diff --git "a/essay_train_table.csv" "b/essay_train_table.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/essay_train_table.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@ +conversation_id,article_id,user_id,message,message_id +1,35,p019,"How sad is it that this kind of pain and suffering, and those kind of living conditions still exsist today? what a gap we have in society between developed countries and those that aren't. It's crazy to drive around the US and see all the money people spend on pointless things, and then to think about how the people in Haiti are living. ",p019_1 +2,35,p035,"It breaks my heart to see people living in those conditions. I hope that all the aid that was sent to the island makes it to the people who need it the most. I do not know what I would do it that was my family and I. I would hope that I would do my best, but I can see how depressing and hopeless you could feel having your whole life changed because of a storm and not knowing where your next meal is coming from.",p035_2 +3,35,p024,I wonder why there aren't more people trying to help these people. I understand Haiti is not the richest nor less corrupt country but surely there must be a way to help. Supplies being looted by crowds is understandable because they are hungry and people need food and water to survive. We must think of other ways to distribute the food and water.,p024_3 +4,35,p041,The article is kind of tragic and hits close to home as I am the son of Haitian immigrants. Haiti has a lot of problems that only become exaggerated during natural disasters. I think what the Haitian people really need from the international community is help developing infrastructure so they can address these issues themselves. Foreign aid only acts as a band aid.,p041_4 +5,35,p022,"After reading the article, you can't help but feel really sad and terrible for the people that were affected by the hurricane. It was a situation that they did not deserve and one that they most likely did not cause but mother nature has other plans for us. I feel bad for all the children as well as animals that are there as well with no shelter or food.",p022_5 +6,213,p020,It is so sad that someone who had such an amazing story died in such a freak accident. His life was filled with amazing triumphs only for him to die in such a sad way. It is truly heart breaking to think about. He came from nothing and truly got the american dream. He died in such a rare and crazy way that it is so sad.,p020_6 +7,213,p019,"I think that these kinds of stories, are sad, yet inspirational and leave you with kind of a good feeling. Even though his story is sad, it's cool and inspiring/motivational to see that he rose up against his circumstances. That he worked hard to make something of himself and he succeeded in what he wanted to do. ",p019_7 +8,213,p035,"From reading the article, it looks like the world lost a kindhearted and generous person. If no drugs or alcohol were involved in the accident. I wonder what happen to make them crash. I wonder if it was common to be on the boat with no life jacket. The life jacket may not even mattered because of the speed and the rocks.",p035_8 +9,213,p048,It's crazy that random accidents like this happen everyday. I am not a baseball fan but of course enjoy a baseball game every now and again. I lived and worked in Miami too so I am vaguely familiar with that baseball player who unfortunately passed away. The effort to save him was great but unfortunately bad things seem to happen every day. He was so young too so it makes it worse. ,p048_9 +10,213,p063,"That's sad. Regardless of what they find out happened, who was controlling what or if they had drugs in their system or whatever, it's sad. I don't know that they will find out anything, i just feel like lots of people will turn this into something it's not. It's unfortunate anytime a young person like this, with the world at their fingertips, loses their life in something that was controllable.",p063_10 +11,78,p022,"After reading the article, my reaction is that it is very sad that boys that young have to be put behind bars. I think that children should be able to experience their childhood and have fun at that age. They should not be facing hardships at all. They should be playing with friends and be in school at that age and not locked up behind a cell.",p022_11 +12,78,p019,"This story makes me so so sad.... As someone who also grew up in the system, I can strongly relate. It's sad that America has not figured out a better and more safe system to handle kid's without parents or with parents who are unfit. A lot of the times, the system is no better, or even worse than the situation kids were in before, and I think this story is a good example of that. ",p019_12 +13,78,p029,"It sounds like these boys had a really rough life. I do think we all have personal responsibility for our choices at the end of the day though. Even though you might have it rough, ultimately it is up to you to decide to break the law or use drugs or not. So they had free will too and could have exercised that. Regardless, it is still sad that they went through a rough childhood. Nobody should have to endure that and kids are the saddest victims.",p029_13 +14,78,p054,"This is a tragic and sad story about how some children can experience the foster care system. Shelton bounced from one home to another, getting into trouble along the way, before beginning a life of crime and going to prison as a young adult and then as an adult. Given the way he was raised, it is almost impossible to imagine an alternate ending.",p054_14 +15,78,p022,"After reading the article, my first reaction and feeling is that i feel really bad for the brothers. I feel like people their age should not have to be locked inside a jail cell. They should be out in the world improving themselves and being normal people. It's also really sad for the family members of these brothers as well because they are probably all suffering and worrying.",p022_15 +16,336,p043,"I didn't know coal mining had such adverse effects on the surrounding environment. It has basically ruined the lives of the people who live nearby these mines. And the animal populations too, imagine a heard of elephants not able to sustain themselves with the food available and needing to invade human territory...They must really be in a desperate situation. ",p043_16 +17,336,p037,"Hello. I feel really terrible about the current coal mining situation in India. Many lives have been lost, properties destroyed, so many losses for the people of that country. It's really pathetic how the government has failed in their duty to protect the citizens. It's even more worrisome that they have also failed to compensate the victims. It's a pity ",p037_17 +18,336,p050,"I find it disturbing that thousands of acres of forest land are destroyed to mining, foraging elephants attracted by the crops in the fields often enter villages, resulting in an alarmingly high number of human-elephant conflict situations. This shouldnt be. This is wrong. I mean the selfishness of some people shouldnt be a problem for all",p050_18 +19,336,p016,"That's so sad about the situation with the coal and all the wildlife it's misplacing. It was kind of crazy reading the story about having the elephant crash into those people's houses -- i can't imagine having a giant two ton creature come through my wall! I'm glad no one was hurt, but it still sounds pretty scary.",p016_19 +20,336,p029,"This is very sad. I can't imagine having elephants come stampede my house in the middle of the night. What a terrible and sad situation, and these poor people can't even do anything about it. Someone needs to stop the deforestation and stop polluting the air these people breathe, it is not right ehat they are doing and all for the sake of turning a profit. ",p029_20 +21,281,p029,It's very tragic what happened to this woman. It just seems like it was so avoidable. There were so many warning signs that were ignored where people could have intervened and gotten her the help she needed. I just think things like this happen too often where people get swept under the rug and professionals and others overlook what should really be treated as major warning signs. I think lives could be saved if people would be a little more attentive to things like this. ,p029_21 +22,281,p046,"That article is so sad. I feel so bad for her, that she wasn't able to get the help that she needed. I also feel bad for her family. I can't imagine how bad they feel and how helpless they felt seeing their family member going through something and not being able to help them. I hope that mental health services improve so that things like that don't continue to happen. ",p046_22 +23,281,p007,"Guys, reading this article really hits home for me. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please get help from the available sources. Suicide is no joke and it is a shame when someone does not get the help they need. I've struggled with this for a few years now but I got the help I needed. This woman was not as fortuante.",p007_23 +24,281,p025,I just read a really interesting but depressing article. It was about a woman who lived in the UK. She was the founding editor of Elle magazine. She was only thirty when the magazine started which is crazy to me. Imagine being thirty and running a whole magazine. She suffered from depression all of her life and even wrote a book about it. She was admitted into a mental hospital because she was struggling with her depression. The mental hospoital cleared her and let her go. Soon after she walked into the ocean and drowned. It is so sad that she did not get the help she needed. I hope all of our friends know that we are here for them and support them no matter whatthey are going through. ,p025_24 +25,281,p022,"After reading the article, i really felt bad for the lady. I felt like she was just trying to get some help for her mental state and people didn't really believe her. I felt like people were just brushing off the fact that she needed help and it was pretty disturbing. I think that society as a whole needs to understand mental health better and how to help people.",p022_25 +26,171,p007,Hey guys. So I just read this article about Iraqi Christians being persecuted by Muslims in Iraq. I don't understand why people of different religious backgrounds can't get along there. I'm sure it is a cultural thing but it is such unneccesary violence and conflict. It hurts both sides and I wish there was a way we could get them to set aside their differences. But not military action. We don't need another war.,p007_26 +27,171,p055,"It's sad that people anywhere are still threatened because of their beliefs. I don't understand why any religion is so set against other that they want to hurt, kill and threaten them. How does someone else's belief harm your own? I guess I just don't get why people get so fanatic about religion and ignore parts of the teachings about tolerance, peace and understanding. It seems wrong that people use religion as an excuse for violence.",p055_27 +28,171,p021,This was pretty troubling to read about the events going on overseas. The families are struggling so much and there's no hope in sight for them to get any relief. Looking over their backs all the time and trying to protect their children. Trying to maintain work available to support their family. I can't imagine what it would be like.,p021_28 +29,171,p035,"This article made me think about something that I have never thought about before. Returning to a place where a war happen is not only the repairing of the physical, but the place may have memories that you may never want to return to. For some reason, I always thought that people would just be able to return when the fighting stopped. ",p035_29 +30,171,p029,This was a sad situation. It is unfair for all these people to live in such conflict and persecution fo their beliefs. It makes me very grateful to live somewhere that I have the freedom to believe what I want. People complain so much about America and don't realize how good we have it here. These people are literally dying just for what they believe which is really sad. I feel sad for the families. ,p029_30 +31,386,p056,"I was saddened by the content in the article. I do think PTSD is real and is a serious issue. I can't even imagine what those soldiers have to go through, and I hope that my loved ones never find out. I think it's understandable that adjusting back would be difficult. I really think we need to do better taking care of our troops... even in the beginning. Do we really need them? Are we putting their interests at heart, or just our political ones?",p056_31 +32,386,p055,The fact that we don't take care of our veterans is worse than sad. We have a duty to honor them and take care of them. I'm happy to see so many people speaking out and making issues with PTSD more easy to talk about. We can't keep ignoring these issues and pretending that we just can't do anything for our vets. We need to make sure we take more time to work with each vet and get them the help they not only need but deserve!,p055_32 +33,386,p039,PTSD is a tough problem to have I feel bad for those veterans that have to deal with it they must relive those awful memories over and over again in their mind it can not be easy to live with all the things that they had to go through in the theater of war they need to spend more on mental health for them.,p039_33 +34,386,p019,"I hate hearing stories like this... I feel so bad for veterans, not only for what they have to deal with if they were on the battlefield, but because of the lack of respect for them in this country. Even if you don't agree with the war we are fighting, that is not their fault, don't take it out on them, take it out on their leaders. ",p019_34 +35,386,p035,"The sights and sounds of war are horrible and I would never blame a person for having PTSD. I'm happy that the one solider although he has PTSD, he is working though it and wants to show people that now all people with PTSD are dangerous and there is away to heal yourself after being in a such bad of a place.",p035_35 +36,58,p056,"I had never considered the zoos in countries like Venezuela. I'm concerned that it seems like they're being fined and punished for their predicament. I think other zoos throughout the world should step up and try to rescue the animals, or at the very least, preserve them for a scientific purpose and euthanize them humanely. Those that are endangered should be removed. It's just a terrible situation for everyone, but the zoo owners and animals aren't at fault, it's the political constraints.",p056_36 +37,58,p062,"I find the article comical. In these places, people are starving to death and the concern of some people is whether zoo animals are getting enough to eat. The zoo animals should be slaughtered to feed people. The horses slaughtered to feed to animals should be fed to people. The animals probably shouldn't be in zoos to begin with, but now that they are they shouldn't come before human needs. That's idiotic. Just butcher the zoo animals, feed them to people, and be done with the problem. That's my opinion.",p062_37 +38,58,p030,I just read an article about how animals in Venezuela are starving to death because of the turmoil that is happening in that country. I feel like there should be some kind of action plan in place for animals in countries that are experiencing hardship so that they can be transported to other places in times of crisis. The thought of innocent creatures starving to death in cages really turns my stomach.,p030_38 +39,58,p016,"Honestly the entire story is just so sad and really highlights how devastating the effects of greed are. It's not enough that our policies and hunger for power wreck human lives, we have to wreck entire environments and species, too. I feel so bad for the animals, and it just goes to show how much worse things must be for the actual humans.",p016_39 +40,58,p020,In Valenzuela the animals in the zoo are starving.. The staff cannot afford to feed them many days. This is so sad and disturbing. These poor animals have no freedom and cannot go anywhere to find food. That is torture and wrong. Someone needs to step into this sad situation before it gets any worse. ,p020_40 +41,289,p055,"This is such a sad story. Cancer is so hard on everyone and even the same cancer experience makes it different from everyone else. And yet, there is so much the same about people that have to suffer through this disease. It takes such a toll on them and everyone around them as you feel so helpless while battling this terrible illness. I am so proud of people that maintain such a positive outlook and fight so hard.",p055_41 +42,289,p072,"I feel very bad for this person. I know I have seen people go through cancer and it is always sad as it just seems to tear them apart so quickly. This person is clearly strong and has an abundance of support so I wish them the best in their fight. Besides that, I wish they can find a cure for this soon. ",p072_42 +43,289,p035,It is nice for her to share her journey with cancer. I like how both of them connected with each other. I know that cancer is a sad thing and I'm happy they she found a way to change how she thinks about herself and thinks about life. It was interesting to see how she thought about her husband during that time.,p035_43 +44,289,p007,"I just read an article about cancer and how it effects a person. I know how cancer feels; I've dealt with family members getting cancer in my childhood. It was rough. But it takes a lot fo strength to get through the treatments. And I just want to say that if you have cancer, you can do it. you can beat it and get through it. No matter how gloomy the day may be look forward to a brighter tomorrow.",p007_44 +45,289,p019,"This kind of stuff makes me so sad... I hate cancer... It's crazy, with how far advanced we are that we don't have a better cure for it yet... And that the only ""treatment"" really is pumping poison into your body... I do think that big pharma has something to do with this, because there is so so so much money to be made off of cancer. ",p019_45 +46,210,p056,"I'm curious why the singer was labeled controversial. I guess only the statement that was made about security. I remember the event in this article happening because I like the band, and was familiar with them, and it could have been me at the show. All of those people were innocent and had no idea what was going on, didn't ask for it, etc. Hearing the stories was really traumatizing. I can't even imagine. I'm glad that everyone is able to overcome.",p056_46 +47,210,p073,"That is so sad what happened to the people at the concert. I can't imagine why someone would want to do something like that. What would they get from it? I feel so badly for the families involved. It was over 100 people. It is just so sad. It's nice what they are doing with the concerts now, but nothing will bring those people's family members back.",p073_47 +48,210,p028,Reading about the attack on Paris that happened years ago brought up a lot of bad feelings and thoughts. I had completely forgotton about it because of how often things like that happen. It makes me upset to think that we are becoming numb to terror attacks in a way. i can only hope that the people affected have found peace and eventually we all will find peace,p028_48 +49,210,p039,that was many people that were killed in that paris attack these muslims are out of control killing people left and right Trump is right to stop immigration from those countries to america we need to protect ourselves from these savages killing people who are out celebrating and havina good time something needs to be done,p039_49 +50,210,p022,"After reading the article, it's great that the band members still made time to visit the people that were killed during the attack. I also feel that these attacks have been happening way too often now and is now a normal thing. We should be doing more to prevent these attacks from happening and acknowledging the people who died instead of the killers.",p022_50 +51,49,p005,"I am writing as regards my thoughts for Polar bears, the poster-child for climate change, are among the animals most affected by the seasonal and year-to-year changes in Arctic sea ice, because they rely on this surface for essential activities such as hunting, traveling and breeding. The researchers recommend that the National Climate Assessment incorporate the timing of spring ice retreat and fall ice advance as measures of climate change in future reports. The study's results currently are used by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's polar bear specialist group, which completes assessments of polar bears and issues the species' conservation status. I am really pleased with this information.",p005_51 +52,49,p043,"It's so sad that our disregard for the environment since the Industrial Age is having such an effect on the entire planet. The ice melting too soon is going to have such an effect on polar bears and pretty much every animal. I'm not sure what we can possibly do to prevent polar bears from dying out because of a lack of food. They need that ice to hurt seals and without it, they are restricted to what they can hunt on land. ",p043_52 +53,49,p062,"I like polar bears but I don't really care that much about their survival or extinction. We look at ourselves and our place in the universe as being important, and as if our time defines the universe the way it's supposed to exist. Polar bears haven't existed for like 99.9999% of the history of the universe, and now we think it's some travesty that they won't exist in the future. This is incredibly arrogant and self-centered thinking that I think is silly. I guess I'd rather have a world with polar bears. But I also largely don't care.",p062_53 +54,49,p030,I just read an article on melting sea ice in the arctic. It's looking like polar bears are inextricably bound to the fate of extinction. I know they are a popular poster child for environmentalism but there are thirty thousand other species that are being threatened because of humanity's shortsightedness. ,p030_54 +55,49,p022,"After reading the article, my initial reaction was that i felt really bad for the polar bears. They did not deserve what is happening to them. It is mainly due to climate change and i believe that is caused mostly by human activities. Because of human greed and consumption, we have to make other living things suffer. Because of this, many animals are facing extinction today.",p022_55 +56,72,p029,"I find it sad that elephants are still being poached and killed just for their tusks. Like some of the experts said though I'm not sure how much difference this action would have made. I think they need to focus more on cracking down on poachers and enforcing that behavior as well as the ivory trade. Really I don't know enough about this topic to comment on it in an intelligent way. Supposedly the elephant populations are growing and a nuisance to the local people? I find that surprising, but I guess it is better that they are growing than declining. ",p029_56 +57,72,p024,I feel sad that elephants can't even be protected how they should be. The fact that a bid to give them high level protection was defeated tells me that money rules overall and it has been that way and will always be that way and it is something I can not just grasp my head around and accept as a fact of life because it just is not fair.,p024_57 +58,72,p055,"The killing of elephants for ivory just makes me so angry. I can't help but wonder if anyone is really taking the possible extinction of them seriously. While the poachers are a definite problem, I think we need to also be worried about those that are buying the ivory. If we remove the demand, perhaps that will go a long way to helping stop the killing. I think cracking down on both sides of this issue is the only way we will see real change.",p055_58 +59,72,p068,Any tyoe of animal poaching and killing just really hurts my heart. It is disgusting that this kind of thing is still happening and that not everyone can agree to fiercly protect these gentle giants. I get that these countries are poor and this kind of hunting and trading brongs in big money for them but I think they need to look at the bigger picture and more countries should help build these countries up in others ways so they dont have to rely on this for there people and economy. I also agree with the conservationist that say all the paper laws in the world cant cut down on the killings if you dont control illigal trade that is were the focus needs to stay on.,p068_59 +60,72,p029,"It is sad to hear what is happening with the elephants. Seems they are innocent victims here and nobody is doing much to help out. It seems too like a problem with such a huge scope that there is not much people can do. It is sad that they are suffering, I don't think any animals should have to suffer at the hands of humans especially just for the need to make money which is all this was avbout. Really a tragedy.",p029_60 +61,150,p029,It's sad that the young woman died. I feel sad for her family and friends who have lost a loved one. It does sound kinda like an unnecessary death but I guess she knew the risks when she decided to become a fighter pilot. It seems like a dangerous profession and like these things could easily happen. I guess they could easily be avoided just by avoiding this career altogether but anyway. It is what it is. Very sad anytime a person dies.,p029_61 +62,150,p032,I just read a story about the death of a Chinese female fighter pilot. It wasn't made clear exactly what happened - apart from a plane crash - but she is being hailed a hero. I was amazed that China would allow women to hold that kind of position - shockingly modern of them. And that she was widely respected warms my heart.,p032_62 +63,150,p070,"China's first female fighter pilot died in an aerobatics crash. I wonder if she would have ever seen any other flight than performing in shows. I've definitely got mixed feelings about this. On the one hand she's definitely a trailblazer for women in her country. On the other hand, for what purpose?",p070_63 +64,150,p030,I just read an article about China's Yu Xu. She was one of the first female fighter pilots cleared for a solo flight. The state run media is very tight lipped about the cause of the accident and the comments attributed to Yu seem very sterile and highly suspect. She was even compared to Mulan at the end of the article. I just don't know about communist governments. The whole thing seemed like lip service to mask a technical failure.,p030_64 +65,150,p029,"This was sad! Being one of four fighter jet pilots who are female is a pretty big deal so she definitely accomplished a lot. I guess the hope would be that others could learn from this tragedy. Whether it was an issu with the jet itself or a lack of training, hopefully they can figure out what caused this tragedy so it can be prevented in the future. I feel sad for her family and loved ones who lost a close friend. Very sad and it sounded like she was a good person too.",p029_65 +66,138,p032,"I just read about two young women in France who took their lives after being bullied. I remember being bullied and I can't tell you how glad I am that we did not have social media back in the 80s. The cruelty of kids towards other kids is horrifying. We ask where the parents are for the bullied, but where are the parents of the bullies?",p032_66 +67,138,p043,"I wasn't bullied much as a child but I can really sympathize with people who there. You're a lot more narrow minded as a child and getting bullied can make it seem like your entire life is ruined. I think it's a bigger problem now because of technology. Before a child would only get bullied during school hours, hopefully outside of the sight of a teacher. Now children can be bullied 24/7 through technology since everyone has a cell phone and uses social media. It's a hard problem to solve. ",p043_67 +68,138,p030,"I just read an article about bullying in France. Apparently, the suicide of a 17 year old French girl has caused the country to reevaluate its approach toward bullying. I personally have never experienced intense bullying or ridicule first hand or even second hand. I guess I was a pretty likable kid after all. I think the key to solving problems like this is most definitely inclusion. The reason children feel this way is because they perceive themselves to be absolutely alone.",p030_68 +69,138,p055,"This is such a sad story. To think these girls have been driven to take their own lives because of bullying is appalling. Why can't we seem to do more to stop this behavior and why do kids and even adults feel that bullying behavior is acceptable. We have to start punishing kids for this behavior, make them be accountable for their actions and take a strong stand that says we won't tolerate this kind of behavior any longer.",p055_69 +70,138,p024,Bullying isn't a new thing and it is something that must be dealt with swiftly. We must find a way to fix this stuff because it is not new and keeps happening around us. Not only in France but all around the world kids suffer from this and it leads to many suicides. The pressure from other kids is huge.,p024_70 +71,3,p005,"The heartbreaking cries of girls who watched their mothers die on Thunder River Rapids ride: Two young girls, aged 10 and 13, were miraculously thrown to safety from the doomed Thunder River Rapids ride at Dreamworld on Australia's Gold Coast and watched in horror as the four adults in their raft were killed. A malfunction with the ride's conveyor belt is suspected to have caused the six-person raft to flip, crushing and drowning two men, aged 38 and 35, and two women, aged 42 and 32, about 2.20pm on Tuesday. Those killed include Canberra woman Kate Goodchild, 32, her brother Luke Dorsett, 35, his partner Roozi Araghi, 38, and another woman. The New Zealand Herald has named Cindy Low, 42, from Kawerau, as the fourth victim. I was really devastated by this event.",p005_71 +72,3,p038,Did you read this article? It's so heartbreaking I cannot take it. News stories don't affect me unless there is kids involved and the image of the little girls wandering around calling for her mum and the two children that lost their mother. It's horrific. It's also making me rethink rides like these because you know I love the kali river rapids at Disney which this sounds similar too. Maybe I should just stay away from rides all together. They just aren't safe.,p038_72 +73,3,p024,I think this is a terrible tragedy because the victims at dreamworld were there to have fun not to die. More needs to be done to test these roller coasters to make sure that it does not happen anymore. Unfortunately it happens too often more than it should and we do not hold these park authorities accountable. ,p024_73 +74,3,p037,"Hello friend. It's with a heavy heart that I'm typing this. The story of what happened to those people is really pathetic and saddening. I feel really terrible about the event. Accidents of such nature are highly predictable and can be easily avoided but because of negligence and greed, operators won't properly maintain their machines. It's just sad",p037_74 +75,3,p029,"Wow, how sad! This is truly terrible that this happened. What an absolutely horrible situation! I just can't imagine the horror of the people watching as well as those involved. It must have been a terribly scary scenario for everyone, including the people watching and especially the people involved. The children who lived will obviously be permanently scarred and have lost their parents which is even worse. I really found this heartbreaking. ",p029_75 +76,169,p002,"I am not really sure how I feel about this article. I kind of think that parents in this situation should face some type of consequences. Not always jail time but community service or being forced to partake in educational classes so as to avoid these situations in the future. As hard as it is to say this, the parents are at fault as this is a clear case of negligence. ",p002_76 +77,169,p005,"I am writing as regards my thoughts on a tragic death of a 2-year-old boy, who fell from the 11th floor of an apartment building early Wednesday morning. Investigators said the window of the child's bedroom was open and he was able to push open the screen. Officers and paramedics rushed to the Willoughby Hills Towers apartment complex on Chardon Road after a security guard reported a small child fell out of the window and onto the parking deck below. This is a tragic incident that got me really sad.",p005_77 +78,169,p009,"Dear friend,I am writing to tell you about a horrific story and article that I have just read. A small two year old boy fell out of his bedroom window and died while his parents thought he was asleep in his room. The window was open and he pushed the screen out and fell and died shortly after. It is such a horrible story.",p009_78 +79,169,p035,I do not know how to feel about this story. It is one of those stories where I blame the parents and do not blame the parents at the same time. I naturally worry all the time and would had made sure that the window was not open enough for the 2 year old to fall out and I do know that accidents happen. The parents must be heartbroken.,p035_79 +80,169,p068,This poor child I just feel so bad. You would think someone would check the windows and make sure there secure with children is an apartment building off the ground. If it was me I would have some sort of safety lock on them because I know children can do anything. Maybe the parents were just not educated on the dangers but it seems irresponsible they didnt check or know that was happening. That poor child died such a painful death it is hard to even fathem. Thankful for the guard who called 911 so someone didnt find the body later on. Im sure the parents feel horrible and blame themselves that is very sad to me. ,p068_80 +81,353,p022,I thought that the article was a bit sad. I feel like being in cars is a serious situation and everyone should be safe. I also think that the parents tried the best that they could to do everything they can in the situation. The sitatuion made me feel a bit sad and a bit concerned as well. It makes me feel like doing something to help them out.,p022_81 +82,353,p043,"I wish there was more details...How did this happen? Did maybe the kid fall off the cliff and when his father tried to save him, he also fell off? Were they running and didn't realize they were able to fall off a cliff? This is just a strange and really sad story. I hope that somebody puts fencing alongside where they fell, so this doesn't happen to anyone else. ",p043_82 +83,353,p030,I just read an article about a father and son who fell from a hiking trail and expired. I actually had a friend who met a similar fate a few years ago. He was a ranger in a national park that fell into a crevasse and ended up being eaten by bears. It's a terrible way to shed one's mortal coil. My heart goes out to their family.,p030_83 +84,353,p007,So I just read an article about how a father and his son died from a fall while hiking because there was a problem with the rescue chopper and they couldn't get to them in time. I think that is completely unacceptable. Why wasn't there a second rescue chopper? Is there no such thing as a back up? The loss of life could have been prevented.,p007_84 +85,353,p022,I think that the article was very sad and got me worried. The fact that they coudln't find the father and his son is very sad. To think about their family members and the mother as well as what she is currently going through makes me feel awful. The father and son were both probably just trying to bond and having this happen is traumatizing.,p022_85 +86,304,p030,"I just read an article about suicides in children between 10 and 14. Even though I as not aware of the recent spike in these types of fatalities, I am aware that they happen. Years ago when I was visiting my relatives in OK there was buzz around the town about a boy of only 12 that hung himself after he was punished by his father for misbehaving. To think of someone that young taking their own life is absolutely heartbreaking.",p030_86 +87,304,p048,"It's pretty heartbreaking to hear and read stories about suicide. I have always felt like there is more that can be done for mental health with young and older people these days. It's not only the youth that struggle with it but it seems so normalized at a younger age. I feel strongly that there is no excuse for someone to kill themselves. Anything can be prevented and anyone can be helped. It's a hard time and age though and usually those kids feel like there is nothing left for them to live for when in reality they have an entire wonderful life ahead of themselves, regardless of past experiences. But that's just my opinion. ",p048_87 +88,304,p024,We need to stop bullying of kids because in my opinion it is the main culprit in kids committing suicide! We need to find a way to stop that because kids dont deal with peer pressure like us adults do! The faster we find a way to stop this the quicker we find a solution to deaths of kids by suicide methods!,p024_88 +89,304,p041,"It is some what saddening that suicide rates among young children have increased, but not surprising. I believe there is a correlation with the increased prevalence of social media and the rise in this kind of phenomena. Social media use is correlated with mental illnesses such as depression, which in turn are linked to suicides. ",p041_89 +90,304,p062,"A few thoughts about this. First, amazing how far down the car accident death statistics are. That's amazing. Second, I find it interesting that 2007 is when young suicides spike. That's the same year the iPhone was introduced. I'm sure there are other factors, but I think pervasive internet and social media have certainly not helped. I also laughed when the lady said that it's not normal for kids to say things like, ""I just wish I could go to sleep forever."" I've been saying that for decades. That's like my personal mantra. I guess I've always been one of those people who thinks about suicide and believes it's a solution. I've always felt I'd die that way. Like it was preordained or something.",p062_90 +91,233,p030,"The things that people do in the name of perversions of faith are absolutely sickening. Religion, something that is used to foster hope, charity and goodwill in the poor and downtrodden is used to exploit and control by those in power. The victims of Boko Haram will most likely see no justice. The rapists, drug dealers and murders will walk free and righteous despite their atrocities. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.",p030_91 +92,233,p022,What happened in the article was very upsetting to read. I felt really bad for the women that got raped. It was also terrible because it stated that many of them were impregnated by these soldiers and there was pretty much nothing they could do about it. It's so damaging not only for the woman but for the unborn child as well.,p022_92 +93,233,p024,Unfortunately in countries like these the officials are so corrupt you can't expect any justice to be made. I feel like overall it is what makes the most sense to me. Not expecting justice is a normal thing in Nigeria. I feel like there is no two ways about it and overall I feel disappointed that us as a world can only sit back and watch and not do anything about it.,p024_93 +94,233,p041,I think it is a testimony to the inefficacy of the Nigerian state that sex crimes should be so pervasive in the refugee camps. The government should have done a much better job of screening the people who would be placed in these critical positions of authority. The guards should been majority if not exclusively female.,p041_94 +95,233,p002,I do not really know how to feel exactly about this situation. This is one of the worse things that I could imagine a person doing. Taking advantage of another person that just left a really traumatic situation is one of the worst things that I could imagine a person doing. These people come to you for help and trust you only to have their trust broken in the worse possible way.,p002_95 +96,57,p007,I think it is absolutely saddening that these animals were neglected in such a bad area of the world. Not only were a lot killed/starved but they were in a warzone! Who thought it was a good idea to put a zoo right in one of the most fought over areas in the middle east? Those poor animals had to suffer for people's enjoyment in a horrible place.,p007_96 +97,57,p050,"Why do human have to be so wicked? I capture innocent animal from their homes, enslave them and deprive them of the right treatment. It is a very sad and wicked situation. We should leave things the way they are if we know we are not capable of affording these animals what nature will give them. We dont have to keep spoiling everything the nature begot in the name of domination. It is not right!!!",p050_97 +98,57,p005,"According to this statement ""But the animals? problems may not be over. ?Our experience rescuing and rehabilitating wild animals that have spent years in captivity?often in appalling and traumatic conditions?has taught us that this can lead to a wide range of physical and psychological problems,? Knight says"" It makes me sad that this situation is not close to being solved and some animals will still suffer.",p005_98 +99,57,p030,"I just read an article about a rescue of zoo animals from the alleged ""Worst Zoo on the Planet."" I wish it wasn't so easy for me to believe that the proprietors of the zoo blamed the deaths of animals and horrible conditions on armed conflict that their country primarily instigated. The zoo wasn't even targeted in attacks on the area. I'm not a big fan of zoos in the first place, but it is nice to know that there are groups out there to look out for the best interest of these poor animals.",p030_99 +100,57,p020,A zoo named world zoo was the home to many suffering animals. This zoo was located on the Gaza strip. Very bad circumstances lead to animals dying of hunger. thankfully a rescue group made it's way there to rescue these poor animals. they did not deserve to live in such a bad place where there was no food. it is truly sad.,p020_100 +101,67,p001,"it's a shame that this keeps happening,but it's the quasi ""acceptance"" of economic migrants that causes this to happens.As long as these people have incentive they will put themselves in dangerous situation to migrate to Europe. European leaders need to take a stand and tell these people to stay home because they will not be allowed to remain if they come in unauthorized ways. ",p001_101 +102,67,p038,Another shipwreck isn't this sad? A women lost her two month old baby. How heartbreaking. I can't even imagine what she must be feeling and going through. It is odd to me though that we live in a day where we have so much technology yet things like this can still happen. You'd think they would have ways to prevent this stuff now.,p038_102 +103,67,p035,It makes me sad that people have to risk their life to get help. It makes me madder that those people are turned away for their search for a better life. It is human history for people to be able to move around and search for a better life. Now with boarders people are stuck in the place that they are born. ,p035_103 +104,67,p002,I cannot see how a situation like this should happen in the modern world. Countries have become so closed off that they are not even willing to let people seek asylum in their country. They would rather people die making the dangerous trip to safety rather than open the gates. This just makes me want to fight for migrant rights. So many countries were build upon immigrant populations giving their support to country's that they arrive in and now people want to close the doors.,p002_104 +105,67,p030,"Just got finished reading an article about the number of refugees who are perishing while trying to traverse the Mediterranean sea on their way from war torn countries. Apparently, the E.U. is still more focused on preventing these people from reaching their shores than they are trying to protect them. Personally, I think that the U.S. and Russia should be taking more than their fair share of these displaced people.",p030_105 +106,134,p022,It's really sad what happeend to the people after reading the article. I felt like the people that were living in that area did not deserve what happened to them. They must have been struggling deeply. They probably had no water for a long time and the children there were probably very thirsty. I also think that climate change has a big factor in this.,p022_106 +107,134,p030,I just read an article about the contamination of the Doce river in Brazil. Are there no lengths that man won't go to in order to voice his contempt for nature? An entire river has been rendered fruitless because of man's greed and irresponsibility. Whole livelihoods have been cut short and a once rich and vibrant place has been bathed in the sludge of industry. Why aren't we responding to this kind of thing in an organized fashion?,p030_107 +108,134,p024,Its a sad thing when this happens in teh world. I feel like these disasters can always be prevented but they rarely are. I think overall we need to be more careful and do measures to prevent these things from happening. I feel like the water when it comes from the river is better like it was said in the article.,p024_108 +109,134,p050,See how people are being wasted. It is always a very sad situation. Where is humanity? I hope we can be much more cautious and take necessary precautions when we should. The life we have is just one and we only live it once. More attention should be paid to guarding it judiciously. It is sad the way the life was lost...I wish I can help prevent it though.,p050_109 +110,134,p068,"I feel so bad that this effected so many creatures and the enviroment on such a grand scale. From the food, to the drinking water, to the economy. This river was a main source of life for everyone and it has been ruined forever. I feel for the guy who said it feels like he lost a family memeber a life lost because its been a source of life for so many for so long. It is very unfair that the clean up is so slow going and that they are taking so long to fix there wrong. I also feel bad for the fish who died because mud was stuc in there gills its such a slow painful death. I would never drink or eat from that river again as who knows how that can effect people and if itll ever really be clean.",p068_110 +111,45,p062,"This conflict is a mess but I also don't really care about it. These people are largely animals and I don't really care whether the Houthis are killed or the civilians are killed. The lowlife people get what they deserve. The Houthis are backed by Iran, however, so I'm obviously cheering for the coalition, since this is basically a proxy war between Iran and people less awful than them (which is literally everyone). But the thing is, I think war should be war. We won WW2 by showing no mercy . We leveled towns. We nuked Japan twice. You either fight to win, and that means killing civilians, or you shouldn't bother. And I think we should bother. We should just level Yemen and let them pick up the pieces with the rightful government.",p062_111 +112,45,p050,"WE keep fighting avoidable battles that leads to avoidable wars thereby losing lives and properties. We gather to scatter, we build to destroy. It is sad that the bigger countries keep maltreating the smaller ones and expect them to be silent about it. We all should embrace love and unity. That is where the strength of the world is.",p050_112 +113,45,p005,"I'm showing my concerned and thoughts as regards the fighter jets from a U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition struck a security complex in the western Yemeni city of Hodeidah late Saturday night, killing at least 43 and injuring scores more, according to Yemeni officials and local news reports. This is really sad and unacceptable.",p005_113 +114,45,p009,"Dear friend, I have recently finished reading an article about airstrikes that killed over 40 people and injured many more in Cairo. It is very heartbreaking to hear this news. I feel so bad for the people of the middle east who have to live every day of the their lives scared of missiles and bombs and gunfire.",p009_114 +115,45,p007,"The state in the middle east is a mess. I wish we are not involved as it is not our business, but fo course we must be the world police. I do not think we should be picking sides in pollitical struggles that do not pertain to us. By doing so we just create more needless death. Let them settle their own problems.",p007_115 +116,9,p005,"I am expressing my total concern over the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummeled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks. This is really sad and i hope something of such can be stopped from further happening.",p005_116 +117,9,p024,I've personally been involved in a major quake when I was In Mexico City on vacation a few years back. The floor scrambling under me was quite scary and overall one of the most fearful thing. I think it was one of the most dangerous things I have seen in quite some time. I also felt a lot as a kid in california.,p024_117 +118,9,p030,I just read about a tremendous earthquake that happened in New Zealand a few years back. There were only two deaths but the amount of damage to infrastructure was crippling. Do places that fequently deal with natural disasters like this have some kind of insurance or initiative that helps pay for damages? The estimated cost was said to be in the billions. Where does all this money come from?,p030_118 +119,9,p038,"Hey check this out. Another big earthquake in New Zealand. I feel horrible for those that live their and the devastation they must be feeling. At least there wasn't a lot of deaths with this one. They have a long road ahead with repairs and rebuilding. It's so sad, my heart just goes out to them and what the people there are going through. ",p038_119 +120,9,p002,"It is really hard to read stories about natural disasters that impact nations on a major scale. There are only so many things that can be done to prepare for something like this and most of the time the preparations only mitigate minimal damage. It is a bit sickening to see the response that some people have in these situations. Rather than help their neighbors, they pillage and rob the resources from others that are dealing with the natural disasters.",p002_120 +121,6,p022,I think what these people are going through is terrible. I think that empathy being taught in school and other places would be a good idea to some extent. I think that people really have to hvae that trait inside them in order for it to work. I think that teaching someone empathy is useless if they don't really believe in it.,p022_121 +122,6,p024,Its really sad when these types of things happen. I feel like we need to do more to help these sort of people. I also understand that they are human like us and they have feelings too. Doctors without Borders does what it can but it can only do so much without external help. The fact that they are displaced by conflict and persecution makes me feel like we need to help countries first.,p024_122 +123,6,p005,"We all need to ask ourselves Can empathy for refugees be taught? A few weeks ago, I scrambled to evacuate my area with the only five items I could grab?my phone, passport, water, money, and medicine?in the 30 seconds before I had to flee. Many of the roughly 65 million refugees, asylum-seekers, and internally displaced people around the world today have had to make panicked choices like these; more than 4,000 have died at sea in overcrowded boats and rafts attempting to reach Europe from the Middle East. I wish people around the world show more empathy to the needy.",p005_123 +124,6,p062,"I don't care about refugees. We can't have empathy for every single person in the world. There are just too many. It's not practical. You can't turn individual problems into global problems, and global problems into individual problems. It's just too much. I also loved how that one person said that this type of thing could happen to anyone. No. No it couldn't. I don't live in a shithole country where I have to flee persecution and get raped and impregnated and go crazy along the way. I live in a civilized country where people aren't animals and you can mostly go about your daily life without too much trouble. These people need to fix their own countries, not use civilized people as a crutch.",p062_124 +125,6,p050,There should be empathy to refugees. They didnt chose their situation. They are just victim of circumstances. I wish I can really help them. More love and support should be given to them. I dont imagine myself losing all the things I have. I cant count the number of times people have lost their homes and all,p050_125 +126,314,p022,It's quite sad what happened to the family. I can't even imagine what everyone is going through especially family members. Losing someone to an accident is something you never expect and something that will hurt for a long time. I felt really sad while reading the article because the children were so young and had so much ahead of them.,p022_126 +127,314,p007,"I tihnk it is so sad that that man lost his wife and kid in a car wreck. If the person who hit them was indeed street racing; he caused a family unknowable greif. No one deserves to die liek that; on fir ein a car. And no one deserves to go through that kind of grief. I hope that man gets the support he needs, and I hope his family did not have to suffer before they passed.",p007_127 +128,314,p005,"I'm really sad about this scenario ""The heartache of losing a loved one in a sudden, unexpected moment is devastating. The shock is jarring and confusing. Families and friends are left with broken hearts and aching spirits. Losing one person is painful. But, for a Tampa husband, the grief is paralyzing and unbearable. On Wednesday night, John Bernal lost his wife, his youngest daughter and his youngest son in a horrific car accident on MLK"" It was really a sad situation.",p005_128 +129,314,p024,this is just sad no one expects to die in a crash like this. I