--- configs: - config_name: main data_files: - split: train path: train.jsonl - split: test path: test.jsonl - split: validation path: val.jsonl license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - text-retrieval language: - en source_datasets: - original pretty_name: QUEST annotations_creators: - wikipedia-sourced size_categories: - 1K`. Augmented queries do not have this field populated. * `scores` - This field is not populated and only used when producing predictions to enable sharing the same data structure. * `metadata` - A dictionary with the following fields: * `template` - The template used to create the query. * `domain` - The domain to which the query belongs. * `fluency` - List of fluency ratings for the query. * `meaning` - List of ratings for whether the paraphrased query meaning is the same as the original query. * `naturalness` - List of naturalness ratings for the query. * `relevance_ratings` - Dictionary mapping document titles to relevance ratings for the document. * `evidence_ratings` - Dictionary mapping document titles to evidence ratings for the document. * `attributions` - Dictionary mapping a document title to its attributions attributions are a list of dictionaries mapping a query substring to a document substring. The document corpus is at https://storage.googleapis.com/gresearch/quest/documents.jsonl. Note that this file is quite large (899MB). The format is newline separated json dicts containing `title` and `text`. ### Citation Information ``` @inproceedings{malaviya23expertqa, title = {QUEST: A Retrieval Dataset of Entity-Seeking Queries with Implicit Set Operations}, author = {Chaitanya Malaviya and Peter Shaw and Ming-Wei Chang and Kenton Lee and Kristina Toutanova}, booktitle = {ACL}, year = {2023}, url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11694" } ```