WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: en-US NOTE Created on 2024-02-07T20:57:30.0567947Z by ClassTranscribe 00:02:02.640 --> 00:02:03.590 Good morning, everybody. 00:02:07.770 --> 00:02:08.170 So. 00:02:09.360 --> 00:02:12.270 I lost my HDMI connector so the slides 00:02:12.270 --> 00:02:14.740 are a little stretched out but still 00:02:14.740 --> 00:02:15.230 visible. 00:02:15.860 --> 00:02:17.190 I guess that's what it does with PGA. 00:02:18.980 --> 00:02:19.570 All right. 00:02:19.570 --> 00:02:22.390 So last class we learned about 00:02:22.390 --> 00:02:24.700 Perceptrons and MLPS. 00:02:25.620 --> 00:02:28.410 So we talked about how Perceptrons are 00:02:28.410 --> 00:02:30.340 linear prediction models and really the 00:02:30.340 --> 00:02:32.070 only difference between a Perceptron 00:02:32.070 --> 00:02:32.760 and a. 00:02:33.920 --> 00:02:36.330 Logistic Regressors that often people 00:02:36.330 --> 00:02:38.290 will draw Perceptron in terms of these 00:02:38.290 --> 00:02:40.210 inputs and weights and outputs. 00:02:40.210 --> 00:02:40.450 So. 00:02:41.140 --> 00:02:43.110 Almost more of A-frame of thought than 00:02:43.110 --> 00:02:44.060 a different algorithm. 00:02:45.880 --> 00:02:48.580 MLP ups are nonlinear prediction 00:02:48.580 --> 00:02:51.510 models, so composed of, so they're 00:02:51.510 --> 00:02:54.080 basically Perceptron stacked on top of 00:02:54.080 --> 00:02:54.805 each other. 00:02:54.805 --> 00:02:57.240 So given some inputs, you predict some 00:02:57.240 --> 00:02:59.030 intermediate values in the inner 00:02:59.030 --> 00:02:59.460 layers. 00:03:00.160 --> 00:03:01.250 And then they go through some 00:03:01.250 --> 00:03:03.830 nonlinearity like a Sigmoid or ReLU. 00:03:04.470 --> 00:03:06.970 And then from those intermediate values 00:03:06.970 --> 00:03:08.940 you then predict the next layer of 00:03:08.940 --> 00:03:10.100 values or the Output. 00:03:11.890 --> 00:03:13.780 And MLP's are multilayer. 00:03:13.780 --> 00:03:17.090 Perceptrons can Model more complicated 00:03:17.090 --> 00:03:18.995 functions, but they're harder to 00:03:18.995 --> 00:03:19.400 optimize. 00:03:19.400 --> 00:03:21.830 So while a Perceptron is convex, you 00:03:21.830 --> 00:03:24.180 can optimize it kind of perfectly to 00:03:24.180 --> 00:03:24.880 some precision. 00:03:25.860 --> 00:03:27.990 A MLP is very nonconvex. 00:03:27.990 --> 00:03:31.280 The decision if you were to plot the 00:03:31.280 --> 00:03:34.400 loss versus the weights, it would be 00:03:34.400 --> 00:03:35.540 really bumpy. 00:03:35.540 --> 00:03:37.448 There's lots of different local minima 00:03:37.448 --> 00:03:41.360 within that within that lost surface, 00:03:41.360 --> 00:03:43.090 and that makes it harder to optimize. 00:03:45.090 --> 00:03:47.204 The way that you optimize it, the way 00:03:47.204 --> 00:03:48.640 that you optimize Perceptrons 00:03:48.640 --> 00:03:52.210 classically as well as MLPS, is by a 00:03:52.210 --> 00:03:54.310 stochastic gradient descent where you 00:03:54.310 --> 00:03:56.170 iterate over batches of data you 00:03:56.170 --> 00:03:56.590 compute. 00:03:57.370 --> 00:03:59.370 How you could change those weights in 00:03:59.370 --> 00:04:01.390 order to reduce the loss a little bit 00:04:01.390 --> 00:04:03.235 on that data and then take a step in 00:04:03.235 --> 00:04:03.850 that direction? 00:04:07.300 --> 00:04:08.570 So there is another. 00:04:10.050 --> 00:04:10.970 Sorry, one SEC. 00:04:10.970 --> 00:04:12.120 OK, I'll leave it. 00:04:12.830 --> 00:04:14.370 Yeah, it's a little hard to see, but 00:04:14.370 --> 00:04:16.930 anyway, so there's another application 00:04:16.930 --> 00:04:19.640 I want to talk about of MLPS, and this 00:04:19.640 --> 00:04:21.500 is actually one of the stretch goals 00:04:21.500 --> 00:04:23.720 and the homework, or part of part of 00:04:23.720 --> 00:04:25.349 this is a stretch goal in the homework. 00:04:26.330 --> 00:04:27.020 So. 00:04:28.410 --> 00:04:31.000 So the idea here is to use an MLP. 00:04:31.770 --> 00:04:35.970 In order to encode data or images. 00:04:37.120 --> 00:04:38.690 So you just have. 00:04:38.690 --> 00:04:41.140 The concept is kind of simple. 00:04:41.140 --> 00:04:43.670 You have this network, it takes as 00:04:43.670 --> 00:04:44.690 input. 00:04:45.700 --> 00:04:47.550 Positional features, so this could be 00:04:47.550 --> 00:04:48.960 like a pixel position. 00:04:50.200 --> 00:04:53.110 And then you have some transform on it, 00:04:53.110 --> 00:04:54.400 which I'll talk about in a moment, but 00:04:54.400 --> 00:04:55.178 you could just have it. 00:04:55.178 --> 00:04:57.040 In the simplest case, the Input is just 00:04:57.040 --> 00:04:58.310 two pixel positions. 00:04:59.280 --> 00:05:01.760 And then the output is the color the 00:05:01.760 --> 00:05:04.370 red, green and blue value of the given 00:05:04.370 --> 00:05:04.850 pixel. 00:05:06.700 --> 00:05:11.380 And so in this paper is experiments 00:05:11.380 --> 00:05:14.600 NERF, which was sort of. 00:05:14.600 --> 00:05:16.170 There's another related paper for you 00:05:16.170 --> 00:05:18.360 Features, which explains some aspect of 00:05:18.360 --> 00:05:18.490 it. 00:05:19.540 --> 00:05:21.350 They just have LL two loss. 00:05:21.350 --> 00:05:23.020 So you want to you have at the end of 00:05:23.020 --> 00:05:26.610 this sum Sigmoid that maps maps values 00:05:26.610 --> 00:05:28.190 into zeros and ones, and then you have 00:05:28.190 --> 00:05:31.062 an L2 loss on what was the color that 00:05:31.062 --> 00:05:33.063 you predicted versus the true color of 00:05:33.063 --> 00:05:33.720 the pixel. 00:05:34.570 --> 00:05:36.870 And based on that you can like compress 00:05:36.870 --> 00:05:38.460 an image, you can encode an image in 00:05:38.460 --> 00:05:40.180 the network, which can make it like a 00:05:40.180 --> 00:05:41.620 very highly compressed form. 00:05:42.770 --> 00:05:45.140 You can also encode 3D shapes with 00:05:45.140 --> 00:05:47.360 similar things where you Map from XYZ 00:05:47.360 --> 00:05:49.440 to some kind of occupancy value whether 00:05:49.440 --> 00:05:52.070 a point in the scene is inside a 00:05:52.070 --> 00:05:52.830 surface or not. 00:05:53.820 --> 00:05:56.550 You can encode MRI images by mapping 00:05:56.550 --> 00:05:59.775 XYZ to density, and you can even create 00:05:59.775 --> 00:06:02.820 3D models by solving for. 00:06:03.460 --> 00:06:06.750 The intensities of all the images given 00:06:06.750 --> 00:06:08.870 the position poses of the images. 00:06:09.830 --> 00:06:11.780 I think we're here first and then. 00:06:13.320 --> 00:06:13.730 Yeah. 00:06:21.890 --> 00:06:25.010 So L1 and L2 are distances. 00:06:25.010 --> 00:06:27.463 L1 is the sum of absolute differences 00:06:27.463 --> 00:06:29.760 of two vectors, so they're both like 00:06:29.760 --> 00:06:32.250 distance vector vector distances. 00:06:33.240 --> 00:06:35.600 L1 is the sum of absolute differences 00:06:35.600 --> 00:06:35.770 in. 00:06:35.770 --> 00:06:38.620 L2 is the square root of the sum of 00:06:38.620 --> 00:06:39.600 squared distances. 00:06:40.640 --> 00:06:43.165 They're like so like my L2 distance to 00:06:43.165 --> 00:06:45.060 that corner is if I just take a 00:06:45.060 --> 00:06:47.337 straight line to that corner and my L1 00:06:47.337 --> 00:06:49.334 distance is if I like walk in this 00:06:49.334 --> 00:06:51.081 direction and then I walk in this 00:06:51.081 --> 00:06:52.890 direction and then I keep doing that. 00:06:56.160 --> 00:06:56.420 Yep. 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:03.210 Yeah, right. 00:07:03.210 --> 00:07:04.020 Exactly. 00:07:04.020 --> 00:07:06.030 So it's just taking XY coordinates and 00:07:06.030 --> 00:07:07.210 it's predicting the color. 00:07:07.210 --> 00:07:07.420 Yep. 00:07:08.870 --> 00:07:11.990 And so it's not like. 00:07:11.990 --> 00:07:14.120 So you might be thinking like why would 00:07:14.120 --> 00:07:14.750 you do this? 00:07:14.750 --> 00:07:16.235 Or like what's the point of doing that 00:07:16.235 --> 00:07:17.210 for an image? 00:07:17.210 --> 00:07:18.440 It could be for compression. 00:07:19.230 --> 00:07:20.930 But the really amazing thing, I mean 00:07:20.930 --> 00:07:23.550 this is the basic idea behind this 00:07:23.550 --> 00:07:24.620 technique called NERF. 00:07:25.280 --> 00:07:27.950 Which is an exploding topic and 00:07:27.950 --> 00:07:28.750 computer vision. 00:07:29.550 --> 00:07:32.210 And the surprising thing is that if you 00:07:32.210 --> 00:07:34.830 have a bunch of images, where the 00:07:34.830 --> 00:07:37.020 positions of those images in 3D space 00:07:37.020 --> 00:07:37.800 and where they're looking? 00:07:38.580 --> 00:07:42.190 And you simply solve to map from the 00:07:42.190 --> 00:07:45.333 pixel or from the array, like through a 00:07:45.333 --> 00:07:47.370 pixel of each image, or from a 3D point 00:07:47.370 --> 00:07:51.065 and direction into the color of the 00:07:51.065 --> 00:07:53.860 image that observes that point or that 00:07:53.860 --> 00:07:54.160 Ray. 00:07:54.910 --> 00:07:59.130 You can solve like if you optimize that 00:07:59.130 --> 00:07:59.980 problem. 00:07:59.980 --> 00:08:02.700 Then you solve for kind of like colored 00:08:02.700 --> 00:08:06.300 3D scene that allows you to draw new 00:08:06.300 --> 00:08:08.660 pictures from arbitrary positions and 00:08:08.660 --> 00:08:09.830 they look photorealistic. 00:08:10.820 --> 00:08:13.020 So the network actually discovers the 00:08:13.020 --> 00:08:14.820 underlying geometry because it's the 00:08:14.820 --> 00:08:16.480 simplest explanation for the 00:08:16.480 --> 00:08:17.910 intensities that are observed in all 00:08:17.910 --> 00:08:18.480 these pictures. 00:08:22.340 --> 00:08:24.576 So the network is pretty simple, it's 00:08:24.576 --> 00:08:25.720 just a four layer. 00:08:25.720 --> 00:08:27.960 They use 6 layers for this nerve 00:08:27.960 --> 00:08:29.868 problem, but for all the others it's 00:08:29.868 --> 00:08:31.159 just a four layer network. 00:08:32.090 --> 00:08:35.100 They're linear layers followed by ReLU, 00:08:35.100 --> 00:08:36.560 except on the Output. 00:08:36.560 --> 00:08:39.940 For RGB for example, you have a Sigmoid 00:08:39.940 --> 00:08:41.450 so that you map it to a zero to 1 00:08:41.450 --> 00:08:41.850 value. 00:08:43.820 --> 00:08:47.040 And one of the points of the paper is 00:08:47.040 --> 00:08:49.610 that if you try to encode the pixel 00:08:49.610 --> 00:08:52.510 positions directly, it kind of works, 00:08:52.510 --> 00:08:55.520 but you get these results shown above 00:08:55.520 --> 00:08:57.806 where, oops, sorry, these results shown 00:08:57.806 --> 00:08:59.530 above where it's like pretty blurry. 00:09:00.190 --> 00:09:02.180 And the reason for that is that the 00:09:02.180 --> 00:09:05.230 mapping from pixel position. 00:09:05.940 --> 00:09:08.430 To color is very nonlinear. 00:09:09.420 --> 00:09:09.830 So. 00:09:10.610 --> 00:09:12.050 Essentially you can think of the 00:09:12.050 --> 00:09:15.550 Networks in as I talked about with like 00:09:15.550 --> 00:09:18.120 kernel representations and the duality 00:09:18.120 --> 00:09:19.290 of linear models. 00:09:20.080 --> 00:09:21.900 You can think about linear models as 00:09:21.900 --> 00:09:24.770 effectively saying that the similarity 00:09:24.770 --> 00:09:26.510 of two points is based on their dot 00:09:26.510 --> 00:09:27.759 product, like the product of 00:09:27.760 --> 00:09:29.260 corresponding elements summed together. 00:09:30.110 --> 00:09:32.030 And if you take the dot product of two 00:09:32.030 --> 00:09:33.600 pixel positions, it doesn't reflect 00:09:33.600 --> 00:09:35.410 their similarity at all really. 00:09:35.410 --> 00:09:36.570 So like if you get. 00:09:37.640 --> 00:09:40.361 Two pixel positions in the that are 00:09:40.361 --> 00:09:42.240 high that are next to each other. 00:09:42.240 --> 00:09:43.500 When you take the dot product, it's 00:09:43.500 --> 00:09:44.490 still a very high value. 00:09:47.010 --> 00:09:50.730 If you transform those features using 00:09:50.730 --> 00:09:53.840 sinusoidal encoding, so you just 00:09:53.840 --> 00:09:55.630 compute sines and cosines of the 00:09:55.630 --> 00:09:58.830 original positions, then it makes it so 00:09:58.830 --> 00:10:00.366 that if you take the dot product of 00:10:00.366 --> 00:10:01.340 those encoded. 00:10:02.330 --> 00:10:03.610 Positions. 00:10:03.610 --> 00:10:06.280 Then positions that are very close 00:10:06.280 --> 00:10:07.870 together will have high similarity. 00:10:10.000 --> 00:10:11.830 So that's in a nutshell. 00:10:11.900 --> 00:10:15.490 At the idea, I mean there's like a 00:10:15.490 --> 00:10:15.990 whole. 00:10:17.680 --> 00:10:20.410 Theory and stuff behind it, but that's 00:10:20.410 --> 00:10:21.650 the basic idea, is that they have a 00:10:21.650 --> 00:10:23.760 simple transformation that makes this 00:10:23.760 --> 00:10:25.920 mapping more, that makes this 00:10:25.920 --> 00:10:28.170 similarity more linear, and that 00:10:28.170 --> 00:10:30.320 enables you to get high frequency 00:10:30.320 --> 00:10:31.850 images and stuff. 00:10:31.850 --> 00:10:33.660 You can include high frequency images 00:10:33.660 --> 00:10:33.920 better. 00:10:37.910 --> 00:10:39.990 Right, so I want to spend a little time 00:10:39.990 --> 00:10:42.700 talking about homework two and. 00:10:43.580 --> 00:10:44.350 I'm also going. 00:10:44.350 --> 00:10:45.860 I can also take questions. 00:10:45.860 --> 00:10:49.180 This is due in about 12 days or so. 00:10:50.520 --> 00:10:51.270 11 days. 00:10:52.260 --> 00:10:52.890 Yeah, mine. 00:10:53.690 --> 00:10:56.280 I'm on vgas, unfortunately so. 00:10:57.460 --> 00:11:02.560 My Size of things is annoyingly small 00:11:02.560 --> 00:11:03.300 and stretched. 00:11:09.940 --> 00:11:13.630 Take things down from like 4K to 480. 00:11:18.060 --> 00:11:18.420 All right. 00:11:20.890 --> 00:11:23.130 So for homework two first overview, 00:11:23.130 --> 00:11:23.940 there's three parts. 00:11:25.270 --> 00:11:26.430 Alright, I guess I won't overview. 00:11:26.430 --> 00:11:27.180 I'll go into each part. 00:11:27.850 --> 00:11:30.260 So the first part is and I'll take 00:11:30.260 --> 00:11:30.695 questions. 00:11:30.695 --> 00:11:32.520 I'll just describe it briefly and then 00:11:32.520 --> 00:11:34.000 see if anybody has any clarifying 00:11:34.000 --> 00:11:34.542 questions. 00:11:34.542 --> 00:11:38.160 The first part is to look at like bias 00:11:38.160 --> 00:11:41.130 variants and tree tree models. 00:11:42.470 --> 00:11:44.620 So we're doing the same temperature 00:11:44.620 --> 00:11:46.340 problem that we saw in homework one. 00:11:47.260 --> 00:11:48.990 Same exact features and labels. 00:11:49.920 --> 00:11:52.200 And we are going to look at three 00:11:52.200 --> 00:11:54.870 different kinds of models, regression 00:11:54.870 --> 00:11:55.410 trees. 