feel like overall it is very depressing and just quite sad. The fact that Lina was returning home from church when they were hit makes it even sadder. I feel like they need to find a way to prevent these crashes although it is quite hard for me to pinpoint exactly what to do.,p024_129 +130,314,p043,"I really hope the guy who caused this accident wasn't street racing. That's so unbelievably dangerous and stupid. The dad and surviving family could maybe cope with it a little better if the person who slammed into their relatives van wasn't doing anything stupid and it was just an accident. It's sad a sad story. Out of nowhere, half their family is dead, instantly. ",p043_130 +131,73,p005,"These words from Billy ""Billy Bob Thornton is opening up about his three-year marriage to Angelina Jolie as the 41-year-old actress is in the midst of a divorce from Brad Pitt. The 61-year-old actor married Jolie, who is 20 years his junior, in 2000 after the two met on set of the 1999 movie, ""Pushing Tin."" They separated in June 2002 and divorced the following year. ""I never felt good enough for her,"" Thornton tells November issue of GQ magazine"" This is really sad hearing from someone i respect so much.",p005_131 +132,73,p035,I guess I feel sad for any person who feel they do not fix into their marriage. I hope he found what he was looking for with another person. I hope they both find happiness. In the world today marriages do not seem like they are built to last. I think people give up too easily and do not work through the hard times.,p035_132 +133,73,p007,I think it is kinda messed up the way Jolie acts in her relationships. Wearing a vial of eachother's blood? That is weird. I wonder if she was overly controlling as well. I dated someone who was extremely controlling and manipulative and it was one fo the worst periods of my life. I feel for all the guys she's been with.,p007_133 +134,73,p024,This tends to happen a lot in relationships. It seems like a lot of people don't feel good enough for the other person and this tends to lead to these feelings. I feel like everyone goes through this and it is up to us to change that by thinking positively more so than not. I feel like pressure from others leads to these negative feelings.,p024_134 +135,73,p048,"It's funny to read snippets of celebrity lives. I don't follow much celebrity news at all and find most of it pretty terrible usually. I don't have much sympathy for them either. Unfortunately most of their actions are money or popularity driven. I also think they really don't take marriage seriously because the divorce rate with celebrities is outrageous. They want to live fast and free and they tend to not make the greatest decisions. Not saying all are like that, but it seems like most. ",p048_135 +136,99,p022,It's pretty sad what Dakota Fanning and her sister had to go through. Going through a divorce with your parents is always hard and never a fun thing. I can't even begin to imagine how Dakota and her sister felt knowing that one of her parents will not always be with them. Things will never be the same as their childhood.,p022_136 +137,99,p062,"I think divorce is always sad, even when children are grown. However, this is also just one divorce in a great big world and I can't say I really care. I thought it was sort of peculiar how tritely the article dealt with the situation, though, seemingly paying more attention to how hot the dad was instead of the dissolution of a family. And you wonder why marriages dissolve after 27 years and the kids grown. What changes to push people to divorce at that point. Maybe for married people that's not a complicated question, but I'm not married so I don't know. Either way I think it's too bad for the girls that their parents are divorced. But I'm not really moved by it.",p062_137 +138,99,p005,"Dakota Fanning's mom and dad are done after almost 27 years ... TMZ has learned. Dakota's dad, Steven Fanning, just filed for divorce from his wife, Heather, citing irreconcilable differences. Their kids are both of age, so child support isn't an issue -- Dakota's 22, Elle is 18. As for spousal support, it's as a bit of a mystery. I seriously do not know how i feel about them.",p005_138 +139,99,p035,This story did not move me. The story is a little bit sad because of the marriage being broken up and that it not a good thing. It is a good thing that the two children are over 18 and do not have to grow up without both parents being together. The thing about being a hot dad has nothing to do with the story. It is more about the marriage breaking up.,p035_139 +140,99,p002,"Stories like this always manage to irritate me just a bit. I do not keep up with celebrity news so when some does manage to find it's way in front of me I'm just like ""who cares""? I will never see these people in my real life, they will never have an impact on me and will never even cross my mind on their own.",p002_140 +141,94,p050,"The ISIS need to be stopped. They cant keep killing people indiscriminately and feel they can do anyhow they want. With the level at which they operate, I wish more global powers will be raised against them to stop the nuisance they creating in the world. More attempt should be made to clip their wings. ",p050_141 +142,94,p023,"This is really a shame with whats going on. I feel like the war on terror has been a massive failure. We have lost soldiers. I think of how many families no longer have their children any longer. Then the situation in the Middle East is heartbreaking as well. Young kids, some teenagers have been used as pawns in this sick game. Women are being treated like pieces of meat.I wish I could say that there was something that we as a nation can do, but the situation looks pretty bleak. I think maybe the best thing to do is to stop invading these countries for their oil. It's our own fault in many ways.",p023_142 +143,94,p022,I felt like what i read in the article was very disturbing. The things that are going on around the world is very troublesome. It is terrible to know that people are being hung from poles and innocent people are just being killed left and right. It is so inhumane and something i can never even imagine.,p022_143 +144,94,p005,"As fighting continued in and around Mosul on Friday, civilians caught in crossfire have a stark choice: whether to flee or stay huddled inside their homes. Many residents tell CNN the intensity of the fighting and the airstrikes in eastern parts of the city limited their options. Still, tens of thousands have chosen the escape route. More than 47,730 people have been displaced because of the ongoing military operations to retake Mosul from ISIS, according to the International Organization for Migration. Recording so many death as such really makes me sad. wish there is something that could be done.",p005_144 +145,94,p068,Reading about this insane war zone and killings was so graphic and made me so sad. I think so much more needs to be done to defeat ISIS they are like the black plague spreading in the middle east. They hate america and destroy innocent lives I just dont know how you could kill so many people and not feel bad. They are killing people and show casing them in the streets it is hard to understand how in this day and age groups can do that it reminds me of the nazis during the holocaust I fear if this is not taen care of soon it will spread to other areas liek the us with more terroristic events happening.,p068_145 +146,147,p029,"Wow, 100,000 deaths is a massive amount! I found this very it makes me very sad for the people involved especially the fact so many infants and children's were affected. This just seems like something that could have been very avoidable if the right steps were taken. I mean a haze killing 100,000 people? That's crazy! I think it's sad that it's happening in what is probably an underfunded area where the people don't really have much freedom. Overall this is just a bad situation, it makes me very sad for the people involved.",p029_146 +147,147,p030,Reading about the atrocities committed by ISIS is one of the most disheartening things a person can do. Children being put on the front lines and brainwashed into thinking that their actions are going to earn them a place in the eternal bliss of paradise while the widows and orphans they create are passed around higher ranking members as slaves. The whole thing makes me want to wretch.,p030_147 +148,147,p005,"A smog outbreak in Southeast Asia last year may have caused over 100,000 premature deaths, according to a new study released Monday that triggered calls for action to tackle the ?killer haze?. Researchers from Harvard and Columbia universities in the US estimated there were more than 90,000 early deaths in Indonesia in areas closest to haze-belching fires, and several thousand more in neighboring Singapore and Malaysia. I feel so sad at the thought of this haze killing thousands of people.",p005_148 +149,147,p024,"The fires that killed more than 100,000 people just disappoint me honestly. I feel like overall there has to be a better way to go about things this is just depressing and we need to find better ways to help them out. I feel like there needs to be people held accountable for this just leaving it like this is not going to cut it.",p024_149 +150,147,p022,I think what hapepend in Indonesia is terrible. The haze and fire really damaged lots of people's homes as well as took lives. I can't even imagine to think what it would be like if everything i had was just engulfed in flames and burned. I feel really bad for the families as well as people that have lost a loved one in this.,p022_150 +151,125,p007,House fires are nojoke. And theyc an happen to anyone at any time. I feel so bad that that poor family are now without a home and there beloved pets. I hope their animals didn't have to suffer before they passed and I hope that the family is able to move on from this tragedy and will be able to continue their lives from this point on.,p007_151 +152,125,p022,"The tragedy that happened in DC was definitely very terrible. Anytime you lose your loved ones or anything to a fire, it can be very traumatizing. It is also very hard to recover from something like that in my opinion. I think the article said that cats were taken away by the fire. This is tough because i have pets and i love them to death.",p022_152 +153,125,p002,Fires always manage to touch my heart. I have personal experience with this and the fear is still with me to this day. A fire can ravage everything that you have any really leave a person traumatized. A lot of times a person or family will get woken up to loud alarms and smoke out of nowhere and have to pick their most important possessions to save. This is a scary situation!,p002_153 +154,125,p063,"I guess I just feel bad for these people. Losing your home to a fire has got to suck. Not only did you lose everything you love and own in the blink of an eye, but let's be honest, it was probably your fault. Usually fires start because you were doing something you weren't supposed to, or there was shoddy work completed.",p063_154 +155,125,p022,"After reading the article, i felt really bad for the family that was involved in the fire. It is unfortunate because it was something accidental and something that could have happened to anyone. I am also glad that they are okay though and nobody died. I did feel unfortunate and sad for their cats because it stated that they were killed in the fire.",p022_155 +156,302,p017,"dude, you smoke, i smoke. i just switched to vaping, but you still smoke. you know you can get lung cancer? lung cancer is no joke, thousands die from it every year. you can get it from cigarettes. you can also get it from air pollution.what kinds of air pollution? first hand smoke, second hand smoke, i just found about something called radon that is a naturally occurring gas that comes from rocks and dirt, dude rocks are killing us. thats trippy. no what do air pollution and lung cancer have to do in common? you are more suceptable to die form air pollution if you got lung cancer from those cigarettes you been smoking. either way though, the pollution can kill you though, just more easily if you got cancer.",p017_156 +157,302,p058,"Hey man, this is crazy. I had no idea air pollution causes this much damage to us. Did you know in India it kills almost half a million people per year? That is absolutely insane. Something has to be done about this pollution. I wonder what it is in America? It's probably even worse here than it is there. Some places have real bad air quality.",p058_157 +158,302,p005,"Air pollution is bad, so bad that it kills thousands of people each year. In India alone according to a Washington Post article published last month, about half a million people die every year due to outdoor air pollution. With that introductory paragraph, here?s a finding of a new study that may not surprise a lot of you readers: people with lung cancer may have shorter survival times when exposed to smog and other air pollutants. With the above information it is vital to pay attention to people with lung cancer.",p005_158 +159,302,p019,"It's sad that humans have the destroyed/damaged the world to the point that it is starting to give us cancer! How crazy sad is that... Why can't we find more enviormentally friendly ways to do things? I'm sure the ways are out there, but theres no money in it so they haven't been discovered yet... how gross is that",p019_159 +160,302,p020,California researchers studied lung cancer patients for 10 years between 1999 and 2009. This research showed the those patients who lived in higher pollution rates were more negatively effected than those who did not live in higher pollution. they recommend for patients to move to places where there is less pollution.,p020_160 +161,375,p022,What i read in the article about the tourists hurting the polar bears really angers me and makes me sad at the same time. It is terrible that a human being is able to harm an animal and be able to sleep at night. I think that people should be nowhere near polar bears to be honest. They should be left alone where they want to be.,p022_161 +162,375,p002,It really irritates me when people kill any animal for pure sport but even moreso when the animals are endangered. If steps are not taken to protect the endangered species then this situation is likely to compound in the future. This situation is reaching levels to where some type of punishment or actions need to be taken.,p002_162 +163,375,p058,"Hey, so polar bears are being killed in mass. even though they are protected, they are still being killed off. why is it that humans do this so much? We have caused so many species to go extinct, will polar bears be next? I feel like this is just what we humans do. We cause the death and destruction of other species of animals and our own planet.",p058_163 +164,375,p024,We as a whole community of human beings must come together to save this beautiful majestic animals. WE have obviously not learned our lesson of past animal extinctions and still put endangered animals in even more danger. Norway should put out strict laws for visitors and harsh sentences should they break these laws as well!,p024_164 +165,375,p035,Why would people go to Norway to mess with the polar bears? I do not understand what people are thinking sometimes. I wish people would just leave the polar bears and other animals alone for they can live their life just as people live their life. I hope one day the population of polar bears comes back up to normal.,p035_165 +166,228,p055,"I can't believe that anyone let's this type of behavior continue. Who let's their children be basically sold into slavery and then what government and officials allows it to happen. It's sad, disgusting and disturbing that this is something that is allowed to go on. It says something about the state of the world that this is what we've come to and that we just let it continue on. People should do more to ensure this behavior doesn't continue.",p055_166 +167,228,p002,These type of people are some of the worst that there are. It sucks that parents feel they are forced to send their kids away to get employment. This is a short sighted answer and to be honest is taking advantage of their own children. These kids can grow up to be so many things if properly educated and yet it is squandered away.,p002_167 +168,228,p005,"The Burmese president has ordered an investigation into the case of two girls who say they were kept prisoner and tortured for five years in a tailor shop. The teenagers were freed last week after a journalist helped them, but their families say that the police had on numerous occasions refused their pleas to get involved. This really made me sad what the two girls went through.",p005_168 +169,228,p063,I can't believe having to go through that. It's shocking that in a fairly developed world this is still going on. What's even more shocking is that it sounds like this is probably fairly common in the area. For the police and authorities to clearly not care about it suggests that it is considered to be a non issue.,p063_169 +170,228,p041,It is incredibly alarming that slavery is still being perpetuated in certain parts of the world. I am particularly disturbed by the fact that the parents willingly sent their children to this tailor. How disturbing. These young girls were robbed of their innocence and their parents did not sufficiently protect them.,p041_170 +171,400,p029,"I find it sad that the little baby rhino has passed away. Surely it lived a short life and it did not deserve a day. Most animals seem to be very innocent creatures and it is always sad to hear of the loss of a little innocent animal life. It also seems sad that it was at a rhino orphanage. What happened to its parents, were they killed or did they abandon it? Anyway, this is sad news although life does go on and it is the way of the world I guess.",p029_171 +172,400,p030,"So, I just read an article about a baby rhino that passed away in captivity; apparently, due to lack of power? The article was very vague, but the woman describing the situation spoke of the rhino like a member of her family. The whole thing was very touching. It's hard not to have an emotional response to the suffering of any creature.",p030_172 +173,400,p041,"The article lacks clarity on whether Isbindi was a child or a rhino. I am more than a little confused. I have neutral feelings toward the story as it was presented. Any loss of life is tragic, but more so when it is an innocent and defenseless child. I was also quite curious as what exactly was the cause of death.",p041_173 +174,400,p024,This is just depressing because the little rhino was a famous one. I feel like I lost a pet of mine to be honest. It seems this rhino was quite important and when someone like that goes it is quite depressing and hard to put in to words.The fact the orphanage had no power is depressing. We need to do better ,p024_174 +175,400,p007,"I think it is so sad for that baby rhino to die so young.. Any creature deserves a chance at life, and for this baby's to be taken away so soon is just heartbreaking. Also the fact that it was an orphan makes it even sadder. I used to work at an animal rescue place and sometimes we would ahve animals that wouldn't make it.. it is really hard to see an animal pass.",p007_175 +176,283,p024,I think its about time Saudi Arabia get with the rest of the worlds in the push for women to be treated equally. It is a shame that women need consent of a male guardian to go abroad. They are adults and should be free to travel where they wish. I think the need for consent is something from the 1400's and should be abolished now.,p024_176 +177,283,p062,"I don't care about Saudi women at all and don't care about their campaign to end the guardianship requirements in their country. I truly could not care less. My brother lives in Saudi Arabia and it's a vile place full of vile people. The more they suffer, the better. What's interesting is that the women, in their bondage, actually hold a strangely revered place in society. I'm not sure what an analogy would be, perhaps the elderly. On one hand, it's true they have many limitations on their lives. On the other, because of that they're treated as almost untouchable. So my brother could theoretically get into an argument with a Saudi man, but never with a women. It's a strange, paradoxical thing, and I wonder if the Saudi women understand it before they end it.",p062_177 +178,283,p041,I found it interesting that there were Saudi women for and against the guardianship program. I think in a broader sense this will only inflame tensions between Saudi's and the west as the more traditional Saudi's will undoubtedly blame western culture for these ideas. The fear of encroachment of western values into their culture has been a fear of Saudi Arabia since the kingdom's inception.,p041_178 +179,283,p022,"After reading this article, my immediate reaction is that it makes me a bit angry. I am angry at the fact that women still have to go by rules like this in today's day and age. It makes me angry that women need the permission of a man in order to be able to do what she wants. In today's world, anyone should be able to do anything and their freedom should not be restricted.",p022_179 +180,283,p019,"This kind of thing makes me so sad to hear... I can't believe things like this are still happening in todays day and age, after all the advancements that humanity has made as far as technology, racism, sexism, classism, and this kind of thing still is going on... It's awful and it's sad that we don't hear more about it in the media. ",p019_180 +181,305,p029,"Wow, a twelve year old russian girl commited suicide because of her association with some website that promoted teens committing suicide. It's really sad that sick people would go online and prey on little children like this. I find it shocking and hard to believe anyone would want to do such a thing. They really need to find a way to crack down on these people and put them away for life. This is just ridiculous.",p029_181 +182,305,p030,"I just read an article about suicides in Russia. Apparently, there are online communities devoted to encouraging teenagers to take their own lives. Often times these websites are maintained and propagated just to receive money through advertising. Can you imagine living with the deaths of people just to make a few bucks from ads? We truly live in a twisted reality.",p030_182 +183,305,p005,"It's a day like any other day in a provincial city in central Russia. A 12-year-old girl is getting ready to go to school. Suddenly her phone rings. The next minute she is out of the door, saying she's meeting a friend and they will go to school together. Later the same day, when her mother turns up at the school, there is no sign of her daughter. No-one has seen her. This is really sad and terrifying.",p005_183 +184,305,p041,It is quite disturbing that the number of teen suicides in Russia is so high. It is far less surprising that there is a direct link between the increase in suicides and the Russian social media site VKontakte. I think there is a causal link between teen suicides in the US and the growing popularity of similar sites.,p041_184 +185,305,p030,I just read an article about a teenage girl in Russia who was apparently taken in by an online suicide group that conditions teens to kill themselves. It's odd to think that there are people out there that get off on convincing impressionable youth to commit suicide. I think the internet is becoming something that guardians need to at least passively monitor to see what's going on in their children's heads.,p030_185 +186,299,p029,I think it's sad that so much plastic in the ocean is affecting wildlife the way it is. It's really unfair the way we have destroyed their ecosystem with our own selfish use of plastic. It is terrible when you see pictures of all the plastic in the ocean. Apparently these birds are even being tricked into thinking plastic is food since it smells like food to them. That is so unnatural and just wrong really. and all this has happened in just a short period of time!,p029_186 +187,299,p062,"I honestly find this article more amusing than anything. I absolutely loathe birds. Can't stand them. Want them all dead. I don't even care how that affects the food chain or nature. I just can't stand birds. So the idea that they're so stupid they'll keep eating plastic and threaten their species' very existence, is amusing to me. I think the article also misses some important information that I'd be curious to know, but I also don't care that much. I also think it's amusing that Asian countries are all the worst at dumping plastics in the ocean. That's why the straw thing in the U.S. is missing the point. We're not the problem. The Asians are.",p062_187 +188,299,p055,It bothers me so much that we are polluting our oceans to begin with and then to see that we are harming even more animals because of it. It seems crazy that plastic floating in the ocean can be harming sea birds but it also does make some sense. Just more humans doing harm to things that we had no business messing with to begin with. I am so angered over this and upset to think of the damage our garbage is causing.,p055_188 +189,299,p065,"Hey, I just read this article that I want to tell you about. Apparently, seabirds are eating plastic because plastic emits a scent that it similar to food. Plastic in the ocean gets coated with algae which emits a sulfur smell that some seabirds love. Pretty crazy, right? Anyway, it's sad what we're doing to our environment. It's sadder that we are pretty powerless to do anything about it. It's only a matter of time before everything justs collapses on itself. But at least we'll have iphones so we can video record the Apocalypse.",p065_189 +190,299,p022,"After reading the article, i can't help but feel bad for the birds that are eating the plastics. I feel bad for them and i also feel guilty as well because i know that i somehow contributed to that as well because it's not just one person's fault. I feel like it's a collective fault that we should try to fix to try and help out these animals before they go extinct.",p022_190 +191,313,p055,It's terrible that so many people all around the world seem to want to flee their home countries rather than do more to make them better. I understand fearing death and economy troubles but if everyone just left those countries the ones they flee to will just have similar problems. I can understand how Germany doesn't want to just accept anyone and yet at the same time can feel sorry for those that have legit claims and are just turned away because of where they are from.,p055_191 +192,313,p035,It hurts my heart to think about all the people who leave the place of their birth only not to find a home that they are looking for. I would love to see the day were people treat all other humans like people no matter how they look and where they are from. I wonder why people can not relate to other people and just help.,p035_192 +193,313,p024,"I feel the asylum process is very, very bad in most countries not just Germany. For example in USA it is pretty bad as well. WE need to do better in letting people in to be honest. I feel like it isn't fair that some countries don't get let in as easy as others. IT might have to do with crisis's in countries but it is not fair.",p024_193 +194,313,p029,"I felt like this was really sad for the people involved. They are caught in a situation with no real solution and there is not much they can do. I try to imagine being in their shoes and it is diffivult to fathom, but I am certain it would be very difficult and distressing. No one should have to fear for their life on a day to day basis and it sounds like Germany is making decisions som ewhat arbitrarily or with bias. However, on the same token it is up to Germany to decide who they want to let in, and it is generous of them to do so to start with. So there is that.",p029_194 +195,313,p024,This is something that is hard to choose sides with. When people seek asylum its fine to want to help. At some point though it becomes too much and a country like Germany can only hold so much people in it. I think what Germany needs is to overhaul their immigration laws and make a change down the middle where asylum is fair but realistic.,p024_195 +196,398,p029,"I think it's sad that the golden eagles are being killed by manmade technology. It's so typical that something we have made for our convenience is just carelessly killing wildlife in the area, and an endangered species at that. It's also sad that birds are traveling from long distances just to be killed by these things. And there is not much that can be done except maybe to just do away with the technology altogether. This is just one of many similar examples anyway.",p029_196 +197,398,p035,"To me this is a hard story to think about. First thing I think about when I hear wind turbines is clean and green power, which in my opinion is a good thing. I would have never thought that they would be killing eagles and bats. This is a hard because we use wind to help the environment, but the turbines are hurting flying animals. ",p035_197 +198,398,p027,"So sad about all the birds that die in wind turbines. It seems that every move you make, every footstep is to the detriment of something else, even if you're trying to do something good. It's so sad how violent and chaotic and painful life is. You can't walk without out killing a bug under your feet, every step is death. It makes it all so so worthless sometimes. Have a great day.",p027_198 +199,398,p044,Considering the analysis made in the article i read concerning the death of birds via wind energy company turbines e.g Altamont Pass is really an alarming cause for the issue to resolved and i highly suggest that fine be paid by companies who directly or indirectly affect ecology as drastic as the analysis made in the article to be convinced the researchers made analysis of the Isotopes of the Birds Feathers.,p044_199 +200,398,p068,"I completely agree with the findings in this article. I think that these companies need to look at the big picture of animal life being killed. They need to look at the scientific evidence that not only are local birds being killed but also the ones that are migrating. I think some kind of barrier should be put up around these turbines, to protect against fatalities, something like a gate, the turbines can still operate but it will make it harder for birds to get in there and be harmed. I think eagles are endangered or protected so something should really be done to protect them. Also the companies should be fined for the total loss not just local.",p068_200 +201,31,p060,"I find humanities lack of care for the environment disgusting. The fact the there are companies that profit off the destruction of forests and homes and animals is mind blowing. Entire acres of forest are being destroyed for the wood they hold. Inside those forests are animals that have homes and families. They are all being displaced, or worse killed, by these greedy businessmen looking to turn a profit off of nature. After reading this article it sounds like the government of Indonesia is not committed to protecting the forests or the animals living in them. It almost seems like they are making money off of the death of nature, and so they are turning a blind eye to the violation of its very own laws. ",p060_201 +202,31,p062,"I'm mostly bothered by this story because of how much it demonstrates our inability to do anything about these large issues. Even if we, in the West, have the means and desire to do something about these issues (and we don't), the rest of the world doesn't see things like we do. Indonesia doesn't even live up to the agreements that they presumably agreed to. I feel bad for the orangutans, I guess. I'm not sure what their situation is but I guess it's bad. But how can you have any hope or faith in humans tackling all these big issues when we're so prone to dealing with our economies and self-interest, and so rarely sacrifice in any real way for something long term or for someone/something else?",p062_202 +203,31,p024,We must do something to stop these companies from getting rid of what forest and animals we have left. The fact that orangutans are an endagered species angers me. What have we as humans done to prevent this? I think nothing. If something is done it would be totally unimpressive and do nothing. What we need to do is all come together and work towards the same goal.,p024_203 +204,31,p042,"This is a very serious situation as it affects both the wildlife and forest situation in Indonesia. It affects the population of the endangered Orangutan species. The government must do everything to protect the trees, provide rangers to protect the life of the Orangutans. Provisions should be made to reduce wildfire. ",p042_204 +205,31,p027,"Another case of displacing natural wildlife to make room for our own causes and concerns. Everything we have come oat the expense of other creatures and stuff. It's difficult to look past this, and it should be even harder. I think about their lives, they see and feel and are frightened just like i am, but wha they want doesn't matter because it doesn't make anyone rich to care about others. have a great day!",p027_205 +206,201,p009,"Dear friend, I have recently just read an article about a horrible shooting in Charlotte. It was a black man who was killed by the police. This is just one of many such cases unfortunately. I think there is a problem in this country and I hope that it can be solved one day.",p009_206 +207,201,p062,"This whole issue is bullshit. Blacks get killed by cops less frequently than whites based on encounter rates. The question the nation should be asking itself is not why cops are killing blacks, or how we can tolerate it. The question is why there are apparently generations of blacks who don't feel it necessary to obey laws or comply with police, and are then surprised when police act in the ways they do. This whole movement was also based on a complete lie. The Ferguson thing was complete horseshit. That Brown guy attacked a cop, tried to take his gun, and was rightfully killed in the process. And yet the truth never comes out, just the narrative that blacks are being murdered by law enforcement. It's disgraceful.",p062_207 +208,201,p027,"I feel absolute fear thinking about how police are just these over militarized, under trained, fearful reactionary simpletons gunning down anyone that might even be a potential maybe threat at some point, but mostly not even that. These people are being absolutely slaughtered in the streets, and its no consequences for the cops. Sad, troubling times",p027_208 +209,201,p065,"Hey buddy, I just read about yet another officer involved shooting of an African American. Although this incident is pretty old news, it told of the unrest in Charlotte after a black man was killed by the police. In the protests, someone (not a cop) fired into the crowd, wounding a civilian and four police officers. It's just a sad commentary on where we're at with race relations in this country. Even sadder: I don't see it getting any better any time soon...",p065_209 +210,201,p007,"I know there are a lot of specific circumstances and things pertaining to police shootings of African Americans, but hoenstly a lot of these cases seem like the cop is just really trigger happy. And honestly that is unacceptable. African Americans are racially profiled and that is wrong. I think there has to be something done with our law enforcement to make these shootings less likely to occur.",p007_210 +211,273,p063,"This whole situation kind of blows. On one hand, I hate that what we might be doing is infringing on people sacred land. On the other hand, I remember reading about how they gave the pipeline an x amount chance of spilling into the water, and it was relatively low. I just don't know who I support here. I don't think people should be burning cars, and blocking roads, but I don't really have an alternative plan either.",p063_211 +212,273,p024,I think police need to be checked for how they treating protestors. These native people are in the right defending their own land and should not be maced for doing so. The native american people in this country have suffered enough. Its time we give them something good instead of bad again. They deserve this land.,p024_212 +213,273,p018,"I view the content that is sent to me online as my virtualized personalized email inbox. I find it unfortunate that scholars can relate their works cited to the various other work they are completing in ways to document not only their feelings on the article, but also progress on their goals as a person regarding their personalized information they receive. However, we as mTurk workers are afforded the luxury, and in fact the article more relates to the fact that remote workers are sometimes shut off from communication to the outside world by regular means. This does relate to the article in that a pipeline is spewing contamination into a water supply. When I contact my superiors that also work remotely, most projects are mishandled in ways and my personalized communication style.",p018_213 +214,273,p039,We need more oil and more jobs where do these people have time to go and protest do they work or not I mean I have no time to go protest it is crazy to me that these people can stop the construction of a wonderful pipeline to bring more oil to us I love oil and I love when it is cheap and affordable,p039_214 +215,273,p019,"This is crazy to me that this sort of stuff is going on right now in the US over oil/money... Shooting a kids horse?? That sounds like something that would have happened in medieval times or the 1800s or something, not 2020. This is so sad... adn this has been going on for far to long. A generation is growing up in this. ",p019_215 +216,247,p027,"This was an awful tragedy. You see it so much these days, it just doesn't register. Atually, i can't believe it but I'd forgotten al about it until i was reminded by this article. So tragic so sad. And it doesn't end. It just piles up nd up the more you live. Senselessand cruel. All for an ideology. All for hatred. Wha5t did those people do? Nothing. No one deserves this.",p027_216 +217,247,p035,It was very sad what happened in Paris. I think the terrorist are cowards. I would hate to find out after all the worrying and not being able to reach my child that they had died on social media. It was very sad to read about and feel the father's emotions about his daughter. I was happy that he found some peace with his lost.,p035_217 +218,247,p017,"life is precious. dont waste your time not doing the things you want or it might all be taken from you vefore you get a chance to do everything in this life that you want to. I just read about how a bunch of people died in paris in 2015 and it was horrible to hear about how those people died. it got me to thinking, i want to paint a self portrait. what do you want to do?",p017_218 +219,247,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read a horrifying and disturbing article about a terror attack that happened in Paris, france in 2015. There were 90 people killed at a rock concert after terrorists opened fire and set of bombs inside of the music venue. This was a truly horrible event.",p009_219 +220,247,p044,The terrific massacre that happened a year ago is really a bad situation to be in. I feel for the victims of this horrible experience may their souls rest in peace. I hope we have better security at events henceforth. ISIS truly is a pain in the ass and I just so wish that all perpetrator be caught and justice be passed ,p044_220 +221,417,p027,"Just a bad situation here. A woman brings her dog or dogs to a park where their not supposed to be, takes them are their leash which you shouldn't do, bu a guy got scared and because its the wild west you can just walk around with a gun shooting things. I don't like any part of any of this. Hart to tell what to think sometimes. You don't to look for blame, but Like i said, I don't like anybody involved in tis too much",p027_221 +222,417,p029,"In this case I totally support the actions of the man who shot the dog. He was totally within his rights and it was highly inappropriate and inconsiderate of that woman to have an unleashed dog running int he park. The man asked her to restrain her dog when it attacked her and she failed to do that several times so she had fair warning. I'm sick of dogs running wild and attacking innocent bystanders, often resulting in grave bodily injury or death. Somebody needs to do something to stop this problem.",p029_222 +223,417,p035,"I feel sorry for the dog. I think it is the owner's fault that the dog was killed. The man could have handled it better, but he was within his rights to shoot the dog for his protection. The owner should have kept her dog on a better leash and not let the dog run freely in the park. Hopefully the owner will learn from this.",p035_223 +224,417,p051,"I understand that the women broke a leash law, but the consequences was not deserved. It seems like the man overreacted by shooting a dog for running up to him and should be held criminally liable. I do not mind conceal and carry laws, but a person using it irresponsibly such as this person should be punished.",p051_224 +225,417,p029,"After hearing about the shooting of a dog in a public park, I fully stand behind the actions of the man who shot the dog. I'm sorry for the dog owner's loss, but in this case they were totally in the wrong and should have taken precautions to protect and be considerate of others. For starters, they did not have the dog on a leash. They also did not restrain the dog when it jumped at the man and he repeatedly asked them to restrain it. With so many dog attacks resulting in deaths recently, I can understand the man's concern and he acted to defend himself quickly. This was the dog owner's fault entirely.",p029_225 +226,139,p062,"I didn't really feel anything from this story. I don't care about amphibians and certainly don't care about them in England. I just thought the science of it all was interesting, or the analysis . But it shows what humans do to all environments they come in contact with. They change them. The migrate and bring in new things. And that affects stuff. That's not always our fault, but that's the way of things. And yet we think it's fine to let refugees and immigrants go where they want, as if there aren't repercussions for that. There are repercussions for everything. Migration changes habitats. Change isn't inherently bad, but it's inherently different, and people don't like that.",p062_226 +227,139,p028,Have you heard of the current situation with the amphibian population of the UK. They are being affected by a type of virus right now that is causing much of their population to be wiped out. It is terrible and is likely being caused by human intervention. At least to the point that people are causing the virus to spread faster by them constantly moving the animals and man made ponds being built. I hope the scientific community steps in to correct the issue or many more animals will be harmed.,p028_227 +228,139,p035,I learned something new about garden ponds and their role in spreading infections in frogs and fish. The frog population his been effected by urban garden ponds and people moving frogs from pond to pond. The frogs do not seem to be recovering from the diseases that is spreading. I wonder how many people in England will read this and stop having a garden pond.,p035_228 +229,139,p073,This story is sad because of all the frogs becoming sick and how quickly it is spreading. I think that maybe the areas where this is happening can try to educate people on what they can do to try to keep the disease from spreading any further. Most people probably don't even realize that their garden ponds might be causing this disease for the frogs.,p073_229 +230,139,p019,"Poor animals! But at least it sounds like the government is involved in helping stop the spreading of this thing. I hope people who have ponds or want ponds in their yard will be made aware or make themselves aware of the danger of this, and how to prevent it as well as stop the spread. That is the only way this will get better",p019_230 +231,128,p035,"As a man, I could never understand why a man would want to grab or touch a woman without her wanting them to. I wonder if there is a connection between wanting to be in a high position and have high status and the feeling like you can do anything you want. I feel sorry for any woman that has been in this situation. ",p035_231 +232,128,p029,"Ehh I never really know what to think about claims like this. On the one hand, her roommates claim that they remember hearing her talk about it at the time. On the other hand, why wait twenty years to bring up an incident that happened that was that disturbing? I think some women are making allegations and accusations just to get attention or for political motivations. Who knows why. People do crazy things for crazy reasons. I'm just really skeptical of a lot of these things I hear and I think the #metoo movement has gotten way out of hand. Sorry, just my two cents. ",p029_232 +233,128,p073,"I just read this story about a female lawyer that is accusing Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her in 1999. He apparently tried to get her to sit next to him, cleared a space at the table next to him, and touched her butt. It's hard for me to really know with these stories because so much of it seems to be influenced by politics.",p073_233 +234,128,p029,"I am never sure what to think about these people. I mean if he did actually harrass her that is bad and deserves attention. But if she is just making up the allegations then shame on her. I think the me too movement has gone too far with too many people making up allegations and ruining the lives of men. However, in this case Thomas was already guilty of harrassing Anita Hill so it is probably more likely to be true. Either way it is always hard to tell. ",p029_234 +235,128,p024,I think it must be investigated thoroughly and if true this man should be removed from his position immediately. Groping is just as bad as rape in my honest and humble opinion and should be removed fast. I think a precedent has to be set to stop these things and in order for that to happen we must be able to iron the bad ones out.,p024_235 +236,245,p062,"I wonder if this type of thing is going to become more common as more people are forced to take care of elderly relatives at home. Or mentally ill relatives. Or both. I assume this woman has something wrong with her. She's not that old and I have to believe something's wrong with her to be out like that. Dementia or mental illness or something. Anyway, it's got to be really hard to take care of someone like that. Our ability to live a long time is a double-edged sword. Our bodies keep working and our minds stop, or vice versa, I guess. Anyway, I feel sad if some family is worrying about where this woman is. She might be scared and confused too.",p062_236 +237,245,p030,"So, I just read an article about an old woman who seemed to be suffering from dementia found wandering without a coat in the northeast. The police were asking for public assistance to find out where she belonged. It's so sad to think that people in this state can be left alone and have no one to miss them if they wander away.",p030_237 +238,245,p029,"This is a sad case of what seems like an elderly woman getting lost. I feel sad for the family involved and the feelings they must have. Or did they even notice she was gone? You would think they would be out looking for her if they noticed. Maybe it was just a lonely old woman by herself which is even more sad. Either way, I feel like elderly people in general are often overlooked and that is unfortunate. They should deserve the same respect that younger people do ",p029_238 +239,245,p024,Its a good thing the cops are asking for help because I dont feel like anyone else would at this point. The fact that the woman was found wandering in the middle of the night without a coat is scary. It also goes to show that most people do not help others. She was confused and obviously drugged I just hope she gets the help she needs.,p024_239 +240,245,p029,"This is sad for the woman and the family! It sounds like she had some sort of dementia and alzheimers which is really scary. Hopefully she is okay and will be able to be reunited with her family. It is sad when people get so old that they are deteriorating so much. I hope my parents don't decline that much as they age but they possibly will. My grandparents definitely. anyway, hopefully, they can get better services to help people like this and avoid situations like the one in the article. ",p029_240 +241,19,p003,"Smugglers are causing so many deaths! You must read this article about their disregard for life and how its causing so many deaths around the globe! So many are trying to escape war, and the governments of these country are giving these smugglers so much freedom -- Its so sad! You have to read this article to belive it!",p003_241 +242,19,p024,"Anytime these tragedies happen one can't help but wonder what could've been done to prevent this? The fact that 3,800 are dead is just mind boggling. Drowning continues and its at 90 a week that is just crazy. They have no choice one must assume but surely we can help better those countries? We must do something.",p024_242 +243,19,p062,"I don't feel empathy for the refugees, who are complicit in corruption and worthless systems of government that lead to their need to flee. Nor do I think they have any right to do what they're doing. And every country has every right to keep them out and let them deal with their own situation in their own country. But I fear the state of our country and the world when these people invade and infest good countries. The weak and bad infect the good, and too many countries, like Germany, are allowing it to happen. How disgusted would I be if I were a German citizen and Merkel said Germany would take in one million refugees. Why not just hand the country over to Syria and these other craphole places and we'll go live on their sand piles? It's lunacy.",p062_243 +244,19,p073,This is a sad story about all of the people trying to flee Syria. It said that 1 out of every 50 people in the country have been killed due to war. I can't imagine living and trying to raise a family in this sort of situation. These people are obviously risking their lives trying to get out but they are also risking their lives staying.,p073_244 +245,19,p022,"When you read an article like this, you can't help but feel bad for all the people that died. They were all risking their lives to try and find a better life for their families. They were mainly trying to escape from war and poverty but unfortunate events happened and they never made their way. Hopefully they find a better place in the afterlife. It's very unfortunate what happened to them.",p022_245 +246,177,p009,"Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about Janet Reno. She was the first female US Attorney General. She had a very impressive professional and legal career. I am saddened by her death, she died at the age of seventy eight. She had a productive life.",p009_246 +247,177,p024,I remember reading about her growing up during the Bush era. She seemed to be a rude person with that whole Elian Gonzales saga. However we must pay our respects every time somebody dies. For that I really feel like she should be honored and I hope people close to her find peace after all of this loss.,p024_247 +248,177,p062,"I don't really feel sympathetic or empathetic for Janet Reno or anyone who knew her, but I vividly remember many of the issues she dealt with and so she represents a part of my past. i guess I found this story nostalgic more than anything. Reno was a very visible Attorney General, more so than most. That was sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for bad. I give her credit for admitting that what they did in Waco was wrong, although I'm not sure what the wrong thing to do was. But she was also corrupt like they all are at that level. Still, she's an interesting figure in political history. Very visible. Didn't hurt that Will Ferrell played her on SNL.",p062_248 +249,177,p024,I remember as a child watching Janet Reno in the news. Never really know what s he did back then just knew that she was a big part of the Elian Gonzales case when he was deported back to Cuba. This is crazy and honestly I'm surprised to hear her name again and its unfortunate it has to be under these circumstances.,p024_249 +250,177,p029,"I must say I really disagree with her politics and am not at all a fan of hers. However, it is always sad for a person to suffer from a disease such as Parkinson's so I am sympathetic for what she must have gone through as well as for her family as well. I'm sure it was hard on them watching her deteriorate and suffer and that is always so rough on the family. So regardless of how I feel about her career or her actions, I have sympathy for what she went through and for her family's feelings.",p029_250 +251,413,p029,To me this was very sad to read. These parents lost their child and many other people lost loved ones in this senseless attack. It just seems like it's gotten unsafe to go anywhere public these days with large crowds. The situation is obviously out of hand in France and it is bad in the United States too. Everywhere really. I don't trust the terrorists or Muslims and there are many other problematic groups as well. The problem is with humanity and it is very sad. ,p029_251 +252,413,p028,Did you read into at all about the attack in paris? It is absolutely hearbreaking everything that occured and really makes me upset about the current climate of the world. I have always though that people aren't just good or evil but reading about that terrorist attack really made me think otherwise. It is absolutely sickening and i can't believe that someone could do that to another person or group of people. Something needs to be done about terrorism but what can we do without just creating more terrorists.,p028_252 +253,413,p073,This is a terrible story about an ISIS attack in Paris. It was at a concert and went on for hours. 