{"qid": 0, "query": "Why does man print gimme gimme gimme at 00:30?", "score": 1774, "views": 399370, "answer_pids": [319429, 319468, 319570], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 1, "query": "What is the exact difference between a terminal, a shell, a tty and a console?", "score": 1433, "views": 421588, "answer_pids": [171625, 171626, 202275, 260838, 268777, 304167, 310098, 310108, 345717, 356967], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 2, "query": "How do I get the size of a directory on the command line?", "score": 1322, "views": 2807622, "answer_pids": [246124, 246126, 246131, 246132, 246149, 264546, 273257, 274092, 280351, 292201, 294507, 297024, 299330, 299332, 301805, 339966], "question_author": "Magnus"} {"qid": 3, "query": "How to correctly add a path to PATH?", "score": 1174, "views": 2783588, "answer_pids": [182990, 182998, 183003, 183004, 242734, 245304, 264824, 275363, 308388, 318124, 322589], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 4, "query": "How to install a deb file, by dpkg -i or by apt?", "score": 988, "views": 2898831, "answer_pids": [236951, 236954, 236957, 246794, 296042, 309402, 310718], "question_author": "John Lee"} {"qid": 5, "query": "How to copy files from one machine to another using ssh", "score": 986, "views": 3582018, "answer_pids": [217563, 217564, 217574, 217584, 376082, 378595, 380311, 383964, 385004, 387198], "question_author": "allred"} {"qid": 6, "query": "How can I replace a string in a file(s)?", "score": 879, "views": 1706121, "answer_pids": [219917, 243854, 258038, 264714, 269233, 277593, 319122, 361124, 370159], "question_author": "Chip"} {"qid": 7, "query": "How to unfreeze after accidentally pressing Ctrl-S in a terminal?", "score": 864, "views": 492418, "answer_pids": [175806, 175827], "question_author": "Peter Smit"} {"qid": 8, "query": "Why was ~ chosen to represent the home directory?", "score": 836, "views": 169747, "answer_pids": [187161, 187162], "question_author": "Rowell"} {"qid": 9, "query": "How do I grep for multiple patterns with pattern having a pipe character?", "score": 764, "views": 1761823, "answer_pids": [188623, 188624, 188625, 188659, 256896, 285133, 294417, 296078, 299171, 329301, 329385, 344872, 350373], "question_author": "BlairHippo"} {"qid": 10, "query": "What is the purpose of the lost+found folder in Linux and Unix?", "score": 721, "views": 359954, "answer_pids": [178946, 178947, 192872], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 11, "query": "How do I make `ls` show file sizes in megabytes?", "score": 684, "views": 1553133, "answer_pids": [200385, 200386], "question_author": "Peter Smit"} {"qid": 12, "query": "Difference between nohup, disown and &", "score": 684, "views": 325806, "answer_pids": [171482, 232882, 302599], "question_author": "gsharp"} {"qid": 13, "query": "How to see full log from systemctl status service?", "score": 683, "views": 963421, "answer_pids": [259861, 324063, 363118, 363142, 388918], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 14, "query": "How to run find -exec?", "score": 675, "views": 1103644, "answer_pids": [176235, 176236, 176242, 261428, 280931, 313383], "question_author": "Rui Vieira"} {"qid": 15, "query": "Tracking down where disk space has gone on Linux?", "score": 669, "views": 738002, "answer_pids": [225218, 225219, 225220, 225221, 225222, 225223, 225224, 225225, 225226, 225227, 225228, 225229, 225230, 225231, 225232, 225233, 225234, 225235, 225236, 225237, 225238, 290213, 330769, 340403, 355210, 382399], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 16, "query": "What does -- (double-dash) mean?", "score": 659, "views": 248985, "answer_pids": [175432, 175434, 246763, 334473, 372862], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 17, "query": "How to cycle through reverse-i-search in BASH?", "score": 638, "views": 415744, "answer_pids": [204044, 204055, 239614, 357969], "question_author": "Stefan Lasiewski"} {"qid": 18, "query": "Why is printf better than echo?", "score": 635, "views": 273155, "answer_pids": [201117, 201118, 201124, 236958], "question_author": "Tobiasopdenbrouw"} {"qid": 19, "query": "How do I zip/unzip on the unix command line?", "score": 634, "views": 2214270, "answer_pids": [172943, 172944, 172962, 172975, 172982, 237472, 293897, 312903, 313913], "question_author": "Steve Hansell"} {"qid": 20, "query": "Preserve bash history in multiple terminal windows", "score": 633, "views": 227869, "answer_pids": [170013, 170014, 170016, 182636, 193846, 193847, 193848, 193849, 193850, 227961, 240432, 257510, 258794, 288417, 304411, 311239, 313011, 327592, 332272, 378941], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 21, "query": "How to switch between users on one terminal?", "score": 630, "views": 2638996, "answer_pids": [171318, 171319, 232147, 238438, 254261, 278547, 280415, 288166, 354589], "question_author": "Jungle Hunter"} {"qid": 22, "query": "What do the numbers in a man page mean?", "score": 622, "views": 172045, "answer_pids": [171326, 171328, 171340, 176127, 178908, 229554, 262384, 283271], "question_author": "Peter Smit"} {"qid": 23, "query": "Zip all files in directory?", "score": 617, "views": 1687012, "answer_pids": [197167, 197203, 297772, 331721], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 24, "query": "Why am I still getting a password prompt with ssh with public key authentication?", "score": 597, "views": 986926, "answer_pids": [188280, 188300, 188323, 190989, 194231, 196449, 203356, 205238, 207511, 211460, 214883, 218435, 228088, 228116, 235206, 236673, 238981, 239366, 242029, 275510, 279201, 329941, 337095], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 25, "query": "Using ${a:-b} for variable assignment in scripts", "score": 593, "views": 441299, "answer_pids": [224114, 224126, 224130], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 26, "query": "/usr/bin vs /usr/local/bin on Linux", "score": 589, "views": 163194, "answer_pids": [173991, 173992, 173995, 173996, 271870], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 27, "query": "Why is it better to use #!/usr/bin/env NAME instead of #!/path/to/NAME as my shebang?", "score": 588, "views": 247269, "answer_pids": [184791, 184796, 184858, 204482, 205872, 243966, 249229, 264609, 321103, 366702], "question_author": "Dmitriy Likhten"} {"qid": 28, "query": "Does curl have a --no-check-certificate option like wget?", "score": 573, "views": 824404, "answer_pids": [198895, 218906, 325875, 375692], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 29, "query": "Repeat a Unix command every x seconds forever", "score": 564, "views": 595802, "answer_pids": [175060, 175061, 175062, 175063, 175064, 175065, 184448, 186535, 186577, 199357, 204151, 215148, 215162, 219690, 219700, 223771, 241879, 333797], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 30, "query": "How can I reduce a videos size with ffmpeg?", "score": 562, "views": 608695, "answer_pids": [189128, 281886, 295519, 297516, 332782, 346006, 348096, 349989, 360242, 366419], "question_author": "theotherreceive"} {"qid": 31, "query": "What if kill -9 does not work?", "score": 556, "views": 653586, "answer_pids": [172412, 172413, 172414, 172424, 172430, 172439, 172451, 172454, 202684, 202694, 213118, 302371, 332495], "question_author": "petrus"} {"qid": 32, "query": "Finding the PID of the process using a specific port?", "score": 541, "views": 1052199, "answer_pids": [217600, 217606, 291841, 291842, 298785, 371241], "question_author": "Olivier Lalonde"} {"qid": 33, "query": "How to force ssh client to use only password auth?", "score": 533, "views": 541962, "answer_pids": [177375, 177410, 224826, 248741, 271111, 273542, 292997, 321582, 373487], "question_author": "Kevin Yap"} {"qid": 34, "query": "What is the difference between /opt and /usr/local?", "score": 529, "views": 380376, "answer_pids": [175520, 175521, 175522, 175524, 175535, 267995, 368520, 371757], "question_author": "Shane Stillwell"} {"qid": 35, "query": "Scroll inside Screen, or Pause Output", "score": 525, "views": 445899, "answer_pids": [190030, 190032, 249188, 325239, 363007, 371435], "question_author": "Josh"} {"qid": 36, "query": "How to get execution time of a script effectively?", "score": 523, "views": 700358, "answer_pids": [195423, 195425, 195435, 210811, 229593, 231312, 240569, 270543, 298501, 303732, 308063, 321833, 337056, 351465, 361764, 370162, 376729, 384800], "question_author": "gbr"} {"qid": 37, "query": "How can I resolve a hostname to an IP address in a Bash script?", "score": 514, "views": 733948, "answer_pids": [180273, 180274, 180277, 180283, 180295, 180490, 192469, 193742, 212907, 212916, 218552, 228936, 236706, 251189, 258369, 259099, 275353, 292184, 302710, 306424, 317677, 318953, 348626, 359105], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 38, "query": "How to display `top` results sorted by memory usage in real time?", "score": 506, "views": 781419, "answer_pids": [226711, 242130, 255033, 257569, 259458, 270903, 277092, 312422, 336441], "question_author": "Tobiasopdenbrouw"} {"qid": 39, "query": "How do I check package version using apt-get / aptitude?", "score": 494, "views": 711675, "answer_pids": [172779, 211019, 211172, 266097, 305656, 330429, 333549], "question_author": "Olivier Lalonde"} {"qid": 40, "query": "Can I zip an entire folder using gzip?", "score": 489, "views": 1216081, "answer_pids": [212722, 212724, 283466, 296153, 312893, 316684, 348154], "question_author": "mouche"} {"qid": 41, "query": "How do I copy a folder keeping owners and permissions intact?", "score": 478, "views": 852891, "answer_pids": [191678, 191679, 191680, 191681, 191682, 191697, 263719, 354031], "question_author": "James T"} {"qid": 42, "query": "Turn off buffering in pipe", "score": 475, "views": 263178, "answer_pids": [182655, 182656, 182657, 182658, 182659, 195941, 199355, 224209, 227233, 258530, 292239, 293198], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 43, "query": "Can less retain colored output?", "score": 471, "views": 172926, "answer_pids": [179540, 179541, 199805, 246767, 256101, 317411, 346877, 383574], "question_author": "Stefan Lasiewski"} {"qid": 44, "query": "What is a bind mount?", "score": 464, "views": 377943, "answer_pids": [250859, 383132], "question_author": "colithium"} {"qid": 45, "query": "How to forward X over SSH to run graphics applications remotely?", "score": 461, "views": 1179511, "answer_pids": [176154, 176163, 193181, 209281, 229291, 232527, 290975, 315331, 331195, 376448], "question_author": "Erlend"} {"qid": 46, "query": "How to append multiple lines to a file", "score": 460, "views": 1032808, "answer_pids": [205722, 205723, 232381, 275448, 280455, 309365, 312305, 320396, 329472], "question_author": "JPFlathead"} {"qid": 47, "query": "Execute vs Read bit. How do directory permissions in Linux work?", "score": 453, "views": 333651, "answer_pids": [180526, 180527, 180533, 291096, 320139, 330025, 355964], "question_author": "Mike Wills"} {"qid": 48, "query": "Can grep output only specified groupings that match?", "score": 442, "views": 485975, "answer_pids": [176527, 176528, 176529, 213136, 278065, 329619, 329758, 347705], "question_author": "Juan A. Navarro"} {"qid": 49, "query": "recursive mkdir", "score": 442, "views": 470317, "answer_pids": [194405, 277647, 329898], "question_author": "Jonas"} {"qid": 50, "query": "How to conditionally do something if a command succeeded or failed", "score": 437, "views": 745707, "answer_pids": [181305, 181306, 181313, 211765, 249097, 269073, 318854, 319342, 319620], "question_author": "mouche"} {"qid": 51, "query": "What is the difference between the Bash operators [[ vs [ vs ( vs ((?", "score": 436, "views": 185544, "answer_pids": [287407, 287408, 287410, 287413, 320234, 323166], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 52, "query": "Difference between Login Shell and Non-Login Shell?", "score": 435, "views": 246279, "answer_pids": [189030, 189034, 193237, 264319, 354893, 371264], "question_author": "jof"} {"qid": 53, "query": "How does reverse SSH tunneling work?", "score": 432, "views": 302207, "answer_pids": [192915, 192931, 222305, 314892], "question_author": "MattE"} {"qid": 54, "query": "How do I remove a user from a group?", "score": 430, "views": 847197, "answer_pids": [184775, 184776, 204600, 213757, 241703, 243907, 343705], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 55, "query": "How do I delete a file whose name begins with - (hyphen a.k.a. dash or minus)?", "score": 428, "views": 181294, "answer_pids": [170147, 170153, 170585, 183048, 184552, 192392, 232184, 304222], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 56, "query": "Why not use which? What to use then?", "score": 422, "views": 66636, "answer_pids": [209221, 209231, 209566, 389893], "question_author": "longda"} {"qid": 57, "query": "When should I not kill -9 a process?", "score": 419, "views": 191629, "answer_pids": [174124, 174125, 174127, 219591, 219611, 219620, 227496, 227512, 281547], "question_author": "Olivier Lalonde"} {"qid": 58, "query": "How can I pass a command line argument into a shell script?", "score": 414, "views": 1492956, "answer_pids": [185726, 185727, 185728, 185735, 284232, 315216, 350097, 365664], "question_author": "Scott Boultinghouse"} {"qid": 59, "query": "refresh changed content of file opened in vi(m)", "score": 412, "views": 245028, "answer_pids": [233087, 233091, 311743], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 60, "query": "What does LC_ALL=C do?", "score": 409, "views": 342760, "answer_pids": [210322, 210323, 210331, 279235, 290571], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 61, "query": "What are the pros and cons of Vim and Emacs?", "score": 406, "views": 362736, "answer_pids": [169821, 169822, 169823, 169826, 169839, 169845, 170037, 170042, 170437, 171299, 181233, 187986, 191711], "question_author": "Pandom"} {"qid": 62, "query": "How do I use pushd and popd commands?", "score": 405, "views": 409074, "answer_pids": [205635, 205637, 262239, 275325, 295278, 302483, 329121, 345904, 353031, 353072], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 63, "query": "In Bash, when to alias, when to script, and when to write a function?", "score": 399, "views": 75233, "answer_pids": [185474, 185476, 185483, 185491, 185517, 185624, 185715, 189062, 220250, 262899, 268046, 269916, 360886], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 64, "query": "How can I run a command which will survive terminal close?", "score": 398, "views": 546823, "answer_pids": [171550, 171553, 195875, 197469, 220862, 222749, 246075, 273130, 274138, 276186, 330659], "question_author": "longda"} {"qid": 65, "query": "How to clear journalctl", "score": 395, "views": 441739, "answer_pids": [229908, 245610, 249183, 253446, 256223, 296355, 335802, 340820, 350288, 359215, 363954, 383698, 387419], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 66, "query": "Delete from cursor to end of line in `vi`", "score": 393, "views": 323486, "answer_pids": [171788, 171791, 171796, 267957, 323676, 334754], "question_author": "elmarco"} {"qid": 67, "query": "Using sed to find and replace", "score": 392, "views": 1757576, "answer_pids": [237046, 237047], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 68, "query": "Get exit status of process thats piped to another", "score": 392, "views": 198044, "answer_pids": [176945, 176947, 176951, 176952, 176954, 178192, 202823, 203900, 203919, 206344, 215724, 253775, 266411, 267143], "question_author": "Chris S"} {"qid": 69, "query": "How do I loop through only directories in bash?", "score": 389, "views": 603043, "answer_pids": [209888, 209889, 209891, 213944, 213948, 214012, 214013, 214018, 257770, 385119], "question_author": "Aaron"} {"qid": 70, "query": "What is the difference between curl and wget?", "score": 389, "views": 243213, "answer_pids": [193515, 203868, 233583, 363557], "question_author": "Larry Wang"} {"qid": 71, "query": "How to copy a file from a remote server to a local machine?", "score": 384, "views": 1625415, "answer_pids": [247026, 262194, 280651, 297488, 306936, 346429], "question_author": "Wesley Burr"} {"qid": 72, "query": "How to generate a random string?", "score": 377, "views": 355098, "answer_pids": [261816, 261817, 261820, 261828, 261859, 262317, 287404, 287405, 291846, 298203, 305300, 335550, 341530, 344313, 346930, 347500, 354503], "question_author": "OzNetNerd"} {"qid": 73, "query": "How can I find the implementations of Linux kernel system calls?", "score": 376, "views": 46597, "answer_pids": [169693, 169696, 169703, 169734, 169800, 172304, 172516], "question_author": "nivlam"} {"qid": 74, "query": "Ctrl-s hangs the terminal emulator?", "score": 371, "views": 220544, "answer_pids": [203424, 203425], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 75, "query": "How to do integer & float calculations, in bash or other languages/frameworks?", "score": 370, "views": 500353, "answer_pids": [190290, 190291, 190292, 190294, 190298, 190302, 190304, 190310, 190323, 190343, 190345, 190362, 190403, 221632, 228616, 250427], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 76, "query": "How to check OS and version using a Linux command", "score": 369, "views": 1807691, "answer_pids": [210728, 210729, 210730], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 77, "query": "How do you empty the buffers and cache on a Linux system?", "score": 366, "views": 826527, "answer_pids": [210393], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 78, "query": "How can I prevent grep from showing up in ps results?", "score": 365, "views": 208248, "answer_pids": [204360, 204362, 204363, 204364, 204367, 204391, 243464, 274375, 287607, 361301], "question_author": "Olivier Lalonde"} {"qid": 79, "query": "finds -exec rm {} \\; vs -delete", "score": 358, "views": 445512, "answer_pids": [239963, 249283, 249287], "question_author": "Chris Travers"} {"qid": 80, "query": "How can I use sed to replace a multi-line string?", "score": 353, "views": 450856, "answer_pids": [183122, 183123, 183124, 183131, 234410, 263372, 271224, 272631, 286579, 289130, 297528, 308130, 355738, 373976], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 81, "query": "What are the shells control and redirection operators?", "score": 353, "views": 166949, "answer_pids": [237116, 237176, 246264], "question_author": "Aaron"} {"qid": 82, "query": "How can I find broken symlinks", "score": 352, "views": 209453, "answer_pids": [187187, 187191, 189286, 194509, 198295, 204347, 238492, 258620, 329890, 361526], "question_author": "Wil"} {"qid": 83, "query": "Compress a folder with tar?", "score": 349, "views": 722626, "answer_pids": [193284, 366800], "question_author": "hrtednrup"} {"qid": 84, "query": "How can I delete all lines in a file using vi?", "score": 348, "views": 569755, "answer_pids": [237637, 237638, 237640, 237654, 237759, 237788, 237830, 237961, 284252, 348741], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 85, "query": "What characters do I need to escape when using sed in a sh script?", "score": 346, "views": 563331, "answer_pids": [186509, 186549, 186556, 367896], "question_author": "Jader Dias"} {"qid": 86, "query": "Remove all files/directories except for one file", "score": 344, "views": 538692, "answer_pids": [234976, 234979, 234981, 235015, 235061, 235063, 315224, 359384], "question_author": "David"} {"qid": 87, "query": "Why does my shell script choke on whitespace or other special characters?", "score": 341, "views": 324437, "answer_pids": [227468, 227476, 235631, 326705], "question_author": "pihentagy"} {"qid": 88, "query": "What DNS servers am I using?", "score": 340, "views": 916903, "answer_pids": [184453, 184461, 184918, 205899, 246552, 248714, 248718, 266295, 320385, 328718, 344369, 382156], "question_author": "Jon Galloway"} {"qid": 89, "query": "How do I set my DNS when resolv.conf is being overwritten?", "score": 339, "views": 1019449, "answer_pids": [226392, 228194, 235250, 235389, 238295, 238758, 239568, 248419, 264493, 305190, 326932, 334475, 349863], "question_author": "tkit"} {"qid": 90, "query": "How can I get the size of a file in a bash script?", "score": 338, "views": 571515, "answer_pids": [178155, 178156, 178157, 178158, 178171, 245849, 257055, 270118, 292370, 297253, 309738], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 91, "query": "Does curl have a timeout?", "score": 333, "views": 558750, "answer_pids": [213378, 213445, 229846, 342348], "question_author": "user209"} {"qid": 92, "query": "In a bash script, using the conditional or in an if statement", "score": 329, "views": 910148, "answer_pids": [193583, 365121, 365124, 371917], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 93, "query": "What is the fastest way to view images from the terminal?", "score": 329, "views": 907651, "answer_pids": [187708, 187715, 223328, 223334, 238218, 238229, 244918, 260739, 267954, 277137, 277265, 277316, 288602, 298566, 299579, 302264, 309484, 310218, 313536, 330473, 348157, 356860, 380903], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 94, "query": "GPU usage monitoring (CUDA)", "score": 328, "views": 662752, "answer_pids": [189220, 189227, 198197, 206132, 216053, 246481, 251550, 281663, 299353, 304333, 315096, 315823, 318444, 341587, 346874, 387993], "question_author": "Paddyslacker"} {"qid": 95, "query": "How to get over device or resource busy?", "score": 326, "views": 983780, "answer_pids": [175364, 175372, 224116, 229292, 257018, 302724, 311754, 328938, 337769], "question_author": "pgb"} {"qid": 96, "query": "How can I monitor disk io?", "score": 326, "views": 820032, "answer_pids": [196313, 196314, 196321, 196323, 196350, 200026, 224096, 250192, 334318, 387732], "question_author": "Matt Casto"} {"qid": 97, "query": "Specify identity file (id_rsa) with rsync", "score": 322, "views": 323278, "answer_pids": [226043, 226044, 243230, 277377], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 98, "query": "How do I clear Bashs cache of paths to executables?", "score": 319, "views": 89498, "answer_pids": [172396, 174369, 236483, 257828], "question_author": "tkit"} {"qid": 99, "query": "How to list all files ordered by size", "score": 317, "views": 615690, "answer_pids": [196079, 196081, 196087, 196088, 196110, 253414, 260655, 281926, 283119, 284904], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 100, "query": "Whats the story behind Super Cow Powers?", "score": 317, "views": 85486, "answer_pids": [212268, 212272, 212292, 212350, 216833], "question_author": "Jonas"} {"qid": 101, "query": "What does rc in .bashrc stand for?", "score": 315, "views": 75387, "answer_pids": [171264, 171266, 212965, 341134], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 102, "query": "How to set default file permissions for all folders/files in a directory?", "score": 314, "views": 556798, "answer_pids": [170031, 295390, 350646], "question_author": "Daniel Dib"} {"qid": 103, "query": "Count total number of occurrences using grep", "score": 313, "views": 817762, "answer_pids": [173173, 173175, 176389, 176391, 192397, 297447], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 104, "query": "How can I get my external IP address in a shell script?", "score": 311, "views": 424078, "answer_pids": [181244, 181247, 181458, 181714, 181977, 181979, 202344, 205105, 207670, 207710, 226341, 232227, 238309, 242097, 243207, 243490, 249218, 263517, 268889, 300001], "question_author": "nivlam"} {"qid": 105, "query": "How to get the pid of the last executed command in shell script?", "score": 311, "views": 387506, "answer_pids": [185204, 271104, 272447], "question_author": null} {"qid": 106, "query": "How to list keys added to ssh-agent with ssh-add?", "score": 311, "views": 317223, "answer_pids": [198068, 366817], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 