WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: en-US NOTE Created on 2024-02-07T21:01:05.3475172Z by ClassTranscribe 00:01:52.290 --> 00:01:52.710 Hello. 00:02:25.950 --> 00:02:29.350 Hey, good morning, everybody. 00:02:29.350 --> 00:02:30.740 Hope you had a good weekend. 00:02:33.550 --> 00:02:36.400 Alright, so today we're going to talk 00:02:36.400 --> 00:02:37.320 about Language. 00:02:38.020 --> 00:02:41.310 And there's like three kind of major 00:02:41.310 --> 00:02:43.520 concepts that I'm going to introduce. 00:02:43.520 --> 00:02:45.989 So a lot of, a lot of. 00:02:46.590 --> 00:02:47.600 Content. 00:02:48.220 --> 00:02:51.810 And the first is, the first is like how 00:02:51.810 --> 00:02:54.760 we can represent language as integers 00:02:54.760 --> 00:02:56.670 using Subword tokenization. 00:02:57.500 --> 00:03:00.220 The second is being able to represent 00:03:00.220 --> 00:03:02.110 text as continuous vectors. 00:03:03.060 --> 00:03:05.140 And the Oregon words as continuous 00:03:05.140 --> 00:03:05.690 vectors. 00:03:05.690 --> 00:03:07.300 And the third is a new kind of 00:03:07.300 --> 00:03:08.880 processing called Attention or 00:03:08.880 --> 00:03:09.640 Transformers. 00:03:10.360 --> 00:03:13.100 These are kind of also in order of 00:03:13.100 --> 00:03:16.430 increasing impact or? 00:03:17.120 --> 00:03:19.319 So like when I first learned about 00:03:19.320 --> 00:03:21.126 WordPiece or the bite pair Encoding, 00:03:21.126 --> 00:03:23.670 which is a way that you can represent 00:03:23.670 --> 00:03:25.400 any text with like a fixed size 00:03:25.400 --> 00:03:27.130 Vocabulary, I was like that's a really 00:03:27.130 --> 00:03:27.950 cool idea. 00:03:27.950 --> 00:03:29.579 And then when I first learned about 00:03:29.580 --> 00:03:31.400 Word2Vec, which is a way of 00:03:31.400 --> 00:03:33.890 representing words in a high 00:03:33.890 --> 00:03:36.360 dimensional continuous space instead of 00:03:36.360 --> 00:03:39.320 as like different integers or different 00:03:39.320 --> 00:03:41.550 discrete tokens, it kind of like blew 00:03:41.550 --> 00:03:41.960 my mind. 00:03:41.960 --> 00:03:43.210 I was like, that's crazy. 00:03:43.210 --> 00:03:45.580 Like you'll see that you can add words 00:03:45.580 --> 00:03:46.540 together and then like. 00:03:46.610 --> 00:03:48.300 Some of the words leads to another Word 00:03:48.300 --> 00:03:49.320 which makes sense. 00:03:50.560 --> 00:03:52.520 And then Transformers just kind of 00:03:52.520 --> 00:03:53.370 changed the world. 00:03:53.370 --> 00:03:56.310 So there's a lot of impact in these 00:03:56.310 --> 00:03:57.030 ideas. 00:03:59.200 --> 00:04:01.830 So in the last lecture we talked about 00:04:01.830 --> 00:04:02.840 vision. 00:04:04.500 --> 00:04:07.600 And with vision, you kind of build up 00:04:07.600 --> 00:04:09.480 this representation from pixels to 00:04:09.480 --> 00:04:12.268 texture to essentially groups of groups 00:04:12.268 --> 00:04:13.490 of groups of pixels, right? 00:04:13.490 --> 00:04:16.010 You have a compositional model, and 00:04:16.010 --> 00:04:17.150 that's modeled with. 00:04:18.090 --> 00:04:20.250 With Convolution often. 00:04:20.250 --> 00:04:22.223 So for example if you look at this is 00:04:22.223 --> 00:04:23.885 just a couple of pixels blown up. 00:04:23.885 --> 00:04:25.450 You probably have no idea what it is. 00:04:25.450 --> 00:04:27.335 When you zoom into just a few pixels, 00:04:27.335 --> 00:04:29.300 you can't identify anything. 00:04:30.650 --> 00:04:34.000 If you zoom out a little bit then you 00:04:34.000 --> 00:04:37.286 can probably see some kind of edge and 00:04:37.286 --> 00:04:38.440 a little bit of features. 00:04:38.440 --> 00:04:39.876 Does anyone who doesn't have the slides 00:04:39.876 --> 00:04:41.860 can you recognize what that is? 00:04:44.660 --> 00:04:46.080 No, not yet. 00:04:46.080 --> 00:04:47.980 What eyes? 00:04:50.350 --> 00:04:51.040 Then if you. 00:04:52.230 --> 00:04:54.230 If you zoom out, do you have the slide 00:04:54.230 --> 00:04:55.225 or no? 00:04:55.225 --> 00:04:57.070 Yeah, I said if you don't have the 00:04:57.070 --> 00:04:58.290 slides, if you have the whole slide, 00:04:58.290 --> 00:05:00.190 it's pretty easy because you can see 00:05:00.190 --> 00:05:00.710 the one. 00:05:02.010 --> 00:05:04.643 So you zoom out a little bit more then 00:05:04.643 --> 00:05:05.860 you can kind of you can see it's 00:05:05.860 --> 00:05:06.940 obviously a nose. 00:05:07.980 --> 00:05:10.310 Now you can see it's a raccoon and then 00:05:10.310 --> 00:05:11.730 you can see the whole thing. 00:05:12.810 --> 00:05:15.310 So when we build up, the visual 00:05:15.310 --> 00:05:17.520 representation is building up from 00:05:17.520 --> 00:05:21.060 little little elements raised pixels 00:05:21.060 --> 00:05:23.095 into bigger patterns and bigger 00:05:23.095 --> 00:05:24.870 patterns until it finally makes sense. 00:05:25.740 --> 00:05:27.410 And that's what the convolutional 00:05:27.410 --> 00:05:28.650 networks that we learned about are 00:05:28.650 --> 00:05:29.870 doing you. 00:05:29.870 --> 00:05:32.640 This is Alex net in the early layers 00:05:32.640 --> 00:05:34.710 just correspond to edges and colors, 00:05:34.710 --> 00:05:36.460 and then the next layer, the 00:05:36.460 --> 00:05:38.605 activations correspond to textures, and 00:05:38.605 --> 00:05:40.510 then little subparts, and then parts 00:05:40.510 --> 00:05:43.300 and then eventually objects in scenes. 00:05:44.070 --> 00:05:46.680 And so the deep learning process is 00:05:46.680 --> 00:05:49.600 like a compositional process of putting 00:05:49.600 --> 00:05:51.538 together small elements into bigger 00:05:51.538 --> 00:05:53.180 elements and recognizing patterns out 00:05:53.180 --> 00:05:54.930 of them, and then bringing together 00:05:54.930 --> 00:05:56.700 those patterns and recognizing larger 00:05:56.700 --> 00:05:57.760 patterns and so on. 00:06:00.320 --> 00:06:02.070 So, but now we're going to talk about 00:06:02.070 --> 00:06:02.890 Language. 00:06:04.240 --> 00:06:06.270 And you might think like in language, 00:06:06.270 --> 00:06:07.670 the meaning is already in the words, 00:06:07.670 --> 00:06:08.280 right? 00:06:08.280 --> 00:06:12.780 So if I say cat or dog or running or 00:06:12.780 --> 00:06:14.520 something like that, it evokes like a 00:06:14.520 --> 00:06:17.000 big evokes like a lot of meaning to you 00:06:17.000 --> 00:06:19.240 where a pixel doesn't evolve very evoke 00:06:19.240 --> 00:06:21.070 very much meaning or even a small 00:06:21.070 --> 00:06:21.510 patch. 00:06:22.490 --> 00:06:24.830 And so it might appear that language is 00:06:24.830 --> 00:06:27.200 going to be very easy, that we can use 00:06:27.200 --> 00:06:28.800 straightforward Representations very 00:06:28.800 --> 00:06:29.590 effectively. 00:06:30.780 --> 00:06:32.290 But it's not totally true. 00:06:32.290 --> 00:06:33.920 I mean, it's a little bit true and 00:06:33.920 --> 00:06:36.179 that's, but as you'll see, it's a bit 00:06:36.180 --> 00:06:37.400 more complicated than that. 00:06:38.950 --> 00:06:41.830 So, for example, if we consider this 00:06:41.830 --> 00:06:43.470 sentence on the left, he sat on the 00:06:43.470 --> 00:06:44.260 chair and it broke. 00:06:45.520 --> 00:06:47.265 Which of these is more similar? 00:06:47.265 --> 00:06:50.110 The chair says the department is broke. 00:06:50.110 --> 00:06:52.839 It's option number one or option #2. 00:06:52.840 --> 00:06:54.530 After sitting the seat is broken. 00:06:55.170 --> 00:06:55.620 2nd. 00:06:56.920 --> 00:06:59.450 So probably most of you would say, at 00:06:59.450 --> 00:07:01.050 least semantically, the second one is a 00:07:01.050 --> 00:07:02.210 lot more similar, right? 00:07:02.940 --> 00:07:04.735 But in terms of the words, the first 00:07:04.735 --> 00:07:05.858 one is a lot more similar. 00:07:05.858 --> 00:07:08.790 So in the first one it says includes 00:07:08.790 --> 00:07:09.600 chair, the broke. 00:07:09.600 --> 00:07:12.705 So all the keywords or most of the 00:07:12.705 --> 00:07:13.830 keywords in the sentence are. 00:07:13.830 --> 00:07:15.816 In this first sentence, the chair says 00:07:15.816 --> 00:07:17.100 the department is broke. 00:07:17.770 --> 00:07:20.280 Where the second sentence is only has 00:07:20.280 --> 00:07:22.020 in common the Word the which isn't very 00:07:22.020 --> 00:07:22.910 meaningful. 00:07:22.910 --> 00:07:25.250 So if you were to represent these 00:07:25.250 --> 00:07:28.032 sentences with if you represent the 00:07:28.032 --> 00:07:30.346 words as different integers and then 00:07:30.346 --> 00:07:32.462 you try to compare the similarities of 00:07:32.462 --> 00:07:34.610 these sentences, and especially if you 00:07:34.610 --> 00:07:36.155 also consider the frequency of the 00:07:36.155 --> 00:07:38.327 words in general, then these sentences 00:07:38.327 --> 00:07:39.450 would not match at all. 00:07:39.450 --> 00:07:41.010 They'd be like totally dissimilar 00:07:41.010 --> 00:07:43.087 because they don't have any keywords in 00:07:43.087 --> 00:07:45.649 common where these sentences would be 00:07:45.650 --> 00:07:46.540 pretty similar. 00:07:48.340 --> 00:07:50.380 So it's not that it's not, it's not 00:07:50.380 --> 00:07:51.140 super simple. 00:07:51.140 --> 00:07:52.740 We have to be a little bit careful. 00:07:54.190 --> 00:07:57.690 So one one thing that we have to be 00:07:57.690 --> 00:07:59.900 aware of is that the same Word, and by 00:07:59.900 --> 00:08:02.800 Word I mean a character sequence can 00:08:02.800 --> 00:08:04.540 mean different things. 00:08:04.540 --> 00:08:07.910 So for example chair in the first in 00:08:07.910 --> 00:08:10.370 the sentence on top and chair on the 00:08:10.370 --> 00:08:11.722 second one are different and one case 00:08:11.722 --> 00:08:13.540 it's like something you sit on and the 00:08:13.540 --> 00:08:15.030 other case it's a person that leads the 00:08:15.030 --> 00:08:15.470 department. 00:08:16.910 --> 00:08:17.810 Broke. 00:08:17.810 --> 00:08:21.500 It's either the divided the chair into 00:08:21.500 --> 00:08:23.400 different pieces or out of money, 00:08:23.400 --> 00:08:23.690 right? 00:08:23.690 --> 00:08:24.900 They're totally different meanings. 00:08:26.270 --> 00:08:27.930 You can also have different words that 00:08:27.930 --> 00:08:30.700 mean similar things, so. 00:08:30.900 --> 00:08:35.350 As so for example you could have. 00:08:36.230 --> 00:08:38.603 Sitting and set right, they're very 00:08:38.603 --> 00:08:40.509 different letter sequences, but they're 00:08:40.510 --> 00:08:42.640 both like referring to the same thing, 00:08:42.640 --> 00:08:43.834 or broken broken. 00:08:43.834 --> 00:08:47.035 They're different words, but they are 00:08:47.035 --> 00:08:48.240 very closely related. 00:08:50.090 --> 00:08:52.526 And importantly, the meaning of the 00:08:52.526 --> 00:08:53.890 word depends on the surrounding Word. 00:08:53.890 --> 00:08:55.850 So nobody has any trouble like 00:08:55.850 --> 00:08:57.215 interpreting any of these sentences. 00:08:57.215 --> 00:08:59.030 The third one is like a bit awkward, 00:08:59.030 --> 00:09:01.890 but everyone can interpret them and you 00:09:01.890 --> 00:09:03.370 instantly, you don't have to think 00:09:03.370 --> 00:09:05.086 about it when he's somebody says he sat 00:09:05.086 --> 00:09:06.531 on the chair and it broke you 00:09:06.531 --> 00:09:06.738 immediately. 00:09:06.738 --> 00:09:08.389 When you think of chair, you think of 00:09:08.390 --> 00:09:10.635 something you sit on, and if somebody 00:09:10.635 --> 00:09:12.283 says the chair says the department is 00:09:12.283 --> 00:09:14.166 broke, you don't think of a chair that 00:09:14.166 --> 00:09:16.049 you sit on, you immediately think of a 00:09:16.050 --> 00:09:18.023 person like saying that the 00:09:18.023 --> 00:09:18.940 department's out of money. 00:09:19.350 --> 00:09:21.700 So we reflexively like understand these 00:09:21.700 --> 00:09:25.150 words based on the surrounding words. 00:09:25.150 --> 00:09:26.780 And this simple idea that the Word 00:09:26.780 --> 00:09:28.667 meaning depends on the surrounding 00:09:28.667 --> 00:09:31.060 words is one of the. 00:09:31.640 --> 00:09:34.730 Underlying like key concepts for Word 00:09:34.730 --> 00:09:35.630 Representations. 00:09:40.140 --> 00:09:43.610 So if we want to analyze text, then the 00:09:43.610 --> 00:09:45.170 first thing that we need to do is to 00:09:45.170 --> 00:09:47.889 convert the text into tokens so that 00:09:47.890 --> 00:09:49.780 we're token is going to come up a lot. 00:09:51.150 --> 00:09:53.380 I token is just basically a unit of 00:09:53.380 --> 00:09:53.830 data. 00:09:54.610 --> 00:09:56.715 And so it can be an integer or it can 00:09:56.715 --> 00:09:58.570 be a vector that represents a data 00:09:58.570 --> 00:09:59.130 element. 00:10:00.260 --> 00:10:01.710 It's a unit of processing. 00:10:01.710 --> 00:10:05.380 So you can say that a document, you can 00:10:05.380 --> 00:10:07.063 divide up a document into chunks of 00:10:07.063 --> 00:10:09.243 data and then each of those chunks is a 00:10:09.243 --> 00:10:09.595 token. 00:10:09.595 --> 00:10:12.150 So token is can be used to mean many 00:10:12.150 --> 00:10:13.440 things, but it just means like the 00:10:13.440 --> 00:10:15.350 atomic data element essentially. 00:10:16.320 --> 00:10:18.750 So if you have integer tokens, then the 00:10:18.750 --> 00:10:20.530 values are not continuous. 00:10:20.530 --> 00:10:22.839 So for example, five is no closer to 10 00:10:22.840 --> 00:10:23.970 than it is to 5000. 00:10:23.970 --> 00:10:25.592 They're just different labels. 00:10:25.592 --> 00:10:28.720 They're just separate, separate 00:10:28.720 --> 00:10:29.330 elements. 00:10:30.520 --> 00:10:32.435 If you have Vector tokens, then usually 00:10:32.435 --> 00:10:33.740 those are done in a way so that 00:10:33.740 --> 00:10:34.990 similarity is meaningful. 