90 people were killed. I feel so badly for the people who lost loved ones in the attack and for the people who had to go through it but survived. I can't imagine that life for them will ever be the same.,p073_253 +254,413,p030,I just read an article about a girl who was about my age who died in the Paris attacks a few years back. This particular story hit closer to home because it focused on a specific person and her family. I can't imagine being roused from my bed to hear that my child has been the victim of a terrorist attack at a show. The whole thing sounds terrible.,p030_254 +255,413,p062,"It's always harder to view these stories from the perspective of a single individual instead of as a group. That's not to say we should necessarily do that, or that we necessarily get anything truly valuable out of doing that, but it's the reality. And so I felt sad reading this, thinking about the loss this father felt, and all the terrible emotions he would have experienced from the beginning of the even to, well, his death, probably. And the terror of the people at the concert. And the anger of the people afterwards who committed harassment and whatnot against Muslims. All of the emotions I felt and was chagrined by. These are barbaric people and events.",p062_255 +256,174,p024,"I'm starting to feel like these militants dont represent that whole religion as a whole. I feel like they are twist to the religion that is out to give them a bad name., Kidnapping children is just too low even for the hardest of criminals. WE must do something to stop this and that is hurting their finances and freezing all of their bank accounts.",p024_256 +257,174,p029,"Wow, hearing about things like this really makes me so grateful to be an American. I'm very happy to live in this beautiful country and I wish people would stop complaining so much about everything they think is wrong here. Just be grateful you're not being used as a human shield. Some of the things going on over there are just atrocious, and as bad as people think it is here it doesn't even hold a candle to that. I am saddened to hear about these families and children being harmed so maliciously.",p029_257 +258,174,p035,I feel sad for all the people who are being turned into human shields in Iraq. The article made me think about how good we have it in the United States and things that are happening to these people are only seen in movies. To be shot dead on the spot for protesting or have more than half of your family missing because they were kidnapped would be horrible.,p035_258 +259,174,p028,"Have you been reading about what is happening in Iraq, militants taking control of villages and just rounding up thousands of them for executions. It is absolutely horrible and disgusting that people are capable of doing something like that to each other and seeing each other as less than human. Over 5000 people kidnapped it really makes me feel for their families and hope that change occurs over there.",p028_259 +260,174,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about Islamic militants who are kidnapping innocent people and using them as human shields. They shoot anyone who refuses to help. The story has made me upset to read. There is so much evil and suffering in the world, I wish it would end.",p009_260 +261,34,p029,"I found it a little hard to relate to this situation. It seems so far away and I can't really connect with any of the people involved. I'm really sad for these families and their children. It seems like they are in a difficult position without much option or anything they can do about it. I hope they are able to find some resolution or some solution, but it doesn't seem like much is going to change there anytime soon. I don't think this is the problem of the United States and we should remain uninvolved.",p029_261 +262,34,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about all of the displaced people in Afghanistan. It is truly saddening. There are over a million people who were forced to leave their homes just in the past year alone. They have no other options, I feel terrible for them.",p009_262 +263,34,p035,"I feel sorry for the people living in that region. I hate that children have to go through that and have a life of war and no hope. I hope the UN helps the people with root of the problem and helps them get jobs,food, shelter, and healthcare. I hope the European countries allow some of the people to stay to take the pressure off their home countries.",p035_263 +264,34,p022,My overall reaction is that i felt really bad for the people in that country. They are nothing but innocent civilians but they have to be the ones that suffer the wrath of war and issues in the government. it's terrifying to not know where your home is and sleep whereever you can. These people are basically just wandering around hoping they can find a safe place.,p022_264 +265,34,p073,This article is about Afghans that are moving back around Afghanistan and really are having a hard time finding anywhere safe and good to live. Some of them have moved to other places but are not able to be successful there and are moving back to Afghanistan even with fighting happening there. I feel so sad for anyone who has to live like this.,p073_265 +266,47,p058,there are so many problems over there. syria is a war zone and will probably never recover. terrorism has destroyed that wonderful country. so many people are forced to flee for their lives. what can be done about it though? not much really. too much pain and suffering in the area. i wish them all well.,p058_266 +267,47,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about the citizens of Aleppo being warned to leave via text message. It is very sad and hard to imagine what it must be like to live in a country like that, where you may be forced to leave at any moment due to acts of violence and war.",p009_267 +268,47,p062,"I'm gonna be honest: I just don't care about this stuff anymore. We're exposed to so many stories of trouble and heartache and loss and danger that I feel like I can't be responsible for it anymore. Not financially, morally, emotionally, practically, whatever. I just don't care. Syria is an absolute mess and millions of people are suffering and I feel like I don't care because it's not my problem. Either way its' not my problem but if it were smaller and I could do something about it, maybe I wouldn't feel so disinterested. But we're just bombarded with this shit constantly to the point I just stop giving a damn.",p062_268 +269,47,p030,I just read about a situation in Aleppo where the government sent a mass text to all citizens giving them 24 hours to evacuate before they were potentially targeted by deadly weapons. The thought of receiving a warning like that while you are sitting with your family is just mind boggling to me. What would you do? Where would you go? It's hard to believe people have been living with such violence for such an extended period of time.,p030_269 +270,47,p022,"After reading the article, you really can't help but feel bad for all the people that are required to leave the area. It feels as though there is always war and people will never feel safe. They always are on the lookout and can never live a stable and happy life like others do. I feel really bad for them and i hope that their future is better than it is now.",p022_270 +271,146,p030,I just read an article about the islamaphobia resulting from the election of Donald Trump. The man has lowered the bar so far and affected our country so negatively for years to come due to his voracious appetite for appointing judges. I sincerely hope that more people will pay attention to the corruption and need for a radical restructuring of American politics due to his administration.,p030_271 +272,146,p029,"I'm sorry for the hate crimes happening against Muslims and others, but to blame this on Trump is absurd. It's more of the left wing media trying to pin things on him. There have been hate crimes going on for a long time, and even the article said they were at the same level they were in 2015 before he was even elected. I would blame social media and the way people spread information now. Plus a general anger that has entered society and people feel it is acceptable to take it out in violence against others. ",p029_272 +273,146,p024,these hate crimes have been rising lately and i feel it is due to more than just terrorists. These hate crimes have not only risen in muslims but also other minorities if you look closely at the news. I feel like more needs to be done to fix this. The fact that we haven't fixed things yet is quite scary and we need to do the right thing and take steps to clean up the problem.,p024_273 +274,146,p009,"Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about hate crimes against muslims and how they are significantly increasing in recent years. The article was very eye-opening and it made me think. I just wish that everyone could get along with each other.",p009_274 +275,146,p022,"After reading the article, you can't help but feel bad for all the Muslims that are currently living in America. You feel bad for them because of what they are going through and all the discrimination they are facing. It's unfair that the ones that are innocent are being stereotyped as well and lumped into the same group as the terrorists when not everyone is like that.",p022_275 +276,370,p073,"This is so sad. I can't even imagine living and trying to raise my family in a situation like this. These poor people can't even send their kids to school because they have to get up so early and stand in food lines. Or else the kids are too weak and sick from not eating, they can't go to school. Also, the school supplies are so expensive, they can't buy them because they need to buy food.",p073_276 +277,370,p062,"I do feel for the people in the country, especially the starving kids, who presumably don't understand what's going on except for the fact that they're hungry. But I also feel angry and disgusted about the situation. Venezuela is extremely wealthy due to their oil reserves. Their country should be vibrant and prosperous. But it's not because of communist corruption. Why do people want government to have more control over the things that people rely on to live? Why centralize everything so that only a small group of corrupt people can ruin everything for everyone else, as opposed to separating things so no one group can ruin it all? Who will watch the watchmen? It's easier to do that when the watchmen are split up and separate. But now Venezuela's problem becomes our problem.",p062_277 +278,370,p048,You would never even realize how relevant world hunger is until you read articles like this. We are so lucky in the US to not have to worry about kids going hungry. Most schools are starting to offer free lunches to kids too here in the US that they are really trying to combat it but we aren't doing much for other countries. There isn't always a whole lot we can do for other countries but there could be some things done to improve world hunger. ,p048_278 +279,370,p030,I just read a story about school children in Venezuela that are apparently starving due to the lack of government investment in food programs. The image of school children falling asleep or fainting due to lack of nutrition is just absolutely heart breaking. I can't imagine what the parents must feel having to send their children to school where they will not eat at all. A child can't learn without appropriate nutrition.,p030_279 +280,370,p024,This breaks my heart because no children should have to go through this! I really want to help these kids not go hungry and will look into how I can help after this. I feel like to be honest it is our duty and should be mandatory that we help these kids. It is the best thing overall because no one seems to be helping them.,p024_280 +281,202,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read a story about another police officer shooting. These seem to be happening all the time now and it is very upsetting. I hope that one day something can be done about all of this. It is sad to think about .",p009_281 +282,202,p016,"I don't think there's a more disturbing sentence in the English language than ""parent murders their own kids."" Like... that's just so incredibly messed up. To have those kids die in one of the worst ways possible, killed by the one person who's supposed to protect them, and just... ugh. I'm so sorry for the cops that found them.",p016_282 +283,202,p030,"Just read a story about a father who abducted and then murdered his two sons after being on the run from police. The article didn't give a whole lot of detail, so one has to wonder what drove him to take such drastic action against people who were so close to him. The suspect committed suicide afterward, so I think that it would be considered a crime of passion? Anyway, horribly tragic.",p030_283 +284,202,p022,"After reading this article, i felt really disturbed. I just couldn't believe that there is someone out there that can kill his own children. I wonder what kind of mental illness the man had because nobody in their right mind can just kill their own children. I felt really bad for the mother as well who is left alone iwth nobody now and can only suffer.",p022_284 +285,202,p068,How can your heart just not break reading this article. These children had there life cut way to short for no reason. This father was just pure evil. He needed serious mental help and I can't believe no one saw this coming. There is always signs that people should take serious so it doesnt come to this. I would like to know the motive was it because he felt overwhelmed or because he wanted to get back at someone. The mother should have taken the threat seriosuly and I wonder if the rangers had found the car sooner if those kids would have been alive. They were probably so afraid in that car and it is horrible that was there last memories alive.,p068_285 +286,71,p028,Have you heard what has been happening to anti poaching rangers in africa. Some of them who have been trying to do their job and ensure the safety of the endangered animals are being attacked and boxed in by mobs when they try to aprehend poachers. It is a shame how corrupt the local governments are within the continent that allow poaching.,p028_286 +287,71,p064,I had no idea that people that are trying to arrest poachers are being attacked by people that live in the town. It is also so sad that the police act like cowards and do not arrest the poachers who are making certain animals extinct from the planet for selfish reasons. It's so sad that people that are trying to do the right thing are risking losing their life.,p064_287 +288,71,p035,"This one is hard for me to think about. I can see both sides of this one. One, the two anti poachers are trying to save the animals, which I think is a good thing. The other people are trying to make a living in a harsh environment and the rest of the world is based on capitalism where resources are used to make as much money as possible. ",p035_288 +289,71,p063,"I feel really bad that this is happening to people out there trying to protect the wildlife. i'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems like these poachers are paying off the policemen, and the locals to protect their livelihood. It is unfortunate that the people can't protect their own area, but they are probably poor, and consider the money necessary.",p063_289 +290,71,p068,I feel for both sides on this one. The police and people are trying to protect the sacred wild life and beings but also the village is probably needing the meat of the animal or the money from selling it as they are a very poor country. I can see being so desperate in a third world country that this would seem like the police are cutting off or taking your only source of livlihood. These poor guys however they are just trying to protect and do what is right they do not deserve to be so violently attacked im suprised they were able to live through such a brutal beating. I hope more is done to help the police but also the village ,p068_290 +291,242,p029,"To me this is very disturbing. 55 civilians were killed? I mean I get that they killed some bad guys too, but to me it is not worth sacrificing so many innocent lives just to kill a few bad guys. U.S. troops were killed too. This whole thing is just terrible and tragic in my opinion. IT sounded like some protocol was not followed either, which makes it even worse. I think we need to mind our own business and get out of there honestly. We have enough issues with our own country to be over there contributing to issues in others.",p029_291 +292,242,p028,Did you see what happened with the US and Afghan training mission in Afghanistan. It's such a shame that in an area where we are trying to do good and improve things for the people there is being sabotaged by opposing efforts. I feel terrible for the lives lost as they gave their lives to help protect people and to be killed like that is heartbreaking.,p028_292 +293,242,p035,"I feel very sorry of the Afghan civilians that were killed by our military. This is why I hate war. I know some people will say war is war, which is true, but that does not make it any better. I feel like this type of thing is what makes more terrorist. I know I would want to get revenge on the people who killed my family.",p035_293 +294,242,p063,"It's crazy that we've been at it this long with the Taliban. It was getting close to twenty years ago no w that the Trade Centers were destroyed, and we're still fighting the same enemy. It just goes to show you how ""war' over there is anything but typical. They are an unseen enemy, and we may be doing this for a long time still to come.",p063_294 +295,242,p029,"Wow, this is very sad. All these poor people who lost their lives because of this ongoing conflict. I must say, this whole area just constantly seems caught up in some terrible conflict, tension, war, and violence. I don't understand what is going on over there, but I know it is very sad to hear about innocent people being killed as a result. I also feel sad for the U.S. Soldiers who lost their lives. Their families must be grieving terribly. So the whole thing is a tragedy, and it all just seems so unnecesary to me. All this senseless killing.",p029_295 +296,339,p062,"I have very little sympathy for refugees of any type. They go to another country and expect to be accommodated. A country and government's first priority should be to its own people. These other people have no inherent rights to be taken care of or even allowed to enter the country. We exist in a world of borders and law--for the better. These people come from countries that are hellholes they must flee, and they are complicit in that. How anyone can bang on the door of another country and expect anything is beyond me. They have no right to that. This refugee issue is going to get more problematic and I think it behooves non crappy countries to decide, well in advance, what they're going to do about mass refugee groups, how many they'll take, etc. you can't wait until they're ther",p062_296 +297,339,p029,"The article did not give much information about where the refugees were from. I had to google to learn they were mainly from Syria. I thought this was very sad, although it is one of those problems without an easy solution. Who is supposed to be paying for these people to be cared for? Taxes? Whose taxes? I don't see a simple fix here. It's easy to sit there and judge and say this is unfair, but also what is everyone supposed to do? AT least they are being given asylum from the dangerous place they came from I guess. ",p029_297 +298,339,p019,"I never really think about immigration outside of the US, but the more I hear and think about it, the more I realize just what an issue it is globally. People all over the world are being effected by it on both ends. Both ends being the people immigrating, and the other being the people living in the countries that people are immigrating to ",p019_298 +299,339,p022,"After reading the article, i can't help but feel bad for the people and children in the camps. I feel bad for them because nobody should have to be living in those type of conditions. Everyone should be able to have shelter, food, and a nice place to sleep on. I feel like these people are almost being treated like dirt and it's very unfair.",p022_299 +300,339,p024,"Why is the rest of the world just sitting around watching this go on. It disgusts me that we are sitting idly by watching these children get abused. I understand it is not America's problem but it is all our problem when children are being hurt . We must stand up and fix this, its the right thing to do no matter what.",p024_300 +301,347,p024,I think its sad what is happening in Nigeria with the hunger crisis. What happened to Zulyatu and he siblings making the mother flee to Biu is just crazy. I think we should step in as a nation and do the right thing here. It is the correct thing to do honestly and we must get it done as quick as possible.,p024_301 +302,347,p052,The feelings that I have regarding the article is that somethings happen for a reason and they are out of your control sometimes. I think what went wrong in that conflict can be resolved and all that is needed is clear cut communication so that both parties know where each other stands at the end of the day. I personally think that is the best option and that the article itself is something that is worth a read in my opinion.,p052_302 +303,347,p022,"After reading the article, you can't help but feel bad for these people. We're so far into humanity and we are still seeing people suffer from hunger and thirst. We should not be having these problems today. I think that the world should try to do more to take notice of these situations and try to help out whenever possible because we all have that right.",p022_303 +304,347,p039,It is terrible that these kids have to starve but it was kind of funny that they were boiling grass I mean think about these africans they always have some sort of crisis even when they are rich in oil they still manage to ruin everything they are like monkeys they resemble apes they behave like animals,p039_304 +305,347,p029,"I found this to be very sad. These people obviously don't have many options, and they are trapped in a bad situation without any food and with a lot of violence around them. I have heard a lot about this area and the bad things going on there. This is an ongoing situation that shows no signs of improvement, and meanwhile the people continue to suffer and die. Young people are affected as well as women and many innocent people who have nothing to do with the terrorist groups causing all these problems.",p029_305 +306,48,p024,This is sad as somebody with elderly parents the thought of them dying alone is quite scary. We must be able to fix this and the best way how is to just overall understand that they need help. We must strive to do better. To do better means helping them out. There is little dignity in that kind of life since everyone else flees and leaves them alone.,p024_306 +307,48,p068,This article was just heartbreaking. I just pictured my father working his whole life for us just for a warm and horrible people to come in and tear it down. It is pure hell for everyone living in this war torn area I cant imagine. No older people who worked there life so there familys can be better should be worried about war and losing the family. The doctors have even fled as there is no resources to help people anymore. Only once dialysis center left which will probably close soon for fear of people and lack of resources. Anyone with a chronic disease is just out of luck as medicine is few and aid cant even be reached to most of these people anymore. It is just so sad.,p068_307 +308,48,p047,"This is a very heartbreaking article. It's hard to read what is happening to people in other parts of the world. I can't believe people would leave their parents and elderly family members behind in a war. It's unimaginable. And to make matters worse, there is hardly any food for them in their homes. They're under constant attack and can't even get basic medications that we take for granted every day here in the US. I truly hope the wars stop and these people can get some assistance rebuilding their lives and homes. More effort needs to go into donating to the charities that help in these areas. I can understand why some would not want to travel and live there, considering there is a high probability of death from an airstrike but the people should at least have basic food items, clothing ",p047_308 +309,48,p009,"Dear friend, I just read an article about a 70 year old man living in a war torn city in Syria. The story was very sad and has made me think a lot about life. I feel terrible for the people who have to live in those conditions.",p009_309 +310,48,p010,"I just read the article about Aleppo and Syria. It made me extremely sad to see what these people have gone through. They have worked hard their whole lives for betterment of their family. Now they just pray bombs or airstrikes doesn't kill their families. Is war ever going to end? The answer to that is a simple no. Humans have been killing humans since they existed. We never, ever learn.",p010_310 +311,291,p029,"Overall, this is a really sad incident. The poor dog was just helplessly left in the car to suffer, and there's no way it could have let itself out or saved itself. IT's really sad to me when people are this negligent about pets and other people. Especially vulnerable populations. Honestly I think whatever punishment she gets, such as an animal cruelty charge, is definitely deserved and she will just have to take that as it comes. She should have been more careful with the animal, end of story. ",p029_311 +312,291,p012,"I find this inexcusable, and hope the officer is charged with the death of a police officer (as the K9 unit is considered one). This is really awful, and I'm sure the officer in question feels bad, but we need to make examples out of this case. If we set a precedent, making the punishment fit the crime perfectly, it will deter carelessness. ",p012_312 +313,291,p010,Hi Nora: Did you see the article this morning where the handler let his police dog die in a hot car in Arkansas? The dog's name was Lina and he died Friday. The Sheriff did put the handler on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. Lina had been with the sheriff's office for three years and was used in a lot of drug investigations. Lina was left in that car for 38 hours. Can you believe this? This deeply disturbs me. How do you forget a big police dog and not hear him for 38 hours? Just unbelievable. The blatant disregard society has for animals and humans is beyond my capacity to understand. I think we are up to 82 children that have died this year and too many animals. It's infuriating. No way I accept any of the lame answers that are given every day. (,p010_313 +314,291,p024,What is with dog owners lately? This isn't the first story I read in the past few months of a dog being left inside a hot car. I believe the owner should be charged and not called an accident! The owner had to know the risks! Its time we hold these people accountable. It is not fair to the dog nor to the people that have to rescue the dog!,p024_314 +315,291,p068,An article like this really tears me in half. I can put myself in both of there shopes and see both sides. I feel like because this officers job is to protect and serve the community he shows he has good character and morals and this was not done out of malice. but also this dog provided a service to the community and did not deserve to dye such a long painful death.I think if anything does comes out of it it should be more safety and precautions put in place so these things can not happen again. This handler must feel horrible as i know the dogs become like there actual partners and family. I think the guilt is punishment enough.,p068_315 +316,39,p029,"I am sad for the wolf but this didn't have me too torn up. I imagine the sniper shot the wolf for some reason. It's too bad the wolf traveled so far looking for a mate just to be killed, but I guess these things happen sometimes. Perhaps the sniper should have been a little more careful. A little more background about why they were out there shooting wolves might have been helpful, like maybe there was a valid reason. Wolves can be harmful creatures. ",p029_316 +317,39,p073,This is a sad story about one wolf who was being tracked and had traveled more than 700 miles. It was shot and killed in Montana by a sniper. I'm not real sure of the reason for the killing because the article said that it is part of a federal program. I feel bad for the wolf but am not real clear on if the program is necessary or not.,p073_317 +318,39,p022,"After reading the article, i felt really bad for the wolf and animals that get hunted in general. I think that there should definitely be some sort of punishment for people who decide to kill animals, especially endangered species of animals just for fun. I think it is so inhumane and twisted that someone can kill a beautiful animal like that with no type of remorse whatsoever.",p022_318 +319,39,p058,so some government people killed a wolf. I feel like most people won't really care about this story too much. im sure this kind of thing happens on a regular basis. I didn't even know there were protected wolves out there. Are they near extinction? Who knows. I know if I was stranded in the wild I wouldn't be upset that a wolf was killed.,p058_319 +320,39,p022,"After reading something like that, you can't help but feel extremely sad. You feel sad for the wolf and you also feel angry that humans would do such a thing. It's terrible that humans just kill and use animals as they wish. I think that animals have all the right in the world to live as well and we can't just use them as we please. ",p022_320 +321,52,p024,The immigration system in this country is terrible there is no other way around it. The fact that this man was raised here since 3 and still not given citizenship? Give me a break. There are far too many stories like this and what angers me the most is that nothing is being done to fix this. We must do better.,p024_321 +322,52,p029,"I am not sure how I feel about this. This guy is a lifelong criminal and honestly I don't think people like that deserve citizenship. His parents messed up when he was young, yes, but he could have taken the responsibility to fix that as an adult. He should have looked into it instead of spending so much time and energy breaking the law. So I think he deserves what he is getting and should have been more careful. ",p029_322 +323,52,p058,i feel like our countries immigration policies are ridiculous. how can you possibly deport someone who has lived her his whole life basically? That just doesn't seem right. We really need to rethink the way we do things in this country. this just isn't fair to anyone to be honest. I'm sure his family is upset.,p058_323 +324,52,p062,"I feel very sorry for this man and his awful life. However, as I learn more about it it does seem ""fair"" that he get deported, and I feel less sympathetic for him because of his crimes. Had he not had a criminal record I doubt he would have been deported. Having said that, I feel extremely sympathetic for the abusive upbringing he had. To get adopted by people who then abused him, then abandoned, adopted again and abused some more, is just unconscionable and repulsive. And I'm sure it lead to his criminality, unfortunately. This guy sure got dealt a bad hand, but is interestingly dealing with it well, it seems. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign for his future.",p062_324 +325,52,p031,"American system is really messed up. We let illegals get away with so many things and yet, this man, who was adopted and lived here almost his entire life, is facing deportation! He has a family of his own and I'm sure spent a good portion of his career paying taxes to the American government and now his life is in jeopardy-he has a family who is facing losing everything if he goes away! ",p031_325 +326,89,p029,This whole situation is alarming. It's scary that such sick individuals exist out there that will commit such horrible crimes. It makes me feel like the world is a scary and horrible place. I'm not really sure what else to say about it. I hope justice works and is brought against these people. This type of thing should never happen and I feel bad for the victims and families involved. ,p029_326 +327,89,p030,"I just read an article about a man who was given everything in life, literally. A deluxe apartment, a great job and a position of status in New York society were apparently not enough for him. He was involved in the brutal murder of a man because the man refused his sexual advances. He must suffer from some sort of mental deficiency. ",p030_327 +328,89,p036,"I think that this article is interesting. I don't really like what happened at all, but I feel mostly for the man who brought someone into his life. Then that person turned out to be involved in all this awful stuff - possibly even a murderer. It makes me sad to read. I also, of course, feel for the victim's family - what an awful way to die.",p036_328 +329,89,p058,"im so sick of seeing articles that are so negative. it's like every news article i see or story from the media is either native, bashing someone or someone being killed. why is it so hard to find positive information in news these days. i feel like i dont even want to look at the news anymore. its so depressing.",p058_329 +330,89,p068,This story was so sad and heartwrenching. I guess the elite are not pardoned from bad things happening to them and this shows that. It is horrible that either one of these men could have stopped this and helped but both were just cold people. How do you just go back to nromal life after muder I would fall to pieces. I think they did flee and didnt just continue on with work. They should be convicted and set to life in prison. How could you kill and burn someone and for over something so minecule like getting hit on. Karma will get back at them and I hope in a grand way. The poor family of this man it is terrible.,p068_330 +331,148,p009,"Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article about an african elephant named Nosey. She has been held captive for 30 years. It is a very heartbreaking story and it makes me very sad to see her treated this way.",p009_331 +332,148,p064,"Wow, I can not believe that this poor elephant has been abused for so many years yet nobody does anything about it. This poor elephant should be taken away from the owner and the owner should be arrested, there is no excuse for this type of behavior, she should be allowed to be free in a elephant sanctuary with other elephants, very sad. ",p064_332 +333,148,p068,This article just hits you right in the gut. Especially because it deals with animals. Animals are so helpless when at the hand of there human handlers. This is so unfair to this gentle giant. Treated to badly just to perform and make money. she is livign a horrible confined life of solitude. It is greatly disturbing that the givernment has the power to stop this yet has turned a blind eye. They need to take action and be an advocate for this poor animal. She deserves way better treatment then what she is getting now. How does anyone condone this or go to shows where this animal is chaned and obviously in pain and discomfort. ,p068_333 +334,148,p008,"I love elephants so much and every time I hear about them being abused this way it hurts my heart. I hate that people can be so cruel to animals in general, but to such sweet, gentle giants? It makes me so sad. And her name is Nosey. That's not even fair, someone needs to strip that awful man of that angelic creature.",p008_334 +335,148,p029,"This is pretty sad for the elephant. It obviously has no say so in this matter and that is not okay. Elephants are very intelligent and sensitive animals. They shouldn't be kept in captivity in these circuses and shows I do not think. This seems inhumane and not right. I would feel guilty going to a circus seeing elephants parade around. Maybe at a zoo where they could be in a natural habitat it could be okay but not in a circus where they are supposed to dance around for human entertainment, that is just pitiful and sad.",p029_335 +336,223,p039,I feel very bad for the two little girls that were killed in the terrible accident. One minute you are happy and the next your dead. The parents must feel the worst in this situation I hope they will be able to move on wit their lives although I am sure it will be nearly impossible for them to move on,p039_336 +337,223,p016,"I just read about this family that got killed in a car wreck and it was just horrible. It's one thing when part of your family dies, but apparently the husband had already died a few months previous and now the mom and two of the kids are dead, too, and that just leaves one kid who I guess was about five or six. She's all alone now. :(",p016_337 +338,223,p008,"I'd bet money on the driver of the car that hit the trailer being a drunk driver. I feel like the amount of people who drive drunk - generally, but especially on holidays - is honestly alarming. And they're always so casual about it, like it's not a big deal and they aren't taking the lives of anyone they get remotely near while behind the wheel into their hands.",p008_338 +339,223,p068,This article really made me tear up. It is so sad a family could just be taken in a split second like this. I cant imagine the whole left behind in the remaining surviviors life. This town needs some better traffic laws and maybe drivers licensure tests. It seems to be a very prevelant thing auto accidents and needs to be adressed with threat to the public. Also thinking about how traumatized the on scene responders but also the others who were on there and around it at the time I would feel so sad for a long time like survivors guilt. I hope everyone gets therapy to talk about how much this probably effected them.,p068_339 +340,223,p024,"Stuff like this is crazy because it is Halloween and kids are expected to be walking the street. You would, or at least I would think that people would be more aware and feel like they have to drive more carefully than usual because at the end of the day they do have to just be more careful overall since kids will be walking the streets during Halloween.",p024_340 +341,186,p010,"Hey A: Did you read the article where all those children were killed on the roadway and the many injuries that took place? Kids were in a trailer and a truck plowed into the back of them. It was extremely disturbing to read. I could just visualize the pain, suffering, and panic that was taking place. I can't imagine losing 2 of your own children. Further reading showed the driver had lost her husband. Whoever was driving the truck will have to live with this the rest of their lives. It's extremely sad.",p010_341 +342,186,p039,Can you believe this situation in Africa it seems like there is always something with these people they can not live in peace they really remind me of wild monkeys running around naked with their big lips who cares about these people Kenya should not allow more of these people in to their country they can not handle it,p039_342 +343,186,p063,"After reading that article, I'm not sure woh the good guys are. it sounds like the rebels might be the better people, but who knows. It sucks that the UN is so strapped when it comes to helping in times like this. I hate to say it, but it just seems like sometimes people are better off leaving countries to their own wares (sp?).",p063_343 +344,186,p068,This article was a little hard for me to follow with the different people and places. I think south africa needs a great peace keeping leader to step in and take the rains. It breaks my heart these people are subject to being afraid of such violence and brutality. The women that were raped and especially by there government is nonesense and cant believe in 2019 this is still happening. They need to create a more civilized society over there. Even aid workers who are just there to help were brutally raped that tells me these people have no consequences for actions and to consious of human suffering. This whole article was truly apolling to me.,p068_344 +345,186,p068,This article was a little hard to follow as I dont follow or know much about whats going on in the other side of the world. It is so sad to me that a war torn third world country has people living there that are afraid for there lives daily. The humanitarian effort is so noble but so sad they are at the hands of a corrupt governemnt and society. How could a government fail to protect its people and aid workers and let them be brutally attacked and raped at there own hands. Noone should be in a position where the power in the society is evil and able to do what they please with no consequence that is a very scary balance. Something needs to be done to help.,p068_345 +346,113,p035,"The ban on smoking outdoors in the article takes place in England, but the same thinking could happen in the United States. I do not like the ban. I do not smoke or want my children smoking, but what other adults do with their bodies is their business. If there is proof that smoking in an outdoor space hurts others, then it should be banned. If it only hurts the smoker, then it should be allowed.",p035_346 +347,113,p068,This article is something i can really agree with. I had never thought of how places like zzos and themeparks are abundant with little minds that should not be subject to smoking. I think cigarettes should be considered something like alchol were you cant drink in public you cant smoke either. These children see others smoking and in there mind this is a norm and okay. I think this generation not growing up witht hat around them will set them up to make better choices in the future and be more healthy. There is a real chance to cut potential new smokers and get rid of the popularity of smoking for generations to come. I am all for this proposed ban and see no harm from imposing it.,p068_347 +348,113,p030,"Empathy is not finite. Some people would have you believe that it is, but I think that humans are capable of more than the capitalists would have you believe. I think that I'm going to stop paying attention to the news. It's become a negative force in my life and I think that I would be much happier if I didn't pay attention to American politics ever again. ",p030_348 +349,113,p068,I completely agree with this article. I think smoking around children is so dangerous and hazerdous! Zoos are such a child centered place its a no brainer its like banning smoking at a play place or daycare. Children who see adults smoking will grow up thinking that is normal and part of life and I think smoking should seem like an odd thing like drugs. Kids are so suseptible to disease as they are growing and second hand smoke that young can do nothing but bad. These laws are really great and should be applied to any public place make smoking wierd like drinking alcohol in public because it not only effects you but everyone around you!,p068_349 +350,113,p035,"Second hand smoke is a bad things and I'm glad it is banned from around children. I do not want the government to have the power to tell people what to do with their bodies. I do not like smoking, but I think that every adult should have the right to do whatever they want with their body. I think smoking should only be banned if it harms other people.",p035_350 +351,116,p039,Cholera seems to effect poor countries more then rich ones which is why you should not care about this too much these countries need to start investing in their own ability to provide clean drinking water instead of looking for handouts they suffer from corruption which is hindering them from coming up with a way to fight the disease,p039_351 +352,116,p036,"I am a pretty liberal person. I do believe that a democratic government can have an earnest concern for its people. But when I read stories like, I don't have to wonder too hard why people are afraid to give control to the government and large extra-governmental agencies. I feel deeply for the people who are sick and dying because a government says no. I am angry when vaccines are on hand and it takes jumping through loop holes to get approval to get the mobilized to patients in need.",p036_352 +353,116,p068,This is just crazy that people are still dying today when there is medicine that can easily save there lives. There should be enough to go around when epidemics like this happen as this is such a senseless horrible way to die. I get that it is hard to get ahead and prepared for epidemics but there should be some sort of procedures in place just in case. Also i dont see how the government could deny giving the vaccines even if there were side effects from it it is still better then death. I think ramping up things like giving out chlorine tabelts for water is a great preventitive step to reduce epidemics like this instead of just solely relying on the vaccines. I feel for the doctors who are over worked and no theres a way to help these people but cant.,p068_353 +354,116,p039,I don't care about cholera we need to fix our own water problems here in the states before we try to help the rest of the world with their problems look at Flint Michigan we have people in America suffering without having a safe source of clean drinking water we need to help our own before we can help others.,p039_354 +355,116,p035,I think that two things can be true at one time. I think that giving aid to the people to fight the disease can be a good things and I also think that cleaning the water supply for the people would not have to deal with the disease in the future is also a good thing. I lean more towards fixing the problem long term but short term help is also good.,p035_355 +356,44,p024,We need gun control now. The amount of deaths like this airline worked being gunned down is everyday news at this point. Everyday is a new story about a new death due to guns. Pro gun activists say that cars or tobacco kill people more but those arent made to kill people and guns are and they do kill people.,p024_356 +357,44,p030,Sometimes I wonder about the impetus that drives people who murder other people. I think there would be a lot less murder if guns didn't make it so simple. Pulling a trigger. Driving a blade into someone would take a lot more conviction that simply shooting a bullet. I don't know. Have you ever felt like killing another person?,p030_357 +358,44,p040,I think it is very sad. I think many people are turning to suicide because they are desperate. They are depressed and can't take it anymore. It is an awful place to be in. The family was well known but that does not keep them safe from the depression or despair that can hit anyone at any time. You should look out for one another. It is a very tough world out there. It is very easy to slip into a depression. This did not have to happen to him.,p040_358 +359,44,p039,It is sad to see the shooting of people and in the airport too it seems the world is going crazy there is all this violence everywhere you go you can't even go out any more without having to worry about these mass shootings and public shootings this is a very dangerous time we live in and we need to be safe,p039_359 +360,44,p067,"That's awful, I feel that Oklahoma City might not be as safe as I thought. After 9/11 they raised security around airplanes a lot, but it hasn't been perfect. They probably can never get it perfect. I guess it wasn't terrorism exactly though? Just a regular murder. That's just awful either way. There should definitely be a thorough investigation.",p067_360 +361,163,p045,"The situation in Kashmir has been difficult for some time. I'm not sure, though, if India wants to keep good relations with their provinces, why they would do these kinds of things. These pellet firing weapons are too random, with results like we see in the article. They need to take a more benevelont attitude if they want to keep the region.",p045_361 +362,163,p024,The fact that it wasn't criminals that did this to the poor girl but security personnel speaks volumes on the world as a society. Pellets are seen as not harmful but the reality is they c an even cause blindness. We must do what is right and correct the wrongs in society by educating people on the harms that they cause.,p024_362 +363,163,p024,I believe that the photographer that happened to describe the life of Insha hit the nail on the head with this description of the life of her after the blindness. A pellet gun has up to 500 pellets and the fact that she was hit by these pellets in a Kashmir tell me they are not properly trained. I feel like this is a problem all throughout the world. We need to train people better.,p024_363 +364,163,p039,So their fighting over Kashmir again I really don't care about these people they are always fighting one another I think they fought 3 wars over the region already and now they have Nukes so I am sure they will kill each other off pretty soon which would be good for the planet we need less humans here.,p039_364 +365,163,p035,"I feel very sorry for the girl who lost her eye slight to the pallet gun. It is a new way of thinking about non deathly weapons. I think the girl's father was right and wrong at the same time. I think it is better that she was not killed, but I understand his and her pain about her losing the ability to see and how it changed her life.",p035_365 +366,80,p016,"So apparently there was some kind of attack in Myanmar, but I couldn't really tell what year it happened because it just said ""october"", and since it's just now September it's obviously not this year. But it said that over thirty civilians and 15 police had been killed, which is never good news. Plus so many people were without food and housing. ",p016_366 +367,80,p022,"After reading the article, i just feel so bad for the people that are in the war as much as the people that were affected and killed in this war. I feel like war overall is just terrible and we should do all we can to try and stop it. All it induces is hate and death. The people are that are the war has family at home and they can do nothing but grieve and worry abotu them.",p022_367 +368,80,p030,"Reading about the plight of the Rohingya is always a very sobering experience. Basically, these people are nation-less. They are being persecuted in Burma and forced out of neighboring Bangladesh. I feel like Suu Kyi is being unfairly blamed for a situation that is just too complex for the country to solve effectively. I'm really trying to put myself into the shoes of one of the oppressed Muslim minorities like the Rohingya or the Uyghers and having a very difficult time imagining what a day in their lives must be like.",p030_368 +369,80,p039,Look at these Burmese killing muslims I can understand why they would do that though do you want all these terrorists running around your country creating mischief in the land we need to start deporting our muslim population before they start a revoulution in this country its important we support BUrma,p039_369 +370,80,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel disappointed in people and humanity. I feel bad because i read that the people in the community were killing police officers. It's terrible that police have to be viewed as a bad thing in society today when police were the ones we use to run to for help. I hope things turn out for the better for the country in the future.",p022_370 +371,367,p024,This isn't the first time it seems like the US has backed what looks to be a group of terrorists. I feel like we as a country need to do better and investigate just who we support much better than we are currently doing. I think the sooner we do it the more luck we will have in making this world a better place.,p024_371 +372,367,p035,I believe that the United States should not back any government that makes that many mistakes in its airstrikes. I also think the United States should update its policy of using airstrikes. It seems to me that more civilians are being killed than the people who are being targeted. I feel sorry for the people in Yemen who just want to live a normal life and can not because of the war.,p035_372 +373,367,p028,"Reading about the current airstrike campaign going on in Yemen terrifys me for the people that are the currently. It makes me think that maybe, even though we are doing good over there and improving things overall it isnt the right choice. Because after all there are people who are being impacted their lives are being impacted by these strikes. ",p028_373 +374,367,p029,"It's very difficult to fathom living somewhere where airstrikes can take you out at any given moment, regardless of where you are. It really makes me grateful to live in this beautiful nation where we live, America, and to have the freedoms that we have. In this story, the man's eight children lost their father and his wife lost her partner. That is very tragic, and all for a bunch of senseless killing. The US was supporting these airstrikes which is sort of sad. I find the whole situation over there so senseless. IT's like they are all just killing each other nonstop for no valid reason.",p029_374 +375,367,p030,I just read an article about the devastation in Yemen. I think that the alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia has been nothing but trouble since we decided to started to lust after their wealth. Millions have been killed or displaced in conflicts that we are either tacitly or actively backing and it looks like there is no end in sight.,p030_375 +376,91,p019,"This is truly disgusting. I will never be able to understand how someone, especially a parent, is able to even fathom doing this to their kid. It is disgusting. I can only imagine the daily horrors that this poor women has to live with thanks to her disgusting parents. I can't believe they only for 20 years. they should be in their for life so this poor women does not have to feel scared or worried with them out of prison. ",p019_376 +377,91,p030,"So, I just read an article about an episode of Dr. Phil that features a young woman who was groomed and sexually abused by both of her parents because of a potential windfall from selling child pornography. I have a hard time wrapping my head around men who abuse their children for sexual gratification, but the fact that her mother was involved in this too makes it almost too horrible to be true. ",p030_377 +378,91,p025,"I just read this horrifying article. I am actually not sure that I should even tell you about it because it was so disturbing. It was about this woman who was on the Dr. Phil show. When she was a little girls she was sexually abused by by both her parents. No need to read that again, yes, I said both her parents. They forced her to have sex with the father and the mother videotaped all of it and then they sold the footage. It makes me want to throw up. How horrible of a human being do you have to be to do that to your own child. Thankfully both parents got charged and sentenced to 20 years. Unfortunately their sentence is up. The mother was on the tv show saying how much she regrets it and that the father made her do it. I do not believe her for a second.I would rather die than hurt my kid",p025_378 +379,91,p068,This article was troubling on so many different levels. I cant put myself in this girls shoes because I would never imagine my parents doing this to me. I cant believe they are out of jail they seem like such a threat to society if they can do this to there own child. I pray these people never come in contact with a never child again. you are suppose to protect your kids. This girl can never get her childhood back i dont see how you could trust people after this or live a normal life my mind would be so messed up. i hope she gets the help she needs.,p068_379 +380,91,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel really disgusted and disturbed by what i read. The fact that someone can harm or sexually assault their own child is downright terrible. People like this need to be locked up for ever or even suffer the death penalty. It's terrible because they gave birth to this girl but now her life is already ruined.",p022_380 +381,23,p019,"How sad and awful of a tragedy is this. I know accidents happen but surely there were steps in place, or steps that could have been put in place to prevent this. How horrifying of a sight it must have been to see charred bodies tossed in the air like that and being thrown all over the ground. That is something that will haunt whoever survived it for the rest of their lives. ",p019_381 +382,23,p035,"I feel very bad for the people killed. I can only imagine going to get some fuel and having the truck blow up killing me and many others. I do not know if the death was quick or slow and painful as you burned to death. I hope it was an accident and not cause by someone on purpose, but that does not really matter to the victims that died.",p035_382 +383,23,p062,"This is a tragic story but it's also what happens in third-world countries where you pull a truck off the side of the road to sell fuel to citizens. The world is an absolutely enormous place--beyond comprehension. And death, suffering, and tragedy occur all the time. I'm not going to worry about the lives of a handful of random people who I didn't know existed until I knew they no longer existed. These people might as well be fictional characters to me. Sure, someone is grieving them somewhere. And this event probably really did happen. But to me it's not real and it truly doesn't matter. And, frankly, despite this modern age's attempt to argue the opposite, I don't think the world is any better a place because I know these people are dead.",p062_383 +384,23,p068,It is so crazy what a freak accident this was. These people couldnt even try to escape as it just happened. I think that way more safety and procedures being done for these people then just collecting fuel from a truck on the side of the rode. Anything can happen with such a flammable liquid and people that dont really know alot getting it out. I feel horrible for the people who responded to the scene as that had to have been so scarring to see. So many families will be at a loss from this and i think the government should do alot to help out with there life now.,p068_384 +385,23,p029,"Wow, how sad. So many people dead for no reason. This sounds just like a terrible accident to me, I mean they think it could have been caused by lightning striking? What are the odds? It's so sad when things like this happen that result in such a massive loss of life. I feel bad for all the families affected and plus of course all the victims who lost their lives due to something so unnecessary. Sometimes things like this just happen and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it I guess.",p029_385 +386,66,p008,"Oh my gosh, I wonder what went wrong. Those poor people! I can't fathom what it would be like to just be going about my life when a sudden explosion turns my entire world upside down. Recovering from serious burns must be excruciating, I hate it when I burn my tongue. I hope they figure out what went wrong. Crazy to think how something so necessary can be so dangerous.",p008_386 +387,66,p019,"These kind of stories make me sad, but it sounds like it could have been so much worse!! Of all the people that could have been in an apartment complex, for no one to die and for only ten to be injured, that seems like pretty good luck all in all to me. Especially considering only 2 were hurt bad enough to go to the hospital. ",p019_387 +388,66,p039,It was a shame that there was a fire but at least they did not die. It could have been much worse the firefighters did a good job in preventing the loss of life. It was very good that there wasn't more serious injuries this could have been much worse but thank god there was someone watching out for these people,p039_388 +389,66,p024,I think when accidents like this happen we must sit back and wonder why they happened and what can be done to prevent them in the future. I feel like this Arizona apartment complex probably did not have the necessary protocols to do things the right way and that caused this to happen. We must ensure all buildings have the necessary steps to prevent this.,p024_389 +390,66,p022,"After reading the article, you can't help but feel sorry for the people that were affected by the fire. It's a good thing that most only had minor injuries and there weren't any deaths though. I think that something like this is terrible because it is an accident of one person that can really hurt others as well. Hopefully people are more careful in the future.",p022_390 +391,270,p019,This makes me so sad.... Especially because it totally could have been prevented if the right safety precautions would have just been taken. 