107, "query": "Is it possible to see cp speed and percent copied?", "score": 310, "views": 474954, "answer_pids": [200799, 200800, 200856, 217987, 235106, 240494, 249173, 273526, 280468, 285736, 285749, 288701, 314796, 315717, 352942, 367167], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 108, "query": "How to colorize output of git?", "score": 308, "views": 203061, "answer_pids": [192012, 192019, 206103, 241350, 284356, 286705, 301177, 310950, 330563, 369239, 369482], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 109, "query": "Copy a file back to local system with ssh", "score": 307, "views": 360309, "answer_pids": [170923, 170952, 177095, 182761, 182762, 187438, 205538, 217014, 243240], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 110, "query": "How to split the terminal into more than one view?", "score": 304, "views": 632702, "answer_pids": [173419, 173441, 182797, 186958, 188420, 205111, 263757, 266285, 303370, 380236], "question_author": "Jaydles"} {"qid": 111, "query": "Hide curl output", "score": 304, "views": 447302, "answer_pids": [250085, 305644], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 112, "query": "How to view the output of a running process in another bash session?", "score": 302, "views": 475766, "answer_pids": [197879, 197880, 197900, 277174, 288280, 293586, 305177, 356503], "question_author": "Jonas"} {"qid": 113, "query": "How can I run ssh-add automatically, without a password prompt?", "score": 302, "views": 419555, "answer_pids": [211703, 211708, 245540, 257277, 263512, 279357, 284485, 290824, 295567, 313258, 319931], "question_author": "Jaydles"} {"qid": 114, "query": "How to define tab delimiter with cut in BASH?", "score": 300, "views": 403112, "answer_pids": [187726, 187729, 187735, 240534], "question_author": "nos"} {"qid": 115, "query": "How to have tail -f show colored output", "score": 298, "views": 229939, "answer_pids": [173857, 173859, 173902, 174356, 174365, 180902, 192211, 197981, 200188, 201581, 203198, 204145, 230849, 246420, 254830, 259430, 281155, 292054], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 116, "query": "What do the fields in ls -al output mean?", "score": 296, "views": 398287, "answer_pids": [216103, 216104, 216105, 230515], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 117, "query": "What is the difference between `grep`, `egrep`, and `fgrep`?", "score": 294, "views": 325322, "answer_pids": [178840, 178841, 178842, 178843, 244706], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 118, "query": "How to know number of cores of a system in Linux?", "score": 292, "views": 574952, "answer_pids": [257618, 257621, 267909, 273263, 278404, 291845, 295102, 295422, 302207], "question_author": "MBraedley"} {"qid": 119, "query": "How to permanently set environmental variables", "score": 290, "views": 1086543, "answer_pids": [221796, 221798, 260518], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 120, "query": "How can I instruct yum to install a specific version of package X?", "score": 290, "views": 715257, "answer_pids": [234114, 234141], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 121, "query": "How can I test if a variable is empty or contains only spaces?", "score": 290, "views": 534622, "answer_pids": [232160, 232188, 232224, 232261, 232341, 261484, 346276, 371404], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 122, "query": "How do I change the extension of multiple files?", "score": 289, "views": 441035, "answer_pids": [179722, 179723, 179724, 185301, 233299, 237085, 245937, 246008, 300971, 311846, 339581, 345461, 379652], "question_author": "Gary"} {"qid": 123, "query": "Write all tmux scrollback to a file", "score": 286, "views": 129140, "answer_pids": [183249, 183255, 220806, 234607, 264045, 324088, 331067, 347504, 374347, 378343], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 124, "query": "How to remove a single line from history?", "score": 285, "views": 296990, "answer_pids": [194381, 243427, 262860, 274305, 298555, 327798, 363139, 368606], "question_author": "spong"} {"qid": 125, "query": "Colorizing your terminal and shell environment?", "score": 284, "views": 811545, "answer_pids": [169286, 169287, 169294, 169303, 169366, 185030, 203314, 204139, 243621, 243622, 247410, 252260, 252316, 257704, 257706, 287637, 298455, 330421, 363940], "question_author": "JadeMason"} {"qid": 126, "query": "Whats the difference between $(stuff) and `stuff`?", "score": 283, "views": 34511, "answer_pids": [172493, 172494, 172500, 206303, 221112, 294224], "question_author": "Gary"} {"qid": 127, "query": "Prepending a timestamp to each line of output from a command", "score": 282, "views": 161247, "answer_pids": [183337, 183367, 284125, 284131, 285151, 293144, 319186, 373683, 381378], "question_author": "Matt Casto"} {"qid": 128, "query": "How do I equally balance tmux(1) split panes?", "score": 281, "views": 116655, "answer_pids": [187473, 188690, 188840, 289817, 334267, 349031], "question_author": "googletorp"} {"qid": 129, "query": "Better colors so comments arent dark blue in Vim?", "score": 280, "views": 286104, "answer_pids": [210844, 210845, 210851, 210852, 210921, 263651, 289007, 302813, 335247], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 130, "query": "What should/shouldnt go in .zshenv, .zshrc, .zlogin, .zprofile, .zlogout?", "score": 280, "views": 153221, "answer_pids": [203088, 345107], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 131, "query": "How can I get a count of files in a directory using the command line?", "score": 278, "views": 726707, "answer_pids": [169912, 169916, 169917, 169924, 169925, 242233, 243934, 247589, 264377, 282203, 289823, 333702, 343157], "question_author": "Chris Travers"} {"qid": 132, "query": "How to check how long a process has been running?", "score": 277, "views": 397384, "answer_pids": [173658, 173659, 173660, 173759, 210657, 296968, 337037, 339475, 351324], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 133, "query": "Moving tmux pane to window", "score": 274, "views": 131665, "answer_pids": [176959, 185314, 192257, 192979, 230113, 283471, 312858], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 134, "query": "How to know whether Wayland or X11 is being used", "score": 272, "views": 289359, "answer_pids": [266569, 293738, 303487, 304806, 304879, 308563, 337637, 365023], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 135, "query": "Why doesnt my Bash script recognize aliases?", "score": 272, "views": 220229, "answer_pids": [170134, 170135, 170148, 225207, 379127], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 136, "query": "How does a Segmentation Fault work under-the-hood?", "score": 272, "views": 36434, "answer_pids": [271303, 271306, 271327, 271372], "question_author": "Matt Casto"} {"qid": 137, "query": "List available updates but do not install them", "score": 271, "views": 392947, "answer_pids": [179628, 179629, 179632, 205070, 207294, 209712, 231197, 240366, 246923, 265215, 292089, 292279, 294097, 305225, 317647, 335647], "question_author": "zvolkov"} {"qid": 138, "query": "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "score": 271, "views": 323913, "answer_pids": [175853, 175877, 181905, 181920, 328349], "question_author": "Aaron"} {"qid": 139, "query": "What are the differences between most, more and less?", "score": 267, "views": 205414, "answer_pids": [207419, 237706, 271699, 319129, 377005], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 140, "query": "What is the real difference between apt-get and aptitude? (How about wajig?)", "score": 267, "views": 117421, "answer_pids": [169350, 169357, 169673, 169674, 169709, 169789, 173446, 177486, 217614, 250377], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 141, "query": "How do I set an environment variable on the command line and have it appear in commands?", "score": 266, "views": 438652, "answer_pids": [196908, 196909, 196912, 328965, 385164], "question_author": "gsharp"} {"qid": 142, "query": "How can I make Press any key to continue", "score": 266, "views": 267692, "answer_pids": [283473, 283486, 283582], "question_author": "Michael Underwood"} {"qid": 143, "query": "How do I find out what hard disks are in the system?", "score": 265, "views": 1063691, "answer_pids": [171863, 171864, 173901, 185738, 195048, 197946, 206462, 208628, 213194, 224613, 296533, 306378], "question_author": "Sairam"} {"qid": 144, "query": "How do I trim leading and trailing whitespace from each line of some output?", "score": 265, "views": 524236, "answer_pids": [215654, 215657, 215661, 215735, 253103, 261051, 278360, 304903, 359045, 366451, 367623, 369828, 377022, 389918], "question_author": "Mohamed"} {"qid": 145, "query": "Whats the point in adding a new line to the end of a file?", "score": 265, "views": 169166, "answer_pids": [179252, 179254, 179279, 179370, 261059, 319069], "question_author": "Chris Huang-Leaver"} {"qid": 146, "query": "How to terminate a background process?", "score": 264, "views": 725610, "answer_pids": [216860, 216861, 216862, 234771, 282621, 298474, 333297, 348580, 368168], "question_author": "Sairam"} {"qid": 147, "query": "Keep processes running after SSH session disconnects", "score": 262, "views": 240699, "answer_pids": [169499, 169504, 169507, 169515, 181751, 181765, 266137, 295715, 361408, 384304], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 148, "query": "Convince apt-get *not* to use IPv6 method", "score": 262, "views": 188217, "answer_pids": [174686, 174688, 174695, 176413, 215188, 224566, 237349], "question_author": "Stefan Lasiewski"} {"qid": 149, "query": "What is the eval command in bash?", "score": 261, "views": 648375, "answer_pids": [181507, 181508, 181509, 236180, 268663, 268733, 326520], "question_author": "Am1rr3zA"} {"qid": 150, "query": "How to reload udev rules without reboot?", "score": 261, "views": 513596, "answer_pids": [189618, 189673, 221280, 254126, 281944, 309088, 367218], "question_author": "Aaronaught"} {"qid": 151, "query": "How to know if a disk is an SSD or an HDD", "score": 261, "views": 353903, "answer_pids": [201019, 201020, 201022, 260593, 260618, 270058, 283083, 364355, 365662], "question_author": "neirbowj"} {"qid": 152, "query": "How to go to the previous working directory in terminal?", "score": 259, "views": 274294, "answer_pids": [207457, 207458, 207459, 207486, 243881, 342531], "question_author": "Michael Paulukonis"} {"qid": 153, "query": "Change the Python3 default version in Ubuntu", "score": 257, "views": 649838, "answer_pids": [321097, 321187, 342912, 344475, 347988, 350321, 354137, 354138, 354404], "question_author": "bretik"} {"qid": 154, "query": "How to write startup script for Systemd?", "score": 257, "views": 488929, "answer_pids": [193642], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 155, "query": "Most efficient method to empty the contents of a file", "score": 257, "views": 429504, "answer_pids": [210814, 278160, 344411], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 156, "query": "View stdout/stderr of systemd service", "score": 257, "views": 357596, "answer_pids": [197285, 220957], "question_author": "bobtheowl2"} {"qid": 157, "query": "How can I update to a newer version of Git using apt-get?", "score": 257, "views": 319093, "answer_pids": [186868, 186883, 241088, 293335], "question_author": "Kelly McDowell"} {"qid": 158, "query": "How can I get the current working directory?", "score": 256, "views": 933670, "answer_pids": [246989, 246990, 246991, 246992, 247000], "question_author": "Louis Salin"} {"qid": 159, "query": "How to monitor CPU/memory usage of a single process?", "score": 255, "views": 411409, "answer_pids": [169545, 169549, 169584, 207441, 251168, 301264, 322500, 351179, 357542, 361249, 369461], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 160, "query": "Can rsync resume after being interrupted?", "score": 255, "views": 243440, "answer_pids": [193945, 232305, 239017, 269659, 349779, 357117, 389420], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 161, "query": "Multiple similar entries in ssh config", "score": 255, "views": 137596, "answer_pids": [199288, 199292, 240219, 298868, 315356, 364376], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 162, "query": "Sort and count number of occurrence of lines", "score": 253, "views": 377024, "answer_pids": [240808, 253163, 273068], "question_author": "naugtur"} {"qid": 163, "query": "Whats ssh port forwarding and whats the difference between ssh local and remote port forwarding", "score": 250, "views": 151335, "answer_pids": [221118, 221120], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 164, "query": "Recursively delete all files with a given extension", "score": 249, "views": 413963, "answer_pids": [221336, 221337], "question_author": "naugtur"} {"qid": 165, "query": "How do I convert an epoch timestamp to a human readable format on the cli?", "score": 249, "views": 364127, "answer_pids": [170992, 170996, 170997, 171477, 210377, 258149, 258151, 272494], "question_author": "Am1rr3zA"} {"qid": 166, "query": "How to display meminfo in megabytes in top?", "score": 249, "views": 336518, "answer_pids": [217312, 217313, 217321, 225782, 268951, 272394, 371860], "question_author": "Zoredache"} {"qid": 167, "query": "Where did the wheel group get its name?", "score": 249, "views": 115905, "answer_pids": [169996, 170000, 170001, 171945], "question_author": "Mike"} {"qid": 168, "query": "Why *not* parse `ls` (and what to do instead)?", "score": 249, "views": 49895, "answer_pids": [226730, 226732, 226759, 226767, 226788, 226897, 226927, 227010], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 169, "query": "Why is FreeBSD deprecating GCC in favor of Clang/LLVM?", "score": 248, "views": 94078, "answer_pids": [194728, 194758, 196368, 199271], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 170, "query": "how can I make cron run a job right now, for testing/debugging? without changing the schedule!", "score": 247, "views": 462969, "answer_pids": [191248, 255885, 266904, 361792, 370247, 376031], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 171, "query": "Kernel inotify watch limit reached", "score": 247, "views": 167375, "answer_pids": [176673], "question_author": "Mark Byers"} {"qid": 172, "query": "How to create a new window on the current directory in tmux?", "score": 246, "views": 126264, "answer_pids": [175801, 207716, 216615, 218826, 222198, 278638], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 173, "query": "What does env x=() { :;}; command bash do and why is it insecure?", "score": 246, "views": 112836, "answer_pids": [236300, 236301, 236331, 236368, 236411], "question_author": "Nitrodist"} {"qid": 174, "query": "What is `^M` and how do I get rid of it?", "score": 245, "views": 329508, "answer_pids": [186036, 186044, 186046, 186064, 186301, 266763, 277603, 294536, 294576, 368483], "question_author": "Studer"} {"qid": 175, "query": "How can I send stdout to multiple commands?", "score": 245, "views": 172775, "answer_pids": [184215, 184222, 184226, 191644, 242329, 295045, 299309, 327640, 363678, 378242], "question_author": "Mark Norgren"} {"qid": 176, "query": "Delete the last character of a string using string manipulation in shell script", "score": 244, "views": 582532, "answer_pids": [231058, 231059, 231061, 231069, 231072, 256534, 261579, 271779, 271782, 288813, 315623, 325016], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 177, "query": "How to tell gzip to keep original file?", "score": 243, "views": 282397, "answer_pids": [193204, 197990, 206654], "question_author": "tkit"} {"qid": 178, "query": "How create a temporary file in shell script?", "score": 243, "views": 239091, "answer_pids": [244759, 244760, 244762, 244782, 306067], "question_author": "David Lozzi"} {"qid": 179, "query": "What do the flags in /proc/cpuinfo mean?", "score": 242, "views": 160708, "answer_pids": [191646, 191661, 227370, 258192, 366107, 375864], "question_author": "Larry Smithmier"} {"qid": 180, "query": "SSH tunneling error: channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed", "score": 241, "views": 446207, "answer_pids": [176882, 176890, 176893, 197833, 197966, 205364, 205804, 210168, 212904, 228215, 250302, 257313, 259391, 274795, 284775, 305577, 322157, 330177], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 181, "query": "Why is using a shell loop to process text considered bad practice?", "score": 241, "views": 54743, "answer_pids": [240696, 240715, 240924, 285822], "question_author": "Network Canuck"} {"qid": 182, "query": "Security implications of forgetting to quote a variable in bash/POSIX shells", "score": 241, "views": 34702, "answer_pids": [241282, 278974, 280858], "question_author": "Chris Travers"} {"qid": 183, "query": "How to import secret gpg key (copied from one machine to another)?", "score": 239, "views": 305686, "answer_pids": [245822, 314876, 351684], "question_author": "Chris Travers"} {"qid": 184, "query": "How to add a newline to the end of a file?", "score": 237, "views": 364799, "answer_pids": [186012, 186015, 186147, 213064, 217656, 237651, 252352, 255648, 273111, 273115, 292784, 292819, 330672], "question_author": "Alex B"} {"qid": 185, "query": "Difference between 2>&-, 2>/dev/null, |&, &>/dev/null and >/dev/null 2>&1", "score": 237, "views": 212232, "answer_pids": [202958, 202962, 328615], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 186, "query": "How do you sort du output by size?", "score": 236, "views": 235035, "answer_pids": [171931, 171932, 171934, 171936, 171938, 171944, 183516, 234543, 250582, 342765, 354590], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 187, "query": "Efficiently delete large directory containing thousands of files", "score": 233, "views": 344930, "answer_pids": [188634, 188635, 188646, 204865, 206697, 206772, 207572, 210881, 217915, 300975, 316014, 340241, 361561, 365456], "question_author": "Sam Saffron"} {"qid": 188, "query": "Can I create a user-specific hosts file to complement /etc/hosts?", "score": 233, "views": 127083, "answer_pids": [191553, 197452, 216724, 216727, 266136, 291182, 292238], "question_author": "TheLQ"} {"qid": 189, "query": "Why do I need a tty to run sudo if I can sudo without a password?", "score": 232, "views": 300691, "answer_pids": [224003, 224004, 224007, 275618, 281401, 383161], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 190, "query": "Get file created/creation time?", "score": 231, "views": 742616, "answer_pids": [182186, 182187, 182188], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 191, "query": "How can get a list of all scheduled cron jobs on my machine?", "score": 231, "views": 555466, "answer_pids": [173214, 173217, 258343, 378619], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 192, "query": "Linux top command: What are us, sy, ni, id, wa, hi, si and st (for CPU usage)?", "score": 231, "views": 333587, "answer_pids": [179348, 297284, 352854], "question_author": "David_001"} {"qid": 193, "query": "How can I get distribution name and version number in a simple shell script?", "score": 231, "views": 285593, "answer_pids": [172809, 172822, 174871, 174873, 174876, 174883, 182535, 188739, 190763, 225134, 249823], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 194, "query": "Why does `htop` show more process than `ps`", "score": 231, "views": 113134, "answer_pids": [174933, 174938], "question_author": "ninjaPixel"} {"qid": 195, "query": "List all connected SSH sessions?", "score": 230, "views": 657692, "answer_pids": [212448, 212458, 279425, 322465, 330848, 345450, 363616], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 196, "query": "What is the meaning of IFS=$\\n in bash scripting?", "score": 230, "views": 296735, "answer_pids": [245790, 245791, 245792], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 197, "query": "What is the purpose of .bashrc and how does it work?", "score": 228, "views": 648274, "answer_pids": [226794, 226852, 288779], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 198, "query": "redirecting to /dev/null", "score": 227, "views": 540961, "answer_pids": [222747, 222748, 355220, 366022, 380317], "question_author": "Omer van Kloeten"} {"qid": 199, "query": "How to suspend and bring a background process to foreground", "score": 227, "views": 507308, "answer_pids": [192364, 192367, 243821, 343387], "question_author": "User123456"} {"qid": 200, "query": "How to change where a symlink points", "score": 226, "views": 351352, "answer_pids": [234252], "question_author": "ninjaPixel"} {"qid": 201, "query": "Why is ls suddenly wrapping items with spaces in single quotes?", "score": 226, "views": 45615, "answer_pids": [271664, 271665, 272843], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 202, "query": "Execute a command once per line of piped input?", "score": 225, "views": 268660, "answer_pids": [173472, 173473, 173476, 173539, 173641, 210749, 240298, 328730, 361254], "question_author": "Peter"} {"qid": 203, "query": "What makes grep consider a file to be binary?", "score": 225, "views": 164718, "answer_pids": [179846, 179847, 197069, 241589, 249257, 252637, 260410, 261120, 277257], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 204, "query": "Why are tar archive formats switching to xz compression to replace bzip2 and what about gzip?", "score": 225, "views": 77467, "answer_pids": [218249, 218250, 218253, 277408], "question_author": "Chris Travers"} {"qid": 205, "query": "Cant resume screen, says I am already attached?", "score": 224, "views": 261778, "answer_pids": [265345, 265400, 279252], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 206, "query": "how can I recursively delete empty directories in my home directory?", "score": 224, "views": 199550, "answer_pids": [192957, 192958], "question_author": "Phillip Ngan"} {"qid": 207, "query": "Can I remove files in /var/log/journal and /var/cache/abrt-di/usr?", "score": 224, "views": 139744, "answer_pids": [227075, 335049, 352488], "question_author": "Brian Lyttle"} {"qid": 208, "query": "Allow setuid on shell scripts", "score": 223, "views": 181570, "answer_pids": [169433, 169435, 169551, 169595, 170945, 244498, 347806, 386683], "question_author": "mastrboy"} {"qid": 209, "query": "Difference between cp -r and cp -a", "score": 222, "views": 443814, "answer_pids": [192342, 192347], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 210, "query": "What does aux mean in `ps aux`?", "score": 222, "views": 433466, "answer_pids": [217717, 217721, 294763], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 211, "query": "What does ` (backquote/backtick) mean in commands?", "score": 222, "views": 389422, "answer_pids": [183669, 183670, 183671, 239097, 263593, 333331], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 212, "query": "How do I make my pc speaker beep", "score": 221, "views": 374086, "answer_pids": [170403, 170404, 170405, 170406, 199353, 229152, 238371, 290596, 297455, 327060, 380769], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 213, "query": "Getting 256 colors to work in tmux", "score": 221, "views": 226127, "answer_pids": [169863, 169893, 303454, 306309, 317758, 336116, 359057, 366239, 366557], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 214, "query": "Find command: how to ignore case?", "score": 221, "views": 206115, "answer_pids": [186115, 186117, 305110], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 215, "query": "Find where inodes are being used", "score": 220, "views": 443070, "answer_pids": [221659, 221660, 224203, 248831, 267994, 292684, 313673, 360858], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 216, "query": "How can I calculate the size of a directory?", "score": 220, "views": 426069, "answer_pids": [171013, 189873, 245027, 261157, 287796, 294137, 303131, 