diff --git "a/test.json" "b/test.json" --- "a/test.json" +++ "b/test.json" @@ -1,701 +1,701 @@ [ { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Globally, particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 mu m or less poses a significant threat to human health. The first step in quantifying human health impacts caused by exposure to PM2.5 pollution is exposure assessment. Population-weighted exposure level (PWEL) estimation is one of the methods that provides a more precise exposure assessment since it incorporates the spatiotemporal distribution of population with the pollution concentration estimate. In this study, PM2.5 exposure levels in the local communities around brickmaking industries were investigated, using the population census data of the study area and 1-year data from nine PM2.5 monitoring stations installed in and around the brickmaking industries. The observed PM2.5 data was spatially interpolated using inverse distance weight (IDW). Data on PM2.5 levels across the study area were classified based on the World Health Organization interim target (IT) guidelines and the South African National ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). An annual PM2.5 population weighted exposure level of 27.6 mu g/m(3) was estimated for the study area. However, seasonal exposure levels of 28.9, 37.6, 26.5, and 20.7 mu g/m(3) were estimated for the autumn, winter, spring, and summer seasons, respectively. This implies that local communities around the brick kiln in the Vhembe District are exposed to high levels of PM2.5, especially in winter. The PM2.5 levels in the brickmaking industries as well as its other sources in the Vhembe District, therefore, need to be lowered. Findings from population exposure level to pollutants can provide valuable data for formulating policies and recommendations on exposure reduction and public health protection. Implications: PM2.5 concentration in any given environment has high spatial and temporal variability due to the presence of diffused sources in the environment. Using ambient air concentrations to directly estimate population exposure without taking into consideration the disproportionate spatial and temporal distribution of the pollutant and the population may not yield accurate results on human exposure levels. It is, therefore, important to assess the aggregated PM2.5 exposure of a populace within a given area. This study therefore examines the PM2.5 population-weighted-exposure level of the host communities of the brickmaking industry in Vhembe District, South Africa.", - "output": "A spatial approach to assessing PM2.5 exposure level of a brickmaking community in South Africa", + "input": "Abstract: To protect the environment and preserve natural resources, it is crucial to use recycled aggregate (RA) in construction. The recycled coarse aggregate reinforced concrete columns with the addition of steel fiber evaluated under concentric and eccentric loadings for short and slender columns were examined experimentally and analytically in this research. Twenty-four column specimens were built for this study to examine the impact of steel fiber, recycled aggregate, slenderness, and eccentricity on the behavior of reinforced concrete columns. This research examined the failure mode, maximum load-carrying capacity, strain in the concrete, strain in the reinforcement, and ductility. Based on the results, it can be concluded that employing recycled concrete aggregate is a potential approach to meet design codes. The addition of 1% steel fiber effectively prevents concrete from crushing and spalling. Steel fiber, however, improved the columns' ductility and strength. The results showed the maximum load-carrying capacity of the specimens and the results of using ACI-318 code equations agreed very well. Furthermore, a model is proposed for columns with both natural and recycled aggregate and which accounts for the eccentricity and slenderness to forecast the load-carrying capacity. The outcomes demonstrated that the design principles were met well. Plots of load-moment interaction diagrams for short and slender columns made with the ACI-318 method are compared to the findings of the experiments.", + "output": "Experimental and Analytical Study on Recycled Aggregate RC Columns: Short and Slender Loaded Axially and Eccentrically", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Background Generally, public health policy-making is hardly a linear process and is characterized by interactions among politicians, institutions, researchers, technocrats and practitioners from diverse fields, as well as brokers, interest groups, financiers and a gamut of other actors. Meanwhile, most public health policies and systems in Africa appear to be built loosely on technical and scientific evidence, but with high political systems and ideologies. While studies on national health policies in Africa are growing, there seems to be inadequate evidence mapping on common themes and concepts across existing literature.Purpose The study seeks to explore the extent and type of evidence that exist on the conflict between politics and scientific evidence in the national health policy-making processes in Africa.Methods A thorough literature search was done in PubMed, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, Dimensions, Taylor and Francis, Chicago Journals, Emerald Insight, JSTOR and Google Scholar. In total, 43 peer-reviewed articles were eligible and used for this review.Result We found that the conflicts to evidence usage in policy-making include competing interests and lack of commitment; global policy goals, interest/influence, power imbalance and funding, morals; and evidence-based approaches, self-sufficiency, collaboration among actors, policy priorities and existing structures. Barriers to the health policy process include fragmentation among actors, poor advocacy, lack of clarity on the agenda, inadequate evidence, inadequate consultation and corruption. The impact of the politics-evidence conflict includes policy agenda abrogation, suboptimal policy development success and policy implementation inadequacies.Conclusions We report that political interests in most cases influence policy-makers and other stakeholders to prioritize financial gains over the use of research evidence to policy goals and targets. This situation has the tendency for inadequate health policies with poor implementation gaps. Addressing these issues requires incorporating relevant evidence into health policies, making strong leadership, effective governance and a commitment to public health.", - "output": "Politics-evidence conflict in national health policy making in Africa: a scoping review", + "input": "Abstract: Animal remains are a common find in prehistoric and protohistoric funerary contexts. While taphonomic and osteological data provide insights about the proximate (depositional) factors responsible for these findings, the ultimate cultural causes leading to this observed mortuary behavior are obscured by the opacity of the archaeological record and the lack of written sources. Here, we apply an interdisciplinary suite of analytical approaches (zooarchaeological, anthropological, archaeological, paleogenetic, and isotopic) to explore the funerary deposition of animal remains and the nature of joint human-animal burials at Seminario Vescovile (Verona, Northern Italy 3(rd)-1(st) c. BCE). This context, culturally attributed to the Cenomane culture, features 161 inhumations, of which only 16 included animal remains in the form of full skeletons, isolated skeletal parts, or food offerings. Of these, four are of particular interest as they contain either horses (Equus caballus) or dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)-animals that did not play a dietary role. Analyses show no demographic, dietary, funerary similarities, or genetic relatedness between individuals buried with animals. Isotopic data from two analyzed dogs suggest differing management strategies for these animals, possibly linked to economic and/or ritual factors. Overall, our results point to the unsuitability of simple, straightforward explanations for the observed funerary variability. At the same time, they connect the evidence from Seminario Vescovile with documented Transalpine cultural traditions possibly influenced by local and Roman customs.", + "output": "Until death do us part. A multidisciplinary study on human- Animal co- burials from the Late Iron Age necropolis of Seminario Vescovile in Verona (Northern Italy, 3rd-1st c. BCE)", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: How are expropriations related to governments' debt defaults? The literature has shown that expropriation episodes and debt defaults have rarely coincided, suggesting that each event resulted from a different set of factors. The aim of this article is twofold. First, I analyse default-expropriation relationships in the years previous to the debt crisis of 1982. I show that while default and expropriation episodes did not always coincide, countries that expropriated at least once during the period were also those that defaulted more often. I observe that countries that expropriated had worse macroeconomic indicators than countries that did not. Second, I focus on the case of Mexico, when its announcement of a debt moratorium in August 1982 was followed, less than one month later, by the nationalisation of its banking system. Both events were outcomes of an acute economic crisis. The nationalisation announcement aggravated the crisis because an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) seemed increasingly uncertain. I provide evidence from the largely overlooked bond market (on which the government never defaulted) that shows that investors reacted negatively to the bank nationalisation. Finally, I present original, published and unpublished primary sources to demonstrate that commercial banks, as well as international organisations, expressed misgivings about the banks' nationalisation. This fact may have hindered the country's economic recovery through the deterioration of public confidence and a decline in foreign investment.Como se relacionan expropiaciones e impagos de deuda publica? La literatura ha demostrado que historicamente, episodios de expropiacion y defaults rara vez han coincidido, lo que sugiere que ambos eventos son el resultado de diferentes conjuntos de factores. El objetivo de este articulo es doble. Primero, se analizan las relaciones entre defaults y expropiaciones en los anos previos a la crisis de deuda de 1982. Se demuestra que, si bien defaults y expropiaciones no siempre coincidieron, los paises que expropiaron al menos una vez durante el periodo fueron tambien aquellos que incurrieron en default con mas frecuencia. Se observa que los paises que expropiaron al menos una vez, presentan peores indicadores macroeconomicos que los paises que no lo hicieron. Segundo, este articulo se centra en el caso de Mexico, cuando el anuncio de una moratoria de pago de su deuda publica en agosto de 1982 fue seguido, en menos de un mes, por la nacionalizacion de su sistema bancario. Ambos eventos fueron resultados de una aguda crisis economica. El anuncio de la nacionalizacion agravo la crisis debido a que un acuerdo con el FMI parecia cada vez mas incierto. Nuestro analisis del mercado de bonos (cuyo pago se mantuvo durante la crisis) muestra que los inversores reaccionaron negativamente a la nacionalizacion de los bancos. Por ultimo, se presentan fuentes primarias originales, publicadas e ineditas, para demostrar que los bancos comerciales y las organizaciones internacionales expresaron preocupaciones acerca de la nacionalizacion de los bancos. Este hecho pudo haber obstaculizado la recuperacion economica del pais a traves del deterioro de la confianza publica y una disminucion de la inversion extranjera.", - "output": "When it rains, it pours: Mexico's bank Nationalisation and the Debt Crisis of 1982", + "input": "Abstract: This paper aims to make a conceptual and empirical contribution to our understanding of the effects of extra-regional assets and knowledge inflow, through mergers and acquisitions (M&A), in different types of regions. We revealed that the M&A market is not geographically homogeneous, and regions differ in all aspects of the M&A market: relative position, local density and foreign attractiveness, the same as in the M&A intensity. This heterogeneity is not random but follows a spatial pattern and differences in economic fundamentals of regions, but at the same time, there is no linear relationship between economic performance and M&A performance. The regional M&A market characteristics can explain differences in the impacts of M&A transactions on the economy, especially in the exit rate of companies after acquisition and in the change of employment. The impacts of M&A on the regional economy generally do not differ by sector of the acquired company. However, some patterns show that the negative effects are more present after acquisitions of firms in tradeable sectors in the less developed regions, whereas in the stronger regions, the most vulnerable sectors belong to the part of the economy which offers mundane, but occasionally purchased (and thus substitutable) goods.", + "output": "Acquisitions spatial heterogeneity and economic impacts in Central European non-metro-politan regions", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Synthesizing research on wisdom and a real-world practitioner intervention, we develop and test a strategy for presenting political views that fosters cross-partisan respect. This strategy of balanced pragmatism combines two aspects of wise reasoning: balancing multiple interests and seeking pragmatic solutions. Studies 1-5 (N = 2,846) demonstrate that participants respected outgroup political elites more when they used balanced pragmatism versus other forms of messaging. Studies 6-8 (N = 671) extend the usefulness of balanced pragmatism to everyday political disagreements: cross-partisan comments about divisive issues (i.e., guns and immigration) generated more respect when they used balanced pragmatism versus logical analysis. Strikingly, people were as willing to discuss politics with opponents who used balanced pragmatism as they were with ingroup members. Balanced pragmatism appears to improve cross-partisan respect by making opponents seem more moral and rational. Results highlight connections between political psychology and wisdom research and illustrate the fruitfulness of scientist-practitioner collaborations. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).", - "output": "Using balanced pragmatism in political discussions increases cross-partisan respect.", + "input": "Abstract: Superconducting pinning maglev train, with the advantages of heavy self-stable levitation and super-low resistance, is expected to become a high-speed transit in the future. With the increase in speed, the more will the irregularity of the PMG (permanent magnet guideway) affects the safety and comfort of the superconducting pinning maglev train. This paper is based on the PMG of the test line for the first high-speed superconducting pinning maglev engineering prototype train in China, to measure and study the magnetic irregularity of the PMG and its characteristics. Experiments were designed to measure the irregularity with a single Dewar maglev system, which can obtain the equivalent geometric irregularity directly acting on the maglev unit of the vehicle. Firstly, the frequency response function is developed based on previous studies, which can transform the response signal of the Dewar into the irregularity signal of the PMG. Secondly, the velocity and position are measured by image recognition of ground markers. Then, the dynamic signal of the Dewar maglev system moving along the PMG is gained and conversed into equivalent geometric irregularities by the frequency response function. Finally, an equivalent geometric irregularity PSD (power spectral density) function is formed, and it can generate the geometrically random track irregularity for vehicle dynamic simulations. The dynamic simulation result suggests that the superconducting pinning maglev train has the potential for smooth operation at high-speed under the excitation of the current PMG. The studies of this paper can help to understand the irregularity of the PMG further, and the gained PSD function can provide a general reference for the dynamic study of the superconducting pinning maglev train.", + "output": "Magnetic irregularity measurement and signal processing of permanent magnet guideway for superconducting pinning maglev train", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Georgetown Law's Curriculum B (also known as Section 3) offers a unique opportunity to study an alternative 1L curriculum. The standard 1L curriculum has been around for decades and is still offered at the vast majority of US law schools. Leaders in the legal academy often talk about experimenting with the 1L curriculum, but hardly anyone does it. Georgetown Law has. We study whether Georgetown's Curriculum B yields measurable differences in student outcomes. Our empirical design leverages the fact that enrollment in Curriculum B is done by lottery when it is oversubscribed-meaning our study is effectively a randomized controlled trial. We measure treatment effects of Curriculum B by comparing outcomes of students who received the treatment (Curriculum B) with outcomes of students who received the placebo (Curriculum A) but wanted the treatment. Because students in both the treatment and control groups elected to enroll in Curriculum B, our empirical design overcomes the issue of selection bias. We find that taking Curriculum B decreases students' performance in two business law electives (Corporations and Securities Regulation) and reduces the rate at which they graduate with Latin honors. In addition, we find that it increases students' propensity to take certain public law electives and decreases their propensity to take certain business law electives. We further find that taking Curriculum B decreases students' likelihood of working in the private sector (law firm or business/industry), increases their likelihood of working in the public sector (government or public interest) or doing a judicial clerkship, and reduces their average annual salary. At the same, however, we find no statistically significant effects on other outcomes, including students' cumulative grade point average, their chances of passing the bar exam or being employed 10 months after graduation, or their rate or amount of alumni giving.", - "output": "Does the 1L curriculum make a difference?", + "input": "Abstract: This article examines the compatibility of production-related environmental criteria in green public procurement with international trade law, specifically the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). In response to the global health and environmental challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), such measures offer extraterritorial regulation by pharmaceutical purchasing countries where domestic regulation is not forthcoming in pharmaceutical producing countries. The article finds that such green public procurement measures may be compatible with the GPA. The general exceptions of the GPA can be invoked to overcome the potential non-adherence of these measures to the principle of non-discrimination between like products (in this case pharmaceuticals) from different importing countries. The provisions of the GPA relating to technical specifications and tender documentation accommodate such green public procurement measures. The provisions relating to conditions for participation in tenders for a public procurement contract and the award criteria for choosing the bidder to whom the contract should be awarded are silent in respect of environmental considerations. However, this may change with the development of domestic regulation on antibiotic effluent and an expansive reading of the term 'public interest' in the GPA. For now, international trade law continues to adopt a limited, accommodationist approach towards non-trade objectives. This approach must be abandoned given the grave implications of failure to address the adverse impacts of global challenges such as AMR. At the same time, compatibility between green public procurement measures and the GPA cannot be taken for granted. The growing interest in domestic or regional drug security, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, may expand the geographical range of pharmaceutical manufacturers, with the possibility that such measures, originally intended to achieve non-trade objectives, restrict trade.", + "output": "Green public procurement of pharmaceuticals as a regulatory response to antimicrobial resistance and its compatibility with the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: We analyze perceptions of international applicability of one's education and migration aspirations and intentions among university students in Czechia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Spain. Students in law perceive their education as least internationally applicable. Perceived international applicability strongly predicts migration aspirations and intentions even after controlling for study fields, individual characteristics, family or friends abroad, and university fixed effects. The association with migration aspirations is strong for both genders, while the association with plans to migrate is driven to a large extent by women who would ideally like to work full time. Our findings are consistent with predictions from a model in which students invest in their education before learning their mobility status.", - "output": "International applicability of education and migration aspirations", + "input": "Abstract: The central role of Gold Coast societies, ports, and cities in the emerging Atlantic circuit is critical to understanding the history of the Atlantic world. The study of the causes and effects of Gold Coast societies' transition from African polities and economies to transatlantic entrepots and trading emporiums and their subsequent impact on the Americas has been the hallmark of Ray Kea's scholarship. Since the beginning of his career, Kea has been a significant contributor to the study of the African Atlantic, and the field's various debates and disciplinary evolutions. While many scholars of the Gold Coast recognize Kea's work as foundational to scholarship on the Gold Coast, engagement with his work has not been rigorous. Kea is often cited in bibliographies and aspects of his work have served as benchmarks for other forays into Gold Coast histories. However, there is a need to go beyond an appreciation for Kea as a trailblazer, passing reference of his scholarship, and bibliographic citation of his work to a more thorough and consistent discourse with his major ideas and propositions. Kea has been, for example, adept at integrating innovations and ideas in various disciplinary arenas. He dexterously applies Marxist and postmodernist theories, diverse historiographies of the Atlantic world, and conceptual tools to traditional archival and oral historical data in his analyses of Gold Coast and diasporic societies. This review essay argues for Kea's importance and the need for a deeper engagement with his work in the field by putting his work into conversation with both classic Atlantic historiographies and recent scholarship that has built off Kea's.", + "output": "Ray Kea and the Historians of the Gold Coast: Debates Over Continuity and Rupture in African and African Diaspora Atlantic Histories", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The Napoleonic era was transformative for Cologne's churches. The wars that characterized this period brought destruction and upheaval. The invading French army that occupied the city in 1794 was an agent of the new Republic, a polity then at war with Catholicism. Most spectacularly, this resulted in the desacralization of Cologne's churches, some of which were turned into storage depots for the army or made into temples for the new republican cult. However, once Napoleon seized control of the Republic in 1799, a new French policy was enforced in the city and surrounding region. It restored many aspects of the old familiar religious order, but at the same time created new institutions of church management and preservation that survived the end of French rule in 1814.", - "output": "Desecration, Secularization, Restoration: Cologne's Churches during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792-1815", + "input": "Abstract: From the thirteenth until the 18th century, the county of Flanders knew a special citizen status for rural residents. Country dwellers, normally residing under the jurisdiction and fiscality of lordships, could register themselves as external citizens or 'outburghers'. Outburghership has primarily been researched within the context of state building and urban studies. This contribution prioritizes the perspective of the countryside. Studies on premodern Flanders have shown that the counts and cities tried to undermine the power of local lords by providing as many seigneurial subjects as possible with fiscal and judicial exemptions to the lords' justice and taxes. The accessibility of outburghership and its varying appeal along time and space has not been adequately researched. This study argues that the heyday of outburghership in Flanders was between 1300 and 1550. After 1600, outburghership endured as defence mechanism against seigneurial lordship until both institutions met their demise in 1795.", + "output": "Subjects' strategies against lordship in Burgundian and Habsburg Flanders", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess exposure to e-cigarette advertising across multiple marketing channels among U.S. youth and to examine whether racial/ethnic disparities exist in exposure to e-cigarette advertisements.STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study.METHODS: Cross-sectional data were drawn from a longitudinal survey of participants recruited from two nationally representative panels (NORC's AmeriSpeak and GfK's KnowledgePanel). A total of 2043 youth aged 13-17 completed the initial 2018 survey, and 2013 youth completed the follow-up survey in 2019 (including a replenishment sample of 690 youth). Outcome variables were self-reported e-cigarette advertisement exposure in the past three months through various sources, such as television, point of sale, and online/social media. Generalized estimating equation models were used to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (AOR) of the association between racial/ethnic identity and e-cigarette advertisement exposure.RESULTS: The prevalence of reported exposure to e-cigarette advertisements through any channel was 79.8% (95% CI: 77.1-82.2) in 2018 and 74.9% (95% CI: 72.5-77.1) in 2019, respectively. Point of sale was the most common source of e-cigarette advertisement exposure in both years. Non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic Asian youth were more likely to report exposure to e-cigarette advertisements through television (AOR=2.07, 95% CI: 1.44-2.99 and AOR=2.11, 95% CI: 1.17-3.82, respectively) and online/social media (AOR=1.61; 95% CI: 1.11-2.33 and AOR=1.99, 95% CI: 1.10-3.59, respectively) channels compared with non-Hispanic White youth.CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of U.S. youth reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising through a variety of marketing channels. Significant racial/ethnic disparities existed, with non-Hispanic Black and Asian youth reporting more marketing exposure than their non-Hispanic White counterparts.", - "output": "Racial/ethnic disparities in exposure to e-cigarette advertising among U.S. youth.", + "input": "Abstract: This article will explore the experiences of working women in the late 1920s as expressed by themselves. It will reflect on women's experiences in work in the early years of the Republic through the example of a survey titled 'Women in Working Life' (Is Hayatinda Kadin) published in the Vakit Newspaper between March 31 and May 4 1929. It will ask questions related to class, gender, and being in paid work as a woman in the early years of the republic. For this purpose, first, the legacy of the late Ottoman context in terms of women's participation in paid work will be briefly discussed to better the changes in the early republican context. I will first briefly introduce the legacy of the late Ottoman context in terms of women's participation in paid work to better understand the transformation in the early republican context. Then, based on the survey in the Vakit newspaper, the article will present the testimonies of the working women -most of whom were pioneers in their fields- and discuss being a working woman/professional in the early republican context.", + "output": "Women in working life in the early years of republican Turkey", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The article analyzes the contemporary material, political, and symbolic construction of Hamburg's free port, zooming in on its festive opening in 1888, when Kaiser Wilhelm II visited to perform this ceremonious act. Asking why the Speicherstadt (warehouse city) was right away dubbed a city even though this was an exclusively commercial space devoid of inhabitants, the article uses this case study to argue that process concepts like urbanization frame our perspectives in ways that eclipse how older ideas about urbanity still defined a late-nineteenth-century political imaginary. The article shows how the opening ceremony, staged as an imperial adventus, alongside the Speicherstadt's neo-Gothic red-brick architecture, made recourse to established cultural forms that historians and other commentators often deem premodern. To counteract the prospect that port expansion could turn Hamburg into a working-class city, Hamburg's bourgeois merchant elite tried to construct the free port as a global urban bourgeois space embodying the city's history and its longevity as a space of urban trade privilege. The latter had erstwhile been defined by Hamburg's city walls, which, as the article argues, were symbolically rebuilt in the form of the Speicherstadt. The latter was the city into which this modern-day imperial adventus led.", - "output": "An Imperial Adventus into a City of Warehouses: History, Modernity, and Urbanity in the Symbolic and Material Construction of Hamburg's Free Port", + "input": "Abstract: BackgroundThis study explored the impact of different cut-off points used to identify children with reading difficulties on the distribution of these children across the three poor reader groups predicted by the simple view of reading (dyslexia, specific comprehension difficulty and mixed difficulty). Additionally, the study investigated whether the cognitive profiles of these poor reader groups remained consistent across varying levels of reading impairment.MethodsThis study included 209 primary school children from New Zealand, in Years 4-6 and aged 8-10 years, who experienced reading comprehension difficulties. Using a two-step cluster analysis, participants were assigned to one of three poor reader groups: dyslexia, specific comprehension difficulty (SCD) and mixed difficulty. We examined the distribution of children across these groups at eight levels of reading comprehension difficulty and conducted strengths and weaknesses profiles at four levels of reading ability across 14 tests that assessed a range of reading-related skills. Additionally, we compared the performance of children in these groups who performed above and below the 10th percentile on a reading comprehension assessment across these tests.ResultsThe results showed that the proportion of children assigned to each group varied across the reading levels, with children at the lower end of the reading comprehension continuum more likely to exhibit the mixed difficulty profile than the SCD and dyslexia profiles. Overall, the research found that dyslexia, SCD and mixed difficulty profiles could be identified at all levels of reading comprehension difficulty, though weaknesses in their reading-related skills increased as reading comprehension difficulties also increased.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that struggling readers demonstrate distinct cognitive profiles across all levels of reading ability. These results have important implications for identifying and supporting struggling readers, as well as enhancing our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of reading difficulties. The possible relationship between the results obtained in this study and tiered models of reading support is discussed.What is already known about this topic Children with reading comprehension difficulties can be classified into three groups based on their decoding and language comprehension proficiency: dyslexia, specific comprehension difficulty (SCD) and mixed difficulty. Several factors influence the proportion of children assigned to these three groups.What this paper adds The dyslexia, SCD and mixed difficulty profiles are identifiable at all levels of reading comprehension difficulty. Children with the most pronounced reading comprehension difficulties are likely to exhibit decoding and language comprehension difficulties.Implications for theory, policy or practice The findings suggest that children with the most pronounced reading comprehension difficulties may require the most intensive support focusing on decoding and language comprehension skills. Children with less pronounced reading comprehension difficulties may require programmes that emphasise either decoding or language comprehension to a greater extent.", + "output": "Exploring the distribution and cognitive profiles of poor readers across varying levels of reading difficulty: implications for identification and support", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This study investigates the recreational value of the Helen protected forest area, incorporating the new environmental paradigm into economic valuation. Visitors' willingness to pay and its association with scores reflecting the new environmental paradigm were assessed through contingent valuation and a dual-dimensional questionnaire. Two models are employed: a base model with socio-economic variables and a model integrating new environmental paradigm. Results indicate that 83.04% of visitors are willing to pay for recreational use. The proposed amount, visit frequency, new environmental paradigm, age, gender, education, and income were found to significantly influence the acceptance of willingness to pay. Results indicated a strong positive correlation exists between new environmental paradigm and willingness to pay, highlighting the influence of environmental perspective. Average willingness to pay per household per visit is IRR 190,390.4 (USD 0.53), translating to an annual recreational value of IRR 22,629,264,215 (USD 64,088) for the entire Helen forest. The average new environmental paradigm scores for visitors stand at 57.36, with the statement plants and animals have similar rights to humans receiving the highest score of 28.4. These findings emphasize the importance of considering environmental perspectives in managing recreational sites. Integrating a new environmental paradigm into valuation methods can inform sustainable management strategies that balance economic development with environmental conservation and social well-being.", - "output": "Assessment of Recreational Value in a Protected Forest Area Considering the New Environmental Paradigm (Case Study: Helen Forest, Southwestern Iran)", + "input": "Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Men who have sex with men (MSM), especially those living with HIV, are at an increased risk of anal cancer. The prevalence and incidence of its precursor, anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs), among MSM who started antiretroviral therapy during acute HIV acquisition are yet to be explored.METHODS: Participants in an acute HIV acquisition cohort in Bangkok, Thailand, who agreed to take part in this study, were enrolled. All participants were diagnosed and started antiretroviral therapy during acute HIV acquisition. Human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping and high-resolution anoscopy, followed by anal biopsy as indicated, were done at baseline and 6-monthly visits.RESULTS: A total of 89 MSM and four transgender women were included in the analyses. Median age at enrolment was 26 years. Baseline prevalence of histologic anal HSIL was 11.8%. With a total of 147.0 person-years of follow-up, the incidence of initial histologic anal HSIL was 19.7 per 100 person-years. Factors associated with incident anal HSIL were anal HPV 16 (adjusted hazards ratio [aHR] 4.33, 95% CI 1.03-18.18), anal HPV 18/45 (aHR 6.82, 95% CI 1.57-29.51), other anal high-risk HPV (aHR 4.23, 95% CI 1.27-14.14), syphilis infection (aHR 4.67, 95% CI 1.10-19.90) and CD4 count <350 cells/mm3 (aHR 3.09, 95% CI 1.28-7.48).CONCLUSIONS: With antiretroviral therapy initiation during acute HIV acquisition, we found the prevalence of anal HSIL among cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men to be similar to those without HIV. Subsequent anal HSIL incidence, although lower than that of those with chronic HIV acquisition, was still higher than that of those without HIV. Screening for and management of anal HSIL should be a crucial part of long-term HIV care for all MSM.", + "output": "Prevalence and incidence of anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in a cohort of cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men diagnosed and treated during acute HIV acquisition in Bangkok, Thailand.