00:11:56.850 --> 00:11:59.590 Random forests and boosted regression 00:11:59.590 --> 00:12:02.020 trees, and in particular we're using 00:12:02.020 --> 00:12:04.510 like this Gradient boost method, but 00:12:04.510 --> 00:12:06.400 the type of boosting is not really 00:12:06.400 --> 00:12:07.459 important and we're not going to 00:12:07.460 --> 00:12:08.500 implement it, we're just going to use 00:12:08.500 --> 00:12:08.910 the library. 00:12:09.670 --> 00:12:11.055 So what we're going to do is we're 00:12:11.055 --> 00:12:13.250 going to test what is the Training 00:12:13.250 --> 00:12:15.350 error and the validation error. 00:12:15.960 --> 00:12:18.000 For five different depths. 00:12:19.450 --> 00:12:22.170 And these five depths meaning how deep 00:12:22.170 --> 00:12:22.910 do we grow the tree? 00:12:24.220 --> 00:12:27.192 And then we're going to plot it and 00:12:27.192 --> 00:12:28.810 then answer some questions about it. 00:12:30.180 --> 00:12:32.410 So looking at this Starter code. 00:12:38.400 --> 00:12:39.980 So this is just loading the temperature 00:12:39.980 --> 00:12:40.260 data. 00:12:40.260 --> 00:12:42.523 It's the same as before plotting it, 00:12:42.523 --> 00:12:44.340 just to give a sense of what it means. 00:12:46.640 --> 00:12:47.470 And then I've got. 00:12:48.320 --> 00:12:49.460 This error. 00:12:51.440 --> 00:12:53.580 This function is included to plot the 00:12:53.580 --> 00:12:56.570 errors and it's just taking as input 00:12:56.570 --> 00:12:58.560 the that Depth array. 00:12:59.320 --> 00:13:02.280 And corresponding list surveys that 00:13:02.280 --> 00:13:05.670 store the Training error and validation 00:13:05.670 --> 00:13:08.240 error for each Model. 00:13:09.110 --> 00:13:12.756 Training error means the RMSE error on 00:13:12.756 --> 00:13:14.982 the training set and validation means 00:13:14.982 --> 00:13:17.360 the validation error on the validation 00:13:17.360 --> 00:13:18.819 I mean the error on the validation set. 00:13:21.850 --> 00:13:22.420 These are. 00:13:22.420 --> 00:13:27.230 I provide the code to compute a given 00:13:27.230 --> 00:13:29.070 or to initialize a given model. 00:13:29.070 --> 00:13:31.950 So the you can create this model, you 00:13:31.950 --> 00:13:33.700 can do Model dot fit with the training 00:13:33.700 --> 00:13:36.220 data and Model dot. 00:13:37.270 --> 00:13:40.730 And then you can like compute the RMSE, 00:13:40.730 --> 00:13:42.555 evaluate the validation data and 00:13:42.555 --> 00:13:43.310 compute RMSE. 00:13:43.310 --> 00:13:44.960 So it's like it's not meant to be. 00:13:44.960 --> 00:13:46.430 It's not like it's not like an 00:13:46.430 --> 00:13:48.135 algorithm coding problem, it's more of 00:13:48.135 --> 00:13:49.990 an evaluation and analysis problem. 00:13:52.180 --> 00:13:53.330 No, you don't need to code these 00:13:53.330 --> 00:13:53.725 functions. 00:13:53.725 --> 00:13:54.600 You just call this. 00:13:56.450 --> 00:13:58.200 So you would for example call the 00:13:58.200 --> 00:13:58.960 decision tree. 00:13:58.960 --> 00:14:00.990 You'd do a loop through the Max Steps. 00:14:01.920 --> 00:14:04.440 Call for each of these you like. 00:14:04.440 --> 00:14:07.159 Instantiate the Model, fit, predict on 00:14:07.160 --> 00:14:08.510 train, predict on test. 00:14:09.570 --> 00:14:12.080 Compute the RMSE error. 00:14:13.080 --> 00:14:15.250 If you want to use built-in scoring 00:14:15.250 --> 00:14:17.450 functions to compute RMSE, it's fine 00:14:17.450 --> 00:14:18.860 with me as long as it's accurate. 00:14:20.850 --> 00:14:22.910 And then you and then you record them 00:14:22.910 --> 00:14:24.650 and then you plot it with this 00:14:24.650 --> 00:14:25.170 Function. 00:14:28.350 --> 00:14:30.280 And. 00:14:30.710 --> 00:14:33.190 So let's look at the report template a 00:14:33.190 --> 00:14:33.610 little bit. 00:14:34.300 --> 00:14:36.830 Right, so just generating that plot is 00:14:36.830 --> 00:14:37.890 worth 10 points. 00:14:38.540 --> 00:14:42.580 And analyzing the result is worth 20 00:14:42.580 --> 00:14:43.070 points. 00:14:43.070 --> 00:14:44.900 So there's more points for answering 00:14:44.900 --> 00:14:45.780 questions about it, yeah. 00:15:01.480 --> 00:15:04.110 So it's in some cases it's pretty 00:15:04.110 --> 00:15:05.490 literally from the plot. 00:15:05.490 --> 00:15:06.980 For example, for regression trees, 00:15:06.980 --> 00:15:08.610 which tree Depth achieves minimum 00:15:08.610 --> 00:15:09.730 validation error? 00:15:09.730 --> 00:15:11.100 That's something that you should be 00:15:11.100 --> 00:15:11.600 able to. 00:15:12.400 --> 00:15:14.430 Basically, read directly from the plot. 00:15:14.430 --> 00:15:18.200 In other cases it requires some other 00:15:18.200 --> 00:15:20.170 knowledge and interpretation, so for 00:15:20.170 --> 00:15:20.820 example. 00:15:22.310 --> 00:15:24.955 Deputies trees seem to perform better 00:15:24.955 --> 00:15:26.580 with smaller or larger trees. 00:15:26.580 --> 00:15:27.040 Why? 00:15:27.040 --> 00:15:28.474 So whether they perform better with 00:15:28.474 --> 00:15:29.960 smaller or larger trees is something 00:15:29.960 --> 00:15:31.760 you can observe directly from the plot, 00:15:31.760 --> 00:15:33.900 but the Y is like applying your 00:15:33.900 --> 00:15:34.840 understanding of. 00:15:35.880 --> 00:15:38.120 Bias variance in the tree algorithm to 00:15:38.120 --> 00:15:40.555 be able to say why what you observe is 00:15:40.555 --> 00:15:40.940 the case. 00:15:43.360 --> 00:15:45.500 Likewise, like model is least pruned to 00:15:45.500 --> 00:15:45.870 overfitting. 00:15:45.870 --> 00:15:48.170 You can observe that if you understand 00:15:48.170 --> 00:15:49.660 what overfitting means directly in the 00:15:49.660 --> 00:15:52.150 plot, but again like the Y requires 00:15:52.150 --> 00:15:52.990 some understanding. 00:15:53.750 --> 00:15:57.850 And which model has the lowest bias 00:15:57.850 --> 00:15:59.470 requires that you understand what bias 00:15:59.470 --> 00:16:01.230 means, but if you do, then you can read 00:16:01.230 --> 00:16:03.380 it directly from the plot as well. 00:16:05.360 --> 00:16:05.630 Yeah. 00:16:10.460 --> 00:16:10.790 OK. 00:16:10.790 --> 00:16:12.770 Any other questions about part one? 00:16:15.580 --> 00:16:18.060 OK, so Part 2. 00:16:18.740 --> 00:16:22.110 Is going back to MNIST again and we 00:16:22.110 --> 00:16:23.740 will move beyond these data sets for 00:16:23.740 --> 00:16:24.040 homework. 00:16:24.040 --> 00:16:25.490 Three but. 00:16:27.350 --> 00:16:30.230 But going back to MNIST and now and now 00:16:30.230 --> 00:16:30.820 like. 00:16:32.200 --> 00:16:34.570 Applying MLPS to MNIST. 00:16:36.910 --> 00:16:39.470 So let's go to the Starter code again. 00:16:43.390 --> 00:16:45.160 Right, so this is the same code as 00:16:45.160 --> 00:16:47.210 before, just to load the MNIST data. 00:16:47.210 --> 00:16:48.800 We're not going to actually use like 00:16:48.800 --> 00:16:51.052 different the sub splits, we're just 00:16:51.052 --> 00:16:52.730 going to use the full training set. 00:16:53.430 --> 00:16:54.390 And validation set. 00:16:56.230 --> 00:16:58.690 There's some code here to OK, so let me 00:16:58.690 --> 00:17:01.090 first talk about what the problem is. 00:17:02.100 --> 00:17:03.770 So you're going to train a network. 00:17:03.770 --> 00:17:05.570 We give you a starting like learning 00:17:05.570 --> 00:17:08.290 rate and optimizer to use and Batch 00:17:08.290 --> 00:17:08.780 Size. 00:17:09.520 --> 00:17:11.870 And you record the training and the 00:17:11.870 --> 00:17:14.690 validation loss after each epoch. 00:17:15.680 --> 00:17:16.890 That's the cycle through the training 00:17:16.890 --> 00:17:17.090 data. 00:17:17.800 --> 00:17:19.505 And then you compute the validation of 00:17:19.505 --> 00:17:21.590 the final model, and then you report 00:17:21.590 --> 00:17:24.010 some of these errors and losses in the 00:17:24.010 --> 00:17:24.350 report. 00:17:25.030 --> 00:17:27.375 And then we say try some different 00:17:27.375 --> 00:17:28.600 learning rates. 00:17:28.600 --> 00:17:31.340 So vary that ETA the learning rate of 00:17:31.340 --> 00:17:32.410 your optimizer. 00:17:33.090 --> 00:17:35.750 And again compare. 00:17:35.750 --> 00:17:38.050 Create these plots of the Training 00:17:38.050 --> 00:17:39.630 validation loss and compare them for 00:17:39.630 --> 00:17:40.400 different learning rate. 00:17:41.640 --> 00:17:42.070 Question. 00:17:47.510 --> 00:17:50.610 It's in some ways it's an arbitrary 00:17:50.610 --> 00:17:52.520 choice, but Pi torch is a really 00:17:52.520 --> 00:17:54.310 popular package for Deep Learning. 00:17:54.310 --> 00:17:55.730 So like there are others but. 00:17:56.340 --> 00:17:59.133 Since we're since we're using Python, I 00:17:59.133 --> 00:18:01.110 would use a Python package and it's 00:18:01.110 --> 00:18:01.515 just like. 00:18:01.515 --> 00:18:03.260 I would say that probably like the most 00:18:03.260 --> 00:18:04.710 popular framework right now. 00:18:08.830 --> 00:18:11.490 Yeah, tensor flow is also another, 00:18:11.490 --> 00:18:12.830 would be another good candidate. 00:18:12.830 --> 00:18:15.120 Or Keras I guess, which is I think 00:18:15.120 --> 00:18:16.220 based on tensor flow maybe. 00:18:17.350 --> 00:18:19.596 But yeah, we're using torch. 00:18:19.596 --> 00:18:20.920 Yeah, there's no like. 00:18:20.920 --> 00:18:22.670 I don't have anything against the other 00:18:22.670 --> 00:18:25.600 packages, but I think π torch is. 00:18:26.740 --> 00:18:29.760 Probably one of the more still probably 00:18:29.760 --> 00:18:30.840 edges out tensor flow. 00:18:30.840 --> 00:18:32.460 Right now is the most popular I would 00:18:32.460 --> 00:18:32.590 say. 00:18:34.580 --> 00:18:35.170 00:18:37.650 --> 00:18:41.452 Then finally you try to like. 00:18:41.452 --> 00:18:42.840 You can adjust the learning rate and 00:18:42.840 --> 00:18:44.305 the hidden layer size and other things 00:18:44.305 --> 00:18:45.890 to try to improve the network and you 00:18:45.890 --> 00:18:48.460 should be able to get validation error 00:18:48.460 --> 00:18:49.292 less than 25. 00:18:49.292 --> 00:18:50.800 So this is basically. 00:18:50.800 --> 00:18:53.180 I just chose this because like in a few 00:18:53.180 --> 00:18:55.200 minutes or down now 15 minutes of 00:18:55.200 --> 00:18:55.522 experimentation. 00:18:55.522 --> 00:18:57.376 This is like roughly what I was able to 00:18:57.376 --> 00:18:57.509 get. 00:18:58.730 --> 00:18:59.280 00:19:00.200 --> 00:19:00.940 So. 00:19:01.790 --> 00:19:02.940 If we look at the. 00:19:06.020 --> 00:19:07.730 So then we have like. 00:19:07.730 --> 00:19:09.610 So basically the main part of the code 00:19:09.610 --> 00:19:11.070 that you need to write is in here. 00:19:11.070 --> 00:19:14.580 So where you have the training and it's 00:19:14.580 --> 00:19:16.999 pretty similar to the example that I 00:19:17.000 --> 00:19:18.220 gave in class. 00:19:18.220 --> 00:19:20.244 But the biggest difference is that in 00:19:20.244 --> 00:19:22.040 the example I did in class. 00:19:22.800 --> 00:19:25.380 It's a binary problem and so you 00:19:25.380 --> 00:19:27.254 represent you have only one output, and 00:19:27.254 --> 00:19:29.034 if that Output is negative then it 00:19:29.034 --> 00:19:30.259 indicates one class and if it's 00:19:30.260 --> 00:19:31.870 positive it indicates another class. 00:19:32.820 --> 00:19:33.380 If you have. 00:19:34.120 --> 00:19:35.810 Multiple classes. 00:19:36.170 --> 00:19:36.730 00:19:37.510 --> 00:19:38.920 That obviously doesn't work. 00:19:38.920 --> 00:19:40.825 You can't represent it with one Output. 00:19:40.825 --> 00:19:43.980 You instead need to Output one value 00:19:43.980 --> 00:19:45.200 for each of your classes. 00:19:45.200 --> 00:19:46.645 So if you have three classes, if you 00:19:46.645 --> 00:19:48.009 have two classes, you can have one 00:19:48.009 --> 00:19:48.253 Output. 00:19:48.253 --> 00:19:50.209 If you have three classes, you need 3 00:19:50.210 --> 00:19:50.540 outputs. 00:19:51.280 --> 00:19:54.060 You have one output for each class and 00:19:54.060 --> 00:19:57.020 that Output you. 00:19:57.020 --> 00:19:58.780 Depending on how you set up your loss, 00:19:58.780 --> 00:20:02.450 it can either be a probability, so zero 00:20:02.450 --> 00:20:04.450 to one, or it can be a logic. 00:20:05.530 --> 00:20:08.690 Negative Infinity to Infinity the log 00:20:08.690 --> 00:20:09.430 class ratio. 00:20:13.080 --> 00:20:17.090 And then you need to like reformat 00:20:17.090 --> 00:20:20.043 instead of representing the label as 00:20:20.043 --> 00:20:22.069 like 0123456789. 00:20:22.680 --> 00:20:24.390 You represent it with what's called A1 00:20:24.390 --> 00:20:26.640 hot vector and it's explained what that 00:20:26.640 --> 00:20:27.250 is in the Tips. 00:20:27.250 --> 00:20:30.370 But basically A3 is represented as like 00:20:30.370 --> 00:20:33.479 you have a ten element vector and the 00:20:33.480 --> 00:20:35.830 third value of that vector is 1 and all 00:20:35.830 --> 00:20:37.480 the other values are zero. 00:20:37.480 --> 00:20:39.370 So it's like you just represent which 00:20:39.370 --> 00:20:42.210 of these ten labels is on for this 00:20:42.210 --> 00:20:42.760 example. 00:20:45.180 --> 00:20:46.070 Otherwise. 00:20:47.420 --> 00:20:49.010 That makes some small differences and 00:20:49.010 --> 00:20:52.170 how you compute loss just like code 00:20:52.170 --> 00:20:54.500 wise, but otherwise it's essentially 00:20:54.500 --> 00:20:54.890 the same. 00:20:55.860 --> 00:20:57.090 I also have. 00:21:00.540 --> 00:21:02.420 And one more. 00:21:02.420 --> 00:21:02.730 OK. 00:21:02.730 --> 00:21:04.640 So first let me go to the report for 00:21:04.640 --> 00:21:04.750 that. 00:21:05.500 --> 00:21:06.850 So your port, your training and your 00:21:06.850 --> 00:21:09.600 validation loss and your curves, your 00:21:09.600 --> 00:21:09.930 plots. 00:21:11.230 --> 00:21:12.240 And your final losses? 00:21:13.520 --> 00:21:15.630 I mean you're final errors. 00:21:18.240 --> 00:21:18.920 00:21:21.010 --> 00:21:23.600 So what was I going to say? 00:21:23.600 --> 00:21:24.040 Yes. 00:21:24.040 --> 00:21:26.900 So the so the tips and tricks. 00:21:30.700 --> 00:21:33.600 Are focused on the Part 2 because I 00:21:33.600 --> 00:21:36.670 think part one is a little bit. 00:21:36.670 --> 00:21:38.850 There's not that much to it really code 00:21:38.850 --> 00:21:39.140 wise. 00:21:41.720 --> 00:21:44.300 So there's if you're probably most of 00:21:44.300 --> 00:21:46.933 you are new to π torch or Deep Learning 00:21:46.933 --> 00:21:47.779 or MLP's. 00:21:49.400 --> 00:21:51.520 So I would recommend looking at this 00:21:51.520 --> 00:21:52.460 tutorial first. 