/mourning place(?), the man who is not seated(?), he is a vizier single ruling? If ... pours oil inside a scepter, (no one will know) The person who has not valued his god, his corpse is not buried, his heir does not pour water, his ghost does not drink May/if ... stands for me(?) ... The weeping of the female laborer ... The child of the female laborer, the spouse of the female laborer? ... A boat does not ... her(?) marsh (On?) the bank(?) ... of her(?) marsh(?) reed(s) do not(?) ... ... ... ... A malicious spouse ... Illness? ... ... that does not have a house ... ... to not ...dust/earth(?), it is anthema of Utu A man going about is one who has found something, a woman going about has lost something If a hireling who parches grain returns/answers, (his) head is smoking(?) The prison is a thicket, the king is a lion, Nungal is a šuša net covering the young men Having left the house and entered into(?) the street, the female worker set up a banquet apart from her lady No barley being present is the (destructive) hand(?) of the city, no reeds being present is extreme poverty/execessive neighborliness(?) ""I am bent at the thigh” is what the leatherworker (says)(?), “By the life of Enki, murky water flows (away?)” is what the fuller (says)(?) May(?) the hot fish cool for you, the bones gathered from the fish ... I ..." P346282,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...am₃ ...sur niŋ₂ šu teŋ₄-a nu ka-zu-gin₇ gal₄-zu-gin₇ niŋ₂ im du min ga-ab-dug₄ min ga-ra-tah ...de₂-de₂-e ga de₂-de₂-e ...e pad₃-da anše nu-mu-un-kuš-am₃ ...munus lu₂ saŋ-da nu-tuku₃ ...nu₂-da nu-dul-dulš₂ nu-e₃ ... ni teš₂-bi ...... ...... ... ... kan₄-zu... lu₂ gu₃... lu₂ niŋ₂ siki... ... en-te-na itud... al-tak₄... gal₄-la tur-tur... nu₂ ...teš₂-bi nu-e₃ ... ni teš₂-bi ","Evil mouth, unsuitable I want to destroy her heart/womb(?), I want to squeeze it out (from) her mouth(!?) I want to destroy (her) heart/womb(?) like(?) broken-up silver, (so?) that which has been taken is not ... Like your mouth, like your vagina (One who says) “I want to engage in double talk(!?), I want to repeat it""(?) Pouring(?) butter, pouring(?) milk/cream Bringing attention to(?) ... The donkey (who) is a widow Daughter(?) of a “headless man” (i.e., idiot?) Her vagina is not honored(?) Her vagina lying down for the “task” is uncovered Her vagina is not “bound” ... does not come out ... together ... ... ... Your door/gate, like the ... door/gate, is tied up(?) The crier/caller(?) does not ... One who(?) forgot “that of the long hair/comb(!?)""(?) In the winter, for three months Is abandoned(?) The tiny vagina ... laying down in order to work(?) (?) ... does not come out together(?) ... together(?)" P429954,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma a-ba{d}en-lil₂-gin₇ dumu lu₂{d}inana kurušda zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur: Aba-Enlil-gin, son of Lu-Inanna, fattener, is your servant." P429955,Ur III,Administrative," ab-ba-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su","Abba-kala, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu." P429956,Ur III,Administrative," ab-ba-sa₆-ga dub-sar dumu na-sa₆ kurušda","Abbasaga, scribe, son of Nasa, fattener." P429957,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-bi₂-a-bi₂-ih sagi zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Abī-abiḫ, cup-bearer, is your servant." P430114,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nibru{ki}a {d}en-lil₂-le mu pa₃-da sag-us₂ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-ka lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-da-lal₃ zu","Šū-Suen, in Nippur by Enlil chosen, headrest of the house of Enlil, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Adalal is your servant." P430122,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-ha-am-wa-qar dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Aḫam-waqar, scribe, is your servant." P430126,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-hu-ni dumu ab-ba... sagi","Aḫuni, son of Abba-... cupbearer." P430135,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal-la šabra zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ayakalla, overseer of the cooks, is your servant." P430139,Ur III,Administrative," an-na-hi-li-bi kurušda dumu {d}utu-ge₆","Ana-ḫilibi, son of Utu-ge." P430143,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-pi-la-ša šagina ka-zal-lu{ki} zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P430147,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna dumu i₃-li₂... sagi zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: ARAD-Nanna, son of Ilī-..., cupbearer, is your servant." P430148,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-ta₂-kal₂-šum ... ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Atalkalšum, ..., ... ." P430154,Ur III,Administrative," {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ba-ba-ti dub-sar zu","Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Babati, the scribe, is your servant." P430182,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba e₂-a-ba-ni dub-sar dumu pi₅-ša-ah-dingir ensi₂ gu₂-du₈-a{ki} zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430186,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba en{d}nanše-ki-ag₂ dumu... ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: En-Nanše-kiag, son of ... ... ." P430190,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba en-nam{d}šul-gi ... dumu lugal-pa-e₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ennam-Šulgi, ..., son of Luga--pa’e, is your servant." P430197,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba hal-li₂-a dub-sar dumu ad-da-a zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ḫalliya, scribe, son of Addaya, is your servant." P430229,Ur III,Administrative," e₂-a-ni-ša lukur ki-ag₂ lugal in-zu-zu zu","Ea-niša, beloved lukur of the king: Inzuzu (is) [your] servant." P430251,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ku₃{d}nanna dumu lu₂{d}nanna kurušda zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ku-Nanna, son of Lu-Nanna, fattener, is your servant." P430253,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ku₃{d}nin-gal dumu kal-la-mu šabra {d}nin-sun₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ku-Ningal, son of Kallamu, household manager, of Ninsun, is your servant." P430262,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-... is your servant." P430277,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-ama-na dumu ur{d}hendur-sag {lu₂}lunga zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P429947,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ lugal... šuš₃ lugal-ka da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners his servant (this seal) presented." P430300,Ur III,Administrative," i-tur₂-dingir ensi₂ babilim₂{ki}ka lugal-dalla dub-sar zu","Itūr-ilum, governor of Babylon: Lugal-dalla, scribe, (is) your servant." P430310,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-iti-da dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Šeškalla, is your servant." P430312,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-ku₃-ga-ni dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-kugani, scribe, is your servant." P430341,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nanna dumu ur{d}gilgameš₄ ša₃-tam zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Nanna, son of Ur-Gilgameš, the šatam (official), is your servant." P430346,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ...","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P430349,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:" P430350,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar dumu ur-mes zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430353,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar dumu lugal-a₂-zi-da zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Ninšubur, scribe, son of Lugal-azida, is your servant." P430354,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}nin-šubur dub-sar dumu i-di₃{d}suen zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Ninšubur, scribe, son of Idī-Suen, is your servant." P430365,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂{d}suen dumu ur-sa₆-ga sipa gu₄ niga","Lu-Suen son of Ur-saga, herdsman of grain-fed oxen." P430368,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂{d}suen dub-sar dumu... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-..., is your servant." P430369,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... lu₂-ša-lim dumu a-da-a zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P430373,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lu₂-uš-gi-na dub-sar dumu ur{d}lamma zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lu-ušgina, scribe, son of Ur-Lamma, is your servant." P430378,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ma-num₂-ki{d}šul-gi dub-sar dumu i-di₃... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430385,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ma-šum sukkal zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Mašum, courrier, is your servant." P430399,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba na-ra-mu dumu gu-za-la₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Naramu, son of Guzala, is your servant." P430412,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ nu-ur₂{d}iškur sagi da-ni in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Nūr-Adda, cupbearer, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P430413,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂-eš₁₈-dar dub-sar dumu ma-um-ki{d}šul-gi zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430423,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba puzur₄... dumu ... sagi zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Puzur-..., son of KA-..., cupbearer, is your servant." P430424,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ puzur₄{d}en-lil₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Puzur-Enlil, is your servant." P430426,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ puzur₄{d}en-lil₂-la₂ sukkal-mah da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: his servant (this seal) presented." P430437,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba puzur₄{d}šul-gi dumu a-bi₂-a šar₂-ra-ab-du zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P430438,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba gur-da-a dub-sar dumu be-li₂-sar zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430442,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}suen-a-bi₂ sagi da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Suen-abī, cupbearer, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P430454,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba uri₅{ki}ki-du₁₀ muhaldim","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-kidu, cook" P430462,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu-er₃-ra dub-sar dumu i-šar-be-li₂ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šu-Erra, scribe, son of Išar-belī, is your servant." P430472,Ur III,Administrative," geme₂{d}suen dam šul-gi lugal uri₅{ki}ma šu-ku-bu-um ra₂-gaba zu","Amat-Sîn, wife of Šulgi, king of Ur: Šū-Kūbum, the dispatch-rider, (is) your servant." P430479,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ dub-sar ... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šulgi-ilī, scribe, ..., is your servant." P430482,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-sipa-kalam-ma ra₂-gaba zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šulgi-sipa-kalama, rider, is your servant." P430485,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu{d}en-lil₂ šagina unu{ki}ga dumu-ni-im","Šulgi, mighty man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Šu-Enlil, general of Uruk, (is) his son." P430490,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba šu{d}šul-gi šu-i zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šu-Šulgi, barber, is your servant." P430504,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}... dub-sar dumu ur... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430521,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}ba-ba₆ dub-sar dumu ur-e₂-ninnu zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Ur-Eninnu, is your servant." P430547,Ur III,Administrative," ur-eš₃-ku₃-ga dub-sar dumu ab-ba-gi-na","Ur-eškuga, scribe, son of Abbagina." P430554,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}ig-alim dub-sar dumu e₂... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Igalim, scribe, son of E-..., is your servant." P430559,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal...da... ki gu₄ muhaldim zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-..., ..., is your servant." P430562,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ku₃-nun-na dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su kurušda zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-kununa, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu, fattener, is your servant." P430563,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ku₃-nun-na dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}suen zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430567,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šul-gi-si₂-im-ti lukur ki-ag₂ lugal ur{d}lugal-edin-ka dub-sar dumu ku₅-da-a zu","Šulgi-simtī, lukur beloved of the king: Ur-lugal-edin(a)ka, scribe, son of Kuda'a, (is) your servant." P430569,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-me-me dumu lugal-inim-gi-na šandana {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-meme, son of Lugal-inimgina, š. of Enlilaka, is your servant." P430576,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}nanše dub-sar dumu na-mu zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ur-Nanše, scribe, son of Namu, is your servant." P430613,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu ur... zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Šulgira, scribe, son of Ur-..., is your servant." P430614,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu ur{d}ha-ia₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Šupa’e, scribe, son of Ur-Ḫaya, is your servant." P430620,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šu-mah dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430621,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-šu-zi-an-ka dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ur-šuzi’anka, son of Ur-Baba, is your servant." P430630,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... dub-sar dumu ur-e₂-mah-e zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: ..., scribe, son of Ur-Emaḫe, is your servant." P430632,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ a₂-bi₂-a-bi-ih sagi da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Abī-abiḫ, cupbearer, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P430635,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ {d}nanna sukkal-mah da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners his servant (this seal) presented." P430636,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a₂-bi₂-lum-ma ...sag... dumu a... zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: is your servant." P430637,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ba-ba-ti dub-sar zu","Šū-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: to Babati, scribe, is your servant." P429950,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ ba-ba-ti ša₁₃-dub-ba ša₃-tam lugal šagina maš-gan₂-šar-ru-um{ki}ma ensi₂ a-wa-al{ki} ensi₂ šabra nin min-a-bi ku₃-gal₂ ma-da a-du₁₁-ga sanga {d}be-la-at-suh₆-ner u₃ {d}be-la-at-te-ra-ba-an šeš a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti ama ki-ag₂-na da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: to Babati, chief accountant, royal official, general of Mašgan-šarruma, governor of Awal, governor, household manager of the two queens, ..., in the land irrigation manager, chief temple manager of Belat-suḫner, and Belat-teraban, brother of Abī-simtī, his (Šū-Suen’s) beloved mother, his servant, he gifted (this seal)." P430639,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba hu-la-al dub-sar dumu šu{d}iškur šuš₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ḫulal, scribe, son of Šū-Adda, chief cattle manager, is your servant." P430645,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-amar-ku₃ dub-sar dumu na-sa₆ kurušda zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Lugal-amarku, scribe, son of Nasa, the fattener, is your servant." P430646,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu ur{d}ha-ia₃ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Šulpa’e, scribe, son of Ur-Ḫaya, is your servant." P430652,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal-me-lam₂ dub-sar dumu {d}en-lil₂-la₂ kurušda zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430654,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar dumu u₂-na-ab-še-en₆ zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nanna-maba, scribe, son of Unabšen, is your servant." P430655,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar dumu u₂-na-ab-še-en₆ zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nanna-maba, scribe, scribe, son of Unabšen, is your servant." P430660,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}šul-gi-iri-mu sukkal ra₂-gaba zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Šulgi-irimu, courrier, rider, is your servant." P430661,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ur₂-ra-ni zu","Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: scribe, is your servant." P430662,Ur III,Administrative," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ uri₅{ki}ki-du₁₀ muhaldim lugal da-ni-ir in-na-ba","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters his servant (this seal) presented." P430663,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}iškur dub-sar dumu la-ni-a zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Iškur, scribe, son of Laniya, is your servant." P368371,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂{d}nin...dumu ba-zi ...gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana","Basket-of-tablets: long tablets of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Bazi, are here; year: “Enunugal of Inanna.”" P382205,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ur{geš}gigir šabra 1(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ur{geš}gigir nu-banda₃ gu₄ 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ lugal-gu₄-e gi ziₓ(IGI@g)-a gi ku₅-a u₃ {u₂}hirinₓ(KWU318)-na ziₓ(IGI@g)-a a-ša₃ a-geštin-na ugula lu₂-giri₁₇-zal kišib₃ šeš-kal-la dumu da-da iti dal iti šu-numun mu en-mah-gal-an-na {d}nanna ba-hun lugal-nig₂-lagar-e dub-sar dumu da-da","74 1/2 workdays, land parcel of Ur-gigir, the chief administrator; 94 workdays, land parcel of Ur-gigir, oxen manager; 147 workdays, land parcel of Lugal-gue; reed uprooted, reed cut and hirin-weed uprooted; field “A-geština;” foreman: Lu-giri-zal; under seal of Šeškalla, son of Dada; month “Flight,” month: month “Sowing;” year: “Enmaḫgalana of Nanna was installed.” Lugal-nig-lagare, scribe, son of Dada." P384802,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ ensi₂ 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lu₂-mah 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ egi-zi mah 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lagar₃ gal 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lukur gal 1(diš) sila₃ ama-lal₃-abzu ...e₂... ... 6(diš)... ... ... 3(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš)... ...1(u) 5(diš)... ...{ki}...1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um ba-hul","10 sila3 of good beer for the city governor, 3 1/2 sila3 for the lumaḫ priest, 2 2/3 sila3, 5 shekels for the egizi priestess, 1 1/2 sila3 for the senior lagar priest, 1 1/2 sila3 for the senior lukur priestess, 1 sila3 for AMA of gudu-abzu, ..., ..., ..., ..., 6 ..., ..., ..., 214 ..., ... 15 ..., ..., ..., year: “Lullubum for the 9th time (and) Simurrum were destroyed.”" P384819,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) amar... 1(diš) amar gu₄... 1(diš) amar anše apin... 1(diš) amar ab₂ lu₂{d}utu še-bi 1(aš) 3(barig) gur ša₃-gal amar gu₄-apin ki-su₇ gu-la a-ša₃ la₂-mah-ta ki ta... kišib₃ i₇-pa-e₃ iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu gu-za ku₃ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ i₇-pa-e₃ dumu lugal-ušurₓ nu-banda₃ gu₄ {d}šara₂","3 bull calves for ..., 1 bull calf for ..., 1 donkey foal ..., 1 donkey foal for Lu-Utu, its grain: 1 gur, 3 barig; fodder for the calves of plow oxen, from the great threshing floor at field “Lamaḫ,” from (the account of) ARAD booked out; under seal of Ipae, month: “Lisi,” year: “The silver throne of Enlil was fashioned.” Ipae, son of Lugal-ušur, oxen manager of Šara." P384818,Ur III,Administrative," gi ti-um sa ki-su₇ e-še₃ ki šeš-kal-la-ta kišib₃ dingir-ra ...še-sag-ku₅ mu en-unu₆-gal-an-na...","n reed bundles, ... bundles, for the threshing floor by the levee, from Šeškalla, udner seal of Dingira; month: “Harvest,” year: “Enunugalana was hired.”" P384817,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u) gu₂ {geš}ma-nu 2(diš) {geš}asal₃ 6(diš) kuš₃-ta ki a-du-ta ...ensi₂-ka ša₃ bala-a₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul ... nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba ... ensi₂ umma... ...","40 bundles of willow wood, 2 poplar trunks, 6 cubits each: From Adu ?; under seal of the governor, of the bala; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant." P384822,Ur III,Administrative," 5(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) sar {geš}dih₃ ku₅ 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš)-kam a-ša₃ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ 3(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 3(u) sar u₂ ku₅ 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 3(u)-kam ...ša₃ du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇ u₃ a-ša₃ pu₂-si₄-mu 7(geš₂) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ 1(u) 2(diš) sar-ta u₄ 3(u) 5(diš)...kam ...ša₃ u₂... ... ...{d}šara₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun inim{d}šara₂ dumu ur-nigar{gar}","3375 sar, cutting thorn weed at 15 sar (a day), its labor: 225 days, field “Nin-nudu;” 2250 sar, cutting grass at 15 sar (a day), its labor: 150 days, field “Gold-Mound” and field “Pusimu;” 420 sar, thorn bushes at 12 sar (a day), its labor: 35 days, field “...”; under seal of Inim-Šara; Year: “The high-priestess of Eridu was hired.” Inim-Šara son of Ur-nigar." P384816,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še sa₂-du₁₁ iti diri mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul 2(u) 4(aš) 1(ban₂)...4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še sa₂-du₁₁ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ ...du₁₁...šara₂ u₃ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šul-gi ki gu-du-du-ta kišib₃ aš-a ab-ba-gi-na dumu inim{d}... ...","1 barig, 1 ban2, 5 sila3 of barley, regular offerings of month: “Extra,” year: “Simanum was destroyed;” 24 gur, 1 ban2, 4 1/2 sila3 of barley, regular offerings of 13th month, year: “The Amorite wall was erected;” regular offerings for Šara and regular offerings for Šulgi, from Gududu, under the individual seal of Abbagina. Abbagina son of Inim-..., ... ." P384820,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) 5(ban₂) še ša₃-gal udu niga ki gu-du-du-ta kišib₃ ur{d}ma-mi giri₃ gi-na iti... mu ur{d}... dumu inim... kurušda...","1 barig, 5 ban2 of barley. fodder for grain-fed sheep, from Gududu, under seal of Ur Mami, via Gina month: “...,” year: “Simurrum was destroyed;” Ur-Mami, son of Inim-Šara, animal fattener of Šara." P384812,Ur III,Administrative," ...da ...am₃-ma-nu-um ...šeš-kal-la ...ur... ... 5(diš) gin₂ ša₃-ku₃-ge dumu {d}šara₂-ga₂ 2(diš) gin₂ ur{d}šara₂ dumu šeš-kal-la 1(diš) gin₂ en... zi-ga ša₃ tum-malₓ... ... ...","..., ..., ... Šeškalla; ..., ..., ..., 5 shekels for Šakuge, son of Šaraga; 2 shekels for Ur-Šara, son of Šeškalla; 1 shekel for En-... son of ...; booked out, in Tummal, ..., ... ." P384800,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...1(u) 7(diš) u₈ 1(u)... 2(u) 1(diš) udu-nita₂ 1(u) sila₄ ga 1(u) 3(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) maš₂ nita₂ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ du mu-kuₓ(DU) gub-ba-am₃ 1(diš) udu-nita₂ 7(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ kišib₃ {d}šara₂-a-mu-tum₂ 8(diš) u₈ 6(diš) udu-nita₂ 3(diš) ud₅ kišib₃ giri₃{d}šara₂-i₃-dab₅ 2(u) 4(diš) u₈ 3(diš) kir₁₁ dili-ur₄ 7(diš) udu-nita₂ 6(diš) sila₄ dili-ur₄ 3(diš) ud₅ ri-ri-ga kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam giri₃{d}šara₂-i₃-dab₅ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) u₈ 1(u) 3(diš) kir₁₁ ...2(u) 8(diš) udu-nita₂ 1(u) sila₄ ...6(diš) ud₅ 8(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ ...maš₂ nita₂ ...₄","n+ 17 ewes, 10 female lambs, 21 rams, 10 suckling male lambs, 13 nanny goats, 1 billy goat, 1 usual female kid, standard (quality), delivery, available; 1 ram, 7 female kids, under seal of Šara-amutum, 8 ewes, 6 rams, 3 nanny goats, under seal of Giri-Šara-idab; 24 ewes, 3 female lambs, shorn, 7 rams, 6 male lambs, shorn, 3 nanny goats, fallen, under official seal Giri-Šara-idab; total: 95 ewes, 13 female lambs; total: 28 rams, 10 male lambs; total: 16 nanny goats, 8 female kids; total: 1 billy goat; year: “Nanna of Karzida was brought into the house.”" P384821,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...3(diš) 1(eše₃) ta u₄ 4(u) 5(diš) ...ra₂ 3(diš) 1(eše₃) ta ...erin₂...u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) ......ra₂ 4(diš) 1(eše₃) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) a₂ geš-ur₃-ra 4(geš₂) sar gi ziₓ(IGI@g)-a 2(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) 4(u) 5(diš) sar gi ziₓ(IGI@g)-a 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(diš) a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ 8(geš₂) 4(u) sar gi ku₅-ra₂ 2(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) 6(diš) 3(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) sar al 4(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(u) 8(diš) ...sar al 3(diš) sar-ta ...u₄ 2(u) 2(diš) ...5(diš) sar-ta a₂...u₄ 3(u) giri₃ nu-banda₃ gu₄ ...kin ak ...tur ...{geš}gigir nu...gu₄ ...lugal... ...dal ...{ki} ba... ...e₂-mah-e dub-sar ...lugal-ku₃-ga...","... 2 bur3, 1 eše3 3 iku field, harrowing, 3 (times), at 1 eše3 field (a day), its troop labor: 45 days; 1 bur3 field, harrowing, 3 (times), at 1 eše3 field (a day), its troop labor: 18 days; 1 eše3, 3 iku field, harrowing, 4 (times), at 1 eše3 field (a day), its troop labor: 12 days; work of harrowing; 240 sar, reeds uprooted, at 20 sar (a day), its labor: 12 days; 45 sar, reeds uprooted, at 15 sar (a day) its labor: 3 days; labor of hired men; 520 sar, reeds cut, at 20 sar (a day), its labor: 26 days; 192 sar, hoeing, at 4 sar (a day), its labor: 48 days; 66 sar, hoeing, at 3 sar (a day), its labor: 22 days; 150 sar, ..., at 5 sar (a day), its labor: 30 days; via ..., oxen manager; field work done, field “Latur;” foreman: Ur-gigir, oxen manager; under seal of Lugal-emaḫe; month: “Flight,” year: “... was destroyed.” Lugal-emaḫe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani." P384811,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu lu₂{d}...gudu₄ {d}... 1(diš) udu da-ri₂... 1(diš) udu a-kal-la... 1(diš) udu ma-an-ba sagi 1(diš) maš₂ a-ši-an 3(diš) udu... ... 1(diš)... 1(diš)... 1(diš)...{d}suen 1(u) 4(diš) udu 4(diš) maš₂... 2(diš)... 1(diš) udu ma-a-an-du i₃-du₈ ...maš₂ šeš-kal-la sukkal-mah šuniŋin 3(u) 5(diš)","1 sheep: Lu-x, the gudu priest of ...; 1 sheep: Dariša (?); 1 sheep: Akalla ...; 1 sheep: Manba, the cup bearer; 1 goat: Er-dingir; 3 sheep: ...; ...; 1 ...: ...; 1 ...: ...; 1 ...: ...-Suen; 14 sheep, 4 goats: ...; 2 ...: ...; 1 sheep: Mandu(?), doorkeeper; 3 goats: Šeškalla, sukkalmaḫ; total: 35." P384801,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 7(aš) še gur lugal numun 5(geš₂) 5(u) 5(aš) 3(barig) gur e₂-kišib₃-ba-še₃ ","57 royal gur of seed grain, 355 gur, 3 barig; to the sealed warehouse;" P384809,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) maš₂ maš₂ šim-ma 2(diš) u₈ gukkal ba-uš₂ giri₃ {d}nin-gir₂-su-ka-i₃-sa₆ zi-ga iti še-il₂-la mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","12 goats, pastured goats; 2 fat-tailed ewes, slaughtered; via Ningirsuka-isa, booked out; month: “Barley transported,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P384808,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) sila₄ ga 2(diš) kir₁₁ ga 4(diš) maš₂ ga 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ ga u₃-tu-da u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal 2(u) 2(diš)","15 suckling male lambs, 2 suckling female lambs, 4 suckling male kids, 1 suckling female kid, newborns; 24th day, Šulgi-ayamu received; month: “Harvest,” year: “Amar Suen (is) king.” (total:) 22." P384804,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) udu an 5(diš) udu {d}iškur 2(diš) maš₂ {d}en-ki 3(diš) udu {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) udu {d}nin-lil₂ ...udu {d}nin-hur-sag siskur₂ ki {d}iškur 2(diš) sila₄ {d}al-la-tum a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam en{d}nanše-ki-ag₂ sagi maškim ša₃ e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ hur-sag-ga-lam-ma 1(diš) sila₄ {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}...lil₂ ... a...maškim ... u₄ 1(u)...kam šuniŋin 2(u) 1(diš) udu...maš₂ ...... giri₃...a... ki in-ta... ba-zi₂ 2(u) 3(diš)","5 sheep for An, 5 sheep for Iškur, 2 billy goats for Enki, 3 sheep for Enlil, n sheep for the goddess Ninlil, n sheep for Ninḫursag: offerings at the place of Iškur; 2 lambs for Allatum, for the 2nd time, En-Nanše-kiag, the cup-bearer, responsible official, from in the temple of Puzriš-Dagan; 1 lamb for Enlil, 1 lamb for Ḫursag-galama (?), 1 lamb for Throne of Enlil, 1 lamb for ..., ... A-..., responsible official, ...; 10nth (?) day; total: 21 sheep, 2 goats, ..., via ..., from (the account of) Intaea booked out; year: “The big throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 23(?)." P384807,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) i₃-nun gur 3(aš)... e₂ {d}...{d}nin-lil₂ₓ(LIL) kišib₃ ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ e₂-kišib₃-ba-ta ba-zi iti šu-eš₅-ša mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","2 gur of butter oil, 3 gur of kašk cheese (?), into the house of Enlil and Ninlil brought under seal of Ur-Enlila; from the (account of the) storage facility booked out; month: “Šu-eša,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P384806,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gukkal 1(diš) udu a-lum 3(diš) maš₂-gal ir-du₁₀{d}mar-tu 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-a₂-zi-da šabra 1(diš) sila₄ ri-ib-hu-ti 1(diš) sila₄ en {d}inana u₄ 2(u) 2(diš)... mu-kuₓ(DU) in-ta-e₃... i₃-dab₅ giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar iti a₂-ki-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 1(u) 1(diš)","4 fat tailed sheep, 1 ašlum-sheep, 3 large billy goats: Irdu Martu; 1 lamb: Lugal-azida, chief household manager; 1 lamb: Ribḫuti; 1 lamb: high-priestess of Inanna; 12th day, delivery, Intaea received; via Nanna-maba, scribe; month: “Akitu,” year: “Šu-Suen (is) king;” (total:) 11." P384815,Ur III,Letter," da-da u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 5(geš₂) sa gi {d}nanna-ki-ag₂ {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an... ","(To) Dada speak: 300 bundles of reed Nanna-kiag. Šulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters:" P388399,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-dingir-ra 3(diš) guruš ugula lugal-giri₁₇-zal 2(diš) guruš ugula lu₂-sag₁₀ 1(u) 2(diš) guruš ugula lu₂{d}da-ia₃ 1(u) 6(diš) guruš ugula ur{geš}gigir 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ugula lugal...gur₈... 1(u) 7(diš) guruš 3(diš)...tu... ugula lugal-mu-ma-ag₂ gub-ba-am₃ ša₃ bala-a iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","11 laborers, foreman: Lu-dingira; 3 laborers, foreman: Lugal-girizal; 2 laborers, foreman: Lu-saga; 12 laborers, foreman: Lu-Daya; 16 laborers, foreman: Ur-gigir; 11 laborers, foreman: Lugal-magure; 17 laborers, 3 laborers, sick, foreman: Lugal-mumag; are stationed, part of the bala; month: “Lisi,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P388400,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) sa gi-zi gu-nigin₂-ba 5(diš) sa-ta ki lugal-mu-ma-ag₂-ta kišib₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun ... dumu inim... kurušda...","60 bundles of fodder reed, in each bale: 5 bundles; from Lugal-mumag, under seal of Alulu; month: “Barley at the quay,” Year: “The high-priestess of Eridu was hired.” Alulu, son of Inim-Šara, animal fattener of Šara." P393091,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 1(u) esir₂ had₂ gur lugal mu ma₂ gibil-še₃ ki ensi₂ umma{ki}ta kišib₃ en-dingir-mu giri₃ a-mur{d}suen lu₂ kas₄ u₃ šeš-a-ni lu₂... iti ezem-mah mu bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃ {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba en-dingir-mu ra₂-gaba zu","10 royal gur of dried bitumen, for the new boat from the governor of Umma; under seal of En-dingir-mu, via Amur-Suen, the runner, and Šeš-ani, the ...; month: “Ezem-mah,” year: “The wall of the land was erected.” Šulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters, En-dingir-mu, the courier, your servant." P393092,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) dabin ki lugal-nir-gal₂-ta kišib₃ a-du-mu iti še-kar-gal₂-la mu lu-lu-bum₂ si-mu-ru-um ba-hul ur{d}suen dub-sar dumu ur{geš}gigir ša₃-tam","2 barig flour, from Lugal-nirgal, under seal of Aramu; month: “Barley at the quay,” year: “Lullubum (and) Simurrum were destroyed.” Ur-Suen scribe, son of Ur-gigir," P393093,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin₂-ba 5(diš) sa-ta ša₃-gal udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ ki ur-e₂-mah-ta kišib₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal a-lu₅-lu₅ dumu inim{d}šara₂ kurušda {d}šara₂-ka","90 bundles of fodder-reeds, in each bale 5 bundles; fodder of fattened sheep, regular offering, from Ur-Emaḫ, under seal of Alulu; month: “Lisi,” year: “Ibbi-Suen (became) king.” Alulu, Inim-Šara animal fattener of Šara." P361737,Ur III,Administrative," ... ... ...kal... ...{d}nin-bara₂ ...kišib₃ ur-nigar{gar} ...da-da 8(aš) 2(barig) kišib₃ ša-an-gu iti še-il₂-la lu₂ geš-i₃-me 2(u) 2(diš) dub-sar 1(barig)-ta 1(u) 4(diš) a-igi-du₈ 1(barig)-ta še-bi 7(aš) 1(barig) gur iti 1(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ še-bi 4(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) gur iti 6(diš)-kam dub-sar a-igi-du₈ geš-gi-me ...3(barig) kišib₃ ur-lugal ...kišib₃ lu₂{d}nanše ...ku₆-me ...1(ban₂) dub-sar didli-me ...lu₂-uš-gi-na ...ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da ...{d}gu₃-de₂-a ...sar-me ...ka-ta ...še-ba he₂-dab₅ ...ta ...še₃ ...gur ...kam ... ... mu ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂-še₃ kišib₃ nam-zi-tar-ra i₃-dub ambar-sur-ra-ta giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal dumu ensi₂ 4(aš) kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal i₃-dub kab₂-du₁₁-ga gir₂-nun-ta-ta 1(u) 9(aš) 2(barig) gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ur{d}nanše 1(u) 9(aš) 4(barig) gur še-ba gab₂-us₂ udu gukkal kišib₃ lu₂-e₂-sukud-ra₂ lu₂ du₁₁-ga-zi-da i₃-dub su₃-gan₂-ta giri₃ ba-zi 2(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 1(u) 8(aš) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur 2(u) kišib₃ ur{d}nin-tu 2(u) kišib₃ lugal-dam 7(geš₂) 2(u) 2(aš) gur kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra u₃ ur{geš}gigir 2(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 5(aš) 3(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nanše 3(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) ša₃-gal erin₂ 8(aš) še-numun a-ša₃ erin₂ kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ 3(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) ša₃-gal erin₂ 3(aš) še-numun a-ša₃ erin₂ 2(diš)-am₃ ...inim-gi-na ...tu ...tu ... ... giri₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga ...4(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ a-tu nu-banda₃ erin₂ bala tuš-a 3(u) 4(aš) 5(ban₂) gur kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ erin₂ še nu-tuku-me e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} iti ezem{d}dumu-zi giri₃ lugal-siskur₂-re u₃ ur-e₂-babbar₂ 3(gešʾu) 3(u) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nanše giri₃ ba-zi i₃-dub bi-munu₄-ra-ta 1(aš) 2(barig) še-ba he₂-dab₅ kišib₃ sukkal-di-de₃ giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal 3(geš₂) 3(u) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su i₃-dub e₂-duru₅ {d}nanše-ta 3(geš₂) kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su giri₃ ba-zi 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nanše giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal i₃-dub a₂-gul-ta 3(u)...gur kišib₃ ur{d}ašnan 2(geš₂) 4(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su i₃-dub inim-ma-dingir-ta 3(gešʾu) 3(u) 5(aš) 5(ban₂) gur kišib₃ didli 4(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ a-tu nu-banda₃ 5(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gur ...ku₅-da nu-banda₃ ...nin-mar{ki} ...ur₅-ra šitim ...ša₃-gibil ...gur ... ... anše apin ki lu₂-ba dumu a-mu-ta 8(aš) gur lu₂{d}utu sipa 1(aš) še-ba nimgir-inim-gi-na ug₃ 1(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal dumu ensi₂ ki šeš-kal-la dumu pu₃-lu₅-lu₅-ta 1(u) 3(aš) gur lugal-siskur₂-re ki ur-gu-la dumu ga-ni-ta 2(geš₂) 4(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur ki ab-ba-mu dumu ba-ad-da-ta 5(u) 3(aš) gur ki lu₂-nam-tar-ra-ta 1(aš) šeš-kal-la dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ 3(barig) ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da 2(barig) ur{d}al-la 2(barig) lugal-giri₁₇-zal 2(barig) lu₂-bala-sa₆-ga 2(barig) lugal-me-lam₂ 1(barig) lu₂{d}gu₃-de₂-a 2(barig) lugal-an-na-tum₂ 1(barig) lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su 2(barig) 3(ban₂) ur{d}nanše 1(barig) ur-sa₆-ga dumu ur{geš}gigir 1(barig) ur-sa₆-ga dumu ba-har 2(barig) lu₂-eb 2(barig) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(barig) lugal-ša₃-la₂ dumu lu₂-dingir-ra 1(barig) e₂-zi-mu dub-sar geš-gi-me i₃-dub e₂-duru₅ {d}al-la-tum-ta 2(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur₃ ... ... kišib₃... iti... 2(u) 7(aš) gur še-ba ug₃ kišib₃ ba-zi-ge ki lu₂-bi-mu-ta 6(aš) ša₃-gal erin₂-na 6(aš) še-numun a-ša₃ erin₂ kišib₃ ba-zi-ge dumu ka₅-a mu a-tu dumu la-la-še₃ iti... 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur še-ba geme₂ uš-bar kišib₃ ur{d}ašnan ugula 1(u) 5(aš) gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur munu₄-mu₂ ki ur{d}nanše dumu na-ba-sa₆-ta 1(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) gur i₃-dub a-ša₃ nin-nam₂-mah-ta 1(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur i₃-dub a-ša₃ nin-nig₂-erim₂-e-ta 1(u) e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki}gu₂-gal-ta 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 4(barig) gur še-ba gab₂-us₂ udu gukkal kišib₃ gu₃-de₂-a dumu lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ 7(aš) 4(barig) gur še ninda ur₅-ra lu₂ mar-sa kišib₃ ma₂-gur₈-re šeš gu-za-na ki ma-ni-ta 7(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) gur še {u₂}urua{a}{ki} giri₃ da-a-di₃ gu-za-la₂ 5(aš) gur ki ur{d}lamma...ta ... ... še-ba... še-ba... mu us₂{ki}... ba-an-na... la-ba-a-kuₓ(LIL)-ra... 2(u) 9(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂)... kišib₃ a-tu nu-banda₃ 2(aš) gur mu a-tu-še₃ kišib₃ ur-e₂-ninnu dumu du-du 3(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ še erin₂-na iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ ki ur-ba-gara₂ kurušda-ta 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur guru₇-a tak₄-a giri₃ ur{d}nanše šuniŋin 4(aš) guru₇ 3(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 1(u) 8(aš) 4(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ gur sag nig₂-gur₁₁-kam ša₃-bi-ta ... ... e₂... 1(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) gur gab₂-ra ab₂... 2(barig) gab₂-ra gu₄ na-gab₂-tum-me 1(u) 9(aš) 5(diš) sila₃ gur še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga geš-gi 2(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur šu-ku₆ gi-gid₂ u₃ šu-ku₆ sukkal-mah 2(barig) 2(ban₂) ma₂-gin₂ ad-kup₄ šu-ku₆ a-ab-ba 1(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur šu-ku₆ a-ru-a mar-sa 6(aš) 2(ban₂) gur he₂-dab₅ {geš}tukul-e dab₅-ba 1(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur geme₂ kikken₂ {geš}tukul-e dab₅-ba-me 2(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur amar-ku₅ dumu uš-bar-me 8(geš₂)...2(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ gur geme₂ uš-bar-me 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 1(ban₂) gur lu₂ dab₅-me 6(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-uš-bar šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 2(u) 1(aš) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur iti 1(diš)-kam iti maš-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ še-bi 2(aš) guru₇ 5(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 1(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) gur ... ... iti munu₄-gu₇... 2(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃... sila-a dab₅-ba 1(barig) 5(ban₂) ni₂-e tak₄-a iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta 3(ban₂) dumu egir tu-da iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ še-bi 1(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur iti 8(diš)-kam nu{geš}kiri₆ geš-gal-gal 1(ban₂) dumu egir tu-da iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ še-bi 1(barig) iti 6(diš)-kam dumu lu₂ mar-sa 3(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur iti šu-numun-ta 1(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) gur iti munu₄-gu₇-ta 5(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur iti ezem{d}dumu-zi-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) gur iti 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam he₂-dab₅ {geš}tukul-e dab₅-ba ...ta ... ... dumu... iti... iti še... še-bi... iti 6(diš)... 1(gešʾu)... še-ba giri₃... 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 4(u) 4(aš)... še-ba gab₂-us₂ udu gukkal še-ba za₃-mu-ka sa₂-du₁₁ še-ba 1(geš₂) 1(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur nig₂-ezem-ma dingir-re-ne nig₂-ba za₃-mu-ka 3(u) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur ma₂ du₈-a u₃ ušur-bar {d}nin-mar...ka mu 3(diš)... 1(geš₂) 1(u) 1(aš)... ... ... iti... 5(u)... ša₃ hu... ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀... giri₃ kas₄-ke₄... kišib₃ ur{d}...lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ 5(u) 3(diš) amar... še-bi... ... ... ... iti... iti še... še-bi 4(u)... iti 6(diš)... dub-sar a-igi... giri₃ ur{d}nun...dumu ensi₂ 5(aš) 1(barig) še kaš gur 3(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ gur nig₂-siskur₂-ra a-ša₃... kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ 2(barig) ša₃-gal amar geš₃ nu... kišib₃ ur-ki-gu...lugal-a₂... 1(barig) 2(ban₂) a-hu-a lu₂ kas₄ 4(ban₂) dumu... giri₃ ur... 2(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂)... nig₂ erin₂-e... giri₃... 1(aš)... ... ... erin₂ bala... kišib₃ a-tu... 3(u) 4(aš) 5(ban₂) erin₂ bala-gub-ba kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ iti ezem{d}dumu-zi 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur giri₃ ur-e₂-babbar₂ u₃ lugal-siskur₂... 2(u) 9(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) gur kišib₃ a-tu nu-banda₃ 2(aš) mu a-tu-še₃ kišib₃ ur-e₂-ninnu dumu du-du 3(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ 1(geš₂) 6(aš) gur giri₃ lugal-suluhu₂ 4(aš) kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ iti... giri₃ lu₂-bi-mu 5(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ 4(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ a-tu nu-banda₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ 3(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) gur ša₃-gal erin₂... 8(aš) še-numun... kišib₃ bi 2(diš)... kišib₃ ku₅-da... 3(u) 8(aš)... ...še... ... kišib₃... ... ... dumu na-ba-sa₆ 2(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur kišib₃ ku₅-da nu-banda₃ ki ur-mes gudu₄-ta giri₃ du-du ...1(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur kišib₃...ti... ...gur ...bala-tuš-a kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu nam-mah iti še-il₂-la 2(u) 9(aš) 4(ban₂) gur erin₂ bala-gub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}nanše dumu e₂-ab-ša₃-ga nu-banda₃ lu₂-gu-la 2(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) gur erin₂ bala-tuš-a kišib₃ lugal-lu₂-sa₆-sa₆ iti amar-a-a-si erin₂ e₂ {d}nanše še erin₂-na 2(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) gur kišib₃ ab-ba-mu 1(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ug₃ še... ... ...erin₂ bala-tuš-a kišib₃ nam-mah nu-banda₃ 3(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) erin₂ bala-gub-ba kišib₃... ... ... ga₂-ga₂-dam ...gur ... ...ur... ...6(aš) 2(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nin-mar{ki} ...3(aš)...4(ban₂) gur kišib₃ bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-ni ug₃ ugu₂ ur{d}nanše dumu na-ba-sa₆ ga₂-ga₂-dam 1(u) 9(diš) gin₂ la₂ 1(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) še ku₃-babbar ...1(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ gur lu₂-na dumu ša₃-la₂-su₃ sanga šu ba-ti ugu₂-a ga₂-ga₂ 7(aš) 1(barig) gur ur{d}lamma dumu nam-mah 8(aš) 1(barig) ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂ 3(aš) ur{d}šuš₃{d}ba-ba₆ 2(aš) mu ur{d}šuš₃{d}ba-ba₆-še₃ kišib₃ a-ab-ba nu...gu₄ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} 1(u) 8(aš) gur kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ šeš lugal-za₃-ge-si e₂ {d}nin-mar... 4(aš) mu ur... kišib₃ lu₂...ka... ... erin₂... giri₃... a₂ lu₂... 3(aš) še-ba... ur-šu-ga...dumu nam... 3(aš) lu₂-unu... e₂ {d}šul-gi... 6(aš) ur{d}ba-ba₆ sanga {d}nin-gir₂... 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gur šabra sanga... 4(aš) lu₂-ma₂-gur₈...ur... 4(geš₂) 2(u)... ... ... ...sig₁₅ ...4(barig) ... ur...ka-guru₇ ... ...sur... ugu₂... ... ugu₂-a ga₂-ga₂ 1(u) 4(aš)... kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu nam-mah 2(barig) 5(ban₂) kišib₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal nu-banda₃ gu₄ 2(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ ad-da nu-banda₃ gu₄ 4(aš) dumu-da-ba kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu si-du₃ 3(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 2(ban₂) ur{d}lamma dumu nam-mah 1(u) 2(aš) kišib₃ ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da šeš ur{d}šuš₃{d}ba-ba₆ 1(aš) 1(barig) kišib₃ na-gu dumu iri-a₂-na 4(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur kišib₃ a-ab-ba dumu u₂-da 2(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ en-in-na-kal nu-banda₃ gu₄ 4(aš) dumu-da-ba kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu si-du₃ 2(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a nu-banda₃ gu₄ 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur kišib₃ lugal-sa₆-ga mu lu₂-iri-sag-še₃ 2(ban₂) ur{d}šuš₃{d}ba-ba₆ 1(u) 2(aš) gur kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂ 3(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu ur-sa₆-ga 2(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ al-la nu-banda₃ gu₄ 6(aš) kišib₃ du₁₁-ga-ni-zi nu-banda₃ gu₄ ... ... e₂ {d}nin-mar... 1(u) 6(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ur-šu-ga-lam-ma 4(aš) 3(barig) kišib₃ ur...nam... 3(aš) 2(barig) kišib₃ ur...geš-zi-da nu... 2(aš) mu ur-šu-ga... kišib₃ ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da nu-banda₃ ugula ur-šu-ga-lam-ma 1(u) 8(aš) gur kišib₃ lu₂-unu... 1(u) kišib₃ lugal-nigin₆... ugula lugal-nigin₆{ki}... e₂ {d}šul-gi 1(u) 1(aš) kišib₃ ur{d}nin-mar{ki} 5(aš) 3(barig) mu ur{d}nin-mar{ki}... kišib₃ ur-ma-ma ugula ur{d}nin-mar{ki} 1(u) 6(aš) 4(barig)... kišib₃ lugal... ugula lugal... e₂...mar... 1(u)...3(ban₂) gur kišib₃ a-kal-la ugula a-kal-la 1(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ma-an-šum₂ 2(ban₂) ma-an-šum₂ e₂ nam-ha-ni 1(u) 7(aš) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ur-e₂-ninnu 2(ban₂) ur-e₂-ninnu 8(aš) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ nig₂-u₂-rum 8(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur mu nig₂-u₂-rum-še₃ kišib₃ ur-e₂-ninnu 2(ban₂) nig₂-u₂-rum e₂ {d}nanše 1(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ 7(aš) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ ur{d}ig-alim dumu da-da 2(aš) kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su nu-banda₃ gu₄ 2(ban₂) ur{d}ba-ba₆ 1(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur kišib₃ lu₂-lagaš{ki} 2(ban₂) lu₂-lagaš{ki} e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su 4(geš₂) 2(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur še ur₅-ra engar 3(aš) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) dub-sar didli kišib₃ lu₂-uš-gi-na 3(barig) kišib₃ ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da 3(barig) kišib₃ lu₂-gu₃-de₂-a giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal 1(aš) šeš-kal-la dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ ...zi... ... ... ...lu₂-eb 2(barig) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(barig) lugal-ša₃-la₂ dumu lu₂-dingir-ra 1(barig) e₂-zi-mu dub-sar-me giri₃ du-du 1(u) 2(barig) kišib₃-bi 2(diš) kišib₃ ša-an-gu 7(aš) 4(barig) kišib₃ bi 2(diš) kišib₃ da-da dumu ur{geš}gigir iti amar-a-a-si 9(aš) 2(barig) kišib₃ ur-ba-gara₂ dumu ša-an-gu 5(aš) 4(barig) kišib₃ ur-nigar{gar} nu-banda₃ da-da iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) kišib₃ ab-ba-kal-la nu-banda₃ ur{d}nin-bara₂ 4(aš) 4(barig) kišib₃ ur-nigar{gar} nu-banda₃ da-da 8(aš) 2(barig) kišib₃ ša-an-gu iti še-il₂-la 4(u) 9(aš) 3(ban₂) gur giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal 4(aš) 1(barig) gudu₄ bara₂-si-ga 2(ban₂) lugal-ezem kišib₃ ur{d}nanše šeš ka₅-a-mu giri₃ a-tu-kal-la lu₂ geš-i₃-me 6(aš) 3(barig) kišib₃ ur-lugal 3(aš) 2(barig) kišib₃ lu₂{d}nanše šu-ku₆-me iti še-il₂-la giri₃ ur{d}nun dumu ensi₂ 2(u) kišib₃ ur{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ 8(aš) 3(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal dumu ensi₂ 1(u) 3(aš) gur lugal-siskur₂-re 8(aš) gur lu₂{d}utu sipa 3(u) gur še ur₅-ra šitim kišib₃ ur-e₂-an-na engar šitim a-ša₃ gibil 7(aš) 4(barig) gur še ur₅-ra lu₂ mar-sa kišib₃ ma₂-gur₈-re šeš gu-za-na ... ... šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 1(aš) 3(barig)...6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur nig₂-ezem-ma za₃-mu-ka šuniŋin 3(u) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur ma₂ du₈-a u₃ ušur-bar {d}nin-mar{ki} mu 3(diš)-a a-ra₂ 1(diš)-am₃ šuniŋin 7(geš₂) 3(u) 3(aš) 5(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan-na giri₃ kas₄-ke₄-ne šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) amar še-bi 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(aš) gur amar du₃-a gub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}nin-gir₂-su u₃ ur-mes unu₃ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 2(u) 6(diš) amar da-ba 3(barig)-ta še-bi 5(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) gur kišib₃ ur-mes u₃ lugal-nig₂-zu šuniŋin 1(u) gur gu₂-u₃-gu₂ a-igi-du₈ geš-gi mu a-ša₃ nu-dab₅-ba-še₃ šuniŋin 3(barig) ša₃-gal amar-ku₅ ugnim-še₃ gen-na šuniŋin 4(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) gur dub-sar a-igi-du₈ geš-gi gub-ba še nu-tuku-me šuniŋin 8(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ gur nig₂-siskur₂-ra a-ša₃-ga šuniŋin 2(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur nig₂ erin₂-e gu₇-a šuniŋin 2(barig) ša₃-gal amar geš₃ nu-zu šuniŋin 2(barig) lu₂-hu-bu₇{bu} šuniŋin 2(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) gur giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur giri₃ ur-e₂-babbar₂ u₃ lugal-siskur₂-re šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 6(aš) gur giri₃ lugal-suluhu ...4(aš) gur ...lu₂-bi-mu ... ... ...se₃-ga ...3(u) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur lu₂-bi-mu šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 4(u) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur ma-ni šuniŋin 1(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur ur-tur dumu ur-sa₆-ga šuniŋin 5(u) 8(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) gur ur{d}nanše dumu na-ba-sa₆ šuniŋin 1(u) 9(diš) gin₂ la₂ 1(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) še ku₃-babbar še-bi 1(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ gur sanga šu ba-ti ugu₂-a ba-a-gar šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) gur šabra sanga... šuniŋin 4(aš) gur lu₂-ma₂-gur₈-ra šuniŋin 4(geš₂) 2(u) 5(aš) gur ugu₂-a ba-a-gar šuniŋin 3(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ gur ugu₂-a ga₂-ga₂ lu₂{d}utu dumu ba-zi šuniŋin 4(barig) zi₃-sig₁₅ še bala-bi 4(barig) šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 6(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gur ur{geš}gigir ka-guru₇ šuniŋin 1(u) 9(aš) 2(barig) gur ugu₂ i₃-dub ambar-sur-ra ba-a-gar ugu₂-a ba-a-gar šuniŋin 4(geš₂) 2(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur še ur₅-ra engar šuniŋin 1(u) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) gur dub-sar-me giri₃ du-du šuniŋin 4(u) 9(aš) 3(ban₂) gur ... ... ...gur ...sipa ...gur šitim-me ...4(barig) gur ...mar-sa-me ...ra su-su šuniŋin-nigin₂ 4(aš) guru₇ 7(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) la₂ 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 2(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 3(u) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 4(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ gur ur{d}nanše dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga la₂-ia₃ 3(geš₂) 1(aš) 5(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ gur lu₂-dingir-ra dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ ... ... ...ak ...nanše dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga ...gu₂-ab-ba{ki} ... maš-ta ...še-il₂-la-še₃ ...1(u) 2(diš)-kam ...{d}lamma ensi₂ mu {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga...uri₅{ki} ub-da...ke₄...lum{ki}{ki}...","2 (gur) 2 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Abbakala, superintendent: Ur-ninbara, 4 (gur) 4 barig Ur-nigar, superintendent: Dada, 8 (gur) 2 barig under seal of Šangu, month “Barley carried,” sesame oil workers; 22 scribe(s), each with 1 barig, 14 water inspector(s), each with 1 barig, its barley: 7 gur 1 barig, of the 1st month, from month “Festival of Šulgi,” to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 43 gur 1 barig, of the 6th month, (they) are scribes of water inspectors, wood and reed; 6 (gur) 3 barig Ur-lugal (and) 3 (gur) 2 barig under seal of Lu-Nanše, (they) are fishermen; 3 (gur) 2 barig 1 ban2, various scribes, under seal of Lu-ušgina, 3 barig Ur-Ningešzida, (and) 3 barig Lu-Gudea, via Ur-Nungal, (they) are scribes; from ...; ..., barley rations (of) the captives, from month ..; to month ..; its barley: ... gur [x], of the nth month, ..; in place of Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig, under seal of Namzitara, from the depot ambar-sur-ra, via Ur-Nungal, son (of) the governor; 4 (gur) under seal of Ur-Nungal, from the depot Kabduga-girnun; 19 gur 2 barig under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son (of) Ur-Nanše, (and) 19 gur 4 barig, barley rations (of) the shepherd’s helper(s) (of) the fat-tailed sheep, under seal of Lu-esukudra, the man (of) Dugazida, from the depot Sugan, via Bazi; 1698 gur 4 ban2 5 sila3 under seal of Lu-Ninšubur?, 20 (gur) ur-Nintu?, 20 (gur) Lugal-dam, 442 gur under seal of Lu-dingira and Ur-gigir, 1505 gur 3 barig under seal of Ur-Nanše, 35 (gur) 2 barig 2 ban2, food of the work-troops, (and) 8 (gur) seed for the fields of the work-troops, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, 38 (gur) 1 barig, food of the work-troops, (and) 3 (gur) seed for the fields of the work-troops, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Lugal-inimgina (?), ..; ..; ..; via Luduga, ... 4 gur 4 barig under seal of Atu, the superintendent, work-troops sitting out the corvée duty; 34 gur 5 ban2, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, work-troops, barley not receiving; house of Ninmar, month “Festival of Dumuzi,” via Lugal-siskure and Ur-Ebabbar; (and) 1830 gur under seal of Ur-Nanše, via Bazi, from the depot bi-munu-ra (?); 1 gur 2 barig, barley rations of the captives, under seal of Sukkal-dide, via Ur-Nungal, (and) 210 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, from the depot e2-duru5-Nanše; 180 (gur) Lu-Ningirsu, via Bazi, (and) 144 gur 4 barig under seal of Ur-Nanše, via Ur-Nungal, from the depot Agul (?); 30 ... gur under seal of Ur-Ašnan (and) 164 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, from the depot Inima-dingir; 1835 gur 5 ban2 various sealed tablets, 45 gur 4 barig under seal of Atu, the superintendent, 51 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, house of Ninmar; 30 gur barley, interest-bearing, the builder(s), under seal of Ur-Eanna, plough? (of) the builder(s) of New Field, ... gur ..., ..; donkeys of the plough (?), from Lu-ba, son (of) Amu; 8 gur (for) Lu-Utu, the shepherd, 1 (gur), barley rations of Nimgir-inimgina, the porter, (and) 1 (gur) 4 barig under seal of Ur-Nungal, son (of) the governor, from Šeškala, son (of) Pululu; 13 gur (for) Lugal-siskure from Urgula, son (of) Gani; 168 gur 1? barig 5 ban2 from Abbamu, son (of) Badda; 53 gur from Lu-namtara; 1 (gur) Šeškala, son (of) Ur-Baba, 3 barig Ur-Ningešzida, 2 barig Ur-Alla, 2 barig Lugal-girizal, 2 barig Lu-balašaga, 2 barig Lugal-melam, 1 barig Lu-Gudea, 2 barig Lugal-annatum, 1 barig Lu-Ningirsu, 2 barig 3 ban2 Ur-Nanše, 1 barig Ur-gigir, 1 barig Ur-saga son of Baḫar, 2 barig Lu-eb, 2 barig Lu-Ninšubur, 1 barig Lugal-šala son of Lu-dingira (and) 1 barig Ezimu, (they) are scribes of the wood & reed, from the depot Eduru-Al-la-tum; 2 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, under seal of ..., month ..., (and) 27 gur, barley rations of the porter(s), under seal of Bazige, from Lu-bimu; 6 gur, food of the work-troops, (and) 6 gur seed, field of the work-troops, under seal of Bazige, son (of) Ka’a, in place of Atu, son (of) Lala, month ..., 4 gur 1 barig 2 ban2, barley rations (of) the female weaver(s), under seal of Ur-Ašnan?, the foreman?, (and) 15 gur under seal of Lu-Ninsun, the malster, from Ur-Nanše, son (of) Nabasa; 1126 gur from the depot of the field Nin-nammaḫ; 16 gur 2 barig from the depot of the field Nin-nigerime; 10 gur, the house Ninmar-gugal; 64 gur 4 barig, barley rations (of) the shepherd’s helper(s) (of) the fat-tailed sheep, under seal of Gudea, son (of) Lu-Enlila, (and) 7 gur 4 barig, barley bread, interest-bearing, (for) the shipyard people, under seal of Magure, the brother (of) Guzana, from Mani; 455 gur, barley (from) Urua, via Dādī, the chair-bearer; 5 gur from Ur-Lamma, ...; .barley rations? (of) ..; (and) barley rations (of) ..., year after: “Simurum and Lulubu were destroyed;” was booked out (?) (of the account) for him, (but) has not been brought in (?); 29 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 under seal of Atu, the superintendent, 2 gur in place of Atu, under seal of Ur-Eninnu, son of Dudu, (and) 34 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, barley of the work-troops, month “Festival of Baba,” from Ur-bagara, the animal fattener; 64 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 in the granary left behind, via Ur-Nanše; total: 16,518 gur 4 ban2 1(?) 1/3 sila3, it is debit; therefrom: house of ...; 11 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 (for) the cowherdsman’s helpers; 2 barig oxenherdsman’s helpers, nagabtum; 19 gur 5 sila3, barley rations (of) the standing personnel (of) wood & reed; 22 gur 1 barig 2 ban2, (for) the spear fishermen and fishermen of the sukkalmaḫ; 2 barig 2 ban2, boat-builders, matters, sea fishermen; 1 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 (for) the dedicated fishermen of the shipyard (?); 6 gur 2 ban2 (for) the captive(s) seized by the weapons; 1 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 (for) the female millers seized by the weapons; 2 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 (for) the castrated children of the weavers; 480 ... 26 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 9 sila3 (for) the female weavers; 68 gur 1 ban2 (for) the seized people; 6 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 (for) the standing personnel (of) the textile mill; total: 861 gur 5 ban2 5 sila3, of the 1st month, from month “GANmaš” to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 10,334 gur 1 barig [...] from month “Malt feast,”; 2 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 (for the people) seized on the street (and) 1 barig 5 ban2 ‘left on the tablet’ from month “Harvest”; (and) 3 ban2, ‘born afterwards,’ from month “Festival of Šulgi”; to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 15 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, of the 8th month, gardener(s) (of) big lumber; 1 ban2, ‘born afterwards,’, from month “Festival of Šulgi” to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 1 barig, of the 9th month, children (of) the shipyard workers; 3 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 from month “Sowing”; 1 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 from month “Malt feast”; (and) 5 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 from month “Festival of Dumuzi” to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 84 gur 1 barig 1 ban2, of the 9th month, captive(s) seized by the weapons; ..; ..; child(ren) ‘born? afterward’ (?) from month ..; to month “Barley carried,” its barley: ..., of the 6th month; 600 ... gur ..., barley rations (of) the standing personnel (?), (and) 704 ... gur ..., barley rations (of) the shepherd’s helper(s) (of) the fat-tailed sheep, barley rations of the new-year; regular provisions (and) barley rations; 61 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 6 1/2 sila3, festival material of the gods, gift of the new-year; 30 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 3 1/2 sila3 (for) the caulked boat and the outer district of Ninmar, in three years for the first time (?); 71 ... gur ..; (for) ..; ..; ..; ..; ..., month “...,” (in total:) 50 ... gur ..; in Ḫurim, in leather bags, via the runners, under seal of Ur-Lamma (?), son (?) (of) Lu-Baba; 53 ... calves (?) ..., its barley: ..., from month “Festival of Šulgi,” to month “Barley carried,” its barley: 43 gur 1 barig, of the 6th month, (they) are scribes, water inspectors, via Ur-Nungal, son (of) the governor; 5 gur 1 barig barley for beer, (and) 3 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 less 1 sila3 (for) offerings of the fields under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Lu-Baba; 2 barig, food of the virgin young cattle, under seal of Ur-kigula, son (?) (of) Lugal-a2...; 1 barig 2 ban2 Aḫua, the runner (?) (and) 4 ban2 child of ..., via Ur-...; 22 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3, material used by the work-troops, via ..; 1 ... gur ...; ...; (for) the work-troops sitting out the corvée duty under seal of Atu, the superintendent, (and) 34 gur 5 ban2 the work-troops performing the corvée duty, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, month “Festival of Dumuzi,” (in total:) 68 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 via Ur-Ebabbar and Lugal-siskure; 29 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 under seal of Atu, the superintendent, 2 gur, in place of Atu, under seal of Ur-Eninnu, son of Dudu, (and) 34 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, month “Festival of Baba,” (in total:) 66 gur via Lugal-suluḫu; 4 (gur) under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, month ..., via Lu-bimu; 51 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, 45 gur 4 barig under seal of Atu, the superintendent, month “Harvest,” 35 gur 2 barig 2 ban2, food of the work-troops, (and) 8 gur seed, fields of the work-troops, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Kuda, the superintendent; 38 gur 1 barig, food of the work-troops, (and) 3 (gur) barley seed, fields of the work-troops, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Lugal-inim-gina (?), 58 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 (for) Ur-Nanše, son (of) Nabasa, (and) 2 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 under seal of Kuda, the superintendent, from Ur-mes, the gudu4-priest, via Dudu; ... 14 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 under seal (?) of ..., (and) ... gur ..., (for) the work-troops sitting out the corvée duty under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Nammaḫ, month “Barley carried,” 29 gur 4 ban2 (for) the work-troops performing the corvée duty on the sealed tablet (of) Ur-Nanše, son (of) E-abšaga, superintendent: Lu-gula, (and) 27 gur 3 barig (for) the work-troops sitting out the corvée duty under seal of Lugal-lu-sasa, month “Amar-ayasi,” work-troops of the house of Nanše, barley of the work-troops; 28 gur 4 barig under seal of Abbamu (and) 1 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 under seal of Ur-Baba, son of UgIL (?), barley ...; ..; ... (for) the work-troops sitting out the corvée duty under seal of Nammaḫ, the superintendent, 3 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 the work-troops performing the corvée duty under seal of ..., ..; it is to be placed (on) the debit account (of) Mani (?); ... gur ..., ..; ..; ..; ..; ... 6 gur 2 barig under seal of Ur-Ninmar; (and) ... 3 gur ... 4 ban2 (?), its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Niggurani, barley rations (?) of the carrier(s), it is to be placed (on) the debit account (of) Ur-Nanše, son (of) Nabasa; 19 shekels less 14 1/2 grains silver, its barley: 18 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3, (for) Lu-na, son (of) Šalasu, the household manager received (it), (it is) to be placed on (his) debit account; 7 gur 1 barig (for) Ur-Lamma, son (of) Nammaḫ, 8 (gur) 1 barig, Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig, 3 (gur) Ur-Šuš-Baba, 2 (gur) in place of Ur-Šuš-Baba under seal of A’abba, the supervisor of oxen, house of Ninmar; 18 gur under seal of Ur-Baba, the brother (of) Lugal-zagesi, house of Ninmar; 4 (gur) in place of Ur-Baba (?), under seal of Lu-..., 10 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 (for) the work-troops ..., via ..., wages (of) the hired (?) worker(s), 3 (gur), barley rations? of ..., Ur-šugalama, son of Nammaḫ; 3 (gur) Lu-Unu, house (of) Šulgi; (and) 6 (gur) Ur-Baba, the household manager of Ningirsu; (in total:) 64 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 (for) the šabra (and) sanga administrators; 4 (gur) Lu-Magura, son of Ur-...; 265 gur ..; ...; 4 barig fine flour, its bala barley: 4 barig, (and) 1086 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 (for) Ur-gigir, the chief of the granary; 19 gur 2 barig (for?) ..; placed (on) the debit account of the depot Ambar-sur-ra; (all these amounts) were placed on (their) debit accounts; ..; ..; (it is) to be placed on (his) debit account (?), 14 ... gur ..; under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Nammaḫ, 2 barig 5 ban2, under seal of Lu-girizal, supervisor of oxen, 2 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Adda, supervisor of oxen, 4 (gur), children-at-its-side, under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Sidu, 3 barig 3 ban2, Lu-girizal, 2 ban2, Ur-Lamma, son of Nammaḫ, 12 (gur) under seal of Ur-Ningešzida, the brother (of) Ur-Šuš-Baba, 1 (gur) 1 barig under seal of Nagu, son of Iri-ana, 4 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 under seal of A’abba, son (of) Uda, 2 barig 3 ban2 under seal of En-innakal, supervisor of oxen, 4 (gur), ‘children-at-its-side’ under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Sidu, 2 barig 3 ban2 Lu-Narua, supervisor of oxen, 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Lugalsaga in place of Lu-Irisag, 2 ban2 Ur-Šuš-Baba, 12 gur under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Ur-nig, 3 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Ursaga, 2 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Alla, supervisor of oxen, 6 (gur) under seal of Duganizi, supervisor of oxen, house of Ninmar; 16 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 under seal of Ur-šugalama, 4 (gur) 3 barig, under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Nammaḫ, 3 (gur) 2 barig, under seal of Ur-Ningešzida, the superintendent, 2 (gur) in place of Ur-šugalama under seal of Ur-Ningešzida, the superintendent, foreman: Ur-šugalama, 18 gur under seal of Lu-Unu, 10 (gur) under seal of Lugal-Niginše, foreman: lugal-Niginše, house (of) Šulgi; 11 (gur), under seal of Ur-Ninmar, 5 (gur) 3 barig in place of Ur-Ninmar under seal of Ur-Mama (?), foreman: Ur-Ninmar, 16 gur 4 barig ..; under seal of Lugal-..., foreman: Lugal-..., house of Ninmar; 10 gur ... 3 ban2 under seal of Akalla, foreman: Akalla, 17 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Manšum, 2 ban2 Manšum, household of Namḫani; 17 gur 2 ban2 under seal of Ur-Eninnu, 2 ban2, Ur-Eninnu, 8 (gur) 3 ban2 Nig-urum, 8 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 in place of Nig-urum under seal of Ur-Eninnu, 2 ban2 Nig-urum, house of Nanše; (and) 18 (gur) 1 barig, under seal of Ur-Baba, 7 (gur) 3 ban2 under seal of Ur-Igalim, son of Dada, 2 (gur) Lu-Ningirsu, supervisor of oxen, 2 ban2 Ur-Baba, 12 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 under seal of Lu-Lagaš 2 ban2, Lu-Lagaš, the house of Ningirsu; (in total:) 268 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, barley, interest-bearing, (for) the plowmen; 3 (gur) 2 barig 1 ban2, for various scribes under seal of Lu-ušgina, 3 barig under seal of Ur-Ningešzida (and) 3 barig, under seal of Lu-Gudea, via Ur-Nungal; 1 (gur), Šeškalla, son of Ur-Baba, 3 barig, Ur-Ningešzida, 2 barig, Ur-Alla, 2 barig, Lugal-girizal, 2 barig, Lu-balasaga, 2 barig, Lugal-melam, 1 barig, Lu-Gudea, 2 barig, Lugal-annatum, 1 barig, Lu-Ningirsu, 2 barig 3 ban2, Ur-Nanše, 1 barig, Ursaga, son of Ur-gigir, 1 barig, Ursaga, son of Baḫar, 2 barig, Lu-eb, 2 barig, Lu-Ninšubur, 1 barig, Lugal-šala, son of Lu-dingira (and) 1 barig, Ezimu, (they) are scribes; via Dudu; 10 (gur) 2 barig, its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Šangu, 7 (gur) 4 barig, its sealed tablets: 2, sealed tablets (of) Dada, son (of) Ur-gigir, month “Amar-ayasi”; 9 (gur) 2 barig, under seal of Ur-bagara, son (of) Šangu; 5 (gur) 4 barig Ur-nigar, superintendent: Dada, month “Harvest”; (and) 2 (gur) 2 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Abbakala, superintendent: Ur-Ninbara, 4 (gur) 4 barig, Ur-nigar, superintendent: Dada; 8 (gur) 2 barig, under seal of Šangu, month “Barley carried”; (in total:) 49 gur 3 ban2, via Ur-Nungal; 4 (gur) 1 barig the gudu4 priest of barasiga; (and) 2 ban2, Lugal-ezem under seal of Ur-Nanše, brother (of) Ka’amu, via Atukalla; (they) are sesame oil people; 6 (gur) 3 barig Ur-lugal (and) 3 (gur) 2 barig, under seal of Lu-Nanše, (they) are fishermen; month “Barley carried”, via Ur-Nungal, son (of) the governor; 20 (gur), Ur-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Baba; 8 gur 3 barig under seal of Ur-Nungal, son (of) the governor; 13 gur (for) Lugal-siskure; 8 gur (for) Lu-utu, the shepherd; 30 gur, barley, interest-bering, (for) the builder(s), under seal of Ur-Eanna, plowmen (?) and builder(s) of New-field; 7 (gur) 4 barig, barley, interest-bering, (for) the shipyard people, under seal of Magure, brother (of) Guzana; total: 61 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 6 1/2 sila3, festival material of New year; total: 30 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 3 1/2 sila3 (for) the caulked boat and the outer district (of) Ninmar, in 3 years, the first time; total: 453 gur 5 ban2 1/2 sila3 in leather bags, via the runners; total: 168 young cattle, its barley: 165 gur, young cattle that serve for breeding (?), under seal of Ur-Ningirsu (and) Ur-mes, the cattle herdsmen; total: 86 young cattle assistants, 3 barig each, its barley: 51 (gur) 3 barig, (on) the under seal of Ur-mes and Lugal-nigzu; total: 10 gur (for) Gu’ugu, water inspector, wood & reed, in place of the not seized field; total: 3 barig the castrated? men that have gone to the army; total: 43 gur 1 barig (for) the scribes, water inspectors, wood & reed, stationed, barley not receiving; total: 8 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 less 1 sila3 offerings of the fields; total: 22 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3, bread consumed by the work-troops; total: 2 barig, food of the virgin young cattle; total: 2 barig Lu-ḫubu; total: 23 gur 1 barig, via Ur-Nungal; total: 68 gur 4 barig 4 ban2, via Ur-Ebabbar and Lugal-siskure; total: 66 gur, via Lugal-suluḫu; total: 4 gur, via Lu-bimu; total: ..., (for) the standing personnel; total: ... 30 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, (for) Lu-bimu; total: 160 gur 1 barig 5 ban2, (for) Mani; total: 13 gur 3 barig, (for) Ur-tur, son of Ursaga; total: 58 gur 2 barig 4 ban2, (for) Ur-Nanše, son of Nabasa; total: 19 shekels less 14 1/2 grain silver, its barley: 18 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3, the household manager received (it); on (his) debit account placed; total: 64 gur 4 barig 2 ban2, (for) the šabra (and) sanga administrators; total: 4 gur, (for) Lu-magura; total: 265 gur, on the debit account placed, (and) total: 36 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 7 sila3, to be placed on the debit account, (debit account of) Lu-Utu, son (of) Bazi; total: 4 barig fine flour, its bala barley : 4 barig; (and) total: 1086 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 (for) Ur-gigir, the chief of the granary; total: 19 gur 2 barig, (on) the debit account of the depot Ambarsura placed; (all these amounts) were placed on (their) debit accounts; total: 268 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, barley, interest-bearing, (for) the plowmen; total: 10 gur 3 barig 4 ban2, (for) the scribes, via Dudu; total: 49 gur 3 ban2, via Ur-Nungal; total: 13 gur, (for) lugal-siskure; total: 8 gur, (for) Lu-Utu, the shepherd; total: 30 gur (for) the builders; (and) total: 7 gur 4 barig (for) the people of the shipyard; (it is) barley, interest-bearing, to be replaced; total total: 14866 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 less 1/2 sila3, booked out; deficit: 1470 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 4 5/6 sila3; (of) Ur-Nanše, son of Luduga; deficit: 181 gur 5 ban2 7 sila3 (of) Lu-dingira, son (of) Lu-Baba; account (of) Ur-Nanše, son (of) Luduga, in Gu’abba, from month “GANmaš” to month “Barley carried,” it is 12 months; Ur-Lamma, governor; year: “Sulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four regions, the heads of Urbilum, Simurrum, Lullubu and Karḫar in a single campaign did smash.”" P361738,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš)...tur 3(diš)...da 3(diš) ša₃... ...lu₂{d}amar{d}suen dumu-ni 3(diš)... 3(diš)... 1(diš) 1/2(diš)... dumu... 3(diš)... 3(diš)... ... ...a-ni ...nin-gin₇-a-ba-dim₂ ...nin-mu-si-i₃-sa₂ ... 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-sa-du₈ 1(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga dumu-ni-me 2(diš) geme₂-nigar{gar} 4(diš) nin-ka-a-ni-me ...a lu₂-uš-gid₂-da 4(diš) nin-za-gin₃-ta 3(diš) nin-ezem 3(diš) {d}lamma-re-ba-zi-ge 2(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{geš}gigir₂ 1(diš) nin-mu-si-i₃-sa₂ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-ku₃-zu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂ uš-bar 1(diš) geme₂{d}nin-šubur dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂-še-il₂-la 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}nin-šubur ...1/2(diš) nin-sa-du₈ ...1/2(diš)...{d}na-ru₂-a ...{d}na-ru₂-a ... 3(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga dumu lu₂-uš-gid₂-da 2(diš) nin-ki-ne₂ ...nin-mu-ba-an ...geme₂-ga₂-nun ...nin-u₆-e 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nig₂-gi-na 1(diš) lu₂-nam-tar-ra dumu-ni-me 4(diš) nin-ku₃-ga-ni 3(diš) a-gu₂-zi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-geškim-zi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) e₂-ta-mu-zu 1(diš) geme₂{d}nin-šubur dumu-ni-me 1(diš) tug₂ ki-lul-la 3(diš) iri-ni-še₃-kuš₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂-e₂-dar-a dumu-ni 3(diš) nin-diš-gal-da 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-sa-du₈ dumu-ni 3(diš) ša₃-zum-ba 3(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu nin-šeš tug₂ nin-i₇-ki-ag₂ dumu nin-a₂-ni-e₃-a tug₂ ba-ta-sa₆-ge a-ru-a ti-ni-abzu-ta tug₂ a-ba-ni-nisi-ge 3(diš) geme₂{d}šul-gi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nam-ra-ga₂-bi₂-kuš₂ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) la-ba-ši-se-ge-de₃ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-ga₂-kam dumu-ni ar₃ nin-ki-ša-ra 3(diš) geme₂-eš₂-dam ...1/2(diš) nam-šeš-a dumu-ni dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu a-tu tug₂ bu₃-ka-ka 3(diš) lu₂-u₁₈-nu-sa₆ 1(diš) tug₂ geme₂-ga₂-nun dumu geme₂{d}li₉-si₄ 3(diš) maš-tur 3(diš) geme₂{d}nin-mar{ki} 2(diš) {d}utu-ik-ṣur₂ dumu-ni-me tug₂ geme₂-eš₂-dam 3(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a 1(diš) ka-sa₆ dumu-ni-me 2(diš) ba-zi-ge 3(diš) nin-en-gi₇ 2(diš) ur{geš}dar-du₃ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂{d}utu dumu ama-gi-na 3(diš) geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ tug₂ nin-da-nir-gal₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nig₂-tuku dumu-ni 3(diš) geme₂-munu₄-ku₃-ga dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-nig₂-zu-zu 3(diš) nin-mu-ha-mu-ši-zu 3(diš) nin-da-nir-gal₂ 3(diš) a-ba-ki-ne₂ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nig₂-tuku-i₃-na-ab-du₇ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) a-ba-ki-ne₂ 1(diš) nin-mu-si-i₃-sa₂ dumu-ni-me uš₂ nin-inim-gi-na 3(diš) geme₂-iri-si-ga 3(diš) nin-inim-gi-na 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂{d}nin-mug 3(diš) nin-da-nir-gal₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-si-sa₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) a-ša₃-mu-gu-ul dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-inim-gi-na 3(diš) nin... 3(diš) geme₂... 3(diš)... 3(diš)... 2(diš) geme₂{d}li₉-si₄ 2(diš) geme₂-ug₃ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) ba nisi-ge 3(diš) geme₂-munu₄-ku₃-ga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-ib₂-ta-e₃ dumu-ni-me a-ru-a na-ba-sa₆ tug₂ ba nisi-ge a-ru-a geme₂-e₂-an-na 1(diš) geme₂{geš}gigir₂ dumu-ni 3(diš) na-ri₂-dah-ha 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-ku₃-zu dumu-ni tug₂ geme₂{d}li₉-si₄ 1(diš) maš-gu-la dumu-ni 3(diš) geme₂{d}utu 3(diš) us₂₁₀ 2(diš) geme₂{d}šul-gi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ab-ba-du₁₀-ga 3(diš) geme₂-gi-gal ka 3(diš) nin-ki-la₂-a 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nig₂-gi-na-ba-dab₅ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-nam₂-mah 3(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga 1(diš) 1/2(diš)... 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin... 1(diš) a-gu₂-zi dumu-ni-me tug₂ geme₂{d}ištaran uš₂ nin-zalag₂-a-ni dumu-ni 3(diš) geme₂{d}suen 3(diš) geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ 3(diš) geme₂-ga₂-nun ...nin-inim-gi-na 1(diš) nin-sa-du₈ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) zi-mu-i₃-da-gal₂ 3(diš) me-ni-šu-na 1(diš) lu₂-uru₁₁{ki} dumu-ni 3(diš) nam-ra-mu-mu-du₈ 3(diš) nin-e-i₃-zu 2(diš) du-lum-i₃-du₁₀ dumu-ni-me tug₂ nin-da-nir-gal₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂-ga₂-nun dumu-ni tug₂ du-lum-i₃-du₁₀ dumu geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a 3(diš) du₁₁-ga-lal₃-bi 3(diš) nin-si-sa₂ 1(diš) nam-nin-a-ni dumu-ni 3(diš) bar-ku₃-ga-ni 3(diš) nin-mi₂-du₁₁-ga 1(diš) geme₂-še-il₂-la dumu-ni dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-ku₃-zu dumu ba-zi-ge 3(diš) ku-bi 3(diš) geme₂-tur-ni-še₃ dumu-ni ...za₃-mu-ba-ni-us₂ ... ...nin-ki-ur₅-sa₆ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) lul-zi 3(diš) nin-ma₂-gur₈-re 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nam-nin-a-ni dumu-ni 3(diš) geme₂ uš-bar 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu-ni 2(diš) nin-he₂-gal₂ dumu lul-zi-me 2(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a ar₃ tug₂ geme₂-tur₃-maš 3(diš) lal₃-la ...ur{d}hendur-sag dumu-ni-me 2(diš) ama-mu-ba-an-du₈ ar₃ geme₂{d}lamma dumu-ni 2(diš) na-na 3(diš) nin-mu-še₃-igi-mu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) maš-gu-la 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-da-nir-gal₂ dumu-ni-me tug₂ nin-da-mu-da-gal₂ 3(diš) nin-a-ba 1(diš) geme₂{d}nin-šubur dumu-ni dumu na-na-me 3(diš) geme₂{d}suen dumu nin-lu₂-ni 2(diš) nin-šeš 3(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu-ni 3(diš) ama-tu-da-ni dumu a-tu ba-uš₂ 3(diš) ma-an-dah-ha 3(diš) nig₂-gur₁₁-a-ni 1(diš) tug₂ nin-inim-gi-na 1(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga dumu geme₂-bara₂-me 3(diš) nig₂-tuku 3(diš) nin-gin₇-a-ba-dim₂ 3(diš) iri-ga₂-na-ab-du₇ 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-an-na 2(diš) geme₂{d}nun-gal 1(diš) 1/2(diš) iri-ni-še₃-kuš₂ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nam-ušur₄-a-ni 1(diš) 1/2(diš) lu₂-uru₁₁{ki} 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ dumu-ni-me tug₂ nin-mu-še₃-igi-mu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur{geš}dar-du₃ dumu-ni 3(diš) nin-zi-ša₃-gal₂ 3(diš) sa₆-sa₆ 4(diš) geme₂-mu tug₂ tul₂-ta dumu utu-iri-na ba-uš₂ 3(diš) geme₂-dingir-ra dumu nin-gan ar₃ geme₂{d}lamma 3(diš) ba-a-a 3(diš) geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ 3(diš) nin-sa-du₈ 1(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu-ni-me 4(diš) ša₃-mu-zu 2(diš) nin-sag-gu₂-gal₂ 1(diš) geme₂{d}lamma dumu-ni-me 2(diš) nin-ib₂-ta-e₃ tug₂ dumu na-ga-am₃ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂... 1(diš)... ... ... 3(diš) iri-ni... 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur-lu₂... 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nam-iri... 1(diš) geme₂{d}amar...suen dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂-munu₄-ku₃-ga 3(diš) nin-ku₃-zu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nig₂-tuku-i₃-na-ab-du₇ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-zi-iri-na 1(diš) geme₂{d}amar{d}suen dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-ig-ga 3(diš) nin-he₂-gal₂ dumu geme₂-munu₄-ku₃-ga tug₂ nin-in-nu-tuku 3(diš) nin-ma₂-gur₈-re 3(diš) geme₂-bi-kisal 1(diš) geme₂{d}amar{d}suen dumu-ni-me tug₂ ki-ur₃-en-kal tug₂ nin-ki-ša-ra 3(diš) nin-ku₃-zu 2(diš) nin-nig₂-tuku 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}šul-gi dumu-ni... 3(diš) geme₂... 2(diš) lu₂... 1(diš) geme₂... dumu-ni-me 3(diš) geme₂-šim-ku₃-ga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) za₃-mu-ba-ni-us₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-sa-du₈ dumu-ni-me ...nin-iri-ni... 3(diš) nig₂-gi-na 3(diš) e₂-gal-e-si 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-inim-gi-na 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-e-i₃-zu dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-arhuš-su₁₃ 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-kar-re 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-mu-še₃-igi-mu dumu-ni-me 3(diš) {d}lamma-ama-mu 2(diš) nam-nin-a-ni dumu-ni 4(diš) geme₂{d}nin-dar-a a-ru-a iri-ki-bi 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-ku₃-ga a-ru-a lu₂{d}utu 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-kar-re a-ru-a ur{d}lamma 3(diš) nin-bur-šu-ma a-ru-a šu-na 3(diš) {d}lamma-ama-mu a-ru-a ba-zi 3(diš) nin-si-sa₂ a-ru-a lu₂-gi-na ar₃ ha-la{d}lamma a-ru-a an-na-ne-še₃ ar₃ tug₂ geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ a-ru-a lu₂{d}nanše 3(diš) geme₂{d}lammaše₃ ...tur-ra₅-sa₆ dumu-ni ... 3(diš) nin-a-ni a-ru-a lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a tug₂ nin-e-ba-zi-ge a-ru-a ur-abzu 3(diš) nin-geškim-zi a-ru-a šeš-kal-la 3(diš) nin-he₂-gal₂ a-ru-a ur{d}lamma 2(diš) geme₂-munu₄-ku₃-ga a-ru-a {d}utu-ba-e₃ 3(diš) geme₂{d}ba-ba₆ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-da-nir-gal₂ dumu-ni a-ru-a lugal-ti 3(diš) nin-e-ba-zi-ge a-ru-a al-la 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-zi-da a-ru-a ur{d}ab-u₂ 3(diš) geme₂{d}nin-dar-a a-ru-a {d}nanna-dalla tug₂ geme₂-e₂-an-na a-ru-a ur{d}hendur-sag 3(diš) nin-ik-ṣur₂ a-ru-a ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...da-ga ...ur{d}lamma ...te a-ru-a lugal-bi 3(diš) nin-igi-du uš₂ nin-sukkal dumu-ni a-ru-a lugal-ti-da 3(diš) nin-mu-si-i₃-sa₂ a-ru-a lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a 3(diš) nin-mu-ba-an-zi-ge a-ru-a al-la šuš₃ 3(diš) geme₂-ga₂-nun a-ru-a lugal-sa₆-ga 3(diš) u₆-ba 3(diš) {d}nin-šubur-ama a-ru-a ab-ba-sa₆-ga 3(diš) nin-ensi₂ a-ru-a ur-mes 3(diš) geme₂-e₂-an-na a-ru-a lu₂{d}utu sipa 3(diš) en₃-na-mu-tar a-ru-a ša₃-ku₃-ge 3(diš) nin-ma-a-du a-ru-a e₂-ta-mu-zu 3(diš) ku₃-e₃ a-ru-a lugal-dub-la₂ ar₃ tug₂ geme₂-bara₂-si-ga a-ru-a lugal-nu-kuš₂ 3(diš) geme₂-še-il₂-la a-ru-a lugal-nam₂-mah ar₃ tug₂ geme₂-tur a-ru-a ur{d}en-ki 2(diš)... a-ru-a... tug₂... a... 3(diš)... a-ru-a ur... ša₃ gurum₂ lu₂... 3(diš) nin-dalla 3(diš) nin-ma₂-gur₈-re 2(diš) nin-ku₃-zu 1(diš) nin-he₂-gal₂ dumu-ni-me ša₃ gurum₂ ku₅-da 3(diš) geme₂{d}dumu-zi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ba-ta-sa₆-ge 1(diš) nin-arhuš-su₁₃ dumu-ni-me 3(diš) nin-ama 3(diš) ša₃-da-nu-kam 1(diš) geme₂-bara₂-si-ga dumu-ni 3(diš) nin-mu-ama-mu dumu-ni-me ar₃ tug₂ geme₂{geš}dar-du₃ dumu za-ki-ma ša₃ gurum₂ lugal-ab-ba tug₂ geme₂-bara₂-si-ga 3(diš) nin-am...ha...suhuš 2(diš) lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}šul-gi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nin-inim-gi-na 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂-uru₁₁{ki} dumu-ni-me 3(diš) in-bad₃-bad₃ ša₃ gurum₂ da-a-da 3(diš) nin-inim-gi-na a-ru-a giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ 3(diš) nin-he₂-gal₂ 3(diš) nin-ga₂-kam ša₃ gurum₂ lu₂{d}utu ...nin-inim-gi... 1(diš)...geme₂-an... dumu nin-ba-zi ...nin-esir-ki-ag₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂{d}na-ru₂-a dumu... ar₃ nin-e₂-gal-e-si ar₃ ur{geš}dar-du₃ dumu-ni ša₃ gurum₂ lugal-sukkal 3(diš) geme₂-sa₆-ga 3(diš) ša₃-ba-na-sig 2(diš) geme₂-še-il₂-la 1(diš) 1/2(diš) {d}lamma-nam-ba-zi-ge 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ur{d}šul-gi dumu-ni-me ša₃ gurum₂ ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da geme₂ uš-bar-am₃ tug₂ geme₂-nigar{gar} 3(diš) nin-mu-še₃-igi-mu tug₂ geme₂-eš₃-ku₃-ga tug₂ ma-ma geme₂ dumu-gi₇-me ša₃ gurum₂ lu₂{d}nin-mar{ki} šuniŋin 3(u) geme₂ 1(diš) tug₂-ta šuniŋin 6(diš) geme₂ 4(diš) ma-na siki-ta šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 2(u) 8(diš) geme₂ 3(diš) ma-na-ta šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(diš) ma-na-ta šuniŋin 2(u) la₂...dumu 2(diš) ma-na-ta šuniŋin 5(u) 6(diš) dumu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na-ta šuniŋin 3(u) 4(diš) dumu 1(diš) ma-na šuniŋin 1(u) geme₂ šu-gi₄ 2(diš) ma-ta tug₂-bi 3(u) siki-bi 1(u) 1(aš) gun₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ma-na gub-ba-am₃ šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ 3(diš) ma šuniŋin 2(diš) dumu 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma ar₃-ra zi-ga šuniŋin 2(diš) geme₂ 3(diš) ma šuniŋin 1(diš) dumu 2(diš) ma ba-uš₂-me ...geme₂ ... ša₃ gu₂... ... nu-banda₃ lugal... ... mu en{d}","2 (mana wool for) ...tur, 3 (mana wool for) ...da; 3 (mana wool for) Ša..; (and) ... (for) Lu-Amar-Suen, her son; 3 (mana wool for) ..; (and) 3 ..; (and) 1 1/2 (for) ..., being her children (?); 3 (?) (mana wool for) ..., 3 (mana wool for) ..., ..; ..; ..; ..; ... Ningin-abadim, ... Ninmusisa, ..; ..; (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Nin-sadu (and) 1 (for) Geme-bara-siga, being her children; 2 (?) (mana wool for) Geme-nigar; 4? (mana wool for) Nin-kanime (?), donated (?) by Lu-ušgida; 4 (mana wool for) Nin-zaginta; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ezem; 3 (mana wool for) Lamma-ri-Bazige, (and) 2 (for) Geme-barasiga, (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-gigir, (and) 1 (for) Ninmusisa, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Ninkuzu, (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-ušbar, (and) 1 (for) Geme-Ninšubur, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-še’ila (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Ninšubur (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-sadu; (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Narua (and) 1 (for) ...-Narua, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-barasiga, daughter of Lu-ušgida; 2 (?) (mana wool for) Nin-kine; ... (for) Ninmu-ban(zige) ... (for) Geme-ganun ... (for) Nin-u’e (and) 1 1/2 (?) (for) Niggina (and) 1 (for) Lu-namtara (?), being her children; 4 (mana wool for) Nin-kugani; 3 (mana wool for) Aguzi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-geškimzi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Etamuzu (and) 1 (for) Geme-Ninšubur, being her children; 1 textile (for) Kilula; 3 (mana wool for) Irinišekuš (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-edara, her daughter; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-dišgalda (?) (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-sadu, her daughter; 3 (mana wool for) Šazumba; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Narua, daughter of Nin-šeš; textile (for) Nin-esir-kiag, daughter of Nin-ani’ea; textile (for) Batasage, donated (by) Tini-abzuta; textile (for) Abani-nisige (and) 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Šulgi (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Namraga-bikuš, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Labašisegede (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ningakam, her daughter; (worker employed at) milling: Nin-kišara (and) 3 (mana wool for) Geme-ešdam (and) 1 1/2 (for) Namšeša, her daughter, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Narua, daughter of Atu; textile (for) Pukaka; 3 (mana wool for) Lu’u-nusa; 1 textile (for) Geme-ganun, daughter of Geme-Lisi; 3 (mana wool for) Maštur (and) 3 (for) Geme2-Ninmar (and) 2 (for) Šamaš-ikṣur, being her children; textile (for) Geme-ešdam (and) 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Narua (and) 1 (mina of wool for) Kasa, being her children; 2 (mana wool for) Bazige (and) 3 (for) Nin-engi (and) 2 (for) Ur-dardu, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Utu, daughter of Amagina; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-dardu; textile (for) Ninda-nirgal (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Nigtuku, her child, (and) 3 (mana wool for) Geme-munukuga, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-nig-zuzu; 3 (mana wool for) Ninmu-ḫamušizu (and) 3 (for) Ninda-nirgal (and) 3 (for) Aba-kine, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nigtuku-inabdu (and) 1 1/2 (for) Aba-kine (and) 1 (for) Ninmusisa, being her children; dead: Nin-inimgina; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-irisiga; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-inimgina (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Narua (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-barasiga, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-ninmug; 3 (mana wool for) Ninda-nirgal (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-sisa (and) 1 1/2 (for) Aša-mugul, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-inimgina (?); 3 (mana wool for) Nin-...; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-...; 3 (mana wool for) ...; 3 (mana wool for) ..; (and) 2 (for) Geme-Lisi (and) 2 (for) Geme-ugIL, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Baši-nisige (and) 3 (for) Geme-munukuga (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-ibtae, being her children, donated (by) Nabasa; textile (for) Baši-nisige, donated (by) Geme-Eanna, (and) 1 (mina of wool for) Geme-gigir, her daughter; 3 (mana wool for) Nari-daḫ.ha (?) (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-kuzu, her daughter; textile (for) Geme-Lisi (and) 1 (mina of wool for) Mašgula, her child; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Utu; 3 (mana wool for) Usanidu (and) 2 (for) Geme-Šulgi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Abbaduga, being her children; 3 (?)? (mana wool for) Geme-gigal-ŠIMka (and) 3 (for) Nin-kila’a (and) 1 1/2 (for) Niggina-badab, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-tugmaḫ; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-barasiga (and) 1 1/2 (for) ..; (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-..; (and) 1 (for) Aguzi, being her children; textile (for) Geme-!štaran, dead: Nin-zalagani, her daughter; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Suen; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-dardu; 3 (?) (mana wool for) Geme-ganun (and) ... (for) Nin-inimgina (and) 1 (for) Nin-sadu, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Zimu-idagal; 3 (mana wool for) Meni-šuna, (and) 1 (for) Lu-Uru, her son; 3 (mana wool for) Namramu-mudu (and) 3 (for) Nine-izu (and) 2 (for) Dulum-idu, being her children; textile (for) Ninda-nirgal (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Geme-ganun, her daughter; textile (for) Dulum-idu, daughter of Geme-Narua; 3 (mana wool for) Duga-lalbi; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-sisa (and) 1 (for) Namninani, her child; 3 (mana wool for) Barkugani (and) 3 (for) Nin-mi-duga (and) 1 (for) Geme-še’ila, her daughter, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-kuzu, daughter of Bazizi; 3 (mana wool for) Kubi (and) 3 (for) Geme2-turniše, her daughter; 3 (?) (mana wool for) Zamu-banius (and) ... (for) ..; (and) ... (for) Nin-kiharsa, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Lulzi; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-magure (and) 1 1/2 (for) Namninani, her child, (and) 3 (for) Geme-ušbar (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Narua, her daughter, (and) 2 (for) Nin-ḫegal, being descendants (of) Lulzi; 2 (mana wool for) Geme-Narua; milling: textile (for) Geme-turmaš (and) 3 (mana wool for) Lala (and) ... (for) Ur-Ḫendursag, being her children; 2 (mana wool for) Amamu-bandu (and) milling: GemeLamma, her daughter; 2 (mana wool for) Nana; 3 (mana wool for) Ninmuše-igimu (and) 1 1/2 (for) Mašgula (and)1 1/2 (for) Ninda-nirgal, being her children; textile (for) Ninda-mudagal (and) 3 (mana wool for) Nin-aba (and) 1 (mina of wool for) Geme-Ninšubur, her daughter, (being) descendants of Nana; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Suen, daughter of Nin-luni; 2 (mana wool for) Nin-šeš (and) 3 (for) Geme-Narua, her daughter; 3 (mana wool for) Amatudani, daughter of Atu, died; 3 (mana wool for) mandaḫa; 3 (mana wool for) Niggurani; 1 textile (for) Nin-inimgina (and) 1 (mina of wool for) Geme-barasiga, being children of Geme-bara; 3 (mana wool for) Nig-tuku; 3 (mana wool for) Ningin-abadim; 3 (mana wool for) Iriga-nabdu; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Eanna (and) 2 (for) Geme-Nungal (and) 1 1/2 (for) Irinisze-kusz, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Namušurani (and) 1 1/2 (for) Lu-Uru (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-dardu, being her children; textile (for) Ninmuše-igimu (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Ur-dardu, her son; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-zišagal; 3 (mana wool for) Sasa; 4 (mana wool for) Gememu; textile (for) Tulta, daughter of Utu-irina, died; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-dingira, daughter of Nin-gan; milling: Geme-Lamma; 3 (mana wool for) Ba’aya; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-dardu; (and) 3 (for) Nin-sadu (and) 1 (for) Geme-Narua, being her children; 4 (mana wool for) Ša-muzu (and) 2 (for) Nin-saggugal (and) 1 (for) Geme-Lamma, being her children; 2 (mana wool for) Nin-ibtae; textile (for) the daughter of Nagam (?) (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Geme-..; (and) 1 (1/2) (?) (mina of wool for) ..; ..; ..; ..; 3 (mana wool for) Iriniše-kuš (?) (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ur-lu2... (?) (and) 1 1/2 (for) Namirina (?) (and) 1 (for) Geme-Amar-Suen, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-munukuga; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-kuzu (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nigtuku-inabdu (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ninzi-irina (and) 1 (for) Geme-Amar-Suen, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-iga; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ḫegal, daughter of Geme-munukuga; textile (for) Nin-innutuku; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-magure (and) 3 (for) Gemebi-kisal (and) 1 (for) Geme-Amar-Suen, being her children; textile (for) Kiur-enkal; textile (for) Nin-kišara; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-kuzu (and) 2 (for) Nin-nigtuku (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Šulgi, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-..; (and) 2 (for) Lu-..; (and) 1 (for) Geme-..., being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-šimkuga (and) 1 1/2 (for) Zamu-banius (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-sadu, being her children; 3? (mana wool for) Nin-iriniše?; 3 (mana wool for) Niggina; 3 (mana wool for) Egalesi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-inimgina (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nine-izu, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-arhušsu (and) 3 (for) Geme-ekare (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ninmuše-igimu, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Lamma-amamu (and) 2 (for) Namninani, her child; 4 (mana wool for) Geme-nindara, donated (by) Iri-kibi; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-ekuga, donated (by) Lu-Utu; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-ekare, donated (by) Ur-Lamma; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-buršuma, donated (by) Šuna; 3 (mana wool for) Lamma-amamu, donated (by) Bazi; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-sisa donated (by) Lugina; milling: Ḫala-Lamma, donated (by) Annaneše (?); milling: textile (for) Geme-dardu, donated (by) Lu-Nanše; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Lamma, donated (?) (by) Annaneše (?); ... (for) Nin-tura (?) (and) ... (for) Nin-kiharsa, her daughter, ..; 3 (mana wool for) Ninani, donated (by) Lu-Narua; textile (for) Nine-Bazige, donated (by) Ur-abzu; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-geškimzi, donated (by) Šeškalla; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ḫegal, donated (by) Ur-Lamma; 2 (mana wool for) Geme-munukuga, donated (by) Utu-ba’e; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Baba (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ninda-nirgal, her daughter, donated (by) Lugal-ti; 3 (mana wool for) Nine-bazige, donated (by) Alla; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Ezida, donated (by) Ur-Abu; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Nindara, donated (by) Nanna-dalla; textile (for) Geme-Eanna, donated (by) Ur-Ḫendursag; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ikṣur, donated (by) Ur-Enlila; ... (for) Nidaga (?), donated (by) Ur-Lamma; ...; donated (by) Lugal-bi (?); 3 (mana wool for) Nin-igidu, dead: Nin-sukkal, her daughter, (they were) donated (by) Lugal-tida; 3 (mana wool for) Ninmusisa, donated (by) Lu-Narua; 3 (mana wool for) Ninmu-banzige, donated (by) Alla, cattle manager; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-ganun, donated (by) Lugalsaga; 3 (mana wool for) Uba; 3 (mana wool for) Ninšubur-ama, donated (by) Abbašaga; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ensi, donated (by) Ur-mes; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Eanna, donated (by) Lu-utu, the shepherd; 3 (mana wool for) Ennamutar, donated (by) Šakuge; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ma-adu, donated (by) Eta-muzu; 3 (mana wool for) Ku’e, donated (by) Lugal-dubla; milling: textile (for) Geme-barasiga, donated (by) Lugal-nukuš; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-še’ila, donated (by) Lugal-tugmaḫ; milling: textile (for) Gemetur, donated (by) Ur-Enki; 2 (mana wool for) ..., donated (by) ...; textile (for) ..., donated (by) ...; 3 (mana wool for) ..., donated (by) Ur-...; from the inspection (of) Lu-...; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-dalla; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-magure (and) 2 (for) Nin-kuzu (and) 1 (for) Nin-ḫegal, being her children; from the inspection of Kuda; 3 (mana wool for) Geme-Dumuzi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-dardu (and) 1 1/2 (for) Batasage (and) 1 (for) Nin-arhušsu, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ama (and) 3 (for) Šadanukam (and) 1 (for) Geme-barasiga, her daughter, (and) 3 (for) Ninmu-amamu, being her children; milling: textile (for) Geme-dardu, daughter of Zakīma; from the inspection of Lugal-abba; textile (for) Geme-barasiga; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-am..; (and) 2 (for) lugal-magure (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Šulgi (and) 1 1/2 (for) Nin-inimgina (and) 1 1/2 (for) Geme-Uru, being her children; 3 (mana wool for) Inbadbad; from the inspection of Da’ada; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-inimgina, donated (by) Girini-isa; 3 (mana wool for) Nin-ḫegal; 3 (mana wool for) Ningakam; from the inspection of Lu-Utu; ... nin-inimgina (?); 1 ... (for) Geme2-an..., daughter (of) Nin-bazi; ... (for) Nin-esir-kiag (and) 1 1/2 (mina of wool for) Geme2-Narua, her daughter; milling: Nin-egalesi? milling: Ur-dardu, her son; from the inspection (of) Lugal-sukkal; 3 (mana wool for) Gemesaga; 3 (mana wool for) Šabanasig (and) 2 (for) Geme-še’ila (and) 1 1/2 (for) Lamma-nambazige (and) 1 1/2 (for) Ur-Šulgi, being her children; from the inspection (of) Ur-Ningešzida; it is female weaver (personnel); textile (for) Geme-nigar, 3 (mana wool for) Ninmuše-igimu, textile (for) Geme-eškuga (and) textile (for) Mama, being female laborers and dumugi, from the inspection of Lu-Ninmar; total: 30 female laborers, 1 textile each; total: 6 female laborers, 4 mana wool each; total: 148 female laborers, 3 mana each; total: 9 female laborers, 1/2 (time), 3 mana each; total: 18 children, 2 mana each; total: 56 children, 1 1/2 mina each; total: 34 children, 1 mina each; total: 10 old female laborers, 2 mana each; their textiles: 30, its wool: 11 talents 9 mana, (it) is (the staff) stationed; total: 9 female laborers, 3 mana each; total: 2 children, 1 1/2 mina each, for milling booked out; total: 2 female laborers, 3 mana each; total: 1 child (with) 2 mana, dead ones; textile rations (and) wool rations (?) (of) the female weaver(s); ...; in Gu’abba (?); ..; superintendent: Lugal-irida (?); month (?) ...; year “Enmahgalanna (?) priestess of Nanna (?) was installed.”" P361739,Ur III,Administrative," ...1(aš) 1(barig) 3(diš) sila₃ 3(diš) gin₂ gu₂ hi-a gur ...gin₂ še-lu₂ ...2(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ {u₂}gamun₂ ...6(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ še-zi-bi₂-tum ... gu₂ bala-bi 8(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 6(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 2(diš) gin₂ gu₂-tur us₂... gu₂ bala-bi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 5/6(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 6(diš) gin₂ {u₂}gamun₂ nag₄ {u₂}gamun₂ bala-bi 5/6(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 6(diš) gin₂ ...{u₂}gamun₂ ...bi₂-tum ... še-lu₂ bala-bi 2(diš)...6(diš) gin₂ ...še-lu₂ 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 7(diš) gin₂ gazi nag₄ 2(ban₂) 4(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ ...gin₂ gazi ...4(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ mun sig₄ mun ...6(diš) gin₂ še-zi-bi₂-tum ... {u₂}gamun₂ bala-bi...7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še-lu₂ nag₄ še-lu₂ bala-bi 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gazi nag₄ gazi bala-bi 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ mun gur 6(diš) sila₃ numun za₃-hi-li sa₂-du₁₁ ku₅-ra₂ ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma šuniŋin...4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃...gin₂ gu₂ hi-a... šuniŋin 1(aš) 2(barig) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃...{u₂}gamun₂... šuniŋin 9(aš)...1(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) gin₂ še-lu₂... šuniŋin 1(u) 6(aš) 4(barig)... ... ... 2(barig) 3(ban₂) še-zi... 3(barig)...1(diš) sila₃ {u₂}... 2(ban₂) numun za₃-hi-li 2(barig) 6(diš) sila₃ ku-mul sa₂-du₁₁ lugal u₃ zi-ga nig₂-diri ša₃ nibru{ki} 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gu₂-gal ar₃-ra 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gu₂-tur us₂-sa 3(barig) 7(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gu₂-gal 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gu₂-gal 1(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ {u₂}gamun₂ nag₄ 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še-lu₂ nag₄ 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gazi nag₄ 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ mun gur 1(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ numun za₃-hi-li sa₂-du₁₁ ša₃ uri₅... zi-ga lugal ... ...gu₂-gal ...6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ {u₂}gamun₂ nag₄ {u₂}gamun₂ bala-bi 4(barig) 5(ban₂) 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ šuniŋin 1(barig) {u₂}gamun₂ šuniŋin 3(aš) 1(barig) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še-lu₂ nag₄ gur še-lu₂ bala-bi 3(aš) 1(barig) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ šuniŋin 2(aš) še-lu₂ gur šuniŋin 4(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 7(diš) gin₂ gazi nag₄ gazi bala-bi 9(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ gur šuniŋin 1(aš) gazi gur šuniŋin 2(barig) 3(ban₂) še-zi-bi₂-tum šuniŋin 4(barig) 2(diš) sila₃ u₂-kur šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ numun za₃-hi-li šuniŋin 1(u) 9(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ mun gur ... ...gamun₂ 4(ban₂)-ta ...5(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še-zi-bi₂-tum 4(ban₂)-ta ...3(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ mun 2(aš) gur-ta gu₂-bi 5(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ gur diri la₂-ia₃ gu₇-a la₂-ia₃ 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 9(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ gu₂ hi-a 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) gin₂ še-lu₂ 1(aš) 4(barig) 9(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ gazi gur 4(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ u₂-kur 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ 2(diš) gin₂ numun za₃-hi-li ...2(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ ku-mul ...4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ zi-zi-a-num₂ sig₄ mun ...ia₃-am₃ nig₂-ka₉...mun-gazi ur{d}ig-alim iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 2(diš)...","... 