import os import os.path from typing import List import datasets from .common import Child from .generated_definitions import DEFINITIONS _DESCRIPTION = """Predict next code token given context of previous tokens. Models are evaluated by token level accuracy. Code completion is a one of the most widely used features in software development through IDEs. An effective code completion tool could improve software developers' productivity. We provide code completion evaluation tasks in two granularities -- token level and line level. Here we introduce token level code completion. Token level task is analogous to language modeling. Models should have be able to predict the next token in arbitary types. """ _CITATION = """@article{raychev2016probabilistic, title={Probabilistic Model for Code with Decision Trees}, author={Raychev, Veselin and Bielik, Pavol and Vechev, Martin}, journal={ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, pages={731--747}, year={2016}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{allamanis2013mining, title={Mining Source Code Repositories at Massive Scale using Language Modeling}, author={Allamanis, Miltiadis and Sutton, Charles}, booktitle={2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)}, pages={207--216}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} }""" class CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenImpl(Child): _DESCRIPTION = _DESCRIPTION _CITATION = _CITATION class CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenJavaImpl(CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenImpl): SPLITS = { "training": datasets.Split.TRAIN, "validation": datasets.Split.VALIDATION, "test": datasets.Split.TEST, } _FEATURES = { "id": datasets.Value("int32"), # Index of the sample "code": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), # Code Tokens } def generate_urls(self, split_name): language =["parameters"]["language"] if language != "java": raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown language {language}: should be java.") yield "data", f"{split_name}_pre" def _generate_examples(self, split_name, file_paths): with open(file_paths["data"], encoding="utf-8") as f: for idx, line in enumerate(f): new_data = [] for token in line.strip().split(): if len(token) > 100: continue new_data.append(token) entry = dict(id=idx, code=new_data) yield idx, entry class CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenPythonImpl(CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenImpl): SPLITS = {"train": datasets.Split.TRAIN, "test": datasets.Split.TEST} _FEATURES = { "id": datasets.Value("int32"), # Index of the sample "path": datasets.Value("string"), # Original path in the dataset "code": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), # Code Tokens } PYTHON_FILE_MAPPING = dict(train="python100k_train.txt", test="python50k_eval.txt") def generate_urls(self, split_name): language =["parameters"]["language"] if language != "python": raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown language {language}") yield "data", "" def process_string(self, token): # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. import re str_quote_options = ["'''", '"""', "'", '"'] start_quote = "" end_quote = "" qualifier_regex = r"^[a-z]+" qualifier_match =, token) # string qualifiers like 'r' for regex, 'f' for formatted string, 'b' for bytes, 'u' for unicode, etc (or combination of them) qualifier = "" if not qualifier_match else qualifier_match[0] # token string without qualifiers token_string = re.sub(qualifier_regex, "", token) # string literal without quotes str_lit = token_string for q in str_quote_options: if token_string.startswith(q): start_quote = q str_lit = str_lit[len(q) :] if token_string.endswith(q): end_quote = q str_lit = str_lit[: -len(q)] break if start_quote in str_quote_options[:2]: return "" return ( f"{qualifier}{start_quote}{str_lit}{end_quote}" if len(str_lit) < 15 and "\n" not in str_lit and "" not in str_lit and "" not in str_lit and "" not in str_lit and "" not in str_lit else f"{qualifier}{start_quote}{end_quote}" ) def py_tokenize(self, base_dir, file_name): # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. from io import BytesIO from tokenize import COMMENT, ENCODING, ENDMARKER, INDENT, NEWLINE, NL, NUMBER, STRING, tokenize file_paths = open(os.path.join(base_dir, file_name), encoding="utf-8").readlines() for ct, path in enumerate(file_paths): try: code = open(os.path.join(base_dir, path.strip()), encoding="utf-8").read() token_gen = tokenize(BytesIO(bytes(code, "utf8")).readline) out_tokens = [] prev_eol = False for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in token_gen: tokval = " ".join(tokval.split()) if len(tokval) > 100: continue if toknum == STRING: add_token = self.process_string(tokval) if len(add_token) > 0: out_tokens.append(add_token) prev_eol = False elif toknum == NUMBER: if len(tokval) < 50: out_tokens.append(tokval) prev_eol = False elif toknum in [NEWLINE, NL]: if not prev_eol: out_tokens.append("") prev_eol = True elif toknum in [COMMENT, INDENT, ENCODING, ENDMARKER] or len(tokval) == 0: continue else: out_tokens.append(tokval) prev_eol = False if out_tokens[0] == "": out_tokens = out_tokens[1:] if out_tokens[-1] == "": out_tokens = out_tokens[:-1] except Exception: out_tokens = [] out_tokens = [""] + out_tokens + [""] yield path, out_tokens def _generate_examples(self, split_name, file_paths): base_dir = file_paths["data"] filename = self.PYTHON_FILE_MAPPING[split_name] data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data") if not os.path.exists(data_dir): import gzip import tarfile gzip_filename = os.path.join(base_dir, "data.tar.gz") with, "rb") as gzip_file: t = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=gzip_file) t.extractall(path=base_dir) idx = 0 for entry in self.py_tokenize(base_dir=base_dir, file_name=filename): path, out_tokens = entry path = path[len("data/") :] yield idx, dict(id=idx, path=path, code=out_tokens) idx += 1 CLASS_MAPPING = { "CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenJava": CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenJavaImpl, "CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenPython": CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionTokenPythonImpl, } class CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionToken(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): BUILDER_CONFIG_CLASS = datasets.BuilderConfig BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig(name=name, description=info["description"]) for name, info in DEFINITIONS.items() ] def _info(self): name = info = DEFINITIONS[name] if info["class_name"] in CLASS_MAPPING: self.child = CLASS_MAPPING[info["class_name"]](info) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown python class for dataset configuration {name}") ret = self.child._info() return ret def _split_generators(self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]: return self.child._split_generators(dl_manager=dl_manager) def _generate_examples(self, split_name, file_paths): return self.child._generate_examples(split_name, file_paths)