<gh_stars>10-100 import { VStack, Flex, Heading, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { DataTable } from 'chakra-data-table'; import { LinkButton } from 'chakra-next-link'; import { NextPage } from 'next'; import Head from 'next/head'; import React from 'react'; import { Layout } from '../../shared/components/Layout'; import { useSponsorsQuery } from 'generated/graphql'; export const SponsorsPage: NextPage = () => { const { loading, error, data } = useSponsorsQuery(); return ( <> <Head> <title>Sponsors</title> </Head> <Layout> <VStack> <Flex w="full" justify="space-between"> <Heading id="page-heading">Sponsors</Heading> <LinkButton href="/dashboard/sponsors/new">Add new</LinkButton> </Flex> {loading ? ( <Heading> Loading Sponsors...</Heading> ) : error || !data?.sponsors ? ( <> <Heading>Error while loading sponsors</Heading> <Text> {error?.name}:{error?.message} </Text> </> ) : ( <DataTable tableProps={{ table: { 'aria-labelledby': 'page-heading' } }} data={data.sponsors} keys={['name', 'type', 'website', 'actions'] as const} mapper={{ name: (sponsor) => ( <LinkButton href={`/dashboard/sponsors/${}`}> {} </LinkButton> ), type: (sponsor) => sponsor.type, website: (sponsor) =>, actions: (sponsor) => ( <LinkButton colorScheme="green" size="xs" href={`/dashboard/sponsors/${}/edit`} > Edit </LinkButton> ), }} /> )} </VStack> </Layout> </> ); };
import { ObjectType, Field, Int } from 'type-graphql'; import { User } from './User'; // registerEnumType(ChapterRoles, { name: 'ChapterRoles' }); // TODO: Make this enum export type ChapterRoles = 'organizer' | 'member'; @ObjectType() export class UserChapterRole { @Field(() => Int) user_id: number; @Field(() => Int) chapter_id: number; @Field(() => User) user: User; @Field(() => Boolean) interested: boolean; }
<reponame>carlosrojaso/chapter import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'; import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; import { prisma } from '../../../src/prisma'; const { company, address } = faker; const createVenues = async (): Promise<number[]> => { const venueIds: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const venueData: Prisma.venuesCreateInput = { name: company.companyName(), city:, region: address.state(), postal_code: address.zipCode(), country:, street_address: Math.random() > 0.5 ? address.streetAddress() : undefined, }; // TODO: batch this once createMany returns the records. const venue = await prisma.venues.create({ data: venueData }); venueIds.push(; } return venueIds; }; export default createVenues;
import { ObjectType, Field, Int } from 'type-graphql'; import { User } from '.'; @ObjectType() export class Rsvp { @Field(() => Int) user_id: number; @Field(() => Int) event_id: number; @Field(() => Date) date: Date; @Field(() => Boolean) on_waitlist: boolean; @Field(() => Date, { nullable: true }) confirmed_at: Date | null; @Field(() => Boolean) canceled: boolean; } @ObjectType() export class RsvpWithUser extends Rsvp { @Field(() => User) user: User; }
<reponame>carlosrojaso/chapter<filename>server/src/controllers/Messages/resolver.ts import { Resolver, Mutation, Arg } from 'type-graphql'; import MailerService from '../../services/MailerService'; import { Email } from './Email'; import { SendEmailInputs } from './inputs'; @Resolver() export class EmailResolver { @Mutation(() => Email) async sendEmail( @Arg('data') data: SendEmailInputs, ): Promise<Email> { const email = new MailerService(, data.subject, data.html); await email.sendEmail(); return { ourEmail: email.ourEmail, emailList: email.emailList, subject: email.subject, htmlEmail: email.htmlEmail, backupText: email.backupText, }; } }
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'; import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; import { sub } from 'date-fns'; import { prisma } from '../../../src/prisma'; import { random, randomItems } from '../lib/random'; import { makeBooleanIterator } from '../lib/util'; const { date } = faker; const createRsvps = async (eventIds: number[], userIds: number[]) => { const rsvps: Prisma.rsvpsCreateManyInput[] = []; const userEventRoles: Prisma.user_event_rolesCreateManyInput[] = []; const eventReminders: Prisma.event_remindersCreateManyInput[] = []; const eventIterator = makeBooleanIterator(); for (const eventId of eventIds) { const eventUserIds = randomItems(userIds, userIds.length / 2); const numberWaiting = 1 + random(eventUserIds.length - 2); const numberCanceled = 1 + random(eventUserIds.length - numberWaiting - 1); // makes sure half of each event's users are organisers, but // alternates which half. const organizerIterator = makeBooleanIterator(; for (let i = 0; i < eventUserIds.length; i++) { const on_waitlist = i < numberWaiting; const canceled = !on_waitlist && i < numberWaiting + numberCanceled; const rsvp = { event_id: eventId, user_id: eventUserIds[i], date: date.future(), on_waitlist, canceled, confirmed_at: new Date(), }; const role = { user_id: eventUserIds[i], event_id: eventId, role_name: ? 'organizer' : 'attendee', subscribed: true, // TODO: have some unsubscribed users }; if (role.subscribed && !rsvp.on_waitlist && !rsvp.canceled) { const event = await{ where: { id: eventId }, }); if (!event.canceled) { const reminder = { event_id: eventId, user_id: eventUserIds[i], notifying: false, remind_at: sub(event.start_at, { days: 1 }), }; eventReminders.push(reminder); } } rsvps.push(rsvp); userEventRoles.push(role); } } try { await prisma.rsvps.createMany({ data: rsvps }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error('Error seeding rsvps'); } try { await prisma.event_reminders.createMany({ data: eventReminders }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error('Error seeding event reminders'); } try { await prisma.user_event_roles.createMany({ data: userEventRoles }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error('Error seeding user-event-roles'); } }; export default createRsvps;
import assert from 'assert'; import chai, { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub, restore } from 'sinon'; import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'; import MailerService from '../src/services/MailerService'; import Utilities from '../src/util/Utilities'; chai.use(sinonChai); beforeEach(() => { stub(console, 'warn'); }); afterEach(() => { // Restore the default sandbox here restore(); }); // Setup const emailAddresses = [ '<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', ]; const subject = 'Welcome To Chapter!'; const htmlEmail = '<div><h1>Hello Test</h1></div>'; const backupText = 'Email html failed to load'; describe('MailerService Class', () => { it('Should assign the email username, password, and service to transporter', () => { const mailer = new MailerService( emailAddresses, subject, htmlEmail, backupText, ); const { auth, service } = mailer.transporter.options as any; assert.equal(service, mailer.emailService); assert.equal(auth.user, mailer.emailUsername); assert.equal(auth.pass, mailer.emailPassword); }); it('Should correctly instantiate values', () => { const mailer = new MailerService( emailAddresses, subject, htmlEmail, backupText, ); assert.equal(subject, mailer.subject); assert.equal(htmlEmail, mailer.htmlEmail); assert.equal(backupText, mailer.backupText); expect(emailAddresses).to.have.members(mailer.emailList); }); it('Should provide a blank string if backup text is undefined', () => { const mailer = new MailerService(emailAddresses, subject, htmlEmail); assert.equal(mailer.backupText, ''); }); it('Should log a warning if emailUsername, emailPassword, or emailService is not specified', () => { stub(Utilities, 'allValuesAreDefined').callsFake(() => false); new MailerService(emailAddresses, subject, htmlEmail); expect(console.warn).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); });
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'; import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; import { prisma } from '../../../src/prisma'; import { randomEnum } from '../lib/random'; const { company, internet, system } = faker; enum SponsorTypes { 'FOOD', 'VENUE', 'OTHER', } const createSponsors = async (): Promise<number[]> => { const sponsors: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const name = company.companyName(); const website = internet.url(); const logo_path = system.commonFileName('png'); const type = String(randomEnum(SponsorTypes)); const sponsorData: Prisma.sponsorsCreateInput = { name, website, logo_path, type, }; // TODO: batch this once createMany returns the records. const sponsor = await prisma.sponsors.create({ data: sponsorData }); sponsors.push(; } return sponsors; }; export default createSponsors;
import { Field, ObjectType, Float } from 'type-graphql'; import { BaseObject } from './BaseObject'; @ObjectType() export class Venue extends BaseObject { @Field(() => String) name: string; @Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) street_address?: string | null; @Field(() => String) city: string; @Field(() => String) postal_code: string; @Field(() => String) region: string; @Field(() => String) country: string; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) latitude?: number | null; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) longitude?: number | null; }
import { Event, Venue, SponsorsQuery, EventTag, } from '../../../../generated/graphql'; export interface Field { key: keyof EventFormData; label: string; placeholder?: string; type: string; defaultValue?: string; isRequired: boolean; } export type sponsorType = { name: string; logo_path: string; website: string; type: string; id: number; }; export interface EventSponsorTypeInput { name: string; type: string; } export const sponsorTypes: EventSponsorTypeInput[] = [ { name: 'Food', type: 'FOOD', }, { name: 'Venue', type: 'VENUE', }, { name: 'Other', type: 'OTHER', }, ]; export interface EventSponsorInput { id: number; type: string; } export const fields: Field[] = [ { key: 'name', type: 'text', label: 'Event title', placeholder: '<NAME>', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'description', type: 'textarea', label: 'Description', placeholder: '', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'image_url', type: 'text', label: 'Event Image Url', placeholder: 'https://www.example.image/url', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'url', type: 'url', label: 'Url', placeholder: '', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'streaming_url', type: 'url', label: 'Streaming Url', placeholder: '', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'capacity', type: 'number', label: 'Capacity', placeholder: '50', isRequired: true, }, { key: 'tags', type: 'text', label: 'Tags (separated by a comma)', placeholder: 'Foo, bar', isRequired: false, }, { key: 'start_at', type: 'datetime-local', label: 'Start at', defaultValue: new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 16), isRequired: true, }, { key: 'ends_at', type: 'datetime-local', label: 'End at', defaultValue: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60) .toISOString() .slice(0, 16), isRequired: true, }, ]; export interface EventFormData { name: string; description: string; url?: string | null; image_url: string; streaming_url?: string | null; capacity: number; tags: string; start_at: string; ends_at: string; venue_id?: number | null; invite_only?: boolean; sponsors: Array<EventSponsorInput>; canceled: boolean; } export type IEventData = Pick< Event, keyof Omit<EventFormData, 'venue_id' | 'tags' | 'sponsors'> | 'id' > & { venue_id?: number; tags: EventTag[]; venue?: Omit<Venue, 'events'> | null; sponsors: EventSponsorInput[]; }; export interface EventFormProps { onSubmit: (data: EventFormData, chapterId: number) => void; loading: boolean; data?: IEventData; submitText: string; chapterId: number; } export const formatValue = (field: Field, store?: IEventData): any => { const { key } = field; if (!store || !Object.keys(store).includes(key)) { return field.defaultValue; } if (key.endsWith('_at')) { return new Date(store[field.key]).toISOString().slice(0, 16); } if (key === 'tags') { const tags = store[key]; if (tags) { return{ tag }) =>', '); } } return store[key]; }; export const getAllowedSponsorTypes = ( sponsorData: SponsorsQuery, sponsorTypes: EventSponsorTypeInput[], watchSponsorsArray: EventSponsorInput[], sponsorFieldId: number, ) => sponsorTypes.filter( ({ type }) => getAllowedSponsorsForType( sponsorData, type, watchSponsorsArray, sponsorFieldId, ).length, ); export const getAllowedSponsorsForType = ( sponsorData: SponsorsQuery, sponsorType: string, watchSponsorsArray: EventSponsorInput[], sponsorFieldId?: number, ) => sponsorData.sponsors.filter( (sponsor) => sponsor.type === sponsorType && !isSponsorSelectedElsewhere(sponsor, watchSponsorsArray, sponsorFieldId), ); export const getAllowedSponsors = ( sponsorData: SponsorsQuery, watchSponsorsArray: EventSponsorInput[], sponsorFieldId?: number, ) => sponsorData.sponsors.filter( (sponsor) => !isSponsorSelectedElsewhere(sponsor, watchSponsorsArray, sponsorFieldId), ); const getSelectedFieldIdForSponsor = ( sponsor: EventSponsorInput, watchSponsorsArray: EventSponsorInput[], ) => watchSponsorsArray.findIndex( (selectedSponsor) => ===, ); const isSponsorSelectedElsewhere = ( sponsor: EventSponsorInput, watchSponsorsArray: EventSponsorInput[], sponsorFieldId?: number, ) => { const selectedFieldId = getSelectedFieldIdForSponsor( sponsor, watchSponsorsArray, ); return ( selectedFieldId !== -1 && (sponsorFieldId === undefined || selectedFieldId !== sponsorFieldId) ); };
<reponame>carlosrojaso/chapter<filename>server/prisma/generator/factories/instanceRoles.factory.ts import { prisma } from '../../../src/prisma'; const instancePermissions = ['chapter-create', 'chapter-edit'] as const; type Permissions = typeof instancePermissions[number]; interface InstanceRole { name: string; permissions: Permissions[]; } const roles: InstanceRole[] = [ { name: 'administrator', permissions: ['chapter-create', 'chapter-edit'] }, { name: 'member', permissions: [] }, ]; const createRole = async ({ name, permissions }: InstanceRole) => { const permissionsData = => ({ instance_permission: { connect: { name: permission }, }, })); const createdRole = await prisma.instance_roles.create({ data: { name: name, instance_role_permissions: { create: permissionsData }, }, }); return { [name]: { name:, id: } }; }; const createInstanceRoles = async () => { await prisma.instance_permissions.createMany({ data: => ({ name: permission })), }); return Object.assign({}, ...(await Promise.all(; }; export default createInstanceRoles;
import { ObjectType, Field } from 'type-graphql'; import { Sponsor } from './Sponsor'; @ObjectType() export class EventSponsor { @Field(() => Sponsor) sponsor: Sponsor; }
<gh_stars>10-100 import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; import { Resolver, Query, Arg, Int, Mutation } from 'type-graphql'; import { Sponsor } from '../../graphql-types/Sponsor'; import { prisma } from '../../prisma'; import { CreateSponsorInputs, UpdateSponsorInputs } from './inputs'; @Resolver() export class SponsorResolver { @Query(() => [Sponsor]) sponsors(): Promise<Sponsor[]> { return prisma.sponsors.findMany(); } @Query(() => Sponsor, { nullable: true }) sponsor(@Arg('id', () => Int) id: number): Promise<Sponsor | null> { return prisma.sponsors.findUnique({ where: { id } }); } @Mutation(() => Sponsor) createSponsor(@Arg('data') data: CreateSponsorInputs): Promise<Sponsor> { const sponsorData: Prisma.sponsorsCreateInput = data; return prisma.sponsors.create({ data: sponsorData }); } @Mutation(() => Sponsor) updateSponsor( @Arg('id', () => Int) id: number, @Arg('data') data: UpdateSponsorInputs, ): Promise<Sponsor> { return prisma.sponsors.update({ where: { id }, data }); } }
import { SponsorPage } from '../../../../modules/dashboard/Sponsors/pages/SponsorPage'; export default SponsorPage;
export { EventPage } from './pages/eventPage'; export { EventsPage } from './pages/eventsPage';
<reponame>carlosrojaso/chapter<filename>client/src/components/ChapterCard.tsx import { Stack, Heading, Box, Center, Image, Text, useColorModeValue, } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { Link } from 'chakra-next-link'; import React from 'react'; import { Chapter } from 'generated/graphql'; type ChapterCardProps = { chapter: Pick< Chapter, 'id' | 'name' | 'description' | 'category' | 'imageUrl' >; }; export const ChapterCard: React.FC<ChapterCardProps> = ({ chapter }) => { return ( <Center m={2} data-cy="chapter-card"> <Link href={`/chapters/${}`} _hover={{}}> <Box w={'full'} bg={useColorModeValue('white', 'gray.800')} rounded={'md'} overflow={'hidden'} > <Image h={'168px'} w={'full'} src={chapter.imageUrl} objectFit={'cover'} /> <Box> <Stack spacing={0} align={'center'} mb={5} mt={-20}> <Heading data-cy="chapter-heading" fontSize={'xl'} fontWeight={500} fontFamily={'body'} color={'white'} textShadow={'1px 1px #000'} > {} </Heading> <Text color={'white'} textShadow={'1px 1px #000'}> {chapter.category} </Text> </Stack> </Box> </Box> </Link> </Center> ); };
<filename>src/index.ts /** * Bolerplate Typescript files */ console.log('Hello world!');
import {Routes, RouterModule} from "@angular/router"; import {ModuleWithProviders} from "@angular/core"; import {HomeLandingComponent, AboutComponent, HomeComponent} from "./public/home.component"; import {SecureHomeComponent} from "./secure/landing/securehome.component"; import {MyProfileComponent} from "./secure/profile/myprofile.component"; import {MyS3ObjectComponent} from "./secure/buckets/mys3objects.component"; import {MyInstancesComponent} from "./secure/instances/myinstances.component"; import {JwtComponent} from "./secure/jwttokens/jwt.component"; import {UseractivityComponent} from "./secure/useractivity/useractivity.component"; import {AppComponent} from "./app.component"; import {LoginComponent} from "./public/auth/login/login.component"; import {LogoutComponent} from "./public/auth/logout/logout.component"; const homeRoutes: Routes = [ { path: '', redirectTo: '/home/login', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent, children: [ {path: 'about', component: AboutComponent}, {path: 'login', component: LoginComponent}, {path: '', component: HomeLandingComponent} ] }, ]; const secureHomeRoutes: Routes = [ { path: '', redirectTo: '/securehome', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'securehome', component: SecureHomeComponent, children: [ {path: 'logout', component: LogoutComponent}, {path: 'jwttokens', component: JwtComponent}, {path: 'myprofile', component: MyProfileComponent}, {path: 'mys3objects', component: MyS3ObjectComponent}, {path: 'myinstances', component: MyInstancesComponent}, {path: 'useractivity', component: UseractivityComponent}, {path: '', component: MyInstancesComponent}] } ]; const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', children: [ ...homeRoutes, ...secureHomeRoutes, { path: '', component: HomeComponent } ] }, ]; export const appRoutingProviders: any[] = []; export const routing: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forRoot(routes);
import {environment} from "../../environments/environment"; import {Injectable, Inject} from "@angular/core"; /** * Created by <NAME> */ declare var AWS: any; export interface Callback { callback(): void; callbackWithParam(result: any): void; } @Injectable() export class EC2Service { constructor() { } private getEC2(): any { AWS.config.update({ region: environment.ec2region }); var ec2 = new AWS.EC2({ region: environment.ec2region }); return ec2 } listInstances(callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeInstances(function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in listInstances: " + err); } else { callback.callbackWithParam(result.Reservations); } }); } getInstanceDnsName(instanceId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeInstances({InstanceIds: [instanceId]}, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in getInstanceDnsName: " + err); } else { callback.callbackWithParam(result.Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName); } }); } startInstance(instanceId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().startInstances({InstanceIds: [instanceId]}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in startInstance: " + err); } else { callback.callback(); } }); } stopInstance(instanceId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().stopInstances({InstanceIds: [instanceId]}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in stopInstance: " + err); } else { callback.callback(); } }); } checkIfRunning(instanceId: string, isRunningCallback: Callback, notRunningCallback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeInstances({InstanceIds: [instanceId]}, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in checkIfRunning: " + err); } else { if (result.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name=='running') { isRunningCallback.callback(); } else { notRunningCallback.callback(); } } }); } checkIfStopped(instanceId: string, isStoppedCallback: Callback, notStoppedCallback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeInstances({InstanceIds: [instanceId]}, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in checkIfRunning: " + err); } else { if (result.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name=='stopped') { isStoppedCallback.callback(); } else { notStoppedCallback.callback(); } } }); } describeVolume(volumeId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeVolumes({VolumeIds: [volumeId]}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in listInstances: " + err); } else { if(result.Volumes[0].Attachments.length>0) { callback.callbackWithParam({ InstanceId: result.Volumes[0].Attachments[0].InstanceId, State: result.Volumes[0].Attachments[0].State, Availability: result.Volumes[0].State }); } else { callback.callbackWithParam({ InstanceId: 'none', State: 'none', Availability: result.Volumes[0].State}); } } }); } attachVolume(volumeId: string, instanceId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().attachVolume({VolumeId: volumeId, InstanceId: instanceId, Device: '/dev/sdh'}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in attachVolume: " + err); } else { callback.callback(); } }); } detachVolume(volumeId: string, callback: Callback) { this.getEC2().detachVolume({VolumeId: volumeId}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in detachVolume: " + err); } else { callback.callback(); } }); } checkIfDetached(volumeId: string, isDetachedCallback: Callback, notDetachedCallback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeVolumes({VolumeIds: [volumeId]}, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in checkIfRunning: " + err); } else { if (result.Volumes[0].State=='available') { isDetachedCallback.callback(); } else { notDetachedCallback.callback(); } } }); } checkIfAttached(volumeId: string, isAttachedCallback: Callback, notAttachedCallback: Callback) { this.getEC2().describeVolumes({VolumeIds: [volumeId]}, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("EC2Service: in checkIfRunning: " + err); } else { if (result.Volumes[0].Attachments.length > 0) { if (result.Volumes[0].Attachments[0].State=='attached') { isAttachedCallback.callback(); } else { notAttachedCallback.callback(); } } else { notAttachedCallback.callback(); } } }); } }