351417, 363112, 386849], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 217, "query": "Find out current working directory of a running process?", "score": 220, "views": 182199, "answer_pids": [213265, 213266, 213270, 347012, 379176], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 218, "query": "VISUAL vs. EDITOR \u2013 what\u2019s the difference?", "score": 220, "views": 53705, "answer_pids": [172028, 280909, 286127, 296392], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 219, "query": "How to determine where an environment variable came from?", "score": 219, "views": 155436, "answer_pids": [169705, 169721, 169728, 169761, 235411, 268563, 326348], "question_author": "Raleigh Buckner"} {"qid": 220, "query": "Unzipping a .gz file without removing the gzipped file", "score": 218, "views": 841975, "answer_pids": [235933, 235934], "question_author": "kelleystar"} {"qid": 221, "query": "What does etc stand for?", "score": 218, "views": 174007, "answer_pids": [172425, 172426, 172427, 172428, 186715, 196770, 196779, 287743], "question_author": "Bill Gurling"} {"qid": 222, "query": "What do options `ServerAliveInterval` and `ClientAliveInterval` in sshd_config do exactly?", "score": 217, "views": 322215, "answer_pids": [171016, 204242, 223200, 232075, 284580, 294263], "question_author": "Toby"} {"qid": 223, "query": "What is the working directory when cron executes a job?", "score": 217, "views": 234059, "answer_pids": [189412, 189413, 189414, 189430, 292492, 318675, 327080], "question_author": "James T"} {"qid": 224, "query": "How can I display the contents of a text file on the command line?", "score": 216, "views": 1031672, "answer_pids": [209705, 209707, 209715, 209718, 209743, 209931, 249699, 250411], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 225, "query": "How can I edit multiple files in VIM?", "score": 216, "views": 287017, "answer_pids": [183744, 183745, 183746, 183759, 183769, 183771, 231857, 263812, 269615, 320832], "question_author": "Eimantas"} {"qid": 226, "query": "Any reason NOT to run Linux in a VM all the time?", "score": 216, "views": 136527, "answer_pids": [189129, 189130, 189131, 189137, 189140, 189141, 189159, 189165, 189168, 189172, 189175, 189197, 189292, 194973, 200008, 203906, 309595], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 227, "query": "Is there a one-liner that allows me to create a directory and move into it at the same time?", "score": 215, "views": 97388, "answer_pids": [174239, 174241, 174247, 174338, 258171, 259494, 371443], "question_author": "Eimantas"} {"qid": 228, "query": "umount: device is busy. Why?", "score": 214, "views": 618530, "answer_pids": [177313, 177314, 177335, 187997, 195579, 202258, 226164, 242322, 278825, 310300, 313180, 320214], "question_author": "Louis Rhys"} {"qid": 229, "query": "Extract only a specific file from a zipped archive to a given directory", "score": 214, "views": 300505, "answer_pids": [176866, 197408, 207879, 305334, 357650, 373403], "question_author": "Eyvind"} {"qid": 230, "query": "scp without replacing existing files in the destination", "score": 214, "views": 279413, "answer_pids": [176938, 195232, 215931, 218895, 234784, 286951], "question_author": "jdiaz"} {"qid": 231, "query": "Markdown Viewer", "score": 214, "views": 201310, "answer_pids": [171631, 171632, 171701, 183102, 187215, 197213, 222418, 223130, 243902, 246389, 249442, 256665, 260539, 269267, 290059, 298029, 306270, 352172, 371754, 382549, 388736], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 232, "query": "Terminal prompt not wrapping correctly", "score": 214, "views": 126631, "answer_pids": [217333, 217340, 239995, 288621, 300353, 332781, 339327, 364713], "question_author": "Eimantas"} {"qid": 233, "query": "linux: How can I view all UUIDs for all available disks on my system?", "score": 213, "views": 535853, "answer_pids": [169602, 169603, 198419, 260363, 288640, 293172, 303534, 311006, 333940], "question_author": "cryptochrome"} {"qid": 234, "query": "How do I get the MD5 sum of a directorys contents as one sum?", "score": 213, "views": 302208, "answer_pids": [187937, 187947, 187954, 188086, 188088, 204901, 209702, 236833, 274562, 277402, 283616, 285180, 346601, 352493, 379729], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 235, "query": "What causes this green background in ls output?", "score": 211, "views": 253893, "answer_pids": [213335, 213336, 250087, 296279, 321726, 327967, 337153], "question_author": "Mark Davidson"} {"qid": 236, "query": "How to fill 90% of the free memory?", "score": 211, "views": 202500, "answer_pids": [214956, 214959, 214960, 214961, 214962, 214966, 214969, 214972, 214979, 214988, 215016, 270373, 378541], "question_author": "Louis Rhys"} {"qid": 237, "query": "Find the total size of certain files within a directory branch", "score": 210, "views": 293478, "answer_pids": [190666, 190667, 190710, 232781, 232783, 269591, 282551, 283215, 292791, 369229], "question_author": "bigmstone"} {"qid": 238, "query": "How to use find command to search for multiple extensions", "score": 210, "views": 199544, "answer_pids": [177462, 177475, 196692, 208579], "question_author": "bretik"} {"qid": 239, "query": "How to install Desktop Environments on CentOS 7?", "score": 209, "views": 1050159, "answer_pids": [244604, 273159], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 240, "query": "Whats the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false", "score": 209, "views": 270260, "answer_pids": [175160, 175161, 175168, 175169, 175175, 182360, 182361], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 241, "query": "There are stopped jobs (on bash exit)", "score": 208, "views": 345363, "answer_pids": [221600, 273311], "question_author": "Phoenician-Eagle"} {"qid": 242, "query": "How to rsync only new files", "score": 207, "views": 332653, "answer_pids": [201893, 213821, 233210], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 243, "query": "Limit memory usage for a single Linux process", "score": 207, "views": 302277, "answer_pids": [192350, 192351, 225042, 256441, 278345, 353155, 358680, 373021], "question_author": "VMEricAnderson"} {"qid": 244, "query": "How can I grep in PDF files?", "score": 207, "views": 138156, "answer_pids": [173005, 173006, 173007, 173009, 183713, 183717, 205218, 214081, 226584, 250369, 254938, 281092, 325208, 347859, 376603], "question_author": "slim"} {"qid": 245, "query": "How to move and overwrite subdirectories (and files) to parent directory?", "score": 205, "views": 537569, "answer_pids": [174665, 174670, 174674, 199989, 244846, 277293], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 246, "query": "How to run a specific program as root without a password prompt?", "score": 205, "views": 449829, "answer_pids": [176311, 176312, 176313, 179301, 208444, 211590, 231478, 254829, 302880, 311186, 367116, 378189], "question_author": "Chris W. Rea"} {"qid": 247, "query": "How to get the complete and exact list of mounted filesystems in Linux?", "score": 204, "views": 834349, "answer_pids": [182077, 182081, 273198, 273200], "question_author": "HoLyVieR"} {"qid": 248, "query": "Where are cron errors logged?", "score": 204, "views": 473604, "answer_pids": [169330, 169331, 169337, 169342, 169408, 169417, 174186, 228356, 364575], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 249, "query": "Why do we use su - and not just su?", "score": 204, "views": 113596, "answer_pids": [173192, 173193, 333122, 333255], "question_author": "Tim Troy"} {"qid": 250, "query": "delete line in vi", "score": 203, "views": 454076, "answer_pids": [175427, 175429, 175431, 218741, 335631, 368559], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 251, "query": "How to scroll in a terminal using keyboard?", "score": 203, "views": 294633, "answer_pids": [198723, 198724, 198725, 233229, 258618, 314119, 317726, 357932, 365704], "question_author": "cofiem"} {"qid": 252, "query": "Is Linux a Unix?", "score": 203, "views": 100381, "answer_pids": [171601, 171604, 172638, 172640, 268818, 310895], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 253, "query": "What is the difference between Docker, LXD, and LXC", "score": 202, "views": 187801, "answer_pids": [270374, 270375], "question_author": "Quandary"} {"qid": 254, "query": "tmux vs. GNU Screen", "score": 202, "views": 73627, "answer_pids": [169541, 169546, 169556, 169565, 169732, 169754, 174802, 175618, 190654, 219676], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 255, "query": "Where are Apache file access logs stored?", "score": 200, "views": 850709, "answer_pids": [189441, 244560, 274861, 304428], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 256, "query": "How to delete directories based on `find` output?", "score": 200, "views": 264736, "answer_pids": [211310, 211311, 211315, 233240, 263200, 283876, 300497], "question_author": "Phoenician-Eagle"} {"qid": 257, "query": "Whats the difference between semicolon and double ampersand &&", "score": 200, "views": 91351, "answer_pids": [246610, 246614, 246624], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 258, "query": "Do the parent directorys permissions matter when accessing a subdirectory?", "score": 198, "views": 119722, "answer_pids": [176732, 176748, 294048, 338023], "question_author": "Olivier Lalonde"} {"qid": 259, "query": "Merging folders with mv?", "score": 195, "views": 259933, "answer_pids": [226186, 226187, 226213, 234985, 235656, 241001, 241665, 309307, 351784, 352434, 376163], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 260, "query": "The proper way to test if a service is running in a script", "score": 195, "views": 203935, "answer_pids": [316322, 316325, 328879, 336899, 348615, 352022, 362841, 380789], "question_author": "John Rudy"} {"qid": 261, "query": "Failed to fetch jessie backports repository", "score": 195, "views": 169357, "answer_pids": [351150, 351196, 351202, 351222], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 262, "query": "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "score": 194, "views": 528451, "answer_pids": [194044, 204292, 332957], "question_author": "apaderno"} {"qid": 263, "query": "How can I populate a file with random data?", "score": 193, "views": 195878, "answer_pids": [186872, 186876, 331109, 371960], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 264, "query": "Why is looping over finds output bad practice?", "score": 193, "views": 26792, "answer_pids": [292443, 292462, 292465, 292468, 292779], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 265, "query": "How to recursively find the amount stored in directory?", "score": 192, "views": 363019, "answer_pids": [202007, 202009, 202012, 202025, 252531, 285921, 303225, 317125, 375879, 381344], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 266, "query": "Passing named arguments to shell scripts", "score": 192, "views": 278774, "answer_pids": [226906, 226907, 227137, 252757, 302837, 313432, 370136, 376175, 376255], "question_author": "oadams"} {"qid": 267, "query": "How do you move all files (including hidden) from one directory to another?", "score": 192, "views": 199271, "answer_pids": [172837, 172838, 172839, 209723, 226682, 318425, 334894, 349905, 355712], "question_author": "Josh Brower"} {"qid": 268, "query": "How can I delete a word backward at the command line (bash and zsh)?", "score": 192, "views": 140239, "answer_pids": [213251, 213278, 213280, 280127, 376136], "question_author": "Matt"} {"qid": 269, "query": "How to skip permission denied errors when running find in Linux?", "score": 191, "views": 281626, "answer_pids": [191309], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 270, "query": "Is your SSH password revealed when you attempt to connect to the wrong server?", "score": 191, "views": 55438, "answer_pids": [288706, 288766, 288893, 288898], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 271, "query": "How can I set vi as my default editor in UNIX?", "score": 190, "views": 236479, "answer_pids": [204033, 204034, 252745, 309398], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 272, "query": "What are the pros/cons of Upstart and systemd?", "score": 190, "views": 96389, "answer_pids": [172726, 172727, 172778, 199778, 279144, 281201], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 273, "query": "Run a command that is shadowed by an alias", "score": 190, "views": 42565, "answer_pids": [189582, 189584, 189588, 189589, 189597, 189612], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 274, "query": "Combined `mkdir` and `cd`?", "score": 189, "views": 126394, "answer_pids": [225194, 225205, 225212, 225241], "question_author": "Chris W. Rea"} {"qid": 275, "query": "How can I see dmesg output as it changes?", "score": 188, "views": 210265, "answer_pids": [213484, 213486, 213487, 213489, 223734, 255549, 280887], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 276, "query": "Looping through files with spaces in the names?", "score": 187, "views": 250750, "answer_pids": [174447, 174448, 174449, 174450, 174460, 174462, 226480, 251467, 263842], "question_author": "gbr"} {"qid": 277, "query": "How to use wildcards (*) when copying with scp?", "score": 186, "views": 187259, "answer_pids": [183664, 201475, 354924, 372130], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 278, "query": "How to remove all empty directories in a subtree?", "score": 186, "views": 96915, "answer_pids": [173864, 173865, 218016, 265608, 359144], "question_author": "gbr"} {"qid": 279, "query": "Delete files older than X days +", "score": 185, "views": 533256, "answer_pids": [249465, 252976, 264922], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 280, "query": "$VAR vs ${VAR} and to quote or not to quote", "score": 184, "views": 77620, "answer_pids": [172050, 172057, 325477], "question_author": "harrijs"} {"qid": 281, "query": "ifconfig command not found", "score": 183, "views": 641786, "answer_pids": [231504, 264008, 373716], "question_author": "alexus"} {"qid": 282, "query": "ssh-add complains: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent", "score": 183, "views": 358185, "answer_pids": [194210, 213026, 218502, 244830, 248673, 254496, 264894, 267940], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 283, "query": "How to debug a bash script?", "score": 183, "views": 305975, "answer_pids": [235620, 235621, 235625, 235627, 235628, 235707, 253313, 300619], "question_author": "smassey"} {"qid": 284, "query": "How do I remove a directory and all its contents?", "score": 182, "views": 942630, "answer_pids": [192659, 266007], "question_author": "T. Webster"} {"qid": 285, "query": "Timezone setting in Linux", "score": 182, "views": 698896, "answer_pids": [219276, 219287, 219289], "question_author": "Jonas"} {"qid": 286, "query": "Sort based on the third column", "score": 182, "views": 460473, "answer_pids": [216731, 216732, 307918, 323286, 362352], "question_author": "Am1rr3zA"} {"qid": 287, "query": "Copy text from one tmux pane to another (using vim)", "score": 182, "views": 204277, "answer_pids": [197969, 198058, 257990, 296150, 329506, 341808, 371712], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 288, "query": "What are the pros/cons of deb vs. rpm?", "score": 182, "views": 132989, "answer_pids": [169597, 169599, 169600, 169629, 169634, 169712, 169736, 169755, 171652, 172013, 204685, 349504], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 289, "query": "How to check if a shell is login/interactive/batch", "score": 182, "views": 106584, "answer_pids": [183316, 183318, 183360, 183384, 255438, 259491, 269900, 270839, 327703, 375707], "question_author": "Yevgeny Simkin"} {"qid": 290, "query": "Move folder content up one level", "score": 181, "views": 346657, "answer_pids": [179554, 228870, 253152, 302133, 362838, 370428, 376105], "question_author": "naugtur"} {"qid": 291, "query": "Open `less` scrolled to the end", "score": 181, "views": 212500, "answer_pids": [309302, 309304, 309327], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 292, "query": "Batch renaming files", "score": 181, "views": 204277, "answer_pids": [169919, 169920, 169921, 169923, 169945, 220569, 220570, 220572, 237393, 314020, 314021, 334488], "question_author": "Aoi Karasu"} {"qid": 293, "query": "How can I disown a running process and associate it to a new screen shell?", "score": 181, "views": 134254, "answer_pids": [171566, 171569, 171581, 174015, 186946, 194349, 221193, 223951, 317133], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 294, "query": "ssh-add is not persistent between reboots", "score": 181, "views": 120875, "answer_pids": [230145, 230156, 296981, 365145, 378760], "question_author": "Pops"} {"qid": 295, "query": "do changes in /etc/security/limits.conf require a reboot?", "score": 180, "views": 368426, "answer_pids": [218454, 218473, 218489, 249362, 283518], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 296, "query": "Parallelize a Bash FOR Loop", "score": 180, "views": 217337, "answer_pids": [216456, 216457, 216495, 256997, 257000, 298677, 302285, 329310, 332334, 341140], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 297, "query": "Pass the output of previous command to next as an argument", "score": 179, "views": 472824, "answer_pids": [218537, 218542, 218548, 218554, 218558, 349492, 360932], "question_author": "AdrienF"} {"qid": 298, "query": "tar: Removing leading `/ from member names", "score": 179, "views": 315898, "answer_pids": [198195, 198196, 199327, 210371, 252904, 311043, 311281, 373113], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 299, "query": "How to clean log file?", "score": 178, "views": 520293, "answer_pids": [212367], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 300, "query": "Script to monitor folder for new files?", "score": 178, "views": 337093, "answer_pids": [182446, 182447, 182451, 204547, 268303, 286087, 313980, 348536], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 301, "query": "How to suspend and resume processes", "score": 178, "views": 219351, "answer_pids": [170479, 170482], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 302, "query": "Rsync filter: copying one pattern only", "score": 178, "views": 185918, "answer_pids": [170517, 170520, 170521, 170689, 170705, 170709, 170710, 247475, 379673], "question_author": "Michael Underwood"} {"qid": 303, "query": "How can I add a signature .png to a PDF in Linux?", "score": 178, "views": 147753, "answer_pids": [209495, 214493, 230747, 247561, 259793, 271860, 333198, 341408, 363706, 365396, 370973, 373295], "question_author": "Brett Lykins"} {"qid": 304, "query": "Simple command line HTTP server", "score": 177, "views": 228176, "answer_pids": [186131, 186132, 186137, 186142, 186658, 188844, 236905, 237032, 256777, 256782, 266549, 274979, 276673, 296420, 314532, 316152, 320501, 384242], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 305, "query": "How to copy-merge two directories?", "score": 177, "views": 208394, "answer_pids": [233399, 233404, 233409, 272013, 382296, 387980], "question_author": "Giacomo Tesio"} {"qid": 306, "query": "How can I wrap text at a certain column size?", "score": 177, "views": 96051, "answer_pids": [182555, 182575, 203898, 207162, 261404], "question_author": "scottm32768"} {"qid": 307, "query": "Can I redirect output to a log file and background a process at the same time?", "score": 176, "views": 361425, "answer_pids": [204508, 217635, 288256, 298596, 350213], "question_author": "Giacomo Tesio"} {"qid": 308, "query": "What does <<< mean?", "score": 176, "views": 163213, "answer_pids": [207090, 207093, 207094, 207095], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 309, "query": "Are there naming conventions for variables in shell scripts?", "score": 176, "views": 99468, "answer_pids": [191312, 259226, 338462], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 310, "query": "Creating diagrams in ASCII", "score": 175, "views": 79530, "answer_pids": [225732, 225733, 226216, 226220, 356998], "question_author": "T. Webster"} {"qid": 311, "query": "How to put current line at top/center/bottom of screen in vim?", "score": 174, "views": 55362, "answer_pids": [219151, 305444], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 312, "query": "Trying to SSH to local VM Ubuntu with Putty", "score": 173, "views": 548806, "answer_pids": [231734, 231746, 246583, 261233, 262258, 349292], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 313, "query": "remove particular characters from a variable using bash", "score": 173, "views": 519870, "answer_pids": [216881, 216883, 216884, 284124, 299254, 302227], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 314, "query": "Is CentOS exactly the same as RHEL?", "score": 173, "views": 274540, "answer_pids": [183617, 183619, 183620, 183756, 183987, 196895, 233965, 233970, 249291, 265117], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 315, "query": "What is the purpose of using shift in shell scripts?", "score": 173, "views": 223680, "answer_pids": [242059, 242139, 324297, 329417], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 316, "query": "What color codes can I use in my PS1 prompt?", "score": 173, "views": 216320, "answer_pids": [224748, 224749, 224776, 280725, 385017], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 317, "query": "How do I determine the number of RAM slots in use?", "score": 173, "views": 182107, "answer_pids": [186680, 204946, 243462, 262856], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 318, "query": "Quoting within $(command substitution) in Bash", "score": 173, "views": 145017, "answer_pids": [222221, 222224, 253486], "question_author": "g ."