1 gur 1 barig 3 sila3 3 shekels various pulses; ... shekels coriander; ... 2 5/6? sila3 cumin (?); ... 6 5/6 sila3 4 shekels še-zibītum spice; its bala pulse: 8 (?) sila3 16 shekels; 6 1/2 sila3 2 shekels roughly crushed small pulses, its bala pulse: 1 1/2 sila3; 5/6 (?) sila3 16 shekels crushed cumins, its bala cumin: 5/6 (?) sila3 16 shekels; ... cumin; ... še-zibītum spice; ... crushed coriander, its bala coriander: 2 (?) ... sila3 6 shekels; ... coriander; 1 ban2 2 sila3 14 (?) shekels crushed sumac, its bala sumac: 2 ban2 4 1/3 sila3 4 shekels; ... shekels sumac; ... 4? 1/3? sila3 6 shekels salt; ... mana brick salt; ... 6 shekels še?-zibītum? spice; ..., its bala cumins: ... 7 1/2 sila3; 2 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 crushed coriander, its bala coriander: 2 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3; 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 crushed sumac, its bala sumac: 3 barig 3 ban2; 1 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3 salt; (and) 6 sila3 cress seed; regular provisions, cut; in/of Ur; total: ... 4 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 4 sila3 ... shekels various pulses; total: 1 gur 2 barig 4 1/2 sila3 [x] of cumin; total: 9 gur [n] 1ban2 3 sila3 8 shekels coriander; total: 16 (?) gur 4 barig ...; 2 barig 3 ban2 of še-zibītum spice; 3 barig ... 1 sila3 cumins; 2 ban2 of cress seed; (and) 2 barig 6 sila3 ku-mul spice; regular provisions (for) the king and booked-outs, additional, in/of Nippur; 3 barig 1 ban2 1/2 sila3 ground big pulses; 3 barig 1 ban2 1/2 sila3 roughly crushed small pulses; 3 barig 7 sila3 big pulses flour; 2 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 big pulses; 1 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 crushed cumin; 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 crushed coriander; 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 crushed sumac; 1 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3 salt; (and) 1 ban2 4 sila3 cress seed; regular provisions in/of Ur, royal withdrawal; total: ... big pulses; total: 4 barig 5 ban2 6 1/2 sila3 crushed cumin, its bala cumin: 4 barig 5 ban2 6 1/2 sila3; total:1 barig cumin; total: 3 gur 1 barig 6 2/3 sila3 crushed coriander, its bala coriander: 3 gur 1 barig 6 2/3 sila3; total: 2 gur coriander; total: 4 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 7 shekels crushed sumac, its bala sumac: 9 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 6 5/6 sila3 4 shekels; total: 1 gur sumac; total: 2 barig 3 ban2 of še-zibītum spice; total: 4 barig 2 sila3 u2-kur spice; total: 3 ban2 4 sila3 cress seed; total: 19 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 3 sila3 salt; surplus: ... cumin at 4 ban2 each; surplus: ... 5 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 še-zibītum spice at 4 ban2 each; surplus: 3 barig 4 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 4 shekels salt, at 2 gur each, its pulses: 5 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 5 shekels, the surplus the deficit having ‘consumed’; deficit: 3 barig 2 ban2 9 1/3 sila3 various pulses, 3 barig 3 ban2 1/2 sila3 8 shekels coriander, 1 gur 4 barig 9 2/3 sila3 5 shekels sumac, 4 ban2 2 sila3 u2-kur spice, 1 ban2 5 5/6 sila3 2 shekels cress seed, ... 2 sila3 18 shekels ku-mul spice, ... 4 ban2 1 sila3 zizibiānum spice (and) ... mana brick salt, it is the deficit; account of spices (of) Ur-Igalim, from month “Harvest,” to the extra month “Harvest,” it is 2 months." P361740,Ur III,Administrative," 5(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) ziz₂ gur lugal 3(u) 2(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂)...gig gur lugal ki lu₂{d}igi-ma-še₃-ta kišib₃ ur{d}lamma dumu ur... i₃-dub a-ša₃ ar...a{d}nin... iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu si-mu-ur₄{ki} a...1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul... ur{d}lamma dub-sar dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆","5 gur 3 (?) barig 5 (?) ban2 emmer, royal (measure), (and) 32 gur 4 (?) barig 1 ... ban2 wheat, royal (measure), from (of) Lu-igimaše, under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Ur-Baba, (from?) the depot of the field Aršatia-Nin-dar-a (?); month “Festival of Šulgi,” year “Simurum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed.” Ur-Lamma, scribe, son (of) Ur-Baba." P404805,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: bītum (baskets), debits and ‘booked-outs’ (of) Lu-Baba, from month “Gazelle feast,” to month “Harvest,” it is 12 months; year “En-unugal of Inanna was installed.”" P404806,Ur III,Administrative," ...5(ban₂) {u₂}gamun₂ ge₆ gur-dub-bi 4(diš)-am₃ 3(u) ma-na siki ud₅ gur-bi 1(diš)-am₃ 1(barig) še-lu₂ dug-3(ban₂)-bi 2(diš)-am₃ 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš dug-bi 2(diš)-am₃ 2(geš₂) 5(u) 3(diš) {kuš}ummu₃ dug-bi 5(diš)-am₃ ki šabra-a 2(barig) 5(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ 1(u) gin₂ i₃-šah₂ dug-bi 4(diš)-am₃ la₂-ia₃ ka dug 4(diš)-ba 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ ki bu-zu-a-ta e₂-kišib₃-ba-ka ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) ša₃ kar-geštin-ka mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","... 5 ban2 black cumin, its gurdub (baskets): 4; 30 mana goat hair, its gur(dub basket): 1; 1 barig coriander, its vessels of 3 ban2: 2; 2 barig 1 ban2 3 2/3 sila3 sesame oil, its vessels: 2; (and) 173 water skins, its vessels: 5; from the household manager (?); 2 barig 5 ban2 3 sila3 10 shekels lard, its vessels: 4, the deficit of the mouth (of) these 4 vessels: 6 2/3 sila3, from Buzua; (the products) brought into the warehouse; in Kar-geštin year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P404807,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) gun₂ 3(u) 5(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na siki sumun e₂-kišib₃-ba a₂-ti-da-za₃-gu₂-la₂ 3(u) 3(aš) gun₂ 1(u) 4(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na siki siki a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} e₂-kišib₃-ba da-za₃-gu₂-la₂ 4(aš) gun₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ma-na siki ge₆ e₂-kišib₃-ba a₂-ti-e₂-sag{ki} 1(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 5(u) ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta 4(u) 7(aš) gun₂ 4(u) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na siki e₂-kišib₃-ba a₂-ti-e₂-sag{ki} ki kas₄-ta e₂-kišib₃-ba ensi₂-ka 2(u) 7(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na siki-gi 2(u) 2/3(diš) ma-na siki mug ki ur{d}šara₂ 2(u) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na siki-gi ki lu₂-kal-la","95 talents 35 1/3 (?) mana old wool, the warehouse Ati-Dazagula, 33 talents 14 5/6 mana wool, wool (of) Apisal, the warehouse Da-zagula, (and) 4 talents 9 mana black wool, the warehouse Ati-Esag, 90 less 50 from Ur-e’e; 47 talents 46 5/6 mana wool, the warehouse Ati-Esag, from Kas; the warehouse of the governor; 27 5/6 mana wool (of) native (sheep) (and) 20 2/3 mana wool combings with Ur-Šara; 26 5/6 mana wool (of) native (sheep) with Lukalla." P404808,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) šeš-da-da sanga zabar-dab₅ maškim 2(diš) ab₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 1(diš) u₈ 1(diš) sila₄ 7(diš) maš₂ 2(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ 2(diš) dusu₂ munus ba-uš₂ e₂-kišib₃-ba-še₃ zi-ga u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam iti ezem-mah mu {d}šul-gi lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} lu-lu-bu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ kar₂-har aš-še₃ sagdu-bi šu-bur₂-a bi₂-ra-a","1 male lamb (for) Enlil (and) 1 male lamb (for) Ninlil, delivery (of) Šešdada, the household manager, the zabar-dab5 official (was) the deputy; 2 cows, 9 rams, 1 ewe, 1 male lamb, 7 male kids (and) 2 nanny goats, šu-gid2 for the kitchen; (and) 2 domestic jennies, slaughtered, for the warehouse; booked out, 27th day; month “Big Festival,” year: “Sulgi, the king, the heads of Urbilum, Simurrum, Lullubu and Karḫar in a single campaign did smash.”" P404809,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu niga 2(diš) sila₄ wa-ta₂-ru-um sanga 1(diš) sila₄ al-la-mu 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-uri₃ 2(diš) udu niga 1(diš) maš₂ {d}šul-gi-a-bi₂ u₄ 2(u)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-sa₆-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun 1(u) 1(diš)","4 barley-fed rams (and) 2 male lambs (from) Watārum, the household manager, 1 male lamb (from) Allamu, 1 male lamb (from) Lugal-uri , (and) 2 barley-fed rams (and) 1 male kid (from) Šulgi-abī; 20th day; delivery, Abbasaga received (it); month “Piglet feast,” year “En-unugal of Inanna was installed.” (total:) 11 (animals)." P404810,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ šeš-zi-mu 1(diš) sila₄ puzur₄-eš₁₈-dar 1(diš) sila₄ kal-la 2(diš) sila₄ nu-i₃-da 2(diš) sila₄ zabar-dab₅ 1(diš) sila₄ ur{d}suen dumu lugal 2(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} mu-kuₓ(DU) iti šu-eš₅-ša mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam","1 male kid (from) Šešzimu, 1 male lamb (from) Puzur-Ešdar, 1 male lamb (from) Kalla, 2 male lambs (from) Nu’’idā, 2 male lambs (from) the zabar-dab5 official, 1 male lamb (from) Ur-Suen, the prince, (and) 2 male lambs (from) the governor of Nippur, delivery; month “Šu’eša,” year: “Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed,” 24th day." P404811,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) {geš}šu kuš si-ga 6(diš) ad-tab kuš si-ga ki-la₂-bi 3(diš) ma-na 2(diš) {kuš}usan₃ gu₂-ba 1(diš) {kuš}sag-keš₂ 1(diš) {kuš}nag gu₄ diri šu-du₇-a ki a-kal-la ašgab-ta kišib₃ da-a-gi₄ iti šu-numun mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal da-a-gi₄ dub-sar","6 wooden yokes covered (with) leather; 6 bridles covered (with) leather, its weight: 3 mana; 2 whips (with thongs ?) on their necks (?); 1 rein (?); (and) 1 drinking (bag); extra oxen, implements, from Akalla, the leather worker, under seal of Da’agi; month “Sowing,” year “Šu-Suen is king.” Da’agi, the scribe." P404812,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) guruš ugula i₃-kal-la 1(u) ugula tab-ša-la 1(u) 2(diš) ugula {d}šara₂-a-mu 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ugula lugal-igi-huš 8(diš) ugula a-gu 5(diš) ugula lugal-nir... 1(u) ugula kal-pa-lu₂ 1(u) ugula a-kal-la 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ugula lu₂-ga... šuniŋin... 1(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) ša₃-bi-ta 4(diš) guruš ugula a-kal... kab₂-ku₅ e₂ {d}šara₂ 4(diš) guruš ugula tab-ša... kab₂-ku₅ a-ša₃ uku₂... ki-su₇ uku₂-nu-ti ","5 male laborers, foreman: Ikalla, 10, foreman: Tabšala, 12, foreman: Šara-amu, 9, foreman: Lugal-igiḫuš, 8, foreman: Agu, 5, foreman: Lugal-nirgal (?), 10, foreman: Kalpalu, 10, foreman: Akalla, 9, foreman: Lugamu; total: (subtotal:) 78 (workmen), therefrom: 4 male laborers, foreman: Akalla (at) the reservoir (of) the house (of) Šara (?), 4 male laborers, foreman: Tabšala (at) the reservoir of the field Ukunuti; threshing floor Ukunuti;" P404813,Ur III,Administrative," 2(ban₂) eša 2(ban₂) zi₃-dub-dub {d}šara₂ umma{ki} a-pi₄... 5(diš) sila₃ eša 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-dub-dub {d}nin-ur₄-ra 5(diš) sila₃ eša 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-dub-dub {d}šara₂ {ki} 9(diš) sila₃ eša 9(diš) sila₃ zi₃-dub-dub e₂ eb-gal 4(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 2(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 6(diš) sila₃ eša 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ dabin kab₂-ku₅ kun i₇-da 4(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 1(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 4(diš) sila₃ eša 9(diš) sila₃ zi₃-dub-dub {d}nin-hur-sag-ka-ma-ri₂{ki} 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ eša 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ zi₃-dub-dub 1(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ 5(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃ duh {d}nin-zabala₃{ki} ki lu₂-bala-sag₁₀-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e mar-tu mu-du₃ mu us₂-sa-bi ... lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a... ensi₂ umma... zu","2 ban2 eša-flour (and) 2 ban2 dubdub flour, (for) Šara of Umma and Apisal; 5 sila3 eša-flour (and) 5 sila3 dubdub flour, (for) Ninura; 5 sila3 eša-flour (and) 5 sila3 dubdub flour, (for) Šara-KI.AN, 9 sila3 eša-flour (and) 9 sila3 dubdub flour, for the house Ebgal, 4 sila3 fine flour, 2 sila3 dates, 6 sila3 eša-flour (and) 1 ban2 6 sila3 barley flour (for) the reservoir (at) the outlet of the canal, 4 sila3 fine flour, 1 sila3 dates, 4 sila3 eša-flour (and) 9 sila3 dubdub flour, (for) Ninḫursag-Kamari (and) 1 ban2 6 sila3 eša-flour, 1 ban2 6 sila3 dubdub flour, 1 ban2 of fine flour, 5 sila3 dates, 1 ban2 5 sila3 bran flour (for) Nin-Zabala, from Lu-balasaga, under seal of the governor; month “Harvest,” year after: “Šū-Suen, the king, the wall of Martu erected,” the year after. Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur the king of the four regions, Ayakalla, governor of Umma, (is) your servant." P361734,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) tug₂ bar-dul₅ du 2(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar","20 ordinary bar-dul5 textiles (and) 2 uš-bar textiles." P405485,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ ensi₂ ka-zal-lu{ki} mu-kuₓ(DU) be-li₂-du₁₀ kurušda i₃-dab₅ ša₃ tum-ma-al iti a₂-ki-ti mu bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","1 male kid (from) the governor of Kazallu, delivery, Bēlī-ṭāb, the animal fattener, received (it) in Tummal; month “Akitu,” year: “The wall of the land was erected.”" P332819,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba gu₂ nu-banda₃ gu₄ u₃ ur-e₂-nun-na nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of dab, Gutar, manager of oxen, and Ur-Enuna, manager of oxen, are here; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P322748,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 3(u) sig₄ la-ma-za-tum 5(geš₂)... 4(geš₂)...num₂ ...1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 3(u) nam-u la-ma-za-tum 7(geš₂) 3(u)... 2(geš₂) 3(u) ha-an-du-u₂ 5(geš₂) a-na-he-pa₂-at ...1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) nam-u ša-at-bi-zi-il 6(geš₂) i-ti-rum 1(gešʾu) a-di-ti 7(geš₂) a-bu-um-dingir 5(geš₂)...bu-ri-tum 5(geš₂) eš₁₈-dar-um-mi 1(gešʾu)...tu₃-ri 6(geš₂) i₃-li₂-dum-qi₂ 3(geš₂) 3(u) e₂-a-nu-uh₃-ši ...5(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 3(u) nam-u ud-du-ru-um šuniŋin 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ sig₄ us₂-bi 1(geš₂) nindan a₂ 3(geš₂)-ta geme₂-bi 2(u) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) 3(diš) gin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še 3(diš) sila₃-ta ba-hun še-bi 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ a₂ sig₄ ga₆-ga₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) e₂-ki-ba-gar-ra en {d}inana-gal ba-zi ugula giri₃ {d}iškur-illat u₃ puzur₄{d}nin-kar-ke₃ ša₃ gar-ša-an-na{ki} iti ezem-an-na mu {d}šu{d}suen₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne...","150 bricks by Lamazatum, 300 by ..., 240 by ...-num, 690, 10-(troop) of Lamazatum; 450, x, 150 by Handu, 300 by Ana-hepat, 900, 10-(troop) of Šat-bizil; 360 by Ana-hepat, 600 by Aditi, 420 by Abum-ilum, 300 by Haburitum, 300 by Ištar-ummi, 600 by Taturi, 360 by Ili-dumqi, 210 by Ea-nuhši, 3150, 10-(troop) of Uddurum; together: 6 1/2 sar 5 shekels of brick, the length involved: 60 ninda, labor of 180 (bricks per workday), the female laborers involved: 23 1/3 days 3 shekels, hired at 3 sila3 barley each (workday), the barley involved: 1 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3, labor of brick transportation, delivery for the replacement house of of the priest of Inanna-gal; Bazi is the foreman; via Adda-tillati, and Puzrum-Ninkarke, in Garšana; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, erected great-stele for Enlil and Ninlil.”" P322539,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kuš udu niga 1(diš) kuš maš₂ niga kuš udu sa₂-du₁₁ ki {d}iškur-illat-ta a-na-ah-i₃-li₂ šu ba-an-ti iti ezem-an-na mu na-ru₂-a mah mu-ne-du₃ 1(diš) kuš... 1(diš) kuš maš₂... kuš udu sa₂-du₁₁ ki {d}iškur-illat-ta a-na-ah-i₃-li₂ šu ba-an-ti ša₃...ša-an-na... iti... mu...{d}nin-lil₂-ra... an-na-ah-i₃-li₂ ašgab dumu sa₂-ba","1 hide, grain-fed ram; 1 hide, grain-fed billy; small cattle hides, regular offerings, from Adda-illat, did Anah-ili receive; month “Festival of An,” year: “Great Stele did he erect for them.” 1 hide, grain-fed ram; 1 hide, grain-fed billy; small cattle hides, regular offerings, from Adda-illat, did Anah-ili receive; In Garšana; month “Festival of An,” year: “Great Stele for Enlil and did he erect.” Anah-ili, son of Saba, leather worker." P323729,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) še gur i₃-dub 1(diš)-kam 1(geš₂) še gur i₃-dub 2(diš)-kam 1(u) 9(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur i₃-dub 3(diš)-kam 2(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur i₃-dub... 1(u) ziz₂ gur i₃-dub 5(diš)... 4(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) gig gur i₃-dub 6(diš)-kam 3(geš₂) 1(aš) 3(barig) še gur 1(u) ziz₂ gur 4(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) gig gur še bi 3(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) še gur 1(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) ziz₂ gur la₂-ia₃ su-ga še gu₄-e na-am ur{d}dumu-zi u₃ i-din-er₃-ra 4(aš) dabin gur pisan dub-ba-ka gal₂-la 1(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur 3(aš) 4(barig) ziz₂ gur ki u-bar-tum-ta 3(aš) še gur-ta i₇ gu₄ sila-a gal₂-la ...4(geš₂) 2(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur šuniŋin 2(u) 5(aš) ziz₂ gur šuniŋin 4(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) gig gur ur...zi nu-banda₃ gu₄ giri₃ e₂-a-šar... iti bi₂-gu₇ u₄... mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ si-mu-ru-um{ki} mu-hul","xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx in the basket-of-tablets being: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P324403,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gaba-ri gurum₂-ak u₄ al-tar-ra gub-ba giri₃ puzur₄{d}nin-kar-ke₃ dub-sar mu za-ab-ša-li{ki} hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: copies of inspections; when ... stationed, via Puzur-Ninkarke, scribe, year: “Zabšali was destroyed,” are here." P382686,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba nig₂-ba lugal nig₂-ba nin u₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) didli u₄ me{d}ištaran dingir-da-mu in-da-a ša₃ tum-ma-al{ki} iti šu-eš-ša mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P325670,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 1(u) {geš}hašhur sag e₂-udu-a 5(diš) {geš}hašhur sag inanna išib ...{geš}hašhur sag šu-ni-an-nam 5(diš) {geš}hašhur sag ildu₃ 2(u) gur zu₂-lum {d}ku₃-nun 2(u) gur zu₂-lum ...{geš}hašhur... 2(u) gur zu₂-lum an-na... ... ... ...",strings of (dried) apples P388298,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(u) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ dabin gur 4(u) 4(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ še gur še ur₅-ra 1(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ še gur 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ ziz₂ gur 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gig la₂-ia₃ še zi-ga še ur₅-ra gibil 2(geš₂) 1(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gur 2(geš₂) 2(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ še gur 1(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|) gur 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gig še ur₅-ra ša₃ e₂ šu-šum₂-ma 1(geš₂) 1(u) 9(aš) 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ še gur 1(u) 1(ban₂) ziz₂ gur ...ia₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak ...5(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še gur ...ka ... 4(u)... sa₂-du₁₁...gid₂... 9(aš) 1(barig)... ...1(gešʾu) 1(u) 4(aš)... 5(diš) udu bar-su... 3(u) 4(diš) {munus}aš₂... 2(u) 4(diš) ma-na 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-sig₁₇ kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e dumu ur-e₂-nun{ki} 5(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) zi₃ gur 3(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) še gur še ur₅-ra gibil 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ zi₃ gur 6(geš₂) 9(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še gur 5(aš) 2(barig) zi₃ gur la₂-ia₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak la₂-ia₃ še zi-ga la₂-ia₃... sag-bi... še... ... ... ša₃ pisan mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ 2(u) 9(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) zi₃ gur 4(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|) gur 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) še ur₅-ra maš₂ nu-tuku gur kišib₃ e₂-gal-e-si 2(geš₂) 3(u) 4(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) zi₃ gur 2(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ še gur la₂-ia₃...nig₂-ka₉ ak...kid...dag 1(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|) gur kišib₃ gu-du-du mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ gaba-ri kišib₃ e₂-kišib₃-ba-ka ur₄-a ","80 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 1/2 sila3 semolina; 44 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 1 sila3 barley; debt grain. 16 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 7 sila3 barley; 1 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 7 sila3 emmer; 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 wheat; grain credits in the carried over debits; new loaned grain; 131 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 flour; 141 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 5 1/3 sila3 barley; 1 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 harvest barley; 1 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 1/2 sila3 wheat; debt grain in the šušuma household. 79 gur 2 ban2 7 sila3 barley; 10 gur 1 ban2 emmer; deficit of the account; [n] 5 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 1/2 sila3 barley; ...; 40 [gur] ... offerings ...; 9 gur 1 barig ...; (subtotal:) 614 [gur] ...; 5 fleece-less sheep; 34 female kids; 24 minas 10 shekels of gold; under seal of Lugal-niglagare; son of Ur-enun. 53 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 flour; 3 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 barley; new loaned grains. 2 barig 2 ban2 7 sila3 flour; 369 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 2/3? sila3 barley; 5 gur 2 barig flour; deficit of the account ; grain booked out, deficit ... its head ...; barley ...; In the basket, year: “The western wall was erected;” 29 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 flour; 43 gur 4 barig harvest barley; 22 gur 2 barig debt grain, no interest; sealed by Egalesi; 154 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 flour; 25? gur 1 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 barley; deficit of the account ...; 12 gur 2 barig harvest barley; under seal of Gududu. Year “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, erected grand-stele for Enlil and Ninlil.” A copy of sealed documents in the sealed document house ..." P332327,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) ab₂ niga 1(geš₂) 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 1(diš) ab₂ 1(diš) šeg₉-bar munus 1(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ nita₂ 2(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ munus 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) udu niga 4(diš) u₈ niga 4(diš) maš₂ niga 5(diš) ud₅ niga 2(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 2(diš) udu 2(u) 1(diš) u₈ 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 2(u) 6(diš) maš₂ 1(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) dara₄ nita₂ 5(u) 2(diš) maš-da₃ 1(diš) az ...4(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš) mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal 1(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂ ...4(diš) ...šul-gi ...kunga₂ nita₂ ...kunga₂ munus ...1(u) 4(diš) ...šabra-ne-ta 4(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 2(diš) ab₂ 7(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ 1(diš) šeg₉-bar munus 2(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ 1(diš) dusu₂ munus 3(u) 2(diš) udu 2(u) 3(diš) u₈ 3(u) 7(diš) maš₂ 4(u) 7(diš) ud₅ ...2(geš₂) 4(u) 6(diš) e₂-du₆-la 1(u) 7(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) ab₂ 5(geš₂) 4(u) 7(diš) udu 1(u) 2(diš) u₈ 5(geš₂) 5(u) 6(diš) maš₂ 3(geš₂) 4(diš) ud₅ 3(diš) maš-da₃ ...1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 2(u) a-ša₃-ta šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) gu₄ niga šuniŋin 1(diš) ab₂ niga šuniŋin 2(geš₂) gu₄ šuniŋin 2(u) 4(diš) ab₂ šuniŋin 7(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) šeg₉-bar munus šuniŋin 1(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ munus šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 5(diš) {anše}kunga₂ munus šuniŋin 2(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 1(diš) dusu₂ munus šuniŋin 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) udu niga šuniŋin 4(diš) u₈ niga šuniŋin 4(diš) maš₂ niga šuniŋin 5(diš) ud₅ niga šuniŋin 3(gešʾu) 2(u) 2(diš) udu šuniŋin 5(u) 6(diš) u₈ šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 2(diš) maš₂ šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) ud₅ šuniŋin 1(diš) dara₄ nita₂ šuniŋin 5(u) 5(diš) maš-da₃ šuniŋin 1(diš) az nigin₂-ba 4(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) gu₄ ab₂ hi-a nigin₂-ba 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) šeg₉-bar nigin₂-ba 3(diš) {anše}zi-zi nigin₂-ba 1(u) 4(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nigin₂-ba 3(diš) dusu₂ nigin₂-ba 5(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 4(u) 1(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a nigin₂-ba 5(u) 5(diš) maš-da₃ nigin₂-ba 1(diš) az ...1(šar₂) 4(geš₂) 5(u) 8(diš) sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 4(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) 7(diš) gu₄ 2(diš) udu niga 1(diš) ud₅ niga 4(geš₂) 2(diš) udu 1(u) 2(diš) u₈ 4(geš₂) 2(u) 1(diš) maš₂ 3(geš₂) 4(diš) ud₅ 5(u) maš-da₃ ...1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 5(u) 3(diš) zi-ga lugal bi ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti kuš-bi lugal-erin₂ šu ba-ti 3(diš) udu niga 1(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ ...5(diš) {geš}gu-za {d}šul-gi 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 5(diš) udu niga 2(geš₂) 4(u) 1(diš) udu 1(geš₂) 4(u) 1(diš) maš₂ 1(diš) maš-da₃ ...4(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) nig₂-ba lugal 3(u) udu ...3(u) sa₂-du₁₁ {d}gu-la 6(diš) udu ...6(diš) sa₂-du₁₁ inim{d}nanna 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nita₂ 5(diš) {anše}kunga₂ munus ...1(u) 4(diš) mu ur-ra-še₃ kal{d}šul-gi šu ba-ti 1(u) 5(diš) udu 1(u) 5(diš) maš₂ ...3(u) ba-uš₂ mu ur-ra-še₃ dingir-ba-ni šu ba-ti 1(diš) ab₂ ba-uš₂ ...1(diš) kišib₃ ur-nigar{gar} 2(diš) ab₂ 1(diš) dara₄ nita₂ 1(diš) az ...4(diš) kišib₃ ensi₂ u₃ šabra-ne 3(u) 3(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) 5(diš) gu₄ 7(diš) ab₂ 3(diš) udu niga 3(u) 8(diš) udu 1(u) 5(diš) u₈ 1(u) 8(diš) maš₂ ...2(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra dumu inim{d}šara₂ 3(u) 5(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) ab₂ 7(diš) udu niga 1(diš) ud₅ niga 4(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) udu 1(u) 1(diš) u₈ 3(geš₂) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) maš₂ 8(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) kišib₃ {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu 7(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ 2(diš) šeg₉-bar munus 1(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ nita₂ 2(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ munus ...1(u) 2(diš) kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra dumu hul₃-la 3(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš) u₈ niga 4(diš) maš₂ niga 3(diš) ud₅ niga 7(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) udu 1(diš) u₈ 5(geš₂) 5(u) 7(diš) maš₂ ...1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) kišib₃ na-lu₅ 2(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ 1(diš) dusu₂ munus ...3(diš) kišib₃ šu-er₃-ra 5(u) 3(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) ab₂ niga 1(diš) gu₄ ...5(u) 5(diš) kišib₃ ur-šu-ga-lam-ma ...3(diš) gu₄ niga 4(diš) udu niga 1(geš₂) 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu ...1(geš₂) 5(u) 6(diš) šu-la₂-a sila-a se₁₂-a kišib₃ be-li₂-a-zu 1(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) gu₄ 1(u) 3(diš) ab₂ 8(geš₂) 4(u) 2(diš) udu 3(u) 2(diš) maš₂ 4(u) ud₅ 4(diš) maš-da₃ ...1(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) ib₂-tak₄ a-ša₃-še₃ šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) gu₄ niga šuniŋin 1(diš) ab₂ niga šuniŋin 2(geš₂) gu₄ šuniŋin 2(u) 4(diš) ab₂ šuniŋin 7(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) šeg₉-bar munus šuniŋin 1(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) {anše}si₂-si₂ munus šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 5(diš) {anše}kunga₂ munus šuniŋin 2(diš) dusu₂ nita₂ šuniŋin 1(diš) dusu₂ munus šuniŋin 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) udu niga šuniŋin 4(diš) u₈ niga šuniŋin 4(diš) maš₂ niga šuniŋin 5(diš) ud₅ niga šuniŋin 3(gešʾu) 2(u) 2(diš) udu šuniŋin 5(u) 6(diš) u₈ šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 2(diš) maš₂ šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) ud₅ šuniŋin 1(diš) dara₄ nita₂ šuniŋin 5(u) 5(diš) maš-da₃ šuniŋin 1(diš) az nigin₂-ba 4(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) gu₄ nigin₂-ba 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) šeg₉-bar nigin₂-ba 3(diš) {anše}zi-zi nigin₂-ba 1(u) 4(diš) {anše}kunga₂ nigin₂-ba 3(diš) dusu₂ nigin₂-ba 5(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 4(u) 1(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a nigin₂-ba 5(u) 5(diš) maš-da₃ nigin₂-ba 1(diš) az ...1(šar₂) 4(geš₂) 5(u) 8(diš)... ki-bi-gi₄-a ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","147 grain-fed oxen, 1 grain-fed cow, 100 less 1 oxen, 11 cows, 1 deer doe, 1 stallion, 1 mare, 255 grain-fed sheep, 4 grain-fed ewes, 4 grain-fed buck goats, 5 grain-fed doe goats, 1442 sheep, 21 ewes, 746 buck goats, 1 goat doe goat, mountain goat buck, 52 gazelles, 1 bear, (total:) 2794, royal delivery; 1 sheep, 3 buck goats, (total:) 4, delivery of Šulgi; 10 less 1 male k-equids, 5 female k-equids, (total:) 14, from the managers; 4 oxen, 12 cows, 7 deer bucks, 1 deer doe, 2 jackasses, 1 jenny, 32 sheep, 23 ewes, 37 buck goats, 47 doe goats, (total:) 166, estate. 17 oxen, 1 cow, 347 sheep, 12 ewes, 356 buck goats, 184 doe goats, 3 gazelles, (total:) 920, from the field. total: 147 grain-fed oxen, total: 1 grain-fed cow, total: 120 oxen, total: 24 cows, total: 7 deer bucks, total: 2 deer does, total: 1 stallion, total: 1 mare, total: 10 less 1 male k-equids, total: 5 female k-equids, total: 2 jackasses, total: 1 jenny, total: 255 grain-fed sheep, total: 4 grain-fed ewes, total: 4 grain-fed jack gaots, total: 5 grain-fed doe goats, total: 1822 sheep, total: 56 ewes, total: 1142 buck goats, total: 232 doe goats, total: 1 male mountain goat, total: 55 gazelles, total: 1 bear, altogether: 292 various oxen and cows, altogether: 10 less 1 deer, altogether: 3 horses, altogether: 14 k-equids, altogether: 3 donkeys, altogether: 3521 various sheep and goats, altogether: 55 gazelles, altogether: 1 bear, (grand total:) 3898, are the debit; therefrom: 4 grain-fed oxen, 7 oxen, 2 grain-fed sheep, 1 grain-fed doe goat, 242 sheep, 12 ewes, 261 buck goats, 184 doe goats, 50 gazelles, (total:) 773, royal deductions. their carcasses Ur-nigar received; their leather Lugal-erin received. 3 grain-fed sheep, 1 sheep, 1 buck goat, (total:) 5, throne of Šulgi. 10 less 1 grain-fed oxen, 5 grain-fed sheep, 161 sheep, 101 buck goats, 1 gazelle, (total:) 277, royal gift. 30 sheep, (total:) 30, ration of Gula. 6 sheep, (total:) 6, ration of Inim-Nanna, 10 less 1 male k-equids, 5 female k-equids, (total:) 14, for the dogs Dan-Šulgi received. 15 sheep, 15 buck goats, (total:) 30, slaughtered, for the dogs Ilum-bani received. 1 cow, slaughtered, (total:) 1, under seal of Ur-nigar. 2 cows, 1 male mountain goat, 1 bear, (total:) 4, under seal of the governor and the managers; 33 grain-fed oxen, 15 oxen, 7 cows, 3 grain-fed sheep, 38 sheep, 15 ewes, 18 buck goats, (total:) 137, under seal of Lu-dingira son of Inim-Šara. 35 grain-fed oxen, 1 cow, 7 grain-fed sheep, 1 grain-fed doe goat, 257 sheep, 11 ewes, 190 less 1 buck goats, (total:) 515, under seal of Šulgi-ayamu; 7 deer bucks, 2 deer does, 1 stallion, 2 mares, (total:) 12, under seal of Lu-dingira son of ARAD-ḫula; 231 grain-fed sheep, 4 grain-fed ewes, 4 grain-fed buck goats, 3 grain-fed doe goats, 451 sheep, 1 ewe, 357 buck goats, (total:) 1051, under seal of Nalu; 2 jackasses, 1 jenny, (total:) 3, under seal of Šū-Erra; 53 grain-fed oxen, 1 grain-fed cow, 1 ox, (total:) 55, under seal of Ur-šugalama; 13 grain-fed oxen, 4 grain-fed sheep, 100 less 1 sheep, (total:) 116, ..., on the street, under seal of Belī-azu, 73 oxen, 13 cows, 522 sheep, 32 buck goats, 40 doe goats, 40 gazelles, (total:) 870 less 1, remainder for the field; total: 147 grain-fed oxen, total: 1 grain-fed cow, total: 120 oxen, total: 24 cows, total: 7 deer bucks, total: 2 deer does, total: 1 stallion, total: 2 mares, total: 10 less 1 k-equids, total: 5 female k-equids, total: 2 jackasses, total: 1 jenny, total: 255 grain-fed sheep, total: 4 grain-fed ewes, total: 4 grain-fed buck goats, total: 5 grain-fed doe goats, total: 1822 sheep, total: 56 ewes, total: 1142 buck goats, total: 232 doe goats, total: 1 male mountain goat, total: 55 gazelles, total: 1 bear, altogether: 292 oxen, altogether: 10 less 1 deer, altogether: 3 horses, altogether: 14 k-equids, altogether: 3 donkeys, altogether: 3521 various sheep and goats, altogether: 55 gazelles, altogether: 1 bear, (grand total:) 3898, restored, Abbasaga; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Amar-Suen the king destroyed Urbilum.”" P332420,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak sahar zi-ga a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} giri₃ ur-e₁₁-e i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of soil raised in Apisal, via Ur-e’e, are here; year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, Big-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P407055,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu mu udu niga-še₃ ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma giri₃ puzur₄{d}en-lil₂ dumu lugal-iti-da ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta gaba-ri kišib₃ ab-ba-kal-la iti a₂-ki-ti mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","2 sheep instead of sheep, grain-fed, in Ur, via Puzriš-Enlil, son of Lugal-itida; (From) the place of... copy of sealed document of Abbakala; month: “Akitu,” year :“The high-priest of Inanna was named.”" P407057,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) dur₃ 6(diš) eme₆ 8(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ 1(u) 3(diš) šeg₉-bar munus 1(u) 5(diš) udu hur-sag 2(u) u₈ hur-sag u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 1(geš₂) 6(diš)","4 dur3-jacks, 6 eme6-jennies, 8 bucks, 13 does, 15 rams, mountain-range, 20 ewes, mountain-range, 21st day; from Abbasaga, Lu-dingira accepted; month: “Great-festival,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 66." P407059,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 5(u)... 3(u) u₈ 5(u) 7(diš) maš₂ šu-gid₂ ki na-lu₅-ta mu-kuₓ(DU) ur-ku₃-nun-na i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa ur-bi-lum{ki} ba... 4(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)","172 rams, 30 ewes, 57 billies, šugid-type; from Nalu as delivery Ur-kununa accepted; month: “Gazelle-feast,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.” (total:) 260 less 1." P407068,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ šu-gid₂ u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta {d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun 2(diš)","2 oxen, šugid-type, 24th day; from Abbasaga Enlila accepted; month: “Festival-of-An,” year: “The high priest of Eridu was installed.” (total:) 2." P407072,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) udu 1(diš) ud₅ maš₂ nu-a u₄ 3(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a ...dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 3(u) 1(diš)","30 rams, 1 nanny, a billy known, 30th day; from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Akitu,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” (total:) 31." P429958,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak e₂ egir ...{ki}... ... ... ...šu... ur-nigar{gar}... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331037,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak udu a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti ugula a ku-ba-tum ugula lu₂{d}nanna na-we-er-dingir ugula nam-ha-ni ša₃ gir₂-su{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of sheep of Abī-simtī, foreman SIAa, Kubātum, foreman Lu-Nanna, Nāwer-ilī, foreman Namḫani, in Girsu." P331038,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak udu dam-gar₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak udu ensi₂ udu {d}lamma {d}šu{d}suen udu e₂-ta-e₃-a ki-nir{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of sheep, traders; accounts of sheep, the governor; of sheep, Lamma-Šū-Suen; of sheep, Eta’e’a; (in) Kinunir." P331039,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še siki geme₂ uš-bar ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331040,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ u₄-da erin₂ ka e₂-gal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx" P331041,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tug₂ ki-la₂ tag zi-ga geme₂ uš-bar {d}šu{d}suen","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P331043,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba giri₃-se₃-ga sipa gu₄ 1(u)-še₃ ha-la-a ša₃ hu-rim₃{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331044,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba giri₃-se₃-ga e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ uru₁₁{ki} e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ {d}ig-alim e₂ {d}inana e₂ {d}nin-sun₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331045,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e ki-sumun u₃ gi du₃-a","Basket-of-tablets: dikes of Kisumun and Gidu’a." P331046,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba erin₂ gir₂-su{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx" P331047,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-numun ugula {geš}kiri₆ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P331050,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ba-zi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx" P331051,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še erin₂ še ur₅-ra su-ga","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P331052,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak giri₃-se₃-ga lu₂-gi-na ka-guru₇ nig₂-ka₉ lu₂ ma₂ gid₂-da","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P331053,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P331054,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ šu-ku₆ gal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx" P331055,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ka e₂-gal u₃ im-ma₂ iti 4(diš)-kam bala-bi 2(diš)-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P331056,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu udu gukkal ki-nu-nir{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331057,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ ud₅ gub-ba u₃ i₃ ab₂ ud₅-da gar-ra zi-ga gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P331058,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu udu gukkal gir₂-su{ki} gu₂-ab-ba{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P429788,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ 2(u) udu 5(u) 2(diš) maš₂ in-da-da nu-banda₃ ugula ur{d}suen 2(diš) gu₄ niga 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 2(u) maš₂-gal 1(diš) sila₄ ar-ši-ah nu-banda₃ 2(diš) gu₄ 2(u) udu erin₂ maš-gan₂-u₂-šu-re₂{ki} ugula lugal-pa-e₃ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 5(diš) udu 4(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂ lu₂-kal-la nu-banda₃ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 4(diš) udu 5(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂ lu₂-ša-lim nu-banda₃ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 4(diš) udu 5(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂ ṣi-ra-am nu-banda₃ ugula sag{d}nanna-zu 5(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ za-ri-iq 1(diš) sila₄ ku₅-ra₂-mu 4(diš) udu niga 2(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} 4(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ gi-nu-na nu-banda₃ 1(diš) sila₄ id-da-a 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-a₂-zi-da sukkal 2(diš) sila₄ zabar-dab₅ 4(diš) maš₂...su₄ niga 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga ur-nigar{gar} ka-guru₇ 1(diš) sila₄ zi₂-na-na 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ nu-banda₃ 1(diš) maš-da₃ bu-bu 1(diš) udu niga šimašgi 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga šimašgi 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga e₂-a-i₃-li₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš{ki} hu-ur-ti{ki} u₃ ma-da-bi u₄ 1(aš)-a ba-hul u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam","1 bull, 20 rams, 52 billy goats: (from) Indada, the captain, foreman: Ur-Suen; 2 bulls, grain-fed, 39 rams, 20 adult billy goats, 1 lamb: Arši-aḫ, the captain; 2 bulls, 20 rams: the troops of Maškan-ušuri, foreman: Lugal-pa’e; 1 bull, grain-fed, 5 rams, 4 adult billy goats, 1 billy goat: Lukalla, the captain; 1 bull, grain-fed, 4 rams, 5 adult billy goats, 1 billy goat: Awil-šalim, the captain; 1 bull, grain-fed, 4 rams, 5 adult billy goats, 1 billy goat: Ṣiram, the captain, foreman:l Sag-Nanna-zu; 5 rams, grain-fed, 1 lamb: Zariq; 1 lamb: Kuramu; 4 rams, grain-fed, 2 lambs: the governor of Nippur; 4 rams, grain-fed, 1 lamb: Ginuna, the captain; 1 lamb: Iddaya; 1 lamb: Lugal-azida, the courrier; 2 lambs: zabardab; 4 adult billy goats, brown, grain-fed, 1 female kid, grain-fed: Ur-nigar, silo manager; 1 lamb: Zinana; 1 female kid: Nūr-ilī, the captain; 1 gazelle: Bubu; 1 ram, grain-fed, Šimašgian, 1 billy goat, grain-fed, Šimašgian 1 fattened female kid from Ea-ilī; as delivery Nasa accepted; month “šu’eša,” year: “Ḫarši, Kimaš, and Ḫurti with their land in a single day were destroyed,” 26th day." P315274,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti-gu-la gi a-ša₃ ziₓ(IGI@g)-a kišib₃ ur-am₃-ma iti dal mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} ur-am₃-ma dub-sar dumu na-silim zu","120 less 1 male laborer workdays, in the field Ukunutigula reed ... pulled; under seal of Ur-amma; month: “Flight,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Ur-amma, scribe, son of Nasilim, is your servant." P332522,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) še gur diri nig₂-ka₉ ak mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃ lu₂{d}nanna ","55 gur 1 barig barley, surplus of the account of the year: “The house of Šara was built;” Lu-Nanna." P427678,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš du u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš du ...3(u)-kam 1(diš) dug dida sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ ki ur-mes-ta kišib₃ ensi₂-ka iti {d}dumu-zi mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","1 ban2 of fine beer, 4 ban2 5 sila3 of regular beer, the 29th day; 1 ban2 5 sila3 of fine beer, 4ban2? 5 sila3 of regular beer, the 30th day; 1 jug of fine dida-beer ..., Šulgi-ilī, from Ur-mes, under seal of the governor; month: “Dumuzi;” year: “the Martu Wall was erected.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, your servant." P427679,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 5(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ ugula a-hu-ni šuš₃ 2(diš) udu sipa unu{ki}ga-me 6(diš) udu ugula nam-ha-ni šuš₃ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂ ugula ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃ 3(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ ugula ip-hur šuš₃ 7(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ ugula šu-e₂-a šuš₃ 1(diš) udu sipa umma{ki} 1(diš) maš₂ ugula i-mi-id-eš₁₈-dar šuš₃ 1(diš) maš₂ ugula ur{d}ba-ba₆ šuš₃ šuniŋin 5(u) 3(diš) udu 8(diš) maš₂ maš₂-da-re-a sipa-ke₄-ne mu-kuₓ(DU) na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","25 rams, 1 billy goat, foreman: Aḫuni, cattle manager; 2 rams, herders of Uruk; 6 rams, foreman: Namḫani, cattle manager; 10 less 1 rams, 3 billy goats, foreman: Ur-nigar, cattle manager; 3 rams, 1 billy goat, foreman: Ipḫur, cattle manager; 7 rams, 1 billy goat, foreman: Šu-Ea, cattle manager; 1 ram, shepherd of Umma; 1 billy goat, foreman: Imid-Ištar, cattle manager; 1 billy goat, foreman: Ur-Baba, cattle manager; Total: 53 rams, 8 billy goats, as mašdare’a(-offering) of the shepherds, delivery by Nasa taken over; month: “Festival-of-An,” year: “Ḫarši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P315385,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 5(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da a-ša₃ du₆-im-du₈-a-ka gub-ba ugula a-li₂-ni-su zi-ga iti nig₂-e-ga mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","110 male laborer days, at the reservoir of the field “Du’imdua” stationed, foreman: Alinisu, booked out; month “Nigega,” year: “The high-priestess of Eridu was installed.”" P333744,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i-pa₂-li₂-is dub-sar {uruda}gur₁₀ {uruda}ha-bu₃-da i₃-gal₂ iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu hu-uh₂ iti šu-gar-gal mu en...kar-zi... mu-bi...","Basket-of-tablets: of the accounts of Ipalis, scribe, for sickles and hoes are here from month: “Festival of Šulgi“ of year: ""Huhnuri was destroyed"" to month: ""Great heaping"" of year: ""The en-priestess of Nanna in Karzida was installed"" that is: 3 years" P388024,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) kaš 1(barig) ninda lu₂ si-maš-ku-um{ki}me u₄ si-maš-ku-um{ki}še₃ ba-e-re-ša-a giri₃ sa₆-a-ga lu₂ kin-gi₄-a lugal kišib₃ sukkal-mah iri{ki}ta iri{ki}še₃ mu-de₆-ša-a zi-ga iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal {d}... lugal kal... lugal uri₅{ki}... ... ...","1 barig beer, 1 barig bread, (for the) men of Simaškum; when to Simaškum they went, via Sa’aga, royal messenger, when the sealed document of Grand-chancellor from the city to the city they carried, booked out; extra month “Harvest,” year “Ibbi-Suen is king.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur: Sa’aga, messenger, son of I-..., your servant." P405118,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak uzu {d}iškur-ra-bi₂ agrig i₃-gal₂ iti šu-gar-ra mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ mu-bi mu 2(diš)-am₃ iti-bi iti 2(u) 5(diš)-am₃ iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P356071,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ puzur₄-iš-da-gan{an} ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P356069,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ e₂-lunga u₃ e₂-kikken₂ i₃-gal₂ iti mu-šu-du₇ u₃ amar-a-a-si mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P356068,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da amar-šuba₃ ... i₃-gal₂ mu en mah gal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P356072,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gi-zi udu gu₇-a udu mu-kuₓ(DU) udu zi-ga nig₂-ka₉ ak udu siki gir₂-gul i₃-gal₂ iti maš-ta ...še-il₂-la-še₃ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P356073,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ...geš e₃-a al-de₂ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P375009,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ...du₁₀-gan ša₃-bi su-ga kaš zi₃ i₃ e₂-kas₄ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} u₃ še-ba gu₇-a ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en-am-gal-an-na en {d}inana unu{ki} ba-a-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P332360,Ur III,Administrative," ...{d}nanna mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂{d}nanna šabra 1(diš) sila₄ niga {d}nin-gal mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) ur{d}nin-gal 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) in-da-a šabra 1(diš) sila₄ {d}utu mu-kuₓ(DU) ur-mes nu-banda₃ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga {d}nin-sun₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) šeš-zi-mu 1(diš) sila₄ {d}lugal-banda₃{da} mu-kuₓ(DU) ma-na-a nu... 1(diš) sila₄ niga {d}nanna mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal-inim-gi-na dumu igi-an-na-ke₄-zu 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-gal mu-kuₓ(DU) giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ šabra {d}nin-hur-sag nu-tur 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) šeš-da-da sanga 1(diš)...{d}geštin-an-na-ama-lugal ...maškim ...e₂-uz-ga ...maškim mu us₂-sa...u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","1 fattened lamb (for) Nanna delivery of Lu-Nanna, household manager; 1 fattened lamb (for) Ningal delivery of Lu-Ninšubur; 1 lamb (for) Enlil delivery of Ur-Ningal; 1 lamb (for) Ninlil delivery of Indaya, household manager; 1 lamb (for) Utu delivery of Ur-mes the manager; 1 fattened nanny goat (for) Ninsun delivery of Šešzimu; 1 lamb (for) Lugal-banda, delivery of Manaya the manager; 1 fattened lamb (for) Nanna, delivery of Lugal-inimgina, son of Igianakezu; 1 lamb (for) Ningal delivery of Girini’isa household manager of Nin-ḫursag, the manager; 1 lamb (for) Enlil 1 lamb (for) Ninlil delivery of Šešdada, the sanga-priest; 1 lamb (for) Geštinana-ama-lugal ..., the officiant; ... for the fattening house [...], the officiant; [....] from ... was booked out; month “Festival of An,” year after “Ḫarši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P393069,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ki in-ta-e₃-a iti ezem-mah-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 5(diš)-kam ša₃-ba iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P332086,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) {d}šara₂-za-me 1(diš) lugal-nig₂-lagar-e u₄ 4(u) 5(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 2(diš) gin₂-ta ur{d}da-mu ugula su-su-dam ša₃ bala-a mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um ba-hul ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} ur{d}da-mu dumu lugal... zu","Deficit: 1 Šara-zame, and 1 Lugal-nig-lagare, for 45 days, the labor: 2 shekels, to Ur-Damu the foreman, to be replaced; part of the bala; year: “A 2nd time Šašrum was destroyed.” Ur-Lisi, governor: Ur-Damu, your servant." P332170,Ur III,Administrative," ... še-ba siki-ba... ugula lu₂{d}nin...₅ 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(diš) da-a-da 1(diš) lu₂-hu-rim₃{ki} 1(diš) lu₂{d}en-ki 1(diš) i₃-zu 1(diš) lu₂{d}nisaba 1(diš) ur-nigar{gar} 1(diš) ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da šuniŋin 8(diš) guruš u₃ dah... ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}... ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P315718,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄ apin-la₂-še₃ ugula ab-ba-kal-la u₃ ur{d}nu-muš-da e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ ba-gara₂ u₃ e₂ uru₁₁{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P315760,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}du₁₀-gan ša₃-bi su-ga e₂-kas₄ u₃ bur-sag ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P315791,Ur III,Administrative," pisan... ...ka₉... esir₂ geš-gi... u₃ a₂ mar-sa i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P315836,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-re-ne mu didli še-ba geme₂ kikken u₃ še gu₄ udu gu₇-a še šuku-ra ensi₂-ka giri₃ nam-zi-tar-ra dumu ur{d}lamma i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃-ta","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P315976,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ensi₂-ka-ne nu-dub₂ in-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P378012,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gu₄ udu ud₅ mu e₂ puzur₄{d}da-gan ...gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P378473,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P378505,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i₃-dub i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P378512,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P378525,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P378529,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še al-la u₃ še šakir{ki} nin₉-kal-la i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa mu us₂-sa-a-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P378530,Ur III,Administrative," ... e₂ šim ša₃ ugnim{ki}me i₃-gal₂ iti maš mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379076,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak še-ba siki-ba geme₂ e₂-kikken₂ i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379103,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še gar-ra erin₂ engar ša₃-gu₄ šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379148,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ puzur₄-da-gan ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P379154,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur{d}nanše dumu na-ba-sa₆ i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ur₄-ru{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379275,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ma-ni še e₂ sipa-tur i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379306,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum še geš e₃-a u₃ ma₂-a si-ga šabra sanga i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P379675,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tug₂ ki-la₂ tag-ga lagaš{ki}ta ki-nu-nir{ki}še₃ nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ 2(u) 1(diš) ba-zal mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul-ta iti munu₄-gu₇ u₄ 2(u) ba-zal mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul-še₃ iti 3(u) 8(diš) u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam iti diri 2(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380029,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba i₃-dub kar-ra siki ur{d}lamma mu 5(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380050,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba geme₂ uš-bar lu₂ azlag₂ gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}še₃-du ... mu en-unu₆-gal-an-na en {d}inana","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380076,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal ba-ur₄ siki ba-la₂ gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ ugula du₁₁-ga-zi-da i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P380580,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 6(aš) še gur lugal maš-bi 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ba-la₂ ur{d}lamma {lu₂}lunga {d}nanše šu ba-ti še ur₅-ra-kam buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ su-su-dam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu dumu lugal us₂-sa","16 gur barley by the royal measure, its interest: 2 1/2 shekels of silver too little, did Ur-Lamma, brewer of Nanše, receive; It is barley on loan, the harvest will remit the debt; it is to be replaced; month “Harvest,” year after: “Princess.”" P380593,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gub-ba ...šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P405904,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ urua{ki} e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ u₃ e₂ {d}inana i₃-gal₂ ... mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P405963,Ur III,Administrative," 5(aš) še gur lugal šu-ka-še₃ e₂-udu e₂-gal-ta ki a-hu-a-ta a-tu dub-sar he₂-dab₅ šu ba-ti giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","5 gur barley, royal (measure), to Šuka out of the sheephouse of the palace from Aḫua Atu, scribe of ḫedab, received, via Ur-Nungal; month, extra: “Harvest,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P405984,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) ma₂ 1(geš₂) gur 2(diš) ma₂ 1(geš₂) in-nu-da ga-eš{ki}še₃ giri₃ ba-zi dumu dingir-ra iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄ u₄ 2(u) 7(diš) ba-zal mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","3 barges, 60 gur (capacity), 2 barges, 60 gur (capacity), for straw; to Ga’eš; via Bazi, son of Dingira; month: “Festival of Lisi,” 27th day completed, year: “The high-priest at Eridu was installed.”" P405991,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 2(barig) še gur lugal la₂-ia₃ su-ga ki lu₂-u₁₈ muhaldim-ta lu₂-kal-la šu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu en mah gal {d}nanna ba-hun","60 gur 2 barig barley, royal (measure), deficit, repaid, from Lu'u, the cook, Lukalla received; month: “amar-ayasi,” year “Enmaḫgal of Nanna was installed.”" P406003,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da si-i₃-tum... ... i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul u₃ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P406235,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) še gur lugal la₂-ia₃ su-ga ki ma₂-gur₈-re lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ šu ba-ti iti gu₄-ra₂-bi₂-mu₂","2 gur barley, royal (measure), deficit, repaid; from Magure Lu-Baba received; month: “Oxen-... .”" P406305,Ur III,Administrative," 5(aš) še gur lugal ša₃-gal udu ki lu₂-kal-la-ta kišib₃ lu₂-me-lam₂ giri₃ amar-šuba₃ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul lu₂-me-lam₂ dub-sar dumu...","5 gur barley, royal (measure), fodder of sheep, from Lukalla, under seal of Lu-melam; via Amar-šuba; year :“Šašrum was destroyed.” Lu-melam, scribe, son of Lu-kalla" P406307,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) 2(barig) še gur lugal ša₃-gal udu-še₃ ki lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a-ta kišib₃ ša₃-ku₃-ge e₂-kikken₂-ta iti amar-a-a-si ša₃-nin-ga₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušurₓ","2 gur 2 barig barley, royal (measure), fodder of sheep x, from Lu-Narua, under seal of Šage, from the mill; month: “Amar-ayasi.”" P406520,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 5(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) še gur lugal ki lu₂{d}nin-šubur-ta lu₂-kal-la ka-guru₇ šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","114 gur 1 barig barley, royal (measure), from Lu-Ninšubur, Lukalla, chief of the silo, received; month: “Festival of Baba,” year :“Šašrum was destroyed.”" P406532,Ur III,Administrative," 9(aš) 4(barig) še gur lugal še ur₅-ra dumu-dab₅ u₃... i₃-dub e₂-duru₅ ur-li-ka-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur{d}dumu-zi šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ur-bi₂-i₃-lum{ki} ba-hul","8 gur 4 barig barley, royal (measure), barley of interest of dumudab of ...; from the depot of the village Urli, from Bazi Ur-Dumuzi received; month: “Harvest,” year :“Urbilum was destroyed.”" P406629,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še geš e₃-a ugula al-ne mu amar-suen lugal e₂-tum i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx year: “xxx.” xxx are here." P332624,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) udu niga 5/6(diš) sila₃ še-ta 1/2(diš) sila₃ duh sag₁₀-ta 1/2(diš) sila₃ duh du-ta sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ 4(u) 5(diš) udu niga 1/2(diš) sila₃ še-ta sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šul-gi u₃ {d}amar{d}suen u₄ 3(u)-še₃ šuniŋin 8(aš) še gur šuniŋin 3(aš) duh sag₁₀ gur šuniŋin 3(aš) duh du iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","60 sheep, grain-fed, 5/6 sila3 barley each, 1/2 sila3 fine bran each, 1/2 sila3 regular bran each, regular offerings of Šara; 45 sheep, grain-fed, 2/3 sila3 barley each, regular offerings of Šulgi and Amar-Suen; for 30 days; total: 8 gur barley, total: 3 gur fine bran, total: 3 gur regular bran, total: month “Barley at the quay,” year: “The barge of Enki was caulked.”" P342706,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba šuku-ra ak dam-gar₃ gar-ra-ke₄-ne ... i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","basket-of-tablets: accounts of the merchants xxx xxx" P405505,Ur III,Literary," 1(u) ma-na ku₃-babbar ki lugal-še₃ giri₃ lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re gu-za-la₂","10 pounds of silver, for the royal place, conveyor: Lugal-magure, the throne bearer;" P248708,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak nu-banda₃-ke₄-ne a₂ geme₂ a₂ he₂-dab₅ nig₂-ka₉ sahar-ra ur-du-e u₃ sahar zi-ga didli u₂...umma{ki} mu 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ki-maš ba-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the inspectors, the labor of the female workers, the labor of the ‘takers,’ accounting of soil ... and soil lifted, various ... Umma, (a period of) 1 year, are here; year: “Ḫarši, Kimaš were destroyed.”" P249185,Ur III,Administrative," tu-ra-am₃ ad-da i₃-uš₂ iti min-eš₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂-la₂ mu-du₃ lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","The sick one Adda has died; month: “mineš,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, Grand-Stele of Enlil erected.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e’e, cattle manager." P100023,Ur III,Administrative," ...7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...še-sag₁₁-ku₅ ...7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) iti sig₄-u₃-šub-ba-gar-ra ...7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...še-kar-ra-gal₂-la ...7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) iti nesag 1(geš₂) 7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) iti dal ...7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) ...geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...numun-na ... ... ...6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) ...geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...{d}li₉-si₄ ...geme₂ 3(ban₂) ...geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...{d}šul-gi ...geme₂ 3(ban₂) ...geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ...pa₄-u₂-e ...5(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) iti {d}dumu-zi šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 2(u)...geme₂ 3(ban₂) šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) geme₂ a₂ 1/2(diš) 3(ban₂) ... ...1(u) 2(diš) gal₂-bi 1(geš₂)...1/3(diš) 5(diš) gin₂ ...gal₂...7(diš) ...gur₁₁...1(geš₂) 3(u)... ...ta iti {d}dumu... mu {d}i...","67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Harvest;” 67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Bricks in moulds set;” 67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Barley at the quay;” 67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “First-fruits;” 67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Flight;” 67 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Sowing;” 66 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “mineš;” 66 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “House of month 6;” 66 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Lisi;” 66 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Festival of Šulgi;” 66 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “pa’u’e;” 65 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), 7 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), month “Dumuzi;” total: 800 less 3 female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), total: 84 female laborers, half-labor, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), (a period) of 12 months; female laborers, 3 ban2 (monthly rations each), their 12th: 66 1/3, 5 shekels; female laborers, half-labor, their 12th: 7; debits of the labor of female laborers ... foreman of weaving ... 90 ...; from month “Harvest;” to month “Dumuzi;” year: “Ibbi-Suen (is) king.”" P100116,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ la₂-ia₃ gi sila-a gal₂-la ki bi₂-du₁₁-ga-ta i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, deficits of reeds, in the ‘street’ located, from Biduga, are here." P100179,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba še erin₂-na u₃ ša₃-bi su-ga nig₂-ka₉ še-ka i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka bi₂-in-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: various years, barley rations, barley of the (labor-)troops and therefroms, restitutions, accounts of barley, are here; year: “By Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the boat ‘Ibex-of-Apsu’ of Enki was caulked.”" P100186,Ur III,Administrative," pisan ur-eš₃-ku₃-ga i₃-gal₂","Basket(-of-tablets: those of) Ur-eškuga are here." P100324,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) u₈ ba-uš₂ ki ur-ru-ta kišib₃ da-da-ga iti diri mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar}","1 ewe, slaughtered, from Urru, under seal of Dadaga; month “Extra,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P101022,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) a₂ hun-ga₂ šu-ma-ma 1(aš) 1(barig) gur igi-sa₆-sa₆ še puzur₄{d}suen 2(barig) ša₃-gal udu igi-sa₆-sa₆ 1(barig) še mušen {d}iškur-ba-ni 1(barig) še udu za-ni 1(aš) gur maš₂-bi 1(diš)-kam e₂ na-silim azlag₂ aš 1(barig) ...{ki} ka-lu 1(geš₂) 3(u)-am₃ tum-ma-al-ta i₃-dub iti ezem-mah-e dah-he","2 barig: wages of the hirelings of Šū-Mama; 1 gur 1 barig: Igi-Sasa, grain of Puzriš-Suen; 2 barig fodder for sheep: Igisasa; 1 barig barley for birds: Adda-bani; 1 barig barley for sheep: Zani; 1 gur, its goat is 1; house of Na-silim the fuller ...; 1 barig,; ... ... are 90; from Tummal ... month: “Great festival” it will be added." P101172,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀... ba... ...sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃... {d}utu... 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ ninda... lu₂-du₁₀... 5(diš) kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂... ...kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂...i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ lu₂{d}... 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂...i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ṣa-al-li₂-a 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂...2(diš) gin₂ naga ur{d}ba-ba₆ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃...gin₂ naga hu-la-ni-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ha-ab-lu-lu 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga suhuš-gi 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu{d}inana 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ša₃-mu šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš du šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 1(diš) sila₃ šum₂ šuniŋin 1/2(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 1/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba...","5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... 5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Utu-...; 5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-duga; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-...; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ṣallīya; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-Baba; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ḫullāniya; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ḫāblulu; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Suḫušgi; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šū-Inanna; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šamu; total: 1 ban2 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 3 ban2 5 sila3 common beer; total: 4 ban2 5 sila3 bread; total: 1 sila3 onions; total: 1/2 sila3 6 shekels oil; total: 1/3 sila3 4 shekels alkali-plant; 11th day, month: “Lisi,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P101173,Ur III,Administrative," ...dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ ad-da-mu sukkal gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ gu-du-du gaba-aš 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ lu₂-ša-lim gaba-ta šuniŋin 2(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu si-ma-num₂{ki}","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Addamu, the messenger to the frontier; 1 jug wort, 3 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Gududu, to the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Lu-šalim, from the frontier; total: 2 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 5 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 2 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 7 bundles onions; 15th day, month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Simanum.”" P101174,Ur III,Administrative," ...5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ ...ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ šu{d}nu-muš-da sukkal gaba-aš 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ ba-ba-a sukkal ka-us₂-sa₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ a-tu gaba-ta šuniŋin 1(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 8(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ ...naga šum₂ ...kam iti pa₄-u₂-e₂{ki} ba-hul","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, ... ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Šū-Numušda, the messenger, to the frontier; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, Babaya, the messenger, the ka’usa; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Atu, from the frontier, total: 1 jug of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 8 sila3 beer; total: n ban2, n sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant, total: 5 bundles onions, nth day, month: “pa’u’e,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P101185,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ puzur₄-eš₁₈-dar sukkal gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ da-a-a gaba-aš 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ lu₂-an-ne₂ gaba-ta šuniŋin 2(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba...","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Puzriš-Ištar, the messenger, to the frontier; 1 jug wort, 3 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Dayya, to the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Lu’ane, from the frontier; total: 2 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 6 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 2 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 7 bundles onions; 9th day, month: “Harvest,” year following: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P101215,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ ku₃{d}nanna sukkal gaba-ta 1(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda ša₃-gal kas₄ gaba bala-a giri₃ ku₃{d}nanna sukkal 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ u-bar ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 4(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 4(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 2(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Ku-Nanna, the messenger, from the frontier, 1 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 bread, provisions of messengers from the frontier, in bala, via Ku-Nanna, the messenger; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Ubar, the ka’usa; total: 1 ban2 8 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 5 sila3 bread; total: 4 shekels oil; total: 4 shekels alkali-plant; total: 2 bundles onions; 18th day, month: “Dumuzi,” year following: “Šū-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected.”" P101216,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ bi₂-bi₂-a sukkal gaba-ta 2(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda ša₃-gal kas₄ gaba bala-a giri₃ bi₂-bi₂-a sukkal 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ ur{d}nanše-ka šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 4(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 4(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 2(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 2(u)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Bibbīya, the messenger, from the frontier; 2 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 bread, provisions of messengers from the frontier, in bala, via Bibbiya, the messenger, 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Ur-Nanšeka; total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 2 ban2 3 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 5 sila3 bread; total: 4 shekels oil; total: 4 shekels alkali-plant; total: 2 bundles onions; 20th day, month: “Dumuzi,” year following: “Šū-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected.”" P101218,Ur III,Administrative," ...kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ ninda gal 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-hu-we-er ...sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda gal 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-hu-šu-ni 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lugal-a-ni-sa₆ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃... {d}nanna... ...sila₃ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda... {d}ba-ba₆-i₃-sa₆ ...kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš)... al-la-mu šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin... šuniŋin 1(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš du šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 1(diš) ninda šuniŋin 1/2(diš) sila₃ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga iti min₃-eš₃ u₄ 6(diš)-kam ...{d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 “large bread”, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Aḫu-Wer; 5 sila3 fine beer, 2 sila3 “large bread”, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Aḫušuni; 5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lugalanisa; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nanna-... 3) sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Baba-isa; [3 sila3] beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Allamu; total: 1 ban2 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 7 sila3 “large bread;” total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 common beer; total: 1 ban2 1 sila3 bread; total: 1/2 sila3 onions; total: 18 shekels oil; total: 12 shekels alkali-plant; month: “mineš,” 6th day, year: “Šū-Suen, the king, the great stele for Enlil and Ninlil, erected.”" P101219,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}iškur-ba-ni 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu-ma-ma 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-a-kal-la 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga i-šar-pa-da-an 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu{d}en-lil₂ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 7(diš)-kam iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂-ra mu-na-du₃","5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nūr-ilī; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Adda-bani; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šū-Mama; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ayakalla; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Išar-padān; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šū-Enlil; total: 2 ban2 4 sila3 beer; total: 1 ban2 5 sila3 bread; total: 18 shekels onions; total: 18 shekels oil; total: 12 shekels alkali-plant; 7th day, month: “House-month-6,” year: “Šū-Suen, the king of Ur, the great stele of Enlil erected.”" P101220,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš...3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ a₂{d}... 1(ban₂)... ... giri₃... šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 2(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 1(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ mu-na-du₃","5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for A-... 1 ban2 beer 2 ban2 bread... ... via ... total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 1 ban2 beer; total: 2 ban2 3 sila3 bread; total: 2 shekels oil; total: 2 shekels alkali-plant; total: 1 bundle onions; 16th day, month: “Lisi,” year: “Šū-Suen, the king, the great stele for Enlil erected.”" P101231,Ur III,Administrative," ... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ṣa-li 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dan-ni-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}suen-kal 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ab-ba-kal-la 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga qur₂-di₃-lum šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) gin₂ naga ... u₄ 7(diš)-kam iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-gar mu us₂-sa","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ṣalli; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Danniya; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Suen-kal; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Abbakalla; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Qurdī-ilum; total: 1 ban2 7 sila3 beer; 1 ban2 3 sila3 bread; 1/3 sila3 5 shekels onions; total: 15 shekels oil; 10 shekels alkali-plant; ... 7th day, month: “Bricks cast in molds,” year following." P101232,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃... 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ puzur₄-eš₁₈-dar sukkal gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ lugal-dingir-mu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ nig₂{d}ba-ba₆ sukkal gaba-aš šuniŋin 2(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 8(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 7(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš)... u₄ 3(u)-kam iti... mu us₂...","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Puzriš-Ištar, the messenger, to the frontier; 1 jug wort, 3 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Lugal-dingirmu; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Nig-Baba, the messenger, to the frontier; total: 2 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 8 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 3 sila3 bread; total: 7 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total 7 bundles onions; 30th day, month: ... year following: ..." P101235,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...... 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀... 1(diš) ga-nu... 1(diš) ur{d}nanna 1(diš) lu₂-eridu{ki} 1(diš) du₁₀-i₃-li₂ 1(diš) a-a-kal-la 1(diš) šu-u-engar 1(diš) {d}nanna-kam 1(diš) ur-sag₁₀ 1(diš) a-za-za ... 1(diš) dingir-ba-ni 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda-ta 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga-ta šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin...3(diš) sila₃... šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 1/3(diš)... ...sila₃ 1(diš) gin₂... ...4(diš) gin₂... ...","... ... 3 sila3 fine beer ... 1 ... 1 Ur-Nanna; 1 Lu-Eridu; 1 Du-ilī; 1 Ayakala; 1 Šū-engar; 1 Nannakam; 1 Ur-saga; 1 Azaza; 1 ... 1 Ilī-bani; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread each; 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant each; total: 1 ban2 8 sila3 fine beer; total: ... 3 sila3 ... total: 3 ban2 4 sila3 bread, total: 1/3 sila3 ... ... sila3 1 shekel .... ... 4 shekels ..." P101236,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ la-ma-mu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ {d}utu-mu u₄ 4(diš)-kam iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu hu-uh₂","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 fish, 3 bundles onions, for Lamamu; 5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Utumu; 4th day, month: “House-month-6,” year: “Ḫuḫ(nuri).”" P101239,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}suen-ba-ni 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}šul-gi-ša-am₃-ši 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga puzur₄-a-šur₃ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a₂-bil₂-la-tum 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-gu-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-banda₃{da} ...2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ninda ...šum₂ 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(u) 7(diš)-kam iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Suen-bani; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šulgi-šamšī; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Puzriš-Aššur; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Abillatum; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Agu’a; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-banda; total:) 2 ban2 6 sila3 beer; 2ban2 4 sila3 bread; 12 bundles onions; 18 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; 17th day, month: “Barley at the quay.”" P101241,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 1(diš) 1(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 7(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) ...geme₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 3(u) ...geme₂ u₄ 3(u) 3(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ...kal-la-ta ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...ur{d}nu-muš-da-ta ...5(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃₂-ta šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(u) 5(ban₂) 1(diš) zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ eša 7(aš) 1(ban₂) zi₃-gu 2(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ zi₃ ba-ba še... 5(aš) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ zi₃-gu...gur 1(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ dabin gur 4(barig) 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ nig₂-ar₃-ra a₂-bi u₄ 2(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) nig₂-ka₉ še-ta 7(geš₂) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ zi₃ ar₃-a sa₂-du₁₁ ensi₂ 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kaš-de₂-a sukkal-mah 1(geš₂) 2(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄...kun-zi-da dub-la₂{d}...ka 3(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 5(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ tug₂ tuku₅-a kišib₃ 8(diš) gu-du-du 4(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ zi₃ ar₃₂-tum 1(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta nag-su{ki}še₃ {dug}saman₄ i₃ e₂-gal-še₃ tum₃-ma ga₆-ga₂ 1(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) 9(geš₂) 4(u) 3(diš) geme₂... ki-su₇ kar-bar-ra...temen-na-ta umma{ki}še₃... 5(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta...ninda ga₆-ga₂ ...{d}nin-ur₄-ra ... gub-ba ...1(diš)-še₃ ...ar₃-ra ... ...ri-ga ...en-lil₂-la₂... ...{geš}gigir ...ta ...₂ ...i₃-li₂ ...lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra 3(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 5(gešʾu) 5(u) 7(diš) zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ a-ba-gal{d}en-lil₂-še₃ kišib₃...ur{d}nun-gal... geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ {d}šara₂-ta e₂-maš-še₃ gi-zi ga₆-ga₂ kišib₃ ad-da 2(u) 1(diš) geme₂ u₄... a₂-bi... bala... bala... ... šuniŋin 1(šar₂)... zi... la₂-ia₃... ... nig₂-ka₉... iti {d}... mu...{d}suen lugal","21 17.5/60 female laborer days, for 12 months, from month “Harvest” to month “Dumuzi,” its labor: 7665 days; 5 female laborers for 30 days, its labor: 150 days: female bara-kara-workers. 3 2/3 female laborers for 33 days, its labor: 121.5 days, from Akalla; 30 female laborer days from Ur-Numušda. 890 female laborer days from Nabasa. Total: 8,856.5 female laborer days are the debit. Therefrom: 10 gur 5 ban2 1 (sila3) rough flour, 4 ban2 5 sila3 of eša, 7 gur 1 ban2 of pea-flour, 2 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 of baba-flour, 5 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 7 sila3 of x pea-flour flour, 15 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 of semolina, 4 barig 2 ban2 2 sila3 of groats, its labor: 1626 2/3 workdays: from the barley account; 425 female laborer days, labor of flour-milling, rations for the governor; 30 female laborer days, “beer-pouring” of the sukkalmaḫ; 88 female laborer days, at the weir of Dubla-Utu; 2030 female laborer days, labor of weaving; 8 sealed documents of Gududu. 45 female laborer days, labor of flour-milling, of the Nagabtum; 112 female laborer days, from Umma to Nagsu šugan-pots of oil brought (?) and carried to the palace. (subtotal:) 4296 2/3 583 female laborer days, from threshing floor of outer quay Dugub-temen to Umma ... . 58 female laborer days, from Umma ... bread carried, ... Ninurra; at ... stationed; ...;. n female laborer days, ... ground; ..., ... for Enlil; ..., from ... ... ... ..., ... Kamari; ...-ili, Lu-Šulgira. 198 female laborer days, (subtotal:) 3057; shocks gathered, the field Abagal-Enlil; sealed documents ... of Ur-Nungal x. Ø female laborer days, from field Šara to Emaš fodder-reed carried. sealed document of Adda. 21 female laborers for a period of n days, its labor: 21×n days; to the bala gone, stationed at the bala, and from the bala returned; total: 3600 ... booked out; the deficit: n; ... account of .... month of ... Year after: “Šū-Suen is king.”" P101248,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-eridu{ki} 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ba-ga-ga 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga i₃-li₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur{d}ištaran 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂... la-la... 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂... ki-u₂-a... ...kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda... ...gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂... ...kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ ...i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ...zu šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ kaš 4(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ ninda 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 1/2(diš) sila₃ 7(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 5(diš)-kam iti dal","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Eridu; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Bagaga; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for DI-ilī; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for SIAa, 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-Ištaran; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lala; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... 3 sila3) beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3) shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... total: 4 ban2 1 sila3 beer; 4 ban2 less 1 sila3 bread; 2/3 sila3 5 shekels oil; total: 1/2 sila3 7 shekels oil; 18 shekels alkali-plant; 5th day, month: “Flight.”" P101249,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ ur-pa₄-gara₂ gaba-ta 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ lu₂{d}nanna 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ du₁₀-ga-mu sukkal ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 6(diš)-kam iti {d}li₉-si₄","3 sila3 fine beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Ur-pagara, from the frontier; 3 sila3 fine beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Lu-Nanna; 5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Dugamu, the messenger, the ka’usa; total: 1 ban2 1 sila3 fine beer; total: 7 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 3 fish; 3 bundles onions; 6th day, month: “Lisi.”" P101250,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ i-di₃-zu 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ ur{d}nin-gal 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ šu{d}en-lil₂-la₂ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅","3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Idī-zu; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Ur-Ningal; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Šū-Enlil; 21st day, month: “Harvest.”" P101251,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga puzur₄-ha-ia₃ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-kal-la 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dingir-sukkal 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur{d}nin-mar 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ i₃-li₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}nanna šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) 4(diš) sa 1/3(diš) sila₃ 1(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 1(u) 1(diš)-kam iti dal","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Puzriš-Ḫaya; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lukalla; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Dingir-sukkal, 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-Ninmar; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ...; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, for Ilī; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Nanna; total: 3 ban2 3 sila3 beer; 3 ban2 2 sila3 bread; 14 bundles onions; 1/3 sila3 1 shekel oil; 14 shekels alkali-plant; 11th day, month: “Flight.”" P101286,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-banda₃{da} 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga bi₂-zu 2(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1(u) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dingir-sukkal 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nu-ur₂{d}iškur 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga nig₂{d}ba-ba₆ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}nanna šuniŋin 5(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(ban₂)...ninda 1(u) 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 3(u)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-banda; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Bizu; 2 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 bread, 2 bundles onions, 10 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Dingir-sukkal; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nūr-Adda; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nig-Baba; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Nanna; total: 5 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer; 3 ban2 6 sila3 bread; 12 bundles onions; 1/3 sila3 5 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; 30th day, month: “Dumuzi.”" P101287,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}gu-la 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dingir-ba-ni 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}utu-ma-an-šum₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga puzur₄{d}utu 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}nanna 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-banda₃{da} šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 2(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Gula; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ilī-bani; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Utu-manšum; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Puzriš-Utu; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ARAD-Nanna; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-banda; total: 2 ban2 6 sila3 beer; 2 ban2 4 sila3 bread; 12 bundles onions; 18 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; 2nd day, month: “Harvest.”" P101388,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 4(diš) gu₄ 3(u) 2(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a ba-uš₂ ki ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal-ta ba-zi iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) zal-la-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 7(diš) u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul e₂-tum","4 oxen, 32 sheep goats, various, slaughtered, from Taḫiš-atal, booked out; from month “Festival-of-Ninazu,” 18th day passed, to month “Harvest,” it is 7 months 12 days; year: “Šašrum was destroyed;” in the ‘house’. Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Ur-Dumuzida, is your servant." P102119,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba še-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals of barley rations from Girsu to Guabba are here; year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P102223,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun e₂ lugal-ta ga₂-nun kar-ra-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ 2(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun gaba kar-ra-ta gu₂ i₇ idigna-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂ u₃-ma-ni-ta e₂-kikken-še₃ še ga₆-ga₂ 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sar sahar guruš-e 1(u) gin₂-ta i₇ guruš-gin₇-du šu-luh ak 3(diš) 5/6(diš) sar 4(diš) gin₂ sahar guruš-e 1(u) gin₂-ta gu₂ geš-gu-la{ki} ak ba-a-si 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ka i₇-da-ta dili₂-ma₂ e₃-a 1(u) 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta ka i₇-da-še₃ ma₂ ku₆ gid₂-da 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da dub-la₂{d}utu gub-ba 2(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ en-du₈-du-ta kar-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ 3(u) 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ u₃ dur sur-ra ga₂-nun e₂ lugal 1(u) 3(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta kar-še₃ ma₂ zi₃-da gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ bala ak 1(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e e₂ lugal-ta ga₂-nun gu₂ i₇ idigna-še₃ gi ga₆-ga₂ 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sar sahar guruš-e 1(u) gin₂-ta e a-ša₃ ugur₂-tur a-ša₃ la₂-mah ba-a-si 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-kikken ur{d}suen-ta kar-še₃ zi₃ ga₆-ga₂ 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ dub-la₂{d}utu kab₂-ku₅ en-du₈-du ad ak 1(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta kar-še₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ ga₆-ga₂ 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ka i₇ en-uri₃-gal kun-zi-da gi₄-a 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ i₇ la-ta ma₂ su₃ gid₂-da {u₂}numun₂ ziₓ(IGI@g)-a dur sur-ra ma₂-a keš₂-ra₂ 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nag-su{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂...ma₂ ba-al...u₃ kar-še₃ ma₂ diri-ga 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-še₃ ka i₇-da {u₂}numun₂ ziₓ(IGI@g)-a u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ umma{ki}še₃ ma₂ diri-ga u₃ e₂-kikken-še₃ ma₂ ba-al-la 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ gaba kar-ra gil sur-ra gi ga₂-nun-ta e₃-a ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ kar-ta a₂ ka-sahar-ra-ta ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la u₃ umma{ki}še₃ ma₂ su₃ gur-ra 5(diš) guruš u₄... ga₂-nun gaba e₂...gil sur-ra ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ nag-su{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la u₃ kar-še₃ ma₂ diri-ga 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta me-en-kar₂-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še bala-a še ma₂-a si-ga u₄ 1(u)-še₃ me-en-kar₂-ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la guru₇-a im ur₃-ra u₃ ma₂ gur-ra 1(u) 3(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun gaba kar-ra ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ kar... ma₂ ba-al...ma₂ gur... 8(diš) guruš u₄... ga₂-nun {geš}ab...ma₂-la₂-a keš₂-ra₂ u₄ 4(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun {geš}ab-ba-ta nag-su{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la u₃ ga₂-nun du₃-a 5(diš) guruš u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta i₇ lugal-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še bala-a še ma₂-a si-ga u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ i₇ lugal-ta ka i₇-da ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ka i₇-da-ka ma₂ bala ak u₃ umma{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-kikken sumun-še₃ še ba-al-la 5(diš) guruš u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta kam-sal₄-la{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 1(u)-še₃ kam-sal₄-la{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la guru₇-a im ur₃-ra u₃ umma-še₃ ma₂ gur-ra bar-ta gal₂-la kišib₃ nu-tuku gurum₂ ša₃ pisan ur{d}šara₂ nu-banda₃-ta ugula a-a-kal-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","11 male laborer workdays, from the storage facility of the royal household, to the storage facility of the quay reed transported; 22 male laborer workdays, from the storage facility of Gabakara to the bank of the river Tigris reed transported; 10 male laborer workdays, from the Umani household to the mill grain transported; 3 1/3 sar earth, per male laborer (day): 10 shekels, the waterway Gurušgindu dredged, 3 5/6 sar 4 shekels earth, per male laborer (day) 10 shekels, the bank at Gešgula constructed filled in; 10 male laborer workdays, from the mouth of the waterway oar-blades(?) of barge removed; 11 male laborer workdays, reed transported, onto a barge convoy bound; 10 less 2 male laborer workdays, from Umma to the mouth of the waterway fish barge punted; 10 male laborer workdays, at the reservoir of Dubla’utu stationed; 20 male laborer workdays, from the Endudu to the quay reed transported; 31 male laborer workdays, reed transported, onto a barge convoy bound and roped in the storage facility of the royal household; 13 male laborer workdays, from Umma to the quay flour barge punted and barge transferred; 12 male laborer workdays, from the dike of the royal household to the storage facility of the bank of the river Tigris reed transported; 1 1/3 sar of earth, per male laborer (day): 10 shekels, dike(s) of the field Ugurtur and the field Lamaḫ filled; 15 male laborer workdays, from the mill of Ur-Suen to the quay flour transported; 10 male laborer workdays, at the Dubla’utu for the reservoir of the Endudu beams made; 18 male laborer workdays, from Umma to the quay meal transported; 8 male laborer workdays, at the mouth of the waterway Enurigal reservoir restored; 10 male laborer workdays, from wateway Dula empty barge punted, rushes cut, ropes plaited, to barge (convoy) bound; 10 male laborer workdays, to Nagsu barge punted, barge unloaded, and to the quay barge floated (back); 10 male laborers for 10 less 1 days, at the mouth of the waterway rushes cut, for 1 day onto a barge convoy bound, to Umma barge floated and at the mill barge unloaded; 10 less 1 male laborers for 2 days at Gabakara ... plaited, reed from the storage facility removed, onto a barge convoy bound; for 13 days from the quay to alongside Kasaḫar barge punted, barge unloaded and to Umma empty barge returned; 5 male laborers for n days at the storage facility of the Gabae... ... plaited, onto a barge convoy bound; for 2 days to Nagsu barge punted, barge unloaded, and to the quay barge floated; 7 male laborer workdays, from Umma to Me’enkar barge punted, for 1 day grain transferred, grain onto a barge loaded, for 10 days from Me’enkar to Nippur barge punted, barge unloaded, silos with clay sealed, and barge returned; 13 male laborer workdays, at the storage facility of the Gabakara onto a barge convoy (reed) bound; for 13 days to the quay of ... barge punted(?), barge unloaded and barge returned; 8 male laborers for n days, at the storage facility of Aba reed onto a barge bound; for 4 days from the storage facility of Aba to Nagsu barge punted, barge unloaded and storage facility built; 5 male laborers for 2 days, from Umma to royal waterway barge punted, barge floated; for 1 day grain transferred, grain onto a barge loaded, for 2 days from the royal waterway to the mouth of the waterway barge punted; for 1 day at the mouth of the waterway barge transferred and to Umma barge punted; for 1 day at the old mill grain unloaded; 5 male laborers for 2 days from Umma to Kamsala barge punted, barge floated; for 10 days from Kamsala to Nippur barge punted, barge unloaded, silos with clay sealed and to Umma barge returned; that which is extra, having no seal, inspected, from the basket of Ur-Šara, the overseer, foreman: Ayakala; year: “Šū-Suen West Wall built.”" P102277,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) še gur lugal ša₃-gal udu niga erin še₃... ki... ... šu ba-ti iti min-eš₃ mu e₂ puzur₄-da-gan ba-du₃ ","2 gur barley, royal (measure), fodder for sheep, grain-fed, ... from ... ... received; month: “min-eš,” year: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was erected.”" P102278,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) še gur lugal i₃-dub tul₂-ta-ta 1(aš) 4(barig) 5(ban₂) gur i₃-dub ur-nigar{gar}ta še ur₅-ra erin₂ engar ša₃-gu₄ u₃ nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur-ma-ma-ke₄ šu ba-ti mu sanga {d}inana i₃-dub uru₁₁{ki}ta mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","12 gur 2 barig barley, royal (measure), from the depot of Tulta; 1 gur 4 barig 5 ban2, from the depot of Ur-nigar; loan barley of worktrooper2, ploughmen, ox-drivers, and oxen managers did Ur-Mama recieve. ... Inanna from the depot of Urub; year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P102279,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) še gibil gur e₂-kikken gibil-ta 3(geš₂) še gur ka i₇-da-ta še-bi bala-a kišib₃ bi₂-du₁₁-ga šu ba-ti giri₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar...","1 barig new barley, from New-mill; 180 gur barley, from the mouth of the river, its grain of bala, under seal of Bi-du-ga, ARAD received; via Lugal-nig-lagare. month: “pa’u’e,” year: “En-unugal-Inanna was installed.” ARAD-mu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, the cattle manager." P102280,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) še šuku-ra gur ur{d}šu-zi-an-dul₃ 3(aš) mu 3(aš) da-da 3(aš) ur{d}ma-mi 2(aš) a-du-du 3(aš) {d}šara₂-ba-an-sa₆ 2(aš) ur ... 3(aš) en-ra-kal 3(aš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 2(aš) ur-e₁₁-e 3(aš) ur-e₁₁-e min-kam 1(aš) 1(barig) {d}šara₂-i₃... 3(aš)...{d}... 3(aš)... še šuku e-tak₄-a 2(barig) lugal-za₃-ge-si engar 2(barig) ur-sag₁₀-mu engar 2(barig) ur-am₃-ma 2(barig) lugal-sa₆-i₃-zu engar 2(barig) ur{d}suen engar engar šuku su₃ še nu-tuku-me šuniŋin 3(u) 9(aš) 1(barig) še šuku-ra gur ki ka-guru₇-ta kišib₃ i₇-pa-e₃ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul 6(aš)...3(barig) 3(u) i₇-pa-e₃ dumu lugal-ušurₓ","3 gur barley rations: Ur-Šuzi-andul; 3: ARAD-mu; 3: Dada; 3: Ur-Mami; 2: Adudu; 3: Šara-bansa, 2: Ur-KU-x 3: Enrakal; 3: Ur-Šulpa’e; 2: Ur-e’e; 3: Ur-e’e, the second one; 1, 1 barig: Šara-i3-[x]; 3: ...; 3 ...; barley ration left; 2 barig: Lugal-zagesi, the ploughman; 2 barig: Ur-saga-mu, the ploughman; 2 barig : Uramma; 2 barig: Lugal-sa-izu, the ploughman; 2 barig: Ur-Suen, the ploughman; ploughmen of fallow prebend, receiving no barley; total: 39 gur 1 barig barley rations from the granary supervisor; under seal of Ipa’e; year: “Simanum was destroyed;” (total:) 6 × 30 Ipa’e son of Lugal-ušur." P102282,Ur III,Administrative," ... 1(ban₂)... 1(ban₂)... nu... 1(ban₂)... 1(ban₂)... 1(ban₂) 6(diš)... nu-banda₃ gu₄... 1(ban₂) 5(diš) dumu lu₂...nin-šubur 4(ban₂) dumu ur{d}ma-mi 1(ban₂) 5(diš) dumu ur{d}nam₂-an-na nu-banda₃ gu₄ šeš-kal-la dumu gu-dun 1(ban₂) dumu ur-am₃-ma nu-banda₃ gu₄ lugal-nesag-e 2(ban₂) 5(diš) dumu ur{geš}gigir nu-banda₃ gu₄ šeš-kal-la dumu da-da 2(ban₂) 5(diš) dumu a-da-ga nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur-lugal šuniŋin 4(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ še sumun gur še-ba dumu ša₃-gu₄ ki-su₇ a-ša₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li...","... 1 ban2... 1 ban2... oxen-manager ... 1 ban2 ... 1 ban2 ... 1 ban2 6 sila3: ... the oxen-manager ...-x 1 ban2 5 (sila3): the son of Lu-Ninšubur; 4 ban2: the son of Ur-Mami; 1 ban2 5 (sila3): the son of Ur-nam-anna, oxen-manager of Šeškalla, son of Gu-dun; 1 ban2: son of Uramma, the oxen-manager of Lugal-nesage; 2 ban2 5 (sila3): son of Ur-gigir, the oxen driver of Šeškalla, son of Dada; 2 ban2 5 (sila3): son of Adaga, the oxen-manager of Ur-lugal; total: 4 barig 5 ban2 1 sila3 old grain, barley rations of sons of oxen-drivers from the threshing floor of the field Nin-ura; month: “Dumuzi,” year: “the lands of Zabašali were destroyed.”" P102283,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) še gur lugal lugal-e₂-mah-e 1(u) še gur lugal-si e 1(u) gur ur{geš}gigir še i₃-šah₂-ka-še₃ šu ba-ti-eš₂ iti še-sag-ku₅ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ","10 gur barley, royal (measure): Lugal-Emaḫe, 10 gur barley: Lugal-si-NE-e, 10 gur: Ur-gigir, barley for lard they received; month: “Harvest;” year: “Simurrum was destroyed.”" P102284,Ur III,Administrative," 3(ban₂) geme₂-lugal dumu na-na-a 1(ban₂) 5(diš) lu₂{d}nin-ur₄-ra dumu-ni 3(ban₂) nin₉-šeš-a-na-si-du₃ ...ta gur-ra ša₃ uš-bar ki ur{d}nin-tu uš₂ 3(ban₂) geme₂{geš}gigir iti še-kar-gal₂...","3 ban2: Geme-lugal, child of Na-na-a; 1 ban2 (5 sila3): Lu-Ninura, her child; 3 ban2: Nin-šeš-ana-sidu; from ... returned; of weavers, with Ur-nin-tu; dead, 3 ban2: Geme-gigir; month: “Barley at the quay.”" P102285,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš)... mu-kuₓ(DU) erin₂ engar ...1(geš₂) 3(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) še gur 2(aš) 3(barig) zi₃ gur mu engar 1(geš₂) 4(u) 1(aš) gur giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ engar šuniŋin 7(geš₂) 5(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) še gur šuniŋin 2(aš) 3(barig) ziz₂ gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ lu₂-dingir-ra a-ša₃ lugal ...geš e₃-a ...a-ša₃ lugal ...ur-kun nu-banda₃ ...kar-ra-gal₂-la ...uri₅...","1 ... SIG7 delivery (for) worktroopers of the ploughmen: ... 