00:10:34.990 --> 00:10:37.060 So if you take the L2 distance between 00:10:37.060 --> 00:10:39.050 tokens, that gives you a sense of how 00:10:39.050 --> 00:10:41.580 similar that the information is that's 00:10:41.580 --> 00:10:43.660 represented by those tokens, if they're 00:10:43.660 --> 00:10:45.260 vectors, or if or. 00:10:45.260 --> 00:10:46.920 It's also common to do dot Product or 00:10:46.920 --> 00:10:48.210 cosine question. 00:10:49.480 --> 00:10:51.600 Token is an atomic element. 00:10:53.230 --> 00:10:53.620 Smallest. 00:10:56.170 --> 00:10:59.250 Integer tokens are not continuous, so 00:10:59.250 --> 00:11:01.260 they cannot integer token be assigned 00:11:01.260 --> 00:11:03.490 to like a Word as well as a phrase in 00:11:03.490 --> 00:11:04.390 some situations? 00:11:04.390 --> 00:11:06.940 Or is it always the Word which I'm 00:11:06.940 --> 00:11:09.700 assuming is like the smallest possible? 00:11:10.860 --> 00:11:13.630 So the question is whether integer can 00:11:13.630 --> 00:11:16.410 be assigned to a phrase or something 00:11:16.410 --> 00:11:17.370 bigger than a Word. 00:11:17.370 --> 00:11:19.075 It could potentially. 00:11:19.075 --> 00:11:21.072 So that's all. 00:11:21.072 --> 00:11:24.819 In your first you typically have like 3 00:11:24.820 --> 00:11:26.750 layers of representation in a language 00:11:26.750 --> 00:11:27.226 system. 00:11:27.226 --> 00:11:29.790 The first layer is that you take a text 00:11:29.790 --> 00:11:31.346 sequence and you break it up into 00:11:31.346 --> 00:11:31.673 integers. 00:11:31.673 --> 00:11:33.650 And as I'll discuss, there's like many 00:11:33.650 --> 00:11:35.040 ways of doing that. 00:11:35.040 --> 00:11:37.270 One way is called Cent piece, in which 00:11:37.270 --> 00:11:39.416 case you can actually have tokens or 00:11:39.416 --> 00:11:40.149 integers that. 00:11:40.200 --> 00:11:42.530 Bridge common words, so like I am, 00:11:42.530 --> 00:11:43.950 might be represented with a single 00:11:43.950 --> 00:11:44.340 token. 00:11:45.380 --> 00:11:48.772 And the then from those integers, then 00:11:48.772 --> 00:11:50.430 you have a mapping to continuous 00:11:50.430 --> 00:11:52.227 vectors that's called the Embedding. 00:11:52.227 --> 00:11:54.485 And then from that Embedding you have 00:11:54.485 --> 00:11:57.035 like a bunch of processing usually, 00:11:57.035 --> 00:11:58.940 usually now using Transformers or 00:11:58.940 --> 00:12:01.440 Attention models, that is then 00:12:01.440 --> 00:12:03.300 producing your final representation and 00:12:03.300 --> 00:12:04.070 prediction. 00:12:07.730 --> 00:12:09.760 So let's look at the different ways. 00:12:09.760 --> 00:12:11.400 So first we're going to talk about how 00:12:11.400 --> 00:12:13.430 we can map words into integers. 00:12:13.430 --> 00:12:17.270 So we'll mention three ways of doing 00:12:17.270 --> 00:12:17.500 that. 00:12:18.140 --> 00:12:21.480 So one way is that we just. 00:12:22.230 --> 00:12:25.770 We dulaney each word with a space 00:12:25.770 --> 00:12:25.970 South. 00:12:25.970 --> 00:12:28.900 We divide characters according to like 00:12:28.900 --> 00:12:29.530 spaces. 00:12:30.140 --> 00:12:32.530 And for each unique character string, 00:12:32.530 --> 00:12:35.190 after doing that to some document, we 00:12:35.190 --> 00:12:36.830 assign it to a different integer. 00:12:36.830 --> 00:12:39.230 And usually when we do this, we would 00:12:39.230 --> 00:12:41.410 say that we're going to represent up to 00:12:41.410 --> 00:12:43.660 say 30,000 or 50,000 words. 00:12:44.370 --> 00:12:45.840 And we're only going to assign the most 00:12:45.840 --> 00:12:48.010 frequent words to integers, and 00:12:48.010 --> 00:12:50.290 anything else will be like have a 00:12:50.290 --> 00:12:52.680 special token, unk or unknown. 00:12:54.250 --> 00:12:57.511 So in this case chair would be assigned 00:12:57.511 --> 00:12:59.374 to 1 integer though would be assigned 00:12:59.374 --> 00:13:00.856 to another integer, says would be 00:13:00.856 --> 00:13:02.380 assigned to another integer and so on. 00:13:03.540 --> 00:13:07.630 What is one advantage of this method? 00:13:09.260 --> 00:13:10.630 Yeah, it's pretty simple. 00:13:10.630 --> 00:13:12.080 That's a big advantage. 00:13:12.080 --> 00:13:13.410 What's another advantage? 00:13:25.150 --> 00:13:26.150 Maybe, yeah. 00:13:26.150 --> 00:13:28.600 Memory saving, yeah, could be. 00:13:29.570 --> 00:13:31.970 Maybe the other advantages won't be so 00:13:31.970 --> 00:13:34.190 clear unless I make them in comparison 00:13:34.190 --> 00:13:36.860 to others, but what's one disadvantage? 00:13:38.090 --> 00:13:38.870 It's hard to tell. 00:13:38.870 --> 00:13:41.910 Alright, sorry, go ahead. 00:13:42.910 --> 00:13:44.690 All the other ones, because they're the 00:13:44.690 --> 00:13:47.080 large variation of what others are 00:13:47.080 --> 00:13:48.230 considered, they're all bunch of 00:13:48.230 --> 00:13:48.720 important. 00:13:48.720 --> 00:13:51.260 So that might be more like I guess, on 00:13:51.260 --> 00:13:53.170 Accuracy, because you bundle all 00:13:53.170 --> 00:13:54.150 unknowns into one. 00:13:54.150 --> 00:13:56.270 A lot of them could be nouns, only a 00:13:56.270 --> 00:13:58.580 small could be very than the adjectives 00:13:58.580 --> 00:13:59.240 and whatnot. 00:13:59.240 --> 00:14:01.910 That's what like affective or excluded. 00:14:02.360 --> 00:14:05.200 So that's one big disadvantage is that 00:14:05.200 --> 00:14:06.280 you might end up with a bunch of 00:14:06.280 --> 00:14:09.140 unknowns and there could be lots of 00:14:09.140 --> 00:14:10.160 those potentially. 00:14:10.160 --> 00:14:10.930 What was yours? 00:14:11.040 --> 00:14:11.510 Another. 00:14:13.390 --> 00:14:15.410 This Word have different integers and 00:14:15.410 --> 00:14:17.320 they're comparing this Norm will not 00:14:17.320 --> 00:14:18.250 making any sense. 00:14:19.620 --> 00:14:20.590 Comparing what? 00:14:20.590 --> 00:14:22.590 The integers? 00:14:22.590 --> 00:14:24.110 You can't compare the integers to each 00:14:24.110 --> 00:14:24.400 other. 00:14:25.610 --> 00:14:26.780 That's true. 00:14:26.780 --> 00:14:30.280 So here's what here's what I have in 00:14:30.280 --> 00:14:32.430 terms of just pure as a strategy of 00:14:32.430 --> 00:14:33.730 mapping words to integers. 00:14:33.730 --> 00:14:36.160 So that problem of that the integers 00:14:36.160 --> 00:14:37.990 are not comparable will be the case for 00:14:37.990 --> 00:14:39.553 all three of these methods, but it will 00:14:39.553 --> 00:14:41.750 be fixed in the next section. 00:14:42.830 --> 00:14:44.960 So Pros simple. 00:14:46.250 --> 00:14:49.290 Another Pro is that words do have like 00:14:49.290 --> 00:14:50.940 a fair amount of meaning in them, so 00:14:50.940 --> 00:14:53.380 you can, for example, if you have full 00:14:53.380 --> 00:14:55.700 documents, you can represent them as 00:14:55.700 --> 00:14:56.970 counts of the different words. 00:14:57.830 --> 00:14:59.520 And then you can use those counts to 00:14:59.520 --> 00:15:02.420 retrieve other documents or to try to 00:15:02.420 --> 00:15:04.410 classify a spam or something like that, 00:15:04.410 --> 00:15:05.750 and it will work fairly well. 00:15:05.750 --> 00:15:06.530 It's not terrible. 00:15:07.610 --> 00:15:09.860 So a Word by a Word on its own, often 00:15:09.860 --> 00:15:10.370 as a meaning. 00:15:10.370 --> 00:15:12.090 Now, sometimes it can have more than 00:15:12.090 --> 00:15:14.325 one meaning, but for the most, for the 00:15:14.325 --> 00:15:15.630 most part, it's pretty meaningful. 00:15:17.640 --> 00:15:19.405 There's also some big disadvantages. 00:15:19.405 --> 00:15:22.755 So as one was raised that many words 00:15:22.755 --> 00:15:25.347 will map to unknown and you might not 00:15:25.347 --> 00:15:28.078 like if you say I have a 30,000 word 00:15:28.078 --> 00:15:29.380 dictionary, you might think that's 00:15:29.380 --> 00:15:31.350 quite a lot, but it's not that much 00:15:31.350 --> 00:15:35.220 because all the different forms of each 00:15:35.220 --> 00:15:36.640 Word will be mapped to different 00:15:36.640 --> 00:15:37.450 tokens. 00:15:37.450 --> 00:15:39.830 And so you actually have like a huge 00:15:39.830 --> 00:15:42.470 potential dictionary if there's names, 00:15:42.470 --> 00:15:45.690 unusual words like anachronism. 00:15:45.740 --> 00:15:46.700 Or numbers. 00:15:46.700 --> 00:15:48.210 All of those will get mapped to 00:15:48.210 --> 00:15:48.820 unknown. 00:15:49.840 --> 00:15:51.790 So that can create some problems. 00:15:51.790 --> 00:15:54.220 You need a really large vocabulary, so 00:15:54.220 --> 00:15:56.420 if you want to try to have not too many 00:15:56.420 --> 00:15:57.490 unknowns, then you need. 00:15:57.490 --> 00:15:58.860 You might even need like hundreds of 00:15:58.860 --> 00:16:01.470 thousands of dictionary elements. 00:16:02.430 --> 00:16:04.000 And Vocabulary. 00:16:04.000 --> 00:16:06.010 That's basically the set of things that 00:16:06.010 --> 00:16:07.930 you're representing. 00:16:07.930 --> 00:16:10.380 So it's like this set of like character 00:16:10.380 --> 00:16:11.880 combinations that you'll map to 00:16:11.880 --> 00:16:12.820 different integers. 00:16:14.040 --> 00:16:15.710 And then and then. 00:16:15.710 --> 00:16:17.430 It also doesn't model the similarity of 00:16:17.430 --> 00:16:18.390 related words. 00:16:18.390 --> 00:16:20.820 Broken, broken, which was another point 00:16:20.820 --> 00:16:22.440 brought up. 00:16:22.440 --> 00:16:25.340 So very similar strings get mapped to 00:16:25.340 --> 00:16:26.650 different integers, and there are no 00:16:26.650 --> 00:16:28.260 more similar than any other integers. 00:16:30.530 --> 00:16:32.990 Another extreme that we could do is to 00:16:32.990 --> 00:16:35.180 map each character to an integer. 00:16:36.520 --> 00:16:38.660 So it's as simple as that. 00:16:38.660 --> 00:16:42.230 There's 256 bytes and each Byte is 00:16:42.230 --> 00:16:44.346 represented as a different number. 00:16:44.346 --> 00:16:47.370 And you could like use a reduced 00:16:47.370 --> 00:16:49.670 Vocabulary of justice, like of letters 00:16:49.670 --> 00:16:51.730 and numbers and punctuation, but at 00:16:51.730 --> 00:16:53.140 most you have 256. 00:16:53.920 --> 00:16:56.330 So what is the upside of this idea? 00:16:59.190 --> 00:16:59.900 That that's not. 00:17:02.560 --> 00:17:04.080 So this is even simpler. 00:17:04.080 --> 00:17:05.550 This is like the simplest thing you can 00:17:05.550 --> 00:17:05.705 do. 00:17:05.705 --> 00:17:07.040 You don't even have to look at 00:17:07.040 --> 00:17:09.140 frequencies to select your Vocabulary. 00:17:10.960 --> 00:17:11.380 What else? 00:17:11.380 --> 00:17:13.040 What's another big advantage? 00:17:13.040 --> 00:17:14.160 Can anyone think of another one? 00:17:16.630 --> 00:17:18.760 I really words into a. 00:17:21.340 --> 00:17:24.670 So every single, yeah, like any text 00:17:24.670 --> 00:17:25.500 can be mapped. 00:17:25.500 --> 00:17:27.090 With this, you'll have no unknowns, 00:17:27.090 --> 00:17:27.410 right? 00:17:27.410 --> 00:17:28.700 Because it's covering, because 00:17:28.700 --> 00:17:30.390 everything basically maps to bytes. 00:17:30.390 --> 00:17:32.850 So you can represent anything this way, 00:17:32.850 --> 00:17:34.530 and in fact you can represent other 00:17:34.530 --> 00:17:37.030 modalities as well, yeah. 00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:40.250 Like you said, broken, broken Example. 00:17:40.250 --> 00:17:41.950 Those two were just similar and now 00:17:41.950 --> 00:17:44.100 they'll be actually similar. 00:17:44.100 --> 00:17:45.140 That's right. 00:17:45.140 --> 00:17:47.040 So if you have words that are have 00:17:47.040 --> 00:17:48.930 similar meanings and similar sequences 00:17:48.930 --> 00:17:51.440 of strings, then they'll be like more 00:17:51.440 --> 00:17:52.610 similarly represented. 00:17:53.480 --> 00:17:54.910 What's the disadvantage of this 00:17:54.910 --> 00:17:55.610 approach? 00:17:59.510 --> 00:18:01.340 So the. 00:18:01.740 --> 00:18:03.810 So it's too long, so there's, so that's 00:18:03.810 --> 00:18:06.690 the main disadvantage and also that 00:18:06.690 --> 00:18:07.830 the. 00:18:08.600 --> 00:18:10.390 That I token by itself isn't very 00:18:10.390 --> 00:18:12.320 meaningful, which means that it takes a 00:18:12.320 --> 00:18:14.526 lot more like processing or kind of 00:18:14.526 --> 00:18:16.666 like understanding to make use of this 00:18:16.666 --> 00:18:17.800 kind of representation. 00:18:17.800 --> 00:18:20.030 So if I give you a document and I say 00:18:20.030 --> 00:18:22.251 it has like this many S's and this many 00:18:22.251 --> 00:18:24.218 A's and this many B's like you're going 00:18:24.218 --> 00:18:25.530 to, you're not going to have any idea 00:18:25.530 --> 00:18:26.808 what that means. 00:18:26.808 --> 00:18:29.570 And in general like you need to, then 00:18:29.570 --> 00:18:31.410 you need to consider like jointly 00:18:31.410 --> 00:18:33.180 sequences of characters in order to 00:18:33.180 --> 00:18:34.606 make any sense of it, which means that 00:18:34.606 --> 00:18:36.970 you need like a much more complicated 00:18:36.970 --> 00:18:38.720 kind of processing and representation. 00:18:40.180 --> 00:18:42.650 So I think everything was basically 00:18:42.650 --> 00:18:43.360 mentioned. 00:18:43.360 --> 00:18:46.420 Small Vocabulary, so you could probably 00:18:46.420 --> 00:18:48.925 do less than 100 integers, but at most 00:18:48.925 --> 00:18:52.190 256 simple you can represent any 00:18:52.190 --> 00:18:52.920 document. 