23 lives. That's a lot. That's 23 families who will never be the same. All because it sounds like the heads in charge were lazy and taking the easy shortcuts out. ,p019_391 +392,270,p022,I feel really bad for the miners that were trapped. It was an unfortunate situation and an accident that was hard to avoid. It was just a freak accident and i would not wish this upon anybody. Those people must have been so scared inside that cave. The families of the ones that were lost are all suffering as well which makes me very sad.,p022_392 +393,270,p016,"Ugh, this story is so depressing. Cave ins and things like this are always devastating, but even more so when you dig and dig and find nothing. It reminds me of the dogs in 9/11 who got depressed over not finding survivors, or the Mexico earthquake where they made up a survivor just to make people feel better. It's so, so sad. :(",p016_393 +394,270,p010,I read the article on the China mining disaster. There were 33 miners trapped in the mine. Only two of them survived. Officials stated whoever was responsible would be punished. Smaller mines were shut down immediately until further notice. China has always been known for the deadliest mining. ,p010_394 +395,270,p068,I cant even imagine dying this way. It is such a slow and painful death being trapped somewhere scared with gas leaking. It is sad that this was totally preventable but somehow they overlooked safety. I think all mines should be shut down until full safety inspections can be done. They need to be able to justify working conditions and not just have people working to make money. All of these people had families that are just stuck without them for such a silly reason to die. The government needs to be held responsible for this.,p068_395 +396,368,p019,"This man is truly disgusting.... My heart breaks for these poor girls and what they went through and what they will have to continue to go through as victims and survivors. I hope they know that this is not their fault and it is all on him. He made the choice. I'm sure the media will portray it how they usually do and try to put some blame on them, but it is not their fault at all. ",p019_396 +397,368,p068,Guys like this make me sick and so angry. The fact that he tried to say nothing every happened it was consentual and basically blaming the victims is beyond me. He tried to say he was already convicted because the news storys but it was his own behavior. You can't go around doing what you please to other people and hurting them for your own pleasure. I am so glad someone had the courage to speak up and stop this guy from hurting more women. In most cases you cant always be sure if the women is telling the truth or just getting back at a guy but multiple women coming forward you just have to believe this guy is a danger to society. He should be locked up for a very long time in my eyes.,p068_397 +398,368,p029,"This is kinda sad, although it's good that they caught this guy before he did any further damage. IT is sad for the women he already assaulted though. He is clearly some sort of serial rapist and needs to be put where he cannot harm any more women because he has already harmed too many. This type of thing is always sad because the victims can't undo the harm that's already been done to them. Going through a length trial just brings it all back up and everybody l oses.",p029_398 +399,368,p010,I just finished reading the UW-Madison article. This guy named Alec Cook is being charged in alleged attacks on 5 women. It was a gruesome article how he forced these women to have sex with him or drugged and raped them despite the women pleading no. Stories like this really affect everyone. It's quite horrendous to think this happens so much in our culture. His legal team has a great deal to disprove. ,p010_399 +400,368,p022,"After reading the article, i felt really bad for the victims that were sexually abused. It really disgusts me that there are men out there that can so easily take advantage of others just for a couple seconds of pleasure. I think that people like this should be put behind bars and kept away from society for ever. This person violated multiple women.",p022_400 +401,92,p029,"This is a horrible tragedy. They didn't give the age of the boy, but either way it is horrific for him and the family. Imagine the horror of being trapped in a tiny well for hours and hours until finally you die. I imagine you would dehydrate and it would be extremely painful and scary. It's sad that no one got to him in time. I am also heartbroken for the family, how terrible. I'm sure this is the kind of thing no one ever expects to happen. Why was no one watching him?",p029_401 +402,92,p030,"I just read a story about a Chinese boy who went missing and five days later was found dead at the bottom of a well. Apparently, he had been harvesting vegetables with his father. My question is, if you know that you have a well on your property and your son simply vanishes, wouldn't that be the first place that you look?",p030_402 +403,92,p048,"Isn't it scary that so many bad things can happen to children and adults these days? After reading the article about a young boy falling in to a well and being found dead after 5 days, I can't even imagine the horror the boy faced but also the pain that his parents have to endure for the rest of their lives. It's quite sad and unavoidable at times. I highly doubt his father could have ever imagined his son falling into the well that they probably work at every day. ",p048_403 +404,92,p019,"This story is so sad! I can't imagine the horror and pain that the boy suffered in his last moments of life... It must have been so scary to be there all alone, proibably knowing or feeling that you are going to die. And then I also feel bad for the workers trying to get to him... how devastating must it have been to find him dead. ",p019_404 +405,92,p029,"This is so sad to read. What a horrible tragedy for everyone involved - the boy himself, his parents, his family, his community. It must have been a terrible and very scary way to die to be trapped in that well shaft for four days. Also, the parents must have been beside themselves, I mean can you imagine? It just sounds completely horrific and with such a terrible ending too. It would have been much different if they had been able to rescue him but clearly that was not possible. Overall this is a nightmare situation and one that no one should have to suffer. ",p029_405 +406,331,p019,This story is just depressing. Why can a country as advanced as the US be advanced in gender equality as well. As a women in the workforce it just is depressing to even think about. Why can't equal wages be discovered and demanded? It can't be that hard. And why can't more opportunity be given to women? ,p019_406 +407,331,p068,Being a woman myself i find this article very troubling. With all the movements and awareness and activisim for women in america we should be number one in all gender equality categories. I think less women are working or making it to senior positions because in todays society alot of women are shamed for working to hard and not having children. It's also apparent its still a man world with women on average making 50 percent less then men so there is not much motivation to go higher. I think with more focus on girls and stem learning our next generation of women will feel very empowered in math science and technology a place alot of women lack it. The future deinitly gives me hope for my gender to succeed.,p068_407 +408,331,p030,I just read an article from a couple years ago about the U.S. ranking in comparison to other countries with regard to gender equality. It turns out our backward little country has slipped down to 48th in the international rankings. Am I surprised? No. Will things get worse before they get better? Yes.,p030_408 +409,331,p019,I hate reading these kinds of articles!! The unfair pay for women is so annoying. It's crazy that it is even still a thing with how much attention has been brought to it over the last couple of years. It's like people just dont care. Or at least the people in charge don't care. Probably because it would effect their paycheck,p019_409 +410,331,p010,"It's the 21st century and we have barely moved women. USA has slipped to 45th and we have African countries ahead of us. For the past 100 years, it's all politics and government and who is going to win. Definitely not for equality or fairness to genders. I had a job in career that compared identically to a man's and he was paid 40% more than me. You can't express it or you get fire because almost every state is an at-will state.",p010_410 +411,112,p035,I do not like reading stories like this one. It makes me think about my use of fuel and it is hard to point the finger at somebody else damaging the environment. I think as humans we have a long way to go in figuring our the right balance between how we us the resources of the earth and how we respect the other animals on this planet. ,p035_411 +412,112,p068,these poor animals that have to live in this oil spill. It is so unfair that many marine and bird species die at the hands of oil accidents and carelessness. There needs to be more policies in place to prevent these things from happening and more resources and procedures to make sure they are cleaned up fast and efficiently. it is sad that these animals probably died from lacking the ability to move or breathe but also there food sources taken away from them. It is scary that endangered species are also being effected as once there gone there never coming back and an oil spill is such a silly way for that to even happen.,p068_412 +413,112,p030,"I just read about a tugboat that spilled a significant amount of oil off the coast of England. There's a lot of talk about automating cars, what about boats? It seems like every little bit we hear about another oil spill that has devastated wildlife and killed a bunch a healthy natural aquatic development. Why does it keep happening? Because people just accept it as a fact of life.",p030_413 +414,112,p062,"I don't really care about this at all. I don't care about herring or abalone or whatever the diesel oil harmed. I think it's ridiculous that the premiere of B.C., of the awful NDP party, would criticize the cleanup crew. I'm sure they did the best they could in difficult conditions. But what do you expect when a ship carrying hundreds of thousands of gallons of diesel crashes in a relatively remote part of B.C.? I'm sure the Indians will raise holy hell, since they think they own more than 100% of the province. But what can be done about any of this now other than clean it up and try not to have it happen again. Either way I don't care.",p062_414 +415,112,p031,Fell terrible for marine life that will be exterminated by this terrible spill. Humans have harmed so many wonderful species through their carelessness and selfish attitude. I just hope that the clean-up will be fast an effective but unfortunately this type of oil is the most dangerous to these innocent creatures. Makes you think about how vulnerable God made animals-he entrusted us to keep them but I think he had too much faith in humanity!,p031_415 +416,301,p039,It is sad that all these kids are overdosing on these drugs it seems like the parents are too dozed out on these pills to pay attention and the part about how heroin overdoses are happening to these kids really shows the state of the country and the use of drugs and how prevalent it has become among people. ,p039_416 +417,301,p022,I feel so bad for these children after reading the article. It was not their fault at all but rather the fault of the parents who just leave pills laying around everywhere. The parents should be more responsible for their actions knowing that there are children running around. They should be double checking the floors to make sure they didn't drop anything.,p022_417 +418,301,p073,This news story is about how more and more kids are overdosing on opioids. They are finding in laying around their house or figuring out how to open bottles. Most of the cases are from parents in the home having prescriptions for the opioid. I think this is so sad and is part of a larger problem of opioid addiction.,p073_418 +419,301,p022,I think it's terrible that children are dying because of silly mistakes of parents. The fact that parents can drop something so dangerous like a drug on the ground shows that these parents shouldn't have children in the first place. I think that drugs like these should always be out of reach for children and parents should always check to see if they've dropped anything.,p022_419 +420,301,p029,"This is so preventable! Why aren't people more careful with their drugs? It's crazy to blame something like this on pharmaceutical companies or anyone other than the drug users themselves, and there is really no excuse for a baby to ever get their hands on someone's medication. Keep it in a cabinet very high up out of reach where the baby can not get to it, no exceptions! This is ridiculous and the majority of the time the person doesn't even need to be taking the drug in the first place. They are just abusing it due to their own addiction or weakness. For shame.",p029_420 +421,133,p039,can you believe that they would throw a flamingo on the ground like that I can't believe the things that people will do and flamingos are such majestic birds and such vibrant colors I would be sad to see such a beautiful bird dying I think they should lock that person up for a long period of time to teach a lesson,p039_421 +422,133,p022,"After reading the article, i felt so bad for the poor flamingo. It was just minding it's own business when the man attacked it and slammed it to the ground. This makes me lose hope for humanity because someone can actually do something like this is terrible. This person should be put in jail or at least fined because of what he has done.",p022_422 +423,133,p016,"I can't understand why someone would want to attack an animal like that that wasn't harming anyone and was just minding its own business. Like, how insensitive do you have to be to just kill something for fun? I was also surprised the flamingo was sol old; I had no idea they could live to be nineteen.",p016_423 +424,133,p024,We need to do more to protect life. The fact that this Flamingo died is mind boggling because it was a visitor that did it. With Busch Gardens considers themselves a serious institution they will most certainly end up having to press charges on this guy it is the least they can do here to be quite honest with you.,p024_424 +425,133,p019,I hate reading stories like this... Poor animals made to suffer the abuse of stupid people. I'll never get where people get off hurting a defenseless animal for no reason. Like what did this flamingo ever do to that dude? Why does he think this is ok? I'm sure he suffered some sort of trauma as a child. ,p019_425 +426,397,p039,It is terrible what is happening to the rivers and the animals I think global warming could be playing a role in the matter the animals are being effected and soon humans will feel the effects of global warming hopefully they get some rain soon and they can save these poor animals facing all this hardships,p039_426 +427,397,p068,this is so horribloe because anything that effects animals hurts me to the core. They are innocent victims and cant really help themselves in this situation. I think alot needs to be done to make sure the river is restored and blockage is taken away so that this does not happen in the future. These fish cant move debris themsleves and i thin more light needs to shine down on what is happening so maybe a council can come together and monitor or take over and make sure the fish are in a thriving enviroment. I thin if an enviromental emergency is declared and especially in a poor country other countries should step in and lend a helping hand to lesson the suffering to innocent life.,p068_427 +428,397,p029,This sounds like one of those situations where not much can really be done. It's sad for the animals who are dying and suffering and I feel bad for them. I think this is out of anyone's control and really just an act of nature. Sometimes thiings like this just happen and it's sad and a tragedy but no one can do anything to fix it. The animals are the ones that suffer. They are in essence having a drought and starving due to it which is really sad. ,p029_428 +429,397,p035,"I think this is combination of human climate change and messing with the rivers. I do think that droughts are natural and some times happens, but I think that human involvement in the river is the main cause of the river running dry. I think that human are going to mess with the river ecosystem and it may never return to normal. ",p035_429 +430,397,p022,"After reading the article, i felt really alarmed and worried about wildlife heading into the future. I think that more and more species of animals will start to die out and go extinct because of lack of water as well as food. Hopefully the future generation could figure something out to combat this because if it continues down this path, Earth will end.",p022_430 +431,13,p019,"IS this was ever going to end? It seems like it has been going on forever and we have tried and tried to help them, to fix this or to end it even but nothing is working. It seems like two steps forward one step back. I can only imagine the trauma the people/soilders around this event felt. It's disgusting and I wish it would end/ ",p019_431 +432,13,p073,"This is so sad. I hadn't heard of this happening, but US strikes in Afghanistan ended up killing many civilians. One of the strikes actually hit an emergency hospital that Doctors without Borders was operating. A lot of the patients and the staff were killed. It just sounds horrible. Relatives were trying to walk through the streets with the bodies of their dead children. I can't even imagine what it would be like for these people.",p073_432 +433,13,p035,"In my opinion, this is a mistake that can not happen. Killing civilians at a doctors without boarders camp has no excuse. I agree with doctors without boarders that this is a war crime. I wonder what discipline happened to the sixteen service members. It was wrong to stop the people protesting with the bodies, they have a right to show their anger. ",p035_433 +434,13,p039,These doctors are working hard to help these people I suppose it is important that they do this work but at the same time maybe they should stay home and focus on their own people instead of going around and solving everyone elses problems it seems like these people need to know what the real world is like,p039_434 +435,13,p024,Troops killed in Afghanistan always angers because we should no longer be there in the first place. The fact that we are still there says a lot about us as a country. We need to realize that we have no business there anymore and get out. I don't know why we try to be the world police when it clearly does us no good in the long run.,p024_435 +436,308,p022,"I think that after reading this article, i definitely felt a bit of disgust. I would definitely try and look out for myself more often after hearing about these diseases. The fact that there are so many squirrels running around everywhere makes me feel nervous. Also the fact that they can attack you at anytime makes me extremely nervous as well.",p022_436 +437,308,p054,Red squirrels in Britain are found to be carrying leprosy. Many of them are carrying strains of the skin disease that are the same as what infected human Europeans all the way back in medieval times. These same strains have been eradicated in the mainland of the UK for a number of centuries. It is a serious skin disease.,p054_437 +438,308,p030,"I just read an article about instances of red squirrels in the U.K. contracting leprosy. Apparently. there are only three species of mammal on the planet that can actively carry and suffer from the disease, which include: humans, banded armadillos and now red squirrels. I also wasn't aware that it kills nerves throughout your body so that infections can go unnoticed, resulting in amputations of limbs.",p030_438 +439,308,p039,Can you believe there is still leprosy around this day and age? I did not know that squirrels could even carry the disease from now on I will be more careful around them since they can carry such a serious disease I thought that leprosy only existed during the time of Jesus I am surprised that it is still around. ,p039_439 +440,308,p039,wow I did not know that squirrels could carry such a serious disease it is kind of scary but also it is really interesting to see how adaptable and amazing nature can be I am glad that they have not spread the disease to humans but I feel like it is inevitable that some disease will attack humans in the future,p039_440 +441,7,p039,Too bad what happened to these Syrians but honestly I don't really care let them all burn up one less muslim to worry about I think they should bomb the whole country and turn it to dust but I guess we can't just go around killing millions of people unless we drop a nuke on them like the Japanese because that was justified,p039_441 +442,7,p016,"The situation in Aleppo makes me so sad. I'm reminded of the 2016 presidential elections when the independent candidate Gary Johnson was asked to give an opinion on Aleppo and he just said, ""What's Aleppo?"". Well, as this article says, it's not Pompeii. The devastation in the area is just horrible; I feel so bad for all the families there.",p016_442 +443,7,p020,this situation is so sad. The things that are going on in syria break my heart Reading the terrible unimaginable story of children covered in dust and blood is so sad. Reading that children are being killed along with hundreds of others is so sad. This is truly a horrible situation that needs more attention so more can help.,p020_443 +444,7,p039,It is a shame that they are going through such hardships I feel bad about the little baby that died and bombs falling on them but that is part of life growing up in an uncivilized world where savages run rampant if they could just get rid of the people and start over maybe just move all the savages out.,p039_444 +445,7,p030,"Just read an article about people being buried alive in Aleppo. The situation in Syria has gotten so out of hand its gotten to the point that you almost want to ignore it for your own mental health. I know the article is dated, but Trump's decision to remove support from our Kurdish allies in Syria is one of the greatest strategic blunders since the instigation of the Iraq war.",p030_445 +446,11,p022,It's so sad that innocent civilians need to die because of war and fighting. These people did nothing wrong and were just minding their own business before their lives were taken away. It's not fair for the people and it's not fair for the families of the people that were killed as well. They are left without a family member and they have to live with that forever.,p022_446 +447,11,p029,"This is clearly sad because of the innocent people involved. IT is always a tragedy when innocent civilians are caught up in the violence and politics of a government in trouble. This seems like the situation here, and the people are the ones who are paying the price. It is unfortunate these groups can't see the harm they are doing and just cease all violent activities. When are people going to learn? ",p029_447 +448,11,p062,"I don't care about this at all. There are well over one billion Indians and Pakistanis. We have enough of them. I don't care if a few get lost from these people fighting over Kashmir. That's been going on for decades anyway. I'm sure it's pointless, but these two sides won't back down so it'll keep going on. They're too nuclear powers so that's the only thing that makes this kind of interesting. I love how the Bollywood directors won't hire Pakistani actors. Pakistan sucks. They harbor a lot of terrorists and a lot of bad crap happens in, and comes out of, Pakistan. I'm sure they're to blame for most of the hostilities in the region.",p062_448 +449,11,p019,I hate reading things about nuclear war and stuff! It's so scary... That kind of thing could literally destroy humanity. I would never want to think about what that could mean if this is really starting to happen or if this is a real option that people/countries are considering. I just wish that they had never been invented!,p019_449 +450,11,p029,"This is sad, I have not heard of this Indian Pakistani issue but it sounds like it is affecting a lot of people and a lot of lives. I can't imagine living somewhere where you constantly had to fear being bombed or shot or some catastrophe like that that caused imminent death or bodily harm. It would just be so stressful and difficult to have to live like that. I get worried about things like getting sick but jeez this just takes it to an all new level. It makes me very grateful to live where I am instead of somewhere like that. ",p029_450 +451,182,p039,who cares about a dead kitten do you know how many little human kids are being abused and sold into sex slavery there are so many things that we have to solve about humans before we go around saving kittens and dogs I think it is a shame that these people are wasting time saving stupid animals spend time on people,p039_451 +452,182,p030,I just read an article about a kitten that had been brutally bound and left to die on the side of the road in Washington. The article itself was a little too cloying to take very seriously. You know when something is trying a little too hard to tug on your heartstrings and it just has the opposite effect?,p030_452 +453,182,p022,"After reading the article, i just feel really disturbed about it. The fact that someone can harm an animal is just mind boggling to me. I feel like people like this really need to be put behind bars. If they are willing to harm an animal, who knows what else they might do to humans. I feel like this is only the beginning for these people and they will do much worse.",p022_453 +454,182,p024,How someone can have the cold heart to strangle a living thing let alone a baby kitten to death is beyond me. Imagine the pain the poor thing felt? How can we let people that do these things continue to live amongst us. Surely there must be some justice for this? What a disturbing case if I've ever seen one.,p024_454 +455,182,p068,I cant believe someone could actually do this to another being. Kittens are so cute and friendly it would be like torchering a baby. Anyone with that kind of mindset on the lose is a danger to society. Mosy serial killers start out hurting innocent animals so this should be taken very seriosuly. Some kind of task force needs to be on this to make this person pay for what they did. Noone deserves to die such a sad and painful death. I cant believe how traumitized the people that found the kitten must be. Just reading this story made me almost cry I cant imagine seeing it. ,p068_455 +456,371,p068,This article has me very torn. I will always be a supporter of police who protect us and put themselves in harms way everyday and I now they deal with a lot of difficult people and situations. It is up to police to use discretion with force they inlflict on others and I think I would need to see the whole video and backstory and there side to decide. I now serving warrants is one of the scariest things for officers to do as alot are shot at and they go wrong. Im sure with her resisiting and the growing crowd around them they need to control the situation fast. Closed fist punching seems very scary and severe but who knows what led up to that happening. I feel sorry for both parties involved.,p068_456 +457,371,p016,"This is why it's so important to always get things on tap, because if it hadn't been I guarantee the officers would have tried to have said that they didn't do anything and it was all just her resisting arrest. I don't understand why they didn't just look the warrant up to see if it was still active instead of harassing her like that.",p016_457 +458,371,p062,"I feel no sympathy for anyone who gets punched in the face by a cop. If you get punched in the face by a cop, you were resisting arrest, almost assuredly. And I have no sympathy for anyone who resists arrest, even if you don't feel you should be getting arrested. The best way to deal with the police is to cooperate. Why is this not obvious to people? If you have nothing to hide then that will come out in the end. If she had no warrant, what were they going to book her on? They'd figure that out and let her go. But instead she resists arrest and gets arrested for that, and punched to boot. Which she deserved as far as I'm concerned. ",p062_458 +459,371,p024,"I understand that there are more good cops than bad cops and overall cops are needed in society, but at what point do we start training these guys more than they are trained? Literally anybody can be a cop it seems and all these viral videos of cops hurting people are all too common. This is why a lot of the public is growing a huge distrust for cops.",p024_459 +460,371,p068,"This article is just horrifying. I understand that the police officers deal with hard to arrest people but punching someone yet alone a woman and mother is just horrible. I think less violent and severe tactics should have been taken in this case. It is there discretion but I think he was just taking his anger out on this lady and in no way should that be allowed. In front of her children and family. Maybe she was just worried the arrest was not suppose to happen, you should not be able to become violent out of anger.",p068_460 +461,18,p022,"After reading the article, it just makes me so sad that there are soldier that are still being killed. It's great that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives for their country but it's still sad. They have family that they are leaving behind and they will have to suffer for the rest of their lives. It's very sad to know that we are still in war after so long.",p022_461 +462,18,p030,"Just read a story about an incident in Jordan where at least two American soldiers were killed in what appeared to be a mix up. A vehicle carrying American soldiers failed to yield at a gate to an military base in Amman and Jordanian troops ended up opening fire on the vehicle. Apparently, there had been an attack on the base recently, so I can understand why the patrols would be on their toes.",p030_462 +463,18,p029,"This really sounded like a misunderstanding that resulted in the loss of life. How very tragic for these three people and their families. Perhaps better measures should be taken at this facility to be sure that they are identifying people correctly and that nothing else like this happens again. I think a lot of military casualties are extremely sad, but it seems especially bad when it is not even in combat and just in a situation like this that should have been harmless.",p029_463 +464,18,p035,"I feel sorry for the troops that lost their lives. I do not believe we should be in the middle east, but the troops are not making those choices. I do not see how you have a shoot out with a country that you are supporting. I know there is a language barrier, but this should have never happen. I wonder is something else is going on. ",p035_464 +465,18,p062,"This incident made me feel bad. I assume it was just an accident and a case of confusion and miscommunication. But it still feels sad to think that someone was killed needlessly like this. American troops do a lot for us and the rest of the world. This is a bad way to go down. I'm not sure what I hope happened. Either way it was a tragic event. It doesn't sound like the Jordanians did anything wrong. They wee rightfully protecting their base. It's very unclear what the Americans could have been thinking, but they clearly made a mistake and suffered from it. Hopefully the truth is discovered and people can be content with the tragic event.",p062_465 +466,326,p029,"People love to blame Trump for anything and everything that goes wrong in this country while he is in power. The truth is that hate crimes have been ongoing for many decades, an d it has nothing to do with the man in office. There were multiple hate crimes while Obama was in office and really every other president before him. People, especially the media, love to scapegoat Trump. Just like the article said, Trump has actually done a lot to try to build up the Jewish communities. Black unemployment is at a record low. Yet people continue to blame him. Shaking my head.",p029_466 +467,326,p062,"This article is ridiculous. I'm part Jewish and all of this is absurd. Likening our country to Nazi Germany in any way is just embarrassing. The idea that our democracy is under threat because we had a democratic election is too stupid for words. I like Jews and am part Jewish, as I said, but I have no sympathy for this kind of nonsense. Trump has supported Israel far more than any other President in recent memory. Obama abandoned Israel and sided with Iran. Is that what Jews want in a President? They feel safe with that? They feel threatened by a President who supports them and vows to defend them? People are stupid, even Jews, some of the smartest people in the world.",p062_467 +468,326,p024,I can relate to the Jewish in the sense that I too struggle to realize and accept the fact that Trump got elected. I think the realization that he got elected is one that I tend to think made me realize the USA was not the country I thought it was. At the end of the day its good that it happened because we realized that we are not perfect as a country.,p024_468 +469,326,p054,"A number of Jewish Americans have been concerned about the possibility a rise in antisematic behavior following the election of President Donald Trump. Some extremists painted symbols of hate in prominent Jewish areas, leading some Jewish Americans to question whether the extremists' behavior was related to Trump's election.",p054_469 +470,326,p062,"I find all sorts of things wrong with this article and perspective. Trump has been the greatest Presidential ally for Israel, possibly since its creation. Obama abandoned Israel and buddied up to Iran--Israel's mortal enemy. Is that the type of President Jews want? Obviously that's a false dichotomy, and certainly Jews are allowed to dislike Trump for all sorts of reasons. But to place this all on Trump is missing the point, in my opinion. Trump is a symptom of any rise in anti-semitism, not the cause. The 2016 push-back by whites and males was a long time coming, and was due to cultural changes that have absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Trans, gays, women, minorities--all of that stuff being shoved in people's faces, aggressively, leads to push back. Welcome to it.",p062_470 +471,297,p019,"This is so sad to hear about... I really hope that they are able to find out, soon, the cause of the accident, as I'm sure this will give the victims, and their families, some sort of comfort. It also had to be traumatic for the people watching, to see such a thing happen and lives destroyed like that. ",p019_471 +472,297,p068,I feel so sorry for the passengers and victims onboard. This would be my worst fear being on a train or plain having no control or way out of such a big accident. They must have been so afraid once the train started rocking back and forth. I wonder what actually caused this horrible accident in the first place. They said that a similar one happened earlier so it must be connected. A full investigation should be done to find the cause and fix it. The train should be shut down to avoid loss of life while it is investigated and corrected. It seems to be a totally avoidable way to lose a life and needs to have more security measures put into place.,p068_472 +473,297,p024,Anytime a train or car crash happens you start to think of what caused it. You wonder if the conductor was drunk or what? Usually there is a hidden reason as to why they happened and a lot of the time we never find out what truly happened. Its near the site of a 2013 crash though which leads me to believe that this happens regularly there!,p024_473 +474,297,p035,"I always worried about traveling in an airplane, but the recent news and this article makes me think twice about traveling by train. I feel very sorry of the four people who lost their life and the fifty injuries in the train wreck. I hope they find out what caused the wreck for it does not happen again. ",p035_474 +475,297,p054,Four people were killed in a train crash that happened in Spain's northwest region. The train's carriage had flipped on its side after hitting a bridge near the train tracks. Fifty more people were injured. It is a true tragedy for this community to suffer a horrific accident of this nature. I feel for the people of the area.,p054_475 +476,53,p011,"It is such a shame isn't it that so many people in our country don't understand how important it is to not waste food don't you think? I know that I am also to blame sometimes, and when I throw away food that's been in my fridge I often feel guilty, do you? I really try hard not to waste food though. I wish others felt the same way.",p011_476 +477,53,p022,"After reading this article, i feel that i can definitely relate to it . I defintely am guilty of sometimes wasting food even when it's still fresh. There are times when i buy a really large meal and just leave it in the fridge until it's expired. So reading this article, it made me feel very guilty and uneasy because of how close it hits.",p022_477 +478,53,p010,"Food waste in the United States is just shameful. So many children and adults are hungry, yet we have learned nothing. There are some companies that were established solely for people to drop off uneaten food or expired food. There are few places anywhere you can take large amounts of food to redistribute. ",p010_478 +479,53,p024,"We shouldn't be wasting food like that us Americans when there are so many starving children around the world. We need to find a way to preserve leftover food , renew it and give it to the people in need. It can be the homeless or children in need. The bottom line is we need to make better use of the food so other people can enjoy it.",p024_479 +480,53,p054,Food waste is becoming a rather large problem in America. A 2010 study found that one hundred and thirty three billion pounds of edible foods went uneaten in 2010. That is absolutely ridiculous. With as many starving homeless and poor people as are in this country it should not be that so much food is being wasted.,p054_480 +481,292,p053,"There are a lot of troubled people in the world today. Every time I read an article or see a news story about another shooting, I get a little bit on edge. These kind of things happen too much these days. I long for the time when we were growing up when you didn't see this in the news every day. It's good that more people weren't hurt.",p053_481 +482,292,p035,"This was a very short article without a lot of context to it. It did not tell why the man with the assault style weapon killed the man that was in his seventy's. At first, I thought it was going to be about a man that was denied the right to vote, but that story proved to be false. I do feel sorry for any body who loses their life to gun violence. ",p035_482 +483,292,p035,"I'm feel for a person that kill themselves. I feel that everybody has the right to make that choice because it is their life and they are the one's that have to deal with their feeling emotional or physical. The article did not go into great detail about the man, but I hope his family or anybody else are not suffering.",p035_483 +484,292,p068,"This article sais alot about the state of the country. I think many hispanic people are just angered and don't know where to tell there frustration. This man was probably trying to make some type of statement. With trump putting so much attention on this border and getting illigals out im sure he is scared and doesnt know what to do. This is a horrible way to go about it but I can see both sides. This poor older man who was shot for no reason. People need to think before they act, and more mental health help should be available to people feeling violent or angry. ",p068_484 +485,292,p030,"Just read an article about a shooting that happened in California. The details were sparse, but apparently a man opened fire with an assault rifle in the public space and only killed one elderly man. Say what you will, but this seems like close to an ideal resolution to a scenario like this. The article then doubled back and said the suspect was still alive despite pronouncing him dead earlier in the text. Odd.",p030_485 +486,395,p000,"Hey did you hear about that murder suicide that happened the other day? He shares the name as the school principals at the twins school, I really hope there is no correlation. Its really scarey to think you really never know someone. I wonder somedays if my husband will snap on me. I can be a pain in the butt but he works alot and you never know what the future holds",p000_486 +487,395,p010,This story is very very sad. it seems almost every day and family member kills their entire family. This article was distressing to read - their little girl had so many health problems. The mom had PTSD. Friends and relatives relayed they were great people. Facebook indicates a wonderful life. They are gone from this world and none of us know what happened behind closed door. ,p010_487 +488,395,p031,"This is so sad and tragic. The most selfish thing to do is to take innocent lives, especially your own wife and kids! If this man had a mental breakdown over losing his wife he should have went to see a shrink and worked it out with his spouse. His kids were innocent and he denied them their lives. This was the most un-Godly and cowardly thing to do and I just have no words. I feel nothing but anger towards this man and extreme pity towards his wife and kids.",p031_488 +489,395,p020,a man killed his family in a murder suicide. his wife had confessed to being abused on facebook. she was very close to leaving when she was murdered. they also had a few children together. this entire situation is so disturbing and sad. the fact that she was so close to escaping this situation but never got to breaks my history.,p020_489 +490,395,p030,"So, I just read a story about a family in which the husband and wife were going through domestic strife and the husband ended up murdering everyone and then killing himself. According to the article he attempted to put a band-aid on deeply rooted relationship issues by taking the family to Disney Land. Who thinks like that? Honestly, I can see taking any available route when desperate, but if your wife wants to leave you she is going to leave you.",p030_490 +491,218,p068,This article really concerns and scares me. This could be any one of us effected by high levels of lead and never knowing. I am suprised that there is a level expectancy but no prosecution for exceeding it and not regular testing of water. The general population does not now about there water unless it becomes a national crisis like flint. I am very cocerned because they said so many communities are effected what is this doing to the children who are growing up on this water. I will be switching to bottled water because I just do not trust the water anymore to much covering up going on its so sad.,p068_491 +492,218,p010,"Reading this article on contaminated water is mind-boggling. The work is done, reports are made, violations noted, and no one assesses any penalties. Ludicrous! Why do any of the work if nothing is done with the findings. What other profession allows this! Our government is ridiculous. We need more Erin Brockovich's in this world to fine these folks millions and millions of dollars in fine. I worry about our children.",p010_492 +493,218,p035,I think having cities in the United States with bad drinking water is bad for the entire nation and should be address by the entire nation. I think there should be real punishment for the people in charge that do not make sure that the city has clean drinking water. I'm sad to read all the stats about other cities having the same issue.,p035_493 +494,218,p019,"I think that it is crazy that some places, in a country as far ""advanced"" as America is, that we don't have easy access to clean drinking water? Especialy considering that this is aknown issue!! WHy hasn't this been fixed or remedied in a more timely manner? Water is not a luxury. People need it to survice. ",p019_494 +495,218,p010,Why isn't the EPA assessing fines for violations? So presently you just get a violation but no repercussions. Another example of ridiculous wasted government who sits on their behinds and doesn't do their job. I feel every year we need a completely new group of employees in every division in the government. It's ridiculous. The next most treasured commodity will be clean water everywhere. ,p010_495 +496,103,p031,"You can never trust Russian government. Putin usually ""cleans up"" anyone who is again him or not ""useful"". A guy does not ""accidentally"" die in a hotel from mysterious injuries-he gets taken out. Anyone who buys this story is out of their mind. Dictators and communists always take out people who are against them!",p031_496 +497,103,p016,"lol, yeah, definitely an accidental death when the guy shows up with blows all over his body, makes perfect sense. I'm not surprised, though — anything involving Russia is going to have some kind of cover up at play. It's hard to say who did it, though — his own government or someone outside of it. It's a messed up situation.",p016_497 +498,103,p035,"Any time an official or aid is found death from Russia or another major country, I feel like they did not die or natural causes. The story said the aid died from drinking too much then falling. I could believe that if the story did not say that the aid fell more than one time. I can see one fall hitting your head then dying, but I can not see more than one fall.",p035_498 +499,103,p029,"Well I mainly just feel sad for the family of this guy. I mean, it sounds like he drank himself to death. That was clearly his own decision and his own doing, not something that he fell victim too. I guess it is unfortunate that it happened but jeez if you are going to abuse alcohol that badly then what do you expect? This is the type of thing htat happens when people make bad choices and unfortunately too often it is their family members who are left behind to pay the price and suffer.",p029_499 +500,103,p022,"After reading this article, i couldn't help but wonder if it is telling the truth of not. I thought that you would never really know if it was accidental or not because the government could just be hiding the truth from everyone. They are not as democratic as the United States so i am sure they hide things fro mtheir people.",p022_500 +1,35,p012,"It's terrible to hear about what people have to go through in Haiti after a crisis like hurricane Matthew. I take for granted what it's like to live in an area where I and my family do not have to worry about these situations. I hope everyone receives the help they need in Haiti, as I'm sure they need all of the assistance they can get.",p012_1 +2,35,p022,"After reading the article, the only feelings i can say that i have is one of sadness. It's terrible that these people had this unfortunate hurricane hit them. There was nothing they could have really done and they definiteyl did not deserve this. The fact that there are little children with no food or water really hurts me. There are most likely animals out there that are in need of food and