00:21:53.130 --> 00:21:56.170 And it explains it like pretty clearly 00:21:56.170 --> 00:21:57.780 how to do things. 00:21:57.780 --> 00:22:00.060 You can also like the code that I wrote 00:22:00.060 --> 00:22:03.470 before is like mostly a lot of it can 00:22:03.470 --> 00:22:04.390 be applied directly. 00:22:05.180 --> 00:22:05.560 And it's. 00:22:05.560 --> 00:22:09.250 Also the basic loop is down here so. 00:22:10.470 --> 00:22:13.805 You shouldn't like abstractly it's not. 00:22:13.805 --> 00:22:15.965 It's not necessarily that you can see 00:22:15.965 --> 00:22:18.490 the slides and understand MLPS and know 00:22:18.490 --> 00:22:19.690 exactly how you should code it. 00:22:19.690 --> 00:22:21.490 You need you will need to look at the 00:22:21.490 --> 00:22:23.830 tutorial or in like this code 00:22:23.830 --> 00:22:24.210 structure. 00:22:26.280 --> 00:22:28.840 Because it's using libraries still like 00:22:28.840 --> 00:22:31.180 TORCH handles for us all the 00:22:31.180 --> 00:22:33.230 optimization that you just specify a 00:22:33.230 --> 00:22:35.829 loss, you specify your structure of the 00:22:35.830 --> 00:22:37.130 network and then it kind of does 00:22:37.130 --> 00:22:38.020 everything else for you. 00:22:40.840 --> 00:22:43.355 OK, so the Tips also say how you set up 00:22:43.355 --> 00:22:47.046 a data loader and the basic procedure, 00:22:47.046 --> 00:22:50.585 how you get GPU to work on collabs and 00:22:50.585 --> 00:22:53.988 how you can compute the softmax which 00:22:53.988 --> 00:22:55.970 is the probability of a particular 00:22:55.970 --> 00:22:56.300 label. 00:22:56.300 --> 00:22:58.940 So this is like the probability of this 00:22:58.940 --> 00:23:00.540 ground truth label Val I. 00:23:01.730 --> 00:23:04.190 Given the data, if this is stored as 00:23:04.190 --> 00:23:05.260 like a zero to 9 value. 00:23:10.130 --> 00:23:12.900 Alright, any questions about two? 00:23:12.980 --> 00:23:13.150 Yes. 00:23:21.340 --> 00:23:25.230 So if you have multiple classes, that's 00:23:25.230 --> 00:23:25.870 not what I want to do. 00:23:26.770 --> 00:23:29.135 If you have multiple classes, then you 00:23:29.135 --> 00:23:29.472 have. 00:23:29.472 --> 00:23:31.594 Then at the Output layer you have 00:23:31.594 --> 00:23:33.640 multiple nodes, and each of those nodes 00:23:33.640 --> 00:23:35.010 are connected to the previous layer 00:23:35.010 --> 00:23:36.080 with their own set of weights. 00:23:37.600 --> 00:23:39.560 And so they use like the same 00:23:39.560 --> 00:23:40.476 intermediate features. 00:23:40.476 --> 00:23:42.800 They use the same representations that 00:23:42.800 --> 00:23:45.360 are in the hidden layers or in the 00:23:45.360 --> 00:23:46.950 inner layers of the network. 00:23:46.950 --> 00:23:48.950 But they each have their own predictor 00:23:48.950 --> 00:23:51.300 at the end, and so it actually it 00:23:51.300 --> 00:23:53.270 doesn't it instead of producing a 00:23:53.270 --> 00:23:55.210 single value, it produces an array of 00:23:55.210 --> 00:23:55.700 values. 00:23:56.460 --> 00:23:59.200 In that array will typically represent 00:23:59.200 --> 00:24:00.690 like the probability of each class. 00:24:04.970 --> 00:24:05.160 Yeah. 00:24:10.980 --> 00:24:13.660 There to get the. 00:24:13.820 --> 00:24:15.180 Loss for the validation set. 00:24:15.180 --> 00:24:17.070 Your evaluate the validation examples 00:24:17.070 --> 00:24:20.310 so call like X Val. 00:24:21.210 --> 00:24:23.827 And then you compute the negative log 00:24:23.827 --> 00:24:26.252 probability of the true Label given the 00:24:26.252 --> 00:24:28.660 given the data, which will be based on 00:24:28.660 --> 00:24:30.450 the outputs of your network. 00:24:30.450 --> 00:24:31.985 So the network will give you the 00:24:31.985 --> 00:24:33.130 probability of each class. 00:24:33.830 --> 00:24:35.930 And then you sum the negative log 00:24:35.930 --> 00:24:37.110 probability of the true class. 00:24:47.700 --> 00:24:50.440 For each example for each class, yeah. 00:24:53.590 --> 00:24:57.780 So Part 3 is. 00:24:58.970 --> 00:25:01.350 More a data exploration problem in a 00:25:01.350 --> 00:25:01.540 way. 00:25:02.310 --> 00:25:06.190 So there's this data set, the Palmer 00:25:06.190 --> 00:25:08.120 Archipelago Penguin data set. 00:25:08.750 --> 00:25:10.650 That where they recorded various 00:25:10.650 --> 00:25:13.270 measurements of Penguins and you're 00:25:13.270 --> 00:25:14.740 trying to predict a species of the 00:25:14.740 --> 00:25:15.150 Penguin. 00:25:16.360 --> 00:25:18.140 And it had something original data had 00:25:18.140 --> 00:25:20.270 some nans and stuff. 00:25:20.270 --> 00:25:21.110 So we. 00:25:21.910 --> 00:25:22.860 We like kind of. 00:25:22.860 --> 00:25:23.850 I cleaned it up a bit. 00:25:24.460 --> 00:25:25.690 Where we clean it up a bit. 00:25:27.870 --> 00:25:31.300 And then in some of the Starter code we 00:25:31.300 --> 00:25:34.600 turned some of the strings into one hot 00:25:34.600 --> 00:25:37.470 vectors because Sklearn doesn't deal 00:25:37.470 --> 00:25:38.120 with the strings. 00:25:40.450 --> 00:25:43.680 So the first part is to like look at 00:25:43.680 --> 00:25:44.560 some of the. 00:25:45.730 --> 00:25:47.600 To just like do scatter plots if some 00:25:47.600 --> 00:25:48.230 of the features. 00:25:50.150 --> 00:25:52.060 And then in the report. 00:25:53.820 --> 00:25:54.950 You just. 00:25:56.400 --> 00:25:58.050 You just like share with the scatter 00:25:58.050 --> 00:26:00.662 plots and you say if you had to choose 00:26:00.662 --> 00:26:02.410 two features like what 2 features would 00:26:02.410 --> 00:26:03.800 you choose based on looking at some of 00:26:03.800 --> 00:26:04.420 the scatterplot? 00:26:05.390 --> 00:26:06.890 It's not like there's not like 00:26:06.890 --> 00:26:08.800 necessarily a single right answer to if 00:26:08.800 --> 00:26:09.542 it makes sense. 00:26:09.542 --> 00:26:11.490 If your answer just makes if you try 00:26:11.490 --> 00:26:13.404 out some different combinations and 00:26:13.404 --> 00:26:14.760 your answer makes sense given what you 00:26:14.760 --> 00:26:15.510 tried, that's fine. 00:26:15.510 --> 00:26:16.990 It's not like that you have to find the 00:26:16.990 --> 00:26:19.080 very best answer by trying all pairs or 00:26:19.080 --> 00:26:19.600 anything like. 00:26:20.980 --> 00:26:23.840 So it's more of an exercise than like 00:26:23.840 --> 00:26:25.310 right or wrong kind of thing. 00:26:26.090 --> 00:26:26.610 00:26:27.280 --> 00:26:29.460 And in this Starter code the. 00:26:30.240 --> 00:26:30.820 00:26:31.830 --> 00:26:34.460 We provide an example so you just can 00:26:34.460 --> 00:26:37.130 run this scatterplot code with 00:26:37.130 --> 00:26:39.330 different combinations of features. 00:26:43.910 --> 00:26:45.530 Alright and then. 00:26:48.400 --> 00:26:50.830 The second part is to use a decision 00:26:50.830 --> 00:26:51.140 tree. 00:26:51.140 --> 00:26:53.910 If you train a decision tree and 00:26:53.910 --> 00:26:57.480 visualize it on the Features, then 00:26:57.480 --> 00:27:00.230 you'll be able to see a tree structure 00:27:00.230 --> 00:27:00.410 that. 00:27:01.260 --> 00:27:02.970 That kind of shows you like. 00:27:02.970 --> 00:27:04.580 You can think of that tree in terms of 00:27:04.580 --> 00:27:05.280 different rules. 00:27:05.280 --> 00:27:07.530 If you follow the branches down, each 00:27:07.530 --> 00:27:09.885 like path through the tree is a set of 00:27:09.885 --> 00:27:10.140 rules. 00:27:10.900 --> 00:27:12.860 And there are different Rule 00:27:12.860 --> 00:27:15.230 combinations that can almost perfectly 00:27:15.230 --> 00:27:17.373 distinguish Gentius from all the other 00:27:17.373 --> 00:27:18.940 species from the other two Species. 00:27:20.180 --> 00:27:22.830 So just train the tree and visualize 00:27:22.830 --> 00:27:23.920 and as a stretch goal. 00:27:23.920 --> 00:27:25.560 You can find a different rule, for 00:27:25.560 --> 00:27:27.180 example by eliminating some feature 00:27:27.180 --> 00:27:29.460 that was used in the first rule or by 00:27:29.460 --> 00:27:32.003 using a different criterion for the 00:27:32.003 --> 00:27:32.870 tree Learning. 00:27:35.620 --> 00:27:37.210 Then you include the rule in your 00:27:37.210 --> 00:27:37.610 report. 00:27:37.610 --> 00:27:38.780 So it should be something. 00:27:38.780 --> 00:27:40.910 If A is greater than five and B is less 00:27:40.910 --> 00:27:42.300 than two, then it's a Gen. 00:27:42.300 --> 00:27:43.380 2, otherwise it's not. 00:27:46.700 --> 00:27:47.040 Name. 00:27:48.400 --> 00:27:50.370 And then finally design an MLP model to 00:27:50.370 --> 00:27:51.560 maximize your accuracy. 00:27:52.190 --> 00:27:54.000 This is not actually. 00:27:55.080 --> 00:27:56.750 Again, you don't have to program it, 00:27:56.750 --> 00:27:57.390 you just. 00:27:57.390 --> 00:27:59.340 This is actually kind of like. 00:28:01.580 --> 00:28:03.150 Almost like, ridiculously easy. 00:28:03.830 --> 00:28:06.020 You can just call your different. 00:28:06.020 --> 00:28:08.560 We've learned a bunch of models, for 00:28:08.560 --> 00:28:10.840 example these models up here. 00:28:11.500 --> 00:28:13.600 You can try these different models that 00:28:13.600 --> 00:28:15.820 we used in this experiment, as well as 00:28:15.820 --> 00:28:17.600 any other models that you think might 00:28:17.600 --> 00:28:20.840 be applicable except for. 00:28:20.840 --> 00:28:21.730 Just make sure you're using 00:28:21.730 --> 00:28:23.126 Classification models and not 00:28:23.126 --> 00:28:23.759 regression models. 00:28:23.760 --> 00:28:25.820 But you can try logistic regression or 00:28:25.820 --> 00:28:27.480 random forests or trees. 00:28:28.550 --> 00:28:31.130 And when you instantiate the Model, 00:28:31.130 --> 00:28:32.069 just define the model. 00:28:32.070 --> 00:28:34.180 Here for example, logistic model equals 00:28:34.180 --> 00:28:37.820 logistic regression empty, empty prin. 00:28:38.910 --> 00:28:40.365 And then if you put the Model in here 00:28:40.365 --> 00:28:42.700 and your data, this will do the cross 00:28:42.700 --> 00:28:44.190 validation for you and compute the 00:28:44.190 --> 00:28:44.660 score. 00:28:44.660 --> 00:28:46.255 So it really just try different models 00:28:46.255 --> 00:28:49.540 and see what works well and I found 00:28:49.540 --> 00:28:52.830 pretty quickly a model that was 99.5% 00:28:52.830 --> 00:28:53.230 accurate. 00:28:53.900 --> 00:28:54.120 So. 00:28:55.410 --> 00:28:56.690 So again, it's just like a little bit 00:28:56.690 --> 00:28:58.600 of a simple model testing. 00:28:58.870 --> 00:28:59.050 OK. 00:29:00.310 --> 00:29:00.710 Experiment. 00:29:01.560 --> 00:29:04.135 So that's the main part of homework 2. 00:29:04.135 --> 00:29:06.710 The stretch goals to further improve 00:29:06.710 --> 00:29:09.190 MNIST by improving the design of your 00:29:09.190 --> 00:29:09.630 network. 00:29:11.320 --> 00:29:13.310 Find a second rule which I mentioned in 00:29:13.310 --> 00:29:15.000 the positional encoding. 00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:18.660 So this is the like Multi layer network 00:29:18.660 --> 00:29:20.390 for predicting color given position. 00:29:22.460 --> 00:29:24.560 And it should be possible to get the 00:29:24.560 --> 00:29:26.450 full points, easing the positional 00:29:26.450 --> 00:29:26.860 encoding. 00:29:26.860 --> 00:29:28.210 You should be able to generate like a 00:29:28.210 --> 00:29:30.440 fairly natural looking image should 00:29:30.440 --> 00:29:30.770 look. 00:29:30.770 --> 00:29:32.250 It might not be quite as sharp as the 00:29:32.250 --> 00:29:33.540 original, but it should be pretty good. 00:29:37.670 --> 00:29:39.180 OK, one more question. 00:29:50.410 --> 00:29:54.500 Yeah, maybes and cannon are two 00:29:54.500 --> 00:29:56.040 examples of Classification algorithms. 00:29:56.720 --> 00:30:00.500 And night Bayes is not usually the best 00:30:00.500 --> 00:30:00.990 so. 00:30:02.960 --> 00:30:04.230 Not the first thing I would try. 00:30:06.260 --> 00:30:09.630 So random forest, decision trees, SVMS, 00:30:09.630 --> 00:30:11.090 naibs, logistic regression. 00:30:11.860 --> 00:30:12.870 All of those can apply. 00:30:15.190 --> 00:30:18.430 So that was a little bit, it took some 00:30:18.430 --> 00:30:19.580 time, but that's OK. 00:30:21.230 --> 00:30:22.740 That was one of the things that a lot 00:30:22.740 --> 00:30:24.550 of students wanted was, or at least I 00:30:24.550 --> 00:30:26.720 think that they said they wanted, is 00:30:26.720 --> 00:30:29.090 like to talk like a little bit more in 00:30:29.090 --> 00:30:30.360 depth about the homework and try to 00:30:30.360 --> 00:30:32.420 explain like what we're trying to ask 00:30:32.420 --> 00:30:32.710 for. 00:30:32.710 --> 00:30:34.330 So hopefully that does help a little 00:30:34.330 --> 00:30:34.480 bit. 00:30:36.390 --> 00:30:38.485 Alright, so now we can move on to Deep 00:30:38.485 --> 00:30:40.020 Learning, which is a pretty exciting 00:30:40.020 --> 00:30:41.180 topic. 00:30:41.180 --> 00:30:42.545 I'm sure everyone's heard of Deep 00:30:42.545 --> 00:30:42.810 Learning. 00:30:43.950 --> 00:30:45.470 So I'm going to tell the story of how 00:30:45.470 --> 00:30:47.580 Deep Learning became so important, and 00:30:47.580 --> 00:30:48.650 then I'm going to talk about the 00:30:48.650 --> 00:30:49.440 Optimizers. 00:30:49.440 --> 00:30:51.460 So going beyond the Vanilla SGD. 00:30:52.130 --> 00:30:55.940 And get into Residual Networks, which 00:30:55.940 --> 00:30:59.210 is one of the mainstays and. 00:31:00.160 --> 00:31:01.730 I'm kind of like conscious that I'm a 00:31:01.730 --> 00:31:03.190 computer vision researcher, so I was 00:31:03.190 --> 00:31:03.940 like, am I? 00:31:05.520 --> 00:31:07.543 For Deep Learning, do I just focus on 00:31:07.543 --> 00:31:09.280 like I don't want to just focus on the 00:31:09.280 --> 00:31:11.639 vision Networks if there were like 00:31:11.640 --> 00:31:12.935 other things that were important for 00:31:12.935 --> 00:31:14.020 the development of Deep Learning? 00:31:14.640 --> 00:31:16.090 But when I looked into it, I realized 00:31:16.090 --> 00:31:17.930 that vision was like the breakthrough 00:31:17.930 --> 00:31:18.560 in Deep Learning. 00:31:18.560 --> 00:31:21.496 So the first big algorithms for Deep 00:31:21.496 --> 00:31:24.060 Learning were like as you'll see, based 00:31:24.060 --> 00:31:26.149 on ImageNet and Image image based 00:31:26.150 --> 00:31:26.880 classifiers. 00:31:27.990 --> 00:31:29.160 And then it's huge. 00:31:29.160 --> 00:31:32.870 Impact on NLP came a little bit later, 00:31:32.870 --> 00:31:35.203 but mainly Deep Learning makes its 00:31:35.203 --> 00:31:37.200 impact on structured data, where you 00:31:37.200 --> 00:31:39.660 have things like images and text, where 00:31:39.660 --> 00:31:41.880 relationships between the different 00:31:41.880 --> 00:31:43.720 elements that are fed into the network 00:31:43.720 --> 00:31:46.005 need to be Learned, where you're trying 00:31:46.005 --> 00:31:47.540 to learn patterns of these elements. 