00:18:55.210 --> 00:18:58.980 Similar words with will have similar 00:18:58.980 --> 00:19:01.140 sequences, but the count of tokens 00:19:01.140 --> 00:19:02.420 isn't meaningful, and the character 00:19:02.420 --> 00:19:03.380 sequences are long. 00:19:04.770 --> 00:19:06.310 So now finally we've reached the middle 00:19:06.310 --> 00:19:09.300 ground, which is Subword tokenization, 00:19:09.300 --> 00:19:11.980 so mapping each Subword to an integer. 00:19:12.220 --> 00:19:16.300 And so now basically it means that you 00:19:16.300 --> 00:19:20.210 map blocks of frequent characters to 00:19:20.210 --> 00:19:22.340 integers, but those don't necessarily 00:19:22.340 --> 00:19:23.633 need to be a full Word. 00:19:23.633 --> 00:19:25.840 That can be, and with something like 00:19:25.840 --> 00:19:27.290 centerpiece, they can even be more than 00:19:27.290 --> 00:19:29.420 one word that are commonly like put 00:19:29.420 --> 00:19:29.870 together. 00:19:31.430 --> 00:19:32.120 Question. 00:19:34.410 --> 00:19:35.770 If we were mapping based on. 00:19:39.320 --> 00:19:43.815 So at could be 1 integer and then CMB 00:19:43.815 --> 00:19:45.820 could would be another in that case. 00:19:46.700 --> 00:19:47.370 Like 1 Word. 00:19:49.130 --> 00:19:51.630 So Word gets like spread divided into 00:19:51.630 --> 00:19:53.300 multiple integers potentially. 00:19:55.470 --> 00:19:58.460 So for this you can model. 00:19:58.940 --> 00:20:01.490 You can again model any document 00:20:01.490 --> 00:20:03.640 because this will start out as just as 00:20:03.640 --> 00:20:05.220 the Byte representation and then you 00:20:05.220 --> 00:20:07.611 form like groups of bytes and you keep 00:20:07.611 --> 00:20:09.553 you keep like your leaf node 00:20:09.553 --> 00:20:11.507 Representations as well or your Byte 00:20:11.507 --> 00:20:11.830 Representations. 00:20:12.550 --> 00:20:15.220 So you can represent any Word this way, 00:20:15.220 --> 00:20:16.720 but then common words will be 00:20:16.720 --> 00:20:19.960 represented as whole integers and less 00:20:19.960 --> 00:20:22.030 common words will be broken up into a 00:20:22.030 --> 00:20:25.130 set of chunks and also like parts of 00:20:25.130 --> 00:20:26.340 different parts of speech. 00:20:26.340 --> 00:20:29.782 So jump jumped and jumps might be like 00:20:29.782 --> 00:20:33.420 jump followed by Ed or S or. 00:20:34.340 --> 00:20:37.110 Or just the end of the Word. 00:20:39.080 --> 00:20:41.220 Now, the only disadvantage of this is 00:20:41.220 --> 00:20:42.650 that you need to solve for the good 00:20:42.650 --> 00:20:44.290 Subword tokenization, and it's a little 00:20:44.290 --> 00:20:46.070 bit more complicated than just counting 00:20:46.070 --> 00:20:49.550 words or just using characters straight 00:20:49.550 --> 00:20:49.650 up. 00:20:51.500 --> 00:20:53.530 So if we compare these Representations, 00:20:53.530 --> 00:20:55.130 I'll talk about the algorithm for it in 00:20:55.130 --> 00:20:55.470 a minute. 00:20:55.470 --> 00:20:56.880 It's actually pretty simple Algorithm. 00:20:58.040 --> 00:20:59.480 So we if we look at these 00:20:59.480 --> 00:21:02.400 Representations, we can compare them in 00:21:02.400 --> 00:21:03.670 different ways. 00:21:03.670 --> 00:21:05.830 So first, just in terms of 00:21:05.830 --> 00:21:07.670 representation, if we take the chairs 00:21:07.670 --> 00:21:09.880 broken, the character representation 00:21:09.880 --> 00:21:11.480 will just divide it into all the 00:21:11.480 --> 00:21:12.390 characters. 00:21:12.390 --> 00:21:14.817 Subword might represent it as Ch. 00:21:14.817 --> 00:21:17.442 That means that there's Ch and 00:21:17.442 --> 00:21:18.446 something after it. 00:21:18.446 --> 00:21:20.126 And the compound error means that 00:21:20.126 --> 00:21:21.970 there's something before the air. 00:21:21.970 --> 00:21:24.440 So chair is broken. 00:21:25.480 --> 00:21:27.460 So it's divided into 4 sub words here. 00:21:28.100 --> 00:21:29.780 And the Word representation is just 00:21:29.780 --> 00:21:31.460 that you'd have a different integer for 00:21:31.460 --> 00:21:31.980 each word. 00:21:31.980 --> 00:21:33.466 So what I mean by these is that for 00:21:33.466 --> 00:21:34.940 each of these things, between a comma 00:21:34.940 --> 00:21:36.310 there would be a different integer. 00:21:38.100 --> 00:21:40.130 The Vocabulary Size for characters 00:21:40.130 --> 00:21:41.370 would be up to 256. 00:21:41.370 --> 00:21:44.222 For Sub words it typically be 4K to 00:21:44.222 --> 00:21:44.640 50K. 00:21:44.640 --> 00:21:47.390 So GPT for example is 50K. 00:21:48.390 --> 00:21:51.140 But if I remember is like 30 or 40K. 00:21:52.740 --> 00:21:55.670 And Word Representations. 00:21:56.380 --> 00:22:00.470 Are usually you do at least 30 K so 00:22:00.470 --> 00:22:04.700 generally like GPT being 50K is because 00:22:04.700 --> 00:22:05.800 they're trying to model all the 00:22:05.800 --> 00:22:07.050 languages in the world. 00:22:07.620 --> 00:22:10.010 And even if you're modeling English, 00:22:10.010 --> 00:22:11.620 you would usually need a Vocabulary of 00:22:11.620 --> 00:22:13.730 at least 30 K to do the Word 00:22:13.730 --> 00:22:14.710 representation. 00:22:15.400 --> 00:22:18.530 So the so the green means that it's an 00:22:18.530 --> 00:22:20.190 advantage, red is a disadvantage. 00:22:21.950 --> 00:22:23.500 Then if we look at the Completeness. 00:22:24.140 --> 00:22:27.310 So the character in Subword are perfect 00:22:27.310 --> 00:22:28.480 because they can represent all 00:22:28.480 --> 00:22:32.070 Language, but the word is the word 00:22:32.070 --> 00:22:33.320 representation is Incomplete. 00:22:33.320 --> 00:22:34.880 There'll be lots of things marked to 00:22:34.880 --> 00:22:35.820 map to unknown. 00:22:38.140 --> 00:22:39.570 If we think about the independent 00:22:39.570 --> 00:22:42.530 meaningfulness, the characters are bad 00:22:42.530 --> 00:22:44.200 because the letters by themselves don't 00:22:44.200 --> 00:22:45.040 mean anything. 00:22:45.040 --> 00:22:46.410 They're kind of like pixels. 00:22:46.410 --> 00:22:50.060 The Subword is pretty good, so often it 00:22:50.060 --> 00:22:53.000 will be mapped to like single words, 00:22:53.000 --> 00:22:54.710 but some words will be broken up. 00:22:55.460 --> 00:22:57.950 And the word is pretty good. 00:23:00.030 --> 00:23:01.820 And then if we look at sequence length 00:23:01.820 --> 00:23:03.710 then the characters gives you the 00:23:03.710 --> 00:23:05.570 longest sequence so it represent a 00:23:05.570 --> 00:23:06.140 document. 00:23:06.140 --> 00:23:08.780 It will be 1 integer per character. 00:23:08.780 --> 00:23:12.170 Sub words are medium on average when in 00:23:12.170 --> 00:23:14.860 practice people have about 1.4 tokens 00:23:14.860 --> 00:23:17.590 per Word, so many common words will be 00:23:17.590 --> 00:23:19.960 represented with a single token, but 00:23:19.960 --> 00:23:22.645 some words will be broken up and the 00:23:22.645 --> 00:23:26.130 word is the shortest sequence shorter 00:23:26.130 --> 00:23:28.030 than a Subword tokenization. 00:23:30.260 --> 00:23:32.740 And in terms of Encoding Word 00:23:32.740 --> 00:23:35.020 similarity, the characters encodes it 00:23:35.020 --> 00:23:35.610 somewhat. 00:23:35.610 --> 00:23:37.260 Subword I would say is a little better 00:23:37.260 --> 00:23:38.850 because something like broke and broken 00:23:38.850 --> 00:23:42.220 would be like the same, include the 00:23:42.220 --> 00:23:44.310 same Subword plus one more. 00:23:44.310 --> 00:23:46.887 So it's like a shorter way that encodes 00:23:46.887 --> 00:23:50.030 that common the common elements and the 00:23:50.030 --> 00:23:51.890 Word doesn't Encode it at all. 00:23:55.940 --> 00:24:00.520 Now let's see how we can how we can 00:24:00.520 --> 00:24:01.724 learn this Subword Tokenizer. 00:24:01.724 --> 00:24:04.236 So how do we break up chunks of 00:24:04.236 --> 00:24:04.550 characters? 00:24:04.550 --> 00:24:07.270 How do we break up like a text 00:24:07.270 --> 00:24:09.040 documents into chunks of characters so 00:24:09.040 --> 00:24:10.500 that we can represent each chunk with 00:24:10.500 --> 00:24:11.070 an integer? 00:24:11.860 --> 00:24:13.705 The algorithm is really simple. 00:24:13.705 --> 00:24:15.728 It's basically called byte pair 00:24:15.728 --> 00:24:18.800 encoding and all the other like Subword 00:24:18.800 --> 00:24:21.240 tokenization ONS are just like kind of 00:24:21.240 --> 00:24:23.120 tweaks on this idea. 00:24:23.120 --> 00:24:25.810 For example whether you whether you 00:24:25.810 --> 00:24:27.780 first like divide into words using 00:24:27.780 --> 00:24:29.810 spaces or whether you like force 00:24:29.810 --> 00:24:32.360 punctuation to be its own thing. 00:24:32.360 --> 00:24:34.750 But they all use despite pair Encoding. 00:24:34.750 --> 00:24:37.720 The basic idea is that you start with a 00:24:37.720 --> 00:24:39.490 character, assigned it to a unique 00:24:39.490 --> 00:24:41.730 token, so you'll start with 256. 00:24:41.790 --> 00:24:44.930 Tokens, and then you iteratively assign 00:24:44.930 --> 00:24:46.910 a token to the most common pair of 00:24:46.910 --> 00:24:49.490 consecutive tokens until you reach your 00:24:49.490 --> 00:24:50.540 maximum size. 00:24:51.310 --> 00:24:55.760 So as an example, if I have these if my 00:24:55.760 --> 00:24:57.720 initial array of characters is this 00:24:57.720 --> 00:24:59.580 aaabdaaabac? 00:24:59.630 --> 00:25:00.500 PAC. 00:25:01.340 --> 00:25:05.010 Then my most common pair is just a EI 00:25:05.010 --> 00:25:05.578 mean AA. 00:25:05.578 --> 00:25:09.190 So I just replace that by another new 00:25:09.190 --> 00:25:09.940 integer. 00:25:09.940 --> 00:25:11.610 I'm just Representing that by Z. 00:25:11.610 --> 00:25:14.390 So I say aha is. 00:25:14.390 --> 00:25:16.520 Now I'm going to replace all my ahas 00:25:16.520 --> 00:25:17.370 with Z's. 00:25:17.370 --> 00:25:19.498 So this AA becomes Z. 00:25:19.498 --> 00:25:21.199 This AA becomes Z. 00:25:22.670 --> 00:25:26.320 My most common pair is AB. 00:25:26.320 --> 00:25:27.650 There's two abs. 00:25:28.770 --> 00:25:30.300 And sometimes there's ties, and then 00:25:30.300 --> 00:25:31.800 you just like arbitrarily break the 00:25:31.800 --> 00:25:32.130 tie. 00:25:33.030 --> 00:25:35.720 But now I can Replace AB by Y and so 00:25:35.720 --> 00:25:38.186 now I say Y is equal to AB, Z is equal 00:25:38.186 --> 00:25:40.970 to A and I replace all the ABS by's. 00:25:42.290 --> 00:25:46.310 And then my most common pair is ZY and 00:25:46.310 --> 00:25:49.230 so I can replace Y by X and I say X 00:25:49.230 --> 00:25:53.040 equals ZY and now I have this like 00:25:53.040 --> 00:25:53.930 shorter sequence. 00:25:55.560 --> 00:25:56.860 So you can use this for. 00:25:56.860 --> 00:25:58.540 I think it was first proposed for 00:25:58.540 --> 00:26:01.360 justice compression, but here we 00:26:01.360 --> 00:26:02.470 actually want to. 00:26:02.470 --> 00:26:04.500 We care about this dictionary as like a 00:26:04.500 --> 00:26:05.780 way of representing the text. 00:26:08.190 --> 00:26:10.200 Question even though. 00:26:13.650 --> 00:26:15.540 Painter finding is not that easy. 00:26:22.850 --> 00:26:25.860 And it's actually even easier for 00:26:25.860 --> 00:26:28.470 computers I would say, because as 00:26:28.470 --> 00:26:30.030 humans we can do it with a character 00:26:30.030 --> 00:26:30.905 string this long. 00:26:30.905 --> 00:26:33.070 But if you have like a 100 billion 00:26:33.070 --> 00:26:34.790 length character string, then trying to 00:26:34.790 --> 00:26:37.450 find the most common 2 character pairs 00:26:37.450 --> 00:26:38.396 would be hard. 00:26:38.396 --> 00:26:40.605 But for I'll show you the algorithm in 00:26:40.605 --> 00:26:40.890 a minute. 00:26:40.890 --> 00:26:42.520 It's actually not complicated. 00:26:42.520 --> 00:26:44.850 You just iterate through the characters 00:26:44.850 --> 00:26:45.830 and you Count. 00:26:45.830 --> 00:26:48.340 You create a dictionary for each unique 00:26:48.340 --> 00:26:48.930 pair. 00:26:49.030 --> 00:26:51.370 And you count them and then you do 00:26:51.370 --> 00:26:52.910 argmax, so. 00:26:53.620 --> 00:26:57.590 And then so then if I have some string 00:26:57.590 --> 00:26:59.330 like this So what would this represent 00:26:59.330 --> 00:27:00.810 here X ZD? 00:27:11.190 --> 00:27:13.600 So first, what X maps to what? 00:27:15.140 --> 00:27:15.720 OK. 00:27:15.720 --> 00:27:20.850 And then, so I'll have zyzz D and then. 00:27:21.710 --> 00:27:22.550 So. 00:27:25.270 --> 00:27:28.160 Yeah, so right. 00:27:28.160 --> 00:27:28.630 Yep. 00:27:28.630 --> 00:27:32.622 So this becomes a, this becomes AB, and 00:27:32.622 --> 00:27:33.708 this becomes a. 00:27:33.708 --> 00:27:35.560 So AA BA ad. 00:27:36.900 --> 00:27:37.750 So it's easy. 00:27:37.750 --> 00:27:39.845 It's pretty fast to like go. 00:27:39.845 --> 00:27:42.040 So Learning this tokenization takes 00:27:42.040 --> 00:27:42.500 some time. 00:27:42.500 --> 00:27:44.840 But then once you have it, it's fast to 00:27:44.840 --> 00:27:46.690 map into it, and then it's also fast to 00:27:46.690 --> 00:27:48.300 decompress spec into the original 00:27:48.300 --> 00:27:48.870 characters. 00:27:51.560 --> 00:27:55.140 So this is the basic idea of what's 00:27:55.140 --> 00:27:57.210 called the WordPiece Tokenizer. 00:27:57.210 --> 00:28:00.455 So this was first proposed by Sennrich 00:28:00.455 --> 00:28:02.450 and then I think it was wood all that 00:28:02.450 --> 00:28:04.120 gave it the name WordPiece. 00:28:04.120 --> 00:28:05.896 But they just say we did what Sennrich 00:28:05.896 --> 00:28:08.390 did and these papers are both from 00:28:08.390 --> 00:28:09.300 2016. 00:28:10.750 --> 00:28:12.890 So this is like the Algorithm from the 00:28:12.890 --> 00:28:15.731 Sennrich paper, and basically the 00:28:15.731 --> 00:28:18.198 algorithm is just you just go. 00:28:18.198 --> 00:28:20.603 You have like this get stats, which is 00:28:20.603 --> 00:28:22.960 that you create a dictionary, a hash 00:28:22.960 --> 00:28:25.835 table of all pairs of characters. 