[ { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The structural equation modeling (SEM) underlines a positive and significant impact of cognitive ability and performance goal on employees' performance. On the other hand, there is an insignificant impact of motivation to learn on performance among the nurses of Pakistan.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The main features of Valero\u2019s philosophy of the firm and of senior management can be summarized in four points: the firm as a community of persons; the firm as an intermediate social institution serving the common good of society; the different nature of political and technical practice, which leads senior management to exercise practical reason \u2013 not only science or technique, and at the same time a kind of political art, or wisdom; and the role and responsibility of entrepreneurs and top management. Valero emphasizes the political nature of management and, from a practical perspective, suggests a global analysis based on four big areas of governance: business activity, managing structure, institutional configuration, and professional community. He makes his model applicable by developing \u201cpolitical procedures\u201d.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper used a mixed-approach questionnaire. A sample of 21 managers was contacted and received a response rate of 67 per cent.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The Delphi technique in an in-depth systemised approach with directors revealed unanticipated and significant insights regarding the benefits of amalgamating and devoting equal weight to the three areas of culture, customer service and CI to improve quality in all these areas", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Higher education institutions possess a plethora of knowledge at the institutional, departmental and individual levels. Therefore, knowledge management plays a vital role in assisting partnerships to synergise knowledge and strengthen market competitiveness when working collaboratively. The purpose of this study is to identify and critically discuss the role of knowledge management concepts that support development of UK higher education partnerships. This knowledge management research was undertaken with the purpose of exploring components of behavioural constructs in assisting the development of successful partnerships between higher education institutions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to explore the extent to which internal marketing influences employees\u2019 perceived ability to deliver service quality in the Islamic banking industry in Oman. Additionally, the influence of perceived service quality on perceived customer satisfaction is established.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors found that the educational leaders of the New Harmony community preceded proponents of innovation, such as Drucker (1957) and Fairweather (1967), who viewed education as a form of social innovation.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "No study has comparatively examined the accuracy of valuations in two extremely different residential property markets in the country using actual valuation and transaction prices.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Lean implementations could be practically helped by managers by embracing and supporting the more intense communication patterns associated with lean success, and alternatively, they could proactively detect barriers in communication by measuring how these patterns change or fail to change and try to unlock communication by working on those barriers and supply communications infrastructure and opportunities for collaboration to try to boost the chances of success.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Drawing from a careful reading of Valero\u2019s writings in their original context and some developments of these by his followers, this paper systematically presents and discusses the key ideas of Valero\u2019s model for management and corporate governance.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Government cash forecasting is central to achieving effective government cash management but research in this area is scarce. The purpose of this paper is to address this shortcoming by developing a government cash forecasting model with an accuracy acceptable to the cash manager in emerging economies.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "With the rapid development of digital humanities, some digital humanities platforms have been successfully developed to support digital humanities research for humanists. However, most of them have still not provided a friendly digital reading environment and practicable social network analysis tool to support humanists on interpreting texts and exploring characters\u2019 social network relationships. Moreover, the advancement of digitization technologies for the retrieval and use of Chinese ancient books is arising an unprecedented challenge and opportunity. For these reasons, this paper aims to present a Chinese ancient books digital humanities research platform (CABDHRP) to support historical China studies. In addition to providing digital archives, digital reading, basic search and advanced search functions for Chinese ancient books, this platform still provides two novel functions that can more effectively support digital humanities research, including an automatic text annotation system (ATAS) for interpreting texts and a character social network relationship map tool (CSNRMT) for exploring characters\u2019 social network relationships.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper uses the well-developed two-step system generalised method of moments approach on a sample of 99 Pakistan stock exchange (PSX) listed financial firms over the period 2007-2012.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to study a novel grey possibility degree approach, which is combined with multi-attribute decision making (MADM) and applied MADM model for solving supplier selection problem under uncertainty information. ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to integrate conventional corporate governance (CG) mechanisms into the Islamic banking framework in order to examine their impact on Islamic banks (IBs) financial performance (IBFP) within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) context.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research is part of the doctoral thesis by Dr Deepa Thomas under the supervision of Dr Fr. Joseph C. C. and the co-supervision of Dr Kennedy Andrew Thomas. The purpose of the scale is to assess the higher educational facilities of in institutions of higher Education. Quality, excellence and service are the vision and purpose of higher education institutions to provide ample opportunities and good facilities for their beneficiaries, thus creating tremendous changes in the Indian education scenario.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "By collecting insights on institutional reform and diaspora entrepreneurship from diaspora entrepreneurs, this paper makes important contribution to the entrepreneurship literature.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study administers a standardized questionnaire to employees in Kenya and Uganda to measure their perceptions about whistleblowing in their organizations. This study uses partial least square structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. This study uses four constructs, namely, awareness, judgment, retaliation and likelihood, of blowing the whistle. These constructs are measured with multiple-item scales.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study only used a quantitative approach to collect data. It could have perhaps been more enriching if a mixed-methods approach were used to help probe the participants more. The study also only used women entrepreneurs in cities and towns. Perhaps, it could have also got some women entrepreneurs from rural areas to hear what they say. These limitations will be addressed in future studies.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results indicate that intellectual capital efficiency is a key factor that enables firms to achieve higher financial performance and higher market value. Human capital efficiency has a significant positive effect on firms\u2019 profitability as measured by return on assets and earnings per share. No evidence is shown to support that family management has a mediating role on the relationship between intellectual capital and firms\u2019 performance.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper, although limited to Ghana, contributes to the much-needed body of knowledge on low-income housing finance in developing countries.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that the proposed approach could solve the uncertainty decision-making problem. A numerical example of supplier selection is utilized to demonstrate the proposed approach. The results show that the proposed method is useful to aggregate decision makers\u2019 information so as to select the potential supplier. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "While humanistic business management is a discipline in its infancy, the attention of management researchers has expanded considerably in recent years as numerous literature streams emerge. The three keywords that appeared the most in the analysis are human (18), humanistic (17), and human dignity (16), and these keywords seem to consist mainly of three thematic clusters. Studies on humanistic management have progressed from an earlier focus on philosophy subjects (oldest keywords) to more practical studies on humanistic management, leadership, and dignity.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to investigate how students\u2019 attitude (SA), students\u2019 subjective norms (SN), students\u2019 knowledge sharing intentions (KSI) can contribute to the enhancement of knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) among students at higher education institutes (HEI) in Oman.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The online search approach used to assemble extant research in the absence of a research repository may have resulted in the omission of some inter-market research undertaken between 2009 and 2019 if these were not published online.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, this paper is unique because of the formulation of macro-economic model pertaining to the topic and its subsequent empirical verification. Moreover, this paper seems more comprehensive than some other studies, cited in the literature review.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper critiques the sufficiency of existing processes for feedback generation and its use in PAIs. In relating to varying contexts of PAIs and experiences that exist from practice, it presents a template of an internet enabled interface to support experience sharing. The authors then illustrate how the portal can deliver to specific issues and problems in different PAI contexts.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The combination of ARAS and step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis methods for identifying and prioritizing managerial decisions in the high-tech industries is a value of this research. Also, a combination of novel multi-attribute decision-making methods by the older framework of new product development is another contribution of this research.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "An ATAS embedded in the reading interface of CABDHRP can collect resources from different databases through LD for automatically annotating ancient texts to support digital humanities research. It allows the humanists to refer to resources from diverse databases when interpreting ancient texts, as well as provides a friendly text annotation reader for humanists to interpret ancient text through reading. Additionally, the CSNRMT provided by the CABDHRP can semi-automatically identify characters\u2019 names based on Chinese word segmentation technology and humanists\u2019 support to confirm and analyze characters\u2019 social network relationships from Chinese ancient books based on visualizing characters\u2019 social networks as a knowledge graph. The CABDHRP not only can stimulate humanists to explore new viewpoints in a humanistic research, but also can promote the public to emerge the learning interest and awareness of Chinese ancient books.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to quantitatively aggregate the findings of prior literature on the effect of working capital management (WCM) on corporate profitability using the meta-analysis technique developed by Hunter ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was designed for measuring knowledge-based (infrastructural and dynamic) capabilities and product/service innovation in entrepreneurial companies in Jordan that specialized in information and communication technology. A questionnaire was distributed to 297 individuals in 40 companies, and only 202 questionnaires were completely filled and returned by the entrepreneurs at King Hussein Business Park and Al Hassan Business Park. Structural equation modeling was applied to statistically test the research hypotheses.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The first step in the process of scale development is to generate an item pool containing as many items as possible which captures the construct of interest. A total of 111 items were constructed for the initial try-out of the scale measuring the construct of higher educational facilities. This rating scale was based on the Likert-type was designed, where each item had to be rated on a five-point scale. The scale consisted of a few items involving the dimensions of infrastructure, quality assessment and quality assurance regard to the vision actualization.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Research results show that money supply and inflation are closely related, and the money supply directly affects economic growth. Therefore, the government should have the relevant monetary policy to grow the economy and proposals to make monetary policy, control inflation levels and stimulate economic growth.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although the authors have been able to develop a rich model of information value and security compliance, the qualitative nature of this research means that it has not been tested, in the numerical sense. However, this study still has important implications for both research and practice. Specifically, researchers should consider users\u2019 perceptions of information value, when conducting future studies of information security compliance.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Many organisations wrestle with how to develop value-oriented businesses and societies. A humanistic communication approach that promotes understanding and dialogue amongst stakeholders can contribute to a solution. Communication professionals play a pivotal role in achieving a humanistic communication process. This paper aims to determine the significance of humanistic communication professionals and their characteristics.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to explore the training characteristics and employees' performance among the nurses in Pakistan.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Compared to ethics of science and technology, the research results in the field of ethics of science and technology education are limited. There is still room for improvement in the low density of cooperation between authors and institutions. The research themes are focused on theoretical discussions and countermeasure research. At present, the reform of ethics of science and technology is still in its infancy and has not yet formed a perfect system for education and personnel training. It is necessary for research on the ethical theory of technology to provide theoretical support.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "At present, countries are concerned about inflation and the impact of inflation on each country\u2019s economic growth. This inflation has been said by economists that inflation is a phenomenon of currency and currency, which has caused inflation in some countries by their monetary policy. According to the economic theory of Karl Marx, Irving Fisher, Friedman, inflation is caused by a continuous increase in the money supply.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Looking at a study on 81 NUTS-III regions of Turkey, this paper focusses on regional determinants important in the separation of regions with different entrepreneurship trajectories (based on the initial level and the rate of increase in entrepreneurship). Using discriminant function analysis, this paper tries to show how far government policies are important in distinguishing regions with different entrepreneurship levels.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study carries out a systematic literature review of 56 journal publications that were published between the year 2000 and 2016. The deductive coding of the publications was done to identify four themes of CSR research that constitute the practice view of the state of CSR in the construction sector.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In order to achieve customer retention, a holistic company approach underpinned by senior management buy-in is critical, with open communication, employee empowerment, and employing \u201cthe right\u201d personnel. The framework is viable with specific organisation input and supplementation with ongoing customer research.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study aims to explore the validity of the modern renewable energy-environmental Kuznets curve (REKC) while considering the relevance of financial development in the consumption of modern renewable energy in East Africa Community (EAC). Modern renewable energy in this study includes all other forms of renewable energy except traditional use of biomass. The authors controlled for the effects of urbanization, governance, foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "It is found out that the continuous increase in the money supply causes inflation in the long-term, but the continuous increase in the money supply growth does not cause inflation in a short time, this was analyzed based on the theory of monetary quantity. Moreover, Chia\u2019s and Vietnam\u2019s correlations of the money supply growth and inflation are 99.1 per cent. These correlations are very close.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study contributes to EDM topics. It advances the understanding of the whistleblowing concept, the retaliation effect and the reasons to encourage blowing the whistle in Africa. However, this study did not consider cultural factors, such as nationality, patriotism and ethnicity. Moreover, the results are only based on data from Uganda and Kenya and may not apply to other sub-Saharan nations.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research has produced a comprehensive set of perceived CHR items for business leaders based on earlier CHR/humanism concepts. Through the deconstruction of CHR theory, the granular conceptualization provides employee-centric workplaces, healthy internal communication, holistic compensation, CSR-committed behaviors and holistic training and development, equipped to assess how their CHR fosters humanistic workplaces that encourage socially responsible behaviors. This, in turn, would have an immense impact on employee well-being that, in turn, flourishes societal well-being.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Several contributions are made to shed light on a previously unstudied institution. First, we empirically establish that over a limited period in response to institutional change in the form of the code of practice, JCCs increased from 10% of organizations to almost 30%. Our second central contribution is to show three principal, quite separate organisational antecedents of JCCs, which do not interact statistically.