91 gur 3 barig barley, 2 gur 3 barig flour: ARAD-mu, the ploughman; 101 gur: Girini-isa, the ploughman; total: 475 gur 1 barig barley; total: 2 gur 3 barig flour: oxen-driver Lu-dingira; field: “King,” [barley] threshed, field: “King,” ... Ur-kun, the nubanda; month: ““Barley at the quay,” year: “..., the king of Ur ... .”" P102286,Ur III,Administrative," ... 8(aš) gur kišib₃... 3(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) 8(diš) sila₃ gur kišib₃ ur-e₂-nun-na 5(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur kišib₃ gu₂ 2(geš₂) 7(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ še gur ...1(ban₂) gig kišib₃ lugal-ra-ni ...2(aš) 1(barig) gur kišib₃ ur{d}da-mu 4(barig) kišib₃ tir-gu 2(barig) lugal{geš}gigir-re 1(aš) 4(barig) kišib₃ ur-gu₂-de₃-e-na dumu ur{d}suen 1(geš₂) gur iri bu₃-ra{ki} kišib₃ lu₂{d}nanna dumu lugal-an-ne₂ nu-banda₃ 4(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ku₃-ga-ni dumu gu₃-de₂-a 2(barig) kišib₃ da-da 2(barig) kišib₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal dumu lugal-gu₄-e 2(u) 8(aš) gur sa₂-du₁₁ zabala₃{ki} sag-bi gid₂-da kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal 4(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) 9(diš) sila₃ gur kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu sukkal 5(aš) gur kišib₃ {d}nanna-i₃-sa₆ dumu ur{d}hendur-sag-ka šuniŋin 9(geš₂) 5(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ še gur šuniŋin 1(barig) 1(ban₂) gig še ur₅-ra ku₅-a gal₂... ...","8 gur, under seal of ...; 34(?) gur 4 barig 8 sila3, under seal of Ur-Enunna; 5 gur 1 barig 5 ban2, under seal of Gutar 127(?) gur 2 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3 barley, 1 (gur) 1 ban2 wheat, under seal of Lugalrani; ... 2 gur 1 barig, under seal of Ur-Damu; 4 barig, under seal of Tirgu; 2 barig : Lugal-gigire; 1 gur 4 barig, under seal of Ur-Gudena, son of Ur-Suen; 60 gur (from) the city of Bura, under seal of Lu-Nanna, son of Lugal-ane, nubanda; 4 gur 2 barig 2 ban2, under seal of Kugani, son of Gudea; 2 barig, under seal of Dada; 2 barig, under seal of Lu-KA-ni the son of Lugal-gue; 28 gur, regular offerings of Zabala, of long-headed (grain), under seal of Ur-Nungal; 275 gur 9 sila3, under seal of Lugal-kuzu the messenger; 5 (gur), under seal of Nanna-isa the son of Ur-Ḫendursag; total: 596 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3 barley (?); total: 1 barig 1 ban2 wheat; barley with interest, cut, available, ..." P102287,Ur III,Administrative," ... 3(aš) gur ki... 2(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur ki a-du-mu 2(geš₂) gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti-ta kišib₃ gi-ne₂ ma₂-lah₅ 1(geš₂) gur kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu dumu gu-za-an-na 1(geš₂) še gur 7(aš) gig gur kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra u₃ ur{geš}gigir nagar 5(u) gur giri₃ nimgir-an-ne₂ kišib₃ ga-mu {ki}ta ...še gur 3(ban₂)...gur ...tug₂ ...7(aš) 1(ban₂)...lu₂-igi ...1(aš) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ nar nita₂ ...giri₃-se₃-ga {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ...3(ban₂) giri₃-se₃-ga {d}nin-ur₄-ra ...geme₂ kikken-na ...1(aš) giri₃... ...3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃...nita₂ ...giri₃-se₃-ga {d}šul-gi-ra-me ...2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ giri₃-se₃-ga {d} ka-limmu₂ ...2(ban₂) giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-esir ...3(ban₂) še-ba ad-kup₄ ...1(ban₂) dumu lugal-inim-du₁₀-ga ...1(barig) še-ba gab₂-us₂ ...5(aš) 5(diš) sila₃ še-ba uku₂-nu-ti-ta ...5(diš) sila₃ še-ba geme₂ kikken-na 1(aš) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še-ba ug₃ ...a-tal₂-dingir ...4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur ki lugal-me-a ...5(ban₂) ziz₂ ur{d}iškur ...1(ban₂) gur ki a-ab-ba-mu ...4(ban₂) še-ba sag-ku₃ ...1(ban₂) še-ba...du ...še...lu₂ ...4(diš) sila₃ še-ba lu₂-azlag₂ ...ganun-ta ...lu₂ kišib₃-bi 2(diš) kišib₃ sag-ku₅ 1(aš) 3(barig) gur kišib₃ ga-a-me kišib₃ u₃-ma-ni dub-sar 1(aš) 3(ban₂) še-ba gur 1(barig) 2(ban₂) še ur₅-ra kišib₃ ga-a-me kišib₃... 1(aš) 1(ban₂) gur kišib₃ ga-a-me kišib₃ lugal-dingir-ra dub-sar šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 4(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še gur ...3(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃... ...","... 3 gur from ...; 2 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley from Adumu; 120 gur, field Ukunutita, under seal of Gine the skipper; 60 gur, under seal of Lugal-Kuzu the son of Guza'ana; 60 gur barley, 7 gur wheat under seal of Lu-dingira and Ur-gigir the carpenter; 50 gur via Nimgirane under the seal of Gamu; from KI.AN; n gur barley, 3 ban2 n (sila3) gur [barley], n: ...; ... 7 (gur) 1 ban2 ...: Lu'igi; ... 1 (gur) 2 ban2 5 sila3: the male cantor, ... staff of Šara of Umma; ... 3 ban2: staff of Ninura; n: female mill-workers; ... 1 (gur) via ..., ... 3 ban2 5 sila3: ..., ... they are staff of Šulgi; ... 2 ban2 5 sila3: staff of USZ-ka-limmu; ... 2 ban2: staff of the bitumen? house; ... 3 ban2 barley rations: the basket weavers; ... 1 ban2: the son of Lugal-inimduga; ... 1 barig barley ration: the assistant herder; ... 5 (gur) 5 sila3 barley rations: Uku-nuti; ... n ban2 5 sila3 barley rations: female mill-workers; 1 (gur) 5 ban2 5 sila3 barley rations: porters; n: Api-dingir; n 4 barig 1 ban2 gur from Lugal-me’a; ... 5 ban2 emmer: Ur-Iškur; n n barig 1 ban2 gur from A’abbamu; ... 4 ban2 barley rations: Sagku; ... 1 ban2 barley rations: ...; ... n barig barley rations: ...; ... 4 sila3 barley rations: the textile worker; ... n ... from the storehouse; ... its sealed documents: 2, under seal of Sagku; 1 gur 3 barig under the seal of Ga’ame, under the seal of Umani, the scribe; 1 gur 3 ban2 barley rations, 1 barig 2 ban2 loan barley under the seal of Ga’ame, under the seal of ...; 1 gur 1 ban2 under the seal of Ga’ame, under the seal of Lu-dingira, the scribe. Together: 1363 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 1 1/2 sila3 barley, × 3 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 ..." P102288,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga zu-lu₂-du₅-a 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ba-za lu₂ sag 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lugal-ku₃-zu 1(ban₂) kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu-eš₁₈-dar 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ma-aš₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga u-bar-um šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 1/2(diš) sila₃ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","5 sila3 of beer, 5 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Zuludua; 5 sila3 of beer, 5 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Baza ...; 5 sila3 of beer, 5 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Lugal-kuzu; 1 ban2 of beer, 1 ban2 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Šu-Ištar; 5 sila3 of beer, 5 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Maš; 3 sila3 of beer, 2 sila3 of bread, 5 shekels of onions, 3 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali-plant, (for) Ubarum; total: 3 ban2 3 sila3 of beer, 3 ban2 2 sila3 of bread, 1/2 sila3 of onions; total: 18 shekels of oil, 12 shekels of alkali-plant; month: “Harvest,” the 24th day; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P102289,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(ban₂) kaš du u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ kaš du u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam ki ur-mes-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar mu us₂-sa en ga-eš{ki} ba-hun {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal... ensi₂ umma... ...","1 ban2 1 sila3 fine beer, 2 ban2 common beer, 14th day; 1 ban2 2 sila3 fine beer, 3 ban2 7 sila3 common beer, 15th day; from Ur-mes; seal of the governor; month: “Bricks cast in moulds,” year after: “The high-priestess of Ga’eš was hired.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, your servant." P102290,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂...3(diš)...gin₂ naga šu-ku-bu-um 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ ugula uš-bar šeš-sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}da-mu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 4(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu{d}en-lil₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ ba-ni-ša-an 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ na-ba-sa₂ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(diš) gin₂ naga na-ha-nu-um sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ nag ur-sag₁₀ 2(diš)...kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga mi-da-a ...sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ...ri₂ ... 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga im-ti sukkal-me 2(diš)...kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ša₃-ga šuniŋin 1(ban₂) kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 4(ban₂)... šuniŋin...sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 1(diš) sila₃ la₂ 1(u) 4(diš)... šuniŋin 1/2(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 2(u)... u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ si-ma-num₂","5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, for Šukubum; 5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, for the foreman of weavers, Šeš-saga; 5 sila3 fine beer, 5 sila3 bread, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Damu; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 4 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šu-Enlil; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, for Banišan (?); 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, for Nabasa; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 1 shekel alkali-plant, for Naḫanum (?); n sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-saga; 2 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Mida’a; n sila3 beer, n sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ...; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ...; (they) are messengers; 2 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šaga; total: 1 ban2 fine beer; total: 4 ban2 n beer; total: n ban2 n sila3 bread; total: 1 sila3 less 14 shekels onions; total: 1/2 sila3 6 shekels oil; total: 20 less 3 shekels alkali-plant. 16th day; month: “Harvest;” year after: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P102291,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 3(diš) gin₂ naga šu-gu-te 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 4(diš) gin₂ naga im-ti-dam 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 3(diš) gin₂ naga ur{d}da-mu 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ma-aš₂ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 1(ban₂) ninda šuniŋin 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 8(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃-a mu us₂-sa-a-bi","5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 3 shekels alkali-plant, for Šu-Gute; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 4 shekels alkali-plant, for Imtidam; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 3 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-Damu; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 3 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Maš; total: 1 ban2 6 sila3 beer; total: 1 ban2 bread; total: 12 shekels onions; total: 12 shekels oil; total: 8 shekels alkali-plant; 28th day; month: “Bricks cast in moulds,” year after: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall erected,” year after that." P102292,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ šu-i₃-li₂-a gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 2(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ ba-ba-a gaba-aš 1(diš)...sila₃ kaš ...gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ ha-la-ša gaba-aš šuniŋin 3(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 3(ban₂) ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 8(diš)-kam iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂-la₂ mu-na-du₃","1 jug of wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Šu-iliya, ...; 1 jug of wort, 2 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Babaya, ...; 1 jug of wort, 2 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Ḫalaša, ...; total: 3 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 per jug; total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 6 sila3 beer; total: 3 ban2 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels of alkali-plant; total: 9 bundles onions; 8th day; month: “Lisi,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, the great stele of Enlil erected.”" P102293,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a i₇-de₃ uš₂-a ugula ku₃-ga-ni mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul a-kal-la dub... dumu... ...","13 female laborer workdays, water to the river, ...; foreman: Kugani, year after: “Anšan was destroyed.” Akalla, scribe, son of ... ..." P102294,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba ugula lu₂-kal-la kišib₃ a-ab-ba iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-da-gan ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-a-bi lu₂{d}... dub-sar dumu inim{d}šara₂ sa₁₂-du₅-ka lu₂-giri₁₇-zal dub... dumu da-du...","16 laborer workdays, sheaves piled up; foreman: Lukalla; under seal of A’aba; month: “Bricks cast in moulds” year after: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was erected,” year after that. Lu-Šara, scribe, son of Inim-Šara the chief surveyor." P102295,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) guruš u₄ 6(diš)-še₃ zi₃ ma₂-a si-ga u₄ 1(u)-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ ma₂ ba-al-la u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ ma₂ su₃ gid₂-da diri-ga u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ im-du₈-a ak ša₃ na-ga-ab-tum giri₃ ma₂ zi₃-da-ka a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 8(diš) guruš u₄ 7(diš)-še₃ še ma₂-a si-ga u₄ 1(u)-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 5(diš)-še₃ ma₂ ba-al-la u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ ma₂ su₃ gid₂-da diri-ga nin₁₀-nu-du₃-ta nibru{ki}še₃ ugula lu₂-du₁₀-ga kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam lu₂-giri₁₇-zal mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal lu₂-giri₁₇-zal dub-sar dumu da-du-mu","8 laborers for 6 workdays, flour in the barge loaded; 10 workdays, barge punted, for 5 workdays, barge unloaded; 3 workdays, empty barge punted, floated; 5 workdays, plastering done; in Nagabtum; via boat of flour, the 1st time; 8 laborers for 7 workdays: barley loaded in the barge; 10 workdays, barge punted; 5 workdays, barge unloaded; 3 workdays, empty barge punted, floated; from Nin-nudu to Nippur; foreman: Lu-duga; under šatam seal of Lu-girizal; year: “Amar-Suen (is) king.” Lu-girizal, scribe, son of Dadumu." P102296,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) guruš engar dumu-ni 6(diš) ug₃ guruš 4(diš) guruš dumu-gi₇ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti diri-še₃ 2(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ še gur a₂ 6(diš) sila₃-ta a₂-bi 2(gešʾu) 1(u) 6(diš) 2/3(diš)-kam 7(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ še gur a₂ 5(diš) sila₃-ta a₂-bi u₄ 7(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) 5/6(diš)-kam giri₃ lugal-ku₃-zu 2(aš) 2(barig) še gur a₂ 6(diš) sila₃-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂)-kam giri₃ ur-ab-zu dumu lugal-ušurₓ 9(aš) še gur a₂ 6(diš) sila₃-ta a₂-bi u₄ 7(geš₂) 3(u)-kam giri₃ e₂-gal-e-si ki ta 3(u) sar kin šuku-ra a₂-bi u₄ 3(diš)-kam 2(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 6(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a giri₃ a-kal-la 3(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba šu ur₃-ra giri₃ e₂-gal-e-si a-ša₃ muru₁₃ 6(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a 4(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba 6(geš₂) 4(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ gub-ba giri₃ da-a-gi₄ a-ša₃ amar-kiši₁₇ 5(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba ki-su₇ gub-ba giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal 8(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-a zar₃ tab-ba ki-su₇ gub-ba a-ša₃ gu₂-de₃-na giri₃ lugal-ku₃... kišib₃ e₂-gal-e... ša₃-bi... 2(bur₃) 3(iku) tug₂-saga₁₁...ak 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) ta tug₂...1(iku) ta geš-ur₃-ra...ra₂ 2(diš)-kam 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ... a₂-bi u₄... 6(bur₃) 1(eše₃) tug₂-saga₁₁ ak 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) ta...ur₃-ra a-ra₂...1/2(iku) ... a₂-bi u₄ 1(gešʾu)... 1(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) ...ur₃-ra a-ra₂...4(diš) 1/2(iku) ... a₂ erin₂-bi u₄... 1(burʾu) 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) ...ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 1(diš)...... a₂ erin₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂)...1/3(diš)... a₂ geš-ur₃... 3(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku)... 4(bur₃) 3(iku) šuku... uru₄-a 2(iku) ... a₂ erin₂-bi u₄ 1(gešʾu)... a₂... 3(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) 5(diš) sar... a₂-bi u₄... 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) sar... ... ... ... ... ...da i₇...ur₄-ra-du kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu sukkal 5(diš) guruš gu₄-e-us₂-sa 5(diš) guruš a-ša₃-da tuš-a iti 4(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(gešʾu)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta iti diri-še₃ 1/2(diš) iri-bar-re 1/2(diš) ur{d}suen 1/2(diš) a-kal-la 1/2(diš) nimgir-di-de₃ iti 4(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂)-kam a₂ u₄ du₈-a dumu-gi₇ ša₃-gu₄... 1(geš₂) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ du₈-a ug₃ ša₃-gu₄ 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nibru{ki} ma₂ še gid₂-da kišib₃ bi₂-du₁₁-ga ... šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 4(gešʾu)...9(diš) 5/6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2(u) 9(diš) 2/3(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ... nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na lugal-ku₃-zu nu-banda₃ gu₄ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul ","10 male laborers: plowman, his sons; 6 porters: male laborers; 4 male laborers: dumugi; for 13 months, its labor: 7800 male laborer workdays, from the month “Harvest” to the month “Extra;” 24 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 less 1 sila3 barley wage: 6 sila3 each (day), its labor: 1216 2/3 days; 7 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 barley, wage: for 5 sila3 each (day), its labor: 442 5/6 days; via Lugal-kuzu: 2 gur 2 barig barley wage: 6 sila3 each (day). its labor: 120 days; via Ur-abzu, son of Lugal-ušur: 9 gur barley, the wage: 6 sila3 each (day), its labor: 450 days; via Egal-esi from ARAD: 30 sar work for barley rations, its labor: 3 days. total: 10,209 1/2 male laborer workdays are the debit; therefrom: 360 male laborer workdays: barley harvested via Akalla; 216 male laborer workdays: sheaves piled up, leveled via E2-gal-e-si, at the field Muru: 404 male laborer workdays: barley harvested; 240 male laborer workdays: sheaves piled up, 400 male laborer workdays: at the threshing floor stationed via Da’agi, field of Amar-kiši: 300 male laborer workdays: sheaves piled up, at the threshing floor stationed, via Ur-Nungal; 480 male laborer workdays barley harvested, sheeves piled up, at the threshing floor stationed, field of Gudena, via Lugalkuzu, under seal of Egal-esi; of therefrom: 2 bur3 3 iku field area: deep plowed, at 3/4 iku field area each (day); ... at 1 iku field area each; harrowing, twice, 4 1/2 iku field area each; its labor: 316 workdays; 6 bur3 1 eše3 field area: deep plowed, at 3/4 iku field area each (day); harrowing, twice(?), at 4 1/2 iku field area each; its labor: 640 workdays; 11 bur3 1 eše3 field area, harrowing, twice(?), at 4 1/2 iku field area each; labor of the worktroop: 272 workdays; 15 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku field area, harrowing, once, at 4 1/2 iku field area each; labor of the worktroop: 190 1/3 workdays; labor of harrowing and deep plowing; 31 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku field area ..., 4 bur3 3 iku field area, prebend, ... ploughed: at 2 iku field area each, ... labor of worktroop: 963 2/3 workdays; labor of seeding; 2035 sar ... hoeing at 5 sar each (day), its labor: 407 workdays; 96 sar ... hoeing, at n sar each, its labor: n workdays; ... ... ... ... ... ... its sealed documents: 2, under seal of Lugal-kuzu, the messenger; 5 male laborers, “following the ox;” 5 male laborers at the field residing; for 4 months, its labor: 1200 days, from month “Festival of Šulgi,” to month “Extra;” 1/2: Iri-bare, 1/2: Ur-Suen, 1/2: Akalla, 1/2: Nimgir-dice; for 4 months, its labor: 240 days; labor, free days of dumugi of the oxen-drivers: 66 male laborer workdays, labor, free days of porters of the oxen-drivers; 24 male laborer workdays, Nippur, barge of barley punted; under seal of Biduga; total: 10,179 5/6 male laborer workdays booked out; deficit: 29 2/3 male laborer workdays; account of labor of worktroops; Lugal-kuzu, oxen-manager; year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P102297,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...ga₆-ga₂ ...1(u) 5(diš) guruš ninda ga₆-ga₂ ...7(diš) guruš in-bul₅-bul₅ ga₆-ga₂ ...1(diš) guruš mun-gazi ga₆-ga₂ ...2(u) 1(diš) guruš ma₂-a gi du₃-a 1(u) 1(diš) guruš ma₂ zi₃-da an-na i₃-ku₆-ta ka i₇-da guruš-gin₇-du-še₃ u₃ ma₂ bala ak umma{ki}ta gu₂...še₃ nig₂-gu₂-na bala ga₆-ga₂ kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar...","45 male laborers for 1 day ... carried, n + 15 male laborers bread carried, n + 7 male laborers ...-straw carried, n + 1 male laborers, condiments carried, n + 21 male laborers, in a barge reeds erected (?), 11 male laborers the barge with flour, oil, (and) fish from the mouth of the canal ... punted and barge transfered over out of Umma load to ..., delivery of transfer carried, ... under seal of Lukalla; year: “Šu-Suen (is) king.” Lukala, scribe, son of Ur-Ee, cattle manager." P102298,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ tir šum₂-bad₃... {geš}u₂-bil₂-la il₂-la ugula ur-am₃-ma kišib₃ lugal-nir iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu na-ru₂-a ba-du₃ lugal-nir dub... dumu ur{d}... ša₁₃-dub-ba...","9 male laborere workdays, forest Šum-bad-... charcoal ... Gamala; foreman: Ur-amma; under seal of Lugalnir; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “The stele was erected.” Lugalnir, scribe, son of Ur-Šara, chief accountant." P102299,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) sar kin u₂ sahar-ba kab₂-ku₅ e₂-anše-ka 1(u) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sar kab₂-ku₅ u₂-du{d}nin-a-ra-li 4(diš) sar kab₂-ku₅ gu₄ suhub₂ 1(u) 9(diš) sar 6(diš) gin₂ kab₂-ku₅ a-bu₃-ka 1(u) 6(diš) sar kab₂-ku₅ na-ra-am{d}suen 7(diš) sar kab₂-ku₅ u₂-du-mu-ul-li 2(u) 4(diš) sar...u₂... 6(diš) sar kab₂-ku₅... šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 6(diš) gin₂ kin u₂ sahar-ba kin e₂-ta e₃-a kišib₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lu₂{d}šara₂ dub dumu iri-bar...","8 sar, grass and earth worked, water installation (in the field) Donkey-house; 12 2/3 sar, water installation (in the field) Cattle-herder-of-Nin-Arali; 4 sar, water installation (in the field) Oxen-boot; 19 sar 6 shekels, water installation (in the field) Abuka; 16 sar, water installation (in the field) Narām-Sin; 7 sar, water installation (in the field) Cattle-herder-of-Mulli; 24 sar ...; 6 sar water installation ...; total: 96 2/3 sar 6 shekels work, grass and earth worked; work, having left the household; under seal of Lu-Šara; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” Lu-Šara, scribe, son of Iri-bare." P102300,Ur III,Administrative," 2(eše₃) še-ba u₃ kaš 5(aš) gur lugal-nig₂-lagar-e gudu₄ 1/4(iku) 2(barig) dam a-a-kal-la 1(bur₃) 1/4(iku) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) ur-li-mu 2(eše₃) 8(aš) gur... ab-ba-gi-na... ... 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂)... ...3(iku) lugal gur 4(iku) 4(aš) gur... 1(eše₃) 4(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur ur-lugal 1(iku) 3(ban₂) er₃-mu maškim 2(iku) še gur₁₀ a-ša₃...gibil 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 3(aš) da-a-ga 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 2(aš) lu₂-du₁₀-ga 1(eše₃) 4(barig) igi-huš 2(eše₃) 8(aš) in-zu-a igi-še₃ ha-ba-lu₅-ge₂ a-ša₃ gaba...dingir apin-la₂-am₃ ...du₁₀-ga gaba a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ a-ša₃ gid₂-da buru₁₄ ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} ...suen lugal-e...mah...en-lil₂...nin-lil₂₂","2 eše3 field area: barley rations and beer, 5 gur, Lugal-nig-lagare, the gudu(-officiant); 1/4 iku field area: 2 barig, wife of Ayakalla; 1 bur3 1/4 iku field area: 1 barig 3 ban2, Ur-limu; 2 eše3 field area: 8 gur ..., Abbagina ...; ... field area: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 ...; ... n eše3 3 iku field area: 1 gur royal(measure), 4 iku field area: 4 gur ...; 1 eše3 field area: 4 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, Ur-lugal; 1 iku field area: 3 ban2, Ermu, the enforcer; 2 iku field area: 5 barig harvested at the field, ...-new; n bur3 field area: 3 (gur), Da’aga; 1 1/4 iku field area: 2 (gur), Lu-duga; 1 eše3 field area: 4 barig, Igihuš; 2 eše3 field area: 8 (gur), Inzua, in front of Ḫabaluge; field up against ...; cultivation; n iku field area: ... (gur), Lu-duga up against the field of Oxen-boot; field measured, harvest-time in Apisal. year: “Šu-Suen, the king, had Great-barge for Enlil and Ninlil fashioned.”" P102301,Ur III,Administrative," ...še... ur... 1(eše₃) 2(aš) gur a-da-ga dub-sar 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) diri šuku lu₂{d}šara₂ mu₆-sub₃ 3(iku) 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) diri šuku lugal{d}suen apin-la₂-am₃ 1(eše₃) še-bi 8(aš) gur šuku lu₂{d}šara₂ mu₆-sub₃ 4(iku) 6(aš) gur ur{geš}gigir igi-du₈ 1(bur₃) 2(u) 5(aš) gur lugal-ku₃-zu 1(eše₃) 6(aš) gur lu₂-du₁₀-ga dumu lugal{geš}kiri₆ a-ša₃ gid₂-da buru₁₄ a-ša₃š₂ ...lugal uri₅...","...barley... (for) Ur-[...] 1 eše3 field area: 2 gur (per iku), Adaga the scribe; 3/4 iku field area: 2 barig, 3 ban2 extra, prebend of Lu-Šara the ...; 3 iku field area: 1 (gur) 2 barig 3 ban2 extra, prebend of Lugal-Suen; cultivation; 1 eše3 field area, its barley: 8 gur, prebend of Lu-Šara, ...; 4 iku field area: 6 gur, Ur-gigir, ...; 1 bur3 field area: 25 gur, Lugal-Kuzu; 1 eše3 field area: 6 gur, Lu-duga, son of Lugal-kiri6; long field, harvest time, at the field, Šunukuš ; [year: “...,] king of Ur,... .”" P102302,Ur III,Administrative," ...še gur gu₄ 9(aš) gur šuku ur{d}nin-ki ugula ur{d}ba-ba₆ 2(geš₂) 2(u) gur ugula da-a-ga 2(geš₂) 2(u) 5(aš) gur 1(u) ziz₂ gur ugula {d}šara₂-kam 1(geš₂) 4(u) gur gu₄ 1(diš) 8(aš) gur šuku ha-ba-lu₅ ugula e₂-gal-e-si a-ša₃ na-ga-ab-tum ki-su₇ na-gab₂-tum 4(u) gur ugula {d}šara₂-kam 4(u) gur ugula e₂-gal-e-si a-ša₃ a-bu₃ 2(geš₂) 2(u) gur ugula e₂-gal-e-si a-ša₃ du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 5(aš) gur a-ša₃ na-ga-ab-tum 3(u) gur a-ša₃ a-bu₃ ...gur a-ša₃ du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇ ugula da-a-ga ...1(u) gur a-ša₃ du₆-ku₃... ...gur a-ša₃ a... ...sahar um... ...ka du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇","... gur barley of GANgu-fields; 9 gur prebend, Ur-Ninki; foreman: Ur-Baba; 140 gur, foreman: Da’aga; 145 gur (barley), 10 gur emmer, foreman: Šara-kam; 100 gur (from) GANgu-fields; 8 gur, prebend of Habalu, foreman: Egal-esi, field Nagabtum, threshing floor Nagabtum; 40 gur, foreman: Šara-kam, 40 gur, foreman: Egal-esi, field Abu; 140 gur, foreman: Egal-esi, field Gold-Mound; 85 gur, field Nagabtum; 30 gur, field Abu; Ø gur, field Gold-Mound; foreman: Da’aga: ... 10 gur, field Gold-Mound; n gur, field Abu; ... ... ... Gold-Mound." P102303,Ur III,Administrative," 6(bur₃) a-ša₃ ugur₂-tur-sag-du₃ 4(bur₃) a-ša₃ uš...da 5(bur₃) a-ša₃ ... nig₂-gal₂-la kin...ak 8(bur₃) a-ša₃ a-gar-sag-du₃ ...2(bur₃) ...ša₃ du₆{d}šara₂ 5(bur₃) a-ša₃ a-egir lu₂{d}šara₂ nig₂-gal₂-la a-de₂ gu₄-e 6(bur₃) ta ib₂-dab₅ ","6 bur3 field area: fields of Ugurtur-sagdu; 4 bur3 field area: field of Long-side; 5 bur3 field area: field of Gana-anše; property, ... work done; 8 bur3 field area: field of Agar-sagdu; ... 2 bur3 field area: one field of Du-Šara; 5 bur3 field area: field of Weir-field of Lu-Šara; property, flood irrigation with oxen at 6 bur3 field area, seized." P102304,Ur III,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 1(u) sa...zi gu-nigin₂-ba 5(diš) sa-ta gi dumu-gi₇ šu-ku₆-ne 5(geš₂) sa gi-zi gu-nigin₂-ba 6(diš) sa-ta ki ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂-ta kišib₃ gur₄-za-an giri₃ ba-sag₁₀ ga₂-nun a-ab-ba iti min-eš₃ ki-maš... gur₄-za-an dumu al-la","370 bundles, fodder-reed, their bales at 5 bundles each, reeds of dumugi and fisheries laborers; 300 bundles, fodder-reed, their bales at 6 bundles each, from Ur-Enlil, under seal of Gurzaran, via Basaga, storehouse of A’abba; month: “Mineš,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.” Gurzaran son of Alla." P102305,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 4(diš)... 3(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur ša₃-gal... ki ka-guru₇-ta 4(barig) 1(ban₂) duh du še-bi... ki uš-mu... šuniŋin 5(u) 4(aš) 5(ban₂) 4(diš)... ša₃-bi... 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)... 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)... 1(burʾu) 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-numun-bi 2(u) 3(ban₂)...1/2(diš) sila₃ gur mur-gu₄ 5/6(diš)-bi 1(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂... gu₄-e uru₄-a 4(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-numun-bi 1(barig) 2(ban₂) {geš}gaba-tab-e uru₄-a a-ša₃ da-umma{ki} 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-numun-bi 6(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur mur-gu₄ 5/6(diš)-bi 5(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ gur a-ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} 1(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) še gur ugu₂ i₇-pa-e₃ ba-a-gar šuniŋin 5(u) 1(aš) 5(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ še gur zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2(aš) 4(barig) 5(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ še gur nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun mur-gu₄ ur-mes nu-banda₃ gu₄ a de₂-a mu ","50 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 4 sila3 barley. 3 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, fodder of the calves, from the grain depot manager; 4 barig 1 ban2 regular bran, its barley: 5 ban2 from Ušmu; together: 54 gur 5 ban2 4 sila3. Therefrom: 1 bur3 2 eše3 1 iku surface at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, 1 bur3 4 iku surface at 11 each, 13 bur3 2 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface at 10 each, 3 bur3 surface at 9 each, their seed grain: 20 gur 3 ban2 2 1/2 sila3, their fodder at 5/6 (that of seed grain): 16 gur(?) 3 barig 4 ban2 7 sila3 5 shekels, oxen (seed) plowing; 4 iku field at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, their seed grain: 1 barig 2 ban2, gabatab plowing; field of Da-Umma. 5 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku surface at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, their seed grain: 6 gur 3 barig 2 ban2, their fodder at 5/6 (that of seed grain): 5 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 6 2/3 sila3, field of Apisal. 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 barley, set to the debit section of of Ipa’e(’s account). Together: 51 gur 5 ban2 6 sila3 15 shekels barley booked out, deficit: 2 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 5 shekels barley, account of the seed grain and fodder of Urmes, the oxen manager; water poured; year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P102307,Ur III,Administrative," 4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ zi₃ ki lugal-ezem-ta ur{d}nun-gal šu ba-ti ša₃ bala iti nesag mu ša₃-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ur{d}nun-gal dumu ur-nigar","4 ban2 1 sila3 flour, from Lugal-ezem, Ur-Nungal received; of the bala; month: “First-fruits,” year: “Šašrum was destroyed.” Ur-Ningal, son of Ur-nigar." P102308,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ niga 2(diš) udu 1(diš) kir₁₁ u₄ 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ {d}...la₂ ba-dim₂ 4(diš)","1 male lamb, grain-fed, 2 rams, 1 female lamb, 4th day, from Abbasaga did Nalu accept; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 4." P102309,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) gu₄ gun₃-a niga 1(u) 6(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) gu₄ mar-tu 2(diš) gu₄ mar-tu gun₃-a 1(diš) ab₂ 7(diš) udu niga 1(diš) udu niga geš-du₃ 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga šimašgi₂ 8(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) udu 1(u) 5(diš) udu ge₆ 1(diš) udu a-lum geš-du₃ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu a-lum 4(u) gukkal 5(geš₂) 8(diš) u₈ 2(diš) u₈ šimašgi₂ 1(diš) sila₄ šimašgi₂ 4(geš₂) 3(u) maš₂-gal 6(diš) maš₂-gal gun₃-a 3(diš) maš₂ 8(geš₂) 6(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) kir₁₁ gukkal mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal ki na-sa₆-ta a-hu-ni i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","5 oxen, grain-fed, 1 ox, speckled, grain-fed 16 oxen, 1 , Amorite, 2 oxen, Amorite, speckled, 1 cow, 7 sheep, grain-fed, 1 sheep, grain-fed, breeder, 1 full-grown billy goat, grain-fed, Šimaškian, 8 full-grown billy goats, grain-fed, 157 sheep, 15 black sheep, 1 ašlum-sheep, breeder, 9 ašlum-sheep, 40 fat-tailed sheep, 308 ewes, 2 ewes, Šimaškian, 1 lamb, Šimaškian, 243 full-grown billy goats, 6 full-grown billy goats, speckled, 3 billy goats, 486 nanny goats, 1 female lamb, fat-tailed; royal delivery, from Nasa Aḫuni accepted; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “Kimaš and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P102310,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 1(diš)","1 lamb, 28th day; from Abbasaga Ludingira accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 1." P102311,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) udu niga 6(diš) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa 1(diš) sila₄ niga 1(diš) maš₂ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ u₄ 7(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 1(u) 2(diš)","3 sheep, grain-fed, 6 sheep, grain-fed, “following the ox,” 1 lamb, grain-fed; 1 billy goat; 1 female kid; 7th day, from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; month: “Gazelle-feast,” “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 12." P102312,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš)... u₄ 1(u) 3(diš) ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 3(diš)","3 ... 13th day, from Abbasaga Šulgi-ayamu accepted; month: “Gazelle-feast,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 3." P102313,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) la₂ 1(diš) udu 8(diš) maš₂ šu-la₂-a ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta be-li₂-a-zu i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 1(geš₂) 7(diš)","59 sheep, 8 goats, ..., from Abbasaga Belī-azu accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 67." P102314,Ur III,Administrative," ...5(u) udu ur{d}lamma ensi₂ 1(geš₂) 1(u) gu₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ab₂ 3(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) udu 4(geš₂) 3(u) maš₂ 1(geš₂) 5(diš) ud₅ bala-a zi-ga ki {d}šara₂-kam-ta ur{d}lamma ensi₂ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-dab₅ giri₃ ka₅-a-mu iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ ...{d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","n 50 sheep Ur-lamma, the governor; 70(?) oxen, 9 cows, 197 sheep, 270 billy goats, 65 nanny goats; from the bala booked out; from Šarakam Ur-Lamma, governor of Girsu, accepted; via Ka’amu, month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P102315,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti diri ezem-me-ki-gal₂ us₂-sa mu gu-za ba-dim₂","1 lamb, 21st day, from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; extra month: “Festival of Mekigal,” following, year: “The throne was fashioned.”" P102316,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti diri ezem-me-ki-gal₂ us₂-sa mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 2(diš)","2 lambs, 28th day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; extra month: “Festival of Mekigal,” following, year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 2." P102317,Ur III,Administrative," 7(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 7(diš)","7 lambs, 28th day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “The en-priestess of Nanna was installed;” (total:) 7." P102319,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 8(diš) udu niga u₄ 6(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta en-dingir-mu i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 3(u) 8(diš)","38 sheep, grain-fed, 6th day, from Abbasaga En-dingirmu accepted; month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;” (total:) 38" P102320,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ niga u₄ 1(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-we-er i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(diš)","1 ox, grain-fed, 10th day, from Abbasaga Aḫu-wer accepted; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;” (total:) 1." P102321,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) amar gu₄ ga 1(u) 3(diš) sila₄ ga 1(u) kir₁₁ ga u₃-tu-da ša₃ na-gab₂-tum ...1(u)-kam ...šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 2(diš) gu₄...","2 bull calves, suckling, 13 lambs, suckling, 10 female lambs, suckling, newborns; in Nagabtum; 10th day, Šulgi-ayamu accepted; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The en-priestess of Nanna was installed;” (total:) 2 oxen, 23 sheep." P102322,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) sila₄ u₄ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 4(diš)","4 lambs, 1st day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 4." P102323,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) maš₂ u₄ 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(u) 2(diš)","11 lambs, 1 billy goat, 3rd day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 12." P102325,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš)","1 lamb, 17th day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1." P102326,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) u₈ gukkal u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-we-er i₃-dab₅ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš) udu","1 grain-fed ewe, 24th day, from Abbasaga Aḫu-wer accepted; year: “Šašru was destroyed;” 1 sheep." P102327,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta šu-ma-ma i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš) gu₄","1 ox, 8th day, from Abbasaga Šu-Mama accepted; month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1 ox." P102328,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 2(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš)","1 lamb, 22nd day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1." P102329,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) udu niga u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba...ta na-lu₅... iti ezem-me... mu ša-aš 8(diš)","8 sheep, grain-fed, 8th day, from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 8" P102331,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) sila₄ u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)","9 lambs, 23rd day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: “Gazelle-feast,” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 9." P102332,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gu₄ niga u₄ 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta a-hu-we-er i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš₅-ša mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 4(diš)","4 ox, grain-feden, 8th day, from Abbasaga Aḫu-wer accepted; month: “Šu-eša,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total): 4." P102333,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu a-lum niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ u₄ 2(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta šu-ma-ma i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 2(diš)","1 sheep, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 1 ašlum sheep, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 2nd day, from Abbasaga Šu-Mama accepted; month: “festival of Mekigal,” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 2." P102334,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) maš₂ u₄ 7(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 2(diš)","2 billy goats, 7th day, from Abbasaga Nalu accepted; month: “Harvest,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed;” (total:) 2." P102335,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gu₄ 2(u) 5(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂-gal u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta zu-ba-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun 3(u)","4 oxen, 25 sheep, 1 billy goat, full grown, 21st day, from Abbasaga Zubaga accepted; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;” (total:) 30." P102336,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 2(diš) gu₄ 2(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) udu 5(u) 5(diš) maš₂-gal u₄ 2(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta zu-ba-ga i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba 4(geš₂) 1(diš)","22 oxen, 164 sheep, 55 billy goats, full grown, 20th day, from Abbasaga Zubaga accepted; month: “Ubi-feast,” year: “The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;” (total:) 241." P102337,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 4(diš) udu 8(diš) maš₂-gal u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta zu-ba-ga i₃-dab₅ iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da... 3(u) 2(diš)","24 sheep, 8 billy goats, full grown, 29th day, from Abbasaga Zubaga accepted; month: “Ubi-feast,” “The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;” (total:) 32." P102338,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gukkal 1(diš) maš₂-gal u₄ 2(u) 2(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta tah-ša-tal i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun 2(diš) udu","1 fat-tailed sheep, 1 billy goat, full grown, 22nd day, from Abbasaga Tahiš-atal accepted; month: “kisiki of Ninazu,” year: “The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;” (total:) 2 sheep." P102339,Ur III,Administrative," ...ud₅ šu-gid₂ na-gada-ta 4(diš)...udu ki lugal-me-lam₂-ta 3(diš) u₈ ki nam-ha-ni-ta ...3(u) 3(diš) ki sipa-e-ne-ta 1(diš) udu 3(diš) u₈ 3(diš) maš₂ 4(diš) ud₅ giri₃ dam ...1(u) 1(diš)... ki nu-ur₂{d}suen-ta ...4(u) 4(diš) ugula ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃ 6(diš) ud₅ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ 1(diš) maš₂-gal 5(diš) maš₂ ki lu₂{d}ba-ba₆-ta ...1(u) 3(diš) ugula ip-hur šuš₃ ...5(u) 7(diš) šu-gid₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","n nanny goats, šugid offerings, from ...-ba-a, the herdsman; 4 n sheep, from Lugal-melam; 3 ewes, from Namḫani; (total:) 33, from the herdsmen; 1 sheep, 3 ewes, 3 billy goats, 4 nanny goats, via ARADdam; (total:) 11, from Nur-Suen; (total:) 44, foreman: Ur-nigar, cattle manager; 6 nanny goats, 1 female kid, 1 billy goat, full-grown, 5 billy goats, from Lu-Baba; (total:) 13, foreman: Ipḫur, cattle manager; (total:) 57, šugid delivery, Duga accepted; month: “Great festival,” year: “Šu-Suen is king.”" P102340,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ na-we-er-dingir 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re 1(diš) sila₄ ur-nigar{gar} 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ nita₂ ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ...ezem{d}nin-a-zu ...{d}šu{d}suen...uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ 3(diš) udu 1(diš) maš-da₃ {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub...limmu₂-ba ... dub-sar dumu i-di₃-er₃-ra ...","1 lamb, Na-we-er-dingir 1 lamb, Lugal-magure, 1 lamb, Ur-nigar, 1 calf-gazelle, male: Tahiš-atal, royal delivery, Intaea recieved; via Nanna-maba, the scribe; 29th day, month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Great-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected;” (total:) 3 sheep, 1 gazelle. Šu-Suen strong king, king in Ur, king of the four quarters: Nur-Suen, scribe, son of Iddin-Erra, is your servant." P102342,Ur III,Administrative," ... 1(u)... 3(diš)...sila₄ ...1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ... mu... 1(u) 1(diš)...","... 10 ... 3 ... lambs? 13th day, from Abbasaga did Nalu receive year “...”. (total:) 11(?) ..." P102343,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ kiš{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ bur-ma-ma 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga ensi₂ nibru{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ adab{ki} 2(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) gu₄ geš-du₃ gun₃-a 1(diš) gu₄...a 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) maš₂ bi₂-il mar... 1(diš) sila₄ ur-gu-la nu-banda₃ 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ e₂-a-i₃-li₂ 1(geš₂) 6(diš) ud₅ 4(diš) maš₂-gal geš-du₃ ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan mu-kuₓ(DU) iti a₂-ki-ti mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul u₄ 7(diš)-kam","1 lamb, governor of Kish; 1 lamb, Burmama; 1 female kid, grain-fed, governor of Nippur; 1 lamb, governor of Adab; 2 oxen, 1 ox, breeder, speckled, 1 ox, ..., 29 billy goats, of PI-bi2-il, Amorite; 1 lamb , Ur-Gula, nubanda; 1 calf-gazelle, Ea-ilī; 66 nanny goats, 4 billy goats, full-grown, breeders, Ṣelluš-Dagan delivery; month: “Akitu,” year: “Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed;” 7th day." P102345,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ {d}nanna mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re zabar-dab₅ maškim 1(diš) gu₄ 3(u) 3(diš) udu 1(u) sila₄ 1(u) 7(diš) maš₂ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ezem-an-na mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal 1(geš₂) 7(diš)","2 billy goats, full-grown, grain-fed, 2 female kids, grain-fed, 1 lamb, 1 female kid: Nanna, delivery of Lugal-magure, zabardab was enforcer; 1 ox, 33 cows, 10 lambs, 17 male goats, šugid for the kitchen; 19th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Amar-Suen is king;” (total:) 67." P102346,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) amar maš-da₃ {d}nanna mu-kuₓ(DU) ku-u₃ {d}nanna gal maškim 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) ha-ab-ru-še-er ur{d}ba-ba₆ maškim 1(diš) sila₄ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 4(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa {d}amar{d}suen lugal 4(diš)","2 calf-gazelles for Nanna, delivery of Ku’u, Nanna-GIRgal was enforcer; 1 calf-gazelle, to the uzga-house, delivery of Ḫabru-šer, Ur-Baba was enforcer; 1 lamb, šugid offering, for the kitchen; 4th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Gazelle-feast,” year after: “Amar-Suen is king;” (total:) 4." P102347,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ 2(diš) u₈ 3(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 6(diš)","1 ox, 2 ewes, 3 nanny goats, šugid offerings for the kitchen; 27th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “kisiki of Ninazu,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 6." P102348,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) udu 2(diš) u₈ 2(diš) sila₄ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 5(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga ba-zi iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 8(diš)","4 sheep, 2 ewes, 2 lambs, šugid offerings for the kitchen; 5th day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Harvest,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 8." P102349,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) hu-ba-a ur{d}ba-ba₆ maškim u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(diš)","1 calf-gazelle, for the uzga-house, delivery of Ḫubaya; Ur-Baba was enforcer; 23rd day, from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out. month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;” (total:) 1." P102350,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu u₂ {d}en-ki geš-kin-ti gu-la ki a-a-mu giri₃ e₂-e-a-na-ba kišib₃ lugal-iti-da ... iti ezem-an-na mu en {d}nanna ga-eš{ki} ba-hun {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ... dub... zu","2 sheep, grass-fed, for Enki, (from) big-workshop with(?) Ayamu via E’e-anaba; under seal(?) Lugal-itida, ...; month: “Festival of An,” year: “The high-priestess of Nanna at Ga’eš was installed.” Šu-Suen strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: [...], scribe, is your servant." P102351,Ur III,Administrative," ...udu ... mu-kuₓ(DU) en {d}... {d}nanše gal maškim 1(u) udu 5(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti ezem-an-na mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e... 1(u)...","... delivery of the priest of Inanna, Nanše-GIRgal was enforcer; 10 sheep, 5 nanny goats, šugid (offerings) for the kitchen, 21st day; from Abbasaga(’s account) booked out; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, ...;” (total:) 16(+)." P102352,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 2(diš) udu niga {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga {d}gu-za 1(diš) udu niga hur-sag-ga-lam-ma ša₃ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ 2(diš) udu niga {d}nin-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga {d}suen ša₃ e₂ {d}nin... ...gu₂... 1(diš) udu niga... nig₂... ša₃ e₂ {d}... 4(diš) udu 1(diš) udu niga {d}nun... ki sagi-ta 2(diš) udu niga e₂-uz-ga ki a-a-kal-la-mu iti u₄ 2(u) 8(diš) ba-zal ki na-lu₅-ta ba-zi ša₃ nibru{ki} iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal {d}...suen lugal kal... lugal uri₅{ki}... lugal an ub... ur{d}šul... dub... dumu ur{d}... ... ... ...{d}...","2 sheep, grain-fed, for Enlil; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Guza; 1 grain-fed, for Ḫursag-galama: in the house of Enlil; 2 sheep, grain-fed, for Ninlil, 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Suen: in the house of Ninlil; ... 1 sheep, grain-fed, ... ... in the house of ...; 4 sheep, grain-fed, ... cupbearer ...; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Nun-..., from USZ, the cupbearer; 2 sheep, grain-fed, for the uzga house, from Ayakala, the cook; of the month, the 28th day passed, from Nalu(’s account) booked out; in Nippur; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Šu-Suen is king.” [Amar]-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Ur-Šulpae, scribe, son of Ur-Ḫaya, is your servant. ...-na-..., scribe, son of Ur-... ." P102353,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ e₂-uz-ga {d}nanna muhaldim maškim 3(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ bi₂-zu-a 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ da-da gala 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ ur{d}nin-gubalag nar ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU)-ra-ta u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ba-zi giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu","1 female kid, in the uzga-house, Arad-Nanna, the cook, was enforcer; 3 sheep, grain-fed, 1 lamb, Bizua; 1 sheep, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 1 sheep, grain-fed, 4th grade, Dada, castrate; 1 sheep, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 1 sheep, grain-fed, 4th grade, Ur-Ningubalag, the cantor; from among the deliveries; the 9th day, from Intaea(’s account) booked out; via Nanna-maba, the scribe; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Šu-Suen is king;” (total:) 9 sheep." P102354,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga sag₁₀... 1(diš) udu niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga sag₁₀... 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) udu... {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂ 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ {d}nanna 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-urta 1(diš) udu niga {d}nusku 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-ti₂-ug₅-ga 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-šubur 1(diš) udu niga {d}nin-hur-sag 1(diš) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa {d}en-ki a₂-ge₆-ba-a 1(diš) udu niga sag₁₀ ... ... 5(diš)...inim-zu-ha-ra... 5(diš) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa hu-un-hur-ti lu₂ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} lu₂ {d}nanna-kam sukkal mu maškim ...1(u) nig₂-ba lugal a₂ u₄-te-na iti u₄ 2(u) 6(diš) ba-zal ki nu-ur₂{d}iškur-ta ba-zi giri₃ zu-u₂-zu šar₂-ra-ab-du iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li... 4(u) 7(diš) udu {d}šu{d}suen nita kal-ga ... ...","1 sheep, grain-fed, fine quality, 1 sheep, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 1 billy goat, full-grown, grain-fed, fine quality, 1 billy goat, full-grown, grain-fed, 3rd grade, 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Enlil and Ninlil; 1 sheep, grain-fed, 4th grade, for Nanna; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Ninurta; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Nusku; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Nin-ti’uga; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Nin-šubur; 1 sheep, grain-fed, oforf Nin-ḫursag; 1 sheep, grain-fed, “following the ox,” for Enki; midnight (offering); 1 sheep, grain-fed, fine quality, 5 ... for Inim-zuḫara-kal 5 sheep, grain-fed, “following the ox,” of Ḫun-Ḫurti the man of Ḫurti; via Nanna-kam, messenger; ARADmu was enforcer; (subtotal:) 10; royal gift; evening (offerings); of the month the 26th day has passed; from Nur-Iškur(’s account) booked out, via Zuzu, the šarabdu-official; month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the lands of Zabšali destroyed;” (total:) 47 sheep. Šu-Suen, strong man, ..." P102355,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) {anše}kunga₂ šu-gid₂ ezem-mah-še₃ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam ki ur-ku₃-nun-na-ta ba-zi iti bi₂{mušen}gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","2 k-equids, šugid offerings, on behalf of Ur-mah; 17th day; from Ur-kununa(’s account) booked out; month: “Ubi-feast,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Great-barge of Enlil and Ninlil fashioned.”" P102357,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kir₁₁ niga ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki en-dingir-mu-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti šu-eš₅-ša mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","1 female lamb, grain-fed, slaughtered, 19th day; from En-dingirmu, Šulgi-irimu recieved; month: “šu’ešša,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P102359,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) kuš gu₄ niga 7(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) kuš udu 2(diš) kuš sila₄ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} 1(diš) kuš gu₄ niga 2(diš) kuš udu niga 3(u) 7(diš) kuš udu sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ ... 4(u) 7(diš) kuš udu niga 3(u) kuš sila₄ nig₂ geš-tag-ga... 1(diš) kuš gu₄ niga 1(geš₂) la₂ 2(diš) kuš udu niga 3(u) 2(diš) kuš udu ša₃ sa₂-du₁₁... 1(u) 2(diš) kuš maš₂ sa₂-du₁₁ dah-ha {d}šul-gi 5(u) kuš udu 2(u) 1(diš) kuš sila₄ {d}nin-ur₄-ra 1(u) kuš udu 7(diš) kuš sila₄ {d}eb-gal 1(u) kuš udu 8(diš) kuš sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) kuš udu {d}nanše {ki} 1(diš) kuš udu {d}gu-la... 3(u) 1(diš) kuš udu 2(u) kuš... {d}inana zabala{ki}...ildu₃-ma u₃ {d}ku₃... 3(diš) kuš udu ensi₂... 6(diš) kuš udu 4(diš) kuš... {d}e₁₁... 4(diš) kuš udu 2(diš)... {d}da-lagaš... 8(diš) kuš udu 4(diš) kuš sila₄ {d}en-ki u₃ {d} ka-limmu₅ 4(diš) kuš udu 2(diš) kuš sila₄ {d}dumu-zi iri-min sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-e-ne mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃","11 ox-hides, grain-fed, 429 sheep-hides, 2 lamb-hides, regular offerings of Šara of Umma; 1 ox-hide, grain-fed, 2 sheep-hides, grain-fed, 37 sheep-hides, regular offerings of Šara of KI.AN; 47 sheep-hides, grain-fed, 30 lamb-hides, royal sacrifice; 1 ox-hide, grain-fed, 58 sheep-hides, grain-fed, 32 sheep-hides, in the regular offerings ...; 12 billy goat-hides, regular offerings, additional, of Šulgi; 50 sheep-hides, 21 lamb-hides, for Ninura; 10 sheep-hides, 7 lamb-hides, (for) Ebgal; 1 sheep-hide, 8 lamb-hides, (for) Enlil; 1 sheep-hides (for) Nanše of Umma; 1 sheep-hide for Gula; 30 sheep-hides, 20 ...-hides, for Innana of Zabala, Nin-ilduma and Kusig-banda; 3 sheep-hides, for the governor of ...; 6 sheep-hides, 4 ...-hides, for E’e ...; 4 sheep-hides, 2 ...-hides, for Da-Lagaš; for Enki and UŠkalimmu; 4 sheep-hides, 2 lamb-hides, for Dumuzi of double-city; regular offerings of the gods; year after: “The wall was erected.”" P102360,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 1(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃... 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃... 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ e₂... ki lu₂-dingir-ra...inim{d}šara₂-ta ... 1(ban₂) 7(diš)... 1(barig)... 1(barig) 4(ban₂)... ki lu₂-dingir-ra dumu inim{d}šara₂-ta iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}...ur-bi₂-lum... ...šul-gi lugal uri₅... {d}utu... dub-sar ša₃-tam...","1 ban2 7 1/3 sila3 ... 1 barig 1 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 ... 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 for E-... from Lu-dingira, son of Inim-Šara; 1 ban2 7 1/3 sila3 ... 1 barig 1 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 ... 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 for E-... from Lu-dingira, son of Inim-Šara; month: “ubi feast,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.” Šulgi, strong man, king of Ur: Utu-GIRgal, scribe, the szatam (official), is your servant." P102361,Ur III,Administrative," ...1(ban₂) še ša₃-gal udu u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam 3(barig) še duh 3(barig) 2(ban₂) še nig₂-ar₃-ra 5(ban₂) še dabin u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam mu-ša si-ga e₂-kišib₃-ba-ta kišib₃ lu₂{d}suen iti a₂-ki-ti mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂ 1(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur lu₂{d}... dumu ur-sa₆-ga sipa gu₄ niga","n 1 ban2 barley, fodder of sheep, 16th day, 3 barig, barley, bran; 3 barig 2 ban2 barley, groats; 5 ban2 barley, dabin-flour; 18th day, muša loaded, from the storage facility; under seal of Lu-Suen; month: “Akītu,” year: “Great-barge was fashioned;” (total:) 1 gur 3 barig 2 ban2. Lu-Suen son of Ur-saga, herdsman of grain-fed oxen." P102362,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) gun₂ 3(u) 6(diš) ma-na siki e₂-kišib₃-ba ša₃ nibru{ki}ta du-du šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","1 talent 36 mana wool, from the storage facility in Nippur, Dudu received; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year after: “For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed.”" P102363,Ur III,Administrative," ...e-ne ...banda₃{da}ta ...{d}iškur-ke₄ šu ba-ti iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) zal-la mu gu-za-mah {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","...-ene from the nubanda ...-Iškur received; month: “Harvest,” 15th day passed, year: “Great-throne of Enlil was fashioned.”" P102364,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) 1(barig)...nun lugal ...lugal ...gun₂ 5(diš) ma-na siki ud₅ ...a-mu i₃-dab₅ 1(u)...i₃-nun 1(u) gal-gal 1(aš) gun₂ 5(u) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) ma...siki inim{d}...i₃-dab₅ 3(u)...1(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 1(aš) gun₂ 2(u) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) siki lugal-inim...i₃-dab₅ ...1(u) 4(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun ...la₂ 2(diš) sila₃ ga gal siki ...i₃-dab₅ ...1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun ...4(diš) sila₃ ga gal 8(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na siki ur-su₄-su₄ i₃-dab₅ la₂-ia₃-am₃ mu nig₂-ka₉ al-la mu us₂-a-bi","71 1/3 (sila3) ... butter oil, royal (measure), ..., n talents 5 ma-na goat hair, ... received; ... butter oil, ... big-cheese, 1 talent 58 1/3 mana wool, Inim-... received; 30 n (gur) 1 sila3 butter oil, 1 barig 4 ban2 n (sila3) big-cheese, 1 talent 21 1/3 mana wool, Lugal-inim-... received; ... 14 sila3 butter oil, ... n less 2 sila3 big-cheese, ... n mana wool, ... received; ... 1/2 sila3 butter oil, n sila3 big-cheese, 8 1/3 mana wool, Ur-susu received; deficit; year:“Accounts of the hoes,” year after." P102365,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...da dub-sar ...3(diš) gu₄ 3(u) udu a-hu-ni ...šu{d}nin-a-zu 1(diš)...4(diš) udu... 2(aš)...{d}ba... 1(diš)... 2(diš)...kam ...ša₃... ki {d}en-lil₂... giri₃ ur... ... 1(diš) ...en... ... ...5(diš)... ... 5(diš) ud₅ 2(diš)... 3(diš) u₈ 3(diš) kir₁₁ 2(diš) udu 2(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) ud₅ la₂-ia₃ su-ga lu₂{d}... 2(diš) udu 2(diš) sila₄ 3(diš) u₈ 2(diš) kir₁₁ 1(diš) ud₅ la₂-ia₃ su-ga...dumu ... ... 7(diš) udu ki ug₃ ta giri₃ i₃-li₂-mah-ri₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ šuniŋin 7(diš) gu₄ niga šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 5(u) 6(diš) gu₄ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) ab₂ šuniŋin 1(diš)... šuniŋin 2(diš)... šuniŋin 9(diš)... ... ...","... ... ... ...-da, the scribe; ... 3 oxen, 30 sheep, ... repaid by Aḫuni; ... Šu-Ninazu; 1 ox, 4 sheep ..., 2 ...; 1 ... 2 ... ... from Enlil ...; via Ur-...; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 sheep, ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... 5 nanny goats, 2 ..., 3 ewes, 3 female lambs, 2 rams, 2 male lambs, 1 nanny goat, deficit restored by Lu-...; 2 sheep, 2 lambs, 3 ewes, 2 female lambs, 1 nanny goat, deficit restored by ..., son of ...; ... 7 sheep, from Ug-IL, via Ilī-maḫ; month: “Harvest;"" total: 7 oxen, grain-fed, total: 236 oxen, total: 18 cows, total: 1 ... total: 2 ... total: 9 ... ..." P102404,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: therefroms, resititutions, in ... are here; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Big-Barge for Enlil Ninlil fashioned.”" P102435,Ur III,Administrative," ...2(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš)... ...ziz₂... ...1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃... še-numun mur... 1(aš) 2(barig) gur ša₃-gal amar 4(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) gur ša₃-gal gu₄ ... ki ka-guru₇-ta 4(barig) 1(ban₂) duh du še-bi 5(ban₂) ki uš-mu-ta 4(barig) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še ki lugal-nesag...ta 2(barig) 3(ban₂) ki lugal-e₂-mah-e-ta 1(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur ki ur-mes-ta 2(barig) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ ki ku₃-ga-ni-ta 2(aš) 4(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 1(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ gur ki ur{geš}gigir dumu a-si-lu-ta šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ 1(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ še gur šuniŋin 3(aš) ziz₂ gur šuniŋin 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ gig ša₃-bi-ta 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(burʾu) 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(bur₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta 9(bur₃) 2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 3(iku) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u)-ta še-numun-bi 2(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) 5(diš) gin₂ gur ziz₂-numun-bi 3(aš) gur gig-numun-bi 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ mur-gu₄ 5/6(diš)-bi 2(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5/6(diš) gin₂ gur gu₄-e uru₄-a 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-numun-bi 2(barig) 4(ban₂) {geš}gaba-tab-e uru₄-a a-ša₃ da-umma{ki} 5(bur₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta še-numun-bi 1(u) 4(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur mur-gu₄ 5/6(diš)-bi 8(aš) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ gur a-ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} 1(aš) 2(barig) gur ša₃-gal amar šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 5(aš) 3(barig) 9(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 5/6(diš) gin₂ gur šuniŋin 3(aš) ziz₂ gur šuniŋin...2(diš) sila₃ gig₃ ...5/6(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ ...še-numun mur-gu₄ ...e₃ dumu lugal-ušurₓ ... ...","52 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley, 3 gur emmer, [1 barig] 1 ban2 2 sila3 wheat, seed grain and fodder, 1 gur 2 barig, fodder of the calves, 4 gur 3 barig 3 ban2, fodder of the ...-oxen, from the grain depot manager; 4 barig 1 ban2 regular bran, its barley: 5 ban2, from Ušmu; 4 barig 2 1/2 sila3 barley from Lugal-nesage, 2 barig 3 ban2 from Lugal-emaḫe, 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 from Ur-mes, 2 barig 8 1/3 sila3 from Kugani, 2 gur 4 ban2 3 sila3 11 2/3 shekels barley from Lugal-nesage, from Ur-gigir, son of Asilu; together: 64 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 9 sila3 1 2/3 shekels barley, together: 3 gur emmer; together: 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 wheat; therefrom: 1 eše3 2 iku surface at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, 12 bur3 2 eše3 3/4 iku surface at 10 each, 2 bur3 1/2 iku surface at 9 1/2 each, 9 bur3 2 iku surface at 9 each, 2 bur3 3 iku surface, bala field, at 10 each, their seed grain: 23 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 5 shekels; their seed emmer: 3 gur; their seed wheat: 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3; their fodder at 5/6 (that of seed grain): 21 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 3 2/3 sila3 5/6 shekel; oxen of (seed) plowing; 1 eše3 2 iku field at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, their seed grain: 1 barig 2 ban2; gabatab plowing; field of Da-Umma; 5 bur3 2 iku field at 12 (furrows per running ninda) each, 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field at 11 1/2 each, their seed grain: 10 gur 4 ban2 7 1/5 sila3; their fodder at 5/6 (that of seed grain): 8 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 9 1/2 sila3 5 shekels; field of Apisal; 1 gur 2 barig fodder of the calves; together: 65 gur 3 barig 9 sila3 10 5/6 shekels (barley), together: 3 gur emmer, together: 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 wheat, booked out; surplus: 4 barig 4 ban2 5/6 sila3 8 1/3 shekels, account of the seed grain and fodder of Ipa’e, son of Lugal-ušur; water pouring; year: “Simanum was destroyed.” (?)" P102522,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum iti...ta iti nesag-še₃ 6(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ ki lu₂{d}inana-ta ša₃-bi-ta 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na su-he₂ ku₃-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 4(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ šum₂-sikil igi nu-sag₁₀ ku₃-bi 4(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la 2(barig) 5(ban₂) še-lu₂ ku₃-bi 1(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) še 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ geštin had₂ ku₃-bi 1(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 4(diš) 2/3(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ du₆-ga kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar... 1(geš₂) 3(u) 8(aš) gun₂... ku₃-bi 9(diš) gin₂... kišib₃ a-du-mu 9(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na uruda ku₃-bi 5(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) še 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂ su-he₂ ku₃-bi igi 4(diš) gal₂ la₂ 3(diš) še kišib₃ lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ šuniŋin 1/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 7(diš) še ku₃... zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 3(diš) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak pa₃-da iti min-eš₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","1 1/3 mana, 1 shekel, 20 grains of silver, remaining (deficit) <>. 6 1/3 shekels from Lu-Inanna(?) Therefrom: 1 1/3 mana suḫe, its silver equivalent: 1 1/3 shekels, 4 barig 5 sila3 garlic of poor appearance(?), its silver equivalent: 4 shekels 15 grains, sealed tablet of Lukalla. 2 barig, 5 ban2 of coriander, its silver equivalent: 1 2/3 shekels, 6 grains, 1 barig, 1 ban, 8 2/3 sila of raisins, their silver equivalent: 1 2/3 shekels, 14 2/3 grains, nigdab(-offering) of “Holy Hill,” sealed tablet of Lugal-niglagar-e. 98 talents [n of dried bitumen] its silver equivalent: 9 shekels [n] sealed tablet of Adumu. 9 5/6 mana of copper, its silver equivalent: 5 1/3 shekels, 6 grains, 14 shekels of suhe, its silver equivalent: 1/4 (shekel) minus 3 grains, sealed document of Lu-Enlila. Total: 1/3 mana, 3 1/3 shekels, 7 grains of silver booked out. Deficit: 1 mana, 4 shekels, 13 grains of silver. Account of Pada. Month: “mineš,” year: “Šu-Suen is king.”" P102523,Ur III,Administrative," lu₂-du₁₀-ga lugal-ku₃-ga-ni lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 2(diš) bi₂-bi₂-a šeš-pa₃-da i₃-kal-la 2(diš) lugal{geš}gigir-re ...dar 2(diš) dumu ur{d}ištaran lugal-iti-da 1(u) 3(diš) e₂ {d}šara₂ lugal-šu-nir-re lu₂{d}suen ma-an-zi-zi e₂ {d}nin-ur₄-ra šeš-kal-la lugal-he₂-gal₂ e₂-mah dingir-ra-am₃ 2(diš) dumu ur{geš}gigir e₂ {d}šul-gi-ra lu₂{d}šara₂ gi-gi-ga e₂ {d}amar{d}suen ...nun ur... e₂ {d}šu...suen na-ba-sa₆ e₂-kas₄ an-za-gar₃ a-du-du e₂-kas₄ umma{ki} šuniŋin 2(u) 7(diš) šu-ku₆ šu-ku₆ sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-re-ne-še₃","Lu-duga, Lugal-kugani, Lu-girizal, 2 Bibia, Šešpada, Ikalla, 2 Lugal-gigire, X-dar, 2 sons of Ur-Ištaran, Lugal-itida, 13, house of Šara. Lugal-šunirre, Lu-Suen, Manzizi, hosue of Ninura. Šeškalla, Lugal-hegal, Great-house. Dingiram, 2 sons of Ur-gigir, hosue of Šulgi. Lu-Šara, Gigiga, hosue of Amar-Suen. x-x-nun, Ur-..., house of Šu-Suen. Nabasa, waystation of the tower, Adudu, waystation of Umma. Together: 27 fisheries workers, fisheries workers for the regular offerings of the gods." P102524,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ug₃ lu₂{d}iškur 1/2(diš) šeš-a-ni 1/2(diš) nam-zi 1/2(diš) {geš}guzza-ni an-za-gar₃ ur{d}dumu-zi-da 1/2(diš) lugal-ku₃-zu 1/2(diš) šeš-kal-la dumu du dumu-gi₇-me-eš₂ 3(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš ugula a-du-mu 1(diš) an-za-gar₃ ku₃{d}šara₂ 1(diš) lu₂{d}ur{d}šara₂ 1(diš) šeš-a-ni ug₃ me-eš₂ 1/2(diš) inim-ma-ni-zi 1/2(diš) nam-mah 1/2(diš) a-lu₅ 1/2(diš) ba-za-za dumu-gi₇-me-eš₂ 5(diš) guruš ugula lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ šuniŋin 8(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš iti šu-numun-na-ta u₄ 2(u)-am₃ ba-ra-zal-la-ta gi-zi e-da gub-ba mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","1 (workman) porter: Lu-Iškur, 1/2 (workman): Šešani, 1/2 (workman): namzi, 1/2 (workman): Guzzani, at the tower of Ur-Dumuzida 1/2 (workman): Lugal-kuzu, 1/2 (workman): Šeškalla, son of KAdu. they are dumugi. 3 1/2 workmen, foreman: Adumu. 1 (workman): x-ki, at the tower of Ku-Šara. 1 (workman): Lu-Ur-Šara, 1 (workman): Šešani, they are porters. 1/2 (workman): Inimanizi, 1/2 (workman): Nammah, 1/2 (workman): Alu, 1/2 (workman): Bazaza, they are dumugi. 5 workmen, foreman: Lu-Enlila. Together: 8 1/2 workmen, from month “Sowing,” from day 20 passed, stationed for harvesting fodder-reed, year: “The priest of Inanna by the goat was found.”" P102525,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) še gur še hi-ba-ri₂-tum{ki} 2(u) 5(aš) še gur še gibil e₂-ur₃-ra-ka si-ga 1(u) še gur še hi-ba-ri₂-tum{ki} 5(aš) gur še gibil lu₂-dingir-ra šuniŋin 5(u) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) še gur še igi-nim-ta de₆-a ša₃ umma{ki} giri₃ dingir-igi-du iti {d}dumu-zi mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","10 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, barley of Hibaritum; 25 gur barley, barley of New-SIG, into the storage house filled; 10 gur barley, barley of Hibaritum; 5 gur, barley of New-SIG; Lu-dingira; together: 50 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, barley from “above” in Umma transported, via Dingir-igidu; month “Dumuzi,” year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.”" P102526,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ niga 6(diš) udu 4(diš) maš₂ pa₃-da-mu 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ i-di₃-a di-ku₅ mu-kuₓ(DU) er₂-su₃-a 1(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) udu ge₆ ša-lim-be-li₂ nu-banda₃ 1(diš) gu₄ niga 3(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ niga 3(diš) udu 2(diš) maš₂ 1(diš) sila₄ en-ša₃-ku₃-ge en {d}nanše 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) maš₂-gal 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ gir₁₃-tab{ki} 4(diš) udu a-lum 1(diš) udu 8(diš) gukkal na-du-be-li₂ mar-tu 1(diš) sila₄ en {d}inana 3(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ ur-mes šabra 1(diš) sila₄ lu₂{d}asar-lu₂-hi šabra 2(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ a-mu-a u₃-kul 2(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄šum sagi 1(diš) sila₄ id-da-a 1(diš) sila₄ lugal-pa-e₃ 1(diš) sila₄ šeš-zi-mu 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nanna-lu₂-du₁₀ 1(diš) sila₄ ur-ama-na 1(diš) sila₄ ur{d}nin-gubalag mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ezem-mah mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti ba-hul u₄ 6(diš)-kam","1 grain-fed ox, 6 sheep, 4 billy goats, (from) Padamu; 1 grain-fed ox, 10 less 1 sheep, 1 billy goat, (from) Idi’a, the judge: ersu’a delivery. 1 grain-fed ox, 10 black sheep, (from) Šalim-beli, the nubanda. 1 grain-fed ox, 3 grain-fed sheep, 1 grain-fed lamb, 3 sheep, 2 billy goats, 1 lamb, (from) Enšakuge, priest of Nanše. 10 less 1 full-grown billy goats, 1 lamb, (from) the governor of Girtab. 4 aslum sheep, 1 sheep, 8 fat-tailed sheep, (from) Nadu-beli, the Amorite. 1 lamb (from) the priest of Inanna. 3 sheep, 1 billy goat (from) Ur-mes, the household manager. 1 lamb (from) Lu-Asalluhi, the household manager. 2 lambs (from) the ensi of Nippur. 1 lamb (from) Amu’a, the ukul. 2 sheep, 1 lamb (from) Mašum, the cupbearer. 1 lamb (from) Ada’a. 1 lamb (from) Lugal-pa’e. 1 lamb (from) Šešzimu. 1 lamb (from) Nanna-ludu. 1 lamb (from) Ur-amana. 1 lamb (from) Ur-Ningubalag. Delivery of the month “Big-Festival,” year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed.” 6th day." P102647,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₃ 1(u) gin₂ i₃-geš 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃-udu 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ naga-si-e₃ 1(aš) gun₂ 4(diš) ma-na im-babbar₂ ki i₃-kal-la-ta kišib₃ a-a-kal-la ša₃ nibru{ki} ... mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃ a-kal-la dumu lugal-e₂-mah","1 sila (and) 10 shekel of sesame oil, 3 1/3 sila (and) 5 shekel of sheep oil, 1 1/3 sila of lard, 4 ban, 5 sila of alkali, 1 talent (and) 4 mina of gypsum from I-kala. Sealed (tablet of) Aya-kala Within Nippur. Year: ""The house of Shara was built"" A(ya)-kala child of Lugal-Emah" P102651,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gil-sa si-il-la 1(diš) {d} ka-limmu₂ 2(diš) {d}nin-hur-sag-eb-zalag₂ 1(diš) balag ku₃ {d} ka-limmu₂ 1(diš) {d}šul-gi 1(diš) {d}šara₂-geš-gi-gal 1(diš) {d}nin-ur₄-ra 1(diš) balag ku₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra 2(diš) {d}nin-e₂-gal 1(diš) {d}nin-si-gar-an-na 1(diš) {d}lugal-kur₂-elam 1(diš) {d}nin-e₁₁-e 1(diš) {d}nin-nag-su{ki} 1(diš) {d}nin-da-lagaš... 2(diš) {d}nin-tul₂-sag 1(diš) {d}geštin-an-na-lugal-ba-ra-ab-e₃","Basket-of-tablets: treasure split, 1: UŠkalimmu, 2: Ninhursag-ebsig, 1: Silver harp, UŠkalimmu, 1: Šulgi, 1: Šara-gešgigal, 1: Ninura, 1: Silver harp, Ninura, 2: Nin-egal, 1: Ninsigarana, 1: Lugal-kur-elam, 1: Nin-e’e, 1: Nin-Nagsu, 1: Nin-Da-Lagash, 1: Nin-tulsag 1: Geštinana, Lugalbarabe." P102734,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gun₂ pa-tar {geš}asal₂ 5(aš) gun₂ {geš}u₂-bil₂-la ki ur{d}šara₂-ta lu₂-dingir-ra šu ba-ti kišib₃ a-kal-la mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","10 talents of poplar leaves/branches; 5 talents of charcoal. From Ur-Šara. Lu-Dingira received. Sealed tablet of A(ya)-kala. Year: “The throne of Enlil was fashioned.” A(ya)-kala, scribe, child of Ur-Nigar, chief cattle-administrator." P102738,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 6(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 4(u) 5(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 2(diš) gin₂-ta la₂-ia₃ su-su nu{geš}kiri₆ ugula da-du ša₃ bala-a mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} ba-hul da... dumu za₃-mu","Deficit: 6 1/2 male laborers, for 45 days, the labor: 2 shekels (silver per worker-year) each, deficit to be repaid by the orchardists; foreman: Dadu, part of the bala; year: “For the 2nd time Šašrum was destroyed.” Dadu, son of Zamu." P103221,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) udu sa₂-du₁₁ {d}gu-la 1(u) 3(diš) udu 1(u) 2(diš) u₈ 4(diš) maš₂ ba-uš₂ mu ur-gi₇ dingir-ba-ni šu ba-ti zi-ga ki ur-ku₃-nun-na iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","30 rams, regular offerings of Gula; 13 rams, 12 ewes, 4 billy goats, slaughtered, because of the dogs; Ilī-bani received; booked out from (the account of) Ur-kununa; month: “Festival-of-Šulgi,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P104025,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba lugal-sag₁₀ ugula uš-bar mu 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, taken, Lugal-saga, foreman of weavers, (a period of) 2 years; are here." P104493,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) zu₂-lum še-bi 1(barig) 1(ban₂)-ta ki ur₄-ša₃-ki-du₁₀-ta mu mu mu... kišib₃ ur{d}iškur ib₂-ra iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul ur{d}iškur ... lu₂-du₁₀-ga","1 barig of dates, its barley: 1 barig, 1 ban2 <>. From Ur-šakidu, ARADmu received. Instead of ARADmu the seal of Ur-Iškur was rolled (lit. struck). Month: “Harvest.” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Ur-Iškur slave of Lu-duga." P104686,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) ur{d}ištaran dumu du-du 1(diš) ur-e₂-mah u₃ šeš-kal-la 1(diš) a-tu 1(diš) ur{d}suen enku u₄ 4(u) 5(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 2(diš) gin₂-ta ša₃ bala-a kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-ga-ni mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Deficit: 1 Ur-Ištaran, son of Dudu, 1 Ur-Emaḫ, or(?) Šeškalla, 1 Atu, 1 Ur-Suen, fish-tither, for 45 days, the labor: 2 shekels (silver per worker-year) each, part of the bala; under seal of Lugal-kugani; year: “For the 2nd time Šašrum was destroyed.”" P104756,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še de₆-a ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu kar₂-har a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam ba-hul mu an-ša-an{ki} mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} mu {d}nanna kar-zi-da mu bad₃ ma-da mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan še de₆-a iri igi 6(diš) gar-ra še de₆-a {geš}gi mu ša-aš-ru-um ba-hul nig₂ tuku-tuku še mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan še de₆-a mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš-da-gan a₂ hun-ga₂ a-ša₃ du₆-ge₆ uri₅{ki}ma","Basket-of-tablets: barley delivered, Ur-Lamma, governor, year: “Karḫar for the 3rd time was destroyed,” year: “Anšan,” year: following “Anšan,” year: “Nanna of Karzida,” year: “Wall of the lands,” year: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan,” barley delivered, cities 6th set, barley delivered, ... year: “Šašrum was destroyed,” ... barley, year: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan,” barley delivered, year following: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan,” labor of hirelings, field of Duge of Ur." P104799,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba erin₂ sag-apin e₂ u₃ nu...kiri₆ geš gal-gal gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}še₃-du i₃-gal₂ mu hu-hu...{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, (labor-)troops, head-plows, of the house of Šulgi and orchardists of the big woods, bank of the waterway To Nigin-Going, are here; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P104980,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ba-zi i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Bazi, are here; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P105222,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) zal-la-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 7(diš) u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of debits and credits, Tahis-atal, from month “Festival-of-Ninazu,” 18th day passed, to month “Harvest,” (a period of) 7 months 12 days, year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P105394,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ugula {d}šara₂-kam ugula za₃-mu ugula i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, ARAD, foreman, Šarakam, foreman, Zamu, foreman, are here; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P105555,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) bu-ka a₂-la-la-kam a₂-la-la igi-ni i₃-ši-gar mu lugal u₄ ba-zah₃-de₃-na-ga₂ šer₇-da he₂-a bi₂-in-du₁₁ za-an ama-ni u₃ geme₂{d}en-lil₂ dam-na-ni šu-du₂ nu-zah₃-da ba-an-de₆-eš₂ 1(diš) lugal-gur₄ 1(diš) nam-ha-ni 1(diš) ur-ga₂-gi₄-a 1(diš) šeš-kal-la 1(diš) ur₃-e-ba-du₇ 1(diš) us₂-a-ni 1(diš) hal-li₂-mu lu₂-inim-ma-bi-me iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ min mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","1 (full time worker): Buka, slave of Alala; Alala examined him; by the royal name: “On the day, I flee let it be a (capital?) crime,” he swore; Zan-MENI, his mother, and Geme-Enlil, his wife, as guarantors of not fleeing, went carried; 1: Lugal-gur, 1: Namḫani, 1: Ur-Gagia, 1: Šeškalla, 1: Ur-Ebadu, 1: Us’ani, 1: Ḫallimu, are the witnesses; month: “Harvest,” the second, year after: “The Martu wall was erected.”" P105744,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄-apin 1(diš)-kam e₂ {d}šul-gi ugula ur-šu-ga-lam-ma u₃ al-la i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections personnel of plow oxen ... of the house of Šulgi, foreman Ur-šugalama and Alla, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P105758,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu šuku-ra ... gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma...ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sheep of allocation, ... from Girsu to Guabba are here. year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Urbilum destroyed.”" P105793,Ur III,Letter," du₁₀-ga-mu-ra u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 1(u) esir₂ gur lugal-nir-gal₂ he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu lu₂-dingir-ra-ke₄ gu₄ e-a-a ki-ba ga-ra-a-ga₂-ar ma-an-du₁₁","To Dugamu speak! 10 gur EA bitumin (to) Lugal-nirgal may he give. Lu-dingira “Oxen ... in its place I shall deposit” to me said." P106089,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of debits and credits, Uta-mišarram, month “Gazelle-feast,” month “Harvest,” a period of 12 months, year: “Šašru was destroyed,” are here." P106160,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ga-ga-ra-a ki in-ta-e₃-a iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti diri ezem-me-ki-gal₂-e us₂-sa-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: debits and credits, goods, from Intaea, from month “Gazelle-feast” to extra month “Festival-of-Mekigal,” the following one, (a period of) 12 months, year: “Simanum was destroyed,” are here." P106193,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu-kuₓ(DU) kišib₃ ša₃-tam-e-ne iti ezem-an-na u₄ 1(diš)... iti...še₃ iti...kam ...bad₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: deliveries, sealed documents of the officials, from month “Festival-of-An,” 1st day, to month “ ,” (a period of) months, year following: “The Amorite wall (named) mūriq-tidnim was erected,” are here." P106228,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga kišib₃ na-ra-am-i₃-li₂ ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: credits, sealed documents of Naram-ilī, with Abbasaga, from month “Gazelle-Feast,” to month “Harvest,” (a period of) 12 months, year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P106648,Ur III,Administrative," diri 2(u) tug₂ hi-a diri nig₂-ka₉ ak mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul giri₃ lu₂-banda₃{da}","Surplus: 20 diverse robes, surplus of the done account, year following: “Anšan was destroyed,” via Lu-banda." P106660,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) guruš 1(aš) ug₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 2(gešʾu) lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","3 male laborers, 1 aš(-category) porter, for 12 months, the labor: 1200 days; Lugal-ebansa accepted; year after: “Anšan was destroyed.”" P204453,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak kišib₃-ba e₂ {d}ig-alim e₂ {d}amar{d}suen e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, of the house of Igalim, the house of Amar-suen, the house of Gatumdu, (and) the house of Ningešzida, year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P204454,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga dam...gar-ra... gurum₂ dab₅-ba e₂ {d}nanše e₂ {d}nin-dar-a e₂ {d}dumu-zi i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of personnel ... inspections of those who passed, the house of Nanše, the house of Nindara, the house of Dumuzi, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P204045,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da kišib₃ še...da e₂... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar-suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets; extended tablets flour scribes of the mills, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P203000,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the requisitioners are here; year: “Simurum Lulubu were destroyed”" P206257,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ... ...kišib₃-bi i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: ... ... are here." P204456,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i₃ šid... šabra sanga-me i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts ... of the chief house and temple administrators, are here; year: “... .”" P206264,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak e₂-tum sipa udu gi-ke₄-ne giri₃ lu₂-kal-la ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, ‘chambers’ shepherds of native sheep, via Lukalla, in Guabba." P204597,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ sa-gi-a nu{geš}kiri₆-ke₄-ne mu-tum₃-mu-še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, ..., of the orchardists to be carried are here; year: “... .”" P204598,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne ...ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended sealed documents ..., are here; year: “... .”" P206267,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da simug i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Ur-Ningešzida, the smith, are here. ..., ...," P202820,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ki-duru₅ šuku du₃-du₃-a e₂ {d}nanše u₃ e₂ {d}nin-dar-a i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: ... allocation ... of the house of Nanše and the house of Nindara are here; year: “... .”" P202998,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba si-i₃-tum lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne e₂-hul-a u₃ lu₂ hu-bu u₃ nig₂-ka₉ kilib₃-ba la₂-ia₃ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: deficits the the takers, house ... and and accounts grand totals, debts, are here; from year: “... .” to year: “... .”" P202956,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak e₂ gu-za-la₂ e₂ dam-gar₃ na-ba-sa₆ 2(diš) e₂ kurušda e₂ lugal-igi u₃ e₂ ur{d}utu mu","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of the house of the chairholder, the house of the exchange agents, the house of Nabasa, the house of the fatteners, the house of Lugal-igi, and the house of Ur-Utu, in Girsu are in here year: “... .”" P204307,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba geme₂ uš-bar ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} ša₃ nigin₆{ki} ša₃ lagaš{ki} u₃ ša₃ uru₁₁{ki} gaba-ri ensi₂-gal ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, female weavers, in Kinunir, in Nigin, in Lagash, and in Uru, copies of the governor, are in here; Ur-Lamma, the governor, year: “... .”" P205205,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga sukkal-mah i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: credits of the sukkalmaḫ are here; year: “... .”" P107220,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 1(u) 9(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) kuš₃ dagal i₃-hi 4(diš) kuš₃ sukud 1(diš) nindan-na 1/2(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) sar guruš 1(diš)-e 3(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) 5(diš) še-ta a₂-bi 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 3(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ guruš 1(diš)-e a₂-ni 6(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 3(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ gur lu₂-hun-ga₂-me 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) kuš₃ dagal 4(diš) kuš₃ sukud kin-bi 2/3(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ he₂-dab₅-me im-du₈-a gid₂-da {geš}kiri₆ {d}ba-ba₆-inim-si-sa₂-a ša₃ gar-šum{ki}ka giri₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu šabra-e₂ lugal-mu-su-da u₃ lugal{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ur{d}lamma mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","(Pise wall:) 199 ninda the length, 1 1/2 cubits the average width, 4 cubits the depth; per (running) ninda 1/2 (volume) sar, work involved: 99 1/2 (volume) sar; per worker (day): 3 3/4 (volume) shekels; the labor: 1592 workdays; disbursement per workerday: 6 sila3 (barley); the barley: 31 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3; they are hired men; (Pise wall:) 1 1/2 ninda the length, 1 1/2 cubits the width, 4 cubits the depth; work involved: 2/3 (volume) sar 5 (volume) shekels; they are ḫedab; pisé wall construction, drawn long, in the orchard of Baba-nin-sisa; of Garšum; responsible: Ur-Baba, son of the household manager, Lugal-musuda, and Lugal-baba son of Ur-Lamma; the year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.”" P206336,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ še zi-ga sag ba ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, grain, credits, ... ." P202827,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak mu dumu lugal-nemurₓ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of ARADmu son of Lugal-nemur, in Girsu, are here; year: “... .”" P202947,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba zu₂-si-ka ku₄-ra udu a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti nin i-di da-ti-eš₁₈-dar dumu lugal u₃ ur{d}ištaran dumu lugal i₃-gal₂ ugula {d}šara₂-kam ensi₂ u₃ ugula ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu gu-du-du giri₃ igi-a-a ra₂-gaba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, fat-tailed sheep, stationed, that came in during plucking time, sheep of Abi-simti, the queen, sheep of Taddin-Eštar, princess, and Ur-Ištaran, prince, are here; foreman Šarakam, the governor, and foreman Ur-Baba, son of Gududu, via Igi'aya, rider, in Girsu, year: “... .”" P204463,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tag-tag-ga udu gi ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: weaving, domestic sheep, in Girsu, are here; year: “... .”" P203595,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets, barley of the takers, are here; year: “... .”" P204608,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂-me-lam₂ dumu ba-a ur{d}ig-alim dub-sar kas₄ u₃ mu dumu lugal-nemurₓ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets of Lu-melam, son of Baya, Ur-Igalim, scribe of beer, and ARADmu, son of Lugal-nemur, are here; year: “... .”" P204342,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ensi₂-ka erin₂ ur-nigar{gar} dumu ur-sukkal erin₂ ur{geš}gigir dumu gi₄-ni-mu šu-ku₆ mušen-du₃ e₂-udu niga gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, seized, personnel of the governor, (labor-)troops of Ur-Nigar, son of Ur-Sukkal, (labor-)troops of Ur-Gigir, son of Ginimu, fishermen, bird-hunters, house of fattened sheep of Girsu, are here; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P204343,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im duru₅ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}...{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: wet tablets are here; year: “...-Suen is king.”" P203042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak erin₂ sag-apin ...{d}šul-gi... ... mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections (labor-)troops, head-plowmen, house of Šulgi ..., are here; year: “Šaszrum was destroyed.”" P202960,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum še sumun ...e₂-gar-ra la₂-ia₃ i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, debits, old barley, ..., debts, ..., are here; year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna was found.”" P203603,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še šuku-ra ensi₂ giri₃ ur-nigar{gar} dumu ur{d}ig-alim i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets barley allocations of the governor via Ur-Nigar, son of Ur-Igalim, are here; year following: “Kimaš was destroyed .”" P203046,Ur III,Administrative," ... nig₂... ... mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: ... ... ... year: “Simurum was destroyed.”" P204613,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-gal₂ mu en-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of Ur-Enlila are here; year: “Engalana.”" P204641,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ša₃-ze₂ i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu...ta mu en-mah-gal-an-na-še₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of ... are here; from the year: “The chair” to the year: “Enmaḫgalanna.”" P203064,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da i₃-dub geš e₃-a še gu₂ i₇ pirig-gin₇-du giri₃ a-hu-a dumu lu₂-du₁₀-ga i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu-um a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the silo of treshing, barley of the bank of the waterway Pirig-gindu, via Aḫu’a, son of Lu-duga, are here; year: “Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P204484,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂-dingir-re-ne ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, of the houses of the gods in Girsu, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P204353,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba ma₂-lah₄ lu₂ mar-sa gašam dam-gar₃ dam-gar₃ erin₂ aga₃-uš ma₂ u₄-zal-la e₂ {d}šul-gi i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of those who passed by, of sailors, xxx xxx xxx xxx are here; year: “xxx.”" P204645,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na a₂ erin₂-na u₃ dub gid₂-da-bi i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the labor of the (labor-)troops, labor of the (labor-)troops, and their long-tablets, are here; year: “Enmaḫgalana, en(-priestess) of Nanna, was hired.”" P204646,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak mu 2(diš) še-ba gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}du i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: accounts 2 years, barley rations of the bank of the waterway Nigin-du, are here; year: “Enmaḫgalana.”" P203877,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga nig₂-ka₉ ak-ta šu su-ba i₃-gal₂ mu u₂-sa mu us₂-sa-bi","Basket-of-tablets: credits from the accounts, ..., are here; year following its year following." P204134,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ gu₄ udu-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: accounts men takers of oxen and sheep, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P207051,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im še muhaldim lugal-a₂-zi-da-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: tablets of the barley of the cooks for Lugal-azida, are here." P204487,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba siki-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals, wool rations, from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P204651,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba siki-ba giri₃ ur-ab-ba i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals, wool rations, via Ur-abba, are here; year: “Enmaḫgalana was hired.”" P202691,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal kilib₃-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, fat-tailed sheep, grand totals from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year following “Anšan was destroyed.”" P203075,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba gu₄-apin gub-ba u₃ šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals of plow-oxen, stationed, and chief household administrators, are here; year: “... .”" P202862,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ...de₂-a geš bala-a de₆-a šabra-ne kilib₃-ba bar-ra kar gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak erin₂ gi-zi i₃-gal₂ mu lugal-e ša-aš-ru-um{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: Irrigation, ..., of the chief household administrators grand totals of barakara(-laborers), from Girsu to Guabba, accounts of (labor-)troops of fodder-reed, are here; year: “The king Šašrum destroyed.”" P205353,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dib-ba ma₂-lah₄ lu₂ mar-sa gašam dam-gar₃ erin₂ aga₃-uš ma₂ u₄-zal-la e₂ {d}šul-gi i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P207255,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da tug₂-še₃ ur-nig₂ dumu lugal-gaba e₂-uš-bar {d}šu{d}suen ša₃ nigin₆{ki} iti maš mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu-ta u₄ 2(u) 6(diš) ba-zal mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃-še₃ iti 5(u) la₂ 1(diš) u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ ba-zal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, for textiles, Ur-nig, son of Lugal-gaba, weaving house of Šu-Suen, in Nigin, month “GANmaš,” from the year following: “The Amorite wall.” the 26th day passed, to the year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara in Umma erected;” months 50 less 1, 26th day, the extra month is 1, passed, are here." P204374,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum ka zu₂-si-ka u₃ tag-tag-ga udu gukkal i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of ... of ivory, and weaving, sheep, fat-tailed sheep, are here. year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destoyed.”" P207256,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba-zi dumu na-silim i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, Bazi, son of Nasilim, are here;" P204656,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da ur{d}en-lil₂ a-kal-la dumu ur-sa₆-ga ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ur-i₇-edin-na ur{d}nanše dumu ur-e₂-an-na ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂ u₃ ma-an-šum₂-na dumu lu₂-giri₁₇-zal i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, Ur-Enlil, Akalla, son of Ursaga, Ur-Baba, son of Ur-i'edina, Ur-Nanše, son of Ur-Eanna, Ur-Lamma, son of Urnig, and Iddina, son of Lu-girizal are here; year: “Enmaḫgalann was hired.”" P203368,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da nam-ha-ni dumu hu-wa-wa gu₃-de₂-a dumu ur{d}utu u₃ sa₆-sa₆-ga i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Namḫani, son of Ḫuwawa, Gu’edina, son of Ur-Utu, and Sasaga, are here; year following: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P203369,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da lu₂ i₃-dab₅-ke₄-ne giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the takers, via Lu-Ningirsu, are here; year following: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P207347,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da sipa gukkal en eridu{ki}ta e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka ba-du₃-še₃ mu 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, shepherds of fat-tailed sheep, from (the year) “The en-(priest) of Eridu” to (the year) “The house of Šara in Umma was erected” year: “xxx.” are here." P203080,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še gu₄-apin dumu-gu₄-gur e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts barley oxen plowman, young oxen turners of house of Ninmar, are here; year: “... .”" P204383,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu šuku-ra u₃ udu gid₂-da i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, distribution, and sheep ..., are here; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P207416,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan ku₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) ur{d}lamma ensi₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: baskets, silver, deliveries of Ur-Lamma, the governor, are here." P203374,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ma-ni ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: debits of Mani, in Girsu, are here; year following: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P107127,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ buru₁₄ a₂ te šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of labor of harvest, labor of wintertime, of the chief household administrators, are here; year: “Šu-Suen is king.”" P107128,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan e₂-kas₄ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ iti ezem{d}dumu-zi-ka iti še-il₂-la-še₃ iti 7(diš)-kam mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: in the pouch, messenger house in Girsu, are here; from month “Festival-of-Dumuzi,” to month “Barley-carried,” (a period of) 7 months, year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P107129,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra gu₄ udu zi-zi iri e₂ šu-šum₂-ma ensi₂ u₃ kilib₃-ba udu gukkal mu 2(u) 3(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: debits, oxen, sheep, ..., house of consignment of the governor, and grand totals of sheep and fat-tailed sheep, (a period of) 23 years, are here." P107130,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ buru₁₄ a₂ en-te šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-a-hun","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of labor of harvest and labor of wintertime, of the chief household administrators, are here; year: “The en-(priestess) of Nanna of Karzida was hired.”" P107132,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ba-lu₅ u₃ lu₂-gu-la dumu ur{d}igi-zi-bar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Lu-Baba, son of Balu, and Lugula, son of Ur-Igizibara, are here; year: “Ḫarsi Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P107134,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak uru₄-a šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-a-bi","Basket-of-tablets: accounts fields in plow, of chief household administrators and chief temple administrators, are here; year following: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was erected.” the year following that." P107135,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄-apin-la₂-kam ugula šeš-kal-la u₃ ur-en-gal-du-du e₂... i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of personnel, oxen of the plow, foreman Šeškala, and Ur-engaldudu, house ..., are here." P107136,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti ugula ši-a-a šuš₃ udu ku-ba-tum ugula lu₂{d}nanna šabra nin udu e₂-gal ugula nam-ha-ni šuš₃ i₃-gal₂ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, fat-tailed sheep stationed, Abi-simti foreman Ši’aya, cattle manager, sheep k., foreman Lu-Nanna, chief household administrator of the queen, sheep of the palace, foreman Namḫani, cattle manager, are here; in Girsu, year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, Big-Stele for Enlil Ninlil, erected.”" P107137,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba siki-ba geme₂ uš-bar mu si-mu-ru-um{ki}ta mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: wool rations of femaler weavers, from the year: “Simurum.” to the year: “Urbilum,” are here." P107138,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba la₂-ia₃ še i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: debts of barley are here; year following: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P107292,Ur III,Administrative," 5(ban₂) ku₆ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ u₄ 1(diš)-kam 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ku₆ sa₂-du₁₁ a-ba-gal-ta ki ur-am₃-ma-ta mu lugal-nig₂-lagar-e kišib₃ ur-e₂-mah iti šu-numun mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ur-e₂-mah dumu lu₂{d}suen","5 ban2 fish, regular rations of Šara, day 1; 2 ban2 5 sila3 fish, regular rations, Abagalta, from Uram, because of Lugal-niglagare, under seal of Ur-Emaḫ; month: “Sowing,” year: “Simurrum was destroyed.” Ur-Emaḫ, son of Lu-Suen(?)