00:28:25.835 --> 00:28:28.755 For each you go through for each word, 00:28:28.755 --> 00:28:31.572 and for each character and your Word 00:28:31.572 --> 00:28:34.610 you add account for each pair of your 00:28:34.610 --> 00:28:36.170 of characters that you see. 00:28:37.080 --> 00:28:39.720 And then you do best is you get the 00:28:39.720 --> 00:28:42.980 most common pair that you saw in your 00:28:42.980 --> 00:28:45.800 in your in your document or your set of 00:28:45.800 --> 00:28:46.400 documents. 00:28:47.120 --> 00:28:49.652 And then you Merge, which merging means 00:28:49.652 --> 00:28:50.740 that you Replace. 00:28:50.740 --> 00:28:53.180 Anytime you see that pair, you replace 00:28:53.180 --> 00:28:54.760 it by the new token. 00:28:55.800 --> 00:28:57.530 And. 00:28:58.340 --> 00:29:00.230 And then you repeat so then you keep on 00:29:00.230 --> 00:29:00.956 doing that. 00:29:00.956 --> 00:29:02.880 So it takes some time because you have 00:29:02.880 --> 00:29:04.600 to keep looping through your document 00:29:04.600 --> 00:29:07.580 for every single every token that you 00:29:07.580 --> 00:29:08.530 want to add. 00:29:08.530 --> 00:29:10.540 And it's not usually just by document. 00:29:10.540 --> 00:29:12.130 I don't mean that it's like a Word 00:29:12.130 --> 00:29:14.510 document, it's often Wikipedia or 00:29:14.510 --> 00:29:16.640 something like it's a big set of text. 00:29:17.550 --> 00:29:20.273 But it's a pretty simple algorithm, and 00:29:20.273 --> 00:29:22.989 it's not like you do it once and then 00:29:22.990 --> 00:29:24.280 you're done, and then other people can 00:29:24.280 --> 00:29:25.560 use this representation. 00:29:27.760 --> 00:29:28.510 So. 00:29:29.540 --> 00:29:31.060 So you can try it. 00:29:31.060 --> 00:29:33.750 So in this sentence, your cat cannot do 00:29:33.750 --> 00:29:35.130 the, can he? 00:29:36.100 --> 00:29:37.880 What is the? 00:29:37.880 --> 00:29:40.930 What's the first pair that you would 00:29:40.930 --> 00:29:42.450 add a new token for? 00:29:45.520 --> 00:29:47.485 So it could be CA. 00:29:47.485 --> 00:29:48.470 So then. 00:29:49.190 --> 00:29:50.810 So CA would. 00:29:50.810 --> 00:29:54.710 Then I would Replace say CA by I'll 00:29:54.710 --> 00:29:54.920 just. 00:29:55.800 --> 00:29:56.390 Whoops. 00:29:58.190 --> 00:30:00.300 It didn't do any advance, but I'll type 00:30:00.300 --> 00:30:00.680 it here. 00:30:01.710 --> 00:30:03.600 So let's try CAI think there's actually 00:30:03.600 --> 00:30:05.270 2 correct answers, but. 00:30:06.400 --> 00:30:09.890 XTX Xnnot. 00:30:10.680 --> 00:30:15.543 Do the X and this is a little tricky. 00:30:15.543 --> 00:30:17.630 This would it depends how you delimit, 00:30:17.630 --> 00:30:20.660 but assuming that if you do not if you 00:30:20.660 --> 00:30:23.030 delimited by spaces then this would 00:30:23.030 --> 00:30:25.240 this would be fine. 00:30:26.300 --> 00:30:30.130 So here's the here's the did you say 00:30:30.130 --> 00:30:30.680 CA? 00:30:30.680 --> 00:30:31.260 Is that what you said? 00:30:32.780 --> 00:30:35.050 OK, so it depends on. 00:30:35.050 --> 00:30:35.973 It depends. 00:30:35.973 --> 00:30:37.819 So often I forgot. 00:30:37.820 --> 00:30:42.490 One detail that I forgot is that you 00:30:42.490 --> 00:30:45.176 often represent like the start of the 00:30:45.176 --> 00:30:46.370 word or the end of the Word. 00:30:47.250 --> 00:30:50.210 So in the case of like Jet makers, feud 00:30:50.210 --> 00:30:52.240 over seat width with big orders at 00:30:52.240 --> 00:30:52.640 stake. 00:30:53.500 --> 00:30:56.700 It breaks it up into J, but this 00:30:56.700 --> 00:30:58.895 leading character means that J is at 00:30:58.895 --> 00:31:00.127 the start of a Word. 00:31:00.127 --> 00:31:01.950 So you represent like whether a letter 00:31:01.950 --> 00:31:03.480 is at the start of a word or not, so 00:31:03.480 --> 00:31:05.140 that you can tell whether you're like 00:31:05.140 --> 00:31:06.200 going into a new Word. 00:31:07.450 --> 00:31:10.980 So this is like JT under score makers, 00:31:10.980 --> 00:31:13.565 so that's like a whole Word and then 00:31:13.565 --> 00:31:16.840 under score FEUD under score over under 00:31:16.840 --> 00:31:19.060 score, C width and then all these 00:31:19.060 --> 00:31:20.680 common words get their own tokens. 00:31:21.820 --> 00:31:23.930 And so in this case, if we do it the 00:31:23.930 --> 00:31:26.450 same way then basically. 00:31:27.750 --> 00:31:30.150 We start with the first thing that we 00:31:30.150 --> 00:31:30.540 do. 00:31:31.770 --> 00:31:34.010 Is basically do this. 00:31:36.730 --> 00:31:40.570 Cannot do the can. 00:31:41.520 --> 00:31:43.190 Can he? 00:31:48.010 --> 00:31:48.670 And. 00:31:51.490 --> 00:31:51.860 Yeah. 00:31:56.740 --> 00:32:00.210 So let's do it one more time. 00:32:00.210 --> 00:32:00.963 So let's. 00:32:00.963 --> 00:32:02.790 So what is the most common pair now? 00:32:07.980 --> 00:32:16.210 Let's see, 123451234 OK yeah, it is. 00:32:17.010 --> 00:32:17.920 So now I get. 00:32:18.710 --> 00:32:19.660 Your. 00:32:23.010 --> 00:32:23.600 Ynot. 00:32:29.380 --> 00:32:31.640 It's a special bike, yeah. 00:32:31.640 --> 00:32:33.720 So it's like its own bite to represent 00:32:33.720 --> 00:32:33.970 that. 00:32:33.970 --> 00:32:35.950 Like this is basically start of Word. 00:32:36.580 --> 00:32:38.520 And then you get into the. 00:32:39.310 --> 00:32:41.055 And then you get into the characters of 00:32:41.055 --> 00:32:41.480 the Word. 00:32:49.180 --> 00:32:51.220 We have the special bite and then the. 00:32:52.480 --> 00:32:54.800 This could be a group, yeah? 00:32:54.800 --> 00:32:56.810 So you could Merge that like a Word 00:32:56.810 --> 00:32:58.510 often starts with this, essentially. 00:33:01.420 --> 00:33:04.310 Yeah, X and where? 00:33:06.100 --> 00:33:06.520 So for. 00:33:07.940 --> 00:33:09.240 Yeah. 00:33:09.240 --> 00:33:10.045 What did I mean? 00:33:10.045 --> 00:33:10.440 Yeah. 00:33:10.440 --> 00:33:10.810 Thanks. 00:33:11.570 --> 00:33:11.950 That's. 00:33:13.670 --> 00:33:14.180 OK, good. 00:33:14.910 --> 00:33:16.450 Alright, so what's the next one? 00:33:20.950 --> 00:33:24.330 So let's see, there's 1234. 00:33:27.930 --> 00:33:31.250 I think yeah, so it's a tie, right? 00:33:31.250 --> 00:33:32.290 But let's go with XN. 00:33:32.290 --> 00:33:34.610 So it looks like it could be Xnnot or 00:33:34.610 --> 00:33:35.930 it could be under score X. 00:33:36.790 --> 00:33:39.860 But let's do XN and I'll call it a. 00:33:41.300 --> 00:33:46.130 Y so Y not do the. 00:33:47.810 --> 00:33:48.450 Why? 00:33:52.780 --> 00:33:53.650 Yeah. 00:33:55.280 --> 00:33:55.780 Early morning. 00:33:59.040 --> 00:34:00.210 Why? 00:34:01.950 --> 00:34:06.600 Why he OK? 00:34:07.950 --> 00:34:09.530 So I think you get the idea. 00:34:09.530 --> 00:34:10.740 And then you keep doing that. 00:34:10.740 --> 00:34:12.140 Now I'm just doing it with one 00:34:12.140 --> 00:34:14.023 sentence, but again, you'd usually be 00:34:14.023 --> 00:34:16.929 doing it with like a GB of text, so it 00:34:16.930 --> 00:34:19.059 wouldn't be like so. 00:34:20.320 --> 00:34:20.970 Contrived. 00:34:25.260 --> 00:34:26.110 So the main. 00:34:26.190 --> 00:34:30.865 The so this is the basic Algorithm. 00:34:30.865 --> 00:34:32.880 In practice there's often like tweaks 00:34:32.880 --> 00:34:33.260 to it. 00:34:33.260 --> 00:34:35.560 So for example in cent piece you allow 00:34:35.560 --> 00:34:37.720 like different words to be merged 00:34:37.720 --> 00:34:39.770 together because you don't like 00:34:39.770 --> 00:34:41.200 delimited by spaces first. 00:34:42.160 --> 00:34:44.290 Often another thing that's often done 00:34:44.290 --> 00:34:46.700 is that you say that the punctuation 00:34:46.700 --> 00:34:49.560 has to be separate, so that dog with a 00:34:49.560 --> 00:34:51.630 period, dog with a question mark, and 00:34:51.630 --> 00:34:53.350 dog with a comma don't get all mapped 00:34:53.350 --> 00:34:54.330 to different tokens. 00:34:55.200 --> 00:34:58.410 And then there's also sometimes people 00:34:58.410 --> 00:35:00.020 do like a forward and backward pass. 00:35:00.020 --> 00:35:01.110 See Merge. 00:35:02.160 --> 00:35:03.690 And then you. 00:35:04.530 --> 00:35:06.480 And then you can check to see it's a 00:35:06.480 --> 00:35:08.230 greedy algorithm, so you can check to 00:35:08.230 --> 00:35:10.040 see if like some pairs are like not 00:35:10.040 --> 00:35:12.260 needed anymore, and then you can remove 00:35:12.260 --> 00:35:14.060 them and then fill in those tokens. 00:35:14.060 --> 00:35:15.930 But those are all kind of like 00:35:15.930 --> 00:35:17.720 implementation details that are not too 00:35:17.720 --> 00:35:19.240 critical question. 00:35:21.880 --> 00:35:25.360 So if you start with 256 and then 00:35:25.360 --> 00:35:27.590 you're going up to 40,000 for example, 00:35:27.590 --> 00:35:28.940 then it would be almost 40,000. 00:35:28.940 --> 00:35:30.020 So it would be. 00:35:30.020 --> 00:35:32.010 You'd do it for everyone, Merge for 00:35:32.010 --> 00:35:33.200 every new token that you need to 00:35:33.200 --> 00:35:33.730 create. 00:35:35.160 --> 00:35:38.220 So for in the literature, typically 00:35:38.220 --> 00:35:40.600 it's like 30,000 to 50,000 is your 00:35:40.600 --> 00:35:41.770 dictionary Size. 00:35:42.970 --> 00:35:43.340 00:35:49.210 --> 00:35:51.000 So that's Subword tokenization. 00:35:51.000 --> 00:35:54.036 So you map groups of characters in 00:35:54.036 --> 00:35:54.830 integers so that. 00:35:54.830 --> 00:35:56.430 Then you can represent any text as a 00:35:56.430 --> 00:35:58.180 sequence of integers, and the text is 00:35:58.180 --> 00:35:59.030 fully represented. 00:35:59.800 --> 00:36:01.240 But there still isn't like a really 00:36:01.240 --> 00:36:02.450 good way to represent the code 00:36:02.450 --> 00:36:03.310 similarity, right? 00:36:03.310 --> 00:36:04.810 Because you'll end up with like these 00:36:04.810 --> 00:36:08.150 30,000 or 40,000 integers, and there's 00:36:08.150 --> 00:36:09.920 no like relationship between those 00:36:09.920 --> 00:36:10.197 integers. 00:36:10.197 --> 00:36:12.610 Like 4 is not anymore similar to five 00:36:12.610 --> 00:36:14.760 than it is to like 6000. 00:36:16.220 --> 00:36:19.402 So the next idea to try to Encode the 00:36:19.402 --> 00:36:21.802 meaning of the word in a continuous 00:36:21.802 --> 00:36:24.230 Vector, or the meaning of Subword in a 00:36:24.230 --> 00:36:24.850 continuous Vector. 00:36:24.850 --> 00:36:26.530 So first we'll just look at it in terms 00:36:26.530 --> 00:36:27.010 of words. 00:36:28.940 --> 00:36:31.290 And the main idea is to try to learn 00:36:31.290 --> 00:36:33.170 these vectors based on the surrounding 00:36:33.170 --> 00:36:33.700 words. 00:36:34.970 --> 00:36:38.760 So this actually this idea first became 00:36:38.760 --> 00:36:41.120 popular before Subword tokenization 00:36:41.120 --> 00:36:42.233 became popular. 00:36:42.233 --> 00:36:44.540 So it was just operating on full words. 00:36:44.540 --> 00:36:47.160 And one of the key papers is this paper 00:36:47.160 --> 00:36:47.970 Word2Vec. 00:36:48.740 --> 00:36:53.440 And in Word2Vec, for each word you 00:36:53.440 --> 00:36:55.020 solve for some kind of continuous 00:36:55.020 --> 00:36:57.110 representation and they have two 00:36:57.110 --> 00:36:58.160 different ways to do that. 00:36:58.160 --> 00:37:00.065 Essentially you're just trying to 00:37:00.065 --> 00:37:02.700 predict either predict the given like 00:37:02.700 --> 00:37:04.054 say 5 words in a row. 00:37:04.054 --> 00:37:05.913 You either predict the center Word 00:37:05.913 --> 00:37:07.280 given the surrounding words. 00:37:07.990 --> 00:37:09.940 Or you try to predict the surrounding 00:37:09.940 --> 00:37:11.460 words given the center words. 00:37:12.460 --> 00:37:15.660 So in this one, the center bag of words 00:37:15.660 --> 00:37:18.390 I think it is you say that the. 00:37:18.970 --> 00:37:20.949 That you've got first you've got for 00:37:20.950 --> 00:37:23.650 each integer you have some projection 00:37:23.650 --> 00:37:25.980 into for example 100 dimensional 00:37:25.980 --> 00:37:26.460 Vector. 00:37:27.550 --> 00:37:29.940 And then you take your training set and 00:37:29.940 --> 00:37:32.417 divide it up into sets of five words. 00:37:32.417 --> 00:37:35.430 If your window size is, if your T is 2, 00:37:35.430 --> 00:37:37.633 so that your window size is 5. 00:37:37.633 --> 00:37:40.290 And then you say that the center Word 00:37:40.290 --> 00:37:44.930 should be as close to the sum of the 00:37:44.930 --> 00:37:47.380 surrounding words as possible in this 00:37:47.380 --> 00:37:48.580 Vector representation. 00:37:49.260 --> 00:37:51.170 And then you just do like some kind of 00:37:51.170 --> 00:37:53.026 like I think these RMS prop, but some 00:37:53.026 --> 00:37:54.290 kind of like gradient descent, 00:37:54.290 --> 00:37:56.410 subgradient descent to optimize your 00:37:56.410 --> 00:37:58.250 Word vectors under this constraint. 00:37:59.740 --> 00:38:01.684 The other method is called Skip gram. 00:38:01.684 --> 00:38:04.960 So in Skip gram you also divide your 00:38:04.960 --> 00:38:07.390 document into like series of some 00:38:07.390 --> 00:38:08.995 number of words. 00:38:08.995 --> 00:38:11.299 But instead you and again you like 00:38:11.300 --> 00:38:12.636 project your center Word. 00:38:12.636 --> 00:38:14.473 But then based on that projection you 00:38:14.473 --> 00:38:16.200 then again have a linear mapping to 00:38:16.200 --> 00:38:18.300 each of your other words that tries to 00:38:18.300 --> 00:38:20.841 predict which other Word comes, like 2 00:38:20.841 --> 00:38:23.479 tokens before 1 token before or one 00:38:23.479 --> 00:38:25.125 token after two tokens after. 