<gh_stars>0 import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core"; import {Router} from "@angular/router"; import {CognitoCallback, UserLoginService, LoggedInCallback} from "../../../service/cognito.service"; import {DynamoDBService} from "../../../service/ddb.service"; @Component({ selector: 'my-aws-console-app', templateUrl: './login.html' }) export class LoginComponent implements CognitoCallback, LoggedInCallback, OnInit { password: string; errorMessage: string; constructor(public router: Router, public ddb: DynamoDBService, public userService: UserLoginService) { console.log("LoginComponent constructor"); } ngOnInit() { this.errorMessage = null; console.log("Checking if the user is already authenticated. If so, then redirect to the secure site"); this.userService.isAuthenticated(this); } onLogin() { if (this.password == null) { this.errorMessage = "Password required"; return; } let email = "<EMAIL>" this.errorMessage = null; this.userService.authenticate(email, this.password, this); } cognitoCallback(message: string, result: any) { if (message != null) { //error this.errorMessage = message; console.log("result: " + this.errorMessage); } else { //success this.ddb.writeLogEntry("login"); this.router.navigate(['/securehome']); } } isLoggedIn(message: string, isLoggedIn: boolean) { if (isLoggedIn) this.router.navigate(['/securehome']); } }
<gh_stars>0 import {BrowserModule} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {NgModule} from "@angular/core"; import {FormsModule} from "@angular/forms"; import {HttpModule} from "@angular/http"; import {AppComponent} from "./app.component"; import {UserLoginService, UserParametersService, CognitoUtil} from "./service/cognito.service"; import {routing} from "./app.routes"; import {HomeComponent, AboutComponent, HomeLandingComponent} from "./public/home.component"; import {AwsUtil} from "./service/aws.service"; import {UseractivityComponent} from "./secure/useractivity/useractivity.component"; import {MyProfileComponent} from "./secure/profile/myprofile.component"; import {MyS3ObjectComponent} from "./secure/buckets/mys3objects.component"; import {MyInstancesComponent} from "./secure/instances/myinstances.component"; import {SecureHomeComponent} from "./secure/landing/securehome.component"; import {JwtComponent} from "./secure/jwttokens/jwt.component"; import {DynamoDBService} from "./service/ddb.service"; import {S3Service} from "./service/s3.service"; import {EC2Service} from "./service/ec2.service"; import {CFService} from "./service/cloudflare.service" import {LoginComponent} from "./public/auth/login/login.component"; import {LogoutComponent} from "./public/auth/logout/logout.component"; @NgModule({ declarations: [ LoginComponent, LogoutComponent, AboutComponent, HomeLandingComponent, HomeComponent, UseractivityComponent, MyProfileComponent, MyS3ObjectComponent, MyInstancesComponent, SecureHomeComponent, JwtComponent, AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, routing ], providers: [ CognitoUtil, AwsUtil, DynamoDBService, S3Service, EC2Service, CFService, UserLoginService, UserParametersService], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
<filename>src/app/service/s3.service.ts import {environment} from "../../environments/environment"; import {Injectable, Inject} from "@angular/core"; /** * Created by <NAME> */ declare var AWS: any; export interface Callback { callback(): void; callbackWithParam(result: any): void; } @Injectable() export class S3Service { constructor() { } private getS3(): any { AWS.config.update({ region: environment.bucketRegion }); var s3 = new AWS.S3({ region: environment.bucketRegion, apiVersion: '2006-03-01', params: {Bucket: environment.appBucket} }); return s3 } listObjects(callback: Callback) { this.getS3().listObjects(function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("S3Service: in listObjects: " + err); } else { callback.callbackWithParam(result.Contents); } }); } getBucketTags(bucket: string, callback: Callback) { this.getS3().getBucketTagging({Bucket: bucket}, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("S3Service: in getBucketTagging: " + err); } else { callback.callbackWithParam(result.TagSet); } }); } }
import {Injectable, Inject} from "@angular/core"; import {S3Service} from "./s3.service"; import {EC2Service} from "./ec2.service"; import {environment} from "../../environments/environment"; import { Http, Headers, Response } from '@angular/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; export interface Callback { callback(): void; callbackWithParam(result: any): void; } export class CFAPI { result: Object; success: Boolean; } export class DNS { user: string; key: string; zone: string; record: string; has_alt_record: Boolean; alt_record: string; } @Injectable() export class CFService { constructor(public s3: S3Service, public ec2: EC2Service, public http: Http) { } updateCnameRecord(instanceId: string, application: string) { console.log("CFService: in updateCnameRecord()"); this.ec2.getInstanceDnsName(instanceId, new CnameTargetReceivedCallback(this, application)); } restoreDefaultCnameRecord(application: string) { console.log("CFService: in restoreDefaultCnameRecord()"); this.getCfCredentials(application, new CfCredentialsReceivedCallback(this, application+'.'+environment.defaultURL, application)); } getCfCredentials(application: string, callback: Callback) { this.s3.getBucketTags(application+'.'+environment.baseURL, callback); } makeCfApiCall(dns: DNS, cname_target: string, application, proxied: Boolean): Observable<CFAPI>{ let headers = new Headers({'X-Auth-Email':dns.user, 'X-Auth-Key': dns.key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); let url = `${}/dns_records/${dns.record}`; let api_data = { type: 'CNAME', name: application+'.'+environment.baseURL, content: cname_target, ttl: 1, proxied: proxied } url = environment.corsProxy+url; return this.http .put(url, JSON.stringify(api_data), {headers: headers}) .map(this.extractData) .catch(this.handleError); } private extractData(res: Response) { let body = res.json(); if(body.success) { console.log('DNS update successful') } return body || { }; } private handleError (error: Response | any) { // In a real world app, you might use a remote logging infrastructure let errMsg: string; if (error instanceof Response) { const body = error.json() || ''; const err = body.error || JSON.stringify(body); errMsg = `${error.status} - ${error.statusText || ''} ${err}`; } else { errMsg = error.message ? error.message : error.toString(); } console.error(errMsg); return Observable.throw(errMsg); } } export class CnameTargetReceivedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: CFService, public application: string) {} callback() {} callbackWithParam(cname_target: string) {, new CfCredentialsReceivedCallback(, cname_target, this.application)); } } export class CfCredentialsReceivedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: CFService, public cname_target: string, public application: string) {} callback() {} callbackWithParam(result: any) { var dns = new DNS(); dns.has_alt_record = false; for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i].Key=='dns_user') { dns.user = result[i].Value; } else if (result[i].Key=='dns_key') { dns.key = result[i].Value; } else if (result[i].Key=='dns_zone') { = result[i].Value; } else if (result[i].Key=='dns_record') { dns.record = result[i].Value; } else if (result[i].Key=='dns_alt_record') { dns.has_alt_record = true; dns.alt_record = result[i].Value; } }, this.cname_target, this.application, true).subscribe(); if(dns.has_alt_record) { dns.record = dns.alt_record;, this.cname_target, 'tensorboard', false).subscribe(); } } }
import {Component} from "@angular/core"; import {LoggedInCallback, UserLoginService, Callback} from "../../service/cognito.service"; import {S3Service} from "../../service/s3.service"; import {Router} from "@angular/router"; export class Objects { key: string; } declare var AWS: any; @Component({ selector: 'my-aws-console-app', templateUrl: './mys3objects.html' }) export class MyS3ObjectComponent implements LoggedInCallback { public objects: Array<Objects> = []; public cognitoId: String; constructor(public router: Router, public userService: UserLoginService, public s3: S3Service) { this.userService.isAuthenticated(this); console.log("In MyS3ObjectsComponent"); } isLoggedIn(message: string, isLoggedIn: boolean) { if (!isLoggedIn) { this.router.navigate(['/home/login']); } else { this.s3.listObjects(new GetS3ObjectsCallback(this)); } } } export class GetS3ObjectsCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyS3ObjectComponent) { } callback() { } callbackWithParam(result: any) { console.log("Result 1: " + result[0].Key) for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { let object = new Objects(); object.key = result[i].Key;; } } }
<gh_stars>0 import {Component, OnInit, OnDestroy} from "@angular/core"; import {Router, ActivatedRoute} from "@angular/router"; import {UserLoginService, LoggedInCallback} from "../../../service/cognito.service"; @Component({ selector: 'my-aws-console-app', template: '' }) export class LogoutComponent implements LoggedInCallback { constructor(public router: Router, public userService: UserLoginService) { this.userService.isAuthenticated(this) } isLoggedIn(message: string, isLoggedIn: boolean) { if (isLoggedIn) { this.userService.logout(); this.router.navigate(['']); } this.router.navigate(['']); } }
import {Component} from "@angular/core"; import {LoggedInCallback, UserLoginService, Callback} from "../../service/cognito.service"; import {EC2Service} from "../../service/ec2.service"; import {CFService} from "../../service/cloudflare.service"; import {Router} from "@angular/router"; import {environment} from "../../../environments/environment"; export class Instances { name: string; id: string; type: string; state: string; ip: string; } export class Volume { volumeId: string; state: string; availability: string; attachment: string; } declare var AWS: any; @Component({ selector: 'my-aws-console-app', templateUrl: './myinstances.html' }) export class MyInstancesComponent implements LoggedInCallback { public nb_instances: Array<Instances> = []; public che_instances: Array<Instances> = []; public volume: Volume = new Volume(); public cognitoId: String; public liveInstances: Boolean = false; public disableVolumeInputs: Boolean = false; constructor(public router: Router, public userService: UserLoginService, public ec2: EC2Service, public cf: CFService) { this.volume.volumeId = environment.jupyterVolumeId; this.userService.isAuthenticated(this); console.log("In MyInstancesComponent"); } isLoggedIn(message: string, isLoggedIn: boolean) { if (!isLoggedIn) { this.router.navigate(['/home/login']); } else { this.ec2.listInstances(new GetInstancesCallback(this)); this.ec2.describeVolume(this.volume.volumeId, new DescribeVolumeCallback(this)); } } onAction(instance: Instances, application: string) { if (instance.state=='stopped') { this.ec2.startInstance(, new StartInstanceCallback(this, instance, application)); } if (instance.state=='running') { this.ec2.stopInstance(, new StopInstanceCallback(this, instance));; } }a onConnect(application: string) { if (application=='jupyter') { var newWindow =``); } else if (application=='che') { var newWindow =``); } } onMoveVolume(instanceId: string) { this.disableVolumeInputs = true; if (this.volume.availability=='in-use') { this.ec2.detachVolume(this.volume.volumeId, new DetachVolumeCallback(this, instanceId)); } else { this.ec2.attachVolume(this.volume.volumeId, instanceId, new VolumeAttachedCallback(this)); } } } export class GetInstancesCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent) {} callback() {} callbackWithParam(result: any) { = []; = []; = false; for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < result[i].Instances.length; j++){ if (result[i].Instances[j].State.Name == 'terminated') { continue; } let instance = new Instances(); = result[i].Instances[j].InstanceId; instance.type = result[i].Instances[j].InstanceType; instance.state = result[i].Instances[j].State.Name; instance.ip = result[i].Instances[j].PublicIpAddress; = 'no-name'; let application = 'none'; for(let k = 0; k < result[i].Instances[j].Tags.length; k++) { if (result[i].Instances[j].Tags[k].Key=='Name'){ = result[i].Instances[j].Tags[k].Value; } else if (result[i].Instances[j].Tags[k].Key=='application') { application = result[i].Instances[j].Tags[k].Value; } } if (application == 'jupyter') { if (instance.state != 'stopped') { = true }; } else if (application == 'che') {; } } } } } export class StartInstanceCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instance: Instances, public application: string) {} callback() { let irc = new InstanceRunningCallback(, this.instance, this.application); let wfrc = new WaitForRunningCallback(, this.instance, irc), irc, wfrc); GetInstancesCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class WaitForRunningCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instance: Instances, public irc: InstanceRunningCallback) {} private sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async callback() { await this.sleep(2000);, this.irc, this); } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class InstanceRunningCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instance: Instances, public application: string) {} callback() {, this.application); GetInstancesCallback(; } callbackWithParam() {} } export class StopInstanceCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instance: Instances) {} callback() { let isc = new InstanceStoppedCallback(; let wfsc = new WaitForStoppedCallback(, this.instance, isc), isc, wfsc); GetInstancesCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class WaitForStoppedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instance: Instances, public isc: InstanceStoppedCallback) {} private sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async callback() { await this.sleep(2000);, this.isc, this); } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class InstanceStoppedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent) {} callback() { GetInstancesCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class DescribeVolumeCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent) {} callback() {} callbackWithParam(result: any) { = result.InstanceId; = result.State; = result.Availability; } } export class DetachVolumeCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instanceId: string) {} callback() { let vdc = new VolumeDetachedCallback(, this.instanceId); let wfdc = new WaitForDetachedCallback(, vdc), vdc, wfdc);, new DescribeVolumeCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class WaitForDetachedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public vdc: VolumeDetachedCallback) {} private sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async callback() { await this.sleep(2000); , this.vdc, this); } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class VolumeDetachedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public instanceId: string) {} callback() {, this.instanceId, new AttachVolumeCallback(;, new DescribeVolumeCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class AttachVolumeCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent) {} callback() { let vac = new VolumeAttachedCallback(; let wfac = new WaitForAttachedCallback(, vac), vac, wfac);, new DescribeVolumeCallback(; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class WaitForAttachedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent, public vac: VolumeAttachedCallback) {} private sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async callback() { await this.sleep(2000);, this.vac, this); } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} } export class VolumeAttachedCallback implements Callback { constructor(public me: MyInstancesComponent) {} callback() { console.log('MyInstancesComponent: Volume Attached to Instance'), new DescribeVolumeCallback( = false; } callbackWithParam(result: any) {} }
export const environment = { production: false, region: 'us-west-2', identityPoolId: 'us-west-2:09114ff0-a193-4d71-8e75-6ed12e3ede1b', userPoolId: 'us-west-2_Tr3dvlT5B', clientId: '4galnav88qp60eicu9f17bjf3f', appBucket: 'my-aws-console-app', bucketRegion: 'us-west-2', ec2region: 'us-west-2', jupyterVolumeId: 'vol-0d1867e98dc62503e', ddbTableName: 'brianlambson-angular2-app', corsProxy: '', baseURL: '', defaultURL: '' };
<gh_stars>0 // string let nome: string = 'João' function retornaMeuNome(): string { // return minhaIdade return nome } // console.log(retornaMeuNome()) function digaOi(): void { console.log('Oi') } // digaOi() function multiplicar(numA: any, numB: any): number { return numA * numB } function soma(numA: number, numB: number): number { return numA + numB } // console.log(soma(2, 2)) // console.log(multiplicar(4.7, 9)) // tipo função let calculo: (x: number, y: number) => number calculo = multiplicar console.log(calculo(5, 6))
<gh_stars>0 let endereco: [string, number] = ['Av. Principal', 99] console.log(endereco)
enum Cor { Cinza, Verde, Azul } let minhaCor: Cor = Cor.Verde // console.log(minhaCor) enum UF { PA = "Pará", SP = "São Paulo" } let meuEstado: UF = UF.PA console.log(meuEstado)
<gh_stars>0 enum Cor{ verde = 10, azul = 15 } let cor: Cor = Cor.verde console.log(cor)
interface Humano { nome: string, idade?: number saudar(sobrenome: string):void } function saudarComOla(pessoa: Humano){ console.log('Olá', pessoa.nome) } function mudarNome(pessoa: Humano){ pessoa.nome = 'Pedro' } const pedro: Humano = { nome: 'Áquila', idade: 30, saudar(sobrenome: string){ console.log("Olá, " + this.nome + " " + sobrenome) } } saudarComOla(pedro) mudarNome(pedro) saudarComOla(pedro) pedro.saudar('Tavares') class Cliente implements Humano{ nome: string = '' saudar(sobrenome: string): void { console.log("Olá, " + this.nome + " " + sobrenome) } } const joao = new Cliente() joao.nome = "João" saudarComOla(joao) interface FuncaoCalculo{ (a: number, b: number): number } let potencia: FuncaoCalculo potencia = function(base: number, exp: number): number{ return Math.pow(base, exp) } console.log(potencia(3, 2))
let hobbies: any[] = [1, 2] console.log(hobbies) hobbies = ['a', 'b', 'c', 2]
<gh_stars>0 import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; import { ScrollHelper } from '../utils/scroll'; export class ToggleComponent { private animationSpeed = 400; private scrollSpeed = 400; constructor() { const targets = document.querySelectorAll('[data-s-toggle]'); Array.from(targets).forEach((t: HTMLElement) => { this.initToggleTarget(t); }); DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '[data-s-toggle]', (targets) => { Array.from(targets).forEach((t: HTMLElement) => { if (!t.classList.contains('toggle-initialized')) { this.initToggleTarget(t); } }); }); } private initToggleTarget(target: HTMLElement) { const triggers = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-s-toggle-target="${}"]`); const height = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-height')); const margin = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-margin')) ?? 0; if (height) { if (target.scrollHeight > height + (height * margin) / 100) { = `${height}px`; } else { Array.from(triggers).forEach((trigger: HTMLElement) => { trigger.parentElement.removeChild(trigger); }) } } Array.from(triggers).forEach((trigger: HTMLElement) => { this.initToggleTrigger(trigger, target); }) } private initToggleTrigger(trigger: HTMLElement, target) { const animation = target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-animation'); const changeClass = target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-class') ?? 'hidden'; const defaultExpanded = target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-default-expanded'); const group = target.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-group'); if (defaultExpanded) { trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } else { trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } trigger.setAttribute('aria-controls',; trigger.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); trigger.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (group) { const groupElement = document.querySelector(`#${group}`) as HTMLElement; const activeEl = groupElement.querySelector('[data-s-toggle-target][aria-expanded="true"]'); if (activeEl && activeEl !== trigger) { const activeTarget = document.querySelector(`#${activeEl.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-target')}`); this.toggleAction(activeEl, activeTarget, changeClass, animation); } } this.toggleAction(trigger, target, changeClass, animation); }); trigger.addEventListener('open', () => { this.toggleAction(trigger, target, changeClass, animation); }); } private toggleAction(trigger, target, changeClass, animation) { const expanded = trigger.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true'; const linkedButtons = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-s-toggle-target='${}']`); Array.from(linkedButtons).forEach((b) => { this.switchButtonState(b); }); if (trigger.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-scroll')) { const scrollToElement = document.querySelector(`${trigger.getAttribute('data-s-toggle-scroll')}`) as HTMLElement; if (scrollToElement) { ScrollHelper.scrollToY(scrollToElement, this.scrollSpeed); } } if (expanded) { if (animation) { this.hideAnimated(target, changeClass, animation); } else { target.classList.add(changeClass); } } else { if (target.hasAttribute('data-s-toggle-height')) { trigger.parentElement.removeChild(trigger); } if (animation) { this.showAnimated(target, changeClass, animation); } else { = 'none'; target.classList.remove(changeClass); } } } private switchButtonState(button) { const expanded = button.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true'; button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded ? 'false' : 'true'); } private showAnimated(el, changeClass, animation) { let speed = this.animationSpeed; if (parseInt(animation)) { speed = parseInt(animation); = `${speed}ms`; } const height = this.getHeight(el); // Get the natural height el.classList.remove(changeClass); // Make the element visible = height; // Update the max-height // Once the transition is complete, remove the inline max-height so the content can scale responsively window.setTimeout(function () { = 'none'; }, speed); } // Hide an element private hideAnimated(el, changeClass, animation) { let speed = this.animationSpeed; if (parseInt(animation)) { speed = parseInt(animation); = `${speed}ms`; } // Give the element a height to change from = el.scrollHeight + 'px'; // Set the height back to 0 window.setTimeout(function () { = '0'; }, 1); // When the transition is complete, hide it window.setTimeout(function () { el.classList.add(changeClass); }, speed); } private getHeight(el) { = 'block'; // Make it visible var height = el.scrollHeight + 'px'; // Get it's height = ''; // Hide it again return height; } }