} {"qid": 319, "query": "Precedence of the shell logical operators &&, ||", "score": 173, "views": 105100, "answer_pids": [210828, 210836, 211196], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 320, "query": "Is there an easy way to replace duplicate files with hardlinks?", "score": 173, "views": 59528, "answer_pids": [171026, 171027, 171028, 171031, 172096, 172994, 181358, 187127, 190986, 191224, 196108, 207734, 215732, 218390, 243792, 353176], "question_author": "Xinus"} {"qid": 321, "query": "I deleted /bin/rm. How do I recover it?", "score": 173, "views": 38673, "answer_pids": [221050, 221051, 221053, 221054, 221181], "question_author": "txwikinger"} {"qid": 322, "query": "Why would someone choose FreeBSD over Linux?", "score": 172, "views": 163770, "answer_pids": [177054, 177062, 177064, 177707, 181129, 181135, 181165, 181469, 193647], "question_author": "MattE"} {"qid": 323, "query": "List files sorted numerically", "score": 172, "views": 142014, "answer_pids": [187016, 187017, 187018, 187053, 187060, 205387, 226385, 248370, 290123], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 324, "query": "Executing chdir before starting systemd service", "score": 172, "views": 110912, "answer_pids": [251588], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 325, "query": "What is the point of Ctrl-S?", "score": 172, "views": 61079, "answer_pids": [229217, 229218, 229236, 229258], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 326, "query": "How to list disks, partitions and filesystems in Linux?", "score": 171, "views": 748114, "answer_pids": [236235, 236247, 279025], "question_author": "Chris W. Rea"} {"qid": 327, "query": "Viewing all iptables rules", "score": 171, "views": 466576, "answer_pids": [253110, 253111, 253112, 253178, 276400, 309084, 321177, 345276], "question_author": "T. Webster"} {"qid": 328, "query": "cat line X to line Y on a huge file", "score": 171, "views": 316475, "answer_pids": [193498, 193501, 193508, 193509, 237379, 257057], "question_author": "T. Webster"} {"qid": 329, "query": "How do you extract a single folder from a large tar.gz archive?", "score": 171, "views": 270132, "answer_pids": [187700], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 330, "query": "How to remove duplicate lines inside a text file?", "score": 170, "views": 230484, "answer_pids": [185103, 185104, 185105, 211644, 247662, 291948, 302783, 377518], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 331, "query": "Whats the difference between a normal user and a system user?", "score": 170, "views": 117183, "answer_pids": [207050, 207051], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 332, "query": "In CentOS, what is the difference between yum update and yum upgrade?", "score": 169, "views": 332342, "answer_pids": [196594, 196596], "question_author": "GAThrawn"} {"qid": 333, "query": "How to redirect output of wget as input to unzip?", "score": 169, "views": 162676, "answer_pids": [170820, 170833, 225070, 261222, 282051, 341143, 368423], "question_author": "Pablo"} {"qid": 334, "query": "Human readable memory sizes in top?", "score": 169, "views": 137029, "answer_pids": [223946], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 335, "query": "Renumbering windows in tmux", "score": 169, "views": 42488, "answer_pids": [180788, 195208, 228792, 263187, 356576], "question_author": "alexus"} {"qid": 336, "query": "Unix/Linux undelete/recover deleted files", "score": 167, "views": 838042, "answer_pids": [207053, 214667, 237808, 264139, 272528, 309429, 311864, 333254, 389410, 390679], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 337, "query": "How do I write a retry logic in script to keep retrying to run it upto 5 times?", "score": 167, "views": 169693, "answer_pids": [208052, 208054, 208056, 208058, 229129, 267598, 294156, 334264, 340073, 365610], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 338, "query": "How to extract specific file(s) from tar.gz", "score": 166, "views": 305711, "answer_pids": [199207, 199208, 233191, 249124, 284164], "question_author": "Silent Warrior"} {"qid": 339, "query": "Copy specific file type keeping the folder structure", "score": 166, "views": 213965, "answer_pids": [208479, 208480, 208481, 218057, 227836, 289364, 290252], "question_author": "atdre"} {"qid": 340, "query": "Easily unpack DEB, edit postinst, and repack DEB", "score": 166, "views": 183581, "answer_pids": [229377, 262689, 372157], "question_author": "gbr"} {"qid": 341, "query": "How to stop the find command after first match?", "score": 166, "views": 104139, "answer_pids": [199816, 199822, 240815, 329244], "question_author": "rem"} {"qid": 342, "query": "Using the not equal operator for string comparison", "score": 165, "views": 584568, "answer_pids": [202046, 202047, 202049, 202063, 329573], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 343, "query": "Good detailed explanation of /etc/network/interfaces syntax?", "score": 165, "views": 202485, "answer_pids": [226592, 335313], "question_author": "Silent Warrior"} {"qid": 344, "query": "How can I execute `date` inside of a cron tab job?", "score": 165, "views": 147378, "answer_pids": [184780, 256053, 269712, 324077, 340022, 353265], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 345, "query": "How to find out from the logs what caused system shutdown?", "score": 164, "views": 571884, "answer_pids": [174631, 174910, 174911, 175001, 217516, 253084, 273514, 277983, 314207], "question_author": "Ruben Vermeersch"} {"qid": 346, "query": "Is there a way to dynamically refresh the less command?", "score": 164, "views": 156217, "answer_pids": [171754, 171755, 171758, 171760, 187249, 188832, 190534, 295009, 332150], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 347, "query": "How to make `sudo` preserve $PATH?", "score": 164, "views": 128517, "answer_pids": [208306, 208338, 233904, 332428, 339569, 342976, 377087], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 348, "query": "How to choose directory name during untarring", "score": 164, "views": 125239, "answer_pids": [175245, 175246, 195102, 333054, 339762], "question_author": "Brian R. Bondy"} {"qid": 349, "query": "How to chmod without /usr/bin/chmod?", "score": 164, "views": 58039, "answer_pids": [208591, 208592, 208593, 208597, 208652, 237003, 244547, 258640, 260755], "question_author": "Rory McCune"} {"qid": 350, "query": "What does >/dev/null 2>&1 mean in this article of crontab basics?", "score": 163, "views": 442168, "answer_pids": [238221, 238222, 238224, 238225, 238227, 238233], "question_author": "Chris W. Rea"} {"qid": 351, "query": "How to uppercase the command line argument?", "score": 163, "views": 270468, "answer_pids": [195259, 299933, 300538, 350250], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 352, "query": "How to enable diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange on Debian 8.0?", "score": 162, "views": 591246, "answer_pids": [298707, 308411, 376638], "question_author": "keithjgrant"} {"qid": 353, "query": "Finding all large files in the root filesystem", "score": 162, "views": 459395, "answer_pids": [230256, 230257, 271787], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 354, "query": "How do I grep recursively through .gz files?", "score": 162, "views": 391595, "answer_pids": [246831, 246833, 246835, 246852, 246876, 318927], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 355, "query": "Is there a way to redirect nohup output to a log file other than nohup.out?", "score": 162, "views": 364205, "answer_pids": [192769, 367645, 370394], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 356, "query": "How big is the pipe buffer?", "score": 162, "views": 175917, "answer_pids": [175725, 203755, 235399, 238709, 302643], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 357, "query": "Bash: What does >| do?", "score": 162, "views": 24733, "answer_pids": [192449], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 358, "query": "Return only the portion of a line after a matching pattern", "score": 161, "views": 566179, "answer_pids": [182035, 233088, 303320, 351645], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 359, "query": "How do I set a user environment variable? (permanently, not session)", "score": 161, "views": 527193, "answer_pids": [180705, 180706, 180707, 201977, 210899, 311080], "question_author": "YLearn"} {"qid": 360, "query": "Linux: Difference between /dev/console , /dev/tty and /dev/tty0", "score": 161, "views": 170920, "answer_pids": [198845, 198847, 312335], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 361, "query": "How do I remove the first 300 million lines from a 700 GB txt file on a system with 1 TB disk space?", "score": 161, "views": 93341, "answer_pids": [378110, 378119, 378126, 378129, 378135, 378145, 378163, 378165, 378180, 378181, 378203, 378721], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 362, "query": "Temporarily suspend bash_history on a given shell?", "score": 161, "views": 92923, "answer_pids": [175197, 175198, 175199, 227633, 338138, 338156], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 363, "query": "What to do when a Linux desktop freezes?", "score": 160, "views": 491199, "answer_pids": [185940, 185963, 187001, 187008, 190457, 193279, 217814, 302922, 376718], "question_author": "SimonJGreen"} {"qid": 364, "query": "Sorting down processes by memory usage", "score": 160, "views": 412563, "answer_pids": [212411, 212412, 290735, 311949, 312227, 326778, 345640, 360231], "question_author": "Michael Mrozek"} {"qid": 365, "query": "How does the sticky bit work?", "score": 160, "views": 310345, "answer_pids": [206647, 206650, 250347], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 366, "query": "Zip the contents of a folder without including the folder itself", "score": 160, "views": 218190, "answer_pids": [244801, 285505, 290103, 360768], "question_author": "Michael Mrozek"} {"qid": 367, "query": "Run a command without making me wait", "score": 159, "views": 547948, "answer_pids": [216372, 216373, 216386, 216392, 216398, 216399, 265288], "question_author": "Matt"} {"qid": 368, "query": "Using sed to find and replace complex string (preferrably with regex)", "score": 159, "views": 505921, "answer_pids": [206309, 206310, 206311, 206323, 206353, 235899], "question_author": "TheLQ"} {"qid": 369, "query": "GUI for GIT similar to SourceTree", "score": 159, "views": 250797, "answer_pids": [205104, 214148, 236630, 254762, 261701, 271325, 274216, 377860], "question_author": "Phoenician-Eagle"} {"qid": 370, "query": "Where do executables look for shared objects at runtime?", "score": 159, "views": 177113, "answer_pids": [181415, 181418, 181447, 263877], "question_author": "Dori"} {"qid": 371, "query": "What is the difference between /tmp and /var/tmp?", "score": 159, "views": 128368, "answer_pids": [185271, 185274, 185281, 262831], "question_author": "ninjaPixel"} {"qid": 372, "query": "Determine the size of a block device", "score": 158, "views": 256730, "answer_pids": [195372, 195373, 195374, 195375, 195376, 195377, 195378, 195379, 195380, 204526, 214327, 304710, 315657], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 373, "query": "Why is number of open files limited in Linux?", "score": 158, "views": 233542, "answer_pids": [188397, 188419, 216680], "question_author": "atdre"} {"qid": 374, "query": "How can I have `date` output the time from a different timezone?", "score": 157, "views": 245335, "answer_pids": [193843, 193845, 246065, 249005, 249859, 293979], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 375, "query": "no public key available on apt-get update", "score": 156, "views": 257128, "answer_pids": [205081, 253053, 254413, 278526, 278595, 283072], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 376, "query": "How to download portion of video with youtube-dl command?", "score": 156, "views": 153181, "answer_pids": [279480, 297681, 313467, 314872, 319586, 325965, 341325, 361184, 362463, 368356, 377503, 383726], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 377, "query": "How to start tmux with attach if a session exists", "score": 156, "views": 148007, "answer_pids": [216447, 216448, 216459, 216473, 242917, 272187, 273633, 324697, 368680, 381114, 387899], "question_author": "Peter Smit"} {"qid": 378, "query": "How is Mono magical?", "score": 156, "views": 10423, "answer_pids": [271887], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 379, "query": "How to uncompress zlib data in UNIX?", "score": 155, "views": 255122, "answer_pids": [181365, 181366, 181367, 194316, 265202, 282902, 289491, 327083, 333795, 363784, 376079, 381053], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 380, "query": "How do I do a ls and then sort the results by date created?", "score": 155, "views": 238349, "answer_pids": [180109, 202044, 274230, 303611, 367106, 367112], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 381, "query": "How can I move files and view the progress (e.g. with a progress bar)?", "score": 155, "views": 185305, "answer_pids": [170754, 170756, 170760, 177644, 189698, 231053, 243269, 245819, 269153, 282153, 294881, 321526, 364441], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 382, "query": "Is it possible to find out the hosts in the known_hosts file?", "score": 155, "views": 182746, "answer_pids": [185792, 185796, 185797, 203542, 309071], "question_author": "Sebastian Wiesinger"} {"qid": 383, "query": "How do I read from /proc/$pid/mem under Linux?", "score": 155, "views": 143732, "answer_pids": [172787, 172831, 202277, 269242, 389813], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 384, "query": "Why does find -mtime +1 only return files older than 2 days?", "score": 154, "views": 593719, "answer_pids": [212354, 212355, 212561, 220085, 242126, 251375], "question_author": "Jonik"} {"qid": 385, "query": "How do I add X days to date and get new date?", "score": 154, "views": 367071, "answer_pids": [194308, 194309, 225590, 368418], "question_author": "Brett Lykins"} {"qid": 386, "query": "Why use swap when there is more than enough free space in RAM?", "score": 154, "views": 133141, "answer_pids": [170803, 170804, 170807, 170818, 170874, 171499, 198639, 294565], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 387, "query": "Fix terminal after displaying a binary file", "score": 154, "views": 108864, "answer_pids": [206786, 272677, 285615, 291651, 313149, 316606, 353848, 366415], "question_author": "Andreas Arnold"} {"qid": 388, "query": "Determine if Git working directory is clean from a script", "score": 154, "views": 55092, "answer_pids": [235450, 315650, 351385, 390644], "question_author": "Andreas Arnold"} {"qid": 389, "query": "How does systemd use /etc/init.d scripts?", "score": 153, "views": 194526, "answer_pids": [262804, 262842], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 390, "query": "How do I know if dd is still working?", "score": 153, "views": 179674, "answer_pids": [175375, 175377, 175390, 175393, 198117, 198124, 216570, 228213, 238674, 240483, 267750, 270215, 301209], "question_author": "Tarah"} {"qid": 391, "query": "Generate File of a certain size?", "score": 153, "views": 165132, "answer_pids": [215379, 215381, 215463, 311169], "question_author": "silk"} {"qid": 392, "query": "What is the difference between modify and change in stat command context?", "score": 153, "views": 113450, "answer_pids": [170883], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 393, "query": "Is there any way to execute commands from history?", "score": 153, "views": 100883, "answer_pids": [276915, 276917, 276971, 277064, 326499], "question_author": "silk"} {"qid": 394, "query": "Make all new files in a directory accessible to a group", "score": 152, "views": 236047, "answer_pids": [176202, 176203, 176204], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 395, "query": "What exactly is POSIX?", "score": 152, "views": 50004, "answer_pids": [175739, 175740, 175747, 258589], "question_author": "nos"} {"qid": 396, "query": "Too many levels of symbolic links", "score": 151, "views": 369484, "answer_pids": [230727, 244220, 294001, 332265, 339318], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 397, "query": "How to run a program in a clean environment in bash?", "score": 151, "views": 103586, "answer_pids": [194276, 194311, 282756, 282759, 334043], "question_author": "Sim"} {"qid": 398, "query": "Split string by delimiter and get N-th element", "score": 150, "views": 534918, "answer_pids": [289451, 289452, 289488, 289494, 289513, 289520, 335990, 373344], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 399, "query": "Delete First line of a file", "score": 150, "views": 424009, "answer_pids": [213654, 213655, 213658, 213678, 254139, 277083, 295015, 383060], "question_author": "Wim Coenen"} {"qid": 400, "query": "How to add repository from shell in Debian?", "score": 150, "views": 423513, "answer_pids": [192752, 192763, 192781, 226983], "question_author": "VincentG"} {"qid": 401, "query": "List only regular files (but not directories) in current directory", "score": 150, "views": 357336, "answer_pids": [194023, 194024, 194025, 213063, 221391, 246988, 376274], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 402, "query": "How to redirect output to a file from within cron?", "score": 150, "views": 307794, "answer_pids": [195430, 307485], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 403, "query": "What is the Fedora equivalent of the Debian build-essential package?", "score": 150, "views": 148641, "answer_pids": [170046, 188888, 271781], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 404, "query": "In Arch Linux how can I find out which package to install that will contain file X?", "score": 150, "views": 81262, "answer_pids": [177236, 205362, 208478], "question_author": "AviD"} {"qid": 405, "query": "Copy-Paste in xfce4-terminal adds 0~ and 1~", "score": 150, "views": 70488, "answer_pids": [250094, 317666, 320075, 325174, 332820], "question_author": "user239"} {"qid": 406, "query": "What does the @ mean in ls -l?", "score": 150, "views": 53608, "answer_pids": [169191, 169198, 169202, 169210, 169670], "question_author": "Roger C S Wernersson"} {"qid": 407, "query": "How to make a machine accessible from the LAN using its hostname", "score": 149, "views": 313320, "answer_pids": [178280, 178285, 178287, 270641, 364081, 374309], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 408, "query": "What is the difference between sort -u and sort | uniq?", "score": 149, "views": 217511, "answer_pids": [205182, 205194, 205207, 253856, 296825], "question_author": "Roger C S Wernersson"} {"qid": 409, "query": "How can I check if swap is active from the command line?", "score": 149, "views": 181469, "answer_pids": [181485, 181486, 279977, 358927], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 410, "query": "locate vs find: usage, pros and cons of each other", "score": 149, "views": 72035, "answer_pids": [198628, 198629, 198645, 268189], "question_author": "Peter Grace"} {"qid": 411, "query": "What does the .d stand for in directory names?", "score": 149, "views": 64189, "answer_pids": [171564, 171565, 171568, 171570, 171572, 178395, 178396], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 412, "query": "How to create nested directory in a single command?", "score": 148, "views": 208316, "answer_pids": [208757, 208758], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 413, "query": "Cant use exclamation mark (!) in bash?", "score": 148, "views": 132329, "answer_pids": [186723, 186724, 186731, 252951, 254597, 288850], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 414, "query": "How to find applications path from command line?", "score": 147, "views": 511031, "answer_pids": [184238, 184240, 184241, 184243, 184311], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 415, "query": "How can I count the number of lines of a file with common tools?", "score": 147, "views": 471456, "answer_pids": [182638, 182639, 182640, 182641, 264376], "question_author": "Daniel Yuste Aroca"} {"qid": 416, "query": "How do I delete the first n lines of an ascii file using shell commands?", "score": 147, "views": 325879, "answer_pids": [188856, 188859, 277590, 322043, 351154], "question_author": "henklu"} {"qid": 417, "query": "How do I limit the number of files printed by ls?", "score": 147, "views": 232060, "answer_pids": [180630, 180634, 180636, 252231], "question_author": "jacksonh"} {"qid": 418, "query": "When is double-quoting necessary?", "score": 147, "views": 61440, "answer_pids": [202405], "question_author": "JadeMason"} {"qid": 419, "query": "dd vs cat -- is dd still relevant these days?", "score": 147, "views": 41021, "answer_pids": [176026, 176027, 176029, 176032, 176033, 176059, 220956, 327518], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 420, "query": "How do I unset a variable at the command line?", "score": 146, "views": 235664, "answer_pids": [216304, 216324], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 421, "query": "What does ampersand mean at the end of a shell script line?", "score": 146, "views": 220244, "answer_pids": [209673, 209674, 209676, 214160], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 422, "query": "Automated ssh-keygen without passphrase, how?", "score": 146, "views": 180343, "answer_pids": [202657, 202662, 228436, 253239, 270680, 361668, 376812], "question_author": "Riccardo Murri"} {"qid": 423, "query": "How to disable auto suspend when I close laptop lid?", "score": 146, "views": 145987, "answer_pids": [195562, 280593], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 424, "query": "Can I configure my Linux system for more aggressive file system caching?", "score": 146, "views": 133311, "answer_pids": [185164, 185165, 187153, 190807, 217794, 343017, 391072], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 425, "query": "Whats the recommended way of copying changes with vimdiff?", "score": 146, "views": 73197, "answer_pids": [195615], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 426, "query": "How to get only files created after a date with ls?", "score": 145, "views": 387499, "answer_pids": [174746, 215624, 307854, 329879], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 427, "query": "How can I run a cron command with existing environmental variables?", "score": 145, "views": 297648, "answer_pids": [183601, 183602, 200379, 207997, 211176, 236896, 264101, 330426, 331607, 366687], "question_author": "Michael Pryor"} {"qid": 428, "query": "How can I execute local script on remote machine and include arguments?", "score": 145, "views": 262432, "answer_pids": [210165, 293949], "question_author": "kbyrd"} {"qid": 429, "query": "Understanding of diff output", "score": 145, "views": 195084, "answer_pids": [207801, 256890, 256897, 330132, 343794], "question_author": "trampster"} {"qid": 430, "query": "diff within a line", "score": 145, "views": 82740, "answer_pids": [175308, 175312, 175313, 175318, 175327, 175331, 275803, 285570, 295267, 317894, 324786, 378869], "question_author": "Jean-Marc Liotier"} {"qid": 431, "query": "How to determine Linux kernel architecture?", "score": 144, "views": 439722, "answer_pids": [175985, 175994, 176060, 202456, 259989, 260108, 303494, 340105, 390253], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 432, "query": "Mount cifs Network Drive: write permissions and chown", "score": 144, "views": 367516, "answer_pids": [202122, 209201], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 433, "query": "What is a Superblock, Inode, Dentry and a File?", "score": 144, "views": 151114, "answer_pids": [171781, 171783, 171889, 198194, 268755], "question_author": "gabe."