00:31:51.310 --> 00:31:53.050 Alright, so Deep Learning starts with 00:31:53.050 --> 00:31:55.260 the Perceptron, which we already talked 00:31:55.260 --> 00:31:55.480 about. 00:31:55.480 --> 00:31:58.470 This was proposed by Rosenblatt 1958. 00:31:59.850 --> 00:32:03.480 And you won't be let me read some of 00:32:03.480 --> 00:32:04.030 this out loud. 00:32:04.030 --> 00:32:06.150 So here's in 1958 New York Times 00:32:06.150 --> 00:32:07.580 article about the Perceptron. 00:32:08.310 --> 00:32:11.210 Called New Navy device learns by doing. 00:32:12.000 --> 00:32:14.720 Psychologist shows Embryo of computer 00:32:14.720 --> 00:32:16.670 designed to read and grow Wiser. 00:32:18.050 --> 00:32:20.510 There's the Navy revealed, revealed the 00:32:20.510 --> 00:32:22.350 embryo of an electronic computer today 00:32:22.350 --> 00:32:23.950 that expects we'll be able to walk, 00:32:23.950 --> 00:32:25.810 talk, see right and reproduce itself 00:32:25.810 --> 00:32:28.220 and be conscious of its existence. 00:32:28.980 --> 00:32:30.750 The Embryo, the Weather Bureau is 00:32:30.750 --> 00:32:33.630 $2,000,000 seven 104 Computer learn to 00:32:33.630 --> 00:32:35.530 differentiate between right and left 00:32:35.530 --> 00:32:37.419 after 50 attempts in the Navy's 00:32:37.420 --> 00:32:38.770 demonstration for newsmen. 00:32:39.730 --> 00:32:40.270 This. 00:32:41.040 --> 00:32:43.830 I don't know why it took 50 attempts. 00:32:43.830 --> 00:32:45.520 There's only two answers. 00:32:46.240 --> 00:32:48.970 But the service said it would use this 00:32:48.970 --> 00:32:51.630 principle to build the first of its 00:32:51.630 --> 00:32:53.535 Perceptron thinking machines that we'll 00:32:53.535 --> 00:32:54.670 be able to read and write. 00:32:54.670 --> 00:32:56.570 It is expected to be finished in about 00:32:56.570 --> 00:32:58.920 a year at a cost of $100,000. 00:33:01.970 --> 00:33:02.605 So going on. 00:33:02.605 --> 00:33:04.860 So they're pretty underestimated. 00:33:04.860 --> 00:33:06.880 The complexity of artificial 00:33:06.880 --> 00:33:09.133 intelligence obviously is like we have 00:33:09.133 --> 00:33:10.670 the, we have the Perceptron, we'll be 00:33:10.670 --> 00:33:11.800 done next year with the. 00:33:12.700 --> 00:33:13.240 And. 00:33:15.620 --> 00:33:17.460 They did, though, get some of the 00:33:17.460 --> 00:33:18.023 impact right. 00:33:18.023 --> 00:33:20.155 So they said the brain is designed to 00:33:20.155 --> 00:33:21.940 remember images and information as 00:33:21.940 --> 00:33:22.930 perceived itself. 00:33:22.930 --> 00:33:24.540 Ordinary computers remember only what 00:33:24.540 --> 00:33:26.220 has fed into them on punch cards or 00:33:26.220 --> 00:33:28.220 magnetic tape, so the information is 00:33:28.220 --> 00:33:29.210 stored in the weights of the network. 00:33:30.090 --> 00:33:31.650 Later Perceptrons will be able to 00:33:31.650 --> 00:33:33.300 recognize people and call out their 00:33:33.300 --> 00:33:35.589 names and instantly translate speech in 00:33:35.590 --> 00:33:37.860 one language to speech or writing in 00:33:37.860 --> 00:33:39.580 another language, it was predicted. 00:33:40.180 --> 00:33:44.110 So it took 70 years, but it happened. 00:33:46.150 --> 00:33:50.130 So it's at least shows some insight 00:33:50.130 --> 00:33:51.780 into like what this what this 00:33:51.780 --> 00:33:53.900 technology could become. 00:33:54.880 --> 00:33:56.430 So it's a pretty interesting article. 00:33:58.120 --> 00:34:01.000 So from the Perceptron we eventually 00:34:01.000 --> 00:34:03.120 went to a two layer, two layer neural 00:34:03.120 --> 00:34:03.550 network. 00:34:03.550 --> 00:34:05.170 I think that didn't happen until the 00:34:05.170 --> 00:34:06.220 early 80s. 00:34:06.700 --> 00:34:07.260 00:34:08.120 --> 00:34:09.440 And these are more difficult to 00:34:09.440 --> 00:34:11.910 optimize the big thing that's, I mean 00:34:11.910 --> 00:34:14.147 if you think about it before the 80s 00:34:14.147 --> 00:34:16.420 you couldn't even like store digital 00:34:16.420 --> 00:34:17.720 data in any quantities. 00:34:17.720 --> 00:34:19.320 So it's really hard to do things like. 00:34:20.350 --> 00:34:22.515 Multi layer Networks or machine 00:34:22.515 --> 00:34:23.410 learning. 00:34:23.410 --> 00:34:25.162 So that's kind of why like the machine 00:34:25.162 --> 00:34:27.520 learning in 1958 was a huge deal, even 00:34:27.520 --> 00:34:28.830 if it's in a very limited form. 00:34:31.000 --> 00:34:33.023 And then with these nonlinearities you 00:34:33.023 --> 00:34:34.550 can then learn nonlinear functions, 00:34:34.550 --> 00:34:36.220 while Perceptrons are limited to linear 00:34:36.220 --> 00:34:36.740 linear functions. 00:34:36.740 --> 00:34:38.520 And then you can have Multi layer 00:34:38.520 --> 00:34:40.390 neural networks where you just have 00:34:40.390 --> 00:34:41.130 more layers. 00:34:42.480 --> 00:34:43.780 And we talked about how you can 00:34:43.780 --> 00:34:46.550 optimize these Networks using a form of 00:34:46.550 --> 00:34:47.520 Gradient Descent. 00:34:48.760 --> 00:34:50.280 And in particular you do back 00:34:50.280 --> 00:34:52.270 propagation where you allow the 00:34:52.270 --> 00:34:54.434 Gradients or like how you should change 00:34:54.434 --> 00:34:57.710 the error the Gradients are based on, 00:34:57.710 --> 00:34:59.642 like how the weights affect the error 00:34:59.642 --> 00:35:01.570 and that can be propagated back through 00:35:01.570 --> 00:35:02.130 the network. 00:35:02.970 --> 00:35:03.520 00:35:04.430 --> 00:35:06.920 And then you can optimize using 00:35:06.920 --> 00:35:08.890 stochastic gradient descent, where you 00:35:08.890 --> 00:35:10.640 find the best Update based on a small 00:35:10.640 --> 00:35:11.790 amount of data at a time. 00:35:14.670 --> 00:35:18.240 So now to get to the next Phase I need 00:35:18.240 --> 00:35:21.085 to get into MLP's applied to images. 00:35:21.085 --> 00:35:23.180 So I want to just very briefly tell you 00:35:23.180 --> 00:35:24.300 a little bit about images. 00:35:25.480 --> 00:35:27.730 So images, if you have an intensity 00:35:27.730 --> 00:35:29.842 image like what we saw for MNIST, then 00:35:29.842 --> 00:35:32.140 you have then the image is a matrix. 00:35:32.860 --> 00:35:35.550 So the rows will be the Y position, 00:35:35.550 --> 00:35:36.942 there will be the rows of the image, 00:35:36.942 --> 00:35:38.417 the columns or the columns of the image 00:35:38.417 --> 00:35:40.440 and the values range from zero to 1, 00:35:40.440 --> 00:35:43.235 where usually like one is as bright and 00:35:43.235 --> 00:35:44.140 zero is dark. 00:35:47.410 --> 00:35:49.100 If you have a color image, then you 00:35:49.100 --> 00:35:50.769 have three of these matrices, one for 00:35:50.770 --> 00:35:54.080 each color channel, and the standard 00:35:54.080 --> 00:35:55.760 way it's stored is in RGB. 00:35:55.760 --> 00:35:57.100 So you have one for the red, one for 00:35:57.100 --> 00:35:58.490 the green, one for the blue. 00:36:01.760 --> 00:36:05.200 And so in Python, an image in RGB image 00:36:05.200 --> 00:36:07.310 is stored as a 3 dimensional matrix. 00:36:08.560 --> 00:36:11.440 Where for example, the upper left 00:36:11.440 --> 00:36:14.983 corner of it, 000 is the red value of 00:36:14.983 --> 00:36:16.360 the top left pixel. 00:36:17.590 --> 00:36:21.010 Yaxe in general is the. 00:36:21.430 --> 00:36:23.920 Is the Cth color, so C can be zero, one 00:36:23.920 --> 00:36:25.290 or two for red, green or blue. 00:36:26.320 --> 00:36:29.390 The Wyeth row and the XTH column, so 00:36:29.390 --> 00:36:31.780 it's a color of a particular pixel. 00:36:32.670 --> 00:36:34.990 So that's how images are stored. 00:36:35.800 --> 00:36:38.680 In computers, if you read it will be a 00:36:38.680 --> 00:36:40.490 3D matrix if it's a color image. 00:36:44.730 --> 00:36:47.780 So the wait. 00:36:47.780 --> 00:36:48.890 Did I miss something? 00:36:48.890 --> 00:36:51.705 Yes, I meant to talk about this first. 00:36:51.705 --> 00:36:53.592 So when you're analyzing images. 00:36:53.592 --> 00:36:56.450 So in the MNIST problem, we just like 00:36:56.450 --> 00:36:58.265 turn the image into a column vector so 00:36:58.265 --> 00:36:59.995 that we can apply a linear classifier 00:36:59.995 --> 00:37:00.660 to it. 00:37:00.660 --> 00:37:02.900 In that case, like there's no longer 00:37:02.900 --> 00:37:05.823 any positional structure stored in the 00:37:05.823 --> 00:37:09.920 vector, and the logistic regressor KNN 00:37:09.920 --> 00:37:11.620 doesn't really care whether pixels were 00:37:11.620 --> 00:37:12.710 next to each other or not. 00:37:12.710 --> 00:37:14.280 It's just like treating them as like 00:37:14.280 --> 00:37:15.040 separate. 00:37:15.420 --> 00:37:17.630 Individual Input values that it's going 00:37:17.630 --> 00:37:19.520 to use to determine similarity or make 00:37:19.520 --> 00:37:20.350 some Prediction. 00:37:21.300 --> 00:37:24.121 But we can do much better analysis of 00:37:24.121 --> 00:37:26.255 images if we take into account that 00:37:26.255 --> 00:37:28.130 like local patterns and the images are 00:37:28.130 --> 00:37:28.760 important. 00:37:28.760 --> 00:37:31.260 So by like trying to find edges or 00:37:31.260 --> 00:37:33.040 finding patterns like things that look 00:37:33.040 --> 00:37:36.043 like eyes or faces, we can do much 00:37:36.043 --> 00:37:38.060 better analysis than if we just like 00:37:38.060 --> 00:37:39.680 treat it as a big long vector of 00:37:39.680 --> 00:37:40.140 values. 00:37:42.690 --> 00:37:44.139 So if you. 00:37:45.030 --> 00:37:46.770 One of the common ways of processing 00:37:46.770 --> 00:37:50.480 images is that you apply some. 00:37:50.610 --> 00:37:51.170 00:37:52.010 --> 00:37:54.800 You apply some weights. 00:37:55.470 --> 00:37:57.930 To like different little patches in the 00:37:57.930 --> 00:37:59.775 image and you take up dot product of 00:37:59.775 --> 00:38:00.780 the weights with the patch. 00:38:01.440 --> 00:38:03.130 So a simple example is that you could 00:38:03.130 --> 00:38:06.150 take the value of a pixel in the center 00:38:06.150 --> 00:38:08.510 minus the value of the pixel to the 00:38:08.510 --> 00:38:10.439 left minus the value of the pixel to 00:38:10.440 --> 00:38:11.760 its right, and that would tell you if 00:38:11.760 --> 00:38:13.700 there's an edge at that position. 00:38:16.620 --> 00:38:17.070 Right. 00:38:19.290 --> 00:38:19.760 So. 00:38:20.730 --> 00:38:22.766 When we represented again when we 00:38:22.766 --> 00:38:25.590 represented these Networks in MLPS, I 00:38:25.590 --> 00:38:28.401 mean when we represented these Networks 00:38:28.401 --> 00:38:31.870 in homework one and homework two in 00:38:31.870 --> 00:38:32.230 fact. 00:38:33.100 --> 00:38:36.050 We just represent the digits as like a 00:38:36.050 --> 00:38:38.520 long vector values as I said, and in 00:38:38.520 --> 00:38:40.090 that case we would have like these 00:38:40.090 --> 00:38:41.340 Fully connected layers. 00:38:41.990 --> 00:38:44.060 Where we have a set of weights for each 00:38:44.060 --> 00:38:45.100 intermediate Output. 00:38:45.100 --> 00:38:46.552 That's just like a linear prediction 00:38:46.552 --> 00:38:48.640 from the from all of the inputs. 00:38:48.640 --> 00:38:50.520 So this is not yet taking into account 00:38:50.520 --> 00:38:51.660 the structure of the image. 00:38:53.730 --> 00:38:56.970 Could I take into account the to do 00:38:56.970 --> 00:38:58.500 something more like filtering where we 00:38:58.500 --> 00:39:00.733 want to try to take advantage of that 00:39:00.733 --> 00:39:02.460 the image is composed of different 00:39:02.460 --> 00:39:04.260 patches that are kind of like locally 00:39:04.260 --> 00:39:06.530 meaningful or the relative values of 00:39:06.530 --> 00:39:07.870 nearby pixels are important? 00:39:08.680 --> 00:39:11.060 We can do what's called a Convolutional 00:39:11.060 --> 00:39:11.560 network. 00:39:12.860 --> 00:39:14.460 They're in a Convolutional network. 00:39:15.510 --> 00:39:18.060 Your weights are just analyzing a local 00:39:18.060 --> 00:39:19.585 neighborhood of the image, and by 00:39:19.585 --> 00:39:21.000 analyzing I just mean a dot product. 00:39:21.000 --> 00:39:23.489 So it's just a linear product, a linear 00:39:23.490 --> 00:39:25.986 combination of the pixel values in a 00:39:25.986 --> 00:39:28.521 local portion of the image, like a 7 by 00:39:28.521 --> 00:39:31.400 7, seven pixel by 7 pixel image patch. 00:39:33.170 --> 00:39:37.200 And if you scan like if you scan that 00:39:37.200 --> 00:39:39.290 patch or scan the weights across the 00:39:39.290 --> 00:39:42.630 image, you can then extract features or 00:39:42.630 --> 00:39:44.975 feature for every position in the 00:39:44.975 --> 00:39:45.310 Image. 00:39:48.700 --> 00:39:50.200 And these weights can be learned if 00:39:50.200 --> 00:39:51.670 you're using a network. 00:39:52.780 --> 00:39:54.880 And so for a given set of weights, you 00:39:54.880 --> 00:39:56.725 get what's called a feature map. 00:39:56.725 --> 00:39:58.075 So this could be representing whether 00:39:58.075 --> 00:39:59.948 there's a vertical edge at each 00:39:59.948 --> 00:40:02.050 position, or horizontal edge at each 00:40:02.050 --> 00:40:03.490 position, or whether there's like a 00:40:03.490 --> 00:40:04.930 dark patch in the middle of a bright 00:40:04.930 --> 00:40:06.200 area, something like that. 00:40:08.690 --> 00:40:10.380 And if you have a bunch of these sets 00:40:10.380 --> 00:40:11.940 of Learned weights, then you can 00:40:11.940 --> 00:40:14.180 generate a bunch of feature maps, so 00:40:14.180 --> 00:40:15.490 they're just representing different 00:40:15.490 --> 00:40:16.940 things about the edges or local 00:40:16.940 --> 00:40:18.110 patterns in the Image. 00:40:21.010 --> 00:40:22.025 Here's an example. 00:40:22.025 --> 00:40:24.960 So let's say we have this edge filter 00:40:24.960 --> 00:40:25.205 here. 00:40:25.205 --> 00:40:26.820 So it's just saying like is there 00:40:26.820 --> 00:40:28.520 looking for diagonal edges. 00:40:28.520 --> 00:40:30.625 Essentially whether they're the sum of 00:40:30.625 --> 00:40:32.200 values in the upper right is greater 00:40:32.200 --> 00:40:33.460 than the sum of values in the lower 00:40:33.460 --> 00:40:33.710 left. 00:40:34.820 --> 00:40:36.390 Kind of like scan that across the 00:40:36.390 --> 00:40:36.640 image. 00:40:36.640 --> 00:40:38.370 So for each Image position you take the 00:40:38.370 --> 00:40:39.850 dot product of these weights with the 00:40:39.850 --> 00:40:40.520 image pixels. 