<filename>tailoff/js/utils/scroll.ts export class ScrollHelper { constructor() {} public static scrollToY(elementY: HTMLElement, duration: number) { const rect = elementY.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; const startingY = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) - (document.documentElement.clientTop || 0); const diff = + scrollTop - startingY; let start; window.requestAnimationFrame(function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; var time = timestamp - start; var percent = Math.min(time / duration, 1); window.scrollTo(0, startingY + diff * percent); if (time < duration) { window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } }); } }
import { ModalComponent } from '../../components/modal.component'; import { AnimationHelper } from '../../utils/animationHelper'; import { ArrayPrototypes } from '../../utils/prototypes/array.prototypes'; import { ModalPlugin } from './plugin.interface'; ArrayPrototypes.activateFrom(); export class ImageModalPlugin implements ModalPlugin { private triggerClass = 'js-modal-image'; private modalComponent: ModalComponent; private galleryType: string; private image: HTMLImageElement; private imageResizeListener; private imageTabTrapListener; private caption: HTMLDivElement; private captionGroup: Array<string>; private options = { imageMargin: 20, imageMarginNav: 80, imageMarginNoneBreakPoint: 820, resizeDuration: 100, fadeDuration: 100, }; constructor(modalComponent: ModalComponent, options: Object = {}) { this.options = { ...this.options, ...options }; this.modalComponent = modalComponent; } public initElement() { const imageTriggers = document.querySelectorAll(`.${this.triggerClass}`); Array.from(imageTriggers).forEach((trigger) => { this.initImageTrigger(trigger); }); } public afterCreateModal() { this.caption = document.createElement('div'); this.caption.classList.add('hidden'); this.caption.classList.add('modal__caption'); this.modalComponent.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.caption); } public getTriggerClass() { return this.triggerClass; } public openModalClick(trigger: HTMLElement) { this.modalComponent.trigger = trigger; if (trigger.classList.contains(this.triggerClass)) { const src = this.modalComponent.getTriggerSrc(trigger); const caption = trigger.getAttribute('data-caption'); src ? this.openImageModal(src, caption) : console.log('No modal src is provided on the trigger'); } } public gotoNextAction() { this.changeGroupIndex(); } public gotoPrevAction() { this.changeGroupIndex(); } public closeModal() { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.imageTabTrapListener); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.imageResizeListener); } private changeGroupIndex() { this.image.classList.add('hidden'); this.modalComponent.modalLoader.classList.remove('hidden'); this.image.setAttribute('src', this.modalComponent.galleryGroup[this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex]); if (this.captionGroup[this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex]) { this.caption.innerText = this.captionGroup[this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex]; this.caption.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.caption.classList.add('hidden'); } } public openImageModal(src: string, caption: string = null) { this.galleryType = 'image'; this.modalComponent.createOverlay(); this.modalComponent.createModal('modal__dialog--image', 'modal__image'); this.modalComponent.galleryGroup = []; this.captionGroup = []; = '0'; const group = this.modalComponent.trigger.getAttribute('data-group'); if (group) { this.modalComponent.galleryGroup = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-group=${group}]`)).map((t) => this.modalComponent.getTriggerSrc(t) ); const captions = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-group=${group}][data-caption]`); if (captions.length > 0) { this.captionGroup = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-group=${group}]`)).map((t) => t.getAttribute('data-caption') ); } this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex = this.modalComponent.galleryGroup.indexOf(src); this.modalComponent.addNavigation(); if (this.captionGroup[this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex]) { this.caption.innerText = this.captionGroup[this.modalComponent.currentGroupIndex]; this.caption.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.caption.classList.add('hidden'); } } else { if (caption) { this.caption.innerText = caption; this.caption.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.caption.classList.add('hidden'); } } this.modalComponent.modalLoader = document.createElement('div'); this.modalComponent.modalLoader.classList.add('modal__loader-wrapper'); this.modalComponent.modalLoader.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<div class="modal__loader"></div>`); this.modalComponent.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.modalComponent.modalLoader); this.image = document.createElement('img'); this.image.addEventListener('load', (e) => { this.modalComponent.modalLoader.classList.add('hidden'); this.setImageSize(null, true); }); this.image.setAttribute('src', src); this.image.classList.add('hidden'); this.modalComponent.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.image); this.imageResizeListener = this.setImageSize.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this.imageResizeListener); this.initGalleryTabTrap(); } private initGalleryTabTrap() { this.modalComponent.updateGalleryTabIndexes(); this.imageTabTrapListener = this.imagesTrapTab.bind(this); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.imageTabTrapListener); this.modalComponent.modalContent.focus(); } private imagesTrapTab(event) { const keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; // Get the current keycode // If it is TAB if (keyCode === 9) { // Move focus to first element that can be tabbed if Shift isn't used if ( === this.modalComponent.lastTabbableElement && !event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); (this.modalComponent.firstTabbableElement as HTMLElement).focus(); // Move focus to last element that can be tabbed if Shift is used } else if ( === this.modalComponent.firstTabbableElement && event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); (this.modalComponent.lastTabbableElement as HTMLElement).focus(); } } } private setImageSize(_, newImage = false) { let imageWidth = this.image.naturalWidth; let imageHeight = this.image.naturalHeight; let maxWidth = window.innerWidth; let maxHeight = window.innerHeight; if (window.innerWidth > this.options.imageMarginNoneBreakPoint) { maxWidth = this.modalComponent.galleryGroup.length ? window.innerWidth - this.options.imageMarginNav * 2 : window.innerWidth - this.options.imageMargin * 2; maxHeight = window.innerHeight - this.options.imageMargin * 2; } if (imageWidth > maxWidth || imageHeight > maxHeight) { if (imageWidth / maxWidth >= imageHeight / maxHeight) { imageHeight *= maxWidth / imageWidth; imageWidth = maxWidth; } else { imageWidth *= maxHeight / imageHeight; imageHeight = maxHeight; } } if (this.options.resizeDuration === 0 || !newImage) { = `${Math.round(imageWidth)}px`; = `${Math.round(imageHeight)}px`; this.image.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { AnimationHelper.cssPropertyAnimation( this.modalComponent.modalContent, 'width', Math.round(imageWidth), 'px', this.options.resizeDuration ); AnimationHelper.cssPropertyAnimation( this.modalComponent.modalContent, 'height', Math.round(imageHeight), 'px', this.options.resizeDuration, () => { = '0'; this.image.classList.remove('hidden'); AnimationHelper.cssPropertyAnimation(this.image, 'opacity', 1, '', this.options.fadeDuration); AnimationHelper.cssPropertyAnimation(this.caption, 'opacity', 1, '', this.options.fadeDuration); } ); } } private initImageTrigger(trigger: Element) { trigger.setAttribute('role', 'button'); trigger.classList.add('modal__image-trigger'); } }
<reponame>TheDancingCode/craft export class IndeterminateChecksComponent { constructor() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ul.js-indeterminate-checks')).forEach((list: HTMLUListElement, index) => { new IndeterminateChecks(list, index); }); } } class IndeterminateChecks { private mainList: HTMLUListElement; private mainListIndex = 0; private jsChange; constructor(element: HTMLUListElement, index) { this.mainList = element; this.mainListIndex = index; this.jsChange = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); this.jsChange.initEvent('jschange', false, true); this.init(); } private init() { this.initSubLists(); this.initToggles(); this.initCheckboxes(); } private initCheckboxes() { Array.from(this.mainList.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]')).forEach((checkbox: HTMLInputElement) => { checkbox.addEventListener('change', this.onCheckboxChange.bind(this)); if (checkbox.checked) { this.checkUp(checkbox); } }); } private initSubLists() { Array.from(this.mainList.querySelectorAll('ul.js-indeterminate-sub-list')).forEach( (list: HTMLUListElement, index) => { const subLevelID = `jsIndeterminateSubList${this.mainListIndex}-${index}`; list.setAttribute('id', subLevelID); } ); } private onCheckboxChange(e) { this.checkUp(; this.checkDown(; if ( { const listItem ='li') as HTMLLIElement; const subList = listItem.querySelector('ul'); if (subList && subList.classList.contains('hidden')) { subList.classList.remove('hidden'); const toggle = listItem.querySelector('.js-indeterminate-toggle'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } } } private checkUp(check: HTMLInputElement) { const list = check.closest('ul.js-indeterminate-sub-list'); if (list) { let nbrOfUnchecked = 0; let nbrOfChecked = 0; let nbrOfIndeterminate = 0; Array.from(this.mainList.querySelectorAll(`#${list.getAttribute('id')} > li > *:not(ul) input`)).forEach( (input: HTMLInputElement) => { if (input.checked || input.indeterminate) { if (input.indeterminate) { nbrOfIndeterminate++; } else { nbrOfChecked++; } } else { nbrOfUnchecked++; } } ); const parentInput = list.closest('li').querySelector('input[type=checkbox]') as HTMLInputElement; if (nbrOfUnchecked === 0 && nbrOfIndeterminate === 0 && nbrOfChecked > 0) { parentInput.indeterminate = false; parentInput.checked = true; } else { if (nbrOfChecked > 0 || nbrOfIndeterminate > 0) { parentInput.indeterminate = true; parentInput.checked = false; } else { parentInput.indeterminate = false; parentInput.checked = false; } } parentInput.dispatchEvent(this.jsChange); this.checkUp(parentInput); } } private checkDown(check: HTMLInputElement) { const subList = check.closest('li').querySelector('ul'); if (subList) { Array.from(subList.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]')).forEach((input: HTMLInputElement) => { input.checked = check.checked; input.dispatchEvent(this.jsChange); }); } } private initToggles() { const toggles = Array.from(this.mainList.querySelectorAll('.js-indeterminate-toggle')); if (toggles.length > 0) { toggles.forEach((toggle, index) => { toggle.addEventListener('click', this.onToggleClick.bind(this)); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); // toggle.setAttribute( // "aria-controls", // toggle.closest("li").querySelector("ul").getAttribute("id") // ); }); if (this.mainList.getAttribute('data-s-indeterminate-toggle-open') != null) { if (this.mainList.getAttribute('data-s-indeterminate-toggle-open') == 'false') { Array.from(this.mainList.querySelectorAll('ul')).forEach((list) => { const toggle = list.closest('li').querySelector('.js-indeterminate-toggle'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); if (this.mainList.getAttribute('data-s-indeterminate-open-checked')) { if (list.querySelectorAll('input:checked').length === 0) { list.classList.add('hidden'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } } else { list.classList.add('hidden'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } }); } } } } private onToggleClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.toggleLevel(; } private toggleLevel(toggle: HTMLElement) { if (!toggle.classList.contains('js-indeterminate-toggle')) { toggle = toggle.closest('.js-indeterminate-toggle'); } const listItem = toggle.closest('li') as HTMLLIElement; const subList = listItem.querySelector('ul'); if (subList.classList.contains('hidden')) { subList.classList.remove('hidden'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } else { subList.classList.add('hidden'); toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } } }
import tippy from 'tippy.js'; export class TooltipComponent { constructor() { if (document.querySelectorAll('[data-tippy-content]').length > 0) { this.initTippy(); } } private async initTippy() { // @ts-ignore const tippy = await import('tippy.js'); tippy.default('[data-tippy-content]'); tippy.default('[data-tippy-template]', { content(reference) { const id = reference.getAttribute('data-tippy-template'); const template = document.getElementById(id); return template.innerHTML; }, allowHTML: true, }); } }
import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; export class PullOutComponent { constructor() { if (document.querySelectorAll('.js-pull-out').length > 0) { this.pullOutBlocks(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.pullOutBlocks.bind(this)); } DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '.js-pull-out', (pullOuts) => { this.pullOutBlocks(); }); } private pullOutBlocks() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-pull-out')).forEach((block: HTMLElement) => { const noContent = block.getAttribute('data-no-content') ? block.getAttribute('data-no-content') == 'true' : false; const direction = block.getAttribute('data-direction'); const queryObject = block.getAttribute('data-query'); if (direction) { const max = block.getAttribute('data-max') ? parseInt(block.getAttribute('data-max')) : window.innerWidth; const breakpoint = block.getAttribute('data-breakpoint') ? parseInt(block.getAttribute('data-breakpoint')) : 0; this.pullOutBlock(block, direction, breakpoint, max, noContent); } else if (queryObject) { const query = JSON.parse(queryObject); let queryHit = null; query.forEach((q) => { if (q.breakpoint < window.innerWidth) { queryHit = q; } }); if (queryHit) { queryHit['direction'] = queryHit.direction ?? 'both'; queryHit['breakpoint'] = queryHit.breakpoint ?? 0; queryHit['max'] = queryHit.max ?? window.innerWidth; this.pullOutBlock(block, queryHit.direction, queryHit.breakpoint, queryHit.max, noContent); } } else { console.error( "You must have a data element with name 'data-direction' or 'data-query' defined in order for the pull out plugin to work." ); } }); } private pullOutBlock(block: HTMLElement, direction: string, breakpoint: number, max: number, noContent = false) { const rect = block.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const offset = { top: + document.body.scrollTop, left: rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft, }; const paddingLeft = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(block.parentElement, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left')); const paddingRight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(block.parentElement, null).getPropertyValue('padding-right')); if (window.innerWidth > breakpoint) { = ''; = ''; = ''; switch (direction) { case 'both': case 'left': = `-${Math.min(offset.left, max) + paddingLeft}px`; if (noContent) { = `${Math.min(offset.left, max) + rect.width}px`; } if (direction != 'both') break; case 'both': case 'right': const rightOffset = window.innerWidth - (offset.left + block.parentElement.clientWidth); = `-${Math.min(rightOffset, max) + paddingRight}px`; if (noContent) { = `${Math.min(rightOffset, max) + rect.width}px`; } if (direction != 'both') break; case 'both': if (noContent) { = `${Math.min(rightOffset, max) * 2 + rect.width}px`; } default: break; } } else { if ( { = ''; } if ( { = ''; } if (noContent) { = `${rect.width}px`; } } } }
import { A11yUtils } from './a11y'; export class IEBannerComponent { private mainContentBlock: HTMLElement; constructor() { this.mainContentBlock = document.getElementById('mainContentBlock'); window.addEventListener('cookie-closed', () => { const banner = document.querySelector('.ie-banner') as HTMLElement; const overlay = document.querySelector('.ie-banner-overlay') as HTMLElement; banner.classList.remove('hidden'); overlay.classList.remove('hidden'); A11yUtils.keepFocus(banner); banner.focus(); const closeBtn = document.querySelector('.js-ie-banner-close') as HTMLElement; closeBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); banner.classList.add('hidden'); overlay.classList.add('hidden'); this.setMainContentInert(false); }); this.setMainContentInert(); }); } private setMainContentInert(set = true) { if (this.mainContentBlock && set) { this.mainContentBlock.setAttribute('inert', ''); document.documentElement.classList.add('overflow-hidden'); } if (this.mainContentBlock && !set) { this.mainContentBlock.removeAttribute('inert'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('overflow-hidden'); } } }
<reponame>TheDancingCode/craft import { Ajax } from '../utils/ajax'; export class LeafletComponent { // private L = window['L']; constructor() { const maps = document.querySelectorAll('.leaflet-map'); if (maps.length > 0) { Array.from(maps).forEach((map: HTMLElement) => { this.initMap(map); }); } } private async initMap(map: HTMLElement) { // @ts-ignore const leaflet = await import('leaflet/dist/leaflet.js'); const lmap =, { // center: [data[0].locations[0].lat, data[0].locations[0].lng], zoom: 13, tap: false, scrollWheelZoom: false, }); if (map.getAttribute('data-address')) {{ url: `${map.getAttribute( 'data-address' )}?format=json&addressdetails=1&limit=1`, success: (data) => { leaflet.marker([data[0].lat, data[0].lon]).addTo(lmap); lmap.setView([data[0].lat, data[0].lon], 14); }, }); } if (map.getAttribute('data-points-obj')) { const data = JSON.parse(map.getAttribute('data-points-obj')); lmap.fitBounds( => [ => [, m.lng])])); data.forEach((marker) => { const pin = leaflet.marker([, marker.lng]).addTo(lmap); const address = marker.address != '' ? `<div class="">${marker.address}</div>` : ''; const popupContent = `${address}`; pin.bindPopup(popupContent); }); } leaflet .tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom: 19, attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>', }) .addTo(lmap); } }
import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; import { ScrollHelper } from '../utils/scroll'; export class ScrollToAnchorComponent { constructor() { const scrollLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a.js-smooth-scroll'); Array.from(scrollLinks).forEach((link: HTMLAnchorElement) => { this.initScrollTo(link); }); DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, 'a.js-smooth-scroll', (scrollLinks) => { Array.from(scrollLinks).forEach((link: HTMLAnchorElement) => { this.initScrollTo(link); }); }); } private initScrollTo(link: HTMLAnchorElement) { link.classList.remove('js-smooth-scroll'); link.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const hash = link.getAttribute('href').split('#'); if (hash.length > 1) { const target = document.querySelector(`#${hash[1]}`) as HTMLElement; if (target) { e.preventDefault(); ScrollHelper.scrollToY(target, 400); } } }); } }
<filename>tailoff/js/components/dropdown.component.ts<gh_stars>10-100 import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; export class DropdownComponent { constructor() { const dropdowns = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-dropdown')); dropdowns.forEach((dropdown, index) => { new DropdownElement(dropdown as HTMLElement, index); }); DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '.js-dropdown', (dropdowns) => { Array.from(dropdowns).forEach((dropdown, index) => { new DropdownElement(dropdown as HTMLElement, index); }); }); } } class DropdownElement { private clickListener; private keydownListener; private scrollListener; private buttonElement: HTMLElement; private menuElement: HTMLElement; private menuItems: Array<HTMLElement>; private popper; private open = false; private TAB_KEYCODE = 9; private ESC_KEYCODE = 27; private UP_ARROW_KEYCODE = 38; private DOWN_ARROW_KEYCODE = 40; constructor(element: HTMLElement, index) { = 'relative'; element.classList.remove('js-dropdown'); this.buttonElement = element.querySelector('.js-dropdown-toggle'); this.menuElement = element.querySelector('.js-dropdown-menu'); this.menuItems = Array.from(this.menuElement.querySelectorAll('a[href],button:not([disabled])')); this.menuElement.classList.add('hidden'); this.buttonElement.setAttribute('role', 'button'); this.buttonElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.clickListener = this.clickAction.bind(this); this.keydownListener = this.keydownAction.bind(this); this.scrollListener = this.scrollAction.bind(this); this.buttonElement.addEventListener('click', this.clickListener); } private toggleMenu() { if (this.menuElement.classList.contains('hidden')) { // Open = true; this.menuElement.classList.remove('hidden'); this.buttonElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this.positionMenu(); document.addEventListener('click', this.clickListener); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydownListener); document.addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollListener); } else { // Close = false; this.menuElement.classList.add('hidden'); this.buttonElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); document.removeEventListener('click', this.clickListener); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydownListener); document.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scrollListener); } } private clickAction(e: Event) { e.stopPropagation(); this.toggleMenu(); } private scrollAction(e: Event) { this.positionMenu(); } private keydownAction(event) { if (event.keyCode === this.ESC_KEYCODE) { event.preventDefault(); this.buttonElement.focus(); this.toggleMenu(); } if (event.keyCode === this.UP_ARROW_KEYCODE) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.menuItems[0] !== document.activeElement) { const activeMenuIndex = this.menuItems.findIndex((i) => i === document.activeElement); if (activeMenuIndex > 0) { this.menuItems[activeMenuIndex - 1].focus(); } } } if (event.keyCode === this.DOWN_ARROW_KEYCODE) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.menuItems[this.menuItems.length - 1] !== document.activeElement) { const activeMenuIndex = this.menuItems.findIndex((i) => i === document.activeElement); console.log(activeMenuIndex); if (activeMenuIndex < this.menuItems.length - 1) { this.menuItems[activeMenuIndex + 1].focus(); } } } if (event.keyCode === this.TAB_KEYCODE && event.shiftKey && this.buttonElement === document.activeElement) { this.toggleMenu(); } if ( event.keyCode === this.TAB_KEYCODE && !event.shiftKey && this.menuItems[this.menuItems.length - 1] === document.activeElement ) { this.toggleMenu(); } } private positionMenu() { = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = 'transform'; const buttonRect = this.buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const menuRect = this.menuElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let leftPos = this.buttonElement.offsetLeft; if (buttonRect.left + menuRect.width > window.screen.width) { leftPos = this.buttonElement.offsetLeft + buttonRect.width - menuRect.width; } if (buttonRect.height + menuRect.height + > window.screen.height) { = `translate(${leftPos}px, ${-menuRect.height}px)`; } else { = `translate(${leftPos}px, ${ this.buttonElement.offsetTop + buttonRect.height }px)`; } } }