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The West Church is one of the largest churches of Umm el-Jimal archaeological site which comprises 16 churches. The date of the construction of the church is debated and the dates of its latest stages of renovation and use are obscure. This research aims to investigate the chronology of the church and clarify the dates of the latest renovation of its mosaic and plaster floors. The radiocarbon dates are carried out on organic inclusions of mortars and plasters from the floors of the church collected from three trenches opened in different locations of the church. The radiocarbon dates showed that the mosaic floors of the nave and the raised chancel, built with the same technology, were paved contemporaneously between 433 and 565 cal AD, while the plaster floor of the courtyard at the east entrance of the north room of the church was paved before the 551 cal AD (433 and 539 cal AD). The results include an old date (16-203 cal AD), which might represent an older phase of the church's history or more probably an earlier structure. The date of the mosaic, which more probably indicates its construction rather than a renovation phase, agrees with the dates of the pottery sherds (although few and small) uncovered from the excavated trenches. The date of the mosaic floor that lies before 565 cal AD contradicts the general trend of the dates for the renovation of other churches, after 551 AD, the date of the disastrous earthquake that affected the Umm el-Jimal site.", - "output": "AMS radiocarbon chronology investigation of the West Church of Umm el-Jimal, Northeast Jordan", + "input": "Abstract: This article maps two grids of city walking tours, conceptualizing them as expressions of transcultural memory activism. The first are walking tours in Berlin, guided by Syrian refugees, which use memorials of local traumatic history to testify to the refugees' current traumas. The second are walking tours in an impoverished neighbourhood of south Tel Aviv, that inter-weave African asylum seekers' travelling memories as part of the story of those streets. Analysing these tours, the article probes how references to histories of urban migration and traumatic legacies might inform contemporary political projects asserting the rights of refugees, and redefine the parameters of urban belonging. It therefore proposes a dual theoretical contribution: (1) advancing the transcultural turn in memory studies by paying greater attention to the materiality and performativity of transcultural memory and (2) enhancing research on the agency of refugees by demonstrating how they affect and expand the public memory of the contested national and urban contexts in which they travel or inhabit.", + "output": "Walking tours as transcultural memory activism: Referencing memories of trauma and migration to redefine urban belonging", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: I present a qualified new defense of antinatalism. It is intended to empower potential parents who worry about their possible children's life quality in a world threatened by environmental degradation, climate change, and the like. The main elements of the defense are an understanding of antinatalism's historical nature and contemporary varieties, a positional theory of value based on Epicurean hedonism and Schopenhauerian pessimism, and a sensitive guide for reproductive decision-making in the light of different views on life's value and risk-taking. My conclusion, main message, to the concerned would-be parents is threefold. If they believe that life's ordinary frustrations can make it not worth living, they should not have children. If they believe that a noticeably low life quality makes it not worth living and that such life quality can be reasonably expected, they should not have children, either. If they believe that a noticeably low life quality is not reasonably to be expected or that the risk is worth taking, they can, in the light of their own values and beliefs, have children. The conclusion is supported by a combination of the extant arguments for reproductive abstinence, namely the arguments from consent, moral asymmetry, life quality, and risk.", - "output": "If You Must Give Them a Gift, Then Give Them the Gift of Nonexistence.", + "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Exposure to neighborhood violence may have negative implications for adults' cognitive functioning, but the ecological sensitivity of these effects has yet to be determined. We first evaluated the link between exposure to neighborhood violence and two latent constructs of cognitive function that incorporated laboratory-based and ambulatory, smartphone-based, cognitive assessments. Second, we examined whether the effect of exposure to violence was stronger for ambulatory assessments compared to in-lab assessments.METHODS: We used data from 256 urban-dwelling adults between 25 and 65 years old (M=46.26, SD=11.07); 63.18% non-Hispanic Black, 9.21% non-Hispanic White, 18.41% Hispanic White, 5.02% Hispanic Black, and 4.18% other. Participants completed baseline surveys on neighborhood exposures, cognitive assessments in a laboratory/research office, and ambulatory smartphone-based cognitive assessments five-times a day for 14 days.RESULTS: Exposure to neighborhood violence was associated with poorer performance in a latent working memory construct that incorporated in-lab and ambulatory assessments, but was not associated with the perceptual speed construct. The effect of exposure to neighborhood violence on the working memory construct was explained by its effect on the ambulatory working memory task and not by the in-lab cognitive assessments.CONCLUSION: This study shows the negative effect that exposure to neighborhood violence may have on everyday working memory performance in urban-dwelling adults in midlife. Results highlight the need for more research to determine the sensitivity of ambulatory assessments to quantify the effects of neighborhood violence on cognitive function.", + "output": "Exposure to neighborhood violence, and laboratory-based and ambulatory cognitive task performance in adulthood.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: By far the greatest number of photographs of Nazi sites of violence were taken by the perpetrators. Some Jews did work as official photographers in the ghettoes, but during deportations, in the camps and extermination centers, and at the sites of mass shootings, only Gestapo officers, SS men and women, or other authorized personnel were officially permitted to use cameras. In the Mauthausen concentration camp, for example, as Lukas Meissel explains in his contribution to the excellent collection of essays, Fotografien aus den Lagern des NS-Regimes. Beweissicherung und asthethische Praxis, only members of the so-called Erkennungsdienst (identification department) were allowed to take photographs.1 These photographs do not reflect the reality of the camp (45). They seldom confront us directly with Nazi violence. Instead, these pictures offer (false) images of frictionless operations, visual testimony to the efficiency of the perpetrators, usually meant to impress their superiors.", - "output": "Photographing Sites of Nazi Violence, 1933-1945", + "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: This study examines thegender-specific associations between a wide range of social activities and dementia risk.METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted involving community-dwelling older Australians (\u226570 years) without significant cognitive impairment at enrolment. During the first year of enrolment, we assessed 25 self-reported social activities covering various aspects, including support from relatives and friends, community participation, social interactions with surroundings, and loneliness. Dementia diagnosis followed DSM-IV criteria, adjudicated by an international expert panel. To estimate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for associations between social activities and dementia, we performed Cox proportional hazards models, adjusting for age, educational attainment, baseline global cognition, and depressive symptoms.RESULTS: Among 9,936 participants who completed all social activity questionnaires (median [IQR] age: 73.4 [71.6-77.1] years; 47.4% men), dementia was diagnosed in 3.8% of men (n\u2005=\u2005181/4,705) and 2.6% of women (n\u2005=\u2005138/5,231) over a median 6.4 years (IQR: 5.3-7.6, range: 0.2-10.1) follow-up. Gender-specific relationships emerged: caregiving for a person with illness/disability in women (HR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.42-0.99), and having \u22659 relatives feeling close to call for help in men (HR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.33-0.96; reference <9 relatives) were associated with reduced dementia risk. Unexpectedly, in women, having \u22655 friends with whom they felt comfortable discussing private matters were associated with a greater dementia risk (HR: 1.69, 95% CI: 1.10-2.59; reference \u22642 friends). Imputed models further identified that babysitting/childminding was associated with lower dementia risk in men (HR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.56-0.99). No other social activities showed significant associations with dementia.DISCUSSION: This study provides evidence of social activities influencing dementia risk. Further investigations are required to uncover the mechanisms driving these observed relationships.", + "output": "Social Activities and Risk of Dementia in Community-Dwelling Older People: Gender-Specific Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Archaeological evidence supports sporadic seafaring visits to the Eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus by Epipaleolithic hunter-gatherers over 12,000 years ago, followed by permanent settlements during the early Neolithic. The geographical origins of these early seafarers have so far remained elusive. By systematically analysing all available genomes from the late Pleistocene to early Holocene Near East (c. 14,000-7000 cal BCE), we provide a comprehensive overview of the genetic landscape of the early Neolithic Fertile Crescent and Anatolia and infer the likely origins of three recently published genomes from Kissonerga-Mylouthkia (Cypriot Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, c. 7600-6800 cal BCE). These appear to derive roughly 80% of their ancestry from Aceramic Neolithic Central Anatolians residing in or near the Konya plain, and the remainder from a genetically basal Levantine population. Based on genome-wide weighted ancestry covariance analysis, we infer that this admixture event took place roughly between 14,000 and 10,000 BCE, coinciding with the transition from the Cypriot late Epipaleolithic to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA). Additionally, we identify strong genetic affinities between the examined Cypro-LPPNB individuals and later northwestern Anatolians and the earliest European Neolithic farmers. Our results inform archaeological evidence on prehistoric demographic processes in the Eastern Mediterranean, providing important insights into early seafaring, maritime connections, and insular settlement.", - "output": "Palaeogenomic insights into the origins of early settlers on the island of Cyprus.", + "input": "Abstract: Without females included in the ranks of political founder, Hannah Arendt's theory of political beginning looks dangerously romanticized. Arendt's founder is someone who rises to the challenge of their times, diverting history and renewing public spirit in the process. But despite a methodology that called for recovering the rich and strange from the past Arendt does not address the female founders that populate the myths and traditions she cites as instructive. These figures exemplify the unsettling forces and relationality she associates with beginning, but they also signal the high cost of action for the marginalized, including the difficulty some actors face in being recognized at all. If, as she suggests, the founder's persona provides an avenue of recall for the perplexing experience of beginning, then female founders support this recall magnificently while adding a tragic and troubling note that Arendt omits. Their reintroduction into her theory of political beginning takes the shine off her otherwise heroized and happy account.", + "output": "Strange Figures: The Female Founders at the Margins of Hannah Arendt's Theory of Political Beginning", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The origins and dispersal of the chicken across the ancient world remains one of the most enigmatic questions regarding Eurasian domesticated animals. The lack of agreement concerning timing and centers of origin is due to issues with morphological identifications, a lack of direct dating, and poor preservation of thin, brittle bird bones. Here we show that chickens were widely raised across southern Central Asia from the fourth century BC through medieval periods, likely dispersing along the ancient Silk Road. We present archaeological and molecular evidence for the raising of chickens for egg production, based on material from 12 different archaeological sites spanning a millennium and a half. These eggshells were recovered in high abundance at all of these sites, suggesting that chickens may have been an important part of the overall diet and that chickens may have lost seasonal egg-laying.", - "output": "Archaeological and molecular evidence for ancient chickens in Central Asia.", + "input": "Abstract: In recent years, a flurry of books that explore the history and theory of liberalism have appeared. Nevertheless, there has been surprisingly little scholarship examining the history of 'Cold War liberalism' - one of the most important instantiations of twentieth-century liberalism - as a phenomenon in and of itself, and the work that has been done has mostly focused on a small coterie of American and Western European intellectuals. This essay is a first step attempt to articulate a broader history of Cold War liberalism, tracing the ideology's origins and influence from the 1910s until the 1980s. We focus on three distinct elements of the history of Cold War liberalism: its embrace of anti-democratic politics and how this informed the creation of the national security state; its linking of reform to the imperatives of national security; and its decline and transformation in the 1970s and 1980s.", + "output": "A Brief History of Cold War Liberalism", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The phenomenon of angular inclination of flexible structures during vibration poses a significant challenge to the applicability of visual vibration measurement methods because the target locked in the captured image will produce unknown geometric deformations such as scale, displacement, and angle in the time domain space, and the horizontal rectangular frame used for matching during target detection will also increase the false detection rate of the target due to the introduction of more background information. Such subtle geometric deformations and false detections can lead to severe fit errors in the displacement curves regressed by the visual vibration measurement algorithm. To effectively improve the accuracy and robustness of vibration image target recognition, this article takes the flexible body captured by a high-speed camera as the target of vibration displacement measurement. It introduces the rotating target detection method based on deep learning into the field of visual vibration measurement, which verifies the feasibility of the deep learning method in flexible body vibration measurement, and based on the deep convolutional neural network framework, a high-precision displacement measurement algorithm based on single-stage anchor-free rotating target detection is proposed. The algorithm in this article first uses the CSPDarknet backbone network to extract multi-scale features of flexible structural image sequences. It then uses PANet to fuse the top-down and bottom-up bidirectional feature maps of the four bridge target feature maps obtained through the backbone network. The shallow and deep information is used for semantic feature fusion and combined with the Coordinate Attention mechanism to achieve target finding and fine positioning on the feature map. Finally, we use the coordinates of the bounding box obtained from the test to regress the position offset of the object's center point. To verify the accuracy of the algorithm in this article, we conducted experimental validation on the cable-stayed bridge model and the actual bridge and compared the performance with the traditional template matching algorithm, differential optical flow method, and various deep learning algorithms with different localization principles, as well as the displacement signals collected and processed by accelerometers. The experimental results of time-frequency characteristics analysis show that the vibration displacement trajectories regressed by the algorithm in this paper have the best overlap with the displacement measurements collected by the accelerometer, which verifies that the algorithm in this article has good application potential and implementation space in the field of condition monitoring of flexible structural bodies.", - "output": "A single-stage anchor-free rotating target visual detection algorithm suitable for flexible body vibration displacement measurement", + "input": "Abstract: Thermogravimetry (TG) is used to measure the change of sample mass versus temperature or time under a program controlling temperature. It is a common thermal analysis tool with a precise built-in balance, and accurate data can be obtained through a small amount of sample at the level of milligrams. The feasibility of the TG method for determining maximum water content (MWC) measurement of waterlogged archaeological wood was studied. Simulated waterlogged wood and waterlogged archaeological wood were used to determine the test condition for the TG method. MWC data obtained through the oven-dry and TG methods with different mass gradients from 0-10 mg to >50 mg were analyzed statistically. Deviation, error bar, and coefficient of variation were evaluated. According to the results, when sample mass is no less than 30 mg, and holding time at 105 degrees C is no less than 40 min, data deviation between these two methods is less than 5%. Effect of sampling depth and presence of inorganic deposits were also investigated. Specimens were taken from an archaeological wood with a sampling depth from 2 to 6 mm, then MWC was measured through the TG method. The results indicate MWC of the samples taken from a depth of 2-4 mm is higher than that taken from a depth of 0-2 mm and is lower than that taken from a depth of 4-6 mm, which is related to inorganic deposits. The presence of deposits was verified through SEM-EDX. MWC of three archaeological wood samples from China and five archaeological wood samples from Italy were measured to verify the effectiveness of the TG method when wood species and degradation degree are different.", + "output": "Study on the Feasibility of the TG Method for Maximum Water Content Measurement of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Work relative value units (wRVUs) are an intricate component of physician reimbursement determination in the United States. This paper assesses whether wRVUs appropriately consider operative time in hand surgery.METHODS: The 50 most common single Current Procedural Terminology code hand surgery cases were queried from the 2013 to 2018 National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. The average assigned wRVUs and median operative times were calculated for each CPT. Linear regressions were calculated between operative time, wRVUs, and wRVUs per hour. Cases deviating the most from the expected wRVUs based on operative time were identified.RESULTS: In all, 46800 cases comprising the top 50 most common hand surgery procedures were identified. Among these cases, the median (range) assigned operative time was 62 minutes (18-110), wRVUs were 7.5 (3.5-18.0), and wRVUs per hour was 8.3 (4.9-14.2). There was a positive linear correlation between operative time and wRVUs (R2 = 0.60). Each additional operative hour was associated with an additional 6.3 wRVUs (P < .001). Based on this relationship, the assigned wRVUs for included cases ranged from 59.7% to 172.6% of expected. There was a weak negative relationship between wRVUs per hour and operative time (R2 = 0.25). Cases shorter than 1 hour had more wRVUs per hour than those longer than 1 hour (10.0 vs. 8.1, P = .003). However, this relationship disappeared when considering case turnover.CONCLUSION: This study suggests a moderately strong positive correlation between wRVUs and operative time in hand surgery. Yet, numerous outliers from this trend exist, suggesting some discrepancies in reimbursement.", - "output": "Discrepancies in Work Relative Value Unit Assignment Based on Operative Time in Hand Surgery.", + "input": "Abstract: Removal of aged varnish layers from easel paintings is a challenging task requiring methodologies capable of preventing any alteration of the underlying painted surface. Laser-ablation approaches using the fourth and fifth harmonics of a Q-Switched Nd:YAG (266 and 213 nm, 15 ns) and Free-Running Er:YAG laser (2940 nm, 160 mu s pulses) can allow for very thin removal rates but their discrimination of the underlying paint film and self-termination potential are very limited. Thus, there is a need to develop suitable analytical methods for promptly identifying the possible occurrence of any undesired effect on the paint layer beneath the varnish, which is intentionally or unintentionally irradiated during the laser thinning treatment. Such side effects depend on the irradiation parameters and the specific material features of the pictorial film. Linseed oil paint models were prepared using lead white, vermilion, chrome yellow, ultramarine, Prussian blue and zinc white. Two distinct pigment volume concentrations (PVC) were used to investigate the dependence of the laser-induced alterations on oil binder volume ratio: low PVC (gloss paint) and high PVC (matte paint). After determining threshold exposure limits for each laser wavelength, laser-induced effects slightly above the threshold fluence were qualitatively and quantitatively assessed using FTIR and mu-Raman spectroscopies. Results showed that IR-reflectance bands of glossy and matte films exhibited appreciable shifts and distortion upon laser irradiation while reductions of the signal-tobackground ratio were observed in mu Raman spectra. The developed method, based on the processing of a number of spectral acquisitions, enabled for the first time the quantitative assessment and comparison of the corresponding undesired laser-induced effects in the outermost painted layer.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )", + "output": "Quantitative spectroscopic characterization of laser-induced effects on oil paint films using 213, 266, or 2940 nm", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The progress of dentistry towards a profession allied to medicine and surgery was incremental, and a most important step in that process was the separation of the surgeons from the barbers in 1745. Hogarth's illustration of a dentally active barber has been discussed previously in the British Dental Journal. In this paper, his probable contribution to the campaign for separation led successfully by his friend, surgeon John Ranby FRS (1703-1773), through the dramatic and much analysed painting The death of the countess (1743), is analysed. In this paper, it is suggested that William Hogarth was not only aware of the tensions between the physicians, surgeons and barbers that had come to a head, but that he modified the first thoughts, seen in a sketch (now at the Ashmolean, Oxford), to incorporate in this painting, and the print made from it a conspicuous sub-scene, almost central in a composition where the dying countess would be expected to be the only subject, as a satirical comment on that internal conflict.Provides a history of dentistry and professional advance.Focuses on William Hogarth and John Ranby FRS.Delves into medical ethics at the time.", - "output": "John Ranby FRS, William Hogarth and the Barber Surgeons", + "input": "Abstract: Solifluction processes in the Arctic are highly complex, introducing uncertainties in estimating current and future soil carbon storage and fluxes, and assessment of hillslope and infrastructure stability. This study aims to enhance our understanding of triggers and drivers of soil movement of permafrost-affected hillslopes in the Arctic. To achieve this, we established an extensive soil deformation and temperature sensor network, covering 48 locations across multiple hillslopes within a 1 km2 watershed on the Seward Peninsula, AK. We report depth-resolved measurements down to 1.8 m depth for May to September 2022, a period conducive to soil movement due to deepening thaw layers and frequent rain events. Over this period, surface movements of up to 334 mm were recorded. In general, these movements occur close to the thawing front, and are initiated as thawing reaches depths of 0.4-0.75 m. The largest movements were observed at the top of the south-east facing slope, where soil temperatures are cold (mean annual soil temperatures averaging -1.13 degrees C) and slopes are steeper than 15 degrees. Our analysis highlights three primary factors influencing movements: slope angle, soil thermal conditions, and thaw depth. The latter two significantly impact the generation of pore water pressures at the thaw-freeze interface. Specifically, soil thermal conditions govern the liquid water content, while thaw depth influences both the height of the water column and, consequently, the pressure at the thawing front. These factors affect soil properties, such as cohesion and internal friction angle, which are crucial determinants of slope stability. This underscores the significance of a precise understanding of subsurface thermal conditions, including spatial and temporal variability in soil temperature and thaw depth, when assessing and predicting slope instabilities. Based on our observations, we developed a factor of safety proxy that consistently falls below the triggering threshold for all probes exhibiting displacements exceeding 50 mm. This study offers novel insights into patterns and triggers of hillslope movements in the Arctic and provides a venue to evaluate their impact on soil redistribution.", + "output": "Insights on seasonal solifluction processes in warm permafrost Arctic landscape using a dense monitoring approach across adjacent hillslopes", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This case study explored the application of the service blueprinting method during the conceptual design of an AI-enabled digital scribe- an intelligent documentation support system-tailored for orthopedic consultations. In this paper, we discuss how this method can be used to enhance collaboration between user experience designers and machine learning engineers. Specifically, we show how service blueprinting can help innovation teams create a common foundation for understanding design challenges, enrich data with user-related insights, and highlight the value of AI capabilities as an organizational resource. Building on recent academic research in the field of human-computer interaction, our findings provide additional insights for addressing the design challenges associated with developing human-centric AI and incorporating service design approaches.", - "output": "Service Blueprinting for Better Collaboration in Human-Centric AI: The Design of a Digital Scribe for Orthopedic Consultations", + "input": "Abstract: A wooden polychrome statuette of Virgin and Child in Majesty, currently in the Museum Montanelli in Prague, is actually a torso. It was created in the 11th or 12th century at the latest, being the oldest wooden polychrome statuette in the Czech Republic. Current research combining advanced imaging and micro-analytical methods substantially contributed to the determination of its regional origin and detection and dating of later interventions. Identified pigments, including azurite, vivianite and smalt, together with changes in gilding technology, were found to be essential in tracing the story of the statuette over time.", + "output": "Tracing origin and history of Virgin and Child in Majesty, the oldest wooden polychrome statuette in the Czech Republic", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: In May 1944, at the age of 33, the lawyer and writer Ott & oacute; Kornis was crammed into a cattle car in his native Transylvanian town, Kolozsv & aacute;r (in Romanian: Cluj; after 1974: Cluj-Napoca) with 72 of his fellow Jewish citizens, his parents included. They were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. His parents were murdered upon arrival. Out of all the passengers in that cattle car, only he and four other Jews survived the hell of the death and forced labour camps. As soon as he returned home, he wrote a book about his experience titled Smoke (F & uuml;st), which was published in November 1945 in Cluj by the Minerva Literary and Printing Institute and was one of the very first books about the Nazi camps. The present study deals with Kornis' career and fate from the early years of his youth until his death at the age of 38, only four years after the end of the war. It is a microhistory that explores the career and work of a celebrated and award-winning, then completely forgotten author. His life story reveals the central problems that preoccupied most of the survivors who returned from the Nazi camps to multi-ethnic Transylvania; it also helps to document the literary memorialisation of the Holocaust during the early post-war period.", - "output": "Otto Kornis, a Forgotten Author and Survivor of the Nazi Camps", + "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Borderline and antisocial personality disorders are characterized by pervasive psychosocial impairment, disproportionate criminal justice involvement, and high mental health care utilization. Although some evidence suggests that systemic bias may contribute to demographic inequities in criminal justice and mental health care among persons experiencing these mental health conditions, no research to date has explicitly examined such differences.HYPOTHESES: Women and White persons would be more likely to endorse internalizing symptoms and have a more extensive history of mental health service utilization, whereas men, persons from minoritized racial groups, and persons identifying as Hispanic/Latino would be more likely to endorse externalizing symptoms and have more extensive histories of involvement with the criminal justice system.METHOD: This study examined gender, racial, and ethnic differences in symptom presentation, criminal justice history, and mental health care utilization in a sample of 314 adults with comorbid borderline and antisocial personality disorders enrolled in prison-based substance use treatment programs in the United States.RESULTS: Results suggested that men with these personality disorders were more likely to have early extensive criminal justice involvement, whereas women and White people had more extensive mental health treatment histories. Women were also more likely to endorse a range of internalizing symptoms, and White and non-Hispanic participants were more likely to endorse a history of reckless behavior. Notably, however, many associations-particularly, racial differences in symptom presentation and mental health utilization history and gender differences in symptom presentation-did not persist after we controlled for preincarceration employment and educational attainment.CONCLUSION: Results highlight a range of gender, racial, and ethnic inequities in criminal justice involvement and mental health utilization among this high-risk high-need population. Findings attest to the likely impact of societal, structural, and systemic factors on trajectories of persons affected by this comorbidity. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).", + "output": "Prison or treatment? Gender, racial, and ethnic inequities in mental health care utilization and criminal justice history among incarcerated persons with borderline and antisocial personality disorders.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Hospitals are experiencing an influx of patients in active behavioral crises, leading to restraints as a behavior management strategy. Over 100 staff participated in simulation training designed to manage escalating patient behavior. The training had a direct impact on the reduction of restraint use and increased preparedness and confidence of participants managing escalating patient behavior. Results suggest simulation can be an effective strategy to train medical staff to manage challenging behavior and reduce restraint use.", - "output": "Reducing (Behavioral) Restraint Use Through Simulation at the Bedside.", + "input": "Abstract: This paper develops the concept of transience of (in)formality to refer to the intersection of formal and informal negotiating procedures in the WTO decision-making system. It argues that both formal and informal negotiating processes are essential for delivering negotiating outcomes in the WTO. Particularly, the article assesses how informal negotiating practices emerge within the WTO formal framework and align with it. The analysis highlights how negotiating practices (re)shape existing norms, both formal and informal, adapting the WTO to overcome challenges and meet current needs. It also disputes legal formalistic perspectives that permeate trade literature and offer limited accounts of Members' agency in the WTO. The paper uses the Joint Initiatives as a case study to illustrate the convergence between formality and informality and a possible way ahead for the WTO negotiations. By broadening the understanding of law-making, it contributes to the discussion on WTO reform. It provides alternatives that reflect the reality of WTO negotiations and underlines the institution's relevance.", + "output": "Transience of (In)Formality: The Role of the Joint Initiatives in Reforming the WTO Negotiations", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This Viewpoint suggests that medical and public health journals should publish articles focused singularly on health without political bias when reporting on the health consequences of war.", - "output": "Reporting Health Consequences of War in Medical Journals", + "input": "Abstract: Online learning has become increasingly prevalent in the era of digitalization, impacted by both internet penetration and the COVID-19 pandemic. Classroom interaction, as a key factor in evaluating students' learning experience in online settings, has been identified to be associated with their academic achievement. While previous research has underscored the significance of classroom interaction in language learning settings, there is relatively limited research on its relationships with student satisfaction and learning. This research intends to explore classroom interaction and its mediating role in the correlation between student satisfaction and perceived online learning in online contexts. Given this, the paper reports a quantitative-method study that examined how Chinese EFL tertiary students perceived three types of classroom interaction (i.e., learner-learner, learner-instructor, and learner-content), their satisfaction, and its influences on their perceived online learning. Data was collected from 319 Chinese university students through convenience sampling and a self-designed questionnaire, and then analyzed with the help of SPSS. The results showed that: 1) the students had moderately positive perceptions of classroom interaction and online learning, but were neutral about their satisfaction; 2) positive correlations were observed between classroom interaction, student satisfaction, and online learning; and 3) student satisfaction predicted perceived online learning, with classroom interaction partially mediating this relationship. The findings of this research have implications for strengthening the effectiveness of online language teaching in the post-COVID-19 era.", + "output": "Unpacking the mediating role of classroom interaction between student satisfaction and perceived online learning among Chinese EFL tertiary learners in the new normal of post-COVID-19.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article explores the role of macro-level factors, specifically political opportunity structures (POS), in shaping interorganizational network tie formation and persistence. Grounded in the POS literature and the multitheoretical multilevel (MTML) framework-specifically using the theories of resource dependency and collective action-we examine how changes in POS are associated with network structures in Malaysian civil society. Data were collected in two phases, reflecting different political contexts. Although the network never evolved into a decentralized or centralized structure, the most central organizations remained consistent and seemed to have been active in bringing others closer to reconfigure toward a more cohesive structure as the POS became more closed. This research contributes to communication network theory by demonstrating how incorporating exogenous environmental factors like POS can advance theory. It offers new insights into operationalizing POS within network analysis and challenges conventional interpretations of centralization in interorganizational relationships.", - "output": "Network dynamics of civil society: a longitudinal study in Malaysia amidst changing political opportunity structures", + "input": "Abstract: In this review of Noel Carroll's Arthur Danto's Philosophy of Art: Essays, I focus on the issue of Danto's philosophy of art history and Carroll's position that, unlike Danto, we ought to understand Danto's end of art (history) thesis as an orientational narrative (that is, a pragmatic-instrumental narrative with cognitive purchase) rather than as a historical-scientific narrative. In making this case, I show how Carroll's argument demonstrates that Danto's end of art (history) thesis is in tension with Danto's philosophy of history. Furthermore, I engage and respond to the most substantive critiques that Carroll proffers in this text, especially as they concern Danto's philosophy of art history and the related issue of Danto's (art) historically anchored search for a definition of art. In giving special attention to the socio-historical background conditions (namely, the artworld conditions) for an object to be conferred art status, I also show how Carroll's incisive reading offers a critical rejoinder to claims made by recent critics such as Robert B. Pippin and Ivan Gaskell, who have dehistoricized Danto's definition of art, claiming that it allows for any artist to enfranchise any object as an artwork, proper.", + "output": "BENEATH MEANING, ORIENTATIONAL NARRATIVES, AND DANTO'S ESSENTIALIST THEORY OF ART: ON NO\u00cbL CARROLL'S ELUCIDATIONS AND CONTESTATIONS", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This paper analyses return and volatility spillovers among 21 global aerospace and defence (A&D) companies from six countries and three continents using quantile-based models and daily data from August 23, 2010, July 1, 2022. The results show that both return and volatility spillovers vary over time, and those estimated at normal market conditions, intensify during COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine war periods. Spillovers of returns estimated at lower and upper quantiles exceed those estimated at the middle quantile. Volatility spillover is extremely high at the upper quantile and exhibits low variability. Chinese defence stocks are segmented from the rest under normal return conditions and a moderate volatility state. In contrast, they are somewhat integrated under extreme return conditions and volatility states. Hence, Chinese defence stocks entail more diversification benefits under normal conditions than in bear or bull markets. Further analysis shows that geopolitical risk consistently plays a significant role in driving both returns and volatility spillovers, especially during the pandemic and war periods, without ignoring the role of macroeconomic and financial variables. These results have implications for investors concerned with stock portfolio management under various return and volatility conditions and for policymakers preoccupied with policy design under unstable periods", - "output": "Investigating extreme linkage topology in the aerospace and defence industry", + "input": "Abstract: The availability of information as to the inner structures and condition of historically significant textiles and clothing items is essential for monitoring, preservation and restoration processes. Visual inspection is usually the initial step in identifying any damage, such as tearing or rotting, but it is not sufficient for examining of detail below the surface of the objects. Radiography Testing (RT) is a useful non-destructive approach, capable of revealing hidden damage to under-sewing layers, clothing design, and connections, providing crucial information for developing a conservation plan. However, due to the mainly low atomic number of the constituting elements of textile material and also the low thickness of such items, Xray radiographs suffer from low imaging contrast, which is further compromised by noise due to the unavoidable detection of scattered X-rays, which introduces fogginess in the acquired radiographs. Using digital RT images as a starting point, two image processing approaches using histogram equalization and the more complex Automatic Color Enhancement (ACE) methods were applied to enhance the imaging contrast of the original radiographs. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of these methods in better identifying defects, hidden designs, motifs, and destructive regions within the inner layers of textiles. It was found that the ACE method produced better outcomes than the simpler histogram equalization approach. Results indicated that the ACE processed image could be favored over the simpler histogram equalization approach by its enhanced capability of targeted expansion of the scale for evaluation of deterioration. The conservators and radiographers were able to utilize the further and complementary capability towards improved object assessment, monitoring, and restoration procedures. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.", + "output": "Improving X-ray images of historically significant textiles", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article argues for attention to the affective investments that motivate working people's life choices in contemporary China by tracing the materiality of the development of aspirations in a rapidly developing context. Turning to the work of Bernard Stiegler, the article contends that for working people, the demand to labour is based not just on the alienation of the means of production (savoir-faire), but also the means of living a good life (savoir-vivre), which is displaced into a future made knowable within the material world in the present. The article shows how the developmental standard-making that produces senses of progress and legitimizes aspiration, thus compelling economic action, is alienated within the materiality of working people's rapidly changing worlds. By referencing these temporal displacements, developmental subjects assess their own presents by comparison, justifying difficult circumstances by making progress tangible. Understanding the mechanics of aspiration and cultures of labour is vital in light of critiques by labour geographers of the equation of labour agency with traditional, formalized labour politics, as there remains much work to be done to understand how and why people become workers in the first place.Este art & iacute;culo aboga por prestar atenci & oacute;n a las inversiones afectivas que motivan las elecciones de vida de la clase trabajadora en China contempor & aacute;nea, rastreando la materialidad del desarrollo de las aspiraciones en un contexto de r & aacute;pido desarrollo. Aspirando al trabajo de Bernard Stiegler, el art & iacute;culo sostiene que para los trabajadores, la demanda de trabajo se basa no s & oacute;lo en la alienaci & oacute;n de los medios de producci & oacute;n (savoir-faire), sino tambi & eacute;n de los medios para vivir una buena vida (savoir-vivre), que se desplaza hacia un futuro que se hace conocido dentro del mundo material en el presente. El art & iacute;culo muestra c & oacute;mo la elaboraci & oacute;n de est & aacute;ndares de desarrollo que produce sensaciones de progreso y legitima las aspiraciones, obligando as & iacute; a la acci & oacute;n econ & oacute;mica, est & aacute; alienada dentro de la materialidad de los mundos r & aacute;pidamente cambiantes de los trabajadores. Al hacer referencia a estos desplazamientos temporales, los sujetos del desarrollo eval & uacute;an sus propios presentes en comparaci & oacute;n, justificando circunstancias dif & iacute;ciles haciendo tangible el progreso. Comprender los mecanismos de las aspiraciones y las culturas laborales es vital dadas las cr & iacute;ticas de los ge & oacute;grafos laborales a la ecuaci & oacute;n de la agencia laboral con las pol & iacute;ticas laborales tradicionales y formalizadas, ya que a & uacute;n queda mucho trabajo por hacer para comprender c & oacute;mo y por qu & eacute; las personas se convierten en trabajadores en primer lugar.Le pr & eacute;sent article soutient que l'on doit accorder plus d'attention aux investissements affectifs qui d & eacute;terminent les choix de vie des travailleurs dans la Chine contemporaine en recherchant la mat & eacute;rialit & eacute; du d & eacute;veloppement des aspirations dans un contexte qui & eacute;volue rapidement. Il aborde la pens & eacute;e de Bernard Stiegler et soutient que pour la classe active, l'exigence pour le travail se fonde non seulement sur l'ali & eacute;nation des moyens de production (le savoir-faire), mais aussi sur les moyens pour une bonne qualit & eacute; de vie (le savoir-vivre), d & eacute;plac & eacute;e dans un avenir qui devient connaissable au sein du monde mat & eacute;riel contemporain. L'article montre comment la normalization du d & eacute;veloppement qui engendre des sensations de progr & egrave;s et justifie les aspirations, for & ccedil;ant ainsi l'action & eacute;conomique, se retrouve restreinte au sein de la mat & eacute;rialit & eacute; des univers en & eacute;volution rapide des travailleurs. En faisant r & eacute;f & eacute;rence & agrave; ces d & eacute;placements temporels, les sujets du d & eacute;veloppement & eacute;valuent comparativement leurs propres pr & eacute;sents, et justifient des circonstances difficiles en achevant des progr & egrave;s notables. Une appr & eacute;hension des m & eacute;canismes de l'aspiration et des cultures du travail est primordiale compte tenu des critiques des g & eacute;ographes du travail concernant l'& eacute;quation de l'agentivit & eacute; du travail avec ses politiques traditionnelles et formelles, car il y a encore beaucoup & agrave; faire pour comprendre comment et pourquoi les gens deviennent, avant toute chose, des travailleurs.", - "output": "Cultures of labour: aspiration, developmental futures and the materiality of memory after Chinese economic reform", + "input": "Abstract: Background: We examined the association between individual lifestyle risk factors with all -cause and causespecific mortality. Methods: Prospective cohort study including 155,002 participants from the Mexico City Prospective Study. Cox regression models were used to estimate the association between individual lifestyle risk factors and all -cause and cause -specific mortality. Participants with prevalent diseases at baseline and participants who died during the first 2, 5, 10, and 15 years of follow-up were excluded to account for reverse causation. Results: 27,469 people died during 18.3 years of follow-up years. Overweight and moderate alcohol consumption were inversely associated with all -cause mortality, while low physical activity and smoking were positively associated when all participants were included, regardless of prevalent disease or duration of follow-up. The direction of the association of overweight with all -cause mortality changed from inverse to positive after excluding the first 10 years of follow-up. Compared with normal weight, the hazard ratio (95 % confidence interval) was 1.17 (1.13,1.22) for obesity after excluding those who died in the first 5 years of follow-up and 1.71 (1.59,1.84) after excluding the first 15 years of follow-up. The magnitude of the association of alcohol intake, low physical activity, and smoking with mortality attenuated, whereas for fruits and vegetables increased, after excluding longer periods of follow-up. Limitations: The data were collected exclusively in Mexico City; lifestyle risk factors were self -reported and thus prone to misclassification bias. Conclusions: Reverse causation may influence both the magnitude and the direction of the associations between lifestyle risk factors and mortality.", + "output": "Lifestyle risk factors and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Mexico City prospective study: Assessing the influence of reverse causation", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This study combines several categories of environmental remains retrieved from machine-assisted water flotation samples, originating from the pit field of the Late Hellenistic archaeological site of Sexaginta Prista (2c. BC - 1c. AD), located on the River Danube in North Bulgaria. The analysis of the different organic remains, such as archaeobotanical macro-remains (seeds, wood charcoal and 'food crusts'), fish scales, molluscs and animal bones, aims at exploring the possible utilisation scenarios of the pits, including crop/food storage and preparation, disposal activities and ritual practices and also allowed for a preliminary past-environmental reconstruction of the site during the study of interest.", - "output": "Plant Remains and What Else? Environmental Archaeology of the Late Hellenistic Pit Fills of Sexaginta Prista, Northern Bulgaria", + "input": "Abstract: Healthcare practitioners are regularly faced with treating patients at the end of their life, and this can be very daunting. This article hopes to help the practitioner have an approach to managing end-of-life care that makes it less distressing. The symptoms at the end-of-life include delirium and/or agitation, breathing changes, skin changes, sleeping more, decrease in need for food and drink, incontinence, and increased secretions. These symptoms are discussed and practical ways of management are given. The article further discusses how to approach the difficult conversation with the family and gives guidance as to what needs to be discussed. A number of tips are discussed on how to prepare the family to handle a death at home. It is essential to look at coping mechanisms and selfcare for practitioners dealing with end-of-life care as the death of a patient not only affects the family but also the practitioner.", + "output": "How to approach patients and families at the end of life.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Fidelity between teaching activities and assessment methods is an important goal of knowledge and performance evaluations in medical education. Ideally, assessment methods provide evidence of learning that reflects the types of knowledge described in the learning objectives of the course. The most reliable assessments involve the same or similar tasks as those used during the instructional components of the course. Our preclinical human anatomy course includes, in addition to traditional lecture and cadaver-based laboratory learning activities, a series of applied human anatomy learning activities intended to emphasize human anatomy as it is encountered in living human individuals. The learning activities involve psychomotor behaviors including inspection, palpation, and auscultation, techniques used in the physical examination, as well as other activities designed to emphasize anatomical structures and tissues as they may be found in patient populations. We describe here our method for measuring student success in learning human anatomy in this manner, highlighting the direct linkage between the learning activities and the assessment tasks. We describe our performance scoring method and how we include this data in the calculation of an anatomy examination grade. As an indicator of our success with this approach, we include performance scores for the applied anatomy questions included on the laboratory component of our unit examinations for two successive academic years. We conclude with summary comments from students regarding the applied anatomy learning activities and assessment approach and offer suggestions for addressing specific challenges associated with the use of these types of assessment methods.", - "output": "A method for assessing student ability to apply anatomical knowledge within a traditional anatomy laboratory examination", + "input": "Abstract: A visual detection method for malachite green (MG) in food was established based on 'double-response-OFF' ratiometric fluorescent paper-based sensor. Biomass carbon quantum dots (BCQDs) using broad bean shell, and Ti(3)C(2)MXene quantum (MQDs) dots modified by ethylenediamine were synthesized by solvothermal method. The MG and two kinds of quantum dots could undergo static quenching, and the fluorescence color of two kinds of quantum dots gradually changed from red to blue, eventually the fluorescence was quenched, and the pattern had a two-stage linear relationship using fluorescent spectrofluorometer in the range of 0.1-140.0 mu M and the detection limit of 0.07 mu M. On this basis, a BCQDs/MQDs ratiometric fluorescence paper-based sensor was constructed and applied to fish sample. Through mobile phone software-Color recognizer, RGB values of fluorescent paper-based sensor at various concentrations of MG were extracted. The results showed that MG concentration was linearly correlated with R' value of RGB in the range of 20.0-140.0 mu M with 16.5 mu M detection limit. The method had been applied to the determination of canned fish and fresh basa fish samples, and the recovery rates were 97.33%-108.93% and 96.04%-117.97%, respectively. It proved that the ratiometric fluorescent paper-based sensor could be used for the rapid visual quantitative detecting MG in real samples.", + "output": "Biomass carbon and Ti2C3MXene quantum dots as ratiometric fluorescent probes for sensitive detecting malachite green in fish sample", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Boolean networks (BNs) have been extensively used to model gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The dynamics of BNs depend on the network architecture and regulatory logic rules (Boolean functions (BFs)) associated with nodes. Nested canalyzing functions (NCFs) have been shown to be enriched among the BFs in the large-scale studies of reconstructed Boolean models. The central question we address here is whether that enrichment is due to certain sub-types of NCFs. We build on one sub-type of NCFs, the chain functions (or chain-0 functions) proposed by Gat-Viks and Shamir. First, we propose two other sub-types of NCFs, namely, the class of chain-1 functions and generalized chain functions, the union of the chain-0 and chain-1 types. Next, we find that the fraction of NCFs that are chain-0 (also holds for chain-1) functions decreases exponentially with the number of inputs. We provide analytical treatment for this and other observations on BFs. Then, by analyzing three different datasets of reconstructed Boolean models we find that generalized chain functions are significantly enriched within the NCFs. Lastly we illustrate that upon imposing the constraints of generalized chain functions on three different GRNs we are able to obtain biologically viable Boolean models.", - "output": "Preponderance of generalized chain functions in reconstructed Boolean models of biological networks", + "input": "Abstract: The present study explores the relationship between the characteristics, performance, and sustainability of ports that will, in the future, support the logistical chains of new floating offshore wind farms, considering the crucial advancement and expansion of the offshore wind energy sector for the transition to a low-carbon economy. Through a detailed analysis, which includes international case studies in America and Europe utilizing expert interviews and quantitative methods through surveys, the importance of the location, new types of infrastructure and superstructure, and new planning and governance models for the performance and sustainability of ports that will be involved in this new energy industry is highlighted. Also, the context in which ports associated with floating wind turbines are located influences the performance and sustainability. This research employs Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), based on a survey of 22 European sector company experts, to emphasize the critical port characteristics for the performance and sustainability. This study reveals the significant contribution of supporting ports for the future floating offshore wind sector for the gross added value and the expansion of regional employment, and the need for new planning, construction, operation, and management models for ports instead of the traditional models applied to simple cargo loading and unloading ports, offering valuable new insights for port managers, policymakers, and academics. However, a future research trajectory with a more geographically diverse sample is suggested to enhance the applicability and generalizability of the results.", + "output": "Fuzzy-Set QCA on Performance and Sustainability Determinants of Ports Supporting Floating Offshore Wind Farms", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The present study investigates the relationship between self-esteem, its interactive patterns within couples, and relationship satisfaction. We employed dyadic response surface analysis (DRSA), an advanced method for examining the links between dyadic interaction patterns and outcome variables. Analyzing data from 731 Dutch heterosexual couples from the Longitudinal internet Studies for the Social Sciences data set across short-term (two-month) and long-term (two-year) timeframes, our findings align with previous research. Both actor and partner self-esteem had significant positive effects on relationship satisfaction, indicating that one's self-esteem is positively associated with outcomes for both oneself and one's partner. Additionally, we observed an additive effect where the combined self-esteem of a couple was positively associated with satisfaction. However, an actor superiority effect was noted, where individuals were most satisfied when self-reporting higher self-esteem than their partners, suggesting that one's own self-esteem plays a more crucial role in their relationship perceptions than their partner's and that self-esteem may not act as a shared resource. We did not find a significant self-esteem similarity effect on relationship satisfaction. These results were consistent in both timeframe analyses, with and without covariate controls. This study contributes to bridging the gap between existing theoretical models by providing novel insights into how self-esteem patterns within couples relates to relationship wellbeing.", - "output": "Examining short-term and long-term effects of self-esteem on relationship satisfaction using a dyadic response surface analysis", + "input": "Abstract: Scholars have explored the factors influencing new product adoption from various perspectives, such as product characteristics, personality traits, and marketing communication strategies. However, these studies lack the consideration of consumer social relationships. Thus, this study examined how social exclusion influences new product adoption. Three experiments involving 1372 participants indicated that social exclusion leads to a higher really new products adoption compared to social inclusion. The mediating factor in this relationship is the need for uniqueness. In contrast, no significant difference in incrementally new product adoption was found between socially excluded and included individuals. The above effects only exist in individuals with low self-control. Individuals with high self-control exhibit no significant difference in RNP adoption intention, whether they experience social exclusion or inclusion. These findings not only significantly increase the body of knowledge on social exclusion and new products, but also advise marketers on how to promote new products.", + "output": "Give me the newest! Effect of social exclusion on new products adoption", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: In this article, we develop a model of intergenerational peace leadership (IPL) with a particular focus upon young women's peace leadership. IPL remains under-theorised and under-recognised in both global policy and academic scholarship. We therefore outline and advocate for a young women-focussed IPL model as an opportunity for robust and sustainable peace leadership that aligns with broader UN-driven inclusive peace agendas. We begin the article with efforts to theorise IPL and situate it at the centre of inclusive and sustainable peace agendas. Second, we look at the challenges facing IPL, drawing from three case studies (Papua New Guinea/Bougainville, Nepal and Myanmar) of women's peace leadership in Asia and the Pacific. While we do identify commitments to IPL in the region, we find significant barriers that undermine its transformative potential. These emerge from contested power dynamics and hierarchies between older and younger generations, which result in young women being marginalised, ignored and silenced within ostensibly intergenerational peace forums. We therefore argue that while IPL is an important link necessary for advancing inclusive peace agendas, we must identify and engage with the hierarchies that hinder its transformative potential.", - "output": "Prospects for intergenerational peace leadership: Reflections from Asia and the Pacific", + "input": "Abstract: Over the last century archaeologists have investigated late Neolithic and Bronze Age interaction networks spanning Eurasia, which in the east connected steppe pastoralists with farming communities in what is now northwestern China. While much attention has focused on the adoption and impact of technologies and domesticates from western Asia in eastern Asia, few models have been put forth to explain how these networks formed and functioned and why groups would want to participate in them in the first place. What research has been done on this topic has generally focused on analysis of ceramics and metal objects to suggest long-distance movement between broad geographic regions. Here I suggest that to understand long-distance interactions, we first need to understand the movements of people and goods at the site-specific level, which I theorize using the concept of translocality. I also question the idea that items being moved were primarily seen as commodities whose main purpose was for exchange. By rethinking the origins, function, and stability of networks on the microscale, I suggest that we can better understand participation in longer-distance interactions that eventually played a key role in the formation of state-level societies in eastern Asia.", + "output": "Translocal identity construction among Neolithic and Bronze Age communities in northwestern China", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Ancient city walls, one of the most notable distinguishing features of Chinese ancient cities, are military defenses constructed of rammed earth. The ancient city walls have considerable study value because they served as the city's boundary and a symbol of power. However, as a result of natural erosion and human activities, many sites have been ruined. Existing optical remote sensing technologies, LiDAR point cloud processing algorithms, and deep learning methods are inadequate for the extraction and segmentation of ancient city wall sites. The novel semantic segmentation method for ancient city wall sites is described in this paper that extracts sites at the pixel level from LiDAR remote sensing data based on deep learning. To begin, the point cloud data collected by airborne laser scanning is processed into DEM data, and the distribution of ancient city walls in the study area is obtained through archaeological survey and expert interpretation. The dataset for deep learning semantic segmentation is then generated using image cropping and data augmentation techniques. Third, implement a U-Net semantic segmentation framework for microtopographic archaeological sites, and predict ancient city wall sites in the testing region after model training. Finally, the deep learning results are optimized using the connected component analysis method, and prediction mistakes such as holes and noise are removed. Taking Jinancheng, the capital city of the Chu kingdom, as an example, the proposed method process can identify and extract the ancient city wall sites at the pixel level, where the evaluation metrics reach 94.12% (Precision) and 81.38% (IoU). The experiment results are excellent due to improvement strategies in the dataset generation, model training, and post-processing steps. Thus, this study is significant for the current survey and protection of ancient city wall sites. The source code will be freely available at https://github.com/wshunli/Open- CHAI-CityWalls .(c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.", - "output": "Archaeological site segmentation of ancient city walls based on deep learning and LiDAR remote sensing", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Clinical elective courses provide additional specialty knowledge for prelicensure nursing students; however, it is unknown how these courses impact nurses' clinical practice after graduation.PURPOSE: To describe how clinical nursing electives impact graduates' clinical practice.METHODS: A mixed-methods descriptive design was used. Students who graduated from a prelicensure nursing program were sent an electronic survey and participated in qualitative interviews.RESULTS: Thirty-three graduates completed the survey, with 9 participating in interviews. Sixteen graduates worked in the clinical practice areas that were the same, or related to, the clinical elective they took. Many graduates felt that taking the elective course improved their confidence in the clinical setting and provided increased knowledge that put them at an advantage over their peers.CONCLUSION: Clinical electives may offer a means to meet health care system needs by preparing a more confident, knowledgeable new graduate in specialty areas in which nurses are needed most.", + "output": "Impact of Nursing Clinical Elective Courses on New Graduate Nurses' Clinical Practice: A Mixed-Methods Descriptive Study.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This paper analyses the economic confidence indicators' reaction to the environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Using Eurostat's monthly data for the economic sentiment in European Union countries, we found that, in the COVID-19 era, confidence and perceptions about the economy are strongly dominated by factors related to the pandemic, more so by policy measures and the vaccination process than by the direct health impact of the coronavirus. This is found to be prevalent across the multiple dimensions of economic sentiment. Moreover, standard macroeconomic variables seem to play a smaller and more marginal role during this period.", - "output": "Lockdowns, vaccines, and the economy: How economic perceptions were shaped during the COVID-19 pandemic", + "input": "Abstract: AIM: This study analyzed psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) students' reflections following a virtual simulated encounter with a patient who identified as transgender or gender expansive (TGE).BACKGROUND: To reduce mental health disparities, PMHNP students must be prepared to deliver affirming care. Engaging in and reflecting on simulated encounters with standardized patients can improve PMHNP students' affirming care competency.METHOD: A thematic analysis process was used to analyze student reflections during simulation debriefings.RESULTS: Five themes emerged: application of affirming care principles, recognizing minority stressors, treating all patients the same, desire to learn more, and valuing authentic practice.CONCLUSION: PMHNP students' reflections on the experience of providing care to a standardized patient who identified as TGE support the use of virtual simulations to prepare future providers to deliver affirming, person-centered care.", + "output": "Just Another Patient? Student Reflections on Providing Mental Health Care to Transgender and Gender Expansive People During Simulated Encounters.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Supplemental instruction, also known as Peer Assisted Study Sessions (SI-PASS), is a well-established form of peer learning that has been implemented in higher education institutions across the globe and that coincides with learning gains for participants. While the effects on learning gains have been extensively studied with quasi-experiments, the underlying mechanisms that make SI-PASS effective are less well understood. This study explored what benefits students thought SI-PASS offered and through which mechanisms. We studied this by interviewing 14 students who participated in SI-PASS during a field experiment that reliably found a significant impact of SI-PASS on performance. The students were asked to expand on if and why they thought SI-PASS was effective. Thematic analysis and independent coding indicated an interplay of three main drivers. SI-PASS was experienced as effective because it stimulated the use of effective study techniques and social learning. These drivers were facilitated and enhanced by a pedagogical climate that lowered the threshold to engage in collaborative learning and effective study techniques. These findings could help pinpoint what elements should be highlighted during the preparation of SI-leaders and what aspects should be monitored and tested when implementing or studying SI-PASS.", - "output": "When and how do peers stimulate engaging in desirable difficulties: Student perspectives on the effectiveness of supplemental instruction", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUNDSchool recess quality is vital to children's social and emotional skill development. However, there is a research-to-practice gap where academic findings are ineffectively translated back to schools. The aims of this study were to examine how a co-designed intervention would impact negative behaviors observed during recess and to explore the facilitators and barriers to recess implementation over the course of a school year.METHODSUtilizing a research-practice partnership, the authors collaborated with staff at an elementary school to design, implement, and assess an intervention focused on improving recess quality. The intervention offered training in research-supported recess practices through professional development training and teaching students transitions and games. The school's recess behavioral report log of negative playground behaviors across the academic year and notes from recess staff meetings were analyzed.RESULTSQuantitative results pointed to a stable decrease in negative playground behaviors post-intervention compared to pre-intervention. Qualitative analyses suggest school leadership and practitioners should focus on reculturing recess prior to making structural changes, and empowering recess staff to sustain change.CONCLUSIONPrior to considering interventions at recess, there is a need to assess both school and recess culture. In doing so, reculturing around the importance of recess during the school day and the roles of adults in the process is needed to ensure the sustainability of any changes made.", + "output": "Improving Recess through Collaboration: Exploring the Facilitators and Barriers to Sustaining Positive Playground Behavior", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: There exists substantial evidence that technological innovation and, more specifically, innovation creating high-tech exports is a crucial driver for economic growth. However, there is less consensus about the factors that cause high-tech exports to thrive. Most studies emphasize the crucial role played by research and development expenditures, foreign direct investments, trade openness, human capital, and patents. In this article, we instead examine the role of a different determinant, which usually is overlooked in the scholarly debate about governance institutions. We use government effectives (GE) and rule of law (ROL) as measures of governance. We employ a panel-data approach encompassing more than 100 countries between 2007 and 2019. The panel estimates show a causal relationship linking GE and the ROL with high-tech exports.", - "output": "High-Tech Exports and Governance Institutions", + "input": "Abstract: Facial editing is to manipulate the facial attributes of a given face image. Nowadays, with the development of generative models, users can easily generate 2D and 3D facial images with high fidelity and 3D-aware consistency. However, existing works are incapable of delivering a continuous and fine-grained editing mode (e.g., editing a slightly smiling face to a big laughing one) with natural interactions with users. In this work, we propose Talk-to-Edit, an interactive facial editing framework that performs fine-grained attribute manipulation through dialog between the user and the system. Our key insight is to model a continual semantic field in the GAN latent space. 1) Unlike previous works that regard the editing as traversing straight lines in the latent space, here the fine-grained editing is formulated as finding a curving trajectory that respects fine-grained attribute landscape on the semantic field. 2) The curvature at each step is location-specific and determined by the input image as well as the users' language requests. 3) To engage the users in a meaningful dialog, our system generates language feedback by considering both the user request and the current state of the semantic field. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework on both 2D and 3D-aware generative models. We term the semantic field for the 3D-aware models as tri-plane flow, as it corresponds to the changes not only in the color space but also in the density space. We also contribute CelebA-Dialog, a visual-language facial editing dataset to facilitate large-scale study. Specifically, each image has manually annotated fine-grained attribute annotations as well as template-based textual descriptions in natural language. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework in terms of 1) the smoothness of fine-grained editing, 2) the identity/attribute preservation, and 3) the visual photorealism and dialog fluency. Notably, the user study validates that our overall system is consistently favored by around 80% of the participants.", + "output": "Talk-to-Edit: Fine-Grained 2D and 3D Facial Editing via Dialog", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Tanacetum falconeri is a significant flowering plant that possesses cytotoxic, insecticidal, antibacterial, and phytotoxic properties. Its chemodiversity and bioactivities, however, have not been thoroughly investigated. In this work, several extracts from various parts of T. falconeri were assessed for their chemical profile, antioxidant activity, and potential for enzyme inhibition. The total phenolic contents of T. falconeri varied from 40.28 +/- 0.47 mg GAE/g to 11.92 +/- 0.22 mg GAE/g in various extracts, while flavonoid contents were found highest in TFFM (36.79 +/- 0.36 mg QE/g extract) and lowest (11.08 +/- 0.22 mg QE/g extract) in TFSC (chloroform extract of stem) in similar pattern as found in total phenolic contents. Highest DPPH inhibition was observed for TFFC (49.58 +/- 0.11 mg TE/g extract) and TFSM (46.33 +/- 0.10 mg TE/g extract), whereas, TFSM was also potentially active against (98.95 +/- 0.57 mg TE/g) ABTS radical. In addition, TFSM was also most active in metal reducing assays: CUPRAC (151.76 +/- 1.59 mg TE/g extract) and FRAP (101.30 +/- 0.32 mg TE/g extract). In phosphomolybdenum assay, the highest activity was found for TFFE (1.71 +/- 0.03 mg TE/g extract), TFSM (1.64 +/- 0.035 mg TE/g extract), TFSH (1.60 +/- 0.033 mg TE/g extract) and TFFH (1.58 +/- 0.08 mg TE/g extract), while highest metal chelating activity was recorded for TFSH (25.93 +/- 0.79 mg EDTAE/g extract), TFSE (22.90 +/- 1.12 mg EDTAE/g extract) and TFSC (19.31 +/- 0.50 mg EDTAE/g extract). In biological screening, all extracts had stronger inhibitory capacity against AChE while in case of BChE the chloroform extract of flower (TFFC) and stem (TFSC) showed the highest activities with inhibitory values of 2.57 +/- 0.24 and 2.10 +/- 0.18 respectively. Similarly, TFFC and TFSC had stronger inhibitory capacity (1.09 +/- 0.015 and 1.08 +/- 0.002 mmol ACAE/g extract) against alpha-Amylase and (0.50 +/- 0.02 and 0.55 +/- 0.02 mmol ACAE/g extract) alpha-Glucosidase. UHPLC-MS study of methanolic extract revealed the presence of 133 components including sterols, triterpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, and coumarins. The total phenolic contents were substantially linked with all antioxidant assays in multivariate analysis. These findings were validated by docking investigations, which revealed that the selected compounds exhibited high binding free energy with the enzymes tested. Finally, it was found that T. falconeri is a viable industrial crop with potential use in the production of functional goods and nutraceuticals.", - "output": "Secondary metabolic profiling, antioxidant potential, enzyme inhibitory activities and in silico and ADME studies: a multifunctional approach to reveal medicinal and industrial potential of Tanacetum falconeri", + "input": "Abstract: Organizational communication patterns were used to predict the extent to which employees engaged in organizational citizenship behaviors. Both job satisfaction and citizenship motives were examined as potential mediators in the relationship between organizational communication patterns and organizational citizenship behaviors. Using a census-matched nationally representative sample (N = 378) data were collected from participants from a variety of industries and organizations. As predicted, the conversation and positive conformity orientations positively predicted organizational citizenship behaviors. The negative conformity dimension negatively predicted in-role and organizational citizenship behaviors but counter to the prediction was a positive predictor of individual citizenship behaviors in the path analysis. Citizenship motives served as a full or partial mediator for both the positive conformity and conversation orientations relationship with organizational citizenship behaviors; however, job satisfaction did not act as a mediator for any of the relationships between organizational communication patterns and organizational citizenship behaviors.", + "output": "Organizational Communication Patterns as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Citizenship Motives", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Underwater image recognition is crucial for underwater detection applications. Fish classification has been one of the emerging research areas in recent years. Existing image classification models usually classify data collected from terrestrial environments. However, existing image classification models trained with terrestrial data are unsuitable for underwater images, as identifying underwater data is challenging due to their incomplete and noisy features. To address this, we propose a cross-modal augmentation via fusion (CMAF) framework for acoustic-based fish image classification. Our approach involves separating the process into two branches: visual modality and sonar signal modality, where the latter provides a complementary character feature. We augment the visual modality, design an attention-based fusion module, and adopt a masking-based training strategy with a mask-based focal loss to improve the learning of local features and address the class imbalance problem. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Our source code is available at https://github.com/WilkinsYang/CMAF", - "output": "CMAF: Cross-modal Augmentation via Fusion for Underwater Acoustic Image Recognition", + "input": "Abstract: Recent trends underscore the growing adoption of chatbots in user research due to their ability to connect with multiple users simultaneously, bypassing physical and time constraints. In this research, we introduce JourneyBot, a novel chatbot-driven interactive visualization tool that captures users' experiences from medical clinic visits and displays their journey on a flexible and interactive platform. Particularly beneficial during periods of social distancing, JourneyBot also tackles broader challenges in user experience research, such as overcoming geographical barriers and ensuring inclusivity for participants confined to their homes. Our approach was two -fold: Initially, we crafted a rule -based chatbot to gather genuine feedback from users across various stages of their medical visits, subsequently portraying this on individual treatment journey maps. We then merged these individual maps to create a comprehensive and holistic interactive visualization, assisting user experience designers in promptly pinpointing user challenges and emotional shifts during their clinic experiences. Our findings highlight JourneyBot's ability to improve research techniques and its considerable potential for the UX community.", + "output": "JourneyBot: Designing a Chatbot-driven Interactive Visualization Tool for Design Research", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To use verbal autopsy (VA) data to understand health system utilisation and the potential avoidability associated with fatal injury. Then to categorise any evident barriers driving avoidable delays to care within a Three-Delays framework that considers delays to seeking (Delay 1), reaching (Delay 2) or receiving (Delay 3) quality injury care.DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of existing VA data routinely collected by a demographic surveillance site.SETTING: Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) population, Northern Malawi.PARTICIPANTS: Fatally injured members of the HDSS.PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the proportion of fatal injury deaths that were potentially avoidable. Secondary outcomes were the delay stage and corresponding barriers associated with avoidable deaths and the health system utilisation for fatal injuries within the health system.RESULTS: Of the 252 deaths due to external causes, 185 injury-related deaths were analysed. Deaths were predominantly among young males (median age 30, IQR 11-48), 71.9% (133/185). 