water as well.",p022_2 +3,35,p020,This situation in Haiti is terrible and saddening. no person in this day and age should suffer at the hands of their government while no one does anything to help. It is sad to see such suffering and hungry people. How can a country be that terrible. How does next to nobody help these poor innocent people.,p020_3 +4,35,p071,"I just read an article about recent tragedies that have taken place on the island of hati. It talked about a hurricane and then the earthquake that happend their. Both were awful, terrible events. Many people were dis placed and chaos ensued. This was because many homes were destroyed and people did not have the chance to settle down after these disasters",p071_4 +5,35,p010,"In the 21st century, people are still starving after major disasters. This earthquake destroyed Haiti and in my opinion, there was not enough food that was brought in from other countries. I constantly wonder how this continues to be such a slow, slow process. I have been to Haiti and the country is hard enough just to live without major catastrophic disasters.",p010_5 +6,213,p030,"I just read an article about a baseball player who was killed with two other men when his boat crashed at high speed. They really made a concerted effort to paint this guy as a saint and I'm sure that he was a nice enough person, but the circumstances of his death were very mysterious. I wouldn't be surprised if drugs or alcohol were involved.",p030_6 +7,213,p068,"Reading this story just made me feel so sad. Reading about him you could tell he was just a great guy that everyone loved and did alot to give back. It is sad how easily life can be taken. You can also see the team cherished him as they even got a visa and brought over his mother for him. People will really miss him in the community and team and that is the best thing to leave behind a legacy. It is so odd that they went full speed into the rocks, I wonder if some kind of medical emergency happened as they said they did not suspect drugs or alchol. It is also sad that two other people lost there lives. Time is very precious on this earth",p068_7 +8,213,p054,"Jose Fernandez, a pitcher for the Miama Marlins baseball team, was killed in a tragic boating accident. He was only 24 years old when he and two others were found dead near the entrance of Miami Harbor. Coast Guard employees found his boat upside down and found the three victims lifeless nearby following this accident.",p054_8 +9,213,p022,"After reading the article, my initial and first reaction is that i felt really bad for the player. There are things like accidents that we can't control and the fact that it happened to this person is very unfortunate. I feel really bad for the person and for the family of the player as well. I really hope he can make a full recovery and is able to find something he really enjoys.",p022_9 +10,213,p039,Its a shame what happened to that pitcher after all the struggles he had to get to the position he was in he died in a terrible boating accident it seems that fate does not care who you are when it is your time to die you will die in the exact time and place that you were meant to die I guess its life.,p039_10 +11,78,p039,Its amazing how people facing the toughest hardships can turn their life around and really make something of yourself if you put your mind to it. His brother converted to Islam that probably helps people in Jail when you need some structure to really get yourself in a place where you can learn about yourself,p039_11 +12,78,p062,"I guess I feel bad whenever these stories involve the depiction of children struggling. Putting kids into foster homes where they must feel so confused and alone and scared makes me feel for them. On the other hand, there's a reality to these situations that can't be ignored. The real germ of these childrens' problem was their mother going to jail. That's the germ. After that they have to be raised by someone. And then the children compound their problem by being delinquents. I knew a boy who'd been adopted after growing up in a very violent environment. The damage had already been done. He tore apart the adoptive family and ruined his own life. He's in jail in China now, for 20 years. These situations are horrendous, but the fault lies with the parents, not the state.",p062_12 +13,78,p068,This article really maes you think about the foster care system in america. We are one of the richest and advanced nations but yet our foster care system is low and bad. Compared to europes who keep the parental rights kids are left to wonder here. Children like this situation who have no structure get put in foster care and seen as bad ids when in reality they just need more love affection and direction.There should be more care done for these children as there life is just bad from the time there put in care. I feel so sorry these brothers had to grow up like this but happy he turned his life around got an education and is now in a career to help others and foster care children.,p068_13 +14,78,p030,"I just read an article about a few siblings who went through the foster system in Kentucky and all ended up in prison for different reasons. Eventually, one of them went on to attain a masters degree and work with people who have to deal with similar circumstances. Unfortunately, I think this story is all too common with children who go through the foster system.",p030_14 +15,78,p019,"This kind of stuff makes me sad to hear... I'm glad that it seems that he rose above it, but a kids life should never be this hard or sad. Kids should not have to worry about where their going to live or who their going to live with. They should just have to be kids, and focus on learning and growing. ",p019_15 +16,336,p035,India is being effected by a capitalist mindset. The money and power generated by the coal mines seems to be more important than human life along with the lives of local animals. Humans and elephants are suffering because of the coal mines. The lost of habitat for the elephants is driving them into local villages in search for food. Human are being compensated very little for the lost of land. It sad all around.,p035_16 +17,336,p023,"The government of India makes a lot of money from coal production, but they do not take into account who this is affecting the most. Both the people and the elephants are being hit the hardest, not to mention the forests that are being destroyed. There have been 75 deaths of people and 30 deaths of elephants. People are having respiratory problems. Just imagine the children being affected. It's a travesty. People need clean air and water to live and it's like the government doesn't care. Someone needs to step up and do something.",p023_17 +18,336,p074,"The people in India are in a dilemma that's based on greed, like most things. The poorer population is suffering heavily by the country's dependence on coal. The impact of it is already severed. I'm really surprise that there is even enough of an elephant population that can cause so much trouble, but in the end it isn't their fault either.",p074_18 +19,336,p035,"I feel bad for the elephants and the people who live next to the mines in India. I know that America used a lot of coal as it was industrializing, so it is hard for me to blame India for what they are doing to the people and animals. It seems like the people are promised and do not get so little compensation for their lost due to the coal mines.",p035_19 +20,336,p019,"It's so sad to read this kind of story... Poor animals that can't really do much to defend themselves being destroyed, for what? Money? Greed? It's awfully sad. And in a country like India, it doesn't seem like the government is too interested in doing anything to fix or remedy this, so I bet it will just continue to get worse and worse. ",p019_20 +21,281,p041,"I have very neutral feelings toward the article. I do not condone suicide in any form, but I also respect the right of a person to choose to end their life. I do not feel grieved or bothered by Mrs. Brampton's passing. I hope she did not suffer, but it is clear that she did not want to live an that was her choice to make. ",p041_21 +22,281,p035,"Depression is a major factor in all of our lives. I believe that everybody gets depressed it is that some of us are better with dealing with it. She took her own life after being a very successfully person. It shows me that money,worth and fame do not matter when it comes to depression. It is sad that she did not get the help she needed in time.",p035_22 +23,281,p059,"I read this awful article today about this columnist in the UK who committed suicide by walking into the sea. She had sought help on multiple occasions, but ultimately she was always turned away, and they would say she was ""out of crisis."" She was always crying out for help pretty directly, which some people don't even do, and still she was turned away. The state of mental health care can be so awful.",p059_23 +24,281,p050,"We always think the moment someone is rich and have enough money to throw around, they are void of worries and life problem. I mean here is someone who was bold enough to ask for help yet no one reached out to help. I feel so bad knowing this. Depression is real and hit even the most unsuspecting people. It is so bad that she died without anyone showing her true love.",p050_24 +25,281,p010,"Sally Brampton dies at age 60 from suicide. Another life lost due to the convoluted medical care mess. It makes me extremely sad. I, too, have suffered from dark depression for the last 10 years. I think daily it would be awesome to die. Medications do not work for me. I was born this way and people who know nothing about the intricacies of this terrible disease do not understand. It's our wiring and absolutely nothing helps when you have had it your entire life. You are exhausted.",p010_25 +26,171,p030,I just read an article about the Islamic State's treatment of Christians in Mosul. The more I hear about these militant religious groups the more I think they want to force the timeline of human history backward. I believe their ultimate goal is to unmake thousands of years of human progress so that the most brutal and insensate among us can rule with absolute certainty over those who are not bold enough to challenge them. The seismic shift of politics to nationalism and authoritarianism only reinforces this point.,p030_26 +27,171,p005,"I am writing as regards my thoughts on Christians from Mosul, brutalized by the Islamic State and betrayed, in some cases, by neighbors, and nothing ? not the priest?s pleas, not his invocation of Cain and Abel ? seemed likely to heal those scars. Khalid Ramzi, a congregant, seemed to choke on the sermon. I was so sad by this event and i hope something urgent is being done as soon as possible so that this will not happen anymore.",p005_27 +28,171,p043,"I can understand why Christians are leaving Iraq after all those atrocities committed by Isis. The Christians were kidnapped, tortured and eventually killed and dumped in unmarked mass graves. It's really sad that this could happen primarily because of religious differences. It's great that France granted some people asylum and I hope our government did the same. Those people need to be rescued so they can rebuild their lives. ",p043_28 +29,171,p019,"I think that this sounds like a kind of story that should not be happening anymore.... It seems so outdated and I don't get, with how far advanced we are, why this kind of stuff is still happening. Why are people still basing things on the Bible? Why aren't we actually studying things and using real stuff to develop as humans. ",p019_29 +30,171,p030,"I just read an article about the persecution of the different religious groups in Mosul due to the advance of ISIL and the violence between them and the U.S. backed Iraqi government. It's crazy to think about people's entire lives being destroyed; their homes, businesses, churches every place with any kind of significance is leveled and they have no reason to stay. I honestly don't know why the government is encouraging them to come back. There's nothing to come back to.",p030_30 +31,386,p013,"I just read an article about veterans and PTSD. It was really sad to learn about how many people suffer from PTSD. The article talked about how many veterans are affraid to seek help. It is a condition that they will live with for the rest of their lives but they can recieve help if they reach out for it. I have been through some things in my past that I think are similar to what soldiers go through daily. Could you imagine being sad and feeling like the whole world is against you? I went to prison for a crime I did not even commit. It was horrible for me because it wasnt like I could tell anybody I was innocent, they was all innocent if you let them tell it. I can only begin to imagine what our veterans are going thrugh. We owe it to the veterans to help them",p013_31 +32,386,p005,I want to address this topic and show my exact thoughts as regards the newly elected president who has insulted decorated war veterans and suggested that post-traumatic stress disorder is a sign of weakness. I do not angry with this statement as it is so disrespectful to me and such veterans should not be disrespected as such. And all the citizens should make sure this mistake is being corrected.,p005_32 +33,386,p024,PTSD is something I personally know because I have friends with it. It is no joke and really makes people feel vulnerable. The troubles of war are something real dangerous and really make you think twice about enlisting. I think we must do what we can to research this and hope for better outcomes for people.,p024_33 +34,386,p062,"I'm tired of listening to people whine about PTSD. These guys can't win a war and then come home and bitch about their nightmares and feelings. Then they have the audacity to tell me I should care. They're the ones who signed up to fight. They're the ones who apparently couldn't take it. And they say, ""You can't understand."" What I do understand is that a whole generation of young men went and experienced stuff equally as brutal in World War I or II, or even the civil war, and then built the strongest nation in the history of the world--without complaint. Why are people such pussies nowadays? They are. Whether that's their fault or not is another story, but people are pussies. WWII vets saw unspeakable horrors and didn't whine about it.",p062_34 +35,386,p022,"After reading the article, i just feel really bad for people that have been in war, especially veterans. The stuff that they saw in war was already bad enough but they still have to suffer once they are out of war as well. I can only imagine the toll is has on them mentally as well as physically. Their suffering probably brings suffering to their families as well.",p022_35 +36,58,p032,"While we do think about the human suffering caused by war and poverty, we rarely consider the effects these have on animals. It just makes these situations all the more heartbreaking. When I think about animals in zoos - animals that have been removed from their native lands, only to starve to death. I'm suprised more animal rights groups haven't become involved - really, if all those angry vegans out there spent more time helping animals and less time pontificating to the rest of us, they would do far more good.",p032_36 +37,58,p015,The article in itself is extremely depressing. Animals starving due to a Country also starving. There's nothing that can be done for these animals as they're just in an unfortunate circumstance. It's astonishing that this is allowed to happen in general though. They are helpless creatures starving to death because nobody is helping them. There should be charities that make this impossible to happen.,p015_37 +38,58,p039,I feel bad for the animals in the zoo they should not be allowed to keep animals like that when people are starving in the streets I also see how we are to blame for the starvation with our sanctions we are basically the big bully in the world telling people to do what we want or else we will cut you off,p039_38 +39,58,p029,"This was alarming to read. Not just the animals but the people too starving and suffering. The whole situation was just unbelievable. I'm not sure what can really be done. Venezuela has tremendous systemic problems that I think would take a long time to fix. In the meantime, it is terribly sad that the living creatures must continue to suffer like this. People eating horses for Meat? It is unbelievable and really inhumane.",p029_39 +40,58,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel really sad for the animals that are in the zoo. They deserve better than this. Thinking about zoos make me feel disgusted in general because animals are being locked up just for our viewing pleasures. I think that in the future, zoos should be made illegal because the animals should be out in the wild and roaming free.",p022_40 +41,289,p002,I felt that this article did a good job of describing what it is like to go through cancer. I have known a few people that had to deal with a situation like this and I feel that a lot of people just kind of go to pieces when they get diagnosed. If more people faced the problem head on then there would be a lot less helplessness.,p002_41 +42,289,p034,"Did you see Shannon Doherty's interview about cancer? I related to so much of what she said, about letting go of who she thought she was supposed to be and also about how she would look at her husband and think how sorry she was. I know exactly how that feels. Who would have thought Brenda would still have an impact on me 25 years later.",p034_42 +43,289,p050,Cancer s really not a good way to die. I am yet to get my head around the cause. It is always painful when people doe as a result. The last moment are always tearful for me and I usually find it very hard to stand it. I wish more research can be done to combat it...since no one really know the cause.,p050_43 +44,289,p050,Cancer is a very dangerous disease and I love the fact that the woman fought to the end. I however hope more attention will be on the causes so people can properly prevent it. It always have a sad ending and only few people are able to survive it. I still believe the cure is out there but pharmaceutical companies are deliberately hiding it.,p050_44 +45,289,p039,Its sad to see her have cancer but I really don't care I hate how celebrities feel like we need to care about them it makes me sick millions of people die and we never know their names why don't we celebrate these people who are the normal people of the world we need to care about each other instead,p039_45 +46,210,p024,I feel like overall it is quite sad that this happened and it should have been prevented by the proper authorities. I feel like as a people we should do what we can to prevent these things. I feel like the fact that the city reacted well is a good sign. I think they did the right thing in not letting muslims security personnel enter as you have to take all precautions necessary.,p024_46 +47,210,p035,"I still remember that day when the shooting in Paris happened. I'm happy that the band went back and spoke with the people in the town hall meeting. I was a little sad by the comments made by the one band member stating that he believed that Muslim security helped the shooters.That kind of thinking is hurtful. The people who did the shooting are monsters, but that does not include all Muslims. ",p035_47 +48,210,p035,I feel sorry for the people who lost their life during something that didn't really have anything to do with them. I thank the band the eagles for going back and performing for the people. I do not see what the terrorist get from this. It makes their religion more hateful. I know that a cartoon was drawn that was very disrespectful but this is not the answer.,p035_48 +49,210,p020,This is such a sad reality we live in now a days. When all you want to do is have fun for one night and forget the stresses in life this happens. In was nice of the band to show up to the memorial that honored all of the victims. It is so sad to think about this happening. Those poor people were just trying to have fun.,p020_49 +50,210,p024,When tragedies like the one in Paris happen we must dig down deep and look for proper solutions. I think we need to research what goes through people's heads when they commit crimes like this.It was a little racist for one of them to say muslim security collaborated with the criminals. That was a bad thing to say.,p024_50 +51,49,p061,"This is so upsetting. Polar Bears clearly need the ice in order to hunt for their food. Without the ice, how will they get food? The Polar Bears will slowly starve to death. How horrible is that? When will we wake up and do something about global warming before it is too late? Before we know it, the polar bears will be extinct. So sad. ",p061_51 +52,49,p074,This article really focused on the science side of things. Despite using the polar bear it won't make a strong emotional appeal. The changes reported in the research are considerable and should worry the reader. Such change in the Arctic will also be reflected in populated areas in other weather pattern changes.,p074_52 +53,49,p009,"Dear friend, I have just finished reading an article that has made me upset. The article was about polar bears and the problems they are facing due to the shorter ice season in recent years. It is very troubling because the bears are suffering and dying due to the shortened ice seasons. I really hope scientists can find a solution soon.",p009_53 +54,49,p005,"I am writing as regards my thoughts on Polar bears, the poster-child for climate change, are among the animals most affected by the seasonal and year-to-year changes in Arctic sea ice, because they rely on this surface for essential activities such as hunting, traveling and breeding. It is really sad that as a result of climate change the polar bear are now suffering.",p005_54 +55,49,p016,"I get so frustrated when I read articles like this, because I know so many people who just plug their ears and act like nothing is happening and everything is fine, when it's clearly not. We're destroying entire species if not the planet with our willful ignorance if not straight out denial, and I'm afraid it's going to be too late to do anything.",p016_55 +56,72,p041,I am not surprised that the nations of Africa are having difficulty agreeing on conservation efforts for elephants. There is much disharmony politically between them. Africa is home to a number of endangered and threatened animals. I think the global community has to be involved in these conservation efforts.,p041_56 +57,72,p043,It's somewhat surprising that the EU wasn't in favor of making all elephants appendix 1. I can understand the population argument but you'd think that they'd be all over protecting elephants. I really didn't like that part about the couple countries voting to reopen the ivory trade. What's weird is the countries that want ivory trade have great elephant population statistics and the countries that want to protect elephants don't. ,p043_57 +58,72,p058,it's crazy how elephant poaching is still a thing. Nearly 1/3 of all elephants have been poached just because of the ivory. I cannot believe this is still going on. There needs to be more done to stop this. They are gonna end up causing these elephants to go extinct and then what? For some ivory? This makes no sense at all.,p058_58 +59,72,p019,"I hate hearing stories like this... It really makes me nervous that elephants are going to go extinct. That generations will grow up never getting to see one in real life. And that a whole breed, of a beautiful amazing creature, will cease to exist soley because humans can be evil and selfish and cruel. ",p019_59 +60,72,p010,"This is the saddest article ever. All these beautiful Savannah Elephants being called for the ivory.I absolutely do not support killing any elephant for any reason. I do not support elephants in circuses either. As long as their are humans, this will sadly continue. Everyone is me, me, me. I hope huge fines as assessed.",p010_60 +61,150,p055,"I think it's always tragic when someone dies, but when that someone is a milestone type person it's even worse. How wonderful to be the first Chinese woman to be a fighter pilot and then how tragic to be killed in such a way. I have so much respect for trailblazers and it always seems like such a waste for them to be taken from us in such a seemingly meaningless manner. So proud of her accomplishments.",p055_61 +62,150,p002,It sucks that a woman was killed in this manner but these things happen. I am not sure who would actually be to blame for this as these things cannot be predicted. The fact that the female pilot was hit by another aircraft implies that protocols wwere not correctly observed though. The other plane should not have been close enough to hit her.,p002_62 +63,150,p024,Its quite sad when crashes like these happen and when they do happen I can't help but feel like something could have been done to prevent it. I feel like as humans we do not do enough to try and prevent all of these crashes. The fact that it was a routine training flight with the aerobatics team makes it worse. IT was also the first woman to fly a China j_10 fighter.,p024_63 +64,150,p013,I just read a news article about a plane crash that killed China's forst woman to fly a J-1o fighter. That sounds like a horrible way to die. I am scared of planes for that very reason. There is nothing you can do about it. She was the very first of four woment to fly the J-10 fighter jet. The J-10 is a single engine fighter jet. She was very proud of herself for being the first woman to fly in the fighter jet.,p013_64 +65,150,p022,"After reading the article, i just felt really sad for the woman. She probably trained really hard and was really excited to get to this point just for it to be taken away. It was an accident so there was really nothing that could have prevented it. It was just bad luck in my opinion and just a really sad tragic event. I really hope her family is fine.",p022_65 +66,138,p024,I feel like bullying is not something new and the fact that we still have not done anything about it is repulsive. We are not doing enough in preventing bullying or educating kids about how bad they really are. I think we need to understand that and teach these kids that there are other way to go about things. ,p024_66 +67,138,p035,I'm happy that France has setup some anti bulling measures. I'm sad for the children who took their own life and the parents and other family members that are left behind to deal with the aftermath. Hopefully the hotline will help a child with the bulling and depression that they are dealing with and they get the help that this needed.,p035_67 +68,138,p006,I read about a young teenage girl who committed suicide. She was Parisian and i think 14 years old. She was having trouble in school and i think was being bullied. It saddens me her response to the stresses she was experiencing led to suicide. I can't imagine the sadness she felt and how she maybe felt alone in her situation. I hope her family finds some solace. ,p006_68 +69,138,p029,I think all these stories about bullying as ultimately so very tragic. It always involves young people getting harmed and taking their lives which is just heartbreaking. Imagine how their families feel. It is so cruel for other students to bully each other and be cruel to each other. It is so very unnecessary and why treat people that way? Why not do unto others as you would have the do unto you? It seems that more and more this happens and people are not teaching their children how to treat other people.,p029_69 +70,138,p010,"This French article was so distressing. Bullying is by far the worst I have seen in my lifetime. For it be so bad, you feel there is nothing left to do but kill yourself is a massive failure of all those who knew Emilie and did absolutely nothing. I respect her mom for telling her story in hopes that it comforts others who are thinking the same thing. Two girls lost for what?",p010_70 +71,3,p037,"Hello friend. I heart is heavy and full of grief. What happened was really pathetic. A malfunction with the ride's conveyor belt is suspected to have caused the six-person raft to flip, crushing and drowning two men, aged 38 and 35, and two women, aged 42 and 32, about 2.20pm on Tuesday. It's so sad ",p037_71 +72,3,p043,"I'm amazed that this ride just pass inspection just three days before a horrific accident. Someone needs to be accountable for this disaster. And if I ride is having mechanical problems throughout the day, how about you close it until it can be fixed? These mistakes have ruined several families. And it's even worse because the children watched the adults die. This is so sad. ",p043_72 +73,3,p035,It makes me mad they the did not shut the ride down and really figure out what was wrong with it. I feel bad for all of those who lost their lives that day. I feel bad for the daughter that had to watch her mother be killed at the hands of a ride that was suppose to be a fun day for the two of them. I do not how she recovers from that.,p035_73 +74,3,p055,"This is such a sad story. How can going to an amusement park turn into such a terrible ending. It doesn't even seem possible. I've been to Disneyland and to all sorts of fairs growing up and I can't even imagine that such a terrible thing could happen. You are having a great day, making memories and suddenly your life won't ever be the same again. How terrible. I feel for that family. I can't even believe that such a thing could happen.",p055_74 +75,3,p035,"This worries me every time that I go to a park like this. I know in my mind for the most part they are safe, but I always think about the small percent of an accident like this happening. I feel sorry for the girls. I would hate to lost family members like this and I know is has to be such a traumatizing thing to happen.",p035_75 +76,169,p030,"I just read an article about a toddler that fell from a high rise apartment after his parents left his bedroom window open. I know that people are quick to jump to parental neglect, but sometimes the only way to keep your apartment cool is to keep the windows open. The recent heat waves across the planet have not helped with this at all. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor family.",p030_76 +77,169,p013,I just read an article about a boy falling out of an apartment window and dying. That is so sad he was only 2 years old. The little boy pushed open the screen in his bedroom and fell out of the window to his death. We should all make sure our windows are secure and our kids cannot open them .Omg that poor boy was proably hurting so bad before he died. I cannot imagine what the parents are going through after losing a child in such a manner.,p013_77 +78,169,p070,"Why do high rises not have a limit on the amount a window can be opened? I understand if you don't have air conditioning it might need to be wide, but why can't we have limits so that a small body can't fall out? It's a terrible thing, and one I'm sure the parents never even considered. Alternative to that I suppose you'd have to not have anything at all a child could climb up to the window on. It's just too sad though, because you would need to not even have a stool - at two, a kid could certainly move one of those.",p070_78 +79,169,p037,"Hello friend. I'm ashamed to be called a parent after reading this article. How can a parent be so careless. It's shocking! They said the child's mother put him and a sibling to bed about an hour before he pushed the screen out and fell from the window, which had been left open, sounds like pure hogwash to me. ",p037_79 +80,169,p010,"This was a difficult article to read. I cannot image the weight on the parents souls carrying this one action the rest of their lives. They put him to bed, window was most likely open for fresh air, and the little boy with his curiosity pushed the screen and fell. Whew, hard to comprehend. I wish nothing but grace from God to ease the parents suffering.",p010_80 +81,353,p029,I found this very sad. I feel very sad for the mother and other family members who might be left behind. It just sounds like such a tragedy that surely was very unexpected. I'm sure the entire family who was remaining was left feeling shocked and totally heartbroken at a double loss. The mother lost a husband and son and any other family members like children would have lost a brother and their dad. The whole thing is just terrible really. ,p029_81 +82,353,p041,It is sad that the father and son died during their hike. At least they were both with someone they loved. I would not want to be a father who had to witness my own son die. I was also curious as to what exactly happened to the helicopter that was tasked with helping them. I wonder what kind of failure it experienced.,p041_82 +83,353,p005,"I will be stating my thought over a father and son have died after falling off a cliff during a hike. The two plunged to their death while on a trail next to Shaver Lake in Fresno, California. Which was caused by a helicopter power failure during a refueling and they made an emergency landing, meaning they couldn't get to the pair. I was really sad by this event.",p005_83 +84,353,p024,It is quite sad that a father and son fell off a cliff like this after a simple hike. The helicopter power failure however is totally uncalled for and should be looked into by the proper authorities there is no way it should be allowed to happen like that because overall help needs to be there when needed asap.,p024_84 +85,353,p062,"I think this is sad, although there aren't many details to know what really happened. I can't decide whether I think it was worse or better that they died together. Sort of strange to think what might have happened that cost them both of their lives. You wonder if one of them caused the death of the other. That would be pretty awful. But I guess it doesn't really matter now. It also seems lonely that the rescue people couldn't even get to their bodies. Even though they're dead bodies it seems lonely that they'd be there without getting taken back to civilization.",p062_85 +86,304,p043,"We really need to take measures to stop the rise of suicide of kids. This stuff should be discussed by parents and potentially in school also. I remember what being a kid was like and I remember being very over dramatic at times when small things went wrong. Just missing a tv show was enough to make me sad at times. And with so much media almost glamorizing suicide, it's important to make sure your kid isn't watching this kind of stuff. ",p043_86 +87,304,p007,"So suicide rates are climbing in our youth today. I know this topic very personally. I suffer from chronic depression and when I was 19 tried to take my own life. What the article says is true. Parents, talk to your kids, be there for them. Listen when they need you to. I had problems with that; and combined with a lot of other trauma, I reached a breaking point. Don't let your kids reach that point.",p007_87 +88,304,p029,"So teen suicide is on the rise which I find very sad. It seems so avoidable and people are way too young to be making decisions to end their life while they're still a child, I mean what on earth is that about? I Think there has been a lot of things related to bullying that have contributed to this and also just a breakdown of the family in general. Maybe kids don't feel like they have enough support system anymore. I do not know but whatever the reason it is extremely tragic.",p029_88 +89,304,p022,I thought what i read in the article was very sad. It's sad that teens and young children are killing themselves because they feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. It's especially sad when these children are so young and taking their lives so early when they have the whole world ahead of them.,p022_89 +90,304,p050,"one would think the increased technological advancement would make people happier and less prone to suicide. It is sad that rather than curbing it, it has escalated it too much. Kids now getting depressed. I wonder why kids of nowadays are softer though. I mean, one would expect stronger kids and more emotional stability since we have everything easy",p050_90 +91,233,p005,I am expressing my concern over the fact that Nigeria has launched an investigation into reports alleging that government officials raped and sexually abused women and girls who survived Boko Haram violence. The move comes after Human Rights Watch published a report detailing accounts by dozens of women and girls who said they were sexually abused or coerced into sex. The move was a welcome development and everything should be done to make sure things like this does not happen.,p005_91 +92,233,p043,"I can't even begin to understand what these women are going through. They finally escape Boko Haram and now they're getting mistreated by the same people that offered aid. These women must've trusted their ""saviors"" and that trust was abused. This honestly makes me sick. I hope the people who raped these women will be brought to justice and dealt with as harshly as possible. ",p043_92 +93,233,p007,"I think it is abysmal that womena re getting raped in that part of the world. Sexual abuse is no laughing matter and the people who commit these atrocities need to pay for their actions. Taking advantage of someone; no matter their gender, background, or religious preference, is unacceptable. And the fact that not much is being done about it makes it even more disgusting.",p007_93 +94,233,p063,"I guess that i feel really bad for these people, but it also makes me hate islam even more. you jsut don't see this in the civilized world, but you see it so often in places spurred on by radical islam. I hope they afigure it out. i don't know what the solution is, but these types of things will always happen.",p063_94 +95,233,p038,This is sad. So many young women just used by the government. By men who are supposed to be for the people and in a leadership position to treat these women this way is absolutely disgusting. I hope something can be done for these woman. They need counseling. Medical help and lord only knows what all they need. But it should be provided by the government. ,p038_95 +96,57,p043,"It's really uplifting that people would notice animals suffering in a zoo and would plan a really complicated mission to save them. A mission where you need to have diplomatic talks with three different countries!! It really shows that some special people out there won't pass the buck to someone else, expecting someone else to do the heavy lifting to save something. I was really inspired by this article and I hope they end up setting up that animal center in Gaza. ",p043_96 +97,57,p024,I think there should be STRICT world laws to prevent people and countries that cant have zoos not to have them. It is unfortunate that in 2019 this is s till happening and we should totally fix this. We need to be able to get it right and to be honest the only way is being the world police and stopping them from doing this.,p024_97 +98,57,p050,"Humans are the most selfish and wicked of all creation. They treat the planet as they like and handle the animals with carelessness, forgetting that they have their own families and emotions. It is so sad that we take these animals away from their natural habitats and treat them unfairly. Mother nature treats them better than we do.",p050_98 +99,57,p050,"really? world worst zoo? Should we even have anything like that? It is a very pitiable state we've found our self in. Humans keep destroying everything Mother nature has bestowed us with. We pick up animals form their natural habitats, deprive them of social and emotional bondings with their kind and the best we can offer is deplorable habit.",p050_99 +100,57,p010,All the poor animals that died in that zoo. They starved to death. They are known for the worst zoo ever. Why would you have such a distinctive zoo and then let the animals starve. Weren't there gatekeepers of the zoo while the military conflict took place. They even fed them occasionally with chickens which is a no no. (:,p010_100 +101,67,p007,I think something has to be done about the migrant situation in the mediterranean. The migrants take very rough routes and in really ill prepared boats. Many die because there are not official migration routes for refugees. It is a shame that these people ahve to risk their lives just to get into a better country.,p007_101 +102,67,p005,"I am expressing my thought over this incident ""At least 239 migrants are believed to have drowned this week in two shipwrecks off the coast of Libya, the United Nations refugee agency said Thursday, adding to the toll in what was already the deadliest year on record in the Mediterranean Sea. Survivor accounts suggest that two crowded boats broke up just off the Libyan coast Wednesday, said Carlotta Sami, spokeswoman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees"" This is really terrible thing to happen and should be unacceptable.",p005_102 +103,67,p050,"Humans killing themselves in avoidable situations. Why cabt they just sit in their countries? I cant blame them though, the global unrest is alarming and people are just trying to survive. But travelling over the sea using such boats is pushing it too far. I feel sad and sorry for them and wish I can help their situation",p050_103 +104,67,p043,It's really sad that so many people need to flee from their war torn homelands for a better life. Those people must be so desperate to get into these overfilled boats when every day there must be a story about drowned migrants. A lot of the blame should go to the people who are organization these trips too. They are probably being paid handsomely but still can't transport the people safely. ,p043_104 +105,67,p068,This artile is so sad I cant believe the mass amounts of lives being taken that is so preventable. I think more aid should be sent and they should be able to sail ships in there territory to help aid these people. It is sad to think people think the chance of death is better than living where they are. The smugglers need to controlled so so many boats arent sent out and it over whlems rescue missions. I feel for the parents who send there children on this and the children end up dying i cant imagine. Someday i hope more aid is sent to help countries like this fix the problems at home so so many people dont want to flea,p068_105 +106,134,p007,Companies need to be held accountable for what happens with their factory waste. The fact that this company is not properly cleaning up after the big mining disaster in Brazil is unacceptable. It saddens me that the people who lived off the river cannot properly continue their way of life due to the environmental impact of that company.,p007_106 +107,134,p055,"After reading about this disaster I'm just heart broken. It's so sad to think that one incident can impact an entire area and impact so many people for so long. That river will never be the same and there is nothing anyone can do now but wait and hope that someday, things might be better. But now all those people are without water and work. Generations of fisherman can't fish there. Fish isn't safe to eat. It's beyond sad.",p055_107 +108,134,p038,"this is so gross! Can you imagine living in a place where you can't drink the water because its basically mud? Those poor people. I hope that they get it fixed. It is nice they're getting compensated some though. $400 plus $80 for each dependent is pretty good, but of course I don't know how much they bring in normally so it could be bad, ",p038_108 +109,134,p014,"I really feel for the people who depend on that river for their livilihood. it seems like real lasting and permanent damage has been caused, and people don't really know what to do about it or do next. The confusion that remains is awful. It sounds like a lot of people's fishing careers will never before restored with the river the way it is now.",p014_109 +110,134,p029,This was pretty sad. It is easy to take for granted the fact that we have clean and safe water to drink and bathe with on a daily basis. These people were struggling and didn't even have that noe basic thing. I can't imagine living somewhere where I didn't feel like I had clean and safe water. I don't drink the tap water here but I know I can buy it in a store and drink that safely. It sounded like these people didn't even have that option and it was totally unfair to them. ,p029_110 +111,45,p035,I feel bad anytime that I read that somebody has lost their life. I feel that the US should not be helping bomb people unless they know they are may one day cause harm to the US. I do not believe in fighting wars as much as I believe in protecting people. People need the US help in many areas and the money for bomb could be spent better. ,p035_111 +112,45,p024,More than 40 people were hurt and it is quite depressing any time anyone is hurt. I feel like the best thing we can do is be sure that we get things right in the long run and change the way things are ran. I feel like we should be sure to change things for the better.. The fact that air strikes still hurt innocent people is mind blowing.,p024_112 +113,45,p022,I definitely think that something needs to be done about these airstrikes. Too many people are losing their lives and too many people are dying. It's not even just the people that are in the war but people that are innocent are affected as well. This goes for children and little babies. These people have done nothing and are getting killed.,p022_113 +114,45,p030,Reading about the violence in Yemen is just emotionally draining. It seems the majority of the casualties are civilians. All of this violence is being spurred on by US backed Saudi violence. I am a firm believer that the US should keep its tendrils out of international conflict. Even when tenuous peace is declared the governments that are installed by US interests are almost destined to fail.,p030_114 +115,45,p038,Airstrikes launched in Cairo killed over 40 people. Isn't that horrible? Why can't we learn to fight peacefully? Why do we have to resort to such violence? It seems like if we'd end the cycle it would stop. Maybe I'm wrong. But it just seems like we're on this merry go round and we need to get off it. Surely we can find a more peaceful way.,p038_115 +116,9,p055,Earthquakes are such scary things. It's amazing how much damage can happen and leave you feeling so helpless. There is no warning and nothing you can do but hold on as the earth itself moves. Then to see people taking advantage of the disaster to steal is just sickening. Such a sad thing to see that people don't always come together but look to benefit from other's suffering. Disappointing and says something about the world we live in now.,p055_116 +117,9,p001,"i think it's a terrible thing,also quite scary because there is really no warning system that could detect an earthquake of that caliber.i sure hope that scientist are able to develop an accurate early detection system.it could save 1000's of lives.i honestly don't know how people are able to live in earthquake prone areas,the thought of at any minute the ""big one"" can strike and just totally upturn your life(if your lucky!) is terrifying to me. ",p001_117 +118,9,p050,"It is so sad honest people become victims of environmental hazards. We make technological and industrial advancement without considering the effects on the environment. Even though some of these things are unavoidable, we can make necessary actions to protect ourselves. It is so sad an earthquake of that magnitude hits New Zealand .",p050_118 +119,9,p022,"I think these earthquakes that have been happening are terrible. They seem to be so common now and so many lives are being taken because of this. If their lives aren't taken, they probably lost their homes or belongings somehow. This makes it hard for many people to pick themselves back up and continue living. I think that they should definitely try and get some sort of help from the government.",p022_119 +120,9,p009,"Dear friend, I am writing to tell you that I just read a horrifying article about a major 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit New Zealand on Monday. The property damage, loss of life, and injuries are going to be devastating once all the numbers are in. I feel very sickened and saddened after reading this news.",p009_120 +121,6,p007,"I thin it is really sad that migrants have to go through the hardships that they do. It is unimaginable for me to have to leave my home, my things, my life, at the drop of a hat. These people leave behind mostly everything to get to a better place, and a lot die before they can get there. It is a shame that people have to do things like this in this day and age.",p007_121 +122,6,p029,"Hearing about the experiences of refugees is sad but something I have a hard time connecting with. It's distressing to hear about children who are innocent victims of violence in a country or even adults, but it just seems so far away and I Feel so removed from those things and people that it's hard to relate to. I am still sad for them that they have the experiences they have and I am grateful for my life and freedom in America.",p029_122 +123,6,p059,"I think this article brought up some good points about how lack of empathy in our society has become a crisis, and it needs to become a focus of our society to increase the level of empathy that people have for one another. Large swaths of society have fallen under the ""just world"" fallacy and think people deserve what they get, somehow through whatever choices they made, and then accordingly believe that it couldn't possibly happen to them because they wouldn't make these choices. That makes it easy for them to dismiss those upsetting situations and not show any caring for those suffering. These attitudes need to be combatted. ",p059_123 +124,6,p030,"I just read an article about MSF putting on simulated refugee experiences across the US. I understand their objective, but I can certainly see this as being a tedious and forced experience. You simply can't simulate the urgency and suffering that refugees have to go through. Your family isn't being rent in twain, your wife isn't being raped and your children aren't being sold into slavery. I know they have the purest intentions, but this just seems silly to me. The people who are attending these events already consider themselves empathetic; they aren't changing any minds with this kind of display.",p030_124 +125,6,p057,"The article brought up many good points about how Americans see refugees and asylum seekers, as well as the internal conflict we battle when we imagine them taking shelter here. Most Americans are empathetic when we hear stories or see images however when the moment for us to do anything come along we don't find the nerve to act. The mock home evacuation was very interesting however it cannot fully convey the actual feeling people feel when their lives are ripped from them. It will take something different to move people to the point where they realize these people are legitimately fighting for their lives. ",p057_125 +126,314,p050,"a man lost all he has. that is the saddest thing that can ever happen to anyone. I really dont want to experience this in my life...I mean, no man should experience it. how will he start ? where did he want to start from. The man should be given proper mental test and all..to prevent him from harming himself or even abusing substance.",p050_126 +127,314,p035,I really feel for the man and his child that survived the car crash. I would not wish this type of pain on anybody. I do not know what we can do about it? Should we put governors on cars that do not allow them to go over a certain speed? It is a hard fact of life that we can be here one day and be gone tomorrow. ,p035_127 +128,314,p062,"It's a sad story for the father, for sure, but I also don't really care. I don't know these people. They're also foreigners, so I care even less. But still, the thought of losing all your family like that is harsh. And the people who killed them are dead. I'm not sure if that's better or worse. No place to direct your anger and despair. Maybe that's a good thing. Still, a devastating even to have to deal with and live with the rest of his life. I'm sure the pain will never end. I can't imagine dealing with that.",p062_128 +129,314,p030,"Losing anyone in an accident is a terribly tragic thing, but losing your whole family in one quick flash would be absolutely crippling. I just read about an accident where this exact thing happened to a person. The details were unclear, but it seemed to be caused by the carelessness of another driver. My heart goes out to people who have to live through this kind of tragedy.",p030_129 +130,314,p057,"The man losing his wife and two children in the accident is very terrible and I feel for him dearly, as well as the ones who have lost their lives. It's very crazy how much danger we are in on the road and we do not realize it. In an instant many lives can be lost just because someone made a mistake or a bad choice and there is not ability to take it back. I wish there was a way we could make driving much safer as many lives are lost each day this way.",p057_130 +131,73,p038,Wow read this....Angelia Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton wore vials of blood around each others necks! Isn't that weird? What are they vampires? I always thought she was so strange but that is just bizarre. I wonder what happened to her and Brad though. I never understand why he left Jennifer Anniston for that bizarre looking woman. ,p038_131 +132,73,p022,"As sad as i feel for Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie, it doesn't really bother me too much. The main reason being that they are already filthy rich. I do feel bad for the children though. Not really knowing who your father is and being taken care of by only a single mother can be very tough. You wouldn't know where to go to for help or advice.",p022_132 +133,73,p050,"I feel so sad for the man. I mean, he couldnt keep up with Jolie's profile. I wish people should would do proper profiling of personalities before agreeing to settle down. Some are soft paced while others are fast.By understanding ourselves, we will