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper provides profound implications to academics by highlighting the importance to formulating new, inter-disciplinary themes or unorthodox, phenomenon-driven assumptions beyond the traditional KM domain. This paper also offers practitioners and policymakers valuable insights into coping with the growing disparity between high- and low-income countries by showing warning signs of a looming humanitarian crisis associated with a GPHE context.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study employed cross-sectional data through random sampling of trained health nurses from the Government sector hospitals of Pakistan. The survey questionnaire is applied as the primary tool to acquire data. In total, the authors utilized 306 valid cases to infer the final results.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Data were collected from a convenience sample from seven Chinese companies that employed migrant workers (", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target populations of the study were the courts at the federal and regional levels. A purposive sampling technique was employed to undertake this study. The survey data was analyzed using the Relative Importance Index (RII).", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The Delphi technique, using three rounds of hour long in-depth semi-structured interviews at director level across a range of industries. This was done with nine directors, totalling over 30 hours of data requiring in excess of 200 hours to transcribe.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper examines the relationship between internal CG mechanisms and financial performance of listed and non-listed full-fledged IBs operating in the GCC countries.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The literature review shows that a humanistic approach to communication is characterised by dialogic engagement and social listening to build and maintain trust, foster transparency and create engagement with stakeholders. Communication professionals can act as \u201ccultural interpreters\u201d, \u201corganisational listeners\u201d and \u201cstewards of meaning\u201d. The human element plays a key factor in the competency standards for communication professionals in the Netherlands, although the extent to which they are embedded varies. The analysis shows a shift from passing on a message towards dialogue and engagement.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The effect of financial development and industrialization on renewable energy consumption is examined. Previous econometric analyses have also focused on total renewable energy, but this study adds combustible renewable and waste to the analysis.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research findings could be improved by considering the changes in mortality rate over time because of other environmental factors such as air pollution, among others as control variables. Various other variables affecting the health of an aged person could be considered for better research outcome which is not included in the present study because of the paucity of data. However, the present research findings would certainly serve effective policy instrument aiming at maximizing health gains that are highly associated with the elderly population and economic growth towards achieving sustainable development in India.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "MREC is a new concept in the energy consumption literature. Much of the research focuses on renewable energy consumption including the use of traditional biomass which contributes to climate change negatively. Besides, the influence of factors such as urbanization has not been given significant attention. Yet urbanization is identified as a catalyst for MREC.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The REKC hypothesis is supported for modern renewable energy consumption in the EAC region. Financial development positively and significantly affects modern renewable energy consumption, whereas urbanization, FDI and trade openness reduce modern renewable energy consumption. Governance is insignificant.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The outcome of this research provides investors with a better understanding of behavioral biases that influence their decision making. This study provides them a guideline on different behavioral biases that they should consider while making investment decisions.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on these insights, this paper argues that Haitian diaspora entrepreneurs need to play a proactive role as policy entrepreneurs by supporting competent and well-intention political leaders to gain office and by joining forces with local actors to advocate for institutional reforms, market reforms and control of corruption in order to be able to exploit market opportunities. In this respect, further perspectives for diaspora entrepreneurship, limitations and consideration for future research are highlighted.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this (qualitative, multiple-case) study is to determine how small-to medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders in Nigeria use information and communication technology (ICT) adoption as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research is conducted by exploratory analysis of collaboration and competences using case studies from humanistic, engineering, natural sciences and a general topic.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This may be the first academic study that analyzes the problems of the process of regulating religion in the context of COVID-19.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper explores the concept of knowledge democracy in the context of knowledge and information revolution. It has been argued that knowledge democratization implies freedom and equality to access information and knowledge across cultures and societies, particularly in the context of globalization. It is asserted that a democratization of the notion of knowledge would cause a paradigm shift; the way instruction and education are socially structured in different social systems. The knowledge society provides a new spirit of global sharing of values, acceptance of others and learning to live with divergent worldviews. It is contended that e\u2010learning in particular sets a new global social opportunity to transcend regional, racial and national prejudices.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Employees have expectations surrounding ethical corporate environments. Psychological contract violations occur as a result of broken expectations and are common in the workforce. In this study, a breakdown in the internal control environment because of a poor ethical culture, caused an even greater breakdown in internal controls because of employees\u2019 decreased reporting intentions.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Data was obtained from retail banking branch employees at the customer front line of Islamic banks in Oman using electronic and person-administered surveys, and 272 responses were deemed suitable for data analysis. The measurement and structural models were measured through structural equation modelling.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors believe that further research is required considering KM challenges and employee satisfaction or well-being to improve KM performance among different groups of employees through such methods as research survey.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although the perceived CHR scale's psychometric properties were confirmed using multiple tests ranging from qualitative to quantitative studies, this newly developed scale requires further investigation to explore whether internal or external relevance factors affect organizations' humanistic responsibility.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A few proxies to measure T&D found in the literature have not been used in the study. Similarly, the definition of promoter\u2019s class of investors can be improved.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper brings to the fore the efforts of the South African government in preserving IKS through documentation and digitization. The paper highlights the sources of indigenous knowledge, types of indigenous knowledge captured, how the indigenous knowledge is ingested in the repositories and how the data is captured. Generally, the roles of the IKSDCs in the capture and preservation of IKS are highlighted.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study confirms the role of training characteristics towards performance among the nurses of the public health sector of Pakistan. The investigation would further validate the impact of cognitive ability and the motivation to learn and performance goals on performance globally.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Valero\u2019s \u201cEPM\u201d is an original humanistic approach to management and corporate governance, with implications to business education. Valero\u2019s contributions were based on his business and teaching experience and in a deep humanistic background, but adopted an intuitive outlook and need further conceptual development, actualization to contemporary business context and empirical research on the relationship between this model and performance.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, this is the first study that proposed and tested a multi-level framework for corporate transparency and disclosure practices. In addition, this study is also among the very few studies that use financial sectors as a sample, in particular, and media coverage, specifically, thus adding some value to the limited literature.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results indicated that the direct effect of institutional quality on the entrepreneurship remained significant when controlling for corruption, thus suggesting partial mediation. In other words, corruption only mediates part of the effect of institutional quality on entrepreneurship, that is, the intervention (institutional quality) has some residual direct effect even after the mediator (corruption) was introduced into the model.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Given the decisive role of knowledge-oriented leadership (KOL) in boosting organizational innovation capacities, the research intends to investigate the effect of KOL on ambidextrous innovation with the mediating effect of knowledge management capability (KMC). Furthermore, technological turbulence (TT) is regarded as a moderator in the relationship between KMC and ambidextrous innovation.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study was limited to a survey of the headquarters of three telecommunication companies: Zain, Orange, and Umniah, in Amman City.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Quantitative analysis of existing literature is conducted to compare the textual features of ethics education in science and technology under the broad theme of ethics in science and technology. On this basis, the authors reveal the research hotspots and topic evolution in this field, and propose development suggestions in conjunction with the 5W theory.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A survey instrument was used to gather empirical data, and it was distributed to all managerial and non-managerial employees. A total of 477 questionnaires were valid for analysis, resulting in a response rate of (97 percent). Factor analysis and multiple regression analyses were used to test the study\u2019s hypotheses.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to present and interpret the \u201cEnterprise Politics Model (EPM)\u201d developed by Professor Antonio Valero, Founder and first Dean of IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of total quality management (TQM) practices in terms of leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, teamwork, process management, information, and analysis on organizational performance in Jordanian telecommunications companies. In addition, the mediating effect of knowledge management (KM) processes is tested.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the experiences of employees excluded from a talent pool and to identify what career development is provided for them.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper underscores the significance of pluralistic and humanistic perspective on knowledge and e\u2010learning.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper contributes to both the theoretical and empirical literature on the human capital\u2013growth nexus. Mauritius as a natural resource poor small economy is an important case study as it has started early in investing in its people to promote economic growth.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In this study, the authors have used panel data analysis (PDA) and secondary data of 34 banks working in the Indian banking sector for four financial years, i.e. 2016 to 2019.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study was the first of all and could be a pointer for different government and non-government bodies regarding the limitations of valuation for judgment execution purposes.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To meet these objectives, qualitative and interpretive research approaches were employed.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research utilized publicly available data on global oil and gas companies from 2000 to 2015. Panel data analysis was used to assess the relationship between intangibles (measured by Calculated Intangible Value (CIV)) and financial and market performance of these companies.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Investing in modern renewable energy facilities should be a top priority, particularly in cities with expanding populations. The governments of the EAC should endeavor to make MREC affordable among the urban population by creating income-generating activities in the urban centers and sensitizing the urban population to the benefits of using MREC. Also, the government may come up with policies that enhance the establishment of lower prices for modern renewable energy commodities so as to increase their affordability.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to investigate the effect of intellectual capital components on firms\u2019 performance, and also examines the influence of the mediating role of family management on such a relationship.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "It is discovered that TQM has a positive and significant effect on the market orientation (MO). Similarly, the results showed that MO has a positive and significant effect on the OP. With regard to the relationship between TQM and OP, this study found that TQM significantly and positively affects the OP of Indian manufacturing organizations.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study proposed a novel CABDHRP that provides the advanced features, including the automatic word segmentation of Chinese text, automatic Chinese text annotation, semi-automatic character social network analysis and user behavior analysis, that are different from other existed digital humanities platforms. Currently, there is no this kind of digital humanities platform developed for humanists to support digital humanities research.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Different constraints are highlighted in the study due to which business graduates hesitate to become an entrepreneur, plus importance level of each constraint is also calculated in the study.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on the valid responses collected from a survey questionnaire, structural equation modeling technology was employed to examine the research model. ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Valero\u2019s \u201cEPM\u201d is a practically oriented humanistic approach to management and corporate governance which can be a realistic alternative to conventional, and often criticized, approaches to management and corporate governance. In fact, it has already been successfully applied in several companies.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to examine the impact of compliance with corporate governance (CG) guidelines during the period 2002-2014 on firm financial performance and firm value of Kenyan-listed companies.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results of this paper may contribute to the integration of data science and information science within LIS schools and iSchools. It has particular value for LIS school development and reform in the age of big data.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The framework has only been tested with the companies in the study, and requires testing in practice. As such, it has not covered the ability of companies to change, but has simply developed a framework to assist in identifying the areas that need to be reviewed when considering changing to focus on the customer.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors provide evidence on the relationship between CG practices and firm financial performance and firm value in Kenya. Second, the authors provide evidence on board evaluation which has not been tested before in a \u201ccomply or explain\u201d environment. Finally, they evaluate how CMA 2002 CG guidelines steered firm financial performance and firm value over its life cycle from 2002 to 2014. These results are important to CMA and other CG regulators and boards in their efforts to improve CG practices in the region.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The disclosures in banks have become a matter of grave concern, especially post 2008 world financial crisis. The issue further gets exacerbated because disclosers in banks are part of the III pillar of BASEL-II floated in 1999, and despite that, banks face challenges in this regard. Ownership concentration (OC) is a point of discussion because it may affect banks\u2019 corporate governance and transparency and disclosures (T&D) issues. This study aims to determine how OC affects the transparency in the banks.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In this research, 56 critical success factor (CSF) were extracted from the context of the articles and were adjusted using experts\u2019 opinions in different phases, as well as the fuzzy-Delphi approach. Finally, 15 factors were categorized in the form of steps of the technology transfer model: STAGE-GATE. In the next step, the set of criteria needed to prioritize CFSs was extracted from the literature and finalized with the help of the experts. Then, how each of the CSF influences the identified criteria was scored according to the organization\u2019s export opinions. Finally, the priority of each key success factor was calculated using the additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study provides input to both religion and the state (government) in building a synergy of constructive responses to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on exchange theory and the generalized norm of reciprocity, psychological contracts perceived by employees are believed to have dysfunctional consequences for organizations if breached. This paper aims to study the willingness of employees to report fraud, as such is an important aspect of internal control for organizations.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study focuses mainly on the NRS initiative in South Africa. Indigenous Knowledge (IK) related to traditional medicine, traditional plants and food are currently being digitized at the IKSDCs by IK recorders. This study will help in ensuring that the South African Government\u2019s effort and investment in digitizing IKS and making them accessible online is not wasted. This study will help mitigate the risk of damage and alteration over time, either deliberately or in error.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper explores the changes in communication patterns when companies implement lean, and how those changes relate to implementation success.