." P107361,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-re-e-ne mu bad₃ ba-du₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx year: “xxx.” are here;" P107365,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}du₁₀-gan zi-ga kišib₃ lugal-iti-da ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ša-aš-ru{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: pouches, credits, sealed documents of Lugal-itida, with Abbasaga, from month “Gazelle-feast” to month “Harvest,” (a period of) 12 months, year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Šašru destroyed.”" P107366,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ab-ba-gi-na i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-šu₂-ru{ki} a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Abbagina are here; year: “Šašru for the 2nd time was destroyed.”" P107367,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄ si engar-e-ne gu₄ si-la unu₃-ne udu nam-en-na gaba-ri im e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-ra mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal u₃ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul ša₃-ba i₃-in-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: oxen ... of the plowmen, oxen ... of the cattle herdsmen, rams of lordship, copies of tablets, into the palace delivered; year: “Amar-Suen is king” and year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed” herein are." P107368,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum {d}en-lil₂-la₂ igi-še₃ en₃-bi tar-re giri₃ gu-za-ni","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of Enlila openly are to be investigated; via Guzani." P107369,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gar-gar-ra gurum₂-ak erin₂-na giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄-apin-na giri₃-se₃-ga sipa unu₃-e-ne gu₄-apin e₂-tur₃ udu nam-en-nita₂-la ki šu-na-mu-gi₄-ta lu₂{d}nin-šubur i₃-dab₅ giri₃ ur-nigar{gar} ša₁₃-dub-ba u₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ dub-sar mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: ..., inspection of the worktroops, personnel of the plow-oxen, personnel of the plow-oxen, plow-oxen, stall, rams of ..., from Šunamugi did Lu-Ninšubur accept; via Ur-nigar, chief accountant, and Ur-Baba, scribe, year: “en(-priestess) of Nanna of Karzida was installed,” are here." P107372,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ didli maš... e₂ lu₂-gi-na-ta de₆-a i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, varied, ..., from the house(?) of Lugina delivered, are here." P107373,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄ udu sila-a se₁₂-a u₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak ka-la₂-a-bi i₃-gal₂ ki ur-nigar{gar} dumu ur{d}bil₃ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul-a ba-a-keš₂","Basket-of-tablets: oxen, rams from the street plucked and accounts ... are here; from Ur-nigar, son of Ur-bil, in the year: “Simurum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed,” bound up." P107374,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ lu₂ ensi₂ ma-da-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of the men and governors of the land are here." P107375,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum kišib₃ zi-re ugu₂-a {ga₂}gar lugal-ezem šabra i₃-gal₂ mu an-š mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul mu {d}nanna kar-zi-da a-ra₂ 2(diš)","Basket-of-tablets: chambers, sealed documents to be booked out, in the debit accounts entered, of Lugal-ezem, the chief household administrator, are here; year: “Ansan was destoyed,” year following: “Ansan was destoyed,.” year: “Nanna in Karzida for the 2nd time.”" P107376,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum kišib₃ bala mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul-še₃ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul {d}en-lil₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: chambers, sealed documents of the bala, year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna was chosen by means of the omens” , to the year: “Harsi was destroyed,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” Enlil, are here." P107377,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ mu us₂-sa e₂...iš-da-gan ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-a-bi i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: regular rations of the gods, year following: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was built,” the year following that, are here." P107378,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak la₂-ia₃ su-ga sipa unu₃-e-ne mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-ta mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun-še₃ mu 8(diš)-kam","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, deficits restored of the shepherds and cattle herdsmen, from year: “Amar-Suen is king” to year: “The priest in Eridu was installed,” year: “(a period) of 8 years.”" P107380,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še gu₄ še apin-la₂ guru₇-a mu-kuₓ(DU) i₃-dub guru₇-bi-še₃ da gal umma{ki} gu₂-edin-na muš-bi-an-na u₃ a-pi₄-sal₄-la{ki} še geš e₃-a-bi i₃-gal₂ iti šu-numun mu gu-za ku₃ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: barley of the oxen-fields, barley of the ploughs, into the silo delivered, threshing center, for its silo, ... of Umma(?) Gu’edina, Mušbi’ana and Apisal, its threshed barley, are here. month “Sowing,” year: “The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P107383,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ur{d}utu nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyances, of Ur-Utu, oxen manager, are here; year: “Šū-Suen, the king, Great Stele erected.”" P206298,Ur III,Administrative," 1(iku) 1/4(iku) {geš}kiri₆ 2(geš₂) 2(diš) {geš}gešimmar ug₃ nu{geš}kiri₆ a-ru-a lu₂{d}nanna dumu ur-ur ugula ab-ba-gu-la 2(iku) 1/2(iku) ka-a 3(iku) 1/2(iku) ki-gal₂ 3(geš₂) 5(diš) 3(diš) {geš}gešimmar 1(geš₂) {geš}gešimmar u₂ du₁₁-ga 5(geš₂) 3(diš) lam {geš}u₃-suh₅ 7(geš₂) 1(diš) {geš}hašhur 1(diš) 2(diš) {geš}peš₃ ... {geš}še-du₁₀ gid₂ 2(diš) la₂ 2(diš) {geš}mes gid₂ 7(diš) {geš}par₄ 1(diš) 5(diš) {geš}šinig gid₂ nimgir-inim-gi-na {geš}kiri₆ amar-sun₂-zi-da 1(diš) sar {geš}gešimmar 1(diš) 6(diš) {geš}gešimmar lu₂-giri₁₇-zal gu-za-la₂ {geš}kiri₆ a-diri e₂-he₂-gal₂ unu₃ ugula {d}en-lil₂-la₂ 3(diš) 8(diš)","1 1/4 iku the surface (of the) orchard; (there are) 140 date palms; UgIL the (responsible) orchardist; ex-voto of Lu-Nanna son of Ur-ur; the foreman Abba-gula. 2 1/2 iku the surface (of the) irrigation-inlet-plot; 3 1/2 iku the surface (of) uncultivated land; 233 date palms 60 date palms (which has been) beaten down; 1543 “ḪARlam” objects of pine trees; 430 “ḪAR” objects of apple trees; 12 “ḪAR” objects of pear trees; ... “ḪAR” objects of long junipers; 18 “ḪAR” objects of long boxwood trees; 7 mulberry trees; 15 “ḪAR” objects of long tamarisk; (the responsible gardener:) Nimgir-KAgina; orchard (of) Amar-sunzida. 10 sar the surface of date palms; (there are) 16 date palms; (responsible is) Lu-girizal, the throne-bearer; orchard Adiri (of) E-hegal, the herdsman; the foreman(?) Enlila;" P254870,Old Babylonian,Literary," dub-sar tur bar niŋ₂-gig-ga {u₂}numun₂ ki-nud-ni nu-um-zi ","The junior scribe for whom the edge of(?) the rushes is (?) is a bad thing(?), rushes for his bedding are not pulled out." P254876,Old Babylonian,Literary," niŋ₂-gin₆-na-ta a-ba in-da... nam-til₃ ia-u₃-tud niŋ₂-erim₂-me-e a₂-bi he₂-ib-kuš₂⁻-še {d}utu nu-še-ba gal tumu zig₃-ga he₂-en-mur₁₀ an-šeŋ₃ ","Who compares with justice? It gives birth to life If wickedness exerts itself Utu is not negligent (in responding) If the great .../older brother(?) pacifies/appoints(?) a risen wind ... makes it rain(?)" P254882,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...ama-ŋu₁₀ nin banda₃{da}ŋu₁₀ ma-ak-e ...e-a ŋa₂-e lu₂ dim₂-ma mu-da-lal te-ŋu₁₀ mu-da-ab-ha-za-e-še ","(When) my mother and my little sister act thusly to me(?) ... ... am I one whose intellect is (so) deficient (That) I would “hold my cheek” (pay attention?) to her?" P254868,Old Babylonian,Literary," diš-am₃ he₂-en-zu he₂-sag₉-sag₉₃ dub-sar-re ...e en₃-du diš-am₃ he₂-zu dug₃-ga-am₃₃ nar-am₃ ","If a scribe knew/learned (only) one line of text And his hand was (nevertheless) very good He is a scribe If a singer knew/learned (only) one song/hymn And his lament/vocalization(?) was (nevertheless) good He is a singer/musician" P254869,Old Babylonian,Literary," dub-sar eme-ŋir₁₅ nu-un-zu... inim bal... me-da he₂-im-tum₃ ","The scribe that has not known Sumerian In conversing in it/translating (it) At what time should he succeed?" P254875,Old Babylonian,Literary," nar en₃-du dili-am₃ he₂-zu ad-ša₄ he₂-sag₉ e-ne-am₃ nar-ra-am₃ ","If a singer knew/learned (only) one song/hymn And his lament/vocalization(?) was (nevertheless) good He is a singer/musician" P254877,Old Babylonian,Literary," saŋ sar-ra siki ba-an-tuku-tuku u₃ lu₂ še degₓ(RI)-degₓ(RI)-ga {d}ašnan ba-ab-dirig-ga ","A shaven head acquired (more) hair, and the grain gatherer increased (the growth of the grain goddess) Ezina." P254871,Old Babylonian,Literary," šah₂ šu am₃-kar-kar-re i-gi₄-in-zu ni₂-te-ni-še₃ lugal-a-ni-še₃-am₃ ","A pig takes away: as if(?) for itself and its master (both)." P269967,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šara₂-za-me {d}šara₂","Šara-zame, servant of Šara." P247679,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," mes-kalam-du₁₀ lugal","Meskalamdug the king." P418046,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," a{an}anzu₂{mušen}",A’anzu. P227051,Ur III,Royal Inscription," puzur₄{d}suen engar ta₂-ra-am-šeš ab-ki","Puzur-Sîn, farmer of Tarām-Uram." P226975,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}nusku sukkal-mah {d}en-lil₂-la₂ lugal-a-ni nam-ti {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ka-še₃ ur{d}nanibgal₂ ensi₂ nibru{ki} dumu lugal-engar-du₁₀ ensi₂ nibru{ki}ka-ke₄ a mu-na-ru","To Nusku, the chief minister of Enlil, his master, for the life of Šulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur and King of Sumer and Akkad, Ur-Nanibgal, the governor of Nippur, son of Lugal-engardug, governor of Nippur, dedicated (this) to him." P226811,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}mes-lam-ta-e₃-a lugal-a-ni nam-ti {d}šul-gi dingir kalam-ma-na lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub limmu-ba-ka-še₃","To the god Meslamta-e'a, his lord, for the life of Šulgi, god of his land, king of Ur, king of the four quarters." P226633,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}mes-lam-ta-e₃-a lugal a₂ zi-da lagaš{ki}ke₄ nam-ti-il {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ka-še₃ ki-lu₅-la gu-za-la₂ dumu ur-ba-gara₂-ke₄ mu-na-dim₂ kišib₃-ba lugal-mu geštu₃ nig₂-sa₆-ga-ka-ni ga-an-ti-il mu-bi","For Meslamtaea, the king who is the right arm of Lagaš, for the life of Šulgi, the king of Ur, Kilula the chair-bearer, son of Ur-Bagara, fashioned (this) for him. This seal: My King, By His Excellent Intelligence May I Live is its name." P226719,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kalam-ma-na lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-ha-am-ar-ši dub-sar dumu ba-ba-ti zu","Ibbi-Suen, god of his land, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Aḫam-arši, scribe, son of Babati, is your servant." P226983,Ur III,Royal Inscription," ma-ma-ni-ša dumu-munus lugal puzur₄{d}aš₃-ki dub-sar zu","Mamma-niša, daughter of the king: Puzur-Aški, scribe, (is) your servant." P227171,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar dumu u₂-na-ab-še-en zu","Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Nanna-maba, scribe, son of Unabšen, is your servant." P109319,Ur III,Administrative," 7(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 1(u) gin₂ guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ si-i₃-tum mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 1/2(diš) ša₃-ku₃-ge gab₂-us₂ {geš}apin-du₁₀ 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ 1(diš) ug₃ {d}nin-šubur-an-dul₃ ša₃-gu₄ ur{geš}gigir lugal-ku₃-ga-ni i₃-dab₅ 1/2(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1/2(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ 1/2(diš) lugal-ur₂-ra-ni gab₂-ra {geš}apin-du₁₀ mu ku₃-ga-ni-še₃ 1/2(diš) ur-pa₄-u₂-e 1/2(diš) ur{d}ma-mi 1/2(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ simug 1/2(diš) 1/2(diš) ur{d}bil₄-ga-mes 1(diš) ug₃ ur-ki-mah 1(diš) ug₃ ur{d}utu 1/2(diš) šeš-a-ni 1(diš) ug₃ lu₂-ga-mu 1(diš) ug₃ e₂-a-lu-bi 1(diš) ug₃ he₂-gi-na 1(diš) ug₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal gab₂-ra a-kal-la ama lugal-gu₄-e 1/2(diš) na-ba-sa₆ 1/2(diš) šeš-kal-la 1/2(diš) mu-zu-da 1/2(diš) inim{d}inana ša₃-gu₄ lugal-nesag-e gab₂-us₂ nig₂-du₇-pa-e₃ 1/2(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1/2(diš) lu₂-ma₂-gan-na 1/2(diš) ur-e₂-mah 1/2(diš) du₁₁-ga{d}šara₂ 1/2(diš) mu libir-am₃ 1/2(diš) lu₂-uš-gi-na 1/2(diš) mu dumu lugal-igi-huš-me ni₂-e tak₄-a-ta 1/2(diš) un-da-ga dumu u-bar ki lu₂-dingir-ra ugula-ta 1/2(diš) ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ tir 1(diš) ug₃ ur{d}dumu-zi dumu ... ki ugula-ta iti 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ 1(diš) ug₃ lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra dumu lugal-bad₃ dumu diri-ta iti 4(diš)-še₃ iti {d}li₉-si₄-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ a₂ ug₃ bi u₄ 5(gešʾu) a₂ dumu-gi₇-bi u₄ 1(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ du₈-a ug₃ sag-ba zi-ga 7(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ dumu-gi₇ šeš-tab-ba bala-a gub-ba šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 1(u) gin₂ guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 5(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-gu-la a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-tur u₃ a-ša₃ ensi₂-ka 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ nun-na a-ša₃ nam-ha-ni u₃ a-ša₃ išib-e-ne 2(geš₂) 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ a-ša₃ bad₃-du₃-a...ša₃ u₂-du{d}nin-a-ra-li u₃ gaba a-ša₃ gibil 4(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ {d}šara₂-he₂-gal₂ a-ša₃ engar-ba-zi u₃ a-ša₃ a-u₂-da-gu-la 1(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ a-ša₃ nun-na-ta sahar zi-ga a-ša₃-ge a du₁₁-ga a-ša₃ nun-na u₃ a-ša₃ nam-ha-ni kišib₃ da-a-ga 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 5(u) 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ igi-e₂-mah-še₃ u₃ a-ša₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra 2(geš₂) 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ igi-e₂-mah-še₃ u₃ a-ša₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra kišib₃ a-kal-la 5(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ mah a-ša₃ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ u₃ a-ša₃ engar-ba-zi 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ mah-ta sahar zi-ga u₃ u₂ na-ga-ab-tum-ma ga₂-ra 1(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ gu₄ suhub₂-ka ka e₂-šah₂-da si-ga 1(geš₂) 4(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ a-ša₃ nun-na-ta sahar zi-ga 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ engar-ba-zi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ u₃ lugal ki-sur-ra-ka gub-ba 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ {kuš}a-ga₂-la₂ keš₂-ra₂ ma₂-da-ga ma₂-a gar...pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta ka gir₁₃-geš-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ gur-ra 2(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) kišib₃ 2(diš) lu₂-gi-na 3(geš₂) 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃-ge a du₁₁-ga a-ša₃ {d}nin-ur₄-ra-du₆-na ka i₇-da puzur₄-ma-ma-še₃ {u₂}har-an ga₆-ga₂ kišib₃ ša₃-ku₃-ge 4(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da u₃-dag-ga-ka gub-ba 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gi na-ga-ab-tum u₃-dag-ga-da tuš-a kišib₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu iri-bar-re 5(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da e₂ {d}lamma-ka gub-ba kišib₃ lugal-inim-gi-na 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ {d}šul-pa-e₃-ta sahar zi-ga a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ {d}šul-pa-e₃ kab₂-ku₅ a-u₂-da-tur ku₅-ra₂ u₃ šu₂-luh ak kišib₃ lugal-he₂-gal₂ 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ bad₃-du₃-a a-ša₃ išib-e-ne u₃ a-ša₃ u₂-du-lu₂-sag₁₀ kišib₃ na-ba-sa₆ 2(geš₂) 5(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃-ge a du₁₁-ga a-ša₃ {d}šara₂-gu₂-gal kišib₃ 2(diš) a-gu-gu 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mar-sa-a gub-ba ugu₂ ur-e₁₁-e ba-a-gar kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal tu-ra e₂-a-lu-bi iti dal-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂)-kam kišib₃ ur-e₁₁-e 3(diš) guruš u₄ 1(geš₂) 1(u)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 3(u)-kam ma₂-da-ga-aš gen-na kišib₃ lugal-iti-da 3(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 2(u) 6(diš) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂ bahar₃-a gub-ba kišib₃ inim{d}šara₂ 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ guru₇ mah im ur₃-ra kišib₃ gu-du-du 2(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ nin₁₀-nu-du₃-a-ta a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ in-u im-la₂ 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇-ta guru₇ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ gi ma₂-a ga₂-ra ma₂ gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ ba-al-la kišib₃ 2(diš) lu₂-du₁₀-ga 1(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da e₂ {d}lamma-ka-še₃ nig₂-gu₂-na bala-a ga₆-ga₂ 4(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ nig₂-ar₃-ra u₃ še mu-ša gid₂-da kišib₃ šeš-sag₁₀ 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ {d}šara₂-gu₂-gal-ka še bala-a 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂ amar-ra dabin bala-a še ma₂-a si-ga 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ ma₂ še gid₂-da ma₂ ba-al-la u₃ še bala-a 2(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ nin₁₀-nu-du₃-a-ta e₂-duru₅ a-bu₃-ka-še₃ še zi-ga 2(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da a-gi-ze₂-a-ka gub-ba 1(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da e₂ {d}lamma-ka-še₃ zi₃ ga₆-ga₂ 8(geš₂) 5(u) 6(diš) 2(geš₂) 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ zi₃-da gid₂-da...bala-a u₃ ma₂ su₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ gur-ra 2(geš₂) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}še₃ gu₄ niga-da gen-na giri₃ lu₂{d}suen kurušda 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ i₃ ga ku₆ gid₂-da a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 5(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ i₃ ga gid₂-da i₃ ga e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-ra u₃ ma₂ gur-ra a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam 1(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ i₃ ga gid₂-da i₃ ga e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-ra u₃ ma₂ gur-ra a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam giri₃ a-kal-la ra-gaba 4(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ i₃ ga ku₆ nisi gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ gur-ra giri₃ tur-am₃-i₃-li₂ 4(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ ma₂ ku₆ gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ gur-ra giri₃ nig₂-lagar-e 8(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) 4(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ {d}amar{d}suen-ta ma₂ gid₂-da min ki-su₇ a-u₂-da še bala-a še zi-ga u₃ guru₇ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} im ur₃-ra 4(u) 8(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ kin u₂ sahar-ba guruš-e 1(u) gin₂-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 4(u) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(diš) gin₂ ugu₂ ur-e₁₁-e-ka ba-a-gar 3(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gi-zi ša₃-gal udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂-ka ze₂-a a-ša₃ {d}na-ra-am{d}suen e₂-udu a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ ga₆-ga₂ kišib₃ lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ 5(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ nin₁₀-nu-du₃-a-ta e₂ amar-ra-še₃ in-u ga₆-ga₂ kišib₃ a-tu šuš₃ 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(diš) gin₂ ... a₂ u₄ du₈-a ug₃ 2(diš) guruš u₄ 3(u) 5(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 1(u) bala-a gub-ba bala-še₃ gen-na u₃ bala...gur-ra 6(geš₂) 1(u) ...8(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) 2(diš) gin₂ guruš... ...am₃ ...8(geš₂) 2(u)... nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na-ka lu₂{d}šara₂ ugula dumu lugal-inim-gi-na iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","456 1/6 workdays, male laborer, remaining (deficit) of year “Šu-Suen is king” (Šu-Suen 1). 1/2 (workman): Ša-kuge, herding apprentice of Apin-du. 1/2 (workman): Lu-Šara. 1 (workman,) porter: Ninšubur-andul, oxen driver of Ur-gigir, Lugal-kugani took responsibility for him. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e. 1/2 (workman): Lu-Šara. 1/2 (workman): Lugal-urani, gabra(herder) of Apin-du, in place of Kugani. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Pa’u’e. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Mami. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e, smith. 1/2 (workman): x (falsified by repair of tablet). 1/2 (workman): Ur-Gilgameš. 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-kimah. 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-Utu. 1/2 (workman): Šeš-ani. 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-gamu. 1 (workman,) porter: Ea-lubi. 1 (workman,) porter: Hegina. 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-girizal, gabra(herder) of Akala, “mother” of Lugal-gu’e (?). 1/2 (workman): Nabasa. 1/2 (workman): Šeškala. 1/2 (workman): Muzuda. 1/2 (workman): Inim-Inanna, oxen driver of Lugal-nesage, herding apprentice of Nigdu-pa’e. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e. 1/2 (workman): Lu-Magana. 1/2 (workman): Ur-emah. 1/2 (workman): Duga-Šara. 1/2 (workman): ARAD2-mu, they are of the previous (workforce). 1/2 (workman): Lu-uš-gina. 1/2 (workman): ARAD2-mu; they are sons of Lugal-igihuš, remainder from the previous year (?). 1/2 (workman): Undaga, son of Ubar, from Lu-dingira, foreman. 1/2 (workman): Ur-Enlila, forester. 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-Dumuzi, son of ARAD2-x, from ARAD2, foreman. It is (a period of) 12 months: from month “Harvest” (1st month, Umma calendar) until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month). 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-Šulgira, son of Lugal-bad, from the “excess children,” for 4 months, from month “Lisi” (9th month) until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month). The corresponding production of the porters: 3,000 days. The corresponding production of “dumugi”: 4,320 days. 24 workdays, the production of free days of (the sick) porter (already) booked out of the debits. 420 workdays, the production of “dumugi apprentices” in bala service. Together: 8,220 1/6 workdays, male laborers, are the debit. Therefrom: 345 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the A’uda-gula field, in the A’uda-tur field and in the Governor field. 195 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the Prince field, in the Namhani field and in the Incantation priests field. 150 workdays, harvested and sheaves piled up in the Oxen-boot field, in the field Constructed-wall, in the field Cattle herder of Nin-Arali and (in the field) across from the new field. 295 workdays, male laborers, irrigation work in the field Šara-is-abundance, in the field Plough-of-Bazi and in the A’uda-gula field. 85 workdays, male laborers, water installation in the Prince field, earth excavated, irrigation in the Prince field and in the Namhani field. Sealed tablet of Da’aga. (Partial sum:) 1,070 195 workdays, male laborers, harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Before-Emah and in the field Ninura. 130 workdays, male laborers, irrigation work in the field Before-Emah and in the field Ninura. Sealed tablet of Akala. 351 1/2 workdays, male laborers, harvested and sheaves piled up in the field GAN2-mah, in the field Ninnudu and in the field Plough-of-Bazi. 165 workdays, male laborers, from the water installation of GAN2-mah earth excavated and green plants placed in the pen. 108 workdays, male laborers, the water installation of the Oxen-boot (field) at the intake of the EDUN (canal) filled in. 107 workdays, male laborers, from the water installation of the Prince field earth excavated. 165 workdays, male laborers, irrigation work in the field Plough-of-Bazi. 92 workdays, male laborers, stationed at the King’s bridge (?) of Kisurra. 10 workdays, male laborers, agala leather bags bound, in Madaga loaded into a barge, from Apisal to the fork from Girgiz punted and the barge returned. (Partial sum:) 1,323 1/2. 2 sealed tablets of Lu-gina. 210 workdays, male laborers, field irrigation work performed in the field Ninura-duna, to the fork of the canal Puzur-Mama haran plants carried. Sealed tablet of Ša-kuge. 285 workdays, male laborers, stationed at the reservoir of the Daga bridge. 30 workdays, male laborers, staying at the “reed nagabtum-pen” with the Daga bridge. Sealed tablet of Lu-Šara, son of Iri-bare. 315 workdays, male laborers, at the reservoir of the Lamma temple in service. Sealed tablet of Lugal-inim-gina. 195 workdays, male laborers, from the water installation at the Šulpa’e( field) earth excavated, irrigation work in the Šulpa’e field, water installation of the A’uda-tur (field) cut off (?) and cleaned. Sealed tablet of Lugal-hegal. 195 workdays, male laborers, irrigation work in the field Constructed-wall, in the Incantation-priests field and in the field Herders-of-Lusag. Sealed tablet of Nabasa. 177 workdays, male laborers, field irrigation work performed in the field Šara-gugal Two sealed tablets of Agugu. 30 less 1 workdays, male laborers, stationed in the boathouse, booked into the debit section of Ur-e’e(’s account). Sealed tablet of Ur-Nungal. Sick: Ea-lubi, from the month “Flight” (5th month) until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month), the corresponding production: 240 days. Sealed tablet of Ur-e’e. 3 workers, male laborers, 70 workdays each, the corresponding production: 210 days, having gone to Madga. Sealed tablet of Lugal-itida. (Partial sum:) 1,886 15 workdays, male laborers, stationed in the pottery factory. Sealed tablet of Inim-Šara. 15 workdays, male laborers, silo of GAN2-mah plastered with clay. Sealed tablet of Gududu. 120 workdays, male laborers, from the threshing floor of the (field) Ninnudu to Apisal straw hung out. 30 workdays, male laborers, reed loaded into the barge, barge from the Dukuge storage house to the silo of Apisal punted and barge unloaded. 2 sealed tablets of Lu-duga. 18 workdays, male laborers, transport of the bala load to the reservoir of the Lamma temple. 42 workdays, male laborers, from Apisal to Nippur barge with rough ground flour and muša grain punted. Sealed tablet of Šeš-saga. 24 workdays, male laborers, from the threshing floor of Šara-gugal barley transferred. 24 workdays, male laborers, in E-amara flour transferred, barley loaded in the barge. 24 workdays, male laborers, barge with barley to Apisal punted, barge unloaded and barley transferred. 138 workdays, male laborers, from the threshing floor of Ninnudu for the Abu-village barley winnowed. 26 workdays, male laborers, stationed at the reservoir of Agizea. 60 workdays, male laborers, to the Lamma temple reservoir flour carried. (Partial sum:) 536. 121 workdays, male laborers, from the Apisal to Nippur barge with flour punted, flour transferred and empty barge returned to Apisal. 128 workdays, male laborers, walked with fattening oxen to Umma. Responsible: Lu-Suen, the fattener. 45 workdays, male laborers, from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil, cheese and fish punted; 1st time. 50 workdays, male laborers, from the Apisal to Nippur barge with oil and cheese punted, oil and cheese brought into the royal estate and barge returned; 2nd time. 60 workdays, male laborers, from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil and cheese punted, oil and cheese brought into the royal estate and barge returned; 3rd time. Responsible: Akala, the “ragaba”. 45 workdays, male laborers, from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil, cheese, fish and vegetables punted and barge returned. Responsible: Turam-ili. 48 workdays, male laborers, from Apisal to Nippur barge with fish punted and barge returned. Responsible: Nig-lagare. (Partial sum:) 497. 48 workdays, male laborers, from the Amar-Suen village barge punted, ditto, at the threshing floor of A’uda (field) barley transferred, barley winnowed, and silo of Apisal plastered with clay. 48 (volume) sar, 15 1/3 (volume) shekels, grass and earth worked; per male laborers (workday) 10 (volume) shekels, the corresponding production: 289 1/2 2 shekels days; booked into the debit section of Ur-e’e(’s account). 198 workdays, male laborers, good reed, fodder for the fattening sheep, the regular offerings of Šara, torn out in the field of Naram-Sin, to the sheep fold in Apisal carried. Sealed tablet of Lu-Haya. 300 workdays, male laborers, from the threshing floor of Ninnudu to E-amara straw carried. Sealed tablet of Atu, chief cattle administrator. (Partial sum:) 835 1/2 2 shekels. 300 workdays, male laborers, production of free days of the porters. 2 male laborers, each 35 days; the corresponding production: 70 days. stationed in the bala, gone to bala, returned from the bala. (Partial sum:) 370. Together 6,518 2 shekels workdays, male laborers, booked out. deficit: 1,702 8 shekels workdays. Account of the production of the erin workers. Lu-Šara is the foreman, son of Lugal-inim-gina. It is (a period of) 12 months: from the month “Harvest” (1st month) until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month); year: “The boat of Enki was caulked”." P273409,Ur III,Administrative," 1/3(diš) ma-na ša₃-gu sig ki a-du-ta la-ni-mu šu ba-ti mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","1/3 mina of ... šagu, from ADU Lanimu received; year: “Amar-Suen (is) king.”" P273410,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) zabar-dab₅ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-hur-sag 1(diš) sila₄ {d}šul-pa-e₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) kur-giri₃-ni-ni-še₃ zabar-dab₅ maškim 1(diš) maš-da₃ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) a-tu ur{d}šul-gi-ra maškim 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal-nir-gal₂ i-za-ri₂-iq maškim 1(diš) udu 1(diš) ud₅ ba... u₄ 3(diš)-kam mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","One lamb (for) Enlil, one lamb (for) Ninlil, delivery of the zabardab; one lamb (for) Ninhursag, one lamb (for) Šulpa’e, delivery of Kur-giriniše; he zabardab was the responsible official; one antelope (for) the E’uzga, delivery of Atu; Ur-Šulgira was the responsible official; 0ne lamb (for) Enlil, delivery of Lugal-nirgal; Issarik was the responsible official; one sheep and one nanny goat ... on the third day; year: “The high priestess of Nanna was chosen via extispicy.”" P273411,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) sila₄ 1(u) 7(diš) maš₂ ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta na-lu₅ i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 2(u)","(For) three lambs and 17 male goats in Ur, on the 29th day, from Abba-saga Nalu assumed administrative responsibility; month: “The ... of Ninazu,” Year: “The en priestess of Nanna was appointed;” (total:) 20." P273412,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) anše-edin-na 2(diš) ud₅ šimašgi₂ ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","Two onagers and two Šimaškian nanny goats slaughtered; on the 26th day, from Lu-dingira Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Enunugal was hired as (the high-priest of) Inanna.”" P273413,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) kaš dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) ku₆ 3(diš) sa šum₂ a-gu-a sukkal gaba-aš 1(diš) kaš dida 6(diš) sila₃... 1(ban₂)...2(diš) gin₂... 3(diš) ku₆... i₃-kal-la sukkal... 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃... 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ du₁₀-ga-mu ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) kaš dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš) ku₆ šuniŋin 7(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 7(diš)-kam iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar mu us₂-sa ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","1 pot (ca. 10 liters) of dida beer, 5 sila3 (1 sila3 ca. 1 liter) of high-quality beer, 1 ban2 (1 ban2 ca. 10 liters) of bread, 2 shekels (1 shekel ca. 1/60 liter) of oil and 2 shekels of alkali, 3 fish and 3 bunches of onions: Agu’a, the messenger, (sent) to Persia; 1 pot of dida beer, 6(?) shekels of oil, 1 ban of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali, 3 fish and 3 bunches of onions: Ikalla, the messenger, ...; 3 sila3 of beer, 2 sila3 of bread, 2 shekels of oil, 2 shekels of alkali, 1 fish, 1 bunch of onions: Dugamu the ...; total: 2 pots of average-quality dida beer (made with) 1 ban2 (of barley); total: 5 sila3 of high-quality beer; total: 6 shekels of oil; total: 2 ban2 2 sila3 of bread; total: 6 shekels of oil; total: 6 shekels of alkali; total: 7 fish; total: 7 bunches of onions; 7th day, month: “Bricks-placed-in-moulds,” year following: “The barge of Enki was caulked.”" P273414,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) tug₂ gu₂-na ki i₃-kal-la-ta mu a-gu-še₃ kišib₃ a-a-kal-la iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ a-a-kal-la dub-sar dumu er₂-mu","One “neck” garment from Ikalla, in place of Agu, under seal of Ayakala; month: “Six-month-house,” year: “The high-priest of Inanna of Uruk was chosen by extispicy.” Ayakala, scribe, son of Ašian." P273415,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ be₆-li nu-banda₃ 1(diš) gu₄ i₃-kal-la gu₄ a₂-bi₂-lum ki-ba ba-na-a-ga₂-ar giri₃ lu₂{d}en-ki ... ...ab₂ 5(diš) udu... 2(u) 8(diš) udu 3(diš) ud₅... ba-uš₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ mu aga₃-us₂-e-ne-še₃ u₄ 2(diš)-kam ki du₁₁-ga-ta ba-zi giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}iškur dub-sar iti šu-eš₅-ša mu ma₂-dara₄-abzu ba-ab-du₈ 3(diš)...3(u) 6(diš) udu","One ox (for) Bēlī, the overseer, one ox ... Ikalla, oxen from Apilum, in its place put for him, bvia Lu-Enki; xxx n cows, 5 ... sheep, 28 sheep, 3 goats ..., slaughtered for the kitchen, for the soldiers, 2nd day; booked out of (account of) Duga, via Nur-Adad, the scribe; month: šu’ešša, year: “The boat (named) ‘Ibex-of-Abzu’ was caulked;” (total) 3 oxen and cows, 36 small cattle." P273416,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar tur sumun 2(diš) tug₂ ša₃-ga-du₃ sumun mu uš-bar... 2(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar tur 1(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar zu₂-eh mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum mu-hul ki ensi₂-ka-ta kišib₃ i₃-kal-la ur{d}šara₂-ke₄ ba-an ... dub-sar dumu lugal...","Six old small “weaver” garments, two old šagadu garments, (for) the ... weavers; 2 small “weaver” garments, 1 “weaver” garment, moth-eaten; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum;” from the governor, under seal of Ikalla, Ur-Šara assumed administrative responsibility for (them). Ur-Šara, scribe, son of Lugal-ušur." P235727,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) še-ba lugal nin-ur₂-ra-ni ki na-ba-sa₂-ta kišib₃ a-da-ga iti šu-numun mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} a-da-ga dub-sar zu","2 barig of ration barley (according to the) royal (measure) for Nin-urani from Nabasa, sealed tablet of Adaga. Month: “Sowing” (6th month, Umma calendar), year: “The Nanna priest was found via extispicy.” Ur-Lisi, governor, of Umma: Adaga, the scribe, is your servant." P423542,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," ...3(u)...še gur ur{d}uri₃-maš 2(geš₂) mu-ni-da 2(geš₂) lugal-ša₃ 1(geš₂) ur{d}inanna 1(geš₂) 1(aš) ur{d}en-lil₂ 2(u) 2(aš) ur-kal-ga 2(u) ur-dingir 4(geš₂) 3(u) numun {geš}mu₁₁ lugal-ša₃ 1(u) ur{d}utu sila₃ zabar-ta-am₃ 1(u) ur-bi-še₃ 2(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) e₂-u₄ 1(geš₂) ur-pisan 3(u) ur{d}irhan 3(geš₂) 3(u) su-bappir-a 2(geš₂) 1(u) 6(aš) lugal... 4(u) pirig-nam 1(geš₂) 3(u) bar-us₂ 3(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) 1(aš) a ziz₂ maš₂ 4(u) la₂ 3(aš) ur{d}nin-pirig sa₂-du₁₁-ta-am₃ šu-nigin₂ 2(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 2(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) še gur sila₃ zabar-ta še zi-ga 1(iku) {geš}mu₁₁-kam ","30+ gur of barley for Ur-Urimaš 120 for Munida; 120 for Lugal-ša; 60 for Ur-Inanna; 61 for Ur-Enlil; 22 for Ur-kalga; 20 for Ur-dingir; 270 ... for Lugal-ša 10 for Ur-Utu; each according to the bronze sila. 10 for Ur-biše; 135 for E’u; 60 for Ur-pisan; 30 for Ur-Niraḫ; 210 for the Subarean; 136 for Lugal-[ša]; 40 for Pirig-nam; 90 for Bar-us; 31 (gur) 2 barig for Ur-x-mu; 1 (gur?) ... emmer for Maš; 37 for Ur-Ninpirig; each being the sattukkum standard. Total: 1526 gur 3 barig barley according to the bronze sila; barley booked out; 1 iku ..." P107495,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ab-ba-mu giri₃ a-tu","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Abbamu, via Atu," P107496,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba za₃-ka mu us₂-sa en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ga₂ ...gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: barley rations of the new year, year following: “The en(-priest) in Eridu was installed,” are here." P107555,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ 5(diš) udu u₂ igi-kar₂ dam sukkal-mah 2(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga ma₂-an-na-še₃ zi-ga be-li₂-du₁₀ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","1 ox, 5 sheep, grain-fed; birth gift for the wife of the sukkalmaḫ; 2 female kids, grain-fed; for boat of An; booked out (of the account of) Belī-ṭab; month: “Festival of Mekigal,” year after: “Anšan was destroyed.”" P107846,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 4(u) 8(diš) gu₄ ab₂ hi-a 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a zi-ga ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu iti ezem-mah mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun e₂-tum {d}amar{d}suen nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba lugal... dub... ... ...","48 oxen cows, various, 775 sheep goats, various, booked out, with Šulgi-ayamu, month “Big-festival,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed;” in the ‘house’. Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Ur-Dumuzida, is your servant." P107855,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga en-dingir-mu iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers,’ debit accounts and credits, of Endingirmu, from month “Gazelle feast” to month “Harvest,” (a period of) 12 months, year: “Enunugal of Inanna was installed,” are here." P107905,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-am iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun ...gal₂ ...gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers,’ debit accounts and credits, of Utamišarram, from month “Gazelle feast,” to month “Harvest,” (a period of) 12 months, year: “The en(-priest) in Eridu was installed,” are here; ... of Babati, are here." P107926,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga kišib₃ aš uzu iti a₂-ki-ti u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-zal-ta iti še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: credits sealed documents of ..., from month “Akiti,” day 9 passed, month “...,” year: “Šū-Suen is king,” are here." P108039,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še geš e₃-a gu₄ apin-la₂ u₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak ka-guru₇ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-da-gan ba-du₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: barley threshed of the oxen-fields, plough maintenance, and accounts of ARAD, the silo manager, year following: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was built,” are here." P108040,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba ša₃-ze₂ ur-e₁₁-e-ka i₃-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyances of Šaze, Ur-e’e, are here; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P108041,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba erin₂ bala-še₃ gub... erin₂ kiš-ga-ti... im la₂-ia₃ u₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak iti pa₄... mu ma...ab-ša-li... ","Basket-of-tablets: worktroopes to bala stationed, worktroops of Kišgati(?) tablets of deficits and accounts, year “Pa’ue,” year: “The lands of Zabšali were destroyed.”" P108042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ugula i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of ARAD, foreman, are here; year: “Šū-Suen, the king, the lands of Zabšali destroyed.”" P108043,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {geš}il₂ {geš}kiri₆ su-a-kar-ra mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃ geš u₃ {geš}mi-ri₂-za u₄-de₃ de₆-a {geš}kiri₆ du₆-za-na-a-a mu-kuₓ(DU) i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: wooden containers of the orchard ... year: “The house of Šara was erected.” lumber and punting poles to the day transported, to orchard Zanaya delivery, are here; year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.”" P108044,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga ša₃-tam-e-ne ...šuku zi₃...hal-ha ...{d}i-bi₂...suen lugal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: credits of the šatam(-officials), ... alllocations ... distributed, year: “Ibbi-Suen is king,” are here." P108045,Ur III,Administrative," geš-gi u₃ {geš}il₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) ša₃ e₂-maš-še₃ i₃-gal₂ e₂ šu-šum₂-ma ša₃ e₂-maš-ka mu-kuₓ(DU) e₂ an-za-gar₃ pisan dub-ba ša₃-gal udu niga sag₁₀ u₃ ra-a-sun₂ udu i₃-gal₂ ","Lumber, reed, and wooden containers, delivery, to the midst of the goat-house, are here; house-of-receipt in the midst of the goat-house, delivery, house of tower; basket-of-tablets: fodder of rams, grain-fed, fine, and ... rams, are here." P108057,Ur III,Administrative," {d}šara₂-kam ur-gu₄-nu₂-a min-na-ne-ne 1/3(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar-še₃ gu-da-ga ama-ne-ne ma-an-šum₂-e-še₃ in-ši-du₈ ma-an-šum₂-e ku₃-ba nu-ub-gi₄-gi₄-da mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ igi lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆-še₃ igi lugal-e₂-še₃ igi dingir-sag₁₀-še₃ igi ur-ge₆-par₄ dumu su-tur-še₃ igi nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ dumu da-gu igi lu₂-ur₄-ša₃-ga-še₃ iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu en-unu₆-gal-an-na {d}inana ba-hun","Šara-kam, Ur-gu-nu’a, the two of them, for 1/3 mana silver, did Gudaga, their mother, to Manšume release. Manšume, that to the silver he will not return, the royal name he invoked; before: Lugale-bansa, before: Lugal-e, before: Dingir-saga, before: Ur-gepar, son of Su-tur, before: Nigar-kidu, sone of Dagu, before: Lu-uršaga; month: “Month-six,” year: “En-unugal-ana of Inanna was installed.”" P108425,Ur III,Administrative," ...1(u) mer hi ...7(diš) kur hi ... bar 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) ki ...ša₃ 4(bur₃)...1(iku) 1/2(iku) 2(eše₃) 1(iku)... 4(aš) 2(barig) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 4(aš) 3(ban₂) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 5(aš) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 3(aš) 3(barig) ...3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) su₃ ... lu₂-dingir... gu₄ ka₅... 2(geš₂) 4(u) mer... 1(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) kur... 1(eše₃) 3(iku) bar... a-ša₃ 6(bur₃) 5(iku) 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃)... 1(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) ... 1(bur₃) 5(iku) ... ... ... kab₂-du₁₁-ga a-ša₃ bur... giri₃... mu us₂","... 10 (ninda), north, averaged, ... 7, east, averaged, ... surface, outside, 1 eše3 1 1/2 iku, inside; field: 4 bur3 ... 1 1/2 iku, surface; 2 eše3 1 iku ... surface, 4 (gur) 2 barig; 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface, 4 (gur) 3 ban2; 2 eše3 3 iku surface, 5 (gur); 2 eše3 2 3/4 iku surface, 3 (gur) 3 barig; ... 3 3/4 iku surface, fallow; its barley: ... ; Lu-dingira, the ploughman; oxen-field of Fox; 160 (ninda), north, averaged, 72, east, averaged; 1 eše3 3 iku surface outside, 1 eše3 5 iku inside; field: 6 bur3 5 iku surface; 1 bur3 1 eše3 ... surface ...; 1 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface ... ; 1 bur3 5 iku surface ...; ... surface, inspected; field Bur..., via ...; year after: “... Lullubum for the 9th time destroyed.”" P108444,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gub-ba e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: plow-oxen, stationed, house of Ninmar, are here; year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall (called) mūriq-tidnim erected.”" P108651,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) zi₃-sig₁₅ gur lugal 3(u) dabin gur kišib₃ ulu₃-di 9(aš) 3(barig) 2(diš) sila₃ dabin gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-mar{ki} dumu du₁₀-ga šuniŋin še-bi 4(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) 2(diš) sila₃ gur a₂-bi 2(gešʾu) 4(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ša₃-bi-ta 1(u) ziz₂ gur kišib₃ lu₂{d}utu ugula kikken 9(aš) 3(ban₂) še gur kišib₃ ur{d}ig-alim ugula kikken₂ giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-mar{ki} dumu du₁₀-ga 1(u) la₂ 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur kišib₃ ur-nigar{gar} 2(aš) še gur an-ne₂-ba-du₇ nar ša₃ nibru{ki} 6(aš) še gur kišib₃ šeš-kal-la ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} šuniŋin 3(u) 7(aš) la₂ 5(diš) sila₃ še ziz₂ gur zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 6(aš) 3(barig) 7(diš) sila₃ še gur la₂-ia₃ 7(diš) gin₂ la₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še ku₃ a₂ zi₃-da-ka nig₂-ka₉ ak ka-la₂-a ulu₃-di dumu ha-ba-an-zi-zi mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃","2 gur rough flour, royal (measure), 30 gur dabin-flour, under seal of Uludi; 9 gur 3 barig 2 sila3 dabin-flour, under seal of Lu-Ninmar, son of Duga; total, its barley: 43 gur 3 barig 2 sila3, its labor: 1248 workdays, female laborers; therefrom: 10 gur emmer, under seal of Lu-Utu, foremen of the mill; 9 gur 3 ban2 barley, under seal of Ur-Igalim, foreman of the mill; via Lu-Ninmar, son of Duga; 10 gur less 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley, under seal of Ur-nigar; 2 gur barley, Annebadu, the cantor, in Nippur; 6 gur barley, under seal of Šeškalla, in Girsu; total: 37 gur less 5 sila3 barley and emmer booked out; the deficit: 6 gur 3 barig 7 sila3 barley, the deficit: 7 shekels less 12 grains silver, labor of flour; account of KAla’a: Uludi, son of Ḫabanzizi; year after: “The house Puzris-Dagan was erected.”" P108689,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ lugal 2(diš) sa gi ninda gur₄... 2(diš) sa {geš}ma-nu 2(diš) bur-zi si... 1(ban₂) dabin 5(diš) sila₃ eša dub-dub-de₃ 1(barig) kaš dida du 2(ban₂) kaš du gi-ra-num₂-še₃ ur{d}li₉-si₄ maškim 1(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ 2(diš) sa gi ninda gur₄-ra 2(diš) sa {geš}ma-nu 2(diš) bur-zi si-še₃ 1(barig) dabin 5(diš) sila₃ eša dub-dub-de₃ 1(barig) kaš dida du siskur₂ {geš}kiri₆ {d}inana {d}šul-gi-zi-mu maškim 2(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ 4(diš) sa gi ninda gur₄-ra 2(diš) sa {geš}ma-nu 2(diš) bur-zi si-še₃ 1(barig) dabin 5(diš) sila₃ eša dub-dub-de₃ 1(barig) kaš dida du siskur₂ ša₃ e₂-gal er₃-re-eb maškim 1(ban₂) zi₃-sig₁₅ 2(diš) sa gi ninda gur₄-ra 1(barig) dabin 5(diš) sila₃ eša dub-dub-de₃ 1(barig) kaš dida du 2(ban₂) kaš du gi-ra-num₂-še₃ 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ 5(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(u) gin₂ i₃-geš 1(u) sa gi gug₂-še₃ 2(diš) sa {geš}ma-nu 2(diš) bur-zi si-še₃ 1(barig) dabin 5(diš) sila₃ eša dub-dub-de₃ 1(barig) kaš dida du 1(diš) sila₃ še-sa gu₂-gal-gal 1(diš) sila₃ še-sa gu₂-tur-tur 1(diš) sila₃ še-sa gig 1(diš) sila₃ še-sa imgaga₃ 1(diš) sila₃ še-sa še in-nu-ha 1(diš) sila₃ gu₂-gal-gal mu₂-a 1(diš) sila₃ gu₂-tur-tur mu₂-a 1(diš) sila₃ gig mu₂-a 1(diš) sila₃ imgaga₃ mu₂... 1(diš) sila₃ še... 1(diš) sila₃ gu₂-gal... 1(diš) sila₃ gu₂-tur... 1(diš) sila₃ še-geš-i₃... 1(diš) sila₃ še-geš-i₃... 1(diš) sila₃ še-geš-i₃... ma₂-an-na-še₃ ša₃... zi... iti ezem-an... mu ki-maš{ki} ba...","1 ban2, groats, royal (measure), 2 bundles reed, fatbreads, 2 bundles poplar, 2 ..., 1 ban2 flour, 5 sila3 eša ..., 1 barig beer, dida, regular (quality), 2 ban2 beer, regular (quality), for the wailing ceremony; Ur-Lisa, enforcer; 1 ban2 groats, 2 bundles reed, fatbreads, 2 bundles poplar, 2 ..., 1 barig flour, 5 sila3 eša ..., 1 barig beer, dida, regular (quality), offering of the garden of Inanna; Šulgi-zimu, enforcer; 2 ban2 groats, 2 bundles reed, fatbreads, 2 bundles poplar, 2 ..., 1 barig flour, 5 sila3 eša ..., 1 barig beer, dida, regular (quality), offering in the palace; Erreb, enforcer; 1 ban2 groats, 2 bundles reed, fatbreads, 1 barig flour, 5 sila3 eša ..., 1 barig beer, dida, regular (quality), 2 ban2 beer, regular (quality), for the wailing ceremony; 5 ban2 5 sila3 groats, 5 sila3 dates, 10 shekels, plant oil, 10 bundles reed, for cakes, 2 bundles poplar, 2 ..., 1 barig flour, 5 sila3 eša ..., 1 barig beer, regular (quality), 1 sila3 barley, ... chickpeas, 1 sila3 barley, ... lentils, 1 sila3 barley ..., 1 sila3 barley ..., 1 sila3 barley ... straw, 1 sila3, chickpeas, grown, 1 sila3 lentils, grown, 1 sila3 wheat, grown, 1 sila3 ... grown, 1 sila3 barley, straw, grown, 1 sila3 chickpeas, ..., 1 sila3 lentils, ..., 1 sila3 sesame oil, ..., 1 sila3 sesame oil, ..., 1 sila3 sesame oil, ..., for the boat of An, in ..., booked out; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P108699,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ud₅ ga-bi ze₂-da šah₂ gu₇-de₃ ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ kišib₃ e₂-a-ba-ni iti a₂-ki-ti mu {d}gu ba-dim₂ 1(diš) ud₅ ga-bi šah₂-ze₂-da gu₇-de₃ ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta lu₂-dingir-ra i₃-dab₅ kišib₃ e₂-a-ma...ik iti a₂-ki-ti mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ ... {d}...","1 nanny goat, its milk to feed the piglet, from Abbasaga, did Lu-dingira accept; under seal of Ea-bani; month: “Akitu,” (6th month, Drehem calendar) year: “the divine chair was fashioned.” (Amar-Suen 3) 1 nanny goat, its milk to feed the piglet, from Abbasaga, did Lu-dingira take command of; under seal of Ea-mālik; month: “Akitu,” (6th month, Drehem calendar) year: “the divine chair was fashioned.” (Amar-Suen 3) ... servant of ..." P252878,Early Dynastic IIIa,Administrative," 1(aš) i₃ bulugₓ(|ŠIM×KUŠU₂|) dug 1(aš) i₃ dug 1(aš) ir {šim}ha-ra dug giri₃-ni dub-sar₄ ","1 jar of galbanum oil 1 jar of gig oil 1 jar of haraLUM aromatics Girini the scribe has turned in(?)." P252707,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 2(aš) gid₂ ma₂ dilmun a-la₂ lu₂-lugal an-na-šum₂ iti nig₂-kiri₆ e₂ dumu","2 long boat ropes (?) tied to a dilmun boat" P250470,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gur₁₁-gur₁₁-ra-a ki ur-ku₃-nun-na iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃-ta iti diri ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃-še₃ mu 3(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: (records) of goods with Ur-kununa, from month “Harvest,” year: “Amorite Wall erected,” to extra month “Festival-of-Mekigal,” year: “Great Stele erected,” (a period) of 3 years, are here." P250627,Ur III,Administrative," tug₂ ba-tab-duh-hu-um 4(diš)-kam us₂","batab duhum textiles, 4th quality, ordinary." P253137,Ur III,Unknown," 1(diš) kuš udu niga 1(diš) kuš maš₂ niga ba-uš₂ ki {d}iškur-illat-ta a-na-ah-i₃-li₂ šu ba-an-ti iti bi₂-gu₇ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃ mu us₂-sa-bi","1 hide of a fattened sheep. 1 hide of a fattened goat. Dead. From Adad-tillati. Anah-ili received. Month: ""Eating the goose(?)."" Year following: ""Shu-Suen, king of Ur, built the Martu Wall"" Year following that." P250463,Ur III,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) sa gi {gi}muruₓ(|KID.ŠU₂.MA₂|)-še₃ ki ab-ba-ta lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ šu ba-ti{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-hul","600 bundles of reed for muru-mats. From Abba. Lugal-ebansa received. Year following: ""Simurum and Lulubum were destroyed for teh 9th time.""" P253437,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {uruda}gur₁₀ ki ur-ku₃-nun-na-ta e₂-lu₂-sa₆ šu ba-ti iti ki-sikil{d}nin-a-zu ","1 plowshare of copper. From Ur-Kununa. Elusa, received. Month: “Weaving-place(?) of Ninazu.”" P250651,Ur III,Administrative," 4(u)... ki šeš-kal-la-ta lugal{geš}gigir šu ba-ti iti šu-numun mu an-ša-an{ki} hul ...u₂... nu-banda₃ dumu lugal-gigir","40 ... From Šeš-kala. Lugal-gigir received. Month: “Seeding.” Year: “Anšan . . . destroyed.” ... captain, child(?) of Lugal-gigir." P250644,Ur III,Administrative," 5(aš) gun₂ mangaga ki lu₂-ur₄-ša₃-ga-ta {d}suen-dingir-šu-še₃ ur{d}ištaran šu ba-ti giri₃ lugal-za₃-ge-si ša₃ bala-a mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} mu-du₃ ur{d}ištaran dumu ur-dumu-zi-da dam-gar₃","5 talents of ... From Lu-uršaga. For Suen-ilīšu. Ur-Ištaran received. Conveyor: Lugal-zagesi. Within the bala-obligation. Year: “Šu-Suen, king, built the house of Šara.” Ur-Ištaran, son of Ur-Dumuzida, trade-agent." P250650,Ur III,Administrative," 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ še nig₂-ša₃-te {d}inana a-ša₃ la₂-mah-ta ki ta ur-gigir sa₁₂-du₅ šu ba-ti kišib₃ nu-ra iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","4 barig, 4 ban2, 8 sila3 of barley, for the morning (lit.: cool) (offerings) of Inanna, from the field Lamaḫ, from ARAD(mu). Ur-Gigir the surveyor received. Unsealed document. Month: “Pa’u’e.” Year: “The En-priest of Nanna was chosen by omen.”" P250492,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun du₁₀-ga i₃ šu-nir-ra {d}nin-ur₄-ra a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun ","1 1/2 sila3 of good ghee, oil of the emblem of Nin-ura of Apisal. From Ur-E’e. Year: “En-unugal of Inanna was installed.”" P250645,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 6(aš) še gur ša₃-gal anše zi-ku-um ki gu-du-du-ta kišib₃ lu₂-ba mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul lu₂-ba {d}šara₂","36 gur of barley, fodder for mules. From Gududu. Sealed tablet of Luba. Year: “Simurum was destroyed.” Luba, slave of Šara." P250738,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) tu-di-da ku₃-babbar ki-la₂-bi 1/3(diš) ma-na 6(diš) gin₂ libir 4(diš) tu-di-da ku₃-babbar ki-la₂-bi 1(u) 1(diš) gin₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) gibil 4(diš) har ku₃-babbar ki-la₂-bi 1/3(diš) ma-na 6(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) tu-di-da gug sag alim ku₃-sig₁₇ gar ...kišib₃ za-gin₃ ku₃-sig₁₇ gar ...kišib₃ za-gin₃ zabar gar ...kišib₃ za-gin₃ ...kišib₃ za-gin₃ tur ... ... 1(diš) bur zabar dur₂-bi uruda ki-la₂-bi 5(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 6(diš) tu-di-da zabar ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na ša₃-ba 5(diš) tu-di-da ka-ba ku₃ nigin₂-na 2(diš) tu-di-da ka-ba an-na nigin₂-na i₃-in-gal₂ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) gug sig 1(geš₂) 5(u) 3(diš) za-ellag₂ ku₃-sig₁₇ sig 1(geš₂) geš-bu₁₀ za-gin₃ 2(u) la₂ 1(aš) nir₃ sig ka-ba ku₃-sig₁₇ gar 4(diš) za tu-tu-bi ku₃-sig₁₇ 2(diš) gu₂ za-gin₃ sig gid₂-bi 1/2(diš) kuš₃-ta 1(geš₂) nir₃ sig 1(geš₂) za-gin₃ ka-ba ku₃-sig₁₇ gar ...4(diš) gug ...ku₃-babbar esir₂-a...i₃-gal₂ ... 2(u) 1(diš) {na₄}nig₂-ki-nu-gu₇ 9(diš) za-ellag₂ za-gin₃ 9(diš) za-ellag₂ šuba₃ ku₃-sig₁₇ 8(diš) me-e₃ 1(u) 1(diš) za-ellag₂ al-ga-mes 2(diš) nir₃ igi min 2(diš) {na₄}gug ze₂ 5(diš) me-e₃ zu₂-lum 1(u) 6(diš) nir₃ umbin 1(u) 4(diš) geš-bu₁₀ nir₃ 1(diš) nir₃ igi 1(diš) šuba₃ ku₃-sig₁₇ esir₂-a dim₂-ma 2(u) 8(diš) {na₄}en₈-kid 1(diš) šuba₃ 1(diš) gug gid₂-da 1(diš) {na₄}pirig... 2(gešʾu) 2(u) 7(diš) za... 5(diš) šuba₃... 1(diš) za-ellag₂ zabar... 1(gešʾu) 7(diš) aš-dar... ... ... 5(u) 8(diš)... 2(diš) za-ellag₂ zabar... 1(diš) {na₄}hu-ru₂... 5(u) 3(diš) za-ellag₂ za-gin₃ 4(diš) nir₃ igi... 1(u) 5(diš) gug zu₂... 5(diš) {na₄}nig₂-ki-nu... 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) za-ellag₂ šuba₃ 2(diš) geš-bu₁₀ hu-ru₂-zi 9(diš) me-e₃ 1(diš) gug kun-gir₂ 7(diš) geš-bu₁₀ nir₃ 1(u) 7(diš) za-ellag₂ šuba₃ ku₃-sig₁₇ 9(diš) za-ellag₂ al-ga-mes 1(u) 3(diš) {na₄}en₈-kid 1(diš) geš-bu₁₀ bur 4(u) 3(diš) nir₃ umbin 2(diš) {na₄}su-a 1(u) 5(diš) {na₄}nig₂-ki-nu-gu₇ sig 2(diš) nir₃ aškud ku₃-sig₁₇ gar 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) za-ellag₂ gug sig 7(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ 4(u) 6(diš) nir₃ sig 1(diš) geš-bu₁₀ gug ku₃-sig₁₇ gar 1(diš) šuba₃ ku₃-babbar esir₂-a dim₂-ma 1(diš) he₂-dum za-gin₃ ... ...ku₃-sig₁₇ ...4(u) nir₃ ku₃-sig₁₇ gar ...gu₂ min-a-kam 2(u) 4(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar 1(u) 2(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ du 1(diš) tug₂ aktum sumun 2(diš) tug₂-guz-za 4(diš)-kam us₂ 4(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar zu₂-eh 2(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ zu₂-eh 1(diš) {tug₂}gu₂-la₂ nig₂-dara₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) gada du 1(diš) gada-mah 2(diš) gada du sumun 7(diš) gada nig₂-dara₂ 2(diš) {tug₂} du 2(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ su dingir 2(diš) har zabar ki-la₂-bi 1/3(diš) ma-na la₂ 1(diš) gin₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) gibil ... ...gal₂-la ...ku₃-babbar ki-la₂-bi igi 4(diš) gal₂ ku₃-babbar gar ...tu-di-da zabar 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na ...tu-di-da libir-a ...tu-di-da zabar 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) he₂-dum za-gin₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) gibil ša₃ pisan-ga₂ gil-sa {d}alim-mah mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","11 toggle pins, silver. Their weight: 1/3 ma-na, 6 shekels. And, 4 toggle pins, silver. Their weight: 11 shekels. New mu-kux(DU) delivery. 4 rings, silver. Their weight: 2/3 ma-na, 6 shekels. 1 toggle pin, head of carnelian, ... of gold. n seals, lapis lazuli, set in gold n seals, lapis lazuli, set in bronze. n seals, lapis lazuli. n seals, lapis lazuli, small. ... 60 bronze bowls, their ... copper. Their weight: 5 ma-na, 4 shekels. 16 toggle pins, bronze. Their weight: 1 ma-na. Among them are 5 toggle pins, their openings would with silver; 2 toggle pins, their openings would with tin. 95 (pieces of) carnelian, bright. 113 (pieces of) za-ah of gold. 60 ... of lapis lazuli. 19 nir3 (stones), their openings of gold. 4 za-tu-tu-bi of gold. 2 talent (sized blocks) of lapis lazuli, bright. Their length: 1/2 cubit each. 60 nir3 (stones), bright. 60 (pieces of) lapis lazuli, their opening of gold. ... 4 (pieces of) carnelian. ... silver, set in bitumen ... 21 nig2 stones, not ... 9 (pieces of) za-ah of lapis lazuli. 9 (pieces of) za-ah of agate(?) (and) gold. 8 ... 11 (pieces of) za-ah of steatite(?) 2 nir3 (stones), double eyes. 2 carnelian stones, cut(?). 5 ... dates ... 16 nir3 (stones), wheel(?). 14 ... of nir3 (stone) 1 nir3 (stone), eye. 1 (piece of) agate(?), fashioned with red gold. 28 sza-e2 stones. 1 (piece of) agate(?). 1 (piece of) carnelian, long. 1 ... stone. 147 ... 5 (pieces of) agate(?) ... 1 (piece of) za-ah of bronze ... 58 ... 2 (pieces of) za-ah of bronze. 1 bird stone(?) ... 53 (pieces of) za-ah of lapis lazuli. 4 nir3 (stones), eyes ... 15 (pieces of) carnelian, ... 5 nig2 stones not ... 19 (pieces of) za-ah of agate(?). 2 ... bird trapper ... reed ... 9 ... 1 (piece of) carnelian, ""knife-tail."" 7 ... of nir3 (stone). 17 (pieces of) za-ah of agate(?) (and) gold. 9 (pieces of) za-ah of steatite(?). 13 sza-e2 stones. 1 ... 43 nir3 (stones), wheel(?). 2 zu-a stones. 15 nig2 stones, not ..., bright. 2 nir3 (stones) ... set in gold. 673 (pieces of) za-ah of bright carnelian. 447 ... gold. 46 nir3 (stones), bright. 1 ... of carnelian, set in gold. 1 (piece of) agate(?), fashioned in red silver. 1 he2-eb of lapis lazuli. ... ..., gold. n+40 nir3 (stones), set in gold. of(?) the neck, the second time. 24 textiles, weaver (quality). 12 nig2-lam2 textiles, lesser (quality). 1 a-zu textile, BAD (quality). 2 guz-za textiles, 4th class, lesser (quality). 4 textiles, weaver (quality). 2 nig2-lam textiles, ... 1 ... textile ... 9 (pieces of) linen, regular (quality). 1 (piece of) linen, large. 2 (pieces of) linen, regular (quality). BAD . 7 (pieces of) linen, nig2-eb. 2 headbands (for women), regular (quality). 2 ... textiles. 2 rings, bronze. Their weight: 1/3 ma-na minus 10 shekels. mu-kux(DU) delivery, new. irregular (delivery). ... Its weight: 1/4 (of a ma-na?). ... 4 ... large ... set in silver. ... toggle pins. Their weight: 1 1/3 ma-na. ... toggle pins ... ... toggle pins, bronze. Their weight: 1 1/3 ma-na, 4 shekels. 1 he2-eb of lapis lazuli. mu-kux(DU) deliveries, new, to be placed(?). Treasury of Alim-mah. Year: ""Huhnuri was destroyed.""" P109042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ e₂ nam-ha-ni i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, head plowmen, (labor-)troops, porters, of the house of Namḫani, are here; year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.”" P109043,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba erin₂ sag-apin ug₃ e₂ {d}šul-gi u₃ e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da i₃-gal₂ mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, (labor-)troops, head plowmen, porters, of the house of Šulgi, and the house of Ningešzida, are here; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed”" P109044,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kab₂-du₁₁-ga zu₂-lum {geš}geštin {geš}peš₃ {geš}hašhur gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: done appraisals of dates, grapes, figs, apples, from Girsu to Guabba, are here. year: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, Big-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.”" P109045,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da na-ba-sa₆ simug u₃ ur-šu-ga-lam-ma i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, Nabasa, the smith(?), and Ur-šugalama, are here. year following: “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall (called) mūriq-tidnim erected.”" P109048,Ur III,Letter," ba-zi-mu-ra u₃-na-a-du₁₁ 2(geš₂) 5(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur lu₂{d}dumu-zi sanga in-da-gal₂ ki-be₂ ha-na-ab-gi₄-gi₄","To Bazimu speak: 177 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 for Lu-Dumuzi, the chief household manager, are recorded. May he make restitution!" P220673,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," en-ig-gal dub-sar e₂-munus","Eniggal, scribe of the Woman’s Household." P220685,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," pisan dub siki-ba lu₂ {d}ba-ba₆-ke₄-ne 1(diš) ba 2(diš) ba 3(diš) ba e-gal₂ ","basket (of) tablets wool rations for the people of Ba'u 1 ration - 2 rations - 3 rations are here - (year) 5" P220690,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 2(u) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 1(u) du₈ 1(u) ninda ka-gu₇ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 2(u) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 2(u) ninda bappir₃ tur-tur 2(diš) sila₃ i₃ 2(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 2(aš) nig₂-du₃-a {geš}hašhur 1(ban₂)... 1(aš) sag-keš₂...{ku₆} 2(aš) za₃ a-dar-hub₂{ku₆} 2(aš) mušen šubur sagi e-da-kuₓ(DU) 5(aš) ninda bappir₃ ba-an 1(u) du₈ 1(u) ninda ka-gu₇ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 1(u) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 2(u) ninda bappir₃ tur-tur 1(diš) sila₃ i₃ 1(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(aš) nig₂-du₃-a {geš}hašhur 1(ban₂) še sa 5(aš) sa lu{sar} 5(aš) sa šum₂-sikil 1(aš) ba-an ku₆ dar-ra 5(aš) {ku₆}agargaraₓ(NUN) gur₄-ra ur-su₃-ag₂ a-zu e-da-kuₓ(DU) du-du sanga mu-na-kuₓ(DU) 1(aš) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 1(u) du₈ 1(aš) ninda ka-gu₇ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 1(u) ninda bappir₃ tur-tur 1(diš) sila₃ i₃ 1(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(aš) nig₂-du₃-a {geš}hašhur 1(ban₂) še sa ... ba-an ku₆ dar-ra 1(aš) sag-keš₂ eštub{ku₆} 5(aš) agargaraₓ(NUN){ku₆} didli-bi nin-me-zi-da-ra mu-na-kuₓ(DU) šubur sagi e-da-kuₓ(DU) 2(aš) dug kas sig₁₅ 2(aš) dug kas ge₆ dam-dingir-mu e-da-kuₓ(DU) nig₂ geš-tag-ga ensi₂-ka-kam šu-nigin₂ 2(u) 6(diš) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 1(u) du₈ 2(u) ninda ka-gu₇ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 3(u) ninda bappir₃ ba-an-ne₂ 3(u) du₈ 5(u) ninda bappir₃ tur-tur 2(aš) dug kas sig₁₅ 2(aš) dug kas ge₆ 4(diš) sila₃ i₃ 4(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 4(aš) nig₂-du₃-a {geš}hašhur 4(ban₂) še sa 3(aš) ba-an ku₆ dar-ra 2(aš) za₃ a-dar-hub₂{ku₆} 2(aš) sag-keš₂...{ku₆} 1(u) {ku₆}agargaraₓ(NUN) gur₄ 2(aš) mušen 5(aš) sa šum₂-sikil 5(aš) sa nisig mu₁₁-mu₁₁ nig₂ geš tag-ga ensi₂-ka-kam du-du sanga mu-na-kuₓ(DU) ","20 beer loaves, per ban2 10 baked; 10 snacking loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 20 beer loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 20 small beer loaves 2 sila3 oil, 2 sila3 dates, 2 strings crab apples, 1 ban2 roasted barley, 1 head-bundle oxen fish, 2 sides of adartun fish, 2 birds, did Šubur, cup-bearer, deliver in there; 5 beer loaves, per ban2 10 baked; 10 snacking loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 10 beer loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 20 small beer loaves, 1 sila3 oil, 1 sila3 dates, 1 string crab apples, 1 ban2 roasted barley, 5 bundles turnips, 5 bundles garlic, 1 ŠEban split fish, 5 fat NUN-fish. did Ursu’ag, the physician, deliver in there; Dudu, the administrator, delivered for him; 1 beer loaf, per ban2 10 baked; 1 snacking loaf, per ban2 30 baked; 10 small beer loaves, 1 sila3 oil, 1 sila3 dates, 1 string crab apples, 1 ban2 roasted barely, 2 ŠEban fish split, 1 head-bundle NUN fish, 5 various NUN-fish, did Ninmezidara deliver for him; Šubur, cup-bearer, delivered in there. 2 jugs beer, of groats, 2 jugs dark beer did Damdingirmu deliver in there; offerings of the ensi. together: 26 beer loaves, per ban2 10 baked; 20 snacking loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 30 beer loaves, per ban2 30 baked; 50 small beer loaves, 2 jugs beer, of groats, 2 jugs dark beer, 4 sila3 oil, 4 sila3 dates, 4 strings of crab apples, 4 ban2 roasted barley, 3 ŠEban of fish, split, 2 sides adartun fish, 2 head-bundles oxen fish, 10 fat NUN fish, 2 birds, 5 bundles garlic, 5 bundles crushed vegetables, offerings of the ensi; Dudu, administrator, delivered for him; 7th (year)." P272631,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 1(geš₂) udu-nita 1(geš₂) 3(u) 4(aš) u₈ 2(u) gur li ...gur li ... ...uruda ...kam ...","60 rams, 94 ewes, 20 gur of juniper, ... gur of juniper," P109320,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 3(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur lugal 3(u) 5(aš) ziz₂ gur 1(u) 6(aš) gig gur ki ta 3(aš) še gur la₂-ia₃-ta su-ga ki bi₂-da kurušda-ta šuniŋin še-bi 4(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu ha-ar-ši{ki}ta u₄ 2(u) 3(diš) zal-la-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-ta u₄ 2(u) zal-la-aš a₂-bi u₄ 2(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 1(u) 2(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki ur{d}ur₃-bar-tab-ta 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) iti {d}dumu-zi mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₄ 2(u) zal-la-ta iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši{ki} u₄ 8(diš) zal-la-še₃ a₂-bi 2(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki dingir-ra-ta 2(geš₂) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) a₂...du₈-a geme₂ ba... 3(diš) geme₂ u₄...8(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) šuniŋin 3(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš)...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 3(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 5(u) 4(diš) a₂ u₄ du₈-a geme₂ 3(geš₂) 4(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) dabin gur 1(u) 7(aš) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 1(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) zi₃ gur a₂-bi u₄ 1(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1/2(diš) 1(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ zi₃-gu sag₁₀ gur a₂-bi u₄ 4(u) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) nig₂-ar₃-ra sag₁₀ zi-gi₄-duh-hu-um-ma a₂-bi u₄ 9(diš) 1/2(diš) 1(u) 8(aš) zi₃-gu šagina gur a₂-bi u₄ 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) ba-sag šagina 1(aš) 1(barig) 8(diš) sila₃ dabin gur bi₂-gu₇-še₃ e₂-a si-ga kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra a₂-bi 3(u) 7(diš) 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar sahar al-e 1(u) gin₂-ta a₂ geme₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 3(u) kišib₃ ur{d}nam₂-nun-ka 3(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) a₂ geme₂ še zi-ga kišib₃-bi 3(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ 2(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi₃ ma₂-a si-ga kišib₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu al-la 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ in-u ga₆-ga₂ e₂ {d}šul-gi-ra-še₃ kišib₃ a-kal-la nu-banda₃ 4(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) geme₂ a₂ geme₂ ga-a gub-ba kišib₃ a-du-mu 3(geš₂) 4(u) 2(diš) a₂ geme₂ bala-še₃ nu-gen-na uru-a taka₄... kišib₃ a-du 2(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 7(diš)-še₃ bala-še₃ gen-na u₄ 3(diš)-še₃...ta...ra a₂-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 1(u) uš₂ geme₂{d}... iti nesag-ta uš₂ geme₂{d}nin-ur₄-ra uš₂ lu₅-zi dumu dingir-ba-ni uš₂ nin{d}lamma geme₂ a-da-lal₃ iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta uš₂ me{d}ur₃-bar-tab iti {d}dumu-zi-ta u₄ 2(u)...zal-ta a₂-bi 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 2(u) mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul-ta iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra u₄ 8(diš) zal-la-aš mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-še₃ 5(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš) geme₂ ar-za-na u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e šuniŋin 1(u) 9(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ zi₃-gu šagina gur še bala-bi 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ gur šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 5(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ dabin gur šuniŋin 3(u) 4(aš) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ zi₃...gur šuniŋin 3(barig) 1(ban₂) nig₂-ar₃-ra zi-gi₄-duh-hu-um še bala-bi 3(barig) 1(ban₂) še-bi 4(geš₂) 3(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ gur šuniŋin 3(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(u) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) gin₂ še gur diri 4(diš) 1(u) gin₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂-sa₆-i₃-zu iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra mu us₂-sa ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","216 gur, 3 barig 5 ban 5 sìla barley (measured according to the) royal (standard), 35 gur emmer, 16 gur wheat from ARAD. 3 gur barley restored from the deficit of the fattener Bida. Together, the equivalent barley: 286 gur, 3 barig 5 ban 5 sila. 36 female laborers, (each of whom received) 3 ban (per month), from month “Barley brought to the harbor” (month 3 of the Umma calender) in the year “Harši” (Šulgi 48) the completed day 23, until month “Dumuzi” (month 12), the completed day 20, its labor: 9,612 female laborer days, from Ur-Urtab. 36 female laborers, (each of whom received) 3 ban (per month), from month “Dumuzi” (month 12) in the year “Harši” (Šulgi 48) the completed day 20 of the month “Dumuzi” (month 12) to month “Bricks cast in moulds” (month 2) in the year following “Harši” (Amar-Suen 1) the completed day 8, its labor: 1,728 female laborer days, from Dingira. 123 1/3 (days), labor of the “free” days of the deceased female laborers. 3 female laborers, each 48 days, its labor: 144 (days) Total: 11,6071/3 female laborer days. is the debit. Therefrom: 1,914 (female laborer days) labor of the “free” days of the female laborers. 184 gur, 2 barig 5 ban dabin flour, 17 gur, 2 barig 1 ban 5 sila sig-flour, 16 gur, 3 barig 1 ban “pounded” flour, the work its labor is 6,559 1/2 days. 1 gur, 1 barig 3 ban 6 sila fine pea-flour, its labor: 49 1/2 days. 3 barig 1 ban fine, ground ninda of the type zigiduhhum, its labor: 91/2 days 18 gur šagina pea-flour, its labor: 675 days. Basag, the general. 1 gur, barig 8 sila flour, loss (?), flour “filled” into the house. sealed document of Lu-dingira, its labor: 37 (days), 22 1/2 (volume-)sar of soil, per (female) digger 10 (volume-)shekels (per day), labor of the female laborers involved: 270 days. sealed document of Ur-Namnunka. 232 (female laborer days as) labor of the female laborers who winnowed barley, the sealed tablets involved: 3, sealed document of ARAD. 24 female laborer days of the female laborers who loaded flour onto the barge, sealed document of Lu-Šara, the son of Alla. 19 female laborer days straw carried to the temple of Šulgi, sealed document of Akala, the nubanda. 276 female laborers, labor of female laborers stationed “in milk.” sealed document of Adumu. 222 (female laborers), labor of the female laborers who did not go to bala (service) ..., sealed document of Adu. 25 female laborers in 7 days went to the bala(-service), in 3 days returned from the bala(-service), its labor: 250 days. Dead: Geme-..., from the month “nesag offering” (month 4) on. Dead: Geme-Ninurta, Dead: Luzi, daughter of Ili-bani, Dead: Nin-lama, female slave of Adalal from the month “Šulgi” (month 10) on. Dead: Me-Urbartab, from month “Dumuzi” (month 12), day 20 on, its labor: 740 (days), in the year “Harši was destroyed” (Šulgi 48) until month “Bricks cast in moulds” (month 2) the completed day 8 of the year following “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed” (Amar-Suen 1), 334 days of the arzana female laborers. sealed tablet of Lugal-nig-lagare. Total: 19 gur, 1 barig 3 ban 6 sila šagina pea flour, the bala barley involved: 1 gur, 4 barig 3 ban 91/2 sila 6 shekels, total: 185 gur, 3 barig 5 ban 8 sila dabin flour, total: 34 gur, 2 ban 5 sila sig-flour, total: 3 barig 1 ban ground zigiduhhum ninda, the bala barley involved: 3 barig 1 ban, the barley involved: 276 gur, 2 barig 2 ban 3 1/2 sila 6 shekels, total: 11,611 1/2 female laborer days, booked out. Deficit: 10 gur, 1 barig 3 ban 1 1/3 sila 4 shekels barley, surplus: 4 10 shekels (=1/6) female laborer days. Account of Lu-sa-izu, month: “Bricks cast in moulds” (month 2), year following “Harši was destroyed” (Amar-Suen 1)." P200924,Ur III,Legal," ...am₃ bi₂-da ki...ka nu-tuš-am₃ a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam lugal-e₂-mah-e en₃-bi tar-re-dam ša₃-ba u₄ 8(diš)-am₃ inim bi₂-da-ka ba-an-ge-en₈ u₄ 1(diš)-am₃ udu u₂ nu-gu₇-a ba-ge-en₈ igi kas₄-še₃ u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-am₃ ki udu-ka nu-tuš-am₃ a-kal-la u₃ lugal-e₂-mah-e en₃-bi tar-re-dam u₄ 6(diš)-am₃ inim bi₂-da-ka ba-an-ge-en₈ ka-i₇-da-ka u₄ 1(diš)-am₃ še nu-gu₇-a lu₂-kal-la in-ge-en₈ inim bi₂-da-ka ba-an-ge-en₈ ...2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ še udu-a de₆-a bi₂-da nu-ub-dab₅ bi₂-in-du₁₁ a-ra₂ dab₅-ba-aš in-ge-en₈ nibru{ki}a u₄ 2(diš)-am₃ udu u₂ nu-gu₇-a-aš a nu-nag-aš ur{d}šul-pa-e₃-ke₄ in-ge-en₈ guruš kikken₂-da gub-ba kaš ma₂-da ba-da-an-tuš kas₄ in-ge-en₈ ...udu e₂-a aka ur...en₃-bi tar-re-dam udu niga mu...a₂... u₃ nig₂-du₁₀-ga...en₃-bi tar-re-dam im bi₂-da...ak","It was (the case) that during n days Bida at the place of the sheep did not stay. For the 1st time. Lugal-emaḫe has to investigate this. That it was for 8 of those days (that he did not stay there) in the statement of Bida it was confirmed. That it was for 1 day that the sheep with grass were not fed it was confirmed. Before Kas (as witness). (For the second time:) It was (the case) that during 15 days (Bida) at the place of the sheep did not stay. Akalla and Lugal-emaḫe have to investigate this. That it was for 6 of those days (that he did not stay there) in the statement of Bida it was confirmed, That at Ka’ida for 1 day (the sheep) with barley were not fed Lukalla confirmed. In the statement of Bida it was confirmed. (Concerning) n+2 1/2 liters of barley that for the sheep were brought, Bida “It was not taken!” declared. Ara that (the barley) was taken has confirmed. That at Nippur during 2 days the sheep were with grass not fed and water to drink were not given Ur-Šulpa’e has confirmed. That with the male laborers who at the mill are serving (and) with the beer for the boats (Bida) was on duty Kas has confirmed. ... the sheep of the house ...: Ur-... has to investigate this. 1 barley-fed sheep: ... and Niĝduga have to investigate this. The tablet(s) of Bida ... ." P200725,Ur III,Legal," inim{d}šara₂-ka ensi₂-ke₄ gu₄-apin 1(diš)-am₃ šu-ni ba-an-šum₂ ga₂-la bi₂-in-dag mu 3(diš)-am₃ da-bi la-ba-ti ensi₂-ke₄ in-sag₃ a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam gu₄-e ga₂-la nu-ub-dag-a mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ iti... mu ma₂...{d}en-ki-ka ba-ab-du₈ inim{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu ur{geš}gigir","Inim-Šara did the governor with 1 plough-ox, entrust, (but) he neglected it. For 3 years did he its side not approach; the governor struck him. That a 2nd time an ox he will not neglect (did Inim-Šara) by the royal name swear; month “...,” year: “The Ibex barge of Enki was caulked.” Inim-Šara, scribe, son of Ur-gigir." P200742,Ur III,Legal," 3(diš) maš₂ e₂-a-šar sipa da-da gala-ka u₂-gu ba-an-de₂... e₂-a-šar-e lugal{geš} bi₂-du₁₁ e₂-a-šar egir-ba 1(diš) lu₂-digir-ra u₃ ur{d}utu-ke₄ 3(diš) maš₂ igi lugal{geš}gigir-re-ka gub-bi igi bi₂-in-du₈-am₃ maš₂ e-me-ta mu-la-ah in-na-an-eš igi e₂-gal-e-si-še₃ igi nin-dub-sar-še₃ maš₂ e₂ a-kal-la dumu {d}utu-sag₁₀-ka ba-an-su-un igi lu₂{d}inana-ka-še₃ e₂ a-kal-la-ke₄ 1(geš₂) nindan-am₃ nu-ti-a gaba-ri-na mu-gub 1(diš) a-li₂ maškim 1(diš) ur{d}suen nar 1(diš) tir-gu maškim igi-ne-ne-še₃ nin₉-ku-li dumu ur{d}...ke₄ da-da dumu lu₂{d}... 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) maš₂ ziz₂-da-aš ga-ra-ak in... lugal-šu-nir-re a-ra₂...siskur₂-bi bi₂-du₁₁ ka-ga ba-an-ge-en₆ igi lu₂-dingir-ra dumu lugal-ba-ra-ab-e₃-še₃ igi a-tu dumu hul₃-la-še₃ igi inim-ma-an-še₃ igi ur{d}lamma-še₃ igi he₂-na-sa₆-še₃ igi da-ad-da-mu-še₃ iti dal mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","3 goats of Ea-šar, shepherd of Dada, the lamenter, went lost. Ea-šar “Lugal-gigire drove them off” declared. Ea-šar afterwards returned? (to the matter). One Lu-dingira and Ur-Utu “(Ea-šar) the 3 goats before Lugal-gigire standing saw; the servant (Lugal-gigire) the goats from our dike drove” declared for him (Ea-šar). (Statements) before Egalesi, before Nin-dubsar. “The goats into the house of Akalla, son of Utu-saga he (Lugal-gigire) brought” before Lu-Inanna, “To the house of Akalla, within 60 ninda did (Ea-šar) not approach, he remained on his opposite side.” One Ali, the commissioner, One Ur-Suen, the cantor, One Tirgu, the commissioner, before them. Nin-kuli, daughter of Ur-..., to Dada, son of Lu-... : “10 less 1 goats as compensation for you I will deliver” said; Lugal-šunire for the 2nd time(?) did the oral? rites. It was orally confirmed. Before Lu-dingira, son of Lugal-barabe; before Atu, son of ARAD-ḫula; before Inima-AN; before Ur-Lamma; before Ḫenasa; before Daddaĝu; month “Flight,” year: “The lord of Eridu was installed.”" P235696,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu niga e₂-muhaldim mu gu-un-da lu₂ hu-ur₅-ti{ki}še₃ u₄ hu-ur₅-ti{ki}ta i₃-im-gen-na-a giri₃ it-ra-ak-i₃-li₂ sukkal šu-ru-uš-ki-in šagina maškim iti u₄ 2(u) 4(diš) ba-zal ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta ba-zi iti ezem-mah 2(diš)-kam mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 2(diš)","2 grain-fed sheep (to) the kitchen, on account of Gunda the Hurtian, when he came from Hurti. Conveyer : Itrak-ili, the messenger. Šuruš-kin, the general, was guarantor. The 24th day of the month has passed. Booked out of Šulgi-a'amu(’s account ). 2nd “great festival” month (10th, intercalary month, Drehem calendar) year: “Enmahgalanna was installed as priestess of Nanna” (Amar-Suen 4). 2 (sheep)" P235697,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) dabin zi₃ a-gar gu₇-še₃ ki ur-zu-ta kišib₃ u₃-ma-ni iti dal mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ u₃-ma-ni dub-sar dumu nam-ha-ni","1 (barig) of dabin(-flour), for agar-feeding flour, from Urzu, sealed tablet of Umani. Month: “Flight” (5th month, Umma calendar), year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna was chosen by means of omens” (Šulgi 43) Umani, scribe, son of Namhani." P235698,Ur III,Administrative," ... 1(diš) lugal-ha-ma-ti 1(diš) lugal-kal-la 1(diš) a-hu-šu-ni 1(diš) inim-ma-ni-zi 1(diš) dingir-mah-e-i₃-zu 1(diš) ur{d}nin-su 1(diš) lu₂-gu-la 1(diš) nam-zi-tar-ra 1(diš) lu₂-sa₆-ga 1(diš) dingir-sag₁₀ lu₂ ugula kas₄-me-eš₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂-ta 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda ur{d}nanše 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda lu₂-bala-sag₁₀ šuniŋin 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 1(ban₂) kaš du šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ ninda zi₃ sag₁₀ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 1/2(diš) sila₃ 9(diš) gin₂ i₃ ...1/3(diš) sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ naga ...sila₃ 6(diš) gin₂ šum₂ ...2(diš)-kam iti dal ...en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","1 ... 1 Lugal-hamati 1 Lugal-kala 1 Ahušuni 1 Inimanizi 1 Dingirmahe-izu 1 Ur-Ninsu 1 Lu-gula 1 Namzitara 1 Lu-saga 1 Dingir-saga are foremen of the runners. 3 sila fine beer, 2 sila ninda, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels naga, 5 shekels onions each. 5 sila beer, 5 sila ninda: Ur-Nanše 5 sila beer, 5 sila ninda: Lu-bala-saga Together: 3 (ban) 3 sila fine beer, together: 1(ban) regular beer, together: 5 sila ninda of sig-flour, together 2(ban) 7 sila ninda, together: 1/2 sila 9 shekels of oil, [together]: 1/3 sila 6 shekels of naga, [together: 1]: sila 6 shekels of onions, x+2nd day, month: “Flight” (5th month, Umma calendar) Year: “en(-priest) of Inanna was chosen by means of omens” (Ibbi-Suen 2)" P235699,Ur III,Literary," 3(diš) gun₂ ma-na siki 4(diš) ku-gi₄{mušen} 2(barig) zu₂-lum 2(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ 2(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ i₃... 1(ban₂) lu₂-hu-a 4(ban₂) geš... ki ur-ku₃-ga... ur-šubur šu ba-ti ša₃-bi-ta 1(aš) 2(barig) še gur si-i₃-tum nig₂-ka₉ ak la₂-ia₃ igi zu-zu ugula... 1(diš) tab-ba-a-ni 1(diš) ur{d}šu-mah 1(diš)...zu 1(diš) iti sig₄-še₃-ba-gar mu en {d}inanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","113 talent-pounds? of wool, 4 geese, 2 (barig) dates, 2 sila of lard, 2 sila 15 shekels of ...-oil, 1 ban ... 4 ban ... from Ur-kuga did Ur-šubur receive. Therefrom: 1 gur 2 (barig) barley, remaining (deficit), account, deficit. Before: Zuzu, foreman of the ..., 1 Tabbani, 1 Ur-Šumah, 1 ...-zu, 1 ...-la, Month: “Set for the bricks” (2nd month, Umma calendar) Year: “en(-priest) of Inanna was chosen by means of omens” (Ibbi-Suen 2)" P235700,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) udu šu-gid₂ 2(u) 6(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂-gal ba-uš₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ba-zi iti ezem-an-na mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 4(u) 4(diš) udu","15 sheep of the šu-gid (type, for divination); 26 sheep, 3 adult billygoats, slaughtered, for the kitchen. 13th day. out of Inta’ea(’s account) booked. Month: “Festival of An” (10th month, Drehem calendar) Year: “Huhnuri was destroyed” (Amar-Suen 7) 44 ‘sheep’" P235701,Ur III,Administrative," uš₂ ba-ni-li₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta ugula ur-e₂-nun-na kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun lugal-ku₃-zu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","Dead: Banini, from month “Harvest” (1st month, Umma calendar). Foreman: Ur-Enunna. sealed tablet of Lugal-kuzu. Year: “The en(-priestess) of (Enki in) Eridu was installed.” (Amar-Suen 8) Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager." P234839,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ a-bu-ni lu₂-zah₃ dab₅-de₃ gen-na 2(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ i₃-udu i-di₃-zu lu₂{geš}tukul-gu-la 2(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ šu-er₃-ra zi-ga u₄ 2(u) 5(diš) iti še-il₂-la","2 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, (for) Abuni, gone away to capture runaways; 2 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels tallow, (for) Idizu, big-gendarme; 2 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 , 2 shekels oil, (for) Šu-Erra; booked out (of the account), 25th day, month: “Grain lifted”." P109876,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak bala-a lu₂-kal-la mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} u₃ mu ma₂-gur₈-mah i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P109990,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}nanše dumu na-ba-sa₆ u₃ lu₂-bi-mu gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}du i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P109995,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ša₃ nigin₆-ke₄-ne u₃ gar-ra ninda e₃-a i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the debits of the requisitioners inside Nigin and accounts of Niŋea are here year: ""a throne for Enlil was made""" P110016,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) še-ba sila₃ lugal-ab-ba lugal-ab-ba dumu-lu₂ ensi₂-ka nu-me-a bi₂-du₁₁ zi-ga iti ezem{d}šul-gi u₄ 3(diš) ba-zal","Atu is the mother of Lugal-abba. ""Lugal-abba is not the son of the man of the governor"" she said." P110020,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur{d}ba-ba₆ šeš lu₂-kal-la {d}lamma-iri-na u₃ giri₃{d}nin-šubur dumu da-da i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: long tablets of Ur-Baba, brother of Lukala Lamma-irina and Giri-Ninšubur son of Dada are here year: ""Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, built the temple of Šara in Umma""" P110042,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ša₃-ze₂ ... i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P110079,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba ...dab-ba ... ...sila₃ gal₂ ...anše ...tug₂ i₃-gal₂š{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110083,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gin₂ igi 3(diš) gal₂ 1(u) še ku₃-babbar la₂-ia₃ su-ga ki ur{d}nun-gal dumu erin-da-ta e₂-gal-la ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) giri₃ ur{d}lamma iti šu-numun mu us₂-sa {d}amar{d}suen lugal","2 shekels 70 grains silver, deficit, repaid, from Ur-Ningal son of Erinda, into the palace brought, via Ur-Lamma; month: “Harvest,” year after: “Amar-Suen (is) king.”" P110100,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} ugula lu₂...ru₂-a u₃ gurum₂ eš₃ didli i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110164,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga geme₂ kikken₂ ugnim{ki} ...gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of the personnel, female slaves of the mill of the campaign settlement, are here; year: “... was destroyed.”" P110174,Ur III,Administrative," šu-igi-še₃-du bala 2(diš) i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P110217,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak gu₄-apin dab₅-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ {d}nin-dar-a e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} e₂ {d}šul-gi e₂ {d}amar{d}suen u₃ gal₂-me dub₂-bi i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110219,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra gu₃-de₂-a dumu la-ni i₃-gal₂ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110220,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli guru₇-a tak₄-a ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} nigin₆{ki} u₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} i₃-gal₂ ... mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110372,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še šuku-ra erin₂ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ ... mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110384,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur{d}lamma dumu erin-da ša₃ e₂-kikken₂ i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110398,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba gala dam-gar₃ lu₂ geš-i₃ gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110403,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še erin₂-e gu₇-a i₃-gal₂ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki}ka nam-erim₂ ba-ku₅ giri₃ gu₃-de₂-a ... mu en-unu₆-gal ba-a-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110407,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da simug lugal-im-ru-a i₃-gal₂ mu hu-hu-nu-ri ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110520,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba siki-ba lu₂-azlag₂-ke₄-ne nam-dub-sar šeš-du₁₀-ga lugal-amar-ku₃ u₃ e₂-uš-bar {d}šu{d}suen-ka i₃-gal₂ nu-banda₃ lu₂-inim-nig₂-sa₆-ga ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110564,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ nig₂-ezem-ma {d}nin-mar{ki} {d}na-ru₂-a {d}igi-ma-še₃ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} {d}nin-mar{ki} {d}na-ru₂-a {d}igi-ma-aš-gi₅ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} gu-la {d}nin-mar{ki} enku{ki} {d}nin-mar{ki} hu-rim₃{ki} {d}ašnan e₂-gibil {d}ašnan e₂-libir {d}si-sa₂-kalam-ma {d}en-sig-nun ti-ra-aš₂ an-ta-sur-ra e₂-huš e₂-babbar₂ {d}utu {d}ur-sag-pa-e₃ i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110582,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ he₂-dab₅ mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ur{d}ba-ba₆ ...tu bad₃ ... ...mah ...du₃ ...ur{d}suen mu na-ru₂-a mah du₁₁-ga-ni-zi u₃ dub gid₂-da-bi i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110657,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba a₂-ke₄-ne gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110680,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la lu₂{d}šara₂ lu₂-eb-gal lu₂-dingir-ra ur{d}ištaran di-ku₅-bi me i₃-gal₂ {d}nanna sukkal-mah ensi₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110912,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba la₂-ia₃ še mu gu-za-ta mu ša-aš-ru{ki}še₃ mu 4(diš)-kam nig₂-ka₉ pisan kab₂-du₁₁-ga šabra-ne mu en-mah-gal-an-na u₃ zi-ga nig₂-ka₉-ta šu su-ba mu ša-aš-ru{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110936,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: completed court cases Ur-Lamma governor year: ""Kimaš was destroyed""" P110943,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ ud₅ gub-ba u₃ i₃ ab₂ ud₅-da gar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110944,Ur III,Administrative," di-til-la pisan dub-ba i₃-gal₂ šu sukkal-mah ensi₂ giri₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ giri₃ lu₂-eb-gal giri₃ lu₂-dingir-ra giri₃ ur{d}ištaran di-ku₅-bi me mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Finished judgment in the basket-of-tablets are, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110972,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ gul-la en-te šabra-ne ... mu en {d}nanna ga-eš{ki} ba-a-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P110974,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂{d}igi-ma-še₃ ugula uš-bar i₃-gal₂ iti maš mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃-ta iti munu₄-gu₇ mu en {d}inana ba-a-hun-še₃ iti 1(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš)-kam iti diri 2(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: long tablets (of) Lu-igimaše, overseer of the weavers are here from month: ""GANmaš"" year: ""The Amorite wall was erected"" to month: ""Malt-feast"" year: ""The en-priest of Inanna was installed"" that is, 91 months including 2 intercalary months" P111028,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ gašam-e-ne i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111029,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}du₁₀-gan ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111030,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-e ur{d}ištaran i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111032,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga lu₂-azlag₂ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}ka u₃ nigin₂-ba zi-ga lugal i₃-gal₂ mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111033,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še erin₂-e šu ti-a i₃-gal₂ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P111034,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba en₃-bi tar-re nig₂-ka₉ a₂ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111035,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ šu-ku₆ a-ab-ba ugula-ne u₃ zi-ga ba bi mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul-ta mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111036,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še nig₂-gal₂-la i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111037,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu eme-gi ab-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} u₃ udu udu-a gar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111038,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba siki-ba geme₂ uš-bar nam-ugula šeš-kal-la lu₂{d}igi-ma-še₃ i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) i₃-zu nam-ugula ku₅-da ur{d}lamma i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) lugal-nam₂-gid₂ 1(diš) a-a-du₁₀-ga 1(diš) ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da 1(diš) lugal-dam nam-ugula lu₂-hu-rim₃{ki} ad-da dumu da-a-da i₃-dab₅ i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111083,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ša₃ iri didli gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}še₃-du i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111172,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ ma₂ še sukkal-mah gid₂-da nibru{ki}še₃ giri₃ lu₂{d}utu iti gu₄-ra₂-bi₂-mu₂-mu₂ lu₂{d}utu dub-sar dumu nig₂{d}ba-ba₆","4 dependent workers, for 15 days, barley barge of the sukkalma? punted, to Nippur, via Lu-Utu; month: “...” (2nd month, Girsu calender). Lu-Utu, scribe, son of Nig-Baba." P111199,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga še e šu ti-a lu₂-kal-la ka-guru₇ kišib₃ ša₁₃-dub-ba i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111212,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še-numun šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111219,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la i₃-gal₂ {d}nanna sukkal-mah ensi₂ giri₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ lu₂-eb-gal ...ištaran ...ra di-ku₅-bi me mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ u₃ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111231,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak iri-ta nu-e₃ šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111232,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan ba-zi dumu na-silim i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P111234,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la i₃-gal₂ {d}nanna sukkal-mah ensi₂-ka giri₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su gu₃-de₂-a dan-u₂-pi di-ku₅-bi me mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal u₃ mu en {d}inanna unu{ki} maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: judgments being here, of ARAD-Nanna, sukkalmaḫ of the governor, via Lu-Šara, Lu-Ningirsu, Gudea, Danuwe, its judges; year: “Ibbi-Suen is king” and year: “The en(-priest) of Inanna in Uruk by the goat was found.”" P111236,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111237,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ buru₁₄ šabra-ne giri₃ ur-e₂-ninnu dumu al-la-mu i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111238,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ šu-ku₆ a-ab la-a-a u₃ gu₃-de₂... dumu mu-ka-ge-du₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-ta{ki} ba... i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111239,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ dingir-re-ne {d}nanše {d}šul-gi {d}nin-mar{ki} munus-sa šu dul₄-la dingir-re-ne ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ...nin-mar{ki}aš dam ur{d}ba-ba₆ dam gu₃-de₂-a dam lu₂-giri₁₇-zal i₃-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111240,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la i₃-gal₂ {d}nanna sukkal-mah ensi₂ giri₃ šu-i₃-li₂ lu₂-dingir-ra lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su di-ku₅-bi me mu ma₂-gur₈ mah ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: judgments being here, of ARAD-Nanna, sukkalmaḫ of the governor, via Lu-Šara, Ludingira, Lu-Ningirsu, its judges; year: “Great-barge was fashioned.”" P111241,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ en-te a₂ buru₁₄ šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ ...šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ si-ma-num₂{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111242,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še erin₂-e šu ti-a še gu₄ udu gu₇-a ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan-na gar-gar-ra mu en {d}en-ki eridu{ki} ba-a-hun u₃ še gu₄ udu gu₇-a mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka ba-ab-du₈ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111318,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...ur-kalam-ka mu 4(diš)-kam mu-a 3(diš) gin₂-ta ku₃-bi 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ la₂-e-de₃ an-da-ga nin-a-na-ra ba-na-gi-in ...maškim ...","labor of Ur-kalam, of the year, each year 3 shekels silver, its silver: 12 shekels shall be weighed out; Andaga, to Nin-ana was confirmed; ..., responsible official;" P111481,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba diri-ba gu₄-apin-na mu hu-hu-nu-ri ba-hul mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun u₃ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun mu 3(diš)-am₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111491,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gub e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ {d}nin-dar-a e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ {d}nanše e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da e₂ uru₁₁{ki} e₂ {d}inana u₃ gu₄... i₃... mu hu...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111521,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi₃ iri-a gar-ra 1(bur₃) 1(ban₂) u₃ zi₃ lu₂-ta i₃-gal₂ bala dub-sag mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111526,Old Akkadian,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ gin₂-ga₂ si-ig-ga e₂-uš-bar i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: labor, in ... filled, weaving house, are here;" P111531,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu abul bara₂ {d}utu 2(diš) udu abul {d}ba-ba₆ 2(diš) udu abul e₂-gal 2(diš) udu abul {d}nanše 1(diš) udu e₂-unu{ki}še₃ 1(diš) udu {geš}ma₂-gur₈-ra {d}nin-geš-zi-da 1(diš) udu {d}gu₃-de₂-a 1(diš) udu ur{d}lamma ensi₂ siskur₂ ga-gu₇-še₃ giri₃ a-kal-la lu₂-inim-ma zi-ga ki lugal-nam₂-mah iti ezem{d}dumu-zi u₄ 1(u) 6(diš)-kam mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂","1 sheep, city gate, dais of Utu; 2 sheep, city gate of Baba; 2 sheep, city gate, palace; 2 sheep, city gate of Nanše; 1 sheep, House-of-Uruk; 1 sheep, cabin of the barge of Ningešzida; 1 sheep, Gudea; 1 sheep, Ur-Lamma, the governor; offering for milk-feeding; via Akalla, man of testimony; booked out of the place of Lugal-nammaḫ; month: “Festival of Dumuzi,” day 16, year: “Great-barge was fashioned.”" P111567,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) la₂ 1/2(diš) geme₂ iti mu-šu-du₇-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal 2(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) geme₂ iti maš-ta iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆-še₃ mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ a₂-bi 1(šarʾu) 7(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 3(geš₂)... ... ... ... zi... ... nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ geme₂ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ur{d}nanše iti 1(u) 2(diš)... mu en {d}inana unu{ki}...maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","180 less 1/2 female laborers, from month: “musudu,” to month: “Grain-carried,” year: “Ibbi-Suen (is) king,” 171 female laborers, from month: “GANmaš,” to month: “Festival of Baba,” year: “The high-priest of Inanna with extispicy was named,” the labor: 62,580 workdays, female laborers; ... account of the labor of female laborers ... Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Nanše; (period) of 12 months, year: “The high-priest of Inanna with extispicy was named.”" P111644,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kin šuku-ra iri-a gar-ra 1(bur₃) 3(diš) sar-ta gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111691,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba lu₂ geš-i₃-ke₄-ne e-da tuš-a šu-ku₆ a du₁₀-ga šu-ku₆ a-ab-ba šu-ku₆ ki-da šu-ku₆ nig₂... erin₂ e₂... i₃...{ki} ba-hul-ta mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111694,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba gala dam-gar₃ gar-gar-ra u₃ e₂-tum dam-gar₃ gar-gar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111701,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba bar-ra-kar-ra u₃ erin₂ gu₄ ha-la-a šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P111714,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂...ak ...