import { ModalComponent } from '../../components/modal.component'; export interface ModalPluginConstructor { new (modalComponent?: ModalComponent, options?: {}): ModalPlugin; } export interface ModalPlugin { initElement(): void; afterCreateModal(): void; getTriggerClass(): string; openModalClick(trigger: HTMLElement): void; closeModal(): void; gotoNextAction(): void; gotoPrevAction(): void; }
export class TableComponent { constructor() { //add data-header to td's in custom table. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.custom-table table')).forEach((table: HTMLTableElement) => { this.initCustomTable(table); }); } private initCustomTable(table: HTMLTableElement) { Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('td')).forEach((td: HTMLTableDataCellElement) => { const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); newDiv.innerHTML = td.innerHTML; td.innerHTML = newDiv.outerHTML; }); const tableHead = table.querySelector('thead'); if (tableHead) { const headings = Array.from(tableHead.querySelectorAll('th')).map((th) => th.innerText); Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('td')).forEach((td, index) => { td.setAttribute('data-label', headings[index % headings.length]); }); } } }
<gh_stars>10-100 import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; export class LoadMoreComponent { private xhr: XMLHttpRequest; private infiniteScroll = false; constructor() { document.addEventListener( 'click', (e) => { // loop parent nodes from the target to the delegation node for (let target = <Element>; target && !target.isSameNode(document); target = target.parentElement) { if (target.matches('.js-load-more')) { e.preventDefault(); this.initAction(target); break; } } }, false ); if (this.infiniteScroll || document.querySelector('.js-infinite-scroll')) { this.initInfiniteScroll(); DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '.js-pagination', () => { this.initInfiniteScroll(); }); } } private initInfiniteScroll() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-pagination.js-infinite-scroll')).forEach((el) => { const observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const loadMoreButton ='.js-load-more'); if (loadMoreButton) { this.initAction(loadMoreButton); } } }); }, { rootMargin: '10% 0% 10% 0%', threshold: [0, 0.5, 1], } ); observer.observe(el); }); } private initAction(el: Element) { el.classList.add('hidden'); const wrapper = el.getAttribute('data-load-wrapper'); if (wrapper) { this.getNextPage(el.getAttribute('href'), wrapper); document.querySelector(`#${wrapper} .js-pagination-loader`).classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.getNextPage(el.getAttribute('href')); document.querySelector('.js-pagination-loader').classList.remove('hidden'); } } private getNextPage(url, wrapper: string = '') { const _self = this; if (this.xhr) { this.xhr.abort(); } this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); this.xhr.onload = function () { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { const responseElement = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); responseElement.body.innerHTML = this.response; const children = responseElement.querySelector(`#${wrapper} .js-pagination-container`).children; let container = document.querySelector('.js-pagination-container'); if (wrapper !== '') { document.querySelector(`#${wrapper} .js-pagination`).innerHTML = responseElement.querySelector( `#${wrapper} .js-pagination` ).innerHTML; container = document.querySelector(`#${wrapper} .js-pagination-container`); } else { document.querySelector('.js-pagination').innerHTML = responseElement.querySelector('.js-pagination').innerHTML; } const elements = Array.from(children); Array.from(children).forEach((child) => { container.appendChild(child); }); document.querySelector('.js-pagination-container').dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('pagination.loaded', { detail: { elements: elements }, }) ); // history.pushState("", "New URL: " + url, url); } else { console.log('Something went wrong when fetching data'); } }; this.xhr.onerror = function () { console.log('There was a connection error'); }; this.xhr.send(); } }
//You can borrow code and inspiration from import { Helper } from '../utils/helper'; export class PageFindComponent { private inputElement: HTMLInputElement; private resultsElement: HTMLElement; private nextElement: HTMLElement; private previousElement: HTMLElement; private clearElement: HTMLElement; private currentElement: HTMLElement; private totalElement: HTMLElement; private searchText: string = ''; private searchElement: HTMLElement; private highlights = []; private currentIndex = 1; private searchTotal = 0; private options = { highlightClasses: ['bg-yellow-500'], currentHighlightClasses: ['bg-red-500'], }; constructor() { const findForm = document.querySelector('form.js-find-form') as HTMLFormElement; if (findForm) { this.initFind(findForm); } // Uncomment to test the hidden event callback. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('p.hidden')).forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener('show', () => { el.classList.remove('hidden'); }); }); } private initFind(form: HTMLFormElement) { this.inputElement = document.querySelector('.js-find-input'); this.resultsElement = document.querySelector('.js-page-find-results'); this.nextElement = document.querySelector('.js-page-find-next'); this.previousElement = document.querySelector('.js-page-find-prev'); this.clearElement = document.querySelector('.js-page-find-clear'); this.currentElement = this.resultsElement.querySelector('.js-current-find'); this.totalElement = this.resultsElement.querySelector('.js-total-find'); const searchElementId = form.getAttribute('data-s-search-block'); if (searchElementId) { this.searchElement = document.querySelector(`#${searchElementId}`) as HTMLElement; if (this.searchElement) { this.searchText = this.searchElement.textContent; } } else { this.searchElement = document.body; this.searchText = document.body.textContent; } this.resultsElement.classList.add('hidden'); this.inputElement.addEventListener( 'keyup', Helper.debounce((event) => { let key = event.keyCode; if (key === 13) return; this.onFind(event); }, 500) ); this.nextElement.addEventListener('click', this.gotoNext.bind(this)); this.previousElement.addEventListener('click', this.gotoPrev.bind(this)); this.clearElement.addEventListener('click', this.onClear.bind(this)); form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); this.gotoNext(); }); } private onFind(event: Event) { this.clearHighlights(); const findValue = this.searchText.toLowerCase().includes(this.inputElement.value.toLowerCase()); if (!findValue || this.inputElement.value.trim().length == 0) { this.resultsElement.classList.add('hidden'); return false; } let query = this.inputElement.value; query = query.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); this.searchTotal = (this.searchText.match(new RegExp(query, 'gi')) || []).length; this.resultsElement.classList.remove('hidden'); this.totalElement.innerText = `${this.searchTotal}`; this.currentElement.innerText = `1`; this.currentIndex = 1; this.highlightWord(this.inputElement.value); this.scrollToQuery(this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1]); } private highlightWord(word: string, node?: any) { if (!node) node = this.searchElement; for (let childNode = node.firstChild; childNode; childNode = childNode.nextSibling) { if (childNode.nodeType == 3) { // text node let n = childNode; let match_pos = 0; match_pos = n.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(word.toLowerCase()); // Ver 5.3b - Using toLowerCase().indexOf instead if (match_pos > -1) { // if we found a match let before = n.nodeValue.substr(0, match_pos); // split into a part before the match let middle = n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos, word.length); // the matched word to preserve case let after = document.createTextNode(n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos + word.length)); // and the part after the match let highlightSpan = document.createElement('span'); // create a span in the middle highlightSpan.classList.add(...this.options.highlightClasses); highlightSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(middle)); // insert word as textNode in new span n.nodeValue = before; // Turn node data into before n.parentNode.insertBefore(after, n.nextSibling); // insert after n.parentNode.insertBefore(highlightSpan, n.nextSibling); // insert new span this.highlights.push(highlightSpan); // add new span to highlightWords array = 'highlight_span' + this.highlights.length; childNode = childNode.nextSibling; // Advance to next node or we get stuck in a loop because we created a span (child) } } // if not text node then it must be another element else { // nodeType 1 = element if (childNode.nodeType == 1) { this.highlightWord(word, childNode); } } } } private clearHighlights() { this.highlights.forEach((highlight) => { highlight.outerHTML = highlight.innerText; }); this.highlights = []; } private onClear() { this.clearHighlights(); this.inputElement.value = ''; this.resultsElement.classList.add('hidden'); } private gotoNext() { this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1].classList.add(...this.options.highlightClasses); this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1].classList.remove(...this.options.currentHighlightClasses); this.currentIndex++; if (this.currentIndex > this.searchTotal) { this.currentIndex = 1; } this.currentElement.innerText = `${this.currentIndex}`; this.scrollToQuery(this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1]); } private gotoPrev() { this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1].classList.add(...this.options.highlightClasses); this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1].classList.remove(...this.options.currentHighlightClasses); this.currentIndex--; if (this.currentIndex < 1) { this.currentIndex = this.searchTotal; } this.currentElement.innerText = `${this.currentIndex}`; this.scrollToQuery(this.highlights[this.currentIndex - 1]); } private scrollToQuery(element: HTMLElement) { const hiddenElement = this.isElementHidden(element); if (hiddenElement) { let event; if (typeof Event === 'function') { event = new Event('show'); } else { event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('show', true, true); } hiddenElement.dispatchEvent(event); } const wrapper = element.closest('.js-open-on-find'); if (wrapper) { wrapper.dispatchEvent(new Event('open')); } element.classList.add(...this.options.currentHighlightClasses); element.classList.remove(...this.options.highlightClasses); const top = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; const elementTopOffset = element.getBoundingClientRect().top; if (elementTopOffset > windowHeight || elementTopOffset < 0) { window.scrollTo(0, elementTopOffset + top - windowHeight / 2); } } private isElementHidden(element) { if (window.getComputedStyle(element).display === 'none') { return element; } else { if (element.parentElement) { return this.isElementHidden(element.parentElement); } else { return false; } } } }
export class WebfontComponent { private urls: Array<string>; private key = 'fonts'; private cache; constructor(urls: Array<string> = []) { this.urls = urls; this.cache = window.localStorage.getItem(this.key); if (this.cache) { this.insertFonts(this.cache); this.cacheFonts(); } else { this.cacheFonts(true); } } private cacheFonts(isInsertFonts: boolean = false) { const _self = this; window.addEventListener('load', function () { const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < _self.urls.length; i++) { const request = _self.get(_self.urls[i]).then( function (response) { return response; }, function (error) { console.error('Failed!', error); return false; } ); promises.push(request); } Promise.all(promises).then((arrayOfResults) => { let fonts = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arrayOfResults.length; i++) { if (arrayOfResults[i]) { fonts = fonts + ' ' + arrayOfResults[i]; } } if (isInsertFonts) { _self.insertFonts(fonts); } window.localStorage.setItem(_self.key, fonts); }); }); } private insertFonts(value) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = value; document.head.appendChild(style); } private get(url) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url); req.onload = function () { if (req.status == 200) { resolve(req.response); } else { reject(Error(req.statusText)); } }; req.onerror = function () { reject(Error('Network Error')); }; req.send(); }); } }
export class MasonryComponent { constructor() { if ('CSS' in window && CSS.supports('display', 'grid')) { this.initGridMasonry(); } else { /** * Remove the code below when we decide not to support sucky browsers like IE11 * And also remove all the related functions */ this.initFlexMasonry(); } } private initGridMasonry() { window.addEventListener('load', this.resizeAllMasonryItems.bind(this)); let timeoutDelay = null; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { clearTimeout(timeoutDelay); timeoutDelay = setTimeout(() => { this.resizeAllMasonryItems(); }, 250); }); } private resizeAllMasonryItems() { const allItems = document.querySelectorAll('.js-masonry-item'); Array.from(allItems).forEach((item) => { this.resizeMasonryItem(item as HTMLElement); }); } private resizeMasonryItem(element: HTMLElement) { /* Get the grid object, its row-gap, and the size of its implicit rows */ var grid = element.closest('.js-masonry'); if (grid) { const rowGap = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(grid).getPropertyValue('grid-row-gap')), rowHeight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(grid).getPropertyValue('grid-auto-rows')), gridContent = element.querySelector('.js-masonry-content') as HTMLImageElement; if (gridContent) { = 'auto'; } const rowSpan = Math.ceil( (element.querySelector('.js-masonry-content').getBoundingClientRect().height + rowGap) / (rowHeight + rowGap) ); = 'span ' + rowSpan; if (gridContent) { = element.getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px'; } } } private initFlexMasonry() { window.addEventListener('load', this.rerenderFlexMasonry.bind(this)); let timeoutDelay = null; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { clearTimeout(timeoutDelay); timeoutDelay = setTimeout(() => { this.rerenderFlexMasonry(); }, 250); }); } private rerenderFlexMasonry() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-masonry')).forEach((masonry: HTMLElement) => { = null; const items = Array.from(masonry.querySelectorAll('.js-masonry-item')); items.forEach((item: HTMLElement) => { = null; = null; }); const NrOfColumns = Math.round(masonry.offsetWidth / items[0].clientWidth); const columns = Array.from(new Array(NrOfColumns)).map(() => { return { items: new Array(), outerHeight: 0, }; }); items.forEach((item: HTMLElement) => { const style = getComputedStyle(item); = `${ parseInt(style.paddingTop) + (item.querySelector('.js-masonry-content') as HTMLElement).offsetHeight + parseInt(style.paddingBottom) }px`; const minOuterHeight = Math.min( => c.outerHeight)); const column = columns.find((c) => c.outerHeight == minOuterHeight); column.items.push(item); column.outerHeight += parseInt( + parseInt(style.paddingTop) + parseInt(style.paddingBottom); }); const masonryHeight = Math.max( => c.outerHeight)); let order = 0; columns.forEach((col) => { col.items.forEach((item: HTMLElement) => { = `${order++}`; }); // set flex-basis of the last cell to fill the // leftover space at the bottom of the column // to prevent the first cell of the next column // to be rendered at the bottom of this column col.items[col.items.length - 1].style.flexBasis = col.items[col.items.length - 1].offsetHeight + masonryHeight - col.outerHeight - 1 + 'px'; }); = masonryHeight + 1 + 'px'; }); } }
<gh_stars>10-100 export class GeneralComponent { constructor() { this.addOutlineForTabbers(); } // This adds a class if the user is tabbing and thus using the keyboard, so the focus style will be visible. Otherwise if it's a clicker the focus is removed. private addOutlineForTabbers() { function handleFirstTab(e) { if (e.keyCode === 9) { // the "I am a keyboard user" key document.body.classList.add('user-is-tabbing'); window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab); } } window.addEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab); } }
<filename>tailoff/js/components/formie.component.ts<gh_stars>10-100 import { SiteLang } from '../utils/site-lang'; import { ArrayPrototypes } from '../utils/prototypes/array.prototypes'; ArrayPrototypes.activateFrom(); declare global { interface Window { FormieTranslations: any; } } export class FormieComponent { public lang = require(`../i18n/formie-${SiteLang.getLang()}.json`); constructor() { window.FormieTranslations = this.lang; Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('select.fui-select')).forEach((element) => { const container = element.closest('.fui-input-container'); container.classList.add('fui-select-container'); }); } }
<reponame>TheDancingCode/craft import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; import { Info } from '../utils/info'; export class GlideComponent { constructor() { const sliders = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-slider')); if (sliders.length > 0) { this.processSliders(sliders); } DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '.js-slider', (sliders) => { this.processSliders(Array.from(sliders)); }); } private async processSliders(sliders: Array<Element>) { // @ts-ignore const Glide = await import('@glidejs/glide'); sliders.forEach((slider) => { slider.classList.remove('js-slider'); const sliderID = slider.getAttribute('id'); if (sliderID.indexOf('carousel') >= 0) { const glide = new Glide.default('#' + sliderID, { type: 'carousel', perView: 1, }); glide.mount(); } if (sliderID.indexOf('slider') >= 0) { const idealWidth = parseInt(slider.getAttribute('data-ideal-width')) || 200; const glide = new Glide.default('#' + sliderID, { type: 'slider', perView: 1, animationDuration: 800, gap: 20, peek: 100, perTouch: 1, perSwipe: 1, }); glide.on(['mount.after', 'resize'], function (e) { const slider = document.getElementById(sliderID); const slides = slider.querySelectorAll('.glide__slide'); if (window.innerWidth < 480) { glide.update({ peek: 40 }); } else { glide.update({ peek: 100 }); } const availableWidth = slider.offsetWidth - 2 * glide.settings.peek; let possiblePerView = Math.floor(availableWidth / idealWidth); if (possiblePerView <= 0) { possiblePerView = 1; } glide.update({ perView: possiblePerView }); const controles = slider.querySelector("div[data-glide-el='controls']"); if ((controles && Info.isTouchDevice() && Info.isMobile()) || possiblePerView >= slides.length) { controles.classList.add('hidden'); } else { controles.classList.remove('hidden'); } if (possiblePerView >= slides.length) { if (glide.index > 0) { glide.go('<<'); } glide.disable(); } else { glide.enable(); } }); glide.on(['run.before', 'resize'], (event) => { const slider = document.getElementById(sliderID); const slides = slider.querySelectorAll('.glide__slide'); let amount = glide.settings.perView; if (slides.length - (glide.index + glide.settings.perView) < amount) { amount = slides.length - glide.settings.perView; } event.steps = event.direction === '>' ? -amount : amount; Array.from(slides).forEach((slide) => { slide.classList.remove('opacity-50'); slide.classList.remove('opacity-25'); slide.classList.remove('opacity-0'); slide.classList.remove('pointer-events-none'); }); }); glide.on(['mount.after', 'run.after', 'resize'], (event) => { const slider = document.getElementById(sliderID); const slides = slider.querySelectorAll('.glide__slide'); let start = glide.index; let end = start + glide.settings.perView; Array.from(slides).forEach((slide, i) => { if (i < start || i >= end) { if (i + 1 == start || i == end) { slide.classList.add('opacity-50'); } else if (i + 2 == start || i - 1 == end) { slide.classList.add('opacity-25'); } else { slide.classList.add('opacity-0'); } slide.classList.add('pointer-events-none'); } }); const prevController = slider.querySelector("div[data-glide-el='controls'] .glide__arrow--left"); const nextController = slider.querySelector("div[data-glide-el='controls'] .glide__arrow--right"); if (glide.index == 0) { prevController.classList.add('opacity-25'); prevController.classList.add('pointer-events-none'); prevController.classList.remove('pointer-events-auto'); } else { prevController.classList.remove('opacity-25'); prevController.classList.remove('pointer-events-none'); prevController.classList.add('pointer-events-auto'); } if (glide.index + glide.settings.perView >= slides.length) { nextController.classList.add('opacity-25'); nextController.classList.add('pointer-events-none'); nextController.classList.remove('pointer-events-auto'); } else { nextController.classList.remove('opacity-25'); nextController.classList.remove('pointer-events-none'); nextController.classList.add('pointer-events-auto'); } }); glide.mount(); } }); } }