00:40:41.720 --> 00:40:43.220 And then that gives you some feature 00:40:43.220 --> 00:40:43.890 map. 00:40:43.890 --> 00:40:46.160 So here like dark and bright values 00:40:46.160 --> 00:40:47.950 mean that there is like a strong edge 00:40:47.950 --> 00:40:48.970 in that direction. 00:40:51.200 --> 00:40:53.220 And then you can do that with other 00:40:53.220 --> 00:40:55.140 filters to look for other kinds of 00:40:55.140 --> 00:40:57.010 edges or patterns, and you get a bunch 00:40:57.010 --> 00:40:58.960 of these feature maps and then they get 00:40:58.960 --> 00:41:00.190 stacked together as your next 00:41:00.190 --> 00:41:01.020 representation. 00:41:02.580 --> 00:41:03.605 So then we get like. 00:41:03.605 --> 00:41:05.220 The Width here is like the number of 00:41:05.220 --> 00:41:05.960 feature maps. 00:41:06.770 --> 00:41:08.350 Sometimes people call them channels. 00:41:08.350 --> 00:41:10.317 So you start with an RGB 3 channel 00:41:10.317 --> 00:41:11.803 image and then you have like a feature 00:41:11.803 --> 00:41:12.489 channel Image. 00:41:15.010 --> 00:41:16.680 And next you can do the same thing. 00:41:16.680 --> 00:41:17.615 Now your weights. 00:41:17.615 --> 00:41:19.580 Now, instead of operating on RGB 00:41:19.580 --> 00:41:21.417 values, you operate on the feature 00:41:21.417 --> 00:41:23.160 values, but you still analyze local 00:41:23.160 --> 00:41:24.860 patches of these feature maps. 00:41:25.720 --> 00:41:27.180 And produce new feature maps. 00:41:29.350 --> 00:41:31.030 And that's the basic idea of a 00:41:31.030 --> 00:41:32.480 Convolutional network. 00:41:32.480 --> 00:41:34.670 So you start with the input image. 00:41:35.630 --> 00:41:38.550 You do some Convolution using Learned 00:41:38.550 --> 00:41:39.150 weights. 00:41:39.150 --> 00:41:41.600 You apply some nonlinearity like a 00:41:41.600 --> 00:41:42.030 ReLU. 00:41:43.050 --> 00:41:45.110 And then you often do like some kind of 00:41:45.110 --> 00:41:46.280 spatial pooling. 00:41:47.300 --> 00:41:50.480 Which is basically if you take like 2 00:41:50.480 --> 00:41:52.390 by two groups of pixels in the image 00:41:52.390 --> 00:41:54.070 and you represent the value or the Max 00:41:54.070 --> 00:41:54.920 of those pixels. 00:41:55.690 --> 00:41:57.371 Then you can like reduce the size of 00:41:57.371 --> 00:41:59.009 the image or reduce the size of the 00:41:59.010 --> 00:42:01.060 feature map and still like retain a lot 00:42:01.060 --> 00:42:02.760 of the original information. 00:42:03.400 --> 00:42:05.530 And so this is like the general 00:42:05.530 --> 00:42:07.900 structure of convolutional neural 00:42:07.900 --> 00:42:10.750 networks or CNS, that you apply a 00:42:10.750 --> 00:42:13.320 filter, you apply nonlinearity, and 00:42:13.320 --> 00:42:15.360 then you like downsample the image, 00:42:15.360 --> 00:42:17.830 meaning you reduce its size by taking 00:42:17.830 --> 00:42:20.456 averages of small blocks or maxes of 00:42:20.456 --> 00:42:20.989 small blocks. 00:42:23.360 --> 00:42:25.630 And you just keep repeating that until 00:42:25.630 --> 00:42:28.090 you finally at the end have some linear 00:42:28.090 --> 00:42:29.100 layers for Prediction. 00:42:31.020 --> 00:42:33.110 So this is just again showing the basic 00:42:33.110 --> 00:42:34.980 structure you do Convolution pool, so 00:42:34.980 --> 00:42:37.320 it's basically convolved, downsample, 00:42:37.320 --> 00:42:39.590 convolve down sample et cetera and then 00:42:39.590 --> 00:42:41.710 linear layers for your final MLP 00:42:41.710 --> 00:42:42.230 Prediction. 00:42:48.040 --> 00:42:48.810 So. 00:42:49.580 --> 00:42:53.300 So this was the CNN was first invented 00:42:53.300 --> 00:42:54.430 by Jian LeCun. 00:42:55.220 --> 00:42:58.230 For character digit recognition in the 00:42:58.230 --> 00:42:58.930 late 90s. 00:43:00.360 --> 00:43:01.249 I'm pretty sure. 00:43:01.249 --> 00:43:03.780 I'm pretty sure this is the first 00:43:03.780 --> 00:43:04.780 published CNN. 00:43:05.950 --> 00:43:07.830 So here it's a little misleading. 00:43:07.830 --> 00:43:09.450 It's showing a letter and then 10 00:43:09.450 --> 00:43:12.040 outputs, but it was applied to both 00:43:12.040 --> 00:43:14.370 characters and digits, so. 00:43:15.270 --> 00:43:17.500 The Input would be some like. 00:43:17.500 --> 00:43:18.950 This was also applied to MNIST. 00:43:20.030 --> 00:43:21.840 But the Input would be some digit or 00:43:21.840 --> 00:43:22.360 character. 00:43:23.390 --> 00:43:25.765 You have like 6 feature maps that were 00:43:25.765 --> 00:43:28.248 like really big filters, 28 by 28 or 00:43:28.248 --> 00:43:28.589 not. 00:43:28.590 --> 00:43:29.980 They're not necessarily big filters, 00:43:29.980 --> 00:43:30.280 sorry. 00:43:30.280 --> 00:43:32.730 Produce a 28 by 28 Size image after 00:43:32.730 --> 00:43:34.420 like filtering the image or applying 00:43:34.420 --> 00:43:36.700 these filters to the image, so a value 00:43:36.700 --> 00:43:37.820 at each position. 00:43:38.690 --> 00:43:40.520 That's like inside of this patch. 00:43:41.710 --> 00:43:43.110 They have six feature maps. 00:43:43.110 --> 00:43:45.410 Then you do an average pooling, which 00:43:45.410 --> 00:43:47.220 means that you average two by two 00:43:47.220 --> 00:43:47.690 blocks. 00:43:48.720 --> 00:43:51.320 And then you get more feature maps by 00:43:51.320 --> 00:43:53.900 applying like filters to these skies, 00:43:53.900 --> 00:43:56.170 so a weighted combination of feature 00:43:56.170 --> 00:43:58.420 values at each position in local 00:43:58.420 --> 00:43:59.010 neighborhoods. 00:44:00.070 --> 00:44:01.910 So now we have 16 feature maps that are 00:44:01.910 --> 00:44:05.120 size 10 by 10 and then we again do some 00:44:05.120 --> 00:44:07.520 average pooling and then we have our 00:44:07.520 --> 00:44:09.370 linear layers of the MLP. 00:44:10.300 --> 00:44:12.470 And there were sigmoids in between 00:44:12.470 --> 00:44:12.720 them. 00:44:13.670 --> 00:44:16.245 And so that's the basic idea. 00:44:16.245 --> 00:44:17.990 So this was actually like a kind of 00:44:17.990 --> 00:44:20.070 like a big deal, but it never got 00:44:20.070 --> 00:44:22.406 pushed any further for a long time. 00:44:22.406 --> 00:44:23.019 So for. 00:44:23.850 --> 00:44:25.100 Between 1998. 00:44:25.770 --> 00:44:28.790 In 2012, there were really no more 00:44:28.790 --> 00:44:30.710 breakthroughs involving convolutional 00:44:30.710 --> 00:44:32.270 neural networks or any form of Deep 00:44:32.270 --> 00:44:32.650 Learning. 00:44:33.600 --> 00:44:37.090 John LeCun and. 00:44:37.160 --> 00:44:41.280 Bateau and Yoshua Bengio and Andrew 00:44:41.280 --> 00:44:42.860 Yang and others were like pushing on 00:44:42.860 --> 00:44:43.410 Deep Networks. 00:44:43.410 --> 00:44:45.270 They're writing papers like why this 00:44:45.270 --> 00:44:47.870 makes sense, why it's like the right 00:44:47.870 --> 00:44:48.410 thing to do. 00:44:49.250 --> 00:44:50.700 And they're trying to get them to work, 00:44:50.700 --> 00:44:52.560 but they just kind of couldn't. 00:44:52.560 --> 00:44:55.310 Like they were hard to train and just 00:44:55.310 --> 00:44:56.950 not getting results that were better 00:44:56.950 --> 00:44:58.509 than other approaches that were better 00:44:58.510 --> 00:44:58.990 understood. 00:44:59.750 --> 00:45:02.070 So people give up on Deep Networks in 00:45:02.070 --> 00:45:04.370 MLP and Convolutional Nets. 00:45:05.090 --> 00:45:06.648 And we're just doing like SVMS and 00:45:06.648 --> 00:45:08.536 things that were in random forests and 00:45:08.536 --> 00:45:09.760 things that had better theoretical 00:45:09.760 --> 00:45:10.560 justification. 00:45:11.600 --> 00:45:12.850 And there are some of the researchers 00:45:12.850 --> 00:45:14.590 got really frustrated, like Jian 00:45:14.590 --> 00:45:16.106 Lacour, and wrote a letter that said he 00:45:16.106 --> 00:45:17.950 was like not going to CVPR anymore 00:45:17.950 --> 00:45:20.000 because he's because they're rejecting 00:45:20.000 --> 00:45:22.270 his papers and he was quitting. 00:45:22.270 --> 00:45:24.086 I mean, he didn't quit, but he quit 00:45:24.086 --> 00:45:24.349 CVPR. 00:45:25.510 --> 00:45:27.270 I can kind of like poke at him a bit 00:45:27.270 --> 00:45:28.570 because now he's made millions of 00:45:28.570 --> 00:45:30.567 dollars and won the Turing award, so he 00:45:30.567 --> 00:45:32.240 got, he got his rewards. 00:45:35.350 --> 00:45:39.130 So all this changed in 2012. 00:45:39.780 --> 00:45:41.385 And one of the things that happened is 00:45:41.385 --> 00:45:43.633 that this big data set was created by 00:45:43.633 --> 00:45:45.166 Faye Faye Lee and her students. 00:45:45.166 --> 00:45:48.278 She was actually at UEC and then she 00:45:48.278 --> 00:45:49.590 went to Princeton and then she went to 00:45:49.590 --> 00:45:49.890 Stanford. 00:45:52.110 --> 00:45:56.140 There were fourteen million, so they 00:45:56.140 --> 00:45:58.140 got a ton of images, a ton of different 00:45:58.140 --> 00:45:58.790 classes. 00:45:59.530 --> 00:46:00.980 And they labeled them. 00:46:00.980 --> 00:46:02.990 So it was this enormous at the end, 00:46:02.990 --> 00:46:06.250 this enormous data set that had 1.2 00:46:06.250 --> 00:46:09.330 million Training images in 1000 00:46:09.330 --> 00:46:10.180 different classes. 00:46:10.180 --> 00:46:12.090 So a lot of data to learn from. 00:46:13.430 --> 00:46:15.440 A lot of researchers weren't like all 00:46:15.440 --> 00:46:16.830 that interested in this because 00:46:16.830 --> 00:46:18.810 Classification is a relatively simple 00:46:18.810 --> 00:46:21.140 problem compared to object detection or 00:46:21.140 --> 00:46:22.980 segmentation or other kinds of vision 00:46:22.980 --> 00:46:23.420 problems. 00:46:25.180 --> 00:46:26.660 But there were challenges that were 00:46:26.660 --> 00:46:28.160 held a year to year. 00:46:29.950 --> 00:46:33.720 And so and one of these challenges that 00:46:33.720 --> 00:46:35.740 2012 ImageNet Challenge. 00:46:36.720 --> 00:46:38.090 There are a lot of methods that were 00:46:38.090 --> 00:46:39.710 proposed and they all got pretty 00:46:39.710 --> 00:46:41.090 similar results. 00:46:41.090 --> 00:46:44.347 So you can see one of the methods got 00:46:44.347 --> 00:46:46.890 35% error, one got 30% error, these 00:46:46.890 --> 00:46:49.280 others got like maybe 27% error. 00:46:50.440 --> 00:46:54.520 And then there is one more that got 15% 00:46:54.520 --> 00:46:54.930 error. 00:46:55.860 --> 00:46:59.210 And it's like if you see for a couple 00:46:59.210 --> 00:47:01.630 years, everybody's getting like 25 to 00:47:01.630 --> 00:47:03.640 30% error and then all of a sudden 00:47:03.640 --> 00:47:05.580 somebody gets 15% error. 00:47:05.580 --> 00:47:07.160 That's like a big difference. 00:47:07.160 --> 00:47:08.717 It's like, what the heck happened? 00:47:08.717 --> 00:47:09.458 How is that? 00:47:09.458 --> 00:47:10.760 How is that possible? 00:47:11.630 --> 00:47:11.930 So. 00:47:13.740 --> 00:47:17.180 And I was actually at this workshop at 00:47:17.180 --> 00:47:21.740 Ecv in France, in Marseille, I think. 00:47:22.450 --> 00:47:25.260 And I remember it like people were 00:47:25.260 --> 00:47:25.510 pretty. 00:47:25.510 --> 00:47:27.113 Everyone was talking about it and was 00:47:27.113 --> 00:47:28.090 like, what does this mean? 00:47:28.090 --> 00:47:29.480 Did Deep Learning finally work? 00:47:29.480 --> 00:47:31.910 And, like, now we have to start paying 00:47:31.910 --> 00:47:33.990 attention to these people? 00:47:33.990 --> 00:47:35.543 So they're really astonished. 00:47:35.543 --> 00:47:37.750 I mean, everyone was really astonished. 00:47:37.750 --> 00:47:40.280 And this was what was behind us, this 00:47:40.280 --> 00:47:40.960 AlexNet. 00:47:41.890 --> 00:47:42.830 So AlexNet. 00:47:43.540 --> 00:47:46.010 With this same kind of network as 00:47:46.010 --> 00:47:48.950 LeCun's network with just some changes. 00:47:48.950 --> 00:47:52.373 So same kind of Convolution and pool. 00:47:52.373 --> 00:47:54.610 Convolution and pool followed by dient 00:47:54.610 --> 00:47:55.080 flares. 00:47:56.080 --> 00:47:58.673 But one difference is that so there's 00:47:58.673 --> 00:48:00.650 important differences in non important 00:48:00.650 --> 00:48:02.220 differences and at the time people 00:48:02.220 --> 00:48:03.456 didn't really know what was important 00:48:03.456 --> 00:48:04.270 and what wasn't. 00:48:04.270 --> 00:48:07.306 But a non important difference was Max 00:48:07.306 --> 00:48:08.740 pooling versus average pooling. 00:48:08.740 --> 00:48:10.950 Taking the Max a little window, little 00:48:10.950 --> 00:48:12.470 groups of pixels instead of the average 00:48:12.470 --> 00:48:13.350 when you downsample. 00:48:14.440 --> 00:48:16.040 An important difference was ReLU 00:48:16.040 --> 00:48:18.140 nonlinearity instead of Sigmoid. 00:48:18.140 --> 00:48:19.820 That made it much more optimizable. 00:48:21.010 --> 00:48:22.550 An important difference was that there 00:48:22.550 --> 00:48:24.340 was a lot more data to learn from. 00:48:24.340 --> 00:48:27.010 You had these thousand classes and 1.2 00:48:27.010 --> 00:48:28.680 million images where previously 00:48:28.680 --> 00:48:30.360 datasets were created that were just 00:48:30.360 --> 00:48:31.950 big enough for the current algorithms. 00:48:32.560 --> 00:48:35.170 So actually like people found that you 00:48:35.170 --> 00:48:38.000 kind of you might have like a 10,000 00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:39.436 images in your data set and people 00:48:39.436 --> 00:48:40.660 found well if you make it bigger, 00:48:40.660 --> 00:48:42.300 things don't really get better anyway. 00:48:42.300 --> 00:48:44.370 So no point wasting all that time 00:48:44.370 --> 00:48:45.390 making a bigger dataset. 00:48:46.820 --> 00:48:48.690 But you needed that data for these 00:48:48.690 --> 00:48:49.220 Networks. 00:48:50.640 --> 00:48:54.800 They made a bigger model than than Jian 00:48:54.800 --> 00:48:55.560 Laguna's Model. 00:48:56.270 --> 00:48:57.770 60 million parameters. 00:48:57.770 --> 00:49:00.260 It's actually a really big Model, even 00:49:00.260 --> 00:49:01.440 by today's standards. 00:49:01.440 --> 00:49:02.990 You often use smaller models in this. 00:49:04.590 --> 00:49:06.910 I mean, it's not really big, but it's 00:49:06.910 --> 00:49:09.190 pretty big GPU. 00:49:09.190 --> 00:49:10.940 And then they had a GPU implementation 00:49:10.940 --> 00:49:13.120 which gave A50X speedup over the CPU. 00:49:13.120 --> 00:49:14.280 So that meant that you could do the 00:49:14.280 --> 00:49:16.720 optimization where before they Trained 00:49:16.720 --> 00:49:18.020 on 2 GPUs for a week. 00:49:18.020 --> 00:49:20.300 But if you imagine A50X speedup, it 00:49:20.300 --> 00:49:23.680 would have taken a year on CPUs. 00:49:24.300 --> 00:49:26.290 So obviously, like if you're a network, 00:49:26.290 --> 00:49:28.450 if your Model takes a year to train, 00:49:28.450 --> 00:49:30.220 that's kind of like a little too long. 00:49:32.230 --> 00:49:33.640 And then they did this Dropout 00:49:33.640 --> 00:49:35.150 regularization, which I won't talk 00:49:35.150 --> 00:49:36.740 about because it's actually turned out 00:49:36.740 --> 00:49:37.650 not to be all that important. 