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The approach constructed in the paper can be used to solving uncertainty decision-making problems that the certain value of the decision information could not collect while the interval value set could be defined. Obviously it can be utilized for other MADM problem. ", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of transparency and disclosure on the financial performance of financial institutions. The emphasis is on assessing transparency and disclosure; auditing and compliance; risk management as indicators of corporate governance; and understanding how these parameters affect bank profitability, liquidity and the quality of loan portfolios.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study follows the quantitative methodology and the deductive causal research approach. The data were conveniently collected through a Web-based questionnaire (Google forms) from 285 active students who are affiliated to Omani universities. SPSS was used to statistically analyse the collected data, including partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM V3.3) to draw the results.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "There exist some practical difficulties in implementing these governance measures.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The growing number of studies shows that government policies and measures are critical in determining entrepreneurship levels of regions. Any changes in the government policies and measures are, therefore, expected to bring significant changes at the entrepreneurship levels. This paper aims to explore the importance of the government policies and measures, along with supply and demand-side determinants in regional entrepreneurship in Turkey and explains the convergence of entrepreneurship among two distinct periods corresponding to changes in the government policies and measures concerning entrepreneurship.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "While establishing the linkage between population aging and HCE, the study has used economic growth, urbanization and CO2 emissions as control variables and used the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration and VECM based Granger causality approach to estimate both the long-run and short-run relationships among the variables.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper is novel in developing a government cash forecasting model in the context of emerging economies.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The outcomes of the analysis show that certain policies and measures recently introduced have become instrumental in triggering higher entrepreneurship levels in regions with already higher levels of entrepreneurship, but not in regions with initially lower levels of entrepreneurship.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "IBs are urged to ensure transparency in the provision of innovative products fundamentally in contrast to conventional banking products as well as cater to the untapped markets by weaving Islamic values into the existing CG fabric, as a feasible solution to remain competitive.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The central contribution is a novel model of information security compliance that centre stages the role of the users\u2019 perceptions of information value, as this is a factor which has been largely ignored in contemporary accounts of compliance behaviour. This study is also original, in that it fills a methodological gap, by balancing the voices of both user representatives and senior organisational stakeholders, in a single study.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper gives the countermeasures to control the pollution situation in Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Literature review manifests that reported competitiveness assessment models and practices are not able to address present challenges, technologies and developments in construction market.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Most organisations in Mauritius do not practice human capital development at a strategic level but rather at a tactical one. Strategic HRD is mostly practiced at the implementation level of the business strategy rather than at the formulation stage of the mission, vision and strategy itself. However, the practice of strategic human resource development stays a minority within some very few organisations, as they acknowledge the benefits that Strategic HRD brings along.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that the best method to build a government cash forecasting model is subject to forecasting performance measurement tool and the data used.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A survey questionnaire was developed and randomly distributed through e-mail to senior managers of 275 Indian manufacturing organizations. About 230 received questionnaires were used for data analysis. Response rate was 83.63 percent. In particular, hypotheses were developed to examine the effect of TQM on the OP of the manufacturing organizations. Cronbach's alpha reliability of questionnaire was analyzed using factor analysis. Rigorous literature review is enabled to construct structural measurement model, formulation of testable hypothesis and operationalization of constructs.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to propose and verify the suitability and applicability of Islamic equity-based microfinance models for financing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the State of Libya. The proposed models combine the unique features of social solidarity, cooperation \u201cTa\u2019awan,\u201d meeting religious requirements and providing financing more fairly and equitably.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research provides policymakers in academic fields with the appropriate approaches to leverage the knowledge-sharing behaviour amongst Omani students with the understanding of the main factors affecting individuals\u2019 knowledge-sharing behaviours.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results show that urbanization, FDI, industrialization and TOP positively affect MREC. Whereas population growth and GDP reduce MREC, the effect for GDP is not that significant. The study also found a bidirectional causality between urbanization, FDI, TOP and MREC in the long run.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "While the influence of individual beliefs on decision-making has been widely acknowledged, the interaction of different types of beliefs remains an under-researched topic. This study analyses how the simultaneous influence of religious beliefs and nonreligious beliefs shapes individual decision-making. This study aims to contribute to inform organizational decisions on topics potentially associated with these two types of beliefs, including corporate social responsibility matters. This study also aims to provide insights to ethical decision-making in situations of absence of social consensus, a subject that is relevant for individuals, organizations and policymakers.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper follows \u201ctop-down\u201d approach to develop a government cash forecasting model. It uses the Indonesian Government expenditure data from 2008 to 2015 as an illustration. The study utilises ARIMA, neural network and hybrid models to investigate the best procedure for predicting government expenditure.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The use of primary data in assessing the impact of corporate governance on financial performance, instead of secondary data, is the primary novelty of this study. Moreover, PCA is used to assess the weight of the various parameters.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study considers a balanced panel of five EAC countries from 1996 to 2019. Long-run dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) and fully modified ordinary least squares estimations were used to ascertain the relationships while the vector error-correction model was used to ascertain the causal relationship.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper demonstrates the importance of disclosure and transparency in managerial affairs because the performance of financial institutions, as measured in terms of loan portfolios, liquidity and profitability, increases by 0.4 when transparency and disclosure improve, with this effect being statistically significant at the 1 per cent level.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Migrant workers\u2019 family encouragement of returning to hometown was positively related to their return-to-hometown intention, which subsequently predicted their turnover decision in six months. Further, migrant workers\u2019 perceived career sacrifice associated with returning to hometown weakened the effect of family encouragement to return.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study confirms a significant statistical relationship between inside debt and the bank's digital transformation, and managerial myopia is the transmission channel of inside debt affecting the bank's digital transformation. Furthermore, the development of Internet finance and the enhancement of bankers' confidence will improve the contributions of inside debt to the bank's digital transformation.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings can act as a guideline for any organisations to address when adopting KM. Identification of the KM challenges provides the basis for organisations to attach considerable importance to employees\u2019 satisfaction and well-being to enhance the chances of successful KM programmes. Managers should take a proactive approach in creating an appropriate atmosphere to cultivate KM culture among employees.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "More approaches may be adopted to calculate the grey correlation degree in the further research studies.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, this is the first empirical study in Pakistan that has explored archives management practices used in university archives. It also contributes theoretically and methodologically through the underpinnings of archival principles in association with university functions and developing a validated scale to explore archives management practices in universities. The findings of this study may be helpful for the concerned bodies, university administrations and archives managers to establish, manage and improve the academic archives systematically.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The rising concern for the accuracy of residential valuations in Nigeria has created the need for key stakeholders in the residential property markets in the study areas to know the level of accuracy of valuations in order to make rational residential property transactions, amongst other purposes.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study was conducted with information gathered through a focus group of managers with different hierarchical levels, different types of companies, from multinational corporations to state organisations. This inductive approach was adopted to gain a grounded, rich, local and lived understanding of the process based on the case studies of eight Malaysian organisations that represent the major industries in the Malaysian economic sectors. Additionally, the information gathered was further supported with secondary data that consisted of a case study report of the eight organisations on their KM programmes\u2019 implementation.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the de/motivation variables in the delivery of housing microfinance (HMF) in the low-income housing market in Ghana.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The suggestion of literature review and the result of case study analysis represent a first attempt to better understand the real and potential influence of GSCM on corporate image and competitiveness. In fact, the present investigation has pointed out that logistic organization can achieve environmental goals and acquire a better positioning than their competitors also cooperating with stakeholders. Therefore, it is necessary that organizations contribute to make them able to participate in corporate activities and develop a concrete environmental-friendly orientation, based on the respect of market\u2019s requests and environmental regulations in order to get their corporate reputation strong than ever.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study contributes to the body of knowledge on women entrepreneurship as it helped expose challenges women entrepreneurs face as well as opportunities for them to take advantage of and improve their business operations.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "While diaspora entrepreneurs remain important sources of capital and innovation, many developing countries are facing serious challenges to tap into these sources because of their weak institutional settings and the endemic and systemic corruption. To this end, this study explores how institutional reforms and control of corruption can influence diaspora entrepreneurship. This study also seeks to provide perspectives on how diaspora entrepreneurs can influence institutional reforms and market policies.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Higher Educational Facilities Scale (HEFS) was developed by the investigator and designed in the format of a 5-point rating scale of the Likert type. There are different phases identified for the scale construction. In the first phase, items are created and the content\u2019s validity is determined. The scale is constructed in the second phase. Pre-testing the questions, administering the survey, reducing the number of items and determining how many factors the scale captures are all steps in the scale construction process. The number of dimensions, reliability and validity are all verified in the third phase, scale evaluation. In developing the scale, the content and face validity was ascertained. The reliability of the scale and its three subscales were established. This scale has potential value for policymakers to assess the perception held by the religious faculty members working in higher education institutions.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results of the ARDL bounds test showed that there is a stable and long-run relationship among the variables. The long-run and short-run coefficients reveal that population aging and income per capita exert a statistically significant and positive effect on per capita HCE in India. The VECM causality evidence shows that there is a presence of short-run causality from economic growth and population aging to per capita HCE, urbanization to environmental degradation and further from aging to urbanization. However, the long-run causality evidence confirms unidirectional causality from population aging to the per capita HCE.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Studies on knowledge management (KM) and its effect on organisational innovation and firm performance have been carried out and subsequently proven. However, the consequence is that KM programmes did not achieve the expected results that they were designed for. Considering the issue mentioned above, a KM shortfall and its underlying challenges seem to exist. The purpose of this study is to assess the current practices of KM, lesson learnt and KM challenges in Malaysian organisations from various types of industries.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Using responses collected from Haitian diaspora entrepreneurs living in the USA, this paper highlights different attributes of institutional reforms and control of corruption that can influence diaspora entrepreneurship.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of this study uphold the relevance of the EKC hypothesis in Nigeria, as the growth of GDP first reduces the environmental quality but raises it over time. Furthermore, the use of energy is found to deteriorate environmental quality, given that CO2 rises by 0.002% for a unit increase in the consumption of energy in Nigeria.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The IFI index is constructed by principal component analysis. IFI consists of foreign direct investment (FDI), remittances (REM) and external debt (ED), whereas the Polity IV index is used for DEM. Johansen and the autoregressive distributed lag method for cointegration methods are used to find a long run relationship. Dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS), fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) and canonical regression (CR) have been used to find the nature of the relationship. Rolling window analysis has been done to find the year wise coefficients.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A critical literature review was performed to complete this study, using media, institutional, national, and international reports, as well as recent and previous studies during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper fills the gap in the literature in the assessment of intangibles in the oil and gas sector, as well as in the assessment of using CIV to measure the impact of intangibles on company performance.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Given migrant workers\u2019 critical role in the Chinese economy, the increasing number of migrant workers who leave their organizations and return to their hometown has caused severe socioeconomic issues in China. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to migrant worker literature by revealing the micro-mechanism underlying migrant workers\u2019 return-to-hometown intention and turnover.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": " The research has contributed significantly to the resources-based view and knowledge-based view (KBV) literature by examining the various mediation moderation mechanisms and offering greater insights into the relationship between KOL and firms, KMC, and ambidextrous innovations.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper outlines a portal that facilitates learning through sharing of experiences. This flow is between experience sharers and solution seekers in the domain of poverty alleviation interventions (PAIs). Practitioners working on PAIs are often confined to searching from within \u201clessons learned\u201d repositories and also from within limited disparate networks configured by aid agencies and consultancies. They do not, as of yet, have access to a comprehensive portal that explores the pool of knowledge carriers and also evaluates their efficacy in contributing to customised solutions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Globalization has led worldwide organizations to balance their economic and environmental performances in order to achieve a concrete sustainable development. In an environmental centered world, logistics is called to put into action advanced programs based on technological and organizational improvement, in order to gain or maintain a concrete competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how logistics organizations try to face the recent ecological challenges and the role that the emergent green technologies play in making them finally \u201cgreen\u201d and competitive. ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study uses the data from one government only as its sample, which may limit the ability to generalise the results to a wider population.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The finding of this research revealed that courts have not outshined and uniform valuation manuals and guidelines that clearly state the approaches, procedures and bases of valuation. As a consequence, courts execute based on the opinion of value determined by other institutions. The insignificant numbers of independent valuation institution with the lack of uniform standards in the country prejudice the implementation of the decision of the court and faced injustice. The finding also reveals as there are several causative variables for real property valuation inaccuracy.