<reponame>TheDancingCode/craft // based on: // import Promise from "promise-polyfill"; import { Ajax } from '../utils/ajax'; import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; import { SiteLang } from '../utils/site-lang'; import { Formatter } from '../utils/formater'; export class AjaxSearchComponent { constructor() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-s-ajax-search], [data-s-ajax-search-callback]')).forEach( (search, index) => { if (search.tagName === 'INPUT') { new AjaxSearch(search as HTMLInputElement, index); } } ); DOMHelper.onDynamicContent( document.documentElement, 'select[data-s-ajax-search], select[data-s-ajax-search-callback]', (search) => { Array.from(search).forEach((s: HTMLInputElement, index) => { new AjaxSearch(s, index); }); } ); } } class AjaxSearch { private lang = require(`../i18n/s-ajax-search-${SiteLang.getLang()}.json`); private ajaxSearchElement: HTMLDivElement; private inputElement: HTMLInputElement; private formElement: HTMLFormElement; private ajaxURL: string; private options: Array<HTMLElement> = []; private searchCallback = ''; private ajaxMethod = 'GET'; private ajaxQueryName = 'data'; private dataArray = ''; private resultTemplate = ''; private noresultTemplate = ''; private typedTextTemplate = ''; private noresultText = this.lang.nothingFound; private noTypedOption = false; private autocompleteInputWrapper: HTMLDivElement; private ajaxSearchListElement: HTMLUListElement; private statusElement: HTMLDivElement; private inputKeyUpListener; private inputFocusListener; private inputKeyDownListener; private documentClickListener; private hoverOption: HTMLElement; private isDisabled = false; private keys = { esc: 27, up: 38, left: 37, right: 39, space: 32, enter: 13, tab: 9, shift: 16, down: 40, backspace: 8, }; constructor(input: HTMLInputElement, index) { this.inputElement = input; this.ajaxURL = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search'); this.searchCallback = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-callback'); this.formElement = this.inputElement.closest('form'); if (this.ajaxURL || this.searchCallback) { if (this.ajaxURL) { this.ajaxMethod = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-methode') != null ? this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-methode') : this.ajaxMethod; this.ajaxQueryName = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-query') != null ? this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-query') : this.ajaxQueryName; } this.noresultText = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-result-text') != null ? this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-result-text') : this.noresultText; if (this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-result-template') != null) { const template = document.getElementById(this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-result-template')); this.resultTemplate = template != null ? template.innerHTML : ''; } if (this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-typed-text-template') != null) { const template = document.getElementById( this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-typed-text-template') ); this.typedTextTemplate = template != null ? template.innerHTML : ''; } if (this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-result-template') != null) { const template = document.getElementById( this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-result-template') ); this.noresultTemplate = template != null ? template.innerHTML : ''; } if (this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-typed-option') != null) { this.noTypedOption = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-no-typed-option') ? true : false; } this.dataArray = this.inputElement.getAttribute('data-s-ajax-search-data'); this.inputElement.removeAttribute('data-s-ajax-search'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-controls', `ajaxSearchList${index}`); this.inputElement.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'none'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-autocomplete', 'list'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.isDisabled = this.inputElement.getAttribute('disabled') != null ? true : false; this.ajaxSearchElement = document.createElement('div'); this.ajaxSearchElement.classList.add('ajax-search'); if (this.isDisabled) { this.ajaxSearchElement.classList.add('disabled'); } this.inputElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', this.ajaxSearchElement); this.autocompleteInputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); this.autocompleteInputWrapper.classList.add('ajax-search__input-wrapper'); this.autocompleteInputWrapper.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.inputElement); this.ajaxSearchElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.autocompleteInputWrapper); this.inputKeyUpListener = this.onKeyUp.bind(this); this.inputElement.addEventListener('keyup', this.inputKeyUpListener); this.inputKeyDownListener = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.inputElement.addEventListener('keydown', this.inputKeyDownListener); this.inputFocusListener = this.onFocus.bind(this); this.inputElement.addEventListener('focus', this.inputFocusListener); this.ajaxSearchListElement = document.createElement('ul'); this.ajaxSearchListElement.setAttribute('id', `ajaxSearchList${index}`); this.ajaxSearchListElement.setAttribute('role', 'listbox'); this.ajaxSearchListElement.classList.add('ajax-search__list'); this.ajaxSearchListElement.classList.add('hidden'); this.ajaxSearchElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.ajaxSearchListElement); this.statusElement = document.createElement('div'); this.statusElement.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'); this.statusElement.setAttribute('role', 'status'); this.statusElement.classList.add('sr-only'); this.ajaxSearchElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.statusElement); this.documentClickListener = this.onDocumentClick.bind(this); document.addEventListener('click', this.documentClickListener); } else { console.error( 'No URL defined to make the ajax call for the search. Make sure you give the attribute data-s-ajax-search a value!' ); } } private onKeyUp(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case this.keys.left: case this.keys.right: case case this.keys.shift: break; case this.keys.esc: this.hideMenu(); break; case this.keys.enter: e.preventDefault(); if (this.hoverOption) { const link = this.hoverOption.querySelector('a'); if (link) {; } } break; case this.keys.up: e.preventDefault(); // If the first option is focused, set focus to the text box. Otherwise set focus to the previous option. if (this.hoverOption) { let previousSib = this.hoverOption.previousElementSibling; if (this.hoverOption && previousSib) { this.highlightOption(previousSib as HTMLElement); } else { this.highlightOption(this.ajaxSearchListElement.lastChild as HTMLElement); } } break; case this.keys.down: e.preventDefault(); if (this.ajaxSearchListElement.classList.contains('hidden') && this.options.length > 0) { this.onTextBoxDownPressed(e); } else { // Focus the next menu option. If it’s the last menu option, do nothing. if (this.hoverOption) { let nextSib = this.hoverOption.nextElementSibling; if (this.hoverOption && nextSib) { this.highlightOption(nextSib as HTMLElement); } else { this.highlightOption(this.ajaxSearchListElement.firstChild as HTMLElement); } } else { this.highlightOption(this.ajaxSearchListElement.firstChild as HTMLElement); } } break; default: this.onTextBoxType(e); } } private onKeyDown(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case // Hide the menu. this.hideMenu(); break; } } private onFocus(e) { if (this.inputElement.value.trim().length > 0) { if (this.searchCallback) { window[this.searchCallback](this.inputElement.value.trim().toLowerCase()).then((data) => { this.showData(data); }); } else { this.getData(this.inputElement.value.trim().toLowerCase()); } } } private onDocumentClick(e) { if (!this.ajaxSearchElement.contains( { this.hideMenu(); } } private onTextBoxType(e) { // only show options if user typed something if (this.inputElement.value.trim().length > 0) { if (this.searchCallback) { if (window[this.searchCallback]) { window[this.searchCallback](this.inputElement.value.trim().toLowerCase()).then((data) => { this.showData(data); }); } } else { this.getData(this.inputElement.value.trim().toLowerCase()); } } else { this.hideMenu(); } } private onTextBoxDownPressed(e) { this.showMenu(); if (this.options.length > 0) { this.highlightOption(this.options[0] as HTMLElement); } } private showMenu() { this.ajaxSearchListElement.classList.remove('hidden'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } private hideMenu() { this.ajaxSearchListElement.classList.add('hidden'); this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.inputElement.removeAttribute('aria-activedescendant'); } private getData(query: string, callback: Function = null) { let xhr = null; let data = null; let url = this.ajaxURL; if (this.ajaxMethod == 'GET') { if (this.ajaxQueryName === '') { url += query; } else { if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) { url += `?${this.ajaxQueryName}=${query}`; } else { url += `&${this.ajaxQueryName}=${query}`; } } } if (this.ajaxMethod == 'POST') { data = {}; data[this.ajaxQueryName] = query; } xhr ={ url: url, data: data, method: this.ajaxMethod, xhr: xhr, success: (data) => { if (!Array.isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } this.showData(data); }, error: (e) => { console.error(e); }, }); } private showData(data) { this.ajaxSearchListElement.innerHTML = ''; if (this.dataArray) { this.dataArray.split('.').forEach((param) => { if (data) { data = data[param]; } }); } data.forEach((info) => { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('role', 'option'); if (this.resultTemplate == '') { li.innerText = info; } else { li.innerHTML = Formatter.parseTemplate(this.resultTemplate, info); } const link = li.querySelector('a'); if (link) { link.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); } this.ajaxSearchListElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', li); }); this.updateStatus(data.length); if (data.length == 0) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('role', 'option'); if (this.noresultTemplate == '') { li.innerText = this.noresultText; } else { li.innerHTML = this.noresultTemplate; } this.ajaxSearchListElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', li); } if (!this.noTypedOption) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('role', 'option'); let template = this.typedTextTemplate; if (template) { const matches = this.typedTextTemplate.match(/%%(.*)%%/gi); if (matches) { matches.forEach((match) => { template = template.replace(match, this.inputElement.value.trim()); }); } } else { template = `${this.lang.showResultsForQuery} ${this.inputElement.value.trim()}`; } const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = this.formElement.action + '?' + + '=' + this.inputElement.value.trim().toLowerCase(); link.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', template); li.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', link); this.ajaxSearchListElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', li); } this.showMenu(); } private updateStatus(nbr: number) { if (this.statusElement) { this.statusElement.innerText = `${nbr} ${this.lang.resultsAvailable}`; } } private highlightOption(option: HTMLElement) { if (this.hoverOption) { this.hoverOption.classList.remove('highlight'); } if (option) { option.classList.add('highlight'); this.ajaxSearchListElement.scrollTop = option.offsetTop; this.inputElement.setAttribute('aria-activedescendant',; } this.hoverOption = option; } }
<reponame>TheDancingCode/craft declare global { interface Window { onYouTubeIframeAPIReady: any; YT: any; } } export class VideoBackgroundComponent { constructor() { const videos = document.querySelectorAll('.js-video-bg'); Array.from(videos).forEach((video) => { this.initVideo(video as HTMLElement); }); const videoRatios = document.querySelectorAll('.js-video-container'); Array.from(videoRatios).forEach((video) => { this.initVideoRatio(video as HTMLElement); }); } private initVideo(video: HTMLElement) { //Idea from: const parent = video.parentElement; const videoId = video.getAttribute('data-youtube-id'); const youtubeApi = document.getElementById('youtubeAPI'); if (!youtubeApi) { const tag = document.createElement('script'); = 'youtubeAPI'; tag.src = ''; const firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); } window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => { const player = new window.YT.Player(video, { videoId: videoId, playerVars: { autoplay: 1, rel: 0, showinfo: 0, modestbranding: 1, playsinline: 1, controls: 0, color: 'white', loop: 1, mute: 1, playlist: videoId, }, events: { onReady: () => { player.playVideo(); player.mute(); }, onError: (e) => { parent.closest('.js-video-container').classList.add('hidden'); }, }, }); }; } private initVideoRatio(video: HTMLElement) { const wrapper = video.querySelector('.js-video-wrapper') as HTMLElement; if (wrapper) { this.onResize(video, wrapper); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.onResize(video, wrapper); }); } } private onResize(video: HTMLElement, wrapper: HTMLElement) { if (video.clientWidth / 16 < video.clientHeight / 9) { = `${Math.ceil((((video.clientHeight / 9) * 16) / video.clientWidth) * 100)}%`; = `${Math.ceil((video.clientHeight / video.clientWidth) * 100)}%`; } else { = ''; = ''; } } }
<gh_stars>0 // import flatpickr from 'flatpickr'; import { DOMHelper } from '../utils/domHelper'; import { SiteLang } from '../utils/site-lang'; const lang = SiteLang.getLang(); export class DatePickerComponent { constructor() { const pickers = document.querySelectorAll('.js-date-picker'); if (pickers.length > 0) { this.initDatePickers(pickers); } DOMHelper.onDynamicContent(document.documentElement, '.js-date-picker', (pickers) => { this.initDatePickers(pickers); }); } private async initDatePickers(pickers) { // @ts-ignore const flatpickr = await import('flatpickr'); switch (lang) { case 'nl': const Dutch = require('flatpickr/dist/l10n/nl.js'); flatpickr.default.localize(Dutch); break; case 'fr': const French = require('flatpickr/dist/l10n/fr.js'); flatpickr.default.localize(French); break; } Array.from(pickers).forEach((picker: HTMLElement) => { picker.classList.remove('js-time-picker'); flatpickr.default(picker, { dateFormat: 'd/m/Y', onChange: function (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) { instance.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('check-validation')); instance.altInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('check-validation')); }, }); }); } }
<filename>tailoff/js/ie.ts import '../css/ie.css'; import { IEBannerComponent } from './ie/ieBanner.component'; new IEBannerComponent();
import { SiteLang } from '../utils/site-lang'; import { A11yUtils } from '../utils/a11y'; import 'wicg-inert'; import { ModalPlugin, ModalPluginConstructor } from '../plugins/modal/plugin.interface'; export class ModalComponent { private lang = require(`../i18n/s-modal-${SiteLang.getLang()}.json`); private options = { closeHTML: `<span class="close-icon"></span>`, nextHTML: `<span class="next-icon"></span>`, prevHTML: `<span class="prev-icon"></span>`, initTriggers: true, allowClose: true, onClose: null, plugins: [], }; private bodyElement: HTMLBodyElement; private modalOverlay: HTMLDivElement; private modal: HTMLDivElement; private modalClose: HTMLButtonElement; public modalContent: HTMLDivElement; private closeListener; public trigger: HTMLElement; public modalLoader: HTMLDivElement; public galleryGroup: Array<string>; private nextButton: HTMLButtonElement; private prevButton: HTMLButtonElement; public currentGroupIndex: number = 0; private navListener; private inlineContentWrapper: HTMLElement; private mainContentBlock: HTMLElement; public firstTabbableElement: Element; public lastTabbableElement: Element; private plugins: Array<ModalPlugin> = new Array<ModalPlugin>(); private startTouchX = 0; private startTouchY = 0; constructor(options: Object = {}) { this.options = { ...this.options, ...options }; this.mainContentBlock = document.getElementById('mainContentBlock'); this.bodyElement = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0] as HTMLBodyElement; if (this.options.initTriggers) { const triggers = document.querySelectorAll('.js-modal'); Array.from(triggers).forEach((trigger) => { this.initTrigger(trigger); }); this.options.plugins.forEach( (plugin: ModalPluginConstructor | { plugin: ModalPluginConstructor; options: {} }) => { const p = typeof plugin == 'function' ? new plugin(this) : new plugin.plugin(this); p.initElement(); this.plugins.push(p); } ); this.initTriggerClick(); } } private initTrigger(trigger: Element) { trigger.setAttribute('role', 'button'); } private initTriggerClick() { document.addEventListener( 'click', (e) => { // loop parent nodes from the target to the delegation node for (let target = <Element>; target && !target.isSameNode(document); target = target.parentElement) { if (target.matches('.js-modal')) { e.preventDefault(); this.openModalClick(target as HTMLElement); break; } this.plugins.forEach((p) => { if (target.matches(`.${p.getTriggerClass()}`)) { e.preventDefault(); p.openModalClick(target as HTMLElement); } }); } }, false ); } private openModalClick(trigger: HTMLElement) { this.trigger = trigger; if (trigger.classList.contains('js-modal')) { if (trigger.tagName === 'A') { this.openInlineModal((trigger as HTMLAnchorElement).getAttribute('href')); } else { const id = trigger.getAttribute('data-modal-id'); id ? this.openInlineModal(id) : console.log('No modal id is provided on the trigger'); } } document.body.classList.add('has-open-modal'); } public getTriggerSrc(trigger: Element) { if (trigger.tagName === 'A') { return (trigger as HTMLAnchorElement).getAttribute('href'); } else { const src = trigger.getAttribute('data-modal-src'); return src ? src : null; } } public openInlineModal(id: string) { this.createOverlay(); this.createModal(); this.inlineContentWrapper = document.querySelector(id); if (this.inlineContentWrapper) { // this.modalContent.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", content.innerHTML); Array.from(this.inlineContentWrapper.children).forEach((element) => { this.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', element); }); this.linkAccesebilityToDialog(); } else { this.modalContent.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<h1>Error</h1><p>${this.lang.contentError}</p>`); } this.trapTab(); } public createOverlay() { this.modalOverlay = document.createElement('div'); this.modalOverlay.classList.add('modal__overlay'); if (this.options.allowClose) { this.modalOverlay.addEventListener('click', () => { this.closeModal(); }); } this.bodyElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.modalOverlay); } public createModal(dialogClass = '', modalContentClass = 'modal__content') { this.modal = document.createElement('div'); this.modal.classList.add('modal__dialog'); dialogClass != '' && this.modal.classList.add(dialogClass); this.modal.setAttribute('role', 'dialog'); // this.modal.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); this.modal.setAttribute('aria-label', this.lang.dialogLabel); if (this.options.allowClose) { this.modalClose = document.createElement('button'); this.modalClose.classList.add('modal__close'); this.modalClose.setAttribute('type', 'button'); // this.modalClose.setAttribute("aria-label", this.lang.closeLabel); this.modalClose.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span class="sr-only">${this.lang.closeLabel}</span>`); this.modalClose.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.options.closeHTML); this.modalClose.addEventListener('click', () => { this.closeModal(); }); this.modal.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.modalClose); } this.modalContent = document.createElement('div'); this.modalContent.classList.add(modalContentClass); this.modalContent.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); this.modal.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.modalContent); if (this.options.allowClose) { this.closeListener = this.escKeyAction.bind(this); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.closeListener); } this.plugins.forEach((p) => { if (this.trigger.matches(`.${p.getTriggerClass()}`)) { p.afterCreateModal(); } }); this.bodyElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.modal); this.setMainContentInert(); } private linkAccesebilityToDialog() { let label = this.modalContent.querySelector('.js-modal-label'); label = label ? label : this.modalContent.querySelector('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6'); if (label) { label.setAttribute('id', 'js-modal-label'); this.modal.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'js-modal-label'); } } public addNavigation() { this.nextButton = document.createElement('button'); this.nextButton.classList.add('modal__navigation'); this.nextButton.classList.add('modal__next-button'); this.nextButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); this.nextButton.setAttribute('aria-label', this.lang.nextLabel); this.nextButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span class="sr-only">${this.lang.nextText}</span>`); this.nextButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.options.nextHTML); this.nextButton.addEventListener('click', this.gotoNextItem.bind(this)); if (this.currentGroupIndex === this.galleryGroup.length - 1) { this.nextButton.classList.add('hidden'); this.nextButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } this.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.nextButton); this.prevButton = document.createElement('button'); this.prevButton.classList.add('modal__navigation'); this.prevButton.classList.add('modal__prev-button'); this.prevButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); this.prevButton.setAttribute('aria-label', this.lang.prevLabel); this.prevButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span class="sr-only">${this.lang.prevText}</span>`); this.prevButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.options.prevHTML); this.prevButton.addEventListener('click', this.gotoPrevItem.bind(this)); if (this.currentGroupIndex === 0) { this.prevButton.classList.add('hidden'); this.prevButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } this.modalContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.prevButton); this.navListener = this.keyBoardNavigation.bind(this); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.navListener); this.modalContent.