know who and who not to have relationships or marriage with.",p050_133 +134,73,p063,"These people are freaking weird. Im sorry but the whole concept of wearing blood around your neck is so annoying on so many levels. Not only are you being overly dramatic in an effort to further your career and notoriety, you're also just being downright freaky and cutting yourselves. I don't get these people.",p063_134 +135,73,p010,"Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton was slightly interesting. They met on a set and married for two years. Thornton was not a fan of the craziness she brought to his quiet, reserved world. He never felt good enough he said. Even with great success and notoriety still comes down to ""less than"" perfect lives and self worth. ",p010_135 +136,99,p030,"Do you ever come across an article that you don't intend to read, but end up reading it anyway? That just happened to me. I have no idea why the personal lives of celebrities are of interest to anyone, let alone on the scale that they are marketed to people. I understand that being able to relate to people of higher status gives the dregs of society some kind of validation, but it just isn't for me.",p030_136 +137,99,p043,"To be a bit blunt, I don't really care about these people. I don't think I even know who they are. My parents were divorced when I was young, so I can kind of relate. These people were way older than I was though, as I was around 8 or 9 years old. So they should be able to cope as their technically adults. ",p043_137 +138,99,p050,"Divorce always make me sad. I dont like it when couples separate over avoidable causes. Things should be done to prevent them from going separate ways. I mean, they start their whole life differently. All the shared goals and ambition goes through the wind and they have to start from the scratch alone...individually.",p050_138 +139,99,p024,"When people split up it not only affects them but it affects the kids as well. The kids have to deal with the burden of having to live separate lives between time spent with the mom, and all the time they have to spend with the dad. I feel like this causes a toll on their childhood and they are not the same when they grow up because of it.",p024_139 +140,99,p038,Check this out. More celebrity news that no one even cares about. Do you even know who these people are? Am I totally out of touch? I have no idea who any of these people are. Should I care that they're getting divorced like 50% of America? Why do we put this in the spotlight when there are better things we can address?,p038_140 +141,94,p062,"Part of me feels sympathy for these people and the terror they're experiencing. And yet part of me thinks that it's a problem of their own making. These people are sheep. Like Russians and many others, they are passive citizens, accepting their awful fate handed down by the powerful and zealous in their midst who have the drive to influence their will on others. When do these people fight back? When do these people actively pursue something better, instead of just being victims to their fate? Other countries have done it. Many countries have fought civil wars and become something better and more civilized on the other side. Why, thousands and thousands of years later, can these people still not create stable cultures?",p062_141 +142,94,p002,"This situation is one of the worse that I can imagine. When you cannot even feel safe in the city you live in let alone your own house, it is time to move. I can imagine that these people have nowhere to go though. Situations like this disrupt normal life and induce a fear that many people in their normal lives will never know.",p002_142 +143,94,p007,I don't understand all the conflict in the middle east. So many innocent people are constantly dying for literally no reason. The death and suffering is needless. I hate that we are the world police though. It isn't our problem to fix; and these countries do not seem to want to change. The entire area has been in war and conflict for hundreds of years. It is just a shame.,p007_143 +144,94,p043,I can barely believe that the events in that article were real. Such barbaric actions by ISIS...I feel so badly for the people who are forced to live side by side with such brutal people. I can understand why people are fleeing the area by the thousands. ISIS could basically kill you for any reason and likely wouldn't be challenged for their actions. This is such a disgrace. ,p043_144 +145,94,p024,Its always sad when these things happen because we are humans at the end of the day. I feel like civilians for the most part are innocent and it doesn't make sense that people do this to compete innocent people. We must find a way to prevent these unnecessary wars and fighting that leads to no proper solution to problems,p024_145 +146,147,p007,Man the fact that so many people have died or been sickened by this toxic smoke is upsetting. I hope the efforts to stop this problem bear fruit because dying from some pollution that shouldn't really be there is kinda crappy. Plus fires are no joke as well. Just look at California. They get bad ones every year.,p007_146 +147,147,p050,"I feel so terrible. These are totally avoidable situations and yet we keep losing live to it. Wild fire are dangerous and not only cause damage to properties globally, they also affect wild animals and lead to extinction of rare species. Men are also killed as a result. I think there should be a global effort to stop all form of indiscriminate bush burning. ",p050_147 +148,147,p038,"Check this out....haze from the fires in Indonesia have killed over 100,000 people! This is horrific. It says that this is an annual thing which makes it even worse. How can they let this keep happening? I just don't get it so many deaths that are just in vain and lives and homes ruined. It's horrible but makes me so thankful I live where I do.",p038_148 +149,147,p062,"I've never heard about this issue before. It seems typical for the region, however. Economy at all costs, especially when you have two trillion people living in these geographically small countries. And you wonder why environmentalism is a losing battle. The U.S. and other civilized countries can do all they want. If a place like Indonesia is willing to burn down all their forests to manufacture palm oil, you're fighting a losing battle. Again, I keep getting back to this idea: Why are we considered the barbarians in the world? Most of the world are one step above apes. They're heathens. What Reagan said to Nixon was correct. We treat these people as equals? We leave our fate to people who don't even wear shoes? Absurd.",p062_149 +150,147,p043,"I didn't realize that the after effects of a fire could possibly be so deadly. This haze killed 100,000 people!! When Cali is burning, is there a similar haze that affects the surrounding states? This is quite a scary situation. And to think that the problem was exasperated by the cutting down of trees for palm oil. I hope there's a solution to this massive problem. ",p043_150 +151,125,p057,"There was a fire at a house in NW Washington D.C. which isn't very far from where I live in Alexandria, VA. The fire caused the people to be evacuated living in the home and two of the family's cats were also killed in the fire. This is surprising because I thought cats are pretty good at escaping when things go bad. ",p057_151 +152,125,p030,Reading about pets dying is never fun. I'm sure that house fires claim the lives of many pets considering the fact that they are physically incapable of opening doors or windows. Should we grieve pets' lives any less than we grieve the lives of humans? My grandparents have a dog that I know they would kill for.,p030_152 +153,125,p024,the fact that the pets died is heart breaking. I can't imagine that the pets died and to be honest it was quite depressing. The fact that the pets are gone means they have lost a lot of valuable memoires with them. I feel like when you lose someone like this it is quite hard to get over it one can only pray and hope they find relief.,p024_153 +154,125,p050,"Awwnn..i dont like the fact that the pets died. I just wish I can protect the animals. They lost their home and that is really sad. The homeowners must be really devastated and weak. One terrible thing about losing pet is, you cant really get a proper replacement. I just hope they have some home insurance in place.",p050_154 +155,125,p016,"I can't imagine losing a pet like that. It's one thing when it's to an accident or disease or something, but to know they died in a fire and you couldn't get them out... I'd feel so guilty. Plus you'd have lost your home and all your possessions, and your best little friend is gone now too. I'm so glad I've never lost a pet.",p016_155 +156,302,p050,"Air pollution is everywhere nowadays and I find it totally scary that the survival rates of those with lung cancer will be cut shorter. We really need to look for ways to reduce pollution all around. The effect of air pollution is not only felt in the environment, it also endangers humans. The death rate keep piling up too...",p050_156 +157,302,p001,it's concerning that pollution can have such an impact on survival on lung cancer sufferers.although i don't find it all that surprising.It's just another reason among a long list of why we need to start living more cleanly as a whole.i suspect that air pollution does just as much damage to non-cancer sufferers just that it's probably harder to tell. ,p001_157 +158,302,p041,I did not find the article to be particularly disturbing or alarming. I was not surprised by the fact that pollution adversely affected the health of individuals diagnosed with lung cancer. The health of their respiratory is already compromised and it makes perfect sense that pollution would act as an irritant and cause greater concern for their health.,p041_158 +159,302,p068,"Cancer is so scary to me and knowing that air pollution something you cant really control can shorten your life even more is so scary. People die so frequently from this disease I wish there was more awareness and laws put in place to help reduce it. I think cigarettes should be outlawed instead of weed. It has been proven the harm they can do to people and kill them, its crazy that there still around to this day. I think more air pollution laws need to be put in place because people cant really help that alot and that clearly has an effect on human life. People should move to less air polluted states once they are diagnosed.",p068_159 +160,302,p030,I just read an article about how air pollution can shorten life expectancy for those diagnosed with lung cancer. I think that this fact is pretty much a given and shortens life expectancy for just about everyone involved in breathing toxic air. The article was quite impersonal and didn't inspire much empathy for anything except maybe the planet.,p030_160 +161,375,p063,"Polar bears just can't catch a break man. It sucks that in almost every possible way, we are just ocmpletely screwing the polar bears over. I would like to see what the cause of the bears dying is? Are the tourists themselves killing them? Are there bear attacks, and so police have to put them down?",p063_161 +162,375,p050,People visit a region and all they after is how to maim and deplete the population of an endangered specie. How wicked can human be. It is sad and totally unacceptable. I feel the locals should prevnt people from visiting. They should do more to protect the animals especially the bears from the wicked hands of the visitors.,p050_162 +163,375,p041,It is difficult to convey my thoughts and feelings regarding the article as it was not very detailed. It is alarming that polar bears are facing threats to their habitats. I think conservation efforts as a whole should be increased worldwide. Human beings are causing irreparable harm to the ecosystems of this planet and it has to stop. ,p041_163 +164,375,p043,"The article really needed to go more into depth about the problem. The piece wasn't really written for anyone to get emotional, it came across kind of cold. Like a minor newspaper article in a paper that needed to desperately fill space. Were they alluding to poachers or something? The article needed a lot more detail. ",p043_164 +165,375,p062,"I find this story to be eye-rollingly typical of people. I assume that the people who go up to the Arctic to see it like polar bears and don't want to see them extinct. And yet there presence there is contributing to that exact thing. Maybe they're hunting them. I don't know. I find that hard to believe but maybe. I just think people are stupid. They want plenty of things and spout off about them, but then they don't change their behavior to aid in the cause. People get what they deserve, largely, though. So if we make the polar bears extinct, we'll certainly deserve that. And in some sense so will the polar bears who couldn't adapt to their environment. Survival of the fittest.",p062_165 +166,228,p043,This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever read. Two 11 year old girls go to work for a tailer and they are basically kidnapped and made slaves for 5 years!!! They finally were freed at 16 years old due to an amazing journalist who made an enormous impact on the lives of these girls and their families. The journalist should win multiple literary awards like the Pulitzer because of this. ,p043_166 +167,228,p062,"This story is bothersome on a number of levels. Obviously people are going to be angry at the shop owner and the family, which they should. And obviously the authorities, who do nothing and allow this to go on. But what about the families who keep having children they feel obligated to send to work at age 11 and 12? Stop having children you can't feed. These countries are all grossly overpopulated but they keep having kids. The parents feel bad that their kids got treated this way, but they're the ones who sent them there.",p062_167 +168,228,p024,This is just disgusting and makes me really doubt us as human beings. The fact that children are exposed to this really makes me doubt who we are as a people. I understand it is in Myanmar and not in the states but that should not mean anything and we should still be able to help these innocent children.,p024_168 +169,228,p035,I feel bad for the girls that have to go through this because they are so poor. I hope they all the girls are returned to their families so nobody has to be hurt. It is sad that the police did not help the girls when their families asked for help. I hope that all the captors of the girls go to prison for a very very long time.,p035_169 +170,228,p001,this is such a terrible thing to happen.to think that these things still happen in part of the world is heart breaking.i can't even fathom what those little girls most have been through.that most have been a horrible experience for them and i hope there is no lasting mental effects from it.To think that there are such monsters in the world that would do such a thing is really distressing,p001_170 +171,400,p062,"I suppose this is about an orphaned rhino due to poaching. I had a hard time really feeling that much for the rhino. It's dead and I don't know exactly why it died, or what suffering it went through, although the writer suggested it was a lot. But either way it's dead now so there's no more pain for it. I guess I'd prefer that rhinos don't go extinct, but at the same time I don't pretend that it really matters. They don't affect my life in any way, although they are cool creatures. But it just seems so far away and is something I have no control over. I would never kill a rhino, but obviously other people don't feel the same way.",p062_171 +172,400,p055,"This story was so sad. I wanted to know a bit more about Bindi, but hearing that she struggled for such a short time and wasn't able to survive was heartbreaking. It was nice to see the extremes people were willing to go to in order to try and save her but knowing that is necessary is tough to take. It brought tears to my eyes and made me want to cry just thinking about being in that situation.",p055_172 +173,400,p043,"That little rhino really did fight for its life. I wonder that if where it was treated had electricity, maybe it could've survived? Also I wish what they reported what the little rhino died of. I can't imagine bundling a baby animal like that in my arms as its dying. And although it suffered quite a bit during that 48 hours and more that it was struggling, I hope that it's in peace, somewhere now. ",p043_173 +174,400,p050,I feel so sad when kids lose their lives. So much potential down the drain. I cant imagine what it is like to be the parent. I just wish it could be prevented in some ways. May God give the parents the fortitude to bear the lose. ANd may he also provide another kid for them immediately. There should be ways by which the parents can be consoled.,p050_174 +175,400,p005,"With Much Sadness We Report Baby Isibindi Has Passed: Rhino Update From Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage: It is with many tears, a heavy heart and very mixed emotions that I write that little Isibindi passed away shortly before midnight after a very, very rough 56 hours. She went through such deep sadness in her short life. I was so hoping and fighting to give her a second chance at life. A part of me feels a deep relief ? the last two days were very difficult and she had so much to cope with. This is really sad.",p005_175 +176,283,p029,"I think it's good that some groups in Saudi Arabia are taking steps to give women more freedom. It's obvious that women there are treated like second rate citizens and do not have many liberties, so anything that can be done to fix this is a positive thing I believe. This is 2019 and there's no reason why a woman should need a male escort to do anything. That sounds ridiculous to me as an American woman. I feel sad for the women living in these nations. What poor luck. ",p029_176 +177,283,p002,It's kind of crazy to me that women would still be advocates for this type of system. To leave women in a state of total almost slavery to the man is very inhumane. This would imply that the woman does not know how to take care of herself and needs the guidance and monitoring of her husband. And what about women who do not want a husband?,p002_177 +178,283,p007,"I think it is messed up that Saudi women have to have the permission of a man to travel, work, study, etc. Like they are their own person. Why do they need someone elses permission to do soemthing they want. They aren't property. Well I guess in that culture they kinda are... but that is really messed up. I just think it is wrong.",p007_178 +179,283,p073,I can't imagine living in Saudi Arabia as a woman. I really can't understand how it must feel. The article said that sometimes women will have to get permission to do things like travel or work from their own son. That just seems crazy. I am totally behind these women who are fighting to end the male guardianship program. ,p073_179 +180,283,p016,"I am fully in support of this movement, and am glad it's finally getting some traction. I know that even just a few years ago, women finally got the right to drive in Saudi Arabia (before that, only men could). Liberating anyone is good for everyone, and women in Saudi Arabia have had their rights denied from them for far too long.",p016_180 +181,305,p055,It's issues like this that both upset and confuse me. I just can't understand how children and people in general can be pushed to suicide by what they read or are exposed to on the internet. Perhaps it's because I can't imagine harming myself that I don't understand the state that this people must be in. Suicide is such a tough situation and so hard to deal with. It makes me sad to think people target troubled souls and enjoy seeing the harm they do to themselves.,p055_181 +182,305,p062,"I find this kind of thing more pathetic and infuriating than really sad. The thought of teenagers being that impressionable and losing themselves to much in the internet world, is pitiful. Parents have to do a better job of making their children live in reality, and finding ways to make the responsible and resilient. of course part of the problem in Russia is that the parents aren't good parents, as indicated by the drinking problem that leads to many of the youth suicides. But I just don't relate to the idea of someone being so weak and vulnerable that they'd be convinced to commit suicide based on what someone wrote online. I'm not a strong person. At all. But that thought remains completely foreign to me.",p062_182 +183,305,p041,"I found the number of adolescent deaths in Russia alarming, but not surprising. Young adult suicide rates here in the US have also been increasing since 2004. The fact that the suicides in Russia have been directly linked to social media is very telling. The rise of adolescent suicide here in the US directly parallels the rise of social media.",p041_183 +184,305,p009,"Dear friend, I have just ready a very disturbing story. A young girl in Russia has committed suicide. There are online groups that target young teenagers and kids and encourage them to harm themselves and to commit suicide. It is a very scary and sad thing.",p009_184 +185,305,p073,This is a story about a 12 year old girl in Russia who killed herself after spending time online with a group that promotes suicide. I feel so badly for the family and for the girl. A group like that should not be able to operate online and influence people to harm themselves. This is just so wrong. ,p073_185 +186,299,p024,IT angers me that we put out that plastic in the ocean for these animals in the first place. These animals do not know any better and we need to fi nd ways to improve these conditions I feel like anything other than changing the way we recycle is just not enough. Especially in these times that global warming is prevalent!,p024_186 +187,299,p063,"I really hate hearing news like this. It seems like every time you turn around you're hearing a new story about how the world is killing itself. I'm not sure I needed to hear about all the specifics as to why seabirds are eating plastic, but it definitely hurts to see that it's going on. The real kicker is the stat at the end about how pollution is going to rise by 80% in the next six years.",p063_187 +188,299,p041,This is incredibly alarming. Humanity is doing irreparable harm to the planet and many of its delicate ecosystems. We can not continue to allow our plastic pollution to threaten the lives and habitats of birds and other marine life. We need greater conservation efforts and sever consequences for those who do not abide by them.,p041_188 +189,299,p035,It was very interesting to me to learn how seabirds hunt. The smell of plastic reminds them of the smell of the foods that they eat and they eat the plastic thinking that they are eating their normal food. I hate that the birds and oceans are being polluted by humans so badly. I hate we are not changing and helping the environment. ,p035_189 +190,299,p029,"This is pretty sad for the birds. I find the amount of plastic in the ocean in general to be alarming, and it's always terrible to see it affecting wildlife. It is vvery unfair to them really. It would be like someone coming in and just polluting your house with their trash and there was nothing you could do about it and it started making you sickk. I think we need to do something about the plastic issue, maybe starting by cutting down on all the plastic we use.",p029_190 +191,313,p004,"What a mess immigration across the globe has become. It is such a delicate subject. Germany has always been the welcoming nation for immigrants seeking refuge from warring nations, but it seems they are just too full to really help. The biggest problem for the refugees is being able to prove their asylum case. This is especially problematic for the Nigerians and Pakistanis. Because there is no technical ""war in their country, it is very hard to prove some of their claims of violence should they have to return. That coupled with an overburdened system makes it less likely that they will be granted any asylum at all. In fact, Germany is in rapid negotiations with Afghanistan and other countries to repatriate those who have fled. ",p004_191 +192,313,p064,"The article I just read was very sad, it is terrible how people that are in trouble in their countries cannot leave because of the country that they are from. It doesn't matter to Germany whether or not they will get killed if they get sent back and these people shouldn't be turned away by Germany. ",p064_192 +193,313,p044,It's so sad the turning event of Immigrants status on their affairs and protection. After reading an article on the latest happening in Germany. the well known home for immigrants now going tough I feel remorse and deep pain for those who really need Sanctuaries which Germany was well known to offer before. Hopefully things will turn around,p044_193 +194,313,p019,"It's interesting, I never thought about immigrants and such in another country besides the US, but obviously it is going to be happening anywhere with a border. It's sad that this is such an issue all around the globe. I know that immigrants have to be kept out to some extent and need to be handles, but it seems like there has to be a better way ",p019_194 +195,313,p039,I do not care for these muslim refugees trying to come into these countries they need to be deported back to their own countries and try to fix their own problems they are a disease upon the world and they spread their backward way of thinking trying to make no go zones inside the western world they are scum,p039_195 +196,398,p062,"This story bothers me more for the ignorance of our actions than for the actual results to the birds. I guess I'd prefer that golden eagles not get killed, and some other birds as well, but I really don't care that much. And I don't care about the lives of the individual birds. These are abstractions to me; they don't exist in any real way. However, I'm concerned about humans once again barging into something without fully understanding its repercussions. It was the same with coal and oil, wasn't it? How is this any different, except maybe in scope or scale or something. I also always wonder what the weather effects are of wind turbine farms. Do we understand that? Is that contributing to torandoes and more severe storms? I'm sure no one understands that either.",p062_196 +197,398,p064,"I just read an article about how Wind turbines are killing more than just local birds, they are killing golden eagles and other large birds as well that are in migration. They are attracted to the wind because it helps them soar so that is why they go near it. Its horrible that these beautiful creatures are getting killed by a made man creation. ",p064_197 +198,398,p073,"This article really makes you think. Are the things we are doing to try to make the earth a healthier planet really helping? They are trying to make cleaner energy but in reality, they are killing off many birds. This is so sad, it's a catch 22. It seems that these wind energy generators are probably not the answer either. And the more that are made, it will just cause bigger problems.",p073_198 +199,398,p065,"Hye buddy, I just read an article that you might find interesting. Apparently, wind turbines that companies use for power generation kill a lot of birds every year. But what is troubling is that many of these birds are not local. These wind turbines kill a significant number of migrating bird too. But, often environmental impact reports ignore this fact. Hearing about this makes me feel a bit helpless. It seems that no matter how much we try to protect the environment, our effect on it is always worse than we imagine.",p065_199 +200,398,p024,I think its really sad we need to do something these animals are precious and do not deserve to be killed off not only unknowingly but also so scary. Imagine flying like a free bird and all of a sudden facing a sudden death at the hands of these wind turbines. That is something just scary overall to be quite honest.,p024_200 +201,31,p028,"Have you heard about hwat is currently happening within indonesia. It is actually so saddening that a population of Orangutan an endangered species mind you, is on the brink of eradication at the hands of oil companies within the area. It does not make sense to me that when a country sees something like this occuring because of their business practices that they do not step in and stop the company from razing the forest as there are 1 to 2 thousand orangutans who call it home.",p028_201 +202,31,p029,I think this is sad for the orangutangs. It seems unfair that their environment is being destroyed. This whole peat forest issue seems like an environmental problem. I don't see the need to deforest anyway. That just seems destructive to me for no reason at all. It seems like it is best when we just leave the environment alone and stop tampering with things and intervening. IT always seems to have harmful consequences.,p029_202 +203,31,p035,"The way that the world is setup, countries that are developing have no choice but to harvest their natural resources to make money. I wonder if countries with more money could pay these developing countries to not harvest their natural resources. I feel bad for the orangutans because they are caught in a game of economics.",p035_203 +204,31,p065,"Hey man, Apparently, Indonesia is going through a crisis between conservation and alleviating its poverty. The country has made regulations protecting peat areas and the habitat of orangutans, but it has also given licenses to a company that aims to destroy a significant portions of those areas. I fell that this is a troubling sign and, sadly, indicative of the kinds of compromises that governments make with corporations that continue to endanger at risk species.",p065_204 +205,31,p033,"I just read this article about the exploitation of Orangutan habitat in Indonesia and it is alarming. Orangutan are not just any animals, they are one of the smartest and closely related to us. I am sure, you would have watched some documentary where it is shown how evolved they are as a society and how familiar they look to us when caring for their children for instance. It is just so sad that this is happening and I wish we as a race would show more empathy and concern for these magnificent creatures.",p033_205 +206,201,p029,"This type of situation really makes my blood boil. Who do these people think they are, going out in the streets and looting like a bunch of wild animals in order to protest? The guy was shot! He was a clear threat to the officers and had PCP in his car. This is ridiculous. The officer felt he had to protect himself. What gives people the right to then go out and loot and act like a bunch of wild animals and get more people killed in response? How on earth is that a mature response to the situation? I'm so disgusted.",p029_206 +207,201,p055,I'm so tired of all this violence. If a cop shoots someone suddenly it's acceptable to go around and commit violence or loot and steal. We start reacting before we even know the facts of the situation and we place all the blame on officers as if they are just looking to shoot people. We don't hear all the stories about officers being shot every day. We don't see riots and protests when another cop is shot by a supposedly unarmed suspect. It's time we start fairly representing both sides of a situation.,p055_207 +208,201,p024,The violence due to guns in this co0untry is becoming way too prevalent. We must do something to fix it but the republicans seem to be too much into gun control. I feel like that is the downside of things. There needs to be a better dialogue between both parties because too many people are dying at the hands of guns.,p024_208 +209,201,p035,"It makes me mad when I hear about people not wanting NFL players to take a knee or when people get mad at Black Lives Matter movement. There is a real problem in America when it comes to how black people at treated by the police. The police are far too often quick to shoot an unarmed black person, but take white mass shooters alive.",p035_209 +210,201,p060,I can't believe that this is what America has become. People are dying every day. They are dying at the hands of those who should be protecting us. They are dying at the hands of random strangers with a vendetta. At what point does all this stop and do civilians get to feel safe again? If guns aren't the problem then what is the problem? If the police aren't the problem then who is responsible for these deaths?,p060_210 +211,273,p073,"This is a very sad situation. I can see both sides are trying to do something good, but just have different values. The Native Americans really deserve to keep their land and their resources. Maybe the people that are building the oil pipeline can figure out a way to do it that will not interfere with the Native American's lives.",p073_211 +212,273,p000,"Hey, Did you see the article about the most police arresting all the rioters over the North Dakota pipeline. I don't really feel guilt about it. I think they broke the law and they got what was coming to them. You are free to make your on choice but you are not free of the consequences that come with those choices",p000_212 +213,273,p039,I think it was good that they killed that kids horse what was he doing there any way his parents should get locked up for putting him at risk like that. I think we need more oil and I don't care how we get it. I hope we build more pipelines all over this country. I don't need to be paying more for my gas.,p039_213 +214,273,p029,"Well while I am sorry for the people affected by this, it is never appropriate to protest on private land, block public highways, shoot guns at police, or throw rocks. These people do these things then act so shocked when the police react and suddenly they are the victims. Sorry, not in my book. If you hae an issue, you can contact politicians or go vote. Disrupting the peace and threatening the safety of others is not an appropriate response. it makes me mad. ",p029_214 +215,273,p068,I feel for both sides on this story. Native americans have been kicked out of land and hold the land they do still have very precious to them. They are trying to protect what is theres and water for there people. They believe in the contract that was signed and want to keep the promise. On the other hand the police are just doing there job and trying to keep from any bad things happening. When you have people firing guns at police that is when things have to get more serious and they have to use force. You cant just block roads and set cars on fire. It was very sad that a horse was killed and that older people are getting hurt and arrested.,p068_215 +216,247,p062,"This one sort of gets to me. The article humanizes the tragedy very clearly, focusing on the one man who lost his daughter, or the individual people who experienced the attacks. I think it's ironic that the U.S. gets this reputation as a racist country and all that stuff, but the French response was just the same as ours. The government took extra power to increase safety. People attacked Muslims because they were pissed off. The nation grieved. Sounds a lot like America after 9/11. We then went after the source of the problem (and beyond). The French aren't quite as bold. The one thing I thought of in this story is the band that were playing. how awful to think that you wanted people to come see you and as a result they got killed at your show. Awful to live with.",p062_216 +217,247,p024,I think what happens is just too sad. Anytime attacks like these are done on innocent people you can't help but try and think of ways you can prevent this. Paris is such a long historic place too and to have these attacks happen there really makes you wonder if there is any place that is safe. That is the truth.,p024_217 +218,247,p049,I feel so upset that someone in the name of god would think its okay to plan and carry out a plan to kill a bunch of people . Just innocent people thinking they are about to go to a concert and enjoy themselves and there life is taken away in the blink of a eye and for what. What has to happen for more gun laws how many people have to be killed in such a senseless way . Its becoming that we are so use to people being killed in this mannor that it its almost becoming the norm,p049_218 +219,247,p006,What a tragic story. I cannot imagine the sorrow the people affected have gone through. I hope society can come up with a solution for terrorism and that it can help in the future. It is sad that many people around the world have had to go through this event or something similar to it. There are too many stories around the world that are similar. ,p006_219 +220,247,p060,"I can't even imagine that these people must have gone through. Imagine being at a concert, enjoying yourself, and then all of a sudden you are being shot at. You are watching your friends drop to the floor dead. The people hiding had to endure so much. Just sitting there waiting to be killed. I will never understand how a human can inflict that kind of suffering on another human. It is such a terrible and scary thing.",p060_220 +221,417,p062,"I have mixed feelings about this story, for sure. On the one hand, I feel sad for the woman who lost her dog. I had a black lab mix when I was younger and she's gone now and I still miss her. Dogs are members of the family, so when they go it's very difficult. This is tantamount to having someone you loved murdered. However, and it's a big however, I find it completely unacceptable for people to have to be afraid of uncontrolled dogs. I know people who've been bit in the face by dogs. People are killed by dogs. Dogs are weapons, too. No one should have to walk in a park--especially one that doesn't allow pets off leashes--and worry about being attacked. Do I think the guy overreacted by killing the dog? Yes. But the woman shouldn't have done what she was doing either.",p062_221 +222,417,p064,"I just read an article about a dog that was shot in a park when it was off it's leash, it was running and jumping towards a man and he shot and killed it. It is very sad and I am not sure why the man acted in that way, he didn't need to shoot the dog, the dog didn't even bite him. I am shocked there were no charges against him",p064_222 +223,417,p028,This is one of the saddest thing i have ever read that hits especially hard as a pet owner. I keep reading it trying to wrap my head around how he could be so afraid in that moment to think he would need to shoot the dog. Within the frame of the story it just does not make sense but i feel so bad to the owner for having to lose her friend like that. Absolutely sad.,p028_223 +224,417,p044,Its getting out of hand with the misuse of guns under the so called gun right people use to guard themselves and I am highly displeased with this incidence that happened in the article i read.its such a painful thing to go through the loss of a pet and i really cant imagine that for myself. this will deeply hurt me and I will be unhappy deep inside.,p044_224 +225,417,p039,That was a sad story wow that was terrible what happened to that poor dog but then again I hate dogs so I'm glad its one less dog left on this planet if it were up to me I would shoot all the stupid ugly dogs that are out there I can not believe people keep them as pets they should eat them like they do in china,p039_225 +226,139,p033,"Read this alarming story about frog populations getting the deadly virus due to garden ponds to some extent. I know we always or mostly mean well but this story amply displayed how when we interfere with natural order of things even with the best of intentions, we can make the matters worse. People were inadvertently spreading the virus beyond the natural reach of infected frog population which in turn was destroying other harmless and healthy frog groups. I think this is a great example of how we should always think twice before taking even the simplest benevolent action towards nature.",p033_226 +227,139,p029,"So I can't exactly say this article was heartbreaking to me or anything. I did find it sad that these frogs and other wildlife are dying and possibly suffering from this disease that people are causing by being careless. However, like they said creating the garden ponds in general is a positive thing that people shoudl do that generally supports wildlife. So maybe if people would just be a little more careful and take the precautions they were giving then this kind of thing would not happen so much.",p029_227 +228,139,p030,"I just read an article about ranavirus that affects amphibians in the United Kingdom. Apparently, human made garden ponds are contributing to the spread of this virus, but the article seemed wishy washy about how to best deal with the problem. It mentioned that one should not refrain from building garden ponds, but instead refrain from transferring material from said ponds? The whole article kind of missed the mark, I think.",p030_228 +229,139,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article that explains how garden ponds are helping to spread diseases among frogs in the UK. The diseases infect frogs and fish as well. It has had a large impact on the local frog population. The story upset me because I don't want any animal to suffer.",p009_229 +230,139,p068,Frogs are not my most favorite animals but this article was truly sad. This disease seems to be very painful for them and killing and infecting them at alarming rates due alot to human interferance. I think that more awareness on what to do and what not to do when it comes to frogs and ponds needs to be out there on the news and told to people so they know maybe alot of it is just ignorance. Any living being should be protected if possible from dying a painful death and frogs are an important part of our ecosystem that we need to protect. Alot of time human interferance in nature will do this and cause some sort of issue.,p068_230 +231,128,p062,"This is such a messy issue. While I believe sexual harassment is wrong, I also think we've gone past the point where allegations can be trusted. I also think we've overblown the seriousness of many of these encounters. No, I don't think a man should grab a woman's toilet parts or breasts without some implication of consent (it doesn't have to be explicit--that's idiotic). But the idea that one aggressive move by a guy towards a girl should ruin people's lives is stupid. Are women not stronger than that? Are women so fragile that one guy who catcalls at them or hugs them when they don't want it should be tarred and feathered and she has to go into perpetual mourning? Men go after women and always will. There are repercussions for women wanting it all. Sorry.",p062_231 +232,128,p061,"This is disgusting. I have no doubt this woman is telling the truth. It seems men these days including our own president think that this behavior is acceptable. Because there is no proof, probably nothing will be done. God help any woman these days who is harassed or touched or even raped and doesn't have proof. There is no justice any more. We have to worry about our daughters. ",p061_232 +233,128,p063,"I wonder when this kind of stuff will stop. While I do believe that there are many cases of abuse like this that occur. All it takes are a couple of false accusations that destroy the fabric of the whole movement. I'm sure this sound insensitive, but this new trend of people coming clean about harassment that occured decades ago, and is basically unprovalbe is getting old. It's hard to believe people, particularly after the Kavanaugh case where I don't think the accuser was very believable.",p063_233 +234,128,p019,"I dont think that any women, who is accusing someone of harassment should be immediately questioned/doubted. Innocent until proven guilty should be applied the other way around too. If we immediatly doubt a women when she is already dealing with trauma, that will make the whole thing worse for the case and for the women. ",p019_234 +235,128,p068,I think it is disgusting men in such high power positions use it to just attack women like this. They think they can just get away with it and there actions have no consequences. So many stories like this are popping up and i think we need more education early on about sexual assault and what is okay and not. And more programs for women to feel safe telling on these men so it prevents it from happening again. These poor girls felt so trapped because he was in a position of power and you cant go against that. I think i would be scarred for life if this happened to me. Noone should deal with this alone and it should never be swept under the wrong or at blame of the women.,p068_235 +236,245,p033,"Just saw this news story about an old lady who was confusingly wandering without proper clothes late at night and and thought I would share it with you. As we move well into our 30's, the cruelness of old age seems to be becoming clearer and clearer. Maybe there were other reasons for her state but my immediate reaction was that it was due to age related general loss of senses and awareness. May we help those of us who need help in such state and may our old age be free from such sad endings.",p033_236 +237,245,p035,I feel sorry for the old lady because my grandmother had similar problems. It must be hard when you get old and your mind does not work like it use to. I hope that they find her family or where she came from so she can be returned safety. I know that she was scared and confused because that is what use to happen to my grandmother.,p035_237 +238,245,p073,"I feel so badly for this lady's family. They may not even realize that she is missing at the time of the article, but I'm sure they are already realizing that she is having problems with her memory. I have seen many family members with Alzheimer's, including my dad, and it is horrible to watch and to deal with.",p073_238 +239,245,p063,"This is kind of a sucky story. As apart of my job, I run into these types of things all the time. I think that they can go one of two ways. Either they're drunk, and annoying and you want them out of your hair as quickly as possible, or they're having a legitimate medial issue, and you want to help them. It's tough because you want to thelp them, but with such limited information, it's hard to do so.",p063_239 +240,245,p068,Articles like this really hit home for me. I think older people should really be protected and watched carefully as this happens alot. Alot suffer from dimentia and have no idea what is going on and can get lost very easily. It makes me think if this was my parent or grandparent I would be heartbroken. She was wondering with no coat probaly cold and very scared. I am very thankful that these officers found her before something bad happened to her. I hope she is able to be reunited with her family quickly and they put safeguards in place so it never happends again. Mayb it is to much for the family now and she requires more assistance like a group home.,p068_240 +241,19,p030,A just read a piece about the refugee crisis circa 2016. I'm wondering how many of the one million that Germany promised to provide asylum to are currently living in Germany. I know that this mass migration of refugees is part of the reason for the rise of nationalistic/fascist sentiment in a lot of places. I fear things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.,p030_241 +242,19,p035,I feel bad for all the people that have to leave their home country to try to find a better life. It must be bad for people to take the bad odds of dying at sea instead of staying where they are at. I think it will take an international effort to solve the problems facing all the nations that have so many immigrants leaving.,p035_242 +243,19,p029,"To me, this refugee crisis is a huge problem with no clear solution. It's extremely sad that all these innocent people are dyng and I can't even imagine having to live in one of these countries and constantly have my life and my loved one's lives in danger. It's also difficult for other nations to have to accept so many refugees into their nation but I guess it is the right thing to do. Hopefully they can contribute to society. It is sad that terrorists are abusing the system to try to sneak into countries.",p029_243 +244,19,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about the horrible conditions of the syrian people and the refugees who are fleeing the country. I feel awful for these people and would like to find a way to help them at least to be more comfortable. It was a very moving article.",p009_244 +245,19,p068,The whole refugee crisis is a big controversey these days. You think of the people that are doing this and put yourself in there shoes but also the countries who get these transplants and have to deal with them. Every human deserves a life free from harm and these lands really arent anyones but i can see having undocumented people invade your country is a bad thing that is why there is systems in place to keep track of people. I think more should be done to help these countries so people do not want to flee we need to build there government and police up so they are equipped to fight terrorist groups and rebels who push there citizens out.,p068_245 +246,177,p029,"Eh I don't have strong feelings about this. I'm sorry about the passing of a person and sorry for their family's loss, but I disagreed strongly with her political positions. So I can't say I'm especially sad or sorrowful for her. I am sorry just in a general sense because the loss of a life is always a sad thing and I'm sad for the family members who were left behind to grieve her loss. So those things make me feel sad and empathetic but otherwise I Feel neutral about this.",p029_246 +247,177,p030,"So, I guess I just read a write up on the life of Janet Reno. The whole thing was pretty middling and seemed unbiased. Based on the information presented it seemed like she was an upstanding person, although you can never tell from an article written after someones death. I had heard her name before, but I was a child during the Clinton administration, so I really didn't know who she was until reading this article.",p030_247 +248,177,p035,"I was impressed by the many first, like being the first AD of the state of Florida. Then becoming the first female Attorney General for the United States of America. For that she will always be remembered. Some of her dealing with the Clintons and the some of the ways she handled the illegal immigration case of that little boy I do not agree with.",p035_248 +249,177,p020,The first female attorney general passed away at the age of 78. She had long battled parkinsons disease. This is very sad. She worded under Bill clintons presidency. She had so many accomplishments over the years. Her predecessor Eric Holder praised her work. She was an example for many women who struggle to find there path with sexism.,p020_249 +250,177,p048,"I'm not a huge fan of the Clinton's so it's hard for me to feel for this lady when the article is mainly about how Clinton's thought she was a wonderful lady. With political bias' aside, I think Parkinsons disease is devastation to have. My husband's grandma suffers from it but still has a very positive outlook on life. ",p048_250 +251,413,p062,"This article was sad for me. It definitely humanized the event and focused on the father, whom I felt sympathetic towards. I also laughed a lot at the sentence about someone wrapping bacon around the door handle of a mosque. But I thought the portrayal of the father was very real and relatable. I thought his quotes were also interesting and very self-reflective, recognizing what he was probably doing in his writing and why. But the article overall was pretty vivid in allowing you to experience all aspects of the event. People there, trying to survive. People afterwards finding out loved ones were dead. People angry. People trying to keep the public safe. All angles were shown.",p062_251 +252,413,p024,Its always sad when these tragedies occur. We must cohesively find ways to improve this and lessen the chances these attacks occur. I just wonder what we can do though. We have to be able to make a positive change and to be honest the only way to do that is to have stricter laws. These laws would mean less freedom but I am okay with that.,p024_252 +253,413,p014,"This would be a horrifying experience to go through. I can't imagine how a father could handle that experience, especially the way that he learned about his daughter's tragedy. That would be just entirely too much to go through. How can can that even be processed? its just all seems so surreal, like something you would read about, but not actually go through.",p014_253 +254,413,p035,I hate that the man had to lose his daughter to such a senseless act of violence. I hope that the man finds peace. I also would not like to find out that my daughter had passed away on social media. Those few hours where they could not get in touch with her had to be the hardest hours in the world and to finally find out on social media had to be heartbreaking.,p035_254 +255,413,p029,"This is an incredibly sad story! All these people out trying to have fun and then they lost their lives. I imagine the fear when they were hiding, it must have been so terrible. And the families are just as much victims as the people who lost their lives. The whole thing is terrible, and all of this for nothing. Terrorist attacks are the most senseless killing and loss of life. It is really tragic to me, and these people seem to have no regard for human life or suffering. IT's not even human.",p029_255 +256,174,p062,"This is all disgusting and makes me wonder how anyone could have sympathy or pause for battling militant Islam head-on. These people are savages and should be dealt with with no sympathy or quarter. That we pulled out of the region cowardly is disgraceful. However, I also feel that the people of the region are complicit in their own suffering. If you allow this type of disease to build, you suffer the consequences. They can say that it's a function of U.S. interference, but it's not. It's existed for eons and they've allowed it to grow, and now they either have to fight back or suffer under it. Other nations fought their