še₃ dumu lugal-gaba ša₃ nigin₆{ki} e₂-uš-bar {d}lamma {d}šu{d}suen iti maš mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃-še₃ iti 5(u) 9(diš)-kam iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P227588,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," kur-kur u₂-sal-la sahar-ra e-nu₂ kalam-e ","All the lands in meadows of soil were resting, the land" P111741,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba di-til-la i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa e₂ iš-da-gan ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P111898,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ niga {d}nin-hur-sag nu-tur {d}suen-a-bu-šu sagi maškim a₂-ge₆-ba-a u₄ {d}i-bi₂{d}suen aga₃ šu ba-an-ti-a u₄ 6(diš)-kam ki puzur₄{d}en-lil₂-ta ba-zi ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen ša₃-tam u₃ hal-li₂-a dub-sar iti ezem-mah mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃ 1(diš) gu₄","1 ox, grain-fed, (for) Ninḫursag-nubanda, Suen-abušu, the cup-bearer, was enforcer; midnight (offerings); when Ibbi-Suen the crown received; 6th day, from Puzriš-Enlil(’s account) booked out; in Ur, via Nur-Suen, the šatam(-official), and Ḫalliya, the scribe; month “Great festival,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Šara of Umma erected;” (total:) 1 ox. Šū-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ḫalliya, scribe, son of Addaya, is your servant." P111899,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga 4(diš)-kam us₂ 2(diš) udu niga 1(u) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂-sa e₂-muhaldim mu kas₄-ke₄-ne-še₃ mu maškim 1(diš) udu niga lugal-e gir₂-ta in-gaz uzu-bi u₂-la dumu-ni šu ba-an-ti {d}šu{d}suen-dingir šu-i maškim 1(u) 4(diš)... zi-ga lugal 5(diš) udu niga da-da gala u₄ gir₂-su{ki}še₃ i₃-gen-na... 2(diš) udu niga gu₄-e-us₂... 3(diš) udu u₂ {d}šul-gi-ra-kam dumu... 5(diš) udu niga ba-na-na...mar-ha-ši... unu{ki}še₃ du-ni ma₂-a ba... 1(diš) gu₄... 5(diš) udu niga ip-hu-ha lu₂ si-ma-num₂... dub-sag iri-a ku₄-ra... mu maškim 1(diš) gu₄ 2(u)... nig₂-ba lugal a₂-ge₆-ba-a ša₃ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam ki {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂-ta ba-zi giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba ša₃-tam u₃ {d}šu{d}suen-i-di₃-i₃-li₂-ma-lik šar₂-ra-ab-du iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal 1(diš) gu₄ 3(u) 4(diš) udu","1 sheep, grain-fed, 4th grade, 2 sheep, grain-fed 10 sheep, grain-fed, “following the ox,” for the kitchen on account of the messengers, ARADmu was enforcer; 1 sheep, grain-fed, the king with knife killed: its meat did Ula, his child, receive; Šu-Suen-ilī, the barber, was enforcer; 14 sheep, booked out of the king(’s account); 5 sheep, grain-fed, (for) Dada the castrate, when to Girsu he went; 2 sheep, grain-fed, “following the ox,” 3 sheep, grass-fed(?), (for) Šulgira-kam son (of) ...; 5 sheep, grain-fed, for Banana, man of Marhaši, to Uruk going, on a barge stationed; 1 ox, grain-fed, 5 sheep, grain-fed of Ipḫuḫa, man of Simanum, tablet-lead, into the city having entered; ARADmu was enforcer; 1 ox, 20 sheep, gifts of the king, midnight (offerings), in Puzris-Dagan, 25th day; from Šulgi-ilī(’s account) booked out; via Nanna-maba, šatam-official, and Šu-Suen-idi-ili-mālik the šarabdu-official; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king;” (total:) 1 ox, 34 sheep." P111900,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) gun₂ gi zi₃-gu šagina-e-ne 2(aš) gun₂ zi₃-gu geš banšur-ra 2(aš) gun₂ zi₃-gu kas-tu₇ nu-banda₃-ne 8(diš) sa zi₃-gu dub-sar-ne 8(diš) sa zi₃-gu lu₂ mar-ha-ši{ki} 2(diš) sa zi₃-gu gala 1(aš) gun₂ kas-tu₇ lu₂ mar-ha-ši{ki} 1(aš) gun₂ kas-tu₇ nar nita₂ 1(aš) gun₂ kas-tu₇ nar munus šuniŋin 1(u) 2(aš) gun₂ gi ki ha-ba-ba-tum-ma giri₃ ga-na... 2(aš) gun₂... 2(aš) gun₂ tu₇... 2(aš) gun₂ tu₇ ha... 1(aš) gun₂ kas...nar-e-ne 1(aš) gun₂ zi₃-gu ugula ŋeš₂-da 1(aš) 1/2(diš) gun₂ zi₃-gu geš banšur-ra 1/2(diš) gun₂ ninda sal-la 2(diš) sa ninda-šu-ur₃-ra 1(aš) gun₂ ninda dumu lugal 2(diš) sa maš-šu-gi₄-gi₄ 2(aš) gun₂ nig₂ tur-tur šuniŋin 1(u) 3(aš) 1/2(diš) gun₂ gi ki ur{d}ba-ba₆ muhaldim giri₃ šu-ma-ma ","3 talents reeds, pea-flour for the generals; 2 talents, pea-flour KUgeš of the offering table; 2 talents pea-flour, ... of the nubanda’s; 8 bundles, pea-flour for the scribes; 8 bundles, pea-flour for the man of Marhaši; 2 bundles, pea-flour for the castrate; 1 talent, ... for the man from Marhaši; 1 talent, ... for the male cantor; 1 talent, ... for the female cantor; totaL: 12 talents reeds, with Ḫababatum; via TARgana ...; 2 talents, ...; 2 talents, ... for ...; 2 talents, ... for Ḫa-...; 1 talent, ... for the cantors; 1 talent pea-flour, for the officer-of-sixty; 1 1/2 talents, pea-flour, for KUgeš of the offering table; 1/2 talent, breadsticks; 2 bundles, bread of ...; 1 talent, bread of prince; 2 bundles, for Maš-šugigi, 2 talents, ...; total: 13 1/2 talents reeds, with Ur-Baba, the cook; via Šu-Mama." P111930,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 5(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) dabin gur lugal zi₃ bala ensi₂ ka-zal-lu-ka zi-ga ki lugal-ezem-ta ur-tur su-su-dam mu bad₃ ba-du₃","Deficit: 5 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 dabin-flour, royal (measure), flour, bala of the governor of Kazallu, booked out; from Lugal-ezem(’s account), Ur-tur will be repaid; year: “The wall was erected.”" P111936,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ma-na zabar gu₇-bi 4(diš) gin₂ nagga-bi 8(diš) gin₂ uruda luh-ha-bi 5/6(diš) ma-na 6(diš) gin₂ gu₇ uruda luh-ha-bi 7(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 4(diš) še su₃...1/2(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) še","1 mina of bronze, its “loss”: 4 shekels, its tin: 8 shekels, its cleaned copper: 5/6 mina 6 shekels, its cleaned copper “loss”: 7 1/3 shekels 24 grains, its arsenic?: 1/2 shekel 6 grains," P111942,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) nindan 1(diš) nindan 3(diš) kuš₃ 1(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) nindan 4(diš) kuš₃ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 2(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 3(diš) kuš₃ 6(diš) sar 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) 5(geš₂) 1(u) 6(diš) lu₂-mah 2(diš) nindan 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal 6(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 4(diš) sar en-en","1 ninda 1 ninda 3 cubits, 1 sar 15 shekels; 2 ninda 4 cubits, 2 1/2 ninda, 2 1/2 ninda 3 cubits, 6 sar 7 1/2 shekels; 1.55; 5.16; Lu-maḫ. 2 ninda 4 cubits the width, 6 ninda the length, 14 sar; the lords." P111957,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃ unu₃-e-ne nu-banda₃ lugal-iri-da u₃ lu₂-giri₁₇-zal i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112082,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu-kur ri-ri-ga ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta kišib₃ nam...tam i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112083,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im nig₂ kaš-de₂-a lugal giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P112114,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba {d}šara₂-kam šabra i₃-gal₂ mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance they are of Šara, household administrator, they are here. Year: The boat of Enki was caulked." P112115,Ur III,Administrative," ...tum tug₂ gu₂-na mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P112124,Ur III,Literary," ...gin₂ guruš du₃-a-ku₅ 1/3(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) še-ta 1(u) 5(diš) guruš si₁₂-a igi 6(diš) gal₂ 3(diš) še-ta ku₃-bi 1(u) 3(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 1(diš) še ša₃-bi-ta 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar mu-kuₓ(DU) 3(diš) gin₂ ku₃ sa₁₀-am₃ uruda si₄ ugu₂-a gar-ra-bi nu-um kišib₃ gu-du-du igi 6(diš) gal₂ 3(diš) še ku₃ mun-gazi e₂-kas₄-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še ku₃-babbar kišib₃-bi nu-ub-dib nig₂-ka₉ ak mun-gazi ša₃ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} giri₃ lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ mu {d}i-bi₂...suen lugal","32 male laborers, duaku, 1/3 shekel 3 grains each, 15 male laborers, SIGa category, 1/6 (shekel) 3 grains each, its silver: 13 5/6 shekels, 21 grains; therefrom: 10 shekels silver, delivery; 3 shekels silver, exchange for red copper, of the debit its account not counted (?); under seal of Gududu; 1/6 (shekel) 3 grains silver for salt-sumac, for the courrier house, booked out; the deficit: 2/3 shekel 18 grains silver, its seal not seized; account of salt-sumac in Apisal, via Lu-Haya; year: “Ibbi-Suen (is) king.”" P112176,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ u₂ ga₆-ga₂ ki lu₂{d}utu-ta kišib₃ ur{d}šara₂ ša₃ bala-a mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","22 male laborer work days, food transported, from Lu-Utu, under seal of Ur-Šara; that of the bala; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P112177,Ur III,Administrative," 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ i₇ {d}ašnan gub-ba ugula lugal-nesag-e kišib₃ lugal-e₂-mah-e iti diri mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ba-hul lugal-e₂-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku₃-ga-ni","7 male laborer workdays, at the waterway of Ašnan stationed, foreman: Lugal-nesage; under seal of Lugal-emaḫe, extra month, year: “Šašrum a 2nd time destroyed.” Lugal-emaḫe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani." P112178,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ ba-uš₂ ki ku₃-ga-ni-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti ezem{d}amar{d}suen mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri ba-hul lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e","1 billy goat, slaughtered, from Kugani under seal of Lukalla; month: “Festival of Amar-Suen,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e’e" P112256,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) ud₅ nig₂-zuh-a sukkal-mah giri₃ šeš-kal-la šabra zi-ga mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","2 nannies, ... of the sukkalmaḫ, via Šeškalla, the household manager, booked out; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P112293,Ur III,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 1(u) {geš}umbin ma₂ 1(šarʾu) 6(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 1(u) {geš}gag {geš}ma-nu ki ur-e₂-maš-ta ugu₂ lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ ba-a-gar kišib₃ ur{d}nun-gal mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ ur{d}nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur{d}šara₂ ša₁₃-dub-ba-ka","790 boat ribs(?), 59,290 nails of willow, from Ur-Emaš, to the debit account of Lugal-ebansa entered, under seal of Ur-Nungal; year: ‟The boat of Enki was caulked.“" P112338,Ur III,Administrative," 1(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 2(geš₂)...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ si-i₃-tum mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul 3(u) 7(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂) iti 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 3(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 3(u) 3(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 9(diš) geme₂ bar-ra-kar-ra šuniŋin 5(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 8(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 2(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) eša gur 1(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) zi₃-gu sag₁₀ gur 2(barig) nig₂-ar₃-ra sag₁₀ 2(geš₂) 4(u) 1(aš) 2(geš₂) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ gin₂ dabin gur a₂-bi u₄ 1(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 4(u) 6(diš) 1(u) gin₂ a₂ u₄ du₈-a-bi u₄... nig₂-ka₉ še-ta 1(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 5(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gur₁₀-a zar₃ tab-ba 2(geš₂) 2(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da i₇ de₃-na gub-ba 2(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ ki-sumun gub-ba 1(geš₂) 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da e₂-duru₅ lu₂-mah gub-ba kišib₃ lu₂-gi-na 5(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-e₃-a bar-la₂ a-ga-am gu-la gub-ba 3(geš₂) 4(u) 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ i₇ e₂-anše-še₃ u₂ ga₆-ga₂ u₃ sahar si-ga ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂... a-ša₃ gid₂-da u₃ ugur₂-tur-tur ga a-gu-gu ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam lu₂{d}šara₂ ...1(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ gibil a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ u₃ u₂-du-lu₂-sag₁₀ lu₂{d}šara₂ a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam kišib₃ lu₂-he₂-gal₂ dumu ur{d}utu ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) sar-ta a-ša₃ a-u₂-da ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ gibil ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ bad₃ du₃-a ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ išib-e-ne ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ gu₄ suhub₂ ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ nin₁₀-nu-du₃ {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) sar-ta kišib₃ da-a-ga 5(geš₂) 1(u) 4(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-e₃...ša₃ igi-e₂-mah-še₃ gub-ba ...kal-la ...u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ a-ša₃...kab₂-ku₅... ...{d}... ...geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zar₃ tab-ba a-ša₃ muru₁₃ kišib₃ lu₂-ku₃-zu sukkal 1(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ i₇ {d}šul-pa-e₃ 6(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ i₇ {d}nin-ur₄-ra u₃ kab₂-ku₅ du₆-ku₃-sig₁₇ kab₂-ku₅ a-bu₃ u₃ kab₂-ku₅ na-ra-am{d}suen u₂ na 3(geš₂) 4(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ u₃ lugal tum-ma-gar-ra na-ra-am{d}suen u₂ ga₆-ga₂ sahar zi-ga kišib₃ lugal-he₂-gal₂ 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi₃ ar₃ 1(geš₂) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da i₇ de₃-na gub-ba kišib₃ 2(diš) lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ 6(geš₂) 3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ 2(aš)-ta 2(geš₂) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ lu₂-mah-ta guru₇ a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}še₃ še zi-ga u₃ še mu-ša zi-ga kišib₃ gu-du-du 1(geš₂) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)...ku₅ u₂-du... 2(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) geme₂ u₄...ku₅ bad₃ du₃-a u₃ a... 1(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃...{d}nin-a... {u₂}har-an ga₆... kišib₃ na-ba... 1(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) geme₂ u₄... kab₂-ku₅ a-u₂-da...hal... kišib₃ lugal-inim-gi... 2(geš₂) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kab₂-ku₅ a-ga-am-gu-la gub-ba 1(geš₂) 2(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sa-du₈ u₃ bar gub-ba 1(geš₂) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e sa-dur₂-ra igi e₂ amar-ra kišib₃ a-gu-gu 3(u) geme₂ u₄ 1(u)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 5(geš₂)-kam bala-še₃ gen-na bala-ta gur-ra 3(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ du₈-a šuniŋin 3(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) 5/6(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga-am₃ ...2(šar₂) 3(geš₂) 4(u) 2(diš) 1(u) gin₂ geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...geme₂ ... ...lugal...tu mu...du₃","6,760 workdays, female workers, remaining (deficit) of the year: “Simanum was destroyed;” 37 female workers (receiving) 3 ban (of barley per month) (over a period of) 12 months, its labor: 13,320 days, from the month “Harvest” through the month “Dumuzi;” 3 female workers for 33 days, its labor: 99 days, female bara-kara workers; total: 20,180 minus 1 workdays are the debit; therefrom: 8 gur, 1 barig, 2 ban2, 1 sila3 sig-flour, 2 gur, 4 barig, 2 ban2 eša flour, 18 gur, 4 barig, 2 ban2 fine pea flour, 2 barig fine ground ninda flour, 161 gur, 4 barig, 3 ban2, 4 sila3 10 shekels flour, its labor: 5,986 days, 10 shekels, labor of the free days involved: Ø days, from the grain account. 1,130 workdays, harvested and shocks laid, 140 workdays, at the river lagoon of “Idena” stationed, 25 workdays, at the kiBAD reservoir stationed, 90 workdays, at the river lagoon of the Lumah village stationed, sealed tablet of Lu-gina; 338 workdays, at the sluice of the division box (?) of “Agam-gula” stationed; 222 workdays, to the “E-anše” canal grass carried and earth filled in; Ø workdays, acacia cut ..., at the “long” field and ..., land of Agugu; Ø workdays, at the field “Ninnudu,” the second, land of Lu-Šara; Ø 14 workdays, at the “new” field, the “Oxen-boot” and “Udu-Lusaga” fields, land of Lu-Šara, the second, sealed tablet of Lu-ḫegal, son of Ur-Utu; Ø workdays, acacia cut at 10 sar (per day) in the “Auda” field; Ø workdays, at the “new” field; Ø workdays, at the field “erected wall;” Ø workdays, at the field “išib-priests;” Ø workdays, at the field “ Oxen-boot;” workdays, at the field “Ninnudu,” acacia cut at 10 sar (per day); under seal of Da’aga; 314 workdays, at the sluice of the field before Emaḫ stationed, under seal of Akalla; n workdays, female laborers, at the reservoirs of the fields ... and ...; under seal of ... ; n workdays, female laborers, shocks laid in the field “muru,” under seal of Lu-kuzu, courrier; 115 workdays, female laborers, at the reservoir of the Šulpa’e canal; 375 workdays, at the reservoir of the Nin-ura canal, the reservoir of Dukuge, the reservoir of Abu? and the reservoir of Naram-Suen ... ; 220 workdays, at the “Lugal-tuma-gara bridge(?) of Naram-Suen,” grass carried, earth excavated; under seal of Lugal-ḫegal; 165 workdays, flour ground; 68 workdays, stationed at the river lagoon of “Idena;” two sealed tablets of Lu-Ḫaya; 363 workdays, ‘threshing’ at 2 (gur per day); 125 workdays, from the Lumaḫ village to the silo of Apisal, barley winnowed and muša-grain winnowed; under seal of Gududu; 69 workdays, at the reservoir of Udu-...; 138 workdays, at the reservoir of the erected wall and the ...; 115 workdays, at the reservoir of Nin-azu ..., haran-grass carried; under seal of Nabasa; 115 workdays, at the reservoir of Auda ... stationed; under seal of Lugal-inim-gina; 120 workdays, at the reservoir of Agam-gula stationed; 80 workdays, at sadu ... stationed; 60 workdays, at the sadura ditch before calf-house; under seal of Agugu; 30 female workers for 10 days, its labor: 300 days: to the bala (service) traveled, from the bala (service) returned; 1,992 2/3 workdays, labor of free days; total: 12,758 5/6 workdays booked out; the deficit: 7,422 workdays, 10 shekels, account of the labor of the female workers (?), foreman: ... year: “Šu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected”." P112391,Ur III,Administrative," 4(barig) 3(ban₂) še lugal sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ ki ka-guru₇-ta ...da-a šu ba-ti kišib₃ nu-ra-a a-ša₃ la₂-mah-ta mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃","4 barig 3 ban2 barley (according to the) royal (measure), ration of Šara, from the grain depot supervisor, did Dadaya receive; from the field Lamah; year following: “The house of Puzrish-Dagan was built.”" P112404,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 9(diš) kuš₃ 6(diš) kuš₃ 9(diš) kuš₃ ... 5(diš) kuš₃ 6(diš) kuš₃ 5(diš) kuš₃ 1(u) kuš₃ 1(u) 2(diš) kuš₃ 1(u) kuš₃ 6(diš) kuš₃ ... 5(diš) kuš₃ 1(u) kuš₃ 8(diš) kuš₃ ... 1(u) 1(diš) kuš₃ ... 7(diš) kuš₃ ... 5(diš) kuš₃ ... kuš₃ iz-zi-ta 2(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 2(diš) kuš₃ 3(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 1(diš) kuš₃","19 cubits; 6 cubits; 9 cubits; 6 cubits; 5 cubits; 6 cubits; 5 cubits; 10 cubits; 12 cubits; 10 cubits; 6 cubits; 10 cubits; 5 cubits; 10 cubits; 8 cubits; 6 cubits; 11 cubits; 6 cubits; 7 cubits; 6 cubits; 5 cubits; 6 cubits; cubits per wall; 2 1/2 ninda 2 cubits; 3 1/2 ninda 1 cubit;" P112454,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gaba-ri kišib₃-ba ugu₂-a ga₂-ga₂ u₃ en₃-bi tar-re ugu₂ ga₂-ga₂ ka-guru₇ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112455,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gar-gar-a tug₂ i₃ ša₃-ze₂ u₃ gaba-ri kišib₃ šeš-kal-la 1(diš) geš gal mu sar-ra lugal-igi-du₈ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P423545,Ur III,Unknown," 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš ki {d}šara₂-kam-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti nesag mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-a-bi {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} zu","1 1/2 sila3 of plant oil, from Šara-kam, sealed tablet of the governor. Month: “nesag offering,” year after: “The Amorite wall was built,” year after. Šu-Suen strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant." P112563,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak e₂-kikken ... i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112564,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba a₂ erin₂-na šeš-kal-la dumu tir-gu iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112565,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak gu₄ e₂-tur₃-ra gu₄-apin gu₄ suhub₂ da-umma{ki} a-pi₄-sal{ki} gu₂-edin-na u₃ muš-bi-an-na gaba-ri ensi₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112584,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) kuš gu₄ 3(diš) kuš anše kišib₃ ra-a 2(diš) kuš anše kišib₃ nu-ra-a kuš gu₄ ri-ri-ga kišib₃ i₇-pa-e₃ iti min-eš₃ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal i₇-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}šara₂ sa₁₂-du₅","10 ox hides, 3 onager hides. Sealed tablet. 2 onager hides. Unsealed tablet. Hides of fallen oxen. Seal(ed tablet of) I-pa’e. Month: “Double sanctuary.” Year: “Amar-Suen (was) king.” I-pa’e, scribe, child of Lu-Šara, surveyor." P112762,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ur-nigar{gar} dumu lu₂...šubur ... i₃-gal₂ mu dumu lugal ensi₂ za-ab-ša-li-ke₄ ba-an-tuku","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112763,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum nig₂-ka₉ ak libir gu-za-la₂-e-ne šid-da nig₂-ka₉ u₃ a-ša₃-bi šid-da mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta mu us₂-sa e₂ ba-du₃-še₃ giri₃ gu-za-ni","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112764,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {geš}geštu{tug₂}ga ru... gurum₂...engar i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: memos, inspections of plowmen, are here; year: “The en(-priest) of Inanna by extispicy was determined.”" P112766,Ur III,Administrative," diri 2(geš₂) 2(u) 2(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur še gu₄ a-ab-ba-ta zi-zi-dam 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ lu₂-gi-na 1(u) 3(aš) 5(ban₂) še gur lugal ur-e₂-an-na 1(bur₃) še gu₄ suhub₂ ki lugal-e₂-mah-e 5(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) še-ba gub-ba a-ša₃ {d}šara₂ ","Surplus: 142 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 barley, barley of GANgu-fields, from A’abba(’s account) to be booked out; 4 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3, Lugina; 13 gur, 5 ban2 barley, royal (measure); Ur-Eanna; 1 bur3 GAN-oxenboots, with Lugal-Emaḫ; 51 gur 3 barig barley-ration, stationed, field of Šara." P112807,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gu₄-apin ab₂ ud₅ gaba-ri ensi₂ i₃-gal₂ ...ša₃ ub-lu₂-pa₃-da mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} mu us₂-sa-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112809,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {lu₂}lunga e₂-gibil iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄ u₃ iti šu-numun giri₃ ur-mes u₃ giri₃ lugal-an-na-tum₂ i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} mu us₂-sa-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112810,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak i₃-dub giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu i₃-kal-la i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P112842,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ a-pi₂-ak{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ ensi₂ nibru{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ šu{d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ e-a 1(diš) maš₂ lu₂-ša-lim nu-banda₃ 1(diš) sila₄ ur-nigar{gar} nu-banda₃ 1(diš) sila₄ ur-e₂-an-na nu-banda₃ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nanna-ma-ba 1(diš) maš₂ ku-ru-ub-er₁₁-ra 1(diš) maš₂ ur...lu₂-si 1(diš) maš₂ e₂₁₀ sukkal u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-sa₆-ga i₃-dab₅ ... iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun 1(u) 3(diš)","2 fattened sheep, 1 lamb, (from the) governor of Apiak. 1 lamb (from the) governor of Nippur. 1 lamb (for/from) Shu-Enlil. 1 lamb (from) Pi-Ea. 1 goat (from) Lu-shalim, captain. 1 lamb (from) Ur-Nigar, captain. 1 lamb (from) Ur-E'anna, captain. 1 lamb (from) Nanna-maba. 1 goat (from) Kurub-Erra. 1 goat (from) Ur-..., the ... 1 goat (from) E-...-kidu, messenger. It is of the 19th day. Delivered. Abba-saga seized. Month: ""Eating the goose"". Year: ""En-unugal-Inanna was installed"". 13" P112930,Old Akkadian,Literary," ...giš-kin₂-gin₇ ...sikil mu₂-a {d}en-ki giš-kin₂-gin₇ ki sikil mu₂-a kur-ku-ra₂-a-ni kur he₂-gal₂ sud ki ni ŋissu-bi muš₂ za-gin₃-na-gin₇ ab ša₃-ga la₂-a lugal giš-kin₂-gin₇ ki sikil-e ib₂-mu₂-a-gin₇ {d}en-ki giš-kin₂-gin₇ ...sikil-e ib₂-mu₂-a-gin₇ ...a... ...₇ ...saŋ-ŋa₂ u₄-na kar gi-še₃ he₂-eb₂-ŋal₂ mu₂ dug₄-ga {d}nin-girim₃ mu {d}nanše al-me-a ga₂-nun {d}en-ki-ka","enuru: The king like a birch (?) to a virgin grown. Enki, like a birch (?) to a virgin grown. His flood, the earth with abundance sprinkling, his pacing spot the shadows; like a plow of lapis lazuli, in the sea of the stomach hung. The king, like a birch (?) as to a virgin grown; Enki, like a birch (?) as to a virgin grown; ... like ... ... ... of the head. on his boat to the fair harbor(?) verily gone. Incantation of Ningirim, the name of Nanše having been, storehouse(?) of Enki." P112932,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 6(diš) u₈ 2(u) 5(diš) udu-nita₂ 1(u) ud₅ 8(diš) maš₂ nita₂ ki ab-ba-ta puzur₄{d}inšušinak i₃-dab₅ iti a-da-ru-um mu us₂-sa en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e in-pa₃ puzur₄{d}inšušinak dub-sar dumu a-hu-na","26 ewes, 25 rams, 10 nanny goats, 8 billy goats, From Abba, Puzur-Inshushinak seized. Month: ""Adarum"". Year following: ""The En of Inanna of Uruk was chosen by omen"". Puzur-Inshushinak, Scribe, Child of Ahuna." P113273,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar sa₁₀-am₃ ku₃-huš-a ki ensi₂-ka-ta giri₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ ku₃-dim₂ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 2(aš) zu₂-lum gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na ki ur{d}šul-pa-e₃-ta 3(u) še gur ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na šuniŋin 5(diš) ma-na 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(aš) gu₂ 5(diš) ma-na uruda ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 5(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še 2(u) 2(diš) gin₂ su-he₂ ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) še... kišib₃ lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ 3(ban₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) 1/2(diš) še-i₃-geš ku₃-bi 3(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂... 2(ban₂) esir₂... ku₃-bi 2(u)... 2(ban₂) naga... kišib₃ ur... 1(barig) naga-si...še {geš}gigir {d}...e₃-še₃ kišib₃ lugal... 2(ban₂) naga...e₃ ku₃-bi 3(diš) še kišib₃ a-kal-la ašgab 5(geš₂) 4(u) 1(aš) gun₂ esir₂ had₂ ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 1(diš) gin₂ 4(aš) 2(barig) 3(diš) sila₃ esir₂ ku₃-bi 8(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 4(diš) še kišib₃ a-du-mu 2(ban₂) geštin had₂ ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(ban₂) šim hi-a ku₃-bi igi 4(diš) gal₂ ugu₂ lu₂{d}nin-šubur ba-gar 5/6(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 1/2(diš) še ku₃-babbar diri nig₂-ka₉ ak 4(diš) ma-na nagga ku₃-bi 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ gag gal ensi₂-ka-še₃ kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la 1/2(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar ku₃ sa₁₀-am₃ ku₃-huš-a ša₃ nibru{ki} 1/2(diš) ma-na 6(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar igi-kar₂ nin ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ ku₃-dim₂ šu ba-ti šuniŋin 3(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 1(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ še ku₃-babbar zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}dumu-zi-da iti {d}dumu-zi mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun ","3 1/2 mana silver, exchange (silver) for red gold, from the governor, via Ur-Šulpa'e, the silversmith; 72 gur dates, its silver: 1 mana from Ur-Šulpa'e; 30 gur barley, its silver: 2/3 mana; Total: 5 mana, 10 shekels silver are the debit. Therefrom: 1 talent 5 mana copper, its silver: 1/2 mana, 5 2/3 shekels, 15 grains; 22 shekels of suḫe, its silver: 1/3 shekel, 6 grains under seal of Lu-Enlila; 3 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 5 1/2 grains of plant oil, its silver: 3 2/3 shekels, [1 1/2 grains]; 2 ban2 of EA-bitumen, its silver: 24 grains 2 ban2 of “horned” alkali-plant under seal of Ur-... 1 barig “horned” alkali-plant, their silver: 12 grains, for the chariot of Šulpa'e, under seal of Lugal-...; 2 ban2 of “horned” alkali-plant its silver: 3 grains; under seal of Akalla, the leatherworker; 341 talents of dried bitumen its silver: 1/2 mana, 1 shekel 4 (gur) 2(barig) 3 sila3 EA-bitumen, its silver: 8 2/3 shekels, 24 grains under seal of Adumu; 2 ban2 of raisins, its silver: 1/3 shekel; 2 ban2 of mixed SZIM, its silver: 1/4 (shekel), in the debit account of Lu-Ninšubur set; 5/6 mana, 3 1/2 shekels, 10 1/2 grains silver, credit of the account; 4 mana of tin, its silver: 12 shekels for the big-nail of the ensi2, under seal of Lukalla; 1/2 mana silver exchange silver for red gold in Nippur; 1/2 mana, 6 shekels silver: the igikar of the queen, did Ur-Šulpae, the silversmith, receive; Total: 3 1/2 mana 1 5/6 shekels 0 grain silver booked out. Deficit: 1/2 mana 8 1/6 shekels; account concerning Ur-Dumuzida; month: “Dumuzi,” year: “The high-priest of Eridu was installed.”" P113314,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) guruš hun-ga₂ ma₂-gid₂ a₂ ša₃-gal-bi 7(diš) sila₃-ta 6(diš) 1/2(diš) u₄-še₃ še-bi 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ gur a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂-kam 1(diš) ma₂ 3(u) gur a₂-bi 6(diš) sila₃-ta 1(diš) ma₂-lah₅ hun-ga₂ a₂ ša₃-gal-ni 7(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 7(diš)-še₃ še-bi 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ugula nin-dam še a-ša₃ nigin₆{ki} giri₃ nam-mah iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ ša₃-gal 1(aš)...","10 male laborers, hirelings, for barge punting, the labor, its fodder: 7 sila3 each (per day), for 6 1/2 days, its barley: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3, labor of the hirelings; 1 barge of 30 gur, its labor: 6 sila3 per (day), 1 barge captain, hireling, his labor fodder: 7 sila2 per (day), for 7 days, its barley: 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3, foreman: Nindam, barley of the field of Nina, via Nammaḫ; Monat: “Festival of Baba;” fodder: 1 (gur) 4 barig 7 sila3." P113323,Ur III,Administrative," 5/6(diš) sila₃ lal₃ ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) gin₂ 4(diš) amar-sag uz-tur ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) ku₅-da ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ la₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) peš₂-geš-gi ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 6(diš) še 1(diš) amar-sag u₂-ga{mušen} ku₃-bi 1(u) 6(diš) še 3(geš₂) 2(u) ku₆ kun-zi sag₁₀ ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ 1(u) še nesag {d}en-lil₂-la₂ kišib₃ ha-lu₅-lu₅ mu e₂ puzur₄-da-gan lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e šabra","5/6 sila3 date syrup, its silver: 2/3 shekel; 4 a.-ducklings, their silver: 1 shekel; 1 kuda, its silver: 1 shekel less 1/6; 10 less 1 bandicoot rats, their silver: 1/6 (shekel) 6(?) grains; 1 a.-crow, its silver: 16 grains; 200 reservoir fish, fine quality, their silver: 2 shekels 1/6, 10 grains; “first fruits” of Enlil, under seal of Ḫalulu; year: “Puzriš-Dagan.” Lugal-ezem, the scribe, son of Lugal-emaḫe, the chief household manager." P113426,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak tug₂ gada-ba e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su e₂ {d}geš-bar-e₃ e₂... e₂ šabra ... i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P113478,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba siki-ba tug₂-ba giri₃-se₃-ga ša₃ iri u₃ geme₂ uš-bar {d}lamma {d}šu{d}suen ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P113573,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂-gi-na ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ nam-ha-ni lu₂-uš-gi-na gu-za-la₂ nig₂-e₃-a i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P113574,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ u₄-da e₂ {d}šu{d}suen lugal i₃-gal₂ giri₃ lu₂-gu₃-de₂-a ... mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P113575,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ ... i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P113643,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ nam ...dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne ...gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, ... men of assignments, are here." P113918,Ur III,Administrative," 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku)... še-bi 4(u) 8(aš) 2(barig) gur la₂-ia₃ 1(geš₂) 1(aš) 3(barig) še gur a-ša₃ dal-ba-na 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) še-bi 5(u) 6(aš) gur diri 6(aš) gur a-ša₃ igi e₂ amar 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) še-bi 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur la₂-ia₃ 1(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ e₂-duru₅ ba-zi 1(eše₃) 3(iku) še-bi 1(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur diri 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ ab-il₂-la šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 2(bur₃) šuniŋin še-bi 3(geš₂) 6(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur mu-kuₓ(DU) šuniŋin 5(u) 3(aš) 2(ban₂) gur la₂-ia₃-am₃ ugula šu-e₂-a mu...","5 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field surface, its barley: 48 gur 2 barig; the deficit: 61 gur 3 barig, field Dalbana; 2 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field surface, its barley: 56 gur, the surplus: 6 gur field before E-amar; 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field surface, its barley: 68 gur 1 barig 2 ban2, the deficit: 1 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 field Village-bazi; 1(esze3) 3(iku) GAN2 its barley: 14 gur 1 barig 2 ban2, the surplus: 4 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 field Ab-illa; total: 12 bur3 field surface, total, its barley: 186 4 barig 4 ban2, deliveries; total: 53 gur 2 ban2, are the deficit; foreman: Šu-Ea, year: “... .”" P115154,Ur III,Administrative," la₂-ia₃ 1(gešʾu) 4(u) la₂ 2(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ si-i₃-tum nig₂-ka₉ ak geme₂ a-ru-a u₃ geme₂ {geš}tukul-e dab₅-ba iti šu-numun mu kar₂-har{ki} a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul-še₃ ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ su-su-dam mu an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","Deficit: 640 less 2 workdays, female laborers, remainder of the account, dedicated female laborers and female laborers by the weapon seized; from month: Harvest, year: “Karḫar for the 3rd time was destroyed,” to month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Anšan was destroyed;” to Ur-Ningešzida, son of Ur-Baba, it is to be repaid. year: “Anšan was destroyed.”" P115181,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še i₃-dub ma₂-a si-ga u₃ še-numun šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ ... mu us₂-sa an-ša-an ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115238,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}du₁₀-gan ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃ hu-rim₃{ki} iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ša-aš-ru{ki}ta iti gu₄-ra₂-bi₂-mu₂-mu₂ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃-še₃ iti 4(diš)-kam iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃-gal₂ i₃-gal₂ giri₃ al-la dumu na-silim","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115804,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga erin₂ sag-apin-na e₂ nam-ha-ni i₃-gal₂ mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115808,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba a-bi₂-si₂-im-ti ugula ši-a-a šuš₃ udu ku-ba-tum nin ugula i-zu-a-ri₂-ik šuš₃ udu e₂-gal ugula na-we-er-dingir nam-ha-ni šuš₃ i₃-gal₂ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, fat-tailed sheep stationed, Abi-simti foreman Ši’aya, cattle manager, sheep k. of the queen, foreman Izu-arik, cattle manager, sheep of the palace, foreman Nawer-ili, Namḫani, cattle manager, are here; in Girsu, year following: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the Martu wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected.”" P203568,Ur III,Administrative," še geš e₃-a dub-ba gaba-ri sanga i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P203941,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da ku-li dumu ki-ag₂-mu i₃-gal₂ ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P202977,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak uš-bar dam-gar₃-gar₃ ... ...{ki} ...e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ kišib₃ eš₃ gir₂-su{ki} giri₃ e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su lu₂ geš-i₃ {geš}tukul-e dab₅-ba šušin{ki} sipa unu₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P202952,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da geš {geš}kiri₆ sila₃ gur mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P221854,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 4(geš₂) 3(u) še gur sag gal₂ nig₂-sa₁₀ siki-kam ur-e₂-muš₃ gal dam-gar₃ ensi₂-ka-ke₄ en-u₄-da-na dam-gar₃ e₂-munus-ra e-na-šum₂ elam{ki}še₃ ba-de₆ bara₂-nam-tar-ra dam lugal-an-da ensi₂ lagaš{ki}ka ","270 head-gur barley, exchange goods for wool, did Uremuš, chief merchant of the ensi, to Enudana, merchant of House-of-woman, give; to Elam it was carried off; Baranamtara, wife of Lugalanda, governor of Lagash; 1st (year)." P221946,Early Dynastic IIIb,Letter," 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) u₈ sila₄-bi-ta 2(u) 4(aš) gu₄ ab₂-ta 1(u) 6(aš) anše gu₂-bi na-e-a lugal-mu du₁₁-ga-na dub-sar mu-gi₄-a ba-ra he₂-su ","660 ewes and their lambs, 24 oxen and cows, 16 donkeys: what Gubi says, to my lord speak! the scribe having returned, those driven off must be replaced!" P204306,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba guru₇ ak dab₅-ba e₂{d}nin-mar{ki} eš₃ didli e₂-gal e₂-kas₄ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P203987,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan-na kaš zi₃ i₃ giri₃ kas₄-ke₄-ne iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti še-il₂-la-še₃ iti 2(diš)-kam ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} ša₃ ki-ma-da-sal₄-la{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P204862,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃ {kuš}gan-na e₂-kas₄ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P204031,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan kaš zi₃ u₃ i₃-geš giri₃ kas₄-ke₄-ne iti maš-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam ša₃ hu-rim₃{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P424393,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {uruda}...zi-in ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma-na 2(diš) gin₂ ki ur-sag₁₀-ta la-a-mu šu ba-ti iti sig₄-u₃-šub-ba-ga₂-ra₃-a","1 hazin tool, its weight: 1 mina 2 shekels— from Ursaga Lamu received; month: “Bricks placed in molds,” year: “the governor of Anšan took the king's daughter into marriage”" P424388,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 5(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta udu bala-a še-bi 1(u) 8(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur giri₃ lugal-a₂-zi-da iti dal mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","185 barley-fed sheep at 1 sila3 each, bala sheep, their barley: 18 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, via Lugalazida; month “Flight,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna was installed.”" P424401,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) e₂-ki iti dal-ta 1(diš) lugal-da₅-ba-an iti šu-numun-na-ta 1(diš) hul₃-la iti e₂-iti-6(diš)-ta ri-ri-ga ugula ba-sa₆ kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam ur-am₃-ma mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun ur-am₃-ma dub-sar dumu na-silim","1 Eki, from the month “Flight,” 1 Lugaldaban, from the month “Seeding,” 1 ARADhulla, from the month “House-month-6,” fallen; overseer: Basa; official seal of Uramma; year: “the en-priest of Eridu was installed.” Uramma, scribe, son of Nasilim." P424381,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}ta du₆-geš-i₃-ka-še₃ ma₂ su₃ gid₂-da u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ še geš e₃-a u₃ ma₂-a si-ga u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ i₇ sal₄-la{ki}aš ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 3(diš)-še₃ še ba-al-la še bala-a u₃ guru₇-a im ur₃-ra ugula ur{d}šakkan kišib₃ ur{d}šara₂ mu en ga-eš{ki} ba-hun ur{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu šeš-kal-la","16 laborers for 2 days from Umma to Dugeši an empty boat towed, for 2 days barley threshing and in the boat loaded, for 1 day to the Salla canal boat towed, for 3 days grain unloaded, grain transferred, and silo plastering; foreman: Ur-Šakkan, sealed document of Ur-Šara; year: “The lord of Ga’eš was installed.” Ur-Šara, scribe, son of Šeškalla." P424385,Ur III,Administrative," 1/3(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar la₂-ia₃ su-ga nu{geš}kiri₆-ke₄-ne ki {d}šara₂-kam-ta gu-du-du šu ba-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","1/3 mina silver replaced deficit of the gardeners, from Šarakam Gududu has received; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, destroyed the country of Zabšali.”" P424377,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu siskur₂ ki-su₇ a-ša₃ mah ki ur{d}hal-mu-ša₄-ta kišib₃ lu₂...ia₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₈ lu₂{d}ha-ia₃ dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e...","1 sheep for the threshing-floor sacrifice of the field GAN-maḫ, from Ur-Ḫalmuša, under seal of Lu-Ḫaya; year: “Šu-Suen the king built the great-barge for Enlil and Ninlil.” Lu-Ḫaya, scribe, son of Ur-e’e, cattle manager." P424389,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ lugal-a₂-zi-da-ke₄ ","1 goat from Lugalazida." P424390,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) dug dida sag₁₀ 3(diš) dug dida du kišib₃ u₃-ma-ni ša₃ bala u₃-ma-ni dub-sar dumu nam-ha-ni","5 jugs of good dida-beer, 5 jugs of common dida-beer, under seal of Umani, part of the bala. Umani, scribe, son of Namhani." P424394,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) u₈ ba-uš₂ u₄ 3(u)-kam ša₃ tum-ma-al ki en-dingir-mu-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu en {d}nanna ba-hun","1 ewe, slaughtered, the 30th day, in Tummal; from Endingirmu Šulgi-irimu received; month: “festival of Ninazu,” year: “the en-priestess of Nanna was installed.”" P424392,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ud₅ a dara₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","1 adara-nanny, slaughtered, on the 28th day, from Ludingira Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P424387,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ munus da-da ensi₂ 1(diš) sila₄ u₂-u₂-mu 1(diš) sila₄ šeš-kal-la u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen dub-sar iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","1 young female gazelle (from) Dada, governor; 1 lamb (from) U’umu; 1 lamb (from) Šeshkalla; on the 19th day, delivery, Intaea has accepted, via Nur-Suen, scribe; month “Harvest,” year: “Šu-Suen became king.”" P424386,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 5(diš) udu 1(diš) u₈ 1(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki du-u₂-du-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti bi₂-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","1 bull (of) one year, 5 sheep, 1 ewe, 1 lamb, slaughtered, on the 21st day; from Du'udu Šulgi-irigu has received; month: “Eating Ubi-birds,” year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, erected the Amorite wall Muriq-tidnim.”" P424383,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ur₅-še₃ ki lugal-ku₃-zu dam-gar₃-ta u-bar i₃-du₈ {d}nin-lil₂-la₂ šu ba-ti iti sig₄ u₄ 8(diš) ba-zal mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul u-bar... ... ...","1 shekel silver for interest from Lugalkuzu, merchant, Ubar, doorman of Ninlil, has received. Month: “Bricks,” 8 days passed; year: “Šu-Suen, the king, destroyed the country Zabšali.” Ubar, doorman of Ninlil," P424384,Ur III,Administrative," 1(ban₂) eša 1(ban₂) dabin ab-ba še se-ge₄ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-ka ki lugal-tur-ta ...zi iti gar u₄ 1(u) 4(diš) ba-zal mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃","1 ban2 esza-grain 1 ban2 flour barley repaid to elders of the house of Enlil, from Lugaldumuze(’s account) has been booked out. Month “NENEgar,” 14 days passed; year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, erected the house of Šara of Umma.”" P125272,Ur III,Administrative," uš₂ ur-sila-luh 1(aš) e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀ ugula 1(aš) giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ dumu-ni-me 1(aš) ur{d}geštin-an-ka 1(diš) lu₂{d}sukkal-an-ka dumu-ni-me tir ki-sur-ra i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) 4(diš) ug₃ du₁₁-ga-ni tir šu-na-mu-gi₄ i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) inim{d}šara₂ 1(diš) lugal-inim-gi-na dumu-ni tir a-kun-kum₂ i₃-dab₅ šu ur-ab-ba 1(aš) lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu-ni tir ka-ma-ri₂{ki} i₃-dab₅ uš₂ lugal-iti-da 1(aš) lu₂-gi-na 1(aš) a-hu-ba-qar uš₂ lu₂{d}šara₂ 1(diš) a-ta₂-na-ah tir a-ša₃ am₃-ri₂ i₃-dab₅ ...{d}ab-u₂ ...eb-gal ...du ... tir u₂-la₂{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ug₃ a-du-du 1(diš) lugal-ku₃-zu dumu-ni tir {geš}kiri₆-mah i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) nu inim-ma-ni-zi 1(aš) nu ur-e₂-mah 1(diš) nu {d}utu-sag₁₀ 1(diš) nu ur{d}ur₃-bar-tab dumu-ni-me tir i₇ dul₄-la i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ša₃-gu₂-bi zah₃ tir a-ša₃ {d}šara₂-si i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ur-e₂-maš dumu ur-sila-luh tir da-gu-na i₃-dab₅ ugula e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀ 1(aš) šeš-kal-la ugula 1(diš) inim-ma-ni-zi dumu-ni 1(aš) lugal-hi-li 1(aš) {d}šara₂-zi-da 1(diš) lu₂{d}ab-u₂ dumu al-lu-me tir e₂-lugal i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) a-kal-la dumu ur-tul₂-mah 1(diš) giri₃-ni-i₃-sa₆ dumu-ni tir kar-ra i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) šeš-kal-la 1(aš) lugal-he₂-gal₂ dumu-ni tir ma-sar i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) lu₂-dingir-ra dumu ur-lugal tir tu-ru-da i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ug₃ lugal-he₂-gal₂ dumu ur-gu 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-a-zu dumu-ni tir nag-su{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) lugal-za₃-ge 1(diš) lu₂{d}nanna dumu-ni tir gir₁₃-geš{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ur-nigar{gar} 1(diš) a₂-ta dumu-ni tir inim-e₃ i₃-dab₅ šu ab-ba-sag₁₀ tir bala-a-ti-im-durunₓ(|KU.KU|) i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) {d}šara₂-kam tir ki-sur-ra adab{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ba-an-sa₆ 1(diš) ur-sukkal dumu-ni tir zabala₃{ki} i₃-dab₅ ugula šeš-kal-la 1(aš) ug₃ ur{geš}gigir tir i₇ gal-la i₃-dab₅ šu ur{d}šara₂ dumu 1(aš) lu₂-he₂-gal₂ 1(aš) ha-la{d}ma-mi uš₂ lu₂-dingir-ra 1(diš) lugal-nesag-e dumu-ni-me tir gar-ša-na-ka{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ur{d}šara₂ dumu i-di₃-a tir erin₂-gar-ša-na-ka{ki} i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ug₃ lu₂-ga 1(aš) ur{d}dumu-zi-da dumu ur-mes tir ša₃-nin₉-ti-na i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ša₃-ku₃-sig₁₇ 1(aš) ur-nigar{gar} 1(diš) lu₂-eb-gal dumu-ni-me tir gaba-ri-gar-ša-na-ka i₃-dab₅ tir ma₂ šuku diri gu₂ i₇ nam-ha-ni i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ba-an-sa₆ 1(diš) {d}šara₂ dumu-ni dumu ha-an-da nu{geš}kiri₆ tir uku₂-nu-ti gu₂ i₇ {d}šul-gi-he₂-gal₂ i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) ab-ba-gi-na dumu ur-nigar{gar} dumu da-a-a ni₂-e tak₄-a tir iri-bu₃-ra i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) lal₃-mes tir a-du₁₀-ga-nigin i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) a-bu-du₁₀ tir gar-su₄-da i₃-dab₅ 1(aš) lugal-da-ga uš₂ ama-ki pap ur-nigar... dumu ur{d}ištaran tir maš{ki} i₃-dab₅ ugula ur{d}šara₂ ... guruš ugula ...dumu-nita₂ diri šuniŋin 1(diš) dumu-nita₂ šuniŋin 1(diš) guruš šu-gi₄ ugula i₃-dab₅ šuniŋin 2(u) 3(aš) guruš šuniŋin 1(aš) guruš nu-dab šuniŋin 5(aš) dumu-nita₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 1(diš) dumu-nita₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) guruš šu-gi₄ šuniŋin 1(aš) guruš zah₃ šuniŋin 1(aš) guruš nu-dab šuniŋin 2(diš) dumu-nita₂ nu-dab šuniŋin 4(aš) ug₃ guruš šuniŋin 1(aš) ug₃ guruš 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še 4(diš) ma-na siki-ta šuniŋin 2(diš) dumu-nita₂ ug₃ me še-bi 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ iti-da be₆-dam siki-bi 4(diš) ma-na mu-a be₆-dam gurum₂-ak erin₂ dab-ba {lu₂}tir-ra a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} giri₃ ša₃-ta-ku₃-zu sukkal lu₂{d}inana sukkal u₃ lu₂{d}nanna dumu inim{d}šara₂ iti ezem{d}dumu-zi mu en-nun-ne₂{d}amar{d}suen-ra-ki-ag₂ en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Dead: Ur-silaluḫ, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: E-urbidu, a foreman, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Girini-isa, —they are his sons—, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Geštinanka, 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Sukkalanka, —they are his sons—, the Border-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker with rations of) 1 barig 1 ban2 5 (sila3 barley), 4 (mana wool), porter: Dugani, the Šunamugi-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Inim-Šara, 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-inim-gina, his son, the Akunkum-woods took in charge; old: Ur-abba, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-Šara, his son, the Kamari-woods took in charge; dead: Lugal-itida, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-gina, 1 aš-(worker): Aḫu-baqar, dead: Lu-Šara, 1 diš-(worker): Atannaḫ, —they are his [sons]—, the Amri-field-woods took in charge; [1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’:] Lu-Abu, [1 aš-(worker):] Lu-ebgal, [1 diš-(worker):] Lu-Enkidu, [—sons of Dayadaga—], the Ula-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Adudu, 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-kuzu, his son, the Big-orchard-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), (no!), ‘field’: Inimanizi, 1 aš-(worker) (no!): Ur-Emaḫ, 1 diš-(worker) (no!): Utu-saga, 1 diš-(worker) (no!): Ur-Urbartab, —they are his sons—, the Dula-waterway-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker): Šagubi, flown, the Šarasi-field-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Emaš, son of Ur-silaluḫ, the Daguna-woods took in charge; foreman: E-urbidu; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šeškalla, foreman, 1 diš-(worker): Inimanizi, his son, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-ḫili, 1 aš-(worker): Šara-zida, 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Abu, —they are sons of Allu—, the Royal-house-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Akalla, son of Ur-tulmaḫ, 1 diš-(worker): Girini-isa, his son, the Quay-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šeškalla, 1 aš-(worker): Lugal-ḫegal, his son, the Masar-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-dingira, son of Ur-lugal, the Turuda-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Lugal-ḫegal, son of Ur-gu, 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Ninazu, his son, the Nagsu-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-zage, 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Nanna, his son, the Girgeš-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-nigar, 1 diš-(worker): Ata, his son, the Inime-woods took in charge; old: Abba-saga, the Bala’atimdurun-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šara-kam, the Kisura-of-Adab-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Bansa, 1 diš-(worker): Ur-sukkal, his son, the Zabala-woods took in charge; foreman: Šeškalla; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Ur-gigir, the Big-waterway-woods took in charge; old: Ur-Šara, son of ARAD, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-ḫegal, 1 aš-(worker): Ḫala-Mami, dead: Lu-dingira, 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-nesage, —they are his sons—, the Garšana-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Šara, son of Idi’a, the troops-of-Garšana-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Luga, 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Dumuzida, son of Ur-mes, the Midst-of-Nintina-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šakusig, 1 aš-(worker): Ur-nigar, 1 diš-(worker): Lu-ebgal, —they are his sons—, the Copy-of-Garšana-woods took in charge; the Extra-prebend-boat-woods, bank of the Namḫani-waterway, took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Bansa, 1 diš-(worker): ARAD-Šara, his son, son of Ḫanda, the orchardman, the Ukunuti-woods, bank of the Šulgi-ḫegal-waterway, took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Abba-gina, son of Ur-nigar, son of Dayya, remainder of the preceding year, the Bura-town-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lal-mes, the Aduganigin-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Abu-ṭab, the Garsuda-woods took in charge; 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-daga, dead: Ama-ki, oldest brother of Ur-nigar, son of Ur-Ištaran, the GANmaš-woods took in charge; foreman: Ur-Šara; [total: 3 aš-c-(workers)], ‘field’ corporate slaves, foremen; [total: n] extra male child; total: 1 diš-(worker) male child; total: 1 diš-corporate slave, old one; the foreman took in charge; total: 23 aš-c-(workers), ‘field’, corporate slaves; total: 1 aš-c-(worker), corporate slave, not took in charge; total: 5 aš-(workers), male children; total: 11 diš-(workers), male children; total: 2 diš-(workers), corporate slaves, old ones; total: 1 aš-(worker), corporate slave, flown; total: 1 aš-(worker), corporate slave, not took in charge; total: 2 diš-(workers), male children, not passed by; total: 4 aš-c-(workers), ‘field’, porters, corporate slaves; total: 1 aš-(worker), porter, corporate slave at 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley 4 mana wool each; total: 2 diš-(workers), male children; —they are porters—; their barley: 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3, to be distributed monthly; their wool 4 mana, to be distributed yearly; inspection of the troops passed by as foresters: Ayakalla, ensi of Umma; via Šata-kuzu, the sukkal, Lu-Inanna, the sukkal, and Lu-Nanna, son of Inim-Šara; month: “Dumuzi festival,” Year: “Ennune-Amar-Suenra-ki’ag as priest of Eridu was installed.”" P125273,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu-kuₓ(DU) ša₃-bi su-ga {d}šara₂ umma{ki} giri₃ lugal-nir iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P125393,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 5(diš) 2(u) 1(geš₂) 4(u) 2(u) 1(bur₃) 2(iku) 1(geš₂) 4(u) 3(geš₂) 1(geš₂) 4(u) 1(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) 8(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 2(u) 5(diš) nindan sag...3(diš)... 4(diš) guruš-bi... 2(u) nindan sag... 1(geš₂) 4(u) us₂... 1(diš) guruš a-ša₃ du₃-igi-iri-u-ta ","25, 20, 100, 20, 1 bur3 2 iku, 100, 180, 100, 85, 8 bur3 4 3/4 iku, 25 ninda, the head ..., n + 3 (ninda), the side(?) ..., 4 its workmen(?) ..., 20 ninda, the head, 100 (ninda), the side ..., 1 workman(?); the field Du’igi’iri’uta." P125774,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉... unu₃-e-ne mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul-ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃-ta mu 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P234868,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lugal-lu₂-sa₆-sa₆ ur{geš}gigir dumu gi₄-ni-mu lu₂-bulug₃-ga₂ dumu du₁₀-ga lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ki-ba-sa₆ ur-ba-gara₂ dumu lu₂-igi-sa₆-sa₆ lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ dumu... ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu...{d}nanše lu₂-lagaš{ki} dumu si-du₃ u₃ nin-a-na dumu lu₂-gu-la i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P202818,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ ud₅ dab₅-ba gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P202819,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum ur-šu-ga-lam-ma u₃ lu₂-igi-sa₆-sa₆ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P204451,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {geš}gu-za ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P204137,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}še₃-du i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P205760,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba geme₂ uš-bar lu₂-azlag₂ gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ mu...mah u₃ tug₂ gada e₂-gal ku₄-ra i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P126939,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum ab₂ e₂-tur₃-ra gu₄-apin gaba-ri ensi₂-ka i₃-gal₂ mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P127119,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 1(diš) guruš ša₃-gu₄ a-ša₃-ge a du₁₁-ga a-ša₃ la₂-tur ugula ur{geš}gigir kišib₃ ur...ur₃-bar-tab mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul ur{d}ur₃-bar-tab dumu lugal-a₂-zi-da gudu₄ e₂-mah","21 male laborers, plowmen, field irrigation done, field Latur; foreman: Ur-gigir; under seal of Ur-Urbartab; year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Ur-Urbartab, son of Lugal-azida, gudu(-officiant) of the Emaḫ." P201157,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak sipa-e-ne i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P201175,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂... nig₂-ka₉ ak sipa-e-ne i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P201329,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂... sag nig₂-ka₉ u₃ zi-ga be-li₂-a-zu iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P201330,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak la₂-ia₃ diri-ta su-ga sipa unu₃-e-ne mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-ta mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun-še₃ mu 8(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P127326,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) amar az ur{d}suen dumu lugal mu-kuₓ(DU) iti ezem-an-na mu si-mu-ru-um u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul u₄ 2(u) 3(diš)-kam","1 bear cub (from) Ur-Suen, the king’s son: delivery; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time was destroyed,” 23rd day." P127966,Ur III,Administrative," 9(aš) gun₂ ku₆ duru₅ 1(diš) pisan dub-ba šu-na 1(diš) {uruda}šen 2(diš) kuš nig₂-ezem a-ga₂-la₂ 1(diš) {geš}gu-za du₁₀-us₂ 2(diš) dug i₃-geš 4(diš) dug gir₁₆-su₃ 1(diš) dug ga-a 1(diš) dug unu₃ mun al-nag₃-ga₂ 1(diš) dug za₃-zi-la₂ mun al-nag₃-ga₂ 1(diš) {geš}banšur šabra 1(diš) dug i₃-nun a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam giri₃ šu-eš₁₈-dar 1(u) 2(aš) dabin gur a-ra₂ 1(u)-kam giri₃ lu₂-sa₆-ga nig₂-gu₂-na ma₂-a gar-ra ša₃ ba-ba-az{ki}ta e₂-gal {ki}še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","xxx basket-of-tablets xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P273487,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) u₈ 7(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 1(diš) ud₅ e₂-muhaldim u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam zi-ga ki ur-ku₃-nun-na iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu us₂-sa ki-maš₂ ba-hul","2 ewes, 7 billy goats, 11 nanny goats, (for) the kitchen, on the 15th day. Booked out from (the account of) Ur-kununa. Month “Šulgi festival”, Year after: “Kimaš was destroyed”." P273510,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ niga {d}nanna a₂ u₄-te-na lugal kuₓ(LIL)-ra iti u₄ 1(diš) ba-zal ki ur-šu-ga-lam-ma-ta ba-zi ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun 2(diš) gu₄","2 fattened oxen, (for) Nanna, in the evening, (when) the king enters. When the first day of the month has passed. From (the account of) Ur-Šugalama, booked out. In Ur. Month “Šulgi festival”. Year: “the en-priest of Eridu was installed”. 2 oxen." P273495,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) še zi₃-gu ki ka-guru₇-ta kišib₃ a-du-du mu₆-sub₃ e₂-kikken sumun-ta mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ a-du... dumu ur... gudu₄ {d}...","1 barig of chick-pea flour, from the chief of the granary, under seal of Adudu, the musub. From Old-mill. Year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Adudu, son of Lubanda, herdsman of [Šara]." P273517,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) {gi}kid šer₇-ru-um ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 6(diš) {gi}kid ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 1(u) {gi}gur 1(barig)-ta esir₂ su-ba ki a-gu-ta kišib₃ lu₂-dingir-ra ma₂ ninda ma₂ zi₃ ba-a-dul₉ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun lu₂-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu a₂-an-du-ru","4 šerrum reed-mats, their size is 1 1/3 sar (= 48 m2). 6 reed-mats, their size is 1 1/2 sar (= 54 m2). 10 bitumen-coated gur-baskets, (holding) 1 barig each. From Agu. Sealed document of Lu-dingira. Covering the bread boat and the flour boat. Year: “Enmahgalana was installed”. Lu-dingira, the scribe, son of A’anduru." P273493,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 5(diš) {gi}pisan gid₂-da dusu 4(diš) {gi}kid šer₇-ru-um ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sar e₂-gal-še₃ ma₂ tug₂ ba-a-dul₉ ...ta ...šu ba-ti kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam kišib₃ i₃-kal-la mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul i₃-kal-la ... ...","35 long-baskets for dusu-service, 4 šerrum mats, their extent: 1 1/3 “garden”: for the palace, garment-boat covered; from ... ... received. Under official seal, under seal of Ikalla. Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Ikalla, ..., ... ." P100841,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ lugal-mete-na lu₂ gu₃-du₁₀-ga gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Lugalmetena, a man of (the foreman) Guduga. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P423587,Ur III,Administrative," ...niga ...{d}dumu-zi-da...{ki} e₂ {d}šara₂-kam-ta ...ezem{d}šul-gi mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃","n grain-fed ..., ... Ur-Dumuzida ... in KI.AN from the household of Šarakam; the month: “festival of Šulgi” (8th month, Drehem), year: “The house of Šara was erected” (Šu-Suen 9)." P221416,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 1(u) munus-ama anše 1(aš) {geš}giri₃-gub {geš}taskarin 1(aš) dim₃ {geš}taskarin tur 1(aš) dim₃ zu₂ am-si ka tur nin-geškim-ti dam ensi₂ adab{ki}ka-ke₄ bara₂-nam-tar-ra dam lugal-an-da ensi₂ lagaš{ki}ka-ra 2(diš)-kam-ma-ka šu mu-na-tak₄ a-ne-da-nu-me-a lu₂-ni ma-al-ga-su₃-da mu-da-gen-na-a mu-de₆ 1(aš) tug₂ šu du₇-a e₂-ba-an nin-geškim-ti-e ma-al-ga mu-na-šum₂ 2(geš₂) ma-na a-ru₁₂-da 5(aš) ma-na nagga zabar₃ bara₂-nam-tar-ra dam lugal-an-da ensi₂ lagaš{ki}ka-ke₄ 2(diš)-kam-ma-ka nin-geškim-ti dam ensi₂ adab{ki}ka-ra šu e-na-tak₄ ma-al-ga e-da-de₆ 1(aš) tug₂ nig₂-bar-ba siki u₂-ka 1(aš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ bar-dul₅ sal-la ra-a 1(aš) i₃-ir-a bara₂-nam-tar-ra a-ne-da-nu-me-a e-na-šum₂ ","10 jennies, 1 boxwood footstool, 1 small boxwood figurine, 1 small ... ivory figurine, did Nin-geškimti, wife of the governor of Adab, to Baranamtara, wife of Lugalanda, governor of Lagash, on the 2nd (delivery) send. Anedanumea, her man, who with Malgasu came, brought; 1 pair of exquisite garments, did Nin-geškimti to Malga(su) give. 120 mana copper, 5 mana tin and bronze, did Baranamtara, wife of Lugalanda, governor of Lagash, on the 2nd (delivery) to Nin-geškimti, wife of the governor of Adab, send; Malga(su) with (Anedanumea) brought; 1 outer garment made of wool, 1 ceremonial garment and thin beaten garment; 1 flask of scented oil, did Baranamtara to Anedanumea give; 3rd (year)." P128458,Ur III,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(aš) 2(barig) 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ duh gur lugal 2(šar₂) 9(geš₂) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 3(u) gun₂ 2(u) 6(diš) ma-na {geš}ma-nu 3(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 2(u) sa gi si-i₃-tum iti a₂-ki-ti mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu-um{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul-a 3(gešʾu) še gur 4(u) gig gur ša₃-gal gu₄ udu maš anše 1(aš) 3(barig) gur še-ba mar-tu-ne iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ 3(gešʾu) še gur 4(u) gig gur ša₃-gal gu₄ udu maš anše ...3(barig) gur še-ba mar-tu-ne ...diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ ...da... še... nig₂-sa₁₀ gu₄ udu...a-ka 3(geš₂) 3(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ gur še kaš ninda 1(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) sa gi 1(u) 2(aš) 2/3(diš) gun₂ {geš}ma-nu na-ap-ta₂-num₂ nu-gu₇-a u₃ u₄-de₃ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-kam 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 2(u) 9(aš) 1(barig) duh gur duh-bi bala-ka iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ u₃ iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ šuniŋin 1(aš) guru₇ 3(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ še gur {d}šul-gi-ra šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 2(u) gig gur še-bi 1(aš) guru₇ 6(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ gur šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 5(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ duh gur šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 9(geš₂) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 4(u) 3(aš) gun₂ 6(diš) ma-na {geš}ma-nu šuniŋin 4(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) sa gi sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 4(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 5(u) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še gur diri nig₂-ka₉ ak iti a₂-ki-ti mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu-um{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gig gur e₂-kišib₃-ba-ka ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) giri₃ lu₂{d}utu ugula kikken 4(geš₂) 1(u) 2(aš) 2(ban₂) duh gur {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu ... ...duh gur ...kuₓ(DU) la₂-ia₃ 2(gešʾu) 1(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 6(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ še gur 2(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 5(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 3(diš) 2/3(diš) duh gur 2(šar₂) 9(geš₂) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) geme₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 4(u) 3(aš) gun₂ 6(diš) ma-na {geš}ma-nu 2(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) sa gi la₂-ia₃-am₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak bala ur{d}lamma ensi₂ gir₂-su{ki} iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 2(diš)-kam bala...₂ 1(u) la₂...","747 gur 2 barig 3 2/3 sila3 bran, royal (measure), 7746 5/6 workdays, female laborers, 30 talents 26 mana willow, 13,220 bundles of reed, the remainder; month: “Akitu,” of the year: “Simurrum, Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed;” 1800 gur barley, 40 gur wheat, fodder of oxen, sheep, goats and equids; 1 gur 3 barig barley rations of the Martu, month: “Harvest;” 1800 gur barley, 40 gur wheat, fodder of oxen, sheep, goats and equids; 1 gur 3 barig barley rations of the Martu, month extra: “Harvest;” ... ... exchange good for oxen, sheep, ...; 211 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 3 sila3 barley, beer, bread; 4351 bundles of reed; 12 2/3 talents, willow; Nabdanum not fed and to the day stretched, one workday; 1049 gur 1 barig bran, its bran of the bala: month: “Harvest,” and month extra: “Harvest;” total: 1 silo 205 gur 3 ban2 3 sila3 barley, Šulgi (measure), total: 80 gur wheat, its barley: 1 silo 375 gur 3 ban2 3 sila3; total: 1796 gur 3 barig 3 2/3 sila3 bran; total: 7746 5/6 workdays, female laborers; total: 43 talents 6 mana willow; total: 17,571 bundles of reed; is the debits; therefrom: 2750 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 barley, surplus of the (previous) account, month: Akitu, year: “Simurrum, Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed;” 3 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 wheat, into the sealed house brought, via Lu-Utu, foreman of the mill; 252 gur 2 ban2 bran, Šulgi-ayamu; ... n gur ... bran, delivery; deficit: 1217 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 6 1/3 sila3 barley; 1254 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 3 2/3 sila3 bran; 7746 5/6 workdays, female laborers; 43 talents 6 mana willow; 9371 bundles of reed; are the deficit; account of the bala of Ur-Lamma, governor of Girsu; month: “Harvest,” month extra: “Harvest;” (a period) of two months; bala ... year: “Simurrum, Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P131758,Ur III,Administrative," ... 1(diš) gir₂... 1(u) 2(diš) gir₂ nam...zabar 8(diš) gir₂ nam-za... 2(diš) nig₂ ...ku₃-babbar... 3(diš) nig₂ ...geš-nu-gal-ba zabar gar 5(diš) nig₂ ...... 1(diš) ib₂... ki-la₂-bi... 1(diš) kun... 1(diš) geš... 1(u) 4(diš)... 2(diš) gag zabar 1(diš) kišib₃ ma-da-lum gu-la zabar gar 1(diš) ha-zi-in zabar ki-la₂-bi 3(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) a-la₂ ku₃-sig₁₇ 1(geš₂) nir₃ šu-gur-ra gaba dingir-ta ... ki... 3(diš) gal zabar ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma...5(diš) gin₂ 4(diš) gal uruda ki-la₂-bi 2(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na 5(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) {uruda}tun₃-la₂ ...5/6(diš) ma-na ...uruda la₂ 3(diš) gin₂ ...en₈-zu-gur₈-me ...a₂-šuba₃ ...nir₃ aškud ...bu... ... ...da...alim ku₃ gar ... ... ki-la₂-bi 1(diš) ma... 1(diš) šen-da-li₂ zabar ki-la₂-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) a-la₂ uruda ki-la₂-bi 1(u)... 1(diš) ma-ša-lum ki-la₂-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) a-la₂ zabar ki... 2(diš) ba-an-du₈-du₈ zabar ki-la₂-bi 8(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na ...uruda 8(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na ...uruda la₂ 2(diš)... 1(diš) ...4(diš) 2(diš) geš-bu₁₀ me-e₃ 1(diš) tu-di-da gug sag alim ku₃-sig₁₇ 2(u) 3(diš) kišib₃ za-gin₃ za... 1(diš) kišib₃ nir₃ 2(diš) geš-bu₁₀ {na₄}su... 1(u) 2(diš) geš-bu₁₀ a₂... 4(u) 4(diš) gug 8(diš) za-gin₃ za... 4(u) nir₃ 8(diš) kišib₃ en₈-zu-gur₈-me 3(diš) kišib₃ za an-zah 1(diš) gug gazi 1(u) 1(diš) za an-zah gid₂-da 2(diš) kišib₃ za-gin₃ za ku₃ gar 7(diš) geš-bu₁₀ ma-da... 2(diš) geš-bu₁₀ nir₃ 1(diš) ša₃ gul gal... 6(diš) bur 1(diš) tur al 2(diš) kišib₃ im-ma... 6(diš) {na₄}al-ga... 1(diš) geš-bu₁₀ muš-gir₂ 3(diš) u-ra-ku-um 5(diš) geš-bu₁₀ me-e₃ 1(diš) geš-bu₁₀ bur 1(diš) za-ellag₂ ku₃-sig₁₇ 2(diš) šuba₃ 1(diš) za-ellag₂ zabar 1(diš) kišib₃ a₂-šuba₃ ... ...kam 4(diš) geš-bu₁₀ ma-da-lum 1(u) 8(diš) za an-zah 1(u) 6(diš) za-gin₃ za gid₂-da 6(diš) u-ra-ku-um 2(u) 5(diš) za-ellag₂ ku₃-sig₁₇ 3(diš) nir₃ igi 2(diš) šuba₃ 2(diš) za-ellag₂ ku₃-babbar 1(diš) nir₃ gaba 3(diš) bur 7(diš) {na₄} me-e₃ 2(diš) {na₄}al-ga-mes 3(diš) en₈-zu-gur₈-me 3(diš) nir₃ aškud ku₃-sig₁₇ ku₃-babbar gar 1(diš) kišib₃ im-ma-an 2(diš) nir₃ aškud 1(u) 2(diš) gu₂ aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ na₄ hi-a gid₂-bi 2/3(diš) kuš₃-ta 8(diš) gu₂ aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ na₄ hi-a gid₂-bi 1/2(diš) kuš₃-ta 1(diš) gu₂ aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ na₄ hi-a gid₂-bi 1(diš) kuš₃ ša₃ sag-keš₂ 1(diš)-kam 8(diš) gu₂ aš-dar ku₃-sig₁₇ na₄ hi-a gid₂-bi 1/2(diš) kuš₃-ta ša₃ sag-keš₂ 2(diš)-kam 1(diš) ku₆ ab-ba ku₃-sig₁₇ 2(diš) tu-di-da gug ku₃-sig₁₇ gar 1(diš) kišib₃ za-gin₃ za ku₃-sig₁₇ gar 7(diš) {na₄}bur ... ...ta gal₂ i₃-dab₅ ... gil-sa nim mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","1 sword ... 12 swords, bronze. 8 swords, ... 2 ... silver ... 3 ... bronze ... 5 ... 1 ... Its weight: ... 1 tail-... 1 wood-... 14 ... 2 nails ... 1 seal ... large chord, set in bronze. 1 axe, bronze. Its weight: 3 shekels. 2 Ala, gold. 60 chalcedony(?) (stones), ... From the chest of the god. Its weight: ... 3 large (vessels?), bronze. Their weight: 1 1/2 ma-na, 5 shekels. 4 large (vessels?), copper. Their weight: 2 2/3 ma-na, 5 shekels. 1 ... Its weight: 5/6 ma-na. ..., copper. Its weight: n ma-na minus 3 shekels. ... steatite. ... ... agate(?). ... ... ... bronze ... ... ... ... Its weight: 1 ma-na. 1 cauldron, bronze. Its weight: 2/3 ma-na. 1 ala, copper. Its weight: 10 shekels. 1 mirror(?) Its weight: 2/3 ma-na. 1 ..., bronze. Its weight: ... 2 ba-an-du8-d8, bronze. Their weight: 8 1/3 ma-na. ..., copper. Its weight: 8 2/3 ma-na. ..., copper. Its weight: n ma-na minus 2 shekels. ... Its ...: 1. ... 4. 2 ... jasper. 1 toggle pin, head of carnelian, ... of gold. 23 seals, lapis lazuli ... 1 seal, chalcedony(?). 2 ... 12 ... 44 (pieces of) carnelian. 8 (pieces of) lapis lazuli, ... 40 (pieces of) chalcedony(?) (stone). 8 seals, ... 3 seals, ... 1 (piece of) carnelian, wool(?). 11 za-an-bi2, long. 2 seals, lapis lazuli, set in gold. 7 ... 2 ..., chalcedony(?). 6 bowls. 1 little hoe. 2 seals, im-ma. 6 (pieces of) steatite. 1 ... 3 urakum-wires/rods. 5 ..., jasper. 1 ... 1 (piece of) za-ah, gold. 2 (pieces of) agate(?). 1 (piece of) za-ah, bronze. 1 seal, agate(?). Of the chest of the god, second time. 4 ... 18 ... 16 (pieces of) lapis lazuli, long. 6 3 urakum-wires/rods. 25 (pieces of) za-ah, gold. 3 chalcedony(?) (stones), eyes. 2 (pieces of) agate(?). 2 (pieces of) za-ah, silver. 1 chalcedony(?) (stone), chest. 3 bowls. 7 ... stones, regular (quailty). 2 (pieces of) steatite(?). 3 ... 3 chalcedony(?) (stones) ..., gold, set in silver. 1 seal, im-ma-an. 2 chalcedony(?) (stones), ... 12 cords (with) Ishtar-symbols, gold and various stones. Their length, 2/3 cubit each. 8 cords (with) Ishtar-symbols, gold and various stones. Their length 1/2 cubit each. 1 cords (with) Ishtar-symbols, gold and various stones. Its length 1 cubit. Of the first binding. 8 cords (with) Ishtar-symbols, gold and various stones. Their length 1/2 cubit each. Of the second binding. ... ocean fish, gold. 2 toggle pins, carnelian, set in gold. 1 seal, lapis lazuli, set in gold. 7 stone bowls. Extraordinary (delivery). ...-anbi seized. Treasury of (Lugal)-panim. Year following: ""Anshan was destroyed.""" P131771,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ iti min₃-eš₃ 2(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ še-bi 6(aš) gur 2(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-še₃ še-bi 9(aš) gur iti e₂-iti-6(diš) 2(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 1(u) 8(aš) gur 1(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 9(aš) gur iti {d}li₉-si₄ 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti {d}šul-gi 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti pa₄-u₂-e 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti {d}dumu-zi mu bad₃ ba-du₃ 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti še-sag-ku₅ 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ga₂-ra 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti nesag 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 6(aš) gur iti dal 2(geš₂) 3(u) udu niga 1(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 5(aš) 3(barig) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur 1(geš₂) udu niga 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur iti šu-numun mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃ šuniŋin 4(geš₂) 4(u) 3(aš) 3(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ gur ša₃-gal udu niga giri₃ ur{d}nisaba udu niga bala-a giri₃ nam-ša₃-tam iti min₃-eš₃ mu bad₃ ba-du₃-ta iti šu-numun mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃-še₃","120 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, for 15 days, month: “mineš;” 120 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, for 15 days, its barley: 6 gur, 120 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, for 15 days, its barley: 9 gur, month: “House month 6;” 120 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 18 gur, 90 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 9 gur, month: “Lisi;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Šulgi;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “pa’u’e;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Dumuzi;” year: “mineš;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Harvest;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Bricks in the moulds set;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Barley at the dock;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “First fruits;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 22 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 6 gur, month: “Flight;” 150 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 1/2 sila3 each, its barley: 5 gur 3 barig 7 1/2 sila3, 60 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each, its barley: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, month: “Sowing;” year after: “The wall was erected;” total: 283 gur 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3, fodder of the sheep, grain-fed, via Ur-Nisaba, sheep, grain-fed, of the bala; via the official office (?); from the month: “mineš,” year: “The wall was erected,” to the month: “Sowing,” year after: “The wall was erected.”" P132213,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan ur{d}ig-alim dumu am₃-mi-ni ... i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P132240,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gi gub-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} u₃ ša₃ nigin₆{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132305,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba zi-ga lugal gaba-ri kišib₃-ba-ka mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul-ta mu en {d}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132315,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {geš}kiri₆ kab₂-du₁₁-ga gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132326,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ ... i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P132370,Ur III,Administrative," ...didli ...uš-bar 1(diš) 1(diš) da-da 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-šubur dumu ab-ba-gu-la 1(diš) nam-ugula ad-da dumu a-da-a-da 1(diš) nam-ugula ur{d}lamma dumu ab-ba-gu-la lugal-sukkal i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) ab-ba-gu-la 1(diš) nam-ugula lu₂-dingir-ra ab-ba-gu-la i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) lu₂{d}igi-ma-še₃ 1(diš) lu₂-ša₃-gu 1(diš) giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-uš-bar i₃-gal₂ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} nu-banda₃ lu₂-inim-nig₂-sa₆-ga{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132508,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ e₂ ba-gara₂ e₂ uru₁₁{ki} e₂ {d}inana e₂ {d}nin-sun₂ i₃-gal₂ ... mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132510,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂-geš-gar-ra e ki-sumun gid₂-da šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132511,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum udu šid-da u₂-du udu-ka i₃... ...{d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132520,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še erin₂-e šu ti-a lu₂-gi-na ka-guru₇ i₃-gal₂ ... mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132527,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba anše ama-gan gub-ba mu na-ru₂-a mah-ta mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132583,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga ša₃-ze₂ lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132589,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba še-ba u₃ guru₇-a tak₄-a gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka bi₂-in-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132885,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba še-ba u₃ guru₇-a tak₄-a gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132891,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂ giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-tum e₂-lunga ugnim{ki} i₃-gal₂ ... mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132894,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga erin₂ sag-apin e₂ {d}nanše giri₃ ur-e₂-ninnu dumu al-la-mu i₃-gal₂ ... mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132898,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su min₃-a-bi e₂ {d}ba-ba₆ eš-a-bi bur-sag {anše}kunga {d}nin-gir₂-su {anše}kunga {d}ba-ba₆ u₃ {anše}kunga {d}geš-bar-e₃ i₃-gal₂ giri₃ nir-i₃-da-gal₂ u₃ lu₂-dingir-ra mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132937,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} u₃ ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} i₃-gal₂ ... mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132952,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da {uruda}gur₁₀ {uruda}ha-bu₃-da ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da na-ba-sa₆ u₃ ur-šu-ga-lam-ma mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132987,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄ niga-kam e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su i₃-gal₂ ... mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132988,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {geš}kiri₆ kab₂-du₁₁-ga gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133045,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} ugula ab-ba-mu u₃ lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a i₃-gal₂ ... mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133275,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ nig₂-ezem-ma dingir-re-ne ... i₃-gal₂ ... mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133280,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak a₂ u₄-da e₂ gu₄ nibru{ki} ... i₃-gal₂ ... mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133296,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a ur{d}lamma ab-ba-mu šabra-me ur-gu-la-mu u₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂ ... mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133310,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba a₂ e₂-gibil₄ gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃... ... mu en...kar-zi...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133314,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba erin₂ sag-apin e₂ {d}šul-gi ... i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133612,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba erin₂ engar ša₃-gu₄ gu₄ šu₄-dul₅ ha-la-a i₃-gal₂ ša₃ hu-rim₃{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134145,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba sipa ama-gan-na-ke₄-ne gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu gu-za ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134298,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 5(diš) {uruda}ha-bu₃-da ki-la₂-bi 9(diš) ma-na 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ ba-zi-ir ki lugal-im-ru-a-ta ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da šu ba-ti giri₃ gu₃-de₂-a ša₁₃-dub-ba giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su šabra-e₂ ... mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 3(u) 5(diš) {uruda}ha-bu₃-da ki-la₂-bi 9(diš) ma-na 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ ba-zi-ir ki lugal-im-ru-a-ta ur{d}nin-geš-zi-da šu ba-ti giri₃ gu₃-de₂-a ša₁₃-dub-ba giri₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su šabra-e₂ ... iti ezem{d}dumu-zi mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dub-sar dumu mu lu₂{d}nin... dumu ur{d}nin-geš... ugula... gu₃-de₂... ša₁₃-dub-ba gir₂-su... dumu la-ni ša₁₃-dub-ba gu-la gir₂-su...ka","35 copper hoes, their weight: 9 ma-na and 15 shekels, (they) were smelted down. From Lugal-imrua. Ur-Ningešzida received. Conveyor: Gudea the chief accountant; Conveyor: Lu-Ningirsu the chief administrator. Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” 35 copper hoes, their weight: 9 ma-na and 15 shekels, (they) were smelted down. From Lugal-imrua Ur-Ningešzida received. Conveyor: Gudea the chief accountant; Conveyor: Lu-Ningirsu the chief household administrator. Month: “Festival of Dumuzi.” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, child of ARADmu. Lu-Ningešzida, child of Ur-Ningešzida, overseer of ... Gudea, accountant of Girsu, child of Lani, chief accountant of Girsu." P273892,Ur III,Literary," nu-ru muš-e kur-ta nam-gi₄ an-ki-ka ba-ni-ak dumu an-ki imin-a-ne-ne pu₂ lil₂-am₃ i₃-du₃ a lil₂-am i₃-in-de₂ lil₂-am₃ zag-bi ib₂-dub ga-bu-ni mu...ze₂ ...šu um-ma-gi ...a he₂-la₂-e ...eridu{ki}₄ nam-mu-da-bur₂... {d}nisaba munus zid munus sag₉-ga ad-da-kal-la dub-sar-e mu-sar igi-za he₂-en-sag₉ bal sig₅","enuru: The snake from snake mountain indeed called. The lizard of heaven and of earth licked. The sons of the lizard, heaven and earth, are 7. The well like wind it made. Water like wind he poured out. Grass like wind its right encircled. Its grass, his left it tore out. Then his ... held firm. ... the (snake’s) fang may he bind. The incantations(?) of the Abzu of Eridu of Asalluhi, son of Eridu: may they not be undone. Nisaba, the righteous woman, the beautiful woman. Addakala, the scribe, wrote, (so that) in your eyes he indeed pleased. Good bala." P134626,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še siki i₃ zu₂-lum ša₃-gal amar gu₄-apin-na še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga {geš}kiri₆ di₄-di₄-la dumu ba-uš₂ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam še-numun mur-gu₄ a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ al ak u₂ ku₅-a anše gu₄ gid₂-da a-ša₃-ta e₁₁-da-bi še-ba erin₂ ša₃-gu₄ ša₃-sahar mu še šuku-ba dam-gar₃ ba-na-bala-a-še₃ ša₃ 5(bur₃) 3(iku) gu₄-bi nig₂-ka₉ ak udu eme-gi-ra udu gukkal gu₂ gar-ra {geš}kiri₆ kab₂-du₁₁-ga {geš}kiri₆ a₂ erin₂-na engar ša₃-gu₄ ša₃-sahar iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam im šuku ha-la-a e₂ lugal-ku₃-zu u₃ e₂ nin-munus-zi-da i₃-gal₂ ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ur-me-me šabra mu {d}šu{d}...mar-tu","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134737,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga kišib₃ {d}šara₂-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ ša₃-ba iti diri-am₃ i₃-gal₂ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134738,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba šabra ib₂-dab₅ zi-ga lugal kurušda-e ib₂-dab₅ ša₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan-na kišib₃ lugal-iti-da ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu hu-uh₂-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134765,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄ udu ba-uš₂ zi-ga sipa unu₃-e-ne kišib₃ na-ra-am-i₃-li₂ mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam-aš si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃-še₃ mu 1(u) 3(diš)...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P134766,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak na-lu₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu a-ra₂{ki} ba-hul-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-bi-še₃ mu 1(u) 6(diš)-kam ša₃-ba iti diri 6(diš)-am₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Nalu, from month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “For the 2nd time Simurrum was destroyed,” to the month, extra: “Harvest,” year after: “The house of Puzriš-Dagan was erected,” year after that; (a period) of 16 years, therein 16 extra months." P010890,Early Dynastic IIIa,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 2(u) siki ma-na unu{ki} 1(geš₂) 4(u) siki ma-na umma{ki} 5(geš₂) siki ma-na gu₂ 3(u) {geš}gag",30 (one-)talent stones (weights) with wooden pegs P235777,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ ga u₄-da gaba-ri-a a-ša₃ ka-ma-ri₂{ki} ki ur-ab-ba-sag₁₀-ta giri₃ šeš-kal-la kišib₃ a-kal-la mu us₂-sa ša-aš-ru-um{ki} a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","1 male kid, suckling, daily offering, for the field of Kamari, from Ur-abasaga, via Šeškalla, under seal of Akalla; year following: “Šašrum for the 2nd time destroyed.” Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager." P020116,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," šu-nigin₂ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) še gur sag gal₂ še-ba lu₂ šuku dab₅-ba-ne 1(geš₂) 2(aš) la₂ 1(ban₂) še-ba geme₂ dumu igi-nu-du₈ ša₃ dub didli 4(u) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še 4(u) la₂ 2(barig) ziz₂ sa₂-du₁₁-am₆ 5(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) 4(aš) še še-gar gu₄ udu-kam 1(u) ziz₂ bar-bi gal₂-am₆ e₂-munus-kam 1(u) 4(ban₂) še-ba geme₂ dumu ša₃ dub didli 4(aš) la₂ 1(aš) 5(diš) sila₃ še 3(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) ziz₂ sa₂-du₁₁-am₆ 1(aš) 1(ban₂) še še-gar gu₄ udu-kam dumu-dumu-ne-kam gu₂-an-še₃ 4(geš₂) 1(u) la₂ 1(barig) 4(ban₂) še gur sag gal₂ 5(u) 2(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) ziz₂ še-ba še-gar ziz₂-gar bara₂-nam-tar-ra dam lugal-an-da ensi₂ lagaš{ki}ka iti ezem-munu₄-gu₇ {d}nanše-ka en-ig-gal nu-banda₃ e₂ ganba-ka-ta e-ne-ba lu₂ šuku dab₅-ba 1(diš) ba-am₆ geme₂ dumu 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ba-am₆ ","Total: 75 head-gur barley, barley rations of the ration holding ones; 62 (head-gur) less 1 ban2 barley rations of female slaves, children, blind, from various tablets; 40 (head-gur) 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 barley; 40 (head-gur) less 2 barig emmer regular offerings; 56 (head-gur) 2 barig 4 ban2 barley feed for oxen and sheep. 10 (head-gur) emmer, its outside available, for House-of-woman; 10 (head-gur) 4 ban2, barley rations for the female slaves and children from various tablets; 4 (head-gur) less 1 (head-gur) and 5 sila3 barley; 3 (head-gur) 1 barig 2 ban2 emmer regular offerings; 1 (head-gur) 1 ban2 barley feed for the oxen and sheep and for the children; Grand total: 250 head-gur less 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, 52 (head-gur) 3 barig 2 ban2 emmer, barley rations, barley appropriations, emmer appropriations, Baranamtara, wife of Lugalanda, governor of Lagash; in month “Malt-feast-of-Nanše,” Eniggal, majordomo, from market house distributed to them; Ration holders: first distribution, female slaves and children: 9th distribution; 6th (year)." P020141,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," la₂-a 3(aš) še gur sag gal₂ 3(aš) la₂ 1(barig) ziz₂ lugal-pirig-tur sanga e₂-babbar₂-da šubur nu-banda₃ e₂ ki-sal₄-la-ka še e-bala-a dub e-da-bala gu₂-na e-ne₂-gar ","Deficit: 3 head-gur barley; 3 (head-gur) less 1 barig emmer, of Lugal-pirigtur administrator of White-house, did Šubur, overseer, who to the granary, barley had transferred, onto (his [Lugal-pirigtur’s]) tablet transferred; to his (Lugal-pirigtur’s) debit account he posted it; 4th (year)." P020197,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," la₂-a 1(aš) geš-gid₂-da e₂-nam 3(aš) dam-dingir-mu 3(aš) šeš-tur 2(aš) u₂-du 2(aš) sipa geš-gid₂-da la₂-a amar-ki-kam 1(aš) ur{d}{še₃}šer₇-da 2(aš) šeš-lu₂-du₁₀ 2(aš) inim-ma-ni-zi 2(aš) geš-kin-ti 1(aš) lu₂-pa₃ 1(aš) e₂-i₃-gara₂-su₃ šu-ku₆ geš-gid₂-da la₂-a ur-sag-kam 2(u) geš-gid₂-da la₂-a","Deficit: 1 punting pole, for Enam; 3, Dam-dingir-mu; 3, Šeš-tur; 2, herder; 2, shepherd; punting pole deficit of Amar-ki. 1, Ur-šerda; 2, Šešludu; 2, Inimanizi; 2, Geškinti; 1, Lupa; 1, E’igarasu; fisherman; punting pole deficit of Ur-sag. 20 punting poles the deficit." P020202,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," pisan dub maš-da-re-a en-en-ne₂-ne zi₃ kas ninda hal-ha ezem {d}ba-ba₆ bara₂-nam-tar-ra dam lugal-an-da ensi₂ lagaš{ki} ","Tablet-basket: regular offerings flour, beer, bread distributed for the festival of Baba; Baranamtara, wife of Lugalanda, governor of Lagash; (year) 1." P424404,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 6(aš) gun₂ 3(u) 6(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 7(diš) gin₂ siki ki sipa a-a-kal-la ensi₂-ka e₂-gibil-ta gu-da-da šu ba-ti mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri{ki}ma ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne₂-dim₂","36 talents, 36 5/6 mina, 7 shekels of wool from the shepherd of Akalla, of the governor, from new-house, Gudada received. year: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, had the great-barge built for Enlil and Ninlil.”" P424375,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu niga {d}inana unu{ki} giri₃ lugal-i₃-mah sagi 1(diš) udu še 1(diš) sila₄ ga {d}ištaran nu-hi-dingir-um maškim 1(diš) sila₄ ga {d}nanna er₃-ra-na-da maškim siskur₂ ša₃ e₂-gal 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga i₃-li₂-da-gan lu₂ eb-la{ki} 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga ... 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga bu-du-ur₂ lu₂ ur-šu 1(diš) maš₂-gal niga na-gi₄-zu lu₂ kin-gi₄-a ša₃ ar... giri₃ lugal-inim-gi-na mu ugula kas₄ iti u₄ 1(u) 4(diš) ba-zal ki a-hu-ni-ta ba-zi iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","2 barley-fed sheep (for) Inanna of Uruk, via Lugalimah, cupbearer; 1 barley-fed sheep, a milk-fed lamb (for) Ištaran, from Nuhi-ilum, the deputy; 1 milk-fed lamb (for) Nanna, from Erranada, the deputy; an offering in the palace; 1 barley-fed large-goat, from Ili-Dagan, man of Ebla; 1 barley-fed large-goat, ..., 1 barley-fed large-goat, from ..., man of Uršu 1 large barley-fed goat, Nagizu, messenger from Ar-... via Lugalinimgina (and) ARAD-mu, overseer of the messengers; ff the month, 14 days have passed, booked out of (the account of) Ahuni, month: “Eating piglets,” year: “Amar-Suen became king.”" P011012,Early Dynastic IIIa,Administrative," 1(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) še gur-mah ganun mah 6(aš) še gur 3(aš) 1/2(diš) 2(barig) ganun gur₂-gur₂ še-numun an-še₃-gu₂ 2(u) 1(aš) še gur-mah še-numun 3(burʾu) 7(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) ","11 gurmaḫ 2 barig barley, from Big-Storehouse; 6 gur(maḫ) barley, 3 1/2 (gurmaḫ) 2 barig, storehouse, ...; seed-barley; Total: 21 gurmaḫ barley, seed-barley: 37 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku." P433120,Ur III,Administrative," ...3(ban₂) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃...ar₃-ra du gur ...2(barig) 1(ban₂) duh sag₁₀ ... ... ...suen...uri₅{ki}ma...mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ u₄-de₃ gid₂-da u₄ 5(diš)-am₃ i₃-in-tur","... 3 ban2 3 1/3 sila3 regular groats, ... 2 barig 1 ban2 fine bran, year ...: “Šu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall ‘muriq-tidnim’ erected.” The days lengthened, are 5 days shortened (?)." P433126,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...a... ... ...du₁₀-ga-mu ...dumu uš-zi ...lu₂-me-lam₂₂ ...lugal{geš}gigir-re ... me 1(diš) ur{d}en-ki u₄-da-tuš ...1(diš) lu₂{d}utu giri₁₇-dab₅ giri₃-se₃-ga {d}šara₂ umma{ki}me 1(diš) lu₂-sag₁₀ gudu₄ {d}nin-ur₄-ra 2(diš) gudu₄ e₁₁-e 1(diš) ur-e₂-nun-na 2(diš) nimgir-di-ne gudu₄ {d}nanše-me 1(diš) šeš-kal-la dumu a ... 1(diš) ur-mes lunga 1(diš) ur-sukkal gaba-še₃ ...1(diš) lu₂-dingir-ra 1(diš) ur{d}iškur dumu i-ti 1(diš) 1(diš) ur-e₁₁-e 1(diš) ur-lugal dumu šeš-kal-la giri₃-se₃-ga ensi₂-ka-me 1(diš) ur-e₂-nun 1(diš) a₂-nin-ga₂-ta {lu₂}lunga-me ugula a-du-mu 1(diš) ba-du₈ 1(diš) ur{d}suen 1(diš) ur-e₁₁-e 1(diš) lu₂{d}ab-u₂ 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-ur₄ muhaldim-me ugula in-sa₆-sa₆ 1(diš) ur{geš}gigir simug 1(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ ku₃-dim₂ 1(diš) na-ba-sa₆ šitim 1(diš) lu₂-sag₁₀ 1(diš)...dub-sar 1(diš) ur-mes dumu ugu₂-du₆-du₆ 1(diš) lugal-e giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-kas₄-me ugula da-da-ga 4(diš) {d}nanna gu-za-la₂ 1(diš) ur{d}geštin-an-ka 1(diš) a-kal-la 1(diš) lu₂-dingir-ra gu-za-la₂-me ugula {d}nanna 1(diš) a-gu ugula ur{d}iškur... ... 1(diš) lu₂-kal-la sagi maškim ...1(diš) ur-tar sukkal 1(diš) u₃-ma-ni 1(diš) ba-la... 1(diš) lu₂-sag₁₀ {lu₂}tir-me ugula ur{d}šara₂ 1(diš) ur-nigar{gar} 1(diš) sipa-da-ri₂ 1(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ i₃-du₈ ugula mes-ni 1(diš) ur{d}ištaran 1(diš)...{d}... ugula lugal-iti-da 1(diš) a-tu 1(diš) an-de₂ ... lu₂ didli-me 1(diš) lugal-ab-ba ugula lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ 1(diš) a-lu₅ 1(diš) a-kal-la dumu du-u₂-mu ugula ba-sa₆ 1(diš) lugal-ušurₓ ugula ka-guru₇ 1(diš) ur{d}nam₂-nun-ka 1(diš) gu-u₂-gu-a ...kal-la ...lu₂...agar₄... ugula... da 1(diš) a₂...dumu lugal-nesag-e ...ugula i₇-pa-e₃ ...ugula ur{geš}gigir šabra ...ugula da-du-mu ...lugal-e₂-mah-e ...banda₃ gu₄ ugula ur{geš}gigir ...lugal-nesag-e ...ur{d}šu₄-gan 1(diš) ur{d}suen lu₂ šum₂-ma 2(diš) ur-ama-na ugula 1(diš) lu₂-dingir-ra 1(diš) lugal-šu-nir-re 4(diš) ur-ama-na gudu₄ {d}nin-ildu₃-ma 2(diš) u₄-da-tuš šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) tug₂ la₂-ia₃ sila-a gal₂-la tug₂ gu₂-na iriši{ki} ki-maš...{ki} ba-hul ","... ... ... ... ... ...; ... Dugamu; ..., son of Ušzi; ... Lu-melam; ... Ana-ḫegal; ... Lugal-gigire; ... they are slaves; 1: Ur-Enki, the jester; ... 1: Lu-Utu, the drover; they are staff of Šara of Umma; 1: Lu-saga, the gudu(-officiant) of Ninura; 2: the gudu(-officiant) of E’e; 1: Ur-Enunna; 2: Nimgir-di-ne; they are gudu(-officiants) of Nanše; 1: Šeškalla, son of ...; 1: Ur-mes, the brewer; 1: Ur-sukkal, from the frontier; ... 1: Lu-dingira; 1: Ur-Iškur, son of Iti; 1: ...; 1: Ur-e’e; 1: Ur-lugal, son of Šeškalla; they are staff of the governor; 1: Ur-Enun; 1: Aningata; they are brewers; foreman: Adumu; 1: Badu; 1: Ur-Suen; 1: Ur-e’e; 1: Lu-Ab’u; 1: Lu-Ninur; they are cooks; foreman: Insasa; 1: Ur-gigir, the smith; 1: Ur-Šulpa’e, the silversmith; 1: Nabasa, the builder; 1: Lu-saga; 1: ..., the scribe; 1: Ur-mes, the son of Ugududu; 1: Lugal-e; they are staff of the messenger house; foreman: Dadaga; 4: Arad-Nanna, the throne bearer; 1: Ur-Geštinanka; 1: Akalla; 1: Lu-dingira; they are throne bearers; foreman: ARAD-Nanna; 1: Agu; foreman: ...; ... 1: Lu-kalla, the cup-bearer, the enforcer; 1: Ur-tar the messenger; 1: Umani; 1: Balamu; 1: Lu-saga; they are foresters; foreman: Ur-Šara; 1: Ur-nigar; 1: Sipa-dari; 1: Ur-Šulpa’e, the doorkeeper; foreman: Mesni; 1: Ur-Ištaran; 1: ...; foreman: Lugal-itida; 1: Atu; 1: ...; they are various men; 1: Lugal-abba; foreman: Lugal-ebansa; 1: Alu; 1: Akalla, son of Duyumu; foreman: Basa; 1: Lugal-ušur; foreman: the granary supervisor; 1: Ur-Namnunka; 1: Gu’ugu’a; ... ; ...; ...; foreman: ...; 1: ..., son of Lugal-nesage; ... foreman: Ipa’e; ... foreman: Ur-gigir, the household manager; ... foreman: Dadumu; ... Lugal-Emaḫe; ... oxen-manager, foreman: Ur-gigir; ... Lugal-nesage; ... Ur-Šugan; 1: Ur-Suen ...; 2: Ur-amana, the foreman; 1: Lu-dingira; 1: Lugal-šunire; 4: Ur-amana; ...: the gudu(-officiant) of Nin-ilduma; 2: jesters; total: 87 garmets; deficit, in the ‘street’ located (?). “Neck” garmets (from the) city. Year: “Ḫarši, Kimaš, and Ḫurti were destroyed.”" P433129,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u)... 2(u) 2(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar 1(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ 1(aš) gun₂ im-babbar₂ ki i₃-kal-la-ta kišib₃ a-a-kal-la iti pa₄-u₂-e mu e₂ {d}šara₂...du₃ a-kal-la dumu lugal-e₂-mah","10 ..., 22 weaver garments, 1 sila3 lard, 1 talent gypsum, from Ikalla, under seal of Ayakalla; month: “pa’u’e,” year: “The house of Šara was erected.” Akalla, son of Lugal-emaḫ." P112497,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 6(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 7(diš) še ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum ša₃-bi-ta 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar mu-kuₓ(DU) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ esir₂ ku₃-bi 2(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ ...1(barig) 5(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ naga-si-e₃ gur ...gin₂...še ... ... šuniŋin 2/3(diš) ma-na 8(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ 1(u) še ku₃ zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2/3(diš) ma-na 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 7(diš) še ku₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak pa₃-da dam-gar₃ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun 4(u) 8(diš) 5(u) 1(u)","1 1/2 mana 6 1/3 shekel 27 grains silver, the remainder; therefrom: 1/2 mana 8 shekels silver, delivery; 4 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3 ES-bitumen, its silver: 2 5/6 shekels; n gur 1 barig 5 ban2 6 sila3 horned-alkali plant its silver: n shekels n grains; total: 2/3 mana 8 5/6 shekels 10 grains silver booked out; the deficit: 2/3 mana 7 1/2 shekels 17 grains silver; account of Pada, the trade agent; year: “En-unugal of Inanna was hired.” 48 50 10" P112505,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) še gur 1(aš) 5(ban₂) gur-ta 1(geš₂) 5(u) gur 1(aš) 4(ban₂) gur-ta ku₃-bi 2(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 7(diš) gin₂ 9(diš) 1/2(diš) še mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 1(geš₂) 1(u) gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) gin₂ mu ma₂-dara₃-ab-zu{d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ 2(geš₂) 1(u) 4(aš) gur ku₃-bi 2(diš) 1/2(diš) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul še ku₃-še₃ sa₁₀-a ...6(diš) 5(u) 7(diš) 2(u) 1(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 2(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar la₂-ia₃ su-ga ugula kikken₂ sa₂-du₁₁ ensi₂-ka šuniŋin 6(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ša₃...ta 1(u) 4(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ sa₁₀-am₃...zabar uruda šu-nir-ra... 4(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar kišib₃ ensi₂-ka la₂-ia₃ 2(diš) ma-na 1(u) 3(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar... nig₂-ka₉ ak ku₃ ensi₂-ka giri₃ lu₂-kal-la mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃-še₃","70 gur barley, 1 gur 5 ban2 each, 110 gur, 1 gur 4 ban2 each, its silver: 2 1/2 mana 7 shekels 9 1/2 grains, year: “Šu-Suen is king;” 70 gur (barley), its silver: 1 mana 10 shekels, year: “The barge Dara-abzu-of-Enki was caulked;” 134 gur, its silver: 2 1/2 (mana) 7 1/2 (shekels), year: “Simanum was destroyed;” barley for silver exchanged; 6.57;20 0;0,15 1/2 mana 2 5/6 shekels 5 grains silver, replaced deficit, foreman of the mill, regular offering of the governor; total: 6 5/6 mana 7 1/2 shekels 15 grains, therefrom: 14 2/3 shekels, exchange middle for ... bronze, copper, standards, ..., 4 1/2 mana silver, under seal of the governor, the deficit: 2 mana 13 shekels silver, account of silver of the governor, via Lukalla; from year: “Šu-Suen is king” to year following: “Amorite Wall was erected.”" P200923,Ur III,Administrative," 2(bur₃) ab-sin₂-bi 1(diš) nindan 1(u)-ta i₃-gal₂ 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 8(aš) gur a-ša₃ ka-1(burʾu) du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab šeš-kal-la engar 2(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še...1(u) 9(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃)...1(u) 1(diš)-ta ...1(u)-ta 3(u) 4(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga-a-geštin 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) 6(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) ur-ab-zu engar 3(bur₃) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ 2(bur₃)...1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ... 8(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 6(aš) gur ziz₂-bi 2(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) gur gig-bi 4(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ a-ša₃ la₂-tur lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) {d}šara₂-mu-tum₂ engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 4(u) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) ukken-ne₂ engar šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 7(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 3(bur₃) 3(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ...3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta ...1(bur₃) 8(diš)-ta ...še-bi 7(geš₂) 3(u) 9(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 2(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) gur šuniŋin gig-bi 4(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ nu-banda₃ gu₄ {d}šara₂-kam 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 8(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 1(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ tur ur-e₂-mah engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ a-geštin us₂-sa dumu lugal 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(aš) gur a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ ab-ba-sag₁₀ engar 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 5(u) 6(aš) gur a-ša₃ du₆{u₂}kiši₁₇ 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) lugal-ša₃-la₂ engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ziz₂-bi 1(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 1(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) gur a-ša₃ {geš}asal₂-du₃-a 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 7(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ pu₂-a₂-uz šeš-a-ni engar 4(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(geš₂) 4(u) 2(aš) 1(ban₂)... a-ša₃ {geš}asal₂-du₃-a lugal-gu₂-en-e engar 2(u) 3(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) gur ur-lugal šuniŋin 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 5(bur₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 6(bur₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 8(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 6(geš₂) 4(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 1(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ gu-u₂-gu-a ugula ur-lugal 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(geš₂) 6(aš) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ ur{d}ma-mi engar 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{u₂}kiši₁₇ 1(bur₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 5(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi a-ša₃ ka du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab a-a-kal-la engar 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) gur ziz₂-bi 2(u) 1(aš) gur gig-bi 1(aš) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga-a-geštin ...