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "As with any experimental study, this study\u2019s results come with limitations. Reading an overly simplistic scenario that omits real world details and providing intention to report is very different from actually reporting fraud in one\u2019s own place of employment. Therefore, reporting intentions may vary from actual reporting behavior. Further, reporting motivation (self-defense, altruism, etc.) and concern over retaliation are not measured.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors used ANTi-microhistory approach to unpack the controversy around social innovation using the five-step procedure recently proposed by Mills ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "We test propositions derived from institutional theory broadly conceived, through analysis of data from 120 organizations in Mauritius responding to a comprehensive HR survey covering a wide range of organisational level policies and practices conducted during the JCC formation period 2011\u20132012.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Digital transformation is essential for commercial banks to maintain long-term competitiveness in the digital economy era. This study aims to investigate the relationship between inside debt and the bank's digital transformation.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that five internal CG mechanisms have statistically significant relationship with IBFP, measured by ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Organizations that prioritize humanistic responsibility create an environment of value for their employees as the most important stakeholders. However, despite the numerous corporate social responsibility (CSR) models and research highlighting stakeholder considerations, the long-standing \u201csocial\u201d aspect of CSR has inhibited its humanism responsibility. In response, this study proposes to move beyond the antecedents and outcomes of CSR to explore how perceived CSR can promote its humanistic responsibility both inside and outside of organizations.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The participants for this study consisted of executive-level SME leaders who had the authority to approve ICT implementation within their respective organizations. Individual interviews were undertaken with participants to gain an understanding of their experience of determining the merits of and implementing ICT. The technology acceptance model, which specifies the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward computer use and intention to use technology, was applied as a framework to explain the Nigerian SME\u2019s ICT adoption strategies.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Anchored in the interpretivist paradigm, the qualitative research approach was adopted to explore the objectives of the study. The multiple case study method was considered appropriate and adopted for the study. The data for this study was collected through comprehensive face-to-face interviews and Web content analysis. The population of the study consisted of the staff at the IKSDCs in the selected academic institutions. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the following set of participants in each academic institution: IKS managers/coordinators, digitization officers and online collection administrators.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of corporate governance, with particular reference to the role of independent directors on boards and audit committees, and media coverage on corporate transparency and disclosure. In addition, the paper also investigates the role of the media on independent directors\u2019 behaviours towards corporate transparency and disclosure.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Managers and practitioners will be better able to get their colleagues to comply with information security protocols, if they can take active steps to convince them that the information that they are handling is a valuable organisational resource, which needs to be protected.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "An interpretive, grounded theory research approach has been adopted to generate a qualitative data set, based upon the results of 55 interviews with key informants from governmental agencies based within Brunei Darussalam, complemented by the results of seven focus groups. The interviews and focus groups were conducted in two phases, so that the results of the first phase could be used to inform the second phase data collection exercise, and the thematic analysis of the research data was conducted using the NVivo 11-Plus software.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study contributes to migrant worker literature by investigating psychological processes underlying migrant workers return-to-hometown intention and the subsequent turnover from a micro perspective.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The main hypotheses are that employees will be less likely to report fraud when the organization fails to signal the presence of a positive ethical environment or when management reacts weakly to previous reports of unethical activity. The data and findings support these hypotheses. Additional testing also reveals that a psychological contract violation mediates the relationship between the outcome of previous reports and the intention to report fraud.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The internal marketing mix model is predominately a Western model, which has been tested primarily in mature Western markets. This study reflects on ten internal marketing mix elements, which have been tested for the enablement of service quality and perceived customer satisfaction in Oman.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to understand employees\u2019 propensity to blow the whistle in two East African countries. This study develops a model of ethical decision-making (EDM) to assist management in predicting the probability of whistleblowing in Kenya and Uganda. It also seeks to find the moderating effect of perceived retaliation on whistleblowing intention.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results provide valuable insights about how the COVID-19 crisis affected women entrepreneurs by particularly considering household income, business sales, lifestyle and mental health. The liquidation of women-led businesses indicated the necessity to reconsider creativity and digitalization for business survival. Moreover, the results also revealed that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical, mental and economic well-being of women highlights the need for considering gender gap issues in forming response policies for COVID-19 in developing countries.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this research is to identify and clarify the important variables in knowledge management capabilities that affect product/service innovation in entrepreneurial companies in Jordan.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of this study revealed an inconsistency regarding the policies and procedures, arrangement and filing records and access and retrieval due to the practice of self-developed procedures in the UoP archival units. Although archives management practices have significant impact on university academic as well as research-related functions, however, there is lack of centralized and standardized practices for archiving records in the UoP. Lack of professional/trained staff and policy document are key limitations in building systematic and standardized archives management system in academic intuitions, particularly in the UoP.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Depicting in a tree analogy, the conceptual model indicates that effective knowledge management will require higher education executives, managers and practitioners to centre on nurturing \u201ctree roots\u201d presented as behavioural knowledge management constructs and include institutional culture, trust, absorptive capacities and communication channels. The research findings elaborate on previous research and provide a categorisation of partnership outcomes between higher education institutions, explaining that partnership outcomes can be of an \u201cAcademic\u201d, \u201cMarketing and Finance\u201d or \u201cManagerial\u201d nature. Importantly, practical use of the model could be implemented using audit methods or benchmarking methods, whereby the categorised elements of the model are used as a criterion of assessment for audit teams.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The limitation of the sample considered for this research is a relatively small one to be representative of the Strategic HRD practices in Mauritius as a whole. It identifies implication for improving the current Strategic HRD state in the island.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "By analyzing the calculation results among the three cities, it was concluded that the air quality of the three cities is closely related. Therefore, the Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region should collaboratively improve the air quality for common development.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Service quality in academics is imperatively crucial. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to examine the effect of academic service quality factors in higher education institutions which mainly focuses on students' satisfaction and the extent of recommending the same institution to other students.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study fills a gap in the literature on the digitization and digital preservation of IKS from the context of the NRS project in South Africa. Very few studies have been carried out on the digital preservation of IKS in Africa. This study also proposed a framework for the digital preservation of IKS in South Africa.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The practical implication of this study is that a reliable databank should be established for the property market to provide credible transaction data for valuers to conduct accurate valuations in these cities. Strict enforcement of national and international valuation standards by the regulatory authorities as well as retraining of valuers on appropriate application of valuation approaches and methods are the recommended corrective measures.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Many studies have examined this relationship by simply taking the square of GDP as a measure of its non-linear effect on the environment. The authors are one of the first who consider the asymmetric effect of economic growth on the environment through the non-linear ARDL technique. With this, the partial sums of positive and negative changes in economic growth on the environment are easily established.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research contributes to understanding talent pool exclusion and its consequences for the hotel sector. Narrative interviewing is used in this context for the first time.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to assess the digital preservation policies and plans for long-term digital preservation in selected repositories in South Africa, with a view to develop a digital preservation framework for the preservation of Indigenous knowledge system (IKS) in South Africa.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "First, the study proposes the applicability and suitability of Islamic equity-based models in financing MSMEs only, while large firms are excluded from the study. Second, the study only proposes and tests the applicability of Islamic equity-modes of financing contracts, namely, ", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper findings are limited in context to Ghana.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The main purpose of this paper is to examine the role of population aging in determining the health care expenditure (HCE) in India over the period 1981 to 2018.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings show that by applying the proposed approach on bibliographic data that readily exist for many national sciences as well as for international scientific communities, one can obtain useful new insights into the research. The approach is demonstrated with the following exploratory findings: identification of important connections and individual researchers that connect the community of anthropologists; collaboration of technical scientists in the community of anthropologists caused by an interdisciplinary research project; connectivity, interdisciplinary and structure of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and a community based on a general topic; and identifying research interest shift described with concretization and topic-shift.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study shows that employees who are excluded from a talent pool feel frustration, mistrust in the organisation, have low expectations of career development and show an intention to leave the organisation.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The data obtained from 122 Pakistani manufacturing firms were used to evaluate the proposed relationships using the partial least square structural equation modeling approach.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper is conceptual in nature. The data of the World Bank and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs are analysed to introduce some emerging real impact topics regarding cross-cultural conflicts and humanitarian knowledge in the post-COVID business world. The theoretical foundation was built upon a critical literature review.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study presents a new methodological approach by identifying the most significant authors, articles and journals and determining the three thematic clusters, such as empirical humanism research, humanistic in practice and humanism philosophy.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The economic theories of Fisher, Friedman and an econometric model are applied to analyse the relationship between money supply and inflation. Besides, Vietnam\u2019s and China\u2019s research data are also collected in the period of 2012-2016.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings provide some useful insight into cost benefits analysis of media coverage towards an understanding of independent directors\u2019 behaviours for promoting transparency and disclosure in financial sector. Moreover, the study findings can be useful for both shareholders and stakeholders in taking decisions about firm activities.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to present ANTi-microhistory of social innovation in education within Robert Owen\u2019s communal experiment at New Harmony, Indiana. The authors zoom out in the historical context of social innovation before zooming into the New Harmony case.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research is conducted in China, where mobile internet is still in its early stage. Thus, the results need to be generalized to other countries that had developed mobile internet. ", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to propose an approach for conceptualizing science based on collaboration and competences of researchers.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Previous research has focused on the effects of instrumental beliefs such as perceived usefulness on mobile user continuance. However, user behavior may be also affected by intrinsic motivations such as flow. This research tries to fill the gap.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study contributes toward the literature of inclusive finance and sustainability studies through better understanding of financial decision making of SMEs in emerging economies.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study uses fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to identify how different configurational groupings of Christian beliefs and humanistic beliefs lead to the acceptance or nonacceptance of euthanasia in a sample of individuals who identify as Catholic.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "As the COVID-19 crisis is a recent and existing phenomenon, this study is among the first to explore particularly the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on micro-enterprises mainly owned and managed by women. Thereby claiming that COVID-19 not only physically but also psychologically affected women entrepreneurs. Moreover, the study highlights a need of skill focused training programs for women entrepreneurs to make sure that they can protect their businesses during such difficult times.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": " The research provides useful knowledge and a novel strategy for policymakers to foster KOL and invest in KMC to improve the capabilities of Pakistani manufacturing firms in terms of innovation.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study contributes to the literature on inside debt and the bank's digital transformation. It has specific policy value for the scientific design of the banking compensation mechanism and accelerating banks' digital transformation.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to study the oscillation phenomenon before chaos as well as its mechanism of occurrence in the energy-saving and emission-reduction system.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This is a culturally pluralistic and humanistic interpretation of globally emergent form of learning pedagogy, particularly manifested in e\u2010learning.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Four major themes emerged from the data analysis: ICT adoption factors, ICT roles and benefits, role of government and SME success factors. The findings of this study may help SME leaders and government leaders address many of the factors inhibiting the adoption of ICT in SMEs in Nigeria.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Panel data of the five EAC countries of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda for the period 1996\u20132019 were used. The analysis relied on the use of the autoregressive distributed lag\u2013pooled mean group (ARDL-PMG) model, and the data were sourced from the World Development Indicators (WDI), World Governance Indicators (WGI) and International Energy Agency (IEA).", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The hypotheses are tested using structural equation modeling for a sample of 46 Jordanian service listed firms during 2014\u20132019.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "It is found that except for retail investors, other classes of OC are not concerned with the disclosures in the banks even though substantial financial and non-financial interests are at stake concerning them. The study\u2019s findings suggest framing policies and regulations considering the accountability of promoters and institutional investors for ensuring disclosures in banks.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The present study implies that it will help firms realize how significantly the transparency level and disclosure policies impact their value in the market. Firms can understand how badly distressing situations can impact the company's whole image. This learning will encourage them to start managing their money and debts efficiently.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which financial and market performance of companies in the oil and gas sector can be attributed to the value of their intangibles.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To alleviate the problem, the government should strengthen the valuation sector by creating an independent institution for advancing valuation regulation and policymaking.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study contains data for four business units but within only one company, limiting the external validity of the conclusions. The sample was predominantly male. Participant attrition and other potential covariates not included in the study can be additional limitations.