00:49:38.370 --> 00:49:40.330 But it is something worth knowing if 00:49:40.330 --> 00:49:41.920 you want to be a Deep Learning expert. 00:49:44.530 --> 00:49:47.340 What enabled the breakthrough is this 00:49:47.340 --> 00:49:50.660 ReLU Activation enabled large models to 00:49:50.660 --> 00:49:52.420 be optimized because the Gradients more 00:49:52.420 --> 00:49:53.900 easily flow through the network, where 00:49:53.900 --> 00:49:55.620 the Sigmoid like squeezes off the 00:49:55.620 --> 00:49:56.460 Gradients up both ends. 00:49:58.080 --> 00:50:00.300 There is a ImageNet data set provided 00:50:00.300 --> 00:50:02.861 diverse and massive annotation to take 00:50:02.861 --> 00:50:05.068 advantage of that could take so that 00:50:05.068 --> 00:50:08.170 could take advantage of the models or 00:50:08.170 --> 00:50:09.530 the models could take advantage of this 00:50:09.530 --> 00:50:11.310 large data they need each other. 00:50:12.350 --> 00:50:14.640 And then there's GPU processing that 00:50:14.640 --> 00:50:16.510 made the optimization practicable, 00:50:16.510 --> 00:50:17.080 practicable. 00:50:17.080 --> 00:50:19.450 So you needed like basically all three 00:50:19.450 --> 00:50:21.110 of these ingredients at once in order 00:50:21.110 --> 00:50:21.980 to make the breakthrough. 00:50:21.980 --> 00:50:23.210 So that's why even though there are 00:50:23.210 --> 00:50:24.810 people pushing on, it didn't. 00:50:26.150 --> 00:50:26.990 It took a while. 00:50:29.280 --> 00:50:31.020 So it wasn't just ImageNet and 00:50:31.020 --> 00:50:31.930 Classification? 00:50:32.840 --> 00:50:34.120 It turned out all kinds of other 00:50:34.120 --> 00:50:36.280 problems also benefited tremendously 00:50:36.280 --> 00:50:38.550 from Deep Learning, and in pretty 00:50:38.550 --> 00:50:39.250 simple ways. 00:50:39.250 --> 00:50:42.210 So, like in the next two years later, 00:50:42.210 --> 00:50:43.990 Girshick et al. 00:50:44.140 --> 00:50:44.690 00:50:45.670 --> 00:50:48.380 Found that if you take a network that 00:50:48.380 --> 00:50:50.400 has been trained on Imagenet and you 00:50:50.400 --> 00:50:52.260 use it for object detection. 00:50:52.260 --> 00:50:54.590 So you basically just like make, use it 00:50:54.590 --> 00:50:56.550 to analyze like each patch of the image 00:50:56.550 --> 00:50:58.720 and make predictions off of those 00:50:58.720 --> 00:51:01.225 features that are generated from the 00:51:01.225 --> 00:51:01.500 ImageNet. 00:51:02.250 --> 00:51:04.520 Network for each patch. 00:51:04.520 --> 00:51:06.945 Then they were able to get a big boost 00:51:06.945 --> 00:51:08.040 in Detection. 00:51:08.040 --> 00:51:10.170 So again, if you think about it, this 00:51:10.170 --> 00:51:12.620 is the Dalal Triggs detector that I 00:51:12.620 --> 00:51:14.710 talked about in the context of SVM. 00:51:16.230 --> 00:51:17.690 And then there's like these Deformable 00:51:17.690 --> 00:51:19.440 parts models which are like more 00:51:19.440 --> 00:51:21.700 complex models modeling the parts of 00:51:21.700 --> 00:51:22.260 the objects. 00:51:23.080 --> 00:51:25.570 You get some improvement over A6 year 00:51:25.570 --> 00:51:28.920 period from .2 to .4. 00:51:28.920 --> 00:51:29.940 Higher is better here. 00:51:30.720 --> 00:51:32.770 And then in one year it goes from .4 to 00:51:32.770 --> 00:51:36.170 6, so again a huge jump and then this 00:51:36.170 --> 00:51:39.960 rapidly even shut up higher and 00:51:39.960 --> 00:51:40.610 following years. 00:51:42.160 --> 00:51:43.430 And then there are papers like this 00:51:43.430 --> 00:51:45.240 that showed, hey, if you just take the 00:51:45.240 --> 00:51:47.890 features from this network that's 00:51:47.890 --> 00:51:50.400 trained on Imagenet and you apply it to 00:51:50.400 --> 00:51:52.350 a whole range of Classification task. 00:51:53.010 --> 00:51:55.810 It outperforms the classifiers that 00:51:55.810 --> 00:51:58.250 were that had handcrafted features for 00:51:58.250 --> 00:51:59.300 each of these data sets. 00:52:00.280 --> 00:52:02.790 So basically just like everything was 00:52:02.790 --> 00:52:04.970 being reset like expectations and what 00:52:04.970 --> 00:52:08.360 kind of performance is achievable and 00:52:08.360 --> 00:52:09.925 Deep Networks were outperforming 00:52:09.925 --> 00:52:10.580 everything. 00:52:13.370 --> 00:52:13.780 So. 00:52:14.650 --> 00:52:17.350 I'm not going to take the full break, 00:52:17.350 --> 00:52:19.390 sorry, but I will show you this video. 00:52:20.860 --> 00:52:22.610 So it was kind of, it was pretty 00:52:22.610 --> 00:52:23.640 interesting time. 00:52:23.640 --> 00:52:26.595 It's really a Deep, it's truly like a 00:52:26.595 --> 00:52:28.230 Deep Learning revolution for machine 00:52:28.230 --> 00:52:29.180 learning. 00:52:29.180 --> 00:52:30.980 All the other methods and concepts are 00:52:30.980 --> 00:52:34.150 still applicable, but a lot of the high 00:52:34.150 --> 00:52:36.180 performance is coming out of the use of 00:52:36.180 --> 00:52:37.620 big data and Deep Learning. 00:52:37.620 --> 00:52:37.950 Question. 00:52:45.560 --> 00:52:46.510 Do annotated them. 00:52:48.240 --> 00:52:50.040 So I think they use what's called 00:52:50.040 --> 00:52:51.410 Amazon Mechanical Turk. 00:52:51.410 --> 00:52:53.990 So that's like a crowdsourcing platform 00:52:53.990 --> 00:52:55.050 where you can put up. 00:52:56.050 --> 00:52:58.110 Somebody like tabs through images and 00:52:58.110 --> 00:53:00.730 you pay them to. 00:53:00.840 --> 00:53:01.430 Label them. 00:53:02.220 --> 00:53:04.065 But they first, So what they did is 00:53:04.065 --> 00:53:04.570 they actually. 00:53:04.570 --> 00:53:05.910 It's not a stupid question by the way. 00:53:05.910 --> 00:53:07.560 It's like how you annotate, how do you 00:53:07.560 --> 00:53:07.980 get data. 00:53:07.980 --> 00:53:09.710 Annotation is like the key problem in 00:53:09.710 --> 00:53:10.380 applications. 00:53:11.680 --> 00:53:12.310 But. 00:53:14.080 --> 00:53:16.000 What they did is they first they use 00:53:16.000 --> 00:53:18.870 Wordnet to get a set of like different 00:53:18.870 --> 00:53:21.680 nouns and then they use image search to 00:53:21.680 --> 00:53:23.280 download images that correspond to 00:53:23.280 --> 00:53:24.320 those nouns. 00:53:24.320 --> 00:53:25.829 So then they needed people to like 00:53:25.830 --> 00:53:27.565 curate the data to say whether or not 00:53:27.565 --> 00:53:29.250 like if they searched for. 00:53:30.300 --> 00:53:32.640 For golden retriever for example, like 00:53:32.640 --> 00:53:34.183 make sure that it's actually a golden 00:53:34.183 --> 00:53:36.200 retriever, so kind of clean the labels 00:53:36.200 --> 00:53:38.580 rather than assign it to one out of 00:53:38.580 --> 00:53:39.200 1000 labels. 00:53:40.280 --> 00:53:41.870 But it was pretty massive project. 00:53:42.710 --> 00:53:42.930 Yeah. 00:53:45.130 --> 00:53:49.140 So at the time, it felt like computer 00:53:49.140 --> 00:53:50.409 vision researchers were like the 00:53:50.410 --> 00:53:52.921 samurai, like you like Learned all 00:53:52.921 --> 00:53:54.940 these, made friends with the pixels you 00:53:54.940 --> 00:53:56.930 had, learned all these feature 00:53:56.930 --> 00:53:57.450 representations. 00:53:57.450 --> 00:53:59.430 You Applied your expertise to solve the 00:53:59.430 --> 00:53:59.880 problems. 00:54:00.940 --> 00:54:02.530 And then big data came along. 00:54:03.640 --> 00:54:05.510 And Deep Learning. 00:54:06.360 --> 00:54:07.920 And it's not that inappropriate. 00:54:07.920 --> 00:54:08.550 Don't worry. 00:54:11.290 --> 00:54:12.280 And. 00:54:13.140 --> 00:54:15.040 It was like this scene in the Last 00:54:15.040 --> 00:54:15.780 samurai. 00:54:16.720 --> 00:54:18.610 Where there's these like. 00:54:19.270 --> 00:54:21.680 Craftsman of war and of combat. 00:54:21.680 --> 00:54:24.097 And then the other side buys these 00:54:24.097 --> 00:54:27.060 Gatling guns and just pours bullets 00:54:27.060 --> 00:54:28.400 into the Gatling guns. 00:54:29.720 --> 00:54:32.120 And justice moves down the samurai. 00:54:37.180 --> 00:54:39.150 So that was basically Deep Learning. 00:54:39.150 --> 00:54:40.420 It's like you no longer like 00:54:40.420 --> 00:54:42.090 handcrafting these features and 00:54:42.090 --> 00:54:43.840 applying all of this art and knowledge. 00:54:43.840 --> 00:54:45.516 You just have this big network and you 00:54:45.516 --> 00:54:47.865 just like pour in data and it totally 00:54:47.865 --> 00:54:49.360 like massacres all the other 00:54:49.360 --> 00:54:50.220 algorithms. 00:54:58.600 --> 00:54:59.210 Yeah. 00:55:10.130 --> 00:55:12.380 What is the next thing? 00:55:17.790 --> 00:55:20.040 So all right, so in my personal 00:55:20.040 --> 00:55:23.350 opinion, so to me the limitation 00:55:23.350 --> 00:55:25.340 there's two major limitations of Deep 00:55:25.340 --> 00:55:25.690 Learning. 00:55:26.470 --> 00:55:28.060 One is that the Networks. 00:55:28.060 --> 00:55:30.535 There's only there's one kind of 00:55:30.535 --> 00:55:31.460 network structure. 00:55:31.460 --> 00:55:33.450 All the information is encoded within 00:55:33.450 --> 00:55:34.440 the weights of the network. 00:55:35.330 --> 00:55:38.270 For humans, for example, we actually 00:55:38.270 --> 00:55:39.340 have different kinds of memory 00:55:39.340 --> 00:55:40.070 structures. 00:55:40.070 --> 00:55:42.440 We have like the ability to remember 00:55:42.440 --> 00:55:43.245 independent facts. 00:55:43.245 --> 00:55:45.300 We also have our implicit memory, which 00:55:45.300 --> 00:55:46.659 guides our action and like is 00:55:46.660 --> 00:55:49.400 immediately like kind of like 00:55:49.400 --> 00:55:51.260 accumulates a lot of information. 00:55:51.260 --> 00:55:53.550 We have muscle memory, which is based 00:55:53.550 --> 00:55:55.180 on repetition, like reinforcement 00:55:55.180 --> 00:55:55.730 learning. 00:55:55.730 --> 00:55:57.930 And that muscle memory, like never goes 00:55:57.930 --> 00:55:58.470 away. 00:55:58.470 --> 00:56:00.110 It's retained for like 20 years. 00:56:00.110 --> 00:56:01.760 So we have many different memory 00:56:01.760 --> 00:56:04.350 systems in our bodies and brains. 00:56:05.070 --> 00:56:07.530 But the memory systems used by Deep 00:56:07.530 --> 00:56:09.170 Learning are homogeneous. 00:56:09.170 --> 00:56:10.720 So I think like figuring out how do we 00:56:10.720 --> 00:56:12.713 create more heterogeneous memory 00:56:12.713 --> 00:56:14.950 systems that can have different 00:56:14.950 --> 00:56:16.970 advantages, but work together to solve 00:56:16.970 --> 00:56:18.740 tasks is one thing. 00:56:19.620 --> 00:56:22.360 Another is that the systems are still 00:56:22.360 --> 00:56:23.830 essentially pattern recognition. 00:56:23.830 --> 00:56:25.310 So you have what's called sequence of 00:56:25.310 --> 00:56:27.380 sequence Networks for example, where 00:56:27.380 --> 00:56:29.411 like text comes in, text goes out or 00:56:29.411 --> 00:56:31.469 Image comes in, Image in, text comes in 00:56:31.470 --> 00:56:33.059 and text goes out or Image comes out. 00:56:33.970 --> 00:56:35.330 But they're like one shot. 00:56:36.020 --> 00:56:37.543 Or like a lot of things that we do, if 00:56:37.543 --> 00:56:39.625 you're writing, if you're going to 00:56:39.625 --> 00:56:40.750 like, I don't know, order a plane 00:56:40.750 --> 00:56:42.017 ticket or something, there's a bunch of 00:56:42.017 --> 00:56:43.425 steps that you go through. 00:56:43.425 --> 00:56:46.410 And so you make a plan, you execute 00:56:46.410 --> 00:56:48.100 that plan, and each of those steps 00:56:48.100 --> 00:56:49.550 involves some pattern recognition and 00:56:49.550 --> 00:56:50.140 various things. 00:56:50.740 --> 00:56:52.720 So there's a lot of compositionality to 00:56:52.720 --> 00:56:54.770 the kinds of problems that we solve 00:56:54.770 --> 00:56:55.310 day-to-day. 00:56:55.930 --> 00:56:58.635 And that compositionality is not really 00:56:58.635 --> 00:57:00.590 is only handled to a very limited 00:57:00.590 --> 00:57:03.060 extent by these by these Networks by 00:57:03.060 --> 00:57:03.600 themselves. 00:57:03.600 --> 00:57:05.980 So I think also better ways to form 00:57:05.980 --> 00:57:07.570 plans to execute. 00:57:08.430 --> 00:57:11.420 In terms of different steps and to make 00:57:11.420 --> 00:57:14.420 large problems more modular is also 00:57:14.420 --> 00:57:14.760 important. 00:57:20.090 --> 00:57:20.420 OK. 00:57:21.760 --> 00:57:22.782 So, all right. 00:57:22.782 --> 00:57:23.392 So I'm going to. 00:57:23.392 --> 00:57:24.920 I'm going to keep going because I want 00:57:24.920 --> 00:57:25.950 to. 00:57:26.400 --> 00:57:27.260 Because I want to. 00:57:29.290 --> 00:57:32.500 So the next part is optimization, so. 00:57:33.470 --> 00:57:34.720 The. 00:57:36.100 --> 00:57:39.124 So we talked previously about SGD and 00:57:39.124 --> 00:57:40.910 the optimization approaches are just 00:57:40.910 --> 00:57:42.767 like extensions of SGD. 00:57:42.767 --> 00:57:45.610 And these really cool illustrations or 00:57:45.610 --> 00:57:47.370 I think they're cool helpful 00:57:47.370 --> 00:57:49.630 illustrations are from this data 00:57:49.630 --> 00:57:51.880 science site, which somebody really 00:57:51.880 --> 00:57:53.620 nicely explains like the different 00:57:53.620 --> 00:57:55.340 optimization methods and. 00:57:56.180 --> 00:57:57.760 And provides these illustrations. 00:57:59.690 --> 00:58:00.440 So. 00:58:00.590 --> 00:58:01.240 00:58:02.060 --> 00:58:05.090 They so these different. 00:58:05.090 --> 00:58:07.710 All of these are like stochastic 00:58:07.710 --> 00:58:09.660 gradient descent, so I don't need to 00:58:09.660 --> 00:58:10.650 talk about the algorithm. 00:58:10.650 --> 00:58:12.607 They're all based on computing some 00:58:12.607 --> 00:58:14.900 Gradient of the loss with respect to 00:58:14.900 --> 00:58:15.500 your weights. 00:58:16.180 --> 00:58:18.170 And then they just differ in how you 00:58:18.170 --> 00:58:19.380 update the weights given that 00:58:19.380 --> 00:58:20.030 information. 00:58:21.070 --> 00:58:23.250 So this is basic SGD, which we talked 00:58:23.250 --> 00:58:25.660 about, some representing the Gradient 00:58:25.660 --> 00:58:27.020 of your loss with respect to the 00:58:27.020 --> 00:58:27.540 weights. 00:58:27.540 --> 00:58:29.346 You multiply it by some negative ETA 00:58:29.346 --> 00:58:31.170 and you add it the learning rate, and 00:58:31.170 --> 00:58:32.450 then you add it to your previous weight 00:58:32.450 --> 00:58:32.750 values. 