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => { this.startTouchX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX; this.startTouchY = e.changedTouches[0].pageY; }); this.modalContent.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => { const swipeThreshold = 10; let moved; if (this.startTouchX - e.changedTouches[0].pageX > swipeThreshold) { this.gotoNextItem(); moved = true; } if (this.startTouchX - e.changedTouches[0].pageX < swipeThreshold) { this.gotoPrevItem(); moved = true; } if (this.startTouchY - e.changedTouches[0].pageY > swipeThreshold && !moved) { this.gotoNextItem(); } if (this.startTouchY - e.changedTouches[0].pageY < swipeThreshold && !moved) { this.gotoPrevItem(); } }); } public gotoNextItem() { this.prevButton.classList.remove('hidden'); this.prevButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (this.currentGroupIndex < this.galleryGroup.length - 1) { this.currentGroupIndex++; this.plugins.forEach((p) => { if (this.trigger.matches(`.${p.getTriggerClass()}`)) { p.gotoNextAction(); } }); } if (this.currentGroupIndex === this.galleryGroup.length - 1) { this.nextButton.classList.add('hidden'); this.nextButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); this.prevButton.focus(); } this.updateGalleryTabIndexes(); } public gotoPrevItem() { this.nextButton.classList.remove('hidden'); this.nextButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (this.currentGroupIndex > 0) { this.currentGroupIndex--; this.plugins.forEach((p) => { if (this.trigger.matches(`.${p.getTriggerClass()}`)) { p.gotoPrevAction(); } }); } if (this.currentGroupIndex === 0) { this.prevButton.classList.add('hidden'); this.prevButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); this.nextButton.focus(); } this.updateGalleryTabIndexes(); } private keyBoardNavigation(event) { if ( event.keyCode === 39 || event.key === 'ArrowRight' || (event.code === 'ArrowRight' && this.currentGroupIndex < this.galleryGroup.length - 1) ) { this.gotoNextItem(); } if ( event.keyCode === 37 || event.key === 'ArrowLeft' || (event.code === 'ArrowLeft' && this.currentGroupIndex > 0) ) { this.gotoPrevItem(); } } private trapTab() { A11yUtils.keepFocus(this.modal); this.modalContent.focus(); } private escKeyAction(event) { if (event.keyCode === 27 || event.key === 'Escape' || event.code === 'Escape') { this.closeModal(); } } public updateGalleryTabIndexes() { const tabbableElements = `a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]`; const allTabbableElements = this.modal.querySelectorAll(tabbableElements); this.firstTabbableElement = allTabbableElements[0]; this.lastTabbableElement = allTabbableElements[allTabbableElements.length - 1]; } public closeModal() { document.body.classList.remove('has-open-modal'); if (this.inlineContentWrapper) { Array.from(this.modalContent.children).forEach((element) => { this.inlineContentWrapper.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', element); }); } this.bodyElement.removeChild(this.modalOverlay); this.bodyElement.removeChild(this.modal); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.closeListener); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.navListener); this.plugins.forEach((p) => { if (this.trigger.matches(`.${p.getTriggerClass()}`)) { p.closeModal(); } }); this.setMainContentInert(false); if (this.trigger) { setTimeout(() => { //To make sure this is the last focus. Otherwise the inert plugin fucks it up. this.trigger.focus(); }, 0); } if (this.options.onClose && typeof this.options.onClose == 'function') { this.options.onClose(); } } private setMainContentInert(set = true) { if (this.mainContentBlock && set) { this.mainContentBlock.setAttribute('inert', ''); document.documentElement.classList.add('overflow-hidden'); } if (this.mainContentBlock && !set) { this.mainContentBlock.removeAttribute('inert'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('overflow-hidden'); } } }
<reponame>RadarRadarRadar/practice-template import { build } from "esbuild"; /** * Generic options passed during build. */ interface BuildOptions { env: "production" | "development"; } /** * A builder function for the app package. */ export async function buildApp(options: BuildOptions) { const { env } = options; await build({ entryPoints: ["packages/app/src/index.tsx"], outfile: "packages/app/public/script.js", define: { "process.env.NODE_ENV": `"${env}"`, }, bundle: true, minify: env === "production", sourcemap: env === "development", }); } /** * A builder function for the server package. */ export async function buildServer(options: BuildOptions) { const { env } = options; await build({ entryPoints: ["packages/server/src/index.ts"], outfile: "packages/server/dist/index.js", define: { "process.env.NODE_ENV": `"${env}"`, }, external: ["express"], platform: "node", target: "node14.15.5", bundle: true, minify: env === "production", sourcemap: env === "development", }); } /** * A builder function for all packages. */ async function buildAll() { await Promise.all([ buildApp({ env: "production", }), buildServer({ env: "production", }), ]); } // This method is executed when we run the script from the terminal with ts-node buildAll();
<gh_stars>10-100 export const APP_TITLE = "tutorial-app";
<filename>src/UndoableEdit.ts /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ /** * The base class for undoables */ export abstract class UndoableEdit { /** * This action reverts the changes of the edit. */ public abstract undo(): void; /** * This action re-applies the changes of the edit. */ public abstract redo(): void; /** * Try to merge a new edit into an existing one. This can be used to merge smaller edits into larger edits. * For example a text editor can merge multiple changes into one, rather than having one edit per character change. * * @param edit The new edit * @returns true if the edit was merged, false otherwise */ public merge(edit: UndoableEdit): boolean { return false; } /** * Try to replace an existing edit with a new one * * @param edit The new edit * @returns true if this edit should be replaced with the new one, false otherwise */ public replace(edit: UndoableEdit): boolean { return false; } /** * A significant edit is worthy to be saved and to be displayed to the user as undoable. * A typical insignificant edit would be if two edits got merged into one, ending up with the original. * Another example is when selection changes have been done, which don't change the data. * * @return true if the edit was significant */ public isSignificant(): boolean { return true; } }
<reponame>Lusito/typed-undomanager export * from "./UndoManager"; export * from "./UndoableEdit";
import { UndoableEdit } from "./UndoableEdit"; /** * The UndoManager keeps track of all editables. */ export class UndoManager { private edits: UndoableEdit[] = []; private position = 0; private unmodifiedPosition = 0; private limit: number; private listener: null | (() => void) = null; /** * Create a new UndoManager * * @param limit The maximum amount of editables to remember */ public constructor(limit = 100) { this.limit = limit; } /** * The listener will be called when changes have been done (adding an edit, or undoing/redoing it) * * @param listener The new callback or null to remove the existing one. */ public setListener(listener: null | (() => void)) { this.listener = listener; } /** * Test if there is anything to be saved */ public isModified() { if (this.unmodifiedPosition === -1) return true; if (this.position === this.unmodifiedPosition) return false; if (this.edits.length <= this.unmodifiedPosition) return true; let from = this.testUndo(this.unmodifiedPosition); from = from === false ? this.unmodifiedPosition : from + 1; let to = this.testRedo(this.unmodifiedPosition); to = to === false ? this.unmodifiedPosition + 1 : to - 1; return this.position < from || this.position > to; } /** * Mark the point when the data has been saved. */ public setUnmodified() { this.unmodifiedPosition = this.position; } /** * Get the maximum amount of editables to remember */ public getLimit(): number { return this.limit; } /** * Set the maximum amount of editables to remember. * The new limit will be applied instantly. * * @param value The maximum amount of editables to remember */ public setLimit(value: number): void { this.applyLimit((this.limit = value)); } /** * Clear all edits */ public clear(): void { this.edits.length = 0; this.position = 0; this.unmodifiedPosition = 0; this.listener?.(); } private applyLimit(limit: number) { const diff = this.edits.length - limit; if (diff > 0) { this.position = Math.max(0, this.position - diff); if (this.unmodifiedPosition !== -1) this.unmodifiedPosition = Math.max(0, this.unmodifiedPosition - diff); this.edits.splice(0, diff); } } /** * Test to see the new position after an undo would happen. * * @param position The start position * @return False if no significant edit can be undone. * Otherwise the new position. */ private testUndo(position: number): number | false { for (let i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.edits[i].isSignificant()) return i; } return false; } /** * @returns true if there is anything to be undone (only significant edits count) */ public canUndo(): boolean { return this.testUndo(this.position) !== false; } /** * Undo the last significant edit. * This will undo all insignificant edits up to the edit to be undone. * * @throws Error if no edit can be undone. */ public undo(): void { const newPosition = this.testUndo(this.position); if (newPosition === false) throw new Error("Cannot undo"); while (this.position > newPosition) { const next = this.edits[--this.position]; next.undo(); } this.listener?.(); } /** * Test to see the new position after an redo would happen. * * @param position The start position * @return False if no significant edit can be redone. * Otherwise the new position. */ private testRedo(position: number): number | false { for (let i = position; i < this.edits.length; i++) { if (this.edits[i].isSignificant()) return i + 1; } return false; } /** * @returns true if there is anything to be redone (only significant edits count) */ public canRedo(): boolean { return this.testRedo(this.position) !== false; } /** * Redo the next significant edit. * This will redo all insignificant edits up to the edit to be redone. * * @throws Error if no edit can be redone. */ public redo(): void { const newPosition = this.testRedo(this.position); if (newPosition === false) throw new Error("Cannot redo"); while (this.position < newPosition) { const next = this.edits[this.position++]; next.redo(); } this.listener?.(); } /** * Add a new edit. Will try to merge or replace existing edits. * * @param edit The new edit to add. */ public add(edit: UndoableEdit) { if (this.edits.length > this.position) this.edits.length = this.position; if (this.edits.length === 0 || this.unmodifiedPosition === this.edits.length) this.edits.push(edit); else { const last = this.edits[this.edits.length - 1]; if (!last.merge(edit)) { if (edit.replace(last)) this.edits.pop(); this.edits.push(edit); } } this.applyLimit(this.limit); this.position = this.edits.length; if (this.unmodifiedPosition >= this.position) this.unmodifiedPosition = -1; this.listener?.(); } }
<gh_stars>1-10 import { UndoableEdit } from "./UndoableEdit"; import { UndoManager } from "./UndoManager"; class UndoableSpy extends UndoableEdit { public undoneCount = 0; public redoneCount = 0; public undo(): void { this.undoneCount++; } public redo(): void { this.redoneCount++; } } class UndoableMergeSpy extends UndoableSpy { public mergeCalls = 0; public mergeCount = 0; public merge(edit: UndoableEdit): boolean { this.mergeCalls++; if (edit instanceof UndoableMergeSpy) { this.mergeCount++; return true; } return false; } } class UndoableReplaceSpy extends UndoableSpy { public replaceCalls = 0; public replace(edit: UndoableEdit): boolean { this.replaceCalls++; return edit instanceof UndoableReplaceSpy; } } class UndoableInsignificantSpy extends UndoableSpy { public isSignificant(): boolean { return false; } } class UndoableMerge extends UndoableSpy { private readonly oldValue: number; private newValue: number; public constructor(oldValue: number, newValue: number) { super(); this.oldValue = oldValue; this.newValue = newValue; } public merge(edit: UndoableEdit): boolean { if (edit instanceof UndoableMerge) { this.newValue = edit.newValue; return true; } return false; } public isSignificant(): boolean { return this.newValue !== this.oldValue; } } describe("UndoManager", () => { test("add_undo_and_redo", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("add_two_undo_and_redo", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("add_undo_and_redo_middle", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.undo(); manager.add(undoable3); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("merge_undo_redo", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableMergeSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableMergeSpy(); const undoable4 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.add(undoable3); manager.add(undoable4); expect(undoable2.mergeCalls).toBe(2); expect(undoable2.mergeCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.mergeCalls).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("limit", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(2); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableSpy(); expect(manager.getLimit()).toBe(2); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.add(undoable3); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("limit_after_add", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.add(undoable3); manager.setLimit(2); expect(manager.getLimit()).toBe(2); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); }); test("limit_after_add_save_marker_gone", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.setUnmodified(); manager.undo(); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.setLimit(2); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); while (manager.canUndo()) { manager.undo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); } while (manager.canRedo()) { manager.redo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); } }); test("errors", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); expect(() => manager.undo()).toThrow(); expect(() => manager.redo()).toThrow(); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); expect(() => manager.redo()).toThrow(); manager.undo(); expect(() => manager.undo()).toThrow(); }); test("clear", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.clear(); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); expect(() => manager.undo()).toThrow(); expect(() => manager.redo()).toThrow(); // perform basic test afterwards to see if it still works. const undoable = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable.redoneCount).toBe(1); }); test("insignificant", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableInsignificantSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableInsignificantSpy(); const undoable4 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.add(undoable3); manager.add(undoable4); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(0); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable3.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable4.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); }); test("save_marker", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.undo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.redo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.setUnmodified(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.redo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); }); test("save_marker_gone", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); manager.setUnmodified(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); while (manager.canUndo()) { manager.undo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); } while (manager.canRedo()) { manager.redo(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); } }); test("save_marker_insignificant", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableInsignificantSpy(); const undoable3 = new UndoableInsignificantSpy(); const undoable4 = new UndoableSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); manager.add(undoable3); manager.add(undoable4); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.setUnmodified(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); // 4 undone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.setUnmodified(); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); // 3,2,1 undone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.redo(); // 1 redone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); manager.redo(); // 2,3,4 redone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.setUnmodified(); manager.undo(); // 4 undone manager.undo(); // 3,2,1 undone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.redo(); // 1 redone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.redo(); // 2,3,4 redone expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); }); test("save_marker_merged_insignificant", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); manager.add(new UndoableMerge(0, 1)); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.add(new UndoableMerge(1, 0)); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(false); }); test("save_marker_saved_then_merged_insignificant", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); manager.add(new UndoableMerge(0, 1)); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); manager.setUnmodified(); manager.add(new UndoableMerge(1, 0)); expect(manager.isModified()).toBe(true); }); test("replace", () => { const manager = new UndoManager(); const undoable1 = new UndoableReplaceSpy(); const undoable2 = new UndoableReplaceSpy(); manager.add(undoable1); manager.add(undoable2); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); manager.undo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(true); manager.redo(); expect(undoable1.undoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable1.redoneCount).toBe(0); expect(undoable2.undoneCount).toBe(1); expect(undoable2.redoneCount).toBe(1); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(true); expect(manager.canRedo()).toBe(false); }); test("listener", () => { let count = 0; const manager = new UndoManager(); manager.setListener(() => count++); expect(count).toBe(0); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); expect(count).toBe(1); manager.undo(); expect(count).toBe(2); manager.redo(); expect(count).toBe(3); manager.clear(); expect(count).toBe(4); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); expect(count).toBe(5); manager.add(new UndoableInsignificantSpy()); expect(count).toBe(6); manager.add(new UndoableInsignificantSpy()); expect(count).toBe(7); manager.add(new UndoableSpy()); expect(count).toBe(8); manager.undo(); expect(count).toBe(9); manager.undo(); expect(count).toBe(10); expect(manager.canUndo()).toBe(false); }); });