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, no other study builds T&D for banks and examines their impact because of the ownership classes (as used by the current study). This study is unique in this aspect.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Customer focus and process management were found to have an insignificant impact on organizational performance, while teamwork had the strongest impact on KM processes. The results also revealed that only knowledge sharing and application processes had a significant impact on organizational performance. More importantly, KM processes fully mediated the impact of TQM practices on organizational performance, except for teamwork, which had a partial mediating effect.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although the impact of intangibles on corporate performance is found to be significant, the size of that impact is small, suggesting that significant increase in the size of intangibles would only lead to a modest increase in corporate performance. Additionally, the research sample was limited to the top oil and gas firms listed in the Fortune 2000 global list and limits the generalization of the findings. Despite these limitations, the research provides greater confidence in using CIV to assess intangibles in organizations.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study\u2019s findings reveal that investment in early education and health has contributed positively to growth performance. There is evidence for long-run growth effects arising from a positive shock in the education and health indicators.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results indicate strong evidence of the important role of intellectual capital on firm performance. Accordingly, this study recommends that the managers of service firms should continue to enhance and improve the components of intellectual capital, especially investing more in the competencies and capabilities of employees, including their skills, education and training programs to achieve competitive advantage and ensure continued success in the future, and investors to pay special attention to the components of intellectual capital to predict the performance of the firm and be able to choose the best investment opportunities.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Practical implications of the study are that women entrepreneurs need more training in business entrepreneurship for them to gain more knowledge and skills; finance houses become more accommodating to women entrepreneurship they could help in the empowerment of these people as they show potential in their businesses; and if more pro-women entrepreneurship policies are developed, they could enhance the activities of women entrepreneurs.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A qualitative approach is applied in this study through semi-structured interviews with several Libyan experts, including Islamic bankers, ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In this paper, the authors visualize the graph and quantify the indicators in four aspects: time series, institutional collaboration, author co-authorship, and research hotspots.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Improving the performance of PAIs is crucial for societal goals of equitable living and access to opportunity spaces. PAI practitioners are aware of the wealth of past experiences but then struggle to find a coherent and approachable portal that can churn these in response to their specific and contextual needs.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In the first tier, four new pillars (4P) of competitiveness assessment are introduced for construction firms, namely, organization performance, project performance, environment and client and innovation and development. These pillars are able to aid in construction firms\u2019 management on both long and short term basis. Hence, 21 key competitive factors and eighty key competitive criteria are identified, incorporated and analyzed in this research study. The second tier encapsulates carrying out a questionnaire survey in the Canadian and Vietnamese market to garner two main sets of information. The first set of information incorporates responses of the pairwise comparisons between competitiveness factors and criteria. The second set involves gathering utility scores pertinent to each competitiveness criteria. The developed model then leverages the use of analytical hierarchy process to scrutinize the relative importance priorities of competitiveness factors and criteria. The third tier of the developed model encompasses the use of multi-attribute utility theory to compute competitiveness scores for construction companies through blending criteria\u2019 relative importance weights alongside their respective utility functions. In addition, the third tier comprises conducting a sensitivity analysis to derive the most important criteria influencing the overall competitiveness of construction companies. The developed model is tested and validated using three case studies; one construction company from Canada and two construction companies from Vietnam.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to develop and estimate the Musharaka demand and supply model for full-fledged Islamic banks to explore patterns and stability of Musharaka equilibrium in the market.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "First, the authors find an oscillation phenomenon previous to chaos. Second, on the one hand, the existence of two unstable saddles is the reason for the occurrence of oscillation phenomenon. On the other hand, the increasing of carbon emissions can arouse oscillation phenomenon.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper directly impacts on the Strategic HRD practices of organisations and reveals loopholes to be remedied within the present HRD systems.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In recent years, scientific research on humanistic perspectives and their impact on management has grown exponentially. This study aims to explore the overview and its essential features of humanism management and its precursors (i.e., humanism). Bibliometric findings on the advent and current developmental patterns of humanistic management publications are described.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Hotel managers should consider employees who are excluded from a talent pool and build effective TM strategies and provide career development to minimise adverse reactions and improve commitment and motivation.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper did not consider time series because corporate governance does not change periodically.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A set of 46 research articles that directly studied the relationship between WCM, and profitability was analyzed for the purpose. In addition to overall meta-analysis, a detailed subgroup study was also conducted to test whether the differences in results are due to moderating effects related to different profitability proxies, economic development of a specific country and size of the firms under study.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The data were collected from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, which developed a model where Corruption Perception Index as a proxy for corruption mediates the relationship between the variable rule of law as a proxy for institutional quality and opportunity entrepreneurship as a proxy for productive entrepreneurship. Correlation, Baron and Kenny approach (causal steps approach) and PROCESS Macro (normal test theory) developed by Hayes were used to find out the direct and indirect effects of institutional quality between corruption and entrepreneurship.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A 2 \u00d7 2 between-subjects experiment was conducted in which 99 participants with diverse accounting backgrounds were first asked questions about their preconceived beliefs (psychological contract) regarding how reports of unethical conduct would be managed, and their reaction if these beliefs were broken (psychological contract violation). Participants were given a hypothetical situation of fraud and then asked to indicate their likelihood of reporting fraud to a supervisor.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that ethical awareness and judgment significantly increase willingness to engage in whistleblowing in East Africa. However, this study does not find a significant retaliation effect on whistleblowing intention. Instead, this study finds that awareness and judgment mediate between retaliation and willingness to engage in whistleblowing.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The developed model can benefit construction companies to understand their competitiveness in their market and diagnose their strengths and weaknesses. It is also can be useful in efficient utilization of their limited resources and development of sustainable and long-term strategic plans strategic plans, which consequently leads to maintaining better position in their dynamic business markets.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this research is to draw on both perspectives of technological perceptions and flow experience to examine continuance usage of mobile sites. ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study is fundamental in estimating the market stable market returns and market quantity of Musharaka financing. If market returns and quantity deviate, market forces will push it to equilibrium.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Mission statement and nature of both data science and information science are analyzed by reviewing existing work in the two disciplines and drawing DIKW hierarchy. It looks at the ways in which information science theories bring new insights and shed new light on fundamentals of data science.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between international financial integration (IFI) index and democracy (DEM) in Pakistan by using long-time series data from 1975 to 2013.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Based on the demand theory and empirical studies, the paper models total renewable energy consumption and combustible renewables and waste as a function of income, price, financial development and industrialization. Regression and variance decomposition techniques were used to analyze the data.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A limitation to this research is the data coverage, which is just between 1981 and 2014, based on availability. One other limitation is the use of electric power consumption as a proxy for energy use (because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate data on energy consumption in Nigeria). Future research should, therefore, test different other proxies, to either agree with the findings or justify any deviation therefrom. Also, the use of up-to-date data is recommended as an improvement to this study, while a non-linear technique should be used on studies involving the panel of countries.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that the low awareness level of owner-managers regarding financial products and procedures significantly affects their attitude. Moreover, the less knowledge of financing terms as well as dominant role of owner-managers in taking firm decisions also increase the negative effect of risk factor on SMEs owner-manager attitude.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study was conducted in a chain of hotels where talent management (TM) strategies are one of the key priorities in the organisation. The results may be different in hotels where TM strategies are less formal and talent pool segmentation is not clearly identified.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A T&D index is built into the study covering all the relevant contemporary issues regarding disclosures in banks. The panel data specification is used to find out the association of components of the OC on the T&D practices in the banks. Bank data of 34 banks are gathered for four years for the study.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Archives and records are important resources for individuals, organizations and the country. The academic archives are created and maintained for the effective execution of university educational and corporate functions. The archives management practices in universities are being studied in the developed countries; however, a scarcity of empirical research is observed in the context of developing countries, for instance, Pakistan. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess the archives management practices performed in the archival units of University of the Punjab (UoP), Lahore, in association with the successful execution of university educational functions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The present paper offers some insights on innovation influence on supply chain management (SCM) greenness, a process oriented to a sustainable and environmental-friendly approach to management of supply chain. According to DHL case study evidence, in logistics innovation, often based on emerging green technologies, is strictly related to the development of a much more sustainable and environment-friendly approach to SCM, based on reduction of core activities\u2019 ecological impact, cost saving, quality, reliability, performance and energy efficiency. In this context, the respect of environmental regulations is fundamental to achieve not only a reduction of ecological damage, but also to overall economic profit. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study demonstrates that internal product, internal price, internal promotion, internal process and internal purpose are influencers of service quality, and the latter has a direct relationship with perceived customer satisfaction in Islamic banking.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Relative to the UK, the volume as well as scope (geographical and thematic) of inter-market research in Nigeria are respectively far lower and narrower, thereby producing less information overall. Only a few Nigerian studies provide insights of two or more local markets. There is little or no research on many important market issues and other urban markets in the system. This suggests that inter-market research is relatively undeveloped in Nigeria.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research evaluated the effect of service quality on student satisfaction and word of mouth (WOM). Data were collected from 200 respondents from various business schools, and hypotheses were tested through a quantitative method using partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) with the help of SmartPLS to validate the measurement model.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The empirical analysis shows that media and independent directors on audit committees play a significant positive role in line with agenda setting and agency theories in promoting corporate transparency and disclosure. On the contrary, the boards\u2019 independent directors are risk-averse and hold the information to protect their reputation. Nevertheless, the study does not find any significant influence of media coverage on independent directors\u2019 behaviours in promoting corporate transparency and disclosure.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the construction sector is slow, thereby leaving many opportunities for further development. To enable operators in the construction sector to effectively capitalise on the opportunities to promote the development of CSR in the sector, this study employs the practice viewpoint to take the stock of CSR activities in the sector. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the state of CSR practice in the construction sector. The study also draws from the development of CSR in the manufacturing, mining and banking sectors to inform the state of CSR practice in the construction sector.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Most studies of communication professionals\u2019 competencies have been based on roles or tasks they perform. Little scholarly attention has been paid to competencies that add to developing value-oriented businesses and societies. This paper focuses specifically on how communication professionals can contribute to creating humanistic organisations.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper presents findings of a survey on total quality management (TQM) practices adopted by the Indian manufacturing organizations. The purpose of this paper is to test and establish the relationship between TQM practice and organizational performance (OP). This paper also aims to examine the impact of TQM practices on OP of Indian manufacturing organizations.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship among the air quality index (AQI) of Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region and find countermeasures to control the pollution situation.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results obtained for prioritization of the critical success factors show that experience in technology transfer in the transferee company, the existence of experienced technology transfer managers, sufficient organizational infrastructure and documenting project problems, achievements and experiences are four critical success factors of the technology transfer projects. Considering the long-term and short-term specific goals of the technology transfer process and the choice of technology in line with the company\u2019s commercial strategy are also the critical success factors with the next priorities.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Ghana\u2019s renewable energy consumption is positively influenced by industrialization, but negatively influenced by price, income and financial development in the long run, while in the short run, industrialization and financial development affect renewable energy consumption.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A qualitative approach was adopted, and narrative inquiry was selected as the optimum route to obtaining detailed and rich accounts of the experiences of employees excluded from a talent pool. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with eight employees and seven managers in a small hotel chain in the south of England.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors rely on the secondary data obtained from World Bank\u2019s World Development Indicators for Nigeria, between 1981 and 2014. The non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique is used after examining the unit root properties \u2013 using the augmented Dickey\u2013Fuller and Phillips\u2013Perron methods \u2013 and the long-run relationship \u2013 using the ARDL bounds approach to estimate the asymmetries in the effects of economic growth on the environment.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "DOLS, FMOLS, canonical regression CR and cointegration results suggest a significant negative long-run relationship between IFI and DEM in Pakistan. Rolling windows analysis highlights that DEM has improved IFI in Pakistan from 2008 to 2013.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors have attempted to reveal the impact that transparency and disclosure (T&D) and financial distress (FD) have on the valuation of banks working in India. T&D involves disclosing the firm's operational and financial performance and corporate governance practices. FD is a position in which a company or individual is not in a condition to fulfill their promise of paying their obligations on time.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The importance of the study stems from its context being conducted in Oman as a developing country. In addition, this study is one of the initial attempts to investigate KSB by considering SA, SN and KSI and its applicability on HEI in Oman. The findings of the study can serve as inputs to HEI in developing best practices across KSB dimensions and expanding the knowledge-sharing culture amongst HEI\u2019s students in Oman. One of the developed strategies is the spreading of the knowledge-sharing culture among students by positively directing their attitude towards the practices of knowledge exchange.