00:58:34.010 --> 00:58:35.460 And this is a nice illustration of 00:58:35.460 --> 00:58:35.610 like. 00:58:36.400 --> 00:58:37.970 Compute the gradient with respect to 00:58:37.970 --> 00:58:39.660 each weight, and then you step in both 00:58:39.660 --> 00:58:40.880 those directions, right? 00:58:43.110 --> 00:58:43.300 Right. 00:58:43.300 --> 00:58:45.850 The next step is Momentum. 00:58:45.850 --> 00:58:47.914 So Momentum is what's letting this ball 00:58:47.914 --> 00:58:49.010 roll up the hill. 00:58:49.010 --> 00:58:51.667 If you just have SGD, then you can roll 00:58:51.667 --> 00:58:53.120 down the hill, but you'll never like 00:58:53.120 --> 00:58:54.494 really roll up it again because you 00:58:54.494 --> 00:58:56.229 don't have any Momentum, because the 00:58:56.230 --> 00:58:56.981 Gradient is up. 00:58:56.981 --> 00:58:58.660 You don't, you don't go up, you only go 00:58:58.660 --> 00:58:58.820 down. 00:59:00.710 --> 00:59:05.360 Momentum is important because in these 00:59:05.360 --> 00:59:08.010 Multi layer Networks you don't just 00:59:08.010 --> 00:59:11.000 have like one good low solution, a big 00:59:11.000 --> 00:59:12.823 bowl, you have like lots of pockets in 00:59:12.823 --> 00:59:14.780 the bowl so that the solution space 00:59:14.780 --> 00:59:16.483 looks more like an egg carton than a 00:59:16.483 --> 00:59:16.669 bowl. 00:59:16.670 --> 00:59:18.230 There's like lots of little pits. 00:59:19.120 --> 00:59:20.375 So you want to be able to roll through 00:59:20.375 --> 00:59:21.750 the little pits and get into the big 00:59:21.750 --> 00:59:21.990 pits? 00:59:23.390 --> 00:59:24.766 I guess join here. 00:59:24.766 --> 00:59:28.355 So here the purple ball has Momentum 00:59:28.355 --> 00:59:30.300 Momentum and the blue ball does not 00:59:30.300 --> 00:59:30.711 have Momentum. 00:59:30.711 --> 00:59:32.600 So the blue ball as soon as it rolls 00:59:32.600 --> 00:59:34.070 into like a little dip, it gets stuck 00:59:34.070 --> 00:59:34.250 there. 00:59:35.810 --> 00:59:38.010 Momentum is pretty simple to calculate, 00:59:38.010 --> 00:59:40.163 it's just one way to calculate it is 00:59:40.163 --> 00:59:43.360 just it's your Gradient plus some like 00:59:43.360 --> 00:59:45.510 9 times the last Gradient. 00:59:45.510 --> 00:59:46.800 So that way, like the previous 00:59:46.800 --> 00:59:47.990 Gradient, you keep moving in that 00:59:47.990 --> 00:59:48.750 direction a little bit. 00:59:49.560 --> 00:59:51.310 This is another way to represent it, 00:59:51.310 --> 00:59:52.690 where we represent this Momentum 00:59:52.690 --> 00:59:55.750 variable Mo FWT which is beta times. 00:59:55.750 --> 00:59:57.590 The last value beta would be for 00:59:57.590 --> 00:59:59.940 example 09 plus the current Gradient. 01:00:01.120 --> 01:00:02.603 So you just keep moving. 01:00:02.603 --> 01:00:04.060 You prefer to keep moving in the 01:00:04.060 --> 01:00:04.760 current direction. 01:00:05.560 --> 01:00:08.150 Every even if you call SGD and you do 01:00:08.150 --> 01:00:10.240 not mention Momentum to Pie torch by 01:00:10.240 --> 01:00:12.050 default it will ease Momentum because 01:00:12.050 --> 01:00:12.800 it's pretty important. 01:00:13.440 --> 01:00:15.340 And I think the default parameter is .9 01:00:15.340 --> 01:00:15.690 for beta. 01:00:18.890 --> 01:00:19.280 Question. 01:00:25.810 --> 01:00:27.880 It cannot go up. 01:00:27.880 --> 01:00:30.520 So with Manila SGD, you're always 01:00:30.520 --> 01:00:31.330 trying to go down. 01:00:32.040 --> 01:00:33.890 So you get into a little hole, you go 01:00:33.890 --> 01:00:35.020 down into the little hole, and you 01:00:35.020 --> 01:00:35.930 can't get back out of it. 01:00:36.610 --> 01:00:38.330 But Momentum, if it's a little hole and 01:00:38.330 --> 01:00:39.970 you've been rolling fast, you roll up 01:00:39.970 --> 01:00:41.630 out of it and you can get into other 01:00:41.630 --> 01:00:42.040 ones. 01:00:42.040 --> 01:00:42.840 Question. 01:00:56.070 --> 01:00:57.210 That's a good question. 01:00:57.210 --> 01:00:58.820 So I think the question is like, could 01:00:58.820 --> 01:01:00.640 you end up getting into a better 01:01:00.640 --> 01:01:02.560 solution and rolling out of it and then 01:01:02.560 --> 01:01:03.780 ending up in a worse one? 01:01:05.100 --> 01:01:05.990 That can happen. 01:01:06.860 --> 01:01:07.950 It's. 01:01:07.950 --> 01:01:09.360 I guess it's less likely though, 01:01:09.360 --> 01:01:10.940 because the larger holes usually have 01:01:10.940 --> 01:01:13.180 like bigger basins too, but. 01:01:13.300 --> 01:01:17.920 One thing people do, it's partially for 01:01:17.920 --> 01:01:20.230 that but more to more for overfitting 01:01:20.230 --> 01:01:21.950 is that you often see checkpoints. 01:01:21.950 --> 01:01:23.490 So you might save your Model at various 01:01:23.490 --> 01:01:25.662 points and at the end Choose the model 01:01:25.662 --> 01:01:28.440 that had the lowest validation loss, 01:01:28.440 --> 01:01:30.160 the OR the lowest validation error. 01:01:31.320 --> 01:01:33.230 So that even if you were to further 01:01:33.230 --> 01:01:34.930 optimize into a bad solution, you can 01:01:34.930 --> 01:01:35.640 go back. 01:01:35.640 --> 01:01:37.250 There's also like more complex 01:01:37.250 --> 01:01:39.940 algorithms that are I forget what it's 01:01:39.940 --> 01:01:41.300 called now, but when you go back and 01:01:41.300 --> 01:01:43.770 forth, so you take, you take really 01:01:43.770 --> 01:01:45.270 aggressive steps and then you back 01:01:45.270 --> 01:01:47.436 trace if you need to and then you take 01:01:47.436 --> 01:01:48.909 like more aggressive steps and back 01:01:48.909 --> 01:01:50.610 trace it's look ahead and something 01:01:50.610 --> 01:01:50.750 else. 01:01:53.020 --> 01:01:54.730 So there's like more complex algorithms 01:01:54.730 --> 01:01:55.680 that try to deal with that. 01:01:58.700 --> 01:02:01.270 So the other thing by the way that 01:02:01.270 --> 01:02:03.705 helps with this is the Stochastic part 01:02:03.705 --> 01:02:04.550 of SGD. 01:02:04.550 --> 01:02:07.000 Different little samples of data will 01:02:07.000 --> 01:02:08.300 actually have different Gradients. 01:02:08.300 --> 01:02:10.370 So what might be a pit for one data 01:02:10.370 --> 01:02:12.160 sample is not a pit for another data 01:02:12.160 --> 01:02:12.460 sample. 01:02:13.120 --> 01:02:15.620 And so that can help you get out of 01:02:15.620 --> 01:02:19.390 like little help with the optimization 01:02:19.390 --> 01:02:19.910 that way too. 01:02:22.830 --> 01:02:24.050 Alright, so there's another thing. 01:02:24.050 --> 01:02:25.865 Now we're not doing Momentum anymore. 01:02:25.865 --> 01:02:29.060 We're just trying to regularize our 01:02:29.060 --> 01:02:30.060 Descent. 01:02:30.170 --> 01:02:30.680 01:02:31.330 --> 01:02:34.863 So the intuition behind this is that in 01:02:34.863 --> 01:02:37.609 some cases is that in some cases some 01:02:37.610 --> 01:02:39.230 weights might not be initialized very 01:02:39.230 --> 01:02:39.520 well. 01:02:40.240 --> 01:02:42.027 And so they're not really like 01:02:42.027 --> 01:02:44.343 contributing to the Output very much. 01:02:44.343 --> 01:02:46.039 And as a result they don't get 01:02:46.040 --> 01:02:47.882 optimized much because they're not 01:02:47.882 --> 01:02:48.168 contributing. 01:02:48.168 --> 01:02:50.145 So they don't get, they basically don't 01:02:50.145 --> 01:02:51.360 get touched, they get left alone. 01:02:52.350 --> 01:02:54.840 The idea of AdaGrad is that you want 01:02:54.840 --> 01:02:57.410 to, like optimize, allow each of the 01:02:57.410 --> 01:02:59.960 weights to be optimized and so. 01:03:00.590 --> 01:03:02.920 You keep track of the total path length 01:03:02.920 --> 01:03:03.649 of those weights. 01:03:03.650 --> 01:03:05.399 So how have the weights changed 01:03:05.399 --> 01:03:05.694 overtime? 01:03:05.694 --> 01:03:08.117 And if the weights have changed a lot 01:03:08.117 --> 01:03:10.830 overtime, then you reduce how much 01:03:10.830 --> 01:03:12.120 you're going to move those particular 01:03:12.120 --> 01:03:14.080 weights, and if they haven't changed 01:03:14.080 --> 01:03:16.500 very much overtime, then you allow 01:03:16.500 --> 01:03:17.730 those weights to move more. 01:03:18.750 --> 01:03:20.310 So in terms of the math. 01:03:21.220 --> 01:03:23.230 You keep track of this magnitude. 01:03:23.230 --> 01:03:25.627 Is the path length, so it's just like 01:03:25.627 --> 01:03:26.910 the length of these curves. 01:03:27.820 --> 01:03:29.190 During the optimization. 01:03:29.870 --> 01:03:31.470 And that's just the sum of squared 01:03:31.470 --> 01:03:34.050 values of the Gradients square rooted. 01:03:34.050 --> 01:03:36.316 So it's the Euclidean distance of your 01:03:36.316 --> 01:03:39.249 Gradient of your Gradients of your 01:03:39.250 --> 01:03:39.960 weight Gradient. 01:03:41.520 --> 01:03:44.600 And then you normalize by that when 01:03:44.600 --> 01:03:45.700 you're computing your Update. 01:03:46.390 --> 01:03:48.500 And so in this case, for example, if 01:03:48.500 --> 01:03:50.390 you don't do, you get the cyan ball 01:03:50.390 --> 01:03:51.960 that rolls down in One Direction that's 01:03:51.960 --> 01:03:53.666 the fastest direction, and then rolls 01:03:53.666 --> 01:03:54.610 in the other direction. 01:03:55.420 --> 01:03:57.580 And if you do it, you get a more direct 01:03:57.580 --> 01:03:59.900 path to the final solution with the 01:03:59.900 --> 01:04:00.390 white ball. 01:04:04.430 --> 01:04:05.430 And then one. 01:04:06.210 --> 01:04:08.436 The problem with that approach is that 01:04:08.436 --> 01:04:10.210 your path lengths keep getting longer 01:04:10.210 --> 01:04:12.331 and so your steps keep getting smaller 01:04:12.331 --> 01:04:14.040 and smaller, and so it can take a 01:04:14.040 --> 01:04:15.600 really long time to converge. 01:04:15.600 --> 01:04:18.300 So RMSProp tries to deal with that root 01:04:18.300 --> 01:04:19.370 means squared propagation. 01:04:19.990 --> 01:04:21.450 By instead of doing it based on the 01:04:21.450 --> 01:04:23.376 total path length, it's based on a 01:04:23.376 --> 01:04:25.020 moving average of the path length, and 01:04:25.020 --> 01:04:26.879 you can one way to do a moving average. 01:04:27.570 --> 01:04:29.390 Is that you take the last value and 01:04:29.390 --> 01:04:31.340 multiply it by epsilon and then you do 01:04:31.340 --> 01:04:33.370 1 minus epsilon times the new value. 01:04:33.370 --> 01:04:36.273 So if this is like 999, if epsilon is 01:04:36.273 --> 01:04:38.970 999 then it will mostly reflect like 01:04:38.970 --> 01:04:41.040 the recent observations of the Squared 01:04:41.040 --> 01:04:41.410 value. 01:04:42.590 --> 01:04:43.750 A moving average. 01:04:44.360 --> 01:04:45.980 And then otherwise they normalization 01:04:45.980 --> 01:04:46.500 is the same. 01:04:47.670 --> 01:04:49.620 There are the green ball which is 01:04:49.620 --> 01:04:51.520 RMSProp moves faster than white ball. 01:04:52.870 --> 01:04:55.170 And finally, we get to Adam, which is 01:04:55.170 --> 01:04:57.610 the most commonly used just Vanilla 01:04:57.610 --> 01:04:58.110 SGD. 01:04:58.110 --> 01:05:00.049 Plus, Momentum is commonly used, 01:05:00.050 --> 01:05:01.430 especially by people that have really 01:05:01.430 --> 01:05:01.990 big computers. 01:05:02.790 --> 01:05:05.590 But by Adam is most commonly used if 01:05:05.590 --> 01:05:07.200 you don't want to have to like mess too 01:05:07.200 --> 01:05:09.394 much with your learning rate and other 01:05:09.394 --> 01:05:10.740 and other parameters. 01:05:10.740 --> 01:05:11.730 It's pretty robust. 01:05:12.500 --> 01:05:16.860 So Adam is combining Momentum, so it's 01:05:16.860 --> 01:05:18.260 got this Momentum term. 01:05:19.120 --> 01:05:22.570 And also this RMSProp normalization 01:05:22.570 --> 01:05:22.930 term. 01:05:23.880 --> 01:05:26.590 And so it's kind of like regularizing 01:05:26.590 --> 01:05:28.320 the directions that you move to try to 01:05:28.320 --> 01:05:29.510 make sure that you're like paying 01:05:29.510 --> 01:05:30.510 attention to all the weights. 01:05:31.190 --> 01:05:33.312 And it's also incorporates some 01:05:33.312 --> 01:05:33.664 momentum. 01:05:33.664 --> 01:05:35.600 So the Momentum, not only does it get 01:05:35.600 --> 01:05:37.140 you out of local minima, but it can 01:05:37.140 --> 01:05:38.040 accelerate you. 01:05:38.040 --> 01:05:39.970 So if you keep moving in the same 01:05:39.970 --> 01:05:41.338 direction, you'll start moving faster 01:05:41.338 --> 01:05:42.389 and faster and faster. 01:05:43.330 --> 01:05:45.870 So these two things in combination are 01:05:45.870 --> 01:05:48.770 helpful because the Momentum helps you 01:05:48.770 --> 01:05:50.680 accelerate when you should be moving 01:05:50.680 --> 01:05:51.340 faster. 01:05:52.110 --> 01:05:55.750 And the regularization of this RMSProp 01:05:55.750 --> 01:05:57.180 helps make sure that things don't get 01:05:57.180 --> 01:05:58.100 too out of control. 01:05:58.100 --> 01:05:58.760 So if you're like. 01:05:59.470 --> 01:06:00.785 Really likes accelerating? 01:06:00.785 --> 01:06:03.480 You don't like fly off into Nan Land? 01:06:03.480 --> 01:06:06.720 You get normalized by your G mag before 01:06:06.720 --> 01:06:07.430 you. 01:06:07.600 --> 01:06:07.770 OK. 01:06:08.390 --> 01:06:10.320 Before it gets like too crazy. 01:06:11.520 --> 01:06:13.300 Otherwise you can imagine like with the 01:06:13.300 --> 01:06:14.610 bowl you can be like. 01:06:15.700 --> 01:06:17.820 And you're like fly off into like 01:06:17.820 --> 01:06:18.490 Infinity. 01:06:21.650 --> 01:06:23.430 And if you ever start seeing Nans and 01:06:23.430 --> 01:06:24.680 your losses, that's probably what 01:06:24.680 --> 01:06:24.960 happened. 01:06:26.260 --> 01:06:26.770 01:06:27.690 --> 01:06:29.430 So there's some cool videos here. 01:06:31.850 --> 01:06:34.910 So just showing like some races of 01:06:34.910 --> 01:06:37.470 these different approaches and. 01:06:40.290 --> 01:06:41.900 So I think let's see. 01:06:44.810 --> 01:06:46.160 So they were on YouTube, so. 01:06:47.090 --> 01:06:48.350 More of a pain to grab them. 01:06:48.350 --> 01:06:49.900 The other ones are gifts, which is 01:06:49.900 --> 01:06:50.210 nice. 01:06:50.820 --> 01:06:53.430 That's just showing this is blue is. 01:06:54.130 --> 01:06:55.770 Blue is. 01:06:56.990 --> 01:06:57.680 Adam, yes. 01:06:57.680 --> 01:06:58.030 Thank you. 01:06:58.930 --> 01:07:00.750 So you can see that the blue is 01:07:00.750 --> 01:07:02.020 actually able to find a better 01:07:02.020 --> 01:07:04.060 solution, a lower point. 