} {"qid": 434, "query": "How do SO (shared object) numbers work?", "score": 144, "views": 97197, "answer_pids": [169497, 169500, 174903, 283407], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 435, "query": "Can I watch the progress of a `sync` operation?", "score": 144, "views": 72630, "answer_pids": [193913, 193915, 307120, 387308], "question_author": "Adam"} {"qid": 436, "query": "how can I add (subtract, etc.) two numbers with bash?", "score": 143, "views": 370215, "answer_pids": [212662, 212666, 265221, 265498, 323397, 347951], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 437, "query": "Find and remove large files that are open but have been deleted", "score": 142, "views": 289238, "answer_pids": [202317, 202319, 230804], "question_author": "Sim"} {"qid": 438, "query": "The myths about malware in Unix / Linux", "score": 142, "views": 18871, "answer_pids": [170853, 170862, 170871, 171058, 171061, 171082, 177114, 216089, 238010], "question_author": "Sim"} {"qid": 439, "query": "Where should I put software I compile myself?", "score": 141, "views": 48761, "answer_pids": [169205, 169206, 169207, 169215, 169221, 169233, 169240, 169241, 169246, 169251, 169265, 169370, 169669, 169675, 169678], "question_author": "JelmerS"} {"qid": 440, "query": "Have backticks (i.e. `cmd`) in *sh shells been deprecated?", "score": 141, "views": 28114, "answer_pids": [225857, 264583], "question_author": "glasnt"} {"qid": 441, "query": "How to move all files and folders via mv command", "score": 140, "views": 650547, "answer_pids": [195002, 195003, 195021, 195022, 279317], "question_author": "Stephane"} {"qid": 442, "query": "How can I fix cannot find a valid baseurl for repo errors on CentOS?", "score": 140, "views": 572203, "answer_pids": [181528, 182984, 188917, 205688, 212843, 220375, 225007, 382673], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 443, "query": "Usage of dash (-) in place of a filename", "score": 140, "views": 331370, "answer_pids": [178007, 178010, 178020, 178027, 290033], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 444, "query": "Exit vim more quickly", "score": 140, "views": 252696, "answer_pids": [212715, 212716, 212719, 212727, 212764, 212772, 246399, 246405, 265784], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 445, "query": "Clone ownership and permissions from another file?", "score": 140, "views": 117778, "answer_pids": [180207, 180209, 180215, 252992, 291026, 360651], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 446, "query": "When is xargs needed?", "score": 140, "views": 62612, "answer_pids": [182448, 182454, 182455, 182457, 182462, 182570], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 447, "query": "Why does Vim indent pasted code incorrectly?", "score": 140, "views": 60925, "answer_pids": [251086, 251087, 251092, 389755], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 448, "query": "Convince grep to output all lines, not just those with matches", "score": 140, "views": 59814, "answer_pids": [169431, 169432, 169570, 178503, 289457, 298579, 319411, 324872, 329387], "question_author": "Mnementh"} {"qid": 449, "query": "How to combine 2 -name conditions in find?", "score": 139, "views": 152809, "answer_pids": [195071, 195081, 195110, 281841], "question_author": "Sebastian Wiesinger"} {"qid": 450, "query": "date command --iso-8601 option", "score": 139, "views": 118295, "answer_pids": [238796, 264455, 295109, 383039], "question_author": "colithium"} {"qid": 451, "query": "How to see process created by specific user in Unix/linux", "score": 138, "views": 397781, "answer_pids": [209317, 323952], "question_author": "Magnus"} {"qid": 452, "query": "How do I repeat the last command without using the arrow keys?", "score": 138, "views": 197082, "answer_pids": [232419, 232421, 232422, 232436, 232486, 232502, 232508, 232838, 344293, 344297], "question_author": "Pablo"} {"qid": 453, "query": "Get the chmod numerical value for a file", "score": 138, "views": 195762, "answer_pids": [193266, 193267, 307394, 336706], "question_author": "Gareth Hastings"} {"qid": 454, "query": "How to remove an audio track from an mp4 video file?", "score": 138, "views": 141119, "answer_pids": [172867, 173285, 186995, 209478, 230024, 243474], "question_author": "Rob Cowell"} {"qid": 455, "query": "How to XZ a directory with TAR using maximum compression?", "score": 138, "views": 139065, "answer_pids": [184469, 184470, 218403, 241807, 243840, 251020, 268694, 295850, 298491, 313878, 317722, 346962, 365884], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 456, "query": "How to export variables from a file?", "score": 138, "views": 135127, "answer_pids": [206499, 206502, 356401, 363723, 385846], "question_author": "Marcos Gonzalez"} {"qid": 457, "query": "Bluetooth Pairing on Dual Boot of Windows & Linux Mint/Ubuntu - Stop having to Pair Devices", "score": 138, "views": 87832, "answer_pids": [270560], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 458, "query": "Keyboard set to cat mode", "score": 138, "views": 28887, "answer_pids": [311567, 311598, 311602, 311628, 311656, 311729, 311853, 311874, 311937, 375241], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 459, "query": "How to kill a runaway cat?", "score": 138, "views": 28264, "answer_pids": [242930, 242952, 243067, 243308], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 460, "query": "How to monitor only the last n lines of a log file?", "score": 137, "views": 388758, "answer_pids": [184722, 184836, 184852, 205780], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 461, "query": "Can scp create a directory if it doesnt exist?", "score": 137, "views": 202941, "answer_pids": [248906, 248907, 248908, 248909, 309278, 349140, 364847], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 462, "query": "Why are hard links to directories not allowed in UNIX/Linux?", "score": 137, "views": 68072, "answer_pids": [181137, 187482, 219434, 232253, 235818, 240504, 277102], "question_author": "Jan"} {"qid": 463, "query": "Bash - how to run a command after the previous finished?", "score": 136, "views": 373796, "answer_pids": [245656, 245675], "question_author": null} {"qid": 464, "query": "Manually generate password for /etc/shadow", "score": 136, "views": 313887, "answer_pids": [207464, 250967, 272115, 272172, 280885, 321750, 338397, 338552], "question_author": "Damovisa"} {"qid": 465, "query": "Download using wget to a different directory than current directory", "score": 136, "views": 228764, "answer_pids": [181706, 181707], "question_author": "WaxTrax"} {"qid": 466, "query": "grep returns Binary file (standard input) matches when trying to find a string pattern in file", "score": 136, "views": 201203, "answer_pids": [296980, 310979, 323709, 368961], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 467, "query": "Combine the output of two commands in bash", "score": 136, "views": 143554, "answer_pids": [200641, 200651, 200718, 242931, 319043, 356890, 372284], "question_author": "dierre"} {"qid": 468, "query": "Use scp to transfer a file from local directory X to remote directory Y", "score": 135, "views": 651307, "answer_pids": [220979, 220980, 291214, 327434, 335023, 344203], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 469, "query": "Pass command line arguments to bash script", "score": 135, "views": 515175, "answer_pids": [186188, 186189, 186190], "question_author": "Senseful"} {"qid": 470, "query": "How to make log-rotate change take effect", "score": 135, "views": 287820, "answer_pids": [221228, 221230, 221231, 243627], "question_author": "gabe."} {"qid": 471, "query": "chroot jail - what is it and how do I use it?", "score": 135, "views": 136541, "answer_pids": [169258, 169259, 169261, 276251, 384598], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 472, "query": "Why is cd not a program?", "score": 135, "views": 23007, "answer_pids": [189342, 189346, 189348, 189353, 255618], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 473, "query": "What does the Broken pipe message mean in an SSH session?", "score": 134, "views": 272901, "answer_pids": [170421, 170423, 204196, 233260, 256112, 269356, 382659], "question_author": "Senseful"} {"qid": 474, "query": "Difference between pts and tty", "score": 134, "views": 138756, "answer_pids": [180542, 180550], "question_author": null} {"qid": 475, "query": "How can I do a change word in Vim using the current paste buffer?", "score": 134, "views": 65217, "answer_pids": [210765, 210786, 212717, 295733, 304550, 318651, 350993, 358466, 363686], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 476, "query": "apache2 Invalid command SSLEngine", "score": 133, "views": 328582, "answer_pids": [185712, 245982, 273016, 303987, 337328], "question_author": null} {"qid": 477, "query": "How to apt-delete-repository?", "score": 133, "views": 267289, "answer_pids": [258081], "question_author": "Nuno Morgadinho"} {"qid": 478, "query": "Any way to encode the url in curl command?", "score": 133, "views": 199226, "answer_pids": [209893, 209897], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 479, "query": "Trying to sort on two fields, second then first", "score": 133, "views": 188687, "answer_pids": [195618, 195648], "question_author": "\u03bb Jonas Gorauskas"} {"qid": 480, "query": "How do I find on which physical device a folder is located?", "score": 133, "views": 180500, "answer_pids": [175398, 322550, 343860], "question_author": "cgasp"} {"qid": 481, "query": "How do we specify multiple ignore patterns for `tree` command?", "score": 133, "views": 43495, "answer_pids": [193686], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 482, "query": "Show top five CPU consuming processes with `ps`", "score": 132, "views": 435693, "answer_pids": [176786, 176787, 197240, 227818, 233903, 252680, 259045, 306312, 320515, 372482], "question_author": "Sandy"} {"qid": 483, "query": "File permission issues with shared folders under Virtual Box (Ubuntu Guest, Windows Host)", "score": 132, "views": 291861, "answer_pids": [195568, 195569, 225284, 242510, 296509, 314414], "question_author": "henklu"} {"qid": 484, "query": "Decoding URL encoding (percent encoding)", "score": 132, "views": 132233, "answer_pids": [236997, 236998, 236999, 237004, 237019, 237049, 237308, 241390, 246652, 256944, 275988, 351683], "question_author": "Umang"} {"qid": 485, "query": "Where do I put my systemd unit file?", "score": 132, "views": 125510, "answer_pids": [259715, 260266, 307223, 375820], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 486, "query": "Why isnt Linux embraced as the official GNU kernel?", "score": 132, "views": 28361, "answer_pids": [204259, 204262, 204394, 205703, 347544], "question_author": "Edgar"} {"qid": 487, "query": "How to comment multiple lines at once?", "score": 131, "views": 326484, "answer_pids": [223170, 223171, 223172, 223173, 223176, 223180], "question_author": "Bradley Kreider"} {"qid": 488, "query": "The name > org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files", "score": 131, "views": 275790, "answer_pids": [239558, 315741], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 489, "query": "Zip everything in current directory", "score": 131, "views": 185447, "answer_pids": [183634, 259083], "question_author": "netdad"} {"qid": 490, "query": "A standard tool to convert a byte-count into human KiB MiB etc; like du, ls1", "score": 131, "views": 61615, "answer_pids": [191904, 203616, 204385, 214710, 244436, 248388, 249852, 258452, 264483, 271849, 335394, 367442], "question_author": "Eimantas"} {"qid": 491, "query": "How to merge all (text) files in a directory into one?", "score": 130, "views": 336914, "answer_pids": [171426, 186177, 208391, 285638], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 492, "query": "Where is bashs history stored?", "score": 130, "views": 286003, "answer_pids": [231429, 231430, 231442, 271740, 346282], "question_author": "finnw"} {"qid": 493, "query": "How to determine CentOS version?", "score": 130, "views": 221754, "answer_pids": [196194, 196197, 215963, 263071, 263077, 288189, 298352, 312214, 354156], "question_author": "mdpc"} {"qid": 494, "query": "Whats the meaning of a dot before a command in shell?", "score": 130, "views": 111781, "answer_pids": [220458, 220460, 251404, 345071, 345076, 351848], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 495, "query": "How do you detach the 2nd screen from within another screen?", "score": 130, "views": 38339, "answer_pids": [184561, 184562, 334875], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 496, "query": "How does Linux handle multiple consecutive path separators (/home////username///file)?", "score": 130, "views": 24787, "answer_pids": [170379, 170380, 170393, 172719, 172720], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 497, "query": "Where do files go when the rm command is issued?", "score": 129, "views": 313490, "answer_pids": [175179, 175191, 175193, 197401, 211809], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 498, "query": "How do I know if a partition is ext2, ext3, or ext4?", "score": 129, "views": 193439, "answer_pids": [198883, 198884, 198892, 198897, 198907, 198915, 242551, 270751, 288353], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 499, "query": "Understanding the exclamation mark (!) in bash", "score": 129, "views": 168751, "answer_pids": [171413, 171414, 171423, 186837, 348325], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 500, "query": "When to use /dev/random vs /dev/urandom", "score": 129, "views": 105682, "answer_pids": [293206, 293248, 311027], "question_author": "Paddyslacker"} {"qid": 501, "query": "Can I export functions in bash?", "score": 129, "views": 93860, "answer_pids": [181346, 181347, 181383, 219626, 232901, 235484, 305757], "question_author": "Timwi"} {"qid": 502, "query": "What is the purpose of the hash command?", "score": 129, "views": 91584, "answer_pids": [209558, 209559, 209561, 257958, 264039], "question_author": "Wayne Werner"} {"qid": 503, "query": "Which is the safest way to get root privileges: sudo, su or login?", "score": 129, "views": 32777, "answer_pids": [173946, 173948, 173950, 173956, 173993, 174050, 174097], "question_author": "Edgar"} {"qid": 504, "query": "Replace string in a huge (70GB), one line, text file", "score": 129, "views": 29147, "answer_pids": [322117, 322119, 322122, 322123, 322133, 322135, 322138, 322140, 322144, 322174, 322216, 322517], "question_author": "henklu"} {"qid": 505, "query": "How do I attach a terminal to a detached process?", "score": 128, "views": 191958, "answer_pids": [185944, 185946, 185947, 185951, 296905], "question_author": "T. Webster"} {"qid": 506, "query": "Is there a tool to get the lines in one file that are not in another?", "score": 128, "views": 133912, "answer_pids": [184036, 184052, 186173, 192926, 206304, 212560, 379121], "question_author": null} {"qid": 507, "query": "How can I set my default shell to start up tmux", "score": 128, "views": 126412, "answer_pids": [191676, 191677, 220228, 226679, 258239, 266016, 281965, 287423, 296315, 296320, 345693], "question_author": "henklu"} {"qid": 508, "query": "How to do I convert an animated gif to an mp4 or mv4 on the command line?", "score": 128, "views": 122278, "answer_pids": [230457, 236599, 283822, 337622, 351593], "question_author": null} {"qid": 509, "query": "Throttle the download speed of wget or curl while downloading", "score": 128, "views": 88837, "answer_pids": [189544, 206158, 234661, 372143], "question_author": null} {"qid": 510, "query": "Quick directory navigation in the bash shell", "score": 128, "views": 64191, "answer_pids": [185596, 185597, 185600, 185606, 185607, 185609, 185610, 185613, 185614, 185628, 185629, 185641, 185660, 185691, 185984, 186555, 187526, 201348, 201391, 201394, 227653, 227660, 230959, 239160, 243708, 245908, 265690, 268806, 270219, 281376, 297767], "question_author": "Benjamin A."} {"qid": 511, "query": "Why are there so many different ways to measure disk usage?", "score": 128, "views": 11604, "answer_pids": [223039, 287869, 324209, 326102], "question_author": "emit"} {"qid": 512, "query": "Is there a way to see details of all the threads that a process has in Linux?", "score": 127, "views": 507556, "answer_pids": [169760, 169763, 169765, 169865, 223116, 249302, 270763, 303514], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 513, "query": "-bash: sudo: command not found", "score": 127, "views": 486243, "answer_pids": [303300, 303302, 326202], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 514, "query": "How can I find the hardware model in Linux?", "score": 127, "views": 344737, "answer_pids": [205051, 205052, 205054, 205055, 241638, 292185, 297182, 299707, 299709, 348922], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 515, "query": "How can I communicate with a Unix domain socket via the shell on Debian Squeeze?", "score": 127, "views": 205408, "answer_pids": [183357, 183359, 192858, 283578, 363551, 390031], "question_author": "Mohamad Alhamoud"} {"qid": 516, "query": "How does the OOM killer decide which process to kill first?", "score": 127, "views": 138256, "answer_pids": [234853], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 517, "query": "What is the difference between && and ; when chaining commands", "score": 127, "views": 91795, "answer_pids": [188506, 188507, 188511, 188534], "question_author": "Aaron"} {"qid": 518, "query": "What does the @ (at) symbol mean on OSX ls?", "score": 127, "views": 67934, "answer_pids": [217636], "question_author": "miguel.de.icaza"} {"qid": 519, "query": "With the Linux cat command, how do I show only certain lines by number", "score": 126, "views": 344029, "answer_pids": [281624, 281626, 281671, 281680, 322056, 374744], "question_author": "mdpc"} {"qid": 520, "query": "Adding a self-signed certificate to the trusted list", "score": 126, "views": 336697, "answer_pids": [211591, 227635, 275558, 329926, 340827, 373401], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 521, "query": "Download only format mp4 on youtube-dl", "score": 126, "views": 217469, "answer_pids": [276200, 294550, 334904, 369056], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 522, "query": "Do parentheses really put the command in a subshell?", "score": 126, "views": 124338, "answer_pids": [229488, 229498], "question_author": "Raj More"} {"qid": 523, "query": "Is there a .bashrc equivalent file read by all shells?", "score": 126, "views": 54766, "answer_pids": [171034, 171037, 171053, 192170], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 524, "query": "Attach to different windows in session", "score": 126, "views": 30779, "answer_pids": [182109], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 525, "query": "Username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported", "score": 125, "views": 1050006, "answer_pids": [244011, 244013, 244015, 271726, 283411, 287874], "question_author": null} {"qid": 526, "query": "Argument string to integer in bash", "score": 125, "views": 572480, "answer_pids": [262414, 262427, 285730, 306680, 383983], "question_author": "Mud"} {"qid": 527, "query": "How to find out the dynamic libraries executables loads when run?", "score": 125, "views": 277425, "answer_pids": [222911, 258338, 303027, 304171, 309216, 309219, 341874], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 528, "query": "How to install Python 3.6?", "score": 125, "views": 272925, "answer_pids": [295919, 295922, 295925, 295972, 298600, 301956, 307151, 323534, 361750], "question_author": "Bulki"} {"qid": 529, "query": "Cause a script to execute after networking has started?", "score": 125, "views": 169306, "answer_pids": [225474, 225475, 225499, 225524, 242033, 257020], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 530, "query": "Redirecting stdout to a file you dont have write permission on", "score": 125, "views": 21769, "answer_pids": [170082, 170083, 170157, 178297, 215599, 295374, 299224], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 531, "query": "How can I tell what version of Linux Im using?", "score": 124, "views": 121458, "answer_pids": [181884, 181885, 181887, 235500, 248982, 294029, 302083, 321140, 337283, 358752, 380738], "question_author": "Mike Gray"} {"qid": 532, "query": "Day of week {0-7} in crontab has 8 options, but we have only 7 days in a week", "score": 124, "views": 112272, "answer_pids": [217353, 217354, 332582, 374572], "question_author": "MarkKGreenway"} {"qid": 533, "query": "Getting tmux to copy a buffer to the clipboard", "score": 124, "views": 110359, "answer_pids": [177680, 177681, 178041, 180002, 186273, 188422, 192162, 200422, 202875, 203295, 228614, 234479, 256153, 278875, 303174, 320910, 356999], "question_author": "DerMike"} {"qid": 534, "query": "Easy way to determine the virtualization technology of a Linux machine?", "score": 124, "views": 108925, "answer_pids": [211228, 211229, 211230, 211232, 211233, 213292, 223330, 236026, 243862, 244216, 258238, 302138, 352849, 370822, 381426], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 535, "query": "What are other ways to share a tmux session between two users?", "score": 124, "views": 63637, "answer_pids": [170721, 175275, 188001, 224541], "question_author": "Mike Grace"} {"qid": 536, "query": "How to do a `tail -f` of log rotated files?", "score": 124, "views": 44056, "answer_pids": [181290], "question_author": "Cleggy"} {"qid": 537, "query": "How to connect to a serial port as simple as using SSH?", "score": 123, "views": 519598, "answer_pids": [181205, 181207, 181209, 181235, 181254, 181372, 247411, 248349, 260087, 283784, 289276, 314093, 328519, 348698, 359408], "question_author": null} {"qid": 538, "query": "How to copy all files from a directory to a remote directory using scp?", "score": 123, "views": 333137, "answer_pids": [262600, 262615, 330194, 360748], "question_author": "wdypdx22"} {"qid": 539, "query": "How to get full path of original file of a soft symbolic link?", "score": 123, "views": 219690, "answer_pids": [180989, 180990, 181033, 273730, 293549, 299741], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 540, "query": "How can I use ffmpeg to split MPEG video into 10 minute chunks?", "score": 123, "views": 173879, "answer_pids": [170231, 177206, 240461, 255610, 275667, 337796, 350923], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 541, "query": "Is there a way to get the min, max, median, and average of a list of numbers in a single command?", "score": 123, "views": 161072, "answer_pids": [176666, 176680, 176683, 176695, 176703, 212696, 213068, 235568, 252040, 252219, 253099, 261067, 263428, 268513, 272681, 328585, 378327, 382614], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 542, "query": "What is the need for `fakeroot` command in linux", "score": 123, "views": 112803, "answer_pids": [174569, 174570, 174572, 193011, 195675, 210797, 243309, 327073], "question_author": "ATNPGO"} {"qid": 543, "query": "List packages on an apt based system by installation date", "score": 123, "views": 112136, "answer_pids": [176055, 176057, 187288, 203999, 255886, 271976, 301561, 330376, 336310], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 544, "query": "How do I remotely edit files via ssh?", "score": 123, "views": 78431, "answer_pids": [252050, 252051, 252063, 252076, 293870, 332579, 374535], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 545, "query": "Pseudo files for temporary data", "score": 123, "views": 74561, "answer_pids": [200291, 200324, 240208], "question_author": "jmreicha"} {"qid": 546, "query": "What does the Windows flag in the Linux logo of kernel 3.11 mean?", "score": 123, "views": 9472, "answer_pids": [211036, 211037, 211038], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 547, "query": "What is yum equivalent of apt-get update?", "score": 122, "views": 119867, "answer_pids": [172761, 173242, 309019, 353230], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 548, "query": "Kill an unresponsive ssh session without closing the terminal", "score": 122, "views": 31980, "answer_pids": [170951, 380907], "question_author": "jjclarkson"} {"qid": 549, "query": "When was the shellshock (CVE-2014-6271/7169) bug introduced, and what is the patch that fully fixes it?", "score": 122, "views": 20632, "answer_pids": [236339, 236359], "question_author": "Alex Clipper"} {"qid": 550, "query": "How to find creation date of file?", "score": 121, "views": 372239, "answer_pids": [211862, 211863, 211865, 212534, 225644, 235616, 269338], "question_author": "ksexton"} {"qid": 551, "query": "What is the difference between reboot , init 6 and shutdown -r now?", "score": 121, "views": 346964, "answer_pids": [200476, 211473, 249867, 283241], "question_author": null} {"qid": 552, "query": "Copy the contents of a file into the clipboard without displaying its contents", "score": 121, "views": 268088, "answer_pids": [255338, 255340, 368668], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 553, "query": "How do I pass a list of files to grep", "score": 121, "views": 141198, "answer_pids": [180011, 180019], "question_author": "VMEricAnderson"} {"qid": 554, "query": "How to grep standard error stream (stderr)?", "score": 121, "views": 101945, "answer_pids": [171290, 171292, 171301, 171304, 171362, 173224, 298760, 359491, 362806], "question_author": "Josh K"} {"qid": 555, "query": "What are pseudo terminals (pty/tty)?", "score": 121, "views": 83004, "answer_pids": [180468, 180469, 180470], "question_author": "VMEricAnderson"} {"qid": 556, "query": "How to run a command without hitting Enter Key?", "score": 121, "views": 42314, "answer_pids": [195290, 195291, 195293, 195294, 195316, 221321, 305652], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 557, "query": "Why is echo so much faster than touch?", "score": 121, "views": 17262, "answer_pids": [224528, 224529, 224542], "question_author": "tobes"} {"qid": 558, "query": "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer", "score": 120, "views": 647649, "answer_pids": [234198, 234497, 242123, 243198, 243201, 245005, 252649, 254006, 305379, 334990], "question_author": "Benjamin A."