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper not only proposes a first research in terms of Strategic HRD in Mauritius but also assesses the island\u2019s position as being an HRD leader in Africa. Simultaneously, it provides a tailor-made conceptual framework for Strategic HRD in Mauritius.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings from this study contribute to the knowledge base regarding factors that affect ICT adoption by SME leaders as a business strategy to increase profitability and compete globally, particularly within SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. It further addressed the gap in existing literature regarding other factors such as the influence of culture on ICT adoption, cost of ICT implementation, available ICT skills, infrastructure and ICT knowledge gap as the primary impeding factors of ICT adoption in Nigerian SMEs.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results show that the Musharaka market is stable when Musharaka demand is purchase price elastic and supply is sale price inelastic. It indicates that the current banking industry is unable to increase supply when there is an increase in Musharaka returns. In comparison, industry demand for Musharaka is increasing at a higher rate, corresponding to a decrease in Musharaka price.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results demonstrated that the developed model has a potential to render a synthesized and methodical performance evaluation for the competitive ability of a given construction company. Furthermore, it was found that Vietnamese companies are more considerate towards pillars pertaining to environment and client while Canadian companies are more attentive towards innovation and development. The outcome of sensitivity analysis revealed that effectiveness of cost management highly affects the competitive ability of Vietnamese companies while effectiveness of cost management exhibits the most significant influence on the competitive of Canadian companies.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study concluded that SA has both direct and indirect positive impact on SN, KSI and KSB. Moreover, the result revealed that there is a mediation effect between SA and KSB through KSI, SA and KSI when SN is playing as a mediation role.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Results show that intangibles had a significant impact on firm performance in multiple financial measures. Firms\u2019 intangibles also influence their market capitalization, indicating that the financial markets discount such information in their pricing.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "With the rapid advancement of technology, companies use new technologies to produce their products and services to maintain a competitive advantage. As companies alone cannot research and develop their technologies, they should use knowledge sources outside the organization that may exist throughout the world; hence, organizations need technology transfer. Because the success rate of technology transfer projects is low, the need to accurately assess and investigate the critical success factors of technology transfer projects is felt. In this regard, this study aims to identify and prioritize the critical success factors in technology transfer projects.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to study impacts of changes in crude oil price, money supply, fiscal deficit and effective exchange rate on India\u2019s economic growth (expressing all variables in real term).", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "With the help of a structured questionnaire, total 285 valid responses are analyzed to accomplish the research objectives. The study uses SPSS and partial least square-structural equation modeling techniques in order to conduct analysis. The results of study highlight the importance of attitudinal factors such as awareness and risk. Moreover, the moderating effect of personal characteristics on the relationship between attitude and financial decision making has been found strong instead of firm characteristics.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper finds an oscillation phenomenon previous to chaos in the energy-saving and emission-reduction system. The mechanism of occurrence of oscillation phenomenon is studied. The existence of two unstable saddles is the reason for the occurrence of such oscillation phenomenon. The oscillation is related with fold bifurcation. The study also provides a theoretical basis for the further study of chaos control.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research contributes to the literature by studying and investigating the key variables in knowledge management that affect product/service innovation and by providing a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge management capabilities and innovation in entrepreneurial companies. This research provides academicians with a framework for better understanding of the different factors of knowledge management capabilities and how they affect product/service innovation.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Research shows that most MBA graduating students actually plan to launch their own business, but perception about different issues and constraints refrain them to enter into the entrepreneurial field. The study also shows that policies of government and country\u2019s environment effect entrepreneurship which further effects poverty reduction and economic development. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Originality of the paper lies in testing the influence of TQM practices on organizational performance in a novel context, where most TQM initiatives fail for one reason or another.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors study has considered T&D as an independent variable and FD as a moderating variable to find the interacting impact of T&D and FD on the valuation of banks working in India. No such study has come to the authors' knowledge that has established such a relationship of variables in the study.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In view of the little attention given to inter-market research in Nigeria, this study draws attention to its potential for improving market knowledge by the production of information which has a wider market relevance.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The theoretical and empirical studies worked on the application and suitability of Musharaka financing. However, they failed to explain demand and supply forces in determining the level of Musharaka financing in the economy using empirical data. Without an equilibrium model, policymakers would be unable to predict the movement of the Islamic stock market index (the price of Musharaka financing) and the incidence of Musharaka financing. Further, it is not possible to apply expansionary intervention by policymakers if the stability of the market is unknown.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "CSR is about caring for humans and the planet. The authors have unpacked what and how the human side of CSR operates for business leaders to advance their CHR practices and responsible management learning. The perceived CHR dimensions can guide business leaders to promote multidimensional humanistic behaviors inside and outside workplaces that transcend how to strengthen the humanistic responsibility behaviors of corporations to promote CHR by articulating how the \u201cSocial\u201d aspect of CSR ought to function for employee well-being first.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study may ensure that SMEs are successful and able to create jobs, which in turn may help to promote socioeconomic development through adoption of ICT.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "By 2012, nearly 30% of our sample had JCCs. Three quite distinct categories of an organisation created them, as follows: those with substantial union influence, those where strategic HRM was practiced and recently formed organisations. Remarkably, no interaction effects existed between the three categories.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This will help in improving the means of employing and practising knowledge-sharing strategies within HEIs, which can generate competitive advantages amongst students and institutions while benefiting knowledge management strategies and its members.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Findings showed that women entrepreneurs faced a complex web of challenges among which were access to finance, lack of training leading to lack of technical skills, lack of knowledge of sources of financing and technical support, high competition in the market, marginalisation of women and lack of knowledge of marketing strategies. The key findings were that while women entrepreneurs faced a number of challenges, the legal and regulatory environment in Botswana was highly conducive and supportive of women entrepreneurship and also that customised entrepreneurship education and training offered opportunities for women entrepreneurs to enhance their knowledge and technical skills.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The three most influential criteria were herding bias, loss aversion bias and overconfidence bias. The five most influential sub-criteria were \u201cI readily sell shares that have increased in value (C61),\u201d \u201cNews about the company (Newspapers, TV and magazines) affects my investment decision (C84),\u201d \u201cI invest each element of my investment portfolio separately (C71)\u201d and \u201cI usually hold loosing stock for long time, expecting trend reversal (C52).\u201d", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The present study proposes the structure of Islamic equity-based microfinance models for MSMEs in Libya and verifies the suitability of those proposed models among Libyan experts. To the best of the authors\u2019 knowledge, no study has been conducted on uncovering and exploring the potentials of Islamic equity-based microfinance models for financing MSMEs in Libya.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study provides additional insights into the literature of both intellectual capital and family businesses by analyzing data from an emerging market.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper explores the relevance of inter-market research to improving knowledge in property markets. It focuses on Nigeria's emergent property market which JLL (2018) suggests is information challenged. Given the country's lack of property data management, it is posited that inter-market studies can help to improve information supply and market knowledge. Inter-market research in Nigeria is compared with the UK's established market where such research is a key information source.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study adopts a qualitative research design to explore the impact of COVID-19 on women\u2019s entrepreneurial activities. Seven women entrepreneurs were selected and semi-structured interviews with focused group discussion under case study research design are used. Thereby providing a contemporary view of the issues faced by women entrepreneurs in the period of huge social and economic upheaval.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Psychological contract violations impact employees\u2019 intention to report fraud. These violations need to be understood so that additional measures and safeguards can be instituted when employees are not acting as a fraud defense or detection mechanism. During such times when there is a breakdown in this type of internal control (that is, when employees might be hesitant to report fraud), extra safeguards against fraud, additional procedures to detect fraud, and enhanced employee training encouraging reporting of suspected unethical conduct, become even more important.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research is conducted on the individual equity investors of Punjab, India. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was applied to rank the factors influencing the decision making of individual equity investors of Punjab. The primary factors considered for the study are overconfidence bias, representative bias, anchoring bias, availability bias, regret aversion bias, loss aversion bias, mental accounting bias and herding bias.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The causes of valuation inaccuracy, the approaches, basis and procedures used for value estimation were not profoundly identified in Ethiopia. Particularly, the causes of property valuation inaccuracy for court decisions have not been assiduously studied by scholars. Hence, the ultimate goal of this study aims to identify the determinant variables of valuation inaccuracy, the approaches, basis and procedures used for court execution purposes.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The concept of the REKC, although explored in other contexts such as aggregate renewable energy and in other regions, has not been used to explain the consumption of modern renewable energy in the EAC.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study contributes to the existing regional entrepreneurship literature through introducing the research findings on the importance of government policies and institutions on regional entrepreneurship, besides the role of regional capacities and assets.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study used the grey convex relation model to calculate the grey correlation degree through the AQI of Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang region.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of this study indicate that the total association between institutional quality and entrepreneurship is not only direct but also that rule of law contributes to levels of entrepreneurship through reduced levels of corruption. As a result, countries with higher levels of rule of law tended to experience corruption at lower levels, which in turn contributed to the emergence of increased levels of entrepreneurship. Furthermore, these results may be beneficial for organizations fighting against corruption, because entrepreneurial activity can be add to the group of economical drivers constrained by corruption. It is also beneficial for policy makers who focus on promoting entrepreneurship, since one way to increase entrepreneurial activity is to lower the existing corruption level.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Research in the area of behavioral finance has demonstrated that investors exhibit irrational behavior while making investment decisions. Investor behavior usually deviates from logic and reason, and consequently, investors exhibit various behavioral biases which impact their investment decisions. The purpose of this paper is to rank the behavioral biases influencing the investment decision making of individual equity investors from the state of Punjab, India. This research would provide valuable insight into the different behavioral biases to investors and other participants of the capital market and help them in improving investment decisions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The current study only considered the single proxy for institutional quality, i.e. rule of law; therefore, some other proxies for institutional quality such as government effectiveness and doing business can be used for future studies. Moreover, the proposed model does not control for the country differences like GDP or development stages of countries.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study responds to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most aligned with the SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) by promoting humanistic workplaces with implications for United Nation's Principles for Responsible Management that encourages universities to educate students on humanism concepts in business management.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This is to our knowledge the first study measuring communication networks from the point of view of team members and low-level supervisors in lean implementations. This is also the first study showing that communication patterns change more rapidly in more successful teams, and also that communication pattern changes when implementing lean can be an indicator of success.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper investigates into the human capital\u2013economic growth nexus by arguing that investment in early education and health helps in achieving higher economic growth. Early investment in human capital matters most for economic growth than the increase in human capital over the years.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The construction industry is facing an enormous number of challenges due to continuous advancements in construction technologies and techniques. Hence, construction management theories have to confront critical newly issues concerning market globalization and construction innovations. The key factor to address these challenges is to ameliorate the competitive abilities of the competing construction firms. In this context, measuring competitiveness of construction firms is an efficacious approach to amplify their competitive growth and profitability. To this end, the purpose of this research paper is to design a three-tier multi-criteria decision making model for competitiveness assessment and benchmarking of construction companies, meanwhile tackling a wide range of essential factors and attributes that covers broad aspects of the present competitive market.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A blend of descriptive and causal designs was adopted for the study. Data were collected via structured questionnaire administered to 179 estate surveying and valuation (ESV) firms in the study areas using census sampling technique. Analytical techniques such as median percentage error (PE), mean and relative importance index (RII) analysis were employed in the analysis of data collected for the study.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The analysis demonstrates that greater disclosure and transparency, improved auditing and compliance and better risk management positively affect the financial performance of financial institutions. In terms of significance, the results show that as the level of disclosure and transparency in managerial affairs increases, the performance of financial institutions \u2013 as measured in terms of the quality of loan portfolios, liquidity and profitability \u2013 increases by 0.3046, with the effect being statistically significant at the 1 per cent level. Furthermore, as the level of auditing and the degree of compliance with banking regulations increases, the financial performance of banks improves by 0.3309.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study constructs an index for financial integration using principle component analysis on capital inflows, i.e. FDI, REM, ED, to explore the impact of DEM on IFI in Pakistan from 1975 to 2013. This study investigates for the first time ever the relationship between IFI index and DEM in Pakistan.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Rises in real crude oil price and monetized real fiscal deficits have negative short-run and long-run effects on real economic growth. Increase in real money supply and real effective exchange rate appreciation helps promote real economic growth in both short run and long run. In all cases, there is evidence of net interactive positive feedback effects among the variables in the short run. Real effective exchange rate appreciation dampens exports, but it is helpful to imports of capital goods and crude oil that contribute to economic growth. So, the net effect on the economy may be conjecturally positive.