{d}nin-a-zu engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi a-ša₃ du₆{d}šara₂ 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) 1(aš) gur a-ša₃ us₂-sa dumu lugal 2(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 5(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ engar 1(u) 5(aš) gur lugal-a₂-zi-da šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 7(geš₂) 5(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 2(u) 1(aš) gur šuniŋin gig-bi 1(aš) 3(ban₂) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ lugal-a₂-zi-da 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 8(aš) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah lugal-a₂-zi-da engar 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma hu-ba-li₂-is₂ engar 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka lugal-šu-nir-re engar 2(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) 9(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ pu₂-a₂-uz 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(eše₃) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta ziz₂-bi 1(u) 9(aš) gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti i-šar-ru-um engar 3(bur₃) 1(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 4(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ ur₂-ra-ni-še₃ engar 3(u) še gur lu₂-dingir-ra 1(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) gur ur{d}ma-mi šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 4(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 7(geš₂) 2(aš) 4(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 1(u) 9(aš) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur{d}ma-mi ugula lu₂-dingir-ra 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 3(aš) gur a-ša₃ igi-e₂-mah-še₃ lu₂-sa₆-i₃-zu engar 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 7(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ 1(bur₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ ur{d}suen engar 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 8(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 2(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 5(aš) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga lugal-za₃-ge-si 2(bur₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) gur a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ ur-sag₁₀-mu engar 4(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 9(aš) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ ur-am₃-ma engar 1(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) še gur lu₂-banda₃{da} šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1/2(diš)... šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 4(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 8(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 6(geš₂) 3(u) 2(barig) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ lu₂-banda₃{da} 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah ur{geš}gigir engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka engar-zi engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 1(u) gur a-ša₃ us₂-sa dumu lugal 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma šeš-kal-la engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ziz₂-bi 1(u) 6(aš) gur gig-bi 1(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 5(u) 4(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{u₂}kiši₁₇ ab-ba-gi-na engar 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ pu₂-a₂-uz 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi a-ša₃ ka du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab ša-lim-be-li₂ engar 1(u) še gur šeš-kal-la 4(u) gur ab-ba-gi-na šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 6(geš₂) 1(aš) 1(barig) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 1(u) 6(aš) gur šuniŋin gig-bi 1(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ šeš-kal-la dumu tir-gu ugula ab-ba-gi-na 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ ugur₂-tur kal-la engar 3(bur₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(geš₂) 1(u) 8(aš) 1(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah ur{d}dumu-zi-da engar 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(geš₂) 1(u) 1(aš) gur a-ša₃ {geš}asal₂-du₃-a 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal ur{d}ba-ba₆ engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta 1(geš₂) 2(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) 7(diš) sila₃ gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 4(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ us₂-sa dumu lugal šeš-kal-la engar 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 4(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 2(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ ur-dun engar 7(aš) 3(barig) gur šeš-kal-la 1(u) 5(aš) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur ur-ge₆-par₄ šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 1(gešʾu) 3(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ šeš-kal-la 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 2(aš) 2(barig) gur ziz₂-bi 2(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur gig-bi 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ ka ur-e₂-gu-la 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta ša₃-ba a-ša₃ bala-a 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta i₃-gal₂ še-bi 5(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ ugur₂-tur 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga lu₂{d}šara₂ engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 1(aš) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) 5(bur₃) 1(u)-ta ša₃-ba a-ša₃ bala-a 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta i₃-gal₂ še-bi 2(geš₂) 3(u) 2(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ ur-dingir-ra engar 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 7(aš) 4(barig) gur a... 1(bur₃)... 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 1(aš) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga lu₂{d}nin-ur₄-ra engar 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ... a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ {d}šara₂-kam engar 1(u) 5(aš) gur ur-am₃-ma šuniŋin 4(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(bur₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 8(geš₂) 4(u) 9(aš) 2(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 2(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur šuniŋin gig-bi 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur-am₃-ma ugula ur-ge₆-par₄ 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) 3(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku)... ... a... gi-na-mu... 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)... 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ziz₂-bi 1(u) 7(aš) gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta ša₃-ba a-ša₃ bala-a 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta i₃-gal₂ še-bi 1(geš₂) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ ugur₂-tur ša₃-ku₃-ge engar 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 4(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab lu₂-gi-na engar 1(bur₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku)... 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 7(aš) gur a-ša₃ du₆{u₂}kiši₁₇ {d}šara₂-a₂-mah engar 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(geš₂) 2(u) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 6(aš) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma ur-gu₂-edin-na engar 2(u) 1(barig) še gur lugal-iti-da 2(aš) gur ur-ge₆-par₄ šuniŋin 6(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(iku) 1/2(iku)...a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 7(geš₂) 5(aš) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 1(u) 7(aš) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ lugal... ... a-ša₃... 2(eše₃) ... 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) ... še-bi 2(u) 4(aš)...gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)... 4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 1(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga ab-ba-mu engar 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ nig₂-u₂...engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 8(diš)... še-bi 1(u) 3(aš)... a-ša₃ la₂-tur 1(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ pu₂-a₂-uz ur-mes engar 3(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 8(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 5(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal ur{d}dumu-zi-da engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 5(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi a-ša₃ ka lugal-nir-gal₂ engar 2(u) gur lu₂{d}utu 1(u) 5(aš) gur ur₂-ra-ni 1(aš) 2(barig) gur da-du-mu 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur inim-ma-ni-zi šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃)... šuniŋin 2(bur₃)... ... šuniŋin 2(bur₃)... šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 8(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 7(geš₂) 3(u) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur₂-ra-ni ugula lu₂{d}utu 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u) 3(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 3(u) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ lu₂{d}utu engar 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 9(aš) gur ziz₂-bi 2(aš) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 6(aš) gur a-ša₃ du₆{u₂}kiši₁₇ inim{d}šara₂ engar dumu ur{geš}gigir 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ pu₂-a₂-uz lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(aš) 4(barig) gur a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka ur{d}dumu-zi-da engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 8(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ lugal 2(bur₃)...1(u)... ... lu₂{d}inana engar 1(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) gur lu₂-du₁₀-ga šuniŋin 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 7(geš₂) 1(u) 2(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 2(aš) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ lu₂-du₁₀-ga 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 5(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah lugal-he₂-gal₂ engar 2(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-mah 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ lu₂-du₁₀-ga engar 1(bur₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(u)-ta ziz₂-bi 1(u) 4(aš) gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 5(aš) gur a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ {d}šara₂ engar 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 4(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ za₃-1(gešʾu) sila-si-ig engar 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 3(u) 8(aš) 3(barig) gur ...ša₃ us₂-sa dumu lugal ... 1(u)-ta ... še-bi a-ša₃ ka du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab ur-e₂-mah engar šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 3(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 2(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 4(geš₂) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 1(u) 4(aš) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur{geš}šita₂ ugula ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 4(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 4(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ {d}amar{d}suen{d}šara₂-ki-ag₂ nig₂-du₇-pa-e₃ engar 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 2(u) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka {d}šara₂-zi-da engar 1(bur₃) 1(u)-ta 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 5(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ gi-apin-ku₅-ra₂ ur{d}da-mu engar 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ ša-ra-hu-um-ma 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 2(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) 5(aš) 3(barig) gur a...1(gešʾu) šeš...engar ... še-bi... a-ša₃ la₂-mah 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta 1(u) 6(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ la₂-tur šeš-a-ni engar dumu iri-bar-re 1(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(u) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab 2(eše₃) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta 2(eše₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta ziz₂-bi 9(aš) 2(barig) gur a-ša₃ uku₂-nu-ti 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 2(u) 8(aš) gur a-ša₃ us₂-sa dumu lugal 2(eše₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(u)-ta še-bi 4(u) 3(barig) gur a-ša₃ zalag-ga ur-e₂-mah engar 1(u) 5(aš) gur ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 2(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 3(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 6(geš₂) 3(u) 6(aš) 2(barig) gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 9(aš) 2(barig) gur nu-banda₃ gu₄ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta še-bi 2(geš₂) gur a-ša₃ lugal 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta še-bi 1(u) 5(aš) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab {d}er₃-ra-dan engar 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta še-bi 2(geš₂) 1(u) 9(aš) 3(ban₂) gur a-ša₃ lugal ... še-bi 2(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) gur a-ša₃ du₆{d}ur₃-bar-tab engar 2(u) gur ša₃-nin-ga₂ šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 6(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(bur₃) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 5(geš₂) 1(u) 9(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur ugula ša₃-nin-ga₂ gu₄ 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) 1(u)-ta še-bi 1(geš₂) 3(u) gur a-ša₃ a-ki-šah₂ lu₂-kal-la engar nu-banda₃ gu₄ lugal-a₂-zi-da gu₄ {d}gu-la šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 2(bur₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(burʾu) 7(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1/2(iku) 1(u) 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 5(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 1(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 2(šar₂) 5(burʾu) 9(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 1(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 2(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(šar₂) 8(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin 7(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 2(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš) 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 6(bur₃) 4(iku) 1/4(iku) 8(diš)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u)-ta šuniŋin 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/2(iku) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš)-ta šuniŋin 4(iku) 1/2(iku) a-ša₃ bala-a 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-ta šuniŋin še-bi 1(aš) guru₇ 4(gešʾu) 3(u) 2(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ gur šuniŋin ziz₂-bi 2(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) 4(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ gur šuniŋin gig-bi 4(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ gur kilib₃-ba 5(šar₂) 3(burʾu) 9(bur₃) 1(iku) kilib₃-ba še-bi 1(aš) guru₇ 4(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 2(u) 6(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur še geš e₃-a kab₂-du₁₁-ga da-umma{ki} giri₃ lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal-e si-mu-ru-um{ki} mu-hul","2 bur3 surface area, their furrows: per 1 ninda 10 each being; 2 eše3 1 1/2 iku surface area, 10 less 1 each; its barley: 20 gur 4 barig, field Hillock-Urbartab; 2 eše3 4 1/2 iku surface area, 10 each; 1 bur3 surface area, 10 less 1 each; its barley: 8 gur, field ka-bur'u of Du-Urbartab; Šeškalla, the plowman; 2 eše3 surface area, 11 each; 13 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 19 gur 4 barig, field Aki-šaḫ; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 1 iku surface area, 11 each; 3 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 30 bur 4 ban2, field Zalga-ageštin; 2 bur3 1 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 36 gur 4 barig, field Za-nēr; Ur-Abzu, the plowman; 3 bur3 3/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 40 gur, field Akišaḫ; 2 bur3 3 1/4 iku surface area, 10 less 1 each; 1 bur3 surface area, 8 each; its barley: 46 gur, its emmer: 25 gur 2 barig, its wheat: 4 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3, field Latur; Lugal-magure, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 1 iku surface area, 10 each; 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area, 10 less 1 each; its barley: 80 gur, field Išum; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area, 8 1/2 each; its barley: 4 gur, field King; 2 bur3 surface area, 11 each; its barley: 40 gur, field Za-nēr; Šara-mutum, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area, 11 each, 2 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku surface area, 10 each, its barley: 100 gur, field Gi-apin-kuřa; 2 bur3 surface area, 11 each, its barley: 34 gur 2 barig, field Za-nēr; Ukkene, the plowman; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, total: 7 bur3 2 eše3 2 3/4 iku surface area, 11 each; total: 13 bur3 3 iku surface area, 10 each; total: 5 bur3 1 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area, 10 less 1 each; total: 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total: 1 bur3 surface area, 8 each; total, its barley: 459 gur 4 barig 4 ban2; total, its emmer: 25 gur 2 barig; total, its wheat: 4 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3; manager of oxen: Šarakam; 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area, 10 less 1 each; 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area, 8 each; its barley: 61 gur 1 barig, field Latur; Ur-emaḫ, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 33 gur 3 barig, field Ageštin bordering Prince; 1 bur3 2 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area, 10 each; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area, 10 less 1 each; its barley: 2 gur, field Amar-Suen-of-Šara-beloved; Abba-saga, the plowman; 3 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 56 gur, field Hillock-of-acacia; 2 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area, 10 1/2 each; its barley: 20 gur, field Za-nēr; Lugal-šala, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area, 10 each; 1 bur3 5 1/2 iku surface area, 10 less 1 each; its emmer: 16 gur 3 barig 5 sila3, field Uku-nuti; 1 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 30 gur, field Poplar-planted; 1 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 17 gur 2 barig, field Pu-a’uz; Šešani, the plowman; 4 bur3 2 eše3 5 3/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 162 gur 1 ban2, field Poplar-planted; Lugal-gu-ene, the plowman; 23 gur 2 barig 5 ban2, Ur-lugal; total: 2 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 10 1/2 each; total: 15 bur3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 6 bur3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 8 each; total, its barley: 405 gur 4 barig 1 ban2; total, its emmer: 16 gur 3 barig 5 sila3; manager of oxen: Gu’ugu’a foreman: Ur-lugal; 1 bur3 1 eše3 5 1/4 iku surface area, 11 each; 2 bur3 2 eše3 surface area, 10 each; its barley: 126 gur, field Gi-apin-kuřa; Ur-Mami, the plowman; 2 bur3 1 eše3 5 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 95 gur 1 barig, field Hillock-of-acacia; 1 bur3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 25 gur 3 barig; field Akišaḫ; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 4 gur; field King; 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: Ø, field ka-GAN of Du-Urbartab; Ayakalla, the plowman; 2 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 bur3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 8 each, its barley: 75 gur 4 barig, its emmer: 21 gur, its wheat: 1 gur 3 ban2, field Latur; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 44 gur 1 barig; field Zalaga’ageštin; (under) Ayakalla, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: Ø; field Hillock-of-Šara; 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 31 gur; field bordering on Prince; 2 bur3 4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 55 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; field Za-nēr; Nigar-kidu, the plowman; 15 gur, Lugal-azida; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, total: 5 bur3 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 11 each, total: 11 bur3 2 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, total: 2 bur3 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, total: 1 bur3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 8 each, total, its barley: 472 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, total, its emmer: 21 gur, total, its wheat: 1 gur 3 ban2, oxen manager: Lugal-azida; 3 bur3 2 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 5 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 68 gur; field Lamaḫ; Ayakalla, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 15 gur 4 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; 1 bur3 1 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 13 gur 3 barig; Šaraḫuma Ḫuballis, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, 2 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 98 gur 4 barig; field Hillock-of-plantoil; Lugal-šunire, the plowman; 2 bur3 4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 36 gur 2 barig; field Lamaḫ; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 29 gur 2 barig; field Za-nēr; 1 eše3 2 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 14 gur; field Pu’a’uz; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 eše3 surface area at 8 1/2 each, its emmer: 189 gur; field Ukunuti; Išarrum, the plowman; 3 bur3 1 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 101 gur 1 barig; field Išum; Uraniše, the plowman; 30 gur barley, Lu-dingira; 14 gur 4 barig 4 ban2, Ur-Mami; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, total: 4 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 11 each, total: 14 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, total: 5 bur3 2 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, total: 1 eše3 surface area at 8 1/2 each, total, its barley: 422 gur 4 ban2; total, its emmer: 19 gur; oxen manager: Ur-Mami, foreman: Lu-dingira; 2 bur3 surface area at 10 1/2 each, 2 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 83 gur 3 barig; field Gi-apin-kuřa; 1 eše3 4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 13 gur; field Igi-emaḫše; Lu-sa-izu, the plowman; 2 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 97 gur 2 barig; field Išum; 1 bur3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 4 gur 2 barig; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag; Ur-Suen, the plowman; 2 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 8 each, its barley: 12 gur 3 barig; field Latur; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 12 each, 1 bur3 2 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 15 gur; field Flash; Lugal-zagesi; 1 bur3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 36 gur 2 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; 1 bur3 4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 35 gur 4 barig; field Za-nēr; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 10 gur; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag Ur-saga, the plowman; 4 bur3 2 eše3 5 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 69 gur; Akišaḫ; Ur-amma, the plowman; 13 gur 1 barig; Lu-banda; total: 1 bur3 1 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 12 each, total: 2 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 11 each; total: 2 bur3 surface area at 10 1/2 each; total: 14 bur3 1 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 5 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 8 each; total, its barley: 390 gur 2 barig; oxen manager: Lu-banda; 3 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 68 gur 3 barig; field Lamaḫ; Ur-gigir, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 30 gur; field Lamaḫ; 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each, 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 48 gur 1 barig; field Hillock-of-plantoil; Engarzi, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: 70 gur; field bordering Prince; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 21 gur 3 barig; field Saraḫuma; Šeškalla, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its emmer: 16 gur; its wheat: 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3; field Ukunuti; 2 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 54 gur 3 barig; field Hillock-of-acacia; Abbagina, the plowman; 1 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 14 gur 1 barig; field Pu’a’uz; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 4 gur; field King; 1 bur3 4 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: Ø; field ka-GAN Hillock-of-Urbartab; Šālim-belī, the plowman; 10 gur barley, Šeškalla; 40 gur, Abbagina; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each; total: 13 bur3 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 1 bur3 1 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 5 bur3 2 eše3 2 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total, its barley: 361 gur 1 barig; total, its emmer: 16 gur; total, its wheat: 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3; oxen manager: Šeškalla, son of Tirgu, foreman: Abbagina; 1 eše3 surface area at 10 each, 3 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 42 gur 2 barig; field Ururtur; Kalla, the plowman; 3 bur3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 198 gur 1 ban2; field Lamaḫ; Ur-Dumuzida, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each, 3 bur3 2 eše3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 191 gur; field Planted-poplar; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, its barley: 4 gur; field King; Ur-Baba, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, 5 1/2 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, 87 gur 3 barig 7 sila3, field Ukunuti; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: 44 gur 4 barig; field bordering on Prince; Šeškalla, the plowman; 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 11 each, 4 bur3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 42 gur 4 barig; field Akišaḫ; Ur-dun, the plowman; 7 gur 3 barig, Šeškalla; 15 gur 1 ban2 5 sila3, Ur-gepar; total: 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 12 bur3 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 4 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total, its barley: 633 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3; oxen manager: Šeškalla; 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 les 1 each, 1 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, its barley: 42 gur 2 barig; its emmer: 6 gur 2 barig; its wheat: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; field Latur; 1 bur3 1 eše3 2 iku surface area at 12 each, its barley: 33 gur 1 barig 2 ban2; field Flash; 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, 2 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 18 gur 3 barig; field Ka-GAN; Ur-egula; 2 bur3 1 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 2 eše3 surface area at 8 1/2 each, therein, field of the bala: 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2, being; its barley: 58 gur 3 barig; field Ugurtur; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, its barley: 10 gur; field Flash; Lu-Šara, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 12 each, its barley: 31 gur; field Za-nēr; 5 bur3 surface area at 10 each, therein, field of the bala: 1 eše3 surface area at 10, being; its barley: 152 gur 4 barig; field Išum; Ur-dingira, the plowman; 1 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 17 gur 4 barig; field ...; 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 31 gur; field Za-nēr; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 30 gur; field Flash; Lu-Ninura, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each, 2 bur3 2 eše3 5 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 88 gur 3 barig; field Gi-apin-kuřa; 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: <46 gur>; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag; Šarakam, the plowman; 15 gur, Ur-amma; total: 4 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 12 each, total: 4 bur3 5 3/4 iku surface area at 11 each; total: <10 bur3> 3/4! iku surface area at 10 each; total: 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 5 bur3 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 bur3 2 eše3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total: 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area, field of the bala, at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 1 eše3 surface area, field of the bala, at 10 each; total, its barley: 529 gur 2 ban2; total, its emmer: 26 gur 2 barig; total, its wheat: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; oxen manager: Ur-amma, foreman: Ur-gepar; 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 33 gur 1 barig; field Akišaḫ; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 13 gur; field ...; Ginamu, the plowman; 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its emmer: 17 gur; field Ukunuti; 1 bur3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 bur3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, therein, field of bala: 4 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1, being; its barley: 68 gur 3 barig; field Ugurtur; Šakuge, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 64 gur 3 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; Lu2-gina, the plowman; 1 bur3 5 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 20 gur; field Akišaḫ; 2 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 47 gur; field Hillock-of-acacia; Šara-amaḫ, the plowman; 3 bur3 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 142 gur 3 ban2; field Hillock-of-plantoil; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 each, 1 eše3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 16 gur; field Šaraḫuma; Ur-gu’edina, the plowman; 21 gur barley, Lugal-itida; 2 gur, Ur-gepar; total: 6 bur3 1 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 11 bur3 1 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 3 bur3 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 bur3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total: 4 1/2 iku surface area, field of the bala, at 10 less 9 each; total, its barley: 425 gur 3 ban2; total, its emmer: 17 gur; oxen manager: Lugal-itida; 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 61 gur ...; field ...; 2 eše3 surface area at 12 each, 1 eše3 3/4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 24 gur ...; field Za-nēr; 1 bur3 4 iku surface area at 12 each, 4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 41 gur 1 barig; field Flash; Abbamu, the plowman; 2 bur3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 83 gur 4 barig; field Gi-apin-kuřa; 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 1 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: Ø; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag; Nigurum, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 8 1/2 each, its barley: 13(?) gur; field Latur; 1 eše3 2 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 22 gur 3 barig 1 ban2; field Pu’a’uz; Ur-mes, the plowman; 3 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 bur3 surface area at 8 each, its barley: 46 gur 3 barig; field Latur; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 8 each, its barley: 5 gur; field King; Ur-Dumuzida, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, 2 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 111 gur 3 barig; field Išum; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 each, 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: Ø; field Ka-GAN; Lugal-nirgal, the plowman; 20 gur, Lu-Utu; 15 gur, Urrani; 1 gur 2 barig, Dadumu; 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, Inimanizi; total: 1 bur3 2 eše3 4 iku surface area at 12 each, total: 2 bur3 1 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 7 bur3 2 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 8 bur3 5 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 2 bur3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 8 each; total, its barley: 450 gur 4 barig 1 ban2; oxen manager: Urrani, foreman: Lu-Utu; 2 bur3 surface area at 10 1/2 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 5 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 83 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3; field Gi-apin-kuřa; 2 eše3 3 iku surface area at 11 each, 2 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 30 gur; field Akišaḫ; Lu-Utu, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 19 gur; its emmer: 2 gur; field Latur; 2 bur3 1 eše3 5 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 46 gur; field Hillock-of-acacia; Inim-Šara, the plowman, son of Ur-gigir; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 26 gur 2 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; 5 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 13 gur 3 barig; field Pu’a’uz; Lugal-magure; 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, 3 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 96 gur 4 barig; field Išum; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 24 gur 3 barig; field Hillock-of-plantoil; Ur-Dumuzida, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3u surface area at 10 each, its barley: 48 gur 1 barig; field Hillock-of-plantoil; 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, its barley: 4 gur; field King; 2 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 26(?) gur; field ...; Lu-Inanna, the plowman; 15 gur 1 barig, Lu-duga; total: 3 bur3 2 eše3 1 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 2 bur3 surface area at 10 1/2 each; total: 13 bur3 2 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 5 bur3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 eše3 3 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total, its barley: 432 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3; total, its emmer: 2 gur; oxen manager: Lu-duga; 3 bur3 2 eše3 5 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 55 gur 4 barig 3 ban2; field Lamaḫ; Lugal-ḫegal, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 25 gur 1 barig; field Lamaḫ; 3 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 60 gur; field Akišaḫ; Lu-duga, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its emmer: 14 gur; field Ukunuti; 1 bur3 1 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 5 gur; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag; ARAD-Šara, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 5 1/4 iku surface area at 11 each, its barley: 13 gur 3 barig; field Flash; 2 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 11 each, 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 1/2 each, its barley: 43 gur 3 barig; field Za-nēr; Silasig, the plowman; 1 bur3 2 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 38 gur 3 barig; field bordering on Prince; 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: Ø; field KaGAN of Hillock-of-Urbartab; Ur-emaḫ, the plowman; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 12 each, total: 3 bur3 2 eše3 5 1/4 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 1/2 each; total: 10 bur3 2 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 2 bur3 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 5 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total, its barley: 241 gur 4 barig 3 ban2; total, its emmer: 14 gur; oxen manager: Ur-šita(?), foreman: Ur-Šulpa’e; 4 bur3 2 eše3 1 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 40 gur; field Šarahuma; 1 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 4 gur 2 barig; field Amar-Suen-Šara-kiag; Nigdupa’e, the plowman; 1 bur3 1 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: 20 gur; field Šarahuma; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 5 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 22 gur 1 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; Šara-zida, the plowman; 1 bur3 surface area at 10 each, 1 eše3 1 3/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each, its barley: 53 gur 3 barig; field Gi-apin-kuřa; Ur-Damu, the plowman; 3 bur3 1 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 45 gur 2 barig; field Šaraḫuma; 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each, 2 eše3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 15 gur 3 barig; field Za-nēr; Šešani, the plowman; 3 bur3 1 eše3 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 85 gur 2 barig; field Lamaḫ; 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each, its barley: 16 gur 1 barig; field Latur; Šešani, the plowman, son of Iribare; 1 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 10 gur; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; 2 eše3 5 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, 2 eše3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its emmer: 9 gur 2 barig; field Ukunuti; 2 eše3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each, its barley: 28 gur; field bordering on Prince; 2 eše3 surface area at 11 each, 1 bur3 1 eše3 surface area at 10 each, its barley: 43 gur; field Flash; Ur-emaḫ, the plowman; 15 gur, Ur-Šulpa’e; total: 2 bur3 2 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 20 bur3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 2 bur3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 3 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total, its barley: 396 gur 2 barig; total, its emmer: 9 gur 2 barig; oxen manager: Ur-Šulpa’e; 2 bur3 1 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each, 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each, its barley: 120 gur; field King; 2 bur3 surface area at 11 each, its barley: 15 gur; field Hillock-of-Urbartab; Erra-dan, the plowman; 2 bur3 1 eše3 4 3/4 iku surface area, 10 each; 1 bur3 surface area, 10 les 1 each; its barley: 139 gur 3 ban2; field King; 1 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area, 10 each; its barley: 25 gur 1 barig; field Hillock-of-Urbartab;, the plowman; 20 gur: Ša-ninga, total: 1 bur3 surface area at 11 each; total: 6 bur3 2 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 1 bur3 surface area at 10 less 1 each; total, its barley: 319 gur 1 barig 3 ban2; foreman: Ša-ninga, plow-domain; total: 3 bur3 1 eše3 1 1/2 iku surface area at 10 each; its barley: 90 gur; field Akišaḫ; Lukalla, the plowman; oxen manager: Lugal-azida; oxen of Gula; total: 12 bur3 1/2 iku surface area at 12 each, total: 47 bur3 2 eše3 1/2 iku surface area at 11 each; total: 5 bur3 2 eše3 1 1/4 iku surface area at 10 1/2 each; total: 2 šar2 59 bur3 2 eše3 3 3/4 iku surface area at 10 each; total: 11 bur3 2 1/2 iku surface area at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 1 šar2 8 bur3 1 eše3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 10 less 1 each; total: 7 bur3 2 eše3 2 1/4 iku surface area at 8 1/2 each; total: 6 bur3 4 1/4 iku surface area at 8 each; total: 1 eše3 surface area, field of bala, at 10 each; total: 1 eše3 3 1/2 iku surface area, field of bala, at 10 less 1/2 each; total: 4 1/2 iku surface area, field of bala, at 10 less 1 each; total, its barley: 1 silo 2430 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3; total, its emmer: 166 gur 4 barig 5 sila3; total, its wheat: 4 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 1 sila3; grand total: 5 šar2 39 bur3 1 iku surface area; grand total, its barley: 1 silo 2606 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3; grain, threshed; surface areas, inspected, in Da-Umma, via Lu-Šulgira year: “Ibbi-Suen, the king, Simurrum destroyed.”" P142686,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gi u₃ tug₂ am lugal... i₃-gal₂ ša₃ bala-a mu 5(diš)-kam mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ta mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of ..., Lugal-..., are here; of the bala; (a period of) 5 years; from the year: “The en(-priest) of Eridu was hired” to the year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P142689,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak {geš}kiri₆ gid₂-da {geš}gešimmar šid-da e₂ {d}šara₂ e₂ {d}nin-ur₄-ra e₂ {d}šul-gi-ra {geš}kiri₆ apin-la₂ {geš}kiri₆ eš₃ didli gurum₂ šu-ku₆ mušen-du₃ bahar₃ ka-bur u₃ gurum₂ dam-gar₃ im-bi 1(u) 2(diš)-am₃ i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun ...","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of orchards surveyed, date palms counted, house of Šara; house of Ninura; house of Šulgi; orchards of ..., orchards of various shrines, inspections of fishermen and bird-hunters; potters ..., and inspections of exchange agents; the tablets being 12, are here; year: “The en(-priest) of Eridu was hired.” ... ." P142749,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan la₂ 1(diš) šu-du₃-a gid₂ 1(u) 1(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) nindan 2(diš) kuš₃ 2(diš) šu-du₃-a gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ 1(diš) šu-bad dagal ...a gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ 1(diš) šu-bad dagal ... 1(u) kuš₃... ... ...","1 1/2 ninda less 1 “fist” (1/3 cubit), the length; 11 cubits, the width; 1 ninda 2 cubits 2 “fists”, the length; 4 cubits 1 “open-hand” (1/2 cubit), the width; 1 ninda 5 cubits 1 “fist” the length; 4 cubits 1 “open-hand” (1/2 cubit), the width; 1 running ninda 2 cubits the length; 5 cubits the width; 11 cubits the length; 6 cubits the width; n ... the length; n ... the width; 10 cubits ... the length; n ... the width; n ... the length; n ... the width; n ... the length; 3 cubits the width;" P142827,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) še ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum 1(u) gun₂ siki a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 3(aš) gun₂ siki a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ku₃-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 7(aš) gun₂ siki na-me-a ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 5(diš) gin₂ ku₃ giri₃ lu₂-gi-na 2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal 1(geš₂) še i₃-šah₂ gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na šuniŋin 4(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 7(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) še ku₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ esir₂ ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 1(diš) še 2(aš) gun₂ 1(u) 4(diš) ma-na im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi 2(u) 7(diš) še 4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ naga-si-e₃ ku₃-bi 6(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ geš-kin-ti ki a-bu-ni giri₃ ur-sag-ku₅ 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) naga-si-e₃ ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še 1(u) gun₂ im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) gin₂ nig₂-dab₅ geš-kin-ti ki puzur₄{d}en-lil₂-la₂ giri₃ e₂-i₇-lu₂-ru-gu₂-da 2(ban₂) zi₃ gu₂-gal ku₃-bi 2(u) 4(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ geš-kin-ti ki a-a-mu giri₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 3(aš) 2(barig) naga-si-e₃ gur ku₃-bi 5/6(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) še 6(aš) gun₂ im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ tug₂ a-gi₄-um šar₃ ki {d}utu gal giri₃ šar-ru-um-i₃-li₂ 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) naga-si-e₃ gur ku₃-bi...gin₂ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ aga₃ lugal ki li-še-na giri₃ ur{d}da-mu ...gun₂ im-babbar₂ 1/3(diš) gin₂ ...naga-si-e₃ ku₃-bi 1(u) 8(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ aga₃ lugal ki lugal-dub-la₂ 1(ban₂) im-babbar₂ nag₄ ku₃-bi 2(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ {kuš}suhub₂ šar₃ ki šu-eš₁₈-dar giri₃ ad-da-da 3(ban₂) naga-si-e₃ ku₃-bi 4(diš) 1/2(diš) še 5(diš) 2/3(diš) 2(u) 8(diš) 1(u) še nig₂-dab₅ dabin sa-a ki zabar-dab₅ giri₃ hu-ba 1(ban₂) naga nag₄ ku₃-bi 4(diš) 1/2(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ e₂ ku₃-dim₂ ur₃-ra-ka ki lugal-ku₃-zu 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ gi ku₃-bi 2(diš) še 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ šim ku₃-bi 1(u) 1(diš) še 1(u) gin₂ še-li ku₃-bi 6(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ {dug}utul₂ ki {d}šul-gi-iri-mu giri₃ ha-ba-ba-tum 1/3(diš) sila₃ lal₃ ku₃-bi 1(u) 2(diš) še 3(diš) sila₃ šim hi-a ku₃-bi 2(u) 4(diš) še 2(diš) sila₃ geštin had₂ ku₃-bi 6(diš) še ki-a-nag ur{d}namma 2/3(diš) ma-na šim ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂...še 2/3(diš) sila₃ še-li ku₃-bi 2(u) 4(diš) še 1/3(diš) ma-na gi ku₃-bi 6(diš) še e₂-muhaldim sa₂-du₁₁ lugal 2(diš) murgu₂-ba ku₃-bi 1(u) 8(diš) še 2(diš) ma-na 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar kišib₃-bi 1(u) 4(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la 5(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lal₃ ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ 1(ban₂) geštin had₂ ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 2(diš) sila₃ šim hi-a ku₃-bi 1(u) 2(diš) še 1(u) ma-na im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi 2(diš) še 1(barig) 4(ban₂) naga ku₃-bi 1(u) 5(diš) še lugal-an-dul₃ 5(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ uruda ku₃-bi 3(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še kišib₃-bi 3(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ lu₂{d}en-lil₂ 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ geštin...gin₂ la₂ 4(diš) 1/2(diš) še 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ lal₃...ku₃-bi 1(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ 3(aš) gun₂ 4(u) 5(diš) ma-na im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 3(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ du₆-ku₃-ga kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e 4(diš) {geš}peš₃ še-er-gu ku₃-bi igi 4(diš) gal₂ 3(diš) še kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-šubur 1(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) i₃-šah₂ gur ku₃-bi 1(u) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-ra kišib₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1(u) {geš}u₃-suh₅ gi-muš ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ esir₂ ku₃-bi igi 4(diš) gal₂ la₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) še 1(barig) naga-si-e₃ ku₃-bi 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) še 1(u) 7(diš) ma-na im-babbar₂ ku₃-bi 3(diš) še nig₂-dab₅ geš-kin-ti 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃ sa₁₀-am₃ {geš}kab₂-kul kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ a-gu 1(u) 3(aš) gun₂ esir₂ had₂ ku₃-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ la₂ 6(diš) še kišib₃ lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ al-la-ha-ru ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še kišib₃ a-kal-la ašgab 9(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 6(diš) še ku₃ sa₁₀-am₃ uruda uri₅{ki}ma giri₃ ur{d}lamma u₃ e₂-lu-bi-su 2(diš) 4(u) 4(diš) 4(u) šuniŋin 2(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 1/2(diš) gin₂ 4(diš) še ku₃-babbar zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 6(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 7(diš) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak pa₃-da dam-gar₃ iti pa₄-u₂-e mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","1 1/3 mana, 3 1/3 shekels, 1 grain of silver, the remainder; 10 talents of wool the first time, 3 talents of wool the second time, its silver: 1 1/3 mana, 3 1/3 shekels; 7 talents of wool weighed out by stone, its silver: 1/2 mana, 3 1/3 shekels; 5 shekels of silver via Lugina; 2 shekels of silver via Ur-Nungal; 60 gur lard-grains, its silver: 1 mana; total: 4 1/3 mana, 7 shekels, 1 grain silver, the debit. Therefrom: 4 barig, 1 ban2, 4 1/2 sila3 of EA-bitumen, its silver: 2 shekels 21 grains; 2 talents, 14 mana of gypsum, its silver: 27 grains; 4 ban2, 1 sila3 of horned alkali-plant, its silver: 6 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the craft workshop with Abuni, via Ursagku. 2 gur, 2 barig, 3 ban2 of horned alkali-plant, its silver: 1/2 shekel, 22 1/2 grains; 10 talents of gypsum, its silver: 2/3 shekel; nigdab(-offering) of the craft workshop with Puzriš-Enlil, via E-Iluruguda. 2 ban2 of chickpea flour, its silver: 24 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the craft workshop with Aamu, via Ur-Šulpae. 3 gur, 2 barig of horned alkali-plant, its silver: 5/6 shekel, 3 grains; 6 talents of gypsum, its silver: 1/3 shekel, 12 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the royal agium garment, with Utu-GIR2gal, via Šarrum-Ili; 1 gur, 2 barig, 3 ban2 of horned alkali-plant, its silver: 1/3 shekel, 7 1/2 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the royal crown, with Lišena; via Ur-Damu; 5 talents of gypsum, its silver: 1/3 shekel; 2 barig horned alkali-plant, its silver: 18 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the royal crown, with Lugal-dubla; 1 ban2 of ground gypsum, its silver: 2 grains; nigdab(-offering) of royal boots, with Šuešdar, via Addada; 3 ban2 of horned alkali-plant, its silver: 4 1/2 grains, 5 2/3, 28.10 grains; nigdab(-offering) of a sa-flour, with the zabardab, via Huba; 3 ban2 of ground akali-plant, its silver: 4 1/2 grains, nigdab(-offering) of the silversmith-house ..., with Lugal-Kuzu; 15 shekels of reed, its silver: 2 grains, 15 shekels of beer malt, its silver: 11 grains, 10 shekels of šeli, its silver: 6 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the soup vessel, with Šulgi-Irimu, via Hababatum; 1/3 sila3 of date syrup, its silver: 12 grains; 3 sila3 of various beer malts, its silver: 24 grains; 2 sila3 of raisins, its silver: 6 grains; libation place of Ur-Namma; 2/3 mana beer malt, its silver: 1/6 (shekel) 10 grains; 2/3 sila3 of šeli, its silver: 24 grains; 1/3 mana of reeds, its silver: 6 grains; the kitchen, royal rations; 2 turtle shells, their silver: 18 grains, 2 mana, 1 1/3 shekels, 15 grains of silver, the sealed tablets involved: 14; sealed tablet of Lukalla. 5 1/2 sila3 of date syrup, its silver: 1 1/6 shekels; 1 ban2 of raisins, its silver: 1/6 (shekel); 2 sila3 of various beer malts, their silver: 12 grains; 10 mana of gypsum; its silver: 2 grains; 1 barig, 4 ban2 of alkali-plant; its silver: 15 grains; ..., with Lugal-Andul. 5 5/6 mana, 4 shekels of copper, its silver: 3 5/6 shekels 18 grains; the sealed tablets: 3, sealed tablets of Lu-Enlil. 1 barig, 1 ban2, 9 sila3 of raisins, [their silver: 1 1/3] shekels minus 4 1/2 grains; 2 1/2 sila3 of x-date syrup; its silver: 1 1/4 shekels; 3 talents, 45 mana of gypsum, its silver: 1/6 [shekel] 3 grains; nigdab(-offering) of “Holy Hill”, sealed tablet of Lugal-niglagar-e. 4 strings of figs, their silver equivalent: 1/4 (shekel), 3 grains; sealed tablet of Lu-Ninšubur. 1 gur, 1 barig, 3 ban2 lard, its silver: 19 1/2 shekels; in the palace delivered; sealed tablet of Ur-Šulpae. 10 pine punting poles, their silver: 1/3 shekel; 29 sila3 of EA-bitumen, its silver: 1/4 (shekel) minus 1 1/2 grains; 1 barig horned alkali-plant; its silver: 10 minus 1 grain; 17 mana of gypsum; its silver: 3 grains; nigdab(-offering) of the craft workshop; 1 shekel exchange silver for k-containers; the sealed tablets: 2, sealed document of Agu. 13 talents of dried bitumen, their silver: 1 1/3 shekels minus 6 grains; sealed tablet of Lugal-ebansa. 1 ban2, 5 sila3 of allaḫaru, its silver: 2/3 shekel 15 grains; sealed tablet of Akalla, the leatherworker. 9 1/2 shekels, 6 grains exchange silver for copper in Ur; via Ur-Lamma and Elubisu (?). Total: 2 5/6 mana, 1/2 shekel, 4 grains of silver; booked out. Deficit: 1 1/2 mana, 6 1/3 shekels, 27 grains of silver; account of Pada, the exchange agent; Month: “pa’u’e,” year: “En-unugal(-anna, high-priest) of Inanna, was installed” [AS 5]." P142850,Ur III,Administrative," 7(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) 1(u) 6(diš) sar al 4(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(diš) 3(geš₂) 4(u) 1/2(diš) sar al 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 3(diš) 1(geš₂) 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) sar al 3(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 3(diš) 1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 3(diš) 1(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ab-sin₂-ta la-ag ri-ri-ga a₂ ša₃-gu₄-ka 2(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) sar al 6(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) 4(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) sar al 4(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) 1(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 3(diš) 1/2(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) 1(diš) 5(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) sar al 3(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 5(u) 1/3(diš) 1(u) sar al 2(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 5(diš) 1(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) sar al du₃ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 3(geš₂) sar {u₂} ziₓ(IGI@g)-a 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) 1(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 5(u) 3(diš) 3(geš₂) 1(u) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) 1(geš₂) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ab-sin₂-ta la-ag ri-ri-ga 4(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ka-us₂-sa ga₂-ra 2(geš₂) sar {u₂}har-an bu₃-ra 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 2(diš) 3(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) sar {u₂}har-an bu₃-ra 6(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 6(diš) a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-ša₃ ur-gu 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš)-kam 2(u) sar al 4(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 5(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) sar al du₃ 2(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 6(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš) sar al du₃ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) 1(geš₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ab-sin₂-ta la-ag ri-ri-ga a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) 5(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ab-sin₂-ta la-ag ri-ri-ga a₂ ša₃-gu₄-ka a-ša₃ muru₁₃ 4(u) sar al du₃ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(diš) a₂ ša₃-gu₄-ka 7(geš₂) 3(u) sar al du₃ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(u) 5(diš) 3(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ab-sin₂-ta la-ag ri-ri-ga a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-ša₃ sipa-da 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) sar geš gaz 4(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) a-ša₃ la₂-mah a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ 6(diš) sila₃-ta a-ša₃-ge kin ak ugula lugal-nesag-e kišib₃ lu₂-bala-sag₁₀ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul lu₂-bala-sa₆-ga dub-sar dumu dingir-ra","442 1/2 sar, hoed at 5 sar (per day), its labor: 84 1/2 workdays; 16 sar, hoed at 4 sar (per day), its labor: 4 workdays; 220 1/2 sar, hoed at 3 1/2 sar (per day), its labor: 63 workdays; 100 less 1 sar, hoed at 3 sar (per day), its labor: 33 workdays; 945 sar, acacia cut at 15 sar (per day), its labor: 63 workdays; 17 male laborer workdays, from the furrows clods struck down, labor of the plow assistants; 168 sar, hoed at 6 sar (per day), its labor: 30 less 1 workdays; 727 1/2 sar, hoed at 5 sar (per day), its labor: 145 1/2 workdays; 292 sar, hoed at 4 sar (per day), its labor: 73 workdays; 73 1/2 sar, hoed at 3 1/2 sar (per day), its labor: 21 workdays; 331 sar, hoed at 3 sar (per day), its labor: 110 1/3 workdays; 10 sar, hoed at 2 sar (per day), its labor: 5 workdays; 960 sar, hoed ... at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 96 workdays; 180 sar, ... pulled out at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 18 workdays; 795 sar, acacia cut at 15 sar (per day), its labor: 53 workdays; 190 sar, acacia cut at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 20 less 1 workdays; 65 male laborer workdays, from the furrows clods struck down, 44 male laborer workdays, ... set; 120 sar, ... loosened out at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 12 workdays; 216 sar, ... loosened at 6 sar (per day), its labor: 36 workdays; labor of the hired men, field Urgu; 712 1/2 sar, hoed at 5 sar (per day), its labor: 142 1/2 workdays; 20 sar, hoed at 4 sar (per day), its labor: 5 workdays; 720 sar, hoed ... at 20 sar (per day), its labor: 36 workdays; 775 sar, hoed ... at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 77 1/2 workdays; 67 1/2 male laborer workdays, from the furrows clods struck down, labor of the hired men; 95 sar, hoed at 5 sar (per day), its labor: 20 less 1 workdays; 50 less 1 male laborer workdays, from the furrows clods struck down, labor of the plow assistants, field Muru; 40 sar, hoed ... at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 4 workdays; labor of the plow assistants; 450 sar, hoed ... at 10 sar (per day), its labor: 45 workdays; 33 1/2 male laborer workdays, from the furrows clods struck down, labor of the hired men, field Herder; 720 sar, bush flatted at 40 sar (per day), its labor: 18 workdays; field Lamaḫ; labor of the hired men, 6 sila3 (barley each per day), fieldwork; foreman: Lugal-nesage; under seal of Lu-balasaga; year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Lu-balasaga, scribe, son of Dingira." P127756,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga lu₂-kal-la i₃-gal₂ mu {d}...{d}suen lugal...... ","Basket-of-tablets: therefroms, restitutions, debits and credits of Lukalla are here; year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed.”" P248766,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba šu-du₇-a mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: complete grain rations year: ""Amar-Suen (became) king"" are here" P248818,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im tum mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam kar₂-kin₂-na{ki} ba-hul mu a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ša₃ nibru{ki} mu i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: tablets in the ‘house,’ year: “For the 2nd time Karkina was destroyed,” year: “For the 3rd time Simurum was destroyed,” in Nippur, ARADmu, are here." P249089,Ur III,Administrative," 5(aš) dabin gur lugal 3(aš) zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 5(aš) munu₄ si e₃ gur 3(aš) bappir₂ du gur 2(aš) bappir₂ sag₁₀ gur ki ad-da-ta lu₂-du₁₀-ga šu ba-ti iti min-eš₃ 5(aš) dabin gur lugal 3(aš) zi₃-sig₁₅ gur 3(aš) bappir₂ du gur 5(aš) munu₄ si e₃ gur 2(aš) bappir₂ sag₁₀ gur ki ad-da-ta lu₂-du₁₀-ga šu ba-ti kišib₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga iti min-eš₃ lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu du₁₁-ga","5 gur flour, (according to the) royal (measure), 3 gur rough-ground flour, 5 gur sprouted malt, 3 gur ŠIM, regular (quality), 2 gur ŠIM, high (quality), from Adda did Lu-duga receive; month “mineš.” 5 gur flour, (according to the) royal (measure), 3 gur rough-ground flour, 3 gur ŠIM, regular (quality), 5 gur sprouted malt, 2 gur ŠIM, high (quality), from Adda did Lu-duga receive; under seal of Lu-duga; month “mineš.” Lu-duga, the scribe, son of KA-KA." P100145,Ur III,Administrative," ... gurum₂-ak ug₃ ugula sanga {d}nin-mar{ki} mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of the porters, foremen, temple administrator of Ninmar, year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna by goat was found.”" P100451,Ur III,Administrative," 3(geš₂) sa gi nig₂-gu₇ di-de₃ ki ur{d}šara₂-ta ur-zu šu ba-ti ša₃ bala iti min-eš₃ mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul ur{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušur₄ nu-banda₃ gu₄ {d}šara₂","180 bundles of reed, being said(?) as fodder. From Ur-Šara. Urzu received. Within the bala-period. Month: “Double sanctuary.” Year following: “Anšan was destroyed.” Ur-Šara, the scribe, child of Lugal-ušur, domain-unit administrator of Šara." P100454,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) gun₂ {geš}ma-nu 1(aš) gun₂ gi siskur₂ ki{d}suen ki šeš-a-ni-ta ku₃-ga-ni šu ba-ti iti šu-numun mu lugal-e bad₃ mu-du₃ lu₂{d}nin-tu dub-sar dumu en-u₂-a","1 gu2 of willow(?), 1 gu2 of reed. Offerings of the place of Suen. From Šešani, Kugani received. Month: “Seeding.” Year: “The king built the wall.” Lu-Nintu, scribe, child of Enua." P100761,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ša₃-bi su-ga kas₄ šuš₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: debits, therefroms, restitutions, of Kas, the cattle administrator, are here." P100762,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak šandana-ke₄-ne mu 3(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the tanners, (a period of) 3 years; are here." P100763,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ nam-ša₃-tam šabra gu₄-ke₄-ne a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} gu₂-de₃-na ... ...amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents, official ones of the chief house administrator of oxen, in Apisal, Mušbiana Gu-edina, are here. year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P100764,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak u₃ kišib₃ dab₅-ba lu₂-zabala₃ sipa udu ge₆ mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃-ta mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul-še₃ i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: accounts and sealed documents of conveyance, of Lu-Zabala, herder of black sheep, from the year following: “The wall was erected” to the year: “Urbilum was destroyed” are here." P100765,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im nam-ša₃-tam ugula nam-u-ke₄-ne da-umma{ki} a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} gu₂-edin-na u₃ muš-bi-an i₃-gal₂ mu 2(diš)-kam mu ur-bi₂-lum u₃ mu ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: tablets official, foremen of the 10(-man (labor-)troops) of Da’umma, Apisal, Gu-edina, and Mušbiana are here; (a period of) 2 years; year: “Urbilum and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P100766,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum ab₂ e₂-tur₃ u₃ gu₄{geš}apin mu gu-za ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of cows of the stall and plow-oxen, year: “The chair was fashioned.”" P100767,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum ab₂ e₂-tur₃ u₃ gu₄{geš}apin mu en-mah-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: ‘chambers’ of cows of the stall and plow-oxen, year: “Enmaḫgalana.”" P145434,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba ku-li iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti diri-še₃ ... mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P101018,Ur III,Administrative," 5(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ zi₃-kum sa₂-du₁₁ ku₅-da bala er₃-ra-gar₃ mu šu-šu-mu-dar kišib₃ tu-ra-am... ... iti a₂-ki-ti mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki}ka mu-du₃","5 ban2 8 sila3 “pounded” flour, cut out of regular offerings; bala of Erra-gar, in place of Šū-Šumudar; under seal of Tūram-ilī; ... month: “Akītu,” year: ""The house of Šara of Umma was erected.”" P101020,Ur III,Administrative," 5(geš₂) sa gi bu-ra-an-hu-uh₂-ra-an 1(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) sa gi sahar-ki-ti 1(u) sa gi 1(diš) dam 3(u) sa gi šu ba ur ha-ab-ru nu-banda₃ nir-i₃-da-gal₂ iti ezem{d}nin-zu lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu...","300 bundles of reed, ...; 85 bundles of reed, Saḫarkiti; 10 bundles of reed, ...; 30 bundles of reed, ... Ḫabru (and) the nubanda Niridagal. month: “Festival of Ninazu.”" P101049,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) ma₂ 1(geš₂) gur 2(ban₂)-ta ma₂-lah₅-bi i₃-ib₂-u₃ u₄ 3(u) 2(diš)-še₃ še-bi 4(aš) 1(barig) 2(ban₂) gur a-pi₄-sal₄{ki}ta nibru{ki}še₃ siki ba-a-si giri₃ ur-e₁₁-e mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","2 barges of 60 gur (capacity), 2 ban2 (per day) each, their skippers piloting, for 32 days, its barley: 4 gur 1 barig 2 ban2; from Apisal to Nippur, with wool filled, via Ur-e’e, year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P101176,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida...sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂...gin₂ naga 2(diš)...šum₂ lu₂-mu...gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida...kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 2(diš) sa šum₂ lu₂{d}utu...aš 3(diš) sila₃ kaš...ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃... 1(diš) sa... a-mur{d}suen gaba-ta šuniŋin...dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin...gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 2 bundles onions, for ..., to the frontier; 1 jug wort, 3 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 2 bundles onions, for Lu-Utu, to the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Amur-Suen, from the frontier; total: 2 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 6 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 2 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 7 bundles onions; 14th day, month: “Dumuzi,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P101177,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug dida 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ ur-nigar{gar} sukkal gaba-aš 1(diš) dug dida 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ šu{d}utu gaba-aš 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ {d}šul-gi-ki-ur₅-sa₆ ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 2(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) šuniŋin...sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ kaš šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ i₃ šuniŋin 6(diš) gin₂ naga šuniŋin 7(diš) sa šum₂ u₄ 7(diš)-kam iti diri mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","1 jug wort, 5 sila3 fine beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Ur-nigar, the messenger, to the frontier; 1 jug wort, 3 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions; for Šū-Utu, to the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Šulgi-ki’ursa, the ka’usa; total: 2 jugs of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 6 sila3 beer; total: 2 ban2 2 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 7 bundles onions; 7th day, month: “Extra,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P101255,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ kal-la-mu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ ba-ad-iri-na 2(ban₂) ninda ša₃-gal kas₄ gaba-ta bala-a giri₃ ba-ad-iri-na u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi","5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Kalamu; 5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Bad-Irina; 2 ban2 bread, provisions of messengers from the frontier, in bala, via Bad-Irina; 12th day, month: “Festival of Šulgi.”" P101256,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂-du₁₀-ga 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga da-a-ni 2(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1(u) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}nanna-zi muhaldim 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lugal-me-lam₂ muhaldim 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga hu-bu-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga abba₂-abba₂ šuniŋin 4(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 2(u) 7(diš)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Luduga; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Dayyānī; 2 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 bread, 2 bundles onions, 10 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nanna-zi, the cook; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lugal-melam, the cook; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ḫubu’a; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Abba-abba; total: 4 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer; 3 ban2 6 sila3 bread; 12 bundles onions; 1/3 sila3 5 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; 27th day, month: “Dumuzi.”" P101257,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ lu₂{d}nanna 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) ku₆ 1(diš) sa šum₂ ur{d}nanna 3(ban₂) ninda 3(ban₂) kaš du 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš ša₃-gal kas₄-e-ne giri₃ ur{d}nanna u₄ 1(diš)-kam iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar","5 sila3 fine beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Lu-Nanna; 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 fish, 1 bundle onions, for Ur-Nanna; 3 ban2 bread, 3 ban2 common beer, 1/2 sila3 sesame oil, provisions for messengers, via Ur-Nanna; 1st day, month: “Bricks cast in moulds.”" P101258,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}nanna-kam 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dingir-i₃-zu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu-eš₁₈-dar 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga na-sa₆ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-na-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga hu-la šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ninda 1/2(diš) sila₃ šum₂ šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ i₃... ... u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam iti min₃-eš₃ iti min₃-eš₃","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nanna-kam; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Dingir-izu; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šū-Ištar; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Nasa; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Anaya; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ARAD-ḫula; total: 2 ban2 6 sila3 beer; 2 ban2 4 sila3 bread; 1/2 sila3 onions; total: 18 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; ... 14th day, month: “mineš.” month: “mineš.”" P101262,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dug... 1(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃...naga 3(diš) sa šum₂ šu-ma-ma sukkal gaba-aš 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ i-šar-i₃-li₂ gaba-ta 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ šu{d}utu ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 1(diš) dug dida du 1(ban₂) ...6(diš) sila₃ kaš ...gin₂ naga ...kam iti ... ...","1 jug of wort ... 1 ban2 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 3 bundles onions, for Šū-Mama, the messenger, to the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Išar-ilī, from the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Šū-Utu, the ka’usa; total: 1 jug of common wort, 1 ban2 (barley per jug); ... total: 6 sila3 beer; total: 14 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 5 bundles onions... nth day, month: ..." P101263,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}nanna 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur-dingir-ra 2(ban₂) kaš 2(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1(u) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga da-ni-a 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur...du₇ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga an-na-hi-li 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga dingir-sukkal šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃ kaš 4(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}šul-gi","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Nanna; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-dingira; 2 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 bread, 2 bundles onions, 10 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Danniya; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-...-du 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Anna-ḫili; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Dingir-sukkal; total: 4 ban2 1 sila3 beer; 4 ban2 less 1 sila3 bread; 12 bundles onions; 1/3 sila3 5 shekels oil; 12 shekels alkali-plant; 26th day, month: “Festival of Šulgi.”" P101272,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ti-ti 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ka₅-a-mu 3(ban₂) kaš 3(ban₂) ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lugal{d}lamma-mu 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 5(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga in-ha-an 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ šuniŋin 4(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ kaš 4(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) sa šum₂ 2(diš) sila₃ la₂ 1(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(u) gin₂ naga u₄ 7(diš)-kam iti e₂-iti-6(diš)","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Titi; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ka’amu; 3 ban2 beer, 3 ban2 bread, 2 bundles onions, 1/2 sila3 oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lugal-Lammamu; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 5 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Inhan; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šulgi-ilī; total: 4 ban2 8 sila3 beer; 4 ban2 7 sila3 bread; 10 bundles onions; 2 sila3 less 1 shekels oil; 20 shekels alkali-plant; 7th day, month: “House-month-6.”" P101274,Ur III,Administrative," ... 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga lu₂{d}en-ki 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur-sag₁₀ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš)... 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga la-qi₃-ip 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ur-da-ri₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-li₂-ah 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 5(diš) gin₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga du₁₀-i₃-li₂ šuniŋin 3(ban₂) la₂ 1(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ ninda 1/2(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ šum₂ 1/3(diš) sila₃ 1(diš) gin₂ i₃ ...gin₂... ... u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti min₃-eš₃","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ... 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Lu-Enki; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oils, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-saga; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Laqīp; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ur-dari; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Ali’aḫ; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Du-ilī; total: 3 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer; 2 ban2 6 sila3 bread; 1/2 sila3 5 shekels onions; 1/3 sila3 1 shekel oil; 14 shekels alkali plant; ... 9th day, month: “mineš.”" P101276,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga li-bur{d}šul-gi 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}utu-he₂-sa₆ 5(diš) sila₃ kaš 5(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga {d}šul-gi-mu-dah 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ...lu₂... 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga ku-da-um šabra 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga a-ma-ma-a 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) sa šum₂ 3(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga šu-ma-am₃ šuniŋin 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 1(u) 4(diš) sa šum₂ 1/3(diš) sila₃ 1(diš) gin₂ i₃ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂ naga u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam iti {d}dumu-zi","5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Libur-Šulgi; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Utu-ḫesa; 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šulgi-mudaḫ; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for ...; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 ninda, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Kūdanum, the household manager; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Amamaya; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 bundles onions, 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, for Šumam; total: 2 ban2 7 sila3 beer; 2 ban2 2 sila3 bread; 14 bundles onions; 1/3 sila3 1 shekel oil; 14 shekels alkali-plant; 14th day, month: “Dumuzi.”" P101284,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ 3(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ a-an-na-ti gaba-ta 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ giri₃ i₃-li₂-sa₆ ka-us₂-sa₂ 3(diš) sila₃ kaš 2(diš) sila₃ ninda 2(diš) gin₂ i₃ 2(diš) gin₂ naga 1(diš) sa šum₂ lugal-ha-ma-ti ka-us₂-sa₂ šuniŋin 5(diš) sila₃ kaš sag₁₀ šuniŋin 6(diš) sila₃ kaš du šuniŋin 7(diš) sila₃ ninda šuniŋin 6(diš)... šuniŋin 6(diš)... šuniŋin 3(diš)... u₄ 1(diš)-kam iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-gar","5 sila3 fine beer, 3 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Anati, from the frontier; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, via Ilī-sa, the ka’usa; 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 2 shekels oil; 2 shekels alkali-plant, 1 bundle onions, for Lugal-hamati, the ka’usa; total: 5 sila3 fine beer; total: 6 sila3 common beer; total: 7 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 3 bundles onions; 1st day, month: “Bricks cast in moulds.”" P101357,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ niga 3(diš) udu niga 1(diš) udu u₂ ma₂-an-na-še₃ 1(diš) udu niga e₂ {d}na-na-a 1(diš) udu niga eš₃-ge₆-zal-še₃ 1(diš) sila₄ nig₂-ki-zah₃ e₂ {d}na-na-a 2(diš) udu gu₄-e-us₂-sa 1(diš) maš₂ siskur₂ u₄-sakar ša₃ unu{ki}ga giri₃ a₂-bi₂-la-ti 1(diš) udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ gi-ra-num₂ {d}inana 2(diš) udu niga sa₂-du₁₁ siskur₂ {d}be-la-at-suh-ner u₃ {d}be-la-at-dar-ra-ba-an 1(diš) sila₄ nig₂-ki-zah₂ e₂-gal-la 1(diš) sila₄ ... 1(diš) udu...siskur₂ {d}nanna ur{d}dumu-zi-da maškim zi-ga be-li₂-du₁₀ kurušda ša₃ e₂-sag-da-na iti a₂-ki-ti mu bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","1 ox, grain-fed, 3 sheep, grain-fed, 1 sheep, grass-fed, for boat of An; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for Nanaya; 1 sheep, grain-fed, for the temple of Gezal; 1 lamb, that of disappearance(?), house of Nanaya; 2 sheep, following the ox, 1 goat, offering of the new moon, in Uruk; via Abilati; 1 sheep, grain-fed, regular ration sheep, grain-fed, wailing ceremony of Inanna; 2 sheep, grain-fed, regular ration, offering of Belat-suḫner, and Belat-darraban; 1 lamb, that of disappearance(?), in the palace; 1 lamb, ... 1 sheep, grain-fed, offering of Nanna; Ur-Dumuzida, enforcer; booked out (of the account of) Belī-ṭab, fattener; of the house of Sagdana; month: “Akiti,” year: “Wall of the land erected.”" P222304,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," {d} lugal kal šarₓ-ra ur{d}nin-girimₓ-ma-ke₄ dumu lugal-du₁₁-ga-ni sipa šita₂ dim₂-ma-bi nu₁₁-am₃ kal-ga dumu {d}nin-sun₂-ka-ra nam-ti-la-ni-še₃ nam-ti dam dumu-ne-ne-še₃ a mu-ru","To Gilgameš, the king who was preciously ..., did Ur-Ningirim, son of Lugal-dugani, the shepherd, this fashioned mace—it is of albaster— to the mighty one, the son of Ninsun, for his life and for the life of (his) wife and their children, dedicate." P222183,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," ud ri₂-a ud ri₂-še₃ na-nam ŋi₆ ri₂-a ŋi₆ ri₂-še₃ na-nam mu ri₂-a mu ri₂-še₃ na-nam ud na-du₇-du₇ nin na-ŋir₂-ŋir₂ eš₃ nibru{ki} ud na-du₇-du₇ nim na-ŋir₂-ŋir₂ an-ne₂ ki-da inim an-dab₆-e ki an-da inim an-dab₆-e ... igi-zi gal an-na nin gal {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-hur-saŋ igi-zi gal an-na nin gal {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ra ŋeš₃ mu-ni-dug₄ ne mu-ni-sub₅ a maš imin šag₄ mu-na-ni-ru ki muš-ŋiri₂-da bal-bal an-da-za {d}id₂-mah niŋ₂-tur-zu a mu-da-de₆ pa₅-ra diŋir id₂-da-ke₄ ... an sig₁₉...i₃-dim₂-ma₂ ba-us₂ ŋeštug {ŋeš}asal an-gur₄-gur₄ igi ŋeštin duru₅ šag₄-ba mu-ŋar-ŋar igi bar₆-bar₆ ŋešnu-gal... an-da-dab₆-e gudug-ge zi an la₂ nu-kiri₃ mah lal₃ kug zu an-da-ra-ta-bar-e meli₂ gaba nunuz gu₂-mur ke₄ gudug lu₂ aratta-gin₇ si an-sa₂-sa₂-e zag zag piriŋ an-gub-gub šu-si {ŋeš} an-gi₄ ... ...{d}en-lil₂ nibru{ki}še₃ gig-še₃ mu-ŋar-ŋar {d}inana-ra ki zabala-še₃ gig-še₃ mu-ŋar-ŋar {d}en-ki-ra abzu-še₃ gig-še₃ mu-ŋar-ŋar ... {d}en-lil₂ nibru{ki} u₂ nu-še₃-gu₇-e a nu-še₃-na₈-na₈ ninda kum₂-na ninda kum₂ nu-mu-ŋal₂ ninda ten-na ninda ten... ... ... {d}en-lil₂...še₃ mu-dug₄ a mun₄ a-ne ba-sa₂-sag a mun₄ a-ne ba-la₂-la₂ {d}en-lil₂ a mun₄ a-ne ba-sa₂-sag a mun₄ a-ne ba-la₂-la₂ ninda kum₂-za ninda kum₂ nu-mu-ŋal₂ ninda ten-za ninda ten... gir₂ mah ŋa₂ gud gu₇-gu₇-zu eš₃ nibru bi a-ne ba-nud zabar mah-zu mu nu-mu-gi-ne... ... ... gig-še₃ mu-ŋar-ŋar {d}en-ki-ra abzu-še₃ gig-še₃ mu-ŋar-ŋar nam-ta-e₃ nam-ta-e₃ ud ŋi₆-ta e₃-a {d}nin-urta nam-ta-e₃ ud ŋi₆-ta e₃-a kuš piriŋ bar nam-mi-mur₁₀ kuš piriŋ-piriŋ zag mu-ni-keš₂ si-si ma-ta-za lal-lal ... ... gig ŋuruš zid...aŋ₂-ŋa₂ ŋuruš...am₆-ma-kar dug-din dug ra umun₂ mu-na-ni-za... ama-ŋu₁₀... a-na ŋuruš-zu na-dab₆... ama-ŋu₁₀ gig a-ne ba-e tur₃ tu nu-me-a-ra a gig a-ne ba-e ... ... ... igi ... ... im ...mah zag... dumu... gud mu-dab₆-be₂ ki kur₉-ra-bi a {ki}a...ib₂-tal₂ ub ... ... dumu... ki mu...bad ...... šag₄-bi niŋ₂-dug₃... ... ...nin...saŋ dumu-ne-ne nam mu-ne-tar {tumu}si-sa₂-ra nam mu-ni-tar ŋen-na a-zu₅ lugal zi-zu he₂-mi sipad...ti... ... ... lu₂...lu₂...ti... ... si... lu₂... a-zu lu₂ ... ...he₂ im nam mu-ni-tar ŋen-na {d}en-ki-du gu₅-li-zu he₂-am₆ ki-su₇ {d}en-lil₂ ... lu₂ lu₂-ra ... ... ... ... ...e₃-da keš₃-ta ba-ta-e₃ ...ninda gu₇...en-lil₂ ...da...ti {d}irhanₓ(|MUŠ.IR.HA.DIN.BALAG|) lu₂ sag₉-ga ...ti ... ...še₃... idigna kug buranun kug-ge ŋidru kug {d}en-lil₂ hur-saŋ mu ur₂-bi he₂... pa-bi uri₃... bar-ba...zur... nunuz ki...tag ...lu₂ ... ...e₂ ... ... kur-ra al-lu₂ am giggi al-lu₂ am babbar al-lu₂ am si₄ al-lu₂ am dara₄ al-lu₂ anše nisku kuš an-ga-lu₂ {anše}si₂-si₂ hur-saŋ an-še₃ al-e₁₁ ama-lu₅ al-dab₅ siki siki al-il₂ dara₃ gi za...nin-hur-saŋ ... ... keš₃-še₃ mu-gi₄-gi₄ iri da-ba-la e₂-e mušen a-ba-šub-be₂ {kuš} ke₄ zid₂ a-ba-ta-si-ge {kuš}ummuₓ-ke₄ a a-ba-ta-de₂ da-ba-la-e gal i₃-ga-mu-zu e₂-ŋu₁₀ mušen a-ba-šub-be₂ {kuš} ke₄ zid₂ a-ba-ta-si-ge ... ... ...{d}nin-hur-saŋ-ke₄ ab-da-me kug-me šu-na mu-dab₅ ba-da ŋa₂-e mu-na-ni-gi₄-gi₄ pisaŋ kug-ga-me pisaŋ šen-ga-me lu₂ kug me nu-zuh ŋidru kug-ge ne sub₆-me šu-ni nam-ma-dab₅... dug₂ 2(diš) ... mu-na-de₂ šag₄-gub ki-aŋ₂-a-bi dug mu-da-ni-ru {d}irhanₓ(|MUŠ.IR.HA.DIN.BALAG|) ... ...sur₃ sur₃ idigna kug buranun kug-ge ŋidru kug šeš-ŋu₁₀ {d}en-lil₂ lu₂ nam an... dumu-ŋu₁₀... ...... {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ke₄ šembi-zi igi duh i₃ li igi-na ba-ni-ŋar zag-e₃ keš₃ nam-mi-gub sig-še₃ ba-ni-il₂ sig-še₃ lu₂ nu... ŋidru... ... ... e₂ mu-na-kuš₃ ud-bi a zal-la ŋi₆-bi... šuš₂-am₆ {d}irhanₓ(|MUŠ.IR.HA.DIN.BALAG|) ...... e₂... dumu-ŋu₁₀ ... a-na...a mu... ... ... ... ... {d}eš-peš gal i₃-ga-mu-zu abul si-ŋar ba-ŋar ig...šu-a mu-ni-keš₂ eš₃-ta e...i₃-ma-šu₂-šu₂ {d}irhanₓ(|MUŠ.IR.HA.DIN.BALAG|) ... ta... igi an-še₃ i₃-il₂-da šah ŋeš-gi-gin₇ mu... ... ... ...nam-sag₉-ga ...ra-ni me-nam ... dab₅ mah-bi sag₉-ga ba-ra-ni me-nam ... gin₇ gi he₂-dub-e ki nam-nita-ni muš-dam temen-še₃ mu-dim₂ da {ŋeš} ki ti ...","Those days were faraway days, indeed! Those nights were faraway nights, indeed! Those years were faraway years, indeed! The storm was roaring, lights flashing. The temple of Nippur, the storm was roaring, lights flashing. Heaven with earth was talking; earth with heaven was talking. With Igizigalana, older sister of Enlil, with Ninḫursag, With Igizigalana, older sister of Enlil, with Ninḫursag he had intercourse. He kissed her, the semen of seven twins into her womb dropped. Earth with Scorpion a conversation held: “Big-River, your little “things” water are carrying. For you(?), the god(?) of the river ... .” ... ... heaven reached. The “ears” of the poplars swelled, “grape-eyes” among them were placed. “White-eyes,” “great lights” were piled up with them. The gudu-priest ... “Mighty ..., your ..., is being taken away.” ..., the beans ... . The gudu-priest like a man of Aratta was directing it. ... ... ... ... ... ... of Enlil toward Nippur (Enlil) to feel bitterness caused; Inanna toward Zabala to feel bitterness he caused; Enki toward Abzu. to feel bitterness he caused; ... of Enlil Nippur was not feeding, was not giving to drink, His oven(?) in which bread was baked no baked bread contained. His oven(?) in which bread cooled down bread cooling down [had none]. ... Enlil to ... The brackish water he ...; the brackish water he was holding back. Enlil, he ... the brackish water he is holding back. Your oven(?), in which bread was baked, no baked bread contains. Your oven(?), in which bread cooled down, bread cooling down has none. Your(?) supreme ox-devouring oven, in(?) the temple of Nippur. its stones(?) he made lie (idle). Your supreme bronze ... to(?) ... does not return(?). [Inanna toward Zabala,] to feel bitterness he caused; Enki toward Abzu"". to feel bitterness he caused; he came out! He came out! As the day from the night rose, Ninurta came out! As the day from the night rose, in a lion’s skin his body he dressed. With lion’s skins his flanks he bound. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... My mother ... ... My mother ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Your young man ... ... Those who enter the place ... ... ... Young man ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninḫursag, For their children the fate was determined. For the north wind its fate was determined. Come, let Azulugal your life be(?)!"" The shepherd ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... For the ... wind its fate was determined. Come! May Enkidu your friend be! The wasteland may Enlildu for men ... ... ... ... from Keš left. where Enlil bread eats ... Irḫan, the good one, ... ... ... to heaven ... Silver Tigris and [silver] Euphrates pure scepter of Enlil, the mountains(?) ... its roots let ... its crown let ... On its side let ... eggs on the ground let be laid. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in the mountains multiplied; black bulls multiplied, white bulls multiplied, reddish bulls multiplied, dark-red bulls multiplied. Horrible “horse-lions” also multiplied. Mountain horses on top climbed. ... dwellt. Wool the ... carried. The ... stags of Ninḫursag [multiplied(?)]. ... ... ... ... ... The city, Dabala, to the house ... after the birds left it, after into its sack flour he has put, after water into its water skin he has poured, Dabala, who is equally wise (said): “To my house ... after the birds have left it, after into the sack flour has been put, after into its water skin water has been poured,” ... Ninḫursag, our “arm”(?), of our precious metal took possession. ... returned. Our silver container, our ... container, our man of ... the ... of gold, our ... took possession. 2 pots ... poured, 2 ... poured. Their ... beloved heart, beer dispersed. Irḫan ... Silver Tigris and silver Euphrates, silver scepter, my brother, Enlil, the man ... my son ... Ninḫursag fine antimony, eye-paste(?), fine oil(?) onto her eyes put. a seat of honor in Keš(?) she established. Below they(?) carried. Below nobody ... Scepter ... ... ... The house ... That day, ... passing, That night, ... darkening, Irḫan ... The house ... My child, ... ... ... ... ... Ešpeš, who is equally wise, the great gate bolted, the door with his/her hand bound, and down from the sanctuary ...brought. Irḫan ... ... ... his/her eyes toward heaven raised like a wild boar of the canebrake ... ... ... pleasure ... ... greatly(?) pleasant ... ... ... his place of manhood like ... ... ... ..." P145596,Ur III,Letter," na-ni u₃-na-a-du₁₁ maš-gu-la-ra 1(geš₂) še gur šum₂-mu-da he₂-na-du₁₁ a-na-aš-am₃ nu-u₃-na-šum₂ he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu inim-bi na-ba-ab-gur-re","(To) Nanni speak: ""To Mašgula 60 gur barley to give I did tell him. Why did he not give it to him? He must give it to him! He should not bring up this issue again!""." P105268,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) guruš a₂ u₄ 1(diš)-bi gu-nigin₂ 4(u) 5(diš)-am₃ šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) gu-nigin₂-am₃ a₂ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-bi-im ur-e₁₁-e i₃-dab₅ iti pa₅-u₂-e mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ","15 male laborers, the labor of 1 day: 45 bales, total: 765 bales, being the labor of 17 days, did Ur-e’e receive; month “pa’u’e,” year “Simurrum was destroyed.”" P105269,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(diš) guruš a₂ u₄ 1(diš)-bi {u₂} gu-nigin₂ 3(diš)-ta-am₃ šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 4(u)₂-am₃ ...1(u) 7(diš)-bi-im sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) gu-nigin₂-am₃ ur-e₁₁-e i₃-dab₅ dab₅-bi ma₂-da-ga-ke₄ e₁₁ iti pa₅-u₂-e mu{ki} ba-hul ...e₂ {d} ","15 male laborers, the labor of 1 day: rushes, 3(?) bales each, total: 765 bales, being the labor of 17 days, they are the debits; therefrom: 765 bales, did Ur-e’e receive; ... Madaga ..., month “pa’u’e,” year “Simurrum was destroyed.”" P106162,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 2(aš) gun₂ 3(u) ma-na siki-gi ...1(aš) gun₂ 2(diš) ma-na-taₓ(DU)-ra mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂-kal-la šu ba-ti giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen dub-sar u₄ 2(u) 8(diš)-kam iti a₂-ki-ti mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ {d}...suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba nu-ur₂{d}suen dub-sar dumu... ...","2 talents, 30 ma-na of GI wool, according to the 1 talent, 2 ma-na stone. Fleece of “delivered” sheep. mu-kux(DU) delivery. Lu-kala received. Conveyor: Nur-Suen. On the 28th day. Month: “Akitu.” Year following: “Šu-Suen king of Ur built the Amorite wall (called) Muriq-tidnim.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters: Nur-Suen, scribe, child of Idi(n)-Erra, your slave." P106829,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 2(aš) še gur lugal e₂ ensi₂-ka-ta lugal-e₂-mah-e šu ba-ti iti dal 1(u) 2(aš) še... lugal-e₂-mah šu ba-ti iti dal ... dub-sar dumu ku-ra-an ...","12 gur barley (according to the) king('s gur), From the house of the governor, Lugal-Emah, received. Month: ""Flight"". 12 gur barley (according to the) king('s gur), Lugal-Emah, received. Month: ""Flight""." P106830,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(aš) še gur lugal ki ad-da-ta ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma lu₂-du₁₀-ga šu ba-ti iti 1(u) 5(aš) še gur lugal ...da-ta lu₂-du₁₀-ga šu ba-ti iti min₃-eš₃ lu₂... dub-sar dumu du₁₁...","15 gur barley (according to the) king('s gur), from Adda, within Ur, Lu-duga, received. Month: ""UR"". 15 gur barley (according to the) king('s gur), from Adda, Lu-duga received. Month: ""Double sanctuary"". Lu-duga, Scribe, Child of Kaka." P202598,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂... ga šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}","Basket-of-tablets: ... the chief house administrators, are here; year: “... was destroyed.”" P203001,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še ša₃ sila...1(u) lugal-siki-su₁₃ ... u₂ i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets barley ... Lugal- ... are here; year: “Simurum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P204751,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da u₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ...da i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets and debits ... are here; years: “... .”" P204752,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da dam-gar₃-ne i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets of the exchange agents are here; year: “... .”" P204991,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ra-a gurum₂-ma šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of inspections of the chief house administrators are here; year: “... .”" P205204,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ugnim{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets, of the takers of Ugnim, are here; year: “... .”" P203011,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₂ bi-tum e₂ e₂ e₂ e₂ e₂ e₂ e₂ e₂ u₃ nig₂-gal₂-la ...ur{d}lamma mu","Basket-of-tablets: ... house of house of house of house of house of house of house of and property ... of Ur-Lamma ... year: “... .”" P205489,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂ šu-šum₂-ma uš-bar lu₂... e₂-uš-bar e₂-gal u₃ e₂-uš-bar ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ lu₂-inim-nig₂-sa₆-ga ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: house of consignments, weavers, Lu-..., house of weavers of the palace, and house of weavers of the high priestess of Baba, Lu-inimnigsaga, in Girsu, are here; year: “... .”" P205880,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še udu gu₇-a ša₃-gal udu kaskal-še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu","Basket-of-tablets: barley eaten by sheep, fodder of sheep for the campaigns, are here; year: “... .”" P203171,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak sipa unu₃ ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} ki-es₃-sa₂{ki} e₂ dingir-re-ne ša₃ eš₃ sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šul-gi ki-nu-nir{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cowherds in Kinunir, Ki’eša, houses of the gods, in the shrine of offerings of Šulgi in Kinunir, are here; year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P203172,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba i₃ šid-da nu-banda₃ gir₂-su{ki}ke₄-ne u₃ še nig₂-gal₂-la giri₃ ur{d}lamma dumu sa₁₂-du₅ i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: oil counted, overseers of Girsu and barley on hand, via Ur-Lamma, son of chief surveyor, are here. year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P204769,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba udu udu gukkal-ka zu₂-si-ka zu₂ keš₂-ra₂ i₃-gal₂ mu unu₆-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: sheep, fat-tailed sheep, ivory, ..., are here; year: “Enunugalana.”" P203863,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ ud₅ dab₅-ba ša₃ gir₂...{ki} e₂ kurušda ensi₂ ... i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} mu us₂-sa-a-bi","Basket-of-tablets: cows and nannies ..., within Girsu (and) the fattening house of the governor ... are here; year after: “Kimaš,” year after that." P204086,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun še-numun u₂ še geš e₃-a šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of seed grain, seed grain, and barley threshed of the chief house administrators, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P204088,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu 2(aš) še-geš-i₃ geme₂ uš-bar lu₂-azlag₂ lu₂-azlag₂ u₃ giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-uš-bar ...gal₂ ...{ki} ...amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: various years, sesame of female weavers, fullers, fullers?, and personnel of textile factory, are here; ... year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P203175,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ma-ni i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: credits of Mani are here; year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P206453,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ kišib₃ la-a-mu maš-da-re-a ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of the high priestess of Baba, sealed documents of Layamu offerings of the high priestess of Baba, are here." P204089,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dab₅-ba udu gukkal-me mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul-ta mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-še₃ mu 2(diš)-a-kam i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: seized, fat-tailed sheep from the year: “Harši was destroyed” to the year: “Amar-Suen is king,” (a period) of 2 years, are here." P202643,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak dub gid₂-da dub gid₂-da ka-guru₇ u₃ dub-sar zi₃-da-ke₄-ne mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, long-tablets, long-tablets of the silo manager, and scribes of flour, year: “Simurum for the 3rd time was destroyed.”" P206493,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ša₃-ze₂ e₂ ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂ mu...ta ...{d}suen lugal...ur-bi₂-lum...hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: reckoned accounts xxx of the household of the high priestess of Baba are here. xxx xxx" P205002,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da {uruda}gur₁₀ {uruda}ha-bu₃-da u₃ uruda i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets of scicles axes and copper, are here; year: “The en(-priest) of Eridu was hired.”" P202737,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum giri₃{d}ba-ba₆-i₃-dab₅ ur{d}igi-zi-bar-ra nig₂-ka₉ še amar u₃ dub gid₂-da i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of barley deficits of Giri-Baba-idab, Ir-Igibara, accounts of barley, calves, and their extended tablets, are here; year following: “The wall of the lands was erected.” household of the high priestess of Baba, foreman: Inim-Baba-idab, chief household administrator." P205525,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba gu₄-apin-na mu","Basket-of-tablets: grand totals of plow-oxen, year: “... .”" P204151,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da še gibil giri₃ ur{d}nun-gal dumu erin-da u₃ lu₂-dingir-ra dumu lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, fresh barley, via Ur-Ningal, son of Erinda, and Lu-dingira, son of Lu-Baba, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P205835,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi₃ iri-a gar-ra 1(iku) 1(aš) gur-ta gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ bala dug sag mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: flour ... in the city set, 1 iku fields, 1 gur each, from Girsu to Guabba, are here; bala of the head-jugs, year: “Simurum was destroyed.”" P202765,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak lu₂ mar-sa ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu en {d}nanna lu₂ mar-sa ša₃ nigin₆{ki} mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan{ki} ba-du₃-a lu₂ mar-sa ma₂-ad-ga lu₂ mar-sa ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} mu...","Basket-of-tablets: inspections; shipyard laborers in Girsu, year: “The en(-priestess) of Nanna;” shipyard laborers, in Nigin, year following: “The house of Puzris-daga was erected;” shipyard laborers, of Madga, shipyard laborers, in Guabba year: “... .”" P205148,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ab₂ gu₄ gub-ba i₃... ib₂-da...ra gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ga₂","Basket-of-tablets: cows and oxen stationed, ... ... from Girsu to Guabba, are here; year following: “The en-(priest) of Eridu was hired.”" P202745,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še erin₂-e šu ti-a mu en eridu{ki}ga ba-hun-ga₂-še₃ nu-dab₅ u₃ he₂-dab₅-me gu₂ i₇ nigin₆{ki}še₃-du mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: barley by the (labor-)troops received, for the year: “The en-(priest) of Eridu was hired,” nudab and ḫedab, the banks of the waterway To-Nigin-going, year following: “The wall was erected.”" P205914,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še šuku-ra engar dumu-gu₄-gur ab-ba-mu u₃ ur{d}lamma i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts, barley of distribution, plowmen, young oxen turners, of Abbamu an Ur-Lamma, are here; year: “The en-(priest) of Inanna by goat was found.”" P204157,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še sanga {d}nin-mar{ki} ur{d}nanše dumu ensi₂ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: fields, barley, chief household administrator of Ninmar, Ur-Nanše, son of the governor, are here; year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P205841,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ... ...","Basket-of-tablets: accounts are here. year: “Simurum was destroyed.”" P205152,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak gu₄-apin gub-ba še geš e₃-a šu du₈-a a-ša₃ dab₅-ba ša₃ šušin{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: inspections, plow-oxen, stationed, threshed barley, ..., field of takers in Susa, are here; year: “The en-(priestess) of Nanna in Karzida was hired.”" P107124,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tak₄-ba gu₄ udu mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃-ta mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: remainder of oxen and sheep from the year: “The house of Šara was erected” to the year: “Simururm was destroyed,” are here." P107125,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: various years of barley rations, in Girsu, are here; year: “Enmahgalana was hired.”" P107126,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu i₃-kal-la ur{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ a-tu {d}utu-bar-ra dumu a-mu lu₂-bi-mu a-gi₄ ur-e₂-gal ur-gu₂-en-na al-la-di-mu ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu ur{d}nanše {d}ba-ba₆ dumu lugal-sa₆-ga mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla, Ur-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Baba, Atu, Utu-bara, son of Amu, Lubimu, Agi Ur-egal, Ur-guena, Alla-dimu Ur-Baba, son of Ur-Nanše, ARAD-Baba, son of Lugalsaga, year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P107133,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ugnim-ke₄-ne mu ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: accounts men of nigdab of Ugnim, year: “Kimaš.”" P206133,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba erin₂ sag-apin e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of who passed by, (labor-)troops of head-plowmen, house of Ningešzida, are here; year: “Šašrum was destroyed.”" P206146,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu 2(diš) siki-ba geme₂ uš-bar ugula ab-ba-gu-la ugula {d}utu-ba-e₃ ugula ku₅-da u₃ egir₄ tu-da i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na","Basket-of-tablets: 2 years, wool rations of the female weavers, foreman Abbagula, foreman Utu-ba’e, foreman Kuda, and ..., are here; year: “Enmaḫgalana.”" P206565,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-du-la ensi₂-ka u₃ dumu-ne-ne i₃-gal₂ mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: estate of the governor and their children, are here; year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P203342,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-gid₂-da a-ru-a i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the offerings are here; year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P209354,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₂-un de₆-a u₃ en₃-bi tar-re i₃-gal₂ mu 3(diš)-kam","Basket-of-tablets: tax delivered, and inquiries, are here; (a period of) 3 years." P210082,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba za₃-mu ugula i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, of Zamu, foreman, are here; year: “Šu-Suen, the king, Big-Stele erected.”" P290851,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ša₃-bi su-ga dingir-ra-ka i₃-gal₂ mu 2(diš)-kam mu us₂-sa a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ mu an-ša-an{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: credits, therefroms, restitutions, of Dingira, are here; (a period of) 2 years; year following: “For the 3rd time Simurum” and year: “Anšan.”" P290857,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba {d}šara₂-a-mu i₃... u₃...la₂-ia₃-ta mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Šarayamu are here; and from ... debts, year: “Big-Stele was erected.”" P290858,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba a-du ugula uš-bar mu ma₂ {d}en-ki u₃ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Adu, foreman of weavers, year: “The barge of Enki” and year: “Simanum,” are here." P297265,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba didli i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, various, are here." P200027,Ur III,Letter," la-la-ra u₃-na-a-du₁₁ še sa₂-du₁₁ sila-a 3(aš) gur-am₃ ri-ba-ga-da he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu na-mi-gur-re ","To Lala speak! Barley, regular rations, in the road, 3 gur: Rigabada should give it to him! May he not return to the matter!" P202113,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 9(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) še gur lugal ki ur{d}da-mu-ta 2(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) ki ur{d}lamma dumu lu₂{d}suen-ta šuniŋin 4(u) 1(aš) 5(ban₂) še gur ša₃-bi-ta 6(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂)-ta 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) 1(aš) 3(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta 1(burʾu) 2(bur₃) 2(eše₃) 3(iku) 1(aš) 4(barig)-ta še-bi 3(u) 8(aš) 4(barig) 4(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ gur mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂... a-ša₃-mah nig₂-ka₉ ak mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","19 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 barley, (according to the) royal (measure), from Ur-Damu; 21 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 from Ur-Lamma, son of Lu-Suen; total: 41 gur 5 ban2 barley; therefrom: 6 bur3 1 eše3 5 iku field area (sowed with) 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 each (bur3); 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/4 iku field area (sowed with) 1 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 each (bur3); 1 bur’u, 2 bur3 2 eše3 3 iku field area (sowed with) 1 gur 4 barig each (bur3). the barley: 38 gur 4 barig 4 1/3 sila; delivery; Lu-..., Dada, son of Ur-gula; Great-Field; running account, year: “Amar-Suen is king.”" P208749,Ur III,Administrative," 2(bur₃) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) geš-ur₃...a-ra₂ 1(diš) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ... a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 2(u) 5(diš) 1/2(iku) 1/4(iku) tug₂-sagaₓ(|ŠE.KIN|) 1/4(iku) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 3(diš) iti dal 1(burʾu) 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku) geš...ra a-ra₂ 2(diš) 1(eše₃) ... a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) 3(bur₃) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 3(diš) 1(eše₃) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) 2/3(diš) a₂ geš-ur₃-ra 1(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) sar al 6(diš) sar... a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(diš) sar al 3(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) 3(gešʾu) 2(u) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ ku₅-ra₂ 2(u) sar-ta ... 1(gešʾu)... a₂... 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 4(u)... a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 2(u)... 