oppressors, internal or external, and weren't just passive. These Arabs and Persians are just so passive and impotent with their overlords.",p062_256 +257,174,p030,"Reading about the tactics used by the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria is like being transported back in time. They are destroying resources just to maintain a hold on their positions including using people as human shields. They must be aware that this is a fight they can not win, so instead of giving up they are razing people and cities to the ground. The whole thing is disgusting.",p030_257 +258,174,p064,"I am not sure how I have never heard of this happening before but it is so sad. So many innocent people and children are being killed for no reason, it reminds me so much of how the Nazi's treated the jews but it is happening now and nobody is stopping them. It's unbelievable and so sad, I do not understand how the world is letting this happen. ",p064_258 +259,174,p073,"This is a horrific story. It is about islamic militants capturing villagers and using them as human shields. The villagers didn't have much, if any, of a choice to go with them. They also killed most of the police and army so the villagers had no one to protect them. It is absolutely horrifying for these people.",p073_259 +260,174,p058,it's crazy how islamic terrorism is still a thing. I mean they are just kidnapping people and using them as shields. I cannot believe this is still going on. There needs to be more done to stop this. This war seems like it will never end. What can be done about it? Who knows at this point. This makes no sense at all.,p058_260 +261,34,p058,People are suffering in the middle east. I wonder if there will ever be peace over there. I feel like the war is never ending. It just keeps going and going. If it's not al qaeda its ISIS or the taliban. When will it end? Is the war actually making anyones lives better? Or is it just making everything worse for everyone?,p058_261 +262,34,p030,"I think that placing blame does little to help in situation like those in the middle east. It seems like everyone is doing their best and those that are at odds keep any positive progress from being made. What are people to do? We hurrah and protract these horrible situations in the middle east and when people are finally forced to pick up and leave we say, ""Sorry, we can't help you.""",p030_262 +263,34,p024,I feel like as humans we should all feel the need to help them out. I think in cases like these were its a country that has very low resources with violence all around there should be some sort of humanitarian aid for the people. I believe very strongly that anything else is just not that good overall.,p024_263 +264,34,p031,Going to the middle East was the worst decision for our country! Not only do we send soldiers over there to lose their lives but millions of innocent civilians get killed. This war is a fake war-it's all about the oil and political interest and the innocent suffer as a result. The best thing we can do is to leave these people alone and let them live. We need to focus on own own country and stop our evil deeds overseas.,p031_264 +265,34,p020,There is a very bad humanitarian crisis gong on in Afghanistan. The fighting has lead this this insanely bad crisis. There is so much war going on that the innocent people are caught in the middle of it all. It is so sad because theres not enough bring done so all of the innocent people are suffering. Something needs to be done.,p020_265 +266,47,p030,Reading about the situation in Syria is always eye opening. It's hard to believe so many people can continue to live in a war zone. The article I read said that a kilo of meat goes for around $40! What do these people eat if there is no food available? It's really hard to wrap my head around. Will the war ever be over?,p030_266 +267,47,p024,Aleppo has been having these problems for quite a while now. I feel like the bombings are just the top of the cake in terms of letting the world know about what is wrong with them. I feel like they really need to change things and in order to do that they need the help of the world more so than anything else.,p024_267 +268,47,p035,"The whole article broke my heart. If I got a text message telling me I have 24 hours to leave my home and all the things that I own, I would not know what to do. Of course I would leave with my wife and children because they are the most important things in my life, but it would be hard to know my house is about to get bombed. Also, paying 40 dollars for a kilogram of meat, I could not afford this and I do not live in a war tore country. I hate this for the people.",p035_268 +269,47,p068,I really feel for this country as a whole. It is like they are getting attacked from every side. It has got to feel so on edge living in syria. You don't now who to trust not even your government. Innocent people and children are being killed so violently and senselessly. I have nieghbors that are from syria and they are great people who have family still back there and they are just mortified and scared. They can not travel back home anymore and that would just take a huge tole on me. Getting a warning text message that you are going to be bombed I dont now how I would react. You have 24 hours to leave everything you know and love and probably never see it that way again it is crazy.,p068_269 +270,47,p048,"I can't even imagine getting a text saying we needed to evacuate. It doesn't seem real. We live in a country where that would not be likely to happen but if it did, it would be a total shock for most Americans. I can't even imagine what chaos that would create. That would probably turn the world upside down. I emphasize with those civilians but I can't even imagine being in that position. ",p048_270 +271,146,p035,"It makes me angry that people will attack or kill other people just because they have a different religion, race or sexuality. When will people learn that it is okay to be different. I can see how Trump's words give some people the idea that this is okay. Trump is part of the problem and not a part of the answer.",p035_271 +272,146,p062,"I'm not all that concerned with these incidents. No, they're not fair. And yes, they should be punished and controlled. But I also don't really care. These are a drop in the bucket and most people go about their lives without meaningful harassment. And I'm never going to tell people not to be furious when Islamic terrorism kills Americans. Islam is complicit with that. Many Muslims harbor those feelings even if they don't fully support them. And way too few Muslims speak or work to stamp out Islamic terrorism, here or abroad. We are all fighting wars whether we recognize it or not. There is no ""us""; that is a false notion. There will always be you and me, and right now Islam is a ""you.""",p062_272 +273,146,p028,You know with all of the issues recently within the country i had not even though about how bad it must been for Muslims living in america. When there is such a culture of racism and rudeness and hate being spewed left and right they are bound to be feeling it terribly. The fact that the number is rising this high is incredibly alarming and that people are only seeing race is awful.,p028_273 +274,146,p058,"i cant believe stuff like this is going on. I mean you would think our society would be better by now. I feel like we as a society are getting worse in some ways, although in others we are improving, but still. What can be done? How can we improve? This is just par for the course at this point. I'm not even sure what to say about it.",p058_274 +275,146,p024,I think its wrong for people to be attacked just because of a select few that make a religion look bad. There are also some bad christians out there and we dont base our whole view on things based on the fact that they were christian. We must learn to differentiate between the two to be honest it makes the most sense.,p024_275 +276,370,p064,"It is shocking that these poor children are starving because the government cares more about spending money on the military for weapons than food for its people. No child should even know what hunger feels like, the only thing they should be focusing on is playing with their friends and school. What a shame for these poor kids. ",p064_276 +277,370,p035,"I feel very sorry for the children and there families. Eating is one of the basic needs of survival and it looks like there families are trying, but they just can not afford to pay for food. Seeing that supplies for school cost five times the monthly wage was outrageous. I see the situation getting worse before it gets better.",p035_277 +278,370,p035,Being a parent of young children this story hits me hard. I do not know what I would do if my children could not eat at home or at school. The country has a lot of work to do to get is people the basic things that they need. I feel like government stealing is partly to blame because the county has a lot of oil but the people are not benefiting from it.,p035_278 +279,370,p029,"What a sad situation for these children. Such innocent victims. No child should have to go without food, and this is really sad for all those involved. I'm sure the parents feel terrible too for not being able to feed their children. I know Venezuela has some huge economic crises going on, but they really need to get a grip on their situation or their people will not make it. The country is a great example of why a dictatorship does not work. Democracy really is best. ",p029_279 +280,370,p068,I will always feel so bad for children because they can not help themselves.Food is such a fundamental need in life that children cant be expected to excelif they are hungry during school. It is so sad that people need to keep children home just to line up to get food. They also cant afford to send them lunch and the government isnt stepping in to help which would be a good investment as they are the future of there society.Someone needs to step in send aid as teachers can only do so much they need to demand others to help out. Kids can not help themselves so they need others to step in and step up to help.,p068_280 +281,202,p035,"I have no clue what would make a father kill his own children. I feel very sorry for the two boys. It must be very fearful to around an irrational person especially that person being your own father. I do not want anybody to kill themselves, but if you feel that way take your own life and let other people live theirs. ",p035_281 +282,202,p022,"After reading the article, my first reaction was anger. I just couldn't believe that any man would be able to take the lives of his own children. It felt really wrong and that man is very messed up in the head. I was also starting to think that maybe the man just had some sort of mental illness that was very severe. The man could also have been under the influence of drugs.",p022_282 +283,202,p029,"This is a highly disturbing story. How could this man feel the need to harm his own children? If we wanted to take his own life, fine, but why the children? It is obvious he had some serious issues since there was a pending domestic violence charge, so there is clearly more to this story. But either way, I find it very sad for the kids who lost their lives for no reason. And what about the rest of the family? Where was the mother in this story? How grieved she must be. The whole thing was very very sad.",p029_283 +284,202,p024,I think this man must of been going through quite a bit of problems in his life to do this! I feel like when someone does this we must check and see what was the cause. We don't know the full details of the story yet. I think we must first realize what happened clearly and why it happened to see the truth there.,p024_284 +285,202,p022,"After reading the article , my first reaction was that i was really disturbed by what i read. I just couldn't believe that anyone would be able to kill their own children. It also made me feel really bad for the mother because i can't even imagine what i would do if this were to happen to my family. I felt bad for the children as we ll because they didn't deserve it.",p022_285 +286,71,p062,"I feel really bad for the rangers, who were just doing their job and were treated unmercifully by the villagers. And unfortunately they didn't get any help from the police officers, who ran away. What a horribly frightening experience that must have been. On the other hand, the article is also confusing for me. Why were the villagers so upset? Do they earn their livings from poaching? Were they confused about what was going on? Also, who called for the helicopter? And how did the rangers survive if they were really confronted by all those villagers with weapons. If the story is real then it's frightening and disturbing. But there seems to be a lot of missing information.",p062_286 +287,71,p024,I feel like something must be done about these poachers. Not only do they oppose the fact that poaching is wrong but they attack people that try and defend these animals. It is just wrong and I am fed up with it. There must surely be more moral than immoral people in this world and we must act now to save these animals.,p024_287 +288,71,p029,"I found this story quite distressing. It was actually surprising to me that the mob attacked anti-poaching rangers. But I guess they support poaching in that area? Perhaps it is important to their economy? Anyway, it is always distressing to me to read about angry mobs attacking officials who are just trying to do their job and do something positive for the community or for society. This is an example of that and it is very distressing. Really, what is wrong with people?",p029_288 +289,71,p009,"Dear friend, I am writing to let you know about an article that I just finished reading. Some anti-poaching rangers were captured by a poacher and attacked by the locals of the village. I feel bad for them, they were just trying to protect the animals.",p009_289 +290,71,p024,The fact that these villagers are placing money they receive from these poachers in order to side with them and attack anti poachers unit of rangers is pathetic. It shows that money really is the root of all evil! I can not believe it to be honest! It makes my blood boil that people do not care for these animals being hurt for profit.,p024_290 +291,242,p062,"I hate hearing about American troop deaths. I feel sad for the Captain and First Sergeant who died. Those are experienced and high-ranking people. I don't feel as sympathetic for the civilians who died. I believe strongly that if you're going to fight a war, you fight it hard and collateral damage is expected. We won WWII by leveling Germany and nuking Japan. You can't try to isolate the bad guys and kill only them. It doesn't work that way. Killing civilians may seem harsh but it ends wars. When you just try to fight the insurgents or guerillas, wars don't get won. They just keep going. And that doesn't accomplish anything but more death.",p062_291 +292,242,p024,The fact that civilians have to be hurt in the process of trying to get rid of the Taliban is mind boggling. Surely there can be better intelligence found that can fix this and honestly the fact that there is not makes me feel like we are not doing it right. We need to find ways to minimize the risk these civilians take by being in the crossfire.,p024_292 +293,242,p073,"This article is about a mission where American military were helping to train Afghan military targeting Taliban leaders. In the attack that was instructed by the American troops, Afghan civilians were killed. It was obviously not something that anyone wanted to happen, but when fighting erupted, innocent people were killed.",p073_293 +294,242,p030,"I just read an article about civilian deaths in Afghanistan. There was an incredible amount of focus on the two American soldiers who happened to be blown to smithereens and not the Afghani civilians, but what can you do? I suppose American people are much more interested in their boys fighting an endless war and not the innocent people caught in the crossfire.",p030_294 +295,242,p019,When will we stop reading this kind of story? It's starting to break my heart... So much pain and suffering over war. Isn't there a more civil and humane way to end conflict? especially when it is over such materialistic things like money and oil and land. Human lives and their well being should always come first,p019_295 +296,339,p024,"I feel like the treatment of those children is depressing. What is it about these people that they feel the need to do this? Something must be done but what? The 50 people tha took the census and put the population at 10,188 did a great job and the fact that they say there is no drinking water and the toilets are never cleaned angers me.",p024_296 +297,339,p063,"I feel bad for these people. all they want is a better life for themselves or their families. However, this global refugee issue is a serious problem. Existing structures and camps aren't able to do the job because of the massive influx of people. We need to correct the root cause of this problem, while also caring for the people.",p063_297 +298,339,p029,"This was sad, although I Feel like we are only getting part of the story. I googled about this camp and there were apparently a lot of refugees there causing problems. Also, you have to think their situation at the camp is probably better than it was where they came from. I think the camp got overwhelmed and there wren't enough resources to help these people. Definitely sad for children, though. I hate to think they were suffering. I feel like we need more information to adequately evaluate this situation.",p029_298 +299,339,p039,I hope they kick those migrants out. I hate those people they just think they can go where they want and not have to go through the process like everyone else why are they so special everyone is going through hardships it shouldn't be that they get this special treatment they are the worst of the worst,p039_299 +300,339,p031,"My heart goes out to these poor kids-they are just innocent pawns in this terrible world of war, injustice and corruption. Shame on French authorities for putting them in such awful conditions. However, immigration issue is another thing that needs to be considered here, we cannot help everyone, so, instead, we need to help them fix their own country instead of coming over somewhere else and suffering!",p031_300 +301,347,p068,This crisis is so tender and near and dear. It is horrifying that such innocent souls are lacking basic nutrition and this is effecting every part of there life. Because they are so week form not eating they can't do much to fend for themselves especially because alot of them are orphaned children. It is horrifying that it is tough for aid to push through to these areas and the further they gain access to the more horrible the sights are. I can't imagine the children longing for there parents they are seperated from and longing for some sort of security in there lives. There food is gone there water is unsafe but it is nice to know that aid workers eventhough it is a tough site to see are remaining to truly help out.,p068_301 +302,347,p036,"I think it's really important to read this article. It goes to show how much a group of people are in need, and how dominance and facism can ruin a country for a long time from the inside out. Look at how the poor farmers lack security and cannot comfortably return to their crops. This is wrong all around, I hope it inspires some action.",p036_302 +303,347,p048,It really does break your heart to have to read about all these foreign countries that suffer so much from hunger. You never really realize how lucky we are until you're reminded by these news articles and stories. You want to do so much but yet will any of it really help? I can't help but think that charities and donating isn't the best option because how is one to know if it's really worth it when a lot of these companies have overhead and issues within their own charities. I hope they have improved and continue to improve from this crisis.,p048_303 +304,347,p035,"One of the biggest fears of a parent, is that they die and can not protect their children especially when they are young, like the children in the article. The mother has a lot of faith in her child to leave her by herself at the age of 12. It is a sad reminder that some people do not get a childhood and life is very hard. I hope they all get the food that they need.",p035_304 +305,347,p024,Anything fellow human beings are struggling with hunger we as humans must find a way to be able t o help them out. I feel like if we are starving we would want as Americans someone to step in and help us. It is the right and the only way to do things to be honest. I feel like Nigeria is too corrupt to help itself at this point.,p024_305 +306,48,p011,"I was not connected to anyone after reading the article on Aleppo and the horrible circumstances that the elderly face after the destruction wrought on the city. I was told by the System to enter the code after the survey so I completed the survey and answered with all neutral answers. The instructions said that I would get paid if I somehow was not connected with anyone (i.e. if they disconnected). I guess in this situation they did in fact disconnect. I hope that your research goes well, and if there is anyway that I can chat with someone else regarding this incident I would be more than happy to do so. War tears cities apart, and it is hard for me to understand how so many innocent people suffer due to the whims of those in power. I hope to get paid for my efforts. Good luck.",p011_306 +307,48,p035,"It would be a hard decision for me to stay or leave my family. I guess at the older age, I would not want to leave my home. It would be bad for your own government and rebel forces fighting making it hard to get food. I would worry if I had to leave my parent of grandparent alone back in war tore country. I hope the war ends soon.",p035_307 +308,48,p008,I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a war-torn country. Americans have it so much better than they realize and I don't understand why it's so hard for people to put themselves in others' shoes. I feel so much for this poor man that just wanted a peaceful retirement and to hang out with his family and now he and his wife are basically depriving themselves of food so that they have enough for the kids. It's depressing.,p008_308 +309,48,p066,I read an article about old people in Aleppo where they ended up being neglected in the conflict. Their children and grandchildren often flee to safer countries but the elderly aren't usually afforded the same luxury. One old man lamented that he had spent his whole life to create a better place for his children and grandchildren and all that work was now null and void. What a tragedy.,p066_309 +310,48,p048,I continue to read these stories and they always spark sympathy but then it's always the same outcome for these situations. People are fights and warring and there is not much that we can do about it. How much can one person do to fix these issues? I just hope that their future is brighter than it seems. That's what is always so hard to express or imagine. I'm a sure believer that God has the power and so I think they will come out on top with that attitude. ,p048_310 +311,291,p022,I think that what happened with the dog was so sad and terrible. I honestly don't think that the police officer did that on purpose but rather it was just a terrible accident. It was stated that the dog has been working with the police officer for quite some time so i'm sure that they had some sort of bond. It's just really sad that such an innocent animal died because of this accident.,p022_311 +312,291,p067,"This is sad. Dogs don't deserve that. Police that leave dogs in cars should be ashamed. I don't really believe they suffered consequences for it, police never do. I think that there should be more precautions to make sure dogs are not left alone in cars, especially when the one responsible is supposed to have training to deal with that sort of thing.",p067_312 +313,291,p062,"I feel really sad about this. I love dogs and police dogs are great helpers to the police and community. I hope that this truly was a ""bad accident"" as described by the Sheriff, and not serious neglect or negligence or something. But I'm not sure what the procedures are for keeping police dogs in cars, and what the likely explanation is for something like this. The police officer presumably feels terrible, and I feel bad for him too, as long as the mistake was honest. If it wasn't then I have no sympathy for him. But if it was then I bet he feels horrible and partly doesn't want to show his face to the other officers anymore.",p062_313 +314,291,p010,"This is the saddest story ever. Why would a police officer leave his dog in a car on a hot day where he dies? You just don't leave a dog in a car for 1 full day without knowing it. I am glad he's on paid leave. The dog was three years old. In my opinion, it's intentional and there needs to be ramifications. ",p010_314 +315,291,p067,"That's terrible that the dog was left to die. Maybe there should be consequences for it. You should know that I feel good about dogs and don't want them to die. It is upsetting especially given their important role and how much training is required for them, and how much responsibility their handlers are supposed to have.",p067_315 +316,39,p024,I think situations like these really make me doubt the world. We really need to do better and I've been saying this for quite some time now but eventually you realize its a crazy world out there. So much wrong goes on in the world that you become numb to it over time. I think that is the worst part of it.,p024_316 +317,39,p068,This article really struck home for me. I am so sad that this wolf traveled 700 miles to find a new mate just to be killed sensesly. He traveled through rough conditions like a jill field and stillended up dying. I think thes eprograms by the government to kill animals is horrifying. We should all live together in hamony. If they are a pest we should find ways that dont harm them like relocating the animals to help the problem not kill innocent souls.Someday they will find a solution that wont harm lives and live in peace.,p068_317 +318,39,p016,"I think it's pretty sad that the wolf got killed. I know that they're thinking about reintroducing wolves to a lot of areas because we've killed off so many of them, deer populations are spiking and because of that ticks and lyme disease are on the rise. They're saying it might become an epidemic. Anyway, I guess my point is that some people might say that we don't need to care about wolves because they're harmful or dangerous, but it turns out that we need them. Anyway. It's sad that the wolf died, and kinda crazy that he went out via sniper.",p016_318 +319,39,p030,"I just read about an unfortunate wolf that had been tagged by conservationists, wandered away from his pack and murdered by overzealous wildlife exterminators. I wasn't even aware that these types of individuals existed. I knew oil companies employed wildlife exterminators in the far north, but apparently there are people paid to murder animals here in the US. Despicable.",p030_319 +320,39,p048,"I love animals, I truly do. Although, I will never say animals are above humans. This article really lacks more information. They don't go in to why the wolf was shot by the government sniper. I just don't agree that there wasn't a threat of some sort that would create someone to do this. They are wild creatures that could have actually hurt a human. I am all for saving and helping animals and ensuring their well-being but this story may or may not have to do with that. ",p048_320 +321,52,p022,"I think it's terrible that this man had to get deported. I feel like if you lived in United States for a certain amount of time, you are officially a member of the country no matter what. It is so depressing and sad that this man had to be separated from his family and have everything that was his taken away. It is unfair and i think the system is broken as well.",p022_321 +322,52,p030,"I just read an article about a Korean man who was adopted from South Korea when he was three, brutally abused, lived in the U.S. for 37 years and is now being deported because the adoption agency/foster family did not file the correct paperwork for him to get his citizenship. I don't understand how people can sleep at night after persecuting people in unfortunate circumstances like this.",p030_322 +323,52,p073,"This story is very unimaginable. This guy was adopted from South Korea and came to the US when he was three. He has had a really hard life over the years being abandoned by his adoptive parents and put into the foster system, where he was treated very poorly. Now he is being deported because his adoptive parents never filled out any paperwork and he was too old when an act was passed to protect people like him.",p073_323 +324,52,p054,"Adam is a South Korean man who was adopted by American parents at age 3. He lived until recently in Vancouver Washington with his family. He is now being deported back to South Korea and is currently detained in an immigration detention center while customs enforcement and immigration can make the necessary arrangements. Despite having lived in the united states for the vast majority of his life, thirty seven years of his total fourty one years, he is now being deported. Adam stated that he had ended up on the radar of federal immigration officials after applying for a green card in 2012.",p054_324 +325,52,p024,This is ridiculous! This man is American through and through. He is about as South Korean as me. He was born in this country and he is a citizen more so than most Americans as far as I am concerned. He should be allowed to come back no doubt about it! Its quite infuriating to be quite honest with you!,p024_325 +326,89,p024,When crimes like this happened it is always good that the perpetrators are caught quickly because they can strike again at anytime. I feel like in this case the bloody evidence was good even if the body was burned so that just tells me that these criminals were not as smart as they thought which led to them being caught.,p024_326 +327,89,p068,This whole article made my mood change so much. It is horrifying how people can do this to one another. They dont think about the other person as a lving being and that is so scary. These men should never be allowed out of prison for this brutal murder. They just tossed his body in a shallow grave and went on with there lives watching a payperview game. And the murder was just because he wasnt interested in one of them romantically that is insane! somehting is clearly not right in both of there minds for this to be okay. I feel for the man who lost his life in a horrible way for no reason at all.,p068_327 +328,89,p010,"Hey A, Have you read the article this morning regarding gruesome stabbing of a Manhattan partygoer? They found him (Joseph Comunale) on Jersey Shore buried in a one foot deep grave stabbed 15 times and partially burned. (:. To top off the horrendous event, Comunale who was a celebrity jeweler, one of the suspects was his surrogate son. He took him in and found a job for him and was always there. Sex is the unofficial charge of why he was murdered. This is very disturbing to me. I do not understand how anyone could be so brutal and evil. I can't quit thinking about how his life ended. It's a sad, sad story.",p010_328 +329,89,p022,What happened in this article was truly disturbing. The fact that someone can have the decency to not only kill someone but to also burn them as well is very inhumane. I felt really disgusted and just lost all faith in humanity after reading this article. It makes me question people and wonder if there is actually any good left in the world.,p022_329 +330,89,p022,"After reading the article, i can't help but feel terrible and disturbed. I feel bad because i just can't imagine how people could do something like this to another human being. It's terrible because people were just trying to have fun at the party while these other people had other intentions like steal. I hope they get what they deserve in the long run.",p022_330 +331,148,p024,"it is quite depressing to see what this elephant has had to go through throughout his life. I feel like this female elephant being held captive for 3 decades is enough to depress me. Not only does it get worse than that, it still has no signs of changing. We as humans need to stand up and do what is right.",p024_331 +332,148,p030,"I just read an article about an elephant that has been kept in captivity and forced to perform as a circus animal for all its life. Elephants are highly intelligent and social creatures, and I couldn't help but draw a parallel between the people that are imprisoned in this country. They are also held in cages and forced into indentured servitude. Our whole society is forged and maintained by ostracizing and taking advantage of out groups, humans, animals everything that lives and breathes.",p030_332 +333,148,p022,I feel that this article is really disturbing because i feel so bad for the elephant. I feel that elephant are such gentle animals and people just take advantage of that. Elephants are one of the sweetest animals in the world and wouldn't hurt a fly. The fact that people are using elephants for entertainment and just taking them away from their families is really disturbing.,p022_333 +334,148,p035,"For the past few years I have been struggling about the ideas of zoos. I know that they are educational, but I think to myself about how the animals feel. I believe that elephants are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. To keep one in isolation is pure cruelty. I have seen elephants cry over the lost of loved ones and they are very communal animals. ",p035_334 +335,148,p010,"A very disturbing article about animal abuse of an elephant. The USDA had multiple fines, violations, etc. that were filed in favor of Nosey the elephant. They have done absolutely nothing. This is exactly why no one likes any division of the US government. They have thousands of pages of forms you must complete and then they just sit on them and make no action. It's very disturbing Nosey has had a difficult life which humans are responsible for. ",p010_335 +336,223,p031,"My heart went out to the mother and the girls that were killed in this horrible tragedy. This just goes to show how short and precious life can be. Hug your children and tell them daily how much you love them because you never know when you going to have to let go and say goodbye! Life can change in a blink of an eye, no wonder they say : ""If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans!"". Gold bless us all!",p031_336 +337,223,p047,It's crazy how you can lose your life so easily! Imagine how that poor kid will feel when she wakes up from the hospital and realizes her whole family is gone. Can't even imagine. Makes me sick thinking about it. I sincerely hope she has other close relatives who can be there for her because she will need all the support she can get.,p047_337 +338,223,p068,This just has to hit you right in the heart. All the families and children out to have a fun night together and are killed and injured recklessly. I can't imagine that seen and so many people that were effected. The mother with her kids that were killed and her husband had just been killed earlier that summer in a car wreck. I am glad they will all be together in heaven atleast. That poor school having to deal with deaths of there classmates so young. I cant imagine that horrific seen for the emergency services when they arrive they were probably horrified and pray for them also. This is just such a senseless way to die.,p068_338 +339,223,p010,I could barely read about the fiery crashes and fatalities. One family had already suffered loss earlier in the year. Anytime children are involved it seems even more severe and horrendous. I do wonder why someone had a trailer with children in it and driving it down the highway. What could have been a wonderful Halloween ended up entirely different and a tragic evening that will never be forgotten.,p010_339 +340,223,p035,I feel bad for the mother and her two daughters that died in the accident. I'm a person that worries and being in a trailer would have me worrying. It is very sad that their life were cut short because they wanted to enjoy sometime together and go for a ride on Halloween. I hope that the other people involved in the crash find peace.,p035_340 +341,186,p029,"The politics behind this whole situation were a bit confusing to me, but it was clear that overall it is a really bad situation over there. It mentioned several times that multiple people were brutally raped and even murdered, sometimes by government officials, and this is really distressing and sad. That is obviously something that should never happen to anyone, so it makes me sad to hear that these people suffered like that. I think clearly something needs to be done over there but I'm not sure what.",p029_341 +342,186,p024,This angers me to know stuff like this still goes on in 2019. The fact that another country has to help another with troops shows that we aren't in better times like some people say. Kenya deported an official knowing he was most likely to die when he arrived back in Sudan. This is cold blooded and Kenya should be ashamed of themselves for this.,p024_342 +343,186,p045,"I don't know why these problems continue in Africa without the Western World doing something about it. It's largely the fault of the former colonial powers that things are such a mess there, and it's not going to go away. The human cost is insanely high, people should not be living like this in the modern world.",p045_343 +344,186,p062,"I mostly feel contempt from this story. I do feel some sympathy for the people who were raped and killed in the recent violence, particularly the foreign workers. However, those people should have known the hell they were entering when they volunteered. The rest of it is just Africa and the UN. I find it hilariously stupid that the rest of the world was shocked and dismayed and whatever word was used to describe their reaction to Kenya threatening to close the refugee camp. But what does the world do about it? The world loves to feel holier-than-thou and then do nothing. Good old UN. Has an opinion about everything everyone is doing wrong, but no will or capacity to improve anything. Just stupidness all around.",p062_344 +345,186,p010,This article on Kenya and South Sudan is so sad. Africa has had various rules for thousand of years that look out for no one but themselves except Nelson Mandella who went to prison for all the right things. The UN does more harm than good. How do you look at a whole nation as one individual? It's a war torn country and my heart breaks for them. ,p010_345 +346,113,p029,"I can really get behind this ban. It disgusts me to see people smoking at playgrounds, and I've literally had to leave before because people were blowing smoke everywhere and I didn't want my children breathing it. It is just ridiculous. You can't tell me it's not harmful for a child to run through a cloud of smoke. On the same token, I thought the argument that it was setting a bad example was stupid. Yes, it does set a bad example, but we can't just purge society of every bad example in an effort to protect people from life. It's up to parents to teach their kids right and wrong.",p029_346 +347,113,p024,I feel like they are doing the right thing. These animals and children at the zoo should not be taking in this second-hand smoke. I feel like the correct thing to do is fix it and try and get these smokers out of there as soon as possible. I think children should be protected and this is the correct way to do it.,p024_347 +348,113,p062,"I don't have a major problem with limiting the areas people can smoke, particularly if the intent is to spare children from inhaling second-hand smoke. However, the idea that you'd do this so that children don't even see adults smoking seems absurd to me. I agree with the people calling this Orwellian, as if adults don't have the right to do legal things in public. Is no one allowed to drink in public, or at restaurants? Or is that ""normal"" and ""okay,"" while smoking isn't for some reason. This just seems arbitrary and consistent with typicial progressive fascism. These people have gone too far in trying to control things and bully legal things out of existence. It angers me.",p062_348 +349,113,p036,"The main idea about this article is that it focuses on a trend to reduce exposure to the ill effects of second smoke with regards to the public. The idea is to especially reduce the exposure to children. In this case, the focus is to reduce the smoke that happens in public parks and playgrounds. It is noted that similar laws have started to protect minors in vehicles.",p036_349 +350,113,p068,This article really hits home for me as my father was a smoker. I am so grateful he choose to smoke outside and never around us kids. I had friends that there families would smoke in there car and inside and they and there stuff reaked. I remember coming away from there house feeling so sick from it. I think cigarette smoke has the potential to really harm children who are growing. It can harm anyone who breathes in the second hand smoke so banning it in public areas or atleast where children frequent is a very great idea. It effects everyone around you when you smoke in public we dont have a choice to breathe it in so you should not have the right to do it like public drinking.,p068_350 +351,116,p029,"This seems like a horrible situation with no real solution. It is crazy that cholera is still an issue in 2019 but apparently it is going strong in some places. I'm not sure that there is an obvious solution except maybe better sanitation for some of these people. But I guess some of that is cultural and not much can be done to fix it. Educating the people about it does not seem to have helped much, nor does vaccinating them. So what do you do, really?",p029_351 +352,116,p024,I feel like in order to fight Cholera correctly we have to understand it. Its a good sign that no one agrees how to do it in my opinion because that just means that we need to find better ways to fight it. IT also means people are trying to agree just can't. That is a good sign because people are willing to talk about a solution.,p024_352 +353,116,p010,Hey A: Did you read the article on cholera in third world countries? I'll focus on the Haiti piece of the article. Haiti had an overwhelming number of folks that had cholera. Vaccines were offered to the government because there was little they could do for those folks other than IVs. The government refused to take help from the World Health Organization. The corruption that goes on that country never ceases to amaze me. I got extremely frustrated reading what could have been done but nothing was done. So many people died that should not have. ,p010_353 +354,116,p010,"Haiti goes from one catastrophe to another. If it isn't a life ending hurricane, it's cholera. I have huge respect for Bill and Melinda Gates. Vaccines will stop cholera. This country's opinions of vaccines are assine. Without vaccinations, we return to cholera, small pox, measles, etc. People wanting vaccines to save their lives yet there are not enough. ",p010_354 +355,116,p024,I feel like this is a problem not just with this Cholera situation but with humanity in general. WE can never just come together and form a common agreement we always seem to end up on the wrong side of things and disagreeing.. We tend to never agree on things and this causes disagreements like this. If we just worked things out correctly we would be better off.,p024_355 +356,44,p068,"This was just so sad and senseless. The brutal styel of killing and plotting behind this murde is crazy. Its insane in this day and age a gun couldnt even make its way into the airport building. Maybe there needs to be even more measures to prevent this. I am so saddened that the victim had a family and children that have to sit with his death forever now. Airline attendants should be more protected. I wonder what the connection between the two was, was it revenge, he knew his schedule so there must have been something going on there. I think way more security now has to be implemented as this should have never even happened. Also the poor people stuck on the planes for three hours with a supposed shooter on the loose id be terrified.",p068_356 +357,44,p035,"To this day I can not understand people who kill someone then kill themselves. If your life is going that bad and you want to kill yourself then you should do it, but leave other people out of it. I feel bad for the man who lost his life and his children that had to lose their father like that. I even feel bad for all the people at the airport that had their lives interrupted. ",p035_357 +358,44,p068,This is one of those articles that just hits you in the guts. You put yourself in the victims shoes and think what would i have done could i have known. It is horrifying in this day and age someone could even make it around an airport with any kind of weapon. I would really like to learn the motive and connection the victim had with the suspect. Why do people kill others I will never understand. Also for the families that have to deal with the after math the kids who dont get a father anymore for no reason. That must have been so painful. Being stuck on an airplane while a murderer is running around the aiport would also send me in to panick.,p068_358 +359,44,p029,"All this senseless killing is so disturbing. They didn't even seem to have a clear reason why this man was shot. It seems like every day or so there is some lunatic out there with a gun killing people for no apparent reason except for their own instability or anger at the world. This is such a sad scenario that people see killing others as an outlet for their own negative emotions. It seems like there is not much of a good solution for this scenario, as controlling guns just takes away protection from people who need it. The bad guys still find a way to arm themselves.",p029_359 +360,44,p031,"What a terrible story, my heart goes out to the family of the victim. I wonder what he did to deserve this, was he involved in some way or did something to provoke this senseless murder? Either way, an innocent life is lost and the guy left behind two kids and his wife. The most pathetic thing about it that the murderer killed himself afterwards. What a coward! Hell is definitely a place for people of this caliber.",p031_360 +361,163,p022,I feel really bad for the girl that lost her eyes due to the attack with the pellets. She had her whole life ahead of her and she did not deserve what happened to her. She was merely a victim to all the war and corruption that is going on in the country. It's sad to think that someone who once had vision and is now never able to see anything ever again.,p022_361 +362,163,p016,"I can't imagine being a fourteen year old kid and losing my eyesight; that's just so sad. I don't think it's right to fire at people who can't defend themselves, and the fact that it sounds like they're using pellet guns with new shapes just to cause more damage is awful. I hope that girl gets more help in the future.",p016_362 +363,163,p010,This girl's life is forever changed. Pellets destroyed her eyes and her face. Her mom wraps scarves around her face and eyes to protect her. :) I have a great deal of admiration for her as she is speaking the the journalist about what happened. She wants her government to give her an answer. She had aspirations of becoming a doctor. She showed her textbooks to him. She is in and out of hospitals hoping to retain her eyesight. ,p010_363 +364,163,p062,"I feel some amount of sympathy for this girl because I can't imagine what it would be like to lose your eyesight like that. In one brief moment the world goes from visible to invisible in an instant. It's got to be nearly traumatic (although she seems to be remaining upbeat). But I also don't feel that much sympathy because I want to know what she was doing when it happened. Kashmir is a violent place. Someone like this should not be ignorant of the dangers in the region, including how police will respond to protests and uprisings. I'm sure she wasn't just sitting in a peaceful cafe, minding her own business when she got blasted. If she was part of a riot, then she got what she could have expected. If she wasn't part of the unrest, then she should have fled the area.",p062_364 +365,163,p068,"You really cant help but put yourself in the victims shoes. Having dreams of becoming a doctor then one day your whole life changes and you cant do your dream anymore. It would be so scary to go blind not be able to see anything anymore you have to become dependent on on thers, you lose alot of your independence. I can understand that protests can become unsafe or even violent so you need tactics to over come that but with such numbers of people getting very hurt and permanently disabled I think thye should change there tactics. They should use more tear gas and change it to bean bag guns, a larger object that cant fit right into eyes .",p068_365 +366,80,p024,"I feel like this is the type of attack that has no excuse. Maybe the troops dislike the religion of muslims but this is no way to go about things just attacking them in this manner. The reporter that was fired for reporting on this issue has my respect, she tried to bring it to light and lost her job trying to let the voice of these women to be spoken.",p024_366 +367,80,p019,"Do you believe what is happening over there! It seems like the government and medical person ell are doing all that they can to help people, but not much is being done and it just continues to get worse. This leads to people thinking that nothing is being done and no one is being helped, even though they are!",p019_367 +368,80,p073,This is a sad story about a predominantly Muslim community in Burma that is fighting with the government and military of the region. They are under constant fear of attack. There are roadblocks so they can't get food in or get out to get food. The prices of goods that are within the area have also risen drastically. I can't imagine having to live in this type of situation.,p073_368 +369,80,p062,"I don't really care about this issue, in part because I don't even understand it. All these ethnic and religious conflicts with displaced people, governments cracking down, and terrorist groups--they just tire me after a while. I do tend to agree with the idea that these are internal matters, not international matters. Burma has a right to independence and to protect itself against deemed threats. The UN always wants to come in and defend the refugees and criticize the governments for not doing enough or for cracking down too hard on perceived threats. Why should a government not have the right to defend itself against existential threats? For the sake of some do-nothing, pompous, self-righteous group from the UN? Screw that.",p062_369 +370,80,p068,An article like this just make you so glad to live in the united states. Where everything is regulated and we have laws. I can not imagine living in a place where the governemnt and law can do anything they please without consequences. Soldiers raping women burning down houses all with out real cause. Any aid workers and doctors are treated very poorly so theres not enough to go around how does this civilzation survive. Crazy how far behind and uncivilized some places still are in 2019. I think more light needs to be shown on this as real people are hurting. Everyone deserves to feel safe in there country.,p068_370 +371,367,p022,"I think that after reading the article, it just confirms my views on war and terrorism. It has been going on for way too long and it really needs to come to an end. Innocent people are dying as well as getting killed. Families of these people are all grieving that they just lost a family member. Overall, it's terrible that this is still going on in the world today and there's nothing we can do about it.",p022_371 +372,367,p016,"It's amazing how statistics can show you how bad things are, but it's individual stories that really make you feel them. Like, reading about how 4,000 civilians have been killed in the crossfire? that's sad. But somehow reading about just one man, who ran an taxi service or a guy with an ice cream truck and leaving behind eight kids? Devastating.",p016_372 +373,367,p062,"I don't understand why we now try to fight wars without civilian casualities. War is inherently ugly. It's inherently dirty. You can't fight it ""nice."" You don't do that unless you don't want to win. You fight ugly and you fight hard. We didn't win World War 2 by playing nice. We nuked Japan twice. We leveled Germany. Civilians are targets, too. These Yemeni allowed a rebel group backed by iran to take over and are now causing threats to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis shouldn't have to protect Yemeni citizens at the expense of their own citizens. They should fight as hard and destructively as they want. Fight to win the war, not to not ruffle feathers. Idiocy.",p062_373 +374,367,p062,"I don't feel much sympathy at all in this situation. War is war. What some professor at Columbia says about how war should be fought is idiotic. What value are words in war? Pieces of paper? War should be fought to win. In World War II we leveled German cities and nuked Japan twice. We didn't concern ourselves with preventing civilian casualties. That would have seriously hindered us from winning the war, which should be the only point of going to war. In the same way, the Saudis and this coalition should not concern themselves with protecting somewhat complicit Yemenis when it hinders their effort to win the conflict. That should be the goal. The idea of fighting wars with tweezers to prevent collateral damage is absurd, even if it means people like this father of eight die.",p062_374 +375,367,p068,This is such a disturbing article to read through. You just cant help but feel for the families of the victims so brutually killed. How could