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Strong experimental methods provide a rigorous way to evaluate a problem of our day: job insecurity caused by rampant organizational turbulence. The hidden cost is expressed in terms of how less can be expected of employees as a first line of defense against fraud.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In the context of sustainable development strategies, it is beneficial to explore the path of pedagogical optimization of ethics of science and technology in this study. This includes the maintenance of a good research environment and the realization of a healthy development in the field of science and technology.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The originality lies in the empirical study of CHR. By incorporating the original concepts of humanism/humanistic management and CHR, the authors empirically articulate how CHR may be practically implemented as an elaborated humanistic synthesis for corporations.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The dearth of inter-market research in Nigeria suggests an inadequately researched market. This limits market information, market knowledge, suggests a low market competitiveness with implications for development in view of the role of property in the modern economy.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper succeeded in redefining interval grey number, constructing a novel interval grey number based MADM approach and providing the solution of the proposed approach. It is very useful to solving system forecasting problem and it contributed undoubtedly to improve grey decision-making models.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research model is based on the available literature on behavioral finance and the research results and findings would add value to the existing knowledge base.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "For organizations that need to retain migrant workers, the findings indicate that it is particularly important to take migrant workers\u2019 family needs and their career-related concerns into account. For migrant workers, the study highlights the importance of assessing gains and losses in the process of making turnover-related decisions.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The adoption and use of financial services by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are pivotal in the development of inclusive financial markets. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of attitude on financial decision making of SMEs owner-manager. The attitude of SMEs owner-manager comprises of several factors; however, current study identifies few critical factors such as motivation, awareness and risk in the context of Pakistan. The study also includes the personal and firm characteristics as moderating variables to examine their effect on the relationship between attitude and financial decision making of owner-managers.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "When companies implement lean, (1) teams have a higher frequency of communication among members; (2) teams become more decentralized; (3) teams communicate more with supervisors and (4) supervisors communicate more amongst themselves and collaborate more. Also, (5) better performing teams change more pronouncedly.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to perform a systematic review of the dialectics and telematics strategy for regulating religion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also analyzes some important issues related to religions, state, and society.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study is one of the initial empirical studies in the East Africa context to explore the EDM predictors and the impact of retaliation on the whistleblowing intention.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A literature review was conducted to identify the characteristics of humanistic communication professionals. Thereafter, the extent to which such characteristics have been implemented in competency models in the Netherlands was investigated. This country\u2019s strong tradition of developing competencies for communication professionals has resulted in competency models that serve as standards for professional development.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research provides an extension towards the body of knowledge on the issue, which will be used in future detailed and critical examinations. The focus of the research was on SERVQUAL and how, when and why business schools may spot possible applications that can have an influence on their admissions by WOM.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A dynamic vector error correction model (VECM) together with the impulse response function and variance decomposition are used on data for Mauritius from 1983 to 2019. The paper distinguishes between the short-run and the long-run effects of human capital measured by the pupil\u2013teacher ratio in pre-primary education and life expectancy at birth.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The system dynamics analysis, phase portrait analyses, equilibrium point analysis and bifurcation curve were applied to this paper.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study aims to systematically review the existing literature and develop an understanding of work-life balance (WLB) and its relationship with other forms of work-related behavior and unearth research gaps to recommend future research possibilities and priorities.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This quantitative study uses a deductive approach to explore financial statement-level data of 30 Islamic banks of six countries between 2012 and 2017.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Broadly, the findings of the study would provide some new insights to understand the performance of nurses in the health care sector through the outcomes of the training characteristics. Further, the results would be a way out to make a better quality of health care enhanced with the support of training. It may contribute to the growth in quality of work and improve work productivity by boosting up and uplifting training characteristics. The research arena would enrich the inclusive theoretical framework of performance and contribute to the domain literature and methodological validation.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of \u201cknowledge democracy,\u201d deploying a pluralistic, and cross disciplinary and humanistic critique.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In total, 400 women entrepreneurs of different ages, educational levels and from trades and different geographical locations were selected using a stratified random sampling procedure to participate in the study from ten towns and cities in the country. A structured questionnaire that used a five-point Likert scale was used for data collection. One-way ANOVA, regression analysis and descriptive statistics were used as tools for data analysis.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Data science and information science are twin disciplines by nature. The mission, task and nature of data science are consistent with those of information science. They greatly overlap and share similar concerns. Furthermore, they can complement each other. LIS school should integrate both sciences and develop organizational ambidexterity. Information science can make unique contributions to data science research, including conception of data, data quality control, data librarianship and theory dualism. Document theory, as a promising direction of unified information science, should be introduced to data science to solve the disciplinary divide.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "These findings are particularly significant for managers and policymakers in East Africa, where fear of retaliation and lack of awareness are the main barriers to whistleblowing. The results may help managers develop human resource practices to include policies to support moral behavior. It may also provide insights to the policymakers to understand the factors that facilitate whistleblowing practices and help them to adopt new strategies or policies to stimulate whistleblowing culture.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study has established that FD and T&D have a positive and significant impact on the valuation of firms. The authors also find evidence that T&D significantly impacts the value of firms under the influence of FD.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The empirical findings demonstrate that KOL positively affects both aspects of ambidextrous innovation, namely exploitative innovation (EII) and exploratory innovation (ERI), with a higher effect on EII. Additionally, knowledge management process capability (KMPC) partially mediates the association between KOL and both dimensions of ambidextrous innovation (EII and ERI). Similarly, knowledge management infrastructure capability (KMIC) mediates the link between KOL and ERI but does not mediate the relationship between KOL and EII. The impacts of the KMPC and KMIC on EII are also significantly moderated by TT, although the link between the two components of the KMC (KMPC and KMIC) and ERI is unaffected.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper synthesizes the perspectives of culture, KM and the humanistic philosophy to distil the core component of cultural intelligence and comparatively and thereby illuminating why cross-cultural metacognition acts as ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on micro-businesses owned by women borrowers of microfinance institutions and to provide policy suggestions to assist women entrepreneurs in managing such an unexpected crisis from a qualitative perspective within developing countries such as Pakistan.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The bootstrap mediation results indicated that institutional quality was a significant predictor of corruption and corruption was a significant predictor of entrepreneurship. These findings support the mediation hypothesis. In addition, findings showed that there is a negative relation between corruption and productive entrepreneurship and a positive relation between institutional quality and productive entrepreneurship.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper does not aim to claim the birth of a new domain but call for more research on developing a normative theory of humanitarian knowledge as transcendence of cultures. It implies uncharted territories of great interest and potential for the real impact KM community.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "In a context of growing discontent toward capitalism and the role of business in society, the \u201cEPM\u201d \u2013 discussed in this paper \u2013 shows how business might be run and organized to be socially responsible, contributing to the common good and respecting individual rights and flourishing.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper relied on a survey of 125 respondents of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to understand the interactions and effects of these variables on HMF delivery in Ghana. Descriptive and bivariate statistical methods were used to analyse the data.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research highlights the importance and ways of measurement of intangibles for managers in oil and gas companies and its significance for their firms\u2019 performance.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study suggested that policy makers should focus on the financial awareness of SMEs owner-manager to reduce the negativity of risk factor.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge, this study is limited by the scarcity of the related literature in the Omani context. It is recommended that these shortfalls be addressed together while improving the knowledge-sharing behaviour among students and administrative staff. Furthermore, the potential variation between academic staff and students in terms of factors affecting their intentions to share knowledge within HEIs should be explored.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Although sample survey conducted in the present study was based on a limited sample selected from a particular area that truly represented the total population, it is considered as the limitation of this study.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The current study uncovered the research gaps regarding the systematic review and classifications based on demography, year of publication, the research method used and sector being studied.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings revealed that both internal and external variables motivate MFIs to engage in the low-income housing market. These variables are: MFIs desire for expansion, the potential size of the low-income housing market, the market potential for MFIs growth, the availability of local resources, unique features and products of the market, low-income housing offering an opportunity for leveraging resources and the preference for homeownership than rental among individuals in the low-income segment of the population. However, variables such as capital lock-up in HMF delivery, high-interest rates in the country, high cost and land prices, high cost and price of building materials, lack of sufficient collaterals and the different interest rates required on HMF loans also served as demotivation in the low-income housing market in Ghana.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings provide an in-depth understanding of the IKS landscape in South Africa. The findings and recommendations of this paper would be useful to researchers who wish to know more about digitization efforts in South Africa. It would also be useful to all stakeholders and policymakers.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper is the first of its kind in using empirical data to explore the motivational and demotivational variables in the delivery of HMF in a developing country context such as Ghana.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "It provides input to society in understanding the critical intersection between religion, state, and society.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale to assess the influence of Higher Educational Facilities for the growth of education in higher education institutions.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship among environmental degradation, energy use and economic growth, thus lending a voice to testing the relevance, or otherwise, of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in Nigeria.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "For this research, data were collected through structured questionnaire. Population of this study comprised of all the MBA final semester students of Pakistan. Statistical techniques were used for analysis. ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Providing capital support for the underfunded economy segment, attracting small savings, increasing investments and developing entrepreneurial skills could lead to improved economic productivity and growth.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper points to the research gaps and scope for future research in the area of WLB.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A sample of 20 financial institutions was selected, with ten respondents from each, yielding a total sample size of 200. Principal component analysis (PCA), with inbuilt ability to check for composite reliability, was used to obtain composite indices for the corporate governance indicators as well as the indicators of financial performance, based on a set of questions framed for each institution.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "As an emerging discipline, data science represents a vital new current of school of library and information science (LIS) education. However, it remains unclear how it relates to information science within LIS schools. The purpose of this paper is to clarify this issue.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study offers not only challenges in implementing and sustaining an effective KM system within organisations but also promotes moving the KM literature to the next stage where there is a lack of concern on KM implementation effect on \u201csoft\u201d human issues from the perspectives of employees. This is due to organisations tend to eradicate people\u2019s performance in terms of employee well-being and satisfaction and to the author\u2019s knowledge, this has been largely unexplored in previous research.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of corruption in the relationship between entrepreneurship and institutional quality in a sample of 90 countries from all around the world.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study uses a sample of 22 full-fledged IBs operating in the GCC countries over an 11-year period from 2005 to 2015. Using panel data approach, the paper develops an empirical model consists of five CG mechanisms and three control variables. The model parameters are estimated using feasible generalized least squares framework.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This research embraces a qualitative methodology and makes use of an expert panel method to gather field data and assess the relevance, robustness and applicability of a conceptual model developed in the context of higher education partnerships. Guided by two research questions, the researchers elicited knowledge from eight experts, academics and practitioners, who had initiated and led partnership development between UK higher education institutions. The experts were invited and selected to attend the panel using the criteria of \u201cYears of Experience in the Higher Education sector\u201d, \u201cJob Positions and Experiences\u201d and the \u201cPartnership Scope and Impact\u201d.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors contribute to the history of social innovation in education by exploring the New Harmony community\u2019s education society to uncover the enactment of sustainable social innovation and the origin story of humanistic management education.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The conclusion extracted experiential insights to provide guidance as to how higher education executives, managers and practitioners can make use of knowledge management behavioural constructs and activities to assist collaborative undertakings in the higher education sector. This paper provided a new, modified, knowledge management higher education partnership tree, thus giving researchers and academic practitioners a holistic viewpoint of important partnership knowledge management factors.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The supplier selection problem is a typical MADM problem, in which information of a series of indexes should be aggregated. However, it is relatively easy for decision makers to define information in uncertainty, sometimes as a grey number, rather than a precise number. By transforming linguistic scale of rating supplier selection attributes into interval grey numbers, a novel grey MADM method is developed. Steps of proposed model were provided, and a novel grey possibility degree approach was proposed. Finally, a numerical example of supplier selection is utilized to demonstrate the proposed approach. ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Joint consultative committees (JCCs) involving employee representatives exist to stimulate positive employee relations and unlock employee involvement to build organisational performance. They are rare in Africa. Mauritius is a successful, beacon economy for Africa. We therefore investigate which categories of an organisation implemented the 2008 Mauritian government Code of Practice on JCCs, to discover how effective this \u201csoft law\u201d for of institutional change had been three years after its inception, when post-Code JCCs were formed.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study is a rare and unique empirical study that establishes a link among TQM, MO and OP. The study fulfills need of quality management practice and offers practical implications to Indian managers and motivates further research on the relationship between TQM and OP in Indian manufacturing organizations.