} {"qid": 559, "query": "How to show the filesystem type via the terminal?", "score": 120, "views": 295571, "answer_pids": [195885, 195911], "question_author": "nos"} {"qid": 560, "query": "bash - replace space with new line", "score": 120, "views": 227544, "answer_pids": [217161, 217163, 217166, 217167, 217200, 305439, 384501], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 561, "query": "If you ^Z from a process, it gets stopped. How do you switch back in?", "score": 120, "views": 169388, "answer_pids": [218857, 218859, 218963], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 562, "query": "Forward SIGTERM to child in Bash", "score": 120, "views": 95042, "answer_pids": [232077, 249906, 328565, 331823], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 563, "query": "Why is swappiness set to 60 by default?", "score": 120, "views": 66563, "answer_pids": [210754, 210818, 278625], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 564, "query": "Cron vs systemd timers", "score": 120, "views": 48332, "answer_pids": [279072, 296682], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 565, "query": "difference between function foo() {} and foo() {}", "score": 120, "views": 36125, "answer_pids": [204153, 204161, 204211, 204295, 267395], "question_author": "SmarterThanOli"} {"qid": 566, "query": "Confusing use of && and || operators", "score": 119, "views": 411494, "answer_pids": [182308, 182314, 243367, 282450, 286795], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 567, "query": "Get SSH server key fingerprint", "score": 119, "views": 168776, "answer_pids": [225848, 225851, 274700, 315697, 326247, 376815, 383479], "question_author": "Broken Link"} {"qid": 568, "query": "Recursive glob?", "score": 119, "views": 74247, "answer_pids": [194729, 194730, 250407], "question_author": "Chinmay Kanchi"} {"qid": 569, "query": "What is the difference between $* and $@?", "score": 119, "views": 43266, "answer_pids": [190677, 190682, 190683, 190687, 190688, 213159, 213188, 350070, 373966], "question_author": "Am1rr3zA"} {"qid": 570, "query": "^x^y unix trick for all instances in last command?", "score": 119, "views": 26574, "answer_pids": [221437, 221439, 353081], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 571, "query": "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock", "score": 118, "views": 541664, "answer_pids": [290332, 313779, 351850, 360418, 364391, 365051, 381833, 383326, 389679, 390242], "question_author": "Benjamin A."} {"qid": 572, "query": "How do I clear the terminal History?", "score": 118, "views": 402770, "answer_pids": [252185, 280107, 285206, 295165, 306630, 307849, 375285], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 573, "query": "Quickly calculate date differences", "score": 118, "views": 256033, "answer_pids": [182277, 182279, 182282, 182315, 188107, 210736, 242899, 244841, 266223, 288451, 302322, 304836, 356769, 369062, 369063, 380355], "question_author": "Blake"} {"qid": 574, "query": "List partition labels from the command line", "score": 118, "views": 224640, "answer_pids": [176884, 176885, 176886, 176909, 208648, 209699, 218603, 218604, 218605, 232239, 272229, 362160], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 575, "query": "GPT or MBR: How do I know?", "score": 118, "views": 175862, "answer_pids": [222995, 222996, 223006, 223009, 255010, 294611, 355769], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 576, "query": "Sorting the output of find -print0 by piping to the sort command", "score": 118, "views": 164981, "answer_pids": [187224, 187226, 187227, 189068, 385910], "question_author": "Tim Brigham"} {"qid": 577, "query": "How can I start the python SimpleHTTPServer on port 80?", "score": 118, "views": 156660, "answer_pids": [182264, 343144], "question_author": "Benjamin A."} {"qid": 578, "query": "How do I find how long ago a Linux system was installed?", "score": 118, "views": 110820, "answer_pids": [174705, 174706, 174707, 174715, 174717, 174742, 193176, 205856, 235050, 288866, 350006], "question_author": "Johann M."} {"qid": 579, "query": "Difference between /bin and /usr/bin", "score": 118, "views": 104668, "answer_pids": [172569, 172582, 172598, 172697, 198598], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 580, "query": "Why is the Linux kernel 15+ million lines of code?", "score": 118, "views": 63327, "answer_pids": [259278, 259282, 259284, 259344, 259384, 259410], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 581, "query": "How are /dev Linux files created?", "score": 118, "views": 55934, "answer_pids": [265586, 265589, 265592, 265598, 265691, 265718, 312162], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 582, "query": "How to follow links in linux man pages?", "score": 118, "views": 31802, "answer_pids": [178945, 178950, 197841, 201704, 220680, 233397, 246830, 287147, 311114, 371741], "question_author": "Benjamin Pollack"} {"qid": 583, "query": "On what systems is //foo/bar different from /foo/bar?", "score": 118, "views": 10786, "answer_pids": [270949, 270951, 270956, 270960, 270966, 270975, 270980, 270989, 271078], "question_author": "MattE"} {"qid": 584, "query": "How to open rar file in linux?", "score": 117, "views": 327277, "answer_pids": [267388, 267392, 273481, 273498, 320099, 339626, 347955, 379354], "question_author": "Henry"} {"qid": 585, "query": "SSH Key Permissions chmod settings?", "score": 117, "views": 322102, "answer_pids": [271317, 374362], "question_author": null} {"qid": 586, "query": "How do I kill all screens?", "score": 117, "views": 273591, "answer_pids": [213344, 213357, 241138, 260529, 317570, 355344, 359701], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 587, "query": "How to run grep with multiple AND patterns?", "score": 117, "views": 262626, "answer_pids": [196392, 196406, 275427, 293835, 329361, 329363, 347135, 388267], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 588, "query": "Getting new files to inherit group permissions on Linux", "score": 117, "views": 257621, "answer_pids": [221007, 226101, 318036], "question_author": "Nicolas Raoul"} {"qid": 589, "query": "last time file opened", "score": 117, "views": 187705, "answer_pids": [174081, 174082, 174088, 193611], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 590, "query": "How to check if there are no parameters provided to a command?", "score": 117, "views": 166231, "answer_pids": [182948, 237882], "question_author": "Peter Kruithof"} {"qid": 591, "query": "How to sync two folders with command line tools?", "score": 117, "views": 165807, "answer_pids": [252374, 299058, 349134, 358756, 362425], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 592, "query": "gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr", "score": 117, "views": 157412, "answer_pids": [317965, 321226], "question_author": "Blake"} {"qid": 593, "query": "Why is video tearing such a problem in Linux?", "score": 117, "views": 89933, "answer_pids": [245085, 245093, 267298, 271123, 293888], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 594, "query": "Understanding the output of --info=progress2 from rsync", "score": 117, "views": 56878, "answer_pids": [272478], "question_author": "Nicolas Raoul"} {"qid": 595, "query": "What is the fastest way to send massive amounts of data between two computers?", "score": 117, "views": 39095, "answer_pids": [260797, 260802, 260805, 260806, 260815, 260819, 260837, 260870, 260872, 260878, 260893, 260897, 260961, 261007, 261026, 261070, 261083, 261119, 261262, 340236], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 596, "query": "If Linux is only a kernel, then how were its first versions used (without distribution)?", "score": 117, "views": 22836, "answer_pids": [336853, 336854, 336873, 336895, 337004, 337008], "question_author": "Brett Lykins"} {"qid": 597, "query": "Why is there no Euro English locale?", "score": 117, "views": 20715, "answer_pids": [199585, 199586, 236753, 236784, 276102, 311070], "question_author": null} {"qid": 598, "query": "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host (not using hosts.deny)", "score": 116, "views": 572824, "answer_pids": [226697, 238772, 244454, 271426, 278933, 314551, 318219, 329745, 330305, 366287], "question_author": "jms"} {"qid": 599, "query": "How to output only file names (with spaces) in ls -Al?", "score": 116, "views": 304198, "answer_pids": [202796, 202797, 202817, 246995, 247009, 249722, 286244, 368657, 384178], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 600, "query": "Unable to locate package `docker-ce` on a 64bit ubuntu", "score": 116, "views": 184411, "answer_pids": [305758, 319257, 319841, 327697], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 601, "query": "Writing basic systemd service files", "score": 116, "views": 177925, "answer_pids": [177483, 204553, 300802], "question_author": "generalnetworkerror"} {"qid": 602, "query": "How to copy text from vim to an external program?", "score": 116, "views": 176775, "answer_pids": [176028, 176037, 176047, 176049, 176051, 181676, 218324, 298208, 333221], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 603, "query": "What is a tainted kernel in Linux?", "score": 116, "views": 153762, "answer_pids": [222072, 376760], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 604, "query": "What is this folder /run/user/1000?", "score": 116, "views": 109789, "answer_pids": [238066, 238069], "question_author": "lesmana"} {"qid": 605, "query": "Understanding the -exec option of `find`", "score": 116, "views": 75499, "answer_pids": [314019], "question_author": null} {"qid": 606, "query": "Why is /dev/null a file? Why isnt its function implemented as a simple program?", "score": 116, "views": 23311, "answer_pids": [329760, 329764, 329786, 329789, 329929, 329963], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 607, "query": "timestamp, modification time, and created time of a file", "score": 115, "views": 310448, "answer_pids": [170685, 189940], "question_author": "AndrejaKo"} {"qid": 608, "query": "Why do we need to fork to create new processes?", "score": 115, "views": 61604, "answer_pids": [228686, 228695, 228697, 228698, 282222], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 609, "query": "Whats the most appropriate directory where to place files shared between users?", "score": 115, "views": 56963, "answer_pids": [202834, 202837, 202853, 203024, 203029, 340159], "question_author": null} {"qid": 610, "query": "Does tail read the whole file?", "score": 115, "views": 13211, "answer_pids": [216016, 216018, 216042, 283524, 358531], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 611, "query": "Create a symbolic link relative to the current directory", "score": 114, "views": 480698, "answer_pids": [208748, 292006, 330714], "question_author": "Ed Chapel"} {"qid": 612, "query": "How can I monitor all outgoing requests/connections from my machine?", "score": 114, "views": 389771, "answer_pids": [196913, 196915, 196917, 196959, 196982, 248161, 283145], "question_author": "Paul Keeble"} {"qid": 613, "query": "How to compare two dates in a shell?", "score": 114, "views": 337860, "answer_pids": [208848, 208850, 208859, 208881, 231654, 241152, 245023, 299851], "question_author": "Kranar"} {"qid": 614, "query": "How to insert text before the first line of a file?", "score": 114, "views": 319143, "answer_pids": [214952, 214953, 275108, 277595, 289690, 291742, 297011, 335303, 368180], "question_author": null} {"qid": 615, "query": "rm -rf all files and all hidden files without . & .. error", "score": 114, "views": 165108, "answer_pids": [205663, 205689, 205697, 205741, 289809, 308460, 331188, 331190], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 616, "query": "Why is my ethernet interface called enp0s10 instead of eth0?", "score": 114, "views": 135901, "answer_pids": [228192, 289327, 366904, 376695, 381811], "question_author": null} {"qid": 617, "query": "Reserved space for root on a filesystem - why?", "score": 114, "views": 122731, "answer_pids": [173701, 173709, 173710, 173718], "question_author": null} {"qid": 618, "query": "Why does argv include the program name?", "score": 114, "views": 25697, "answer_pids": [290576, 290577, 290578, 290580, 290591, 290625, 290631, 290733, 290879, 290982], "question_author": "lunistorvalds"} {"qid": 619, "query": "Error using SCP: not a regular file", "score": 113, "views": 399937, "answer_pids": [195560, 195561, 195606, 212837, 302650, 315906], "question_author": "Brett Lykins"} {"qid": 620, "query": "How to escape quotes in shell?", "score": 113, "views": 311968, "answer_pids": [185464, 185477, 246723, 266748], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 621, "query": "Shell scripting: -z and -n options with if", "score": 113, "views": 298677, "answer_pids": [218899, 218901, 367651], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 622, "query": "exit tmux window without quitting the Terminal program", "score": 113, "views": 206522, "answer_pids": [242017, 274154], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 623, "query": "What is mail, and how is it navigated?", "score": 113, "views": 170442, "answer_pids": [183364, 183369, 183427], "question_author": "Michael Pryor"} {"qid": 624, "query": "How can I remove the BOM from a UTF-8 file?", "score": 113, "views": 136613, "answer_pids": [311132, 311135, 311145, 311153, 321852, 366063, 376088], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 625, "query": "Which installed software packages use the most disk space on Debian?", "score": 113, "views": 89747, "answer_pids": [190137, 217795, 219239, 219241, 219244, 219248, 277266, 300571, 329434], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 626, "query": "How do you do a dry run of rm to see what files will be deleted?", "score": 113, "views": 58469, "answer_pids": [173212, 173213, 335861, 378875], "question_author": "Brett Lykins"} {"qid": 627, "query": "How to use watch command with a piped chain of commands/programs", "score": 113, "views": 53677, "answer_pids": [291550, 291562, 362220, 370055], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 628, "query": "Watch YouTube videos in terminal", "score": 113, "views": 51682, "answer_pids": [237417, 237418, 237610, 311519], "question_author": null} {"qid": 629, "query": "How to renew an expired keypair with gpg", "score": 113, "views": 49134, "answer_pids": [243058, 370921], "question_author": "Yann D\u00ecnendal"} {"qid": 630, "query": "Is Vim immune to copy-paste attack?", "score": 113, "views": 9863, "answer_pids": [303530, 351811], "question_author": "Mark Henderson"} {"qid": 631, "query": "SSH login with clear text password as a parameter?", "score": 112, "views": 575456, "answer_pids": [189308, 189383, 198379], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 632, "query": "Why do we use ./ (dot slash) to execute a file in Linux/UNIX?", "score": 112, "views": 334092, "answer_pids": [171797, 171798, 171812, 176003, 368568], "question_author": null} {"qid": 633, "query": "What is /usr/local/bin?", "score": 112, "views": 211697, "answer_pids": [171659, 171660, 171661, 171664, 171668, 177830, 238205], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 634, "query": "In linux, how to delete all files EXCEPT the pattern *.txt?", "score": 112, "views": 154377, "answer_pids": [206201, 206202, 206203, 206204, 206220, 284721, 360051], "question_author": "Gareth Hastings"} {"qid": 635, "query": "How to export a GPG private key and public key to a file", "score": 112, "views": 148641, "answer_pids": [343488, 363145, 380297], "question_author": "Igor Artamonov"} {"qid": 636, "query": "Why doesnt grep ignore binary files by default?", "score": 112, "views": 73233, "answer_pids": [202713, 254071], "question_author": "MattE"} {"qid": 637, "query": "What does the (!) mean after uptime on htop", "score": 112, "views": 26545, "answer_pids": [233500, 237745, 302238], "question_author": "Niall C."} {"qid": 638, "query": "Vi vs vim, or, is there any reason why I would ever want to use vi?", "score": 111, "views": 173983, "answer_pids": [199015, 199017, 199021, 199024, 199183, 199349, 303044, 326181, 338141], "question_author": "jwbensley"} {"qid": 639, "query": "How to shrink root filesystem without booting a livecd", "score": 111, "views": 111695, "answer_pids": [260537, 300069], "question_author": "EricSch"} {"qid": 640, "query": "What are high memory and low memory on Linux?", "score": 111, "views": 105557, "answer_pids": [172066, 172068, 172079, 172173, 199875, 376333], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 641, "query": "Command line: How do you rotate a PDF file 90 degrees?", "score": 111, "views": 93647, "answer_pids": [315425, 315426, 328057, 329785, 332671, 336329, 337213, 347169, 384102, 384449], "question_author": "GAThrawn"} {"qid": 642, "query": "How can I find out which users are in a group within Linux?", "score": 110, "views": 225607, "answer_pids": [265603, 265604, 265605, 265606, 265611, 265782, 292367, 301542, 314164], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 643, "query": "Simple way to create a tunnel from one local port to another?", "score": 110, "views": 192757, "answer_pids": [174953, 207536, 215609, 246581, 280691, 327659, 353839], "question_author": "Espanta"} {"qid": 644, "query": "Does the shebang determine the shell which runs the script?", "score": 110, "views": 78789, "answer_pids": [210236, 210250, 303238, 328510], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 645, "query": "What is the benefit of compiling your own linux kernel?", "score": 110, "views": 40248, "answer_pids": [169769, 169770, 169772, 169773, 169832, 169836, 170661, 170737, 174601, 177405, 259631, 347011], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 646, "query": "How to unzip a multipart (spanned) ZIP on Linux?", "score": 109, "views": 262881, "answer_pids": [190155, 190190, 222477, 261514, 361171, 363847, 370885], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 647, "query": "Disable a users login without disabling the account", "score": 109, "views": 216043, "answer_pids": [179549, 179550, 196053, 226935, 241163, 382734], "question_author": "user394"} {"qid": 648, "query": "Creating a GIF animation from PNG files", "score": 109, "views": 170452, "answer_pids": [181968, 181969, 182013, 197337, 203795, 345197], "question_author": "Sergio Acosta"} {"qid": 649, "query": "What is the difference between Halt and Shutdown commands?", "score": 109, "views": 135070, "answer_pids": [174012, 174013, 250062, 337614], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 650, "query": "tput setaf color table? How to determine color codes?", "score": 109, "views": 97298, "answer_pids": [274859, 274904, 274909, 329827, 354425], "question_author": null} {"qid": 651, "query": "In what order do piped commands run?", "score": 109, "views": 26525, "answer_pids": [188728, 188773, 211129, 230955], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 652, "query": "How to insert text after a certain string in a file?", "score": 108, "views": 413812, "answer_pids": [223399, 223404, 298995], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 653, "query": "How can I restart the SSH daemon on Ubuntu?", "score": 108, "views": 388197, "answer_pids": [226261, 253013], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 654, "query": "How to count the number of a specific character in each line?", "score": 108, "views": 283483, "answer_pids": [179250, 179251, 179253, 179255, 179258, 179259, 179270, 201235, 236808, 240637, 240639, 242478, 243676, 246901, 246902, 246935, 266993, 293789], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 655, "query": "How do I display log messages from previous boots under CentOS 7?", "score": 108, "views": 155996, "answer_pids": [237053, 262574], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 656, "query": "How to rsync over ssh when directory names have spaces", "score": 108, "views": 97236, "answer_pids": [216776, 228959, 258724, 273500, 274005, 322552, 336450, 376533], "question_author": null} {"qid": 657, "query": "Is it possible to run ssh-copy-id on port other than 22?", "score": 108, "views": 84097, "answer_pids": [184692, 184697, 184699, 193274, 201236, 235188, 326458], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 658, "query": "Is there a basic tutorial for grep, awk and sed?", "score": 108, "views": 66648, "answer_pids": [170672, 170673, 170698, 170703, 170729, 234131], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 659, "query": "Does sort support sorting a file in-place, like `sed --in-place`?", "score": 108, "views": 43597, "answer_pids": [184841, 184867, 250375, 250402], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 660, "query": "Process substitution and pipe", "score": 108, "views": 39476, "answer_pids": [178397, 178398, 178399, 183629, 352754], "question_author": null} {"qid": 661, "query": "Match exact string using grep", "score": 107, "views": 553819, "answer_pids": [253479, 253482, 253483, 253504, 375837], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 662, "query": "How to create SHA512 password hashes on command line", "score": 107, "views": 296886, "answer_pids": [195318, 205313, 226617, 241875, 261114, 326209, 360285], "question_author": "gbr"} {"qid": 663, "query": "What does systemctl daemon-reload do?", "score": 107, "views": 290294, "answer_pids": [306381], "question_author": "Mark Norgren"} {"qid": 664, "query": "Uploading directories with sftp?", "score": 107, "views": 236967, "answer_pids": [173185, 173187, 173210, 184922, 195276, 245733, 269637, 289242], "question_author": "Mike Marotta"} {"qid": 665, "query": "Generate random numbers in specific range", "score": 107, "views": 228579, "answer_pids": [230426, 230427, 230429, 230433, 264868, 264976, 265597, 272514, 286286, 293627, 355559], "question_author": "phunehehe"} {"qid": 666, "query": "How to dd a remote disk using SSH on local machine and save to a local disk", "score": 107, "views": 185964, "answer_pids": [227919, 243078, 252589, 363605, 380916], "question_author": "Tate Hansen"} {"qid": 667, "query": "Is there any option with ls command that I see only the directories?", "score": 107, "views": 151850, "answer_pids": [170220, 170223, 170226, 189539, 349139], "question_author": "Jamie"} {"qid": 668, "query": "How can I install the `ll` command on Mac OS X?", "score": 107, "views": 133688, "answer_pids": [184175, 184214, 235705, 237159, 278804, 287332, 335486, 356056, 360000, 371189, 373604], "question_author": null} {"qid": 669, "query": "How do I know which version of Debian Im running?", "score": 107, "views": 126514, "answer_pids": [243021, 289370, 292823, 327978], "question_author": "ovidius"} {"qid": 670, "query": "Does `sl` ever show the current directory?", "score": 107, "views": 20868, "answer_pids": [224944, 224945, 224972, 225033, 225040, 225058, 225125, 225137, 225291], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 671, "query": "How to find which processes are taking all the memory?", "score": 106, "views": 365629, "answer_pids": [172103, 172104, 172106, 172107, 172108, 239183, 365141, 367948], "question_author": null} {"qid": 672, "query": "what is the CentOS equivalent of /var/log/syslog (on Ubuntu)?", "score": 106, "views": 243174, "answer_pids": [210782, 371411, 386082], "question_author": "Benjamin A."