35.1% (65/185) were assessed as potentially avoidable. Delay 1 was implicated in 30.8% (20/65) of potentially avoidable deaths, Delay 2 in 61.5% (40/65) and Delay 3 in 75.4% (49/65). Within Delay 1, 'healthcare literacy' was most commonly implicated barrier in 75% (15/20). Within Delay 2, 'communication' and 'prehospital care' were the most commonly implicated in 92.5% (37/40). Within Delay 3, 'physical resources' were most commonly implicated, 85.7% (42/49).CONCLUSIONS: VA is feasible for studying pathways to care and health system responsiveness in avoidable deaths following injury and ascertaining the delays that contribute to deaths. A large proportion of injury deaths were avoidable, and we have identified several barriers as potential targets for intervention. Refining and integrating VA with other health system assessment methods is likely necessary to holistically understand an injury care health system.", - "output": "Understanding the health system utilisation and reasons for avoidable mortality after fatal injury within a Three-Delays framework in Karonga, Northern Malawi: a retrospective analysis of verbal autopsy data.", + "input": "Abstract: Despite widespread support for integrated service delivery (ISD), the challenges of making ISD a sustainable feature of the public sector remain unresolved. This article offers new insights to this persistent challenge by developing a novel theoretical framework, inspired by the perspective of institutional complexity, and applying it to the case of Danish job centers. We demonstrate how the contradictory and layered nature of governance arrangements simultaneously pose demands of service integration and -separation on the job centers. Consequently, the job center managers can neither prioritize one of the demands nor blend them into hybrid practices. Instead, their attempts to further ISD remain inherently temporary-as they are continuously forced to reverse back to old organizational boundaries, to oscillate between work processes supporting service integration and service separation, and to rebuild collaborative relations. The managers are thus caught in a frenetic standstill, which hinders the sustainable organizing of ISD.", + "output": "Caught in a standstill-The unresolved challenges of integrated service delivery in public organizations", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Changes in the dynamics of prescription drug markets have raised issues regarding whether the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS') Prescription Drug Consumer Price Index (CPI-Rx) has adequately kept up with the evolving marketplace. The CPI-Rx limits its sampling frame to retail outpatient outlets and excludes prescription pharmaceuticals dispensed in non-retail settings such as hospitals, physician/clinic outpatient facilities, and nursing homes. Thus, the CPI-Rx overlooks the increasingly important specialty pharmaceuticals dispensed in non-retail settings, whose transactions are instead captured in the overall hospital and professional services component of the medical care CPI. Specialty drugs now account for about 55% of all U.S. drug spending, double the share of a decade earlier. To the extent specialty drug price growth differs from that of traditional pharmaceuticals, the CPI-Rx could provide an inaccurate measure of overall drug price inflation. We calculate a chained Laspeyres CPI using data from the Merative (TM) MarketScan (R) Databases for the years 2010-2019 and IQVIA-designated specialty drugs and offer evidence showing that by not sampling specialty drugs in non-retail settings, the CPI-Rx has understated overall U.S. prescription drug inflation by just under 75 basis points annually. We discuss implications for health care policy and suggest the BLS examine the feasibility of publishing an overall pharmaceutical price index incorporating both traditional and specialty pharmaceuticals dispensed in retail and non-retail settings.", - "output": "Auditing the prescription drug consumer price index in a changing marketplace", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Emerging studies indicate that time-restricted eating (TRE) may protect against cardiovascular disease (CVD); however, studies performed in elderly adults are limited. This study aimed to analyze the association of TRE with arterial stiffness (AS) in community-dwelling elderly Chinese individuals.METHODS AND RESULTS: This cross-sectional study recruited 3487 participants aged \u226560y from Shanghai, China. TRE was determined by calculating the end time of the last meal minus the start time of the first meal of the average day. Participants were then categorized into those with a time-restricted window lasting \u226411h (TRE) and >11h (non-TRE). The mean age of the sample was 71.78\u00b15.75y, and 41.2% were men. Having a TRE pattern was 72.2%. In the logistic analysis, TRE was associated with borderline arterial stiffness (OR=1.419; 95% CI=1.077-1.869) and elevated arterial stiffness (OR=1.699; 95% CI=1.276-2.263). In a subgroup analysis, the significance remained in the group at risk of malnutrition (with borderline arterial stiffness: OR=2.270; 95% CI=1.229-4.190; with elevated arterial stiffness: OR=2.459; 95% CI=1.287-4.700), while in well-nourished participants, the association only remained with elevated arterial stiffness (OR=1.530; 95% CI=1.107-2.115) and not with borderline arterial stiffness.CONCLUSIONS: TRE is a risk factor for both borderline and elevated arterial stiffness in community-dwelling Chinese individuals and varies by nutritional status. (Protocol code 2019-WJWXM-04-310108196508064467.).", + "output": "The association between time-restricted eating and arterial stiffness status in community-dwelling elderly Chinese individuals.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Using the perspective of phenomenological-enactive embodied cognition, this paper examines the role of the body in constituting specific social interactions via specific media ecologies (war imagery) during the times of (refugee) crisis. Such media ecologies give affordances that can amplify social beliefs and turn subjective judgments into an intersubjective action. We consider the human body in relation to war media as playing an important role in sustaining social experiences and relations. To that end, the article explores the fundamental experience of empathy, combining the theoretical perspectives of phenomenology and enactivism with the examples from war imagery and refugee embodiment. It is shown that the classical phenomenological tradition offers different yet useful conceptualisations of empathy. We also argue that war images and/or messages should be viewed as means/tools for, rather than representations of, the enaction of certain important experiences. Hence, the article connects the analysis of the affection by war imagery with the subsequent social interactions in the context of refugee crisis.", - "output": "Embodied Cognition and Empathic Experiences in War Communication", + "input": "Abstract: In this paper, I introduce a promises and perils framework for understanding the soft impacts of emerging technology, and argue for a eudaimonic conception of well-being. This eudaimonic conception of well-being, however, presupposes that we have something like stable character traits. I therefore defend this view from the situationist challenge and show that instead of viewing this challenge as a threat to well-being, we can incorporate it into how we think about living well with technology. Human beings are susceptible to situational influences and are often unaware of the ways that their social and technological environment influence not only their ability to do well, but even their ability to know whether they are doing well. Any theory that attempts to describe what it means for us to be doing well, then, needs to take these contextual features into account and bake them into a theory of human flourishing. By paying careful attention to these contextual factors, we can design systems that promote human flourishing.", + "output": "Technology and the Situationist Challenge to Virtue Ethics", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Pedestrian safety, particularly for children, relies on well-designed pathways. Child-friendly pathways play a crucial role in safeguarding young pedestrians. Shared spaces accommodating both vehicles and walkers can bring benefits to pedestrians. However, active children playing near these pathways are prone to accidents. This research aims to develop an efficient method for planning child-friendly pedestrian pathways, taking into account community development and the specific needs of children. A mixed-methods approach was employed, utilizing the Datang community in Guangzhou, China, as a case study. This approach combined drawing techniques with GIS data analysis. Drawing methods were utilized to identify points of interest for children aged 2-6. The qualitative and quantitative fuzzy analytic hierarchy process assessed factors influencing pathway planning, assigning appropriate weights. The weighted superposition analysis method constructed a comprehensive cost grid, considering various community elements. To streamline the planning process, a GIS tool was developed based on the identified factors, resulting in a practical, child-friendly pedestrian pathway network. Results indicate that this method efficiently creates child-friendly pathways, ensuring optimal connectivity within the planned road network.", - "output": "GIS-based intelligent planning approach of child-friendly pedestrian pathway to promote a child-friendly city", + "input": "Abstract: Reliable prediction of multi-finger forces is crucial for neural-machine interfaces. Various neural decoding methods have progressed substantially for accurate motor output predictions. However, most neural decoding methods are performed in a supervised manner, i.e., the finger forces are needed for model training, which may not be suitable in certain contexts, especially in scenarios involving individuals with an arm amputation. To address this issue, we developed an unsupervised neural decoding approach to predict multi-finger forces using spinal motoneuron firing information. We acquired high-density surface electromyogram (sEMG) signals of the finger extensor muscle when subjects performed single-finger and multi-finger tasks of isometric extensions. We first extracted motor units (MUs) from sEMG signals of the single-finger tasks. Because of inevitable finger muscle co-activation, MUs controlling the non-targeted fingers can also be recruited. To ensure an accurate finger force prediction, these MUs need to be teased out. To this end, we clustered the decomposed MUs based on inter-MU distances measured by the dynamic time warping technique, and we then labeled the MUs using the mean firing rate or the firing rate phase amplitude. We merged the clustered MUs related to the same target finger and assigned weights based on the consistency of the MUs being retained. As a result, compared with the supervised neural decoding approach and the conventional sEMG amplitude approach, our new approach can achieve a higher R2 (0.77\u00b10.036 vs. 0.71\u00b10.11 vs. 0.61\u00b10.09) and a lower root mean square error (5.16\u00b10.58 %MVC vs. 5.88\u00b11.34 %MVC vs. 7.56\u00b11.60 %MVC). Our findings can pave the way for the development of accurate and robust neural-machine interfaces, which can significantly enhance the experience during human-robotic hand interactions in diverse contexts.", + "output": "Unsupervised neural decoding for concurrent and continuous multi-finger force prediction.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Most of the existing machine learning-based heart sound classification methods achieve limited accuracy. Since they primarily depend on single domain feature information and tend to focus equally on each part of the signal rather than employing a selective attention mechanism. In addition, they fail to exploit convolutional neural network (CNN) - based features with an effective fusion strategy.METHODS: In order to overcome these limitations, a novel multimodal attention convolutional neural network (MACNN) with a feature-level fusion strategy, in which Mel-cepstral domain as well as general frequency domain features are incorporated to increase the diversity of the features, is proposed in this paper. In the proposed method, DilationAttenNet is first utilized to construct attention-based CNN feature extractors and then these feature extractors are jointly optimized in MACNN at the feature-level. The attention mechanism aims to suppress irrelevant information and focus on crucial diverse features extracted from the CNN.RESULTS: Extensive experiments are carried out to study the efficacy of the feature level fusion in comparison to that with early fusion. The results show that the proposed MACNN method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy and score for the two publicly available Github and Physionet datasets.CONCLUSION: The findings of our experiments demonstrated the high performance for heart sound classification based on the proposed MACNN, and hence have potential clinical usefulness in the identification of heart diseases. This technique can assist cardiologists and researchers in the design and development of heart sound classification methods.", - "output": "A novel feature-level fusion scheme with multimodal attention CNN for heart sound classification.", + "input": "Abstract: Inter-municipal cooperation is often regarded as an alternative to privatizing local public services. But cooperation and privatization can also be combined into a dual reform package in which several municipalities jointly issue contracts relating to multiple jurisdictions. Evaluation of these mixed cooperation-privatization reforms rests on disentangling the separate and combined effects of each strategy. This we undertake for the case of solid waste collection in Catalonia, using environmental protection as our focal performance standard. Drawing on two waves of data (for 2000 and 2019) for 186 municipalities that together use all four combinations of public, private, single and cooperative service delivery, we show that superior environmental performance was initially confined to conventional cooperations involving only public production. But latterly, any form of cooperation, using public or private production, resulted in significant gains. This reinforces the need for evaluators to isolate the active ingredient in composite reforms.La cooperacio intermunicipal es contempla sovint com alternativa a la privatitzacio de serveis publics locals. Tanmateix, cooperacio i privatitzacio es poden combinar dins un paquet dual de reforma en el que alguns municipis promouen contractes conjunts. L'avaluacio de reformes que combinen cooperacio i privatitzacio exigeix distingir entre efectes separats i combinats de cadascuna d'aquestes estrategies. Ho fem per la recollida de residus solids a Catalunya, usant la proteccio mediambiental com estandard de qualitat. Aprofitem dues onades de dades (2000 i 2019) per 186 municipis que usen les quatre combinacions de produccio (publica o privada) i provisio (cooperativa o individual) pel servei. Mostrem que la cooperacio convencional combinada nomes amb produccio publica presentava inicialment millor qualitat mediambiental. Mes recentment, pero, qualsevol forma de cooperacio, sigui amb produccio publica o privada, mostra millor qualitat. Els nostres resultats confirmen que es necessari que les avaluacions aillin l'ingredient actiu en les reformes combinades.", + "output": "Disentangling the separate and combined effects of privatization and cooperation on local government service delivery", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Few population-based studies have evaluated the epidemiology of infective endocarditis (IE). Changes in population demographics and guidelines on IE may have affected both the incidence and outcomes of IE. Therefore, the aim of our study is to provide contemporary population-based epidemiological data of IE in Spain.METHODS: Retrospective nationwide observational study using data from the Spanish National Health System Discharge Database. We included all patients hospitalized with IE from January 2000 to December 2019.RESULTS: A total of 64,550 IE episodes were included. The incidence of IE rose from 5.25 cases/100,000 person-year in 2000 to 7.21 in 2019, with a 2% annual percentage change (95% CI 1.3-2.6). IE incidence was higher among those aged 85 or older (43.5 cases/100.000 person-years). Trends across the study period varied with sex and age. Patients with IE were progressively older (63.9 years in 2000-2004 to 70.0 in 2015-2019, p<0.001) and had more frequent comorbidities and predispositions, including, previous valvular prosthesis (12.1% vs 20.9%, p<0.001). After adjustment, a progressive reduction in mortality was noted including in 2015-2019 compared to 2010-2014 (adjusted odds ratio 0.93, 95% confident interval 0.88-0.99, p=0.023)., which was associated with more frequent cardiac surgery in recent years (15.1% in 2010-2014 vs 19.9% in 2015-2019).CONCLUSIONS: In Spain, the incidence of IE has increased during the XXI century, with a more pronounced increase in elderly individuals. Adjusted-mortality decreased over the years, which could be related to a higher percentage of surgery. Our results highlight the changing epidemiology of IE.", - "output": "Trends in epidemiology, surgical management, and prognosis of infective endocarditis during the XXI century in Spain: A population-based nationwide study.", + "input": "Abstract: We study a new driving factor of women's inclusion in politics: the economic empowerment of their mothers. We evaluate Swedish microdata on politicians and their parents over fifty years. The results demonstrate a strong intergenerational dynamic from mothers to daughters. Female politicians come from households where their mother is more likely to be employed, earns more in the labour market, and earns a larger share of household earnings. This pattern was strong among parliamentarians in the 1970s and 1980s when female numerical representation increased rapidly in Sweden but is not present in national politics after the introduction of gender quotas in the early 1990s or in local politics.", + "output": "Working Mothers and Political Daughters: Intergenerational Dynamics of Women's Political Officeholding", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This paper develops an account of how the implementation of ML models into healthcare settings requires revising the methodological apparatus of philosophical bioethics. On this account, ML models are cognitive interventions that provide decision-support to physicians and patients. Due to reliability issues, opaque reasoning processes, and information asymmetries, ML models pose inferential problems for them. These inferential problems lay the grounds for many ethical problems that currently claim centre-stage in the bioethical debate. Accordingly, this paper argues that the best way to make progress in remedying these ethical problems is to distil their epistemic core and to identify appropriate epistemic norms as guardrails. The viability of this approach will be highlighted based on four key issues: trust, responsibility, paternalism, and fairness. In that respect, the paper also contributes to a more pronounced view of the specific methodological challenges for ethical theorizing, when the point of reference are complex statistical models that make predictions, rather than individual agents, acting for reasons.", - "output": "Machine learning in healthcare and the methodological priority of epistemology over ethics", + "input": "Abstract: Journal Voices in the Civil Rights Era During the social tumult of the 1960s and 1970s, the Journal opened its pages to advocates of reform in the profession and society at large, but it did not completely break with its troubled racial past.", + "output": "Journal Voices in the Civil Rights Era - New Horizons and Limits in Medical Publishing", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: We ask how environmental justice and urban ecology have influenced one another over the past 25 years in the context of the US Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program and Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) project. BES began after environmental justice emerged through activism and scholarship in the 1980s but spans a period of increasing awareness among ecologists and environmental practitioners. The work in Baltimore provides a detailed example of how ecological research has been affected by a growing understanding of environmental justice. The shift shows how unjust environmental outcomes emerge and are reinforced over time by systemic discrimination and exclusion. We do not comprehensively review the literature on environmental justice in urban ecology but do present four brief cases from the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia, to illustrate the global relevance of the topic. The example cases demonstrate the necessity for continuous engagement with communities in addressing environmental problem solving.", - "output": "Forging just ecologies: 25 years of urban long-term ecological research collaboration", + "input": "Abstract: The recent so-called 'data revolution' offers unprecedented opportunities to innovate regional policies. New data sources are being widely used by the scientific community, however their uptake is far from being systematic in the policy cycle, where data innovation can improve territorial impact assessment. This paper presents a survey on the use of non-traditional data in the context of regional policy, together with a case study on real estate markets of three European countries, highlighting the perspectives and limitations of computational social science in regional analysis in terms of data quality and availability.", + "output": "Computational social science in regional analysis and the European real estate market", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Textbooks often present the phenomenon of screening within the Thomas-Fermi model for three-dimensional free electron gases, but obtaining the dielectric response function and screening potential for dielectric systems of reduced dimensionality is also of pedagogical interest. In this work, we introduce a simple approach to investigate static screening in dielectric systems in the presence of an impurity charge for different dimensionalities. This approach is applicable to semiconductors and insulators alike. We demonstrate that, in 3D systems, the macroscopic dielectric function in reciprocal space is a constant, while in 2D and 1D systems, it strongly depends on the momentum transferred to the electrons in the dielectric. Through the proposed dielectric screening model, one can also determine binding energies in a hydrogenic model that can be used to describe excitations in real semiconductor systems. (c) 2024 Published under an exclusive license by American Association of Physics Teachers.", - "output": "Static dielectric response and screening in solid state physics: Why dimensionality matters in dielectrics", + "input": "Abstract: The 'spatial fix' has been central to economic geography for nearly 50 years, examining capitalist development through both stability and change. Harvey's original conceptions of the fix prioritised capital's capacity to fix space to accumulate and forestall crisis. We continue this by considering the 'socio-spatial fix', allowing closer investigation of who makes the landscapes of capitalism, and how actor choices and actor inter- and intra-relationships forestall crises of accumulation. We show how crisis, time and actors are central to making and re-making socio-spatial fixes and in turn to understanding both the socio-spatial dialectic and the spatial fix. Empirically, we compare two remote but globally networked mining towns, Kiruna, Sweden and Newman, Australia. Mining towns are rewarding case-studies because capital's relative immobility and the dominance of a single industry make strikingly clear how both production and social reproduction are remade. We enrich general theorisations in three ways, by explaining: first, how crisis-threatening events require renegotiation of socio-spatial arrangements; second, how time and timing are critical in remaking fixes; third, how actor agency and heterogeneity are central because the actors who make fixes change over time and are in complex relationships with each other.", + "output": "Remaking the socio-spatial fix: Actors, time and crisis in two iron ore towns", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The article addresses the trajectory and adaptative process of Chilean peasant agriculture from the mid-1970s to 2020. Our hypothesis is that peasant agricultural production has been forced into a process of permanent reconversion, which takes place every time a new agrarian policy is defined. Based on a review of secondary data, interviews, documents and other studies on agrarian transformation, we undertake a sociohistorical analysis of the adaptative process of peasant agriculture to these changes in the irrigated valleys of Chile's central area. We also address the role played by the state in these developments. Our analysis highlights the difficulties of adapting to the neoliberal modernization process, as well as the most recent problems involving drought and the dispute over water in the central valley.", - "output": "Productive Modernization and Challenges for Chilean Peasant Agriculture during the Phase of Post-Agrarian Reform", + "input": "Abstract: How are we to understand and research health law under devolution in the UK? Building on work in law and geography, we argue that the figure of the border is key to the production and implementation of devolved health law and the variety of forms that this takes. The utility of border thinking in this context is shown through a review of thematic areas, including infectious disease control, access to health care, and abortion, each instantiating a distinct bordering process. In each, we consider recent developments in policy and legislation, framed with reference to constitutional change, and the politics of devolution in the UK. Taking Wales as an exemplary site, we argue that health law produces borders in traditional and non-traditional places. It creates and blurs territories. It is equally constituted by pluralistic bordering practices. On the basis of this theoretically informed review, we conclude by proposing a cross-disciplinary legal, ethical, and socio-legal research agenda for future research.", + "output": "'Border Country': health law in a devolved UK", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive historical overview of the development of DanceSport in China from 1864 to 2023. It delineates three distinct periods: foreign enlightenment (1864-1949), tumultuous exploration (1949-1986), and rapid flourishing (1986-2023). The introduction of DanceSport in treaty ports like Shanghai in the late nineteenth century laid the foundation. The standardization reforms of the 1920s accelerated its popularity among elites. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, DanceSport was transformed ideologically and spread from elites to the masses. The Cultural Revolution brought a total ban. With Reform and Opening up, ballroom dance resumed and began integrating with international standards as DanceSport. Since the 1990s, the competitive, artistic, educational and gender interaction aspects have rapidly grown through organizational development, talent cultivation, and innovation. The article analyzes the patterns, challenges and turning points across the historical progression. It provides a scholarly insight on the localized evolution of a global sport in China amidst broader political, social and cultural transformations.", - "output": "From Cultural Import to Flourishing Sport: A Comprehensive History of DanceSport in China (1864-2023)", + "input": "Abstract: With one-fifth of the UK labour force employed in the public sector, public sector pay and its interaction with private sector pay is an important driver of the macroeconomy. Using new data on sector-level earnings and sector-industry-level pay settlements, this paper addresses the fundamental question of which sector leads and which follows in terms of earnings determination. We find that in the long run, public sector wages adjust to wages set in the private sector, maintaining a consistent relationship. We further find that there can be significant wage spillovers from the public sector to the private sector in the short run. These tend to be more pronounced for private sector industries that are domestically facing, characterized by low worker bargaining power, or reliant on public sector inputs. This paper's findings have important implications for macroeconomic policy that aims to balance inflationary forces and fiscal funding pressures.", + "output": "Follow the leader? The long-run interaction between public and private sector wage growth in the UK", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) is one of Canada's newest universities, having been incorporated in 2002. In 20 y, the University has increased enrollment from a few hundred students to over 10,000. The University was designed to be market driven and as such offered courses that had high market demand. The Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science was one of the first faculties to be established at the University, with the intent to fill a gap between personnel that were retiring out of the nuclear industry and the dearth of nuclear engineers and health physicists being educated in Canada. As such, the University established unique programs in both nuclear engineering and health physics/radiation science with strong input from industry stakeholders. This paper will discuss the evolution of the Health Physics and Radiation Science program at Ontario Tech from the teaching and capacity building perspective, and it provides insight regarding health physics and radiation science research at Ontario Tech under the industrial research chair program.", - "output": "A Perspective from Ontario Tech University Industrial Research Chairs on 20 Years of Capacity Building in Health Physics and Radiation Science", + "input": "Abstract: The majority of art education research in the United Kingdom originates from England; however, the devolved nations each have responsibility for education resulting in four different curricula working concurrently across Great Britain. It can be argued that in comparison to England, art and design education research in Scotland is an under-researched area though one that is increasingly garnering interest. This paper contributes to the field by presenting and discussing some of the findings from a survey of teachers focused on art and design education in Scottish primary schools in 2022. A total of 110 teachers participated and the survey examined the value of the subject, the current delivery in schools, the future of the subject and support for teachers. A wealth of data were gathered so this paper focuses particularly on the value of the subject among staff, confidence levels regarding delivery and the role of training and professional learning. The paper concludes that while the value of the subject among staff is strong, confidence levels with regard to teaching the subject are not. Staff felt that training had left them unprepared to teach the subject, and there was limited awareness of professional learning opportunities in their geographical area.", + "output": "Teacher's Views of Art Education in Primary Schools in Scotland", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Home health care serves millions of Americans who are Aging in Place, including the rapidly growing population of Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollees. This study systematically reviewed extant evidence illustrating home health care (HHC) services to MA enrollees.METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in 6 electronic databases to identify eligible studies, which resulted in 386 articles. Following 2 rounds of screening, 30 eligible articles were identified. Each study was also assessed independently for study quality using a validated quality assessment checklist.RESULTS: Of the 30 studies, nearly half (n=13) were recently published between January 1, 2017 - January 6, 2022. Among various issues related to HHC to MA enrollees examined, which were often compared with Traditional Medicare (TM) enrollees, the 2 most studied issues were HHC use rate (including access) and care dosage/intensity. Inconsistencies were common in findings across reviewed studies, with slight variations in the level of inconsistency by studied outcomes. Several critical issues, such as heterogeneity of MA plans, influence of MA-specific features, and program response to policy and quality improvement initiatives, were only examined by 1 or 2 studies. The depth and scope of scientific investigation were also limited by the scale and details available in MA data in addition to other methodological limits.CONCLUSIONS: Wild variations and conflicting findings on HHC to MA beneficiaries exist across studies. More research with rigorous designs and robust MA encounter data is warranted to determine home health care for MA enrollees and the relevant outcomes.", - "output": "Medicare Advantage and Home Health Care: A Systematic Review.", + "input": "Abstract: The modern funeral industry faces many environmental risks and challenges, such as the use of sustainable materials for coffins, the release of potentially damaging materials and organisms to the soil and groundwater, and reduced space available for cemeteries. Natural burial proposes an alternative and more sustainable funeral practice, omitting the use of preservatives that inhibit body decomposition, thus proposing to reduce environmental degradation and benefit soil ecosystem services. This study conducted a literature review to identify proposed risks and benefits of natural compared to traditional burial practices, identifies knowledge gaps, and proposes further research questions. The approach was multidisciplinary, including literature from soil, environmental, forensic, and archaeological sciences, and the Humanities. Results identified that here are some clear environmental benefits to natural burial, such as habitat creation and aboveground biodiversity. However, there is a substantial deficit of research that compares the unseen risks and benefits of natural burial practice. Multiple potential risk factors include: (i) groundwater contaminated with biochemical products of decomposition, pathogens, and pharmaceutical products, (ii) atmospheric emissions, including greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O). There is also a deficit of information related to the release of cadaver decomposition products to soil ecological processes. More detailed scientific research is required to identify the risks and benefits of funeral options, thus develop fit for purpose regulations and legislation and to describe the cultural incentives for natural burial. This paper identifies key areas of research required to understand and mitigate the potential environmental and cultural implications of human burial practices.", + "output": "The contribution of natural burials to soil ecosystem services: Review and emergent research questions", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The exploration of underwater environments for applications like environmental monitoring, scientific research, and surveillance has propelled the significance of underwater wireless navigation. Light waves have emerged as a promising solution, offering the potential to achieve the required data rates and propagation speeds. However, underwater optical wireless navigation faces challenges, particularly limited range. This research investigates a novel FMCW (frequency-modulated continuous wave)-based photonic radar system's efficacy in detecting underwater vehicles across diverse salinity levels and distances. Numerical simulation evaluations reveal distinct signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and detected power peaks corresponding to varying salinity levels, demonstrating the system's sensitivity. At 5 g/L salinity, the detected power peaked at -95 dBm, decreasing to -105 dBm at 15 g/L. SNR analysis indicates robust detection within a 4 m range, with challenges emerging at extended ranges and higher salinity. Despite these challenges, the system shows promise for near-range underwater navigation, contributing to sustainable marine exploration by enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of underwater monitoring systems. This advancement aligns with the goals of sustainable development by supporting the protection of marine ecosystems, promoting scientific understanding of underwater environments, and aiding in the sustainable management of marine resources.", - "output": "Advancing Sustainable Marine Exploration: Highly Efficient Photonic Radar for Underwater Navigation Systems under the Impact of Different Salinity Levels", + "input": "Abstract: The term system well-being can move forward a new vision, meaning the result coming from the addition of the well-being of persons belonging to different institutions and organizations, which are all parts of the health care system. Beginning with this new definition, with the aim of analyzing the multifaceted issues related to nurses' well-being, we could use the classical nursing metaparadigm composed of 4 concepts: health, nursing, environment, and person. We briefly describe this conceptual map and provide some focused suggestions for further reflection on topics such as physical and psychological well-being, economic gain and career opportunities, work climate, burnout, low job satisfaction, moral distress, compassion fatigue, and a joyful work environment. This view may help organizations to focus on interventions to prevent or eliminate stress, which may be more proactive and effective than interventions to manage stress. Moreover, it offers a multidimensional map to analyze the different aspects influencing the well-being issue, keeping in mind that a concrete solution can be obtained only if all the components of health care systems and society do their part. Some solutions proposed by authors and organizations to increase nurses' well-being are mindfulness based, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, gratitude, journaling, choirs, coaching, workload reduction, job crafting, and peer networks. Other reflections on work organization, expected professional behaviors, nurses' retention, and education should be added to the discussion on this multidimensional issue.", + "output": "Nurses' Well-Being: An Amazing Recipe, But What Ingredients Remain Missing?", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Mangrove forests, crucial carbon-rich ecosystems, are increasingly vulnerable to soil carbon loss and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to human disturbance. However, the contribution of mangrove trees to GHG emissions remains poorly understood. This study monitored CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes from the stems of two mangrove species, native Kandelia obovata (KO) and exotic Sonneratia apetala (SA), at three heights (0.7 m, 1.2 m, and 1.7 m) during the dry winter period on Qi'ao Island, Pearl River Estuary, China. Heartwood samples were analyzed to identify potential functional groups related to gas fluxes. Our study found that tree stems acted as both sinks and sources for N2O (ranging from -9.49 to 28.35 mu g m(-2) h(-1) for KO and from -6.73 to 28.95 mu g m(-2) h(-1) for SA) and CH4. SA exhibited significantly higher stem CH4 flux (from -26.67 to 97.33 mu g m(-2) h(-1)) compared to KO (from -44.13 to 88.0 mu g m(-2) h(-1)) (P < 0.05). When upscaled to the community level, both species were net emitters of CH4, contributing approximately 4.68 % (KO) and 0.51 % (SA) to total CH4 emissions. The decrease in stem CH4 flux with increasing height, indicates a soil source. Microbial analysis in the heartwood using the KEGG database indicated aceticlastic methanogenesis as the dominant CH4 pathway. The presence of methanogens, methanotrophs, denitrifiers, and nitrifiers suggests microbial involvement in CH4 and N2O production and consumption. Remarkably, the dominance of Cyanobacteria in the heartwood microbiome (with the relative abundance of 97.5 +/- 0.6 % for KO and 99.1 +/- 0.2 % for SA) implies roles in carbon and nitrogen fixation for mangroves coping with nitrogen limitation in coastal wetlands, and possibly in CH4 production. Although the present study has limitations in sampling duration and area, it highlights the significant role of tree stems in GHG emissions which is crucial for a holistic evaluation of the global carbon sequestration capability of mangrove ecosystems. Future research should broaden spatial and temporal scales to enhance the accuracy of upscaling tree stem gas fluxes to the mangrove ecosystem level.", - "output": "Methane and nitrous oxide emissions and related microbial communities from mangrove stems on Qi'ao Island, Pearl River Estuary in China", + "input": "Abstract: A fast-growing number of organization and management scholars are responding to calls to conduct research on grand challenges (GCs). Few among these, however, question the core assumptions that underpin their efforts. In this paper we argue that the intractability of GCs stems from a failure to recognize the fundamentally pragmatic, plural, and moral character of these problems, which generate conflicts between groups over what is the 'right' or most appropriate course of action to pursue. A theoretical lens frequently used across many disciplines to make sense of problems such as these is Boltanski and Th & eacute;venot's (1991, 2006) economies of worth (EoW). On this premise, we undertake a multidisciplinary review of articles that use the EoW for studying GCs. Based on our analysis, we develop a pragmatist framework that articulates the practices that underpin the conduct of 'moral work' that organizational actors engage in as they seek to agree on a common sense of justice in GC contexts. Our framework provides a useful roadmap for scholars interested in applying a pragmatist perspective to our understanding of GCs, and by so doing, explore different, more socially just, and potentially more impactful ways of tackling them.", + "output": "Grand Challenges Viewed through the Pragmatist Lens of the Economies of Worth: A Multidisciplinary Review and Framework for the Conduct of Moral Work in Pluralistic Settings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Interviews with 60 businesspeople coping with COVID-19 show that they elaborate the pandemic with reference to other crises they have faced. A model of sensemaking among crises is put forward, conceptualizing crises as recurrent, rather than singular or continuous. Among crises, comparisons to past experiences help make sense of the present situation: businesspeople who perceived COVID-19 to have analogues to crises they had (successfully) faced before felt hopeful about their ability to cope with the pandemic, while those who insisted that the pandemic was without precedent were more pessimistic than their peers. In this way, crises enter cultural repertoires, helping to make sense of unsettled times and even underpinning expectations of resilience. This process is an integral part of the entrepreneurial story: given cultural repertoires replete with narratives of virtuous economic actors successfully surmounting crises and managing risk, it is among crises that businesspeople either substantiate or challenge such beliefs.", - "output": "Among crises: how businesspeople built expectations of resilience in the face of COVID-19", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVE AND HYPOTHESES: During emerging adulthood, vocational indecision (i.e., the inability to make coherent career choices) develops in a heterogeneous fashion, with three distinct patterns: low; decreasing (i.e., developmental or adaptative); high and stable or increasing (i.e., chronic or maladaptive). Among the determinants of vocational indecision that have been identified in past research, academic motivation is a crucial an excellent choice, since it is at school that students' vocational choices are validated or not. According to SDT, this motivation can vary both in quantity and quality, and students tend to experience more positive academic outcomes when their motivational profile is optimal (high quantity, high quality) as opposed to suboptimal (e.g., low quantity, low quality). Thus, the purpose of this longitudinal study was to verify if the patterns found with emerging adulthood students characterized vocational indecision in adolescent students, and if supported, to predict the belonging to the most problematic trajectory by using students' academic motivational profiles. We expected several distinct trajectories of vocational indecision that would differ in shape and magnitude, and several motivational profiles that vary in quality as well as in quantity. We also expected students in high-quality or quantity motivational profiles to be less likely to follow a chronic indecision trajectory.METHOD AND RESULTS: Using data from 384 students (56% female; Mage=13.52years; SD=.52 at Secondary 2) surveyed annually from Secondary 2 to 5, person-centered analyses enabled estimation of motivational profile in Secondary 2 and vocational indecision trajectories during the 4-year period. Results revealed four distinct patterns of vocational indecision during adolescence labelled Low and Stable, Moderate and Stable, Developmental and Chronic Intermittent. Four motivational profiles were also identified in Secondary 2, ranging from poor (Highly Amotivated) to moderate (Autonomous-Introjected) quality of self-determination level. Also, in reference to the most self-determined profile, students in the Mixed profile were at greatest risk of following Chronically-Intermittently Undecided trajectory. Finally, the most self-determined students were at greatest probability of following the Developmentally Undecided trajectory.CONCLUSION: Overall, the findings suggest that the student motivational functioning in early secondary school years could be used to identify students at risk of experiencing the negative indecision patterns across secondary school. Several theoretical and practical implications are suggested.", + "output": "Predicting trajectories of vocational indecision from motivational profiles in early adolescence.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Evolutionary anthropology relies on both neontological and paleontological information. In the latter case, fields such as paleoneurology, neuroarchaeology, and cognitive archaeology are supplying new perspectives in prehistory and neuroscience. Cognitive archaeology, in particular, investigates the behaviors associated with extinct species or cultures according to specific psychological models. For example, changes in working memory, attention, or visuospatial integration can be postulated when related behavioral changes are described in the archaeological record. However, cognition is a process based on different and partially independent functional elements, and extinct species could hence have evolved distinct combinations of cognitive abilities or features, based on both quantitative and qualitative differences. Accordingly, differences in working memory can lead to more conceptual or more holistic mindsets, with important changes in the perception and management of the mental experience. The parietal cortex is particularly interesting, in this sense, being involved in functions associated with body-tool integration, attention, and visual imaging. In some cases, evolutionary mismatches among these elements can induce drawbacks that, despite their positive effects on natural selection, can introduce important constraints in our own mental skills. Beyond the theoretical background, some hypotheses can be tested following methods in experimental psychology. In any case, theories in cognitive evolution must acknowledge that, beyond the brain and its biology, the human mind is also deeply rooted in body perception, in social networks, and in technological extension.Cognitive archaeology explores the behavior of fossil species according to theories and models in psychology. Extinct humans may have evolved specific combinations of different cognitive skills. The evolution of attention, working memory, or visuospatial ability can be investigated through both theoretical and experimental approaches.image", - "output": "Cognitive archaeology, and the psychological assessment of extinct minds", + "input": "Abstract: For the past two decades anti-abortionists in the Global North have been aggressively instrumentalising disability in order to undermine women's social autonomy, asserting, falsely, there is an insuperable conflict between disability rights and reproductive rights. The utilisation of disability in struggles over abortion access is not new, it has a history dating back to the interwar era. Indeed, decades before anti-abortionists' campaign, feminists invoked disability to expand access to safe abortion. This paper examines the feminist eugenics in the first organisation dedicated to liberalising restrictive abortion laws, the Abortion Law Reform Association (ALRA), established in England in 1936. ALRA played a vital role in the passage of the Abortion Act 1967 (or the Act) that greatly expanded the grounds for legal abortion, a hugely important gain for women in Britain and beyond seeking legal, safe abortions. In addition, the Act permitted eugenic abortion, which also had transnational effects: within a decade, jurisdictions in numerous Commonwealth countries passed abortion laws that incorporated the Act's eugenics clause, sometimes verbatim. This essay analyses ALRA's role in codifying eugenics in the Abortion Act 1967 and argues that from the outset, ALRA was simultaneously a feminist and eugenist association. Initially, ALRA prioritized their feminist commitment to 'voluntary motherhood' in their campaign whereas starting in the 1940s, they subordinated feminism to negative eugenics, a shift that was simultaneously strategic and a reflection of genuine concern to prevent the birth of children with disabilities.", + "output": "Thorny entanglements: feminism, eugenics and the Abortion Law Reform Association's (ALRA) campaign for safe, accessible abortion in Britain, 1936-1967", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Assessing the relationship between vitamin K1 intakes, using region-specific food databases, with both all-cause, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality warrants further investigation to inform future preventative strategies. Consequently, we examined the aforementioned associations in the Perth Longitudinal Study of Ageing Women (PLSAW).METHODS AND RESULTS: 1436 community-dwelling older Australian women (mean\u00b1SD age 75.2\u00b12.7 years) completed a validated food frequency questionnaire at baseline (1998). Vitamin K1 intake was calculated based on an Australian vitamin K food database, supplemented with published data. All-cause and CVD mortality data was obtained from linked health records. Associations were examined using restricted cubic splines within Cox-proportional hazard models, adjusted for a range of cardiovascular and lifestyle related risk factors. Over 15 years of follow-up, 601 (41.9%) women died, with 236 deaths (16.4%) due to CVD. Compared to women with the lowest vitamin K1 intakes (Quartile 1, median 49.1mug/day), those with the highest intakes (Quartile 4, median 119.3mug/day) had lower relative hazards for all-cause mortality (HR 0.66 95%CI 0.51-0.86) and CVD mortality (HR 0.61 95%CI 0.41-0.92). A plateau in the inverse association was observed from vitamin K1 intakes of approximately \u226580mug/day.CONCLUSION: Higher vitamin K1 intakes were associated with lower risk for both all-cause and CVD mortality in community-dwelling older women, independent of CVD related risk factors. A higher intake of vitamin K1 rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, may support cardiovascular health.", - "output": "Vitamin K1 intake is associated with lower risk for all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in community-dwelling older Australian women.", + "input": "Abstract: The sustainable development goals (SDGs) represent the global ambition to accelerate sustainable development. Several SDGs are directly related to climate change and policies aiming to mitigate it. This includes, among others, the set of SDGs that directly influence the climate, land, energy, and water (CLEW) nexus (SDGs 2, 6, 7, 13, 15). This study aims at understanding the synergies and trade-offs between climate policy and the SDGs agenda: how does near-term action on SDGs influence long-term climate goals? Based on a multi-model comparison, we evaluate three scenarios: (i) reference; (ii) climate mitigation; and (iii) a CLEW nexus SDGs scenario. We find clear positive effects of combining the climate and the sustainable development agendas. Notably, healthier diets, with reduced meat consumption, have strong co-benefits for climate, with positive effects across multiple SDGs: improvements in food security, reductions in air pollution and water stress, and improvements in biodiversity conservation. Such positive outcomes are prominent in the Global South, where regions typically at higher risk of food and energy insecurity and other environmental stresses (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America) benefit from a shorter term agenda focusing not only on the climate but also on the other sustainable development dimensions. However, trade-offs are also observed (e.g. increases in the prices of food and electricity), especially in the dynamics of land and the food systems, highlighting the importance of exploring policy synergies: if individually applied, some measures can negatively impact other sustainability goals, while taking into consideration the nexus interactions can reduce trade-offs and increase co-benefits. Finally, near-term action on SDGs can help speed up the transition towards the long-term climate goals, reducing the reliance on negative emissions options. In 2100, the SDG scenario in significantly less reliant on carbon dioxide removals both from AFOLU and the energy system.", + "output": "Climate policy and the SDGs agenda: how does near-term action on nexus SDGs influence the achievement of long-term climate goals?", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The red clay of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is an important geological archive for understanding the variability in the late Neogene East Asian monsoon. The periodicity of the summer monsoon of the red clay on the eastern CLP is dominated by eccentricity cycles within the constraints of the palaeomagnetic chronological framework, whereas global climate change characteristics represented by the deep-sea oxygen isotope record at that time show a dominating obliquity cycle. Here, we analyzed the East Asian summer monsoon proxies from the Shilou red clay section with the cyclostratigraphy method. The results show that the summer monsoon variation was dominated by obliquity, the optimum deposition rate was 4.451 cm/kyr, and the floating age of the Shilou red clay section was ca. 1.7 Ma. The late Neogene East Asian summer monsoon inferred from the eastern CLP was thus paced by the obliquity cycle, which is consistent with global change.", - "output": "Obliquity-paced summer monsoon from the Shilou red clay section on the eastern Chinese Loess Plateau", + "input": "Abstract: Drawing on recently published correspondence as well as on a survey of Polish and international philosophical activity published in 1937 and details concerning the publisher and bookseller Aleksander Mazzucato, I provide evidence that, contrary to some recent assertions (but in line with older bibliographical entries), Tarski's 'Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen' was not published in journal form until 1936, although preprints, lacking two corrections and a small addendum, were likely available in the late months of 1935.", + "output": "On the Year of Publication of Tarski's 'Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen'", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Many adults do not see themselves as musical, and about 17% believe they are tone deaf. People who identify as tone deaf often believe this condition is congenital and permanent and prevents them from ever singing accurately. In many early childhood music (ECM) classes, adults participate as musical models, interacting with their children by moving, chanting, vocalizing, and singing. Using phenomenological inquiry, we explored the lived experiences of six adult self-identified nonmusicians/nonsingers as they made music with their child over the course of a 10-week session of ECM. Participants reported changes in their thinking about what makes someone a musician, evolving feelings about their singing voices, and increased enjoyment of singing and willingness to sing. We conclude with implications for ECM teachers and other music educators working with adults who see themselves as unmusical.", - "output": "Lived Experiences of Adult Caregiver Nonmusicians and Nonsingers in Early Childhood Music Classes", + "input": "Abstract: This article offers an alternative focus for the study of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) nation-building in early Austrian Galicia. It portrays elite Greek Catholic churchmen who made political claims about a self-standing Ruthenian nation already in the first decade of the nineteenth century. It argues that their political innovations were enabled by the ambitious state-building projects implemented in the second half of the eighteenth century by the Austrian government, most importantly new seminaries that cultivated an ethos of state service among Catholic clergymen. The early Ruthenian nationalism espoused by Greek Catholic prelates neither aspired to mobilize masses nor ascribed much importance to language rights, the kernel of nationalist struggles in later periods. It was rather a polemical device deployed to legitimize their rejection of the Polish national allegiance, associated with dynamically evolving republican traditions. By locating the Galician Ruthenian case in a regional comparative perspective, the article outlines the broader significance of this interpretation, interrogating some received wisdoms about the so-called non-historical nationalisms of Central and Eastern Europe.", + "output": "Enlightened and Counter-Revolutionary: Revisiting the Origins of Galician Ruthenian Nation-Building", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: One of the characteristics of populist communication is the staging of crises. In particular, populist radical right parties (PRRPs) often communicate a sense of looming crisis by naming real or imagined threats. In light of the recent pandemic crisis, an event that disrupted the ordinary and opened a space for discursive competition, we aim to answer the following questions: what crisis narrative did PRRPs offer? Is it possible to identify a populist articulation in their crisis narratives? Were there differences from their own previous political discourses and the narratives of other similar PRRPs? We propose a qualitative analysis of Facebook posts made in 2020 by the leaders of the Lega per Salvini in Italy and the Rassemblement National in France, Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen. We show that the two leaders used a combination of two main strategies: distraction from the crisis by politicizing other issues and maximization of the crisis by identifying enemies and victims. Their crisis narratives had many similarities due to their shared membership of the PRR family and their competitive position as challenger parties but they also had differences that depend on their identity specific characteristics.", - "output": "The pandemic crisis narrated by the populist radical right parties. The cases of the Lega per Salvini and the Rassemblement National", + "input": "Abstract: In the context of searching a single data graph G, graph pattern matching is to find all the occurrences of a pattern graph Q in G, specified by a matching rule. It is of paramount importance in many real applications such as social network analysis and cyber security, among others. A wide spectrum of studies target general graph pattern matching. However, to analyze time-relevant services such as studying the spread of diseases and detecting attack patterns, it is attractive to study inexact temporal graph pattern matching. Hence, in this paper, we propose a relaxed matching rule called constrained temporal dual simulation, and study simulation-based constrained temporal graph pattern matching which guarantees that the matching result (i) preserves the ancestor and descendant temporal connectivities; and (ii) implements edge-to-temporal path mapping. We devise a decomposition-based matching method, which first decomposes the data graph into Source Temporal Connected Components, and then performs matching on decomposed subgraphs. To speed up the matching, we define child/parent dependency relation tables and propose an efficient double hierarchical traverse strategy. Considering that the temporal graphs are naturally dynamic, we further propose update algorithms. An extensive empirical study over real-world and synthetic temporal graphs has demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.", + "output": "Towards efficient simulation-based constrained temporal graph pattern matching", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: In January 1966, US President Lyndon Johnson proposed the Model Cities programme to 'improve the quality of urban life' in the nation's poorest areas through comprehensive action and citizen participation. That same month, John Lindsay became mayor of New York with a platform to create a more equitable city. Toward this end, Lindsay's administration rejected earlier urban renewal approaches, prioritizing infill construction on vacant sites and reusing existing buildings, all while including local communities in the planning process. Eugenia Flatow spearheaded this 'vest-pocket and rehabilitation programme' as a 'head start' to future Model Cities funding. As she commissioned Raymond & May, Walter Thabit, Jonas Vizbaras, and Fisher/Jackson with housing plans for Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Harlem, she was acutely aware of the resulting tension between a desired democratic process and the timely delivery of the product. A close reading of archival materials reveals how these planners responded in very different ways to the prompt. The governmental programme had created a space of possibility for rethinking the relationship of product and process in planning through the specificity of housing design. The plans also highlighted the paradox in attempting to effect socio-economic change through housing supply, one that still resonates today.", - "output": "Product and process: New York's Model Cities vest-pocket housing and rehabilitation programme", + "input": "Abstract: This research aims to examine the performance indicators that are crucial for assessing the implementation of environmental management plans (EMPs) in water projects. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire survey, integrating a systematic literature review (SLR), was used to identify the initial performance indicators. Subsequently, ten interviews with environmental professionals were carried out to uncover additional indicators not identified by the SLR. Following the survey design and pilot study of the survey, the data collection resulted in 112 valid responses from environmental professionals engaged in water projects in Saudi Arabia. The data analysis encompassed reliability tests, mean ranking, normalized mean analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The normalized mean analysis highlighted 13 critical parameters among 39 for further investigation. The EFA disclosed three underlying constructs: environmental impact indicators, operational and safety indicators, waste management, and public safety indicators. PLS-SEM was used to validate the relationship between these indicators and the successful implementation of EMPs. The results indicate that all three underlying constructs positively influence the effective execution of such plans. This is the first study to model the relationships of the performance indicators in water projects. The study's findings underscore the importance of developing precise performance indicators tailored to diverse construction projects that are mainly focused on water facility construction. The identified performance indicators offer significant insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers and provide a solid foundation for the advancement of knowledge in the field of environmental management.", + "output": "Performance Indicators for Assessing Environmental Management Plan Implementation in Water Projects", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: In light of the challenges posed by climate change and rural revitalization, high-quality construction in rural areas is facing significant obstacles from rainstorm flooding. This study adopts a regional disaster system analysis framework and examines the characteristics of rural rainstorm flooding disasters, including the instability of the breeding environment, the hazard characteristics, and the vulnerability of the exposure. Using this framework, we explore the various causes of rainstorm flooding in rural China, assess the effectiveness of responses to these disasters, and examine the differences between urban and rural responses. Our analysis reveals that the increase in rainstorm flooding in rural China is a complex result of multiple factors, including increased risk, instability, and vulnerability. While rural areas have made some progress in monitoring and responding to rainstorm flooding disasters, they remain weaker than cities in terms of governance and disaster management systems. To address these challenges, we recommend increased attention to rural flood control and disaster reduction, stronger preparation for disaster prevention and reduction plans, enhanced rural disaster infrastructure defense, increased financial support for water conservancy projects, and stronger professional emergency response teams, disaster relief equipment, and materials. Additionally, we recommend strengthening disaster prevention and reduction education and publicity among rural residents to promote the ability to self-rescue and mutual rescue.The disastrous impact of climate change and resulting extreme weather events on rural areas has become increasingly evident in recent years. China's vast rural areas have been particularly affected by frequent rainstorm flooding disasters. This paper identifies the increase in rainstorms, the instability of the disaster breeding environment in rural areas, and the increased vulnerability of exposures in these areas as the main reasons behind the intensification of rural rainstorm flooding. To mitigate the impact of these disasters, attention should be paid to natural disaster risk management, normalized flood control, and disaster reduction in rural areas. This requires overall coordination of rural disaster prevention and reduction planning, emphasis on improving the defense capacity of rural areas, increasing financial support for defensive water conservancy projects, promoting the construction of professional emergency rescue teams in rural areas, scientifically distributing flood prevention and disaster relief equipment and materials, strengthening publicity and education on disaster prevention and reduction, and enhancing rural disaster prevention awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities.", - "output": "Rising to the Climate Challenge: Better Understanding the Rural Rainstorm Flooding Disaster Risk Management Using Practical Insights from China", + "input": "Abstract: The transition between the Early and Late Iron Age in Southwestern Norway, around AD 550, is a transformative time when the archaeological material displays major changes and the number of finds and settlement sites decreases significantly. This period coincides with the 6th century crisis when volcanic cooling and subsequent plague pandemic caused famine, demographic decline and disruption in Europe. Recent research suggests harsh conditions for crop cultivation in southwestern Norway, with up to 3.5 degrees C lower temperatures. This paper synthesizes plant macrofossil data and radiocarbon dates from 20 settlement sites to explore agricultural development from AD 400-1050 and to investigate whether the crisis influenced the agricultural practices and strategies. Reduced settlement activity is suggsted from the time of the cooling. The plant macrofossil compilation shows a focus on barley and oat cultivation , but a decrease in oats in favour of barley is seen from AD 550 forward. Rye was temporarily introduced in the 7th century. An indicated increased focus on animal husbandry is most prominent from the late Merovingian Period (AD 650-800). A comparison between sites based on their main crop suggests that sites with a high ratio of oats relative to barley had a lower chance of surviving the crisis. .", + "output": "Agricultural Development in the Context of the 6th Century Crisis - A Synthesis of Plant-Macrofossil Data from Southwestern Norway", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Russia and Germany both industrialized later than England and the United States, and both countries retained authoritarian autocracies until World War I. On the basis of a large collection of firm-level balance sheets, this paper presents new evidence revealing the likely impact of these systematic disparities on emerging industry's access to capital. Contrary to the standard 'economic backwardness' and 'law and finance' literatures, we argue that differences in financing between Russian and German corporations were consistent with authoritarian control of corporate entry as well as Russia's agricultural economy and overall lower level of economic development.", - "output": "Finance capitalism in industrializing autocracies: Evidence from corporate balance sheets in imperial Germany and Russia", + "input": "Abstract: The production process of precast components is labor-intensive, involving various manual tasks. The physically demanding tasks usually result in fatigue and overexertion of workers, leading to increased occupational health risks and reduced productivity. An appropriate work-rest strategy is recognized to effectively promote both workers' health and productivity, while it has rarely been studied in the field of the construction industry. To narrow this gap, this study developed a mixed-integer linear programming approach to optimize the work-rest schedule by integrating workers' overexertion. The objective is to maximize the productive time affected by the workers' accumulative fatigue and recovery. Also, the optimized work-rest strategy can be highly customized by considering personalized factors and task characteristics. Experimenting with a case study compared the default rest schedule provided by the superintendent onsite with the optimal solution solved from the developed model. Results suggested that up to 20% improvement in productive time can be achieved, especially for the task with a relatively higher workload. Computational experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of total productive time to various personalized and task-specific factors. The proposed method provides superintendents with an applicable strategy to improve workers' productivity and reduce their occupational risks resulting from overexertion. This study can promote the implementation of personalized occupational health management and support the improvement of regulations on the required rest with quantified evidence, thereby contributing to more reliable scheduling and sustainable workforce development for the construction industry. The research scope was limited to the precast production process, and further investigation on broader applications will be conducted.", + "output": "Work-Rest Schedule Optimization of Precast Production Considering Workers' Overexertion", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Several studies have shown that children with dyslexia (DYS), in addition to their reading and spelling deficits, encounter handwriting difficulties that are still poorly understood in terms of their nature and origin. The present study aimed to better understand the handwriting difficulties of children with DYS by comparing their handwriting quality and speed in two tasks, a dictation task and an alphabet task, which required fewer spelling skills than the dictation task. Twenty-nine French-speaking children (Mage = 9.5 years) participated in the study, including 18 children with DYS and nine typically developing (TD) children matched on chronological age. The children performed control tasks, a dictation task with words varying in graphic and orthographic complexity and an alphabet writing task. Accuracy, handwriting quality (legibility), and fluency (speed, writing and pause time) were carefully measured using a digital tablet. GLMM analysis and t tests showed that children with DYS made more aesthetic errors (handwriting quality) in both the dictation and alphabet task than TD children. They also wrote more slowly than TD children in the alphabet task (speed, pause time). These findings suggest that children with DYS present handwriting difficulties, even in a simple alphabet task. In dictation, they seem to favour speed at the expense of handwriting quality.", - "output": "Handwriting difficulties in children with dyslexia: Poorer legibility in dictation and alphabet tasks, slowness in the alphabet task", + "input": "Abstract: In this paper we study 500 years of African economic history using traveller accounts. We systematically collected 2464 unique documents, of which 855 pass language and rigorous data quality requirements. Our final corpus of texts contains more than 230 000 pages. Analysing such a corpus is an insurmountable task for traditional historians and would probably take a lifetime's work. Applying modern day computational linguistic techniques such as a structural topic model approach (STM) in combination with domain knowledge of African economic history, we analyse how first-hand accounts (topics) evolve across space and time. Apart from obvious accounts of climate, geography, and zoology, we find topics around imperialism, diplomacy, conflict, trade/commerce, health/medicine, evangelization, and many more topics of interest to scholarship. We illustrate how this novel database and text analysis can be employed in three applications (1) What views are introduced by travellers as a result of their occupational background? (2) Did the adoption of quinine as treatment and prophylaxis against malaria facilitate European expansion into Africa? (3) When and how did the diffusion of New World crops alter the African economic landscape?", + "output": "African time travellers: What can we learn from 500 years of written accounts?", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Traditional definitions of polypharmacy may largely not account for the market proliferation of herbal and dietary supplements, cannabis products, or incorporate the new science of pharmacogenomics (PGx). Polypharmacy is encountered by most pharmacists providing patient care in many settings. The polypharmacist can assist patients and providers with solving medication-related problems (MRPs) in this new and challenging environment of supplements and cannabis products by utilizing traditional pharmacology and pharmacokinetic principles, including PGx, broadly across many medical disciplines. One may encounter polypharmacy more in the geriatric population, though in an age of supplements and cannabis proliferation, polypharmacy is increasingly being encountered at younger ages. Not only is polypharmacy training at best fragmented in pharmacy curricula, but it may also not account for the above-mentioned products that may use the same metabolic pathways to increase drug interactions and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) regarding prescription medications. Polypharmacy being more formally prioritized in pharmacist training may better prepare pharmacists for commonly encountered polypharmacy and can be a viable model of practice.", - "output": "Polypharmacy as Formal Training and a Model of Practice.", + "input": "Abstract: Storylines of Family Medicine is a 12-part series of thematically linked essays with accompanying illustrations that explore the many dimensions of family medicine, as interpreted by individual family physicians and medical educators in the USA and elsewhere around the world. In 'V: ways of thinking-honing the therapeutic self', authors present the following sections: 'Reflective practice in action', 'The doctor as drug-Balint groups', 'Cultivating compassion', 'Towards a humanistic approach to doctoring', 'Intimacy in family medicine', 'The many faces of suffering', 'Transcending suffering' and 'The power of listening to stories.' May readers feel a deeper sense of their own therapeutic agency by reflecting on these essays.", + "output": "Storylines of family medicine V: ways of thinking-honing the therapeutic self.