00:38:25.125 --> 00:38:26.772 So this is Skip gram. 00:38:26.772 --> 00:38:28.910 So in this case the average of the 00:38:28.910 --> 00:38:30.430 surrounding words in your Vector 00:38:30.430 --> 00:38:32.220 representation should be the same as 00:38:32.220 --> 00:38:32.970 the center Word. 00:38:33.380 --> 00:38:35.010 In this case, the center Word should 00:38:35.010 --> 00:38:37.340 predict what the linear model after 00:38:37.340 --> 00:38:39.130 it's projected into this Vector 00:38:39.130 --> 00:38:40.155 representation. 00:38:40.155 --> 00:38:43.860 The surrounding words and this can also 00:38:43.860 --> 00:38:46.390 be solved using subgradient descent. 00:38:46.390 --> 00:38:50.150 So these take on the order of like a 00:38:50.150 --> 00:38:51.940 day or two to process typically. 00:38:53.840 --> 00:38:54.420 Question. 00:38:55.570 --> 00:38:55.940 Different. 00:38:58.210 --> 00:38:59.490 Complete their values. 00:39:00.640 --> 00:39:02.710 For example like Skip crap like we have 00:39:02.710 --> 00:39:03.110 to work. 00:39:03.110 --> 00:39:04.210 I don't know, like table. 00:39:05.590 --> 00:39:07.420 The first sentence like the last 00:39:07.420 --> 00:39:09.360 sentence but the probability of the 00:39:09.360 --> 00:39:10.770 Word surrounding the Word table in the. 00:39:12.570 --> 00:39:13.270 It would be different. 00:39:16.510 --> 00:39:17.716 Right. 00:39:17.716 --> 00:39:20.129 Yeah, right. 00:39:20.130 --> 00:39:21.400 So the probability of a Word would 00:39:21.400 --> 00:39:26.310 depend on its on its neighbors and what 00:39:26.310 --> 00:39:28.050 we're trying to do here is we're trying 00:39:28.050 --> 00:39:29.190 to essentially. 00:39:30.060 --> 00:39:31.980 Under that model, where we say that the 00:39:31.980 --> 00:39:33.950 probability of a Word depend depends on 00:39:33.950 --> 00:39:36.140 its neighbors, we're trying to find the 00:39:36.140 --> 00:39:38.130 best continuous representation of each 00:39:38.130 --> 00:39:40.630 word so that likelihood is maximized 00:39:40.630 --> 00:39:42.700 for our training documents. 00:39:48.610 --> 00:39:50.820 So at the end of this you replace each 00:39:50.820 --> 00:39:53.000 word by some fixed length continuous 00:39:53.000 --> 00:39:53.775 Vector. 00:39:53.775 --> 00:39:56.590 And these vectors can predict Word 00:39:56.590 --> 00:39:59.850 relationships, so they test like the 00:39:59.850 --> 00:40:04.050 ability to predict different kinds of 00:40:04.050 --> 00:40:06.085 words based on surrounding text or to 00:40:06.085 --> 00:40:08.230 predict different analogies using this 00:40:08.230 --> 00:40:09.320 representation. 00:40:09.320 --> 00:40:12.710 So it's best to just go ahead and share 00:40:12.710 --> 00:40:13.270 that. 00:40:13.430 --> 00:40:16.280 So what I mean is that for example if 00:40:16.280 --> 00:40:18.865 you take the Word mappings, this is for 00:40:18.865 --> 00:40:22.330 300 dimensional Word vectors for like 00:40:22.330 --> 00:40:23.670 for these different words here. 00:40:24.440 --> 00:40:28.810 And you mathematically do pairs minus 00:40:28.810 --> 00:40:31.350 France plus Italy, then the closest 00:40:31.350 --> 00:40:32.910 Word to that will be Rome. 00:40:33.900 --> 00:40:37.320 Or if you do Paris, if you do Paris 00:40:37.320 --> 00:40:39.806 minus France plus Japan, then the 00:40:39.806 --> 00:40:41.570 closest Word will be Tokyo. 00:40:41.570 --> 00:40:44.119 Or if you do pairs minus France plus 00:40:44.120 --> 00:40:46.459 Florida, then the closest Word will be 00:40:46.460 --> 00:40:47.300 Tallahassee. 00:40:48.690 --> 00:40:50.550 And it works with lots of things. 00:40:50.550 --> 00:40:51.270 So if you do like. 00:40:52.070 --> 00:40:54.889 CU minus copper plus zinc, then you get 00:40:54.890 --> 00:40:55.600 ZN. 00:40:55.600 --> 00:40:58.470 Or if you do France minus Sarkozy plus 00:40:58.470 --> 00:41:00.070 Berlusconi, you get Italy. 00:41:00.770 --> 00:41:02.230 Or Einstein. 00:41:02.230 --> 00:41:04.470 Scientist minus Einstein, plus Messi, 00:41:04.470 --> 00:41:05.560 you get midfielder. 00:41:06.840 --> 00:41:07.920 So it learns. 00:41:07.920 --> 00:41:10.200 It learns the relationships of these 00:41:10.200 --> 00:41:12.230 words in an additive way. 00:41:13.690 --> 00:41:17.860 And there's a cool demo here that I'll 00:41:17.860 --> 00:41:18.085 show. 00:41:18.085 --> 00:41:20.070 There's actually 2 demos, one of them 00:41:20.070 --> 00:41:21.300 I'm not going to do in class. 00:41:22.190 --> 00:41:24.950 But it kind of like explains more like 00:41:24.950 --> 00:41:26.950 how you train the Word Tyvek 00:41:26.950 --> 00:41:27.810 representation. 00:41:28.730 --> 00:41:29.720 And then? 00:41:34.200 --> 00:41:36.240 This one is. 00:41:40.770 --> 00:41:42.550 This one is like visualizing. 00:41:56.170 --> 00:41:58.340 It takes a little bit of time to 00:41:58.340 --> 00:41:59.360 download the model. 00:42:02.190 --> 00:42:04.300 So it's going to show is like. 00:42:04.300 --> 00:42:07.030 It's gonna show initially some set of 00:42:07.030 --> 00:42:09.140 words like represented in a 3D space. 00:42:09.140 --> 00:42:12.350 They projected the Word2Vec dimensions 00:42:12.350 --> 00:42:13.770 down into 3 axes. 00:42:14.690 --> 00:42:16.990 And then you can add additional words 00:42:16.990 --> 00:42:19.410 in that space and see where they lie 00:42:19.410 --> 00:42:22.250 compared to other words, and you can 00:42:22.250 --> 00:42:24.530 create your own analogies. 00:42:36.930 --> 00:42:38.830 So I was going to take a 2 minute break 00:42:38.830 --> 00:42:40.766 after showing you this, but let's take 00:42:40.766 --> 00:42:42.750 a 2 minute break now, and then I'll 00:42:42.750 --> 00:42:44.220 show it to you and you can try to think 00:42:44.220 --> 00:42:45.710 of analogies that you might want to 00:42:45.710 --> 00:42:46.260 see. 00:42:47.790 --> 00:42:50.020 It took like a couple minutes last time 00:42:50.020 --> 00:42:51.630 I downloaded it on my phone, but. 00:42:52.800 --> 00:42:53.980 Maybe it always takes a couple of 00:42:53.980 --> 00:42:54.430 minutes. 00:42:56.130 --> 00:42:58.110 Count ask something involved a back 00:42:58.110 --> 00:42:59.950 that propagate in the. 00:43:01.080 --> 00:43:05.510 In the multi layer perception, I want 00:43:05.510 --> 00:43:07.930 to copy some of functioning of torch. 00:43:07.930 --> 00:43:13.810 So Forward is just putting the vectors 00:43:13.810 --> 00:43:18.480 into the into the weights and getting 00:43:18.480 --> 00:43:22.790 the result by sequential step so. 00:43:23.730 --> 00:43:26.070 How to how do we backtrack some 00:43:26.070 --> 00:43:30.270 something from the Result so the loss 00:43:30.270 --> 00:43:33.350 and update the weight into the 00:43:33.350 --> 00:43:34.120 previously? 00:43:36.040 --> 00:43:36.580 Typically. 00:43:38.790 --> 00:43:40.480 And so the. 00:43:41.080 --> 00:43:46.110 So mathematically it's by the chain 00:43:46.110 --> 00:43:47.510 rule and the partial derivatives. 00:43:49.550 --> 00:43:52.540 Algorithmically, you. 00:43:52.980 --> 00:43:55.300 You compute the gradient for each 00:43:55.300 --> 00:43:57.680 previous layer, and then the gradient 00:43:57.680 --> 00:43:59.995 for the layer below that will be like 00:43:59.995 --> 00:44:01.760 the gradient of the subsequent layer 00:44:01.760 --> 00:44:05.110 times like how much that each weight 00:44:05.110 --> 00:44:06.409 influence that gradient. 00:44:08.090 --> 00:44:08.780 00:44:10.890 --> 00:44:13.510 I go ahead and I can't draw it that 00:44:13.510 --> 00:44:14.060 quickly, but. 00:44:15.780 --> 00:44:17.770 Attention 20 like that just means. 00:44:21.840 --> 00:44:22.750 Simple models. 00:44:22.750 --> 00:44:24.030 So let. 00:44:24.030 --> 00:44:26.430 Let's say that we use Radu. 00:44:26.430 --> 00:44:28.320 So this will. 00:44:28.320 --> 00:44:30.350 This will work as. 00:44:31.720 --> 00:44:32.670 Loss here. 00:44:33.420 --> 00:44:36.310 And how can we update the weight here? 00:44:38.000 --> 00:44:39.070 This process. 00:44:39.480 --> 00:44:40.340 And. 00:44:41.080 --> 00:44:41.530 Kind of. 00:44:41.860 --> 00:44:42.390 Connected. 00:44:44.240 --> 00:44:44.610 90. 00:44:45.310 --> 00:44:47.690 So here you would compute the gradient 00:44:47.690 --> 00:44:52.370 of the error with respect to the output 00:44:52.370 --> 00:44:54.976 here and then you can compute the 00:44:54.976 --> 00:44:56.676 partial derivative of that with respect 00:44:56.676 --> 00:44:57.567 to this weight. 00:44:57.567 --> 00:45:00.540 And then you take like you subtract 00:45:00.540 --> 00:45:02.450 that partial derivative time some step 00:45:02.450 --> 00:45:03.540 size from the weight. 00:45:05.410 --> 00:45:07.489 I'm sorry, this usually takes like 20 00:45:07.490 --> 00:45:09.360 or 30 minutes to explain, so it's hard 00:45:09.360 --> 00:45:11.790 to cover it really quickly. 00:45:11.790 --> 00:45:13.896 That's OK alright, I'm going to let 00:45:13.896 --> 00:45:16.220 this keep Downloading I guess, and go 00:45:16.220 --> 00:45:17.603 on and I'll try to keep. 00:45:17.603 --> 00:45:18.737 I'll come back to it. 00:45:18.737 --> 00:45:20.130 I don't know, it's taking even longer 00:45:20.130 --> 00:45:21.555 than it took on my phone, but it did. 00:45:21.555 --> 00:45:23.160 I did test that it works, so hopefully 00:45:23.160 --> 00:45:25.770 it will wait, there's something. 00:45:25.770 --> 00:45:27.370 No, it's still downloading the model. 00:45:27.370 --> 00:45:29.060 Let me just check. 00:45:31.390 --> 00:45:32.140 Relationship. 00:45:35.210 --> 00:45:36.340 That doesn't look good. 00:45:38.470 --> 00:45:40.020 Let's try refreshing. 00:45:42.200 --> 00:45:43.850 No, come on. 00:45:47.890 --> 00:45:48.820 Maybe if I go here. 00:45:49.520 --> 00:45:50.270 12. 00:45:51.890 --> 00:45:53.860 No, that's not what I wanted. 00:45:55.190 --> 00:45:56.470 Let me Experiments. 00:46:06.930 --> 00:46:08.150 No, I used. 00:46:08.150 --> 00:46:10.300 I did use my phone before. 00:46:12.680 --> 00:46:14.810 You can try it if I have one. 00:46:18.790 --> 00:46:21.320 If I cannot get this to work soon, I 00:46:21.320 --> 00:46:21.910 will just. 00:46:23.260 --> 00:46:23.980 Move on. 00:46:50.910 --> 00:46:51.720 That doesn't look good. 00:46:51.720 --> 00:46:54.300 OK, I think I might have to move on. 00:46:54.300 --> 00:46:55.730 Sorry, I'm not sure why it's not 00:46:55.730 --> 00:46:56.340 working. 00:47:00.760 --> 00:47:03.200 But maybe you can get that to work. 00:47:03.200 --> 00:47:05.097 Basically it shows all the points and 00:47:05.097 --> 00:47:07.112 then you can add additional words and 00:47:07.112 --> 00:47:08.337 then you can create your own analogies 00:47:08.337 --> 00:47:10.830 and then it will show like the vectors 00:47:10.830 --> 00:47:13.620 and show how it compared how it which 00:47:13.620 --> 00:47:15.080 word is most similar in your 00:47:15.080 --> 00:47:15.690 dictionary. 00:47:17.090 --> 00:47:20.926 So the so the really amazing thing 00:47:20.926 --> 00:47:23.642 about this to me is that it's just like 00:47:23.642 --> 00:47:25.200 the idea about thinking of words in a 00:47:25.200 --> 00:47:27.352 continuous space instead of thinking of 00:47:27.352 --> 00:47:28.860 words as like a discrete thing. 00:47:28.860 --> 00:47:31.140 And the idea that you can like add and 00:47:31.140 --> 00:47:33.000 subtract and perform mathematical 00:47:33.000 --> 00:47:34.950 operations on words and then it makes 00:47:34.950 --> 00:47:37.140 sense like that the corresponding, it 00:47:37.140 --> 00:47:39.050 performs analogies that way like pretty 00:47:39.050 --> 00:47:39.770 accurately. 00:47:39.770 --> 00:47:42.650 That was all like kind of crazy. 00:47:42.650 --> 00:47:46.420 And so this Word2Vec representation or. 00:47:46.470 --> 00:47:48.980 And similar kinds of Word embeddings 00:47:48.980 --> 00:47:51.136 represent that language is really in a 00:47:51.136 --> 00:47:52.010 continuous space. 00:47:52.010 --> 00:47:53.955 Words don't have a discrete meaning, 00:47:53.955 --> 00:47:55.500 they actually have like a lot of 00:47:55.500 --> 00:47:56.200 different meanings. 00:47:56.200 --> 00:47:58.260 And they have like some similarity to 00:47:58.260 --> 00:48:02.125 other words and differences in that 00:48:02.125 --> 00:48:03.820 words can be combined to mean new 00:48:03.820 --> 00:48:04.490 things. 00:48:04.490 --> 00:48:06.490 And so all of this is represented 00:48:06.490 --> 00:48:09.245 mathematically just by mapping the 00:48:09.245 --> 00:48:10.920 words into these big continuous 00:48:10.920 --> 00:48:11.790 vectors. 00:48:11.790 --> 00:48:15.290 So in such a way that you can either 00:48:15.290 --> 00:48:17.150 predict words by averaging. 00:48:17.210 --> 00:48:18.710 The surrounding words, or you can 00:48:18.710 --> 00:48:20.550 predict them through linear models. 00:48:26.460 --> 00:48:27.990 So. 00:48:28.110 --> 00:48:33.065 So it's like they trained the model on 00:48:33.065 --> 00:48:34.660 783,000,000 words with the other 00:48:34.660 --> 00:48:35.050 dimension. 00:48:39.360 --> 00:48:40.910 Like where these books that they were 00:48:40.910 --> 00:48:41.800 training on or? 00:48:43.020 --> 00:48:46.569 It may be I forget now, but it may have 00:48:46.569 --> 00:48:47.864 been the books corpus. 00:48:47.864 --> 00:48:49.830 The books corpus is one thing that's 00:48:49.830 --> 00:48:52.584 commonly used, which is just a bunch of 00:48:52.584 --> 00:48:54.980 books, but some there's a lot of 00:48:54.980 --> 00:48:56.922 there's a bunch of big repositories of 00:48:56.922 --> 00:48:59.270 data, like the Wall Street Journal 00:48:59.270 --> 00:49:01.410 books, Wikipedia. 00:49:01.410 --> 00:49:04.213 So there's like a lot of data sets that 00:49:04.213 --> 00:49:06.920 have been created and like packaged up 00:49:06.920 --> 00:49:08.189 nicely for this kind of thing. 00:49:11.520 --> 00:49:12.140 Question. 00:49:13.530 --> 00:49:14.680 You got it open. 00:49:14.680 --> 00:49:15.600 OK, cool. 00:49:17.380 --> 00:49:21.070 Do you are you able to connect to HDMI? 00:49:34.070 --> 00:49:34.640 All right. 