} {"qid": 673, "query": "Determining what process is bound to a port", "score": 106, "views": 202963, "answer_pids": [174308, 174310, 174323, 174324, 176196], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 674, "query": "How do I find out which processes are preventing unmounting of a device?", "score": 106, "views": 154122, "answer_pids": [171064, 171066, 171067, 172394, 313065, 313177], "question_author": "Stefan Radovanovici"} {"qid": 675, "query": "How to update Linux locate cache", "score": 106, "views": 139412, "answer_pids": [224907, 258088, 359224], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 676, "query": "Where should a local executable be placed?", "score": 106, "views": 86177, "answer_pids": [188410, 273292, 388409], "question_author": "Nippysaurus"} {"qid": 677, "query": "Command-line completion from command history", "score": 106, "views": 84303, "answer_pids": [172281, 172287, 180298, 204081, 289147], "question_author": "Maciej Piechotka"} {"qid": 678, "query": "su vs sudo -s vs sudo -i vs sudo bash", "score": 106, "views": 66948, "answer_pids": [187711, 187713, 288902], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 679, "query": "What happens when you mount over an existing folder with contents?", "score": 106, "views": 66423, "answer_pids": [250843], "question_author": "AjNetEng"} {"qid": 680, "query": "Why ZSH ends a line with a highlighted percent symbol?", "score": 106, "views": 44916, "answer_pids": [239868, 286239], "question_author": "Daniel Yuste Aroca"} {"qid": 681, "query": "Why does parameter expansion with spaces without quotes work inside double brackets [[ but not inside single brackets [?", "score": 106, "views": 42707, "answer_pids": [186149, 186150, 186160, 280915], "question_author": "Nippysaurus"} {"qid": 682, "query": "Why is there a big delay after entering a wrong password?", "score": 106, "views": 38388, "answer_pids": [170492, 170493, 256017], "question_author": "Sander Versluys"} {"qid": 683, "query": "What is the difference between cat file | ./binary and ./binary < file?", "score": 106, "views": 15539, "answer_pids": [297634, 297636, 297639, 297673], "question_author": "Peter Smit"} {"qid": 684, "query": "How to grep lines which does not begin with # or ;?", "score": 105, "views": 242546, "answer_pids": [199000, 248072, 262644, 263642, 268895], "question_author": "Simiil"} {"qid": 685, "query": "What is the difference between -m conntrack --ctstate and -m state --state", "score": 105, "views": 102017, "answer_pids": [218286, 346476], "question_author": "VMEricAnderson"} {"qid": 686, "query": "Why is root login via SSH so bad that everyone advises to disable it?", "score": 105, "views": 47927, "answer_pids": [208064, 208065, 208066, 208107, 297471], "question_author": "BrianK"} {"qid": 687, "query": "tmux status-bar corrupted after catting a binary file, how to reset?", "score": 105, "views": 35473, "answer_pids": [194715, 194717, 194721, 194740, 243595, 252151, 269801], "question_author": "Everett"} {"qid": 688, "query": "How do keyboard input and text output work?", "score": 105, "views": 27185, "answer_pids": [221438, 274048], "question_author": "Hemant"} {"qid": 689, "query": "How can I make a script in /etc/init.d start at boot?", "score": 104, "views": 363318, "answer_pids": [180056, 180057, 213541, 379238], "question_author": "Phoenician-Eagle"} {"qid": 690, "query": "How to determine the filesystem of an unmounted device?", "score": 104, "views": 231856, "answer_pids": [195991], "question_author": "Jin"} {"qid": 691, "query": "Setting /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to clear cache", "score": 104, "views": 206228, "answer_pids": [178835], "question_author": "rick"} {"qid": 692, "query": "How to get keycodes for xmodmap?", "score": 104, "views": 175242, "answer_pids": [194611, 195718, 195732, 210365, 228601, 240015], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 693, "query": "Sorting files according to size recursively", "score": 104, "views": 157606, "answer_pids": [210463, 210464, 210468, 240269, 247052, 252322, 333585, 335452, 357526], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 694, "query": "What do the scripts in /etc/profile.d do?", "score": 104, "views": 157307, "answer_pids": [200429, 200430, 359930], "question_author": "Nicolas Raoul"} {"qid": 695, "query": "How can we run a command stored in a variable?", "score": 104, "views": 129761, "answer_pids": [331921, 331922, 331923], "question_author": "WaxTrax"} {"qid": 696, "query": "How can I create a message box from the command line?", "score": 104, "views": 128475, "answer_pids": [231299, 231310, 287357, 322949], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 697, "query": "What are the systemctl options to List all failed units", "score": 104, "views": 118385, "answer_pids": [298771, 371584], "question_author": null} {"qid": 698, "query": "ulimit: difference between hard and soft limits", "score": 104, "views": 110107, "answer_pids": [184778], "question_author": "Andreas Arnold"} {"qid": 699, "query": "Search for a previous command with the prefix I just typed", "score": 104, "views": 74487, "answer_pids": [262135, 262137, 262146, 262156, 262164, 262188, 282228, 318275, 338534], "question_author": null} {"qid": 700, "query": "convert webp to jpg error: no decode delegate for this image format and missing an image filename", "score": 104, "views": 68173, "answer_pids": [202822, 202825, 244102, 301358, 309020, 377330], "question_author": "JFW"} {"qid": 701, "query": "Remember a half-typed command while I check something", "score": 104, "views": 6896, "answer_pids": [175144, 175150, 175157, 175159, 175165, 175166, 175171, 175738, 229177, 292935, 367960], "question_author": null} {"qid": 702, "query": "List of available services", "score": 103, "views": 383382, "answer_pids": [218450, 269376, 307033, 348971], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 703, "query": "Error when trying to connect to bluetooth speaker: `org.bluez.Error.Failed`", "score": 103, "views": 199145, "answer_pids": [271465, 309340, 318299, 330146, 384254, 389094], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 704, "query": "How to add newlines into variables in bash script", "score": 103, "views": 165970, "answer_pids": [179906, 179907, 179908, 206410, 217555, 230690, 289483], "question_author": "NAVEEN GEORGE"} {"qid": 705, "query": "tmux bottom bar color change", "score": 103, "views": 90501, "answer_pids": [198988, 221082], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 706, "query": "determining path to sourced shell script", "score": 103, "views": 73819, "answer_pids": [171913, 171916, 171925, 234655, 302178, 342813, 348968], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 707, "query": "Find duplicate files", "score": 103, "views": 72333, "answer_pids": [203045, 203046, 203059, 203515, 219677, 319728, 382768], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 708, "query": "What does it mean to have a $dollarsign-prefixed string in a script?", "score": 103, "views": 70762, "answer_pids": [193852, 193853], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 709, "query": "Detect init system using the shell", "score": 103, "views": 53564, "answer_pids": [178979, 178982, 220581, 220582, 228075, 234995, 237234, 238512, 241228, 259085, 265429, 274994, 277479, 278269, 293692, 293817, 336337, 376247], "question_author": "robsoft"} {"qid": 710, "query": "Why eval the output of ssh-agent?", "score": 103, "views": 33396, "answer_pids": [302200], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 711, "query": "Why would I tar a single file?", "score": 103, "views": 19857, "answer_pids": [277854, 277864, 277869, 277897, 277937, 277996, 278169], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 712, "query": "Command to list PostgreSQL user accounts?", "score": 102, "views": 272660, "answer_pids": [251598, 318209, 319325, 353721], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 713, "query": "Set volume from terminal", "score": 102, "views": 250339, "answer_pids": [186146, 186148, 200982, 251705, 252102, 275892, 295121], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 714, "query": "How to print only the duplicate values from a text file?", "score": 102, "views": 195467, "answer_pids": [195519, 195534, 256465, 362046], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 715, "query": "Why is the root directory on a web server put by default in /var/www?", "score": 102, "views": 173451, "answer_pids": [193516, 193517, 193524, 193526, 193531, 193547, 193599, 236982, 274596], "question_author": "Nippysaurus"} {"qid": 716, "query": "On-the-fly monitoring HTTP requests on a network interface?", "score": 102, "views": 160253, "answer_pids": [172775, 172777, 172786, 227811, 245824, 271215], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 717, "query": "Create a tar archive split into blocks of a maximum size", "score": 102, "views": 139455, "answer_pids": [199332, 199335, 266589, 287502, 387927], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 718, "query": "Is Mac OS X UNIX?", "score": 102, "views": 131380, "answer_pids": [170127, 170128, 170149, 178941, 234115, 294517], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 719, "query": "How do I use cut to separate by multiple whitespace?", "score": 102, "views": 87235, "answer_pids": [218985, 219009, 258882, 298467, 363821, 373896], "question_author": "Marcos Gonzalez"} {"qid": 720, "query": "Chrome: DNS requests with random DNS names: malware?", "score": 102, "views": 36423, "answer_pids": [305929], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 721, "query": "Whats the purpose of the randomart image for user (not host) SSH keys?", "score": 102, "views": 36126, "answer_pids": [231222, 231519, 294308], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 722, "query": "Does cd . have use?", "score": 102, "views": 23009, "answer_pids": [347243, 347244, 347249, 347251, 347262, 347295, 347306, 347387, 347624], "question_author": "Steve Wright"} {"qid": 723, "query": "How to check which GPU is active in Linux?", "score": 101, "views": 260367, "answer_pids": [178063, 188364, 245859, 265188, 321987], "question_author": "grokus"} {"qid": 724, "query": "How to solve the issue that a Terminal screen is messed up? (usually after a resizing)", "score": 101, "views": 198956, "answer_pids": [199256, 199265, 239994, 262705, 297962, 303573, 327653, 350185, 354780], "question_author": "Brian R. Bondy"} {"qid": 725, "query": "Convert file contents to lower case", "score": 101, "views": 193219, "answer_pids": [241380, 241381, 241393, 241394, 241426, 328680], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 726, "query": "How to install dig on CentOS?", "score": 101, "views": 166663, "answer_pids": [223699, 223709, 364046], "question_author": null} {"qid": 727, "query": "How does tcp-keepalive work in ssh?", "score": 101, "views": 124119, "answer_pids": [187164, 294882], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 728, "query": "How can I keep my SSH sessions from freezing?", "score": 101, "views": 118494, "answer_pids": [251439, 251443, 251444, 251445, 298898, 366248], "question_author": null} {"qid": 729, "query": "How to pass parameters to an alias?", "score": 101, "views": 105624, "answer_pids": [171427, 171429, 179881, 307031, 335535], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 730, "query": "Long line wrapping in Nano", "score": 101, "views": 103024, "answer_pids": [240200, 257560, 301356, 306167, 337896, 338746, 345850], "question_author": "Steve"} {"qid": 731, "query": "Why can rm remove read-only files?", "score": 101, "views": 91556, "answer_pids": [194073, 194076], "question_author": "Adam Dempsey"} {"qid": 732, "query": "How do you use output redirection in combination with here-documents and cat?", "score": 101, "views": 72560, "answer_pids": [210652, 322576], "question_author": "Craig Constantine"} {"qid": 733, "query": "How to make tmux count windows starting from 1 instead of 0?", "score": 101, "views": 32678, "answer_pids": [187985], "question_author": "Dennis Olvany"} {"qid": 734, "query": "How can I find available network interfaces?", "score": 100, "views": 371445, "answer_pids": [225204, 225208, 273265, 278477], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 735, "query": "tar --exclude doesnt exclude. Why?", "score": 100, "views": 253752, "answer_pids": [186477, 186568, 186631, 186720, 186721, 206223, 259455, 266387, 283247, 293728, 322750, 330956], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 736, "query": "Multiline shell script comments - how does this work?", "score": 100, "views": 199549, "answer_pids": [188677, 188678, 199241, 334523], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 737, "query": "How to copy the partition layout of a whole disk using standard tools", "score": 100, "views": 186501, "answer_pids": [176282, 176283, 198730, 372269, 382835], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 738, "query": "What are correct permissions for /tmp ? I unintentionally set it all public recursively", "score": 100, "views": 181877, "answer_pids": [203245, 203246, 203266], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 739, "query": "Press space to continue", "score": 100, "views": 130723, "answer_pids": [228171, 228172, 228212, 228220, 283137, 297110, 334339, 379281, 391721], "question_author": "Brian R. Bondy"} {"qid": 740, "query": "What is the difference between ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile?", "score": 100, "views": 124543, "answer_pids": [192662, 192663, 192686, 192717], "question_author": "Thomas Owens"} {"qid": 741, "query": "Whats the difference between eval and exec?", "score": 100, "views": 119423, "answer_pids": [284515, 284516, 284542, 306876], "question_author": null} {"qid": 742, "query": "Birth is empty on ext4", "score": 100, "views": 52949, "answer_pids": [194854, 227306, 248762, 307833, 319971, 371007], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 743, "query": "How do you use the command coproc in various shells?", "score": 100, "views": 30988, "answer_pids": [209709, 209729, 257186], "question_author": "John Jensen"} {"qid": 744, "query": "How to ssh to remote server using a private key?", "score": 99, "views": 469612, "answer_pids": [181598, 181599, 209275, 280679, 352449], "question_author": "Daniel G. Wilson"} {"qid": 745, "query": "What is the right file permission for a .pem file to SSH and SCP", "score": 99, "views": 379587, "answer_pids": [221099, 221150, 221198, 240714, 271837], "question_author": "Brian R. Bondy"} {"qid": 746, "query": "su options - running command as another user", "score": 99, "views": 319255, "answer_pids": [169885, 169886], "question_author": "Luc M"} {"qid": 747, "query": "grep on a variable", "score": 99, "views": 285502, "answer_pids": [238412, 238414], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 748, "query": "How can I look up a username by id in linux?", "score": 99, "views": 236388, "answer_pids": [188298, 188337, 240501, 276387, 377891], "question_author": "Blue Warrior NFB"} {"qid": 749, "query": "What technical details should a programmer of a web application consider before making the site public?", "score": 2186, "views": 471236, "answer_pids": [406260], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 750, "query": "Which hashing algorithm is best for uniqueness and speed?", "score": 1564, "views": 751790, "answer_pids": [407223, 407224, 407226, 407243, 422880, 441673, 443527, 443552, 475365, 493747, 496570], "question_author": "zneak"} {"qid": 751, "query": "Where did the notion of one return only come from?", "score": 1269, "views": 240767, "answer_pids": [430884, 430902, 430910, 430918, 430926, 430994, 465761, 507863, 515085, 524455, 527931], "question_author": "PacketWrassler"} {"qid": 752, "query": "Im graduating with a Computer Science degree but I dont feel like I know how to program", "score": 1050, "views": 395731, "answer_pids": [391920, 392501, 392505, 392513, 392514, 392992, 393344, 393349, 393352, 395048, 395063, 395065, 405039, 405040, 405041, 405042, 405043, 405044, 405045, 405046, 405047, 405048, 405049, 405050, 405051, 405052, 405053, 405054, 405055, 405056, 405057, 405058, 405059, 405060, 405061, 405062, 405063, 405064, 405065, 405066, 405067, 405068, 405069, 405070, 405071, 405072, 405073, 405074, 405075, 405076, 405077, 405078, 405079, 405080, 405081, 405082, 405083, 405084, 405085, 405086, 405087, 405088, 405089, 405090, 405091, 405092, 405093, 405094, 405095, 405096, 405097, 405098, 405099, 405100, 405101, 405102, 405103, 405104, 405105, 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person to blame field to every bug report. How can I convince him that its a bad idea?", "score": 708, "views": 132360, "answer_pids": [445490, 445491, 445493, 445494, 445495, 445496, 445498, 445503, 445505, 445506, 445512, 445514, 445515, 445536, 445537, 445554, 445557, 445558, 445562, 445566, 445567, 445603, 445604, 445635, 445683, 446241, 450292], "question_author": "Mark Davidson"} {"qid": 755, "query": "How to respond when you are asked for an estimate?", "score": 694, "views": 238296, "answer_pids": [391983, 391984, 391992, 391993, 391994, 391995, 392020, 392021, 392022, 393134, 393890, 393932, 439224, 489937, 499695, 508858], "question_author": "Moshe"} {"qid": 756, "query": "Why is 80 characters the standard limit for code width?", "score": 632, "views": 243968, "answer_pids": [442930, 442939, 442945, 442947, 442951, 443047, 443116, 468524, 468546], "question_author": "Bradley Kreider"} {"qid": 757, "query": "So Singletons are bad, then what?", "score": 593, "views": 252937, "answer_pids": [404067, 404068, 404074, 404078, 404105, 404147, 404156, 404161, 404165, 467106, 467886, 469531, 469533], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 758, "query": "Is the use of utf8=\u2713 preferable to utf8=true?", "score": 577, "views": 72754, "answer_pids": [451114], "question_author": "Mark Davidson"} {"qid": 759, "query": "What is the Mars Curiosity Rovers software built in?", "score": 572, "views": 217367, "answer_pids": [447366, 447378], "question_author": "Mark Davidson"} {"qid": 760, "query": "Pros and Cons of Facebooks React vs. Web Components (Polymer)", "score": 541, "views": 200983, "answer_pids": [472812, 473822, 477465, 489913, 493063, 499359], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 761, "query": "Why cant the IT industry deliver large, faultless projects quickly as in other industries?", "score": 529, "views": 118823, "answer_pids": [446995, 446999, 447000, 447001, 447002, 447003, 447006, 447007, 447008, 447009, 447011, 447012, 447014, 447015, 447016, 447019, 447020, 447021, 447022, 447023, 447024, 447025, 447069, 447098, 447164, 465558, 471865], "question_author": null} {"qid": 762, "query": "Is it OK to have multiple asserts in a single unit test?", "score": 486, "views": 373126, "answer_pids": [393787, 393789, 393799, 393805, 393820, 451806, 451960, 458020, 462024, 481468, 494966, 511807, 516291], "question_author": "Kevin"} {"qid": 763, "query": "Ive inherited 200K lines of spaghetti code -- what now?", "score": 468, "views": 187908, "answer_pids": [445775, 445776, 445777, 445779, 445782, 445783, 445788, 445794, 445795, 445810, 445875, 445883, 445884, 445896, 445906, 445963, 447346], "question_author": "AgentConundrum"} {"qid": 764, "query": "Overcoming slow problem solving due to increased knowledge of what might go wrong", "score": 464, "views": 25849, "answer_pids": [465877, 465878, 465879, 465882, 465889, 465893, 465894, 465899, 465903, 465904, 465918, 465923, 465925, 465927, 465928, 466001, 466048, 466165, 471876], "question_author": "Jeff Atwood"} {"qid": 765, "query": "My customer wants me to record a video of how I develop his software product", "score": 456, "views": 100629, "answer_pids": [427532, 427533, 427534, 427536, 427539, 427540, 427542, 427546, 427559, 427572, 427574, 427581, 427586, 427594, 427595, 427609, 427631, 427633, 427718, 428045], "question_author": "Aaron"} {"qid": 766, "query": "How accurate is Business logic should be in a service, not in a model?", "score": 433, "views": 165919, "answer_pids": [467016, 467018, 467092, 467101, 467126, 467132, 467183, 477153, 483408, 508223], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 767, "query": "Should UTF-16 be considered harmful?", "score": 432, "views": 122623, "answer_pids": [424288, 424289, 424290, 424291, 424292, 424293, 424294, 424295, 424296, 424297, 424298, 424299, 424300, 424301, 424302, 424303, 424313, 424433, 424460, 454431], "question_author": "Olipro"} {"qid": 768, "query": "Im a manager. How can I improve work relationships and communication with programmers?", "score": 431, "views": 20052, "answer_pids": [420947, 420948, 420949, 420950, 420951, 420952, 420953, 420954, 420958, 420959, 420961, 420962, 420963, 420967, 420968, 420976, 420984, 420985, 420988, 420997, 421039, 421078, 423704, 426383], "question_author": "Stefan"} {"qid": 769, "query": "How do I create my own programming language and a compiler for it", "score": 425, "views": 309006, "answer_pids": [418074, 418075, 418076, 418077, 418079, 418102, 418108, 418109, 418119, 418123, 418130, 418132, 418142, 418164, 418172, 418175, 418176, 418195, 418196, 418236, 418263, 429841, 447944], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 770, "query": "Should I intentionally break the build when a bug is found in production?", "score": 415, "views": 18069, "answer_pids": [435775, 435776, 435777, 435787, 435794, 435800, 435808, 435832, 435906, 435910, 436070, 436089], "question_author": "xenoterracide"} {"qid": 771, "query": "Why do game developers prefer Windows?", "score": 396, "views": 478451, "answer_pids": [410632, 410633, 410635, 410656, 410657, 410658, 410704, 419329, 419405, 419418, 452868, 452906, 455890], "question_author": "Lucas Kauffman"} {"qid": 772, "query": "What does stage mean in git?", "score": 395, "views": 426952, "answer_pids": [431349, 431355, 431363, 431366, 472701, 474803, 474960], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 773, "query": "Why is Global State so Evil?", "score": 395, "views": 140593, "answer_pids": [442690, 442691, 442692, 442693, 442694, 442702, 442711, 442712, 442717, 442727, 442739, 442752, 442754, 443110, 471482, 505527], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 774, "query": "Why isnt Java used for modern web application development?", "score": 391, "views": 630859, "answer_pids": [424247, 424249, 424252, 424255, 424256, 424257, 424261, 424262, 424263, 424265, 424271, 424273, 424280, 424281, 424285, 424286, 424305, 424333, 424657, 424679, 444426, 444427, 444428, 444432, 444435, 444436, 444439, 444441, 444442, 444444, 444454, 444462, 444557, 444563], "question_author": "Jonas"} {"qid": 775, "query": "I dont program in my spare time. Does that make me a bad developer?", "score": 387, "views": 143746, "answer_pids": [406955, 406956, 406957, 406958, 406959, 406962, 406968, 406969, 406970, 406977, 406979, 406989, 406990, 406991, 407012, 407015, 407018, 407019, 407024, 407051, 407136, 418232, 418235, 418237, 418262, 418269, 418515], "question_author": "Paddyslacker"} {"qid": 776, "query": "Im doing 90% maintenance and 10% development, is this normal?", "score": 368, "views": 147124, "answer_pids": [444537, 444539, 444540, 444542, 444549, 444556, 444560, 444561, 444565, 444566, 444569, 444570, 444572, 444574, 444588, 444594, 444620, 444625, 444641, 444685, 444711, 444792, 444864, 474321], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 777, "query": "Should I keep my GitHub forked repositories around forever?", "score": 367, "views": 40943, "answer_pids": [410912, 464480, 477437, 498843, 512129], "question_author": null} {"qid": 778, "query": "How would you know if youve written readable and easily maintainable code?", "score": 356, "views": 56581, "answer_pids": [439771, 439772, 439773, 439774, 439775, 439776, 439810, 440019, 440086, 440184, 441419, 441422, 441428, 461662, 471605, 474301, 489959], "question_author": "Christopher Jon Mankowski"} {"qid": 779, "query": "How should I behave as a developer in a project thats headed for failure?", "score": 347, "views": 76962, "answer_pids": [460204, 460205, 460206, 460208, 460209, 