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure (SBS-IF) is a rare but devastating medical condition. An absolute loss of bowel length forces the patients into parenteral support dependency and a variety of medical sequelae, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. Interdisciplinary treatment may include therapy with the effective but expensive intestinotrophic peptide teduglutide.OBJECTIVES: A time-discrete Markov model was developed to simulate the treatment effect [lifetime costs, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and life years (LYs)] of teduglutide plus best supportive care compared with best supportive care alone in patients with SBS-IF.METHODS: The health status of the model was structured around the number of days on PS. Clinical data from 3 data sets were used: 1) an Austrian observational study (base case), 2) pooled observational cohort studies, and 3) a prospective study of teduglutide effectiveness in parenteral nutrition-dependent short bowel syndrome subjects. Direct and indirect costs were derived from published sources. QALYs, LYs, and costs were discounted (3% per annum).RESULTS: Under the base case assumption, teduglutide is associated with costs of 2,296,311 per patient and 10.78 QALYs (13.74 LYs) over a lifetime horizon. No teduglutide is associated with 1,236,816 and 2.24 QALYs (8.57 LYs). The incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) amounts to 123,945 . In case of the pooled clinical data set, the ICUR increases to 184,961 . If clinical data based on the study of teduglutide effectiveness in parenteral nutrition-dependent short bowel syndrome subjects were used, the ICUR increased to 235,612 .CONCLUSIONS: Teduglutide in treating patients with SBS-IF meets the traditional cost-effectiveness criteria from a European societal perspective. Nevertheless, the varying concentrations of teduglutide efficacy leave a degree of uncertainty in the calculations.", - "output": "Cost-effectiveness of teduglutide in adult patients with short bowel syndrome - a European socioeconomic perspective.", + "input": "Abstract: Urban resilience studies often prioritize the investigation of sudden and short-lived natural disasters, while overlooking the gradual emergence and enduring nature of pandemics. The COVID-19 crisis, a quintessential example of such a challenge, has elicited significant but underexplored shifts in the landscape of urban public events. This research, drawing on social sensing geospatial datasets, aims to examine the changes in public events prior to, during, and after the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Employing a dynamic time warping-based clustering algorithm alongside multiple linear regression analysis, we endeavor to address two pivotal questions: (1) How have the patterns of public events transformed in response to the pandemic? (2) What factors significantly influence these changes? The findings reveal that: Temporally, the implementation of social distancing measures is correlated with a marked reduction in public event frequency, reflecting the extensive impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Spatial analysis reveals that while public events are concentrated in Hong Kong's central areas, the spread of confirmed COVID-19 cases is more evenly distributed, with only a weak correlation observed between event hotspots and case distributions. Furthermore, our analysis identifies three distinct temporal patterns of public event changes, underscoring a higher resilience of events in urban centers against pandemicinduced disruptions. Additionally, built environment factors are found to be positively correlated with the decline in events as per the impact ratio, while socio-demographic factors more significantly affect the recovery ratio of events post-pandemic. This study not only pioneers in providing a comprehensive framework for monitoring urban events during a pandemic but also offers crucial insights into urban dynamics and vitality. These findings are invaluable for shaping more effective public health policies and crisis management strategies, enhancing urban resilience in face of future pandemics.", + "output": "Urban resilience in face of the pandemic: Tracing changes in public events before, amid and after the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Using the example of Nairobi, this article calls for planning practitioners in, and scholars of, African urban spaces to reflect on the role of the police as infrastructure and managers in cities on the continent. While this function is recognized, to a great extent, in other regions of the globe, I argue that both formal urban practice and scholarship on African cities have not duly accounted for how the police are involved in city processes in ways that far exceed their mandate to 'serve and protect.' Such recognitions, I contend, will allow for an urban governance that is not only cognizant of and shaped by the experiences of the majority, but also one that seeks to limit the increasingly normalized and problematic urban functions of the police.", - "output": "On the police as infrastructure and managers in the African city", + "input": "Abstract: Multiple-conclusion Hilbert-style systems allow us to finitely axiomatize every logic defined by a finite matrix. Having obtained such axiomatizations for Paraconsistent Weak Kleene and Bochvar-Kleene logics, we modify them by replacing the multiple-conclusion rules with carefully selected single-conclusion ones. In this way we manage to introduce the first finite Hilbert-style single-conclusion axiomatizations for these logics.", + "output": "Finite Hilbert Systems for Weak Kleene Logics", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Late and Inca period pottery in the Northwestern Argentine region present two or three characteristic prefiring colors (red, black, and white or cream) in their decoration. Sanagasta and Belen vessels from Late Period are characterized by a bichrome black-on-red/cream and black-on-red painted decoration, respectively, whereas Inca vessels exhibit a black-on-red painted decoration. Analytical results obtained by mu Raman, FT-IR, and XRD analyses on a relatively large number of samples show that the pre-Hispanic potters during Late and Inca periods used a manganese-based technique to obtain black colours in these large vessels fired in an oxidising atmosphere. Black paints were produced by the systematic use of different mineral complex mixtures of Mn (pyrolusite, bixbyte, and hausmannite) and hematite. As a result, spinel phases like jacobsite (a Fe-Mn compound) and magnetite were formed at different firing temperatures. Red paints were obtained using the mineral hematite. A detailed discussion is presented concerning the firing conditions to obtain these black hues.", - "output": "The use and production of black Mn-based pigments for painting late (c. 900-1450) and Inca (c. 1450-1600) periods ceramic vessels in Northwestern Argentina: a multi-analytical approach using \u03bcRaman, FT-IR, and XRD", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of nosocomial infections. However, the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains has complicated the treatment of P. aeruginosa infections. While polymyxins have been the mainstay for treatment, there is a global increase in resistance to these antibiotics. Therefore, our study aimed to determine the prevalence and molecular details of colistin resistance in P. aeruginosa clinical isolates collected between June 2019 and May 2023, as well as the genetic linkage of colistin-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates.RESULTS: The resistance rate to colistin was 9% (n=18) among P. aeruginosa isolates. All 18 colistin-resistant isolates were biofilm producers and carried genes associated with biofilm formation. Furthermore, the presence of genes encoding efflux pumps, TCSs, and outer membrane porin was observed in all colistin-resistant P. aeruginosa strains, while the mcr-1 gene was not detected. Amino acid substitutions were identified only in the PmrB protein of multidrug- and colistin-resistant strains. The expression levels of mexA, mexC, mexE, mexY, phoP, and pmrA genes in the 18 colistin-resistant P. aeruginosa strains were as follows: 88.8%, 94.4%, 11.1%, 83.3%, 83.3%, and 38.8%, respectively. Additionally, down-regulation of the oprD gene was observed in 44.4% of colistin-resistant P. aeruginosa strains.CONCLUSION: This study reports the emergence of colistin resistance with various mechanisms among P. aeruginosa strains in Ardabil hospitals. We recommend avoiding unnecessary use of colistin to prevent potential future increases in colistin resistance.", + "output": "Prevalence and molecular characterization of colistin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates: insights from a study in Ardabil hospitals.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This paper empirically examines the effects of fiscal measures during COVID-19, using a novel database of daily fiscal policy announcements-classified by type of fiscal measure-and high-frequency economic indicators for 52 countries from January 1 to December 31, 2020. Results suggest that fiscal policy announcements have been effective in stimulating economic activity, boosting confidence, and reducing unemployment, but their effect varies by type of measure and country characteristics. Emergency lifeline measures are more effective when containment policies are stringent, providing cashflow support to most affected firms and households. Demand support measures are more effective when containment measures are relaxed.", - "output": "The Effects of Fiscal Measures during COVID-19", + "input": "Abstract: This study combines various methods to investigate bronze artifacts excavated at the Thengkham East site in Vilabouly, Laos, in 2018. These excavated copper objects are consistent with other previously published copper objects from Vilabouly in terms of style, alloying ratios, and forming techniques, demonstrating that similar metallurgical traditions were indeed employed within Vilabouly. For dagger-axes with very low tin content, based on cultural connections between Southeast Asia and Yunnan, China, this study proposes the hypothesis that the dagger-axes unearthed in Vilabouly are funerary implements. The study of lead isotope ratios indicates evidence for the exchange of a multi-layered artifact between the mining/ore processing site and general consumption site at Vilabouly. This may indicate that the trading network within Vilabouly is based on intermediate products. Introducing new lead isotope ratio data for copper objects from Thailand and Cambodia, the comparative studies reinforced the widespread view that during the early Iron Age in Ban Non Wat, central Laos succeeded Thailand in supplying copper to various regions of Southeast Asia.", + "output": "New evidence of metal exchange in Southeast Asia during the Iron Age: scientific analysis of excavated bronze in Vilabouly, Laos", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article discusses the implementation of a new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Value Pathway (MVPs) applicable to elective total hip and total knee arthroplasty as created by Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) - the Improving Care for Lower Extremity Joint Repair MVP (MVP ID: G0058). We describe specific quality measures, surgeon-hospital collaborations, future developments with Quality Payment Program, and how lessons from early implementation will empower clinicians to participate in the refining of this MVP. The CMS has designed MVPs as a subset of measures relevant to a specialty or medical condition, in an effort to reduce the burden of reporting and improve assessment of care quality. Physicians and payors must be mindful of detrimental effects these measures in their current form may have on surgeons, institutions, and patients, including disincentivizing care for sicker or more vulnerable populations, and increased administrative costs. Early voluntary participation is crucial to gain valuable experience for the orthopedic community and in an effort to work alongside CMS to maximize care while minimizing cost for patients and burden for providers.", - "output": "New CMS Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Value Pathway After Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty: Preparing for Mandatory Reporting.", + "input": "Abstract: How does pre-war trauma impact battlefield behaviour? I study Irish troops in the American Civil War who experienced the Potato Famine over a decade prior. I use birth cohorts, sibling birth order, adult height, and the geography of last names in Ireland to measure famine exposure within the Irish group at the level of individual soldiers. Each strategy indicates that famine exposure increases desertion. Developing and testing observable implications from theory, I show that heightened risk aversion is the most plausible mechanism. Once soldiers are socialized into active combat through collective risk-sharing the famine effect dissipates. This research contributes to our understanding of the causes of contentious behaviour, how the behavioural legacies of atrocities play-out sans partisanship, and the importance of pre-migration experiences.", + "output": "Early-Life Origins of Wartime Behaviour: The Irish Potato Famine and Desertion in the American Civil War", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Nurses have a key role in the recognition, reporting, and channelization of child abuse and neglect. Nurses should have sufficient knowledge about the presentation of child abuse and neglect. They also need to understand their role in reporting any instance where they detect cases of abuse and neglect.PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a structured Child Neglect and Abuse Educational Program (CNaA-EP) on the level of knowledge and awareness of nursing students about child neglect and abuse.METHODS: This study conducted with nursing students used a pretest-post-test quasi-experimental design. The third-year nursing students were divided into two groups: experimental (n=25) and control groups (n=30). The intervention group received CNaA-EP. In both groups, pretests were performed using the Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Scale, and Child Abuse and Neglect Knowledge Test The posttest was conducted 1 week after the 14-week CNaA-EP course was completed. Numbers, percentages, chi-square test, t-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Fisher's exact test were conducted using SPSS 22.00 software.RESULTS: The education group's scores of child abuse/neglect awareness (t=-2.768 p< 0.05) and child abuse/neglect knowledge (t=-12.416 p< 0.01) were significantly higher than those of the control group. After the education program, a significant difference was found between the education and control groups on the core measures.CONCLUSION: A child neglect and abuse education program was an effective method of educating nursing students on knowledge and awareness of child abuse and neglect. For this reason, education programs should be planned and implemented to increase awareness about abuse and neglect problems that threaten children's health and development.", - "output": "Effects of a structured educational program on nursing students' level of knowledge and awareness toward child neglect and abuse: A quasi-experimental evaluation.", + "input": "Abstract: The rapidly evolving coaching profession has permeated the health care industry and is gaining ground as a viable solution for addressing physician burnout, turnover, and leadership crises that plague the industry. Although various coach credentialing bodies are established, the profession has no standardized competencies for physician coaching as a specialty practice area, creating a market of aspiring coaches with varying degrees of expertise. To address this gap, we employed a modified Delphi approach to arrive at expert consensus on competencies necessary for coaching physicians and physician leaders. Informed by the National Board of Medical Examiners' practice of rapid blueprinting, a group of 11 expert physician coaches generated an initial list of key thematic areas and specific competencies within them. The competency document was then distributed for agreement rating and comment to over 100 stakeholders involved in physician coaching. Our consensus threshold was defined at 70% agreement, and actual responses ranged from 80.5% to 95.6% agreement. Comments were discussed and addressed by 3 members of the original group, resulting in a final model of 129 specific competencies in the following areas: (1) physician-specific coaching, (2) understanding physician and health care context, culture, and career span, (3) coaching theory and science, (4) diversity, equity, inclusion, and other social dynamics, (5) well-being and burnout, and (6) physician leadership. This consensus on physician coaching competencies represents a critical step toward establishing standards that inform coach education, training, and certification programs, as well as guide the selection of coaches and evaluation of coaching in health care settings.", + "output": "Competencies for Those Who Coach Physicians: A Modified Delphi Study.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Patina formed on ancient glass holds potential to be a useful tool in determining the age of patina and to interpreting its formative environment climatically, pedogenically, hydrochemically and biologically. To date, its usefulness in this regard appears to have been underestimated. However, if patina is to be used as a reliable indicator of age and the environmental conditions underpinning its formation, there needs to be a systematic examination and understanding of its development under controlled laboratory conditions using various types of glass and with various climate types and soil types. As such, to calibrate and interpret the age of patina, processes of its development and products of its formation, we believe that it is useful to produce patina under varying experimental conditions in the laboratory. This paper focuses on the successful experimental development of patina on glass under controlled laboratory conditions and paves the way for further exploration of the rich resource of information that can result from such experimentation. We cannot produce in detail the full range of long-term products of patination.", - "output": "Experimental generation of patina on glass", + "input": "Abstract: Background Psychological literacy has attracted considerable attention globally. However, no study has focused on this concept in China, where interest in psychology is growing.Objective The present study aimed to investigate perceptions of psychological literacy in a sample of undergraduate psychology majors from Chinese public universities, and compare findings with previously reported data from the United Kingdom.Method Participants completed a survey in which they rated eight core attributes of psychological literacy across the dimensions of awareness, development, confidence in explaining, and importance in their future career.Results Students gave the highest ratings to the importance of psychological core attributes in their future careers and understanding the application of theory, but the lowest to the development of attributes and understanding the role of theory in research. Comparisons with the United Kingdom sample revealed culturally specific differences of potential interest.Conclusions Findings from this work can inform the refinement of undergraduate psychology programs in China, and help calibrate standards in support of international mobility of Chinese students for postgraduate study outside of the home country.Teaching implications Psychology educators in China should consider providing more opportunities for students to gain awareness of their own development and engage in research firsthand.", + "output": "Understanding of Psychological Literacy: Comparative Insights From Undergraduates in China and the United Kingdom", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This research aims to question the effect of adopting non-formal and informal learning environments into architectural education on the overall learning experiences of architecture students. In this context, a series of out-of-school activities organised within the scope of Maltepe University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, which are based on a variety of different non-formal and informal learning methods, are discussed. Although there are various out-of-school activities, the significance of these comprehensive extracurricular activities relies on being an entire student initiative from planning to execution and consisting of symposiums, workshops and organisation processes that bring non-formal and informal learning experiences together. Unlike most of the research discussing non-formal/in-formal activities through final products, our research focuses on the learning experience of the students and the learning process itself. Based on the participant observation method, we gathered data through observing behaviours and interactions, casual conversations, unstructured and informal interviews, and reviews of the participants' studies. The findings revealed the learning acquisitions and benefits that students gained intentionally or unintentionally throughout the process from integrated learning environments, which are required to compete with the complex challenges of architectural education and the profession, as emerging technologies, materials, design trends and societal conditions. This reality forces architectural education programs to embrace and integrate informal and non-formal learning experiences into their curricula. Flexible learning models need to be designed and adapted to formal education to provide a well-rounded educational experience for architecture students, emphasising self-directed learning and practical experience in real-world contexts.", - "output": "Out-of-School Activities in Architectural Education: MUISCARCH International Architecture Students Congress", + "input": "Abstract: Recent developments highlight the need to advance discussion about Asian Americans' identities and status in the medical profession and their roles in disrupting U.S. medicine's racialized hierarchy.", + "output": "Asian Americans and Racial Justice in Medicine", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Barrier islands span 10% of the world's coastlines and dominate along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts in the USA routinely exposed to storm surge. These islands serve as buffers between the open coast and the mainland, and protect the mainland from storm damage. During storms, significant morphological change can occur, including substantial erosion of the islands' vegetated dunes. In this study, the focus is on the influence of belowground biomass - namely dune plant roots - and dune topographic characteristics on barrier-island erosion during storms. The numerical model XBeach was employed to simulate storm-induced sediment transport. A parameter study was conducted by varying distance from the shoreline to the dune, dune shape, sediment grain size, and sediment mobility as an analogue for biomass. The influence of individual parameters and the collective impact of parameters were analyzed. The results help improve our knowledge of barrier island dynamics and lay a solid groundwork for future investigations.", - "output": "Influence of Belowground Biomass on Barrier-Island Evolution During Storms: A Computational Parameter Study", + "input": "Abstract: Background: The effective age of retirement in South Korea is higher than the average of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Early retirement in Asia may affect mental health differently compared to western countries. Thus, we examined the association between retirement age and depressive symptoms among South Korean retirees. Methods: We used data from the 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019 Korean Retirement and Income Panel Study, including a total of 2998, 3152, 3203, 3154, and 3055 participants, respectively. We excluded those younger than 50 years, non-retirees, those without information on the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) scale, and those with other missing values. We used a generalized estimating equation model to identify the association between retirement age and depressive symptoms measured using the CES-D. Results: Participants who retired at age < 50 years had significantly higher CES-D scores (beta = 1.764, P = 0.0003) compared to those who retired at age >= 70 years. The negative effects of early retirement on depressive symptoms were greater among male participants, heads of households, young involuntary retirees, those who retired within the past 20 years, and those who had no difficulties in activities of daily living. Limitations: Since we evaluated the association between retirement age and depressive symptoms in one direction, there is a possibility of reverse causality. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the importance of managing depressive symptoms in early retirees, especially young involuntary retirees and those burdened with family care.", + "output": "Association between retirement age and depressive symptoms among Korean retirees: Results from Korean Retirement and Income Panel Study", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Archaeological surveys conducted through the inspection of high-resolution satellite imagery promise to transform how archaeologists conduct large-scale regional and supra-regional research. However, conducting manual surveys of satellite imagery is labour- and time-intensive, and low target prevalence substantially increases the likelihood of miss-errors (false negatives). In this article, the authors compare the results of an imagery survey conducted using artificial intelligence computer vision techniques (Convolutional Neural Networks) to a survey conducted manually by a team of experts through the Geo-PACHA platform (for further details of the project, see Wernke et al. 2023). Results suggest that future surveys may benefit from a hybrid approach-combining manual and automated methods-to conduct an AI-assisted survey and improve data completeness and robustness.", - "output": "Eyes of the machine: AI-assisted satellite archaeological survey in the Andes", + "input": "Abstract: Early Southern Mesopotamia shows a complex history of expansion of (irrigated) farming in relation to urban developments and changing landscapes. As a first step to study expanding irrigated farming system, an irrigation-related agent-based model was developed to explore farm(land)s and irrigation systems in relation to decision-making processes, both of farms and their farmlands (an agriculture unit) and collective decision-making processes for irrigation system management-especially sharing water between farms. The decision-making processes include options to move farms, expand the system, or start a new system, as these would be options available for Mesopotamian farmers as well. In this text, we report how model parameters contribute to the generation of various patterns of yields and expansion of farms and system. Additionally, the Gini coefficient (based on yields) is applied to estimate levels of inequality among farmers. Our results show how (1) human decision-making determines the level of influence of and benefits for farms, as well as the overall irrigation system; (2) Gini values effectively capture the degree of inequality in yields among farms based on water availability; and (3) our model is a suitable base for further study, by incorporating additional agents into the irrigation system and expanding the spatial-temporal scales of the irrigated landscapes, to reach a more comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of irrigation systems in Southern Mesopotamia.", + "output": "Modelling Southern Mesopotamia Irrigated Landscapes: How Small-scale Processes Could Contribute to Large-Scale Societal Development", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Generations of scientists have pursued the goal of defining beauty. While early scientists initially focused on objective criteria of beauty ('feature-based aesthetics'), philosophers and artists alike have since proposed that beauty arises from the interaction between the object and the individual who perceives it. The aesthetic theory of fluency formalizes this idea of interaction by proposing that beauty is determined by the efficiency of information processing in the perceiver's brain ('processing-based aesthetics'), and that efficient processing induces a positive aesthetic experience. The theory is supported by numerous psychological results, however, to date there is no quantitative predictive model to test it on a large scale. In this work, we propose to leverage the capacity of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) to model the processing of information in the brain by studying the link between beauty and neuronal sparsity, a measure of information processing efficiency. Whether analyzing pictures of faces, figurative or abstract art paintings, neuronal sparsity explains up to 28% of variance in beauty scores, and up to 47% when combined with a feature-based metric. However, we also found that sparsity is either positively or negatively correlated with beauty across the multiple layers of the DCNN. Our quantitative model stresses the importance of considering how information is processed, in addition to the content of that information, when predicting beauty, but also suggests an unexpectedly complex relationship between fluency and beauty.Developing good predictive models of beauty requires understanding what happens in the brain when we find a person or an artwork beautiful. Recent theories in psychology emphasize the importance of considering how the brain processes features, in addition to the features themselves. Features that are efficiently processed by the brain, such as symmetry, fractality, or naturalness are generally perceived as visually attractive. In this study, we leveraged the capacity of artificial intelligence to model information processing in the human brain, to evaluate how the beauty of human faces and artistic paintings can be predicted from the efficiency of the neural code. Our results show that the efficiency of information processing can explain approximately one-third of the perception of beauty and emphasize the importance of considering how information is processed when investigating beauty. Additionally, our use of artificial intelligence demonstrates the potential of this technology to help better understand complex human behaviors.", - "output": "Sparsity in an artificial neural network predicts beauty: Towards a model of processing-based aesthetics", + "input": "Abstract: IntroductionCoins are the most commonly ingested foreign bodies in children. They usually become lodged in the upper oesophagus and should be managed immediately. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of patients with coins lodged in the upper oesophagus, who underwent coin removal using a silicone Foley balloon catheter without fluoroscopy or anaesthesia and evaluate the safety of the procedure.Materials and methodsPatients who were admitted from January 2007 to December 2022 for coins lodged in the oesophagus and extracted with silicone Foley balloon catheter without anestehesia were evaluated retrospectively. We focused on the patient characteristics and clinical presentations, and the treatment safety, efficacy, and outcomes.Results773 patients (416 male, 357 female), with a mean age of 3.5 years (range 6 months to 16 years), who ingested coin and extracted with Foley catether is included. The majority of patients (n = 728, 94.17%) were successfully managed by silicone Foley balloon catheter extraction. Our overall success was 94.17%, with 88.30% of coins retrieved and 5.9% pushed into the stomach. Patients who were successfully treated with Foley catheter were discharged on the same day except for 7 (0.90%) who had minimal bleeding. Only 45 (5.82%) patients required oesophagoscopy in the operating room and these patients were kept overnight for clinical follow-up, without any further interventions.ConclusionA Foley balloon catheter can be used to safely and effectively remove coins that are lodged in the upper oesophagus avoiding the risk of general anesthesia.", + "output": "Foley catheter technique for the extraction of coins lodged in the upper esophagus of children", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of organizational change in a public sector high-reliability context. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, our theoretical model posits that change can be stressful and cause negative affective reactions toward the change, which undermine adjustment and post-change functioning. A quantitative case study was carried out on a Dutch air force squadron undergoing a significant organizational change, including the collection of three waves of survey data from squadron members. The data underwent analysis through a process of moderated mediation. Consistently with the theoretically derived hypotheses, results show that negative affect toward the change predicted important adjustment indicators, that is, higher levels of work role overload and work errors. Furthermore, we found that the detrimental effects of negative affect were mitigated by the level of normative commitment to change, that is, the felt obligation to provide support for the change. Overall, the study's intended contribution lies in its detailed examination of change dynamics in the specific context of public high-reliability organizations and its potential to inform theory and practice in that area.", - "output": "Adapting to organizational change in a public sector high-reliability context: the role of negative affect and normative commitment to change", + "input": "Abstract: By 2030, Australia is committed to reducing 43 % of its greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 record, and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Embodied carbon emissions in materials used in Australia's building and construction sector are the next frontier to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Facades are among the highest contributors to embodied carbon emissions in commercial buildings. However, there are limited studies on the life cycle assessment examining the embodied impacts of different types of curtain walls. Further, the majority focus on the upfront carbon, oversimplifying the end-of-life (EoL) possibilities, often assuming demolition as the only scenario. This study explores the life cycle assessment of three facade systems from cradle-tograve analysing the trade-off between the impacts of the service life and end-of-life stages to identify the associated environmental benefits. A total of 27 scenarios based on different facade service lives of 20, 40 and 100 years and different EoL scenarios, including landfill, recycling and reuse are examined. The assessed variables include the global warming potential (GWP), total use of renewable primary energy resources (PERT), total use of non-renewable primary energy resources (PENRT) and net freshwater use (FW). This study highlighted the importance of considering the net benefits beyond the boundary. Compared to recycling, reuse provides more net benefits to GWP, PERT and PENRT. By extending the facade lifespan, the uncertainty of the impact indicators associated with different EoL decreases. Moreover, the life cycle benefits of selecting a facade with higher operational savings increases, given the same EoL scenario.", + "output": "Life cycle assessment of curtain wall facades: A screening study on end-of-life scenarios", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Developmental biologist who led team that cloned the first mammal using adult cells.", - "output": "Ian Wilmut, embryologist who helped to produce Dolly the sheep (1944-2023)", + "input": "Abstract: The analysis of the thermal damages in Notre-Dame de Paris is necessary to estimate the impact of the dramatic 2019 fire on the remaining structure prior to reconstruction. In doing so, the large amount of data being generated creates a benchmark environment to test the relevance of numerical fire models in the unconventional configuration of a medieval roof. While being an uncontrolled and complex configuration, it can provide insights regarding the relevance of numerical tools for fire risk assessment in historic buildings. Analysing the thermal degradation of the Lutetian limestone in a vault of the choir, experimental techniques are developed to track the in-depth maximum temperature profile reached during the fire. Numerical simulations of the fire development in the roof space then aim at replicating the observations through the evaluation of the heat flux impinging the vaults during the fire. These simulations are carried out using Fire Dynamic Simulator, which requires a large range of assumptions prior to any simulation regarding materials, geometry, meshing and scale. These assumptions are described and pave the way to a future sensitivity analysis to confront the upcoming outcomes of the simulations with the experimental observations. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)", + "output": "Notre-Dame de Paris as a validation case to improve fire safety modelling in historic buildings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The efficient use of electrical energy (an important component of sustainability) has become increasingly important for electrical consumers (industrial and non-industrial) as we face the challenges of climate change and the need to protect the environment. This theme is essential for guaranteeing a secure and sustainable future for both present and future generations. The power quality and the efficiency of electrical energy are connected to each other. Some power quality problems are caused by natural and unpredictable events, but many disturbances affecting power quality are caused by suppliers and consumers. One of the most important parameters in power engineering is the power factor, which indicates the degree of efficient use of electrical energy. Harmonics is the most important dynamic component of power quality, which affects the operation of electrical equipment and, at the same time, reduces the power factor. Harmonic sources in power systems are generally associated with nonlinear loads. To analyze the operating of passive filters (series L, shunt LC, T type LCL), two groups of experiments (relevant consumers were chosen for the industry as well as from the household sector) were carried out with single-phase nonlinear consumers: in the first group of experiments, a variable-frequency drive is used to supply a three-phase induction motor with variable load; in the second group of experiments, compact fluorescent lamps and LED lamps were used. Following the experiments, it was found that the difficulty of calibrating coils (to size a filter), especially the coils with a core, and the change in electrical properties over time for capacitors. For a certain type of consumer, the improvement of the current waveform depends on the type of filter used, the possibility of improving the power factor (to use electrical energy efficiently), and the role of the source impedance, which is particularly important to improve the efficiency of passive filters. Through the appropriate choice of the passive filter, a decrease in the deforming regime is obtained, with a slight decrease in the active power, and by increasing the power factor, a decrease in the losses of electrical energy from the electrical networks is obtained, with direct implications for the emission of greenhouse gases.", - "output": "Aspects Regarding of Passive Filters Sustainability for Non-Linear Single-Phase Consumers", + "input": "Abstract: Despite its key role in out-of-Africa hominin dispersals, little is known about Pleistocene human occupation of north-eastern Africa outside the Nile Valley and desert oases. A survey in Wadi Abu Subeira aims to help fill this gap and attests to the repeated occupation of the Eastern Desert during the Pleistocene.", + "output": "Raw-material exploitation in the Earlier and Middle Stone Age in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: evidence from Wadi Abu Subeira", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Importance: Stroke risk varies by systolic blood pressure (SBP), race, and ethnicity. The association between cumulative mean SBP and incident stroke type is unclear, and whether this association differs by race and ethnicity remains unknown.Objective: To examine the association between cumulative mean SBP and first incident stroke among 3 major stroke types-ischemic stroke (IS), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)-and explore how these associations vary by race and ethnicity.Design, Setting, and Participants: Individual participant data from 6 US longitudinal cohorts (January 1, 1971, to December 31, 2019) were pooled. The analysis was performed from January 1, 2022, to January 2, 2024. The median follow-up was 21.6 (IQR, 13.6-31.8) years.Exposure: Time-dependent cumulative mean SBP.Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was time from baseline visit to first incident stroke. Secondary outcomes consisted of time to first incident IS, ICH, and SAH.Results: Among 40\u202f016 participants, 38\u202f167 who were 18 years or older at baseline with no history of stroke and at least 1 SBP measurement before the first incident stroke were included in the analysis. Of these, 54.0% were women; 25.0% were Black, 8.9% were Hispanic of any race, and 66.2% were White. The mean (SD) age at baseline was 53.4 (17.0) years and the mean (SD) SBP at baseline was 136.9 (20.4) mm Hg. A 10-mm Hg higher cumulative mean SBP was associated with a higher risk of overall stroke (hazard ratio [HR], 1.20 [95% CI, 1.18-1.23]), IS (HR, 1.20 [95% CI, 1.17-1.22]), and ICH (HR, 1.31 [95% CI, 1.25-1.38]) but not SAH (HR, 1.13 [95% CI, 0.99-1.29]; P=.06). Compared with White participants, Black participants had a higher risk of IS (HR, 1.20 [95% CI, 1.09-1.33]) and ICH (HR, 1.67 [95% CI, 1.30-2.13]) and Hispanic participants of any race had a higher risk of SAH (HR, 3.81 [95% CI, 1.29-11.22]). There was no consistent evidence that race and ethnicity modified the association of cumulative mean SBP with first incident stroke and stroke type.Conclusions and Relevance: The findings of this cohort study suggest that cumulative mean SBP was associated with incident stroke type, but the associations did not differ by race and ethnicity. Culturally informed stroke prevention programs should address modifiable risk factors such as SBP along with social determinants of health and structural inequities in society.", - "output": "Cumulative Systolic Blood Pressure and Incident Stroke Type Variation by Race and Ethnicity.", + "input": "Abstract: Research on burnout has garnered considerable attention since its inception. However, the ongoing debate persists regarding the conceptual model of burnout and its relationship with depression. Thus, we conducted a network analysis to determine the dimensional structure of burnout and the burnout-depression overlap. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 were used to measure burnout and depression among 1096 college students. We constructed networks for burnout, depression, and a burnout-depression co-occurrence network. The results showed that cynicism symptom was the most central to the burnout network. In the co-occurrence network, depressive symptoms (anhedonia, fatigue) and burnout symptom (doubting the significance of studies) were the most significant in causing burnout-depression comorbidity. Community detection revealed three communities within burnout symptoms, aligning closely with their three dimensions identified through factor analysis. Additionally, there was no overlap between burnout and depression. In conclusion, our findings support a multidimensional structure of burnout, affirming it as a distinct concept separate from depression. Cynicism, rather than exhaustion, plays the most important role in burnout and the burnout-depression comorbidity.", + "output": "Burnout and depression in college students.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Teaching assistants (TAs) play a crucial role in pedagogical practices, and the TA training has emerged as a vital strategy for enhancing teaching quality and fostering effective interactions. The self-efficacy of TAs can substantially impact their performance. Nevertheless, little research has focused on the change in TAs' self-efficacy following their training.METHODS: A self-control quasi-experiment was conducted to examine shifts in the self-efficacy of Tas at Peking University before and after their TA training. A questionnaire was used to assess the change, and the reliability and validity of the questionnaire was also calculated. A paired data rank sum test was used to analysis the changes in TA self-efficacy before and after training.RESULTS: A total of 372 TAs from School of Basic Medicine (N=173), School of Pharmacy (N=112), School of Public Health (N=69), and other schools (N=18) submitted complete questionnaires. The questionnaire showed a good performance in internal reliability and validity test (Cronbach's alpha index=0.906, and KMO value was 0.903). Participants had a median total self-efficacy score of 88 and 85 before and after the TA training, respectively, which shows a lack in the total TA self-efficacy score following the TA training (P<0.001). TAs who have no desire to becoming a college instructor have a higher self-efficacy when compared to TAs who have expressed neutral attitudes in becoming college instructors.CONCLUSION: The participated TAs display a lack of self-efficacy after attending the TA training at Peking University. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and strengthen TA's self-efficacy beyond academic skills when designing and delivering TA training programs at Peking University.", - "output": "Comparison of self-efficacy among graduate teaching assistants before and after training.", + "input": "Abstract: PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Skeletal muscle weakness and wasting also occurs in the respiratory muscles, called respiratory sarcopenia. Respiratory sarcopenia may lead to worse clinical indicators and outcomes. We present a novel definition and diagnostic criteria for respiratory sarcopenia, summarize recent reports on the association between respiratory sarcopenia, physical and nutritional status, and clinical outcomes, and provide suggestions for the prevention and treatment of respiratory sarcopenia.RECENT FINDINGS: Recently, a novel definition and diagnostic criteria for respiratory sarcopenia have been prepared. Respiratory sarcopenia is defined as a condition in which there is both low respiratory muscle strength and low respiratory muscle mass. Respiratory muscle strength, respiratory muscle mass, and appendicular skeletal muscle mass are used to diagnose respiratory sarcopenia. Currently, it is challenging to definitively diagnose respiratory sarcopenia due to the difficulty in accurately determining low respiratory muscle mass. Decreased respiratory muscle strength and respiratory muscle mass are associated with lower physical and nutritional status and poorer clinical outcomes. Exercise interventions, especially respiratory muscle training, nutritional interventions, and their combinations may effectively treat respiratory sarcopenia. Preventive interventions for respiratory sarcopenia are unclear.SUMMARY: The novel definition and diagnostic criteria will contribute to promoting the assessment and intervention of respiratory sarcopenia.", + "output": "Definition, diagnosis, and treatment of respiratory sarcopenia.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: According to the Humean theory of motivation, desire is identified as the primary source of motivation, while cognitive states like beliefs are recognized as necessary but not sufficient conditions. This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of the established teleological argument supporting the Humean theory of motivation. The analysis finds that recent anti-Humean strategies cannot conclusively challenge the core premises of this argument. While this result may initially imply a strong and convincing defense of the Humean theory against opponents' criticisms, it will be shown that the argument can withstand objections only through the adoption of an assumption that renders it unfalsifiable.", - "output": "The Humean theory of motivation: much ado about nothing?", + "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVE: The impact of mental health comorbidities on outcomes after lumbar spine surgery in workers' compensation (WC) patients has not been robustly explored. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of mental health comorbidities on pain, disability, quality of life, and return to work after lumbar spine surgery in WC patients.METHODS: A nationwide, prospective surgical outcomes registry (National Neurosurgery Quality Outcomes Database [N2QOD]) was queried for all patients who underwent 1- to 4-level lumbar decompression and/or fusion from 2012 to 2021. Patients were stratified on the basis of compensation status into non-WC (25,507) and WC (1018) cohorts. Baseline demographic data, perioperative safety data, and patient-reported outcome measures were compared between groups. The WC cohort was further subdivided on the basis of mental health status into patients with anxiety and depression (n = 107) and those without anxiety and depression (n = 911). Propensity matching was used to generate parity between these subgroups, generating 214 patients (107 pairs) for analysis. Perioperative safety, facility utilization, 1-year patient-reported outcomes (back and leg pain, disability, and quality of life), and return to work were measured as a function of WC and mental health comorbidity status.RESULTS: A total of 26,525 patients (25,507 non-WC and 1018 WC) who underwent 1- to 4-level lumbar spine surgery were reviewed. WC patients were younger, healthier (lower American Society of Anesthesiologists class), more likely to be minorities, less educated, and more likely to smoke and had greater baseline back pain, disability, and quality of life compared to non-WC patients. The prevalence of anxiety and depression was similar between groups (11%). WC patients had worse outcomes for all measures and lower rates of return to work compared to non-WC patients. WC patients with anxiety and depression demonstrated even greater disparities in all outcomes. After propensity matching, WC patients with anxiety and depression continued to demonstrate significantly worse outcomes in comparison to WC patients without anxiety and depression.CONCLUSIONS: Disparities in outcomes after lumbar spine surgery in WC patients are exacerbated in patients with anxiety and depression. WC patients with mental health comorbidities receive the least benefit from lumbar spine surgery and may represent the most vulnerable subset of patients with spine pathology. Addressing mental health comorbidities preoperatively may represent an opportunity for valuable resource allocation and surgical optimization in the WC population.", + "output": "Mental health comorbidities in workers' compensation patients and the effect on pain, disability, quality of life, and return to work after lumbar spine surgery.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Ixodes inopinatus was described from Spain on the basis of morphology and partial sequencing of 16S ribosomal DNA. However, several studies suggested that morphological differences between I.inopinatus and Ixodes ricinus are minimal and that 16S rDNA lacks the power to distinguish the two species. Furthermore, nuclear and mitochondrial markers indicated evidence of hybridization between I.inopinatus and I.ricinus. In this study, we tested our hypothesis on tick dispersal from North Africa to Southern Europe and determined the prevalence of selected tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) in I.inopinatus, I.ricinus, and their hybrids.METHODS: Ticks were collected in Italy and Algeria by flagging, identified by sequencing of partial TROSPA and COI genes, and screened for Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., B.miyamotoi, Rickettsia spp., and Anaplasma phagocytophilum by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing of specific markers.RESULTS: Out of the 380 ticks, in Italy, 92 were I.ricinus, 3 were I.inopinatus, and 136 were hybrids of the two species. All 149 ticks from Algeria were I.inopinatus. Overall, 60% of ticks were positive for at least one TBP. Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. was detected in 19.5% of ticks, and it was significantly more prevalent in Ixodes ticks from Algeria than in ticks from Italy. Prevalence of Rickettsia spotted fever group (SFG) was 51.1%, with significantly greater prevalence in ticks from Algeria than in ticks from Italy. Borrelia miyamotoi and A.phagocytophilum were detected in low prevalence (0.9% and 5.2%, respectively) and only in ticks from Italy.CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that I.inopinatus is a dominant species in Algeria, while I.ricinus and hybrids were common in Italy. The higher prevalence of B.burgdorferi s.l. and Rickettsia SFG in I.inopinatus compared with that in I.ricinus might be due to geographical and ecological differences between these two tick species. The role of I.inopinatus in the epidemiology of TBPs needs further investigation in the Mediterranean Basin.", - "output": "Italian peninsula as a hybridization zone of Ixodes inopinatus and I. ricinus and the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in I. inopinatus, I. ricinus, and their hybrids.", + "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess exposure to e-cigarette advertising across multiple marketing channels among U.S. youth and to examine whether racial/ethnic disparities exist in exposure to e-cigarette advertisements.STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study.METHODS: Cross-sectional data were drawn from a longitudinal survey of participants recruited from two nationally representative panels (NORC's AmeriSpeak and GfK's KnowledgePanel). A total of 2043 youth aged 13-17 completed the initial 2018 survey, and 2013 youth completed the follow-up survey in 2019 (including a replenishment sample of 690 youth). Outcome variables were self-reported e-cigarette advertisement exposure in the past three months through various sources, such as television, point of sale, and online/social media. Generalized estimating equation models were used to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (AOR) of the association between racial/ethnic identity and e-cigarette advertisement exposure.RESULTS: The prevalence of reported exposure to e-cigarette advertisements through any channel was 79.8% (95% CI: 77.1-82.2) in 2018 and 74.9% (95% CI: 72.5-77.1) in 2019, respectively. Point of sale was the most common source of e-cigarette advertisement exposure in both years. Non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic Asian youth were more likely to report exposure to e-cigarette advertisements through television (AOR=2.07, 95% CI: 1.44-2.99 and AOR=2.11, 95% CI: 1.17-3.82, respectively) and online/social media (AOR=1.61; 95% CI: 1.11-2.33 and AOR=1.99, 95% CI: 1.10-3.59, respectively) channels compared with non-Hispanic White youth.CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of U.S. youth reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising through a variety of marketing channels. Significant racial/ethnic disparities existed, with non-Hispanic Black and Asian youth reporting more marketing exposure than their non-Hispanic White counterparts.", + "output": "Racial/ethnic disparities in exposure to e-cigarette advertising among U.S. youth.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Historical consciousness leads to a deeper understanding of rural housing policies and helps to find structural solutions to the present-day situation. This statement is illustrated with a study on two villages in the Dutch province of Drenthe. Starting with a historical account of the post-war 'top-down' planning culture, the analysis moves further by assessing the change towards a 'bottom-up' planning culture. This culture fulfils the needs of those who living in villages better. However, old habits remain in place and hamper the new culture to become more mature. Historical consciousness helps administrators, civil servants, and actors from the local civil society to become aware of (in)effective behaviour. The concept of a new 'bottom-up' planning culture helps them to develop the formal and informal ways for the construction of housing further.", - "output": "A place to remain in the village. Dutch planning cultures and rural housing policies from 1945 onwards", + "input": "Abstract: Climate change is a major threat to global heritage and many sites are already experiencing impacts from climate change and related hazards. Recent studies have indicated that this challenge is especially acute in the African continent. Climate vulnerability assessment is increasingly a key tool in periodic reporting and ongoing site management and an essential first step in climate adaptation planning. This paper presents results from climate vulnerability assessments undertaken at two UNESCO World Heritage (WH) properties: The Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Ruins of Songo Mnara in Tanzania; and the Sukur Cultural Landscape in Nigeria. These assessments each applied a version of the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), a values-based, science-driven and community-focused technique. A values mapping exercise identified key heritage and socioeconomic values, including key attributes associated with the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the WH property. Downscaled climate projections were used to identify key hazards over selected emissions scenarios and timeframes, before weighing potential impacts against local adaptive capacities. Based on the timeframes and emissions scenarios, the project found OUV Vulnerability was Moderate at the Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Ruins of Songo Mnara and Low at the Sukur Cultural Landscape, whilst the Community Vulnerability was Low for both properties. The paper will conclude with some wider observations on the application of climate vulnerability assessments in an African context and a focus on lessons learned. (c) 2024 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.", + "output": "Values, climate change and community- Results and lessons learned from the application of the climate vulnerability index in Tanzania and Nigeria", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Background Overweight is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe, affecting almost 60% of all adults. Tackling obesity is therefore a key long-term health challenge and is vital to reduce premature mortality from NCDs. Methodological challenges remain however, to provide actionable evidence on the potential health benefits of population weight reduction interventions. This study aims to use a g-computation approach to assess the impact of hypothetical weight reduction scenarios on NCDs in Belgium in a multi-exposure context.Methods Belgian health interview survey data (2008/2013/2018, n = 27 536) were linked to environmental data at the residential address. A g-computation approach was used to evaluate the potential impact fraction (PIF) of population weight reduction scenarios on four NCDs: diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and musculoskeletal (MSK) disease. Four scenarios were considered: 1) a distribution shift where, for each individual with overweight, a counterfactual weight was drawn from the distribution of individuals with a normal BMI 2) a one-unit reduction of the BMI of individuals with overweight, 3) a modification of the BMI of individuals with overweight based on a weight loss of 10%, 4) a reduction of the waist circumference (WC) to half of the height among all people with a WC:height ratio greater than 0.5. Regression models were adjusted for socio-demographic, lifestyle, and environmental factors.Results The first scenario resulted in preventing a proportion of cases ranging from 32.3% for diabetes to 6% for MSK diseases. The second scenario prevented a proportion of cases ranging from 4.5% for diabetes to 0.8% for MSK diseases. The third scenario prevented a proportion of cases, ranging from 13.6% for diabetes to 2.4% for MSK diseases and the fourth scenario prevented a proportion of cases ranging from 36.4% for diabetes to 7.1% for MSK diseases.Conclusion Implementing weight reduction scenarios among individuals with excess weight could lead to a substantial and statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and musculoskeletal (MSK) diseases in Belgium. The g-computation approach to assess PIF of interventions represents a straightforward approach for drawing causal inferences from observational data while providing useful information for policy makers.", - "output": "The potential impact fraction of population weight reduction scenarios on non-communicable diseases in Belgium: application of the g-computation approach", + "input": "Abstract: This study presents a new solution algorithm to calculate the bearing capacity coefficient N-gamma for a fully rough strip footing located on an infinite slope considering different soil friction angles phi and ground slopes beta degrees using the stress characteristics method. The results showed that N-gamma coefficients decreased with an increase in slope inclination, and roughness contribution prevented further reduction, particularly for higher phi values. The higher contribution of the upside-sloping ground for footing laid on the infinite slope led to a lower reduction of the N-gamma coefficients compared with the footing placed at the slope vicinity in terms of a larger area affected by the stress field, and a larger plastic region of the downface slope. The reduction value was more eminent for steeper slopes beta >= 20 degrees due to the tendency for nonsymmetrical failure pattern, especially for higher phi values. The findings of the current research and those described in the literature were in good agreement, so much so that the lower-bound limit analysis and the current solution technique virtually reflect the same trend. The load inclination values for footings located adjacent to the slope with beta <= 30 degrees were not meaningful, whereas for footing resting on an infinite slope with beta >= 25 degrees it exceeds 15 degrees, which reflects the fact that its effect should not be neglected, especially for ground slopes greater than 20 degrees. By increasing beta degrees, the maximum values of plastic length and plastic depth on the left and right sides of the footing decrease and increase, respectively. The maximum depth of the plastic region for beta >= 20 degrees from around the right side of the footing shifts toward the downward-sloping face. The maximum width of the elastic wedge gradually reduces, and the intersection point of the left and right plastic regions slowly shifts to the left and upside of the footing.", + "output": "Evaluating the N\u03b3 Coefficient for Shallow Strip Footings on Sloping Ground by the Method of Stress Characteristics", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is a lack of literature concerning the effects of visceral adipose on the development of first cardiometabolic disease (FCMD) and its subsequent progression to cardiometabolic multimorbidity (CMM) and mortality.METHODS AND RESULTS: 423,934 participants from the UK Biobank with different baseline disease conditions were included in the analysis. CMM was defined as the simultaneous presence of coronary heart disease, T2D, and stroke. Visceral adiposity was estimated by calculating the visceral adiposity index (VAI). Multistate models were used to assess the effect of visceral adiposity on the development of CMM. During a median follow-up of 13.5 years, 50,589 patients had at least one CMD, 6131 were diagnosed with CMM, whereas 24,634 patients died. We observed distinct roles of VAI with respect to different disease transitions of CMM. HRs (95% CIs) of high VAI were 2.35 (2.29-2.42) and 1.64 (1.50-1.79) for transitions from healthy to FCMD and from FCMD to CMM, and 0.97 (0.93-1.02) for all-cause mortality risk from healthy, FCMD and CMM, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides the first evidence that visceral adipose may contribute to the development of FCMD and CMM in healthy participants. However, visceral adipose may confer resistance to all-cause mortality in participants with existing CMD or CMM. A better understanding of the relationship between visceral adipose and CMM can focalize further investigations on patients with CMD with high levels of visceral fat and help take targeted preventive measures to reduce the medical burden on individual patients and society.", - "output": "Visceral adiposity associated with incidence and development trajectory of cardiometabolic diseases: A prospective cohort study.", + "input": "Abstract: The carbon neutrality agenda requires that carbon lock -in enters an endgame. A well -developed energy system, which is secure, equitable, and sustainable is paramount to getting rid of carbon lock -in and realizing decarbonization. We carry out systematic research to empirically study the possible carbon lock -in reduction effect of energy trilemma based on the instrumental variable -generalized method of moment (IV-GMM) model. We also detect heterogeneous effects in terms of geographical locations and endowments of capital, as well as the impact mechanisms. Moreover, this paper highlights the mediating and threshold role of environmental regulation. We thus get the following conclusions. (1) The paper's primary findings underscore that the continuous increase of energy trilemma exacerbates carbon lock -in and hampers the process of decarbonization; (2) Energy trilemma has a higher stimulating effect on carbon lock -in in provinces that lie in the central region and that have a comparatively low level of physical, social, and human capital; (3) Energy trilemma can also indirectly aggravate carbon lock -in by inhibiting technology innovation and exacerbating carbon emissions intensity; (4) The interaction of environmental regulation and energy trilemma can alleviate the energy trilemma - carbon lock -in nexus, and environmental regulation also shows a significant threshold effect.", + "output": "Carbon lock-in endgame: Can energy trilemma eradication contribute to decarbonization?", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article describes some of the pitfalls of empathy as a tool for supporting intergroup solidarity and examines how best to navigate these pitfalls. In cases where racial injustice is structural and complex, those who are not directly targeted by an injustice may fail to appropriately recognize and respond to injustice, undermining the political solidarity required to make social change. This deficiency in moral knowledge and motivation raises the question of whether relying on empathy in cases of racial injustice could actually be undermining anti-racism. The article describes two ways in which empathy tends to fail as a moral-epistemic tool for recognizing and responding to racial injustice: centering the privileged perspective and generalized projecting. Nevertheless, we should avoid drawing the conclusion that empathy has no place in coalitional politics. This article draws a distinction between transitory empathy, which is experienced as a passing moment in time, and accretionary empathy, which is developed over an extended period of time. The practices associated with transitory empathy are more susceptible to failure, while the practices associated with accretionary empathy can make vital contributions to intergroup solidarity.", - "output": "Does Empathy Contribute to Intergroup Solidarity? Navigating the Pitfalls of Empathy in the Pursuit of Racial Justice", + "input": "Abstract: In the early 1950s French diplomats pondered over how much space to grant to forms of popular culture within French cultural diplomacy in Britain, which had largely relied on academic culture over the previous decades. The debate over what forms of culture were suitable for a British audience intensified over the role that should be given to cinema. This article argues that the democratization of cultural diplomacy in the postwar period did not follow the same rationale as the processes of democratization taking place in mainland France at the same time. For diplomats in Britain organizing film screenings and participative encounters around the French language and arts, the aim was not to build a more equal and open society, but rather to ensure that as broad an audience as possible understood the values of France and its significance for Britain and the world.", + "output": "'Le cinema n'est que la fiente de la culture': negotiating the position and content of French culture in postwar Britain", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Forty years on, Theda Skocpol's account of the French Revolution remains remarkably robust. But how are we to think about political change today? Since Louis XVI walked up to the guillotine, we have been used to thinking of a left/right opposition driving political change, but this was not the only division at the time, nor indeed since: during the Terror, Robespierre was supported by the Montagnards, the deputies who sat on the highest benches of the Assembly, while the opposition was located at the bottom, in the Marais or the Plain. Like during la Terreur, today's politics, from France to the United States, appears more to oppose a centre to an extreme, and this prism allows us to track Skocpol's own evolution since 1979, from periphery to centre.", - "output": "Left or centre? Theda Skocpol's States and Social Revolutions from the French Revolution to today", + "input": "Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new logic, which we call AM3. It is a connexive logic that has several interesting properties, among them being strongly connexive and validating the Converse Boethius Thesis. These two properties are rather characteristic of the difference between, on the one hand, Angell and McCall's CC1 and, on the other, Wansing's C. We will show that in other aspects, as well, AM3 combines what are, arguably, the strengths of both CC1 and C. It also allows us an interesting look at how connexivity and the intuitionistic understanding of negation relate to each other. However, some problems remain, and we end by pointing to a large family of weaker logics that AM3 invites us to further explore.", + "output": "Angell and McCall Meet Wansing", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Agriculture is the most important intersection between farming communities and the natural world, with major implications for land exploitation and labour organisation. In Italy, at the heart of the Roman Empire, understanding of agriculture remains heavily dependent on ancient sources, which are unable to provide a regional or diachronic view of practices across the socio-economic spectrum. In order to gain insight into agricultural economies in Roman Italy and their social and environmental implications, this article reconstructs agro-pastoral strategies at an imperial estate in southern Italy through a multi-isotope investigation of livestock bone collagen and tooth enamel. Analysis of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium isotopes (delta 13C, delta 15N, delta 18O, 87Sr/86Sr) are combined to evaluate animal management and mobility at Vagnari vicus and the villa of San Felice in the Basentello Valley. Results reveal taxon-specific herding strategies with the potential for significant inputs from legume forage/fodder and/or natural environments. Caprine herding did not appear to include long-distance transhumance. This analysis moves past previous text-based generalisations to provide a new and nuanced perspective on animal production in rural southern Italy and its economic and environmental implications.", - "output": "Isotopic Insights into Livestock Production in Roman Italy: Diet, Seasonality, and Mobility on an Imperial Estate", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) presents a significant healthcare challenge, with considerable economic ramifications. While blood glucose management and long-term metabolic target setting for home care and outpatient treatment follow established procedures, the approach for short-term targets during hospitalization varies due to a lack of clinical consensus. Our study aims to elucidate the impact of pre-hospitalization and intra-hospitalization glycemic indexes on in-hospital survival rates in individuals with T2DM, addressing this notable gap in the current literature.METHODS: In this pilot study involving 120 hospitalized diabetic patients, we used advanced machine learning and classical statistical methods to identify variables for predicting hospitalization outcomes. We first developed a 30-day mortality risk classifier leveraging AdaBoost-FAS, a state-of-the-art ensemble machine learning method for tabular data. We then analyzed the feature relevance to identify the key predictive variables among the glycemic and routine clinical variables the model bases its predictions on. Next, we conducted detailed statistical analyses to shed light on the relationship between such variables and mortality risk. Finally, based on such analyses, we introduced a novel index, the ratio of intra-hospital glycemic variability to pre-hospitalization glycemic mean, to better characterize and stratify the diabetic population.RESULTS: Our findings underscore the importance of personalized approaches to glycemic management during hospitalization. The introduced index, alongside advanced predictive modeling, provides valuable insights for optimizing patient care. In particular, together with in-hospital glycemic variability, it is able to discriminate between patients with higher and lower mortality rates, highlighting the importance of tightly controlling not only pre-hospital but also in-hospital glycemic levels.CONCLUSIONS: Despite the pilot nature and modest sample size, this study marks the beginning of exploration into personalized glycemic control for hospitalized patients with T2DM. Pre-hospital blood glucose levels and related variables derived from it can serve as biomarkers for all-cause mortality during hospitalization.", + "output": "Pre-hospital glycemia as a biomarker for in-hospital all-cause mortality in diabetic patients - a pilot study.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Predictive processing (PP) offers an intriguing approach to perception, cognition, but also to appreciation of the arts. It does this by positing both a theoretical basis-one might say a 'metaphor'-for how we engage and respond, placing emphasis on mismatches rather than fluent overlap between schema and environment. Even more, it holds the promise for translating metaphor into neurobiological bases, suggesting a means for considering mechanisms-from basic perceptions to possibly even our complex, aesthetic experiences. However, while we share the excitement of this promise, the history of empirical or psychological aesthetics is also permeated by metaphors that have progressed our understanding but which also tend to elude translation into concrete, mechanistic operationalization-a challenge that can also be made to PP. We briefly consider this difficulty of convincing implementation of PP via a brief historical outline of some developments in the psychological study of aesthetics and art in order to show how these ideas have often anticipated PP but also how they have remained at the level of rather metaphorical and difficult-to-measure concepts. Although theoretical in scope, we hope that this commentary will spur researchers to reflect on PP with the aim of translating metaphorical explanations into well-defined mechanisms in future empirical study.This article is part of the theme issue 'Art, aesthetics and predictive processing: theoretical and empirical perspectives'.", - "output": "Metaphors or mechanism? Predictive coding and a (brief) history of empirical study of the arts", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Advanced adenomas (AAs) with high-grade dysplasia (HGD) represent a risk factor for metachronous neoplasia, with guidelines recommending short-interval surveillance. Although the worse prognosis of proximal (vs distal) colon cancers (CCs) is established, there is paucity of evidence on the impact of laterality on the risk of subsequent neoplasia for these AAs.METHODS: Adults with HGD adenomas undergoing polypectomy were identified in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (2000-2019). Cumulative incidence of malignancy was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Fine-Gray models assessed the effect of patient and disease characteristics on CC incidence.RESULTS: Of 3199 patients, 26% had proximal AAs. A total of 65 cases of metachronous adenocarcinoma were identified after polypectomy of 35 proximal and 30 distal adenomas with HGD. The 10-year cumulative incidence of CC was 2.3%; when stratified by location, it was 4.8% for proximal vs 1.4% for distal adenomas. Proximal location was significantly associated with increased incidence of metachronous cancer (adjusted hazard ratio, 3.32; 95% CI, 2.05-5.38).CONCLUSION: Proximal location of AAs with HGD was associated with >3-fold increased incidence of metachronous CC and shorter time to diagnosis. These data suggest laterality should be considered in the treatment and follow-up of these patients.", + "output": "A population-based analysis on the incidence of metachronous colon cancer after endoscopic resection of advanced adenomas with high-grade dysplasia: does location matter?", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Dry cracking and salt enrichment are common deterioration of earthen sites being exposed to soil- air coupled environments. The deterioration of earthen sites cannot be completely prevented by simply maintaining a high relative humidity (RH) of air environment, especially in the absence of supplemental liquid water, because of one-way migration of moisture from earthen sites to air environment. In the current work, a protection strategy of constructing a mist atmosphere over the surface of earthen sites, of which near-saturated air with micron-sized moisture droplets by an ultrasonic water atomization, was proposed to enhance the back diffusion of liquid moisture into earthen sites, and thereby inhibit the deterioration of earthen sites. The experimental moisturizing system with an ultrasonic atomization unit was built in an analogous earthen site exhibition hall in the field of Han Yangling Museum of Xi'an City, China. A series of tests were conducted to evaluate the feasibility and safety of the moisturizing system for earthen sites. The results showed that the moisture content of earthen site topsoil after moisturizing can be recovered to a level close to that prior to excavation of earthen sites, and the fractures once occurring on the surface of earthen site was effectively inhibited; The soluble salt content of earthen site topsoil was significantly reduced, and no salt damage occurred. It is anticipated that this study has a great potential for application to resist the one-way migration of moisture from earthen sites to air environment, and the salt damage and fracture of earthen sites. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.", - "output": "Moisturizing an analogous earthen site by ultrasonic water atomization within Han Yangling Museum, China", + "input": "Abstract: Industrial heritage has in recent years become an important component in land use and urban development policies. Yet, assessing the economic value associated with the preservation and reuse of industrial complexes remains an open question. In this paper, we apply a discrete choice experiment (DCE) method to assess the economic valuation of the Baosteel steel factory, an industrial brownfield in Shanghai planned to be transformed into an arts and entertainment hub. By eliciting the preferences of locals for the preservation and reuse of distinct attributes of the site, our findings suggest that the preservation of significant landmarks and the intangible component of the industrial site are the two most relevant attributes worth protection. Moreover, we add evidence on the relationship between respondents' economic preferences and their attitude toward the cultural value conveyed by industrial heritage by showing how distinct groups of respondents express different preferences for single attributes of the industrial heritage. The paper contributes to the heritage valuation literature by illustrating the implications and challenges of assessing the demand for industrial heritage rehabilitation projects. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )", + "output": "Economic valuation of industrial heritage: A choice experiment on Shanghai Baosteel industrial site", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: PURPOSE: Suicide is a leading cause of death in children and adolescents. Prevention efforts may benefit from examining temporal patterns and precipitating circumstances of youth suicide deaths. The purpose of this study was to investigate if there are distinct temporal patterns of suicide death for youth.METHODS: We examined the distributions of suicide deaths across months of the year and days of the week in youth ages 10-18 using data from the National Violent Death Reporting System.RESULTS: We found that youth suicides peaked during March, April, and October on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. When disaggregated by separate years of age, we discovered unique patterns in 18-year-olds and 10-year-olds. Suicides peaked during July for 18-year-olds and on Saturday for 10-year-olds.DISCUSSION: These findings suggest a need to examine temporal patterns by separate years of age, as grouping ages together may mask unique trends.", - "output": "Temporal Patterns in Youth Suicide Deaths Reported in the National Violent Death Reporting System.", + "input": "Abstract: The frieze of the Art of War was originally positioned along the sides of the facade of the Ducal Palace in Urbino (Marche, Italy), and it is currently located in the palace's Chancellery Room. The frieze, probably elaborated by Federico da Montefeltro around 1474, consists s of stone bas-reliefs illustrating a rich iconographic repertoire depicting numerous engineering machines and symbols related to the military and political spheres. The present work aims to deepen the knowledge of the Art War frieze and to clarify some doubts regarding the original shape of the bas-reliefs, the constituent material, and the executive technique; conservation issues were also considered. Polarized light microscopy observations were carried out on the stone materials, identifying the use of a packstone referable to the Calcare Massiccio A Formation (Hettangian-Lower Pliensbachian p.p.). This stone, locally known as Piobbico Travertine, was excavated in the Val d'Abisso quarries, part of the Umbria-Marche ridge. Ca-oxalates were detected by Fourier transform infrared analysis in the brownish patinas that mainly cover the surfaces of the bas-reliefs; they could be related to ancient conservation treatments and/or to biological agents. Regarding the execution technique, a thorough autoptic examination allowed for a better understanding of the original conformation of the bas-reliefs and the carving process. Stylistic and executive differences in the execution of the same detail were observed in different bas-reliefs, confirming the activity of various sculptors. Different decay typologies were used to consider the debate regarding the original arrangement of the frieze on the facade, validating the most accredited hypothesis.", + "output": "The frieze of the Art of War in the Ducal Palace of Urbino: conservation issues, materials, and executive techniques", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Digital health tools can support behavior change and allow interventions to be scalable at a minimal cost. Keep-on-Keep-up Nutrition (KOKU-Nut) is a free, tablet-based app that focuses on increasing physical activity and improving the dietary intake of older adults based on UK guidelines. The intervention targets an important research area identified as a research priority reported by the James Lind Alliance priority setting partnership for malnutrition.OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the feasibility of using the digital health tool KOKU-Nut among community-dwelling older adults to inform a future randomized controlled trial. The secondary aims are to determine the acceptability, usability, preliminary effect sizes, and safety of the study and the intervention (KOKU-Nut).METHODS: This is a feasibility randomized controlled trial. We plan to recruit a total of 36 community-dwelling older adults using purposive sampling. Participants will be randomized 1:1 to either the intervention or the control group. The intervention group will be asked to engage with KOKU-Nut 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Participants in the control group will receive a leaflet promoting a healthy lifestyle. All study participants will complete questionnaires at baseline and the end of the 12 weeks. A sample of participants will be asked to participate in an optional interview. The study will collect a range of data including anthropometry (height and weight), dietary intake (3-day food diary), physical function (grip strength and 5-times sit-to-stand), perceived quality of life (EQ-5D), usability (System Usability Scale), and safety (adverse events).RESULTS: Data collection commenced in March 2024, and the results will be ready for publication by January 2025. Feasibility will be determined on the basis of participants' self-reported engagement with the intervention, and recruitment and retention rates and will be summarized descriptively. We will also consider the amount of missing data and assess how outcomes are related to group assignment. Acceptability will be measured using the modified treatment evaluation inventory and one-to-one semistructured interviews. Transcripts from the interviews will be analyzed using NVivo (version 12; QSR International) software using framework analysis to understand any barriers to the recruitment process, the suitability of the assessment measures, and the acceptability of the intervention and study design.CONCLUSIONS: The study aligns with guidelines developed by the Medical Research Council for developing a complex intervention by using qualitative and quantitative research to examine the barriers of the intervention and identify potential challenges around recruitment and retention. We anticipate that these results will inform the development of a future powered randomized controlled design trial to test the true effectiveness of KOKU-Nut.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05943366; https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05943366.INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/50922.", - "output": "Digital Intervention (Keep-On-Keep-Up Nutrition) to Improve Nutrition in Older Adults: Protocol for a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial.", + "input": "Abstract: PurposeThis study aims to examine the influence of perceived organizational support (POS) on boundary-spanning behaviors (BSBs) among frontline employees in the hospitality industry. It also considered perceived supervisory support (PSS) as a moderating factor within a conceptual model.Design/methodology/approachData were gathered from 651 full-time hospitality employees across 12 hotels in China. The analysis of the data used confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling.FindingsThe findings revealed that POS influences hospitality boundary spanners' BSBs, specifically external representation (ER), internal influence (II) and service delivery (SD). In addition, PSS moderates the relationship between POS and these frontline employees' behaviors.Practical implicationsThis study offers practical strategies for hospitality professionals to enhance frontline employees' BSBs and foster supportive workplaces that drive employee excellence. These strategies encompass cultivating a supportive organizational culture, implementing supportive measures, fostering a sense of belonging among employees and ensuring supervisors' well-being and competence in supporting their teams during daily interactions. These actions effectively motivate customer-contact employees to excel in their performance.Originality/valueFostering a helpful attitude in frontline employees is crucial for service firms' success. Hospitality organizations must provide support to achieve this. Few studies have explored how organizational support contributes positively to the BSBs of customer-contact employees. This study goes beyond oversimplification and delves into the nuanced interplay between perceived support (POS and PSS) and hospitality frontline employees' BSBs, focusing on ER, II and SD. The moderated mediating model enhances the understanding of support dynamics in the organizational context.", + "output": "Unveiling connections between organizational dimensions, employee performance and boundary-spanning behaviors: a study on perceived organizational support and perceived supervisory support", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Objectives: Global health challenges are complex and new approaches are pivotal. Engagement in arts and cultural activities is commonplace across different cultures, and research shows associations with benefits for health and wellbeing. Using the arts for health promotion and prevention of illness has increased worldwide. Study design: A population-based study. Methods: Data were obtained from the Danish Health and Wellbeing Survey in 2019. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 14,000 randomly selected adults (aged >= 15 years). The questionnaire included items on self-rated health and frequency of participation in various cultural activities (concerts or musical events; participation in a choir, band, or orchestra; theatre show or other performing arts; cinema; art museum or exhibition; library). A cultural participation index was calculated based on the six questions on cultural activities. Logistic regression models were fitted to examine the associations between the index and good self-rated health, adjusting for relevant covariates. Results: In total, 6629 individuals completed the questionnaire (47.4%). The most frequent activity, used at least once a month, was visiting a library. A strong association between the cultural participation index and self-reported health was observed. A one-point-higher index score was associated with a 10% higher likelihood of having good self-reported health (adjusted odds ratio: 1.10; 95% confidence interval: 1.08-1.12). Conclusions: This study supports the understanding that engagement in arts and cultural activities is beneficial for self-rated good health. Individuals with higher frequency of arts and culture engagement were more likely to report good health than those with lower engagement. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Royal Society for Public Health. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).", - "output": "Arts and culture engagement for health: a Danish population-based study", + "input": "Abstract: The accurate assessment of the material constitution and degradation in newly discovered archaeological artefacts is paramount for the decisions surrounding a thorough treatment of the object during the restoration and conservation stages. The laboratories possess competent experts and complex devices to perform this analysis properly. Nevertheless, a timely hint of an artificial intelligence assistant regarding the chemical composition and corrosion compound localization of a metal asset could save additional time and resources. The present paper proposes such a computational framework based on deep learning techniques that, on the base of its automatic determination of the chemical concentration of the predominant metal from a microscope image, can subsequently independently also recognize and delineate the corrosion spots of the products specific to that metal. The experiments have been performed on iron and copper heritage items from the Oltenia Museum, Romania. The results suggest that, even with an economic training information in terms of microscope images and annotations, the artificial intelligence framework can provide on-site support for an early examination of metal heritage assets.(c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.", + "output": "Computational framework for the evaluation of the composition and degradation state of metal heritage assets by deep learning", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: We investigate the spatial and temporal variability of extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in the Dronning Maud Land (DML) sector of Antarctica using high-resolution ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. This study examines the spatial occurrence of EPEs across DML, focusing particularly on six locations spanning the coastal and interior parts of the area. The largest snowfall amounts are usually found on eastward-facing slopes in the coastal zone. EPEs occur predominantly in north-easterly to easterly flows, leading to enhanced precipitation on the windward side of the orographic features with a steep gradient. Wind during EPEs was found to be more directionally consistent in the coastal area than in the interior. An east-west couplet of a mid-tropospheric ridge and low-pressure center is essential for steering warm moist maritime airmasses into the DML region before EPEs. Approximately 40% of EPEs result from atmospheric rivers (ARs), narrow bands of moist air originating at subtropical latitudes, which provide the greatest daily precipitation amounts. From 1979 to 2018, much of the DML experienced a statistically significant (p < 0.05) increase in the number of EPEs per year, along with increased precipitation from the EPEs. These trends were associated with significant changes in moisture availability and poleward meridional winds in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The inter-annual variability in the number of EPEs is primarily dictated by regional atmospheric variability, while the influence of the Southern Oscillation Index and Southern Annular Mode is limited.", - "output": "Spatiotemporal Variability of Extreme Precipitation Events and Associated Atmospheric Processes Over Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica", + "input": "Abstract: The South China Sea is a typhoon-prone region, and previous studies have shown that typhoons have significant impacts on air-sea CO2 fluxes. However, the effect of typhoons on the northern coastal area of the South China Sea is not well understood owing to limited observational data. In this study, we used a coupled model to simulate the impact of four typhoons (Hato, Mangkhut, Nida, and Merbok) on the partial pressure of CO2 in seawater (pCO(2sea)) and the CO2 fluxes in this area. Our results show that the coupled model effectively reproduces the spatial pattern of pCO(2sea) in this region. The response of pCO(2sea) to typhoons was determined by typhoon-induced vertical mixing and coastal upwelling, along with initial oceanic conditions. Typhoon Nida caused a decrease in pCO(2sea) with Total Alkalinity and Sea Surface Temperature being the primary factors. However, typhoons Hato, Mangkhut, and Merbok caused an increase in pCO(2sea) with Dissolved Inorganic Carbon playing a more prominent role. The average CO2 fluxes during the passage were approximately 6-14 times higher than those before typhoon passage. These results enhance our understanding of the effect of typhoons on air-sea CO2 fluxes over the northern coastal area of the South China Sea.", + "output": "Simulating the impact of typhoons on air-sea CO2 fluxes on the northern coastal area of the South China Sea", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Small-modulus worms are widely used in precision transmission mechanisms. The detection of surface defects on processed small-modulus worms mainly relies on manual inspection. However, this detection method has low detection efficiency and low accuracy. In response to this issue, this paper proposed a surface defect detection method for small-modulus worms based on deep learning. Firstly, based on the geometric features and material properties of small-modulus worms, designed a two-cameras worms image acquisition system to capture small-modulus worm images. And the captured images were annotated and classified to construct a small-modulus worms defect dataset. Secondly, the you only look once version 7 (YOLOv7) network model algorithm was studied and improved. A three-stage image preprocessing algorithm was added to the YOLOV7 model to reduce the interference in distorted areas. Next, Ghost-convolution, batch normalization, Silu activation (CBS) structures were employed to replace some of the conventional CBS structures, reducing computational complexity. And we also added a width-height balance weights and alpha structure to the efficient-IoU (EIOU) loss function. Improve the fitting performance of the model on the bounding box with large aspect ratio. Furthermore, three SimAM attention modules were added to the backbone, increasing the network's focus on key areas. Finally, experimental validation was conducted, and the results demonstrated that the performance of our proposed method is better than other existing methods. The detection accuracy reached 95.7%, with a map@50 of 94.6%. Overall, the performance met the requirements for worm defect detection.", - "output": "Small-modulus worms surface defect detection method based on YOLOv7", + "input": "Abstract: In this study we develop novel type of antibacterial chitosan-propolis NPs to improve theantimicrobial activity against various pathogens. To this aim, we primarily extracted propolis with methylal and ethanol as green solvents and its encapsulation with chitosan NPs. The developed propolis loaded chitosan NPs indicated antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties against various gram positive and negative. FTIR revealed the successful encapsulation of the propolis extract with Ethanol (PE) and Methylal (PM) into the chitosan nano career matrix. HPLC and GC-MASS also confirmed the presence of flavonoids and phenols compounds of propolis extracted with both solvents. In addition, we confirmed the total phenolic and flavonoid compounds in propolis by calorimetric method of Folin-Ciocalteu and aluminum trichloride complex formation assays, respectively. PE-CH and PM-CH were optimized regarding physicochemical properties such as particle size, zeta potential, and poly dispersity index (PDI) index. DLS and SEM micrographs confirmed a spherical morphology in a range of 360-420 nm with Z potential values of 30-48 mV and PDI of 0.105-0.166 for PE-CH and PM-CH, respectively. The encapsulation efficiency was evaluated using colorimetric analysis, with median values ranging from 90 to 92%. The MIC values within the range of 2 to 230 mu g/ml and MBC values between 3 to 346 mu g/ml against both gram-positive and negative bacteria. While both PE and PM showed a significant reduction in the number of E. coli, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis, the use of PE-CH and PM-CH led to a statistically significant and greater reduction in number of E. coli, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis strains on the biofilm, pre-formed biofilm and planktonic phases. Besides, the DPPH assay showed significant antioxidant activity for these NPs within the range of 36 to 92%. MTT assay for MHFB-1, HFF, L929, MDF, and MCF-7 cells exhibited statistically significant differences in each other that show the IC50 between 60-160 mu g/ml for normal cells and 20 for cancer cells. Finally the present study indicated that both PM and PM-CH greater than PE and PE-CH in which contain high flavonoid and phenolic contents with a high antioxidation potential antioxidant properties, which could be beneficial for cell proliferation and antibiotic and anticancer applications.", + "output": "Encapsulation of propolis extracted with methylal in the chitosan nanoparticles and its antibacterial and cell cytotoxicity studies", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Risk information avoidance (RIA) has become an increasingly ubiquitous behavior for people to deal with massive volumes of information. Given its detrimental impact, abundant studies were conducted to explore its antecedents. Nevertheless, the results are scattered and, in some cases, inconsistent. We thereby conducted a meta-analysis to present a synthesis of the current findings by identifying the most relevant antecedents and moderators. Guided by the framework of Planned Risk Information Avoidance, we examined 11 antecedents along cognitive, emotional, and sociocultural dimensions. Based on 52 articles across various contexts, the results indicated that information overload (r = .30), efficacy belief (r = -.11), fatalism (r = .18), information insufficiency (r = -.09), anxiety (r = .26), worry (r = -.08) and information avoiding norms (r = .50) were significant predictors of RIA. Furthermore, uncertainty avoidance and information type were identified as moderators.", - "output": "Disentangling the Effects of Cognitive, Affective, and Sociocultural Factors on Risk Information Avoidance: A Meta-Analysis", + "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND/AIM: Pneumonitis is a serious radiotherapy complication. This study, which is a prerequisite for a prospective trial, aimed to identify the prevalence of pneumonitis and risk factors in elderly patients with lung cancer.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ninety-eight lung cancer patients aged \u226565 years were included. Seventeen factors were investigated regarding grade \u22652 pneumonitis at 24 weeks following radiotherapy.RESULTS: The prevalence of grade \u22652 pneumonitis at 24 weeks was 27.3%. On univariate analysis, a significant association was observed for mean (ipsilateral) lung dose (MLD; \u226413.0 vs. 13.1-20.0 vs. >20.0 Gy; 0% vs. 24.9% vs. 48.7%). Results were significant also for \u226413.0 vs. >13.0 Gy (0% vs. 37.1%) or \u226420.0 vs. >20.0 Gy (13.4% vs. 48.7%). MLD achieved significance on multivariate analysis.CONCLUSION: Elderly patients receiving MLDs >13.0 Gy, particularly >20.0 Gy, have a high risk of grade \u22652 pneumonitis. These results are important for designing a prospective trial.", + "output": "Associations Between Mean Lung Dose and Prevalence of Radiation Pneumonitis in Elderly Lung Cancer Patients.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: Societies of the later Early to Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2200-1600 BC) in the Carpathian Basin exhibited complex, hierarchical and regionally influential socio-political organisation that came to an abrupt end in the 16th century BC. Considered a collapse by some, this change was characterised by abandonment of virtually all central places / nodes in settlement networks. Until recently, the complexity that characterised the period was believed to have substantially diminished alongside depopulation. This model was reinforced by a combination of the loss of established external networks and low-resolution knowledge of where and how people lived in the first stages of the Late Bronze Age (between 1600 and 1200 BC). We contest the idea of a diminished Late Bronze Age and argue that a fully opposite trajectory can be identified-increased scale, complexity and density in settlement systems and intensification of long-distance networks. We present results of a settlement survey in the southern Pannonian Plain using remote and pedestrian prospection, augmented by small-scale excavations. New absolute dates are used to define the occupational history of sites dating primarily between 1500-1200 BC. We argue that climate change played a substantial role in in the transformation of settlement networks, creating a particular ecological niche enabling societies to thrive. New and specific forms of landscape exploitation developed that were characterised by proximity to wetlands and minor watercourses. In this context, the largest monuments of Bronze Age Europe were created and inhabited. In considering the origins and demise of these megasites and related settlements, we provide a new model for Late Bronze Age societies in the Carpathian Basin and their regional relevance.", - "output": "Resilience, innovation and collapse of settlement networks in later Bronze Age Europe: New survey data from the southern Carpathian Basin", + "input": "Abstract: Innovation in healthcare and biomedicine is in decline, yet there exist no widely-known alternatives to traditional brainstorming that can be employed for innovative idea generation. McCaffrey's Innovation Enhancing Techniques (IETs) were developed to enhance creative problem-solving by helping the solver to overcome common psychological obstacles to generating innovative ideas. These techniques were devised for engineering and design problems, which involve solving practical goals using physical materials. Healthcare and science problems however often involve solving abstract goals using intangible resources. Here we adapt two of McCaffrey's IETs, BrainSwarming and the Generic Parts Technique, to effectively enhance idea generation for such problems. To demonstrate their potential, we apply these techniques to a case study involving the use of blockchain technologies to facilitate ethical goals in biomedicine, and successfully identify 100 potential solutions to this problem. Being simple to understand and easy to implement, these and other IETs have significant potential to improve innovation and idea generation in healthcare, scientific, and technological contexts. By catalysing idea generation in problem-solving, these techniques may be used to target the innovative stagnation currently facing the scientific world.", + "output": "BrainSwarming, blockchain, and bioethics: applying Innovation Enhancing Techniques to healthcare and research", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: In mid-1972, the World Bank approved its first loan for a sites and services project, selecting Senegal for the location based on the country's prior experience with similar schemes. Through a close reading of documents in the Bank archive, this article explores the serious differences that emerged between the Bank and Senegal in shaping the project, focusing on three issues: determining whether slum clearance or upgrading should be used to manage existing unregulated urban settlements; eliminating government subsidies for moderate-income housing schemes in order to shift investment to sites and services; and setting appropriate standards for the new Bank-sponsored neighbourhood. Moreover, the partners conceived the project quite differently: while the Bank was fixed on the successful implementation of its first sites and services scheme, for Senegal, this project was only one element of a larger vision for Dakar, which reflected the ambitions of the country's first postcolonial president, Leopold Senghor, and was given shape in the 1967 master plan developed by French urban planner Michel ecochard. The article examines the completed project through the contrasting evaluations produced by the project partners, and considers the complex power dynamics of the relationship between the Bank and Senegal as aid lender and recipient.", - "output": "'Living beyond its present means': World Bank push and local pushback over lowest-cost housing for postcolonial Dakar", + "input": "Abstract: I present a qualified new defense of antinatalism. It is intended to empower potential parents who worry about their possible children's life quality in a world threatened by environmental degradation, climate change, and the like. The main elements of the defense are an understanding of antinatalism's historical nature and contemporary varieties, a positional theory of value based on Epicurean hedonism and Schopenhauerian pessimism, and a sensitive guide for reproductive decision-making in the light of different views on life's value and risk-taking. My conclusion, main message, to the concerned would-be parents is threefold. If they believe that life's ordinary frustrations can make it not worth living, they should not have children. If they believe that a noticeably low life quality makes it not worth living and that such life quality can be reasonably expected, they should not have children, either. If they believe that a noticeably low life quality is not reasonably to be expected or that the risk is worth taking, they can, in the light of their own values and beliefs, have children. The conclusion is supported by a combination of the extant arguments for reproductive abstinence, namely the arguments from consent, moral asymmetry, life quality, and risk.", + "output": "If You Must Give Them a Gift, Then Give Them the Gift of Nonexistence.", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic drew public attention back to urban living conditions, including access to green spaces and their effects on health and social wellbeing. This representative study concerning the metropolitan area of Vienna, Austria's capital (online panel survey; n = 1012; conducted in 2021), aims to evaluate the role of urban green spaces in mitigating the consequences of negative health and wellbeing amongst urban inhabitants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, it specifically adds fresh insights regarding the impact of age on the use and perception of urban green spaces during this health crisis. While young adults reconnected with nature and increased the time they spent outdoors, older urban inhabitants reduced the time they spent in urban green spaces on average. 60 % of the respondents aged between 16 and 18 years increased time spent in green spaces, while the majority of the elderly population (65+ years) kept the pre -pandemic amount of outdoor activity (48 %) or reduced it (34 %). All age groups, however, acknowledged the general importance of green spaces for their physical, mental, and emotional health during the pandemic. Large majority of the respondents stated that contact to nature was very important or important for their physical (86 %), mental (89 %) and emotional (88 %) health and wellbeing. However, there were significant differences in the perception of negative health symptoms experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic amongst various age groups. The results show stronger negative symptoms reported by younger population than the older one. This study highlights the heterogeneity of the urban population's needs and behavioural changes during this health crisis and emphasises the necessity to consider the social and environmental justice component in shaping sustainable, resilient, and inclusive urban environments.", - "output": "The impact of age on people's use and perception of urban green spaces and their effect on personal health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic-A case study of the metropolitan area of Vienna, Austria", + "input": "Abstract: Critical engagement with spaces of exposure is an important research agenda in the contemporary social sciences and humanities. Developing and extending this agenda, this paper offers an account of how scenes of exposure at border zones are mediated materially, aesthetically, and politically by forms of envelopment. Specifically, it discusses the geographies of exposure and envelopment that unfold through the use and re-use of the emergency blanket at these zones. Fabricated from metallised polymer films, emergency blankets are used commonly to provide thermal protection for bodies at risk of exposure in a range of situations. More than functional, however, these objects also have a distinctive aesthetic allure. By attending to the material and aesthetic qualities of the emergency blanket, this paper explores its visibility and significance in scenes of exposure at border zones. Highlighting how the blanket is deployed as a device of minimal comfort, the paper then considers artistic works that repurpose this object as part of a creative critique of conditions at these zones. Drawing on the work of Stacy Alaimo and Ronak Kapadia, among others, the paper develops the concept of insurgent envelopment to understand how artists use the emergency blanket in works that simultaneously foreground, disrupt, and reimagine relations between exposure and envelopment.By focusing on the emergency blanket, this paper offers an account of how the geographies of exposure are mediated materially, aesthetically, and politically by forms of envelopment. Highlighting how the emergency blanket is deployed as a device of minimal comfort at border zones, the paper examines artistic works that repurpose this object to critique conditions at these zones. Such works, the paper argues, perform different versions of insurgent envelopment. Jerusalem Marathon 2012. Photo by Kobi Gideon. Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jerusalem_Marathon_2012_(6850306040).jpgimage", + "output": "Insurgent envelopment: The emergency blanket and scenes of exposure at border zones", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This article examines the various interpretations of teyyam, a ritual of North Kerala, arguing that new meaning-making practices and fresh experiences of teyyam continue to reinvent the ritual even as it references tradition. We study the meaning-making process through three main modes of understanding: origin stories, the politics of textualisation and performance, and an analysis of contemporary forms of circulation. We draw from these modes of meaning-making to conclude that teyyam functions as a floating signifier gathering possibilities as well as constraints. Furthermore, despite ritual's close relationship with tradition, ritual is amenable to continuous reinvention due to the inherent adaptability of tradition.", - "output": "Contemporary Ritual: Teyyam and the Creation of Its Epistemic World", + "input": "Abstract: The aim of the study was to use immunofluorescence microscopy to identify two types of protein binders in 10 polished cross sections of micro samples, which were obtained from real and mock-up wall paintings. A two-step antibody hybridisation procedure was employed, in which the same micro samples were hybridised with anti-ovalbumin and subsequently with anti-casein antibodies and between the hybridisation steps, the sample's cross section was slightly re-polished and cleaned in order to remove all primary and secondary antibody remnants, which remained attached from the first hybridisation step (antiovalbumin). This allowed us to reduce the costs and operational difficulties, which are normally encountered, when antibodies, targeting two different proteins, are simultaneously mixed together. To reduce unspecific fluorescence, to amplify the fluorescence of the proteinaceous binders and to construct 3D surface topography models, apart from widefield fluorescence, laser-scanning confocal microscopy was performed. In parallel, FTIR spectroscopy analysis, of finding proteinaceous materials in micro sample cross sections, was also conducted. Results show that our two-step hybridisation procedure allowed for an accurate localisation of both types of proteinaceous binders without any interference from the first hybridisation step. Three micro samples proved positive for ovalbumin and one for casein and none of these proved positive for both analysed binder types. For eight micro samples, FTIR spectroscopy results completely matched those of immunofluorescence microscopy. According to our knowledge, this was the first immunofluorescence microscopy attempt of targeting two different types of proteins on the same cultural heritage micro sample. (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )", + "output": "Immunofluorescence microscopy for the characterization of paint binder in wall paintings: A two-step procedure of using anti-ovalbumin and anti-casein antibodies on the same micro sample", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: This paper is concerned with the following biharmonic problem{Delta(2)u = vertical bar u vertical bar(8/N-4) u in Omega\\B(xi(0), epsilon)u = Delta u = 0 on partial derivative(Omega\\B(xi(0), epsilon)), (0.1)where Omega is an open bounded domain in R-N, N >= 5, and B(xi(0), epsilon) is a ball centered at xi(0) with radius epsilon, epsilon is a small positive parameter. We obtain the existence of solutions for problem (0.1), which is an arbitrary large number of sign-changing solutions whose profile is a superposition of bubbles with alternate sign which concentrate at the centre of the hole.", - "output": "Sign-changing bubble tower solutions for a Paneitz-type problem", + "input": "Abstract: This article considers the relationship of two prominent leaders of British women's temperance, Lady Henry Somerset and Lady Elizabeth Biddulph. They were noteworthy for taking opposing sides when the British Women's Temperance Association divided on the question of the political reach of its work. Somerset and Biddulph were elite women, daughters of earls and near neighbours around Ledbury, a centre of cider apple and hop cultivation in Herefordshire. Both made their first temperance pledge in the area. We examine their geographical proximity and consider the importance of local agricultural labour and landscapes to their temperance work.", + "output": "Temperance lives and landscape: Lady Elizabeth Biddulph, Lady Henry Somerset, and late nineteenth-century Ledbury", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ", - "input": "Abstract: The ability to interact in a natural language profoundly changes devices' interfaces and potential applications of speaking technologies. Concurrently, this phenomenon challenges our mainstream theories of knowledge, such as how to analyze linguistic outputs of devices under existing anthropocentric theoretical assumptions. In section 1, I present the topic of machines that speak, connecting between Descartes and Generative AI. In section 2, I argue that accepted testimonial theories of knowledge and justification commonly reject the possibility that a speaking technological artifact can give testimony. In section 3, I identify three assumptions underlying the view that rejects conversational AIs - AI-based technologies that converse, as testifiers: conversational AIs (1) lack intentions, (2) cannot be normatively assessed, and (3) cannot constitute an object in trust relations, while humans can. In section 4, I propose the concept 'AI-testimony' for analyzing outputs of conversational AIs, suggesting three conditions for technologies to deliver AI-testimony: (1) content is propositional, (2) generated and delivered with no other human directly involved, (3) the output is perceived as phenomenologically similar to that of a human. I conclude that this concept overcomes the limitations of the anthropocentric concept of testimony, opening future directions of research without associating conversational AIs with human-like agency.", - "output": "AI-Testimony, Conversational AIs and Our Anthropocentric Theory of Testimony", + "input": "Abstract: The consideration of environmental factors is common in current product design. For the purpose of the assessment of recycling properties of a product, quantitative measures have been defined in the literature. The main obstacle in using these measures in practical design is lack of data in typical product models. In this article, a Recycling Product Model (RPM) is presented. The RPM enables calculations of quantitative assessment measures defined in the literature directly from a CAD 3D product model. The term RPM and elements of the RPM are described. The functionality of the software dedicated for the RPM is presented. The use of the RPM is demonstrated based on a case study of an actual CAD 3D product model. The article concludes by outlining the potential use of the RPM for other purposes; the limitations of the RPM are elucidated in the conclusions of the article.", + "output": "Recycling Product Model and Its Application for Quantitative Assessment of Product Recycling Properties", "system": "", "history": [] }