00:49:39.100 --> 00:49:40.080 Alright, thanks. 00:49:40.080 --> 00:49:43.560 So yeah, so you can see that it's 00:49:43.560 --> 00:49:46.400 Representing like it's a bunch of 00:49:46.400 --> 00:49:49.980 mainly mother, wife, husband, daughter, 00:49:49.980 --> 00:49:51.320 Princess, so. 00:49:52.030 --> 00:49:53.360 Different genders. 00:49:53.360 --> 00:49:56.070 They're plotting it on gender, age and 00:49:56.070 --> 00:49:56.700 residual. 00:49:56.700 --> 00:49:57.610 So a difference. 00:49:58.910 --> 00:50:01.030 Another third Vector that everything 00:50:01.030 --> 00:50:03.925 else projects into, and then things 00:50:03.925 --> 00:50:06.510 like chair and computer which are just 00:50:06.510 --> 00:50:07.340 purely residual. 00:50:08.290 --> 00:50:10.180 And then you can see the actual Vector 00:50:10.180 --> 00:50:11.800 Representations here. 00:50:11.800 --> 00:50:14.290 So it's like 300 dimensional Word2Vec 00:50:14.290 --> 00:50:14.840 vectors. 00:50:15.690 --> 00:50:19.150 And then you can add words. 00:50:19.150 --> 00:50:22.060 So for example if I do. 00:50:23.030 --> 00:50:25.260 I can add dog. 00:50:26.830 --> 00:50:28.010 And puppy. 00:50:31.940 --> 00:50:33.280 And then if I. 00:50:34.170 --> 00:50:35.160 Do. 00:50:37.460 --> 00:50:38.420 Scroll down a little bit. 00:50:45.540 --> 00:50:48.240 So if I do for example. 00:50:49.550 --> 00:50:50.410 So this where I type. 00:50:50.410 --> 00:50:50.880 Yeah. 00:50:50.880 --> 00:50:53.840 So if I say man is to. 00:50:56.220 --> 00:50:57.160 Boy. 00:50:58.200 --> 00:51:00.340 As dog is to. 00:51:03.330 --> 00:51:05.690 And I think I understand where I 00:51:05.690 --> 00:51:07.430 pressed submit. 00:51:07.430 --> 00:51:09.040 Come on, don't be such a pain. 00:51:09.040 --> 00:51:10.740 There it goes. 00:51:10.740 --> 00:51:11.456 Just took awhile. 00:51:11.456 --> 00:51:13.550 So then so I said, man is the boy as 00:51:13.550 --> 00:51:14.260 dog is to. 00:51:14.260 --> 00:51:16.510 And then it comes out with puppy and 00:51:16.510 --> 00:51:17.975 you can see the vectors here. 00:51:17.975 --> 00:51:18.350 So. 00:51:19.190 --> 00:51:22.720 Man, the Vector of man to boy is being 00:51:22.720 --> 00:51:23.870 added to dog. 00:51:24.740 --> 00:51:28.570 And then that comes out OK. 00:51:29.370 --> 00:51:32.130 That comes out pretty close to puppy 00:51:32.130 --> 00:51:32.720 this. 00:51:34.440 --> 00:51:36.530 This site seems to be like having some 00:51:36.530 --> 00:51:37.350 problems today. 00:51:37.350 --> 00:51:38.650 It's just kind of slow. 00:51:40.210 --> 00:51:40.580 Data. 00:51:42.520 --> 00:51:44.440 So does anyone else have one to try 00:51:44.440 --> 00:51:45.659 that you'd like me to try? 00:51:46.700 --> 00:51:49.590 This is say, there we go. 00:51:49.590 --> 00:51:53.170 It's just like very having problems. 00:51:55.360 --> 00:51:56.850 I can try one more though, if somebody 00:51:56.850 --> 00:51:57.850 has one. 00:51:57.850 --> 00:51:59.475 Does anyone else have a set of words in 00:51:59.475 --> 00:52:00.310 a analogy? 00:52:02.840 --> 00:52:03.290 OK. 00:52:05.610 --> 00:52:06.180 Kanji. 00:52:06.590 --> 00:52:07.660 Let's see if she can. 00:52:10.210 --> 00:52:11.820 Others in but what's yours? 00:52:11.820 --> 00:52:12.145 Said? 00:52:12.145 --> 00:52:12.740 What's your? 00:52:15.810 --> 00:52:17.290 Cockroaches to Mexican. 00:52:21.740 --> 00:52:22.290 OK. 00:52:23.830 --> 00:52:26.270 So I'll Add tackers. 00:52:27.500 --> 00:52:28.910 Mexican. 00:52:33.590 --> 00:52:40.840 Pizza and Italian. 00:52:43.730 --> 00:52:45.540 Tell me. 00:52:50.000 --> 00:52:51.190 Right, so tacos. 00:52:51.330 --> 00:52:51.680 I. 00:52:52.830 --> 00:52:55.440 Tacos is to pizza. 00:52:55.440 --> 00:52:58.630 And I think like when they do this test 00:52:58.630 --> 00:53:00.177 they have like they're not doing it out 00:53:00.177 --> 00:53:02.020 of all 30,000 words or whatever. 00:53:02.020 --> 00:53:03.880 I think they're doing it out of some 00:53:03.880 --> 00:53:05.050 Sub candidates. 00:53:05.050 --> 00:53:06.600 So kind of like what we're doing here. 00:53:07.470 --> 00:53:10.630 As tacos is the pizza as what? 00:53:14.280 --> 00:53:15.830 Talker system Mexican. 00:53:19.930 --> 00:53:20.360 Pizza. 00:53:23.370 --> 00:53:24.460 It should work. 00:53:24.460 --> 00:53:26.309 It's just Add addition, so it should 00:53:26.310 --> 00:53:26.630 be. 00:53:27.450 --> 00:53:29.600 It should be recompose able. 00:53:30.730 --> 00:53:31.670 Alright. 00:53:31.670 --> 00:53:33.480 And then I never understand, like which 00:53:33.480 --> 00:53:36.090 one they're asking me to press them on. 00:53:39.490 --> 00:53:43.820 I'm supposed to do what is it, pizza. 00:53:46.240 --> 00:53:47.450 OK, I'll try it. 00:53:55.780 --> 00:53:57.320 Alright, let me try to fix that. 00:53:58.330 --> 00:53:58.970 00:54:00.730 --> 00:54:02.120 This Demo is killing me. 00:54:06.180 --> 00:54:07.300 There we go. 00:54:07.300 --> 00:54:08.270 All right, pizza. 00:54:17.280 --> 00:54:18.870 I think it's just processing. 00:54:20.970 --> 00:54:21.700 OK, there we go. 00:54:21.700 --> 00:54:22.880 Pizza is 2 Italian. 00:54:25.650 --> 00:54:28.230 I want to I'm going to have to go with 00:54:28.230 --> 00:54:30.310 other things, but do do feel free to 00:54:30.310 --> 00:54:30.940 try. 00:54:36.310 --> 00:54:37.200 Alright, thank you. 00:54:43.600 --> 00:54:44.770 What was your analogy? 00:54:44.770 --> 00:54:47.110 Chicken is to basketball as what? 00:54:49.690 --> 00:54:51.130 It just like makes something up and see 00:54:51.130 --> 00:54:52.890 what it comes up with, yeah. 00:55:08.580 --> 00:55:10.890 So now we're going to talk about 00:55:10.890 --> 00:55:11.560 Attention. 00:55:12.310 --> 00:55:16.395 And so far we've talked about linear 00:55:16.395 --> 00:55:18.260 linear processing. 00:55:18.260 --> 00:55:20.180 You just take some set of features and 00:55:20.180 --> 00:55:22.220 you multiply it by weights and sum up 00:55:22.220 --> 00:55:24.850 the sum of the product. 00:55:25.710 --> 00:55:28.520 We talked about Convolution, which is 00:55:28.520 --> 00:55:30.421 basically just when you apply a linear 00:55:30.421 --> 00:55:31.440 operator over Windows. 00:55:31.440 --> 00:55:33.340 So you can even do this in text as 00:55:33.340 --> 00:55:33.650 well. 00:55:33.650 --> 00:55:36.250 But for images you Apply within like 00:55:36.250 --> 00:55:39.009 little pixel patches, you apply the 00:55:39.010 --> 00:55:41.290 same linear operator to each patch and 00:55:41.290 --> 00:55:42.700 return the result, and then you get 00:55:42.700 --> 00:55:44.600 back like a new map of features. 00:55:45.940 --> 00:55:47.570 So now we're going to introduce a brand 00:55:47.570 --> 00:55:51.860 new type of kind of processing, which 00:55:51.860 --> 00:55:54.086 is called Attention and the basic idea 00:55:54.086 --> 00:55:54.759 of Attention. 00:55:55.660 --> 00:55:58.310 Is that you're given a set of key value 00:55:58.310 --> 00:56:01.650 pairs, and I'll explain what that means 00:56:01.650 --> 00:56:04.150 in the next slide and a query, and then 00:56:04.150 --> 00:56:07.145 the output of the Attention model or of 00:56:07.145 --> 00:56:09.400 the Attention function is a sum of the 00:56:09.400 --> 00:56:11.260 values weighted by the key query 00:56:11.260 --> 00:56:11.960 similarity. 00:56:14.930 --> 00:56:15.960 So. 00:56:17.530 --> 00:56:21.920 The in Cross Attention you have like a 00:56:21.920 --> 00:56:23.060 key value pair. 00:56:23.060 --> 00:56:25.540 So the where the key is used for 00:56:25.540 --> 00:56:27.109 matching and the value is used to 00:56:27.110 --> 00:56:27.840 output. 00:56:27.840 --> 00:56:30.109 So one example is that the key could be 00:56:30.110 --> 00:56:31.780 your features and the value could be 00:56:31.780 --> 00:56:33.170 the thing that you want to predict. 00:56:34.130 --> 00:56:36.140 And then you have some query which is 00:56:36.140 --> 00:56:37.950 something that you want to compute a 00:56:37.950 --> 00:56:38.750 value for. 00:56:39.620 --> 00:56:42.052 And you use the query, you match the 00:56:42.052 --> 00:56:44.920 query to the keys, and then you sum the 00:56:44.920 --> 00:56:47.800 values based on those similarities to 00:56:47.800 --> 00:56:50.700 get your value for the query. 00:56:50.700 --> 00:56:52.410 So mathematically, it's kind of like 00:56:52.410 --> 00:56:54.010 simpler mathematically than it is 00:56:54.010 --> 00:56:54.520 verbally. 00:56:55.260 --> 00:56:58.140 So mathematically you have some 00:56:58.140 --> 00:56:59.810 similarity function that says how 00:56:59.810 --> 00:57:02.150 similar some key is to some query. 00:57:02.150 --> 00:57:03.820 So this could be like a dot Product for 00:57:03.820 --> 00:57:04.390 example. 00:57:05.900 --> 00:57:08.800 Or you can distance or 1 divided by 00:57:08.800 --> 00:57:10.760 Euclidean distance and then you have 00:57:10.760 --> 00:57:14.915 your values and you take this sum over 00:57:14.915 --> 00:57:17.580 the similarity of each key times the 00:57:17.580 --> 00:57:19.920 query and multiply it by the value. 00:57:20.810 --> 00:57:22.570 And then you normalize it or divide it 00:57:22.570 --> 00:57:24.530 by the sum of all those similarities, 00:57:24.530 --> 00:57:26.640 which is like equivalent to making 00:57:26.640 --> 00:57:28.320 these similarities sum to one. 00:57:29.130 --> 00:57:33.950 So the output value for Q will just be 00:57:33.950 --> 00:57:37.240 a weighted average of the input values, 00:57:37.240 --> 00:57:39.315 where the weights are proportional to 00:57:39.315 --> 00:57:40.150 the similarity. 00:57:44.090 --> 00:57:46.030 So let's see it for some simple 00:57:46.030 --> 00:57:46.960 examples. 00:57:48.140 --> 00:57:49.830 So let's say that our similarity 00:57:49.830 --> 00:57:52.900 function is just 1 / K -, Q ^2. 00:57:54.890 --> 00:57:57.280 And I've got these key value pairs. 00:57:57.280 --> 00:57:59.976 So here maybe this is a label like one 00:57:59.976 --> 00:58:00.907 -, 1. 00:58:00.907 --> 00:58:03.991 And I've got one Feature here 175. 00:58:03.991 --> 00:58:07.487 So this is like one data element, this 00:58:07.487 --> 00:58:09.836 is the key and this is the value. 00:58:09.836 --> 00:58:11.692 And then this is another key and its 00:58:11.692 --> 00:58:13.339 value and another key and its value. 00:58:14.580 --> 00:58:17.550 And then I've got some query which is 00:58:17.550 --> 00:58:18.350 4. 00:58:19.330 --> 00:58:22.560 So I'm going to compare query to each 00:58:22.560 --> 00:58:26.736 of these keys 175, so the distance K -, 00:58:26.736 --> 00:58:30.443 Q for the first one is 3, so K 1 / K -, 00:58:30.443 --> 00:58:32.600 Q ^2 is 1 / 3 ^2. 00:58:33.370 --> 00:58:35.190 Then I multiply it by the value. 00:58:36.390 --> 00:58:38.810 Then I have 7 -, 4 ^2. 00:58:40.360 --> 00:58:43.400 Multiply that by the value -, 1, and 00:58:43.400 --> 00:58:45.680 then 5 -, 4, ^2, 1. 00:58:45.680 --> 00:58:48.720 Over that, multiply it by the value -, 00:58:48.720 --> 00:58:51.730 1 and then I divide it by each of these 00:58:51.730 --> 00:58:54.891 like similarities 1 / 3 ^2 1 / 3, ^2, 1 00:58:54.891 --> 00:58:59.019 / 1 ^2 and then the output is -, 8.18. 00:58:59.020 --> 00:59:01.536 So this query was closer to the 00:59:01.536 --> 00:59:02.420 negative numbers. 00:59:03.750 --> 00:59:05.260 Then or at least closer to this 00:59:05.260 --> 00:59:08.050 negative, then there's five number then 00:59:08.050 --> 00:59:10.260 it was to the positive number. 00:59:11.090 --> 00:59:13.670 And so the output is negative of 00:59:13.670 --> 00:59:15.440 corresponding to the value here. 00:59:15.440 --> 00:59:17.760 So these two end up canceling out 00:59:17.760 --> 00:59:19.514 because they're equally far away, and 00:59:19.514 --> 00:59:21.261 one has a value of 1 and one has a 00:59:21.261 --> 00:59:21.959 value of -, 1. 00:59:22.570 --> 00:59:26.065 And then this one has more influence. 00:59:26.065 --> 00:59:27.750 They sort of cancel, they cancel out 00:59:27.750 --> 00:59:29.620 and the numerator, but they still get 00:59:29.620 --> 00:59:31.190 wait, so they still appear in the 00:59:31.190 --> 00:59:31.720 denominator. 00:59:34.550 --> 00:59:37.330 As another example, if my input is 0, 00:59:37.330 --> 00:59:40.290 then the distance to this is 1 / 1 ^2. 00:59:40.290 --> 00:59:41.090 For this it's. 00:59:42.440 --> 00:59:43.610 OK, did that wrong. 00:59:43.610 --> 00:59:47.109 Should be 1 / 7 squared and for this it 00:59:47.109 --> 00:59:47.523 should be. 00:59:47.523 --> 00:59:49.210 For some reason I change it to A1 when 00:59:49.210 --> 00:59:50.793 I was calculating here, but this should 00:59:50.793 --> 00:59:51.800 be 1 / 5 ^2. 00:59:52.510 --> 00:59:55.200 And then I so I compute the similarity 00:59:55.200 --> 00:59:58.200 to each of these, so it's, so it's 00:59:58.200 --> 00:59:59.637 11140 nine 125th. 00:59:59.637 --> 01:00:02.125 And then the value is one negative one 01:00:02.125 --> 01:00:02.567 -, 1. 01:00:02.567 --> 01:00:04.405 So I made a mistake here when I did it 01:00:04.405 --> 01:00:06.980 by hand, but you get the idea I hope. 01:00:06.980 --> 01:00:08.370 And then I divide by the sum of 01:00:08.370 --> 01:00:11.055 similarities and then the output is 01:00:11.055 --> 01:00:12.130 .834. 01:00:13.100 --> 01:00:14.630 Which makes sense, because it's closer 01:00:14.630 --> 01:00:16.160 to this one than it is to the negative 01:00:16.160 --> 01:00:16.500 ones. 01:00:23.780 --> 01:00:24.890 If the query. 01:00:24.890 --> 01:00:28.020 So my similarity function was not the 01:00:28.020 --> 01:00:29.660 best similarity function for that 01:00:29.660 --> 01:00:32.510 reason, so I change it and when I do 01:00:32.510 --> 01:00:34.610 Self Attention I change the similarity 01:00:34.610 --> 01:00:36.380 function to plus one on the bottom so I 01:00:36.380 --> 01:00:37.690 don't have to divide by zero. 01:00:37.690 --> 01:00:38.570 But yeah. 01:00:39.470 --> 01:00:40.810 And here I'm just using. 