460218, 460219, 460221, 460226, 460228, 460293, 460324, 460377, 460982, 460989, 460998, 464256], "question_author": "ChrisF"} {"qid": 780, "query": "What is negative code?", "score": 347, "views": 27299, "answer_pids": [424903, 424904, 424905, 424906, 424907, 424911], "question_author": "Blackjack00"} {"qid": 781, "query": "Should you write your back-end as an API?", "score": 336, "views": 89679, "answer_pids": [485653, 485660, 485663, 485664, 485686, 485688, 485691, 485697, 485700, 485756, 485808, 485813, 485942, 497539], "question_author": "K. Norbert"} {"qid": 782, "query": "Is 4-5 years the \u201cMidlife Crisis\u201d for a programming career?", "score": 330, "views": 50985, "answer_pids": [401209, 401210, 401211, 401212, 401213, 401214, 401215, 401216, 401217, 401218, 401219, 401220, 401221, 401222, 401223, 401224, 401225, 401226, 401227, 401228, 401229, 401230, 401231, 401232, 401233, 401234, 401235, 401236, 401237, 401238, 401239, 401240, 401241, 401242, 401243, 401244, 401245, 401246, 401247, 401248, 401249, 401250, 401251, 401252, 401253, 401254, 401255, 401256, 401257, 401258, 401259, 401260, 401261, 401262, 401263, 401264, 401265, 401266, 401267, 401268], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 783, "query": "Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers?", "score": 324, "views": 249281, "answer_pids": [405945, 405946, 405948, 405949, 405953, 405961, 405965, 405969, 405970, 405971, 405983, 405986, 405993, 406000, 406010, 406014, 406026, 406056, 406067, 406083, 406091, 406099, 406103, 406109, 406119, 406138, 406152, 406164, 406211, 406230, 406261], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 784, "query": "Why are there no PUT and DELETE methods on HTML forms?", "score": 323, "views": 144584, "answer_pids": [429110, 429126, 465274, 477508, 479515], "question_author": "Geekman"} {"qid": 785, "query": "When should you call yourself a senior developer?", "score": 320, "views": 421941, "answer_pids": [399659, 399660, 399661, 399664, 399665, 399666, 399667, 399668, 399673, 399676, 399677, 403553, 403561, 415426, 438068, 443123, 452055, 452058], "question_author": "BrianK"} {"qid": 786, "query": "What software programming languages were used by the Soviet Unions space program?", "score": 312, "views": 110211, "answer_pids": [441773, 441788, 444110, 444124], "question_author": "setzamora"} {"qid": 787, "query": "When is a BIG Rewrite the answer?", "score": 312, "views": 70591, "answer_pids": [393420, 393422, 393423, 393424, 393429, 393431, 393432, 393435, 402854, 402855, 402857, 402864, 402867, 402876, 411818, 411819, 448307, 465945, 474320], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 788, "query": "Why are shortcuts like x += y considered good practice?", "score": 311, "views": 125322, "answer_pids": [437013, 437014, 437016, 437017, 437018, 437020, 437024, 437025, 437034, 437039, 437041, 437048, 437051, 437052, 437108, 437215], "question_author": null} {"qid": 789, "query": "Should curly braces appear on their own line?", "score": 305, "views": 317148, "answer_pids": [392548, 392550, 392556, 392566, 392567, 392570, 392573, 392578, 392591, 392592, 392622, 393320, 393474, 393701, 393708, 396203, 396250, 396251, 396255, 396432, 396491, 396613, 396786, 396846, 396894, 412092, 412093], "question_author": "NAVEEN GEORGE"} {"qid": 790, "query": "Im a Subversion geek, why should I consider or not consider Mercurial or Git or any other DVCS?", "score": 305, "views": 40775, "answer_pids": [402365, 402366, 402367, 402368, 402372, 402375, 402377, 402378, 402430, 403583], "question_author": "John Brayton"} {"qid": 791, "query": "Should I return from a function early or use an if statement?", "score": 302, "views": 191728, "answer_pids": [397352, 397353, 397354, 397355, 397356, 397359, 397362, 397363, 397364, 397365, 397367, 397373, 397387, 397451, 407120], "question_author": null} {"qid": 792, "query": "How Can I Know Whether I Am a Good Programmer?", "score": 301, "views": 94420, "answer_pids": [404420, 404421, 404422, 404423, 404424, 404425, 404426, 404427, 404428, 404429, 404430, 404431, 404432, 404433, 404434, 404435, 404436, 404437, 404438, 404439, 404440, 404441, 404442, 404443, 404444, 404445, 404446, 404447, 404448, 404449, 404450, 446107], "question_author": "Bulki"} {"qid": 793, "query": "Why does everyone use Git in a centralized manner?", "score": 301, "views": 42389, "answer_pids": [493357, 493359, 493360, 493362, 493363, 493364, 493367, 493372, 493392, 493400, 493421, 493495, 493529], "question_author": null} {"qid": 794, "query": "What does SVN do better than Git?", "score": 296, "views": 110580, "answer_pids": [428071, 428072, 428074, 428075, 428076, 428078, 428080, 428084, 428086, 428088, 428097, 428130, 428136, 428146, 428158, 455053, 455062, 458458, 467201], "question_author": "Bulki"} {"qid": 795, "query": "Is there any reason to use the var keyword in ES6?", "score": 296, "views": 100289, "answer_pids": [482054, 482057, 490706, 495761], "question_author": "user394"} {"qid": 796, "query": "Grokking Java culture - why are things so heavy? What does it optimize for?", "score": 295, "views": 28126, "answer_pids": [503919, 503921, 503922, 503925, 503926, 503927, 503928, 503935, 503938, 503940, 503944, 503948, 503956, 503962], "question_author": "Phoenician-Eagle"} {"qid": 797, "query": "Do I need to use an interface when only one class will ever implement it?", "score": 294, "views": 139222, "answer_pids": [447434, 447435, 447436, 447437, 447438, 447450, 447453, 447478, 447502, 447520, 454164, 454183, 454192, 476595, 486605], "question_author": "Navaneeth K N"} {"qid": 798, "query": "Should package names be singular or plural?", "score": 291, "views": 92645, "answer_pids": [415247, 496878], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 799, "query": "Are #regions an antipattern or code smell?", "score": 289, "views": 135864, "answer_pids": [408404, 408406, 408410, 408412, 408415, 408417, 408419, 408420, 408421, 408426, 408431, 408437, 408444, 409005, 464247, 481407], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 800, "query": "Why are people making tables with divs?", "score": 288, "views": 195647, "answer_pids": [483149, 483155, 483173, 483181, 483195, 483205, 483260], "question_author": "Adam A"} {"qid": 801, "query": "Why dont all companies buy developers the best hardware?", "score": 287, "views": 70857, "answer_pids": [421245, 421246, 421248, 421249, 421250, 421251, 421252, 421253, 421262, 421264, 421270, 421271, 421274, 421292, 421308, 421312, 421319, 421321, 421322, 421323, 421339, 421358, 421384, 421387, 421390, 421419, 421422, 421444, 421644], "question_author": null} {"qid": 802, "query": "Does using == in JavaScript ever make sense?", "score": 287, "views": 28587, "answer_pids": [480310, 480322, 480337, 480352, 480408, 480537, 494510], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 803, "query": "How do you know youre writing good code?", "score": 277, "views": 70594, "answer_pids": [410934, 410935, 410936, 410937, 410939, 410940, 410942, 410943, 410945, 410959, 410964, 410968, 410989, 411019, 411046, 411118, 411167, 411180], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 804, "query": "Leaving intentional bugs in code for testers to find", "score": 271, "views": 43007, "answer_pids": [481078, 481079, 481080, 481082, 481083, 481084, 481089, 481090, 481094, 481095, 481102, 481112, 481114, 481130, 481147, 481164, 481178, 481257, 481323, 483647], "question_author": null} {"qid": 805, "query": "Why have private fields, isnt protected enough?", "score": 271, "views": 24586, "answer_pids": [492370, 492371, 492372, 492374, 492380, 492401, 492406, 492407, 492415, 492439, 492451], "question_author": "Jaydles"} {"qid": 806, "query": "Aggregation vs Composition", "score": 269, "views": 264107, "answer_pids": [410849, 410865, 410866, 410885, 410889, 462546, 476982, 485831], "question_author": "atdre"} {"qid": 807, "query": "Should we avoid object creation in Java?", "score": 269, "views": 112822, "answer_pids": [443297, 443299, 443302, 443303, 443305, 443318, 443320, 443326, 443362, 463577, 477768, 516479], "question_author": "Alexandru Luchian"} {"qid": 808, "query": "Choosing between Single or multiple projects in a git repository?", "score": 268, "views": 143088, "answer_pids": [448072, 448084, 480963, 485426, 485432, 517672], "question_author": "generalnetworkerror"} {"qid": 809, "query": "How do you tell if advice from a senior developer is bad?", "score": 266, "views": 26887, "answer_pids": [416071, 416072, 416074, 416075, 416076, 416077, 416078, 416080, 416081, 416082, 416083, 416085, 416088, 416103, 416110, 416116, 416132, 416138, 416140, 416153, 416218, 424342, 424346, 424348, 424350, 424372], "question_author": "generalnetworkerror"} {"qid": 810, "query": "Why squash git commits for pull requests?", "score": 264, "views": 66548, "answer_pids": [478989, 478990, 479095, 488644, 511623, 519068], "question_author": "James"} {"qid": 811, "query": "How to write a very basic compiler", "score": 263, "views": 335544, "answer_pids": [449860, 449863, 449864, 449865, 449867, 529404], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 812, "query": "What does the Spring framework do? Should I use it? Why or why not?", "score": 260, "views": 293247, "answer_pids": [420789, 420804, 420806, 420901, 421025, 444796, 485347], "question_author": "Casebash"} {"qid": 813, "query": "How do you unit test private methods?", "score": 258, "views": 331260, "answer_pids": [423768, 423770, 441081, 453355, 453359, 459051, 460148, 468005, 469562, 469751, 524112], "question_author": "lamp_scaler"} {"qid": 814, "query": "How are globals any different from a database?", "score": 258, "views": 16501, "answer_pids": [494748, 494749, 494750, 494752, 494755, 494757, 494760, 494761, 494762, 494768, 494772, 494779, 494782, 494812, 494879], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 815, "query": "How can I deal with the cargo-cult programming attitude?", "score": 257, "views": 25219, "answer_pids": [432444, 432451, 432454, 432455, 432461, 432463, 432464, 432466, 432467, 432468, 432469, 432471, 432476, 432477, 432480, 432481, 432482, 432483, 432484, 432488, 432506, 432507, 432515, 432529, 432548, 432569, 432583, 432595, 432759, 432770, 432938, 467494], "question_author": "TrentEllingsen"} {"qid": 816, "query": "Perks for new programmers", "score": 257, "views": 6866, "answer_pids": [426148, 426149, 426150, 426151, 426152, 426153, 426154, 426155, 426156, 426157, 426158, 426159, 426160, 426161, 426162, 426163, 426164, 426165, 426166, 426167, 426168, 426169, 426170, 426171, 426172, 426173, 426174, 426175, 426176, 426177, 426178, 426179, 426180, 426181, 426182, 426183, 426184, 426185, 426186, 426187, 426188, 426189, 426190, 426191, 426192, 426193, 426194, 426195, 426196, 426197, 426198, 426199, 426200, 426201, 426202, 426203, 426204, 426205, 426206, 426207, 426208, 426209, 426210, 426211, 426212, 426213, 426214, 426215, 426216, 426217, 426218, 426219, 426220, 426221, 426222, 426223, 426224, 426225, 426226, 426227, 426228, 426229, 426230, 426231, 426232, 426233, 426234, 426235, 426236, 426237, 426238, 426239, 426240], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 817, "query": "Is premature optimization really the root of all evil?", "score": 256, "views": 81924, "answer_pids": [416542, 416543, 416544, 416545, 416546, 416547, 416548, 416549, 416550, 416551, 416552, 416562, 442145, 466549, 466552, 479676, 488311], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 818, "query": "Can I use GPL software in a commercial application", "score": 253, "views": 271404, "answer_pids": [406341, 475282, 481706], "question_author": "Jonik"} {"qid": 819, "query": "If immutable objects are good, why do people keep creating mutable objects?", "score": 250, "views": 205163, "answer_pids": [444217, 444218, 444228, 444229, 444233, 444235, 444251, 444257, 444276, 444278, 448068, 448089, 448092, 448438, 449830, 449855, 462587, 466860, 473950, 479588], "question_author": null} {"qid": 820, "query": "What is the difference between writing test cases for BDD and TDD?", "score": 249, "views": 175506, "answer_pids": [437466, 437467, 437474, 437478, 468892, 472013, 484641, 484666], "question_author": "Hank Gay"} {"qid": 821, "query": "Whats wrong with comments that explain complex code?", "score": 248, "views": 46552, "answer_pids": [476793, 476794, 476796, 476799, 476801, 476802, 476806, 476807, 476810, 476812, 476813, 476817, 476819, 476865], "question_author": "lamp_scaler"} {"qid": 822, "query": "What should every programmer know?", "score": 245, "views": 22168, "answer_pids": [420319, 420320, 420321, 420322, 420323, 420324, 420325, 420326, 420327, 420328, 420329, 420330, 420331, 420332, 420333, 420334, 420335, 420336, 420337, 420338, 420339, 420340, 420341, 420342, 420343, 420344, 420345, 420346, 420347, 420348, 420349, 420350, 420351, 420352, 420353, 420354, 420355, 420356, 420357, 420358, 420359, 420360, 420361, 420362, 420363, 420364, 420365, 420366, 420367, 420368, 420369, 420370, 420371, 420372, 420373, 420374, 420375, 420376, 420377, 420378, 420379, 420380, 420381, 420382, 420383, 420384, 420385, 420386, 420387, 420388, 420389, 420390, 420391, 420392, 420393, 420394, 420395, 420396, 420397, 420398, 420399, 420400, 420401, 420402, 420403, 420404, 420405, 420406, 420407, 420408, 420409, 420410, 420411, 420412, 420413, 420414, 420415, 420416, 420417, 420418, 420419, 420420, 420421, 420422, 420423, 420424, 420425, 420426, 420427, 420428, 420429, 420430, 420431, 420432, 420433, 420434, 420435, 420436, 420437, 420438, 420439, 420440, 420441, 420442, 420443, 420444, 420445, 420446, 420447, 420448, 420449, 420450, 420451, 420452, 420453, 420454, 420455, 420456, 420457, 420458, 420459, 420460, 420461, 420462, 420463, 420464, 420465, 420466], "question_author": "Jax"} {"qid": 823, "query": "Why do dynamic languages make it more difficult to maintain large codebases?", "score": 244, "views": 77512, "answer_pids": [468108, 468110, 468113, 468116, 468125, 468126], "question_author": "mastrboy"} {"qid": 824, "query": "Project is nearly done, but procedural spaghetti code. Do I rewrite or just keep trying to ship it?", "score": 244, "views": 20143, "answer_pids": [475071, 475076, 475077, 475089, 475093, 475094, 475125, 475129, 475145, 475157, 475288], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 825, "query": "Should images be stored in a git repository?", "score": 240, "views": 117026, "answer_pids": [416859, 416860, 417001, 417004, 417005, 417014, 438827, 490656], "question_author": null} {"qid": 826, "query": "Why was Tanenbaum wrong in the Tanenbaum-Torvalds debates?", "score": 239, "views": 59516, "answer_pids": [439739, 439740, 439741, 439742, 439743, 439745, 439747, 439748, 439751, 439779, 439799, 439805, 444060], "question_author": "Jean-Philippe Pellet"} {"qid": 827, "query": "Torvalds quote about good programmer", "score": 237, "views": 119410, "answer_pids": [448852, 448853, 448854, 448855, 448857, 448873, 448874, 448875, 449995, 450008, 450026, 450186, 451467], "question_author": "samy"} {"qid": 828, "query": "Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?", "score": 236, "views": 92304, "answer_pids": [398010, 398011, 398012, 398013, 398015, 398021, 398025, 398043, 398046, 398048, 398052, 398056, 398057, 398066, 398077, 398082, 398083, 398087, 398111, 398114, 398116, 398117, 398122, 398126, 398131, 398134, 398154, 400372, 403141, 409103, 413926, 413945], "question_author": "TrentEllingsen"} {"qid": 829, "query": "How can a code editor effectively hint at code nesting level - without using indentation?", "score": 236, "views": 29881, "answer_pids": [418995, 419001, 419011, 419012, 419239, 419244, 419269, 419278, 419283, 419296, 419425, 419609], "question_author": "Eldros"} {"qid": 830, "query": "Why do many exception messages not contain useful details?", "score": 235, "views": 25849, "answer_pids": [483502, 483503, 483505, 483506, 483518, 483519, 483523, 483540], "question_author": "Bryan Denny"} {"qid": 831, "query": "Why do ads for s/w engineers always say they offer a fast-paced environment?", "score": 234, "views": 41928, "answer_pids": [410229, 410230, 410231, 410232, 410233, 410234, 410235, 410241, 410252, 410260, 410265, 410282, 410283, 410286, 410287, 410294, 410295, 410316, 410338, 410347, 410349, 410353, 410354, 410356, 410384, 410388, 410418, 410459, 410473], "question_author": "mlambie"} {"qid": 832, "query": "Why do we need private variables?", "score": 232, "views": 222243, "answer_pids": [440911, 440912, 440913, 440914, 440915, 440916, 440942, 440946, 440948, 440951, 441385, 495484], "question_author": null} {"qid": 833, "query": "Is it wrong to use a boolean parameter to determine behavior?", "score": 231, "views": 144855, "answer_pids": [442630, 442632, 442637, 442639, 442655, 442665, 442672, 442673, 442682, 442705, 457511, 512259], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 834, "query": "Python file naming convention?", "score": 229, "views": 304057, "answer_pids": [491360, 520833], "question_author": "Martin"} {"qid": 835, "query": "Why do people hesitate to use Python 3?", "score": 229, "views": 75301, "answer_pids": [411519, 411520, 411521, 411529, 411537, 411539, 411581, 411594, 442179], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 836, "query": "Why shouldnt I use the repository pattern with Entity Framework?", "score": 228, "views": 143488, "answer_pids": [454697, 454698, 454785, 458236, 461865, 467634, 488519], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 837, "query": "New developer cant keep up with branch merges", "score": 228, "views": 43079, "answer_pids": [514181, 514182, 514183, 514184, 514187, 514189, 514194, 514206, 514227, 514268, 514275, 514302, 514314, 519164], "question_author": "Pierre"} {"qid": 838, "query": "Are `break` and `continue` bad programming practices?", "score": 227, "views": 181529, "answer_pids": [409951, 409952, 409953, 409954, 409955, 409957, 409958, 409967, 409980, 409991, 410023, 410039, 475064, 506634], "question_author": "Internet man"} {"qid": 839, "query": "Why use a database instead of just saving your data to disk?", "score": 227, "views": 174072, "answer_pids": [457918, 457919, 457920, 457930, 457931, 457940, 457945, 457953, 457979, 458007, 458222, 464797], "question_author": "Network Samurai"} {"qid": 840, "query": "Is it a bad practice to store large files (10 MB) in a database?", "score": 225, "views": 240297, "answer_pids": [443781, 443782, 443785, 443786, 443787, 443803, 443804, 443832, 443839, 443843, 443909, 443921], "question_author": "henklu"} {"qid": 841, "query": "Strategy for keeping secret info such as API keys out of source control?", "score": 224, "views": 65342, "answer_pids": [463094, 463095, 463111, 463164, 463185, 463187, 467810, 467816, 484869, 513725], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 842, "query": "Is it normal to spend as much, if not more, time writing tests than actual code?", "score": 224, "views": 30530, "answer_pids": [488490, 488491, 488492, 488496, 488497, 488498, 488499, 488500, 489815], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 843, "query": "Is there a name for the (anti- ) pattern of passing parameters that will only be used several levels deep in the call chain?", "score": 224, "views": 27928, "answer_pids": [499431, 499432, 499434, 499435, 499442, 499446, 499449, 499453, 499491], "question_author": "Gopi"} {"qid": 844, "query": "Why is naming a tables Primary Key column Id considered bad practice?", "score": 223, "views": 138344, "answer_pids": [429324, 429325, 429326, 429328, 429334, 429340, 429351, 429411, 429415, 429505, 429534, 437451, 441363, 441369, 441379, 441383, 443081, 451477, 454665], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 845, "query": "How much should I be using let vs const in ES6?", "score": 223, "views": 60106, "answer_pids": [483409, 483426, 486514, 489227, 490173, 491470], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 846, "query": "New Team Lead - How to deal with a resentful former peer", "score": 221, "views": 56299, "answer_pids": [419911, 419922, 419927, 419929, 419931, 419934, 419935, 419941, 419944, 419946, 419988, 420004, 420025, 420030, 420034, 420073, 420169], "question_author": "VirtuosiMedia"} {"qid": 847, "query": "How do I prevent Scrum from turning great developers into average developers?", "score": 220, "views": 40497, "answer_pids": [524172, 524173, 524174, 524175, 524176, 524177, 524178, 524179, 524180, 524183, 524187, 524194, 524199, 524203, 524213, 524216, 524231, 524240, 524802, 524939], "question_author": "JFW"} {"qid": 848, "query": "Why do we need so many classes in design patterns?", "score": 220, "views": 28710, "answer_pids": [511631, 511632, 511637, 511644, 511646, 511649, 511656, 511661, 511685, 522037], "question_author": ""} {"qid": 849, "query": "AGPL - what you can do and what you cant", "score": 219, "views": 209923, "answer_pids": [426543, 426555], "question_author": "Apostle"} {"qid": 850, "query": "Is it good practice to always have an autoincrement integer primary key?", "score": 219, "views": 79321, "answer_pids": [497145, 497146, 497148, 497154, 497158, 497159, 497161, 497172, 497179, 497180, 497190, 497215, 497319], "question_author": "citadelgrad"} {"qid": 851, "query": "Why arent more desktop apps written with Qt?", "score": 218, "views": 312315, "answer_pids": [419553, 419554, 419556, 419562, 419577, 429481, 429485, 429493, 445535, 448364, 448368, 450515, 453063, 464517], "question_author": "Jeremy Stretch"} {"qid": 852, "query": "Whats the canonical retort to its open source, submit a patch?", "score": 218, "views": 19326, "answer_pids": [413064, 413067, 413068, 413069, 413070, 413071, 413075, 413077, 413078, 413079, 413080, 413086, 413128, 413174, 413175, 413184, 413193, 413195, 413200, 413304, 417620], "question_author": null} {"qid": 853, "query": "What is MVC, really?", "score": 215, "views": 229769, "answer_pids": [434464, 434467, 434471, 434475, 434501, 434507, 434527, 434548, 452964, 467062], "question_author": null} {"qid": 854, "query": "How can one manage thousands of IF...THEN...ELSE rules?", "score": 215, "views": 105923, "answer_pids": [424848, 424849, 424852, 424853, 424854, 424857, 424876, 424877, 424901, 425075, 425083, 437630, 449678, 476270], "question_author": "Chris Dale"} {"qid": 855, "query": "Never do in code what you can get the SQL server to do well for you - Is this a recipe for a bad design?", "score": 215, "views": 105055, "answer_pids": [451612, 451613, 451614, 451615, 451616, 451620, 451624, 451628, 451630, 451650, 451817], "question_author": null} {"qid": 856, "query": "What exactly makes the Haskell type system so revered (vs say, Java)?", "score": 214, "views": 53467, "answer_pids": [483612, 483618, 483619, 483629, 483645], "question_author": "Dan Ray"} {"qid": 857, "query": "When do you use float and when do you use double", "score": 213, "views": 277744, "answer_pids": [457283, 457308, 457315, 476395, 477438], "question_author": "garik"} {"qid": 858, "query": "Do we really need OO languages to manage software complexity?", "score": 213, "views": 31533, "answer_pids": [503060, 503064, 503065, 503067, 503069, 503070, 503077, 503078, 503093, 503096, 503134], "question_author": "Eric Warriner"} {"qid": 859, "query": "My boss asks me to stop writing small functions and do everything in the same loop", "score": 212, "views": 48225, "answer_pids": [499742, 499743, 499746, 499749, 499750, 499756, 499759, 499768, 499770, 499772, 499775, 499777, 499779, 499895, 523888], "question_author": "postfuturist"} {"qid": 860, "query": "Why doesnt HTTP have POST redirect?", "score": 211, "views": 221413, "answer_pids": [423421, 423441, 511053], "question_author": "Michael Pryor"} {"qid": 861, "query": "Is it bad practice to use