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to investigate challenges faced by and opportunities open to women entrepreneurs in Botswana and how entrepreneurship education can boost their knowledge and skills of doing business profitably and contribute to women empowerment.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Compliance with CG Index which is an aggregate of all the CG guidelines is positively and significantly related to firm performance and firm value. Board evaluation is also positively and significantly related to firm performance. The findings suggest that CG guidelines are associated with firm financial performance and firm value.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Religion was one of the social entities that had a crucial effect on the COVID-19 pandemic. The new system in the form of social distancing affects its performance. Furthermore, the response of religion in Indonesia is unique when its status is considered as the largest Islamic country in the world. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze and demonstrate the dynamics of relationships between actors, religion, and state in the process and strategy of religious regulation.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Previous research has put forward the role of religion-related variables, such as religious affiliation and level of religiosity, for views on euthanasia. This study provides a more detailed analysis of the role of belief systems, identifying how different configurational groupings of beliefs lead to a decision grounded in moral and ethical considerations but for which there is an absence of social consensus.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Women can perform as much as men in business if given the necessary support.", "output": "Social implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings imply that the transition to cleaner energy is not a matter of income level alone. Future research should investigate the drivers of other renewable energy consumption and the possible challenges to green finance in Ghana\u2019s financial sector.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This is a multiple-site case study involving four business units of a manufacturing company in South America, including two repeated measurement instances separating 24 months for approximately 600 direct workers and 65 supervisors. The analytical models include social network analysis measures and Ordinary Least Squares regression.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of the current research revealed that all three components of service quality including information quality, teaching quality and service efficiency have a significant impact on student satisfaction. Results also indicated that student satisfaction is significantly linked with WOM which means satisfied students spread positive WOM and recommend the same institution to other students.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Using panel data of 520-firm year\u2019s observations between 2005 and 2014, the authors test the hypothesis that compliance with CG guidelines issued in 2002 by Capital Markets Authority (CMA) improved firm financial performance and firm value.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "First, a simple macroeconomic model is formulated to this effect. Next, linear autoregressive distributed lag procedure and vector error-correction model are applied for growth empirics. Annual data are used from 1977 through 2015.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Given the importance of the MSMEs sector for the State of Libya\u2019s economic growth, it is expected that the findings of this study can be of assistance in formulating guidelines and implementing Islamic equity-based microfinance programs. Besides, it can be a valuable source of information for policymakers for improving the functions of the current microfinance programs in the country. Additionally, as studies concerning Islamic alternative models for financing MSMEs are scarce, the current study can also be a reference point for researchers, academicians, practitioners and other stakeholders.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This paper aims to explore the applicability of Strategic HRD in Mauritius. Additionally, it assesses if Mauritius, with a high HDI factor, can take the lead on Strategic HRD in Africa.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A structured survey questionnaire was developed to collect responses from the record-keepers and archives monitoring staff using a complete enumerative (census) approach. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS 23.0 in addition to structural equation modeling (SEM) run in AMOS 22v.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to fill a gap in the literature, by investigating the relationship between users\u2019 perceptions of the value of the information that they are handling, and their resultant level of compliance with their organisation\u2019s information security policies. In so doing, the authors seek to develop a theory of value-driven information security compliance.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The current study attempts to make a detailed survey of the research work done by the pioneers in the domain WLB and its related aspects. A total of 99 research work has been included in this systematic review. The research works have been classified based on the year of publication, geographical distribution, the methodology used and the sector. The various concepts and components that have made significant contributions, factors that influence WLB, importance and implications are discussed.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "A serious global public health emergency (GPHE) like the COVID-19 aggravates the inequilibrium of medical care and other critical resources between wealthy and poor nations, which, coupled with the collision of cultures, indicates the vital need for developing humanitarian knowledge transcending cultures. Given the scarcity of literature addressing such unprecedent issues, this paper thus proposes new, unconventional viewpoints and future themes at the intersection of knowledge management (KM) and humanitarian inquiry.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study was carried out using a single methodological approach.", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Terminology confusions (e.g. humanism philosophy vs humanistic management) are identified and addressed in bibliometric analyses using the 160 peer-reviewed articles on humanism in management for the duration between 2000 and 2020. Four metrics such as citation analysis, co-citations, bibliographic coupling and keywords co-occurrences are measured.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The overall results showed that the practice of KM in Malaysian organisations typically displays the following two challenges: (1) process and infrastructure issues and (2) cultural issues. Organisational culture remains the main obstacles faced by most of the organisations in adopting KM. As a lesson learnt, managers should also focus on the after-effect of KM programmes on soft human issues such as employees\u2019 satisfaction and well-being.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "To use this approach to customer retention requires companies to amalgamate culture, customer service and CI equally alongside customer focussed leadership, as an underpinning for the ethos of the business.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings of this meta-analysis confirm that WCM is negatively associated with profitability, which means an aggressive WCM policy leads to higher profitability. Overall, and in all the subgroup studies, the cash conversion cycle was found to be negatively associated with profitability.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Owing to the adverse effect of carbon dioxide emission, there have been calls for economies to rely on (cleaner) renewable energy. Although empirical studies on the subject matter abound the conflicting outcome, the less attention paid to combustible renewable and waste, and the little empirical evidence of the effect of financial development and industrialization on renewable energy consumption necessitate further studies. This study aims to examine the drivers of renewable energy consumption for Ghana whose share of renewable energy consumption in the total energy consumption has been reducing over the past decade, with fossil fuel consumption remaining high.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Unlike narrative literature review papers, this meta-analysis provides quantitatively aggregate evidence on the relationship of WCM and firms\u2019 profitability. To the best of authors\u2019 knowledge, no previous meta-analysis paper is published on the topic.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study set up a quasi-natural experiment based on implementing the executive compensation deferral system in the Chinese banking industry. Using the annual panel data of 180 commercial banks in China from 2007 to 2021, this study employed the difference-in-differences (DID) method to conduct an empirical analysis.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The paper discusses, systematizes and interprets an innovative way of understanding management and corporate governance.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Among individuals sharing a Catholic religious affiliation, the authors identify three different configurations of beliefs \u2013 Cultural Catholics (religious beliefs are absent and humanistic beliefs are present), Observant Catholics (religious beliefs are present and humanistic beliefs are irrelevant) and Secular Catholics (both religious beliefs and humanistic beliefs are present).", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The uniqueness of the present study lies in its estimation where the relationship between population aging and HCE is looked at while considering the impact of other environmental factors separately. The causal relationship is shown among the variables using updated econometrics time-series techniques. The study tried to resolve the ambiguity associated with the relationship between aging and HCE at a macro level.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to detail a holistic practice based guiding framework for improving customer retention, which helps companies instil a customer service culture through encouraging them to concentrate on the three key areas of culture, continuous improvement (CI) and customer service.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The research findings showed that knowledge-based infrastructural capabilities are a prerequisite for knowledge-based dynamic capabilities. On the other hand, knowledge combination capabilities have a statistically significant mediating effect between knowledge based infrastructural capabilities and product/service innovation.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this study is to highlight the indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) preservation efforts in South Africa, with a focus on the National Recordal System and the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Documentation Centres (IKSDCs) across South Africa.", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study adopted DSpace, an open-source institutional repository system, to serve as a digital archives system for archiving scanned images, metadata, and full texts to develop the CABDHRP for supporting digital humanities (DH) research. Moreover, the ATAS developed in the CABDHRP used the Node.js framework to implement the system\u2019s front- and back-end services, as well as application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by different databases, such as China Biographical Database (CBDB) and TGAZ, used to retrieve the useful linked data (LD) sources for interpreting ancient texts. Also, Neo4j which is an open-source graph database management system was used to implement the CSNRMT of the CABDHRP. Finally, JavaScript and jQuery were applied to develop a monitoring program embedded in the CABDHRP to record the use processes from humanists based on xAPI (experience API). To understand the research participants\u2019 perception when interpreting the historical texts and characters\u2019 social network relationships with the support of ATAS and CSNRMT, semi-structured interviews with 21 research participants were conducted.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results indicated that both perspectives of technological perceptions and flow experience have effects on satisfaction, which in turn affects continuance usage. Technological perceptions include system quality and information quality, whereas flow experience includes perceived enjoyment and attention focus. Among them, perceived enjoyment has the largest effect on satisfaction. ", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The implementation of CSR is the major emphasis in the state of CSR practice in the construction sector. The implementation of CSR is wrapped in the perception of operators about CSR potentials, dimensions of CSR implemented, strategies for implementation and the effects of the implemented CSR practices on performance. The sector characteristics and organisational structure are attributes for comparing the CSR practices between the construction sector and the manufacturing, mining and banking sectors.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "This study provides a researchers\u2019 view of the state of CSR in the construction sector. Additionally, the study draws from the development of CSR in the manufacturing, mining and banking sectors to inform the state of CSR practice in the construction sector.", "output": "Originality/value", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings show that internal promotion, internal process and internal purpose are enablers of employees\u2019 perceived ability to deliver service quality in the Islamic banking industry of Oman. In addition, service quality was found to have a strong positive influence on perceived customer satisfaction in Islamic banks.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The SOLVER portal and its process map aim to create an interfacing environment between sharers and seekers for shaping customized solutions from past experiences.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings reveal that there are no digital preservation policies in place in the institutions, especially long-term digital preservation for IKS. However, some of the institutions are formulating policies that will include the management of IKS collected in the institutions. This study also reveals that digital curation, policy formulation and disaster preparedness plans to some extent are measures said to be in place for the digital preservation of IKS.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Through the multiple case study research design, data was obtained from eight respondents in four Indigenous Knowledge Systems Documentation Centers (IKSDCs) in institutions that are part of the National Recordal Systems (NRS) initiative across four provinces in South Africa using in-depth face-to-face interviews. Data collected was also supplemented with the content analysis of several policy documents in South Africa.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings can guide the Islamic banking sector in Oman on how internal marketing can foster service quality, ultimately leading to positive perceived customer satisfaction experiences.", "output": "Practical implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Green supply chain management (GSCM) practices have been investigated to better understand their influence on economic performance and corporate competitiveness. After providing a background discussion on Green Logistics and GSCM, the authors have also identified specific research questions that are worthy of investigation, also thorough the DHL case study. The case study analysis has been conducted according to a specific conceptual model (Rao and Holt, 2005), which allows a deeper understanding of literature review results. ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "An online database search was used to collate published intra-market and inter-market research on Nigeria's property market between 2009 and 2019. The inter-market research were thereafter examined as to volume and scope (geographical and thematic) and compared with the UK's.", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The study found that valuation accuracy is greater in the residential property market in Abuja than in Minna, with inappropriate valuation methodology as the most significant cause of valuation inaccuracy.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "There is a concrete need of further research to better understand the potential link between GSCM, green innovation and logistic organizations competitiveness. In fact, this research area still represents a source of interesting challenges for practitioners, academicians and researchers. Concluding, the research findings cannot be generalized to all logistic organizations, even if DHL is on of the most important and globalized logistic companies. Future researches should empirically test the achieved results also through comparative studies based on a large sample. ", "output": "Research limitations/implications", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The findings suggest that, when assigning value to their information, users take into account the views of members of their immediate work-group and the espoused views of their organisation, as well as a variety of contextual factors, relating to culture, ethics and education. Perhaps more importantly, it has been demonstrated that the users\u2019 perception of information value has a marked impact upon their willingness to comply with security policies and protocols.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "Modern renewable energy is crucial for environmental conservation, sustainable economic growth and energy security, especially in developing East African nations that heavily use traditional biomass. Thus, this study aims to examine urbanization and modern renewable energy consumption (MREC) in East African community (EAC) while controlling for gross domestic product (GDP), population growth, foreign direct investment (FDI), industrialization and trade openness (TOP).", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The purpose of this paper is to find out intentions of business graduating students regarding launching their own business, and their perception regarding issues and constraints entrepreneur would encounter after entering into entrepreneurial activities. In addition, it focusses to provide a general understanding regarding entrepreneurship. The study also argues unfriendly policies and environment for entrepreneurship slows down poverty reduction and economic development. ", "output": "Purpose", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The authors followed Sendjaya ", "output": "Design/methodology/approach", "system": "", "history": [] }, { "instruction": "According to the summary text of the field of Humanities and Social sciences given below, determine which part of the summary this text belongs to, and select a category from ['Purpose', 'Design/methodology/approach', 'Findings', 'Research limitations/implications', 'Practical implications', 'Social implications', 'Originality/value'] to output, output the category and nothing else. ", "input": "The results indicate that the proposed Islamic equity-based microfinance models are suitable and applicable in Libya. This study also reveals that the proposed models have numerous potential benefits not only in meeting the financial needs of MSMEs but also in meeting the government objectives in economic divarication and socioeconomic development.", "output": "Findings", "system": "", "history": [] } ]