01:07:04.060 --> 01:07:06.430 These are like loss manifolds, so if 01:07:06.430 --> 01:07:08.445 you have like 2 weights, this is like 01:07:08.445 --> 01:07:09.670 the loss as a function of those 01:07:09.670 --> 01:07:09.930 weights. 01:07:14.350 --> 01:07:15.850 So the optimization is trying to find 01:07:15.850 --> 01:07:17.450 the lowest the weights that give you 01:07:17.450 --> 01:07:18.160 the lowest loss. 01:07:19.320 --> 01:07:20.200 Here's another example. 01:07:20.200 --> 01:07:21.870 They all start at the same point so 01:07:21.870 --> 01:07:23.090 that you can only see one ball, but 01:07:23.090 --> 01:07:23.660 they're all there. 01:07:26.580 --> 01:07:27.120 01:07:31.150 --> 01:07:33.400 The Momentum got there first, but both 01:07:33.400 --> 01:07:35.600 Momentum and Adam got there at the end. 01:07:35.600 --> 01:07:36.840 The other ones would have gotten there 01:07:36.840 --> 01:07:38.260 too because that was an easy case, but 01:07:38.260 --> 01:07:39.110 they just take longer. 01:07:40.840 --> 01:07:41.910 Yeah, so anyway. 01:07:44.100 --> 01:07:46.170 Any questions about Momentum about? 01:07:47.160 --> 01:07:48.530 SGD momentum, Adam. 01:07:50.550 --> 01:07:53.043 So I would say typically I see people 01:07:53.043 --> 01:07:54.990 use SGD or atom. 01:07:54.990 --> 01:07:58.323 And so in your homework we first say 01:07:58.323 --> 01:07:59.009 use SGD. 01:08:00.270 --> 01:08:01.570 Because it's the main one we taught. 01:08:01.570 --> 01:08:03.090 But then when you try to like make it 01:08:03.090 --> 01:08:04.920 better, I would probably switch to Adam 01:08:04.920 --> 01:08:07.290 because it makes it like a lot, it's 01:08:07.290 --> 01:08:09.080 less sensitive to Learning rates and 01:08:09.080 --> 01:08:11.910 it's a mix optimization, a bit easier 01:08:11.910 --> 01:08:13.190 for the Model designer. 01:08:14.750 --> 01:08:16.360 All of that's handled by. 01:08:16.360 --> 01:08:18.150 All you have to do is change SGD to 01:08:18.150 --> 01:08:18.560 Adam. 01:08:18.560 --> 01:08:20.350 There's not a lot that you have to do 01:08:20.350 --> 01:08:22.050 in terms of the when typing keys. 01:08:24.510 --> 01:08:25.430 All right, so. 01:08:26.460 --> 01:08:27.250 Even with. 01:08:28.820 --> 01:08:30.840 Even with ReLU and Adam optimization, 01:08:30.840 --> 01:08:32.830 though, it was hard to get very Deep 01:08:32.830 --> 01:08:34.840 Networks to work very well. 01:08:35.840 --> 01:08:37.720 So there were Networks, this one going 01:08:37.720 --> 01:08:39.690 deeper with convolutions where they 01:08:39.690 --> 01:08:40.450 would. 01:08:40.600 --> 01:08:42.130 They would. 01:08:42.390 --> 01:08:44.860 And they would have losses at various 01:08:44.860 --> 01:08:45.086 stages. 01:08:45.086 --> 01:08:47.193 So you'd basically build build 01:08:47.193 --> 01:08:48.820 classifiers off of branches of the 01:08:48.820 --> 01:08:49.215 network. 01:08:49.215 --> 01:08:51.815 At layer five and seven and nine, you'd 01:08:51.815 --> 01:08:53.609 have a whole bunch of classifiers so 01:08:53.610 --> 01:08:55.100 that each of these can like feed. 01:08:55.960 --> 01:08:58.389 Gradients into the earlier parts of the 01:08:58.390 --> 01:09:00.465 network, because if you didn't do this 01:09:00.465 --> 01:09:02.150 and you just had the Classification 01:09:02.150 --> 01:09:04.620 here the Gradient, you'd have this 01:09:04.620 --> 01:09:06.676 vanishing gradient problem where like 01:09:06.676 --> 01:09:10.410 the values like chop off like kill some 01:09:10.410 --> 01:09:12.470 of your Gradients and no Gradients are 01:09:12.470 --> 01:09:13.630 getting back to the beginning, so 01:09:13.630 --> 01:09:14.690 you're not able to optimize. 01:09:15.760 --> 01:09:18.350 They do these really heavy solutions 01:09:18.350 --> 01:09:19.440 where you train a whole bunch of 01:09:19.440 --> 01:09:21.410 classifiers and each one is helping to 01:09:21.410 --> 01:09:22.960 inform the previous layers. 01:09:25.620 --> 01:09:27.710 Even with that, people are finding that 01:09:27.710 --> 01:09:29.390 they were running out of steam, like 01:09:29.390 --> 01:09:31.660 you couldn't build deeper, a lot bigger 01:09:31.660 --> 01:09:31.930 Networks. 01:09:31.930 --> 01:09:33.190 There were, there were still 01:09:33.190 --> 01:09:36.800 Improvements, VGG and Google, LeNet, 01:09:36.800 --> 01:09:39.040 but they weren't able to get like 01:09:39.040 --> 01:09:40.060 really Deep Networks. 01:09:40.860 --> 01:09:43.014 And so it wasn't clear like, was the 01:09:43.014 --> 01:09:44.660 problem that the Deep Networks were 01:09:44.660 --> 01:09:46.020 overfitting the training data, they 01:09:46.020 --> 01:09:47.676 were just too powerful or was the 01:09:47.676 --> 01:09:49.716 problem that we couldn't just that we 01:09:49.716 --> 01:09:51.850 just couldn't optimize them or some 01:09:51.850 --> 01:09:52.470 combination? 01:09:53.900 --> 01:09:56.910 So my question to you is, what is a way 01:09:56.910 --> 01:09:58.630 that we could answer this question if 01:09:58.630 --> 01:10:00.080 we don't know whether the Networks are 01:10:00.080 --> 01:10:01.430 overfitting the training data? 01:10:02.120 --> 01:10:04.130 Or whether we're just having problems 01:10:04.130 --> 01:10:05.130 optimizing them. 01:10:05.130 --> 01:10:06.040 In other words, they're like 01:10:06.040 --> 01:10:07.380 essentially underfitting the training 01:10:07.380 --> 01:10:07.570 data. 01:10:08.360 --> 01:10:11.090 What would we do to diagnose that? 01:10:26.640 --> 01:10:28.400 So we want to. 01:10:28.400 --> 01:10:30.460 So the answer was compare the Training 01:10:30.460 --> 01:10:31.680 area and the test error. 01:10:31.680 --> 01:10:32.000 Yes. 01:10:32.000 --> 01:10:33.930 So we just we basically want to look at 01:10:33.930 --> 01:10:34.105 the. 01:10:34.105 --> 01:10:35.480 We need to look at the training error 01:10:35.480 --> 01:10:35.960 as well. 01:10:36.880 --> 01:10:39.550 And so that's what he had all did. 01:10:40.170 --> 01:10:42.660 This is the Resnet paper, which has 01:10:42.660 --> 01:10:44.980 been cited 150,000 times. 01:10:46.020 --> 01:10:46.590 So. 01:10:47.320 --> 01:10:49.668 They plot the Training error and they 01:10:49.668 --> 01:10:52.090 plot the test error and they say, look, 01:10:52.090 --> 01:10:53.910 you have a model that got bigger from 01:10:53.910 --> 01:10:56.420 20 to 56 and the Training error went up 01:10:56.420 --> 01:10:56.930 by a lot. 01:10:57.890 --> 01:10:59.210 So that's pretty weird. 01:10:59.210 --> 01:11:01.335 Like you have a bigger model, it has to 01:11:01.335 --> 01:11:03.410 have less bias in like traditional 01:11:03.410 --> 01:11:03.840 terms. 01:11:04.460 --> 01:11:06.776 But we're getting higher error in 01:11:06.776 --> 01:11:08.469 training, not just in test. 01:11:08.470 --> 01:11:09.742 And if you have higher error in 01:11:09.742 --> 01:11:11.300 Training, that also will mean that you 01:11:11.300 --> 01:11:12.680 probably have higher error in test, 01:11:12.680 --> 01:11:14.142 because the test error is the Training 01:11:14.142 --> 01:11:16.060 error plus a generalization error. 01:11:16.060 --> 01:11:17.192 So this is a test. 01:11:17.192 --> 01:11:18.050 This is the train. 01:11:19.610 --> 01:11:20.760 So they have like a couple 01:11:20.760 --> 01:11:21.580 explanations. 01:11:22.570 --> 01:11:24.670 One is the Vanishing Gradients problem. 01:11:24.670 --> 01:11:27.440 So here is for example a VGG 18. 01:11:28.190 --> 01:11:28.870 Network. 01:11:28.870 --> 01:11:32.616 Here's a 34 layer like network that is 01:11:32.616 --> 01:11:34.980 convolutions and full of convolutions 01:11:34.980 --> 01:11:36.070 and downsample et cetera. 01:11:37.180 --> 01:11:38.610 The one problem is what's called 01:11:38.610 --> 01:11:40.510 Vanishing Gradients, that the early 01:11:40.510 --> 01:11:42.493 weights have a long path to reach the 01:11:42.493 --> 01:11:42.766 output. 01:11:42.766 --> 01:11:45.350 So when we talked about back 01:11:45.350 --> 01:11:47.242 propagation, remember that the early 01:11:47.242 --> 01:11:49.480 weights have this product of weight 01:11:49.480 --> 01:11:51.393 terms in them. 01:11:51.393 --> 01:11:56.170 So if any as the weights are, if the 01:11:56.170 --> 01:11:59.390 output of the later nodes are zero, 01:11:59.390 --> 01:12:02.160 then the earlier Gradients get cut off. 01:12:04.390 --> 01:12:06.200 So it's hard to optimize the early 01:12:06.200 --> 01:12:08.120 layers and you can do the multiple 01:12:08.120 --> 01:12:09.820 stages of supervision like Google in 01:12:09.820 --> 01:12:13.720 it, but it's complicated and time 01:12:13.720 --> 01:12:14.794 consuming to do. 01:12:14.794 --> 01:12:16.650 So it's very heavy Training. 01:12:17.440 --> 01:12:19.480 The other problem is information 01:12:19.480 --> 01:12:20.150 propagation. 01:12:20.840 --> 01:12:22.350 So you can think of a Multi layer 01:12:22.350 --> 01:12:24.280 network as at each stage of the network 01:12:24.280 --> 01:12:26.005 you're propagating the information from 01:12:26.005 --> 01:12:28.290 the previous layer and then doing some 01:12:28.290 --> 01:12:30.180 additional analysis on top of it to 01:12:30.180 --> 01:12:33.050 hopefully add some or useful features 01:12:33.050 --> 01:12:34.620 for the final Prediction. 01:12:35.210 --> 01:12:37.370 So you start with the Input, which is a 01:12:37.370 --> 01:12:39.440 complete representation of the data, 01:12:39.440 --> 01:12:40.910 all the information's there. 01:12:40.910 --> 01:12:42.895 And then you transform it with the next 01:12:42.895 --> 01:12:44.651 layer and transform it with the next 01:12:44.651 --> 01:12:46.408 layer and transform it with the next 01:12:46.408 --> 01:12:46.659 layer. 01:12:46.659 --> 01:12:48.330 And each time you have to try to 01:12:48.330 --> 01:12:50.250 maintain the information that's in the 01:12:50.250 --> 01:12:53.150 previous layer, but also put it into a 01:12:53.150 --> 01:12:55.290 form that's more useful for Prediction. 01:12:56.540 --> 01:12:57.070 And. 01:12:57.750 --> 01:12:59.620 The and so. 01:13:00.350 --> 01:13:02.860 If you initialize the weights to 0, for 01:13:02.860 --> 01:13:04.516 example, then it's not retaining the 01:13:04.516 --> 01:13:05.900 information in the previous layer, so 01:13:05.900 --> 01:13:07.555 it has to actually learn something just 01:13:07.555 --> 01:13:09.630 to reproduce that original information. 01:13:11.540 --> 01:13:13.850 So their solution to this and I'll stop 01:13:13.850 --> 01:13:16.260 with this slide and I'll continue with 01:13:16.260 --> 01:13:17.660 this in the vision portion since I'm 01:13:17.660 --> 01:13:18.740 kind of like getting into vision 01:13:18.740 --> 01:13:21.060 anyway, but let me tell you about this 01:13:21.060 --> 01:13:21.730 module. 01:13:22.390 --> 01:13:23.920 The. 01:13:24.090 --> 01:13:26.500 Their solution in this is the RESNET 01:13:26.500 --> 01:13:27.110 module. 01:13:28.430 --> 01:13:31.580 So they use what's called a skip or 01:13:31.580 --> 01:13:34.990 shortcut connection around two to three 01:13:34.990 --> 01:13:35.950 layer MLP. 01:13:35.950 --> 01:13:36.650 So you. 01:13:37.530 --> 01:13:39.935 Your Input goes into a weight layer, a 01:13:39.935 --> 01:13:42.830 linear layer array, Lau another linear 01:13:42.830 --> 01:13:45.370 layer and then you add back the input 01:13:45.370 --> 01:13:46.200 to the end. 01:13:46.880 --> 01:13:49.020 And this allows the Gradients to flow 01:13:49.020 --> 01:13:50.580 back through this because this is just 01:13:50.580 --> 01:13:51.810 F of X = X. 01:13:51.810 --> 01:13:54.295 So Gradients can flow straight around 01:13:54.295 --> 01:13:55.660 this network if they need to. 01:13:56.320 --> 01:13:58.680 As well as flowing through this way and 01:13:58.680 --> 01:14:01.390 also this guy, even if these weights 01:14:01.390 --> 01:14:03.360 are zero, that information is still 01:14:03.360 --> 01:14:06.120 preserved because you add X to the 01:14:06.120 --> 01:14:08.760 output of these layers and so each 01:14:08.760 --> 01:14:10.890 module only needs to like add 01:14:10.890 --> 01:14:12.070 information, doesn't need to worry 01:14:12.070 --> 01:14:13.670 about reproducing the previous 01:14:13.670 --> 01:14:14.350 information. 01:14:15.370 --> 01:14:17.280 And I'm just going to show you one 01:14:17.280 --> 01:14:19.550 thing so that so that caused this 01:14:19.550 --> 01:14:20.690 revolution of Depth. 01:14:21.440 --> 01:14:24.390 Where in 2012 the winner of ImageNet 01:14:24.390 --> 01:14:27.817 was 8 layers, in 2014 it was 19 layers. 01:14:27.817 --> 01:14:31.570 In 2015 it was Resnet with 152 layers. 01:14:32.410 --> 01:14:34.530 So this allowed you to basically train 01:14:34.530 --> 01:14:38.870 networks of any depth, and you could 01:14:38.870 --> 01:14:40.470 even have 1000 layer network if you 01:14:40.470 --> 01:14:42.270 wanted and you'd be able to train it. 01:14:43.020 --> 01:14:44.540 And the reason is because the data can 01:14:44.540 --> 01:14:46.410 just flow straight through these skip 01:14:46.410 --> 01:14:47.630 connections all the way to the 01:14:47.630 --> 01:14:48.170 beginning. 01:14:48.170 --> 01:14:49.930 So it's actually like you can optimize 01:14:49.930 --> 01:14:51.990 all these blocks like separately from 01:14:51.990 --> 01:14:52.450 each other. 01:14:53.060 --> 01:14:54.395 And it causes. 01:14:54.395 --> 01:14:56.540 It also causes an interesting behavior 01:14:56.540 --> 01:14:58.430 where they kind of act as ensembles 01:14:58.430 --> 01:15:00.670 because the information can like skip 01:15:00.670 --> 01:15:01.710 sections of the network. 01:15:01.710 --> 01:15:03.230 So you can basically have like separate 01:15:03.230 --> 01:15:04.400 predictors that are learned and 01:15:04.400 --> 01:15:05.060 recombined. 01:15:05.840 --> 01:15:07.570 And so with larger models, you actually 01:15:07.570 --> 01:15:10.680 get a property of reducing the variance 01:15:10.680 --> 01:15:12.490 instead of increasing the variance, 01:15:12.490 --> 01:15:13.840 even though you have more parameters in 01:15:13.840 --> 01:15:14.780 your model. 01:15:14.780 --> 01:15:17.280 That's a little bit of a speculation, 01:15:17.280 --> 01:15:18.660 but that seems to be the behavior. 01:15:19.820 --> 01:15:23.556 All right, so Tuesday I'm going to do 01:15:23.556 --> 01:15:25.935 like another like consolidation review 01:15:25.935 --> 01:15:26.580 do. 01:15:26.580 --> 01:15:28.590 If you have anything specific you want 01:15:28.590 --> 01:15:30.620 me to cover about the questions or 01:15:30.620 --> 01:15:33.210 concepts, post it on campus wire. 01:15:33.210 --> 01:15:34.620 You can find the posts there. 01:15:34.620 --> 01:15:35.260 Reply to it. 01:15:36.030 --> 01:15:39.120 And then I'm going to continue talking 01:15:39.120 --> 01:15:40.560 about Deep Networks with computer 01:15:40.560 --> 01:15:43.160 vision examples on Thursday. 01:15:43.160 --> 01:15:44.050 So thank you. 01:15:44.050 --> 01:15:44.820 Have a good weekend.