01:00:40.810 --> 01:00:42.840 You'll see in practice a different 01:00:42.840 --> 01:00:44.450 similarity function is usually used, 01:00:44.450 --> 01:00:46.110 but it's hard to like manually compute, 01:00:46.110 --> 01:00:48.130 so I am using a very simple one here. 01:00:49.510 --> 01:00:52.160 So this is Cross Attention is basically 01:00:52.160 --> 01:00:55.280 that to get the. 01:00:55.360 --> 01:00:57.680 To get the value of some query, you 01:00:57.680 --> 01:01:00.159 compute the similarity of the query to 01:01:00.160 --> 01:01:02.170 each of the keys, and then you take a 01:01:02.170 --> 01:01:04.065 weighted average of the values that's 01:01:04.065 --> 01:01:05.870 weighted by the key query similarity. 01:01:07.360 --> 01:01:11.240 Self Attention is that the key is equal 01:01:11.240 --> 01:01:14.060 to the value and each key is also a 01:01:14.060 --> 01:01:14.710 query. 01:01:14.710 --> 01:01:16.920 So in other words, you just have like a 01:01:16.920 --> 01:01:19.557 group, you just have like a bunch of 01:01:19.557 --> 01:01:21.912 values and you match those values to 01:01:21.912 --> 01:01:23.430 each other and you take a weighted 01:01:23.430 --> 01:01:24.840 average of those values according to 01:01:24.840 --> 01:01:25.740 how similar they are. 01:01:26.630 --> 01:01:28.110 And as you'll see, it's like a kind of 01:01:28.110 --> 01:01:28.890 clustering. 01:01:29.920 --> 01:01:31.620 Here are my Input. 01:01:31.620 --> 01:01:35.450 Can just be 3 numbers and each of these 01:01:35.450 --> 01:01:38.190 I will treat as a key and a query pair 01:01:38.190 --> 01:01:42.150 so I'll have like 117755 and I also 01:01:42.150 --> 01:01:45.047 have three queries which are like 1-7 01:01:45.047 --> 01:01:45.876 and five. 01:01:45.876 --> 01:01:48.810 So here I did the computation out for 01:01:48.810 --> 01:01:51.270 the query one so I get one. 01:01:51.380 --> 01:01:59.662 So I get 1 / 1 * 1 + 1 / 6 ^2 + 1 * 7 + 01:01:59.662 --> 01:02:03.450 1 / 4 ^2 * + 1 * 5. 01:02:04.140 --> 01:02:06.210 And then divide by the similarities. 01:02:06.800 --> 01:02:12.174 And I get 1.11 point 3-7 and then if I 01:02:12.174 --> 01:02:14.616 do it for seven I get 6.54 and if I do 01:02:14.616 --> 01:02:15.060 it for. 01:02:16.470 --> 01:02:18.180 Five, I get 5.13. 01:02:19.510 --> 01:02:21.120 And I can apply iteratively. 01:02:21.120 --> 01:02:23.480 So if I apply it again the same exact 01:02:23.480 --> 01:02:26.132 operation but now on these values of 01:02:26.132 --> 01:02:28.210 1.376 point 545.13. 01:02:28.850 --> 01:02:30.900 Then I get this, and then I do it again 01:02:30.900 --> 01:02:33.420 and you can see that it's like quickly 01:02:33.420 --> 01:02:35.330 bringing the seven and the five close 01:02:35.330 --> 01:02:35.760 together. 01:02:35.760 --> 01:02:38.387 And it's also in the case of the 01:02:38.387 --> 01:02:39.642 similarity function, like bringing 01:02:39.642 --> 01:02:40.270 everything together. 01:02:40.270 --> 01:02:42.660 So it's kind of doing a clustering, but 01:02:42.660 --> 01:02:44.620 where it brings it depends on my 01:02:44.620 --> 01:02:46.360 similarity function, but it brings like 01:02:46.360 --> 01:02:49.106 very similar things very close 01:02:49.106 --> 01:02:49.788 together. 01:02:49.788 --> 01:02:52.340 And over time if I do enough of it will 01:02:52.340 --> 01:02:53.980 bring like everything close together. 01:02:55.170 --> 01:02:56.770 So here's another example where my 01:02:56.770 --> 01:03:01.329 input is 1982 and here's after one 01:03:01.330 --> 01:03:04.118 iteration, 2 iterations, 3 iterations, 01:03:04.118 --> 01:03:05.152 4 iterations. 01:03:05.152 --> 01:03:07.395 So you can see that after just two 01:03:07.395 --> 01:03:09.000 iterations, it's essentially brought 01:03:09.000 --> 01:03:11.189 the nine and the eight to be the same 01:03:11.189 --> 01:03:13.623 value and the one and the two to be the 01:03:13.623 --> 01:03:14.109 same value. 01:03:15.000 --> 01:03:18.840 And then if I keep doing it, will it'll 01:03:18.840 --> 01:03:20.220 like bring them closer? 01:03:20.220 --> 01:03:21.820 Yeah, eventually they'll all be the 01:03:21.820 --> 01:03:22.070 same. 01:03:23.860 --> 01:03:25.730 But if I had other kinds of similarity 01:03:25.730 --> 01:03:28.015 functions, an exponential function, it 01:03:28.015 --> 01:03:30.390 would take a lot longer to bring them 01:03:30.390 --> 01:03:32.480 all together because the IT would be a 01:03:32.480 --> 01:03:34.050 lot more Peaky, and in fact that's 01:03:34.050 --> 01:03:35.020 what's used in practice. 01:03:35.770 --> 01:03:37.394 So you can think about this. 01:03:37.394 --> 01:03:39.289 You can think about this Attention as 01:03:39.290 --> 01:03:40.580 doing like two different things. 01:03:40.580 --> 01:03:43.140 If you apply as Cross Attention, then 01:03:43.140 --> 01:03:44.610 you're basically transferring the 01:03:44.610 --> 01:03:47.080 associations of 1 set of data elements 01:03:47.080 --> 01:03:49.860 to a new data element. 01:03:49.860 --> 01:03:53.686 So you had the association of 1 maps to 01:03:53.686 --> 01:03:57.645 17 maps to -, 1, five maps to -, 1, and 01:03:57.645 --> 01:04:00.780 so my expected value of four is some 01:04:00.780 --> 01:04:03.260 weighted average of these of these 01:04:03.260 --> 01:04:06.100 values, and it's -, .8, or my expected 01:04:06.100 --> 01:04:07.180 value of 0. 01:04:07.440 --> 01:04:09.020 Is a weighted average of these by 01:04:09.020 --> 01:04:12.190 similarity and it's positive point. 01:04:13.700 --> 01:04:15.270 So it's a kind of like near weighted 01:04:15.270 --> 01:04:16.600 nearest neighbor essentially? 01:04:18.330 --> 01:04:20.540 Or in the case of Self Attention, it's 01:04:20.540 --> 01:04:22.740 a kind of like clustering where you're 01:04:22.740 --> 01:04:26.255 grouping together similar elements and 01:04:26.255 --> 01:04:29.010 like aggregating information across 01:04:29.010 --> 01:04:30.040 these tokens. 01:04:33.480 --> 01:04:35.970 So Cross Attention is an instance based 01:04:35.970 --> 01:04:36.750 regression. 01:04:36.750 --> 01:04:38.750 Your computer you're averaging a value 01:04:38.750 --> 01:04:41.330 based on the nearby other nearby. 01:04:41.460 --> 01:04:41.890 I. 01:04:43.750 --> 01:04:44.240 Keys. 01:04:45.340 --> 01:04:48.080 And Self Attention is a soft cluster 01:04:48.080 --> 01:04:50.570 aggregator and it's important to note 01:04:50.570 --> 01:04:52.620 that in this case, like for simplicity, 01:04:52.620 --> 01:04:54.890 I'm just saying that their values are 01:04:54.890 --> 01:04:55.630 scalars. 01:04:56.480 --> 01:04:58.940 And so it looks like the value it's 01:04:58.940 --> 01:05:00.880 just like replacing it and everything 01:05:00.880 --> 01:05:02.400 will eventually merge to one. 01:05:02.400 --> 01:05:04.790 But in practice you're applying this to 01:05:04.790 --> 01:05:06.510 large vectors, large continuous 01:05:06.510 --> 01:05:09.410 vectors, and so the distances can be 01:05:09.410 --> 01:05:10.370 much bigger. 01:05:10.370 --> 01:05:13.830 And the and you can when you add 01:05:13.830 --> 01:05:15.907 multiple dimensional multidimensional 01:05:15.907 --> 01:05:18.590 vectors you can overlay information. 01:05:18.590 --> 01:05:22.230 So similar to if different, you could 01:05:22.230 --> 01:05:25.210 have like a an audio stream where 01:05:25.210 --> 01:05:26.520 you've got music playing in the 01:05:26.520 --> 01:05:28.390 background and two people are talking 01:05:28.390 --> 01:05:28.490 at. 01:05:28.540 --> 01:05:31.280 Months, and you can separate that into 01:05:31.280 --> 01:05:33.140 each person talking in the audio 01:05:33.140 --> 01:05:33.508 stream. 01:05:33.508 --> 01:05:36.216 All of those signals are overlaid on 01:05:36.216 --> 01:05:38.070 each other, but the signals are all 01:05:38.070 --> 01:05:38.590 still there. 01:05:38.590 --> 01:05:40.148 They don't completely interfere with 01:05:40.148 --> 01:05:40.877 each other. 01:05:40.877 --> 01:05:43.314 And in the same way, when you have high 01:05:43.314 --> 01:05:45.410 dimensional vectors, when you're 01:05:45.410 --> 01:05:47.620 averaging those vectors, like with this 01:05:47.620 --> 01:05:49.710 operation, you're not necessarily 01:05:49.710 --> 01:05:51.629 replacing information, you're actually 01:05:51.630 --> 01:05:52.790 adding information. 01:05:52.790 --> 01:05:54.140 So you end up with some high 01:05:54.140 --> 01:05:55.720 dimensional vector that actually 01:05:55.720 --> 01:05:57.698 contains the information in each of 01:05:57.698 --> 01:05:58.009 those. 01:05:58.240 --> 01:05:59.840 Each of those vectors that you were 01:05:59.840 --> 01:06:00.810 adding into it. 01:06:02.880 --> 01:06:06.370 And so it's not just a pure clustering 01:06:06.370 --> 01:06:08.445 where you're like simplifying, it's 01:06:08.445 --> 01:06:10.345 Adding you're adding information, 01:06:10.345 --> 01:06:13.210 you're aggregating information across 01:06:13.210 --> 01:06:14.470 your different tokens. 01:06:16.500 --> 01:06:19.120 So this becomes extremely powerful as 01:06:19.120 --> 01:06:20.440 represented by trogdor. 01:06:21.280 --> 01:06:24.140 And in general, when you combine it 01:06:24.140 --> 01:06:26.340 with learned similarity functions and 01:06:26.340 --> 01:06:28.570 nonlinear Feature transformations. 01:06:30.240 --> 01:06:32.260 So this finally brings us to the 01:06:32.260 --> 01:06:33.270 transformer. 01:06:34.500 --> 01:06:37.430 And the transformer is just an 01:06:37.430 --> 01:06:40.090 application of this Attention idea 01:06:40.090 --> 01:06:43.520 where you define the similarity is. 01:06:45.440 --> 01:06:46.580 Really wonder what is like. 01:06:46.580 --> 01:06:48.240 Always screwing up there where you 01:06:48.240 --> 01:06:50.460 define the similarity as each of the 01:06:50.460 --> 01:06:51.075 dot Product. 01:06:51.075 --> 01:06:53.600 So it's basically a softmax operation 01:06:53.600 --> 01:06:55.000 to get your weighted similarities. 01:06:55.000 --> 01:06:57.130 So when you do the softmax, you divide 01:06:57.130 --> 01:06:58.670 by the sum of these similarities to 01:06:58.670 --> 01:07:00.020 make it sum to one. 01:07:00.980 --> 01:07:04.700 So it's your key dot query E to the key 01:07:04.700 --> 01:07:06.250 dot query is your similarity. 01:07:06.890 --> 01:07:08.260 And then they also have some 01:07:08.260 --> 01:07:10.410 normalization by the dimensionality of 01:07:10.410 --> 01:07:11.980 the keys, because otherwise, like if 01:07:11.980 --> 01:07:13.257 you have really long vectors, then 01:07:13.257 --> 01:07:14.600 you'll always tend to be like pretty 01:07:14.600 --> 01:07:15.230 far away. 01:07:15.230 --> 01:07:17.190 And so this normalizes it so that for 01:07:17.190 --> 01:07:18.700 different length vectors you'll still 01:07:18.700 --> 01:07:20.594 have like a unit Norm kind of 01:07:20.594 --> 01:07:22.229 similarity, a unit length similarity 01:07:22.230 --> 01:07:22.630 typically. 01:07:24.730 --> 01:07:26.720 And then you multiply it by the value. 01:07:26.720 --> 01:07:28.590 So here it's represented in matrix 01:07:28.590 --> 01:07:30.252 operation, so you have an outer product 01:07:30.252 --> 01:07:32.170 of all your queries times all your 01:07:32.170 --> 01:07:32.650 keys. 01:07:32.650 --> 01:07:34.230 So that gives you a matrix of the 01:07:34.230 --> 01:07:36.380 similarity of each query to each key. 01:07:37.340 --> 01:07:38.840 And you take a softmax. 01:07:39.420 --> 01:07:42.210 So then you are normalizing, you're 01:07:42.210 --> 01:07:42.970 competing those. 01:07:44.060 --> 01:07:46.420 The similarity score for each key in 01:07:46.420 --> 01:07:48.100 query, so this will still be a matrix. 01:07:48.790 --> 01:07:51.400 You multiply it by your values and now 01:07:51.400 --> 01:07:55.755 you have a new value Vector for each of 01:07:55.755 --> 01:07:56.780 your queries. 01:07:58.130 --> 01:07:59.740 So it's just doing the same thing, but 01:07:59.740 --> 01:08:01.800 with matrix operations for efficiency. 01:08:01.800 --> 01:08:04.780 And this is like very great for GPUs. 01:08:04.780 --> 01:08:08.400 GPUs can do this super fast and tpus 01:08:08.400 --> 01:08:09.430 can do it even faster. 01:08:11.040 --> 01:08:12.630 There's our tensor processing units. 01:08:14.110 --> 01:08:16.000 And then this is just that represented 01:08:16.000 --> 01:08:16.720 as a diagram. 01:08:16.720 --> 01:08:19.160 So key and query comes in, you get 01:08:19.160 --> 01:08:21.410 matrix multiplied Scaled by this thing. 01:08:22.070 --> 01:08:24.350 Then softmax and then another matrix 01:08:24.350 --> 01:08:25.000 multiply. 01:08:26.840 --> 01:08:29.800 And you can learn the similarity 01:08:29.800 --> 01:08:32.207 function with a linear layer, and you 01:08:32.207 --> 01:08:34.220 can even learn multiple similarity 01:08:34.220 --> 01:08:35.110 functions. 01:08:35.110 --> 01:08:36.600 So first, let's say we're doing a 01:08:36.600 --> 01:08:38.210 single head transformer. 01:08:38.210 --> 01:08:41.755 So that means that basically we pass in 01:08:41.755 --> 01:08:43.480 our value, our key in our query. 01:08:44.300 --> 01:08:46.480 We pass them through some linear layer 01:08:46.480 --> 01:08:48.310 that transforms them into a new 01:08:48.310 --> 01:08:48.800 Embedding. 01:08:49.530 --> 01:08:51.420 And then we take the dot Product, do 01:08:51.420 --> 01:08:53.240 the same dot Product detention that I 01:08:53.240 --> 01:08:53.980 just showed. 01:08:53.980 --> 01:08:56.750 So this allows it to learn like you can 01:08:56.750 --> 01:08:58.920 pass in like the same values as value, 01:08:58.920 --> 01:08:59.460 key and query. 