import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import Linkify from 'linkifyjs/react'; import React from 'react'; import { ChildProps, compose, graphql, MutationFunc } from 'react-apollo'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'; import ChatError from '../../molecules/ChatError'; import Embed, { Props as EmbedProps } from '../../molecules/Embed'; import Loading from '../../molecules/Loading'; import RoomInfo from '../../molecules/RoomInfo'; import { Header, Message, MessageAuthor, MessageDate, MessageHeader, MessageInput, MessageInputContainer, Messages, MessageSendButton, MessageText, MessageWrapper, NewMessageContainer, Section, } from './styled'; interface User { id: string; name: string; } interface Message { id: string; createdAt: string; content: string; author: User; viewerIsAuthor: boolean; embeds: EmbedProps[]; } interface Room { id: string; name: string; messages: Message[]; members: User[]; } interface Response { room: Room; } interface Props { roomId: string; sendMessage: MutationFunc< { sendMessage: { id: string } }, { roomId: string; content: string } >; } interface State { inputText: string; } const compareMessages = (a: Message, b: Message): number => { const dateA = new Date(a.createdAt); const dateB = new Date(a.createdAt); return dateA.getTime() - dateB.getTime(); }; const ChatMessageFragment = gql` fragment ChatMessage on Message { id createdAt content author { id name } viewerIsAuthor embeds { type src } } `; const ChatQuery = gql` ${ChatMessageFragment} query ChatQuery($roomId: ObjectID!) { room(id: $roomId) { id name viewerIsMember messages { ...ChatMessage } members { id name } } } `; interface ChatSubscriptionData { data: { messageWasSent: Message }; } const ChatSubscription = gql` ${ChatMessageFragment} subscription ChatSubscription($roomId: ObjectID!) { messageWasSent(roomId: $roomId) { ...ChatMessage } } `; interface UserSubscriptionData { data: { userJoinedRoom: User }; } const UserSubscription = gql` subscription UserSubscription($roomId: ObjectID!) { userJoinedRoom(roomId: $roomId) { id name } } `; class Chat extends React.Component<ChildProps<Props, Response>, State> { messageContainer?: HTMLDivElement; stickToBottom: boolean = true; unsubscribeMessages?: () => void; unsubscribeUsers?: () => void; state: State = { inputText: '', }; componentDidMount() { this.stickToBottom = true; if (this.messageContainer) { this.messageContainer.scrollTop = this.messageContainer.scrollHeight; } this.subscribeToMessages(); this.subscribeToNewUsers(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.unsubscribeMessages) { this.unsubscribeMessages(); this.unsubscribeMessages = undefined; } if (this.unsubscribeUsers) { this.unsubscribeUsers(); this.unsubscribeUsers = undefined; } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ChildProps<Props, Response>) { if ( this.messageContainer && !== && this.stickToBottom ) { this.messageContainer.scrollTop = this.messageContainer.scrollHeight; } // Room changed if (this.props.roomId !== prevProps.roomId) { this.stickToBottom = true; if (this.messageContainer) { this.messageContainer.scrollTop = this.messageContainer.scrollHeight; } if (this.unsubscribeMessages) { this.unsubscribeMessages(); this.unsubscribeMessages = undefined; } if (this.unsubscribeUsers) { this.unsubscribeUsers(); this.unsubscribeUsers = undefined; } } if (!this.unsubscribeMessages) { // Not subscribed currently, try to subscribe this.subscribeToMessages(); } if (!this.unsubscribeUsers) { // Not subscribed currently, try to subscribe this.subscribeToNewUsers(); } } refMessageContainer = (el: HTMLDivElement) => { this.messageContainer = el; if (this.messageContainer && this.stickToBottom) { this.messageContainer.scrollTop = this.messageContainer.scrollHeight; } }; subscribeToMessages() { const { roomId, data } = this.props; if (!data) { return; } this.unsubscribeMessages = data.subscribeToMore({ document: ChatSubscription, variables: { roomId }, updateQuery: ( prev: Response, { subscriptionData }: { subscriptionData: ChatSubscriptionData }, ) => { if (! { return prev; } const newMessage =; const messages = []; const messageIndex = messages.findIndex(m => ===; if (messageIndex !== -1) { messages[messageIndex] = newMessage; } else { messages.push(newMessage); } messages.sort(compareMessages); return { ...prev, room: {, messages, }, }; }, }); } subscribeToNewUsers() { const { roomId, data } = this.props; if (!data) { return; } this.unsubscribeUsers = data.subscribeToMore({ document: UserSubscription, variables: { roomId }, updateQuery: ( prev: Response, { subscriptionData }: { subscriptionData: UserSubscriptionData }, ) => { if (! { return prev; } const newUser =; return { ...prev, room: {, members: [, newUser], }, }; }, }); } sendMessage = () => { const { sendMessage, data } = this.props; const { inputText } = this.state; if (!data) { return; } const { room } = data; if (!room) { return; } const content = inputText.trim(); if (!content.length || content.length > 500) { return; } this.setState({ inputText: '' }); // Reset scroll preference so we see our new message this.stickToBottom = true; sendMessage({ variables: { roomId:, content } }); }; onMessagesScroll: React.UIEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> = e => { const target = e.currentTarget; const height = target.getBoundingClientRect().height; const scrollBottom = target.scrollTop + height; this.stickToBottom = target.scrollHeight - scrollBottom <= 100; }; onInputTextChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> = e => { this.setState({ inputText: e.currentTarget.value }); }; onInputTextKeyDown: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> = e => { if (e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); this.sendMessage(); } }; onEmbedLoaded = () => { if (this.messageContainer && this.stickToBottom) { // Make sure we're still at the bottom this.messageContainer.scrollTop = this.messageContainer.scrollHeight; } }; render() { if (! { return null; } const { loading, error, room } =; if (loading) { return <Loading />; } if (error) { return <ChatError errorMessage={error.message} />; } if (!room) { return 'Room not found'; } const { inputText } = this.state; return ( <React.Fragment> <Helmet title={} /> <Section> <Header title={}>{}</Header> <Messages innerRef={this.refMessageContainer} onScroll={this.onMessagesScroll} > { => ( <MessageWrapper key={} viewerIsAuthor={message.viewerIsAuthor} > <Message viewerIsAuthor={message.viewerIsAuthor}> <MessageHeader> <MessageAuthor>{}</MessageAuthor> <MessageDate> {new Date(message.createdAt).toLocaleString()} </MessageDate> </MessageHeader> <MessageText> <Linkify>{message.content}</Linkify> </MessageText> {message.embeds .slice(0, 3) // Limit embeds to 3 per message .map((embed, i) => ( <Embed key={i} type={embed.type} src={embed.src} onLoad={this.onEmbedLoaded} /> ))} </Message> </MessageWrapper> ))} </Messages> <NewMessageContainer> <MessageInputContainer> <MessageInput useCacheForDOMMeasurements value={inputText} onChange={this.onInputTextChange} onKeyDown={this.onInputTextKeyDown} /> </MessageInputContainer> <MessageSendButton type="button" onClick={this.sendMessage}> Send </MessageSendButton> </NewMessageContainer> </Section> <RoomInfo room={room} /> </React.Fragment> ); } } interface QueryVariables { roomId: string; } const withData = graphql<QueryVariables, Response, QueryVariables>(ChatQuery, { options: ({ roomId }) => ({ variables: { roomId }, // Use cache-and-network policy to ensure we get the most recent messages // but also start seeing the already cached messages while the new ones are // loading fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network', }), }); const withSendMessageMutation = graphql( gql` mutation SendMessage($roomId: ObjectID!, $content: String!) { sendMessage(input: { roomId: $roomId, content: $content }) { id } } `, { name: 'sendMessage' }, ); export default compose( withData, withSendMessageMutation, )(Chat);
declare module 'mongodb' { export { ObjectID } from 'typeorm'; }
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat import * as colors from 'colors'; import formatError from 'formatError'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import React from 'react'; import { ChildProps, compose, graphql, MutationFunc } from 'react-apollo'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'; import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import client from '../../apollo'; import ErrorMessage from '../atoms/ErrorMessage'; const Container = styled.div` background: ${colors.darkPrimary}; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `; const Form = styled.form` background: ${colors.primary}; display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 20px; border-radius: 2px; width: 400px; max-width: 100%; `; const Title = styled.h1` text-align: center; `; const Input = styled.input` margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid ${colors.secondary}; padding: 15px 10px; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: none; `; const Button = styled.button` border: 1px solid ${colors.darkSecondary}; background: ${colors.darkSecondary}; color: ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; padding: 15px 10px; margin-bottom: 15px; border-radius: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.1s background ease, 0.1s color ease; :hover, :active { background: ${colors.secondary}; color: ${colors.primaryText}; } `; const InfoText = styled.p` text-align: center; `; interface Session { id: string; } interface LoginVariables { name: string; password: string; } interface Props { location: { pathname: string; state?: { from: { pathname: string; }; }; }; login: MutationFunc<{ login: Session }, LoginVariables>; register: MutationFunc<{ register: Session }, LoginVariables>; } interface Response { viewer: { id: string; }; } interface State { name: string; password: string; errorMessage?: string; redirect?: string; } class LoginPage extends React.Component<ChildProps<Props, Response>, State> { state: State = { name: '', password: '', }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if (this.props.location.pathname !== prevProps.location.pathname) { this.setState({ errorMessage: undefined }); } } onNameChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = e => { this.setState({ name: e.currentTarget.value }); }; onPasswordChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = e => { this.setState({ password: e.currentTarget.value }); }; onSubmit: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = async e => { e.preventDefault(); const { name, password } = this.state; const { location: { pathname }, } = this.props; try { if (pathname === '/register') { await this.props.register({ variables: { name, password }, }); } else { await this.props.login({ variables: { name, password }, }); } // Reset store so Apollo re-fetches the viewer await client.resetStore(); if (this.props.location.state) { // Reloads and redirects to the chat room visited before // the user was redirected to the login page this.setState({ redirect: this.props.location.state.from.pathname }); } else { // Redirects the user to the room list if no room was open before // the user was redirected to the login page this.setState({ redirect: '/' }); } } catch (ex) { this.setState({ errorMessage: formatError(ex.message) }); } }; render() { const { name, password, errorMessage, redirect } = this.state; const { location: { pathname }, } = this.props; const isRegistration = pathname === '/register'; const label = isRegistration ? 'Register' : 'Login'; if (redirect) { return <Redirect to={redirect} />; } return ( <Container> <Helmet title={label} /> <Form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}> <Title>{label}</Title> {errorMessage && <ErrorMessage>{errorMessage}</ErrorMessage>} <Input type="text" placeholder="Name" autoFocus required value={name} onChange={this.onNameChange} /> <Input type="password" placeholder="Password" required value={password} onChange={this.onPasswordChange} /> <Button type="submit">{label}</Button> {!isRegistration && ( <InfoText> Don't have an account yet?{' '} <Link to="/register">Register here</Link> </InfoText> )} {isRegistration && ( <InfoText> Already have an account? <Link to="/login">Login here</Link> </InfoText> )} </Form> </Container> ); } } const LoginMutation = gql` mutation LoginMutation($name: String!, $password: String!) { login(input: { name: $name, password: $password }) { id } } `; const RegisterMutation = gql` mutation RegisterMutation($name: String!, $password: String!) { register(input: { name: $name, password: $password }) { id } } `; const withMutations = compose( graphql(LoginMutation, { name: 'login' }), graphql(RegisterMutation, { name: 'register' }), ); export default withMutations(LoginPage);
import getUrls from 'get-urls'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Arg, Ctx, Field, FieldResolver, InputType, Mutation, Publisher, PubSub, Resolver, Root, Subscription, } from 'type-graphql'; import { MongoRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions'; import { URL } from 'url'; import Context from '../Context'; import { Embed, EmbedType, Message, Room, User, userIsMemberOfRoom, } from '../models'; import { SubscriptionType } from '../subscriptions'; type EmbedParser = (url: URL) => Embed | null; const embedHosts = new Map<string, EmbedParser>([ [ '', url => { const videoId = url.searchParams.get('v'); if (!videoId || url.pathname !== '/watch') { return null; } const embed = new Embed(); embed.type = EmbedType.Youtube; embed.src = videoId; return embed; }, ], [ '', url => { const videoId = url.pathname.slice(1); const embed = new Embed(); embed.type = EmbedType.Youtube; embed.src = videoId; return embed; }, ], [ '', url => { if (!url.pathname.startsWith('/videos/')) { return null; } const videoId = url.pathname.slice('/videos/'.length); const embed = new Embed(); embed.type = EmbedType.Alugha; embed.src = videoId; return embed; }, ], ]); const imageEmbedParser: EmbedParser = url => { if ( url.pathname.endsWith('.png') || url.pathname.endsWith('.jpg') || url.pathname.endsWith('.jpeg') || url.pathname.endsWith('.webp') || url.pathname.endsWith('.bmp') || url.pathname.endsWith('.tga') ) { const embed = new Embed(); embed.type = EmbedType.Image; embed.src = url.href; return embed; } return null; }; const getEmbeds = (text: string): Embed[] => { const embeds = []; for (const urlString of getUrls(text)) { const url = new URL(urlString); const parser = embedHosts.get(url.hostname); const embed = (parser && parser(url)) || imageEmbedParser(url); if (embed) { embeds.push(embed); } } return embeds; }; @InputType() class SendMessageInput { @Field(type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID; @Field() content: string; } interface MessageWasSentPayload { roomId: ObjectID; message: Message; } @Resolver(of => Message) export class MessageResolver { constructor( @InjectRepository(Message) private messageRepository: MongoRepository<Message>, @InjectRepository(Room) private roomRepository: MongoRepository<Room>, @InjectRepository(User) private userRepository: MongoRepository<User>, ) {} @FieldResolver(type => Room) // @ManyToOne(type => Room, room => room.messages) async room(@Root() message: Message): Promise<Room> { return await this.roomRepository.findOneOrFail(message.roomId); } @FieldResolver(type => User) // @ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.messages) async author(@Root() message: Message): Promise<User> { return await this.userRepository.findOneOrFail(message.authorId); } @FieldResolver() viewerIsAuthor(@Root() message: Message, @Ctx() ctx: Context): boolean { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { return false; } return message.authorId.equals(; } @Mutation(returns => Message, { description: 'Sends a message to a specific room and returns the sent message', }) async sendMessage( @Arg('input') input: SendMessageInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, @PubSub(SubscriptionType.MessageWasSent) publish: Publisher<MessageWasSentPayload>, ): Promise<Message> { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } const room = await this.roomRepository.findOne(input.roomId); if (!room) { throw new Error('Room could not be found'); } const viewerIsMember = userIsMemberOfRoom(viewer, room); if (!viewerIsMember) { throw new Error('Only members of a room can send messages to the room'); } const message = new Message(); message.content = input.content; message.authorId =; message.roomId = input.roomId; message.embeds = getEmbeds(input.content); await; publish({ roomId: input.roomId, message, }); return message; } @Subscription(returns => Message, { description: 'Notifies when a message has been sent to the specified room and returns the sent message', topics: SubscriptionType.MessageWasSent, filter: ({ payload, args }) => payload.roomId.equals(args.roomId), }) messageWasSent( @Root() payload: MessageWasSentPayload, @Arg('roomId', type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID, ): Message { return payload.message; } }
<filename>packages/server/src/models/Room.ts import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Field, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'; import { Column, Entity, ObjectIdColumn } from 'typeorm'; import { User } from './User'; @ObjectType({ description: 'A room contains information about the messages sent into the room and ' + "the users participating in the room's conversation", }) @Entity() export class Room { @Field(type => ObjectID) @ObjectIdColumn() readonly id: ObjectID; @Field() @Column() name: string; @Field(type => ObjectID) @Column() ownerId: ObjectID; @Field(type => [ObjectID]) @Column() memberIds: ObjectID[]; @Field() createdAt(): Date { return; } } export const userIsMemberOfRoom = (user: User, room: Room): boolean => { return !!room.memberIds.find(memberId =>; };
<filename>packages/client/src/components/molecules/RoomList.tsx import * as colors from 'colors'; import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import swal from 'sweetalert2'; import SideBar from './SideBar'; const ActionBar = styled.div` flex-shrink: 0; display: flex; margin: 10px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 0.8em; `; const Action = styled.button` border: none; background: transparent; border: 1px solid ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; color: ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; flex: 1; appearance: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 10px; margin: 0 5px; border-radius: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 0.75em; transition: 0.1s ease color, 0.1s ease background; :hover { background: ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; color: ${colors.darkSecondary}; } `; Action.defaultProps = { type: 'button', }; const List = styled.ul` display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; overflow: auto; flex: 1; font-size: 0.8em; `; const ItemLink = styled(Link)` display: block; padding: 10px 15px; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.1s ease color, 0.1s ease background; :hover, &.active { background: ${colors.darkSecondary}; color: ${colors.darkPrimaryText}; } `; const Footer = styled.footer` border-top: 2px solid ${colors.darkSecondary}; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; font-size: 0.8em; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 56px; `; const Viewer = styled.div` white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; margin: 10px 5px; margin-left: 15px; flex: 1; `; const LogoutButton = styled(Action)` margin: 10px 5px; margin-right: 15px; flex: 0 0 auto; `; export interface Room { id: string; name: string; } interface Props { viewerName: string; rooms: Room[]; activeRoomId?: string; onCreate(name: string): void; onJoin(id: string): void; onLogout(): void; } class RoomList extends React.Component<Props> { showCreateDialog = async () => { const result = await swal({ title: 'Create room', input: 'text', text: 'Room name', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Create', }); if (!result.dismiss && result.value) { this.props.onCreate(result.value); } }; showJoinDialog = async () => { const result = await swal({ title: 'Join room', input: 'text', text: 'Room id', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Join', }); if (!result.dismiss && result.value) { this.props.onJoin(result.value); } }; render() { const { rooms, viewerName, activeRoomId, onLogout } = this.props; return ( <SideBar title="Rooms"> <ActionBar> <Action onClick={this.showJoinDialog}>Join</Action> <Action onClick={this.showCreateDialog}>Create</Action> </ActionBar> <List> { => ( <li key={}> <ItemLink to={`/rooms/${}`} title={} className={ === activeRoomId ? 'active' : ''} > {} </ItemLink> </li> ))} </List> <Footer> <Viewer>{viewerName}</Viewer> <LogoutButton onClick={onLogout}>Logout</LogoutButton> </Footer> </SideBar> ); } } export default RoomList;
declare module 'get-urls' { function getUrls(text: string, options?: any): Set<string>; export = getUrls; }
export const darkPrimary = '#353b48'; export const darkSecondary = '#2f3640'; export const darkPrimaryText = '#f5f6fa'; export const darkSecondaryText = '#dcdde1'; export const primary = '#f5f6fa'; export const secondary = '#dcdde1'; export const primaryText = '#000'; export const secondaryText = '#2f3640'; export const error = '#e74c3c';
<filename>packages/client/src/components/molecules/ChatError.tsx import formatError from 'formatError'; import React from 'react'; import CenteredContainer from '../atoms/CenteredContainer'; import ErrorMessage from '../atoms/ErrorMessage'; interface Props { errorMessage: string; } export default class ChatError extends React.Component<Props> { render() { return ( <CenteredContainer> <ErrorMessage>{formatError(this.props.errorMessage)}</ErrorMessage> </CenteredContainer> ); } }
export * from './Message'; export * from './Room'; export * from './User';
import Cookies from 'cookies'; import { User } from './models'; export interface State { sessionId?: string; viewer?: User; } export default interface Context { cookies?: Cookies; state: State; }
// One week export const SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS = 1 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; export const SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS = SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS * 1000;
export const mongodbHost = process.env.MONGODB_HOST || ''; export const natsHost = process.env.NATS_HOST || ''; export const redisHost = process.env.REDIS_HOST || ''; export const port = process.env.PORT ? parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) : 4000;
<filename>packages/server/src/scalars/index.ts export * from './ObjectIDScalar';
import Redis from 'ioredis'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { getMongoRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { redisHost } from './config'; import { SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS } from './constants'; import { User } from './models'; const redis = new Redis(`redis://${redisHost}`); export const loadSession = async (id: string): Promise<User | null> => { const userId = await redis.get(`session:${id}`); if (!userId) { return null; } const user = await getMongoRepository(User).findOne(userId); if (!user) { return null; } await redis.expire(id, SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS); return user; }; export const createSession = async (userId: ObjectID): Promise<string> => { const id = new ObjectID().toHexString(); await redis.setex( `session:${id}`, SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS, userId.toHexString(), ); return id; }; export const removeSession = async (id: string): Promise<void> => { await redis.del(`session:${id}`); };
import * as colors from 'colors'; import React from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; const Section = styled.section` background: ${colors.darkPrimary}; color: #fff; min-width: 0; flex: 0 0 250px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `; const Header = styled.header` padding: 15px; flex-shrink: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid ${colors.darkSecondary}; `; const HeaderTitle = styled.h2` font-size: 1em; margin: 0; font-weight: normal; `; interface Props { title: string; } const SideBar: React.SFC<Props> = ({ title, children }) => ( <Section> <Header> <HeaderTitle>{title}</HeaderTitle> </Header> {children} </Section> ); export default SideBar;
