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",", "", "InstantPaymentNotificationHandler", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/thank-you'", ",", "", "ThankYouHandler", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/about\\/?'", ",", "", "About", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/guide\\/?'", ",", "", "Guide", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Download", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Standards", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/community\\/?'", ",", "", "Community", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/news\\/?'", ",", "", "News", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/support\\/?'", ",", "", "Support", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/contact\\/?'", ",", "", "Contact", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/press\\/?'", ",", "", "Press", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/legal/terms'", ",", "", "Terms", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/library\\/?'", ",", "", "Library", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Library", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Library", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Users", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "User", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Design", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Design", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Design", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Design", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Design", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "RedirectSuccess", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "RedirectError", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "RedirectAfterDelete", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Moderate", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Bootstrap", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/activity'", ",", "", "ActivityScreen", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/txns'", ",", "", "TxnList", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Base64Blob", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "Base64Blob", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r''", ",", "", "MessageStrings", "", ")", ",", "(", "", "r'/.*'", ",", "", "NotFound", "", ")", "", "]", ""], "id": 0, "path": "00/wikihouse/urls.py\n" } ``` ### Data Fields In the following each data field in go is explained for each config. The data fields are the same among all splits. #### java |field name| type | description | |----------|----------------|--------------------| |id |int32 | Index of the sample| |code |Sequence[string]| Code Tokens | #### python |field name| type | description | |----------|----------------|-----------------------------| |id |int32 | Index of the sample | |path |string | Original path in the dataset| |code |Sequence[string]| Code Tokens | ### Data Splits #### java | |train|validation|test| |----|----:|---------:|---:| |java|12934| 7189|8268| #### python | |train |test | |------|-----:|----:| |python|100000|50000| ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [More Information Needed] ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization [More Information Needed] #### Who are the source language producers? [More Information Needed] ### Annotations #### Annotation process [More Information Needed] #### Who are the annotators? [More Information Needed] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [More Information Needed] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [More Information Needed] ### Discussion of Biases [More Information Needed] ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators https://github.com/microsoft, https://github.com/madlag ### Licensing Information Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA) License. ### Citation Information ``` @article{raychev2016probabilistic, title={Probabilistic Model for Code with Decision Trees}, author={Raychev, Veselin and Bielik, Pavol and Vechev, Martin}, journal={ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, pages={731--747}, year={2016}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{allamanis2013mining, title={Mining Source Code Repositories at Massive Scale using Language Modeling}, author={Allamanis, Miltiadis and Sutton, Charles}, booktitle={2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)}, pages={207--216}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} } ``` ### Contributions Thanks to @madlag (and partly also @ncoop57) for adding this dataset.