01:08:59.460 --> 01:09:00.650 And it can say, well, I'm going to use 01:09:00.650 --> 01:09:02.320 like this aspect of the data to compute 01:09:02.320 --> 01:09:04.310 the similarity and then I'm going to 01:09:04.310 --> 01:09:07.204 sum over this other aspect of the data 01:09:07.204 --> 01:09:08.550 to produce my output. 01:09:10.220 --> 01:09:12.550 And then to make it like just a little 01:09:12.550 --> 01:09:14.980 bit more complicated they do, you can 01:09:14.980 --> 01:09:17.453 do a Multi head Attention which is when 01:09:17.453 --> 01:09:21.040 you have multiple linear models and if 01:09:21.040 --> 01:09:23.878 you're Input say has 100 dimensions and 01:09:23.878 --> 01:09:26.450 you have ten of these heads, then each 01:09:26.450 --> 01:09:28.693 of these linear models maps from 100 to 01:09:28.693 --> 01:09:30.770 10 so it maps into a 10 dimensional 01:09:30.770 --> 01:09:31.750 similarity space. 01:09:32.490 --> 01:09:34.665 And then you do the same operation and 01:09:34.665 --> 01:09:36.630 then you concatenate at the end to get 01:09:36.630 --> 01:09:39.440 back 100 dimensional Vector. 01:09:40.810 --> 01:09:43.330 So this allows the transformer to 01:09:43.330 --> 01:09:46.230 compare these like continuous vectors 01:09:46.230 --> 01:09:48.850 in different learned ways and then 01:09:48.850 --> 01:09:51.130 aggregate, aggregate like different 01:09:51.130 --> 01:09:52.470 aspects of the values and then 01:09:52.470 --> 01:09:54.670 recombine it into the original length 01:09:54.670 --> 01:09:55.190 Vector. 01:09:59.680 --> 01:10:01.570 So putting these together, we get 01:10:01.570 --> 01:10:03.890 what's called the transformer. 01:10:03.890 --> 01:10:05.820 Transformer is a general data 01:10:05.820 --> 01:10:08.680 processor, so you have some kind of 01:10:08.680 --> 01:10:10.630 Vector set of vectors coming in. 01:10:10.630 --> 01:10:11.990 These could be like your Word2Vec 01:10:11.990 --> 01:10:13.030 Representations. 01:10:14.500 --> 01:10:16.380 So you just have a bunch of these Word 01:10:16.380 --> 01:10:17.580 vectors coming in. 01:10:17.580 --> 01:10:19.250 It could also be as we'll see in the 01:10:19.250 --> 01:10:21.440 next class, like image patches or other 01:10:21.440 --> 01:10:22.450 kinds of data. 01:10:23.580 --> 01:10:24.140 This. 01:10:24.140 --> 01:10:26.090 Note that all of these operations are 01:10:26.090 --> 01:10:28.810 position invariant, so when I'm taking 01:10:28.810 --> 01:10:29.810 the. 01:10:30.460 --> 01:10:32.450 Like it doesn't when I when I do these 01:10:32.450 --> 01:10:33.390 kinds of operations. 01:10:33.390 --> 01:10:35.330 It doesn't matter what order I store 01:10:35.330 --> 01:10:36.860 these pairs in, the output for the 01:10:36.860 --> 01:10:38.070 query is going to be the same. 01:10:38.980 --> 01:10:41.010 And so often you add what's called a 01:10:41.010 --> 01:10:45.600 Positional Embedding to your input, so 01:10:45.600 --> 01:10:48.222 that the position is stored as part of 01:10:48.222 --> 01:10:50.170 your like value or as part of the 01:10:50.170 --> 01:10:50.640 Vector. 01:10:53.120 --> 01:10:55.230 And that allows it to know like whether 01:10:55.230 --> 01:10:56.820 2 words are next to each other or not. 01:10:59.650 --> 01:11:01.760 Positional Embedding is. 01:11:02.430 --> 01:11:05.629 In practice, you take like a in 01:11:05.630 --> 01:11:07.183 language for example, you would have 01:11:07.183 --> 01:11:09.390 like a floating point or some number to 01:11:09.390 --> 01:11:10.890 represent where the Word appears in a 01:11:10.890 --> 01:11:11.380 sequence. 01:11:12.100 --> 01:11:13.890 And then you process it through, pass 01:11:13.890 --> 01:11:16.819 it through sines and cosines of 01:11:16.820 --> 01:11:20.530 different frequencies to create like a 01:11:20.530 --> 01:11:22.400 Vector that's the same size as the 01:11:22.400 --> 01:11:24.334 original like Word Vector. 01:11:24.334 --> 01:11:27.574 And then you add it to the Word Vector. 01:11:27.574 --> 01:11:29.705 And the reason for using the signs and 01:11:29.705 --> 01:11:31.410 cosines is because if you take the dot 01:11:31.410 --> 01:11:33.280 product of these Positional embeddings. 01:11:33.900 --> 01:11:36.376 Then the similarity corresponds to 01:11:36.376 --> 01:11:38.400 their distance to their. 01:11:38.400 --> 01:11:41.019 It's like monotonic with their like 01:11:41.020 --> 01:11:41.940 Euclidean distance. 01:11:42.650 --> 01:11:45.191 So normally if you take a position X 01:11:45.191 --> 01:11:47.560 and you take the dot product of another 01:11:47.560 --> 01:11:51.120 X, then that doesn't tell you that 01:11:51.120 --> 01:11:52.520 doesn't correspond to similarity, 01:11:52.520 --> 01:11:52.720 right? 01:11:52.720 --> 01:11:54.075 Because if either one of them gets 01:11:54.075 --> 01:11:55.935 bigger than that dot Product just gets 01:11:55.935 --> 01:11:56.410 bigger. 01:11:56.410 --> 01:11:57.997 But if you take the sine and cosines of 01:11:57.997 --> 01:11:59.969 X and then you take the dot product of 01:11:59.970 --> 01:12:02.234 those sines and cosines, then if the 01:12:02.234 --> 01:12:04.360 2X's are close together then their 01:12:04.360 --> 01:12:05.910 similarity will be higher and that 01:12:05.910 --> 01:12:06.680 representation. 01:12:09.650 --> 01:12:12.920 And so you have this transformer block, 01:12:12.920 --> 01:12:14.946 so you apply the multi head attention. 01:12:14.946 --> 01:12:18.790 Then you apply a two layer MLP multi 01:12:18.790 --> 01:12:19.636 linear perceptron. 01:12:19.636 --> 01:12:22.250 You have Skip connections around each 01:12:22.250 --> 01:12:22.770 of them. 01:12:22.770 --> 01:12:24.460 That's like these errors here. 01:12:24.460 --> 01:12:26.570 And then there's what's called a layer 01:12:26.570 --> 01:12:27.720 Norm, which is just. 01:12:29.070 --> 01:12:31.130 Subtracting the mean and dividing the 01:12:31.130 --> 01:12:33.710 steering deviation of all the tokens 01:12:33.710 --> 01:12:34.600 within each layer. 01:12:35.580 --> 01:12:37.320 And you can just stack these on top of 01:12:37.320 --> 01:12:39.310 each other to do like multiple layers 01:12:39.310 --> 01:12:40.270 of processing. 01:12:43.670 --> 01:12:45.330 So this is a little more about the 01:12:45.330 --> 01:12:46.025 Positional embeddings. 01:12:46.025 --> 01:12:48.080 I forgot that I had this detail here. 01:12:49.230 --> 01:12:50.920 So this is how you compute the 01:12:50.920 --> 01:12:51.657 Positional embeddings. 01:12:51.657 --> 01:12:54.110 So you just Define these like sines and 01:12:54.110 --> 01:12:55.382 cosines of different frequencies. 01:12:55.382 --> 01:12:57.368 This is like the two to the I thing. 01:12:57.368 --> 01:13:01.718 So this is just dividing by mapping it 01:13:01.718 --> 01:13:05.380 into like a smaller the original 01:13:05.380 --> 01:13:07.350 integer position into a smaller value 01:13:07.350 --> 01:13:08.380 before computing that. 01:13:11.800 --> 01:13:12.910 And. 01:13:14.680 --> 01:13:17.900 So the transformer processing is a 01:13:17.900 --> 01:13:21.910 little bit like it's it can act kind of 01:13:21.910 --> 01:13:22.810 like Convolution. 01:13:22.810 --> 01:13:25.510 So in Convolution you're comparing like 01:13:25.510 --> 01:13:27.450 each pixel for example to the 01:13:27.450 --> 01:13:29.040 surrounding pixels and then computing 01:13:29.040 --> 01:13:30.450 some output based on that. 01:13:30.450 --> 01:13:33.145 And Transformers you're also you're 01:13:33.145 --> 01:13:34.990 comparing like each patch to the 01:13:34.990 --> 01:13:36.140 surrounding patches if you're in 01:13:36.140 --> 01:13:38.199 images, but it's not limited to the 01:13:38.200 --> 01:13:40.630 nearby ones, it's actually can operates 01:13:40.630 --> 01:13:42.700 over everything, all the other data 01:13:42.700 --> 01:13:43.160 that's being. 01:13:43.220 --> 01:13:44.760 Processed at the same time. 01:13:49.830 --> 01:13:51.950 So here's the Complete language 01:13:51.950 --> 01:13:53.850 transformer that's in this Attention is 01:13:53.850 --> 01:13:55.040 all you need paper. 01:13:55.790 --> 01:13:58.320 So you have WordPiece tokens which we 01:13:58.320 --> 01:14:00.790 talked about that are mapped to 512 01:14:00.790 --> 01:14:03.510 dimensional vectors, and in this case 01:14:03.510 --> 01:14:05.460 these vectors are not learned by 01:14:05.460 --> 01:14:08.370 Word2Vec, they're instead just learned 01:14:08.370 --> 01:14:10.170 as part of the total transformer 01:14:10.170 --> 01:14:10.750 Training. 01:14:11.500 --> 01:14:13.380 You add a Positional Encoding to each 01:14:13.380 --> 01:14:14.150 Vector. 01:14:14.150 --> 01:14:17.176 Then you have a bunch of these Self 01:14:17.176 --> 01:14:18.830 Attention blocks that are added on top 01:14:18.830 --> 01:14:19.370 of each other. 01:14:19.370 --> 01:14:21.837 So the data the Inputs go through these 01:14:21.837 --> 01:14:22.850 Self Attention blocks. 01:14:23.650 --> 01:14:29.035 And then you also have like your output 01:14:29.035 --> 01:14:29.940 is added. 01:14:29.940 --> 01:14:32.230 So for example, first if you're trying 01:14:32.230 --> 01:14:34.980 to say what is the color of a banana. 01:14:36.170 --> 01:14:38.527 Then you process your what is the color 01:14:38.527 --> 01:14:40.790 of a banana here and then you generate 01:14:40.790 --> 01:14:43.150 the most likely output and then so 01:14:43.150 --> 01:14:44.580 maybe that the output then will be 01:14:44.580 --> 01:14:45.236 yellow. 01:14:45.236 --> 01:14:48.555 And then next you Feed yellow in here 01:14:48.555 --> 01:14:50.377 and again you take like the output of 01:14:50.377 --> 01:14:51.632 what is the color of a banana. 01:14:51.632 --> 01:14:53.392 And then you do Cross Attention with 01:14:53.392 --> 01:14:55.250 yellow and then hopefully it will 01:14:55.250 --> 01:14:56.972 output like N of sequence so it'll just 01:14:56.972 --> 01:14:59.049 say yellow or it could say like yellow, 01:14:59.050 --> 01:15:00.280 green or whatever. 01:15:00.280 --> 01:15:03.265 And so every time you output a new Word 01:15:03.265 --> 01:15:05.380 you consider all the words that were 01:15:05.380 --> 01:15:05.770 Input. 01:15:05.820 --> 01:15:07.230 As well as all the words that have been 01:15:07.230 --> 01:15:08.013 output so far. 01:15:08.013 --> 01:15:10.355 And then you output the next word, and 01:15:10.355 --> 01:15:12.380 then you keep on outputting one word at 01:15:12.380 --> 01:15:14.570 a time until you get to the end of 01:15:14.570 --> 01:15:17.510 sequence token, which means that you're 01:15:17.510 --> 01:15:17.780 done. 01:15:24.950 --> 01:15:28.310 So I'm pretty much done, but I'm going 01:15:28.310 --> 01:15:30.790 to wrap this up at the start of the 01:15:30.790 --> 01:15:31.230 next class. 01:15:31.230 --> 01:15:32.870 I'll talk about how you apply this to 01:15:32.870 --> 01:15:33.630 Translation. 01:15:34.300 --> 01:15:35.930 And I'll show these Attention 01:15:35.930 --> 01:15:39.274 Visualizations then, so we can see just 01:15:39.274 --> 01:15:41.435 I'll show you just one briefly. 01:15:41.435 --> 01:15:45.350 So for example, in this sentence, it is 01:15:45.350 --> 01:15:46.860 in this spirit that a majority of 01:15:46.860 --> 01:15:48.410 American governments have passed new 01:15:48.410 --> 01:15:49.889 laws since 2009, making the 01:15:49.890 --> 01:15:51.750 registration of voting process more 01:15:51.750 --> 01:15:52.160 difficult. 01:15:52.160 --> 01:15:52.570 EOS. 01:15:52.570 --> 01:15:56.060 Hubad it's like after you do these 01:15:56.060 --> 01:15:58.260 Transformers, you can see that there's 01:15:58.260 --> 01:16:00.640 like more the make the representation 01:16:00.640 --> 01:16:03.005 of making draws its meaning or draws 01:16:03.005 --> 01:16:05.200 it's like additional values from more 01:16:05.200 --> 01:16:05.790 difficult. 01:16:06.390 --> 01:16:10.062 Because making more difficult is like 01:16:10.062 --> 01:16:10.344 the. 01:16:10.344 --> 01:16:12.070 It's like the Syntactic like 01:16:12.070 --> 01:16:13.146 Relationship, right? 01:16:13.146 --> 01:16:15.160 It's making more difficult so it's able 01:16:15.160 --> 01:16:17.570 to like jump words and draw similarity, 01:16:17.570 --> 01:16:19.270 draw meaning from other words that are 01:16:19.270 --> 01:16:21.196 related to this Word in terms of the 01:16:21.196 --> 01:16:23.020 meaning or in terms of the syntax. 01:16:26.240 --> 01:16:26.930 Yeah. 01:16:28.600 --> 01:16:30.650 So I will show you some of these on 01:16:30.650 --> 01:16:32.810 Thursday and talk about how it's used 01:16:32.810 --> 01:16:33.850 for Translation. 01:16:33.850 --> 01:16:35.510 So that'll just take a little bit of 01:16:35.510 --> 01:16:36.100 time. 01:16:36.100 --> 01:16:39.110 And then I'm going to talk about the 01:16:39.110 --> 01:16:42.170 application of the Transformers using 01:16:42.170 --> 01:16:45.141 Bert, which is a very popular language 01:16:45.141 --> 01:16:47.863 model, as well as visit, which is a 01:16:47.863 --> 01:16:49.990 very popular vision model and Unified 01:16:49.990 --> 01:16:52.854 IO which is a vision language model. 01:16:52.854 --> 01:16:55.850 And once you once you like, these are 01:16:55.850 --> 01:16:57.640 all just basically Transformers like 01:16:57.640 --> 01:16:58.950 they're Architecture sections. 01:16:59.010 --> 01:17:01.450 Are and we use Transformers from 01:17:01.450 --> 01:17:04.780 Vaswani Idol like basically like doing 01:17:04.780 --> 01:17:07.020 nothing else like they have like all of 01:17:07.020 --> 01:17:08.170 these papers that are using 01:17:08.170 --> 01:17:09.963 Transformers have Architecture sections 01:17:09.963 --> 01:17:12.400 like that big because this single 01:17:12.400 --> 01:17:16.050 transformer block can do like any kind 01:17:16.050 --> 01:17:17.970 of processing. 01:17:17.970 --> 01:17:18.865 So. 01:17:18.865 --> 01:17:19.950 All right. 01:17:19.950 --> 01:17:21.340 So I'll pick it up next Thursday. 01:17:21.340 --> 01:17:22.110 Thank you. 01:17:25.840 --> 01:17:26.440 Office hours.