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Arg, Ctx, Field, FieldResolver, InputType, Mutation, Publisher, PubSub, Query, Resolver, Root, Subscription, } from 'type-graphql'; import { MongoRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions'; import Context from '../Context'; import { Message, Room, User, userIsMemberOfRoom } from '../models'; import { SubscriptionType } from '../subscriptions'; @InputType() class CreateRoomInput { @Field() name: string; } @InputType() class UpdateRoomInput { @Field(type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID; @Field() name: string; } @InputType() class JoinRoomInput { @Field(type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID; } interface RoomWasUpdatedPayload { room: Room; } interface UserJoinedRoomPayload { roomId: ObjectID; user: User; } @Resolver(of => Room) export class RoomResolver { constructor( @InjectRepository(Message) private messageRepository: MongoRepository<Message>, @InjectRepository(Room) private roomRepository: MongoRepository<Room>, @InjectRepository(User) private userRepository: MongoRepository<User>, ) {} @FieldResolver(type => User) // @ManyToOne(type => User, user => user.ownedRooms) async owner(@Root() room: Room): Promise<User> { return this.userRepository.findOneOrFail(room.ownerId); } @FieldResolver(type => [User]) // @Index() // @ManyToMany(type => User, user => user.rooms) // @JoinTable() async members(@Root() room: Room): Promise<User[]> { return await this.userRepository.findByIds(room.memberIds); } @FieldResolver(type => [Message]) // @OneToMany(type => Message, message => async messages(@Root() room: Room, @Ctx() ctx: Context): Promise<Message[]> { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } const viewerIsMember = userIsMemberOfRoom(viewer, room); if (!viewerIsMember) { throw new Error("Only members of a room can read the room's messages"); } return await this.messageRepository.find({ roomId: }); } @FieldResolver() viewerIsOwner(@Root() room: Room, @Ctx() ctx: Context): boolean { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { return false; } return room.ownerId.equals(; } @FieldResolver() viewerIsMember(@Root() room: Room, @Ctx() ctx: Context): boolean { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { return false; } return userIsMemberOfRoom(viewer, room); } @Query(returns => Room, { description: 'Queries a room by id, returns the room if found, null otherwise', nullable: true, }) async room(@Arg('id', type => ObjectID) id: ObjectID): Promise<Room | null> { return (await this.roomRepository.findOne(id)) || null; } @Mutation(returns => Room, { description: 'Creates a new room and returns the created room', }) async createRoom( @Arg('input') input: CreateRoomInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, ): Promise<Room> { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } const room = new Room(); =; room.ownerId =; room.memberIds = []; return await; } @Mutation(returns => Room, { description: 'Updates a room and returns the updated room', }) async updateRoom( @Arg('input') input: UpdateRoomInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, @PubSub(SubscriptionType.RoomWasUpdated) publish: Publisher<RoomWasUpdatedPayload>, ): Promise<Room> { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } const room = await this.roomRepository.findOne(input.roomId); if (!room) { throw new Error('Room could not be found'); } if (!room.ownerId.equals( { throw new Error("Only a room's owner can update a room"); } =; await; publish({ room }); return room; } @Mutation(returns => Room, { description: 'Makes the active user join a room and returns the joined room', }) async joinRoom( @Arg('input') input: JoinRoomInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, @PubSub(SubscriptionType.UserJoinedRoom) publish: Publisher<UserJoinedRoomPayload>, ): Promise<Room> { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } const room = await this.roomRepository.findOne(input.roomId); if (!room) { throw new Error('Room could not be found'); } room.memberIds.push(; await; publish({ roomId:, user: viewer, }); return room; } @Subscription(returns => Room, { description: 'Notifies when the specified room has been updated and returns the updated room', topics: SubscriptionType.RoomWasUpdated, filter: ({ payload, args }) =>, }) roomWasUpdated( @Root() payload: RoomWasUpdatedPayload, @Arg('roomId', type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID, ): Room { return; } @Subscription(returns => User, { description: 'Notifies when a user has joined the specified room and returns the joined user', topics: SubscriptionType.UserJoinedRoom, filter: ({ payload, args }) => payload.roomId.equals(args.roomId), }) userJoinedRoom( @Root() payload: UserJoinedRoomPayload, @Arg('roomId', type => ObjectID) roomId: ObjectID, ): User { return payload.user; } }
<gh_stars>10-100 export * from './MessageResolver'; export * from './RoomResolver'; export * from './UserResolver';
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { buildSchema } from 'type-graphql'; import { MessageResolver, RoomResolver, UserResolver } from './resolvers'; import { ObjectIDScalar } from './scalars'; import { pubSub } from './subscriptions'; const getSchema = () => buildSchema({ resolvers: [MessageResolver, RoomResolver, UserResolver], scalarsMap: [{ type: ObjectID, scalar: ObjectIDScalar }], pubSub, }); export default getSchema;
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat const trimLeft = 'GraphQL error: '; export default (message: string): string => { if (message.startsWith(trimLeft)) { return message.slice(trimLeft.length); } return message; };
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat<filename>packages/client/src/components/atoms/ErrorMessage.ts import * as colors from 'colors'; import styled from 'styled-components'; export default styled.div` border-radius: 2px; padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 20px; background: ${colors.error}; color: #fff; `;
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat import React from 'react'; import CenteredContainer from '../atoms/CenteredContainer'; export default class NothingHere extends React.Component { render() { return ( <CenteredContainer> <p>Welcome! Join a room or create a new one to get started.</p> </CenteredContainer> ); } }
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat<gh_stars>10-100 import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Field, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'; import { Column, Entity, Index, ObjectIdColumn } from 'typeorm'; @ObjectType({ description: 'A user is a user, not much left to say here', }) @Entity() export class User { @Field(type => ObjectID) @ObjectIdColumn() readonly id: ObjectID; @Field() @Index({ unique: true }) @Column() name: string; // Do not expose this as a field! @Column() password: string; @Field() createdAt(): Date { return; } }
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat import * as colors from 'colors'; import React from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import SideBar from './SideBar'; const SubTitle = styled.h3` font-size: 0.9em; margin: 0; font-weight: normal; margin-top: 10px; padding: 0 15px; `; const RoomIdText = styled.input` appearance: none; border: none; border-radius: 2px; padding: 5px; margin: 10px 15px; color: ${colors.primaryText}; background: ${colors.secondary}; font-size: 0.8em; text-align: center; `; const List = styled.ul` display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; overflow: auto; flex: 1; font-size: 0.8em; `; const Item =` display: block; padding: 10px 15px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: ${colors.darkSecondaryText}; `; interface User { id: string; name: string; } interface Room { id: string; members: User[]; } interface Props { room: Room; } const selectOnFocus: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = e => { // Work around a bug in Microsoft Edge that prevents selecting text // inside the focus event handler: // const t = e.currentTarget; setTimeout(() =>, 0); }; export default class RoomInfo extends React.Component<Props> { render() { const { room } = this.props; return ( <SideBar title="About this room"> <SubTitle>Room ID</SubTitle> <RoomIdText type="text" readOnly onFocus={selectOnFocus} value={} /> <SubTitle>Members ({room.members.length})</SubTitle> <List> { => ( <Item key={}>{}</Item> ))} </List> </SideBar> ); } }
import * as config from './config'; import NatsPubSub from './nats-subscriptions/NatsPubSub'; export enum SubscriptionType { MessageWasSent = 'MessageWasSent', RoomWasUpdated = 'RoomWasUpdated', UserJoinedRoom = 'UserJoinedRoom', } export const pubSub = new NatsPubSub({ url: `nats://${config.natsHost}:4222`, });
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat<filename>packages/server/src/resolvers/UserResolver.ts<gh_stars>10-100 import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Arg, Ctx, Field, FieldResolver, InputType, Mutation, Query, Resolver, Root, } from 'type-graphql'; import { MongoRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions'; import { SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS } from '../constants'; import Context from '../Context'; import { Message, Room, User } from '../models'; import { createSession, removeSession } from '../sessions'; @InputType() class RegisterInput { @Field() name: string; @Field() password: string; } @InputType() class LoginInput { @Field() name: string; @Field() password: string; } @Resolver(of => User) export class UserResolver { constructor( @InjectRepository(Message) private messageRepository: MongoRepository<Message>, @InjectRepository(Room) private roomRepository: MongoRepository<Room>, @InjectRepository(User) private userRepository: MongoRepository<User>, ) {} @FieldResolver(type => [Room]) // @OneToMany(type => Room, room => room.owner) async ownedRooms(@Root() user: User): Promise<Room[]> { return await this.roomRepository.find({ ownerId: }); } @FieldResolver(type => [Room]) // @ManyToMany(type => Room) // @JoinTable() async rooms(@Root() user: User): Promise<Room[]> { return await this.roomRepository.find({ where: { memberIds: } }); } @FieldResolver(type => [Message]) // @OneToMany(type => Message, message => async messages(@Root() user: User): Promise<Message[]> { return await this.messageRepository.find({ authorId: }); } @FieldResolver() isViewer(@Root() user: User, @Ctx() ctx: Context): boolean { const viewer = ctx.state.viewer; if (!viewer) { return false; } return; } @Query(returns => User, { description: 'Returns the authenticated user if the querying user is authenticated, null otherwise', nullable: true, }) viewer(@Ctx() ctx: Context): User | null { return ctx.state.viewer || null; } @Mutation(returns => User, { description: 'Creates a new user and returns a login session for the created user', }) async register( @Arg('input') input: RegisterInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, ): Promise<User> { const user = new User(); =; user.password = await bcrypt.hash(input.password, 10); await; const sessionId = await createSession(; ctx.state.sessionId = sessionId; ctx.state.viewer = user; if (ctx.cookies) { ctx.cookies.set('session', sessionId, { overwrite: true, maxAge: SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS, }); } return user; } @Mutation(returns => User, { description: 'Creates and returns a login session for the specified user', }) async login( @Arg('input') input: LoginInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context, ): Promise<User> { const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ name: }); if (!user) { throw new Error('User not found'); } const isPasswordCorrect = await input.password, user.password, ); if (!isPasswordCorrect) { throw new Error('Password is incorrect'); } const sessionId = await createSession(; ctx.state.sessionId = sessionId; ctx.state.viewer = user; if (ctx.cookies) { ctx.cookies.set('session', sessionId, { overwrite: true, maxAge: SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS, }); } return user; } @Mutation(returns => ObjectID, { description: 'Invalidates the active user session and returns the session id', }) async logout(@Ctx() ctx: Context): Promise<string> { const sessionId = ctx.state.sessionId; if (!sessionId) { throw new Error('Authentication required'); } await removeSession(sessionId); ctx.state.sessionId = undefined; ctx.state.viewer = undefined; if (ctx.cookies) { ctx.cookies.set('session', undefined, { overwrite: true }); // Clear session } return sessionId; } }
import { GraphQLScalarType, Kind, ValueNode } from 'graphql'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; export const ObjectIDScalar = new GraphQLScalarType({ name: 'ObjectID', description: 'Object id scalar type', parseValue(value: string) { return ObjectID.createFromHexString(value); }, parseLiteral(node: ValueNode) { if (node.kind !== Kind.STRING) { throw new Error('Cannot parse non-string as ObjectID'); } return ObjectID.createFromHexString(node.value); }, serialize(value: ObjectID) { return value.toHexString(); }, });
<gh_stars>10-100 import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'; import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'; import { Operation, split } from 'apollo-link'; import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'; import { WebSocketLink } from 'apollo-link-ws'; import { getMainDefinition } from 'apollo-utilities'; const base = '/graphql'; const wsProtocol = location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws'); const wsBase = wsProtocol + '//' + + base; const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: base, credentials: 'same-origin', }); const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({ uri: wsBase, options: { reconnect: true, }, }); const isSubscription = ({ query }: Operation) => { const node = getMainDefinition(query); return ( node.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && node.operation === 'subscription' ); }; const link = split(isSubscription, wsLink, httpLink); const cache = new InMemoryCache(); const client = new ApolloClient({ link, cache, }); export default client;
<gh_stars>10-100 import React from 'react'; import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'; import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; import apolloClient from '../apollo'; import ChatPage from './pages/ChatPage'; import LoginPage from './pages/LoginPage'; class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <Helmet titleTemplate="%s - nkchat" defaultTitle="nkchat" /> <ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}> <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={ChatPage} /> <Route exact path="/rooms/:roomId" component={ChatPage} /> <Route exact path="/login" component={LoginPage} /> <Route exact path="/register" component={LoginPage} /> </Switch> </BrowserRouter> </ApolloProvider> </div> ); } } export default App;
<filename>packages/server/src/models/Message.ts import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Field, ObjectType, registerEnumType } from 'type-graphql'; import { Column, Entity, ObjectIdColumn } from 'typeorm'; export enum EmbedType { Youtube = 'YOUTUBE', Alugha = 'ALUGHA', Image = 'IMAGE', } registerEnumType(EmbedType, { name: 'EmbedType', }); @ObjectType() export class Embed { @Field(type => EmbedType) @Column() type: EmbedType; @Field() @Column() src: string; } @ObjectType() @Entity() export class Message { @Field(type => ObjectID) @ObjectIdColumn() readonly id: ObjectID; @Field() @Column() content: string; @Field(type => ObjectID) @Column() authorId: ObjectID; @Field(type => ObjectID) @Column() roomId: ObjectID; @Field(type => [Embed]) @Column(type => Embed) embeds: Embed[]; @Field() createdAt(): Date { return; } }
import { PubSubEngine } from 'graphql-subscriptions'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { Client, ClientOpts, connect } from 'nats'; import PubSubAsyncIterator from './PubSubAsyncIterator'; const reviver = (key: string, value: any) => { if (ObjectID.isValid(value)) { return ObjectID.createFromHexString(value); } return value; }; export default class NatsPubSub implements PubSubEngine { protected client: Client; constructor(opts: ClientOpts) { this.client = connect(opts); } public async publish(triggerName: string, payload: any): Promise<void> { this.client.publish(triggerName, JSON.stringify(payload)); } public async subscribe( triggerName: string, onMessage: (payload: any) => void, ): Promise<number> { return this.client.subscribe(triggerName, (msg: string) => onMessage(JSON.parse(msg, reviver)), ); } public unsubscribe(subId: number) { this.client.unsubscribe(subId); } public asyncIterator<T>(triggers: string | string[]): AsyncIterator<T> { return new PubSubAsyncIterator<T>(this, triggers); } }
<reponame>niklaskorz/nkchat import 'reflect-metadata'; import * as typegraphql from 'type-graphql'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import * as typeorm from 'typeorm'; import winston from 'winston'; import * as config from './config'; import { Message, Room, User } from './models'; import startServer from './startServer'; typeorm.useContainer(Container); typegraphql.useContainer(Container); const console = new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.simple(), }); winston.add(console); const createDatabaseConnection = () => typeorm.createConnection({ type: 'mongodb', url: `mongodb://${config.mongodbHost}/nkchat`, entities: [Message, Room, User], synchronize: true, useNewUrlParser: true, }); createDatabaseConnection() .then(() => startServer(config.port)) .then(() => {`GraphQL API at http://localhost:${config.port}/graphql`); }) .catch(err => winston.error(err.stack));
<filename>packages/client/src/components/pages/ChatPage.tsx import { ApolloQueryResult } from 'apollo-client'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import { History, Location } from 'history'; import React from 'react'; import { ChildProps, compose, graphql, MutationFunc } from 'react-apollo'; import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import client from '../../apollo'; import Loading from '../molecules/Loading'; import NothingHere from '../molecules/NothingHere'; import RoomList, { Room } from '../molecules/RoomList'; import Chat from '../organisms/Chat'; const Container = styled.div` display: flex; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; `; interface User { id: string; name: string; rooms: Room[]; } interface Response { viewer: User; } interface Props { history: History; location: Location; match: { params: { roomId?: string; }; }; createRoom: MutationFunc<{ createRoom: Room }, { name: string }>; joinRoom: MutationFunc<{ joinRoom: Room }, { roomId: string }>; logout: MutationFunc<{ logout: string }, {}>; } const ChatPageQuery = gql` query ChatPageQuery { viewer { id name rooms { id name } } } `; class ChatPage extends React.Component<ChildProps<Props, Response>> { createRoom = async (name: string) => { const res = await this.props.createRoom({ variables: { name }, update: (store, result: ApolloQueryResult<{ createRoom: Room }>) => { const data = store.readQuery<Response>({ query: ChatPageQuery }); if (data) { data.viewer.rooms.push(; store.writeQuery({ query: ChatPageQuery, data }); } }, }); // Open the created room const roomId =; this.props.history.push(`/rooms/${roomId}`); }; joinRoom = async (roomId: string) => { await this.props.joinRoom({ variables: { roomId }, update: (store, result: ApolloQueryResult<{ joinRoom: Room }>) => { const data = store.readQuery<Response>({ query: ChatPageQuery }); if (data) { data.viewer.rooms.push(; store.writeQuery({ query: ChatPageQuery, data }); } }, }); // Open the joined room this.props.history.push(`/rooms/${roomId}`); }; logout = async () => { await this.props.logout(); await client.resetStore(); }; render() { if (! { return null; } const { loading, error, viewer } =; if (loading) { return <Loading />; } if (error) { return error.message; } if (!viewer) { return ( <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/login', state: { from: this.props.location, }, }} /> ); } const { roomId } = this.props.match.params; return ( <Container> <RoomList rooms={viewer.rooms} viewerName={} activeRoomId={roomId} onCreate={this.createRoom} onJoin={this.joinRoom} onLogout={this.logout} /> {roomId ? <Chat roomId={roomId} /> : <NothingHere />} </Container> ); } } const withData = graphql<Response>(ChatPageQuery); const withCreateRoomMutation = graphql( gql` mutation CreateRoom($name: String!) { createRoom(input: { name: $name }) { id name } } `, { name: 'createRoom' }, ); const withJoinRoomMutation = graphql( gql` mutation JoinRoom($roomId: ObjectID!) { joinRoom(input: { roomId: $roomId }) { id name } } `, { name: 'joinRoom' }, ); const withLogoutMutation = graphql( gql` mutation LogoutMutation { logout } `, { name: 'logout' }, ); export default compose( withData, withCreateRoomMutation, withJoinRoomMutation, withLogoutMutation, )(ChatPage);
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-koa'; import Cookies from 'cookies'; import { createServer, ServerResponse } from 'http'; import Koa from 'koa'; import { SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS } from './constants'; import Context, { State } from './Context'; import getSchema from './schema'; import { loadSession } from './sessions'; const loadState = async (sessionId?: string | null): Promise<State> => { if (!sessionId) { return {}; } const viewer = await loadSession(sessionId); if (!viewer) { return {}; } return { sessionId, viewer }; }; type ContextParameters = | { ctx: Context; connection: undefined } | { ctx: undefined; connection: { context: Context } }; const startServer = async (port: number) => { const app = new Koa(); app.proxy = true; app.use(async (ctx, next) => { const sessionId = ctx.cookies.get('session'); const state = await loadState(sessionId); if (state.viewer) { // Refresh cookie ctx.cookies.set('session', sessionId, { overwrite: true, maxAge: SESSION_EXPIRY_MILLISECONDS, }); } ctx.state = state; await next(); }); const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({ schema: await getSchema(), context: async (params: ContextParameters): Promise<Context> => { return params.ctx || params.connection.context; }, subscriptions: { onConnect: async ( connectionParams, webSocket, connectionContext, ): Promise<Context> => { const cookies = new Cookies( connectionContext.request, new ServerResponse(connectionContext.request), // Dummy object ); const sessionId = cookies.get('sessionId'); return { state: await loadState(sessionId), }; }, }, }); apolloServer.applyMiddleware({ app, cors: false, }); const server = createServer(app.callback()); apolloServer.installSubscriptionHandlers(server); return await new Promise(resolve => server.listen(port, resolve)); }; export default startServer;
import { IProviderToStoreMap } from './Injectable' import { PureDeviation } from './PureDeviation' import { Store } from './Store' interface IStoreInjectorProps { providers: IProviderToStoreMap } export class StoreInjector<S> extends Store< IStoreInjectorProps, S > { constructor(deviation: PureDeviation) { super({ providers: deviation.state.providers }) } }
import { isFunction } from 'lodash' import { Subject } from 'rxjs' import { IProviderToStoreMap } from './Injectable' export const notifier: unique symbol = Symbol('notifier') export class Store<P = {}, S extends Object = {}> { public props: Readonly<P> public state: S; public [notifier]: Subject<S> = new Subject() constructor(props: P) { this.props = props this.state = ({} as any) as S } public static updateProviders?( store: Store<any, any>, providers: IProviderToStoreMap ): void public setState(state: S | ((prevState: S) => S)): void { const prevState = this.state if (isFunction(state)) { this.state = state(this.state) } else if (state) { this.state = { ...(this.state as object), ...(state as object) } as S } else { return } this[notifier].next(prevState) } public storeDidMount?(): void public storeWillUnmount?(): void }
// tslint:disable-next-line interface-name export interface AnyConstructorType<T> { new (...args: any[]): T } // tslint:disable-next-line interface-name export interface ConstructorType< T extends { new (...args: any[]): any } > { new (...args: ConstructorParameters<T>): T }