4(geš₂) 3(u) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(u) 7(diš) 1(geš₂) 3(diš) sar {u₂}kiši₁₇...7(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(u) 9(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(u) sar nig₂-gul 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(diš) 7(geš₂) 7(diš) sar al 7(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 1(diš) 1(gešʾu) 2(u) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) sar al 6(diš) 1/2(diš) sar-ta u₄ 1(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) 3(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 5(diš) 1/2(diš)... a₂-bi u₄ 7(diš) 4(geš₂) 5(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar... a₂-bi u₄ 5(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) 8(diš) sar al 4(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(diš) a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ 6(diš) sila₃-ta 2(u) 5(diš) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 5(diš) 3(geš₂) 2(u) sar...2(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) a₂ ša₃-gu₄-ka a-ša₃-ge kin ak a-ša₃ ka-ma-ri₂ ugula ba-sa₆ kišib₃ nimgir-an-ne₂ mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam š{ki} ba-hul nimgir-an-ne₂ dub-sar dumu inim{d}šara₂","2 bur3 1 iku 1/2 iku field area harrowing, 1 time, at 4 1/2 iku (a day), its troops’ labor: 25 days; 3/4 iku field area of tug-sag work at 1/4 iku (a day), its troops’ labor: 3 days; month: “Flight;” 1 bur'u 1 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field area harrowing, 2 times, at 1 eše3 (a day), its troops’ labor: 207 days; 3 bur3 2 1/2 iku harrowing, 3 times, at 1 eše3 field area (a day), its troops’ labor: 84 2/3 days; labor of harrowing; 1173 sar of hoeing, at 6 sar (a day), its labor: 195 1/2 days; 765 sar of hoeing, at 30 sar (a day); its labor: 25 1/2 days; 1820 sar acacia cut at 20 sar (a day), its labor: 91 days; 600+ at n sar (a day), its labor: n days; 1060+ at n sar (a day), its labor: 80+ days; 270 sar: acacia at 10 sar (a day); its labor: 27 days; 63 sar acacia at 7 sar (a day); its labor: 9 days. 742 1/2 sar of hoeing at 15 sar (a day), its labor: 49 1/2 days; 20 sar of pickaxing at 10 sar (a day), its labor: 2 days; 427 sar of hoeing at 7 sar (a day), its labor: 61 days; 628 1/3 sar at 6 1/2 sar (a day), its labor: 96 2/3 days; 38 1/2 sar of hoeing at 5 1/2 sar (a day), its labor: 7 days; 292 1/2 sar of hoeing at 5 sar (a day), its labor: 58 1/2 days; 8 sar of hoeing at 4 sar (a day), its labor: 2 days; work of hirelings at 6 sila3 (a day); 25 sar of hoeing at 5 sar (a day), its labor: 5 days; 200 sar of hoeing at 20 sar (a day), its labor: 10 days; labor of oxen drivers; field work to be done (in the) field of Kamari; foreman: Basa; under seal of Nimgir-ane. Year: Šašrum was destroyed for the 2nd time. Nimgir-ane, scribe, son of Inim-Šara." P209263,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 3(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 2/3(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ 1/2(diš) nindan 4(diš) kuš₃ gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) 1/3(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 2/3(diš) sar la₂ 1(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) nindan gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) 2/3(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 1(diš) sar 6(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) nindan gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 2/3(diš) sar 3(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 3(diš) kuš₃ gid₂ 4(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 1/2(diš) nindan 1(diš) kuš₃ gid₂ 2(diš) 2/3(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) 1/3(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 1(u) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 3(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 3(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) 1/3(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 1(u) gin₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan 2(diš) kuš₃ gid₂ nu-ak 1(diš) nindan 1(diš) kuš₃ gid₂ 3(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) 2/3(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ a-ša₃-bi 1/3(diš) sar 7(diš) gin₂ 8(diš) gin₂ la₂ šuniŋin 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 1(diš) gin₂ kin sahar im-du₈-a e₂ nig₂-lagar-ka ","1 1/2 ninda the length, 3 cubits the width, 2 cubits the depth, its volume: 2/3 sar 5 shekels; 1/2 ninda 4 cubits the length, 4 cubits the width, 2 1/3 cubits the depth, its volume: 2/3 sar less 1 shekel; 2 ninda the length, 4 cubits the width, 1 2/3 cubits the depth, its volume :1 sar 6 2/3 shekels; 2 ninda the length, 4 cubits the width, 1 cubit the depth, its volume: 2/3 sar; 3 1/2 ninda 3 cubits the length, 4 cubits the width, 2 cubits the depth, its volume: 2 1/2 sar; 1/2 ninda 1 cubit the length, 2 2/3 cubits the width, 1 1/3 cubits the depth, its volume: 10 1/3 shekels; 1/2 ninda the length, 3 cubits the width, 2 cubits the depth, its volume: 15 shekels; 1/2 ninda the length, 3 cubits the width, 1 1/3 cubits the depth; its volume: 10 shekels; 1 1/2 ninda 2 cubits the length; (the measurements are) unfinished; 1 ninda 1 cubit the length, 3 cubits the width, 1 2/3 cubits the depth; its volume 1/3 sar 7 shekels; 8 shekels DUBla; total: 6 2/3 sar 1 shekel earthwork. pisé walls for the household of Nig-lagar." P208750,Ur III,Administrative," ... u₄... 5(iku) tug₂-sagaₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)...geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 3(diš) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 8(diš) 1/3(diš)-kam 4(bur₃) geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 4(diš) 1(eše₃) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 6(bur₃) geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 3(diš) 1(eše₃) ta ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 4(geš₂) 3(u) 3(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 5(iku) geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 2(diš) 1(eše₃) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 1(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) a₂ geš-ur₃-ra 2(geš₂) 3(u) sar al 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 3(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) sar al 6(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 5(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(gešʾu) 4(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) sar al 7(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) 2(gešʾu) 9(geš₂) sar al 8(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(geš₂) 3(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(geš₂) 3(u) sar nig₂-gul 1(u) 5(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) sar nig₂-gul 2(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 4(u) 5(diš) 3(geš₂) 3(u) 6(diš) sar nig₂-gul 1(u) 2(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 1(u) 8(diš) ...2(geš₂) guruš u₄...še₃ la-ag ab-sin₂-ta ri-ri-ga gurum₂-ak ur{geš}gigir ugula ašgab ugula ur{geš}gigir...banda₃ gu₄ kišib₃ šeš-kal... a-ša₃ ka... ...ša-aš-šu₂-ru{ki} ba-hul lugal-nig₂-lagar-e dub-sar ...da-da","... its labor: n days; 5 iku of tug-sag work ... (labor of) harrowing 3 times, at 4 1/2 iku field area (a day), its labor: 38 1/3 days; 4 bur3 of harrowing, 4 times, at 1 eše3 field area (a day), the troops’ labor: 240 days; 6 bur3 of harrowing, 3 times, at 1 eše3 field area (a day), the troops’ labor: 270 days; 3 bur3, 1 eše3 5 iku of harrowing, 2 times, at 1 eše3 field area (a day), the troops’ labor: 108 days; labor of harrowing; 150 sar of hoeing at 5 sar (a day), its labor: 30 days; 1911 sar of hoeing at 6 sar (a day), its labor: 318 1/2 days; 1477 sar of hoeing at 7 sar (a day), its labor: 211 days; 1740 sar of hoeing at 8 sar (a day), its labor: 217 1/2 days; 150 sar of pickaxing at 15 sar (a day), its labor: 10 days; 900 sar of pickaxing at 20 sar (a day), its labor: 4(u) 5(disz) days; 216 sar of pickaxing at 12 sar (a day), its labor: 18 days; 120? workers for ... days, (for) cleaning the furrows of clumps of earth and debris; inspection of Ur-gigir, the chief administrator. The foreman (is) Ur-gigir, the oxen overseer; under seal of Šeškalla; (in the) Kamari field; Year: “Šaššuru was destroyed.” Lugal-nig-lagar-e, scribe, son of Dada," P254855,Old Babylonian,Literary," ...uga{mušen}am₃ ...{d}nin-ka₆-am₃ ur-mah-e ...ŋu₁₀ me-še₃ ga-ŋen ","Heaven is a raven Earth is a mongoose In the plain (is) the lion My spouse, where shall I go?" P254884,Old Babylonian,Literary," nin₉-e ub-lil₂-la₂ nam-me-a ama-ŋu₁₀ id₂-da nam-me-a immen₂ ba-da-an-gurum-e-še","Sister, if(?) there was no outdoor shrine My mother, if(?) there was no river I(?) could have(?) died from(?) thirst" P254860,Old Babylonian,Literary," {anše}kunga₂ ninda₂-zu i₃-zu-de₃-en u₃ ama-zu i₃-zu-de₃-en ","kunga equid (onager), you will know your (bovine) breeder(?) and you will know your mother" P254861,Old Babylonian,Literary," anše ne-eš₂ tuš-a ŋeš₃ bir₂-bi al-il₂-en-e-še ","It is said “Donkey, huddle towards the fire(?), you are raising the flaccid penis”" P254886,Old Babylonian,Literary," ur kun-bi-še₃ na-ab... al-gun₃-gun₃-nu al... dumu-ŋu₁₀ ki-aŋ₂...e-še ","The dog was speaking to its tail: ""Sparkling, ... My beloved child ..." P254857,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a gu₂ gid₂ ama-a-ni... ...ŋeštug₂ in-ak... ...ŋa₂ al-ug₅-ge... ","A spying(?) fox to its mother listened, and “... is dying(?)” said." P254858,Old Babylonian,Literary," ka₅-a uzud-še₃... du-um-du-a... tukumbi... e₂-za nam ur₅... {kuš}e-sir₂-ŋu₁₀... ","A fox was speaking to? a goat During the (impending) arrival(?) of a dog If a dog? In your house because of(?) this (same reason(?)) dwells My shoes ..." P254881,Old Babylonian,Literary," šah₂ lu-hu-um-ma su-a šah₂ ninda pad-ra₂ i-ib₂-il₂ ","A pig splattered with mud: that pig (even) bread crumbs carries off." P216613,Old Akkadian,Royal Inscription," en-men-an-na ur-si i₃-du₈ da-ni","En-men-ana: Ursi, door-keeper, (is) her servant." P216740,Old Akkadian,Administrative," ... e₃-na-num₂","PN servant of Ennānum." P216760,Old Akkadian,Royal Inscription," ba-za utul ur{d}utu","Baza, the cowherd, (is) the servant of Ur-Utu." P216846,Old Akkadian,Administrative," ur{d}iškur dub-sar lugal-geš","Ur-Iškur, the scribe, (is) the servant of Lugal-giš." P216847,Old Akkadian,Royal Inscription," lugal-geš ensi₂ adab{ki} nam-tar-re₂ dub-sar sanga {d}en-ki da-ni","Lugal-giš, governor, of Adab: Namtarre, the scribe, šangû priest of the god Enki, (is) his servant." P216848,Old Akkadian,Royal Inscription," ur{d} ensi₂ adab{ki}","Ur-TUR, governor of Adab." P247682,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," a-kalam-du₁₀ lugal uri₅ a-šu-sikil-an dam-ni","A-kalam-du, king of Ur: Ašusikilan (is) his wife." P247683,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," pu₃-ad nin","Pu-abum the queen." P226513,Ur III,Royal Inscription," ka-ku₃-ga-ni en {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {d}inana-ka dam-ni","Ka-kugani, priest of Enlil: Inanna-ka, his wife." P226946,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}nin-geš-zi-da lugal-a-ni nam-ti {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga-še₃ nig₂-kal-la sipa udu niga-ke₄ a mu-na-ru","For the god Ningišzida, his lord, for the life of Šulgi, the mighty man: Nikala, the shepherd of the fattened sheep, dedicated (this seal)." P226523,Ur III,Royal Inscription," {d}mes-lam-ta-e₃-a lugal-a-ni nam-ti {d}šul-gi-ka-še₃ ur{d}suen ...u₂-u₂ a mu-na-ru","To the god Meslamta-e'a, his lord, for the life of Šulgi, Ur-Suena, [son] of U-u, dedicated (this seal)." P226941,Ur III,Royal Inscription," ba-qar₃-tum dumu-munus lugal {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂ zu","Baqartum, daughter of the king: Šulgi-ilī (is) your servant." P226456,Ur III,Royal Inscription," da-da ensi₂ nibru{ki} {d}nanna-gal-zu dub-sar dumu {d}en-lil₂-dingir-zu ","Dada, governor of Nippur: Nanna-galzu, scribe, son of Enlil-dingirzu (is) servant." P212341,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) gu₄ 4(diš) ab₂ e₂-muhaldim u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam zi-ga ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ... mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","4 oxen, 4 cows (for) the kitchen, 25th day, booked out; Ur-Enlila ... ; year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P212342,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) ab₂ mah₂ ki lu₂-dingir-ra dumu hul₃-la-ta {d}šul-gi-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti u₄ 2(u) 8(diš) ba-zal iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}amar{d}suen-ke₄ ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","5 full-grown cows from Lu-dingira, son of ARAD-ḫula, Šulgi-ayamu accepted; of the month, the 28th day passed; month “Piglet feast,” year: “Amar-Suen Urbilum destroyed.”" P212343,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) maš₂ u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam 2(geš₂) 2(u) 6(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ur-ku₃-nun-na i₃-dab₅ ... iti ezem-mah mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 2(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš)","1 billy goat, 25th day, 146 various sheep and goats, 26th day, delivery, did Urkununa take control of; Month “Big-festival,” year: “Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;” (total:) 147 (small cattle)" P212344,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) maš-da₃ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) ša₃-ga-na-kum ur{d}ba-ba₆ maškim u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ba-zi ... iti ses-da-gu₇ mu us₂-sa {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 6(diš)","6 gazelles to household Uzga, delivery of Šaganakkum; Ur-Baba, maškim; 15th day, out of Abbasaga('s account) booked; month “Piglet feast,” year after: “Chair of Enlil was fashioned;” (total:) 6 (small cattle)." P212345,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gukkal 2(diš) gukkal geš-du₃ 3(diš) udu a-lum 3(diš) udu a-lum geš-du₃ 2(diš) u₈ gukkal 1(diš) sila₄ gukkal u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah min₃ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun 1(u) 2(diš)","1 fat-tailed sheep, 2 fat-tailed sheep, breeders, 3 aslum sheep, 3 aslum sheep, breeders, 2 ewes, fat-tailed, 1 lamb, fat-tailed, 25th day; from Abbasaga did Šulgi-ayamu accept; month “Great-Festival,” second (one), year: “Enmaḫgalana as priestess of Nanna was installed;” (total:) 12 (small cattle)." P212346,Ur III,Administrative," 5(diš) maš₂ mu {munus}aš₂-gar₃ 3(diš)... ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga... lugal-engar-du₁₀ i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun lugal-engar dumu lu₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ gudu₄ {d}...","5 billy goats, instead of the female kids, from Abbasaga did Lugal-engar-du accept; month “Big-Festival,” year: “Enunugal(ana) of Inanna was installed.” Lugal-engar, son of Lu-Enlila, gudu (priest of) Šakkan." P212348,Ur III,Administrative," ku₃-babbar ...nanna ku₃-babbar {d}nin-gal-e₂-nun-na a-ru-a lugal ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta ba-zi ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma iti a₂-ki-ti mu bi₂-tum...bi₂-um ki i₃{ki}₂...","n mana silver, for Nanna; n mana silver, for Ningal-enuna; royal offerings; out of Lu-dingira('s account) booked; in Ur, month “Akitu,” year: “Bitum-rabi’um, I’abru with its territories, and Ḫuḫnuri were destroyed;” (total:) n mana (silver)." P212349,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) udu 3(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam ki ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal-ta 1(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) ab₂ u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ iti a₂-ki-ti mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-dim₂","2 sheep, 3 nanny goats, šugid (offerings) of the 17th day, from Tahiš-atal; 1 ox, 1 cow, the 18th day, from Inta'ea, did Duga accept; month “Akitu,” year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.”" P212350,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ 2(u) 5(diš) udu 5(u) 5(diš) maš₂-gal 2(diš) sila₄ u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(diš) gu₄ geš...la₂-ia₃-še₃ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) udu al-la... ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta du₁₁-ga i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","1 ox, 25 sheep, 55 full-grown billy goats, 2 lambs, the 14th day; Therefrom: 1 plow-ox ... (?), 82 small cattle for Alla ... (?), from Inta'ea did Duga accept; month “Mekigal-festival,” year: “The boat ‘Ibex-of-Apsu’ was caulked.”" P212351,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) udu kišib₃ lu₂-sag₁₀ 2(diš) udu kišib₃ ur{d}iškur šabra 1(diš) udu kišib₃ ha-ba-mu 1(diš) udu kišib₃ i₃-li₂-a 4(diš) udu ur-šu muhaldim 1(diš) udu kišib₃ ur-sukkal 1(diš) udu ri-im-i₃-li₂ ab-ba-kal-la šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃ 2(u) ab-ba-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su","10 sheep, under seal of Lu-saga, 2 sheep, under seal of Ur-Iškur šabra, 1 sheep, under seal of Habamu 1 sheep, under seal of Ilia, 4 sheep of Uršu, the cook, 1 sheep, under seal of Ur-sukkal, 1 sheep of Rim-ili, did Abbakala receive; Month “Šulgi-festival,” year: “The house of Šara was erected;” (total:) 20 (sheep). Abbakala, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu." P212352,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) 6(diš) udu u₂ ki {d}šul-gi-i₃-li₂-ta ur-ku₃-nun-na i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah mu e₂ {d}šara₂ umma{ki} ba-du₃ du₁₁-ga dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su sipa na-gab₂-tum","26 sheep?, grass(-fed), from Šulgi-ili did Ur-kununa accept; month “Big-festival,” year: “The house of Šara in Umma was erected.” Duga, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu, herdsman of the Nakabtum." P212353,Ur III,Administrative," ...gu₄ u₂ 5(diš) udu u₂ 1(u) 5(diš) maš₂ gaba šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim mu aga₃-us₂ u₃ lu₂ šuku-ra-ke₄-ne... mu maškim ... ...zi giri₃ {d}nanna...dub... iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal 1(diš) gu₄...udu","1 ox, grass(-fed), 5 small cattle, grass(-fed), 15 male goats, unweaned, šugid (offerings) for the house of the cook, in the name of the royal guard and prebend-holders. ARADmu was maškim; nth day, out of nn’s (account) booked; via Nanna-maba, the scribe; month “Šu-Suen festival,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king;” (total:) 1 ox, 20 small cattle." P212354,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) naga gur ki a-kal-la dub-sar dam-gar₃-ta dingir-ra-ke₄ šu ba-ti 1(aš) naga gur ki a-kal-la dub-sar dam-gar₃-ta dingir-ra-ke₄ šu ba-ti iti min-eš₃ mu puzur₄-da-gan... ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ umma{ki} lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ gal₅-la₂-gal zu","1 gur of alkali-plant from Akalla, scribe of the exchange agents, did Dingira receive. 1 gur of alkali-plant from Akalla, scribe of the exchange agents, did Dingira receive. Month: “mineš”, year: “Puzriš-Dagan [was erected]”." P212355,Ur III,Administrative," e {geš}kiri₆-gu-la-ta 3(diš) nindan gid₂ 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ 2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 1/2(diš) sar ša₃ kab₂-ku₅ 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) gin₂-ta kin-bi 5/6(diš) sar 2(u) nindan gid₂ 7(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 2(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ 4(u) nindan gid₂ 1(u) gin₂-ta kin-bi 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 4(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 1(u) 1(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ e zi-du 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 1/3(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 2/3(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ 5(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 1(u) 7(diš) 5/6(diš) sar 1(u) nindan gid₂ 2/3(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 1(u) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1(u) gin₂-ta kin-bi 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 1(u) sar 1(u) 2(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar... kin-bi 4(diš) sar 3(u) 6(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta 5(diš) sar sahar dah kin-bi 2(u) 3(diš) sar 3(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 3(diš) sar 1(u) 9(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 6(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1(u) gin₂-ta kin-bi 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 1(u) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 5(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 5(diš) sar 1(u) 8(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta kin-bi 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 2(u) 7(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(u) gin₂-ta kin-bi 5(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 1(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ nu-tuku šu-murgu₂-še₃ 1(geš₂) 2(u) nindan gid₂ 1/3(diš) sar-ta kin-bi 2(u) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sar e e₂-lugal-še₃ e sa-dur₂-ra a-ga-an-du-ul ka geš-gi-ta 3(u) nindan gid₂ 1/2(diš) nindan dagal 1(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 1(u) 5(diš) sar ...e e₂-lugal-še₃ 4(u) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 3(u) sar ...še₃ ...nindan gid₂ 2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 3(u) sar 5(u) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) 1/2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 3(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 3(u) nindan gid₂ 2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 3(u) sar 1(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) nindan gid₂ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) kuš₃ bur₃ sahar-bi 1(u) 4(diš) 1/3(diš) sar 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₇ lu₂-mah šuniŋin 8(geš₂) 2(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ šuniŋin sahar-bi 5(geš₂) 1(u) sar 1(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ kin e ra-a a-ša₃ en-du₈-du mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","From the ditch of the “great orchard”, 3 ninda length at 5 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 15 (volume-)shekels; 2 ninda length at 15 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 1/2 (volume-)sar; in “the reservoir”. 5 ninda length at 10 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 5/6 (volume-)sar; 20 ninda length at 7 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 2 1/3 (volume-)sar; 15 ninda length at 15 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 3 2/3 (volume-)sar 5 (volume-)shekels; 40 ninda length at 10 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 6 2/3 (volume-)sar; 45 ninda length at 15 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 11 (volume-)sar 15 (volume-)shekels; ziDU ditch. 5 ninda length at 5 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 1/3 (volume-)sar 5 (volume-)shekels; 1 1/2 ninda length at 1/2 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 2/3 (volume-)sar 5 (volume-)shekels; 53 1/2 ninda length at 1/3 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 17 5/6 (volume-)sar; 10 ninda length at 2/3 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 6 2/3 (volume-)sar; 10 ninda length at 15 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 2 1/2 (volume-)sar; 20 ninda length at 10 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 3 1/3 (volume-)sar; 20 ninda length at 1/2 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 10 (volume-)sar; 12 ninda length at 1/3 (volume-)sar [per (ninda)], its work: 4 (volume-)sar; 36 ninda length at 1/2 (volume-)sar per (ninda), 5 (volume)sar of soil extra, its work: 23 (volume-)sar; 3 ninda length at 1 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 3 (volume-)sar; 19 ninda length at 1/3 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 6 1/3 (volume-)sar; 20 ninda length at 10 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 3 1/3 (volume-)sar; 10 ninda length at 1/2 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 5 (volume-)sar; 15 ninda length at 1/3 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 5 (volume-)sar; 18 ninda length at 15 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 4 1/2 (volume-)sar; 27 ninda length at 10 (volume-)shekels per (ninda), its work: 5 2/3 (volume-)sar; 15 ninda length: not having (work), to Šu-murgu. 80 ninda length at 1/3 (volume-)sar per (ninda), its work: 26 2/3 (volume-)sar; to the ditch of royal household, sadur and agandul ditch. From the reed thicket opening (literally:“(canal) mouth”) 30 ninda length 1/2 ninda width 1 cubit depth, its soil: 15 (volume-)sar; to the x ditch of royal household, 40 ninda length 1 1/2 cubits depth, its soil: 30 (volume-)sar; to the ..., [30] ninda length 2 cubits depth, its soil: 30 (volume-)sar; 50 ninda length 1 1/2 cubits depth, its soil: 37 1/2 (volume-)sar; 30 ninda length 2 cubits depth, its soil: 30 (volume-)sar; 11 1/2 ninda length 2 1/2 cubits depth, its soil: 14 1/3 (volume-)sar 2 1/2 (volume-)shekels; Lumah canal, Total: 505 ninda length, total, its soil: 310 (volume-)sar 17 1/2 (volume)shekels Work, canal “striking”. Endudu field. Year: “The Amorite wall was erected”." P212356,Ur III,Legal," 1(diš) an-na-hi-li mu-ni-im puzur₄-ma-ma-kam ur{d}nin-mug šeš ama an-na-hi-li ugu₂ an-na-hi-li di-bi i₃-ga₂-ar igi ha-ba-lu₅-ge₂ ensi₂ adab{ki}ba igi ur-e₂-mah dumu... igi ba-du-du dam-gar₃ 1(diš) lu₂{d}ašgi{gi₄} dumu bi₂-bi₂ 1(diš) i-di₃-dam 1(diš) ma-ga-ru-um 1(diš) ulu₃-di dub-sar 1(diš) i₃-li₂...ma₂-lah₅-ku₃-zu ...nam-ha-ni dumu sanga-bi-ta ...lu₂-ti dumu sanga-bi-ta ... maškim ensi₂ ...inim-ma-bi-me igi-bi-še₃ nam i₃ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-a","One (man), Ana-ḫili his name, is the servant of Puzur-Mama; Ur-Ninmug, the maternal uncle of Ana-ḫili, on account of Ana-ḫili, a legal complaint brought; before: Ḫabaluge, the governor of the city of Adab, before: Ur-Emah, the son of ..., before: Badudu, the merchant; one (man): Lu-Ašgi, son of Bibi, one (man): Itidam, the DIM4, one (man): Magarum, one (man): Uludi, the scribe, one (man): KA-NI-NI, [the son] of Malaḫ-kuzu, one (man): Namḫani, the son/apprentice of (lit. from) its chief temple administrator, One (man): E?-luti, the son/apprentice of (lit. from) its chief temple administrator, One (man): x-x-NIG, the enforcer (of) the governor, are its (the lawsuit’s) witnesses; before them, the servant status (of Ana-ḫili) he (Ur-Ninmug) has made (legally) firm; in the year: “Urbilum (and) Kimaš were destroyed.”" P142628,Ur III,Administrative," 1/2(diš) un-da-ga iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta lu₂{d}šara₂ i₃-dab₅ ... ...lu₂...ra mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ lu₂{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-inim-gi-na","1/2 (work norm): Undaga, from the month “Harvest” (on) Lu-Šara took control of. ... [foreman:] Lu-dingira(?) Year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Lu-Šara, scribe, son of Lugal-inim-gina." P107447,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 1(u) 1(aš) še gur lugal 1(geš₂) 5(u) la₂ 3(ban₂) dabin gur kišib₃ ra-a kišib₃ nu-ra lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne kišib₃ dib₅-ba ki ta lu₂-giri₁₇-zal šu ba-ti iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul 1(geš₂) 1(u) 1(aš) še gur lugal 1(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 3(ban₂) dabin gur kišib₃ ra-a kišib₃ nu-ra ... lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne kišib₃ dib₅-ba ki ta lu₂-giri₁₇-zal šu ba-ti iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu us₂-sa an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul lu₂-giri₁₇-zal dub-sar dumu da-du-mu","11 gur of barley (according to the) king(’s standard); 650 gur minus 3 ban2 of dabin-flour. Sealed and unsealed documents of the ... ... From ARAD(mu). Lu-Girizal received. Month: “Barley is at the quay.” Year following: “Anšan was destroyed.” 611 gur of barley (according to the) king(’s standard); 650 gur minus 3 ban2 of dabin-flour. Sealed and unsealed documents of the ... ... From ARAD(mu). Lu-Girizal received. Month: “Barley is at the quay.” Year following: “Anšan was destroyed.” Lu-Girizal, scribe, child of Dadumu." P203207,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ki...ra-ke₄ bala egir i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the nigdab men of the borderlands bala after, are here; year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P253276,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 3(aš) guru₇ 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 5(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) še gur sila₃ zabar-ta še aša₅-ga gal₂-la-am₃ 2(aš) še guru₇ gur 1(aš) ziz₂ guru₇ gur ganun ","12,415 gur 1 barig barley (measured according to) the bronze sila-vessel, being barley present in the field; 7,200 gur barley, 3,600 gur emmer, (in) the storehouse." P250687,Old Akkadian,Administrative," ...gid₂-da ...u₃ za₇ gid₂-da 2(aš) za₇ tur₅ u₃ za₇ tur-tur 2(aš) za₇ tur₅ u₃ za₇ tur-tur 1(aš) za₇ sa u₃ za₇ za₇ si₃-si₃-de₃ 2/3(diš){ša} 5(aš) gin₂... ... sag ma...de₃ tuš-še₃ e-na-šum₂ ","n elongated [beads]; n (translucent?) and elongated beads; 2 translucent (tur5 = duru5) and large beads; 2 translucent and small beads 1 jewelry (= gil-sa) bead and bead. The beads to be mounted. 2/3 (mina) 5 shekels silver(?) ... ... in order to ... to KUMtuš one has given it." P250771,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im i₇ guruš-gin₇ ba-al-la u₃ kin-e ra-a a-ba-gal{d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: clay (tablets) of waterway like-laborer-walking dredging, and work striking the dikes, (in the field) Abagal-Enlil, are here." P250777,Ur III,Administrative," 4(ban₂) še-ba inim{d}šara₂ 4(ban₂) ab-ba-gi-na 4(ban₂) lugal-ezem še-ba er₂-dingir-ka ku₅-dam še-bi ki gu-du-du-ta šu ba-ab-ti iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","4 ban2 of barley rations (for) Inim-Shara; 4 ban2 (of barley rations for) Abbagina; 4 ban2 (of barley rations for) Lugal-ezem. The barley rations of Er-Dingir will be cut(?). The barley from Gududu was received. Month: ""Lisi."" Year: ""The En-priest of Eridu was installed.""" P250748,Ur III,Administrative," {tug₂}uš-bar ki i₃-kal-la-ta ur-am₃-ma šu ba-ti iti pa₄-u₂-e mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} ba-hul ur-am₃-ma dumu ur{geš}gigir lu₂-azlag₂","n textiles, weaver (quality). From I-kala. Ur-Amma received. Month: ""Pa'u'e."" Year: ""The territory of Zashali was destroyed."" Ur-Amma, child of Ur-Gigir, (chief) fuller." P253702,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ 3(diš)-kam us₂ 4(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ 4(diš)-kam us₂ 4(diš) {tug₂}nig₂-lam₂ du 1(geš₂) 1(diš) {tug₂}uš-bar tug₂ du 8(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ ki i₃-kal-la-ta ur-am₃-ma šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂ ur-am₃-ma dumu ur{geš}gigir lu₂-azlag₂","1 nig2-lam textile, 3rd class, lesser (quality); 4 nig2-lam textiles, 4th class, lesser (quality); 4 nig2-lam textiles, running (quality); 61 textiles, weaver (quality), running (quality) textiles; 8 sila3 of lard. From I-kala. Ur-Amma received. Month: ""Festival of Shulgi."" Year: ""The lofty barge was fashioned."" Ur-Amma, child of Ur-Gigir, (chief) fuller." P253726,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) še gur a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ še geš ra-ra ki ur-ba-ba a-ki-a-ni šu ba-ti mu us₂-sa {d}amar{d}suen lugal a-ki-a-ni dub-sar dumu ur{d}...","3 gur of barley, (compensation) for work of hirelings threshing the barley. From Ur-Baba. Akiani received. Year following: ""Amar-Suen (was) king."" Akiani, scribe, child of Ur-x-MUSH." P253727,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 6(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) še-ba aga₃-us₂ ki ur-ba-ba-ta ti-gi-ni-ba-aš šu ba-ti ugula ur{d}nin-zu iti ezem-mah mu si-ma-num₂ ba-hul ti-gi-ni-ba-aš aga₃-us₂ lugal dumu hu-zi-ti","56 gur, 3 barig, 4 ban2, of barley rations for soldiers. From Ur-Baba. Tiginibash received. Month: ""Lofty Festival."" Year: ""Simanum was destroyed."" Tiginibash, soldier of the king, child of Huziti(?)." P253730,Ur III,Administrative," 2(gešʾu) sa gi ša₃ nibru{ki} ki ur-ba-ba-ta ur{d}šuba₃ šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}šu{d}suen mu bad₃ mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃ ur{d}šuba₃ dub-sar dumu ur-si-gar","1200 bundles of reed. Within Nippur. From Ur-Baba. Ur-Shuba received. Month: ""Festival of Shu-Suen."" Year: ""The wall Muriq-Tidnim was built."" Ur-Shuba, scribe, child of Ur-Sigar." P253731,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) še gur sam₂ gi u₃ gi...ta ki ur{d}ba-ba-ta i-la-ak-nu-id šu ba-ti giri₃ šu... še lu₂{d}... mu en {d}inana maš₂-e in-pa₃ i-la-ak-nu-id dub-sar dumu šu-ma...","3 gur or barley for barter for reed and ...-reed. From Ur-Baba. Ilaknuid received. Conveyor: ... Barley of ... Year: ""The En-priest of Inanna was chosen by means of omen."" Ilaknuid, scribe, child of Shu-Mama." P253732,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) še gur a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ sahar-e-si{ki}ta ki lu₂{d}utu i-la-ak-nu-id šu ba-ti giri₃ ur-ba-ba mu...nanna kar...hun i-la-ak-nu-id dub-sar ...","3 gur of barley, (compensation for work of hirelings (coming) from Sahar-esi. From Lu-Utu. Ilaknuid received. Conveyor: Ur-Baba. Year following: ""The En-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was installed."" Ilaknuid, scribe, child of Shu-Mama." P253736,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) 3(barig) še gur še lugal-ušur₄ 9(aš) še gur du₆-he₂-gal₂ numun-še₃ u₃... ki ur-ba...ta šu-ma-ma šu ba-ti mu {geš}gu-za ba-dim₂-ma dub-sar ...","3 gur, 3 barig of barley, (it is the) barley of Lugal-Ushur; 9 gur of barley, (it is the barley of) Du-hegal; for seedcorn and ... From Ur-Baba. Shu-Mama received. Year: ""The throne was fashioned."" Shu-Mama, scribe, ..." P250752,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) ma₂ 4(u) gur 1(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃-ta ma₂ {geš}u₂-bil₂-la 2(diš) ma₂ 4(u) gur 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃-ta ma₂ ninda en-na hun-e-da unu{ki} 1(diš) ma₂ 1(geš₂) gur 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta ma₂...zi₃-zu-a-ma₂-še₃ u₄ 1(u)-še₃ še-bi 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) gur ki lu₂{d}šul-gi-ta lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ šu ba-ti iti {d}dumu-zi mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","4 boats, each (holding) 40 gur, 1 ban2, 1 sila3. Charcoal boat(s). 2 boats, each holding 40 gur 5 2/3 sila3. Until the bread boats are “moored” (at) Uruk. 1 boat, each(!) (holding) 60 gur 1 ban2, 5 sila3. Boats for ... For 10 days. Its barley is 2 gur, 1 barig, 4 ban2. From Lu-Šulgi. Lugal-ebansa received. Month: “Dumuzi.” Year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P253734,Ur III,Administrative," 6(aš) še gur še lu₂-dingir-ra mu zi₃-da-še₃ ki ur-ba-ba-ta e₂-a-šar šu ba-ti giri₃ i-la-ak-nu-id ... an-na en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","6 gur of barley, (it is the) barley of Lu-Dingira, instead of flour. From Ur-Baba. Ea-šar received. Conveyor: Ilaknuid. Year: “Ennirzianna was chosen by omen as En-priest of Inanna.”" P253739,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) še gur mu bala-a-še₃ kišib₃ e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀ ki lu₂-ma-ma-ta ur-ba-ba šu ba-ti mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂ i₃-pa₃ ur{d}a-ba-ba dub-sar dumu a₂-ur₄-a","20 gur of barley, instead of bala (obligations). Sealed tablet of E-urbidu. From Lu-Mama. Ur-(A)baba received. Year: “The En-priest of Inanna of Uruk was chosen by omen.” Ur-Ababa, scribe, child of A’ur’a." P253742,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 5(aš) še gur mu zi₃-da bala-a-še₃ ki ur{d}a-ba-ba-ta nam-ha-ni šu ba-ti še lu₂{d}nanna mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka ba-ab-du₈ ur{d}a... dumu...","15 gur of barley, instead of the flour of the bala (obligation). From Ur-Ababa. Namḫani received. The barley of Lu-Nanna. Year: “The boat ‘Ibex of the Abzu of Enki’ was caulked.” Ur-Ababa(?), child of [x]." P253740,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) še gur mu kaš bala-a-še₃ ki ur{d}šul-gi-ta ur-e₂-ninnu šu ba-ti giri₃ ur-ba-ba ša₃ adab{ki} iti bi₂-gu₇ mu en {d}inana unu{ki}ga maš₂-e in-pa₃ {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-e₂-ninnu dub-sar dumu ur ...ku₃-ga... lu₂...","120 gur of barley instead of beer of the bala. From Ur-Šulgi. Ur-Eninnu received. Conveyor: Ur-Baba. Within Adab. Month: “Eating the Goose(?).” Year: “The En-priest of Inanna of Uruk was chosen by omen.” Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters (of the world): Ur-Eninnu, scribe, son of Ur-...-kuga-... , the man (of? . . . is your slave)." P250787,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) {geš}u₃-suh₅ ki nig₂-lagar-e-ta iti min-eš₃ mu bi₂-tum-ra-bi₂-um{ki} ba-hul ","3 pieces of pine wood. From Nig-lagare. Month: “Double sactuary.” Year: “Bitum-rabium was destroyed.”" P253741,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda gur giri₃ lugal ki ur-ba-ba-ta kišib₃ šu{d}nin-isin₂{si} mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun šu{d}nin-isin₂{si} dub-sar dumu i₃...","1 gur, 1 barig, 4 ban2, 5 sila3 of bread, Conveyor: Lugal-ŠE From Ur-Baba. Sealed tablet of Šu-Nin-Isin. Year: “The En-priest of Eridu was installed.” Šu-Nin-Isin, scribe, child of I-..." P250751,Ur III,Administrative," 1(barig) še-ba iti pa₄-u₂-e u₃ iti {d}dumu-zi 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ab-ba-gi-na dumu lugal-en-nun 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ur{d}geš-bil₃ 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ lu₂{d}nin-sun₂-ka 3(ban₂) ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ dumu lu₂-ge₆-par₄ 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ sipa anše šuniŋin 3(barig) 3(ban₂)... še-ba iti {d}dumu-zi ki šeš-da-da-ta kišib₃ ur-sag₁₀ mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ ur-sa₆ ...","1 barig of barley rations; (for) the month “Pa’u’e” and the month “Dumuzi.” 4 ban2, 5 sila3 (of barley for) Abba-gina, child of Lugal-ennun. 4 ban2, 4 sila3 (of barley for) Ur-Gilgameš(?). 4 ban2, 5 sila3 (of barley for) Lu-Ninsunka. 3 ban2 (of barley for) Ur-Enlila, child of Lu-Gepar. 4 ban2, 5 sila3 (of barley for) the herders of onagers. Total: 3 barig, 3 ban2 of ... Barley rations (for) the month “Dumuzi.” From Gududu. Sealed tablet of Ur-saga. Year: “The En-priest of Inanna was chosen by omen.” Ur-sa(ga), ..." P250746,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gun₂ pa-tar {geš}asal₃ ki e₂-ur₂-bi-du₁₀-ta kišib₃ mu-ni mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul mu-ni dumu a-kal-la gudu₄ {d}nin-ur₄-ra","10 talents of poplar leaves/branches. From E-urbidu. Sealed tablet of Muni. Year: “Simurum was destroyed.” Muni, child of A(ya)-kala, gudu4-priest of Nin-ura." P200395,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 3(barig) še gur guruš-bi 5(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še gur₁₀-de₃ sag-bi gi₄-gi₄-dam ki a na-gada-ta zu-ma-ku-um engar šu ba-ti mu zu-ma-ku-um-še₃ kišib₃ be-li₂-sipa engar an-ta-lu₂ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ ašgab a-da-lal₃ lu₂-inim-ma-bi-me mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma ma-da za-ab-ša-li-im mu-hul-a","1 gur 3 barig of barley its workmen: five days; for harvesting barley its sag will be brought in, from S., the shepherd, Zumakum, the ploughman, has received. Instead of Zumakum, sealed tablet of Beli-re’i, the ploughman. Antalu?, Ur-Šulpae, the leatherworker, (and) Adalal are its witnesses. Year: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, destroyed the lands of Zabšali.”" P220954,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 1(gešʾu) gir{ku₆} a-de₂ lugal-ša₃-la₂-tuku mu-de₆ 2(geš₂) 2(u) gir{ku₆} a-de₂ ne-sag mu-de₆ 7(geš₂) 4(u) gir{ku₆} a-de₂ gala-tur a-dun-a-ke₄ mu-de₆ iti gu₄-ra₂-bi₂-mu₂-a en-ig-gal nu-banda₃ amar-giri₁₆{ki} muhaldim-ra ku₆-hab₂-še₃ ak-de₃ e-ne-šum₂ ","1200 fish, water-pouring, did Lugal-šalatuku deliver; 140 fish, water-pouring. did Nesag deliver; 460 fish, water-pouring. did Gala-tur of the marsh deliver; in month “Oxen ...,” did Eniggal, majordomo, to Amar-giri, the cook, to make stink-fish, give; 3rd (year)." P271247,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," ur-e₂-muš₃ gal dam-gar₃","(Seal of) Ur-emuš, chief merchant." P200729,Ur III,Legal," ab-ba-ge-na-ar a-ša₃ i₃-šum₂ erin₂-e tab-ba-de₃ ensi₂-ke₄ a₂ in-da-na-an-ag₂ erin₂-e il₂ tab-ba-e-de₃ šu bi₂-ib₂-dag šuku-bi ba-ab-tab i₇ i₃-šum₂-ma i₃-ib₂-de₆-a u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-am₃ erin₂-e a-ša₃-bi-še₃ ba-ab-gid₂ ensi₂-še₃ u₃ da-da-ga-aš lu₂ nu-mu-un-ši-in-gi₄ a-ša₃-bi a la-ba-ab-si engar ša₃-gu₄-ka-ni še gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-gurₓ(|ŠE.KIN|)-de₃ ba-an-na-šum₂ da-da-ga gurum₂-še₃ i₃-gen erin₂-bi 3(diš)-a diri-ga nu-gub-ba-am₃ 1(diš) ab-ba-ge-na 1(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 1(diš) a-a-kal-la ša₃-bi 1(diš)-am₃ sag-bi-še₃ nu-gub-ba-am₃ inim ab-ba-ge-na-ka igi ensi₂-ka-še₃ ba-an-ge-en₆ ša₃ a-ša₃ {geš}ma-nu-ka iti nesag mu us₂-sa ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈","For Abbagena the Išum field by the labor troop is to be smoothed out: the governor gave these instructions to him. (Nevertheless,) the labor troop to smooth out the corvée field neglected. They (instead) their (own) subsistence fields smoothed out. The canal that on the Išum (field) brings (water), during 14 days the labor troop towards their fields diverted. (Abbagena) to the governor (Ayakalla) and Dadaga (to inform them) sent nobody. (Consequently,) their (Ayakalla and Dadaga’s) field with water was not filled. His (Abbagena’s) cultivators (and) ox-drivers to harvest the barley were given to him (Abbagena). Dadaga for an inspection went there, (and found out that) from the labor troop no more than 3 were in service. One Abbagena, one Ur-Šulpa’e (and) and one Ayakalla: not 1 of them as the person in charge was in service. In the statement of Abbagena, before the governor it was confirmed. At the poplar field. Month “First fruits,” year following: “The barge of Enki was caulked.”" P203822,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak sipa unu₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} nigin₆{ki} gu₂-ab-ba{ki} sipa ama-gan sipa unu₃ {d}šul-gi u₃ sag...e₂ {d}nin-hur-sag i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds and cowherds in Kinunir, Nigin, and Guabba; herder of equids, shepherds and cowherds of Šulgi and head-plowmen of the house of Ninḫursag, are here; year: “Ḫarši was destroyed.”" P211699,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ba-sa₆ dub-sar-mah mu 3(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan mu us₂-sa-ta mu...še₃","Basket-of-tablets: therefroms, replaced, debits, and lifted outs of Basa, August-scribe, the 3rd year, are here; from the year following: “The house of Puzris-Dagan,” the year after, to the year: “... .”" P211490,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-geš-i₃ gal₂-la še-ba erin₂ a₂ ... i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa...suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of sesame delivered, barley rations of the (labor-)troops, labor, ... are here; year following: “...-Suen the king Urbilum destroyed.”" P211491,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba da-da-mu i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆...en {d}inana ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Dadamu are here; year: “Enunugal, the priest of Inanna, was installed.”" P211646,Ur III,Administrative," ...dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba šeš-sag₁₀ ugula uš-bar i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana...hun u₃ mu ša-aš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Šeš-saga, foreman of the weavers, are here; year: “Enunugal of Inanna was installed.” and year: “Šašru was destroyed.”" P211698,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba da-ga... ...ku₃-ge dumu a-ab-ba-ni u₃ lugal-ku₃-zu nu-banda₃ kišib₃ zi-re u₃ kišib₃-kišib₃-še₃ tum₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ kišib₃-kišib₃-še₃ tum₃ dam-gar₃-ne kišib₃ tug₂ {d}šara₂ kar-ra ensi₂-ka kišib₃ tug₂ kuš...{d}inana bi₂-za-ka a... kišib₃ ur{d}...ša₁₃-dub-ba u₃ ur{d}nun-gal ...a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} muš-bi-an-na mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal...","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Daga..., ...kuge, son of Ayabbani, and Lugal-kuzu, manager, sealed documents to be canceled, and to ... carried, Ur-Šulpa’e, ... to be carried, the trade agents, sealed documents, garments of Šara, the harbor of the governor, sealed documents, garments, leather, ... Inanna ..., sealed documents of Ur-..., the chief accountant, and of Ur-Nungal, ... Apisal, Mušbiana; year: “Šū-Suen is king.”" P211495,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na i₇-pa-e₃ dumu a-ab-ba i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the labor of troops, Ipa’e, son of Ayabba, are here; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P211703,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib dab-ba {d}šara₂-a-mu-tum₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: daba men, gods, plough maintenance, deliveries; year: “The Amorite wall was erected.”" P211647,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ur{d}nin-tu mu 2(diš)-kam mu bad₃ mar-tu u₃ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance Ur-Nintu, (a period of) 2 years, year: “Amorite wall” and year following: “Amorite wall” are here." P211702,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba a₂ erin₂-na-ka ab-ba-sag₁₀ nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of labor or troops, Abba-saga, oxen manager, (a period of) 12 months, are here; year following: “Šū-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall muriq-tidnim erected.”" P212193,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba lu₂{d}šara₂ maškim i₃-gal₂ mu 2(diš)-kam mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ u₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance under Lu-Šara, the sheriff, are here; (a period of) 2 years, year following: “The Amorite wall was erected” and year: “Šū-Suen, the king, Great-stele erected.”" P211450,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ apin-na erin₂ diri-ga ugula lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu du₁₀-ga iti 1(u) 4(diš)-kam iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of ploughs, workmen, extra, under foreman Lu-Šara, son of Duga, (a period of) 14 months, (from) month “Harvest,” year: “Great-stele erected” (to) month “Harvest,” year: “The lands of Zabšali were destroyed.” are here." P211494,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ erin₂-na-ka i₇-pa-e₃ nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of labor of troops, of Ipa’e, oxen manager, (a period of) 11 months, are here; from month “Bricks set in the molds,” to month “Dumuzi,” year: “Šū-Suen, the king, the lands of Zabšali destroyed.”" P211700,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba a₂ erin₂-na lu₂-dingir-ra dumu lugal-e₂-mah-e iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, labor of troops, xxx xxx are here; xxx xxx year: “xxx.”" P211701,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ša₃-ze₂ u₃... lu₂{d}ha-ni i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, in ... and ... of Lu-Ḫaya are here; year: “The en(-priest) of Inanna in Uruk by the goat was found.”" P211645,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum gurum₂-ak giri₃ lugal... i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu{ki} ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P211704,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ... zi-ga... zi-ga lugal mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx year: “xxx.”" P211489,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ... i₃-dab... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx are here; year: “xxx.”" P211864,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še geš e₃-a gu₄ apin-la₂ e₂-gal-la kuₓ(LIL)-kuₓ(LIL) apin-la₂ šuku-še₃ ha-la-a nig₂-ka₉ ku₃ maš a-ša₃-ga geštu-im didli-bi i₃-gal₂ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: threshed barley of the oxen-field; a. into the palace household to be brought; a. for prebend doled out; accounts of silver of interest of the fields; ... are here; year: “Simanum was destroyed.”" P145820,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub... e₂-kišib₃... sag nig₂-gur₁₁... u₃... ur-tur... iti šu-eš... mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}nanna ba-hun-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun-še₃ iti 1(u) 8(diš)-kam sag iti diri 1(diš)-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: house of sealed goods, debits, and ... of Ur-tur ... from month “šu-eša,” year: “Enmahgalana, lord of Nanna, was installed, to month “Harvest,” year: “Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed,” (a period) of 18 months, a head of 1 intercalary month." P208683,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) im-ti-e₂ e₂-gal mu 3(diš)-am₃ i₃-zah₃-am₃ ia₃-nagar-e pa-ag₂ i₃-ze₂-e a₂-zi-da ba-an-tum₂-mu igi ensi₂-ka-še₃ ba-ge-en₈ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","1 (full time worker) Imti-e2?, slave of the palace, for three years fled; Ya-nagar shall cut the “breath;” To Azida he shall bring him; before the ensi it was confirmed. Year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum.”" P210024,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ...ka₉ ak ...utu-bar-ra dumu...sa₆-ga dam-gar₃ ... a lu₂-giri₁₇-zal i₃-gal₂ al-la ensi₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P216807,Old Akkadian,Administrative," eš₁₈-pum ensi₂ elam{ki}","Ešpum, ruler of Elam." P222187,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," ... ...sag gal₂ ...nun gab₂-kas₄ ...surₓ(ERIN₂) munus kunga₂ u₄ 1(diš) še 2(ban₂)-ta 1(diš) surₓ(ERIN₂) nita kunga₂ amar-amar ... udu 1(aš)... iti-da še 5(ban₂)-ta še-bi 4(aš) la₂ 1(barig) nigar-mud 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) udu siki še-bi 4(aš) la₂ 1(barig) en ... ...nig₂-gu₇-a u₄ 1(diš) še 1(ban₂)-ta 2(diš) šah₂ geš-gi mu 3(diš) 3(diš) šah₂ geš-gi mu 2(diš) u₄ 1(diš) še 2(diš) sila₃-ta ...še 1(diš) sila₃-ta še-bi 4(aš) la₂ 1(barig) lugal-pa-e₃ sipa šah₂ 5(aš) še titab₂ 2(aš) 2(barig) še bappir₃ 2(aš) 2(barig) še munu₄ še kas ge₆-kam 2(aš) 2(barig) še bappir₃ še bala-bi 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 2(aš) 2(barig) še munu₄ še kas sig₁₅-kam i₃-li₂-be₆-li₂ {lu₂}lungaₓ(|BI×GAR|) ...zi₃...ka ... še bala-bi 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) še ninda durunₓ(|KU.KU|)-na ur₂-mud agrig 1(aš) udu nig₂-gu₇-a ... ka-šagan šu-nigin₂ 4(u) 4(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂)...gur sag gal₂ ... en-šu-gi₄-gi₄ agrig-ge e-ta-gar gi-na ... 3(diš) gar-am₆","2 teams of male onagers, full-grown, donkey teams, for 1, the daily barley: 2 ban2 each; 1 team of male onagers, juveniles, the daily barley: 1 ban2 each; its barley: 6 gur 1 barig, saggal (measure); (under) Girnun, runner; 1 team of female onagers, the daily barley: 2 ban2 each; 1 team of male onagers, juveniles, the daily barley: 1 ban2 each; its barley: 4 (gur) less 1 barig; (under) Eniggal, household manager; 20 less 2 wool-sheep, for 1 sheep monthly, barley: 5 ban2 each, its barley: 4 (gur) less 1 barig; (under) Nigar-mud; 20 less 2 wool-sheep, its barley: 4 (gur) less 1 barig; (under) EnDU; 17 wool-sheep, its barley: 3 (gur) 2 barig 1 ban2; (under) Lugalda-numea; they are herders of wool-sheep; 1 reed-bed pig, grain-fed, 1 day, the barley: 1 ban2 each; 2 reed-bed pigs, (in their) 3rd year, 3 reed-bed pigs, (in their) 2nd year, 1 day, the barley: 2 sila3 each; 2 reed-bed pigs, (in their) 1st year, 1 day, the barley: 1 sila3 each; its barley: 4 (gur) less 1 barig; (under) Lugal-pa’e, swineherd; 5 (gur) titab-barley, 2 (gur) 2 barig beer bread, 2 (gur) 2 barig malt barley, barley for black-beer; 2 (gur) 2 barig beer bread, its bala barley: 3 barig 2 ban2; 2 (gur) 2 barig malt barley, barley for groat-beer; (under) Ilī-belī, the brewer; 1 (gur) 1 barig barley, peaflour, 1 (gur) 1 barig barley, roasted, its bala barley: 1 barig 4 ban2; 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, ‘sitting’ bread; (under) Urmud, the agrig; 1 sheep, grain-fed, its barley: 5 ban2; (under) Kinum, chief oiler; total: 44 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, saggal (measure), barley and bread rations, monthly, house of Baba, from the silo next to the house of Baba; Enšu-gigi, the agrig, disbursed it; Urukagina, king of Lagash; 6th (year), 3rd disbursement." P114253,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ud₅ mar-tu ba-uš₂ ki lugal-a₂-zi-da-ta kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la iti min-eš₃ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e₁₁-e šuš₃","Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E’e, cattle manager." P114280,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) sa gi mar-sa-aš ki šeš-kal-la-ta kišib₃ lugal-nir-gal₂ iti še-kar-ra-gal₂-la mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lugal-nir-gal₂ ma₂-gin₂ {d}šara₂","60 bundles of reed, to the shipyard, from Šeškalla, under seal of Lugal-nirgal; month “Barley-at-the-docks,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lugal-nirgal, boat-builder, servant of Šara." P114285,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ a-gu gub-ba 5(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki-su₇ a-gu-ta še ma₂-a si-ga u₄...ma₂ ba-al ugula lugal-nesag-e kišib₃ ab-ba-gi-na mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul lu₂{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu ur-sa₆...","55 male laborer workdays, at the threshing floor of Agu stationed; 56 male laborer workdays, from the threshing floor of Agu, barley in the boat loaded, ... ... boat unloaded; foreman: Lugal-nesage, under seal of Abbagina; year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” Lu-Šara, scribe, son of Ur-saga." P114408,Ur III,Administrative," 2(aš) 1(barig) še gur 2(barig) ziz₂ še dab₅-ba a-ša₃ {d}ba-ba₆-tur₃-su₃ giri₃ lugal-nigin₆{ki}še₃ ur{d}su₄-an-na šu ba-ti ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu us₂-sa na-ru₂-a 2(aš) 1(barig) še gur lugal 2(barig) ziz₂ še dab₅-ba a-ša₃ {d}ba-ba₆-tur₃-su₃ giri₃ lugal-nigin₆{ki}še₃ kišib₃ ur{d}su₄-an-na ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃ ur{d}su₄-an-na dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}geš-bar-e₃","2 gur 1 barig barley (and) 2 barig emmer, seized grain (from) the field Baba-tursu, via Lugal-Niginše, Ur-Su’ana received (it) in Girsu; year after “Stele.” 2 gur 1 barig barley, royal (measure), (and) 2 barig emmer, seized grain (from) the field Baba-tursu, via Lugal-Niginše, under seal of Ur-Su’ana; in Girsu; year after “Šū-Suen, king of Ur, Great Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected.” Ur-Su’ana, the scribe, son (of) Lu-Gešbare." P114521,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lugal-sa₆-ga dub-sar zi₃-da lu₂-igi-sa₆-sa₆ ka-guru₇ ur{d}lamma ka-guru₇ u₃ lu₂{d}geš-bar-e₃ dumu ur₂-ra-dingir i₃-gal₂ ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P114551,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 1(diš) guruš 1(diš) gin₂-ta iti maš-ta iti gu₄-ra₂-bi₂-mu₂-mu₂-še₃ a₂-bi 1/3(diš){ša} 2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ 1(u) 1(diš) guruš 2/3(diš)-ta iti ezem{d}li₉-si₄-ta iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆-še₃ iti 6(diš)-kam a₂-bi 2/3(diš){ša} 4(diš) gin₂ šuniŋin 1(diš) ma-na 6(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(u) 3(diš) gin₂ ur{d}en-ki 1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ ba-zi 7(diš) gin₂ igi 5(diš) gal₂ lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ 1(u) gin₂ la₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar giri₃ ur-ti-ra-aš₂ 2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ a₂ gul ku₃-babbar e₂-ki sanga {d}nin-mar 5(diš) gin₂ in-na-du₈ šuniŋin 2/3(diš){ša} 2(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ ku₃-babbar mu-kuₓ(DU) la₂-ia₃ 1/3(diš){ša} 2(diš) gin₂ la₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ nig₂-ka₉ ak ab-ba-mu mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃","11 male laborers, 1 shekel (per month) each, from month: “GANmaš” to month “Oxen-...,” its labor: 1/3 (mana) 2 shekels silver; 11 male laborers, 2/3 shekel (per month) each, from month ""Festival of Lisi"" to month ""Festival of Baba,"" (a period) of 6 months, its labor: 2/3 (mana) 4 shekels; total: 1 mana 6 shekels silver are the debits; therefrom: 13 shekels, Ur-Enki; 12 shekels, Bazi; 7 1/5 shekels, Lu-Baba; 10 shekels less 15 grains silver, via Ur-Tiraš; 2 shekels silver, agul silver, Eki, temple household manager of Ninmar; 5 shekels, released; total: 2/3 (mana) 2 1/4 shekels silver, deliveries; the deficit: 1/3 (mana) 2 less 1/4 shekels, account of Abbamu, year after: “The wall of the land was erected.”" P114895,Ur III,Administrative," 4(geš₂) 8(diš) ku₆ gab₂ 1(u) 3(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ mušen 2(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga didli mu 1(diš)-kam 1(gešʾu) 1(u) la₂ 1/2(diš) ku₆ gab₂ 3(gešʾu) ku₆ agargara sag₁₀ 2(geš₂) 5(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ mušen 2(geš₂) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ zi-ga didli mu 2(diš)-kam ku₆ diri nu-dab₅ al-ba-ni-du₁₀ šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu kar₂-har{ki} a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul-ta iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ mu kar₂-har{ki} a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul-še₃","248 gabIL fish baskets; 13 workdays, male laborers, barge of the birds; 22 workdays, male laborers, various “booked-outs”; 1st year; 610 less 1/2 gabIL fish baskets; 1800 nun-fish, good quality; 170 less 1 workdays, male laborers, barge of the birds; 126 workdays, male laborers, various “booked-outs”; 2nd year; surplus fish not taken; Albanidu received; from month: “Festival of Šulgi,” year: “Karḫar for the 2nd time was destroyed,” to month: Festival of Baba,” year: “Karḫar for the 2nd time was destroyed.”" P115087,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tag-tag-ga udu gukkal-ka zu₂-si-ka gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115290,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli siki-ba ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ... i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115347,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ugu₂-a gar-ra ka-guru₇-ke₄-ne u₃ kišib₃ šeš-kal-la dumu ur{d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P115925,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) 2(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 3(barig) ga-ar₃ mu a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul la₂-ia₃ ur na-ra unu₃ ur na-ra ba-uš₂ 1(aš) ba-ba dumu-ni 1(aš) ba-a-ba... 1(aš) er₂... 1(aš) a-ga-ti 1(aš) za-la-a geme₂-me e₂-du₆-la mu la₂-ia₃-še₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) la₂-ia₃-bi ba-zi","2 barig 2 ban2 2 sila3 of clarified butter, 3 barig of kašk cheese, year: “For the 3rd time Simurum was destroyed;” deficit of Ur-KAnara, the cattle herder. UrKAnara died; 1: Baba, his child, 1: Bayaba ..., 1: Er-..., 1: Agati, 1: Zalaya, female slaves, as estate in stead of the deficit of the deliveries, their deficit is lifted (from his account)." P115963,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) guruš iti 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ a₂ guruš-bi 1(šar₂) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 4(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun du₃-a kišib₃ ur-tur 3(geš₂) 5(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ lugal-nidba-e 1(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ ur-tur 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ lugal-ezem 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gir₂-su{ki}še₃ ma₂ tur 5(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ ab-ba-sa₆-ga 3(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃-bi 2(diš)-am₃ kišib₃ ur-mes šabra 1(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ šu-ti-ru-um giri₃ ba-er 2(geš₂) 5(u) gu-nigin₂ gi-zi kišib₃ ab-ba-sa₆-ga 4(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mar-sa-a gub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) gur in-nu kišib₃ ur-mes 2(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) gu-nigin₂ gi a₂ guruš-bi 1(geš₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) kišib₃ lugal{d}nin-šubur šuniŋin 3(gešʾu)...zi-ga 3(gešʾu) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...a₂ guruš u₄ tuš-a ...a₂ diri 7(geš₂) 5(u) 1(diš) 1/2(diš) 2(geš₂) 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ gi gir₂-su{ki}še₃ gid₂-da 2(geš₂) 2(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mar-sa gub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ 1(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ gi ze₂-a kišib₃ nig₂-u₂-rum 4(geš₂) 3(u) in-nu gur a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) in-nu gur a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam kišib₃ ur-mes 2(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) gu-nigin₂ gi-zi a₂ guruš-bi 1(geš₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ {d}utu-ik-ṣur₂ 4(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun mar-sa du₃-a kišib₃ ur-tur 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ lugal-nidba₂-e ...3(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) zi-ga-am₃ 3(gešʾu) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ tuš-a a₂ diri 1(geš₂) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) guruš nig₂-ga-ak er₃-re-eb kišib₃ ur-tur 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 4(u) 6(aš) gur in-nu kišib₃ ur-mes ...2(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) 3(u) 2(diš) zi-ga-am₃ 3(gešʾu) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ u₄ tuš-a la₂-ia₃ 7(geš₂) 2(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nig₂-ka₉-ak nig₂-la-a 1(u) guruš iti u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 1(šar₂)-kam u₄... sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra...ša₃-bi-ta 2(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ 1(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ {d}iškur-illat giri₃ ba-er 1(u) guruš iti u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 1(šar₂)-kam u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(geš₂) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ ur-mes 2(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ mar-sa gub-ba kišib₃ ur{d}ba-ba₆ 1(geš₂) gu-nigin₂ gi-zi kišib₃ ab-ba-sa₆-ga 1(u) 5(diš) gu-nigin₂ gi kišib₃ lugal{d}nin... 2(u) guruš u₄... kišib₃ ur... 1(geš₂) guruš u₄... kišib₃ ab-ba-sa₆... 4(u) 7(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ga₂-nun mar-sa du₃... ugula a-da-lal₃ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 1(u)...2(diš)","10 male laborers for 12 months, labor of the male laborers: 3600 workdays, are the debits; therefrom: 47 workdays, male laborers, storage facility erected, under seal of Urtur; 238 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Lugal-nidba’e; 115 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Urtur; 10 workdays, male laborers, Lugal-ezem; 24 workdays, male laborers, to Girsu the small barge; 50 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Abbasaga; 180 workdays, male laborers, the sealed documents are 2, under seal of Urmes, household manager; 60 workdays, male laborers, labor of Šutirum, via Ba’er 125 bales, fodder reed, under seal of Abbasaga; 284 workdays, male laborers, stationed at marsa, under seal of Ur-Baba; 1066 gur straw, under seal of Urmes; 135 bales of NE-reed, its labor of the male laborers: 67 1/2 under seal of Lugal-Ninšubur; total: 1800 ... booked out; 1800 workdays, male laborers, labor of the male laborers, sat-out days, ... labor, surplus: 471 1/2 150 workdays, male laborers, barge with reed from Girsu punted, 140 workdays, male laborers, at marsa stationed under seal of Ur-Baba; 10 workdays, male laborers, reed uprooted, under seal of Nir-urum; 270 gur straw, the 1st time; 1066 gur straw, the 2nd time, unders seal of Urmes; 135 bales of fodder-reed, the labor of male laborers: 67 1/2 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Šamaš-ikṣur; 47 workdays, male laborers, storage facility of marsa erected; under seal of Urtur; 24 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Lugal-nidba’e; (subtotal:) 1864 1/2 booked out; 1800 workdays, male laborers, labor of sat-out days, labor, surplus: 64 1/2 male laborers; account of Erreb, under seal of Urtur; 1066 gur straw, under seal of Urmes; (subtotal:) 1352 booked out; 1800 workdays, male laborers, labor of sat-out days, the deficit: 448 workdays, male laborers; account of Nigla’a; 10 male laborers for 12 months, its labor: 3600 workdays, for 1 day, are the debits; therefrom: 20 workdays, male laborers, 60 workdays, male laborers, labor of Adda-tillati, via Ba’er; 10 male laborers for 12 months, its labor: 3600 workdays, for 1 day, are the debits; therefrom: 60 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Urmes; 24 workdays, male laborers, at marsa stationed, under seal of Ur-Baba; 60 bales of fodder-reed, under seal of Abbasaga; 15 bales of NE-reed, under seal of Lugal-Ninšubur; 20 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Ur-...; 60 workdays, male laborers, under seal of Abbasaga; ...; 47 workdays, male laborers, storage facility of marsa erected; foreman: Adalal, year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” ..." P116018,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar 4(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na šim {d}nin-ib-tum si-i₃-tum mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃ 2(barig) še lugal si-i₃-tum mu en {d}nanna kišib₃ ur-sa₆-ga nu-banda₃ su-su-dam dam-gar₃-ne-bi gi-ne₂-dam mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ur-sa₆-ga nu-banda₃ gu-za-la₂","3 mana 1 1/2 shekel 15 grains silver, 4 2/3 mana resin of Ninebtum (?), the remainder of year after: “The wall of the land was erected;” 2 barig barley, royal (measure), remainder of year: “The high-priestess of Nanna;” under seal of Ur-saga, manager, to be repaid; the trade agents will confirm; year: “Amar-Suen (is) king.” Ur-saga manager of throne bearers." P116115,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 9(aš) 3(ban₂) še gur lugal ku₃ 1(diš) gin₂-a 1(aš) še gur lugal ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 9(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še ki mu dumu lugal-pirig-banda₃-ta sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 3(aš) esir₂ gur ku₃ 1(diš) gin₂-a 1(barig) esir₂ lugal-ta 1(aš) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃ esir₂ gur 1(barig) 3(ban₂)-ta ku₃-bi 1/3(diš){ša} 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ la₂ 4(diš) še 1(barig) za-ha-din 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta ku₃-bi 4(diš) gin₂ 2(barig) 3(ban₂) šum₂-sikil 1(barig) 4(ban₂)-ta ku₃-bi 1(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ šum₂-gaz 1(barig) 4(ban₂)-ta ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ la₂ 2(diš) še 1(u) 4(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ naga gur 1(aš) 3(barig) 3(ban₂) gur-ta ku₃-bi 8(diš) gin₂ igi 3(diš) gal₂ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še 1(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ mun gur 3(aš) gur-ta ku₃-bi la₂ 3(diš) še 2(u) {geš}u₃-suh₅ geš e₂-šum-ta ku₃-bi igi 3(diš) gal₂ 3(barig) {geš}peš₃ duru₅ 1(aš) 3(barig) gur-ta ku₃-bi igi 3(diš) gal₂ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) še 2(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ zu₂-lum 1(aš) gur-ta ku₃-bi 1(u) 6(diš) še ku₃ 1(aš) gun₂ 4(u) 4(diš) ma-na esir₂ had₂ 1(u) gu₂-ta ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ šuniŋin 1/2(diš) ma-na 9(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še ku₃-babbar zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 1(u) 7(diš) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dam-gar₃ ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma iti ezem-še-il₂-la iti maš iti 2(diš)-kam bala-bi 1(diš)-am₃ ur{d}lamma ensi₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu-um{ki} a-ra₂ 9(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","39 gur 3 ban2 barley, royal (measure), silver, in 1 shekel 1 gur royal (measure), its silver: 1/2 mana 9 shekels 18 grains, from ARADmu, son of Lugal-pirigbanda, are the debits; therefrom: 3 gur EA-bitumen, silver, in 1 shekel 1 barig EA-bitumen, royal (measure), 1 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3 EA-bitumen at 1 barig 3 ban2 each, its silver: 1/3 (mana) 1 1/3 shekels less 4 grains; 1 barig leeks at 15 sila3 each, its silver: 4 shekels; 2 barig 3 ban2 garlic at 1 barig 4 ban2 each, its silver: 1 1/2 shekels; 3 barig 4 ban2 4 sila3 onion, ground, at 1 barig 4 ban2 each, its silver: 2 1/4 shekels less 2 grains, 14 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 alkali-plant at 1 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 each, its silver: 8 1/3 shekels 2 1/2 grains, 1 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3 salt at 3 gur each, its silver: 2/3 shekels less 3 grains; 20 pines, lumber from the slaughterhouse, its silver: 1/3 shekel; 3 barig figs, fresh, at 1 gur 3 barig each, its silver: 1/3 shekel 7 1/2 grains, 2 ban2 7 sila3 dates at 1 gur each, its silver: 16 grains of silver; 1 talent 44 mana bitumen, dried, at 10 talents each, its silver: 1/6 shekel; total: 1/2 mana 9 shekels 20 grains of silver, booked out; deficit: 17 grains of silver; account of Ur-Šulpa’e, the merchant, in Ur; month: “Festival-grain-lifted,” and month: “GANmaš,” (a period) of two months; its bala: 1; Ur-Lamma, the governor; year: “Simurrum, Lullubum, for the 9th time were destroyed.”" P116195,Ur III,Administrative," ... ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) nu-i₃-da mu maškim ...2(diš) u₄ 3(diš)-kam 1(diš) gu₄ 2(u) udu lugal-ku₃-zu ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) erin₂ a-bi₂-ba-na{ki} 1(diš) sila₄ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) du-uk-ra mu maškim ...2(u) 2(diš) u₄ 4(diš)-kam 1(diš) gu₄ ... 4(diš) udu {d}nin-hur-sag ša₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) kaš-de₂-a eš₁₈-dar-il-šu maš-tur sagi maškim ...7(diš) u₄ 9(diš)-kam 1(diš) sila₄ {d}en-lil₂ 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) wa-ta₂-ru-um sanga maš-tur sagi maškim 1(diš) udu niga da-da gala be-li₂-i₃-li₂ maškim 2(diš) amar az e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) šu{d}suen a-a-kal-la maškim ... ...2(diš) u₄ 1(u) 2(diš)-kam 1(diš) amar az e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) šu{d}suen a-a-kal-la maškim ...1(diš) u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga 1(diš) sila₄ e₂-uz-ga mu-kuₓ(DU) mu ur{d}ba-ba₆ maškim ...2(diš) u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam 2(u) 6(diš) maš-da₃ e₂-muhaldim mu-kuₓ(DU) ur{d}en-gal-du-du giri₃ tah-ša-tal ra₂-gaba ...2(u) 6(diš) u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam 1(diš) amar az mu-kuₓ(DU) šu{d}suen 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) dingir ma-at sagi 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal-ma₂-gur₈-re e₂-uz-ga ur{d}ba-ba₆ maškim ...4(diš) u₄ 2(u)-kam 2(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) wa-ta₂-ru-um sanga 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) ṣe-lu-uš{d}da-gan 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) ze₂-na-na 1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) a-da-tum 2(diš) udu niga mu-kuₓ(DU) be-li₂-a-ri₂-ik ... šuniŋin 4(diš) udu niga šuniŋin 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ niga šuniŋin 1(u) 4(diš) sila₄ šuniŋin 2(diš) maš₂ šuniŋin 2(u) 6(diš) maš-da₃ šuniŋin 5(diš) amar az zi-ga lugal šuniŋin 1(diš) maš₂-gal {geš}gu-za {d}šul-gi šuniŋin 3(diš) gu₄ šuniŋin 5(diš) udu niga šuniŋin 4(u) 1(diš) udu šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) sila₄ nig₂-ba lugal ... nigin₂-ba 3(diš) gu₄ nigin₂-ba 1(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) udu nigin₂-ba 3(diš) maš₂ nigin₂-ba 1(diš) ud₅ nigin₂-ba 3(u) 6(diš) maš-da₃ nigin₂-ba 5(diš) az kilib₃-ba 3(diš) gu₄ kilib₃-ba 1(geš₂) 1(u) 7(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a kilib₃-ba 2(u) 6(diš) maš-da₃ 5(diš) az ... ... ...","1 lamb for uzga-house, delivery of Dukra, Ayakala was enforcer; (subtotal:) 1, 1st day; 1 sheep, 1 billy goat, for the high-priest of Inanna, delivery of Dukra, Ayakala was enforcer; (subtotal:) 2, 2nd day; 1 lamb for Enlil, 1 lamb for Ninlil, from the delivery of Nu-ida, ARADmu was enforcer; (subtotal:) 2, 3rd day; 1 ox, 2 sheep; for Lugal-kuzu; from the delivery of the troops of Abibana; 1 lamb for uzga-house; delivery of Dukra; ARADmu was enforcer; (subtotal:) 22, 4th day; 1 ox, 1 grain-fed sheep for Raši, man of Zidanum, 1 grain-fed sheep for Garadadu, the Šimaškian, 1 grain-fed sheep for Ari-dubuk, man of Šašru, 1 grain-fed sheep for ...-ḫipnegaman, man of Šurudḫum, delivery of Nanna-kiag, chief household manager; Lugal-inimgina, messenger, was enforcer; (subtotal:) 4, 8th day; 3 ... for ...; 4 sheep for Ninḫursag; from the delivery of “beer-pouring” by Ešdar-ilšu; Maštur, cupbearer, was enforcer; (subtotal:) 7, 9th day; 1 lamb for Enlil, 1 lamb for Ninlil; delivery of Watarum, chief household manager; Maštur, cupbearer, was enforcer; 1 grain-fed sheep for Dada, the gala; Belī-ilī was enforcer; 2 bear cubs for the uzga-house; delivery of Šu-Suen; Ayakala was enforcer; (subtotal:) 5, 10th day; 1 lamb for Ninḫursag; 1 lamb for Šulpa'e; delivery of Ešdar-ilšu; Maštur, cupbearer, was enforcer; 2 billy goats for the uzga-house; delivery of Lu-Nanna, cupbearer; Ur-Baba was enforcer; (subtotal:) 4, 11th day; 1 lamb for Nusku; 1 lamb for Ninurta; delivery of the governor of Nippur; Maštur, cupbearer, was enforcer; (subtotal:) 2, 12th day; 1 bear cub for the uzga-house; delivery of Šu-Suen; Ayakala was enforcer; (subtotal:) 1, 13th day; 1 grain-fed female kid, 1 lamb, for the uzga-house; delivery of ARADmu; Ur-Baba was enforcer; (subtotal:) 2, 15th day; 26 gazelles, for the kitchen; delivery of Ur-Engaldudu; via Taḫšatal, the rider; (subtotal:) 26, 17th day; 1 bear cub, delivery of Šu-Suen, 1 lamb, delivery of Ṣelluš-Dagan, 1 lamb, delivery of Il-DImat, cupbearer, 1 lamb, delivery of Lugal-magure, for the uzga-house; Ur-Baba was enforcer; (subtotal:) 4, 20th day; 2 lambs, delivery of Watarum, chief household manager, 1 lamb, delivery of Ṣelluš-Dagan, 1 lamb, delivery of Zenana, 1 lamb, delivery of Adatum, 2 grain-fed sheep, delivery of Belī-arik; 1 lamb for Me-Ištaran, delivery of Belī-arik; ARADmu was enforcer; (subtotal:) 1, 27th day; total: 4 grain-fed sheep, total: 1 grain-fed female kid, total: 14 lambs, total: 2 male goats, total: 26 gazelles, total: 5 bear cubs, booked out of the king(’s account); total: 1 large billy goat, (for) the throne of Šulgi; total: 3 oxen, total: 5 grain-fed sheep, total: 41 sheep, total: 10 minus 1 lambs, gift of the king; ... x together: 3 oxen, together: 73 sheep, together: 3 billy goats, together: 1 nanny goat, together: 36 gazelles, together: 5 bears; grand total: 3 oxen, grand total: 77 various sheep and goats, grand total: 26 gazelles, grand total: 5 bears; (altogether:) 111; out of Abbasaga(’s account) booked; month: “Festival-of-An,” year: “Enmaḫgalana, high-priestess of Nanna, was installed.”" P116232,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak sag-apin e₂ šabra maškim di-da ra₂-gaba aga₃-us₂ ma₂-lah₅ ma₂-gur₈-ra dub-sar gu-za-la₂ gu₂-ne-sag erin₂ ug₃ e₂ {d}nin-geš-zi-da sipa dur₉{ur₃}ra bur-sag {d}nin-gir₂-su i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116234,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tug₂ ki-la₂ tag-ga kišib₃ ur-sa₆-ga muhaldim kišib₃ gu₃-de₂-a kišib₃ lugal-ki-gal-la kišib₃ lugal-gu₂-gal kišib₃ u₃-ma-ni kišib₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su dumu mu kišib₃ lu₂-bi-mu kišib₃ ba-zi dumu šeš nu-banda₃ a-hu-um-dingir mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-ta mu hu-hu-nu-ri ba-hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116236,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba erin₂ sag-apin u₃ ug₃ e₂ {d}šul-gi i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116237,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak sipa unu₃-e-ne iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ša₃-ba iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ i₃... mu {d}šu... i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116238,Ur III,Administrative," pisan... la₂-ia₃ sipa unu₃ sipa udu gukkal gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum nig₂-e₃-a sipa unu₃-de₃ giri₃ mu es₃-sa₂-ab-du u₃ dub gid₂-da-bi i₃-gal₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116239,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-gur₁₁ {d}nin-gir₂-su-ka-i₃-sa₆ kurušda sila-a gal₂-la kišib₃ lu₂ didli-ne i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116240,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a-ša₃ du₃-du₃-a lu₂ mar-sa sa₁₂-du₅ ka-guru₇ šandana dub-sar gu₄ udu giri₃-se₃-ga e₂ {d}nin-gir₂-su u₃ {d}ba-ba₆ aga₃-us₂ ensi₂ i₃-du₈-me ma₂ u₄-zal-la i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116242,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum lu₂ nig₂-dab₅ ugnim{ki}ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116243,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga lugal gurum₂-ta lam-ba i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116244,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba gurum₂-ma šabra-ne i₃-gal₂ ... mu {geš}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116245,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂ giri₃-se₃-ga sag-apin erin₂ ug₃ e₂ nam-ha-ni i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana...i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116255,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da i₃-dub giri₃ ku₅-da-mu i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu{ki} ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116256,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak... ša₃ ... i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116260,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ra-a sipa-e-ne ma-da gir₂-su{ki}ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P116272,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak si-i₃-tum še sumun ... i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116462,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga iri ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki}ka i₃-gal₂ ur{d}lamma ensi₂ iti maš ... mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P116686,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak dab-ba e₂ {d}amar{d}suen ... i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: made inventory of those who passed by, xxx xxx xxx" P116964,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) 3(barig) še gur lugal še-ba za₃-mu-ka-še₃ ...kikken-ta ...us₂ a-ri-a {d}nin-nag-su-ka-ke₄ šu ba-ti iti dal mu us₂-sa en eridu{ki} ba-hun","1 gur 3 barig barley (according to the) royal (measure), for the barley ration of the new year, from the millhouse, the assistant herder of the desert of Nin-Nagsu received; month “Flight,” year following “The lord of Eridu was installed.”" P117038,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-geš-i₃-ka ugnim(|KI.SU.LU.GAR|) šu ti-a","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P117039,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ša₃ nibru{ki} ...giri₁₇-zal...kiri₆ i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ ba-du₃-ta mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄{d}da ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-a-bi-še₃ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P117487,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak nam-u dun-a šabra sanga-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P117496,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kilib₃-ba še-ba u₃ guru₇-a tak₄-a-bi gir₂-su-ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}...bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P117512,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak tug₂ zi₃ u₃ a₂ geme₂ uš-bar lu₂-azlag₂ e₂ ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ ugula lu₂-inim-nig₂-sa₆-ga i₃-gal₂ iti maš u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam mu...šu₄-ru...{ki}... iti ezem{d}...zi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal...ke₄ bad₃ mu-du₃-še₃ iti 1(geš₂) 3(u) 1(diš) u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam iti diri 2(diš)-am₃ ša₃-ba i₃...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P117538,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba i₃ zu₂-lum-ma zi-ga bala u₃ zi-ga ša₃ iri mu en {d}inana maš₂-e in-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P117627,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še zi-ga a-ša₃ da-umma{ki} lu₂-gi-na i₃-gal₂ mu... ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P117652,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar še-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) gur buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ su₃-su₃-da ba-a-mu mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ ki {d}nanna-i₃-gi-ta ba-a-mu šu ba-ti iti me-gi₈-gal₂ ...{d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ 2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar še-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) gur buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ su₃-su₃-da mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ ki {d}nanna-i₃-gi-ta ba-a-mu šu ba-ti iti me-gi₈-gal₂ mu...nanna...i₃-pa₃ ba-a-mu dumu gu₃-de₂-a","2 shekels of silver, its barley 2 gur 2 barig; the harvest will remit this debt, should (it) be inundated; Ba’amu by the royal name has sworn; from Nanna-igi did Ba’amu receive; month “Mekigal,” year: “The en priestess of Nanna by omens was chosen.” 2 shekels of silver, its barley 2 gur 2 barig; the harvest will remit this debt, should (it) be inundated; by the royal name he has sworn; from Nanna-igi did Ba’amu receive; month “Mekigal,” year: “The en priestess of Nanna by omens was chosen.” did Ba’amu, son of Gude’a." P117919,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba ki a-a-kal-la ašgab i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: seized sealed documents xxx are here. Year: She was installed as en-priestess of Eridu" P118242,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ša₃-bi su-ga uš-mu dub-sar kurušda mu 1(diš) iti 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti {d}dumu-zi mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ta iti {d}dumu-zi mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118388,Ur III,Administrative," 6(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 1(u) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur 1(u) 3(aš) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) gin₂ ga-muru₁₃ gur si-i₃-tum mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 1(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun gur 2(aš) 2(ban₂) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ gur ki lu₂-zabala₃{ki}ta 2(barig) i₃-nun 3(barig) ga-muru₁₃ ki ur{d}ma-mi-ta 1(aš) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun gur 1(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) 7(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ gur ki ur-nigar{gar}ta 5(ban₂) i₃-nun ...sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ki du₁₁-ge-ta 4(ban₂) i₃-nun 1(barig) ga-muru₁₃ ki {d}šara₂-a-mu-ta 4(ban₂) i₃-nun 1(barig) ga-muru₁₃ ki lugal-šu-nir-re-ta 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 1(aš) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ gur ki šeš-kal-la-ta 1(barig) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ki ur{d}su₄-da-ta 1(barig) 1(ban₂) i₃-nun 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ki gu-za-ta 5(ban₂) i₃-nun 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ...bu₃-du-ta 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ki al-ba-ni-du₁₁-ta 1(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 2(barig) 7(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ ki ta 2(ban₂) i₃-nun 3(ban₂) ga-muru₁₃ ki a-ki-šar-ta šu bi 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 2(ban₂) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃ ma₂-gur₈-ra šuniŋin 1(u) 1(aš) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur šuniŋin 2(u) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 8(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) gin₂ ga-muru₁₃ gur ša₃-bi-ta 3(barig) 4(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 2(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ ga-gazi 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ giri₃ ur{d}šakkan 1(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 8(diš) sila₃... giri₃ kas₄ zi-ga bala... mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu... 2(barig) 3(ban₂) 8(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 4(ban₂) 6(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ ga-gazi 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ giri₃ ur{d}šakkan 1(aš) 3(barig) 8(diš) sila₃ ga-šeₓ(IGI@g)-a gur 5(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ giri₃ kas₄ zi-ga mu ku₃ gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ 1/3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 2/3(diš) ma-na 8(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam giri₃ lu₂-kal-la 9(diš) gin₂ ku₃ giri₃ ur{d}šara₂ ša₁₃-dub... 9(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še... giri₃ lu₂-zabala₃{ki} sag na₄-bi 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 2/3(diš) še ku₃ i₃-nun-bi 2(aš) 4(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš)...1(u) 2(diš) gin₂ gur 1(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ i₃-nunšeₓ(IGI@g)... ...1(diš)-kam ...nun sa₂-du₁₁...2(diš)-kam 1(barig) ga-šeₓ(IGI@g)-a gibil-še₃ kaš-de₂-a lugal umma{ki}še₃ gen-na kišib₃-bi 4(diš)-am₃ ugu₂ lu₂-kal-la ga₂-ga₂-dam 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 3(barig) 5(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ 7(diš) sila₃ ga-šeₓ(IGI@g)-a kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la ugu₂ ur-e₁₁-e ga₂-ga₂-dam 3(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur 1(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ ga-gazi gur 4(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ ga-muru₁₃ gur 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) ga-šeₓ(IGI@g)-a gur kišib₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šuniŋin 7(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 4(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur šuniŋin 2(aš) 8(diš) sila₃ 1(u) gin₂ ga-gazi gur ga-muru₁₃-bi 3(aš) 1(ban₂) 2(diš) sila₃ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂ šuniŋin 6(aš) 1(barig) 1(ban₂) 9(diš) ga-muru₁₃ gur šuniŋin 7(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-šeₓ(IGI@g)-a gur i₃-nun-bi 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 2/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) gin₂ ga-muru₁₃-bi 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ...8(aš) 3(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 9(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur ...9(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ga-muru₁₃ gur zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) 7(diš) 5/6(diš) sila₃ 8(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun gur 1(u) 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 1(diš) 1/3(diš) sila₃ 5(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ga-muru₁₃ gur la₂-ia₃-am₃ nig₂-ka₉ ak i₃-nun ga-ar₃ a-tu šuš₃ mu ku₃ gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","6 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 17 1/2 shekels butter oil, 13 gur 1 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 8 shekels kašk cheese, debits of the year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum;” 1 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil, 2 gur 2 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 kašk cheese, from Lu-Zabala; 2 barig butter oil, 3 barig kašk cheese, from Ur-Mami; 1 gur 5 sila3 butter oil, 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 7 sila3 kašk cheese, from Ur-nigar; 5 ban2 butter oil, 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 kašk cheese, from Duge; 4 ban2 butter oil, 1 barig kašk cheese, from Šara-amu; 4 ban2 butter oil, 1 barig kašk cheese, from Lugal-šunire, 3 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil, 1 gur 7 1/2 sila3 kašk cheese, from Šeškala; 1 barig 5 sila3 butter oil, 1 barig 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 kašk cheese, from Ur-Suda; 1 barig 1 ban2 butter oil, 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 kašk cheese, from Guzana; 5 ban2 butter oil, 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 kašk cheese, from Budu; 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil, 1 barig 5 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 kašk cheese, from Albanidu; 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil, 2 barig 7 sila3 kašk cheese, from UŠ; 2 ban2 butter oil, 3 ban2 kašk cheese, from Akišar; its šuGIR: 1 barig 4 ban2 2 2/3 sila3; 2 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 (butter) oil for “Barge;” total: 11 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 5 1/3 sila3 7 1/2 shekels butter oil, total: 20 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 8 shekels kašk cheese, therefrom: 3 barig 4 sila3 butter oil, 2 ban2 9 sila3 sumac-cheese, 2 barig 4 ban2 4 sila3 kašk cheese, via Ur-Šakkan; 1 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3 yellowed milk, via Kas; booked out of the bala (obligation) of the year: “Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum;” 2 barig 3 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 butter oil, 4 ban 6 1/3 sila3 sumac-cheese, 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 kašk cheese, via Ur-Šakkan; 1 gur 3 barig 8 sila3 yellowed milk, 5 ban3 4 sila3 kašk cheese, via Kas; booked out of the bala (obligation) of the year: “the silvery chair of Enlil was fashioned;” 1/3 mana 1 shekel silver the first time, 2/3 mana 8 1/2 shekels silver the second time, via Lukala, 9 shekels silver, via Ur-Šara the chief accountant, 9 2/3 shekels 15 grains silver via Lu-Zabala, its “(scales) stone overhead”: 1 1/3 shekel 2/3 grains silver, its butter oil: 2 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 5 2/3 sila3 12 shekels; 1 ban2 4 sila3 butter oil, 2 ban2 2 sila3 yellowed milk, first sadu-allotment, 3 sila3 butter oil, second sadu-allotment, 1 barig yellowed milk ..., beer festival when the king went to Umma, their sealed documents: 4, to be entered to the debit account of Lukala; 1 barig 1 ban2 8 1/2 sila3 butter oil, 3 barig 5 2/3 sila3 kašk cheese, 7 sila3 yellowed milk, under seal of Lukala, to be entered to the debit account of Ur-e'e; 3 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 3 sila3 2 1/2 shekels butter oil, 1 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 2 5/6 sila3 sumac-cheese, 4 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 3 1/3 sila3 kašk cheese, 3 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 yellowed milk, under seal of Ur-Šulpa'e; total: 7 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 4 12 shekels butter oil, total: 2 gur 8 sila3 10 shekels sumac-cheese, its kašk cheese: 3 gur 1 ban2 2 sila3 15 shekels, total: 6 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3 kašk cheese, total 7 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 yellowed milk, its butter oil: 1 barig 5 ban2 2/3 sila3 5 shekels, its kašk cheese: 2 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3 7 1/2 shekels; total: 8 gur 3 ban2 7 1/3 sila3 9 1/2 shekels butter oil, total: 9 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 7 1/3 sila3 2 1/2 shekels kašk cheese, booked out; the deficit: 3 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 7 5/6 sila3 8 shekels butter oil, 10 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 1 1/3 sila3 5 1/2 shekels kašk cheese, are the deficit; account of butter oil and kašk cheese of Atu, the chief cattle manager; year: “The silver-chair of Enlil was fashioned.”" P118495,Ur III,Administrative," 2(barig) 5(ban₂) še ur₅-ra maš₂ nu-tuku ki šeš-kal-la-ta ab-ba-kal-la šu ba-ti igi lu₂-bala-sag₁₀ igi inim{d}utu-še₃ iti {d}dumu-zi-ta iti nesag-še₃ su-su-dam mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂ ab-ba-kal... dumu ur...","2 barig 5 ban2 loan barley, interest not bearing, from Šeškalla did Abbakalla receive; before Lu-galasaga, before Inim-Utu from the month “Dumuzi” to the month “First fruits” to be repaid; the royal name he swore; year: “Big barge was fashioned”." P118553,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba bi₂-tum kišib₃ bala-a na-sa₆ u₃ gaba-ri-bi ki ur-ku₃-nun-na i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: “house”, the sealed documents of the bala of Nasa and their copies —that were with Ur-kununa— are inside." P118560,Ur III,Administrative," 1(aš) še gur ka-tar 3(barig) 3(ban₂) lu₂{d}da-mu 1(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur ba-lu₅-ga a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ a-ša₃ u₂-hub₂ iti sig₄ u₄ 2(u) 5(diš) ba-zal ","1 gur barley: Ka-tar; 3 barig 3(ban2): Lu-Damu; 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2: Baluga; wages of the hirelings at the field Uḫub; month “Bricks,” the 25th day passed." P118642,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) še gur kišib₃ ka-tar-ni ma₂-lah₅ 1(aš) gur kišib₃ ur{geš}gigir dumu a-ri₂-bi 1(aš) 1(barig)...gur zi₃ kišib₃ ur...lugal-banda₃ 3(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) gur 2(ban₂) ziz₂ lugal-ezem šabra 2(u) 5(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) 3(diš) sila₃ gur la-ni-mu šuniŋin 1(u) 1(u) 4(barig) 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ še gur šuniŋin 1(barig) 2(ban₂) ziz₂ šuniŋin 1(barig) zi₃ kišib₃-bi gu₂-ru-dam kišib₃ i₃-kal-la dumu he₂-dam ","10 gur barley, under seal of Katarni the boatman; 1 gur, under seal of Ur-gigir, son of Aribi; 1 gur n sila3 flour, under seal of Ur-lugalbanda 33 gur 3 barig 5 ban2, 2 ban2 emmer, from Lugalezem, the chief household manager; 25 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 3 sila3 (from) Lanimu; total 14 gur, 4 barig 2 ban2 5 sila barley; total 1 barig 2 ban2 emmer; total 1 barig flour. The sealed documents will be returned(?); under seal of Ikalla, son of Hedam." P118649,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im siki-ba giri₃ ur{d}suen i₃-gal₂ ... mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118734,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ša₃-tam 1(diš) a-gu-gu 1(diš) lugal-ezem 1(diš) lugal-ku₃-ga-ni 1(diš) lu₂{d}šara₂ i₃-gal₂ mu bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118739,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im lu₂-dingir-ra dumu ku₃-sag₁₀ i₃-gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P118757,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ka-guru₇ mu 4(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}nanna...e i₃-pa₃-ta mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118972,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ gi lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne ib₂-ta-bala-ba en₃ tar-re i₃-gal₂ ša₃ bala-a mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P118988,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba mun-gazi lu₂-kal-la i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P119715,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub... e₂... kišib₃ ur{d}nin-gir₂-su ...... ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P119877,Ur III,Administrative," a-ša₃ ka-ma-ri₂-ta a ba-ra-ha-aš bur ba-an-nu₂ ... ...ₓ(LIL)... ...ku₆ še₆ gur ur{geš}gigir-ke₄ su-su-dam mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul ur{geš}gigir dub-sar dumu...ra-an","From the field of Kamari the water was diverted (and) a (fish)pond was laid out ... ... ... entered ... n gur? of smoked fish by Ur-gigir are to be repaid; year following: “Simanum was destroyed.” Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Bara-AN." P119994,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kin-e ra-a didli i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P120207,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {geš}kiri₆ kab₂-du₁₁-ga gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba-še₃ i₃-gal₂ mu e₂ {d}šara₂ ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P207484,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub-ba zi-ga...lugal i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P120650,Ur III,Administrative," ...1(barig) 4(ban₂)-ta ...1(diš) geme₂ 1(barig)-ta ...2(u) 4(diš) geme₂ 4(ban₂)-ta ...2(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta ...1(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) dumu 2(ban₂)-ta 2(geš₂) 2(u) 1(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta 6(geš₂) 4(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta 5(u) 2(diš) geme₂ šu-gi₄ 2(ban₂)-ta še-bi 3(geš₂) 1(aš) 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ gur geme₂ uš-bar-me 3(diš) guruš 1(barig)-ta 2(diš) guruš 5(ban₂)-ta 2(diš) guruš 4(ban₂)-ta še-bi 1(aš) 1(barig) gur ug₃ e₂-uš-bar-me še-ba iti-da 1(u) 1(diš) guruš 4(aš) gur-ta 6(diš) guruš 2(aš) 2(barig)-ta ...guruš 2(aš)... ... 2(diš) lu₂ gu 2(aš) 2(barig)-ta 1(diš) tug₂-du₈ 2(aš) 2(barig) gur še-bi 1(geš₂) 4(u) 2(aš) gur nu-dab₅-me še-ba za₃-mu-ka ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} 3(u) 1(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta 1(diš) dumu 2(ban₂) 1(u) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta 5(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta še-bi 3(aš) 4(barig) 1(ban₂) gur ša₃ uru₁₁{ki} 1(u) 2(diš) geme₂ 4(ban₂)-ta 1(geš₂) 1(u) 4(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta 1(u) dumu 2(ban₂)-ta 2(u) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta 2(u) 3(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta 2(diš) geme₂ šu-gi₄ 2(ban₂)-ta še-bi 1(u) 1(aš) 2(barig) 5(ban₂) gur ... še-bi...2(barig) gur i₃-du₈ e₂-uš-bar-me ša₃ lagaš{ki} 1(diš) geme₂ 1(barig) 4(ban₂) 4(diš) geme₂ 1(barig)-ta 8(diš) geme₂ 5(ban₂)-ta 1(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) geme₂ 4(ban₂)-ta 8(geš₂) 4(u) 6(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta 5(u) 4(diš) dumu 2(ban₂)-ta 1(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta 2(geš₂) 4(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta 1(u) 6(diš) geme₂ šu-gi₄ 2(ban₂)... še-bi 1(geš₂) 2(u)...5(diš) sila₃... geme₂ uš... 2(u) 5(diš)... 1(diš)... ... 1(diš)... 1(diš)... 2(diš)... 1(diš)... še-bi... giri₃... 2(diš) lu₂... še-bi... še-ba... ša₃... 1(diš)... 1(u)... ... ... 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂)... 5(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 2(u) 1(diš)...3(ban₂)-ta 5(u) la₂ 2(diš) guruš 3(ban₂)... 3(geš₂) 3(diš) dumu 2(ban₂)... 1(gešʾu) 1(geš₂) 4(u) dumu 1(ban₂)... 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) la₂ 1(diš) dumu... 2(geš₂) 3(diš) geme₂...gi₄ 2(ban₂)... še-bi 7(geš₂)...1(aš) 3(barig) gur geme₂ uš-bar... 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš)... 2(u) guruš... 4(u) 2(diš)... ... ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba... šuniŋin 1(u) 7(diš) geme₂ 1(barig) 4(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ 1(barig)-ta šuniŋin 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) geme₂ 5(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 1(u) 4(diš) geme₂ 4(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 1(diš) guruš 4(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 1(šar₂) 1(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 4(u) 4(diš) geme₂ 3(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 4(u) 8(diš) guruš 3(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 7(geš₂) 5(u) 3(diš) dumu 2(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) geme₂ šu-gi₄ 2(ban₂)-ta ... šuniŋin 3(u) la₂ 1(u)... šuniŋin 1(u) 4(diš) guruš 5(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 7(diš) guruš 4(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) guruš 3(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 2(diš) dumu 2(ban₂)-ta šuniŋin 6(diš) dumu 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta šuniŋin 8(diš) dumu 1(ban₂)-ta še-bi 1(u) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-uš-bar-me 1(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 2(u) 3(aš) 3(barig) 5(ban₂) gur še-ba iti-da šuniŋin 1(u) 1(diš) guruš 4(aš)-ta šuniŋin 6(diš) guruš 2(aš) 2(barig)-ta šuniŋin 1(diš) guruš 2(aš) 2(barig) ... ...i₃... lu₂-azlag₂ nu... 3(geš₂) 4(aš) gur... še-ba za₃-mu-ka še-ba kilib₃-ba geme₂ uš-bar lu₂-azlag₂ u₃ giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-uš-bar gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab-ba{ki}še₃ ...ha-ar-ši{ki}...ti{ki} ba-hul","13 female workers, 1 barig 4 ban2 (= 100 sila3) each 149 female workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 684 female workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each 199 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 199 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each 141 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 364 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each 52 old female workers, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each. Their barley: 181 gur 4 ban2 5 sila3 They are female weavers. 3 male workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 2 male workers, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) each 2 male workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each Their barley: 1 gur 1 barig They are ug3-IL2 of the house of the weavers. Monthly barley rations. 11 male workers, 4 gur each 6 male workers, 2 gur 2 barig each 1 male worker, 2 gur 2 flax workers, 2 gur 2 barig each 1 braider, 2 gur 2 barig Their barley: 102 gur. They are not (land plots) holders. Annual barley rations at Girsu. 31 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 1 child, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) 10 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 5 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each Their barley: 3 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 at Uru. 12 female workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each 74 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 10 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each 20 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 23 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each 2 old female workers, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Their barley: 11 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 They are female weavers. Their barley: n gur 2 barig They are porters of the house of the weavers. at Lagaš. 1 female worker, 1 barig 4 ban2 (= 100 sila3) 4 female workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 8 female workers, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) each 98 female workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each 526 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 54 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each 93 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 124 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each 16 old female workers, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Their barley: 81 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 They are female weavers. 25 male workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 1 male worker, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) 1 male worker, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) 1 child, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) 2 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 1 child, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) Their barley: n gur They are personnel of the house of the weavers 2 fullers … Their barley: n gur. Annual barley rations. at Kinunir 1 female worker, 1 barig 4 ban2 (= 100 sila3) 10 female workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 660 female workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each 3381 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 48 male workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each 183 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each 700 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each 1019 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each 123 old female workers, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Their barley: 420+n+1 gur 3 barig They are female weavers 255 male workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each 20 male workers, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) each 42 male workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each at Gu-abba. Total: 17 female workers, 1 barig 4 ban2 (= 100 sila3) each Total: 209 female workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each Total: 19 female workers, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) each Total: 1574 female workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each Total: 61 male workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each Total: 4604 female workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each Total: 48 male workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each Total: 473 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Total: 1035 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each Total: 1633 children, 1 ban2 (= 10 sila3) each Total: 198 old female workers, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Total: 29 male workers, 1 barig (= 60 sila3) each Total: 14 male workers, 5 ban2 (= 50 sila3) each Total: 7 male workers, 4 ban2 (= 40 sila3) each Total: 9 male workers, 3 ban2 (= 30 sila3) each Total: 2 children, 2 ban2 (= 20 sila3) each Total: 6 children, 1 ban2 5 sila3 (= 15 sila3) each Total: 8 children, 8 ban2 (= 80 sila3) each Their barley: 10 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 They are personnel of the house of the weavers. 983 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 Monthly barley rations. Total: 11 male workers, 4 (gur) each Total: 6 male workers, 2 (gur) 2 barig each Total: 1 male worker, 2 (gur) 2 barig x porters … fullers, they are not (land plots) holders 184 gur … Annual barley rations. Final account of barley rations, female weavers, fullers and personnel of the house of the weavers, from Girsu to Gu-abba. Year: “Ḫarši and Hurti were destroyed.”" P120681,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ še-ba bala-a ki ta kišib₃ ur{d}šara₂ mu lu₂-giri₁₇-zal-še₃ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P120960,Ur III,Legal," 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar a₂ ur-du₆-ku₃-ga... mu 1(diš)-am₃ an-na ki u₂-ta ur-du₆-ku₃-ga-ke₄ šu ba-ti tukum-bi u₄ 1(diš)-am₃... še 3(ban₂)-ta ag₂-e-da mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ 1(diš) da 1(diš) ur-tum-al sa₁₂-du₅ 1(diš) šeš-kal-la dumu du-du lu₂-inim-ma-bi-me iti gar u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal-ta mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","10 shekels silver, labor of Ur-dukuga, in one year ..., from PA’u did Ur-dukuga recieve; if for 1 day he does not work, that 3 ban2 barley for each (day) will be weighed out, the royal name he invoked; 1 PAda, 1 Ur-Tummal, chief surveyor, 1 Šeškalla, son of Dudu, are the witnesses; from month: “NENEgar,” the 15th day completed, year: “Simurrum was destroyed.”" P121108,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ didli ...lu₂-sag₁₀ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: various sealed documents, ... Lu-saga, are here." P121149,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak še-numun mur-gu₄ a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ al ak u₂ ku₅ še-ba giri₃-se₃-ga {geš}kiri₆ di₄-di₄-la dumu ba-uš₂-ke₄-ne iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam nig₂-ka₉ ak siki i₃ zu₂-lum sipa nu{geš}kiri₆-ke₄-ne ša₃-gal ab₂ amar e₂-tur₃ ša₃-gal amar gu₄-apin nig₂-ka₉ ab₂ e₂-tur₃ udu eme-gi udu gukkal šuku ha-la-a a₂ lu₂-hun-ga₂ sahar zi-ga e-e u₂-sag₁₁-a ...