this coalition have such a lack of care for human life. The fact that they hit near a humanitarian run hospital is despicable. I am in aw that the us would in any way help when there is faulty information and so much civilian life loss. I feel for all these people that are now injured and have to go hours away for medical help because they had to shut this hospital down.,p068_375 +376,91,p028,Hearing the story of the girl on dr phil was the most heartbreaking thing i have read recently. People who are victims of sexual abuse i always feel terrible for. But to be okay with the abuse of your children absolutely breaks me. How can you be parents and think that abusing your child is okay because of the money you will make from it. Disgusting and they both should have gone to prison longer than 20 years.,p028_376 +377,91,p068,"This article is so shocking and just stomach churning to me. How could your own flesh and blood do such horrible acts to you, a little girl. They stole her innocense and trust in people. They deserve life in jail the fact that they are out is just absurd. If they could do this to there own child i think they are to be considered at risk to other children and the community. It shows they have no moral compass and consious. I feel for that girl how you could ever live a normal life or create real relationships after being used for sex for so long is beyond me. I hope she has gotten appropriate therapy and other family to help her through. What a strong girl to go against her parents and stand up for herself.",p068_377 +378,91,p022,"This is a very disturbing article and i really hope that the girl grows up to be a decent person. What she had to go through was nothing that a child should ever have to go through. It was terrible and disturbing to say the least. Those two parents should be put in jail for their whole life or even the death sentence. The fact that thye can do this to a minor, let alone their own daughter, is so bad.",p022_378 +379,91,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel really disturbed. It's so disturbing that someone can do that to their own child. The fact that you are doing this to a child is already bad enough but to do it to your own child is downright disgusting. These people deserve the life sentence in my opinion. If you are able to do something like this, who knows what else you are capable of.",p022_379 +380,91,p039,This is pretty sick I can not believe that parents could be that sick but it must be white people they like to do sick perverted stuff like this they are the ones that ruin everything we need to really look at society and see how we need to improve the way that things are going into the world it is crazy,p039_380 +381,23,p068,This article just hits you when thinking about the victims and there last minutes. To be in a country set up like that after being involved in such a blast and being injured i would be mentally inconsolable and frightened as you cant rely on the medical emergency people and communication to save you I think that is why many tried running into the river. These poor people experienced un imaginable pain before dying. I think the site emergency repsonders who arrived at this seen with charred bodies everyhwere must have been traumautizing and to see humans suffering in such pain. I hope that there wernt more victims that ran into the woods and just died from extreme pain. I am horrified from this story.,p068_381 +382,23,p022,I feel really bad for the people that were involved in this accident. It was so terrible and so many lives were lost because of something so unexpected happening. It really makes me feel bad for the families of the ones that were lost as well. All of their lives will be impacted by this and will make living on much more harder.,p022_382 +383,23,p054,"There were seventy three people killed in a horrific accident in Mozambique when a fuel tanker exploded. There were seventy three residents gathered around the tanker waiting to buy fuel from the driver when the explosion suddenly happened, killing seventy three and injuring one hundred and ten people. This was a tragedy.",p054_383 +384,23,p035,"Sometimes living in the United States we forget how a lot of the people of the planet live. I would not think about buying fuel from a truck that stops in my community. We think of gas stations, not thinking that everybody in the world do not have access to a gas station. I feel sorry for the people who died and was hurt in the accident.",p035_384 +385,23,p010,This story in Caphiridzange is horrific. The tanker just pulled over to provide fuel to the residents of that region and it completely blew up hurting countless numbers of people. There were a couple of ideas that were suggested what caused it but nothing was specific. So many died and so many left injured. ,p010_385 +386,66,p029,"This really sounds like it could have been so much worse. Of course it is really sad for the people who lost their homes and the person in the hospital, but everyone made it out alive which is a miracle. Oftentimes in fires people do not make it, so I would say it is a blessing that they all have their lives. They will have to rebuild which will be stressful but at least they have each other and are alive. I think it is very fortunate that it turned out this way. I would say these people are lucky.",p029_386 +387,66,p016,"I've never been in a fire personally or really known about one, but I can't imagine how terrifying that would be. I kind of wonder how the people outside of the complex got hurt - I wonder if they were trying to get people out, or if some of the fire/debri came outside? Either way, it would be terrifying. I'm glad no one died.",p016_387 +388,66,p054,There were at least ten people hurt after a rather large apartment complex in Arizona caught on fire. The fire was caught on video. The fire chief stated that it was a total loss and that the fire had been started following an unexplained explosion. It took the fire department crews close to ten minutes to get the fire under control.,p054_388 +389,66,p010,This fire in the Arizona complex was so very scary. The entire building was a complete loss. It was great that the firemen rescued almost all of them without injuries except one that was sent to a burn unit. Watching all your possessions and your home burn is just very sad. I can't imagine replacing everything. ,p010_389 +390,66,p068,I feel so sad that this freak fire has effected so many people. It has ruined the owners property which has got to be a big financial loss. It also has displaced so many people who have lived here. They have lost everyhting in the fire and i cant imagine having to rebuild or having the money to replace all my stuff and stuff thats irreplacable like pictures. I feel grateful that people were hurt and no one was killed it could have been way worse. Hopefully everyone had renters insurance to help pay for some of the damages.,p068_390 +391,270,p029,"This is kinda sad because it is just a mass tragedy. So many lives lost, and it seems like it could have been so avoidable. It seems like mining is such a dangerous activity in general and a very dangerous job for those involved. It's sad for the families of these people that lost their lives, I feel bad for them. I wish that someone could have done more to save them before it was too late.",p029_391 +392,270,p068,"I feel so bad for the victims and the victims families. They were just doing there job and this careless explosion cause them to lose there lives. It is sad that they know how deadly and unsafe these worker conditions are but still have yet to close them. I am happy they are set to close around 1,000 but i think more has to be done. There should be a council and regulations set up like osha in the us to protect workers and make sure all precautions are being done to preserve human life. Now families are left without there sons fathers and incomes when they could have easily just shut this down. I hope for safer woring conditions in the future.",p068_392 +393,270,p024,"It is always depressing when things like this happen. I feel like the coal business has always been a very dangerous one and we need to be able to realize that no matter what we do to try and change things, they will somehow someway always be the old fashioned way with old fashioned dangers. I think we need to find a way these workers get safer jobs.",p024_393 +394,270,p030,"I just read an article about a mine collapse in China. Turns out there was a gas explosion and 33 workers were killed. I know that mining is a dangerous profession, but I can't imagine the instant of fear that comes before being incinerated. Then, there families have to wait weeks for their remains to be unearthed. The whole thing is really sad.",p030_394 +395,270,p010,"I really doubt the credibility of anything China says. They are always out for money, workers are in jobs that aren't save, people have no decisions made on their own. It's a communist country where the government rules. Living conditions are terrible and I don't believe the branch of government that is responsible for safe working conditions do anything. It's all just chatter for the rest of the world to rread.",p010_395 +396,368,p039,I don't know about these accusations it seems the women were having sex and then did not want to have sex its getting to the point where a guy should make women sign a sex waiver before engaging in any activity just for legal ramifications also they should video tape every sex act so men know that it was not rape,p039_396 +397,368,p024,These attacks on women seem to be more prevalent lately than not. I think with our current president and his feelings about women it has increased these attacks. We need to be aware of this and make the changes accordingly. We need to be able to prevent these attacks before they happen but finding out how to do that is the tough thing.,p024_397 +398,368,p016,"I'm so, so tired of rich white boys getting away with doing horrible things just because they're seen as ""respectable,"" and by respectable I mean ""absolute trash to women but men aren't scared so it's fine!"" It's like the Brock Turner rape case (the athlete) all over again. Women get targeted all the time and are scared to do so many things men just don't have to care about.",p016_398 +399,368,p035,"As a father of three girls, I hate to see stories like this one. I know in today's climate people can be convicted in the eyes of the public before an actually trial, but I think this guy did it. It is too many different women saying that he did the same thing to them. It is hard for me to see what any man gets from doing this. ",p035_399 +400,368,p019,"I feel so bad for this girl... and I bet you money that people will try to victim blame or twist this story/circumstance to make it seem like her fault, because she smoked some weed and had a few drinks. Even thought neither of those things are ever deserving of being raped or assualted. But that is the sad way the world works/thinks",p019_400 +401,92,p008,"That poor little boy. It must have been so distressing for the boy's parents to know exactly where he was and what had happened but be unable to reach their son. I can't imagine - it's like the ever-relevant phrase, ""so close, yet so far."" His poor dad, can't imagine turning my back for a second and losing my child forever.",p008_401 +402,92,p010,This little boy died in a well while he was helping his father harvest vegetables. It was large enough for him to fall only one foot but too small for all the adults. They tried to get him out for five days. His father had to entail that severe pain knowing it was just time. Over 500 volunteers tried to dig him out to get to the well. Just devastating.,p010_402 +403,92,p016,"I can't imagine losing a kid this way. 'Cause like... he'd be literally right there, you know? You could hear him if he said anything, maybe even see him if the whole was straight enough. But there'd be no way to get to him. Just forty feet away and your kid is dying. Ugh. I feel so bad for his dad, I hope he doesn't blame himself.",p016_403 +404,92,p073,"This is a story about a young boy who was helping his father in the fields and fell down a well. It was too narrow for an adult to go down so it took them four days to get to him. When they found him, he was dead. This is horrifying. I can't imagine how this boy felt being stuck in the well and how his family felt while trying to get to him.",p073_404 +405,92,p022,"After reading the article, you just can't help but feel really sad for the boy and his family. It's so sad because he was just doing his family a favor by harvesting crops when he fell. It's so unfortunate as well because he was so young and he had his whole life ahead of him. Hopefully his parents are able to move on with life peacefully.",p022_405 +406,331,p035,"As a father of three women, I hate that the gender gap is nowhere close to closing. I feel like it should be simple, equal pay for equal work. The world is a complex place and I'm glad that some nations are getting it and that they are closing the gender gap. I do still think there are some jobs are require more males than females and that it just because of physical strength.",p035_406 +407,331,p073,"This article was about gender gaps worldwide and especially in the US. It said that the gender gap in the United States is getting worse and is 45th in the rankings. The article didn't say anything about why the gender gap might be getting worse, like possibly more women wanting to stay home and raise families.",p073_407 +408,331,p010,This is a topic that never seems to get any better for women. Pay inequality has dropped to 45 for the United States. This is an embarrassing statistic. Fewer women are in the workforce and fewer women hold prestigious jobs. The misuse of women's education and value is so disheartening. US Stem Skills professions are not in a good place. Scandinavian countries hold the top 4 spots. The disparity in salaries is what it was in 2008. ,p010_408 +409,331,p030,I'm really not sure why men are so afraid of women in positions of power. My boss is a woman and she does her job effectively and interacts with people with good nature and aplomb. I think that breaking centuries old social norms and structures takes a lot of work that most humans are unwilling to do. It's like self help for an entire species.,p030_409 +410,331,p039,So who cares about women not getting paid as much as men they have to take into account the amount of time women waste getting their periods and being bitches during the month also they have babies and need to take time off to take care of the babies honestly they should just stay home and get me a beer.,p039_410 +411,112,p022,"After reading the article, i feel so bad for all the wildlife and fishes that are in the body of water that were affected by the spill. We are already harming the earth and it's inhabitants already by polluting the air but this just adds on to it. I really hope we can come to a day where we will be able to help animals instead of harming them.",p022_411 +412,112,p019,"It seems like we hear about this sort of thing all the time! It's becoming way to common. When will he stop ruining our oceans and oceanlife! When will a measure be put in place to prevent this or to diminish the occurance of it. It seems like we hear abuout it all the time, but we never hear about the punishment or what is being done to fix it. ",p019_412 +413,112,p064,"How unfortunate that the sea creatures that were already endangered in this area got harmed because of the diesel spill, it is great that it was cleaned up so quickly but it looks like the damaged is already done from the bad weather. Hopefully the company that was responsible for this got fined, these spills need to stop happening. ",p064_413 +414,112,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about a massive fuel leak in British Colombia. It is threatening all of the wildlife in the area, as well as the water. I am worried about this and hope there is a way to stop it before it gets out of hand.",p009_414 +415,112,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel disturbed at the fact that humans can do things like this to animals. Humans should be more aware of what they are doing and the fact that they can harm animals unintentionally. Humans should do more to help other living things on Earth because we are not the only things living here.",p022_415 +416,301,p029,"This is highly alarming and so unacceptable. Not only is it terrible that adults are using these ridiculous medications, but now they are allowing their babies to get into them and harm themselves. It's just outrageous, and they need to have stronger penalties for these people who are letting this happen. There is simply no excuse. Your drugs should be up in a cabinet locked far away from your children IF you choose to have drugs like that, which you really shouldn't be taking around a child anyway. Shame on these people.",p029_416 +417,301,p016,"I've heard a lot of about the opioid crisis, but it's usually been in regards to older people being prescribed poorly and getting addicted, so this came as a bit of a shock. It's so sad to think of a little kid getting ahold of something and having no idea what it is, and then they're just... gone. I feel so bad for their families.",p016_417 +418,301,p068,The whole drug topic really makes me sad as I had a mother who I saw unravel from being addicted to pain killers. I do wish they were prescriped less in our society and someone just made stronger doses of ibeuprofen. It is alarming how many people become addicted to these medicines. I thin there should be a something in place like a drug counselor to everyone who is prescribed so they can understand the signs of when it becomes addiction. The bottles should be better made now if children are being able to open them or they dont close all the way maybe a key or locking system can be made up. I have definitly seen way more about heroin overdose in my own suburbia it isnt disciminating agianst anyone it is sad it is ruining peoples lives.,p068_418 +419,301,p024,"I had to read this article over twice because toddlers overdosing on opioids is mind boggling! I wonder how and why they have access to this. I know its because sometimes parents drop these pills but if parents are that bad, why are they having kids in the first place? We need laws that test people before they have children in order to make sure they will be good parents.",p024_419 +420,301,p068,This article was so disturbing to read through. I feel like theres so many different levels to these happenings and something has to be done on each to prevent little children from getting these pills in there hands. On the level of the manufactorers we need to have way better packaging like codes the kids cant get into. Doctors prescribing these should ask if they have kids and tell them preventetive measures that should be taken to reduce the risk of exposure. Parents need to have a better understanding how easy it is for kids to get into these and die. So senseless dying of something so easy to prevent.,p068_420 +421,133,p029,"Wow this is unbelievable, who on earth would do something like this to a harmless flamingo for no reason? This guy is obviously depraved and has serious issues. They need to punish him to the full extent of the law so he does not harm other animals or people. I can't believe someone would do this to a living creature without provocation and just for the sick thrill of it apparently. How very tragic and sad this is.",p029_421 +422,133,p062,"This story makes me feel very bad. I've never understood wanton cruelty like this, sadism it seems. Harming something simply for the sake of harming it. I read a book suggesting that animal cruelty at zoos is surprisingly common. I'm not sure if that's true but I certainly thought about it as I read this. And again, I don't understand it. Maybe it's related to hunting, which I've also never fully understood. Like, if you're hunting to eat I get it. And believe me, I understand ""sport."" But I don't know what the sport is in hiding in the bushes and then shooting something that doesn't know you're there. Anyway, this is similarly pointless and makes me feel terrible. I imagine the guy breaking the flamingos long neck. Just pointless and awful.",p062_422 +423,133,p019,"I don't get why people think it's ok to act this way? Why would you hurt any sort of animal? It makes me wonder this guys mental state and what else he has done, because if he thinks this is ok to do to a flamingo out in the public, then what does he think it's ok to do to another animal or even a human behind closed doors? ",p019_423 +424,133,p010,"The depravity that goes on in this world is alarming at best. At Busch Gardens, Joseph Anthony Corrao, picked up a flamingo named Pinky and threw her to the ground. Her injuries were so bad that she was euthanized. Pinky was famous for a dance she just did on her own and welcomed visitors sometimes. ",p010_424 +425,133,p010,What is human nature coming to? Zoo visitors attacking the wildlife and inflicting such horrendous injuries that she had to be put down. I can't imagine what in the world that would cause a human being to do that. His bond was too low. It should be very high. Laws are so ridiculous. We do the laws that should not be on the books. ,p010_425 +426,397,p022,"After reading the article, my heart just breaks for all the wildlife that was affected. I believe it is mostly human fault that this is happening in the first place. The animals as well as wildlife needs to affected because of the bad decisions we make. It is terrible and i feel like it's time for humans to make a change to really help other living things.",p022_426 +427,397,p016,"It's crazy how many creatures are dying from the river drying up, but it just goes to show you how important water is. I think we often take water for granted in the US (or at least, in parts of the US), so we don't think about how precious it is. It's insane that that one species was almost entirely gone because of it.",p016_427 +428,397,p024,We need to do more to protect the wildlife in this world. The fact that we let rivers and land go so littered with these carcasses but do nothing to try and help alleviate the situation. We need to do better. I think with time we might improve on this but I won't get my hopes up. We as humans are not the most caring species it seems.,p024_428 +429,397,p073,This is an article about wildlife dying in Paraguay because of drought and mismanagement of the water resources. The area doesn't get water year round so they have to find ways to save water for the dry months. The dry area is between Argentina and Paraguay and currently Argentina has figured out ways to make the water last for them and is essentially taking the water and leaving the other side dry. I think it's sad and scary for the wildlife in the area.,p073_429 +430,397,p029,This was sad and I hope they can do something about it. I hate that the wildlife is suffering since it is so innocent. Maybe the government should make more efforts to fix this situation or at least improve it. I get that it takes resources to do things but maybe they could find some small way to make a difference. It seems like the ecosystem is in serious danger if nothing is done so someone needs to act fast for the sake of the animals who are helpless victims of this situation.,p029_430 +431,13,p030,"It seems like every other day you hear about a drone attack in the middle east that has killed innocent people. Frankly, I could care less about the number of American soldiers who are killed in conflicts overseas. They knew what they signed up for and they paid the ultimate price in service of their country. These entire families that are being killed and maimed did absolutely nothing to deserve this kind of treatment.",p030_431 +432,13,p022,I think that this whole war situation just needs to stop. People are dying left and right. There are innocent bystanders that are getting killed as well because of the actions of others. It is not fair and it is not right that innocent people need to be killed. It is also sad for the fmailies of these American soldiers as well having to see this news.,p022_432 +433,13,p020,It id very troubling how many innocent people are dying from events that did not need to happen. The air stroke that struck the wrong area and accidentlally hit a hospital killing dozens really seems sketchy. There is no regard for human life and that is truly scary. We never hear about this in the new and it is just a normal occurrence there.,p020_433 +434,13,p063,"I can't bleieve we're still dealing with this shit in Afghanistan. I also really don't blame the peope there for developing a hatred of the US and the Western Powers. With all these strikes ending up with their civilians dead, I would probably have animosity towards the invaders who only want my oil money, too.",p063_434 +435,13,p054,Two US troops and twenty six Afghan civilians were killed and many others were injured following an airstrike that occurred early on Thursday while NATO and afghan forces were battling Taliban fighters in the northern Kunduz province. The capital had recently been overrun with insurgents last month from nearby areas.,p054_435 +436,308,p067,"Wow, I had no idea squirrels had leprosy. That's crazy. And it's the same type that afflicts humans? I didn't think it was a very big problem or something worth paying attention to though. I wonder if this article is really true. It probably is. Leprosy is a pretty sad disease since it makes people nto feel pain and injure themselves.",p067_436 +437,308,p068,This article really brings you back down to earth. It shows everything in science is not correct and there is still much for us to learn. It is scary that these animals were never known to carry this disease and now they do and I wonder if somewhere someone mutated there genes and now there are many out there spreading the disease. It is so sad these little guys much be in so much pain at the end and theres nothing they can do to alleviate it. I hope somehow they do more research to find some way to stop the spread of it before the whole species goes extinct. I feel grateful this conservationist is the one who noticed and gained more attention for the cause as other people came forward witht the same concerns.,p068_437 +438,308,p024,We need to run more tests on other animals and see what they carry as well. I think the fact that we are just barely now finding this out is troublesome. With the millions of different animal species around the world there is a guarantee that they carry more diseases that we are not aware of as well.,p024_438 +439,308,p063,"I guess i hope those red squireels are going to be ok. to be honest, i don't reallllyyy care thaaaat much, but I don't want to see them go. I like keeping as many species of animals around as possible for our future generations to be in awe of. It's unfortunate that humans keep fucking it up for native species.",p063_439 +440,308,p068,"Articles like this really scare me. You have a disease that spreads with so much mystery behind it that it is hard to contain or stop it. So many poor little creatures are at risk for this and that makes me feel so sad. They die such a painful death or have a very bad quality of life. More should be done to aid these animals and get help, more protocal if you see an animal like this to help stop it from spreading the disease.",p068_440 +441,7,p022,"After reading the article, my heart just breaks for the people that are affected by this. Not only are innocent people being killed daily but also little children as well as babies. These children do not deserve this and it's sad because they have their whole lives ahead of them. I really hope that war will end one day although it is looking unlikely.",p022_441 +442,7,p029,"This is terribly disturbing. It is horribly clear that the military actions in this area are directly affecting families and children which is just horrifying. These are innocent victims who have nothing to do with this whole conflict and it is totally unfair that they should have to suffer as a result. I think that something desperately needs to be done here, but what to do is the big question. This area is always full of conflict thanks to terrorist forces and groups. We have been there trying to help for so many years and it seems like nothing ever gets any better.",p029_442 +443,7,p035,Living in a war tore country must be horrible. I feel the pain of all the lost. Having air strikes hit your home has to be horrible and seeing love ones buried under what is left from your home is also horrible. I do not wish this on anybody. I hope that the country can find peace and the people can return to a normal life.,p035_443 +444,7,p068,This is such a hard read. I cant imagine living in a war torn place where everyday you fear for your life. How sad these people died such a horrible hard death. The mother and sister have to live and rebuild there life without the kids and husband. How do you even go on after such a thing. There needs to be more aid and relief and stop all the bombing and violence. It is such a silly way to die over nothing. ,p068_444 +445,7,p019,"This kind of this is so so sad to read about! I can't imagine living somewhere like that, where destruction can just happen so suddenly. It would be nerve wracking. I can't imagine trying to recover after devestation like that either... it would be so hard. Those people are strong willed I will give them that! ",p019_445 +446,11,p016,"I hate senseless violence like this so much, when the people that are dying aren't even the ones involved in the conflicts and are just minding their own business. Like, these are people just walking home or making bread or getting water for their families and then they're just... gone. It isn't fair.",p016_446 +447,11,p039,These people are always bombing each other I say let them nuke each other the planet could use a good depopulation There are too many Indians running around already and we don't need more of them a bonus would be that Pakisatnis are mostly muslim so there would less terrorism if they died in a nuclear war.,p039_447 +448,11,p024,The fact that 13 civilians were killed shows that this rivalry between India and Pakistan is something that needs to be fixed. They were killed in Pakistan land as well and India should be the one to blame here if what they're saying is true. Surgical strike was also launched and I don't know if that can be justified.,p024_448 +449,11,p035,Living in a war tore country must be horrible. I feel the pain of all the lost. Having air strikes hit your home has to be horrible and seeing love ones buried under what is left from your home is also horrible. I do not wish this on anybody. I hope that the country can find peace and the people can return to a normal life.,p035_449 +450,11,p068,"It is so sad the uprest that is happening in the middle east right now. I dont understand how cultures that rely on peace and light like india are involved in such violence. They need to have a meeting with leaders and figure things out diplomatically. I think war is just to tossed around over there when you have innocent victims and civilians being killed. They need to do things like trump be firm and have sanctions build walls but dont rely on iolence to get your way. The fact that the cease fire was broken and both sides have nuclear weapons scares me, that there is no line that they can not cross or break.",p068_450 +451,182,p019,"I can't imagine the kind of person that would do this to a sweet cute innocent kitten. Not only did they dump it on the side of the road, which is one kind of evil, but they tortured it in the process. Who ties up a kitten like that? It's so easy now a days if you don't want a kitten, put it on facebook or cragslist to get rid of it. ",p019_451 +452,182,p062,"This is a disturbing story and I feel badly for the kitten who was obviously abused and presumably tortured. I assume this was done by a psychopath who likes sadistic things. Those people exist and aren't all that rare, so this type of thing doesn't totally surprise me, although it's still disturbing and chilling. However, the tone of this article and these people is absurd. They want equality for all living things. So, what, that means I'll be charged with murder if I swat a fly? If a dog kills a child they'll be arrested, read their Miranda rights and be appointed an attorney? People are stupid. It reduces the empathy and sympathy I feel when I read a story like this.",p062_452 +453,182,p068,This story really just hit me in the gut I did not want to even read any further. These stories disturb me for months I can't stand animal abuse. It is scary to think of the lack of remorse people like this have while doing it they are purely evil and should not be allowed to live in society. This poor kitten suffered so much before it's death. It was so deliberate to not only get rid of the animal but to hurt it also. They were right by a shelter if they did not want the animal they could have brought it there. I can't imagine the pain that animal felt as it took its last breath and that truly hurts my heart. There needs to be more actions taken against animal abusers so they dont do this to more animals.,p068_453 +454,182,p029,"Wow, this is unbelievable!!! Who would do something like this to a tiny harmless kitten? I'm shocked and thoroughly disgusted that someone would even be able to go through the actions to harm a kitten like this. It is just sickening and hopefully they can find this person and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, this is just outrageous and ridiculous. It sounds like a precursor to serial killer behavior, honestly, because who does something like that except an extremely depraved person?",p029_454 +455,182,p019,"I hate reading stories like this... I don't get how there are still people in the world that can do this to an innocent animal... And not even just dumping it on the side of the road, that's one thing, but tying it up just to make it suffer? That is some pretty sick stuff. This person obviously is not mentally sound",p019_455 +456,371,p019,"Another story about police brutality... I'm not surprised. While it does sound like this individual was giving the police a harder time than was needed, they are the professionals here and need to act like it. I don't think what she was doing warranted getting punched in the face. That is not a professional measure to subdue someone. ",p019_456 +457,371,p039,cops can do and say whatever they want with impunity they have a serious problem with power and most are stupid with very low iq also they are on steroids so that makes them even more aggresive add to that most people hate them they should really be trained better they are so dumb and idiotic I hate them,p039_457 +458,371,p029,"I feel like there is more to this story. Apparently the officer was trying to protect himself because she was punching and kicking him to try to resist arrest. That doesn't make it okay for him to punch her in the face, though, he should have been more professional. But he is human and it might have been his first instinct, who knows. I saw that she is suing the city for a million dollars, I bet she is trying to bank on this whole incident. I don't know how I feel about this really. I don't feel much sympathy for the woman.",p029_458 +459,371,p036,"A woman was arrested for assault, and during the arrest, the officer punches her in the face. The police department acknowledges this and it was captured on camera by several onlookers for the incident. Even the children witnessed the incident occur. It isn't clear if they even had a legitimate reason to arrest her.",p036_459 +460,371,p024,I feel like this is another example of why the police need to be better trained! It is as important as drinking water everyday to live that a cop be trained to the best of ways possible. There is no way a cop should be punching a woman in the face! I feel like a parrot repeating this over and over throughout the years but enough is enough.,p024_460 +461,18,p068,I really feel for these soldiers on both side american and jordanian. It seems like it was a tough call because we are there allies and the us soldiers should have followed protocol by stopping.If it was a miscommunication I hope they take steps to make sure this doesnt happen again as fighting and killing eachother is a waste that needs to be for the bad guys. I can understand with the jordian people being on high alert with syrian suicide bombers attacking them earlier. I wonder if it was a miscommunication or somehow the soldiers flipped into that bad guys. Either way I hope a full investigaton is done to try and prevent anything of this nature from happening in the future. ,p068_461 +462,18,p019,"I think things like this are terrifying, especially because it seems like things are just starting to heat up in Syria and we haven't even started sending that many troops over there. It makes me nervous that it's going to be another long war and one that will will fight for seemingly no real benefit of our own. ",p019_462 +463,18,p024,I think anytime somebody dies because of gunfire it is terrible. This case in particular is interesting because the deaths happened at some security units. They failed to stop at the gate and were shot. I believe maybe it was a mistake on their part and this happened unfortunately. It is quite bad but these things happen.,p024_463 +464,18,p039,I don't know why we have a need to put our troops in all these different countries our army should be used to protect our borders and defend against enemy attacks on the homeland the time for us to be the policemen of the world is over there are places here that look like its a third world country bring all our troops home,p039_464 +465,18,p064,"It is pretty alarming that an accident like this could happen, to me it seems like an accident but you never know. It's so sad that three soldiers lost their life due to a miscommunication, US is doing a favor to them by helping and they do not seem to fully appreciate that, they need to be more careful with their allies. ",p064_465 +466,326,p039,I think it is very funny that the Jews did not want Trump. I think this is a lie I think they are very happy that Trump won the presidency they talk out of both sides of their mouth all day they are permitted to lie to non jews and that is perfectly acceptable according to the Torah they are cheaters,p039_466 +467,326,p035,"I did not know that the Trump election hit the Jewish community that hard. I guess if my family went through what happened during world war 2, I would also be on the look out for history to repeat it self. I wish that all the communities that were mentioned in the article would band together to support each other. ",p035_467 +468,326,p022,"After reading the article, it's easy to understand the anger and confusion for the Jewish people towards electing Trump as president. They are still thinking about their history and what happened to them back then. It's easy to understand why they don't believe in some of the same principals as others. I think Jewish people still need to be helped in the future.",p022_468 +469,326,p068,"I feel for anyone feeling targeted or unsafe under this president in office. I find that alot of worries are just fear mongering from liberal media. I think this happens with any president I know many whites were afraid of obama being in office and only serving african americans and same here they believe trump only will help out upper white class. But this just is not the case people need to be open and see he is actually helping many diverse communities and make us be one instead of dividing and hating. Also, I think it is right that more of the illigal immigrants should be worried as he directly said he is going after them which is just since they are breaking out us laws. ",p068_469 +470,326,p010,"Another article about politics slamming one side or the other. The article refers to America has to heal. The only way it can heal is people have to quit thinking about me, me, me, and look out for the nation and others. It seems it just comes down to what vitriol will be posted to some social media site. People are numb to all of it yet all the national media continues to support one side or the other and not see it as what it is. ",p010_470 +471,297,p022,"After reading the article, you can't help but feel bad for the people that were involved in the train crash. IT was a freak accident and something you can't control. It 's just sad because they had to leave all of their family behind and their lives will most likely never be the same. While reading it, i felt really worried because it could happen to anyone.",p022_471 +472,297,p026,"I just read this article about a train crash. They don't know what caused it, but several people were killed and many more were injured. There was an interview with one of the people on the train and they said that the train started to rock back and forth and it wouldn't stop. That must have been terrifying. It makes me not want to travel by train, even though I now these types of events are rare. I wish there were better regulations about transportation safety.",p026_472 +473,297,p069,"This is a very bad tragic all the people that that was on that train died families was lost cause of this. I know how the mother's fathers aunt sisters etc... must feel to lose there loved ones to never kiss them goodnight. Husband and wife split apart cause this wreck and for the survivors, I know they must have been scared after this happen my heart goes out to everyone affected.",p069_473 +474,297,p030,It's amazing to me that you hear more about train crashes than you do about plane crashes. I just read about a train derailment in Spain that killed 50 people. The way it was described is that the train started swaying and just didn't stop until it was on its side. I can't imagine the dread that must have come over people as each sway became more pronounced. Terrifying.,p030_474 +475,297,p062,"It must be terrifying to be in a trail derailment like that. Every mode of transportation is dangerous in some way, but I think trains feel particularly safe. And yet they're these enormous things with tremendous momentum and when they get off the tracks the result can be devastating. They use plenty of trains though in europe so eventually something like that will happen. I just never quite understand why trains derail nowadays. Sort of seems strange that they're capable of going fast enough to derail themselves. I guess if the tracks get damaged maybe that could do it. But I still don't understand it. Train derailments always puzzle me and seem shocking because they seem like they should never happen.",p062_475 +476,53,p068,"This article is very interesting to me. I think alot of consumers have a lack of education when it comes to food, food safety, labeling, and disposal. If it was more well know what expiration dates and use by dates mean im sure more people would throw less away. People need to figure out proper ways of handling food instead of thinking everything will give them a food borne illness. More compost piles should be put into place instead of throwing food into landfills. I have seen many more ads on tv for food waste and think this is a great step for awareness. I think most people are just ignorant to it because they thin its natural it wont cause any harm to the enviroment to throw it away.",p068_476 +477,53,p064,"I think that it is shocking that people waste so much food yet think that everybody is wasting more food than them. I go to the grocery store and see how much stuff people have in their carts and how much money they spend so it's no shock to me that people waste so much food, there is no way they can eat it all. Maybe they are not aware that they are wasting so much food and how bad it is for the environment. ",p064_477 +478,53,p019,"I am definiltly guilty of wasting food. I buy it all with the best of intentions, but either don't use as much as I need, or end up eating out and not cooking at home a night or two a week, thus wasting all the food I bought for those specific meals. It's definitly sad how much money and resources we was on this, where there really is very little reason forit. ",p019_478 +479,53,p030,"I just read an article about the amount of food that Americans waste. I knew that it was high, but I never imagined the numbers that people have been putting up for the last few years. Did you know there are people who refuse to eat leftovers? What kind of first world dystopia do we live in where people won't eat food that isn't straight out of the kitchen?",p030_479 +480,53,p035,"I think that food waste is a large problem. I think that American's are lucky to be in position of having more food than they need, but we do need to start thinking about the environment. I was surprised that the wasted money factor did not get more people to monitor the amount of food waste that they generated. ",p035_480 +481,292,p068,"I know it is odd but I always feel a sense of compassion for these shooters. Yes they are evil and need to be punished but thinking of what lead them to try and kill innocent people they must have had something horrible in there life happen or been in a very toxic enviroment. There should be more talks of mental health and treatment for people instead of banning guns. There should be training for people who sell guns to ask questions or maybe just assess mental health a bit before people can buy the guns. This was also odd because he was older 70 years old,and hispanic I wonder if the tension and state of the US made him angered and want to carry out this act.",p068_481 +482,292,p031,"It's amazing that people still debate the issue of gun rights. If someone had a gun at that station, they would have taken out the crazy lunatic who opened fire. Instead, there was one tragic fatality, a 70-year old man, an innocent life taken out so suddenly and he did not deserve this end, I'm sure. People need to stop this political correctness and resort back to logic: we need to protect ourselves and our families, no ifs or buts! There is no time to rely on the police or the government to bail us out-our sefty is in our own hands people!",p031_482 +483,292,p062,"This story basically didn't bother me at all, except for the fact that the media seemed to unnecessarily conflate the shooting with the election, even when they later admit that the shooting had nothing to do with the election. There weren't many details in the story about why the shooter did what he did. Was he targeting someone in particular? Or did the old guy who died just get unlucky? I guess the implication is that this was, or was supposed to be, a mass shooting. Then again, i don't trust the media to report accurately on these things, or truthfully. Not that they outright lie. But they imply and conflate and do all sorts of disingenuous things. I have no idea what this shooting was and honestly do not care.",p062_483 +484,292,p019,"I wish this article had given us more info. Were there any people hurt? Where did this shooting take place exactly? I'm honestly a bit glad the guy killed himself, one because he can't hurt anyone else that way. And two because that way a police officer does not have to deal with the trauma of killing someone. ",p019_484 +485,292,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the whole situation. I find that it's terrible that people are okay with shooting police now. I feel like people should see the police as more of help instead of the enemies. I also feel bad for police because they are just doing their jobs but they are getting killed for it.",p022_485 +486,395,p068,This article just really hits you in the gut. How horrible is it that many families look perfect online but struggle in silence behidn closed doors. It seems the mom was going through alot of mental health issues and health issues with the baby that it took a tole on the relationship and maybe he was trying to hold onto something that was over with. She was married at such a young age i can see that being a reason to want something new we all grow. He seemed like if he couldnt have them he didnt want anyone else to. I feel so bad for the children who has nothing to do with this lost there lives so young. The police must have been traumatized by the scene they walked into.,p068_486 +487,395,p035,"I know that the cousin said not to judge Mark, but he did wrong. No matter how he felt he should have not killed his wife and children. As a father myself, I feel my job is to protect my children at all times. I wish he would have seen a bright future of his children even if he was not married to his wife. ",p035_487 +488,395,p030,"I just read a story about an apparent murder suicide in which the husband of a family of five killed his wife, three children and their dog. Their marriage was apparently going through a rough spot after having a child with a congenital heart defect and the husband just couldn't bear the thought of living without his wife. They seemed relatively happy on the exterior. It just goes to show that you can never really know what is going on behind the scenes.",p030_488 +489,395,p068,Anything like what is in this article is so horrifying to me. How could a parent take the life of there child. How could a husband take the life of there wife. I can undertand people who commit sucide but to kill the whole family even the dog that is just evil. I think more help and mental reach out should be offered in communities to men. They bottle things up and this is what happens. Men are not allowed to show emotions and then they let it out in violence. I wish this woman had been able to escape sooner her and her children would still be around. ,p068_489 +490,395,p022,"After reading the article, i couldn't help but feel really disturbed. I can't believe that anyone can kill their whole family like that including their own dog. I feel that people like that are really messed up in the head. If you are willing to kill yourself, you should probably leave your family alone because killing them really does nothing. It's very and disturbing.",p022_490 +491,218,p030,"I just read an article about the amount of lead in American water. Apparently. the problem goes beyond the situation in Flint, Michigan. I think that in the coming years the availability of clean water is going to be severely restricted. People are going to be migrating from all over just to get closer to untainted aquifers.",p030_491 +492,218,p025,I just read an article about lead levels in water. I had thought that the water crisis in Flint was just some one off incident. It turns out that it isn't just a one off incident and that it is much worse than the government is leading us to believe. A report recently done shows that more than 18 million Americans are served drinking water by providers that have violated federal laws concerning lead in water. You might ask what the government is doing about these violations. The answer is that they are not doing much. Out of all of these violations only 3% were ever made to pay any sort of retribution for their carelessness. Something needs to be done and it needs to be done soon. ,p025_492 +493,218,p009,"Dear friend, I have just read an article about something that has disturbed me. It is about the water crisis going on in Flint and other places in America. I could not imagine not having access to clean water. ",p009_493 +494,218,p068,This story is really horrifying to me. Knowing how bad lead is for people especially children this article is suprising. The fact that this seems so hush hish i scary. I am very glad I have been drinking bottled water for my family. I do not trust the government and this shows why. How could levels be so high and nothing be done and consumers not know. We are poisoning ourselves and familys and not even know. Something needs to be done to fix this issue!,p068_494 +495,218,p035,I feel that this will become a national problem soon. I feel that the pipes that built America are getting old and that many cities will suffer the same issues as Flint Michigan. I hope that the people in charge of these cities will be punished for their crimes in my opinion. I believe they knew it was wrong and turned a blind eye.,p035_495 +496,103,p020,The whole situation is sketchy. The wavering rulings of death is weird. From blunt force trauma to heart attack and alcohol poisonoing. It just does not make any sense this totally look like a cover up in my opinion. There have been known instances where Russia has attempted to kill people they did not want to release information.,p020_496 +497,103,p019,"An option for this very well may be that the man was so drunk, and he was so out of it, that he went into his hotel room and banged around/fell or did something stupid to accidentally kill himself. He also could have very well done this on purpose too. Or the other option is that someone killed him. Either way, it's a sad waste of life. ",p019_497 +498,103,p054,The death of a former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin was recently ruled accidental. The aide was found in a hotel room in Washington DC and had suffered head injuries related to an accidental fall following days of heavy and excessive drinking. The hotel was the Dupont Circle Hotel which is an upscale hotel.,p054_498 +499,103,p068,"Everything about Russia really freaks me out. I think this country really needs to be cut off until they can be a more peaceful society. It is scary that dictators with such control can still be in power in twenty nineteen. Putin is so evil, and I am guessing so many people were threatened to do this cover up. People should not be able to just take someone out just because they go against a governing power. If he can do this to his own people I fear what he could do to the world. He has way to much power in my belief and needs to be over thrown. ",p068_499 +500,103,p035,"Whenever Russia and Putin are involved I do not trust what is being said. The story about him being drunk and drinking all day sounds weird. I do not see how he falls and hits his head and then falls over and over causing harm all over his body. I think they was killed, but I do not know why. I feel bad for his family.",p035_500