ša₃ a-ba-al-la ...ša₃ {geš}kiri₆ zu-ha-ra ...ša₃ sag-ub₅{ki} u₃ a-ša₃ u₃-dag-ga nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ e₂ lugal-ku₃-zu ša₃ gir₂-su{ki} ur-me-me šabra mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121320,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar a₂ en-te iti min-na-še₃ ki ur{d}da-mu-ta 1(diš) ur-ga₂-gi₄-a 1(diš) lugal-he₂-gal₂ 1(diš) ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šu ba-ti-eš₂ iti bara₂-za₃-gar u₄ 3(diš) zal-la mu lu-lu-bu-um{ki} ba-hul","1 shekel silver, labor of the wintertime, over two months, from Ur-Damu did 1 Ur-gagia, one Lugal-ḫegal and 1 Ur-Sulpa’e receive; month: “bara-zagar” the 3rd day completed, year: “Lullubum was destroyed.”" P274093,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra nu-banda₃ gu₄-ke₄-ne ki gu-du-du-ta i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma₂-gur₈-mah mu-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx are here; year: “xxx.”" P271246,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," en-ig-gal dub-sar {d}ba-ba₆","(Seal of) Eniggal, scribe of Baba." P271245,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," en-ig-gal dub-sar e₂-munus","(Seal of) Eniggal, scribe of Woman’s-Household." P121773,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra gi šeš-a-ni mu 6(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta mu us₂-sa bad₃ ba-du₃-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121775,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ erin₂-na-ka i₇-pa-e₃ u₃ ur{d}nin-su iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121776,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba lu₂{d}šara₂ nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121777,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba šeš-kal-la nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 4(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121778,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ur-am₃-ma nu-banda₃ gu₄-ka iti 1(u) 4(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul-še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121779,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ erin₂-na lu₂-du₁₀-ga dumu he₂-ma-du iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P121780,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še gur₁₀-gur₁₀ še geš ra-ra i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P122058,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu u₂ {d}kar-du 1(diš)...siskur₂ e₂-maš 1(diš) udu u₂ sed₆ de₂-a {d}dumu-zi urua{a} 1(diš) udu u₂ {d}gu-la {ki} a a šu da 1(diš) udu u₂ a-tu₅-a {d}eb-gal 1(diš) udu u₂ a-tu₅-a 1(diš) udu u₂ ma₂ an-na ...u₂... 1(diš) udu u₂ a-tu₅-a {d}nin-e₁₁-e 1(diš) udu u₂ a-tu₅-a {d}nin{d}da-lagaš{ki} šuniŋin 1(u) udu u₂ ki a-lu₅-lu₅-ta zi-ga iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam ša-aš-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","1 sheep, grass-fed, TEdu; 1 sheep, grass-fed, offering of the Emaš; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cool-libation of Dumuzi of Urua; 1 sheep, grass-fed, Gula of KIAN, ...; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cleansing of Ebgal; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cleansing; 1 sheep, grass-fed, boat of An; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cleansing; ... Enki; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cleansing of Nin-E’e; 1 sheep, grass-fed, cleansing of Nin-Da-Lagash; total: 10 sheep, grass-fed; from Alulu(’s account) month: “Month-6”; year: “For the 2nd time Šašrum destroyed.”" P208572,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ geme₂ ugula kikken₂ 4(diš)-ba i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-šu₂-ru-um{ki} mu-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, xxx xxx xxx xxx" P208745,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{geš}gigir šabra mu 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal u₃ mu ša-aš-ru{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P205878,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra lu₂{d}ba-ba₆ dumu {d}utu-bar-ra ur-bad₃-ku-ra ur{d}nin-gir₂-su sukkal kas₄ u₃ a-kal-la dumu ur-sa₆-ga i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P122214,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu-u₂-gu ur{d}nun-gal-ka ba-an-da-zah₃ mu-dab₅ igi-ni in-gar mu lugal u₄ a-ra₂ 2(diš)-ka i₃-zah₃-de₃-na ga-hul bi₂-in-du₁₁ 1(diš) lugal-a₂-zi... 1(diš) a-ba{d}en-lil₂... 1(diš) i-di₃ di-ku₅-bi-me dumu nibru{ki} mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","1 Gu’ugu, slave of Ur-Nungal, fled; he was captured and presented. [By] the royal name, “When a 2nd time I flee, may I be destroyed,” he said. 1 Lugal-azida, 1 Aba-Enlil-gin, 1 Iddi, are the judges, son(s) of Nippur; year: “Amar Suen is king.”" P122396,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) še gur še ur₅-ra {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ki amar-šuba₂-ta lugal-pa-e₃ gu-za-la₂ šu ba-ti buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ iti sig₄-ka i₃-ib₂-gi₄-gi₄ a-ša₃-mu a-e₃ ba-reₓ a-ša₃-mu u₃-de₃ ba-reₓ ba-ra-ab-be₂-en₃ iti ud₂-duru₅ mu hu-hu-nu-ri ba-hul","3 gur barley, barley loan (of the temple household) of Enlil, from Amar-šuba did Lugal-pa’e, the throne bearer, receive; the harvest the obligation will discharge; in the month “Brick” it will be remitted; “My field by flooding was ruined!,” or “My field by the storm was ruined!” you will not say!; month “udru,” year “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”" P122397,Ur III,Legal," 1(barig) 4(ban₂) še šeš-kal-la 1(barig) 4(ban₂) a₂-zi-da 1(barig) 4(ban₂) ur{d}nin-urta še ur₅-ra {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ki lugal-nam-tar-re-ta šu ba-ti-eš₂ kišib₃ ur{d}nin-urta buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ a-ša₃-mu a-e ba-ab-reₓ u₄-de₃ ba-ab-reₓ nu-ub-be₂-ne-a lugal-ra u₃ sanga nu-na-be₂-ne-a mu lugal-bi i₃-pa₃-de₃-eš₂ iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en-am-gal {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ ur{d}nin-urta dumu lu₂{d}lamma","1 barig 4 ban2 barley did Šeškalla 1 barig 4 ban2 did Azida 1 barig 4 ban2 did Ur-Ninurta barley loan (of the temple household) of Enlil from Lugal-namtare receive; under seal of Ur-Ninurta; the harvest will remit this debt; That “My field by flooding was ruined!”, or “by the storm was ruined!” they will not say, to the king or the chief administrator they will not say, by the royal name they have sworn; the extra month “Harvest,” the year: “En-amgal of Inanna by omens was chosen.” Ur-Ninurta, son of Lu-Lamma." P122417,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ...sa₁₀-bi 4(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur ...ka-tar-ta ...lu₅-lu₅ aga₃-us₂ še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂ ki...{ki} ba-hul-a iti sig₄-gi₄-gi₄-dam","3 shekels silver, its exchange value: 4 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley, from Katar did Alulu, the soldier, receive; month “Harvest,” year after: “Kimaš was destroyed;” in month “Bricks” to be returned." P122929,Ur III,Administrative," 3(diš) 2/3(diš) sar 4(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ e₂ du₃-a u₃... ...sa₁₀-bi 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ ku₃-babbar-še₃ lu₂-ša-lim dumu da-da sanga-ke₄ lu₂-bala-sa₆-ga dumu šeš-kal-la {d}en-lil₂-da lugal dumu-ni-me u₃ geme₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ dam-ni-ir in-ši-sa₁₀ {d}nin-urta ensi₂-gal {d}en-lil₂","3? 2/3 sar 4 1/4 shekels (ca. 134.5 sq meters) finished house and lot: as its exchange value: 18 1/6 shekels of silver, did Lu-šalim, son of Dada, the household administrator, to Lu-bala-saga, son of Šeškala, Enlilda and Lugal-HAR, his children, and Geme-Enlila, his wife, give in exchange for it. Ninurta, big-governor of Enlil." P123203,Old Akkadian,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 2(diš) šah₂ tu-tu i₃-dab₅ 1(geš₂) šah₂ 3(diš) kuš šah₂ banšur-da nagar 1(diš) su-birₓ-a šu 2(diš) ar-ga-ti-a 2(diš) a-ku-ri giri₃-gen-na lugal 7(diš) giri₃-gen-na sa-di₃-um sagi 4(diš) giri₃-gen-na ip-ti-ru-šu sukkal 2(diš) giri₃-gen-na gu-ti-um 1(diš) dumu ga-a-lum 1(diš) lu₂ kin-gi₄-a a-ku-ga 2(diš) lu₂ adab{ki} 1(diš) šitim-me 1(diš) e₂-sa₆-ga 1(diš) sag-gir₂-gal₂ šu-nigin₂ 1(geš₂) 3(u) la₂ 2(diš) šah₂ zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 4(diš) šah₂","92 pigs taken over by Tutu; therefrom: 60 pigs, 3 pigskins, to Banšurda the cabinet maker; 1 to Subaer, the š; 2 to Argati’a; 2 to Akuri, royal conveyor; 7 to the conveyor of the mountainman of the ‘cupbearer’; 4 to the conveyor of Ipṭirūšu, the messenger; 2 to the conveyor of the Gutiman; 1 to the son of Ga’alum, 1 to the craftsman of Akuga; 2 to the man of Adab; 1 to the carpenters, 1 to Esaga; 1 to Sag-girgal; total: 90 less 2 pigs, booked out; deficit: 4 pigs." P123368,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ka-la₂-a aš-ne₂-u₁₈ ...ezem{d}šul-gi-ta ...ezem-an-na u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba...še₃ iti...u₄ 1(u) 5(diš)-kam mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ kišib₃ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-ka-ni u₃ kišib₃ ba-uš₂-bi i₃-sa₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the remainder by Ašne'u from month: ""Festival of Šulgi"" until passed the 15th day of month: ""Festival of Heaven"" being 3 months and 15 days year: ""The en-priestess of Nanna was chosen by means of the omens"" his sealed tablets of debits and sealed tablets of slaughtered (animals) being equal are here" P124315,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga lu₂-gi-na šabra iti ezem-me-ki-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu {d}gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂-še₃ iti 3(u) 3(diš)-kam","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P209503,Ur III,Administrative," 8(diš) guruš u₄ 4(u)-še₃ a₂-bi u₄ 5(geš₂) 2(u)... a-da gub-ba a-ša₃ amar{geš}kiši₁₇ a-ša₃ muru₁₃ a-ša₃ i₇ lugal-ka a-de₂-a ka i₇ e₃-ka ku₅-ra₂ ka i₇ e₃-ta a-ša₃ amar{u₂}kiši₁₇-da šu ur₃-ra ugula... giri₃... kišib₃ e₂-gal-e-si mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃ e₂-gal-e-si dub-sar dumu lu₂{d}šara₂ sa₁₂-du₅-ka","8 workmen for 40 days, the labor: 320 days, at the water(works) stationed, the field “Amar-kiši,” the field “Center,” the field “Royal waterway,” water poured, intake of the out-waterway cut off, from the intake of the out-waterway to field “Amar-kiši” ... leveled; foreman: ..., via ..., under seal of Egalesi, year following: “Šu-Suen, the king, Martu wall erected.”" P209675,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im gi-na še geš e₃-a giri₃ bu₃-bu₃ mu en {d}nanna maš-e i₃-pa₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P209535,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga gu₄-apin mu us₂-sa a-ra₂...kam si-mu-ru-um","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P209684,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še zi₃-da kišib₃ ur-zu u₃ kišib₃ ugula kikken-na-ke₄-ne i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul ","Basket-of-tablets: of barley and flour, sealed documents of Urzu and sealed documents of the foremen of the millworks, are here; year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P209662,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na nu-banda₃ gu₄ i₇-pa-e₃ mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P209784,Old Babylonian,Literary," niŋ₂-šu ŋal₂-la-ni i-bi₂-gin₇ an-še₃ ba-e₃-de₃","All that he has like smoke into the sky will evaporate. All that he has like smoke into the sky will evaporate." P125051,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) še gur lugal mu sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra ki lugal-inim-gi-na-ka-ta im-mi-tak₄-a-še₃ ki lugal-ezem-ta ur{d}šara₂-ke₄ su-su-dam mu us₂-sa si-mu-ru-um ba-hul","1 gur barley, royal (measure), because of the debits that from Lugal-inimgina were left behind, from Lugal-ezem to Ur-Sara will be repaid; year after: “Simurrum was destroyed.”" P125080,Ur III,Administrative," 8(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) sa gi-zi kišib₃ igi-peš₂ ki ab-ba-ta ba-sa₆ šu ba-ti mu bad₃ ba-du₃ ","30,360 bundles of fodder reed, under seal of Ratface, from Elder, did Pretty receive; year: “The Wall was built.”" P123189,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 2(diš) guruš u₄ 3(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ ur-sa₆-ga dumu lugal-igi bala gub-ba iti ezem{d}dumu-zi 1(u) engar u₄ 3(u)-še₃ 7(diš) dumu-da-ba u₄ 3(u)-še₃ 3(diš) ug₃ 1/3(diš) u₄ 3(u)-še₃ 1(geš₂) 2(u) 7(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ ur{d}geš-bar-e₃ 3(u) 3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ a-hu-a bala gub-ba 1(u) 2(diš) erin₂ 1(barig)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ še 2(aš) 2(barig) gur lugal ki ur-e₂-ninnu-ta nu-banda₃ ur-sa₆-ga dumu lugal-igi 1(geš₂) 4(diš) erin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki ur-kisal-ta 1(geš₂) 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) erin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ki ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi 1(geš₂) 4(u) erin₂ 1(barig) 2(ban₂)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ erin₂ hun-ga₂ bala tuš-a še-bi 1(u) 7(aš) 2(ban₂) gur nu-banda₃ ur{d}geš-bar-e₃ 5(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ bala gub-ba 2(u) 4(diš) erin₂ 1(barig)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ erin₂ hun-ga₂ bala tuš-a še-bi 4(aš) 4(barig) gur nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su 1(u) 5(diš) dumu ba u₄ 3(u)-še₃ bala gub e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki}me 3(u) 3(diš) erin₂ 1(barig) 2(ban₂)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ 5(diš) erin₂ 1(barig)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ 6(diš) erin₂ 3(ban₂)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ 4(diš) erin₂ 2(ban₂)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ še-bi 1(u) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur erin₂ hun-ga₂ bala tuš-a nu-banda₃ a-hu-a še-bi ki ur-e₂-ninnu-ta 1(u) 6(diš) erin₂ u₄ 2(u)-še₃ bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti ugula ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu lu₂-nimgir 1(u) engar u₄ 3(u)-še₃ im ensi₂-ta 1(u) 5(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ ki ur{d}nanše-ta 1(u) 1(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ ki lu₂-giri₁₇-zal-ta 3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ ki ur-kisal-ta 2(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ ki ur{d}lamma dumu ur-nig₂-ta nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su bala gub-ba iti ezem{d}ba-ba₆ 1(u) 5(diš) erin₂ 2(ban₂)-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ še-bi 1(aš) gur ki ur-e₂-ninnu-ta erin₂ ki ur{d}nanše-ta 3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 2(u)-še₃ bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti ki lu₂-giri₁₇-zal-ta 3(diš) guruš u₄ 2(u)-še₃ bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti-a ki ur-kisal-ta 2(diš) erin₂ u₄ 2(u)-še₃ bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti-a ki... 2(u) 1(diš)... bala... 1(u) 3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 2(u)... bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti-a nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su 1(geš₂) 4(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ bala gub-ba 1(u) engar u₄ 3(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ ur{d}geš-bar-e₃ 1(u) 5(diš) dumu ba u₄ 3(u)-še₃ e₂ {d}nin-mar{ki} 5(u) la₂ 2(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ a-hu-a 1(u) 6(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ ugula ur{d}ba-ba₆ dumu lu₂-nimgir bala gub-ba iti mu-šu-du₈ 3(u) 6(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ bala gub-ba 1(u) 6(diš) erin₂ 2(ban₂) 1(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ nu-banda₃ lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su 2(u) 5(diš) erin₂ 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta u₄ 2(u)-še₃ še-bi 2(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) gur ki ur-e₂-ninnu-ta bala tuš-a 4(u) la₂ 1(diš) erin₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ bala tuš-a še šu nu-ti-a nu-banda₃ ur{d}geš-bar-e₃ 2(u) engar-bur₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ 8(diš) ug₃ igi 4(diš) gal₂ u₄ 3(u)-še₃ e₂ {d}dumu-zi-me im ensi₂-ta 4(geš₂) 1(u) 3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nu-banda₃ ur{d}utu 3(geš₂) 4(u) 1(diš) 2/3(diš) erin₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ nu-banda₃ na-ba-sa₆ 1(geš₂) 2(u) erin₂ u₄ 1(diš)... nu-banda₃ ur-tur...gir₂-su ... e₂ {d}... ki ur{d}... iti amar-a... 2(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku)... gala... 2(bur₃) ... dam-gar₃... 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 4(iku)... nar... a₂-bi... ki šabra... šuniŋin 1(u) engar u₄... šuniŋin 7(diš) dumu-da... šuniŋin 3(diš) ug₃... šuniŋin 1(u) 5(diš) dumu... šuniŋin 6(geš₂) 2(u) erin₂ bala gub... šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš)... še-bi 3(u)... ki ur-sukkal... erin₂ hun-ga₂... šuniŋin 3(u) 4(diš)... šuniŋin 2(u)... erin₂ še šu nu... šuniŋin 6(bur₃) ... a₂... ki ugula... šuniŋin... ... ... iti... 6(geš₂) 1(u)... bala... iri-ta... 8(geš₂) 2(u)... iti-ta... bala tuš... 3(diš) erin₂... iti-ta... bala tuš... iti amar-a... nu-banda₃ lu₂... 2(u) engar-bur₂... 8(diš) ug₃...gal₂... iri-ta nu-e₃ e₂ {d}dumu... 1(diš) nu-banda₃ geš... iri-ta nu-e₃ e₂ {d}... ... guruš-e 1/2(diš)... a₂-bi 7(geš₂) 2(u) 1(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ nin-tur₃-e ambar-sur-ra šuniŋin 9(bur₃) 2(iku) uru₄-a guruš-e 2(u) la₂ 2(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi 1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) 1(u) 1(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a-ša₃ nam-sanga uru₄-a šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 3(u) 3(diš) nindan gid₂ gi ze₂ guruš 1(diš)-e 1/2(diš) nindan-ta a₂-bi 7(geš₂) 6(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 2(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ im-du₈-a a-ša₃ nin-e-gu₃-ba-de₂ ki ur-sa₆-ga dumu ur-gu-la šuniŋin 1(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) dumu ba u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 3(u) dumu-da-ba u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 3(u) ug₃ 1/3(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 4(geš₂) ug₃ igi 4(diš) gal₂ u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 4(u) 8(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ...gul-la šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 3(diš) u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ tu-ra zi-ga šuniŋin 5(u) 3(diš) guruš u₄ 3(u)-še₃ iri-ta nu-e₃ šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 3(u) 8(diš) guruš... iti-ta... šuniŋin...guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ gul-la bala gub-ba šuniŋin 8(diš) guruš u₄ 2(u)-še₃ iri-ta nu-e₃ šuniŋin 2(gešʾu) 8(geš₂) 3(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ iti-ta zal-la šuniŋin...guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ a₂ gul-la še-bi 3(u) 7(aš) 1(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin 4(u) 4(diš) guruš u₄ 3(u)-še₃ šuniŋin 1(u) 6(diš) guruš u₄ 2(u)-še₃ iri-ta nu-e₃ šuniŋin 8(geš₂) 4(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ iti-ta zal-la še šu nu-ti-a nig₂-ka₉ ak ki ur-nig₂ ","12 laborers for 30 days, the overseer: Ur-Saga, son of Lugal-igi, in bala stationed, month: “Festival-of-Dumuzi;” 10 ploughmen for 30 days, 7 dumu-daba-laborers for 30 days, 3 porters, 1/3, for 30 days, 87 labor-troops for 30 days, the overseer: Ur-Gešbare; 33 labor-troops for 30 days, the overseer: Aḫua, in bala stationed; 12 labor-troops (at) 1 barig each for 20 days, the grain: 2 gur 2 barig (according to the) royal (measure), from Ur-Eninnu, the overseer: Ur-Saga, son of Lugal-igi; 64 labor-troop workdays, from Ur-kisal; 70 minus 1 labor-troop workdays, from Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig; month: “Festival of Šulgi;” from 100 labor-troops at 1 barig 2 ban2 each, for 20 days, hired labor-troops having sat out of bala; its barley: 17 gur 2 ban2, the overseer: Ur-Gešbare; 5 labor-troops for 30 days in bala stationed; 24 labor-troops (at) 1 barig each, for 20 days hired labor-troops having sat out of bala; its barley: 4 gur 4 barig, the overseer: Lu-Ningirsu; 15 dumu-baBAD laborers, for 30 days, in bala stationed, they are of the household Ninmar; 33 labor-troops (at) 2 ban2 each, for 20 days, 5 labor-troops (at) 1 barig each, for 20 days, 6 labor-troops(at) 3 ban2 each, for 20 days, 4 labor-troops (at) 2 ban2 each, for 20 days, its barley: 10 gur 3 barig 2 ban2; labor-troops hired having sat out of bala, the overseer: Aḫua; its barley from Ur-Eninnu; 16 labor-troops for 20 days, having sat out of bala, barley not received, the foreman: Ur-Baba, son of Lu-Nimgir; 10 ploughmen for 30 days, from the tablet of the governor; 15 labor-troops for 30 days, from Ur-Nanše; 11 labor-troops for 30 days, from Lu-Girizal; 3 labor-troops for 30 days, from Ur-kisal; 2 labor-troops for 30 days, from Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig; the overseer: Lu-Ningirsu, in bala stationed, tonth: “Festival-of-Baba;” 15 labor-troops (at) 2 ban2 each for 20 days, its barley 1 gur, from Ur-Eninnu; labor-troops from Ur-Nanše; 3 labor-troops for 20 days, having sat out of bala, barley not received, from Lu-Girizal; 3 laborers for 20 days, having sat out of bala, barley not received, from Ur-kisal; 2 worker troop 20 days, having sat out of bala, barley not received, from [...] 21 labor-troops for n day(s), having sat out of bala, barley not received, 13 labor-troops for 20 days, having sat out of bala, barley not received, the overseer: Lu-Ningirsu; 64 labor-troops for 30 days, in bala stationed; 10 ploughmen for 30 days, the overseer: Ur-Gešbare; 15 dumu-baBAD laborers for 30 days, of the household of Ninmar; 50 minus 2 labor-troops for 30 days, the overseer: Aḫua; 16 labor-troops for 30 days, the foreman: Ur-Baba, son of lu-Nimgir, in bala stationed; month: “mušudu;” 16 labor-troops for 30 days, in bala stationed; 16 labor-troops (at) 2 ban2 1 sila each for 20 days, the overseer: Lu-Ningirsu; 25 labor-troops (at) 1 ban2 5 sila each for 20 days, its barley: 2 gur 1 barig 5 ban2, from Ur-Eninnu; having sat out of bala; 40 minus 1 labor-troops for 30 days. having sat out of bala, barley not received, the overseer: Ur-Gešbare; 20 release-ploughmen for 30 days, 8 porters, 1/4, for 30 days, they are of the household of Dumuzi; from the tablet of the governor; 253 labor-troop workdays, the overseer: Ur-Utu; 221 2/3 labor-troop workdays, the overseer: Nabasa; 80 labor-troop workdays, the overseer: Ur-tur son of x-Ningirsu; ..., household of ..., from Ur-..., month: “Amarasi;” 2 bur3 1 eše3 3 iku field, singer ...; 2 bur3 field ..., merchant ... 1 bur3 1 eše3 4 iku field, Nar..., its labor: ... from the household manager ...; total: 10 ploughmen for 30 days; total: 7 dumudaba-laborers for 30 days; total: 3 porters for 30 days; total 15 agricultural laborers for 30 days; total: 380 labor-troops, in bala stationed; in bala stationed; total: 204 [x] its barley 38 gur 1 barig 1 sila3; from Ur-Sukkal, hired labor-troops ...; total: 34 [...] total: 20 ..., labor-troops, barley not received; total: 6 bur3 field ..., its labor: ..., from the foreman ...; total: ... ..., month: “...;” 370 ... having sat out the bala, out of the city not going; 500 ...; monthly passed, having sat out of bala; 3 labor-troops ..., monthly passed, having sat out of bala; month: “Amarasi,” the overseer: Lu2-...; 20 release-ploughmen ...; 8 porters, 1/4, for 30 days, out of the city not going; household of Dumuzi; 1 overseer ... out of the city not going; household of ...; n ...; total: 220 1/2 ninda length ..., per laborer 1/2 ninda each, its labor: 441 laborer workdays, field “Ninture” bordering the marsh; total: 9 bur3 2 iku field, ploughed, per laborer 20 minus 2 sar, its labor: 911 workdays, field “household-managership,” cultivated; total: 213 ninda, length, reed-x, per laborer 1/2 ninda, its labor 426 workdays, total: 2 laborer workdays. mudwall raised, field “Ninegubade,” from Ur-Saga, son of Ur-Gula; total: 900 dumu-baBAD workdays; total: 210 dumu-daba workdays; total: 90 porter, 1/3, workdays; total: 240 porter, 1/4, workdays; total: 108 laborer workdays; gulla-labor; Total: 63 workdays, sick, booked out; total: 53 laborers for 30 days, out of the city not going; total: 1718 laborer workdays, monthly passed; Total: Ø laborers workdays, gulla-labor, in bala stationed; total: 8 laborers for 20 days, out of the city not going; total 1714 laborers per 1 day, monthly passed; total: Ø laborer workdays, gulla-labor; its barley: 37 gur 1 barig 3 ban2; total: 44 laborers for 30 days, total: 16 laborers for 20 days, out of the city not going; total: 520 laborer workdays, monthly passed; barley not received; Account, place of Ur-nig." P125784,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) guruš hun-ga₂ a₂-bi 1/2(diš) gin₂-ta ku₃-babbar ša₃-gal-bi 1(barig) še-ta ku₃-babbar-bi 1(u) gin₂ še-bi 4(aš) gur iti 1(diš)-še₃ gi-zi-bi 3(gešʾu) gun₂ i-ku-num₂ šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul","20 male laborers, hirelings, the labor: 1/2 shekel each, silver, the fodder: 1 barig barley each, its silver: 10 shekels, its barley: 4 gur; for 1 month, its fodder-reed: 1800 talents, Ikunum received; month: “Festival of Ninazu,” year: “For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed.”" P200555,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ šu-la₂-am₃ u₃ kišib₃ lu₂ nig₂-ba-ke₄-ne nig₂-ka₉-bi ak en₃-bi tar-re i₃-gal₂ giri₃ ab-ba-sa₆-ga","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P200385,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-bi su-ga gu₄ udu ... i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: inside, replaced oxen and sheeps are Year: ""Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, erected a magnificent stele for Enlil and Ninlil""" P202776,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak sipa...he₂-dab₅-ne gir₂-su{ki}ta gu₂-ab mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš-da-gin₇ ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P126966,Ur III,Administrative," 2/3(diš) sila₃ la₂ 1(diš) gin₂ i₃-nun du₁₀-ga i₃ šu-nir-ra {d}nin-ur₄-ra a-pi₄-sal₄{ki} ki ur-e₁₁-e-ta kišib₃ ša₃-ku₃-ge mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu-du₃ ša₃-ku₃-ge dumu he₂-sa₆-ge išib {d}šara₂-ka","2/3 sila3 minus 1 shekel of good ghee, oil of the emblem of Nin-ura of Apisal. From Ur-E’e. Sealed tablet of Šakuge. Year after: “Šu-Suen, king, built the Martu wall.” Šakuge, child of Ḫesage, išib-priest of Šara." P127238,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dib₅-ba lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ dub-sar ma₂-lah₅ i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P200396,Ur III,Legal," 1(u)...babbar ki a-ta šu{d}nin-šubur šu ba-ti igi qa₂-su₂-a-hum igi nu-ur₂-i₃-li₂ igi šu-ma-ma iti gi-sig-ga šu{d}... dumu {d}...","10 shekels of silver, from SIAya did Šū-Ninšubur receive before Qassu-aḫum; before Nūr-ilī; before Šū-Mama; month “gisiga.” before ...; before Nūr-ilī; before Šū-Mama. month “gisiga.” Šū-..., son of ... ." P127308,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nu-zu ki gu-za-la₂-e-ne-ta pisan ab-ba-sa₆-ga-še₃ ba-a-ši-gur giri₃ in-ta-e₃-a mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P127341,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu-kuₓ(DU) u₃ zi-ga {kuš}du₁₀-gan kišib₃ na-ra-am-i₃-li₂ ki na-sa₆ iti a₂-ki-ti-ta iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu-še₃ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P127343,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gu₄ niga sag gu₄ 4(diš) gu₄ niga eš₃-eš₃ e₂-u₄-imin iti u₄ 5(diš) ba-zal ki a-hu-ni-ta na-sa₆ i₃-dab₅ iti ses-da-gu₇ mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","2 grain-fed, “top ox” oxen, 4 grain-fed oxen, (for) the eš-eš-festival “House-7th-day;” of the month 5 days elapsed; from Aḫuni Nasa received; month: “Piglet-feast,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.”" P127358,Ur III,Administrative," ... ... 1(diš) sila₄ {d}nin-lil₂ mu-kuₓ(DU) ensi₂ šuruppak{ki} zabar-dab₅ maškim 2(diš) gu₄ 5(diš) ab₂ 5(u) udu 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) u₈ 7(diš) maš₂ 6(diš) ud₅ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ u₄ 2(u) 6(diš)-kam ki na-sa₆-ta ba-zi iti ezem-an-na mu ha-ar-šš{ki}...hul","... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 male lamb (for the goddess) Ninlil, delivery of the governor of Šuruppak, the zabardab was the responsible official; 2 oxen, 5 cows, 50 rams, 9 ewes, 7 he-goats, 6 she-goats, šu-gid for the kitchen; 26th day; from (the account of) Nasa booked out; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Ḫarši and Kimaš were destroyed.”" P127377,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 3(diš) sila₄ ga 2(diš) kir₁₁ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 3(diš)-kam ki lu₂-dingir-ra-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem-an-na mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal 6(diš)","1 fat-tailed ewe, 3 male suckling lambs, 2 suckling ewe lambs, slaughtered, 3rd day; from Lu-dingira Ur-nigar received; month: “Festival of An,” year: “Amar-Suen (is) king;” (total:) 6." P127404,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ gi 1(diš) sila₄ ga gi ša₃ wa-da-al-tum 3(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta ur-nigar{gar} šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul 7(diš)","1 male lamb (with) yellow (coat), 1 male suckling lamb (with) yellow (coat), in Wadaltum; 3 male lambs, 2 male suckling lambs, slaughtered, 13th day; from Šulgi-ayamu Ur-nigar received; month: “Festival of Nin-azu,” year: Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed; (total:) 7." P127443,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ lu₂{d}nin-šubur u₄ 1(u) 4(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) ab-ba-sa₆-ga i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun 1(diš)","1 male lamb (from) Lu-Ninšubur, 14th day, delivery, Abbasaga received; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “En-unu-gal of Inanna was installed;” (total:) 1." P127444,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) gukkal 1(diš) maš-da₃ u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta u₂-ta₂-mi-šar-ra-am i₃-dab₅ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun 3(diš)","2 fat-tailed rams, 1 gazelle, 18th day; from Abbasaga Uta-mišaram received; month: “ki-siki of Nin-azu;” year: “En-unu-gal of Inanna of Uruk was hired;” (total:) 3." P127488,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga {geš}gu-za en-na giri₃ nu-ur₂{d}suen sagi ba-ba-an-še-en maškim iti u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal ki {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu-ta ba-zi iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 1(diš)","1 grain-fed ram (for) the throne of the high-priestess, via Nur-Suen, the “cup-bearer,” Babanšen the responsible official; of the month 15 days elapsed; from (the account of) Šulgi-ayamu booked out; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Šašru was destroyed;” (total:) 1." P127489,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu 1(diš) sila₄ 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)-kam ki šu-ma-ma-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul 3(diš) udu","1 ram, 1 male lamb, 1 male suckling lamb, slaughtered, 21st day; from Šu-Mama Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Gazelle feast,” year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.” (total:) 3 sheep." P127514,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu niga 1(diš) sila₄ ga ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 3(diš)-kam ki igi{d}en-lil₂-še₃-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti maš-da₃-gu₇ mu us₂-sa en eridu{ki} ba-hun 2(diš) udu","1 grain-fed ram, 1 male suckling lamb, slaughtered, 13th day; from Igi-Enlilše Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Gazelle feast,” year after: “The high-priestess of Eridu was hired.” (total:) 2 sheep." P127515,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 8(diš) sila₄ ga 1(u) 6(diš) kir₁₁ ga u₃-tu-da ša₃ na-gab₂-tum u₄ 2(u) 4(diš)-kam {d}šul-gi-a-a-mu i₃-dab₅ iti ezem-mah min₃-kam mu en {d}nanna ba-hun 3(u) 4(diš) udu","18 male suckling lambs, 16 suckling ewe lambs, newborns, in nakabtum, 24th day; Šulgi-ayagu received; month “Great Festival,” second (one), year: “The high-priestess of Nanna was hired;” (total:) 34 sheep." P127544,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ab₂ a am mu 3(aš) 1(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 8(diš)-kam ki zu-ba-ga-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu₇ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun 1(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) udu","1 cow, seed of wild bull, third year; 1 lamb; slaughtered, 18th day; from Zubaga did Šulgi-irimu receive; month: “Piglet-feast,” year: “Lord of Nanna in Karzida installed,” (total:) 1 ox, 1 sheep." P127545,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 4(diš) gu₄ niga 1(diš) lulim nita₂ niga 1(diš) šeg₉-bar nita₂ niga 1(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 1(geš₂) 1(u) 8(diš) maš₂-gal 2(diš) maš-da₃ nita₂ kaš-de₂-a mu sukkal-mah e₂ dingir-e-ne-ke₄ ba-ab-dab₅ eš₃-eš₃ u₄-sakar bala ensi₂ gir₂-su{ki} u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam mu-kuₓ(DU) in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ giri₃ lugal-amar-ku₃ dub-sar iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal 2(geš₂) 5(u) 5(diš)","14 grain-fed oxen, 1 male grain-fed stag, 1 male grain-fed cervid, 79 rams, 78 full-grown he-goats, 2 male gazelles, “beer-pouring” of ARADmu, the sukkalmaḫ, at the houses of the gods received (for) the eš-eš-festival of the new moon day; bala of the city governor of Girsu, 29th day, delivery, Intaea received, via Lugal-amar-ku, the scribe; month: “Harvest,” year: “Šu-Suen (is) king;” (total:) 175." P127555,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) udu u₂ šar-ru-um-ba-ni nu-banda₃ 1(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) udu u₂ 8(diš) maš₂-gal u₂ erin₂ pu-ut-tu-li-um{ki} ugula ib-ni{d}šul-gi giri₃ ad-da-mu lu₂ kin-gi₄-a lugal gun₂ ma-da mu-kuₓ(DU) in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ giri₃ {d}nanna-ma-ba dub-sar u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul 1(geš₂) 3(u) udu","10 grass-fed rams, (from) Šarrum-bani, the captain; 72 grass-fed rams, 8 full-grown grass-fed he-goats, (from) the troops of Put-tulium, foreman: Ibni-Šulgi, via Addamu, royal messenger; tax of the territories, delivery, Intaea received; via Nanna-maba, the scribe; 25th day; month: “Piglet feast,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, the territory of Zabšali destroyed;” (total:) 90 sheep." P127568,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) udu ba-uš₂ u₄ 3(diš)-kam ki ta₂-hi-iš-a-tal-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu₇ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma₂-dara₃-abzu {d}en-ki-ka bi₂-in-dim₂ 1(diš)","1 ram, slaughtered, 3rd day; from Tahiš-atal Šulgi-irimu received; month: “Piglet feast,” year: “Šu-Suen, the king, the boat “Ibex-of-apsû” of Enki fashioned;” (total:) 1." P127632,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) 1(diš) {uruda}ha-bu₃-da ki-la₂-bi 2(u) ma-na 1(u) gin₂ 5(u) 8(diš) {uruda}gur₁₀ 1(u) 5(diš) gin₂-ta ki-la₂-bi 1(u) 4(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ kin til-la ki lu₂-eb-gal-ta ur{d}šara₂-ke₄ in-la₂ ... iti šu-numun mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal ur{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-ušur₄","31 axes, their weight is 20 mina, and 10 gin. 58 plough sickles, 15 (gin) each, their weight is 14 mina, and 4 gin. Finished tools. From Lu-Ibgal, Ur-Šara weighed. Month “harvest”; year: “Amar-Suen king”. Ur-Šara, the scribe, son of Lugal-usur" P273491,Ur III,Royal Inscription," 3(diš) gu₄ 4(geš₂) 1(u) 5(diš) udu u₄ 2(u) 1(diš)... 1(geš₂) 3(u) udu šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ mu šagina nu-banda₃ u₃ ugula ŋeš₂-da kaskal-ta er-ra-ne-še₃ 1(diš) amar maš-da₃ ba-uš₂ e₂-kišib₃-ba-še₃ u₄ 2(u) 2(diš)-kam ... ki du₁₁ iti ezem{d}šul-gi mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu ur{d}ha-ia₃ zu","3 oxen, 255 sheep, on the 21st day. 90 sheep, šugid-offerings for the kitchen, on account of the generals, the captains, and the “commanders of 60”, who have returned from campaign. 1 young gazelle slaughtered for the storehouse (house of sealed things), on the 22nd day. Booked out from (the account of) Duga, Month “Šulgi festival”, Year: “Šu-Suen was king”. Šu-Suen, Strong king, King of Ur, King of the four corners, Ur-Šulpa'e, scribe, son of Ur-Haya, is your slave." P273488,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) udu 4(diš) u₈ 5(diš) ud₅ e₂-muhaldim u₄ 2(u) 5(diš)-kam zi-ga ki ur-ku₃-nun-na iti a₂-ki-ti mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","6 sheep, 4 ewes, 5 nanny goats, (for) the kitchen, on the 25th day. Booked out from (the account of) Ur-kununa. Month “Akitu”, Year after: “Kimaš was destroyed”." P273506,Ur III,Administrative," 3(u) udu 2(diš) sila₄ u₄ 3(u)-kam ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta in-ta-e₃-a i₃-dab₅ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana 3(u) 2(diš)","30 sheep, 2 lambs. on the 30th day; from Abbasaga Intae’a received. Month “Ninazu festival,” rear: “Enunugal of Inanna.” (Total:) 32" P273505,Ur III,Administrative," 2(u) udu mu u₈-še₃ 1(u) maš₂ mu {munus}aš₂-gar₃-še₃ ki ab-ba-sa₆-ga-ta ur{d}nin-sa-za i₃-dab₅ iti šu-eš-ša mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","20 sheep, in place of ewes, 10 billy goats, in place of female kids, from Abbasaga, Ur-Ninsaza received. Month: “šu’ešša,” year: “The en-priest of Eridu was installed.”" P273524,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) gu₄ niga mu ab₂ 2(diš)-še₃ kišib₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ ki in-ta-e₃-a-ta ur-ku₃-nun-na šu ba-ti iti ezem-mah mu ma₂-gur₈-mah ba-dim₂ {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba ur-ku₃-nun-na dub-sar dumu... zu","1 fattened oxen, instead of 2 cows. Sealed document of Lu-Šara. From Intae'a, Ur-Kununa, received. Month “big festival,” Year: “the lofty barge was furnished.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners, Ur-kununa, scribe, son of [Lu-Ningirsu, the fattener], is your slave." P273528,Ur III,Administrative," 6(diš) gu₄ niga sag₁₀ maš-da-re₆-a lugal a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam ki kas₄-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul ","6 fattened oxen, good quality, mašdaria offering of the king, for the third time. From KAS. Sealed document of the governor. Year: “Amar-Suen, the king destroyed Urbilum”." P273492,Ur III,Literary," 1(diš) kuš udu ki šeš-sag₁₀ {gi}gur dub ša₃ kukku₂ kuš a-gar ba-a-gu₇ giri₃ šar-ru-um-i₃-li₂ lu₂ kin-gi₄ lugal bur ku₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) ... kišib₃ ur-e₁₁-e mu ku₃ gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂ ur-e₁₁-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar...","1 skin 1 sheep, From Šešsaga ... ... ... via Šarrum-ilī, the messenger, ... under seal of Ur-E’e. Year: “The silver-throne of Enlil was fashioned.” Ur-E’e, the scribe, son of Ur-Nigar." P273523,Ur III,Administrative," 1(bur₃) 1(eše₃) geš-ur₃-ra a-ra₂ 1(diš) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) ta a₂ erin₂-na-bi u₄ 1(u) 6(diš) a-ša₃ du₆-geš-i₃-ka ugula lugal-iti-da kišib₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ dumu ur{geš}gigir mu us₂-sa bad₃ mar-tu ba-du₃ lu₂{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu ur{geš}gigir","A field of 24 iku; harrowed once; 4 1/2 iku each (day), its erin-work is 16 man-days. Field: Du-Gešika. Overseer: Lugal-Itida. Sealed document of Lu-Šara son of Ur-Gigir. Year: “after the martu-wall was erected”. Lu-Šara, the scribe, son of Ur-Gigir." P273520,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) 2/3(diš) sar sahar-ra a-ša₃ a-ša₃ i₇-sal₄-la ugula i₃-pu₃-ul iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu gu-za ba-dim₂ lu₂-du₁₀-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar{gar} šuš₃","1 2/3 (volume-)sar of dirt, at the field Isala, field of Salla-canal, foreman: Ipul; Month: “harvest,” year: “The throne was fashioned.” Lu-duga, the scribe, son of Ur-Nigar, chief cattle administrator." P273518,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) nig₂-u₂-rum en-nu-ga₂ ti-la iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃-ta iti {d}dumu-zi mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} ba-hul-še₃ ugula lu₂-ku₃... kišib₃ a-tu a-tu dub-sar dumu nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ gal₅-la₂-gal","1 (person) Nigurum, living in the prison, from the month “Lisi”, of the year: “when the lofty stela was erected”, to the month “Dumuzi”, of the year: “when Madazabšali was destroyed”. Overseer: Lu-ku-[...] Sealed document of Atu. Atu, the scribe, Son of Nigar-kidu, The police chief." P222619,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ e₂-babbar₂ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall of the Ebabbar (temple). URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222621,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ {d}nanše gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall of Nanše. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222623,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ ur-igi nu-banda₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, (of) Urigi the overseer. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222624,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ amar-ezem gal-ug₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Amarezem, a chief of personnel. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222625,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ šul-šeš gal-ug₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Šulšeš, a chief of personnel. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222626,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ dun-dun gal-ug₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Dundun, a chief of personnel. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222627,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ za₃-mu gal-ug₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Zamu, a chief of personnel. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222628,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ a-ba-nag ugula aga₃-us₂ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Abanag, a foreman of soldiers. URU-KA-gina king of Lagaš" P222629,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ amar{d}giri₁₆ ugula ur-du₆ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Amargirid, a foreman of Urdu. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222630,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ amar-ezem ugula lu₂-igi gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Amarezem, a foreman of Lu'igi. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš" P222631,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ lu₂-zabar₃ ugula amar-ezem gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Luzabar, a foreman of Amarezem. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš" P222632,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ mes-bara₂ ugula lu₂-a-mah gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Mesbara, a foreman of Lu'amah. URU-KA-gina, king Lagaš" P222633,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ ur{d}nin-gublaga ugula šul-bara₂ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Ur-Ningublaga, a foreman of Šulbara. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222634,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃ {d}inanna-ur-sag ugula ša₃ e₂-gal-ka gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, Inanna-ursag a foreman of the inner palace. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P222635,Early Dynastic IIIb,Royal Inscription," en-nu bad₃-da sipa unu₃ gi-na lugal lagaš{ki}","Watch of the wall, the shepherds and cowherds. URU-KA-gina, king of Lagaš." P128487,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) id-gur₂ i₃ u₄ 2(diš)-kam šu-ku-bu-um aga₃-us₂ gal šu-ku₆ dab₅-de₃ gen-na iti še-il₂-la","2 idgur oil, 2nd day; Sukubum, grand-soldier, the fisheries workers to seize gone, month: “Barley carried.”" P128560,Ur III,Administrative," 1(šargal){gal} 8(šar₂) 5(burʾu) 4(bur₃) 1(eše₃) 3(iku)... še-bi 3(šarʾu) 4(šar₂) 2(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 1(u) 5(aš) še gur {d}šul-gi ša₃-bi-ta 3(šarʾu) 5(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 1(geš₂)...5(diš) sila₃ gur... ... ...1(šar₂) 2(gešʾu)... ... ... ša₃-bi... 3(šarʾu) 2(šar₂) 5(gešʾu) 5(geš₂)... ... la₂-ia₃ 2(šar₂) 5(geš₂) še gur mu dumu-munus lugal-še₃ lugal an-ša... 1(šargal){gal} 1(šarʾu) 1(šar₂) 1(bur₃) še-bi 3(šarʾu) 5(šar₂) 3(gešʾu) 3(u) gur ša₃-bi-ta 2(šarʾu) 1(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 7(geš₂) 4(u) 2(aš) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) gur mu-kuₓ(DU) la₂-ia₃ 1(šarʾu) 3(šar₂) 4(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) 2(u) 7(aš) 3(barig) 2(ban₂) gur mu si-mu-ur₄-ru-um{ki} a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul ...šabra 6(diš)-ba","4134 bur3 1 esze3 3 iku [field surface], its grain: 124,035 gur barley (according to the) Šulgi (measure); therefrom: 129,060 + n + 5 sila3 gur delivery, [surplus:] 4800 [n gur ...] [year: “...”] [4200 bur3 field surface] [its grain: 126,000 gur barley;] therefrom: 118,500 [gur] delivery, the deficit: 7,500 gur barley; year: “The king of Anshan married the king’s daughter.” (=Šulgi 30) 4261 bur3 field surface, its grain: 127,830 gur; therefrom: 789,462 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 delivery, the deficit: 49,407 gur 3 barig 2 ban2; year: “Simurrum was destroyed for the 3rd time.” (=Šulgi 32) x household managers, of the 6." P218152,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gi-sa dingir-re-ne giri₃ nigar{gar}ki-du₁₀ ensi₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P143300,Ur III,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 4(diš) {uruda}ha-bu₃-da dub₂-ba ki a-ab-ba-ta lu₂-banda₃{da} šu ba-ti iti e₂-iti-6(diš) mu an-ša-an{ki} ba-hul","64 copper hoes, smashed(?), from A'aba, Lubanda received. Month: ""House-Month-Six."" Year, Anšan was destroyed." P143420,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba siki i₃ ga e₂-gal-la ku₄-ra kišib₃ {d}utu gal mu us₂-sa en eridu{ki} ba-hun-ta mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P143598,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga lugal giri₃-se₃-ga ensi₂-ka sipa unu₃ u₃ erin₂ diri lu₂ didli zah₂ ugula nu-tuku i₃-gal₂ mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P143604,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂ u₃ kurušda didli i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa si-mu-ru-um{ki} lu-lu-bu-um{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P143856,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-gal {anše}kunga₂ u₃ ša₃-gal gu₄ niga mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul-ta mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-še₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: fodder for the mules and fodder for the fattened oxen from year: ""Simurum was destroyed"" to year: ""Amar-Suen is king"" are here" P143938,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak guru₇-ta e₃-a še-ba ša₃-sahar-ra u₃ še-ba uš-bar i₃-gal₂ gu₂-edin-na muš-bi-an-na u₃ a-pi₄-sal{ki} mu ku₃ gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P143960,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a-ša₃ gid₂-da giri₃ ur-nigar sa₁₂-du₅ lugal mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P144141,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da lugal-igi-sa₆-sa₆ i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P144994,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a₂ erin₂-na-ka lugal-iti-da nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of the labr of the troops, xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P145046,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba a₂ erin₂-na ur-am₃-ma dumu na-silim-ka iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P145052,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba a₂ erin₂-na-ka ur-mes nu-banda₃ gu₄ iti 1(u) 1(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti sig₄{geš}i₃-šub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti {d}dumu-zi-še₃ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P145130,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin₂-ba 5(diš) sa-ta ša₃-gal udu sa₂-du₁₁ {d}šara₂-ka ki ur-e₂-mah-ta kišib₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti {d}li₉-si₄ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal a-lu₅-lu₅ dumu inim{d}šara₂ kurušda {d}šara₂-ka","50 bundles of good reed in bales of 5 bundles each, fodder for sheep, the regular offerings for Šara, from Ur-emah, sealed tablet of Alulu. Month: “Lisi,” year: “Ibbi-Suen is king.” Alulu, son of Inim-Šara, fattener of Šara." P145172,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zu₂-lum kab₂-du₁₁-ga ša₃ umma{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu en {d}inana unu{ki} maš₂-e i₃-pa₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P145233,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne ugu₂-a ga₂-ra igi kar₂-kar₂ u₃ en₃-bi tar-re i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P145367,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba gu₂... i₇-pa-e₃ dumu lugal... da-du-mu lugal-nesag... inim{d}šara₂ dumu da-a-ga lugal-ukken-ne₂ lugal-ku₃-zu ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-sa₆ lugal{d}ištaran šeš-kal-la dumu da-da lugal-e₂-mah-e ur{geš}gigir dumu bar-ra-an ur-mes i₇-pa-e₃ ur{d}nin-su šeš-a-ni a-gu-gu lugal-ezem ur{geš}gigir dumu lugal-lu₂-ni ab-ba-gi-na dumu ur... ur{d}šul-pa-e₃... i₃... mu en {d}...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P129708,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 4(diš) gin₂ la₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum nig₂-ka₉ ak hu-bi₂-dam dam-gar₃ in-da-gal₂ su-su-dam giri₃ ki-tuš-lu₂ dub-sar u₃ sipa-inim-gi-na mu us₂-sa a-ra₂ 3(diš)-kam si-mu-ru-um{ki} ba-hul ","2 1/2 mana 4 shekels less 15 grains silver, remainder of the account, against Ḫubidam, the trade agent, exists; it is to be repaid; via Ki-tuš-lu, the scribe, and Sipa-inim-gina; year following: “For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed.”" P129731,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba še-geš-i₃ u₃ a₂ ku₆ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, xxx xxx xxx" P129732,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra u₃ zi-ga ki lu₂-dingir-ra dumu inim{d}šara₂-ta iti a₂-ki-ti-ta iti ezem-an-na-še₃ iti 5(diš)-kam mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P129733,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak ereš-dingir {d}ba-ba₆ i₃-gal₂ mu...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P129734,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab₅-ba nig₂-ka₉ ša₃ umma{ki} ur-e₁₁-e i₃-gal₂ mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e na-ru₂-a mah {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra mu-ne-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P130219,Ur III,Administrative," ...4(diš)-še₃...{ki}ta iri...rig₇{ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da ...1(diš)-še₃ še bala-a u₃ še ma₂-a si-ga iri-sa₁₂-rig₇{ki}ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da {geš}kiri₆ geštin-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ uri₃-ru₂-a-ka še bala-a u₄ 7(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ šeš du₃-a-ta kun-zi-da i₇ {d}amar{d}suen-ni-tum-še₃ še ga₆-ga₂ kun-zi-da i₇ {d}amar{d}suen-ni-tum-ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ iri-sa₁₂-rig₇-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₃ bala ak u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ iri-sa₁₂-rig₇{ki}ta ka da-mi-ma-ma-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}še₃ ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ ba-al... u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še bala... ugula lugal-e₂-mah... kišib₃ a-du-mu mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba...du₈ ur{d}... dub... dumu ur{geš}gigir ša₃...","1(?) male laborer for 4 workdays, from Umma-harbor to Irisagrig barge punted, for 1 workday barley transferred and barley in the barge loaded, from Irisagrig two workdays to reservoir of Vineyard barge punted, for 1 workday at Uriru-village barley transferred, for 7 workdays from Uriru-village to reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal barley carried, from reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal for 2 workdays to Irisagrig barge punted and transfer done; for 2 workdays from Irisagrig to mouth of Damimama barge punted, for 2 workdays to Umma barge floated, for 1 workday barge unloaded; for 1 workday barley transferred; foreman: Lugal-Emaḫe, under seal of Adumu; year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official (seal)." P217996,Ur III,Administrative," 2(diš) {gi}kid ki-la₂-bi 2/3(diš) ki ur{d}šul-pa-e₃-ta kišib₃ lugal-nig₂-lagar-e iti šu-numun mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun lugal-si e dub-sar dumu ur-e₂-nun-na","2 kid-mats, the extent: 2/3 (surface sar); from Ur-Šulpa’e, under seal of Lugal-nig-lagare; month “Sowing,” year: “The priest of Eridu was installed.” Lugal-siNEe, scribe, son of Ur-Enunna." P131002,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še-ba šu-du₇-a i₃-gal₂ mu ha-ar-ši{ki}...maš{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: barley rations, finished, are here; year: “Ḫarši and Kimaš destroyed.”" P131033,Ur III,Letter," lu₂{d}šul-gi-ra u₃-na-a-dug₄ 1(diš) udu ur{d}iškur i₃-dab₅ ur{d}hendur-sag-ga še-na šu ha-mu-na-a-ba-re","To Lu-Šulgi speak! 1 ram did Ur-Iškur receive; to Ur-Ḫendursag in his barley may he release!" P131102,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak u₃ gu-za-la₂-e-ne mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki} mu-hul i₃-gal₂ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P131589,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...2(ban₂) ...3(ban₂) mu e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃ 4(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 2(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 3(ban₂) mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃ 4(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 2(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 3(ban₂) mu us₂-sa e₂ puzur₄-iš{d}da-gan ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-bi ...ab₂ mah₂ ...ab₂ mu 3(aš) ...ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 2(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 3(ban₂) mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul 5(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 1(diš) gu₄ gal 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 2(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 3(ban₂) mu en {d}nanna maš₂-e i₃-pa₃ 6(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 2(diš) gu₄ gal 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 2(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃-bi 3(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u₃ lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra₂ 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam-aš ba-hul 7(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) ab₂ amar ga 3(diš) gu₄ gal 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 3(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul 8(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 2(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ amar ga 4(diš) gu₄ gal 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃-bi 4(ban₂) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ mu ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mah₂ 1(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 2(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) ab₂ amar ga 5(diš) gu₄ gal 2(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 4(ban₂) ga-ar₃-bi 1(barig) mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} u₃ hu-ur₅-ti{ki} ba-hul 1(u) ab₂ mah₂ 2(diš) ab₂ mu 3(aš) 1(diš) ab₂ mu 2(aš) 2(diš) ab₂ mu 1(aš) 3(diš) ab₂ amar ga 7(diš) gu₄ gal 1(diš) gu₄ mu 3(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ mu 2(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ mu 1(aš) 2(diš) gu₄ amar ga i₃-nun-bi 4(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃-bi 1(barig) 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ mu ha-ar-ši{ki} u₃ ki-maš{ki} ba-hul šuniŋin 1(u) 8(diš) ab₂ hi-a šuniŋin 1(u) 4(diš) gu₄ hi-a šuniŋin 4(barig) 3(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun šuniŋin 1(aš) 1(barig) 5(ban₂) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃ ga-ar₃ gur ku₃ i₃-ba 1/3(diš) ma-na 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ ga-ba 2(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 5(diš) še nig₂-ka₉ ak i-du-a dumu i-su₂-a-ri₂-ik sanga {d}ištaran ","4 mature cows, 1 heifer calf, suckling, 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2, year: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected;” 4 mature cows, 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling, 1 bull, 1 year (old), 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2, year after: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected;” 4 mature cows, 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling, 1 bull, 2 years (old), 1 bull, 1 year (old), 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2, year after: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected,” year after that; 4 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 1 bull, 2 years (old), 1 bull, 1 year (old), 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2, year: “Šašru was destroyed;” 5 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling, 1 mature bull, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 1 bull, 2 years (old), 1 bull, 1 year (old), 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2, year: “The lord of Nanna was chosen via extispacy;” 6 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling 2 mature bulls, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 1 bull, 2 years (old), 1 bull, 1 year (old), 2 bull calves, suckling, their butter oil: 2 ban2 5 sila3, their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3, year: “Simurum and Lulubu were destroyed for the 9th time;” 7 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 2 heifer calves, suckling 3 mature bulls, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 1 bull, 2 years (old), 2 bulls, 1 year (old), 1 bull calf, suckling, their butter oil: 3 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 4 ban2 5 sila3, year: “Urbilum was destroyed;” 8 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 2 heifer, 1 year (old), 1 heifer calf, suckling 4 mature bulls, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 2 bulls, 2 years (old), 1 bull, 1 year (old), 2 bull calves, suckling, their butter oil: 3 ban2 5 sila3, their (kašk) cheese: 4 ban2 7 1/2 sila3, year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed;” 9 mature cows, 1 heifer, 3 years (old), 2 heifers, 2 years (old), 1 heifer, 1 year (old), 2 heifer calves, suckling 5 mature bulls, 2 bulls, 3 years (old), 1 bull, 2 years (old), 2 bulls, 1 year (old), 2 bull calves, suckling, their butter oil: 4 ban2, their (kašk) cheese: 1 barig, year after: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed;” 10 mature cows, 2 heifers, 3 years (old), 1 heifer, 2 years (old), 2 heifers, 1 year (old), 3 heifer calves, suckling 7 mature bulls, 1 bull, 3 years (old), 2 bulls, 2 years (old), 2 bulls, 1 year (old), 2 bulls calves, suckling, their butter oil: 4 ban2 5 sila3, their (kašk) cheese: 1 barig 7 1/2 sila3, year: “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed;” total: 18 diverse cows, total: 14 diverse bulls, total: 4 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil, total: 1 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 (kašk) cheese; the silver (equivalent) of their oil: 1/3 mana 7 1/2 shekels, the silver (equivalent) of their cheese: 2 2/3 shekels 15 grains; account of Idu’a, son of Isu-arik, household manager of Ištaran." P131770,Ur III,Administrative," 4(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še ku₃-babbar si-i₃-tum 3(gešʾu) 3(geš₂) ku₆ sag-kur₂ ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ 6(diš) še 1(gešʾu) 2(geš₂) ku₆ ša₃-bar ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ 6(aš) gun₂ siki ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na ša₃ kišib₃-ba 5(gešʾu) 5(geš₂) ku₆ gir₂-us₂ ku₃-bi 4(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ 5(diš) še 3(gešʾu) 6(geš₂) 3(u) ku₆ sag-kur₂ ku₃-bi 2(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še 2(barig) i₃-ku₆ ku₃-bi 4(diš) gin₂ 1(geš₂) 4(aš) zu₂-lum gur ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) ma-na 2(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun 5(u) zu₂-lum gur ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun 1(u) {kuš}ummu₃ ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še 1(u) {kuš}e-sir₂... ku₃-bi 2/3(diš) gin₂... 7(diš)... ... 1(geš₂) še gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na še i₃-šah₂-ka šuniŋin 3(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 1(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 6(diš) še ku₃... sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam ša₃-bi-ta 1(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na la₂ 1/3(diš) gin₂ 1(u) še ku₃-babbar 3(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na uruda ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) ma-na 5(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la 1(aš) 2(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ i₃-šah₂ gur ku₃-bi 1/3(diš) ma-na 3(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ la₂ 6(diš) še kišib₃ ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ 6(diš) sila₃ geštin had₂ sa₂-du₁₁ lugal 2(diš) sila₃ geštin had₂ giri₃ lugal-ša₃-la₂ ku₃-bi igi 6(diš) gal₂ 2(u) {geš}kab₂-kul ku₃-bi 2(diš) gin₂ kišib₃ a-gu 8(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ uruda uri₅{ki}ma giri₃ ur{d}lamma u₃ e₂-lu-bi-zu šuniŋin 2(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na igi 6(diš) gal₂ 4(diš) še ku₃-babbar zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) ma-na 1(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak šeš-kal-la dam-gar₃ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","4 1/2 shekels, 12 grains of silver, the remaining ([carry-over] deficit); 1,980 “headed” fish, their silver: 2 1/6 shekels, 6 grains; 720 gutted fish, their silver: 2 shekels their silver: 2 shekels 6 talents of wool, its silver: 2/3 mana; under seal. 3,300 slit fish, their silver: 4 1/4 shekels, 5 grains; 2,190 “headed” fish, their silver: 2 1/3 shekels, 18 grains; 2 barig fish oil, its silver: 4 shekels; 64 gur of dates, their silver: 2/3 mana, 2 2/3 shekels; year: “Enmaḫgalana was installed” [AS 4]. 50 gur of dates, their silver: 1/2 mana, 3 1/3 shekels; year: “En-unugal-Inanna was installed” [AS 5]. 10 water skins, their silver: 1/2 shekel, 20 grains; 10 pairs? of leather sandals their silver: 2/3 shekel ... 7 ... [their silver: ... 60 gur of barley, its silver: 1 mana; barley of the lard. Together: 3 1/3 mana, 1 1/3 shekels, 16 grains of silver are the debit; therefrom: 1 1/3 mana less 1/3 shekel, 10 grains of silver, 38 1/2 mana of copper, their silver: 1/3 mana, 5 2/3 shekels, under the seal of Lukalla; 1 gur, 2 barig, 4 ban2, 6 sila3 of lard, its silver: 1/3 mana, 3 1/3 shekels less 6 grains, under the seal of Ur-Šulpae; 6 sila3 of raisins, royal supplement, 2 sila3 of raisins via Lugal-šala, their silver: 1/6 [shekel]; 20 wooden k-containers, their silver: 2 shekels; under the seal of Agu; 8 1/2 shekels of silver for Ur copper, via Ur-Lamma and Elubizu. Together: 2 1/3 mana, 1/6 [shekel], 4 grains of silver booked out; debit: 1 mana, 1 1/6 [shekel], 12 grains of silver; account of Šeškala, the trade agent; year: “En-unugal-Inanna was installed.”" P133979,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba e₂-tum a₂ sag nig₂-gur₁₁-ra-kam u₃ zi-ga ki ku-li šabra-ta iti a₂-ki-ti-ta mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-ta iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul-še₃ ...2(u) 5(diš)-kam ša₃-ba iti diri 1(diš)-am₃ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133980,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak ab-ba-sa₆-ga iti maš-da₃-gu₇-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ iti 1(u) 2(diš)-kam mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135492,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) geš-ur₃ e₂-kar-še₃ ki a-du-du-ta kišib₃ ur-sag₁₀ mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul ur-sa₆-ga dub-sar dumu ur-dingir-ra","1 harrow for the “house of the harbour.” From Adudu. Sealed tablet of Ur-saga. Year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Ur-saga, scribe, child of Ur-dingira." P145641,Ur III,Letter," ba-zi u₃-na-a-du₁₁ ur{d}nanše dumu-dab₅ lu₂{d}na-ru₂-a-ka-ra eš₂ giri₁₇-še₃ na-ba-du₃","To Bazi speak: “To Ur-Nansze DAB5-worker of Lu-Naru'a, the nose-rope he shall not attach.”" P145647,Ur III,Letter," dingir-igi-du u₃-na-du₁₁ 1(barig) zu₂-lum 4(diš) sila₃ i₃-nun 4(diš) sila₃ ga gal 2(ban₂) imgaga₃ 1(barig) dabin lu₂{d}šara₂-ra he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu kišib₃-ba-ni šu na-ba-ab-ti-ti ","to Dingir-igi-du speak! 1 barig dates, 4 sila3 ghee, 4 sila3 big-cheese, 2 ban2 spelt, 1 barig flour, to Lu-Šara may he give! His sealed document may he not receive!" P145700,Ur III,Letter," na-ni u₃-na-a-dug₄ 1(geš₂) še gur e-la-ak-šu-qir-ra he₂-na-ab-šum₂-mu na-mi-gur-re gu₂-na-kam tukum-bi nu-na-an-šum₂ e₂-a-ni-ta ib₂-su-su {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₂{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba arad₂{d}nanna sukkal-mah dumu ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ sukkal-mah arad₂-zu","To Nani speak: 60 gur of barley to Elak-šuqir may he give; there is no recourse, it is his burden. Should he not give (the barley) to him, it will, out his own household, be redeemed. Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: ARAD-Nanna, sukkalmaḫ, son of Ur-Šulpa’e, sukkalmaḫ, is your servant." P145724,Ur III,Letter," ur-ge₆-par₄ u₃-na-a-du₁₁ guruš 1(u)-am₃ ma₂ dug ba-al-e-de₃ lu₂{d}šara₂-ra he₂-na-šum₂-mu lu₂ us₂-gar he₂-eb-da-an-gi₄-gi₄ lu₂-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-sa₆-ga","To Ur-gepar speak! Workmen, 10 of them, the boat of pots to unload, to Lu-Šara may he give! May ... with it return! Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E’e, cattle manager." P132505,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba a₂ u₄-da he₂-dab₅ ša₃ nibru{ki} i₃-gal₂ ... mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132558,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-tum e₂ nam-ha-ni i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132638,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga e₂-tum e₂ {d}šul-gi i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132748,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) dingir-sa₆-ga 1(diš) ur{d}nu-muš... 1(diš) {d}utu-lagaš{ki}gal 1(diš) ur{d}nanše ša₃-gu₄-me 1(diš) lu₂{d}ga₂-tum₃-du₁₀ 1(diš) ku-li 1(diš) {d}ba-ba₆-i₃-zu erin₂-me igi 3(diš) gal₂-ta iti munu₄-gu₇-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi-še₃ 7(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) ad-da 1(aš) 2(barig) 1(diš) lu₂{d}nin-gir₂-su 1(aš) 2(barig) erin₂-me iti munu₄-gu₇-ta iti še-il₂-la u₄ 1(u) 5(diš) ba-zal-še₃ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-bi 1(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ še šuku-ra-bi 2(aš) 4(barig) gur a₂ hun-ga₂ inim šu{d}... iri-ta nu-e₃... e₂ {d}ga₂-tum₃... mu {d}šu{d}suen...uri₅{ki}ša-li{ki} mu-hul","1, Dingir-saga, 1, Ur-Numušda, 1, Utu-Lagaš-gal, 1, Ur-Nanše, they are ox-drivers; 1, Lu-Gatumdu, 1, Kuli, 1, Baba-izu, they are worktroopers; at 1/3 shekel each, from month: “Malt feast,” to month: “Festival of Šulgi”: 7 shekels; 1, Adda, 1 (gur) 2 barig, 1, Lu-Ningirsu, 1 (gur) 2 barig, they are worktroopers; from month: “Malt feast,” to month: “Grain carried,” day 15 completed: 7 1/2 shekels; its silver: 14 1/2 shekels; its barley of rations: 2 gur 4 barig; labor of the hirelings, on orders of Su-...; (worker category:) “from the city not going out” ..., house of Gatumdu ...; year: “Šu-Suen, the king of Ur, the lands of Zabašali destroyed.”" P132823,Ur III,Letter," ab-ba-kal-la-ra u₃-na-a-du₁₁ zi₃ en-te ur-mes šabra-še₃ lu₂-nam-tar-ra na-ba-du₃ ša₁₃-dub-ba ga-na-zi ","xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P132831,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba bar-ra-karₓ(TE)-ra ha-la i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P133305,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gu₄-apin gub-ba e₂ {d}nanše e₂ {d}dumu-zi e₂ šabra e₂ {d}geš-bar-e₃ i₃-gal₂ ... mu ma₂-dara₃-abzu ba-ab-du₈","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P133532,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃ la₂-ia₃ su-ga al kin u₃ ha-bu₃-da i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P020552,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 3(geš₂) 3(u) še lid₂-ga iti-da 2(u) la₂ 2(aš) 2(barig)-ta na-ba-lu₅ 1(geš₂) 3(u) še lid₂-ga iti-da 7(aš) 2(barig)-ta lugal-kiši₁₇-gal iti ezem-gu₄-si-su-ta iti bara₂-za₃-gar-še₃ sa₂-du₁₁ za₃-mu-ka-kam šu ba-ti 1(geš₂) 3(u) še lid₂-ga iti-da 1(u) 5(aš)-ta lugal-nesag iti šu-numun-ta iti gan-gan-e₃ iti 6(diš)-kam gur sa₂-du₁₁-ta a-ba-šum₂ mu {d}i₇-akšak{ki} nibru{ki} i₃-dar-a",Year in which the Akszak canal in Nippur was split P134336,Ur III,Legal," 1(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar a₂ ur{d}iškur ki lugal-a₂-zi-da-ta geme₂{d}nun-gal-ke₄ u₃ šu-dur-ul₃ dumu-ni šu ba-ti-eš₂ igi ur{d}iškur igi dumu ur{d}suen igi lu₂{d}iškur igi tul₂-ta dumu lugal-he₂-gal₂ tukum-bi ga₂-la ba-dag še 6(diš) sila₃-ta a-ag₂-dam mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu ma₂-gur₈-mah {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba-ab-du₈ šu-tu-ul dumu geme₂{d}nun-gal geme₂{d}nin-gal dumu ba-gi-na","1 shekel silver, labor of Ur-Iškur, from Lugal-azida did Geme-Nungal and Šu-durul, her son, receive; before Ur-Iškur, before the son of Ur-Suen, before Lu-Iškur, before Tulta, son of Lugal-ḫegal if there is a work loss, barley, 6 sila3 per (day) will be measured out, did he the royal name invoke; month: “Harvest,” year: “The Big-Barge of Enlil was caulked.” Šutul, son of Geme-Nungal. Geme-Ningal, son of Bagina." P134381,Ur III,Legal," ...še gur še {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ki-ba se-ge-de₃ ki lugal-nam-tar-re-ta ur{d}ha-ia₃-ke₄ šu ba-ti iti diri še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu en-mah-gal-an-na en {d}inana ba-hun še-bi buru₁₄ ama-bi gi₄-gi₄ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka i₃-ni-ku₄-ku₄-a a-ša₃-mu u₄-de₃ ba-ab... a-e ba-ab-de₃ lugal-ra u₃ sanga nu-un-na-be₂... mu lugal-bi in-pa₃ ur{d}ha-ia₃ dub-sar dumu engar-du₁₀ sagi","... gur barley barley for (the temple household) of Enlil, to be stored in that place, from Lugal-namtare did Ur-Ḫaya receive; the extra month “Harvest,” year: “En-maḫgal-ana as en priestess of Innana was installed.” the harvest will remit this barley (debt) into the household of Enlil which he is entering; That “My field by the storm was ruined!”, or “by flood water was ruined!” to the king or to the chief administrator he will not say, by the royal name he swore. Ur-Ḫaya, scribe, son of Engar-du, cupbearer." P134484,Ur III,Administrative," ur{d}nusku igi 4(diš) gal₂ ur{d}utu ...geš-i₃ igi 4(diš) gal₂ lu-lu dumu...alim igi 8(diš) gal₂ ur-e-kur₂-ra igi 8(diš) gal₂ du₁₀ igi 8(diš) gal₂ ur{d}šu-mah igi 1(u) gal₂ ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ igi 2(u) gal₂ dam-gar₃-me iti sig₄-ga-ta u₄ 6(diš) zal-la-a ka ba-ge eš ","Ur-Nusku: 1/4, Ur-Utu, x[... of the] ‘sesame’: 1/4, Lullu, the son of x-alim: 1/8, Ur-ekura: 1/8, ARADdu: 1/8, Ur-Šumaḫ: 1/10, Ur-Enlila: 1/20, they are trade agents. In the month ‘of the bricks’ (3rd month) from the end of the 6th day, ... ." P134662,Ur III,Letter," e₂-a-ba-ni u₃-na-a-dug₄ 1(diš) er₃-ra-ga-ši-ir dumu nibru{ki}kam ur-sa₆-ga ha-mu-na-šum₂-mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen dingir kalam-ma lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba da-da ensi₂ nibru{ki} dumu ur{d}nanibgal ensi₂ nibru{ki}ka arad₂-zu","Ea-bani tell! “1 Erra-gašir, son of Nippur, (to) Ur-saga may may he give!”" P135143,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) guruš sag-dub 1(diš) guruš a₂ 1/2(diš) 2(diš) guruš a₂ 1(u) gin₂ ša₃-gu₄-me 1(diš) 5/6(diš) guruš iti ezem{d}šul-gi-ta iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅-še₃ a₂-bi 5(geš₂) 3(u) guruš u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ iti 6(diš)-kam še-ba dah-hu-a de₆-a ku-li i₃-dab₅ mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana unu{ki} ba-hun","1 male laborer, tablet-head; 1 male laborer, labor: 1/2; 2 male laborers, , labor: 110 shekels; they are ox-drivers; 1 5/6 male laborers, from month “Festival of Šulgi,” to month “Harvest;” the labor: 330 male laborer workdays, (a period) of 6 months, barley rations, added, delivered, Kuli accepted; year: “En-unugal of Inanna in Uruk was hired.”" P135254,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba geštu₂-ga ru-gu₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P135710,Ur III,Administrative," ... ...babbar ...kuₓ(LIL) ...dumu lu₂-uru₁₁{ki}₅{ki}ma ...ti tum₃-dam zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 1/2(diš) ma-na 7(diš) gin₂ al-la dumu lugal-erin₂ 7(diš) guruš iti 1(u) 4(diš)-še₃ 1(diš) guruš iti 6(diš)-še₃ ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) 8(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar 1(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar e₂-gal-la...kuₓ(LIL) giri₃...uru₁₁{ki} 3(diš) gin₂ al-la kurušda uri₅{ki}ma kišib₃-bi tum₃-dam zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) ma-na 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ lu₂...ugula 1(u) 1(diš) guruš iti 1(u) 4(diš)-še₃ ku₃-bi 1(diš) 5/6(diš) ma-na 5(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar ša₃-bi-ta 9(diš) gin₂ ku₃ e₂-gal-la ba-an-kuₓ(LIL) giri₃ al-la dumu lu₂-uru₁₁{ki} 3(diš) gin₂ ku₃ al-la kurušda uri₅{ki}ma kišib₃-bi tum₃-dam zi-ga la₂-ia₃ 1(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na 2(diš) 5/6(diš) gin₂ lu₂-bi-mu 3(diš) guruš iti 1(u) 4(diš)-še₃ 1(diš) guruš iti 6(diš)-še₃ 1(diš) guruš iti 3(diš)-še₃ ku₃-bi 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ la₂-ia₃ 1/2(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ ur-tur šuniŋin 1/2(diš) ma-na 9(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂ ku₃ dumu lu₂-uru₁₁{ki} ...gin₂ kurušda ...gin₂ igi 4(diš) gal₂ ...","... 17 shekels silver, into the palace brought, via Alla, son of Lu-Uru; n shekels silver from Alla, fattener in Ur, ..., the sealed document is to be delivered; booked out; the deficit: 1/2 mana 7 shekels: Alla, son of Lugal-erin; 7 male laborers, for 14 months, 1 male laborer, for 6 months, its silver: 1 mana 18 shekels; therefrom: 12 1/2 shekels silver, into the palace brought, via Alla, son of Lu-Uru, 3 shekels from Alla, the fattener, in Ur, the sealed document is to be delivered; booked out; the deficit: 1 mana 2 1/2 shekels silver; Lu-..., the foreman; 11 male laborers, for 4 months, its silver: 1 5/6 mana 5 1/2 shekels silver; therefrom: 9 2/3 shekels silver into the palace brought, via Alla, son of Lu-Uru; 3 shekels silver from Alla, fattener in Ur, the sealed document is to be delivered; booked out; the deficit: 1 2/3 mana 2 5/6 shekels: Lubimu; 3 male laborers, for 4 months, 1 male laborer, for 6 months, 1 male laborer, for 3 months, ist silver: 1/2 mana 8 1/4 shekels; therefrom: the deficit: 1/2 mana 8 1/4 shekels: Urtur; total: 1/2 mana 9 1/6 shekels silver, via Alla, son of Lu-Uru; total: ... shekels, from Alla, the fattener (?), the sealed document is to be destroyed; ... 1/4 shekel, ..." P135737,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba dub gid₂-da si... lu₂...lam₂ i₃... mu {geš}gu-za ba-dim₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135738,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba si-i₃-tum ša₃ nigin₆ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P135739,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tag-tag-ga udu ša₃ gu₂-ab-ba{ki} u₃ tag-tag-ga zu₂-si-ka ša₃ ki-nu-nir{ki} nigin₆{ki} i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135740,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im gaba u₃ {kuš}du₁₀-gan ga-ga-ra-a ereš-dingir-ra i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135741,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še šuku-ra giri₃-se₃-ga ki ...{ki} mu na-ru₂-a mah ba-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P135742,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak šu-ku₆...mušen-du₃ u₃ i₃-gal₂ mu ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135744,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba mu didli še-ba lu₂-azlag₂ u₃ še-ba kilib₃-ba i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki}","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P135982,Ur III,Administrative," 3(aš) 3(ban₂) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še-geš-i₃ gur si-i₃-tum mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul 1(aš) gur al-ba-ni-du₁₁ 1(aš) gur lu₂-giri₁₇-zal 1(aš) gur ur-nigar{gar} 1(aš) gur lugal-dingir-mu 1(aš) gur ur{d}nun-gal 1(aš) gur za-ba-sa₆-ge 1(aš) gur eš₃-ki-du₁₀ 1(aš) gur ur{d}geš-ha-mun-na 1(aš) gur ur{d}iškur ...3(ban₂) {geš}u₂-ga ...nin-ukken-ne₂ ...{d}šara₂ ... ... ...gur ...{d}šul-pa-e₃ 4(barig) še-geš-i₃ ugu₂ ur-e₁₁-e ba-a-gar kišib₃ ur{d}šara₂ ša₁₃-dub-ba 1(u) 5(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ ku₃ še-geš-i₃-bi 3(aš) 4(ban₂) gur ku₃-bi ugu₂ da-da-ga ba-a-gar ugu₂-a ga₂-ra-ta 5(diš) guruš iti 1(u) 3(diš)-še₃ ugu₂ lugal-ku₃-zu ba-a-gar ugu₂-a ga₂-ra-ta šuniŋin 1(u) 1(barig) 4(ban₂) še-geš-i₃ gur šuniŋin 5(diš) engar-geš-i₃-ka-ta gur-ra zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 3(aš) 4(barig) 2(diš) 2/3(diš) sila₃ še-geš-i₃ gur nig₂-ka₉ ak ur{d}ba-ba₆ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","3 gur 3 ban2 2 2/3 sila3 sesame seeds, remaining deficit from the year: “Kimaš was destroyed;” 1 gur, Albanidu, 1 gur, Lu-girizal, 1 gur, Ur-nigar, 1 gur, Lugal-dingirmu, 1 gur, Ur-Nun-gal, 1 gur, Zabasage, 1 gur, Eškidu, 1 gur, Ur-gešḫamuna, 1 gur, Ur-Iškur, n 3 ban2, Uga, n, Nin-ukkene, n, ARAD-Šara; total: 14 gur 4 ban2 2 2/3 sila3 sesame seeds; are the debit. therefrom: ... gur, ... Šulpa’e, 4 barig sesame seeds, in the debit account of Ur-e’e set; under seal of Ur-Šara, chief accountant; 15 1/3 shekels silver, its sesame seed: 3 bur 4 ban2; its silver in the debit account of Dadaga set, in the debit account having set, 5 male laborers for 13 months, in the debit account of Lugal-kuzu set, in the debit account having set; total: 10 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 sesame seeds, total: 5 flax-ploughmen, returned, booked out; the deficit: 3 gur 4 barig 2 2/3 sila3 sesame seeds, account of Ur-Baba, year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P136166,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak a₂ erin₂-na i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆ {d}inana ba-hun-ta mu ša-aš-ru-um{ki}še₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P136369,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ra-a nu-banda₃ gu₄-ke₄-ne i₃-in-gal₂ mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P136372,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba erin₂ zi-zi šabra eš₃ didli uri₅{ki}ke₄-ne i₃-in-gal₂ iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P136586,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gil-sa si-il-la an-nu-ni-tum lugal-e igi du₈-a i₃-in-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P136616,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba {kuš}du₁₀-gan kišib₃ ra-a zi... mu","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P137148,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba i₃ e₂-kišib₃-ba-ta e₃-a ...ti-a ...ti-e ... mu us₂-sa bad₃ gal ba-du₃ mu us₂-sa-bi","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P137383,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še i₃-dub geš e₃-a ku₃ maš₂ ki-duru₅ še apin-la₂ da-ba-a še-geš-i₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) gu mu-kuₓ(DU) zu₂-lum mu-kuₓ(DU) u₃ la₂-ia₃ su-ga-bi im-bi 1(u) 1(diš)-am₃ kilib₃-ba-bi 1(diš)-am₃ i₃-in-gal₂ iti 1(u) 3(diš)-kam mu us₂-sa bad₃ ma-da ba-du₃-a","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P137628,Ur III,Administrative," 8(aš) ku₆ še₆ gur mu nig₂-gu₇-a geme₂ e-ne za₃-mu-ka-še₃ e₂-kišib₃-ba-ta ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šu ba-an-ti iti šu-eš₅-ša mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ nibru{ki} uri₅{ki}ma bad₃ gal-bi mu-du₃","8 gur smoked fish, as food for the female and male slaves for the new year (festival), from the house-of-sealed (goods), did Ur-Šulpae receive; month: “Šu-eša,” year: “Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, in Nippur Ur’s Big-Wall did erect.”" P138021,Ur III,Administrative," ša₃-bi tug₂ su-ga u₂-a gi-šid-ke₄-ne ugula ur{d}šuš₃{d}ba-ba₆ iti ezem-mah mu en {d}inana maš₂-e i₃-pa₃-ta iti a₂-ki-ti mu dumu-munus lugal ensi₂ za-ab-ša-li{ki}ke₄ ba-an-tuku-a-aš","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P138100,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak...geš... a maš... mu... mu 4(diš) iti 8(diš)... ša₃-ba iti diri 1(diš)-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P138107,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak u₃ kišib₃ ra-a še sila-a gal₂-la ma₂{d}nanna ka-guru₇-ka i₃-in-gal₂ e₂ {d}nin-gal mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul-ta mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun-še₃ mu-bi 4(diš)-am₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P138234,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba še šuku-ra i₃-in-gal₂ e₂ en {d}nanna kar-zi-da-ka","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139012,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar 2(u) 5(aš) 4(barig) 4(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš gur 1(diš) gin₂ 3(barig) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) sila₃-ta 2(aš) zu₂-lum gur 1(diš) gin₂ 3(barig) 2(ban₂)-ta ...1(aš) 4(barig) zu₂-lum gur ...gin₂ 3(barig)...ta ku₃-bi 5(u) 3(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na igi 3(diš) gal₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še šuniŋin 5(u) 4(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na igi 3(diš) gal₂ 1(u) 2(diš) še ku₃-babbar ša₃-bi-ta ...5(diš) udu 5(diš) maš₂ ...1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti maš-ku₃-gu₇ 1(u) 5(diš) udu 4(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti bi₂{mušen}gu₇ 8(diš) udu 6(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu 1(u) udu 1(u) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu 3(u) la₂ 1(diš) udu 2(diš) sila₄ 5(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 7(diš) gin₂-ta iti a₂-ki-ti 2(u) 2(diš) udu 1(u) la₂ 1(diš) maš₂ 1/3(diš) ma-na-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi 1(u) 7(diš) udu 1(u) 2(diš) maš₂ 1/3(diš) ma-na 5(diš) gin₂-ta iti šu-eš₅... 3(u) 5(diš) udu 8(diš) maš₂ 1/2(diš) ma-na-ta iti ezem-mah šuniŋin 3(geš₂) 2(u) 2(diš) udu maš₂ hi-a šuniŋin ku₃-bi 1(aš) gun₂ 8(diš) 2/3(diš) ma-na 9(diš) gin₂ 1(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar har giri₁₇ gu₄ ezem a₂-ki-ti šu-numun-na-še₃ šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 1(u) 4(diš) 1/3(diš) ma-na 8(diš) gin₂ ...1(u) 2(diš) še ku₃ ur...gara₂... 1(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ i₃-geš 2(aš) zu₂-lum gur 2(ban₂)-ta 1(aš) 4(barig) zu₂-lum gur 1(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃-ta ku₃-bi 2(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš)... šuniŋin 2(u) 5(diš) 1/2(diš) ma-na 7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 8(diš) še ša₃-bi-ta 7(diš) udu 2(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti maš-ku₃-gu₇ 1(u) 5(diš) udu 4(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti bi₂{mušen}gu₇ 2(diš) udu 3(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta iti ki-siki{d}nin-a-zu 6(diš) udu 5(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂-ta {d}nanna-dalla i₃-dab₅ 1(diš) sila₄ 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂ e₂-gal-la ku₄... giri₃ nu-ur₂... 1(diš) udu 1(u) 4(diš) gin₂... kišib₃ šu-e₂-a sukkal-mah iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu 2(diš) udu 8(diš) maš₂ 1(u) 7(diš) gin₂-ta iti a₂-ki-ti 1(u) 1(diš) udu 1(diš) maš₂ 1/3(diš) ma-na-ta iti ezem{d}šul-gi 1(u) 2(diš)...2(diš) gin₂-ta iti šu-eš₅-ša ...udu 1(diš) sila₄ 2(diš) maš₂ 1/2(diš) ma-na-ta iti ezem-mah šuniŋin 2(geš₂) 3(u) 2(diš) udu maš₂... šuniŋin ku₃-bi 2(u) 7(diš)... ...1(diš) ma-na ku₃... ...3(diš) 1/2(diš) ma... ma₂-an... 1(u) 1(aš) 3(barig) 4(ban₂) 9(diš) sila₃ i₃... 2(aš) zu₂-lum gur 2(ban₂)... 1(aš) 4(barig) zu₂-lum gur 1(ban₂)... ku₃-bi 2(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) ma...7(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ 1(u) 7(diš)... šuniŋin 2(u) 4(diš) 1/2(diš) ma... ša₃-bi... 5(diš)... ... ... iti ki... 1(u) 4(diš) udu 2(diš)... iti ezem... 1(u) 1(diš) udu... iti a₂... ...2(diš) udu... iti ezem... 8(diš) udu 3(diš)... iti šu... 6(diš) udu 4(diš)... ... ... ... ... ... ...3(u) 3(diš) 1/2(diš) ma...igi 6(diš) gal₂... nig₂-ka₉ ak dam-gar₃-ne ...maš-ku₃-gu₇... ...ezem-mah...iti-bi iti 1(u) la₂ 1(diš)-am₃ mu us₂-sa {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}...ke₄ nibru...uri₅{ki}ma bad₃ gal-bi mu-du₃","1 mina silver, 25 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3 sesame oil, of 1 shekel: 2 1/2 sila3 each; 2 gur dates of 1 shekel: 2 ban2 each; 2 gur 4 barig of dates of 1 shekel: 1 ban2 5 sila3 each; its silver: 53 1/3 minas 1/3 (shekel) 12 grains, total: 54 1/3 minas 1/3 shekel 12 grains of silver; therefrom: 5 rams, 5 billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “Gazelle-Feast;” 15 rams, 4 billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “ubi-Feast;” 8 rams, 6 billy goats, 14 shekels each month “kisiki-Ninazu;” 10 rams, 10 billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “Festival-of-Ninazu;” 29 rams, 2 lambs, 5 billy goats, 17 shekels each, month “Akitu;” 22 rams, 9 billy goats, 1/3 mina each, month “Festival-of-Šulgi;” 17 rams, 12 billy goats, 1/3 mina, 5 shekels each, month “šu’ešša;” 35 rams, 8 billy goats, 1/2 mina each month “Great-Festival;” total: 202 rams, billy goats, mixed, total, the silver: 1 talent 8 2/3 minas 9 shekels; 1 mina silver, nose rings for oxen, for the festivals Akitu & Sowing; surplus: 14 1/3 minas 8 2/3 shekels 12 grains silver, Ur-Bagara; 1 mina silver 11 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 9 sila3 sesame oil 2 gur dates, 2 ban2 each, 1 gur 4 barig dates, 15 sila3 each, the silver: 24 1/2 minas 7 1/2 shekels, 18 grains, total: 25 1/2 minas 7 1/2 shekels, 18 grains; therefrom: 7 rams, 2 billy goat, 14 shekels each, month “Gazelle-Feast;” 15 rams, 4 billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “ubi-Feast;” 2 rams, 3 billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “kisiki-Ninazu;” 6 rams, 5 billy goats, 14 shekels each, Nanna-dalla took in possession; 1 lamb,14 shekels, in the palace delivered, via Nur-[...] n+1 rams, 14 shekels each, under seal of Šu-Ea, chief minister, month “Festival-of-Ninazu” 2 rams, 8 billy goats, 17 shekels each, month “Akitu;” 11 rams, 1 billy goat, 20 shekels each, month “Festival-of-Šulgi” 12+ rams, n billy goats, 25 shekels each, month “šu’ešša;” n rams, 1 lamb, 2 billy goats, 1/2 mana each, month “Great-Festival;” total: 152 rams, billy goats, mixed; total, the silver: 28 ... 1 mina silver, nose ring for oxen, deficit(?): 3 1/2 minas n shekels silver, for “Boat-of-Heaven;” 1 mina of silver, 11 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 9 sila3 of sesame oil, 2 gur dates, 2 ban2 each, 1 gur 4 barig dates, 15 sila3 each, the silver: 24 1/2 minas 7 1/2 shekels 18 grains; total: 25 1/2 minas 7 1/2 shekels 18 grains of silver; therefrom: 5 ... ... ... ... n [...] month “kisiki-Ninazu;” 14 rams, 2+ billy goats, 14 shekels each, month “Festival-of-Ninazu” 11 rams, n billy goats, 17 shekels each, month “Akitu;” n+2 rams, n billy goats, 20 shekels each, month the “Festival-of-Šulgi;” 8 rams, 3+ billy goats, 25 shekels each, month “šu’ešša;” 6 rams, 4 billy goats, 1/2 mina each, deliveries the deficit(?): 33 1/2 minas n+1/6 shekels n grains of silver; account of the merchants from month “Gazelle-Feast” to the month “Great-Festival;” its months: 9; year following “Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, at Nippur, Ur, the great walls built.”" P139273,Ur III,Administrative," ...tum... ...ra geš...du₃-geš ...kar-zi-da ...gal₂ ...ezem{d}šul-gi-ta ...ezem{d}me-ki-gal₂-še₃ 5(diš)-am₃ mu {d}šul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ bad₃ ma-da mu-du₃-a","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139444,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ...",Basket-of-tablets: P200522,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) sila₄ ba-uš₂ u₄ 1(u) 7(diš)-kam ki en-dingir-mu-ta {d}šul-gi-iri-mu šu ba-ti iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu","1 lamb, dead, on the 17th day, from En-dingirgu, Šulgi-urugu, received. Month: “Festival of Ninazu”" P200523,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) 8(diš) gu₄ niga 1(u) 1(diš) gu₄ 1(diš) gu₄ geš-du₃ 1(diš) gu₄-ab₂ 6(diš) gu₄ gun₃-a 3(diš) gu₄ geš-du₃ gun₃-a 3(diš) ab₂ 1(diš) ab₂ gun₃-a 1(diš) amar gu₄ am mu 1(aš) 1(diš) amar gu₄ am ga 1(diš) udu niga gig šimašgi 1(u) 1(diš) udu niga 9(diš) gukkal 1(diš) gukkal geš-du₃ 4(u) 1(diš) udu 4(u) udu šimašgi 4(u) 5(diš)... 4(geš₂) 4(u)... 1(geš₂) 4(u)... 4(diš)... 1(diš) sila₄ bar... 2(diš) maš₂-gal niga 2(diš) maš₂-gal 2(diš) maš₂ gun₃-a 3(diš)-kam us₂ 1(diš) {munus}aš₂-gar₃ mu-kuₓ(DU) lugal ki na-sa₆-ta lu₂-dingir-ra dumu inim... i₃-dab₅ iti maš-da₃-gu₇","18 grain-fed bulls, 11 bulls, 1 breed-bull, 1 ze[bu]? bull, 6 speckled bulls, 3 speckled breed-bulls, 3 cows, 1 speckled cow, 1 x-year-old bull-calf (descended from) an aurochs, 1 suckling bull-calf (descended from) an aurochs, 1 grain-fed, black, Šim[aškian] ram, 11 [...] rams, 9 [...] fat-tailed rams, 1 [...] fat-tailed breed-ram, 41 [...] rams 40 Šimaškian [...] rams, 18 [...], 45 [...], 290? [...], 65? [...], 4 [...], 1 lamb with fleece [...], 2 [...] billy-goats, 2 [...] billy-goats, 2 speckled billy-goats, 3 [...], 1 female kid (descended from) a bezoar: royal delivery, from Nasag, Lu-dingira, son of Inim-[Šara], transferred. Month: “Gazelle Feast”. Year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed”" P139615,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zu₂-lum kab₂-du₁₁-ga {geš}peš₃ {geš}hašhur geštin ...šid-da e₂ {d}šara₂ e₂ {d}nin-ur₄-ra eš₃ didli ša₃ umma{ki} u₃ iri-bar-ra i₃-gal₂ mu a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam kar₂...{ki} ba-hul u₃ mu a-ra₂ 3(diš){ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139616,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gu₄{geš}apin ab₂ e₂-tur₃ ...suhub₂ u₃ giri₃-gen i₃-gal₂ mu {d}amar{d}suen-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139617,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ ba lu₂ nig₂-dab₅-ba-ke₄-ne a-ša₃ gu₂-edin-na u₃ muš-bi-an-na guru₇-ta e₃-a giri₃ ensi₂ u₃ na-bi₂{d}en-lil₂-la₂ i₃-gal₂ mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul lu₂{d}šara₂ dub-sar dumu lugal-en...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139618,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba gurum₂-ak giri₃-se₃-ga {d}šara₂ giri₃-se₃-ga dingir-re-ne giri₃-se₃-ga ša₃ iri-ka u₃ nig₂-diri da-umma{ki} erin₂ giri₃-se₃-ga mu gurum₂ lu₂-du₁₀-ga ka-u₂-sa i₃-gal₂ mu ša-aš-ru{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P139757,Ur III,Administrative," 6(geš₂) 2(u) sar al ak 3(diš) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 2(geš₂) 6(diš) 2/3(diš) 6(geš₂) 2(u) sar {u₂}kul ku₅-ra₂ 1(u) sar-ta a₂-bi u₄ 3(u) 8(diš)-kam a₂ ša₃-gu₄ a-ša₃ nun-na ugula lugal-ku₃-ga-ni kišib₃ lugal-inim-gi-na mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ lugal-inim-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-nesag-e","380 sar hoed at 3 sar each (workday), its labor: 126 2/3 days; 380 sar kul-grass cut at 10 sar each, its labor: 38 days; labor of the oxen men, field of Prince, foreman: Lugal-kugani, seal of Lugal-inimgina year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Lugal-inimgina son of Lugal-nesage." P140046,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba a-gu dub-sar gašam i₃-gal₂ ... mu {d}šu{d}suen","Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, xxx xxx xxx" P140068,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ša₃-gal lu₂ da mu 2(diš)-kam i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun u₃ mu en {d}nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140092,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga kilib₃-ba ša₃ nibru{ki} u₃ ša₃ uri₅{ki}ma bala a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} u₄ 3(u)-kam i₃-gal₂ iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140122,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak u₃ kišib₃ dab-ba-bi lu₂-sag₁₀ ugula mu en-unu₆-gal {d}inana ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140124,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum u₃ im didli en₃-bi tar-re erin₂ bala-a-ka i₃-gal₂ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: clay (tablets) in the ‘house’ and clay (tablets), singles, enquiries, labor troops of the bala, are here; year following: “Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorrite-Wall muriq-tidnim erected.”" P140160,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ša₃-bi su-ga a₂ ma₂ hun-ga₂ lugal-e-ba-an-sa₆ i₃-gal₂ ... mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal uri₅{ki}ma-ke₄ bad₃ mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du₃","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140166,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba kišib₃ dab-ba ka-guru₇ i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140281,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan lu₂-dingir-ra dumu ku₃-sag₁₀ ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx" P140292,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba im e₂-tum sa kuš šu ur{d}li₉-si₄ ensi₂ i₃-gal₂","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140296,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba pisan dab-ba i₇-pa-e₃ ur{d}nin-su ur-e₂-nun-na ur{d}en-lil₂-la₂ a-gu-gu gu₂ inim{d}šara₂ dumu da-a-ga lugal-ukken-ne₂ lugal-ezem lugal{d}ištaran ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ šeš kas₄ ... mu hu-uh₂-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P140915,Ur III,Administrative," ...guruš u₄ 4(diš)-še₃ kar umma{ki}ta iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še ma₂-a si-ga iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da {geš}kiri₆ geštin-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 8(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ uri₃-ru₂-a-ka še bala-a kun-zi-da i₇ {d}amar...suen-ni-tum-še₃ še ga₆-ga₂ kun-zi-da i₇ {d}...suen-ni-tum-ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|)...ma₂ gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ bala ak ...iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}ta kaše₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma{ki}še₃ ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ ba-al-la u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še bala-a ugula ur-mes kišib₃ a-du-mu mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ ur{d}suen dub-sar dumu ur{geš}gigir ša₃-tam","1(?) male laborer, for 4 workdays, from Umma-harbor to Irisagrig barge punted, for 1 workday barley into the barge loaded, from Irisagrig two workdays to reservoir of Vineyard barge punted, for 8 workday at Uriru-village barley transferred, to reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal barley carried, from reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal for 2 workdays to Irisagrig barge punted and transfer done; for 2 workdays from Irisagrig to mouth of Damimama barge punted, for 2 workdays to Umma barge floated, for 1 workday barge unloaded; for 1 workday barley transferred; foreman: Urmes, under seal of Adumu; year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official (seal)." P141095,Ur III,Administrative," 1(u) gin₂ ku₃-babbar la₂-ia₃ su-ga {tug₂}uš-bar-bi 2(u)-kam giri₃ i₃-kal-la nig₂-ka₉ mu ma-da za-ab-ša-li{ki}ka ugu₂ gu-du-du ba-a-gar nig₂-ka₉ mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal-ka i₃-kal-la nig₂-ka₉-a ba-an-ak mu kišib₃ ugu₂-a ga₂-ra pisan dub-ba-ka ki gu-du-du-ta tum₃-da-še₃ kišib₃ i₃-kal-la mu {d}i-bi₂{d}suen lugal i₃-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu₂-sa₆-ga","xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx in the basket-of-tablets; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P141211,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba tug₂-ba siki-ba i₃-gal₂ mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P141246,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba nig₂-ka₉ ak gi lugal-gu₄-e i₃-gal₂ mu en-unu₆-gal ba-hun","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx" P141473,Ur III,Administrative," 1(diš) guruš u₄ 4(diš)-še₃ kar umma{ki}ta iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še ma₂-a si-ga iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ kun-zi-da {geš}kiri₆ geštin-še₃ ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 8(diš)-še₃ e₂-duru₅ uri₃-ru₂-a-ta kun-zi-da i₇ {d}amar{d}suen-ni-tum-še₃ še ga₆-ga₂ kun-zi-da...{d}amar{d}suen-ni-tum-ma-ta u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₃ ma₂ bala ak u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ iri-sa₁₂-rigₓ(|PA.SAL.HUB₂.DU|){ki}ta ka da-mi-ma-ma-še₃ ma₂ gid₂-da u₄ 2(diš)-še₃ umma...ma₂ diri-ga u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ ma₂ ba-al-la u₄ 1(diš)-še₃ še bala... ugula i₇-pa-e₃ kišib₃ a-du-mu iti {d}dumu-zi mu ma₂ {d}en-ki ba-ab-du₈ ur{d}suen dub-sar dumu ur{geš}... ša₃...","1 male laborer for 4 workdays, from Umma-harbor to Irisagrig barge punted, for 1 workday barley in the barge loaded, from Irisagrig two workdays to reservoir of Vineyard barge floated, for 8 workdays from Uriru-village to reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal barley carried, from reservoir of Amar-Suenītum canal for 2 workdays to Irisagrig barge punted and transfer done; for 2 workdays from Irisagrig to mouth of Damimama barge punted, for 2 workdays to Umma barge floated, for 1 workday barge unloaded; for 1 workday barley transferred; foreman: Ipae, under seal of Adumu; month: “Dumuzi.” year: “The boat of Enki was caulked.” Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official (seal)." P141736,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ga-ga-ra {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx" P141745,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba zi-ga kišib₃-aš ša₃-tam-e-ne u₃ engar-e-ne pisan-bi-še₃ hal-ha i₃-gal₂ ","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx" P141790,Ur III,Administrative," pisan dub-ba ku₃-sig₁₇ zi-ga didli ki šu-eš₁₈-dar-ta kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu ... ...","Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx" P142047,Old Babylonian,Literary," en₂ e₂-nu-ru lu₂-ra muš mu-ra gir₂ mu-ra ur mu₂-da mu-ra uš-bi mu-na-ab-sig₁₀-e {d} hi-e a-ni {d}en-ki-še₃ lu₂ mu-ši-gi₄-gi₄ a-mu lu₂-ra muš mu-ra ŋir₂ mu-ra ur mu₂-da mu-ra uš-bi mu-na-ab-sig₁₀{si}e a-na e₂ ib₂-aka-na-bi nu-zu dumu-mu a-na nu-zu a-na na-ab-dah-e a-la₂ kug-ga-na ba-ni-du₃ nam-šub u₃-me-sig₁₀ a-bi lu₂-kur₂-ra u₃-mu-ni-nag uš-bi ni₂-ba ha-mu-ta-e₃-de₂ lu₂ muš ka ba-du₃ a-bi lu₂-kur₂-ra na₈-na₈-da-kam","enuru: A man a snake struck, a scorpion struck, a rabid dog struck, their spittle gave. Asarluḫi to his father Enki a messenger sends: “My father, a man a snake struck, a scorpion struck, a rabid dog struck, their spittle gave; what to do about it, I don't know.” “My son, what don't you know? What can I add? His silver ala is purified; once to the water the incantation is given, the water the ‘foreigner’ made to drink, may the spittle on its own go out!” A man by a snake bitten: the water the ‘foreigner’ is to be given to drink." P020060,Early Dynastic IIIb,Administrative," 1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) ziz₂ babbar₂ gur sag gal₂ 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(aš) še lugal-pirig-tur sanga e₂-babbar₂ šu-a bi₂-gi₄ šubur nu-banda₃ e₂ ki-sal₄-la-ka e-bala ","95 head-gur 1 barig of white emmer, 165 barley Lugal-pirigtur, administrator of White-temple, delivered; Šubur, overseer into the granary, transferred it; 4th (year)." P011057,Early Dynastic IIIa,Administrative," 2(aš) lu₂-lum-ma 2(aš) lu₂-e₂-zi 4(aš) {d}sud₃ 6(aš) e₂-ki-ba 4(aš) nin-ukken muhaldim 4(aš) {d}sud₃-ur-sag 6(aš) lugal-ezem 3(aš) ur-e₂-gal 3(aš) e₂ nu-dib 4(aš) 2(aš) sa 3(aš) dar-da ugula lu₂-di 5(aš) lu₂-pa₃ 3(aš) e₂-ki-gal-la 5(aš) {d}sud₃-da-zi 6(aš) {d}sud₃ 2(aš) a 4(aš) e₂-nu-si ad-kup₄ 4(aš) e₂-kur-ra 1(u) uru₁₈ 1(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(aš) guruš zi₃ ba 3(ban₂) 5(aš) sila₃ 5(diš) sila₃ šu ba-ti","(total:) 80 less 1 male laborers, flour allotments, 6 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3, 5 sila3 (each) received." P142051,Ur III,Administrative," 2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) udu bar-gal₂ 4(diš) sila₄ bar-gal₂ 7(diš) udu bar-su-ga 3(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) ud₅ maš₂ hi... ki kas₄-ta lu₂{d}suen i₃-dab₅ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul","144 sheep with fleece, 4 lambs with fleece, 7 sheep without fleece, 192 mixed nanny and billy goats, from Kas Lu-Suen took; year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”" P128083,Ur III,Administrative," 5(u) la₂ 1(aš) še gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na 5(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur ku₃-bi 3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam 2(u) 2(diš) {geš}peš₃ še-er-gu 2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ {geš}hašhur hul ku₃-bi 5/6(diš) gin₂ la₂ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še 2(diš) gin₂ ki ur{d}utu-ta šuniŋin 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) 1(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂...ku₃ ša₃-bi-ta 1(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la ki ur-sila-luh mu-kuₓ(DU) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ esir₂ kišib₃ nu-ra-a 6(diš) gin₂ lu₂{d}inana šu ba-ti šuniŋin 1(diš) ma-na 8(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak ur-sila-luh dam-gar₃ egir₆ ba-uš₂-ta nig₂-ka₉-bi ba-ak iti diri mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul","49 gur barley, its silver: 1 mina 5 1/3 shekels, first time; 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, its silver: 2 shekels 22 1/2 grains second time; 22 strings of dates, dried(?), 2 ban2 6 sila3 crushed crabapples, their silver: 5/6 shekels less 2 1/2 grains; 2 shekels from Ur-Utu; total: 1 mina 11 1/6 shekels 20 grains silver; therefrom: 1 mina silver under seal of Lukalla, delivered from Ur-silaluh; 1 2/1 shekels silver (for) bitumen, unsealed; 6 shekels received by Lu-Inanna; total: 1 mina 8 1/2 shekels silver; deficit: 2 2/3 shekels 20 grains silver; account of Ur-silaluh, the trade agent; after he died, this account was done; extra month, year: “Amar-Suen the king destroyed Urbilum.”" P142390,Old Akkadian,Literary," kur-ta ŋen-na kur-ta da sa-ma-na kur-ta ŋen-na kur-ta e₅-da ...sag ki-sikil-ta ŋen ...ta e₅-da munus sikil gaba šu₂-ba ŋuruš gu₂-na šu₂-ba anše erin₂-ba šu₂-ba gud a₂ muš ...ta ŋen-na kur-ta da e₅-gin₇ ki-sikil-la₂ gaba šu₂-ba-gin₇ ŋuruš gu₂ šu₂-ba-gin₇ anše {ŋiš}erin₂-ba šu₂-gin₇ gud a₂-ba šu₂-ba dug₄-ga {d}nin-girimₓ-ma ...šub iri{ki}dug₃-ga mu-mu mu {d} lu₂-hi dumu {d}en-ki-ka abzu nu-mu...","from the mountain gone, from the mountain descended: Samana. from the mountain gone. from the mountain descended. From the pure mountain chain gone, from the mountain descended, on the virgin’s breast fallen, on the young man’s neck fallen, on the donkey’s yoke fallen, on the ox’s wide arms fallen, just as from the mountain gone. ... ... just as from the mountain descended, just as of the virgin’s breast fallen, just as the young man’s neck fallen, just as on the donkey’s yoke fallen, just as on the ox’s wide arms fallen. Incantation of Ningirim, lady of sweet city Šuruppak, of the 7(?). My lines are the lines of Asalluḫi, son of Enki, in the Abzu, it cannot be undone(?)."